GIFT OF I'H - 'aSflOVHAS ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS REFERENCES TO MATERIAL IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1915 ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS REFERENCES TO MATERIAL IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1915 REPRINTED JUNE 1915 FROM THE BULLETIN OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY OF JUNE 1915 :/.<>$> |>-5U \V i-l!-15 750 1 ULTRA-VIOLET RA;YS A LIST OF REFERENCES TO MATERIAL IN THE NkW'YoRK^ PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY WILLIAM B. BEHRENS, DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY 1852 1. Stokes. The change of refrangibility of light. (Philosophical transactions, Lon- don, 1852, part 2, p. 463-562.) * EC 1854 2. Eisenlohr, W. Ueber die Wirkung des violetten und ultravioletten unsichtbaren Lichtes. (Annalen der Physik und Che- mie, Leipzig, v. 93, 1854, p. 623-626.) PAA 1857 3. Guillemin, M. Developpement de la matiere verte des vegetaux et flexion de tiges sous 1'influence des rayons ultra- violets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 45, July 13, 1857, p. 62-65.) * EO 1860 4. Ueber die Brechbarkeit der ultravio- letten Strahlen, beobachtet mit verschie- denen Prismen von Quarz; vom Fursten zu Salm-Horstmar. (Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Leipzig, v. 109, 1860, p. 158- 159.) PAA 1863 5. Mascart, M. Sur les raies du spectre solaire ultra-violet. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 57, Nov.. 9, 1863, p. 789-791.) * EO 1864 6. Mascart, M. Determination des lon- gueurs d'onde de rayons lumineux et des rayons ultra-violets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 58, June 13, 1864, p. 1111-1114.) *EO 1869 7. Mascart, M. Sur les spectres ultra- violets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 69, Aug. 2, 1869, p. 337-338.) * EO 8. - Sur la visibilite des rayons ultra- violets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 68, Feb. 15, 1869, p. 402-403.) * EO 1872 9. Sekulic, M. Ultraviolette Strahlen sind unmittelbar sichtbar. (Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Leipzig, v. 146, 1872, p. 157-158.) PAA 1875 10. Sauer, L. Experimente uber die Sichtbarkeit ultravioletter Strahlen. (An- nalen der Physik und Chemie, Leipzig, v. 155, 1875, p. 602-615.) PAA 1877 11. Herschel, A. S. Visibility of the ul- tra-violet rays. (Nature, London, v. 16, May 10, 1877, p. 22-23.) OA 1878 12. Soret, J. L. Recherches sur 1'absorp- tion des rayons ultra-violets par diverses substances. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 86, March 18, 1878, p. 708-711; April 29, 1878, p. 1062-1064.) * EO 1879 13. Cornu, A. Observation de la limite ultra-violette du spectre solaire a diverses altitudes. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 89, Nov. 17, 1879, p. 808-814.) * EO 14. Sur la limite ultra-violette du spectre solaire. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 88, June 2, 1879, p. 1101-1108.) * EO 15. Soret, J. L. Sur la transparence des milieux de 1'oeil pour les rayons ultra- violets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 88, May 19, 1879, p. 1012-1015.) * EO 16. Soret, J. L., and A. A. RILLIET. Spectres d'absorption ultra-violets des ethers azotiques et azoteux. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 89, Nov. 3, 1879, p. 747- 749.) * EO 1880 17. Cornu, A. Sur la loi de repartition suivant 1'altitude de la substance absor- bant dans I'atmosphere les radiations so- [31 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1880, continued. laires ultra-violettes. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 90, April 26, 1880, p. 940-946.) ** * t I *EO . 18. Schoehn, J. L. v #eber\ alltraviolette Strahlejg. - A v nnaJeii , .der. Phygik und Chemte; L>M v pzig^ v ; 9; 1880, ;#. 483-492; v. 10, 1880, p. 143-148.) ' PAA 1881 19. Chardonnet, E. Sur 1'absorption des rayons ultra-violets par quelques milieux. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 93, Aug. 29, 1881, p. 406-408.) * EO 20. Cornu, A. Sur 1'absorption atmo- spherique des radiations ultra-violettes. (Journal de physique, Paris, v. 10, 1881, p. 5-17.) PAA 1883 21. Chardonnet, E. Vision des radiations ultra-violettes. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 96, Feb. 19, 1883, p. 509-511.) * EO 22. Hartley, W. N. Investigation by means of photography of the ultra-violet spark spectre emitted by metallic elements and their combinations under varying conditions. (Chemical news, London, v. 48, Oct. 26, 1883, p. 195.) PKA 23. Liveing, G. D., and J. DEWAR. Notes on the absorption of ultra-violet rays by various substances. (Royal Society, Pro- ceedings, London, v. 35, 1883, p. 71-74.) *EC 24. On the ultra-violet spectra of the elements. (Philosophical transactions, London, v. 174, 1883, p. 187-222.) * EC 25. Soret, J. L. Sur 1'absorption des ra- yons ultra-violets par les milieux de 1'ceil et par quelques autres substances. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 97, Aug. 22, 1883, p. 572-575; Sept. 10, 1883, p. 642-644.) *EO 26. Sur la visibilite des rayons ultra- violets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 97, July 30, 1883, p. 314-316.) * EO 1884 27. Hartley, W. N. Notes upon certain photographs of the ultra-violet spectra of elementary bodies. (Chemical Society, Journal, London, v. 41, 1884, p. 84-90.) PKA 28. Zenger, Ch. V. Visibilite des rayons ultra-violets, a 1'aide du parallelipipede de dispersion. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 98, April 21, 1884, p. 1017.) * EO 1887 29. Cornu, A. Ueber das ultraviolette Spectrum des Wasserstoffs. (Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Beiblatter, Leip- zig, v. 11, 1887, p. 582-583.) PAA 30. Schjerning, W. Ueber die Absorp- tion der ultravioletten Lichtstrahlen durch verschiedene optische Glaser. (Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Beiblatter, Leip- zig, v. 11, 1887, p. 340-341.) PAA 1888 31. Bichat, M. E. Action of light upon the static charge. (Electrician, London, v. 21, Oct. 12, 1888, p. 739.) ft VGA 32. Borgmann, J. On the influence of light on electric discharge. (Philosophi- cal magazine, London, series 5, v. 25, 1888, p. 272-273.) OA 33. Deslandres, H. Spectre de bandes ultra-violet des composes hydrogenes et oxygenes du carbone. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 106, March 19, 1888, p. 842-846.) *EO 34. Hartley, W. N. Photographic der ultravioletten Spectra der Elemente un- ter verschiedenen Bedingungen. (Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Beiblatter, Leip- zig, v. 12, 1888, p. 194.) PAA 35. Influence of light on the electric dis- charge. (Electrician, London, v. 21, Sept. 28, 1888, p. 659.) f VGA 36. Influence of light upon the electro- static charges. (Electrician, London, v. 20, March 30, 1888, p. 578.) VGA 37. Liveing, G. D., and J. DEWAR. Ab- sorption-spectrum, luminous and ultra- violet, of large masses of oxygen. (Philo- sophical magazine, London, v. 26, Sept., 1888, p. 286-291.) OA 38. Wiedemann, E., and H. EBERT. In- fluence of light upon electric discharge. (Electrician, London, v. 20, May 4, 1888, p. 731.) VGA 39. On the effect of light on the elec- tric discharge. (Electrician, London, v. 20, Feb. 3, 1888, p. 324.) VGA 1894 40. Eder, Joseph M., and E. VALENTA. Absorptionsspectren yon farblosen und gefarbten Glasern, mit Berucksichtigung des Ultraviolett. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Matema- tisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Wien, Bd. 61, 1894, p. 284-295.) * EF ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS 1896 41. Borel, G. Adolphe. Dber die Brech- ung und Zerstreuung ultravioletter Strah- len in einigen krystallisirten Substanzen. (Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Bei- blatter, Leipzig, v. 20, 1896, p. 42.) PAA 42. Graebe, H. Untersuchung des Ab- sorptionsvermogens des Blutpigmentes fiir violette und ultraviolette Strahlen. (Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Bei- blatter, Leipzig, v. 20, 1896, p. 127.) PAA 1897 43. Seattle, J. C. Conductance produced in gases by ultra-violet light. (Philo- sophical magazine, London, v. 43, May, 1897, p. 418-439.) OA 44. Buss, O. Beitrage zur Spektralan- alyse einiger toxikologisch und pharma- kognostisch wichtiger Farbstoffe mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Ultra- violett. (Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Beiblatter, Leipzig, v. 21, 1897, p. 130-131.) PAA 45. Henry, J. Experiments on the effect of ultra-violet light on iodine vapours. (Cambridge Philosophical Society, Pro- ceedings, Cambridge, v. 9, 1897, p. 319-322.) *EC 46. Kelvin, Lord, and others. On the con- ductive effect produced in air by Rontgen rays and ultra-violet light. (Nature, Lon- don, v. 55, Feb. 11, 1897, p. 343-347.) OA 1898 47. Bechstein, O. The "Kuch" quartz mercury vapor lamp. (Scientific Ameri- can supplement, New York, v. 66, Nov. 28, 1898, p. 348-349.) ft VA Illustrated description of the lamp in which quartz is substituted for glass. 48. Bussion, H. Messung der Gesch- windigkeit der elektrisirten Teilchen in den durch das ultraviolette Licht hervor- gerufenen Entladungen. (Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Beiblatter, Leipzig, v. 22, 1898, p. 802.) PAA 49. Hartley, W. N., and J. BOBBIE. The ultra-violet absorption spectra of some closed chain carbon compounds. (Chemi- cal Society, Journal, London, v. 73, 1898, p. 598-606.) ' PKA 50. Kelvin, Lord. Continuity in undula- tory theory of condensational-rarefac- tional waves in gases, liquids, and solids. (Philosophical magazine, London, v. 45, Oct., 1898, p. 494-500.) OA 51. Wilson, C. T. R. On the condensa- tion nuclei produced in gases by the action of ultra-violet rays. (Royal Society, Pro- ceedings, London, v. 64, 1898, p. 127-130.) *EC 52. Zickler, Karl. Telegraphy by means of ultra-violet light. (Electrician, Lon- don, v. 41, Sept. 23, 1898, p. 720-722.) VGA 1899 53. Blyth, A. Wynter. Ultra-violet ab- sorption of albumenoids in relation to that of tvrosin. (Chemical news, London, v. 80, July 21, 1899, p. 32.) PKA 54. Dussaud. Sur la transmission des sons par les rayons ultra-violets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 128, Jan. 16, 1899, p. 171.) *EO 1901 55. Glatzel, Bruno. Quantitative Unter- suchungen iiber Absorption und Reflexion im Ultraviolett. Berg: A. Hopfer, 1901. 40 p., 1 1. 8. PET p.v.3, no.4 1902 56. Baker, W. C. Notes on the influence of ultra-violet radiation on the discharge in a vacuum tube having a polished zinc electrode. (Cambridge Philosophical So- ciety, Proceedings, Cambridge, v. 11, 1902, p. 472-476.) * EC 1903 57. Crookes, Sir William. The ultra- violet spectrum of radium. (Royal So- ciety, Proceedings, London, v. 72, 1903, p. 295-304.) * EC 58. Hammer, William J. The treatment of disease by ultra-violet light. (Ameri- can Institute of Electrical Engineers, Transactions, New York, v. 21, April 17, 1903, p. 393-402.) VGA 59. Wood, R. W. On screens trans- parent only to ultra-violet light and their use in spectrum photography. (Astrophy- sical journal, Chicago, v. 17, 1903, p. 133- 140.) OA 1904 60. Airey, Harold Morris. On the deter- mination of wave-lengths in the extreme ultra-violet portion of the spectrum. (Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Memoirs and proceedings, Man- chester, v. 49, 1904, no. 3.) * EC 1905 61. Eine Neue Ultraviolettlampe. (Chemi- ker-Zeitung, Cothen, v. 29, Jan. 4, 1905, p. 4-5.) VOA THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1906 62. Baly, E. C. C, and C. H. DESCH. Ultra-violet absorption spectra in relation to physico-chemical processes. (Astro- physical journal, Chicago, v. 23, 1906, p. 110-127.) OA 63. Kinraide, Thomas B. Ultra-violet lamp. (Electrical review, New York, v. 48, May 19, 1906, p. 775.) VGA Describes inexpensive lamp capable of compara- tively continuous use. 1907 64. Baskerville, Charles. Ultra-violet light in the laboratory and in practice. (Chemical news, London, v. 95, May 31, 1907, p. 255-256.) PKA 65. Bussmann, Oskar. Die Quarzlampe von Dr. Kiich. (Elektrotechnische Zeit- schrift, Berlin, v. 28, Sept. 19, 1907, p. 932- 936.) VGA Abstract in Electrical world, New York, v. 50, Oct. 19, 1907, p. 769, VGA. 66. Narcosis by blue rays of light. (Il- luminating engineer, New York, v. 2, Dec., 1907, p. 751.) VOKA 1908 67. Another effect of ultra-violet light. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 1, Nov., 1908, p. 955.) VOKA 68. Arc lamps for photographic work. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 1, Sept., 1908, p. 771.) VOKA 69. Bees and ultra-violet light. (Illumi- nating engineer, London, v. 1, Aug., 1908, p. 689.) VOKA 70. Birch, and HIRSCHFELD. Further re- marks on the injury to the eye caused by ultra-violet light. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 1, Sept., 1908, p. 771.) VOKA 71. Blondel, A. Einfluss der ultraviolet- ten Strahlen der kunstlichen Lichtquellen auf die Ermudung des Auges. (Elektro- technische Zeitschrift, Berlin, v. 29, Sept. 24, 1908, p. 947-948.) VGA Abstract in Electrical world, New York, v. 52, Oct. 17, 1908, p. 858, VGA. 72. Bussmann, Oskar. New facts about the quartz lamp. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 53, Oct. 17, 1908, p. 588-589.) VGA 73. Detector of ultra-violet rays. (Sci- entific American, New York, v. 98, April 25, 1908, p. 298.) ft VA 74. Effect of light upon the eye. (Illu- minating engineer, New York, v. 2, Jan., 1908, p. 819.) VOKA 75. Godfrey, Hollis. The ultra-violet mi- croscope. (Atlantic monthly, Boston, v. 101, 1908, p. 213-218.) * DA 76. Harmful effect of ultra-violet rays on the human eye. (Scientific American, New York, v. 99, Oct. 24, 1908, p. 278.) ttVA 77. Hopfelt, Robert. Eine neue Kohlen- faden Quecksilberlampe. (Elektrotech- nische Zeitschrift, Berlin, v. 29, Oct. 8, 1908, p. 994-995.) VGA Illustrated description with photometric curves. 78. Illuminating and eyesight. (Illumi- nating engineer, London, v. 1, Jan., 1908, p. 58-63.) VOKA 79. Modern illuminants and ultra-violet rays. (Electrical world, New York, v. 52, Oct. 3, 1908, p. 716-717.) VGA A discussion on the possible injury to the eyes from ultra-violet rays. 80. Prevalence of cataract among glass- workers. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 1, Oct., 1908, p. 820.) VOKA 81. Schanz, Fritz, and KARL STOCKHAU- SEN. How are we to protect our eyes from the ultra-violet rays yielded by arti- ficial sources of light. (Illuminating en- gineer, London, v. 1, Jan., 1908, p. 70.) VOKA 82. Die Schadigung des Auges durch Einwirkung des ultravioletten Lichtes. (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, Berlin, v. 29, Aug. 13, 1908, p. 777-779.) VGA Abstract in Electrical world, New York, v. 52, Sept. 5, 1908, p. 529, VGA. 83. Some effects of light, visible and in- visible. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 1, Sept., 1908, p..753-756.) VOKA 84. Stockhausen, Karl. The illumination of work-places and work-rooms. (Illu- minating engineer, London, v. 1, Jan., 1908, p. 71.) VOKA 85. Ultra-violet element in daylight and artificial light. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 1, Sept., 1908, p. 705-706.) VOKA 86. Voege, W. 1st durch das ultravio- lette Licht der modernen kunstlichen Lichtquellen eine Schadigung des Auges zu befurchten? (Elektrotechnische Zeit- schrift, Berlin, v. 29, Aug. 14, 1908, p. 779- 782.) VGA Abstract in Electrical world, New York, v. 52, Sept. 5, 1908, p. 530, VGA. 1909 87. Aubel, Edm. van. Sur la production d'ozone sous 1'influence de la lumiere ul- traviolette. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 149, Nov. 29, 1909, p. 983-985.) * EO 88. Bellile, P. The eyesight of wireless operators and the effect of ultra-violet rays. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 2, July, 1909, p. 490.) VOKA ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS 1909, continued. 89. Billon- Daguerre. Mode de sterilisa- tion integrate des liquides par les radia- tions de tres courte longueur d'onde. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 149, Nov. 8, 1909, p. 810-812.) * EO 90. Brunton, David W. Mining and metallurgy in western United States. (American Institute of Mining Engineers, Transactions, New York, v. 40, 1909, p. 554.) VHA 91. Bussmann, Oskar. Die neue Form der Quarzlampe von Dr. Kiich. (Elektro- technische Zeitschrift, Berlin, v. 30, April 29, 1909, p. 395-396.) VGA Abstracted in Electrical review and western elec- trician, Chicago, v. 54, June 5, 1909, p. 1053, VGA. 92. Courmont, Jules, and TH. NOGIER. Sur la faible penetration des rayons ultra- violets a travers les liquides contenant des substances colloides. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 149, Aug. 2, 1909, p. 364-365.) * EO 93. Courmont, Jules, and others. Effets au point de vue chimique de rimmersion dans 1'eau de la lampe en quartz a vapeur de mercure. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 149, July 12, 1909, p. 160-161.) * EO 94. Dornic, and DAIRE. Contribution a 1'etude de la sterilisation par les rayons ultra-violets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 149, Aug. 2, 1909, p. 354-356.) * EO 95. Eyesight of wireless-telegraph opera- tors. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 2, May, 1909, p. 291-292.) VOKA 96. Germicide properties of ultra-violet rays. (Electrical review and western elec- trician, Chicago, v. 55, Nov. 27, 1909, p. 1025.) VGA 97. Henri, Victor, and JOSEPH SCHNITZLER. Action des rayons ultra-violets sur la fer- mentation acetique du vin. (Comptes ren- dus, Paris, v. 149, July 26, 1909, p. 312-314.) *EO 98. Henri, Victor, and others. Steriliza- tion of liquids by ultra-violet rays. (Eng- lish patent, 1909, no. 28,067.) Patent Room 99. Kernbaum, Miroslaw. Decomposi- tion de 1'eau par les rayons ultra-violets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 149, July 26, 1909, p. 273-275.) * EO 100. Zersetzung des Wassers durch ultra-violette Strahlen. (Wasser und Ab- wasser, Leipzig, v. 2, Nov. 20, 1909, p. 482.) VDL 101. Mannich, C. Lichtfilter fur ultra- violette Strahlen. ( Chemiker-Zeitung, Coth- en, v. 33, Nov. 4, 1909, p. 1167-1168.) VOA 102. Maquenne, L., and DEMOUSSY. In- fluence des rayons ultra-violets sur la vegetation des plantes vertes. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 149, Nov. 8, 1909, p. 756- 760.) * EO 103. Maurain, and WARCOLLIER. Action des rayons ultra-violets sur le cidre en fer- mentation. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 149, July 12, 1909, p. 155-157.) * EO 104. Nogier, Thomas. Appareil a steri- lisation d'eau par les rayons ultra-violets. (French patent, 1909, no. 420,281.) Patent Room 105. Pidduck, F. B. Bemerkung iiber die Absorption von ultraviolettem Licht durch verdiinnte Losungen. (Wasser und Abwasser, Leipzig, v. 2, Nov. 20, 1909, p. 136.) VDL 106. Voege, W. The protection of the eyes from ultra-violet light. (Illuminat- ing engineer, London, v. 2, Aup 1 ., 1909, p. 543-546.) VOKA 1910 107. Action des rayons ultraviolets sur le vin en fermentation. (Association des chimistes de sucrerie et de distillerie de France et des colonies, Bulletin, Paris, v. 28, Nov., 1910, p. 317-318.) VOA 108. Banque du Radium. Appareil a steriliser les liquides par les rayons ultra- violets. (French patent, 1910, no. 426, 297.) Patent Room 109. Appareil a steriliser les liquides a 1'aide des rayons ultra-violets. (French patent, 1910, no. 428,666.) Patent Room 110. Berthelot, Daniel, and HENRY GAUDE- CHON. Principaux types de photolyse des composes organiques par les rayons ul- traviolets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 151, Dec. 27, 1910, p. 1349-1352.) * EO 111. Bierry, Henri, and others. Action des rayons ultraviolets sur certains hy- drates de carbone. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 151, July 25, 1910, p. 316-318.) *EO 112. Cernovodeanu, Mile. P., and VICTOR HENRI. Comparaison des actions photo- chimiques et abiotiques des rayons ultra- violets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 150, Feb. 28, 1910, p. 549-551.) * EO 113. fitude de 1'action des rayons ultra-violets sur les microbes. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 150, Jan. 3, 1910, p. 52- 54.) * EO 114. Chemical effects of ultra-violet rays. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 57, July 23, 1910, p. 173.) VGA 115. Courmont, Jules, and THOMAS NOGIER. Trinkwassersterilisation durch ultravio- lette Strahlen. (Wasser und Abwasser, Leipzig, v. 2, May 7, 1910, p. 481-482.) VDL 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1910, continued. 116. Die ultravioletten Strahlen. (Wasser und Abwasser, Leipzig, v. 3, Nov. 12, 1910, p. 303-305.) VDL 117. Deeleman. Die Trinkwassersterili- sation mittels ultravioletter Strahlen. (Wasser und Abwasser, Leipzig, v. 3, Oct. 22, 1910, p. 240-241.) VDL 118. Effects of ultra-violet rays on the eye. (Electrical review and western elec- trician, Chicago, v. 56, Jan. 15, 1910, p. 124.) VGA 119. English quartz lamps. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 57, Nov. 5, 1910, p. 924.) VGA Short account of "Silica" and "Quartzlite" lamps. 120. Gariel. Glare worse than ultra-vio- let rays. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 57, Oct. 22, 1910, p. 827.) VGA Effect of ultra-violet rays on the eyes. 121. Garnier, A. R. Les applications de la lampe a vapeur de mercure. (L'electri- cien, Paris, v. 39, Feb. 26, 1910, p. 133-135.) VGA Discusses its application to lighting and the pro- duction of high-frequency currents. 122. Grant, Kenneth C. Sterilization of polluted water by ultra-violet rays. (En- gineering news, New York, v. 64, Sept. 15, 1910, p. 275.) VDA Describes experiments in progress in the labora- tory of the Sorbonne, at Paris. 123. Henri, Victor, and others. Appara- tus for destroying bacteria in water sup- ply systems. (English patent, 1910, no. 25,882.) Patent Room 124. Apparatus for sterilizing liquids by ultra-violet rays. (English patent, 1910, no. 23,077.) Patent Room 125. Apparatus for treating liquids with ultra-violet rays. (English patent, 1910, no. 12,948.) Patent Room 126. Apparatus for the treatment of liquids by means of ultra-violet rays. (English patent, 1910, no. 12,947.) Patent Room 127. Apparatus for treating liquids by ultra-violet rays. (English patent, 1910, no. 18,458.) Patent Room 128. Apparatus for treating liquids by means of ultra-violet rays. (English patent, 1910, no. 18,768.) Patent Room 129. Nouvelles recherches sur la sterilisation de grandes quantites d'eau par les rayons ultraviolets. (Comptes ren- dus, Paris, v. 151, Oct. 17, 1910, p. 677-680.) *EO 130. ^Perfectionnement aux appareils pour la sterilisation des liquides. (French patent, 1910, no. 424,369.) Patent Room 131. Sterilization of liquids. (Eng- lish patent, 1910, no. 14,129.) Patent Room 132. Sterilization of liquids by ultra- violet rays. (English patent, 1910, no. 25,883.) Patent Room 133. Henri-Cernovodeanu, Mme. V. Ac- tion des rayons ultraviolets sur les ba- cilles tuberculeux et sur la tuberculine. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 151, Oct. 24, 1910, p. 724-726.) * EO 134. Leblanc, Maurice, the younger. La lampe ^ en quartz, a vapeur de mercure. (Lumiere electrique, Paris, serie 2, tome 12, Nov. 5, 1910, p. 163-169.) ft VGA Historical characteristics of the new .lamp. 135. - Mercury-vapor quartz lamps. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 57, Dec. 17, 1910, p. 1248-1250.) VGA Describes luminous efficiency of the quartz lamp. 136. Lehmann, H. "Dber ein Filter fur ultraviolette Strahlen und seine Anwend- ung. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, v. 34, Sept. 29, 1910, p. 1032.) VGA 137. (Physikalische Zeitschrift, Leipzig, v. 11, Nov. 15, 1910, p. 1039-1047.) PAA 138. Lombard, Maurice. Sur les effets chimiques et biologiques des rayons ultra- violets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 150, Jan. 24, 1910, p. 227-229.) * EO 139. Maurain, and WARCOLLIER. Action des rayons ultraviolets sur le vin en fer- mentation. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 150, Feb. 7, 1910, p. 343-344.) * EO 140. Miller, Warren H. Quartz tube mercury-vapor lamps. (Electrical world, New York, v. 55, March 17, 1910, p. 691- 692.) VGA 141. Nogier, Thomas. Appareil de sterili- sation urbaine des eaux potables par les rayons ultra-violets. (French patent, 1910, no. 426,606.) Patent Room 142. Otto, M. P. Appareil pour la sterili- sation des eaux par les rayons ultra-vio- lets. (French patent, 1910, no. 421,296.) Patent Room 143. Pougnet, Jean. Action des rayons ultraviolets sur les plantes a coumarine et quelques plantes dont 1'odeur provient de glucosides dedoubles. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 151, Sept. 19, 1910, p. 566-569.) *EO 144. Practical sterilization by means of ultra-violet rays. (Scientific American, New York, v. 102, May 21. 1910, p. 427.) ttVA 145. Quartz lamps in photography. (Elec- trical review and western electrician, Chi- cago, v. 57, Nov. 12, 1910, p. 971.) VGA ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS 1910, continued. 146. Recklinghausen, Max. Sterilization of water by means of quartz lamps. (Elec- trical review, London, v. 67, Sept. 2, 1910, p. 378-379.) VGA 147. Sensitiveness of different eyes to ultra-violet light. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 3, Sept., 1910, p. 559-560.) VOKA 148. Steinmetz, C. P. The physiological effect of radiation. (Illuminating engi- neer, London, v. 3, Feb., 1910, p. 93-96.) VOKA 149. Sterilisation von Trinkwasser mit ultravioletten Strahlen. (Wasser und Abwasser, Leipzig, v. 3, Oct. 22, 1910, p. 239.) VDL 150. Sterilization by ultra-violet light. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 56, March 12, 1910, p. 535-536.) VGA Describes various methods as tested, giving time of exposure of liquids with various currents. 151. Sterilization by ultra-violet rays. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 57, Nov. 12, 1910, p. 1001.) VGA Describes the "Nogier" and "Silica" sterilizers. 152. Stockhausen, Karl. Glare, its causes and effects. (Illuminating engineer, Lon- don, v. 3, March, 1910, p. 181-182.) VOKA 153. Systematische Untersuchungen iiber die Wirksamkeit der verschiedenen ultra- violetten Strahlen der Quecksilberdampf Quartzmantel-Bogenlampe. (Electrotech- nik und Maschinenbau, Wien, v. 28, Aug. 7, 1910, p. 669-671.) VGA A review of investigations at the physiological laboratory of the Sorbonne of the bactericidal ef- fects of these rays. 154. Urbain, E., and A. FEIGE. Sterilisa- tion des grandes masses d'eau par 1'ultra- violet. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 151, Oct. 31, 1910, p. 770-772.) * EO 155. Urbain, E., and CL. SCAL. Sur la sterilisation de 1'eau par 1'ultraviolet. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 150, Feb. 28, 1910, p. 548-549.) * EO 156. Urbain, E., and others. Employment of metals in the electric arc for the steri- lization of liquids. (English patent, 1910, no. 4795.) Patent Room Describes the use of a metal in the arc for the purpose of extending the spectrum farther into the violet than that of mercury. 157. Vandevelde, A. J. J. t)ber das Sterilisieren yon Mehl und die Brotga- rung. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cothen, v. 34, Oct. 6, 1910, p. 1061.) VGA 158. Wartenberg, H. Uber die Ultravio- lettabsorptipn des Sauerstoffes. (Physi- kalische Zeitschrift, Leipzig, v. 11, Dec. 1, 1910, p. 1168-1172.) PAA 159. Zimmerman, J. D. Quartz tube mercury-arc lamp. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 57, Sept. 10, 1910, p. 523-525.) VGA Detailed description of the lamp, giving its per- formance curve and candlepower distribution curve. 1911 160. Agulhon, H. Action des rayons ultra-violets sur les diastases. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 152, Feb. 13, 1911, p. 398- 401.) , * EO 161. Banque du Radium. Apparatus for sterilizing liquids by means of ultra-violet rays. (English patent, 1911, no. 15,010.) Patent Room 162. Bell, Louis. On the opacity of cer- tain glasses for the ultra-violet. (Pro- ceedings, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston, v. 46, April, 1911, p. 669.) *EA 163. Berthelot, Daniel. Les rayons ultra- violets et leurs applications pratiques. (Spciete des ingenieurs civils de France, Memoires et compte rendu des travaux, Paris, annee 64, Dec., 1911, p. 859-951.) VDA Lengthy discussion of the characteristics of the rays and their use in lighting, medicine, and water purification. 164. Berthelot, Daniel, and HENRY GAUDE- CHON. Action comparee des rayons ultra- violets sur les composes organiques a structure cyclique. fitude des sels miner- aux en solution aqueuse. (Comptes ren- dus, Paris, v. 152, Feb. 13, 1911, p. 376-378.) *EO 165. La nitrification par les rayons ultraviolets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 152, Feb. 27, 1911, p. 522-524.) * EO 166. Bierry, Henri. Action des rayons ultraviolets sur le saccharose. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 152, June 6, 1911, p. 1629- 1632.) * EO 167. Bierry, Henri, and others. Action des rayons ultraviolets sur la glycerine. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 152, Feb. 27, 1911, p. 535-536.) * EO Abstract in Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, v. 30, 1911, p. 386, VOA. 168. Black, Nelson Miles. Artificial illu- mination as a factor in the production of ocular discomfort. (Illuminating Engi- neering Society, Transactions, New York, v. 6, March, 1911, p. 166-177.) VOKA 169. Bujwid, Odo. t)ber die Einwirkung der ultravioletten Strahlen auf Bakterien. (Journal fiir Gasbeleuchtung und Wasser- versorgung, Miinchen, v. 54, Sept. 2, 1911, p. 853-858.) VOA 170. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Coth- en, v. 35, July 22, 1911, p. 806-807.) VOA 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1911, continued. 171. Busson, H., and CH. FABRY. La lumiefe ultra-violette. (Revue general des sciences pures et appliquees, Paris, v. 22, 1911, p. 309-322.) OA 172. Chauchard, A., and B. MAZOUE. Ac- tion des rayons ultraviolets sur 1'amylase, 1'invertine et le melange de ces deux dia- stases. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 152, June 12, 1911, p. 1709-1711.) * EO 173. Courmont, Jules. Die Sterilisation des Trinkwassers durch ultraviolette Strahlen. (Wasser und Abwasser, Leip- zig, v. 4, Nov. 25, 1911, p. 515.) VDL 174. (Journal fur Gasbeleuch- tung und Wasserversorgung, Miinchen, v. 54, July 8, 1911, p. 675-678.) VOA 175. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Coth- en, v. 35, July 22, 1911, p. 806.) VOA 176. Sterilization of drinking water by ultra-violet radiations. (Smithsonian Institution, Report, Washington, 1911, p. 235-245.) * EA 177. Courmont, Jules, and CH. NOGIER. Deterioration of quartz lamps. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 59, Aug. 26, 1911, p. 426.) VGA 178. Diminution progressive du ren- dement en ultraviolet des lampes en quartz a vapeur de mercure, fonctionnant a haute temperature. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 152, June 19, 1911, p. 1746-1747.) * EO 179. Don, John, and JOHN CHISHOLM. Sterilization by ultra-violet light. (In their: Modern methods of water purifica- tion, London, 1911, p. 230.) VDL 180. Effect of high temperature on the ultra-violet radiation from mercury vapour lamps. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 4, Sept., 1911, p. 503.) VOKA 181. Effect of quartz lamps on plants. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 4, June, 1911, p. 376.) VOKA 182. Erlwein, G. Die Reinigung des Trinkwassers von Bakterien mittels Ozons und ultravioletter Strahlen. (Chemiker- Zeitung, Cothen, v. 35, Dec. 7, 1911, p. 1358.) VOA 183. Euler, H., and H. OHLSEN. Sur 1'in- version de la saccharose dans les rayons ultra-violets. (Journal de chimie phy- sique, Geneve, v. 9, 1911, p. 416-422.) PKA 184. Grimm, and Weldert. Sterilisation von Wasser mittels ultra-violetter Strah- len. (Chemisches Zentralblatt, Berlin, Folge 5, v. 15, May 10, 1911, p. 1454.) PKA Report on sterilization of water by 1200 candle power mercury vapor lamp. 185. (Journal fur Gasbeleuch- tung und Wasserversorgung. Miinchen, v. 54, July 15, 1911, p. 707.) VOA 186. Guntz, A., and J. MINGUIN. Contri- bution a 1'etude des radiations ultravio- lettes. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 152, Feb. 13, 1911, p. 372-373.) * EO 187. Helbronner, Andre, and M. RECK- LINGHAUSEN. Apparatus for sterilizing liq- uids by means of ultra-violet rays. (Eng- lish patent, 1911, no. 21,829.) Patent Room 188. Appareil pour le traitement des liquides par les rayons ultra-violets. (French patent, 1911, no. 428,170.) Patent Room 189. Perfectionnements aux appareils pour les steriliser les liquids au moyen des rayons ultra-violets. (French patent, 1911, no. 434,855.) Patent Room 190. Henri, Victor. Influence de diverses conditions physiques sur le rayonnement ultraviolet des lampes a vapeur de mercure en quartz. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 153, Aug. 14, 1911, p. 426-429.) * EO 191. Henri, Victor, and others. Appara- tus for treating liquids with ultra-violet rays. (English patent, 1911, no. 4895.) Patent Room 192. Apparatus for treating liquids with ultra-violet rays. (English patent, 1911, no. 8158.) Patent Room 193. Perfectionnements aux appa- reils pour le traitement des liquides par les rayons ultra-violets. (French patent, 1911, no. 425,406.) Patent Room 194. Landau, Marc. Action des rayons ultraviolets sur 1'acide lactique. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 152, May 15, 1911, p. 1308- 1309.) * EO 195. Le Bon, Gustave. Sur les variations de transparence du quartz pour la lumiere ultraviolette, et sur la dissociation de la matiere. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 153, July 3, 1911, p. 49-51.) * EO 196. Massol, L. Action des radiations ultraviolettes sur 1'amidon. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 152, March 27, 1911, p. 902-904.) * EO 197. Nogier, Thomas. Apparatus for sterilizing liquids by the action of ultra- violet rays. (English patent 1911, no. 9660.) Patent Room The mercury lamp which is employed is fitted in a casing through which the liquid flows. 198. Pierce, R. F. Quartz lamp. (Illu- minating engineer, New York, v. 6, May, 1911, p. 133-137.) VOKA 199. Pougnet, Jean. Action des rayons ultraviolets sur les gousses vertes de vanille. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 152, May 1, 1911, p. 1184-1186.) * EO 200. Pribram, R., and A. FRANKE. tjber Kondensation durch ultraviolettes Licht. ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS 11 1911, continued. (Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Ge- sellschaft, Berlin, v. 44, 1911, p. 1035-1039.) PKA 201. Recklinghausen, Max. Sterilizing liquids by means of ultra-violet rays. (English patent, 1911, no. 6759.) Patent Room The liquid is passed through a quartz helical tube or "worm" which surrounds the lamp emitting the ultra-violet rays. 202. Remonce, R. Dispositif pour la sterilisation des liquides par les rayons a faible longeur d'onde. (French patent, 1911, no. 434,784.) Patent Room 203. Rochaix, A., and G. COLIN. Action des rayons emis par la lampe en quartz a vapeurs de mercure sur la colorabilite des bacilles acido-resistants. (Comptes ren- dus, Paris, v. 153, Dec. 11, 1911, p. 1253.) *EO 204. Schwarz, L., and D. AUMANN. Uber Trinkwasserbehandlung mit ultravioletten Strahlen. (Wasser und Abwasser, Leip- zig, v. 4, Sept. 2, 1911, p. 320-321.) VDL 205. Weitere Mittelung iiber die Be- handlung von Trinkwasser mit ultraviolet- ten Strahlen. (Wasser und Abwasser, Leipzig, v. 4, Nov. 25, 1911, p. 515-516.) VDL 206. Sterilization of water supplies by ultra-violet rays. (Engineer, London, v. Ill, June 16, 1911, p. 610-611.) VA 207. Stoklasa, Jules, and others. tJber den Einfluss der ultravioletten Strahlen auf die Vegetation. (Centralblatt fur Bak- teriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektions- krankheiten, Jena, Abteil. 2, v. 31, 1911, p. 477-495.) QDA 208. Tian, A. Sur la decomposition de 1'eaux par la lumiere ultra-violette. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 152, April 10, 1911, p. 1012-1014.) *EO 209. Triquet, P. G. Apparatus for steri- lizing liquids by means of ultra-violet rays. (English patent, 1911, no. 9047.) Patent Room Tubular mercury vapor lamps are fitted in a cylindrical chamber. Various methods of mounting the lamps are described. 210. Automatic apparatus for the sterilization of water by means of ultra- violet rays. (French patent, 1911, no. 441, 457.) Patent Room 211. Ultra-violet light for sterilization. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 58, June 3, 1911, p. 1091.) VGA 212. Ultra-violet light from the arc. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 58, April 29, 1911, p. 844.) VGA 213. Walkey, W. R. Apparatus for the sterilization of milk, beer, water or other liquids. (English patent, 1911. no. 16,110.) Patent Room 214. Water sterilization by the ultra-vio- let rays. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 59, Oct. 28, 1911, p. 890.) VGA Gives cost data. 215. Williams, Charles H. Observations on the effects of the light of the mercury- vapor lamp on the eye. (Electrical world, New York, v. 58, Sept. 2, 1911, p. 550-552.) VGA Gives a summary of the results of an ophthal- mological examination of a number of persons who have worked for long periods by the mercury arc. 216. Wood, R. W. Recent experiments with invisible light. (Smithsonian Insti- tution, Report, Washington, 1911, p. 155- 166.) * EA 1912 217. Action of ultra-violet rays on vege- tation. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 74, Aug. 17, 1912, p. 111.) ttVA 218. Anderson, A., and H. N. MORRISON. On contact difference of potentials, and the action of ultra-violet light. (Philo- sophical magazine, London, v. 24, Aug., 1912, p. 302-307.) OA 219. Berthelot, Daniel. Les lampes en quartz a vapeur de mercure dans le vide; leur emplpi a 1'eclairage et a la production de radiations ultraviolettes; leurs altera- tion lentes ou brusques. (Bulletin de la Societe Internationale des electriciens, Paris, serie 3, tome 2, June, 1912, p. 357- 391.) VGA Review of experiments with ultra-violet rays. 220. Berthelot, Daniel, and HENRY GAUDE- CHON. Action des rayons ultraviolets sur les carbures d'hydrogene gazeux. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 155, 1912, p. 521-522.) * EO 221. Decomposition photolytique des poudres sans fumee par les rayons ul- traviolets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 154, Jan. 22, 1912, p. 201-203.) * EO Abstract in Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, v. 31, 1912, p. 204, VOA. 222. Decomposition photolytique des poudres sans fumee, de 1'acide picrique et du picrate d'ammoniaque par les rayons ultraviolets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 154, Feb. 19, 1912, p. 514-517.) * EO 223. - Sur la phptolyse du saccharose par les rayons ultraviolets. (Comptes ren- dus, Paris, v. 155, 1912, p. 1016-1018.) * EO 224. Photolyse des sucres a fonction cetonique par la lumiere solaire et par la lumiere ultra-violette. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 155, 1912, p. 401-403.) * EO Abstract in Society of Chemical Industry, Jour- nal, London, v. 31, 1912, p. 847, VOA. 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1912, continued. 225. Bielecki, Jan, and VICTOR HENRI. Quantitative Untersuchungen iiber die Absorption ultra-violetter Strahlen durch Alkohole, Saiiren, Ester, Aldehyde und Ketone der Fettreihe. (Deutsche che- mische Gesellschaft, Bericht, Berlin, Jahrg. 45, Sept. 28, 1912, p. 2819-2825.) PKA 226. Bielecki, Jan, and RENE WURMSER. Action des rayons ultraviolets sur 1'ami- don. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 154, May 28, 1912, p. 1429-1432.) * EO 227. Ueber die Wirkung ultraviolet- ter Strahlen auf Starke. (Biochemische Zeitschrift, Berlin, v. 43, 1912, p. 154-164.) PPB 228. Coblentz, W. W. Special energy distribution of neon and helium. (Elec- trical world, New York, v. 59, Feb. 17, 1912, p. 365-366.) VGA On progress in vacuum tube illuminants. 229. Craig, C. F. Photographing with invisible light. (Technical world, Chicago, v. 16, Feb., 1912, p. 699-707.) VDA 230. Effect of illuminants on vegetation and animal life. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 5, March, 1912, p. 166.) VOKA 231. Emich, Fr. Chemische und andere Wirkungen des ultra-violetten Lichtes. (Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Stei- ermark, Mitteilungen, Graz, v. 48, 1912, p. 450-452.) PQA 232. Erlwein, G. Die Reinigung des Trinkwassers von Bakterien mittelst Ozons und ultravioletter Strahlen. (Was- ser und Abwasser, Leipzig, v. 5, Sept. 14, 1912, p. 555-556.) VDL 233. Experiments with the ultra-violet rays. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 5, July, 1912, p. 357.) VOKA 234. Girard, F. The quartz mercury va- pour lamp for alternating currents. (Elec- trical review, London, v. 71, Sept. 20, 1912, p. 443.444.) VGA 235. Henri, Victor, and A. RANG. De- composition de la glycerine par les rayons ultraviolets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 154, May 6, 1912, p. 1261-1263.) * EO 236. Ives, Herbert E. Study of the light from the mercury arc. (Electrical world, New York, v. 60, Aug. 10, 1912, p. 304-305.) VGA 237. Ludlam, E. B. The action of ultra- violet light chlorine. (London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine, Lon- don, series 6, v. 23, 1912, p. 757-772.) OA 238. Luminescence analysis. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 74, Oct. 19, 1912, p. 253-254.) ft VA Describes new test for chemicals with the aid of ultra-violet light. 239. Marmier, L. Action des rayons ultra-violets sur 1'hyposulfite de sodium. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 154, Jan. 2, 1912, p. 32-33.) * EO 240. Massol, L., and FAUCON. Absorp- tion des radiations ultra-violettes par les alcools satures de la serie grasse. (So- ciete chimique de France, Bulletin, Paris, serie 4, v. 11, July 12, 1912, p. 931-935.) PKA 241. Mathews, J. H., and L. H. DEWEY. A quantitative study of some photochemi- cal effects produced by ultra-violet light. (Eighth International Congress of Ap- plied Chemistry, New York, 1912, Original communications, section 9, photochemis- try, v. 20, p. 247-257.) PKR The action of ultra-violet light on solutions of sodium sulphite, potassium permanganate, potassium bichromate and oxalic acid was studied. 242. Michaud, G. Curious cases of selec- tive reflection in ultra-violet light. (Sci- ence, New York, new series, v. 36, 1912, p. 415-416.) OA 243. Michaud, G., and F. TRISTAN. How to make an ultra-violet ray objective. (Scientific American, New York, v. 107, Sept. 28, 1912, p. 257.) ft VA 244. Miller, Warren H. French and German quartz tube mercury-vapor lamps. (Electrical world, New York, v. 60, July 27, 1912, p. 197-198.) VGA Describes the design and operation and gives data as to cost and service. 245. Notes on the quartz mercury vapour lamp. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 5, Oct., 1912, p. 469-474.) VOKA 246. Peter, H. Neuere Sterilisierungs- methoden fur grossere Wassermengen, ihre technische und wirtschaftliche An- wendbarkeit. (Journal fur Gasbeleuch- tung und Wasserversorgung, Miinchen, v. 55, July 6, 1912, p. 645-649.) VGA Compares fourteen methods of sterilization, with costs. 247. Quartz mercury vapour lamp. (Electrician, London, v. 69, Sept. 20, 1912, p. 994-997.) VGA Gives underlying principles of these lamps. 248. Rayons ultra-violets et leur applica- tions. Abbeville: Imprimerie F. Pail- lard [1912]. 63(1) p. 8. (Mpis scien- tifique et industriel. Bibliotheque pra- tique, no. 19.) 249. Recklinghausen, Max, and others. Perfectionnements aux appareils de ste- rilisation par les rayons ultra-violets. (French patent, 1912, no. 453,191.) Patent Room 250. Schneckenberg, Erich. Chemische Sterilisierungs-Schnellproben bei Ozon- und bei Ultraviolett- Wasserwerken. (Jour- ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS 13 1912, continued. nal fur Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversor- gung, Miinchen, v. 55, May 4, 1912, p. 432- 433.) VOA 251. Schultz, L. G. Weather and the ultra-violet radiations of the sun. (Nature, London, v. 90, Sept. 19, 1912, p. 68-70.) OA 252. Sterilization of water by ultra-violet light. (Engineering record, New York, v. 67, April 19, 1912, p. 429.) VDA 253. Swetz, Alexander. Neue Methoden der Trinkwasserreinigung zur Wasserver- sorgung der Stadte. (Zeitschrift des Oesterreichischen Ingenieur- und Archi- tekten-Vereines, Wien, v. 64, May 17, 1912, p. 305-310.) VDA A review of the recent methods discussed at the International Hygiene Congress at Dresden. 254. Ultra-violet light sterilizer for Aus- trian army. (Scientific American, New York, v. 107, Dec. 14,. 1912, p. 515.) ft VA 255. Ultra-violet light water sterilization on a large scale. (Electrical review arid western electrician, Chicago, v. 60, April 6, 1912, p. 680.) VGA Test shows process highly efficient for municipal purposes. 256. Ultra-violet rays. (Canadian engi- neer, Toronto, v. 22, Jan. 11, 1912, p. 129- 132.) VDA 257. Ultra-violet rays. (Engineering magazine, New York, v. 42, March, 1912, p. 966-968.) VDA Describes the lamps used in sterilization of water. 258. Ultra-violet rays for water steriliza- tion. (Electrical review and western elec- trician, Chicago, v. 61, July 6, 1912, p. 40.) VGA 259. Violet ray sterilization of drinking water in Chicago. (Engineering record, New York, v. 66, July 27, 1912, p. 110-111.) VDA Sterilization of 150 gallons per hour of Lake Michigan water by ultra-violet rays for the bottle trade. 260. Wassersterilisierung durch ultravio- lette Strahlen. (Journal fur Gasbeleuch- tung und Wasserversorgung, Munchen, v. 55, Nov. 16, 1912, p. 1126-1128.) VOA 261. Wassersterilisierung durch ultravio- lette Strahlen. (Journal fur Gasbeleuch- tung und Wasserversorgung, Munchen, v. 55, Oct. 26, 1912, p. 1058.) VOA 262. Water purification by the ozone and ultra-violet ray methods. (Water works journal, Pittsburgh, v. 5, Oct., 1912, p. 10- 11.) VDL 263. Weigert, Fritz. Die Ozonzersetzung im ultravioletten Licht. (Zeitschrift fiir physikalische Chemie, Leipzig, v. 80, 1912, p. 78-106.) PKA 264. Eine Quecksilberlampe fur quantitative photochemische Untersuchun- gen im Ultraviolett. (Zeitschrift fur phy- sikalische Chemie. Leipzig, v. 80, 1912, p. 67-77.) PKA 1913 265. Action of ultra-violet light on animal organism. (Scientific American, New York, v. 109, Sept. 13, 1913, p. 208.) ft VA 266. Alger, Ellice M. Illumination and eyestrain. (Illuminating Engineering So- ciety, Transactions, New York, v. 8, March, 1913, p. 130-148.) VOKA 267. Berthelot, Daniel. Les rayons ultra- violets et leurs recentes applications chim- iques et biologiques. (Societe des inge- nieurs civils de France, Memoires et compte rendu de travaux, Paris, annee 66, Dec., 1913, p. 668-680.) VDA 268. Boubee, Paolo. I piu recenti studii sui raggi ultra-violetti e loro applicazioni. (Reale istituto d'incoraggiamento di Na- poli, Atti, Napoli, serie 6, v. 64, 1913, p. 75- 80.) * ER 269. Bovie, W. T. Preliminary note on the coagulation of proteins by ultra-violet light. (Science, New York, new series, v. 37, Jan. 3, 1913, p. 24-25.) OA 270. Temperature coefficient of the coagulation caused by ultra-violet light. (Science, New York, new series, v. 37, March 7, 1913, p. 373-375.) OA 271. Davies, R. W r assersterilisation durch ultraviolettes Licht. (Journal fiir Gasbe- leuchtung und Wasserversorgung, Mun- chen, v. 56, Aug. 16, 1913, p. 823.) VOA 272. Defregger, Franz Peter. t)ber ein von H. Th. Simon angegebenes Spektral- Photometer fiir Ultraviolett. Leipzig: J. A. Earth, 1913. 70 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8. PAH p.v.28, no.3 273. Henri, Victor. Eine neue Lampe mit sehr starker Ultraviolettstrahlung und ihre Anwendung zur Sterilisation grosser Wassermengen. (Journal fiir Gasbeleuch- tung und Wasserversorgung, Munchen, v. 56, June 21, 1913, p. 598.) VOA 274. t)ber die Beziehung zwischen der Reaktionsfahigkeit der Korper und der Absorption ultravioletter Strahlen. (Che- miker-Zeitung, Cothen, v. 37, Aug. 14, 1913, p. 977.) VOA 275. How inventors use ultra-violet rays. (Scientific American, New York, v. 109. Sept. 1, 1913, p. 335-336.) ft VA 276. Mueller, Arno. Ober Wassersteri- lisation mittels ultravioletter Strahlen. (Journal fiir Gasbeleuchtung und Wasser- versorgung, Munchen, v. 56, Oct. 11, 1913. p. 1014-1015.) VOA 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1913, continued. 277. Otto, M. P. Sterilisieren von Was- ser durch ultraviolette Strahlen. (Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversor- gung, Munchen, v. 56, May 31, 1913, p. 528.) VGA 278. Photography in illuminating engi- neering. (Illuminating Engineering So- ciety, Transactions, New York, v. 8, Oct., 1913, p. 354-355.) VOKA 279. Production of ultra-violet rays. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 62, April 19, 1913, p. 813.) ft VGA A new form of lamp for producing ultra-violet rays perfected by the Zeiss Optical Works, Jena, Germany. 280. Recklinghausen, Max. Neue Er- gebnisse bei der Wassersterilisation durch ultra-violette Strahlen. (Wasser und Ab- wasser, Leipzig, v. 6, May 24, 1913, p. 501- 502.) VDL 281. Purifying water by the action of ultra-violet light. (Scientific American, New York, v. 109, July 19, 1913, p. 48.) it VA 282. Water sterilization by ultra- violet rays. (Electrical review, London, v. 73, Sept. 26, 1913, p. 516.) VGA 283. Water sterilization by ultra- violet rays. (Electrical world, New York, v. 62, July 26, 1913, p. 181-183.) VGA 284. Schwarz, L., and D. AUMANN. t)ber Wasserhandlung mit ultravioletten Strah- len. (Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung, Munchen, v. 56, May 31, 1913, p. 520-522.) VOA 285. Seager, James A. Water steriliza- tion by ultra-violet rays. (Municipal en- gineering, Indianapolis, v. 45, Nov., 1913, p. 415-418.) VDA 286. Violet rays in zinc mining. (Illu- minating engineer, London, v. 6, Sept., 1913, p. 454.) VOKA 287. Walter, Johann. Verfahren zur Herbeifiihrung chemischer Reactionen zwischen Fliissigkeiten und Gasen unter Verwendung von katalytisch wirksamen Stoffen oder chemisch wirksamen Strah- len. (Seifensieder Zeitung, Augsburg, v. 40, April 23, 1913, p. 442-444.) ft VON 288. Water sterilization by ultra-violet light. (Scientific American supplement, New York, v. 75, June 7, 1913, p. 356.) tfVA Explains the method used in a large commercial school in Paris. 289. Wood, Robert W. Detecting raised checks with ultra-violet rays. (Scientific American, New York, v. 108, May 24, 1913, p. 475.) ft VA 290. Photography by invisible light. (Scientific American, New York, v. 109, Nov. 15, 1913, p. 380-381, 385-387.) ft VA 291. Young, Meredith. Light and sight. (Illuminating engineer, London, v. 6, Nov., 1913, p. 566-568.) VOKA 1914 292. Berthelot, Daniel. Les rayons ultra- violets et leurs recentes applications chi- miques et erologiques. (Cosmos, Paris, nouv. serie, v. 70, 1914, p. 436-440.) OA 293. Sur les divers modes de photo- lyse de 1'acide oxalique par les rayons ul- traviolets de differentes longueurs d'onde. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 158, June 15, 1914, p. 1791-1793.) * EO 294. Bielecki, Jan, and VICTOR HENRI. In- fluence de la liaison ethylenique et des groupes carbonyl et carboxyl sur 1'absorp- tion des rayons ultraviolets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 158, 1914, p. 567-570.) *EO 295. Chauchard, A. Action des rayons ultraviolets monochromatiques sur I'amy- lase et la lipase du sue pancreatique. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 158, June 2, 1914, p. 1575-1577.) * EO 296. Delbet, Pierre, and ARMAND BEAUVY. fitude comparee de 1'action des rayons ultra-violets sur le pouvoir hemolytique et sur 1'etat colloidal du serum sanguin. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 159, July 20, 1914, p. 278-281.) * EO 297. Disinfecting the mouth with ultra- violet rays. (Scientific American supple- ment, New York, v. 78, Nov. 21, 1914, p. 331.) VA 298. Evans, W. A. D. Mercury-vapor quartz lamp. (Illuminating Engineering Society, Transactions, New York, v. 9, Jan., 1914, p. 1-24.) VOA 299. Ham, W. R., and others. Photo- graphic null method for measuring absorp- tion in the ultra-violet. (Franklin Insti- tute, Journal, Philadelphia, v. 178, Sept., 1914, p. 299-328.) VA 300. Helbronner, Andre, and G. BERN- STEIN. Sur la vulcanisation des solutions de caoutchouc par les rayons ultraviolets. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 158, 1914, p. 1343-1345.) * EO 301. Henri, Victor. Ultra-violet light and bacteria. (Electrical review, London, v. 74, May 8, 1914, p. 768.) VGA Action of ultra-violet radiation upon anthrax bacilli. 302. Henri, Victor, and VENCESLAS MOY- CHO. Action des rayons ultraviolets mono- chromatiques sur les tissus. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 158, May 25, 1914, p. 1509- 1511.) *EO ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS 15 1914, continued. 303. Houghton, E. M., and LEWIS DAVIS. A study of the germicidal action of ultra- violet rays. (American journal of public health, Boston, v. 4, 1914, p. 224-240.) SPA Bibliography, p. 240. 304. Michaud, G., and F. TRISTAN. Fleurs ultra-violetts. (La Nature, Paris, v. 42, Jan. 17, 1914, p. 118.) OA 305. Flowers photographed with in- visible light. (Scientific American, New York, v. Ill, Oct. 10, 1914, p. 301-302.) ft VA 306. Quartz lamps on alternating current circuits. (Electrical review and western electrician, Chicago, v. 64, June 13, 1914, p. 1195.) VGA Used in connection with a mercury-arc rectifier. 307. Quartz lamps on alternating current circuits. (Electrical review and western Electrician, Chicago, v. 64, June 27, 1914, p. 1292.) VGA 308. Ranc, Albert. Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung von ultrayioletten Strahlen auf die Lavulose. Bildung von For- maldehyd und Kohlenoxyd. (Bioche- mische Zeitschrift, Berlin, v. 64, 1914, p. 257-287.) PPB 309. Recent practice with ultra-violet rays. (Surveyor, London, v. 46, 1914, p. 321-322.) VDA 310. Recklinghausen, Max. Purification of water by ultra-violet rays. (Engineer- ing record, New York, v. 69, May 23, 1914, p. 586.) VDA 311. Purifying water by electricity. (Isolated plant, New York, v. 6, Sept., 1914, p. 46.) VGMB 312. Sterilizing the water of swim- ming pools with ultra-violet rays. (Scien- tific American, New York, v. Ill, Aug. 15, 1914, p. 120.) VA 313. Rideal, Samuel, and ERIC K. RIDEAL. Ultra-violet light. (In their: Water sup- plies. London, 1914. 8. p. 207-212.) 314. Seceroy, S. Sur 1'influence des ra- yons ultra-violets sur la coloration des poils des lapin et des cobayes. (Comptes rendus, Paris, v. 158, June 15, 1914, p. 1826- 1828.) * EO 315. Ultra-violet ray water sterilisers. (Engineer, London, v. 118, Oct. 30, 1914, p. 422-423.) VA 316. Ultra-violet rays for water purifica- tion in army service. (Scientific Ameri- can, New York, v. Ill, Nov. 28, 1914, p. 436.) VA 317. Vulcanization of rubber solutions by the ultra-violet rays. (India rubber world, New York, v. 51, Dec. 1, 1914, p. 130.) AUTHOR INDEX Numbers refer to individual entries Agulhon, H., 160. Airey, Harold Morris, 60. Alger, Ellice M., 266. Anderson, A., and H. N. Morrison, 218. Aubel, Edm., 87. Aumann, D. See Schwarz, L., and D. Au- rnann. Baker, W. C, 56. Baly, E. C. C., and C. H. Desch, 62. Banque du Radium, 108, 109, 161. Baskerville, Charles, 64. Beattie, J. C, 43. Beauvy, Armand. See Delbet, Pierre, and Armand Beauvy. Bechstein, O., 47. Bell, Lewis, 162. Bellile, P., 88. Bernstein, G. See Helbronner, Andre, and G. Bernstein. Berthelot, Daniel, 163, 219, 267, 292, 293. Berthelot, Daniel, and Henry Gaudechon, 110, 164, 165, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224. Bichat, M. E., 31. Bielecki, Jan, 294. Bielecki, Jan, and Victor Henri, 225, 294. Bielecki, Jan, and Rene Wurmser, 226, 227. Bierry, Henri, 166. Bierry, Henri, and others, 111, 167. Billon-Daguerre, 89. Birch, and Hirschfeld, 70. Black, Nelson Miles, 168. Blondel, A., 71. Blyth, A. Wynter, 53. Borel, G. Adolphe, 41. Borgmann, J., 32. Boubee, Paolo, 268. Bovie, W. T., 269, 270. Brunton, David W., 90. Bujwid, Odo, 169, 170. Buss, O., 44. Bussion, H., 48. Bussmann, Oskar, 65, 72, 91. Busson, H., and Ch. Fabry, 171. Cernovodeanu, Mile. P., and Victor Henri, 112, 113. Chardonnet, E., 19, 21. Chauchard, A., 295. Chauchard, A., and B. Mazoue, 172. Chisholm, John. See Don, John, and John Chisholm. Coblentz, W. W., 228. Colin, G. See Rochaix, A., and G. Colin. Cornu, A., 13, 14, 17, 20, 29. Courmont, Jules, 173, 174, 175, 176. Courmont, Jules, and Ch. Nogier, 177, 178. Courmont, Jules, and Th. Nogier, 92, 115, 116. Courmont, Jules, and others, 93. Craig, C. F., 229. Crookes, Sir William, 57. Daire. See Dornic, and Daire. Davies, R., 271. Davis, Lewis. See Houghton, E. M., and Lewis Davis. Deeleman, 117. Defregger, Franz P., 272. Delbet, Pierre, and Armand Beauvy, 296. Demoussy. See Maquenne, L., and De- moussy. Desch, C. H. See Baly, E. C. C., and C. H. Desch. Deslandres, H., 33. Dewar, J. See Liveing, G. D., and J. Dewar. Dewey, L. H., 241. Dobbie, J. See Hartley, W. N., and J. Dobbie. Don, John, and John Chisholm, 179. Dornic, and Daire, 94. Dussaud, 54. 16] ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS 17 Ebert, H. See Wiedemann, E., and H. Ebert. Eder, Joseph M., and E. Valenta, 40. Eisenlohr, W., 2. Emich, .Fr., 231. Erlwein, G., 182, 232. Euler, H., and H. Ohlsen, 183. Evans, W. A. D., 298. Fabry, Ch. See Busson, H., and Ch. Fabry. Faucon. See Massol, L., and Faucon. Feige, A. See Urbain, E., and A. Feige; also Urbain, E., and others. Franke, A. See Pribram, R., and A. Franke. Gariel, 120. Gamier, A. R., 121. Gaudechon, Henry. See Berthelot, Daniel, and Henry Gaudechon. Girard, F., 234. Glatzel, Bruno, 55. Godfrey, Hollis, 75. Graebe, H., 42. Grant, Kenneth C., 122. Grimm, and Weldert. 184, 185. Guillemin, M., 3. Guntz, A., and J. Minguin, 186. Ham, W. R., and others, 299. Hammer, William J., 58. Hartley, W. N., 22, 27, 34. Hartley, W. N., and J. Dobbie, 49. Helbronner, Andre, and G. Bernstein, 300. Helbronner, Andre, and M. Recklinghau- sen, 187, 188, 189. Henri, Victor. 190, 273, 274, 301. See also Cernovodeanu, Mile. P., and Victor Henri; also Bielecki, Jan, and Victor Henri. Henri, Victor, and Venceslas Moycho, 302. Henri, Victor, and A. Ranc, 235. Henri, Victor, and Joseph Schnitzler, 97. Henri, Victor, and others. 98, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 191, 192, 193. Henri-Cernovodeanu, Mme. V. 133. See also Cernovodeanu, Mile. P., and Victor Henri. Henry, J., 45. Herschel, A. S., 11. Hirschfeld. See Birch, and Hirschfeld. Hopfeld, Robert, 77. Houghton, E. M., and Lewis Davis, 303. Ives, Herbert E., 236. Kelvin, Lord, 46, 50. Kernbaum, Miroslaw, 99, 100. Kinraide, Thomas B., 63. Landau, Marc, 194. Leblanc, Maurice, the younger, 134, 135. Le Bon, Gustave, 195. Lehmann, H., 136, 137. Liveing, G. D., and J. Dewar, 23, 24, 37. Lombard, Maurice, 138. Ludlam, E. B., 237. Mannich, C, 101. Maquenne, L., and Demoussy, 102. Marmier, L., 239. Mascart, M., 5, 6, 7, 8. Massol, L., 196. Massol, L., and Faucon, 240. Matthews, J. H., 241. Maurain, and Warcollier, 103, 139. Mazoue, B. See Chauchard, A., & B. Ma- zoue. Michaud, G., 242. Michaud, G., and F. Tristan, 243, 304, 305 Miller, Warren H., 140, 244. Minguin, J. See Guntz, A., and J. Min- guin. Morrison, H. N. See Anderson, A., and H. N. Morrison. Moycho, Venceslas. See Henri, Victor, and Venceslas Moycho. Miiller, Arno, 276. Nogier, Ch. See Courmont, Jules, and Ch. Nogier. Nogier, Thomas, 104, 141, 197. See also Courmont, Jules, and Th. Nogier. Ohlsen, H. See Euler, H., and H. Ohlsen. Otto, M. P., 142, 277. Peter, H., 247. Pidduck, F. B., 105. Pierce, R. F., 198. Pougnet, Jean, 143, 199. Pribram, R., and A. Franke, 200. 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Ranc, A., 308. See also Henri, Victor, and A. Ranc. Recklinghausen, Max, 146, 201, 280, 281, 282, 283, 310, 311, 312. See also Helbron- ner, Andre, and M. Recklinghausen. Recklinghausen, Max, and others, 249. Remonce, R., 202. Rideal, Eric K. See Rideal, Samuel, and Eric K. Rideal. Rideal, Samuel, and Eric K. Rideal, 313. Rilliet, A. A. See Soret, J. L., and A. A. Rilliet. Rochaix, A., and G. Colin, 203. Salm-Horstmar, 4. Sauer, L., 10 Seal, C. See Urbain E., and C. Seal; also Urbain, E., and others. Schanz, Fritz, and Karl Stockhausen, 81, 82. Schjerning, W., 30. Schneckenberg, Erich, 250. Schnitzler, Joseph. See Henri, Victor, and Joseph Schnitzler. Schoenn, J. L., 18. Schultz, L. G., 251. Schwarz, L., and D. Aumann. 204, 205, 284. Seager, James A., 285. Secerov, S., 314. Sekulic, M., 9. Soret, J. L., 12, 15, 25, 26. Soret, J. L., and A. A. Rilliet, 16. Steinmetz, C. P., 148. Stockhausen, Karl, 84, 152. See also Schanz, Fritz, and Karl Stockhausen. Stokes, 1. Stoklasa, Julius, and others, 207. Swetz, Alexander, 253. Tian, A., 208. Triquet, P. G., 209, 210. Tristan, F. See Michaud, G., and F. Tris- tan. Urbain, E., and A. Feige, 154. Urbain, E., and C. Seal, 155. Urbain, E., and others, 156. Valenta, E. See Eder, Joseph M., and E. Valenta. Vandevelde, A. J. J., 157. Voege, W., 86, 106. Walkey, W. R., 213. Walter, Johann, 287. Warcollier. See Maurain, and Warcollier. Wartenberg, H., 158. Weigert, Fritz, 263, 264. Weldert. See Grimm, and Weldert. Wiedemann, E., and H. Ebert, 38, 39. Williams, Charles H., 215. Wilson, C. T. R., 51. Wood, R. W., 59, 216, 289, 290. Wurmser, Rene. See Bielecki, Jan, and Rene Wurmser. Young, Meredith, 291. Zenger, Ch. V., 28. Zickler, Karl, 52. Zimmerman, J. D., 159. SUBJECT INDEX Numbers refer to individual entries Absorption of ultra-violet rays, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 30, 37, 40, 49, 55, 62, 105, 158, 274, 294, 299. Acetic acid, Action on, 97. Acetylene gas, Effect on, 114. Acids, Absorption by, 158, 225. Air, Conductive effect produced in, 46. Albumenoids, Ultra-violet absorption, 53. Alcohol, Absorption of rays by, 225, 240. Aldehyde, Absorption of rays by, 225. Amylase, Action on, 172, 295. Analysis, Luminescence, 238. Animal organism, Action on, 265. Apparatus for treating liquids, 108, 109, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 197, 201, 209, 210, 213, 249. Bacillus, Action on, 96, 113, 203. Bactericidal effect, 151, 153, 169, 170, 211, 232, 275, 301, 303. Beer sterilization, 213. Bees, 69. Blood, Effect on, 296. Blood pigments, Action on, 42. Caoutchouc. See Rubber solutions. Carbohydrates, Action on, 111. Carbon compounds, Absorption spectrum, 49. Chemical action, 2. Chlorine, Action on, 237. Cider, Action on, 103. Coagulation, 269, 270. Colloids, Penetration of, 92. Colors, Influence on, 314. Cost data, 214, 244, 246. Cyanogen, Effect on, 114. Detector of ultra-violet rays, 73. Diastase, Action on, 160. Disease, Treatment of, 58. Disinfection, 297. Electric discharge, Irifhieitcj& on^ fa, 5.^