PRIMARY MANUAL TRAINING, METHODS IN FORM STUDY, CLAY, PAPER AND COLOR WORK. BY CAROLINE F. CUTLER, . Lucretia Crocker School, Boston. Special Instructor in Manual Training to the Primary Teachers of Boston. BOSTON AND CHICAGO: EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1891. COPTRIGHT BY EDUCATIONAL PULISHING COMPANY 1891. PUBLISHER?' NOTE. The author presents, in plain language, practical methods of teaching Manual Training in primary schools. In fact, this book is but a transcript of the regular work done by the author in her own school, and no plans have been suggested that cannot be readily accomplished by the average pupil. After the school committee of Boston had added to the course of study for the primary schools, a course in Manual Training, the author was summoned by the committee to give instruction to the primary teachers in the methods to be employed in teaching Modeling in Clay, Paper-cutting and Folding, Stick-laying, etc. The line of instruction was in strict harmony with the course of study, and this book, which is the epitome of her instruction, is issued in response to the demands of many teachers. ni 2066039 CONTENTS. PAGE General Suggestions, V. Plan of Development of each Type-Solid, ......... VII. The Sphere, 5 The Cube, 13 Paper-Folding, Series I, 22 Paper-Folding Forms of Life, 32 Paper-Folding Cutting and Pasting, 35 The Cylinder, 38 Review of First Three Solids, 45 Color, 46 Paper-Cutting Color Work, . 53 The Hemisphere 57 The Square Prism, 62 The Right-Angled Triangular Prism, 66 Equilateral Triangular Prism, 69 Paper-Folding, Series II, 75 Dimensions, 89 The Ellipsoid, 93 The Oblate Spheroid, 99 The Ovoid, 100 The Cone, 107 The Square Pyramid, 113 The Equilateral Triangular Pyramfd, 120 Suggestions for connecting Manual Training with other Studies, . . . 122 Constructive Work in Card-board 124 Suggestions for Stick-Laying, .128 IV GENERAL uqqETiON3. CLAY. Modeling clay may be obtained at the Pottery Works, or of a plaster image-maker, at a cost not exceeding three cents per pound. Buy the moist clay, and by keeping it in a covered earthen jar, with a damp cloth over the day, it will be ready for instant use. After each lesson, preserve the best specimens, and always moisten the clay before returning it to the jar. Clay is generally so dry and hard, after the children have used it, that " simple moistening " may not be enough. It is best then to put it in a dish, and cover it with water. After it has thus stood a few hours, or until thoroughly softened, pour off the water, and wrap the clay in a large cloth. Place the clay thus wrapped upon a plane surface, as a slate or a board, and knead, turning it in different directions, till the water is thoroughly pressed out and a compact mass formed, when it will be in condi- tion to be returned to the jar for future use. Clay may be cut by means of a knife, wire or strong thread. Thread is better for children's use than wire, as the latter is apt to VI GENERAL SUGGESTIONS. twist and become uneven. Thin, stiff' cards can be used to cut small pieces of clay. Clay may be modeled by rolling between the palms of the hands or upon a plane surface, and by striking it gently upon a plane surface. A sharp-pointed stick -- (A wooden tooth-pick, for instance), may be used to draw lines upon the clay. A stick with a rough end may be used to puncture the clay, to give a rough surface to the background. PAPER. Manilla paper in sheets, measuring 24x30 and weigh- ing thirty pounds to the ream, is "about right " for paper-folding, as it will be found thin enough to fold readily. This paper may be bought by the single pound, and the dealer will cut it into squares of any desired size. Four-inch squares are com- monly used, though large squares will be needed for certain forms. Thin card-board or development paper, should be used in the representation of solids in the higher classes. Development paper 24 X 36, \veighs about eighty pounds to the ream. Manilla paper may be used for drawing in primary schools, but it should be of heavier quality than the folding paper. Paper should be furnished liberally to the children that they may become accus- tomed to using it freely in preference to the slate. Colored paper cut in four-inch squares, may be purchased by the package, or, it may be bought by the sheet, and cut to order. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS. VH TABLETS. Tablets of various sizes and shapes for use in form study, may be purchased, but if they are too expensive, satisfactory tablets can be made of card or stiff paper. The children can make them by tracing around the edge of a pattern and then cutting out the forms. STICK-LAYIXG. Colored sticks are sold for this purpose, but splints, or even wooden tooth picks may be used. SCISSORS. Short blunt-pointed scissors are the best for young children to use. PASTING. Each child should have a little plate containing a small quantity of paste. A few children may be taught to fill the plates, and distribute them quickly. A wooden tooth-pick is better than a brush for applying paste. CARD-PRICKIXG. Pricking cushions and pins are prepared for Kindergarten use. Draw any desired pattern upon paper and place the paper over the card to be sewed. At suitable intervals along the outline of the pattern prick holes through paper and card. Ke- move the paper and the card is ready for sewing. If the cushions and pins cannot readily be obtained, place the card upon a piece -of thick flannel and prick with a large shawl pin. Each subject of form study may be systematically developed by following the plan here suggested. 1. The study of the facts of the type-solid. 2. Modeling type-solid of clay. 3. Modeling objects based upon the type-solid. vm GENERAL SUGGESTIONS. 4. Half solid, and objects based upon it. 5. Study of views of type-solid, with the tablet exercises. 6. Tracing on clay tablets. 7. Sewing-cards. 8. Plane of the type-solid. 9. Paper-folding and cutting. 10. Stick-laying (where there are straight edges.) 11. Arm and pencil-movements. 12. Drawing of objects based upon the type-solid. PLAN FOR -DEVELOPINQ THE PHERE. 1. Study the facts of the type-solid. . . . See page 5 2. Model a sphere of clay. . . . . " 6 3. Model clay objects based upon the sphere. . " 6 4. Cut the clay sphere. Hemispheres. . . " 7 5. Place tablets " 8 6. Sewing-cards. . . . . . . " 9, 10 7. Arm and pencil-movements. . . . . " 11, 12 8. Draw free-hand circle. . . . . . " 12 9. Draw outline of objects based upon the sphere. " 12 GENERAL SUGGESTIONS. IX PLAN FOR DEVELOPING, THE CUBE. 1. Compare with the sphere and study the facts of type-solid. ...... See page 13 2. Model cube of clay. . . . . . " 14 3. Model objects based upon the cube. . . " 14 4. Make a paper cube. . . . . . " 14 5. Faces of cube from the type-solid. . " 16 6. Tablet exercises. . . . . . . " 16 7. Plane of the cube and objects based upon it. . " 18 8. Edges from study of the type-solid. . . " 17 9. Corners from study of the type-solid. . . " 17 10. Exercises with sticks and peas. . . . " 18 11. Sewing-cards. . . . . . " 18 12. Tablets laid in borders and groups. . . " 19 13. Stick-laying "19 14. Arm and pencil-movements. . . . . " 20 15. Draw the square. . ' ' . ' . . . " 20-21 16. Paper-foldings with sewing, stick-laying and drawing. Firjt series, (omitting triangles.) " 22 17. Draw outlines of one view of cubical objects. " 36 18. Paper-folding and cutting, basket, sled, etc. " 32 19. Paper-folding and pasting. (Designs.) . . " 35 20. Clay plaques "37 THE SPHERE. Each child should hold in his hand a small sphere while the teacher holds a large one before the class. The teacher should lead the children to perceive and state that the "ball " is round and smooth, and that it will stand and roll. Give the name sphere. (Care should be taken that the children do not call this word, spear). Talk about the outside of the sphere, and of other objects, and give the name surface. Let the children move their lingers over the surface of the sphere, and roll the sphere in their hands, and so call forth the expression round surface. 6 THE SPHERE. The children may next model a sphere of clay. Give to each child a piece of clay, a little larger than a cubic inch, and tell him to place it in the palm of his left hand. Then place the palm of his right hand upon the clay, and roll it and mould it, till a sphere has been formed. The teacher should model one at the same time, that the children may observe the process. Next, place before the class objects based upon the sphere as, an apple, a round melon, and a round basket. (Figs. 1 3). Let the children model a sphere, and then change the form of its surface to resemble the object selected. This attempt to imitate in clay, trains both the eye and hand, and will lead the FIG. 1. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. children to notice the spherical form of other objects. To make an apple, the sphere must be indented by pressing slightly with the thumb upon the surface, and then inserting a stem, which may be made of clay, though a real apple stem would prove more THE SPHERE. 7 effective. On the side opposite the stem make a few scratches on the clay, to imitate the blossom. (Fig. 1). A melon is made by flattening the upper and lower surface a trifle, and marking the stripes. For this, use a sharp slate pencil, a wooden tooth-pick, or a thin strip of wood shaped like a knife-blade. The basket should have a line marked around it, to represent the edge of the cover. Roll a small piece of clay between the hands, until a long thin strip is made, which may be fastened to the basket for a handle. FIG. 4. A sphere may be cut in halves, and the hemisphere described but it is best to make the study of the hemisphere a separate subject. (Fig. 4). TABLETS. Work with tablets should follow clay modelling. Place square and circular tablets, (thin card-board) of the same diameter as the type-solids, upon a table where the children can see them. Tell the children to hold the sphere in front of the eye, and then ask a child to select a tablet that looks like a picture of the sphere. THE SPHERE. Give the name of the tablet circle. Let the children place the tablets upon the desk in a position to imitate spherical objects as a string of beads, or a bunch of grapes. (Fig*. 5 and f>). FIG. 5. FIG. 6. With colored circles of various sizes very pleasing pictures of objects can be easily made, and the children should be taught to paste the tablets upon gray, or other neutral-tinted paper. THE SPHERE. The spherical outline may also be taught by sewing cards having circles or circular objects pricked upon them. Let the children sew with appropriate colored worsteds or threads. \ \ SAMPLE OF SEWING CARD. THE SPHERE. / i \\ //i \\ / 11 \\ u \ > x / x" - x \- x -^ \ N SUBJECTS FOR SEWING CARDS. ARM AND PENCIL-MOVEMENT. ARM AND PENCIL-MOVEMENT. The children should next be taught arm and pencil-move- ments, preparatory to drawing the circle. Let the children extend the right arm horizontally, and describe the form of the circle in the air, by moving the hand toward the left side, then up then down toward the right side, and back to point of starting. FIG. 7. Let them practice the same movement at the black-board, using the chalk, until a smooth, free circular movement of the arm is obtained, without regard to the size of the circle, except that it be a large one. The chalk should be held with the pointed end at an 12 ARM AND PENCIL-MOVEMENT. angle of about forty-five degrees to the surface of the board, always pointing toward the left, and the circle drawn as indicated by figure. FIG. 9. Let the children practise upon slate or paper, (paper is preferable) holding the pencil in the same manner as the chalk. Children should draw simple spherical forms from the object. Their attention should be called to the prominent features of the object selected. If it is not perfectly round, ask them where the surface is flat or elevated ; whether it is longer ' ' one way than the other," also what additions are made to the spherical form to complete the object? Train the child to see the form and afterward, orally, and by drawing, to give descriptive explanations. Suppose the object selected to be drawn was 'A spherical tea-kettle. The children will find, by measuring, that the body of the kettle as longer horizontally than vertically. That the distance from the top of the kettle to the highest curve of the handle is equal to one- half the diameter of the circle. They will also discover that the bottom of the kettle and the edge of the cover look straight, and that the spout is placed nearer the lower, than the upper part of the right side of the kettle. (Fig. 9). THE CUBE. 13 THE CUBE. In the study of the cube, use type solids as with the sphere. Compare the cube with the sphere. Observe that the cube is not round, that it has edges and cor- ners, that it will stand and slide, but will not roll. Observe also that its surface is flat or plane. There are six parts to the outside of the " block," all parts of the same size and shape. Give the name cube. When the children have become familiar with the facts of the type solid, they should be taught to mould the cube of clay. 14 THE CUBE. Give a piece of clay to each child, and have them all model a sphere. Then holding the sphere in the right hand, between the thumb and fingers, tap it gently upon the slate three times (the teacher counting aloud for this movement, that the action mav be o * uniform). Turn the clay and tap three times upon the opposite side, con- tinuing to turn the clay until the six sides have been flattened, and the clay has assumed the form of the cube. Direct the children to be careful to make all the faces of the same size, with sharp edges and square corners. FIG. l. Objects like the cube, SLS a square basket, a safe, dice, lump of sugar, may also be modeled in clay. (Figs. 1 and 2). The cube should also be formed of paper. Give each child a square of paper. The teacher holds a larr/e square before the class, and folds and dictates ; while the children follow her directions. Fold front edge to meet back edge. Open paper. Fold front edge to meet centre fold. Open paper. Fold back edge to meet centre fold. Open. Fold left edge to meet right edge. Open. Fold left edge to meet centre fold. Open. Fold right edge to meet centre. Open. Result, sixteen small squares. THE CUBE. 15 Cut off one entire row of squares from the lower side of paper. From the larger piece cut off each corner square. The paper now is like Fig. 1. FIG 1. FIG. 2. Now, cut off one of the two upper squares and also the one opposite on the lower row. (Fig. 2). Fold this paper till the edges meet in the form of a cube join the edges by sewing or pasting. Many objects, based upon the cube, may be made of paper. By joining (as for the cube) all the faces, except one, a box is formed. The face left open serves for the cover. Instead of sewing the edges, tie each corner with colored worsted. (Fig. 3). 16 FACE OF THE CUBE. FACE OF THE CUBE. Let the children find and count the different parts of the surface of the cube. There are six parts all of the same size. Each part is called a face. Find the front face top face and the other faces. Give exercises that will illustrate the terms level and up- right. Let the children find surfaces, upon which objects will rest evenly. Give term horizontal. Find the horizontal faces of the cube. Let the children place object in upright position. Find the faces of cube that are upright. Give term vertical. Find a tablet like one face of the cube. Give name square. Find horizontal and vertical faces. Interesting and valuable exercises with tablets may be given. FACE OF THE CUBE. 17 Place six tablets to form a cube, like the paper model of the cube. EDGES. Direct the children to find the places on the cube, and on different objects about the room, where the faces meet. Give term edge. Find horizontal and vertical edges. Find any two edges of the cube that extend in the same direc- tion for example, those from left to right, also those from front to back, and again those from top to bottom. And give the term parallel. CORNERS. Have the children find the points where the edges meet, and give the name corner. Have them find also, the outside corners of the cube and of other objects. Also find the inside corners of the room, and of boxes find face corners of the cube, of the floor and of the slates. A skeleton cube can also be formed of sticks and peas by 18 FACE OF THE CUBE. placing the sticks to represent the edges of the cube, and joining the corners with peas. Cut a plane from a clay cube and from it model a square cracker, or a card of buttons. AFTERNOON TEA. Square objects may be outlined on sewing cards, and given the children to sew. PACE OP THE CUBE. 19 Make borders of tablets using both squares and circles edge to edge. Next, place them with their edges near, but not touching. O Edges overlapping. In groups. Lay sticks for edges to the borders. Tablets of colored paper pasted on coarse paper make pretty borders. STICK LAYING. Lay sticks to represent the edges and corners of a square. 20 ARM AND PENCIL-MOVEMENT. ARM AND PENCIL-MOVEMENT. The next step is to give arm and pencil-movements preparatory to drawing the square. Send as many children as possible to the board the others meanwhile working at their desks. Direct the children to turn slightly toward the left, and hold the point of the chalk toward the left also, at an angle of forty-five degrees to the surface of the board draw downward in a vertical line. (Fig. 1). FIG. l. Now, direct the children at the board to turn slightly toward the right, and with the chalk pointing upward, place the point at the upper end of the vertical line, and draw from left to right, a line as long as the vertical line. (Fig. 2). ARM AND PENCIL-MOVEMENT. 21 FIG. 2. Turn again toward the left and draw downward from the right end of the horizontal line, to make the right vertical line. Resume position for the horizontal line, and draw the lower side of the square, from left to right. (Fig. 3). FIG. 3. In drawing on the black-board the children may use a ruler to measure the lines but must not draw by it. 22 PAPER-FOLDING, PAPER-FOLDING. The following foldings form a systematic series, but some of them, for example, the angles and triangles, may be omitted until after the study of the solids illustrating those forms. These foldings may be used separately, but it is well to connect them with drawing and sewing lessons. Thus after folding No. 1 , fold another just like it and let the child trace the crease with a lead pencil. Next with a ruler measure the line and draw one the same length on slate or paper, testing carefully with ruler. In this way the use of ruler is learned, and eye and hand trained to accuracy. Then draw the line again entirely free-hand. These four steps having been taken, a child will thoroughly under- stand and be able to draw a horizontal line. Proceed the same with No. 2, and all the figures, taking four steps with each before attempting the next figure. These same figures can be pricked on cards and sewed with colored thread or worsted, giving a series of sewing lessons. Sewing on canvas or scrim will do as well. If the papers are cut through the creases and the strips pasted on gray or neutral-tinted coarse paper, another development of manual training will result. Stick-laying in these forms should precede drawing. The papers used for these foldings are four inches square. In this first set of foldings each crease should be made sepa- rately that all may be accurate. Never allow the children to double the paper and make several creases at once. PAPER-FOLDING. 23 NUMBER OXE. Fold front edge of square to meet back edge. Open paper. Result a horizontal line. NUMBER Two. Fold front edge of square to meet back edge. Open paper. Fold front edge to meet horizontal line in centre. Fold back edge to meet centre line. Open square. Result three parallel horizontal lines. edge to meet right edge. Open NUMBEB THREE. Fold left paper. Result vertical line. NUMBER FOUR. Fold left edge to meet right edge. Open paper. Fold left edge to meet centre line. Fold right edge to meet centre line. Result three parallel vertical lines. 24 PAPER-FOLDING. NUMBER FIVE. Fold front edge to meet back edge. Open paper. Fold left edge to meet right edge. Open paper. Result two diameters of square. NUMBER Six. Fold lower left corner of square to meet upper right corner. Open paper. Result oblique line also diagonal of square. NUMBER SEVEN. Fold lower left corner to meet upper right corner. Open paper. Fold lower right corner to meet upper left corner. Open paper. Result two diagonals of square. PAPER-FOLDING. 25 NUMBER EIGHT. Fold lower left corner of square to meet upper right corner. Open paper. Fold lower left corner to meet centre of oblique line. Fold upper right corner to meet centre line. Open paper. Result three parallel oblique lines. NUMBER NINE. Fold diameters of square (See No. 5). Result four small squares. Cut out upper right square. Result right angle. 10 a. 106. NUMBER TEN. Fold diameters of square. Open square. Fold lower left corner to meet upper right corner. Open paper. (No. 10 a) . Cut out triangle in upper left square (No. 10 b). Result acute angle. 2G PAPER-FOLDING. 11 a. NUMBER ELEVEN. Fold diameters of square. Open paper. Fold lower right corner to meet upper left corner. Open paper. (Xo. 11 ). Cut out upper left square and adjoining triangle, lic- (No. 11 &). suit obtuse angle. 12. NUMBER TWELVE.- Fold diameters of square. Open paper. Fold each corner of square to centre of square. Open paper. Re- sult inscribed square. TAPER-FOLDING. 27 NUMBER THIRTEEN. Hold right edge of square in right hand and left edge in left hand. Pass right hand under towards left, and left over towards right till upper side of square is divided into third*. (See No. 13 a}. When the upper edge is lapped so it is even at both ends press the creases down the whole length of paper. Open paper. Result square divided vertically into thirds. (No. 13 b). 13 a. 136. 14. NUMBER FOURTEEN. Fold square in three horizontal, parallel lines. (See No. 2). Open paper. Fold upper side into thirds. (See No. 13 a). Open paper. Result three parallel horizontal lines divided into thirds. PAPER-FOLDING. NUMBER FIFTEEN. Fold left side of square so it will be divided into thirds as No. 13 a. Press paper in two horizontal folds. Open paper. Result square divided into thirds horizontally. 15. 16. NUMBER SIXTEEN. Fold square into three parallel vertical lines. (See No. 4.) Open paper. Divide into thirds. (See No. 15.) Open paper. Result three parallel, vertical lines divided into thirds. NUMBER SEVENTEEN. Fold square into four small squares by folding front edge to meet back edge. Then left edge of oblong to meet right edge. Hold corner which forms the centre of the paper in left hand. Cut in a line curving: outward from lower riirht corner O of square to upper left corner. Open paper. Result circle. PAPER-FOLDING. 29 NUMBER EIGHTEEN. Cut a circle, one diameter. Result semi-circle. . ( See No . 17). Cut through 19. 20. NUMBER NINETEEN. Cut circle. (See No. 17). Cut from edge of circle through half of horizontal diameter also from centre of circle through one half vertical diameter. Quarter circle. NUMBER TWENTY. Cut circle. (See No. 17). Fold edge at end of one diameter to meet centre of same diameter. Open paper. Cut off small section. Result curved edge or small section of circle. XIMBER TWENTY-ONE. Fold lower left corner to meet upper- right corner. Cut through diagonal. Result right-angled triangle. 30 PAPER-FOLDING. NUMBER TWENTY-TWO. Fold front edge to meet back edge. Open paper. Fold front edge to meet centre fold. Open paper. Open. Fold left edge to meet Fold back edge to meet centre fold. 226. 22 c. 22 rf. right edge. Open. Fold left edge to meet centre vertical fold. Open. Fold right edge to meet centre fold. Open. Kesult sixteen small squares. (Xo. 22 a.) Cut off from entire upper side of square a strip equal to one-eighth the width of square or one-half- inch. (Xo. 22 b). Fold back upper left corner of paper so that the PAPER- FOLDING. 31 crease will extend from upper end of vertical diameter to lower left corner of paper. (No. 22 c). Fold back upper right corner so the crease will extend from upper end of vertical diameter to lower right corner of paper. Cut through the last two folds. Result equi- lateral triangle. (No. 22 c/). NUMBER TWENTY-THREE. Fold lower left corner so crease extends from upper left corner to middle of lower side of square. Cut through fold. Result the smaller section is a scalene triangle. 24. NUMBER TWENTY-FOUR. Fold square in four small squares. (See first part of No. 17). Fold again to get diagonals of small square. Open paper. Result four squares with diagonals form- ing construction lines for various designs. :32 PAPER-FOLDlXG. PAPER-FOLDING ILLUSTRATING OBJECTS UPON SOLIDS. BASED As the square is the form from which the greatest variety of paper-folding and design can be obtained, it can be used throughout the course interspersed with studies from all the type-solids. Many of the Kindergarten forms can be used with advantage. Here is a simple one, a little basket. FIG. 1. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. FIG. 4. NUMBER ONE. Fold front edge of square to meet back edge. Open. Fold left edge to meet right edge. Open. (Fig. 1). Fold each corner to centre of square, (Fig. 2). Turn paper. Fold each PAPER-FOLDING. 33 corner to centre, (Fig. 3). Turn paper. Fold back each of the corners that meet in the centre, (Fig. 4). Insert the fingers and thumb in the pockets thus made and press the four under corners together. Result Fig. 5. FIG. 5. NUMBER Two. Open, meet centre. Fold front edge of square to meet back edge, fold. Fold front edge to meet centre Fold back edge to FIG. 7. Turn paper longest edges horizontal. Fold upper and lower left corners to meet on horizontal line. Fold right corners the same way. (Fig. 7). 34 PAPER-FOLDING. Fold upper edge to meet lower edge. (Fig. 8). Result boat. (Fig. 9). NUMBER THREE. Divide (by* folding) :i square into thirds, both vertically and horizontally. (Fig. 10). FIG. 10. FIG. 11. Cut out the middle square on upper side. (Fig. 11), FIG. 12. FIG. 13. PAPER-FOLDING. 35 Fold upper right corner of upper right square to meet the lower left corner of same square. Fold upper left corner of upper left square to meet the opposite corner of the same square. (Fig. 12). Fold right edge of paper to meet the vertical crease next it. Fold left edge of square to meet vertical crease next it. (Fig. 13) . Turn paper. Result a sled. (Fig. 14). TIG. 14. FIG. 15. NUMBER FOUR. Let the children cut Kindergarten designs from colored paper and paste upon gray square. The following is easily made. Fold front edge to meet back edge. Fold left edge to meet right edge. Fold lower left corner to meet upper right corner. Open. Fold lower left corner to meet centre of square. Fold upper right corner to meet centre of square. Cut oft' both corners through the folds last made. Open the large figure and paste on gray square. Open the corner cut from lower left corner of square. It is a little square. Paste diagonally across open centre of the octagonal figure. The other corners cut off are triangles. Paste them around four sides of large figure. (Fig. 15). During the lesson each child can have a little plate of paste, and wooden tooth-picks are better than brushes with which to apply the paste. VIEWS OF CUBICAL OBJECTS. 5 FIG. D. FIG. 4. Figure E. when opened gives Fig. 5. FIG. E. TIG. 5. TERTIARY COLORS. TERTIARY COLORS. The Tertiary colors an' citrine, olive, and russet. Citrine is a combination of orange and green. Russet of orange and purple. Olive -of purple and green. Citrine is called the yellow tertiary, because yellow predominates being in both the orange and green. Iviisset is called the red tertiary, &s red predominates. Olive the blue tertiary, as bLie predominates. CONTRAST AND HARMONY. Contrast must not be mistaken for harmony. Harmony may include contrast, but, contrast to be harmonious, must always be delicate, never coarse. JJhie and Orange arc complementary color*, because each increases the brilliancy of the other, but the violent con- trast offends good taste. Tints and shades of both colors are often blended with harmonious effects, but children should use simpler combinations. THE HEMISPHERE THE HEMISPHERE. The teacher will show to the children two hemispheres, so placed, as to form a sphere. Separate them, and ask the children to name them the natural reply will l>e, "half of a sphere." Give the proper name hemisphere. Xow, distribute hemispheres to the class, and ask the children to describe them. They will see that the hemisphere has one plane face and one curved face. The plane face is a circle. The day hemisphere is formed by cutting the clay sphere in halves. 58 THE HEMISISPHERE. Model clay objects resembling the Hemisphere as a hat, a half apple, or a fruit dish. Have the children find the tablet like the plane face of the hemis- phere (circle). Direct the children to hold the hemisphere on a level with the eye, the plane face downward and find tablet like this view. Give the name semi-circle. These semi-circular tablets may be so placed as to form a border. THE HEMISPHERE. 59 Place semi-circles around the oblong to make a quatre-foil . sides of a square, and of an C CLAY TRACINGS. The teacher may cut from cards, various forms, resembling the semi-circle, and let the children place the forms on clay tablets, and trace around the edges. Good subjects may be selected from the tablet forms already mentioned, to which may be added the side view of an open umbrella, and mouse- trap and mouse. \ THE HEMISPHERE. These same clay and tablet forms may be pricked on cards, to be sewed by the children. /\ ^ 's ' / /? SEWING CAKD. The children having now received these various impressions of semi-circles, in clay, card, and sewing, should give expression, by paper-folding, and drawing, to their knowledge of this form. PAPER-FOLDING. Cut a circle (See page 28, Fig. 17) and then cut it in halves (semi-circle). Fold a four-inch paper square to find the diameter vv , and upon them draw semi-circles. Repeat these semi-circles, by drawing free hand, both the diameters and curves. The children may now draw free hand, simple objects having the form of the hemisphere. Draw also upon clay tablet. DESIGNS. A practical application of the form study, may now be made by the children in making the following design. THE HEMISPHERE. 61 Upon a square of red paper draw the quatre-foil, as in Fig. 1. FIG. 1. Cut out the quatre-foil. FIG. 2. FIG. s. Upon a square of black paper (of same size as iTijgf. 1) draw Fig. 2. Cut out the central drawing and place it in the centre of tfie quatre-toil, mounting the figure thus formed, upon a black or neutral ground. (See Fig. 3). SQUARE TRISM. SQUARE PRISM. The teacher will hold up before the children, a cube composed of four square prism solids, and then separate the blocks, to demon- strate that the square prism is one-fourth of the cube. Then, direct the children to model the clay cube, which they are to cut vertically, into quarters and thus obtain the square prismi Distribute the type solid amongst the class and ask the children to describe the faces and angles. (Four equal oblongs and two sjquares) . The children may form a square prism from a clay cylinder by flattening the curved surface, into four oblongs of equal size. SQUARE PRISM. 63 Direct the children to make a paper square prism. First fold a square into sixteen squares, then cut off squares 1, 3, 4, 13. 15, 16. Edges to be joined by sewing or pasting. A .skeleton square prism can be made with slicks and peas. 64 SQUARE PRISM. Have the children model in clay, objects based upon the square priym as a carpenter's plane, chest, and oblong basket. Faces of the square prism. The children may find tablets like the faces (four oblongs two squares) . Let the children be reviewed by finding the vertical, horizontal, and parallel edges and right angles of the square prism. SQUARE PRISM. PAPER FOLDING. Cut a paper oblong fold for diameters and diagonals then make an oblong clay tablet of the same size, and mark on it the diameters and diagonals. Make another clay tablet of the same size, and draw the diameters upon it, place a point in the centre of each half-diameter, connect the points by lines (to form a Rhombus} add more clay to the rhombus, to build it up above the surface of the oblong. 66 EIGHT-ANGLED TRIANGULAR PRISM. THE RIGHT-ANGLED TRIANGULAR PRISM. Let the children mould a clay square prism and bisect it diag- onally inform a Right-Angled Triangular Prism. Give the type solid to the class to study, and compare with the clay. They will find Jive plane faces, three oblongs (one wider than RIGHT-ANGLED TRIANGULAR PRISM. 67 the others) and two TRIANGLES. Let the children describe the tri- angular face as to its sides and angles. With an open pen-knife, the teacher may illustrate the three angles of the triangle. Give the terms triangle and acute-angle. The right-angled triangular prism may also be modeled from the clay cylinder, by flattening the cylinder upon three sides, remembering to finish one face broader than the others. Have the children mould k clay square prism, and a clay right- angled triangular prism of the same length. The two prisms prop- erly joined resemble a house, outline doors and windows on the square prism. 68 RIGHT-ANGLED TRIANGULAR PRISM. Find tablets like the faces of the triangular prism and form designs. Let the children cut planes from the clay triangular prism, and also cut the the same forms from paper. A right-angled triangle can be cut from paper, by bisecting a square diagonally. The children should lay sticks for oblongs and triangles, and then draw the figures. EQUILATERAL TRIANGULAR PRISM. EQUILATERAL TRIANGULAR PRISM. The teacher will distribute to the class the type solid square, and equilateral triangular prisms. By comparison, the children will find that the oblongs are equal in size, in each prism. They will also find that the equilateral tri- angular prism has but' three oblong faces, and that the triangular faces have three equal sides. Give the name equilateral triangular prism. Have the children mould a clay equilateral triangular prism, from a clay cylinder, by flattening the curved surface to form three equal oblongs. Next, direct the children to make this prism from paper in this manner fold each side of a square into four equal parts, 70 EQUILATERAL TRIANGULAR PRISM. making sixteen small squares, cut off the lower row of squares, then cut off each corner square. (Fig. 1). FIG. i. Cut the left and right squares to form equilateral triangles. (Fig. 2). FIG. -2. Fasten the edges to form an equilateral triangular prism. EQUILATERAL TRIANGULAR PRISM. A skeleton prism may be made with sticks and peas and the children study the edges and corners. Have the children cut planes from the clay equilateral triangu- lar prism, and give new term equilateral triangle. Find tablets like the faces of this prism, and arrange in designs. 72 EQUILATERAL TRIANGULAR PRISM. Trace the figures on clay, and sew on cards. Fold paper to form equilateral triangles. (See Series I. Fig. 22). Draw these figures : Draw objects based upon the equilateral-triangular prism. Place the square prism, and the right-angled triangular prism so that the ends form an obtuse angle. Illustrate with an open pen-knife, and let the children lay sticks to form the angle, and then draw it. KEVIEW. 73 REVIEW. At this point it should be ascertained if the children have a clear idea of the type-forms. Without showing the solids the chil- dren should be asked to state what they know about their surface t le kind, number, and shape of faces, the edges and corners. Let the children from memory model them of clay, and when practicable make them of paper. Have them draw the faces and views. Ask them to mould in clay familiar objects which they have not made in school. Much good will be derived from these review lessons, and pos- sibly marked latent talent will be shown. By this means, errors and misunderstandings will be quickly detected. The same test should be applied to drawing. An excellent test in drawing will be found in a dictation exer- cise for example, tell the children to think of a square prism, four inches long, two inches wide, and two inches high, resting on the table, and on a level with the eye. Suppose the prism to be in a direct front view, with an oblong face, in a vertical position. Ask the children to draw the front view. Xext think of a cube, placed on that prism so that the edges and corners of the two solids meet. Add the drawing of the front view of the cube, to that of the prism. Tell the children to imagine the cube replaced by an apple, and draw that view. 74 REVIEW. After the drawings have been made, SHOW the groups of objects. Carefully place the objects, so that the views seen by the children, may exactly correspond with the dictation exercise. PAPER-FOLDING. 75 PAPER FOLDING. A series of foldings is here given, which may be developed in regular order, although it is better to use each figure after studying the solid from which it is derived. The same method should be followed, as in the first series of paper foldings, viz. : Fold and cut from dictation. Next fold and trace outline with lead pencil. Then draw same figure, testing with ruler. Finally draw free hand upon paper. Papers used in folding are four inches square. FIGURE ONE. Keep paper upon desk, not allowing it to be held in the air when folded. Fold front edge to meet back edge and left edge of oblong so formed to meet right edge. Fold upper left corner of square to meet lower right corner. I IG. A. FIG. i. Next fold so crease shall extend from centre of lower side to upper right corner. (Fig. A). Cut through last fold. Result, (Fig. 1). 76 PAPER-FOLDING. Now fold'another square just like first one, and instead of cutting, open the square, when the outline of star will be seen. Let children trace with pencil. FIG. 2. FIGURE Two. Fold and cut as in Fig. 1. Fold another square to obtain inscribed square. (See first series, Fig. 12). Cut out inscribed square and place over star. Fold another square upon its diameters and cut out one of the umall squares. Place this upon the square on the star as in Fig. 2. FIG. B. FIG. 3. FIGURE THREE. Use oblong 4x2 inches, or one-half of four inch square. Place on desk, long edges vertical. Fold front edge to meet back edge. Left edge to meet right edge. PAPER-FOLDING. Cut from lower right corner to upper left corner. Result, Fig. 3) . (Fig. B. FIG. C. FIG. 4. FIGURE FOUR. Divide square into thirds vertically and hori- zontally. Cut out each corner square. Cut upper and lower squares into triangles. (See Fig. C). Fold to form envelope (Fig. 4). FIGURE FIVE. Cut equilateral triangle. (Series 1, number 22). Place it with base horizontal on front of desk. Fold left angle to meet right angle. Fold lower right angle to meet upper angle. Fold left angle to meet right angle. FIG. D. FIG. 5. Cut from middle of lower edge to point equally distant from (Fig. D. Result, Fig. 5). . right corner on right edge. 78 PAPER-FOLDING. FIGURE Six. Fold triangle as in Fig. 5. Cut from middle of louver edge, in a vertical line to meet left edge. (Fig. E. Result. Fig. G). FIG. E. TIG. G. FIGURE SEVEN. Fold square into small right-angled-triangle FIG. F. FIG. 7. like first part of Fig. 1. Then cut from middle of lower side to middle of right side. (Fig. F. Result, Fig. 7). PAPER-FOLDING. 79 FIGURE EIGHT. Fold as for Fig. 7 but cut line curving C_? r O inward. Fig. G. Result, Fig. 8). FIG. G. FIG FIGURE NIXE. Fold front edge to meet back edge, and left edge to meet right edge. \ FIG. H. FIG. 9. Fold upper left, upper right and lower right corners to meet in centre of square. Fig. H. Cut off corners. Result, Fig. 9). 80 PAPER-FOLDING. FIGURE TKX. Fold square into right-angled-triangle, and rut in line curving upward from lower right corner to a point on left edge. (Fig I. Result Fig. 10). Fl... I. FIG. 10. FIG. J. Fiu. 11. FIGURE ELEVEN. Fold square into sixty-four small squares. Then into right-angled-triangle, and cut as indicated by dotted line. (Fig. J. Result, Fig. 11). PAPER-FOLDING. 81 FIG. K. FIG. 12. (FIGURE TWELVE. Fold as for Fig. 11. Cut curve as per dotted line. (Fig. K. Result, Fig. 12). FK . 13. FIGURE THIRTEEN. Fold square so it will be divided into thirds. Cut out each corner square. Result, (Fig. 13 or Greek Cross). 82 PAPER-FOLDING. FIG. I. FIG. II. FIGURE FOURTEEN. Divide square into thirds. Open square. Fold front edge of square to meet back edge. Fold left edge to meet right edge, (Fig. I.) Fold upper right corner, upper-left corner and lower-right corner as in Fig. II. Cut off these corners. Open paper. (Result, Fig. 14). Fit . 14. FIGURE FIFTEEN. Fold square as for Fig. 1. Cut in a line curving inward from lower-right corner to upper-left corner, (Fig. III). Open paper. (Result, Fig. 15) . PAPER-FOLDIXG. 83 FIG. ill. FIG. 15. FIGURE SIXTEEN. Maltese Cross. Fold as in Fig. I. Then upper left corner to lower right corner, (Fig. IV.) Cut from middle of right edge to point on left edge which intersects, crease from first fold. Open paper. (Result, Fig. 16). FIG. IV. FIG. 16. FIGURE SEVENTEEN. Cut circle (See Series I. Fig. 17). Cut another square in halves. Place one of the oblongs on desk with short edges horizontal. Fold front edge to meet back edge. 84 PAPER-FOLDING. Fold left edge to meet right edge. Cut in line curving outward from lower right corner to upper left corner. Fig. V. Open paper. Result, (an ellipse). Place ellipse so diameters coincide with dia- meters of circle. (Result, Fig, 17). FIG. V. FIGURE EIGHTEEN. Cut ellipse as in Fig. 17. and cut circle from one-fourth of large square. Place the circle upon the ellipse as in Fi * - - '"3>'" ~' /~ ^ NN f ^-' \ x / Flu. 14. FIG. 15. THE ELLIPSOID. 9-7 FIG. 16. FIG. 17. FIG, 18. PIG. 19 96 THE ELLIPSOID. Let the children trace the outline of objects upon clay, as leaves, lemon, or plum and branch. (Figs. 12 and 13). These figures may also be sewed on cards. (Figs. 14 and 15). They are now ready to cut the ellipse from paper (See page 84, Fig. V). Follow the four steps as given in directions (See page 75). The drawing of the ellipse should now be practiced. In draw- ing a verticle ellipse, hold the pencil as in drawing a circle. In drawing a horizontal ellipse, hold the pencil with the point upward. Objects of elliptical form should now be drawn by the children, as the lemon, potato, leaf, cup : a cylinder, tipped so that the upper end appears to be elliptical, and other similar objects. (Figs. 16, 17, 18). Leaves and flowers of elliptical forms, should be studied and drawn. Also simple conventionalized forms. Plaques of clay should be made, and ellipses drawn upon them. A border drawn accurately, and cut out of colored paper, is a pleasing application of these forms. THE OBLATE SPHEROID. THE OBLATE SPHEROID. i The study of the oblate spheroid should follow the ellipsoid as many objects which are familiar to the children, are based upon it. Let the children make a day sphere and press it lightly between the hands, to increase the horizontal circumference, and diminish the vertical circumference, while carefully preserving the curved surface. Objects based upon this solid are the turnip, tomato, door- knob, balls of twine and certain dishes, as above. 100 THE OVOID. THE OVOID. Ask the children to compare the ovoid with the ellipsoid. They will notice that one end is smaller than the other. Direct the class to mould a day sphere and to roll it between the palms of their hands until the sphere has been gradually lengthened, and one portion of it has become somewhat pointed. Then shape and smooth the clay, till a perfect ovoid is formed. Objects based upon the ovoid are pears, acorns, strawberries, a duck, clover blossom, or the body of the stork. THE OVOID. 101 Children should now make clay plaques and upon them build up bas-relief designs. Let them begin this line of work by moulding three acorns, 102 THE OVOID. place them in a graceful cluster upon the plaque and complete the design by adding the stem and leaves. Make another clay plaque, and draw the outline of the acorns on its surface, and gradually build up with little pieces of clay, within the outline, until the acorn is formed. Complete the design. On another plaque, build up the body of the stork, in the same manner. THE OVOID. 103 Sprays of flowers, and leaves, also, are suitable subjects for bas-reliefs. The four oval petals of the syringa can be easily moulded by the children. From the half-ovoid, we obtain the model for a s poon, a mouse or a boat. The plane cut from the ovoid is an oval. Tablets representing views of the ovoid are the oval and circle. 104 THE OVOID. Following the clay work, tablet designs based on the ovals may be made. These designs may also be sewed on cards. Next, have the children fold, and cut, a paper oval. (See pages 83 85). Drawing from objects that are oval in form, may now follow. THE OVOID. 105 An egg, a pear, a duck, and the tablet designs previously used are suitable subjects. Groups of objects may be drawn for example, a lemon and a pear, or a pear, apple and plum. 106 THE OVOID. Many vase forms contain the oval, but before attempting to draw them, the children should be taught the necessity of finishing both sides of the object alike that the value of the axis of sym- metry may be recognized. The oval may be introduced into designs for covering a surface, and also in borders. THE CONE. 107 THE CONE Let the children name the solid having a base similar to the cone the cylinder. Ask them to roll the two solids (cone and cylinder) on their desks, that they may observe the difference of action. Give the tenns base and vertex. Let the children mould a clay cone by making first a sphere then roll it slightly, as for a cylinder, but gradually tapering it at one end. Have the children roll the type solid on their desks, and that action will show them how to roll the clay. Objects based upon the cone should also be moulded in clay, as a top, a pine- 108 THE CONE. apple, tapering roots such as a parsnip or carrot and certain kinds of shells. The children may also make a paper cone. Divide a square into thirds, by foldings. In the middle square of the lower row, cut a circ'e having the same diameter as the square, and leave the THE CONE. 109 circle attached to the middle square. Fold back the paper in a line from the middle of the right side of the large square, to the middle of the upper side of the large square. Also fold back from the middle of the left side, to the middle of the upper side. Cut the paper in a curved line from the middle of the right side of the square, and also from the left side of the square, to the upper part of the circle. Then cut off the upper left and right corners that were folded back. (See Fig.) Join the edges by sewing first the slanting edges then bend up the circle, and join to the hollow cone. TABLETS. In finding the tablet resembling the cone, the chil- 110 THE CONE. dren will discover a new triangle. Let them describe it and give the name isosceles triangle. Direct the children to mould a clay cone, and then cut it verti- cally. Let them describe the plane faces. They will recognize the semi-circle. The triangular face may be cut from an oblong, whose width equals the diameter of the base of the cone, and whose length equals the height of the cone. Fold the oblong vertically, left edge to meet the right edge, and cut a slanting line from the lower right cor- ner to the upper left corner. THE CONE. Ill Let the children study the views of a cone and draw them. The plane face, or bottom view, is a circle. The top view is a circle with a point in the centre for a vertex. In the front view, be sure the vertex of the triangle is over the centre of the base. THE TRUNCATED CONE. Let the children mould a clay cone, and cut through it parallel to the base. Teach the name truncated cone. A flower pot, tumbler or basket may be moulded from this cone. 112 THE TRUNCATED CONE. Let the children draw the top view of the truncated cone, pro- ducing the concentric circles THE SQUARE PYRAMID. 113 THE SQUARE PYRAMID. The cone and the square pyramid should be compared by the children. Let each child handle the type-solids, and they will dis- cover that both solids have a base and a vertex, and that a portion of the surface of the cone is curved, and the surface of the square pyramid is all plane. Also, that the base of the cone is a circle, and that of the square pyramid is a square. The sides of the square pyramid are isosceles triangles. Direct the children to mould a square pyramid from a clay cone 114 THE SQUARE PYRAMID. in this manner : Tap the curved surface of the cone, until four equal triangular faces are made, and the base becomes a square. Be careful to finish the faces with sharp edges. On one side of a clay pyramid, let the children mark lines and figures to imitate a thermometer on another insert pegs, imitating The children should next make 'A. paper pyramid. Divide a square into thirds by folding. Then, using the sides of the centre square for bases, cut triangles, as in Fig. 1, page 115. THE SQUARE PYRAMID. 115 FIG. 1. Fold the paper so that all the triangles can be cut at once. The faces of the pyramid should next be studied. Find tablets like the base and front faces of the pyramid. Describe the square and isosceles triangle. 116 THE SQUARE PYRAMID. Direct the children to place the tablets to represent the pyramid and borders. In- Let the children make a skeleton pyramid of sticks and peas, square base. Then insert a stick in each corner making a THE SQUARE PYRAMID. 117 in an upright position and join the four uprights with a pea, at the vertex. Let the children bisect, vertically, a clay pyramid, and study its faces (triangles and oblong.) VIEWS OF THE PYRAMID. Let the children draw the bottom view of the pyramid (a square), and then draw the front and side views (isosceles triangles.) Then direct them to hold the pyramid, with its vertex directly in front of the eye, and draw the top view. (See Fig., next page). 118 THE SQUARE PYRAMID. In this drawing, care must be taken to represent the vertex by a. point and also to represent the edges of the faces. The children may now truncate a clay pyramid, as they did the cone, and also model objects based upon it. Draw the top view. (See Fig. 1, page 119). Designs may be made with tablets and drawn. (Figs. 2, 3, 4.) THE SQUARE PYRAMID. Ill) FIG. 1. FIG. 4. 120 EQUILATERAL TRIANGULAR PYRAMID. EQUILATERAL TRIANGULAR PYRAMID. Give to the children for comparison the square pyramid and the equilateral triangular pyramid. They will find that the triangles in the one, are isosceles triangles, and equilateral triangles in the other that one has a square base, the other has a triangular base, that the faces on the triangular pyramid are all alike. Direct the class to model a clay equilateral triangular pyramid. They can readily do so from a sphere. First, shape one portion of the sphere into an equilateral tri- angular face, and use it as the base of the pyramid. Then, shape another triangular face with its vertex over the centre of the base of the pyramid. The other two faces can be formed by shaping and pressing with the fingers, more easily than by tapping the clay on the slate as was .done in moulding other models. EQUILATERAL TRIANGULAR PYRAMID. 121 A paper pyramid may be made in this manner. Cut an equilat- eral triangle. (See page 30.) Then fold each corner, to meet the centre of the opposite side ; this gives a central triangle, which forms a base. Fold the three sides of the large triangle, that the corners may meet in a point and join the edges. Let the children find tablets like the faces, and arrange in de- signs and draw them. 122 SUGGESTIONS. SUGGESTIONS. When possible to do so, use clay modeling to illustrate each subject of study. In the study of birds and animals the distinguishing character- istics of form may thus be taught in a very interesting manner. The roots, leaves, and blossoms of plants may be modeled on plaques. Language lessons may be illustrated by the children in free- hand sketches, after this method : The teacher may tell the class a story, and while she talks the children should draw, in outline, various objects mentioned by her. These objects should be the same as those previously modeled or drawn. ^ i(, cut through half its thickness with a sharp knife, similar in shape to a shoe-knife. The card-board .should be placed upon a smooth board, and while the left hand firmly holds the iron ruler to the line to be cut, draw the knife lightly down- ward to avoid cutting through the cardboard. Use the Made in cutting, rather than the point of the knife. These objects may be made of heavy Manilla paper, without the use of the knife, if preferred. The following suggestions will illustrate this work. THE CUBE. 125 FIG. 3. THE CUBE. There are several ways of drawing the margins of a cube, as may be seen by the above illustrations. Fig. 1. is the simplest. For a two-inch cube, a paper ten inches square is required. With a ruler find the centre of the upper edge of the paper, and place a point there. Place a point one-half inch below point 1. With the last point as a centre, draw a horizontal line two inches long. From left end of horizontal line, draw downward a vertical line eight inches long. From right end of horizontal line draw downward a vertical line eight inches long. Connect the lower ends of the vert i- cal lines. Beginning at the upper ends of the vertical lines, plaee points two inches apart and connect these points by horizontal lines. Extend the central horizontal line and the one above it, two inches 126 THE CUBE. at left and right of vertical lines. Connect the left ends with the vertical line, and also the right ends. Place a margin one-fourth of an inch wide around the upper, left and lower sides of the left, square. Also around the upper, riyht and lower Hides of the right square, and on the lower side of the lower square. Cut off the corners of each margin, as in Fig. 1. To complete the figure, cut first through the outline ; then cut partially through the lines bordered by the margins, and fold into the form of the cube, placing the margins inside and paste the edges neatly together. Other designs are given in Figs. 2 and 3. A CUBICAL Box. Draw the cube again, and place margins one-fourth of an inch in width, on the upper and lower edges of the left and right squares, and a half-inch margin upon the left, lower and right edges of the lower square. FIG 4. Cut the corners, as in Fiir. 4, and form a box with cover. THE CUBE. 127 \ A CUBICAL SAFE. On the left edfje of the paper place a point, two and one-quarter inches from the upper edge, and number it 1. From this point, extend a horizontal line, eight and one-quarter inches toward the right. Place another point at the left edge of paper, two inches below point No. 1, and from it draw another hori- zontal line, also eight and one-quarter inches long. On these lines, beginning at the left, place points two inches apart, and number them 2., 3, 4, 5. Connect these points by vertical lines, and mark the squares thus formed A. B. C. D. Adjoining the upper side of Square B draw another two inch square, and mark it E. Place a quarter-inch margin on the left and right sides of square E. One-half inch below the second horizontal line, draw a third horizontal line, and extend the vertical lines from points 2, 3, 4 and 5 to meet it. On the third horizontal, place points at the right and left of the verticles, one-eighth of an inch distant from each vertical. One the horizontal line above, (the second) place points at the right and left of each vertical, one-fourth of an inch distant. Connect these points on the second and third horizon- 128 SUGGESTIONS FOR STICK-LAYIXG. tal lines, by oblique lines. At the right of the vertical line 5, allow a quarter-inch margin. Draw the door in square D. Cut out the figure and fold the margins inside, and paste neatly. To add a bo 'torn to the safe, add square F, as in the cut, and paste the margins. SUGGESTIONS FOR STICK-LAYING. SUGGESTIONS FOR STICK-LAYING. 129 \ 1:30 SUGGESTIONS FOR STICK-LAYING. A 000 037 566 7