Phys, Sci [iMiJ IICR. Physical Sciences Library University of California Riverside ^CQv*..' ^y^ 'GOV. PUBS. PHYS. SCI. LIBRARY m m 'm E %% UNWEi.^-^^,^^ J!rORH'^ CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES Hon. Abthxtr Meighen, Minister; R. G. McConnell, Deputy Minister mSiCM. SCIENCES MINES BRANCH Eugene Haanel, Ph.D., Director PHOSPHATE IN CANADA BY Hugh S. Spence, M.E. OTTAWA Government Printing Bureau 1920 No. 396 iSECSc CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES Hon. Arthur Meighen, Minister; R. G. McConnell, Deputy Minister MINES BRANCH Eugene Haanel, Ph.D., Director PHOSPHATE IN CANADA BY Hugh S. Spence, M.E. OTTAWA Government Printing Bureau 1920 No. 396 6542—1 AUTHOR'S PREFACE. Between 1883 and 1891, phosphate mining was an important industry in Canada, the average annual output of apatite being about 25,000 tons. This amount appears comparatively trivial at the present time, when the world's total annual production is figured in millions of tons; but at the period mentioned the Canadian output constituted quite an important proportion of the total supply. While the discovery in more recent years of enormous deposits of sedi- mentary phosphate in various parts of the world has reduced the Canadian apatite bodies to a position of relative unimportance, and has brought about an almost complete cessation of mining, owing to the cheapness with which the bedded deposits can be worked, Canada 3'et possesses quite material reserves of apatite. At the present time few uses are known for this mineral that cannot be met almost as well by the cheaper, sedimentary phosphate, and consequently the demand for it is small. Apatite, however, differs from ordinary commercial phosphate rock mainly in that it is a definite mineral species, possesses crystalline structure, and contains a considerably higher percentage of phosphoric acid; sedimen- tary phosphate, on the other hand, is usually amorphous, and almost always contains an appreciable amount of impurities in the shape of organic matter, clay, lime, sand, etc., much of which remains even in the most care- fully washed rock. While, therefore, there is little prospect of apatite being employed in the fertilizer industry, which at the present time consumes almost all of the phosphate rock mined, there still exists the possibility that industrial research may result in new uses being discovered for the purer crystaUine phosphate, and that demand for this class of mineral may lead to a re-working of the old apatite mines, and to a search for new deposits. In the following pages are given the available data on the phosphate mines in the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, as well as on the Canadian phosphate industry in general. With regard to the particulars here given of former conditions and work at the Canadian phosphate mines, the somewhat lengthy period that has elapsed since the majority of these mines were last worked has necessitated much of the data being compiled from old records and reports. It should be explained that the field work for this report was carried out during 1911 and 1912, and that the data here presented forms only a portion of a more comprehensive report prepared by the writer, and sub- mitted for publication in 1914. The report in question dealt with the occur- rence of phosphate not only in Canada, but in all parts of the world, and discussed at length the more important of the world's phosphate deposits. In addition, one section of the report was devoted entirely to the technology of phosphorus products, and contained a full description of the methods of manufacture of phosphatic fertilizers, together with cuts of the various machines and appliances used in the industry, flow sheets, diagrams, etc. In view of Canada's status, at the present time, as virtually a non- producer of phosphate, it was decided that it might be difficult to justify the publication of a comprehensive monograph of the above nature, and accordingly, the writer was instructed to condense the material as much as 6542— U 3 practicable, and at the same time to divide the report into two parts, one of which should deal with phosphate and the phosphate industry in Canada, and the other with phosphate in foreign countries and the technology of phosphate. These instructions were followed, but publication of the revised reports was again deferred owing to the war. In view, however, of the numerous inquiries that are constantly being received by the Mines Branch, both from Canadian and foreign quarters, regarding the country's phosphate resources, and the possibility of obtaining supplies of Canadian apatite, it has been deemed a matter of expediency that the available information on this subject should be placed at the disposal of those interested. The following report is designed to serve that purpose. The material contained in it has been still further cut down since the first revi- sion, and a large number of the original illustrations have been omitted. Statistics of production, exports, etc., have, however, been brought up to date, and the section dealing with the status of the phosphate industry — both in mining and manufacturing — has been revised in accordance with information procured in 1919-20. A few small shipments of phosphate have been made either from newly discovered deposits or from oM mica- apatite mines since the original field work in the region was carried out; but conditions at the great majority of properties remain substan- tially as described in this report. Although it has not been found expedient to make use in a published form of a great deal of the data collected from various sources regarding phosphate in foreign countries and the phosphate industry generally, the writer's thanks must be extended to the numerous individuals, companies, and departments of foreign governments that acceded so readily to requests for information, and contributed so much valuable data in the form of reports, statistics, drawings, maps, flow-sheets, etc. Much of this infor- mation was secured through the kind assistance of Mr. W. L. Griffith, Secretary to the High Commissioner for Canada, in London, who went to considerable trouble to obtain the desired data, and to whom the writer desires to express his grateful acknowledgments. Acknowledgments are also due to mine operators, company officials, and others in Canada, who have kindly afforded the writer useful data in connexion with various phases of the phosphate industry. CONTENTS. Page. Author's Preface 3 CHAPTER I. Review of the Phosphate industry in Canada 9 Introductory 9 History of phosphate mining 15 Mode of occurrence of apatite 17 Possibility of recovering waste apatite 20 Uses of apatite 22 Statistics of production, exports, imports, etc 22 CHAPTER II. Manufacture of phosphorus products in Canada 28 Fertilizer factories 29 Phosphorus works 34 Basic slag grinding works 35 Bibliography of acid phosphate manufacture 39 CHAPTER III. Apatite mines and occurrences 41 Province of Ontario 41 Frontenac county 42 Township of Bedford 42 " Hinchinbrooke 44 " Loughborough 45 Oso 48 " Storrington 49 Lanark county 50 Township of North Burgess 50 " North Ehnsley 58 Leeds county 58 Township of South Burgess 58 " South Crosby. . 58 Additional apatite occurrences in Ontario 59 Nipissing district 59 Province of Quebec 60 Labelle county 60 Township of Bowman 60 " Buckingham 62 Derry 65 Portland East 67 " Portland West 75 Hull county 82 Township of Hull 82 " Tenii)l('t()n 89 Wakefield 100 CHAPTER IV. Sedimentary phosphate 104 Alberta 104 Manitoba 105 Nova Scotia 106 Quebec 106 CILVPTER V. Geology of the apatite-bearing districts 108 Introductory remarks 108 Province of Quebec 108 Ontario 109 Origin of the mi(;a-apatite deposits and associated rocks 110 Types of apatite deposits 117 Summary 122 Economic minerals of the region 122 5 CHAPTER VI. Minerals of the mica-apatite deposits 125 Albite 125 Anhydrite 125 Anthraxolite 125 Apatite 126 Barytes : 128 Calcite. 128 Chabazite 128 Chalcopyrite 129 Chlorite 129 Datohte 129 Epidote 129 Faujasite 130 Fluorite 130 Galena 130 Garnet 130 Goethite 130 Graphite 131 Hematite 131 Hornblende 131 Magnetite 132 MicrocUne 132 Molybdenite 132 Natrolite 132 Olivine 133 Orthite or allanite 133 Orthoclase 133 Phlogopite 133 Prehnite 134 PjTite 134 P^Toxene 135 PJTrhotite 137 Quartz. 138 Rensselaerite 138 Rutile. 138 Scapohte 138 Serpentine 139 Specularite 139 Sphalerite or zinc blende 140 Spinel 140 Steatite or talc 140 Titanite or sphene 140 Tourmaline 140 Tremolite 141 Vesuvianite 141 Wilsonite 141 Yttrocerite 142 Zircon 142 APPENDIX. Bibliography of Canadian Phosphate 143 Index 147 ILLUSTRATIONS. Photographs. Plate I. Varieties of Canadian apatite. End " II. Mill building of the Cross Fertilizer Company, Sydney, C.B " " III. Loading basic slag, Sydney, C.B " " IV. Lohnert ball mill for grinding basic slag " " V. Lohnert tube miU for grinding basic slag " " VI. Basic Bessemer converter during blow. " " VII. Basic open-hearth furnace— charging side " " VIII. Basic open -hearth furnace — tapping side " " IX. General view at Little Rapids mine, township of Portland East, Que •. « X. Apophyses from main diabase intrusion, Little Rapids mme, town- ship "of Portland East, Que " " XL Drift and pit on inclined mica-apatite lead, range III, lot 1, town- ship of Portland East, Que " " XII. High Rock mine, township of Portland "West, Que " " XIII. Open-cut on apatite lead, McRae mine, township of Templeton, Que " " XIV. Apatite crystals with pitted faces " " XV. ;Main phosphate bed, Sundance canyon, Banff, Alberta " " XVI. iNIain phosphate bed and Phosphoria series, Sundance canyon, Banff. Alberta " " XVII. View of the Lie\Te River valley, Que " " XVIII. Typical exposure of garnet gneiss, township of Templeton, Que. . . " " XIX. Characteristic weathering sm-face of Grenville crystalUne lime- stone " XX. Pyroxenite invaded by pegmatite. Walker mine, township of Buckingham, Que " XXI. Banded garnet gneiss, township of Derry, Que " " XXII . Piece of vein of green, massively crystalline apatite, township of North Burgess, Ont " XXIII. Piece of mica-apatite vein, township of Wakefield, Que " " XXIV. Pink calcite with apatite crystals scattered through it " " XXV. Large crvstals of pjToxene, township of Hull, Que " " XXVI. Section through crystal of pyroxene altered to hornblende " " XXVII. Pyroxenite invaded by pegmatitic material, township of Portland East, Que • " XXVIII. Specimen showing intimate association of apatite, scapolite, and pjTOxene, township of Portland West, Que " XXIX. Group of apatite crystals, showing rounded, pitted and glazed faces, township of North Burgess, Ont " " XXX. Amianthus asbestos, township of Hull, Que " XXXI. Large crj'stals of pyroxene, township of Hull, Que ' " XXXII. Large crystals of scapolite, township of Portland West, Que " Drawings. page Fig. 1. Pocket v form commonly assumed by Canadian apatite bodies 17 " 2. Section at North Star mine, township of Portland East, Que 18 " 3. Flow sheet at Standard Fertilizer and Chemical Company's works. Smiths Falls, Ont 31 " 4. Flow sheet, Capelton Chemical and Fertilizer Company, Buckmgham, Que • •• • • 33 " 5. Section tluough basic slag grinding installation of Cross Fertilizer Com- panv, Sydney, C.B 36 " 6. Section at Silver Queen mine, township of North Burgess, Ont 52 " 7. Emerald mine, township of Buckingham, Que 66 " 8. Diabase dike. Little Rapids mine, township of Portland East, Que 68 " 9. Section at North Star mine, township of Portland East, Que 73 " 10. Section at North Star mine, township of Portland East, Que 74 " 11. Section at Union mine, township of Portland West, Que 81 " 12. Nellis mine, township of Hull, Que 84 Maps. The following township maps, already printed, were intended to be incorporated in the text, hence were given serial figure numbers to suit conditions in the originally intended phosphate report, in two volumes; but inasmuch as the old MS. has been reduced to the limits of one volume, the distinguishing numbers given are now obsolete, consequently must be disregarded, and the printed legends on the maps taken as a sufficient guide for the interpre- tation of the respective references in the text. Township of Bedford, Ont., showing apatite mines and occurrences Pocket " Loughborough, Ont., showing apatite mines and occurrences " " Oso, Ont., .showing apatite mines and occurrences " " Storrington, Ont., showing apatite mines and occurrences " " Burgess, Ont.. showing apatite mines and occurrences. " " Bowman, Que. showing apatite mines and occurrences " " Buckingham, Que., showing apatite mines and occurrences " " Portland, Que., showing apatite mines and occurrences " " Hull, Que., showing apatite mines and occurrences " " Templeton, Que. showing apatite mines and occurrences " " Wakefield, Que., showing apatite mines and occurrences " No. 398. Map of the Province of Ontario, showing location of principal phosphate mines and occurrences " No. 399. Map of the Province of Quebec, showing location of principal pho.?phate mines and occuiTences " PHOSPHATE IN CANADA. CHAPTER I. REVIEW OF THE PHOSPHATE INDUSTRY IN CANADA. INTRODUCTORY. The inception of the phosphate mining industry in Canada may be placed about the year 1870, there being a recorded output^ during that year of 1,200 tons, valued at the mine at $13,600. The whole of this quantity was produced from two mines in the township of North Burgess, Lanark county, Ontario, part being shipped to Great Britain and part being con- sumed in the manufacture of superphosphate at the Brockville Chemical Company's works, Brockville, Ont. The mining for phosphate carried on previous to 1870, was of an exploratory nature only,^ a few small surface pits having been opened in the townships of North and South Burgess, and North Elmsley, Ontario. Between 1870 and 1875, however, considerable interest began to be shown in the already known deposits of apatite in the Province, to which attention had been called in various reports of the Geological Survey*; and in the annual publications of the "Survey", betAveen the years mentioned, are to be found numerous details of the mining operations carried on in search of apatite. Full references to the information contained in these reports will be found after the descriptions of the individual mines on pages 41-103; but it may be advis- able to enumerate here the principal sources of information — Report of Progress, 1870-71, pp. 316-320. Report of Progress, 1871-72, pp. 123-129. Report of Progress, 1872-73, pp. 173,177. Report of Progress, 1873-74, pp. 109-139. Report of Progress, 1874-75, pp. 108-112. In the last named report, Mr. Vennor mentions an almost complete cessation of mining, and advances, as reasons for this state of affairs, the high prices demanded for mineral lands believed to carry phosphate; the injudicious expenditure of capital for expensive machinery; and the high freight charges to England prevailing at that time. The greater quantity of the apatite mined was marketed in Great Britain, a small amount, only, being shipped to the United States; while the remainder was consumed at the works of the Brockville Chemical Company. This company operated its own mines in North Burgess township for a certain ])eriod, and for some time, constituted practically the only producer in the Province. Previous to 1875, little attention had been paid to the occurrence of apatite in the Province of Quebec, but with the temporary cessation of mining in Ontario, interest commenced to be shown in the phosphate depo- sits of the former Province. Between 1875 and 1880, a number of mines >Geol. Surv. Can.. Rep. Prog., 1871-72, p. 147. JGeol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1863, pp. 460, 761 ; Rep. Prog., 1866, pp. 224-229. 'Loc. cit. 10 were opened up in the townships of Wakefield, Templeton, and Hull; and it was discovered that the mode of occurrence of the apatite in many of the deposits was even more favourable to the extraction of relatively large amounts of clean mineral than was the case in Ontario. Practically, the entire production of the Province found its way to superphosphate factories in Great Britain; and the Quebec deposits began to be regarded as an important and valuable source of rock phosphate. Not only the extent of the deposits, but also their favourable situation — located as they were, in many instances, within comparatively easy reach of water transport to the port of Montreal — caused hopes to be entertained, that an ever increasing industry would ultimately be established. The demand for raw phos- phate by factories in Great Britain, and the purity of Canadian apatite, caused high prices to be realized at this period for shipments; and the highest representative^ values ever secured for Canadian phosphate are shown by the statistical records for 1881-84. A fairly high level of prices was maintained for some ten years, continuing through the so-called "phosphate boom" of the late eighties and early nineties, after which, owing to the rapidly increasing production of the southern United States, prices suffered a speedy and serious decline. It was during the period of this "boom" that the extensive apatite bodies of the Lievre River district were opened up by syndicates and ex- ploited on a large scale. The majority of the companies operating in this area were organized and capitalized in Great Britain and the United States; while one important operator was a French concern. Most of these com- panies installed large and expensive plants, and employed large numbers of men; by 1892, however, practically all had abandoned operations, and the majority of the mines have been idle ever since. It may reasonably be doubted — taking into consideration the expenditure upon rnachinery, etc., heavy working costs, transportation charges, and other details — whether the extraction of the phosphate bodies in this area proved a really profitable undertaking; and it seems probable that, while a margin of profit may have been maintained in some cases, the capital of many of the companies was gradually swallowed up in meeting working expenses. That there was, however, a considerable margin of profit in the early days of mining for those operators who were fortunate enough to be working massive deposits of pure phosphate, and not bodies of mixed pjToxene and apatite; and who had not committed themselves to any excessive outlay for plant, is evident from figures quoted in the earlier numbers of the Canadian Mining Review, In 1883, for example, the cost of mining in the Lievre River section was placed at from S4 to $7 per ton; while the price paid f.o.b. cars at Buckingham was from $15 to $20 per ton for mineral carrying 80 per cent tricalcic phosphate, with 0-4 cents rise per additional unit. The price went as high as $23 in some cases. Freight rates from Mon- treal to London and Liverpool for the year quoted were $2.50-$3 per ton, and rail freight from Buckingham to Montreal, $1.50. In 1885, ocean freight rates were reduced considerably, only 75c. -$1.25 being asked from Montreal to Liverpool. The cost of transport by scow from High Falls iThe disproportionately high unit values shown in Table III for shipments of Quebec phosphate in the years subsequent to 1898 can be taken as no correct indication of the true value of the mineral; the production for these years was, in most cases, small, and the declared value (as supplied to the Customs Department) cannot be considered as representing the actual market price. 11 to Buckingham in the same year was from 35 cents to 60 cents per ton. Practically only 80 per cent mineral was shipped to Europe, the price for the lower grades sinking rapidly with every unit under this percentage. In 1886, however, several grinding mills were established at Buckingham, and these continued for some years to handle lower grade apatite for export to the United States. The amount of ground phosphate thus exported totalled 1,106 tons in 1886, 5,467 tons in 1887, and 6,913 tons in 1888. It is difficult to form any estimate of the total output of any individual mine. Even the aggregate production figures, in the earlier years (see Table II) were obtained largely from statements furnished by the railway companies or their agents; or represented estimates formed by individuals interested in the industry. These figures are by no means exact, and no system of securing production returns from the various operators was then in vogue. It would probably be well within the mark to place the total phosphate output from the Province of Quebec at under 300,000 tons. The price of 80 per cent mineral during the period of greatest mining activity, namely 1882-90 was as follows^; — ■ 1882 17d. + 1/5 d. rise per unit of bone phosphate. 1883 16d. 1884 13d. " 1885 .13d. . " 1886 12id. " 1887 llfd. " 1888 ll|d. " 1889 12id. " 1890 15fd. " per ton delivered at Liverpool. For lower grades, the prices in 1890 were: 70 per cent 123/^d., 60 per cent lOd., with no rise. Wages in 1890 were: — Foreman $2 . 50 Miners $1.25 Cobbing boys 50c.-70c. In this year, also, the cost of apatite placed aboard scow on the Lievre river had advanced to as high as $8; the increased cost being due to deeper mining, pumping, etc. The average expense entailed per ton for shipment from mine wharf to Europe in 1890 amounted to about $5. The effects of the competition by Florida phosphate upon the Cana- dian industry were first felt in August 1890, and in the following year two of the largest producers, the Emerald and North Star mines, were closed down. Almost simultaneously with the discovery of the Florida deposits — • which discovery effectually killed Canadian phosphate mining — a project was floated in London, that had for its ostensible objective the acquiring, control, and development of the whole of the Canadian phosphate mines. It was evidently designed to corner the Canadian phosphate supply. The name of the syndicate which chose this unfortunate time for its operations, was the Phosphate Corporation, Ltd., and its promoters numbered amongst them many eminent financiers. The concern was capitalized at $5,000,000, and steps were promptly taken to acquire a large acreage of phosphate lands, including the High Falls, Ross Mountain, and Murphy mines. Before any attempt at systematic mining could be undertaken, however, 'Liverpool market quotationa: Id. =2 cents. 12 it became evident that, in the face of the increasing output of cheap Florida phosphate, it was hopeless to expect to mine apatite at a profit, hence the project ended in failure. While not comparing with the Province of Quebec as regards output, Ontario, also, experienced a revival in the phosphate industry during the late eighties, and an annual production of about 2,000 tons was maintained for some years. The year 1894, however, marks the final activity in either Province amongst phosphate operators. Since that date, the production of Ontario has been practically negligible, while in Quebec the annual output has only rarely exceeded the thousand ton mark. Exports of phosphate from Canada have entirely ceased, and the small home demand is supplied by imports of Florida and Tennessee mineral, augmented by small amounts of apatite derived from domestic mica mines. The mica mines which pro- duce these small quantities of phosphate, as a by-product, are located chiefly in Quebec province, the productive mica-bearing leads in Ontario seldom carrying apatite in any large amount. Mica operators store the apatite they extract until several hundred tons have accumulated — the time needed to collect this quantity often being several years. In some j^ears, however, practically no such apatite stocks are found to be on hand, and the consequent shortage leads to desultory mining of small scattered deposits of more or less pure phosphate. The principal consumers of phosphate rock in Canada are the Electric Reduction Company and the Capelton Chemical and Fertilizer Company, both located at Buckingham, Que., and producing phosphorus and super- phosphate respectively; the Standard Fertilizer Company, of Smiths Falls, Ont., a small concern, which manufactures acid phosphate and small amounts of phosphatic fertilizer; Gunn's Ltd., Toronto; and the Steel Company of Canada, Hamilton, Ont. The last named imports, annually, some 1,000 tons of low grade, calcined, phosphate rock, for use in increasing the phosphorus content of pig iron. The three first named firms are the only concerns which figure at all as consumers of domestic phosphate; the first two, being located within a few miles of the mines, constitute, at the present time, practically the only market for the Quebec production. The total annual consumption of raw phosphate in Canada to date, has probably not exceeded 10,000 tons, of which amount domestic mineral represents a negligible percentage. According to R. W. Stone\ the United States exports of phosphate rock of all grades to Canada, in 1918, totalled 14,243 long tons, valued at §105,702. The price offered in Buckingham for the highest grade of apatite (80 per cent and over tri-calcium phosphate) averages about Sll per ton; while the highest bids of European consumers during recent years have not much exceeded SIO per ton c.i.f. European ports. The prices offered, both in the local market and by foreign consumers, are, thus hardly sufficient to encou- rage any active mining; and except in rare instances, where large bodies of relatively pure apatite are encountered in mica mines, operators seldom trouble to extract the mineral. Where clean apatite occurs in quantity with mica, it is usually stock-piled, little more labour being entailed in sorting out and stacking the apatite than is required to handle dead rock. iMineral Resources of the United States, 191S, Part II, p. 206. 13 Little attention is paid to second grade mineral, consumers preferring the clean, lump phosphate, and offering a very low price for the screened "seconds." From the foregoing it will be apparent that the phosphate mining industry in Canada has been steadily declining during recent years. From Table I it will be seen that the production in 1919 (24 tons) was the lowest ever recorded since the commencement of mining. The cause of the final decline of the industry is due to the fact that foreign (chiefly Florida and Tennessee) phosphate can be imported into Canada more cheaply than the domestic mineral can be mined and delivered at the works. Florida pebble phosphate can be laid down at Buckingham, Que., at about $10 per ton, $5 to $6 of which represents freight charges; there is, thus, a saving of at least SI per ton in favour of the imported mine- ral. Additional factors are (1) that the amount of domestic phosphate available under present conditions is not adequate to supply the entire needs of consmners, who would, in any case, have to import a certain quan- tity of foreign mineral; (2) that the domestic supply is decidedly inter- mittent, being derived almost entirely from small mines; and (3) that in some cases, sedimentary phosphate is preferred to the massive, crj'-stalline, apatite of the Canadian deposits, owing to its being more readily soluble in acid. That large amounts of apatite still exist in the formerly exploited Canadian deposits, more especially in those of the Lievre River district, in the Province of Quebec, is unquestionable. When the large mines in this area closed down in the early nineties, it was simply on account of the drop in price of the mineral, and not because the deposits were exhausted. The deepest mine in the district — the North Star, in the township of Portland East — was shut down with large bodies of apatite still in sight at 600 feet; and there is no reason to suppose that the majority of other large mines in the district, opened on deposits of a similar nature and carried, in most cases, to only shallow depths, were by any means worked out. The accessible portions of many of these mines still display consi- derable quantities of phosphate in pockets and bunches in the walls of the openings; and there is little doubt that large bodies of mineral still remain, both in the deeper portions of the deposits and also in some cases, in the pyroxenic rock adjacent to the main openings. Whether these bodies of phosphate can ever become available is highly problematical. The enor- mous deposits of sedimentary phosphate which have been discovered in various parts of the world, more particularly in the United States — depo- sits that can be easily and cheaply mined by means of dredges, steam shovels, or ordinary quarry methods — provide a source of raw mineral phosphate, the extent of which it is difficult to estimate, and compared with which Canadian apatite resources Avould show as an almost negligible quantity. At the present time, the greater number of fertilizer works in Canada import the acid phosphate which they consume, in the prepared state; 'It must be added that there is, properly speaking, no real domestic market quotation for apatite at the present time, the current value being simply the price offered by the two works at Buckingham. These concerns offer a sliglitly higher price per ton than that for which they can import foreign mineral, owing to the higher per- centage of tri-calcium phosphate contained in apatite, while the producers, on principle, usually stipulate forayet higher price; the latter amount, however, does not pretend to represent the amount for which apatite can be mined • on a commercial scale. 14 finding it cheaper to do this than to go to the expense of instalhng an acidu- lating plant, and importing crude rock. Although the use of fertilizers in Canada is increasing, and must necessarily continue to do so, more especially in the Prairie Provinces, it is practically out of the question that the domestic apatite deposits can ever be exploited economically to meet the home demand for crude phosphate. The distance of the deposits from the grain-growing districts, also, would dispose of any question of shipping acid phosphate from the east, especially as extensive deposits of sedimentary phosphate have been shown to exist in Montana and Wyoming — ^deposits which will constitute a far readier and more accessible source of supply of crude mineral. Experiments have been conducted in many countries to test the ferti- lizing properties of finely ground, crude phosphate rock, and the results point to the fact that the phosphoric acid of very finely powdered, untreated phosphate is capable of being assimilated by plant growth. A sine qua non in employing raw phosphate rock, however, is that an abundance of decay- ing organic matter be present in the soil, the decomposition of w^hich pro- motes the growth of soil bacteria which, in turn, produce so-called humus or soil acids, these attacking the phosphate and liberating available phos- phoric acid from the insoluble rock. It is doubtful, however, whether the crystalline apatite of the Canadian deposits, even in a very finely ground form, is capable of being readily attacked by soil acids, and induced to part with its phosphoric acid content. For use as "floats," amorphous, sedi- mentary phosphate is better adapted, being more readily soluble, and requiring to be less finely ground. Experiments in the use of ground, crude phosphate, have been conducted in Canada at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont., and at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, but up to the present only negative results have been obtained^ Considering all aspects of the case, therefore, it can but seem highly improbable, at the present time, that the apatite mining industry in Canada will experience a recrudescence, or that the deposits can be drawn upon, to any extent, to furnish a supply of crude mineral phosphate for the manu- facture of fertilizers. The mica mines, doubtless, will continue to produce small amounts of apatite, which may find a local market; the quantity annually produced, however, is now practically negligible, and in view of the uncertainty of supply, domestic factories would probably prefer to employ foreign, amorphous phosphate entirely, in preference to using two varieties of raw material. The outlook for the re-establishment of apatite mining in Canada, therefore, can hardly be regarded as encouraging, and any attempt to exploit deposits of the mineral on a large scale can only be considered as a risky undertaking. Save, perhaps, in the case of the exceptionally rich deposits of the Li^vre River district, in the Province of Quebec, mining of apatite with the aid of large and expensive plants has almost always proved a failure, and the value of the mineral is too low to justify any large initial expenditure upon machinery. The nature of the deposits, also, in many instances, renders the employment of steam drills both costly and imprac- ticable. This was found to be the case in the Ontario mines during the eighties; and steam, for drilling purposes was, in many instances discarded 'Communications from Professor R. Harcourt, Department of Chemistry, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont., and Dr. F. T. Shutt, Dominion Chemist, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, 1913. 15 in favour of hand work. The erratic nature of the mineral bodies, too, has usually discouraged any attempt at deep mining, the general practice being to look for a new surface showing, rather than to follow a deposit to any depth; two hundred feet is an exceptional depth to be reached, and the depth of most of the mines does not much exceed one hundred feet. As regards the sedimentary phosphate reported in 1915 as having been discovered near Banff, Alberta, there is little possibility that the deposits can, under present conditions at least, be drawn upon for a supply of crude phosphate rock for an eventual western fertilizer industry. The writer made a detailed examination of the area of original discovery in 1915, and in the following j^ear extended his investigation of the phosphatic horizon as far south as the International boundary. Nowhere in the region exa- mined did either the phosphoric acid content of the rock or the thickness of the beds justify the opinion that the deposits can be of any immediate value as a source of phosphate. (See also Chapter IV.) HISTORY OF PHOSPHATE MINING. The first discovery of extensive bodies of crystalline phosphate of lime, or apatite, in Canada, dates from the year 1829, when a Lieut. Ingall recorded the existence of the large Lievre River deposits, in the Province of Quebec. Little or no attempt was made to exploit any of the occurrences until the late sixties or early seventies, the first serious work being under- taken in the township of North Burgess, Ontario, by Messrs. Cowan and Robertson, of Brockville, the mineral being utilized in the preparation of superphosphate at the Brockville Chemical and Superphosphate Company's works. The first apatite produced in Canada, therefore, was mined for domestic consumption. The growing demand in Europe for raw phosphate for fertilizer purposes, however, soon led to active mining being conducted in both Ontario and Quebec, the mineral produced being exported chiefly to Great Britain and Germany. A small proportion, also, found its way to the United States, this latter amount consisting chiefly of ground mineral produced at Buckingham, Que. While Ontario was the first Province to yield any quantitj^ of phosphate — there having been a small annual produc- tion between 1870 and 1877 — the amount mined annually in Quebec, subsequent to the latter year, completely eclipsed the output of the former Province. The years of highest activity are shown by the period 1880-1891 ; while the largest amount mined in any one year was 31,753 tons, in 1890, 26,591 tons of this quantity being produced by Quebec. By 1896, the total annual output had decreased to 570 tons; and for the past decade, 1910-19, the average annual production has been under the five hundred ton mark. At the time of writing, there seems but little prospect that any materially increased production may be looked for in the near future, there being no actual phosphate mine in operation; and practically the whole amount recorded as produced during the past few years representing mineral derived as a by-product from mica mines. Many of the companies enumerated in the following pages, as opera- ting mines, both in the Lievre Rive^ and Templeton phosphate districts in Quebec, were highly capitalized, tlie stock being subscribed principally in the United States, England, and France. It may be questioned at the present day whether many of these companies ever made a very great sue- 16 cess of their mining operations. The rapidly increasing demand for phos- phate during the eighties, which caused the development on a large scale of the Quebec apatite deposits, was, unfortunately for the companies con- cerned, met in the early nineties by the discovery of extensive sedimen- tary phosphate bodies in Florida, and later by still other deposits in Tennes- see, U.S.A. The smaller private operators who shipped apatite during the late seventies and early eighties, undoubtedly realized large profits, the average price obtained per ton, as calculated from the records of tonnage and values, reaching as high as $21. In some instances, even higher prices were obtained by individual operators, but from Is. to Is. Id. per unit, for 80 per cent apatite, was the usual price paid at this time. Few of these small operators used any but the simplest machinery in their mines; and the majority operated entirely by hand-work. When, hoAvever, the larger companies commenced mining in the Lievre River district, very large sums were expended upon steam plants, camps, road building, tramway con- struction, etc. — larger sums, indeed, than manj" of the deposits warranted. The advent of a large number of producers, and the rapidly increasing output, naturally caused prices to decline. Little definite indication of the true market prices can be gained, however, from the tables of produc- tion and value: the two sets of figures referring to all grades of mineral, whilst the returns themselves cannot be too implicitly relied upon. Almost before the companies might have been expected to obtain a return for the amount of capital expended on plant, etc., and after only a few years' operation (certain concerns acquired phosphate lands and mines which they never worked at all) the bottom fell out of the market, owing to the compe- tition from the southern United States, and prices dropped suddenly. An indication of the fall may be gained by a glance at Table I. the average value of S13.19 per ton, in 1892, falhng to S7.85 in 1893. This latter year saw the cessation of operations at all the larger mines, and the properties have remained abandoned ever since. A few scattered deposits in Quebec province have been worked from time to time during recent j'ears, and small quantities of apatite extracted to supply a somewhat sporadic demand for the mineral, the shipments representing, chiefly, trial consignments to Europe. The amount of phosphate derived from the mica mines has been steadily decreasing of late years, and, at the present time, only a few opera- tors — at whose mines considerable quantities of apatite occur associated with the mica — trouble to save the' mineral. The cause of the falhng off in production, and the present almost complete cessation of mining is due to the cost of extraction and transpor- tation — chiefly to the former. It is regarded as practically impossible to mine apatite for home consumption at the present day at any more than the smallest margin of profit, whilst export is completel.y out of the question. This refers to the extraction of small amounts of mineral at favourably located points with only the simplest and cheapest form of plant, or with hand labour alone. The sole domestic market — with the exception of an intermittent consumption of a few tons at Smiths Falls, Ont. — has for years been at Buckingham, Que., situated within a few miles of the major- ity of the Quebec mines, and the quantity annually shipped to the two works located there has been steadily decreasing of late years, until, at the present time, it is practically negligible. The demand at Buckingham is 17 now chiefly supplied by imported sedimentary phosphate from Florida. Various inquiries have been addressed during the past few years to the Mines Branch by interested parties in European countries regarding the existence of bodies of even low grade phosphate in Canada, and the feasibihty of mining the same for export to Europe. It has not been possible to answer these inquiries in any encouraging manner; and it must be stated, for the information of those wdio may be considering the exploitation of phosphate deposits, that the Canadian apatite bodies do not offer, at present, any opportunity for successful and profitable development. The known phosphate deposits are situated, both in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, in more or less well settled country. Many of the larger, abandoned mines, are surrounded by farms, and practically all the proper- ties, so far worked, are favourably situated as regards transportation, many of them being within easy reach of river, lake, or railway communi- cation. But even though these favourable facihties exist, no re-develop- ment of any of the older properties has been attempted since 1893, the year in which the majority of the mines closed down; and each year the prospect of any successful re-opening grows more remote . MODE OF OCCURRENCE OF APATITE. The high cost of extraction is due, as will be apparent from the des- criptions of the geologic occurrence of the apatite bodies given in subse- ciuent pages, to the sporadic and uncertain occurrence of the phosphate on the veins. Persistent bodies of massive phosphate are rare, the mineral occurring rather as irregular leads of quite problematical extent. A number of such leads may exist within a small area, and it may be possible to extract their contents by means of one large excavation, from which driftg and levels can be run along the mineral shoots. Such deposits are rare^ ' ■ Mill Mi Fig. 1, Pocketv form conimonly assumed by C'anadiiUi apatite bodies. A, apatite leads and pockets ; P, pyroxenite ; G, country gneiss. however; the more usual type of occurrence being either scattered pockets, necessitating numerous small openings upon the individual outcrops, or 6542—2 18 else veins. Such veins, however, cannot be compared with metalHferous leads or true fissure veins. They appear to be, rather, local segregations or enrichments along more or less defined zones in the crystalline rocks of the district (chiefly granite-gneiss, with belts of pyroxenite and crystal- line limestone), and they are often very irregular in width and impersistent. Except in the case of the exceedingly rich deposits of the Lievre River region, in Quebec Province, it has seldom proved profitable to follow apatite deposits to any depth, the general procedure being to extract the contents of surface pockets or veins to a depth of some 40-75 feet, and then to trans- fer operations to a new surface showing. Both pockets and veins have a dip commonly ranging from 45° to vertical; though, in some instances Feet Fig. 2, Section in north side of cut on west side of North Star hill, township of Portland East, Que. f After Penrose.) A, apatite; B, pyroxenite ; C, feldspar ; D, country granite-gneiss. deposits have been worked which occupied almost a horizontal position. A common dip for veins is between 60° and vertical, while that of the pockety deposits is difficult to determine, but is usually vertical rather than horizontal. It will be evident that the cost of exploiting deposits of this uncertain nature, occurring in a hard, crystalhne rock, is far greater than that of extracting the material of bedded, sedimentary deposits, whose thickness is more or less uniform, and which lie, as a general rule, within a short distance of the surface. The exploitation of a Canadian apatite deposit involves, as a general thing, the handling of a great deal of dead rock — that is, if it is intended to extract a large amount of mineral rapidly, ^\^th the aid of machine drills. Often, however, the nature of a deposit almost precludes the use of such drills; and it was frequently found, especially in the more vein-like deposits of Ontario, that hand drilling proved the more satisfactory method of extraction after a moderate depth was reached. Then, again, a consid- erable quantity of phosphate adhering to, or disseminated through, large masses of wall rock has to be discarded, owing to the expense of hand cobbing, or of crushing large quantities of hard, granitic rock containing a percentage of phosphate. The low value of phosphate precludes the handling of great quantities of dead rock in the exploitation of a deposit, and this factor, alone, is a deterrent, as far as the majority' of Canadian 19 apatite bodies are coneerued. Added to the pockety nature and uncertain extent of the occurrences, it has discouraged any attempt at a re-develop- ment of the older mines, and, save in a few instances, has rendered the exploitation of more newly discovered deposits a matter of questionable success. That large bodies of apatite still remain — more especially in the Quebec phosphate region — is unquestionable. Many of the larger mines are reported to have closed dowoi with considerable reserves of phosphate in sight at depths of several hundred feet; and numerous bodies of apatite associated or not with mica, have been discovered during more recent years. A number of these deposits have been worked for their mica content, the apatite sometimes being saved as a by-product. ]\Iany of the dumps of the old phosphate mines, also, have been worked over during recent years, for the discarded mica which they contained. Fresh dis- coveries of phosphate and mica leads are constantly being made, steady search for new deposits of the latter mineral being maintained at the present time, and the two minerals occurring, as a general thing, in inti- mate association. While these discoveries may be regarded as adding to the country's potential phosphate reserves, deposits of sufficient width and extent to admit of a possibility of any profitable development are seldom met with. But while, perhaps, it would be unwise to assume that the largest apatite deposits have already been discovered and worked, it still remains a fact that, outside of the great phosphate belt bordering the Lievre river, in Quebec province, and upon which the majority of the more important mines were located, few large apatite bodies have been uncovered. The greater part of the production of recent years has come from small vein or pocket deposits, a number of which have been developed for the mica that they carried. Though not invariably the case, it is, however, usualh' found that deposits carrying much mica contain relative^ little phosphate, and vice versa; while, should mica be present in any amount, upon a phosphate vein, the crystals of the former mineral are often much crushed and yield only a small percentage of marketable sheets. Thus, it is seldom that both minerals can be won simultaneously in quantity from a single deposit; though, infrequently, small mica veins are found cutting across, or in close proximity to, veins or pockets of massive apatite. The abandoned deposits along the Lievre river, in Quebec, still con- stitute, probably the largest reserves of apatite, notwithstanding the quan- tity of mineral already extracted therefrom. The development of phos- phate of lime throughout this belt has been very great, and it is unreason- able to suppose that the deposits are in any measure exhausted. The deepest mine in the region, with a shaft down over 600 feet, disclosed large bodies of massive apatite at that level, and no limit of depth for the phos- phate bodies can be assigned. There can, be Httle doubt that the hills along the Lievre river still contain large bodies of high grade apatite. Large deposits exist, also, at certain points in the Templeton district, farther to the west. Whether or not it will ever become profitable to re- exploit the mines of this region is a question which only time can answer. At present, with a plentiful supply of cheap sedimentary phosphate available in the United States, Africa, the Pacific, and other parts of the world, little hope of a revival of the Canadian apatite mining industry can be entertained. 6542—21 20 In thi;> connexion, it ma}' be as well to add that, while the designation "large" or "extensive" has frequently in these pages been applied to Canadian apatite bodies, this term is relative only; and that while the contents of many sedimentary phosphate deposits may be reckoned in millions of tons and the annual output from the same be figured in hundreds of thousands, and even, also, in millions of tons, the annual production of apatite in Canada has only twice been slightly in excess of 30,000 tons. It is probable, also, that this figure could hardly be increased during any eventual revival of mining, however great the demand, on account of the difficulty of extracting large quantities of mineral in a short time from a number of small pockets and narrow leads — a difficulty which becomes greater with increasing depth. Whether or not apatite bodies persist to great depths is a much debated question. That they widen and narrow to an extreme degree is established, and many leads have been abandoned on account of such narrowing at a relatively slight depth. On the other hand, wdde veins or shoots of mineral have been encountered at depths of several hundred feet. Such shoots, however, seldom proved persistent. Natural- ly, the difficulty and expenses of following such erratic deposits to even moderate depths are very considerable; and although the existence of large bodies of apatite in depth at many of the old mines is practically assured, it is out of the question that they can be profitably mined without a verj^ considerable rise in the price of the mineral. POSSIBILITY OF RECOVERING WASTE APATITE. As alread}' emphasized, the cost of mining Canadian apatite, plus that of hand picking or cobbing the mined mineral, in order to ensure a high grade product containing about 80 per cent of tricalcium phosphate, is prohibitive at the present day, and, in most cases, allows of little or no margin of profit either in a domestic or foreign market. Inquiry has fre- quently been made of the Mines Branch whether there is not some possi- bility of utilizing waste, lower grade material consisting of apatite more or less intimately mixed with mica, pyroxene, pjTites, and with gneissic or calcareous gangue. The dumps of many of the old phosphate mines, and those, also, of many of the mica mines, contain considerable ciuantities of such material. The apatite content, however, varies greatly, and it is highly questionable whether the greater part of the phosphate contained in the old dumps, present as it usually is in the form of small stringers or pockety accumulations in large blocks of pyroxene rock, can profitably be recovered, owin^ to the great amount of material that would have to be handled to extract a very small quantity of phosphate. Any means of recovery of the apatite other than the simplest and cheapest would be im- practicable, and no method entailing more than a rapid handling of the rock and the passing of the actual, visibly apatite bearing material through a jaw crusher; with subsequent hand picking, could possibly be enter- tained. The resulting product from such treatment of the dump material, might, of course, be made of almost any desired grade, according to whether only clean apatite or mixed mineral was picked. It is impossible to general- ize as to the amount of dump material to be handled in order to secure one ton of phosphate owing to the wide variation in the apatite content of the phosphate bearing pyroxenite at the different mines Some pyroxen- 21 ites are hard and compact, and contain little apatite throughout their mass, whilst others are coarse grained and often carry a considerable amount of apatite disseminated in grains or small crystals through them. Such variation in the phosphate content of the rock mass is not confined to different mines, but is encountered, also, in different parts of the same mine. Thus, one section of one and the same dump might yield material comparatively rich in apatite, whilst another might show only rock carrying little or no phosphate. Probably, in the majority of cases, not less than 12-15 tons of rock would have to be put through the crusher in order to obtain one ton of phosphate; wdiile the quantity of dump material actually yielding one ton of apatite, that is, including the rock discarded as not being worth crushing, might well amount to double this. These estimates do not claim to be based upon results achieved in actual practice, since no such attempt at recovery of apatite from low grade rock has ever been attempted in Canada; they represent, rather, the impression formed from a close examination of the material forming the waste clumps at phosphate and mica mines throughout the district, and, as such, are to be regarded as merely indicative of the class of material to be dealt with, should any attempt of the recovery of the phosphate contained in such dumps be con- templated. Probably, in the case of certain individual mines, the above proportion of crude rock to concentrates would be found excessive, while for others it would prove an underestimate. The cost of unit production, assuming that 15 tons of material have to be handled, crushed, and hand picked to yield one ton of phosphate, can be estimated somewhat as follows. It is assumed that a jaw crusher, having a 12 by 16 inch opening, is employed, and that the crushed material falls to a hopper, with automatic feed, to a conveyer belt, where it is hand picked, passing thence to loading bins. For an output of 50-60 tons of crushed rock (about 4 tons of phosphate) per diem, the following would be necessary: — 2 labourers to sledge rock for crusher $ 7.00 3 loaders 10.50 1 tram man 3 . 00 1 engine man 5 . 00 2 men feeding crusher 7 . 00 3 men for picking table 9 . 00 1 foreman 6 . 00 $47 . 50 If another $5 be added to the above to cover repairs, cost of fuel, horse, interest on plant, etc., we have $52.50 per diem as the cost of operation of the plant. Thus, one ton of phosphate would cost about S13 to recover, there being, in addition, a small amount of low grade fines from the crusher. No account has yet been taken of haulage charges from the mine. These vary according to the distance from the nearest shipi:)ing point, but would, in the generality of instances, add another $o per ton, making altogether $18 per ton f.o.l). cars. Since the price offered at Buckingham, Que., for 80 per cent apatite is about $11 per ton, it will be readily apparent that a cost on rail of $18 per ton is a prohibitive one. A considerably lower production cost might be realized in working the dumps of certain mica mines. Here, although, in many instances, the 22 phosphate has been saved as a by-product, only the purest apatite was picked out, and Httle attention has been paid to cobbing ore; consequently, the dump material at many mica mines will be found to be far richer in apatite than that of the old phosphate producers, and less rock would have to be handled to secure a ton of phosphate. In some instances, a proportion of such dump rock contains as high as 40-50 per cent apatite, and a ton of phosphate might be recovered from as little as 8-10 tons rock. Even so, however, with production costs plus haulage charges as low as $12 per ton, the project of recovery of the apatite cannot be regarded as commercially practicable. It has been assumed in the foregoing, that the actual owners of the dumps are working them over. An outside party undertaking the work would have a royalty of probably not less than 25-50 cents per ton added to the above cost. USES OF APATITE. The principal uses to which apatite may be put are, as raw material in the manufacture of acid phosphate for fertilizer, and of phosphorus. For both these purposes, apatite is as suitable as sedimentary phosphate ; and since it contains a considerably higher percentage of phosphoric acid than even the best grades of phosphate rock, it is more valuable, ton for ton, than the latter. Phosphate is sold on the basis of its phosphate of lime content: the commercial grades of rock on the American continent consisting of material ranging from 77 per cent, in the case of Florida hard rock, to 72 per cent for Tennessee phosphate. Analyses of a number of samples of picked apatite from Canadian deposits showed an average content of 86 per cent phos- phate of lime, often expressed as B.P.L., or "bone phosphate of lime." Phosphate containing more than 3 per cent combined iron and alumina is not considered suitable for acid phosphate manufacture by the sulphuric acid process, o^wang to the tendency of the acid phosphate prepared from such material to "revert", that is, to change to a form insoluble in water. The Ceramic Division of the -Mines Branch has had under investiga- tion the substitution of apatite for bone ash in the manufacture of bone china. References to this investigation are contained in Mines Branch Summary Reports for 1916, pp. 108-11, and 1918, p. 167, and the results show that apatite may be usecl very satisfactorily for the above purpose. STATISTICS OF PRODUCTION, EXPORTS, IMPORTS, ETC. The following table shows the production of phosphate in Canada since 1870, the figures being compiled from reports of the Geological Survey and of the iMines Branch. Difficulty was experienced in the earlier years in securing full and accurate returns from operators, and the totals given in the following table can be regarded as only approximate. In many instances it was found impossible to form any estimate of the actual pro- duction from the incomplete returns sent in, and from the failure of many operators to furnish any returns at all. In such cases, recourse was had to the returns of the railway companies, figures of export and of known domestic consumption, the resulting totals being admittedly open to criticism. 23 The figures of production by provinces, also derived from the above sources, and shown in Table II, present but littlesimilarity in the majority of cases with the figures given by the Annual Reports of either the Ontario or the Quebec Bureau of Mines. In the latter reports, the production figures relate, in manj^ cases, to mineral mined but not sold, while the quan- tities and values shown in Table I, represent actual sales and shipments during the years in question. In addition, the figures quoted in the Pro- vincial Reports for the earlier returns, relate to the fiscal 3^ear, while those in the accompanying table are for the calendar year. TABLE I. Annual Production of Phosphate from 1870 to 1919. Year. Amount. Value. Average value per ton. Year. Amount. Value. Average value per ton. *1870 tons. 1,200 200 j-No Reco 2,823 10,743 8,446 13,060 11,968 17,153 19,716 21,709 28,969 20,495 23,690 22,485 30,988 31,753 23,588 11,932 7,890 6,861 $ 13,600 2,100 rds. 47,084 208.109 122,035 190,086 218,456 338,357 427,668 424,240 496,293 304,338 319,815 242,285 316,662 361,045 241,603 157,424 61,962 41,166 S 11-33 10-50 16-68 19-37 14-45 14-55 18-25 19-73 21-69 19,54 1713 14-85 13-50 10-77 10-21 11-37 10-24 13-19 7-85 6-00 1895 tons. 1,822 570 908 733 3,000 1,415 1,033 856 1,329 817 1,300 850 824 1,596 998 1,478 621 164 385 954 217 203 149 140 24 $ 9,565 3,420 3,984 3,665 18,000 7,105 6,280 4,953 8,214 4,590 8,425 6,375 6,018 14,794 8,054 12,578 5,206 1,640 3.643 7,275 2,502 2,514 1,486 1,200 331 $ 5-25 *1871 1896 6-00 1872 1897 4-39 1873 1898 5-00 1874 1899 600 1875 1900 5-02 1876 1901 607 **1877. . . . 1902 5-79 1878 1903 6-18 1879 1904 5-62 1880 1905 6-48 1881 1906 7-50 1882 1907 7-30 1883 1908 9-26 1884 1909 8-07 1885 1910 1911 8-51 **1886 8-38 1887 1912 1913 1000 1888 9-46 1889 1914 7-62 1890 1915 11-53 1891 1916 12-38 1892 1917 10 00 1893 1918 8-57 1894 . . . 1919 13-80 Total 338,055 4,686.145 •Production solely from Ontario. , . ■ . ••From 1877 to 1886, figures represent exports only, no direct production returns having been furnished previous to the latter year. The "average value" figures are not to be regarded as representing current market prices, several grades of phosphate often being included in the returns. 24 TABLE II. Annual Production of Phosphate by Provinces, from 1886 to 1919.* Year. Province of Quebec . Amount . Value. Province of Ontario. Total . Amount. Value. Amount . Value. tons. 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Total 19, 19, 20, 27, 27, 20, 10, 7, 6, 1, 435 589 396 552 172 244 231 650 861 822 570 908 632 279 270 033 856 329 817 300 600 408 598 525 456 586 164 385 554 200 190 123 140 22 176,897 288,603 264,4.52 219,779 287,400 309,980 206,416 134,964 60.076 41,166 9,565 3,420 3,984 3,160 7,674 6,090 6,280 4,953 8,214 4,. 560 8,425 4,500 3,410 5,900 4,800 12,. 386 4,909 1,640 3,643 4,875 2,400 2,340 1,230 1,200 300 1,932,724 teas. 1,060 4,101 2,089 3,436 4,581 3,. 344 1,701 240 101 1,721 145 250 416 998 473 22 35 400 17 13 26 15, 735 .55,363 22,506 29,262 51,065 .35, 187 22,460 1,886 .505 10,326 1,015 1,S75 2,608 8,894 3,254 192 297 2.400 102 174 256 31 tons. 20,495 23,690 22,485 30,988 31.7.53 23.588 1 1 , 932 7,890 6,861 1,822 570 908 733 3.000 1.415 1,033 856 1,329 817 1.300 S.50 824 1,596 998 1.478 621 164 385 954 217 203 149 140 24 $ .304,338 319,815 242,285 316,662 361,045 241,603 1.57,424 61,962 41,166 9,565 3,420 3,984 3,665 18,000 7,105 6,280 4,953 8,214 4,5go 8,425 6,375 6,018 14,794 8,054 12,578 5,206 1,640 3,643 7,275 2,502 2,. 514 1,486 1,200 331 25,171 265,393 203,2.39 i 2,207,894 *The figures in the above table are derived, for the earlier years, in part from returiLS by the railway companies, statements of producers and consumers, and figures of ejcports, while subsequent to 1900, they are compiled from producers' returns by provinces. 25 TABLE III. Annual Exports of Phosphate from 1878 to 1919. Year Ontario Amount Value* Quebec Amount Value" Total Amount Value* tons 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886, 1887 1888 1889 1890, 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901. 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 824 1,842 1 , 387 2,471 568 50 763 434 644 705 2, 643 3,547 1,866 1,551 1,501 1,990 1,980 1 70 21 215 G 12,278 20, 565 14,422 36,117 6,338 500 8,890 5,962 5,816 8.277 30,247 38,833 21.329 16,646 12,544 11,550 10,560 5 450 240 1,850 tons 9,919 6,604 11.673 9,497 16,585 19,666 20,946 28,535 19,796 22,447 16,133 26,440 26,591 15,720 9,981 5,748 3,470 250 299 165 702 93 195 101 175 182 302 427 415 490 337 424 268 355 478 368 141 56 29 831 470 664 339 019 168 350 331 191 940 362 935 040 015 221 402 610 500 990 400 000 725 tons 10,743 8,446 13,060 11,968 17,153 19,716 21,709 28,969 20,440 23,152 18,776 29,987 28,457 17,271 11,482 7,738 5,450 250 300 235 723 308 6 70 1 191 40 1 895 3 247 179 103 14 208, 109 122,035 190,086 218,456 308,357 427,668 424,240 496,293 .343,007 433.217 298,609 394,768 499,369 384,661 153,765 67,952 40, 170 2,500 2,995 850 8,240 3,575 120 1,880 20 5,348 1,253 30 15,735 100 677 1,860 1,543 200 *The above figures of value bear no relation to those given in the Table of Production; production values are calculated upon a spot valuation basis, while export figures include, also, freight, insurance, commission, and other charges. In addition, these exports do not correctly represent the production of either province, a quantity of Ontario mineral having been cleared from the port of Montreal and being included in the Quebec export returns. 26 TABLE IV. Imports of Canadian Apatite into Great Britain, 1882-1894, showing the percentage of Canadian Mineral to total Imports of Phos- phate Rock.* Year Canadian Apatite Percentage of Canadian Apatite to Total Imports Amount Value 1882 Long tons 8,187 16,531 15,716 21,484 18,069 19,194 12,423 23, 123 21.089 15,918 7,814 5,068 3,192 $ 194,074 324,897 255,042 370,992 309,196 321,293 205,957 345,950 318,595 264, 124 86,506 57, 149 32,989 6-5 1883 8-2 1884 8-1 1885 12-1 1886 12-0 1887 10-7 1888 7-7 1889 10-1 1890 7-8 1891 8-6 1892 2-7 1893 1'9 1894** 0-8 *Annual Reports on Mines and Quarries. Home Office, London. **The imports subsequent to 1894 are negligible. 27 TABLE V. Destination of Exports of Phosphate, by Countries, for the Fiscal Years 1878-79 to 1918-19.* United States Great Britain Germany Miscellaneous** Total Year Amount Value Amount Value Amount Value Amount Value Amount Value tona S tons f tons $ tons $ ton3 $ 1878-79... 2,018 28,818 9,385 177,949 336 6,050 188 3,478 11,927 216,295 1879-80... 1,182 11,492 6,792 108,390 7,974 119,882 1880-81... 2,402 29,129 13,199 210,364 15,601 239,493 1881-82... 2,080 28,976 13,197 258,391 1,469 31,300 435 9,000 17,181 327,667 1882-83... 220 2,400 12,263 255,816 1,995 44,500 14,478 302,716 1883-84... 32 250 21,328 451,092 111 1,980 21,471 453,322 1884-85... 745 8,980 16,878 327,508 l,36i 25,800 18,984 362,288 1885-86... 532 6,817 23,718 407,314 1,724 17,820 25,974 431,951 1886-87.. , 733 6,223 20,465 360,313 1,595 29,613 10 300 22,803 396,449 1887-88... 1,100 13,011 18,638 345,602 2,111 38,880 21,849 397,493 1888-89... 2,911 32,463 19,695 322,269 552 9,850 23,158 364,582 1889-90.. . 3,192 34,182 25,792 355,845 729 11,720 29,713 401,747 1890-91... 1,825 22,350 22,062 393,250 370 6,600 24,257 422,200 1891-92... 1,324 11,857 14,273 336,745 861 17,800 785 14,060 17,243 380,462 1892-93... 2,663 18,188 8,309 97,737 918 16,550 11,890 132,475 1893-94... 1,580 8,295 3,366 32,095 4,946 40,390 1894-95... 720 4,210 3,469 29,600 4,189 33,810 1895-96... 528 5,280 528 5,280 1896-97... 21 210 21 210 1897-98... 91 690 165 400 256 1,090 1898-99... 20 90 719 8,100 122 1,100 861 9,290 1899-00... 73 1,635 76 650 149 2,285 1900-01... 1901-02... 70 1,880 70 1,880 1902-03... 1903-04... 190 5,337 190 5,337 1904-05... 40 1,253 40 1.253 1905-06... 1906-07... 1907-08.. . 1 30 1 30 1908-09... 1909-10.. . 895 15,735 895 15,735 1910-11... 1911-12... 3 100 3 100 1912-13... 1913-14... 187 497 187 497 1914-15... 60 180 60 180 1915-16... 282 3,403 282 3,403 1916-17... 14 200 14 200 1917-18,.. 1918-19... •Trade and Navigation Annual Reports. *• Under Miscellaneous are included France, Denmark, Spain, and Holland. CHAPTER II. MANUFACTURE OF PHOSPHORUS PRODUCTS IN CANADA. The manufacture of phosphatic fertilizers in Canada, and the utiliza- tion of domestic apatite for such purpose, dates from about the year 1869. In that year, Messrs. Cowan and Robertson established the Brockville Chemical and Superphosphate Company, near the town of that name in Leeds county, Ontario; the works continuing in operation until the early nineties. In 1887, the Standard Fertilizer and Chemical Company was formed, with a small plant at Smiths Falls, Ontario; and this concern still produces small quantities of acid phosphate and fertilizer. In 1889, the manufacture of superphosphate was commenced at Capelton, Quebec, where G. H. Nichols and Company installed a plant for the production of ferti- lizer, utilizing acid prepared from the sulphide ores of their mines at the same place. The works were in operation for some years, but the manu- facture appears to have been discontinued about the year 1902. In the late eighties and early nineties, three apatite grinding mills were in opera- tion at Buckingham, Que., the nearest railway shipping point to the Lievrc River mines. One of the plants, that of the Lievre Basin Phosphate Mining and Milling Company (F. S. Shirley), was located at Bassin du Lievre, close to Buckingham station, and was run by turbine, power being derived from the falls of the Lievre river close by. The mill contained a cylindrical dryer, with automatic conveyer to a crusher and pulverizer, from which the min- eral passed to an 80-mesh screen, and then to bags. The plant was only a small one, with a capacity of 2.5 tons per diem; and, although phosphate from various mines was ground, producers still continued to ship practi- cally all their mineral in the rough. Another mill was that of Messrs. Lohmer, Rohr and Company, of Montreal, who also erected a plant at Buckingham, about the year 1890. This plant had a capacity of 50 tons per diem, and employed about 25 men. The machinery comprised rotary dryers, crushers, pulverizers, trommels, screens, etc., the finely ground mineral being air-floated. A third plant, with a small capacity of under 10 tons per diem, was ope- rated by the Canadian Phosphate Company, who milled a portion of the mineral derived from their own Crown Hill and Star Hill mines. With the closing down of the larger mines in the Lievre River district, work at all these mills w'as discontinued a few years after their erection. The total quantity of phosphate crushed at Buckingham in the year 1888 amounted to 1,625 tons. Practically the whole of this amount was shipped to Chicago, while the total of crude rock phosphate shipped to Montreal for transport to Europe during the same period was 14,725 tons. In 1897, the Electric Reduction Company erected a plant at Bucking- ham, and commenced the manufacture of phosphorus from high grade apatite, subsequently enlarging their plant and producing, in addition, ferro-phosphorus, ferro-silicon, and ferro-chromium. In 1902, the Nichols Chemical Company discontinued the preparation of superphosphate at their works at Capelton, and in the following year a 28 29 new firm, the Capelton Fertilizer and Chemical Company, was formed to undertake the manufacture, at Masson, near Buckingham, of acid phos- phate and complete fertilizers. Neither the last named concern nor the Electric Reduction Company at present consumes any large quantity of domestic apatite, both firms of late years importing almost their entire supply of crude mineral from Florida. The firms enumerated above comprise those domestic concerns which have at various times utihzed Canadian apatite for the manufacture of phosphorus products. The present state of the Canadian apatite mining industry is evident, when, as noted above, two important consumers of phosphate rock, with works located within a few miles of the apatite mines, find it cheaper to import their entire supply of raw mineral from the southern United States than to purchase domestic apatite. In addition to the above-mentioned companies w^hich, originally, at least, constituted a domestic market for Canadian apatite, a number of fertilizer works using phosphatic materials have been established in recent years, many of them in connexion with packing houses and similar busi- nesses. These factories, however, employ, almost exclusively, prepared acid phosphate imported from the United States. The more important of such works are the following: — FERTILIZER FACTORIES. ALBERTA. Swift CanadianCo., Edmonton. Manufacture ammoniates only. Dry mixing plant, without rock grinding or acidulating equipment. Use imported acid phosphate. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Victoria Chemical Co., Ltd., Victoria. Complete fertilizer plant, with acid chambers. Use bone char from sugar refineries, as raw material for acid phosphate, as well as phosphate rock imported from Idaho. NEW BRIX.SWICK. Provincial Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd., St. John. These works were established as an acidulating plant in 1889. For a number of years past, however, prepared acid phosphate has been imported from the United States. The works are situated at Little River. East St. John, and have a capacity of 5,000 tons of mixed fertilizer per annum. Large quantities of tankage, bones, fish scrap, and abattoir refuse are used. The acid phosphate is brought to the works by schooner, the plant being located on tide water. The market for the finished jiroduct is chiefly among the potato and fruit growers of the St. John district. Dominion Fertilizer Co., Ltd., St. Stephen. These works were established as a dry mixing plant exclusively, in 1911, with a capacity of 10,000 tons per annum. The factory is located on tide water, on the left bank of the St. Croix river, and the acid phos- phate is brought up by schooner from Carteret, N.J., to the Company's 30 wharf. Considerable quantities of animal and fish tankage, as well as sardine waste from the Maine factories, are consumed. The Company- is affiliated with the International Agricultural Corporation. NOVA SCOTIA. Colonial Fertilizer Co., Windsor. The plant of this Company has a capacity of 15,000 tons of mixed goods per annum. The works were originally started in 1889, by the Pidgeon Fertilizer Co., who conducted a ground bone business, this being later extended to complete fertilizer manufacture. The present Company acquired the works in 1911, and have erected a large mill building, con- taining bin space for 10,000 tons. The raw materials, acid phosphate, bones, etc., are procured chiefly from the United States, and a quantity of abattoir refuse from the Province is also handled, there being three digesters to treat this class of goods. The plant is situated on tide water, about a half-mile from Windsor. The market for the Company's goods is chiefly within the Province, a certain quantity being consigned, also, to growers in New Brunswick, and the Eastern Townships. The present Company does business under various other names besides that of the Colonial Fertilizer Co., as, for example, the Pidgeon Fertilizer Co.; New England Fertilizer Co.; Essex Fertilizer Co.; Lowell Fertilizer Co.; and Parmenter and Polsey Fertilizer Co. All the foregoing, with the exception of the Pidgeon Fertil- izer Co., are subsidiary concerns of the Consolidated Rendering Co., of Boston, who, in turn, are affiliated with the Swift Packing Co. Nova Scotia Fertilizer Co., Halifax. This plant was established in 1878, and has a capacity of about 5,000 tons of mixed goods per annum. The plant handles most of the abattoir refuse, etc., from the Halifax district, as well as local fish offal. Whale bones are imported from Newfoundland, and acid phosphate from Balti- more. Ammonium sulphate is secured from Sydney, C.B. The works are located on tide water at Fairview, Bedford Basin. ONTARIO. The Standard Fertilizer and Chemical Company, Smiths Falls. This Company was established in 1887, and has continued to manu- facture small quantities of acid phosphate up to the present time. In addition to making acid phosphate, the Company also prepares mixed fertilizers. Formerly, the sulphuric acid used was manufactured at the works, sulphur being obtained from Japan, and later from Sicily. In recent years, acid has been purchased. A number of years ago, attempts were made to introduce ground, crude apatite as a fertilizer, but results did not prove satisfactory, the farmers who were persuaded to try the mineral on their land reporting that thej' could perceive no results at all from its use. In addition to fertilizer acid phosphate, this firm has also engaged in the manufacture of acid phosphate for use as a substitute for cream of tartar in baking powder used in the preparation of self-raising flour. In making this substance, crude acid phosphate from the den is spread over large, shallow wooden traj-s lined with coarse sacking. Water is let into the trays, and the soluble acid phosphate is leached out and flows into 31 lead lined trays beneath, whence it is led to a collecting vat. Here the liquid is evaporated and concentrated to a syrupy consistency, being after- wards mixed with a starch dryer. The residue remaining on the leaching trays, consisting principally of gypsum ("phosphate-gypsum" or "super- phosphate-gypsum," as it is termed, according to whether it is completely freed from, or still contains a proportion of soluble acid phosphate), finds use as an absorbent purifier in lavatories, stables, etc. Ore - bin Chilian mill Horizontal Emery grinder 100 mesh screen ->- Oversize— ' Mixer r ^ Mixing-platform N'Carr disintegrator a> I -I Bags Den I I Leaching- trays I Collecting-tank > o a. Concentrating -boiler^- Drying-vat (Starch added) 0) Bags Fig 3. Flow sheet at Standard Fertilizer and Chemical Company's works, Smiths Falls, Ont. The original plant was a small one, and a further reduction in size has been effected by the closing of the sulphuric acid portion of the works. Being situated on the Rideau lakes, and within easy reach of the Ontario apatite mines, the works were very favourably situated for obtaining supplies of apatite in former days. Chemical Products of Canada, Ltd., Trenton. This Company has lately taken over the plant of the British Chemical Company, and proposes to undertake the manufacture of acid phosphate. The plant is equipped with acid chambers. Gunn's, Ltd., Toronto. This packing house has operated a dry mixing plant for a number of years, and recently installed an acidulating department. The capacity of 82 the works is given as 10,000 tons of mixed goods per annum. Tennessee phosphate is used, and acid is procured from Hamilton. Packing house refuse, such as hair, horn, skin, etc., is also acidulated. Ammonium sulphate is procured from Montreal and Hamilton. Ontario Fertilizers, Ltd., Toronto. P'ormed l)y the amalgamation, in 1912, of the fertilizer departments of the William Davies Company and the Harris Abattoir Compan\'. The plant has a capacity of 10,000 tons of mixed goods per annum. Dry mixing solely is carried on. Formerly, the principal market for this and other local fertilizer firms' goods, was the Niagara fruit district, but increasing quantities are now being taken by Ontario farmers for use on wheat and other lands. William Stone Sons, Ingersoll. A dry mixing plant, with a capacity of about 5,000 tons of complete goods per annum. Al)attoir refuse is obtained from the Ingersoll Packing Company, tankage being prepared in a section of the plant devoted to rendering, etc. W. A. Freeman Fertilizer Co., Hamilton. This Company is one of the oldest established in Western Ontario, having been in operation since 1886. Originally an acidulating plant, treating imported rock with acid procured from Tweed, Ont., the works since 1911 have imported prepared acid phosphate. The output instated to Vje about 10,000 tons of mixed goods per annum. A large part of the Company's business is the obtaining of animal by-products from abattoir refuse, etc., arid quantities of tallow, stearine, oils, and fats are produced, the tankage being utilized as a fertilizer ingre- dient. Canadian Fertilizer Co., Chatham. This concern which was established in 1914, and operates a dr}' mixing plant, has a reported capacity of 60 tons of mixed fertilizer per diem. In addition to the production of mixed goods, limestone, obtained from St. Mary's, is ground for agricultural purposes. Waste beet sugar liquor from the refineries at Chatham, Wallaceburg, and Kitchener, is also utilized. Acid phosphate is imported from Baltimore. This is the most westerly fertilizer works in Ontario. QUEBEC. The Capelton Chemical and Fertilizer Company, Masson. Organized in 1902, this Company, for a number of years, employed domestic apatite from the Lievre River and Templet on phosphate districts, in the manufacture of acid phosphate. The works are located on the Lievre river, at Masson, near Buckingham, Que., the power used being obtained from the falls alongside the plant. In recent years, Florida pebble phosphate has almost entirely taken the place of domestic apatite. Prior to the war, the average cost of pebble was 13 cents per unit for 80 per cent and over, laid down at the works. In the manufacture of acid phosphate at this plant, the phosphate is first fed to a crusher, and is then elevated to an inclined, rotary dryer. The dried phosphate is elevated to a hopper, from which it falls to a No. 1 33 Sturtevant ring-roll mill, passing thence to an inclined 80-mesh shaking screen. The oversize is elevated back to the mill, and the fines pass to a hopper, from which they are bagged (200 lb. bags). Four bags (800 lbs.) of phosphate constitute a single charge for the mixer, and are agitated with about the same weight of sulphuric acid (50° Be.). The mixer is of the shallow, rotary type with rotating stirrers. From the mixing pan the acid phosphate falls_to a wooden den of 40 tons capacity; this quantity can be Crusher I Elevator \ Tube Rotary Dryer \ Elevator i Hopper Sturtevant N? I RinsJ-Roll mill I 80 Mesh Screen U^TSi Elevator — < — ' Bagging Hopper Bais Mixing Pan (H2SO4 added) Den PI ^ elevator i Store Bin Elevator Mixing Floor (Ammonia and potash salts added) Walker & Elliott Disintegrator-mixer Elevator 15 mesh screen ;<^ Elevator ^^ C Bags Fig. 4, Flow sheet, Capelton Chemical and Fertilizer Co., Buckingham, Que. produced in about 3 hours. From the den the acid phosphate is shovelled to an elevator, and conveyed to a store bin of 120 tons capacity. From this bin it is elevated, as needed, to the mixing floor, where ammonia and potash salts, tankage, and filler are added, the whole being then passed through a Walker and Elliott disintegrator, in which it is thoroughly pul- verized and mixed. The complete fertilizer is then elevated to the matu- ring bin, located outside the main building, where it is allowed to age for 6542—3 34 some months. For bagging, it is elevated back to the mixing floor and passed over a lo-mesh screen. The fines pass direct to bags, while the oversize is fed back to the distintegrator until of the required fineness. The filler used is finely ground slag, the residue from the electric, phosphorus furnaces of the Electric Reduction Company, at Buckingham. This slag contains a small percentage of available phosphoric acid, and a large amount of lime. Lesage Packing and Fertilizer Co., Montreal. A dry mixing concern with a reported capacity of 2,000 tons of mixed goods per annum. Tanguay and Co., Quebec. A small dry mixing plant with a reported capacity of 5,000 tons per annum. Supplies mainly the district around Quebec. As will have been noted, practically all of the fertilizer works in the country are located in the east, the largest concerns being in New Bruns- wick and Nova Scotia, where large quantities of fertilizer are used by potato and fruit growers; also in, or adjacent to, the agricultural region of south- western Ontario. There is only one firm manufacturing fertilizer in the Prairie Provinces, and that in a very small way, namely. Swift and Co., at Edmonton, Alberta. The cost of transporting fertilizer ingredients for assembling in the west is practically prohibitive at the present time. The cost of acid phosphate laid down in Edmonton, for example, is more than double that of the material at eastern points. The great bulk of the fertilizer turned out by Canadian firms consipts of mixed good? prepared from imported raw materials. Only four of the concerns listed above are equipped with acidulating machinery for treating phosphate rock, and of these four, only two are in active operation at this date (March 1920). PHOSPHORUS WORKS. The Electric Reduction Company, Ltd. This concern has been operating steadily since 1897, the works being 'located at the Upper Falls, at Buckingham, Que. When visited in 1913, the sole product manufactured was phosphorus, but at various times such compounds as ferro-silicon, ferro-chromium and ferro-phosphorus, have been produced in small quantities. Some years ago, two electric furnaces for smelting steel were installed, but were dismantled after a short run. The quartz consumed in the manufacture of phosphorus is obtained locally, being derived from quartz veins and pegmatite dikes of the Archa-an rocks to the north of Buckingham. The price offered for domestic apatite, 75 per cent standard, is about $11 per ton delivered. The supply, however, has been negligible during the past few years, and at the present time Florida pebble phosphate is used almost entirely. The entire plant is run bj^ power derived from the falls close by, the developed H.P. being 3,000. About 90 per cent of the phosphorus manufactured is exported, the 35 remainder being consumed by domestic match factories. No details of production, manufacture, or of the processes employed are divulged. BASIC SLAG GRINDING WORKS. There is one basic slag grinding plant in Canada, that of the Cross Fertilizer Co., located at Sydney, C.B. — a branch of Alexander Cross and Sons, of Glasgow. The works were completed, and operations com- menced, in Januarj', 1912, since when the plant has been running con- tinuously. The capacity of the works is 40,000 tons per annum, and 40 hands are employed. The buildings are all substantial brick structures, the mill proper having three floors, and the storehouse for the bagged product being capable of taking practically capacity output. Box cars are run direct into this building, down the centre of which run the tracks, wuth a raised, concrete platform on either side. Power for the grinding machinery is furnished by a 650 H.P. com- pound, tandem, direct drive engine. The works are situated adjoining the Dominion Iron and Steel Com- pany's plant, from which the slag is obtained. The slag is received at the works in 15-ton blocks, which are broken on the dump by a chain and ball "skull-cracker." The broken slag is then loaded on to tip cars, run to an elevator outside the mill building and hoisted to the feed hoppers on the third floor, from which it falls to the ball mills. (Plates II and III.) The type of ball mill used in the above described plant is an improved tj^pe of the Lohnert-Jenisch mill, specially constructed for basic slag work (Plate IV). In this machine, an axle is dispensed with, the drum being mounted at the feed end on rollers and at the opposite end on a trunnion. By this means, pieces of slag up to 6 inches in length can be fed to the mill, and the risk of axle breakage, due to over-charging the drum, is eliminated. The machine is fitted with coarse screens only, mounted on wrought iron frames. The Lohnert axleless ball mill is made in four sizes, the diameter of the drum ranging from 7| to 8| feet. The number of revolutions per minute is 24, and the H.P. required is from 30 to 60, according to the size. The capacity is from 26 to 52 tons per hour. The tube mill used in conjunction with the above ball mill has also been designed expressly for grinding basic slag. The drum of this mill consists of a welded tube, which is supported on rollers and runs on heavy rings (Plate V). The slag grit is fed in at the hopper end, is completely pulverized by steel balls while passing through the drum, and discharges through a sieve-drum at the farther end. This sieve automatically separ- ates any steel fragments still remaining in the meal. The mill is made in three sizes, all of similar diameter, but ranging in length from 23 to 26 feet. The drum makes 28 revolutions per minute, and requires from 110 to 160 H.P. to drive it. In place of silex lining plates, chilled steel plates can be substituted. The ground slag is weighed in a 3-hoppcr, automatic "Libra" bagging scale, manufactured by the Automatic Scale Co., of Gliesmarode-Bruns- wick, and is put up in bags of 200 pounds. The slag is ground to 100- mesh, and the market value at the works is $15 per ton.^ 'October, 1919. 6542— 3§ 36 (=^ 37 The whole of the grinding installation was designed and erected by the Hermann Lohnert Company, of Bromberg, Germany, specialists in slag grinding machinery. The market for the ground slag was originally chieflj^ within the Province of Nova Scotia, but an increasing amount is now being shipped to inland points. In Fig. 5 is shown a section through the mill building. Basic slag^ is a by-product obtained in the dephosphorizing of steel. The process by which it is formed was first applied in 1879, by Gilchrist and Thomas, of Battersea, England. At first regarded as of no value, basic slag has come to be used in ever increasing quantities as a fertilizer. The total amount consumed in 1912 reached the large total of four million metric tons. Although experiments between 1880 and 1890 conclusively demon- strated the value of finely ground basic slag as a fertilizer, it was not until the citric acid solubility test for the phosphoric acid contained in it was introduced as a standard that fertilizer manufacturers were induced to favour its use. It was mainly as a result of the endeavours of German chemists and manufacturers, notably of G. Hovermann, of Hanover, that basic slag came to be recognized as a valuable fertilizer, and Germany in 1912 headed the world's production with nearly 2,500,000 metric tons annually. Formerly, iron ore containing over 0-025 per cent of phosphorus was considered useless for the production of good steel, owing to the brittle qualities imparted to it by the phosphorus. The Thomas process, whereby ores rich in phosphorus are rendered utilizable, has since become the basis of manufacture of the major portion of the world's production of steel. ^ Briefly stated, the dephosphorizing of phosphoric pig iron is effected in what is known as a basic Bessemer converter (Plate VI). In th^ ordinary Bessemer process, the converter is lined with a sihceous material. In the basic converter, the siliceous lining is replaced by shrunk dolomite, known as "basic " material, rammed with anhydrous tar. This lining, together with lime additions made during the blow, allows of the formation of a phosphate of lime (tetracalcic phosphate) which is not decomposed by metallic iron at the high temperature of the converter, and thus practically the whole of the phosphorus present in the iron is removed in combination with the lime in the slag. A basic Bessemer plant does not differ radically from an acid plant, the only additional requirements being facilities for conveying large quantities of lime to the converter and for removing the large amount of slag pro- duced. The latter operation is effected by pouring the slag either onto the pit floor, where it is watered, broken up with bars and wheeled away red- hot ("poured slag"), or direct into iron dump cars ("block slag"), which transport it to the slag dump. "Poured slag" is harder and more homo- geneous than "block slag." Pig-iron containing as high as 3 • 5 per cent phosphorus may be used in the manufacture of steel by the basic Bessemer process. 'German "Thoraas-Schlacke", French, "Scorie do dfephosphoration". »Seo P. Wagner "Die Thomasschlacke" Darmstadt, 1887; M. Passon, "Das Thomasinelil, seine Cheinie und Geschichte". 1901; F. W. Harbord "The Metallurgy of Steel", 1904. 38 The basic Siemens or open-hearth process for the removal of phos- phorus depends, in the same manner as the foregoing, on the formation of stable phosphates, and the dephosphorization is effected in the same way by means of a basic or neutral furnace lining, and by lime additions during the working of the charge (Plates VII and VIII). Pig iron with 2-3 per cent of phosphorus may be employed with the basic Siemens process. The following represents the average composition of a basic slag produced by the open-hearth process: — Minimum. Alaximum. Average. SiOa 2-70 12-00 7-96 ll%,] 7-77 25.00 13-19 MnO 0-55 5-62 3-91 CaO 28-00 58-91 48-29 MgO . 1-14 8-10 4-89 P2O5 11-39 22-97 17-25 The P2O5 content, thus, ranges from 11 to 23 per cent. Basic slag slakes in the air, the caustic lime absorbing moisture and carbonic acid, and the ferrous iron oxidizes. Porous portions of a slag mass exhibit tables, needles, and prisms of tetracalcic phosphate (4CaO. P2 O5). In the early days, it was considered that basic slag needed to be treated with acid in order to render its phosphoric acid available for plant food. Scheibler prepared precipitated phosphate ("Thomas precipitate") by treating 100 parts of powdered basic slag with 120-150 parts of hj^dro- chloric acid, and precipitated the phosphoric acid with milk of lime (German Patents No. 24,130 and No. 25,020). Franke proposed to decompose the slag with magnesium chloride (German Patent No. 27,106) and to convert the phosphoric acid into phosphate of magnesia. Meyer's process (German Patent No. 47,984) consisted in treating the still fluid basic slag with its own weight of acid sulphate of potash. It was established by Reis and Arens, however, that the P2O5 in basic slag is soluble in water containing carbonic acid, and that, for this reason, there is no necessity to resort to methods of treatment in order to render the P2O5 available. It is from the date of the researches by the above chemists that the use of basic slag in agriculture dates. It has been shown, however, that slags from different smelters exhibit by no means constant, active fertilizing properties, even when possessing equal contents of phosphoric acid and when ground to a similar degree of fineness. Assuming 100 as the efficiency of a good slag, some goods have been found to possess only 60, 50, and as low as 40 per cent. This fact has led to the adoption of the citric acid solubility test as a basis of valuation, in place of the earlier guarantee of fineness. Higher efficiency in a slag corresponds, almost invariably, to a higher silica content, and it is thus possible by the addition of sand to the fluid slag to increase its value as a fertilizer, at little or no extra cost. The formation of tetracalcic phosphate in the furnace is represented by the following equations : — Gas (P04)2+Ca2Si04 = Ca^PaOg+CaSiOs Fes (P04)2+2Ca2Si04 = Ca4P209+Fe3Si207 39 Silica, therefore, plays a very important part in basic slag. The decomposition of tetracalcic phosphate by water containing carbonic acid proceeds according to the equations: — 1) Ca4P209+C02+4H20 = CaH4 (P04)2+2Ca (OH)2+CaC03 or 2) Ca4P209+2C02+H20 = 2CaHP04+2CaC03. There is thus formed either 1) the monocalcic phosphate found in acid phosphate, or 2) " precipitate". At Hoerde, in Westphalia, so-called "patent phosphate meal" was formerly manufactured by the Scheibler process (German Patent No. 34,416 and No. 41,303). This method consisted in adding slightly less lime to the iron in the converter than is required for complete dephosphor- izing. This slag, rich in P2O5, is then run off, lime is added to the steel in the converter, and the low percentage slag which results is employed as reducing material for a new charge. If phosphatic chalk be substituted for lime in the converter, with or svithout the addition of sand, a slag richer in phosphoric acid is obtained. The photographs shown at the end of this report were taken at the Dom- inion Iron and Steel Company's works at Sydney, Cape Breton, where what is known as the "Duplex" process is practised. This consists in combining the basic Bessemer and open-hearth processes, whereby the phosphorus of the ore is all removed in the converter, and the blown metal is then charged to the open-hearths for complete deoxidation. By this means, the time required for the open-hearth treatment is reduced to about two hours, as against 11-12 hours normally. • The blown metal from the Sydney converter contains on an average:^ Carbon Phosphorus Sulphur and the slag: — • Silica 13 Alumina 1 Lime 48' Magnesia 2- Phosphoric acid 17 • Manganous oxide 1 Ferrous oxide 13 For a description of the above Duplex process, see Can. JNIin. Journ., Vol. 33, No. 18, 1912, pp. 632-637. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ACID PHOSPHATE MANUFACTURE. Inquiries are frequently received by the Mines Branch for information relating to methods of treatment of phosphate rock — chiefly for the manu- facture of acid phosphate. In view of the comparatively negligible amount of acid phosphate manufactured in Canada, and the limited resources of the country in raw phosphate, a description of the commercial methods of treatment has been omitted from this report. The following publications, however, contain detailed information relating to the subject and may be consulted by those interested: — Fritsch, J., The Manufacture of Chemical Manures, 1911; publish- ed by Scott, Greenwood & Son, London. (The most recent text book in Enghsh on the subject.) •03 •07 •05 •0 - -14 •0 •0 - -51 •0 - - 4 •0 - -19 •5 •0 - -15 •0 40 Gilchrist, P.S., The Manufacture of Acid Phosphate of Lime, "^Mineral Industry," Vol. VII, 1899, pp. 559-568. Hall, A. D., Fertilizers and Manures, London, 1909. Hills, J. L., The Manufacture of Commercial Fertilizers, Bull. No. 207, Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, Burlington, Vermont, 1917. Pick, S., Die KiinstHchen Diingemittel; published by A. Hart- leben, Vienna. (In German.) Schucht, L., Die Fabrikation des Superphosphats, 1909; published by Vieweg & Son, Brunswick. (In German.) von Grueber, Die Superphosphatfabrikation, Halle, 1910, (In German.) Waggaman, W. H., The Manufacture of Acid Phosphate, Bull. No. 144, Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. Agriculture, 1914. Waggaman and Fry, Phosphate Rock and Methods Proposed for its Utilization as a Fertilizer, Bull. No. 312, Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. Agriculture, 1915. Waggaman, W. H., Manufacture of Acid Phosphate in the South- ern States, Fertihzer Eescurces of the United States, Senate Document, No. 190, 1912, pp. 107-111. Waggaman and Wagner, Analysis of Experimental Work with Ground Raw Rock Phcsphate as a Fertilizer, Bull. No. 699, Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. Agriculture, 1918. The publications of the U. S. Department of Agriculture listed above may be obtained at a nominal cost from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. CHAPTER III. APATITE MINES AND OCCURRENCES. Province of Ontario. Probably the greatest development of phosphate so far discovered in Ontario, is in the township of North Burgess, county of Lanark, between the fifth and ninth concessions. The principal exploitation of this apatite belt has taken place around lot 10 in the sixth, and between lots 1 and 6 in the eighth concession; the development of the phosphate leads in the latter district being extensive, and the mineral zone well defined. The apatite veins in Bedford township, Frontenac county, though numerous, are of smaller extent, and occur rather as scattered individuals than in the form of vein zones. In Loughborough township, Frontenac county, a few large bodies of phosphate have been discovered in the ninth and tenth concessions, the Foxton mine, on lot 13 of the latter concession, constituting the principal opening in the district. Although numerous showings of apatite have been located in this part of the Province, and somewhat extensive deposits in some cases encountered, the development of the phosphate bodies in this region falls far short oj that of the Lievre River and Templeton districts in the Province of Quebec. The main difference in the mode of occurrence of the mineral in the two provinces, is that, in Ontario, the phosphate bodies possess principally the form of more or less well defined veins — isolated or in vein zones — the leads being confined within walls, and often consisting chiefly of apatite, either massive or disseminated in crystal form through calcite. The veins of massive apatite, though continuous, are seldom of great width for anj- distance, the average lateral extent being probably less than 3 feet. Such veins have a pronounced tendency to widen out and to pinch without warning. The calcite bodies carrying apatite crystals disseminated through them are often of considerably greater width, but the proportion of pure phosphate to vein matter in such deposits is, as a rule, not large. The cobbing of the apatite crystals from the calcite matrix, in such cases, entails considerable labour, and few deposits of this class prove to be of suffi- ciently high economic value to warrant any extensive development. In Quebec, on the other hand, the apatite bodies possess more usually the form of large, irregularly shaped pockets, distributed throughout a belt of often considerable width, and, in some cases, joined by small stringers or veinlets. of phosphate. Veins of phosphate, enclosed between defined walls, are also encountered; but such deposits are usually of smaller extent, save in a few instances, where a number of leads occur in close proximity to one another. Practically all the large phosphate mines opened up in the 41 42 Li^vre River district were concerned with pockety bodies of apatite, rather than with vein bodies. The majority of apatite veins in the Ontario district being narrow, operators often found it more practical and cheaper to conduct work by hand than with air or steam drills, especially in the deeper workings. As a rule, workings have not been carried to any great depth, the deepest phosphate mine in the Province not exceeding 200 feet; in Quebec, on the other hand, a depth of over 600 feet has been reached, though this, it should be stated, is an extreme case. The chief mines worked for phosphate in the Province are enumerated in the following pages. A number of the old time apatite producing mines have since been re-developed for the mica which occurs with the phos- phate, the latter mineral, in some cases, being saved as a by-product. As a general rule, however, the mica found on leads carrying phosphate as the principal vein-matter, is seldom of high quality, the crystals being often twisted and crushed. The amount of mica found on such leads, also, is usually smaller than that encountered on veins carrying calcite, or on those in which pyroxene forms the chief mineral; consequently, more attention is paid to veins of the latter types, and the production of apatite at any mica mine at the present day is very small. The haulage and freight charges, also, from the mines to Buckingham, Que., where are located the principal domestic consumers, amount, in many cases, to almost as much as the mineral brings, delivered at the mills. Many operators, conse- quently, do not take the trouble to cob and save the apatite they encounter, but run it with the waste to the rock dump. As will be seen from Table II, showing the production of phosphate in the Province, the annual output for twelve out of the last twenty-six years (1894-1919) has been nil. The greater part of the total production for the period in question — 4,650 tons — probably represents accumulated mineral from one or more mica mines, and may consist of the production during a number of years. At the various mica mines, small piles of phos- phate may be seen, the mineral representing the contents of pockets encoun- tered while extracting mica. In many cases these quantities have been accumulating for a number of years, the operators never considering it worth while to ship the mineral away. There is no mine actually being operated for phosphate alone in the Province at the present time, nor has there been for a number of years. Frontenac County. township of bedford. Concession VI, lot 30. — Bobs Lake, or Taggart mine. This property which, at the present time, is an active mica producer, was opened up for phosphate in 1891, by the Montreal Mining Company. About a dozen men were employed, and a depth of 50 feet was reached in the pits. Work appears to have been abandoned in the following year, the amount of apatite found on the veins being small. 43 Mining has since been carried on by Mr. Taggart, of Westport, from 1897 to 1900, and later by Messrs. Kent Bros, and Stoness, who are the present owners and operators. A number of pits have been opened upon a system of parallel veins, and over two thousand barrels of rough-cobbed mica are reported to have been shipped from the mine. Very little phos- phate is encountered, and no shipments have been made since the present owners commenced operations. Ont. Bur. Min., I. p. 239; XIII, p. 92; XIV. p. 86; XVI, p. 89; XIX, p. 127; XX, p. HI. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 159. Concession VII, lots 32,33, 34. — Mining for phosphate was commenced on these lots in the eighties by Mr. R. C. Adams, who later, in 1888, became manager for the Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Company of Liverpool, England, and continued to work this and other properties for the Com- pany. No very extensive work was carried out, but a number of small pits were opened on pockety deposits of apatite crystals scattered through a soft pyroxene and calcite gangue. The upper portions of these pockets were so soft that the crystals could be extracted with pick and shovel, without the use of explosive. All the pockets and veins are small, but there are a number of them; their general direction is northwest and southeast. No further work has been conducted on the property. Reference:^ Rep. Royal Commission, 1890, p. 176. Concession X, lots 27, 28, 29. — McLaren mine. This property was worked about 1889, by Mr. Edward Watts and the Hon. Peter McLaren, of Perth. Only a small number of men were employed, and the workings consist of merely a few small surface pits. The largest opening measures 25 X 12 feet and is about 30 feet deep. All the pits are located on lot 29. An output of some 500 tons of phosphate is reported, all of which was hauled to Westport to be shipped to Buckingham, Que. The mine lies on the west side of West Rideau lake, and is about 8 miles by winter road from Westport. The phosphate is green, compact, and also granular, and contains a large quantity of pyrites. The amount of the latter mineral present, especially in the granular variety, often renders the phosphate practically valueless. A quantity of the apatite hauled to Westport at the time of working is still lying on the wharf. The apatite occurs on narrow leads in a dark green hornblende-pyrox- ene rock, the veins having a northeasterly direction. Reference: — Ont. Bur. Min., I, p. 239. Concession XI, lot 28.— Mr. W. J. Webster, of Westport, carried out a little work for phosphate in 1890. A few tons were extracted, but the leads were found to carry more mica than apatite, and operations were conducted principally for the former mineral. The adjoining lot, 21, of the tenth concession of North Crosby township, was also acquired and worked in a small way by Mr. Webster. The workings are situated near the northeast 44 shore of Wolf or West Rideau lake. Xo mining has been performed since 1903, for either mica or phosphate. Reference: — Ont. Bur. Min., II, p. 250. Concession XVII, lot 1. — Opinicon Lake mine. Attention was drawn to phosphate occurrences in the vicinity of Opinicon and Devil lakes as far back as 1869, and on the above property a deposit was opened up in 1870, b}^ Mr. Alexander Cowan, of Brockville. The leads are reported to have been from 2 to 4 feet wide. The phosphate was chiefly green in colour, though zones of red mineral were also encountered. About 75 tons were mined in 1870, and by the end of 1871 a total of 550 tons was produced. The whole of this amount was shipped to England, and the cessation of work in 1872 was caused by the high ocean freight charges which rendered export of the mineral unprofitable. Mining was subsequently renewed in 1892 by a syndicate, which emploj^ed about a dozen men for a year, and also installed machinery. A pit 50 feet deep was sunk, and a vein was opened up for a distance of 150 feet. J^f 6r6nc6 s '. — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1871-72, p. 124; Rep. Prog., 1872-73, p. 177. Ont. Bur. Min., II, p. 251. Other localities in Bedford township, where phosphate veins have been discovered, but worked only in a small way, are: — Concession II. lot 4. IV. late. VII. lot 7. IX, lot 29. XII, lot 3. TOWNSHIP OF HINCHINBROOKE. Concession I, lots 29 and 30. — -Eagle Lake mine. This property includes also lots 29 and 30 in the first concession of Bedford, the main workings being situated, however, in Hinchinbrooke. The two sets of workings are separated by the concession road, which divides the two townships. The owner and operator of this mine was Mr. Boyd Smith, of Wash- ington, D.C., who commenced work in 1887, having a couple of years previously opened the St. George Lake mine, which lies about 3 miles to the north. Mr. Smith emploj^ed an average of 25 men, the number rising, occasionally, to over 60; and between 1887 and 1891 took out about 4,000 tons of phosphate, most of which was shipped to England; a small quantity, also, was consigned to Philadelphia. The average grade of the mineral shipped is said to have been about 84 per cent, and the price secured §15 per ton. The mine was shut down in 1891 and has not since been worked. The apatite is massively crystalline, of a green colour, and occurs on a series of some half dozen veins having a direction of northeast and south- west. These leads are traceable for a distance of over a mile, and the width of the vein zone is about 300 yards. The width of the individual 45 leads varies from 6 inches to 6 feet, the phosphate usually occurring in pockets and irregular, chimney-like bodies. There are over twenty openings scattered over the property, the main pits hing near the southeast shore of Eagle lake. Here, three openings have been made on a large vein of mineral, the apatite bod}' having been followed to a depth of 175 feet. All the pits were operated open-work. The deposit is chiefly remarkable for the large development of magne- tite, which occurs both in small veins having no definite direction, but traversing the phosphate zone in an irregular manner, and also along with the apatite body on the main phosphate lead. Although numerous veins of the mineral occur, they are all too narrow to admit of exploitation. In one of the main pits the entire vein filling at one point is said to have con- sisted of magnetite, this mineral completely replacing apatite; and it appears to have been no uncommon occurrence for one mineral suddenly to give place to the other. Calcite, mica, and other vein minerals often present in apatite veins appear to be almost entirely absent at this spot. About 700 tons of magnetite iron ore have been shipped from this property to the Hamilton Blast Furnace Company, and Mr. Harris, of Tichborne, has worked over the dumps for second grade apatite, which was shipped to the same Company. The mine, which was also known as the Blessington mine, hes I mile from the Kingston and Pembroke branch of the Canadian Pacific r.iilway — a siding having been built for the shipment of mineral — and 1| mile from Tichborne station. Although veins carrying magnetite are of widespread occurrence on these lots, they are all narrow, and little beyond surface work has ever been attempted. A number of small openings have been made on the east side of the road, in Bedford township, the deepest pit not exceeding 15 feet. The magnetite is titaniferous, and contains, also, small amounts of nickel and cobalt. The present owner is Mr. Charles Jenkins, of Petrolia, Ont. References: — Ont. Bur. Min.. I. p. 240; II, p. 251; VIII, p. 23S; IX, p. 104. Rep. Royal Commission, 1893. pp. 167, 172. Geol. Surv. Can., Bull. Ap., 1904. p. 30. TOWNSHIP OF LOUGHBOROUGH. Concession VI, lot . — Known as the Johnson^ mine, and worked in 1890 by Messrs. Lohmer, Rohr and Co., of Montreal. Yielded less than a hundred tons of phosphate. Reference: — Ont. Bur. Min., I, p. 240; II, p. 251. Concession VII, lot 11, W.j . — Known as the Lacey, or General Electric Company's mine, and operatecf at the present time for mica. This property represents the largest producer of mica in Canada. The deposit was first located in 1882, and was worked for several years for i)hosphate by Messrs. Smith and Lacey, of Sydenham, who subsequently continued mining 'No particulars of the lot number are given in the reference cited. 46 for mica. The amount of phosphate extracted was not large — probablj'- less than 200 tons — and no attention is paid to the apatite encountered in the workings at the present time, the quantity being too small to be worth saving. The mineral met with is usually of a dark, black-green colour, and occurs, both as small masses, along with the mica, in certain parts of the deposit, and also as small isolated crystals. The mine lies four miles from the village of Sydenham, and is owned and operated by the General Electric Company, of Schenectady, N.Y. References: — Ont. Bur. Min., Ill, p. 192; X, p. 134; XI, p. 287; XII. p. 126; XIII, p. 91; XIV, p. 84; XV, p. 102; XVI, p. 86; XVII, p. 91; XVIII, p. 140; XIX, p. 127; XX, p. 110. Rep. Royal Commission, 1890, p. 148. Geol. Surv. Can., XIV Ann. Rep., 1901, p. 182A. Concession IX, lot 5, W. | — Coe mine. This property is situated near Gould lake, and adjoins the Gould Lake mica mine. Opened in the eighties by Mr. Coe, the mine was later worked by Mr. C. Sterling, of Kingston, who employed a small force in extracting phosphate during 1890, and took out about 150 tons of all grades. The property has since been worked by Webster and Companj^ for mica. Only one deep pit has been opened, work having been confined prin- cipally to surface stripping and quarrying. In some cases, the veins cropped out on the side of a small ridge, or bluff, and the apatite was extracted by cutting back the face, while in others, small pits were made on the level ground at the base of the ridge. All the apatite found at this point is of a brownish-red colour. No very extensive phosphate bodies appear to have been discovered, all the leads being narrow. Webster and Company, of New York, are the present owners of the mine. Reference: — Ont. Bur. Min., 11, p. 251. Concession IX, lot 7. — -Apatite crystals occur in some quantity, scattered through a large vein-filling of pink calcite. Little, if any, phosphate has ever been shipped from the property, which has been somewhat extensively worked for mica. Concession IX, lot 16. — About 100 tons of apatite were taken off this property during 1890 and 1891, by Mr. C. Sterling, of Kingston, the mineral being obtained as a by-product while mining for mica. Concession X, lots 6 and 7. — Gould Lake mine. This property is being operated at the present time as a mica producer, being owned by the Birch Lake Mining Syndicate, of Ottawa. The Company took over the mine in 1910, and have kept some half dozen men employed, more or less steadily, ever since. A small amount of apatite is found in certain of the pits, but no shipments have ever been made by the present owners. The mine was first opened by Mr. T. Holland, of Sydenham, about the year 1880, and was later acquired by Messrs. Smith and Lacey, of the same place, who mined both mica and phosphate. Webster and Company, later, carried on about a year's work, for mica, employing an average of thirty men, and obtained, also, a quantity of phosphate. 47 The general trend of the veins is north and south; and they occur in a light coloured, grey pyroxenite, enclosed in greyish or red gneiss. The deepest opening on the property is that known as the Holland pit, which is down 115 feet, and is 100 feet long at the bottom, and 12 feet wide. A parallel lead 20 feet to the west of this pit has been worked to a depth of 110 feet, and what is known as the Woodruffe pit has also been carried down to a depth of some 85 feet. This latter opening lies several hundred feet southeast of the two former pits, which are situated on the crest of a ridge close to the shore of Gould lake. A flat dike of diabase was encoun- tered in the Woodruffe pit; this cut off the mica lead, and was found to be about 10 feet thick. The mica produced by this mine is a high quality golden-amber. A small camp was erected in 1911, and a 14 horse-power boiler, and steam hoist, installed. Reference: — Ont. Bur. Min., X, p. 133. Concession X, lot 10. — Massive, red phosphate occurs in some quan- tity, associated with amber mica, on a series of parallel leads in red granite- gneiss. A quantity of mica has been taken off the property by various parties, including Mr. Sloan, of Perth, and Mr. Mace, of Tamworth. An analysis of the phosphate from this property yielded^ : — Tricalcic phosphate 89 • 22 = 40 • 87 phosphoric acid. Calcium fluoride 7 • 66 = 3-73 fluorine. Calcium chloride 0-67= 0-43 chlorine. Calcium carbonate 0-24 Magnesia 0-16 Alumina 0-84 Ferric oxide 0-91 Insoluble 1-15 Total 100-85 Concession X, lot 13. — Foxton mine. Work on this property, which lies seven miles northeast of Sydenham and about two miles from Perth Road, was commenced by Mr. James Foxton, of the former place, about the year 1886. The apatite body is said to have measured 2| feet at the surface, widening to 5 feet at a depth of 10 feet, and increasing to 10 feet at 50 feet. From here the vein narrowed for some distance, subsequently widening again, until, at 115 feet, the deposit measured 15 feet. The lead was almost vertical, and the shaft appears to have been sunk on a pocket or widening of the vein, since all the workings are confined to a small area in the immediate vicinity of the main shaft. Large pyroxene crystals are found embedded in the apatite, which is bluish-green in colour, and com- pact crystalline. The vein occurs in a very coarse-grained, greenish- 'Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1877-78, p. 6H. 48 grey pyroxenite, enclosed in dark gneiss, and has a direction of N.W.-S.E. Some of the smaller veins carry a reddish apatite. In addition to the main shaft, there exist some half dozen smaller pits. These openings were sunk to a small depth on the vein, or on stringers from the main deposit, short drifts being run along the leads from the shafts. In one of these openings to the east of the main pit, a body of pinkish calcite, carrying phosphate crystals scattered through it, was encountered at a short distance from the surface, while another opening disclosed an apatite lead carr^'ing a very large quantity of massive pyrites. The phosphate from this mine, when cobbed clean of such impurities as pyroxene crystals, scapolite, epidote, mica, etc., was of high grade, and a quantity was shipped to England, via Kingston and Montreal. As many as 50 men were employed at the mine, and a large camp was erected, a steam plant, comprising drills, hoist, and pumps, also being installed. All the mine buildings are now in a dilapidated condition. The greatest depth reached in the workings was about 175 feet, this being the depth of the main shaft. All the openings are situated on the summit of a ridge, overlooking, and to the south of Long lake, which lies about 100 feet below it. Work was continued for about six years, and over 5,000 tons of mineral were taken out. The mine was later disposed of to Mr. H. Richardson, of Kingston, who, however, has done no work beyond a little prospecting or mica. Messrs. Lohmer, Rohr and Company, of Montreal, also mined a small quantity of phosphate in the nineties, under lease. A pit, opened in 1890 a few hundred feet from the workings described above, was known as the Concession mine, and reached a depth of 60 feet. References: — Ont. Bur. Min., I, p. 239; II, p. 251. Rep. Royal Commission, pp. 53, 168, 171, 177, 439. TOWNSHIP OF OSO. Concession 1, lot 6. — St. George Lake mine. This was formerly one of the largest phosphate mines in the district, and was opened in 1885 by Mr. Boj^d Smith, of Washington, D.C. Work was continued for six years, and the mine was ultimately closed down in 1891 and has not since been reopened. Although the workings are extensive, the mine did not pro- duce a great amount of mineral, 1,500 tons being reported as a liberal esti- mate of the quantity of phosphate shipped A force of from 15 to 40 men was employed. The phosphate found at this spot is uniformly of a brown or reddish colour, and occurs in a well defined vein, between crystalline limestone below and reddish gneiss above, the dip of the deposit approximating 40° S.E., and its strike being X.E.- S.W. Considerable quantities of pyrites occur disseminated through the apatite, which is associated with dark green pyroxene. There are two openings, both large, open-work pits; the chief of these 49 measures 200 feet long by 40 feet wide at its broadest part, and is some 50 feet deep. This opening has been made on the northwest side of a ridge, about 150 feet high, and situated 500 yards east of the tracks of the Kingston and Pembroke branch of the Canadian Pacific railway. The distance from Olden station on the same line is about a mile. A little distance to the northeast of the big pit is a smaller opening, made on a continuation of the same lead of phosphate. This pit measures 100 X 25 feet, and is 65 feet deep. The large size of the waste dumps at this mine would indicate that a great deal of dead rock had to be handled in order to extract a relatively small amount of phosphate. The quantity of pyrites in this rock and in the apatite remaining on the stock piles is large, and detracts from the value of the mineral. No machinery appears to have been employed either at this mine or on the Eagle Lake property, which was also worked by Mr. Boyd Smith. The present owner of the mine is Mr. H. Walker, of Oconto, Ont. RiGfcrGncGS'^"" Ont. Bur. Min., I, p. 240; II, p. 251; IX, p. 194. Rep. Royal CommLs-sion, 1890, p. 172. Geol. Surv. Can., Bull. Ap. 1904, p. 30. Concession V, lot 2. — About the year 1890, a small amount of phosphate was taken off this property, by Messrs. Wilson and McMartin, of Perth. In 1905, the General Electric Company, of Schenectady, N.Y., acquired the mine, and mined for a short time for mica; but no further work has been done. The mica is a very dark variety, and the crystals are much crushed and twisted, a large percentage being useless. Large bodies of red, compact, phosphate accompany the mica, and have been mined by means of open- cuts and drifts, run into the side of a steep ridge of dark gneiss, with inter- calated limestone and dark-coloured pyroxene bands. The adjoining lots along the same ridge have been worked on a small scale, for phosphate, by the various owners. The general geological condi- tions here are similar to the above. The recently constructed short line of the Canadian Pacific railway passes almost over the old phosphate pits. Concession VI, lot 14- — Silver Lake mine. This property was first open- ed for phosphate in 1891, by Mr. William Davis, of Perth, and was subse- quently acquired by Mr. Boyd Smith, of Washington, D.C., LLS.A., who is the present owner. Mr. Davis had about a dozen men employed for a few months during 1891, and some 250 tons of phosphate were extracted from a few surface pits. The apatite is of a brown colour, and occurs on a series of parallel, narrow veins, enclosed in reddish gneiss. Reference: — Ont. Bur. Min., I, p. 240; II, p. 251. TOWNSHIP OF STORRINGTON. Concession VI, lot 14- — About 300 tons of apatite were raised about the year 1880 by Mr. W. J. Morris. The lead appears to have been nar- row — averaging under 12 inches in width — and carried a reddish phos- phate, mixed occasionally with small quantities of mica. An analysis of the apatite gave: — 6542—4 50 Tricalcic phosphate 88-14 = 40-37 phosphoric acid. Calcium fluoride 6-80 = 3-31 fluorine. Calcium chloride 0-69 = 0-43 chlorine. Calcium carbonate 0-06 Magnesia 0-15 Alumina 0-61 Ferric oxide 0-15 Insoluble 3-89 Total 100-49 R6f6r6nc6^ — Geol.'Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1877-78, p. 2H. Concession XIV, lots 4 and 5. — Some 500 tons of phosphate are reported to have been raised on these lots about 1885, by Messrs. Bawden and Machar, of Kingston, and by other parties mining under royalty to the above. The property was later worked for mica by Messrs. Bawden and Gunn, who took out a monthly average of 3 tons of rough-cobbed mineral during part of 1900. References: — Ont. Bur. Min., X, p. 133. Rep. Roj-al Commission, 1890, p. 170. Concession XV, lot 21. — Known as the Opinicon, or Rock Lake mine, and worked during 1891 and 1892 by the Kingston Phosphate Company, of Montreal, and by Mr. James Bell, of Arnprior, under royalty to the Can- ada Company of $2 per ton. Mr. Bell had previously mined on this property during 1888 and 1889, and extracted about 500 tons of mineral. A force of 25 to 30 men was employed, and work was conducted by day and night shifts. Two pits were sunk, the larger reaching a depth of 225 feet on an incline of 45°, and being 75 feet long. The vein is reported to have widened from 2 feet at the surface to 8 feet at the bottom of the main pit. From 4 to 5 tons of phosphate per diem were raised from this opening. The second pit reached a depth of 40 feet, and measured 20 X 30 feet at the surface, widening as it went down. An average of 2 tons of mineral per diem was produced from this opening. Steam was used for drilling and pumping and for hoisting from the large pit. The phosphate produced was massive crystalline, and of a green colour, changing locally to red. After being cobbed and, in some cases, washed, it was hauled a distance of half a mile to the lake, and loaded into scows of 100-tons capacity, being then taken by water to Kingston, and shipped to London and Hamburg. The mine was closed down in 1892, and has not since been worked. The total amount of phosphate produced from this property would amount to about 1,500 tons. References: — Ont. Bur. Min., I, p. 239; II, p. 251. Rep. Royal Commission, 1890, p. 173. Lanark County. TOWNSHIP OF NORTH BURGESS. Concession III, lot 16. — A hundred tons of apatite are recorded to have been shipped from this property to the United States, in 1871, by 51 Mr. M. Philips. The colour of the phosphate was red, and the mineral yielded on analysis:^ — Tricalcic phosphate 85-24 = 39-05 phosphoric acid. Calcium fluoride 7 -78 = 3-80 fluorine. Calcium chloride 0-74 = 0-48 chlorine. Calcium carbonate 0-22 Magnesia 0-55 Alumina 1-20 Ferric oxide 1-29 Insoluble 3-49 Total 100-51 Concession IV, lot ii.— Worked in 1871 by Mr. G. Clark, of Sher- brooke. Concession V, lots 3 and 4- — -Phosphate was mined on these lots as far back as 1867, when the Rideau Mining Company conducted operations for a short period. Other lots, including 8, 9, and 10, were simultaneously worked by this Company, who opened up a number of shallow pits and shipped a quantity of phosphate to Germany. Many of the openings have since been exploited for mica, which occurs in some quantity on the veins. The principal work for apatite was carried out on lot 4. There, some half-dozen narrow pits have been opened upon parallel leads of phosphate and very dark mica, the openings being some 10 to 15 feet apart, and situated only about 50 feet from the shore of Big Rideau lake. The deepest of these pits is down 70 feet, the remainder being only shallow openings. The average width of the pits does not exceed 5 feet. Consid- erable phosphate was extracted, also, from lot 10, and the workings here are somewhat extensive. No machinery was •ver employed on this property, which has since been worked by various parties for mica. Lots 4 and 8 belong, at present, to the estate of the late Mr. J. Rogers, of Perth; while lot 3 is owned by Mr. E. Smith, of Perth; and lot 10 by Mr. J. Mahon, of Rideau Ferry. Ont. Bur. Min., Ill, p. 193; XII. p. 130; XIX, p. 127. Rep. Royal Commission, 1890, p. 175. Geol Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1870-71, p. 316. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica., 1912, pp. 164-6. Concession V, lot 13 E. |. — Silver Queen mine, owned b}' Mr. Edward Smith, of Perth, Ontario. This property was first worked in 1903, when Mr. R. McConnell, of Ottawa, carried out a few months' work for mica with a small force of men. Two years later the mine was acquired by the present owner, and was worked by Mr. C. EUsner, under lease, for a year, both mica and phosphate being mined. The owner has worked more or less steadily since 1906, and has taken out a large quantity of mica and considerable phosphate. None of the latter mineral has been mined or shipped during the last five years, as work has not been carried on in the old pit where the principal apatite-bearing lead is exposed. About 100 tons of fine-grained, greenish-white, sugar phosphate were lying at the mine when the property was visited, in 1912. iGeol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1877-78. p. 4H. 6542— 4i 52 Although several openings have been made while mining for mica, phosphate has been found in quantity at only one point, this being on the side of a small ridge of gneiss rising some 50 feet above the neighbouring crystalline limestone zone. Here, a pit has been sunk vertically, some 35 X + + + + N.W. S.E. Fig. 6. Section at Silver Queen mine, township of North Burgess, Ont. A, mica-phosphate vein; B, country granite-gneiss; C, pj^roxenite; D, fetid crystalline limestone; F, feldspar zone, consisting of bluish microcline mixed with calcite, sphene, diopside, etc. Scale: 1 inch= about 500 feet horizontal and 25 feet vertical. feet, from which point an inclined stope has been.earried a further 65 feet, to N.W., drifts being run along the deposit in a northeasterly direction. The total length of the excavation is about 60 feet. At the north end, a 4' X 5' timbered collar has been built in, through which pass the pipes for drilling and pumping, and through which hoisting is carried on. Pillars of rock have been left at intervals on the stope to support the roof. The mica and phosphate occur in large pockety masses on a zone extending a considerable distance, and the occurrence somewhat resembles, on a smaller scale, the Blackburn deposit in Templeton township. Que. Much of the mica is crushed and twisted, as is often the case where large quantities of phosphate are present. The deposit, which occurs along the contact of a pyroxenite belt with crystalline hmestone, has a direction of N. 30° E., with a dip to N.W. An interesting feature is the occurrence, on crevices in the sugar phosphate, of sheets of white hornblende-asbestos or "mountain-leather." Long, prismatic crystals of dark green actinolite, penetrating pink calcite, were found on the dump, and small quantities of scapolite were noticed. The pyroxenite varies from a dark green to a light grey rock, the pyroxene often possessing highly developed cleavage in three directions. The crystalline limestone adjacent to the contact with the pyroxenite is remark- able both on account of its colour, which is a light blue, and for its property of liberating sulphuretted hydrogen when crushed or struck with the 53 hammer. This rock also contains a large amount of phlogopite, in minute crystals, as well as pyrites, diopside, garnet, tremolite, and graphite. About 500 feet to the southeast of this phosphate lead, a feldspar deposit has been uncovered and worked in a small way. This deposit appears to constitute a feldspathic zone about 100 feet' wide, paralleling the phosphate vein, and is probably not a true dike, but, in part, at least, of contact metamorphic origin. The feldspar of this deposit, like the limestone above mentioned, is also characterized by its containing sul- phuretted hydrogen. The mine is equipped with a boarding house for twenty men; boiler house with 15 H.P. vertical boiler; steam hoist; pump, and three drills. Wooden buckets are used for raising the rock, etc., and slide on a wooden skipway, inclined at varying angles at the different depths. An average of half a dozen men is emploj'ed. The distance from Perth by road is 12 miles, but shipment of mineral can be made from Hogg bay on Big Rideau lake, distant about one mile from the workings. R^fcrGncGS'^"" Ont. Bur. Min., XV. p. 105; XVI, p. 88; XVII, p. 92; XVIII, p. UO; XIX, p. 127; XX, p. 111. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica., 1912, p. 167. Concession V, lot 16. — Donnelly mine. Phosphate was mined on this property previous to 1870, and four openings were made, from which about 100 tons of apatite were raised by Messrs. R. Leckie and Company, of Montreal. The mine, which lies about 9 miles of Perth, has since been exploited for mica, which occurs in some quantity with the apatite. The deposit is a typical contact between a dark compact pyroxenite on the northeast, and normal gneiss on the southwest, the direction being almost due N.W.-S.E. The vein matter is principally pink calcite, in which mica crystals associated with bunches of phosphate occur embedded. The mica crj^stals are of more than usual size, and of excellent quality and colour. The lead at the surface was only a few inches wide, but developed into a body over 8 feet across at the bottom of the main pit. The dip is about 80° N.E. Several pits have been opened along the vein, the deepest being down 35 feet, while the largest pit has a length of 35 feet and is 6 feet wide. Towards the south the lead appears to branch off into two portions. The total length of lead worked is about 150 feet. No machinery has been in use on the mine, hoisting being by derrick and horse whim; the only building is a small mica shed. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 169. Concession V, lots IS and 19. — Also lots 18 and 19 in concession VL A small amount of surface work was conducted on these properties in 1871 by Messrs. Matheson and Bell, and a little phosphate was secured. Two pits, each about 40 feet deep, were sunk, ancl a production of 200 tons was reported. I^^fcrGncG' — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1870-71, p. 319; 1871-72, p. 127. Concession VI, lot 1. — McMartin mine. Was worked somewhat extensively in the early phosphate days. No details of production are available. 54 Concession VI, lots 10 and 21. — ^These lots were worked in 1871 by- Mr. G, Clark, of Sherbrooke, who took out a quantity of phosphate, chiefly of a red colour and often mixed with hematite. Lot 10 is now known as the Old Anthony mine, and has been worked within more recent years for mica. The workings on this property extend to a depth of over 125 feet, and the main pit has been opened on a 4-foot vein, having a direction of N. 35° E., and occurring on the contact of dark green pyroxenite with red granite-gneiss. Mining was continued here for several j^ears, operations being conducted by Floerstein and Company, during 1873 and 1874: this Company acquiring the mine from Mr. Clark. Lot 21 is now known as the Star Hill mine, and has since been worked for mica by a number of operators. The amount of phosphate found at this point was not large. Geol. Surv. Can.. Rep. Prog., 1871-72, p. 124; 1872-73, p. 177; 1874-75, p. 108. Rep. Royal Commission, 1890, p. 174. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, pp. 170, 174. Concession VI, lot 12. — A little green granular apatite has been raised on this lot, the mineral chiefly being obtained while mining for mica. Concession VI, lot 13 E. |. — Martha mine. Although worked exten- sively for mica during recent years, this property was originally opened for phosphate, in 1871, by an English company, several hundred tons of mineral being raised. The vein — composed of calcite, mica, and apatite — is reported to have measured over 25 feet in width. In 1892, the mine was acquired by the Lake Girard Mica System, who worked for both mica and phosphate, and subsequent operators include the Mica Manufac- turing Company, of London, and Messrs. Sewell and Smith. Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1871-72, p. 124. Rep. Roj'al Commission, 1890, p. 174. Ont. Bur. Min., Ill, p. 194; X-XV, for more recent details of mining for mica. Also Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 172. Concession VI, lot 13 W. |. — Known now as the Munslow mine, this property has been worked during more recent years for mica. Apatite was first mined here in 1871, by Mr. Edward Schultze, who opened, prin- cipally, small surface pits, and extracted only a small quantity of mineral. The workings of this mine adjoin, and form part of those of the Martha mine, on the east half of the same lot. Rcf ©rGnc6S ' — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1871-72, p. 124. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 173. Concession VII, lot 9. — Two narrow pits, respectively 35 and 90 feet deep, were opened about the year 1883 on well defined, parallel leads of apatite and mica. Work was continued for a couple of years, and the property has been subsequently worked for mica by Mr. Edward Smith, of Perth. The total amount of phosphate produced on this lot, and on the east half of lot 11, in the same concession, is estimated at over 2,000 tons. Rep. Royal Commission, 1890, p. 173. Ont. Bur. Min., XV, p. 105. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 175. Concession VII, lot HE. |. — This lot, together with 9 in the same con- cession, formed what was known as the Otter property. Lot 9 has since been worked for mica, but this mineral does not occur in any quantity on 55 lot 11, and but little mining for it has been attempted. A number of small pits exist, the largest measuring 45 X 8 feet, and being 35 feet deep. This opening has been made on a lead of mica and brown phosphate having a direction of N. 20° E., and a dip of 80° S.E. The property, which lies a few hundred yards from the Hanlon mica mine, and worked, about 1891, by Messrs. Cross and Foster, of Smiths Falls, is now owned by Mr. McLaurin, of Perth. The total amount of phosphate raised on these two lots is estimated at about 2,000 tons: the initial work was commenced in 1870. References: — Ont. Bur. Min., II, p. 251. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 175. Concession VII, lots 11 W. j, 12 W. |. — Work has been chiefly confined to lot 12 (Byrnes' mine). Mining was commenced by Mr. A. Cowan, of Brockville, in 1870, and several pits were opened. The largest opening is about 55 feet deep. The apatite is of a red colour, and is frequently much mixed with hematite or pyrites. Mica accompanies the phosphate on most of the leads, and is of a very dark colour, being also hard and brittle. The amount of phosphate taken from the veins on these lots is reported as upwards of 1,500 tons, the whole amount being shipped to the Brockville Chemical Company's works. Mining was continued here from 1870 until 1874; since then, with the exception of some work for mica in 1901 by the General Electric Company, who now own the property, and intermittent work by the former owner, Mr. P. Byrnes, the mine has lain idle. Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1870-71, p. 319; 1871-72, p. 124; 1872-73, p. 177. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 176. Ont. Bur. Min., X, p. 132; XI, p. 290; XII, p. 129, XIII, p. 91. Concession VIII, lot 1. — Otty Lake mine. Worked in 1871 by Mr. Edward Schultze, and in 1873 by Messrs. Morris and Griffin, of Wolverhamp- ton, England. The latter Company only worked for one year, and raised about 350 tons of phosphate. Mr. R. McConnell, of Ottawa, acquired the mine in 1908, and has conducted a considerable amount of work for mica, employing 35 men, and using steam fo- drilling, hoisting, etc. The largest opening is 100 feet long, 15 feet wide, and about 40 feet deep. R,Gf6rGllCGS' — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1871-72, p. 124; 1873-74, p. 110; 1874-75, p. 109. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 176. Concession VIII, lot 2. — This property was worked in 1870 by Hon. R. Matheson of Perth, who opened up a pit 60 feet long by 15 feet deep, besides numerous smaller openings, and secured a considerable amount of phosphate. The deposit is reputed to be the first ever worked in Canada, a small amount of mining having been conducted in 1855. For what purpose the apatite was mined is not stated. The lot was divided into a number of sections, all owned by different parties, these including (besides the above) Messrs. Meighen and Morris, and Messrs. Morris and Wilson, of Perth. The various owners mined small amounts of phosphate between 1870 and 1875. In 1907 Messrs. Kent Bros., of Kingston, acquired the mine, and worKed a couple of seasons for mica. The largest opening on the property is an open pit 60 X 25 feet, and 25 feet deep, situated near the shore of Andrew lake. The deposit at this point consists of pockety accumulations of light, silver-amber mica, associated with white calcite, and small amounts of green apatite. 56 A number of openings exist on the lot, the old phosphate pits being located, principally, on the southeast end of the property. One of these pits disclosed a flat, pockety lead averaging 3 feet wide, and carrying a vein filling of dark green apatite and mica, under a capping of dark gneiss. Several small openings exist on this lead, which has a general strike of northwest and southeast, and carries large quantities of scapoHte and wilson- ite, the enclosing rock finally taking on the character of a scapolite-pyrox- enite. R, G f G r GIICG S ' —"^ Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1871-72, p. 124. Rep. Royal Commission, 1890, p. 174. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 177. Concession VIII, lot 3. — Apatite was mined on this lot in 1870 from a vein 8 feet in width, the workings being situated near the shore of Otty lake. The operators were Messrs. Ritchie and Jackson, of Belfast. A shaft 30 feet deep was sunk upon a 3-foot vein, and drifts were run in both directions from this opening along the lead. A number of smaller pits, also, were opened, the total production of phosphate falling not far short of 1,000 tons. The apatite is green in colour, and both granular and massive- h'' crystalline, occurring associated with amber mica on well defined veins. These veins strike N.W. and S.E., and average about 2 feet in width. The rock adjacent to the leads is a coarsely crystalline, quartz-syenite: narrow bodies of pyroxenite separating the vein filling from the country rock. The present owner of the property is Mr. R. Cordick, Sr., of Perth, and the mine was worked for a few months in 1908 for mica by Messrs Kent Bros., of Kingston. rtGiGrGncGS* — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1870-71, p. 320; 1871-72, p. 124; 1873-74. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 178. Concession VIII, lots 4, 5 and 6. — This property is owned by Mr. William MacLaren, of Perth, who is engaged, at the present time, in mining for mica. A little phosphate is extracted simultaneously, but the quantity is small, and no shipment of this mineral has been made since 1908. The apatite found on these lots is usually massive, green, rock-phosphate, but a little of the sugar variety also occurs. Work is carried on intermittenth', some half a dozen men being employed; in addition to work at the main pit on lot 4, operations, chiefly of a prospecting nature, are conducted at various points on the property. A new steam plant was installed at the main pit in 1911, this com- prising a 40 H.P. portable, horizontal boiler, and 3-drill compressor. This machinery had not yet been put into operation at the end of 1912. The mine is equipped with boarding house, stables, mica trimming sheds, etc. Mica and phosphate are extensively developed all over these lots, and numerous openings have been made in the past, chiefly for the latter mineral. The main pit, now being worked for mica, was originally opened for phosphate, and the owner reports that a promising lead of apatite has lately been uncovered in the northwest end. This pit is a narrow open- cut, or trench, 75 feet deep, and averaging some 10 feet wide; it has been excavated by sinking on a vein of approximately the same width, the 57 course of the lead being followed in sinking, so that a someAvhat irregularly shaped opening has resulted. The direction of the deposit is N.W.-S.E., and its dip is nearly vertical. Mining for phosphate on these and adjoining lots was commenced as early as 1870. In this year, Messrs. Watts Bros., of Perth, leased lot 4 from the owner, Mr. Flaherty, and continued work for a year. Over 200 tons of apatite were extracted, and shipped to Germany, the price paid being $10.50 per ton at the mine. Lot 5 was also worked during 1870 by the owner, Mr. R. Matheson, of Perth, and numerous openings were made on the property, without, how- ever, resulting in any large production of phosphate. Openings were also made on lot 6 about this time, but the majority of them were unimportant. Between 1878 and 1883, the above lots, and also lot 5 in concession IX, were worked by j\Ir. P. C. Adams, of Montreal, and the output of apatite during this period is reported to have been over 5,000 tons. In 1888 the Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Company, of Liverpool and London, England, acquired the abovementioned properties, and other phosphate lands in the townships of Bedford and North Burgess, and commenced mining with a steam plant. It was found, however, that work by machinery proved more expensive than hand work, and steam was abandoned in favour of hand drilling. The Company put down two main pits, 100 feet and 80 feet deep respectively, besides numerous smaller openings, and extracted some 2,000 tons of apatite, employing, on an average, about 20 men. Practically all of this production was shipped to Germany and England; the former country taking the highest grade mineral. On account of the drop in prices in the early nineties, the Com- pany abandoned operations in 1891. The mine lay idle until 1901, when Hon. Peter MacLaren commenced Avork for mica and phosphate, and operations have been continued intermittently by him and the present owner up to the present time. The mine lies 6 miles south of Perth. References; — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1871-72, p. 124; 1873-74, pp. 123-127; 1882-84, p. 7L. Ont. Bur. Min., XI, p. 287. Rep. Roval Comniis.sion, 1890, pp. 168-175. Dept. Min Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 178. Concession IX, lot 4- — Numerous small openings have been made in the past upon this lot, and a small amount of phosphate was raised. The largest pit measures 15X6 feet, and is 30 feet deep. This opening discloses a vein of amber mica, pink calcite, and green apatite, between walls of normal pyroxenite, having a direction of N.W. and S.E The width of the lead is about 5 feet. Messrs. Watts, Adams, and Noble, of Perth, have worked the property for mica and phosphate during recent years, but operations have been entirely confined to the surface. A vein of barytes occurs on this lot, but has not been exploited. RcfcrcncG; — Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 179. Concession IX, lot 6. — A large number of pits, several of them of con- siderable extent, exist on this lot, more i)articularly on the eastern portion. Little information regartling these old workings is available, but a quantity of phosphate would ai)pear to have been raised from them. The veins, 58 which carry red and green apatite— both massive, and in crystals' dis- seminated through calcite— possess a strike of E. 15° S., and dip nearly vertically. A small amount of mica has been mined during recent years — in 1904 by Messrs. Montgomery and Adams, of Perth, and in 1910 by Mr. J. H. Mendels, of the same place. References: — Ont. Bur. Min., XIV, p. 85. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 180. TOWNSHIP OF NORTH ELMSLEY. Concession VIII, lot 25. — A very large body of pink calcite is exposed upon this lot, and has been mined in a small way for the apatite crystals which occur disseminated in large quantities through it. Only one opening has been made, upon a portion of the vein which here measured 10 feet in width; over 100 tons of phosphate are reported to have been raised. All the work done on this property was performed previous to 1870. Rg f G r Gnc G ; ~~~ Geol.'Su^^^ Can., Rep. Prog., 1870-71, p. 320. Leeds County. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH BURGESS. Concession IV, lot 1. — Cantin mine. This lot, which has since been extensively worked for mica, was mined in a small way for apatite in the early seventies. Among later operators have been Webster and Company, who extracted a few hundred tons of phosphate, besides a large amount of mica; also the General Electric Company, of Schenectady, N.Y., who are the present owners. No apatite has been shipped from here for many years. The deposit appears to occur at the contact between pyroxenite and granite-gneiss, and the mica and phosphate are disseminated in scat- tered crystals or in small pockety aggregates through a large body of very hard and compact pinkish-white calcite. Small crystals and streaks of pyrites are a constant accessory in this calcite body — the mica crystals often being stained a blue colour — caused by decomposition of the sul- phide. The main pit on the property has a depth of 110 feet, and measures 85 feet in length, being from 12 to 25 feet in width. It is an open-cut on level ground, and follows the course of the lead, which runs E. 10° N. The vein was found to be cut off at 100 feet by a horse of reddish granite, and it was this obstacle which put an end to mining operations. RcfGrGIlCGSI — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1870-71, p. 320. Ont. Bur. Min., Ill, p. 195; V, p. 276. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 190. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH CROSBY. Concession VII, lots 14 and 15. — Apatite was mined in small amount on these lots in the seventies, and, more recently, work has been conducted for mica. Lot 14 now comprises the Sand Lake mica mine, which has produced large quantities of mica since 1900. There is one large pit of circular form, 25 feet across and 75 feet deep. ^Gf 6 rGncGS ' — Geol. Surv. Can., XIV Ann. Rep., 1901, p. 182A. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 187. 59 ADDITIONAL APATITE OCCURRENCES IN ONTARIO. Apatite has been discovered, and the veins in some cases stripped and worked in a small way, in a number of townships in Peterborough, Lanark, Renfrew, Hastings, and Haliburton counties. The following is a list of the more important localities in these counties w^here apatite deposits have been found: — Haliburton County — Cardiff, Concession XIV, lot. 22.. Hastings County — Monteagle, Concession VI, lot 26. Lanark County — Bathurst, Concession VIII, lot 11. Peterborough County — Dudley, Concession III, lot 4- Dysart, Concession V, lot 11. Harcourt, Concession XI, lot 21. Monmouth, Concession X, lot 6. " Concession XI, lots IS, 14, 17. Renfrew County — Ross, Concession 1, lot 7, (Elliot mine). " Concession VI, lot 13, (Cole mine). " Concession VII, lot 1. " Concession IX, lot 7. Sebastopol, Concession X, lot 31, (Smart mine). " Concession XI, lot 31, (Meany mine). " Concession XII, lot 23, (Parks mine). " Turner's island, in Clear lake. In Sebastopol township several large deposits of phosphate were discovered. The veins in this region are remarkable for the large and well- formed crystals of apatite, titanite, and zircon, which they carry, and at the localities mentioned many handsome specimens have been found. On lot 31 of concession X, a mine was opened prior to 1880, and yielded a considerable quantity of phosphate. At the mine on Turner's island, scapolite in large, semi-translucent crystals, is an important constituent of the vein. Titanite crystals, up to 40 pounds in weight, have also been found here. The mine was oper- ated between 1879 and 1882, and yielded about 200 tons of phosphate. On lot 31 of concession XI some 300 tons of phosphate were produced in the early eighties, the vein being, in some places, as much as 16 feet wide, and carrying pyroxene, calcite, and apatite. At the mine on lot 23, concession XII, the apatite occurs chiefly in the form of well-shaped crystals, disseminated through pink calcite. Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1882-84, pp. 5-7L. Ont. Bur. Min., IX, p. 194. NIPISSING DISTRICT. An occurrence of apatite is recorded from lot 4, concession VI, of the township of Ferris. 60 Province of Quebec. The small amount of apatite produced annually in Canada at the present time, is practically all derived from the Province of Quebec, and is a by-product of mica mines. Although phlogopite mica and phosphate occur in Canada in intimate association, it has been found that, as a general thing, the two minerals seldom are present in large amount in one and the same deposit, and that one tends to give way to the other. Where a large development of apatite has taken place, mica is often conspicuously absent, and vice versa. There are, it is true, notable exceptions to this rule, many of the mines in the Templeton district having produced large quantities of both minerals. Along the Lievre river, however, the formation of apatite has been seldom accompanied by any important development of mica, at an^^ rate within the main body of the phosphate. The mica found at the mines in this region usually occurs either in the outer zone of the pyroxene belt or in small veins adjacent to the phosphate body, and carrying only small amounts of apatite. Such veins naturally received little attention at the hands of the phosphate miners in the early days, and a vein carrying mica was seldom followed unless showing an exceptional amount of apatite. The waste dumps of the old phosphate mines in this district, therefore, cannot be expected to contain any great quantities of mica, although some of them probably would yield sufficient mineral to repay working over. The total recorded production of phosphate in the Province of Quebec since the commencement of mining, or rather since 1878, the first year for which returns of production are available, amounts to 300,000 tons, or just about nine-tenths of the total output of the two provinces, Ontario having a record of only 33,469 tons. (See Tables II and III). Roughly nine-tenths of this total represents production previous to 1893. The richest phosphate bodies discovered in the Province were those in ranges XI and XII of the township of Buckingham and in the township of Portland West, west of the Lievre river. Scattered deposits of more than average richness were worked at various points in the Templeton district and towards the Gatineau river, but the total tonnage taken from these mines was not large. Although scattered mica deposits are found all through the country between and adjacent to the Lievre and Gatineau rivers for a considerable distance to the north of Ottawa, apatite as a vein mineral accompanying mica seems to become less abundant with increasing distance from the main bodies to the south, and in several of the most northerly located mica mines it is almost entirely absent. Although there is, at the present time, no prospect that any serious mining for phosphate can be undertaken in the near future the Lievre river apatite area certainly still holds large bodies of mineral, and would be the most favourable region for operations in the case of any eventual revival of mining. Labelle County. TOWNSHIP OF BOWMAN. Range IV, lots A, 1, 2, 3, 4- — High Falls mine. Opened in 1890 by the General Phosphate Corporation, Ltd., of London, England, who worked the Ross Mountain mine (range VI, lots 5 and 6, and range VII, lots 1 and 2 of Portland West), at the same time. 61 The Company worked for only one year, employing as high as 80 men. The total production from the High Falls mine is estimated at about 1,000 tons. The workings lie only about half a mile from the High Falls on the Lievre river, but rapids made it impracticable to ship the mineral from this point, and it had to be hauled to a wharf some miles below. When the dam at the Little Rapids — some eleven miles below — was constructed, the river became navigable up to the foot of the High Falls. The pits lie on the southeast side of a ridge, which rises steeply from Barbutte or Bowman lake. There are six important openings, the largest being a fiat drift 100 feet long, 25 feet high, and carried 75 feet into the hill. Pillars were left at intervals to support the roof of this opening which still contains extensive showings of phosphate. The mineral is massive and compact, and is of a blue-green colour, occurring on shoots and pockets in a light, grey-green pyroxene. The remainder of the pits are all open- cuts into the ridge, the deepest of such openings not exceeding 75 feet, and 20 X 15 feet. Much of the rock at this point is a brown-green pyroxene, containing crystals of dark, almost black, hornblende. Stringers and small pockets of pink and white, fine-grained calcite traverse this rock, and carry crystals of apatite, pyrites, and sphene. A good bush road still connects the mine with the village of High Falls, but all the buildings have long since disappeared. The mine was equipped with a large camp, and a steam plant was installed. No work has been done upon the property since 1892. An analysis of apatite from this mine, conducted by M. F. Connor, of the Mines Branch, yielded the following: — Phosphoric acid 39 . 24 = 85 • 74 tricalcic phosphate. Lime 55-70 Magnesia 0-20 l:th::::;:::::;:::::::l «■«" Water 0-28 Chlorine 0-65 Fluorine 3-10 Ferric oxide Alumina, ' Insol. and silica 0-06 100-75 Less oxygen = chlorine, fluorine 1-37 99-42 RGfGr€ncGs*~"~ Geol. Surv. Can., Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 16; XII, Ann. Hop., 1899, p. 99. Que. Bur. Min., 1891, p. 87, 1892, p. 82. Range V, lots 27 and 28. — Brazeau mine. Owned by Messrs. Watts and Noble, of Toronto and Perth, who purchased the mine in 1907. The property lies about five miles from High Falls, and is the most northerly 62 situated phosphate deposit which has so far been worked in this region; the phosphate bearing belt, which extends in a northwesterly direction from the Ross Mountain mine, on the sixth range of West Portland, appearing to have its northerly limit at or near this locality. This belt possesses a length of about ten miles. The ov.'ners have worked intermittently during the past twenty years, operations usually being conducted in winter. The last operations were conducted in 1910. A maximum force of 12 men was employed, and the total production of the mine is estimated at 1,500 tons. There are several small openings, the largest measuring 35 X 30 feet, and being about 40 feet deep. This pit has been excavated open-cut in the southwest side of a ridge, upon a sort of chimney deposit of dark, yellowish-green apatite — the pocket being followed down by sinking on the floor of the cut. The bottom of this pit is said to show a body of apatite over 20 feet wide. No calcite was noticed, the walls of the opening appearing to consist of massive apatite, mixed with dark coloured pyroxene and hornblende. The phosphate contains a considerable amount of pyrrho- tite disseminated through it in fins grains. There are a few buildings, including cobbing house, bunk house, etc., at the mine, but no machinery has ever been used. A noticeable feature is the conspicuous absence of waste rock, the amount of dead rock extracted being very small. The material taken from the pit appears to have been almost entirely phosphate. Scarcely any mica occurs on the property. The output was hauled to the foot of the High Falls, and taken down by scow to Buckingham. TOWNSHIP OF BUCKINGHAM. Range X, lot 25. — Apatite was discovered on this lot in 1876 by Mr. G. C. Brown, but no development of the property has ever taken place. The distance of this lot from the Emerald phosphate belt is about 2| miles, the valley of the Lievre river separating the two. South of the tenth range, no important deposits of apatite have ever been located in the township of Buckingham, though the mineral is some- times found associated with calcite in the graphite mines. RcfcrGiicGt — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1876-77, p. 306. Range XI, lot 19. — Washington or Lansdowne mine. This property comprises a portion of the phosphate belt upon which is situated the Emerald mine — the workings of the two properties being contiguous. Mr. G. C. Brown, in 1876, was the first to carry out any work on this and the adjoining lot (18), and operations were later conducted, in 1882, by the Dominion Phosphate Company, of New York, who ceased work in the following year, and transferred their working force to the North Star mine, which they continued to operate until 1891. No extensive bodies of phos- phate were discovered, and no further development of the property has taken place. K^f 6 rGncGs i — Geol. Surv. Can., Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 14. Que. Bur. Min., ]ilines and Mineral of the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, p. 122. Range XI, lots 25 S. j, 26. — Kendall mine. About 100 tons of apa- tite were mined on this lot about the year 1880, the mineral being taken from an open-cut in the side of a ridge. The vein measured 18 feet in 63 width, and carried a hard, compact phosphate, rather stained by iron. In 1892, the property was again worked by Mr. W. C. Kendall, of Buck- ingham, who mined for mica — this mineral being found in a band of ser- pentine hmestone which traverses the property. No further work has taken place. Rg f G FGIICGS '. — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1882-84, p. 19J; VI Ann. Rep., 1892-93, p. 39A; XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 113J. Que. Bur. Min., 1892, p. 87. Range XII, lot 17 N . j. — Aetna mine. This mine includes the most easterly openings which have been made upon the great phosphate bearing belt exposed on lots 17, 18, and 19, of the twelfth range of Buckingham, and exploited, in addition, at the Squaw Hill and Emerald mines. In 1873, H. G. Vennor alluded to the presence of large masses of apatite on these lots, and predicted their importance. In 1875, the above lot, together with 18 N. I and 19, was acquired by the Buckingham Mining Company, who did considerable prospecting and development work. In 1889, lots 17 N. I and 18 S. | were taken over by the Anglo-Continental Guano Com- pany, Ltd., of London, England; who named the property "The Squaw Hill and Aetna Phosphate Mines." This syndicate worked for only three years, the mine being purchased in 1892 by the British Phosphate Company, of London, who confined most of their work to the Aetna property. Shortly after the last named Company took over the mine, phosphate mining in the Lievre district came to an end, and the property has lain idle ever since. The Aetna mine is f:ituated about one mile east of the Emerald work- ings, and is separated from these by a valley, in which runs the Tamo lake road. The pits are located on the top of a steep ridge, into the base of which an adit was driven for some distance, in an attempt to locate new phos- phate leads. ]Mining, however, came to an end before the two sets of workings connected. Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1876-77, p. 304; Rep. Prog., 1873-74; p. 145; Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 14; XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 102. Que. Bur. Min., Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, p. 125. Que. Bur. Min., 1892, p. 82. Range XII, lot 18 S. j. — Squaw Hill mine. Known also as the Grant mine, and worked about 1876, in a small way by Dr. J. A. Grant, of Ottawa. In 1889, this property, together with the Aetna mine, was taken over by the Anglo-Continental Guano Company, of London. In this year, Obal- ski reports a pit 70 feet deep, from which over 3,000 tons of phosphate were said to have been taken. In 1892, the British Phosphate Company, of London, worked the mine, and produced large quantities of mineral. The main pit consisted of an inclined opening 140 feet deep. The work- ings were lit by electricity, and the mine was equipped with a large steam plant. The following year, however, saw the closing down of this and practically all the other phosphate mines in the Lievre River district; this result being brought about by the largely increased production of the Southern States. An analysis of a pale greenish-grey apatite from this mine, made by G. C. Hoffmann in 1878, gave: — 64 Tricalcic phosphate 89-68 Calcium fluoride 7-13 Calcium chloride 0-41 Calcium carbonate 0-84 Alumina 0-71 Magnesia, ferric oxide 0-28 Insoluble 0-37 Total 99-42 Specific gravity = 3- 1493. Massive, sea-green apatite from another pit on the same property gave : — Tricalcic phosphate 74-30 Calcium fluoride 5-86 Calcium chloride 0-16 Calcium carbonate 6-47 Alumina 1-98 Iron sulphide |S ^Jljpvrrhotite. \Fe 0-37J - Magnesia, ferric oxide 0-54 Insoluble 2-05 Total 100-24 References: — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1877-78; pp. 3H and 7H (analyses of apatite); Rep. Prog., 1882-84, p. 12J; IV Ann. Rep., 1888-89, p. 108K; XII Ann. Rep., 1899, pp. 102, 116J; Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 14. Que. Bur. Min. 1899, p. 90; 1802, p. 82; 1893, p. 105. Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, p. 125. Range XII, lot 19. — Emerald mine. This property is situated at the western extremity of the phosphate bearing belt on which are also located the Aetna and Squaw Hill mines. The workings lie a few hundred yards off the main Lievre River road, about 300 feet above the river, and some 500 yards distant from it. The mine was formerly one of the largest and most important phosphate producers in the district, and was exploited originally by the Buckingham ^Mining Company, about the year 1875. Subsequently Messrs. Murray and Allan carried out some work on the property, and later Mr. W. A. Allan worked a short while. In 1884, the Ottawa Phosphate Mining Company took over the mine, and continued to work until 1892, when the mine was shut down. No further work has taken place. In 1889 there was a reported output of 3,500 tons of pho.s- phate — the force employed numbering 60. Numerous openings exist on the property, the largest pit being situated on the north side of the hill. From the character of the workings, it would appear that the phosphate occurred in large, irregularly shaped pockets, which were joined up by narrow veins or necks. These pockets have been followed by tortuous workings, the intervening rock being left standing in pillars and benches. Most of the pits are open-work, and the present state of many of the workings is so bad that it would entail a large expen- diture to render them anything like safe, should a new exploitation of the property ever be contemplated. 65 In oae of the pits a vein of massive phosphate over 90 feet wide is reported to have been encountered. The apatite contains a considerable amount of iron pyrites, which occurs both in the form of small grains scattered through the phosphate and in nodules, the latter attaining a diameter of as much as six inches. The deposit is cut at one point by a dike of diabase, having a width of 35 feet, and an easterly direction. Cal- cite would appear to be relatively absent in this deposit, and very little mica has ever been found. A small amount of somewhat 'ruled' amber mica occurs on the north end of the lot; this mineral appears to be confined to small veins on the border of apatite and country rock. Ma- chiner}^ was never employed to any extent on the property. An adit was commenced at the foot of the hill, for the purpose of unwatering the upper pits, and also to serve as a means of running the phosphate to the river; this work, however, was not completed before the mine was closed down. The average output of this mine, during the middle eighties, was 5,000 tons of phosphate per annum — about 50 men being employed. A total production from the mine of about 35,000 tons is estimated up to the year 1890 — this including all grades. The accompanying plan shows the various rock types present in the immediate vicinity of this mine and of the adjoining Squaw Hill property, and is taken from Guide Book No. 3, International Geological Congress, 1913. The geology was worked out in 1912 by M. E. Wilson and J. Stans- field, of the Geological Survey, and the new rock types determined for this area are shown. The plan shows the close and involved association of the various widely divergent rock types that is characteristic of the mica-apatite regions of Quebec and Ontario. RcfcrsncGS! — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1873-74, p. 145; IV Ann. Rep., 1888-89, p. 108K; Bull. Ap., 1904. p, 14. Summary Rep., 1911, p. 284. Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1889-93, p. 123. Guide Book No. 3, International Geological Congress, pp. 89-93, 1913. Range XII, lot 26, — Was worked for apatite in the early eighties. Two pits were sunk, one 10 X 12 feet and 22 feet deep, and the other 9 X 6 feet and 14 feet deep. No work appears to have been done upon the property since 1882. The mine was known as the "Vennor" lot. Rcf ©rcncc ! — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1882-84, p. 20J. Range XII, lot 27. — Several openings were made on this lot as far back as 1872. H. G. Vennor records six abandoned pits in 1873. Beyond some prospecting conducted by the Buckingham Mining Company in 1875, no further development would seem to have taken place. I^GfGrGnCGS' — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1873-74, p. 145; Rep. Prog., 1876-77, p. 303. TOWNSHIP OF DERRY. Range II, lots 2 and 3. — A little work was done upon these properties in the eighties, and they were acquired later by the Du Lievre Milling and Manufacturing Company, of Buckingham, Que., a concern which after- wards changed its name to the Du Lievre Phosphate Mills. In 1899, the Glen Almond Mica and Mining Company mined in a small way for mica; but this mineral occurs here in too crushed a condition to render its extrac- 6542—5 ^-S c 1% e !l 1 -c ■oo'Qo 10 1 O "0 c Q, ) ^.s r7 /e/-/cfu/eQ-3-/c/ lead, the deepest being down 45 feet, 60 feet long, and 15 feet wide, strike of the phosphate lead is X. 30° E. The 85 The workings lie on the crest of a small ridge, about half a mile from the Gatineau river. Range XII, lot 10. — -This mine is variously known as the Gemmill, Nel- lis, or Vavasour mine, and was originally opened for phosphate in 1878, by Mr. Donald Gow, of Cantley, who worked continuously for six years, and took out about 3,000 tons of high grade apatite. Subsequently, Messrs. Nellis and Gemmill took over the property, and operated, for a few years, for both phosphate and mica, under the name of the Vavasour Mining Association. The mine is now owned by the estate of Mr. T. F. NeUis, of Ottawa. The late owner kept an average staff of ten men more or less continuously employed up to a few years ago, practically all work done being for mica. The property lies about two miles east of Kirk Ferry station, on the Gatin- eau Valley branch of the Canadian Pacific railway, and 13 miles north of Ottawa, and connects with the Cantley-Ottawa road by a field track. The workings are situated on a small hill, or knoll, measuring about one-third of a mile across, and composed principally of a grey-green pyrox- enite, enclosed in biotite gneiss. The veins, of which there are a number, strike in a northeasterly direction, and have a maximum width of 15 feet, while the length of the principal lead has been estimated at 1,200 feet. The aggregate length of the veins exceeds 2,100 feet; and practically this entire length has been worked, though the openings are chiefly confined to five principal and parallel leads. This deposit exhibits probably the great- est development of parallel leads within a narrow zone to be found through- out the whole phosphate area. The principal filhng of the veins consists of pink calcite, containing well formed crystals and compact aggregates of green apatite, with mica crystals, often of large size, scattered through the mass. The mica is a first class silver-amber, yielding a large percentage of 5" X 8" sheets, and over 300 tons of marketable mineral are said to have been produced from the mine. No machinery is, or has been, employed at the mine, with the exception of small steam pumps in the deeper workings. Hoisting is done by means of horse derricks and hand winches operating boom derricks. The workings consist of numerous pits, trenches, and drifts, following the line of the leads, the greatest depth reached being about 180 feet. The veins are not, as a rule, vertical, the general dip being some 60° southeast. The pyroxenite varies from a coarse-grained normal type to a finely crystalline mixture of pyroxene and small spangle mica. It is cut by several narrow pegmatite veins. Some exploratory work has been carried out to the southwest of the main workings, but without much success. Fig. 12 is a general plan of the workings, showing the geology. Although large quantities of phosphate were formerly encountered, and the mine was worked solely for this mineral, little apatite has been taken out during recent years. Excellent contacts between pyroxene and gneiss are to be seen on the south side of the hill. Here, several narrow veins have been followed by drifts for some distance into the hill, the vein filling consisting of pink calcite, in which occur scattered mica and apatite crystals. The walls of the veins are formed of narrow bands of pyroxene only a few inches thick, enclosed in a quartzose gneiss. The pyroxene walls exhibit well defined 86 comb structure. At certain spots, more especially on the southwest of the property, pockets lined with large and well formed crystals of pyroxene are met with in the pyroxenite. Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1882-84, p. 17L; XII Ann. Rep., 1899, pp. 115, 121.1; Bull. Ap., 1904, pp. 26, 27; Summary Report, 1911, pp. 280, 282. Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1899-90, p. 128. Que. Bur. Min., 1892, p. 85; 1894, p. 98; 1895, p. 60; 1898, p., 31; 1899, p. 20; 1900, p. 20. Dept. Min. Cao Min., Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 97. Guide Book. No, Internatinal Geological Congress 1913, pp. 111-113. Range XII, lot 14- — This property was first worked by Mr, Irish, of Aylmer, about thirty years ago, and subsequently by Mr. Snow, of Ottawa, and by Messrs. Gemmill and Co., also of Ottawa. The last named took out about 200 tons of high grade phosphate, mostly secured from one pocket located near the railway. The opening here is 35 feet deep, and has been formed by quarrying the north side of a small knoll of pyroxenite cut by a coarse pegmatite. The pegmatite has intruded a large pocket of mottled green and red phosphate, and has caused the formation in the phosphate of considerable quantities of black tourmaline, which traverses the massive apatite in small veins and stringers. There is very little mica present at this spot, and calcite is relatively scarce throughout the deposit, which is associated with a dark green pyrox- enite. References: — Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, p. 128. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 114. Range XIII, lot 1 S. |. — Burke mine. This property was originally worked as a phosphate mine, and yielded considerable quantities of apatite. It has been worked for mica at intervals since 1894, by several parties, and the dumps, also, have been turned over to recover the mica discarded in the earlier days. The openings consist of two pits, one a shaft 8X8 feet, and 25 feet deep, and a second drift or inclined trench a short distance from the first, and about 20 feet deep, from the bottom of which a further drift has been carried to the northwest, the total depth being about 50 feet. The rock is a vuggy, green pyroxenite, carrying much pink calcite and silver-amber mica on fissure leads and pockets, the walls of which are lined with well formed pyroxene crystals. The mica crystals are rather contorted and inclined to split up into ribbon mica. A large amount of iron pyrites is present throughout the deposit, the rock being, in places, stained a deep red. The bottom of the main pit showed a large mass of pink calcite following a more or less horizontal lead, and carrying mica and brown apatite crystals disseminated through it. Some of the massive pyroxene is of a very dark green colour, yielding perfect cleavage fragments in three directions. ItGIGrGDCGS*^— Geol. Surv. Can., XII Ann. Rep., 1899, pp. 115, 123, 132J; Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 27. Que. Bur. Min., 1894, p. 96. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 97. Range XIII, lot 10 N. |.— McLelland mme. The property of Mr. R. McConnell, of Toronto, who acquired the mine in 1911, and has had a few men employed during the past year in mining mica. The crystals found at this mine, however, are of very poor quality; the sheets are hard and brittle and almost black in colour, besides which a large proportion of the mineral is so crushed as to be worthless. 87 The mine was opened in 1878 by Mr. Wilkinson, of Ottawa, and about 1,000 tons of phosphate are said to have been extracted between this year and 1883. Previous to taking over this property, Mr. McConnell had worked under lease for several years for mica; no phosphate was mined, however, this mineral appearing to become less plentiful in depth, and what little was found was thrown on the waste dump. The veins, of which there are three, have a strike of N. 10°E, and dip about 65°E. Upon the largest of these leads an inclined shaft 100 feet deep was sunk, the vein-body being subsequently stoped out from below. Pillars were left to support the walls of this opening, which now consists of an open stope 100 feet deep, 8-12 feet high and some 50 feet long. A cribbed ladderway is built in at the north end. The veins are remarkably regular and have well defined walls. The latter, especially the hanging wall, are thickly lined in places with large mica crys- tals, which, being arranged for the most part with their basal planes parallel to the vein wall, give to the latter a remarkable tessellated appearance. The veins occur in a mass of pyroxenite, with a strike of north and south, enclosed in biotite gneiss, the whole formation being traversed extensively by later pegmatite dikes. On the west contact of pyroxenite and gneiss, a large body of pink calcite and phosphate, the latter chiefly of a reddish-brown colour, has been formed, and carries considerable quantities of mica. The workings are situated on a small knoll about two miles north of the village of Cantley. Although the veins possess such well defined walls and regular direction, they do not appear to extend the whole width of this knoll ; *they are confined rather, to a small zone on the east side and extending midway across its breadth. The following analysis of a sample of grey-brown apatite from this mine was made by M, F. Connor, of the Mines Branch: — Phosphoric acid 39 Lime 54 Magnesia Soda Potash ' Walter Chlorine Fluorine 3 Carbon dioxide Insol. and silica Ferric oxide Alumina 101 Less oxygen = chlorine, fluorine 1 60 = 86 • 53 tricalcic phosphate. 20 35 77 32 44 30 66 48 00 12 44 99-68 Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1882-84; p. 17L; Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 26. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 101. Range XIII, lot 12. — Worked by Messrs. Gemmill and Company about 1885. About 300 tons of phosphate are reported to have been taken out. The mine has later been exploited for mica by Webster and Com- pany, and by Messrs. Winning, Church, and Co., of Ottawa, who worked for several months during 1910. References: — Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, p. 128. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 100. Range XVI, lot 13 S. j. — Wilson mine. This property was first opened in 1891 by Messrs, J. A. Wilson, of Cantley, and Neil Stewart, of Ottawa. Work was continued for two years, both phosphate and mica being mined. Mr. J. H. Connor leased the mine during the winters of 1905 and 1906, and took out 250 tons of phosphate. In the tw^o following years Mr. Wilson continued operations, and shipped about 400 tons of first-grade apatite. No further work has been carried on since 1909. A stock of some 800 tons of second-grade phosphate, stated to average 60 per cent; is still lying at the mine. A great number of phosphate veins have been located on this property, the majority being narrow, but carrying good indications of mineral. A number of small openings have been made at various points, but most of the phosphate referred to above, has been taken from one pit. This excavation is an open-cut and sink 80 feet deep, 20 feet wide, and 30 feet long, and has been opened on a lead of green, massive apatite containing very little mica or calcite. The bottom of the pit is said to show an 8- foot vein of apatite. This vein has a direction of W.20°N. and dips 80°S., all the leads on the propery having approximately a similar strike and dip. The workings lie on the southwest side of a gneiss ridge, and the phosphate veins cut across this ridge almost at right angles. The mine is the property of Messrs. Wilson and SteWart, and lies three miles from Cascades station, on the Gatineau Valley branch of the Canadian Pacific railway, this being the nearest shipping point. No machinery has ever been used at the mine, and the only buildings are a small bunk-house and a cobbing shed. 1^6 f G FGDCG S * — Geol. Surv. Can., XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 122J; Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 27. Que. Bur. Min., 1892, p. 85. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 103. Range XVI, lot 14 S. j. — This lot also is the property of Messrs. Wilson and Stewart, and has been worked on a small scale. The veins here carry considerable quantities of pink calcite, in which occur small crystals of blue apatite and mica, and the deposit is of a more pockety nature than that on the adjoining lot. A small pit has been opened on one such vein, and has been worked as an irregular drift 15 feet high carried about 35 feet into a small bluff. The last work done was performed in 1910 by Mr. M. Dubois, of Wakefield, under contract with the owner. Range XVI, lot 16.- — ^Known as the Barber mine. A pockety lead of phosphate and pink calcite was worked in 1882 to a depth of 35 feet, the pit being 40 feet long. About 120 tons of phosphate are said to have been taken from this pocket. ItcfGrGncGS '— Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1882-84, p. 17L; Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 26. Phosphate has also been mined in small quantities at various other spots in the township of Hull, chief among which are the following. None 89 of these properties have yielded any great quantity of the mineral, but a number of them have been worked since 1890 for mica: — Range X, lot 16. " X, lot 17. — Haycock mine. " X7, lots 5, 6, S. J. — Kearney mine. " XI, lot 9. " XI, lot 10. — Nellie and Blanche mine. " XII, lot 6 S. f " XII, lot 9. " XIII, lot 3. " XV, lot 12a. — Dacey mine. " XV, lot 12h. — McAUister mine. About 50 tons of phos- phate were taken out by Mr. R. J. McGlashan, of Wilson's Corners, in 1910, while mining for mica... Range XV , lot 13. — Connor mine. " XVI, lot 12. — Moore or McLelland mine. " XVI, lot 15 S. f— Cassidy mine. " XVI, lots 15 N. J, 16 and i 7.— Horseshoe mine. TOWNSHIP OF TEMPLETON. Range V, lots 9, 10 and 11. — Known as the McRae mine, and opened in 1891 by H. McRae and Company. The workings are inconsiderable, and the property was worked for less than a year. The pits are situated about one mile east of the Blanche river, and four miles from East Temple- ton station. The Company installed an electric plant, utilizing water power on the Blanche river, and this was one of the earliest mines in the Province to employ electricity. Diamond drilling was resorted to, and the existence of considerable bodies of phosphate was proved. However, before the property could receive more extensive development, the price of phosphate fell, and the mine was closed down. About 30 men were employed, and some 500 tons of apatite was taken out. (See Plate XIII.) x^c f G rcncG s * ~"~ Geol. Surv. Can., XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 103J. Que. Bur. Min., 1891, p. 88. Range VII, lot 7. — Known as the Grier mine. A few small openings were made here about the year 1880, and 100 tons of phosphate were extracted. The apatite is said to have been mixed with considerable pyrites. Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1880-82, p. lOGG; Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 25. Range VIII, lot 15 E. j. — Rainville or Dugas mine. This property lies one and one-half mile southwest of Perkins Mills, and 10 miles from East Templeton station, on the southeast slope of the same hill upon which are situated the Phosphate King and WalUngford mines. The property was originally opened up by Mr. W. Miller, of Montreal, in 1875, and was later worked by the Templeton and North Ottawa Mining Company. In 1891, the mine was worked for mica and phosphate by the Hon. C. A. Dugas, who also took out a small quantity of asbestos from a small deposit on the northern part of the lot. In 1896-7, Messrs. 90 Baumgarten and Manchester worked for mica, under lease; and in 1897, Webster and Co. had twenty men engaged in extracting this mineral. The present owners are Messrs. Wallingford Bros., Ltd., who acquired the property in 1906, and reopened the mine for mica in 1918. It is estimated that over 2,000 tons of phosphate and S200,000 worth of mica have been taken off this property since the commencement of mining. Each operator, in turn, equipped the mine with machinery; including steam pumps, drills, hoists, etc.; and a depth of 70 feet was reached in the main pit. There are half a dozen openings, consisting of long, narrow trenches, excavated on parallel leads of phosphate and mica. The general direction of these leads is N.W.-S.E., with a slight dip to S.W. The largest pit is 85 feet long, 15 feet wide, and 70 feet deep. There are, also, numerous small prospect pits scattered over the property. The pyroxenite varies in character considerably, ranging from a coarsely cry- stalline, normal rock of a dark green colour, to a finely crystaUine and almost black mica-pyroxenite. The vein matter is largely pink calcite and apatite of a deep sea-green colour, mica occurring chiefly on the walls, but also, to some extent, disseminated through the vein-body. One lead carries a light coloured, yellow, massive phosphate, in which deep green fluorite and amethyst crystals are found. Considerable quantities of pyrites are present at certain spots and the pyroxene surrounding the pyrites possesses an unusual, blue colour. The mica is a good quality, brown amber. Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog.. 1876-77, p. 303; XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 129J. Que. Bur. Min., 1891, p. 86; 1892, p. 86; 1897. p. 97; 1905, p. 10. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 68. Range VIII, lot 15 W. |. — Phosphate King mine. Lies about one-fourth of a mile from the Rainville, or Dugas mine, and on the western slope of the same hill. Formerly owned by Mr. A. W. Stevenson, the property was worked in 1892 and 1893 by Mr. J. Wallingford, who employed half a dozen men in mining for mica and phosphate. In 1894, the Lake Girard Mica System took over the mine and installed machinery, continuing work for two years, employing some 20 men, and mining both mica and phosphate. In 1894, this Company took out 35 tons of mica and about 500 tons of phosphate from a vein averaging 9 feet wide. In 1896-7, Messrs. Webster and Company mined here for mica; but in the latter year the property was acquired by the Mica Mining and Manufacturing Company, of London, who continued operations until 1899. The last named syndicate was formed to take over all the mines of the Lake Girard System, and work was conducted both in the Province of Quebec and in Ontario. The Company had as many as 50 men engaged at this mine, and considerable quantities of both mica and phosphate were produced. With the exception of a few months' work carried on in 1906 by Mr. T, J. Waters, no further mining has been done since 1899. The mica and phosphate occur on pocketj^ leads having a strike of S. 70°E. and a dip of 60°S. An inclined drift 50 feet high has been carried 100 feet into the hill to the east, on the main lead. From here a shaft was sunk 70 feet, and a further drift run 280 feet. There are, in addition, numerous other minor openings, the largest being 50 feet deep, and lying a short distance to the east of the main pit. 91 The mica is of good colour, but a large percentage is crushed, and inclined to split up into ribbon mica. About 8,000 tons of high grade phosphate are said to have been taken from the mine. Geol. Surv. Can., XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 129J. Que. Bur. Min., 1892, p. 86; 1891, p. 95; 1895, p. 60; 1896, p. 97; 1899, p. 30. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 69. Range VIII, lot 16. — Wallingford mine. Owned by the Wallingford Mica and Mining Company, of Ottawa. The mine adjoins the Phosphate King property, and lies about one-fourth of a mile to the northwest of it. The distance from Perkins Mills is 1| mile, and from East Templeton station 12 miles. Originally opened for phosphate in 1882, by Mr. G. H. Beacon, and worked by him for a couple of years; the property was then acquired by the Pacific Guano and Phosphate Company, of Boston, who continued operations until 1891, with a force of from ten to twenty men. Upon the last named ceasing work, Messrs. Wallingford Bros, and Company took over the mine, and continued to work, for mica, until 1902. In the following year, this Company was reorganized under the title of the Wallingford Mica and Mining Company, and, as such, has continued to work the property, intermittently, ever since. Though now to be considered an important mica property, this mine formerly yielded considerable quantities of phosphate. The last important production of this latter mineral was in 1898 and 1899: 1,000 tons being taken out in the former and 200 tons in the latter year. Little attention has been paid of late years to the apatite encountered while extracting mica, the low price offered for the mineral not rendering mining profitable; and it is only saved when met with in large quantities. A large plant exists at the present time at the mine : including an 80 horse-power boiler; six steam drills; four steam hoists; three pumps; and six derricks, besides the usual mine buildings. Large reserves of excellent mica are said to be in sight in the pits. A total of about 3,600 tons of trimmed mica is estimated to have been produced from this mine. One crystal was met with, which is stated to have yielded $33,000 worth of marketable mica. The entire phosphate production is estimated at 4,000 tons. The workings consist of numerous minor openings, prospect pits, etc., and two main excavations, the larger being 170 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 200 feet deep. This opening has a direction of S.70°E. The deposit is of the fissure and pocket type, and carries large quantities of pink calcite, in which occur finely formed mica crystals and large bodies of green phosphate. No detailed examination of the workings was practic- able when the mine was visited, the pits being full of water. Geol. Surv. Can., XII Ann. Rep., 1899, pp. 128, 129J. Que. Bur. Min., 1895, p. 60; 1896, p. 96; 1898, p. 34; 1899, p. 30; 1900, p. 19; 1901. p. 32; 1902, p. 16; 1903, p. 58; 1904, p. 36; 1905, p. 10; 1907, p. 24. Dept. Min. Can.. Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 70. Range IX, lot 14 S. |.— Opened about 1878, by Mr. Wellington, this mine has since been worked for mica by a number of parties: including Webster and Co. ; Jurkowski and Co.; and the Laurentide Mica Company. The latest work was performed by Messrs. Loyer, of West Templeton, in 1909, when about 50 tons of phosphate was taken out; and by Messrs. 92 Loyer and Charette, in 1910; the latter working for a few months with half a dozen men, and producing about 70 tons of high grade apatite, and a little mica. The workings consist of five pits, the largest of which is 60 feet deep, 80 feet long, and 20 feet wide. All these openings are open-cuts run into the south and east slopes of a ridge 200 feet high, and lying about a mile from Perkins Mills. The phosphate is massive, of a light green colour, and occurs associated with large quantities of pink calcite and small sized amber mica, on leads in a dark green pyroxenite. These fissure-leads have a general trend of east and west, and dip at varjdng angles to the south. Their walls are often covered with a compact mass of small mica crystals. The leads are very irregular, and vary much in width; in a distance of 20 feet, one vein narrows from 15 feet to 3 feet. "Leopard-granite" is a conspicuous rock type on the dumps. JififGrBncGS' — " Geol. Surv. Can., XII, Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 130J. Que. Bur. Min., 1896, p. 98; 1898, p. 34; 1899, p. 30. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 73. Range IX, lots 17 and 18 N. |. — Known as the Goldring mine, and was an important phosphate producer in the late seventies, when Mr. John McLaurin, of East Templeton, worked for two years with a force of 50 men. The Goldring Phosphate Company subsequently acquired the property, and mined for about twelve months with a large force; being succeeded by Messrs. Hebert and Ouimette of Montreal, who worked one year, and took out a large quantity of mineral. The mine then lay idle for a number of years, being taken over, in 1904, by the Papineauville Lumber Company. The last named Company confined their operations to lot 17, where an old phosphate pit was re-opened, and sunk to a depth of 70 feet. Work was commenced early in 1910, and continued for a few months, half a dozen men being emploj^ed. About 100 tons of first grade, and 40 tons of second grade phosphate were produced, in addition to a small amount of mica. No further work has been performed since October, 1910. The old phosphate pits are located on lot 18, the principal opening being a narrow open-cut, carried into the south side of a high ridge lying 3 miles northwest of the village of Perkins Mills. This open-cut is 50 feet long, and from the inner end a drift has been run into the hill for a distance of nearly 100 feet. This opening has been made upon a well defined lead, carrying massive, green apatite and pink calcite, with some mica. The country rock is dark gneiss, cut by quartz bands or dikes; and the vein which has here been followed, occurs on the contact of pyroxenite with such a quartz dike. The strike of the lead is NW-SE., with a dip of 30° NE. The main filling of the vein consists of massive, green apatite, containing pockets of calcite, in which latter occur the mica crystals. Mica is also found embedded in the phosphate, but far more rarely. An unusual feature of the vein worked on lot 17 by the Papineauville Lumber Company, is the occurrence in the phosphate of small druses carrying a well crystallized smoky quartz, calcite, dolomite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 73. 93 Range X, lot S. — Marsolais mine. Situated about two miles northeast of the village of Perkins Mills. This mine was worked somewhat exten- sively by the Templeton and North Ottawa Mining Company', of ]\Iont- real. Two pits or drifts were sunk to deptiis of 90 and 70 feet respectively, and a considerable quantity of phosphate was taken out. The mine and dumps have since been exploited for mica by various parties, and the property was acquired a few years ago by Mr. M. J. O'Brien, who, however, has carried out no work upon it. Rcf ©rcnccs '. — Geol. Surv. Can., XII, Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 130J. Que. Bur. Min., 1896; p. 98; 1900, p. 19. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 75. Range X, lot 9 E. |. — Post mine. Opened by Mr. Post, in 1878, this property was operated between 1889 and 1893 by the Canada Industrial Company, who installed machinery, errected a large number of buildings, and took out a quantity of high grade phosphate. In 1895, the mine was worked for mica by Mr. White, of New York, who employed 15 men, Mr. M. J. O'Brien took over the mine in 1897, and commenced w^ork for mica and phosphate with half a dozen men. The property was newly equipped with a horizontal boiler; steam hoist; boom derricks, two steam drills; and two steam pumps, and considerable work was carried out during 1907-8. Some new pits were sunk, but work was also continued in the old phosphate pit, which is an opening 125 feet deep, and about 100 x 100 feet, and a considerable quantity of mica was extracted. The last work was clone in 1909. The phosphate and mica occur on veins in a grey-green pyroxenite, enclosed in dark biotite gneiss, which is in places highly garnetiferous, and is traversed by a system of granite dikes. The basic rock varies from a normal, compact variety, to a mica-pyroxenite, often mixed with con- siderable apatite. Some of the veins carry large bodies of pink calcite, while on others this mineral is almost totally absent. The same applies to both pyrites and pyrrhotite, which are met with chiefly in the openings on the ridge above the main pit. The phosphate is present both in the form of sugar- phosphate and of isolated crystals, embedded in calcite. Openings exist over almost the whole of the property, which lies 2| miles northeast of Perkins Mills. Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1880-82, p. lOGG; IV Ann. Rep., 1888-89, p. 109K; V Ann. Rep., 1890-91, p. 157S; XII Ann. Rep., 1899. p. 130J. Mines and ^Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, p. 126. Que. Bur. Min., 1890, p. 80; 1892, p. 86; 1895, p. 59. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica. 1912. p. 75. Range X, lot 9 W. |. — Jackson Rae mine. This property was one of the most extensively worked in the Templeton district, and was actively operated between the years 1878 and 1890 by the Jackson Rae Phosphate Company, of London, which extracted several thousand tons of mineral. Numerous openings, some of them of large extent, exist on the property, the larger pits being located on the south end of the lot and about half a mile nearer Perkins Mills than those more recently worked for mica. The most important excavation is a large open-cut several hundred feet in length which has been opened on a deposit of phosphate lying between pyr- oxenite and gneiss. The dump material exhibits manj^ varieties of rock, 94 varying from a normal dark pyroxenite to a mixture of blue-grey microline feldspar and brown titanite, the latter mineral in crystals often from two to three inches in length. On the north end of the lot a number of small pits exist, the deepest being about 90 feet deep. These workings were exploited from 1908 to 1910 by Mr. AI. J. O'Brien, who now owns the mine and who worked for mica. The mica, however, though occurring in considerable quantity, is too much crushe^l to be of much value, and operations were suspended for this reason. Mr. O'Brien employed an average of 8 men, and installed a steam plant. ]\Iost of this installation has since been removed, and only the boarding-house, stables, etc., remain. About 35 tons of mica are reported to have been recovered from the old phosphate dumps. The deposit is of pockety type, irregular leads of mica and phosphate occurring in a somewhat dislocated and crushed grey pyroxenite. This dislocation appears to be due to intrusion by acid dikes, which have intro- duced considerable quantities of black tourmaline into the phosphate leads. The tourmaline occurs in groups of radiating columns and stout needles, associated with secondary actinolite, brown titanite, calcite, and mica. A body of such acid rock was met in the main pit, and cut off the mica lead at a depth of some 70 feet. The phosphate is both of the powdery ''sugar" and massive varieties, and is uniformly of a green colour. The mine lies 14 miles from East Templeton station, on the Canadian Pacific north shore line from Ottawa to Montreal. R6f6rGnc€Si — Geol. Sun'. Can., Rep. Prog., 1880-82, p. IIGG; IV Ann. Rep.. 1888-89, p. 108K; XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 130 J. Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 25. Mines and Minerals ot the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, p. 126. Que. Bur. Min., 1892, p. 86. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 75. Range X, lot 10 N. |. — Known as the Jubilee or Smith mine, and now owned by the Routhier Alining Company, of Angers, Que. This property was originally opened up about the year 1888 by the McLaurin Phosphate Mining Syndicate, which took over the mines formerly owned by Mr. L. McLaurin, of Templeton. A small camp was erected, and about a dozen men were employed The workings are not very extensive, comprising three small pits, the deepest of which is said to be down about 40 feet. This mine produces an excellent grade of light-coloured, silver-amber mica often in sheets of large size, and when mining for phosphate became unpro- fitable, the McLaurin Syndicate continued operations for mica. With the exception of a few weeks' work by the present owners, in 1909, the last mining was carried on in 1900. References: — Geol. Surv. Can., XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 130J. Que. Bur. Min., 1896, p. 98; 1900, p. 19. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 76. Range X, lot 10 S. |. — Murphy mine, opened in 1878. The mine was only operated for a couple of years, and does not appear to have yielded much phosphate; but later it was extensively worked by various parties for mica. The Lake Girard Mica System acquired the property in 1892, and worked for some months in 1894. In 1899, Mr. Arthur Murphy shipped 75 tons of phosphate, which was extracted while mining for mica; 95 and in the following year the Sills-Eddy Company leased the mine and worked a few months. No further development has taken place. The only important opening is a pit 65 feet deep which has been exca- vated open-work on a proxenite belt carrying irregular leads and pockets of phosphate and mica. This pyroxenite has been intruded along its strike and midway across its width, by a light grey pegmatite, having a direction of east and west. The mica leads have been worked by means of open-cuts on each side of this acid dike. R,G f G rcncc s ' ~~" Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1880-82, p. IIGG; XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 130J. Que. Bur. Min., 1892, p. 86; 1894, p. 95; 1899, p. 30; 1900, p. 21. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 77. Range X, lots 15 W. |, 16 N. |. — Victoria mine. Opened in 1899 by Messrs. McLaurin and McLaren, and has yielded a large quantity of mica and a small tonnage of phosphate. The present owner is Mr. T. G. Mc- Laurin, of Montreal, w^ho worked from 1907 to 1910 for mica and phos- phate. The mine is idle at the present time. The workings lie 2| miles northwest of the village of Perkins Mills, and a mile off the road from that place to McGregor lake. They comprise some half dozen pits, of which the largest measures 130 by 45 feet, and is 187 feet deep. This opening has been made on a deposit of phosphate and mica lying between pyroxenite and gneiss, and having a strike of N. 55° W., with a dip of 75° S.W. From the bottom of the pit a drift has been carried 60 fee.t to the southwest, following leads of phosphate and mica accompanied by large quantities of pink calcite. The north side of the pit exhibits a well defined vein wall. The mica is a good quality, light amber, and is found disseminated through the body of calcite and phosphate. The pjToxenite is a light grey-green rock, containing numerous pockets, which are often lined with large and well formed pj-roxene crystals, and carry both ''sugar" and massive phosphate. Unusually dark coloured apatite is sometimes met with; well formed crystals, almost black in colour, being noticed in one of the smaller openings. Three well defined leads of high grade phosphate are reported to occur on the property, but have been little worked. RciGrGncGS!^"' Geol. Surv. Can., XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 130J. Que. Bur. Min., 1899, p. 30; 1900, p. 19. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 78. Range XI, lot 6. — Mining for phosphate was carried out during the year 1886 by the Templeton and Blanche River Mining Company, who were succeeded in 1891 by the Netherlands Phosphate Company, of Amsterdam. The last named were only in existence a short while, and did not produce more than a few tons of mineral. References:^ Geol. Surv. Can., Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 2.5. Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, p. 128. Que. Bur. Min., 1891, p. 88. Range XI, lots 7 N. I; 8, 9, 10 and 11. — Blackburn mine. The principal workings are situated on lots 9 and 10. This is the largest mica and phosphate mine in the township of Templeton, and lies 13 miles north of the station at East Templeton, and 4 miles from Perkins Mills. It is owned by Messrs. Blackburn Bros., of Ottawa. Originally opened for 96 phosphate in the eighties by Messrs. Blackburn and McLaren, and being later (in 1888) operated by the East Templeton District Phosphate Mining Syndicate, Limited, who in 1895 gave place to the present owners, the mine has become one of the largest mica producers in the district. With the exception of a short period — about sixteen years ago, when the mine was closed down for three years — operations have been continued without intermission since 1888. A large force of men has been constantly employed, the number reaching a maximum of 120, some years ago. The large pit on lot 10 was shut down in 1910, and mining at present is confined to the new shaft on lot 9. The total area of the property comprises about 900 acres, but mining is confined to lots 9 and 10. Numerous openings exist on both these lots, the whole area having been extensively prospected for both phosphate and mica. Lot 10. — The principal excavation is an open pit over 300 feet long> 180 feet wide at it southeast end, and 120 feet deep. From the southeast end further underground workings have been carried in an easterly direction. These consist of three galleries, 300 to 500 feet long, on the 180, 240, and 280 ft. levels, respectively, and communicating by means of a shaft 160 feet deep. These galleries have been stoped out in places to a height of over 25 feet. Drifts have been carried from them to the north and south, following irregular pockety accumulations of mica and phosphate, enclosed in soft green pyroxenite. The mica is a first class, light amber, and the crystals usually occur as individuals or in small aggregates embedded in the phosphate. Calcite is relatively absent. The proportion of commercially valuable mica to the total amount mined is high, about 50 per cent being marketable sheets. Phosphate was extracted simultaneously with the mica, and some 200 to 500 tons of high grade apatite was produced annually. The mineral was hauled to East Templeton station during the winter months, and shipped thence by rail to Buckingham. The output of mica formerly kept forty persons employed in the trim- ming works. The deposit is associated with a pyroxenite belt of unascertained width and extent, having a strike of northwest and southeast, and enclosed in dark biotite gneiss. Both pyroxenite and gneiss are extensively cut by peg- matite dikes. No limit, in depth, has as yet, been found for the deposit : considerable reserves of both mica and apatite being still present in the lower workings. The mine is equipped with a large plant: including a boiler house with one 40 H.P. and one 50 H.P. boiler; an Ingersoll-Sargent compressor, with a capacity of 440 cubic feet free air per minute; and a 4 K.W. dynamo used in generating current for lighting purposes. There are two steam hoists capable of being operated either by steam or air, and a small reciprocating pump lifting 200 feet, with a capacity of 100 gallons per minute. The mine is supplied with power from a power house situated 2| miles away, near the outlet of Dam lake. This plaat is equipped with a turbine operating a 115 K.W. dynamo, generating (A.C.) at 2,400 volts, transmission being by three-phase line to the mine. The 97 current is used to run a 75 H.P. motor at 2,200 volts, belted to an Allis- Chalmers compressor supplying air for drilling, and also for pumping and hoisting, if necessary. In addition, the current is run to a 40 H.P. motor operating a hoist. Transformed to 550 volts, it may be used to work a 7| H.P. pump in the pit, and at 110 volts it is used for lighting, for driving small motors attached to saws, etc., and for running a small centrifugal pump circulating cooling water through the compressor. From the re- ceiver of the latter, a 3" pipe line io run half a mile to the new pit on lot 9, to supply two air drills. A tramwaj' connects the pit with the waste dump, and rock was moved in 6-ton, wooden tip cars, drawn by horses. The pit is equipped with two cable hoists, the towers being 60 feet high. In the old phosphate mining days, large quantities of mica went to the waste dumps; and later, these dumps were turned over; a force of some twenty to thirty men being employed during 1894 and 1895 in recover- ing the mineral. The present camp consists of a large boarding house, capablo of accom- modating over a hundred men; a stable for fifteen teams of horses; store house; weigh house; and manager's quarters; offices, etc. Lot 9. — About half a mile northeast of the above old workings, an inclined shaft has been sunk on a well defined vein deposit of mica and apatite. This vein has an average thickness of 8 feet. The shaft is down 200 leet, and is 7 X 10 feet square, timbered for a distance of 40 feet from the surface. A shaft house has been erected, and the pit equipped with an inclined skipway taking cars of one ton capacity. A 30 H.P. horizontal boiler is used for running a steam hoist; and air is piped from the neighbouring mine to work drills and a small reciprocating pump. The method of working is in marked contrast to the quarry methods so generally employed in phosphate and mica mining, and is an example of how a deposit of this nature may be developed to the best advantage. The mica is a light silver amber, and occurs with massive green apatite, disseminated through a large body of pink calcite. The strike of the deposit is N. 60°E, with a dip to S.E. Three levels have been run at 60, 100, and 147 feet, and extend about 100 feet from the shaft in a westerly direction, raises being put in, and the vein stoped out, without timbering. This pit has been in active operation since May 1911, with the exception of an interval during which lack of water prevented the power plant from being operated. About a dozen men are employed. About twenty feet from the shaft, in an easterly direction, the deposit appears to be cut off by a body of hard trap rock, which intercepts it almost at right angles. No attempt to cut through this dike has as yet been made. About 200 tons of apatite have been taken from these workings. The annual production of phosphate during the period that the prop- erty was operated solely for this mineral (1885-92) was some. 3, 000 tons. The total output from the commencement of operations to the present time will probably not fall far short of 35,000 tons. Geol. Surv. Can., IV Ann. Rep., 1888-89, p. 108K; XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 130J; Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 25. Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, p. 125. Quo. Bur. Min., 1890, p. 80; 1892, p. 86; 1894, p. 94; 1895, p. 59; 1898, p. 97; 1898, p. 34; 1899, p. 30; 1900, p. 19; 1901, p. 32; 1902, p. 16; 1903, p. 58; 1904, p. 36; 1906, p. 41; 1907, p. 23. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 78. 6542—7 98 Range XIII, lots 4 o.'nd 5. — Battle Lake mine. Owned and operated by the Wallingford Mica and Mining Company, (formerly the Ottawa Mica and Mining Company), of Ottawa, who acquired the property in 1900, and have worked more or less steadily up to the present time, operations being conducted almost solely for mica. The main mica workings are located on the north shore of Battle lake, while the old phosphate pits lie nearer the south shore of Rheaume lake, a neck of land about one-sixth of a mile wide separating the two lakes. These old phosphate workings consist of a number of small openings on several more or less parallel leads of massive green apatite, which carry also a little dark mica. Considerable ciuantities of high grade apatite were produced from these pits during 1886-87 by the Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Company, of London; the mineral being hauled to the Lievre river, 2\ miles distant, and shipped to Buckingham. Of late years operations have been mostly confined to several new pits on the steep slope forming the north shore of Rheaume lake, these workings being situated on lot 5. At this point the veins carry only small amounts of apatite, mining being conducted entirely for mica, which occurs in large crystals, and is associated with quantities of mauve and purple wilsonite. The mine has produced considerable quantities of mica, and important bodies of high grade phosphate exist at various points. The Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Company also owned lots 6 and 7 of the same range, and carried out considerable work there during 1886 and 1887, installing a steam plant. Other properties owned by this Company included the following: — Portland West: Range X, lots 2, 4, 5. Portland East: Range I, lot 4; Rar^ge II, lots 1 TF.-|, 2 E. 4; Range V, lots 13, 14. Templeton: Gore, lots 9, 41, 4^, 43, 44, 45, 4^- Bowman : Range VII, lots 26, 27. Wakefield: Range II, lots 20 E. \, 21 N. j, 22. In 1887, the Company (which previously had borne the name of the Du Lievre River Land and Phosphate Company) abandoned all work in the Province of Quebec, and commenced operations at the Otty Lake and Bobs Lake mines, in the townships of North Burgess and Bedford, Ont, Que. Bur. Min., 1900, p. 19; 1901, p. 32. Geol. Surv. Can., Bull. Ap., 1934, p. 25. Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, pp. 124, 127. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Men. Mica, 1912, p. 83. Range XIII, lots 22 and 23. — Breckin mine. This property lies on the crest and upper slopes of a ridge situated about one mile west of McGregor lake. The chief opening is a shallow cut 400 feet long and 12 feet wide, and having a maximum depth of 30 feet. This trench has been opened on a well defined lead of green, massive phosphate, having a NE.-SW. direction, and carrying a little mica. The phosphate bearing rock is a dark- green pyroxenite, enclosed in reddish gneiss. Scapolite and brown sphene are plentiful along the vein, and fine crystals of zircon are reported to have been found here. The mine is owned at the present time by Mr. H. Grattan, of St. Pierre de Wakefield. It was first opened about the year 1880, by Mr. 99 Breckin, who employed an average of 50 men for two years, and took out a large quantity of high grade apatite. No further work has been done upon the property, although considerable showings of phosphate exist at various points. Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1880-82, p. 12GG; IV Ann. Rep., 1888-89, p. 109K. Gore, lot 6. — A few small openings were made in the eighties by Mr. Murphy, and in 1904 Messrs. Watts and Noble, of Perth, worked for a few months with a couple of men. The amount of phosphate produced was inconsiderable. IiGfGrGnCGS*~~" Geol. Surv. Can., Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 25. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 85. Gore, lot 8. — Rheaume Lake or King Edward mine. The property of Messrs. Wallingford Bros., Ltd., who, however, have never performed much work here. There is a large development of phosphate at this spot, and consider- able work was carried out in 1886, by the Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Com- pany. The veins have a NE.-SW. direction, and carry massive green apatite and a light silver-amber mica. Pockets in the pyroxenite usually have a filling of pink calcite, in which large and well formed apatite crystals occur disseminated. The faces of these crystals commonly exhibit a glazed and resorbed appearance. (See Plate XIV.) There are three main openings, reaching a depth of 25 feet, situated 300 yards from the north shore of Rheaume lake. References: — Que. Bur. Min., 1905, p. 10. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 85. Gore, lot 39. — Briggs or Stewart mine. Opened in the late eighties by Mr. Stewart, of Ottawa. In 1907 Messrs. Kent Bros, of Kingston, worked a few months, for mica. The mine is situated 4 miles northeast of St. Pierre de Wakefield, and connects with the Wakefield road by a good bush track. The workings, which comprise half a dozen surface pits, have been opened on the north- west side of a hill about 500 feet high, in a dark green pyroxenite. The largest opening is an open-cut, following a lead of phosphate and mica,, having a strike of northwest and southeast, dipping northeast, and having a width of 12 feet. The cut has been carried 60 feet into the hill, is 15 feet wide, and 80 feet deep at its inner end. The mica is hard, brittle, and very dark, and is generally much crushed and of little value, the deposit being of more importance for the phosphate it contains. Large amounts of mauve coloured wilsonite occur, associated with massive phosphate. No machinery has been employed on the mine. References: — Que. Bur. Min., 1896-97, p. 98. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 86. Other localities in the township of Templeton which have yielded small quantities of phosphate are listed below. The amount taken off any indi- vidual property was small, and the localities are given only as an indication of where the mineral has been fovmd. Many of the mines noted have been worked since for mica: — 6;42-7i 100 Locality. Name of operator. Range IV, lot 21 McTiernan. IV, lot 22 McVeity. VI, lot 4 Mcintosh. VI, lot 15 Brady. VI, lot 17 Canada Industrial Company. VII, lots 4, 5, and 6 McLaren. IX, lot 9 Coursolles and Belcourt. IX, lot 16 Canada Industrial Company. X,lot7 Greer. X, lot 14 Pearson. X, lot 27 Thompson. X, lot 28 Greer. XI, lot 12 Stewart. XII, lot2S.i Miller. XII, lots 8 S.j,9S.i McLaurin. XII, lot 12 Templeton and North Ottawa Mining Company. XII. lot 13 XII, lot 20 Laurin. XII, lot 21 Templeton and North Ottawa Mining Company. XIII, lot 11. Gore, lots 16,17,18 Blackburn. lot 35 Allan and Fleming. lot 38 Murphy. TOWNSHIP OF WAKEFIELD. Range I, lot 6 N . -|. — Known as the McBride mine, and owned by Mr. J. Grimes, of Ottawa. The property was worked about ten years ago by Mr. Edward Watts, of Perth, and has since been worked in a small way for mica by the owner. ItsfGrGncGS'^— Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1880-82, p. 12GG. Que. Bur. Min., 1892, p. 85. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 87. Range I, lot 12. — Haldane or Hughes mine. This mine was opened in 1878 by Messrs. Haldane and Sons, of Ajdmer, and was actively exploited by them until the year 1890. About 4,500 tons of phosphate are said to have been shipped during this period. In 1892, Messrs. Hughes and Robitaille worked for both mica and phosphate. The mine has lain idle since 1893. The workings, which lie about 15 miles north of the nearest shipping point on the Ottawa river, comprise over twenty pits. The largest vein of apatite encountered had a width of over 10 feet, the mineral being of a reddish colour, and rather mixed with pyrites. This latter mineral is common on the majority of the leads, and occurs often in masses of con- siderable size. The prevailing colour of the phosphate is pale to dark green, the mineral generally being massive. The deepest pit is an open- cut and drift over 125 feet deep, which has been carried along a lead of phosphate occurring at the contact of pyroxenite and gneiss. Mica 101 occurs upon pockety leads adjacent to the phosphate body. Minerals associated with the phosphate include epidote, scapolite, chabazite, and natrolite. The phosphate was hauled to the Ottawa river and loaded onto barges for shipment to Montreal. R,cf6r6DCG3; — Geol. Sur\-. Can., Rep. Prog., 1880-82, pp. 8, 13GG; Rep. Prog., 1882-84, p. 18L; XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 117J; Bull. Ap.. 1904, p. 26. Que. Bur. Min., 1892, p. 85. Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, p. 128. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 88. Range I, lot 14- — Mullins mine. Worked in 1876, and again in 1881, by Mr. G. Clark, of Ottawa. No information as to production is avail- able, but the pits consist of only a few shallow surface openings. Rcf crGnc6 s i — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1880-82, p. 13GG; Rep. Prog., 1876-77, p. 308. Range I, lot 15 S. |. — Known as the Comet mine. The property has been worked by a number of parties, the first operators being Messrs. Chitt}^ and Loken, of Chelsea. Subsequently Mr. J. A. Wilson extracted a few tons of phosphate, and later worked for mica together with Mr. Chubbuck. In 1898, Messrs. Hurdman and Arnoldi, under the name of the Comet Mica Company, mined for mica, and Mr. J. K. Paisley, of Ottawa, took out a little phosphate in 1910. There are several openings on the property, mostly open-cuts and drifts, run into the side of a small ridge of dark gneiss enclosing a series of pyroxenite bands. ]\Iica and large bodies of "sugar" phosphate, to- gether with some calcite, occur on fissure leads of irregular shape and direc- tion in a grey pyroxenite. The leads are in some instances almost hori- zontal, and have been mined by means of flat drifts. The first shipment of phosphate ever produced in the Province of Quebec, if not in Canada, is reported to have come from this mine. Reference: — Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. -Mica, 1912, p. 88. Range II, lot 16. — Kodak mine. Was worked in the eighties by Mr. J. A. Wilson, and yielded a small amount of phosphate. The mine is a mica, rather than a phosphate producer, and has been worked since 1894 by a number of parties for the former mineral. The operators included the Wakefield Mica Company; Webster and Company; Messrs. Wilson and Chubbuck; and Mr. J. S. King, of Toronto. No work has been done since 1908. RefcrGncGs ' — " Geol. Surv. Can., XII Ann. Rep., 1899, pp. 118, 132J. Que. Bur. Min., 1894, p. 98; 189S, p. 35; 1899, p. 34; 1900, p. 22; 1903, p. 59. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 88. Range II, lot 17. — This property is known variously as the Wilson, Morris and Kitty Lynch mine. It was opened in 1880 by Mr. J. A. Wilson, who continued work for two years, and took out some 300 tons of phosphate. The present owners, Mr. M. Morris and Mr. H. Flynn of Hull, have since worked for mica; the former in 1892, and the latter in 1907. No mining has taken place since the last named year. The phosphate is both massive and granular, and varies in colour from dull red to dark green. Large sized mica crystals occur with the phosphate. The strike of the deposit is east and west, and two pits have 102 l^een sunk upon it. The westerly opening is 100 feet long, and 35 feet deep, and follows the leads in a zigzag manner. RcfcrciicGsr — Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1880-82, p. 9GG; Eep. Prog., 1882-84, p. 18L; XII Ann. Rep. 1899, p. 132J; Bull. A., 1904, p. 26. Que. Bur. Min., 1894, p. 96; 1895, p. 60. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 90. Range II, lot 18. — Seybold or ]\Ioore mine. The property' was first worked by Mr. Isaac Moore, of Ottawa, in 1880. Work was continued for a couple of years, and 500 tons of phosphate were taken out. Later, in 1889, Messrs. Seybold and Gibson mined for mica and phosphate, and, in 1903, the present owner, Mr. McLean, of Ottawa, worked for mica. The property has since lain idle. Much of the apatite is of a reddish shade, and the mica is uniformly very dark in colour. The pyroxenite itself is a very dark-coloured rock, as is also the enclosing gneiss. Large pockets were encountered in the pyroxenite during the earlier operations: these often being lined with large and well formed crystals of p^'roxene. The pockets usually carried a filling of pink calcite, having crystals of apatite and mica scattered through it. The strike of the veins is north and south, with a dip of 75° to the west. The depo.?it has been extensively intruded by pegmatite dikes, and, in one case, faulting of a phosphate lead by a pegmatite dike has occurred. The openings are not very extensive, and comprise several surface pits, the largest of which is a narrow open-cut, 50 feet long and 10 feet wide. Rgi cr6nc6s * — ■ Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1880-82, p. 9GG; Rep. Prog., 1882-84, p. 18L; IV Ann. Rep., 1888-89; p. 108K: XII Ann. Rep., 1899, p. 118J; Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 26. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 90. Range III, lot 16. — Thompson mine. Belongs to Mr. Thompson, of Cantley. The property has yielded small amounts of both phosphate and mica, which have been extracted by means of a flat drift carried 50 feet into the side of a low ridge. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 94. Range IV, lot 24; range V, lots 22, 23, 24, S. j's. — Gemmill mine. This property was worked, in 1879, by Messrs. Nellis and Gemmill, of Ottawa, and operations were continued until 1886, when the mine was shut down on account of the low price of phosphate. The total amount of apatite produced is estimated at about 1,000 tons. The phosphate found on this property is usually of a reddish colour, but is said to be of good quality, and to average from 78-82 per cent, B.P.L. It occurs on more or less regular, horizontal veins or beds, in a hornblende -pyroxene rock, enclosed in an epidotic gneiss. Scapolite is frequent in both pyroxenite and gneiss, while tourmaline and well cry- stallized zircon also are reported from this locality. On lot 23, range V, a pockety deposit of pink calcite occurs in the pyroxene, and from this a quantitj'' of apatite crystals was mined. The crystals were well formed individuals, usually doubly terminated : and often with the prism faces almost entirely absent, thus giving the appearance of a double-six-sided pyramid. A small steam plant was intalled at the mine, which employed about a dozen men. The phosphate was shipped out both by way of Ironsides, 103 on the Gatineau Valley railroad, this route being used in winter, and by East Templeton in summer. In the latter case, the mineral was taken down McGregor lake in barges, and hauled from Perkins Mills. Most of the work done was carried out on the south half of lot 24, range IV. Here, an almost horizontal vein of reddish phosphate crops out on the side of a small ravine, and has been worked by means of an adit carried some 150 feet into the hillside. Practically all the phosphate shipped from the mine was obtained from this pit. No work has been done on the property since 1886. The mine is at present owned by the estate of Mr. T. F. Nellis, of Ottawa. References: — Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec, 1889-90, p. 128. Que. Bur. Min., 1899, p. 34. Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1882-84, p. 19L; Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 26. Range VI, Jot 27. — Belongs to Mr. R. J. McGlashan, of Wilson Corners. The mine is located 3 miles north of St. Pierre de Wakefield, and near the west arm of Wakefield lake, upon a ridge rising 300 feet above the lake. The property was first worked by Mr. R. W. Eady, in 1905, and was taken over by the present owner in 1907. Work has been continued more or less steadily up to the present time, mica being the main objective. Phosphate is saved as a by-product, and the present owner shipped about 185 tons of high grade mineral to Buckingham, between 1908 and 1910. The workings consist of a number of pits opened on the southeast side of the hill, from which drifts have been carried in a northerly direc- tion. The main pit is 60 feet deep, 15 feet wide, and 75 feet long, opened on a pocket deposit of darkish amber mica, green compact and ''sugar" phosphate, associated with pink calcite. The leads and pockets occur in a light grey-green rock, consisting of pyroxene, scapolite, feldspar, and dark quartz. The variety of scapolite known as wilsonite occurs in some quantity in certain of the pits. The mica is often well crystallized, and a quantity of large sized crystals have been raised. Large crystals of apatite occur, also, embedded in calcite and "sugar" phosphate. The occurrence of large pockets, lined with well shaped crystals of p^Toxene, is characteristic of this property. In the pit on the northeast of the property, a well defined fiat lead is exposed, the vein matter being pink calcite and massive phosphate, and the walls are lined for some distance with well formed apatite crystals. Brown titanite, in crystals measuring up to one inch in length, is a common accessory mineral in the wall rock. The mica is roughly cobbed at the mine, and hauled to the trimming shops at Wilson Corners, 6 miles away. References: — Que. Bur. Min., 1898, p. 35. Dept. Min. Can., Min. Br., Mon. Mica, 1912, p. 94. Range IX, lot SO. — This property was worked by Mr. Harris from 1879 to 1883. Five men were employed, and about 400 tons of phosphate are reported to have been taken out. The workings, Avith the exception of one pit 35 feet deep, are all small surface openings. R Gf GroncGs ' Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Pro?., 1882-81, p. 19L; Bull. Ap., 1904, p. 26. 104 CHAPTER IV. SEDIMENTARY PHOSPHATE. No discovery of earthy phosphate, of sedimentary origin, which can be regarded as of present economic importance, has, as yet, been made in Canada, and the phosphate reserves of the country are thus confined to the apatite deposits of the Archaean, crystalline rocks in eastern Ontario and Quebec. While of Httle significance, owing to their low phosphoric acid content, brief mention may be made of certain low-grade, sedimentary phosphates, which occur at several points. Alberta, In 1915, announcement was made of a discovery of phosphate rock in the neighbourhood of Banff, Alberta. Particulars of this discovery first appeared in a report entitled, "Discovery of Phosphate of Lime in the Rocky Mountains," by F. D. Adams and J. W. Dick, issued by the Con- servation Commission. The writer was instructed to investigate the extent of this phosphate deposit, and in 1915 made a preliminary examina- tion of the phosphate-bearing series in the Banff district. The results of this examination were pubhshed in Mines Branch Bulletin No. 12, "Investigation of a Reported Occurrence of Phosphate in Alberta", 1916. Although the results of this investigation were not encouraging as far as indicating the existence of anj^ appreciable quantity of high grade phos- phate in the region, it was considered possible that the phosphatic series might represent a northerly extension of the important Phosphoria for- mation of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, in which States, immense quantities of valuable phosphate rock have been found, at approximately the same geologic horizon as that in which the phosphate of the Banff district occurs. Accordingly, in 1916, an extended reconnaissance for phosphate was undertaken in that part of the Rocky Mountains to the south of the area of original discovery, and lying between Banff and the Montana boundary. The field work did not indicate the existence of phosphate of commercial grade in the region, and, indeed, showed that the phosphate series of the Banff district thins out to the southward. The results of this reconnaissance appeared in Mines Branch Summary Report for 1916, from which the following extracts are quoted: — The phosphate bed discovered last year near Banff, was traced south as far as Tent mountain, just north of Corbin, B.C., and about six miles south of Crowsnest. At none of the outcrops found did the bed prove to be as thick as at the best outcrops in the Banff district. Analyses of samples demonstrated that the phosphoric acid content in every case is considerably below the highest obtained from samples taken in the Banff area. The highest P2O5 content of samples taken in the southerly portion of the area examined, was 20 ■ 70 per cent, while the best rock from Banff ran 27 • 63 per cent P2O5. The field work indicates, contrarj' to what might have been expected, that the phos- phate bed in question thins out in a southeasterly direction from Banff, and at the same time carries a diminishing percentage of phosphoric acid. At Tent mountain, the most southerly outcrop found, the bed is represented by a thin layer of small phosphatic nodules in a quartzite matrix. The thickness of this horizon is only about 3 inches, and the nodules range in size from 1 to 3 inches diameter. An anal3-sis of the nodular material, freed from 105 the matrix, showed 21-56 per cent P2O0 or 7 • 14 pei' cent less than similarly selected nodular phosphate from the Sundance canyon outcrop at Banff. (See Plates XV and XVI.) No outcrops of phosphate were found south of Tent mountain, either in the Living- stone or Macdonald ranges. Before the close of the season, the limestones and shales of Turtle mountain, Blairmore, and of the range immediately east of Lille, were examined, with, however, negative results as far as phosphate was concerned. Turtle mountain offers an ideal section of the Carbonif- erous rocks, but the very uppermost beds of the Rocky Mountain quartzite, and the actual quartzite-shale contact, are obscured by talus. The same condition exists in the range east of Lille, due to the low angle of dip of the beds; but a small ledge of quartzite was found here containng a stratum that strongly resembles the nodular phosphatic bed at Tent mountain; this stratum is only an inch or so thick. An interesting and significant point is, that in the easterly section of the region examin- ed (in the Banff area, as well as farther to the south) the phosphate bed, in addition to being thinner and poorer in phosphoric acid than in the more westerly-lying ranges, assumes a brecciated, or conglomeratic character. At the Kananaskis lakes, for example, the bed is made up of both rounded and semi-angular fragments of phosphate, sandstone, and quartzite, in a matrix of sandy phosphate. In the east, also, the bed occupies a decidedly higher position in the quartzite series than in the western section, a fact that would seem to be accounted for by the erosion of a considerable thickness of quartzite, prior to deposition of the overlying Triassic shales. At the Kananaskis lakes, for example, the 2-6 inch phosphate bed occurs onty some 2 feet below the quartzite-shale contact; at Tent mountain, nearCorbin, the nodular phosphate bed is 3 feet below the contact. At the outcrops on Moimt Norquay, northwest of Banff, on the other hand, the 2-foot phosphate bed is overlain by nearly 100 feet of quartzite beds. The thinning out of the phosphate bed from west to east, its decidedh' brecciated or conglomeratic character in the easterly portion of the area, and the fact that a considerably lesser thickness of quartzite beds overUes the phosphate in the east than in the west, taken in conjunction with one another, points to a pronounced unconformity between the Pennsyl- vanian and the Triassic in the easterly section, with local erosion of the phosphate horizon and subsequent re-deposition as a breccia or conglomerate of the material of the broken-up bed. The character of the topography indicates that probably the greater part of the phos- phate originally deposited in a continuous sheet over this area has been removed by erosion. This is apparent when one considers that the phosphate bed is seldom to be found persisting above the lower mountain slopes; though, in some instances, owing to exceptionally complicated structural conditions, portions of the bed may be found infolded at high altitudes. In addition to tracing the phosphate bed referred to above, a careful search was made for possible phosphatic beds in the shales that overlie the Rocky Mountain quartzite. The presence of ooMtic phosphate in these shales had previously been reported to the writer; but despite careful search at a number of exposures, no phosphate horizons were found in them. A number of beds in the shale succession were sampled, but in almost every case the phosphoric acid content was found to be under 3 -5 per cent. The onty exception was a 3-inch bed composed practically entirely of small Lingula shells; this yielded 15-79 per cent phosphoric acid, and was found about 700 feet above the quartzite-shale contact in the Highwood pass, Kanana.skis lakes. However, practically all of these shales yield a slight reaction for phosphoric acid when tested with nitric acid and ammonium molybdate as do, also, in many cases, the Fernie shales (Jurassic) and the Kootenay sandstone (Creta- ceous) of the same area. The fact that, in the Montana field, the phosphate bed occupies a position at the very base of the shales assigned to the Phosi)horia formation, in the upper succession of which no phosphate occurs, would suggest that, in Canada, also, phosphate is not to be looked for in the shales ovcrlj'ing the phosphatic horizon alreadj' found. Manitoba. J. B. TyrelP records the occurrence on AVilson river, west of Lake Dauphin, section 18, township 25, range XX, of a small deposit of phos- phatic shale. This bed consists of minute fragments of the bones and teeth iGeol. Surv. Can., V Ann. Rep., 1890-91, pp. 26.\, 91E, 229E; VI Ann. Rep., 1892-93, p. 92R.. 106 of fishes, embedded in a grey calcareous cement, and crops out in the bank of the river; its thickness and extent have not been ascertained, but the former appears to be small. The tricalcic phosphate content of this shale is 37-70 per cent — equivalent to 17-27 per cent of phosphoric acid. The shale belongs to the Niobrara beds of the Cretaceous formation. Nova Scotia. Phosphatic nodules, consisting of coprolites containing shell frag- ments, have been found in limestone beds of Potsdam age on Macintosh brook, East Bay, Cape Breton.^ The nodules are small, and are regarded as being, possibly, the coprolites of a large species of trilobite. Similar nodules exist, also, at Arisaig, in Antigonish count}'. While of geological interest, the above occurrences are of no possible economic importance. Quebec. At Riviere Quelle^, on the lower St. Lawrence, similar coprolites to those found at East Bay, N.S., occur in lower Postdam beds. The nodules are black and range up to about the size of a small bean; they have a specific gravity of 3 - 15, occur in a compact grey or buff-coloured limestone, and yield on analysis: — Ca3P208 40-34 CaCOs 5-14 MgCOs 9-70 FeaOs, AI2O3 12-62 Volatile 2-13 Insoluble 25-44 Total 95-37 Associated with the coprolites are found tubes of serpulites, up to two inches in length, composed largely of phosphate of lime. A specimen of a hollow serpulites tube gave on analysis: — Ca^PsOs 67-53 CaCOs 4-35 MgO 1-65 Fe^Os 2-95 Volatile 2-15 Adhering sand 21-10 99-73 The amount of such phosphatic material present in the limestone at this point is too small to permit of commercial extraction. At Allumette rapids^ Upper Ottawa river, sandstone of Chazy age contains dark brown, phosphatic nodules in some quantity, associated with fossils of brachiopods. Some of the nodules are two inches long, and one inch in diameter, and there is little doubt that they are coprolites. The shells of the brachiopods {Lingulce) are themselves highly phosphatic, iGeol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1876-77, p. 432. 2Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. Prog., 1876-77, p. 434. 107 and probably account for the high phosphate of hme content of the nodules, Lingulce having formed the food of the animal from which the coprolites were derived. At Grenville, also, on the Lower Ottawa, similar nodules are found in sandstone of the same age, while at Hawkesbury and Lochiel they occur in limestone, and are dirty-brown in colour. A specimen from AUumette island, having a specific gravity of 2-87 yielded on analysis: — Ca3P208 ^ 36-38 CaCOs (CaFs) 5 00 MgO,Fe203 7-02 Volatile 1-70 • Insoluble 49-90 100-00 The insoluble matter consisted of siliceous sand. A nodule from the Hawkesbury limestone gave : — Ca3P208 44-70 CaCOg 6-60 MgCOs 4-76 Fe203,Al203 8-60 Volatile 5-00 Insoluble 27-90 97-56 iGeol. Surv. Can., Geology of Canada, 1S63, pp. 125, 462. See also Amer. Jour. Sci., XVII, 1854, p. 235. 108 CHAPTER V. GEOLOGY OF THE APATITE BEARING DISTRICTS. INTRODUCTORY. Province of Quebec. The Quebec apatite region includes some eight townships, lying between or adjacent to, the Lievre and Gatineau rivers, and situated immediately northeast of Ottawa. The greatest development of phosphate is found in the five' townships of East and West Portland, Buckingham, Templeton, and Wakefield; while the mineral occurs to a lesser extent, also, in the townships of Derry, Hull, and Bowman. The apatite-bearing district may be said generally to include that section of country lying immediately north of the Ottawa river for a distance of some 16 miles, and between the Gatineau and Lievre rivers. North of this area, as well as to the east and west, the deposits become smaller and more scattered, the most northerly occurrences of any consequence being in the neighbourhood of High Falls, on the Lievre river, 30 miles north of its junction with the Ottawa. (See Plate XVII.) As an accessory mineral in mica deposits, apatite is found to the west, north, and east of the already outlined region; small amounts of phosphate being found, almost invariably, associated with the mica at those mines of the latter mineral which lie scattered through the country north of the Ottawa river from the township of Calumet, in the west, to Buckingham in the east. None of these occurrences, however, have proved to be of any economic importance, and the cost of getting the mineral to rail, even where it occurs in sufficient amount to be worth saving as a by-product, leaves hardly any margin of profit. Besides being traversed by the above-mentioned rivers, the phosphate region is dotted with numerous lakes. The Lievre river is navigable as far north as High Falls, to which point navigation was made possible by the building of locks at the time of the phosphate "boom". The Gatineau river is not navigable, owing to numerous rapids and cascades which occur at frequent intervals along its course. The chains of lakes render access to the interior sections, away from the rivers, comparatively easy in summer, portages being usually comparatively short; while, in winter,, their level surfaces provide short winter roads across country, whereby haulage costs are materially lessened. At many of the more remote mines, shipping of the phosphate was carried out only in the winter on this account. Settlements are scattered over practically the whole of the area, though the hilly nature of the country keeps the settlers 1 o the valleys and hollows and occasional stretches of more or less level ground. Road communication is fairly good throughout the district. The generally rugged character of the country encountered immediately to the north of the narrow strip of low-lying land which follows the left bank of the Ottawa river, disappears to some extent to the northward, so that though there is a general increase of elevation, a greater preponderance of level country is encountered in the more northerly districts. Much of this area is occupied by deposits of sand, which often overlie deposits of a stiff, post-glacial clay, resembling in character the marine clays of the Ottawa basin. 109 Throughout the greater portion of the region in which the apatite deposits occur, however, crystalhne rocks predominate. These are con- tinuous with those appearing to the south of the Ottawa river, but over a considerable area to the south of the city of Ottawa, the crystalhne series is overlain by the broad area of Palaeozoic sediments of the lower Ottawa basin. These sediments consist mainly of bedded blue and grey lime- stones, shales, sandstones, and conglomerates, and are of Upper Cam- brian and Ordovician age. They form a series which, in ascending order has the following sequence,- — Group. Rock types. Utica Shales and limestone. Trenton Limestones. Ordovician. . . . , ] Black River Limestones and sandstones. Chazy Limestones, shales and sand- stones. Beekmantown Limestones and sandstones. Upper Cambrian Potsdam Sandstones. These sediments conceal the continuity of the older crystalline rocks from Ottawa southward to the St. Lawrence river. Province of Ontario. While not traversed by any large streams, as is the Quebec district, the Ontario phosphate area is even more extensively covered by large expanses of water than the former. Long chains of lakes, usually narrow, and having a general parallel direction, extend over the townships of Bed- ford, Loughborough, and Burgess. The general elevation of the country is similar to that of the Quebec district, though its character is not nearly so rugged nor so well timbered as the latter. Large expanses of excellent farming land are scattered throughout the area, and the country is, on the whole, of a comparatively level character. What is known as the "Moun- tain," north of Westport, on Upper Rideau lake — a large mass of reddish granite-gneiss rising to a height of some 700 feet — is the most conspicu- ous, if not actually the highest eminence in the district. From the western fringe of the Palaeozoic belt, tongues of sandstones and limestones extend westward in the neighbourhood of Micaville, and the Rideau lakes. From the southerly sediments bordering on the St. Lawrence, relatively few extensions run northward, the limit of the Palae- ozoic being represented by a line, which, though indented, has an approxi- mately east and west direction through the village of Hartington, in Portland township. The chains of lakes follow to a marked degree the trend of the gneiss foliation, of which rock the greater part of the area is composed. The gneiss l^ands possess a general N.E. — S.W. direction; many of the exposures forming part of eroded, anticlinal folds. Long bosses, or "hogs-backs," of red granite-gneiss are characteristic of the country, while white, crystal- line limestone belts cover large areas. (See Plates XVIII and XIX.) In general, it may be said that the gneiss presents a more foliated appearance than in the Quebec region, though local modifications show extremes of both foliated and normal granitic types. The limestone is similar in both 110 districts, the rock containing inclusions of accessory silicates in greater or lesser degree, consequent upon its degree of metamorphism and distance from intrusive contacts. The apatite-bearing rocks, or pyroxenites, present similar features in both areas, many modifications of the normal, granular type being met with in each region. ORIGIN OF THE MICA-APATITE DEPOSITS AND ASSOCIATED ROCKS. It is beyond the scope of this report to enter into a detailed discussion of the geology of the districts in which the apatite deposits occur. Since Sir "William Logan, in the. fifties, first attempted a classification of the various types of rocks to be found throughout the area in question, several geologic investigations of the district have been undertaken, and various theories have been advanced to explain the complex features pre- sented. Although, since the earliest years of geological study of the dis- trict, the widest differences of opinion have existed respecting the origin of the various rocks, contradictory views being both held and expressed in a long series of papers and reports, the diversity of the rock types en- countered within even a very restricted section of the area under con- sideration; their intimate commingling; and their apparent gradual gra- dation one into the other, present a correlation problem, phases of which yet remain to be solved satisfactorily. One of the many problems in- volved, and one which has been a matter of much controversy, is that of the origin of the basic rocks (pyroxenites) with which the apatite and mica bodies are associated. These rocks have been regarded, on the one hand, as metamorphic products of pre-existent sediments, formed by the agency of injected acid masses, while, on the other hand, they have been classed as true dikes of later origin than the rocks enclosing them. Logan, in 1863, went so far as to class the entire Lauren tian system — limestones, gneisses, pyroxenites, etc. — as altered sediments. It is now generally conceded that the gneisses of this section are of two types — para-gneisses and ortho-gneisses — the former of sedimentary origin and the latter representing granite injections or batholitic masses to which a schistose or foliated structure has been subsequently imparted. The foliation in the last case is attributed to movements in the rock complex, which would, under a heavy load of superincumbent strata, be in a suffi- ciently plastic state to assume schistose structures. Those banded gneisses occurring bedded in the crystalline limestones are generally held to be of sedimentary origin. They are supposed to represent argillaceous portions of the original calcareous deposits, corresponding to the clay-stones found in less highly altered sediments, and to have been changed to their present condition by the same processes which have metamorphosed the limestone to its present highly crystalline state. These gneisses are often character- ized by the presence in them of abnormal amounts of quartz, either in the form of a siliceous cement, or as small autoclastic lenses. In some cases, also, the quartz occurs as massive bands several feet in thickness. Gar- nets, also, frequently in considerable quantity, and sillimanite, characterize this type of gneisses, but arc not alwaj's conspicuously present. (See Plate XXI). Ill In giving a brief outline of the geology of the Canadian apatite depo- sits as a whole, it is difficult to consider the Quebec and Ontario districts separately, without going into overmuch detail. From the Lievre river, in Quebec, in the east, to Haliburton and Peterborough counties, in Ontario, in the west (in which latter region, small deposits of apatite have been worked in the past), more or less similar geological conditions are found. The chief differences are the following. In the easterly portion of this region, the basic rocks, with which the phosphate occurs, are pyrox- enites, while in the Avesterly section they are chiefly represented by am- phibolites; the limestones of the westerly section have suffered a lesser degree of metamorphism than those in the east; the ortho-gneisses of the easterly region gradually give way towards the west to alkali syenites. No detailed, geological study of the phosphate-bearing region, as a whole, has ever been made, but a report on the Quebec apatite district was made by Osann^ in 1899; while the memoir of Adams and Barlow- on the rocks of the Haliburton and Bancroft area, represents the most recent pubhca- tion concerned with detailed work on any section of the apatite-bearing rocks. The area described in this last report, is really outside and con- siderably to the west of the Ontario phosphate region proper, but the district contains a few small deposits of apatite; hence the interpretation of its geolog}^ as set forth by the writers, has an important bearing on the problems encountered farther to the east. Osann^ who in 1899, carried out a geological investigation of a portion of the Quebec phosphate region more particularly of that area bordering on the Lievre liver — found that there were two types of gneisses present, one of which, from analyses, he was inclined to regard as sedimentary and the other as plutonic. The pyroxenites, he was inclined to consider as of two tj^pes: (1) intrusive rocks of plutonic origin, belonging to the family of the diorites and basic sj^enites, and (2), "altered gabbros and secondary vein fillings connected with the formation of the apatite." He is, therefore, disposed to consider the pyroxenites as of true, igneous origm, and the mica and apatite deposits associated with them as of second- ary formation along crevices and fissures formed in the dike rock. He remarks in this connexion: "All these peculiarities, and the similarity in mineral content of all the deposits of apatite in the province of Quebec known to me, led to the belief that they are all of the same origin, and younger than the associated gneisses. They are, accordingly, true veins which have been formed in the same way as all other ore veins." Sterrj^ Hunt,^ in mentioning the apatite deposits of the Laurentian rocks, refers to them as "irregular beds running with the stratification, and composed of nearly pure, crystalline phosphate of lime," and also as "par- allel beds interstratified with the gneiss." Later,^ he regards the deposits as of two kinds, and remarks that they "are, in part, bedded or interstratified in the pyroxenicrock of the region, and, in part, true veins of posterior origin." The bedded deposits con- formable with the strike and dip of the Laurentian rocks, he regarded as '"Archaean Rocks of the Ottawa Valley", Geol. Surv. Can., Ann. Rep., Vol. XII, 1899, Part O. ^"Geology of the Haliburton and Bancroft Areas, Ontario", Memoir No. 6, Geol. Surv. Can., 1910. 'Op. cit. For additional notes on phlogopite, see "Mica; Its Exploitation, Mining and Uses", Rep. Mines Branch, Depart- ment of Mines, Ottawa, 1912. 135 mica, on range IX, lot 23, of Blake, Que., concession VIII, lot 6, of Lough- borough, and concession V, lot 21, of JSorth Burgess, Ont. At the latter place, marcasite occurs with the pyrits, the latter mineral forming a con- siderable proportion of the vein-filling. Small crystals of pyrite are not uncommonly found included in phlog- opite sheets, and then often give rise to perfect, natural pressure figures. Pyroxene. The mica and apatite-bearing pyroxenites are, as the'r name implies, chiefly made up of one member or another of the pyroxene group. The most common variety, according to Harrington^ appears to be an alum- inous salit?, or lim?-magnesia-iron pyroxene, but other varieties of diopside, such as malacolite and diallage, are also common. Orthorhonibic varieties, such as hypersthene and enstatite, are some- times met with, but are not of frequent occurrence. The mode of occurrence of the pyroxene is very variable, and the masses acquire varying character- istics in consequence. Sometimes a body is formed of finely-crystalline, granular pyroxene, mixed with feldspar and quartz, forming a hard, com- pact rock, in which mica crystals, associated with small amounts of calcite, occur embedded. Again, a mass of pyroxene crystals, often of consider- able size, may occur more or less loosely intergrown, with calcite filling the interstices between the partially developed crystals. It is in this type of pyroxenite that pockets, often lined with well crystallized pyroxene individuals, so often occur, the cavities being often connected by irregular fissures. This mode of occurrence has given to mica-apatite deposits associated with pyroxenites of this type the designation of "pocket and fissure" deposits. A third type of pyroxenite is that in which the pyroxene crystals form a relatively compact mass, with few pockets, but with more or less regular mica-apatite leads traversing the body. The walls of such leads also, are sometimes lined with large and well-developed pvroxene crystals (see Plates XXV and XXI). The habit of the crystals is prismatic, and the more usual combina- tions are a, b, u, v, m, c, (Dana). The crystals are sometimes striated long- itudinally, and are occasionally flattened in the direction of the orthodiago- nal. Crystals terminated at both ends are not common, and are usually found embedded in apatite or calcite. Good examples were observed on concession VII, lot 19, of the township of Bedford, Ont. In colour, the mineral ranges from nearly black to light grey, the commonest shade being a greenish-grey. It is noteworthy that fresh unaltered pyi'oxenc is relatively scarce, even in deep workings. In certain tieposits, lustrous, fresh crystals are common, but, as a rule, the mineral is dull throughout its mass, and the crystal faces are usually matt and rough. When fresh and lustrous, pyroxene crystals are sometimes mistaken for apatite, especially when the prism faces are developed to the same extent as those of the pinacoid, giving an hexagonal appearance to the individuals. Inclusions of mica, pyrite, calcite, and apatite in pyroxene crystals are frequent, the first two named being the most commonly observed. Frac- 'Rep. Prog., Geol. Surv. Can. 1877-78, Part G, p. 17. 136 tured and bent crystals, which have been re-cemented by calcite or apatite, are sometimes met with. Crj^stals twinned on a are frequent, and prominent parting, or pseudo- cleavage, due to twinning, is often observed on large crj^stals. Twinned crystals are common at the McGlashan mine, range VI, lot 27, township of Wakefield, Que. The most interesting and conspicuous feature to be observed in con- nexion with the pyroxene, is its tendency to become altered to a kind of urahte. This mineral is essentially a pseudomorph of hornblende after pyroxene, which retains the crystal form of the latter mineral while acquir- ing the composition and cleavage of the former. What were originally pyroxene crystals are frequently found altered to a greenish-blue mineral with fibrous structure, which is probably referable to uraUte or traversellite. This transformation of pyroxene to hornblende is especially to be remarked in cases where later pegmatite dikes cut pyroxenites. Localities which may be noted are range XIII, lot 12a, of the township of Hull; range VI, lot 19, of the same township, and range II, lot 24, of Wakefield, all in the province of Quebec. At the latter place (the Lake Girard mine), large pyroxene crystals were noticed, which consisted of an inner core of soft, green, powdery mineral, having an outer covering, some Y' thick, of blue, fibrous traverselUte, the fibres being at right angles to the faces of the original crystal (see Plate XXVI). Three analyses, by Harrington^ are appended, the first of which rep- resents the composition of the centre, or unaltered portion, of such a pyroxenite crystal: the second is that of the zone bordering upon the centre and partly altered to a lustreless mineral; and the third repre- sents the most altered or exterior portion of the same crystal. The specific gravities of the samples were, in the first case, 3-181; in the second 3-205, and in the third only 3-003. Although mineralogically different in character, the two inner crystal zones have much the same chemical com- position. Analyses of Pyroxene Crystals. Internal, or unaltered, zone Intermediate, or partly altered, zone External, or completely altered, zone SiO" 50-868 4-568 0-970 1-963 0-148 24-438 15-372 0-497 0-218 1-439 50-898 4-825 1-741 1-358 0-152 24-392 15-268 0-150 0-076 1-200 52-823 AI2.O3 3-215 FeaOa 2-067 FeO 2-709 Mn02 0-276 CaO 15-389 MgO 19-042 K-O 0-686 NaaO 0-898 Loss on ignition 2-403 100-481 100-060 99-508 In the last case there is a loss of about 9 per cent of lime, and a gain of 4-5 per cent of magnesia; which loss and gain appear to determine the iRep. Prog., Geol. Surv-. Can., 1877-8, p. 21G. 137 change from pyroxene to hornblende. The above anaylses very fairly represent the average composition of pyroxene from the Archaean rocks of Ontario and Quebec. A more recent anatysis of pyroxene, conducted by N. L. Turner, of the Mines Branch, is shown below. The material in this case was provided by a small crystal about one inch in diameter, and was lustrous and unaltered. The crystal was obtained at the Daisj' mine, township of East Portland, Que. : — SiOo 52-42 AI0O3 5-35 Fe.Os 1-14 FeO 1-53 CaO 21-32 MgO 16-31 NaoO 0-99 K2O 0-44 H2O 0-20 MnO 0-15 TiOo 0-03 SO3 0-04 CI 0-02 99-94 Pyrrhotite. Magnetic pyrites is an even more prevalent mineral in the deposits than the ordinary variety, and can usually be observed, if only in sub- ordinate amount, in the majority of mica-apatite leads. As in the case of pyrite, the mineral is generally either massive, or in the form of irregularly- shaped fragments with pitted or indented surfaces, embedded in calcite or apatite. Mica crystals surrounded by massive pyrrhotite were observed at certain mines, and in such cases the laminae are usually found to be of a reddish-brown shade and relatively hard and brittle. Small plates of pyrrhotite are common in the crystalline Hmestones which frequently border on the pyroxenites, and these plates sometimes possess obscured crystal outlines. More often, however, the mineral here, also, is in the form of irregular fragments. It is noteworthy that the calcite found in deposits in which pyrrhotite or pyrite occurs at all plentifully is almost invariably light in colour (usually white, cream, or j'ellow), in contrast to the prevailing salmon tint of the normal mineral. This fact is especially noticeable at the Moose Lake mine, range IV, lot 1, of Villcneuve township, Quebec; at the Cantin mine, concession IV, lot 1, of South Burgess, Ont. (calcite also of a blue shade); on concession XI, lot 10, of Bedford, Ont., and on concession VII, lot 19, of Bedford. The surface of the pyrrhotite fragmeats at the first named localitj- is peculiarly ribbed, resembling the face of a coarse file, the ridges often, however, pursuing a wavy course. The mineral seems to have been squeezed or pressed in amongst the calcite with which it occurs, and to have pene- trated along the cleavage planes of the latter mineral, thus acquiring a ridged surface. 138 Quartz. Although quartz has often been alkided to by various writers as a common mineral in the mica and apatite deposits, the writer's experience is that it is somewhat of a rarity. Massive, milky quartz is sometimes met with in the mass of the pyroxenites, and the mineral is also present, associated with feldspar, as a rock-forming constituent, in the same manner as it is present in granite or similar rock types. Crystals of quartz, however, were observed remarkably seldom, and then only as small individ- uals lining the walls of druses in calcite or apatite. It was never seen associated with pyroxene crystals upon the walls of pockets in pyroxenite. At the Goldring mine, range IX, lot 17, of Templeton township. Que., crystals of smoky quartz up to 1" in length were seen lining cavities in massive apatite, and on range VI, lot 15, of the same township, consider- able quantities of pale amethyst crystals occur. Chalcedonic quartz, also, is recorded from the first named locality. Much of what has been described as massive, vitreous quartz is possiblj' fresh and unaltered scapolite, which- sometimes occurs in considerable quantities in the pyroxenites. Two large and very perfect, pseudomorphic crystals of a dark, earthy mineral after quartz were obtained from concession VII, lot 14, of South Crosby, Ont. Rensselaerite. This mineral is a pseudomorph of steatite after pyroxene, and is recorded from mica-apatite deposits, as is also the somewhat similar mineral pyrallolite. Rutile. Rutile has been reported to occur in some mica-apatite deposits, one locality being range X, lot 10, of Templeton township, Que. No specimens were observed by the writer in any of the mines, but very large prisms occur in a barytes vein, associated with acicular, green actinolite, on range XIII, lot 13 N. |, of Templeton. The vein occurs on the contact of amphibolite with crystalline limestone. Scapolite. In many mica-apatite deposits scapolite occurs in considerable quantity, and often in the form of large crystals, either as isolated individuals or, more commonly, in crystal aggregates. From a careful examination of the rock matter from the various mines, it is evident that scapolite is present in considerable amount in the majority of pyroxenites. While occasionally fresh and unaltered — and in that case possessing character- istic,, vitreous lustre and splintery fracture — the scapolite most commonly encountered has undergone considerable alteration, and is opaque and often earthy, with a silky lustre. Fresh scapolite in massive form occurs somewhat plentifully at the Horsehoe mine, range XVI, lot 6, of the township of Hull, Que., and often encloses crystals of apatite and mica. Notable localities where altered scapolite occurs in quantity are, in Quebec : Chaibee mine, range A, lot 6, of Wright; Nellie and Blanche mine, range XI, lot 10, of Hull; range XII, lot 13, of Templeton (in well-formed square crj^stals) ; 139 range III, lot 15, of Portland West; and in Ontario: Baby mine, con- cession V, lot 13 W. ^, of North Burgess; concession VIII, lot 1, of the same township; Bobs Lake mine, concession VI, lot 30, of Bedford. (See Plate XXXII). The usual crystal forms exhibited are combinations of a, m, h, z, r, c (Dana). The cleavage parallel to a is prominent. In colour, the scapolite is usually of a grey, white, or yellow shade. A specimen of scapolite from a pyroxenite in Ottawa county, Que., was analysed by F. D. Adams, and found to contain: — Si02 54-68 AI0O3 22-45 FesOs 0-49 CaO 9-09 MgO tra ce K.0 1-13 NasO 8-36 CI 2-41 SO3 0-79 HoO 0-86 100-44 The presence of chlorine is especially interesting, in view of the small amount (about 0-25 per cent) of that element present in the apatite of the deposits. In order to ascertain whether chlorine is a usual consti- tuent of the scapolite of the pyroxenites, fourteen other samples were examined by Adams, in all of which the presence of chlorine was detected, though mostly in small amount. A locality where scapolite occurs in more than usual amount is concession VIII, lot 6, of Bedford, Ont. Here large quantities of massive, highly altered, soft scapolite form practically the entire vein filling of the mica leads, calcite and apatite being noticeably absent. Serpentine. Serpentine is occasionally met with among the pyroxenites, and probably has resulted from the alteration of pyroxene. Serpentine was observed on range XVI, lot 27 of the township of Hull, and on range X,*lot 2 of the township of Templeton, Que. At this latter locality, crystals of phlogopite are traversed by minute, irregular cracks filled with serpentine and the crystals are often embedded in a soft, yellow-green serpentine. Stringers of chrysotile asbestos, up to half an inch in width, occur here. Specularite. This mineral occurs with red and brown jasper along the contact of a pegmatite dike with crystalline limestone, adjacent to a mica- apatite vein, on range IX, lot 16, of Hull, Que. The specularite is l)()th massive and in the form of small, tabular plates lining fissures in the jasper. 140 Sphalerite or Zinc Blende. This is recorded from range IX, lot 17, of Templeton, Que., in smal yellow-brown crystals, associated with quartz and apatite. Spinel. Spinel was only observed at one locality, namely, range V, lot 52,, of the township of Bigelow, Que. Here, as already described under Olivine, an irregular pocket has been opened up in the mass of the pyroxenite, carrj^- ing a greyish olivine mixed with white calcite and dark mica. Scattered through the mass of this rock occur well-crystallized, black spinels (pleon- aste) in individuals up to f " across. The crystals are sometimes aggregated into small groups, and are usually combinations of o, d (Dana), while twins are not uncommon. The occurrence would seem to be connected with an intrusion of peridotite. Steatite or Talc. A soft, soapy mineral, of greenish-grey colour, and resembling talc, is frequently" to be observed on joint planes in the pj^roxenites, and appears to be, in many cases, an alteration product of mica. True pseudomorphs of steatite after mica occur on range III, lot 51, of the township of Thorne, Que., and the latter mineral can sometimes be observed passing into talc. Titanite or Sphene. One of the accessory minerals most frequently to be observed in the pegmatitic injections into the pjToxenites. As a rule, the titanite tends to occur most plentifully in the more acid portions of such masses. The occurrence in pyroxenite belts of acid zones, consisting of a rock formed essentially of grey, blue, or brownish feldspar and titanite, is very conspicu- ous. The crystals range from \" to H" in length, and are almost always of the typical, tabular, pj^amidal habit assumed by this mineral. Twins are common. The colour is almost invariably a dark brown to black, and the crystals are usually more or less opaque. Titanite individuals are also sometimes found embedded in pj-roxene, but this mode of occurrence is infrequent compared with the characteristic association of the mineral with the feldspar. Occasionally, also, titanite crystals are observed embedded in apatite or calcite. Rounded nodules of calcite, similar to those so often found in apatite, also occur enclosed in titanite. Large quantities of titanite crystals occur in a pink aplite cutting p3^roxenite, on range XIII, lot 12a, of Hull, Que., and well-formed individuals possessing high lustre were observed on concession VII, lot 19, of Bedford, Ont., associated with apatite crystals and enclosed in a calcite vein filhng. Tourmaline. Though not infrequently found in pj-roxenites, associated with apatite, pyroxene, pj^rite, calcite, etc., this mineral has been brought in by later acid intrusions, and is not contemporaneous with the mica -apatite bodies. It is usuallv found in the more or less immediate vicinitv of such acid 141 dike-masses, and has been deposited pneumatolytically along or adjacent to fissures and joint-planes in the pyroxenite. The mineral is generally referable to the variety' schorl, and possesses the ordinary prismatic orrhom- bohedral habit. In certain mica deposits, a brown tourmaline resembling dravite or magnesia-tourmaline, is very abundant. Such an occurrenco is that on concession IV, lot 17, of Bedford, Ont., where the mineral occurs in aggre- gates of small, flattened crystals of prismatic habit and also massively crystalline. Large quantities of reddish-brown tourmaline occur asso- ciated with a 3'ellowish mica on concession X, lot 1, of Loughborough, and on concession II, lot 5, of Bedford, Ont. The mineral is massive, with occasional small crystals developed throughout its mass, and closely resembles vesuvianite. Such brown tourmaline is, however, uncommon in the apatite deposits. Tremolite. This variety of amphibole was occasionally observed as the result of an alteration of pyroxene. The most notable localities where the mineral occurs in large quantities, are on concession X, lot 1, of Loughborough, and concession II, lot 5, of Bedford, Ont. Here the contact metamorphic action of an acid intrusive upon crystalline limestone has resulted in the formation of large quantities of greyish-green tremolite, which occurs in aggregates of inter-penetrating, prismatic crystals adjacent to the intrusive contact. The prisms sometimes attain a length of 6 to 8 inches. In addi- tion, a quantity of brown, acicular tremolite occurs in compact masses in certain portions of these deposits. Greyish-white, fibrous tremolite occurs also on range II, lot 4, of Alleyn, Que., where it forms large masses in a normal pyroxenite. Vesuvianite. Mentioned by Harrington as occurring with apatite in the township of Wakefield, Que. The occurrence seenre doubtful, and its mention may, probably, be traced to the presence of well-formed vesuvianite crystals, at various localities in the above township, adjacent to the contact of crys- talline limestone with dikes of pegmatite. Wilsonite. This mineral was first observed by Dr. Wilson, of Perth, Ont., probably in a pyroxenite. Its colour varies from white to a beautiful, peach-bloom pink, and the mineral usually occurs in massive form, without definite crystal outlines. In character and appearance wilsonite resembles an altered scapolite, and it is very probable that it really is an alteration product of this mineral. Sterry Hunt, however, dissented from this view and considered it to be altered gieseckite. It appears that plagioclase frequently alters to scapolite, and that the latter mineral then undergoes a further change to wilsonite. No specimens showing all three stages were found, but the three minerals were, on several occasions, observed at one and the same mine. Wilsonite is mainly identifiable by means of its conspicuous pink or mauve colour, and the passage of scapolite to wilsonite 142 is only to be recognized by the gradual change of shade of the mineral. No analysis of wilsonite is available, but it may be noted that Tschermak, Bauer, Naumann-Zirkel, Chapman, and others, regard the mineral as an altered scapolite, whilst Dana considers it to be altered pinite. A notable locality for wilsonite is lot 39, of the Gore of Templeton, Que., where it occurs in large quantities at the Briggs mine, generally in large, irregular masses, surrounded by small, crushed, and very dark mica, and embedded in granular apatite. It was also observed on range III, lot 2, of East Portland; range VI, lot 26, of Wakefield, both in the province of Quebec; and concession VIII, lot 2, of North Burgess, Ont. Yttrocerite. This rare mineral has been detected by Dr. W. F. Ferrier associated with fluoi'ite, mica and chabazite, in specimens collected by the writer on range III, lot 1, of East Portland township, Que. Zircon. Recorded as an occasional occurrence with apatite at a number of mines in the Quebec phosphate region. The mineral would appear to have occurred particularly frequentl}^ on range XII, lots 12 and 21, and range XIII, lots 21 and 23, of the township of Templeton. Harrington^ records the occurrence of large crystals (up to 15 inches in length) from the above district. The habit is usually prismatic, a common combination being m, p, u, x (Dana), while the simple combination of prism and pyramid m, p, is also found. Distorted individuals are not infrequent. The colour ranges from hyacinth to cherry-red, brown, to greyish. The crystals are very brittle, and full of flaws, and often contain inclusions of either apatite, calcite, or mica. They usually occur embedded in apatite, calcite, pyroxene, mica, or orthoclase, and in the first case the apatite is generally of the "sugar" variety. The writer has obtained small crystals of narrow prismatic habit and of a bright hyacinth colour and high lustre, from range III, lot 15, township of West Portland, Que. The crystals were enclosed in scapolite, which latter mineral is particularly' abundant at this spot. iLoc. cit.,p. 29. 143 APPENDIX. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CANADIAN PHOSPHATE. Adams, F. D., "On the Occurrence of Norwegian Apatitbringer, in Canada, etc.", Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 54th Meeting, Montreal, 1884, p. 717. Adams, F. D., and Barlow, A. E., "Geology of the Haliburton and Ban- croft areas, Ontario", Mem. No. 6, Geol. Surv. Can., 1910. Adams, F. D., and Lawson, A. C, "On some Canadian Rocks Containing Scapolite, etc.", Can. Rec. Sci., 1888. Adams, F. D., and Dick, W. J., "Discovery of Phosphate of Lime in the Rocky Mountains", Commission of Conservation, Ottawa, 1915. Adams, U., "The Phosphate Industry of Canada", Canadian Economics. 1883, p. 189. Baker, M. B., "Mineral Deposits near Kingston, Ontario", Guide Book No. 2, Int. Geol. Congr., 1913, pp. 119-133. Published by the Geo- logical Survey of Canada. Bell, R., "On the Mode of Occurrence of Apatite in Canada", Eng. Min. Journ., Vol. 39, 1885, p. 316; also in Proc. Can. Inst., Vol. Ill, Ser. 3, 1884-1885. BiGSBY, "On the Laurentian Formation", Geol. Mag., 1864, pp. 154, 200. Beyschlag-Krusch-Vogt, "Lagerstatten der Nutzbaren Mineralien und Gesteine", Vol. I, 1910, p. 450. Boyd-Dawkins, "Canadian Apatite", Trans. Geol. Soc. of Manchester, Vol. XVIII, 1886. Brown, G. C, "The Apatite Deposits of Ontario and Quebec", Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 54th Meeting, Montreal, 1884, p. 716. Broome, G., "Canadian Phosphates with Reference to their Use in Agricul- ture", Canadian Naturalist, Vol. V, 1870, pp. 241-263. Broome, G., "Phosphate found in N. and S. Burgess and Elmslev, Ontario", Rep. Prog. Geol. Surv. Can., 1870-71, p. 316. Brow^ne, "Canadian Apatite", American Chem., Vol. I, 1871. Browne, "Canadian Apatite", Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1870, 29th Meeting, Troy. CosTE, E., "Phosphate Deposits in the Archsean Rocks of Canada", Geol. Surv. Can., Ill Ann. Rep., 1887-8, p. 62 S. Davidson, W. B., "Notes on the Geological Origin of Phosphate of Lime in the United States and Canada", Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. XXI, 1892-1893, p. 140. Davies, E. H., "A Treatise on Earthy and Other Minerals and Mining", London, 1892. pp. 112-119. Dawkins, W. B., "Some Deposits of Apatite near Ottawa", Trans. Man- chester Geol. Soc, 18, 1885. Dawson, J. W., "Notes on the Phosphates of the Laurentian and Cambrian Rocks of Canada", Can. Nat., Vol. VIII, 1878, pp. 162-170. de Schmid, H., "Mica, Its Occurrence, Exploitation and Uses", Mines Branch, Department of Mines of C^mada, 1912, pp. 237-301. (Notes on the geology and associated minerals of the Canadian mica-apatite deposits.) 144 DE ScHMiD, H., "Phosphate and Feldspar Deposits of Quebec and Ontario", Summarj^ Rep., Mines Branch, Dept. Mines Canada, 1911, pp. 117-122. DE ScHMiD, H., "Investigation of a Reported Discovery of Phosphate in Alberta", Bull. No. 12, Mines Branch, 1916. DE ScHMiD, H,, "A Reconnaissance for Phosphate in The Rocky Moun- tains", Mines Branch Summarj'- Report, 1916, pp. 22-34. DoELTER, C, "Handbuch der Mineralchemie", Vol. II, Part I, 1912, p. 41. Ells, R. W., "Phosphate Deposits of the Ottawa District", Journ. Gen. Min. Assoc. Que., Vol. I, 1891-93, pp. 221-31. Ells, R. W., "The Phosphate Deposits of the Ottawa District", Can. Min. Review. XII, 1893; also in Can. Rec. Sci., 1895, p. 213. Ells, R. W., "Report on Geolog}^ of Ottawa and Pontiac Counties in Quebec", Geol. Surv. Can., XII Ann. Rep., 1899, Part J; also Part G. p. 41, and XIV Ann. Rep., 1901, Part J. Ells, R. W., "Mineral Resources — Apatite", Geol. Surv. Can., IV Ann. Rep., 1888-9, pp. 89-109 K. Falding, J. F., "Notes on Canadian Fluor-Apatite", Eng. I\Iin. Journ. Vol. 42, 1886, pp. 383, 402. FucHS ET DE Launay, "Traite des Gites Mineraux et Metalliferes", Vol. I, 1893, pp. 336- 341. Gordon, C. H., "Syenite-Gneiss (Leopard Rock) from the Apatite Region of Ottawa County, Canada", Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. VII, 1896, pp. 95- 134. Grognard, E., "Apatites du Canada", Memoires de TAssociation des Ingenieurs Sortis de Louvain, 1891. Harrington, B. J., "On the Minerals of some of the Apatite-bearing Veins of Ottawa county", Montreal, 1879; also in Rep. Prog. Geol. Surv. Can., 1877-78, Parts G. and H. Hoffmann, C, "On the Composition of Some Canadian Apatites", Rep. Prog. Geol. Surv., Can., 1877-78, Part H. HoTCHKiss, Th. W., "Canadian Phosphate Deposits", Can. Min. Rev., Vol. IV, No. 2, 1886, p. 4. Hunt, T. Sterry, "Notes on the Apatite Region of Canada", Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. XIV, 1885-86, p. 495; also Vol. XII, 1883-84, pp. 459-468. Hunt, T. Sterry, "Canadian Apatite", Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. XII, 1883; Vol. XIV, 1885, p. 459: Eng. Min. Journ., Vol. XXXVII, 1884: Nat. Hist. Soc. of Montreal, 1884-85: Rep. Prog. Geol. Surv. Can., 1858, p. 132; 1863, pp. 202, 224; Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1885, Ann Arbor: Geologv of Canada, 1863, pp. 461, 592, 761: N. J. f. M., 1864: Zeitschr. fur Gesammt. Naturw., Halle, * Vol. XXIII, 1865. Hunt, T. Sterry, "Black Phosphatic Nodules at Riviere Ouelle in Con- glomerate", Rep. Prog. Geol. Surv. Can., 1851-52, p. 106. Hunt, T. Sterry, "Bones and Coprohtes in Lower Silurian of Canada", Q. J. G. S., Vol VIII, 1852. Hunt, T. Sterry, "Report upon Phosphate on the Properties of M. M. Osborne, etc.", Ottawa. 145 Hutchinson, W. H., "The Canadian Phosphate Industry", Can. Min. Rev., Vol. IX, 1890, No. 11, pp. 158-161. (Gives considerable data regarding wages, prices, market, etc. during the period of greatest activity.) HuTTON, W. R., " Canadian Phosphate of Lime, etc." Chemical News, Vol. XXI, 1870, p. 150. Ingall, E. D., Geol. Surv. Can., V. Ann. Rep., 1890-91, p. 160 S., (Statis- tical information on the phosphate industry). Ingall, E. D., Geol. Survey, Can., IV Ann. Rep., 1888-89, p. 28 A. (Notes on the phosphate industry) . Kinahan, G. H., "Apatite of Buckingham", Journ. Roj^al Geol. Soc. of Ireland, Vol. XVII, 1886, Part I. Kinahan, G. H., "On a Possible Genesis of the Canadian Apatites", Trans. Geol. Soc. of Manchester, Vol. XVIII, 1886, p. 123. Kinahan, G. H. "Note on Dawkins' Paper on Apatite Deposits of Ottawa", Trans. Geol. Soc. of Manchester, Vol. XVIII, 1886, p. 132; see also Scientific Proceedings Royal Soc. of Dublin, Vol. IV, 1885, p. 327. Ladureau, "Phosphates du Canada", La Nature, December 13, 1889. Ledoux, a., "Mineralogical Exploration of East Templeton District, Quebec", Summary Report Geol. Surv. Can., 1916, pp. 162-168. Logan, W., "Phosphate of Lime in Canada", Rep. Prog. Geol. Sur., Can., 1851, p. 28; 1858, p. 64; 1863, pp. 125, 460, 757. IVIatthew, "On Phosphate Nodules from the Cambrian of Southern New Brunswick", Trans. New York Acad. Sci., Vol., XII 1893, p. 108. jMatthew, G. F., "Phosphate Deposits of South Carolina and New Bruns- wick", New Brunswick Nat. Hist. Soc, Bull. No. 27, Vol. VI, Pt. 2, 1909, p. 121. McNairn, W. H., "On the Origin of Canadian Apatite", Trans. Can. Inst., Vol. VIII, Pt. 4, 1910, pp. 499-514. Merrill, G. P., "Non-Metalhc Minerals", 2nd Ed., 1910, p. 273. Merritt, "Economic Minerals of Canada", 1885. Obalski, J., "Mines and Minerals of the Province of Quebec". Rep. Dept. Min. Quebec, 1889-90, pp. 111-131. Obalski, J., "Apatites du Canada", Bull, ficole des Mines de Paris, May, 1883-85, pp. 116, 138. OsANN, A., "Archaean Rocks of the Ottawa Valley", Geol. Surv. Can., XII Ann. Rep., 1899, Part O. (Contains a bibliography of Canadian phosphate.) Penrose, R., "Nature and Origin of Deposits of Phosphate of Lime", N.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 46, 1888, pp. 23-42. Selwyn, a. R., Geol. Surv. Can., VI Ann. Rep., 1892-3, p. 40 AA (Notes on the Quebec phosphate region). Shutt, F. T., "Phosphoric Acid in Agriculture", Journ. Gen. Min. Assoc. Que., Vol. II, 1894-95, pp. 244-26L Shutt, F. T., "Canadian Apatite", Pro. Can. Inst., Toronto, 2nd Ser,, Vol. V, 1887-88. Small, H. B., "The Phosphate Mines of Canada", Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. XXI, 1893, pp. 774-782; also p. 1000; Can. Min. Rev., Vol. IV., No. 3, 1886, p. 5, and Vol. V, Nos. 6 and 7, 1887; Eng. Min. Journ., Vol. 55, 1893, p. 173. Smith, B. J., "Apatite Mining in Quebec", Journ. Gen. Min. Assoc. Que., Vol. I, 1891-93, pp. 239-253. 6542—10 146 Smith, B. J., "Canadian Phosphate and Fertilizers", Journ. Gen. Min. Assoc. Que., Vol. II, 1894-95, pp. 276-287. Smith, J. B., "Canadian Phosphate and Fertilizers", Canadian Alining Review, Vol. XIV, 1895, No. 7, p. 130. Stansfield, J., "Mineral Deposits of the Ottawa District", Guide Book Xo. 3, Int. Geol. Congr., 1913, pp. 81-114. Issued by the Geological Survey of Canada; see also Sum. Rep. Geol. Surv. Can., 1911, pp. 280-285. Stansfield, J., "Certain ]Mica, Graphite and Apatite Deposits of the Ottawa Valley", Summary Rept., Geol. Surv. Can., 1911, pp. 280-285. Stainier, X., Bibliographie Generale des Gisements de Phosphates", 2te Ed., Brussels, 1902. pp. 30-33. Stewart, J., "Laurentian Low^-grade Phosphate Ores", Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. XXI, 1893, p. 176. Stutzer, O., "Die Lagerstatten derXicht-Erze", Berlin, 1911, Vol. I. p. 431. ToRRAXCE, J. F., "Report on Apatite Deposits of Ottawa County, Quebec", Rep. Prog. Geol. Surv. Can., 1882-83-84, Part J. Vennor, "Apatite of Canada", Rep. Prog. Geol. Surv. Can., 1870, p. 316; 1871-2, p. 123; 1872-3, p. 164; 1873-74, p. 107; 1874-75, p. 108; 1876-77, p. 301. Wells, J. L., "The Apatite Phosphates of Quebec", Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. XXI, 1893, p. 1000. Wilcox, "Apatite in Laurentian Rocks on North Side of Rideau Lake", Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. of Philadelphia, 1873, p. 275. WiLLMOTT, Haycock axd Johnston, Geol. Surv. Can., XVI, Ann. Rep., pp. 229-250 A. (Papers on geology, etc., of the apatite region in Quebec.) Wilson, M. E., Summary Reports, Geol. Surv. Can., 1913, pp. 196-207; 1916, pp. 156-162. Wyatt, F., "The Phosphates of America", 2nd Ed., New York, 1891, pp. 27-44. "The Canadian IVIining Review", Ottawa. The earlier files of this journal (Vols. I — XX) contain many interesting descriptions of the phos- phate mines and mining industry in Canada in the eighties and nineties. The number for September 1888 is devoted entirely to phosphate. Ontario Bureau of Mines, Annual Reports, 1890 to date. Quebec Bureau of Mines, Annual Reports, 1898 to date; also Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Crown Lands of the Province of Quebec, 1876-1897, in particular reports for 1888, p. 88; 1889, p. 90; 1890, p. 79; 1891, p. 86; 1892, p. 82; 1893, p. 99; 1894, p. 93; 1895, p. 58. For statistics of production of phosphate in Canada, see Geol. Surv. Can. Ann. Reps. Ill — XVI, and "Mineral Production of Canada", Ann. Reps., Mines Branch, Dept. of Mines, Ottawa, from 1904 to date. INDEX. A Page Actinolite 131 Adams, F. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 113 " similaritj- between amphibole and hornblende scapolite rocks 115 " P.C. — mining operations 57 " R.C. — operations in Bedford township 43 Mtna, mine 63 Alberta: discovery of phosphate rock 104 Albite. . 125 Allan, W. A. — mining operations G4 , 67 " " property 76 Allanite. See Orthite. Amianthus 131 Analysis : apatite 127 High Falls mine 61 " Squaw Hill mine 64 chlorite .' 129 " phosphate, Hull tp 83 " " Loughborough tp 47 " " McLelland mine 87 " Portland East tp 69 " " Storrington tp 50, 51 " phosphatic nodules, Quebec 106 , 107 " pyroxene crystals 136 " scapohte 139 " serpulites 106 Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Co. — operations in Battle Lake mine 98 Bedford and N. Burgess tps. 43, 57, 98 " " " " Rheaume Lake mine 99 Anglo-Continental Guano Co. — mining operations 63 Anhydrite 125 Anthraxolite .... 125 Ajjatitbringer ... 115 Apatite 126 " Canadian and Norwegian compared 115 " deposits, types of ... 117 " imported from United States . . 29 " mines and occurrences 41 " mining in Canada: future of 14 uses of 22 " waste: possibilities of recovery ... 20 Appendix. Bibliography of Canadian apatite 143 .Vsbe.stos 122 -Vuthor's preface 3 B Banff: phosphate deposit near. . .15, 104 Barber mine 88 Barlow, A. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 113 Barrett, Thomas: mining property 83 Barvtes 122, 129 Basic slag as a fertilizer 37 " grinding works . 35 Bathurst tp. — apatite occurrence . 59 Battle Lake mine .... 98 Bauingartcn and Manchester: mica mining ,. 00 Bawden and Gunn: mining in Storrington tp "^0 Machar: " " 50 148 Page. Beacon, G. H. — Wallingford mine opened by 91 Bedford tp. — apatite veins . . 41 , 42 , 44 Bell, James : mining in Storrington tp 50 BeU, R. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 112 Bibliography of acid phosphate manufacture 39 " " Canadian apatite 143 Birch Lake Mining S\Tidicate: owners of Gould Lake mine 46 Blackburn and McLaren: mining operations 96 " Bros. — mining property 95 " mine 95 Blessington mine 45 Bobs Lake mine 42 Bonner, G. — representative of Montreal syndicate mine owners 80 Botrv'ohte 120 Bowman tp. — Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Co. property 98 BradJey, Mr. — mining operations 75 Brazeau mine 61 Breckin mine 98 Briggs or Stewart mine 99 British Chemical Co 31 British Phosphate Co. — mining operations 63 Brockville Chemical Co. — manufactiire of superphosphate 9 , 15 , 28 Brown, C. — Philadelphia mine worked by 75 " G.C. — apatite operations in Buckingham tp 62 Buckingham : grinding mills at 28 " Alining Co. apatite property 63 " " mining operations 64,65,67 " phosphate produced at 15 , 16 " total phosphate crushed 28 " township : apatite in 62 Burgess township : phosphate mines 41 , 50 , 58 " " " minin g in 9, 15 Burke mine 86 BjTnes' mine 55 Byssolite 131 C Calcite in association with apatite 118 , 119 , 128 Calumet Mica Co 130 Cameron, A. — mining operations 81 " mine 75 Canada Industrial Co. — mining operations 93 Canadian Fertilizer Co. — fertihzer factory 32 " Phosphate Co. — mining operations 77 " " " " property 80 " phosphate mill 28 Cantin mine 58 Capelton Chemical and Fertilizer Co. — consimier of phosphate rock 12 " " " fertilizer factory 32 " " " " manufacturers of superphosphate 28 , 29 Cardiff tp. — apatite occurrence 59 Cassidy mine 89 Celestite 123 Central Lake mine 77 , 82 Chabazite 120, 128 ChalcopjTite ^ 129 Chapleau and Company : mining operations 72 , 81 " mine 72 , 81 Ch'emical Products of Canada, Ltd 31 Chitty and Loken — Comet mine worked by 101 Chlorite 129 Chubbuck, Mr. — operations at Comet mine 101 Clark, G. — mining operations 51 , 54 " Mullins mine worked by 101 149 Page. Coe mine 46 Colonial Fertilizer Co. — fertilizer factory 30 Comet Mica Co 101 " mine 101 Compagnie Francaise des Phosphates du Canada. — mining operations 74 Connor, J. H. — mining operations 88 " mine 89 " M. F. — analyses of Canadian apatites 127 Consolidated Rendering Co 30 Cordick, R. — mining property 56 Coste, E. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 113 Cowan Alexander : mining by 44 , 55 " and Robertson: early work by 15 , 28 Craft mine 74 Crosby, South, township : apatite mining in 58 Cross and Foster: mining operations 55 Cross Fertilizer Co. — slag grinding works 35 Crown Hill mine 75 , 77 D Dacey mine 89 Darby, H. — mining operations 83 Datoiite 120, 129 Davidson, W. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 113 Davis, William : Silver Lake mine opened by 49 Dawkins, W. B. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 112 Dawson, G.M. " " " 112 J. W. " " " 112 Derry tp. — phosphate and mica in 65 Dominion Fertilizer Co. — fertiUzer factory 29 Dominion Phosphate Co. — mining operations 62 , 72 " " " property 70 Donnelly mine 53 Dubois, M. — mining operations 88 Dudley tp. — apatite occurrence 59 Dugas, Hon. C. A. — mining operations 89 " mine. See Rainville. Duguay workings 80 Du Lievre Milling and Manufacturing Co 65 " Phosphate Mills 65 " River Land and Phosphate Co 98 Duplex process described 39 Dysart tp. — apatite occurrence 59 Eady, R. W. — mining operations 103 East Templeton District Phosphate Mining Syndicate: large producing mine. ... 96 Economic minerals of apatite region 122 Edenite 132 Electric Reduction Co. — consiuner of phosphate rock 12 " " phosphorus works 34 " " plant at Buckingham 28,29 Ells, R. W. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 113 Ellsner, C. — mining operations 51 Elmsley, North, township: phosphate mining in 9 , 58 Emerald mine 64 " closed 11 Emmons: cause of rounding of apatite crystals 122 Epidote 129 Essex Fertilizer Co 30 Falding, J. F. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 112' Farley, Mr. — mining property 76 Faujasite 71,120,130' 150 Page. Featherstone mine 83 Feldspar 123 Ferris township : apatite occurrence 59 Fertilizer factories 29 Flaherty, Mr. — phosphate property 57 Fleming and Allan mine 76 Floerstein and Co.— mining operations 54 Florida phosphate: effect of competition 11 , 16 " " percentage of phosphate of lime 22 " " used at Ma.sson factory 32 Fluorite 121 , 130 Flynn, H.— owner Wilson mine 101 Fowler and Bacon mine 67 Foxton, James: work at Foxton mine 47 " mine 41 , 47 Franchot, S. P. and Co. — -mining operations 82 Freeman Fertilizer Co. See W. A. Freeman. French mine. See Societe Francaise. Frontenac co. — deposits in 42 G Galena ' 123, 130 Garnet 130 Gemmill and Co. — mining operations 86 , 87 " and Nelles: mining operations S3, 102 mine 85 , 102 General Electric Co. mine 45,49,58 " Phosphate Corporation, mining operations 60 , 77 Geology of the apatite bearing districts 108 Glasgow-Canadian Phosphate Co 71 " mine 71 Glen Almond Mica and Mining Co 65 Goethite. 130 Goldring mine 92 Phosphate Co 92 Gorman, John : mining operations 67 Gould Lake mine 46 Gow, Donald : mining operations 85 Grant, Dr. J. A. — mining oi^erations 63 " mine 63 Graphite 123, 131 Grattan, H.— Breckin mine owned by 98 Grier mine 89 Grimes, J. — owner IMcBride mine 100 Gunn's, Ltd. — consumer of phosphate rock 12 " " pho.sphate works 31 H Haldane and Sons: mining operations 100 " or Hughes mine 100 Haliburton co. — apatite occurrences 59 Hanlon mica mine 55 Harcourt tp. — apatite occurrence 59 Harrington, B. J. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 112 Harris, Mr. — operations in Hinchinbrooke 45 Wakefield 103 Hastings co. — apatite occurrences 59 Haycock mine 72 , 89 Hayes and Companj- : mining operations 71 Hebert and Ouimettc : mining operations 92 Hematite 131 Heulandite 120 Higginson, J. F. — mining property 78 " Webster and Aylen : mining property — . . 81 High Falls mine; 11,60,77 151 Page. High Rock mine 77,78,80 Hinchinbrooke tp. — phosphate mines 44 Hoffmann, G. C. — analysis Canadian apatite 127 " " Little Rapids phosphate 69 Squaw Hill apatite 63 Holland, T. — Gould Lake mine opened by 46 Hornblende 131 Horseshoe mine 89 Hughes and Robitaille: mining operations 100 " mine. See Haldane mine. Hull CO. — phosphate in 82 Hulltp. " 10,82 Hunt, T. Sterry : occurrence of resorbed apatite 121 " " opinion as to wilsonite 141 " " origin of the mica-apatite deposits Ill Hurdman and Arnoldi: mining operations, Comet mine 101 I Ingall, Lieut. — first discoverj' in Canada 15 Irish, Mr. — mining operations 86 Iron pyrites associated with apatite 121 J Jackson Rae mine 93 " Phosphate Co 93 Jenkins, Charles: owner of Blessington mine 45 Johnson mine 45 Jubilee or Smith mine 94 Jurkowski and Co. — mica mining 91 K Kearney mine 89 Kendall mine 62 " W. C. — mica mining 63 Kent Bros. — mica mining 55 , 56 , S3 , 99 " " and Stoness : mining at Bobs Lake 43 Kinahan, G. H. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 112 King Edward mine. See Rheaume Lake mine. King, J. S. — ^operations at Kodak mine 101 Kingston Phosphate Co. — mining in Storrington tj) 50 Kitty Lynch mine 101 Kodak mine 101 L Labelle co. — phosphati- occurrences 60 Lacey mine: operated for mica 45 Lake Girard Mica System 54 , 90 Lanark co. — apatite in 50 , 59 Lansdowne mine. See Washington mine. Laurentide Mica Co. — mica mining 91 Leckie, R. and Co.— apatite mined by 53 Leeds co.^ — phosphate deposits in ^ 58 Leopard granite 78 , 92 Lepidolite 124 Lesage Packing and Fertilizer Co. — fertilizer factory 34 Li^vre Basin Pho.sphate Mining and Milling Co _ 28 Lievrc River di.strict : phosi)hate in 10 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 19 Little Rapids mine 67 " Union mine 77 Logan, Sir William: origin of mica-apatite deposits 110 Lohmcr, Roher and Co. — mill at Burkinghani 28 " " " mining in Loughborough tp 45 , 48 London mine 70 Loughborough tp. — phosphate in 41 , 45 152 Page. Lowell Fertilizer Co 30 Loyer and Charette: mining operations 92 Loyer, Messrs. — mining operations 91 M McAllister mine 89 McBride mine 100 McConnell, R. — mica mining 51 , 55 , 86 McGlashan, R. J. — mining operations 89 " " property 103 Mcintosh, Wm.— mining operations 81 McLaren, John : mining operations 75 " mine 43, 75 McLaurin and McLaren: Victoria mine opened by 95 " John: mining operations , 92 " L. — mining properties 94 " Mr. — phosphate property 55 " Phosphate Mining Syndicate 94 " T. G. — mining operations 95 McLean, Mr. — mica mining 102 McLelland mine 86 , 89 McMartin mine 53 McMillan, A. — mining property : 70 McNaughton, Mr. — mining operations 82 McParland, Messrs. — mining operations 78 McRae, H. — mining operations 76, 89 " mine 89 MacLaren, Peter: mining operations 57 WiUiam " " 56 Mace, Mr. — mica mined by 47 Magnetite 124, 132 " associated with apatite 45 Mahon, J. — phosphate property 51 Manitoba: deposit of phosphate shale 105 Marcasite 133 Marsolais mine 93 Martha mine. 54 Matheson and Bell : mining operations 53 Hon.R. " " 55,57 Mayne, Andrew : mining operations 83 Meighen and Morris: mining operations 55 Mendels, J. H. — mica mining 58 Mica 124 association of phosphate with 19 Bobs Lake mine 42 largest producing mine in Canada 45 Manufacturing Co 54 Mining and Manufacturing Co 90 " Webster and Co 46 Microcline 132 Miller, W. — Rainville mine opened up by 89 Molybdenite 124, 132 Monmouth tp. — apatite occurrence 59 Monteagle tp. — occurrence 59 Montgomery and Adams: mica mining 58 Montreal M inin g Co. — operations at Bobs Lake 42 Moore, Isaac: mining operations 102 " mine. See Seybold mine. " or McLelland mine 89 Morris and Griffin: mining operations 55 " " Wilson " " 55 " M. — owner Wilson mine 101 " mine 101 " W. J. — mining in Storrington tp 49 153 Page. Mountain leather 52, 131 Mullins mine 101 Munslow mine 54 Murphy, Arthur : mining operations 94 " mine 11, 94 " Mr. — mining operations 99 Murray and Allan: mining operations - 64 N Natrolite 132 Nellie and Blanche mine 89 Nellis and Gemmill, mining operations 85 " mine 85 " T. F. estate: mining property 83 , 85 , 103 Nethei'lands Phosphate Co 95 New England Fertilizer Co 30 Nichols, G. H. and Co.— plant established at Capelton 28 " " " work discontinued 28 " W. H. — mine owned by 73 Nipissing district: apatite occurrence 59 North Star mine 72 " closed 11 " " large deposits in 13 " " operations at 62 Nova Scotia Fertilizer Co 30 " " phosphatic nodules 106 O O'Brien, M. J. — mining operations '. 67, 69, 71 , 74, 93, 94 Old Anthony mine 54 Old Union mine 80 Olivine 133 Ontario : character of deposits 41 Ontario Fertilizers, Ltd. — fertilizer factory 32 Opinicon Lake mine 44 , 50 Orthite or allanite 133 Orthoclase 133 Osann : origin of the mica-apatite deposits Ill Oso township: phosphate mining in 48 Ottawa Mica and Mining Co 98 " Phosphate Mining Co. — mining operations 64 Otter mining property 54 Pacific Guano and Phosphate Co. — mining operations 91 Paisle3', J. K. — uiining operations, Comet mine 101 Papincauville Lumber Co. — mining operations 92 Parmenter and Polsey Fertilizer Co 30 Penrose, R. A. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 113 Peterborough co. — apatite occurrences. 59 Philadelphia and Canada Phosphate Mining Co 75 " mine 75 Philips, M. — apatite shipped by 51 Phlogopite 133 Phosphate : by-product of mica mines 12 , 60 " Corporation, Ltd 11 " difficulties of mining 17 " exports 11 " fertilizing properties 14 " first deposit worked 55 " industry : review of 9 " King mine 90 154 Page. Phosphate mining: cessation of 16 " " history of 15 " of Lime Co. — mining operations 78 prices of 11, 12,16 " production of 15 " recorded production of 60 Phosphorus .works 34 Pidgeon Fertilizer Co 30 Portland East tp. — operations of French Co 70 " " phosphate mining in 67 " " propert}' of Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Co. 98 " West tp. mining operations 75 " " property of Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Co 70 , 98 Post mine 93 Prehnite 134 Provincial Chemical Fertilizer Co. — fertilizer factory 29 Przibramite 131 Pyrites 124, 134 Pyroxene 135 Pyrrhotite associated with apatite 121 , 137 Quartz 138 Quebec province: character of deposits 41 " " phosphate mining in 9 " " phosphatic nodules 106 " " present output all from 60 " " total output of phosphate 11 R Rainville or Dugas mine 89 Renfrew co. — apatite occurrences 59 Rensselaerite 138 Rheaume Lake or King Edward mine 99 Richardson, H. — owner Foxton mine 48 Rideau Mining Co. — mining operations 51 Ritchie and .Tackson : mining operation? 56 Robertson, M. G. — mica mining 82 Rock Lake mine 50 Rogers, J. — phosphate property 51 Ross Bros. — mining property 77 " Mountain mine 1 1 , 60 , 76 " R. — apatite mining 78 , 79 " township : apatite occurrence 59 Roithier Mining Co 94 Rutile 138 St. George Lake mine 44 , 48 Salette mine 71 ScapoUte 121 , 138 Schultze, Edward: mining operations 54, 55 Scott, Michael : mining operations 82 " mine 82 Sebastopol tp. — apatite occurrence 59 Sedimentary phosphate 104 Selwyn, A. R. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 113 Serpentine 139 Seybold and Gibson: mining operations 102 " or Moose mine.. ..." 102 Shirley, F. S. — Lievre Basin Phosphate Co 28 Sills Edds^ Co. — mining operations 95 155 Page. Silver Lake mine 49 " Queen mine 51 Sloan, Mr. — mica mined by 47 Small and Smith : mining operations 54 Smith and Lacej' : Gould Lake mine acquired by 46 " " largest producing mica mine in Canada 45 Smith, Boyd: mining operations Hinchinbrooke tp 44 " " Oso tp 48 Smith, E. — mining operations 54 " " phosphate property 51 Smith mine. See Jubilee. Snow, Mr. — mining operations ^ 86 Societe Francaise des Phosphates du Canada 70 Specularite 131 , 139 Spessartite 130 Sphalerite 140 Sphene. See Titanite. Spinel. 140 Squaw Hill mine 63 Standard Fertilizer Co. — consumer of phosphate rock 12 " " manufacturers of acid phosphate, etc 28 , 30 Star Hill mine 54, 77, 80 Statistics of production, etc 22 Steatite 140 Steel Company of Canada : consumer of phosphate rock 12 Sterling, C. — mining Loughborough tp 46 Stevenson, A. W. — mining property ....'. 90 Stewart mine. See Briggs mine. " Mr. — mining operations 99 " Neil : mining operations. 88 Storrington tp. — phosphate mining in 49 Strontianite 124 Sugar-phosphate : character of 119 Sulphuretted hydrogen emitted from crj'stalline limestone 52 Summarj^ : types of apatite deposits 122 Sweeney, John : mining property 83 Sweetland property ^ 73 Swift Canadian Co. — fertilizer factory 29 , 34 Swift Packing Co 30 T Table I: annual production of phosphate 23 " II: " " " by provinces 24 " III : annual exports 25 " IV: " imports into Great Britain 26 " V : destination of exports 27 Taggart mine 42 Talc. See Steatite. Tanguay and Co. — fertilizer factory 34 Templcton and Blanche River Mining Co 95 " " North Ottawa Mining Co 89, 93 Templeton tp. — operations of French Co 70 " " phosphate in 10 " " " properties in 100 " " property of Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Co 98 Tennessee phosphate: effect of competition 12, 13, 16 " " proportion of phosphate of lime 22 Thompson mine 102 " Mr. — owner Thompson mine 102 Titanite 120, 121 , 140 'I'orronce, J. F. — origin of the mica-apatite deposits 112 Tourmaline 140 Tremolite 141 Turner's island: apatite occurrence 59 156 Page. U Union Phosphate Mining and Land Co 77 , 80 United States exports of phosphate to Canada 12 Uwarowite 130 V Vavasour mine 85 " Mining Association: mining operations 85 Vennor, H. G. — cause of decline of phosphate mining 9 " " large masses of apatite at ^Etna mine 63 " " origin of the mica-apatite deposits 112 " . lot 65 Vesuvianite 141 Victoria Chemical Co. — fertilizer factory 29 Victoria mine 95 W W. A. Freeman Fertihzer Co. — fertilizer factory 32 Wages paid: phosphate mining 11 Wakefield Mica Co. — work at Kodak mine 101 " tp. — ^Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Co. property 98 " " phosphate in 10 , 100 Walker, H. — owTier St. George Lake mine 49 Walhngford Bros. Ltd. — mining property 90 " J. — mining operations 90 , 91 " Mica and Mining Co 91 , 98 " mine 91 , 99 Washington mine 62 Waters, T. J. — mining operations 90 Watt and Noble : mining operations 99 " " property 61 " Wm. — mining operations , 70 Watts, Adams and Noble: mining operations .-. 57 " Bros. — ^mining operations 57 " Edward: phosphate property worked by 43 , 79 , 81 , 100 " mine 67 " Mr. — mining operations 78, 82 Webster and Co. — apatite and mica mining operations 58, 90 " " mica mining operations 46, 91 , 101 " W. J. — phosphate mining bj- 43 Wellington, Mr. — ^mining operations 91 WeUs, A. — mining property 75 White, Mr. (New York) — mica mining 93 Wilkinson, Mr. — McLelland mine opened by 86 William Stone Sons : fertihzer factory 32 Wilson and Chubbuck: mining operations 101 " " McMartin: " Oso tp 49 " " Stewart: " property 88 " J. A. — mining operations 88 , 101 " M. E. — new survey of apatite area 115 " mine 88, 101 Wilsonite 121 , 141 Winning, Church and Co. — mining operations 88 Y Yttrocerite 72, 142 Z Zinc blende 124, 140 Zircon 142 S 5 M aa§ to o B o rt (DM Jli > '- " c3 cj o3 O) a:: -2 o t- ai 5 g ci3 C S eS -t-5 ►* 4> OQ m 2 §- .-sa H 2: -a J^agigi •2 J" 5 G (1^ o ,, 03 S « 2 O o '".S O ffl.-g * s is -3 to .S <=^ e3 S o o Plate III. Loading basic slag, Cross Fertilizer Company's Works, Sydney, C.B. Plate IV. Lohnert axleless ball mill, for grinding basic slag. Plate V. Lohnert steel ball tube mill, for grinding basic slag. Plate VI. /'//../.(, F. II. S'jtn Basic Bessemer converter during blow, at works of Dominion Iron and Steel Co. Sydney, C.B. 6»i2-ll Plate VII. Basic open-hearth furnace — charging side — at Dominion Iron and Steel Company's works, Sydnev, CB. Plate VIII. Fiftj'-ton basic open-hearth furnace — tapping side — at Dominion Iron and Steel Company's works, Sydney, C.B. Plate IX. (Plioto. M. E. Wilsi,,,, /.'-,.•;/ General view of hill at Little Rapids mine, township of Portland East, Que., showing upper antl lower workings. The general strike of the mica-apatite leads is indicated by the dotted line. The view illustrates the typical physiographical features of the Quebec mica-apatite region — low ridges of granite-gneiss covered by second growth birch, maple, and poplar. Pl.\te X. fron main diabase intrusion, cutting pegmatite, Little Ripids mine, township of Portland Eas!, Que. 6.542-115 X ,£3 O 'o.B CO fin 3 , O) d « is. a CO '-' Plate XVII. View of the Lievre River valleJ^ Que., looking southeast from the Ross Mountain phosphate mine, showing the village of La Salette. The spot from which the photograph was taken is the southerly end of the ridge upon which the chief apatite mines of the Province were opened; these included the Crown Hill, High Rock, .Star Hill, Ross Mountain, and Central Lake mines. The view illustrates the general nature of the terrain in the Quebec apatite region — low, wooded hills of granite-gneiss, crystalline limestone and pyroxenite, separated by clay flats. Pl.\te XVIII. ( I'linto M. H. Was^jUj Typical exposure of garnet gneiss, township of Templeton, Que., showing pegmatite stringers. Such "hogs-backs" of gneiss are characteristic of the apatite regions of both Quebec and Ontario. Plate XIX. I'h.'tn. M h Characteristic weathering surface of Grenville crystalline limestone, showing inclusions of harder, liornljlendic rock, range IX, lot 13, township of Buckingham, Que. Plate XX. Pyroxenite (dark) invaded by pcKinatitc (light), Walker mine, township of Buckingham, Que. Plate XXI. /'Flinlo. M. E. Wilxon. I'JI3) Banded garnet-gneiss, township of Derrj', Que. This is the predominant rock type in the Quebec phosphate area. Plate XXII. 4 1 NC H ES 6 71-8 9 10 Piece of vein of green, massively crystalline apatite (1), showing included phlogopite crystal (2), zone of mixed pyroxene-spangle mica (3), and pyroxenite proper (4). From concession VIII, lot 2, township of North Burgess, Ont. Plate XXIII. Piece of mica-apatite vein, showing mica crystals along the walls (1); next, a narrow zone of small, spangle mica (2); vein filling of granular "sugar" phosphate (3) with included mica crystals, and, in the centre a narrow strip of pink calcite (4). In the original specimen there is a close approach to development of flow structure, which is lost in the photograph; this structure is probably due to incipient parallel banding of the mica and phosphate particles, caused by squeezing of the vein. Specimen from range I, lot 16, township of Wakefield, Que. Plate XXIV. Pink caleite with small apatite crystals disseminated through it. Such material is the characteristic gangue of niiea-apatite leads and pockets. Plate XXV. Large crystals of pyroxene (salite) lining the wall of a mica-apatite lead, Connor mine, township of Hull, Que. r e j^^^gf. 6542—12 Plate XXVII. Pyroxenite (P) invaded along shrinkage or fracture channels by pegmatitic material (A), the latter probably representing later acid apophyses from the batholithic granite-gneiss which brought about the formation of the pyroxenites themselves. The pyroxenite along the im- mediate contacts is slightly darker in colour, but otherwise is unaltered. The dark crystals (S) in the feldspar are titanite. Specimen from Little Rapids mine, township of Portland East, Que. Plate XXVIII. •Specimen slunviiiK inliiiialu association of apatite (A), scapolite (iSj, leUispathic rock (,i j, pyroxene (P), from the Star Hill mine, township of Portland West, Que. Tlate XXIX. Group of apatite crystals, showing rounded, pitted and glazed faces. From township of North Burgess, Ont. Platk XXX. 2 3 4 INCHES ' 5 6 7' 8 9i 10 II Amianthus asbestos, from a contact between aplite and pyroxenite, township of^Hull, Que. The mineral is not uncommon in such association, but it is of poor quality, and the narrow stringers possess no economic importance. Plate XXXI. Large crystals of pyroxene, from the township of Hull, Que. (See also Plate XXV.) Plate XXXII. ■■I ■ ■ ^m ^^a»-:- 1 ■ 1 1 ^H ■ ^^H ■ I ■i w- 1 ■ 1 1 ^^H ■ ^^H ■ I 1^ ¥ \ 1 1 l^^l ■ ^^M ■ 1 Prl....:- 1 ^ f ^^^ ■ H w ■',- vj&S'*^^ il 1 ^^^^p^ y^ . ^ n< ^J#^ r m i >^-j Z'X^-^ 3/ \ B l! 2: 3 4 5 ' N C H E S i 6 7 J. .9 10 111 jj Large crystals of scapolite.'.from range III, lot 15, township of Portland West, Que. ~J DATE DUE JAN ""t ICv^ CAYLORD PR.NTEDPNU SA. Phys.Sci. TN91ii Canada, Mines Branch G2S8 1920 Phosphate in Canada 1 iDrary Ur ornia JOHN p. •SUW.KI.DA CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHN©L»*y PASADENA. CALIFORNIA _UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACii ITV ^1^ P P ** s- OS <^ B. ^ as Physical Sciences Library -p^ ^^ ^ UnWersity of Calitorn.a ^ _ ^ Riverside "i fl 1 Sweeny Scott Barrett Prospect Haycock Kearney Prospect Nellie and Blanche Feathers tone Prospect Prospect Vavasour Gemmill Burke Prospect Gemmill McLelland Dacey Connor McAllister Moore Wilson and Stewart Wilson and Stewart Cassidy Horseshoe PHOSPHATE MINES and OCCURRENCES TOWNSHIP OF HULL. QUEBEC Scale: 1 miles to I inch H 14 o .2 CO . to t (0 H O 00 Oi o -H t <>^ Oi rr, f*5 r -5MLf. vsi ►d O) IT" ■1 c-1- (B ©So M a. S s|-" t;;? i o p 'h V Name of Mine 1 Lacey 2 Sterling 3 Prospect 4 Coe 5 Foxton 6 Sloan O Phosphate PHOSPHATE MINES and OCCURRENCES TOWNSHIP OF LOUGHBOROUGH. ONTARIO s s I I o O H 'B V) ^1 I > ° 'B a o o ci 3 p d) U i4 0) n V S tfi S o rt a. "^=3 •a^^ s o o -a »H i^ at §1 § O ^ O 10 1 1 eti k=4 ;3 ^ o O S 0^ A^ A(^ > p. o .2 »HMfO'*inOt*000» t^hysica! sciences Library TA^ P^ UnWersity of Caiiforma / p .( c^ Riverside ; McRae McTieman McVeity Mcintosh Brady Canadian Industrial Company McLaren Grier Rainville or Dueas WalUngford Coursolles and Belcourt Wellington Canada Industrial Company Goldring Grier Marsolais Post Jackson-Rae Murphy Jubilee or Smith Pearson Victoria Thompson Grier Stewart Miller Templeton and North Ottawa Mining Co. O Phosphate Laurin Templeton and North Ottawa Mining Co. Prospect Blackburn Allan and Fleming Murphy Prospect Battle Lake Breckin Prospect Rheaume Lake Briggs or Stewart PHOSPHATE MINES and OCCURRENCES TOWNSHIP OF TEMPLETON. QUEBEC Scale: 2 miles to I inch e XI ^ mJ o in o "(5 o c H— o; o k. o CO ^ > __ •5> L£ m v_ (> V) > ^ c i=> •*3 \Z o i! d >» -rt to bJ •-^ o< 5?J rt >, ^ s w s a w a ^ fi cj ^«>*r0'*«0>01>000\0' K. Physical Sciences Library University of California Riverside Name of Mine McBride Haldane MulUns Comet Kodak Kitty Lynch or Morris Seybold or Moore Thompson McGlashan Harris PHOSPHATE MINES and OCCURRENCES TOWNSHrP OF WAKEFIELD, QUEBEC Scalei 2 miles to I inch Physical ':c "ces Library. University of California*^ Riverside 4 hvsical Sciences Library University of California T/i/^/V ^ fn a — SM sip- — . M £ M ^ W> (O » c f= 3 Q- CU R., Physical Sciences Library University of California Riverside Name of Mine High FaUs Brazeau PHOSPHATE MINES and OCCURRENCES TOWNSHIP OF BOWMAN. QUEBEC Scale. 2 miles to I inch XK UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Physical Sciences Library ' /^ ^ H^ University of California C ^S t Riverside /?^0 O Phosphate PHOSPHATE MINES and OCCUF TOWNSHIPS OF BURGESS NORTH AND SO Scale: 2 miles to I inch \J 1 k, o I 2 Physical Sciences Library i^'^^t University of Caiifornia C ^S t Riverside I 9 & (^ \.y^ ^^^ ^ ^ / yi'' 3 T^^^r^ y% e Aw >^> v\ >^ /^°\ ^^^. y ^ ^^^K V /- 1 ,4^\* ^K^ ^^c Gae ^ ^ ^ /^^ J/ ^v \ V* /f) '^>rJ / y^^\/ ^&^ \A . \^C\/\22V^ 'C\^-^ j w -'L .=^ ^^ ^ ^ X S ^\%^^ 'h^^ ■S^ "X^ / r~Z^ "O^ yx\ X Ov \ Xis\ \ ) (•<^*\jA,^a3L V / \ J/y. A ^ /y^\ \ ^X' v^ v\y\ J\ ^ . \ .< "1^^ ^^ =»^:^ K^ y » .^. ^^^^ <^\ m be /^^ r ^ V^^\. f \N^S (^^xj \ \ i^x >^^^^rti^ ^^S |sp^ I ,^^ ^^X -^■X ^ yA ^M ^v# ^^ g y f ^ <^ ^^^ urv^ 1 V /^ ^ ^^ \^ ^ ^ ^ff-'jffl J jr^a^Lei K U \Gra^Z i T^TT-nr ^ J 0/ /^ \ 1 / >i^ rtltmd ,^^ \ /> i 1 Lr>r vV >3 ij;^ -2 Name of Mine Philips Clark Rideau Mining Co. SUver Queen Donnelly Matheson and Bell Star Hill McMartin Old Anthony Piospect Martha Munslow Otter Cowan Byrnes Otty Lake Matheson Ritchie and Jackson MacLaren Atcheson Anglo-Canadian Phosphate Co. Prospect Cantin PHOSPHATE MINES and OCCURRENCES TOWNSHIPS OF BURGESS NORTH AND SOUTH, ONTARIO U'/ S.jLJhERr, ^i A 000 595 518 2 ® 5 HOnOHOaHOIlOT Name of Mine Morris Bawden Opinicon or Rock Lake '«'i/i?'^S2' ^ili^'^'^iS^ O Phosphi PHOSPHATE MINES AND OCCURRENCES TOWNSHIP OF STORRINGTON. ONTARIO UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY .3 .g ■g g «§ ^ S g w . tra > 00 ^ (« K axoo^anaHS^ Is PALMER STON No. Name of Mine 1 St. George Lake 2 WUson and McMartin 3 Silver Lake /r'ca( Scfences Library 'iversify of California Riverside , OCCURRENCES TOWNSHIP OF OSO. ONTARIO Scale: 2 miles to I inch 2 DEPARTMENT OF MINES PRINCIPAL MINES AND OCCURRENCES Physicpr "c.onces Librae ilnlversMy of Californh Riverside I 9 »-e Sz •= £ 5 § a o ^ r, © u o z u u o u ?: z I !!! X fiii'j'i; PI iii^iiilMiK ^n Physical Sciences libra,, Unirarslly of California Rlwrabtt UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 595 518 2 m