vS;lOSANCElfj> o %a3AiNn3WV ^OFCAllFOff^ ^^OJIIVDJO^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ AWEUNIVERJ/a ^(?Aavaan-i'^ o r^ <=>£ > %a3AINfl-3WV^ xNlllBRARYQc, ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^6'AavjiaiH^ A\^[UNIVEW//, ^lOSANCElfj;^ ^«!/03iivj-jo>^ o ■%a3AiNn3WV^ ^>^UIBRARY•0/;^ ^lllBRARYQr ^vOFCALIF0ff^ >&AavHan-^^ "^^^Aavaaii^ ^>;lOSANCElfj'^ ^/^a3AINa-3WV .^lOSANCElfj^ o ^lUBRARYQr -s^^lLIBRARYQr ^.OFCAllFO/iUj, ^clOS-ANCEl£, "^/^aSAINHSlW ^lOSANCElfj-^ '^/ja3AiNn3ftV ^tLIBRARYQ^ 3 3 ^^ ^OFCMIFOft^ ^MEUNIVER% ^lOSANCElfj^ ^s^lllBRARYO/^ '^^ RYDER, A. P. 90. *Curfew Hour 91. *Homeward Plodding * Owned by Mrs. J. H. de Kay. New York So East Washington Sq. 14 ST. GAUDENS, Au gustus 92. *Portrait of a Child 93. *Panel 94. *Portrait * Owner, I)r.;Schifr. * Owner, Cornelius V'anderbilt.J * Owner. S. G. Ward. New York 14S West 36TH St. ST. GAUDENS, Louis . 95. *Young Pan * Owned by Mr. Chas. F. Barney New York So East Washington Sq. S ARTAIN, Wm. .... 96. Nonquitt Marsh 97. Sandylands near the Sea New York 152 West 57TH St. SHIELDS, Thos. W. New York University Building Washington Square 98. Still Life SHURTLEFF, R. M. 99. A Forest Scene New York 58 West 57TH St. 15 SMEDLEY, W. T. lOO. *The Weekly Mail * Owner, M-. Thos. B. Clnik SMILLIE, Geo. H. lOi. October Storm Xf.w Yokk C'iFKMAN Bank Buildino 141 H St. and 4TH Ave. Nkw York 337 4111 Avenue SPRING, Edward A. 102. Portrait — Relief Perth Amboy, N. J. STIMSON, John W. . 103. The Blacksmith's Shop New York II East 14TH St. SUTTON, E. 104. Fish THACHER, A. C. 105. Still Life THAYER, Abbott H. New York 80 East Washington Sq. New York 108 East 361H St. New York Studio, 19 Association Building, 230 St. 106. Lad)^ and Horse 107. A Student TRYON, D. W. New York 152 West 57TH St. 108. Cernay-la-Ville i6 TUCKERMAN, S. S. 109. Landscape TURNER, C. Y. New York II East 14TH St. no. " Where the rude Fore-fathers of the Hamlet sleep " TWACHTMAN, J. H. 111. Winter 112. Village of Popendricht 113. Near Alblassadam 1 14. City of Dordt VINTON, Frederic P . 115. *Portrait ♦Owned by the Academy at Andover Care J. Alden Weir Benedict Building Washington Sq. N. Y, BOSTOX VOLK, Douglas 1 16. *The Puritan captives ♦Owner, George I. Seney New York 109 West 34TH St. WARNER, Olin L . . 117. Cupid and Psyche 118. *Medallion Portrait ♦Owned by Mrs, U. P. W. New York So Easp Washington Sq. 17 WEBER, F. 119. Landscape New York 21 East 15TH St. WEIR, J. Aldex 120. Portrait of a Lady 121. Mill at Dordt 122. Reflections 123. A Bather New York So East Washington Sq. WHISTLER, J. A. McNeill London 124. ^Arrangement in grey and black. Portrait of the Artist's Mother *0\vneis, Henry Graves & Co., London WHITMAN, Sarah W . . 125. *Rhododendrons 126. Portrait ♦Owned by Mrs. M. Brimmer Boston 77 Mt. Vernon St. WHITTREDGE, W. .... 127. An Old New England House New York 51 West ioth St. WYANT, A. H. 128. Landscape New York 58WEST 57TH St. • PORTRAIT OF A LADY." BY J. ALDEN WEIR. [drawn by EDWIN A. ABBEY.] ■ THE BREAKFAST." BY J. CARROLL BECKWITH. "veil reading." bv fkkderick dielma.n. NKAR THE SWAMP." BY R. SWAIN CIFFORD. "CERNAY LA VILLE — SPRINGTIME." BY D. W. TRYON. \\\ lllllli,! l/(ll!ri!Ml|/llll'iii'|//^'iM/Milf,ii!' I Inliiil 111! AUTUMN." BY EDWIN H. BLASHFIF.I.D. 'K'VW^IIgUWIUflVtJV'l 0'E.R THE J'lAOOyH ENA/»^EUCD qR.E£.M VVHERE MOpR(N]- op P"" p MftJH BEEfJ And joycH THE. WARB(j£t> STKinG- VN per' THE v5HAi>y ROOF <0F BRANCHlMGr £iM-5rAP,-PP.OO/^ fOULOW M£ - --- J? c/>R est AirEjret[-ms lOHM MfUTOM 'shadows on the sn(jw." (.fragment) by f. h. lungren. REICHARD'S ART ROOMS 226 FIFTH AVENUE Opposite Hotel Brunswick and for sale choice works of the following and many other Foreign and American Artists : Jos. Brandt, Clays, Casanova, DUEZ, Le Roux, ViBERT, ZUGEL, Bridges, Wm. Hart, Bolton Jones, McEntee, Wyant, On exhibition Adan, Beyle, Delort, Henner, Perrault, Weeks, Allen, Bruce Crane, Hovenden, Macy, Carl Becker, Detti, C. Jacque, Alf Stevens, Ziem, Bunner, De Haas, Geo. Inness, Moran, Schuchardt, Benj. Constant, Domingo, Gilbert, Palmaroli, VOLTZ, J. G. Brown, Jas. Hart, Knight, H. P. Smith. CONNOISSEURS ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR GALLERIES Messrs. COTTIER & CO. INTERIOR DECORATORS. HIGH CLASS PAINTINGS— Corot's, Millet's, Diaz's, Troyon's, &c., &c., &c., on View and Sale. Messrs. COTTIER & CO. ' PAINTERS ON GLASS. Memorial Picture Windows, and Domestic Stained Glass Subjects and Figures a specialty. Messrs. C0TTIER^& CO. " ARTISTIC INTERIOR HOUSE PAINTERS AND FUR- NITURE BUIEDERS. Gaseliers, Candelabi^a, Bric-a-Brac, Oriental Carpeliftgs, Venetian Glass, Rich Hangings and Eaiencerie. 144 Fifth Avenue, New York GOUPIL GALLERY Messrs. M. KNOEDLER & CO. Respectfully invite the attention of connoisseurs to their fine collection of OIL & WATER COLOR PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS AND OTHER ART PRODUCTS. The list of paintings comprises a choice selection from the best and most characteristic works of Alvarez, Aubert, Boldini, Bouguereau, Clays, Corot, Daubigny, Diaz, Dupre, Escosura, Firmin-Girard, Gisbert, Gerome, Hag- borg, Heilbuth, Kaemmerer, Kowalski, Knaus, Loustau- NAU, Meyer von Bremen, Madrazo, Millet, Meissonier, Perrault, Palmaroli, Rossi, Robie, Rousseau, Rico, SeIGNAC, TrOYON, TOULMOUCHE, ViBERT, WiLLExVIS, Ziem. 170 FIFTH AVENUE Corner 22D Street 1870 i882 N. E. MONTROSS \rtists' Colorman No. 1380 BROADWAY Bet. 37TH AND 38TH Sts. NEW YORK Winsor & Newton's Colors, Schoenfeld's Colors, Lacroix's Mineral Colors, Easels, Canvas, Brushes, Palettes, Mahl Sticks, etc.. Water Color Painting Materials, Pencil, Crayon and Charcoal Draw- ing Materials. Drawing and Painting Copies, Tiles, Plaques, Panels, Frames, etc., to decorate. Books on Art, Decorators' Fine Colors, Dry, in Oil, Japan and Water, Also Special Brushes, etc , Bronze Powders, Gold Paint, etc. PRICES EXCEPTIONALLY LOW CATALOGUE SENT ON APPLICATION N. E. MONTROSS, 1380 Broadway MR. ISAAC BUCHANAN FLORIST No. 9 WEST 17th STREET, NEW YORK BRANCH, 407 FIFTH AVENUE i^u't'^ ^°^ Boquets and Flowers will meet with prompt attention, and will be arrantied with that care and artistic taste for which his establishments are widely known. Plants for decorative purposes furnished to order. His immense collection of Palms, &c., Kive him unusual facilities in this department. T//E_ ART fNTERCHANGE PRESS ARTISTIC CATALOGUES OF ALL KIXDS d, -^^ P E C I A L T r 140 NASSAU STREET NEW YORK T. A. WILMURT Looking Glasses AND PICTURE FRAMES 54 East 13TH Street New York (3 doors West of Broadway) BRONZE AND ANTIQUE FRAMES, BEVELLED MIRRORS IN PLUSH FRAMES Paintings Collected for Exhibition in other Cities Oilman Collamore John J. Gibbons IMPORTERS OF Rare China, Artistic Faiences, Oriental Por- celains, Rich Cut Glass, Plates, AND Bric-a-Brac 19 Union Square, West, New York R. E. MOORE EXPERT DEALER IN Paintings and Objects of Art Porcelains, Lacquers, Carved Ivories, Bronzes, and Curios, at the American Art Gallery MADISON SQUARE JAS^'F':'£m-TON Special j Pkoph.etoks A R T TS T I C - S T AI N ED - GLASS J. & R. LAMB, 59 Carmine Street, N. Y fith Avenue cars pass the door. yiiyii^iiaiifeiiifejiiiyii New designs of Fiorciitinc and Irridescent Glass — (Antique Glass) in rich Jewel Colors — Uoor-lights, Window Panels and Fire Screens — &c„ &c,^-^ icmoriar Windows, Figure Subjects, Memorial — Tablets in Brass and Bronze — BANNERS in Silk and Gold, with Symbols— CHURCH FURNITURE in great variety— SEND FOR HAND-BOOK, BY MAIL FREE A inerican Etchings Sio A YEAR I. — The Housfi on the Hilltop, Kruseman ^'an KIctrn 2. — A Poor Relation, J. A. Mitchell 3. — Sunset, Maine Coast, Henry Farrer 24 PARTS, 50 CENTS PER PART I 4. — Burnt Pines, J. C. Nicoll 5. — Shanties on the Harlem, Charles A. Platt^ I 6. — (Now ready,) Kenihvorth, England, J. M. Falconer 7._(/« Press,) Portrait of HENR V WADS WORTH L ONGFELL O JV, William M. Chase 8.— Skaneateles Lake, N. Y., A. F. Bellows. MAILED IN TUBES ON RECEIPT OF PRICE THE ART INTERCHANGE PUBLISHING COMPANY 140 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK THE ART INTERCHANGE A PROGRESSIVE AMERICAN ART JOURNAL Examples of the best American Artists, Decorative Art, and Notes and Queries $2.00 A YEAR L\ ADVANCE TEN CENTS A COPY 140 NASSAU STREET NEW YORK S?iM^a»»lmraT?)^i ms^^lniucimm- ) FRESCO PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. 341 Fourth Ave., Cor. 25th St., N. Y (STUDIO BUILDING.) %^9l6??My tn-a^ sX^ \ZT^S S ^^OJITVOJO^ '^rfOJnV3JO>^ "^JJlJONVSOl^^ ''^'^''.WAINnJUV^ '^' -^.i/Od o ^OFCAllFOfi'^ ^OFCAllF0i?>j^ "^OAHVJiaiii^ ^OAHvaaiH^ ^\\E UNIVERS/A o .NvOSANC[lfj;> o "^/^aaAiNflJUV ^^;OFCAllFOff^ ^OFi v^lOSANCFlfj^, O O "^/saaMNn^ftv ^lllBRARYQr &Aav}iaiii^ ^^omm\^ 5MEUNIVER5'//, <<5133NVS01^ . \ME UNIVERS/A %a3AINn3WV MIIBRARYO/^ ^,\\l•ll '^;,OFCAllFOfiV ^ ^_^p I. ^ ^OAHvaaiii^ aWEUNIVERS//, < vKlOSANCElfj^ ,0F CA1IF0;?^> ^OF- -^aAHvaanv^ ^ox .^ME•UNIVER5/A. o ^lOSANCEli;f^ o ^ ■^/juBAiNnawv ^5^l•llBRARYG<^ ^^tllBRARYOc ^^\^E•UNIVE%^ ^10 homm^'^ ^^80i\miQ'^ "^smwiov^ %a; AWEUNIVERS/a o ^JlJDNVSOl^ _^lOSANCElfx^ ^OFCAIIFO^^ ^OFCAllFOff^ «^NWEUNIVER5/^ "^/saaAiNnjw^ £? :^ J^Aavaaiv^'^ '^ ^UIBRARYQ^ ^11 . .'v^ 4... \i r) 1 31 W'^-^FfM