T-R S J 47 4 54 (MISC. P.UB$4 State Housing Manual CONTAINING THE oBi State Tenement House Act ■ptate Hotel and Lodging House Act State Dwelling House Act ANNOTATED.. LIBRARY ^^fft,H Commission of Immigration and Housing of California , f raliforHiS' Underwood Building, 525 Market Street , San Francisco, Cal. Regionsii Facility State Housing Manual CONTAINING THE State Tenement House Act State Hotel and Lodging House Act State Dwelline House Act ANNOTATED BUREAU OF GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH LIBRARY 44 LIBRARYByiLOING Commission of Immigration and Housing of California Underwood Building, 525 Market Street San Francisco, Cal. BRANCH OFFICES: 226 Union League Building, Los Angeles, Cal. lOlOX Second Street, Sacramento, Cal. CALIFORNIA STATE PRINTING OFFICE SACRAMENTO 19 19 46714 State Commission of Immigration and Housing of California UNDERWOOD BUILDING r,2r) MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO COMMISSIONERS : SIMON J. LUBIN, President, Sacramento MOST REV. EDWARD J. HANNA, D.D., Vice President, San Francisco MRS. FRANK A. GIBSON, Los Angeles J. H. McBRIDE, M.D., Pasadena PAUL SCIIARRENBERG, Secretary, San Francisco. GEORGE L. BELL Attorney and Executive Officer Please address all communications, inquiries and other matters pertaining to ho-using or to the contents of tlm manual, to the Director of Housing Bureau, State Commission of Immigration and Housing, 525 Market Street, San Francisco, California. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. San Francisco, California, October 15, 1917. To His Excellency, William D. Stephens, Governor of California. Sir: We have the honor to submit herewith an edition of the new state housing acts. It is the hope of the commission that this annotated and indexed edition will serve as a working manual and that it will also make for a careful and uniform observance of the acts throughout the state. This manual has been compiled b}^ the director of the commission's housing bureau, Mr. Mark C. Cohn, who also acted as executive secretary of the ' ' Housing Institute ' ' which drafted this legislation. Respectfully yours, Commission op Immigration and Housing OF California. CONTENTS. Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 3 INTRODUCTORY FOREWORD 5 APPLICATION OF MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES 7 LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION OF LAWS RECOMMENDED 7 EXPLANATORY REMARKS 8 STATE HOUSING LAWS (ANNOTATED) : 8-65 ILLUSTRATIONS 68-80 SUGGESTED FORMS FOR APPLICATIONS AND PERMITS 81-85 HANDY TABLES 86-88 INDEX TO STATE LAWS 89-118 CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM INVITED Inside back cover CORRESPONDENCE FROM OFFICIALS INVITED Inside back cover CORRESPONDENCE FROM ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS INVITED Inside back cover INTRODUCTORY FOREWORD. The State Commission of Immigration and Housing in issuing this Manual has many objects in view. Two of the most important are, first : to focus attention on the state housing laws ; second : to encourage and facilitate the uniform enforcement and interpretation of the laws throughout the state of California. The drafting of these laws entailed a great amount of hard work and expense. Enforcement. Therefore, in order to achieve the results so much desired, and to justify the expenditure of effort and money, these laws must be con- sistently and effectively enforced throughout the state. The local officials of the various counties, cities, and towns of the state are charged with the enforcement of the laws. The commission recommends to these officials that a uniform, definite and constructive program be adopted at once so that all tenement houses, hotels and dwellings hereafter erected be designed and constructed with proper regard for the law and the welfare and safety of the occupants. It also recommends that all such existing buildings be made to conform to those provisions of the state housing laws which are applicable to them. Supplementary Ordinances. In this connection, the commission feels that while California may well be proud of her state housing laws, — which are second to none in the United States — the magnitude and complexity of the problem per- mits of further improvements in the way of housing regulations. The commission does not regard the laws as ideal, though they do contain all that was possible to have enacted at the time, and all that the cities and towns of the state collectively desired. At least the laws establish a sound, practical foundation upon which to base improvements. Therefore, it is urged that the cities and towns enact supplementary building, housing, city planning, and zoning ordinances amplifying the state laws. It is also recommended that they revise such ordinances as they now have so as to include all the requirements contained in the state laws. Minimum of Requirements. The state housing laws fix the minimum of requirements for ventila- tion, sanitation, privacy and safety, but do not include all features of construction which are ordinarily covered by a building code. These features were omitted in order to enable the various counties, cities and towns throughout the state to fix such requirements as would be applic- able to their local conditions. b STATE HOUSING MANUAL. State Housing Bureau. The commission created on July 1, 1917, a department known as the "Housing Bureau." This bureau will be pleased to assist the counties, cities and towns in obtaining the uniform interpretation and enforce- ment of the state housing laws. On request, it will also render such assistance as possible in drafting new and revised building, housing, city planning and zoning codes, supplementing and amplifying the state laws. Furthermore, it will help in organizing or reorganizing municipal departments charged with the enforcement of these laws so that they may perform their work effectively. State Housing Institute. In order that the public may have confidence in these laws and know that important technical subjects have not been hastily considered and legislated upon, an outline history of the preparation of these laws is herewith given. The commission, during the past three years, had made a very careful investigation of housing conditions in the state. This investigation proved the need of amendments to the existing state laws on the subject and the enactment of additional practicable and enforceable laws upon the general subject of housing. It therefore, with the approval of the Governor, invited the fourteen largest cities of the state to partici- pate in a series of conferences for the purpose of studying and discuss- ing all phases of the housing problem, and to draft such legislation as was deemed necessary to solve the problem. Twelve of the cities responded by naming official delegates — some thirty in number — including supervisors, councilmen, city attorneys, health, housing, building and fire commissioners and inspectors, and other officials of similar ranks. These official delegates, together with a large number of semiofficial delegates representing various organizations, such as architectural and engineering societies, city planning and housing associations, public welfare and civic clubs, realty boards and chambers of commerce, apartment house and hotel owners' associations, labor and medical organizations, communal and social workers^ and similar bodies joined with the commission in a State Housing Institute. The institute, within the eight months preceding the convening of the 1917 legisla- ture, held four meetings in different parts of the state. At the same time, an educational program was carried on through public addresses and press notices. At the institute meetings, the subject of housing was thoroughly covered. A trained and experienced man drew up tentative drafts of the laws. They were printed in convenient pamphlet form and distributed to all the official and semiofficial delegates; also to a large number of people who were interested in the work. At the COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 7 second and all subsequent meetings, the tentative and revised tentative drafts of the laws were discussed, clause by clause, revised and finally approved. As a result of this work of the State Housing Institute, three laws were evolved; covering tenement houses, hotels and dwellings, respec- tively. These laws were introduced in the legislature, for the commis- sion and the institute, by Senators Benson and Burnett. The laws were duly enacted, and became effective September 1, 1917. Appreciation. The commission feels very grateful for the assistance rendered by the many persons and organizations who participated, without compensa- tion, in this very important work, and it also appreciates the interest and cooperation of His Excellency, the Governor, and the members of the California legislature who made possible the enactment of these laws. NOTE. Application of Municipal Ordinances. The many inquiries made of the commission make it necessary to emphasize the fact that in each municipality the ordinances which supplement and amplify or contain more stringent regulations than those in the state housing laws, must be conformed to. However, no ordinance, regulation or ruling of any municipality, or of any municipal department, official or officials, can in any manner repeal, amend, or dispense with any of the provisions of the state housing laws. NOTE. Liberal Construction of Laws Recommended. It is recommended that the most liberal construction and interpretation be given to the state housing laws. In this manner their spirit and intent may be carried out to a logical conclusion, i. e., for the welfare of the occupants to be housed in the buildings. Particularly in the case of a building designed for "mixed occupancies" (such as a tenement house and a hotel combined) should the greater or more stringent general requirements of the laws be demanded. 8 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. STATE HOUSING MANUAL. CONTAINING THIi CALIFORNIA STATE HOUSING LAWS State Tenement House Act, State Hotel and Lodging House Act, Slate Dwelling House Act. Recompiled and annotated so as to sinnplify their use. Explanatory Remarks. In this Manual the three state housing laws have been incorporated into one. The State Tenement House Act in full was used as the basis of this compilation. The wording which appears in italics between brackets, thus [ ] has been inserted or added to the State Tenement House Act ; also excerpts from the State Hotel and Lodging House Act, and the State Dwelling House Act have been added, where they differed from the Tenement House Act. In this manner, all of the subject matter contained in the three law^s has been included in the Manual. The reader may disregard the wording in italics, between brackets, when applying the law to a tenement house. On the other hand, the wording in italics indicates clearly the provisions of the laws which apply to hotels or dwellings. The letters T. H. D., which appear in the left-hand margin, also indicate readily the different classes of buildings to which each paragraph applies. The reader should note carefully those specific provisions which apply to one or another of the classes of buildings only. The annotations which appear in small type following some of the various paragraphs or sections, and the illustrations and handy tables, included in this Manual, are merely suggestive and explanatory of the subject matter of the laws. Cases may arise involving a legal phase or matter, and will need to be adjudicated upon their individual merits. In every such case, it will be advisable to refer to the separate copies of the laws in the Cali- fornia Statutes of 1917, chapter Nos. 738, State Tenement House Act ; 736, State Hotel and Lodging House Act; 737, State Dwelling House Act. The following conventional symbols have been used: T. H. D., which appears in the left-hand margins, indicates the para- graphs which apply to T.=tenement houses; H.=hotels and lodg- ing houses; and D.=dwellings. *Excerpt from State Hotel and Lodging House Act. **Excerpt from State Dwelling House Act. COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 9 Paragraph number. Section 1. Title: This act shall be known as the state 1 tenement house act" ["state hotel and lodging house act," T.-H.-D. "state dwelling house act"] and its provisions shall apply to all parts of the State of California, including incorporated towns, incorporated cities, and incorporated cities and counties. Note: The provisions of the State Dwelling House Act apply to In- corporated cities, incorporated cities and counties, and incorporated towns only. Sec. 2. Enforcement: It shall be the duty of the "building 2 department" of every incorporated town, incorporated city, T.-H.-D. and incorporated city and county, to enforce all the provisions of this act pertaining to the erection, construction, recon- struction, moving, conversion, alteration and arrangement of tenement houses [hotels and dwellings] and to issue the cer- tificate of "final completion" hereinafter provided. Note: A certificate of completion is not required for dwellings. It shall be the duty of the "housing department" or if 3 there is no housing department the health department of every T.-H.-D. incorporated town, incorporated city, and incorporated city and county to enforce all of the provisions of this act pertaining to the maintenance, sanitation, ventilation, use and occupancy of tenement houses [hotels and dwellings] after said tenement houses [hotels or dicellings] have been erected, constructed, or altered, as the case may be, and the certificate of "final com- pletion" has been issued by the building department, and to issue the "permit of occupancy" as hereinafter provided. Note: A permit of occupancy is not required for dwellings. In the event that there is no building department or no 4 liousing department or health department in an incorporated T.-H.-D. town, incorporated city or incorporated city and county, it sliall be the dut.y of the officer or officers who are charged with the enforcement of ordinances and laws regulating the erection, construction or alteration of buildings, or the maintenance, sanitation, ventilation or occupancy of buildings, or of the police, fire or health regulations in said incorporated town, incorporated city or incorporated city and county to enforce all of the provisions of this act. In every county it shall be the duty of the officer or officers 5 who are charged with the enforcement of ordinances or laws T.-H. regulating the erection, construction or alteration of build- ings, or of the maintenance, sanitation, occupancy and ventila- tion of buildings, or of the police, fire or health regulations in said county, to enforce all of the provisions of this act [pertaining to tenement houses and hotels] outside of the limits of any incorporated town or incorporated city. 10 STATE JJOUSING MANUAL, Every iucorporated town, incorporated city, or incorpo- 6 rated city and county in the State of California shall have, T.-H.-D. and it is hereb}' empowered and given authority to designate and charge by ordinance any other department or officer than the department or officers mentioned herein, with the enforce- ment of this act, or any portion thereof. The commission of immigration and housing of California 7 shall have, and it is hereby empowered and given authority T.-H.-D. to enforce the provisions of this act, which do not pertain to the actual erection, construction, reconstruction, moving, alter- ation or arrangement of tenement houses [hotels and diuell- ings] in all incorporated towns, incorporated cities and in- corporated cities and counties, and counties in the State of California, whenever said commission finds or discovers a violation or violations of the provisions of this act and notifies the local department or officer, or departments or officers who are charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this act, in writing, of such violation or violations, and the said local department or officer, or departments or officers, fail, neglect or refuse to enforce the provisions of the said act within thirty days thereafter; provided, however, that the said commission of immigration and housing of California shall enforce the provisions of this act only in the instances specified in said written notice. 8 Sec. 3. Unlawful to violate : It shall be unlawful for any 'T.-H.-D. person, firm or corporation, whether as owner, agent, con- tractor, builder, architect, engineer, superintendent, foreman, plumber, tenant, lessee, lessor, occupant, or in any other capacity whatsoever, to erect, construct, reconstruct, alter, build upon, move, convert, use, occupy or maintain, or to cause, permit or sufiier to be erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, built upon, moved, converted, used, occupied or main- tained any tenement house [hotel or divelling] or any portion thereof contrary to the provisions of this act, or to commit or maintain or cause or permit to be committed or maintained any nuisance in or upon any tenement house [hotel or dwell- ing] or any portion thereof, or any of the premises, yards or courts which are a part thereof, or Avhicli are required by the provisions of this act; or to do or cause to be done, or to use or cause to be used, any privy, sewer, cesspool, plumbing or house drainage affecting the sanitary condition of any tenement house [hotel or dicelling] or any portion thereof, or of the premises thereof, contrary to any of the provisions of this act. Sec. 4. Unlawful to alter or change contrary to law: It 9 shall- be unlawful for any person to make any alterations or T.-H. changes, or reconstruction work of any kind whatsoever, to any tenement house [or hotel] erected prior to the passage of this act, or to any tenement house [or Jiotel] hereafter erected, or to increase the height or the percentage of the lot occupied, in any manner which would be inconsistent with any of the COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 11 Pariigraijli number. provisions of this act, or in violation of the said provisions of this act, or in any manner to diminish the size of the yards, courts or shafts or the size of windows or skylights, or to remove any stairway or fire escape, or to obstruct the egress from such building or from the hallways or stairways, or to do anything that would affect the ventilation and sanitation of the building, contrary to any of the provisions of this act. **Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to make any alterations or changes of any kind whatsoever, to any dwelling erected prior to the passage of this act, or to any dwelling hereafter erected, in any manner which would be inconsistent with any of the provisions of this act, or in violation of the said provisions of this act; or in any manner to diminish the size of the windows, or to remove any window or windows from the rooms contrary to any of the provisions of this act. Note: Paragraph 10 applies to dwellings only and refers to those provisions applicable to dwellings. Sec. 5. Buildings converted, moved, or altered : A build- 11 ing not erected for, or which is not used as a tenement house T.-H.-D. [hotel or dwelling] at the time of the passage of this act, if hereafter converted to or altered for such use, shall thereupon become subject to all of the provisions of this act affecting tenement houses [hotels or dwellings as the case may he] here- after erected. A building used as a tenement house [or hotel] at the time 12 of the passage of this act, if moved, shall be made to conform T.-H. to all of the provisions of this act affecting tenement houses [or hotels as the case may he] hereafter erected, in so far as they pertain to the percentage of lot occupied and the size of outer courts, inner courts bounded by a lot line, and yards. It shall be unlawful to reconstruct any tenement house 13 [or hotel] which is hereafter damaged by fire or the elements T.-H. to an extent in excess of fifty-one (51) per cent of its physical proportions, unless the said building is made to conform to all of the provisions of this act affecting tenement houses [or hotels as the case may he] hereafter erected. **A building used as a dwelling at the time of the passage 14 of this act, if moved, shall be made to conform to all of the D. provisions of this act affecting dwellings hereafter erected, in so far as they pertain to unoccupied area. Sec. 6. General penalty: Any person, firm or corporation 15 violating anj^ of the provisions of this act shall be deemed T.-H.-D. guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and iinprisonment, and in addition to the penalty therefor, shall be liable for all costs, expense and disbursements paid or incurred by the department, by any of the officers thereof, or by any agent, emplo^^ee or contractor 12 STATE TIOUSTNG MANUAIj. rariiRraiih uumhor. . . of same, in the pruseciilion of such violation. J. he costs, expense and disbur.-iements by this section provided shall be fixed by the court havinc: jurisdiction of the matter. Note: That portion of paragraph 15 providing for costs, expense, etc., does not apply to dwellings. Except as herein otherwise specified, the procedure for the 16 prevention of violations of this act, for the vacation of tene- T.-H.-D. ment houses [hotels or divellings] or premises unlawfully occupied, or for the abatement of a nuisance in connection with a tenement house [hotel or divelling] or the premises thereof, shall be as set forth in the charter and ordinances of the municipality in which the procedure is instituted. Sec. 7. Permit to build, alter or move required : In every 17 incorporated town, incorporated city, and incorporated city T.-H. and count}^, it shall be unlawful to commence or to proceed with the erection, construction, reconstruction, conversion, or alteration of a tenement house, [or hotel] or to move or to build upon a tenement house, [or hotel] or to convert a build- ing or any portion thereof into use as a tenement house [or hotel] without first obtaining a permit in writing so to do from the department charged with the enforcement of this act. Any person, firm or corporation desiring such a permit shall file an application therefor with the department charged with the enforcement of this act. Said application shall give a detailed statement in writing, verified under oath by the person making the same, of the erection, construction, reconstruction, moving, conversion or alteration, as the ease may be, upon blanks or forms to be furnished by the said department. The said application must be accompanied with a full, true and complete set of the plans of the tenement house [or hotel] or alteration, or work proposed, as the case may be, together with a set of specifications describing the materials proposed to enter into the construction of the proposed work, also a plan of the lot on which such building is proposed to be erected, con- structed, reconstructed, converted, altered, or moved, as the case may be. Such statement shall give in full the name and address by street and number of the owner or o^^mers, also the name and address of the architect and of the contractor, if there be such an architect or contractor; also shall give such other data and information as in the judgment of the depart- ment charged with the enforcement of this act is deemed necessary. Note: See suggested form of application on page 84. The affidavit to said application shall allege that the plans 18 and specifications are true and contain a correct description T.-H. of the proposed tenement house, [or Jiotel] lot and proposed work. If any person other than the owmer makes such affi- davit, such person shall not be recognized except that he allege in his affidavit that he is authorized and empowered by the said owner to act for him and to sign the required affidavit. Said COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 13 Paragraph number. department charged with the enforcement of this act shall cause all such plans, specifications and statements to be exam- ined, and if it appears that they conform to the provisions of this act, shall then issue a permit to the person submitting the same. Said department may, from time to time, approve changes in any plans, specifications or statements previously approved by it ; provided, that all changes when so made shall be in conformity with the provisions of this act. Said depart- ment shall have the power to revoke or cancel any permit or approval that it has previously issued in case of any refusal, failure or neglect of the person to whom such permit or approval has been issued to comply with any of the provisions of this act, or in case any false statement or misrepresentation is made in any of the said plans, .specifications or statements submitted or filed for such permit or approval. The erection, construction, reconstruction, moving, alteration or conversion of an}^ such tenement house, [or hotel] as the case may be, shall be made in accordance with the plans, specifications and statements submitted or filed and for which the permit is i.s8ued. Note: See suggested form of permit on page 83. A true cop3^ of the plans, specifications and other informa- 19 tion submitted or filed, upon which a permit is issued, with T.-H. the approval of the department with which they are filed, stamped or written thereon shall be kept upon the premises of the tenement house [or Jiotel] or work for which the said per- mit is issued, from the commencement of the said building or work to the final completion of same, and shall be subject to inspection at all times by proper authorities. The department charged with the enforcement of this act 20 may, at its discretion, issue a permit in case of nominal altera- T.-H. tions or repairs, when application is made therefor, in writing, by the owner or his agent, when the making of said nominal alterations and repairs do not affect any structural feature or the sanitation or the veutilation of the tenement house, [or hotel] without requiring the filing of plans or specifications. The is.suance or granting of a permit or approval by the 21 department charged with the enforcement of this act under T.-H. the authority of this section shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit or an approval of the violation of any of the provisions of this act. Every permit or approval which is issued by the department 22 chargecl with the enforcement of this act, but unaer which no T.-H. work has been done within ninety days from the date of issuance, or where work has been suspended for a period of ninety days, shall expire by limitation and a new permit shall be obtained before tlie work may be done. Note: Paragraphs 17 to 22 — Section 7, and paragraplis 23 to 29 — section 8, do not apply to dwellings except wliere required by municipal ordinance. While a building permit, and a certificate of completion, and a permit of occupancy may not be deemed as essential for the smaller class of buildings it is obvious that better results will obtain if permits and certificates are required. The provisions of the paragraphs above enumerated do not apply to buildings situated outside of Incorporated cities or towns. 14 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. PiiraRraph number. Sec. 8. Certificate of completion, and permit of occupancy 23 required: In every incorporated town, incorporated city, T.-ii. and incorporated city and county, it shall be unlawful to occupy or to permit to be occupied, any tenement house [or Jiotel] hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, converted or moved, as the case may be, or any portion thereof, for human habitation until the issuance of a "certificate of final completion" and a "permit of occupancy" by the depart- ment or departments charged with the enforcement of this act. It shall also be unlawful to occupy any existing tenement 24 house [or Jwtel] until a permit of occupancy has been issued T.-iT. by the department designated to issue such permit. Every permit of occupancy shall be renewed each calendar 25 year by the department designated to issue the said permit; T.-H. provided, that no structural alterations or changes have occurred since the issuance of the certificate of final comple- tion; and provided, that all other provisions of this act have been complied wuth. Any person desiring a certificate shall file a notice with the 26 department charged with the enforcement of this act. Said T.-H. department shall cause an inspection to be made of the said tenement house [or hotel] or portion thereof, or work described in the said notice, within ten days after written application therefor, and shall issue a "certificate of final completion" if it is found that all the provisions of this act, regulating the erection, construction, alteration or moving, as the case may be, have been complied with. The department charged with the enforcement of this act 27 and designated to issue the permit of occupancy shall issue the T.-H. said "permit of occupancy" upon application, in writing, therefor by the owner or his agent, and upon the filing by the owner or his agent of such statements or records required by the department, after the "certificate of final completion" has been issued; provided, that no violations have occurred since the issuance of the certificate of final completion, or, in the case of a tenement house [or hotel] erected prior to the passage of this act, and for which no certificate of final completion has been issued, then after the said department has caused an inspection to have been made of the said tenement house [or hotel] and has found that all of the provisions of this act applying to such tenement house [or Jiotel] have been complied with. 28 All permits and certificates shall be made in duplicate and T.-H. a copy shall remain on file in the department issuing them. Any tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected, altered, 29 converted or moved, which is occupied, or any portion thereof T.-H. which is occupied for human habitation, prior to a "certificate of final completion" or a "permit of occupancy" being issued, shall be deemed a nuisance, and the department or depart- ments charged with the enforcement of this act may cause it to be vacated until the said certificate of completion and COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 15 Paragraph number. permit of occupancy have beeu obtained in accordance with the provisions of this act. Note: See note following par-agraph 22;. also see suggested forms of applications, certificate, and permit on pages 81-82. Sec. 9. Entry — inspection: The department or depart- 30 ments charged with the enforcement of this "act in any incorpo- T.-H.-D. rated town, incorporated city, incorporated city and county, or county, and the authorized officers, agents or employees of such department or departments, may, whenever necessary, enter tenement houses [hotels or dwellmgs] or portions thereof, or the premises thereof, within the corporate limits of such towns, cities, cities and counties, or counties, for the purpose of inspecting such buildings, in order to secure compliance with the provisions of this act and to prevent violations thereof. The members of the commission of immigration and housing 31 of California and the agents, officers or employees of said T.-H.-D commission may, whenever necessaiy, enter tenement houses [Jiotels or divelUngs] or portions thereof, or the premises thereof, for the purpose of inspecting such buildings in order to secure compliance with the provisions of this act and to prevent violations thereof. The owner or his authorized agent may, whenever necessary, 32 enter tenement houses, [Jiotels or dwellings] or portions thereof, T.-H.-D. or the premises thereof, owned by him, to carry out any instruc- tions or to perform any work required to be done by the pro- visions of this act. Note: The provisions of the State Dwelling House Act apply to incorporated cities, incorporated cities and counties, and incorporated towns only. **Provided, however, that the authority to enter buildings, 33 as in this section given to the persons hereinbefore enum- D. erated, shall not be construed or deemed to apply to the entering of any such [divelling] building between the hours of six o'clock p.m. of any day and six o'clock a.m. of the succeed- ing day, without the consent of the owner or of the occupants of such buildings [divelUvgs] ; but in no event shall the authority in this section given be construed as permitting any of the persons hereinbefore enumerated to enter any such buildings [dtvellings] in the absence of the occupants thereof without a proper written order, duly executed by a competent court authorized to issue such orders. Note: Paragraph 33 applies to dwellings only. Sec. 10. Definitions: For the purpose of this act, certain 34 words and phrases are defined as follows, unless it shall be T.-H.-D. apparent from their context that they have a different meaning- 35 Words used in the singular include the plural, and th(! T.-H.-D. plural the singular. 36 Words used in the present tense include the future. T.-H.-D. 37 Words used in the masculine gender include the feminine, T.-H.-D. and the feminine, the masculine. 16 STATE IfOUSlNG MANUAL. PiiraKi'aiili numlHir. . , , Words "building department," "housing department, 38 "health department," "department charged with the enforce- T.-ii.-D. ment of this act," "fire commissioner," shall be construed as if followed by the words, "of the incorporated town, incor- porated city, incorporated city and comity, or county," as the case may be, in w^hich the tenement house [hotel or dwelling] is situated. "Apartment" is a room or suite of rooms which is occupied 39 or is intended or designed to be occupied by one family for T.-D. living and sleeping purposes [in a tenement house or dwelling] . "Approved" means whatever material, appliance, appur- 40 tenance, or other matter meets the requirements and approval T.-H. of the department charged with the enforcement of this act, or which is approved bj^ local ordinance of the municipality in which the building is situated, or any appliance, appur- tenance, or other matter which conforms to the requirements of, and bears the approval of the "national board of fire under- writers ' ' ; provided, how^ever, that no such material, appliance, appurtenance, or other matter shall be deemed "approved" for use where, or in such a manner as would be inconsistent with the intent, or specific provisions of this act. "Basement" is any story or portion thereof partly below 41 the level of the curb or the actual adjoining ground level, the T.-H.-D. ceiling of which in no part is less than seven feet above the curb level or actual ad.joining ground levels. If the adjoining ground is excavated to or beloAV the curb level, or to or below the adjoining natural ground level, such excavated space shall have not less than the minimum width and length required in this act for outer courts. Every basement [in a tenement house or hotel] is a story. 42 "Building" is a tenement house [hotel or dwelling as the T.-H.-D. case may &e] . "Building department" means the commissioner of build- 43 ings, superintendent of buildings, chief inspector of buildings T.-H.-D. or any officer or department charged with the enforcement of ordinances and laws regulating the construction and alteration of buildings or structures. "Cellar" is any story or portion thereof, the ceiling of 44 which in any part is less than seven feet above the curb level T.-H.-D. and actual adjoining ground levels. "Court" is an open, unoccupied space other than a yard 45 on the lot on which is situated a tenement house [or hotel] . A T.-H. court, one entire side or end of which is bounded bj' a front yard, a rear yard or a side yard, or by the front of lot, or by a street or a public alley, is an "outer court." Every court which is not an "outer court" is an "inner court." Note: See illustrations on pages 69-70. COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 17 Paragrai'li number. Every court shall be open and unobstructed to the sky from 46 a point not more than two feet above the floor line of the T.-H. lowest story in the building in which there are windows from rooms or apartments abutting the said court, except that a cornice on the building may extend into an "outer court" two inches for each one foot in width of such court, and a cornice may extend into an "inner court" one inch for each one foot in width of such court. Note: Paragraphs 45-46 apply to tenement houses and hotels only. "Curb level" is the curb level opposite the center of the 47 "front of lot." [In the case of a divelling if a curl) has not T.-H.-D. heen established it means the average ground level at the front of lot.] Wherever the Avord "department" is used it means the 48 building department, the housing department, the health T.-H.-D. department or such other department or officer, or depart- ments or officers, who are charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this act. *"Dormitory" is a room in which more than two persons are 49 "guests" and are not living together, and shall, for the pur- H. pose of computing the number of rooms, be deemed a separate guest room for each one hundred square feet of superficial floor area therein. Note: A dormitory containing 600 square feet of superficial floor area (6 guest rooms) or more is in itself a "hotel." If It contains less than 600 square feet of superficial floor area it is a "dwelling." **"Dwelluig" is as follows: 50 (a) Any house or building, or any portion thereof, which D. contains not more than two apartments, or not more than five guest rooms, or, (b) Any house or building, or any portion thereof, not 51 more than one story in height, which contains more than two D. apartments, or, (c) Any house or building, or any portion thereof, of 52 more than one story and not more than two stories in height, D. which is designed, built, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or is occupied, as the home or residence of not more than four families, (four apartments) and which is so arranged that each of the said families live independently of each other, and which building is constructed and arranged so that a separate section is or may be kept as a home or a residence of a separate family. Each such section having an entirel}' inde- pendent and separate entrance, and if a stairway is required, one separate stairway leading to each section from the street or from an outside vestibule on the level of the first floor of said building, and with no room, hallway, bathroom, water- closet or kitchen used in common by two or more families occupying the said building. Note: The intent of the dwelling definition is to cover every building, which Is used for living or sleeping purposes by human beings, not included in the tenement house or hotel definitions. 2—46714 18 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraph number. "Family" is one person living alone or a group of two or 53 more persons living together in an apartment, whetlier related T.-D. to each other by birth or not. Note: Paragraph 53 applies to tenement houses and dwellings only. "Fireproof tenement house" [or hotel] is a building wherein 54 all the exterior and interior loads or strains are transmitted to T.-H. the foundation by means of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, stone, or by means of a skeleton framework of steel or iron ; the exterior walls, inner court walls and roof constructed of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, stone or hollow terra cotta tile; where all the structural steel or iron is thoroughly fire- proofed by concrete, cement plaster, tile, brick or sandstone, not less than two inches thick; where all the interior parti- tions are constructed of either hollow terra cotta tile blocks, gypsum blocks, brick, concrete, reinforced concrete, or of metal studs lathed with metal lath and plastered not less than three- quarters inch thick including the lath, or of metal studs lathed with approved plaster board and plastered not less than three-quarters inch thick including the plaster board, or constructed of wire glass not less than one-fourth inch thick, set in metal frames and sash, and all other materials used in the said building are of approved incombustible mate- rial, except that the glass in windows, transoms, or doors may be plain glass, and except that doors, frames, sash and the usual trim of rooms, hallways, corridors and passageways may be of wood, and except that wood floors may be placed on top of the floors constructed of incombustible materials, except in the stairways and public hallways. 55 *" Guest" is any person hiring and occupying a room for H.-D. sleeping purposes, and shall include both boarders and lodgers. Note: Paragraph 55 applies to hotels and dwellings only. *" Guest room" is a room which is occupied, or is intended, 56 arranged or designed to be occupied for sleeping purposes by H.-D. one or more guests, but shall not be deemed to include dormi- tories used for sleeping purposes. Note: Paragraph 56 applies to hotels and dwellings only. However, that portion of the paragraph referring to dormitories applies to hotels only. See paragraph 49. "Hotel" is any house or building, or portion thereof, con- 57 taining six or more guest rooms which are let or hired out to H. be occupied, or which are occupied by six or more guests, whether the compensation for hire be paid directly or indirectly in money, goods, wares, merchandise, labor or other- wise, and shall include Turkish baths, bachelor hotels, studio hotels, public and private clubs and any building of any nature whatsoever so designed or occupied, except hospitals where persons temporaril}" reside and where each such per- son receives regular bona fide medical attendance on the premises, and .jails, detention buildings and similar buildings where human beings are housed and detained under restraint. Note: The definition of a hotel Includes rooming and lodging houses, and all similar places where six (6) or more rooms are let or hired out to the public for sleeping purposes. See note following paragraph 49. COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 19 Paragraph number. "Housing department" is any department or commission 58 charged with the enforcement of ordinances or laws regulating T.-H.-D. the occupancy and maintenance of tenement houses, hotels or dwelling house buildings ; and where no such department is maintained, shall be deemed to be the health commissioner, the department of health, health officer, or similar department charged with the enforcement of laws and ordinances relating to the protection of the public health. "Kitchen" is any room in any apartment [in a tenement 59 hoiise] used or intended or designed to be used for cooking T. purposes and for the preparation of food. Note: This definition applies to tenement houses only. "Lot" is a parcel or area of land on which is situated a 60 tenement house, [hotel or dwelling] together with the land, T.-H.-D. yards, courts and unoccupied spaces for such a tenement house [hotel or dwelling] as required by this act ; all of which land shall be owned by or be under the absolute lawful control and in the lawful possession of the tenement house [hotel or dwelling]. A lot situated at the junction of two or more intersecting 61 streets, with a boundary line thereof bordering on each of the T.-H. two streets is a "corner lot." All parts of the width of such a corner lot which are distant more than seventy-five feet from the junction point of the two or more intersecting streets, shall be deemed to be an "interior lot." The owner or his author- ized agent may designate either street frontage as being the front of such corner lot for the purpose of determining the width thereof. 62 A lot which has only one boundary line bordering on a public T.-H. street is an "interior lot." "Rear lot" is a parcel or area of land having no boundary 63 line bordering on a street, or having less than one-half of its T.-H. width as a boundary line bordering on a street. "Front of lot" is the boundary line of lot bordering on the 64 street. In case of a corner lot, either of such boundary lines T.-H. may be the "front of lot." 65 "Rear of lot" is the boundary line of lot opposite the T.-H. 'front of lot." 66 "Depth of lot" is the mean distance from the "front of T.-H. lot" to the "rear of lot." Note: Paragraphs 61 to 66 apply to tenement houses and hotels only — see illustrations on page 68. "Nuisance" embraces public nuisance as known at common 67 law or in equity jurisprudence, and whatever is dangerous to T.-H.-D. human life or detrimental to health, and shall also embrace the overcrowding with occupants of any room, insufficient ventilation, or illumination, or inadequate or insanitary sewer- age or plumbing facilities, or uncleanliness, and whatever renders air, food or drink unwholesome or detrimental to the health of human beings. 20 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Pnrjil-'i'aph number. "Occupied space" is all the space covered by a tenement 68 house, including outside stairways, platforms, fire escapes, T. balconies, fire towers, chimneys, stacks, vent shafts, not exceed- ing thirty-two square feet in area, cornice, or auy part thereof, which projects into an inner court more than one inch for each one foot in Avidth of such court, or which projects into an outer court or yard more than two inches for each one foot in width of such outer court or a yard, except that outside stairways, platforms and balconies constructed of open metal work and fire escapes may extend not exceeding four feet beyond the exterior walls of the building into a front or rear yard, and except that a retaining wall may extend not to exceed twelve inches into a yard or court. For the purpose of determining occupied space, the area of the building shall be taken at the lowest story or portion thereof used for living or sleeping purposes. Note: Paragraph 68 applies to tenement houses only. However, it is a good rule to apply to hotels also. "Person" is a natural person, his heirs, executors, adminis- 69 trators or assigns; and also includes a firm, partnership or T.-H.-D, corporation, its or their successors or assigns. "Public hallway" is a hallway, corridor, passageway or 70 vestibule not within an apartment, [m a tenemeiit Jiouse or T.-H. not within a suite of rooms in a hotel] and includes stairways, landings and platforms. 71 "Rear tenement house" [or hotel] is a tenement house [or T.-H. hotel] on a "rear lot." "Semifireproof tenement house" [or hotel] is a building 72 with all exterior w^alls and walls of inner and outer courts T.-H. constructed of brick, stone, concrete, reinforced concrete or hollow terra cotta tile ; except that the walls of an inner court, which court is surrounded on four sides by the same building, may be constructed as provided in this act for such inner courts ; interior partitions and floors constructed of approved incombustible materials or of wood, with all ceilings, parti- tions, soffits of stairways, and outside stringers of open stair- ways and stair wells metal lathed and plastered not less than three-quarters inch thick including the lath or lathed with an approved plaster board plastered not less than three-quarters inch thick including the plaster board; in which all finished floors, frames, doors and the usual trim of rooms and hallways may be built of Avood and the roof of which shall be covered with at least a composition fire-retardant material. 73 ' ' Shall. ' ' Whenever this word is used it shall be mandatory. T.-H.-D. *' "Street" is any public street, alley, thoroughfare or park 74 having a minimum width of sixteen feet, measured from the T.-H.-D. "front of lot" to the opposite "front of lot," and which shall have been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use. COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 21 Paragraph number. "Tenement house" is any house or building, or portion 75 thereof, more than one story in height, which is designed, T. built, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or which is occupied as the home or residence of three or more families living independently of each other and doing their cooking in the said building; provided, however, that any building not more than two stories in height which is designed, built, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or is occupied, as the home or residence of not more than four families, and the said building is so arranged that each of the said families live independently of each other, and the building is con- structed and arranged so that a separate section is, or may be, kept as a home or residence of a separate family, and each such section has an entirely independent and separate entrance, and if a stairway is required, one such stairway leading to each section from the street or from an outside vestibule on the level of the first floor of said building is a separate stairway, and with no room, hallway, bathroom, water-closet, or kitchen used in common by two or more families occupying the said building, shall be deemed not to come within the definition of a "tenement house." Note: The latter part of this paragraph is the same as paragraph 52. It is a "dwelling" though more commonly called flats. *" Turkish bath" is a dormitory or a combination of guest 76 rooms, accommodating six (6) or more guests, in connection H. with which any form of bath or massage is given by the attendants to the guests. Note: Same as a hotel. See paragraph 57. "Wooden tenement house" [or hotel] is a building which 77 does not fully comply with the requirements for a "fireproof" T.-H. or a "semifireproof " tenement house [(W- hotel] as defined in this act, and shall include all frame and all veneered buildings. In every such building all ceilings and walls and partitions 78 of public hallways, soffits of interior stairways and the outside T.-H. stringers of open stairways, and stair wells shall be metal lathed and plastered not less than three quarters inch thick including the lath, or lathed with an approved plaster board plastered not less than three-quarters inch thick including the plaster board. "Yard" [/or tenement liouses] is a portion of a lot on which 79 is situated a tenement house and which is unoccupied T. by the building and extends from the ground up (except where otherwise provided by this act) open and unob- structed to the sky; except that outside stairways, platforms and balconies constructed of open metal work and fire escapes may extend not more than four feet into such yards. If such yard is between the front line of the building and the front i)oundary line of the lot, it is a "front yard." If it is between the extreme rear line of the building and the rear of the lot, it is a "rear yard." If it extends from the rear yard to the front yard or front of the lot, it is a "side yard." Note: Paragraph 79 applies to tenement houses only — see Illustration on page 69. 22 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraph number. *"Yard [for Jiotcls] is an open unoccupied space other than 80 a court on the lot on which is situated a hotel, open and unob- H. structed to the sky from a point not more than two feet above the floor line of the lowest story in the building in which there are windows from rooms abutting the said yard; except that outside stairways, platforms and balconies constructed of open metal work and fire escapes may extend not more than four feet into a yard, providing they do not in any manner obstruct the light or ventilation of rooms. If such yard is between the front line of the building and the front boundary line of the lot, it is a "front yard." If it is between the extreme rear line of the building and the rear of the lot, it is a "rear yard." If it extends from the rear yard to the front yard, or front of lot, it is a "side yard." Note: Paragraph 80 applies to hotels only — see Illustration on page 69. Sec. 11. Rear tenement houses and hotels restricted: No 81 tenement house [or hotel] shall hereafter be erected on, or T.-H. moved on to, a rear lot. No building for any purpose shall hereafter be erected in front of any tenement house [or hotel] unless there shall be left unoccupied a front yard extending from the front of the rear tenement house [or hotel] to the front line of lot bordering on the street. Such front yard shall not be in any part less in width than 82 fifty per cent of the actual width of the rear tenement house [or T.-H. hotel]. Sec. 12. Height of buildings: No fireproof tenement 83 house [or hotel] hereafter erected shall exceed one hundred T.-H. fifty feet in height, nor more than one and one-half times the width of the widest street to which the lot on which it is situated abuts. No semifireproof tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected 84 shall exceed six stories at any point, nor more than sixty-five T.-H. feet in height (except as hereinafter provided), nor more than one and one-half times the width of the widest street to which the lot on which it is situated abuts. No wooden tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected shall 85 exceed three stories at any point nor more than thirty-six feet in T.-H. height (except as hereinafter provided), nor more than one and one-half times the width of the widest street to which the lot on which it is situated abuts. 86 The width of the street, for this purpose, shall be measured T.-H. from the extreme front of the building to the front of lot opposite, across the street. For the purposes of this section a basement is a stor5^ The height of a fireproof tenement house [or hotel] is the 88 perpendicular distance from the curb level or adjoining ground T.-H. levels to the highest point of the roof. The height of a semi- fireproof or of a wooden tenement house [or hotel] is the per- pendicular distance from the curb level or adjoining ground levels to the lowest point of the finished ceiling of the top 87 T.-H COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 23 Paragraph number. story; provided, that in the case of a semifireproof tenement house [or hotel] situated on a lot with the ground sloping downward from the facade at which the measurement is taken the height of the building shall not at any point exceed sixty-five feet above the curb level measured on the facade fac- ing the street, nor shall the height of the building at any point of the grade exceed seventy-five feet above the adjoining curb in case of a corner lot, or above the level of the ground in the case of an interior lot, and in the case of a wooden tenement house [or hotel] situated on a lot with the ground sloping downward from the facade at which the measurement is taken the height of the building shall not at any point exceed thirty-six feet above the curb line measured on the facade facing the street, nor shall the height of the building at any point of the grade exceed forty-six feet above the adjoining curb in the case of a corner lot or above the level of the ground in the case of an interior lot. Note: See illustration on page 71. Sec. 13. Percentage of lot unoccupied by tenement house : 89 On every corner lot on which a tenement house is hereafter T. erected, at least ten per cent of such lot shall be left unoccupied ; provided, however, that if such corner lot extends through from one street to another street, one-half of the narrowest street to which said lot abuts may be considered as a part of the lot in computing the percentage of lot to be left unoccupied; except that if such one-half of the narrowest street is greater than the rear yard required for such tenement house, then only as much of the said street as is required for the rear yard shall be con- sidered as part of the lot for the purpose of computing the per- centage of lot to be left unoccupied. On every interior lot on which a tenement house is hereafter 90 erected, at least twenty-five per cent of such lot shall be left T. unoccupied ; provided, however, that if such interior lot extends through from one street to another street, one-half of the nar- rowest street to which such lot abuts may be considered as a part of the lot in computing the percentage of lot to be left unoccupied ; except that if such one-half of the narrowest street is greater than the rear yard required for such tenement house, then only as much of the said street as is required for the rear yard shall be considered as part of the lot for the purpose of computing the percentage of lot to be left unoccupied. Sec. 14. Rear yard required by tenement house : Immedi- 91 ately behind every tenement hoiLse hereafter erected there shall T. be a rear yard extending across the entire width of the lot. Sec. 15. Yards, courts — two buildings: In no event shall 92 any yard or court be made to serve the purpose of two tenement T.-H. houses [or hotels] hereafter erected, or of an existing tenement house [or hotel] and a tenement house [or Jiotel] hereafter erected, unless such yard or court, as the case may be, is of the full size required for two tenement houses, [or hotels] and then 24 STATE JIOUSING MANUAL. Par.igrcpli numbar. only in the event that such yard or court, as the case may be, is located on the same lot and owned by or in the absolute lawful control and in the lawful possession of the tenement house [or hotel] it proposes to serve. Where a tenement house, [or liotel] now or hereafter erected, 93 stands upon a lot, no other building shall hereafter be placed T.-H. upon the front or rear of that lot, unless the minimum distance between such buildings shall be at least ten feet, and two addi- tional feet shall be added to such minimum distance of ten feet for every story more than one in height of the highast building on such lot. Sec. 16. Rear yard measurement: The depth of a rear 94 yard [for a tenement house or hotel] shall be measured at T.-H. right angles from the extreme rear line of the building towards the rear lot line. Note: See illustration on page 74. Sec. 17. Rear yard on interior lot — tenement house: On 95 every interior lot on which a tenement house is hereafter T. erected there shall be provided a rear yard. Such yard shall extend from the ground clear and unobstructed to the skj^, and shall extend across the entire width of the lot; except that outside stairways, platforms and balconies constructed of open metal work and fire escapes may extend not more than four feet into such yard. The minimum depth of such rear yard shall be as follows: Height of building measured from top of waU to floor of Depth of yard at point abutting the rear yard rear yard Not exceeding 36 feet 10 feet Not exceeding 48 feet —\ 11 feet Not exceeding 60 feet ' 12 feet Not exceeding 72 feet 14 feet Not exceeding 84 feet 16 feet Not exceeding 96 feet 18 feet Not exceeding 108 feet 20 feet Not exceeding 120 feet 22 feet Not exceeding 132 feet 24 feet Not exceeding 150 feet : 26 feet Provided, however, that if such interior lot extends through 96 from one street to another street or public alley, one-half of T. the narrowest street or public alley to which said lot abuts may be considered as a part of the lot in computing the rear yard required by this section. Sec. 18. Rear yard on corner lot— tenement house: On 97 every, corner lot on which a tenement house is hereafter erected T. there shall be provided a rear yard. Such yard shall extend from the lowest floor which is used for living or sleeping apart- ments, clear and unobstructed to the sky, and shall extend COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 25 Paragraph number. across the entire width of such lot; except that outside stair- ways, platforms and balconies constructed of open metal work and fire escapes may be extended not more than four feet into such yard. The minimum depth of such rear yard shall be as follows : 1 Depth of corner lot Depth of rear yard Not exceeding 100 feet Exceeding 100 feet .. . Not less than 10 per cent of the depth of the lot nor less than 5 feet, nor less than the minimum width required for an outer court, based on the number of stories in such building. Not less than 10 feet nor less than the minimum width required for an outer court, based on the number of stories in such building. 1 Provided, however, if such corner lot extends through from 98 one street to another street, or to a public alley, one-half of the T. narrowest street or public alley to which such lot abuts may be considered as a part of the lot in computing the rear yard required by this section. *Sec. 15. Rear yard— size for hotel: The minimum size of 99 every rear yard for a hotel hereafter erected shall be not less H. in width and in area than an inner court, except that if such rear yard is bounded on its entire one end or side by an outer court, or by a side yard or by a street, or by a public alley or park, then such rear yard shall be not less in width or exceed the maximum length of an outer court; provided, however, that if the lot extends through from one street to another street or public alley, one-half of the narrowest street or public alley, to which said lot abuts may be considered as a part of the lot in computing the rear yard required. Note: Paragraph 99 applies to hotels only. The design of a hotel determines when there must be Tsrovided a rear yard. Sec. 19. Rear yard access: Every rear yard required by 100 this act and not bordering on a street or public alley and with- T.-H. out direct access thereto shall have access to a street or public alley by means of an unobstructed passageway not less than three feet six inches in clear width, nor less than seven feet in clear height; and if such passageway or any portion thereof passes through a building, such portion thereof shall be built of approved incombustible materials, or shall be lathed with metal lath or approved plaster board and be pla.stered not less than three-quarters inch thick including the lath or plaster board, or shall be lined with not less than number twenty-six (gauge) galvanized iron, and shall be drained and lighted. 26 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraph number. Sec. 20. Front yard: Every front yard which is excavated 101 l)elow the level of the curb or below the adjoining ground level T.-H. for the purpose of furnishing light and ventilation to a base- ment shall in no part be less in width and length than required for outer courts. Sec. 21. Side yard: The width of every side yard shall be 102 not less than the width required for an outer court except that T.-H. the provisions of this act regarding the maximum lengths of an outer court shall not apply to a side yard ; provided, that if there is a side yard on both sides of the building, connected one with the other across the rear of the building by the rear yard, then the width of the side yards may be reduced twelve inches. Note: Side yards in lieu of courts are very desirable from a health and fire safety standpoint, therefore, should be encouraged. Sec. 22. Outer court sizes: The minimum size of every 103 outer court for a tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected T.-H. shall be as follows : Height of building [tenement housel based on the full number of stories in the building measured upward from and including the low- est story in which there is an apartment or apartments. [In a hotel the lowest story in i court court ivhich there is a guest room or guest rooras, or a dormitory or dormitories.] Minimum Maximum width of length of 1 or 2 stories 4ft. Oin. 16ft. Oin. 3 stories 4 ft. 6 in. 25ft. Oin. 4 stories _. _ ... 5ft. Gin. 30 ft. in. 5 stories 6ft. Oin. 35 ft. in. 6 stories 8ft. Oin. 35ft. Oin. 7 stories 10 ft. Oin. 40 ft. Oin. 8 stories 12ft. Oin. 40 ft. Oin. 9 stories 13ft. Oin. 40ft. Oin. 10 or more stories _ .. . 14ft. Oin. 40 ft. Oin. There shall be added to the minimum width of each such 104 outer court six inches for each five feet or fractional part T.-H. thereof in excess of the maximum length; provided, however, that the maximum lengths herein provided shall not apply when the outer court is bounded on one side for its entire length by a lot line ; provided, further, that if an outer court is bounded by a public alley or public park, the width of such public alley or public park may be considered a part of the lot in determining the required width of the outer court. Note: See Illustration on page 70. COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 27 Paragraph number. Sec. 23. Inner court sizes: The minimum size of every 105 inner court for tenement houses [or Jiotels] hereafter erected T.-H. shall be as follows : Height of building [tenement house] based on the full number of stories in the building measured upward from and in- cluding the lowest story in which there is an apartment or apartments. [In a hotel the lowest story in which there is a guest room, or guest rooms, or a dormitory or dormitories.] Minimum width of court Minimum area of court in square feet 1 or 2 stories -' 6 ft. Oin. i 75 square feet 3 stories 7 ft. Oin. 120 square feet 4 stories 8 ft. Oin. 160 square feet 5 stories 12 ft. Oin. 2-50 square feet 6 stories 16 ft. Oin. 400 square feet 7 stories 20 ft. Oin. , 625 square feet 8 stories and more 24 ft. Oin. 840 square feet Provided, however, that the minimum size of every inner 106 court which is bounded on one side for its entire length by a T.-H. lot line may be as follows : 1 Height of building [tenement house] based on the full number of stories in the building measured upward from and in- cluding the lowest story in which there is an apartrnent or apartments. [In a hotel the lowest story in which there is a guest room or guest rooms, or a dormitory or dormitories.] Minimum width of court Minimum area of court 1 or 2 stories _ 1 5ft. Oin. 6ft. Oin. 7ft. Oin. Oft. Oin. 16ft. Oin. I 20 ft. Oin. 24 ft. in. 75 square feet 120 square feet 160 square feet 250 square feet 400 square feet 625 square feet 840 square feet 3 stories - - 4 stories - 5 stories - 6 stories 7 stories - - 8 stories and more - 1 Every inner court hereafter constructed and every inner 107 court or vent shaft now in any tenement house [or hotel] shall T.-H. be provided with a door or window at or near the bottom thereof, giving sufficient access to such court or vent shaft as to enable it to be properly cleaned out. Sec. 24. Recesses from a court, yard, or street: Every 108 recess from a court, yard or street in a tenement hoase [or T.-H. hotel] hereafter erected shall, unless it conforms to the require- ments of this act for an inner court, or an outer court, be not less in width tlian its depth. Every such recess shall be open and unobstructed to the sky from a point not more than two feet above the floor line of the lowest story in the building in which there are rooms the said recess proposes to serve. 28 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. ParnRraph number. Sec. 25. Air intakes to inner courts : Every inner court in 109 a tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected shall be provided T.-H. with one or more horizontal intakes at the bottom of the court, as follows : Inner court areas Minimum number of intakes Net aggregate area of intakes Each not exceeding 800 square feet Each not exceeding 800 square feet Each exceeding 800 square feet One Two Two 1% square feet 40 square feet 60 square feet Every such intake shall always extend directly to the front 110 of lot or front yard, or rear yard, or to a side yard, or to a T.-H. street, or to a public alley or public park. Whenever more than one intake is required, one such intake shall extend to the front of lot or front yard, and one to the rear yard, public alley, public park, or to the other street, and the court ends of the air intakes shall be as far apart as possible. Each such intake shall consist of an unobstructed duct or 111 passageway having a minimum width of three feet in all its T.-H, parts and a minimum height of six feet six inches. Every such intake shall be constructed of approved incom- 112 bustible materials, or shall be lined with at least number T.-H. twenty-six (gauge) galvanized iron on the inside thereof. Such air intakes may be closed at each end with a gate or grill having not less than seventy-five per cent of open work. In case the inner court does not extend below the second floor 113 level, then each such air intake may consist of an unobstructed T.-H. open duct, constructed of approved incombustible materials or lined with at least number twenty-six (gauge) galvanized iron on the inside thereof, having an interior area of not less than nineteen and one-half square feet, and in no dimension less than twelve inches, and covered at each end with a wire screen of not less than one inch mesh. 114 Every air intake shall be drained and so constracted and T.-H. arranged as to be readily cleaned out. Note: Care must be exercised so tliat in no place will the minimum dimensions or areas of the intakes be diminished. Sec. 26. Cellar living prohibited: In no tenement house 115 [hotel or divelling] shall any room in the cellar be constructed, T.-H.-D. altered, converted or occupied for living or sleeping purposes. Every cellar [in a tenement house or hotel] shall be illumin- 116 ated and ventilated. The walls and floor of every cellar here- T.-H. after constructed, [in a tenement house or hotel] which are below the ground level, shall be made waterproof and damp- proof, and whenever deemed necessaiy, and so ordered by the department charged with the enforcement of this act, the walls and ceilings thereof shall be plastered. COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 29 Paragraph number. Sec. 27. Basement living rooms: In no tenement house 117 [hotel or dtvelling] shall any room in the basement be con- T.-H.-D. structed, altered, converted or occupied for living or sleeping purposes, unless such room conforms to all of the requirements of this act for rooms in other parts of the building and that the ceiling of each such room be in all parts not less than seven feet above the adjoining ground level. Every basement shall be illuminated and ventilated. The 118 walls and floors of every basement hereafter constructed, which T.-H.-D. are below the groimd level, shall be made waterproof and damp- proof, and whenever deemed necessary, and so ordered by the department charged with the enforcement of this act, the walls and ceilings thereof shall be plastered. Note: The plastering of basement walls and ceilings does not apply to dwellings. Sec. 28. Ground floor ventilation and. rat-proofing: In 119 ever}' tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected, the lowest T.-H. floor thereof shall be at least eighteen inches above the surface soil adjoining and imder the floor, and the entire space under such floor shall be kept dry, drained, clean and free from any accumulation of rubbish, debris or filth. Such space under the floor shall be enclosed and provided 120 with a sufficient number of openings with removable screens T.-H. or similar provisions of a size to insure ample ventilation ; pro- vided, however, that in any such building the lowest floor thereof may be less than eighteen inches above the surface soil, but in no case less than six inches, except where masonry floors are laid directly on the soil, if the said floor is made impervious to the ingress of rats or other vermin as follows : (a) Foundation walls shall be constructed of concrete or of 121 brick or stone or other masonry laid in a good mortar or con- T.-H. structed of some other equally as rat proof material. (b) The said foundation Avails shall be not less than six 122 inches in thiclmess at the top nor less than twelve inches in T.-H. thickness at the bottom, nor extend less than twelve inches below the surface soil, and, except where masonry floors are laid directly on the soil, shall extend not less than six inches above the surface soil. Note: Foundation wall sizes given are merely for rat-proofing pur- poses and are not presumed capable of sustaining loads of a building. (c) Every opening in the foundation walls, for ventilation 123 or for other purposes, shall be made rat proof with suitable T.-H. metal screens or with some other similar rat proof material. Door or window openings in such walls shall have tight fitting doors or windows. (d) The said lowest floor or difi'ering levels thereof, forming 124 a complete floor betM'cen the outside walls of the building, shall T.-H. be constructed cither of masonry, or covered with concrete not less than one and one-half inches thick, or constructed of two layers of flooring v\-ith a layer of galvanized iron or galvanized iron wire cloth or other approved equally as rat proof material 30 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraph number. placed between the two layers of flooring. Or, in lieu of the floor being constructed as herein prescribed, the entire ground area under the floor shall be covered Avith concrete not less than two inches thick, except where the surface of the soil is composed of rock. The rat-proofing material shall always extend under the plates of the exterior walls and supporting partitions. (e) All openings throughout the said floor for chimneys, 125 plumbing, water pipes, or for any other purpose, shall be T.-H. closed up tight in the same manner and with the same kind of materials as required under the plates of the exterior walls and supporting partitions, and if the rat-proofing material used for closing of openings is other than masonry, it shall extend beyond and underlap the flooring all around the opening, not less than two inches. **Sec. 9. Dwelling- construction: Every dw^elling here- 126 after erected shall be constructed in a substantial manner; D. and the building shall be so constructed as to provide shelter to the occupants against the elements, and so as to exclude dampness in inclement weather. Note: The intent of this section is to provide a reasonably well con- structed building and prohibit the construction of buildings built of old and worn out materials, gunny sacks, tin cans and similar materials which do not afford proper shelter or privacy to the occupants, or exclude dampness. **Sec, 12. Dwelling, groiind floor ventilation: In every 127 dwelling hereafter erected there shall be provided a clear air D. space under the lowest floor thereof of at least six inches, except where there is a ventilated basement or cellar under- neath such floor, which clear air space shall be enclosed and provided with a sufficient number of openings with removable screens, or similar provisions, of a size to insure ample ventila- tion. The surface underneath the floor shall be kept dry, drained, clean and free from any accumulation of rubbish, debris or filth. The provisions of this section shall not be deemed to apply to masonry floors laid directly on the soil, nor to any self- supporting masonry floor. Sec. 29. Rooms, sizes of in tenement houses: In every 128 apartment in every tenement house hereafter erected there T. shall be at least one room containing not less than one hun- dred twenty square feet of superficial floor area, and every other room shall contain at least ninety square feet of super- ficial floor area, except water-closet, bath or slop-sink compart- ments, and except kitchens, closets, recesses from rooms, or dressing rooms. 129 Every kitchen shall contain not less than fifty square feet of T. superficial floor area. Every room shall at every point be not. less than seven feet 130 in width, nor less than nine feet in height, measured from the T. finished floor to the finished ceiling; except that attic rooms and rooms where sloping ceilings occur need be nine feet in COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 31 Paragraph number. height in but one-half the area of the room; provided, how- ever, that the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to water-closet, bath or slop-sink compartments, nor to closets, nor to recesses from rooms, nor to dressing rooms, nor shall the provisions of this paragraph as to minimum width apply to kitchens. Every water-closet compartment shall be not less than thirty- 131 six inches in clear width, and every such water-closet compart- T. ment, bath or slop-sink compartment, or closet, or recess from a room, or dressing room, shall have a height of not less than seven feet six inches, measured from the finished floor to the finished ceiling. Everj^ closet, recess from a room, or dressing room, which contains more than twenty-five square feet of superficial floor area (built-in dressers, clothes presses and similar features which are a substantial part of the structure shall not be deemed to be a part of the floor area of a closet, recess from a room or dressing room) shall conform to all of the provisions of this act as to rooms, and shall contain not less than ninety square feet of superficial floor area. No part of any room in any tenement house shall hereafter 132 be enclosed or subdivided wholly, or in part, by a curtain, T. portiere, fixed or movable partition, or other contrivance or device, for any purpose contrary to any of the provisions of this act. Entertainment, amusement or reception rooms hereafter con- 133 structed, altered or converted in any tenement house shall T. conform to the provisions of section thirty-three [paragraphs 164 to 170] of this act. Note: Every apartment must have one room with at least 120 square feet of floor area. Every other room must have at least 90 square feet of floor area. Every sleeping room must have at least 60 square feet of floor area for each adult person over 12 years of age, and at least 30 square feet of floor area for each person under 12 years of age, sleeping therein. Every room, excepting water-closet com- partments, bath rooms, kitchens, or similar rooms, must in no part be less than 7 feet wide. Every room must have at least 9 feet clear ceiling height (except, see paragraph 130). Every kitchen must have at least 50 square feet of floor area. Every water-closet compartment must be at least 36 inches wide. Every water-closet compartment, and closet must have at least 7 feet 6 inches clear ceiling height. No closet, alcove or recess from a room, shall contain more than 25 square feet of floor area. *Sec. 26. Rooms, size of in hotels: In every hotel here- 134 after erected, every guest room shall contain not less than H. ninety square feet of superficial floor area. Every such room shall at every point be not less than seven feet in width, nor less than nine feet in height, measured from the finished floor to the finished ceiling; except that attic rooms and rooms where sloping ceilings occur need be nine feet in height in but one-half the area of the room. Note: Every sleeping room must contain at least 90 square feet of floor area. Every sleeping room must contain at least 60 square feet of floor area for each adult person over 12 years of age, and at least 30 square feet of floor area for each person under 12 years of age, sleeping therein. Every water-closet compartment shall be not less than thirty- 135 six inches in clear width, and every such water-closet compart- H. ment, bath or slop-sink compartment, or closet or recess from 32 STATE HOUSING MANUAL Paragraph number. a room, or dressing room shall liave a height of not less than seven feet six ineh(-s, measured from the finished floor to the finished ceiling. Every closet, recess from a room, or dressing room which 136 contains more than twenty-five square feet of superficial floor H. area (built-in dressers, clothes presses and similar features which are a substantial part of the structure shall not be deemed to be part of the floor area of a closet, recess from a room, or dressing room), shall conform to all of the provisions of this act as to guest rooms, and shall contain not less than ninety square feet of superficial floor area. No part of any room in any hotel shall hereafter be enclosed 137 or subdivided wholly or in part, by a curtain, portiere, fixed H. or movable partition, or other contrivance or device, for any purpose, contrary to any of the provisions of this act. Entertainment, amusement or reception rooms, or public 138 dining rooms, hereafter constructed, altered or converted in H. any hotel shall conform to the provisions of section thirty [paragraphs 171 to 173] of this act. Dormitories hereafter constructed, altered or converted in 139 any hotel shall conform to the provisions of section sixty-two H. [paragraphs 297 to 303] of this act. Note: See note following paragraph 133. **Sec. 13. Rooms, size of in dwellings ; In every dwelling 140 hereafter erected, every room used for living or sleeping pur- D. poses shall contain at least ninety square feet of superficial floor area. Note: Every sleeping room must contain at least 90 square feet of floor area. Every sleeping room must contain at least 60 square feet of floor area for each adult person over 12 years of age^ and at least 30 square feet of floor area for each person under 12 years of age, sleeping therein. Every such room shall at every point be not less than seven 141 feet in width, nor less than eight feet in height measured from D. the finished floor to the finished ceiling ; except that attic rooms and rooms where sloping ceilings occur need be eight feet in height in but one-half the area of the room. Every water-closet compartment shall be not less than thirty- 142 six inches in width and every such compartment and bath or D. shower compartment shall have a height of not less than seven feet six inches measured from the finished floor to the finished ceiling. Sec. 30. Windows required in tenement houses : In every 143 tenement house hereafter erected every room, kitchen, and T. every water-closet compartment, toilet or shower room, and bath or slop-sink room, (except in the cellar) shall have at least one window of the area hereinafter required opening directly upon a street, or upon a yard or court, of the dimen- sions specified in this act and located on the same lot. All windows required by this act shall be located so as to 144 properly light all portions of the rooms, and shall be made so T. as to open in all parts and so arranged that at least one-half of each such window may be opened unobstructed; provided. COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 33 Paragraph number. however, that the windows required by this section in a water- closet compartment, toilet or shower room, and bath or slop- sink room, may open directly into a vent .shaft, such vent shaft to be of the minimum size and constructed of the materials and in the manner prescribed by section sixty-one [paragraphs 278 to 283] of this act; provided, further, that windows required to open onto a street, yard, or an outer court, except windows from kitchens, may open through porches, provided that said porches do not exceed seven feet in depth measured at right angles to the windows and that at least seventy-five per cent of the entire side of the porch, bounded by the street, yard, or outer court, is left open except that the open space may be enclosed with mosquito screens. Note: The lighting and ventilating of rooms through porches should be discouraged. However, when porches are used in the manner per- mitted by paragraph 144 the outer side of the porch should have the highest possible ceiling height. *Sec. 27. Windows required in hotels : In every hotel here- 145 after erected, every guest room, dormitory, kitchen, scullery, H. pantry or other room in which food is stored or prepared, public dining room, laundry, barber shop, Turkish baths, general amusement, entertainment or reception room, water-closet or shower compartment, bath, toilet or slop-sink room and general utility room shall have at least one window, of the area herein- after required, opening directly upon a street, or upon a yard or court of the dimensions specified in this act and located on the same lot. All windows required by this act shall be located so as to 146 properly light all portions of the room and shall be made so as H. to open in all parts and be so arranged that at least one-half of the window may be opened unobstructed. The windows required by this section in a water-closet or 147 shower compartment, bath, toilet or slop-sink room may open H. directly into a vent shaft in lieu of a street, yard or court. Such vent shaft to be not less than of the minimum size, and constructed of the materials and in the manner prescribed by section fifty-seven [paragraphs 278 to 283] of this act, or such rooms or compartments, in lieu of being provided with windows may be ventilated by an exhaust system of ventilation installed, constructed and maintained as prescribed by section sixty-one [paragraphs 293 to 296] hereof. The windows required by this section to open onto a street, 148 yard, or an outer court, except windows from kitchens, may H. open through porches, provided that said porches do not exceed seven feet in depth, measured at right angles to the windows and that at least seventy-five per cent of the entire side of the porch, bounded by the street, yard, or outer court, is left open except that the open space may be enclosed with inosquito screens. Note: See note following paragraph 144. 3—46714 34 STATE HOUSING MANUAL, ParaRrapIi number. Kitcliens, sculleries, pantries or other rooms used for eook- 149 iug, storing or preparing of food, public dining rooms, laun- H. dries, barber shops, Turkish baths, general amusement or reception rooms and general utility rooms, in lieu of windows may be ventilated by an exhaust system of ventilation installed, constructed and maintained as prescribed by section sixty-one [paragraphs 293 to 296] hereof. **Sec. 14. Window^s required in dwellings : In every dwell- 150 ing hereafter erected, every room used for living or sleeping D. purposes and every kitchen, water-closet compartment, shower or bathroom, shall have at least one window, of the area fixed by this act, opening directly upon a street, or upon unoccupied area not less than four feet in its least dimension and contain- ing an area of not less than thirty-six square feet, and located on the same lot. 151 A cornice may extend into the unoccupied area two inches D. for each one foot in width of such unoccupied area. Windows herein required shall be located so as properly to 152 light all portions of the room, and shall be made so as to open D. in all parts and so arranged that at least one-half of the window may be opened unobstructed; provided, however, that the windows required by this section in a water-closet compartment or bath or shower room may be opened directly into a vent shaft, such vent shaft to be in no dimension less than eighteen inches ; provided, further, that windows required to open onto a street or onto unoccupied area may open through porches, provided that the said porches do not exceed seven feet in depth, measured at right angles to the windows and that at least seventy-five per cent of the entire side of the porch, bounded by the street or unoccupied area is left open, except that the open space may be enclosed with mosquito screens. Note: Dwellings are not required to have yards, courts, etc., though the rooms must have windows which open onto a street, or upon unoccupied area on the lot. See note following paragraph 144. Sec. 31. Windows, sizes of in rooms — tenement houses: 153 In every tenement house hereafter erected the total window T. area in each room except in a w^ater-closet compartment, bath, toilet, slop-sink room or shower room shall be at least one-eighth of the superficial floor area of the room. 154 The aggregate window area in each room shall be not less T. than twelve square feet, and no single window shall be less than six square feet in area. 155 All measurements for window area shall be taken to outside T. of sash. *Sec. 28. Windows, sizes of in rooms — hotels: In every 156 hotel hereafter erected, the total window area in each guest H. room, kitchen, scullery, pantry or other room in which food is stored or prepared, laundry, barber shop, Turkish bath, or general utility room, shall be at least one-eighth of the super- ficial floor area of the room. COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 35 Paragraph number. 157 The aggregate window area iii each room shall be not less H. than twelve square feet and no single window shall be less than six square feet in area. 158 All measurements for window area shall be taken to the out- H, side of the sash. The window area required for dormitories, entertainment, 159 amusement, reception or dining rooms shall be as hereinafter H. provided, [paragraphs 171, 172, 300.] 160 **Sec. 15. Windows, sizes of in rooms — dwellings: In D. every dwelling hereafter erected the total wnndow area in each room used for living or sleeping purposes shall be at least one-eighth of the superficial floor area of the room. 161 All measurements for window area shall be taken to outside D. of sash. Sec. 32. Windows, sizes of in water-closets, bath, toilet 162 rooms — tenement houses and hotels : In every tenement house T.-H. [or hotel] hereafter erected each window in a water-closet com- partment or bath, toilet or slop-sink room, or shower room, shall be not less than three square feet in area. The aggregate area of windows for each such compartment or room shall be not less than six square feet. In each such compartment or room containing more than one water-closet, bath, urinal, or slop- sink, the aggregate window area shall be equivalent to three square feet for each w^ater-closet, bath, urinal or slop-sink therein, except that at no time need the aggregate window area exceed one-fourth of the superficial floor area of such compart- ment or room. **Sec. 16. Windows, sizes of in water-closets and bath- 163 rooms — dwellings: In every dwelling hereafter erected, the D. window area in a water-closet compartment or bathroom shall be not less than three square feet. Sec. 33. Windows, sizes of in amusement rooms — tene- 164 ment houses: In every tenement house hereafter erected, the T. total window area in each room used for the purpose of amuse- ment, entertainment or as a reception room, or any room used for similar purposes, which room has a superficial floor area not exceeding one hundred eighty square feet, shall be at least one-eighth of the superficial floor area of such room. Every such room which has a superficial floor area exceeding 165 one hundred eighty square feet shall have an aggregate window T, area not less than that required for a room of one hundred eighty square feet of superficial floor area. Amusement, entertainment or reception rooms and rooms 166 used for similar purposes, in lieu of being provided with win- T. dows, as in this section proscribed, may be provided with a fan exhaust system of ventilation. Such fan exhaust system of ventilation shall consist of independent inlet ducts, extending from the outer air to each such room and exhaust ducts extend- ing from ^ach such room to the outer air above the highest roof of the building. 36 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraph aumber. All of the inlet ducts and exhaust ducts shall be constructed 167 of galvanized iron or other smooth-surfaced, nonabsorbent T. material and so arranged that they may be readily cleaned out. The exhaust ducts shall always be connected to an exhaust 168 fan mechanically operated, so designed and operated as to T. provide a complete change of air in not to exceed fifteen min- utes for each such room. Any person in charge of a building in which a system of 169 fan exhaust ventilation, as in this section is required, who fails, T. neglects or refuses to operate and maintain the said system of ventilation in good order and repair so that the ventilation (complete change of air) herein specified is provided in each such room at all times, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to all of the penalties fixed by this act. Every amusement, entertainment or reception room, or any 170 room used for similar purposes, shall have a minimum height T. between the finished floor and the finished ceiling of not less than nine feet. No such room or part thereof shall be used for living or sleeping apartments, except that said room or part thereof complies with all of the other provisions of this act, for living and sleeping apartments. *Sec. 30. Windows, sizes of in amusement and dining 171 rooms — hotels: In every hotel hereafter erected the total H. window area in each room used for the purpose of entertain- ment, amusement, reception or dining room, which room has a superficial floor area not exceeding one hundred eighty square feet, shall be at least one-eighth of the superficial floor area of such room. Every such room which has a superficial floor area exceed- 172 ing one hundred eighty square feet shall have an aggregate H. window area not less than that required for a room pf one hundred eighty square feet of superficial floor area. Every such entertainment, amusement, reception or dining 173 room shall have a minimum height between the finished floor H. and the finished ceiling of not less than nine feet. No such room or part thereof shall be used for sleeping purposes, except that said room or part thereof complies with all of the other provisions of this act for guest rooms. Sec. 34. Window^s, skylights in public hallways : In every 174 tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected, every public hall- T.-H. way on any floor where there are more than three apartments [or more than 5 guest rooms in a hotel] shall have at least one window opening directly upon a street, or upon a yard or a court of the dimensions specified in this act and located on the same lot ; such windows shall be at the end of the public hall- way and placed so as to secure the maximum light into the hailway; provided, however, that in tenement houses [or hotels] not exceeding two stories in height, the public hallway may, in lieu of such windows, be lighted and ventilated by one or more skylights constructed in accordance with the pro- visions of this act. COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 37 Paragraph number. Every window required by this act in a public hallway shall 175 be not less than twenty-nine inches in clear width, nor less T.-H. than fifty-eight inches in height, and the finished sill of same shall not be more than thirty inches above the adjoining finished floor. Every such window shall be made so as to open and so arranged that at least one-half of the window may be opened unobstructed. Every skylight provided for in this section shall have an 176 effective horizontal area of glass of not less than fifteen square T.-H. feet, and shall have ridge ventilators or fixed or movable louvres so as to provide a ventilating area of not less than five hundred square inches. Such skylights shall be so located that no portion of the hallway be distant more than twenty feet (measured from a vertical line) from a skylight opening. Any part of a public hallway which is offset, recessed, or 177 cut off from anj' other part of a hallway where such offset or T.-H. recess is more in length than one and one-half times the width of the public hallway from which it .offsets or recesses, shall be deemed a separate public hallwa}'- within the meaning of this section. French windows or doors, if arranged to open and glazed 178 to give the areas of opening and glass required by this act T.-H. for windows in public hallways, may be used in lieu of windows therein. Sec. 35. Skylights over stairways — stair v^^ells: In every 179 tenement house [or Iwtel] two or more stories in height here- T.-H. after erected, where there are more than three apartments [or more than 5 guest rooms in a liotel] on any one floor, there shall be provided at the roof over each stairway a ventilating skylight, placed directly as practicable over same, having a minimum effective horizontal area of glass at least twenty square feet in area for buildings two stories in height, and the area of glass in such sin-light shall be increased at a ratio of six square feet for each additional story in height. In every such skylight the ventilating area shall be not less than five hundred scjuare inches. Every such skylight and the ventilating openings and the 180 shutters and the closing and opening devices for the ventilating T.-H, openings shall be made of approved incombustible materials and so arranged that the entire ventilating area may be readily opened from at least the topmost and first story levels, except that in tenement houses [or hotels] not exceeding four stories in height the ventilators may be arranged so as to open from at least the first story, or tlie ventilators maj^ be fixed perma- nenth^ in an open position. Skylights as in this section prescribed may be omitted in 181 case that windows are provided of the size fixed by section T.-H. thirty-four [paragraph 175] hereof and located adjoining the stairways, and that each Avindow adjoining the stairway be provided with an open louvre or ventilator providing a 38 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraph number. ventilating area of not less than one hundred square inchas or such louvre or ventilator may be placed in the roof over the stairway, in which event the ventilating area shall be not less than five hundred square inches. Whenever a skylight is required a.s in this section provided 182 there shall be constructed a stair well, the clear open area of T.-H. which shall be at each floor equal to one-third of the area of glass in the skylight. Sec. 36. Privacy: In every tenement house hereafter 183 erected, every apartment shall be so arranged that access may T. be had to every living room, and to at least one water-closet compartment, without passing through a bedroom; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prohibit passing through a bedroom in going from a kitchen to a bathroom or water-closet compartment. Note: See illustration on page 73. Sec. 37. Water-closets required in tenement houses: In 184 every tenement house hereafter erected there shall be installed T. one water-closet within each apartment located in a separate compartment or located in a compartment with a bathtub, shower or lavatory, used exclusivel}" by the occupants of the apartment. No door or other opening to a water-closet compartment shall 185 open from or into any room in which food is prepared or stored. T. The walls enclosing a water-closet compartment shall be well plastered or constructed of some nonabsorbent material, except that the ordinary wood trim of openings may be used in such compartment. Every such compartment shall be provided and equipped with a full door, properly hung, and provided with a lock or bolt to lock same. The floor of every such water-closet compartment shall be 186 made waterproof with asphalt, tile, marble, terrazzo, cement, T. or some other similar nonabsorbent material, and such water- proofing shall extend not less than six inches on the vertical walls of the room. No water-closet fixture shall be enclosed with w^oodwork. *Sec. 33. Water-closets required in hotels : In every hotel 187 hereafter erected there shall be installed not less than one H. water-closet in a separate compartment, located on the public hallway, for each sex on such floor. One of such water-closets shall be distinctly marked ''for men," and one of the water- closets distinctly marked "for women;" and there shall be installed not less than one water-closet in a separate compart- ment, located on the public hallway, for every ten guest rooms, or fractional part thereof, on such floor, which are not provided with private water-closets. Each of the said water-closets shall be accessible from each of the guest rooms through the public hallway, and not more than one hundred feet distant from the entrance door of each of the guest rooms the said water-closet proposes to serve. COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 39 FaraRiarh number. In every hotel hereafter erected there shall be installed not 188 less than one water-eloset for every twenty employees of each H. sex in said building. No door or other opening in a water-closet or urinal com- 189 partment shall open from or into any room in which food H. is prepared or stored. The walls enclosing a water-closet compartment shall be 190 well plastered, or constructed of some nonabsorbent material, H. except that the ordinary wood trim for openings may be used in such a compartment. Every water-closet compartment shall be provided and equipped with a full door, properly hung, and provided with a lock or bolt to lock same. The floor of every water-closet compartment hereafter con- 191 structed shall be made waterproof with asphalt, tile, marble, H. terrazzo, cement or some other similar nonabsorbent material, and such waterproofing shall extend not less than six inches on the vertical walls of the compartment. **Sec. 17. Water-closets required for dwellings: Every 192 dwelling hereafter erected shall be provided with one water- D. closet for each family living therein. Note: In a dwelling where there are no families living there should be provided not less than ore water-closet for each sex, and not less than one water-closet for each 10 persons of each sex. Water-closet compartments for the opposite sexes should be as far apart from each other as possible. Water-closet compartments should be distinctly marked "For Men" or "For Women," as the case may be. Sec. 38. Water-closets required in existing tenement 193 houses: In every tenement house erected prior to the passage T. of this act there shall be provided at least one water-closet in a separate compartment, located on the public hallway of the same floor, for every three apartments or fractional part thereof on such floor which are not provided with private water-closets. Where two or more water-closets are required by the provisions of this section to be located on a public hall- way, one of such water-closets shall be distinctly marked "for men," and one of the water-closets distinctly marked "for women." Note: See paragraph 195. *Sec. 34. Water-closets required in existing hotels: In 194 every hotel erected prior to the passage of this act there shall H. be installed not less than one water-closet in a separate com- partment, located on the public hallway for each sex ; one of such water-closets shall be distinctly marked "for men," and one of the water-closets shall be distinctly marked "for women;" and there shall be installed not less than one water- closet in a separate compartment, located on the public hall- way, for every twelve guest rooms, or fractional part thereof, on such floor, which are not provided with water-closets. Note: See paragraph 195. Provided, however, that the housing department charged 195 with the enforcement of this act may exempt any '-mement T.-H. house [or hotel] existing at the time of the passage ' -.his act 40 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. number. from fully complyinisf with the provisions of this para^aph [paragraphs 193-194] when, in its discretion, such deviation will not be detrimental to the health of the occupants thereof or to the sanitation of the said tenement house [hotel] or premises. Nothing in this section [paragraph 195] shall be construed 196 as permitting such exemptions to apply to any addition or T.-H. extension to any tenement house [or hotel]. Every water-closet hereafter placed in a tenement house [or 197 hotel] erected prior to the passage of this act shall comply with T.-H. every provision of this act relative to water-closets installed in tenement houses [or hotels] hereafter erected, except that if a water-closet is installed in the top story of any such building, the compartment in which it is installed may be ventilated by a skylight with fixed louvres in lieu of a window; provided, however, that a new water-closet may be installed to replace a defective or antiquated fixture in the same location. 198 *No door or other opening in a water-closet, privy, or urinal H. compartment shall open from or into a room in which food is prepared or stored. Every tenement house [or hotel] erected prior to the passage 199 of this act, or hereafter erected, w^here a connection with the T.-H. sewer is possible, shall discontinue the use of any school sink, privy vault or any similar receptacle used to receive fecal matter, urine or sewage, and every such receptacle shall be completely removed and the place where it was located be properly disinfected. All such receptacles shall be replaced by individual water-closets of durable nonabsorbent material, properly connected, trapped, vented and provided with flush tanks, the same as is required, by the provisions of this act, in tenement houses [and hotels] hereafter erected. Sec. 39. Bathtubs, sinks, other plumbing fixtures required 200 in tenement houses: In every tenement house hereafter T. erected there shall be a bathtub or shower ^yithin each apart- ment, and such bathtub or shower shall be located in a separate compartment, or there may be provided one such bathtub or shower in a separate compartment for every three such apart- ments which are not provided with private baths or .showers; provided, that said bathtub or shower is on the same floor and is accessible from each apartment through the public hallway. 201 In every tenement house hereafter erected there shall be at T. least one kitchen sink within each apartment. The walls, floors and openings to every bath, shower or slop- 202 sink room hereafter constructed shall conform to all of the T. provisions of this act relative to the waterproofing of the walls and floors, and of the construction of the doors of water-closet compartments in tenement houses hereafter erected. *Sec. 35. Bathtubs, slop sinks, other plumbing fixtures 203 required in hotels: In every hotel hereafter erected there H. shall be installed not less than one bath tub or shower, in a separate compartment, located on the public hallway, for every COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 41 Paragraph number. ten guest rooms, or fractional part thereof, not provided with private baths; provided, that the said hath tub or shower is on the same floor and is accessible from each gue.st room through the public hallway. There shall also be installed not less than one slop sink on each floor. The walls and floors to every bath, shower or slop-sink room 204 hereafter constructed shall be waterproofed and shall be H. provided with doors in the same manner as required for the construction of water-closet compartments in hotels hereafter erected. Sec. 40. Bathtubs, sinks, other plumbing fixtures required 205 in existing buildings: In every tenement house erected prior T. to the passage of this act there shall be provided at least one bathtub or shower in a separate compartment, located on the same floor, for every flve apartm.ents. or fractional part thereof, which are not provided with private baths or showers, on each such floor, and there sliall be provided at least one kitchen sink in each apartment; Note: See paragraph 208. *Sec. 36. In every hotel erected prior to the passage of 206 this act there shall be installed not less than one bath tub or H. shower, in a separate compartment, located in the public hall- way, for every twenty guest rooms, or fractional part thereof, which are not provided with private baths ; provided, that the said bath tub or shower is located on the same floor and is acc&ssible from each guest room through the public hallway. 207 There shall also be installed not less than one slop-sink on H. each floor; Note: See paragraph 208. Provided, however, that the [housing] department charged 208 with the enforcement of this act may exempt any tenement T.-H. house [or hotel] existing at the time of the passage of this act from fully complying with the provisions of this section [para- graphs 205-206-207] when, in its discretion, such deviation will not be detrimental to the health of the occupants thereof or to the sanitation of the said tenement house [or hotel] or premises ; provided, further, that no such exemption shall apply to any addition or extension to a tenement house [or hotel]. Sec. 41. Water and sewerage requirements: In every 209 tenement house [hotel or divdliuri] hereafter erected every T.-H.-D. plumbing fixture .shall be provided with running water, and [in every tenement house or hotel] there shall be provided faucets, with running water, sufficient in number so that all of the yards, courts and passageways may be washed. Faucets shall be of the hose ln1)b type, not los.s tlian three-quarter inch size. Every plumbing fixture aifecting the sanitary drainage sys- 210 tem in tenement houses [hotels or clirellings] hereafter erected, T _H -D. shall be properly connected with the street sewer, if a street sewer exists in the street abutting the lot on which the building 42 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraiih nuQiber. is located and is ready to receive conneetions. AVhen it is impractioable to connect such plumbing fixtures with a street sewer, then the plumbing fixtures shall be connected and drained into a cesspool constructed satisfactorily to the depart- ment charged with the enforcement of this act ; or some other means of sewage disposal satisfactory to the department charged with the enforcement of this act ma}'' be made until such time as it may become practicable and possible to connect with the street sewer. Sec. 42. Water facilities required in existing buildings: 211 In every tenement house [or hotel] erected prior to the passage T.-H. of this act, every plumbing fixture shall be provided wdth running water, and there shall be provided faucets, with run- ning water, sufficient in number so that all of the yards, courts and passageways may be washed. Faucets shall be of the hose bibb type, not less than three-quarter inch size. Sec. 43. When water-closets, bathtubs, other plumbing 212 fixtures, need not be installed: Water-closets, baths, showers, T.-H.-D. sinks, slop-sinks, faucets and other plumbing fixtures required by this act need not be installed in the event that the tenement house [hotel or divelling] hereafter erected or an existing tenement house, [hotel or dwelling] as the case may be, is situated where there is no running water and where there is no practical means of sewage disposal, until such time as it becomes practicable and possible to obtain running water and means of sewage disposal ; pro^^ded, in every such case the department charged with the enforcement of this act shall decide whether or not it is practicable and possible to provide running water and proper means of sewage disposal. A special permit in writing shall be obtained in every such case [tenement house or hotel] from the department charged with the enforcement of this act, which permit shall be made in duplicate, and a copy thereof shall remain on file in the department issuing it ; provided, further, that proper separate toilet facilities for each sex shall be provided for the use of the occupants of such building. Such facilities shall be made sanitary. A privy, or toilet other than a water-closet, erected under the authority of this section shall consist of a pit at least three feet deep, with suitable shelter over the same to afford privacy, and protection from the elements. The openings of the shelter ancl pit shall be enclosed by mosquito screening, and the door to the shelter shall be made to close automatically by means of a spring or other device. No privy pit shall be allowed to become filled with excreta to nearer than one foot from the surface of the ground, and the excreta in the pit shall be covered with earth, ashes, lime or similar substances at regular intervals. All drainage water [m the case of a tene- ment house or hotel] shall be conveyed from the premises by means of a covered drain to a covered cesspool. COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 43 Paragraph number. Sec. 44. Plumbing connections and sanitation in tene- 213 ment houses and hotels: In every tenement house hereafter T.-H. erected [and in every hotel erected prior to the passage of this act] all plumbing fixtures affecting the sanitary drainage system shall be properly trapped and vented and made sani- tary in every particular. In any tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected, and in any tenement house [or hotel] erected prior to the passage of this act no plumbing fixtures shall be enclosed with woodwork, but the space under and around same must be left entirely open. All woodwork enclosing a water- closet, sink, slop-sink, wash tray or lavatory shall be removed and the floor and wall surface beneath and around such water- closet, sink, slop-sink, wash tray or lavatory shall be maintained in good repair, and if of wood, well painted with a light colored paint of sufficient body to make it nonabsorbent. All wooden seats, attached to water-closet bowls, shall be varnished or enameled, or bj^ some other method be made nonabsorbent. In everj^ tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected water- 214 closets shall have earthenware bowls and shall have earthen- T.-H. ware seats integral with the bowls, or wooden seats varnished or enameled so as to be nonabsorbent, or seats made of some nonabsorbent material attached directly to the bowls. No wooden wash trays or wooden kitchen sinks shall be permitted in such buildings. All plumbing connections hereafter made in [tenement houses and hotels] buildings shall be of .standard lead, iron, steel or brass ; and every gas and water service connection hereafter made shall be of steel or iron, and shall be equipped with cut-off valves placed outside of the building and .such cut-off valves shall be readily accessible. Whenever any plumbing fixture becomes insanitary the 215 department charged with the enforcement of this act is hereby T.-H. empowered to order the same removed and to order that it be replaced by a fixture conforming to the provisions of this act. **Sec, 20. Plumbing connections and sanitation in dwell- 216 ings: In every dwelling hereafter erected, and in every D. dwelling now existing, all plumbing fixtures shall be properly trapped and vented and all such plumbing made sanitary in every particular. Water-closets hereafter installed shall have earthenware bowls and shall have earthenware seats, or seats made of some nonabsorbent material integral with the bowls, or wooden seats, enameled or varnished or otherwise made nonabsorbent. attached directly to the bowls. All connections shall be of standard lead, iron, steel or brass. 217 No plumbing fixtures shall be enclosed Avith woodwork, but D the space under and around the same must be left entirely open. Sec. 45. Two means of egTess for apartments, and guest 218 rooms: Every tenement house hereafter erected, three or T.-H. more stories in height and in which there are three or more apartments on any one floor, [and every hotel three or more stories in height and in ivhich there are more than 5 guest 44 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Parsitrnph number. rooms on any one floor] .shall be so designed and con.strueted that every apartment in .such building [or every guest room in a hotel] shall have not less than two means of egress, either by stairways or fire escapes, oonstrneted in accordance with the provision.s of this act. Such means of egress shall be accessible from every apartment, [or guest room in a hotel] either directly or through a public hallway, and so located that .should one egress be or become blocked, the other egress shall be available. Note: See illustration on page 72. Sec. 46. Stairways required: Every tenement house [and 219 every hotel two or more stories in height] hereafter erected shall T.-H. have not less than two stairways. Every fireproof tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected 220 shall have not less than one stairway, not less than three feet T.-H. six inches wide, for each six thousand square feet, or fractional part thereof, of floor area in any one floor above the first floor thereof. Every semifireproof tenement house [or hotel] hereafter 221 erected shall have not less than one stairway, not less than T.-H. three feet six inches wide, for each four thousand square feet, or fractional part thereof, of floor area in any one floor above the first floor thereof. Every wooden tenement house [or liotel] hereafter erected 222 shall have not less than one stairway, not less than three feet T.-H. six inches wide, for each three thousand square feet, or frac- tional part thereof, of floor area in any one floor above the first floor thereof. Note: Paragraphs 220, 221, 222 refer to hotels of two or more stories in height. 223 Every tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected shall have T.-H. not less than one stairway leading from the outside to every basement or cellar thereof. Sec. 47. Stairways, floor area in relation thereto: The 224 largest floor area above the ground floor shall be used as the T.-H. basis for computing the number of stairways required in every tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected; provided, that if all floors above the largest floor area of the building are diminished in area, the stairway or stairwaj^s from that portion of the building containing a smaller area may be computed on the basis of the largest floor area in that portion of the building. Sec. 48. Stairways, location of: All stairways hereafter 225 constructed shall be located so as to furnish the best means of T.-H. egress from the building, and shall be as far removed from each other as practicable, and shall be as follows: . Note: See illustration on page 72. iVccess to stairways shall be provided at every floor by means 226 of a public hallway, corridor, or passageway, and the public T.-H. hallway, corridor, passageway and stairway from the ground exit level to the top story or roof shall be accessible at all times. COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 45 Ptragraph number. No stairway shall abut on more thau one side of an elevator 227 shaft, except on the lowest and topmost stories, provided that T.-H. the stairway is so located that it can be approached from the street entrance without passing b}^ or in front of the open side of the said elevator shaft. No stairway shall be located over a steam boiler, gas meter 228 or gas heater or furnace, unless such boiler, gas meter, gas T.-H. heater, or furnace be located in a room, the walls and ceiling of which are constructed as reciuired for a boiler room by section sixtj^-three [paragraphs 285 to 288] of this act. No stairway leading from any other portion of the building shall terminate in or pass through a boiler room. Sec. 49. Stairways, general requirements: Every stair- 229 way hereafter constructed shall be as follows ; have a rise of T.-H. not more than eight inches and a run of not less than nine inches, without change in the run or rise between floors ; and shall be provided with head room of not less than six feet six inches measured from the nearest nosing of the stairway to the nearest soffit. The depth of every landing in a stairway shall be not less 230 than the width of the stairway, and all treads shall be of equal T.-H. width for every run of stairs, and shall not vary in width in the width of the stairs. Note: Paragraph 230 prohibits circular or winding stairways. Stairways required hy this act shall be continuous from the 231 ground floor level to the top story, i. e., the flights of such T.-H. stairway's shall be constructed one directly above the other, or shall be constructed so that each flight shall be in plain view of each succeeding flight ; provided, however, that half of the stairways from the upper floors may terminate at the second floor, in the event that the stairways from the first to the second floor be increased in width not less than fifty per cent. 232 Every stairway shall have at least one handrail, and if the T.-H. stairway be five feet or more in Avidth, shall have a handrail on each side thereof. The underside and soffits of wooden stairways and the out- 233 side stringers of open stairways, except outside stairways, in T.-H. semifireproof and wooden tenement houses shall be metal lathed and plastered not less than three-quarters inch thick including the lath, or lathed with an approved plaster board and plastered not less than three-quarters inch thick including the plaster board. 234 The width of stairways shall be measured in the clear of all T.-H. projections except the baseboards, and except that handrails and newel posts may project not more than four inches. Sec. 50. Closets under stairs: No closet of any kind shall 235 be constructed in any tenement house [or hotel] under any T.-H. wooden stairway, but such space shall be kept entirely open, and be kept clean and free from all encumbrances; or such space shall be effectually closed with walls of studs, lathed and 46 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Faragraph number. plastei-ed, with no door or opening of any kind therein ; pro- vided, however, that the provisions of this section as to a closet under a stairway shall not apply to any tenement house [or hotel] not more than two stories in height, in which not more than two families live [in a tenement house or in the case of a hotel in which there are not more than 5 guest rooms] above the first floor thereof. Sec, 51. Stairway, roof egress: In every tenement house 236 [or hotel] hereafter erected more than two stories in height, T.-H. the stairway nearest to the main entrance of the building shall be carried to the roof level and shall give egress to the roof through a penthouse or roof structure. In every such building not exceeding two stories in height 237 there shall be constructed a scuttle in the public hallway near T.-ii. the stairway. Such scuttle shall be not less than two feet by three feet in area, and shall be cut through the ceiling and roof. Penthouses over stairways shall be built either of fireproof 238 materials or of wood studs, lathed with metal lath or approved T.-H. plaster board and plastered not less than three-quarters inch thick including the lath or plaster board on the inside and outside thereof ; or such penthouses may be covered in the same manner and m ith the same kind of materials as required by this act for the doors from such penthouses. 239 The door to the roof from a penthouse or roof structure shall T.-H. be self-closing and shall open outward to the roof, and shall be covered on both sides and edges with tin or other metal. 240 The frames and trim of such door opening shall be similarly T.-H. constructed and all glass in such door shall be wired glass not less than one-fourth inch thick. Every tenement house [or hotel] of more than two stories 241 in height, erected prior to the passage of this act, shall have in T.-H. the roof a penthouse or a scuttle, which scuttle shall be not less than two feet by three feet in area, located in the ceiling of a public hallway. There shall be provided a stairway or a stationary ladder, leading from the top floor of such tenement house [or hotel] to the roof thereof. Such stairway or stationary ladder shall be made readily accessible to all the tenants of the building. No scuttle or penthouse door shall at any time be locked with a key, but may be fastened on the inside by a movable bolt or lock. Sec. 52. Public hallway measurements: Public hallways, 242 landings and corridors from stairways shall be of the same T.-H. width and measured in the same manner as the stairways, as provided in section fifty [paragraph 234] hereof. Sec. 53. Fire escapes required: On every tenement house 243 hereafter erected more than two stories in height, which con- T.-H. tains more than three apartments, [and on every hotel here- after erected more than tivo stories in height] there shall be provided at least one fire escape. If such tenement house [or COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 47 Paragraph number. hotel] exceeds three thousand square feet of floor area on any one floor above the second floor thereof, such building shall be provided with one additional fire escape for each four thou- sand square feet of floor area or fractional part thereof. 244 Fire escapes required by this act shall be of one of the T.-H. following types: Type 1. Metallic throughout and fastened securely to the 245 exterior walls of the building, with a ])alcony at each story T.-H. above the first story thereof, with inclined stairways connecting all balconies and a goose-neck ladder connecting the topmost balcony to the roof. The lowest Ijaleony of such fire escape to be not more than fourteen feet above the street or ground level directly under the same. All metallic balconies shall be not less than forty-four inches 246 in width nor less than thirty-three square feet in area. The T.-H. stairway opening.s therein shall be not less than twenty-one inches wide and forty inches in length. The balcony balus- trade shall be not less than thirty-four inches high, with no opening in such balustrade greater than eight inches in hori- zontal dimension. 247 There shall be no opening greater than one inch in width T.-H. in a fire escape balcony platform, except the stair well opening. There shall be no opening greater than one inch in width 248 in the lowest fire escape balcony platform, except that there T.-H. be attached a counterbalanced or permanent ladder reaching to the street or ground below. Every balcony platform shall be fastened to the outside walls 249 of the building by building in and anchoring to such walls the T.-H. balcony platform and the balustrade framing, or by securely bolting same thereto. Every balcony shall be supported by brackets, braces, or struts fastened to or built in and anchored to the walls. The inclined stairways shall be not less than eighteen inches 250 in widtli and placed in no part nearer than twenty-one inches T.-H. from the face of the wall. Such inclined stairways shall have an inclination of not less than four inches and not more than six inches horizontally to each twelve inches of vertical height. The treads shall be not less than four inches wide, placed not more than twelve inches apart. Eacli side of such stairways shall be provided with a handrail not less than one inch in diameter fastened to the stair stringers and continued around the well liole openings of l>alcony platform. The goose-neck ladder shall be not less than fifteen inches 251 wide and extend vertically from the topmost balcony to three T.-H. feet above the fire wall or roof above, and then be brought down and fastened to the inside face of the fire wall or to the roof. The rungs of the goose-neck ladder shall be not less than five-eighths inch round iron or steel, placed not more than fourteen inches apart. Tlie goose-neck ladder shall be securely braced and fastened to the outside wall, and in no case shall such ladder pass in front of any opening in the wall to the 48 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraph Dunilior. interior of the building'. The cornice opening for the passage of such ladder shall be not less than twenty-four inches in Avidth and twenty-four inches in the clear outside of the ladder. Such fire escape shall be framed and riveted or bolted 252 together in a solid, substantial manner and properly supported, T.-H, braced and fastened to the outside walls so as to be rigid, durable and secure and carry the loads imposed. 253 All metallic fire escapes shall be painted with not less than T.-H. two coats of good, durable paint; or such fire escapes may be galvanized. Note: See illustration on pages 77-78. Type 2. Metallic ladders and stairways conforming to the 254 provisions set forth for type one and with reinforced concrete T.-H. or iron or steel fireproofed balconies, with fastenings of similar materials. Such balconies to measure the full size inside of balustrades. Floor openings and well holes provided and protected similarly to the requirements for metallic balconies. Type 3. Spiral chute tower fire escape: Any type of an 255 enclosed approved metallic spiral fire escape which consists of T.-H, a rigid form of an inclined chute or chutes constructed entirely of incombustible material ; securely attached to the outside walls of the building; provided with proper means of ingress thereto from the building and egress therefrom at the bottom ; having means enabling firemen to reach the roof thereby from the ground; equipped with standpipes; painted the same as provided for metallic fire escapes; and satisfactory to the department charged with the enforcement of this act as being solid, substantial and durable and as fireproof in construction, and providing at least as safe and efficient means of escape from the building for the occupants thereof, and furnishing all the protection and utility of the metallic fire escapes described as "type one" in this act. Type 4. Fire and smoke towers: Fire and smoke tow^ers, 256 consisting of a fire escape stairwaj^ not less than twenty inches T.-H. in width, constructed of reinforced concrete, iron or steel, or a combination of these materials; and in all other details as required in this act for metallic fire escape stairways; said stairways being continuous the full height of the building from the first floor exit level to the roof, and with handrails on each side thereof the full length of same. Such stairways to be constructed at a point adjoining the exterior walls of the building and be entirely enclosed with walls of brick, terra cotta tile, concrete or reinforced concrete not less than twelve inches thick; such walls to be continuous from the basement up to and extending three feet above the roof of the building, with no covering of any kind over same, and with no openings in the walls of such tower into the building. The enclosing w^alls of such tower not to be used to carry or support any floor joist, beam, girder or other structural feature of the building, nor to be chased for any pipe, conduit or other purpose; to COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 49 Paragraph number. have an exit from the enclosure at the first floor line opening directly to a street or yard, and having an entrance by means of an outside balcony at each floor, such balconies to have a solid floor and in all other details and kind of materials to be as in this act required for metallic fire escape balconies. The balconies to be located and arranged to connect with a door opening from a public hallway in the interior of the building and with a door opening leading from the balcony to the tower, such door opening from the building to the balcony and from the balcony to the tower to be not lass than thirty inches wide by seventy-two inches high and be equipped with metal- lined doors and with a frame and threshold of such door openings constructed of fireproof materials. Note: See illustration on page 76. Type 5. Fire and smoke tower: A fire and smoke tower 257 in every way similar to "type four" of this section, except T.-H. that instead of the outside balcony there be built a vestibule with enclosing walls continuous with and of the same kind of materials and of the same thicknass as the enclosing walls of the fire tower : that the vestibule opening be direct from a public hallway and be equipped with metal-lined doors. The vestibule floor to be of masonry construction. The enclosure to have an opening at each floor through the exterior wall of the building, such opening to extend from the floor to the ceiling and be not less in width than three-fourths of the width of the tower, said opening to be protected with an open metallic balustrade similar to that specified for metallic fire escape balconies. Note: See illustration on page 76. Sec. 54. Fire and smoke tower and stairway combined: 258 In any tenement house [or Jiotcl] hereafter erected in which T.-H, there is constructed a fire escape of "type four" or "type five," as prescribed in this act, such fire escape may be used and constructed as a .stairway and a fire escape combined; provided, that there is at least one other stairway or one other fire escape constructed in accordance with the provisions of this act, in the said building. Sec. 55. Fire escapes, location of: Every fire escape 259 required by this act shall be located on the building so as to T.-H. furnish the best means of escape tlierefrom for the occupants, and at least one such fire escape shall be located on a street front. Every fire escape shall have egress thereto from a public hallway or passageway not less than three feet wide, or such fire escapes in lieu of being located on a public hall- way, shall be so located that each apartment \in a tenement house and each guest room in n hotel} has direct egress thereto without passing through another apartment, [or room in a hotel] or if a public parlor, public lobby or similar room is connected directlj^ with the public hall, corridor or passageway through a clear and unobstructed opening, without doors, then 4—46714 50 STATE HOUSING MANUAL Paragraph number. T.-H. egress may be had thereby to a fire escape. Signs both pointing towards and marking the locations of fire escapes shall be placed on each floor. Note: See illustration on page 72. Sec. 56. Fire escape, floor area in relation thereto: The 260 largest floor area above the second floor shall be used as a basis T.-ii. for computing the number of fire escapes required by this act; provided, that if all floors above the largest floor area are diminished in size, the number of fire escapes from that por- tion of the building containing the smaller area may be com- puted on the basis of the largest floor area in that portion of the building. Sec. 57. Fire escapes, general requirements: All parts of 261 each balcony platform of a fire escape shall be designed to carry, in addition to the dead load thereof, a live load of one hundred pounds per scpare foot over the entire area thereof (using outside dimensions) and the live and dead loads from the ladders or stairs supported thereon. 262 Each ladder shall be designed to withstand a horizontal T.-H. pressure of one hundred pounds per square foot. 263 Each stairway shall be designed to carry, in addition to the T.-H. dead load thereof, a live load of one hundred fifty pounds per scjuare foot of horizontal projection. 264 Top rails of balcony balustrades shall be designed to with- T.-H. stand a horizontal pressure of one hundred pounds per lineal foot of railing. Each balconj^ shall be independently^ supported. All fastenings of fire escape balconies to the building shall 266 be designed to carry twenty-five per cent greater load than the T.-H. total dead and live loads carried by the balconies. The bal- cony anchorage shall be direct to the structural steel or iron members of the balustrades and platforms extended into the walls and anchored into the structural work of the building. The level of the inside sill of the door or window giving 267 access to a fire escape balcony or the balcony floor shall be not T.-H. more tlian thirty inches above the adjoining floor in the build- ing. Every such door or w-indow opening shall be not less than twenty-nine inches in clear width, nor less than fifty-eight inches in height. Note: See illustration on pages 77-78. Where double-hung windows are used in such openings, the 268 lower sash shall be at least the size of the upper sash and shall T.-H. slide to the top of such opening. Any lock used on any such window shall be of a type which can be readily opened from the interior of the building without the use of a key or other tool. Sec. 58. Fire escapes, maintenance of: Every fire escape 269 in or on tenement houses [or liotels] hereafter erected, or in T.-H. or on tenement houses [or hotels] erected prior to the passage 265 T.-H COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 51 Paragraph number. of this act, shall at all times be maintained in good order and repair, well painted and clear and nnobstructed at all times, and be readily accessible. Sec. 59. Exterior standpipes: On every tenement house 270 [or hotel] hereafter erected four or more stories in height, T.-H. there shall be provided one or more metallic standpipes. Each such standpipe shall be not less than four inches in internal diameter, and shall have a Siamese inlet valve near the side- walk or the ground directly under same, and an outlet valve at each storj' above the first story and on the roof. One such standpipe shall be placed on or in the exterior 2*1 walls of the building at one fire escape on each street frontage, T.-H, and the outlet valves shall be readily accessible from the bal- conies of the fire escape. The inlet and outlet valves on every standpipe shall be 272 threaded and brought to a size which Avill meet the standard ■T.-H. connections of the local fire department of the municipality in which such tenement house [or hotel] is being erected. The standpipes required by this section need not be installed 273 in any tenement house [or liotel] which is situated where there T.-H. is no running water and where it is not practicable or possible to obtain water for efficient use of such standpipes in case of fire, until such time a.s it is practicable and possible to obtain running water; and the department charged with the enforce- ment of this act shall decide whether or not it is possible or practicable to obtain running water. Note: It is advisable for the fire department to require that all standpipes, after installation, be subjected to a satisfactory test of hydrostatic pressure of not less than 300 pounds to the square Inch. Sec. 60. Shafts, elevator, dumb-waiter : In every fireproof 274 tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected, every elevator T.-H. shaft, dumb-waiter shaft or other interior shaft shall be en- closed in walls constructed of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, terra cotta tile or other similar hard incombustible materials, or shall be constructed of metal studs lathed either with metal lath or an approved plaster board and plastered on both sides so as to make a solid partition not less than two inches thick. In every semifireproof or wooden tenement house [or Jiotel] 275 hereafter erected, every such shaft shall be inclosed by walls T.-H. constructed as provided by this act for fireproof tenement houses, or such walls may be constructed with wood studs, with wood firestops the same size as the studs, cut in between the studs at each floor and half way between each floor, lathed on both sides with metal lath or an approved plaster board and be plastered not less than three-quarters inch thick includ- ing the lath or the plaster board. Every opening from any shaft into the building shall be 276 equipped with a metal door and with door frame and trim T.-H. entirely of metal; or such door and door frame shall be con- structed of wood covered with metal on the shaft side thereof 52 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraph number. and if there is any glass therein, such glass shall be wired glass not less than one- fourth (|) inch thick. Every door or win- dow therein shall be made to close tight, and every door except elevator doors therein shall be self-closing. Every window in such shaft shall be of wired glass, not less 277 than one-fourth (|) inch thick, set in a metal sash or a sash T.-H. metal covered on the shaft side thereof. At the roof over every elevator shaft there shall be constructed a ventilating skylight or a ventilator with open louvres. Sec. 61. "Vent shafts:" In every tenement house [or 278 hotel] hereafter erected every vent shaft shall be enclosed T.-H. with walls constructed the same as required by this act for elevator shaft in the same class of building. Such vent shafts may, in a semifireproof or wooden tenement house, [or hotel] be lined on the outside thereof (weather side) with metal in lieu of metal lath and plaster; also, that portion of such shaft extending from the ceiling joists to the top thereof may be lined with metal in the same manner as is required for the weather side of such vent shaft. Every opening from any vent shaft into the building or any 279 window therein, shall be equipped in the same manner as T.-H. required by this act for elevator shafts in the same class of building. 280 Plaster on the weather side of any such shaft shall be cement T.-H. plaster. Every vent shaft required by this act shall be not less than 281 four feet in any direction and be at least sixteen square feet T.-H. in area. If such vent shaft exceeds fifty feet in height, meas- ured from the bottom to the top of the walls of such shaft, then such vent shaft shall throughout its entire height be increased in area three square feet for each additional ten feet or fractional part thereof above fifty feet. Ever}^ such vent shaft shall be provided with an air intake or 282 duct at or near the bottom thereof, communicating with the T.-H. street or yard or a court. Such intake shall be not less than three square feet in total area, and may be divided into not more than three separate ducts running between the joists or otherwise, and shall in all cases be placed as nearly horizontal as possible. Every such intake or duct shall be constructed of approved fireproof material or shall be of metal or metal lined, and be provided with a wire screen of not less than one inch mesh at each end. Plumbing, gas, steam or other similar pipes may be placed in such vent shaft. 283 Every such vent shaft shall have a door or a window at or T.-H. near the bottom of the shaft, so arranged as to permit of its being readily cleaned out. Note: Ample allowance should be made in the rough framing so that the finished shaft and intakes will not be less than the minimum dimensions allowed. COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 53 Paragraph number. Sec. 62. Inner court walls : The walls of every inner court 284 in a fireproof tenement house [or hotel] hereafter erected shall T.-H. be constructed of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, terra cotta tile or other similar hard incombustible material. In a semifireproof or in a wooden tenement house [or hotel] such inner court avails, if surrounded on four sides by the walls of the same building, shall be constructed as provided for fire- proof tenement houses, or may be of Avood studs, with wood fire stops the same sizes as the studs, cut in between the studs at each floor and half way between each floor, lathed on both sides with metal lath, or an approved plaster board, and be plastered not less than three-quarters inch thick including the lath or the plaster board. Plaster on the weather side of such inner court walls shall be cement plaster, or such inner court walls may be lined on the weather side with not less than the number twenty-six (gauge) metal, in lieu of metal lath and plaster. Sec. G3. Boiler and furnace rooms: In every tenement 285 house [or hotel] hereafter erected, every boiler used for pur- T.-H. poses of heating the building, using fuel other than gas, and every heating furnace or water-heating apparatus, using oil for fuel, shall be installed in a room, the walls of which room shall be built of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, stone or terra cotta tile, not less than six (6) inches thick, and such walls shall extend from the floor of the boiler room to the ceiling over same. The entire ceiling of such room shall be built of similar materials as the walls, or shall be built with a double ceiling, with a space not less than seven-eighths inch between the two ceilings; each ceiling shall be metal lathed or lathed with ail approved plaster Imard and be plastered not less than three-quarters inch thick, including the lath or plaster board. The floor of a boiler room shall be of concrete not less than two (2) inches thick. Any door in the wall of such room shall be a fire-resisting 286 door, constructed of three (3) thicknesses of seven-eighths (|) T.-H. inch by not more than six (6) inches, tongued and grooved. matched redwood boards entirely covered on the sides and edges with lock-jointed tin ; every such door shall be self- closing, so hung as to overlap the walls of the room at least three (3) inches, and any gla>s in any such door or any glass in any window or opening in the walls of a boiler room shall be wired glass, not less than one-fourth (^) inch thick, set in a metal or metal covered sash. All such doors shall have hinges, hangers, latches and other 287 hardware of wrought iron, bolted to the doors, and shall have T.-H. steel tracks, when .sliding doors are u.sed, with wrought-iron stops and binders bolted through the wall. Swinging doors shall have wall eyes of wrought-iron, built into or bolted through the wall. 54 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraph number. Every such boiler room shall have a sill across each door not 288 less than four (4) inches high. Such sill shall be of masonry, T.-H. and the doors shall overlap same at least three (3) inches, or in lieu of a masonry sill a steel or iron sill may be used, in which case the bottom of the door shall close tight on top of same. Every swinging door in a boiler room shall open out- ward from the boiler room. 289 Where oil or other fluid fuel is burned, the oil or other fluid T.-H. fuel shall not be fed Ijy a gravity flow. Sec. 64. Automobile storage room in tenement houses: 290 In every tenement house hereafter erected any portion of such T. building, in which there is kept or stored any automobile or automobiles, shall be a room, the enclosing partitions of which shall be built of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, stone or terra cotta tile, not less than six (6) inches thick, or may be of wood studs lined on the automobile storage room side with redwood boards not less than seven-eighths (|-) of an inch thick covered with asbestos paper one-eighth (|) of an inch thick, and then covered with No. 26 (gauge) galvanized iron, and such enclosing partitions shall extend from the floor of the room to the ceiling of the same. The entire ceiling of such room shall be built of material similar to that used in the construction of its walls, or shall be either metal lathed and be well plastered or be lathed with an approved plaster board and be well plastered. The floor of every such room shall be of concrete not less than two (2) inches thick. Every door, window or other opening in the walls of such 291 room, opening to the interior of the building, shall be protected T. in the same manner as required by section sixty-three [para- graphs 286-287] hereof for doors, windows and other openings in a boiler room. Note: Public automobile garages, machine shops, and automobile repair shops are prohibited In tenement houses. See paragraph 328. *Sec. 60. Automobile storage room or garage in hotels: 292 In every hotel hereafter erected any portion of such building H. in which there is kept or stored any automobile or automobiles shall be a room enclosed in partitions which shall be built of concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, stone or terra cotta tile, not less than six inches thick. Such enclosing partitions shall extend from the floor of the room to the ceiling of the same. The entire ceiling of such room shall be built of material similar to that in the construction of its walls or shall be either metal lathed or be lathed with an approved plaster board and be well plastered, and if any portion of the building is used as a public automobile garage, or automobile repair shop, or machine shop the ceiling thereof shall be constructed either of masonry, or of a double ceiling metal lathed or lathed with an approved plaster board and be well plastered, there shall be left a space between the ceilings of not less than six inches measured verticall3^ The lower ceiling shall be sus- pended with iron or steel channels. In each case each of the COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 55 Paragraph number. ceilings shall be plastered not less than three-quarters of an inch thick including the lath or the plaster board. The floor of such room shall be of concrete not less than two inches thick. Every door, window or other opening in the walls of such room opening to the interior of the building shall be protected in the same manner required by section fifty-nine [paragraphs 286-287] hereof for doors, windows and other openings in a boiler room. Note: The construction differs from the requirements In tenement houses; also differs when the room rs used for a public automobile garage, machine shop or automobile repair shop. *Sec. 61. Exhaust draft ventilation in hotels: In every 293 hotel hereafter erected the water-closet compartments, bath, H. toilet or slop-sink rooms, kitchens, scullerias, pantries or other rooms in which food is stored or prepared, public dining rooms, laundries, barber shops, Turkish baths, general amusement, entertainment or reception rooms, and rooms used for similar purposes and general utility rooms, in lieu of being provided with windows, as in this act prescribed, may be provided with a fan exhaust system of ventilation. Such fan exhaust system of ventilation shall consist of independent inlet ducts, extend- ing from the outer air to each such room or compartment and exhaust ducts extending from each such room or compartment to the outer air above the highest roof of the building. 294 All of the inlet ducts and exhaust ducts shall be constructed H. of galvanized iron or other smooth surfaced, nonabsorbent material and so arranged that they may be readily cleaned out. The exhaust ducts shall always be connected to an exhaust 295 fan mechanically operated, so designed and operated as to pro- H. vide a complete change of air in not to exceed fifteen minutes for each room used for the following purposes : kitchens ; pan- tries or other rooms used for cooking, storing or preparing of food ; barber shops ; Turkish baths ; laundries ; general amuse- ment, entertainment, reception or dining rooms, or rooms used for similar purposes; general utility rooms; and the said fan exhaust system of ventilation sliall be so designed and operated as to provide a complete change of air in not to exceed five minutes for each room used for the following purposes: water- closets: shower compartments; bath, toilet or slop-sink rooms or sculleries. Any person in charge of a building in which a system of 296 fan exhaust ventilation, as in this section is required, who H. fails, neglects or refuses to operate and maintain the said system of ventilation in good order and repair so that the ventilation (complete change of air) herein specified is pro- vided in each of the rooms or compartments at all times, shall be deemed guilty of a mi-sdemeanor and subject to all of the penalties fixed by this act. Note: The use of fan exhaust draft ventilation Is limited to rooms and compartments used for certain purposes only. 56 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. ParaKraph number. 297 *Sec. 62, Dormitories in hotels: Every dormitory here- H. after eonstrueted, altered, or converted in any hotel shall be as follows : (a) In no one dormitory shall there be provided sleeping 298 accommodations for more than twenty adult persons, nor shall n. the superficial floor space for each person be less than required by section sixty-five [paragraph 309] hereof. (b) The ceiling height, measured from the finished floor to 299 the finished ceiling, shall in no case be less than nine feet in H. the clear, and in no case shall there be permitted in such dormitory more than one tier of beds; provided, however, that in a dormitory in which the clear ceiling height is not less than eighteen feet measured between the finished floor to the finished ceiling thereof, a double tier of beds may be permitted, i. e., one tier above the other, provided that in no event shall there be less than three feet of clear vertical space between the beds, nor less than three feet in any horizontal direction between any of the beds, nor less than one foot of clear space between the floor of the room and the under side of the first tier of beds. (c) In every dormitory there shall be provided wdndows 300 opening onto a street, or onto a yard or court of the dimen- H. sions specified in this act and located on the same lot. The window area shall in no case be less than one-eighth of the superficial floor area in the dormitory, and in the event that a double tier of beds are provided, the said window area shall be doubled. 301 (d) The frames of beds in every dormitory shall be made H. of steel or iron or of some similar hard, smooth, incombustible and nonabsorbent material. (e) In every dormitory there shall be provided not less than 302 one water-closet in a separate compartment, not less than one H. urinal in a separate compartment, and not less than one shower in a separate compartment, and not less than one wash-sink, for each twenty persons or fractional part thereof occupying the said dormitory. 303 (f ) Every dormitory in a hotel erected prior to the passage H. of this act shall be made to conform to the provisions of subsection " (a) " [paragraph 298] of this section. Note: This section includes the so-called cheap rooming and lodging houses, which are frequently nothing more than large storerooms or lofts equipped with bunks or cots, rented out to transients. Sec. 65. Rooms, hallv^^ays, additional: In any tenement 304 house [or hotel] erected prior to the passage of this act, every T.-H. additional room or hallway that is hereafter constructed or created, may be of the same height as the other rooms or hallways on the same story of such tenement house [or hotel]. Sec. 66. Rooms, hallways, ventilation of in existing build- 305 ings: Every room in a tenement house [or liotel] erected T.-H. prior to the passage of this act shall, if the said room be hereafter occupied for living or sleeping purposes, have a window of an area not less than eight square feet, opening COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 57 Paragraph number. directly upon a street, a yard, a court or upon a vent shaft not less than twenty-five square feet in area, which vent shaft shall in no part be less than four feet wide and open and unobstructed, without roof or skylight over same ; except that if such room be located on the top floor of the building, such room may be ventilated by a skylight with fixed louvers directly to the outer air, or may have a window opening upon a vent shaft not less than ten square feet in area, if such window from the room be not more than three feet below the top of the wall of such vent shaft. Every public hallway in every tenement house [or hotel] 306 erected prior to the passage of this act, which does not conform T.-H. to the provisions for public hallwaj's in buildings hereafter erected, shall be provided with light and ventilation to the outer air. Such light and ventilation shall be provided by the placing of windows or skylights, or by making such altera- tions as in the judgment of the housing department may be deemed necessary to accomplish the result. Sec. 67. Cooking, sleeping, living — where prohibited: It 307 shall be unlawful for any person to cook or to prepare food, T.-D. or to permit or suffer any person to cook or to prepare food in any bath, shower, slop-sink or toilet room, water-closet compart- ment [in any tenement Jiouse or dwelling] ; or in any closet, or recess from a room, or dressing room, [in a tenement house] which does not conform to all the provisions of this act as to size of kitchens and windows opening to a street, yard or court, or in any other place in such buildings which, in the judgment of the department charged with the enforcement of this act, is detrimental to the proper sanitation of such buildings. *Sec. 65. Food shall not be cooked or prepared in any 308 room [in a hotel] except in a kitchen designed for that pur- H. pose. Floors of kitchens and rooms in which food is stored [in a hotel] shall be made impervious to rats by a layer of con- crete not less than one and one-half inches thick or by a layer of sheet tin or iron or similar material. It shall be unlawful for any person to live or sleep, or permit 309 or suffer any person to live or sleep in any cellar, bath or T.-H.-D. shower compartment or slop-sink room, water-closet compart- ment, hallway, closet, kitchen, [in a tenement house, hotel or dwelling] recess from a room or dressing room, [in a tenement house or hotel] except when such recess from a room or dress- ing room has not less than ninety square feet of superficial floor area and complies witli every other requirement of this act for rooms, [in tenement houses or hotels] or in any other place [in tenement houses, hotels, or dwellings] which, in the judgment of the department charged with the enforcement of this act, would be dangerous or prejudicial to life or health by reason of want of light, windows, ventilation, drainage, or on account of dampness or offensive, obnoxious or poisonous odors, 58 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraph number. or in any room that shall be so overcrowded as to afford less than the following floor space for each occupant, in accordance with the age of the said occupant: Number of persons over 12 years of age Number of persons under 12 years of age Superficial floor area required 1 or -— 2 4 6 8 10 12 60 square feet 120 square feet 2 or 3 or 180 square feet 4 or 240 square feet 5 or 300 square feet 360 square feet 6 or Additional floor area in the same ratio shall be provided for addi- tional persons. 310 T.-H. 311 T.-H. 312 T.-H. Sec. 68. Artificial illumination: In every tenement house [or liofel] there shall be installed and kept burning from sun- rise to sunset throughout the year artificial light sufficient in volume to properly illuminate every public hallway, stairway, fire escape egress, elevator, passageway, public water-closet compartment, or toilet room, whenever there is insufficient natural light to permit a person to read in any part thereof. In every tenement house [or Jiotel] there shall be installed and kept burning from sunset to sunrise throughout the year artificial light sufficient in volume to properly illuminate every public hallway, stairway, fire escape egress, elevator, public water-closet compartment, or toilet room and exterior passage- way on the lot. Sec. 69. Painting: The walls and ceilings of every sleep- ing room in every tenement house [or hotel] shall (except when there is sufficient natural light to permit a person to read in any part thereof during daytime) be calcimined or painted or papered with a light-colored material, and such calcimine, paint or paper, as the case may be, shall be renewed as often as is necessary to maintain the same of a light color and clean and free from vermin. The walls of courts and shafts, unless built of light-colored materials, shall be painted of a light color or whitewashed, and such painting or whitewashing shall be renewed as often as is necessary to maintain the same of a light color. Sec. 70. Repapering: No w^all, partition or ceiling of any room in any tenement house [liofel or dwelling] shall be T.-H.-D, repapered, calcimined, or have any other covering placed thereupon unless the old wall paper or other covering shall have first been removed therefrom, and the said wall, partition or ceiling cleaned, disinfected and freed from bugs, insects or vermin. 313 T.-H. 314 COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 59 Paragraph number. Sec. 71. Repairs and drainage of tenement houses — 315 hotels: Eveiy tenement house [or liotel] shall be maintained T.-H. in good repair. The roofs shall be kept waterproof and all storm or casual water properly draiuecl and conveyed there- from to the street sewer, storm drain or street gutter. All portions of the lot about a tenement house, [or hotel] 316 including the yard, areaways, vent shafts, courts and passage- T.-H. ways, shall be properly graded and drained ; and whenever the department charged with the enforcement of this act deems it necessary for the protection of the health of the occupants of such building, or for the proper sanitation of the premises, it may require that the said lot, yards, areaways, vent shafts, courts and passageways be graveled or properly paved and surfaced Avith concrete, asphalt or similar materials. **Sec. 23. Repairs, drainage, sanitation of dwellings: 317 Every dwelling shall be maintained in good repair. The roofs D. shall be kept waterproof and all storm or casual water properly drained and conveyed therefrom to the street sewer, storm drain or street gutter. 318 Every water-closet, bathtub, sink, slop-hopper or other sim- D. ilar plumbing fixture shall at all times be kept clean, sanitary and in good working order. Sec. 72. Mosquito screening: There shall be provided, 319 whenever it is deemed necessary for the health of the occupants T.-H.-D. of any tenement house [hotel or dwelling] or for the proper sanitation or cleanliness of any such building, metal mosquito screening of at least sixteen mash, set in tight-fitting removable sash, for each exterior door, window or other opening in the exterior walls of the building. Sec. 73. Garbage and ash receptacles in tenement houses: 320 In every tenement house there shall be provided by the T. occupants, or tenants, such number of tight metal receptacles with close-fitting metal covers for garbage, refuse, ashes and rubbish as may be deemed necessary by the department charged with the enforcement of this act, or in lieu of such metal receptacles there may be constructed a garbage chute or shaft approved by the housing department. Each of said receptacles shall be kept in a clean condition by the occupants, or tenants and in the case of a chute or shaft by the person in charge or in control of the building. *Sec. 71. Garbage and ash receptacles in hotels : In every 321 hotel there shall be provided such number of tight metal H. receptacles with close-fitting metal covers for garbage, refuse, ashes and rubbish as may be deemed necessary by the depart- ment charged with the enforcement of this act, or in lieu of such metal receptacles there may be ctmstructed a garbage chute or shaft approved by the housing department. Each of said receptacles, chutes or shafts shall be kept in a clean condi- tion by the person in charge or in control of the building. 60 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. ParnBraph number. **Sec. 25. Garbage and ash receptacles in dwellings: 322 There shall be provided by the occupant or tenant for each D. dwell incj a tiofht metal receptaole, with close-fitting metal cover, for garbage, refuse, ashes and rubbish as may be deemed neces- sary by the department charged with the enforcement of this act. The receptacles shall be kept in a clean condition by the occupants or tenants. Sec. 74. Cleanliness: Every room, hallway, passageway, 323 stairway, wall, partition, ceiling, floor, skylight, glass window, T.-H.-D. door, carpet, rug, matting, window curtain, water-closet com- partment or room, toilet room, bathroom, slop-sink, or wash- room, plumbing fixture, drain, roof, closet, cellar, or basement in any tenement house [Jiotel or divelling] or on the lot, yard, court or any of the premises thereof, shall be kept in every part clean and sanitary and free from all accumulation of debris, filth, rubbish, garbage or other offensive matter. No person shall, or cause or permit any person to, deposit 324 any swill, garbage, bottles, ashes, cans or other improper sub- T.-H.-D. stances in am- water-closet, sink, slop-hopper, bathtub, shower, catch-basin, or in any plumbing fixture connection or drain therefrom ; or otherwise to obstruct the same ; or to place or cause or permit to be placed any filth, urine or other foul matter in any place other than the place provided for same ; or to keep or cause or permit to be kept any urine or filth or foul matter in any room or apartment in any tenement house, [hotel or direlUng] or in or about the said building or premises thereof, for such length of time as to create a nuisance. 325 Sec. 75. Beds and bedding, towels: In every tenement T.-H. house, [or hotel] every part of every bed, including the mattress, sheets, blankets and bedding, shall be kept in a, clean, dry and sanitary condition, free from filth, urine or other foul matter, in or upon the same : and free from the infection of lice, bedbugs or other insects. *No roller or public towel shall be permitted [in a hotel] and 326 the bed linen shall be changed at least as often as a new guest H. occupies the bed. Note: Paragraph 326 applies to hotels only. However, the following paragraph from Chapter 745. "Cal. Statutes of 1917," would apply to the common use of a towel in a public place in tenement houses. "Section 1, No person, firm or corporation conducting, operating, having charge of, or control of, any hotel, restaurant, factory, store, barber shop, office building, school, public hall, railroad train, railway station, boat, or any other public place, room or conveyance, shall maintain or keep In or about any such place any towel for common use." Sec. 76. Dangerous and combustible articles prohibited: 327 In no tenement house [or hotel] or any part thereof, or in the T.-H. lot, yard, court or any portion thereof, shall there be kept, stored or handled any article dangerous or detrimental to life or to the health of the occupants thereof; nor shall there be stored, kept or handled any feed, hay, straw, excelsior, cotton, paper stock, rags or junk, except upon a written permit so to do, obtained from the fire commissioner or other department COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 61 Paragraph number. authorized to issue such permit. Every such permit shall be deemed to be a public record, made in duplicate, and a copy thereof shall remain on hie in the office of the fire commissioner or department issuing same. Sec. 77. Certain businesses and animals prohibited in 328 tenement houses and hotels : No horse, cow, calf, swine, sheep, T.-H. goat, rabbit, mule or other animal, chicken, pigeon, goose, duck or other poultr.y shall be kept in any tenement house [or hotel] or any part thereof ; nor shall any such animal or poultry, nor shall any stable be kept or maintained on the same lot, yard, court or premises of a tenement hoiLse [or hotel] or within twenty feet of any window or door or such building, nor shall there be hereafter constructed, altered, converted or main- tained in any tenement house any public automobile garage or machine shop, or automobile repair shop. Note: Public aL'tomobile garages, machine shops and automobile repair shops are prohibited in tenement houses but not in hotels. However, it is advisable, due to the danger involved, to either exclude these businesses from hotels or at least confine them to fireproof buildings. No bakery or place of business in which fat is boiled shall 329 be constructed or maintained in any tenement house, unless T. such bakery or place of biLsiness in which fat is boiled is con- structed of approved fireproof materials, with no openings connecting into the tenement house, and so separated and arranged as to prevent odors from entering such building. Note: Paragraph 329 applies to tenement houses only. No tenement house [or hotel] shall be connected Avith or 330 have any door, window or transom opening to any part of a T.-H. building wherein spirituous liquors, drugs, paint or oil are stored or kept for the purpose of sale or otherwise. Note: Paragraph 330 does not apply to hotels in so far as spirituous liquors, and drugs are concerned. **Sec. 27. Certain animals prohibited in dwellings: No 331 liorse, cow, calf, swine, sheep, goat, rabbit, mule or other D. animal, chicken, pigeon, goose, duck or other poultry shall be kept in any dwelling house or any part thereof; nor shall any such animal or poultry, nor sliall any stable, be kept or main- tained within twenty feet of any window or door of such building. Sec. 78. Janitor or housekeeper : In every tenement house 332 in which eight (8) or more families reside, [or hotel in which T.-H. there are 8 or more guest rooms] and in which the owner does not live, there shall be a janitor, housekeeper or other responsible person, who shall reside in such tenement house [or hotel] or on the same lot or premises thereof and have charge of same. Sec. 79. Restraining order: In ease any tenement house. 333 [hotel or divclling] or any part thereof, is constructed, altered, T.-H.-D. converted or maintained in violation of any provisions of this act or of any order or notice of the department charged with 62 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Pariigraph number. its enforcement, or in case a nuisance exists in any such tene- ment house [hotel, dwelling] or building or structure, or upon the lot on Avhich it is situated, said department may- institute any appropriate action or proceeding to prevent such unlawful construction, alteration, conversion or maintenance, to restrain, correct or abate such violation or nuisance, to pre- vent the occupation of said tenement house, [hotel, dwelling,] building or structure, to prevent any illegal act, conduct or business in or about such tenement house [hotel, dwelling,] or lot. In any such action or proceeding said department may, by affidavit setting forth the facts, apply to the superior court, or to any judge thereof, for an order granting the relief for which said action or proceedioig is brought, or for an order enjoining all persons from doing or permitting to be done any work in or about such tenement house, [hotel, dwelling,] building, structure or lot, or from occupying or using the same for anj^ purpose, until the entry of final judgment or order. In ease any notice or order issued by said department is not complied wdth, said department may apply to the superior court or to any judge thereof, for an order authoriz- ing said department to execute and carry out the provisions of said notice or order, to remove any violation specified in said order or notice, or to abate any nuisance in or about such tenement house, [hotel, dwelling,] building or structure, or the lot upon which it is situated. The court, or any judge thereof, is hereby authorized to make any order specified in this section. In no case shall the said department or any officer thereof or the municipal corporation be liable for costs in any action or proceeding that may be commenced in pursuance of this act. Sec. 80. Fine is a lien: Every fine imposed by judgment 334 under section six [paragraph 15] of this act upon a tenement T.-H.-D, house [hotel or dwelling] owner shall be a lien upon the house in relation to which the fine is imposed, from the time of the filing of a certified copy of said judgment in the office of the recorder of the county in which said tenement house [hotel or dwelling] is situated, subject only to taxes and assessments and water rates, and to such mortgage and mechanics' liens as may exist thereon prior to such filing; and it shall be the duty of the department charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this act, upon the entry of such judgment, to file forthwith the copy as aforesaid, and such copy upon filing shall be forth- with indexed by the recorder in the index of mechanics' liens. Sec. 81. Notice of pendency : In any action or proceeding 335 instituted by the department charged with the enforcement T.-H.-D. of this act, the plaintiff or petitioner maj^ file, in the county recorder's office of the county where the property aft'ected by such action or proceeding is situated, a notice of the pendency of such action or proceeding. Said notice may be filed at the time of the commencement of the action or proceeding, or at any time afterwards before final judgment or order, or at any COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 63 Paragrapli number. time after the service of any notice or order issued by said department. Such notice shall have the same force and effect as the notice of pendency of action provided for in the Code of Civil Procedure. Each county recorder with whom such notice is filed shall record it and shall index it in the name of each person specified in a direction subscribed by an officer of the department instituting such action or proceeding. Any such notice may be vacated upon the order of a judge of the court in which such action or proceeding was instituted or is pending. The recorder of tlie county where such notice is filed is hereby directed to mark such notice, and any record or docket thereof as canceled of record, upon the presentation and filing of a certified copy of such order. Sec. 82. Owner to file data: Every owner of a tenement 336 house [or hotel] and every lessee of the whole house, or other T.-H, person having control of a tenement house, [or hotel] shall file in the housing department a notice, containing his name and address, and also a description of the property, by street and number and otherwise, as the case may be, in such manner as will enable the department charged with the enforce- ment of this act easily to find the same; and also the number of apartments in each house, the number of rooms in each apartment, and the number of families occupying the apart- ments [in a tenement house, and the nwmber of rooms in a hotel.] In case of a transfer of any tenement house, [or hotel] it shall be the duty of the grantee of said tenement house [or hotel] to file in the housing department a notice of such transfer, stating the name of the new owner, within thirty days after such transfer. In case of the devolution of the said property by will, it shall be the duty of the executor and the devisee, if more than twenty-one years of age, and in the case of devolution of such property by inheritance without a will, it shall be the duty of the heirs, or in case all the heirs are under age, it shall be the duty of the administrator of the deceased owner of said property, to file in said department a notice, stating the death of said owner and the najnes of those who have succeeded to his interests, within thirty (30) days after the death of the decedent, in case he died intestate, and within thirty daj's after the probate of his will, if he died testate. Note: See suggested form of application for a permit of occupancy, page 81. Sec. 83. Agent's najne: Every owner, agent or lessee of a 337 tenement house [or lioicJ] shall file in the housing department T.-H. a notice containing the name and address of such agent of such house, for the purpose of receiving service of process, and also a description of the property, by street and number or other- wise, as the case may be, in such manner as will enable the department charged with the enforcement of this act easily 64 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Paragraph number. to find tlie same. The name of the owner or lessee may be filed as agent for this purpose. Note: See suggested form of application for a permit of occupancy, page 81. Sec. 84. Names and addresses accessible: The names and 338 addresses filed in accordance with sections eighty-two and T.-H. eighty-three [paragraphs 336-337] hereof shall be indexed by the housing department in such a manner that all of those filed in relation to each tenement house [or Jiotel] shall be together and readily ascertainable. Said indices shall be pub- lic records, open to public inspection during business hours. Sec. 85. Time of service: Every notice or order in rela- 339 tion to a tenement house [Jiotel or dwelling] shall be served T.-H.-D. five days before the time for doing the thing in relation to which it shall have been issued. Sec. 86. Method of service : In any action brought by any 340 department charged with the enforcement of this act in rela- T.-H.-D. tion to a tenement house, [hotel or divelling,] for injunction, vacation of the premJses or other abatement of nuisance, or to establish a lien thereon, it shall be sufficient service of summons to serve the same as notices and orders are served under the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure. Sec. 87. Minimum requirements for protection declared; 341 inconsistent statutes repealed: The provisions of this act T.-H.-D. shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the protection, the health and the safet}^ of the community, and for the protection, the health and the safety of the occupants of tenement houses [hotels and dwellings] . Nothing in this act contained shall be construed as prohibitng the local legislative body of any incorporated town, incorporated city, incorporated city and county, or county, from enacting, from time to time, supplementary ordinances or laws imposing further restric- tions, or providing for fees to be charged for permits, cer- tificates, or other papers required by this act ; but no ordinance, law, regulation or ruling of any municipal department, authority, officer or officers, shall repeal, amend, modify or dispense with any of the provisions of this act. All statutes of the state and all ordinances of incorporated 342 towns, incorporated cities, incorporated cities and counties, T.-H.-D. and counties, as far as inconsistent wdth the provisions of this act are hereby repealed; provided, that nothing in this act contained shall be construed as repealing or abrogating any present law or ordinance of any incorporated town, incorpo- rated city, incorporated city and county, or county in the state which further restricts the percentage of the lot to be covered by a tenement house, [hotel or divelling] the number of stories or height of such tenement house [or hotel] or num- ber of apartments [or rooms] therein, the occupation thereof, the materials to be used in [their] its construction, or increas- COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. G5 Paragraph number. ing the size of the yards or courts, the floor space to each person occupying a room, the requirements as to sanitation, ventila- tion, light and protection against fire. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed as abrogat- 343 ing, diminishing, minimizing or denying the power of any T.-H.-D. incorporated town, incorporated city, incorporated city and county, or county, by ordinance or law, to further restrict tlie percentage of the lot to l)e covered by a tenement house \ hotel or dwelling] within said municipality, the number of stories or height of such tenement house [or hotel] or number of apartments [or rooms] therein, the occupation thereof, the materials to be used in [their] its construction, or increasing the size of the yards or courts, the floor space to each person occupying a room, the requirements as to sanitation, ventila- tion, light and protection against fire. Sec. 88. Validity of each separate section, sentence, 344 clause, etc. : If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or ^•~H.-D, phrase of this act is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not afl'ect the validity of the remaining portions of this act. The legislature hereby declares that it would have passed this act, and each section, subsection, sen- tence, clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconsitutional. 345 Sec. 89. Effective date: This act shall take effect and be T.-H.-D. in force from and after September 1, 1917. Sec. 90. Repeal of former tenement house act: The act 346 entitled "An act to regulate the l)uilding and occupancy of T. tenement houses in incorporated towns, incorporated cities, and cities and counties, and to provide penalties for the viola- tion thereof and repealing an act entitled 'An act to regulate the building and occupancy of tenement houses in incorporated towns, incorporated cities, and cities and counties, and to pro- vide penalties for the violation thereof approved April IG, 1909, statutes of California of 1909, page 9-48," approved April 10, 1911, statutes of California. 1911, page 8G0, and approved June 13, 1913, statutes of California, 1913, page TM, and approved May 29, 1915, statutes of California, page 952, and all acts amendatory thereof are hereby i-epeali'd. Sec. 88. Repeal of former hotel and lodging- house act: 347 "An act to regulate the building and occupancy oT holds and H. lodgiug houses in incorporated towns, incorporated cities, anil cities and counti&s, and to provide penalties for tlie violation thereof," approved June IG, 1913, statutes of California of 1913, page 1-429, and all acts amending said act, are hereby repealed. 5—46714 ILLUSTRATIONS, FORMS AND HANDY TABLES. The following Illustrations, Forms, and Handy Tables are merely suggestive and explanatory of the Laws. 68 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. ii^saj-Q SHTn-AcvaK^noa-^kco ulim 3VWQ' UO n3XOH^ o o ^^n^?-^-/,. e .D !a X-33CIXS--YUO -DKyiasd Aavauf3oa-3wo wxim -^k/ii-joi-^ais @ ® j-3k/nJ.oiJaig §5 ®g< 220 • 3cr7ow -iuavj^akra-L v-iosaa"! x-33aj.s v-kro ouia3aeiD<3y-»- 3ac)^-3aaw± © lU ^ @ h U U a (0 X33CI-LQ OJ o lU P^ y OS ^^0 • J F b o H. \n O dHFa COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. G9 I I ^-nSETlTS ^^"^ •ILLL3DTR/^nnQ-;3Tltl^TADnOST -Goryno/iLV- usED-TYPns-^-i/virR- • GOL3RT5/ OUTER - COURTS • ^ VAPD3 ■ (Paragraphs 45, 46, 79, 80.) 70 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. •SIATn-aTcJ5Y- •rrr-T/i-STOPY- X/niRD -sroQY SECoriD COUQT 0. C3rUES^'i2007^'^S■ 1. ' n5P;aT .e>TOf5V- errocjErs. •TfK- Minmun - mmn- ^-godqt, • tixcd • •nunsna- ^-sTOT^ics -/aeascred- upyy/^d- •rpon-^-mcLODina-i-LPY/EST- STc«Y-con- •TAlTTiQ • ^ 'APA^Tr^nT' g • GrOnST- ROor\- (Paragraphs 103, 105, 106.) COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 71 Ml Mi D :% ^-:p^t7 lU a r n3A3naK/noat)' bUM0fCI^-3A0QV _ •JSOW-JOWIQTinQ-JO (;J.U0l3HaW3aLX3j I p z: o (Q OL-JjoV Pi ^ tl lU r few '"0 i '^J^o) Sufi "^ ^ @© ' ..0,9C UVUL-3adW-?30lsr ' jLyoi3wwiQ3Lcioxe 72 STATE HOUSING MANUAL, lUO • 't QKaa 5523 05^0 dnao COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 73 THE WRONG WAY. PGDLiG tv^uyy/^ VAyDESianCD- inGOQl^^CTlY- DCC3AUSC: ^~^IT- DOnS-nOT-53l20VlDE:-PRIVAOV THE RIGHT WAY. •PUBLIC • mLurt^- ■ /5TRE:E.T. VAPD • OR • GOUPT one- or-vAPiooS'SinPLt-MEiTnoD-s- TO • CORPEGT- COnDlTIOnS-^SnOV/A' in-(A)-PPoviDi/ia' roK -CJPiwvGv-.ev- ME:>y^S • O^- PRIVATE • rtArULV/AV. (Paragraph 218.) 74 iLLUSTCATYlG- nCTrtOD-^- or- An- IRREiGULAR -LOT- COMMISSION OP IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. bSQruo r ^4 ■ c ;j II ^ asoyrii r G n nipi CHS Id 96 ^S 76 STATE HOUSING MANUAL, •^0ia:3J-UT-l40QJ ? .(Q diOh ■rLooo-AnOLCS- \BC -LOCATED ■ W ITnrn -"mtSt ■ UCVELS iLLusTRAnno ■ one- ncrnoD of gomstquctltiq ■AnD-AricrtociriG Atypc- or- riRr E&CAPE- rCEQUCAiTC/-- ERECTED ATlD-Yyi-HCH-COnrORMSTOTYPr+l, SEC. 65, TCnEMEMTnOUaE-ACT.- • nOY/EVECTttESIZC OEMETAll-IG Mni^DEESOrV^Wn. EXCEPTTrtOSC SPC:GiriGAa-Y-riXE:DDY-3AlD-AOT, MAY- DC -VARIED-PROVIDED TnAT-THEY-APE-CAPADLE-OrSUSTAiril/^O-TnC-DEAD ATlD-UrVC- L.OADO ■ REQUIRED f DY- SAID -ACT-- •riKE-E-SCAPESnuaTBCGACi.anizn} 8 -pAl/'TrED-g-CCvyS-^-DURAPLC Q'UriT' c COMMISSION OP' IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 81 Suggested Forms of Applications. No. BUILDING DEPARTMENT. NOTICE OF COMPLETION (a) , Cal., , 191. _ Notice is hereby given that the (b) Building, for which Building Permit No. was issued, located at and known as No. Street, this city, is now completed. You are hereby requested to make the necessary inspection and to issue the Certificate of Final Completion. Mr. No. Street (Owner) (Address) 3U GESTIONS: Size, 4 inches by S'/z Inches, made in duplicate, bound In books of 100. (a) Print name of city. (b) Use rubber stamp, "Tenement House" or "Hotel." This form may be varied for alterations, etc. No.. HOUSING OR HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT OF OCCUPANCY (a) , Cal., 191 — You are hereby requested to issue the Permit of Occupancy for the building located at and known as No. Street, this city. The said building will be used for a (b) It contains (total number) rooms, apartments of rooms each, arranged to accommodate families; also contains guest rooms. The other rooms are to be used for ._^ (c) The building is stories in height, and is a (d) building. The owner's name is Mr. and his address is No. Street. The agent's or lessee's name is Mr. and his address is No. Street. I hereby certify that all of the above matters are true. The building above referred to will be conducted and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the State (e) Act. (Sign here) (Owner or authorized agent) SUGGESTIONS: Size, 8 inches by 11 inches. (a) Print name of city. (b) Use rubber stamp, "Tenement House" or "Hotel." (c) Write in the use of rooms, for instance, "2 stores, 1 boiler room, 1 general utility room." (d) Use rubber stamp, "Fireproof" or "Semifireproof" or "Wooden. (e) Use rubber stamp, "Tenement House" or "Hotel and Lodging House. If the size suggested is used much additional information may be requested on the reverse side— information that may be of value for comparison when the permit of occupancy is renevs^ed. This form may be varied for hotels. , . -,. This form may be used also for the requirements prescribed in paragraphs J39-340, State Housing Manual. 82 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Suggested Forms of Permits and Certificates. No. BUILDING DEPARTMENT. CERTIFICATE OF FINAL COMPLETION (a) , Cal., , 191— THIS CERTIFIES that the (b) _._ Building, located at and known as No. Street, this city, has been inspected and found to comply with all of the provisions of the State (c) Act. Note: Make application to the housing or health department for a Permit of Occupancy. BUILDING DEPARTMENT. By (Title) (d) SUGGESTIONS: Size, 4 inches by 6J/2 inches, made in duplicate, bound In books of 100. (a) Print name of city. (b) Use rubber stamp, "Tenement House" or "Hotel." (c) Use rubber stamp, "Tenement House" or "Hotel and Lodging House." (d) Print official's title. No. HOUSING OR HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT OP OCCUPANCY (a) , Cal., , 191— THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at and known as No. Street, this city, may be occupied as a (b) in accordance with the pro- visions of the State (c) Act. Note: This permit must be renewed each calendar year. HOUSING OR HEALTH DEPARTMENT. By (Title) (d) SUGGESTIONS: Size, 4 inches by 6J/2 Inches, made in duplicate, bound in books of 100. (a) Print name of city. (b) Use rubber stamp^ "Tenement House" or Hotel." (c) Use rubber stamp, "Tenement House" or "Hotel and Lodging House." (d) Print official's title. COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 83 Suggested Form of Building Permit. No. BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT (a) , Cal., 191— Permission is hereby granted to Mr. , Owner, and Mr. Contractor, to (b) at No. Street, this city. All work done by virtue of this permit must conform to the plans and specifications and application filed in the Building Department and the provisions of the State Tenement House Act, State Hotel and Lodging House Act, or State Dwelling House Act, which apply to the said building or work, as the case may be. The provisions of the building and housing ordinances of the city of (c) must also be conformed to. BUILDING DEPARTMENT. By Title (d) SUGGESTIONS: Size 51/2 inches by 8 inches, made in duplicate, bound in books of 100. (a) Print name of city. (b) Write in the purpose of the permit: for instance, "erect a 3-story semifire- proof tenement house." (c) Print name of city. (d) Print official's title. This form may be varied, and may t^Tve added blank lines for the cost of the building, the amount of fees collected) etc. 84 STATE HOUSING MANUAL. Suggested Form of Application for Building Permit. CITY OP (a) BUILDING DEPARTMENT. APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT. Application is hereby made for a building- permit in accordance with the description and for the purposes hereinafter set forth. This application is made subject to all provisions of the state laws and city ordinances applicable thereto. The plans, drawings and specifications accompanying- this application are made a part hereof. 1. Description of property on which proposed [ Lot Block building is to be situated; in the case of I Tract an existing building, description of | property on which it is situated. [ No. Street Purpose of building (b) Class (c) Number of apartments Number of families Number of guest rooms Total number of rooms Owner's name Owner's address Architect's name , Architect's address Contractor's name '. Contractor's address i Entire cost of proposed building or work $ Size of building x Size of lot x Number of stories in height Height * to highest point feet. Materials of exterior walls (d) Materials of interior construction (e) Materials of floor construction (f) Materials of stairway construction (g) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, { COUNTY OF ) ^^ (h) , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is (authorized and empowered to make this affidavit for) the owner, (i) , who makes the above application; that the application, plans and specifications herewith filed are true and contain a cor- rect description of the proposed (j) , lot and pro- posed work. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 1917. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Notary Public, in and for the County of . State of Californi.a. FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PERMIT NO. Plans and specifica- tions checked and found to conform to State Laws, etc. 191__ Inspector Application Filed. 191- Permit Issued. 191. ♦Measured for fireproof building to highest point of roof; for semifire- proof or wooden building, the ceiling of top story. COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING. 85 Sugg-ested Form of Building Permit. SUGGESTIONS: Size. 8 inches by 13 inches. (a) Print name of city. (b) Use rubber stamp, "Tenement House" or "Hotel." (c) Use rubber stamp, "Fireproof," "Semifireproof" or "Wooden." (d) Write in, for instance, "Brick," "Concrete" or "Wood." (e) Write In, for instance, "Concrete" or "Wood and metal lath and plaster." (f) Write In, for instance, same as "(e)." (g) Write in, for instance, same as "(e)." (h) Write in the name of the person who mal> o c = cS C 33 C B-aS (Px: 0^ c o ^ ^ ^ „ S .2 ^+J 03 'C 03^5 So a^u-, ^ r' -•-> Q O '-I DC aj ^ C3 -a — • -lT-IC<|-^?D0O0OCC> B^S C CE3 ^ £ s , 9d < BtU B ^ 3J= » t~ Cq S io O (M ' .-I T-i M rp «0 C ■^■^»OCOOOO(MM-^ Xoocococoaicoaif-i ^ 'f^ 'n 'i^ 't^ 's^ 'Cf^ S oooooco, OWcoEBoQaii/iinO ,-ie<5"a"rttot^oo050 o) 3 qj C " " 5 o "" ■^ O) O OJ c c at* o £1 3 ^ ^ 01 c o 0) Cfli ^ o 0)45 0) ^5 m Si c mS E^ ?;j bj)> e tH ^ S P n S <" 'o'O 0) ^lOi 4 Sd S -2 c3 OJ 2 H d m H.ti h ■5^ o s-^ o. dS t. ci'^ d oK .. 05 d e £m "^ . d ^^ t» •^ I *- I _ INDEX TO STATE HOUSING LAWS. (As recompiled in this manual.) NOTE. — Always refer to the entire section containing the paragraph or para- graphs indicated. Do not construe the verbiage used in the Index as law, because some of the terms used may differ from the provisions of the laws. SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings Abatement of nuisances, violations, procedure Absolute minimum of requirements Accessibility of, addresses filed bathtubs and showers corridors, passageways courts, vent shafts, for cleaning Are escapes, hallways to hallways names filed rear yards, how, construction stairways and ladders standpipes and valves water-closets Accumulation of, debris prohibited, when garbage prohibited, when ,- rubbish, filth prohibited, when Act, title of laws Action to prevent violations, procedure, when Additional rooms, hallways, ceiling heights of Additions not exempt, when Addresses, owners, agents, lessees, others — file Administrator files notice, when Afiidavit required, when application for permits, when building permit applications who makes same, must allege what Agents, file notice, when... name and address filed, when of commission immigration and housing authorized to enter buildings of owner authorized enter buildings, when Air, time of change, fan exhaust ventilation Air ducts, vent shafts, size, construction Air intakes, arrangement, construction of, general aggregate areas of cleaning, draining of, how construction of ends of, gate, grill, screens for, when. heights, minimum of inner courts require location of number required sizes of vent shafts require, size, construction of when courts do not extend below second floor- widths, minimum of A'eovs (see Recesses from rooms) Alterations, basement rooms for living, sleeping. building department enforces laws cellar rooms for living, sleeping, prohibited... clianges in old buildings must conform contrary to law, unlawful 16, 333 341 338 200. 205 226 107, 283 259. 289' 226 338 100 226, 241 271 183, 193 119, 323 119, 323 119, 323 1 16,333 304 9, 196, 208 336, 337 336 17,18 17,18 17,18 18 336, 337 336, 337 226 238 100 226. 2« 271 187, 184 119, 323 119, 323 119, 323 1 16, 333 304 9, 196, 208 336, 337 336 17,18 17,18 17,18 18 336, 337 336, 337 127, 323 127, 323 127, 323 1 16, 333 10 31 31 31.33 32 32 32, 33 168 295 282 282 109 to 109 to 114, 282 114, 282 109, 282 109, 282 114 114 109 to 109 to 114, 282 114, 282 112, 282 112, 282 111 111 109 109 109, 110 109, 110 109 109 109, 111, 109, 111, 113,282 113,282 282 282 113 113 \ 111, 113, 111, 113 282 282 28 to 132 134 to 137 117 117 117 2 2 2 115 115 115 9. n 9. 11 10, H 8, 9, 11 8, 9, 11 8. 10, 11 90 INDEX. SUBJECT T.= Tenement houses; H.=: Hotels; D.= Dwellings Paragraph numbers H. Alterations— Continued. converting old buildings, must conform in dormitories must conform in existing buildings must conform in existing buildings required, when required, existing buildings required, existing dormitories, when rooms in basements rooms in cellars, when prohibited Amending laws, lesser requirements, not allowed- \mus°ment rooms, ceiling heights of construction of, general construction of, reference living in prohibited, when sleeping in, prohibited, when ventilation of, by fan exhaust system windows required, sizes of, when. Anchorage of fire escapes to building Animals, keeping certain kinds prohibited Apartment, definition of design of relation stairways, fire escapes kitchen sink in privacy in, design of rooms in, sizes of sizes of rooms in water-closet in Apartment house (see tenement house) Application, aflBdavit required, when for certificate of completion for permit of occupancy to alter, how obtained, contains to build, how obtained, contains.. to construct, how obtained, contains to convert, how obtained, contains to move, how obtained, contains to reconstruct, how obtained, contains Approved, definition of material, appliance, appurtenance, etc Areas of (under various headings in index). Areaways, drainage of, paving of, when Arrangement of beds in dormitories Arrangement of, building department enforces Articles, dangerous kinds, keeping of prohibited of combustible nature, detrimental life, health Artificial illumination required, when Ashes, depositing of except in place provided, prohibited. receptacles for, kind, covers, etc Asphalt, similar material, paving required, when Attic rooms, ceiling heights of, when Authority to enter dwellings, limited Authorized to enter buildings, premises, when Automobile garages, construction of, when garages, prohibited, when repair shop, construction of repair shop, prohibited, when storage room, construction of Bachelor hotels (see Hotels) Bakery, construction, maintenance of Balconies, fire escape (see Fire escapes). Balconies may extend Into yards, courts, when Pfirbof .shop, may be ventilated, exhaust system Barber shop, window area required. Barber shop, windows required in 9, 11 305, 306 305, 303 117 115 341 170 161 to 170 133 170 170 163 143, 164,165 263 328 39 218 201, 205 183 128 128 184 75 17,18 26 27 17 17 17 17 17 17 ■ 40 40 316 2 327 327 \ 116-118, ^ 310, 311 324 320 316 130 \ 30, 31, I 32 290,291 328 328 290, 291 6S. 79, 95, 97 11 297 to 303 9,11 305, 303 305,306 298, 303 117 115 341 173 171 to 173 138 173 173 149, 293 145, 146, 148, 159, 171, 172 263 328 17,18 26 27 17 17 17 17 17 17 40 40 316 299 2 327 327 116-118, 310, 311 324 321 316 134 30, 31, 32 292 292 292 57 149, 293 156. 157 \ 145, 146, \ 148 INDEX. 91 SUBJECT T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings Basement, a story, relation heights of buildings. ceiling heights of above ground cleanliness, sanitation of dampprooflng of walls, floors, when definition of entrance to from outside excavations adjoining, minimum widths of illumination of, when is a story, when living in, certain requirements plastering of, when rooms, altering, converting, etc sleeping in, certain requirements ventilation of waterproofing of walls, floors, when Bath, Turkish bath Bathrooms, ceiling heights of cleanliness, sanitation of 87 41, 117 323 118 41 223 41 118 41,87 117, 118 118 117 117, 118 118 118 construction of sleeping in prohibited ventilation of, fan exhaust system. „ windows in, may open to vent shaft. windows in, required, sizes, etc Bathtubs, need not be installed, when- required in existing buildings showers, location of. showers, number required. Bedbugs, lice in beds, bedding prohibited Bed linen, change required, when Beds, bedding, cleanliness of double tiers of, in dormitories, when frames of, in dormitories spacing, vertical, horizontal, in dormitories Blankets, cleanliness of Board Fire Underwriters' approval Boarders are guests, when Boiler heating building, construction of room location of, relation stairways Boiler-room, construction of Bottles, depositing of, except in place provided, prohibited Bowls, water-closets, kind of 1 Bugs, insects, disinfecting when Building, definition of Building department, definition of Building department enforces laws, when Building department issues certificat° of final completion Building is a "rear tenement houso" or "rear hotel," when Building occupied, without a certificate and permit, a nuisance when Building of, building department enforces Building of, contrary to law, imlawful Building permit required, when Buildings— converted, moved, altered subject to laws, when damaged by elements (51%) must conform damaged by fire (51%) must conform horeafter erected, altered, etc., require certificate hereafter erected, altered, etc., requir" permit housing persons under restraint, not hotels, when moved, must conform, certain provisions on lot with sloping ground, hoights Biu''ding upon, contrary to law. unlawful Biisin''ss wher" fat is boil'd. etc.. con.Ktruf tion. maintenance of.. Businesses, c°rtaiii kinds, prohibited, when Calcimining rooms, light colored material, when... 131 323 185, 186, 202 309 144 ) 143, 144, I 162 212 205, 208 \ 200, 205, } 208 \ 200, 205, { 208 325 325 325 40 285 to 288 228 285 to 288 324 214 314 42 43 87 41, 117 323 118 41 223 41 118 41,87 117, 118 118 117 117, 118 118 118 57,76 135 323 190, 191, 204 309 147, 293 147 145 to 148: 162 212 206, 208 203. 208, 208 203, 205, 208 325 326 325 299 301 299 325 40 55 285 to 288 228 285 to 288 324 214 314 42 43 2 2 71 41, 117 323 118 41 41 118 117, 118 118 117 117, 118 118 118 142 323 309 152 150 to 152, 163 212 8 s 17 17 11 11 13 13 13 13 23 23 17,23 17, 23 57 12 12 88 8.8 8 8 329 327 to 329 .■^27 312 312 324 2ie 314 42 43 2 92 INDEX, SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings T. Call, keeping of prohibited, when Cans, depositing of, except place provided, prohibited. for garbage, ashes, etc., required, when Carpets, cleanliness, sanitation of Causing laws to be violated, unlawful Ceilings, additional rooms, haUways, heights of amusement rooms, heights of automobile garages, construction of automobile storage rooms, construction of basements, plastering, heights of, when bath, shower rooms, heights of boiler rooms, furnace rooms, construction of cellars, heights, plastering of, when cleanliness of, sanitation of closets, dressing rooms, heights of dining rooms, heights of dormitory, heights of double required, boiler, furnace rooms double required, garages, machine, repair shops... entertainment rooms, heights of hallways, lathing, plastering of, when 328 324 320 323 8 304 170 290 290 118 131 285 116 314, 323 131 heights of lathing of in— automobile storage rooms boiler, furnace rooms, etc garages, machine, repair shops public hallways semiflreproof buildings wooden buildings painting, papering, caleimining of, when plastering of, automobile storage rooms basements, when boiler, furnace rooms cellars, when garages, machine, repair shops semiflreproof buildings wooden buildings reception rooms, heights of recesses from rooms, alcoves, heights of rooms, heights of water-closets, slop-sink rooms, heights of Cellars, cleanliness, sanitation of dampproofing of walls, floors, when definition of entrance to from outside illumination of, when living in prohibited plastering of, when rooms, altering, converting, etc., living, sleeping, prohibited. sleeping in prohibited ventilation of waterproofing of walls, ceilings, when — Cement plaster flreprooflng, when Cement plaster required, inner court walls, when Cement plaster required, vent shafts, when Certificate of completion, application, notice, for building department issues duplicate remains on file is required, when issued after inspection, when orcupancy without is unlawful Cesspool, construction of, use of, when , eontrnry to law, unlawful 1 for drainage water, when Change of air. time of exhaust ventilating system Changes, existing buildings, contrary law, unlawful 285 170 78 f 41,117, ■{ 130, 131, [ 170 290 285 290 78 72 78 312 290 118 285 116 290 72 78 170 131 130 131 323 116 44 223 116 115, 309 116 115 115, 309 116 116 54 284 280 26 2 28 23 26 29 210 8 212 ] 168 8.9 328 324 321 323 8 304 173 292 292 118 135 285 116 314, 323 135 173 299 285 292 173 78 41, 117, 134, 135, 173 292 285 292 78 72 78 312 292 118 285 116 292 72 78 173 135 134 135 323 116 44 223 116 115, 309 116 115 115, 309 116 116 54 284 280 26 2 28 23 26 29 210 8 212 295 8.9 INDEX. 93 SUBJECT Paragraph numbers : Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.^ Dwellings Charter, ordinances of municipality governs procedure, when. Chicken, keeping of, prohibited, when Chief inspector of buildings is building department, when Chute for garbage, approval of Chute typs fire escape, construction of Circular stairways prohibited Cities, empowered designate other departments enforce laws may enact supplementary ordinances, laws- may impose further restrictions- City ordinances imposing further restrictions not affected- ordinances inconsistent with state laws ineffective Cleanliness of, beds, bedding courts, arrangement for ducts, exhaust ventilation system garbage chutes garbage, similar receptacles repainting, calcimining, repapering, when requirements, general sanitation of plumbing fixtures under lowest or ground floor vent shafts, arrangement for when repapering, repainting Closets, ceiling heights of cleanliness, sanitation of living, cooking in, prohibited, when sizes of sleeping in prohibited, when under stairs, construction of, when under stairs prohibited, when Clubs, public, private, are hotels Code of Civil Procedure, serving notices, when Combustible articles, keeping of prohibited Commencing work without permit, unlawful, when Commission Immigration and Housing, empowered enforce laws, when Commissioner of buildings, is building department, when Committing nuisances, violations, unlawful Compensation for guest rooms, payment of. how Complete change of air, when, exhaust ventilating system Completion, certificate of, issued building department Completion certificate, notice, application for Completion certificate required, when 16 328 43 320 255 230 6 J 341, 342, I 343 \ 341, 342, I 343 J 341, 342, / 343 \ 341, 342, I 343 325 107 167 320 320 312 323,324 324 119 107, 283 314 131 323 307 131 309 235 235 340 327 17 7 43 Concrete floors, boiler and auto storage rooms.— Concrete paving required, when Connections, gas, water, kind of Connections plumbing, lead, iron, steel, brass. Continuous stairways required, how Construction of, air intakes amusement, entertainment, reception, dining rooms, bakery, business where fat is boiled bath, shower, slop-sink rooms boiler rooms building department enforces contrary law, unlawful door frame, trim, etc., penthouse, roof structure- doors in boiler rooms doors in shafts dormitories dwellings, general .,.,,--,.-, , ,-.. — 168 2 26 26 \ 285, 290, I 292 316 214 214 231 I 109 to ) 114, 2,S2 161 to 170 329 \ 131, 185, } 186, 202 285 to 288 2 8 239, 240 288 to 288 276 to 279 16 328 43 321 255 230 6 341, 342, 343 341, 342, 343 341, 342, 343 341, 342, 343 ; 325 I 107 ' 294 321 321 , 312 323, 324 324 119 107, 283 314 135 323 307 138 309 235 235 57 340 327 17 7 43 8 57 295 2 26 26 285, 290, 292 316 214 214 231 109 to 114, 282 171 to 173 135, 190, 191. 204 285 to 288 2 8 239, 240 2S6 to 288 276 to 279 \ 139, 297 } to 303 16 331 43 6 341, 342, ! 343 341, 342, 343 341, 342, 343 341, 342, : 343 322 322 323, 324 324 127 314 323 309 94 INDEX. SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.^ Hotels; D.^ Dwellings T. Construction of— Continued. exhaust draft ventilating system fire escape, type 1 fire escape, type 2 fire escape, type 3 _ fire escape, type 4 fire escape, type 5 fireproof hotel, general fireproof tenement house, general floors, automobile storage rooms floors of kitchens, when floors, walls, boiler rooms ground or lowest floor inner court walls passageway to rear yard penthouses, roof structures, when plumbing connections, general porches through which windows open privy substituting for plumbing, when providing two means of egress from apartments, rooms, how. ratprooflng of floors, when recesses from court, yards, streets rooms in basements ssmiflreproof hotel, general semiflreproof tenement house, general shafts, vent shafts, elevator, etc shelter over privy, when stairways, general ventilating fan system walls, floors of cellars or basements 163 to 169 245 to 253 254 255 256 257 285 119 to 125 284 100 238 to 240 213 to 215 144 212 218 119 to 125 108 117 water-closet compartments wooden hotel, general wooden tenement house, general Conversion of, basements for living, sleeping, how building department enforces buildings for, must conform cellars, living, sleeping in, prohibited contrary law unlawful dormitories permit for, required when Cooking, prohibited anywhere detrimental, insanitary prohibited except in kitchen, where prohibited in bath rooms prohibited in closet, recess from room, dressing room, when. prohibited in shower, slop-sink, toilet rooms prohibited in water-closet compartments prohibited, where Corner lot, definition of.— percentage remain unoccupied rear yard street computed part of lot, when street computed part rear yard, when Cornice, may project into court, how much may project into court, yard, when opening for goose-neck ladder, size projections into courts, yards projections, occupied space, when Corporation, is a person, when Corridor is public hallway, when Costs, expenses of prosecution fixed by court. Costs of prosecution, violator liable for Cotton, keeping of, requires permit Counterbalanced, fire escape ladder to ground, when Counties, empowered designate who enforces laws enforce laws, when, where may enact supplementary ordinances, laws .- may impose further restrictions 72 274 to 283 212 219 to 234 163 to 168 116-118 3 131, 185, ? 186 77,78 117 2 11 115 17 307 307 307 307 307 307 61 89 97 89 98 46 68 251 46,68 68 61 70 15 15 327 248 8 ."i 341 341, 343 293 to 295 245 to 253 254 255 256 257 54 292 .308 285 119 to 125 284 100 238 to 240 213 to 215 148 212 218 119 to 125 108 117 72 274 to 283 212 219 to 234 293 to 295 116-118 135, 189, 190, 191 77,78 117 2 11 115 8 297 to 303 17 308 308 307 307 307 307 307 61 99 99 46 251 46 68 69 70 15 15 327 24S 6 •■' i 341 I 341,848 127 216, 217 152 117 2 11 115 307 307 307 307 307 151 151 151 INDEX. 95 SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.=: Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.^ Dwellings County officials enforce laws, when, where County ordinances imposing further restrictions not affected.. County recorder cancels notice of pendency, when Court having jurisdiction fixes costs of prosecution Courts, air intakes to, construction of cleanliness, sanitation of definition of diminishing size of, contrary law, unlawful inner court, construction of inner courts, sizes of measured upward lowest story, containing rooms- outer courts, sizes of passageways to, construction of- projections into unobstructed to sky walls, light color or painted, whitewashed, when yards for two buildings Covering on walls, removal of, when Cow, keeping of prohibited, when Curb level, definition of - Cut-off from hallway, is public hallway, when Cutoff valves, when required, location of Damaged buildings, fire, elements (51%) must conform Dampprooflng, basement walls, floors, when cellar walls, floors, when Dangerous articles, keeping of prohibited Dangerous to life, nuisance, when Date laws effective Dead loads, relation fire escape construction Debris, accumulation of prohibited, when Decision unconstitutionality one, more sections does not affect entire law Defective, water-closet may be replaced, how Definitions apartment approved basement building building department cellar corner lot court curb level department depth of lot dormitory dwelling family fire commissioner fireproof hotel fireproof tenement house front of lot front yard guest — - guest room health department hotel housing department inner court interior lot kitchen lodging house (see Hotel) lot -— -- 5 341,342 335 15 109 to 114 323 45 9 284 105, 106 \ 46, 103 I to 106 103, 104 J 111, 112, ( 113, 316 46 46 313 92 314 328 47 177 214 13 118 116 327 67 345 261 to 265 119, 323 344 197 34 to 80 39 40 41 42 38,43 44 61 45,46 47 48 63 5 341, 342 335 15 109 to 114 323 45 9 284 105, 106 46, 103 to 106 103, 104 111, 112, 113, 316 46 46 313 92 314 328 47 177 214 13 118 116 327 67 345 261 to 266 119, 323 341, 342 335 151 314 331 47 118 67 345 127, 323 344 344 197 I 34 to 80 34 to 80 39 40 41 41 42 42 38,43 38,43 44 44 61 45,46 47 47 48 48 63 49 50,51.52 53 3,58 38,58 43 61.62 59 corner lot .„ depth of lot. front of lot. 38 54 64 80 55 56 38,58 57 38,58 45 61,62 57 60 61 55 56 38,58 38,58 96 INDEX. SUBJECT Paragraph numbers : Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings Definitions— Continued, interior lot ... rear lot rear of lot nuisance occupied space outer court person public hallway rear hotel rear lot rear of lot rear tenement house rear yard semiflreproof hotel semiflreproof tenement house- shall side yard street tenement house Turkish bath wooden hotel wooden tenement house yard front yard rear yard side yard 10 Department — decides when plumbing need not be installed decides when standpipes need not be installed definition of may apply, order execute, carry out law, how may institute appropriate action, prevent violations, how. may order insanitary plumbing removed of health, is housing department, when officers of, not liable for costs, when Depth of lot, definition of Description of property, notice to be filed Design of apartment, relation to privacy Design of building, relation egress for apartments, rooms Detention buildings are not hotels, when Detrimental to health, nuisance, when Devisee flies notice, when Diminished floor area, relation fire escapes, stairways relation to stairways Diminishing size, yards, courts, shafts, windows, unlawful Dining rooms, ceiling heights of construction of, general construction of, reference living in, prohibited, when sleeping in, prohibited, when ventilation of by fan exhaust system windows required, sizes of, when- Disinfecting privy pits, etc., when Disinfecting, when repapering, repainting Dispensing with laws by municipality not allowed Distance between tenement house, hotel, similar building on lot Doing, causing done, plumbing, sewer work, etc., contrary law, unlawful . Door, etc., water-closet, privy, urinal compartment, relation where food prepared, stored etc., water closet, urinal, compartments, construction of frame, trim, penthouse, roof structures, construction of giving access fire escapes, size, location of required, bottom courts, vent shafts shaft openings, construction of — 67 336 224, 260 224 199, 212 314 341 93 INDEX. 97 SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.r= Hotels; D.=; Dwellings H. Doors, boiler rooms, construction of boiler rooms, overlap walls, sill boiler rooms, swing outward, when elL-anliness, sanitation of openings in shafts, close tight other openings, automobile storage room windows, screening of, when Dormitories, alterations in, when bed frames, kind required ceiling heigiits in construction, conversion of erected prior passage of Act, requirements in. existing, certain requirements when guest rooms in, when □umber persons allowed in plumbing facilities required in reference to other provisions 286 to 288 288, 288 288 323 278 291 212, 319 windows required, number, sizes of. Dormitory, definition of Double ceilings required, boiler rooms, when Double ceilings required, garage, repair, machine shop. Double tiers of beds in dormitories, when Draft exhaust system ventilation, use of, when Drainage, draining, air intakes areaways courts passageways under lowest, ground floor vent shafts water, storm, casual when plumbing fixtures not installed yards, premises Drains, cleanliness, sanitation of Dressing rooms, ceiling heights of Dressing rooms, sizes of Drugs, room kept in, construction of Duck, keeping of prohibited, when Ducts for air, vent shafts, construction, size of Dumb waiter shaft (see Elevator shaft) Dwelling, construction of, general definition of Dwellings, entering by inspectors limited, when entering in absence of occupants, how Effective, date laws are notice to do work, when Egress, accessibility from apartments, rooms Egress— to fire escape from hallway, passageway to fire escape through public parlor, lobby, when... 168 to 168 114 318 316 100, 316 119 318 315 212 316 323 131 131 330 328 282 274 to 277 286 to 288 286,288 323 276 292 212, 319 297 to 303 301 299 297 to 303 303 303 49 298 302 139, 159 \ 145, 146, I 148, 300 49 285 292 299 293 to 296 114 316 316 100, 316 119 316 315 212 316 323 135 I 138 ! 328 282 274 to 277 212, 319 331 to roof from stairways, when. Egresses, two, relation stairways, fire escapes Elevator shaft, relation to stairways Elevator shafts, fireproof building, construction of require ventilator, ventilating skylight semiflreproof or wooden building, construction of similar shaft, materials, construction of Elevators, illumination of, when Employees, water-closets for Enclosing water-closet with woodwork, prohibited Enclosing woodwork, plumbing fixtures, removal of, when. Enforcement of laws 345 339 218 259 259 \ 236, 237, I 241 218 227 274 277 275 274 to 277 310, 311 by building department, when... by county officials, when, where by health department, when by housing department, when by other olBcials, when cities, counties, towns may desgnate who.. State Immigration and Housing Commission, when. 186 213 2 to 7 2 5 3 3 4 6 7 345 339 218 259 259 236, 237, 241 218 227 274 277 275 274 to 277 310, 311 188 213 213 2 to 7 2 5 3 3 4 S 7 126 .51,52,53 33 33 345 339 217 2, 3, 4, 8.7 98 INDEX, SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.=: Tenement houses; H.t= Hotels; D.^ Dwellings Entering of buildings when necessary, authorized- Entering of premises when necessary, authorized. . Entertainment rooms, ceiling heights of construction of, general construction of, reference living in, prohibited, when sleeping in, prohibited, when ventilation of by fan exhaust system windows required, sizes of, when. Erection of, building department enforces... contrary to law, unlawful permit for required Excelsior, keeping of, requires permit Executor files notice, when Exempton— complying bath, shower requirements, when complying, plumbing, installation of, when complying water-closet requirements, when Exhaust fan system of ventilation, construction, use of. ducts, inlet and exhaust, construction of maintenance, operation of at all times may substitute for windows, when penalty, failure to operate, maintain good order. time, change of air required volume of air, time change of Existing buildings: addition, alteration, change, extension, must conform. additional rooms, hallways, ceiling heights alteration of dormitories in bath tubs, showers, required in cans for garbage, ashes required cleanliness, sanitation of conversion of must conform cooking in prohibited, where damaged by fire, elements, reconstruction of distance between buildings, when door to water-closet, urinal, etc., relation kitchen, pantry, entering of for inspection authorized, when J 8, 9, I 196, 208 304 205 320 323, 324 11 115, 307 13 92,93 185 30 to 32 faucets for fixtures, yards, courts, etc fire escapes, maintenance of garbage, ash receptacles required hallways — windows, ventilation required for. housekeeper required, when housing department may exempt, when illumination in, when inner courts, shafts, doors or windows to. insanitary plumbing, removal of janitor required, when living in prohibited, when maintenance, repair, drainage of may be exempt complying, when moving of, certain requirements must conform, general requirements permit of occupancy required plumbing, etc.^ hereafter installed must conform.. plumbing, etc., need not be installed when privy vault, similar receptacle, discontinue use of. reconstruetio? of when damaged by fire, elements. 211 263, 269 321 306 332 195, 208 116, 118, 310, 311 107 215 332 115, 309 315, 316 195, 208, 212 12 8, 9, 11, 12,13 24 214 212 199 IS 212 212 322 323, 324 11 115, 307 30 to 33 115, 309 317 212 INDEX. 99 SUBJECT Paragraph numbers : Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings T. H. Existing buildings— Continued. rooms, hallways additional, ceiling heights. rooms in require windows, when running water facilities required sanitation of plumbing scuttle, penthouse, required, when scuttle, size, location of sewer connections required, when sinks required, kitchen— slop sleeping in prohibited, when, where stairway or ladder to roof, when vent shafts, door or window to required water facilities required water-closet seats, must be varnished, enameled, non-absorbent water-closets, general requirements water-closets installed must conform, when windows in hallways required, when windows in rooms required, when woodwork enclosing plumbing fixtures, removal of Existing dormitories, alterations in, when Expense of prosecution, violators liable for Extensions, existing buildings not exempt, when Exterior passageways, illumination of, when Exterior standpipos required, when Exterior standpipos (see Standpipes) Exterior walls, construction, etc., fireproof buildings construction of, semifireproof buildings Eacilities required, when plumbing not installed Families in dwellings, water-closets for Family, definition of Fan exhaust system ventilation, construction, use Faucets— need not be installed, when running water, courts, yards, passageways size of, type Feed, keeping of, requires permit Filing plan of lot required Filing plans, specifications for building or work Filth, accumulation of, prohibitedj when depositing of, except place provided, prohibited urine, etc., in beds, bedding, prohibited Fine, amount of, violations of laws, when Fine imposed becomes lien, when Fire and smoke tower and stairway combined Fire and smoke towers, construction of Fire commissioner issues permit, dangerous articles Fire damaged buildings (51%) must conform Fire escapes- accessibility of balconies- anchorage of connected by inclined stairways design as to floor loads design as to loads, fastenings fastenings, as to loads height of balustrade rails independently supported iron or steel fireproofed, when lowest balcony, height above ground openings in balustrades openings in platforms optional balconies, use and kind platform, fastening, anchoring to building, how reinforced concrete, when used required every story above first size of stairways connecting, construction of -. -- 304 305 211 213, 324 241 241 199 201, 205 115, 309 241 107 211 213 193 197 308 305 213 15 198, 208 311 270 270 to 273 54 72 212 53 166 to 163 212 209, 211 209, 211 327 17 17 119, 323 324 325 15 334 258 256, 257 327 13 304 305 211 213, 324 241 241 199 203, 207 115, 309 241 107 211 213 194 197 306 305 213 303 15 196, 208 311 270 270 to 273 54 72 212 259, 269 259, 289 293 to 295 212 209, 211 209, 211 327 17 17 119, 323 324 325 15 334 258 256, 257 327 13 263 263 245 245 261 261 263 263 263 263 246 246 265 265 254 254 245 245 246 246 247, 248 247, 248 254 254 249 249 254 254 245 245 246 246 250 250 216, 318, 324 115, 309 212 192 53 812 127, 323 324 15 334 100 INDEX. SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.=: Dwellings H. Fire escapes— balconies— Continued. stairways connecting, location of.-. stairway openings in, size of supported, liow balustrades- design of, horizontal pressure heights of, above platform openings in, size of chute type, construction of clear, unobstructed, accessible construction of, general, Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 — - Type 5 cornice opening, size, for goose-neck ladder counterbalanced, permanent, ladder to ground, when. dead loads relation to construction design re dead, live loads sustained diminished floor area relation to door giving access to, size, location of egress door, window, size, location egress, illumination of, when egress to, from hallway, passageway egress to, through public parlor, lobby, when fastenings rigid, durable, carrying loads imposed framing, riveting, bolting, together of floor area determines number required floor area in relation to fire and smoke tower and stairway combined fire and smoke towers, construction of galvanizing of, when general requirements, construction goose-neck ladder, extend top balcony to roof not pass opening to building size, construction of iron or steel flreproofed balconies, when kind allowed ladder, design of, horizontal pressure largest area above second floor determines number of. live loads, relation to construction location of location of, relation apartments, rooms, hallways location of, signs indicating same lock, type of window to lowest balcony height above ground level lowest balcony platform, openings in maintenance of, all buildings maintained well painted may project in yards, when must be fastened securely to buildings must be painted, galvanized number required obstructions prohibited openings in balustrades, size of optional balconies, use and kind painting of, how painting of, required when platform, balcony fastening, anchoring to building, how. platform, balcony, openings In projecting into yards, courts, when, how reinforced concrete balconies, when used removal of, contrary law, unlawful repair of, required required on street front 250 250 246 246 249 249 264 261 246 246 246 246 255 255 269 269 245 to 253 245 to 253 254 254 255 255 256 256 257 257 251 251 248 248 261 to 266 261 to 263 261 to 266 261 to 263 260 260 267 267 267 267 310, 311 310, 311 259 259 259 259 252 252 252 252 243 243 260 260 258 258 256, 257 256, 257 253 253 243 to 269 243 to 269 245 245 251 251 251 251 254 254 244 244 262 262 260 260 261 to 266 261 to 283 218, 259 218, 259 218, 259 218, 259 259 259 268 26S 245 245 248 248 269 269 269 269 79, 95, 97 80 245, 266 245, 268 253 253 243 243 269 269 246 246 254 254 253 253 253, 269 253, 269 V 249, 252, I 268 249, 252, 268 247 247 \ 68,79, ( 95,97 80 254 254 9 9 289 269 259 259 INDEX. 101 SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.=: Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.^ Dwellings Fire escapes — Continued. required, when sash in window openings to signs indicating location of, each floor sill of window, door, access to, location smoke and fire towers, construction of spiral chute, construction of stairway, and fire and smoke tower combined stairway openings in balconies, size of stairways connecting balconies, construction of stairways connecting balconies, location of stairways, design for loads, horizontal projection stairways, handrails continuous, size of street front requires one type lock, window opening to fire escape window giving access to, sash in window giving access to, size, location of window giving access to, type lock in Fireproof building, elevator, similar shaft, construction. Fireproof buildings, inner court walls, construction Fireproof hotel, definition of general construction of Fireproofing, steel, iron framework, fireproof building Fireproof tenement house, definition of general construction of or hotel, height allowed Firestops, use of, elevator shafts use of, inner court walls, when use of, vent shafts Fire towers Fire towers, occupied space, when Firm, is a person, when Flats, is a dwelling, or tenement house, when Floor area, closets, recesses from rooms, dressing rooms. for each person, in dormitories for each person, in sleeping rooms in dormitories, size, number guest rooms relation to fire escapes relation to stairways required in kitchen, size 243 26S 259 287 256, 257 255 258 246 250 245, 250 263 250 259 268 263 267 26S 274 284 54 54 54 83 275 284 278 255 to 257 68 69 75 131 243 268 259 267 256, 257 255 258 246 250 245, 250 263 250 259 28S 268 267 268 274 284 54 54 54 83 275 284 278 255 to 257 309 required in rooms, when Floors, automobile storage rooms, construction of basements, dampproofing, waterproofing of, when. boiler, furnace rooms, construction of, when cellars, dampproofing, waterproofing of, when cleanliness, sanitation of dampproofing of, when kitchens, construction of, when lowest or ground fioor construction 243, 260 219 to 224 129 I 128, 129, I 131 290 118 285 116 823 116,118 ratprooflng of (see Fireproof buildings) (see Semifireproof and wooden buildings) space for each person in dormitories space required in ratio to occupants water-closet compartments required waterproof, how... waterproofing of, when w-aterprooflng of bath, shower, slop-sink rooms 119 to 125 119 to 125 54 72,77 Fly screening, when Foul matter, depositing of except placed provided, prohibited. in beds or bedding, prohibited Frame building (see wooden tenement house, hotel) Frames of beds in dormitories, materials of - Framing, riveting, bolting, fire escapes French windows, substitute windows, when. 309 186 116, 118 186, 202 J 144, 212, I 319 324 325 77 252 178 136 298, 309 309 49 243, 260 219 to 224 134, 135, 136 292 118 285 116 323 116, 118 ; 308 I 119 to 125 ! \ 119 to i I 125, 308 54 72,77 298 309 191 116, lis 191, 204 148, 212, 319 324 325 77 301 252 178 309 140, 141, 142 118 323 118 127 309 118 152, 212, 319 324 7—46714 102 INDEX. SUBJECT Paragraph aumbers T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings Front of corner lot, definition of Front of lot, definition of Front yard, definition of excavated to ventilate rooms, size of Furnaae, construction of room housing, when. location of, relation stairways Ga'^vanizing of fire escapes, when Garage, construction of, prohibited, when. Garbage chutes, approval of Garbage, depositing of except place provided, prohibited. offensive matter, accumulation of prohibited, when.. Garbage receptacles required, kind, covers for Gas meter, heater, location, relation stairways Gas pipes in vent shafts Gas service connection, steel, iron, cut-off valves General penalty for violations of laws General utility room, ventilation of by exhaust system. window area required Glass windows, cleanliness, sanitation of Goat, keeping of prohibited, when Goose, keeping of prohibited, when Grantee, files notice transfer ownership Graveling lot, yards, courts, areaways, etc., when Gravity flow, oil, other fluid, prohibited, when Ground floor, ratprooflng,. ventilation of Guest, definition of , Guest room, definition of design, location, relation to egresses hire of, payment for may be how relation to, in dormitory sizes of, ceiling heights of window area required 61, SI 61,61 79 101 285 to 288 228 253 I 290, 291, I 328 320 324 323 320 228 282 214 15 323 328 328 336 316 289 119 to 125 windows in, required Hallways additional, ceiling heights of Hallways, cleanliness, sanitation of existing buildings, windows, ventilation for (see Public hallways) skylights, windows in widths of, how measured Handrails for stairways Hardware, doors of boiler rooms, kind Hay, keeping of, requires permit Head room in stairways, height of Health commissioner, is housing department, when Health department enforces lawSj when Health officer is housing department, when Heater, location in relation to stairways, when Heating apparatus rooms, construction of, when Height of building, basement a story, when increased contrary to law, unlawful limit of, measurements measurements, how taken on lot with sloping ground Height of ceilings, in dormitories in rooms, measured how (see Ceilings) Hire of guest room, payment for, how Horse, keeping of prohibited, when Hospitals, are not hotels, when Hotel, definition, of fireproof, definition of, construction, general fireproof, number of stairways IS a "rear hotel," when requires fire escapes, when semifireproof, definition of, construction, general. semifireproof, number of stairways wooden, definition of, construction, general wooden, number of stairways 304 323 305, 308 70 174 to 178 242 232, 250 287 327 229 58 3 58 228 285 to 288 41,87 9 83 to 88 130, 131 61,61 61,61 80 101 285 to 288 228 253 292 321 324 323 321 228 282 I 214 15 149, 293 156. 157 323 328 328 336 316 289 J 119 to 125 55 I 56 ' 218 i 57 J 49 I 134, 309 156, 157 \ 145. 146, I 148 304 323 305, 306 j 70 ! 174 to 178 242 232, 230 1 287 327 229 I 58 I 3 58 2'28 285 to 288 41,87 9 83 to 88 88 88 299 134, 135 57 328 57 57 54 220 71 243 72 221 77,78 222 .•524 323 822 15 323 331 331 12T 55 56 140. 309 160, 161 150 323 141, 143 331 INDEX. 103 SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.^ Dwellings T. H. 1 D. House drainage work, contrary law, unlawful Housokseper required, when Housing and Immigration Commission, enforces laws, when may enter buildings, when Housing department, definition of enforces laws, when exempts existing buildings complying, when issues permit of occupancy maintains indexes, etc Human habitation unlawful, when If no building department, housing department, other depart- ments enforce laws Illumination, elevators, passageways, when hallways, stairways, lire escape egresseSj when if insufficient, nuisance, when of basements, when of cellars, when required daytime, when required nighttime, when water-closets, toilet roomSj when Immigration and Horsing Commission, enforces laws, when may enter buildings, when Imposing further restrictions permissible Imprisonment, for violations, when Improper substances, depositing of, except place provided, pro- hibited Inadequate, insanitary plumbing, nuisance Inadequate water-closet, be replaced, how Increasing heights, percentage lots, contrary law, unlawful Indexing names, addresses by department Index, notice of pendency, how Inner court, definition of doors, windows to, required, when existing buildings, doors or windows to, required how measured, relation to building height intakes to, required, construction of minimum area, relation to building height minimum sizes of when bound one side by lot line minimum widths, relation building height projections into require air intakes, when sizes of unobstructed to sky, measured from walls, construction of, when Insanitary plumbing order removed, whan.. Insanitary plumbing, premises, a nuisance Inspection of, authority to enter Inspection, within 10 days of application, when Inspectors may enter buildings, premises, when Insufficient ventilation, illumination, nuisance Intakes (see Air intakes) Interior, general construction, fireproof building semifireproof building Interior lot, definition of percentage remain unoccupied rear yard required, size, when street may be part lot, when street may be part rear yard, when .Tails, similar buildings, not hotels, when Janitor required, when — Junk, keeping of, requires permit Keeping animals, poultry within 20 feet, prohibited, when. Keeping of certain animals prohibited, when 332 332 7 7 7 31 31 31, 33 58 58 58 3 3 3 195, 208 195, 208 3 3 338 338 23,24 23, 24 4 4 4 310, 311 310, 311 310, 311 310, 311 67 67 67 118 118 118 116 118 310 310 311 311 310, 311 310, 311 7 7 7 31 31 31. 33 341, 342 341, 342 341, 342 15 15 15 324 324 324 67 67 67 197 197 9 9 10 338 338 335 335 335 45 45 107 107 107 107 105, 106 105, 108 109 to 114 109 to 114 105, 106 105, 105 103 105 105, 108 105, 108 46 46 109 109 105, 106 105, 108 46 46 284 284 215 215 67 67 87 SO to 32 30 to 32 30 to 33 26 23 30 30 30,33 67 67 67 I 109 to 109 to I 114, 282 114, 232 54 54 72 72 61, 62 61,62 90 95 99 90 96 99 57 332 332 327 327 328 328 331 328 328 331 104 INDEX. SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.=: Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.^ Dwellings H. Kitchen, definition of... floors, ratproofing of, when. 59 sinks required in sizes of, when ventilation of by fan exhaust system, when. windows not to open through porches \ 201, 205, I 208 129 windows required, sizes of- 144 f 143, ■j 153, [ 154 J 201, 205, I 208 241 242 70 230 224 260 285 290 Kitchensinks, required, when Ladder to roof, existing buildings, when Landings, corridors^ stairways, widths, measurements Landings of stairways are public hallways Landings, width of, in stairways Largest floor area above ground determines number stairways... Largest floor area above second determines number fire escapes.. Lathing, boiler room ceilings c?iHngs automobile storage rooms ceilings, garages, machine, repair shops elevator, similar shafts fireproof buildings, certain requirements inner court walls passageway to rear yard, when penthouses, roof structures, when semiflreproof buildings, certain requirements stairways, when vent shafts, when wooden buildings, certain requirements ." 77,78 Laundries, ventilation of by exhaust system ! 274, 275 54 284 100 238 72 233 278 Laundries, windows required, sizes of- 308 149, 293 148 145, 14ft, 147, 156, 157 241 242 70 230 224 2S0 285 292 292 274, 275 54 284 100 238 72 233 278 77,78 149, 293 f 145, 148, ■{ 148, 156, 160, 100 Laws, absolute minimum of requirements apply where, scope of do not abrogate, repeal, city laws imposing further restrictions effective, when enforced by other officers, when enforced by state, when enforced, Immigration and Housing Commission, when enforcement of, building department, when enforcement of, by whom enforcement of, county officers, when enforcement of, health department, when enforcement of, housing department, when imposing further restrictions not affected inconsistent with housing laws, repealed modification of, by municipal officers, not allowed title of unlawful to violate Legal action, prevention of violations Legislature declares passage each section, sentence, clause, spective of others Lengths of courts, when Lengths of front yards, when Lessee, file notice, name, address, ete Lice, insects in beds, bedding, prohibited Lien result of fine imposed, when Lien subject taxes, assessments, etc Lighting, basements, by front yards elevators, passageways, when hallways, stairways, fire escape egresses passag°way to rear yard (see Illumination.) water-closets, toilet rooms, when 341 1 342 345 4 2 to 7 3 3 342 342 341 1 8 333 344 103 101 336, 337 325 334 334 101 310, 311 310, 311 100 157 341 1 342 345 4 2 to" 3 3 342 342 341 1 8 333 344 103 101 336, 337 325 334 334 101 310, 311 310, 311 100 2,3 6,7 341 1 342 345 4 7 7 2 4, 3 3 342 342 341 1 334 334 310, 311 310, 311 INDEX. 105 SUBJECT Paragraph aumbers T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings 1 1 T. ' H. ' D. Linen in beds, change of, when Lining with metal, doors, penthouses, etc. vent shafts, passageways, etc Live loads, relation fire escape construction Living prohibited, in cellars in recess rooms, dressing rooms, closets, when where damp, offensive, obnoxious, poisonous odors where dangerous, prejudicial to life, health where insufficient light, windows, ventilation, drainage- Living rooms in basements, general requirements Living, sleeping, prohibited, where Location, bath tubs, showers fire escapes, relation apartments, rooms, hallways fire escapes, signs indicating same stairways water-closets in apartments water-closets in public hallways windows in public hallways windows in rooms Lock, type, window to fire escape Lock, water-closet compartments Locking scuttle or penthouses prohibited except Lodgers are guests Lodging house (see hotel) Lot, cleanliness, sanitation of corner lot, definition of definition of depth of lot, definition of draining of front of lot, definition of interior lot, definition of plan of lot must be filed, when percentage remain unoccupied percentage remain unoccupied, corner lot yercentage remain unoccupied, interior lot rear lot, definition of rear of lot, definition restrictions on rear lots (see Courts.) (see Yards.) Lowest floor construction, ratproofing of height above ground, ventilation of under Machine shop, construction of, when Machine shop prohibited, when Maintaining nuisances unlawful Maintenance, clean, sanitary, buildings, contents clean, sanitary, plumbing fixtures contrary to law, unlawful floor, walls, beneath, around plumbing fixtures good working order, plumbing fixtures housing department, enforces of fire escapes of nuisances, violations, unlawful of ventilating system repairs of, general Materials of bed frames in dormitories Matting, cleanliness, sanitation of Mattresses, cleanliness of \, 238, 255, } 2.57, 286 \ 100, 278, I 282 261 to 263 115, 309 309 309 309 309 117 309 200, 205 218, 259 259 218, 225 184 193 174, 175 143, 144 263 185 241 323 61 60 to 63 63 316 64 61,62 17 89,90 89 90 63 65 81,82 323 238, 256, 257, 286 100, 278, 282 I 261 to 255 115, 309 309 309 309 309 117 309 203, 206 218, 259 259 218, 225 187, 194 174, 175 145, 146 268 190 241 55 57 323 61 60 to 63 63 316 64 61, 62 17 63 65 81,82 Measurements, courts, how taken. heights of buildings, how taken., occupied space, percentage of lot. rear yard, how taken recesses from street, yard, court, how taken., windows, how taken 323 325 \ 46, 103 I to 106 83 68, 89, 90 ) 79, 94, I 95,97 108 155 3 269 8 296 315 301 323 325 46, 103 to 105 88 80, 94, 99 108 158 115, 309 309 309 309 309 117 309 150, 152 119 to 125 119 to 125 119 to 125 ' 119 to 125 292 328 323 324 127 127 323 318, 324 318 3 317 323 106 INDEX. SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.=: Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.^ Dwellings T. H. D. Members Immigration and Housing Commission, enter buildings, when Mesh of screening, when Metal covering penthouses, roof structures Metal lath, automobile storage rooms, when boiler room ceilings ceilings, garages, machine, repair shops elevator, similar shafts, when fireproof buildings, certain requirements inner court walls, when passageway to rear yard penthouses, roof structures -• semifireproof buildings, certain requirements stairways, when vent shafts, when wooden buildings, certain requirements Metal lining of vent shafts, when Metal lining, passageway to rear yard, when Metal screening, size of, when Meters, location of, relation to stairways Method computing floor space sleeping rooms Method, of obtaining, certificate of completion of obtaining permit of occupancy of obtaining permit to build, etc of obtaining restraining order of serving notice, when Minimum distance between buildings on lot, when Minimum requirements for protection declared 31 319 238, 239 290 285 Minimum sizes of rooms Minimum width of rooms Misdemeanor, when Modification of laws, municipal authorities, not allowed. Mosquito screening, use of, when Moving buildings for use, mu?t conform Moving of, building department enforces Moving of, contrary to law unlawful Mule, keeping of prohibited, when Municipality not liable, costs, when Names, owners, agents, lessees, others National Board of Fire Underwriters' approval New building permit required, when No ordinance, law, regulation, ruling, repeals, amends, modifies, dispenses with laws Notice, certificate of completion, when agent, owner, lessee, filing of, required of pendency, canceling of by recorder, when of pendency, filing of, force and effect of of pendency, index of by recorder, vacation of, procedure relation to work, service of, effective when required filed, by whom, when 274, 275 54 284 100 238, 239 72 233 278 78 278 100 319 228 128, 309 26 27 17 333 339, 340 93 341 \ 128 to I 133, 309 130, 131 15, 169 341 J 144, 212, I 319 12 2 8 328 333 336, 337 40 22 341 28 336, 337 335 335 335 339 333 to 338 vacation, abatement, service, procedure 340 Nuisance, definition of ' 67 Nnisance may be abated by restraining order ' 333 Nuisance, permitting, maintaining them unlawful--- j 8 Number of fire escapes determined by floor areas 243 Number of stairways determined by floor areas 219 to 224 Obstructions, egresses from building, etc., unlawful, when 9 fire escapes, prohibited 269 in plumbing fixtures, connections, prohibited I 324 in stairways, prohibited 226 Occupancy of, contrary law, unlawful- 8 Occupancy of, housing department enforces 3 31 31,33 319 319 238, 239 292 285 292 274, 275 54 284 100 238, 239 72 233 278 78 278 100 319 319 228 134, 309 140, 309 28 27 17 333 333 339, 340 339, 340 93 341 341 134 to 140 to 139, 309 142, 309 134, 135 141, 142 15,296 15 341 341 148, 212, 152, 212, 319 319 12 14 2 2 8 • 8 328 331 333 333 336, 337 40 22 341 341 26 336,337 335 335 335 335 335 335 339 339 333 to 338 333 to 335 340 340 67 67 333 333 8 8 243 219 to 224 9 269 324 324 226 8 8 3 S INDEX. 107 SUBJECT Paragraph nombers T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings T. H. Occupancy permit, housing department issues renewal of, when required, when Occupants provide garbage, similar receptacles Occupation without certificate, unlawful, when Occupation without permit, unlawful, when Occupied space, definition of Occupied space determined, lowest story, when Occupying basement rooms, living, sleeping, how cellar rooms, living, sleeping, prohibited Odors from certain businesses entering, prohibited, when. Offset from hallway, public hallway, when Oil, other fluid fuel, gravity flow prohibited, when Oi's, room kept in, construction of Openings in shafts, construction of Order restraining violations, obtaining of Order to do certain things, time Order to perform work, when effective Ordinances fixing permit, certificate fees, may be enacted. Ordinances imposing further restrictions not affected Outer court, definition of how measured, relation building height maximum lengths relation building height minimum widths relation building height projections into sizes of unobstructed to sky, measured from width may include alley, park, when widths of increased, when Outside stairways, open metal work, project in yards, how. Outside stairivays to basements, cellars, when Overcrowding of rooms, nuisance, when Overcrowding of rooms unlawful Owne', enter buildings, premises, when file certain data, when file notice containing name, address, etc Painting, fire escapes, when rooms, light color, when shafts, courts, light color, when walls, fioor, beneath, around plumbing fixtures Paints, construction of room kept in Pantries, ventilation of by exhaust system 3 25 23, 24 320 23,29 23, 24, 29 68 68 117 115 329 177 289 330 278 333 339 339 341 341, Si2 45 103 103 103 46 103, 104 46 104 104 ) 68,79, I 95,97 223 67 309 32 336 336 253, 239 312 313 213, 217 330 Pantry, room where food stored, prepared, windows in, sizes- Paper stock, keeping of, requires permit Paper, wall paper, removal of, when Papering rooms, light color, when Park part of outer court, when Partitions, cleanliness of, when repapered, repainted cleanliness, sanitation of public hallways, wooden buildings, lathing, plastering of. Partnership, is a person, when Passageways, cleanliness, sanitation of illumination of, when public hallways, when to rear yard, draining, lighting of Paving, lot. yards, courts, areaways, etc., when ._ Payment for hire of guest room, how. Penalty, failure maintain properly, ventilating system failure operate exhaust ventilating system for violations of laws Penthouses, construction of - doors remain unlocked, how roof structures, required when Percentage lot occupied, increasing of, unlawful f 143. ■{ 144, 153, [ 154 327 314 312 104 314 323 78 69 323 310, 311 70 100 316 15, 169 15, 169 15 238 to 240 241 236, 241 9 3 25 23,24 23,29 23, 24, 29 117 115 177 289 330 276 333 339 335 341 341, 342 45 103 103 103 46 103, 104 46 104 104 223 67 309 32 336 333 253, 289 312 313 213, 217 330 149, 293 145, 146, 148, 156. 157 327 314 312 104 314 323 78 69 323 310, 311 70 100 316 57 15,296 15. 296 15 238 to 240 241 236, 241 9 117 115 333 339 339 341 341, 342 67 309 32,33 314 323 108 INDEX. SUBJECT T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings Paragraph numbers T. Percentage lot to remain unoccupied when street may be part of lot unoccupied Permit, building, application for certificate, permit, fee ordinances may be enacted fire commissioner issues, when for nominal alterations, repairs, without plans, when not construed a permit or approval to violate of occupancy, application for of occupancy, duplicate on file of occupancy, existing buildings, issued after inspection of occupancy, housing department issues of occupancy, issued upon application therefor, when of occupancy, renewed each calendar year of occupancy required existing buildings of occupancy required, when required when keeping certain articles required when plumbing not installed to build, etc., expijes by limitation, when to build, etc., issued by department, when to build, etc., required, how obtained to build, etc., revokable, when to build, reconstruct, convert, move, etc., how obtained to erect, alter, convert, build upon, move, required Permitting, laws be violated, unlawful Permitting nuisances unlawful Person, definition of Persons, number allowed in dormitories number allowed sleep in rooms, when number using plumbing facilities, dormitories Pigeon, keeping of prohibited, when Pipes in vent shafts Plan of lot. filing of required, when Plans, specifications, must accompany building permit application- must be kept on premises, or work, when required, when statements examined, permit issued, when subject to inspection, when Plaster board lathing, automobile storage rooms boiler room ceilings ceilings garages, machine, repair shops elevator, similar shafts, when fireproof building, certain requirements inner court walls, when passageway to rear yard penthouses, roof structures semifireproof buildings, certain requirements stairways, when vent shafts, when wooden buildings, hallways, stairways, etc Plastering, ceilings automobile storage rooms, how ceilings boiler rooms, how ceilings garages, machine, repair shops cellars, when elevator, similar shafts, how fireproof buildings, certain requirements inner court walls, how. passageway to rear yard, when, how penthouses, roof structures semifireproof buildings, certain requirements walls, ceilings in basements, when water-closet, bath, slop-sink compartments wooden buildings, certain requirements wooden stairways, how, when vent shafts, cement plaster, when vent shafts, how Platforms may project in rear yard, when Platforms of stairways, public hallways, when 68, 89, 90 89,90 17 to 22 341 327 20 21 27 28 27 3 27 25 24 23, 24, 29 327 212 22 18 17 to 22 18 17 17 328 282 17 17 19 17 18 19 290 285 274, 275 54 284 100 238, 239 72 233 278 77,78 290 285 116 274, 275 54 284 100 238 72 118 185 78 233 280 278 79,95,97 70 17 to 22 341 327 20 21 27 28 27 3 27 25 24 23, 24. 29 327 212 22 18 17 to 22 18 17 17 298 309 302 328 282 17 17 19 17 18 19 292 285 292 274, 275 54 284 100 238, 239 72 233 278 77,78 292 285 292 116 274, 275 54 284 100 23S 72 118 190 78 233 280 278 80 70 341 331 INDEX. 109 SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.^=: Tenement houses; H.^ Hotels; D.^ Dwellings T. Plumbing— connections, lead, iron, steel, brass. construction, general fixtures, cleanliness, sanitation of insanitary, order removed, maintenance, repair of need not bs installed, when painting, repair floors, beneath, around pipes In vent shafts running water connections to (see also Bath tubs.) (see also Showers.) (see also Sinks.) (see also Watorclosets.) sewer connections for when not installed, proper facilities to substitute woodwork enclosing prohibited, removal of, when work, contrary law, unlawful Porches through which windows open, sizes of Poultry, certain kinds, keeping of prohibited Power of cities impose further restrictions not affected Practicability, running water provisions, department decides... Premises, cleanliness, sanitation of Prevention of violations, procedure Privacy, design of apartment for Private, public, clubs are hotels, when Privy, contrary to law, unlawful Privy vault, similar receptacle, removal of, when Procedure, duty departments regarding lien to obtain restraining order, injunction to prevent violations, vacate buildings, abate nuisances, etc.. Projections into courts, how much into stairways, when into yards, how much various kinds in yards, courts, occupied space, when Proper facilities, substitute plumbing fixtures, when Proper description, notice filed required Protection requirements held to be minimum Provisions deemed minimum of requirements for Public alley computed part outer court, when alley computed part rear yard, when Public automobile garage, construction of automobile garage prohibited, when Public clubs are hotels, when Public dining rooms, ventilation of by exhaust system dining rooms, window area required Public hallways, additional, ceiling heights of cleanliness, sanitation of definition of illumination of, when lathing of, when measurement of widths offset, recesses, cut off, from relation egress from apartments, rooms scuttle in, when skylights, windows in Public records, .names, addresses, etc., when Public towels prohibited, when Rabbit, keeping of prohibited, when Rags, keeping of, requires permit Ratprooflng, ground floor kitchen floors, when Rear hotel, definition of prohibited, when 214 J 199, 213, \ 214, 215 323, 324 215 323, 324 212 213, 217 282 209, 211 210 212 186, 213 8 144 328 343 212, 273 323 16, 333 183 8 199 334 333 16, 333 46 234 79, 95, 97 68 212 336, 337 341 341 104 95,98 328 304 323 70 310, 311 78, 100 242 177 218 237, 241 174 to 178 33S 328 327 119 to 125 214 199, 213, 214, 215 323, 324 215 323,324 212 213, 217 282 209, 211 210 212 213 8 148 328 343 212, 273 323 16, 333 57 8 199 334 333 16, 333 46 234 80 212 336, 337 341 341 104 99 292 57 149. 293 ) 159, 171, I 172 304 323 70 310, 311 78, 100 242 177 218 237, 241 174 to 178 S."8 326 328 327 119 to 125 308 71 81 216 216, 217 318, 323 324 318, 323 324 212 209 210 212 217 8 152 331 343 212 323 16, 333 8 S34 333 16, 333 151 151 212 341 841 no INDEX, SUBJECT T.^ Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings Paragraph niunbers Rear lot, definition of Rear ol lot, definition of Rear tenement house, definition of prohibited, when Rear yard, access to required -- corner lot, how measured relation building height corner lot, how measured, relation depth of lot corner lot, measured from where definition of depth of, comer lot depth of, interior lot how measured, general and on irregular lot interior lot, extend ground to sky interior lot, how measured, depth relation to building. interior lot, how measured, relation building height required, when shall extend across width of lot size of, hotels when required two buildings, requirements for Receptacles for garbage, ashes, etc Reception rooms, ceiling heights of construction of, general living in prohibited, when sleeping in prohibited, when ventilation of by fan exhaust system 63 n 81 100 97 97 97 79 97 95,96 94 95 94 95,96 91, 95, 97 95,97 windows required, sizes of, when. Recess from a room, ceiling height of size allowed Recesses from court, yard, street, sizes allowed from hallways, public hallways, when Reconstruction of, building department enforces contrary to law unlawful damaged by fire, elements, how existing buildings, contrary law unlawful Records open public inspection, when Refuse, receptacles for Renewal, of paint, calcimine, paper when of paint, whitewash, courts, shafts, when Renewal, permit of occupancy, each year Repair automobile shop prohibited, when construction of, when Repair of fire escapes required Repairs, general Repapering walls, partitions, ceilings, how Repeal of, former hotel and lodging house act former hotel, lodging house laws, which former tenement house act former tenement house laws, which inconsistent laws Repealing of laws by municipalities not allowed Requirements, buildings erected prior to passage of act (see Exist- ing buildings). dormitories erected prior passage of act for protection, minimum declared Restraining order may be obtained, when Retaining walls may project in yard, court, when Rise of stairs, height of... Roller public towels prohibited, when Roof covering, semifireproof building Roof egress from stairways required, when 92, 93 j 320 170 194 to 170 170 170 166 164, 165 131 131 108 177 13 9 338 320 312 313 25 328 269 315 314 346 346 342 341 341 333 6S 229 Roof structure, penthouse, required, when. Roofs, cleanliness, sanitation of Roofs, waterproof, good repair of Rooming house (see Hotel) 72 \ 236, 237, / 241 \ 236, 237, I 241 323 315 100 99 92, 93 321 173 171 to 173 173 173 149, 293 145, 146, 148, 159, 171, 172 135 136 108 177 13 9 338 321 312 313 25 292 269 .SI 5 314 347 347 342 341 303 341 333 229 326 ■ 72 236, 237, 241 236, 237, 241 323 315 57 Ifr 322- 317 314 34? 341 341 33» 32S 31T INDEX. Ill SUBJECT T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings Paragraph numbers T. H. Rooms— additional, ceiling heights of automobiles stored in, construction of boiler, furnace installed in, construction of- ceiling heights, and measurements of cleanliness, sanitation of entertainment, amusement, reception, dining construction of — existing buildings, skylights, when.. — existing buildings, windows in, when for cooking, ventilation of by exhaust system — for preparing, storing food, ventilation of by exhaust system., housing, boiler, furnace, water-lieating apparatus, construction, when in attics, ceiling height of not to be subdivided, when overcrowding of, a nuisance require windows 301 290. 291 285 to 289 130, 131 323 V 133, 161 I to 170 305 305 304 292 285 to 289 i 134, 135 141, 142 285 to 288 130 132 67 143, 144 323 138, 171 to 173 305 305 149, 293 149, 293 285 to 288 134 137 67 145 to 149 323 sizes of rooms 128 to 133 ; 134 to 139 sleeping rooms are guest rooms, when sloping ceilings in, heights of space in. in ratio to persons sleeping in water-closets, widths, ceiling heights, of where food stored, prepared, construction of, when where spirituous liquors, drugs, paints, oils stored, kept. widths of required window areas required Rubbish, accumulation of prohibited, when Rubbish, receptacles for Rugs, cleanliness, sanitation of Running water required, existing buildings, when Running water required, when, where Sanitation of, housing department, enforces 56 130 309 131 plumbing fixtures plumbing installed existing buildings. premises, graveling, paving, when under, ground or lowest floor Sash in window openings to Are escapes.. School sinks, removal of, when Scope of laws Screening, mosquito, fly, required, when Sculleries, ventilation of by exhaust system. windows required, sizes of 330 130, 131 153 to 155 119, 323 320 323 211 209, 211 3 199, 213 to 215, 323 199 316 119 to 125 268 199 1 J 144, 212, I 319 Scuttle, remain unlocked, how required existing building, when required, location, size of, when Seats, water-closets, must be nonabsorbent wooden, existing buildings make nonabsorbent. Semiflreproof building, construction general elevator, similar shafts, construction inner court walls, construction height, stories allowed Semiflreproof hotel, definition of general construction of Semifireproof tenement house, definition of general construction of Serving of notice, when, procedure Sewer connections, plumbing fixtures Sewer work, contrary law unlawful Sewerage, disposal of, how, etc. 241 241 237, 241 213, 214 214 72 275 284 84 134 309 135 308 330 134, 135 156 to 159 119, 323 321 323 211 209, 211 3 199, 213 to 216, 323 199 316 119 to 125 268 199 1 148, 212, 319 149, 293 145, 146, 148, 156, 157 241 241 237, 241 213, 214 214 72 275 284 84 72 72 72 72 339, 340 210 8 210, 212 141 67 150 to 152 140 to 142 56 141 309 142 141, 142 160, 161 127, 323 322 323 209 3 199, 216. 318, 323 127 152, 212, 319 339, 340 339, 340 210 SIC 8 8 210. 212 210, 212 112 INDEX. SUBJECT T.= Tenement houses; H.^ Hotels; D.= Dwellings Paragraph numbers Shafts, construction of general-.. .-. 274 to 283 diminishing size, contrary law unlawful \ 9 elevator, dumb-waiter, similar, etc | 274 to 277 vent shafts, construction, sizes, etc 1 278 to 283 Shall, definition of — 73 Sheets, cleanliness of 325 Shop, repair, machine, construction, when 1 Shop, repair, machine, prohibited, when 328 .... \ 185, 188. Shower room, construction of i < ,02 ventilation of by exhaust system. windows required, sizes of, when j jL^ ' windows to vent shafts, when Showers, bath tubs, number required, in dormitori?s need not be installed, when required in existing building Side yard, definition of widths of, reduced when Signs indicating location fire escapes, each floor- Sill of window, door, to fire escape, location Sills, doors in boiler rooms Sinks, cleanliness, sanitation, repair of Sinks, kitchen, slop, required, when. Size of rooms 144 200, 205, 208 Size of water-elossts, closets, dressing rooms. Size of windows, in dormitories m rooms 212 205, 208 79, 102 102 259 267 288 323, 324 \ 201, 205, I 208 J 128, 129, I 309 131 153, 154, 164, 165 in water-closets, bath, toilet, slop-sink, shower rooms 162 Skylights, cleanliness;, sanitation of 323 diminishing size, removal of, unlawful, when ; 9 equipment, construction of j 179, 180 location of, public hallways 173 over stairways, location, size 1 179 over stairways, stairwells - 179 to 182 public hallways, required in, when j ^^g g„g public hallways, ventilators in, size of 174, 176 rooms in existing buildings, when ventilating elevator shafts ventilating water-closets, when when windows substitute for Sleeping prohibited, in amusement rooms, when in cellars in dining, reception rooms, when in entertainment rooms, when in hallways, closets, kitchens in overcrowded rooms in recess from room, dressing room, when in water-closets, bath, slop-sink rooms various places, where where damp, offensive, obnoxious, poisonous odors where dangerous, prejudicial life, health 309 where insufficient light, windows, ventilation, drainage 309 Sleeping rooms— are guest rooms, when , in basements, general requirements j 117 require given floor space in ratio persons in ' 309 Slop-hoppers, cleanliness, sanitation of 323, 324 305 277 197 181 170 115 170 170 309 309 309 309 309 274 to 2S3 9 274 to 277 278 to 283 73 325 292 190, 191, 204 147, 293 145 to 148, 162 147 203, 20a, 208 302 212 206, 208 80, 102 102 259 267 288 323, 324 203, 207, 208 134, 309 135, 136 300 I 158,157, 171, 172, 300 162 323 9 179, 180. 178 \ 179 I 179 to 182 174 to ] 178, 308 I 174, 176 305 277 197 181 173 115 173 173 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 56 117 309 32S, 324 152 10 152 73 150 to 152, 183 152 212 318, 323, 324 140, 309 142 163 323 10 115 309 309 309 309 309 309 58 117 318, 323. 324 INDEX. 113 SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.^ Hotels; D.^ Dwellings T. 1 H. 1 D. I Slop-sink, cleanliness, sanitation of. need not be installed, when. required each floor, when Slop-sink rooms, ceiling heights of. 323,324 construction of ventilation of by exhaust system- windows required, sizes of, when.. 131 \ 185, 185, I 202 windows to vent shafts, when Smoke and Are towers, construction of Soflats, stairways, lathing, plastering, whan Space covered, etc., is occupied space, when Space occupied, definition of, determined where Space under, lowest, ground floor, enclosure of lowest, ground floor, cleanliness of Spacing beds, dormitories, horizontal, vertical Special permit, plumbing not installed Specifications, filing of required Spiral chute fire escape, use, construction Spirituous liquors, rooms kept in, construction of- Stable, maintaining of, prohibited, when Stairway, and fire and smoke tower combined Stairways, access to are public hallways, when circular, prohibited cleanliness, sanitation of closets under, construction of computing floor area for number of J 143, 144, I 162 144 256, 257 78, 233 68 68 120 119 construction of, general- continuous, ground floor to top story. existing buildings, when extend to roof, when fireproof tenement house, hotel, number of. flights of, directly above each other floor area in relation thereto handrails for head room in illumination of, when landings and treads in located, removed from each other, how location of, furnish best egresses location of relation boilers, heaters, meters.. location relation elevator shaft may extend into yards, when measurements of, how taken minimum width of must be continuous not abut more one side elevator shaft, when not pass through, terminate in boiler room outside projecting in yards, courts, etc penthous?, roof structure for, construction of- prcii-ctions into relation egress from apartments, rooms removal of, contrary law, unlawful required, number and where rise of stairs in roof egress from .„ scuttle for, required when Bemifireproof tenement house, hotel, number of- 212 17 255 330 328 258 226 70 230 235, 323 235 224 54, 72, 78, 229 to 234 231 241 236 \ 54, 219, I 220 231 220 to 224 232 229 310, 311 230 218, 225 218, 225 228 227 79, 95, 97 234 \ 220, 221, I 222 231 227 228 68 238 to 240 234 218 9 219 to 223 229 2.38, 241 237, 241 \ 72, 219, I 221 323, 324 318, 323, 1 824 212 212 ) 203, 207, I 208 1.35 142 190, 191, 204 147, 293 145 to 148, 150 to 162 152 147 256, 257 78, 233 120 127 119 127 299 212 17 255 328 331 258 223 70 ' 230 235, 323 323 235 224 54, 72, 78, 229 to 234 231 241 238 54. 219, 220 231 220 to 224 232 229 310, 311 230 218, 225 218, 225 228 227 80 234 220, 221, 222 231 227 228 238 to 210 234 218 9 219 to 223 229 238, 241 237, 241 72, 219, 221 114 INDEX. SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings T. H. D. Stairways— Continued. skylights over, when ! 179 to 182 soffits, stringers, lathing, plastering, when 78,233 some terminate second floor, when to bas'^ment or cellar to roof existing buildings, when treads of stairs in underside of wooden, lathing, plastering, how. widths of, increase, when winders in, prohibited winding, prohibited wooden tenement house, hotel, number of- Stairwells, construction of size of Standpipes, exterior, required when kind, size, valves to need not be installed, when number of required, locations of valves, threading of, size State employees may enter buildings, when State empowered to enforce laws, when Steam boiler, location, relation stairways Steam pipes in vent shafts Stories, heights include basements (see Heights of buildings.) Straw, keeping of, requires permit 327 Street, computed percentage lot unoeeupied, when 89, 90 definition of 74 part rear yard, when to street lot, percentage computation 89, 90 to street lot, rear yard 98,98 width relation building heights 86 Studio hotels (see Hotel) I 231 223 241 229 78,233 231 230 230 J 78,219, / 222, 233 72, 78, 233 182 270 270 273 271 272 31 7 228 282 87 Subdividing rooms, prohibited, when Suffering laws be violated, unlawful Superintendent of buildings is building department, when.. Superior court, judge thereof may grant relief, violations- judge thereof may order execution of work judge thereof may order restraining violations 132 8 43 333 333 333 Supplementary ordinances, amplifying laws permissible 341 to 343 Swill, depositing of, except place provided, prohibited. in p'umbing fixtures, connections prohibited Swine, keeping of prohibited, when Tenants provide garbage, similar receptacles Tenement house, definition makes certain exemptions- definition of fireproof, definition of, construction general fireproof, number of stairways is a "rear tenement house," when require firs escapes, when semiflreproof, definition of, construction general., semifireproof, number of stairways- 324 324 328 320 75 75 54 220 71 243 72 221 wooden, definition of, construction, general | 77, 78 222 231 339 163 1 323 310, 311 179 to 182 78,233 231 223 241 229 78,233 231 230 230 78, 219, 222, 233 72, 78, 233 182 270 270 273 271 272 31 7 228 232 87 327 74 99 99 86 57 137 8 43 333 333 333 341 to 343 324 324 328 wooden, number of stairways- Termination of stairways, second floor, when Time before notice is effective Time, change of air, in rooms, ventilation system.. Title of laws Toilet rooms, cleanliness, sanitation of illumination of, when ventilation of, by exhaust system windows in required, sizes of, when windows may open to vent shafts Towels, public roller, prohibited, when Town ordinances imposing further restrictions not affected. 341,342 231 339 295 1 323 310, 311 147, 293 145 to 148, 162 147 326 341, 342 INDEX. 115 SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings D. Towns may enact supplementary ordinances, laws 311 Towns may impose further restrictions ! 341 Transfer ownership, notice of filed, when ■ 336 Trapping, venting, plumbing fixtures - \ 213 Treads of stairs, size of 229, 230 Trim, frames of door, etc., shaft openings, construction of j 276 Trim of openings, water-closet, bath, slop-sink compartment ; 185, 204 Turkish baths, a hotel, when definition of ventilation of by exhaust system .' windows in required, sizes of. Two means of egress, how i 218 Two stairways required -- | 219 Two tiers of beds in dormitories, when ' Type lock, window opening fire escape Uncleanliness, air, food, drink, a nuisance Unconstitutional, if so held, affects only part of law Uiilawfu!— commence, proceed alteration of without permit commence, proceed building of, without permit commence, proceed building upon without permit commence, proceed construction of, without permit commence, proceed conversion of, without permit commence, proceed erection of, without permit commence, proceed moving of, without permit commence, proceed reconstruction of without permit to alter, change existing buildings contrary law to oc?upy without certificate of completion i 23, 29 to occupy without permit of occupancy-— 23, 24, 29 to violate laws 8 Unwholesome air. food, drinks, nuisance, when 67 Urinals in dormitories required Urine, depositing of except place provided, prohibited 324 Use, occupancy, contrary to law, unlawful 8 Utility rooms, ventilation of by exhaust system 268 67 344 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 9 Utility rooms, windows in, sizes of. Vacatlon of— building, no certificate, permit, when , 29 buildings, premises, procedure ' 16, 333 Validity each section, sentence, clause, phrase.. Valves for standplpes, kind, location of threading of, size of Ventilating basement, front yard ..- 344 -_.. 270. 271 ' 272 101 4. .• i. \ 176, 179 construction of < -oj. Ventilating skylights skylights, ventilators, over elevator shafts Ventilating fan exhaust system, construction, use, maintenance of penalty failure operate at all times 277 165 to 160 substitutes windows, when 163 to 169 use of, when 163 Ventilation of, housing department, enforces 3 If insufficient, nuisance, when 67 basements, when ' 118 cellars, when 116 ground, lowest floor 119 to 125 public hallways, existing buildings, when 306 rooms, hallways, existing buildings, when 305, 306 under lowest, ground floor 120 \ 176, 180, - - , I 181 In public hallways, size of 176, 181 over elevator shafts 277 Venting, trapping plumbing fixtures 213 Ventilators, construction, sizes of. 341 341 336 213 229, 230 276 190, 204 57 76 149, 293 { 145, 146, ■{ 148, 156, [ 157 218 219 299 268 I 344 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 9 23,29 23, 24. 29 8 67 302 324 8 149, 293 f 145, 146, ^ 148. 156, [ 157 29 16. 333 344 270. 271 I 101 \ 176, 179, 180 277 293 to 296 295 f 147, 149, i 293 to [ 298 149, 293 3 67 ; 118 116 119 to 125 306 305. 308 120 178, 180, I 181 178. 181 277 213 311 341 210 «7 344 87 324 8 16, 333 344 3 67 lis 116 INDEX. SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.^ Dwellings D. Vent shaft, air intalies have screens air intakes to, construction, size of area increased ratio height, when area of, required . cement plaster required, when construction enclosing walls construction of, general requirements draining of existing buildings, door, window required is o;;cupied space, when measurements of relation to heights minimum ar?a in miai!rum dimensions of opjnings in, construction, equipment of require door, window, bottom of size of, existing buildings, when Vermin, disinfecting of, when V°stibul9, is public hallway, when Violation, construction, alteration may be enjoined converting, maintaining, etc., may be enjoined of laws is a misdemeanor of laws, subject to fine, imprisonment, when of laws, unlawful prevention of, procedure Violators liable costs, expenses, of prosecution Wall paper must be removed, when Walls, basements, construction of, plastered, when boiler rooms, construction of ceilings, painting of, when cellars, construction of, plastered, when cleanliness, sanitation of cleanliness when repapered, repainted courts, shafts, painted, whitewashed, when exterior, courts, construction of, semiflreproof buildings.. exterior, courts, roof, fireproof buildings floors, painting, repair of plastering of in basements, when plastering of in cellars, when public hallways, wooden buildings, lathing, plastering of- retaining, may project in yards, courts, when water-closets, bath, sink rooms, construction Washing, yards, courts, passageways Wash-rooms, cleanliness, sanitation of Wash-sinks in dormitories Water-closet bowls, kind 282 282. 281 281 280 278 282 282 281 281 280 278 278 to 283 278 to 283 316 313 107 107 281 281 281 279 107,283 305 314 70 333 333 15 15 8 16, 833 15 314 lis 285 312 116 323 314 313 72 54 213 118 116 78 6S 185, 204 209, 211 323 Water-closet compartments, construction of. floors waterproof, how general requirements illumination of, when trim of openings ventilation of by exhaust system.. _ widths, ceilings heights of window areas required windows, may open to vent shafts. Water-closets, accessibility of accessibility' of in apartments cleanliness, sanitation of, repair of. existing buildings, exempt, when fixtures, enclosing of, prohibited, when. for employees hereafter installed must conform in dormitories in top story, existing buildings, how... insanitary, order removed 214 \ 131, 185, I 1S6 188 ^ 131, 184 } to 186 310, 311 185 131 162 144 183, 194 183 323, 324 195 186 197 197 215 281 281 281 279 107, 283 305 314 70 333 333 15 15 8 16, 333 15 314 118 285 312 116 323 314 313 72 54 213 118 116 78 . 190, 204 209, 211 323 302 214 135, 189, 190, 191 191 135, 187 to 191 310, 311 190 293 135 162 147 187, 195 323, 324 195 188 197 S02 197 215 INDEX. m SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.:= Hotels; D.= Dwellings T. H. D. Water-closets— Continued. location of in apartments location relation where food prepared, stored. locations of - marked "For men" "For women" need not be installed, when number required number required, existing buildings one within each apartment replacing defective, inadequate fixtures replacing existing privies, school sinks, similar receptacles- required, existing buildings required, new buildings seats, nonabsorbent varnishing, enameling of, when Water facilities required, when Water faucets, existing buildings, when in yards, courts, passageways, when need not be installed, when size, kind, type Water heating apparatus room, construction Waterproof roofs, good repair of Waterproofing, basement walls, floors, when bath, shower, sink room, floors cellar walls, floors, when water-closet compartment floors, how Water service connections, cut off valves, locations Water to be conveyed from premises, when ' When Commission Immigration and Housing enforces laws When existing buildings need not fully comply When janitor, housekeeper required When plumbing fixtures need not be installed When standpipes need not be installed When state may enforce laws When street, alley, is part percentage lot unoccupied. When street, alley, is part yards, courts Widths— of front yards of hallways of rooms, minimum of stairways, measurements of of street, measured relation building heights- of treads, landings, in stairs not to vary. Winding stairways prohibited Window curtains, cleanliness, sanitation of... Window measurements, how taken Windows, areas of, general- cleanliness, sanitation of diminishing sizes, contrary law unlawful- dormitories, sizes, determined how exhaust system ventilation, substitutes, when- general requirements - - giving access to fire escapes in kitchens not to open through porches. locations of, general 183, 184 185 ) 183, 184, ( 193 193 212 184 193 184 197 199 193, 195 184 213, 214 213, 214 209, 211 211 209, 211 212 209, 211 285 to 288 315 118 202 116 185, 188 214 212, 315 7 \ 195, 208, I 212 332 212 273 7 89,90 96, 98, 104 101 242 130, 131 ) 220 to I 222, 234 86 229, 230 230 323 155 153, 154, 162, 164, 165 323 must open, how must open to street, unoccupied area- must open to street, yard, court openings, auto storage rooms public hallways, required— public hallways, size of 166 J 143, 144, I 175 267, 268 144 f 143, 144, ■j 175, 287, [ 263 \ 144, 175, / 268 189 187, 188, 194 187, 194 212 187, 188 194 197 199 194, 195 187,188 213, 214 213, 214 209, 211 211 209, 211 212 209, 211 285 to 288 315 118 204 116 190, 191 214 212, 315 7 195, 208, 212 332 212 273 7 99, 104 101 242 134, 135 220 to 222, 234 86 229, 230 230 323 158 156, 157, 162, 171, 172, 300 323 9 300 \ 147, 149, I 293 145 to 149, 175 267, 288 148 145, 146, 175, 267, 26S 148. 175. 263 ( 174 ? 143. 144, 291 174 to 178 175 i 145. 174 292 174 to 178 175 212 192 192 218 216 209 212 .117 118 317 7 212 7 141, 142 323 161 160,163 150 to 152 150. 15S 8—46714 118 INDEX. • SUBJECT Paragraph numbers T.= Tenement houses; H.= Hotels; D.= Dwellings Windows— Continued. public hallways, when skylight substitutes- removal of, contrary to law, unlawful required bottom courts, vent shafts required, where, when, general sash, frame, shaft openings, construction screens required, when shaft openings, wired glass sizes, amusement, reception, entertainment rooms. sizes of, required existing buildings, when sizes of, public hallways sizes of, rooms sizes of, toilet, shower, sink rooms sizes of, water-closet.s, bath rooms substituted by French windows, doors, when when exhaust system ventilation may substitute.. when may substitute skylight when they may be omitted, how 174 174 9 9 107, 283 107, 283 ) 143, 174, 143, 174, I 305, 305 305, 303 277 277 319 319 277 277 . 164, 165 171, 172 305, 306 305, 308 175, 268 175, 268 153 to 155 156 to 159 162 162 162 162 178 178 J 147, 149, I 293 166 181 181 IfVt J 147, 149, 160, 161 163 when they may open through porches when they may open to vent shafts wired glass in shaft openings Wooden building, elevator, similar shafts, construction Wooden buildings, inner court walls, construction Wooden hotel, definition of. . Wooden seats, water-closets, nonabsorbent, how Wooden stairways, lathing, plastering of, how Wooden tenement house, definition of Wooden tenement house, hotel, general construction Wooden tenement house, hotel, height, stories allowed Wooden tenement house, hotel, number of stairways Wooden wash trays, sinks, prohibited Woodwork, enclosing plumbing flbrtures prohibited enclosing plumbing fixtures, removal of enclosing water-closet fixture prohibited Words— "building department," "housing department," "health de- partment," "department charged with the enforcement of this act," "fire commissioner," etc used masculine gender include feminine, vice versa used present tense include future > used singular include plural Yard, cleanliness, sanitation of courts for two buildings definition of diminished in size, contrary law, unlawful drainage of extend from ground unobstructed to sky, when in front, excavated to light rooms in front (see Front yard) in front, size of in rear, access to . in rear, corner lot, depth of in rear, corner lot, how measured, relation building height in rear, corner lot, how measured, relation depth of lot in rear, corner lot, measured from where in rear, extend across width of lot in rear, interior lot, depth of in rear, interior lot, how measured, relation building height in rear, required, when in rear, size of for hotels on side of building (see Side yards) rear, corner lot, measured from where rear, how measured from building rear, interior lot, extend ground to sky rear of tenement house required 144 144 277 275 284 213,214 72, 78, 233 77 77,78 85 222 214 186, 213 213 186 38 37 36 35 323 92 79 9 318 79 101 101 101 100 97 97 97 97 95,97 95,96 95,96 95,97 I 293 148 147 277 275 284 77 213,214 72, 78, 233 77,78 85 222 214 186, 213 213 213 38 37 36 35 323 92 80 9 316 80 101 101 101 100 102 97 94 95 91, 95, 97 99 99 102 99 94 152 152 216 217 217 STATE HOUSING LAWS ENDORSED. The following cities and organizations actively participated in or endorsed the work of the State Housing Institute in drafting and submitting the state housing laws. CITIES. San Francisco San Diego Sacramento. Pasadena Los Angeles Oakland Riverside Long Beach Stockton Berkeley San Jose San Bernardino ORGANIZATIONS. San Francisco Chapter, and Southern California Chapter, American Institute of Architects. Southern California Branch, American Society of Civil Engineers. League of California Municipalities. San Francisco Housing Association. Los Angeles City Housing Commission. Builders Exchange of Los Angeles. State Hotel Owners Association. Master Builders Association of Los Angeles. San Francisco Architects Association. Merchant Plumbers Association of Los Angeles. State Conference on City Planning. Plumbers and Steam Fitters Local 78. San Francisco Realty Board. City Planning Association of Los Angeles. Civic League Improvement Clubs and Associations of San Francisco. Board of Relief, Charities Committee of San Francisco. Many other organizations and individuals offered suggestions and recommendations. 46714 6-19 3M. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 000 083 672 CRITICISMS AND SUGGESTIONS INVITED. All persons interested in the subject of housing are cordially invited to offer constructive criticism ; also suggestions and recommendations that might be embodied in the next edition of the State Housing Manual. (Please forward suggestions, recommendations, drawings, et cetera, to the Housing Bureau, State Commission of Immigration and Housing of California, Underwood Building, 525 Market street, San Francisco. CITY OFFICIALS' ATTENTION. The Housing Bureau of the commission will be glaa to answer inquiries from city officials regarding problems of interpretation of the state housing laws. The bureau will also be glad to give advice or opinions on any general housing problems. ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Architects, engineers, building contractors and other persons interested in the subject of housing are invited to correspond with us regarding the state housing laTvs. Published by 8TATE COMMISSION OF IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING OF CALIFORNIA. Gopies will be sent free of charge, upon request, to 215 Underwood Buildinf, Sui Francisco, California. Uni^