'^(Ttje, 'Iw))A, 'A/iuig, Wj^ctov,
'Jw»(l, ^li^(i)]ov, Naou^, 'A/i/3a-
Kovjj, ^(xjxifiov, 'Ayyu/ou, Zn^fi^Jiou,
^luX(f)^i(IV, Twy TTpOfl'lTU)!-.
Aeiiyridu TrpoXuyotj Tan' i/;ro(.£(yu. rail'
j^pj/iTtwi' OuiCutpov avmv Xiyofrctg (jwOeTov tov
Khpioi' vi-iwv 'IH20YN XPI2T0N
Kal fiaprvplai Twr ayiojv Kcii ara-
Xvcric TOV cuyfiaTOQ avTwr.
S. Ambrosii explanatio Symboli ad
Ambrosii epistola De Fide, ad S.
Anonymi expositio fidei.
Patrum Nicffiiiorum confessio fidei
adversns Pauham Samosatensem,
Gr. edita.
S. Julii I. Papa?, scripta dogma-
1. llipi Tdv £1' XPI2T£2t eroTrjTOs
TOV (ru)j.iaTOQ Trpog riir deioTijTa.
2. 'ErivYKAION.
3. IIpoc Tovc KciTci rijc i^eiciQ tov
Xoyov aapKUKTfwr; aywriCojiivovg
Trpo(f)aasilicorum supple -
mentis, ex codice bujus operis
carissimo, immo unico biblio-
tbecas Vaticana?.
Vol. 8. Theol. Gr. Eom. :— Prtefatio.
EusebiiPampbili Cbronicorum Libri
II. Gr. et Lat. adjectis notis
et Hieronymi additamentis in
S. Gregorii Nysseni sermo adversus
Arium atque Sabellium ex codice
Vaticano bombycino.
Vol. 8. Ejusdem sermo de Spiritu S. ad-
versus Macedonianos pneumato-
Sylvestri Papae I. Fragmentum in-
cogniti operis adversus Judteos,
ex Grjeca catena sumptum,
S. Cyrilli Alex, capitula xxviii. de
Trinitate, diversum plane opus ab
illo edito de Trinitate, qui Tlie-
saurus inscribitur.
Ejusdem de incarnatione Domini
capitula xxxv. ; quod item opus
plane differt ab illis editis scholiis
de incarnatione.
Ejusdem bomilia de incarnatione
Domini, qu^e Latine tantum-
modo extabat, in Cyrilli operibus
Ejusdem tractatus adversus eos qui
sanctissimam Virginem nolebant
confiteri Deiparam.
Ejusdem Dialogus cum Nestorio de
SS. Virgine Deipara.
Ejusdem Expositio fidei per dialo-
Ejusdem epistolfp qnatuor.
Ejusdem fragmenta deperditorum
commentariorum in Mattbfei
Ejusdem fragmenta commentario-
rum atque deperditorum in Pauli
Epistolam ab Hebrreos.
Vol. 9. Tbeol. Gr. Eom. :— Prjefatio.
Photii QuaBstiones Ampliilocbiani
130, Gr.
Sedulii Scoti Explanatiuncula de
Breviariorum et Capitulorum
Canonumque difl^erentia.
Luculentii Homilia in Evan. Joannis
I. 29, atque in var. text. Episto-
larum Paulinarum.
Alcuini Commentarii in Apocalypsin ,
Libris V.
Eremberti monacbi Casinensis Ex-
positio in aliquot Psalmos.
Prudentii Fragm. Algeri Fragm.
Geo. Hamartoli et Jobannis Siculi
Fragmenta duo, Gr.
Orationis Dominicje Explanatio.
Symboli Apostolici Explanatio.
Symboli Atbanasiani Explanatio.
Leontii Hierosolymitani adversus
eos qui duas affirmant Cliristi
personas nuUamque in ipso con-
junctionem confitentur (Nesto-
rianos) lib. VII. Gr.
Nicolai patriarcbne Constantinop.
Summaria Vitae Cbristian^ et
prfesertim Monastics, Gr.
Anastasii patriarchse Antioch. opus-
I^I A I — M A R
Mai (Angelus, Ciivd.)--coutliiucd.
culam in illud Creavit Dens ho-
minem ad imagincni snam, Gr.
Vol. 9. Eutychii Constantiiiop. Fragm.
de pane et vino s. co^niL', Gr.
Nicetie Catena Patrum in Liic:e
Scripta contra Heveri errores.
Severi Antiocliiu arcliiepiscopi Frag-
menta varia.
Vol. 10. Theol. Orient. :- -Pnrfatio.
De S. Sophronio patriareha liiero-
Ebediesii mctrop. Sob;e et Armeni:c
Collectio canonum Synodicoruni
ex Chald. Bibi. VaticaniP ('odd.
sumpta Arnieniace et in ling.
Lat. translata ab A. Assemanno.
Vol. 10. Zacbarife episc. Melitineiisis
llistoriie ecclesiastica" capita se-
Gregorii Abulpliaragii IJar-IIebra'i
Ecclesiju Antioclienie Syroruni
Nomocanon, Armen. in ling.
Latin, conversus a J. A. Asse-
EcclesiiB Armeniacfe canonesselecti.
Ebediesii opus de Cliristianie re-
ligionis veritate.
Maitland (Rev. S. R.) Tracts on the 1260 Days ; On Milner's C'liurcli History ; On
Fox's Martyrology, History of the Waldenses, etc., 3 vol. 8vo iy2!J-42
Vol. 1. [—] Primary Objects of Idola-
trous Worship.
Inquiry into the Grounds for sup-
posing the Prophetic Period of
Daniel and St. John to be 1200
years, 2 pts.
The Opinions of the Paulicians, by
J. G. Dowling.
Gloucester and Bristol Church Build-
ing Association.
Reply to King's Pampldet on Wal-
Review of Fox's Waldenses.
Letter to Dr. Mill on Faber's
Five Letters, by Rev. E. J.
Vol. 2. Strictures on Milner's Church
History, 2 pts.
Vol. 2. Letters to the Rev. J. King, Re-
marks on his Pamphlet, Reply to
Rev. G. S. Faber.
Review of Fox the ]\IartyroIogist's
History of the Waldenses.
Letter to Dr. Mill on Faber 's ' An-
cient Vallenses,' etc., 1835-39.
Vol. 3. Review of Fox's History of tlie
Twelve Letters on Fox's Acts and
Notes on Townsend's Contributions
to new edition of Fox's Martyro-
logy, 2 pts.
Townsend's Remarks on Maitland's
Remarks on Cattley's Defence of his
edition of Fox's Martyrology,
3IARTENE (Dom. E.) et U. Durand. Thesaurus Xovus Anecdotorum, 5 vol. fol. Vcu. 1717
Vol. 1. Regum et Principum, etc.
Epistolaj et Diplomata, 508-1504.
Vol. 2. Urbani Papse IV., Clementis
PapiB v., Epistohp.
Joannis Pap. XXII. Processus in
Ludov. Bavarum.
Innocentii Pap. VI. Registrum
Epistolarmii a. 1301.
Monum. varia de Schismate Ponti-
licum Avenonensium.
Vol. 3. Chronica varia aliaque cum
ecclesiastica tuni civilia : Chroiii-
con SicilicP.
Gesta Tancredi
De Expeditione
auct. Gilone Parisiensi
Narratio Jacobi de Vitriaco.
Ernestus, sive Carmen de varia
Ernesti Bavaria3 ducis Fortuna,
auct. Odone.
Genealogia Comitum Flandriic.
in Expeditione
auct. Radulpho
Vol. 3. Johannis Imperii Chronicon Sy-
thiense S. ]>ertiiii.
Historia Hasnoniensis Monasterii,
auct. Tomello.
Chronicon ^\'atinensis Monasterii
auct. Ebrardo.
Fragmentum Histori;e Brit. Ar-
Historia Eversionis Monasterii St.
Florentii vetcris. Acta varia in
Causa Dolensis Episcopatus.
Acta Tullensium Episcoporum.
De Gestis Abbatum Mcdiaui-Moiuis-
Historia Novientensis Monasterii.
De I'rimordiis CahnosiastMisis jMo-
nasterii Ordiiiis S. Augustini auct.
Acta Abbatum Mcntensis S. Arnul-
plii .Alonastfrii.
luitia Madirensis Monasterii.
I'rngmentum Historiiu Monasterii
novi Pictavensis auctore Martino.
Mabtene (Dom. E.) — continued.
Vol. 3. Historia Pontiniacensis Mona-
Historia Monasterii Villariensis in
Narratio de Morte Ottonis IV. Im-
Brevia aliquot Chronica.
Gesta Britonum in Italia sub Gre-
gorio Papa XI., Gallico idiomate
scripta a G. de la Perene.
Historia Belli Italici sub Carolo
VIII. Gallice scripta a G. de
Martyrologia seu Calendaria aliquot
Acta S8. Cypriani et Justinfe.
Vitae nonnullorum Sanctorum et
Abbatum et fragmenta varia.
Vol. 4. Varia Concilia, Episcoporum
statuta synodalia, illustrium mo-
nasteriorum ac congregationum
Vol. 5. SS. Patrum, aliorumque Script.
Ecclesiast. Opuscula a 4to ad
14um Sfec. : —
Altercatio inter Theopliilum Cliris-
tianum et Symonem Judfeum
auctore Evagrio.
S. Orientii Commonitorium Carmen.
Sermo S. Aviti I'eria tertia in roga-
Homilia S. Faustini.
Dictio Eunodii.
Calendarium S. Eomanfe ecclesiie.
Expositio antiqufe liturgiae Gallica-.
Ordo Eom. ad usum Monasteriorum
Beda etc., in principium Genesis,
in canticum Habacuc, Homilia>
undecim, libellus precum.
Tlieodulplii versus de luxuria.
Hrabani Mauri liber de variis qua-s-
tionibus adversus Judaeos, etc.
Opuscula poetica Flori Ludunensis.
Sermo S. Odonis in festo S.
Mabtene (Dom. Edm.) et U. Duband. Veterum
corum, Dogmaticorum, Moralium, amplissima
Vol.1, Regum aliorumque Virorum illus- Vol
trium Epistolje. j
Vol. 2. Monumenta Imperialis Monas- ;
terii Stabulensis. I
Wibaldi Abb. Stabulensis epistolae. Vol,
Alex. Papse HI. Epist. pro Remensi
pro\-incia. Vol.
Epistolae ad S. Hildegardem cum I
Friderici (II. Imp.) Epistolao. Vol.
Vol. 3. Ambrosii (Camald.) epistolae et
Praefationes in translationes de
GrjEco in Latinum ab eo factas.
Vol. 5. Sermones S. Odilonis de Nativitate
B. Mariae et de sancta cruce.
Humberti lib. tres adversus Simo-
Fragmentum disputationis adversus
Odonis liber seu liomilia de villico
iniquitatis. Guillelmi de Cam-
pellis de origine animae.
Hugonis a S. Victore libellus de
modo dicendi et meditandi.
Hugonis arcliiep. Rotbomagensis
dialogi seu qufestiones tbeolog.
Tractatus in liexameron, et vita
S. Adjutoris.
Algeri Scliolastici liber de miseri-
cordia et justitia.
Petri Abfelardi tbeologia Christiana^
et expositio in liexameron.
Petri Cluniacensis sermones tres.
Excerpta ex Hamelini de Verulamia
iibro de monachatu.
Gerochi Tractatus adversus Simon-
Disputatio ecclesiaa et synagogae,
auctore Gillieberto.
Anonymi Tractatus adversus Ju-
Dialogus inter Cluniacensem Mona-
chum et Cisterciensem de diversis.
utriusque ordinis observantiis.
Eulogium .Joliannis Cornubiensis ad
Alexandrum Papam III., quod
Christus sit aliquis homo.
Disputatio inter Catholicum et
Pateriuum hsereticum.
Summa fratrisRenerii de pauperibus
de Lugduno.
Tractatus de Haeresi pauperum de
Doctrina de modo procedendi contra
Liber de doctrina novitiorum ordinis
Consultationis Zachaei Christiani
et Apollonii Philosophi var. lect.
Scriptorum et Monumentorum Histori-
Collectio, 9 vol. folio Par. 1724-3a
. 3. Alberti Sarthiensis eijistolae.
Petri Delphini (Camald.) epistolae.
.lEgidii Viterbiensis, Tliomae Wolsei,
et Petri Ciaconii epistolae.
4. Scriptores de rebus Germani-
5. Scriptores de rebus Gallicis,
AngHcis, Italicis, Constantinop.
et Terrae sanctae.
6. Scriptores de variis Ordinibus.
Rehgiosis ; Antiqua Martyrolo-
gia cum quibusdam Sanctorum
Mabtene (Dom. ILdim. )—continuecL
Vol. 7. Varia Concilia, Episcoporum
Statuta Synodalia, Actaque quae
Concilium Pisanum prfecesserunt
ac subsecuta sunt.
Vol. 8. Eadoni cum Collectione Actovum
ad Concilium Basileensepertinen-
Vol. 9. Varia Opuscula Sanctorum
Matth^us (Anton) Veteris /Evi Analecta (&c.), 5 vol. -Ito Ilaij.-Com. 17H8
Vol. 1. Ponti (Ant.) Historia Belli quod
Carolus V. gessit cum Hariadcno
Sclionoxdus (A.) De Origine Fran-
Tria Clironica Belgica.
Lemraege, Chronicon Groninganum.
Henricffi ab Erp. Abbatissse Annales
Vernaculi, 1421-1583.
Conclave Ultrajectinum, 1322.
Novimagi (G.) Pbilippus Burgundus.
Oliver de la Marcbe, Eationarum
AulfB et Imperii Caroli Audacis,
Ducis BurgundicT.
Hermanni (Gul.) Hollandiie Gelrite-
que Bellum 1507, etc.
Scriverii (P.) Epistolte xv.
Annales Hollandite et Ultrajecti,
Ex T. Basini Historia Gallica Ex-
cerpta ad eadem temp.
Joannis a Leydis de orig. et rebus
gestis Dominorum de Breda.
Vetera Testamenta sa^c. XIII, XIV.
Mattbffii Prffilectiones ad tit. Cod.
de Pignoribus.
Vol. 2. Emonis Chronicon Abbatis primi
in Werum apud Omlandos, 1203-
Expeditio Comitis Hollandias ad-
versus Saracenos, 1217.
Menconis Chronicon, Abbatis tcrtii
in Werum, 1237-77.
Anonymi Continuatio ad 1297.
J. de Castro Sinus Arabici descrip-
tio, sive Itinerarium Maris Eubri,
J. de Barros, L. de Marmol, Suler-
manni Bassa', ejusdem descriptio,
1538, etc.
XXI Vetera Testamenta sa?c. XV.
et XVI.
Pontani et Scriverii Epistola?.
Vol. 2. ^Yillelmi Monachi Egmondani
Chronicon, (547-1333.
Conclave Ultrajectinum, 1490.
Vol. 3. .To. de Beku Chronicon Holland.
et Ultraj. 092 1420.
Fundationes ot Fata sacr. icdium in
Hollandia. Zelaiidi:i, etc.
B. Fabricii Historia abbatum Mona-
sterii Paterbonni'.
Seb. Leonis Frisii vit:p abbatum in
Lidlum 1132 1375.
Z. de Culenburg, Origines Culcn-
Ordinum 3 Trajectensium contra
Papam Libcllus.
Servii Glossa; Gntco-Latinte.
Anonymi Chronicon div. gcstorum.
Adriani VI. Papa-, P. Scriverii, .J. J.
Pontani et aliorum Epistohe.
Vetus Jus Transisalanicum, a
Joanne de Vernenburgh, l^pisc.
Vol. 4. Eggerici Bcniiiga, Cln-onicon
seu Historia Frisian Orientalis, ad
A.D. 1502.
Vol. 5. Arnoldi Cln-onicon Monasti-ri-
ense ad an. 1451.
Anonymi aliud ad an. 15(»7.
Tertium M. Tyinpii ad 1012.
MatthiiC Continuatio Chronici
^lonast. ad an. 1700.
Anonymi Vita^ et Gesta Dominorum
de Arckel.
Seb. Leonis VitiP Abbatum Marion -
gard. ad Frisios.
Anonymi de Bebus Trajectensibus
et ilollandicis, 1477.
Chronicon ]">questris Ordinis Ti'U-
tonici,cum contiiniat. Mattluri.
Mattha'i Libcllus de Vitis Pra-fec-
toruni Triijcctensium etde Eques-
tri ordine Melitensi.
J. J. Pontani Epistolie aliquot.
Meibomius (H.), Rcrum Germanicarum Tomi trcs lin uno vol.), cum ejusdem Dissert,
et indicibus, fol llclmst. 108H
Vol. 1. Theodorici de Niem, Sec. Apost.
Vita Johannis XXIII. P.H.
Gobelini Personic, Decani Bilfelden-
sis, etc.
Cosmodromium, sive Chronicon
Universale ab 0. C. usque ad
A. C. 1418.
Vol. 1. Nevoldi a Northof, Origines Mar-
cana>, sive Chronicon Coniitum
de Marca et Alteiui (1000 1358).
Gebhardi (Pra'positi Stederburgen-
sis), Narratio Historicade Henrici
Leonis, Bavariie et Saxonitc Ducis
postremis gestis et obitu.
Meibomius (H.) — continued.
Vol. 1. Anonymi breve Chronicon Steder-
bui-gense (1000-1 ISO).
Meibomii (Henr.) Oratio Panegyrica
cle Henrico Leone.
Andronici II. Imp. Constantinopo-
litani Aurea Bulla, data (1830)
Henrico Henrici Mirabilis F.
Alberti Magni N. Duci Bruns-
vicensi ante ann. 337 et Narra-
tione de Principis illius posteris.
Hermanni de Lerbecke (Monac.
Donmiic. Domus S. Pauli Minden-
sis ) Cbronicon Comitum Scliaum-
burgensium (780-1480).
Anonymi Chronicon Mindense (780-
1474) cum Additionibus.
M. Justini Lippiensis, Lippiflorium,
sive Poema de Primordiis Comi-
tatus Lippiensis et rebus gestis
aliquot Comitum Lippiensium.
Henrici Aquilonipolensis Adolplius,
sive Historia comitum Scliaum-
burgensium ac Hamburgensis
Henrici de Primordiis Urbis Lube-
cana? (1037).
Wittichindi (Monacbi Corbeiensisj
Annalium Libri Tres (449-937).
Hroswitfe Monialis in laudem et
gesta Ottonis M. Imp. Panegyris
versu liexametro (919-904).
Erectio Ecclesiie Magdeburgensis.
Diplomata Ottonis M. Imp.
Anonymi Cbronicon Corbeiense.
De Translatione S. Viti et institu-
tione Novae Corbeise.
Henrici Rosl?e (Nieuburgensis),
Herlingsberga, sive Poemation de
Bello inter Henricum Mirabilem
et confoederatos Saxonife Princi-
pes ob arcem Herlingsbergam
gesto (1287).
Vol. 2. Nevoid! a Nortbof (Equitis
Marcani, Comitis Leodiensis) Ca-
talogus Arcbi-Episcoporum Colo-
niensium (94-1349).
"Wolteri (Henr. Canonici S. An-
scliarii) Chronica Bremensis (788-
Anonymi Bremensis Chronicon Ras-
tadense (1059-1463).
Sciphoweri (Joann.) Chronicon
Archi-Comitum Oldenburgensium
Erdmanni (Erdw. Consulis Osna-
burgensis) Chronicon Episcopo-
rum Osnaburgensium (772-1453).
Anonymi Chronicon Archi-Episco-
patus Magdeburgensis (938-1372)
cum notis et diplomatibus quibus-
dam antiquis.
Anonymi Narratio de rebus gestis
Alberti ex Ducibus Brunsvicensi-
bus Episcopi Halberstadtensis
Vol. 2, Crummedycldi (Alberti, Episcopi
Lubecensis) Chronicon Episco-
porum Lubecensium (953-1467)
cum Continuatione (1505).
Hoppenrodii (Andr.) Annales Gern-
rodensis Abbatite (927-1570) et
Historia Abbatissarum.
Bodonis (Henr., Monachi Benedic-
tini in CoBnobio Clusa) de con-
structione Coenobii Gandersheim-
ensis (856) ejusque perfectione
et Historia Abbatissarum.
Polda (Job. de) Chronicon Ecclesia?
Hamelensis (993-1521).
Anonymi Chronicon Monasterii S.
Michaelis in Hildesheim (714-
Anonymi Chronicon Monasterii in
Lothen Dioecesis Mindensis(1265-
1447), post in oppidum Lemgo
Chronicon Monasterii Huiesburgen-
sis (1070-1590).
Vol. 3. Irmensula Saxonica, i.e. Idoli
seu Numinis Tutelaris apud Sax-
ones paganos culti Descriptio.
Vindiciae Billingante, seu Demon-
stratio Hermannum Billingum,
primum ab Ottone M. Saxonife
Borealis institutum Ducem, ex
illustri Familia Saxonica oriun-
dum fuisse.
Demonstratio Saxoniam etiam ante
Hermannum Billingum habuisse
Bardevicum, sive Historia Urbis
illius omnium Germanicarum an-
tiquissimje, conditoB, florentis, et
deletjB (1179).
De Bardewico destructo, Carmen
Commentariolus de utriusque Sax-
oniffi et vicinarum quorundam
Eegionum Pagis.
Apologia pro Ottone IV. Imp. (1214)
contra falsas criminationes et con-
vitia, quibus eum insectati sunt
Historici nonnulli.
Dissertatio de -lure Investiturae Epi-
scopalis Imp. Roman. Pontificibus
per vim ademtse.
Dissertatio super quodam antique
CiBsarum German, jure, in dece-
dentium majorum Praelatorum
relictis possessionibus.
Thassilonis Bojorum ultimi Ducis
(780) Diploma, quo Monasterium
Chrembsmiinster abs se conditum
j\l E I — M E N
Meibomius (B..)~co)itinucd.
Vol. 3. Ducatus Brunsvicensis (1235) et
LuntBburgensis erectionis Plis-
toria, cum ipsis CjT?sareis tabulis
et Diplomatibus erectionis Princi-
patus Heunenbergensis (1310)
Ducatus Lucani in Italia, Lutzen-
burgici (1351) et Holsatiie (U74).
Oratio do Acacleniia^ Julia^ primordiis
et incrementis.
Oratio de origine Helmstadii (789).
De origine, dignitate et officio Can-
cellarioruni Academicorum Oratio
Vol. 3. Cbronicon Monastorii Marieiitlia-
lensis (1138 1(51!)).
C'lironicon Monasterii Bergensis ad
Albim (!)3G 1003).
Clironicou ]\Ionasterii Biddages-
husen (1145-1580).
Heiirici Meibomii junioris de Fri-
derico Duco Brunsvic. et Luniv-
burgensi in Imp. clecto Dissert.
]\jusdem de llugonis de S. \'ictori',
celeberrimi Seculo XII. Tbeologi,
patria Saxonia, contra Mabillo-
nium, Dissert.
Melanchthoxis (Ph.) Opera Omnia, 28 vol. in 11, 4to Ilalis Sax. 1834-GO
Vol. 1-9. Epistolre, Prasfationes, Con-
silia, Judicia, JSclieda) Academ.
Vol. 10. Scripta ad vitam et obitum
Melanclithonis spectantia Car-
minum Libri iv.
Orationes, Quiestiones Academica3,
Vol. 11, 12. Declamationes.
Vol. 13, 14. Scripta ad Historian! pro-
fanam et pbilosopliiam spectantia.
Liber de Anima.
Initia Doctrine Pliysica?.
Elementorum Pilietorices Libri ii.
Erotemata Dialectica.
Libri in quibus enarravit Scripturam
Vol. 15. Annotatio in Evang. Joannis.
In Epistolas.
Vol. IG. Ad Ethicen et Politicen Spec-
Annot. in libros Ciceronis.
Vol. 17. Annot. in libros Ciceronis.
In Porcii Latronis declamationes.
In Sallustii libros.
In Epist. ad Cffisarem.
In Taciti libellum.
Parapbr. Pliniante prefationis.
Annot. in Quintiliani lib.
Interpr. Latina Orat. Demostlienis,
iEscbinis. Lycurgi, &c.
Vol. 18. Interpr. lat. operum Ptolema^,
Homeri, Hesiodi, Euripidis, &.c.
Vol. 10. Interpr. lat. locorum Tyrtu'i,
Solonis, Callimachi, Carminum
Pindari, Coma-d. Terentii, Plauti,
&c. &c.
Vol. 20. Grammatical' et Cbrestomatliia".
Scripta ad historian! et geographiam
Scripta varii nrgumenti.
Additamenta ad vol. 1-10.
Vol. 21, 22. Loci Theologici.
Vol. 23. Der Ordinanden Examen.
Catechesis puerilis.
Symbolum Nicenum.
De Ecclesia et de autorit. Verbi
Defensio Conjugii Sacerd.
Befutatio abusum Cccu:e Dom.
Vol. 24, 25. Postilhr.
Vol. 20. Libri Visitatorii.
Confessio Augustana.
Vol. 27. Confutatio Confess. Aug.
De Confutationibus.
Apologia Confess. Augustana?.
Vol. 28. Apologia, Bepetitio Confessionis
MencivEN (.J. B.), Scriptores Kerum Germamcarum
foi :
, pra?cipue Saxonicarum, etc., 3 vol.
Lii'jd. Bat. 1728-80
Vol. 1. Auct. Anonymi Chronicon vetus
ex libris Pentheon excerptum de
Impp. Bomanis a Carolo M. ad
mortem Friderici II. (7()9-1235).
Chronici Alberici, Monachi trium
fontium, Lectiones emcndatiores
et auctiores, vel ejus Continuatio
ab anno 9G0 ad an. 1241.
Andreae Presbyteri, Itali, Chronicon
breve, hactenus ineditum ab a.
5G8 ad a. 874.
Annales Francorum vetusti, 801-
Vol. 1. Saxii (Petri, Arelatensis Eccl.
Canonici) Pontificium Arelatenso
seu Hi.storia Prinuitum Eccles.
J )iplomata Selecta, Abbatiam Cliom-
hurgensem, prope Halam Sue-
vorum sitam, concernentia, 1090-
1480 ; pra^missus Catalogus Ab-
l)atum Chomburgensium ; res
Comitum Gleichensium, 1217-
1508, illustrantia ; Bremensia
anecdota e Chroiiico liremensi
majori, dialecto Saxonica con-
Mencken (J. B.)— continued.
scripto, inedito, decerpta (985-
1541) ; Monasterii Oldeslebensis
e libro copiali qiii Gotliae servatur
(1101-1519) ; Capelleiidorfensia,
Genealogiam Burggraviorum
Kirclibergensium illust. (1203-
1626) ; varia Misniae et TliuriiigisB
Monasteria concernentia (1126-
1501) ; item : Conradi Marchionis
Diplomata duo, sen Doiiationes
S. Sepulchro et Hospitali Hiero-
solymitano fact^e (1145), etc.
Vol. 1. Acciaioli (D.) Vita Caroli M. ple-
nius e MSCto cdita.
Legenda Patroni Germanite, S.
I^onifacii Lib. II. et alia Legenda
Bonifacii vernacula, cum Notis.
Nigelli (Ermoldi, Abbatis Anianen-
sis) de rebus gestis Ludovici Pii
Imp. 781-826, Carmen elcg. cum
notis Muratorii.
Benzoiiis (Episeopi Albiensis) Pa-
negyricus Rliythmicus, seu Com-
mentar. de rebus Henrici III. seu
IV. Eegis GermaniiB Libri VI.
cum notis J. A. Frankensteinii.
Windecldi (Eberli. Moguntini) His-
toria Sigismundi Imp. vernacula
Musica (Anton, de, Antwerpiani)
Commentarii rerum a Carolo V.
Imp. apud S. Digerium gestarum.
Gassari (Acb. Pirminii, Lindavien-
sis) Annales Eeipublicae August-
burgensis, sive Augustanse Vinde-
licorum (1-1576).
Cosmfe (Pragensis Ecclesife Decani)
Cbronic^e Bobemorum Libri III.
[ad 1126] ; pra^fixa Ducum ac
Regum Bohemia) Elogia, versibus
decantata a M. Cutbenio et C.
Vol. 2. Langii (Pauli, Monacbi Bene-
dictini) Cbronica Neumburgensis
s. Naumburgensis Eccl. ab Ottone
M. (967) ad Carolum V. Imp. et
an. 1535.
Anonymus de Fundatione et bene-
factoribus Ecclcsiie Pegaviensis,
cum Catalogo Abbatum Pega-
viensium (1157-1519) et Diplo-
matibus (1250-1456), itemCalen-
dario Pegaviense.
Calendarium sive Necrologium Mon-
asterii S. Mariae in Kemniz.
Cbrouicon Montis Bereni, seu Lau-
terbergense (1124-1220), addita
Versione vernacula.
Clironicon Terrte Misnensis ad a.
Annales Vetero-Cellenses, contin-
entes Historiam Misniae Marchio-
num (785-1375), cum var. Lect.,
et duplici versione Germanica
Vol. 2. Res MisnicfE (1426-1488), Joan.
Piclielero adscriptae.
Cbronicon Vetero-Cellense minus
(801-1084) Monumenta qufedam
vetusta (1180-1200), ut et Dedi-
cationes variorum Altarium et
Capellarum in Cellaveteri (1175-
Erpburdianus Antiquitatum vari-
loquus a f'undata civitate (438-
Engelliusii (Tbeod.) Cbronica Er-
fordensis Civitatis (438-1422).
Cbronicon et Annales Torgavienses
1296-1601, incerto Auctore.
Spalatini (Geo.) Cbronicon, sive
Annales 1513-1526.
Tbammii (Abr.) Cbronicon vetus-
tissimae arcis et urbis Coldicensis
(451-1657), e vernacula in La-
tinam versum.
Sagittarii (P. M.) Dissertatio (1677)
de Rocblitio ; de Nummis Saxoniae
Ducum Dissertationes sex ; Syl-
labus Monetae cupreae Saxonicae
ineditus ; Dissertatio de Comitis
Palatini dignitate in Fridericum
Sapientem Electorem collata ;
Dissertatio (1675) de locis sepul-
cbralibus Familias Wittikinden3
ab excessu Ottonis Divitis.
Reylieri (Sam.) Monumenta Land-
gravorum Tburingife et Marcbio-
num Misnia', cum F. Hortlederi,
et W. E. Tenzelii notis et ad-
ditionibus. Accessere passim
Monumenta Ducum Saxoniae, ex
A. Sennerti Atbenis et Inscript.
AVittenb.; ut et Davidis Scbir-
meri Conditorio Sax. Freibergensi.
Tenzelii (W. E.) Fridericus Fortis
redivivus, hoc est, Vita et fata
Friderici Admorsi Landgravii
Tlmringiae (1240).
Garzonis (Jo.) Rerum Saxonicarum
Libri ii. Melancbtbonis (Ph.)
Oratio (1554) de Friderico Ad-
morso, cum notis, animad. et fig.
Spalatini (Geo.) Vitae aliquot Ducum
et Electorum Saxoniae aFriderico I.
usque ad Johannem Fridericum e
vernacula in Latinam translata>
Arnoldi (Geo.) Vita Mauritii Ducis
et Electoris Saxoniae, ex authen-
tico Latino MSCto primum edita
et cum versione Germanica D.
Schirmeri et variis MSS. collata.
Mencken (J. B.) — continued.
Vol. 2. Camerarii (Joach.) Orationes X.
Funebres (1553-15G9) in Manri-
tium D. et Elect. Saxoniir.
Epistolie Arcana?, plera^qne Gallico
idiomate, ab Henrico II. Gallije
Eege ad ministros et anucos suos,
et ab his vicissini ad Kegem an.
1548 et 1558 datje, quibns pr!T>-
sertim ea, qua) ad Focdus Mauritii,
Elect. Saxon, cum Gallis, ejus-
demque mortem, et res paulo post
in Germania gestas, spectant,
Excerpta Saxonica, Misnica et Thu-
ringica, ex ^lonaclii Pirnensis
(seu vero nomine Job. Lindneri
sive Tiliani ) , Onomastico vernaculo
Monaclii Isenacensis (vulgo Jo-
liannis Rolite) Clironicon Tbu-
ringiie vernaculum, De !S. Ben-
none, Episcopo Misnensi in
Saxonia et iSlavorum Apostolo,
Scripta varia, imprimis Hier.
Emseri Vita S. Bennonis, cum
Notis G. Henscbenii et D. Pape-
Tbeod. de Tburingia ( seu de Apoldia)
Variae Lectiones et Supplementa
Vitffi S. ElisabetbfB.
Libellus de dictis IV. ancillarum S.
Elisabetbje, sive Examen miracu-
lorum ejus.
Auctor Rytbmicus vernaculus do
vita Elisabetbse Landg. Tbu-
Peregrinatio seu Passagium ad Ter-
ram Sanctam Alberti Ducis Sax-
onigB (1476) vernacula exaratum.
Eatbalter (Job.) de meritis Alberti
Ducis Saxonias, Locum tenentis
generalis per Brabantiam in
Domum Burgundicam, lingua
Spalatini (Geo.) Dissertatio Genealo-
gico-bistorica de liberis Alberti
Ducis Saxonite,' lingua vernacula.
Addenda ad Annales Vetero-Cellen-
ses, Tom. II. n. G editos.
Vol. 3. Doeringii (Matt. Doct. Ord.
Min.) Continuatio Cbronici Tbeod.
Engelbusii, 1420-1498, ex Cod.
Chronica brevis de quibusdam novis-
simis temporibus actis in partibus
Misnife et Tburingia;, et etiam de
aliis memoria dignis, lHOl-1497.
Anonymi Saxonis Histoi-ia impera-
torum a Carolo M. us(jue ad Fri-
dericum II. et quidcm ad an. 1235.
Cbronici Pegaviensis collationes et
Continuatio, 1 125-1 23().
Vol. 3. Fragmentum Cbronici Chemnen-
sis, 908 1 520.
biiuendationes et Supplementa ad
Cbronicon Martisburg.
Memorabilia (pia-dam in Cln-onico
terra; Misnensis, aliis Tbomano
Lipsiensi dicto.
Cbronicon (^uedlinburgcnsc, 370-
Cbronicon S. Petri vulgo Sampetri-
num Erfurtense ab A. C. 31 sive
potius 1030-1355.
Cbronicon parvum Vernaculum
rerum in Misnia 1175-1349.
Epkonis de Ilepkau breve Cbronicon
Magdeburgense ab Anonymo Ger-
manice versura (ad a. 1248).
Collationes Cbronici ^lagdeburg. a
Meibom. editi cum Codic(! MS. in
Arcbivo Elect. Dresdcnsi.
Torquati (Geo.) Magdeburg. Ponti-
ficum ecclesife Magdeburgensis
Series et ordo ab oxordio funda-
tionis sua' (907) usque in a. 1513.
Latomi (.Joann.) Catalogus Episco-
porum et Arcbiepiscoporum Mo-
guntinensium, etc., cum notis H.
U. de Lingen, etc. etc.
Boissen (Brod. ) Cbronicon Slesvi-
cense, usque ad a. 1580.
Cbronicon Curia% seu rerum, qu:e
Curiie Eegnitiana? ad Salam, et in
universa Variscia a primis initiis
ad a. 1597 acciderunt.
( )ttonis (Jo.) Catalogus Episcoporum
et Arcbi-Episcoporum Bremen -
sium, 780 1580.
Breve Cbronicon Ecclesiir Ilame-
lensis, auctore Job. de Poclde, a.
1374, conscriptum. Accedit ejus-
dem civitatis discursus bistnricus,
conscriptus a Ger. Peicben ; cum
addit. Seb. Spilckeri.
Genealogia Comitum Leisnicensium,
deducta a miijoril)us ^'iperti illius
bellicosi (!omitis Groiz. Auctore
Pet. Albino Nivemontio, etc.
Annales Erfurtenses Gcrmanici ab
a. 1440 usque ad annum 1407,
sive Continuatio Cbronici Tluirin-
gici Jobannis Botbii.
Ursini (Ad.) Cbronicon Tliuringiu^
Vernaculum usque ad annum
1500, cum Appcndicil)us do Er-
furto et Nordlnisa. 3H3-1540.
Ifistoria l)elli Snialcaldici, 15 Ui. imp.
Ludov. ab Avila Connncntariis de
bello Germanico ojiposita, a Duce
cpiodam bcllico, (forte ipso Seb.
Scberttlino a Burtembacb) qui a
parte Protestnntium bello illi in-
Mencken (J. B.) — continued.
Vol. 3. Herm. a Kerssenbrocli Narratio
de obsidione Monasteriensi, sen
de bello Anabaptistico, 1535.
Anonymi Chronicon Bohemicum ab
origine Ducum Bohem. usque ad
a. 1320 deductum.
CosmjE Pragensis Chroinca? Bohe-
morum, lib. III.
Leuberi (Benj.) Catalogus Piegum,
Electorum, Palatinorum, Ducum,
Marcbionum, item et Comitum
Potentiorum Veterum Saxoniffi,
ThuringiaB et Misniffi, etc. etc.
Meursius (Joan.), Opera Omnia, ex recensione S
Vol. 1. De Fortuna Atlienarum. Vol.
Athene Attic^e.
De Populis Attica?.
Ceramiciis Geminus.
De Eegibus.
De Arcbontibus.
Vol. 2. Tbemis Attica.
Bibliotbeca Attica, .Escbylo,
Sopbocle, et Euripide in ea com- Vol.
Atticfe Lectiones.
Vol. 3. De Eegno Laconico.
Miscellanea Laconica, sive varife
antiquitates Laconic^e.
Creta, Cyprus, Kliodus, sive de
liarum Insularum rebus et anti-
quitatibus Comment, postumi.
Gr^Ecia Feriata, sive de Festis Grse-
Vol. 3. Diplomatarium Caroli IV., ex
Codice Lipsiensi descriptum.
De origine, vetustate, appellatione
et regionibus Tabantinorum, Cyg-
neorum, Libanotlianorum, Mis-
nensium, nee non Molbii fluminis
descriptione, quondam per Dom.
E. Stella (alias Stuler) M.I), de-
Observationes extemporanefe singu-
laria qufedam loca trium torn,
breviter illustrantes.
De Ludis Gr^corum.
Bibliotbeca Grteca.
Vol. 4. Denarius Pytbagoricus, sive de
numerorum, usque ad denarium,
qualitate, ac nominibus, secun-
dum Pytbagoricos.
Tlieopbrastus, sive de illius libris,
qui injuria temporis interci-
Lectiones Tbeopbrasteaa.
Glossarium Gr^eco-Barbarum.
Glossarii Tactici Mixo-Barbari
Eigaltiani Emendationes.
Anonymi Galli Supplementa Glos-
sarii Grseco-Barbari.
Vol. 5. De Luxu Piomanorum liber, et
ad eum Mantissa, in qua babetur
Astrampsycbi Oneirocriticon.
Dionysius, sive de Auctoribus istius
nominis, eorumque Scriptis.
amii, 12 vol. in 11, folio Flor. 1711-G3
5. De Heraclide, aliisque ejus nomi-
nis, et eorum operibus.
De Gloria.
Orcbestra, sive de Saltationibus
De Puerperio.
De Funere.
Curarum Plautinarum Commen-
Animadversionas Miscell^.
Auctarium Pbilologicum.
Ad Tbeocriti Idyllia Spicilegium,
Lycopbronis Alexandra.
Adnotationes in Libros de Funere
et Puerperio.
G. Notffi ad Catonis de Agricultura
Animadversiones ad Pba3dri Fabu-
Criticus Arnobianus, et Hypocriticus
Minutianus, et excerpta MS. Regii
Notae ad Macrobii Saturnalia.
Notje in Cbalcidium.
Helladii Besantinoi Cbrestomatbia,
cum interp. et not.
Aristoxenus - Nicomacbus - Alypius :
Auctores Musices cum notis.
Leonis Imperatoris Tactica ex Cod.
Laurent, restituta, addito Capitc,
Quomodo adversus Saracenos
pugnare oporteat ?
Constantini Porpbyrogenneta> de
administrando Imperio Liber ;
Liber Tactions, nunc primum in-
teger e Cod. Veron. a Maffeio ed. ;
Strategicum, nunc primum ex
Cod. Lam-ent. editum ; de Tbe-
matibus. Lib. II. ; Novellas Con-
Vol. 7. Antigoni Carystii Historiarum
Mirabilium Collectanea, cum
Meursii Tractatu de Antigonis.
Pblegontis Tralliani de Rebus Mira-
bilibus liber ; De Longaevis libel-
lus ; De Olympiis fragmentum.
M E U — M I L
Meursius (Joan.) — continued.
Vol. 7. Apollonii Dyscoli Historia Com-
mentitia, cum IMeursii Syntag-
inate de Apolloniis. llcsycliii
Milesii de Viris illustribus liber ;
Ecs PatriiP Constantinopoleos.
Bessarionis C'ardinalis Kpistola ad
PaHlago^-iuu filiorum Tliomte
Const. Manassis Annales.
Georgii Codini Excerpta do Anti-
quitatibus Constantinopolitanis.
Tlieodori Metocliita) Historire
Romana^ liber.
Pbilostrati Sopli. Epistobe.
Herodis Inscriptio Grasca.
Adnotat. in Calliniacbum et in Apu-
leium Jiilii Africani Costi, cum
notis var.
Vol. 8. Procopii Gaz.Ti Sopbistre in
libros Piegum et Paralipomenon
Eusebii Pampbili Expositio in Can-
ticum Canticorum.
Polycbronii Diaconi Enar. in Can-
ticum Canticorum.
Micbaelis Glycffi ad (iregorium
Acropolitam Epistola.
Micbaelis Pselli Parapbr. in Can-
ticum Canticorum Lib. Palladii
Episcopi Helenopoleos Historia
Lausiaca seu Vitje SS. Patnnn.
S. Cyrilli Alexandrini in Transfig.
Domini Sermo.
S. Anastasii Arcbiep. Antiocli. Ser-
mones duo.
S. AndresB lerosol. Arcbiep. Crette
Vol. 8. Metbodii liber de Libero Arbitrio.
Timotbei Presb. de difierentia eorum
qui accedunt ad nostram Eidcm
Hilarionis ^lonaclii Orutio Dialoc-
Tbeopbylacti Arcbiep. ])ulgaria'
Epistobi', etc.
^'ol. i>. .)o. IMeursii Historia Daiiica.
J. S. Stepbanii Hist. Danica.
/Elnotbus Monacbus do Vita et
Passione S. Canuti Regis.
Anonynms de Passione S. Caroli
Comitis FlandrisD.
Anonymi Observationes in Hist.
Danicam IMeursii.
Meursii ad Anonymi Observationes
Ejusdem Animadversiones in His-
toriam Danicam Joan. Isaacii
Vol. 10. Rerum Belgicarum Libri V.
Gulielmus Auriacus, sive de rebus,
toto Belgio, tarn ab eo quara ejus
tempore gestis, ad excessum L.
Requessensii, Libri X.
Atliena? Batava?, sive de Urbe lici-
densi et Acad.
Poemata, etc.
]\Ieditationes Cbristiana? in Psalm.
CXVI. et tres priores partes Ps.
J. ]\Ieursii Filii Arboretum Sacrum,
etc., Lib. HL
Vol. 11. Joannis Meursii et aliorum ad
eum scripta> Epistobi?.
Vol. 12. Index Generalis,
MtLTON (Jolm) Works in Prose and Verse, witb Life by J. Mitford, H vol. Hvo IH.U
Vol. 1. Life, by Mitford.
Samson Agonistes.
A Mask (Comus).
n Penseroso.
Miscellaneous Poems.
Sonnets, Psalms, Poemata.
Vol. 2. Paradise Lost.
Paradise Regained.
Vol. 3. Of Reformation toucbing Cburcli
Discipline in England.
Of Prelatical Episcopacy.
Reason of Cburcb Government
urged against Prelaty.
Animadversions upon tbe Remon-
strants' Defence against Smec-
Apology against a Modest Confu-
tation of tbe Animadversions.
Vol. 4. Doctrine and Discipline of Di-
Judgment of ]\Iartin Buccr con-
cerning Divorce.
Of Education.
Tenure of Kings and Magistrates.
On tbe Articles of Peace between
Cbarles I. and tbe Irisb Rebels.
Vol. 5. History of l^ritain.
Of tbe Civil Power in Ecclesiastical
On removing Hirelings out of tbe
Notes on Griffitb's Sermon.
Letter to a Friend on tbe Ruptures
of tbe Commonwealtb.
Of true Religion, Heresie, Scbism,
Milton (John) — continued.
Vol. 5. The ready and easy way to esta-
blish a free Commonwealth.
Vol. 6. Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio.
Joannis Pliilippi Angli Kesponsio.
Defensio secmida pro Populo Angli-
Authoris pro se Defensio contra Alex.
Morum ac Supplementum.
Accidence or commenced Grammar.
Vol. 7. Artis Logicte Plenior Institutio.
Praxis Logicae Analytica ex Dou-
Petri Rami Vita.
Literns Henatus Anglicani.
LiterjB Oiiverii P. nomine scriptte.
MoEGAN (J.), Phoenix Britannicus, 4to
1. Discom'se on Stewardship, presmned
to be Wickliflfe's, 1388.
2. Fragments of Popish Sermons.
3. Quaint Monkish Ehymes and their
Letter relating to No. 1.
Prince Lucifer's Congratulatory
Epistle to the Prelates of those
Priest Swinderby's Appeal against
Sentence of Bp. of Hereford.
The Wonderful Year 1G03, wherein
is shewed the Picture of Lon-
don lying sick of the Plague,
Narrative of the Proceedings at Win-
chester against Lord Cobham,
Lord Gray, and Sir G. Markham,
Sir A. Weldon's Character of King
James, 1656.
Sir R. Cotton's Short View of the
Reign of K. Henry III.
Sir R. Cotton's Danger wherein the
Kingdom stands, and the Remedy,
Character of a True Englishman.
Impropriations Purchased ; list of
Persons from whom the Com-
missioners for Composition with
Delinquents have purchased re-
venue for increase of maintenance
to the Ministry, 1648.
The Honest Briton's Character of
Bold Prayer against Poperie, 1554.
Postscript to Preface.
Vox Civitatis, or London's Com-
plaint against her Children in the
Country, 1625.
Protest of H. of C, in 1604, against
certain Infringements of the
19. Transactions, etc., of thatParhament
- 'nch 0. Cromwell dissolved ;
Vol. 7. Literfe Ricardi P. nomine scriptae.
Scriptum Dom. Protectoris.
Epistolffi Familiares.
Prolusiones Oratoriae.
Vol. 8. Defence of the People of England,
in Answer to Salmasius' Defence
of the King.
Letters of State in the Name of the
The Protectors Oliver and Richard.
Manifesto of the Lord Protector.
Declaration for the Election of
John III. Kmg of Poland.
History of Muscovia.
Characters of 43 of his new
Lords, etc.
20. List of all those on whom the
Lord Protector Oliver conferred
21. Speech in Parliament concerning the
Protector's other House, March,
22. Verses on the Grand Question,
Who's to be in, and Who out ?
23. March. Nedliam's History of the
Rebellion, in metre, 1661.
24. B. Higgons's Character of 0. Crom-
25. Valour Anatomiz'd, by Sir Philip
26. G. Fox's Remarkable Will.
27. Stowe-Garden Race.
28. 29. Lithgow's Account of his racking
at Malaga, in 1620, and his De-
scription of Ireland.
30. Norris' Observations on the Tides,
&c., in the Streights-Mouth.
31. Scott's Account of Count Gondo-
mar's Transactions in England,
Part L
32. News from the Dead in the revival
of Anne Greene, hanged at Oxford,
in 1650.
33. Narrative of Mother Davies, the
horned Old Woman, 1679.
34. Wonderful Battel of Starlings, &c.,
in 1622.
35. A tart Satire upon Hugh Peters.
36. Walk, Knaves, Walk : designed as a
Banter upon Col. Jo. Heason.
37. Baron Tomlinson's Speech to Warner
and Love, when chosen Sheriffs,
38. Mr. Ireton's Oration at chusing the
new Lord Mavor, 1659.
39. Letter found at Whitehall, 1641.
40. Character of a Prince, 1689.
41. True Character of an untrue Bishop,
M K — M U R
Morgan (J.) — contimicd.
42. Eoger the Caiitevburian, a Satire 5G.
against Prelates, 1G42.
43. Queint Verses on Hugh Peters in 57.
1680, as he was taking liis hxst
44. Life, Treason, and Execution of Dr.
John Storey, 1571.
45. Bp. Bale's Testimony of the Life and
Behaviour of Dr. Thos. Martin,
1554. Gl.
46. Q. Elizabeth's motives, etc., for G2.
aiding the Netlierlanders, 1585. G3.
47. Sir Walter Ealeigh's Ghost, 1G22. 64.
48. Epigrams, Fr. and Eng., on King 65.
Elizabeth and Queen Jamie.
49. Eobinson's Anatomy of the English Q>(j.
Nunnery at Lisbon, 1622.
50. Scott's Vox Populi, or Count Gondo-
mar's Transactions in England, 67.
Part 2, 1624.
51. Verses to Mr. Harriot on his sym- 68.
pathy with Count Gondomar.
52. Life and Death of Henry Welby, 69.
Esq., who lived 44 years in Grub
Street, unseen by any, 1637. 70.
53. Hist, and Polit. Relation of K,
Richard II. 's Wonder-working
Parhament, 1641. 71.
54. Account of the two great offices of 72.
Seneschal or High Steward and
High Constable of England, 1642. 73.
55. Confession and Execution of John 74.
Felton, who set up the Pope's
Bull, 1570.
MuRATORi (L. A.), Italicarum Rerum Scriptores,
2 voL— 30 vol. fol
Confessions and Execution of the two
Nortons for High Treason, 1570.
The Fatal Vespers, a relation of tlio
disastrous downfall of a House in
]-.lack Fryers, 1()23.
Gee's Catalogue of Popish Books,
etc., 1624.
60. Robert Earl of Essex's Ghost, in
2 parts, 1624.
Epigram on Sir Walter Raleigh.
The Scots Scout's Discovery, 1642.
Character of an Oxford Incendiary.
The Soldier's Library.
Confessions, etc.,of Ivlmond Campion
andothercondennied Priests, 1582.
K. James VI. of Scotland ; Declara-
tion of his intentions and meaning,
etc., 1585.
Record of Worthy Proceedings in
Parliament, 1611.
King James I.'s Letter to the Speaker
of the House of Commons.
A Treatise of Prelates, whether or no
to be tryed by Peers, 1641.
M. Gen. Morgan's Narrative of hi.ergo-
mense, 1378-1407.
Ordo Funeris Jo. Gal. Vicecom. Du-
cis Mediol. 1402.
Spec. Hist. Sozomeni, 13G2-1410.
Vol. 17. And. de Gataris Chronicon
Patavinum, 1311-1400.
Geo. Stella) Annales Genuenses,
Vol. 18. Chronicon Regiense, 1272-
Matt, de GriffonibusMemor. Iterum
Bononieiisium, 1199-1428.
Fr. B. della Pugliola, Hist. Miscall.
Bonon. 1104-1394.
Jo. Ser-Cambii Chronicon Lucense,
Jac. de Delayto Annales Estenses,
Gini Capponis Monumenta de Rebus
Florentinis, 1378-1470.
Vol. 19. Billii Historia Mediolanensis,
M. Palmorius de Bello contra Pi-
sanos, 1400.
Jac. Zeni Vita Car. Zeni, Patritii
Veneti, 1334-1418.
Anon. Annal. Senenses, 1385-1422.
J. A. Campani Vita Brachii Pc-
rusini, 1308-1424.
Leod. Cribflli Vita, etc., SfortiiB
Ducis, etc.
Chronicon Tarvisinum, 1308-1428.
Chronicon Foroliviense, 1397-1433.
Leonardii Aretini Rer. Gest. sui
Temporis Comment. 1388 1440.
Anon. Hist. Florentina, 1400-38.
Jan. Maiieti Chronicon Pistorieuse
ad 1440.
Vol. 20. Jo. Baiidini Hist. Senensis,
Porcolli Comment. Jacobi Picinini,
Poggii Historia Florentina.
Exc. ex. Annal. Priiicip. Estensium,
1409 54.
B. Platina? Vita Nerii Capponi.
N. Naldi, Vita Jan. Manetti, 139G-
B. Platinfc Hist. Mantua?, ad
M U R — N A P
MuEATOBi (L. k.)— continued.
Vol. 20. Ant. de Ripalta Annales Pla-
centini, 1401 63.
Pet. Candidi Vita Pliilippi Mediol.
Ducis Btii et Vita Fr, Sforzfe,
Med. Ducis 4ti 1401-63; Oratio
in funere Nic. Picinini.
Vol. 21. Laur. Bonincontrii Miniatenses
Annales, 1360-1458.
Jo. Simonettfe Hist. Francisci I.
Mediol. Ducis, 1421-66.
Christ, a Soldo Annales Brixiani,
Guer. Berni Chronicon Eugubinum,
Anon. Diaria Neapolit. 1266-1478.
lo. Garzonius de Dignit. Urbis Bo-
Fr. Ad. de Montaldo de Laudibus
famil. de Auria.
Pet. Cyrnseus de Bello Ferrariensi,
Vol. 22. Tristani Caraccioli Opuscula
Anon. Annales Foroli%-ienses, 1275-
Diarium Parmense, 1477-82.
Marini Sanuti Vitfe Ducum Vene-
torum, 421-1493.
Vol. 23. Ant. Hyvani Comment, de Bello
Volaterrano, 1472.
Leod. CribelH de Exped. Pap. Pii II.
in Turcas.
Jac. Volaterrani Diarium Eomanum,
Augustini Sen. Descrip. Adventus
Friderici III. Imp.
De Raimo Annales Neapolitanae,
Ant. Galli Opuscula de Rebus Populi
Ben. de S. Georg. Historia Montis-
ferrati, ad 1490.
AUeg. de Allegrettis, Ephemerides
Senenses, 1450-96.
Fr. H. de Bursellis, Annales Bono-
nienses, 1418-97.
A. Naugerii Historia Veneta, ad
Vol. 24. Marini Sanuti De Bello Gallico
Comment. 1494-1500.
Vol. 24. Diarium Ferrariense, 1404-
Pet. Cyrnaeus de Rebus Corsicis, ad
Barl. Senaregfe Comment, de Rebus
Genuensibus, 1488-1514.
Appendix 12 Opusculorum.
Vol. 25. Porcelli Comment, rer. gest. a
Jac. Picinino, 1453.
Geo. Merulas Hist. Mediolan. De-
case 2da.
Vespasiani Vita Eugenii IV. et
Nicolai V. Pont. Rom.
L. B. Alberti Comment, de Conju-
ratione Porcaria.
Fr. Ant. de Augustinis Hist. Obsi-
dionis Plumbini, 1448,
Orationes Tres de Ducibus Mediol.
E. della Manna, Victoria Cremon-
ensium, 1431.
L. Gripliii Poema de Conflictu
Brachii Perusini.
Hier. Tartarottus de Auctoribus
Historige Venetae Catalogi et In-
Vol. 1. Excerpta ex Hist. Sozomeni
Pistor. ab a. 1001-1294.
Excerpta ex M. Palmerii Libro de
Temporibus ab 1294-1448.
M. Palmerii Opus de Temporibus
suis, 1449-1582.
S. Gregorii Papae Epistolae His-
Bern. Marangone, Chroniche della
Citta de Pisa.
Fragmenta Fulginatis Historise, ab
Jac. Gori, Istoria della citt^ di
Chiusi dair 936 al 1565.
Vol. 2. Chronica de Paolino di Piero,
Florent. 1080-1409.
Chronica di Piero di Giovanni Miner-
betti, 1385-1409.
Manni. Comment, della Vita del
Capitano G. Aguto, Inglese, etc.
Rob. Ursi Obsidio Tiphematum,
Ricordi di Firenze, del 1590.
Bern. Oricellarius de Urbe Roma.
Naples : — Collezione di tuttii Poemi in Lingua Napoletana, 28 vol. in 14, 12mo Napoli
1. Sgruttendio, La Tiorba e Tac-
2. Cortese, Opere — II Micco Pas-
^ saro.
Vol I ^' ^°^'*^^^ (^' ^•) ^^ Vajasseide.
\ 4. La Rosa ; Ciullo e Perna.
f 5. Lombardi, La Cineceide Arra-
Vol. < gliata.
[_6, 7. B. Valentino, La Fuorfece.
Vol. 8-11. Stigliola, Eneide de Virgilio.
Vol. 12. Basiie, II Pastor Fido di
Naples — continued.
Vol. 13, 14. Fasano, La Gerusalemme
Liberata di Tasso.
"15. Capasso, Poesie Varie.
16. Parruccio, L' Agnano Zeflfo-
Santillo, La Sporclio do lo
17. Pagano, La Bbinte Eotola de
lo Valanzone : Batraco-
""18. Mortella d' Orzolone.
La Fenizia, Chell, Tragecom.
19. T. Valentino, La Mezzacanna ;
Cccala Napolitana ; Napole scon-
20, 21. G. Basilc, II Pcntamcrone
Le Muse Napolitane.
22. La Violejeda, etc., Soniette.
Panniero, Composczejuno Pove-
Possilecheata de Masillo Reppone.
23. G. d' Antonio, Opere.
24. 25. Opere inedite di vari Autori.
20, 27. Vocabolario Napoletano-
28. Galiani, Dialetto Napoletano.
Navabbete : — Coleccion de Documentos inoditos para la Ilistoria de Espafia, por De
Pidal y Miraflores y D. Miguel Salva, with continuation by the jMarcpii.s F. S. delle
Valle and D. Jose iSancho Reyon, vol. 1-81, 8vo Madrid, 1842-83
Vol. 1. Documentos relativos j'l Hernan
Cortes (1522-30).
Sobre el desafio del Emp. Carlos V.
con Francisco I.
Cartas que escribieron al arzobispo
de Toledo el Carlos V., la Em-
peratriz y D. Fernando Rey de
Conquista de Timez y la Goleta por
Carlos V. en 1535.
Tractos que movi6 Carlos V. con
Expedicion de Argel.
Documentos relativos a Juan Sebas-
tian del Cano.
Comunidades de Castilla.
Cartas escritas a Felipe II. por F.
Eelacion del descubrimiento y de la
conquista de Nueva Espafia.
Vol. 2. Proceso original que la Inquisi-
sion de Valladolid hizo al maestro
F. Sanchez de las Brozas.
Cartas de Juan Andrea Doria &
Felipe IL ,
Documentos relativos & los hijos de
Francisco I. ; y a Hernan Cortes.
Correspondencia entre Fernando I.
y Felipe 11.
Vol. 3. Correspondencia entre Don
Garcia de Toledo y Don Juan de
Austria (1571-77).
Documentos sobre la armada de la
liga y batalla de Lepanto.
Vol. 4. Documentos relativos & Hernan
Negocios de los Paises Bajos.
Vol. 5. Traslado de la requisitoria y
auctos y confisiones de Montigni.
Copia de varias cartas de S. Tomas
de Villanueva.
Cartas d Felipe III. del embajador
de Espafia en Francia.
Relacion de los descubrimientos de
F. Pizarro y D. de Almagro.
Vol. 5. Vida de 1). Fr. 15artolome Car-
ranza de Miranda.
Vol. 0. Correspondencia de Felipe II.
con varias personas.
Vol. 7. Mcmorias de Fray Juan de San
Carta sobre el asaltoy saco de Roma,
Documentos sobre las causas que
dieron motivo li la prision de D.
Instruccion al obispo do Tuy, y el
abad de Sahagun y al Dr. Juan
Vol. 8. Cr6nica de Felipe I., escrita por
Don L. de PadiUa.
Cartas de Felipe I.
Cedula y Capitulacion firmada de
los Reyes Catolicos solire el
rescate de los Moros y Moras
naturales de Malaga.
Nuevos documentos sobro las causas
que dieron motivo a la prision de
D. Fabrique.
Vol. 9. Noticia de los Espanolcs que
asistieron al Concilio de Trento.
Documentos relativos al Concilio de
Batalla de Pavia y prision de Fran-
cisco I.
Batalla de San Quintin.
Sumario de algunns sucesos del
reinado de Carlos V.
Vol. 10. Proceso original ([uo la Inqui-
sicion de Valladolid lii/.o al maes-
tro Fr. Luis de IjCou.
Vol. 11. Continuacion del Proceso do Fr.
Luis de Leon.
Relacion de los Sucesos de la
Armada de la Santa Liga, y de
la Batalla de Lepanto (1571-
Documentos relativos a los Reyes
Catolicos en la epoca de sus Con-
quistas en Andalucia.
Navabrete : — Coleccion — continued.
Vol. 12. Documentos relatives a Antonio
Vol. 13, Chronicon de Valladolid,
Correspondencia de Andres Marcos
Burriel con varias personas.
Aventuras de Antonio Perez.
Documentos sobre laeclios militares
de D. Juan de Austria.
Carta que segun una nota se hallaba
en el arcliivio de Indias.
Noticias sobre la segunda expedicion
a Napoles por D. Alonso V.,
Sucesos de las Armadias asi espa-
fiolas como turquescas.
Vol. 14. Correspondencia del Cardinal
de Osma con Carlos V. y con su
Documentos rel. al gobierno de estos
Peticiones beclias al Eey D. Enrique
Cartas del Conde de Nieva.
Documentos rel. a los Pieyes Cato-
licos sobre sucesos y negocios en
Discurso de la Jornada que se ba
becbo con las galeras que adelante
se expresan en 1564.
Vol. 15. Examen de los Viages y Des-
cubrimientos Apocrifos de L. F.
Maldonado, -J. de Fuca y de Bar-
tolome de Fonte, por M. F. de
Ordenzas de Felipe II. para los
Torcedores de Seda de Toledo.
Extractos de los Documentos sobre
Antonio Perez.
Vol. 16. Vida de Garcilasso de la Vega.
Noticias para la vida de D. Her-
nando Colon y la vida de D.
Bartolome Colon.
Vol. 17. Cortes de Madrid celebradas
por el Piey Carlos IV.
Eelacion de la antigiiedad y sitio de
Medina del Campo.
Vol. 18. Coleccion Diplomatica, 1609.
D. Andres Piquer, Discurso sobre la
Enfermedad de Fernando VI.
Galindez Carbajal (Lorenzo) Ana-
les breves del reinado de los Keyes
Fernando y Isabel.
D. Andres Piquer, Adiciones Genea-
logicas a los claros varones de
Castilla, de Fernan Perez de
Daza Cbacon (D.) Eelacion de la
herida de cabeza de D. Carlos.
Herrera (C.) Carta Apologetica.
Vol. 19. Vida literaria de D. Pedro
Lopez de Ayala, por D. Eafaelde
Vol. 20. Continuacion de la vida de
Lopez de Ayala.
Vida y Obras de Lorenzo Galindez
Carvajal, por Floranes.
Apuntamientos sobre Belietrias, por
Notas manuscritas, por el mayor
parte genealogicas.
Vol. 21. Memoria sobre la Longitud.
Herrera (F. dej Eelacion de la
Guerra de Cipre y de la Batalla
de Lepanto.
Noticia de Viage literario a las igle-
sias de Espaiia.
Instruccion que de orden del Eey
dio el virey de Mejico a su
Vol. 22. Clave de la Espaua Sagrada
por P. Saniz de Baranda.
Wolf (F.) La Danza delos Muertos.
Vol. 23. Eaneo (Jose) Libro donde se
trata de los Vireyes Lugarte-
nientes del reino de Napoles.
Vol. 24. Baeza (G. de) Vida de Don
Hugo de Moncada.
Correspondencia de Hugo de Mon-
cado con Carlos V.
Copia de Testamento del princ. D.
Dos Cartas del Cardenal Granvela.
Vol. 25. Heros (Martin de los) Historia
del Conde Pedro Navarro.
Vol. 26. Conclusion de la Historia del
Conde P. Navarro.
Zuniga (A. de) Carta a Felipe II.
Toledo (D. F. de) Memorial sobre
el estado del Peru.
Euiz Navarro (P. Fr. P.) Eelacion
de los hecbos de los Espailoles
en el Peru.
Eelacion, apuntamientos y avisos.
Carta de D, A, de Mendoza a su
Carta de P. de Santander a S. M.
Documentos relatives al Principe
Don Carlos.
Vol. 27. Continuacion de los documentos
rel. a D. Carlos.
Correspondencia de Felipe II. con
el duque de Medina Sidonia.
Documentos rel. a la conquista del
Vol. 28. Correspondencia de Felipe II.
con Juan de Austria.
Cartas de Juan de Austria (1570-
Advertencias que el duque de Medi-
nacelli dejo aD. Garcia de Toledo
sobre el gobierno de Sicilia.
Documentos rel. d Alonso de Guz-
Correspondencia de Felipe II. sobre
Navarrete : — Coleccion — continued.
el Casaraiento do T>. Sebastian,
Key cle Portugal, con dona Isabel.
Vol. 29-31. Correspondencia de Felipe
II. con D. Garcia de Toledo.
Documentos rel. tl D. Hanclio
Vol. 82-34. Correspondencia del duque
de Alba con Felipe II. sobre la
Conquista de Portugal.
Vol. 35. Conclusion do la Correspon-
dencia del duque de Alba.
De la translacion del cuerpo del
duque de Alba.
Convenios sobre los enterramientos
de los duques de Alba.
Merced liecha por Enrique IV. a
D. Inigo do Mendoza.
Documentos rel. al nombraiuiento
de gobernador y capitan general
de los Paises Bajos de Juan de la
Yol. 36. Continuacion de los documen.
rel. a Juan de la Cerda.
Docum. rel. a la tonia y saco de
Cadiz por los Ingleses.
Carta que envio el marques de Cadiz
al Card, de Spafia.
Memorial de A. Perez.
Inventario de la plata empenada
por el Key en el monasterio de
Documentos sobre la ocupacion de
Conquista de Cazaza.
Presupuesto de ingresos y gastos de
Instruccion dada al Conde P. Na-
Vol. 37-38. Documentos rel. a los
Paises Bajos.
Historia de la Guerra de Lombar-
dia, Batalla de Pavia, y Prision
de Francisco I.
Vol. 39. Pedro de Medina, Cr6nica de
los duques de Medina Sidonia.
Documentos rel. a P. Martir al
Key Catolico (1504-1512).
Correspondencia de Felipe II. con
D. Juan de Austria, sobre A la
expedicion de D. Sebastian al
Vol. 40. Correspondencia de D. Juan
de Silva con Felipe II.
Cartas del Key D. Sebastian y D.
Cristobal de Mora, tocantes d la
expedicion de Africa.
Docum. rel. a la conquista de Por-
tugal por Felipe II.
Docum. rel. a Enrique IV. de
Docum. rel. & los reinos de Navarra,
Castilla y Aragon (1500).
Vol. 41. Documentos relativos a los
reinos de Navarra, Castilla y
Aragon (1500).
Correspondencia del doctor Arias
Montano con Felipe II.
Cartas del alniirante de Aragon don
F. de Mendoza al arcbiduque
Alberto relativos a la guerra de
Flandes (1590 l(i02).
Vol. 42. Cartas del alniirante de Aragon
don F. de Mendoza al arcbiduque
Alberto relativas ii la guerra do
Flandres (1590-1002).
Documentos relativos al arcbi-
duque Alberto de Austria (1598-
Cartas del arcbiduque All)erto a Don
F. Gomez de Sandoval y Kojas
Vol. 43. Cartas de don Juan do Silva,
conde de Portalegre, a Felipe II.
y Felipe III. (1579-1001).
Continuacion de las cartas del Arcbi-
duque Alberto si don Francisco
Gomez de Sandoval y Kojas,duquo
deLerma (1598-1011).
Documentos relativos a la Venida
de franceses a Perpifian y Navarra
Kelacion del viaje que ba lieclio
desde el pucrto de la Corufia la
armada real, &c., Sec.
Vols. 44-47. Documentos relativos a don
Pedro Giron, terccr duque de
Documentos relativos h Gonzalo de
Vol. 48. Descripcion, &c., del Reino de
Cliile, &c., &c.
Vols. 49-50. Documentos rel. al Pedro
Gasca sobre la comision que le
dio Carlos 5° en 1545 para ir ii
pacificar el Peru, sublevado por
Gonzalo Pizarro y los suyos.
Cartas de Juan de Escobedo, secre-
tario de don Juan de Austria, li
Felipe II. sobre asuntos de
Cartas de Felipe II. al Escipion
Antolinez desde Sept. de 1579
hasta Nov. 1580 sobre provision
de bizcocbo y otras cosas para el
ejercito que debia entrar en Por-
tugal con el D. de Alba.
Vol. 51. Consultas liecbas por Andres de
Eraso jI Felipe II. sobre acuerdos
de Consejo de Indias, etc.
Correspondencia de don Alonso do
Curiel con Felipe II., Don Juan
de Austria.
Documentos rel. a los reyes Cat6-
licos sobre sucesos y negocios en
Navaeeete : — Coleccion — continued.
Andalucia despues de la conquista
de Granada.
Vol. 52. CoiTGspondencia de don Gero-
nimo de Silva con Felipe III.,
don Juan de Silva, el rey de
Tidore, etc. (1612-1017).
Vol. 53. Eelacion de las cerimonias y
ritos, poblacion y gobierno de
los indios de Mechuacan, etc.
Vol. 54-55. Correspondencia de don
Gonzalo Fernandez de C6rdoba
con el Conde de Nassau, etc.
Valencia (Juan de) Eelacion sobre
la Jornada al Brasil, heclia en
1625, etc.
Vol. 56. Documentos rel. a dona Ana de
Mendoza y de la Cerda, Princesa
de Eboli.
Vol. 57, 58. Eelacion de las Cosas que
sucedieron al Padre Fray Alonso
Ponce en las Provincias de la
Nueva Espana.
Vol. 59. Eelacion y Comentario de los
Succesos de las Armas de S. M.
mandadas por el Seilor D. Fer-
nando, Infante d'Espaiia, Lugar-
tbiniente, Gouernador y Capitan-
General de Estados de los Flandes
y de Borgoiia, d'esta Campaiaa
Vol. 60. Memorias de Matias de Novoa
conocidas hasta abora bajo el
titulo de ' Historia de Felipe III.'
por Bernabe de Vibanco.
Vol. 61. Continuacion de las Memorias
de Matias de Novoa. Indice
Alfabetico de los 61 Tomos que
van publicados de esta Coleccion.
Vol. 62-66. Las Casas (Fr. Bartolome
de) Historia de las Indias.
Vol. 67. Menor edad de Carlos II.
Vol. 68, 76. Guerras civiles del Peru, por
Pedro de Cieza de Leon.
Vol. 69, 77, 80. Historia de Felipe IV.
Eey de Espaiia.
Vol. 70. Vida del Padre Fray Barto-
lome de Las Casas, Obispo de
Vol. 71. Breuissima relacion de la de^
siruycion de las Indias, coleg. por
el Obispo D. F. B. de Las Casas,
auo 1552.
Viaje a Inglaterra del condestable
de Castilla, Don Juan Fernandez
de Velasco, en 1603.
Eelacion de la vida del Capitan
Domingo de Toral y Valdes,
escrita por el misnio.
Vol. 72, 73, 79. Los sucesos de Flandes
y Francia del tiempode Alejandro
Farnese, por el Capitan Alonzo
Vazquez, y Indice.
Vol. 75. Correspondencia de varios
capitanos y soldanos.
Vol. 78. Historia General de las islas
llamadas Pliilipinas, por el
Padre Fray Eodrigo de Agandura
Vol. 79. El mismo.
Eelacion de las sucesos de las armas
de Espaiia en Italia, 1511-12,
con la Jornada de Eavena.
Cartas del Duque de Montalto a
Don Pedro Eonquillo, Embajador
de S. M. C. en Inglaterra, 1685-
Armeria del Duque del Infantado
en Guadalajara.
Vol. 81. Privilegio concedido a la ciudad
de Audequera.
Informacion contra Pero Sarmiento,
por lo que dijo contra la Eeina
Cedula del Emp. Carlos V. cone, un
escudo de armas.
Indice de las escrituras reales que
estan en el Archivio de Siman-
Noticias de ' La Invencible.'
Cartas dirigas al Duque de Medina-
Eelacion de las intelligencias se-
cretas de Espana.
Newton (Sir Isaac), Opera qute extant omnia, Commentariis illustrabat, S. Horsley,
5 vol. 4to Lond. 1779-85
Vol. 1. Aritbraetica Universalis. Vol.
Tractatus de Eationibus primis ulti-
Analysis per ^Equationes numero
terminorum infinitas.
Excerpta ex Epistolis ad Series
Fluxionesque pertinentia.
De Quadratura Curvarum.
Geometria Analytica.
Metbodus Diiferentialis.
Enumeratio Linearum tertii.
1. Editoris Logistica infinitorum
et Geometria Fluxionum.
Vol. 2, 3. Pliilosopbia Naturalis.
Principia Matliematica.
Vol. 4. Optics.
Letters on various subjects in
Natural Philosophy.
Letter to Boyle on Gravitation.
Tabulfe Calorum et Eefractorum.
De Problematibus Bernouillianis.
Propositions for determining the
N E W — N I C
Newton (Sir Isaac) — contimied.
Motion of a l>ody urged by Two
Central Forces.
Vol. 4. Five Letters to Bentley.
Commercium Kpistolicinn.
Vol. 5. Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms
Vol. 5. Short Chronicle, etc.
Observations on the Prophecies o
Holy Writ.
Historical Account of two Notable
Corruptions cf Scripture.
Nichols (J.), Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, vols. 1 to 7, 4to 1780-90
Vol. 1. History and Antiquities in Kent
and Sussex.
Tunstall, by E. R. Mores.
Aylesford, by John Thorpe.
Reculver and Heme, by Rev. John
Mayfield Archiepiscopal Palace (Sus-
sex), by Mr. l)enne.
History and Antiquities of the three
Archiepiscopal Hospitals at and
near Canterbury, St. Nicholas's
Harbledown, St. John's North-
gate, St. Thomas's Eastbridge,
with Accounts of the Priory of
St. Gregory, the Nunnery of St.
Sepulchre, the Hospitals of St.
James and St. Lawrence, and
Maynard's Spittle, by Rev. John
Duncombe and Rev. Nicholas
St. Radigund's or Bradsole Abbey,
near Dover.
Tradesmen's Tokens issued in the
Kent Cinque Ports.
Canterbury Moat.
Sketch of Hawkhurst Church.
Essex's Letter on Canterbury Ca-
Douglas, on the Urbs RutupicC of
Memoirs of William Lambert, Law-
yer and Antiquary.
Douglas on Brass Instruments called
Celts and other ancient arms.
Pegge's Account of the Textus Rof-
fensis and Memoirs of W. Elstob
and his sister, and of Mr. John-
son, Vicar of Cranbrooke.
Vol. 2. Antiquities of Middlesex and
Hospital and Collegiate Church of
St. Katherine (London).
Antiquities, etc., of Stoke Newing-
Nichols's Account of Canonbury
House at Islington.
Ducarel's Account of Lambeth Pa-
Nichols's Account of Lambeth
Ducarel's Account of Croydon
Account of Sutton Palace, near
Vol. 3. Gale (R. and S.) Rcliquijc Ga-
Correspondence of Contemporary
Antiquaries with R. Gale.
Gougli (Rich.) Croyland Abbey
Essex's Observations on Croyland
Second Appendix to History of
Vol. 4. Antiquities in Bedfordshire,
Berkshire, Derbyshire, North-
amptonshire, Staffordshire, and
Account of Parish of Great Cox-
well (Berks).
Collections towards a Parochial
History of Berkshire.
Collections towards the History and
Antiquities of 15edfordshire.
St. John Cooper's Account of the
Parishes of Wimmington and
Odell (Bedfordshire).
Account of Fotheringay (Northamp-
Extracts from Black Book of War-
wick, wdth Pegge's Life of Guy
Earl of W^irwick, and Sir T.
More's Account of a Religious
Frenzy at Coventry.
Pegge's History, i*i:c. of Eccleshall
Manor and Castle, and of Lich-
field House (London).
Pegge's History of Bolsovcr and
Peak Castles (Derbyshire).
Pegge's Account of the Roman
Roads, Ikenild Street and ]»uth-
way (Derbyshire).
Vol. 5. Antiquities in Cambridgeshire,
Suffolk, Scotland, and Wales.
History, etc., of Barnwell Abbey
and Sturbridge Fair.
Cullum's Account of Hawsted (Suf-
Accounts of Elmeswell and Campsey
Ash (Suffolk).
Orem's Chanonry in Old Aber-
Martin's Account of St. Rule's
Chapel in the ^Monastery of St.
Andrew's (Scotland).
Buchan (Earl of) on the Roman
Army during Agricola's sixth
Nichols (J.) — continued.
Vol. 5. Jameson's Account of the Eoman
Camps, Dykes, etc.
Gifford's Account of the Zetland
Price's Account of Holyhead (Angle-
Vol. 6. Antiquities Biographical and
Sir John Hawkwood, Memoirs of.
Sir S. d'Ewes, extracts from Jour-
nal of.
Gough (E.) Genealogical View of
the Cromwell family, with pedi-
Sharpe (Abp.) on English Coinage.
Hutchins, Eev. John, Life of.
Vol. 6. Lewis's Suffragan Bishops in
Pegge's Inscriptions on erecting
Thorkelin's Fragments of English
and Irish History in the 9th and
10th century.
Vol. 7. Nichols's History of Hinckley
(Leicestershire) with the Hamlets
of Stoke, Dadlington, Wykin, and
the Hyde.
History of Aston, Flamville, and
Burbach, with the hamlets of
Sketchley and Smockington, etc.
Collections towards History, etc. of
Town and County of Leicester.
NovELLENSCHATZ, Deutscher, herausg. von P. Heyse und H. Kurz, 3 ser. 19 vol. p. 8vo,
Vol. 1. Die neue Melusine. — Goethe.
Die Verlobung auf St. Domingo. —
H. von Kleist.
Geschichte vom hraven Kasperl und
dem schonen Annerl. — Clemens
Der tolle Invalide auf Fort Eaton-
neau. — A. von Arnim.
Das Fraulein von Scudery. — E. T.
A. Hoffmann.
Vol. 2. Die Gemalde.— L. Tiech.
Der letzte Savello. — G. Fr. von
Brigitta. — A. Stifter.
Der Stern der Schonheit. — A. Wolf.
Vol. 3. DesLebensUeberfluss.— L.Kcc/c.
Die Gliicksritter. — /. vo7i Eiclien-
Die kathoHsche Miihle. — A. Wid-
Eomeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe. —
G. Keller.
Vol. 4. Irrwisch-Fritze.— i^. Berthold.
Fantasieen im Bremer Eathskeller.
—W. Hauff.
Margret. — G. Kinhel.
Mozart auf der Eeise nach Prag. — •
E. Morike.
Vol. 5. Ein Carnevalsfest auf Ischia. —
A. Kopisch.
Die Entscheidung bei Hochkirch. —
jP. Lohmann.
Der Carneval und die Sonnambiile.
— G. Immermann.
Der arme Spielmann. — F. Grill-
Vol. 6. Nordische Freundschaft. — L.
Eine fromme Liige. — L. von Gall.
Der Miiller vom Hoft. — A. Meissner.
Das Kind. — H. Grimm.
Vol. 7. Der Notar in der Falle.— J". Gott-
Vol. 7. Die Geschichte des Diethelm von
Buchenberg. — B. Auerbach.
Johann Ohlerich. — A. Wilbrandt.
Vol. 8. Die Engel-Ehe. — Sjnndler.
Jorg Muckenhuber. — W. H. Biehl.
Eine Verlorene. — Kompert.
Vol. 9. Mammon im Gebirge. — M. Beich.
Der Sieg des Schwachen. — M.Meyr.
Eine Malerarbeit. — T. Storm.
Vol. 10. Samuel Brink's letzte Liebes-
geschichte. — Schreyvogel.
Herr von Sacken.— IF. Alexis.
Es ist nicht gut, dass der Mensch
allein sei. — B. Waltmilller {Dii-
Vol. 11. Die drei Schwestern. — L. A.
Der todte Gast. — Zschohke.
Das Schloss im Gebirge. — M. Hart-
Der Drache. — F. Kilrnberger.
Vol. 12, Kurt von Koppigen. — J. Gott-
's Muhme - Lieutenant - Saloppel. —
K. von Holtei.
Eolof der Eekrut. — E. Hoefer.
Vol. 13. Am Malanger Fjord. — T.Miigge.
Der graue John,^ — F. von Heyden.
Der Fliichtling. — A. Pichler.
Vol. 14. Der Tritumer. — A. Kopisch.
Die Tante. — Fanny Leivald.
Ansas und Grita. — E. Wichert.
Vol. 15. Eeiz und Liebe. — K. A. Yarn-
liagen von Ense.
Die Incantada. — F. Kugler.
Der arme Josy. — F. Wallner.
Die Schwester. — L. fichilching.
Vol. 16. Gemiith und Selbstsucht. — F.
von W.
Mohrenkranzel. — H. Schmid.
Der Streithast, — F. von Dincklage.
Die Schlangenkonigin. — 0. Bo-
NovELLENSCHATZ — conthuied.
Vol. 17. Peter Sclilemilil's wundersame
Gescliichte. — .4. vo7i Chamhso.
Musikalisclie Ortliodoxic. — JoJianna
Der Weinliuter von Mcran. — P.
Vol. 18. Deborah.— ir. Milllcr.
Die beideu Tubus. — H. Kurz.
Vol. 19. Die Diivecke. — Schcfcr.
Der Enten-Piet. — Tclsche.
Eeicb zu Reich und Arm zu Ann. —
Vol. 20. Scholastika. — Sternberg.
Vetter Isidor. — Grossc.
Das Gericht iiu Walde. — Ludwiy.
Vol. 21. Die Marzipan — Life. — Halm.
Germelshausen. — Gerstiicker.
Vol. 21. Der Gebirgspfarrcr. — Julius v.
d. Traun.
Auf Wiedersehen. — Goldammer.
Eine Hochzeitsnacht. — Goldammer,
Das letzto Recht. — W. Baahc.
Vol. 22. Euro Wege sind nicht moiue
Wege.— IFiW.
Eine Nacht. — E. Andolt.
Vol. 28. Das erfiillteVersprechen. — Frey.
Zwei Niichte. — llacklander.
Strcit in der Licbe und Licbo im
Streit. — Wildcrmuth.
Der Siiuglinfi;. — Horner.
Vol. 24. Ein adeliges Friiulein. — Lorm.
Die Indenbuchc. — A. Freiln v.
Droste- Hit Is h off.
Saat und iM-ntc. — Zicgler.
Don Juan von Ivolomea.
Oefelius (A. F.), Pierum Boicarum Scriptores, nusquam antehac editi, quibus vicinarum
quoque gentium necnon Germanise universe Historiae, etc., plurimum illustrantur,
2 vol. folio Aug. Vind. 17G3
Vol. 1. Andrew Eatisponensis Diarium
Sexennale, 1422-1427; Chroni-
con Episcoporum Eatisponensium
ab origine ad a. C. 1428.
Anonymi Chronicon de Ducibus Ba-
variie ; Breve Chronicon Bojoaria)
ab a. C. 732 ad a. 1062; Breve
Chronicon Bavariiie, 1487-150G.
Ottonis (Prioris Waldsass.) Chro-
nicon Waldsassense ; Descriptio
Exterminii Monasterii sui sub
bello Bavarico majore.
A. Eumpleri (Abbat. Formbacensis)
de Gestis in Bavaria Libri VI.
ab exc. Georgii Divitis, Bav. inf.
Ducis ad a. 1506 ; Calamitatum
Bavariae Liber.
L. Hochwarti Catal. Episcop. Eatis-
Excerpta Boica ex B. Zenggii Chro-
nico Augustano anecdoto, 1369-
J. E. de Wildenberg, Chronicon
Bavariae ab orig. gentis ad tem-
pora usque Gul. et Ernesti Ducum
fratrum deductum.
Geo. Bchamdocher, Breve Chron.
quorundam sub Friderico III.
Aug. 1440-1479 gestarum.
Anonymi Chronicon Noribergense,
etc., 1361-1476.
Hart. Schedelii Breve Chronicon
Noribergense, 1316-1499.
Bertoldi (Abbat. S. Crucis Wcrdani)
Historia quomodo portio viviliciu
Crucis Werdeam pervenerit.
Vol. 1. Anonymi Atakensis Breve Chroni-
con BavariaN 514-998.
Breve Chron. Monasticum Bavariae,
Breve Chron. Bavariae, 1156-1868.
Colmanni (Mon. CEgid.) Hist, do
ortu Monasterii kS. /Egidii Nori-
bergensis per Scotos, eorumquo
reformatione ct fine.
H. hjchedelii Chronicon Monasterii
S. ^gidii NoribGrgu\ etc.
Adal. Onsorgii Chronicon Bavariae
a temp. Phocic Imp. ad a. C.
1422, etc.
Excerpta Boica ex ejusdera Cata-
logo Pontificum Eomanorum.
H. Schledelii Opusc. Ihstor. de
ortu ac progressu Conventus
Frati'um ordinis Prjcdicatorum
Chronicon Schlierseense, conscript.
a. 1378.
Jo. Liebii Bamberg, iliscellanea
Anonymi Chronicon Bavaricum,
H. Schedelii Hist, rerum Memora-
bilium, 1439-60 gest.
Monumenta Eeichenbacensia : —
1. Anonymi Chronicon Eeichen-
baccnse ab ortu Monast. 1188
ad a. 1417.
2. Acta electionis Lazari Ab-
3. Excerpta Diplomatica Eeich-
Oefelius (A. F.) — continued.
Vol. 1. Jo. Staindelii Chronicon Generale
ab 0. C. ad a. 1508.
Fr. Christ. Hofmanni HistoriaEpisc.
■ Ratisponensium, necnon Abba-
tum Monast. S. Emmeranii.
Jac. Parfuessi Chronicon Ensdorff-
ense, 1121-1480.
Nic. ]3urgmanni (Spirensis De-
cani) Historife Impp. et Regum
Romanorum Spir^e Sepultorum, a
Carolo Mag. ad Carolum IV.
Anonymi Bavari Breve Chron.
rerum suo tempore gest., 1396-
Breve Chron. Bojoarige et Suevire,
Chronicon Augustanmn, 1256-1467.
Jo. Gairii Brevis Historia amiorum
Chronica vet. Garstensis Fragmen-
Vita S. Hiltegundis Virginis.
Monumenta Tergernseensia : —
1. Fragmenta bina Chronici Te-
2. Excerpta ex Necrologio Te-
Breve Chronicon Scheftlariense,
Spicilegiunr Lectionum Variarum
in Hermanni Contracti et Ber-
noldi Constantiensis, continua-
toris ejus, Chronica, etc.
Breve Chronicon Bavarire, 1156-
Hermanni (Altahfe infer, ord. S.
Bened. Abbatis) Annales, 1152-
Henrici (Prsepos. (Ettingensis) Chro-
nicon Bavarife, 1273-1313.
Anonymi Breve Chronicon Ratis-
ponense, 471-1343.
Jo. Aventini Narratiuncula de Urbe
Bathavina, et Excerpta diplo-
matica Passaviensia.
Leges Portorife Bojorum, etc.
Antiquitates Diplomaticse Altahen-
ses et Osterhovenses.
Breve Chronicon Austria, 1075-
Monumenta qutedam Diplomatica
Ludovici IV. Bavari.
Jo. Aventini Catalogus Episcopo-
rum Chiemensium ; Excerpta ex
anonymi cuj. pervetusti Historia
de origine Ecclesite SaHsburgen-
sis ; Excerpta ex Alberti Bohemi
Archidiac. Bathavini contra Fri-
dericum II. Actis et Commen-
Index rerum personarum, locorum,
in tomo i.
Vol. 2. Monumenta Eberspergensia : —
1. Anonymi Chronicon Ebersper-
gense antiquius, 900-1045.
2. Anon. Chron. Ebersp. pos-
3. Necrologium antiquiss. ejusdem
4. Codex traditionum Ebersperg.
228 diplomata complect.
5. Libellus Concambiorum Mo-
nasterii Ebersperg.
Anonymi (Mon. Tegurini) Historia
S. Quirini Regis et Martyris cum
fundatione Monasterii in Tegern-
see et successione abbatum.
Diplomatarium Tegurinum.
Specimen Diplomatarii Bojoarici.
Adversaria Boica Historico-Genea-
Anonymi (Mon. Bavari) Compilatio
Chronologica Rerum Boicarum,
And. Zaynari Liber Memorialis
rerum Bello Bavarico gestarum a
morte Georgii Divitis ad laudum
Ephemerides Belli Palatino-Boici.
Anonymi (Ingolstad.) Ejusdem Belli
Brevis Narratio ; Anonymi (Ra-
tespon.) Farrago historica rerum
Ratisponensium, 508-1519.
Volcmari (Abbat. Campi Princ.)
Chronica de gestis principum a
temp. Rudolphi regis usque ad
temp. Ludovici Imper.
Anonymi (Fiirstenfeld.) Breve Chro-
nicon Bavarife.
Lad. Sunthemii (Ravenspurg.) Fa-
miliffi GermaniiB Principum iUus-
1. Familia Ducum Bavarias, ex
Comitibus de Schewrn.
2. Familia Palatinorum comitum
Rheni Ducum Bavari^e, ex
Comitibus Schewrn et Wittels-
pach orta.
3. Familia Marchionum Veronen-
sium, nunc de Baden dicto-
4. Collectanea Histor. Genealog.
Geographica Rerum Baden-
5. Marchionatus Badensis De-
6. Familia comitum de Wirtem-
berg, nunc Ducum.
7. Genealogia Wirtemburgica La-
tine conscripta.
8. Provinciae Wirtembergensis De-
9. Monasteriologia Franconise.
10. Historia S. Hildegundis.
E F — R I
Oefelius (A. F.) — continued.
Vol. 2. Lad. Suntliemii — continued. Vol.
11. Familia antiquoruni Burgra-
vioruin Nnrnberi^^ciisinin.
12. Arbor et Familia niodernorum
Burgrav. Nurnbergonsiuin.
13. De origine l)oiuu.s Braiuloii-
14. Iiidiciilus geograpliiciis Reriim
15. Brevis Narratio de urbe
Moguntinensi in turbis Isen-
burgicis a Ludovico Nigro capta
et direpta.
16. Ejusdem Brandenburgica,
Misnensia, Lusatica, et Merse-
burgensia, Megapolitana, Sta-
tinensia, Ponieranica, Tliuring-
iaca, Hassiaca, Boica, tarn
Agilolfingica quam Carolina.
Monumenta l)iessensia :^
1. Anonymi Catalogus PrsBposi-
torum Diessensium.
2. Luitoldi Necrologium Dies-
sense Seculi XII.
Oersted (Hans Chr.) Gesammelte Scbriften, C v
Vol. 1, 2. Biograpli. Skizze von Moller. Vol
Das Geistige in dem Korperlichen.
Der Springbrunnen.
Ueber das Yerlialtniss zwiscben der
Natnrauffassung des Denkens und
der Einbildungskraft. Vol
Aberglaube und Unglaube in ihrem
VerliJiltnisse zur Naturwissen-
Das ganze Dasein ein Yernunftreicli.
Die Wissenschaftspflege als Eeli-
Der allgemeinen Naturlehre Geist
und Wesen.
Ueber die bildende Wirkung welclie
die Anwendung der Naturwissen-
scliaft ausiiben muss.
Zwei Eeden gelialten in Skandina-
visclien Naturforsclierversamm- Vol
Das Verbilltniss zwiscLien den
Jungen und Alten.
Alte und neue Zeiten.
Oriental Translation Fund, Publications of the
found under the names in italics.
Al Ubi, The Kitab-i-yamini.
Atkinson, Customs of Women in
Biallohlotzhj , Chronicles of Rabbi
Bird, Polit. and Statist. Hist, of
Callaivay, Cingalese Poems.
Chodzko, Popular Poetry of Per-
2. Monumenta Diess. — continued.
3. Ejusdem Necrologium Dies-
sense altorum.
4. Codex Traditionum Diessen-
5. Breve Chronicon Diessenso,
1151-1432 ; Anonymi Memo-
ria Sepulcralis Comitum Dies-
Viti (Prioris Ebersperg.) Cronica
Bavarorum ab origine gentis ad
a. C. 1504.
To. Aventini Origines Ratisponenses,
vernaculc conscriptrc.
lo. Vetteri Fasti consulares Civitatis
LandeshutanfT, 1430-1505.
Bonizonis (Episc.) Liber ad Ami-
cum, sive de Persecutione Ec-
clesia;, libri ix.
Rotulus Censualis CanonifB D. Sal-
vatoris Pollingana', Ord. Canon.
Reg. S. Augustini. Index Rcrum,
personarum, locorum, in tomo ii.
ol. in 3, itc Aujl. 12mo 1840-51
, 1, 2. Der Naturwissenschaft Ver-
hiiltniss zu Zeitaltern und dereii
Das Christenthum und die Geistes-
bildung unterstiitzen einander.
3, 4. Ueber die Grlinde des Ver-
gniigens, welches die Tone her-
Die Naturwirkung des geordneten
Die Naturlehre des Schonen.
Das Unschone in der Natur im Ver-
hiiltniss zur Hchonheitsharmonie
des Ganzen.
Betrachtungen iiber die Geschichte
der Chemie.
Christenthum und Astronomie.
Charaktcre und Reden.
, 5, (5. Der Weg von der Natur zu
Gespriich iiber den ]\Iysticismus.
Ueber die Symmetric.
Vcrmischte Schriften,
Committee of the. — The titles will bo
and Wilson, Sankhya
The, by Shea and
Dab is than,
Davis, Sorrows of Ilan.
Fortunate Union.
Dorn, History of tlie Affghans.
Ebn Malek, Alfiyya, par De Sacy.
Elisceus, History of Vartan.
El Masudi, Historical Encyclopa;dia.
Obiental Translation Fund — continued.
Evliya Ejendi, Travels, by Ham-
Fakir Jany Muhammad Assaad,
Firdausi, Shah Nameh, by Atkin-
Forbes, Adventures of Hatim Tai.
Frazer, History of the War in
Garcin de Tassy, Litterature
Aventures de Kamrup.
Gayangos, Mahommedan Dynasties
of Spain.
Gholam, Hist, of Mahommedan
Power in India.
Hafiz Behmut-Khan, Life of.
Haji Khalifeh, Maritime Wars of
the Turks.
Eaji EhalfcB, Lexicon Encyclopas-
Hariri, Makamat, by Preston.
Sarivansa, par Langlois.
Hussein, Life of Hyder All.
Ibn Battuta, Travels.
Ihyi Ehallikayi, Biogr. Dictionary.
Jahangueir (Emp.) Memoirs of.
Jalal Addin, Temple of Jerusalem.
Jouher, Memoirs of Emperor Hu-
Julien, Hoei-lan-ki, Cercle de Craie.
Livre des Peines et Kecom-
Kalidasa, Eaghuvansa.
Kumara Sambhava.
Elaproth, Aper9U des
Elaproth, Amiales des Empereurs
de Japon.
Macarius, Travels, by Belfour.
Mahommed Ben Musa, Algebra.
Maliommed Ehan, Hist, of Gujarat.
Makrizi, Sultans Mamlouks de
Marsdcn, Memoirs of a Malayan
MirkJiond, Early Kings of Persia.
Miscellaneous translations.
Mohammed All Hazin, Life of.
Naima, Turkish Annals.
Nalopakliyanam, Story of Nala.
Nazami, Laili and Majnun.
Neumann, Trans, from Chinese and
Ouseley, Persian Poets.
Piatt, Ethiopic Didascalia.
Bam Baz, Hindoo Architecture.
Boscn, Eig-Veda-Sanhita.
Bowlandson, First Settlement of
the Mahommedans in Malabar.
Sadliak Isfahane, Geographical
Sangermano, Descr. of Burmese
Sanhita of the Sama Veda, by Ste-
Stevenson, Kalpa Sutra, and Nava
Tahari, Chronique.
Tattam, Apostolical Constitutions.
Timur (the Emperor), Autobio-
graphy of.
Wilson, System of Hindoo Mytho-
logy and Tradition.
Oeigenes, Opera, Gr. et Lat., ed. C. et C. V. Delarue, 4 vol. fol Paris. 1733-59
Vol. 1. Epistolffi.
De Principiis, Eufino interprete.
De Oratione.
Contra Celsum.
De recta in Deum fide.
Vol. 2. Selecta in Genesim.
Homiliffi in Genesim.
Selecta et Homilife in Exodum,
Leviticum, Numeros, Deuteron.,
Jesum, Judices, Libr. Eegn., Job,
et Psalmos.
Anonymi Comment, in Job. vulgo
Origeni tributus.
Vol. 3. Fragmenta ex Libro de Prover-
Vol. 3. Li Canticum Canticorum ; in
Jsaiam Prophetam ; Homilife in
Jeremiam et Threnos, in Ezechie-
lem ; Fragmentum in Osee.
Comment, in Matthffium ; Homilia9
in Lucam.
Vol. 4. Comment. inEvangelium Johan-
nis ; in Acta Apostolorum ; in
Epist. Pauli ad Eomanos, etc.
Pamphili Martyris Apologia pro
Eufini Liber de Adulteratione Li-
brorum Origenis.
S. Gregorii Thaumaturgi Oratio in
Huetii Origeniana,
G. Bulli Defensio Fidei Nicaenae.
Pal^ontographical Society's Publications for the years ISIS to 1887, 4to ...1847-87
Morphology and Histology of Stig-
maria ficoides, by Prof. W. C.
Flora of the Eocene Formations, by
J. S. Gardner and Baron Ettings-
hausen, vol. 1, Filiees.
Flora of the Eocene Formations, by
J. S. Gardner, vol. 2, Conifera?.
Carboniferous and Permian Forami-
nifera, by H. B. Brady.
Tertiary Cretaceous, Oolitic, Devon-
ian, and Silurian Corals, by H.
]\Iilne-Edwards and J. H. Haime.
Polyzoa of tlie Crag, by G. Busk.
Tertiary Echinodermata, by E.
Oolitic Echinodermata, by Dr. Th.
Wright, vol. 1 (Echinoides).
vol. 2 (Asteroidea).
Cretaceous Echinodermata (Echi-
noidea), by Dr. Th. Wright.
Fossil Cirripedes, by C. Darwin.
Fossil Merostomata, by Dr. H.
Post-Tertiary Entomostraca, by G.
S. Brady, H. W. Crosskey, and
D. Robertson.
Tertiary Entomostraca, by T. Rupert
Cretaceous Entomostraca, by T.
Rupert Jones.
Carboniferous Entomostraca, by T.,
Rupert Jones, J. W. Kirkby, and
G. S. Brady.
Fossil Estherias, by T. Rupert Jones.
Trilobitesofthe Cambrian, Silurian,
and Devonian Formations, by J.
W. Salter.
Fossil Brachiopoda, vol. 1. Tertiary,
Cretaceous, Oolitic, and Liassic
Brachiopoda, by T. Davidson.
vol. 2. Permian and Carboni-
ferous Brachiopoda.
vol. 3. Devonian and Silurian
— vol. 4, 5. Supplements, by T.
vol. 6. Bibhography, by T.
Davidson and Dalton.
Fossil Trigoniae, by Dr. J. Lycett.
Supplement, by the same.
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vol.1. (Univalves).
vol. 2. (IMvalves).
Supplements to the Crag Mollusca,
Nos. 1, 2, 8, by S. V. Wood.
Eocene Mollusca, Cephalopoda,
and Univalves, by F. E. Ed-
wards, continued by S. V. Wood,
vol. 1.
Eocene Mollusca, Bivalves, by S.
V. Wood, vol. 1.
Supplement to vol. 1 of the Eocene
Mollusca (Bivalves), by tlu- same.
Great Oolite j\Iollusca, by Prof, J.
]\Iorris and Dr. J. Lycett.
Supplement, by Dr. J. Lycett.
Fossils of the Permian Formation, by
Prof. W. King.
Lias Ammonites, by Dr. Th. Wright.
Upper Cretaceous Cephalopoda, by
D. Sluirpe.
Reptiha of the London Clay [and of
the Bracklesham and other Ter-
tiary Beds], vol. 1, by Profs.
R. Owen and T. Bell.
Reptilia of the Cretaceous Forma-
tions, by Prof. Owen.
Reptilia of the Wealden and Pur-
beck Formations, by Prof. Owen.
Reptilia of the Liassic Formations,
by Prof. Owen.
Fossil Elephants, by Prof. Lcith
Mammalia of the !Mesozoic Forma-
tions, by Prof. Owen.
Fossil Sponges, by Dr. Hinde.
Steomaloporoids, by Prof. U.
Alleyne Nicholson.
Fossil Crustacea, part 1. London
Clay, by Prof. Bell.
part 2. Gault and Greensand.
Pleistocene ]\Iammalia, by W. Boyd
Dawkins and W. A. Sanford.
Crag Foraminifcra, by T. R. Jones,
W. K. Parker, and'li. B. Brady.
Flora of the Carboniferous Strata,
by E. W. Binney.
Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone,
by J. Powrie and E. Ray Lan-
Crag Cetacea, by Prof. Owen.
Carboniferous Ganoid Fishes, by
Dr. Traquair, part 1 (Palffionis-
Sirenoid and Crossoptervgian Ga-
noids, pt. 1, by Prof. ]\iiall.
Carboniferous Trilobites, parts 1 and
2, by Dr. H. Woodward.
Jurassic Gasteropoda, by W. H.
Liferior Oolite Ammonites, by S. S.
Belemnites, by Prof. Philips.
Reptiha of tlic ^^'t'aIdpn Formation,
Supplements, by Prof. Owen.
Exposition Universelle de 1878 ; Congres et Conferences, 19 vol. 8vo... 1879-80
Vol. 1. L' Agriculture.
Vol. 2. Arts, Sciences.
Vol. 3. Enseignement.
Vol. 4. Demograpliie.
Vol. 6. Geometres-Experts.
Vol. 7. Statistique.
Vol. 10. Hygiene (2 parts).
Medecine Mentale.
Genie Civil.
Medecine Legale.
Vol. 11.
Vol. 12.
Vol. 13.
Vol. 14.
Parker Society : Publications of the : Titles under names in Italics.
Vol. 15. Le Service Medical des Armees
en Campagne.
Vol. 19. Commerce.
Vol. 20. Meteorologie.
Vol. 22. L'UnificationdesPoids, Mesures
et Monnaies.
Vol. 24. La Propriete Industrielle.
Vol. 27. La Propriete Artistique.
Vol. 29. L'Amelioration du Sort des
Aveugles et des Sourd-Muets.
Vol. 30. Societes des Amis de la Paix.
Bale (Bp.) Select Works.
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Catechism and other Pieces.
Flower of Godly Prayers, etc.
Bradford (John) Writings.
Bull, Prayers and Meditations.
Bullinger, Decades.
Calfhill, Answer to Martiall.
Cooper (Bp.) Defence of the Truth.
Coverdale (Bp.) Works.
Granmer (Abp.) Works.
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Hooper (Bp.) Early Writings.
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Liturgies, Primer and Catechism of
Edw. VI.
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Norden (J.) Progress of Piety.
Nmvell (Dean) Catechism.
Parker (Abp.) Correspondence.
Philpot (Archd.) Examinations and
Bilking ton (Bp.) Works.
Poetri/, Select Devotional, temp. Eliza-
Prayers (Private). Also Bull ; Liturgies.
Bidlejj (Bp.) Works.
Bogers (Thos.) Thirty-nine Articles.
Sandys (Abp.) Works.
Tyndale, Doctrinal Treatises.
Answer to Sir Thos. More.
Expositions of Scriptures.
Whitaker, Disputation on Holy Scripture
against the Papists.
Whitgift (Abp.) Works.
Woolton (Bp.) Christian Manual.
Zurich Letters, two series.
Parliamentary Reports, Bills, Accounts, and other Papers, printed by order of the
House of Commons, from 1801-87 (a collection formed and arranged by the late Lord
Langdale, with Reports of Charity Commission and other additions) 655 vol. fol. (ex-
cept when otherwise expressed), the principal subjects of which are here alphabetically
arranged and numbered for the sake of reference 1801-87
See also Census ; Education Minutes ; Poor Laio ; Prisons.
Abyssinia, Correspondence relating
to the British Captives there,
1865-67 in vol. 355
Correspondence, 1846-68, 1868 370
Accounts, Public, 1830-31 7
On Keeping Official 8
Accountant-General's Department,
Chancery, 1864 363
Administration of Justice, North
Circuit, 1818 246
Admiralty Courts, 1833 39
Afghanistan, Correspondence be-
tween the Government and Shere
All Khan, 1878 397
Africa, Zanzibar, etc 387
(South) Correspondence re-
lating to, 15 vol. 1873-87 371-86
Berlin Conference, 1886 640
Africa, S. African Republic and Great
Britain, Convention, 1884 640
Cape Colony and Adjacent
Territories, 1883-86 640
Agricultural Distress, 1820-22
Returns, Great Britain, 1868.
Agriculture, 1833 5
Employment of Children, 1868 389
Agricultural Customs, 1848... 388
Minutes of Evidence, 2 vol..
Appendix, 1 vol. Separate Report,
1 vol., 1881-82 390-93
AgriculturalLabourers' Wages, 1824 193
Alabama Proceedings and Award,
1862-73 348-50
Supplement to the ' London
Gazette,' 1872 626
Aliens, 1816-24 227
Parliamentary Reports — contin ucd.
America, Exploration in Dritisli
North, 1859-Gl 258
New York Industrial Exhibi-
tion Report, 1854 339
American Tarifis, 1824-8 150
Anatomy, 1828 2-15
Apothecaries' Company, 1825 215
Arctic Expedition, 1834 255
Arigna Mining Company 2
Army, Civil Administration of, 1H37 C30
Commissioners, 180(5-40, In-
dexes to Reports of, 1847 404
Diseases of, in the East, 185G 32G
and Ordnance Expenditure,
1850 280
and Navy Appointments, 1833 1
Medical Department for 18G4, 8vo
Re-organisation, Report of the
Officers, 1881 894
Reports and other Documents,
1881 894
Ordnance Corps, 1881 894
Art, Fine Art Comm., 8th Rep.,
1848 G42
Artisans and Machinery 4
Arts and Manufactures, 1885 4
Asia (Central) Correspondence,
1878-80, 1884-85 895
Asylums, Pauper Lunatic, 1819-85 74
Attorneys, Admission of 8
Australasia Federal Council, 1886... G38
Australia, Burke and Wills' Exped.,
1862 638
Aborigines, 1844 638
South, Botanic Garden, 1884 G88
Blue Book, 1879 689
Bank Acts, Committee on, pt. 1, 1857 614
Bank of England, Cash Payments,
1819; Charter of, 1832; Returns,
1833 ; Committee of Secrecy, 1797 9, 10
Banks of Issue, Select Committee,
1840 896
Barbadoes Blue Book, 1873-81,
1882 565-6
Baroda State, Administration of,
1875 428
Batoum, Port of, 1886 644
Bechuanaland Correspondence, 1887 640
Beer, Sale of, 1880-33 11
Biluchistan, Papers relating to the
Affairs of Khelat, 1877 397
Board of Trade, Meteorological De-
part., 1866 853
Bode (Baron de) Claims, 1834 254
Borthwick and Alexander, Case of,
1823 258
Boundaries of Boroughs, 1868 863
Boundary Commission Report and
Return, 1868 and 1885 475-76
Bowring (J.) Prussian Commercial
Union, 1840 622
Boyd's Seizure and Death, 1834 ... 254
Boyd (Gen.) Petition of, 1818 253
Breadalbane Peerage Claim 258
Bribery at Elections, 1885 12
IBritish Channel Fisheries, 1838 ... 244
British Museum, 1860 258
Faussett's Collection 625
Purchase of Coins and Finance 625
Accounts, 1828 38, 1885 and
188G 18, 14
Reports of Committee, 1836... 827
Reports of Commission, etc.,
1850 328
Brussels Conference on Military
Warfare, 1875 636
Buckingham and Calcutta Review,
1826 254
Palace 16
Burmah, Accession of King Theebaw,
1878 G44
Correspondence, 188G, No. 8,
1887, No. 1 614
Cambridge University, 1852 257
Canada, 1818-85 17
Cape of Good Hope, 1826-27, 1835,
1873, 1883 18, 228, 371, 384
Capital Punishment, 8vo, 1866.
Carnatic Creditors, 1818-85 19
Nawaubs, 1860-61 319
Caroline (Queen) Servants' Pensions,
1823-81 227
Catalogue of Reports, 1696-1834 ... 143
The same 405
of Library of House of Com-
mons, 1880 and 1857 144
Reports on 144
Cathedrals, with Appendix, 2 vol.,
1854 684 5
Census. — Population.
Ceylon Papers, 4 vol. 1849-51 195-8
Blue Book, 1878-9, 1882... 567-9
Chancery Funds, 1864 8(53
Channel Tunnel, Committee and
Evidence, 1883 199
Charity Commission, 32 vol. in 88 ;
Digest 4 vol.. Index 1 vol. — 48
voi., 1819-40 522-53
Children, Employment of, 1862 851
Children's and Women's Employ-
ment in Agriculture, 1867 389
Children in Factories, Labour of. . . 20
China, Civil War, Immigration, etc.,
1858 348
Affairs in, 1860 854
Corresp. with Mr. Bruce, 18(50 354
Lay (Mr.) jMemorandum, 18G4 854
Dismi.s.s;il of. 1864 354
Connnercial Reports, 18(52-64 354
Gordon I lit. -Col.) In the Chinese
Service, 18(54 354
Prince Rung's Answer to Sir
F. Bruce, 18(54 354
Opium Trade in 1842-56 354
Paeliamentaey 'ReT^orts—contimicd.
China, Canton, Military and Naval
Operations at, 1857 354
Further Papers on Piebellion
in, 1863 354
Church Building Commissioners'
Reports, 1-15, 1821-35 21
Church Building and Restoration,
Return of, 187G 35G
Church Rates, 1859-GO G53
Circulating Paper 22
Civil List Pensions, 1830 IG
Reports, 1803, 4, 12, 13, 15 G52
Civil Service Commission, 12 vol.
8vo, 1857-G7.
2nd Report for the
British Museum, 1875 622
Coal Trade 23
Commission, 1871 347
Colleges and Schools, Revenues and
Management, 18G4, 4 vol. in 2 609-10
Colonial Mil. Expenditure, 1834-35 1
Pensions, 1830 246
Troops in the Soudan, 1885... 636
Colonies, 1820-32 24, 25
Columbia, British, 1859-61 258
Combination LaAvs, 1825 249
Commerce, Tables, 1833 238
Commercial Credit, 1826 72
Treaties, 1879, and Correspon-
dence, 1883-8G G43
Committee Rooms and Printed
Papers, 1826 144
Consuls' Returns, 1829 27
Reports on Commerce, 1882-5 337
Commercial Reports in China,
Japan, and Siam, 8vo 18G8
Foreign Commissioners at the
Open Ports in China, 8vo 1868
Contagious Diseases Act of 1876 ... 344
Fever, 1818 245
Convict Census and Medical Report,
by Guy and Du Cane, 8vo, 1875.
Copyright, 1818-32 26
Commissioners, Report, Minutes
of the Evidence, 2 vol., 1878 200
Corn, Foreign, 1826-33 27
Metage of, 1854 356
Trade, 1821-35 28
Sale of, 1834 250
Coroners, 1832 82
Inquests, 1859-61 653
Corporate Offices and Charit. Funds,
1833-35 IGl
County Rates, 1823-35 29, 30
Expenditure of 31
Courts of Justice 32
Law, 1834 3
Requests, 1833 37
Cremill Point Victualhng EstabUsh-
ment, 1832 1
Criminal Offenders, 1818-32, 1834-
35, and 1838-41 33, 34, 838
Crown Lands, 1830-31 35
Leases, 1824-34 36
Cruelty to Animals, 1832 239
Cutlasses and SAVord Bayonets in R.
Navy, 1887 636
Cyprus, 1879 643
Report for 1879, 8vo, 1880.
Darling (Lieut. -General), Charges
against, 1830 ]... 254
Deaf-Mutes Abroad, 1886 G43
Debts, Small 37
Decimal Coinage, 1853 826
Deeds, General Register of, 1832 ... 269
Diplomatic Service, 1881 340
Divorce Law, 1853 341
Dockyards, Cost of Manufaci in 1862 652
Domesday Book. — Landoivners.
Drunkenness, 1834 214
Ecclesiastical Courts, 1828-83 ...38, 39
Commission, 2 vol. in 1,
1883 417
Revenues, 1835 40
Ecuador, Republic of. Treaty on the
Surrender of Criminals, 1886 ... 643
Education,1819, 1816-34, 1835-36 41-45
Chadwick on Half-time, 2 vol.
8vo, 1861.
in India, 1859 652
On State of Popular Education
in England, 6 vol. 8vo, 1861.
3rd Report, Scotland, vol. 1,
8vo, 1868.
in large Towns, Fitch and
Fearon's Report, 1870 353
Elementary, Acts, 2 Reports,
1886-87 641
Committee of Council, England
and Wales, 1876-77, 8vo, 1877.
Science, and Art, Administra-
tion, with Index, 1884 G41
Egypt, 1879, Nos. 1-3 ; 1882, Nos.
15, 20 ; 1883, No. 11, 1 voL ; 1882,
1 vol.; 1883-4, 2 vol.; 1885, 1
vol. ; 1886, 1-6 ; 1887, No. 1-5,
1 vol 357-62
Report on the Soudan, by Col.
Stewart, 1883 612
Commissariat and Transport
Services, 1884 612
Egyptian Army, Reorganisation,
1886 686
Election Returns, 1819-35 47-51
Expenses, 1819-34 52
Elgin Marbles, 1816 283
Elienborough (Lord), Divorce, 1830 254
Emigration 1826-35 and 1827 53-54
Endowed Schools Act (1869), Com-
mittee on, 1874 345
Expired and Expiring Laws, 1818-
34 55
Factories, Report, etc., 1833-35... 56-58
Labour of Children in 20
Pakliamentary Reports — con tinned.
Fiji, Native Population, 1885 638
Finance Accounts, Great Britain,
1805-1819 59-G2
• United Kine^dom, 1818-35... 03-07
(Ireland), 1805-10 115
Revenue Returns, 1817-35 08
Fine Arts, 1843-54 281
Fires in the Metropolis, 1802 049
Foreign Trade, Reports on, 1820-21 09
Lords' Committee, 1st & 2nd
Rep. 1821 ...70
Reports on, 1793-1824 71-72
Forgery, Prevention of, 1824 249
Framework Knitters, 1819 240
France and Netherlands J'ublic
Accounts ' 73
French Exposition, Wyatt's Rept.
1849 284
Friendly Societies, 1825 249
Commission, 1874, pt. 1 345
Game Laws, 1823 74
Licenses, 1809-70 353
Gaols Reports, 1835; 1819-33;
1823-34 75-81
Gas-light Estahhshments, 1823 255
Gas (Oil), London and Westminster
Bill, 1824 105
Geographical Soc. ]\Iemorial, 1853.
Gibraltar Shields, 1808 305
Girls, Protection of Young Girls,
1881-82 344
Glasgow Lottery, 1834 2
Goftin (Mr.) Certificate 042
Gold Bullion, high price of, 8vo ...1810
Greece, Correspondence, 1830,
1842 50, 1880 300-07, 044
Guadaloupe Claims, 1820 253
Harbour Dues, 1822 71
Harbours, Tidal, 2nd Report and
App. (C) 032-33
Hastings (Warren), 1791 308
Hayti, Communications from, 1829 227
Health of Towns Commission. —
First Report, 2 vol. 8vo, 1844.
Higli Sheriff, Office of 82
Historical MSS. Commission, 1800-
80, vol. 1-9 (1, 2, 3 in 1) fol., vol.
10 in parts, 8vo, 1875-80 ...400-10
Honduras Lidians, 1828 88
Hong Kong Blue Book, 1871,
1870-78, 1879-81, 1882-83 581-4
Hook (Th.), The Accoixnt of, 1822 253
House of Commons Arrangements
1808 020
Houses of Parliament, Destruction
of, &c. 1823-35 200
Licome and Expenditure, Reports,
1-4 83
Index to Journals of House of Com-
mons, 1823-25 144
Index to Reports of the House of
Commons, 1801-34 419
Index to Bills, Accounts, &c., 1801-
32 l-i.s
1832-44 399
1852-53-57... 400
Accounts, Papers, etc.,
1801-52, 2 vol 401 2
Sessional Papers, 1801-
52 403
• House of Lords,
1852-57 474
Lidia, Progress of, 1801 -(50, 1870-2
418, 428
British and Native Adminis-
tration, 1808 G45
Fourth Report on Colonisation,
1858 020
India (East) Finance (1871 74), and
Index, 5 vol., 1871-75 423-27
Indian Civil Service, Candi-
dates for the, 187() 045
Admin, of Justice, Bengal,
1810-30 84-80
Admin.of the Punjab, 1849-51, 421
• of the Baroda State,
1875 428
of Justice in liengal,
Bahar, and Orissa, Reports 1-10,
1782-83 430-7
India, Ceylon, 1828-38 87
India, Census 1881, 3 vol., 1883
Company's Affairs, 1812 015
1830-31 89-90
• E. I. Company, Memorandum
by Mr. Fidler, 1874 045
Judicial, 1831-32 91
India, Papers relating to, 1818-30,
1831-34 15,100
Reports from Lords, 1832, 7
vol 92-99
Papers rel. to Hindoo Widows
and Infanticide 210,210*
Revenue, 1818-33 101
Territories, Select Committee
House of Commons, 1852-53... 429-81
Select Committee, House
of Lords, 1852-53, 2 vol 432-8
India, Railways, 1859-1883... 420
Treaties between the l^.I.C.
and Native Powers, 1853 045
Dalhousie's Administration,
1850 421
Resignation of Sir CIkuIcs
Napier, 1854 421
Lucknow, Relief of, 1857-58 421
Mutinies in India, the Punjab,
etc., 1857 '..... 422
Museum and Lil)i-ary, l)v J.
F.Watson, 1874 ".....' 35G
Gold Mines of the S. East
Wynaad 850
Native Press, 1878 350
Paeliamentaey Reports — continued.
India, Public Instruction, Madras,
1860 645
Public Works 645
Salaries, 1859 645
Nawaubs of the Carnatic,
1860-61 645
Appendices to 5tli and 6tli
Reports of Secret Comm. Causes
of 1st and 2nd Mabratta War,
1782 434-45
Indies, West, Civil and Criminal
Justice 102,103
State of Gaols, 1831 24
Lidustrial Classes in Foreign Coun-
tries, 2 vol. 8vo, 1870-71.
Questions and Trades Unions,
8vo, 1867.
Inland Revenue, 28tli Report, 1885 622
Inns of Court, 1834 104
Insolvent Debtors, 1819-30 106
Insurance (Marine), 1834 72
Intemperance, Select Committee of
House of Lords on, 1877-79,
4 Reports, 2 vol 438-39
The same 440-41
Ireland, EstabHshed Church, 1820-
32, 1808 107, 355
Cormcts, 1821-34 108
CO. Cork, Valuation of, 1825... 149
Coiu-ts of Justice, 1819 109
■ Commission (4 vol.) ...110-13
Law and Equity, 182-34 114
Crown Land Improvement,
1832 119
Dubhn, Local Taxation, 1822-
35 115
Reports on Ecclesiastical Reve-
nue, 1831-35; 1833-34 116,154
Reports of the Educ. Inquirv
Commissioners, 1825-26 117, 139, 152
Liquiry into the W'orking of
the Landlord and Tenant Act,
1870, 3 vol. 1881 442-44
Land Law, 1881, and Purchase
of Land, 1885, 2 vol 646-7
Nat. Education, 34th Report,
8vo, 1868.
Foundation Schools, 1835-36 153
• Galwav Election Petition,
Trial of, 1872, pt. 1 445
Irish Jm'v Laws, 1881 445
Map of 1853 343
Returns of Poor, 1819-34 118
Emplovment of Poor, 1823-35 119
Poor, Inquiry, 1835 120
State of, 1-3 Reports,
1830 148
Population, 1821-31 121
Post-Ofrice, 1829 251
Post Communication, 1832 ... 122
Turnpike Roads, 1832 122
Prisons, 1819-35 123
Ireland, Parliamentary Representa-
tion, 1831-32 124
Benefices, 1824-35 125
Revenue Reports, 1-3, 5-10,
16, 17, 1822-28 126-131
State of. Reports, Papers, and
Minutes on, 1822-33 (4 vol.)... 132-35
Tithes, Collection of, 1st and
2nd Lords' Reports, 1832 136, 137
— • Public Works, 1832-35 138
— Public Instruction, 1835 ...140-41
— Elections, 1819-35 142
— Finance, 1805-17 145, 145*
— Shannon Navigation, 1832-33,
1838-9 146, 445
— Orange Associations, 1835 147-168
— Statistical Returns, Carlow,
1825 149
— Survey and Valuation, 1824-31 149
— Linen Trade, 1822-31 149
— • Magistrates, 1828-34 151
— Disturbances, 1818-35 155
— Tolls and Customs, 1834 242
Tenure, Lords' Rep., 1867 355
Isle of Man, 1824 24
Italy, Correspondence, 1846-49 ...446-7
Naples and Sicily, 1848-49 448
Jamaica, Disturbances ; Report of
Royal Commission ; Papers laid
before the Commission by Gover-
nor EjTe, 1866 449
Jamaica Blue Book, 1872-81,
1883 570-80
Jersey, Laws of. Evidence and App.
1861 613
Joint- Stock Banks, 1826-35 22
Kenrick's Case, 1825 253
Land Revenue, Reports of Surveyor
General, 1797-1809 628
Land, transfer by ' Registration of
Title,' Dublin, 1863 621
Landowners, Return of 1873, Eng-
land, 2 vol A Room
Ireland, 1 vol A Room
Scotland, 1 vol A Room
Law Reform, 1829-33 ; Ecclesiasti-
cal Courts, 1 vol. ; Chancery, 2
vol, ; Common Law, 4 vol, ; Cri-
minal Law, 1 vol. ; Real Property,
3 vol 259-69
Common, Courts of, 1829-30 651
Criminal, 1819-24 240
Leet Juries, 1835 250
Leprosy, 1867 364
Levant, Affairs of, 1841 450-2
Libraries, Public, 1849-50 453-4
Licences for Victualling Houses,
1833 11
Life Annuities, 1829 255
Lighthouses, 1834 158
Literary Institutions in Foreign
Coimtries, 1835 13
Parliamentary Reports — continued.
Loans to Foreign States, 1875 35G
Local Government, Ratlibone and
Whitbread's Memoranda, 187'2... HiJB
Local Taxation (Goschen), 1H7() ... G48
London Livery Companies, Reports,
1884, 5 vol. in 8 (jOG-8
Longitude, Board of, 1829 255
Longwortli's Report on Crete, 18G8 355
Lunacy Laws, Report, l^'.videncc and
App. 1877 (')27
Machinery, 1824 4
Magistrates, l8;-54 82
Malt Duties, 1821 25
McAdam's Petition, 1823 255
Manby's Apparatus for saving Ship-
wrecked Seamen, 1823 255
Manufactures, 1824-28 159
Manufactures (Foreign), 18G4 3G3
• 2 vol. in 13 pts. 8vo,
Marriage Law Report, 1848 341
Mauritius Blue Book, 18G1, 18G3-GG,
18G9, 1873, 1878-80, 1882 585-9G
Medical Education, 1834 IGO
Members in Office in 1714-15 20G
Members of Parliament, part 1, Par-
liaments of Great Britain and
L-eland, 1213-1702, 1878, 2 vol. 455-G
Merchant and Factor, 1823 2G
Metropolis Water Bill, Minutes of
Evidence, 1851 • Gil
Military Estimates, 1833 1
Prisons and Barrack Cells G37
Militia, 1859 G49
Mines, Accidents in, 1835, 188G
255, G31
Mint, Reports 1-8, 8vo, 1871-78.
Miscellaneous : Courts Martial,
Divorces, Peerage Claims, etc. 253-55
Molasses, Use of, 1831 244
Mortality, Comparative, 1832 255
Municipal Corporations, 1833-35 IGl-Go
not subject to the Cor-
porations Acts (other than the
City of London), 2 pts. 1880 457
Palgrave and Hogg's Protest,
1835 ^ 1G5
Franchise, 1859 4G8
Natal 372-7
Blue 15ook, 18G4-5, 1873,
1875-7G, 1878-80, 1882 597-G05
National Gallerv, 1833, 1850-53
13, 282
Naturalisation and Allegiance, 18G9 353
Naval Officers, Education of, 1886 G3G
Navy Appointments, 1833 1
New Forest, Return and Map, 18G7
Newfoundland, 1828 24
Fishery Question, 1884 G22
New South Wales, 1821-33 1GG-G7
Financial Statement, 1881 ... G38
Pubhc Accoimts, 1881-83 499-501
New Zealand Ordinances, 1841-42 851
Census, 1881, Wellington 825
Statistics, 3 vol., 1874-7G,
1877-79, 1881, 1882-85 458-Gl
Defence of, by Jervois, 1884... G38
Newspapers, 1854 G25
Oaths, Report on, 1835 205
Ordnance, Reports on, 18G2 G49
Survey, Col. James's Report,
1855-5G G24
Pacific, Western, British and Ger-
man Influence, 188G G38
Palliser's Reports on Brit. N.
America, Index and Maps, 18G5.
Paper-making, scarcity of Materials,
1854 G25
Parga, Papers relating to, 1820 227
Parliamentary Representation, (it.
Britain and Ireland, 1829 32 1G9-74
Scotland, 1831 32 23G
Parochial Charities (London Bill),
with Index, 1882 482
Parochial Assessments, 1850 482
Parsees of Bombay, Petition to the
Marquis of Salisbury G22
Patent Office Inquiry, 1887 G22
Patents, 182G 2()
Peer, Dignity of a (Lords Commit-
tee), 1823-29 4G8-7
Peerage Cases, 1872.
Peers, List of, 18G7 355
Penitentiaries, I'lnted States, 1834 34
Physicians, College of, 1833 245
Pilotage, 1822 71
Police of ]\Ietropohs, 181G-35 ...17G-78
Pollution of Rivers and Domestic
Water Supplv, 18G8 482
Pondoland ....' 381
Aflairs of, 1887 G40
Poor Laws, 1817 19 179
in Foreign Countries,
8vo, 1875.
and App., 1831-35, 12 vol. 180-92
and App., 1811-44 G29-30
(Scotland), 1844 270-72
Poor Rate, Returns, 1820-35 ...193, 194
Population, Comparative Account,
1801-31 283, 284
Revenue Tables, 1820-32 288
Census, Great I'ritain, 1801,
2vol 285-86
1811 (2 copies) 287-88
1821 289
1831, 3 vol. (2
copies) 290-92, 293-95
1841 29G-98
Introd. Parish Re-
gister Abstract, 1841 299
1851, 4 vol 300-4
The same, vol. 1, 2
305 G
1851, Index 307
Parliamentary Eeports — continued.
Population, Census, Great Britain,
1861, 3 vol 309-10
Ireland, 18G1 310
England and Wales, 1871,
4 vol 311-4
Scotland, 1871, 8 vol. in 1 315
Ireland, 1871, part 1,
4 vol. ; parts 2, 3, in 1 vol. ; Index
of Towns, 1 vol 316«-21
England and Wales,
1881, 4 vol. in 3 322-24
New Zealand, 1878-80,
1881 325
Indian Empire, 1881,
3vol 331-3
Punjab (Ibbetson) 1881,
3vol 334-G
Postmaster General, 27th Report,
8vo, 1881.
Presentments, 1819-35 201
Printed Cotton Goods, Duties on,
1818 252
Printed Papers, Reports on, 1835... 144
Printing Expenses, 1821-34 202
Prison Discipline, 1833 34
Prisons for Debtors, 1819-35 203
• of the Metropolis, 1818-22 ... 204
Private Bills, 1821 35 205
Privileges, 1823-35 20G
Promissory Notes (Irish and Scotch ),
1826 '.. 22
Prussian Commercial Union, by
J. Bowring, 1840 622
Public Documents 144
Public Establishments exempted
from Rates, 1858 345
Public Offices, 1830 207
Fees, Gratuities, 1793 623
Public Records, Sale of, 1825 227
Deputy Keeper's Reports, 1-2,
3-5, 6 8, 9-10, 11-22 273-77
Reports 23-47, with Appendix,
8vo 1862-86
Index to Printed Reports,
1840-78 617
Public Schools Commis., 1864 ...609-10
Walks, 1833 214
Queen Anne's Bounty 21
Queen's Printer's Patent, 1860 649
Queensland Money Bills, 1886 638
Railway Accidents, Report and Evi-
dence, 1877 ; Report of Board of
Trade, 1875 631
Railways and Railway Accidents, 1854 326
Railways (Maximum Charges), 1881 470
Rates and Fares, 1881-82 471
Eating of Small Tenements, 1859 468
Real Property Commissioners' Re-
ports, 1833 208
Registrar General's Reports 208-9
Registrar-General, 20th-47th Re-
ports, 8vo, 1864-86.
Registrar-General, Tables of Births,
Deaths, and Marriages, 1872-73 620
Registration, Parochial, 1833 209
Revenue Reports, 11-22, 210-13, 237,
Tables, 1843 238
Revenue, Land, 1797-1809.
Ritual Commission, 1867 330
Royal Academy, 1834 13
1863, 2 vol. 8vo.
Sabbath, Observ. of the, 1832 214
Salaries, Official, 1821-35, 1850..215,469
Salt Duties,1818 252
Sanitary Commission. — England
and Scotland, 1842, 2 vol. 8vo.
Chadwick's Rep. on Interment
in Towns, 1843, 8vo.
1st Report, 1869 364
Savings Banks, 1828 249
School of Design, 1842, 1847. ..281, 642
Schools Inquiry Commission, 21 vol.
8vo, 1868-69.
Report of Rev. Jas. Fraser on
the School System in the United
States, etc., 8vo, 1867.
Scotland, Royal Commission on the
condition of the Crofters, Report,
1 vol. ; Evidence, 4 vol., 1884.
Clergy, 1825 217
Education, 1819-26 218
Entail, 1828 219
Law Commissioners, 1st Re-
port, 1834 219
Gaols, 1818-30 220
Courts of Justice, Commiss.
Rep. etc. 1818,1819-35 221-25
Municipal Corporations, 1819-
35 234-35
Mineralogical Survey, 1830... 255
Secondary Punishments, 1818-35... 226
Secrecv, Sedition, 1818-32 227
Select Vestries, 1830 239
Sepulchral Monuments, 1872 353
Sewers, 1823 239
Ships of War (designs for) and Re-
port of Dissenting Commissioners,
1872 365
Shrewsbury Peerage Claim, 1857... 253
Sierra Leone, 1820 228
Silk Trade, 1832 229
Silver Depreciation, by Goschen 645, 653
Silver Question, British and Indian,
1886 643
Sinecure Offices, 1834 215
Slavery, 1832-35 230-32
in India, 1827-34 33
Small Tenements Rating Act (Lords'
Committee), 1859 468
Smithfield Market, 1828 239
Stamp Duties, 1824-35 209
Statistics (Miscellaneous), pt. 3;
Tables relating to Foreign Coun-
Universities, 1.S18 2-15
Commission on the Property
and Income of tlie Universities of
Oxford and Cambridge, 8 pts. in
1 vol. 1874 402
Unseawortliy Sliips Commission,
2 vol. with Digest and Index,
187:5 71 .' 488
Vaccination Papers, 1857 8(50
Vacchie lioard, 1883 21^";
Vagrants, 1841 74
Vienna Exhibition, Maps and Plans,
1878 024
Victoria Colony Statistics and Cen-
sus, 18(;0-8(; 502-20
Statistical Notes, by W. 11.
Archer, pts. 1, 2, 4to ;">21
Agricultm-e, 18(52, 1882 088
Goldtields, 1880 088
Parliamentaky Reports — con tinned.
tries, pt. 1 ; Colonial Possessions,
pt. 8, 1854-01 270
Statistical Abstract for the U. King-
dom, 1840-58 (1809-83, No. 31,
8vo, 1884) 479
Stationery Contract, 1833 2
Statute Law Committee, 1878 (il8
Statute Law Consolidation, 1885 ... 240
Statutes, Index, 1801~()5, 2 vol. 018-19
Steam Carriage and Navigation, 1881 241
Engines, 1828 255
Stock Exchange C'ommission 472
Submarine Telegraph Cables, 1801 473
Sugar, IManufacture of, in British
India, 1822 481
Sulu Archipelago Protocol, 1885 ... 044
Surgeons, Rov. College, 1827 245
Taxation, Local, 1822 242
Tea Duties, 1884 252
Technical Instruction, French Com-
mission on, 2 pts. 8vo, 1808.
— : 1st and 2nd Report,
4 vol. Svo, 1882-84.
Tenure of Land in the several
Countries of Europe, 1870-71 ... 852
Thames, Pollution of the, 1809 408
^ Embankment, 1800-02 050
Theatrical Licenses, etc., 1800 408
Timber Trade, 1820-85 248
Tobacco, Growth of, 1830 244
Tools, Export of, 1885 4
Trade and Navigation Returns,
1844-45,1802,1878 021
Trade and Industry Depression, 3
Reports in 1 vol., with extract of
Inquiry on ditto in France, 1880 485
Trades Unions, 1-11, 1807-09 ...477-8
Trade with the East Indies and
China, 1821 481
Transvaal 382-85
Trinidad, 1823-82 88
Turkey Correspondence, 1870, 1vol.
1877, 4 vol. 1878, 8 vol. 1879,
1 vol. 1880, 2 vol. 1881, 1 vol.
1885, nt. 1, 2. 1880, pt. 1, 2.
1887, pt. 1, 2, 1 vol 480-98 I
Parnaso Espaiiol, Coleccion de Poesias escogidas de los mas celebres Poetas Castellanos,
con noticias, por Lopez de Sedano, 9 vol. sm. 8vo Maorum Cracoviensiiim ; An-
nales Polonorum, 899-1419 ; Lu-
blinenses, 1456-97 ; Cracovienses
breves, 965-1283 ; j\Iecliovienses,
947-1434 ; Sanctie Crucis Polo-
nici, 966-1410 ; l^phemerides et
Notae Wladislavienses, 1296-
Posonienses, 997-1203, cd. W.
-Supplcmenta Tom.
Vol. 20. Pra^fatio.-
1, 5, 7, 12.
Ex Orderici Vitalis Hist. Ecclcs.
Ottonis Episc, ()[)era.
Triumphus S. Lanibcrti.
Ex vita S. Moclnillci llibcrn.
Histoiia pontificalis, 1148-1152.
Cbronicon Lippoldsbergense, 1051-
Ecincri monaclii S. Laurentii Leo-
diensis Opera liistorica.
Casus Monasterii Petrisliusensis,
1134-1156 and 1165.
Fundatio Monasterii Gratia) Dei,
circa 1147.
Vol. 21. Hchnoldi Clu-onica Slavorum,
Arnoldi Lubecensis Clironica, 1172-
Clu-onicon Iloltzatia?, 1172 1428.
Gesta abbatum Lobbiensimn, 972-
Cbronicon Laurcshamense, 764-
Ilistoria Welforum Weingartcnsis
ct contiiuuitiones, 1167-1208.
Gislcberti Chrouicon Hanouiense,
Vol. 22. GotifVedi Viterbiensis Opera.
IMartini Oppariensis Cbronicon.
Tbomie Tasci Gesta,
Annales S. Pantaleonis Colonicnsis,
Vol. 23. Annales S. Victoris Massil.
Cbronicon Gurcense.
Monumenta Epternacensia,
Gesta Episc. Ilalbcrstadensium.
Cbronicon Montis Sereni.
Henrici Cbronicon Lysonijp.
Burcliardi et Cuonradi Urspurg.
Cbronicon S. Micliaelis Luueburg.
Gesta Episcop. Trajcctens.
Cbronicon b^bersbeimcnse.
Emonis et jMenkonis Cln-on.
Gesta Abbatum Ilorti S. Mariiu.
Cbronicon Ottenburanum.
Albrici mon. Triumfont. Cbron.
Vol. 24, Cbron. regitc Colon, continua-
tio 1.
Annales Tielenses.
Notie Bronienses.
Notiu S. Amati Duacenses.
NotiP Stabulcnses.
Annales Aquonses.
Annales S. Blasii Bruiisvic.
Annales Tburingici breves.
Annales Ilalcsbrininonses majores.
Annales llurbipolenses minores.
Notic Lauresbamenses.
Notic Zwifaltenses.
Nota> ^Vi'ingartcnses.
Hermanni Altaliensis contin. 3tia.
Pertz, Monumenta, &c. — continued.
Vol. 24. Annales Wernheri Tegernseenses
Annales S. Nicolai Patavienses.
Annales Burghausenses.
Annales Zwetlenses breviss.
Honorii Augustidmi. cont. Stiren-
Annales Frisiacenses.
Annales Peutingeriani.
Genealogias (Series Principum).
Chronica Minora saic. xii. et xiii.
Gesta Episcoporum, Abbatum, Co-
mi turn.
S«c. xii. et xiii. (suppl. torn, xx-
Vol. 25. Gesta Episcoporum, Abbatum,
Ducum aliorumque Princ. sa)c.
Vol. 26. Ex rerum Francogallicarum
Ex Historiis Auctorum Flandren-
sium Francogallica Lingua
Scriptis Supplementum tomi
Vol. 27. Ex rerum Anglicarum Scrip-
toribus sfec. xii. et xiii.
Vol. 1. Eegum Merovingorum Capitu-
Karlomanni Principis Capitularia.
Pippini Capitularia.
Karoli Magni Capitularia.
Hludowici L Capitularia.
Eegum Francorum, imperatorum,
diviso imp. Capitularia.
Vol. 2. Tomi prioris Supplementa.
Cbuonradi I. regis Constitutiones.
Heinrici I. regis Constitut.
Constitutiones Imperiales ab Ottone
Magno usque ad Heinricum VII.,
3. 2 parts. Lex Alamannorum,
edente Dr. J. Merkel.
Lex Alamannorum a Hlothario
Constituta, seu Legum Liber I.
Leges Hlotbarino Codici adjunctse,
seu Leg. Liber II.
Additamenta, sive Legum Liber III.
Lex Alamannorum temporibus
Lantfridi renovata.
Lex Alamannorum Karolina, sive
Leges Extravagantes.
Epitome Legis Alamannorum.
Leges Alamannorum et Baiuwario-
num, ed. Merkel.
Leges Burgundiorum, ed. F. Blulime.
Lex Frisionum, ed. Eichtliofen.
4. Edictus Langobardorum.
Gra?ci Interpretis eclogae edicti.
Liber legis regum Langobard. Con-
cordia dictus.
Liber legis LaiTgobard. Papiensis.
Legis Langobard. syntagmata duo
Lombarda viilgo dicta,
Legum quae libro Papiensi desunt
Spicilegium e veteris Langobard.
edicti codd.
5. pt. 1. Leges Saxonum.
Lex Tburingorum.
Edictus Tlieodorici Eegis.
Eemedii Curiensis episcopi capitula.
Pt. 2. Lex Eibuaria.
Lex Francorum Cbamavorum.
1. Diplomata
Franc, e
stirpe Merowingica.
Diplomata majorum Domus regia3.
Diplomata spuria — Indices etc.
Petitot fC. B.) Collection Complete des Memoires sur I'Histoire de France ; Premiere
Serie, depuis le regne de Pbilippe-Auguste jusqu'au commencement du XVIIe Siecle ;
avec des notices sur chaque auteur, etc. 52 vol. 8vo 1819-26
Vol. 1. Villehardouin.
2. Joinville.
3. Auteurs Arabes sur St. Louis.
4, 5. Bcrtrand du Guesclin.
5, 6, 7. Christine de Pisan.
7. Jean de Boucicaut.
Pierre de Fenin.
8. Memoires sur Jeanne d'Arc.
Comte de Bichemont.
Florcnt d'llliers.
9, 10. Ollivier de la Marchc.
11. Jacques du Clerc.
11, 12, 13. Philippe de Comines.
13, 14. Jean de Troycs.
14, Guillaume de Villeneuvc.
Bouchet, Mem. deLa Tremouille.
15, 16. Chevaher Bayard.
Vol. 16. Chevalier de Fletcrange.
Louise de Savoye.
17, 18, 19. Martin de Bellaij.
20, 21, 22. Blaise de Montluc.
23, 24, 25. Caspar, S.de Tavannes
26, 27, 28. Sire de Vicillcvillc.
28, 29, 30. Baron Duvillars.
31. 32. Fran9ois de Babutin
32. Bern, de Salignac.
Caspar de Coligny.
Claude de la Chastre.
Guil. de Bochecliouart
33. Mich, de Castelnau.
34. Jean de Mergy.
Fr. de la None.
Achille Gamon.
Jean Philijjjn.
Petitot (C. B.)—contim(cd.
Vol. 35. Henri, Due de Bouillon.
Guill. S. de Tavannes.
3G. Comte de Chcverny.
Herault, Ev. de Chartres.
37. Marguerite de Yalois.
J. A. de Thou.
38. Jean do Choisnin.
Matt. Merle.
38-43. P. Cai/et, Chron. Novenaire.
*^* Many of the ahove-namcd Memoirs are to he found also in Perrins Collection.
Vol. 43. Seigneur de St. Auhan.
44. Villeroy.
Due d'Augoulenie.
45-40. P. de VEstoilc.
49. Gillot.
Mar iliac.
50, 51. Fontenay Marcuil.
52. Table ffenerale.
Petitot (C. B.) et L. (J. N.) Mommerque,
depuis I'avenement de Henri IV jusqu'ti la
Vol. 1-0. Due de Sully (Economies '
10, 11. Cardinal liichelicii.
11-16. President Jeannin.
IG. Mareclial d'Estrdes.
IG, 17. Pontchartrain.
18, 10. Due de Bohan.
10-21. Bassoinpierrc.
21-30. Cardinal Bichelieu.
31. Gaston, Due d' Orleans.
31-32. Sieurde Po»i/s.
33, 34. Arnauld d'AndiUy.
34, Abbe Arnauld.
Ducbesse de Nenio7irs.
35, 36. Comte de Brienne.
36-40. Madame de Motteville.
40-43. Madlle. de Montpensier.
44-46. Cardinal de Betz.
4:1. Guy Joly.
Claude Joly.
48, Gonrart.
Pere Berthed.
49, 50. Marquis de Montglat.
51. De la Chatre.
50, 51. Bochcfoucauld.
Collection de Menioires etc. Second Sir.
Paix de Paris, en 1703, 78 vol. 8vo 1820-29
Vol. 52. Gourville.
53, 54. Pierre Lenet.
64. Comte de Montresor.
55, 56. Due de Guise.
56, 57. Mareclial de Gramont.
57, Mareclial de Plessis.
58, 50. M. de ***
50. Pierre de la Porte.
60-63. Omer Talon.
63. Abbe de Choisy.
64. Cbevalier Temple.
64, 65. Mme. de la Fayette.
65. Marquis de la Fare.
65, (\(i. Mar. Due de Berwick.
66, Madame de Caylus.
67, 68. jMarquis de Torcy.
68-71. Mareclial de Villars.
71-74. Due de Noailles.
74, 75. Comte de Forbin.
75. Duguay Trouin.
16, 11. Duclos.
77. Mad. de Sta'el.
78. Table c;enerale.
Pez (E. B. p. Hieron.), Scriptores Eerum
Vol. 1. Dissertationes Sex prooemiales.
Clironicon Laureaeensium ac Pa-
taviensium Archiepisc. ac Episc.
Versus Indiculi, Clironicon et Ca-
talogus eorundem antistitum, a
Wivilone usque ad Ernestum.
Vita S. Maximiliani, Archiepisc.
Laureacensis, etc.
Vitfe S. Floriani Martp'is et prin-
Eugipii Vita S. Severini, Nori-
corum Apostoli.
Vita et Martyrium S. Colomanni
Martyris et tutelaris Austria
B. Dapiferi Vita Beati Gotbalmi
Acta B. Altmanni, Episcopi Pata-
Clironicon Monasterii Mellicensis.
Austriacarum veteres ac genuini, 2 vol. fol.
Lips. 1721
Vol. 1. C. de Wizenberg, Cbronicon
veterum Austrife Marcliionum et
Ducum Stirpis Babenbergensis a
Leopoldo I. ad Leopoldum VI.
Historia, Necrologium, etc., Mona-
sterii Mellicensis.
Antiquum Clironicon Salisburgeuse,
ad a. 1308.
Clironicon et Necrologium Claustro-
Vita B. Hartmanni Episcopi Brixi-
Cbronicon Zwctlense, vetustius et
recentius, 1075-1340.
Cbronicon Austriacum, ad a. 1180.
Narr. Histor. de electione Lotharii,
Ducis SaxoniiB in Imperatorem
Narratio gcneal. Posterorum S.
Pez (E. B, p. Hieron.) — continued.
Vol. 1. De Canonizatione S. Leopoldi.
Breve Chronicon Austriaeum, Stiv-
pis Babenbergensis March, et
Ducum, usque ad Rudolphum I.
Necrologium ]\Ioiiast. B. Maria
Yirginis ad Scotos, Viennte Aus-
Paltrami, sive Vatzonis Chronicon
Austriaeum, ad a. 1455,
Historia Inventionis Reliquiarum
duorum anonymorum Sanctorum
ap. Sanct-Polten.
Anonymi Leobiensis Chronicon, ad
a. 1347.
Anonymi Zwetlensis Chronicon
Austria ad a. 1886.
Xarratio de Proeho Emphingensi
inter Fridericum Pulchrum et
Ludovicum Bavaruni.
Suntha3mii Tabular Chiustro-Neo-
burgenses de primis Austrife
Marchionibus et Ducibus.
Matthani Germanicum Austria
Chronicon, cum Appendice ad a.
Viti Arenpeckii Chronicon Austria-
eum ad tempora Friderici III.,
Voh 2. Vita B. Adalberonis, episc. Her-
bipolensis. Miracula S. Adalbe-
Adalberonis Vita metrica.
Bulla Alexandri III. Papa, monast.
Lambacensi eoncessa. Catalogus
Abbatum Lambacensium ad a.
Catalogus Abbatum Creniifanen-
B. Xorici Chronicon Bavaria.
Auct. ineert. Chronicon Bavaricum.
Vita B. Bertholdi I. Abbat. Ccenob.
Epitaphia, Hymni, etc. de eodem.
Excerpta ex vet. Chronico Garstensi.
Chronicon ]\Ionasterii Admontensis.
Necrologium, et vetus earm. de
cosnobii abbatibus.
Vita venerabilis Wilbirgis virg. eccl.
Catalogus Abbatum Gottwicensium,
Poema Germanicum de fundatione
Parthenonis S. Bernhardi.
Hist, fundationis Monasterii Seit-
Catalogus Abbatum Altembergen-
Hist, fundationis Collegii Hospita-
lensis ad Pirum Montem.
Catalogus Abbatum Glunicensium.
Historia Cartusia Maurbacensis.
Chronicon Albert! Duels Austria 11.
Vol. 2. Fragm. Hist, de IV. Albertis",
Austria Ducibus.
Hist, de Particula Saneta Crucis
Exc. ex Chronico coenobii Weichen-
Exc. ex Catalogo Eom. Pontificum
et Imperatorum.
Chronicon Ludovici IV. Imperat.
Breve Chronicon Bavaricum, 1412-
Chronicon Salisburgense, usque ad
A.C. 1495.
Itinerarium ven. Patris Wolffg. de
Stvra Benedictini MelHcensis,
Chronicon Monasterii Stamensis in
Anon. Mellicensis Breve Chronicon
Anon. Rotensis Breve Chronicon,
Anon. Tegernseensis Br. Chronicon
Necrologium Minorum Conventua-
lium Viennensium.
Statuta Synodi San-Hippolytensis
in Austria, a. 1274.
Anon. Narratio de nefanda Haresi
Exc. ex Chronico Universali I. Eni-
Breve Chronicon Austriaeum, 1402-
Narratio captivitatis Maximihani I.
Imper. apud Brugenses.
Fragm. histor. de Blanca, altera
Maximihani I. Imp. conjuge.
Instr. compositionis inter Fridericum
III. et Ungaros et Austriaeos.
Ordo Ingressus Friderici III. Imp.
in urbem.
Hist, desponsationis et coronationis
Frid. III. et Eleonora conjugis
Descriptio adventus Frid. III. ad
Paulum Papam II.
Diploma Eleonora Augusta.
Senatorium, sive Dialog. Histor.
Martini Abbatis Scotonum Vi-
Anonymi Historia de morte et even-
tibus felicis recordationis D. Al-
berti.Piomanorum, etc., Regis, etc.
Anonvmi Lessus in obitum Ladislai
Th. Ebendafferi Chronicon Austria-
eum, ad a. 1463.
Narratio de dissensione Provineia-
lium Austria post obitum Maxi-
mihani II.
Tres Chronici Bohemia.
Pez (BernarcTus), Thesaurus Anecdotorum Novissimus : scu Vetcrum Monumentorum,
pra^cipue Ecclesiasticorum, ex Germaiiicis potissiinuin Bibliothecis adoniata Collectio
recentissima, IG parts in vol. fol (-l^i/- Vindel. ct Gnccii) 1721-2JJ
Vol. 1, pt. 1.— Beati Notkeri Balbuli j
San-Gallensis Ord. S. Ben. qui I
anno Dccccxii. obiit, Notatio de i Vol
Blustribus Viris, seu Liber de [
Interpretibus Divinarum Scrip- ;
turaruni. \
Ejusdem Liber Sequcntiarum, quii?
ad Missas dici solebant.
Angelomi Monachi et Diaconi
Luxoviensis, Ord. S. Ben. qui
anno Christi dcccxxxv. lloruit,
Commentarius in (Tcncsini.
€andidi Presbyteri, B. Alcuini Dis-
cipuli, Expositio Passionis Do-
mini nostri Jcsu Christi.
Ejusdem Epistola ad D. : — Num Vol
Christus corporeis ocuhs l)eum
videre potuerit ?
Anonymi forte eoenobitte Lunae-
lacensis Ord. S. Bened. Glossa-
rium Latino -Theodiscum in Biblia
Miscellanea Tlieodisca ex diversis
MSS. Cod. collecta et in duas
partes tributa.
Ven. Engelberti Abbalis Admonten-
sis, Ord. S. Ben. qui sub Eudolpho
Habspurgico, I. Imp. claruit,
Epistola de Studiis et Scriptis
Ejusdem Liber de Causis Long;evi-
tatis Hominum ante Diluvium.
Ejusdem Tractatus seu Liber am-
plus de Gratiis et Yirtutibus
Beata3 Marine Virg.
Vol. 1, pt. 2. — Sancti Paschasii Ead-
berti, Corbeiensis in Francia Ab-
batis Ord. S. Ben. de Fide, Spe,
et Charitate, Lib. iii.
Gerberti, postea Sylvestri II. Pont.
Max. Ord. S. Jien. Libellus de
Corpore et Sanguine Domini.
Ejusdem Libellus ad Ottonem III.
Imp. de Kationali, et llatione
•Gerhohi Prasposili Eeicherspergensis
Ord. Can. Peg. S. August, qui
seculo XII. Celebris fuit, Liber de
Gloria et lionore Filii Hominis.
Ejusdem Liber adversus duas Vol.
Hfereses sui temporis.
Ejusdem Epistola de sensu ver-
borum S. Hilarii et Athanasii de
iequalitate et injequalitate Christi
cum Deo.
Waltheri Yeteris Theologi Epistola i
de modo prasdicandi divina de !
Adami Prtemonstratensis Candidas '
Caste in Scotia Abbatis et Epi- ,
scopi Soliloquiorum de instruc-
tione animiu Lib. II.
1, pt. 2. — Beati Bichahui Abbatis
SpeciosiB Vallis in Franconia,
Ord. Cister. Bevelationes de iii-
sidiis et versutiis Da-monum.
Alani Magni Ord. Cist. Libri V. de
arte Catholicie Fidei ex rationibus
naturalibus demonstratie.
Henvici de llassia Liber adversus
Telesphori Eromita' ^'aticinia de
ultimis temporibus.
Johannis, forte Gersenis, Abbatis
Liber aureus de Professione
, 1, pt. 3. — Codex Diplomaticus
Codex Traditionum Sanct-Emme-
Anamodi Subdiaconi Traditionum
Emmerammensium, seculo IX.
factarum, Libri 11.
Agii Monachi Ord. S. Ben. de Vita
S. Hathumodiu, prinue Abbatissa)
Gandersheimensis Liber.
Ejusdem Dialogus metricus de obitu
S. Hathumodiu.
Anonymi Zwethlensis Ord. Cist.
Historia Eomanorum Pontificum
a S. Petro usq. ad Cadestinum
Gerhohi Pra^p. Eeichersp. 0. C. E.
S. Aug. Liber de Vitis BB. Abba-
tum Formbacensium Berengeri et
Angeli Eumpleri Abbatis Form-
bacensis 0. S. B. Historia Mona-
ster] i sui.
Johannis ^Yirzburgensis Descriptio
Terriu Sancta^.
Alberti Oberaltahensis, 0. S. ]5.
Liber de vita S. Alberti Oberalta-
Jodoci Mezleri San-Gallensis de
Viris lUustribus Monasterii sui
Libri II.
Johannis Egonis, Prioris Augiensis
0. S. Ben. de Viris Illustribus
Monasterii sui Tractatus.
2, pt. L — B. Flaccii Alcuini Opus-
culum de Comparatione Veteris
et Novi Testamenti a Denario
usque ad Unum, kc. cum Epi-
stolis VII. ad Arnonem Archiep.
S. Wolfgangi Ep. Eatispon. Para-
phrasis Psalmi 1.
Erhardi de Laiiiig Abb. Petrensis
Paraphrasis Psalmi xii.
"Walafridi Strabonis Augiensis Ab-
Fez (Bernardus) — continued.
batis Orel. S. Ben. Homilia de
Genealogia Christi.
Vol. 2, pt. 1. — Theodorici Canonici
Paterbrunnensis anno mlxxx.
Commentatio in Orationcm Do-
Honorii Augustodun. 0. S. B. circa
Mcxx. Hexameron.
Idem de X. plagis ^Egypti spiritua-
Idem in Psalmos selectos.
Ejusdem Scala Cceli Major.
Ejusdem Scala Coeli Minor.
Ejusdem Summa Gloria de Aposto-
lico et Augiisto.
Ejusdem Liber XII. Qunsstionum.
Ejusdem Libellus VIII. Qurest. de
Angelo et tlomine.
Ejusdem Libellus de Animte Exilio
et Patria.
Ejusdem Libellus de libero Arbi-
Ej usdem Sacramentarium.
Ejusdem Eucbaristion seu Lib. de
Corp. et Sang. Domini.
Idem de Vita claustrali.
Irimperti Abbatis Admontensis Ord.
S. Ben. an. hclxxv. Commen-
tarius Allegoricus in Cantica
Ejusdem Liber de x. Oneribus
Tliomie Abbatis Vercellensis ad S.
Andream Ord. Can. Eeg. S. Aug.
Commentarius Hierarchicus iu
Cantica Cantic.
Vol. 2, pt. 2. — Maxentii Patriarcliffi
Aquileiensis Epistola de ritibus
Baptismi ad Carolum Magnum.
Adelberi Episcopi Ord. S. B. ad
Nonsuindam Eeclusam Admonitio
de Laude Cbaritatis seu Liber de
Studio Virtutum.
Galtberi veteris Theologi Liber de
Placidi Nonantulani, Episc. Liber
de Honore Ecclesi;?.
Helperici Monaclii Sanct-Gallensis
Liber de Computo Ecclesiastico.
Gerliobi Propositi Eeicherspergensis
Liber de xEdificio Dei seu de studio
et cura Disciplim^ Ecclesiastics.
Ejusdem Dialogus de differentia
Clerici Eegularis et Secularis ad
Innocentium II. P. M.
Idungi Coenobite Emmeram. circa
an Mcxc. Liber IV. Quaest. de
Clericis, Monacbis et Sanctimoni-
Anonymi Benedictini circa seculum
duodecimum Dialogus de Esu
Vol. 2, pt. 2. — Jobannis de Spira Priorig
Mellicensis circa mccccxxx. Trac-
tatus de Esu Carnium Mona-
chorum infirmorum.
Antiquus et amplus Ordo publico
Ordo diti'usior probandi Homines de
Crimine suspectos per ignitos
Vomeres, &c.
Vol. 2, pt. 3. — Supplementum HistoriaB
Miraculorum S. Mattbire Ap.
Auctore Anonymo Benedictino
Acta S. Cbristopliori M. versu et
prosa descripta a Waltbero Sub-
diacono Spirensi, qui Ottone III.
Imp. floruit.
Acta, et Integra bactenus inedita^
Miracula S. Herculani Ep. Peru-
sini et M. auctore Anonyma
S. Liutbirgis Eeclusse in Dioecesi
Halb<^rstadiensi seculo IX. Vitai.
auctore Anonymo.
Vita S. Alberti Arcbiep. Cassellensis
in Hybernia.
Ludus Pascbalis sub Friderico I.
Imp. de Adventu Anticbristi in
scena exbibitus.
Henrici Arcbidiaconi Salzburg.
Historia Calamitatum Ecclesi^
suae sub Adelberto Arcbiep. et
Friderico I. Imp.
Vita Cbunradi I. Arcbiep. Salzburg,
auctore Anonymo Eeitenbasla-
censi Ord. Cist. Syncbrono.
Vita S. Alruna3 Marcbionissas Cbam-
bensis auctore Anonymo Nideral-
tabensi Ord. S. Ben.
Ludovici Barbi Ep. Tarvis. 0. S.
B. Lib. de Initio et Progressu
Congregat. S. Justinse de Padua,
nunc Cassinensis.
Vita B. Nicol. de Prussia auctore
Juliano Januensi 0. S. B.
Anonymi Epistola de rebus anni
Monumenta Vetera Ees S. Simperti
Ep. Augustani 0. S. B. illustran-
tia. I. Adilberti Prioris Vdalri-
cani Liber de ejus Vita et Mira-
culis. II. Ejus Statuta Eegularia
pro Monasterio Murbacensi. III.
Anonymi Vdalricani Liber de ejus
Miraculis ab an. 1464 ad 1471.
IV. Anonymi Vdalr. Liber Mira-
culorum a 1488 ad 1495. V.
Anonymi Vdalr, Acta secundfe
Inventionis et Translationis S.
Simperti 1491. VI. Acta tertife
Translationis, &c.
Vcn. Georgii Prioris Gemnicensis
Pez (Bernardus) — contimiccl.
Orel. Cart. Diarium Peregrina-
tionis tvansniariuii! per /Egyptuni
et Syriain, &c.
Vol. 3, pt. 1. — Yen. Hervei, Monaclu
Dolensis, Ord. S. Bencd. Com-
mentarioruminlsaiain Brophetam
Libri VIII.
Vol. 3, pt. 2. — Gerberti, postca Sylvcstri
II. Pontificis Maximi Geometria.
Ejusdeni Epistola ad Adclboldum
Episc. Trajectensem de Causa
Diversitatis Arearum in Trigone
fpqiiilatcro, &c.
Adclboldi Episcopi Trajectensis Ord.
IS. Bencd. Libellus de Ratione in-
veniendi Crassitudineni Spliiene.
B. Hermanni Contracti ]\Ioiiachi
Augiensis Ord. S. Ben. Liber de
Mensura Astrolabii.
Ejusdem de Utilitatibus Astrolabii
Libri II.
Ven; Otbloni Monaelii Sanct-Em-
merammensis Ord. S. Ben. Dia-
logus de tribus Qut^stionibus, id
est : de Bivinte pietatis Agnitione,
Judiciorumque Divinorum Diver-
sitate, et de varia bene agendi
Ejusdem Epistola de Permissionis
Bonorum et Malorum Causis.
Ejusdem Liber de Cursu Spirituals
Ejusdem Narratio de quodam Mira-
culo, quod nuper accidit cuidam
Laico, &c.
Ejusdem Liber de Admonitione
Clericorum et Laieorum.
Ejusdem Liber Metricus de Doctrina
Spirituali cum aliis ejusdem
diversi generis Carminibus.
Ejusdem Liber Proverbiorum.
Ejusdem Sermo in Natali Aposto-
Ejusdem Liber Visionum tum sua-
rum tum aliorum.
Ejusdem Prtefatio in Vitam S.
Wolfgangi Episc. Ratisponens. a
se emendati. Accessit Vita qua3-
dam Rhythmica ejusdem Sancti,
Petri Abaelardi Etliica sen Liber :
Scito te ipsum.
Vol. 3, pt. 3. — Viti Arnpekii, Prioris
Eberspergensis Ord. H. Ben.
Chronicon Bajoarite, in Quinque
Libros tributum.
Monumenta Vetera Historiam
Inclyti Monasterii Tegernseensis
in Bajoaria, Ord. S. Ben. illus-
trantia. I. Historia Fundationis
Tegernseens. auctore ut videtur
Froumundo Monaclio Tegern-
seensi. II. Chronicon Monasterii
Tegerns. a prima Origino usque
ad nostra Tempora. III. Historia
Consecrationis Altarium Ecclcsia)
Tegerns. IV. Tres vetustissimae
Sequentirc do S. Quirino Rcge, et
Martyre, Tutelari Tegerns.
Vol. 3, pt. 3. — IMonunienta Vetera Histo-
riam Inclyti Monasterii Benedicto-
liurani in Bajoaria illustrantia.
I. Breve anticpuun Chronicon
Benedicto-Buranum. II. Rerum
Benedicto-Buranarum Notitiffi
antiqua?. III. Epistohc Bene-
dicto-Burana), itc. IV. Anonymi
Bencdieto-Burani Historia Fontis
Codex Diplomaticus Inclyti Mona-
sterii Admontensis in btiria Ord.
8. Ben.
Vol. 4, pt. 1.— Remigij Autissiodorensis
Ord. S. Ben. Commentarius in
Irimberti Abbatis Admontensis Ord.
S. Ben. Commentariorum in
Librum Judicum Libri II.
Ejusdem Expositio Libri Ruth.
Walafridi Strabonis, Abbatis Augi-
ensis, Ord. S. Ben. Expositio XX.
primorum Psalmorum.
Vol. 4, pt. 2. — Severini Episcopi Doc-
trina de Sapientia.
S. Bonifacii Archiep. Moguntini et
Martyris Ord. S. Ben. Scrmo de
Abrenuntiatione in Baptismate.
B. Rabani Mam-i Archiepiscopi
Moguntini Ord. S. Ben. Opuscu-
lum de Passiono Domini.
Zacharitt, incertse Sedis Episcopi,
Sermo de S. Georgio Mart.
Gente Constantis venerandi Sacer-
dotis Tractatus de Passiono et Glo-
ria Beati Emmerammi Martyris.
Arnoldi seu Arnolfi ex Comite
Vohburgensi IMonachi et Decani
Emmerammensis Ord. S. Ben.
Homilia de Octo Beatitudinibus
et S. Emmcrammo Episcopo et
Ejusdem Carmen in Vitam S. Em-
merammi a ]\Ieginlredo conscrip-
Bernonis Abbatis Augiensis Ord. S.
Ben. Liber : Quahtcr Adventus
Domini celebretur, quando Nati-
vitas Domini Feria sccunda
Ejusdem Ratio generalis de Initio
Adventus Domini secundum
auctoritatem Hilarii Episcopi.
Ejusdem Dialogus : Qualitcr qua-
tuor Temporum Jejunia per sua
Sabbata sint observanda.
Pez (Bernardus) — contiimed.
Vol. 4, pt. 2. — Ejusdem Prologus in
Tonarium, sen Librum de Musica.
Anselmi Episcopi Havelbergensis
Ord. Can. Keg. S. Augustini
Liber de Ordine Canonicorum
Algeri sen Adelgeri, Monaclii
Cluniacensis Ord. S. Ben. Libellus
de Libero Arbitrio.
Engelberti Abbatis Adniontensis
Ord. S. Ben. Tractatus de Libero
Stepliani Cartusife olim Dolanensis,
nunc Olomucensis primi Prioris
Medulla Tritici seu Antivvikleflus.
Ejusdem Antihussus.
Ejusdem Dialogus Volatilis inter
Aucam et Passerem adversus
Ejusdem Liber Epistolaris Quinque-
pertitus ad Hussitas.
Vol. 4, pt. 3. — Ludovici Senioris
Monaclii et Diaconi S. Laurentii
Leodiensis Ord. S. Bened. Scrip-
tum de Adventu Eeliquiarum 13.
Laurentii Martyris Ronife Leo-
B. Jobannis Monaclii S. Laurentii
Leodiensis Ord. S. Ben. Visio
Status Aniniarum post Mortem, et
]\Iiraculum S. Laurentii Martyris.
Eeineri Monaclii S. Laurentii Leo-
diensis Ord. S. Bened. de claris
Scriptoribus Monasterii sui Libelli
Ejusdem in Novem ante Natalitias
Antiplionas, ab exordientes
Ejusdem Speculum poenitentife, seu
de Vita S. Pelagia?, Libri II.
Ejusdem Palmarium Virginale, seu
de Vita et Passione Sancta) MariiB
Virginis Cappadocis Libri II.
Ejusdem Elos Ereiiii, seu de vita S.
Tlieobakli Monaclii et Eremitct!
Libri II.
Vol. 4, pt. 3. — Ejusdem de Conflictu
duorum Ducum, et Animaruni
niirabili Pievelatione, ac de Milite
captivo per salutarem Hostiam
liberato Libelli metrici II.
Ejusdem de Adventu Eeliquiarum
S. Laurentii Eoma Leodium
Liber metricus cum aliis diversi
generis Carminibus et Epigram-
Ejusdem Triumplialis Bulonici
Libelli V.
Ejusdem Vita Evraclii XLV. Epi-
scopi Leodiensis.
Ejusdem Vita Eeginardi L"". Epi-
scopi Leodiensis.
Ejusdem Liber de Casu Fulminis
super Ecclesiam Monasterii sui.
Ejusdem Libellus Gratiarum Ac-
tionis super Dedicatioiie nova
Ecclesire Monasterii sui.
Ejusdem Breviloquium de Incendio
Ecclesite S. Lamberti Leo dii.
Ejusdem Laclirimarum Libelli III.
Ejusdem de Profeetu Mortis Libri II.
Andreip Presbyteri ad S. Magnum
EatisbontB, Ord. Canonic. Ee-
gular. S. Augustini Clironicon
Geiierale a Cliristo nato usque ad
annum 1422.
Mnese Sylvii, postea Pii II. Ponti-
ficis Maximi Pentalogus de Eebus
Ecclesife et Imperii.
Emmeiirici Monaclii et Abbatis
Elvvaceiisis Ord. S. Ben. Dialogus
de Vita et Miraculis B. Hariolplii
Episcopi Lingonensis, Fuiidatoris
et Abbatis Monasterii Elvva-
Clironicon Elvvacense integrum et
genuinum a Nativitate Cliristi
usque ad annum 1474.
Vol. 5. 2 pts. Magni Geiiiohi Comment.
in Psalmos.
Vol. 6. 2 pts. Codex Diplomatico-liisto-
Philoscphobum Grajsorum Fragmenta, collegit, recensuit, vertit, annot. et prolegomenis
illustr., indicibus instruxit F. G. A. Mullacliius, 3 vol. roy. 8vo Paris, 18G0-81
Vol. 1. Empedoclis Carmina.
Timonis Pliilasii Fragiii.
Xenoplianis Carminum Eeliqui^.
Parmenidis Carminum Eeliquite.
Epicliarmi Fragm.
Cleantbis Carmina.
Musasi Fragm.
Orpliica Fragm.
Porpbyrii Fragm. de Pliilosopliia ex
Pythagoreorum Carmen Aureum.
Alii Versus Pythagoreorum.
Vol. 1. VII. Sapientum Carmina et
Anaximandri, Anaxagorae, Diogenis
Apolloniatte, Melissi, et Zeiionis
Prtefatio ad Aristotelis Libellum de
Melisso, Xenopliane et Gorgia.
Heracliti et Democriti Fragm.
Ocelli Lucani de Universi Natura
Ejusdem Ocelli Fragm.
Hieroclis Commentarius in Aureum
PniLOSorHOKUM GrfTcorum, ilc, — continued.
Vol. 1. Pythagoreorum Aliorumque
Philosophonun Siniilitiulinos.
Demopliili Siniilitudiiies ex Pytlia-
Similitudines aliunde ('olleet;e,
Demopliili Seutenti.-e Pythagoricne.
AliiV Sententi;e Pytliagoreo^-uin.
Symbola Pytliagorica.
Secundi Atlieniensis SententiiB.
Secundi Eesponsa ad Interroga-
tioiies Hadriani.
Altercatio Hadriani ct Secundi.
Sexti Pythagovici Sententiie.
Sexti Philosoplii Enchiridion.
Pytliagoreoruni Philosopliorum Re-
liqui;e : Diotegcnis, Sthenidas,
Ecplianti, C'liarondiu, Zaleuci.
Anonymi Disputationes Morales
Uorieo Conscript;!?.
Archytte Tarentini Fragm.
Vol. 2. Prolegomena, De Pytliagora
ejusque discipuliset successoribus.
Sopliistic Grifci.
Pytliagorcorum, Pliilolai, etc.
Fragm. Moralia, llippodami, etc.
Sopbistarum P"'ragmenta Protagora?,
Cynicorum Fragm. Antistbenis, etc.
Cyrenaicorum Fragm. Aristippi, etc.
Vol. 8. Eusebius.
Eudemus Piliodius.
Andronieus Hhodius.
Phcenix (The) ; or, Revival of Scarce and Valuable Pieces, 2 vol. 8vo 1707-8
Vol. 1. 1. Letter concerning Origen and
his opinions.
2. God's first Sally out of Himself
in the birth of the Universe.
3. Torshell's (S.) Design about dis-
posing the Bible into an Har-
4. Christ's Birth Mistim'd, etc.,
proving that Christ was not born
in December.
5. Reformation of the Church in
Ireland, during the reigns of K.
Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Q.
Life and Death of Geo. Browne,
Abp. of Dublin.
6. Bp. Barlow's Account of the Con-
ferences between K. James I. and
the Bishops at Hampton Court,
January 14th, 1G03.
7. Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia ;
or. Observations on the late Q.
8. J. Keymer's Observations on the
Dutch Fishing, about 1001.
9. Form and Order of the Corona-
tion of King Charles 11. at Scoon,
Jan. 1051.
10. Answer of the States-General
to K. Charles II. 's Declaration of
War, 1074.
11. 12. The People's antient and
just Liberties asserted in the
Tryal of W. Penn and W. ]\Iead,
Sept. 1670, and Thos. Rudyard,
F. Moor, etc., June and July,
1670, with Appendix and Post-
script and C. J. Vaughan's Report
of Bushell's Case.
13. Apology or Defence of Wilham
I. of Nassau, Prince of Orange,
etc., in answer to Philip II. 's
Proclamation against and Pro-
scription of him, 1580.
Vol. 1. 14. Brett's (S.) Narrative of the
Proceedings of the great Comicil
of the Jews assembled at Ageda,
in Hungary.
15. Letters concerning K. Charles
II. 's stedfastness in the Protes-
tant Religion.
10. True Relation of the late King's
death, with copies of two papers
written by the late K. Charles IL,
found in the strong box.
Vol. 2. 17. Dean Colet's Sermon of
Conforming and Reforming, with
his Life by Erasmus.
18. Some Account of Lady Jane
Grey, with four papers written
by her own hand.
19. Brief Discourse of the Troubles
begun at Frankfort, 1554, about
the Com. Prayer Book, etc.
20. Calvin's Common Prayer Book ;
or. Service, Discipline, etc., of the
English Church at Geneva.
21. Burden of Issachar ; or, Tyran-
nical Power and Practices of the
Presbyterian Government in Scot-
22. Hales of Eton's I'Jrcvis Dis-
quisitio ; or, Inquiry concerning
a better way of refuting Papists,
etc., 1653.
23. Hales, Discourse concerning
the Peace and Concord of the
24. Rabbi Manasseh Ben Israel's
Vindiciic Juda^orum.
Ph(enix (The) — continued.
Vol. 2.
25, Dr. Kobert Jones's two Ser-
mons on tlie Eesurrection rescued
from the Soldiers' calumnies.
26. Of the Torments of Hell ; the
foundation-pillars thereof dis-
covered, searched, shaken, and
removed, 1658 (by Pdchardson).
PiCHLEE (Caroline) Schriften, 60 vol. m 16,
Vol. 1-6. Die Schweden in Prag.
Das Schloss im Gebirge.
Vol. 7-12. Die Belagerung Wiens.
Der Postzug.
Vol. 13-17. Die Nebenbuhler.
Horimirz, eine Bohmische Sago.
Vol. 18-22. Die Grafen v. Hohenberg.
Vol. 23-30. Frauenwiirde.
Die friih Verlobten.
Vol. 31-36. Agathokles.
Vol. 37, 38. Olivier.
Stille Liebe.
Vol. 39-42. Leonore.
Das gefahrliche Spiel.
Vol. 43-46. Wahre Liebe.
Der schwarze Fritz.
Carls des Grossen Jugendhebe.
Quintin Messis.
Die Walpurgisnacht.
Schloss Wiernitz.
27. Brief Account of the New Sect
of Latitude-men.
Vol. 2. 28, 29. George, Duke of Bucking-
ham's Short Discourse upon the
reasonableness of Men's having a
Religion, and his Letter to the
Author of A Short Answer.
30. M. Clifford's Treatise of Human
sm. 8vo Stuttgart, 1827-29
Vol. 47-50. Das Ideal.
Der Husarenoffizier.
Das vergebliche Opfer.
Die goldene Schale.
Der entwendete Schuh.
Das Kloster auf Capri.
Der Blutriicher.
Der jmige Maler.
Vol. 51, 52. Eduard und Malvina.
Alt und neuer Sinn.
Vol. 53, 54. Der Pflegesohn.
So war es nicht gemeint.
Die Einsiedler auf dem Monserrat.
Vol. 55, 56. Falkenberg.
Sie war es dennoch.
Der Amethyst.
Vol. 57, 58. Abderachmen.
Der Badaufenthalt.
Vol. 59, 60. Der Graf von Barcellona.
Die Stieftochter.
Die Geschwister.
PiNKEETOx (J.) General Coll. of Voyages and Travels in all parts of the World, 17 vol. 4to
Vol. 1. Willoughby's Voyage to North
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Dutch Voyages to North of Europe.
Regnard's Voyage to Lapland.
Maupertuis's Voyage to Polar Circle.
Outhier's Voyage to the North.
Ehrenmalm's Voyage to W. Nordland.
Leems's Ace. of Danish Lapland.
Allison's Voyage from Archangel.
Phipp's Voyage to North Pole.
Backstrom's Voyage to Spitzbergen.
Von Troll's Voyage to Iceland.
Kerguelen's Voyage to the North.
Cumberland's Voyage to the Azores.
Raleigh's Engagement near the
De Chaste's Voyage to Tercera, etc.
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Shaw's Tour to W. of England.
Bray's Tour in Derbyshire.
Moritz's Tour in England.
Skrine's Tour through Wales.
Malldn's Tour through Wales.
Hassell's Tour to Isle of Wight.
Heath's Tour to Scilly Islands.
Robertson's Tour to Isle of Man.
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Vol. 3. Garnet's Account of the Drosacks.
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Martin's St. Kilda.
Brand's Description of Orkneys.
Hamilton's North of Ireland.
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Young's Travels in France.
Saussure's Ascent of Mont Blanc.
Ramond's Ascent of Mont Perdu.
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Dolomieu's Earthquakes in Cala-
bria, 1785.
Bourgoanne's Travels in Spain.
Coxe's Travels in Switzerland.
Vol. 6. Reisbeck's Travels through Ger-
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Norway, and Russia.
Fortis's Travels in Sweden.
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Rubruquis ; of Marco Polo ; of
Two Mahometans.
Nieuhofl"'s Travels in China.
Bell's Travels in Asia.
Hamel's Travels in Korea.
Description of Tibet.
Goez's Travels from Labor to China.
PiNKEETON (J.) — contimt^d.
Vol. 7. Missionaries' Travels in Tibet.
Carai's Travels in Japan.
Ivempfer's Japan.
Yol. B. Sir T. Roe's Journal.
Bernier's Voyage.
Extract from Tavernier's Voyage.
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Lord's Discovery of Banians.
liuclianan's Mysore.
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Eraiikliu's Travels in Persia.
Jenkinson's Travels in Bucliaria.
Balbi's Travels to Pegu.
Symes's Embassy to Ava.
Turpin's History of Siam.
Baron's History of Tonquin.
Eicliard's History of Tonquin.
Borri's Cochin China.
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Blount's Voyage up Levant.
Dandini's Voyage to Mount Libanus.
Maundrell's Journey to Jerusalem.
Journey to Mount Sinai.
Pocock's Travels in the East.
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and of New Holland.
Extract from Des Guignes, Stavo-
rinus, Pigafetta, and De Brosse.
Abstract of Cook's Voyages.
Peron's Voyage.
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Frobisher's Voyages to Virginia.
Cartier's New France.
Vol. 13. Smith's History of Virginia.
Lahontan's Travels in Canada.
PiSTOEius (Jo. Nid.), Rerum Germanicarum
etc. Germanorum, medii potiss. sevi, inde
Annales litteris cousignarunt, edit, 'dtia, cur
Vol. 1. Piegionis (Monachi Pruniensis)
Herm. Contracti, Comitis Veringen-
sis Chronicon.
Lambert. Schaflhaburgensis, Hirsch-
feld. Monachus, de rebus gestis
Appendix ad Lambertum, scripta
ab Erphesphordiensi quodam Mo-
Mariani Scoti (Monachi Fuldensis)
Chronicorum Libri Tres.
Dodeehini (Abbatis Monast. S. Dy-
sibodi) ad Chronica M. Scoti
Sigeberti (Gemblacensis Cocnobita:^)
Pioberti de Monte Complementum
ad Sigebertum.
Sifi'ridi (Presbyteri Misnensis) Epi-
tomes Libri 2.
Anonymi Compilatio Chronol. de
Vol. 13. Kalm's Travels in N. America.
Burnaby's Travels in ditto.
Vol. 14. Betagh's Account of Peru.
Ijouguer's Voyage to Peru.
Ovall's Voyage to Chili.
Condamine's Voyage to South
Ulloa's Voyage to ditto.
Nieuhoff's Voyage to Brazil.
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Poncet's Voyage to ditto.
Browne's Voyage to Dar Fur.
Pococke's Travels in Egypt.
Addison's Travels in West Barbary.
Windus's Travels to Mequhiez.
Shaw's Travels in Barbary.
Lempriere's Travels to Morocco.
Abd-Allatifs Eelation concerning
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Good Hope.
Angelo's Voyage to Congo.
Merolla's Voyage to Congo.
Battell's Voyage to Angola.
Bonnan's Voyage to Guinea.
Proyart's Voyage to Loango, etc.
Adanson's Voyage to Senegal.
Eochon's Voyage to Madagascar.
Glas's Account of Canary Islands.
Park's Travels in Africa.
Vol. 17. Origin and Progress of Dis-
Catalogue of Voyages and Travels.
General Index.
Scriptores aliquot insignes qui historiain
a Carolo Magno ad Carolum V. usque per
ante B. G. Struvio, cum notis etc. 3 vol. fol.
liatisb. 172G
diversis Chronicis Pontificum et
Imperatorum, ab initio mundi ad
annum 1474.
Vol. 1. Pauli Langii Episcoporum Citi-
censis Ecclesia3 Historia (008-
Anonymi Erphesphordiensis, His-
toria de Landgraviis Thuringire
Amiales Brevissimi de vet. Land-
graviorum Thuringiie origine,
nuptiis, liberis, rebus gestis.
J. Pistorii Gcnealogia Landgravio-
rum omnium Thuringije ct Hassise.
Vol. 2. Godefridi ^'itcrbiensis Pantheon
(ad a. 1180).
Werneri Eolewinck Fasciculus Tem-
porum, omnes antiquorum Chro-
nicas complectens (ad a. 1444).
Joannis Linturii Appendix ad Fasci-
culum Temporum W. Rolewinck
PiSTOKius (Jo. Nid.) — continued.
Vol. 2. Hulderici Mutii de Germanorum
prima origine, moribus, institutis,
legibus et meniorabilibus Libri 31
(ad a. 1539).
Vol. 3. Magnum Clironicon Belgicum,
collectore Ord. 8. Augustini
Canonic orum regulariiim prope
Nussiam Religioso (54-1474).
Wippo, Presbyter, de vita Cunradi
2 Salici Imp. (1024-1039).
Vol. 3. Traditionum Fuldensimn Libri
Sigism. Meisterlein Chronicon Ec-
clesiasticum (08-1483).
Jac. Manlii (I3rigantini) Chroni-
con Episcopatus Constantiensis,
postea ab alio auctum, adjectis
Episcopormii Familiis (G8-1503).
Incerti Auctoris Clironicon Episcop.
Mindensimn (788-1599).
PoEMATA Latina Sreculi XVI. separatim edita, in mium volumen collecta, 4to 1548-1606
Fabricius (T.) Gallus Francofordianus ;
Franco/. 1579.
Fabricius (T.) Hendecasyllabi Christi
Jesu et Marina Virginis ; ib. 1579.
Oliverius (Hieron.) Liber de Imperio
Eomano, etc. restituto ; Aug. Vinclel.
Maierius (Aug.) De Laudibus Alberti V.,
Boicorum Ducis ; Ingolst. 1582.
Theveninus (Pant.) Dialogus de rebus
gestis, prfesertim vero de gloriosa in
CoelumassumptioneB. Marine ^'irginis,
etc. ; ib. 1585.
Crinitus (Dav.) Disticha de inaugura-
tione, obitu, etc., Regum Bobemorum,
cum efiigiebus; Prague, 1501.
Pub. Pecus Sejan.Brixiensis Epitapliium
Liber ; Cremonce, 1551.
Bartlioldus (Geo.) Bruxia Boliemife de-
lineata carmine, rebusque suis menior-
abilibus illustrata ; Prague, 1593.
Illustrium aliquot Germanorum Carmi-
num Liber, de immanissima summeque
miseranda Cliristianorum laniena, ab
impiis et crudelissimis Gallife Tyran-
nis, Lutetiae Parisiorum, Lugduni, etc.,
patrata, anno Salutis MDLXXII. ;
Vilna, 1573.
Aurea PartlieniaB SodaUtas Academica,
etc., alnife Acad. Societatis Jesu ;
Olomuthia, 1598.
Cisnerus (Nic.) Memorise Illust. Principis
ac Domini Friderici III., Comitis
Palatini, etc. ; Heidelb. 1576.
Engerdus (Jo.) Paraphrasis Psalmi
Ixxxix.; Ingolst. 1578.
Arconatus (Hieron.) De Diversitate Mu-
lierum Iambi Senarii ex Gr^co Simo-
nidis conversi ; Vioincs, 1590.
Phantasia Poetiea de Nuptiis Aquilte ;
ib. 1590.
Locheri (Giov.) II Melanuro, rid. in
ottava lima per Nic. Pierio ; ib.
Seegerius (Jo.) ]\Ielanurus, veram bis-
toriam continens primi Hungariae
propugnaculi [Raab] ex Turcarum
manibus recuperati ; ib. 1598.
Bergerus (Elias) Domus augustissimfe
Austriae, Columna? Sidera, Csesarei
monarcliaa Archiduces (2 partibus) ;
ib. 1002.
Kauffman (J. C), Carminum Libellus de
Terraemotibus anni XC, etc. ; ib.
Honor, viri nob. et excellent. J. Bier-
dumplielii Hilperbus, Phil, et Med.
Doctoris, etc. ; Jence, 1598.
Lucius (Stepli.) Panegp'is in Eev. et Am-
pliss. PriBsulem Steph. Szuliai, electo
episcopo Agrensi, etc. ; Viennce, 1000.
Conradus (G.) Hecatomphonia Victinife
Musicae ex disticho uno, etc. ; Vratisl.
Portlier (Jo.) Encomion virtutis ejus-
demque filiarum, etc., Jo. Eausch,
Herzolingensis Monasterii decano,
etc. ; VienncB, 1004.
Monumenta vitte et obitus Anna) Mar.
Breynerinn et Baronissa? Truchsessi-
anse a Waldburg ; Pragce, 1606.
Pub. Virgilii Maronis 'ETrt^f/Aci/itfU'
solemnitati nuptiali Dom, Ferdinandi
L. B. in Herbertstein et D. Elizabethse
a Greissen ad. Walt, etc. ; VienncB,
Lindenberger (Jo.) Strenuus Conflictus
Michaelis Archangeli cum Dracone
infernali ; ih. 1605.
Laurmannus (Leop.) Aula) Caesarea Pro-
sopopoeia lugubris in obitum Dom.
Wolflgangi Unverzagt, lib. baronis in
Ebenfurt, etc. ; Pragce, 1000.
Epithalamia in Nuptiarum diem Dom.
Sigismundi Geisler, Philos. ac Medi-
cinas Doctoris et nobilis ac generosae
matroiife Margaretha? Peckin, etc. ;
VicnncB, 1606.
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Majoragii (M. A.) de Senatu Romano
uSlgyptii (M.) Senatus Consulti de
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Burmanni (P.) de Vectigalibus
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de Arcliivis Com-
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Gentilis (S.) Disputationmii illus-
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. illustrata ; de Utilitate, quam ex
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Henrici IV. Imperat. Vita, et Epist. ad
Pontif. Roman, aliosque principes.
Anonymi Historia de Henrici IV. Imp.
hello contra Saxones carm. heroico.
Roberti Monachi de Christianorum prin-
cipum in Syriam profectione, 1096, et
regni Hierosol. occupatione, etc.
Licerti auctoris Narratio de electione Lo-
tharii in Imp. Roman.
Guntheri Ligurinus, sive res Gestas
CfDsaris Friderici I.
Vita Friderici ^nobarbi, ex Pauli Jovii
Friderici II. Imper. Maiifredi Siculi,
Conradi IV. Imper. Henrici Regis, etc.,
Chronicon rerum Moguntiacarum per
Conradum Episc.
Vecerii (Conr.) Libellus do Rebus gestis
Henrici VII. Imp.
Nicolaus (Episc. Botront.), de Itinere
Italico Henrici VII. Imperat. ; ]\lussati
(Alberti) Historia Augusta Henrici
VII. Cffisaris.
Bartholini (Ricard.) Austriados, sive de
Bello Norico Libri XII. ad Divuni
Ehetores Grffici ex Codd. Florent. Mediolan., etc., emendatiores et auctiores, edidit,
annot. instruxit, indices locup. adjec. Ch. Walz, 9 vol. in 10, 8vo Stuttg. 1820
Vol. 1. — Hermogenis et Aphthonii Pro-
Math. Camariotffi et Anonymi
Epitomas Aphthonii Prog.
Theonis Progymnasmata.
Nicolai Progymnasmata.
Vol. 1. Niceph.Basilacfc Progymnasmata.
Adriani Excrcitationes.
Severi Narrationes et Ethopoeia?.
Geo, Pacliymeris Progynniasmata.
Anonymi Progymnasmata.
Vol. 2. — Scholia Aldina in Aphthonium.
Rhetoees Grseci — continued.
Vol. 2. Doxopatri Prole,2:omena Rheto-
riciB et Homilife in Aplitlionium.
Auonymi Scholia in Aphthonium.
Vol. 3. — Hermogenis et Ruti Rlietorica.
Anonymorum EpitomiB.
Josephi RhacendytfB Epitome.
Anonymus de quatuor partibus
Anonym, de octo partibus orationis.
Anonymorum Epitomte.
Joannis Tzetzse Epitome.
Psellus de Rhetorica.
Anonymus de Figuris apud Hermo-
Castor Rhodius de metris Rhetoricis.
Anonymi Expositio Rhetoricae.
Vol. 4« — Syriani, Sopatri, et Marcellini
Scholia ad Hermogenis status.
Vol. 5. — Sopatri Scholia ad Hermogenis
Max. Planudfe Scholia ad Hermo-
genis Rhetoricam.
Maximus de antithesibus indisso-
Anonymus de statibus.
Mic. Psellus de compositione par-
tium orationis et Synopsis
Proleg. Rhetorics.
Vol. 6. — Doxopatri, Anonymi, et Troilli
Sophistfe Proleg. Rhetoricse.
Jo. Siceliot* Comment, ad Hermo-
genis Ideas.
Geo. Diaerette Comment, ad Hermo-
genem de inventione.
Geo. Plethonis Epitome Rhetorics.
Vol. 6. Matt. Camariotse Epitome Rhe-
Vol. 7. — Anonymi Prolegomena ad Her-
mogenis status.
Proleg. ad Hermog. de inventione,
Capita primi Idearum libri.
Syriani Proleg. ad Ideas.
Comment, ad Hermogenem de stati-
bus, de inventione, et de ideis.
Greg. Corinthii Comment, ad Her-
mogenem de raethodo gravitatis.
Vol. 8. — Sopatri Tract, caussaruni.
Cyrus de differentia statuum.
Anonymi Problemata Rhetorica.
Alexander, Phoebammon, Tiberius,
et Herodianus de Figuris.
Polybius Sardianus de Schema-
Anonymus de Figuris.
Zonaeus de Figuris.
Anonymi de Synecdoche, de Figuris,
et de Tropis Poeticis.
Tryphon, Greg. Corinthius, Anony-
mus, Cocondrius, et Geo. Clifero-
boscus de Tropis.
Vol. 9. — Demetrius de Elocutione.
Menander de genere demonstra-
Alexander de materiis Rhetoricis.
Aristides de Oratione civili et sim-
Apsinis Rhetorica.
Longinus de inventione.
Minucianus de argumentis.
RiCHTEB (Jean Paul) Sammtliche Werke, 33 vol. in 17, sm. 8vo Berl. 1840-42
Vol. 1, 2. Die unsichtbare Loge.
Vol. 3, 4. Quintus Fixlein.
Auswahl aus des Teufels Papieren.
Vol. 5-8. Hesperus.
Vol. 9, 10. Gronlandische Prozesse.
Biographische Belustigungen.
Vol. 11, 12. Siebenkiis.
Vol. 13. Kampaner-Thal, u. Holz-
Vol. 14. Palingenesien.
Vol. 15, 16. Titan.
Vol. 17. Komischer Anh. zum Titan.
Clavis Fichtiana.
Die heiml. Klagelieder jetzigen
Vol. 18, 19. Vorschule der Aesthetik.
Kleine Biicherschau.
Kleine Nachschule.
Vol. 20, 21. Flegeljahre.
Vol. 22, 23. Levana.
Vol. 22, 23. Ergiinzungsblatt zur Le-
Vol. 24, 25. Dr. Katzenberger's Badreise.
Auswahl verb. Werkchen.
Friedenspredigt an Deutschland.
Dammerungen fiir Deutschland.
Mars und Phobus Thronwechsel.
Politisclie Fastenpredigt.
Vol. 26, 27. Leben Fibels.
Des Feldpredigers Reise.
Ueber die D. Doppelworter.
Vol. 28, 29. Der Komet.
Briefe an F. H. Jacobi.
Vol. 30, 31. Herbst-Blumine.
Vol. 32, 33. Gesammelte Aufsiitze und
Vorliiufige Gedanken.
:R0U — SAL
EouTH (M, J.) ReliquiiB Sacne, seu Auctorum fere jam perditonnu, 'idi Hliique f-ieculi
Fragmenta quie supersunt, recens. ct notis illust. 5 vol. 8yo Uuuii. 181-1-48
Vol. 1. Papias.
Seniores apud S. Ireiifeum.
Quadratus et S. Aristides.
Agrippa Castor.
Aristo PelliBus.
Claudius Apollinaris.
Dionysius Corhithius et Pinytus.
Martyres Lugdunenses.
Panta^nus Rhodo.
Concilium Ca}sariense.
Concilium Lugdunense.
S. Serapio.
Vol. 2. Caius Presbyter.
Alexander Hierosol. Apollonius.
Auctores adv. Cataphrygas.
Julius Africanus.
Concilium contra Noetum.
S. Dionysii Alex. Epistola ad Basil-
idem, etc.
S. Gregorii Neoc^es. Epistola Canon.
Concil. Antiocli. adv. Paulum
Vol. 3. S. Cornelius.
Concilia Cartliaginiensia.
Dionysius Romanus.
S. Victorinus.
S. Pampliilus Martyr.
Vol. 3. S. Lucianus IMartyr.
Hymnus Vespertiims.
S. Petrus Alexandrinus.
a. Pliileas.
Concilior. Ancyran. et Neocacsar.
Vol. 4. Incertus auctor de Canone S.
Concilium Eliberitan.
Concilium Roman.
Gesta Purgationis Felicis.
Epistola Imp. Constantini ad Pro-
Concilium Arelatense.
Gesta apud Zenopliilum.
Accusatio in IMensurium, etc,
Archelai disput. cum Manete.
Addita quaMlam ad Archelaum et
Dionysium pertinentia.
Apologia Panipliili pro Origenc.
Fragm. S. Dionysii.
Asclepiadis Fragm.
Vol. 5. S. Archelai cum Manete dis-
S. Augustini Responsa ad Epi-
scoporum Carthaginiensium Suf-
Anonymi Scriptorisde Rebaptismate
EcclesifB Aquileiensis Symbolum.
Testimonia Ante-Nic.tna pro Auc-
toritate H. Scriptural.
Index Rerum.
Sallengre (A. H. de) Novus Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum, o vol. fol.
Hag. Com
Vol. 1.— Minutoli (J.) Dissert, de U.
Ronife Origine et Fundatione ; de
Incrementis et Casu ; de Topo-
graphia ; de Romanorum Donii-
bus ; de Templis ; de Sepulchris
et de iEdificiis Judicialibus.
Fauni (L.) de Antiquitatibus U.
Suaresii (J. M.) de Foraminibus
lapidum in priscis asdificiis Dia-
Alciati (A.) de Magistratibus Civili-
busque et Militaribus Officiis Dis-
Jouberti (L.) de Gymnasiis et gene-
ribus exercitationum apud Anti-
quos celebrium ; et de Bahieis
Noris (H.) de Duobus Nummis Dio-
cletiani et Licinii Dissert, duplex ;
et de Votis Decennalibus Impera-
torum ac Ca^sarum.
Vol. 1. Poggii (Flor.)de Fortuna; Varie-
tate U. Romaj, et de Ruina ojus-
dem dcscr.
Contelerii (F.) de Pra^fecto U.
Reinesii (T.) Licoti (F.) et Hol-
stenii (L.) Marmoris Patavini
Inscripti obscuri Interpretatio.
Rebatu (F. de) Delineatio Diana?
Chifletii (J. J.) Gemina? Matris
Sacrorum Titulus sepulchralis ex-
Chilietii (^H. T.) Dissert, de Othoni-
bus iEreis.
Chifletius (C), de Antique Numis-
Sallengre (A. H. de) — continued.
Vol. 1. Greenii (G.) de Eusticatione Eo-
nianorum Comm. ; et de Villarum
antiq. apud eosdem structura.
Manutii (A.) Dissert. Epistol. de
Eeatina U. Agroque, Sabinaque
Gente ; de Aquis in U. Eomam
olim influentibiis ; de Eatione
intercalandi ; de accumbendi et
comedendi ratione ; de Convivio
tempestivo seu iiitempestivo ; de
Auspiciis ; de Trabea ; de Sub-
selliis ; de Signo et Statua ; de
Parma, Clypeo, Scuto, Pelta?,
Ancili ; de. Primipilo ; de Drach-
mis ; et de Sestertiis.
Jovii (P.) de Eomanis Piscibus libel-
Donius (J. B.), de restituenda salu-
britate Agri Eomani.
Guirani (G.) explicatio duorum
vetustorum Numismatum Nemau-
sensium ex sere.
Grasseri (J.) Antiquitates Nemau-
Eybenii Dissert, de Ordine Equestri
veterum Eomanorum.
Servilius (J.), de Mirandis Aiatiquo-
rum Operibus, Opibus, etc.
Hannekenii (P. L.) de cura domes-
tica Eomanorum Dissert. IV.
V0I.J2. — Cirinus (A.),de U. Eoma ejusque
Eege Eomulo.
Sabnasii (C.) de Secretariis Dissert.
Ferrarii (0.) de Pantomimis et
Mimis Dissert.
Calliachii (N.) de Ludis Scenicis
Mimormii et Pantomimorum
Astorii (J. A.) Epistola de Deo
Brotonte ; et Comment, in anti-
quum Alcmanis PoetaB Laconis
monumentum allatum e Grfecia.
Crusii (J. A.) de Nocte et Nocturnis
officiis apud Veteres Comment.
Bertii (P.) de Aggeribus et Pontibus
hactenus ad mare exstructis
digestum novum.
Marsili (L. F. C.) Epistola de Ponte
sub Imperio Trajani supra Danu-
bium exstructo.
Petavii (P.) Antiquarite Supellectilis
Portiuncula ; et Veterum Num-
morum Tvujpiaixu.
Breti (C.) De Ordine ant. .Judiciorum
Civilium apud Eomanos Comm.
Magius (H.) de Tintinnabulis, cum
notis F. Sweertii ; et de Equuleo,
cum notis Jungermanni.
Eoccbfc (F. A., Episcopi Tagastensis
et Apostolici Sacrarii Prasfectij de
Campanis Comment.
Bossii (H. Ticinensis) de Toga
Eomana Comment. ; de Senato-
rum Lato Clavo Observationes ;
Isiacus sive de Sistro Opusculum ;
et Janotatius, sive de Strena.
Vol. 3. — Cuperi (G.) de Elephantis in
Nummis obviis Exercit. dufe.
Gutherii (.J.) de Officiis Domus
Augusta; publicfe et private.
Salomon (H. F.), De Judiciis et
Poenis Eoman. item de officiis
vitfe civium Eoman.
Laiizoni (Jos. Ferrar.) de Coronis
et Unguentis in antiq. Conviviis
Exercit., ab Italica in Latinam
trad, et notulis aucta ab Ba-
Barufi'aldi (H.) de Armis Convivali-
bus Scliediasma ; et de Prseficis
ad Illustrationem Umae Sepul.
Fl. Quartellfe I.
Lanzoni (.Jos.) de Luctu Mortuali
Veter. Adversaria.
Molin (L. I.) De Clavibus Veterum.
Incerti Scriptoris Interp. Inscrip. et
Epitaph, quie x\ntiquariae h. e.
Bseticffi in Hispania reperiuntur.
Turre (P. a, Episcopi Adriensis),
Explicatio Inscript. Taurobolii
Purpurini (P. W.), Ad Kalend.
Eoman. Amiterni effossum minus-
cula Comment.
Aulisii (D.) de Gymn. construct, et
Mausolei Architect. Opusc. duo ;
et de Colo Mayerano Epistola ad
D. D. Didacum Vincentium a
Menestrier (C. F.) De eodem Colo
Epist. ad CI. V. M. Mayerum e
Gallico idiomate in Latinum
Volaterani (E.) de Magistrat. et
Sacerd. Eoman. comment.
Gulielmi (J. Lubecensis) de Magis-
trat. Eepub. Eomanffi, etc.
Vauchopii (G. Scoti) de Magistrat.
Veteris Populi Eomani Tractatus.
Praevotii (M. Uxellod.) de Magis-
trat. Populi Eomani Comment.
Bebelii (H. .Justingensis) de Sacerd.
et Magistrat. Eoman.
Fabri (P.) de Magistrat. Eoman.
Puteani (E.) Pecuniae Eomanae Eatio
facillimo ad nostram calculo revo-
Conringii (H.) de Studiis Liberali-
bus U. Eomfe et Constantinopolis
Cellarii (C.) de Studiis Eoman,
Litterariis in Urbe et Provinciis
Savoy, Moimmenta Historiae Patriae, etlita jussu Regis Caroli Alberti, vol. 1-17, fol.
August. Taurin. 1830-70
Vol. 1. Cliavtanim, I. 1050l)oouincnta
dal 002 al 12!)2.
Vol. 2. Leges Municipales. Statuta et
Privilegia Civit. Secusiae, Augusts
Pr.TtoriiB, et NiciiT?.
Statuta Consulatus Januensis anni
Imposicio Officii Gazariit.
Statuta Civitatis Tauriuensis, Socie-
tatis B. Georgii populi Cherieiisis,
('omuiiis Casalis, Civit. Eporediae,
et Moutiscalerii.
Vol. 8. Scriptorum, I. Anciennos Chro-
niques de Savoye, a 1391.
Perr. du Pin, Chronique du Comte
Eouge (Amedee VII.).
Chronica Latina Babaudiie (Amad.
VIII. ad Carolmu I. 1487).
Chron. Abbatire AltsBcuniba) (ad
Chron. Juv. de Acquino (1475-
Epitomae Historic^ Domlnici Ma-
chanei (1383-1518).
Memoires de Pierre Lambert sur
Charles IX. (1505-1539).
G. Cambiano, Historico Discorso
(al 1002).
Vol. 4. Scriptorum, 11. P. Gioffredo,
Storia delle Alpi Marittime.
Vol. 5. Scriptormn, III. Fragmenta
Chronicc'e Antiquae Civitatis Pe-
Chronicon Novaliciense.
B. Heldradi Novaliciensis Abbatis
Necrologium Prioratus S. Andres
Taurinensis, et Monasterii Sanc-
torum Solutoris, Adventoris et
Octavii Taurinensis.
S. Johannis Confessoris Archiep.
Ravennatis Vita.
■Chronicon Coenobii S. Michaelis de
Ven. Benedicti Clusensis abbatis
Vita, auctore Wilhelmo monacho
ejus discipulo.
SummariiB Constitutiones Mona-
sterii B. Marias de Abundantia.
Necrologium Monasterii B. Mariao
de Abundantia.
Fragmentum Marty rologii Ecclesia)
B. Evasii Casalensis.
Necrologium insignis Collegii Cano-
nicorum SS. Petri et Ursi Au-
gustas Praetcriae.
Vol. 5. Solecta e libro Annivcrsariorum,
llelectoriorum, Vigiliaruin, et
Missarum Convcntualium Ec-
clesias Cathcdralis Augustana^.
Martyrologium Gra'co-Angustanum
Ecclesiju S. Mauricii de Brusson,
in Valle Challand apud Augus-
tanos, Siisc. X. vel XL
Kalcndarium Augustanum, Site.
XII. vel XIII.
Extractus Annivcrsariorum, etc.,
hi Ecclesia Cathedrali civitatis
Augustiv Pnvtorite, S.ec. XVI.
Fragmenta de Gestis Astensium,
Ssec. XVI.
Memoriale Gulielmi Venture do
gestis civium Astensium, Sasc.
Mem. Secundini Venturas civis
Astensis, Siec. XVI.
Cronica di Saluzzo di Giofifredo della
Cronica di Monferrato, di Galeotto,
del Carretto, del Terzero di
Benvenuti Sangeorgii Chronicon.
Chronicon ImaginisMundi Fr. Jacobi
ab Aquis, Ord. Praedicatorum.
Vol. 0. Chartarum, II. 2001 Documenta
dal 700 al 1299.
Ursonis carmen de victoria quam
Genuenses ex Frid. II. ret., 1242.
Vol. 7. Liber Juriuni Beipub. G enuens. I.
Chartas, 958-1280 (1013 docu-
Vol. 8. Edicta Regum Langobardorum,
ed. C. Baudi a Vesnie.
Vol. 9. Liber JuriumjEeipub. Genuens.
IL Charta^, 1138-1447 (399 docu-
Vol. 10. Codex Diplomaticus Sardinia,
I., ed. D. Pasquale Tola. Chartae,
Vol. 11. Scriptorum, IV. Guill. Scha-
viani Annales Alexandrini.
Anast. Germonii Commciitaria.
J. F. Meyranesii de Episcopis et
Archiepiscopis Taurinensibus.
Vol. 12. Codex Diplomaticus Sardinian.
ChartiD 1401 ad 1099.
Vol. 13. Codex Diplomaticus Lango-
Vol. 14, 15. Comitiorum, partes 1-2.
Vol. 16. Leges Municipales, vol. 2, in
2 parts.
Vol. 17. Codex Diplomaticus Ecclesi-
ScHAEDius (Simon), Historicum Opus, Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, 4 vol. in3, foL
Basilea, 1547'
Vol. 1. Germanise An tiqufB Illustratio : —
Althameri Scholia, Willicliii Com-
mentaria, et Glareani Commenta-
riolus, in Taciti Germaniam.
P. Melanchtlionis Explicatio de vo-
calibus Regionum et Gentium a
Tacito recens.
Bil. Pircklieimeri brevis Explicatio
Germanifc ex variis Scriptoribus ;
H. Bebelii Carmina et epistolas ;
Demonstratio Germanos esse
indigenas ; Defensio Imperato-
rum contra L. Justinianum et
alios qui nomen Imperator ex-
tenuant ; Assertio Imperatorem
Christianum jure Cbristianissi-
mum esse dicendum ; Opusculum
de laude, antiquitate, imperio,
victoriis, rebusque gestis veterum
Germanorum ; De laude Suevo-
rum et Udalrici Ducis Wirtemb. ;
et de proditione et captivitate
Ducis Mediolanensis.
Tritbemii Epitome de origine Fran-
Wimpbelingii Epitome rerum Ger-
Peutingeri Sermones convivales ad
illustrationem Germaniae pertin-
Ulr. Hutteni Arminius ; sive de
laude Germanorum.
Gebwileri Libertas Germanias, s. de
origine Francorum eorumque re-
gibus, quos Germanos fuisse, ut
et civitates et populos Transrbe-
nanam ripam incolentes probat.
Celtis opusculum de situ et moribus
yEneaa Sylvii Germaniaj in qua
Urbes, Ecclesias, Principatus,
Familias nobiles Germanorum
Seb. Munsteri Descriptio Germanic
universalis et particularis, veteris,
novae, pro tabula Nicolai Cusas
Spalatinus, de Arminio Germanorum
Duce contra Romanos.
Mgidi. Scbudi Descriptio priscre et
verse Alpinse Rhagti^e, cum cetero
Alpinarum Gentium tractu ; Epi-
stola ad B. Rhenanum de Len-
tiensium (xermanorum, Augusts
Vindelicorum, Octodori Veragro-
rum, etc.
Heroldi Commentarius de Roma-
norum in Rbtetia litorali statio-
nibus, etc.
Glareani Descriptio Helvetiae, cum
Comment. 0. Molitoris, Lucerini ;
Panegyricon, in laudem IV.
Pagorum et XIII. Urbium Helve-
tiorum, cum ejusdem Molitoris
Vol. 1. Tliomae (Huberti, Leodii) Com-
ment, de Tungris et Eburonibus
aliisque Germanise inferioris popu-
Petrus Divasus LovaniensisdeGalliae
Belgic£e Antiquitatibus, statum
ejus, quem sub Romanorum im-
perio babuit, exponens.
Monaclii cujusdam Herueldensis
Antiquitatis Studiosi (sive Martini
Lutberi), de nominibus propriis
Germanorum opusculum.
Vol. 2. Res gestfe temp. Caroli V. : —
Sabinus, de Electione et Coronat.
Caroli V. cum Hermanni Comitis
Nuenarii Epigrammatibus qui-
Mauri Opusculum de Coronation©
Caroli V.
Hieronymi Balbi (Episcopi Gurzen-
sis) Vaticinium de futuris Caroli
V. Imp. successibus.
Tethingeri Pedii Wirtembergise
Libri duo, sive de Ulrici Wurten-
bergici gestis, in eo potissimum
bello, quod ei anno 1545 a foede-
ratis Suevis illatum fuit ; Com-
mentarius de Wirtembergise re-
bus gestis Ulrico principe.
Justini Gobleri De Bello Hildes-
heimensi inter Ericum Brunsvic.
et Episc. Hildesheimensem a.
Auctoris incerti Narratio succincta
rerum gestarum, quse in Dania et
Suetia, 1510-20, Clmstiano IE
acciderunt ; ejusdem Regis Vitse
et Coronationis brevis descr.
Jac. Fontanus Brugensis de Bello
Bath. Latomi Arlunensis Actio me-
morabilis Francisci ab Siccingen
cum Trevirorum obsidione, turn,
exitus ejusdem.
Petri Gnodalii Historia Rustico-
rum Tumultuum in Germania, a.
1525 excitatorum, et a Magistrati-
bus repressorum.
Galeatii Capellfe Comment, de rebus
gestis pro restitutione Francisci
II. Mediol. Ducis.
Steph. Bruderici de Clade Ludovici
Hungariae Regis.
Comment, de capta \irbe Roma a.
1527, auctore Car. Borbonio, cum
Pragfatione J. Camerarii.
Oratio de cx-
Duce Wirten-
ScHARDius (Simon) — continued.
Vol. 2. Carolus, sive Vienna Austriaca,
Carolus, sive Tunete, Poema.
Vienna) Austria^ Urbis a Solymanno
Snltano obsessa^ (1520) Ilistoria.
Mitliaelis Soiteri a Vincla De Bello
Pannonico per Fridericum Comi-
tem Palatinum contra Holyman-
H. Corn. Agrippjp Narr. do duplici
Coronatione Caroli V. apud Bono-
niam a, 1530.
J. Dantisci (Episc. Culmensis) Vic-
toria Sigisnumdi I. Regi^^ Polonias
contra Waiwodam Muldaviae.
H. Eobani Hessi gratulatoria Ac-
clamatio ad Pliilippum Hessormn
principem de victoria Wirtenber-
Nicolai As. Barbati
pulso et restituto
bergensi Ulricho.
Micliaelis Augusti Gratulatio ad
Patriam de reditu Principis
Lamberti Hortensii IMontfortii
Tumultuum Anabaptisticorum
Liber unus.
Ant. Corvini Libellus ad Geo.
Spalatinum de miserabili Monast.
Anabaptist, obsidione, excidio,
memorab. rebus, tempore ob-
sidionis in urbe gestis.
Joannis Etropii l)iarium Expedi-
tionis TunetaniB a Carolo V. a.
1535 susceptfE.
Ex Pauli Jovii Historiarum sui
temporis Libro XXXIII. Frag-
mentum, eadem de re, quibusque
artibus Hariadenus cog. Barba-
rossa Regno Tunetano potitus sit.
Nicolai Villagogni, Equitis Rhodii,
de Caroli V. expeditione in Afri-
can! ad Argeriam.
Epigrammata varia de Aphrodisio,
quod vulgo Africam vocant, ex-
J. C. Stella? Calveti Commentarius
de Aphrodisio expugnato.
Cbristoph. Thorignei Richerii de
rebus Turcarum ad Franciscum
I., Gall. Regem.
De origine Turcarum et ortu Otto-
manni Commemoratio.
Ordo ad disciplinam Turcica; Mili-
Commemoratio causarum, a Sclimal-
kaldici Foederis Sociis edita, belli
a se contra Henricum Brunsvic.
a. 1542 suscepti, cum expos.
Historiae quomodo ab iisdem du-
catu exutus et captus sit.
Vol. 2. Mauritii Ducis Saxoniir iisdem
de rebus Narratio, cum epistolis
ejusdcm eorumque consiliario-
Ex Pauli Jovii Libro XLIV. Hist,
sui temporis de Bello Juliacensi
J. Martini Stelbe de Turcarum in
regno llungariic a. 1513-44, suc-
cessibus, ad fratres I'jpistoliB IV. ;
Descr. et IMunitioncs Altemburgi,
Arcis Dotalis Regiuio Mariie ;
Descr. et munitio urbis Vienna?.
Lamberti Hortensii ]\Iontfortii de
Bello Germanico Libri VII.
Descr. Pugn;e, qua Joannes Frid.
Elector Saxoniio a Ca;sare non
procul a Mulberg, Saxonia) oppi-
do, die 24 Aprilis, a. 1547, captus
Mamerani Narr. de Tnvestitura Re-
galium Mauritio Duci Saxonia>
24 Feb. a. 1548 facta.
Besselmeieri Ilistoria Belli Magde-
burgensis, a. 1550 51 gesti.
Sambuci Narr. Rerum ad Agriam
a. 1552 gcstarum.
Expugnatio arcis Temeswari, ab
eodem descr. a. 1552.
Historia Expeditionis ab Henrico 11.
R. Francorum in Germaniam
susceptiG et occupata; ab eodem
Urbis Metensis (1552) et a Carolo
V. obsesste, desumta ex Libro
XXIV. Comment. J. Sleidani.
Til. Winzeri Dresdensis Ilistoria
infelicis pugnti) inter Mauritium
Elect. SaxonifB et Albertum Mar-
chionem I5randenburgicum, una
cum Mauritii funeris et sepulturiP
descr. ; addita sunt (ieo. Fabricii
Epigrammata alia in euudcm Elec-
torem et Ecloga de ejus morte.
Camerarii Oratio ad ejusdem fumis
LipsiiB cum priuduceretur, IB
Kalend. Jul. habita.
Jacobi Basilii Marclieti, Despot;©
Sami Narr. et Dialogus, de Mo-
rini (quod Tlierouanam vocant)
et Hedini expugnatione, deque
pradio ad Rentiacum, et omnibus
inter Ca^sarianos et G alios, usquo
ad a. 1555 vario eventu gestis.
Wolfgangi Lazii Viennensis brevis
descr. rei contra Turcas 1556
gestae, cum adjecta Chorographia,
Heroldi Historiola, Dialogo confecta,
rerum contra Turcas auspiciis
Ferdinandi Austriaci Ciesaris
F. a. 1550 in Interranensi Pan-
nonia gestarum.
ScHABDius (Simon) — continued.
Vol. 2. Mamerani Epitome rerum Caroli
V. gest. ab ipsius electione a. 1519,
usque ad a. 1548.
Ejusdem Epigrammata de laboribus
Caroli V.
Barlandi Narr. liist. (coiiscripta a.
1525) Papiensis obsidionis, et
eorum qufe in ea acciderunt.
Narr. quomodo a Caesariano exercitu
6 Maii a. 1527, Eoma capta et
direpta sit.
J. Staphylei Oratio de causis ex-
cidii tjrbis Eom^e a. 1527 ad
Kotas auditores (liabita 15 Maii
P. M. Oratio de capta et direpta
urbe Eoma a. 1527.
Oerardi Bucoldiaiii Physici Eegii
brevis narratio (scripta a. 1542)
de puella, qure sine cibo et potu
^^tam per anuos aliquot egit.
Damiani de Goes, Equitis Lusitani,
de obsidione Lovanii, et cap-
tivitate sua ad Carolum V. nar-
Polyd. VergiHi Narr, de vicissitudine
rerum, quae a. 1553 mense Junio
in Eegno Britanniae acciderunt.
Narr. eorum, qu« in Eegno Angli-
cano conventu Londini liabito,
inter Eeges, Cardinalem Polum,
et Populum, de religione Pontif.
restituenda acta sunt.
"W. Godelevffii Historiola de Abdica-
tione Caroli V. a. 1555, et elec-
tione Ferdinandi Imp. a. 1558
facta, rebusque, quae inter
utramque acciderunt.
Vol. 3. Historiae quffi venerunt in Gu-
bernationem Ferdinandi I., 1558-
Petri Loricliii Narratio bistorica, de
CEede Melchioris Zobelii Wirz-
burgici Episc,
C. Stiblini Satyra in Sicarios, qui
liunc Zobelium interfecerunt.
Gulielmi Paradini de motibus Gal-
lire, et expugnato receptoque Itio
Caletorum, 1558.
Varia Carmina et Gratulationes de
Calisio capto.
Michaelis Hospitalii carmen de
Tbeavilla capta.
J. Aurati varia carmina in Bucem
Guisium, Henricum II. Eegem
F. et in Ferrariani Principis
victoriam de Ducis Parmensis
Davidis Georgii Holandi, Haere-
siarchi, vita et doctrina, cada-
verisque et librorum post mortem
Vol. 3. Descr. tertii belli, quod magnus
Euthenorum princeps contra Li-
vones gessit, 1558.
Historia belli Dietmarsici gesti a.
1559 a Friderico E. Daniae et
Sles%ici ac Holsatiae Ducibus ;
Ejusdem Eegis Friderici Coro-
natio carmine descripta auctore
Hier. Hosio.
Elogia et Epitapliia varia in Joan-
nem Eanzovium, Equitem Hol-
satum, auratum.
Christopli. Kellinghausen, de sepul-
tura et exequiis hujus Eanzovii.
Narr. quomodo Maximilianus II.
electus fuerit in Eegem Eomano-
Narr. de ipsius Coronatione eodem
loco et anno.
Convivii Caesarei descriptio eodem
die celebrati.
Adami et Nicolai Heydenorum his-
toria de electione et inaugura-
tione Maximiliani II. Eom. Eegis.
J. Posthii, M. Huberi, et J. Lauter-
bacliii carmina gratulatoria et
epigrammata ad Maximilianum
II. huj usque electionem et coro-
Solymanni Ebraimi Strotschenii,
Turcici Cresaris legati ad Ferdi-
nandum I. Imp. Sermo in con-
ventu Electorum et Principum
recitatus, cum exemplo Literarum
Catalogus Electorum, Principum,
Legatorum, Comitum, etc., qui
inaug. Maximiliani II. inter-
Expositio causarum, quibus Eliza-
betha Anglire Eegina commota
est, cur militem coegerit, in tui-
tum motuum Gallicorum.
Ad confessionem, sive indicium
Joa. Poltronii de caede Francisci
Guisii Ducis Eesponsio Amiraldi
Francite et reliquorum, quorum
nomina in eo indicio edita jactan-
Simonis Schardii Epitome rerum
gestarum in variis orbis partibus
a confirmatione Ferdinandi Imp.
sub ejusdem imperio 1558-64.
Vol. 4. Ees gestre temp. Maximiliani II.
1565-74 :—
Hieronymi (Comitis Alexandrini)
rerum a Turcis in insula Melitre
gest. tractatio.
Joan. Sambuci Expugnatio Arcis
Tokaji, per Lazarum a Schwende
Historia Sigetlii, Slavoniae propug-
SCHARDius (Simon) — continued.
naculi, a Solymanni Turcarum
Imp. exercitu a. 1560 capti.
Vol.4. Epitaphia varia in Nicolai Zerinite
Comitis mortem, pncsidium Sige-
thium, etc.
Huberti Langueti Historica De-
scriptio susceptai a Ca^sarea Ma-
j estate executionis, contra pro-
scriptos, eorumquc recoptatorem,
et captie Gotha", soloque ajquati
castri Grimmonstein, 15(57.
Simonis Schardii l^jpitome rerum
gestarum, in variis orbis partibus
sub Maximiliano II. Imp. ab
aiuio 1505 usque ad a. 1572 diem
21 Julii.
ScHELLiNG (F. W. J. von) Siimmtliche Werke, 14 vol. 8vo Stuttgart, 1856-01
1. Verscliiedene Scbriften
Vol. 2. Ideen zur einer Pliilosophie d.
Natur ; Von der Weltseele.
Vol. 3. System der Naturpbilosophie ;
der transcendentalen Idealismus.
Vol. 4. System der Pliilosophie ; Bruno,
ein Gesprach.
Vol. 5. Abliandlungen ; Vorlesungen ;
Pliilosophie der Kunst.
Vol. 6. Kant ; Pliilosophie und Eeligion ;
Propiideutik der Philosophic, etc.
Vol. 7. Naturpbilosophie zu der verbes-
serten Fichte'schen Lehre. Aus d.
Jahrbiichern d. Medicin als Wis-
senschaft, etc.
Vol. 8. ^\'esen deutsclier Wissenschaft ;
Die Weltalter ; Ueber die Gott-
heiteii von Samothrake, etc.
Vol. 9. Zusainmenhang der Natur mit d.
Geisterwelt ; Erlanger Vortriige ;
Obs. in noviss. Arnobii editionem,
Vol. 10. Zur Geschichte der neueren
Philosophic ; Gedichte, etc.
Vol. 11-12. Pliilosophie und Mythologie.
Vol. 13-14. Philosophic d. Oli'enbarung.
ScEiBE (Eugene) Theatre complet de, 2nde edit., 24 vol. Bvo 1815-43
Vol. 1. Une Nuit de la Garde Nationale,
Le Comte Ory, Le Nouveau
Pourceaugnac, Le Solliciteur,
Frontin, Mari-Garyon, Une Visite
a Bedlam, La Somnainbule, L'ln-
terieur de I'Etude, Les deux Pre-
Vol. 2. Le Secretaire et le Cuisinier, Le
Colonel, Le Gastronome sans
Argent, La petite Soeur, Le
Mariage enfantin, Philibert marie,
Les Memoires d'un Colonel des
Hussards, Le vieux Garcon et la
petite Fille, Partie et Revanche.
Vol. 3. Le Combat des Montagues, Le
Cafe des Varietes, L'Ours et le
Pacha, Michel et Christine, La
Demoiselle et la Dame, L'ln-
terieur d'un Bureau.
Vol. 4. Le Coiflfeur et le Perruquier, La
Haine d'une Fenime, L'Ecarte,
Les Grisettes, Le Baiser au
Porteur, La Quarantaine, Le
plus beau Jour de la Vie, La
Demoiselle a marier, La Loge du
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Mere, Le Medecin de Dames, Les
Premieres Amours, La Charla-
tanisme, Simple Histoire, Le
Mariage de Raison.
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Vol. 7. Les Eaux du Mont-Dor, Le bon
Papa, Le Menteur veridique,
Coraly, Le Confident, L'Ambas-
sadeur. La Chatte metainor-
phosee en Femme, Avant, pen-
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Empiriques d'autrefois, La Lune
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S C E — S H A
Scribe (Eugene) — continued.
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p. 2. De Synedriis et Prefect.
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Uxor Hebraica.
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Jani Anglorum Facies Altera.
Dissertatio ad Fletam.
Judicium de X Scriptoribus Historiae
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Vindiciae Maris Clausi.
Marmora Arundelliana.
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Historian! Novorum.
Epistolfe et Poemata.
3, p. 1. England's Epinomis.
Original of Duels.
Titles of Honour.
p. 2. History of Tythes.
Office of Lord Chancellor.
Privileges of the Baronage.
Of Judicature in Parliament,
Letter to A. Vincent on his Dis-
covery of Errors in Camden.
Argument cone, the Baronies of
Grey and Ruthen.
Illustrations of Drayton's Poly-
Notes on Fortescue de Laudibus
Legum Anglise, and on Hengham's
Speeches and Arguments.
Table Talk.
Shakspeare (W.) Plays and Poems,
History of the Stage, by E. Malone,
Vol. 1, 2, 3. Prolegomena.
Vol. 4. Two Gentlemen of Verona.
Comedy of Errors.
Measure for Measure.
Vol. 5. Merchant of Venice.
Midsummer Night's Dream.
Taming of the Shrew.
Vol. 6. Romeo and Juliet.
As you like it.
Vol. 7. Much Ado about Nothing,
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neio edit, by Boswell, 21 vol. 8vo 1821
Vol. 8. Merry Wives of Windsor.
Troilus and Cressida.
Vol. 9. Measure for Measure.
Vol. 10. Lear.
All's well that ends well.
Vol. 11. Twelfth Night.
Vol. 12. Julius Cassar.
Antony and Cleopatra.
Vol. 13. Cymbehne.
Shakspeare (W.) — continued.
Vol. 13. Timon of Athens.
Vol. 14. Coriolanus.
Winter's Tale.
Vol. 15. Tempest.
King -John.
Vol. 16. Eichard II.
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Vol. 17. Henry IV., part 2.
Henry V.
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jMalonc's Dissert, on ilitlo.
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Henry VIII.
Vol. 20. Poems.
]\Iemoirs of Lord Soutliampton.
Vol. 21. Pericles.
Titus Andronicus.
Addenda, Glossarial Indi'X.
Shakespeare (W.) Works: The quarto facsimiles in Photo-Lithography, l)y W. Grigg
and C. Pra^torius, with forewords by F. J. Furnivall, J. W. Ebsworth, P. A. Daniell,
H. A. Evans, and E. Dowden, vol. 1-10, 21-80, sm. 4to 1885-87
Vol. 1. Hamlet, 1st 4to 1003 Vol. 15. The Taming of a Shrew,
2. Hamlet, 2nd 4to 1004
3. Midsummer Night's Dream,
lst4to (Fisher) IGOO
4. Midsummer Night's Dream,
2nd 4to {Eohcrts) 1000
5. Love's Labour Lost, 1st 4to 1598
6. Merry Wives of Windsor, 1st 4to
7. Merchant of Venice, 1st 4to
[Rohcrts] 1000
8. Henry IV. Part. L, 1st 4to
9. Henry IV. Part II 1000
10. The Passionate Pilgrim, by
Shakspere, Marlowe, Bam-
field, Griffin, etc., 1st 4to 1599
11. Eichard III., 1st 4to 1597
12. Venus and Adonis, 1st 4to 1593
13. Troilus and Cressida, 1st 4to 1009
14. Much Ado about Nothing, 1st
4to 1000
Shakspeare Society's Publications : —
Armin's Nest of Ninnies.
AmyoVs Old Taming of a Shrew, etc.
Colliefs Life of AUejai.
Alleyai Papers.
Memoirs of the principal Actors in
Shakspeare's Plays.
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Pericles, 2nd 4to 1009
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3rd 4to 1019
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20. Eomeo and Juliet, 2nd 4to 1599
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Shakspeee Society (New) Publications :—
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8vo 1874-81
2nd Series. Plays; 1. Komeo andJuliet,
Parallel Texts of the first two
Quartos ; 2. Keprint of (Qo. 1),
1597 ; 3. Keprint of (Qo. 2), 1599;
4. Kevised Edition of the Second
Quarto; 5. Henry V., Eeprint of
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fol. 1679 ; 8. A Revised Edition
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Parallel Texts of (Qo. 1), 1600,
and (Fo. 1) 1623 editions; 10.
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Rhomeo and Julietta, Wm.
Painter, edited by P. A. Daniel.
4th Series. Shakspere Allusion Books :
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worth of Wit, Chettle's Kind-Harts
Dreame, Mere's Palladis Tamia,
Shakespeare's Library, 2Hd edit. : —
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A Midsummer's Night's Dream,
Life of Theseus, from North's
Romeo and Juliet.
Tragicall historye of Romeus
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Bandello. — ^Romeus and Juli-
etta, from Painter's Palace of
Two Gentlemen of Verona.
The Shepherdess Felismena.
Merchant of Venice.
Adventures of Giannetto, from
Fiorentino. — A Jew who would
have his pound of flesh from
a Christian, from Silsagn. —
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the Gesta Romanorum. — The
Northern Lord. — Germetus the
Jew of Venice.
Twelfth Night.
Apollonius and Silla, by Rich.
Vol. n. As you like it.
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Legacie, by Lodge.
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Makbeth, from Holinshed.
Bernabo da Genova, etc. — Kym-
beline, from Holinshed. — Fish-
wife of Stand-on-the-Green.
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of Prayse, by C. M. Ligleby.
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and 8. Harrison's Description of
England (pt. 1 contains an en-
larged copy of Norden's Map of
London); 2. Tell-Trothes New-
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ing on the Authorship of the Two
Noble Kinsmen, with Life of
Spalding, by J. Hill Burton ; 2.
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with its Supplement by Shak-
spere, Ben Jonson, etc. etc.
Vol. II. Hamlet.
Historic of Hamblet, 1608.
Story of a Moorish Captain, from
King Lear.
History of Lear, from Holinshed.
— The same, from Gesta Ro-
manorum. — Leir and his three
daughters. — Queen Cordela, by
Higins. — • The Paphlagonian
unkind King, from Sydney. —
Ballad of Lear and his three
Vol. III. Merry Wives of Windsor.
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Straparola. — Bucciolo and
Pietro Paulo, from the Peco-
rone. — Lucius and Camillus. —
Nerino of Portugal. — Two
Lovers of Pisa. — Fishwife's
Tale of Brentford. — First
Sketch of the Play, 1602.
Much Ado about Nothing.
Ariodanto and Genevra, from
Harington's Ariosto. — S. Tim-
bres di Cardona, from Ban-
All's well that ends well.
Giletta of Narbona, from Painter's
Palace of Pleasure.
Measure for Measure.
Promus and Cassandra, 1578,
by Whetstone. — The same in
prose, from the Heptameron,
Shakespeare's Library — continued.
1582. — Similar Stories, from
Goulart and Cinthio.
Vol. III. Julius Ctosar.
Life of Julius Ctesar, from
North's Plutarch. — Life of
Brutus, from the same.
Life of Coriolanus, from North's
Antony and Cleopatra.
Life of Antony, from North's
Vol. IV. The Tempest.
Search for the Island of Lampe-
dusa, from Harington's Ari-
osto. — Origin of the ' Speech of
Gonzalo,' from Florio's Mon-
The Winter's Tale.
Greene's History of Pandosto.
Henry VIII.
Holinshed's Hist, of Henry VIII.
— Extract from Fox's Martyrs
in illustration.
Two Noble Kinsmen.
Abstract of Boccaccio's Teseide. —
Chaucer's Knight's Tale.
Apollonius of Tyre, from Gower.
— Twine's Pattern of painfull
Adventures.— Life of Pericles,
from North's Plutarch.
Timon of Athens.
Old play, Timon. — Life of Timon,
from North's Plutarch. — Ac-
count of Timon, from Sir R.
SiRMONDi (Jac, e Soc. Jesu) Opera varia,
Vol. 1. Eusebii Ciesariensis Opuscula
Marcellini et Faustini Libellus pre-
cum ad imperatores.
Rufini Palestini Liber de Fide.
Notae in XL. Sermones novos S.
Opuscula dogmatica veterum V.
Notitia provinciarum et civitatum
Priedestinati Liber.
S. Valerani Cemeliensis Homiliae
Appendix Codicis Theodosiani : cum
Epistolis aliquot veterum Conci-
liorum et Pontificum.
Apollinaris Sidonii Opera.
Ennodii Opera.
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Idatii Chronicon et Fasti Consu-
Vol. IV. Taming of a Shrew.
Story of the Induction, from
Goulart. — Waking Man's For-
tune. — Shrewd and Curst Wife
lapped in Morel's Skin.
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MenoGchmi, from Plautus, trans.
1595. — Two ]5rothers of Avi-
gnon, from Goulart.
Richard III.
True Tragedy of Rich. III.—
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Henry V.
Famous victories of Henry V. —
Agincourt, the English Bow-
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Contention bet. York and Lan-
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Merry Wives of Windsor.
A pleasant conceited Comedie of
Sir John Falstaffe and the
merry Avives of Windsor.
Measure for Measure.
Promos and Cassandra, by Whet-
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True Chronicle History of King
Timon of Athens.
Old play.
The Taming of a Shrew.
Old play, 1594.
nunc primum collecta, 5 vol. fol. Venct. 1728
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Facundi Hermianensis Opera.
Eugenii Toletani et aliorum aliquot
Theodulfi Opera.
Amolonis Epistolre ad Gothescal-
S. Augustini Sententioe de praedesti-
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Servati Lupi Liber de tribus Quics-
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versus Gothescalcum.
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quot Franciic regum Capitula.
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Goffridi AbbatisVindocinensis Opera.
Petri Cellensis Epistolarum Libri
Alexandri III. ad Petrum Celleusem
Epistolaj 56.
SiRMONDi (Jac, e Soc. Jesu) — continued.
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ecclesiis : — Censura, Conjecturfe,
etc. ; Adventoria Causidico Divio-
iiensi; Censura Vindiciarum con-
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Questio triplex : de Lege Celebran-
dis, de paragrapho Duorum Fra-
trnm, de Codice Alarici regis.
Historia Pr^edestinatiana.
Antitristani duo.
Smithsonian Institution : Contributions to
Vol. 1. E. G. Squier and E. H. Davis,
Ancient Monuments of the Missis-
sippi Valley.
Vol. 2. S. C. Walker, Researches rel. to
Planet Neptune.
F. Lieber, On the Vocal Sounds of
Laura Bridgman.
J. W. Bailey, Microscopic exam, of
Soundings off the Atlantic Coast
of the United States.
C. Ellet, Physical Geography of Mis-
sissippi Valley.
Pi. W. Gibbes, Memoir on Mosa-
saurus and Holcodus, Conosaurus
and Amphorosteus.
L. Agassiz, Classification of In-
R. Hare, On Explosiveness of Nitre.
J. W. Bailey, Microscop. Observ.
made in South Carolina, Georgia,
and Florida.
Aboriginal Monuments of State of
New York.
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U. States during 1851.
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A. Secchi, On Electrical Rheometry.
C. Girard, The Freshwater Fishes
of N. America, Cottoids.
A. Gray, Marine Algae of N. America,
part 1.
C. H. Davis, Law of Deposit of the
Flood Tide.
C. Whittlesey, Ancient Works in
Ephemeris of Neptune and Occulta-
tions during 1852.
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Disquisitio de azymo.
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Dionysii Petavii de eadem Synodo
Sirmiana Dissertationes duse.
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Prfefationes, Epistolre.
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dogmatici, Epistolas, etc. Gr. et
Lat. : pleraque Sirmondo inter-
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Vol. 5. Harvey and Gray, Marine Algfe
of North America, part 2.
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by .J. C. Fremont in California;
Observ. on Batis viaritima of
Liniifeus ; On Darlingtonia cali-
fornica, a New Pitcher-plant.
W. Stimpson, Marine Invertebrata
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Northern Hemisphere.
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Occultations visible during 1853.
Vol. 7. J. Chappelsmith, Ace. of a Tor-
nado near New Harmony.
J. W. Bailey, Notes on Microscopical
J. A. Lapham, Antiquities of Wis-
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U. States.
D. Olmstead, On the recent Secular
Period of the Aurora Borealis.
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J. Jones, On certain N. American
P. Force, Auroral Phenomena obs.
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and Light of Sun upon different
E. Hitchcock, Surface Geology.
B. Mayer, Mexican History and
Gibbs and Genth, On the Ammonia-
Cobalt Bases.
Runkle, New Tables for determining
Values of the Coefficients in the
Perturbative Functions of Plane-
tary Motion, etc.
Smithsonian Institniion— continued.
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America, part 3.
Kane, Magnctical Observ. in Arctic
Seas made during second Grinnell
Bowen, Cirannnarand Dictionary of
the Yoruba Language.
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J. M. Gillis, Ace. of Total Eclipse of
the Sun, 1858, as obs. near Olmos,
in Peru.
Magnetic and !Meteorol. Observ.
made at Girard College Observa-
tory, 1840-45.
Kane, Meteorol. Observ. made during
second Grinnell Expedition.
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and New Mexico.
A.SomitagjOn Terrestrial Magnetism
in Mexico.
E. Loomis, On certain Storms in
Europe and America, Dec. 1836.
Vol. 12. Kane's Astronomical Observ.
made during second Grinnell
Exped. reduced by C. A. Scliott.
C. Whittlesey, On Fluctuations of
Level in N. American Lakes.
Caswell, Meteorol. Observ. made at
Providence, 1831-GO.
N. D. Smith, Meteorol. Observ.
made near Washington, Ark.,
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M'Clintock, Meteorol. Observ. in
Arctic Seas.
Wliittlesey, Ancient Mining near
Lake Superior.
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Mitchell, Physiology of Kespiration
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On the Construction of a Silvered
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Draper, Paleontology of the
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Meek and Hayden.
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GlacialDriftof the North- Western
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Vol. IG. Dean, Tlie Gray Substance of
the j\Iedulla Oblongata and Tra-
Meteorological Observations made
at Brunswick, Maine, also at Ma-
rietta, Ohio.
Pickering on the Gliddon Munnny
Case in Smithsonian Institution.
Coftin, The Orbit and Phenomena of
a Meteoric Fireball.
Gould, On the Transatlantic Longi-
Swan, The Indians of Cape Flattery.
Vol. 17. Morgan (L. H.) Systems of
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eight principal Planets, with
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Stock well, U.A.
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the Precession of tlie Equinoxes,
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Lucia Cosumalwhuapa in Guate-
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Scliott (C. A.) Precipitation in Eain
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Europe and North America.
Bransford (J. F.) Archfeological Re-
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Cope (E. D.) On the Contents of a
Bone Cave in the Island of An-
Amiual Reports of the Regents, 1851-
1884, 32 vol. 8vo, 1855-85
Annual Reports of the Bureau of
Ethnology, by Powell, vol. 1-4,
roy. 8vo, 1881-86
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 1-27 vol. 8vo Washington, 1861-83
Vol. 1. Meteorological Observations,
Tables, etc.
Vol. 2. On recent Improvements in the
Chemical Arts.
Proceedings in relation to the Elec-
tro-Magnetic Telegraph.
Catalogue of Portraits of N. American
Indians, by Stanley.
Catalogues of N. American Birds,
Reptiles, and Shells.
Directions for Collecting Specimens
of Natural History.
Circular in reference to the Degrees
of Relationship.
Vol. 3. Catalogues of the Diptera and
Lepidoptera of N. America.
Classification of the Coleoptera of
N. America.
Catalogue of Publications of Socie-
ties, etc., in Library of Smith-
sonian Listitution.
Vol. 4. Synopsis of the described Neuro-
ptera of N. America.
Sjiiopsis of the described Lepido-
ptera, part 1.
Vol. 5. Binney's Bibliography of North
American Conchology, part 1.
Catalogue of Smithsonian Publica-
tions to June 1862.
List of Foreign Correspondents.
Vol. 6. Monographs of the Diptera of
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List of the Coleoptera of North
America, part 1.
New Species of North American
Coleoptera, by Leconte.
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Binney, Land and Freshwater
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Monograph of American Corbicu-
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Check List of the Invertebrate
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Catalogue of Minerals.
Dictionary of the Chinock Jargon or
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Listructions for Research relative to
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Catalogue of Orthoptera.
Land and Freshwater Shells, pt. 1.
Arrangement of Families of Birds,
Circular to Officers of Hudson's
Bay Company.
Objects of Scientific Livestigation
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Circulars relating to Collections in
Archaeology, Ethnology, and En-
tomology, etc.
Vol. 9. Bibliography of N. American
Conchology, by Binney, part 2.
Catalogue of Publications of Societies
and of Periodical Works, belong-
ing to the Smithsonian Institution.
Vol. 10. Mollusks of Western North
America, by P. Carpenter.
Arrangement of the Families of
Mollusks, by T. Gill.
Smithsonian Institution — continued.
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Prof. Baird.
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Mammals and of Fishes, by T.
Monographs of the Diptera of North
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Directions for collecting and pre-
serving Insects, by A. Packard.
North American Coleoptera, by J.
Le Conte.
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The Constants of Nature, part 1, by
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Telegraphic Announcements of
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The Natural History of Kerguelen
Island, by J. H. Kidder.
Birds of South-Western ]\Iexico, by
G. Lawrence.
Catalogue of the Fishes of the Ber-
mudas, by G. B. Goode.
Classification of the Collection to
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of the United States, by G. B.
Natural History of the Hawaiian
and Fanning Islands and Lower
California, by T. H. Streets.
Index to the Names applied to the
Subdivisions of the Class Brachio-
poda, by W. H. Dall.
North American Ichthyology, by D,
S. Jordan.
Vol. 14. Synopsis of American Wasp,
by H. de Saussure.
Catalogue of Fishes of the East
Coast of N. America, by T. Gill.
The Constants of Nature, pt. 2, by.
F. W. Clarke.
Portraits of N. American Indians in
the Smithsonian Gallery.
List of Publications of the Institu-
tion, July 1877.
Index Catalogue of Books relating
to Nebula) and Clusters, by E. S.
Vol. 15. Bibliogi-aphical Index of North
American Botany, by S. Wat-
Vol. ir>. Tlie Toner Lectures, 1-G.
Circular in reference to Americfln
Circular of Enquiries relative to the
Natural History of the American
Circular relating to living Reptiles.
Vol. 10. Land and Freshwater Shells
of North America, by G. Tryon.
Catalogue of the described Diptera
of N. America, by C. R. Osten
The Toner Lecture : The Nature of
reparatory Inflammation in Ar-
teries after Ligature, &c., by E.
W. Shakespeare.
Circular on Scientific and Literary
List of Humming Birds, by D. G.
List of Learned Institutions in
United States.
List of Publications of the Institu-
tion, July 1879.
Vol. 17. Documents relating to tlie
Origin and History of the Smitli-
sonian Institution, edited by W.
J. Rhees.
Vol. 18. Journal of Proceedings, 18-4G-7G.
Establishment of the Institution.
Vol. 10, 22. Proceedings of the U.S.
National Museum, vol. 1—1.
Vol. 20. I'.ulletin of the Philosophical
Society of Washington, 3 vol.
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Museum, vol. 2, 3.
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ington, vol. 4, 5.
Trans. Anthropological Society of
Washington, vol. 1, and Abstract
of Trans. 1879-81.
Proc. Biological Society of Wash-
ington, vol. 1.
Vol. 26. Sanitary Drainage of Wash-
ington City, by G. E. Waring,
.List of Foreign Correspondents of
the Institution to Jan. 1883.
Classification of the Coleoptera of
North America, by J. L. Leloiide
and G. H. Horn.
Vol. 27. Atomic Weight Determinations,
by G. F. Becken.
Recalculation of Atomic Weights, by
F. W. Clarke.
List of Publications to December,
Catalogue of same with Index.
Spalding Club Publications, 4to : —
Aberdeen and Banjf, Illustrations of
Topography and Antiquities of.
Barhour (John) The Bruce.
BlahaVs Narrative of Services.
Booh of Cawdor.
Booh of Deer.
Brodie's Diary.
Extracts from Aberdeen Burgh Council
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Fasti Aberdonenses.
Gordon's Description of Aberdeen.
History of Scots Affairs, 1737-41,
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Britane's Distemper.
Gordon's ( Geji. Pat.) Diary.
Innes, Account of the Familie of.
Lines (C.) History of Scotland.
Keith, Marshal, Memoires of.
Presbytery Book of Strathbogie.
Eegistnim Episcopatus Aberdonensis,
2 vol.
Bose of Kilravock, General Deduction
of the Family of.
Scotland, Letters on the Affairs of, addr.
to George Earl of Aberdeen, 1G81-84.
Sculptured Stones of Scotland, 2 vol. fol.
Selections from Piecords of Kirk- Sessions,,
Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen.
Spalding's Memoirs of the Troubles in
Spalding Miscellany {Spalding Club), 5 vol. 4to Aberdeen, 1841-52.
Vol. 1. Tlie Straloch Papers.
Necrologia Coenobii S. Francisci.
Trials for Witchcraft.
Letters from Blackwell to Boss.
Diary of Mitchell.
Nepenthes ; or, the Vertues of Ta-
March of Highland Army (1745-46).
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Letters from Lord Gordon Moir.
Vol. 2. Letters from Lord Lovat.
The Chronicle of Aberdeen.
Act for Delyverie of Dead Bodies.
Discreet of Spuilzie.
Mandate for Extirpation of Clan
Account of Watch undertaken by
Monymusk Papers.
Arbuthnot Papers.
Extracts from Eegister of Spynie.
Selections from Wodrow MSS.
Pittodrie Papers.
Erroll Papers.
Papers by Father Lines.
Order of Combats in Scotland.'
Memoir of Earl Perth.
Bulla Urbani IV.
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Book of Annuabrentaris in Aber-
Mmutes of Committee on Loans.
Summons against Magistrates.
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List of Goods.
Protestation by Sir A. Irvine.
Gordon Letters.
Inquisitio facta.
Articles of Agreement between Earl
of Huntly and Eegent Murray,
Vol. 4. Papers from Charter Chest at
Papers from Charter Chest of Earl
of Airlie.
Papers from Charter Chest at
Gordon Castle.
Two Letters.
Instrumentum super Aucis S. Cuth-
Vol. 5. Extracts from Kegister and Ac-
counts of Aberdeen.
Letters to Dr. J. Eraser (1679-80).
Documents from Charter Chest of
Earl of Airlie.
Decreet of the Synod of Perth.
Extract from Court Books of Skene,
Charters from Panmure House.
Birth Brieves.
Missives to Provosts etc. of Aber-
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Standaed Novels and Romances (Bentley's), 121 vol. 12mo 1835-52
{The Titles tvill be foimd under the Authors' names in Italics.)
Vol. 1. The Pilot. Comw.r. Ghost Seer, Schiller ; and
Edgar Huntley, Brochden
1. The Pilot. Cooper.
2. Caleb WiUiams. Godivin.
3. The Spy. Cooper.
4. Thaddeus of Warsaw. Miss
5. St. Leon. Godivin.
6. Last of the Mohicans. Cooper.
7, 8. Scottish Chiefs. Miss J. Porter.
9 10. Frankenstein, Mrs. Shelley;
Vol. 11. Hungarian Brothers. Miss
12, 13. Canterbury Tales. The Misses
14. The Pioneers. Cooper.
15. Self-Control. Mrs. Brunton.
Standard Novels and Romances — continued
Vol. 16. Discipline. Mrn. Brunton.
17. The Pniirie. Cooper.
18, 19. Pastor's Fireside. Mias J. Porter
20. Lionel Lincoln. Cooper.
21. Lawrie Todd. Gait.
22. Fleetwood. Godicin.
23. Sense and Sensibility. Miss
24. Corinne. Madame de Stael.
25. Emma. Miss Austen.
26. Simple Story, and Nature and
Art. Mrs. Inclibald.
27,28. Mansfield Park; Northanger
Abbey, and Persuasion. Miss
29. The Snuigglcr. Ba)iii)i.
'SO. Pride and Prejudice. Miss
31. Stories of Waterloo. Maxwell.
32. Hunchback of Notre Dame.
-33. The Borderers. Cooper.
34. Eugene Aram. Bulwer.
35. Maxwell. Theodore Hook.
SQ. Water Witch. Cooper.
37. Mothers and Daughters. Mrs.
38. The Bravo. Cooper.
59. Heiress of Bruges. Grattan.
40. Red Rover. Cooper.
41. Vathek, Beckford ; Castle of
Otranto, Horace Walpolc ; and
Bravo of Venice, M. G. Lewis.
42. Country Curate. Gleig.
43. The Betrothed. Manzoni.
44. Hajji Baba. Morier.
45. Hajji Baba in England. Morier.
46. Parson's Daughter. Theodore
47. Paul Chfibrd. Buhvcr.
48. The Younger Son. Capt. Trc-
49. The Alhambra, WasJiington
Irving ; The Last of the Aben-
cerrages, Chateaubriand ; and
the Livoluntary Prophet,
Horace Smith.
50. The Headsman. Cooper.
•51, 52. Anastasius. Thomas Hope.
53. Darnley. James.
•54. Zohrab. Morier.
•55. Heidenmauer. Cooper.
56. De rOrme. James.
-57. Headlong Hall, Nightmare
Abbey, Maid Marian, and
Crotchet Castle. Peacock.
58. Trevelyan. Bij the Author of
' A Marriage in High Life.'
59. Philip-Augustus. James.
W. Rookwood. Ainsicorth.
61. Henry Masterton. James.
C2-68. Peter Simple ; Jacob Faithful ;
Japhct in search of a Father ;
King's Own ; Mr. Midsliipman
Easy ; Newton Forster ; Pasha
of many Tales. Marri/at.
Vol. 69. Rattlin the Reefer. Howard.
70. Captain Blake ; or, j\Iy Life.
71. Helen. Miss Edgeicortli.
12. The Last Days of Pompeii.
73. The Bivouac. Maxicell.
74. Precaution. Cooper.
75. Jack ]3rag. Theodore Hook.
76. Rory O'More. Lover.
11. ]>en Brace. Capt. Chamier.
78. Vicar of ^^■rexhill. Mrs. Trol-
79. Buccaneer. Mrs. S. C. Hall.
80. Tyluuy Hall. Thomas Hood.
81. Widow Barnaby. Mrs. Trollope.
82. Soliher of Lyons. Mrs. Gore.
83-85. Marriage ; The Inheritance ;
Destiny. Miss Ferricr.
86-88. Gilbert Gurney ; Widow and
Marquess ; All in the Wrong.
Theodore Hook.
89 91. Homeward Bound; Tlie Path-
iinder ; The Deerslayer.
92. Jacqueline of Holland. Grattan.
93. J\Ian-at-Arms. James.
94. Two Old Men's Tales. Mrs.
95. Two Admirals. Cooper.
96. Richard Savage. Whitehead.
97. Cecil. Mrs. Gore.
98. Prairie liird. Hon. C. Murray.
99. Jack o' Lantern. Cooper.
100. Ayesha. Morier.
101. Marchioness of Brinvillicrs.
Albert Smith.
102. Belford Regis. Miss Mitford.
103. My Cousin Nicholas. Barham.
104. The Poacher. Marn/af.
105. The Outlaw. Mrs. Hall.
106. Tlie Phantom Sliip. Marnjat.
107. Snarleyow. Marryat.
108. Adventures of i\Ir. Ledbury.
Albert Smith.
109. Agnes de ]\Iansfcldt. Grattan.
110. The Improvisatore. Andersen.
111. Romance of Reality, fjandon.
112. Catherine de Medicis. Costcllo.
113. Percival Keene. Marnjat.
114. Recollections of a Chaperone.
Lady Dacrc.
115. Experiences of a Gaol Chaplain.
116. Legends of the Rhine. Grattan.
111. Tales of the Peerage and Pea-
santry. Lady Dacre.
118. Sir Ralph lusher. Leigli Hunt.
119. The Hamiltons. Mrs. Gore.
120. Ijife of a Sailor. CajJt. Chamier.
121. Hector O'Halloran. Maxivell.
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tion will be found under the names in Italics.)
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tur, dvirch Bartsch.
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chronik, durch Pfeiffer.
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SuRTEES Society Publications : —
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Fantosme (J.) Chronicle.
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Eccles. Dunelm.
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Hutton (Abp.) Correspondence.
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SuRTEES Society Publications — continued.
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Lindisfarne Gospels, 4 vol.
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Sweden : Scriptores Ecrum Suecicarum medii fevi, ex schedis pr!T?cipue Nordiuianis
collect, dispos. et emend, ediderunt E. M. Fant et C. M. Annerstedt, '6 vol. in 2, folio
Upsal. 1818 -7G
Vol. 1. Part 1. Annotata Chronologica
Arvidi Trolle.
Calendarium Hammarstadense.
Chronica: Gamla Svenska Chroni-
kan (Chron. Prosaicum).
Minsta Eim Chronikan (Cln-on.
Eythmicum j\Iinus).
Part 2. Stora Eini Chronikan (Chro-
nicon Ehythmicum Majus).
Olai Petri Svenska Chvonika.
Vol. 2. Part 1. Chronica Erici Olai,
Decani Upsal.
Brevis enarr. Eegum Suecia; ex
Vita S. Anscliarii per S. Eember-
tum, Lat. et Sueth.
Legenda; de S. Anschario ex vetust.
Eccl. Suec. Breviar,
Vita S. Erici Eegis et Martyris,
Lat. et Sueth.
Miracula S. Erici Eegis et Martyris
per Eccl.
Legenda; de S. Erico Eege Sueth.
Legcnda de S. Erico Eege, e Brev.
Ofiicium H. Erici Eegis et Martyris.
Vita et Miracula S. llenrici, Episc.
et Martyris.
Ilistoria S. Sigfridi Episcop. et Con-
fessoris ; S. Sigfridi Episc. et
Confess. Lat. et Sueth.
Vita S. Sigfridi Episc. et Confess.
Legenda' de S. Sigfrido.
Vita S. Botvidi Martyris.
Ilistoria S. ]5otvidi, cum Ilymuis ct
Antiphonis, auct. B.
Legenda S. Eskilli episc. et martyris,
e Breviar. Strengn.
Vita S. Eskilli, e Brev. Skarensi.
De Eskillo Eelatio Suecica.
1. Part 1. Catalogi Eegum
fedgatal ab Odino ad
Catal. regum Suecia? a primord.
regni ad j\Iagnum Ericum, a.
Fragm. Catalogi ejusdem Suethicffi.
Catal. a Eagnaro Lodbrok ad Bir-
gerum Magni ; ab Ingone ad
Ericiim Pomeranum ; ab Olavo
Skotkonung ad Valdeniarum ; ab
Olavo Skotkonung ad Margare-
tam ; ab Olavo Skotkonung ad
Ericum Pomeranum ; ab Olavo
Skotkonung ad Christophorum
Bavarum ; ab Olavo Skotkonung
ad Carolum Canuti.
Chronologia, Diaria, Calendaria :
Chronologia ab a. 2G0 ad a. 1430.
Diarium Minoritarum Wisbyensium,
a G86-1525.
Chronologia Suecica ex Cod. Minor.
Wish. a. 815-1412; Vetusa.916-
1263 ; Anonymi Veteris a. 82C-
1415; Vetusta, a. 880-1430;
Diarium Fratrum IMinorum Stock-
holm, a. 1008-1502.
Incerti Scriptoris Sueci Chronicon
rerum Sueco-Gothicarum, a.
llGO-1320 ; Chronologia brevis
rerum Suecicarum a. 1040-1440.
Excerpta ex vetustis Annalibus
Islandicis a. 1295-1253.
Markviirdiga Hilndelser i Sverige,
Chronologia Vetusta a. 1298-1473.
Diarium Wazstensc a. 1344-1545.
Car. Andreie Chronol. Eeruni Sueci-
carum a. 1389-144G.
Carmen Chronologicum.
Calendarium Trollianum.
Sweden — continued.
Vol. 2. Part 1. Officium S. Eskilli, e
Brev. Skarensi, auct. S. Bry-
iiolplio, Episc. Skar.
Historia B. I)a\'idis Abbatis et Con-
fessoris, cum Hymnis, Autiphonis,
Part 2. Chronica Laur. Petri, Arcliiep.
Thomfe Episc. Strengnensis Car-
men de Engelbrecto, et Carmen
de violata fide Erico Puke pub.
data, a. 1437.
H. Tidemanni, Episc. Lincop., Car-
men de Carolo VIII. Canuti, Kege
Suecife et Norveg.
Epitaphium Magni Laduliis, Eegis
Sueci;^, a. 1290.
Epicedium in Ericum, Suder-
mannife, et Waldemarum, Fin-
landife Ducem, a. 1318.
Chronodisticha in Victoriam Brun-
kebergensem Stenonis Sture
senioris, a 1471.
Appendix ad Vitam S. Anscharii.
Vol. 3. Part 1. Succica: Annales Sig-
tunenses a. 1208-1288.
Annot. in libro Ecclesite "Walen-
Hist. Gotlandia'.
Libellus de Magno Erico rege.
Comment. Hist, super nonnullis
Eevelationibus S. Birgittre de
Magno Erico rege et Successoribus
Annot. Hist. a. 845-1445, forsan ex
deperdita parte Diarii Fratrum
Minorum Holmiensium.
Annales Holmienses a. 1457-1463.
Expeditio Danica adversus Holmiam
a. 1518.
Proelia inter Suecos et Danos a.
Ex Joliannis Magni Gotliorum
Sueonumque Historia.
Narratio de ca^de Holmiensi a. 1520,
a canonicis Upsal. composita.
Crudelitas Cbristierni II. a I. Zie-
glero descripta.
E Collectionibus Erasmi Ludovic
(a. 1362-1520).
Danica: E. Saxonis Grammatici
Historia Danica.
Ex Annalibus et Chronicis Danicis.
Ex diversis fontibus Historicis
Carmen de Expeditione Danica in
Sueciam a. 1497.
L. Wermanni de Obsidione Hol-
miensi a. 1518 Epistola?.
Carmen de Expeditione Kristicrni
II. in Sueciam a. 1520.
Gcrmanica : Ex Adami gestis Ham-
maburgensis Ecclesia? Pontifi-
Vol. 3. Part 1. Ex annalibus Lubecen-
sibus a. 1264-1324.
Ex Chronico Lubecensi Detmari a.
Libellus Magnipolensis circa a. 1394
Ex Chronico Hermanni Korneri
ceterisque continuatoribus Det-
Ex Chronico Lubecensi Eeimari
Ex Chronico Holtzati^e presbytero
Bremensi auctore in an. 1428.
Ex Chronico Saxonum Nordalbin-
giorum in an. 1483.
Ex Chron. Alberti Krantzii in an.
Ex Genealogia Doberanensi.
Ex Chronico rhythmico Magnipo-
lensi Ernesti de Kirchberg.
Ex Annalibus Herulorum, Nic.
Marescalco Thurio auctore.
Ex Chronicis Stralsundensibus a.
Narratio de Occupatione Gotlandias
a. 1398.
Ex Annalibus Prussicis a. 941-1410
et Chronico Joliannis v. Posilge
a. 1360-1419.
Ex Historia Joh. Lindau a. 1454-
Ex Chronico Gedanensi Caspari
Weinreich a. 1461-1496.
Ex Chronico Hanseatico a. B. Bteg-
man compilato.
Ex Chronico Livonico H. Letti.
Ex Libro Eufo Archiepiscopi Ei-
gensis sec. Excerpta Melchioris
Ex scriptis ^Eneae Sylvii.
Ex diversis fontibus Germanicis
breviora Excerpta.
Vol. 3. Part 2. Historia Metropolitan^e
ecclesiiE Upsalensis a Joh. Magni
Gotlio Archiepiscopo conscripta.
Incerti scriptoris Sueci Chronicon
primorum in ecclesia Upsalensi
Chronicon de Episcopis et Archi-
episcopis ecclesis Upsalensis.
Nomina Episcoporum Lincopen-
Chronicon rhythmicum Episco-
porum Lincopensium.
Chronicon vetus Episcoporum Sca-
Chronicon rhythmicum Episcoporum
Scarensium, auctore Brynolpho
tertio episcopo.
Chronicon Episcoporum Arosien-
S W E — T E r.
Sweden — contln ucd.
slum, ex vetustis rliytlimis Latinis
extractum a Petro Swart, epi-
scopo Arosieiisi.
Vol. 3. Part 2. Chronicon vetus Episco-
ponim Wexioneiisiuni.
Chrou. Episcop. Finlandensium,
Legenda S. Heleiuu Schedvionsis.
Vita H. Bryuolplii, episcopi Sca-
rensis, cum Processu ejusCanoni-
Vita S. BirgittfP, auctoribus magis-
tro Petro, priuio confossore Vad-
stenensi et Petro, priore Alvas-
trensi, confessoribus Birgitta?.
Chronicon de genere et nepotibus
S. Birgittit, auctore INIargareta
Clausdotter, abbatissa Vadste-
Momenta qua-dnm itineris Hiero-
solymitani S. Birgitt.e.
Ex Processu Canonizationis S. Bir-
gittcB excerpta.
Ex Miraculis S, Birgitta; aliqua
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Cruz, 1570.
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ou Mengrellia.
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tare, 1656-57, etc.
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Mogol, 1615.
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Orientales, 1618 ; Decouverte de
la Terre Australe.
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Motta (A. de) Routier pour la Navi-
gation des Indes Orientales.
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Orientales, 1619.
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Rel. de la Grande Isle de Mindanao,
Rel. de I'Empire du Japon.
Gysbertz (R.) Persecution des Chres-
tiens du Japon, 1622-1623.
Rel. de la decouverte de la terre
d'Eso, au Nord du Japon.
Boym (M.) Rel. de la Chine, et de la
conversion des personnes Royales
de cet Etat.
Vol. 2. Route du Voyage des Hollandois
a Pekin.
Description geographique de I'Em-
pire de la Chine, par Martinius.
Rapport des Directeurs de la Comp.
des Indes, touchant I'^tat des
affaires dans les Indes Orientales,
Oct. 1664.
Palafox, Rel. des Voyages dans la
Riviere de la Plate.
Acaretta, Voyage au Perou.
Peres Grueber et d'Orville, Voyages
a la Chine, et de retour en Europe.
Sinarum Scientia Politico-Moralis,
a Confucio, in ling. Lat. versa a
Prosp. Intorcetta.
Almeida et Tellez, Hist, de la Haute
Lobo, Relations de I'Empire des
Gages (Tho.) Hist, de I'Empire
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Thilo (J, C), Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti, notis ac prolegomenis illustratus,
vol. 1 {all xmhlished), 8vo Lips. 1832
Index eorum, qute in hoc Tomo Primo
collocata sunt.
I. Prolegomena de Codicibus, Editioni-
bus et Versionibus Evangeliorum
II. Historia Josephi, Fabri Lignarii,
III. Evangelium Infantiae Servatoris,
IV. Protevangehum Jacobi, Gr. Lat.
Thomae Israelitas,
Nativitate S.
V. Evangelium
Gr. Lat.
VI. Evangelium de
Marine, Latine.
VII. Historia de Nativitate Maria9 et de
Infantia Salvatoris, Latine.
VIII. Evangelium Marcionis ex aucto-
ritate veterum monumentorum
descriptum ab Augusto Hahn,
ThiIiO (J. C.) — continued.
IX. Evangelium Nicodemi, Gr. Lat,
cum Epistolis Pilati,
X. 'Ava^o/ju et IlapuSoo-ts IltAaroi',
XI. Codox Evangclii Joannei Parisiis
in Sacro Teiuplariorum Tabulario
XII. Liber S. Joannis Apocryphus.
Thomas Aquinas (S.), Opera, cum vita ejus ab Ecbardo, et Dissertationibus pneviis a
B. M. de Rubeis, edit. 'Ida, 28 vol. in 14, 4to Venet. 1775-88
1, 2, Comment, in Job, in Psalmos i Vol.
LI., et in Cantica Canticorum.
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et S. Joannis.
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tiarum Libros Petri Lombardi.
Vol. 11, 12. Scriptum in III. etIV. Sen-
tentiarum Libros, cap. 1-22.
18, 14, 15. Scriptum in Senten-
tiarum Libros, cap. 23 50.
QuiL'stiones disputatic de Potcntia.
K). do Virtutibus, et do
17. novcni postrema^ de Veri-
tate, et Quii'stiones quodlil)itales.
18. Libri IV. de Veritate Catholicie
Fidci contra Gentiles.
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Summre Tlieologica; Pars 1.
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Secunda Secundie, usque ad
Quicst. C.
23, 24. PieliquiT) Quffistiones,
Pars Tertia.
Supplementum Partis
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Thomson (Sir C. Wyville) Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, 18 vol.
^ 1881-80
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lieddard (F. E.) Isopoda.
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Sars (G. 0.) Schi/.opoda.
Vol. 14. Herdman (W. A.) Tunicata
Theel (H.) Holothurioidea, pt. 2.
Physics and Chemistry : —
Vol. 1. Dittmar (W.) Composition of
Ocean Water.
Buchanan (J. Y.) Specific Gravity
and Temperature of Ocean Water.
Teacts : —
(I.) Miscellaneous, Historical, Political, Pliilosopbical, Religious, Medical ; including-
Almon's Coll. 4 vol. ; Pamphleteer, 29 vol. etc. etc., in all 449 vol. 8vo ;
(II. ) Tracts for the Times, by Members of the University of Oxford, G vol. Svo 1833-41
(III.) Early and Scarce Tracts on Commerce, Money, the National Debt, etc., reprinted
by Lord Overstone, with Prefaces by J. R. M'Culloch, 5 vol. Svo 1856-59
(IV.) Controversial on Religious Questions, edited by Thomas Scott, 17 vol. p. 8vo v.D.
(V.) A Collection, folio 1660-1723
(VI.) Collection, in 9 vol. 4to 1560-1886
(VII.) (State) Collection of Treatises relating to the Government, privately printed in
the Reign of K. Charles II. (28 Tracts) folio 1689
The same, with the second volume (100 Tracts), 2 vol. in 1 1692-93
(VIII.) Collection, published on occasion of the late Revolution in 1688, during the
Reign of K. William III. 3 vol. folio 1705-7
(IX.) Student's Cabinet Library of useful, scarce, and celebrated Tracts, p. 8vo,
Edinh. 1828-41
Series of Tracts not mentioned in this idace may he found under the names, America;
ArchcBology ; Britain ; England ; France ; Hughes ; Ireland ; Miscellanies ; Scot-
land ; Troy; Varia.
The Titles of the Tracts in the above nine Series are given in the Alphabetical Index
subjoined. Miscellaneous Tracts are referred to by the numbers of the vols, in which
they are bound. In the references to other Series, these contractions are used : Sc. T.
for Scotfs Tracts ; S. T. C— State Tracts temp. Charles II. ; S. T. W.— State
Tracts temp. Will. III. ; T. F.—The Collection in folio, 1660-1723 ; T. Q.—The
Collection in quarto, 1560-1886; T. B. — The Tracts reprinted by Lord Overstone;
and T. T. — Tracts for the Times ; S. C. L. — Student's Cabinet Library.
Abbey of St. Augustine, Canter-
bury — Excerpta e Compoto
Thesaur. Monast. S. Aug. 1881 399
Abbot (Abiel) His removal from a
Church in Coventry. Connecticut,
1811 419
Abbot (C.) on the Death of Francis,
Duke of Bedford, 1802 T. Q. 3
Abbot (F. E.) Truths for the Times,
Sc. T. 11
Impeachment of C lir is ,
Sc. T. 11
Abel (D. 0.) Legende vom Johann
von Nepomuk, 1855 188
Abercrombie on the Garden Mush-
room, 1779 21
Aberdeen, Harbour of. Reports on,
1834 248
Abernethy (J.) Hunterian Oration,
1819 143
Abingdon (Ld.) Burke's Letter on
American Affairs 62
Aborigines Prot. Soc, Extracts from
Papers, 1872 110, 311
About (E.) La Prusse en 1860;
Nouvelle Carte d'Europe, I860,.. 191
Abstinence from Blood, Doctrine
of, defended, 1734 878
A-ccession, Ode on his Maiestv's,
1715 .T. F.
Achehs (G.) Richard Rothe, 1869... 394
Acland (H. W.) Physiology and
Medicine, 1865 266
Report to the Trustees of the
Radclift'e Library, 1861 293
Acland (H. W.) Health, Work, and
Play, 1856 293
Acollas (E.) L'Idee du Droit, 1871 316
TroisLe9ons duMariage, 1871 316
Adam's Farewell Address &c. 1861
84, 247
Adams (C. F.) The Double Anniver-
sary, '76 and '63, 8vo Boston,
1869 435
Adams (G.) Hadley's Quadrant
and Sextant ; The Barometer,
Thermometer, etc. 1789-90 179
Adderley (C. B.) Secondary Punish-
ment, 1863 244
Present Relations of England
with the Colonies, 1862 256
Transportation not Necessary,
.. 172
,. 82
Letter to Disraeli, 1862
Addington's Administration, Cur-
sory Remarks on, with Answers,
1803 34
Addison (Joseph) and Sir A. Foun-
taine ; or, the Romance of a Por-
trait, 1858 361
Address on Government Interference
in Religious Matters, 1859 395
to the People of England,
Kentucky Legislature, 1866.
Addresses, Natureof the late, S. T.C.
Adler (Marcus N.) The Temple at
Jerusalem, 1887 T. Q.
Administration of Affairs in Great
Britain, Ireland etc. 1823
Tracts — continued.
Administration, Present Tliouglits
on, 180G " 30
Administrative Reform, by Jacob
Omnium, 1855 8!)()
Advent T. T. 10
Advice to Members of the October
Club, 1712 258
Advocacy in tlie County Courts,
1851 1G5, 344
Africa, S., Distressed Settlers, Re-
port 152
Properties of tlie Natal Land
and Colonisation Company, 1878 429
Constitution of the Church of,
1878 381
Africa (West) : Correspondence on
the ^Yest African Universitv,
1872 \. 428
African Educational Soc. at Wash-
ington, 1830 173
Africans, Oppressed, C^xse I'ec. to
Gov. by Quakers, 1784 10
Agnew (Sir A.) Letter to, on Sun-
day Observance 159
Agricultural Association, Origin,
etc. 1819 128
Petition, Refutation of Argu-
ments on 143
and National Distress, Post-
script to Observations on 150
Literest, Reports on the State
of, 1850 340
Returns of Great Britain &c.
1808 387
Agriculture, Protection to 147
Aikin (J.) Thoughts on Hospitals,
1781 " 50
Airy (G. B.) Chart for Observation
ofMars 193
Aitchison (Geo.) On Colour as
applied to Architectui'e, 1857
T. Q. 1
Principles of Restoration, 1877 372
Aitchison (W. J.) The Bank of Eng-
land Reserve and exceptional
Issues, 1873 357
Akenside, Pleasures of Imagination,
1754 120
Akei'man (J. Y.) Weapons of Celts,
1852 70
Alabama Claims and Mr. Sumner,
a letter by J. C. B. Davis,
1878 T. Q. 5
Narrative of the Cruise, 1884 433
Alanus (H.) Hannibal, 1800 288
Alarm to Great Britain from Throne
to Cottage: Export of Money to
East Indies, 1755 220
The True, 1770 230
Albert (Prince) Addresses on dif-
ferent Public Occasions, 1857 ... 251
Speeches, 1857 304
Alcock (Col. T.) Remarks on Move-
ments of the Present Time, 1872 310
Relative Power of Nations,
1872 309, 81G
Part 2, 1874 374, 381
Tenure of Land in Ireland ... 107
Alderson (Sir J.) Address to the
College of Physicians, 1871 863
Aldridge (Rev. R.) Sermons, 1850 190
On Auricular Confession, 1873 350
Alfieri (P.) Noti/ie Biografiche di
Nic. .Jomelli, 1845 398
Alger (W. R.) American Poets,
1809 257
All's a Delusion, 1847 185
Allegiance, Case of S. T. W. 1
(Oaths of) and Supremacy no
Badges of Slavery S. T. C. 2
Allen (Capt. W.) Plan for imme-
diate Extinction of Slave Trade,
1849 168
Allen (J.) Church Property and
Tithes, 1833 105
Allen (.T. A.) Educational Test a
Qualification for Remunerative
Employment, 1857 320
Allen (R.) The Currency; J^anking
and ]5ulhon Question, 1858 82S
Allen (R.) A'indicationof Singing of
Psalms, 1090 870
Allies, Conduct of 147
Allnatt (C. F. B.) Cathedra Petri,
1879 402
Almanzor, Maxims of S. T. W. 2
Almon, Letters to, on ]\Latters of
Libel GO
Collection of Tracts 00- 09
Almond (H. H.) Lowe's Educat.
Theories, 1808 258
Altnordischo Textc, herausg. v. E.
Mogk, iKSi; 449
Alvord (J. W.) Report on Schools
for Freedmen, 1808 268
Amari (M.) SuU' Ecpiilibrio Politico,
18()7 279
La Sicile et les Bourbons,
1849 858
Amberley (Visct.) A few Words on
Clerical Subscription, 1804 874
America Vindicated, 1774 30
The effect of Secession upon the
Commercial Relations between
North and South, 1801 357
]\Ietropol. Museum of Art,
Report, 1879 382
The Hill Country of Alabama,
1878 887
Catalogus Senat. Acad. Univ.
HarvardiaiiiP, 1815 405
idem, 1818 419
Indianopolis, Public Library,
First Report, 1874 301
Til A
Tracts — continued.
America, 20th Report of Public
Schools in Washington, 1865 ... 373
( Spanish) Observations on In-
structions given by President of
United States, 1829 9G
U.S. Sanitary Commission ... 431
Report on Sufferhigs of
Prisoners of War amongst the
Rebels, 1864 433
Reply to Strictures on Pro-
tecting System, 1830 419
Inland Navigation, Facts re-
lating to, 1805 419
Report of Sec. of Interior, 1869 435
American Association for Relief of
the Misery of Battle-Fields, 1866 263
Loyal Science Association,
Constitution etc. 1866 263
Social Science Association,
Constitution, Address etc. 1866... 284
Question, Documents respect-
ing 131
Refutation of Arguments,
1863 244
States, Observations on Com-
merce of, 1783 — Examination of
foregomg Work, 1791 30
■ War, Conduct of Sir W. Howe,
1779 58
Detail of, under Gage etc.
1780 61
(North) Pamphlet on S.
American Affairs 142
(South) Policy of recognising
Independence 150
Mining Comnanies, Notes on,
1825 ^ 315
Americanisation, a Letter to J. S.
Mill, 1866 288
Amero (J.) L'Eveque Anglicain ... 279
Amicable Accommodation of the
Difference between the Repre-
senter and Answerer, 1686 304
Amicis (E. de) Ricordi di Londra,
seguiti da una visita ai quartieri
poveri, 1877 411
Amortissement des Emprunts 246
Amos (S. ) Best Modes of Studying
Jurisprudence, 1870 310
the Laws of Demerara, 1871 311
Anabaptists, Petition of the, 1660.., 301
Analogy of Nature and Religion,
Sc. T. 7
Analysis of the Bill for County
Organisation 291
Anatomy of an Equivalent, S. T. C. 2
Ancient Buildings, First Report of
Society for Protection of, 1878 ... 421
Anderson's College, Glasgow,
Calendar, 1879-80 388
Anderson (A.) On the recent Com-
mercial Distress, 1847 319
Anderson CA.) On Revision of Taxa-
tion, 1850 340
Anderson (Dr.) Nature of Corn
Laws 1877 T. R. 5
and Gisborne, Single Horse
Carts, 1795 29
Andrew (J. A.) Addresses to Legis.
of Massachusetts, 1861-66 ...263, 432
Errors of Prohibition, 1867 ... 268
Address to the Agricultural
Society of Vermont, 1866 263
Andrew (W. P.) Completion of the
Railway System of the Valley of
the Indus, 1869 250
Andrews (T.), Studium Generale,
1857 275
Church in Ireland, 1869... 275, 290
On Education, 1867 285
Angell (J.) The Alcohol Question,
1879 382
Personal and Household Ar-
rangements in relation to Health,
N.D 388
Angler's Note Book, No. 1, 1884 ... 406
Angleterre, Constitution de 1' 156
Anglican Orders, Are they Valid ?
293, 310
Anglicanism in its Results, 1851 ... 159
Animal Economy, Sketch of, 1781 50
Animaux (Les) Diplomates, 1863 ... 83
Animosities, 111 Effects of, S. T. C. 2
Anjou (Duke of) Succession of,
S. T. W. 3
Anne (Princess) Letter to the Queen,
S. T. C. 2
Annely (B.) Theory of the Winds,
1729 6
Annett (P.) Free Inquirer, 1826 ... 280
Annuaire de I'Association pour I'En-
couragement des Etudes grecques
en France, 1871 412
Annual Report, Dockyard Establish-
ment, 1863-64 435
Annuity Tax, Select Committee Re-
port, 1851 336
Anstey (C.) Farmer's Daughter,
1795 T. Q. 3
Anstey (T. C.) Plea for Restitution
of Franchise, 1866 285
Crime and Government at
Hong Kong, 1859 247
Anstey's Bill for the better Admi-
nistration of Charitable Trusts ;
Report on, 1847 344
Anti-Annuity Tax League, Com-
mittee's Report, 1850 33G
Anticipations of H.M.'s Speeches,
1778 79 13, 251
Anti-Corn Law Association Address,
1840 337
Antiquaries, Copenliagen, Rep.
1834-36 104
Tracts — continued.
Anti-Salt Monopoly of India Asso-
ciation, 1847 33G
Anti-Times (The) Nov. 20, 1819 ... 308
Antonius (M. Archbishop of Spa-
latro) Motives of, IGIO 300
Antrim (Marq. of) King's Letter jus-
tifpng S. T. C. 2
Apologie for the Church of England,
1G85 304
Apology for an Old Bookseller, 1882 420
Apostles, The Twelve Sc. T. 11
Apostolic Connnission, Scripture
View T.T. 24
Apostolic Succession, Arguing cone,
T. T. 19
Adherence to, the Safest
Course T. T. 4
in EngHsh Church T.T. 15
ApostolicfB Sedis, de Constitutione,
cura P. Avanzini, 1872 3G4
Appeal to Eeason to reform itself,
1872 312
■ to those in Power etc. 1787 3G
from Clamour to Common
Sense, 1831 92
• to Clergy etc. on opening
Churches for private Prayer, n.d. 378
to the Thoughtful Sc. T. 2
to the Wisdom and Piety of
our Ancestors, 1835 112
Appel (Carl) Die Berliner Hand-
schriften, 188G 447
Appointments for Merit, and the
Abohtion of Patronage, 1855 332
xVpprentice Laws, Origin and Object 132
Apsley House, Guide to 201
Aram (Eugene) Trial and Defence
of 152
Arbitration : Facts in Eelation to
War, Peace, and Liternational Ar-
bitration, 1872 427
Proces verbal de la Conf. inter-
nat. tenue ;\ I'.ruxelles, Oct. 1882 438
Archaeological Publications, Notices 201
Archer (C. P.) Common Sense
Remedy for Ireland, 18G8 313
Archer (T.) History, Resources etc.
of Queensland, i880 399
Archer (W. H.) Progres de Victoria
depuis 1835 jusqu'a 18GG 255
Archipelago (E.) Company's Rep.
1850 177
Architecture (Notes of Ancient
Church) in 15th century, particu-
larly Bristol, n.d T.Q. 7
Archives, Public, Management of 107
Arctic Mystery, The Great, 185G ... 177
Argument in Favour of a Code etc.
18G7 282
Arguments relating to a Restraint
upon the Press, sm. 4to, 1712 ... 43G
Aristocracy and Democracy 109
Aristotelian Society's First Report,
Armenians (The) aiul the Eastern
Question, 1877
Army, Horse Guards, and People,
Bengal, ]\Iutiny of, 1858
British, Sanitary Reform, 1859
Reform, Letter on, l)y Jacob
Omnium, n.d
Standing, inconsistent, with
Free Gov S. T. W. 2,
Argument against, recti-
fied, 1G97
Arnim (Count) Vorgeschichte des
Arnimschen Processes, 187G
Arnold, Mutual Rel. of Knowledge
Arnold (A.) The Promises of Turkey,
Arnold (M.) England and Ital. Quest.
Arnold (T. J.) Law of Church Rates,
Arnould, Lines on Sir R.Peel, 1850
Arrivabene (Ct.) Finances of Italy,
Art of Dress, a Poem, 1717
Arthur (T. S.) Growler's Income
Tax, 18G4
Arthur (W.) The People's Day, 1855
Appeal to Lord Stanley
against a French Sunday, 1855
Articles, Thirty-nine, Queries rel. to,
Arundel and Surrey (Earl of) On
British Catholics, 1847
Ashburnham (Comte de) Les Manu-
scrits du. Rapport, 18S3
Ashburnham (Lord) English Catho-
lics and Home Rule, 1880
his Arguments against Home
Rule answered, 1880
Ashburton's (Lord) Prizes, 1853
Financial and Com. Crisis, 1817
Ashley (Lord) On Opium Trade,
Ashley, Pohtical Dialogue, 1793, T.Q.
Ashpitel and Whichcord, Baths,
Washhouscs, 1851
Ashton, Paper del. by, at his Execu-
tion, to Sir F. Child S. T. W.
Ashworth (H.) State of Lancashire,
Cotton Cultivation etc. 1858
Aspern (Dr.) Bcitriige zur iiltern
Geschichte Holstcius, 1849
Aspland (L. :\I.) The Law of Blas-
phemy, 1884
Asseline (A.) Gazette de Grimm, 1858
Assey (C.) Trade to China, etc
Assize Sermons, 1872
Association for the Reform of the
Tracts — continued.
Law of Nations. Eeport of Con-
ference, 1879 882, 387
Association Conference at Berne, 1880 430
at Hamburg, August 1885 447
Association pour TEncouragement
des Etudes grecques en France,
Notice sur 412
Astronomical Eegister, Index by
Levander, 1883 423
Astronomical Society, President's
Address, 1885 429
E. Dunkin's Address, 1880 ... 440
Astronomy, Eemarks (in Swedish) 289
Atcheson (N.) American Encr. on
Brit. Eights 135
Athanasian Creed T. T. 22
1861 252
Eeports of Meetings in defence
of, 1873 356
Atkin (Baronj Speech to Sir W.
Ashurst S. T. W. 2
Atkinson (E.) Eeport on Cotton
Manufacture, 1862 248, 262
Collection of Eevenue, 1867... 268
Atkinson (J.) On the Transfer of
Land, 1853 344
Atkinson (W.) State of Poht. Eco-
nomy, 1838 113
Attributes of Deity, Ancient Opinions
on 107
Attwood (M.) Speech ._ 122
Auber, Letter to Lord Buckingham-
shire 214
Auchterarder Case, Letter to Lord
Brougham on, 1839 354
Auckland (Lord) and Lord Ellen-
borough, 1845 163
Aufstand der Braunschweiger, 1830 85
Aumale (Due d') Lettre sur I'His-
toire de France, 1861 361
Austin on Depreciation of Gold, 1853 196
Austin (A.) Note of Admir. to ' Sat.
Ee%-iew,' 1861 200
Austin (C. E.) On Cleansing of Eivers,
1872 309
Austin (J.) Plea for Brit. Constitu-
tion, 1859 195, 285
Jurisprudence, 1863 244
Australia, Letter from Patriotic
Assoc, of, 1843 186
Australia andN. Zealand, Steam to,
1843 186
Australia, What should the Govt, do
for? 186
(S.)inl842 186
Eights of Landowners of, 1845 186
Land and Labour in, 1845 ... 186
Austrahan Federation, 1877 400
Austria, a Constitutional State, 1867 283
Austrian Eed-book, Nov. 1866 to
Dec. 1867 309
The same, 1868 276
Authors' Publication Soc, On Esta-
bhshment of, 1843 183
Aylesford (Lord) Three Letters to,
on Eesol. passed at Warwick,
1790 18
Azeglio (M. P.) Present Movement
in Italy ; Austrian Assass, in
Lombardy, 1847-48 163
Babbage (C.) Peerage for Life,
1856 175
Schentz's Calc. Machine, 1856 178
On Property Tax, 1848 196
Bach (A.) Merkwiirdige Hexenpro-
zesse, 1848 188
Bachelin (A.) Description du Livre
d'heures du Prieure de Saint Lo,
1859 T.Q. 9
Bacon's Guide to American Pohtics,
1863 416
Bacon (T.) Tyranny in Taxation,
1867 249
Badger (Eev. H. C.) Abraham Lin-
coln, 1865 261
Badham (C), Adhortatio ad Juven-
tutem Academicam Sydneiensem,
1809 283
Badley, Extra. Cure by Pr. Hohen-
lohe 151
Baer (C.) Del presente Valore dell'
Oro e deir Argento, 1857 294
Bagshawe's (E. G.) Monstrous Evils
of Enghsh Eule in Ireland, 1886 442
Bahadoor (M. M. M. K.) Oude, its
Princes, etc. 1857 281
Bailey (Mr.) Trial of Mrs. Caroline
Eudd, 1775 T.Q. 2
Baillie (E. J.) JohnEuskin : aspects
of his Thought and Teaching,
1882 421
Baily (W.) Proportional Eepresenta-
tion in large Constituencies, 1869,
1872 310
Bain (A.) Short History of Electric
Clocks, 1852 334
Baines (E.) Value of the Sabbath to
the Working Classes, 1855 346
On the New Government Mea-
sure of Education, 1853 328
Letters to Lord J. Eussell, n.d. 360
Baird (G. H.), Dissertatio Medica de
Gastro-Enteritide, 1831 383
Baker (Sir Sherston) The Office of
Yice-Admiral of the Coast, 1884 439
Balanceof Power (The) 92, 98
Baldi (B.) Celeo e 1' Orto, Egloga,
1751 430
Balfour (Maj.-Gen.) Budgets etc.
of England and France, 1866 288
Balguy (Bp.) Charge to the Clergy
of Winchester, 1772 297
Ball (J.) What to be done for Ire-
land? 1849 167
Tbact s — CO 1 1 1 inued.
Ballantyne, Letters on SutYragc ...* 180
What is Pre-Raphaelitism '?
1850 181
Ballot, Authorities for 349
Working of, 1871 ...T. Q. 1 and 277
Benefit of S. T. C. 1
Moral Argument for 349
Banfield (T.), Be Montium Cultu,
1884 118
Bank Act, 1844-55 322
Bank of England, Historical Sketch,
1831 88
Circulating Medium, 1821 ... 122
Remarks of Secret Comm. on,
1819 128
Practical Working of Act, 1844,
1849 ^ 164
Resuming Cash Payments 143
Bank Charter Act, Arguments for
and against it, 1857 323
Bank Stock, Addition to Proprietors
of 136
Bank Monopoly, Letter on, 1858 ... 323
Bankers' Circular, 1855 322
Bankers' Magazine, 1854, 1856 321, 322
Banking, Provincial, Plan for Re-
form 147
Bankruptcy Reform, 1859 195
Bankruptcy Act, 1861, ed. by Haz-
litt and Roche, 1861 248
Bannatyne (Major J. M.) Our Mih-
tary Forces and Reserves, 1867... 287
Bannister, Pictorial Maps, 1849 ... 189
Bannister (S.) Abol. of Transporta-
tion, 1837 106
Right to be heard etc.
1851 78, 165
Banting (W.) On Corpulence, 1883 405
Baptism T. T. 40
Scriptural Views of T. T. 57
Letter on Pusey's Tract
on T. T. 82
Baptist Mission to India, 1813 187
Barbauld's Liquiry into Wakefield
on Social Worship, 1792 31
Barber (F.) Book of Rates for the
W. Riding of Yorkshire 291
Barber (Capt. J.) Steam Navigation
with India, 1837 103
Barbour (0. F.) Prevention of Rail-
way Accidents, 1854 341
Barclay (Rev. P.) Notes on New Zea-
land, 1873 357
Bardsley (Rev. J.) Church of Eng-
land externally considered, 1862 82
Baring (A.) Enq. into Orders in
Council, 1808 48
Baring (F.) Commutation Act, 1786 2
Barlow (H. C.) Divina Commedia,
1805 246
On the Vernon Dante, 1870... 369
Memoir of, 1808 423
Barlow (H. C.) F. da Rimini and
the Malatesti 193, 425
Barlow (Rev. J.) Sermons 190
Barnes (R.) On the Judgment of the
Judicial Committee in tlie case of
the r>ishop of Natal, 1860 290
Barnet (Dr.) Inq. hito State of
Affairs S. T. W. 1
Barnctt (H. C.) Sanitary Improve-
ment in Western Australia, 1870 428
Baronets' Committee, Address to,
1837 119
Barrett (Joseph) Sermons, 1813 ... 205
Barrey, Oxford University, 1854 ... 189
Barrington (Bishop) Charge, 1792... 297
Barrow, Case of Queen's Coll. Oxf.
1850 189
Barruel's Memoirs of Jacobinism,
1798 318
Barry (H. B.) Renovation of Cathe-
dral Institutions, 1852 101
Barthez (P. T.) Traitement des
Fluxions 55
Bartholomew Ejectment, Bicen-
tenary, 1802 82
Bartlett (J.) Windmill Sails for
Vessels 143
Bartlett (W.) The Primitive Congre-
gational Way, 1047 301
Bartley, Pasture Land in Tillage,
1802 42
Bartol (C. A.) Tribute to Maj. Wil-
lard, 1802 280
Base (John) On Emigration, 1802 82
Basis of a New Reformation, Sc. T. 0, 11
Bastard (T. H.) Scepticism and
Social Justice Sc. T. 15
Bastide (J.) Luttes religieuses des
premiers siccles, n.d 413
Basuto War, The, N.D 400
Bate (C. S.) On the Developmeiit of
Decapod Crustacea, 1857 T, Q. 6
Bateman (J.) Metropol. Water
Supply, 1805 285
Bates (C. J.) Glance at the Wages
Question in England, 1878 387
Bath and Wells (Bishop of), Letter
to,1849 101
Bathurst (Lord) Speech, Observa-
tion on 141
Batte (L.) Raphael de M. Morris
Moore, 1859 259
Battle of the Bards, a Poem, 1800,
T. Q. 5
Battle of Dorking, Reminiscences of
a Volunteer [by Col. Hamley],
1871 304
Battle of the Sexes, a Poem,
1723 379
Battye (R. F.) Existence of a Sixth
Sense etc. 1859 84, 209
Baumgarten, in der Krim, 1857 ... 358
Teacts — continued.
Baverstock (J.) State of the Brewery
and Saccharine QuaHty of Malt... 131
Baxter (D.) EngHsh Parties and
Conservatism, 1870 283
New Reform Bill, 1866 277
Baxter (R.) Of Saving Faith, 1658 301
Baxter (Robt.) Irish Protest. Church 293
Voice of the Country
upon, 1869 313
Baxter (W. L.) The Sabbath not for
the Jew but for Man, 1880 404
Bazaine (Marec.) Rapport sur les
Operations de I'Armee du Rhin,
1870 292
Rapport du Bataille de Rezon-
ville, 1870 294
Beaconsfield (Earl of) Memoir of
(from 'The Times') 1881 424
Beales (E.) Speech, 1865 246
Beard (C.) University College and
Mr. Martineau, 1867 282
Review of Havet's Origins of
Christianity 391
Beaudemouhn (L. A.) La Guerre
s'en va, N.D 413
Beaufort (Le Comte de) Recherches
sur la Prothese des membres,
1867 407
Beaufoy on Repeal of Corp. and
Test Acts, 1787 19
Beaulieu (P. L.) Les Guerres con-
temporaines (1853-66) 266
Beaumont (B.) on Parish Banks ... 136
Beaumont (J.) The New Slavery,
1871 311
What is Lord Elgin to do ?
Our relations with China, 1857... 426
Beaumont (J. T. B.) Public-house
Licensing 138
■ Criminal Jurisprudence... 147, 148
Beaumont (Lord) and Duke of Nor-
folk, Rem. on Letters of, 1850 ... 160
Ditto (1874) 361,363
Beaumont (T. \V.) Plainte contre
M. Somers 118
Beauties of Fox, North, and Burke,
1784 10
Bebb's Letters, 1813 205
Becher (Gen. J. Reid) Sketch of
Career, 1884 440
Beck-Bernard (Mme. L.) Causes
preventives chez les Femmes,
1872 412
Becker (Lydia E.) Franchise for
Women 253
Reply to Fitzjames Stephen's
Strictures on Mill, 1874 372
Rights of Women in Local
Government, 1879 382
Becker (W. A.) Romische Topo-
graphic in Rom, 1844 248
Becket on Hydrostatic Balance, 1775 63
Beckett, Plan for raising Six Mil-
lions 131
Beckford, Negroes in Jamaica, 1788 16
Beddoes, Alternatives compared,
1797 23
Constitution etc. of Human
Body, 1797 29
Letter to Sir J. Banks on Dis-
contents in Medicine, 1808 44
Beecher on Friendly Societies 102
Beecher (H. W.) Oration on capture
of Fort Sumter, and Sermon on
Death of Pres. Lincoln, 1865 ... 432
Speech on the American Re-
bellion [1863] 432
Beesley (E. S.) A Word for France 287
Begbie (M.) Partnership en Com-
mandite, 1852 335
Beke (Dr.) Abbadie's Journey to
Kaffa, 1850 177
Few Words with Bp. Colenso,
1862 252
Sources of the Nile, 1863,
1864 85, 244, 245
Belcher (Rev. H.) Traffic in Degrees,
1872 444
Belcher ( T. W.) Is Christ the Head of
His Church in England ? 1880... 425
Belgique (M. le Regent) Rap. du
Ministre des Affaires etrangeres
a, 1831 95
Belgravia, a Poem, 1851 185
Belhaven, Subject-matter of a
Union, 1706 258
Bell (A.) On Prohibiting the Use of
Grain in Distilhng, 1808, 31, T. R. 5
Bell (A. M.) Visible Speech, 1865 ... 288
Bell (Evans) Letter to Sir J. D.
Gordon, 1882 423
Bell Inscriptions, A Chapter on ... 293
Bellamy (J.) Christ the only God,
1792 12
Bellasis (E.) Review of a Review of
Foster's Peerage 402
Bellew (Rev. H. W.) ReHef and Sup-
port of Disabled Soldiers etc.
1865 249
Belligerent Rights asserted, 1806 ... 48
Bellini (H. L.) Best Method for
developing the Natural Taste for
Music, 1869 286
Belsham (T.) Discourse on Truth
etc. 1790 17
Bemis (G.) Alabama Negociations
etc. 1869 276
Hasty Recognition of Reb.
Belligerency 268
Precedents of American Neu-
trality, 1864 433
Bendyshe (T.) The last Christian,
N.D 449
Benett (J.) Commutation of Tythes 135
Tracts — contimtcd.
Benezet, Caution to Great Britain
etc. 1707 73
Bengal, Strictures on Mocurrery
System of Landed Property in,
with Replies 213
Method of cultivating the
Sugar Cane, 1794 213
Husbandry and Inter. Com-
merce in, 1800 240
Bennet, Abuses existing in Newgate 140
Bennett, Account of Australia, 1843 180
Bennett (G.) Introduction of the
Orange into New South Wales ... 255
Benson (C.) Sermon at Temple
Church, 1832 370
Benson (Dr. G.) Sermon on Death
of, 1702 126
Bentham (J.) View of Hard-Labour
Bill, 1778 20
To French Nat. Convention,
1829 90
Defence of Economy 138, 139
— ' — Principles of a Constitutional
Code 151
Indications respecting Lord
Eldon 155,441
Ch. of E. Catechism examined
So. T.
The same, 1808 278
Influence of Natural Religion
on Temporal Happiness (by Philip
Beauchamp) 1875
Bere (T.) Controversy between Mrs
H. More and the Curate of Blag-
don, 1801 43
Berendts (Dr. C. H.) Analytical
Alphabet for Mexican and Central
American Languages 311
Berens (Archd. ) Letters 183
Berkeley (Hon. F.) The Election
Screw, 1853 349
Berlan (F.) II Conte Francesco di
Carmagnola, 1855 448
Berlin, The Treaty of, and the Con-
vention of Constantinople, 1880, . . 398
Bernard (Sir T.) Supply of Fish for
the Manufacturing Poor 130
Employment and Subsistence
for Labouring Classes 139
Bernays (J.) Ueber die Chronik des
Sulpicius Severn s, 1801 ...T. Q. 5
Bernstein (A.) Origin of the Legends
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Sc. T. 15
Bernstein (G. H.) Lexic. Ling. Syria-
cae, N.D T. Q. 4
Berrington (Rev. J.) State and Be-
haviour of English Catholics, 1780 305
Berryer (M.) Speech on the Trial of
Montalembert, 1858 423
Bert (Paul) Instruction religieuse
dans I'Ecole, N.D 409
Besant (A.) Religious Education of
Children Sc. T. K;
Besant (W.) Life in a Hospital,
N.D. 421
Beseler (Dr. G.) Der Londoner Ver-
trag, 1808 24G
Die Engl. Franz. Garantievom
Jahre 1720, 1804 240
Best (J. R.) New Poor Law, 1837... 354
Bethlehem Hospital, Obs. on Rep.
on, 1852 100
Bevan (G. P.) Iiondon Water Sup-
ply, 1884 417
Biber (Dr. E.) English Church on
the Continent, 1840 190
Bible for Man, not Man for the
Bible ...Sc. T. 17
Bible as a record of Historical De-
velopment Sc. T. 1
Bible Self-Contradictions Sc. T. 3
Bible Soc, Britisli and Foreign,
Trans, of 135
Bidwell, Rambles in New Zealand,
1841 180
Bigelow (J.) Limits of Education,
1805 250
Biggs, Six Letters on Greece and
Turkey, 1847 342
Bignor, Roman Villa at, 1839 179
Bill, Time-Bargain or Wagering Bill,
1803 244
Bill to prevent frivolous Arrests,
Letter concerning, 1720 304
Billon (J. ) Participation des Ouvriers
aux Benefices des Patrons, 1877 409
Binney (T.) Lecture on Author.ship,
1854 364
Binney (W.) Oration on the death of
Pres. Lincoln, 1805 432
Biographia Britannica, New (Pro-
spectus) •_.••• 248
Biographical Magazine, No. 1, edited
byF. Martin, 1877 309
Birch (S.) On a Tablet in the British
Museum relating to two Archi-
tects, 1884 441
Bird, Proposal for Paying Nat. Debt,
1799 40
Bird (Rev. C. S.) Immediate Revival
of Convocation, 1852 200
Bird (R. W.) Spoliation of Oude,
1857 78
Birks (Rev. T. R.) Mathematical
and Moral Certainty, 1 834 118
On the Revised Code, 1802 ... 200
Uncertainties of Modern Physi-
cal Science, 1870 380
Birmingham Riots, Welsh Free-
holder on, 1791 5
Bisbie (N.) Modern Pharisees, 1083 302
Bishop (D.) Constitution of Society
designed by God, 1847 109
Teacts — continued.
Bishop (Dan.) On the Currency 1
Question, 1848 320 |
Bishop (J. P.) Thoughts for the
Times, 1863 250
Bishop (T. B. I Wimbledon Common,
1867 282
Bishops and Clergy, Case of de-
prived S. T. W. 1
and Archbishops now in Lon-
don, Sense of S. T. W. 3
Address to, 1790 19
Priests, and Deacons ...T. T. 12
Bismarck (Cte.) Discours prononces,
1867 254
Bismark (Prince) Friend or Foe ?
1878 381,425
Blackall(Dr.) Sermon at Cambridge,
June 30, 1700 296
Blackburn (Helen) Facts of the
Women's Suffrage Question, 1878 382
Blackburn (J.) Description of a Para-
bolic Sounding Board, 1829 368
Blacker, Improvement of Small
Farms, 1845 176
Evils Insep. from Mixed Cur-
rency, 1844 113
Blackie (J. S.) Scotch Water Cure,
1849 195
Blackstone's Commentary, Account
of National Debt T. R. 3
Blake (E. A.) A Life Race, a Play 381
Blake (Sir F.) House of Lords,
People's Charter and the Corn
Laws, 1839 337, 354
Blake (J. A.) Sea Fisheries of Ire-
land, 1868 270
Blake (J. H.) On Conservancy of
Rivers, Prevention of Floods etc.
1882 401
Blakesley (Rev. J. W.) On Recom-
mendations of Ecclesiastical Com-
mission 105
Private Tuition at Cambridge,
1845 116
Praelectiones in Scholis Can-
tab. 1850 189
Sermons, 1836-52 ...105, 112, 190
Blanc (Sam.) Essai d'un Cours
d'Instruction civique et d'Econ.
polit. 1870 409
Blanquiere (E.) State of Greek Con-
federation 151
Blanquiere (L.) Greece and her
Claims 155
Bleasdale (Rev. J. J.) Gemmes et
Pierres precieuses trouvees dans
Victoria, 1867 255
Bleek (W. H. J.) Origin of Language,
1869 276
Blick und Wort 198
Blind (K.) Schleswig-Holstein, 1861 80
Blind, on training of, 1875 376
Blodget (L.) Commercial etc.
Strength of the U.S. 1864 262
Blore, Statistics of Cape Colony,
1871 291, 311
Blumstengel (Dr. K. G.) Leibnitz's
^gyptischer Plan, 1869 279
Blundell (B.) Review of Peyton's
History of Virginia 371
Blytt (A.) Immigration of the Nor-
wegian Flora, Christiania, 1871... 488
Boak, Elucidations of Character,
1802 48
Bodichon (Dr.) Le Vade Mecum de
la Poht. Frau9. 1883 449
Bodichon (Mrs.) Reasons for the
Enfranchisement of Women, 1866 291
Reasons for and against the
Enfranchisement of Women, 1872 372
Bodley (R. L.) Lecture at Women's
Medical College, Pennsylvania,
1868 257
Boens (H.) La Variole, la Vaccine,
et les Vaccinides en 1884 410
Bohn (H. G.) Paper Duty considered,
1861 267
Bohun (E.) History of the Deser-
tion ; Doctrine of Non-resistance,
S. T. W. 1
Bois (V.) La Telegraphie electrique,
1853 384
Bombay Bank, History of 267
■ Memorial to the Secretary of
State for Lidia, 1867 267
Students' Society, Report,
1856 173
Bonaparte, Historical Doubts rela-
tive to 156
Life of, by J. M. G. 1815 208
Bonaparte (Prince Louis Napoleon)
Courte Notice sur, 1848 388
Books, The best Hundi'ed, a ' Pall
Mall Extra,' N.D T. Q. 9
Bookselling Question, 1852 183
Boone (J. S.) One, Manifold, or.
System 361
Booth (H.) Speech S. T. C. 2
Rationale of the Currency
Question, 1847 819
Booth (S. M.) Justice Essential to
National Prosperity, 1866 268
Borneo Revelations, by Scrutator,
1850 177
Borring (E.) Limites Merid. de la
Monarchie Danoise, 1849 197
Borthwick (A.) Address on the East-
ern Question, 1878 886
Bosquet (A.) Treatise on Duel-
ling 141
Bossuet, Church of England Doc-
trine, 1686 304
Doctrine of the Catholic
Church, 1686 803
Tracts — continued.
Boston Public Library, Annual Re-
port on, 18G8 311
Bottger (Dr. H.) Entstehung der
jetzigen Welfischen Lande, 1859 194
Boucher de Perthes, De I'Homme
Antediluvien, I860 361
Boucherett (A.) Observations on
Corn, Currency etc. 1889 337
Bouillc, Droits de Danncmarck, 1847 197
Boulanger, Christianity unveiled,
etc. 1819 260
Bourdon (J.) Sur la Respiration,
etc. 1820 55
Bourinot (J. G.) Canada as a Home,
1882 420
Bourne (J.) Indian River Irrigation,
1849 168
. Public Works in India, 1856... 327
Bourne (W. 0.) Poems of the Re-
public, A^cw York, 1864 434
Bouterwek (C. W.) Screadunga ; An-
glosaxonica maximam partem in-
edita, 1858 T. Q. 6
Boutwell (G. S.) Reconstruction, its
true bases, Bostow, U.S. 1865... 432
Bouverie (E. P.) The Province of
Government, 1884 415
Bowditch, Vind. of Major-Gencral
Napier ; State of Laws in Channel
Islands, 1844 160
Bowdler (John) Reform or Ruin,
1798 318
Bowdler (Rev, T.) Letter to the
Evangelical Members of the
Church of England, 1850 398
Bowen, Ithaca in 1850 177
Missionary Incitement and
Hindu Demorahsation, 1821 207
Bowen (F.) Classical Studies, 1867 268
Bowler, Rep. to Canterbury Associa-
tion, 1851 171
Bowles (J.) to Whitbread on Pari.
Approbation of Lancaster's Sys-
tem, 1807 37
Reflections on the War, 1802 308
Bowles (Rev. W. L.) Vindication of
Winchester College 142
Pope, his Poetical Character ;
Letters to Lord Byron on Pope... 147
M'Dermot's Reply to 149
Increase of Crimes 144
Reply to Charges 146
A few words on the Cathedral
Clergy, Sahsb. 1831 445
Bowring (J.) Prisons in Spain and
Portugal 152
Oriental Plague and Quaran-
tines, 1838 110
Bowyer (G.) Cardinal Archbishop of
Westminster, 1850 160
Boyd (Rev. A.) A Corrupt Church:
a Sermon, 1865 411
Boyle ( Robert) Inventor and Philan-
thropist : a Sketch, by L. Saun-
ders, 1885 439
Boys' Beadle, The, 1871 287
Bradeley (E.) On Religious Con-
fessions in Courts of Justice,
1855 425
Brady (M.) Alleged Conversion of
the Irish Bishops etc, 1866 275
Braid (W.) Conduct of the E. India
Company towards the Carnatic
Stipendiaries, 1853 325
Brailsford (Rev. E.) Q. Anne's
Bounty, 1865 316
Bramali to Eyre, Trial of Horn-
blower and ]\Iaberley for Infring-
ing Watt's Patent etc. 1797 41
Bramble (B.) Farmer Convinced,
1788 8
Bramwell (Lord) Nationalisation of
Land, 1844 430
Speech on Liberty, 1883 423
Branca (A.) Le Credit et la Banque
Internationale, 1867 266
Brannon (P.) The Air Boat for
Aerostatic Air Travel 421
Branville (P. de) Les Cables sous-
marins etc. 1858 334
Brassey (T.) On the Eastern Ques-
tion, 1877 381, 383, 386
On Agriculture in England
and the United States, 1879 387
Bray (Clias.) Illusion and Delusion,
Sc. T. 9
Bread, Report on Laws relating to
its Sale etc 135
Breard, New Plan of the French
Constitution, 1793 280
Brercton (General W.) The British
Fleet in the Black Sea, n.d 396
Bretland, Sermon on the Death of
Mrs. E. Rowe, 1798 45
Breviary (Roman) on the T. T. 75
Brewster (Sir D.) Address to the
Royal Society of Edinburgh, 18(i7 253
Brice (A. C.) Indian Cotton Supply,
1863 244
Brickwood (J.) Plan for reducing
National Debt, 1820 122
Bridges (Rev. C.) Sermon by 199
Bridges (J. H.) Unity of Comte's
Life and Doctrine, 1866 288
Brief Plea for the Old Faith of Eng-
land, 1846 286
Brief Enquiry into Leagues etc.
1682 306
Brigands (The) in Egypt : Solution
of the International Crisis, 1882 420
Briggs (Lt.-Gen.) Aboriginal Races
oY India etc. 1852 281
Constitution of the Indian
Armies, 1856 281
Tracts — continued.
Briggs (H. C.) Lidustrial Partner-
ships, 1868 253
Bri^lit (H.) On Street Tramways,
1868 254
Brissot, Eeport of Committee of
General Defence, 1793 24
Bristed (C. A.) The Coward's Con-
vention, 1864 243
Bristol (Bp. of) Primary Charge ... 149
Bristol, Eecorder of. Speech, S. T. C.
Britain, Great, Statistics of 154
Political State Ee\dewed, 1787 9
Britannia Languens, Disc, of Trade,
1680 T.E. 1
British Colonies, America, Measures
for 60
Commerce with America, India,
etc 140
Continental Connections Ill
Empire, Colonial Policy of, 1837 111
• Enterprise beyond Sea, 1852 125
■ Fleets 119
Government Anticipation of
Marginal Notes on Declaration of
Jan. 13th, 1813 130
Institution, Catalogue of Pic-
tures 181
— Labourers, Serious Consid. to,
1803 34
— Museum Library, Arrangement
in, 1846 183
Management of 107
British Eule in South Africa, 1868 313
British Spirits, Comments on, 1848 336
British and Foreign Anti- Slavery
Society, Eeports, 1841-43 116
Evangel. Eeview, Jan,
1856 272
Briton (North) Extraordinary,
printed, never pubhshed, 1763 ... 221
Britton (J.) Mems. of H. Hatcher,
1847 193, 269
Broadhurst (Mrs.) Female Schools 156
Broadside Union, Nos. 1 & 2 249
Broc (P.) Sur les Eaces Humaines,
1836 54
Brock, Italien und die jetzige poli-
tische Lage des u. Europas, 1859 191
Broglie (M. le Due de) Discours de,
1856 448
Brook (W. 0. C.) Eeason v. Aixtho-
rity Sc. T. 13
Brooke (J.) Extension of Franchise,
1859 248
Brougham (Lord) Speech on Corn
Laws, 1839 337
Discourse as Eector of Glasgow
University — Speech on Present
State of Law, 1825-28 52
Speech against Orders in Coun-
cil, 1808 48
on Negro Slavery, 1830 91
Brougham (Lord) Two Pamphlets
attr. to, 1830 91
Speech on State of Law Ee-
formBill 102
on Income Tax, 1842 114
Speeches 125
Abuse of Charities 142
on Education of Poor 145
State of the Law 158
Letter on French Eev. 1848... 163
to Denman on Law Ee-
form, 1850 172, 175
Brougham (W.) Masters in Chancery,
1850 175
Broughton on Influenza 57
Broun (Sir E.) Great Scheme, Ex-
position of, 1854 78
Brown (B. Gratz) Universal Suf-
fi-age, St. Louis, 1865 482
Brown (F. C.) Free Trade Cotton
Question, 1847 340
Brown (G.) An Appeal to the
Preachers of all the Creeds. Sc. T. 9
Sunday Lyrics Sc. T. 9
Brown (H.) Eailway Accidents 1853,
1872 178,341
Brown (J.) The Idolatry, Super-
stition etc. of the Christians of
Turkey, Greece, and Eussia, 1877 386
Brown (P.) Sermon at Dublin, 1716 258
Brown (S. S.) On Sanitary Eeform,
1872 312, 316
Brown (W.) Spirit of the Times,
1822 368
Brown (W. P.) Eefutation of Maria
Monk, 1877 383
Browne (E. H.) Pentateuch etc. 1863 252
Browne (HablotK.) Catalogue of his
Works, 1883 405
' Phiz,' a Memoir, by F. G.
Kitton, 1882 438
Browne (J.) On Taxation, 1853 336
Browne (S. A.) War in New Ztea-
land,1860 79
Disturbances in Canada, 1837 170
Bruce (C. L.) Darwinism in Ger-
many, 1870 309
Bruce (Hon. H. A.) National Educa-
tion, 1866 285
Bruce (John) Speech on Indian
Affairs 131
Bruce (W. D.) Letter to E. M. Milnes,
1850 198
Brugsch (H.) Uebereinstimmung
einer Hierogl. Inschrift von Philse,
1849 191
L'Exode et les Monuments
Egyptiens, 1875 366
Brunswick (New) Practical Infor-
mation, 1843 170
Bryan (M.) Stricter Observance of
the Lord's Day, 1686 308
Teacts — continued.
Brydges (Sir E.) What arc Kiches ? 1 49
Practicability of Relieving Able-
bodied Poor 140
Reason for Amending Copy-
right Act 140
• Immorality of Byron's Writings 101
Buchanan (CI.) Star in the East,
1809 204
Mission Sermon, 1810 205
Buchanan (R.) Scotch Education
Bill, 1854 328
Buchheim (Dr.) Lecture on German
Grammar, 1803 85, 245
Buck (E.) The Drift of the War,
Boston,imi 433
Bucke (R. M.) Correlation of Vital
and Physical Forces, 1862 81
Buckingham (Geo. Duke of) On
Toleration, Answer to. Con-
siderations of, 1685 307
Religion, or Worship of God,
1685 304, 307
Speeches S. T. C. 1
Buckingham (J, S.) Plan of Future
Government of India, 1853 168
Coming Era of Practical Re-
form, 1853 332
Buckinghamshire (Lord) Letters,
Dec. 24th, 1812, and Jan. 4th,
1813 214
Buddhist Controversy, account of,
1873 361
Budget for 1815 135
Grounds and Objects of, 1841 113
(The) 1842 172
Letters on Financial, Commer-
cial, and Colonial Policy, 1843 ... 319
Buenos Ayres, Summary Account of 41
Buff (A.) Politik Karls des Erstcn,
1868 266, 279
Builder, Apology for. Causes and
Effect of Increase of Building,
1685 T.R. 5
Buist (G.) Index to Books etc. on
Lidia, 1852 281
Petition on Indian Newspapers,
1852 325
BuUer (C.) Systematic Colonisation,
1843 277
Bulletin Franyais, No. 3, 1852 194
Bulletm de la Societe de Protection
des Apprentis et des Enfans em-
• ployes dans les Manufactures,
tom. 6, 8, 9, 12, 1873 408
Bullock (Hon. A. H.) Eulogy of A.
Lincoln, 1865 263
Addresses to the Massachusetts
Legislature, 1866, 1868 257, 263
To the Executive Council on
the case of E. W. Green etc. 1866 263
Bulow (G. P. de) On Time of Ma-
jority of Dukes of Brunswick, 1830 80
Bulwer Lytton (Sir E.) Letters to
John Bull on his Landed Pro-
perty etc. 1851 180, 321
Word to the Public (on Lu-
cretia), N.D 417
The Lady of Lyons, 1838 403
Bundcsstaatliche (Die) Einigung
Slid- u. Nord-Deutschlands unter
Preusscns Fiiln-ung, 1870 366
Bunsen (Chev.) Rights of Schleswick
and Holstehi, 1848 182
Law of Slavery in U. States,
1863 250
Bunsen, Meyer, and Miiller on Eth-
nology, 1848 360
Burchell (W. J.) Emigration to C.
of G. Hope 146
Burdett (Sir F.) Address to the
Prince Regent, 1812 121
Burge, Restoration of Temple
Church, 1843 181
Burgess (H.) On Banks 157
Burgess (Rev. R.) Education of the
People,1846 287
Metropolis Schools for the
Poor, 1846 328
Burke (E.) Speech on American
Taxation, 1775 60
Letters on Trade of Ireland ;
on American Affairs, with Answer ;
Speech and Plan of Independence,
etc. 1777-80 59
Speech at Guildhall, Bristol,
1780 22
Letter to Burgh on Irish Af-
fairs, 1781 62
to P. Francis, 1788 238
Reflections on French Revolu-
tion, 1790 7, 33
Short Observ. on etc. ...1790 15
Letter to a Member of the
National Assembly, 1791 24
Letter to Sir H. Langrishe on
the Roman Catholics ; ditto on
Attacks on him in House of Lords,
by Duke of Bedford, etc. ; ditto
on Peace with French Directory,
1792-96 23, 444
Letter to a Noble Lord, S. C. L. 2
Short Account of a Short Ad-
ministration 67
Thoughts on Scarcity, 1800 T.R. 5
Letter to, 1791 15
Letter to, on his Charges
against Governor- General of Ben-
gal, 1783 231, 236
Third Letter to, on Evidence
of Select Committee of House of
Commons, 1782 237
Letters to, by J. S. 1783 236
A Vhidication of Natural So-
ciety, 1756 359
Tracts — continued.
Burke (E.) Charge to Grand Jury of
Bristol,1793 24
Burn (Eev. E.) Vindication of the
Clergy etc. of Birmingham, 1792 5
Burn (J. H.) Mem. of the Eoettiers 172
Eeply to Priestley on Birm.
Eiots, 1792 5
Burnaby (Eev. Andrew) Travels
through the Middle Settlements
of N. America in 1759 and 17G0,
1775 T.Q. 2
Travels in North America,
1775 T. Q. 2
Burnell (G. E.) Letter to Palmer-
ston on the Eeport of the Board
of Health 333
Burnes, The Brothers, 1862 81
Burnet (Bp.) Exhortation to Peace
etc. 1681 296
Sermon and Charge, 1714 295
Letter to, giving an Account
of Cardinal Pool's secret Powers,
1685 307
Answer to the Animadversions
on the History of the Eeformation,
etc. 1682 306
Burns (W.) Scottish History etc.
1863 278
Burr (H.) Trip to South America,
1866 277
Burrows (J.) On National Pre-
judices 138
Walshe etc. Addresses to,
1862 81
Burscough (Dr.) Anniversary of the
Eestoration of King Charles, 1716 295
Burt, Irish Facts and Wakefield
Figures 84, 247
Burton (E.) Sequel to Eemarks on
Church Eeform , 1832 378
Burton (J.) Condition of Labouring
Classes ; Depreciation of Labour,
1819-20 128
Athenaeum Club, 1854 181
Bury St. Edmunds Athenfeum, Ee-
port 189
Bushnan (Dr. S.) Eehgious Eevivals
and Mental Diseases, 1860 ...192, 259
Butler (C.) Eepeal of Laws against
Irish Eoman Catholics 121
Legality of Impressing Sea-
men 152
Letter to 154
■ to Protestants of Great Britain,
etc 130
Oration at laying Stone of
London List 136
Butler (Dr.) Address to Cocoa Tree ;
Character of H. B. Legge 66
Butler (Gen.) Speech, 1863 432
Butler (Bp. J.) On Miracles Ex-
plained and Defined 83
Butt(L) Speech, 1840 114
Land Tenure in Ireland, 1866,
285, 310
Butt (Eev. T.) Primitive Tradition,
1837 107
Buxton (C.) System of Nat, Educa-
tion, Ireland, 1853 167
Buxton (S.) Mr. Gladstone's Irish
Bills, what they are and the ar-
guments for them, 1886 442
Buying and Selling Offices, Bill
against S. T. W. 2
Byrne (J.) The Science of Language,
1866 T.Q. 1
Byron, Letter to, against Immola-
tion of Gray, Cowper, Campbell
at the Shrine of Pope 147
Letter of Expostulation to ... 148
Controversy with Bowles 149
Cabinets (Les) et les Peuples 151
Cadogan on the Gout, 1771 56
Cfesar Augustus, de Pueritia ejus,
Magistris ac Studiis etc. n.d. T. Q. 6
Caesarius Heisterbac, Dialog. Index,
1857 364
Caillaud (Col.) What happened in
Bengal in 1760-1764 229
Caird (James) High Farming, 1849 368
Caird (Eev. John) Eeligion in Com-
mon Life, 1855 161, 876
Cairnes (J. E.) Eev. in America,
1862 286
■ Women's Suffrage, a Eeply,
1874 372
Principles of Currency in
Bank Charter Act of 1844, 1854 ... 321
Caisses d'Epargne, Notice Histo-
rique des, n.d 405
Scolaires, et les Penny Banks,
N.D 405
Calderon, Two Lovers of Heaven,
1870 252
Calicoes, State of Question between,
and Woollen and Silk Manu-
factures, 1719 220
California, Gold Eegions of 171
Call (A) to my Countrywomen,
1863 435
Callender (W. E.) Commercial
Crisis, 1857 323
Calvin on the Jewish Sabbath,
1848 159
Cambridge v. Bryer, Judgment of
Court of King's Bench, 1812 129
Cambridge University, Inquiry into
State of, 1854 78
Library, Inquiry respecting,
1805 125
Literary Society, Transactions
of,1828 102
Greek Inscr. from Marbles in
Trin.Coll 102
Tracts — continued.
Cambridge Senate before Whitgift's
Statute, 1855 78
Prolusiones Acaclemicfe, reei-
tatiB, im^.~'Cantah. [1833] 446
Camden Society, Duke of Mon-
mouth's Letters 427
Campbell (D.) Compulsory Educa-
tion, 1870 283
Campbell (Sir G.) Races, Religions,
and Institutions of Turkey, n.d. 386
Campbell (H. Y.) Fingal in Ulster 144
Campbell (L. D.) Reply to Edin-
burgh Review on Marquis
Wellesley's Foreign Policy, 1808 212
Campbell (R.) India, its Govern-
ment, 1858 78
Campbell (R. J. R.) Indian Mutiny 281
Campbell (Hon. W. F.) Speech on
the Jewish Question, 1849 347
Campello (E. di) Cenni Autobiogra-
fici, 1881 405
Campion (Dean) Sermon at White-
hall, Aug. 11, 1700 296
Camplin, The Royal Recovery, a
Sermon, 1789 5
Canada, Condition etc. of, in 1854 839
■ Progress of Events in 103
Result of the Elections, 1834-
45 103, 111
Occurrences in, 1836 103
Emigration to ; its Results,
1841 115, 198
(Lower) Petition of House of
Assembly 103
Canadian Portfolio 114
Candlish (R. S.) Four letters on
Horfe Apocalvptica?, 1846 429
Letter to, on Sabbath, 1847... 159
Canning, Speeches 100, 123, 139
Speech on Silk Trade 102
Speech on Re-election 145
Speech on Parliamentary Re-
form 150
• On his Appt. to the Foreign
Office 151
Supplementary Letter to, 1818 121
■ Letters to, on Catholic Ques-
tion 156, 157
Canterbury (Abp.) Petition of, S.T.C. 2
Canterbury (Dean of) On Science
and Revelation, by M. P. Sc. T. 17
Canton de Vaud, Normal School,
1840 117
Cape of Good Hope, Principles of
Native Government illustrated,
and Petitions of Basuto tribe con-
sidered, 1880 424
Speech of J. G. Sprigg on the
Disarmament of the Basutos, kc.
1880 424
The Transvaal in 1876 424
Capital and Currency, 1857 323
Capital and Labour, 1867 291
Capital Punishment, Strictures on 132
Report on 144
State of New York, Re-
port, 1841 172
Cappe, Ladies' Visits to Lunatic
Asylums 137
Cardwell and Selborne (Lords) On
'The Slave Circular,' 1876 369
Carey (H. C.) The Credit System,
1838 Ill
What constitutes Currency ?
1840 113
Reviewofthe Decade, 1857-67,
1867 249
Carey (W.) Maria {unjrublished ) T.Q. 8
On Mrs. Fitzgerald's Portrait
{unimhlhhcd) T. Q. 8
Carlile (R.) Observations on ' Letters
to a Friend ' etc. 1821 260
Church Reform etc. 1835 ... 260
Carhsle (Bp.) Subsc. to Articles of
Faith, 1774 70
Carlyle (T.) Inaugural Address at
Edinbm-gh University, 1866 282
• Shooting Niagara etc. 1867 ... 282
On the Eastern Question, n.d.
380, 398
Carlyle Redivivus, by P. P. Alex-
ander, Glasgoiv, 1881 449
Carnarvon (Earl of) Speech on Re-
signation of Office in Jan. 1878 381
Carnatic Question Considered,
1806 212, 240
Carnot (M.) Memorial to the King
of France 184
Caroline (Queen) Descriptive Cata-
logue of G. Hayter's Pictures of
the Trial of, 1823 ....T. Q. 7
Carpenter (L.) Address to Dissenters
at Exeter, 1806 45
Carpmall (W.) Registration of De-
signs, 1851 348
Carriage, Taxes on, 1853 336
Carter (R. B.) Artificial Production
of Stupidity in Scliools, 1861 ... 274
Cartwright (Major) address to West-
minster Electors, 1819 123
Address on Peace, 1797 359
Carysfort (Ld.) to Huntingdonshire
Committee 22
Case and Cure of Persons Excom-
municated etc. 1 682 302
Case of tlie Kingdom stated, 1647... 305
of the Cultivators of Bengal... 281
of J. W 308
of Protestant Dissenters of late
Prosecuted etc. 1680 306
of the Seven Bishops etc.
1871 293
Cashel (Bp.) Letters on the Scotch
Episcopal Church, 1856 331
Teacts — continued.
Cassagnac (G.) Evenemeiis de
decembre 1851 191
Catalogue des Produits exposes par
la Guyane Anglaise, 1867 255
Catalogue of Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology, 1865 249
of Officers of the University
of Michigan, 1868 268
of Pictures on ^dew at A.E.A.
1870 293
of Coins and Medals in New
York State Library, 1854 376
' of Decorative Works exhibited
in King Street, St. James's,
1844 T. Q. 5
Catechism, A Political S. T. C. 1
(A) Eeligious, Moral, and
Philosophical Sc. T. 10
A Shorter, 1857 272
Catena Patrum T. T. 74, 76, 78, 81
Catholic Emancipation 132
Question, Letters on 158
Unity, Tracts on 199
Catholics, Ultra Party among Eng-
Hsh Eoman, 1851 161
Cato to Lord Byron on the Immo-
rality of his Writings, 1824 101
Cautions for those who are to choose
Members etc. 1695 264
Cauty (C. W.) Natura, Philosophia,
et Ars in Concordia, 1772 368
Cavour (Count) Inedited Letters,
1862 202
Cayley (W.) Finances and Trade of
Canada, in 1855 339
Cazalet (Ed.) The Eastern Question,
1878 381
The Berlin Congress and Anglo-
Turkish Convention, 1878 381
Bimetallism and its Con-
nection with Commerce, 1879
382, 383
Celebration of Divine Service in an
Unknown Tongue, 1685 303
Census, Eeport on Health, 1870 ... 435
Eeligious, of England and
Wales, 1851 271
Cernuschi (H.) Silver Vindicated,
1876 371
On Bi-Metalhc Money, 1876 ...380
Cesare, Le Classi Operaie in Italia,
1868 279
Cetewayo and Dean Stanley, n.d.... 425
Cbadwick (E.) On National as
against Standing Armies, 1870
863, 418
Sur laNecessite del'Economie
dans les Depenses militaires etc.
1869 T.Q. 1
National Education 293, 418
Origine du Systeme d'Educa-
tion ademitemps 418
Chadwick (E.) On Physical and
Mental Training 418
On Employers' Liability for
Accidents 418
Prevention of Epidemics, 1881 418
Open Competitive Examina-
tions, 1857 418
On the Extinction of Fires,
1877 371
Address on Manufacturing
Progress, 1864 418
Neglected Mechanical Powers
applicable to Agriculture 418
Poor Law Administration in
England and Ireland compared
with that of Scotland 418
Need of Eeforms in Sanitary
Service, Appointment of Medical
Officers 418
On the Jurisprudence of
Chargeability for Sanitary Works
etc. 1873 418
Avaiitages sanitaires et eco-
nomiques des Eues, 1871-72 418
Des Attributions du Ministre
de la Sante Publique, 1878 418
Metropolitan Sewage Eeports,
1885 418
Sanitary Inspectors' Eeports,
1884 85 418
Sanitary Progress, Prevention
of Epidemics, 1882 418
Sanitary Eeview of the Season,
1885 438
Progres en Matiere d'Hygiene ;
L'Assainissement des Villes, 1881 418
Les Unions Ouvrieres en
Angleterre au point de vne cri-
minel, 1868 418
Address on Pure Water Supply,
1879 418
Best means for drawing to-
gether the interests of the United
Kingdom, of India, and of the
Colonies, 1875 418
Chalhs (T. M.) Free Trade in Food 340
Chalmers (Dr. ) Addr. to Eoyal Com-
mission for Visitation of Scotch
Colleges, 1832 99
Chalmers (E. B.) Parson, Parish,
and Working Men, 1859 271
Chalmers (G.) State of United King-
dom, 1815 136
Chalmers (J.) On Naval Armour,
1865 246
Chalmers (Patrick) The Penny Post-
age Scheme 420, 424
Opinions from the Press on
the Letter and Parcels Post etc.
1883 414
The Adhesive (postage) Stamp
414, 438, 448
Tbacts — continued.
Clialiners (Patrick) Position of Sir
Rowland Hill made plain, 1«81... 420
Chamber of Deputies, Dissolution of 147
Chambers, on Pesumption of Cash
Payments by Bank 143
• Recent Political Discussions,
1819 144
Champneys (Rev. W. W.), Dale
(Rev. T.), Gurney (Rev. J. H.),
Villiers (Hon. and Rev. R.), and
Hook (Dean) Letters upon Mar-
riage with a Deceased Wife's
Sister, 1849 343
Chancellor of the Exchequer's (Glad-
stone) Speech, 18G4 245
(Vansittart) Speeches 141, 144
Chancery, Court of 155, 158
Changarnier, Reorganisation niili-
taire, 1807 292
Channel Tunnel (Capture of). How
John Bull lost London, 1882 416
Channing (Rev. W. E.) Services in
Memory of, 1867 268
N. Buonaparte ; John Milton,
S.C.L. 25, 158
On a National Literature,
S.C.L. 3
On Self-culture, Immortality,
and a Future Life S.C.L. 36
Account of Archbishop Fene-
lon S.C.L. 24
Dissertation on Slavery,
S.C.L. 22
Channing (W. H.) Review of His-
tory of Woman's Suffrage 420
Chapelet de Virginite, 1862 294
Chapman (H. S.) Safety Principles
of Jomt Stock Banks, 1837 106
Chapman (Dr. J.) Sea Sickness and
how to prevent it 246, 374
Fmictional Diseases of Women,
1863 85, 269
Medical Patents, 1867 254
Cheap Books, and where to get
them, 1852 183
Chapman (John) Baroda and Bom-
bay, 1853 324
Character of an Lidependent Whig,
1719 258
Charge of Lord Chief Justice in Case
of Queen v. Nelson and Brand,
1867 251
Charge of Scandal by Conformity
etc. 1683 302
Charge of a Tory Plot, etc 306
Charities, Pubhc, in France 107
Charity, Christian 155
Charity Commissioners and St.
Mary's Hospital, Chichester, 1882
406, 423
Charles XL, his Declaration De-
fended, 1683 307
Charles IL, Presentments agst. the
Association, 1682 802
Two Papers by, with Remarks ;
and Account of his Death S. T. C. 2
League with Louis XIV. to
establish Popery S. T. W . 1
and Duchess of York, Papers
written by, defence of, 1686 308
Charles XV de Suede, Idees etc.
sur les Tactiques modernes 254
Charlesworth (J.) Practical Dis-
courses, 1804 370
Charlotte, Princess, Address to 137
Chasuble (Archdn.) Comedy of Con-
vocation 269
Chateaubriand on the Censorship... 153
Buonaparte and the liourbons 132
Chatelain (Ciiev. de) Un Fran9ais,
1870 294
Chatham (Earl of) On True and False
Religion, 1733, 269 and Sc. T. 2
Chatterton Family, new facts re-
lating to, 1883 448
Chaucer a Wicliftite, by H. Simon 400
Chauncey (T.) Defence of Dr. Owen,
1684 303
Chereau (A.) Michel Servet et la
Circulation Pulmonaire, 1879 ... 383
Cheshire, Results of Census, 1853... 184
Chesson (F. W.) The Atlantic Cables,
1875 363
Chester (Bp. of) Letter to 154
Chester (Col. J. L.) Official inaccu-
racy respecting the Death of the
Princess Mary 291
On the Alleged Ancestry of
G.Washington, 1866 376
Chesterfield (Lord) Principles of
Politeness 1775 127
Chevalier on Suicide 152
Chevreul (E). Centenaire de, 1886
T. Q, 9
Chichester (Bp. of) Proceedings
against Warden of Sackville Coll.
1853 199
Chickhacheflf, Izsledovannie Seir u.
Amoodaria, 1843 173
Child (Mrs.) Life of Mde. de Stael,
S.C.L. 15
Life of Lady Russell, S. C. L. 21
Children employed in i\Iines, phys.
condition of, 1843 267
Children's Aid Society, Ann. Report
of,1869 257
Children in the Industrial Homes at
Naples,1874 T.Q. 6
Chimneys, Rep. on Employment of
Boys Sweeping 139
China, Our Relations with, 1857 ... 78
British, Position and Prospects,
1846 170
Chitty (J.) On the Game Laws 138
Tbacts — continued.
Cholera Epidemic, Eeports of dif-
ferent Modes of Treatment, 1855 333
Christian (Prof.) Provident Banks 146
Vind, of Eight of Camb. Uni-
versity to a Copy of every new
PubHcation, 1814 129
Calm and Plain Answer to
' Why are you a Christian ? ' 18
Christian Liberty T. T. 29, 30
Eeligion, Internal Evidence of,
1776 51
Idolatry in 1791, 1792 11
Ee^dvals 271
Christianissimiis Christianus,
S. T. W. 3
Christianity, Human Authority in
Matters of Faith repugnant to,
1774 70
Christians, Behavioiir of, under the
Eevolution S. T. W. 2
Christie's Speeches 189
Christie, Plea for Perp. Copyright,
1840 119
Christmas, Hist, of Hampden
Controversy, 1848 162
Chronicle of certam Events etc.
1852 272
of Irvingism in England, 1826
and 1852 272
Chronological Weakness of Prophetic
Interpretation Sc. T. 3
Church Appropriation, n.d 378
Church (The) as viewed by Faith
and the World T. T. 58
Bill, Letter to Ld. J, Eussell
on, 1886 103
Catholic T.T. 22
of Christ, Nature and Constit.
of T.T, 5
Das Concil, die Kirche &c.
1869 279
Dialogue resp. the old true ... 192
of England free from the Im-
putation of Popery, 1683 302
of England, Ace. of Persecu-
tion S. T.C. 2
Episcopal, Apostolical ...T. T. 7
Establishment, Utilisation of,
1870 374
Expansion and Liturgical
Eevision, 1861-62 199, 274
Free and Open. — Appeal;
Farrar ; Free; Salisbury.
Eefiections on Discourse called
' Good Advice to ' S. T. C. 2
How can it educate the People ?
1844 112
Interests of 148
(High) Politics, 1792 4, 36
(The) in Ireland 286
Lands not yet assigned to their
Possessors S. T. C. 2
Church (The) Letter to Abps. con-
cerning dangers of, 1790
Matters, Thoughts on, 1858...
Mysticism attrib. to early
Fathers T.T.
Persecution, Scotland, 1690...
the Pillar and Ground of the
Truth Sc. T.
Pluralities, from the ' John
BuU,' 1849 331
Progress, two years of, 1862 . . . 443
Church-Eate Commutation, 1857... 333
Eates, Proposal for an altera-
tion in the Law of, 1851 333
A Word on 105
and Church Eevenues . . . 108
Church Eeform 84, 98, 247
A Country Clergyman's
Appeal to the House of Commons,
1833 370
and its Eeform, 1867, 282 and
Sc.T.3, 15
(The) Eeformed T. T. 31
Eitesand Customs T.T. 34
Services, on Shortening, T. T. 9
and State T.T. 59
The Visible T. T. 11, 20, 47
■ Will you have it repaired ?
1837 75, 190
a Witness against illiberality,
T. T. 61
Church (M. C. C.) American Ee-
public, 1867 257
Church (E. S. H.) Ideal France and
Eeal France, 1871 287
The Foreign Crisis, 1871... 287, 374
Churchill (Ld.) Letter to the King
S. T. C. 2
Churchill (J.) Consumption pre-
vented, 1859 79
Churchman's Notes on the Hampden
Controversy, 1847 162
Churchmen, Faith and Obedience of,
the Strength of the Chm-ch, T. T. 23
Churchwardens' Duties of seating
Parishioners 378
Cicogna (E. A.) Lettera al Conte di
Prata, 1856 424
Cinchona, botanical descriptions,
1861 429
Circourt (A, de) La Confederation
Suisse, 1870 294
City of London 132
Letter fi'om a Gentleman in,
with Answer S. T. C. 2
Civic Sermons, 1792 267, 280
Ci\il andMiht. Estabhshments, 1855 332
Ci^'il Eights Act 249
Civil Service of the U.S. 1867 263
Civil War : Speech of a brave old
Patriot — Voice fi'om the Army —
Foreign Interference — For the
Tracts — continued.
Croakers — Words of a Patriot
Soldier — Cromwell on destruc-
tive conservatism, Pusillanimous
Peace (in Eng. and Germ.) 433
Civil War, American, Broadsides,
Addresses etc. 1863-65 434
Claflin (W.) Addresses to Legisl. of
Massachusetts, 1810, Boston,
1830 435
Clagett (Rev. N.) Trial of Opinions
in Religion, 1685 303
Clarendon (E. of) Petition ; Letters
to D. and Ducliess of York ;
Speech on Disbanding the Army,
S. T. C. 1, 2
Clark (E.) On the Electric Tele-
graph, 1854 334
Clark (W.) Duties of Members of
Eng. Church 83
Review of The Present Dangers
of the Enghsh Church ' Sc. T. 11
Idolatry an E\dl, n.d. ... 199, 398
Clarke (C. B.) Letter to W.E. Glad-
stone on a Land Scheme for L-e-
land, 1881 425
Clarke (Hon. E.) Complete Equality
m Citizenship, 1866 263
Clarke (E. D.) Shahin Ghirel, n.d. 386
Clarke (H.) The Waringhians, 1861
84, 201, 247
. Lidian Empire, 1857 182
on Dickson's trans, of Carnot,
1801 44
Clarke (Hyde) On Comparative
Grammar of Egyptian, Coptic,
andUde, 1873 361
Pre-historic and Proto-historic
Comparative Philology, 1875 367
Serpent and Siva Worship etc.
1876 367
Himalayan Origin and Con-
nection of the Magyar and
Ugrian, n.d 381
Early History of Mediterranean
Populations, 1882 420
Clarke (John) The Foundation of
Morality 365
Examination relating to Moral
Obligation, 1730 365
Examination of an Answer to
' Christianitv as old as the Crea-
tion,' 1733 " 365
Clarke (J. H.) The Pasteur Craze,
1886 440
Clarke (Rev. W. B.) Sedimentary
Formations of N. S. Wales 255
Clarkson (E.) Suez Canal, 1843 ... 113
Clarkson (T.) on Improving the
Condition of Slaves, 1823 52
Clarkson (W.) Pauperism and Poor
Rates 137
Classical Magazine, vol. 1, 1775.. .264, 265
Clay (J.) Free Trade essential to
Great Britain 146
Clayton (Bp.) The Nicene and Atha-
nasian Creeds Sc. T. 6
Clayton (Sir R.) Treatise on Grey-
hounds ; . 138
Clergy of Birmingham, Letter to,
1862 82
Clerical Celibacy 246
Clerke (Sir W.) Healtli of Poor,
1790 6, 40
Clermont-Ganneau (C.) La Stele
de Mesa, Roi de Moab, 1870
T. Q. 1
Clifford (M.) Notes on Dryden's
Poems, 1687 65
Clifford (Wm. Kingdom) A Sketeli,
1879 382, 883, 388
Clive (Ld.) Letter to P)oprietors of
E. L Stock, 1764 221
Cloquet (J.) Influence des Efforts
sur les Organes Thoraciques ;
Membrane Pupill. 1818 -20 ...... 54
Close (Dean) Comments on pamphlet
by Sc. T. 8
Three Schemes Contrasted,
1852 328
Clubs, Working Men's 84
Clytie, a Poem, N.D 380
Cobbe (F. P.) Our Policy, n.d 372
Criminals, Idiots, Women, and
Miners, 1869 372
Why Women desire the Fran-
chise, n.d 372
Cobbett (W.) Examination of his
Objection to Bill for Relief of
Unitarians 131
Cobbett's Gridiron, 1822 368
Noble Nonsense, 1828 368
Cobbold (S. T.) Our Knowledge of
Entozoa, 1865 293
Cobden (Rich.) What next? and
next? 1856 180, 342
Three Panics, 1862 202
On Foreign Enhstment Act,
1863 83
1793 and 1853 in Three Letters,
by 251, 402
Cobden Club, Report of, 1873 364
Cochrane (G.) Economy of the Law
in relation to the Court of Chan-
cery, 1855 125, 165, 344
Cockburn (R.) Currency and Bank-
ing, 1844 196
Cockburn (Ch. Justice) Letter to
Lord Penzance, 1878 373
Cocksedge (M. T.) Letter to 198
Cocoa Tree, Letter from the (Dr.
Francis) (iG
Address to, by Dr. Butler 66
Code, Why is a new one wanted ?
1861 200
Tracts — continued.
Code : Xovelle zum Reiclis-Straf-
gesetzbuch, 1876 430
Coffin (Sir J.) Letter to 143
Cogan (E.) Letter to Wilberforce on
Hereditary Depravity, 1799 28
Coins, from the Conquest to 1717,
Values of. Tables of Changes m
Standard etc. of Gold ; Note on
Scotch Money from 1107 to 1707 ;
of Great Britain, Refl. on Coin in
General, 1762 ; Silver, Essay for
Amendment of, 1695; Note on
Re-coinage, 1696-99 ; Greek and
Roman, "their Values in Ster-
ling ; Value of Ancient, 1771
T. R. 2
Coke (C. A.) Census of the British
Empire, 1861-63 248
Cole (H.) National Army, 1869 254
Colebrooke (Sir E.) Indian Civil Ser-
vice, 1852 168
Coleman, Two Letters to M. Le
Chaise S. T. C. 1
Colenso (Bp.) On the Pentateuch,
pt.5 Sc.T. 1
Letter to the Laity of Natal,
1864 252
Vindication of, 1863 252
Missions to the Zulus, 1865... 293
Coleridge (S. T.) and R. Southey,
The Devil's Walk 367
Coles (Capt. C.) Turret Ships, 1865,
253, 287
Collection of Letters from Europe,
by G. P. Putnam, 1864 243
Collective Wisdom, 1823 52
Colledge ( S. ) Speech S. T. C. 2
College Residence, Ten Letters on,
1848 290
Collet (S. D.) Lidian Theism etc.
1870 ....: 275
ColHer (J. P.) on New Ed. of Shak-
speare, 1842 183
Collin (V.) Exploration de la Poi-
trine,1831 54
Collins, Inquiry concerning Human
Liberty, 1790 121
Collins ( W.) Religious Metaphor and
Expression 282 and Sc. T. 3
Colmer (J. G.) Development of
Canada, 1886 440
Colomb (J. C. R.) Colonial Defence,
N.D 400
Colonial Policy, 1837, 1850 ...119, 163
Reform, 1846 163
Colonies, Crisis considered, 1785 ... 30
(British) Receipts and Expen-
diture 87
Free Labour, 1852 338
Colonies (West India) Present State
of, 1830 87
Anti-Slavery Society, 1854 ... 338
Colonies (West India) Planter and
Merchants, Committee's Report,
1848 338
Colonisation, Proposed Society for
Systematic, 1830 87
Report of Committee of Society
for the Promotion of, 1849 339
Colonisation Circular, pt. 6, Natal,
N.D 397
Colquhoun (J. C.) On a Good Na-
tional Education, 1853 328
Remarks on Sir J. Pakington's
Education Bill, 1855 272
Colquhoun (Sir P.) Philological
Sketch of Languages of Europe,
1881 441
Columbia, in 1826 158
Emancipation in, 1864 250
Mission 79
Colyer (V.) Services of the Freed
People in the United States Army,
1864 250
Combe (Geo.) The Currency Ques-
tion, 1856 322
Lectures on Popular Educa-
tion, 1848 429
Coming Destruction of the World by
Fire 316
Commencement of the Second Chris-
tian Epoch ; or, Christ is Coming,
1874 862, 376
Commentators and Hierophants.
Sc. T. 8
Commerce, Liberte du 188
of Literature, Rep. of Meeting,
1852 183
(British) The Progress of,
N.D. 405
Commercial Distress, Letter to the
Prime Minister on, 1848 320
Intercourse, Resolutions of
England and Ireland on, 1785 ... 63
Relations with British America,
1866 263
Commission granted for Compovmd-
ing for Wards etc. 1618 305
Committee to examine his Majesty's
Physicians, 1789 27
Committees, Rules for Guidance of
M.P. in 180
Common Council of London, Peti-
tion S. T.W. 3
Commonplace Argument against
Administration, 1780 10
Common Sense (Oxf. Prize Essay,
1803) 444
Commons' Debates on the Articles
ofPeace, 1783 265
Commons, House of. Speeches, 1680
S. T. C. 2
Analysis of 151
Message from King concern-
Tracts — contimted.
ing Tangier ; Address of Com-
mons in Reply S. T. C. 2
Commons, House of, Evils of Printed
Evidence taken by Committees... 107
Alphabetical List of Members 150
Votes, Messages, and Addresses,
S. T. C. 2
Full View of, 1821 123
Report to George II. on Na-
tional Debt in 1710 and 1720, T. R. 3
Thoughts on Present Proceed-
ings, 1788 10
Commons in England, Vindication
of Rights, 1701 T. F.
Commons of England, Letter from
Soldier to S. T. W. 2
and Nobles, Athens and Rome
S. T. W. 3
Commutation Act, Principle of, 1780 2
Compulsion made Easy : The Lon-
don School Board and the Half-
time Question, 1870 411
Concil (Das) und die Freiheit der
Wissenschaft, 1809 358
Conciliator, Reflections on Letters of 132
Condition of the South 249
Conduct of a Gentleman in resigning
the Seals of Office justified, 1701 419
Conduct of the Two B rs vindi-
cated, 1749 308
Confession and Absolution, 1852, 101, 240
Confessional Unmasked, 1851 101
Congo, Acte general de la conference
de Berlin avec I'association du
Congo, 1885 T. Q. 9
Congres International de la Pro-
priete Industrielle, 1878 373
Congress : Is the present a legal
one? 1800 : 249
Congress of the Beasts (a play),
1784 430
Congress of Verona, War in Spain 111
Congreve (R.) The Ashantee War,
1873 357
Congreve (Sir W.) Res. of Cash Pay-
ments 144
Congreve (W.) Old Bachelor, 1775 205
Double Dealer 205
Coningham (W.) Co-operative As-
sociation in French Republic, 1859 194
Conjectures on Original Composi-
tion, 1759 314
Conkling (Hon. F. A.) Production
etc. of Cotton, 1805 202
Connon (J.) Liberty of Press in
India, 1857 182, 395
Conscience, relating to the Present
Differences among us etc.... 1084 307
Consecration of a Church and Church-
yard (Form) 304
of Burial Grounds and
Churches, 1870 880
Considerations on the Choice of a
Speaker, 1098 264
on the I'^xpediency of a Spanish
War, 1701 419
Constable (II. S.) Observations sug-
gested by the Cattle Plague etc.
1800 288
Constable (R.) God and the King
etc. 1080 301
Constant (B. de) Liberty of Press 135
Responsibility of Ministers ... 134
Constantinople, and who is to have
it, 1878 400
Constitution, Equality of the 143
of Great Britain, Review, 1791 40
compared with Church of
England, 1790 19
Constitutions and Canons, Eccle-
siastical, 1040 300
Constitutionnel, Proces du 155
Controversy respecting the Law of
Nations (especially relative to
England and Prussia), S. C. L.
Convenienze (Le) ed Inconvenienze,
operetta, 1883 398
Conventions, Power of Present,
S. T. W. 1
Convents and Lunatic Asylums 246
Conversations for Women ...Sc. T. 15
Convict System in England und
Ireland, n.d 417
Convicts (Our), What is to be done
with them? 1851 352
Treatment of, 1803 244
Convocation, Thoughts on Work of,
S. T. W. 1
Wliat is it? 1(52
Conway (Gen.) Address on his Dis-
missal 06
Conway (M. D.) Spiritual Serfdom
of the Laity Sc. T. 11
Discourses on Strauss, 1874... 367
Conybeare (C. R.) Forgiveness Im-
mediate, a Sermon, 1877 372
Conybeare (J. C.) How not to do it,'
Correspondence on Tonbridge
School, 1873 357. 372
Letter to Lord E. Cecil, 1880 402
Coode (G.) Unpolluted Streams 195
Letter to Lord Palmerston ... 198
Cooke, Expediency of repealing
Usury Laws 142
Druidical Religion etc. 1775... 47
Cooke (J.) How our National Debt
can be paid, 1805 202
Cooke (W. F.) On the IVIetropolitan
Drainage Question, 1850 383
Cookesley (W. G.) Letter to his Son,
Stricture on, 1855 IGI
Cooley (W. D.) Dr. Livingstone and
the Royal Geographical Society,
1874 357
Coolies, Emigration of 354
Cooper (C. J.) View of Primogeni-
ture in England, 1878 381
Cooper (C. P.) Defect in Law re-
garding Custody of Lunatics ;
Delay in Offices of Masters in
Chancery, 1849 165
Cooper (Sir G.) Candid Answer to
Honest Man's Keasons 67
[ ] Candid Answer to Lloyd's
attack on Piockingham's Adm. ... 67
Cooper (Jos.) Turkey and Europe
in relation to Africa, 1876 386
Cooper (T.) Information on America,
1794 42
Copenhagen, Expedition to, Eeal
State of Case respectmg, 1808 ... 38
Copland (J.) On the Drainage etc.
of London, 1857 176, 351
Coppee (F.) The Waif, a poem, trans-
lated, 1880 402
Coppinger (E.) Pro Eege, Lege,
Grege, 1865 246
Copyright, Acts and Tracts relating
to,1812 129
Address to Parliament on, 1813 131
Bill, 1821 147
Case between Booksellers and
Public Libraries, 1813 129, 131
Foreign, in Great Britain, 1851 183
Eeasons for Modifying Act of
Q. Anne, 1813 129
Liternational, n.d 261, 369
Coquerel, Liberte, Egalite, Frater-
nite 174
Coquerel Fils (A.) Evangile et
Liberte, 1868 254
Cordeiro (L.) Portugal and the Congo,
1883 414
Cormack, Abolition of Female In-
fanticide in Guzerat, 1815 207
Cormenin (De) Folly of the Panic
respecting a French Invasion,
1852 342
Corn-growers and Corn-eaters, Jus-
tice to, 1839 109
Corn Law Fallacies, with the
Answers, 1839 337
Corn Laws, proposed Alteration m 337
Action of, 1841 113
Catechism of 156, 198
Considered, 1841 113, 114
Letters etc. on 157
£. s. d. View of their Work-
ing, 1844 113
Pohcy of Alterations in 133
Question, State of 146, 158
Eeport of Discussions in the
Manchester Chamber of Com-
merce, 1839 337
Cornaro, Methods of attaining Long
Life 147, 148
Cornwallis (Sir C.) Life of Frederick
Henry, Prince of Wales, 1751 ... 126
Coronation, The, a Poem, 1714, T.F.
Oath for England and Scot-
land S. T. C. 2
Corporations, their Friends vindi-
cated S. T.W. 1
Correspondence for Establishing a
Professorship of Sanscrit in the
Presbyterian College 281
Cotgreave (Alfred) Indicators versus
Book-keeping, 1885 441
Cottages and Farm Building, Plans
for, 1862 81
Cottenham's (Lord) Opinion, Obs.
on, 1844 175
Cotterill (C. F.) Agricultural Dis-
tress, 1850 340
Cotterill (Bp. H.) Eelation between
Science and Eeligion 402
Cotton, Cultivation of, in Italy, 1862 81
Supply Association, Eeport,
1861 202
Cultivation, Orleans Staple ... 202
from Ottoman Empire, 1862... 81
Tax, 1866 249
Cotton (Col. A.) Profits upon British
Capital expended on Indian Pub-
lic Works, 1856 327
Cotton (J. A.) The Prevention and
Counteraction of Lidian Famines,
1877 372
Cotton (Sir E.) On Alteration of
Coin, 1626 T. E. 2
Cottu (M.) Admin, of Crim. Code
in England 145
Coues (Dr.) Breeding Habits of the
White-tailed Ptarmigan, n.d 380
Account of Zapus Hudsonius,
N.D 380
Could the Jew have acted differently
towards Christ? Sc. T. 3
Counsel (E. P. S.) Our Orange
Opponents, 1886 442
Country to City, Appeal from, S. T. C. 1
Gentlemen, Letter from, S.T.W. 3
(The) without a Government,
1830 91
well governed, 1830 91
County Court Judges, 1865 246
County Courts, Advocacy in the, 1851 344
Courtenay, Eeflections on French
Eevolution, 1790 15
Courtenay (T. P.) on the Poor Laws 140
Courtney (J. S.) Half a Century of
Penzance, 1878 403
Courtney (L. H.) Finances of the
United States, 1861-67 268
Courts of International Arbitration,
1875 367
Cousin's Philosophical Essays,
S. C. L. 32, 88
Tracts — continued.
Cowen (J.) Ireland and Home Rule,
188G -440, 442,449
Cowper (B. H.) Analecta Nicfena,
1857 377
Cowper (Col. T. A.) Bank of Bom-
bay, 18(>8 267
Analysis of Parliamentary
Papers on Bank of Bombay, 1870 401
Cox (E. W.) Representative Reform,
186() 285
Cox (H.) On Propositions etc. in
Hampden Controversy, 1848 162
Cox (S. S.) Speech on admitting the
Cabinet into Congress, 1865 432
Cradock (Dr.) Great End and Design
of Christianity, 1706 295
Cramp, Jmiius, Lord Chesterfield,
1850 173
Cranbrook (Rev. Jas.) Formations
of Religious Opinions ; Ten-
dencies of Modern Religious
Thought ; Hindrances to Progress
in Theology Sc. T. 9
Cranmer, Catholic Emancipation,
1805 32
Crawford, Experim., Animal Heat,
1779 53
Crawford (Hon. J. C.) Geology of
the North Island of N. Zealand,
1865 266
Crawfurd (J.) Ethnology of Abys-
sinia, 1867 256
Plurality of Races of Man,
China and its Trade, 1858
Creasy (E. S.) Spirit of Historical
Study, 1840 117
Creation miraculous in respect of
Time, 1862 199
Credibility of the Gospel Narratives
of the Birth etc. of Christ, Sc. T. 5
Credit Mobilier, Societc gcnerale ... 191
Credit, Public, importance of, S. T. W. 2
Observations on 142
Cremieux, Bonneville etc. on
French Naturahsation, 1869 277
Cresy (E.) Our Resources (U.
States), 1864 249
Creuzer (Dr. Fr.) Josephus 394
Crichton (Sir A.) Catalogue of Sale
cf Minerals, 1827 T. Q. 6
Crime, Increase of 158
Criminal Justice Bill, Observations
on, 1855 352
Crisis (The) 1822 123
by Author of ' Plain Facts,'
1808 39
in France considered, 1830 ... 97
Crispo-Barbaro, Maltese Nobility,
1870 311
Criticism, the Restorer of Chris-
tianity Sc.T. 13
Croft, Sermon before Clergy, Bristol,
Situations of Ref. Church in
Croft (H.) On the English and Ger-
man Languages, 1797 T. Q.
Crofton (Sir W.) Convict Systems
etc. 1863
Immunity of Criminals
Croker's (J. W.) Speech on Reform,
Croll on Gas Meters, 1845
Croly (Rev. D. 0.) Ecclesiastical
Finance as regards the Rom.
Cath. Church in Ireland, 1834 ...
Crombie, Depreciation of Banknotes
Crombie (Rev. A.) State of Agri-
cultural Interest
Crookes (W.) Psychic Force and
Modern Spiritualism, 1871
Crops, Rotation of, Sketches on,
Cross in Baptism considered, 1684
Crowley (E.) The Age we live in,
Crown of England, Succession of,
S. T. W.
Crown (The) and the Cabinet, by
Verax, 1878
Necessity for Settling, S. T. W.
- — - of Denmark disposed of, 1853
Lawyers' Pleadings on Libels
Crowne (Mrs.) Caligula, a tragedy,
1698 T.Q.
The Destruction of Jerusalem,
1693 T. Q.
Crowther (Dr.) On Contagion, 1793
Crozier (Dr. J. B.) God or Force?
Constitution of the World,
1878 ._ 381,
Cruelties unpunished on High Seas,
Crummell (Rev. A.) The Negro Race
not under a Curse 84,
Crystal Palace, Addresses cone.
Cuba, Policy of England, Mexico,
Cumberland (Bp.) Sermon for
Magdalen House Charity, 1764...
Cumberland ( Duke of) Detail of an
attempt to assassinate, 1810
Gumming (Dr.) Sei'mon, 1850
Wiseman's Two Loct., Notes
on his ^Manifesto, 1850
Cunningham (J. W.) Cautions to
cautious Travellers
On Friendly Societies
Curate's Appeal to Equity.
Cm-ate's Plea, 1833.
Teacts — continued.
Currency, Present State of, 1847 ... 319
Question, Speeches etc. on,
119, 195, 319, 322
and Banking, Eemarks respect-
ing 113
Doubts on certain Doctrines... 106
• and Coin, Eelation of 143
Essay on 146
Finances, in Austria, 1853 ... 164
Reform Association, Prin-
ciples and Objects of; Manifesto;
Report; 1850 321
Curtis (A.) Invention for Railways
etc. 1861 78
Curtis (Rev. C.) Sequel to Paper by,
1792 7
Curtis (J. H.) Present State of Aural
Surgery, 1840 166
Curtis (W.) Observ. on British
Grasses, 1790 14
Curtis (W.) Lynn Law, 1795 359
Curtius, Die Akropohs von Athen,
1844 188
Curwen, Speeches on Poor Laws 137, 138
Customs' Reform, 1852 336
, Final Report, 1854 336
Cutts (Rev. E. J.) Church Exten-
sion 84, 247
Cyril (St.) Three Epistles of, edited
by Dr. Pusey, 1872 363
Dalni (C.N.) Kirchengeschichtliches
Repertorium, 1857 394
Dalhousie Gazette (a newspaper
printed at sea), 1877 T. Q. 5
Dah (Count) Strictures 182
Dall (Mrs.) Smishine, 1864 286
Dallas (Rev. A. R. C.) Letter to
Cardinal Cullen, 1856 331
Dallery (C.) Extraits des Registres
des Academies des Sciences, 1855 292
Dalrymple (A.) Loss of the Gros-
venor Indiaman, 1785 234
On Exporting Wool, with
Answer, 1782 64
Dalton (G. T.) Irish Peers on Irish
Peasants, 1867 270
D' Alton- Shee, Les Fortifications de
Paris, 1841 353
Dana (R. N.) Address on Life and
Services of E. Everett, 1865 432
Dangers of Crinoline &c 376
Daniel (Book of) Notes on, by a
Clergyman, 1878 393
Daniell (0. J.) Gold in the East,
1879 382
Danson (.J. T.) Proposed Legislation
respecting Maritime Contracts,
1876 369
Marine Insurance in 1875-6... 371
Examen du Projet deLoi con-
cernant les Contrats Maritimes,
1877 371
Danson (J. T.) Les Assurances Mari-
times, 1877, 1879 372, 382
Underwriters' Report, 1879 . . . 382
Underwriting in England in
1877-78 _ 383
Danson, Sir W. Molesworth on
Colonial Expend. 1848 171
Dante, Sixth Centenary Festivals,
1866 369
Darby's Sermon at Bury St. Ed-
munds, 1784 297
Darlington, Gas Explosion at Ince
Hall Mines, 1854 176
Daubeny, Churchmen's Reasons for
declining a connection with Bible
Society 134
Dauber (J.) Comments on H.
Edwards' Analysis of Revelation
of St. John, N.D 362
Davidson (Dr. S.) Removal from
Prof, of Bib. Literatui'e, 1860 ... 79
Preface to Filrst's Lexicon to
Old Test. 1867 282
Davies (H. D.) Farmer Proprietary
in Ireland, 1868 270
Davies (J. LI.) Religious Aspects of
the Eastern Question, N.D 386
Davies (Rev. Mercier) Justice in
the Church, 2«fZ series, 1884 415
Davies (Rev. M.) Body and Soul
1885 449
The Bishops and their wealth,
1886 449
Davis (Rev. C. H.) Anti-Essays ... 199
Davis (H.) Effects of the importa-
tion of Wheat on the profits of
Farming, 1839 337
Dawes (Sir W.) Sermon at Cam-
bridge, Nov. 5, 1705 295
Dawson (G.) Address at the Open-
ing of the Free Reference Library
at Birmingham, 1866 288
Dawson (G.) Report on the Tertiary
Lignite Formation, 49th Parallel,
1874 426
Day, Speeches to Cambridge Free-
holders 22
Days of England not numbered,
1867 270
Deaf and Dumb, Yorkshire Inst.
1859 198
Children, Report on Educa-
tion of, 1862 82
Dean (Rev. P.) Impossibility of
knowing what is Christianity, Sc. T. 16
Death by Starvation in Humbler
Classes, 1844 169
Debt, Imprisonment for, 1837 108
Debtor and Creditor, The Law of,
1834 109
Dechepare (B.) Poesies Basques,
1847 363
Tbacts — continued.
Decimal Association, Proceedings,
1854 1G4
Decimal Coinage, 1854 58, 1G4,
172, 184, 1()(), 198
Decker (Sir M.) Causes of Decline of
Foreign Trade, 1744 T. E. 4
Declaration of the People of Eng-
land, 1G59 305
of both ' Houses ' concerning
the Papers of the Scots Com-
missioners, 1G47 305
of Students 282
Deeds and Wills, Estab. of Registry
of 141
Defoe, Gi^'ing Alms no Charity, 1704 ;
Plan of Eng. Commerce, 1728,
T. R. 4,5
Degradation of Science, 1847 178
Delamere (Ld.) Speech S. T. C. 2
Delaunay (M.) L'Astronomie, Rap-
ports surlesProgresde, 18G7,T. Q. 1
Delia Torre (Ctesse.) L' ItaHe, 1859 79
Delpla (A.) On the French Drama 141
Demelie (F.) Le droit coutumier des
Slaves meridionaux, Pt. I. {no
more imbli shed) 1876 439
Demesney, Red. de I'lmpot de Sel 174
Demson(E.B.) Validity of Marriages
with a Wife's Sister celebrated
abroad,1852 343
Denman (J. L.) Pure Wine etc. 1862 254
Denman (Lord) Reasons for legalis-
ing Marriage with a Deceased
Wife's Sister, 1852 343
Denmark and the Duchies, 1852 ... 182
Danemark et I'Allemagne, la
Guerre entre, ii qui les torts, 1849 197
et la Conf. Germanique, 1848 77
Dennis (Mr.) Rinaldo and Armida,
a Tragedy, 1699 T. Q. 8
on Pope's Translation of Homer,
1717 379
Dent (W.) on Proposed Bill for
Registration of Deeds, 1853 344
Denton (H.) Fallacies of the Eastern
Question 386
Depression of Trade, Edinb. 1885... 138
Depute de Comite, Lettre d'un, 1859 198
Derajat (The) Mission to, 1861 80
Derby Mercury, Extraordinary, Aug.
15, 1849 T.Q. 7
Derby (E. H.) Overland Route to
Pacific, 18G9 311
Derenzy's Hand for the One-handed 151
Dering (G. E.) Sketch of History of
Magnetism, 1853 334
Designs, Suggestions in 7G
Metrop. School of, Prospectus,
1857-58 178
De Soyres (Rev. J.) The Huguenots
and the Church of England,
Camhr.im^ 439
Despard (Col. E. M.) Life, with his
Trial for High Treason
Desprez (P. S.) Babylon Sc. T.
Despots as Revolutionists, 1859 ...
D'Este (Sir Aug.) Papers on Claims
of, 1831
Detector's Letters on India R. Bill
etc. 1783
Deutsche liund, dor, oder ob Gotha
ob Bamberg, 18()0
Deutsche Geschichte, Forschungen
zur, 1860
De Vere (A.) Church Settlement of
Ireland, 1866
Pleas for Secularisation, 1867
Devil's Diary (The) Reflections on
the War hi the East, 1877
Devising Heads and Executive Hands
of the Enghsh Government, 1855
Devon County School, 1862
Devon (Ld.) Paper on Ireland, 1849
Devonsiiire (Ld.) Paper delivered to
Mayor of Derby S. T. C.
Dewes (Rev. A.) Compulsory Edu-
cation, 1868
Plea for a new translation of
the Scriptures, 1866
Dialogue between tlie Pope and a
Fanatic, 1680
between the Pulpit and Read-
ing-desk, 1745
by way of Catechism, Religious,
Moral etc Sc. T.
on Charnwood Forest etc.
Dialogues of the Living upon Colo-
nies, 1845
Dibb (J. E.) The Ass, 1862
Dickens (C.) Mugby Junction, 1866
Dickinson (J. ) Obstructions to Trade
in India, 1862
Scheme for Establishhig Effi-
cient Military Reserves, 1871 ...
Policy of Secretary of State for
India, 1863
The Government of India, 1853
Dickson (L. S.) Why he did it:
reasons for the displacement of
an Officer, 1861
Dickson (W. M.) Absolute Equality
of all Men before the Law etc. 1865
Diezel, Formation of National Party
in Germany, 1855
Dight (J.) Religious Liberty, 1863
Dimanelie, rinstitution du, 1869 ...
Diocesan Records etc. 1868
Synods considered, 1851
Direct Legislation by the People
etc. 1869
Disasters in England, Causes of
Present S. T. W.
Disdier, Concil. du Droit et du Devoir ;
Pretentions de la Raison, 1856 ...
Tea CTS — continued.
Disney's Sermons on Death of
Priestley, 1804 45
Disraeli (B.) On the Irish Question,
1843, 44,68 442
Dissection of the Scottish Eeform
Bill, 1831 242
Dissent without Eeason in Con-
science T. T. 51
Dissenter (Why are you a), Answer
to,1772. 71
Letterto S. T. C. 2
Letter to Bishop of Salisbury,
1789 28
Dissenter's Sayings in Eequital for
L'Estrange's Sayings, 1683 ...... 306
Vindication of conduct of, 1777 49
accept. Corp. Offices, Mayor of
Bristol etc., Thoughts on, 1794 ... 25
Admiss. into University, 1847 159
Dissenters, Discussion of their Pre-
tensions, 1790 19
(Protestant) Appeal to, to
unite with Catholic Brethren ... 130
Letters to Delegates from, 1789 19
Essay on Origin of etc. 1790 18
Eight to Toleration, 1789 4,36
Dissenting Attorney , Letter to Burke,
1791 7
Dishonesty, 1843 199
Distilleries, Compet. with Breweries 136
Distress, Thoughts on Present, 1829 96
The National in 1847-48, 1848 320
Dobbs, Letter to Ld. North and Mr,
Fox, 1784 63
Doctor Indoctus, Strictures on Prof.
J. Nichol, by F. Hall, 1880 425
Doctrinaires (Les) Qu'est ce que ... 118
Documents accompanying Ma] . - G en .
C. Schury's Eeport, 1865 249
Dodds (J.) Hudson's Bay Company
etc. 1866 288
Eailway Eeform, 1868 254
Dodsworth (Eev. W.) House divided
against itself fThe Gorham Case),
1850 ^ 443
Doleful history of King Leo and
Fair Erin, n.d T. Q. 9
Dombart (E.) Commodianus 391
Donaldson (J. W.) On some points
connected with the Medo-Persic
Dualism, 1859 441
on Kemiedy's Examination of
the Latin Grammar, 1852 189
' Jashar,' Eemarks on, 1855... 161
Exposure of Perowne, 1855 161, 190
Donaugesellschaft ( Gelehrte) in
Wien, 1887 117
Donisthorpe (W.) Liberty or Law,
1884 415
Donkin (Lt.-Gen. Sir F.) Letter on
the Government of Cape of Good
Hope 100
Donn (B.) Lectures, Syllabusof, 1780 6
Donne (Eev. C. E.) Working Men
and Eeligious Listitutions, 1867 282
Donne (C. E.) Essay on Arden of
Feversham, 1873 448
Donne (C. E.) and F. C. Burnand,
The Husband, a Drama, n.d.... 364
Donne (W. B.) on Chaucer's Works,
1856 173
Donnelly (Hon. J.) Speech, 1866... 249
Dornford, Letter on Prisons etc. ... 6,40
Douglas (Sir A.) Value etc. of North
American Colonies, 1831 87
Douglas (Sir H.) Iron Defences, 1860 202
Eemarks on Naval Operations
in the Black Sea, 1855 396
Douglas (J.) On Eeform in Scotland,
1830 99
Douglas (J. P.) Eun through S.
Wales 267,278
Douglas (E.) Coronation of Charles
IL at Scone, 1660 305
Doveton (Lt.-Col. J.) Tried at Ban-
galore for Mutiny, 1810 209
Dowdeswell (W.) Address to British
Electors 69
to Cyder and Perry
Makers 68
Down with the Tractarians, 1851... 374
Doyle (Ch. Justice) Judgment in the
case of the American Schooner B.
Ober. 1870 429
Drei Deutsche Worte 108
Drenille (Comte L. de) Comment on
pourrait reduire I'Armee, n.d. ... 413
Drew on Imitation of Precious
Stones by Coloured Crystals, 1787 14
Droop (H. E.) Method of Electing
Eepresentatives, 1868 270,313
The Edwardian Vestments,
1875 363
Drowned, Eeport of Society for Ee-
covery of, 1775 20
Droy (T.) Frederic le Grand etc.
1867 289
Droysen (J. G.) Lecture Syllabus,
1868-1869 390
Drummond (H.) Bank Eestriction
Bill, 1839 119
Payment of E. Cath. Clergy,
1845 159
Drummond (J.) Eev. of Engelhardt's
Justin Martyr- 391
Drysdale (C. E.) For and against
Animal Vaccination, 1876 378
Length of life of Total Ab-
stainers and Moderate Drinkers
compared, 1884 415
Drysdale and Curgenven, on Pre-
vention of Ven. Diseases, 1867 ... 266
Dubbs (Dr.) Schweizerische Demo-
kratie, 1868 254
Teacts— continued.
Du Bellay (J.) Notice Biograpbique
sur 294
Du Bois Eaymoiid (E.) Ueber den
deutscbeii Krieg, 1870 292
Dubioca, La vie de Toussaint-Lou-
verture, 1802 440
Dudley (Sir H. B.) Addr. to Primate
of Ireland 135
Duff (M. E. G.) Glance over Europe,
1868 207
Dufferin (Ld.) Mill's Plan for Paci-
fication of Ireland, 18G8 285
Duguet (M.) Pytbagore, ou Precis
de Pbilosopbie Anc. et Moderne,
1841 441
Dulles (C. W.) On Pasteur's Method
of treating Hydropbobia, 1880 ... 440
Du-Moulin (Dr.) Advances of tbe
Cb. of England towards Rome,
1080 301
Duncan on Parisb Banks 128
Dundas, Speecb in H. of Commons,
1793 ; Letters on Open Trade to
India 214
Hints for Answer to Letter
from Cbairman (E.I.C.) 1809... 215
Letter on Indian Debt, 1801... 240
Dundonald (Earl) Manufacture of
Salt Explained, 1785 2
Dundreary, Lord, Speecb in Sect.
D,1802 81
Dunlop (A.) Political Economy ... 140
Dmilop (J.) Anti-Duel, 1843 116
Dunn (W.) Vansittart Plan of Fi-
nance 145
Dunraven (Earl of) Irisb Question
Examined, 1880 402
Diintzer (H.) Wiirdigungdes Goetbe-
scben Faust, 1861 376
Dupanloup (Mgr.) Lettre sur les
Propbeties Contemporaines, 1874 362
Dupin, Suggestions on tbe Gt. Ex-
bibition, 1850 181
Dupont-Wbite, Liberte de la Presse
etc. 1860 206
Duppa (Pi.) Claims of Autbors, 1813 129
Durand (J, P.) Pbysiologie, Pbiloso-
pbiqueetc. 1868 279
Influence des Milieux sur les
Caracteres de Race, 1868 279
Durbin, Witcbcraft, R. Giles's Cbild,
1800 27
Durfey (T.) Malcontent, a Satyr,
1684 T. F.
Duties of a R.E. Officer etc. ...1869 280
Duvray, Les Grecs Moderues, 1862 292
Dwinelle (J. W.) American Opinions
on tbe ' Alabama ' etc. 1870 276
Dyce on tbe National Gallery, 1853 181
Dyer (G.) Tbe Englisb Constitution 141
Tbeory etc, of Benevolence
142, 143
Dyer (G.) On Copyrigbt Privileges
of tbe University, 1823 129
Dyer (T. H.) A Plea for Livy, 1873 357
Reply to ' Saturday Review ' . . . 280
Dyson (Rt. Hon. Jerem.) Wilkes's
Middlesex Election 68
Earle's Patent, Improv. in Tillage,
1808 42
Earth (The) not a Globe 309
Eastern Question — Three Great
Perils of England, 1877 381, 386
Eastwick (Capt. W. J.) Lord Lytton
and tbe Afghan War, 1879 ...... 396
Ebrard (A.) Versucb einer Liturgik,
1843 390
Ebrington (Vise.) Letter, 1854 180
On Official Salaries, 1851 332
Representative Self-Govern-
ment, 1854 332
' Ecce Homo,' a Critique Sc. T. 2
Ecclesiast. Commission, Notes on,
1803-04 83,85
Ecroyd (W. F.) Suggestions on the
Consolidation of tbe Empire,
1879 398
Eddy (C. W.) Memoir of 301
On tbe Interests of the United
Kingdom and the Colonies, 1874 376
Eden, Eight Letters on tbe Peace,
1802 34
Four Letters to Ld. Carlisle,
1779 68
Porto-Bello, 1798 41
Edge (F. M.) Whom do the Enghsb
wish elected? 1864 243
Edinburgh Licentiates of Medic,
claims of, 1858 345
Ragged Schools, Report of ... 184
Review, Letters to Editor,
1840 112, 117
The Sege of tbe Castel of,
1573 ....T. Q. 1
Edmeades (R.) Lady's Gardener,
1776 127
Edmeads (Rev. W:) Consequences
of Commuting Tythes 136
Education Board, Lincolnsh. Rules,
1839 84
Remarks on ; Letter on ditto
84, 158, 247
Several Points in, 1859 192
Bill, tbe Lord Advocate's, 1855 829
National System of, 1854 329
Connnittee of Council on, 1856 329
Education (National) The coming
Question Sc. T. 8
in Ilong Kong, Hist, of, 1877 428
in Ireland, 1855 329
Edward (H.) (Ecumenical Council
etc. 1869 283
Edwardes (Sir 11. B.) Christian
Policy in India, 1860 79
Tracts — contimied.
Edwards (E.) On Royal Academy,
1839 181
Paucity of Libraries, 1849 ... 328
Edwards, On Slavery in the Early
and Middle Ages of the Christian
Era S. C. L. 18
Slavery in Ancient Greece
S. C. L. 7
Egerton (Hon. W.) Revision of the
Rubrics, 1874 356
Egyptian Question (The) India, and
the Opium Question T, Q. 7
Egyptological Method appHed to
Modern History, 1862 81
Eichhorn (J. G.) Life and Writmgs
of J. D. Michaehs S. C. L. 8
Eichthal (Gust, d') Socrate et notre
temps, 1881 412
— La Sortie d'Egypte, 1850-72
T. Q. 9
' Eikon Basilike,' Ace. of Author
of S. T. W. 3
Eitel (E. J.) Lectures on Buddhism,
1873 403
Elder (Dr. W.) National Debt of the
U.S 262
Eldon (E. of) Letter to 158
Elections, Rem. on Trial of Con-
trov. 1838 108
Electoral Corruption and its reme-
dies, 1867 423
Electoral Responsibihty 349
Elector's Remembrancer 149
Electors of Gt. Britain, Guide to,
1820 123
Electric Clocks, Specification of
Patent, 1852 334
Electric Life, S. J., n.d 449
Electric Telegraph Company, Map
of Lines and Stations of 334
Electro-magnetic Motive Power,
Improvements of Messrs. Harri-
son, 1851 334
Elford (Sir W.) On the Game
Laws 139
Elgin Marbles, Report on 137
Ehot, Letter to Archdeacon of
Sarum, 1847 162
Ehot (C. W.) Address at Harvard,
8\o, Camb. 1869 435
Ehot (S.) Address to the A.S.S.A.
1867 268
Ehot (W. G.) Emancipation in
Missouri, 1863 250
Ellerman (C. F.) Sanitary Reform,
1848 351
Ellesby, Harmony of Divinity and
Law, 1684 303
EUesmere (Earl of) Address to Geo-
graphical Society, 1854 201
Elliot (F. P.) Letters on State of
the Nation 132
Elliot (F. P.) Political and Financial
Situation of the Country, 1815-16
Elhot (R. H.) Our Indian Difficulties,
the Way out of them, 1874... 357, 371
Need for a Wild Bird Protec-
tion Act for India, 1884 415
EUiotson, Cases of Surg. Operations
without Pain in Mesm. State ;
Harveian Oration, 1843-46 166
Elhott (E. B.) On International
Coinage 311
Ellis (Mrs.) Chart of Industrial Life,
1869 256
Ellis, Sermon on Keeping the Sab-
bath, 1784 46
Elhs (A. J.) Enghsh SpelHng Diffi-
culty, and its Remedy, Glossic.
293 ; Universal Writing and Print-
ing, 1856 76
Algebra identified with Geo-
metry, 1874 357
On the History of Musical
Pitch, 1880 T. Q. 7
Elhs (W.) Laws of Conduct in In-
dust. Life, 1870 256
Elmes (J.) Letter to T. Hope, on
Fine Arts 132
Elsey (C, H.) On Church Leases,
1837 105
Elton, Expostulatory Letter to, 1801 43
Letter to T. Bere, 1801 43
Elton (Sir A.) Where are we drift-
ing ? 1855 168
Elwes (J.) Life of 154
Emancipated Slave and his Master,
1864 243
Emanuel (C.) Janus on Sion etc.
1826 260
Ember Days T. T. 14
Emerson (R. W.) Emancipation of
the Negroes in the West Indies,
1844 361
Man Thinking 378
Emigrants, Hints to, 1843 186
Emigration to Canada, Quebec, 1860 79
Importance of, 1863 83
Emperor's (The) Claims, 1785 60
Emperor of Germany, on K. James's
Misgovernment S. T. C. 2
Empiricism, Political, 1776 73
Employment and Recreations, Rem.
on 112
Empson (C. W.) John of Gaunt, an
Essay, 1874 357
Emra's Sermon on the General
Thanksgi\dug, 1798 45
Encyclopedic du Droit, 1839 191
Endowed Schools Debate of last
Session, n.d 371
Enfantin et Lesseps, L'Isthme de
Suez, 1869 279
Tkacts — continued.
Enfantin (P.) Reponse :\ Dupanloup,
1808 : 279
Enfield (W.) Principles etc. of Dis-
sent, 1778 49
Sermons at Ordination of
P. Taylor, R. Gare, and John
P. Estlin, 1778 72
Engel-Dollfus, Etude sur I'Epargne,
187C) 407
England and the Turkish rule in
Europe, 1854 342
Present Interest of, 1683 ; 2nd
edit. 1685 302, 307
State of S. T. C. 2
Appeal from Private Cabal at
Whitehall S. T. C. 1
• Present Disposition considered,
S. T. W. 3
and Europe, Pres. Junct. of
Affairs S. T. W. 1
Representatives, Word in Sea-
son to S. T. W. 3
and Russia, Asiatic Policy of. . . 154
Comparison between, 153,154
at the Bar : the Divine Verdict,
N.D. 406
Gordon and the Soudan, n.d.
T. Q. 9
Turkey and the Treaties, 1878 381
England's Concern in Case of
H.R.H. 1680 305
Great Happiness etc. 1677, T.R. 1
Wants etc. 1685 307
English Catholics and Home Rule,
1886 442
Classical Education, Thoughts
on, N.D 449
English (C. D.) Philosophy of a
Future State, Pkilad. 1885 439
Englishman's Magazine, 1865 375
Enghshman's Right, The, 1680 305
Englishmen's Choice and True In-
terest S. T.W. 2
Lives, Security of S. T. C. 2
Eo-Nauts (The), a Poem 214
Ephororum ap. Lacedirmon. Dis-
put. de Magistr. Oxon. 1814 446
Epigraphai Ellenikai, No. 1, 1860
T. Q. 4
Epipsychidion, 1821 378
Episcopacy considered 145
Epistle from a Student at Oxford
etc. 1717 379
Epistles of Mr. J. Co. to Mr. J. Bull,
1858 277
Errera (Prof. A.) Monografie degli
Listituti di Previdenza, 1870, T.Q. 1
Errors, Discrepancies etc. of the
Gospel Records Sc. T. 6
Erskine (Ld.) War with France,
1797 23, 120
Defences of Whigs 144
Erskine (Ld.) Cause of Greece 152
Speech on Cruelty to Animals,
1809 423
Character of 152
Erskine and Kidd, Speeches on
Williams' Trials, 1797 74
Essays on the Influence of Alcohol,
1870 311
' Essays and Reviews ' Defence Fund
85, 245, 248
Judgment of Privy Council ... 85
Essential Principles of the Wealth
of Nations etc. 1797 265
Essex (Earl of) Enquiry into Murder
of,1684 307
Estcourt (Rev. E, E.) Dogmatic
Teaching of the Prayer-Book, 1868 260
Estlin, Evid. of Revealed Religion ;
Nature of Atlieism ; Apology for
Sabbath, 1795-97 31
Sermon on Pub. Instruct. 1790 17
On Wisdom and Integrity, 1801 46
Estrado (A. F.) Defence of Cortes... 143
L'etat et les congregations re-
ligieuses, 1880 443
Eternal Punishment, 1864, Sc. T. 2, 246
Etna, Eruption of ]\Iount, 1669 317
Etty, Criticism on, 1849 181
Eubulus on Cambridge Education... 149
Europe, the Modern Affairs of, 1680 305
Revision of tlie Map of, 1854. . . 342
Eustace (Rev. J. C.) Answer to Bp.
of Lincoln's Charge 131
Evangelische (Der) Ober-Kirchen-
rath in Berlin und das Concil, 1869 358
Evangelist (The) and the Divine,
Sc. T. 8, 15
Evans (A. B.) Faith in a LiN-ing
Christ, 1857 272
Evans (Conway) Sanitary Condition
of the Strand, 1858 .^ . . . . .^. 271
Eve's Apple Sc. T. 2
Evelyn (J.) Navigation and Com-
merce etc. 1694 T.R. 4
Everett (Hon. E.) Oration, 1860 ... 202
On the Importance of Scientific
Knowledge S. C. L. 26
Want of Sympathy with the
U.S. in England (newsp. cutting,
' New Y. Ledger,' 24 Jan. 1863) 432
Address at Union Club, Bos-
ton, 1883 432
The Question of the Day, Neio
York, 1861 432
Discourse at Brooklyn, Boston,
1865 432
• Life and Services of. — Dana.
Everett and Adams, On the Southern
Rebellion, 1861 202
Everlasting Punishment Sc. T. 16
Evershed (H.) Cow-keeping by Farm
Labourers, 1880 387, 402
Tracts — contimced.
Evershed (H.) Supply of Milk to
Labourers, 1880 404
Laying Arable Land down to
Pasture, 1880 411
Evremont (Sieur de St.) Mixt
Essays tr. by L'Estrange, 1685... 307
Ewing (A.) Celtic Church of the
West Highlands 252
Charge to Clergy of Argyle,
1865 252
Excursion Gnostique en Italie, 1852 188
Exeter, Acts of Diocesan Synod of,
1851 160
Exeter (Bp. of) Letter to Abp. of
Canterbury ; ditto to Churchward,
of Brampforde Speke ; ditto to
Miss Sellon ; on an art. in 'Edin-
burgh Rev. ; ' Eeply to, 1847... 52, 159
Eejoinder to his Eeply to
'Ed. Rev.' 190
Letter to Clergy of Diocese,
1851 160
Letter to Dr. Lushington, 1856 161
Reply to Ld. J. Eussell, 1847 162
to Archd. of Totnes, 1852 190
Expectations, Causes which have
frustrated S. T. W. 2
Exportation, Principles of 141
Expose of present Administration, 149
of the Money Market, 1821 122
Exposition et Defense du Systeme
de la Liste Libre, 1867 266, 289
Exposition Universelle de 1855 181
Exposition Universelle de Vieniie,
N.D 414
Exposition 1867, Societe Co-opera-
tive immobiliere, n.d 405
Exposure of the Court of Bank-
ruptcy, 1864 246
Eyre Papers 372
Fabius to the E. of Buckingham, on
an Open Trade to Lidia 130
Facts for consideration with respect
to the Navy 396
Fagel ( Myn Heer) Letter written by ;
Eeflections on same ; Animadver-
sions on pretended Answer to S . T . C .
Fairbairn, Steam Passage to India,
1837 108
Fairfield (A. E.) Unconsidered
Factors in the Eastern Question,
1878 381,386
Fairman (E. St. J.) How Ismail
Pasha found and left Egypt, 1884 415
Faith, the Grounds of our T. T. 45
Falck (N. D.) Philosophical disserta-
tion on Mr, Day's Diving Vessel,
1775 T.Q. 2
Falconer (T.) Plan for building 25
Churches 135
Fane (C.) Ministry of Justice, 1848,
165, 332
Fane (C.) Our Limited Liability,
1854 335
Fane (W.) Tenant Eight preferable
to Leases 344
Farm-Labourer, Prize Essay, 2nd
edit. 1858 272
Farmer (Hugh) Christ tempted in
the Wilderness, 1761 126
Farr, Blood-letting in Consumption,
1775 56
Farrar (Canon F. W.) Defects in
School Education, 1867 278
Free and Open Churches, a
Sermon, 1876 378
Fasting, Benefits of T. T. 18, 66
Fatal Vespers, ed. S. Clark, 1817... 308
Faucher (L.) Propriete en France,
1836 103
Faudel (H.) On the Jewish Disabili-
ties, 1848 347
Faults on Both Sides, 1710 378
Faults in the Faultfinder, Answer
to the preceding 378
Fauriel, Dante 174
Fausboll (V.) Five Jatakas, Pali text,
with translation, 1861 428
Fawcett (H.) Hare's Eeform Bill ex-
plained, 1860 195
Fawcett (Mrs.) Mr. Fitzjames
Stephen on the Position of Wo-
men, 1873 372
The Mart}Ts of Turkish Mis-
rule, 1877 386
Faye (M.) La Situation actuelle du
Bureau des Longitudes, 1872 T. Q. 1
Fearne (J.) on External Perception 134
Objects of General Terms 141
Review of First Principles of
Bp. Berkeley 132
Feldborg (A. A.) Appeal for Norway 133
Fergusson (J.) Site of the Holy
Sepulchre, 1861 275
Fergusson (W. F.) Reply to E. of
Shaftesbury on the Law of Con-
tract for India, 1863 244
Ferrier (M. C.) Rapport sur la So-
ciete de Lecture, 1882 401
Ferrier (Prof.) Scottish Philosophy,
1856 192,259
Fete Royale, or Visit to Stowe, 1808 251
Feuerbach (P.) Philosophie und
Empiric, 1804 188
Feuillet (0.) Le. Village, comedie,
1879 398
Few Words on a Night School, 1859 271
Ffoulkes (E. B.) Is the Western
Church under Anathema ? 280
The Church's Creed, the Ro-
man Index, etc 283
One more return from Capti-
vity ; Complaints of a Convert,
1855-57 199
Tracts — continued.
Field (E.) Address on tlie State of
the Country, 1830 370
Field (E. W.) On Limited Liability
Partnerships, 1851 335
Field (G.) /Esthetics 146
• Analogy of Moral Sciences ... 152
. Third Organon attempted 141
Analogy of Physical Sciences 144
Outline of Universal System... 138
Field (J.) On the Discipline of Con-
victs, 1855 352
Fielding (H.) Proposal for making
Effectual Pro\'ision for the Poor,
1753 368
Finance, Currency, Tracts on 164
Projectof 140
Finance (Public) System of, 1855... 322
Finances (The) and Trade during
1852 322
Table of, for 1813 133
Tariffs etc. in 1858 and 1864 432
Financial Reform Association (Liver-
pool) 322
Tracts : The Queen's Col-
leges and University in Ireland,
1857 ; Administrative Reform,
etc. ; Anti-Income Tax Agitation ;
Governmental Gun-maldng ; Hud-
son's Bay Comp. versus Magna
Charta ; National Book-keeping ;
Constitution, Objects etc. of the
Financial Reform Association . . . 330
Fingal on making a British Prince
Emperor of India, 1812 215
Fingal (Earl) Letter to, on the
Claims of Roman Catholics 134
Fuilay (G.) Objects found in Greece,
1869 316
Topogr. of Oropia and Dacria,
1838 193
Fiiilayson (R.) Health of Crews ... 155
Fire, Means of guarding Houses
against 134
Protection of Life from, Rep.
1856 184
Firth, Case of Ireland set at rest ... 154
Fischof (Dr. A.) On the Reduction
of Continental Armies, 1875 374
Fish Association, Reports... 130, 131, 135
Fish (H.) Wrongs of Man, 1819 ... 267
Fisher, Circumstances of Literary
Property in England 129
Fisher (R.) Protestantismus und
Katholicismus in der Kunst, 1853 194
Agriculture, 1847 251
Fishguard, Proposed Bay and Har-
bour etc 14
Fitzgerald (C.) The Gambia and its
proposed cession to France, 1875
374, 378
Fitz-Gerald (G. R.) A.ppeal to the
Jockey Club 314
Fitzgerald (J. P.) On Vivisection, 1877 389
Fitzharris, Collcdge, Ld. Russell,
and others. Trials of S. T. W. 2
Fitzjames (Capt.) Last Journals of
193, 201
Fitzroy, New Zealand in 1846 171
Fitzwygram (Rev. J.) Improvement
of Village Schools, 'Ind edit. 1859 271
Five P.'s (The) 1858 172
Fleay (F. G.) Interpretation of Early
Mythologies of Greece and India,
1883 415
History of Theatres in London
from their first opening 421
The Victorian Alphabet 425
Fleetwood Tontine Co. 1838 179
Fleetwood (Dr.) Sermon before the
Queen, June 17, 1705 296
Sermon at Eton College, 1701 296
Fletcher (J.) Charge to Grand Jury,
Wexford 133
Tone and Matter of 134
Fhght (E. G.) St. Dunstan and the
Devil 198
Flodden Field, Ancient Ballad on... 291
Flood (Capt.) Military State of
Prussia, 1833 194
Foggo (G.) On Quarantine, 1872 ... 312
Foley (A. E.) La Convention Indus-
trielle et Liberale, 1872 407
■ La Convention Industrielle et
Liberte, 1872 410
Follies of a Day in Convocation,
Brother Ignatius So. T. 2
Fonblanque (E. B. de) Money or
Merit ; the Army Purchase Ques-
tion, 1857 396
Foods (Stimulating) Evil Effects of 141
Foot's Sermon on Education, 1747 73
Force of Contrast, 1801 43
Ford (Capt. J.) Suggestions respect-
ing the best route for the convey-
ance of Troops to India, 1M5H ... 395
Foreign Aid Society, 1858 187
Policy and Commerce, 1838 ... 110
Supp. Remarks on our, 1H37... 106
Copyright in Great Britahi,
1851 848
Form of Prayer, 1795 377
Forman (Capt.) to Cobbett on Cur-
rency, 1830 88
Forrester on Hampden Controversy 190
Forsog paa at Stille etc. 1851 289
Forster (F.) Infl. of Atmosphere on
Health 148
Phenomena of Insanity 144
Causes etc. of Pestilent. Fever 153
Forster (T.) Brumal Retreat of
Swallow 138
System of Gall and Spurzheim ;
Application of Organology of r>rain
to Education 134
Tbacts — continued.
Forster (T.) Cometes,leur Influence,
1836 118
Forster (W.E.) W. Penn and Macau-
lay, 1849 183
Forsyth (W.) Eules of Evidence as
applicable to Credibility of His-
tory, 1874 357, 361, 390
Fort William, Minutes of Gov.-Gen.
and Council, 1781 231
Fortescue (Earl) State-and-Tax-
aided Education, 1883 415
Fortrey (S.) England's Interest and
Improv. 1673 T. R. 1
Forward or Backward ? 1863 249
Foster, Answer to Dalrymple, 1782 64
Foster (Joseph) The Lyon Office in
Retreat T. Q. 7
Fothergill on Abuse of Liquors, 1796 29
Hortus Uptonensis 14
Fountaine Collection, Catalogue of
Sale, at Christie's, 1884 426
Fouque's Undine, tr. by J. B. Rose,
1873 317
Four Questions Debated . . . S. T. W. 1
Fournel (V.) Ce qui vaincra la
Guerre, trans. 1875 374
Fournier (A.) Abt Johann von
Viktring, 1875 384
Fowler (E.) On Offences, 1683 302
Fowler (T. K.) Cotton in Egypt,
1860 202
Fowler (W.) Mozley and Tyndall on
Miracles, 1868 290
Fowne, Enquiry into the Prin. of
Toleration, 1773 72
Fox (C. J.) Speech, 1797 251
to Westm. Electors ; on H.M's
Speech at Whig Club, 1792-93. . .9, 120
On Repeal of Corp. and Test
Acts, 1790 19
Life of, 1806 120
Fox's Letter to Mrs. Grey, Observ.
on 107
France, Agric. Statistics of, 1848 ... 178
a I'Exterieur, Pol. rationale,
1859 194
et Russie, Necessite d'une
Alliance, 1836 106
Situation of 135
State of Pubhc Affairs, 1789. . . 23
• United Kingdom, tributary to 146
Perfidies of, to Spain 151
War, Brit. Interests resp. 1793 9
War with Eng. examined, 1793 40
Conditions of Peace offered by,
S. T. W. 2
Fatal Consequences of Treaty
with S. T. W. 3
Dangers of Europe from, S.T. W. 3
Discourse on Designs of, S. T. C. 2
■ the Empire and Civilisation,
1873 376
France, Institut Royal de, Calendrier
pourl'Annee 1840 364
and England, a letter to the
'Daily News,' n.d 423
[Francis, P.] Address from the Cocoa
Tree, 1762 66
Francis (P.) The Mahrattas ; Speech
on Mahr. War ; Letter on State
of E.LC. 1805-7 35, 240
Speech in the H. of C. July 2,
1784 233
on PoHcy of G. Britain 133
Plan of Reform in Elections... 138
his Claims to be Junius 156
Francisci II. et Mariffi Nuptias,
Carmenin, 1560 T. Q. 1
Franck (H.) Der Bootische Bund,
1843 188
Franco-German War and Insurrec-
tion of the Commune, 1878 400
Frank (G.) Theology of the 19th
Century 391
Frankische IMerkur und Hornthal
etc Ill
Frankland (F. W.) On the doctrine
of Mind Stuff T. Q. 7
Franklin (Benj.) Examination be-
fore House of Commons on Stamp
Acts Repeal 67
Extr. from his Works on Popu-
lation, Commerce etc T. R. 5
Franz (Dr. J.) Didaskalie zu J5schy-
los septem contra Thebas, 1848
T. Q. 6
Frederic II, Matinees Royales,
1863 83, 84
Frederick (Sir Jn.) Vind. of Pro-
ceedings against S. T. W. 2
Fredericton Cathedral Charge del.
in,1847 445
Free Church and no Favour 378
Free and Open Church Movement,
an Appeal, n.d 378
Free and Open Churches, Facts and
Opinions, 1876 378
Churches and the Weekly
Offertory, n.d 378
Various Tracts 363
Free (London) and Open Church
Association, 10th Report, 1876... 378
Free Parish Churches 378
(Our) Open Church 378
Free Remonstrance on ' Subscrip.
to 39 Articles' etc. 1772 71
Free Trade, Fruits of the System
called 340
from the ' Westminster Re-
%dew,' Jan. 1830 337
Results of, considered, 1850 ... 340
Freedmen's Bm-eau Bill, 1866 249
Freedom of Election to Parliament,
1690 264
Tkacts — continued.
Freehold and Copyhold Land,
Value of 136
Freeholders' Grand Inquest touch-
hig the Kmg etc. 1G17 305
of Middlesex, Add. to, 1779 ... 22
Freeland, On the Hiccardi Move-
ment, 1850 103
Church Leaseholds, 1858 187
Freeland (H. W.) Elegy on Presi-
dent Garfield, 1881 31)9, 421
Elegy on H. W. Longfellow
420, 421
Observ. faites i\ la Confer, de
I'Arbitrage etc. 1882 421
On Long's Paper on the
Eastern Question, 1877 381
Pope and Piedmontesc 100
Freeland (J.) on Rural Police, 1839 114
Freeman's Dutchmen 291
Freeman (E. A.) How the Study of
History is let and hindered, 1879 388
Freiligrath (F.) Angeklagt, Die
Todten an die Lebenden, 1848 ... 405
French (A. D. W.) Surnames and
coats of arms of the Williamses
[Boston, U.S.] 438
French (F.) Is Govt, entitled to
Irish Support? 1839 109
French Committee on Juvenile
Offenders, 1850 328
Palace, N. Gallery, R. Academy,
1846 181
Politician found out, The, 1680 305
Protestant to a Covenanter, 1640 300
Revolution, 1848, Def. of, 1849 177
Frend (W.) Atmosphere of London 144
• National Debt in True Colours 138
Frequent Communion T. T. 26
Freret, Thrasybulus to Leucippe,
1826 260
Fresnel, Voyage de M. D. Wrede, 1845 188
Freytag (G.) Journahsten, 1880 399
Friar Rush and the frolicsome Elves 104
Fridericia (J. A.) Danmarks ydre
Politiske Historie (1029-35), 1870 384
Friedlander, Numismata Medii ^vi,
1835 _. 70
Friedrich (J.) Der Mechanismus der
Vatikanischen Religion, 1870 391
Friend (A) Letter to, 1702 120
Friendly Advice to the Corrector of
the English Press at Oxford con-
cerning the English Orthographie,
foL 1082 430
Friendly Society Association, Report
of etc. 1870 414
Friese (P. C.) Unconstitutionality of
Congressional Law etc. 1807 201
Fripp (Dr. H.) Contagium Vivum,
1878 390
Frobel Society, Journal of, vol. i.
No. 2, 1883 401
Frost (C.) Remuneration to Wit-
nesses 18^
Fry (F.) Engl. N. Testament,
Genevan Version 200
Fullarton (W.) Eng. Interests in
India, 1787 239
Fuller, Answer to Twinhig, 1808 ... 204
Fulmen Beverleiura longe late etc.
1833 107
Fundamental Laws, On the, S. T. C. 2
Fundholders' Cause maintained etc.
1822 122
Furdoonjoe (N.) Civil Administration
of the Bombay Presidency, 1853 326
Furneaux to Pdackstone on Tolera-
tion, 1770 70
Furnivall (F. J.) Education in Early
England, 1867 277
The succession of Shake-
speare's Works, 1874 441
Mr. Swinburne's Flat Burglary
on Shakespeare, 1879 403
Furnivall (T.) On the Bank Charter
Act, 1856 319
Gachard (M.) Correspondance du
Due d'Albe, 1568 401
Gaimard, Vovage en Islande et
Groenlande", 1837 188
Gairdner (W. T.) Moral Aspects of
Money Getting, 1868 313
Galloway, Overland Route to India,
1844 170
Galton (T.) The Telotype, 1850 334
Game Laws, Three Letters on 140
Gamesters, A Warning to 195
Gamgee (1.) Medical Reform, 1857
176, 180, 345
Social Science and actual Life,
1857 180
Gandolphy (Rev. P.) Letters to
Dr. Marsh 130, 131
Ganilh (C.) Financial Situation of
France in 1816 136
Gaols, Report on 144
Garbett (Rev. J.) Is Unauthorised
Teachhig always Schismatical ?
1844 286
University, Church and the
New Test. etc. 1845 290
Garcin de Tassy, La langue et la
litteratui-e hindoustanies, 3 pts.
1876-78 444
Garden (Fr.) Hulsean Prize Essay,
1832 33 118
Can an Ordained Man become
a Layman? 1870 275
Gardiner (II.) Absenteeism con-
sidered 156
Gardiner (Gen. Sir R.) Causes of
the Indian Rebellion, 1858... 327, 395
On ^lilitary Responsibilitv,
1857 '■■ 395
Tbacts — continued.
Gardner (C. F.) Local Taxation ... 391
Garfield (Hon. J. A.) The Currency,
1868 268
Garfit (Rev. A.) Conscience Clause
etc. 1868 253
Ecclesiastical Commission, 1864 245
Garrett (J.) Power to prevent Melan-
choly, a Sermon, Columbia Mis-
sion, 1860 79
Garrett (R.) The Electoral Disabih-
ties of Women, 1872 372
Gas in the House, 1879 373
Gaskell (John) Sense and Sound
etc. 1854 311
Gataker (T.) God's Eye on His
Israel, 1645 300
Gay's Petticoat, a Poem, 1716 379
Geiseler (Kapt.)Die Oster-Insel, eine
Statte priihistorischer Kultur in
der Siidsee, 1883 T. Q. 9
Geldart (Rev. E. M.) The Living
God Sc.T. 9
Gelzer (H.) Bunsen, Staatsmann
etc. 1861 201
Gem (S. H.) Religious Belief among
the Jews etc. 1861 274
General Warrants, Tracts on 66
Gent (T.) Lines on the Princess
Charlotte, 1817 T. Q. 3
■ Monody on Sheridan, 1816, T. Q. 3
Gentleman's Mag., Reply to, from
Editors of ' Student's Hume ' ... 193
Gentz (F. Von) Liberty of the Press 144
• Ein Brief von Adam Wolf, 1860 377
Geographische Karten, Neues Sys-
tem von, 1840 194
Geological Survey of United King-
dom, 1860 201
Geology, Visual Education applied to 198
George (Prince) Letter to the King
S. T. C. 2
Georgia Case, 1867 249
Gerlach (F. D.) Lucilius mid die
romische Satira, 1844 T. Q. 5
Gerlach (0.) Der religiose Zustand
der Anghcanischen Kirche, 1845 358
German Literature, 1841-42 360
Germanique (L' Empire) red. en
departements, 1802 34
Germany, Who is the Real Enemy
of? 1868 254, 276
Die Miinzreform Deutschlands,
1870 292
Germany and Denmark, 1861 80
Gervinus, Course of History since
Napoleon I. 1853 177, 182
Friedrieh Christoph Schlosser,
1861 374
Gibbon (A.) On the Circulating
Medium and on Seignorage on
Gold Coin, 1856 322
Gibbon, Reply to SirL. O'Brien, 1785 63
Gibbs (F. W^) Once a Clergyman
always a Clergyman, 1865 275
Extradition Treaties, 1868..253, 277
Recognition, 1863 244
Gibraltar, Letter on State of Affairs
at, 1855 168
Gibson (Dr.) Against speaking evil
of Princes etc. 1706 295
Gibson (C.B.) Irish Convict Reform,
1863 244
Gibson (Rev. J.) Brief Conclusions
against Marriage with Sister of
a Deceased Wife, 1855 348
Gibson (Rev. W.) Two Sermons, 1855 331
Giffen (R.) American Railways as
Investments, 1872 377
The Progress of the Working
Classes in the last half-century,
1884 415
Address before the Statistical
Society, 1882 420
Gilbart (J. W. ) Laws of the Currency, 319
Practical Working of the Act
ofl844-49 320
Ten Years' Retrospect of
London Banking, 1855 350
Gilbert (D.) The Bullion Question... 143
Gilbert (T.) Obs. with respect to the
Poor, Vagrants, and Houses of
Correction, 1775 368
Gilderoy (R.) Pictures of the Year,
1878 381
Gillmor (Rev. C.) Jewish Legisla-
tors, 1847 343
Gilly (W.) Waldensian Researches,
1831 98
Gilpin (C.) On Capital Pmiishment,
1848 352
Gilpin (W.) Essay on Prints, 1802 124
Ginsburg (C. D.) The Essenes, 1864 382
Girardin (E.) Napoleon III et
I'Europe, 1859 194
La Guerre, 1859 361
Girdlestone (E. D.) Society Classified 374
Our Debt and Duty to the Soil,
1878 381
Gisborne, Statement of his Design,
1853 184
Giurato Istruito, II, 1836 248
Giusti (Gius.) Cenni di P. L. D. E.
1850 366
Glad Tidings ; or, an Account of the
State of Religion in U.S. 1804... 419
Gladstone (Geo.) The Argonaut ... 361
Irish Church Bill, 1869 286
Alterations in Elem. Educa-
tion Code Suggested, 1880 425
-1881 414
Gladstone (W^ E.) State Prosecu-
tion, Naples, 1851 182
Examination of the Neapolitan
Reply, 1852 163
Tracts — continued.
Gladstone (W, E.) Place of Ancient
Greece, 18(55 256
Address at the Liverpool Col-
legiate Institution, 1878 356
Bulgarian Horrors, 1876 380
Lessons in j\Iassacre, 1877 ... 386
Lecture on ])ean Hook, 1870 382
The Vatican Decrees in their
bearing on Civil Allegiance, 1874
356, 363, 380
Vaticanism : an Answer to
Eeplies and Reproofs, 1875... 369, 414
Address to Electors of Mid-
lothian, 1885 442
The Irish Question, 1886 448
Glance (A) at the East, 1857 327
at Several Points in Educa-
tion, 1859 259
Glasse, Sermon to the Marine So-
ciety, 1774 46
Glastonbury Abbey, Account of,
1844 308
Glencoe, Massacre at S. T, W. 3
Gloucester and Bristol (Bp. of)
Letter to his Clergy, 1851 331
Glover, London ; or, the Progress
of Commerce : a Poem, 1739 76
Glover (R. G.) on the Property Tax 137
State of Pauperism 139
' Go Out Quickly ' 272
Gobel (M.) Geschichte der wahren
Inspirations-Gemeinden 393
Goddard (S. A.) On Currency, 1847 319
Goderich, Letter to 158
Godwin (W.) on Parr's Spital Ser-
mon, 1801 41
Gold Coin, Disappearance of 141
Distrib. throughout the World 171
Fields of British Columbia,
1862 82
Goldsmid (F. H.) On Jewish Dis-
abilities, 1847 347
Goldsmith (0.) She Stoops to Con-
quer, N.D 449
Goll (J.) Franzosische Heirath —
Frankreich und England (1(524-
25), 1876 385
Good (Dr. M.) on the Treadwheel... 152
Good (W.) Letter to Bisliop Phil-
potts, 1850 389
Good Advice to the Pulpits, 1687... 317
Goode (W.) Rome's Tactics etc.
1867 260
Case as it is. Reply to Dr.
Pusey; Difficulties in late Charge
of Bp. of Oxford, 1842-43 112
Goodhart (Rev. C. J.) Marriage with
a Deceased Wife's Sister, 1849 ... 347
Goodlock (D. R.) Affairs in N. Caro-
lina, 18(j8 268
Goodrich (J. Z.) Speech on Peace,
Bostonvl864 • 432
Gordon (A.) The Sozzini and their
School, 1879 391
Gordon (Sir Cli.) Life of Byron 153
Gordon ( Lord George) Letters to E.
of Shelburne : a Serious Answer
to, 1782 421
Gordon (.J. H.) Statement of, 1H62 81
Gordon (J.) The Peace of the Church
of Enghmd, 1612 300
Gore (M.) Descrip. of Crimea, 1854 168
Letter to Duke of Wellington,
1840 119
Letter to Middle Classes, 1839 109
Gorres, Germany and the Revolution 144
Goschen (G. J.) On the Cultivation
of the Imagination, 1877 381
Gospel ( Tlie) a Law of Liberty, T. T. 8
of the Kingdom of Heaven,
Sc. T. 6, 15
(The) and Spiritualism 356
Gothe's Iphigeiiia, trans, by Hart-
wig, 1841 173
Gotz von Berlichingen, Briefe
und Urkunden zur Lebens-
geschichte, 1792 362
Gottingische Gelehrte Anzeigen
(Mar. 16, 1835) 104
Protestation und Entlassuug
der Professoren, 1838 108
Gould (Mr.) The Rival Sisters, a
tragedy, 1696 T. Q. 8
Gould (G.) The Greek Plays in their
Relations to the Dramatic Unities,
1883 448
Corrigenda and explanations of
the text of Shakespeare, 1884 ... 448
Gould (S. N.) Essay on tlie Pul)lic
Debts, with Defence of same,
172 T.R. 3
Gounouilhon, Persecution of, at M.
Video, 18(52 81
Gover (W.) On Revision of Educa-
tion Code, 1881 399
Government, Article reprinted from
Encyclop. Brit 101
Organisation of unemployed
Labour, 1886 447
Proposals for Settling. S. T. C. 2
Remarks upon ; Consid. rela-
tive to Settling of; Maxims of... 1
of England S. T. W. 1
Fears and Dangers of S. T. W. 2
Gracchus, Letters on K. I. Question 130
Graham (A. D. ,»(: F. H.) On Faith
Sc. T. 13
Graham (J. D.) Lunar Tidal Wave
in N. American Lakes, 18(51 201
Graliam (Sir J.) Speech on want of
confidence in Ministers, Jan. 29,
1840 853
Graham (T.) Liquid Ditl'usioii ap-
plied to Analysis ; Capillary
Tkacts — continued.
Liquid Transpiration ; Properties
of Silicic Acid, etc. ; Molecular
Mobility of Gases ; Constitution
of Matter 266
Grainger (E. D.) Address to Christ-
ian Medical Association, 1855 ... 398
Grammar Schools 145
On restoring decayed 142
Grand Conseil, Plans pourlareforme
des Elections du, 1867 316
Grand Secret of Wife Taming 286
Grant (A.) On the use of Opium, 1785 440
Grant (Lt.-Col.) Indian Irrigation,
1854. 168
Granville (G.) Heroick Love, a
tragedy, 1698 ..T. Q. 8
Grass Land and Fallows, Hints on 29
Gray, Health of Towns 176
Grece (La) en 1821-22 162
Grecs (Les) et les Turcs, Guerre
entre 158
Greek Bonds, Letter to Holder of,
1830 88
Church, Doctr. and Discipline 190
Laws of Euphony 107
Literature, Causes that deter-
mined the Order of, 1833 118
Greeks, Appeal in behalf of 152
Green Box of M. de Sartine, 1779. . . 13
Green (Bp.) Sermon at Westminster
Abbey, Jan. 31, 1763 297
Green fS. S.) Library Aids, 1883 ... 417
Voluntary System in the Main-
tenance of Ministers in Plymouth
and Massachusetts Bay in the
earlier periods of their existence,
Worcester, Mass. U.S.A. 1886
T. Q. 9
Greenfell (P.) Speech on Sinking
Fund 138
Greenhow (Dr.) Cholera in Tvne-
mouth, 1856 "..... 179
Greenland Trade and the Whale
Fishery, 1722 T, R. 5
Greenwood, Church of G. Britain,
1851 187
[Greenwood (J.)] A Night in a Work-
house 282
Gregory, Railway Cuttings and Em-
bankments, 1844 177
Gregory (Dr. Francis) Modest Plea
for the due regulation of the Press,
sm. 4to. 1698 436
Gregory (Olinthus) Oration 142
Greig (J. K.) Bank Note and Bank-
ing Reform, 1880 402
Grenfell (H. R.) Letters on Banking
and Currency, 1875 376
Gren\ille, Essays on Sinking Fund,
1828 ' 101
and Howick (Lds.) Letters to,
by a Protestant, 1807 121
Greswell (Dr.) Education in Art,
1844 181
Greswell (H. W, & G.) How to play
the Fiddle, N.D 449
Greville (Rt. Hon. G.) Speech on
expulsion of Wilkes 68
Grey (Ld.) Circular, with Percival's
Prefatory Letter, 1851 160
Grey (Earl) The Irish Church, 1868 275
— State of Ireland, 1866 285
On the Negotiations at Vienna,
1854 342
Grey (Mrs. W.) Education of Women,
1871 293
The Study of Education as a
Science, 1874 361
Idols of Society, 1874 381
Gricourt (Marq. de) Des Relations
de la France avec I'AUemagne
sous Napoleon III 363
Grier (Rev. R. M.) Letter on Im-
prisonment of the Rev. T. P.
Dale 404
Grievance and Remedy, ans. in verse
to ' Essa.ys and Reviews,' 1861... 199
Grifan (R.) Poor Law Medical
Officers, 1857 345
Griffith (E.) P. 0. Savings Banks,
1862 81, 198
Colour to Sculpture, 1862.. 200, 201
Grote (G.) Election Screw in
Counties, 1838 349
Parliamentary Reform, 1821... 310
Plato's Doctrine of the Earth's
Rotation, 1860 193
Grote (John) ' Essays and Reviews,'
1862 82
Grote (Rev. J.) New Education Code,
1862 200
Grothe (Dr. H.) Leonardo da Vinci,
1874 T. Q. 6
Grotte Sepulcrale dans la Butte de
Tumiac (Rapport), 1853 ...T. Q. 1
Grounds of Sovereignty and Great-
ness, 1685 307
Guano : Account of the celebrated
Peruvian Manure, 1843 398
Guardian Society, Address to 140
Gueronniere (Cte.) Les Deux Ablmes,
1871 294
Guerrazzi (F. D.) II buco nel muro,
1873 438
Guest (D.) Decline of Hist. Painting,
1829 90
Guest (E.) Early Eng. Settlements
in South Britain 195
Guide in Matters of Faith etc. 1683 302
Guilhaumon (F.) La Guerre et les
Epidemics, n.d 413
Guillaume (Dr.) Etat actuel des
Prisons et de la Reforme Peniten-
tiaire en Suisse, 1872 412
Teacts — contimtcd.
Guinness (H. G.) Duty of Christ-
ians in pres. Crisis in America,
1862 202
Guizot, The Democracy of Modern
Communities, 1838 248
Gunn (Rev. H. M.) Tricentenary
Memorial etc. 18G0 260
Gunnlaugssaga Ormstungu,herausg.
von E. Mogk, 1886...^ 449
Gurney (Sir G.) Identifying Light-
houses, 1864 246
Gurney (J.) Arguments of council
whether Caroline Rudd ought to
be tried, 1775 .^T. Q. 2
Gurney (J. J.) Visits to Prisons 144, 145
Gurney (M.) Education for our
Middle-Class Girls, 1872 312
Steam Carriages on Turnpike
Roads, 1832 178
Guthrie (G.) The Commercial Crisis,
1857 323
Plea for Ragged Schools, 1849 176
Reform of Currency and Bank-
ing, 1857 323
Guthrie (M.) Causational and Free
Will Theories of Volition, 1877... 372
Guy (Dr. F.R.S.) Claims of Science
to Public Support, 1882 T. Q. 7
Guy (W. A.) Health of Towns, 1843 166
Gyllenborg (Ct.) Barons Gortz,
Sparre, rel. to Design of Raising
a Rebellion, 1717 T. F.
Gymnastics an essential Branch of
Education 329
Habeas Corpus Writ, Account of
Proceedings 66
Hagenbach (K. R.) Neander u. die
Kirchengeschichte 394
Haggard (A.) Europeans and Natives
in India, 1883 415
Hailesean System of Astronomy etc.
1865 269
Hains (Bp.) Treatise upon the
Modes, 1715 379
Hair Powder Act, Letter on, 1795... 316
Haldeman (S. S.) Linguistic Ethno-
logy; Relations between Chinese
and Indo-European Languages,
1856-61 200
Hale (W.) Antiq. of Churchrates,
1837 105
Halhed on Detector's Letters, 1782 237
on the Millennium, 1795 27
Hall, Answer to Clayton's Sermon,
1791 7
Hall (F.) Benares, Ancient and
Medieval 266
Hall (F.) Letter to the Editor of the
' New York Nation,' 1881 425
Hall (G. W.) Letter to 147
Hall (R.) Addresses to Rev. E. Carey,
1814 205
Hall (R.) Freedom of Press, 1793,
1819 22, 52, 120
Hall (R.) Inaugural Lecture on Com-
mon Law, 1848 357
Hall (S. W.) Law of Impersonation,
1861 199
Hall (Sir W. H.) Our National De-
fences, 1876 396
Hallam (A.) The Philosophical Cha-
racter of Cicero 102
Hallam (H. F.) Memoir 277
Hallett (H. S.) New Markets and
extension of Railways in India
and Burmah, 1887. . ." T. Q. 9
Halliday (Hon. F. J.) State of Pohce
in Bengal, 1857 327
Halliwell-Pliillipps (J. 0.) Catal. of
Roy. Soc. MSS. 1839 189
Curiosities of Modern Shak-
spearian Criticism, 1853 363
On some of the MS. Emenda-
tions of the Text of Shakspeare,
1853 363
Which shall it be ? Shaxpere
or Shakespeare ? 1879 383, 387
New Lamps or old, 1880 402
Letter to R. Brownmg, 1881
T. Q. 5
Halsted (E. P.) On the Armstrong
Gun, 1862 202
Hamberg (T.) The Visions of Hmig-
siu-Tshuen, 1854 361
Hamilton (Rev. A.) Actions of the
Lmiskilling Men, 1690 65
Hamilton (F. H.) Eulogy on T. R.
Beck, 1856 311
Hamilton (H. P.) Privy Council etc.
1850 331
Hamilton (I.) Bill for Reg. Practice
of Surgery 141
Hamilton (Jas. A.) The Constitution
Vindicated 243
Hamilton (J. C.) Coercion completed,
or Treason Triumphant ; The
Slave Power, 1864 243
Hamilton (P. S.) Review of
Howe's Essay on Confederation,
1866 428
Hamilton (Dr. R.) Inquiry cone.
National Debt, 1818 T. R. 3
Hamilton (Sir W.) Letter to A. de
Morgan, 1847 178
Hamilton (AV. R.) Address to Roy.
Soc. of Lit. 1843 185
Hammon (W.) Letter to Dr. Priest-
ley, 1826 260
Hampden (J.) Triumphant etc '293
Hampden (J.) Truth Seeker's Oracle,
No. 3, 1876 373
Bibhcal Cosmography, 1877... 373
Hampden Controversy, Tracts on, 108,
162, 190, 290
Teacts — continued.
Hampden, Corr. with Abp. of Can-
terbury, 1838 108
Letter to Ld. J. Kussell, 1847 162
University Censure of, 1847... 162
Hancock (Dr. J.) On the Chmate,
Soil etc. of British Guiana, 1835,
1840 115,358
Hancock (Eev. T.) Sermon at St.
Stephen's Church, 1870 252
Handcock versus Delacour — An In-
quiry, 1858 396
Handel Commem. Festival, 1859 ... 201
Handel in der Tlirkei und in Persien,
1838 110
Hanne (J. E.) Der Affen-Ursprung
des Mensehen 391
Hanson (R. D.) Science and Theo-
logy Sc. T. 3
Hard's Imposture Exposed 41
Hardships of Provincial Letter-
carriers, 1870 256
Hardwicke (W.) Overcrowding the
Poor, 1865 246
Hare (Rev. F.) Difficulty of Studying
the Scriptures Sc. T. 3,260,282
Hare (Archd.) Letter to R. Caven-
dish, 1850 160
Letter to Dean of Chichester,
1848 163
Hare (T.) Machinery of Representa-
tion, 1857 172,180
Harle (W. C.) Total Repeal of the
Navigation Laws, 1848 340
Harley (J.) The Currency, 1839 172
Harper (F. W.) Capitular Position
of Non-resident Canons in York
Cathedral, 1880 402
What are the Non-residentiary
Canonries? 1880 402
Harring (H.) Die Volker , ein Gedicht,
1844 430
Harris (G.) Notice sur la Vie et les
Ouvrages de Max Miiller, 1867... 292
Harris (Sam.) Salt an excellent and
cheap Manure, 1828 398
Harris (T. W.) Text-books and their
Uses, 1880 405
Harris (Sir W. C.) Intr. to 2nd Edi-
tion of the Highlands of Ethiopia,
1851 177
Harris (Dr. W.) Royal Palace etc.
atLoo,1699 65
Harrison (B.) Study of different
Languages 309
• Sermons, and Barnes's Dis-
course on the Manchester Aca-
demy, 1786 17
Harrison (F.) Bismarckism etc. 277, 291
Harriss (J.) Money and Coins, 2 pts.
1757-58 T. R. 2
Scriptural Researches on the
Licitness of Slave Trade, 1788 ... 16
Harrowby (E . of) Speech on Reform
Bill, 1831 93
narrower (Capt.) Refutation of
Calumnies against, 1816 209
Hart (J.) Poem on the death of his
late Majesty 310
Hartley (David) The Budget m
Harton (W.) Two Letters t)n Negro
Slavery, 1830 87
Hartshorne (Rev.C.H.) The Itmerary
of King Edward II. 1861 ...T. Q. 1
Harvard College Reports, Observa-
tory, 1852 ; Museum of Compa-
rative Zoology, 1869 435
Harvey (T.) and Brewin (W.) Ja-
maica in 1866, 1867 428
Harvey, Letter to Ld. J. Russell on
the Benchers and Bar, 1852 165
Harwood (Dr. E.) Letters to Bad-
cock, 1784 10
Hase (Karl) Die Tiibinger Scliule,
1855 392
Hastings (G. W.) History of the
National Association, 1862 251
Hastings (Marquis of) Admin, in
India 153
Hastings (Hon. Warren) Letters
from, 1783 84, 86, 234, 236, 238
Articles of Impeachment, 1776 10
Proceedings rel. to, 1783 231
Mem. relative to State of
Lidia, 1787 239
App. of Sir E. Impey, Min. of
Gov.-Gen. at Ft. Wilham, 1781 237
Hastings (Hon. Warren) and Major
J. Scott, Conduct of H.M.'s late
Ministers consid. 1784 233
Haughton (Sir G. C.) Letter to
C. W. W. Wynn, 1840 114
Havilston on the Liverpool Spa, 1773 56
Haweis (H. R.) Catalogue of Gari-
baldi and Mazzini Collection, 1882 401
Hawes (W.) Limited and Unlimited
Liability, 1854 335
Hawkesbury (Ld.) Establishment of
a National Force in England, 1794 24
Hawkins (H.) Reform of Parliament
its Ruin 130
Hawkins (Rev. J. B.) On Savings
Banks, 1857 350
Hawksley (T.) Charities of London,
1869 258
Hayden (G. T.) Remedies for Ireland 332
Hayden (W.) Quadrature of the
Circle, 1872 316
Haydon's Picture of Delegates, 1841 178
Hayter's (Bp.) Sermon before the
King, Mar. 22, 1752 297
Hayter (H. H.) Crime in New South
Wales, 1884 406
Hayter (Rev. T.) Faith and Elec-
tion, 1791 74
Tbacts — continued.
Hayward (A.) More about Junius,
1868 251
Hazlitt (W.) Registration of Deeds,
1851 105, 175
Hazlitt (W. C.) Address to the Elec-
tors of Mid-Surrey, 188G 448
Head (Sir E.) Settlement and Re-
moval, 1865 277
Headlam's Medical Bill, reasons for
opposing 345
Health, General Board of. Bye Laws,
1852 333
Letter to the Marquis of Chan-
dos on the Powers assumed by . . . 333
Health of Towns Commission, Ana-
lysis of Evid. before, 1847 166
• impr. by thorough Drain-
age, 1847 351
Association, Report of the
Committee, 1848 351
Heaphy (C.) Residence in New Zea-
land, 1842 171
[Heatherley (Mrs.)] Our Educational
Frankenstein [1884] 439
Heathfield (R.) On Debt, Agricul-
ture, etc 149
Plan for Liquidat. Pub. Debt
144, 146
Hecker (Dr.) Der Schwarze Tod im
vierzehnten Jahrhundert, 1832... 292
Hector (J.) Coal Deposits of N. Zea-
land, 18G6 266
Hedge (F. H.) The Sick Woman ;
a Sermon, 1863 432
Hegel's First Principles, translated,
1869 361
Helps (T. W.) Pari. Representation,
1837 109
Hendriks (F.) Statistics of Land
Tax Assessment, 1857 180
Decimal Coinage, 1866 ...285, 288
Statistics of Indian Revenue
and Taxation, 1858 357, 395
Hennel(S. S.) on 'Butler's Analogy,'
1859 ':84, 247
Hennessy (J. P-) Napoleon HI. and
the Rhine, 1866 266
Henry (W.) Experiments, 1773 57
Carbonated Hydrogenous Gas,
1797 47
On Preserving Water at Sea,
1781 m
Henry IH. Life and Reign of, 1680 305
Henry IV. of France, Discourse
touching the Miirder of, 1611 ... 305
Henry V. et la Monarchie Tradition-
nelle, 1871 388
Henry VIII. Letters etc 151
and Anne Boleyn, Love Letters 150
Henshaw(R.) Tried at Bombay, 1805 209
Henslow (G.) Mind in Man and
Animals, 1853 425
Heppo (Dr. H.) Mme. Guyon 894
Depesche des Landgrafen
Philipp von Hessen 394
Herbert (Admiral) Letters to the
Fleet S. T. C. 2
Herbert (Lord) Memorial to, 1862. . . 82
Herbert (S.) On the Conduct of the
War,1854 342
Heresy, Treatise on, 1792 3G
Heron (R. M.) Industry for Ireland,
etc. 1870 277
Herrig (H.) Die Meininger, 1879 ... 392
Herwardi Saxonis, De Gcstis 104
Herzen (A.) France ou I'Angleterre,
1838 191
Lettre ;i I'Ambassadeur de
Russie a Londres, avec Rep. de
Schedo-Ferrati, 1862 198
Krcstchenia Sobstvennost, 1853 427
Herzog (D.) Fenclon 394
Hewitt (John) Treatise on ]\Ioney,
Coins, and Exchange, 1755 305
Hickeringill (E.) The Good Old
Cause, 1692 317
Higginbotham (J.) Report on the
Rating of Ironstone and Mmes to
the Rehef of the Poor 333
Higgins (G.) Horje Sabbatica), with
Reply 150
[ ] On the Corruption of the
Christian Scriptures, the Cru-
sades, Mahomed and the ]\Iystical
M— om— omd, Bombay, 1857 ... 441
Pligginson (E.) Sunday Questions
etc. 1856 346
Higginson (T. W.) Ought Women to
learn tlie Alphabet ? 1873 372
Hilgenfeld (A.) Die Glossolalie in
der alten Kirche, 1850 389
Polycarp's Martyrdom, 1879 391
Hill (C.) Report of an Attempt to
raise a few of the London Poor
without Gifts 287
Hill (E.) Currency Reform, 1848 ... 320
Hill (Rev. G.) The Flight of the
Earls, 1878 T. Q. 5
Hill (J. H.) Notes on Rutland 312
BishopricofPeterborough,lH70 312
Hill (R.) In Memory of J. Rouquct,
1776 73
Hill (R.) Post Office Reform, 1837 353
New Postage Arrangements,
1841 354
Hillard (G. S.) Pohtical Duties of
tlic Educated Classes, 1860 249
Ililliiry (Sir W.) Ireland in 1824 ;
Plan for Steam Lifeboat 154
Embellishment of London ... 153
Preserv. of Lives from Ship-
wreck 152
Ilillyard (C.) Practical Farming,
1836 ...: 308
Tracts — continued.
Hincks (E.) Persepolitan Writing,
1846 76
Hiucks (Hon.. F.) Canada ; its Posi-
tion, 1849 339
Hindoos, Mytliolosjy and Customs,
1785 r. 203
Inquiry resp. Conversion of,
1808 204
Vind. of, by a Bengal Officer,
1808 204
Letter from Madras F. Officer
on Conversion of, 1813 205
Hinds (S.) A Eeply to /What have
we got to rely on, if we cannot
rely on the Bible ? ' Sc. T. 8
Reply to ' Shall I seek Ordina-
tion in the Church of England ? '
Sc. T. 15
Free Discussion of Religious
Topics, 1868 278
Reply to the Question, ' What
is Man's Prospect of Living after
Death?' Sc. T. 14
Nature and Origin of Evil,
Sc. T. 9
Free Discussion of Religious
Topics, 2pts Sc. T. 7
Hine (Edw. ) Flashes of Light, 1872 309
Hinton (J. H.) Education in Man-
chester, 1852 328
On the two Education Bills,
1852 328
On the Manchester Education-
ahsts, 1854 329
Hints to Country Bumpkms, 1885 440
Hints on Husbandry, 1806 286
Hints ; The Movers of French Revo-
lution 24
Hij)pocrates, Traite des Airs etc.
1816 55
Histoire de I'Armee de Chalons, 1871 294
History of Standing Armies in Eng-
land, 1698 264
Hitchcock (Prof.) Geology and
Natural Religion ; Geology and
the Mosaic Account of the Crea-
tion ; Historical and Geological
Deluges compared, S. C. L. 2, 19, 29, 31
Hitzig (F.) Lischrift des Mesha
Koniges von Moab, 1872 292
Hoadley, Refutation of Sherlock,
1787 , 18,36
and Sherlock, Dialogue, 1790 18
Hoar (G. F.) Eulogy of President
Garfield, 1882 399
Hoare (E. N.) On Church Reform,
1838 108
Nat. Education of L'eland, 1842 112
Grant to Church Education
Society, 1848 167
Hoare (W. H.) Letter to Bp. Col'enso',
1863 83, 252
Hoare (W. H.) Presentment at Visi-
tation 184
Age etc. of the Pentateuch, 1863 252
Hobhouse (A.) Charitable Founda-
tions in England, 1868 270
Authority accorded to Fomiders
of Endowments, 1869 285
• Laws relating to Married
Women's Property, 1869 286
Forfeiture of Property by Mar-
ried Women, 1870 287
Hobhouse (Sir A.) Native Lidian
Judges, 1883 415, 421
Hobhouse (J. C.) Poems, Translat.
1809 124
Three Letters, on Heresy ; Re-
ply to Randolph's Letter, 1792 25
to North and Peel concerning
the Test Act, 1790 18
Hodge (Mrs.) Speech in Aid of the
Great North-western Fair, 1865... 263
Hodgkinson (G. C.) Actinometrical
Observations among the Alps,
1867 401
Hodgson (W. B.) Inaugural Address
at Edinburgh, 1871 316
Report on Public Schools, 1864
85, 253
Education of Girls, 1864 251
True Scope of Economic
Science, 1870 256,291
Competition, 1870 256
Classical Instruction, 1866 ... 288
Hofler (C.) Anna von Luxemborg,
1382-1394, 1871 T. Q. 1
Hofstede de Groot (P.) Die Groninger
Theologen, 1863 393
Holdsworth, State of Country... 137, 138
Holford (G.) Criminal Prisons... 147, 368
Holgate (C. W.) Account of Chief
Libraries of Australia and Tas-
mania, 1886 T. Q. 9
Libraries of New Zealand, 1886 448
Holkham, its Agriculture etc 142
Holland, Justification of the War in,
1672 316
, Interests of the United Pro-
\dnces, 1673 317
Holland and Belgium, Letter to
Marq. Camden on Disputes betw.
1832 95
Separation of, comp. with re-
peal of Union between G. Britain
and Ireland, 1831 95
Hollandais (Un) Lettre a Ld. Grey,
1833 174
Holies (Ld.) Letter to Van Bunning-
hen S.T.C. 1
Hollingworth (R.) Exam, of Sundry
Scriptures, 1645 300
Hollowell (J. H.) Ireland, the story
of her wrongs etc. 1886 442
Tracts — continued.
Holmes (0. W.) Oration before the
City Authorities of Boston, 18G3 250
Hohns (J.) Commercial Aspects of
the Eastern Question 880
Holroyd (A. T,) Quarantine Laws,
1839 110,114
Holwell (J. Z.) Narrative of the
Black Hole, Calcutta, 1758 308
Hist. Events rel. to Bengal
Prov. and Empire of Indostan,
with Dissert, on Hindoo Mytho-
logy etc., 170G-67 224, 225
Letter to L. Scrafton, Reply to
Obs. on Vansittart's Narrative,
17G7 '.. 223
Holy Alliance, Declar, of England
against 147
Holy Days T. T. 50
Holyoake (G. J.) Worldng-Class
Representation, 1808 253
* Home ' Christmas Annual, 1879... 387
Homer, Iliad, First Book, by W. M.
Adams 374
■ Battle of the Frogs and Mice,
1717 379
trans, by T. S. Norgate,
85, 245
Homersham, the Supply of Sprmg
Water, 1850 109
Homoeopathy, Speeches against,
1851 100, 170
Unmasked, 1857 198
Honest Hodge and Ralph etc. 1080 300
Honesty is the Best Pohcy, 1803 ... 244
Hong Kong, Crime and Government
at,1859 84
Dates etc. connected with the
History of Education in, 1877 ... 428
Hook (Major) Defence, 1793 209
Hook (W. F.) Pubhc Education,
1840 159
The Lord's Day, 1830 101
The Three Reformations, 1847 100
Sermon on the Reformation... 187
Self-Deceit, 1857 274
Hooker (J.) The Bible and Women's
Suffrage, 1877 372
Hooker (Sir Jos. D.) Address to the
Brit. Association, 1808 253
Hooper, Old and New Dispensations 112
Hooper (Hon. S.) Loan Bill, 1800... 202
Hope, Letters on Credit, 1784 03
Hope (A. J. B.) American Disrup-
tion, 1803 244
Marriage with a dec. Wife's
Sister,1849 175
On the Laws of ]\Iarriage,
1849 343
Prayer Book, its Social Li-
fluence, 1803 83
Hopf (W.) Ueber ehie neuc Ausgabe
der Heiligen Schrift, 1851 429
Hopps (J. P.) Why do I believe in
Home Rule for Ireland, 1880 442
On the Thirty-nine Articles
Sc. T. 11
Home (D. M.) Social Reforms
needed in Scotland, 1807 285
Home (J.) Letter to J. Dunning,
1778 13
Letter to Lord Ashburton (Jl
Home (R. H.) Death of Marlowe,
1870 280
Horner (Dr. F. R.) Homoeopathy
unmasked, 1857 198
Exam, of his Reasons, 1857... 198
Horner (Leonard) Ace. of Recent
Researches into the Geology of
the Alluvial Land of Egypt, 1858
T. Q. G
Horsley (Bp.) Charge, 1790 297
Hort (Rev. F. A.) On Revised Code,
1802 200
Horton (S. Dana) La Monnaie et la
Loi, trad, par E. de Laveleye, 1881 405
Hoseason (J. C.) Transmission of
Troops to Lidia, 1858 78, 327, 395
Hoskuig (W.) On the Addition of a
Reading Room to the British
Museum, 1858 T. Q. i
Hosldns (J. T.) Modification of
Hare's Scheme for the Election
of Representatives 310
Hospitals Association, its Origin
etc. 1884 439
Hossbach (T.) Schleiermacher's
Leben, 1808 390
Houel (M. J.) Sur le Calcul des
Equipollences, 1809 400
Hough, Reply to Abbe Dubois, 1824 200
House Accommodation 198
(The) that Tweed built 311
How the War commenced, 1804 ... 243
German translation of do. by
Dr. F. Schutz 243
How to make India our Cotton Field 281
How to resume Specie Payments... 202
How John Bull lost London, 1882 410
Howard (Castle) Mausoleum at
(plates) T.Q. 7
Howard University, Annual Re-
port, 1809 435
— — ' Catalogue ' [Calendar], 1808-
09 435
Howard (Dr.) Effects of Deficient
Food, 1839 119
Howard (J. E.) Caves of South
Devon and their Teachings 421
Howard (Maj.-Gen. 0. 0.) Report,
1808 257
Howarth (Rev. J.) to Parishioners
of St. George's, 1849 101
Howell (J.) Partnership, Legislation
etc. 1809 313
Howell Wood, or the Raby Hunt,
1806 317
Howick (Vise.) Letter to, 1807 212
Hubbard (J. G.) On the Monetary
Pressure of 1847 320
Hiibner, Statist. Tafel aller Lander,
1852 188
Hudson (J. C.) Cruelty of Employ-
ing Children to sweep Chimneys 151
Hudson (W. H.) The Church and
the Stage, 1886 418
Huggard (W. E.) Defects of Lunacy
Law, 1885 438
Hughes (Lewis) Historical View of
Jacobinism, 1799 318
Hughes (Eev. T. S.) Cause of the
Greeks 150
Greek Eevolution 151
On ' An Essay on Eternity of
the World' ". 155
Hugo (Le Cte. Leopold) Les Cristal-
loides complexes a sommet etoile,
1872 407
Hugo (Victor) Hernani, illustrated,
roy. 8vo T. Q. 6
Discours pour Voltaire, 1878 383
Huguenot Society of London, By-
Laws etc. 1886 447
Huish (Capt.) and C. Manby, On
Eailway Accidents, 1852 341
Hultsch (F.) Pappi Alexandrini
Collectionis qua) supersunt, 1876 366
Human Authority in Matters of
Faith, 1774 ....^. 70
Humboldt (A. v.) und Gauss, Briefe
zwischen, 1877 373
Hume (C.) City Churches for Lon-
don Suburbs, 1853 78
Hume (Dayid) Life, by Himself,
1777 51
Pubhc Credit, 1752 T. E. 3
Hume (H.) Oyerland Expedition
from Lake George to Port Phillip
in 1824, 1873 357
Hume (J.) to E. of Malmesbury
cone. Sir J. Brooke, 1851 168
Hume (E. M.) Chancery Delays etc.
1830 97
Humphrey (W.) Fitzjames Stephen
and Cardinal Bellarmine, 1875... 356
Humphreys (H. T.) Memoir of
Latimer Clark, 1881 420
Hungary : Lois et reglements, trad.
du Hongrois, 1884 439
Hunt (Holman) Catalogue of Pic-
tures, 1886 440
Hunt (E.) Synopsis of the Con-
tents of the Great Exhibition of
1851 362
■ Handbook to the Industrial
Department of the International
Exhibition of 1862 362
Hunt (Thos.) Defence of Charter
and Municipal Eights of the City
of London 308
Hunter, Disc, on Friendship, 1771 73
Sermon on Execut. of Louis
XVL 1793 44
Sermon, on Difference between
Men,1797 45
Hunter (J.) Pref. to Gr. EoU of
Exchequer, 1833 107
Hunter (Lieut.-Col.) Suggestions on
Bengal Army (1st edit.), 1858 ... 89»
Huntingford's Sermon at Salisbury,
1789 297
Huntingford (Eev. E.) The Parable
of Lock and Key 416
Study of the Apocalypse, 1884 417
Hurlbut (E.) Eeligion in the State,
1870 311
Hursthouse (C.) New Zealand in
1851 171
Lecture on New Zealand, 1849 430
Huskisson, Speech on Silk Trade... 102
Speech in H. of Commons 131
On Navigation Laws,
1826 196
Hutchinson (Goy.) Proc. of Privy
Council as to his removal 68
Hutchinson and Oliver's Letters at
Boston, 1776 60'
Hutton (H. D.) Gradual Creation of
a Farmer Proprietary in Ireland,
1868 270
Prussian Land-Tenure Eeforms
for Ireland, 1868 270
Hutton (J.) Appointment of Public
Accountants, 1861 248
' I. H. S.' Argument for the Greek
Origin of the Monogram, 1841... 441
Idealist, The 253,277
Idem Iterum : Hist, of Queen Mary's
Big Belly 65
Illustrator (The) Illustrated, 1838... 118
Im Neuen Reiche 292
Immortality in its bearing on Edu-
cation Sc. T. 9
Examination of some recent
Writings about Sc. T. 9
Impartial Enquiry into the Adminis-
tration of Aiiair sin England, 1683 307
Impressment, Letter on 153
Ince (W. D.D.) Past History and
Present Duties of the Faculty of
Theology in Oxford, 1878 391
India, Administration of, 1858 170
Bill, Divisions on, 1784 22
British, Pohcy of Gov. of, 1839 110
Budget, Eeport of Debates on,
1806 35
Colonial Policy 216
Correspondence and Proceed,
1812 214
India Question, Constitutional View
of, 1858 327
Crisis, 1858 78
• Dangers from French Invasion
and Missionary Estab. 1808 203
Debate, Moral of, 1858 ... 78, 327
Debate in House of Lords,
Dec. 1783 232
and its Future, 1858 78
Disc, of Trade from England
to, by T. M. 1G21 T. E. 1
On Dissolution of late and
Conduct of present Parliament,
1785 234
Protest etc. against Eescinding
Dividend, 1707 227
Essay in Defence of Missions,
1808 204
Ext. from 'Times,' 1828 207
Further Papers respecting
Negociations, 1813 21G
Great Britain, and Eussia,
1838 110
English Missionaries and Hin-
doo Endowments, n.d 395
Immolations in, 1821 207
Importance of Brit. Dominion
comp. with that in America, 1770 230
Inoculation for Smallpox, 1707 220
Interest and Duty of Govern-
ment, as concerned in affairs of... 231
Letter against Bible Society's
exertions in, 1807 203
■ Justification of Directors of
Netherlands E.I.C. 1088 219
Letters of a Citizen on, 1783... 230
Letters between a Gentleman
in Berlin and Person of distinction
in London 239
Letters to Members of present
Pari. 1784 232
Minutes of Evidence, with
P^emarks 214
Extracts from ditto, 1814 210
The Mutinies, the Government,
and the People, by a Hindu, 1858 395
Mutinies m, a Series of Letters,
1857 327
■ Necessity and Advantage of
Free Trade to, 1807 240
Necessity for Open Trade to,
1707 220
Notice of General Meeting ... 210
Papers resp. Negociation 215
■ Pohtical Letters by a late M.P.
1785 223
Present State of Trade to, 1758 220
Press V. Salt Monopoly in ... 108
• Proceed, and Debates in both
Houses of Pari, on, 1784 235
• Proposals to Gen. Court,
March 1813 214
India, Eolations with Countries
West of Indus, 1839 110
Eemarks on Extent of Terri-
tory subject to Acts of 1784, 1795 215
Eeport on Lord Eipon's Policy 415
Eeport of Meeting in Support
ditto, 1883 423
Eesolutions of IManufacturers
of Long Ells, April 24, 1812 215
• Eesolutions of Gen. Court,
]\Iay 1812 215
Eetrospective View etc. 1783 232
Eeview of Affairs of, 1807 212
Secret Committee, Eeasons
against Eesolutions pending from,
1782 237
Slavery and Slave Trade, 1841 110
State Education in, Eeply to
Johnston, 1882-83 401
Stock, Letters to Proprietors
of, 1707-09 227, 228, 23G
Strictures on Govt, of, by an
Officer, 1809 204
on System of British
Commerce, 1792 213
Suppression of Public Discus-
sion 153, 154
Tracts, presented by J. S. Mill
TradcConsid. on,1701...T. E. 1
A Voice from, to the ]\Ien of
Manchester, 1858 327
(East) Company, Short Hist.
of, 1793 47
Debates on Eenewal of
Charter, 1813 217, 218
Govt, and Commerce of,
1829 89
Eeport of Committee of
Correspondence of, on Claims of
Outports 131
State of Question be-
tween II. jM.'s jMinisters and
Court of Directors 131
Free Trade, liupiiry into
Pretensions of 215
Territorial Eights and
Commercial Privileges of, 1813... 210
Petition, Abstract of
Ai'gument for 21()
Impartial A'ind. of, 1088 219
of Merchants, Attempt to
pay oft" Nat. Debt by abolishing,
1707 229
Address cone. Business
between Govt, and, 1707 227
System of Eeform for,
1784 233
State of Affairs of, 1708 227
Present Situation of, 1784 232
Charter, Petitions against,
1813 214
Tbacts — continued.
India (E.) Company, Debates, Char-
ter, Petition to Pari. 1852 168
• Pieform. The Finances
of India ; the Native States of
India ; on the Double Govern-
ment ; the Government of India
under a Bureaucracy ; Wrongs
without a Piemedy ; Public Works ;
State and Government of India
iinder its Native Piulers, 1853 ... 325
Indian Year Book, 1862 281
Indianapolis Public Library, 1st
Eeport, 1874 361
Indies (West) Case of British, 1852 168
• Merchants of, Pdght to
Monopoly examined 213
Cotton and Roads of, 1851 ... 172
Indigo and its Enemies, 18G1 80
Indigo Commission, Min. of Evidence 195
Indus (The) Trade and Navigation,
1837 110
Industrial Homes (The Children in)
1874 T. Q. 7
Infanticide, Debates on, ed. by Dr.
Drysdale, 1866 288
Infants, Law of custody consid.
1838-39 109
Infidels, Prosecution vindicated 151
Inghs (Sir E. H.) Letter to, 1839... 119
Ingram (T. D.) Eecent Proceedings
of the Indian Government, 1871 291
Inquiry into the Causes which have
retarded the Accumulation of
Wealth in the U.S. 1846 262
Inquiry into the Four last Years'
Eeign, 1714 258
Insanity and Crime, 1864 85, 245
Insurance, Essay on Means of, 1836 107
Interest of the Three Kingdoms etc.
1680 : 301
■ of Europe in Conditions of
Peace, 1870~ 277
International Arbitration, Historical
Survey of, n.d 406
International Copyright 261 , 369
International Association of Working
Men, Conference of, 1871 374
Invahdes, Hotel des, Description of,
1835 194
Inventors, Eights of, Eeports 1-3,
1850-52 348
Ionian Islands under Brit. Protect.
1851 177
Ireland (A.) EecoUections of George
Dawson, 1882 420
Ireland (Dr. J.) Letter to H.
Brougham 143
Ireland, How to make it self-
supporting, 1848 332
Syst. of Trade with, expl. 1785 63
■ Eeply to P. Gregory's Letter
to the Archbishops, 1836 103
Ireland, Eeport of Com. of Poor In-
quiry, 1837 108
Disturbances in ; Evils of 153
under Lord Mulgrave, 1837 ... 106
under Lord de Grey, 1844 ... 172
Joint- Stock Banking in, 1844 186
Condition of the Poor in 158
■ Eoyal Campaign in, 1690 65
■ Tracts on : Wants and Pract.
Eemedies, 1848 ; State of, 1855 ;
Poor Law ; Distress in, 1847 167
A Word to Chichester Fortescue 280
Adm. of Belief under Poor Law
Extension Act, 1849 167
— Eomish Party in, Negocia-
tions and Intrigues S. T. W. 3
Letter from a Proprietor to
Ministers of Eeligion 167
On the Public Eecords of, 1863 83
Letter from a Gentleman in,
S. T. C. 2
Letters on the State of, 1847 332
Statistics of, for 1848 332
Government of (from the N.Y.
'Nation'), 1886 442
More Thoughts about, 1886... 442
Home Eule. What is it ? 1886 442
■ W' hy Ireland wants it,
1886 442
British Home Eule
Association Committee, 1886 449
• Popular objections to, 1886 442
Fallacies about, 1886 ... 442
Words for Eight and
Peace, 1886 442
Twentv reasons for 442
Union Eeport of, 1886 ... 447
Some Thoughts on, by an
Ulster Protestant, 1886 442
Opinions of some Pro-
testants on, 1886 442
• Why should Englishmen
support it, 1886 '.. 442
Const, and Eules of Brit.
H.E. Association, 1886
— — Address to the Protestants of
Ireland, from the Irish Pro-
testant H.E. Association, 1886 ... 442
Speech of J. Dillon on second
reading of Mr. Gladstone's bill,
1886 442
Jos. Cowen on ditto 442
J. E. Eedmond on ditto 442
W. O'Brien on ditto 442
The Home Euler, vol. 1, No. 2,
1886 442
Eepeal of the Union Con-
spiracy, or Mr. Parnell, 1886 448
What Science is saying about
Ireland, 1881 421
Irish Estates, List of some, etc. 78, 167
Forfeitures, Eeport on, S. T. W. 2
Tbacts — continued.
Irish Oratory 139
Fallacies etc. Scrutator 21-1
Land Bill, 1881 414, 421
Grievances, Summary of, 1880 442
Land Question, 1880, 307, 404, 411
Tracts (5) on the Ir. Question,
188G 442
National League Leaflets (8),
1886 442
■ Land Lessons ; Irish Parlia-
ments etc. 1886 442
Difficulty, Thoughts on; Land
Legislation ; Land Question
etc. 1868 253, 270
Nationality in 1870 310
People, real Wants of 270
Iron as Material for Shipbuilding,
1861 202
Iron Ways, Bridges, Piails etc. 1850 340
Irons (W. J.) Sermon at St. Paul's,
1864 ..■ 246
■ Analysis of Human Kesponsi-
bility 283
Ironside (I.) Trades Unions : 1867 277
Irvine (P.) On Law of Entail in
Scotland, 1830 99
Is Death the end of all things for
Man? Sc. T. 9
Iscander (A.) Du Developpement
des Idees Kcvolutionnaires en
Eussie, 1851 410
Italienische Krieg (der), und Preus-
seu, 1859 191
Italy, Nature of Quarantine in, 1767 226
Chamb. of Deputies, Speeches,
Apr. 1861 80
Eelazione della Comm. reale
d' inchiesta sullc opere pie, 1884 439
Iturbide (D. A.) Life of 157
Ivernois,MortalitedesPeuples, 1833 174
Jackson (Bp. of Lond.) Charge to
Clergy, 1875 389
Jackson (E.) Speech, May 5, 1812 214
■ on Increase of Crime 158
Jackson (Serj .) Fam. Epistle to, 1837 106
Jacob (Gen, Sir G.) Taylor's ' Stu-
dent's Manual of Indian History '
and the ' Edinburgh Eeview,' 1877 400
Jacob (G. A.) The Sabbath made for
man 401
Jacob (Col. John) Eeply to W. S.
on G. Higgins' Anacalypsis, 1857 441
Jacob (W.) Causes of Agricult. Dis-
tress 139
Agricult. and Trade in Corn... 158
Jacoby (J.) Social Question, 1870
256, 291
Jacquemart (A.) L'Extreme Orient
au Palais de I'lndustrie, 1874
T. Q. 9
Jamaica, Statements of Facts re-
lating to, 1852 338
Jamaica, Statement by the West
Lidia Association, 1853 338
James (Eev. J. A.) On the Sabbath 346
James II. League with Louis XIV.
S. T. W. 1
Nullity of Title S. T. W. 1
Letter to Privy Councillors,
S. T. W. 2
French Invasion to restore,
S. T. W. 2
Declaration ; with Answer,
S. T. W. 2
Directions concerning
Preachers, 1685 304
James (H.) Social Significance of
our Institutions, 1861 276
Jamieson (K.) Western Central
Africa, 1859 428
Jay (J.) The Great Issue, 1865 243
Polit. Situation in the U . States,
1866 240, 250
Presidential Election, 1869 ... 256
Jay (W.) War and Peace, 1842 116
Jeannent (Dr.) On Cholera, 1857 ... 176
Jebb, Eeasons for Eesignation, 1776 72
Letter to, on his Eeasons,
1776 72
Jeffrey (F.) Combinat. of Worlonen,
1825 25
Jelf (Dr. E. W.) On Eev. F. D.
Maurice's Essays, 1853 190
Grounds for laying Statements
in same before Council of King's
Coll. 1853 161, 259
Jellinek (G.) Goethe's Beziehungen
zu Spinoza, 1878 410
Jenckes (T. A.) Bill to Eegulate the
Civil Service of the U.S. 1868
261, 263, 268
Jenkins, Historical Law Essays,
1790 8
Jenkinson (E. of Liverpool) Conduct
of Gt. Britain in respect to Neu-
tral Nations S. C.L.
Jcnnett (H . ) Arrest for Debt 155
On Eicardo's Polit. Economy 156
Jennings (F. M.) Present and Future
of Ireland etc. 1865 277
Causes of Poverty and Discon-
tent in Ireland, 1866 313
Jerdan (W.) Assoc, for Protecting
Authors 183
Jerrold, Ectircd from Business, 1851 185
Jerusalem Chamber, Eccles. Com.
in S. T. W. 1
Jerusalem (New) Church, Confe-
rence, 1791 27
Jervis (G.) Giacimento di Antracite
di Demonte, 1873 361
Jervis (W. P.) Mineral Eesources in
Central Italy, 1862 ; Supplement,
1868 81, 266
Tracts — continued.
Jesse (G. E.) Notes on Eeport on
Vivisection, 1876 3G7
Jesuits, Account of 135
Jesus V. Christianity Sc. T. 9
Jevous (Prof.) Currency of the
United Kingdom, 1868 287
Jevons (W.) Christianity considered
as a Divine Eevelation Sc. T. 14
Book of Common Prayer ex-
amined Sc. T. 13
Prayer Book adapted to the
Age Sc. T. 13
Jew (A) Letter to a Christian 145
Jewish Claims, 1858 78
Disabihties, Eeasons for re-
sisting the Eemoval of 347
Literature and Modern Educa-
tion Sc. T. 17
Jews (Brit.) Eemarks on Civil Dis-
abihties 96
Eeport of Great Meeting 187
John Justified 309
Johns, Burning of Widows in Lidia,
1816 207
Lidian Civihsation by Native
Schools, 1813 205
Johnson, The Sultaness, a Tragedy,
1717 379
Johnson (Andrew) Message to Con-
gress, 1865 432
Message, 1866 263
Eeturning the Bill ' To Pro-
tect all Persons in the U.S.' 1866 263
Johnson (L.) Lidian Finance, 1878 444
Johnson (Eev. S.) Eeasons for Stand-
ing Army ; Magistracy, Divine
Eightetc S.T.C. 2
Paper, for which he was
whipped S. T. C. 2
Johnson (S.) Essays on ParHa-
ments etc. 1694 264
Johnston, Speech to the Elector of
Brandenburg S. T. W. 3
Johnston (Gov.) to Proprietors of
E. I. Stock, 1769 228
Letters to, on E. I. Affairs,
1783 237
to Prop, of E. L Stock, 1776 222
Johnstone (AV.) A Voice from the
Schoolroom, 1855 329
Joint- Stock Companies 156
Jones (A.) State of Comitry in Nov.
1794 120
Jones, Dissent andMorahty, Wales,
1849 17G
Jones (E.) Labour and Capital, 1867 287
Educational Condition of
Wales, 1848 328
Jones (J. S.) Evangehsation of the
Masses, 1873 363
Jones (Eev. J.) Unstableness of Eu-
clid, 1870 285
Jones (J. Winter) Address at Con-
ference of Librarians, 1877 416
Jones (M. C.) Old Oak PanelHng at
Gungrog, 1864 256
Family of Waldo 256
Jones (E.) Lecture on Pol. Economy,
1833 179
on Commutation Bill, 1836 ... 196
Jones (Sir Wm.) The Principles of
Government, 1797 359
Jones (W. B.) L'ish Church, 1868 252
Joplin, Commerc. Embarrassments,
Cause and Cure, 1841 113
Jordan, Answer to Sheffield, 1804... 48
Jordan (Amelia) Summary of her
case, 1882 420
Joseph II. Letters of 148
Joss, Specimens of Eomaic Poetry,
1826 173
Jouffroy's Philosophical Essays,
S. C. L. 31, 34, 35
Jowett (Eev. B.) Christian Doctrine
and Practice, 1861 274
Judges, Proceedings of, Eeport of
Committee S. T. C. 2
Julian (Hon. G. W.) Spoliation of
the Public Domain etc. 1868 261
Jurisprudence, Section of 198
Justen (J.) Notes on Wood, 1864
246, 376
Justice, Triumphs of, over the
Unjust 121
Kalisch (M.) Theology of the Past
and the Future Sc. T. 16
Kaspary (J.) Universal Eeign of
Human Happiness 282
Kautzsch (A. F.) De Vet.Testamenti
Locis a Paulo Apost. allegatis,
1869 283
Kay, Training of Pauper Children,
1839 117
Kay-Shuttleworth (J.) Popular
Education, 1868 253
Kaye (E.) Sermon at Walbrook, 1778 45
Kaye (W. F. J.) Homeless Poor,
Sermon at Line. 1859 79
Address to Churchwardens ... 79
Keddie, W. Highland Tour (Glas-
gow to Oban) 446
Keene (W.) N. S. Wales Coal Fields 255
Keith (A.) Evidence of Prophecy,
1838 370
Kelley (W. D.) Speeches, at Phila-
delpliia and W^ashington, 1864-5 432
Dangers and Duties of the
Hour, 1866 263
Eepublican Form of Govern-
ment, 1865 268
Kelly (Eev. J. B, K.) Journal of a
Visitation in the Church Ship
'Star,' 1870 290
Kelly (W.) on Villa Farms, n.d. ... 368
Tbacts — con tin ucd.
Kemble (C.) and W. B. Calvert, The
Upright Pastor (Rev. \s\ Jowett)
1855 272
Kemble (J. M.) Hist, of Eng. Lang.
1834 104
Churchrates and Tithes, 1837 105
Kennard (E. B.) Letter to Bp. of
Sahsbury on * Essays and Ke-
views,' 1861 199
Kennedy (C. L.) Suez Canal, 1857 202
Kennedy (James) Question of the
Lost Tribes, 1855 IGl
Letter to Ld. J. Russell, 1854 180
Origin of Amer. Indians, 1854 182
Kennett (Dr.) Consecration of Bp.
Wake, 170G 295
Sermon in St. Paul's, Nov. 5,
1715 295
Keppel (Adm.) Letter from a French
Naval Officer to, 1778 13
Kerr, Serm. on Missionary Schwartz ;
Report on Christianity in Cochin
and Travancore, 1813 205
Kerrich (T.) Catalogue of Roman
Coins, 1852 3G3
Kerrison, Bill for better Reg. of
Med. Profession 135
Kershaw (S. W.) Notes on Croydon
Palace 372
Kerslake (T.) Project for annexing
the Bristol Library to the Institu-
tion, 1867 313
Caer Pensauelcoit, 1882 404
Liberty of Independent His-
torical Research, 1885 426, 429
The Word ' Metropolis ' the
Ancient Word ' Anglo-Saxon ' etc.
1880 404
Kestner, L'Institut de Corresp.
Archeologique, 1846 174
Key (Aston) Railway in Egypt, 1850 341
Key (T. H.) Greek Preposition
'ANA, 1842 189
• and Williamson, Invasion
invited by Defenceless State of
England, 1858 172, 195
Kidd (Capt.) Proceedings rel. to
S. T. W. 3
Kidnapping of Bulgarians etc. 1879 382
Killarney, Description of, 1776 T. Q. 2
Killing no Murder, by Col. Titus,
1748 52
Kindler (J. P.) Reform. Abendmahl-
Lehre 394
King (The) of the Commons 185
Petition of Ld. Mayor, Alder-
men etc. to S. T. C. 2
King's Speech, Debates on, 1792 ... 9
Power in E coles. Matters,
S. T. C. 2
Proclam. for a Tolerance, Re-
flexions on S. T. C. 2
King's Declaration for Liberty of
Conscience, Reflections on S. T. C. 2
School, Chester, Cat. of Anti-
quities 201
Lynn, Letter from Gentlemen
at S. T. C.
King (Abp.) Sermon before the
Queen, 1705 290
King, Colonisation on Christian
Prin. ; Triform Syst. of ditto in S.
Africa, 1844-45 115, 171
King (Rev. B.) Sermon, 1859 192
Sacrilege, etc. 1860 79, 259
King (Dr.) Address to Ethnological
Soc. 1844 200
King (Rev. G.) Case of. Bishop's
Judgment, 1861 429
King (J. L.) Injustice of the Law of
Succession to the Real Property
of Intestates, 1854 344
King (Ld.) Restriction of Specie
Payments at English Banks etc. 31
Kingdom of Heaven T. T. 49
Kingdom, Present Circumstances of
the S.T. W. 1
Kinglake (Mr.) and the Quarterlies,
1863 246, 396
Kings, Rights of, 1791 7
Kingslcy (Rev, C.) Sermon on the
Death of P. Consort, 1862 82
Kingsley (Dr.) and Dr. Newman,
1864 245
Kingston Cause impartially stated,
1776 314
Kinnaird (Hon. A.) Bengal, its Land
Tenure etc. 1857 281
Kinnear (J. B.) The Mind of Eng-
land on the Eastern Question
381, 386
Kippis (Dr.) Vindication of Dis-
senting Ministers, 1773 71
Kirk (R. J.) Roman Cath. Principles
resp. God and the King 142
Kirkland (C. P.) Emancipation Pro-
clamation, 1863 250
The Destiny of Our Country
(iYew For/.-), 1864 432
Liability of Great Britain for
Rebel Privateers' Depredations... 433
Kirkman (Rev. T. P.) Church Curs-
ing and Atheism Sc. T. 7
On Church Pedigrees ...Sc. T. 11
Where is the Firmament which
God created? Sc. T. 2
The Ordeal of Jealousy Sc. T. 2
Infidchty of Orthodoxy, Sc. T. 16
Orthodoxy from the Hebrew
Point of View Sc. T. 16
Rest and Refreshment of God
on the Seventh Day Sc. T. 2
Klapka (General) On the Eastern
Question, 1877 381
Teacts — continued.
Klaproth on Cornwall Fossils, 1787 14
Kling (C. E.) Neander (ein Lebens-
bild) 394
Klose (Dr. M.) Dippel and A. Bou-
rignon 394
Knight (G.) Letter to E. of Aber-
deen, 1829 QQ
Knight (J.) London Joint-Stock
Banks, 1857 172, 350
Knight (T. A.) Cause of Disease in
Corn 135
Knock (G.) Memoir of, 1858 187
Knowles (A.) Croix on the Motion
of Floating Bodies, 1775 47
Knowles (S.) The Wife, 1833 173
Knox (Dr. V.) on Grammar Schools 148
Kohler (C. F.) Gottfried Arnold ... 394
Kossuth and the ' Times,' 1851 163
Katastrophe in Ungarn, 1849 188
Koster (H.) Amelioration of Slavery 137
Koulouriotes, Greece, past and pre-
sent, 1863 83
Krafft (G.) Australian Vertebrata... 255
Fossil Eemams etc 255
Krasinski (Ct.) Italy, Venice, Hun-
gary, 1861 80
Krebs (J.) Christian von Anhalt am
Beginn des 30-jahrigen Krieges,
1872 384
Kreyssig (J. F.) Annotat. ad Livii
Lib. xli. xlv. accessit Comm. de
Livii Hist, reliquiis, 1849 ...T. Q. 6
Krieg (der), von einem Freunde der
Wahrheit, 1868 266
Kriiner (F.) Johann von Eusdorf,
1876 384
Labarthe (C. de) La Science des
Eeligions comparees, K.D 448
Labilliere — The Permanent Unity of
the Empire, 1875 361
Labour Question, Extracts on, 1867 251
Labour, Eemuneration of, Eeport... 152
Lacerda (D.J. de) Portuguese Ahican
Territories, 1865 253
La Chaise and Four Jesuits, S. T. C. 1
Lach-Szyrma (Eev. W. S.) Lifluence
of the Fisheries Exliibition on the
Fish Supply [1883] 438
Thoughts on Clerical Life, 1881 438
Lafayette (Gen.) Life of 155
Lafletay (L'Abbe) Notice sur la Ta-
pisserie dite de Eeine Mathilde,
1873 440
Lafitau (J. F.) Memoire concern, la
Plante du Ginseng de Tartarie,
1858 428
Lager (C.) Convict, of High Treason,
1722 T. F.
Laing (S.) England's Mission in the
East, 1863 244
Laird (M.) Eemedies for the siave
Trade, 1842 429
Lake (J. W.) Mythos of the Ark,
Sc. T. 16
Lamartine (A. de) Lettre a, 1843... 114
Lambeth Waterworks, 1851 169
Petition against Public Health
Bill, 1855 333
Lambton, Plan for Pari. Eeform ... 150
La Mettrie, Man a Machine, 1750... 241
Land and Law at Home and Abroad,
1880 411
Laud Transport Company, Canada,
Prospectus, 1858 78
Sale, Transfer of, 1859 79, 198
Tax, Eight to Eevision of, 1842 114
Landholders etc. Facts addressed to 58
Landor (W\) Popery, British and
Foreign, 1851 160
Lang (A.) Notes on J. E. Millais'
Pictures, 1881 397
Lang (G. H.) Eeasons for Eepealing
Eailway Passenger Tax, 1851 ... 164
Lang (H.) Das Leben Jesu mid die
Kirche der Zukunft, 1872 403
Lang(Dr. J.D.)NewZealandin 1839 171
The Question of Questions, a
Letter to Landholders of N. S.
Wales, 1841 428
Langdon (H. D.) Eevelations sur
I'Eglise et la Eevolution, n.d. ... 396
Langdon (W. B.) Chinese Collec-
tion, 1843 269
Langrishe (Sir H.) Speech on Par-
Hamentary Reform, 1794 308
Lansdowne (M. of) Speech 146
Lanterne (La) Nov. 7, 1868 278
Lardner (D.) Steam Communication
with Lidia by Eed Sea, 1837 110
Larrieu (A.) Guerre a la Guerre ... 413
Lasning for Folket, 1849 289
Late Dreadful Plague 258
Latest Intelligence from the Planet
Venus, N.D 372
Latham (G.) ' poor Ophelia ' 1884 406
La Touche (J. D.) Judgment of the
Committee of Council in the
Voysey Case Sc. T. 13
Sermon, 1867 282
Latrobe, Letter on Nicobar Island,
1812 205
Latude (H. M. de) Life of, Impris.
35 years 132
Lauderdale (D. of) Admin, of Scot-
land under S. T. C. 2
and Duchess, Impeachment
S. T. C. 2
Laurie, Hints reg. E. I. Monopoly,
1813 216
Laval, Constitutions et Eeglement
de rUniversite de, Quebec, 1869 426
Laveleye (E.) Progres des Anglo-
Saxons, 1859 316
La Monnaie Bimetallique, 1876 380
Tracts — contiimed.
Lavergne (L. de) La Constitution do
1852 etc. 18G0 292
Law Committee's Report to Assoc,
of St. Thomas of Canterbury on
Anstey's Bill, 1847 344
Delays and costs of , 1 878 382
Tracts 1G5
State of the 155
Law of Partnership, Rep. of Meet-
ing at the Chamber of Commerce
at'Liverpool, 1854 335
Law (The) and the Creeds ...Sc. T. 11
Law (Dr.) Charge to Clergy 155
Law (Rev. T. G.) On the Latin
Vulgate, 1877 3G9
Law (W. J.) Reply to Ellis on Han-
nibal, 1856 173
Law (W.) History of Coffee, 1850... 198
Lawes (J, B.) and Gilbert, On
Home Produce, Import etc. of
Wheat from 1852-1879 425
Lawn (Bux.) on Corn Trade, 1800-1
Lawrence (J.) Dramatic Emancipa-
tion 131
Lawrence (Sir S.) Comparison of
Titles etc 152
Lawrie (Dr. J. A.) Medical Corpora-
tions and Reform in Scotland,
1851 345
Laws etc. passed by the Massa-
chusetts Legislature, 1866 263
Lawson, 'Woman in India,' a Poem,
1821 207
Lawson (J.) Irish Law on Wills,
1852 125
Rep. on Patent Laws, 1851 ... 165
Lawyer Outlaw 'd ; Answer to Himt's
Defence of the Charta, 1683 306
Lay Sermon, 1865 246
Lay Sermon ( A) for the Clergy, Sc . T . 3
Layman's Suggestions for Present
Crisis, 1851 160
Laymen, Functions in the Church,
1852 159
Leadams (J. S.) Agriculture and the
Land Laws 422
Agriculture and the Land Laws;
Tenancy, etc. N.D 399
Coercive Measures in Ireland,
1830-1880 411
Farmers' Grievances, 1880 ... 402
What Protection does for the
Farmer 404
Leake, Claim to Cervi and Sapienza,
1850 182
Leake (Jno.) Properties of Lisbon
Diet-Drink, 1787 241
Learning, a Vindication of, by Philo-
patris, 1679 '. 436
Lebrecht (F.) Verbesserte Lese zum
Talmud, 1864 377
Leckic (G. F.) On the Practice of
British Government, 1812 140
Leclaire, Dialogue sur I'Association
de rOuvrier au Benefices du
Patron, 1871 40D
Leclaire et Cie, Reglemeut de la
Maison, 1869 254
]\Iaison de {various immijhlcts),
1865 409
Leo, Right of Brit. Merchant to
Trade within Comp.'sLimits, 1812 215
Lee (Rev. F. G.) Church of England
and Political Parties, 1868 313
Lee (Dr. F. R.) Argument for the
Legislative Prohibition of the
Liquor Traffic, 1856 355
Lee (Dr. S.) Remarks on Thirlwall's
Letters, 1834 105
On the Duty of observing
the Sabbath, 1834 423
Lee (Rev. T.) Management of Poor 138
Lees (W. N.) Indian ^lusalmans
etc. 1871 291
Oriental Languages 189
Lefevre, Pres. State of Agric. 1836 103
Lefevrc (G. S.) Personal Payment
of Rates etc. 1868 270,277
Freedom of Land, 1880 399
Lcfils (C.) Un Mois en Angloterre,
1862 81
Legal Rights, Oblig. of S. T. W. 2
Legge (Rt. Hon. II. B.) Character
of, by Dr. Butler 66
Legislature (Brit.) Address to Mem-
bers of 89
Legouve (E.) L'Art de la Lecture 392
Leibnitz, Memoir of, 1803 276
Leicester Square Soup Kitchen, 1850 176
Leipzig, la Bataille et la Retraite de, 413
Leland (Dr.) Sermon at Dublin,
1777 297
Leleux, Salle des Ancetres de
Thouthmes III, Karnak et la
Table d'Abydos, 1845 188
Le Mesurier (Rev. T.) Counter Ad-
dress to Protestants 131
Leo X. (Pope) Facsimile of Indul-
gence issued by, a.d. 1517, 1878 405
Leopold the First, Memoir of, by N.
Considerant, 1865 T.Q. 5
Lepelletier (P. A.) Les Hdmorro'ides,
1834 54
Lepsius (R.) Paliiographie als Mittel
fiir die Sprachforschung, 1834 ... 104
Ueber die zw()lfte iigyptische
Konigsdynastie, 1853 ... 1 T. Q. 4
Das Allg. Linguistische Alpha-
bet, 1855 426
Leroy-Beaulieu (P.) Les Guerres
Contemporaines, 1853-1866 413
Leslie (H. Bp. of Belfast) Authority
of the Church, 1637 300
Tracts — contimicd.
Lessons on the a.m. and p.m. Ser-
vices of the Ch. of E. 1853 274
Lester (Rev. J. W.) On the Order
of Mormng Prayer, 1854 331
Lester (W.) The Happy Era 210
L'Estrange (R.) Capture of Buda by
Duke of Lorrame, 1686 308
• Narrative of the Plot, 1680 ... 306
Case, etc. 1080 306
Discoverv upon Discovery, 1680
305, 307
• Further Discoverv of the Plot,
1680 " 305, 308
The Dissenters' Sayings, 1685 307
Vindication of the Sermon on
' Curse ye Meroz,' 1680 302
Presbyterian Sham etc. 1680 301
The Casuist Uncased, 1680 ... 301
A Seasonable Memorial, etc.
1680 305
Succession of H.E.H. Duke of
York, 1680 305
• Dialogue between the Pope and
a Phanatick, 1680 305
Short Answer to a whole Litter
of Libellers, 1680 305
Discourse of the Honest Cava-
lier with the Popish Couranter,
1680 306
Serious Epistle to Hodge, 1680 306
Literest of the Three King-
doms etc. 1680 306
On the Regulations of the
Press, 1663 436
Letter to William in. 1699 264
to Bp. of London by a Lay-
man, 1850 278
to the Authors of ' Suggestions
for an Improvement of the Exam.
Statute etc' 1848 290
• on the Necessity of Regulating
the Press, 1696 436
on the Soldier's Condition in
India in 1840 274
to W. E. Gladstone, by an
Irish Catholic 404
to B. Cleve, Esq., concerning
his Calculation of Taxes, 1757 ... 368
to the Archbishops on the
Burial Question 383
concerning Bill for disabling
the Duke of York to inherit the
Crown, 1680 306
Letter and Spirit. Sc. T. 2, 12
Letters to W. Pitt on his Apostasy,
etc. 1793 280
• to Lord Grenville and Lord
Howick on their removal from the
Council, 1807 419
from a Correspondent of an
Association of Cotton Spinners,
1865 262
Letters of Loyal Soldiers, 1864 243
Lettres de Verax, 1800 289
Levi, Reply to Priestley's Letter to
the Jews, 1787 12
Lewes (G. H.) The Noble Heart,
1850... 185
Spinoza's Life and Works,
1843 173
Lewin (Malcolm) On the Government
of Lidia, 1850 ; the Way to Lose
India, 1857 327
The Government of the E. I.
Comp. and its Monopolies, 1857 327
Lewis (G.) Letter to, 1821 123
Liabilities of Joint- Stock Com-
panies, 1845 177
Lewis (Sir G. C.) Foreign Jurisdic-
tion, 1839 251
Lewis (J. D.) Revolution of 1789,
1870 287
Lewis (Prof. Tayler) State Rights,
Albany, 1Q(S^ 433
Lex XII Tabularum Gr. 1830 191
Ley (J.) to the People on Currency,
1841 78
Leycester on the Ten Command-
ments, 1795 28
Liancourt (D.) Philadelph. Prison
Laws, 1796 46
Libel, Summary of Law of 69
Six Tracts on 08
Libels, Warrants etc. Letters cone. 66
Documents relating to, 1821... 368
Liber Diurnus ; ou, Recueil des for-
mules de la chancellerie pontifi-
cal du V^-XP siecle, 1869 446
Liberal-Conservative Govt., Is it
practicable (?) 1852 180
Library, Observ. on several Authors
and Books necessary for formation
of 131
Libri, Reponse a M. Bouchy, 1848 174
Liddon's Bampton Lectures, Exa-
mination of Sc. T. 13
Lieber (Dr.) Address on Secession,
1851 243
Lincoln or McClellan, Appeal
to the Germans in America,
1864 243
Instructions for Government
of U.S. Armies 433
Liebig (J. de) Developpement des
Idees etc. 1867 289
Liebreich (R.) School Life in its
influence on Sight, etc. 1878 414
Eflect of certain Faults of
Vision on Painting. 1872 383
On the Real and Ideal in Por-
traiture, 1875 383
Lififord (Vise.) Pres. State of Ireland,
1849 167
Lighthouses of Brit. Islands, 1836 195
Teacts — continued.
Lights, Buoys, Beacons, Report 202
Lignana (G.) Letter on Rome and
the Slavs, 187G 3GG
Ligue Internationale do la Paix,
2me Assembk'c (renc'rale 413
Meeting a Londres, 17 Mai,
1870 413
Meeting a New York 413
Lime (J. C.) Atlantic and Pacific
Canal Company, 1854 108
Limited Liability Charters, Returns
of Applications for, 1854 335
Limousin (C. M.) De la Propricte
Litellectuelle Lidustrielle, 1873... 407
Lincoln (A.) In IMenaoriam 261
Lincoln Education Board, Rules ... 247
Lmcoln (Bp. of) Letter to, 1842 ... 159
Charge to Clergy of Diocese... 130
Lincohishire Farming, 1854 251
Lindsay (Ld.) English Hexameters,
1862 "; 200
Lindsay (W. A.) The O'Briens, 1876 378
Earldom of Mar, 1875 378
Lindsay (W. S.) Confirmation of
Admiralty Mismanagement, 1855 332
Lindsey (Th.) Sermon, On Opening
Essex-House Chapel, 1772 72
Lindsey, Soc. for Prom. Industry in,
1789 50
Lmgard (J.) Nature etc. of Timber 145
Rep. to ' Edinburgh Review ' 136
Linguet, sur I'Ouverture de I'Escaut,
1784 63
Links of the Lower House 123
Linnet (F.) Account of S. Australia,
1862 82
Linton (E. L.) Night in a Hospital,
1879 388
Linton (W. J.) Religion of Colonisa-
tion, 1869.... 309
Lisbellaw Gazette, Aug. 2, 1881 T.Q. 7
List, Silchs. Eisenbahn System,
1833 194
Lister, Objections to the Ballot, 1831 180
Literary Fund (Royal) 1850, 1857,
1858 173, 185
Summary of Facts 193
Literary and Educat. Year Book,
1859 271
Lithographic Printing, further im-
provements in T.Q. 9
Little (J. S.) A World Empire ; an
Essay on Imperial Federation,
1879 397
Littledale (R. F.) Why Ritualists
do not become Roman Catholics 373
Littre (E.) Les Semites entrerent en
Competition avec les Aryens 400
Paroles de Philos. Positive,
1858 316
Liturgy, Alterations in T. T. 3
Antiquityof T. T. 63
Liturgy, Bishop Bull on the An-
cient T. T. 04
Lively Picture of L. Du-Moulin,
Reply to Author of, 1680 802.
Liverpool (E. of) Speech of; Letter
to 143, 145, 15a
Llandaff (Bp. of) to Abp. of Canter-
bury 137
Charge to his Clergy 148
to People of Great Britain, 1798 121
Intended Speech in House of
Lords, 1803 34
LleuUin, Poems to King, Prince,
Duke, 1000 T. F.
Lloyd's Sermon at Lambeth, 1701 297
Lloyd, Panama Ship Canal, 1850 177
Colleges of Arts, 1851 178
[Lloyd (C.)] Honest Man's Reasons
against Rockingham's Adminis-
trations, 1705 07
True History of a Short Adm.
(Rockingham's) (i?
Lloyd (W. F.) Prices of Corn in
Oxford, Fourteenth Centurv, 1H30 104
Lloyd (W. W.) The Portland Vase,
1848 181
Artemis Elaphebolos, 1847 ... 189
Pindar and Themistocles,
^gina and Athens, 1802 200
General Theory of Proportion
in Architectural Design, 1S63 T.Q. 5
Moses of Michael Angelo, 1863 83
Panics and their Panaceas,
1869 286
Lobb (J.) London School Board Ex-
travagance and ^Mismanagement 439
Local Taxation Committee, Report
of,1875 420
Locke's Bill, Letter on, by a Rail-
way Proprietor 341
Lockfast Breech-loading Gun and
Rifle 287
Lodge, Sermon in Hereford Church,
1799 31
Loftie (W. J.) Catalogue of Loan
Collection of Books printed before
1000 312
London (Bp. of) Charge to his Clergy,
1759 !... 304
Address, Rem. on, 1864 85
Sermon in Memory of the
Rev. H. H. Milman, 1H6K 290
Charge to the Clergy of London,
1806 290
London, Buildings, Improvements,
etc 154
Corporation, AVhat England
owes to it, 1884 427
Pageants, compiled by J. G.
Nichols, 1837 441
Letter to Livery of, 1820 123
University Reg. for Degrees... 117
Tbacts — continued.
London City Mission, what is the ?
1851 331
— as it is, and as it should be,
— Lord Mayor of, Vindication of,
— to Lahore by Steam and
Telegr. 1856
— ■ The Government of, 1876
— Government Bill, 1884 406
— Outcast, The Bitter Cry of, n.d. 416
University, Description of the
building, 1828 312
School Board Costs, West-
minster, 1885 438
London and Westminster Bank, Cor-
respondence upon the, 1853 350
London's Flames Revived... S. T. C. 2
London (The) Student, April 1868 375
Long History of a Short Session,
1714 258
Long (Rt. Hon. C.) High Price of
Bread 139
Long (G.) In Memoriam, by H. J.
Mathews, 1879 883
Longley (-J.) Trial by Jury 134
Look to the End, 1864 85, 245
at This and Look at That 101
Lopfi (Prof.) Spanish Succession,
Lord Advocate's Education Bill,
Lords, House of, Vind. of Rights,
1701 ..T.F.
Address and her Majesty's
Answer, 1704 T. F.
Petition : Declaration cone.
Misgov. of K. -James S. T. C.
What will the Lords do ? 1831
Observ. on Pamphlet addr. to,
Debates on the Articles of
Peace, 1783 265
Lord's Day, Memorial to the Queen
against the playing of Mihtary
Bands etc. 1856 346
Conf. Meeting, Chichester
Cath. 1861 80
Loredano (DogeL.) Oration on Death
of 141
[Lorimer (Rev. J. G,)] Christian
Revivals, 1859 271
Loring (C. G.) Reconstruction, 1866
261, 268
Neutral Relations of England
etc. 1863 250
Lort's Sermon at Cambridge, 1760 297
Loughborough (Lord) On the EngHsh
Prisons, 1793 398
Louis (A. H.) Ministry, Reform etc.
1867 251
Louis (P. C. A.) Effets de la Saignee
etc 55
Lovelace (Earl of) Harbours of Re-
fuge, 1849 175
on a Collar Roof, 1849 178
Lowe (J.) Recognition of Columbia 151
Lowe (R.) Endowment or Free Trade,
1868 813
Lowman's Arguments to prove the
Unity and Perfections of God
S. C. L.
Lowndes (F. D.) Legal Education,
1869 423
Lowrey (G. P.) On the Proclamation
of Emancipation etc. 1863 250
Is the ' Alabama ' a British
Pirate? 1863 250,433
Loyal Publication Society's Pamph-
lets, Nos. 1 to 78, New York, 1864 243
■ Nos. 4, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 20, 54,
83, 84, 85 249
Loyalty, Enghsh S. T. W. 1
Lucas (Jjord) Speech S. T. C. 1
Liicke (F.) D. W. M. L. de Wette
188, 394
Lukins (George) Narrative of, 1788 27
Lunacy, Law of, 1838 109
Lungley, Unsinkable Iron Ships,
1861 80, 202
Lusato, Poesis Latins Medii Myi
Exempla, 1834 104
Lushington (E. L.) Study of Greek,
1839 117
Judgment Westerton?;. Liddell,
1853 175
Luther (Martin) Reply to his Assail-
ants 417
Luther in England, by a Fellow of
Oriel CoUege, 1841 353
Lutteroth (H. jRussia and the Jesuits,
1858 ! 194
Lutwyche (A.) Plan for extending
the Currency, 1857...,. 323
Lyell and Faraday, Haswell Explos.
1844 178
Lyme Regis, Letter from ...S. T. C. 2
Lynch (Hon. J.) National Finances
etc. 1868 261
Lyndhurst (Ld.) Speech, 1839 109
Lyttelton (W. H.) Sins of Trade
and Business, 1875 388
M. (Lady) Review of Poetry, 1799... 76
Macartney (Ld.) Appointment of
Successor to 233
M'Aulay (Alex.) Legality of Irish
Pensions 67
M&,caulay (T. B. Lord) Evening
(Prize Poem), 1821 444
on Croker's Boswell, answers
to, 1856 277
Obituary of 256
Memoir of 287
Teacts — continued.
Macaulay (Z.) Alphabetical List of
Eailway Stations, 1851 341
Maccall (W.) Russian Rhymes, 1878 400
^ Maccalum' (Lothair) ; or, the Peer,
the Prelate, and the Princess,
1871 3G7
MacCarthy (D. F.) Ode on T. i\Ioore,
1880 T. Q. 5
M'Chaff, Letter, 1842 183
McColl (Rev. M.) Disestablishment
of the Lish Clmrch, 1808 ... 275, 313
McColl (M.) Reasons for Home
Rule, 1880 442
M'Coy (F.) Notes sur la Zoologie et
la PahBontologie de Victoria, 18GG 255
Macculloch's Doctrine resp. Corn
Laws, Remarks on 150
Speech at Lit. Institution,
1825 52
Macculloch (W.) Danger of laying
open Trade with Lidia and China,
1812 215
Maedonald (Lt.-Col.) Bank Charter
Act of 1844, 1855 322
MacDonald Affair, Debates on, 1861 80
MacDonald (J.) The China Question,
1870 291
Macdonnell, R. Cath. Opposition to
State Endowment of Irish Cath.
Clergy, 1847 167
Macfarlane, to our Grandchildren,
1862 81
Sicily and Visct. Palmerston ;
Letters on Naples, Reply to Glad-
stone, 1849-51 163
Neapolitan Govt, and Glad-
stone, 1851 168
Macfie (M.) Religion viewed as de-
vout obedience ; Religious Faculty,
Sc. T. 15
Macfie (R. A.) The Patent Bills of
1883 423
Macfie (Rev. W. G.) The Sabbath of
the Lord 421
M'Ghee (Rev. R. J.) Letter to the
Queen 278,293
M'Gill of Ayr, Procedure against,
1792 187
Machiavelh, Istorie Florentine,
Lib. 1 84, 247
Machinery : its Tendency, 1843 ... 114
Machines, Utility of, to shorten
Labour, 1780 53
Maclvor (T.) On Intermediate Edu-
cation in Ireland, 1869 310
Mackay (A.) Crisis in Canada ;
Analysis of Australian Govern-
ment Bill, 1849-50 125,168
Mackay (Ch.) The Souls of the
Children Sc. T. 16
Mackay (C.) New Light (on Shake-
speare) 1884 406, 415, 439
Mackay (E.) Choral Ode to Liberty,
1887 T. Q. 9
Mackay (R.W.) The Eternal Gospel,
2pts Sc. T. 4
McKaye (Jas.) Emancipated Slave
and his Master, L. P. S. 1864 ... 243
M'Kee (Rev. Jas.) Obstacles to the
Progress of Christianity in India,
1858 327
Mackenzie (J. J.) The Climate of
Sidmouth, 1871 357
Mackenzie (R.) America and her
Army, 1865 288
Mackintosh (Sir Jas.) Yindicia) Gal-
lictx?, 1791 33
Discourse on the Law of Nature
and Nations S. C. L.
M'Laren (D.) Indirect Taxation,
1860 79
Maclean, Quarantine Law 150
Maclean (A. W.) Monetary Circula-
tion, 1856 322
Maclean (C.) Prevention of Epi-
demic Diseases 139
Causes of Plague 145
Maclean (Dr.) on the E.I.C.'s
Charter etc 130
to Proprietors of E. I. Stock,
1769 228
Remarks on Minutes of Evi-
dence 214
Conseq. of Opening Trade to
India etc. 1813 210
INIaclean (J.) Protection and Free
Trade, 1808 270
Macleod (J.) Religion : its Place in
Human Nature Sc. T. 11
McLeod (M.) The Problem of
Canada, 1880 402
Macmahon, Memorial for Cagliostro,
1786 8
Macnaghten(F. W.) State of Ireland,
1837 103
Macnaught (J.) I'ree Discussion v.
Intolerance, 1850 101
McNeile (Rev. Dr.) Slave Labour v.
Free Labour in Sugar, 1848 338
Maconochie (Capt.) Mark System of
Prison Discipline, 1855 352
National Education as bearing
on Crime 329
Prison Discipline, 1856 352
Macrae (C. C.) Criminal Jurisdic-
tion, 1883 415
Criminal Jurisdiction over
Englishmen in India ; 421
Madan, Letter to Dr. Priestley 12
Madhouses in England, Report on, 135
Madras, Petrie's Statement to Ld.
Minto, 1810 210
Origin etc. of Discontents of
the Army ; Dissensions at ; Precise
Tracts — continued.
Ace. of Eebellion at ; Extr. from
Papers before Pari. 1810 210
Madras, Letter to Chairman of E.I.C.
cone. Army, 1812 ; Vind. of Sir
G. Barlow's Measures ; Corre-
spondence of Abbatt, Parry, and
Maitland, 1813 211
Native Association, Petition,
1852 325
Famine, 1877 381
Magazine of American History, vol.
2, pt. 1, 1878 T. Q. 7
Magazine extracts, 1748-84 437
1848-55 273
Magellan on making Mineral Waters,
1777 53
Magic, Fragment of Graeco-Egyptian
Work on, 1852 185
Magna Cbarta of King Henry HI.
etc. tr. by E. Cooke, 1680 30G
Maguire (T.) England's Duty to
Ireland, 1886 440
Mahon (Ld.) His ' American Eevolu-
tion ' reviewed, 1852 192
Mabratta and Kobilla Wars, 1781 229
Mainwaring's Sermons at Cam-
bridge, 1764, and at Church Stret-
ton, 1789 _. 297
Mainwaring, Police of London
148, 149
Maitland (E.) The Meaning of the
Age Sc. T. 6
How to complete the Eefor-
mation Sc. T. 9
• Utilisation of the Church Es-
tablishment Sc. T. 8, 17
Maitland (J. G.) Property and In-
come Tax 164
Maitland (Dr.) Fox's Acts and Monu-
ments, 1837 117
Mesmerism, 1840 178
Church History Society, 1850 190
On Cattley's Defence of his
edition of Foxe's Martyrology,
1842 356
Malcolm (Sir C.) The Year 1845 ... 200
Malcolm (Lt.-Col. I.) Disturbances
in Madras Army, 1809, 1812 211
Maiden (in Essex) New Charter
granted to, 1810 357
Malefactors' Confessions, 1763 308
Mallalieu (A.) Buenos Ayres, M.
Video, 1844 170
Mallet (Sir L.) Opinions of R. Cob-
den, 1869 277
'- Letter on Reciprocity, 1879 ... 388
Malone (Rev. S.) Tenant Wrong
illust. in a Nutshell, 1867 310
Malta Protestant College, Pro-
spectus, etc 331
Maltby (E. H.) Prize Epigrams, 1818
T. Q. 3
Malthus, Letter to Whitbread on
Poor Law, 1807 37
• Inq. into his Principles, 1821 128
Hints on Cult, of Peatbogs ;
Statement resp. E. I. College ... 138
Management of the Four last Years
Vindicated 258
Manby (P.) Reasons for returning
to the Catholic Church, 1687 ... 304
Manchester Acad. Particulars of ... 17
Free Library, Reports, 1860
192, 201, 259
New College, Introd. Lectures 112
School of Art, Report, 1854 ... 329
Manchester (The) and Thirlmere
Scheme 371
Manchester (Bp. of) Letter to, 1862 82
Mandar (T.) Cantique pour la Paix,
1809 T. Q. 3
Mandell, Tables of Value of Home
Productions, 1829 96
Mander (S. S.) Our Opium Trade
with China, 1877 400
Mandlik (V.N.) Adoption v. Annexa-
tion, 1866 288
Manduca (F.) Studii Sociah, 1862 279
1 Principii della Economia
Sociale, 1863 279
Mangel- Wurzel, Culture of, 1787 ... 21
Mann (H.) Religious Census in
England and Wales, 1851 271
Mann (J. H.) Thoughts on the
Currency, 1858 323
Maim (Dr. R. J.) The Zulus and
the Boers of South Africa 400
Manning (Abp.) On the Westminster
Cathedral, 1868 313
Ciesarism and Ultramontan-
ism, 1874 356
The Vatican Decrees, 1875 ... 356
Lost Sheep, 1848 445
Manning (F. G. and M.) Trial of,
for Murder, 1849 425
Manning (J.) Observations on the
Life of Towgood, 1791 28
Manning (Serjt.) Dano-German
Question 1864 85,245
Manning (W. 0.) On Religious
Tests, 1846 159
On Christian Perfection, 1802 45
Manningham (Sir R.) Mary Toft,
the pretended Rabbit Breeder,
1726 308
Manningham (T.) Concio etc. 1701 296
Mansel (Rev. H. L.) Remarks on
certain Replies, 1866 260
Limits of Demonstrative
Science, 1853 259
Psychologic, 1855 383
Mansfield (Gen.) Introduction of
Gold Currency into India, 1864... 291
Manual for Inspectors of Spirits ... 257
Tracts — coiitimced.
Manure, Substances for, 1795 29
Many (The) Sacrificed to the Few
by tlie Food Monopoly, 1841 337
Marchand (L.) Correspondence with
the Lords of the Treasury on
Custom House Irregularities 33G
Marchant (W. T.) Betrothals and
Bridals, 1879 388
Marengo and its Monuments 181
Markham (C. R.) Botanical Descrip-
tions of Cinchon.T?, 18G1 429
Marliani (E.) Unite Nationale de
ritalie, 18G0 191
Marriage with Dec. Wife's Sister,
1851 101
Objections, 1839 118
Report of Meeting against 421
Origin of the Prohibition
of, 1842 309
Scriptural Lawfulness of 343
Marriage and Divorce 146, 147, 175
(Royal) Act, Appeal for Re-
peal of 132
Prohibition in certain cases of
Relationship, 1840 118
of Nonconformists and Parish
Registers 144
Law Dialogues ; a Day too
late ; or, a Glance at the Work-
ing of the Marriage Law, 1835,
1852 343
Marriott (W. B.) Meaning of the
Word 'Priest' IGl
Marryat (Jos.) Speech on Petition of
Shipowners 146
Marsden, Is Dr. Hampden fairly
treated? 162
Marsh (Ch.) Speech on India Bill,
1813 205
Review of Administr. of Sir
G. H. Barlow ; Calumnies in
same, 1813 211
Speech on Indian Affairs 131
Marsh (H.) Appendix to Comparative
View of the Churches of Eng-
land and Rome, 1816 370
On Bible Soc. ; Consequences
of Neglect to give Prayer Book
with Bible ; Answers to Van-
sittart and Gandolphy 130, 131
Letter to, with Answer 135
Marshall, Arbustum Americanum,
1785 21
Le Fevre's Specific for Gout,
1770 56
Marshall (J. G.) Majorities and
Minorities 180
• Condition of Brit. Soc. 1857 195
Marshall (W.) New Water Weed,
1852 78
Marshalsea Palace Court, Hist, of,
1812 175
Martin, Optical Essays 53
Thames and MetropoHs, 1849 184
Martin, La double procession du
Saint-Esprit, 187G 445
L'Anglicanisme et la confes-
sion, 1877 445
Martin (J. B.) The Future of the
United States, 1884 429
Media of Exchange, 1884 429
Seigneurage and Mint Charges,
1884 ...• 415
GoldtJ. Goods, 1883 415
Martin (R.) Railways, Past, Present,
etc. 1849 341
Hudson's Bay Territories and
Vancouver's Island, 1849 339
Martin (W.) Use of the Ophthahao-
scope, 1859 266
Operations on the Eye per-
formed in the Calcutta Infirmary,
1859 266
Martineau (J.) Why dissent ? 1871 891
Marton (E.) Etudes sur les Institu-
tions de Prevoyance, n.d 409
Martyn (Rev. T.) Address to the
Parish of St. Anne's, 1777 314
Marvel (A.) Growth of Popery,
S. T. C. 1
Marx (F.) Pacific and Amoor, 18G1
80, 202.
Maskell (W.) Position of High
Church Party IGl
Mason (F.) Authority of the Church
in making Canons etc. 1 634 805
Mason, On Discussing the State of
Irish Cath. in ensuing Sess. 1804 32
Mason's Discourse on Slavery, 1788 297
Massachusetts, Commonwealth of,
1865 250
Richest Men of, 1852 202
Massillon on the Immortality of the
Soul,1802 74
Mathematical Professor, Edinburgh,
Facts cone. Election, 1805 44
Mathews (H. J.) George Long, In
Memoriam, 1879 883
Mathias (T. J.) Ode to Nicholls,
1807 T. Q. 3
Matin(§es Royales ; ou, L'Art de
Regner, 1863 247
Matthison (A.) Statue Banquet,
Crystal Palace, 1862 81
Mauduit, Case of dissenting Minis-
ters, 1772 71
Mauduit's Postscript, Remarks upon,
1772 72
Maugham on Usury Laws 152
Maurice (Rev. F. D.) Letter, 1847 162
The word 'Eternal' and Pu-
nishment of Death, 1853 161
New Statute and Mr. Ward,
1845 290
Tracts— con^iw«e<:7.
Maurice (Rev. F. D.) Rule of Con-
scientious Subscription, 1845 ... 290
May (E.) Marriage with a Dec.
Wife's Sister 253
May (S. J.) Brief Account of his
Ministry, 18C7 261
Mayence to Cologne, Guide, 1825... 247
Mayer, Death of Bonaparte, Univ.
Peace, 1809 208
Mayer (J.) Art of Pottery, 1871 293, 374
Maynooth College, Letter on, 1857 331
Mayole (De) Hist, of War in Hol-
land S. T. W. 1
Mayor (J. B.) Affiliation of Local
Colleges to Oxford and Cam-
bridge, 1874 357
Mazzmi (J.) Genoese Insurrection,
Defence of, 1858 191
The Pcpe in the Nmeteenth
Century, 1851 163
Letter to Pius IX. 1865 246
Meadley (G. W.) Two Pairs of His-
torical Portraits 147
Mearn (W.) Sacrament of Baptism,
1862 81
Mechanick Industry, Incouragement
of S. T. W. 2
Medical Council, General Report,
1855 333
Reform, Observations on 132
Edinb. Lecturers on 345
• Proof, Outlines of, 1850 166
Registration, Letter to Sir G.
Grey, 1851 345
Medley (G. W.) The Reciprocity
Craze, 1881 404
Medows (Sir P.) Dominion of the
Seas, 1689 65
Meetkerke (C. E.) The Medicme
Stamp Tax, 1884 440
Mellor (J. R.) The Case of Ceylon,
1868 428
Melville (Ld.) Letter to 153
■ Hints to, by Deputation of
Court ; with his Obs. March
1812 215
Melville (Henry) The East Wind
and the Rough Wind (a sermon)
1839 448
Memento upon this Crit. Juncture of
Affaires, 1680 306
Memoires sur le Temple, 1817 376
Mendicity, Plan for Suppressing ... 150
Menet (Rev. J.) On Revised Code,
1862 200
Merchant Taylors' School 248
Merewether, Claims of Commiss. of
Woods to Seashore, 1850 78
Merrifield (C. W.) Address before
British Association, 1876 380
Merrill (Hon. S.) Address to Gen.
Assem. of Iowa, 1868 284
Mertschinsky (A.) Arithmetique,
1868 279
Message of the President of the
United States 249
Metaxa, Reply to Cochrane on
Greece, 1847 182
Metcalfe (Sir C.) Gov. of Canada,
1844 170
Meteorology of Sussex, N.D 380
Metric System, Debate in H. of C.
1863 270
Metrical System of Internat.
Coinage 311
Metropolitan Distr. Railway, Open-
ing of, 1871 291
Meyer (E. H. F.) Synopsis Luzu-
larum, 1823 191
Michel (Francisque) Letter to 104
Le Roman du Roi Flore etc.
1838 317
Michel (Georges) Life of 357
Michelet ( J.^ Legende de Kosciusko,
1852 430
Michie (A.) Great Britain and New
Guinea, 1875 400
Middleton, Map of the World,
showing it to be a plane and im-
movable 416
Middleton (Rev. C. H.) Reply to a
Letter &c. by F. Seymour Haden,
1879 382
Middleton (E. E.) Impeachment of
Modern Astronomy 388
Midi, L'Union du 106
Miers (E. J.) Catalogue of Stalk-
and Sessile-eyed Crustacea of N.
Zealand, 1876 426
Milford Haven, on Fortifying it,
1759 53
Military Defence of the United
Kingdom, 1852 342
Obedience 146
Militia disposable for Foreign Service 132
Mill (J. S.) Parhamentary Reform,
1859 195
England and Ireland, 1868
270, 285
Speeches in the House of Com-
mons on Women's Franchise,
1867,1871 372
et C. B. Compagni, Torto e
Diritto deU' Ingerenza dello
Stato etc. 1864 294
Miller (H.) Remarks by the late,
1857 178
Miller (Dr. J. C.) Bible Inspiration
Vindicated, 1861 199
Home Heathen (Assize Ser-
mon) 1854 272
Which? or Neither? 1855 ... 272
Miller (T.) Social State of Ireland,
1858.... 78
Tracts — continued.
Million Bill (Annual) Considered,
1787 T.E. 3
Millions (Two) Proj. for raising,
S. T. W. 2
Mills (Eev. B. R. V.) Early Sieges
of Exeter, 1885 439
Mills (J.) Credit Cycles etc. 1868 253
Letter to Sir C. Abbott, 1819 123
Milner (T. H.) Regulation of Float-
ing Capital, 1848 320
Milnes (M.) Influence of Homer,
1829 118
Events of 1848 182
Milton (,T.) Plan of Education 140
Areopagitica, sm. 4to, 1044 ... 430
Comus, in German 185
Last Thoughts on the Trinity,
1852 302
Milton (J.) Copyright Extension Bill 109
Minister of Justice 165
Mmisterial Commission, Thoughts
on T. T. 1
. a Trust from Christ, T. T. 17
People's Literest in, T. T. 35
Ministers, Our New, by H. R. C.
1858 172
■ Christianity interested in dis-
missal of 148
Ministry (The) and Sugar Duties,
1844 172
Miracles and Prophecies Sc. T.
Miscellanies, 4 vol. 8vo (vols. 271 to 274)
Pari, and Political 125
Mischief of Impositions etc. 1680 301
Missionary Soc. (Ch.) Defence of ... 140
Mississippi Case 249
Misuse of Familiar Words : ' Free-
dom,' 'Constitution,' 1845 172
Mitchell (H.) Coast of Egypt and the
Suez Canal, 1809 283
Mitchell (Rev. W.) Address to Mem-
bers of the Victoria Institute, 1800 288
^Mitford on Corn Laws, 1791 2
Modern Orthodoxy and Mod. Libe-
ralism Sc. T.
Modern Protestantism Sc. T. 15
Modern Science and the Bible, their
positive and direct Antagonism,
1872 364
Mois (Un) en Angleterre, 1802 82
Molengraaff (M. W. L. P.) Principes
d'une Loi Uniforme Internation-
ale T. Q. 7
Moleschott, Regolatori della Vita
Umana, 1870 292
Molesworth (G. L.) Land as Pro-
perty, 1885 440
Molesworth (Sir W.) Austrahan
Colonies ; Clergy Reserves of
Canada ]M11, 1850 339
Speech on the Ballot, 1854 ... 349
on Dr. Hampden, 1818 102
Mommsen (T.) Earliest Inhabitants
of Italy, 1803 424
Moncant (C.) Les Celtes et les Ger-
mains, 1809 279
Les Jardins du Roman de la
Rose, 1809 279
Lettre a P. Meyer, 1809 279
Monck (Sir C. M. L.) Address to
Co. Northumb. on Reform, 1832 93
Monetary Reform 119
Resources (National) 1855 ... 322
Money, Proper Way of Raising,
S. T. W. 2
Liability of Parties depositing
at Call, 1857 179
Method of Incr. Quantity of
Circulation 140
Moneys and Weights, New Division
of 133
Mongredien (A.) Free Trade and
English Commerce 388
The Suez Canal Question, 1883 410
The Western Farjner of
America, 1880 402
Monmouth, Duke of. Original Letters
in the Bodleian Library, edit, by
Sir G. Duckett {Camdc7i Soc),
1879 427
Monmouth (James, Duke of) Decla-
ration (in German), 1085 307
Monro, Comparative Anatomy, 1783 50
Montagu (B.) Insolvent Debtors'
Bill 134
Liberty and Rights of English-
men 150
Alteration of Law of Copyright,
1813 129
Punishment of Death, 1818
22, 100, 141
Montagu (Ld. R.) Expostulation in
Extremis, 1874 850
The Queen and Constitution... 383
Montalembert (Cte. de) Discours ... Ill
Debat sur I'Inde etc. 1858 ... 271
Pius IX. and France, 1859 ... 271
Montgomery (Rev. R.) Ideal of the
EngUsh Church, 1845 280
Moon (Geo.) Two Defences of the
Queen's English, 1803 85, 245
Moon (R.) Light Explained, 1853... 178
Moor (J. F.) Duty of Submitting to
Civil Authority, 1830 370
Moore (Bp.) Sermon at St. James's
Chapel at H.M. Accession, 1700 295
Moore (M.) Rep. to Debate on Nat.
Gallery, 1850 181
Purchase of Pallaiolo, 1857 ... 181
and Prince Albert, Raphael's
Apollo etc. 1859 192,259
Moorsom, Letter to Ld. J. Russell
on AboKtion of Ch. Rates, 1837. . . 103
Moral Evil Sc. T. U
Teacts — continued.
Moran (Rev. P. F.) Episcopal Suc-
cession in Ireland, 1866 275
More's (Mrs. H.) Schools, Statement
of Facts, 1801 43
Moreau (Gen.) Official Defence of,
1804 35
Moreau de Jonnes, Recherclies sur
les Poissons toxicophores, 1821 419
Morell (J. R.) Life of C. Fourrier,
1849 193
Morgan (Lady) Letter to Dr. Wise-
man, 1851 190
Morgan (E. B.) The Endowed Chari-
ties of Monmouthshire, 1885 427
Morgan (W.) Facts respecting the
Expence of War, 1796 359
Morgan Crawford's Theory of Heat,
1781 52
Morier (D. B.) The Basis of Mo-
rality, 1869 396
Morland (Sir S.) Life, Writings etc.
1838 108
Morley (H.) Comments on Review
in ' Athenaeum ' 1864 85, 245
Morris (0.) Laws of Marriage in
Ireland, 1865 277
Morrison (K.) The Clearing System
in the Narrow Gauge Railway 1846 287
Morrison (Dr. R.) Embassy to China,
1816 144
Morse (T. D. C.) Denominational
Schools versus Board Schools ... 362
Mortification of Flesh, Scripture
Duty of T. T. 21
Mosely, Mem. of sending Scriptures
to China 203
Mosler (R.) Geschichte des Colibats,
1878 ; 391
Moss (Dr.) Spittal Sermon, 1706 ... 295
Moss, Mr., Seizure of, by the
Japanese, 1863 244, 253
Mossman (T. W.) Freedom for the
Church of God, 1876 383
Bishops by Act of Parliament
T. Q.
Motley (J.) Four Questions for the
People, 1868 276
Moultrie (J.) The Black Fence 185
Mounteney, Case of a Detenu, 1838 111
Mountfield, Revision of Liturgy, 1860 79
Mountfield (Rev. W.) Church and
Nonconf. of 1662, 1861 80
Moye (Dr.) Syllabus of Lectures ... 6
Moyle (W.) Essay on the Roman
State, 1796 359
Muir's Trial before High Court of
Justice, Aug. 30, 31, 1793 22
Muir (J.) Extracts from the Ma-
habharata, 1877 381
Mulgrave (Ld.) Letter to, from
Minister Plenipotentiary of U.S.
1806 48
Miiller (F.) Vegetation dans I'Aus-
tralie, 1866 255
Miiller (Max) Buddhism and Bud-
dhist Pilgrims, 1857 195
Speech at the German Peace
Festival in London, 1871 294
Mun (T.) England's Treasure by
Forraign Trade, 1664 T. R. 1
Municipal Government in Force in
Bombay, 1868 270'
Municipalities confederated under a
Viceroy (Colonial Govt.) 1850 ... 182
Munk (Dr. W.) Sir H. Halford, 1852 18a
Brief account of the Reintomb-
ment of the remains of Dr. W.
Harvey, 1883 T. Q. 7
Munster (Comte) Refut. des Accusa-
tions hasardees par leD. de Bruns-
wick, 1827 86
Mure (Col.) National Criticism, 1858
173, 193
Murray's Guide to the Diggings, 1852 186
Murray (G.) Agricultural Educa-
tion, N.D 447
Murray (T. B.) Christian Knowledge
Society 248:
Museum of Fine Arts, Laws etc. 1870 276
Museum (The) 375
Musgrave (A.) Fishes and Fishing,
and the Fishes of Jamaica, by
Richard Hill, 1881 428
Musgrave (T. M.) Re-establishment
of Balance of Power 132;
Musical Association, Proceedings of,
1875-76 380'
Mustard Seed, White, Efficacy of... 152.
Mutinies in India, a Series of Let-
ters, 1857 327
Mutiny of the Bengal Army, 1857 281
Myers (T.) Course of Education 141
Mylne (R. W.) Blackfriars Bridge,
1862 T. Q. 7
Mysteries, Ancient, of Priests in the
Egyptian etc. Temples 247
Elucidations of 84
Naoroji (D.) Manners of the Parsees,
1864 28&
Parsee Religion, 1861 28&
European and Asiatic Races,
1866 256, 291
Naper (J.) Elective Franchise, 1843 113
Napier (Mrs.) Lay of the Palace, 1852 185
Napier (R.) Remarks on Col.
Outran! 's ' Conquest of Scinde,'
1847 324
Napier (W.) The Malays etc. 1876 380
Napoleon, Relation fidele et de-
taillee de la Derniere Campagne
de Buonaparte, 1816 358
Napoleon III et I'Angleterre, 1858 191
Un Mot sur la dite Brochure,
1858 191
Tkacts — continued.
Napoleon III, Letter to, on Slavery
in S. States, 1862 202
Narrative of Suti'erings of U.S. Pri-
soners of War in the hands of
Rebel Authorities, by U.S. San.
Com. 18G5 243
Nasmith (J.) Propriety of increas-
ing import Duty on Foreign
Corn 133
Nasse (E.) Sacram Memoriam Regis
Serenissimi divi Friderici Guilelmi
III T. Q. 1
I^atal (Bp. of) Sermons Preached at
Durban and Maritzburg, IHGG ... 288
Nation, Proposal for Relief of, 1850 330
State of, 1806, 1839. ..39, 109,
140, 155
Opinions as to, with
Reply 150
National Church, Government of,
Sc. T. 17
Club, Addresses to Protestants
of the Empire, 1853 331
• Convention, 1865-67 249
Debt, Resolutions rel. to 150
• Necess. of striking off a
part 147
in 1716, comp. with 1725,
1727 T.R. 3
• Defences, 1848 180
• Distress, Present 146
Education, 1868 286
■ Gallery 1856, Protest against
Report of 181, 313
■ Abridged Catalogue, 1860 383
Loan Fund Life Assurance
Soc 286
■ Parliamentary and Financial
Reform Association, Address of... 332
■ Party, Political and Social Pro-
gress 414
Portrait Gal. Catalogue, 1859 201
Policy, Observ. on 1821 122
Provident Institution 119
Society's Report 131, 253
Nations, Laws of. Rights of Subjects,
S. T. W. 2
Naval Administration, Opinions of
Naval Officers upon, 1855 332
■ Architecture, Report of Com.
1794 41
Navigation of the Indus and Rail-
ways in Scinde and the Punjaub,
1858 395
Navigation Laws, Review of Hist.
1849 165
NaviUe (E.) Question Electorale en
Europe et en Amer. 1867 289
Neale (E. V.) Genesis, critical ana-
lysis of Sc. T. 7, 10
Mythical Element in Christi-
anity Sc. T. 9
Ncale (E. V.) New Bible Commen-
tary and the Ten Couunandments
Sc. T. 14
Neapolitan Apology, Exposure of,
1852 163
Neate (C.) Punishment of Death,
1857 248, 309
Necker, Compte Rendu au Roi, 1781 47
Nederland en Zweden, Van Gustaaf
Wasa tot Gustaaf Adolf (1523-
1611), 1841 385
Van Gustaaf Adolf tot
Val van Oldenbarneveld (1611-
18), 1844 385
Needham (F.) Brain Exhaustion ... 293
Negotiation (The) State of, 1806 ... 39
Negris' Literary History of Mod.
Greece S. C. L. 4
Negroes, Treatment of, in Jamaica 16
of St. Domingo, Insurrection,
1792 16
Nelson (Ld.) Memoir of 251
Notes on Character of, 1861... 202
Nelson (Bp. of) Life of Walter de
Merton 193
Nemesis of Fate 190
Nene, To whom does it belong?
1862 201
Nesbit (J. C.) On Peruvian Guano,
1852 378
Nettleship (J. T.) On Bro^vning's
Fifine at the Fair, 1882 399
Neubaur (L.) Die Sage vom ewigen
Juden, 1884 410
Neuchatel, Societe pour I'Avance-
ment des Sciences sociales, 1867 407
Neutral Trade, British Doctrine con-
cerning Captures, 1806 48
Nevada Legislature on the Sutro
Tunnel, 1861 T. Q. 1
Nevile (Rev. C.) Poor Law Justified,
1838 354
Nevins (W.) Persecution of Protes-
tants by St. FranQois de Sales,
1880 421
Christianity and Astronomy,
1876 374
Why Englishmen should join
the Liberal Party 881
New (H.) Temptation of Christ 891
New Catholic Church Sc. T. 1
New Ideas for Thinkers, part 2,
1884 427
New News from Tory-land etc. 1682 806
New South Wales, Contributions to
Paris Exhibition, 18(')7 255
Documents on the Presbyterian
Church, 1839 428
• Exhibition (Melbourne) Cata-
logue, 1880 404
Financial Statement, 1877 ... 371
Mineral, Map and Statistics of 422
Tracts — continued.
New South Wales in 1881 420
New Zealand, Correspondence re-
lating to 339
Past, Present, and Future, 1874 428
.WaroflSGO 247
Newcastle Literary and Plnlos. Hoc.
Account of Lecture, 1882 401
Newcastle (Duke of) Ans. to Prussian
Memoir concerning Neutral Ships G8
Newdegate (C.) On Church Eates,
1861 80
Newdegate (C. N.) Speech on Labou-
chere's motion for admission of C.
Bradlaugh to the H. of C. 1880 397
Newland (Eev. H.) Letter to, 1851 IGO
Newman (F. W.) Classification of
Nat. Institutions, 1867 253
■ Against Hero-making, 1865,
Sc. T. 4, 246
Our National Debt, 1849 180
.Eeply to ' What have we got to
rely on, if not on the Bible?'
Sc. T. 8
Divergence of Calvinism from
Pauline Doctrine Sc. T. 14
James and Paul Sc. T. 7
— — Defective Morality of the New
Testament ; Eeligious Weakness
of Protestantism Sc. T. 4
TheBigot and the Sceptic Sc.T. 7
On a Free and Comprehensive
Christianity Sc.T. 6
The True Temptation of Jesus,
Sc. T. 10
Controversy about Prayer ;
Eelations of Theism to Panthe-
ism ; Eeply to an Evangelical
Lay Preacher ; Historical Depra-
vation of Christianity ; Thoughts
on the Existence of Evil; An-
thropomorphism Sc.T. 17
■ What is Christianity without
Christ? 1881 404
Newman (Card. J. H.) University
Education, 1852 200
• on Certain Passages in the
Thirty-nine Articles T, T. 90
Whether he teaches that Truth
is no Virtue? 1864 85
Letter to Eev. E. B. Pusey,
1866 282
■ Letter to the Duke of Norfolk,
1875 356
Newmarch (W.) Loans raised by
Pitt during first French War,
1856 164
Inaug. Address to Statistical
Soc. 1869 280
News from France, 1682 306
from the Stars etc. 1685 307
Newton (J. F.) Def. of Vegetable
Eegimen 148, 149
Newton (Sir I.) Eepresent. concern-
ing Money, 1712-17 T. E. 2
Gold and Silver Coins, 1729... 258
Newton's Astronomy exposed, prov-
ing the Earth not a Globe 293
Nicholson (Bp.) Annivers. of the
Martyrdom of K. Charles I. 1702 296
Nicholson (N. A.) Matter and
Motion, 1870 287
Nicolas (N. H.) On the Eecord Com-
mission, 1831-32 107
Eefut. of Palgrave's ' Eemarks ' 90
Nicoll, York Savings Bank — View of
Poor Eeport, 1817-18 128
Niebuhr, Life of, by his Son,
S. C. L. 13
Niedner (Prof.) UmfangderKirchen-
geschichte 394
Niemeyer (Dr.) Treatment of Cor-
pulence by the ' Banting '
System 405
Night Schools, a few words on, 1859 271
Nihilistes, Les ; ou, Les Dames
Eusses Emancipees, 1867 364
Nikoladze (N.) Du Desarmement
etc. 1868 254
Nisard (Desire) Discours en re-
ponse au Due de Broglie, 1856 ... 448
Nisco (N.) II Banco di Napoh 289
Del Credito Fondiario, 1865... 292
Nismes, Eclaircissement des Anti-
quites de, 1766 317
Nixon (B.) Theism, an Address,
1875 363
No Protestant Plot, 1681-82 306
Noble (J.) Free Trade, Eeciprocity
etc. 1869 276
Noel (Eev. B. W.) Corn Laws 287
Nonconformists' Advocate, 1G80 ... 301
Norfolk (D. of) Speech S. T. C. 2
Normal Schools in America, 1866... 249
Norman (G. W.) Letter on Money,
1841 196
On the Pressure of Taxation,
1850 336
prevailing opinions on do. 1864 411
Normanby (Marq. of) Congress and
Cabinet, 1859 79, 195.
North Pole, Probability of reaching
it, 1777 T. Q. 2.
Northcote (Canon) and Eev. C.
Meynell, on the ' Colenso ' Con-
troversy, 1863 252
Pilgrimage to La Salette, 1852 290
Norton (E.) Bank Charter Act of
1844, 1857 328
Norton (Geo.) Proselytism in India, \
1859 395
Norton (J. B.) Government in S.
India, 1853 168, 326
Norwich (Bp. of) Sermon at In-
stallation, 1837 108
T 11 A
Tracts — continued.
Noten ziir ' Constitutional Eights of
Schleswig and Holstein,' 181B ... 107
Notes on Bankruptcy Rcibrm, 18G7 282
Nott on Hotwell Waters, Bristol,
1703 20
Nottingham, Declaration of Nobility
etc. at S.T. C. 2
Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, 1807 255
Nugent (Ld.) Claims of K. Catholics 157
Nye (P.) and J. Eobinson, Lawful-
ness of hearing the Public Minis-
ters of the Church of England,
1683 302
Obermiiller, Die Abstammung der
Magyaren, 1872 358
Obolenski (Prince Eug.) Mon Exil
en Siberie, 18G2 308
O'Brien (Gen.) War between Buenos
Ayres and M. Video, 1845 1G3
O'Brien (Sir L.) in Answer to Lord
Sheflield, with Reply, 1785 03
O'Brien (W. S.) Speech, 1843 107
Observationes Quiedam in nonnulla
Novi Testament! Loca 248
Observations on the New Sale Law
Bill, 1857 281
Occurrences, Nov. 1688 to Nov. 1680,
S. T. W. 3
O'Connor's Address to the Electors
of Antrim, 1707 350
O'Conor (Dr.) Appeal to Pius VII.... 152
Octogenarian, Thoughts of an, 1860 201
Odes, by C. P. 1868 376
O'Donnell (C. J.) The Ruin of an
Indian Province, 1880 425
O'Dru de Revel, ]\Iessage de Dieu
aux Hommes, 1877 400
Oetker (F.) Constitution and Right
in Heligoland, 1878 373
Offenders (Yomig) Reformation of,
1855 78
Ogden (Dr.) Two Sermons before
the University of Cambridge,
1758 207
Ogle (N.) Direct or Indirect Taxa-
tion? 1843 113
O'Halloran (Lt.) Defamation of
Lt. -Colonel Showers, Court Mart.
Calcutta, 1703 200
Olideus Grant, 1854 78
Olmsted (F. L.) Public Parks etc.
1870 256
On the Knee of the Church, 1860... 200
O'Neil (H.) Modern Art in England
and France, 1860 203
O'Neill (W.) The Cattle Plague and
its preventatives, 1866 308
Onslow (Serj.) Speeches ...133, 134, 137
Opel (J. 0.) Elisabeth Stuart, and
other Tracts 385
Opium, Claims of British Subjects,
1840 354
Oppcrt (J.) L'Immortalite de I'Ame
chez les Chaldeons, 1875 303
Opposition, Short Defence of, 1778 50
Short Hist, of, with 01)s. 1770 50
Orange (Prince of) Letter to l^higlish
Army ; Speech ; Ditto to Scutch
Lords ; Declaration ; Paper de-
livered to ; Declaration of Noble-
men at Exeter; Address of Lieut,
and Corp. of London to S. T. C. 2
Memorial from English Pro-
testants to ; Justice of his Descent
into England S. T. W. 1
Proposal for Amending Trade
of Holland, 1751 T. R. 4
Orange Institution (The Loyal) 442
Orange River Sovereignty, notes on,
1854 339
Orders in Council, Examination of,
1808 48
Ordinances (Standing) of Religion
T. T. 32
Organisation Administrative des
Caisses d'Epargne en Angleterre,
Belgique, Autriche, et en France 405
Orient, Question de 1', 1854 174
Oriental Railway Lines, 1858 78
Translation Committee, 1861 80
Orientalists, Report of Second In-
ternational Congress, 1874 377
Original Sin Sc. T.
Orkney and Zetland, Thoughts on,
1831 00
Orlich (L. von) On the Mutiny in
India, 1858 170
Orpen (J. M.) Our Relations with
the Imperial Government, 1880 307
Orrery, Instructions for using 178
Orval, Prophecy of 187
Osborn (Major) Friends of the
Foreigner in the Nineteenth Cen-
tury, 1870 382
Osborne (W.) IMoral and Physical
Evils of Sabbath Desecration,
1875 874,380
Ostrowski (J. B.) Fragment sur
Pologno au XIX*-" siecle, 1845 ... 410
0" Sullivan (J. L.) Peace the Sole
Chance for Reunion, 1803 244
Oswald (E.) Austria in 1808, 1868
256, 313
Direct Legislation by the
People, 1860 283
Otley (Rev. G. P.) Influence of the
Church over Boys 356
Otway (T.) Don Carlos, a tragedy,
1605 T. Q. 8
Oude Question, Remarks on, 1806 212
Our Burden and our Strength 262
Our First Century Sc. T. 11
Our Friend 375
Our Open Church 378
Tbacts — continued.
Our Resources 2G2
OurEoom 382
Our Wars in India 324
Outrages committed by the Eussian
Government in Poland, 1877 386
Ouvrier (L') tel qu'il etait, tel qu'il
est etc. 1879 392
Over Legislation in 1884, 1884 415
Overland Mail and the Austrian
Lloyd's, 1847 168, 324
Owen (R. D.) Future of the
North-West, 1863 433
Owen (J.) Vindic. of the Noncon-
formists from a charge of Schism,
1680 302
Owen (Rev. T. E.) Hints tothe Heads
of Families, 1802 318
Owen, Address to Chairman of
E.LC. on Twining's Letter 203
Owen (R.) Millennial Gazette, 1858 78
Proclamation, 1855 161
Effect of Manufacturing Sys-
tem 140
Owens College, 1852 189
■ and London Univ. 1856-57 ... 189
Oxenham (F, N.) Letter to Glad-
stone on Everlasting Punishment,
1875 374
Oxford in 1888, a Fragmentary
Dream, 1838 441
Oxford, Charge to Diocese of, 1854 161
The same, 1867 252
Oxford University, Letter on, 1854 189
Judgment and Decree S. T. C. 2
Oxford (Harley E. of) On Public
Credit, 1710 T. R. 3
Oxlee (Rev. J.) Confutation of the
Diabolarchy Sc. T. 7
Oxley (T. L.) Jacques Balmat, or the
First Ascent of Mont Blanc, 1881 424
Oxoniensis (Theatri) Encoenia, 1677
T. F.
Oysters and their Cultivation, 1865 246
P's, the Five, 1858 78
P's and Q's to be minded at the
Election, 1886 442
Pacific, Steam Navigation in 177
Paddon (H.) Thoughts for the
Christian Laity, 1873 364
Page (S. Flood) Home Rule and
Imperial Parhament, 1886 442
Paget (A. H.) On the Shakesperian
Drama, 1875 403
Paget (G.) Ona Reserve Force, 1852 342
Paghardini (T.) Visit to Godin Le-
maire's Families, 1865 313
Paine (T.) Letter to Abbe Raynal,
1782 62
Common Sense, 1776 58
Rights of Man, with Reply.—
Letter on the late Proclam. 1791- '
93; Trial for Libel, 1792 1 I
Paine (T.) Decline and Fall of the
Enghsh System of Finance, 1796 359
Letter to Washington, 1797... 359
Agrarian Justice, 1795 359
Paley (F. A.) Bibliographia Grseca,
1881 406
On Mahaffy's Rise and Pro-
gress of Epic Poetry, 1881
The Truth about Homer, 1887
On Post Epic or Imitative
words in Homer, 1879 414
' Homerus ' Periclis ^Etate
quinam habitus sit, 1877 373
Quintus Smyrnfeus and the
' Homer ' of the Tragic Poets,
1879 373
Homeri quae exstant an reliquis
Cycli carm. antiquiora etc. 1878 373 '
Paley (W.) Evidences, Remarks on
Sc. T. 14
Advice to Young Clergy, 1872 370
Palgrave, Letter to Rt. Hon. Thos.
Spring Rice on Parliamentary Re-
form, 1831 242
Palmer (B. M.) Thanksgiving Ser-
mon, 1860 432
Palmer (Sir R.) Our Judicial System,
1867 285
Palmer (W.) Letter to a Protestant-
Catholic, 1842 160
Palmerston (Lord) Private Journal
of Tours in France, 1815-1818... 400
Pamphleteer (The) 130, 158
Pamphlets, 4to 76
Panama, Junction of Two Oceans
at, 1845 177
Panic of 1857, Account of 323
Panizzi (A.) Letter to the President
of the Royal Soc 108
Papal Infallibility and Persecution,
etc. 1870 252
Rome, Discourse on Rise and
Fall of 44
Papato, Gli Amici ed i Nemici del,
1866 289
Pape (Le) et le Congres, 1859 194
Papists Misrepresented and Repre-
sented, 1685 303
protesting against Protestant
Popery, 1680 307
Pappaffy on the Corn Duties, 1839 109
Paradol (Prevost) Les Anciens Par-
ties, 1860 191
' Paramatta Times,' ed. by Braid-
wood and Cape, 1886 447
Pare, Suppression of the Predatory
Class, 1862 81
Parieu (E. de) Taxes on Enjoyments 201
Paris-Berlin en 1870 294
Paris Commune, History of 309
Park (Prof.) Biographical Sketch of
Dr. Tholuck S. C. L. 37
Teacts — continued.
Parker (H. M.) Pica for the Home
Government of India, 1858 327
Caste and Conversion. 1858 ... 395
Parker (J.) Towns of N. England,
18G7 201, 2G8
Parker (J. H.) Remarks on ' Early
History of Rome,' 1879 383
Hist, of the Ashmolean Mu-
semn, 1870 287
Parker (R. A.) On the Remmieration
of Attorneys etc. 1853 344
Parkes (Hon. H.) PubUc Education,
18G6 253
Parkes (Sir Henry) Speech on Innni-
gration, 1881 T. Q. 7
Parhament, Express Commands of
both Houses, 1G41 305
Matters relating to Religion
handled in ; Discourses cone.
Present ; Vind. of Proceedings of
two last S. T. C. 1
Late and Present Convention
proved a Legal Parliament ;
People's Claim to Sitting S. T. C. 2
(British) Serious charge
against, 1868 278
Man, Letter from S. T. C. 2
Prorogation of ; Our Condition
with relation to Present, S. T. W. 2
Debates in, 1094-95, S. T. W. 2
Mercenary, Dangers of, S.T.W. 2
Reasons for Annual, S. T. W. 3
Sessions of, 1692 S. T. W. 3
Justified by Grotius, S. T. W. 1
King's Speech to both Houses 148
Conduct of, considered, 1789 9
Country under New, 1837 109
Dublin, Names of Nobility
etc. attainted by, 1689, 1090 02
(The New Houses of) Catalogue
of Designs, 1836 T.Q. 1
• What Style? 1837 107
Parliamentary Chronicle 205
Reform, 1817 308
plans for, 131, 135, 130, 152
combined with enlarged
Credit 88
Parliaments, Our Military and Naval 180
Parnel (Maj. A.) The Defence of the
Kingdom, 1882 420
Parnell, Currency in Ireland, 1804 32
Parnell (Sir H.) Speeches on Corn
Laws 133
Laws against Catholics ...149, 150
Parochial System, and Free and Un-
appropriated Churches, 1872 303
and Parochial Charities
of the City of London, Avith map 411
Parry (C. H.) Reich on Fever, 1801 29
Parry (E.) and C. Grant, Letter to, i
on Policy of Establishing a new I
Company, 1812 215 i
Parsons (Dr.) Death of John, Earl
of Rochester, 1080 290
Parson's Guide ; or, the Law of
Tithes, 1654 301
Parties, State of S.T.W. 2
Partnership with Limited Liability
(from ' Law Times,' Feb. 1854) 335
Paschwitz, Die Cultur des Zucker-
rohrs in Asien, 1837 191
Pashloy (R.) On tlie Government
Poor Law l^ill, 1854 333
Passive Obedience and Jure Divino
S. T. W. 1
Passy (F.) L'Enseignement Ele-
mentaire de I'Economie Politique 423
La Barbaric Moderne, 1871 ... 409
Conference sur la Paix et la
Guerre, 1867 418
Paston Letters, Authenticity of,
1866 T. Q. 5
Patent Journal, April 1858 348
Office, Rules and Directions for 201
Law, Protest against Monopoly
and Exclusive Right in Colonies
granted by 15
Letters on the Amend-
ment 348
Patrick (Bp.) Thanksgiving Sermon,
1691 296
Patrie et les Partis, 1865 289
Patriotic Songs : Collection by G.
P. Putnam, N.Y. 1864 243
Patriotism, Kingof Prussia on, 1780 51
Patrolling, Treatise on, 1830 194
Patterson (A. J.) Declaration by
Hungarian Soldiers presented to
General A. Gorgey, 1884 427
Paul (E.) Future of Egvpt from a
French Point of View,' 1884 426
Paul (N. C.) Yoga Philosophy, 1851 281
Pauli (Dr. C.) Eine Vorgriechische
Inschriftvon Lemnos, 1886 T. Q. 9
Pauperism and its Remedy, 1871 362
and Emigration, 1869 411
Pawnbroking, Apology for, 1744,
T. R. 5
Payne (H.) Persecutor Exposed etc.
1685 303
Peabody (E.) Artisan and Artist,
1869 283
Peabody Education Fund reports,
1868-69 435
Peace, Thoughts on, 1784 61
Letter to Earl Shelburne on,
1783 61
and War, Debate cone. S. T. W. 3
Societe des Amis de la Paix
(3Nos. 1872) 407
Peacock (E.) Star Chamber Com-
plaint, etc 312
Peacock (R. A.) Patent Dock Gates,
1862 81
Tracts — continued.
Pearce (A. Z.) Concio ad Synodum
ab Archiepiscopo, 1791 304
Pearce (E. E.) Voting by Ballot,
1838 : 108
against Corporation and Test
Acts, 1790 18
Pears (S. A.) True End of Educa-
tion, 1854 272
Pearson, Management Clauses, 1848 184
Pearson (C.) What is to be done
with our Criminals ? 1857 852
Pearson (C. H.) Short Answer to
Freeman's Strictures etc. 18G8... 267
Pearson (Eev. C. E.) Hints on
Bible-Teaching, ' 1856 271
Pearson (Eev. H.) Sermon on death
of Eev. H. Venn, 1813 445
Pedley (J. G.) Case of Creditors,
1783 27
Peek (F.) Eeligious Education in
Elementary Schools, 1876 411
Peel (Sir E.) Speeches ; State of
Nation, 1849 154, 196
Letters to, 1843 113, 158
• Speech on Herries' Motion,
1848 320
on Want of Confidence
in Ministry, Jan. 1840 353
Address to the Electors of
Tamworth, 1834 368, 378
Eeply to. Pernicious Effects
of Variable Standard of Value,
1819 128
Peep at the Peers 123
Peers for Life, Letter to the D. of
Welhngton, 1830 97
Pegg, Suttee Cry to Britain ; Pil-
grim Tax in Ladia, 1827 207
Peirce (C. S.) Notation for the Logic
of Eelatives, 1870 T. Q. 1
Pellet (S.) Progress of Taxation ... 138
Pelletan (E.) Les Fetes de I'lntel-
ligence, 1863 410
Pembertoji (E.) on the Death of
Whitfield, 1771 73
Penal Laws and Test-Examination
of Bishops. 1688 406
Pendlebury (John, M.D.) Address,
1836 118
Penobscot, the Siege of, 1779 446
Pen'orth (A) o' Poetry for the Poor,
1884 417
Pentateuch in Contrast with the
Science and Moral Sense of our
Age Sc. T. 10
People, Address to, 1839 109
Distresses of, 1816 121
of England, Claims of S. T. W. 3
People's Answer to Court Pamphlet 10
Medical Liquirer, 1850 166
Duty in living under a Scanda-
lous Minister, 1683 302
People's Safety the Sole Sovereignty,
1648 305
Pepe (Gren.) Evenements a Naples
en 1820-21 152
Pepys (S.) Diary at Cambridge, 1866 276
Perier (C.) L'Article 75 de la Consti-
tution de rAn8, 1867 294
Perils, Political, in 1859 195
Periodicals, Proposed Law relative to 140
Perley, Fisheries of N. Brunswick,
1852 170
Perowne (J. J. S.) Sermon on Con-
fession, 1877 389
Perreau (E.) Trial for Forgery, 1775 314
Perreau (E. and D.) Sessions Papers,
on Trial of T. Q. 2
Perry, State of Brit. Universities,
1843 112
Perry (Prof. A. L.) Eecent Phases of
Thought in Political Economy,
1868 257
Perry (Hillert) Magneopathy, 1863 88
Persia, Famine in ; Fund in Aid of
the Sufferers, 1872 309
Persigny, Enterprise du Pr. Louis
Napoleon, 1837 103, 106
Personal Liberty in its more social
aspect, 1878 382
Perthes, Suprematie de I'Angleterre,
186'-* 82
Peter ^v!) On Preseiit'Crisis !""!'... 137
Peterborow (Earl of) Conduct in
Spain, 1708 258
Peters, Enq. on Plaister of Paris,
1797 42
Petition au Grand Conseil pour la
Eeforme Electorale, 1866 289
Pettigrew (T. J.) Death of Amy
Eobsart etc. 1859 267
Pettinger, Letter to E. Spencer,
1802 43
Petty (Sir W.) Quantulum concern-
ingMoney, 1682 T. E. 2
Peyton (A. M.) Biographical Sketch
of, 1876 378
Peyton (John Howe) Speech of, by
Col. Preston, 4to 1881 424
Philanthropic Society, Address to
Public, 1791 6
Laws and Eegulations, 1790... 6
Farm School, 1856 352
Philbrick (E. S.) Eeport on Cotton
Lands in South Carolina, 1863... 262
Philippart, Libels against Chateau-
briand 141
Phillimore (J.) Speech on Marriage
Act, 1822 286
Phillimore (J. G.) Law Eeform ;
Letter on Commission for ditto ;
Liaugural Lect. on Jurisprud,
1847-51 165
Tracts — continued.
Phillimore (J. G.) Divorce Court,
Evils and Remedies, 1859 198
PLillipps (A. L.) Letter to E. of
Shrewsbury, on Re-establishment
of Roman Cath. Hierarchy, 1850 IGO
Phillips, Speeches 122, 18G
Phillips (C.) Hist. Sketch of Duke
ofWellington, 1852 125
Queen's Case Stated, 1820 ... 251
Philhps (E.) The Currency and
Bank of England, 185G 922
Tropical Agriculture, 18-17 ... 170
Phillips (Rev. F^ D.) Sermon, 1850
IGl, 190
Phillips (H.) New Invented Powder 50
Phillips (W.) Christianity a Battle
etc. 18G9 252,283, 286
Phillpotts (Dr.) Letter to 157
Letter to Sir R. Inglis, 1852... 443
Phipps (Hon. E.) The Monetary
Crisis, 1847 319
Adventures of a 1,000^. Note,
1848 179
Phocion in Reply to Cato 147
Photography, Hints to Artists draw-
ing for production by 447
Phrenology, Speech on 119
Physiologists and Press, Appeal to,
1862 81
Pichot (A.) Leon Faucher, 1862 ... 292
Pickmere (J. R.) Propriety of Mid-
wives 157
Piedmontese Revolution 148
Pierce (E. L.) Two Systems of Gov.
for the Rebel States, 18G8 284
Pierce (L.) and J. Mill, Secret Suf-
frage, 1853 349
Piers Plowman, Observations sur la
Vision de, a propos des Notes de
W. W. Skeat T. Q. 7
Pikes (L. 0.) and the 'Westminster
Review' 288
Pilcher (G.) Physiology of the Tym-
panum, 1854 398
Pillory, Observations on 133
Pirn (J.) Land Question in Ireland,
1867 270
Pitt (W.) Reply to his Speech on
Opening Pari. 1794 ; Errors of
his Administration, 1793 24
Answer to his attack on Earl
St. Vincent, 1804 444
Apostasy from Cause of Pari.
Reform 150
Pittis (W.) Nereo, Funeral Poems to
Mem. of Sir G. Rooke, 1709 ;
Grat. Acad. Cantabr. de Reditu
Gulielmilll. 1G97 T.F.
Pius VII. Journey and Imprison-
ment 133
Plagiary (The) Warned 154
Plain. English S. T. W. 2
Plain Truth addressed to Americans,
Words to ]\Iembers of the Ch.
of England, 1S33
Planet (The), 18G2
Plant (T. L.) Weather of 1HG2
Platen (Ct. A.) Trial for High
Treason, 1868 254, 256, 276,
Pleas for Free Inquiry, 3 pts. Sc. T.
Plowden, Sermon on opening R.
Catholic Chapel at Bristol, 1790
Plunamer (J.) Our Colonies, 1864
Freedom of Labour, 1858
Plunket (H. C.) Speech in the House
of Commons on Nov. 23, 1819...
Pluto in Elysium, Presence of
Plvmley (P.) Letters on Catholics,
Pochin (Mrs. H. D.) The Right of
Women to exercise the Franchise,
Poems by Viator, 1843
Poet's Magazhie (Dec. 1876)
Poetry, Influence of Civilisation on
Poisons, Sale of. Petition on Bill,
Poland, Constitutional Charter, 1831
Question shortly stated, 1831
Manifestations des Anglais en
faveur de, 1838
Appeal to English in behalf of
Disc, sur les Affaires de, 1838
Friends of, 1856
Reports, 1857, 1861 185,
La Politique Oriento-Meri-
dionale du Cabinet de Peters-
bourg, 1836
Die Polnische Frage, 1847 ...
Question Polonaise, Lettre au
Cte, de Montalembert, 1847
Poles (Stefan) Actual Condition of
the British Museum, 1875
Police Report
Polidon (J.) On Punishment of
Polite Philosopher (The) 1760
Political Corre.sp. on Leading Cha-
racters and Events of the Day,
Economy, Lecture on
^liscell. by the Author of the
'Rolliad,' 1787
Unions, Speech on, 1832
Pollution of Rivers, 1868
Pomies (E.) Method of Curing
Diseases of the Eye, 1885
Pomtow (L.) Lcben des Epaminon-
das, 1870 T. Q.
Pooley (E.) County Courts, what
they are and what they should
Tracts — continued.
Poor (The) Means of Benefiting ... 145
• Association for Gathering In-
formation of, 1833 108
Law, EngHsh (The) in 1847... 333
Medical Reform (from the
'Lancet'), 1858 345
Settlement, Question on,
1854 346
Rates, Plan for Superseding... 138
Poore (B. P.) Congressional Direc-
tory, 1872 311
Pope, Poetical Character of 146
Ode on St. Ceciha's Day, 1713
T. F.
Pope, Gay, and Arbuthnot, Three
Hours after Marriage, 1717 379
Pope's (The) Brief, September
1850 161
Popery, Progr. of, in the Brit. Em-
pire, 1838 293
Popery and Protestantism 190
Popish Successor, Character of
S. T. C. 1
Population, Means of retaining
within any required Limits 145
Port of London, Plan for Improve-
ment, 1840 353
Port Phillip, Petitions of, 1844 186
Porter (G. R.) Influence of Educa-
tion, 1847 328
Porter (H. W.) On Reports of the
Registrar- General 312
Porter (J. G. V.) England and
France's Demands against
Prussia not Just, 1855 342, 849
Porter (J. S.) Sermon on the death
of Rammohun Roy, 1833 415
Porteus (Bp.) Speech on the Curates'
Bill, 1808 419
Exhortation to the Religious
Observance of Good Friday,
1781 370
Sermon at St. Paul's, 1770 ... 297
Portfolio, 1848 188
Portishead, Somerset ; a letter from
Mr. Peter Brush to Timothy
Carmine, 1842 421
Portland (Duke of) Case against
Sir J. Lowther .\ 67
Case, resp. two Leases 67
Portsmouth, Necessity for increased
Docks and Basins, 1862 202
Portugal, Letters on 157
Record Commission ; aos Car-
tararios etc. 1835 174
Posen, Recent Occurrences in,
1848 163
Refutation des Depeches de
France a Berlin, 1848 410
Memoire Historique, 1848 ... 410
Post Office and Sabbath Question,
1850 190
Pot-Pourri 380
Potter (Agathon de) La propriete
fonciere individuelle, 1881 438
Potter (E.) Partnership with Limited
Liabihty, Opinions against, 1885 335
Potts (Lewis) Influence of the
Church over Boys, n .d 356
Pouchet (M. G.) L'Influence de la
Lumiere 376
Poujoulat sur la Vie de Michaud ... 174
Powell, Commercial System of G.
Britain 155
Powell (Prof. B.) Essay, Apol. for,
1861 199
Power of the H. of Pari, in point of
Judicature etc. 1680 306
• and Policy of Exclusion, 1866 249
Powles (J. D.) Foreign Mining
Association, 1825 315
Pozzo (Ct.) Emancipation of Pro-
testant Vaudois, 1829 96
Practical Design Society : Meeting
at Exeter Hall, 1838 312
Remarks on the Lord's Prayer,
Sc. T. 7
Prata (Conte di) La Regata di
Venezia, in dialetto Veneziano,
1856 424
Pratique du Nouveau Systeme Elec-
torale, 1866 289
Pratt (H.) Indian Questions, 1857... 281
Prayer, A Form of, 1795 377
Efficacy of ; Province of
Sc. T. 13
for the Sick Sc. T. 17
Prayer Book (Common) Remarks
on, 1762 126
Precious Secret of Taming Hus-
bands 286
Prehminary Articles of Peace, 1783 265
Prendergast (J. P.) The Tory War
of Ulster, 1868 396
Prentice (A.) One Day's Rest in
Seven, 1855 346
Prerogative, Speech against sus-
pending etc 67
Prescott (W. H.) Proceedings of
Massachusetts Hist. Soc. 1859 ;
Memorial 193
Press, Seasonable Memorial on
Liberty of, 1680 436
Preston (F.) A Political Programme,
N.D 420
Preston (R.) State of the Nation ... 138
Condition of Agricultural In-
terest 136
Address on Poor Laws 139
Poor Rates gradually reduced 140
Preussische Verfassung (3 Feb.
1847) 174
Preventive Police 107
Price, Fast Sermon, 1779 49
Tracts — continued.
Price (Bonamy) Inaug. Lecture at
Oxford 280
Professorial Teaching, 1850... 18iJ
Price (F. G. H.) Temple Bar ; or,
account of ' ye Marygold,' 1875 -lOG
Price (J.) Homes for the People,
1874 361
Price (Dr. R.) Appeal to the Public
on National Debt, 1771 T. R. 3
on Love of Country ; on Man-
chester Academy, 1787-80 17
Addr. to Congregation at
Hackney, 1781 72
Population of Eng. ; Pub.
Debts and Fin. 1780-83 62
Prices, Cause of Increased 143
Prideaux (T, S.) on Prevention of
Smoke 357
Priesthood of Science etc. 1868 253
Priestley, Letters to Burke, 1791... 15
Ditto to Dean of Canterbury,
Geddes, Price, Horsley, 1788 ... 11
Ditto to Univ. Candidates for
Orders ; to Jews ; to N. Jerusa-
lemites; with Replies, 1785, 1787,
1790, 1791 12
Ditto to Pitt on Test Act;
Serm. on Dissenters' Conduct for
procuring Repeal of Corp. and
Test Acts, 1787-89 19
to French Politicians on Re-
ligion, 1793 40
to the Public on Birmingham
Riots, with Reply, 1791-92 5
on Forgiveness of Injuries,
1791 7
• on Habitual Devotion ; Duty
of not living to Ourselves ; Letter
to Bp. of Waterford, 1780 73
to Supporters of New Coll.
Hackney ; on the Death of Dr.
Price, 1791 17
Selections from Discourses
on Evidences of Revelation,
1799 46
Controversy concerning ' Mat-
ter and Spirit ' 73
On impregnating Water with
fixed Air, 1772 57
Primitive Episcopacy T. T. 33
Practice, Pres, Obligation of
T. T. 6
Primogeniture, Right of, 1837 103
Prince Edward Island, The Land
Purchase Act, 1875, and Judg-
ments of Supreme Courts on
Appeals, 1876 426
Prinsep, Revenues and Sugar, 1792 213
Prinsep .(H. T.) India Question in
1853 326
Prior (T.) cone. Coin in Ireland,
1729 T.R. 2
Prison Congress of London, 1872... 871
Prisons de France, 10 tat des 154
Rep. on King's Bench, Fleet,
etc 185
Regulations for, in Gloucester,
1790 6
, 1840 175
Prisoner of the Temple, 1860 194
Pritchard (Rev. C.) to Bp. Colenso,
84, 247, 252
On Free Inquiry etc. 1864 85, 245
Testimony of Science to the
Divine Thought for Man, 1869 ... 293
Privileged Orders, Advice to, 1792 22
Privileges of Parliaments, 1680 806
Privy Council, Declaration for Dis-
solving S. T. C. 2
Proceedings on Address to re-
move Gen. Hutchinson 69
Judgment of Judicial Com-
mittee, 1864 245
Prize Sugars not Foreign, 1782 61
Probus on E. I. Question, 1813 216
in reply to Gracchus 130
Probyn (J. W.) Italy and the War
of 1866-67 266
Armenia and the Lebanon ... 386
Proceedings of the American Anti-
Slavery Society, 1864 250
of Second Anniversary Meeting
of the Loyal Publication Society,
Feb. 11, 1865 24S
of the Reviewers of the Book
of Common Prayer, 1661 305
Prolusiones Academica% 1832 118
in Pauh Schola habita?, 1842 189
Prominc (The) Contening the maner,
place, and time of the maist II-
luster King James the Sext, his
first passing to the Feildis, 1580,
T. Q. 1
Prophecie of Pierre Reillor, 1851... 17S
Proposal for Relief of the Nation,
1850 38G
Prospectus of Joint Stock Book
Company, 1826
Protection, Tracts on ; the Blessings
of Cheapness 378
Protestant Alliance, Report, 1858... 187
Interest, Proposals for uniting,
1680 801
Reconciler, Three Letters of
Thanks to, 1683 802
Religion, Proposals for the
Preservation of, 1674 317
, Nature of, 1682 802
, Restraint of the Press
inconsistent with S. T. W. 2
■ Resolution of Faith etc. 1(86 808
Protestants, a Defence of True, ICSO 801
Endeavour for Peace among,
1680 802
Tracts — continued.
Protestants, Bill for uniting, S. T. W. 2
Ill France, Present State 65
in G. Brit., Dangers impending
over S. T. C. 2
in Ireland, Apology for, S.T.W. 3
Instr. of Assoc. Eeign of Queen
Eliz. ; with Act of Pari, in Conf.
of same S. T. C. 2
Persecution of, in France, 1086 308
of Scotland, Letter to, 1854... 331
Protestantism versus unquestioning
Submission to Authority ...Sc. T. 8
Protestantismus, der iieue 174
Proud, Eeply to Priestley concern-
ing New Jerusalemites, 1791 12
Provident (The) Sept.15, 1881, T.Q. 7
Provisions, Causes of High Price ... 138
Prussia and Saxony 134
(Prince F. C.) MiHtary Me-
morial, 1866 288
Les Armees Prussiennes en
France, Exactions, Vols et Cru-
autes, 1871 294, 316
Public Accts., Bill for exam. S.T.W. 3
Debt, Lifluence etc. 1831 88
Health Bill of 1855, and the
' Edinburgh Eeview ' on Private
Bill Legislation, 1855 333
Health, Journal of, 1855 179
Holidays and the Abolition of
Sunday Labour 346
House Licensing 136
. Ser\'ice, Length of T. T. 43
Prayer T. T. 25
Schools, Eep. to Objections to 133
Salaries, Eemarks on Assess-
ment of 336
- — ^ Worship Sc. T. 15
Act, 1874, remarks on,
and on Treatment of Women in
Church and State 421
Publicola on Liberty of Subject,
1810 121
Pugin (E. W.) Eeply to Barry (on
the Houses of Parhament), 1868 361
Pulling (A.) Our Law Eeporting
System, 1863 423
Pulteney, State of Public Affairs,
1779 58
Purgatory T. T. 79
Purney's Pastorals, 1717 379
Pusey(E. B.) Sermon 159
Danger of Eidicule in Eeligion,
T. T. 77
Life the Preparation for Death 260
-- — ^^ The Holy Eucharist a Com-
fort to the Penitent, 1843 290
■ ■ Will ye also go away ? 1867... 260
Unlaw of the Judicial Com-
mittee, 1881 443
Putnam (G.) Address at Funeral of
Gen. C. E. Lowell, 1864 432
Py croft, Advantages of Classical
Education, 1847 200
Pycroft (G.) Origin of the Volunteer
Movement of 1852, 1881 404
Pym (J.) Heads of a Conference
delivered by, 1641 805
Quality, Person of. Letters from,
S. T. C. 1
Quarantine Bill, Letter on 154
Quarterly Eeview, Letter to Editor 158
Queen, Exclusion of, from Liturgy
considered 147
Queensland a Field for Emigration 253
Products of, 1867 255
Question (A) by M. A. 1848 162
of Method as affecting Eeli-
gious Thought Sc. T. 13
Questions for Bible Worshippers,
1865 246
for the Orthodox Sc. T. 2
Quozziana, 1842 193
Eaasloff, Eeply of (Translation),
1861 80
Eadicalism : its effects on the Eng-
lish Constitution, 1880 425
Eadnor (Earl) Bill, Vindicated, 1837
105, 117
Eaffles (T. S.) Discourse to Lit.
Society at Java 137
Eafii (C. C.) Eemarks on a Danish
Eunic Stone, 1854 (Eng. and
Danish) 313
Eagged School Emigration 329
— - Ten Years of a, 1857 ... 187
Eailway, Halifax to Quebec, 1858... 78
■ (G. Western) Company's Proc.
1834 178, 179
Literature of the, 1861 179
Prospectus of the Upper India
Eailway Co 841
Eailways, Shareholders' Eeport on
the Eating of, 1849 155, 341
Appeal to Public, 1837 119
in Vale of Euphrates, Europ.
Interest in 193
Eeport on Improvements in
propelhng Carriages on, 1852 ... 341
Eaising Men, a Discourse, S. T. W. 2
Eajahmundry, Statement of Ee-
venue. Exports, etc 327
Ealeigh, Trade and Commerce with
Hollander, etc T.E. 4
Seaports ; Eem. by Shears,
1700 65
Eandolph on Bath Water, 1752 ... 14
Sermon, Bristol and Bath 1803 45
State of Nation, 1808 38
Letter to Pitt, on Abol. of
Slave Trade, 1788 16
to Priestley, Script. Eevision of
Socinian Argum. ; Yind. against
Hobhouse, 1792-93 25
Tracts — continued.
Ranken (W. B.) Eni,'lisli Convicts,
1863 r 2-M
Prisons and Prisoners, 187i... 357
Rapp (J.) Immanuel Kant, 1857 ... 21)2
Rapport du Consi'il iVEtat du Can-
ton de Vaud sur la Rov. de la Con-
stitution Federale, 1872 409
Raspail (F. V.) De la Pologne, 1839 427
Ratlibone (Col.) Turkey and the
Victims of its bad faith etc. 1875 374
True Line of Defence for India,
1876 380
Ratier (F. H.) Cliniques Medicales,
1830 54
Rational Piety and Prayers for Fair
Weather So. T. 17
Rationalist Principles, Intr. into
Religion T. T. 73
Rattenbury, Cession of Floridas to
U. States 144
Raverty (Capt.) Gospel for Afghans
85, 245
Raw (R. H.) Ueber den kleinsten
Umfang eines Bauerngutes, 1851 358
Rawlinson (Lt. - Col.) Outline of
Assyrian History, 1852 309
Rawlinson (R.) Wholesome Houses,
1873 316
Rawson (W.) Mexican Mining As-
sociations, 1825 315
' Reading Mercury,' Feb. 1, 1723
{reprinted) 316
Real del Monte Company, Conduct
of Directors, 1825 315
Reasons for Prevalence of Disbelief
among the Working Classes Sc. T. 6
for Separating from the Church
of England, 1682 302
Why the Civil Magistrate
should not put the Penal Laws
in Execution against Protest. Dis-
senters, 1682 302
for the liberty of unlicensed
printing, with the true character
of Edmund Bohun, 1693 436
Record Commission, Debate on,
1836 107
Report on, 1837 107
Description of Works printed
by, 1831 90
• aux Savans Fran^ais, 1834 ... 174
Report, a Third Leaf omitted,
1837 179
Records, Proceed, of Committee,
1837 184
Rector of Sutton committed with
the Dean of St. Paul's, 1680 301
Recuperation, from the ' Daily
Chronicle,' July 18, 1864 262
Reddie, Mechanics of the Heavens,
81, 201
Redemption, Imputation etc. Sc. T. 6
Redesdale (Ld.) On English Pro-
sody ; Further Thoughts, 1859... 200
Redhouse (J.^W) Translations from
Arabic 291
Reed (T. S.) Ticket of Jjeave
System, 1857 248
Rees (Dr. A.) Advantages of
Knowledge, 1778 17
Funeral Sermon on R. Robin-
son, 1790 74
Rees (C.) Sermons, before twelve
years old, 1796 49
Reflections and Suggestions 157
on a Pamphlet etc. 1697 264
Reform, the Advantages of 368
in Elections, Plan of, 1817 ... 121
Bill, Hints for, 1857 349
(1831) Notes on, by a
Barrister 242
Lord Russell's, 1831 102
■ Friendly Advice to Lords
on, 1831 92
A few Lines to Earl Grey on,
1832 93
A Letter to Lord John Russell,
1831 242
Dissection of Scottish R. Bill,
1831 242
Proposed Address to be signed
by leading Reformers, 1857 349
Reformation etc. Necessity of, 1685 303
The New 199
Reformatories and Refuges, Metrop.,
1859 79
Roman Catholic 187
Reforme du Systeme Electorale,
1865 289, 316
Electorale, Discours et Dis-
cussions, 1866 316
Electorale, avec Supplement,
1867 289
Penitentiaire, Actes de la
Societe Suisse, 1872 412
Systeme do la Liste Libre,
1867 816
Regent's Authority, Letter to Pitt
on Restriction of, 1789 9
Regiam Majestatem, On the 154
Regicide Peace, Thoughts on, 1796
23, 120
Registration of the Causes of Death,
1843 309
Registry for Titles of Lands, S. T. W. 2
Reid and Broome, Adventure of
Ulysses, 1876 380
Reiffenberg (Baron de) Notices et
Extraits des Manuscrits de la
Bibliotheque de Bourgogne relat.
aux Pays Bas, vol. i. p. 1, 1829
T. Q. 6
Religio Clerici, 1819 74
Religion (On) Sc T. 9
Teacts — continued.
Religion, A few Words on, 18G3 ... 83
and the Bible Sc. T. 3
■ in France, Alteration in, 1G82 300
Religious Census of Eng. and
Wales, abridged 1881 271
retreat sounded to a Religious
Army, 1647 305
Liberty, Testimonies for, 1790 19
Extr. from Books in Favour of 19
Remarks on Speech to Grand Jury
cone. Exec, of Penalties on the
Churches of Christ, 1682 302
on the Employment of Women,
1860 251
on the Bp. of London's Ad-
dress on harmony of Revelation
and Sciences, 1864 ...245, Sc. T. 2
on a letter to the Committee
appointed to examine Gregg 258
Rembrandt, L'CEuvre Grave, par
F. S. Haden, 1880 T. Q. 5
Remonstrans Redivivus, 1643 371
Renan (E.) Discours sur Spinoza,
1877 366
Discours a I'Academie Fran-
9aise, 1879 383
Lettre a un Ami d'AUemagne,
1879 382, 383
• La Chaire d'Hebreu au College
de France, 1882 404
Rendiconti della Societa R. di
Napoh, 1868 266
Rendiconto della R. Accademia, 1865 292
1868-70 283
delle Tornate e dei Lavori etc.
1867 254
Rendle (W.) St. Thomas's Hospital,
1882 415
Rennell (Rev. T.) on Scepticism,
1819 ; Ann. Sermon for Sons of
Clergy, 1797 74
Rennell (Maj. J.) Marches of Armies
in India, 1792 35
Renouf (P. le Page) Union d'Amer.
etde I'Europe, 1861 202
Prayer from Egyptian Ritual,
1862 81, 200
Negative Particles of the
Egyptian Language, 1862 377
Reply of Messrs. Gasparin, Labou-
laye etc. to the National League
ofN. Y. 1864 250
to the Answer of the Amic.
Accommodation, 1686 304
Report on Agricultural Labourers in
Scotland, 1854 267
Agriculture, 1868 276
Alcock V. Fergie, 1867 267
Prof, of Astronomy in the U.
at Glasgow,1868 276
Banks etc. of Massachusetts,
1863-64 262
Report, Boys' Home, Barnet, 1870 287
Carlile (R.) Mock Trials of,
1822 280
Children's Aid Society, 1869 276
Committee for Relief of
Coloured People, 1863 250
Comptroller of Currency,
U.S. 1865 262
Yorkshire Institution for Deaf
and Dumb, 1870 293
State of Finances, 1865-1868
249, 276
American Freedmen's Inquiry
Committee 250, 286
Bureau of Freedmen and Re-
fugees 257, 261
President of Harvard Coll.
1865-66 263
General Conference of Liberal
Thinkers, 1878 373
Gen. Board of Health on the
Public Health Act, 1854 418
Hudson's Bay Company, 1866 288
I. State Congress at the Hague,
1870 277
Iowa Hospital for the Insane,
1866-67 ; Iowa Listit. for the
Education of Blind, 1867 ; of
Deaf and Dumb, 1866-67 ; Sol-
diers' Orphans' Home, 1867 ;
Auditor of State, 1867; State
Hist. Soc. 1867; Warden of
Penitentiary, 1868 ; Register of
Land Office, 1867-68; Trea-
sure of State 284
Joint Congressional Committee,
1866 249
■ on the Law of Property 248
Laws of N. England, 1855 ... 280
of the Leeds Ladies' Educa-
tional Association, 1874 376
Librarian of Congress, 1868 284
Lighthouse Board 257
Yorks. Union of Mechanics'
Institutes, 1864 245
Med. Jurisd. in the Bengal
Pres. 1854 281
Met. Municipal Association,
1867 ...267, 282
National Academy of Sciences,
1866 257
Nat. Com. Convention, Boston,
1868 284
Executive Committee of the
Prison Association of New York,
1866-68 261, 268
Public Instruct. Bengal Pres.
1859-60 281
on Public Schools, 1864 245
on Radcliffe Library, 1863 ... 83
Board of Directors of the
House of Refuge etc. 1866 263
Tracts — continued.
Eeport on Religious Worship etc.
1854 271
Revenue, 18G8 270
Revenue System of the U.S.
18G6 257, 2(52
St. Louis Pubhc Schools, 18G7 2G1
Schools and Finances of
Freeclmen, 18GG 257
Administration of Travancore
etc 2GG
Trial of Mowers and Reapers
etc. 18G7 2G1
Treasurer of Massachusetts,
18G3-G8 2G1, 2G2
Secretary of the Treasury U.S.
18G5 2G2
Venereal Diseases, 18G7 282
Seer, of War for the U.S.
18G4-68 250, 257
Working Men's Association... 291
Working Women's College,
1865 251
Museum of Compar. Zoology,
1861-66 248, 249
Representation (Proportional) : The
Great Political Problem [1884]... 439
Representer and Answerer, Answer
to the Difference between, 1686 308
Reserve in communication of Rehg.
Knowledge T. T. 80
JResler (J.) UltimaB Pindari Isthmise
Scholia 861
Eesolution of Queries concerning
Submission to present Govern-
ment, 1689 370
Eevans (J.) Evils of State of Ireland,
103, lOG
Eevealed Knowledge of the Prophe-
cies and Times, 1794 314
Bevel (C.) IlLibrodell' Agricoltura,
1869 292
Revenue, Plan for impro\nng 157
Report (Wash.) 1869 435
Eeviews, Extracts from, ed. by
Rev. 0. Shipley, 1866 288
Eeville (A.) Histoire du Diable,
1870 873
Re\T:sion of Map of Europe (sup-
pressed), 1854 342
Eevolution, What is a? 143
Fourteen Papers on, 1689 65
Present, Letter from French
Lawyer ; with Reflect, on same,
S. T. W. 1
Vindicated S. T. W. 8
Soc, Letter to Burke by a
Member of 15
Eevolutions of 1640 and 1830, a
Fragment, 1832 93
Eevue Britannique 118
Eey (E.) Turin, Florence, ou Rome,
etc. 1864 278
Eeynolds, Marriage with Deceased
Wife's Sister, 1840 118
Eeynolds on the Preservation of the
Eyes S. C. L.
Necessity of Physical Culture
to Literary Men S. C. L.
Eeynolds (Sir Joshua) Discourses to
Students of Eoyal Academy, S.C.L,
Eheumatic Gout and its Cure, 1865 3G1
Rhine, Guide down the, 1825 84
Ehodes (W. B.) Bombastes Furioso,
N.D 357
Eiachuelo, Memoria de la Comision
directiva, 1882 T.Q. 7
Eibot (A.) Biographic do Lord
Erskine, 1866 294
Eicardo (J. L.) War Policy of Com-
merce, 1855 340
Eicardo (E.) Juvenile Vagrancy ... 352
Eicardo and Smith, on Pol. Economy
152, 153
Eice (Hon. S. S.) L-ish Crime, 1863 244
Eice (T. S.) on Church-rates, 1837 105
Eichard (H.) Eelations of the Tem-
poral and Spiritual Power etc.
1877 369
Evidences of Turlcish Misrule 38G
Eichards (Adml.) The Arctic Expe-
dition of 1875-76, 1877 373
Eichards (J.) Siege of Buda, 1687 65
Eichardson (Eev. J.) Athanasian
Creed Vindicated etc. 1822 260
Eichardson (J.) on Slave-trade, 1849 180
Eichardson (Dr. W.) Prevention of
Famine 137
Eichmond (D. of) Annual Parha-
ments 153
People's Eight to Universal
Suffrage, 1817 121
Eichthofen (F. Baron) The Corn-
stock Lode, 1866 261
Eickard (Capt. T.) Properties, Mines
etc. formerly belonging to Lt.-
Gen. M. Pashkoff 290
Eiess und Weber, Stimmen aus
Maria Laach, 1869 358
Eietschel (G. C.) Martin Luther mid
Ignatius v. Loyola, 1879 891
Eigby, Chemical Observations ou
Sugar, 1788 14
Eipon (Dean of) Physical Eesurrec-
tion of Jesus Sc. T. 11
Eitchie (J. E.) Slavery and Cheap
Sugar 116
Eitter (Prof.) Col. of New Zealand,
1842 163
Blick in das Nil-Quelland, 1848 174
Eituahsm in the Establishment,
Sc. T. 1
Robbery, Insurance against 132
Roberts, Treasure of TraflSke, 1641
T. R. 1
Tracts — continued.
Roberts (Col.) Plan for increasing
Incomes of Officers ; Letter to
Officers of Army 131
Eoberts (W. Page) Sermon on Sir
Thomas Watson, 1883 414
Eobertson (E. S.) Commmaism, 1884 417
Eobertson (J.) Finding of the Book
Sc.T. 17
Intellectual Liberty Sc. T. 11
Eobertson (W. A. S.) British Con-
tributions to Foreign Missions,
1877 373
Eobins CB.) The Principles of Gun-
nery ; 378
Eobuason (C.) New South Wales,
1873 361, 376
Eobinson (Prof.) Education in the
Universities of Germany S. C. L. 5
Eobmson (Et. Hon. F.) Letter to,
on Currency 148
Eobinson (F. J.) Letter to 147
Eobinson (Sir H.) Speech on Border
Treaties and Australian Federa-
tion, 1876 428
Eobinson (Phil.) Cyprus, 1878 373, 381
Eobson and Eedpath, Scenes from
the Lives of 276
Eoche (A. E.)Eussian America, 1855
78, 182
Eoche (C. M.) Defects of System of
Transfer of Land, 1855 78
Eochester (Bp.) Sermon preached
before the King, 1688 300
Eoebuck (J. A.) Canadas, Difficulty
in Government of, 1836 103
Eoffe, Ghost Belief of Shakspeare,
1851 183
Eogers (J. E. T.) On Landed Pro-
perty, 1869 310
Eokeby (Lord) The Fall of Mortimer
(a Tragedy), 1806 312
Eolliad, Criticisms on, 1784 40
Eoman Catholic Paper, Answer to
a, 1686 304
Oath,1837 106
Church, Eeligious and
Milit. Orders 134
Eome and Carthage, Treaty between 425
Eome, Court of, and the Gospel ... 194
■ Church of. Answer concerning
the Authority of, 1686 304
Eomanism in Bayswater 192
Eomanists, Controversy with T. T. 71
Eomilly (E.) Letter to Disraeh,
1867 310
Eomilly. ( Sir S.) Speech on Slave-
trade 133
Eoper (W.) Weather Sayings, Pro-
verbs etc. N.D 417
Eopes (J. S.) The Currency, 1868... 313
■ National Debt, 1868"! 257
Eosas in the Eiver Plate, 1844 170
Roscoe (E. S.) On State Aid to Dis-
charged Prisoners, 1875 374
Eoscoe (Sir H.) What the Earth is
composed of, N.D 388
Eoscoe (W.) Origin of Literature
and Science 140
on Proposals for Peace with
France, 1808 38
Eose, on Poor Laws, 1805 37
Eose (F.) Die Ideen von den Gott-
lichen Dingen etc. 1847 373
Eose (Et. Hon. G.) Banks for
Savings 128
Eose (Eev. H. J.) Memoir of 309
Eoss (W.) Adaptation of the Sab-
bath etc. 1866 252
Eossetti's ' Spirito Antipapale,' Ee-
marks on, 1832 118
Eossi (J. B. de) Aper9u General sur
les Catacombes de Eome etc. 1867 289
Eossmore (Ld.) Appeal on ex-Par-
liamentary Peers of Ireland and
Scotland, 1830 97
Eostoptchine, Memoires 118
Eound (J. H.) St. Helen's Chapel,
Colchester, 1886 T. Q. 9
Eous, cone. Commutation Act 47
Eouse (Eev. N.) Anglican Doctrine
of Apostolical Succession 293
Eouth and Eowden's Address on
the Centralis, of Courts of Law
and Equity,1851 344
Eow (Eev. C. A.) Letter to Lord J.
Eussell on University Eeform,
1850 332
Eowe, MecaBnas, Verses on E. of
Hahfax, 1714 T. F.
Eowley (S.) When you see me, you
know me, edited by K. Elze,
1874 427
Eoyal British Bank, hist, of, 1858... 179
College of Physicians of
Edinburgh, memorial to the Lord
Advocate, 1858
of Surgeons, case of, in
relation to the proposed Medical
Bills, 1857
Engineers, remarks on their
duties etc
Institution of G.
Britain, 1852
etc. 1868
— Message from the Torrid Ee-
gions, 1876
— Society, Catalogue of Portraits,
1860 .<
Guard, The, 1684
Eoyal ty of the Crown in Episcopal
Promotions, 1848
Eubric, Ornaments
Euckert (Dr.) On the Doctrine of the
Eesurrection of the Dea^, S. C. L.
Tracts — continued.
Rudall (Rev. E.) Complaints of the
]\Ianufacturcrs against tlie Corn
Laws, 1840 337
Rudd (Caroline) Trial at Old Bailey,
1775 T. Q. 2
Ruge (A.) Was wir brauclien, 18G1 358
Ruggieri (C.) Crucifixion of ]\I.
Lovet 132
Ruggles (S. B.) Resources of the
United States, 1864 243
RundaU, Four Letters on Com-
pany's Claims 214
Rusden (G. W.) Discovery of Port
Phillip 309
Ruskin (J.) Opening of Crystal
Palace, 1854 181
Notes on Roy. Acad. 181, 192, 259
Notes on Turner's Drawings,
1878 390
Russell (J. S.) Tidal Wave of Clyde,
1838 177
Fleet'of tile Future, 1801.'.*.'... 80
Russell (Ld. J.) to Stroud Electors,
1839 109
Clergyman's Letter to, 1848 1G2
Letter to, on Gibraltar, 1855 182
Speeches on Reform, 1822 ... 52
The New Reform Bill, 1852... 332
State of Ireland, 1868 285
Inaugural Address at Tavis-
tock, 1866 253
Russell (Lord W.) Speech to the
Sheriffs, Consid. on, 1683 307
Speech of the late ...S. T. C. 2
Russian Agents in India, 1864 253
Designs against India and In-
trigues in Afghanistan, 1881 411
Fleet in the Baltic in 1836 ... 106
Produce through Prussia, Rep.
of Committee on Trade in, 1855 342
Rutherforth (J.) Concio ad Clerum,
1765 297
Ryan (M.) Theory of Parallels,
1866 282
Ryder (Bp.) Visitation Charge in
1832 370
Rylands (T. G.) Map History of the
Coast from the Dee to the
Duddon, 1879 397
Wimirck and Culcheth in
Lancashire, 1880 397
Ptolemy's Geography of the
Coast from Carnarvon to Cumber-
land, 1878 373
Ryle (Bp. J. C.) Church Reform ... 317
Shall we Surrender ? 1876 ... 369
Sabbath Question, Thoughts on,
1856 346
Sacheverell, Speech on Impeach-
ment, 1710 T. F.
Sacramental Test, Expediency of
taking away S. T. W. 1
Sacramental Qualific, Letter to Ld.
Mayor, 1790 19
Sacred History as a Branch of
Education Sc. T. 11
Saguenay en 1851, Le, 1852 430
St. Augustine's Coll., Occ. Papers
from 199
St. David's (Bp.) letter to Rev. R.
Williams, 1860 192
St. Dionis Backchurch, London,
Correspondence respecting sale of
site, 1878 381
St. Ewen, Bristol, and the Welsh
Border, circiter a.d. 577-916,
1875 361
St. Helena, 1809-17 208
Letters from, 1818 208
St. James's Holiday Annual for 1875 374
St. James's, Westminster ; School
Board costs, 1885 48
St. John Ambulance Association ;
its Aims and Object 399
St. John of Jerusalem, Foundation
and Constitution, 1878 438
St. John, Speech on Ship-Monev,
1640 .^ 305
Argument upon the Bill of
Attainder against the Earl of
Strafford, 1641 305
St. Mary's Hospital, Meeting. 1861 201
St. Paul's, Annales de la Cathe-
drale 294
St. Petersburg, Akad. der Wissen-
schaften, 1838 117
St. Raphael's, Bristol, Church
closed by a Bishop, 1878 381
St. Veronica and St. Andrew,
Legends of 185
Saints' Days and Holidays, Sermons,
T. T. 62, 54, 57, 60
Sakhkini, De I'Egypte, 1833 188
Salisbury (Bp. of) On Free and
Open Churches 378
Salmon (J. D.) Flora of Surrey,
1852 287
Salomon (Alderman) Notes on the
History of the Oaths, 1857 347
Salomons (D.) on Corn Duties, 1839 109
Salt Duties, Remarks on 139
Present Manufacture explain-
ed, 1785 2
Tax, in India, remarks on ... 336
Samuda (J.) The Budget as it is,
1850 321
Sandars, Direct and Indirect Taxa-
tion, 1853 164
Sandford, Decision on Ox!'ord and
Edinb. Controversy 150
Sandford (W.) On Cotton Growing
in Turkey etc 423
Sangster (W.) Umbrellas and their
History, 1855 317
Teacts — continued.
Sanitarian (The) a Monthly Journal,
No. 1, 1873 363
Sanitary Assoc, Metrop., First
Report, 1850 169
the Metrop. Water Bills, 1852 351
Commission, 1861 201
Sanitation in England, 1884 438
Santi (F. L.) Europa nel 1900, n.d. 400
Sargent (F. W.) England, the
United States and the Southern
Confederacy, 1863 433
The same, 2nd edit. 1864 433
Sargent (W. L.) Inconsistencies of
the Census of 1861, 1865 376
Results and Defects of the
Reports of the Registrar-General,
1864 251
Satyr to his Muse, 1682 306
Satyr against Hypocrites, 1688 406
Saunders (J. O'B.) Sale of Waste
Lands etc. in India, 1863 244
Savage (M. J.) Is the Universe
good? 1883
Savary (Gen.) Vindication of 138
Letter to Editor on the same 140
Savings Banks 142
Sawyer (Prof.) Elements of Biblical
Interpretation S. C. L. 17
Saxon Scholars of England 104
Say (J, B.) History of Tythes 144
Letters to Malthus on Pol.
Economy 146
Sbarbaro (P.) L' Economia Pohtica
etc. 1868 279
Scandalum Magnatum etc. 1680 ... 306
Scarlett (Sir J.) Speech on Reform
etc. 1831 242
Scharf (G.) Portraits of Shakspeare,
1864 85
Pictures in Brit. Inst. 1858
192, 259
On the Portraits of Arthur,
Prince of Wales, 1861 T. Q. 1
Visit of Q. Elizabeth to Black-
friars in 1600 etc. 1866 288
Scharling (C. E.) Michael de
Molinos, 1855 393
Schedo-Ferroti, Appendice au Nihil-
isme en Russie, 1867 T. Q. 9
Avenir de la Russie, 1857 191
Schelling, Philosophy of Art, 1845 181
Schilling (Hugo) Konig iElfred's
Orosius, 1886 447
Schleswig-Holstein, Const. Rights,
1848 77, 197
Schloss (D. F.) Persecution of the
Jews in Roumania, 1885 447
Schmidt (C. L.) Justus Menius 394
Schmidt (H.) Elsass und Lothrin-
gen, 1870 422
Schnellen (E.) Denkschrift zur
Welt-Ausstellung in Paris, 1867 266
Schnitzler (M. J. H.) Des Encyclo-
pedies 118
Schoffner (C. H.) Coffee Trade, 1869 276
Schomberg, Maritime Laws of
Rhodes, 1776 T. R. 5
Schomberg (R. H.) British Guiana,
1840 115
School Boards and Wooden Heads,
byJif 411
■ Books, Classical 188
in relation to Church, 1847 169, 184
Endowed, Debate of last Ses-
sion, N.D 361
Schrautenbach (L. von) Religions-
ideen eines Ungelehrten, 1876 ... 393
Schultze (Fr.) Philosophie der
Naturwissenschaft, 1877 438
Schutz (Dr.) Address at Phila-
delphia, Oct. 5, 1865 248
Schwartz (Rev. C.) What is the
Talmud? 361
Schweizerische Zustande, 1856 194
Science, Objects and Advantages of 156
Scientific Roll (The) a Magazine,
No. 1 425
Scotch Education, Memorandum on,
1854 328
Scotch (The) Mist, Proceedings
against the E. of Argyle S. T. C. 1
Scotland, Ace. of Grievances S. T. C. 1
Breviate of State S. T. W. 3
Colony at Darien S. T. W. 3
Convention and Pari. Proceed-
ings S. T. W. 3
Declamation of Estates, S.T.C. 2
National Education in 328
Parochial Schools, 1854 329
Preliminaries of Crown of,
S. T. W. 3
Statistics of Graveyards in,
1855 179
Scott, How to Meet Cholera, 1853 176
Scott, St. Chrysostom's Christmas
Day Sermon, 1778 73
Scott (Major) Speech, July 2, 1784 233
Letter to Burke on Warren
Hastings, 1783 238
Scott (F. J.) Palaces of America,
1869 284
Scott (Thos.) Letter to Dean Alford,
Sc. T. 7
On the Christian Evidence
Society Sc. T. 11
Questions, 1866 260
Vox Populi 308
Scott (Rev. W.) The Duelhst a
Bravo to God etc. 1774 314
Scott (Sir W.) Character of Ld.
Byron 153
Scottish Ballads, Romantic 193
Reform Bill, Letter to Ld. Ad-
vocate, 1832 99
Tracts — continued.
Scrafton (L.) on Vansittart's Nar-
rative 229
Scratcliley (A.) Principles of Sound
Friendly Societies, 1877 371
Scriptures, Certain Versions of 157
Hist. Accuracy of , 1 85 1 190
On Revising Authorised Trans. 142
Scroggs (Sir W.) Speech ; Impeach-
ment ..S. T. C.
Scrope (G. P.) Don't tax, but un-
tax, 1850 33G
Rights of Industry, 1848 184, 333
Scrymgour (E, P.) The Ethical Idea,
1880 425
Study of literary history 438
Search (S.) Spirit of tlie Times,
1790 3
Seasonable Advice to the Citizens of
England, 1085 307
Sebastopol, Why Besiege? 1854 ... 108
Secessia, Elements of Discord in ... 249
Secession, Effect of, 1801. ..84, 202, 247
Secretaries of State, Examinations
before one, 1723 T. F.
Sectarian Strategy, Letter on, 1873 350
Sects (Religious) in England T. T. 30
Secular Education, 1853 328
Secular (The) Religious and Theo-
logical 190
Securities, Public, Inviolable Nature
of, 1717 T. R. 3
Sedan, Causes qui ont amene la
capitulation de 294
Sedgwick (Rev. A.) On University
Studies, 1833 112
Seditious Book (A) Account of, 1794 121
Seeley, Voice from India, 1824 200
Sellon (Miss) and Sisters of Mercy,
1852 100
Selwyn (A. R. C.) et G. F. Ulrich.
Notes sur la Geographic Physique
etc. de Victoria, 1800 255
Selwyn (Bp.) Work of Christ in the
World, 1855 445
Selwyn (W.) Extracts from College
Examm. in Divinity, 1834 105
Semerie (Dr.) La Politique Repub-
licaine, 1879 402
Semisch, Eusebius Bruno, Bischof
von Angers 393
Semple (J. G.) The Northern Im-
postor, 1780 314
Senior (N. W.) Letters on the Corn
Laws, 1839 337
Sequel of the Craftsman, 1729 258
Serbo-Turkish Question (The), 1803 83
Serf Emancipation in Russia,
result of, 1804 243
Sermons in Glass ; or, a Sunday Visit
to the Crystal Palace defended,
1854 340
Sermons 190, 192, 259
Service (D.) Epicedium on George
III T. Q. 8
Service (Jas.) Metrical Legends of
Northumberland, 1834 400
Seton (W.) First Article of the
Treaty of Union, 1700 258
Settle (E.) Distress'd Innocence, a
tragedy, 1091 T. Q. 8
Settlement (A) Advantages of,
S. T. W. 1
Sewage, Plan for diverting it from
Thames, 1850 184
Sexton (Mr.) Speech on Second
reading of Home Rule liill, 1880 442
Seydewitz (F.) Preusscns Rechte
etc. 1807 292
Seymour (E.) Christ Church Cathe-
dral, 1809 312
Seymour, Speech on Eccles. Courts,
1801 80
Seymour (Rev. M. H.) Endowment
of Maynooth, 1855 78
Shadwell (T.) The Libertine, a
tragedy, 1097 T. Q. 8
Shaftesbury (E.of) Speeches S.T. C. 1,2
Shakspeare, Ad una Nuova Tra-
duzione 118
Proposed Monument to 151
Portraits, 1804 245
Tercentenary, 1804 240
Edward III. herausgegeben
von N. Delius, 1854 424
Macbeth (Hamnet edition),
with Notes by A. P. Paton, 1877 372
See Shakespeare in Cat.vlogue.
Shaksperian Criticism, Curiosities
of Modern, 1853 183
Sharpe, Descr. of Utensils in Hus-
bandry 21
Shaw, Plan of National Education,
1801 43
Shaw (Capt.) Report on Gaiety
Theatre, 1882 420
Shaw (Sir C.) Abuses of the Irish
Church etc. 1800 275
Shaw (J. H.) Gen. Register Bill,
1851 105
Shaw (T. G.) On the Wine Trade... 330
Sheffield, on Maintaining Navy of
G. Britain, with Ans. 1804 3
Sheffield (Lord) Irish Manufactures,
1785 32
On Corn Bill, 1791 2
Project for Abolition of Slave
Trade," 1791 28
Rep. at Lewes Wool Fair 133
Letter to, on Gibbon's Me-
moirs, 1790 20
On Deficiency of Grain etc. ;
on Export of Wool to Ireland,
1800 20
On the Poor Laws 142
Tkacts — continued.
Shelburne (E. of) Letter to, 1783... 231
Shepherd, On Eccles. EstablLsh-
ments of India, 1829 89
Sheridan (C. B.) Greek Revohition 153
Sheridan (R. B.) Address to, 1807 121
Sheriffs of London, Enquiry into
the Election of, 1G82 302
Sheriffs' Court, London, practice of,
1G57 420
Sherlock (Bp.) Letter on the late
Earthquakes, 1750 376
Thanksgiving Sermon, 1716 295
against Repeal of Corp. and
Test Acts, with Refutation,
1787-90 18,36
Sherlock (Dr. W.) Reflections on
the Discovery of the late Plot,
1683 302
Vindication of passage in a
Sermon, 1685 303
Sherman (V. S. Hood) A low Tart
inclined to be very sweet, 1864... 243
Shier (J.) Report on West India
Islands etc. 1853 428
Shipley (Dean) Speech, 1774 60
Shipley (Rev. 0.) ' Saturday Review '
and ' Lyra Mystica,' 1865 246
Secular Judgments etc., 1871 293
Tracts for the Day, 1867 293
Priestly Absolution, 1867 313
Purgatory 313
Twelve Arguments for Home
Rule, 1886 442
■ Ireland's Self-Government,
1884 442
Ought we to obey the New
Court? 1875 374
Specimen of recent Anglican
Controversy with Rome, 1880 ... 402
Shoe-Black Societies, 1860 246
Shore (A.) The Present Aspect of
Women's Suffrage, 1877 372
Answer to John Bright 's
Speech on Women's Suffrage, n.d. 372
Shore (Rev. T.) Churchman and
Free-Thinker, 1862 82, 199
Showers (Gen.) Court-Martial on,
Calcutta, 1791 209
Showers (C.) Cotton Question, 1865 269
' Shri,' an Essay on Happiness 283
Shute (Bp.) Letter to, 1774 72
Sice (P. E.) Annuaire des etablisse-
ments Fran9ais de I'lnde [Pondi-
chcry, 1883) 444
Sidgwick (H.) Ethics of Conformity
and Subscriiition, 1870 392
Sidmouth (Lord) Speech on the
motion of Lord Stafford, 13th
April 1807 419
Letter to 145
Sidney (Algernon) Petition; Paper
deliv, on the Scaffold ...S. T. C. 2
Sidney's Self-Conviction, 1684 303
Sidney, Railway Speed considered,
1847 179
on Female Emigration, 1850 184
Sierra Leone and its future, by a
Native, 1878 430
Silk Trade, Speeches on 102
Silver (F.) Vansittart's Plan of
Finance 131
Silver and Co., ' Emigration Guide,'
1859 198
Silvy, Plainte contre un Journaliste,
1878 445
Simms (F.) On Asphaltic Mastic,
1837 108
Simon Search, Spirit of Times :
Nation, Law, and King, 1770 ... 3
Simond, Richesse Territoriale, 1834 174
Simonin (A. H.) Resumption of
Specie Payments etc. 1868 268
Simpson, Novelty of Christian
Relig. 1798 45
Soc. and Pub. Worship ; Civil
Mandates for Days of Same,
1791-93 31
Simpson (R.) Bp. Ullathorne and
the 'Rambler,' 1862 82
Simpson (R. M.) What is it to
worship? Sc. T. 17
Sketch of Universal History,
1871 309
Simson (J.) Social Emancipation of
the Gipsies, 1871 291
John Bunyan and the Gipsies,
1882 423
Sinclair (C.) Memoir of Sir John
Sinclair 364
Sinclair (G.) Epistle to a .Friend,
1821 T. Q. 3
Sinclair (H.) Principles of Chris-
tian faith, imh cd. 1821 443
Sinclair (Archd.) Charge to Middle-
sex Clergy, 1851 159
Sinclair (Sir J.) Value and its Ele-
ments 248
Approaching Crisis 141
Papers on Political Subjects... 142
Britain's Naval Strength, 1782 61
State of Country in Dec. 1816 138
■ Address to Highland Society,
1791 2
Report of Scotland ; Means of
Arresting a National Calamity ... 139
■ Letters to, respecting Edin-
burgh, 1793 40
Sinking Fund. 1786, Note on, T. R. 3
Sismondi, Suffrage Universel, 1834 191
Situation, The, by R. H. 1864 373
de la Question Monetaire, 1868 294
Six years of Conservative Govern-
ment, 1874-1879, 1880 411,
Sizer (T. J.) The Crisis, 1862 259
Teacts — continued.
Skaife, Expose of R, Academy,
1854 ; 192, 253
Skeat (Rev. W. W.) Testimonials,
1878 383
Skeats (H. S.) Results of Govern-
ment Education, 1858 329
Slade, Late Proceedings in China,
1839 115
Slade (Capt.) Maritime States and
Military Navies, 1859 195
Slafter (Rev. E. F.) History and
Causes of the incorrect Latitudes,
1882 T. Q. 7
Slare (F.) Experiments upon Bezoar-
Stones, 1715 317
Slater (R.) On the Currency in con-
nection with a Renewal of the
Bank Charter, 1857 323
Slave Registry Bill, Remarks on ... 136
Slave Trade, Analysis of Evidence
on, 1850 338
Defence of, 1804 31
• Project for Abolition,
1790 16, 28
Right to compel Spain to
relinquish 136
■ Suggestions on 133
and its Remedy, 1840 ... 116
in the New Hebrides,
1872 429
■ Papers relating to Free
Laboiu- and the Slave Trade, 1861 429
Slaves, Reasons for establishing a
Registry of, in Brit. Colonies 136
Slesvig et Holstein, Insurrection,
1848 174, 197
Sleswick, Nationality and Language
of, 1848 77, 360
Smart (T.) Memoirs of Paul Jones 314
Smee (W. R.) Silver and Gold, Paper
and Credit ; Proposal to increase
the Smaller Salaries under Go-
vernment 195
French Wines, 1865 246
• Joint- Stock Banks 288
Letter to W. E. Gladstone,
1861 248
Next Holiday, and how to keep
it, 1871 312
Smelt, Ace. of the York Meeting,
1780 22
System occasioned by his
Speech, 1780 22
Smiles (R.) Life of John Brogden,
1872.. T. Q. 1
Smiles (S.) Industrial Education,
1867.: 282
Smith (Adam) On Hume's Life ... 51
Smith (Baron) Charge to G. Jury,
Westmeath 145
Smith, Sermon on American Affairs,
1775 73
Smith (Sir J. E.) Apology for com-
mencing Practice of Physic ; Re-
medies for Gout ; Lecture on
Botany, 1795 29
Smith (C. McKay) Taxation of Gold
and Silver Plate, 1883 406, 414
Smith (C. R.) Scarcity of Home-
grown Fruits, 1863 83
Public Dinner to, at Newport,
1855 201
Remarks on Shakespeare's
birthplace, 1877 403
Smith (E.) Poem on Death of J.
Philips T. F.
Smith (E.) On the Pubhc Stocks,
1852 319
Navigation Laws, 1847 340
Smith rCapt. G.) The Navy in 1838 102
Smith (G.) China, her Future and
her Past, 1854 426
Smith (Geo.) The Phonetic Values
of the Cuneiform Characters, 1871 377
Smith (Goldwin) Relations between
America and England, 1869 311, 398
Study of History, 1861 446
Doctrine of Historical Pro-
gress, 1861 44G
Qiuenam fuerit mulierum apud
vet. GrfBcos conditio •? 1846 253
Smith (Hon. G.) Letter on MeClel-
lan's Nomination, 1864 243
Smith (H.) The Princess of Parma,
a tragedy, 1699 T. Q. 8
Smith (H. S.) The Parliamentary
Representation of Yorkshire, 1854 399
Smith (J.) Plan for Reduction of
National Debt, 1830 88
Smith (J. G.) Thoughts on Educa-
tion, 1880 425
Smith (J. R.) Personal Representa-
tion, 1868 313
Smith (Madeline H.) Trial for alleged
Poisoning, 1857 402
Smith (Gen. R.) Letter to, in Reply
to Cliarges against Mr. Stuart,
1783 237
Smith (Rev. S.) Duties of Q.Victoria,
1837 312
On the Catholic Question 32, 156
Fragment on Irish R. Catli.
Cluu-ch 159
Letter to Archd. Singleton ... 1'90
Smith (S.) Results of Sanit. Improv.
1854 176, 838
Smith (Sidney) The Enfranchise-
ment of Women the Law of the
Land, 1879 400
Smith (S. E. L.) A New Discovery,
N.D 371
Smith (T.) On the New Coinage ... 139
Letter to Lord Palmerston on
Home Policy 342
Tracts — continued.
Smith (Sir W.) Two Political Alle-
gories 145
■ Speech on Irish Union 135
Smithfield Club Cattle Show, 1862 81
Smollett on State of France, 17G5
T. R. 4
Smyth on Nitrous Acid in Contagion,
1796 29
Smyth (R. B.) Statistiques des Mmes
et des Mineraux, 1860 255
Smyth (R. C.) Secretary of State for
War, 1862 172
Smythies (W.) Reply to the Obser-
vator, 1684 803
Soap Duty, with letter by Eras.
Wilson, 1853 336
Sobolshchikov and his English Critic,
1864 85,245
Social Reform Acts of 1866, 1867... 270
Sociahsm at St. Stephen's in 1883,
1884 415
SociaHst Revolution of 1888, by an
Eye-Witness, 1884 415
Societe des Amis de la Paix, Expose
de Situation, 1872 410
des Etudes Grecques en France,
1868 254
dePrevoyance, Reglement, 1869 254
Society of Arts, Endowment Fund. . . 364
for the Propagation of the
Gospel, Letter on, 1852 331
Correspondence, 1836 ... 370
for Protection of Ancient Build-
ings, Transactions, 1880, with
Notes on some old Churches in
Gloucestershire, 1881 405
Soldiers and the Social Evil, 1860... 274
Soldiers' Condition in China in 1840 274
Somatopsychonoologia etc 151
Somers (Ld.) Defence of the Con-
stitution of G. Britain 139
Somervell (R.) Protest against Ex-
tension of Railways in the Lake
District, n.d 380
Somerville (A.) Cobdenic Policy,
1854 251
Somerville (Lord) Facts concerning
Sheep, 1803 42
Somerville (Capit.) L'Annuaire de
I'Homme d'Etat, 1872 316
Sonnenschein (A.) School Boards
etc. 1871 293
Sotheby (W.) Specimen of New
Version of Homer, 1830 90
Source of the Evil (The), 1784... 22, 138
South Australian Contributions to
Paris Exhibition, 1866 255
Southern Envoys, Seizure of, 1861 202
Southey, Addr. to Australian Wool
Growers, 1831 94
Souverains d'Europe, I'Origine de
plusieurs des Maisons, 1863 410
Soyres (J. de) Revolution and Re-
action, 1871 287
Visit to Koornposh, 1872 390
Spain, News from, 1620 300
Non-estab. of Liberty in 15&
Policy of Eng. towards, 1837... 103
Sequel to ditto, 1837 10&
Statistics of 194
Spanish Constitution of 1812 151
Loans, 1848 113
Monarchy, Partition of, S.T.W. a
Question, Discussion of 150
Sparks, Letter to Lord Mahon — Re-
print of Letters from Washington
to Reid, 1852 53 183, 193
Sparschuh (N.) Berichtigungen u.
Beitrage zu Grimm's Gesch. d.
Deutschen Sprache, 1850 373
Speaker, Who is to be ? 1835 75-
Speculum Crape Gownorum, 2ndpt.
1682 302
Spedding, Moral and Literary
Character of 19th Cent. 1830 102
Spelling : The Way we Spell now,
N.D 401, 423
Reform : Seven Proposed
Schemes, 1883 423
Spence (Thomas) Nationalisation of
the Land, 1775-1882 420
Britain Lidependent of Com-
merce, 1808 31
Spencer, H. More's Meeting-houses,
1802 43
Spencer (Herbert) Reasons for Dis-
senting from the Philosophy of
M. Comte, 1884 417
Morals of Trade, 1875 388
First Principles, Free Notes on,
1878 406'
Classification of the Sciences,
1864 246
Spinoza (B. de) Letter to a Convert
to R. Catholicism Sc. T. 8,17
Spirits, Trial of the, 1843 112
Spiritual Pantheism Sc. T. 13
Spooner (L.) No Treason, 1870 276
Sprague (T. B.) Life Lisurance in
1872 383, 387
Spratt (Admiral T. A. B.) Report on
present State of Navigation of the
Mersey, 1879, 1880, 1881 427
Springwater Company's Report,
1852 169
Spry (J. H.) Duty of Obedience to
Estabhshed Government, 1819... 370'
Staeudlin (Prof.) Theological Know-
ledge and Literature S. C.L. 9
Stage Carriage Duty, 1853 336
Staley (J.) Surplus Income of
Nation, 1857 32S
Stamford (E. of ) Speech at Leicester
Q. Sessions S. T. W. 2
Standing Army inconsistent with
Free Government, 1097 2G4
Stanford (E.) Ober-Ammergau and
its Passion Play, 1880 430
Stanhope (Earl) Letter to Burke,
1790 15
Stanhope (Ld.) Addr. to Medico-Bot.
Soc. 1831 94
Stanhope (P. D.) Mem. of Asiaticus,
1785 234
Stanley (Dean) Human Corruption,
18G3 83
Foundation and Superstruc-
ture, 1855 445
Connection of Church and
State, 18C8 275, 290
Dedication of W. Abbey, 186G 275
S.African Controversy etc. 18G7 275
- Great Opportunities : a Fare-
well Sermon, 18G3 37G
Stanley (Lord) The Church Rate
Question considered, 1853 398
Speech on Want of Confidence,
Jan. 30, 1840 853
Stanley (Hon. E. L.) Oxford Uni-
versity Reform, 18G9 312
Stansfeld (H.) A Remedy for Mone-
tary Panics, 1849 ...". 323
Bane and Antidote of our
Monetary System, 1857 323
On Currency Fallacies 319
Letter to R. Cobden, 1850 164
Stansfeld (J.) Italian Movement ... 202
Stapfer (Prof.) Life of Kant, S. C. L. 14
State and Interest of the Nation
with respect to H.R.H. the D. of
York, 1G80 30G
State Papers relat. to the Family of
Dolman 291
State of the Nation etc. 1765 308
Statesman (The) January 1st, 1881
T. Q. 7
Statliam(F. R.) Rational Theology,
Sc. T. 9
Stationers' Co. Letters Patent
granted by James I. — Charter and
Grants, 1741-42 129
Orders, Rules etc. of, 1678 ... 436
Statistical Society's First Report on
Beneficent Institutions, 1857 ... 371
Statuts pour le Cercle des Travail-
leurs de Neuchatel, 1865 409
Staunton, Our Chinese Commerce,
1850 170
Stealing no Theft, Kilhng no Mur-
der, 1870 310
Steam Engines, Patent Improv. on,
1835 179
Steane (E.) Deputation to Madrid
on behalf of State Prisoners, 1864 266
Stebbins (H. G.) Finances and Re-
sources of the United States, 1864 243
Stein (Dr. L.) Die Frau, 1875 406
Stephen (Sir G.) Magisterial Re-
form, 1854 332
Stephens (A. H.) The Assertions of
a Secessioiiist, 1864 243
Stephens, Suggestions on National
Education 328
Sterling (J.) Letters to Coning-
ham 192, 259, 867
Cantillon's Legacy, 1858 177
English Foreign Policy, 1827 101
Stern (S.) Personal Representation,
1867 257
Sterne, Letters of 185, 193
Steven (Robt.) Present State of Ire-
land, 1822 310
Stevens (G. A.) Lecture on Heads,
1785 127
Stevenson, Letter of, to Mr. Holmes 118
Steward (J.) Eight Hour Movement,
1868 270
Stewart (A. P.) and E. Jenkins,
Medical Aspects of Sanitary Re-
form, 1867 267
Stewart (J.) Suggestions on Law Re-
form, 1852 125
Nortli Briton Extraord., pub.
at Edinburgh; Del', of Sullivan's
Prop. ; Letter to Prop, of E. I.
Stock, 1765-67
and Pulteney, Laws with re-
spect to Powers of E. I. C. 1767
Stewart (Lt.-Col.) Policy of the
Government of India
Present State of Afi'airs, 1831
Letter to Ld. J. Russell on
Reform Bill, 1831 ..
— Ministerial Plan
of Reform,
Stille (C. J.) How a free people con-
duct a long War, Plula. 1868 ...
Stillingfleet (Bp.) Unreasonableness
of Separation S. T. W.
Fast Day Sermon, 1678; Mis-
chief of Separation, 1680 ; First
Charge, 1690
Stipendiary Romish Priesthood
Stirling (E.) Political State of
Countries between Persia and
India, 1835
Stirling (J. H.) As regards Proto-
plasm, 1872 357,
Stirling (Mrs.) Letter on behalf of,
Stock (St. George) Berkeley and
Stockjobbing Art explained
Stoddart, Roval Supremacy, 1851
Stoddart (Sir J.) Addresses ; Irish
Marriage Case; Trial by Jury,
1831-82, 1854-56
Tkacts — continued.
Stoddart (Sir J.) Speeches on Trial
by Jury, 1831-37 248
Stokes (W.) Reform as it should be,
1858 349
Stollmeyer, Sugar Question made
easy 172
Stone (W.) Shall we annex Eg}T)t ?
1884 415
Stone (W. M.) Message to the Gen.
Assembly of Iowa, 1868 284
Stonehenge, Conjectures relative to 177
Stooks (Rev. T. F.) Sermon on Be-
half of the London Church Build-
mgSoc. 1857 252
Stopford (Rev. E. A.) Work and
Counterwork etc. 1859 274
Story (Hon. Justice) on Science, Lite-
rature, etc S.C. L. 12, 16
Stowe (Mrs. B.) Reply to the
Women of Gt. Britain and Ireland,
1863 261
Stowell (Lord) Judgments in Dal-
rymple v. Dalrymple, and in the
cases of the ' Maria ' and the
' Gratitudine ' C. L. T.
Strachan to Capt. Eastwick, 1858 78
Strange (T. L.) A Critical Catechism,
Sc. T. 17
Address to all Earnest Chris-
tians Sc. T. 17
Clerical Integrity Sc. T. 13
Communion with God...Sc. T. 9
The Bennett Judgment Sc. T. 13
The Bible, is it ' The Word of
God'? Sc. T. 16
On the Christian Evidence
Soc Sc. T. 11
Speaker's Comment. re%-ie\ved
Sc.T. 14
Stratford (Dr.) Necessity of Refor-
mation etc. 1686 304
Strauss, Hegel, and Schelling
(Beard) 360
Strauss (Dr.) New ' Life of Jesus,'
Prospectus of, 1865 246
and the Athenaeum Sc. T. 2
Stray Thoughts about Ireland, 1886 442
Strickland, Greece and its Condi-
tion, 1863 83
Strickland (G.) Poor Laws of Eng-
land, Scotland, and Ireland, 1830 354
Strike, Not a, but a Feud, 1859 ... 198
Strikes Prevented, 1854 180
Stroehlin (E.) Essai sur Le Mon-
tanisme, 1870 390
Strutton, French Cruelties on Eng-
lish Prisoners of War, 1 690 65
Stuart (Rev. H.) Agricultural La-
bourers, 1854 267
Stuart (Jos.) Foreign Tariffs and
bad Trade, 1876 411
Stuart (Moses) Philolog. View of
the Modern Doctrine of Geology
S. C. L. 20
Stubbs (Archd.) Advice to Clergy
of St. Alban, 1723 308
Sturtevant (J. M.) English Institu-
tions and the American Rebellion,
1864 433
Subject's Right of Petitioning,
S. T. W. 8
Submarine Telegraph to Lidia and
Australia considered, 1869 813
Submissionists and their Record,
1864 243.
Succession of English Crown, Hist.
of S. T. C. 1
Concerning the BiU for S. T. C. 2
Foreign, Limit for the next,
S. T. W. 3
Suez Canal, 1857 193
Regulations for Navigation
of, N.D T. Q. 5
Suffield (Rev. R. R.) Is Jesus God ?
Sc. T. 16
• The Resurrection Sc.T. 14
Sugar Colonies, Crisis of, 1802 31
Planters in Jamaica, Fall of,
1869 283
Slavery and Emancipation ... 338
Question, 1848 338
Sugden, Rate of Interest and Re-
deemable Annuities 136
Sulhvan (John) On the Double
Government 325
Sulhvan (W. F.) The Fhghts of
Fancy, 1792 878
Sumner (Hon. C.) Our Domestic Re-
lations ; Equality before the Law ;
Our Foreign Relations ; Equal
Rights of All ; National Security
and Nat. Faith, 1865 ; Railroad
Usurpat. of N. Jersey, 1865 ; No
Property in Man (also in 243) ;
Reciprocity Treaty ; Treatment of
Prisoners of War ; On the Re-
organisation of the Rebel States ;
Letters of Marque and Reprisal ;
Maritime Rights, 1862-1866 250
Amendment of the Constitu-
tion, 1866 268
Cession of Russ. America,
with Map 249, 268
Johnson- Clarendon Treaty for
the Settlement of Claims, 1870... 276
Metric System, 1866 263
Sunday Railway Travelling, a letter
by a Scotchman to J. Locke, 1849 346
Thoughts, Part 1, Public,
Family, and Solitary Duties,
1749 370
Traduig Bill, a few plain Facts
respecting, 1855 346
Teacts — contln ued.
Sunday Trading in London, Report
on, 1857 346
Lessons T. T. 13
Morning in Leather Lane,
1866 282
Sunderland on Bristol Water, 1788 14
Supremacy (The) Dehated S. T. W. 1
Supreme Authority, Submission to
the S. T. C. 2
Surrey Assizes for 1752 1
Surtees (Rev. S. F.) Julius Ciesar,
sho\N'ing he never crossed the
Channel etc. 1868 267
Merlin and Arthur 293
• Ornaments Rubrics 369
Sutro (A.) The Sutro Tunnel to
the Comstock Lode, 1866 261
Suttee and Infanticide, 1816-27 ... 207
Swainson (C. A.) Parliamentary
History of the Act of Uniformity,
1875 398
Swallow (H. J.) Battle of Nevill's
Cross, 1885 448
Swanswick Charities, Report of, 1869 446
Swedeland, Manner of deposing a
Popish King in S. T. W. 1
Swedenborg 187, 189
Questiones Novem, de Trini-
tateetc. 1785 T. Q. 5
Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio,
Mundo Spirituah, 1846 T. Q. 5
Index Rerum in Apocalypsi,
1819 T. Q. 5
Society, 67th Report, 1877 ... 369
74th Report, 1884 417
Sweet (G.) Limited Liability, 1855
175, 335
Sweet (H.) Elementary Sounds of
Enghsh, 1882 401
Sweetman (W.) Thoughts on Free
Will, 1873 361
Swinburne (A. C.) Notes on Poems
and Reviews, 1866 287
Note of an English Republican
on the Muscovite Crusade, 1876 386
Swinton (W.) The War for the
Union, 1864 243
Sybel (H. von) Der Frieden von
1871 403
Die Lehren des heutigen
Socialismus und Communismus,
1872 400
Klerikale Politik im neunzehn-
ten Jahrhundert, 1874 414
Svdall (Dr.) Consecration of Bp.
Tylor, 1706 295
Sydenham (H.) Funeral Sermon
over Sir H. Portman, 1630 300
Sydney Delivered, 1845 186
Sydney (Samuel) Speech of, 1850... 163
Sykes (W. H.) Taeping Rebellion,
1863. 244
Symmons, Reform without Innova-
tion 138
Symonds, Fislieries on the W. Coast
of Ireland, 1855 167
Symons (G. J.) Arrangement for
systematic Observation of Rain-
fall, 1878 421
Svmons (J.) Church-rate Bill Vin-
"dicated, 1837 117
Ought Electors to elect? 849
Syndicate, Obs. on Report made by
a, 1835 119
Synodicon (The) August 1854 331
Sypniewstri, Discourse upon Poland,
1841 853
Systeme de I'Europe 154, 155
Tadman, Consequences of Com-
muting Tithes 141
Tainsh, Schoolmaster's Function,
1858 169
Tait (Bp.) on the Spiritual Wants
of Metropolis, 1863 858
Tait (L.) The Uselessness of Vivi-
section, 1882 423
Tait (Rev. W.) Presentation to, 1853 199
Talbot, Narrative of Jonathan
Britain 41
Talbot (J.) Miseries of Prostitution,
1844 112
Talfourd (T. N.) Speech, 1837 107
Copyright Bill, 1838 108
Poetical Talentof Present Age 134
Talk kindly, but avoid Argument,
Sc. T. 13
Tallack (W.) Humanity and Huma-
nitarianism AN-ith special reference
to Prisons, 1871 871
Talleyrand, Commercial Relations
of U. States with G. liritain 183
Tanjore, Rajah of, and Nabob of
Arcot, Papers rel. to Rights and
Pretensions, 1785 284
Taplin (J.) J. W. Buller, 1865 269
Tappen (G.) The building of Groined
Arches in Brickwork, 1808 T. Q. 7
Targum, from the Dictionary of the
Bible 361
Tassoni's Rape of the ]:5ucket, 1715 879
The same in Itahan, 1710 ... 879
Tate (N.) Brutus of Alba, a tragedy,
1678 T. Q. 8
Tatliam (E.) Scarcity of Money ... 13G
Taxation, Letter to D'Israeli on the
Equitable Adjustment of, 1852... 886
Appendix to Inquiry into
Principles of, 1789 10
Report of Local Committee,
1875 420
Taxes and Taxed Carts, 1850 336
no Charge S. T. W. 2
Taylor (A.) on tlie Chancery Court 344
Education andManufact. 1863 83
Tracts — contmued.
Taylor (E.) Gresliam College Lect.
1838 117
Taylor (F.) Life of D'Arcy McGee,
1862 256
Taylor (H.) Crime Considered, 1868
277, 429
Taylor (Isaac) The Etruscan Lan-
guage, 1876 374
The Liturgy and the Dis-
senters, 1860 271
Taylor (J.) Essay on Money 196
Taylor (Dr. J.) Scripture Ace. of
Prayer, 1761 126
Taylor (J.) Profits of Mining in
England, 1825 315
Taylor (Col. Meadows) Tank Irriga-
tion in Southern Lidia, 1868 256
Letters on Indian Rebellion,
1857 395
Taylor (N. G.) Address on Loyalty
and Sufferings of East Tennessee,
1864 243
Taylor (P. A.) and C. H. Hopwood,
Speeches on Vaccination, 1883 ... 406
Taylor (Rev. R.) Trial of, 1827 280
Judgment of Court of K.B.
upon, 1828 280
Taylor (S.) Conduct of H.M. Minis-
ters on the Eastern Question,
1877 386
Taylor (Thomas) Mysteries, Eleusi-
nian, Bacchic 137
Catalogue of his Works, 1885 440
Taylor (W.) Taxation of England
and Rise of the National Debt,
1853 336
Tchermissje, Elementa Gram. etc.
1845 174
Tea, Proc. resp. Sale and Prices of,
1784 238
Tea-dealers, Conduct of, 1785 238
Tea Duty, Report of Meeting on,
1846 184
Report upon, 1848 336
Teale (W. H.) Education in Eng-
land historically considered, 1850 368
Tebbutt (J.) Astronomical Science
in New South Wales 255
Techener, Bibliotheque Royale,
1847 174
Tedder (H. R.) Librarianship as a
Profession, 1884 417
Teetotahsm, 1838 119
Teignmouth (Ld.) Considerations,
1808 203
Teinture en Noir, Memoire sur la... 53
Telegraph (Electric) Reply to Mr.
Cooke's pamphlet on, 1855 334
Telegraphy, Fire and Police, 1857 334
Teleki (Col. L.) Case of Hungary,
1849 ^...•:. 182
de rintervention Russe, 1849 427
Temple (Judge) Business of the
County Courts and the Salaries
of the Judges, 1857 344
Temple (W.) Vind. of Commerce
and the Arts etc. 1758 T. R. 4
Tenement Houses, Open Street
Doors, etc 421
Tennant, Systematic Colonisation,
1830 87
Temiyson (A.) Death of Wellington,
1852 185
Tenure Law, Anglo-Saxon 114
Terence, Eunuchus Palliatus, 1839 367
Territoriahsing Act, 1867 249
Test and Corporation Acts, Tracts
relative to 18
Cat. of Publications on
Repeal of, 1772-90 18
■ Ans. to Objections to
Repeal, 1790 36
Repeal, Address to Opposers,
1790 19
Testamentary Jurisprudence, Re-
form of, 1853 165, 344
Thacker (T. A.) Prof. Kingsley,
1852 183
Theism and Anglican Christianity,
1875 363
Thelwall (Jo.) Political Lectures,
1795 120
Letter to Ed. of ' Edinb. Re-
view,' Obs. on, 1804 44
Appeal on the Riots at Yar-
mouth, 1796 859
Poems, 1795 T. Q. 8
Theobald (W.) Indian Tracts:—
No. 1. ParliamentaryPapers; No.
2. Debates, 1857 827
Theorie naturelle de la production
etc. de la Richesse 412
Theosophical Society's Transactions,
Nos. 1-4, 1884-85 439
Thesiger, Speech on Deptford Rail-
way, 1837 178
Thibaud (D.) Manufacture de Vitraux 76
Thiers, Discours, 1844 174
Thirlwall (C.) Letter to Dr. Turton ;
with Remarks 105, 117
Letter to Rev. R. Williams,
1860 259
Charge to the Diocese of St.
David's, 1867 356
Thirty-nine Articles (The) and the
Creed Sc. T. 8
Tholuck (Prof.) On the Life of the
Apostle Paul ; Nature and In-
fluence of Heathenism ; Sermons
S. C. L. 38-40
Thom, Statistics of G. Britain and
Ireland, 1855 167
Thoma (A.) Old Testament quota-
tions in St. Jolmi.ii 891
Tracts — continued.
Thomas (E.) The Eivers of the
Vedas 415
Thomas (J.) Address at Bath con-
cerning formation of a Missionary
Soc 140
Thompson, Sermon preached at
Bristol, 1G85 303
Thompson (J. P.) Shall our Common
Schools be destroyed ? 1870 312
Thompson, Calves of Gold, Sermon,
1850 160
Thompson (Rev. A.) Sabbath not a
mere Judaical Appointment 84
Thompson (Rev. D.) The Sabbath,
1863 83
Thompson (G. A.) New Theory of
Two Hemispheres 184
Thompson (Sir J.) Ld. Anglesey on
Gov. etc. 1682, 1694 65
Thompson (Rev. J. P.) Peace through
Victory (Sermon), 1864 243
England during our War, 1862 433
Thompson (E.) Petition of . . . S. T. C. 2
Thompson (T. P.) Fallacies on Rent,
etc 156
Theory of Parallels, 1840 193
Thoms (W. J.) on Reynard the Fox 104
Thomsen, Garanties Anglo-Fran-
9aises, 1848 197
Thomson (A.) Sabbath 247
Thomson (Hon. C.) On the Corn
Laws, Speech, March 7, 1834,
1839 337
Thornton, Speeches, Bullion De-
bate, 1811 128
Thornton (Rev. R.) Annual Address
of the Victoria Institute for 1874
356, 380
Thornton (W. T.) Consequences of
Repeal of Corn Laws 113
Thorp (Archdeacon) Charge, 1832... 370
Religious Education, 1834 ... 117
Thorpe (R.) On Slave Trade Treaties 143
Thoughts of a Native of Northern
India on the RebeUion, 1858 395
on Religion and the Bible Sc. T. 11
Three Royal Papers, Vindication of,
1686 304
Thring (Sir H.) Composition and
Language of Acts of Parliament 387
Thudichum (J. L. W.) The Coca of
Peru, 1885 449
Thurot (C.) Principe d'Archimede,
1869 279
Thyes (F.) Essai sur la Poesie Lux-
embourgeoise, 1854 358
Tighe, Present and late State of Ire-
land, 1805 32
Tillman (S. D.) New Chemical No-
menclature 249
Tillotson (Dr.) Animadversions upon
a Sermon preached by, 1680 302
Timber Trade 147
Tindal (Dr.) Obedience to Supreme
Powers S.T.W. 2
Tinney, on Randolph's Letter 88
Tinsley's Magazine, part of vol. 1,
1867 375
'Tis Come, 1880-81, by W. A. S.... 898
Tischner (A.) The Sun changes its
position in space, therefore cannot
be regarded as in a condition of
rest, 1883 416
Tisdall (W.) Case of Sacramental
Test, 1715 258
Tissandier, Des Sciences Occultes et
du Spiritisme, 1866 392
Tissot (P. F.) Le Songedu Poete, n.d.
T.Q. 3
Tithe Commutation, 1836 874
Tithes, Historical Notes on 833
Lidefensible, 1794 22
Defence of Prisoners in York
Castle for non-payment of, 1797 22
Titles, Shall we simplify ours ?
1844 165
TituH Digestorum etc. 1823 488
Tobin, letter to Rev. J. Ramsay,
with Rejoind. to Reply, 1787-88 16
Tobin (John) The Honeymoon, a
comedy 367
Tolerance, Tracts on 70
Toleration, compleat. Right of Prot.
Dissenters to, tvith sec. edition,
1787 4
Tollin (H.) Servetus, Lehre von der
Welt 391
Tomlinson, Phrenology and Chris-
tianity 155
Tomlinson (T.) The Congo Treaty,
1884 415
Tooke on Parliamentary Reform ... 24
Tooke (Home) Lett, to Editor of
'Times,' 1807 121
Tooke (T.) Currency Principle, 1844 196
Toplin (T.) Principles of Banking... 158
Topographical Society of London,
Inaugural Meeting, 1880 414
Toreno. Events in Spain, 1808-14 146
Torrens, Legends of Caras of Cabul 189
Torrens (R.) The Bank Charter,
1844 196
Sir R. Peel's Bill of 1844, 1850
164, 320
To Freemen of Rochester 148
Means of reducing Poor-rates 189
Condition of l^ngland, 1843... 819
Torry (J.) Sermon, 1853 161
Tory (The Protestant) refuted 157
Union the only Safeguard
againt Revolution, 1830 91
Plot, or the Discovery of a
Design to alter the Government,
1682 306
Tracts — continued.
Toulmiii on Applic. to Parliament
by Dissenting Ministers, 1774 ... 70
Tournament at Eglinton Castle,
Programme of, 1839 312
Tourneur (Y.) Descrip. de Notre-
Dame de Eeims, 1883 449
Toussaint I'Ouverture, History of... 133
Towers (T.) on Hume's Hist, of Eng-
land, 1778 20
Tou-ne (Rev. E.G.) Mem. of Rev. T.
Tebbets, 1863 286
Townley, Ans. to Abbe Dubois, 1824 206
Townsend on Poor Laws, 1786, T.R. 5
General Warrants, Defence of
Minority and Majority on the
Question 66
State of the Nation 67
To}-nbee (A.) Progress and Poverty,
i883 406
Tractarians, ' Down with them !' 1851 374
Tracts for the Times, 89 445
on Copyright 129
Dissenters', 1 vol 71
Finance, Currency 164
Hampden Controversy 162
Historical, 4to 65
on Ireland 167
Kemble CoUection 100, 119
on Law 165
Medical 54-^57, 166
Philosophical, 1 vol 53
Pohtical 58-63, 163
on Religious Subjects 72, 73
edited by Ahnon 66-69
Schleswig-Holstein 77, 197
on the Ballot. The Ballot in
America 349
The Ballot in France ... 349
(Walker, Hon. A.) The
Test of Experience ; or, the BaUot
intheU.S 349
Trade, Discourses on, 1691 ...T. R. 1
New and Old Principles com-
pared, 1788 T.R. 4
Advantage and Disadvantage
of France and Great Britain in
regard to, 1750 T.R. 2
Council of, on the Exportation
of Gold and Silver, 1660 ...T. R. 2
and For. Plantations, Report,
1785 63
Depression of, abuse of Limited
Liability Acts, 1886 440
Trades Union, Report of Nineteenth
Annual Congress at Hull, 1886
T. Q. 9
Transportation of Criminals, 1863 251
Transubstantiation, Discourse
against, 1684 302
Transubstantiation, Popish T. T. 27, 28
Trapadoux (M.) Cat. Descrip. de
rCEuvre de M. Cordier, 1860 289
Trapp's Sermon bef. the Judges in
L-eland, 1711 ; Sermon preached
at Shipbm-n, 1723 295
Travail, le, des Enfants dans les
Manufactures, 1873 3.58
Travers (J.) Few Words on Tea
Duties, 1853 336
Travis, Co-operative System of So-
ciety, 1871 291
Treasury Patronage the Great lia-
pediment to Economy 332
Treaties since Revolution, Collec-
tion of S. T. W. 3
between Great Britain and
Russia, etc. 1806 39
Treaty of Boundaries between the
Argentine Repubhc and Chili,
1881 414
Treby (Sir G.) Speech S. T. C. 2
Tregellas (W. H.) Notes on R. & I.
Lander, N.D 404
Sketch of Defences of Malta,
N.D 882
Treilhard, Sieyes, Camus, etc.
Rapports sm* les ordres rehgieux,
1789 443
Treitschke (H. von) Wasfordem wu-
von Frankreich ? 1870 292
Trelawnev (Bp.) Thanksgi\ing Ser-
mon, 1702 296
Trelawny, Letter to Alcoek, 1780 ... 49
Trench (Sir F.) to Vise. Dmicannon,
1841 76, T.Q. 7
Education, Union of Classes,
1831 102
Trench (Dean) Deficiencies of the
EngHsh Diet. 1857-60 173, 200
Trevelyan (SirC. E.) Pm'chase Sys-
tem in Brit. Army, 1867 ; Stand-
ing or a Popular Army 267, 287
The L-ish Crisis, 1846-47, 1880 397
Trial between the Phoenix Assurance
Co. and Mr. J. Brown, 1776 314
Trials, 1793-1816 209
Tribute to Hon. J. A. Andrews of
Massachusetts, 1867 261
Trifling Mistake (A), 1819... 123
Trimmer (Mrs.) on Charity Schools,
1792.... 28
on Lancaster's Schools etc.
1805 37
Trinity, A Few Words on the, Sc. T. 3
the Holy Spirit etc. 1865 246, 269
Tripp (A. C.) The Competitive Civil
Service of Lidia, 18.56-1882, T.Q. 7
Trollope (Rev. E.) Danes in Lincoln-
shire, 1859 293
Shadows of the Past, 1859 ... 293
Trotter, Proposal to destroy Choak-
Damp, 1805 42
Trower, Letter to Ld. J. RusseU,
1847 162
Tbacts — continued.
Truth, against Tradition So. T. '1
Truth, found too Late, a tragedy
(no title) t.Q. S
Tschisciiwitz (B.) Articuli determi-
nativi An^rlici Historia. 1867 283
Tucker Deaji; Letter to Burke,
1775 60. 419
Low Price of Coarse Wool,
1782 64
' Cui Bono ?' 1781 61
Difference of Trinitarian and
other Systems. 1774 72
ApoL for Church of England ;
Letter to Kippis. 1772-73 71
on Rehgious Litolerance, 1774 70
Four Tracts on Political and
Commercial Subjects, 1776 419
Tucker (Gen.) Lidian Revolt. 1857 170
Tuke (J. H. ) Lrish Distress and its
Remedies. 1880 397
Tulacze iv Polsce iv Rokn, 1833 ... 430
Tulloch (J.i Theological Contro-
versy etc. 1866 288
Tunnel ( The ) of the Liverpool and
Manchester Railway, 1829 378
Tupper on Yiudication of General
Napier, 1844 169, 172
Tupper (Hon. C.) Letter to Earl
Carnarvon 256
Tupper (H.) Law of Descent etc.
1868.. 270
Tupper (M. F.) Raleigh (a play),
1866 812
Turgot, Formation and Distribution
of Wealth, 1793 T. R. o, 265
Tinrk, That unconscionable, and
what to do with him, 1877 886
Turkey, Christianitv in. 1855 168
in 1860. by R" J. C 79
and Greece, Ethnological Map
of, x.D 889
Turner (Bp.) Sermon preached be-
fore their Majesties, 1685 308
Turner on Exportation of Wool 152
Turner (T.) Law of Patents, 1851... 175
Turner (W.) Huntmg etc. of the
Romish Fox, 1851 381
Turton (Dr.) Admission of all Re-
ligions to Degrees m Camb. Uni-
versity 105
Twaialey on Dairj-ing, 1784 42
Twining (Thos.i On Renewal of E.I.
Co. Charter 214
On Charges against Bible Soc.
in India, 1807 203
Twining (R.) On 2nd Report of E.I.
Directors cone. Tea, 1785 238
Twiniag's Sermon at Colchester,
1790 297
Twiss (H.) ]\Ieans of Consolidating
Laws, 1826 .^. 101
Conservative Reform, 1832 ... 102
ch'isects * " - >5,5 82^^
Two G re J ~ - .-^~
Cst. ved. 16i>.3 'i .
Tyrconnel vii^cki.! oii Ou the Com
Laws. 1840 SST
Uhlhom ,'hruno-
.^-'-^i;'? ^ ~ ^... 85"^
PontLtf 810
Letter to Birmingham Clergy 88
Mr. Gladstone "s Es>postulaniou
unravelled, JL875 856, 868
UHmann iDr.) Ou the Siuless Cha-
racter of Jesus S. C. L. 41
Geschichte der Privat-Beichte 894
Ulpianus, recens. J. Vahleu. 1856 8tV4
Ulrici { H. ) Der sogenannte Spiritis-
mus-1879 39H
Ulster. The Truth about, 18?^ 442
Umbra. A Tour Twenty Years Ag<>,
1863 .' 385
Unbaptised. Refusal of ChrLjtiau
Burial to 80
Under the Crown. 1869 875
Underwood (J.) Church Ptapists ©ti*.
1680 801
Unfitness of the Present Hoiq©
Government, 1855 882
Union amongst Protestants etc.
1680 80t>
Union, Preservation of the 249
Repeal of, considered, 1841 ... 172
with Ireland, how it was made,
1886 442
Union Pacific Railroad. Repoit by
G. M. Dodge, for 1868 69 .'. 485
Unions. The Two contrasted, 1845 172
Unit of Length, what is the best?
1858 169
Unitarian Christianity demonstrated 190
United Kingdom etc. pt. 8. 1869 ... 275
Mexican Mining Assoc. Report,
1825 815
Service Institution. Rep. 1889 119
Journal, 1857 875
States, Secretarv of War, Rep.
1802 ' 82
Sec. of Treasury. Hop..., 146
Points to bo discussed in
treating with 184
Militia, 1864 268
Volunteei's, Ages of, 1866
(see also .4 mt'nVa) 26!>
Unity of Faith among all Nations,
Sc. T. 14
Journal, 1855 850
of the Catholic Church etc.
1684 807
University Censure on Dr. Hamp-
den, 1847 290
Tracts — continued.
Upliam (Dr.) Typhus Fever in Great
Britain, 1858 195
"Upliam (Hon. N. G.) Rebellion,
Slavery, and Peace, 1864 243
Upton, Plants in the Garden at ... 14
Urania, Planetary Influence on
Earthquakes, 1880 402
Urquhart, Substitution of Direct
for Indirect Taxation, 1851 336
' Edinburgh Review ' and Aff-
ghan War, 1843 163
Urquhart (P.) Vehmgericht of Ger-
many, 1868 254
Ussher (Abp.) on Prayers for the
Dead T.T. 72
Usury Explained 140
Uwins (D.) Modern Maladies 142
Vade Mecum de la Politique Fran-
9aise, par DocteurBodichon, 1883 416
Valpy (E.) Two Assize Sermons ... 45
Valpy (R.) Trip to Paris 132
Value, Demand, and Supply, 1821 128
Vambery (A.) Ueber die Reform-
fahigkeit der Tilrkei, 1877 430
Van de Weyer (Mrs. E.) On the
Bust and Portrait of J. Bates in
Boston Public Library, 1866 T.Q. 1
Vansittart, Sermon on Famine, 1847 190
Vansittart (H.) Letter to Proprietors
of E. L Stock, 1767 233
Vansittart (Rt. Hon. N.) Plan of
Finance 130
Letters to Marsh and Coker,
with Replies 130
Speeches in H. of Commons
135, 141, 144
Letter to 145
Vastey (De) French Works on Hayti 142
Vaughan (C. J.) Commemoration
Sermon at Harrow, 1869 -286
Vaughan (Gen. I. L.) Afghanistan
and Military 423
Vaughan (Rice) Coin and Coinage,
1675 T. R.
Vaultier, Vie de la Rue, 1841 188
Veleda 282
Vernier (T.) The Baths of Bath, 1637 305
Treatise on Tobacco, 1637 ... 305
Verbum Dei ; or, a Word in Season,
1685 303
Verity (R.) Homoeopathy examined 118
Verney (Sir H.) Quarrel with Russia,
1855 168
Verplanck (Hon. C. G.) Influence
and Use of Liberal Studies S.C.L. 10
Verulam (Ld.) Consid. touching a
War with Spain, 1629 305
Vestments, Eucharistic, Opinions of
Nine Counsel that they are Law-
ful, 1877 372
Vestries' Act, Anniversary of, 1839 109
Via Media T. T. 38, 41
Viator, Poems by, 1843 357
Vicajee (F. R.) Expose of Comte's
Three Stages of Thought, 1873... 363
Political and Social Eflects of
Railways in India, 1875 376
Victoria Institute, its Origin and
Objects, 1865 246,367
Annual Address, 1872 (by J.
Kirk) 425
1873 (by T. P. Boultbee) 425
Victoria (So. Austr.) Statist. Sum-
mary for 1865 288
Victorian Year-book for 1873 376
Vidyasagar (E. C.) Marriage of
Hindu Widows, 1856 281
Villari (Prof.) Galileo, Bacone, etc. 292
Villars (Marq.) Mem. de la Cour
d'Espagne,ed. by D. F. McCarthy,
1863 292
Villiers (C. P.) and the Repeal of
the Corn Laws (reprinted from
' Westminster Review '), 1883 ... 414
Vilmar (A. F. C.) Die Genieperio-
de, 1872 406
Vincent (G.) on India Affairs, 1769 228
Vindication of indiff'erent Things
used in the Worship of God,
1684 303
Vinous Fermentation, Observ. on... 151
Vipan (David Jenning) of Thetford 193
Virginia Historical Society, Organi-
sation of, 1881 T. Q. 7
Visiting Societies and Lay Readers,
1844 112
Vivisection, Observations on, 1875 378
' The Woman ' and the Age,
1881 397
' Vixen,''"Affairs'of the','i838 172
Vocabulaire des Dialectes des Abori-
genes d'Australie, 1867 255
Voght, Management of Poor in
Hamburg 140
Vogt (C.) Die gegenwartige Lage
Europas, 1859 191
Voice (A) from the North, 1850 ... 169
Voices of the Dead 382
Voltaire, Account of J. Calas, 1772 308
Volunteer Army, The Origin of our 251
Vorwilrts, mein Preussenvolk, 1862 358
Vox Patrife, Res. against Popery,
S. T. C. 2
Voysey (Rev. C.) Dogma v. Morahty,
1866 260 and Sc. T. 1
■ The Priest in Absolution, 1877 369
The Greek Church in Eastern
Europe, 1877 369
Sermon on Gladstone and Re-
ligious Thought, 1876 380
■ The Abuse of Criticism,
1876 380
Lectures on the Bible and
Theistic Faith, 1881 899
Tbacts — continued.
Voysey (Rev. C.) The Miracle of
Atonement, 1882 401
Sermon on Dean Stanley, 1881 404
on Forgivejiess of Sins,
1882 401
Vridankes Besclieydenlieit, review
of 104
Vyvyan on Solitary Confinement
before Trial, 1845 175
Wachsmutli, Weimars Musenhof,
1844 188
Waferer (M.) Apology for Dr,
Featley, 1634 300
Wagborn(T.) Egypt in 1837-38 106, 110
Overland horn. London to
Bombay, 1831 89
Wagner (R.) Music of the Future,
1873 383
Waitz (G.) Das Carmen de Bello
Saxonico, 1870 377
Wakefield (Gilb.) on Social Worship,
1791 31
to Inhab. of Nottingham, 1789
19, 30
Wake (Bp.) Sermon preached in
Westminster Abbey, Nov. 5, 1705 295
Waldenses, The, 1865 246
Wales, Princess of. Anecdotes,
Letters 139
Population, 1781 62
Wales (W.) On Forster's Account of
Cook's Last Voyage 13
Walford (E.) Editor v. Pubhsher,
1881 421, 430
Walker, Virtuous Remembrance,
1805 45
Dissenters' Plea against Test
Laws 18
Right of Individ. Judgment in
Religion 31
MetropoHtan Graveyards, 1849 166
Walker (A.) On a bronze pot and
what was in it, 1886 447
Walker (Hon. A.) Governmental
Interference with the Standard of
Value, 1867 270
Walker (G.) Currencies of Gt. Britain,
1868 276
Wealth etc. of theU.S. 1805 262, 288
Walker (Dr. G.) Siege of London-
derry, 1689 65
Walker (J.) Address to the Alumni
of Harvard College, 1863 250
Walker (Rev. E.) Improvements in
the Present Exam. Statute etc.
1848 290
Wall (C. B.) A Few Words on Re-
form, 1831 242
Wall (J.) On the Malvern Waters,
1763 56, 57,241
on Chemistry, 1783 57
Wallace, Speech of, 1808 212
Wallace, a tragedy, 1837 178
Wallace (A. R.) Epping Forest 378
Walmsley (Sir J.) Speech at Bolton,
1850 882
Walpole (Horace) Address to the
Public on the dismissal of Gen.
Conway 06
Walras (L.) Equationsdel'Echange;
Equations de la Production, 1876 412
Walsh (B. D.) Letter to Lord Rad-
nor on the University of Cam-
bridge, 1837 360
Walsh (Sir J.) Balance of Parties
in the State, 1832 98
Popular Opinions on Pari. Re-
form, 1831 242
on Ministerial Plan of Reform 242
Walsh (T. P. B.) Indian Emigration,
1864 258
Walton (W.) Naturalisation of
Alpaca, 1841 115
Reply to ' Policy of Eng. to
Spain,' 1837 106
Wandsworth, Report on Sanitary
Condition of, 1880 405
War (The) Considered, 1794 24
in Disguise ; with Answer,
1805-6 48
in America 250
Notes on the, by a Barrister,
1855 842
no policy, 1796 859
Who is to blame for the War
between Denmark and Germany ?
1849 342
Ward, Sermon (Lewin's Mead) 1776 49
Death of Sedgwick (Seram-
pore), 1805 203
Ward (A. W.) Nat. Self-Knowledge,
1866 278
Academical Experiences of the
German Renascence, 1878 883
Ward (W.) Commercial Legislation
of, 1846-47 319
Warden (W.) Letters from St.
Helena ; with Replies from C. of
Good Hope, 1817 208
Wardlaw (R.) Divine Authority of
Sabbath 84
Wardrop (J.) Hist, of J. Mitchell,
born blind 135
Ware (Dr.) Character and Duties of
a Physician ; Extemporaneous
Preaching S. C. L. 11, 28
Waring (Maj . Scott) to Owen : State
of E.I.C. 1808 203
Letter to etc. 1809 204
Warltire on Phil. Subjects etc. 1781 50
Warnes (J.) Reasons for Cultivating
Flax, 1843 280
Warnke (K.) Formation of English
Words by means of Ablaut, 1878 427
Tracts — continued.
Warnkonig, Analysis of Savigny's
Treatise on the Law of Possession
C. L. T.
Warre (R.) The Things of Peace,
1660 301
Warren, The Queen or the Pope ?
1850 160
Warren (C.) The Land of Promise,
1875 380
Orientation of Ancient Temples
and Places of Worship, 1875 380
Warren (S.) The Opium Question,
1840 353
Warrington (E. of) Speeches at
Chester S. T. W. 2
'Warrior' (The) 1861 202
Was (H.) Geschiedenis van het
Scepticisme der 17 eeuw, 1870 ... 358
Washburn (B.) Sovereignty,, its
Bearing upon Secession and State
Rights, 1865 250
Washington (Gen.) and Gen. Jack-
son on Negro Soldiers, 1863 250
Wason (R.) Letter to J. Bright on
Ireland 332
Waters (R. E. C.) Parish Registers,
1870 256
Watherston (E. J.) Progress of
British Commerce, 1883 415
Watson (Bp.) Fast Sermon, 1780... 49
Sermons to the Clergy of Ely
and at Cambridge, 1780 : Charge,
1791 297
Watts (T.) Letter to Mr. Panizzi on
the reputed earliest printed News-
paper, 1839 399
Watts (W.) Bengal Revenue in 1757,
1760 229
Waverley Novels, who wrote them ?
1856 287
We Catholics, 1885 426
Wealth, the way to 28
Production of 146
Weavers' True Case etc. 1719 220
Webbe (E.) His Trauailes {reprint)
1868 417
Webber (Capt.) On Ventilating etc. 266
Webber (Capt.) and Rowden, Testing
House Report 266
Webber (Col.) On Telegraph during
Operations in Egypt 420
Weber (A.) Modern Investigation on
Ancient India 170
Weber (T.) Betrachtungen iiber die
Predigtweise unserer Zeit 391
Webster (Hon. Daniel) Correspon-
dence with M. Hulsemann, 1851 447
Webster (E.) Pubhc and Private
Business of the House of Com-
mons, 1868 285
Webster ^T.) on Patent Law, 1851
165, 348
Wechniakof (T.) L'Economie des
Travaux, etc. 1870 279
Wedderburn (Sir J.) Reply to H. G.
Knight 96
Wedgwood Institute , The 288
Weekly Lecture, Heads of ...T. T. 10
Weekly Offertory 378
Wegener, Le Due d'Augustenbourg
et la Revolte du Holstein, 1848 ;
(the same, in German) 77
Union msep. du Slesvic et du
Danemark ; Verbindung Schles-
wigs mit Daenemark, 1848 197
Weights, Measures, etc. Report on 145
Obs. on ditto 133
Welchman (Archd.) On the Thirty-
nine Articles, 1774 370
Weld (C. R.) On Arctic Expedi-
tions, 1850 177
Hist, of Royal Society's Mace,
1846 189
Philosophical Instruments, etc. 254
Portraits in the Royal Society,
1860 259
Paris Int. Exhibition, 1867 ... 278
Welford (R. G.) On the Tobacco
Trade, 1848 336
Welles (G.) Report of Sec. of Navy,
1864 433
Wellesley (Marquis) Charges against,
Letters to a Member of Parlia-
ment, 1808 212
and Lord Melville on Open
Trade to India, 1800 ,. 214
Welhngton Orations 184
WeUington (D. of) Reply to 'What
the D. of W. gained by a Dissolu-
tion,' 1830 91, 102
and the Whigs, 1830 91
Letter to, on'^Ch. Reform, 1830 97
Wells, Our Burden and our Strength,
1864 243
and Publicola on Birmingham
Riots 5
Welsh Meteorological Obs., Phil.
Trans 76
Welton (T. A.) On certain changes
in the English Rates of Mortality,
1880 425
Wenkstern (Otto) Ten Years of the
Schleswig Hoist. Quest. 1863 84, 244
An An ti- Slavery Pamphlet,
1861 428
Werner (Prof. Karl) Die Kosmo-
logie und allgemeine Naturlehre
des Roger Baco, 1879 T. Q. 7
Wesley (John) Remarkable Trans-
action in the Early Life of, 1862 356
and Usury, 1877 372
West (J. R.) Reasons for not obey-
ing the State Court of Final Appeal
in Eccles. Matters 310
Teacts — continued.
West (J. E.) On Rev. A. Tooth's
Imprisonment, 1877 404
West (Lord) On the want of Special
Training for the Army, 1859 396
West's Reply to the 'Brit. Quarterly,'
1870 293
West Indian Affairs ; Letter against
the Ajiti-Slavery Society, 1854... 338
West India Planters and IMerchants
Committees Report, 1848 338
Western (Lord) Corn Laws essential
to Prosperity, etc. 1839 837
Western (C. C.) Speech 13G
Letter to, 1822 123
Westminster Electors, Letter to,
1850 180
Shorter Catechism, 1887 272
New Palace of, 1856 383
School, Disciphne, Studies, etc.
1845 367
Westropp (H. M.) The Age of Homer,
1884 406
Weyland, Letter on State of Re-
ligion 214
Whalley (L.) Vindication of Edin-
burgh University 142
What does she do with it ? The
Queen's Income, 1871 362
What is to be done with our Con-
victs ? 1851 352
What is the London City Mission ?
1851 331
What is to be done ? 1844 75, 184
What next? 1837 75, 103, 184
Whateley (T.) Trade and Finance
of England 67
The Budget 66
Whately (R.) On the Jews' Relief
BiU, 1848 347
Whatley (R.) Letter to Lord Chief
Justice King on his being made a
Peer, 1726 308
Whatman (Mr.) What he might have
explained to Parliament 282
Wheat, Mildew of, Remarks on 137
Wheaton's Address at N. York Law
Inst. 1834 173
Wheelwright (Rev. G.) Three Letters
on the Voysey Judgment... Sc. T. 13
The ' Edinburgh Review ' and
Dr. Strauss Sc. T. 15
Whewell (W.) On Thirlwall's Letters,
1834... 105
Sermon, Trin. Coll. Commemo-
ration, 1828 102
Introduction to Dynamics
Whig Government, 1832 75
and Tory, Dialogue between,
S. T. W. 2
Whigs, Merits of the, 1840 114
Appeal from the Old to New,
1791 10
Whipple (G. M.) on the Height of |'\
the Barometer etc. 1879 883
Duration of Sunshine etc. 1879 883
Whishaw (F.) The Railways of G. B. ■
and Ireland practically described, ^
etc T. Q. G
Whistler (J. A. McN.) Art and Art
Critics, N.D 425
Whitbread, on Poor Laws, 1807 ... 37
White's Bampton Lecture, Gabriel's
Facts concerning ; Obligations to
Badcock and Parr, 1779 8
White, I'eople and Church of Scot-
land, 1843 112
White (L. B.) Stephen's Look to
Heaven, 1859 272
White (W.) Plan for Purification of
the River Thames, 1860 376
Whitehall, Order of Council, S. T. C. 1
Whitehead, Mortality of Manchester,
1863 83
Whitehead (C.) Hints on Vegetable
and Fruit Farming, 1881 422
Hops : from the Set to the
Skylights, 1881 397
Market Gardening for Farmers,
1880 404, 422
Progress of Fruit Farming,
1883 415
■ The same, %id edit. 1885 447
The Market Garden Competi-
tion, Report on, 1880 404, 422
Report on the Exhibition of
Live Stock at Derby, 1881 399
Whitefield (G.) Sermon at Oxford,
1773 297
Whiter (Rev. W.) Verses on Shake-
speare's Birthday 102
Whitfield (R. H.) Position and Pro-
spects of British Guiana, 1872 ... 429
Whitfield (M. W.) Durham, 1H85... 447
Whitfield, Smallbones, and Laud,
Proceedings against S. T. C. 2
Whitmore (W. W.) On the Corn
Laws, 1839 837
Who Fares Best ? 1789 28
Who is the real Enemy of Germany 291
Why are wo still at War ? 133
Wiclcsted, Health of Towns. 1846... 169
Wiclisteed (P. H.) Histories of the
Devil... 391
Wiesecke, Saign^es, Inf. Pernicieuse,
1837 107
Wiggins (J.) Sewage of London,
1858 78
Wilberforce (R. J.) to Meyrick on
Church Authority, 1855 199
Practical Effect of the Gorham
Case, 1850 445
Wilberforce (Bp. Sam.) Charge,
1854 443
Apostolical Ministry, 1833 ... 445
Te ACT s — C071 tinued .
Wilberforce (W.) App. for Negro
Slaves, 1823 52, 251
to Talleyrand on Slave Trade ... 134
on Promoting Religious In-
struction of Natives of India 132
Wild, Def. of ' Essays and Reviews,'
1861 199
Wild (G. J.) The Revised Version—
The Oracles of God, 1881 415,417
Wildman, Management of Bees,
1779 53
Wilkes (J.) Letter to Grenville 68
Letter on Public Conduct of. . . 68
Fair View of the Question ... 68
Middlesex Election (Dyson) ... 68
Wilkins (W.) Cambridge Univ. Re-
form, 1855 78
Patronage of Arts by Eng.
Govt. 1832 90
Wilkinson (J. J. G.) Swedenborg's
Works 189
Wilkinson (W. A.) Toll Question on
Railways exemphfied, 1841 354
Wilkinson (W. B.) Necessity of
extensive Plan of Emigration,
1848 163
Wilks (J.) Scheme for Reduction of
Debt etc 149
Will it bePeace? 291
William III. Letter to ...S. T. W. 2
■ Conspiracy against... S. T. W. 2
and Mary, Defence of, etc.
S. T. W. 1
or King Lewis S. T. W. 1
and Mary, Proclam. declaring
them King and Queen S. T. W. 2
Williams, Claudia and Pudens,
1848 190
Wilhams (Bp.) Sermon before Soc.
for Propagation of Gospel, 1706... 295
Williams (Mr. Justice) Literary
Trifles 377
Wilhams (C.) Case of Earl St. Maur,
1870 283
Williams (C. T.) State of Ireland,
1831 84,247
Wilhams (J.) Letter to 154
Wilhams (J.) Trial for Libel on
Clergy, 1823 52
Speech on Silk Trade 102
Transfer of Land, 1862 198
Wilhams (M.) Study of Sanscrit,
1861 200
Williams (T. C.) Manawalu Pur-
chase completed etc. 1868 251
Wilhams's Railway Break, 1837 ... 179
Wilhs (Rev. J.) Commutation of
Tithes 137
Wilson (Bp.) Form of Family
Prayer, 1790 304
Form of Excommunication,
T. T. 28
Wilson (Bp.) Form of Receiving
Penitents T. T. 39
on his Sacred Office, T. T. 42, 44,
46, 48, 50, 55, 6&
Wilson (F.) Case of L. Bm-anelli,
1855 165
Wilson (Rev. H. B.) A Cross Job,
1852 184
Three Sermons, 1861 199
Wilson (J.) Letter to J. Bright on
the Lidia Question, 1854 327
On Navigation Laws, 1849 ... 165
Wilson, University Reform, 1850 ... 189
Ace. of the Greba Language,
1838 173
Wilson (R.) The Public Funds, 1844 179
on Adaptation of Machinery
of Public Fmids to Transfer of
Property, 1844 114, 125
Wilson (J. H.) Thoughts on Church
Matters 259
Wimpey (J.) Extr. from ' Challenge,'
T. R. 3
Winchester (City) Catalogue of
Charters 417
Winds, Theory of, 1729 6
Winners of Souls, Words to, 1860. . . 79
Wmslow (Dr. F.) Increase of In-
sanity, 1846 166
Wirgman (T.) Principles of Kant's
Philosophy 152
Wise (T. A.) Education in India,
1854 168
Wiseman (Card.) Four Advent Lec-
tures, 1855 161
Lectures on the Natural Beautv
of Rome, 1856 .'. 181
Letter to Canons and Chapter
of Westminster, 1858 447
Wislicenus (P.) Geschichte der Elb-
germanen etc. 1868 279
Withers, to Sir H. Stuart, on Timber,
1829 94
Witt (John de) 194
Wix (Rev. S.) Council between
Churches of England and Rome,
1818 443
Wodehouse (Rev. C. N.) \yhat is
the Meaning of Subscription ?
1861 290
Wollaston to the Clergy, etc. 1773 71
Wollstonecraft (Mary) Letter to
Burke on Rights of Men 15
Wolowski (M. L.) Quelques Notes
sur la Question Monetaire, 1867-
1868 289, 294
Resultats du Traite de Com-
merce de 1860, 1868 292
Impot sur les Cheques, 1874
358, 405
Du Budget (1873) 358
Discours, 1875 .'. 374
Tkacts — continued.
Wolowski (M. L.) L'Impot du Sel,
1874 358, 414
La Liquidation Sociale, 1870 80G
La Monnaie, 18G4 890
Resultats Economiqucs du
Payement de la Contribution de
•Guerre en Allemagne et en
France. 1874 890
Wolski (K.) The Regeneration of
Eouniania, 1880 402
Woman, Political Disabilities of,
1872 372
Woman's (A) Letter Sc. T. 15
Women of England, your position
in the State Church considered,
1883 421
Women's Medical College, Twen-
tieth Announcement of, 1869 257
■ ■ Protective and Provident
League Report, 1877 369
Provident League Report, 1876 380
Suffrage, A few words on, by
E. M. L. 1873 372
Opinions of Women on,
1879 382
Suffrage Society, Report, 1884,
1886 417, 448
Won, not Wooed : a drama, 1874... 303
Wonderful Museiim ; Punishment
of Midwife in France for Infanti-
cide, 1821 207
Wood, Strictures on the Gout, 1770 57
Wood (C. A.) On Military Transport
by Sea, 1859 395
Wood (Hon. C. L.) Address before
the English Church Union, June
1882 401
■ The same, 1885 439
Present and Future of the
English Church Union, 1880 402
Wood (H. T.) Notes on Pictures by
James Barry at the Society of
Arts, 1880 425
The Government Patent Bill,
1883 T. Q. 9
Wood (N.) Address, 1852 178
Wood (Dr. W.) Plea of Insanity, 1851 100
Woodgate (H. A.) Earnest Appeal
to Members of the Oxford Con-
vocation etc. 1845 290
Woodlock (B.) Cathohc U. Educa-
tion, 1808 270
Woodrow (J.) Plan for a Formation
of a General Savings and Annuity
Bank, 1833 353
for a General Parochial
Friendly Society, 1833 353
for the certain Extermi-
nation of Pauperism at Sixty
Years of Age, 1833 353
Woodward (C.) On Polarised Light,
1«57 400
Woodward (Rev. H.) Points at Issue
between the Establ. Church and
the Irish Nat. Board of Ed. 1844 112
Wool Trade, Present State of, 1781 04
and Linen Manufact. con-
trasted, 1782 04
Propriety of allowing Exporta-
tion of, 1782 04
Shetland, Report of Highland
Soc.1790 2
Redundancy of, Address to
Lincolnsh. (ient. 1782 64
and Woollens, Trade in 132
Worcell (S.) La Mort de, 1857 317
Worcester (Bp.) Vind. of Himself
from Baxter's Calumny, 1002 ... 301
Worcester's Diet., A Gross Literai*y
Fraud, 1854 183
Word (A) to the Wise S. T. W. 1
Wordsworth (Dr. C.) On the Ad-
mission of Dr. Stanley to be Dean
of Westminster, 1803 370, 443
Workhouses and Women's Work,
1858 109
Working Men's Clubs and Institutes 247
World's Mistake in Oliver Cromwell
S. T. C. 1
Worontzoff (Prince S.) Proems centre
le Prince P. Dolgoroukow, 1802... 289
Worthington (Rev. W. R.) Efficacy
of Opinion in Matters of Religion
Sc. T. 16
Language of the Old Test. etc.
Sc. T. 16
Wray (J.) Rep. of Bank Restriction
Act 142
Wren of the Curragh, 1866 282
Wrey (Rev. H. B.) The Great
Pyramid of Ghizeh, 1877 369
Wright, On Deafness, 1853 176
Wright, Sermon on Death of Dr.
Price, 1791 17
Wright (C.) Darwinism, 1871 293
Wright (C. H. H.) The Pentateuch
[specimen), 1869 377
Divinity School of Trin. Coll.
Dublin,1884 406
Wright (G. R.) Sir A. Browne, S.
Bearer to Henry VIII. etc 291
Wright (Rev. H. P.) England's Duty
to its Army, 1858 274
Wright (J. C.) Homeric Lectures of
Matt. Arnold, 1864 277
Evils of the Currency, 1848... 820
Wright (Th.) Litt^rature Anglo-
Saxonne, 1837 104
Wrightson (T.) Punishment of Death,
1883 248
Wrightson (W. B.) Tithe Commu-
tation, 1870 316
Wrigley (T.) Plea for Education of
the People, 1857 329
Tbacts — continued.
Wrottesley (C.) On Com Laws 134
Wundt (W.) Der Spiritismus, 1879 391
Wurtz, Hist, des Doctrines Clii-
miques,18G8 292
Wylde, Means of Preventing undue
Marriages 130
Wyman (M.) Corporal Punishment
in Public Scliools, 18G7 253
Wyndbam (Gen.) Motion on Cavalry,
Artillery Horses, and Stage Car-
riage Trade, 1855 336
Wynu, Speecb, Oct. 1827 207
Wyvill, Defence of Price and Eng-
lish Eeformers, 1792 7, 280
Wyvill (Eev. C.) Correspondence
witb W.Pitt, 179G 280
Yates (J.) French Syst. of Weights,
Measures etc. ; Origin of Internat.
Assoc, for obtaining a uniform
Decimal Syst. etc. 1854-56 164
Irregularities in Homer's Ver-
sification 189
Yeaman (G. H.) International Prize
Lawetc. 1867 289
Yeates (Thos.) Eemarks on the
History of Ancient Egypt,
1835 309
Yonge (Bp.) Sermon at Westminster
Abbey, 1761 297
York, Justice of the Gentlemen's
undertaking at S. T. C. 2
York (Abp.) Serm. at Coronation of
George IV 148
York (D. of) Illness and Death of... 156
Eeasons for Indictment of
S. T.C. 1
Copy of Bill S.T.C. 2
Yorke, Eeasons against Precedent 22
Yorkshire Archaeological Associa-
tion, Excursion to Beverley, 1875 377
■ Excursion to Hali-
fax,. 1876 380
Yorkshire Archasological Associa-
tion, Excursion to Bolton Abbey
etc. 1877 367
to Hedon and Pat-
rington, 1883 405
Yorkshu-e Dialect, Specimens of,
1839 420
Yorkshire Society's School Eeport
for 1883,1884 439
• Union, Eeport of, 1858 169
Mechanics' Inst. Eep, 1854-64
85, 189
Young (A.) Eise of Prices in Europe 135
Young (G. A.) Canadian Question,
1839 Ill
Young (G. F.) Free Trade Fallacies
refuted, 1852 368
Young (Capt. H.) Eeligion and
Politics 331
Young (Dr. J.) Letter to Palmerston
on Primary Instruction, 1857 329
Young (J,) Criticism on Gray's
Elegy, 1810 124
Zealand (New) Letters from, 1845 186
Ditto from the Bishops of 186
Administration of Justice in... 114
Debate in H. of C. on, 1845... 171
War, 1860 84
Zietsch (A.) Ueber Seege, oder
Batayle de Troye, 1884 410
Zoological Society, Charter and
By-Laws, 1873 380
Zouch (T.) Charge to the Clergy
of Eich. Catterick and Borough -
bridge, 1793 304
Zuckerrohrs in Asien, Cultur des... 191
Zulu Country : Precis of Informa-
tion concerning the, 1879 387
Customs (three tracts), 1879... 421
Zulu Izaga (Zulu Proverbs), 1880 421
Zumpt (A. W.) De Augustalibus et
Seviris Augustahbus, 1846 T. Q. 6
TrUbner's Oriental Series, 53 vol. 8vo 1878-86
Abel {C.) Linguistic Essays, 1882.
Acharya (M.) Eeview of Hindu Philo-
sophy, trans, by E. B. Cowell, 1882.
Arnold {E.) Indian Idylls from the Ma-
habharata, 1883.
■ Indian Poetry, 1881.
Barth [A.) Eeligions of India, trans, by
Eev. J. Wood, 1881.
Beal (S.) Buddhist Eecords of the Wes-
tern World, 2 vol. 1884.
Dhammapada, 1878.
Bhagavad Gita,trans. by J. Davies,1882.
Bhartrihari, Sdtakas, trans, by B. H.
Wortham, 1880.
Budge (E. A.) History of Esarhaddon,
B.C. 681-668, 1880.
Chamberlain (B. H.) Classical Japanese
Poetry, 1880.
Gsoyna de Koros (A.) Life and Works,
by T. Duka, 1885.
Oust (B.) Modern Languages of East
Indies, 1881.
Linguistic and Oriental Essays,
Modern Languages of Africa, 2 vol.
Davies (J.) Sankhya Karika, 1881.
DJiarmatrdta' s Udanavarga, trans, by W^.
Eockhill, 1883.
Dowson (J.) Classical Dictionary of
Hindu Mythology, 1879.
Edkins (J.) Chinese Buddhism, 1880.
TbUbnek's Oriental Series — continued.
Faher (E.) The Mind of Mencius, 1882.
Fausholl, Buddhist Birth Stories, Pah
text, with trans, by Rhys Davids,
voh 1, 1880.
Goiigh {A. E.) Philosophy of the Upani-
shads, 1882.
Gray (j.) Ancient Burmese Proverbs
and Maxims, 188G.
Halm (T.) Tsuni-Goam, 1881.
Hang (M.) Sacred Language and Writ-
ings of the Parsees, 2nd edit. 1878.
Hodgson {B. H.) Essays on Indian sub-
jects, 2 vol. 1881.
Hunter [W. W.) The Indian Empire:
its History, People, and Products,
Indo-China, Papers relating to, 2 vol.
Jacob {G. A.) Hindu Pantheism, 1881.
Javii, Yusuf and Zulaikha, trans, by R.
Griffith, 1882.
Kalidasa, Birth of the War- God, trans.
by R. T. H. Griffith, 1879.
Kapila, The Sankhya Aphorisms of,
trans, by J. R. Ballantyne, 1885.
Koran, Commentary on, compr. Sale's
transl., with Notes etc. by E. M,
Wherry, 3 vol. 1882-85.
Lane {E. W.) Selections from the Kur-
}ln, neiv edit, by S. L. Poole, 1870.
Long {Rev. J.) Eastern Proverbs, 1881.
Manti, The Laws of, trans, by A. C.
Burnell, 1885.
Miur (J.) Translations from Sanskrit,
8vo, 1881.
Metrical translations from Sanskrit,
07nar Khayyam, The Quatrains of, Per-
sian and English, by E. H. Whiufield,
Phai/re {Sir A. P.) History of Bm-ma,
Redhouse {J. W.) The Mesnevi, 1881.
Eockhill {W. W.) Life of Buddha, 1H8G.
Talinudic Miscellany, by P. J. Hershon,
Tibetan Tales, trans, by Schiefner, 1882.
Tiele, History of Egyptian Religions, 8vo,
Weber {A.) Indian Literature, trans, by
Maur and Zacharise, 1881.
Williams {M.) Modern India, 8vo, 1881.
Universal History : Ancient, 18 vol.; Modern, 42 vol. — 60 vol. 8vo 1779-84
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Captain SJielvocke : From Deluge
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Modern German Empire.
German Electorates.
Vol. 33. Mecklenburg.
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Histories : Asia, Africa, Europe,
Vol. 39, 40. England, to Peace of Paris,
Vol. 41. Scotland, to the Union, 1707.
Vol. 42. Ireland, to 1691.
Ukquhart (D.) Tracts from the ' Diplomatic
Vol. 1. Constitutional and International :
Public Dinner to David Urquhart,
Esq., by the Town of Hull, 1888.
The Sulphur Monopoly, 1840.
La Crise — La France devant les
Quatre Puissances, 1840.
Speech at Stafford on International
Law, 1841.
Appeal against Faction, 1843.
The Channel Islands. Norman
Laws and Modern Practice, 1844.
Canada under successive Adminis-
trations, 1844.
Annexation of the Texas. A Case
of War between England and the
United States, 1844.
Limitation of the Supply of Grain
by the Action of British Diplo-
macy, 1855.
Constitutional Remedies. Showing
how the Law is designed to con-
trol the Acts of the Government,
The Queen and the Premier, 1857.
Speech on the Italian War^ — to
which is added a Russian Memoir
drawn up for the Instruction of
Alexander 11. 1859.
The Four Wars of the French Re-
volution, 1874.
Politeness an Element of Power,
Vol. 2. Part I.— England Defenceless
since the Declaration of Paris :
The Invasion of England, 1860.
Two Speeches on the Right of
Search, 1802.
Answer to Mr. Cobden on the Assi-
milation of War and Peace, 18G2.
Sparing Private Property at Sea.
Two Letters to Mr. Gregory, 1866.
The Days of England not numbered.
Reply to Sir Archibald Alison
(by Mrs. Urquhart),
Naval Power suppressed by the
Maritime States, 1874.
Part II. — India :
The ' Edinburgh Review ' and the
Afghan War, 1843.
The Rebellion of India, 1857.
The Sraddha as illustrative of the
Dogma and Duty of Adoption,
Review,' 5 vol 1838-78
Vol. 2. The Abyssinian War. The Con-
tingency of Failure, 1868.
The Two Afghan Wars (by Mrs.
Urquhart), 1878.
Vol. 3. Russia and Turkey :
Le Sultan et lo Pacha d'Egypte,
A Fragment of the History of Sorvia,
Military Strength of Turkey, 1852.
How Russia tries to get into her
Hands the Supply of Corn of the
whole of Europe, 1838.
The Suez Canal. A Chapter from
the ' Progress of Russia,' 1853.
The Story of the Crimean War (by
Mrs. Urquhart), 1857.
The Secret of Russia in the Caspian
and Euxine, 1863.
Russia if not Everywhere, Nowhere,
Vol. 4. The Vatican Council of 1870 :
Le Pape, le Sultan, et le Czar (In-
troductory), 1843.
Conscience in respect to Public
Affairs, 1867.
Appeal of a Protestant to the Pope
to restore the Law of Nations,
The Military Oath and Christianity,
Effect on the World of the Restora-
tion of the Canon Law — being
a Vindication of the Catholic
Church against a Priest, 1869.
' Right of the Soldier to Absolution.'
Correspondence with the Reverend
Rudolph Suffield, 1869.
The Peace Society on the Law of
Nations, 1869.
Fragments on Politeness, 1868-70.
Correspondance avec I'Eveque
d'Orlcans, 1870.
Desolation dc la Chretiente par la
substitution de la Familiarite a la
PoHtesse, 1872.
La Patriarche Hassoun. Le Schisme
Armenien, 1872.
Les Catholiques et le Pape, 1874.
Vol. 5. Familiar Words. Effect of their
Misuse on the Character of Men
and the Fate of Nations, 1844-55.
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ingensis Continuatio, 1146 —
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Friderici I. Barbarossse, ad a.
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Vetusti auctoris Appendix ad Rade-
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Con. Veceri Vita et Epistola Henrici
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Ejusdem Comment, de rebus gestis
Bertlioldi, Episc. Argent, ad a.
Sententia exauct. et privationis
Wenceslai Romanorum Regis lata
a. 1400.
UssHEB (Archbishop) Works, now first collected, edited by Dr. Elrington, 16 vol. Svo
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cessio et Status.
Sermon before the House of Com-
Speech con. Oath of Supremacy.
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Prtefationes in Ignatium.
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qui Imperator factus est anno
1068, nupsit), 'Iwvia, sive Vio-
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netes : Mme. Robert.
Vol. 19. Voyage de Nicolas Klimius :
Voy. du Pole Arctique, etc.
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tien : De Mouhy.
21. Azor, ou le Prince Encliante :
Vol. 22. Les Hommes Volans, Pierre
Vol. 23. Aventures du Voyageur Aerien :
Micromegas : Voltaire.
Vol. 24. Voyage dans I'autre Monde :
Aventures du Jacques Sadeur : De
in Dionysii Thracis Artem Gram-
Vol. 2. Excerpta e Diomedis Scliolastioi
Comnusntario in Dionysii Thracis
Artem Grammaticam.
Jamblichi Liber de Mathematica
communi disciplina.
Plotini Dissertationes dua;, et Frag-
vol. 8vo 1787-89
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Sarendip : C. Armeno.
Vol. 20. Voyage du Prince Fan F&6din :
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Voyage de I'lsle d'Amour : Talle-
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Voyage de Falaise : Lenoble.
Voyage de Mantes: Bonneval.
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Vol. 31. Songes de Boccace : De Pre-
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Vol. 32. Songes et Visions : Mercier.
Vol. 33. Les Metamorphoses : Apulee.
Demon de Socrate.
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lis : Villars.
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Vol. 36. Histoire de M. Oufle : Bor-
Description du Sabbat.
Vol. 37. Naufrage d'un Vaisseau Hol-
landois : Barenz,
Delaissement de liuit Anglois : Pel-
Hivernement de Capt. T. James.
Delaissement de sept Hollandois.
Naufrage de la Fregate ' Speedwell : '
J. Wood.
Vol. 37. Delaissement de quatre Matelots
Naufrage d'un Vaisseau russe.
Naufrage d'un Brigantin Anglois :
Vol. 38. Naufrage d'E. Sosa et sa
Situation du vaisseau * Fran9ois-le-
Naufrages de vaisseaux divers.
Vol. 39. Naufrage d'un Mandarin Sia-
Naufrage de deux vaisseaux An-
Delaissement d' Alexandre Selkirk.
Naufrages divers.
Watson (Bp.) Collection of Theological Tracts, 2nd edit. 6 vol. 8vo 1791
Vol. 1. Taylor's Scheme of Scripture
Alix's Reflections on Scripture.
Vol. 2. Dr. Lardner's Hist, of Apost.
and Evang. Writers of the New
Vol. 3. Dr. Brett's Dissert, on the
Ancient Versions of the Bible.
Johnson's Ace. of the English Ver-
sions of ditto.
Beausobre and Lenfant's Introd. to
Reading of the Scriptures.
Taylor's Key to the Apost. Writings.
Dr. Chandler's Plain Reasons for
being a Christian.
Vol. 4. Locke's Reasonableness of Chris-
Dr. S. Clarke's Sermons on Natural
Smith's Discourses on Prophecy.
Lord Barrington on the Teaching of
the Holy Spirit.
Vol. 4. Dr. Benson's Essays on In-
spiration and on the Unity of
Vol. 5. Dr. Hartley on the Truth of the
Christian Religion.
Lardner on Fulfilment of Predic-
tions resp. Destruction of Jeru-
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World to Christianity.
West on the Resurrection.
Benson's Essay on the Man of Sin.
Vol. 6. Abp. Seeker's Charges to Irish
Ostervald on Causes of Corruption
of Christianity.
Bp. Fowler's Design of Christia-
Appendix : Catalogue of Books on
Westphalen (E, J. de), Monumenta inedita Rerum Germanicarum praecipue Cimbri-
carum et Megapolensium etc. etc. 4 vol. fol 1739
Vol. 1. H. Rantzovii Cimbricae Cherso-
nesi etc. Descriptio Nova, 1597.
N. Mareschalci Annales Herulorum
ac Vandalorum.
E. Schedii Teutsche Uebersetzung
der Historia Herulorum etc.
N. Mareschalci Commentariolus
AnnaHum Herulorum.
S. Bacmeisteri Contin. Annalium
J. Bacmeisteri Animadv. in Mare-
schalci Annales Herulorum.
Vol. 1. N. Mareschalci Chronicon Rhyth-
micum de Regibus Obotritarum
et Megapolensium in Teutscher
D. Mevii Beschreibung des Meck-
lenburgischen Landrechts, in
Teutscher Sprache, cum not.
G. Morhofii Argumentum de Gente
M. Goldasti Memoranda Vetera
Holsatica, seu de origine et indole
Westphalen (E. J. de) — continued.
vetusti Comitatus et Principatus
Vol.1. H. Baugerti Origines Lubeccnses.
P. Saxius de proBcipuis Rebus gestis
Frisiorum Septentrionalium.
Scriptorum Rerum Uanicarum
Libri III. — Appendix ad incerti
auctoris Annales Danorum, et
praecipue Sialandorum, 1308-63.
N. Mareschalci Deflorationes Anti-
quitatum ab origine mundi ad
a. 1522.
J. Bingii et M. Corvini Commer-
cium Literarium de Veterum Cim-
brorum aliorumque septentrional.
populorum Migrationibus.
J. J. Dcebelii et C. Vogtii Otium
Mecklenburgicum, seu de Antbyrio
ejusque et Mecklenburgicis in-
signibus Contentio.
J. Simonii Vandalia, a. 1590 scripta.
L. Bacmeisteri Historia Ecclesias
Rostocbiensis, seu de initio et
progressu Lutberanismi.
C. Hamsfortins junior de Rebus
Holsatorum vicinarumque gen-
tium prfeclare gestis, 1579.
L. Alardi Historia Nordalbingensis
temp. Caroli Magni ad an. 1653.
Septem Fragmenta veteris juris
Zwerinensis de anno 1222, 1224,
1285, 1263, et 1593.
Codicillus Jurium Civitatum Mega-
polensium de a. 1589.
Vol. 2. DiplomatariumNeomonasteriense
et Bordisbolmense 1136 ad 1570.
M. Coronfei Antiquitates Coenobii
Adami Bremensis Historiae Eccle-
siasticfe Libri I. cap. xxxii., cum
notis Sperlingii.
C. C. Lyscbandri Origines atque
Antiquitates Cimbricae.
J. J. Pontani Historia Rerum Dani-
carum, Tomus liactenus ineditus.
P. Saxii ab Eydora Fris. Exercita-
tiones Historicte, scriptae anno
D. A. Tratzigers Chronica der Stadt
Hamburg, a Carolo Magno usque
ad Carolum V. script a. 1557.
J. H. Schroeter de Gustrow, De
origine etc. principum Hessiffi
Landgrapbiorum .
N. Mareschalci Vitae Obetritarum,
cum Commentariis.
Adolphi IV. Memoria, e codice cujus
inscriptio Denclcclhocck S. Ma-
rienkerkcn torn Kyi.
Stemmatum Regum et Principum
Herulorum et Vandalorum brevis
Vol. 2. J. F. Clicmnitii Genoulogia Re-
gum, Dominorum et Ducum Me-
J. Casselii de Ducum Mecklenbur-
gensium originibus ct gloria.
C. C. Lyscbandri Origines et An-
tiquitates Megapoleiises.
B. Hederici Megapolis divisa et
Conr. Fricdliebii Jus Feudale Pome-
ranicum Vetus et Novum.
Episc. Frederici Constitutiones
Ecclesiic Sverinensis, 1238.
Chronicon Episcopatus Ratzeburg-
Diplomatarium Raceburgense Pri-
mum, ab a. 115-4 ad a. 1388.
Diplomatarium Raceb. Secundum,
Origines Neomonasterienses et Bor-
H. D. Koepkenii Solennica Mar-
tinalia Sverinensia.
A. Frencelii Etymologica Vandalica
et Slavica Megapolitana.
Recensio Statutorum, Fundationum,
Privilegiorum etc. Ecclesiarum
Vol. 3. Hollsteinische Chronike der olden
Geschichte und Feide des Landes
tho Holsten nha Christi Gebort
vam lllOten Jahre beth an 1448.
Chronicon Holsatije vetus, seu con-
tin. Chronici Slavorum, 1164-
1428, auct. Presbytero et Scriba
Chronici Holsatije a Presb. Bre-
mensi in vernaculo scripti Contin.
Chronicon Episcoporum Slesvicen-
sium, conscript, peril. Cypra;um.
Fragmentum Historite Slesvicensis
Thrazigeri Slesvici oppidi, olim
metropolis Cimbrica^ Chersonesi
Topographia, scripta Slesvici, a.
A. Petersenii Hist. Slesvicensis
Ccenobii nobilium virginum S.
Diplomatarium Coenobii Slesvicen-
sis, 1250-1566.
Jac. Fabricii et Feustkingii Notae et
Observ. ad Cyprasi Annales Epi-
scoporum Slesvicensium.
C. F. Feustkingii Observ. ad M.
Adami Historiam Ecclesiasticam.
E. Lindeiibruchi Historia Belli Cim-
brorum quod per 8 Annos cum
Romanis gesserunt.
C. D. Scepperi LiteraD ad Jo. Dau-
tiscum Episc. Culmensem.
Westphalen (E. J. de) — continued.
Vol. 3. CI. Lyscliandri de Scriptoribus
Danicis Libellus.
J. Ulefeldii Historia Danica 1333-
1559, script, a. 1585.
G. Hilarii Ees gestae Christiani IV.
Danise etc. Eegis sc. a. 1636.
Quatuor Fragmenta Rerum Cim-
bricarum et Danicanim, e Bib-
lioth. Rostgardiana.
J. V. Steinmanni Origines et in-
crementa Fraternitatis Calen-
darum in Welna et Consistorii
Miinsterdorpiensis, 1304-1677.
Liber Fundationis, Regularum, et
Incrementorum, Kalendarum
Kilonensium, a. 1334.
Copiarius Literarum Pagensium in
Kiel, 1297-1490, manu Liid.
Justicia Lubecensis, ab Henrico
Leone Duce Saxonia etc., Civitati
Lubecffi a. 1158, data ab Imperat.
Friderico I. a, 1187, et Friderico
IL a. 1226, confirmata.
Accessiones ad Justitias Lubecenses,
a. 1170 datffi.
Codex Lubecensis antiquissimus ver-
nacul. in membr. exaratus a. 1240.
Fragmentum Chronici Veteris Hol-
satiaa, 1121-70.
T. B. Bircherodii Epistola de de-
perditis Septentrionalium anti-
quitatibus, et maxime Gotbo-
G. Rixneri Origines et Insignia
Regum Obotritarum et Ducum
S. Bacmeisteri Historia Urbis,
Academife, et EcclesiaB Eostocbi-
ensis ; Megapoleos Literatfe, His-
tori£e Literarise Megapolensis,
speciatim Rostocliiensis Prodro-
mus, 1419-1700.
Diplomatarium Doberanense, 1190-
1376, Cliartas ccxi. complexum.
B. Hederici Cbronicon Sverinense
Consuetudines et Leges Ditmar-
sorum antiquissimae, a. 1447.
Accedunt Jura Busumensia ag-
generalia a. 1455, 1493.
Diplomatarium Ditmarsicum, 1228-
Ditmarsia Libera, fide monumen-
torvim, Historiarum, vai'iorum
Cbronicorum etc. descripta.
J. Micraelii Observationes ad Hel-
moldi Cbronicon Slavorum.
B. Latomi Origines Plessiacae Mega-
polenses a. 1611 collectae.
J. Schulzii Annales Plessenses Di-
plomatici, 1160-1712.
Vol. 3, M. Goldasti Vindiciae Diplomatic®
Bremenses, opposite dubiis eorum
qui Diploma Imper. Henrici V. a.
1111, falsi tatis arguunt. Adjecta
sunt H. Conringii Dubia de
Exsequife Rulandi Bremensis ; b. e.
de Privilegiis Bremensium Libel-
lus bistorico-juridicus.
J. Bliitingi Comment. Juris Jutici
de emtione rerum immobilum.
V. Imboff, Cbronicon inferioris
Comitatus Cattimtelibocensis.
Rerum inter Tbeodorum Morseum
Archiep. Colon, et Eempubli-
cam Susatensem gestarum Adver-
Vol. 4. B. Latomi Genealo - cbronicon
Megapolitanum omnis aevi, a.
1610 ; Historia Episcopiae Megapo-
lensis seu Sverinensis.
Ern. de Kircbberg, Cbronicon Meck-
lenburgicum a. 1378 rhitmice
Fr. Francisc. Lamb. Scblaggert,
Cbronicon Coenobii Ribeniensis,
ordinis S. Claras, 1206-1540.
Diplomatarium Mecklenburgicum
miscellum, continens Cliartas
ineditas, 1171-1710.
Selecta Literaria, ex epist. autog.
quas servat Arcbivum Ducale
T. B. Bircberodii Taurus Sacer, seu
Cultus et Idololatrias Tauri apud
plures gentes etc., speciatim anti-
quos Gotbos et Cimbros Historia ;
Annotationes in ^biotlii librum
de Vita S. Canuti, Eegis Daniae
et Martyi-is.
S. Russe, Fragmenta xxxv. Rerum
Ditbmarsicarum, 1040-1542, cum
Supp. usque ad 1595.
A. Heimreicb, Supp. ad Cbronicon
Frisiae Septentrionabs.
N. P. Sibbern, Supp. et Accessiones
ad Bibliothecam bistor. Dano-
Norvegicam, ab ipso editam, a.
Promocondus Scriptorum Historiae
Danicfe etc.
Scbleswig - Holsteiniscbe Ritter-
Cbronik etc. von B. Enewald.
M. Cliemnitii et J. A. Kielmanni
Argumenta bist. de Suprematu
Ducatus Slesvicensis, ejusque ab
imperio Germanico et Regno
Daniae exemtione.
J. Mejeri Compendium Juris Cim-
brici, seu Metbodus Juris Danici.
Juris Danici et Jutici Libri II.
Parvi Tordonis Explicationes praeci-
Westphalen (E. J. de) — continued.
puorum articulorum Juris Cim-
Vol. 4. B. Eckenbergeri ReguliP Juris
Cimbrici ac Danici, IGOl.
Statuta Ci\itatis Flensburgensis a
Waldemaro IV. Eege Dania) a
1284 confirmata.
Fasciculus Diploniatum Flensbur-
Statuta Ruralia PrsBfecturre Flens-
Statuta Haderslebiensia, a. 1292.
Jura antiqua Civitatis Ripensis Cim-
brisB Septentrionalis, a. 12G9 et
Jura Statutaria Civitatum Hafniffi
et Helsingorse, 1443.
Leges Provinciales terrjB Scania^ a
Waldemaro I. Rege Danife (11G3)
Codex antiquissimns Juris Hambur-
gensis vulgo lib. Ordaliorum,
WiELAND (C. M.) Sammtlicbe Werke, 42 vol
Vol. 1, 2, 3. Agathon.
Vol. 4, 5. Der Neue Amadis.
Vol. 6, 7. Der Goldne Spiegel.
Vol. 8. Gesch. d. Danischmend.
Vol. 9. Gediclite.
Vol. 10. Die Grazien.
Komiscbe Erziiblungen.
Scliach Lolo.
Vol. 11, 12. Don Sylvio v. Rosalva.
Vol. 13. Nachlass des Diogenes.
Gedanken iib. eine alte Aufschrift.
Vol. 14. Beytrage zur gen. Geschichte
der Menschheit.
Vol. 15. Verm. Prosaisclie Aufsiitze.
Vol. 16. Cyrus, Araspes, u. Panthea.
Vol. 17. Idris vmd Zenide.
Vol. 18. Erziihlungen u. Malirchen.
Vol. 19, 20. Gescb. der Abderiten.
Vol. 21. Gandalin.
Klelia und Sinibald.
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Vol. 24, 29, 30. Vermiscbte Aufsiitze.
Vol. 25. Gottergespraclie.
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tentiis Judicii Velnnici des Freyen-
Codicillus Cliartarum Svavestadcn-
sium, vulgo Schtcabsteder Biich,
Collectio Diplomatum prsBcipuorum
de receptione et usu Juris Lube-
censis in Civitatibus Cimbricis,
Diplomatarium Kiloniense, 1257-
1598 ; Monasterii Morkircbensis
S. Antonii ; Coenobii Reinebec-
censis ordinis Cisterciensis ; Mon-
asterii Cismariensis, ordinis S.
Benedicti, 1282-1552; Coenobii
Utersen, 1242-1638.
8vo 1794-99
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Moralisclie Briefe.
Supp. 2. Der Anti-Ovid.
Briefe v. Verstorb. an binterlassene
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Die Friililing.
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Supp. 4. Erimierungen an eine Freundin.
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Lady J. Grey, etc.
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Die Bunkliade.
Aufz. aus Forster's Reise.
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Literarisclie Miscellen.
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Was ist Hoch-Deutsch ?
]\Iark Aurel.
Die Titanomachie.
WoDROW Miscellany, selected and edited by D. Laing, 1 vol. 8vo Edinh. 1844
Confession of Faith of the Churches of
Certamen cum Lutheranis, Saxonise
habitum, per J. Melvil.
Historic of the State of Scotland (1558-
Ane compendious Tractive set forth by Q.
Kennedy, with Answer by J. Davidsone.
Letter from Q. Kennedy to James, Abp.
of Glasgow.
Letters to John Campbell, of Kynean-
WoDROW Miscellany — contimied.
Forme of Buriall used in the Kirk of
E. Pontani parvus Catecbismus.
Register of Ministers and Eeaders in the
Kirk of Scotland, 1574.
Supphcation of the General Assembly to
the Earl of Morton.
The Presbytery of Haddington's Sub-
scription to the Second Book of
Act of Presbytery appointing two Muiis-
ters to the Lords at Falkirk.
Letters and Papers of Mr. James Car-
michael, 1584-86.
Account of death and funeral of Mr. J.
Visitations of the Kirk of Holyrood
Vindication of the Church of Scotland.
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ZscHOKKE (H.) Ausgewahlte Novellenund
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Tagebuch des armen Pfarrvikai
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Der Abend vor der Hochzeit.
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Gesammelte Schriften, 5 vol. [11 15] 12mo Aarau, 1851
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JuHus, oder der Bibliothekar des
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MAY 1, 188G, TO APRIL 30, 1887.
N.B. — The Titles of Books from M to Z acquired in the same year are incorporated
in the General Catalofjiie.
In cross references the word ' see ' is omitted, the name of the tcork
referred to heimj printed in italics.
Abbey (C. J.) The English Church and its Bishops, 1701-1800, 2 vol. 8vo ... 1877
[Abbott (Dr.)] The Kernel and the Husk, by the Author of ' Philochristus,' p. 8\ o 1886
Abney (Capt.) Instruction in Photography, 1th edit. p. 8vo ... ... ... 188G
AccuM (F.) Theoretical and Practical Chemistry, 2 vol. 8vo ... ... ... 1803
Essay on the Analysis of Minerals, p. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... 1804
Acta Pontificimi Eomanorum Inedita : Urkunden der Piipstc, herausg. von J. W.
Pflugk-Harttung, voh 3, pt. 1, roy. 8vo Stuttg. 188G
Adam (Mde.) pseudonym. — Laviher (-/.).
Adams (H. C.) Charlie Lucken at School and College, p. 8vo ... ... ... 188G
Adams (J.) Defence of the Constitution of Governments of the U. States of America,
8vo 1787
Adams (John) Index Viharis ; or, a Register of the Cities etc. in England and Wales,
fol ■ 1580
Adams (Samuel) by J. K. Hosmer, \). 8vo {Am. Statesmen) ... ... ... 1880
Adams (W. H. D.) Good Queen Anne ; or, Men and Manners in England's Augustan
Age, 2 vol. 8vo 188G
England at War : the Great Campaigns of the British Armj-, 2 vol. 8vo ... 188G
Famous Regiments of the British Army, fcp. 8vo ... ... ... ... x.n.
Modern Anecdotes, 8vo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 188G
Master Minds in Art, Science, and Letters, a book for boys, p. 8vo ... 188(5
Adolphus (J. H.) The Royal Exile ; or. Memoirs of Queen Caroline, 18^7i edit., with
continuation, 3 vol. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1821-22
Agriculture, General View of, 8 vol. 8vo ... 1790-1808
Argyle, by /. Smith.
Beilford, by T. Batchelor.
Inverness, by /. Robeitson.
East Lothian, by R. Soinerville.
Norfolk, by N. Kent.
Roxburgh and Selkirk, by R, Douglas.
Stafford, by W. Pitt.
Sussex, l)y A. Young.
Aguesse (L.) Histoire do I'Establissement du Protestantisme en France, vol. 2-4
1560-99, roy. 8vo 1886
Alcott (Louisa M.) Jo's Boys : a Sequel to ' Little Men,' p. 8vo 1886
La Petite Rose, ses six Tantes et ses sept Cousins, trad., p. 8vo ... ... 1887
Alexander the Great, Works on. — Meyer {P.), Alexandre dans la Litterature
Alexander (W.) Rules and Forms relating to Bills of Exchange, p. 8vo Edinb. 1846
Alfred (Konig) Weltgeschichte des Orosius. — Schilling {H.),
n. z
Allaire (E.) La Uruyere dans la Maison de Conde, Etudes biographiques et historiques,
2vol, Bvo 1886
Allen (A. V. H.) Continuity of Christian Thought : a Study of Modern Theology m
the Light of its History, p! 8vo [1886]
Allen (Grant) The Beckoning Hand and other Stories, p. 8vo 1887
Almanack de Gotha, 1887, 18mo GotJia, 1S87
Altnordische Texte, herausg. von E. Mogk, pt. 1, Gunnlaugssaga Ormstungi:, p. 8vo
(to he continued) HaZZe, 1886
Alyiella (G. d') Introduction a I'histoire generale des Eeligions, 8vo 1887
America. — Statistics : —
Tenth Census, 1880, vol. 15, 16,18, 20,4to ^y(tsh. 1885-6.
Vol. 15. Mining Industries.
16. Water-i)o\ver, pt. 1.
Vol. IS. Social Statistics of Cities, pt. 1.
20. Statistics of Wages.
Report of the Secretary of the Interior, vol. 5.
Marj'land, by W. II. Brovne.
New York, by E. II. Roberts.
Edinb. 1886
Jcffci-son {T.), by J. T. Morse.
American Commonwealths, edited by H. E. Scudder, p. 8vo Boston, U.S. 1884-6
Kentucky, by iV. S. Shulei: I
Oregon, by W. Harrows. \
American Statesmen, edited by J. T. Morse, p. 8vo
A dams (Samuel), by K. Ilosmer. I
Hamilton (Alex.), by H. C. Lodge. |
Amicis (E. de) Cuore, libro per i ragazzi, p. 8vo Milano, 1881
Amman (Jost) Stande und Handwerker, mit Versen von Hans Sachs, 8vo 1568
{rejjrinted) Miinclien, 1884
Ancient Laws of Ireland, vol. 4, Brchon Law Tracts, roy. 8vo (Rolls Series),
Dublin, 1879
... (Eecord Commission) 1840
[Hornet CA.)] Anecdotes Am6ricnines, p. 8vo 1776
[La Place (P. A.)] J. F. De la Croix, et A. Hornet,
Anecdotes du Nord, p. 8vo. . . . . . . . 1770
[Mentille (E.) et Mailhol] Anecdotes Oriental cs, 2 vol.
p. 8vo 1773
Ancient Laws of England, 2 vol. roy. 8vo
Anecdotes : —
[Castillon (J.)] Anecdotes Chinoise.s, Japonolses, Sia-
moises, Tonquinoises, p. 8vo 1774
[Delacroix (J. P.)] et A. Hornet, Anecdotes Arabes
et Musulnianes, p. 8vo . . . . . . . . 1772
[Dubois-Pontauelle (J. G.)] Anecdotes Africaines,
p. 8vo 1775
Angouleme (Duchesse d') sa Jeunesse, par I. de Saint- Amand, p. 8vo ... ... 1886
Animal World, The, voL 17, fol ... 1886
Annual Register, 1885, 8vo 1885
Anson (Sir W. R.) Law and Custom of the Constitution, 8vo Oxf. 1886
Vol. 1. Parliament.
Anstey (F.) A Fallen Idol, p. 8vo 1886
Anti- Jacobin, Poetry of, Mh edit. 4to 1801
Antiqua Mater : A Study of Christian Origins, p. 8vo 1887
Antoninus Martyr, Visit to Holy Places — Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society.
Apollonius of Tyana, Life of, or the First Ten Decades of our Era, by D. M. Tredwell,
8vo Neiv Yorh, 1886
Appel (C.) Die Berliner Handschriften der Rime Petrarca's, 8vo ... Berlin, 1886
Appleton (G. W.) A Terrible Legacy, a Tale of the South Downs, p. 8vo . . . 1887
Arabian Nights' Entertainments, a plain and literal translation by R. F. Burton, vol.
2, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Bvo Benares, 1885-8(S
Another translation, 8vo Edinb. 1810
Arch^ologia, vol. 49, part 2, 4to 1886
Arch^ological (British) Association, Journal, vol. 35, parts 2 and 4, 8vo ... 1879
Archer (W.) About the Theatre, Essays and Studies, p. 8vo ... 1886
[Argles (Mrs.)] A Mental Struggle, by the Author of ' Phyllis,' 3 vol. p. 8vo ... 1886
Argyle (Dulce of) Geology and the Deluge, 8vo ... ... ... ... ... 1885
Scotland as it was and as it is, 2 vol. 8vo ... ... ... ... Edinb. 1887
Aristophanes : R. Porsoni notge in Aristophanem quibus Plutum comcediam adj. P. P.
Dobree, 8vo
Aristotle. — Translations : —
Rhetoric with Analysis, by J. C. Welldon, p. 8vo 1886
Aristotle, \Yorks on : — ■
Lang (A.) On the Politics.
Smith (Jiev. J. G.) On the Ethics.
Wallace {E.) Outlines of the Philosophy of Aristotle.
Cantab, 1820
Traite de la Generation des Animaux, trad, avec des
i notes par J. B. St. liilaire, 2 vol. 8vo . . 1887
Commentaria. — Vol. 1, part 2. — Prisciani Lydi quEe
extant, ed. J. By water . . , . lier. 1S86
Vol. 2, part 2.^De Aninia, cum mantissa ed. J.
Bruns ih. 1887
ARI— BAR 339
Aristotelian Society, Addresses, 8vo 1884-80
Hodgson {S. U.) Ueliitioii of Philosophy of Science I //o<, by Futyiis (F. J.) \ Vol. U.—Lanci (A.) Mark of Cain.
Arthur de Bretagne, Le Connotable de Richeiuont. — Cosncau (E.).
Ashby-Sterry (J.) The Lazy Minstrel, fcp. 8vo 188G
Ashton (John) The Dawn of the Nineteenth Century in England, ncio edit. 8vo 1886
Romances of Chivalry, illustrated in facsimile, 8yo ... ... ... ... 1887
Eighteenth Century Waifs, p. 8vo 1887
Asiatic Society, Journal of, ?tei« so-ies, vol. 18, part 3, 8vo ... ... ... 1886
Ath.\nasius (St.) Etude litteraire par E. Fialou. — Fialou (E.).
Aubertin (J. J.) Six Months in Cape Colony and Natal, p. 8vo ... ... ... 188G
AuDEBRAND (P.) Leou Gozlau ; Scenes de la Vie Litteraire (1828 G5), p. 8vo ... [1887]
AuGUSTiN (St.) Le Genie Philosophique et Litteraire. — Thcnj {A.).
AvENEL (Vic"^ G. d') Richelieu et la Monarchic Absolue, vol. 3, 8vo ... ... 1887
AvENEL (C" L.) Polikouchka, trad, par Halperine, p. 8vo 1886
Axon (W. E. A.) The Annals of Manchester, 8 vo 1886
Ayr and Galloway Ai-chseological Association : —
Wans (Sir P.) Correspondence, 15-10-97, 2 vol. 8vo 1837.
Ayrton (W. E.) Practical Electricity, p. 8vo 1887
Bachelin (A.) Description du Livre d'Heures du Prieure de Saint-Lo, roy. 8vo 1869
Baden-Powell (B. H.) Creation and its Records, 8vo ... ... ... ... 1886
Badminton Library, p. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... 1886-87
Cycling, by Viscount Bwij and G. Hillier. | Shooting, by Lord ]yaUinijhiim.
Baedeker (K.) Handbook for Paris, fcp. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... 1884
Baernreither (J. M.) Die Englischen Ai-beiterverbiinde und ihr Recht. vol. 1, 8vo
Tubingen, 1886
Baillon (C"' de) Vie de Henriette-Anne d'Angleterre. — Tlenriettc.
Bain (Alex.) On Teaching English, with detailed examples, p. 8vo ... ... 1887
Balch (EHsabeth) Zorah, a Love Tale of Modern Egypt, p. 8vo ... ... ... 1886
Ball (J.) Notes of a Naturalist in South America, p. 8vo ... ... ... ... 1887
B.all (Sir R. S.) The Story of the Heavens, 2NfZ (-fZiY. roy. 8vo 1886
Ballantyne (J.) Comparison of Established and Dissenting Churches, ^Ind edit. 8vo 1830
Ballantyne (R. M.) The Big Otter ; a Tale of the Great Nor' AVcst, p. 8vo ... 1887
Ballingall (J.) The Mercantile Navy Improved, 8vo ... ... 1832
Ballou (M. M.) Edge-Tools of Speech, 8vo 1886
Balzac (H.) Eugenie Grandet, trans, p. 8vo ... 1886
The Duchesse de Langeais, and other Tales, trans, p. 8 vo ... ... ... 1886
Bampton Lectures, 8vo ... ... ... ... ... Oj/. 1886
Bi(j'j (C.) Christian riatonists of Alexandria.
Bancroft (E.) Experimental Researches concerning the Philosophy of Permanent
Colours, vol. 1, 8vo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 17'J4
[Banim (John)] The Croppy, a Tale of 1798, 3 vol. p. 8vo 1828
Banville (T. de) Scenes de la Vie, Dames et Demoiselles, p. 8vo 1836
Bardoux (A.) La Bom-geoisie Franyaise, 1789-1848, 8vo ... ... 1886
[Baring-Gould (Rev. S.)] Court Royal ; a Storv of Cross Currents, by the Author of
' Mehalah,' p. 8vo " 1886
Baring-Gould (Rev. S.) and A. Oilman, Germany, 8vo 1886
Barker (F.) and J. Cheyne, Account of the Fever in Ireland, 2 vol. 8vo ... 1821
Barker (Lady) A Christmas Cake, 12mo 1871
Barlow (Joel) Life and Letters, by C. B. Todd, 8vo 1886
Barlow (J. W.) Short History of tlie Normans in South Europe, 8vo ... ... 1886
Barr (Amelia E.) Between Two Loves : a Tale of the West Riding, p. 8vo ... 1886
A Daughter of Fife, p. 8vo ... ... ... ... 1886
z 2
Barras (Col. Julius) India and Tiger Hunting, 2 vol. p. 8vo 1885
The New Shikari at oiu- Indian Stations, 2 vol. p. 8vo 1885
Barrili (A. G.) La Montanara, 8vo AIila7io, 1886
Barron -AViLsoN (Mrs. C.) Memoirs of Miss Mellon. — St. Albans {Duchess of).
Barrow (John) Mountam Ascents in Westmoreland and Cimaberland, p. 8vo . . . 1886
Barrows (W.) Oregon; the Struggle for Possession, p. 8vo {Americmi Common-
tvealths) Boston, U.S. 1816
Barthelemy (C"" de) Gazette de la Eegence. — France.
Bartholomew (J.) Gazetteer of the British Isles, roy. 8vo ... ... Edinb. 1887
Bartlett (Adelaide) Trial of, for Murder, ed. by E. Beal, preface by E. Clarke, 8vo 188G
Batchelor (T.) View of the Agricultiu-e of Bedfordshire, 8vo 1808
Baudrillart (H.) J. Bodin et son temps, Tableau des Theories Politiques et ses Idees
economiques, 8vo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1853
Baumeister (K.) Denkmaler des Klassischen Altertums, Lief. 31, 32, 4to Miinclicn, 1886
Bax (E. B.) Handbook of the History of Philosophy, p. 8vo {Bohn) 1886
> The Keligion of Socialism, p. 8vo ... ... 1887
Bayeux (M.) Histoke d'une Ouvriere, p. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... 1886
Baynes (C. E.) Album of Indian Ferns, 4to 1887
Beale (Lionel S.) Om- Morality and the Moral Question, p. 8vo 1887
Beattie (J.) Evidences of the Christian Religion, 5^7i cfZi^. 8vo ... ... ... 1886
Beatty-Kingston (W.) Music and Manners : Personal Reminiscences, 2 vol. 8vo 1887
Beaucaire (Vic''^ H. de) Une Mesalliance dans la Maison de Brunswick (1665-1723),
Eleonore Desmeier d'Olbreuze, Duchesse de Zell, 8vo ... ... ... ... 1884
A Mesalliance in the House of Brunswick, 8vo ... ... ... ... 1886
Beaumont (A.) History of Spain, 8vo ... ... ... ... ... ... 180&
Beaunis (H.) Impressions de Campagne (1870-71), p. 8vo ... ... ... 1887
Be.\ussire (E.) Les Principes de la Morale, 8vo ... ... ... ... ... 1885
Becket (St. T., Archbp.) Materials for a History of, by J. C. Robertson and J. B.
Sheppard, vol. 7, roy. 8vo ... ... {Chronicles) 1885
Bede (The Venerable) Expurgated, Expounded, and Exposed by the Prig, fcp. 8vo 1886
Bede (Cuthbert) Fotheringhay and Mary Queen of Scots, p. 8vo ... ... 1880
Beecher (Hem-y Ward) His Life and Work, by J. T. Lloyd, p. 8vo 1887
in England, 1886 : Addresses and Biographical Sketch, p. 8vo ... ... [1887]
Belgium. — Collection des Chroniques Beiges inedites, 4to. {The Titles are given
under the names in Italics.)
Bonnans (S.) Legat Onufrius de Liege.
Brahnnt et de Flandre, Chronique de.
Cartulaires de I'Abbaye d'Orval.
des Comptes de Haiuault, 2 vol.
Chartex et Diplomes imprimes cone. I'Histoire de la
Belgique, vol. 6, 7.
Des Pi-eis dit (TOiitremeuse (Jean) Chronique, Tol. 6.
Graiivelle, Correspondance, vol. 2-5.
Keruyn de Lettenhove (Baron) EelatioDS Politiques des
Pays-Bas et de I'Angleterre, vol. \-4.
Istore et Cronique de Flandre, vol. 1-2.
Documents inedits relatifs a I'histoire du XVI«
Renon de France (M.) Histoire des Troubles des Pays-
Voyarjes des Souverains des Pays-Bas, vol. 1-4.
Belidor (M.) Architecture Hj^drauUque ; ou, I'Art de Conduire, d'Elever et de Menager
les Eaux pour les diff erens Besoins de la Vie, 4 vol. 4to ... ... 1737-53
Bell (Major Evans) Letter to the Hon. Sir C. U. Aitchison, 8vo ... ... 1886
Bellarmin (Cardinal) Selbstbiographie, lateinisch und deutsch, herausg. v. J. J.
DoUmger und F. H. Eeusch, 8vo Bonn, 1887
Belot (A.) Le Chantage, p. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1S86
Les Cravates Blanches, p. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1886
Courtisane, roman, p. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1886
Bendall (C.) A Journej' into Nepaul and Northern India, 8vo ... ... Camb.l88(S
Benham (Rev. W.) Dictionary of Religion : an Encylopiedia of Doctrines, Terms,
Biography, &c., 8vo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... •-. 1887
Bennett (Mrs.) The Beggar Girl and her Benefactors, 5 vol. ji. 8vo ... ... 1813
Beranger-Feraud (L.) Contes de la Senegambie. — Collection de Chansons Pojnilaires.
Berens (Mrs.) A Woman with a Past : a Novel, 3 vol. p. 8vo ... ... ... 1886
Berlin Akademie der Wissenschaften; Abhandlungen, 1885, 4to ... Berlin, 1886
Sitzungsberichte, pt. 1-53, roy. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... 16.1886
Bernard (A.) et A. Bruel, Recueil des Chartes de I'Abbaye de Cluny, vol. 1, 802-954.
4to ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Doc. ined. 1876
Bernard (Claude) Artur de Bretagne, drame inedit, 8vo ... ... ... ... 1887
Berndt (Dr. G.) Der Fohn, Ein Beitrag zur Orographischen Meteorologie imd Com-
parativen Klimatologie, 8vo ... ... ... ... ... Gottingen, 1886
Bernoulli (J. J.) Romische Ikonographie, vol. 2, roy. 8vo Berlin, 188Qi
Vol. 2. — Bildnisse der Romischen Kaiser.
BER— BRA 841
Bersier (E.) Sermons [trans.] 2h]
Chiniquy (Pastor) Fifty Years in the Church of Home, an Autobiograpliy, 5th edit.
revised, S\o ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 188(5
Chopin (F.) Les Trois Ivomans de F, Chopin, par C"' Wodzinski, p. 8vo ... 188(5
Chotard (H.) Le Pape Pic VII. A Savone, p. 8vo 18H7
Christian Miscellany for 181(>-17. '2 vol. 8vo 1H17
Christun Observer, vol. 10, 18, 11), Bvo 1818
Christiani (A. F.) The Principles of Expression in Pianoforte Playing, ro}-. 8vo 18H()
Christison (Sir Ivobert) Life, by liis Son, vol. 2, 8vo 188U
Chronicles : —
Bedel {Archhp.) MatcriiUs for the History of, vol. 7. | Yenr-hooks of Eilwartl I, years 32-33.
Jliijderi (11.) I'olyclironicon, vol. 5, 8.
Chronique du Mont-Saint-Michel (1343-1408), piibliee par S. Luce, 2 vol. Svo 1879-83
Church Builder, The, a Quarterly Journal, 4 vol. p. Svo ... ... ... 187.'3-7G
Church Review, a Theoloj^ical and General Observer, vol. 1-9 in 8 fob... 1801-G9
Church (A. H.) English Porcelain, p. Bvo (67//. X. ylrf. if (Z6A-S.) 1885
Church (A. J.) Stories of tlie Mafiicians, p. Svo ... ... ... ... ... 1887
Church (A. J.) and A. Gilm.v.'J, Carthaj^e ; or, the Empire of Africa, p. Svo ... 188G
Church (E. W.) Spenser, p. Svo (.V.A'.iV/.L.) ISSG
Churchill (C.) Poetical Works, with Notes and Life, 2 vol. Svo ... ... 1804
Churchill (Lord Randolph) A Study, by J. B. Crozior, p. Svo ... ... ... 1887
Cicero (M. T.) De Natura Deorum, with Introduction and Connuentary by J. B.
Mayor, vok 2, 3, Svo C'(n/(i. 1883-85
Correspondence, with Commentary and Life by R. J. Tvrrell, 2nd edit. 2 vol.
Svo ". 1885
Clare (Austin) A Woman's Dower : a Sketch from Two Girls' Lives, p. Svo ... 1887
Clare (Martin) The Motion of Fluids, 3nZ ee Karly Fatliors
Ccutu//' ^ ^'^''''ge""^^' "evival in tl.e 18th r«d-.v (//. ir.) The KnglisU Cl.urch in otui.r Lun.l..
[Ceespigny (Mrs.)] The PaviHon, a Novel, 4 vol. p. 8vo ... 1706
Ckeswell (H.) The Sins of the Fathers, 3 vol. p. Svo '..'. \\\ i885
The Survivors, 3 vol. p. 8vo ... ... ... ' 2B8G
Ceoker (B. M.) Some One Else, p, Bvo ... ... .'.'.' '"' ^ygg
Croker (T. C.) Popular Songs of Irelaml, with introd. by" H. Morloy, p. 8vo
n A 1 1 ^, . , (Morleifs U.L.) 1886
Crosr.vguel Abbey, Charters of, 2 vol. 4to (Ayrshire Arch. Assoc.) 1886
Crotch (W.) Elements of Musical Composition, 4to IBIq
Ckozier (J. B.) Lord Kanaoliih Churchill, a Study, p. Bvo ."..' ... '" 1B87
Crump (Ai-tlmr) The Formation of Political Opinion, Bvo... 1B85
Cummins (Miss) The Lamplighter, 12mo '.' '" jyge
Cunningham (A.) Archaological Survey of India, vol. 21-22, roy. Bvo Calcutta 1885
Cunningham (John) The Growth of the Church, Bvo {Croall Lectures)... 1886
Cunningham (W.) S. Austin and his Place in the History of Christian Thought, Bvo
r^ /^ s -r. • • , . ^ , {Uulscan Lcct.) 1886
CuRTius (G. Principles of Greek Etymology, 5th edit, trans, by A. S. Wilkins and
E. B. England, 2 vol. Bvo 2886
Kleine Schriften, herausg. von E, Wendisch, 2 vol. Bvo ... Lcivz 1886
Curzon (H.) Delamere, a Novel, 3 vol. p. Bvo ' 1886
CusHiNG (Paul) A Woman with a Secret, 3 vol. p. Bvo .*.*.' 1885
Da Costa (E. M.) Natural History of Fossils, vol. 1, pt. 1, 4to
Dahn (F.) Fredigundis, historischer Eoman, p. Bvo
Dall (Mrs. C. H.) What we really know about Shakespeare, p. Bvo
Dalziel (H.) The Greyhomid : its historv, training, etc., Bvo
Danby (F.) Dr. Phillips, a Maida Vale Idyll, p. Bvo
Danson, The Wealth of Households, p. Bvo {C.P.S.) ... . [
Dante : —
... 1757
Lcij)-. 1886
Boston, 1886
... 1887
... 1887
... 1886
La Divina Conimedia voltata in prosa col testo a
fronte da Mario Forcsi, p. 8vo. . ..Fi/eiue, 1886
The Commt'dia and Canzouiere, trans, with biogra-
phical introd. by E. H. Plumptre, vol. 1, 8to 1886
The Divina Commedia, trans, line for line in the Terza
Rnna of the Original, by F. K. IT.v.elfoot, 8vo 1887
Jiottii ( V.) Introihiction to the .study of Dante.
Dizion.irio Dantesco.— /Wc/^o ( O. (/.").
Hetlimjer {F.) The Divina Coniniedui, its Scona ami
Darby and Joan, a Novel, by Rita, 3 vol. p. 8vo 1886
Darwin (C.) FertiUsation of Orchids, 2??(Z edZiY. p. Bvo .'.'.' 1885
Daudet (A.) Lettres de mon Moulin, IBmo ..." '.'.' '" jj j,
Daudet (E.) Les Bourbons et laKussie pendant la Revolution Fran(\aisc. Bvo [18861
Les Emigres et la seconde Coahtion, 1797-1800, Bvo ' 118861
Daunt (W.J. O'N.) Eighty-five Years of Irish History, 1800-85, 2 vol. p.Bvo " 1886
David (E.) Les Mendelssohn-Bartholdy et E. Schimiann, p. 8vo ... 1886
Davidson (J.) Notes of Travel in Africa, 4to (privatchj printed} ... '" 1839
Da VIES (C.) Elements of Descriptive Geometry, Bvo Xcw York 1854
Davies (G. C.) Practical Boat Sailing for Amateurs, p. Bvo ' 1886
— — On Dutch Waterways ; the Cruise of s.s. ' Atalanta,' roy. Bvo 1886
Davies (Eey. Mercer) Body and Soul, p. Bvo (ija???7;/i?c0 ... ' 1885
-- — The Bishops and their Wealth, p. Bvo (icJcm) ''] 1886
Davy (Sir H.) Six Discourses before the Royal Society, 4to ' 1827
Davyl (L.) Honneur me tient, vol. 1 Cain, vol. 2 Abel, 2 vol. p. Bvo 1886
Dawson (E. C.) Life of Bishop Hannington, Bvo ... '" 1B87
Dawson (AV. J.) Quest and Vision, Essays, 12mo 1886
Dayne (J. B.) In the Name of the Tzar, a Novel, p. Bvo ... 1887
Deane (C. p.) a Short History of Ireland, p. Bvo .". '" i886
Deane (Mary) Quatrefoil, a Novel, 3 vol. p. Bvo .[] ib83
St. Briavels, a Novel, 3 vol. p. Bvo i88fi
Debans (C.) Au Coin d'un Bois, p. 8vo '..'. '.['. ['.'. ]" i887
^ECK (Th.) La, Faience, 8vo {Bibliotheque des Beaux-Arts) ... ... ...[18871
Delaclos (C.) Les Liai.sons Dangercuses, 2 vol. IBmo Bnix 1869
[Delacroix (J. F.)] Anecdotes Arahes.— Anecdotes.
De Lisle (F. R.) Memoir, by Rev. H. M. Oxenham, p. 8vo ... 1886
348 DEL— DUB
Delitzsch (F.) Jose and Benjamin : a Tale of Jerusalem in the time of the Herods,
trans, p. 8vo 1882
Delzant (A.) Paul de Saint-Yictor, p. Bvo 1886
Demogeot (J.) Histoire de la Litterature Francaise, p. 8vo 1884
Demos ; a Story of English Socialism, 3 vol. p. 8yo 1886
The same, 7iew edit. Yi. 8\o ... ... ... ... •.• 1886
Denholm (Jas.) Tom- to Scotch and English Lakes, 8vo GZas^. 1804
Dennis (R.) Industrial Ireland; a non-Pohtical View of Ireland for the Irish, p. 8vo 1887
Dent (H. E.) A Year in Brazil, 8vo _ 1886
De Pradt (L'Abbe) The Colonies and the present American Pievolutions,8vo... 1817
De Quincey (Th.) Personal EecoUections of, by J. R. Findlay, p. 8vo ... Edinh. 1886
Des Pueis, dit d'Outremeuse (Jean) Chronique, vol. 6, 4to {Belg. Cliron. ined.) ...1880
Deutsche Biographie, AUgemeine, vol. 23, 24, 8vo ... ... Leijjz. 1886-87
De Yeee (Sir S. E.) Translat. fi-om Horace, and Poems, Ind edit, enlarged, sq. 8vo 1886
Devey (Louisa) Life of Lady Lj-tton. — Lijtton {Lady).
Dicey (A. V.) England's Case against Home Rule, p. 8vo 1886
Lectures on the Law of the Constitution, 2?i(Z ^iY. 8vo ... ... ... 1886
Dickens (Charles) Life, by F. T. Marzials, 8vo (Robertson's Great Writers) ... 1887
Dictionary of National Biogi-aphy, edit, by L. Stephen, vol. 7-10, 8vo . . . 1886-87
Diderot (Denis) James the Fatalist and his Master, 3 vol. p. 8vo 1797
DiDEON (A. N.) Christian Iconography, trans, by E. Millington and Miss Stokes,
voL 2, p. 8vo (Bolm) 1S8Q
DiENER (Dr. C.) Libanon ; Grundlinien der Physischen Geographic imd Geologie von
Mittel-Syrien, roy. 8vo TP'ien, 1886
DiLKE (Lady) The Shrine of Death, and other Stories, p. 8vo 1886
[Dillon (Viscount)] Life and Opinions of Sir Richard Maltravers, 2 vol. p. 8vo 1882
Dio Cassius, Historia Romana cum annot. L. Dindorfii, 5 vol. p. 8vo . . . LijJS. 1843
Diseases and Pestilence in Fleets and Armies, their Cause, 8vo ... Edinh. 1759
[DrsoN (Henry HaU)] Silk and Scarlet, by the Druid, p. 8vo 1859
DoBSON (Austin) Vignettes in Rhyme, and other Verses, p. 8vo . . . Neio YorJc, 1885
At the Sign of the Lyre, p. 8vo -16,1885
B.khai-A fiteele,\). 8x0 {Lang's E^iglisJi Worthies) 1886
Don's Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage, p. 8vo 1887
DoDGSoN (C. L.) (Lewis Carroll, _?).se«f7o.) A Tangled Tale, p. 8vo 1886
Alice's Adventures Underground, the facsimile of the original MS., p. 8vo 1886
The Game of Logic, p. 8vo _ _ ..• 1887
DoLLiNGER (J. J.) Die Selbstbiogi-aphie des Cardinals Bellarmin. — Bellarmin.
Domesday Book relating to Sussex, facsimile and translation, ed. by ^V. D. Parish, fol.
{Sussex Arch. Sac.) 1886
Gloucestershire. — Bristol and Gloucestershire Arch. Soc.
Donaldson (J. W.) The Theatre of the Greeks, 7^/i efZiY. 8vo 1860
DoRiA (Andre) un Amiral Condottiere au XVP Siecle, par E. Petit, 8vo ... 1887
Injury and In=.ult, trans, p. 8vo 1887 ' Les Possedes (Eesi) trad, par Derely, 2 vol. p. Svo
Frienil of the Family and The Gambler, p. Svo 1887 ' 1886
L'Idiot, tra
Guinness (H. G.) Liglit for the Last Days ; a Study, Historic and Prophetic, 8vo 188(5
GuizoT (M. et Mme.) Le Temps passe. Melanges, 2 vol. p. 8vo ... ... ... 1887
Gunnlaugssager Ormstungii, herausg. v. E. Mogk. — Altnordischc Teitc.
GuRNEY (Edmund) F. W. H. Myers und F. Podmorc, Phantasms of the Living,
2nd edit. 2 \o\.^\o ' ... ... _ 18H0
GuRNEY (Goldsworthy) Lectiu-es on Chemical Science, 8vo ... ... ... 1S23
GusTAVUs Adolbhus, History of, by J. L. Stevens, 8vo ... ... ... ... 1885
Guthrie (F.) Practical Physics, 12mo ... ... 1885
II. A .i
354 GUY— HEA
GuYAU (i\I.) L'Irreligion de rAvenir ; etude sociologique, 8vo 1887
Gyp, Dans le Train, p. 8vo 1887
Autour du Divorce, p. Svo 1886
Habbertox (J.) Bnieton's Bayou, p. 8vo 1886
Hackxander (F. W.) Der Letzte Bombardier, 2 vol. Svo Stuff g. 1886
Haggard (H. Eider) Dawn, p. Svo 1887
Jess, p. 8vo 1887
She, a History of Adventure, p. Svo 1887
Haldaxe (E. C.) Subtropical CiTltivations and Climates, p. Svo 1886
Hali;vy (L.) Princesse — Un grand Mariage — Les trois Coups de Foudre — Mon Cama-
rade Mussard, p. Svo 1887
Halfokd (F. M.) Floating Flies, and hov/ to Dress Them, p. Svo 1886
Hall (Hannah, of Ohio) Memou-. — Maide (-/.).
Hall (Hubert) Society in the Elizabethan Age Svo 1886
H.iLL (T. Hall) The Law of Allotments, p. Svo 1886
Halliwell-Phillipps (J. 0.) Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare, 6fh edif. 2 vol.
roy. Svo 1886
Hamilton (Alexander) by H. C. Lodge, p. Svo (^meWca?i /S'^(2
Hermes Trismegistus ; The Virgui of the World, trans, by Anna Ivingsford and E.
Maitland, sm. 4to 1SK5
Heron (Robert) Elements of Chemistry, Bvo IBOO
Hertwig (Dr. 0.) Lehrbuch der Entwicldungsgeschichte des Menschen und der
Wirbelthiere, part 1, roy. Bvo e7c?ia, 1BB6
Hettinger (F.) Dante's Divina Commedia, its Scope and Value, ed. from the German
by H. F, Bowden, Bvo 1887
Heyse (P.) La Marchesa, a Story of the Riviera, trans, by J. Philips, p. Bvo . . . 1BB7
Der Roman der Stiftsdame, p. Bvo Berlin, IHSl
Hibbert (J.) A New Tract for the Times, p. Bvo P»ts^o«, 1886
HiGDEN (Ran.) Polychronicon, ed. by Luinby, vol. 5, B, roy. Bvo (Chronicles) 1874-82
Hill (F. H.) George Canning, p. Bvo {Lang's Eng. Worthies) 1BB7
HiNE (E.) Forty-seven Identifications of the British Nation with the Lost Ten Tribes
of Israel, p. Bvo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... n.d.
Hissey (J. J.) On the Box Seat from London to Land's End, Bvo 18B6
Hitzig (J. E.) Der neue Pitaval, ?ieMe sene, vol. 20, p. Bvo Lcj^jc. 1880
Hobart Pasha (Admiral) Sketches from my Life, p. Bvo IBBG
HoDDER (E.) Life of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, 3 vol. Bvo 1886
Hoffman (E.) The Serapion Brethren, tr. by Major Ewing, vol. 1, p. Bvo (Bohn) 1886
Holder (C. F.) The Ivory King, a Popular History of the Elephant, Bvo . . . [18BG]
Hole (W.) Quasi Cursores, Portraits of the High Oilicers and Professors of the
University of Edinburgh at its Tercentenai\y Festival, 4to ... ... Edinb, 1H84
Holland (H. S.) Creed and Character, Sermons, p. Bvo 1887
Holmes (O. W.) The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, 2 vol. fcp. Bvo IBBG
Holmes (T. S.) History of Wookey, Somerset, Bvo Bristol [IBBG]
Homer, Odyssey, books 1-12, trans, by the Earl of Carnarvon, p. Bvo ... ... 1886
Odyssey done into English Verse by AVm. Morris, vol. 1, .sm. 4to ... ... 18B7
The Iliad done into English Verso by A. S. Way [Avia], books 7-12, sm. 4to IBBG
Introduction to Homer. — Jchh (B. C).
Homerische Hymnen, herausg. von Dr. A. Gemoll, Bvo Lcijy;:. 18S6
Horace, Odes trans, by T. R. Clark, 12mo Edinb. 1886
Translations from. — De Vere {Sir S. E.).
HoRE (Annie B.) To Lake Tanganyika in a Bath Chair, p. Bvo 1886
HoRE (A. H.) The Church in England from William III. to Victoria 2 vol. Bvo 1886
[Hornot (A.)] Anecdotes Americaines. — Anecdotes.
A A 2
356 HOR— JAH
HoRSLEY (J. W.) Jottinf^s from Jail, Notes on Prison Matters, p. 8vo 1887
HoRSTMANN (C.) Sammlunff Altenglischer Legenden, 8vo Hcilbronn, 1878
HoRSTMANN (G. H.) ConsiUar Ileminiscences, 8vo 1886
HosACK (D.) On the Laws concerning Contagious Diseases, 4to ... N. YorJc, 1815
HosMER (J. K.) Samuel Adams, p. 8vo (.49?i. Sfai;es?nc?i) 188G
HoussAYE (A.) Histoire de Leonard de Vinci, 8vo 1869
How and Where to Fish in Ireland, by Hi-Regan, p. 8vo 1886
How I Managed and Improved my Estate, p. 8vo 1886
Howard (J. J.) Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, vol. 1, 2nd series, roy. 8vo
{continued) ... ... ... ... ... ••• ... ... ... ••• 1886
HowELLS (W. D.) Indian Summer, a No-\'el, p. 8vo ... Edinb. 1886
The Minister's Charge ; or, the Apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker, p. 8vo ib. 1886
Hudson (Henry) Life of. — Clarendon Society.
Hudson (W. H.) The Purple Land that England Lost, 2 vol. p. 8vo 1885
Hughes (T.) Memoir of Bishop Eraser, 8vo 1887
Hugo (V.) (Euvres, ed. definitive, vol. 48 : Poesie, 17, La Fiji dc Safan,8\o ... 1886
HuHN (A. von) Der Kampf der Bulgaren um ihre Nationaleinheit, Geschichte der
bulgarisch-rumelischen Ereignisse im 1885, 8vo ... ... ... ... Leipz. 1SS6
Struggle of the Bulgarians for Independence, War with Servia, 1885, p. 8vo 1886
Huillard-Breholles (A.) Vie de Pierre de la Vigne, 8vo ... ... ... 1864
Hull (Ed.) Physical Geology and Geography of Arabia Petrasa, Palestine and adjoin-
ing districts, 4to ... ... ... ... {Palestine Survey) 1SS6
HuLLAH (John) Wilhem's Method of Teaching Singing, 8vo ... ... ... 1842
Cultivation of the Speaking Voice, 12mo (C.P.S.) 1874
Hulsean Lectures: — Cunningham {W.) S. Austm and Christian Thought.
Hunnewell (J. F.) The Imperial Island, England's Chronicle in Stone, 8vo
Boston, U.S. 1886
Hunt (J.) Stammering and Stuttering, their Nature and Treatment, 6th edit. p. 8vo 1863
UviiT (\Y.) Bristol, 12ino {Frccmaji's Hist. Toums) 1887
Hunter (John) Natural History of the Human Teeth, 3rd edit. 4to ... ... 1803
Hunter (W. W.) The Indian Empire ; People, History, and Products, 8vo (T.O.S.),1886
Huntley (Marquis of) Travels, Sport, and Politics m the East of Europe, 8vo 1887
Hutchinson (Thomas) Diary and Letters, vol. 2, 8vo ... ... ... ... 1886
Hutton (C.) Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, 2 vol. 4to ... ... 1795
Huxley (T. H.) and H. N. Martin, Elementary Practical Biology, 7iew edit. p. 8vo 1883
Hymns of Denmark, trans, by Gilbert Tait, 12mo ... ... ... ... ... 1868
Hyndman (H. M.) The Bankruptcy of India ; an Inquiry, including a chapter on the
Silver Question, 8vo ... ... ... 1886
Ibbetson (W. J.) Elementary Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Perfectly
Elastic Solids, 8vo 1887
Ideville (H. d'j Les Petits Cotes de I'Histoire, 2 vol. p. 8vo 1884-87
Ihne (W.) Piomische Geschichte, vol, 6, 8vo ... ... ... ... Leipz. 1886
Index Society, sm. 4to 1886
Biographical Notices in the ' Gentleman's Magazine," 1731-80, part 1, A-Gi.
Industrial Schools, Six Essays on, 8vo ... ... ... ... 1845
Ingelow (Jean) John Jerome, his Thoughts and "Waj-s, p. 8yo ... ... ... 1886
Ingram (J. H.) Eminent Women Series, p. 8vo 1886
Margaret of Angouleme, by A. M. Robinson. | Wedey (Susanna), by Eliza Clarke.
Siddons {Mrs.), by Mrs. A. Kennard.
Innes (Col. P. R.) History of the Bengal European Regiment, now the Munster
Fusiliers, and how it helped to win India, 2HfZ cc7i'^, 8vo ... ... ... 1885
International Scientific Series, vol. 58, p. 8vo 1887
Hnlpin (A.) Distribution of Animals.
Ireland (W. H.) History of the County of Kent, 4 vol. 8vo 1825-30
Irving (H.) English Actors, their Characteristics and their Methods, p. 8vo Oxf. 1886
Isle (RoUet de 1') Tonkin et dans les Mers de Chine, Souvenirs (1883-85), 8vo [1886]
Issaurat (C.) La Pedagogie, son Evolution et son Histoire, p. 8vo 1886
Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich-deutschen Archaologischen Instituts, herausg. v. M. Frankel,
vol. 1, pt. 1, 2, 4to (co??iwM/efZ) 5cWi», 1886
Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft im Auftrage der histor. GeseUschaft zu
Berlin, 5 Jabrgang, 1882, 8vo 1886
JAM— KIR 357
James (C.) Military Dictionary, French ami English, 3;-r/ edit. -1 vol. Hvo ... 1810
James (Henry) Bostonians, y vol. p. 8vo 1880
The same, «fz« e^Zi7. p. 8vo 188(i
Janke (0.) Deutsche Wochenschrift, 4to 18G4
Jeanne (Soeiir des Angcs) Autobiograpliio d'uno hysterique possiduo, pull, par G.
Legue et G. do la Toiu-ette, 8vo 1H8U
Jebb (R. C.) Introduction to Homer, p. 8vo GVf/s'/o/r, 1887
Jefferson (Thomas), by J. T. Morse, p. Bvo (^1 771. jS^afcsjnen) Kilinh. Wm
Jellett (J. H.) The Elder Son, and other Sermons, 8vo 188G
Jenkins (R. C.) Heraldry, English and Foreign, p. 8vo 188()
Jenkinson (E.) Voyage to Russia. — Morgan {E. D.).
Jennings (Hargrave) The Rosicrucians, their Rites and Mysteries, ihird edit, revised
and enlarged, 2 vol. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... ... 1887
Jennings (L. J.) Mr. Gladstone, a Study, p. 8vo 1887
Jenyns (F. G.) a Book about Bees, p. Bvo 1880
Jerome (J. K.) The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, p. 8vo [1880]
Jerome (St.) Pilgrimage of the Holy Places. — Palestine Pilgrims' Text Soeiclij.
Jervise (Anikew) Memorials of Angus and the Mearns, rewritten by Rev. J. Gaiumack,
2 voh 8vo Ediith.mm
Jessop (A.) Arcady, for Better for "Worse, p. 8vo 1887
Jevons (F. B.) History of Greek Literature to the Death of Demosthenes, p. 8ro 1880
Jevons (W. Stanley) Elementary Lessons in Logic, fcp. Bvo ... ... ... 1885
Letters and Journals, edited by his Wife, 8vo ... ... ... ... 1880
Jex-Blake (Sophia) Medical Women: a Thesis and a History, Bvo ... Kdixb. 1880
Johnson (T. B.) Physiological Observations on Mental Susceptibility, p. b\o . . . 1838
The Shooter's Preceptor, p. Bvo ... ... ... ... ... ... 1838
Joliet (C.) Le Capitaine Harold, p. 8vo 1880
JoNCKBLOET (W. J.) Etudc suT le Roman de Renart, Bvo Groninguc, 1803
JoNsoN (Ben), by J. A. Symonds, p. Bvo {Lang's Eng. Worthies) 1880
Jottings of a Truth Seeker, 12mo 1887
JuLLiEN (A.) Richard Wagner, sa Vie, 4to 1880
JuLLioT (F. de) Terre de France, p. Bvo 1885
JuRiEN de la Graviere (Vice-Amiral) Les Corsaires Barbaresques et la Marine de
Soliman le Grand, p. Bvo ... 1B87
Katcher (L.) Nebelland und Themsestrand ; Studien und Schilderungcn aus der
Heimat John Bull's, p. Bvo ... ... ... ... Stuffg. IHHli
Keith (D.) History of Scotland, Civil and Ecclesiastical, 2 vol. p. Bvo ... ... 1880
Keltie (J. S.) Statesman's Year Book for 1880, p. Bvo 1880
Kemeny (Baron Sigismund) Beszelyei (Tales), 3 vol. in 1, p. Bvo ... Pes/, 1803
Zord Ido (i?oi/^7i Times), 2 vol. p. Bvo ih. im'l
A Rajongok (T7ie jPrt?Z(x/ics), 2 vol. p. Bvo ■z7j. 1858
Ozvegy es Leanya, 3 vol. in 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... (7^18.55-57
Kennard (Mrs.) Mrs. Siddons, p. Bvo (7.7-;.]r.) 1887
Kent, Archseologia Cantiana, vol. 10, Bvo ... ... 1B8G
Kent (N.) View of the Agriculture of Norfolk, Bvo 1790
Kerr (James) Carlyle as seen in his Works, p. Bvo ... ... ... ... 1887
Kerr (R.) Tlie Consulting Ai-chitect : Notes on Administrative Difficulties, Bvo 1880
Kerr (W. M.) The Far Interior : From the Cape of Good Hope to the Lake Regions
of Central Africa, 2 vol. Bvo ... ... 1880
Kershaw (Mark) Colonial Facts and Fictions, p. Bvo ... ... ... ... 1880
Kervyn de Lettenhove (Baron) Documents inedits relatifs ;l I'Histoire du XVIc Sirclo,
l^t. 1, Svo {Belg. Chron. inal.) Prux.lHm
■ Relations Politiques desPays-Bas et de I'Angleterre sous le Regno de Philippe II.,
4 voL 4to (tVZc?H) 1882-83
Istore et Croniques de Flandrcs, 2 vol. 4to (u7c7??) ... ... ... 1879-80
King (Cooper) History of Berkshire, Bvo 1887
King (J.) The Other Side of the ' Story : ' a Review of J. C. Dent's ' Story of the
Upper Canadian Rebellion ' (yjff?»^;/(.) Bvo ... ... ... Toro/j/o, 1880
Kingsford (Anna) The Perfect Way in Diet, 12mo , 1885
Kingsley (Charles) From Death to" Life, 12mo 1887
Kingston (W. II. G.) The Three Admirals, p. Bvo n.d.
KiRBY (W. F.) Elementary Text-Book of Entomology, roy. Bvo 1885
KlEKE (E.) Tlie Rear Guard of the Revolution, p. Bvo ' N. York. 1B8G
358 KIR— LAR
KiRWiN (K.) Geological Essays, 8vo 1799
Kitchener (Francis A.) A Year's Botany, 12mo 1884
Klapka (G.) Aus merner Erinnerungen, 8vo Zurich, 1887
Klopstock's Gesarumelte Werke, vol. 1-3, p. 8vo {Cotta'schc Bib.) ... [1886-7]
Knight (W.) A New Theory of the Earth, 8vo Edinb. 1819
Knighton (W.) Struggle for Life, 8vo 1886
KoETTScHAU (Col. C.) La prochaine Guerre Franco-AUeniande, trad, par E. Jaegle,
p. 8vo 1887
KoLONisATiON (Inneren) in Detitschland, Erfahrungen und Vorschlage, 8vo ... 1886
KoEMAKS Saga, herausg. von T. Mobius, 8vo Halle, 1886
KuENEN (A.) Origin and Composition of the Hexatench (Pentateuch and the Book of
Joshua), trans, by P. H. Wicksteed, 8vo 1886
KuGLER, Handbook of Painting, Italian Schools, ed. by Sir C. Eastlake, 5th edit.
revised by A. H. Layard, 2 vol. 8vo 1887
KuHN (F.) Luther, sa \ie.— Luther (M.).
KiJHNAST (Dr. L.) Die Hauptpunkte der Livianischen Syntax, 8vo ... Berlin, 1872
Laboulaye (E.) Derniers Discours Populaires, p. 8vo ... ... 1886
La Bruyere (I. de) (Euvres, noiiv. edit., par G. Servois, 3 vol. 8vo. et un albzcvi, roy.
8\o {Grands Ecrivains) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1865-82
Vol. 1. Notice biographique. Les Caractt;res de
Theophraste tradnits du grec avec les
Caracteres ou les Moeurs de ce Si^cle. Ap-
pendiee, Clefs et Commeutaires.
2. Suite et fin des Caracteres.
Yol. 3, pt. 1. Table. Tableaux de Concordance.
Notice Bibliograpbiquc. Appeudice.
pt. 2. Preface sur la Laiigue de La Bruyi^re.
Introduction Grammaticale. Ortliograpbe.
La Bruyere dans la Maison de Conde. — Allaire (E.).
Lachard (G.) Cabotinage Harold, p. Bvo 1886
La Fontaine (J. de) ffiuvres, noiiv. edit, par H. Piegnier, vol. 1-3, 8vo {Grands
Ecrivains) 1883-85
Vol. 1-3. Kotice Eiograpliique. A Monseigneur le Dauphin. Preface. La Vie d'Esope.
Fables (Liyres 1 a 5).
CEuvres inedites et Bibliographie des ses Ouvrages par Lacroix, 8vo {idem) 1868
Laing (S.) a Sporting Quixote ; or, the Life of Hon. A. Fitzmuddle, 2 vol. p. Bvo 1886
Lamb (H.) [Hydi-odynamics] ; a Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of the Motions
of Fluids, Svo ^ ... ..._ Camb.1879
Lamber (Juliette, psezid. Mme. Adam) Le General Skobeleff, thin 8vo ... ... 1886
Lamennais et le Baron de Vitrolles, Correspondance inedite, par E. Forgues, Svo 1886
Lane-Poole (S.) The Moors in Spain, Svo (Si!or7/ o/ f/^e 2v'a;io?is) 1887
Lanessan (J. L. de) La Timisie, Svo... ... ... ... 1887
Lang (Andrew) English Worthies, p. Svo ... ... ... ... 1886
Blake (Admiral), by D. Hannay. I Jonson (Ben), l\v J. A. Symonds.
Cannimj, by P. H. Hill. | Steele (Richard), by Austin Dobson.
Books and Bookmen, 8vo 1887
In the Wrong Paradise, and other Stories, p. Svo 1886
Mark of Cain, 12mo 1886
The same, Svo Bristol,188Q
• The Politics of Aristotle, introductory Essaj's, p. Svo ... ... ... 1886
[Lang (A.) and W. H. Pollock] He, by the author of ' It,' 12mo ... ... 1887
Lange (L.) IHeine Schriften aus dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthumswissenschaffc,
vol. 1, Svo Getting en, 1881
Lanzac de Laborie (L.) Vie de J. '^lowmex.—Mounier.
Laplace (Marq. de) (EmTres completes, vol, 7, 4to 1886
[La Place (P. A. de)] Anecdotes du Nord. — Anecdotes.
Laporte (A.) Histoire Litteraire du 19me Siecle, vol. 1-3, Svo 1S84-87
Larkin (Henry) Carlyle and the Open Secret of his Life, Svo 18S6
La Eochefoucauld (F. Due de) CEuvres, nouv. edit, par D. Gilbert et J. Gourdault,
^\o\.8\o, etun album, ro-^.8\o {Grands Ecrivains) ... ... ... 1868-83
Vol. 2. Memoires (lG2-i-lG52). Apologie de M. le
prince' de Marcillac. Appendice.
3, pt. 1. Lettres.
3, pt. 2. Lexique.
Vol. 1. Notice bibUograpbique. Portrait du Due de
La Eouchefoucauld fait par lui-m6me.
Portrait du Cardinal de Eetz. Kcfiexions
diverses. Appendices. Jugenaent des con-
temporains sur les maximes. Tables.
ffiuvres inedites recueillies par E. de Barthelemy, Svo {idem) 1868
Maxims and Essays, trans, by Col. A. S. Bolton, p. Svo 1884
La Eounat (C, de) Souvenirs et Poesies diverses, p. Svo [1886]
LAU— LON 859
Lauderdale (Earl of) Natiu-o and Origin of rublic "Wealth, 8vo ... Edinh. 180-4
Laugel (A.) Fragment d'llistoirc, 8vo 188G
Laukemberg (J.) Niederdeutsclie Scher;^gedichtemit Einleit. vonW.liraune.p. 8vo 1871)
Lauret (H.) La Philosophic do Stuart Mill, 8vo 1880
Laurie (S. S.) l\iso and Early Constitution of Universities. \). 8vo ... ... 1.S8G
Laurie (Col. W. F.) Sketches of sonic Distinguished Anglo-Indians, new edit. p. 8vo 1887
L.w allay (Gaston) Lcs Grands Coeurs, p. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... n.d.
L.WATEU (J. C.) Essays on Physiognomy, trails, by T. Ilolcroft, 'drd edit. 8vo... 18-10
Laveleye (E. de) The Balkan Peninsula, trans, by Mrs. Thorpe, revised by the author,
8vo 1887
La Vigne (Pierre de) Vie et Correspondancc, par A. IIuillard-Brehelles, Bvo ... 1804
L.WOISIER (E. A.) Elements of Chemistry, trans, by R. Kerr, '6rd edit. 8vo ... 17'JO
Lawrence (Sergeant W.) Hero of the Waterloo Campaign, Autobiography, edit. l)y
G, N. Bankes, p. 8vo 1880
Lechler (G. V.) The Apostolic and Post-Apostolic Times, trans, by A. J. Davidson,
2 vol. p. 8vo Edinb.lbiHi
Lecky (W. E. H.) History of England in the Eighteenth Century, vol, 5-0, 8vo 1887
Le Cleec (E.) The Music of a Merry Heart ; an Autobiography, p. 8vo ... [1887]
Ledos de Beaufort (Iv.) Life of F. Liszt, p. Bvo 1880
Lee (E.) Life of Dorothy Wordsworth. — Wordsworth.
Lee (Eobert E.) Memoirs of his Military and Personal History, bj- A. L. Long and
M, J. Wright, roy. 8vo 1880
Legouve (E.) Soixante Ans de Souvenirs, vol. 2, Bvo 1887
Legoux (J.) Hommes ct Femmes, p. Bvo ... ... ... ... 1887
Leibniz. Theologie des Leibniz. — Fielder {A.).
Leicestershire Flora, including the Cryptogams, Bvo (Leicester Literary Sac.) 1880
Lemerre (A,, Arij Ecilmu, ];>seudon.) Une Altcsse Impcriale, p, Bvo ... ... 1880
Lenox (J., of New YorJf) Eecollections of, and the Formation of his Library, by
Henry Stevens, p. 8vo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1880
Lesage (A. E.) Histoire de Gil Bias, p. 8vo Paris, 1879
Leslie (R. C.) A Sea-Painter's Log, p. 8vo 1880
Lespinasse (Mdlle. de) Lettres inedites a Condorcet, d'Membert, etc. publ. par
C. Henry, p, Bvo 1B87
Letters from Donegal in 1886, by a Lady ' Felon,' edited by Col. Mam-ice, p. 8vo 1880
Lever (Charles) A Day's Ride, a Life's Romance, 2 vol. p. Bvo ... ... 1803
Tom Bm-ke of ' Ours,' 2 vol. p. Bvo 1880
Lever (Darcy) The Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor, 4to 1808
LiDDELL (H. G.) and R. Scott, Greek-English Lexicon, 7th edit, revised ... 1883
LiGNE (Princesse Hclene de) Histoire de. — Perry (L.).
LiLLiE (A.) Buddhism in Christendom ; or, Jesus, the Esseno, Bvo ... ... 1887
Lincolnshire Topographical Society, Papers relating to the County, sm. 4to . . . 1843
Linde (A Van der) Geschichte der ErfintUmg dcr liuchdruckerkmist, 3 vol., 4to 1880
Link (H. F.) Travels in Portugal, France, and Spain, Bvo ... 1801
Lismore Papers : Diaries of Sir R. Bojde, 1st Earl of Cork, edit, by A. B. Grosart,
1st series, vol. 3-5, 2nd series, vol. 1, 2, sm. 4to {for irrivate circulation) 1880-87
Liszt (The Abbe H.) by J. E. Martin, Bvo [1880]
The Story of his Life, by L. Ledos de Beaufort, p. Bvo 1880
Litteratures Populaires lie toutes les Nations, vol. 22-23, p. Bvo 1880
Yo\. 22. Sehillot (P.) Coutumes populaircs do la 1 Vol. 23. /'c?i7oJ( A'.) Traditions IiiJiciincsJu Canada.
Hautc-Brctaguc. |
LiVY, Emendationes Jjixianve.—Madvig (J. N.).
Die Hauptpmikte dor Livianischen Syntax. — Kilhnast (L.).
Lloyd (J. T.) Life of H. Ward Beccher, p. Bvo 1887
LocKYER (J. N.) The Chemistry of the Sun, Bvo 18B7
Lodge (H. C.) Alexander Hamilton, p. Bvo (^Im. /Sia^es??2C?0 ... 1880
Lodge (R.) The Student's Modern Europe, 1453-1B7B, p. Bvo 1885
Loftie (W. J.) London, 12mo {Freeman'' s Plist. Towns) ... 1887
Orient Line Guide for the Use of Passengers, Bvo ... ... ... ... 1885
LoMBROSo (C.) L'Homme Criminel, avec ^IfZrts, 2 vol. Bvo ... ... ... 1887
London and its Environs, Select Views, 2 vol. in 1, 4to 1804
University Calendar for 1880-87, p. Bvo ... ... ... ... ... 1886
London (Bishop of) Marriage Licences, 1520-1828. — Ilarleian Society.
Long (A. L.) Memoir of Robert E. Lee. — Lee {JR. L.).
LoNGSTAFFE (W. H. D.) History of the Parish of Darlington, roy. Bvo Darlington, 1854
360 LOO— LYT
Loose Eein, A, by ' Wanderer,' author of ' Fair Diana,' 8vo 1887
LoRENZ (Otto) Catalogue cle la Librairie Fran^aise depuis 1840, vol. 9, roy, 8vo 1886
Lost Reputation, A, 8vo ••■ ■•• ••• ••• ••• ••• 1887
LoTi (P.) Le Peeheur d'Islande, Eoman, p. 8yo 1886
LoTZE (H.) Kleine Schriften, vol. 2, roy. 8vo Leijjz. 1886
LouisY (M. P.) Le Livre et les Ai-ts qui s'y rattachent, roy. 8vo 1886
Lowe (J.) Medical Missions, their Place and Power, p. 8vo 1886
Lowell (J. E.) Democracy, and other Addresses, p. 8vo 1887
Lower (M. A.) Essays on English Surnames, 4^7;. cf?i7. 2 vol. p. 8vo 1875
Lubbock (Sir Jolm) Flowers, Fruits and Leaves, p. 8vo 1886
LiJBKE (W.) Kuntswerke und Klinstler, roy. 8vo Breslau [1886]
Grmidriss der Kunstgeschichte, 2 vol. roj-. 8vo Stutig. 1881
Lucas (Frederick, M.P.) Life, by his brother Edward Lucas, 2 vol. Svo ... 1886
LucKocK (H, M.) The Bishops in the Tower, p. 8vo 1887
LuKis (W, C.) The Prehistoric Stone Monuments of the British Isles; Cornwall, fol. 1885
Luther (M.) Sa Vie et son CEuvre, 1483- 154G, par F. Kuhn, 3 vol. Svo 1883-84
Lyall (Edna) Donovan, p. Svo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1887
WeTwo, p. Svo 1886
■ Won by Waitmg, p. Svo 1886
Lyell (J. E.) Fancy Pigeons, their Breeding and Management, 3rd edit. p. Svo 1887
Lyly (John) Euphues ; the Anatomy of Wit, with Chapter I. of Sir P. Sidney's
' Arcadia,' ed. by Dr. F. Landmann, p. Svo Heilhronn, 1881
Lyra Doctorima, Carmina Lyrica a viris recent, temp, composita, elegit J. Draheim,
ISmo Lips. 188&
Lysaght (E. J.) Sealed Orders, 3 vol. p. Svo 1886
Lyte (H. C. Maxwell) History of the University of Oxford to 1530, Svo . . . 1886
Lytton (Rosina, Lady) Life, published in Vindication of her Memory by Louisa
Devey, Svo 1887
N.B. — The remaining part of the Annual List of 1886-87 is incorporated in the:
General Catalogue.
*^* The 7iamc of every Subject, inlntccl in capitals, is folloioed by the first word in each
of the titles of Books referred to, as described in the Catalogue.
Subjects of Biographical Mcvioirs, having been inserted in the Catalogue wider their
respective names, these names arc not repeated in, the Index. To iliis rule some
exceptions are made.
Names of Places in England and Wales ivill be found under the respective Counties.
Places in Scotland and Ireland, under Scotland and Ireland. Under the names of
the Continents of Africa and America are grouped works on the Countries and Cities
contained therein.
ABBEYS : Aitkcn, Bonnej-, Corroj'er, Guillaume
(P.), Saint-Trond. See ' Cartularies,' ' Monas-
teries,' and the names of the respective phices.
Life : Aba^lard, Berington, Deutsch, Guizot,
ABIPONES. Sec ' Paraguay.'
HisToiiY : Alvarez, Lacroze, Ludolphus, Piatt,
Eaffray, Russell, Universal Hist. (Mod.) 12.
Te.wels and Descriptions: Baker, Beke, Blan-
ford, Brown, Bruce, Combes, Dufton, Gobat,
Halls, Haly, Henty, Henglin, Hozier, Isen-
berg and Krapf, Johnstone, Lejean, Lobo,
Markham, Mayo, Parkyns, Peacock, Pinker-
ton 15, Plowdcn, Eassam, Eochet de Heri-
court, Eohlfs, Eussel (Cte.) 1884, Salt, Secken-
dorff, Stanley, Stern, Valentia, Wilkins, Win-
Btanley (1881). Sec ' Ethiopia,' ' Nubia.'
ACADEMIES. See ' Societies (Learned).'
ACADEMY. See ' Philosophy.'
ACCOUNTS : Cory, Eoose. See ' Bookkeeping.'
ACOUSTICS : Airy, Buchanan (in Encyc. Brit. 2),
Gavarret, Helmholtz, Herschel (in Encyc.
Met. 4), Tyndall, Webster. See ' Sound.'
ACTING (ART OF) : Garcia, Hill (A.), Lewes.
ACTORS. /See 'Drama.'
ADMIRALTY : Black Book, Herschell, Pari. Re-
Reports ; Robinson.
Description : Collier (M.), Paton, Strangford,
Wilkinson, Wingfield.
ADVERTISING : Clay (A.), Publicity, Sampson.
AEGEAN SEA : Fitz-Patrick (1887).
Gay-Lussac, Glaisher, Hartwig, La Landallc,
May, Patents, Tissandier, Turner.
ESTHETICS : Alison, Allan, Allen, Beaumont,
Bucke, Burke, Campori, Carriure, Condamin,
Cousin, Crane, D'Alembert, Day, Diderot,
Ellis, Engel, Fcchncr, Fcrgusson (James),
Forster (G.), Gilpin, Gioberti, (irindon. Hay,
Hegel 10, Hogarth, Holmes-Forbes, Hum-
boldt (W.), Hutcheson, Jacobs (F.), Kant,
Kuight, Lauder, Laurens, Lee (V.), Lessing,
Lloyd (W. W.), Longinus, Lotze, Liibke,
Macvicar, Milsand, Mollin, Mundt, Palgrave,
Parry (T. G.), Price, Proudhon, Purton, Ram-
say, Eichter 18, 19, Ritter, Rio, Ruskin,
Schiller, Schlcgel (A. W.), Schlcgcl (F.),
Schleicrmacher 7, Selkirk, Slack, Symonds,
Taine, Taste, Usher, Vuron, Waagen, Wil-
kinson, Winckelmann.
Sec ' Architecture,' 'Art,' 'Criticism,' 'Music,'
' Ornaments,' ' Painting,' ' Picturesque.'
History : AlUbi, Bellew, Clodius, Dorn, Elphin-
stone. Eyre, Ferrier, Fisher (F. PL), Hamilton,
Harlan, State Papers, Wilson.
Travels and Descriptions : Adye, Allen, At-
kinson, Burncs, Campbell (J.), ConoUy.Dennie,
Elphinstone, Ferrier, Fry, Greenwood, Hough,
Lansdell (188o), Le Mesurier, MacGrcgor,
Marsh (H. C), Masson, Mohan Lai, Moor-
croft, O'Donovan (1883-4), Outram, Prinsep,
Robertson (C. G.), Sale, Shamhaniat Ali,
Stacy, Sterndale, Taylor, Vignc, Walker (P. F.)
1880, Wood.
See ' Military History.'
Boundary Commission : Yatc (A. C).
Political Question of : Argyll, Bellew, Colqu-
houn, Malleson, Marvin, Rodenbough.
Language : Raverty.
War, 1842 : Eyre, Kaye. 1879-80 : Duke (J.),
History: Boissier, Cardonne, Hccren, Johnston
(K.), Leo, Martin, MasLatrie, Osorio, Univers.
Hist. (Ancient, 15-10; Modern, 11-15).
Geograpuy : Banning, Bowdich, Edrisius,
Macqucen, IWclus, Ritter. See ' Geography.'
Languages: Bleck, Cust (R. N.), Lepsius, Steerc.
Travels and Descriptions : Abu-Taleb-Klian,
African Association, African Coloniser, Alby,
Ali-Bey, Angelo, Astley 1, Baker, Barbosa,
Benjamin, Beecham.Boteler, Browne (W. G.),
Cameron, Conder 20-22, Cooley, Davidson
(1839), Denham, Du Val (1882), Ellis (A. B.),
Elton, Evliya, Froger, Grant, Hakluyt 2, 3,
Johnston (K.), Journal (1702), Le Blanc,
Lenz (1884), Livingstone, Macbriar, Marmol,
Merolla, Moore, Murray (H.) 1818, Noel,
Owen, Park, Phillip, Pinkerton 15, IG, Pinto
(1881), Purchas 1, 2, Rae (E.), Ramusio 1,
Sauguier, Selous (1880), Smith (A. C), South-
worth, Stanley, Thevenot, Thunberg, Wadclell,
Weber (E.), Young (E. D.).
North : Barth, Beechey, Denham, Haclj, Hamil-
ton, Hodgson, Hoskins, Lyon, Mayo, Meugens.
Ruined Cities : Davis.
Desert of Sahara : Daumas, Desor, Du Couret,
Fromeiitier, Largeau, Lubomirski, Mackenzie
(D.), Richardson, St. John, Tristram. Sec
'Algeria,' ' Barbary,' 'Egypt,' 'Morocco.'
Tunis : Dumergue (1883), Giffard (P.), Lanes-
san (1887), Playfair,
Western and Central : Astley 2, 3, Alexander,
Baines, Baker (Sir S. W.), Barth, Bowdich,
Buchholtz (1884), Burton, Capello, Clapper-
ton, Du Chaillu, Duncan, Faulkner, Gordon
(1879), Grant, Gray, Hewett, Horton, Hutch-
inson, Kerr (W. M.), Laing, Lander, Lanoye,
Livingstone, Long (Col. C), Marche, Matthews,
Mollien, Monteird, Paddock, Petherick, Poole,
Reade, Schwarz (1886), Speke, Stanley, Valdez,
Vogel, Younge.
Eqziatorial: Du Chaillu, Livingstone, Patagos
(1885), Schweinfurth.
Ahcokuta : Burton.
Angola : Bowdich.
Ascension : Gill (Mrs.).
Ashanteo : Beecham, Bowdich, Dupuis, Free-
man (T. B,), Hutton.
War in : Boyle, Brackenbury, Hay, Henty,
Reade, Stanley. See ' Military History.'
Atlas, the Great : Hooker.
Bulama : Beaver, Huntley.
Congo, etc. : Cavazzi, Churchill 1, Cordeiro,
Johnston (1884), Labat, Lopez, Mayo, Pin-
kerton 16, Stanley (H. M.), Tuckey.
Dahomey: Burton, Dalzel, Forbes, Freeman
(T. B.), Hutchinson, Norris.
Darfur : Browne, Pallme.
Eastern and Central : Buchanan (J.), De Cosson
(1879), Pringle (1884).
Fezsan : Horueman.
Gold Coast : Burton (F, W.).
Gold Regions : Baines.
Guinea : Atkins, Azurara, Barbot, Beecham,
Bosman, Cruickshank, Labat, Moresby, Smith
(W.), Sonnerat, Koler.
Kalahari Desert : Farini, Gillmore (P.).
Khartoum, Siege of : Power (F.), Wilson (C. W.).
Kilima-njaro : Johnston (H. H.), 1886.
Kordofan : Pallme.
Lakes : Thomson (J.) 1881.
Masai Land : Thomson (J.) 1885.
Senegal: Adamson, Mitchinson (1881).
Sennaar: Caillaud.
Sierra Leone : Pari. Report 228, Rankin, Sierra,
Soudan: Ensor (1881),Lyon, Petherick, Speedy
(1884), Strang*
Tanganyika (1886) : Hore (A. B.).
Timbuctoo: Adams, Caill6, Riley, Shabeeny.
See also 'Niger (river),' ' Ethiopia.'
South: Anderson, Backhouse, Barker (Lady),
Barrow, Bisset, Brown (J. C), Burchell,
Campbell, Casalis, Chapman, Cole, Cumming,
Cunynghame, Dixie (1882), Drayson, Fenn,
Freeman, Fritsch, Froude, Galton, Gardiner,
Gillmore (1878), Greswell (W.), Hamilton,
Hobson (1883), Latrobe, Leyland, Lichten-
stein. Little, Lucas (T. L.), Mackenzie, Mason,
Meugens, Methuen, Moffat, Mohr, Napier,
Pari. Reports, Paterson, Pringle, SchrumpI
(1857), Silver, Stathara (F. R.), Thomas
Thompson, Trollope (A.), Vaillant, Ward.
Algoa Bay : Chase.
Boers : Mann, Sandeman.
Cai^a of Good Hope : Arbousset, Aubertin
(1886), Baldwin, Ballantyne, Barrow, Bird,
Boyle, Bunbury, Chase, Cole, Kolben (1731),
Labat, Napier, Nicholson, Pari. Reports 18,
Pinkerton 16, Ten Rhyne, Yalentyn.
Natal: Aubertin (1886), Barter, Brooks (H.),
Callaway, Feildeu (1852), Gillmore (P.), Ker-
mode, Lakeman, Mann, Peace, Shooter,
Kaffraria : Cole, McLean, Gates (1881), Streat-
Zulus ; Ashe, Colenso (F. E.), Farrer, Haggard,
Leslie (D.), Lucas (T. L.), Mann, Norris-
Newman (1879), Tracts (Zulus), Vign, Wil-
kinson (1882).
Transvaal : Atcherley, Aylward (1878), Bel-
lairs (Lady), Gillmore (P.),Heckford, Hutchin-
son (Mrs.), Newman (1880), Nixon (J.), Roche
(H. A.), Tomasson.
Eastern : Astley 3, Barbosa, Burton, Caillaud,
Cruise of the Gorgon, Decken, Frere, Krapf,
McLeod, Stanley, Sulivan, Werne.
Comoro Islands : Gevrey.
East Central : Buchanan (J.).
Portuguese Settlements : Barbot, Bowdich.
South Eastern : Baines.
See ' Abyssinia,' ' Bedouin Tribes,' ' Egypt,'
' Nubia.'
Dutch Republics: Chesson (F. M.).
Slavery and Slave Teade : Cooper (J.).
Races op Man : Spencer (H.).
Church of South Africa : Tracts (Africa).
AGINCOURT, Battle of : Hunter, Nicolas.
AGNOSTICISM: Agnostic's Progress, Bithell,
Cairns, Christiieb, Momerie.
History and Treatises : Agrarise Rei Auct.,
Agric. Soc. Journal, Agric. Surveys, Barclay,
Blacker, Bland, Beever, British Husbandry,
Buckman, Burn, Cobden Club Essays (1870),
Dairy, Darwin, Davis, Dixon, Encyc. Brit. 2,
Farmers' Friend, Geoponica, Hoskyns,
Howard, Hunter, Husbandry (Ancient), John-
son (S. W.), Lawson (W.), Library, Loudon,
Low, Lowe, Mechi, Miles, Morton, Palladius,
Pare, Paris Exposition, Paris Congres, Parlia-
ment, Patents, Peard, Petzholdt, Rham,
Rogers, Roland, Russell (Encyc. Metr. 6),
Rusticse Rei Script., Sidney, Somerville,
Stephens, Stewart (H.), Talpa, Tanner, Tracts
(Brassey), Tracts 21, 29, 42, Tull, Tusser,
Varro, Waring, Wilson (J.), Young.
Application of Science to : Anderson (in Encyc.
Brit. 2), Bagot, Boussingault, Davy, Donald-
son, Johnston, Liebig, Lloyd (F. J.), Morton,
Noad, Orbigny, Scoffern, Solly, Whitehead (C).
Biography of : Donaldson.
Grasses : Sinclair, Sutton.
Wheat Growing : Lawes and Gilbert.
Implements and Engineering : Andrew, Thomas,
Tull, Wilson.
Labour in: Clayden (A.), Clifford (F.), Pari.
Reports, Thornton.
English : Agricultural Surveys, Caird, Jefferies,
Long (J.), Marshall (W.), Pamphleteer, Rogers
(J. E. T.), Tracts (Agricultural), Walks,
Young. See ' Young's Reports ' under several
Yorkshire in 1641 : Best.
Irish, Co-operative: Craig (E. T.), Fraser (R.),
Scotch : Agricultural Surveys, Scotland, Somer-
villc (E.).
Of Babylonians : Clnvolson, Ecnan.
Of Bclgiinn and Holland : Burn, Lavelcye.
Chinese : i'ortuno, Hervey.
European : Colman.
French : Lavergne, Mourier, Richardson (G. G.),
Gerinan: Banfield, Burn, Germany, Lengerke.
Indian : Grecnaway, Pogson.
Of Italy : Chateauvicux, Cialli.
Tropical : Haldanc, Simmonds.
Of the United States : Barclay, Caird, Dun,
At the Cape : Schreiner.
See ' Cattle,' 'Economy (Eural),'
AIE : Davy, Forster, Hartley, Hartwig, Hopkins,
Howard, Macdonald (J. D.), Preston, Priestley,
Eobertson, Smith (E. A.), Tyndall. See
' Aeronautic Observations,' ' Meteorology.'
Travels and Descriptions : Broughton, Daven-
port (Life of Ali Pasha), Gopcevic, Hahn,
Holland, Hughes, Lear, Pouqueville, Strang-
ford, Wingfield.
(Sir Th.).
Ancestry of: French (G. E.), Taylor (E. S.).
ALBIGENSES: Allix, Faber, Fauriel, Gilly,
Hahn, Maitland, Perrin, Pay Laurens, Eoger,
Schmidt, Vaulx-Cernay. See ' Waldenses.'
ALCHEMY. See ' Sciences (Middle Ages).'
ALCOHOL: Magnan, Miller (J.), Non-Alcoholic,
Eichardson (B. W.).
ALDINE PEESS : Eenouard. See 'Bibliography,'
' Typography.'
ALEPPO : Maundrell, Eussell.
ALEXANDEE THE GEEAT : Alexandri Scrip-
tores, Boulanger, De Vere, Droysen, Flathe,
Gillies, Grote, La Gravi^re, Mahalfy, Mitford,
Plutarch, Quiutus Curtius, Eollin, Saiute-
Crois, Thirlwall, Univer. Hist. Anc. 7, Wil-
Indian Expedition : Arrianus, Ncarchus, Eamu-
sio 1, Vincent.
Dahne, Frankel, Kingsley, Matter, Neale,
Eitschl, Sharpe, Simon, Vacherot. Sec
' Philosophy.'
ALG^ : Gosse, Harvey (W. H.), Hervey (A. B.),
ALGEBEA : Bossut, Chrystal, Darley, De Morgan,
Lacrois, Libri, Montucla, Playfair, Salmon,
Serret, Street, Tracts (Ellis).
Eastern : Colebrooke, Mohammed.
See ' Mathematics.'
History : Barbier, Boissiere, Edwards, Eufantin,
Morgan, Nettement.
Travels and Descriptions : Alby, Arvieux,
Bauds, Blakesley, Castellane, Cave, Clama-
geran, Cooke, Cox, Crawford, Daumas, Davies,
Evans, Fabre-Massias (1818), Gerard, Gordon,
Jacquot, Kennedy, Knight, Knox (1881),
Lamping, Lilliehook, Lord, Marguerite, Pope,
Rogers, Sainte-Marie (1845), Salam6, Scott,
Seguin, Tchihatchefif (ISaO), Trummelet,
War aoain'st the Cahyles : Borrer, Walmsley.
ALKALIS : Eichardson (T.). See ' Chemistry.'
ALMANACS : Almanach, Amcriea, Bond, British
Almanac, Cruiksliank, Do Morgan, Forster,
Genealogisclier Almanach, Oliver and Boyd,
Eoyal Kalendar, Whitaker. See ' Calendar.'
ALPHABETS: Key, Langlis, Lepsius, Taylor
(Is.). See 'Language.'
Travjcls and Descriptions : Alpine, Bakcwell,
Ball, Bcaumelle, Beaumont,Berlepsch, Bouney,
Burnaby (Mrs.), Busingcr, Callow, Checver,
Cottages, Dent (C), Forbes, Freshfield, Gilly,
Giollredo, Girdlestone, Grohman, Headly,
Hinchlilf, Hugi, Jones (Harry), Kolil, Lady's
Tour, Law, Malleson (1884), Manning (Mrs.),
Maritime, Morf, Paterson (M.), Peaks, Eam-
bert, Saussure, Schaubacli, Schlagintweit,
Schwab, Stephen, Talfourd, Topller, Tschudi,
Tyndall, Whymper, Wills, Wilson (H. S.).
Guides : Baedeker.
Mont Blanc : Ascent, Auldjo, Cheever, D'Arve,
Hudson, Parlatore, Pinkerton 4, Saussure,
Smith (Albert), Trench, Viollet-le-Duc.
Pennine : Callow, Forbes, King.
Hannibal's Passage of : Cramer, Ellis, Law,
Whitaker, Wickham.
Eepl.anting of : Brown (J. C).
See ' Italy,' ' Switzerland.'
ALSACE : About, Auerbach, Engelhard, Schcop-
flinus, Shooting, Woltmann, Zeillcr 2. Scc
' Military History ' (1870).
AMAZON, The Eiver: Bates, Browne (C. B.),
Davies, Edwards (W. H.), Plernden, Keller (F.),
Markham, Mathews (E. D.), Wallace.
Amazon Valley : Vosmaer, ^^'ickham.
History of : Guyon, Nagcl.
AMBASSADORS: Smith (G. B.). See 'Diplo-
AMEEICA, North :
History and Discovery: America, Amerigo,
Arber, Bancroft, Bartlett (W. H.), Beamish,
Beechor, Blackett, Botarini, Burke, Churchill
2, 5, Columbus, Cooper, Doyle (J. A.), Ellicc,
Gilman (A.), Hakluyt 3, Harleian Voy. 2,
Harris 2, Helps, Hennepin, Herrera, Holmes,
Hotten, Hudson (T. S.) 1882, Irving, Kohl,
Macgregor, Mackenzie (E.), Martyr (P.),
Munoz, Murray, Noailles, Pinkerton 12, 13,
Prescott, Preston (H. W.), Purchas 3, 4, Eafn,
Eambles, Eamusio 1, 3, Eaynal, Eicli, Robert-
son, Talvi, Universal Hist. 14, 15, Vining,
Origin of the Inhahitants and Hist, of the
Indians: Abbott (C. C), Adair, America,
Baldwin, Bancroft (H. H.), Braiuerd's Life,
Briuton, Buchanan, Bury, Cartier, Catlin,
Colden, Drake, Dunn, Engel, Garcia, Halkett,
Hunter (J. D.), James (Narr. of Tanner),
Jones (C. C), Kane, Lafitau, Laws 1633-
1831, Loskiel, Potheric, Schoolcraft, Smith-
sonian Misc., Spencer (H.), Squier and Davis
in Smithson. Contr. 1.
Census (1880) : Porter (R. P.).
Early Settlers : Savage (J.).
Geography : Alcedo, America, Barber, Colton'a
Atlas, Flint, Long, Report, Smithsonian.
Geology and Minehalogy : America, Canada
(Geol. Survey), Catlin, Cox, Darwin, Daubeny,
King, Logan, Lyell, Safford, Smithsonian.
See 'Geology.'
Zoology, etc. : America, Smithsonian.
Indl\n Legends : Matthews (C).
Languages : America, Smithsonian.
Travels and Desceiptions : Across, America,
Anburey, Baird, Barneby (1884), Beltram,
Beste, Biart, Boddam - Whetham, Brad-
shaw, Bremer, Burnaby, Butler, Carver,
Castle, Chastellux, Chateaubriand, Chevalier,
Churchill 1, Conder, Dixon, Dodge, Do-
menech, Dunraven, Frobel, Gillmore (P.),
Hall, Hamilton, Hardy (1881), Hatton (J.)
1884, Hayden (F. V.), Head, Holyoake, John-
ston, Julius, Kalm, King (E.),,Kittlitz (1858),
Lahontan, Lanman, Lettres Edifiantes, Lyell,
Mackenzie, Marryatt (F.) 1886, Marshall (W.
G.) 1881, Maw (1829), Meares, Milton (Lord),
Payne (E.), Pike, Price (E. L.), Rains, Simp-
son, Sullivan, West.
British Columbia and Hudson's Bay Terri-
tory : Barrett-Lennard, Coates, Cornwallis,
Dobbs, Hazlitt, Hind, Lord, Macdonald, Mac-
kenzie, Mayne, Pari. Reports 258, Pemberton,
Eae, Rattray, Robinson (H. M.), Silver (1880),
Simpson, St. John (M.),Umfreville, Vancouver.
Manitoba : Hall (1884), Rae (1881).
Saskatchewan : Butler, Southesk.
History : Bryce, Dufferin, Henty, Hawkins
(1834), Kirk, Logan, Macmullen, Marshall,
Metcalfe, Parkman, Potherie, Quebec, Rae
(W. F.), Reveillaud, St. Lawrence, Smith (W.),
Emigration : Ritchie.
Wars, 1755-1814 : Bonnechose, Carmichael-
Smyth, Knox (1769), 'Remembrancer.'
Rebellion, 1838-39 : Canada, Durham, Head,
Tracts 103, 111, 114.
Bebellion, 1870 : Huyshe, King (J.).
Travels and Descriptions: Abbot, Adams, Alex-
ander, Ballantyne, Bigsby, Boilieu, Bonny-
castle, Bouchette, Buchanan, Canada, Carter,
Cartwright, Cavendish, Chappell, Charlevoix,
Conder 23-24, Copleston, Davin, Duncan,
Durham, Fitzgerald, Fleming (1884), Hall,
Hardy, Harleian Voy. 2, Harris 2, Hind,
Howison, Hunter (F. M.), Jameson, Kingston,
Lanman, Levinge, Lome (1884), Macgregor,
Mackay, Maclear, Mactaggart, Marryat, Mar-
tin, Molinari, Moodie, Moorson, Murray,
Noble, Pari. Reports 17, Pinkerton 13, Pur-
chas 4, Quebec, Ramusio 2, Ranken, Rowan,
Russell, Talbot, Tangye (1883), Tremenheere,
United States, Walker, Warburton, Weld,
The Lakes : Graham.
Prince Edward Island : Campbell (D.).
Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Vermont, etc. :
Brown, Dawson, Hall, Halliburton, Memorials.
United States.
History: America, Bancroft, Barber, Baron,
Bigelow, Botta, Bryant, Burley, Cartier, Chal-
mers, Chambers, Cheever, Cooper, Debates,
Elliot, Force, Franklin, Freneau, Frost, Gor-
don, Grahame, Guizot, Hale, Higginson, Hil-
dreth, Howitt, Hutchinson (Gov.), Jones (E.
E.), Leeds, Ludlow, Mahon's England 6, 7,
Mellen, Moore, Morris, Neill, Palfrey, Ramsay,
Eaumer, Shaffner, Sparks, Stedm'an, Story,
Tracts, Warden, Washington, Young. See
* Military History.'
State Papers and Correspondence : America,
American, United States, Washington.
Boundary Questions : Falconer, Twiss.
Constitution, Government, Laws, etc.; Adams,
America, Bacourt, Balme, Bemis, Blaine,
Breton, Browne (W. H.), Calhoun, Chittenden,
Cox, Craven, Curtis, Debates, Drajjer, Elliot,
Fisher, Hoist, Lockwood, Mably 8, Probyn,
Eawlings, Eeemelin, Sterne, Story, Tocque-
ville, Tremenheere, Vermont, Yate.
Ecclesiastical History : Baird, Caswall, Mac-
Vicar, Mather, Neal, Palfrey, Patterson (H.
G.), Recent, Reed and Mattheson, Wilberforce,
The Secession and Civil War : Adams (J.),
Balme, Battle-fields, Beecher, Bernard,
Cairnes, Chesney, Chotteau, Dabney, Daniels,
Davis, Dicey, Draper, Ellison, Fletcher, Fre-
mantle, Gasparin, Helper, Howland, Kenna-
way, Kennedy, Kirke, Lawrence, Lostuan,
Ludlow, Macpherson, Mahan, Massie, Moore,
Nichols, North, Paris (Comte de), Peard,
Pittenger, Poore, Porter (Admiral), Put-
nam, Roberts, Russell, Sala, Schouler, Scott,
Semmes, Shaffner, Somers, Spence, Stanton,
Stevenson, Taylor (Rd.), 'Three Years,'
Tracts, Williams.
Alabama Claims : Alabama, Bemis, Naville, Pari.
Reports, Russell, Semmes, Tracts (Sumner).
Slavery and the Slave States : Beaumont,
Buckingham, Carey (H. C), Cartier, Feather-
stonhaugh, Fremantle, Hall, Helper, Kemble
(F. A.), Murray, Olmsted, Sterling, Williams
(G. W.), Woolman. See ' Slavery.'
Antiq^uities : Pidgeon, Rau, Smithsonian Con-
Charities : America, Pennsylvania.
Geological S'urvcys : America.
Statistics : America, Ballard, Barnard, Browne,
Chittenden, Congress (Reports to), De Bow,
Iowa, Land Office, Maguire, Norton, Ohio,
Peto, Peyton, Spofford, Stille, Wells.
Commerce, Finance, Population, Eesources, etc. :
America, Barclay, Bigelow, BoUer, Census,
Chasles, Colton, Dun, Kennedy, Kottenkamp,
Loring, Pitkin, Smithsonian Contrib., Tucker,
United States, Volney, Warden, Wyckoff.
Canals, Ports, and Piailroads : America (Coast
Surveys), Hadley, New York, Poor, Tanner.
Colleges : Bush (G. G.), Everett, Harvard, New
York, Quincy, Student-Life.
Education : America, Tracts (America).
Navy (1812) : Roosevelt.
Nornums, Descendants of: Norman.
Prisons : Beaumont, Crawfurd.
Sanitary Commission, 1886 : America.
Society in: Day (S. P.), Martiueau (H.), Simo-
nin (L.), Trollope (Mrs.).
The Molly Maguires : Dewees.
Travels and Descriptions : Abdy, America,
Ampere, Appleton, Baird, Barber, Barclay,
Baxter, Bell, Beltram, Borrett, Brackenridge,
Brissot, Bromley, Buckingham, Bury, Butler,
Butterworth (1884), Campbell (Sir G.), Cas-
wall, Chambers, Cobbett, Combe, Comet-
tant, Conder 23-24, Cunyngham, Curtis,
Davis, Dickens, Dixon, Duncan (J. M.),
Dwight, Englishwoman, Faithful, Fearon,
Freeman (E. A.), Frobel, Gass, Gerund, Gill-
more, Godley, Grattan, Greenhow, Hall,
Halliburton, Hawthorne, How, Howitt, Jan-
son, Keating, Laboulaye, Lanman, Latham,
Laurens, Leclercq, Lewis and Clarke, Lord,
Lome, Ludlow, Lyell, Macgregor, Mackay,
Mackinnon, Malet, Marcoy, Marmier, Mar-
ryat, Maxwell, Michaux, Mitchell, Molinari,
Montagu, Murray, Nichols, Olmsted, Peyton,
Pisani, Power, Pulszky, Pumpelly, Purchas
4, Rains, Eambles, Eeid, Eobinson (P.) 1883,
Rochefoucald, Rough Notes, Rubio, Russell
(W. H.) 18G3, Saunders (W.), Scholo. Sigour-
ney, Skinner, Taylor (J. G.), Thayer, Thoreau,
Tissandier, Tocqueville, Trollope (A.), United
States, Vivian (A. P.), Vivian (H. H.), Weld,
Whitbourne, White, Wortley, Wyse, Zincke.
Alabama : Gosse, Tracts (America).
Arizona and New M'XiVo ; Cozzens.
Arkansas : Gladstone, Robinson.
Alaska: Dall, Edwards (II. W.), Elliott (1885),
Scidmore, Wiiymper.
California: 15ell, Brooks, Bryant, Chappii
d'Auteroche, Coke, Combier, Cone (1870),
Coulter, Cronise, Dullot, Dumas, Emory,
Ferry, Eisher (W. M.), Fremont, CJerstaecker,
Greenhow, Ilakluyt 1, Helms (181'.)), Hittel,
Hoppe. Hutchings, Kelly, Life, Mackay, Ryan,
Seyd, Shaw, Soule, Taylor, Wise.
Carolina : Bartram, Carolina, Fisher, Ramsay.
Dakota: Custer (E. B.) 1882.
Florida : Bartram, Brinton, Cabe(,'a de Vaca,
Florida, Forbes, Force's Tracts, (iarcilasso.
Hardy (J. D.) 188(), Henshall (1881), Irving,
Soto, Townscnd, Tracts l-ll.
Indiana : Cox.
Kaiisas : Aldvidge (1884), Gladstone (T. H.)
1857, Robertson.
Kentucky : Collins.
Louisiana : Barbe-Marbois, Baudry, Bossu,
Cable (J. W.), Huyshe, Lepage.
Massachusetts : Hutchinson, Massachusetts,
Sohouler, Tracts 202, Warner.
Zoology : Agassiz.
Mississippi River and Valley: Bishop, Brad-
ford, Falconer, Flint, Mollhausen, Newberry,
Missouri River: Brackenridge, Gass, Hall,
Lewis, Reavis.
Nebraska : Curley.
New York : America, Morgan, New York.
Niagara : Holley (G. W.).
Oregon Territory : Barrows, Cox, Dufiot, Dunn,
Fremont, Greenhow, Milton, Nash, Nicolay,
Pari. Reports 310, Ross, Selkirk, Twiss.
Ohio River : Bishop.
Pennsylvania: Cotton, Dixon, Gait, Macaulay,
Penn (Life of), Pennsylvania, Proud.
Rocky Mountains : Bird, Fremont, Grohman
(1882), James, Lewis, Richardson, Ruxton,
Southesk (1800), Townsend.
St. Peter's River: Featherstonhaugh, Kcatings,
Tennessee : .Jones (Jos.), Kirke, Safford.
Rtuiby : Hughes (T.).
Texas : Domcnech, Hughes (T.), Kennedy,
Kendall, Maillard, McCook, Olmsted, Roemer,
Sweet (1884).
Utah : Bell, Burton, Dixon, Rcmy and Brench-
ley, Stenhouse.
Vermont : Allen.
Virginia : Hakluyt .3, Humphreys (1804), .Jeffer-
son, Norwood, Purchas 4, Smith (Capt. John),
Soto, Strachey.
Wisconsin : Featherstonhaugh.
Wyoming : Peck.
See 'Agriculture,' 'Biography (American),' etc.
AMERICA, Central:
History of Ai?okigines, Discovery, ktc. : Aglio,
Bates (II. W.), Charnay, Costa Rica, Helps,
Herrera, Humboldt, Irving, Mexique, Navar-
rete Docum. 1-4, I'rcscott, Robertson 0-8,
Torquemada, Wagner.
Travels and Descriptions: Bidwell, Byani,
Condor 25, 20, Dunlop, Geiger, Gospel,
Hakluyt ii, Humboldt, Labat, Merclet,
Oexmelin, Purchas 4, Ramusio 3, Sanborn
(1880), Scherzer, Sealsficld, Squicr, Stephens,
Ternaux-Compans, Valois, Whetliam.
Geography : Humboldt.
PoRTuouESE Colonies: Coutinho, Rocha-Pitta.
Travels and Descriptions : Brasseur do Bour-
bourg, Conder, Obert, Stoll, Valois.
Honduras (Biutish) : Morris (I).).
Spanish: Soltera (1884).
NxcARAOUA : Bolt, Costa Rica, Oviedo, Squier.
See ' Caribbees,' ' Darien,' 'Mexico,' 'West
AMERICA, South :
History : Deberle.
VoYAOEs AND TuAVELS : Andrcws, Azara, Ball
(1887), ]5eck, Bernard, Brackenridge, Bur-
meister, Byam, Condamine, Coulter, Cunning-
ham, Dabadie, Darwin (Voy. of Beagle),
Depons, Eastwick, Eitzroy (Voy. of Beagle),
Gallenga, Guinnard, Head, Heljis, HinchlilT,
Humboldt, King, Knight (1884), McCann, Mar-
quette, Muline, Paez, I'ascual, Procter, Rau-
nier, Rol)ortson, Roljinson, Smyth, Stade,
Stewart, Sullivan, Thomson, Tschudi, Ulloa,
Waterton, Watson (U. G.), Wickham.
Antiquities : Bates, Bollaert, Inwards (A..).
Andes : Crawford (1884).
Madeira River : Keller (F.).
P.uiPAS AND Patagonia : Daireaux.
Colonization of: Mulhall, Parkman.
See ' Amazon,' ' Brazil,' ' Buenos Ayros,' ' Chili,'
' Ecuador,' ' Guiana,' ' I'araguay,' ' Peru,'
' Plata.'
AMMERGAU (Passion Plav) : Jackson (J. P.),
Maccoll (M.).
AMOOR, The : Atkinson, Collins, Ravenstein
Tillcy, Tracts 80, 202. Sec 'Siberia.'
AMSTERDAM : Amsterdam, Havard, Wagenhaar.
Addison, Alnion, Ana, Apophthegmes, Arli-
quiniana, Bacon, Banquet of Wit, Bentha-
miana, Boileau, Bons Mots, Book of An.,
Brookiana, Bucke, Carpcntariana, Casau-
boniana, Chamfort, Chesterfield, Chcvra-ana,
Coleridge, Coxe, Dictionnaire, Ducatiana,
Dutens, Elite, Encyclopedic, Fosteriana,
Foundling, Fuller, Hood (E. P.), Huetiana,
Hunt, Irvingiana, Jacob, Joubert, Longuer-
iana, Macrobius, Matanasiana, Mathews,
Menagiana, Montolieu, Moore, Naudieana,
Nuits .\nglaises, Parrhasiana, Pascal, Patin,
I'atiniana, Percy, Pitaval, Poggiana, Pyne,
Reynardson, Russell (W. C), St. Evremon-
iana, Santoliana. Scaligeriana, Seblcn. Sevig-
niana, Seward, Sorberiana, Tell-tale, Thorns,
Timbs, Valesiana, Vasconiana, Voltariana,
Russian : Lamarche.
Scottish : Chambers, Ramsay (E. B.).
ANABAPTISTS. Sec ' Church (Sects).'
ANAGRA:\IS : Wheatley.
Blow Pipe : Landauer, Ross (W. A.).
Grammatical : Thring.
MATHE^r.vTIC^L : Abel, Bertrand, Carnot, Cayk>y,
Gauss, Hcrschell, Jacobi, Sylvester, Tod-
hunter. Sec ' Algebra,' ' Calculus,' ' Quater-
Ti'.K.vriSEs : Bichat, Blunlcll, Carpenter, Good-
sir, Gray (II.), Hcusj I live in, Humpluy,
Hunter, Huxley, Lovett, Marshall (J.), Owen,
Todd, Vesalius. See ' Osteology,' ' Physiology,'
♦ Surgery.'
Comparative : Gegenbauer, Huxley, Nuhn.
Artistic : Duval, Fau, Schadow, Warren.
Fossil Bones : Cuvier, Owen.
Dental : Tomes.
DicTioNAEY : Palmer (S.).
ANDRE, St., Abbey of : Delepierre.
ANGELS : Dionyslus Areop., Eeynaud, Sweden-
borg, Whately.
ANGLICAN SCHISM: Catharine d'Aragon,
ANGLING : Amateur, Anglers' Evenings, Arber's
Garner, Berners, Book of Pike, Browne, Col-
quhoun, Conway, Da vies (G. C), Davy,
Dennys, Fly-fishing, Francis, Halford (F. M.),
Herbert, Isys, Keene, Knox, Lanman,
Mackenzie, Moffat, Newland, O'Gorman,
Oi^pianus, Penn, Pennell, Eoscoe (E. S.),
Scrope, Senior (W.), Simeon, Stoddart,
Theakston, Walton, Webster, Wilcockes,
Wilson, Wright.
Sea Fishing : Holdsworth, Shooting, Young.
Literature : Lambert.
ANGLO-SAXON. See 'Language,' 'Literature
ANIMALS, RIGHTS OF. See ' Vivisection.'
Animal Society, etc. : Espinas, Pertz (M.).
Anecdotes : Page.
Life of: Holder (C. F.), Morwood, Semper,
Tomson (J.), Toussenel, Wood (J. G.).
Domestic : Miher (0. T.),
Geographical Distribution of : Heilpin.
Migration : Hehn.
ANJOU : Bourdigne, Bujeaud, Michel, Norgate.
ANNELIDS (British) : Mcintosh.
Inwood, Jones, Price, Willich. See ' Assur-
ance,' ' Life Tables.'
ANTARCTIC REGION : Cook, Hooker, Ross.
ANTHROPOLOGY : Anthropologic, Blumenbach,
Boudin, Broca, Clarke (H.), Cuvier, Haeckel,
Hartmann, Lawrence, Miiller, Pertz (M.),
Thurn, Topinard, Ujfalvy. See 'Ethnology,'
'Language,' ' Mankind,' ' Origin of Species.'
Prehistoric : Anthropologic, Heer, Keller, Lub-
Early Period : Akerman, Annales, Antonini,
Archffiologia, Avellino, Baumeister, Becker,
Bffickh, Boscovitch, Boulanger, Bulletins,
Burnouf , Cambry, Carro, Dictionary, Duncker,
Fol, France (Pubhc Instr.), Gell, Grajvius,
Gronovius, Hermann, Institute, Jacob, Jahn,
Kenrick, Knight, Maury, Merk, Meursius,
Miln, Montfaucon, Museum, Polenus, Ram-
say, Rangab^, Raoul-Rochette, Rossi, Sacchi,
Sallengre, Spence, Stuart, Stuckius, Varia,
Visconti, Wannowski, Welcker, Winckelmann,
Biblical : Biblical, Dictionary, Smith (W.).
Classical : Dictionary, Lange.
Medi;eval AND Northern : Archseologia, Bayeux,
BiUing, Biicherodius, Boucher, Chetham,
Delaunay, Edinburgh, EUesmere, Fabretti,
Fairholt, Fergusson, Fosbroke, France,
Gough, Ireland, Kemble, Maclauchan, Mallet,
Martigny, M6rim6e, Muratori, Normandie,
Northern, Notes and Queries, Otte, Petrie,
Picardie, Scotland, Ussing, Vetusta, Wales,
General : Antiquary, Archfeologia, Audrich,
Beroso, Chasles, France, Simpson (Sir J. G.),
Smithsonian Contrib., Vischer (W.).
Of Great Britain and Ireland.
See ' Great Britain (Antiquities),' ' Ireland,'
• Scotland,' ' Societies,' ' Wales.'
Catalogues of Collections : Blanc, Cicognara,
Smith, Walpole, Wilde.
Collections : Parliamentary Reports (Hist. MS.
See 'Barrows,' 'Dictionaries,' 'Folk-Lore,' 'In-
stitutions,' and the names of places.
6'ec'Art,' 'Coins,' 'Ecclesiastical Antiquities,'
' Inscriptions,' ' Monuments,' and the names
of Countries, Counties, Towns, etc.
ANTS : Huber, Lubbock, McCook. See ' Entomo-
APENNINES: Scott (L.).
APES (ANTHROPOID) : Hartmann (R.).
APHASIA: Ballet.
APHIDES (BRITISH) : Buckton. See ' Entomo-
APOLOGIES (for Christianity) Freppel, Hettinger
(Catholic), Justin Martyr, Pressens6, Tertul-
lian, Watson. Sec ' Christianity,' ' Fathers.*
APOSTLES, The: Cave, Whately. See 'Bible,'
' Church.'
Teaching of : Bruce, Bryennios.
APPARITIONS: Beaumont, Boismont, Burnet,
Cahagnet, Calmet, Collin, Crowe, Defoe, De
Morgan, Ferriar, Glanvill, Gurney (E.), Hib-
bert, Ingersoll, Ingram (J. H.), Lee (F, G.),
Lenglet, More, Owen, Oilier, Psychical Society,
Savile, Scott. See ' Magic,' ' Witchcraft.'
AQUARIUMS : Edwards, Sowerby, Ward.
History : Abulfarajius, Abulfeda, Caussin de
Perceval, Crichton, Gibbon (ch. 50-51),
Hamzfe Annales, Herbelot, Marigny, Price,
Eeiskius, Sale, Salil-ibn-Razik, Univers. Hist.
(Mod.) 1-3, Weil. See ' Mahomet.'
Travels and Descriptions: Baumgarten, Beke,
Boteler, Burckhardt, Burton (Mrs.), Carne,
Castlereagh, Conder 4, Daumas, Du Couret,
Fabrus, Hakluyt 2, Hassan, Keane (1881),
Laborde, Lane, Ludovic, Malzen, Myers
(A. B. R.), Niebuhr, Owen, Palgrave, Palmer,
Pinkerton 10, Purchas 2, Roque, Riippel,
Stephens, Wellsted.
Ararat : Bryce.
Bedouins: Blunt (Lady A.).
Idum^a: Colville (1884).
Mount Sinai : Beke, Bonar, Robinson, Stanley.
Medina and Mecca : Burton.
Arabic Art in Spain : Schack (A. F. G.).
Geography and Geology : Forster, Gumprecht,
Hull, Islam, Neubauer, Sprenger.
Sec ' Druzes,' ' Sicily,' ' Spain.'
ARAL (LAKE) : Wood (H.).
ARBORICULTURE : Ablett, Cobbett, Cruikshank,
Dietrichsen, Evelyn, Forbes, Fraser (H.),
Grigor, Grindon, Loudon, Mongredien, Eobin-
Bon (W.), Steuart. See 'Botany,' 'Economy
(Rural),' ' Forestry,' ' Gardening.'
AKCH^OLOGY. Sec ' Antiquities,' • Art.'
Peogbess of, in France ; France, Maury.
Neve, Raine, Ussher.
ARCHERY: Ascham, Daniel, Hansard (G. A.),
Hargrove, Strutt. Sec ' Military Art,' ' Sjjorts.'
ARCHIPELAGO (Eastern). Adams, St. John.
Dictionaries, Terms, etc. : Glossary, Gwilt,
Parker, Roland, Rosengarten, Viollet-Ie-Duc,
Weale, Willis.
History and General Treatisks : Architecture,
Art at Home Scries, Beckett, Bottari, Bury,
Cauniont, Durand, Encycloprcdia, Evelyn,
Fergusson, Freart, Freeman, Garbett, Gram-
mar, Hope, Jarves, Kinkol, Knight, Leeds,
Legrand, Lloyd, Moseley, Narjoux, Paulmy
31, 32, Petit, Ruskin, Scott, Smith (T. R.),
Taylor (G. li.), Unger, Viollet-le-Duc, Vitru-
vius, Wightwick, Wilkius, Zcrfii.
Greek and Roman : Aberdeen, Boutmy, Donald-
son, Falkener, Inwood, Laborde, Stuart and
Revett, Wilkins, Winckelmann, Wood.
Byzantine : Texier.
Egyptian : Kenrick, Lepsius.
Indlyn : Fergusson, Ram Raz.
Gothic and Medi.eval (Civil and Ecclesias-
tical) : Aldrich, Bloxam, Brown (G.B.), Cau-
mont, Chambers, Crosnier, Ecclesiastical,
Hawkins, Jackson, King, Lenoir, Liibke,
Moller, Paley, Parker, Petit, Pugin, Rickman,
Schlegel, Scott (Sir G. G.), Street, Viollet-le-
Duc, Whewell, Whittington, Willis.
In England : Barr, Britton, Clark (G. T.), Clarke
(C), Dallaway, Denison, Dugdale, Gwilt,
Gwynn, Hunnewell, Kerr, Le Keux, Markland,
Milner, Muir, Murray's Hdbk. of Cathedrals,
Poole, Pugin, Rickman, Robinson, Rose, Storer,
Turner, Twopenny, Vetusta Monumenta,
Waller, Wilkinson, Winkle. See 'England
(Ecclesiast. Antiq.).'
In Ireland : Dunraven, Petrie, Stokes (W.).
In Scotland : Billings, MacGibbon.
In France : Inkersley, Nesfield, Petit, Ram6e,
Stothard, Turner, Viollet-le-Duc, Whittington.
In Spain : Caveda, Murphy, Street.
In Italy : Nesfield, Okely, Ruskin, Sacchi,
Street, Willis.
In North-West Europe: Narjoux.
Rural and Domestic : Allen, Birch, Burn, Caw-
dor, Dobson, Edwards, Fletcher, Grammar,
Hughes, Kerr, Loudon, Richardson, Shaw
(R. W.), Stevenson (J. J.), Turner, Wheeler,
Wilkinson (Wm.).
Church: Architectural, Wood (A.).
School : Robson.
See ' Antiquities,' ' Art,' ' Building,' ' Cathe-
drals,' ' Military Art,' ' Navy.'
ARCHIVES. See Names of Countries and ' So-
Prob.ability of a N.W. Passage : Jcffcry.
Voyages in Search of, etc. : Acerbi, Ballan-
tyne, Barents, Beechey, Biddle, Blake (E. V.),
Broughton, Campen, Drage, Ellis, Fisher,
Gatonbe, Greely, Hakluyt 3, Hall, Harris,
Hartwig, Hayes, Hearne, Helhvald (1880),
Hudson, Innes, James, Kennedy (A. W.M.C.),
Kerguelen, King, Kingston, Koldewey, La-
ment, Lancaster (J.),Lillingston, Long, Lyon,
McCormick, MacGahan, Markham (A. H.),
Maupertuis, Meares, Murray, Nares, Norden-
skiold, Nourse, Parry, Payer, Pinkcrton 1, 12,
Purchas 3, Rao, Richardson, Ross, Rundell,
Scoresby, Sutherland, Tillotson, Tracts 177,
Tracts (Richards), Whympor, Wrangel.
Chronological History of Voyages: Barrow,
Burney, Forster.
L.VNI) Expeditions : Back, Franklin, Milton and
The Franklin Expedition, and Viiyaoes in
Search of Sir .Tohn Franklin : Arctic, Arm-
strong, ]3elcher. Bollot. Gilder, Ilooiier, Kane,
Kennedy, MacClintock, McCluro, Richardson,
Scoresby, Snow.
Greely's Rescue : Lanman, Melville, Schley.
Bernard, Burmeister, Hutchinson, White
(1880). See ' Buenos Ayres,' ' Plata.'
ARIANISM. See • Church ' (Sects).
SOPHY : Alexander, Aristoteles, Bernays (J.),
Blakesley, Brandis, Collins (W. L.), Grant
(Sir A.), Groto, Hegel, Hcrtling, Jourdain,
Lewes, Prantl, Saint-Hilaire, Trendelenberg.
See 'Ethics,' ' Philosoiihy.'
ARITHMETIC: Arnott, Barlow. Bowring, Chap-
man, Colenso, De Morgan, Pladdon, Lacroix,
History : Artemi, Chamich, Dulaurier, Elisicus,
Huboff, Martin, Moses Choronensis, Neu-
mann, Saint Martin, Univers. Hist. (Anc.) 8.
Travels and Descriptions : Ainsworth, Crcagh,
Curzon, Davies (E. J.), Hamilton, Haxthausen,
Kinneir, Morier, Parrot, Porter, Ramusio 2,
Tozer (1881), Wagner, Wilbraham, Xenophon.
See ' Turkey.'
Christians in : Cutts.
ARMINIANS. See 'Church (Sects).'
ARMS AND ARMOUR : Bonaparte, Brunet, Bur-
ton (R.), Chesney, Douglas, Grose, Hewitt,
Meyrick, Patents, Roy, Whitworth. Sec
' Military Art.'
ARMY : Adams, Holms, Low (C. R.), Pari. Reports,
Perry (0. L.), Ramsay, Six, Through the
Ranks, Scott (Sir S.), Tracts (Fischof), Upton,
Wale, Winter, Wolseley. See ' Mihtary His-
French : Trochu.
German : Vogt.
United States : Phisterer.
History of Regiments : Connolly, Innes, Jame-
son, Journal, Nicolas (P. H.), Patterson (J.),
Preston (T.), Rigaud, Smith (H. S.), Tregellas,
Of Cavalry : Unger.
ARQUES (CHATEAU D') : Deville.
The Fine Arts ; History, Theory, Criticism,
etc. : Adams (W. H. D.), Afternoon Lectures,
Algarotti, Art, Atkinson, Bayliss, Bellars,
Beul6, Blackburn, Bonnaffi', Borghini,
Buch'iioz, Burckhardt, Burnet, Carr, Carri<^re,
Catalogues of Exhib., Chesneau, Couze, David-
son (E. A.), Dobell (S.), Dohme, Dorow,
Dupr6, Eastlake, Eidlitz, Falke, Falkener,
Felix, Fine Arts Review, Fischer, Frcret, Fro-
mentin. Fuller, Fuseli, Gazette, Guizot,
Hamerton, Harris, Hay, Herder, Hoare, Hunt
(W. M.), Lacroix, Laugel, Leclercq, Lessing,
Liibke, Magazine, Mollin, Morris (W.), Parker
(H.), Pater, Poynter, Ruskin, Schnaasc, Scott,
S6aillcs, Selvatico, Senefclder, Shaw, Stahr,
Btory, Symonds, Taine, Thausing, Thornbury,
Tracts 90, 181, 194, Tuckerman, Turner
(F. C), Turner (J. M. W.), Tymms, Tyrvvhitt,
Unger, Woltmann, Wornum, Wyatt, Young,
Scientific Principles of : Briicke, Quilter.
Beauty in Aht : Fergusson, Hay, Wornum.
Reports ; Art, Belgium, Pari. Rep. 281-84.
Dictionaries : Bryan, Milizia, Millin, Mollett,
Sketching from Nature : Delamotte, Eow-
botham, Tyrwhitt, Verney.
Ancient : Batissier, BernouilH, Cassiodorus,
Clarac, Cleghorn, Eastlake, Fol, Guhl, Har-
rison (J. E.), Knight (R. P.), Kiigler, Lloyd
(W. W.), Liibke, Meursius, Miiller, Perrot,
Eayer, Reber, Schnaase, Schreiber, Stahr,
Vasari, Weiske, Welcker, Winckelmann.
Assyrian : Perrot.
Egyptian : Perrot.
The Shield or Achilles : Lloyd (W. W.).
Medl'eval and Christian or Legendary : Agin-
court, Alt, Annales Arch^ol., Batissier, Cicog-
nara, Didron, Dolime, Eastlake, Fol, Grimou-
ard, Jameson, Labarte, Lacroix, Lefort, Lind-
say, Liibke, Nevins (W. P.), Oilier, Owen,
Piper, Rio, Rumohr, Saint-Laurent, Schlegel,
Schnaase, Shaw, Stockbauer, Storer, Theo-
philus, Twining, Walcott.
In Alsace : Woltmann.
In China : Giles.
In England : Art at Home, Art Journal, Barry,
Blackburn, Cleghorn, Cook, Dallaway, East-
lake, Edwards, Fairholt, Fine Arts Review,
Fontane, Haweis, Larwood, Lichtenberg,
Maskell, Merritt, Passavant, Pye, Ruskin,
Scharf, Schwabe, Shepherd, Tyrwhitt, Waagen,
In France : Art (1'), Champier, Gazette, Jacque-
mart, iVIazaros, Pattison (Mrs.), Sand.
In Germany : Crowe and Cavalcaselle, Dohme,
Fortoul, Howitt, Justi, Kugler, Kunstblatt,
Raczynski, Waagen, Wilberforce.
In Hungary : Hungary.
In Italy : Art, Bellori, Boito, Burckhardt,
Clement, Crowe and Cavalcaselle, Evans,
Femmes, Fiorillo, Fuseli, Giudici, Kugler,
Lanzi, Memorie, Ruskin, Symonds, Taine,
Vasari, Viardot, Yriarte.
In Japan : Alcock, Cutler, Dresser, Jarves.
In the Netherlands : Gower (Lord R. L.), Havard,
Moke, Tableaux, Taine, Westrheene.
In Persia : Smith (R. M.).
In Russia : Maskell.
In Scandinavia : Copenhagen, Hammerich. Sec
' Antiquities.'
In Spain : Baxley, Shack.
The Mechanical and Industrial Arts : Mas-
kell, Yapp. See ' iManufactures.'
Art Tours : Atkinson (J. B.), Blackburn (H.),
Roberts (Miss), Tonnell^.
European Art : Viardot.
Embroidery : Lockwood.
See ' ^Esthetics,' ' Antiquities,' ' Architecture,'
'Biography (Painters),' 'Engraving,' 'Etch-
ing,' ' Galleries,' ' Painting,' ' Sculpture.'
ARTHUR. See ' Romances,' ' Literature (Welsh).'
Burnet, Cardwell, Cloquet, Forbes, Hardwick,
Laurence, Sparrow, Tracts (Welchman). Sec
'England (Church of),' ' Tractarian Contro-
ARTILLERY : Bonaparte, Buckle, Chesnev, Mac-
dougall, AVliitworth. See ' Military Art.'
ARTISTS : Adams (W. H. D.), Blanc (C), Bryan.
Evrard, Fairholt, Fra Angelico, Gigoux, Great
Artists, Hillern, Hogarth, Holbein, Kempt,
Leclcrcq, Raphael, Redgrave, Rembrandt,
Rubens, Scott (W. B.), Stirling, Tintoretto,
Titian, Turner, Van Dyck, Vernet.
ARTOIS : Bultel.
ARYAN HISTORY : Hearn, Littr6.
ASHANTEE. See ' Africa, Western,' etc.
History : Asia, Asiatic Society, Bailly, Eadie,
Haiton, Heeren, Klaproth, Mohl, Pari. Re-
ports, Rawlinson, R^musat, Soury, Universal
Hist. 4.
Geography : Bretschneider, Humboldt, Eeclus,
Rennell, Ritter, Ussher 7.
Travels and Descriptions : Abu-Taleb-Khan, All
Bey, Asia, Astley 4, Atkinson, Bastian, Bell,
Bellonius, Benjamin, Boulger, Bouvalot, Bur-
naby, Campbell, Duret, Evliya, Fevnes, Forbes
(H. 0.), Hakluyt, Harleian Voy. 1, 2, Harris 2,
Hell, Hue, Humboldt, Hutton (1875), Imbault,
Knox, Lantier, Lithgow, Marco Polo, Marsin,
Mathias, Murray, Pallas, Patagos (1885),
Pumpelly, Purchas 1, 2, Ramusio 1, 2, Ray,
Eussell-Killough, Schlagintweit, Scott-Steven-
son (1881), Smith, Strahlenberg, Sumner
(1881), Thevenot, Thunberg, Tozer (1881),
Tronson, Valikhanof, Vambery.
Ar.al (Lake) : Wood (H.).
Races of Man ; Maspero, Spencer (H.).
Sec 'Afghanistan,' 'Assyria,' 'Babylon,' 'Bur-
mah,' ' China,' ' India,' ' Persia,' ' Siberia,'
' Tartary,' ' Thibet.'
Travels, Antiquities, etc. : Abbot, Ainsworth,
Anadol, Ancient History, Arundell, Beaufort,
Bruce, Brugsch, Eurnaby, Carlisle, Chandler,
Chishull, Choisy, ConderS, Corancez, Cramer,
Davies (E. J.), Fellows, Geary, Hamilton,
Irby, Kejjpel, Kiunier, Leake, Lennep, Lith-
gow, Lucas, MaccoU, Monk, More, Morier,
Neale, Newton, Perrot, Pococke, Raguse,
Schliemann, Spratt, Tchihatchef, Vaux. See
' Turkey.'
Christians in : Cutts.
ASSAM: Assam, Conder 11,' Cooper (T. T.),
Hunter (W. W.), Pollock. See ' India.'
ASSASSINS, The : Hammer, Lyde, Walpole.
ASSURANCE (Life) : Assurance, Clifford (G.),
Danson (in Tracts), De Morgan, Francis,
Hendricks, James, Martin (F.), Neison,
Scratchley, Thornburn, Walford. See ' An-
Ancient: Ancient History, Harkness, Layard,
Lenormant, Maspero, Menant, Niebuhr, Op-
pert, Norris, Palmer, Rawlinson, Records,
Renan, Schrader, Smith (Geo.), Vaux.
Travels and Descriptions : Fletcher, Forster,
Eraser, Loftus, Rawlinson, Rich.
See ' Babylon,' ' Chaldfca,' ' Nineveh.'
ASTROLOGY : Barrett (F.), Butler (.las.), Dariot,
Dee, Faustus, Hayden, Kloster, Lilly, Pearce.
See ' Science (Mediaeval).'
History : Bailly, Lewis.
Works on : Airy, Arago, Aratus, Astronomica,
Astronomical, Bailey, Ball, Berti, Bessel,
Brahe, Brewster, Byrne, Carpenter, Chalmers,
Chambers, Gierke, Comte, Copernicus, Cramp-
ton, Darby, Darlcy, Delanibre, Delaunay,
Denison, Drayson, Ecce Cerium, Encyclo-
pedias, Ennis, Fcri^'uson, Frend, Galilei,
Gassendus, Giberne, Grant, (Uiillemin, Her-
schel, Hevclius, Horrox, Keith, Kepler, La
Place, Lardner, Lehon, Loitch, Lockyer,
Loomis, Miidlcr, Main, Manilius, Mayer,
Mitchell, Moscloy, Newcomb, Newton, Nichol,
Ormatlnvaite, Orr, Proctor, I'toleniieus, Pam-
bosson, Pollwyn, Schscs : Johnson (S. J.), Vignoles.
Transit of Vemis : Forbes (G.).
ATELIERS (in Pahis, 18-18) : Blanc (L.), France
(History of, 1848). Sec ' Collegia,' 'Organiza-
tion of Labour.'
ATHANASIAN CREED. See ' Christianity.'
ATHEISM: Blackie (J. S.), Biichner, Democri-
tus, Feurbach (L.), Hutton (Essays), La-
lande, La Mettrie, Lucretius, Mallock, Mare-
chal, Sextus Empiricus, Vogt. See ' Budd-
HisTor.Y AND Antiquities: Ahrens, Archa^logi-
cal Journ. of A., Beult?, Backh, Boetticher,
Bulwer, Dyer, Gi-onovius, Laborde, Meursius,
Rous, Sybel, Thiersch.
Topography : Carnarvon, Cramer, Forbiger,
Gell, Leake, Lockhart, Osborne (C. J.), Pau-
sanius, Ross, Smith's Geog. Diet., Stuart,
W^ilkins, Wordsworth.
Parthenon : Lloyd, Michaelis, Parthenon.
Navy : Boeckh.
Assemblies : Schomann. Sec ' Greece.'
University Life in Ancient : Capes.
ATHLETICS : Blundell.
ATHOS (MOUNT): Neyrat (1880).
Medi.-eval: Collen, Fischer (T.), Mappa Mundi
(Hereford), Spruner.
Ancient Geography : Atlas, Mencke, Mercator,
Peutinger, Spruner.
Modern : Alison, Arrowsmith, Atlas, Bodenehr
(1682), Colton, Gazetteer, Index, Johnston
(K.), Kruse.
England in Counties : Greenwood, Philip,
•London : Bacon.
Parliamentary : Stanford.
Statistical : Bevan.
France : Atlas.
Russia : Johnston (K.).
Sebastopol : Wyld.
alack Sea : Black Sea.
Poland : Handtke.
Spain : Humboldt (A. v.).
Syria : Kiepert.
Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania: Australia.
Bombay : Bombay.
Cmc.Uio Haruouu and Bar : Graham.
Canada and United States : Canada.
Atlantic Charts : Purdy.
Historical : Spruner.
Historical, England : Pearson.
Ethnographical : Balbi.
ATLAS MOUNTAINS : Hooker, Murray.
ATMOSPHERE: Mohn, Robertson (H.), Wood-
head. See ' Air,' ' Meteorology.'
ATOMIC THEORY: Brown. Dalton, Daubeny,
Democritus, Lucretius, Masson, N. Brit. Re-
view (18(;8), Smith (R. A.), Veitch, Wurtz.
History and Condition of : Australia, Eden (C.
H.), Heaton,Monti.'gut, New Holland, Pridden,
Rusden, Sadleir, Wallace (A. R.).
Voyages, Expeditions, and Descriptions : An-
gas, Australia, Backhouse, Baden-Powell,
Bennett, Cook, Crawford, Davidson, Davis,
Description, Dutton, Earl, Eden, Finch-
Hatton (188(1), Flinders, Circv, Hargrave, Hay-
garth, Honty (188G), Hill (R. and F.) 1875;
Hodgkinson, Hodgson, Home, Howitt,
Hughes, Jackson, Jameson, Jcssop, Jones
(Mrs. H.), King, Laird, Lancclott, Landor,
Lang, Lee (Mrs.), Leichhardt, Maconochie,
Melville, Mereweather, Mundy, Parkes, Peron,
Rains, Settle, Shaw, Sidney, Stokes, Sturt,
Swan (1875), Tangye (18S3), Taylor (J. E.),
Tracts 18(), Twopenny, Warburton (1875),
Wcstgarth, Whateley, Wills.
North : Grey, Mitchell.
East : Eyre, Mitchell.
West : Grey, King, Ogle.
Central : Eyre, Jackson, Stuart, Wills.
Soi(th: Boothby, Bull, Dutton, Forster,Harcus,
Sidney, Stow (1883), Wilkinson.
Nciu South Wales and Victoria : Archer, As-
liinall, Australia, Bailliere, Barrinj,'ton (1810),
Bennett, Braim, Brown (H.), Burton, Ikisby,
Cluttcrbuck, Collins, Cunningham, Field,
Flanagan, Gane, Gouger, Grifhth, Hayter,
Henderson, Hoywood, Hood, Kelly, Labillii^re,
Lang, Lloyd, Meredith, Mitchell, Murray,
New South Wales, Oxley, Pari. Reports,
Peck, Rcid (G. H.), Rusden, Sidney, Smyth
(R. B.), Statistics, Strzelecki, Therry, Town-
send, Trollope, Victoria, Wentworth, West-
garth, White.
New Hebrides: Cumming (C. F. G.).
Queensland : Allen, Kennedy, Lang, Marsh.
Auckland Isles : Musgrave, Raynal.
Marriage Customs : Fison.
Salmon in : Wilson (Sir S.).
Vineyards in : Busby.
See 'New Zealand,' 'Tasmania.'
History : Adair, Adriani, Arneth, Asselino
Audland, Beer, Bonneval, Breyer, Bucholtz,
Biidingcr, Coxe, Desprez, Eccardus, Elles-
mere, Ficquelmont, Floto, Freer, Gachard,
Garantin, Guillimannus, Ilcrrgott, Hozier,
Huber, Hurtcr, Khevenhiller, Leger, Lich-
nowsky, Maiiath, Mayer, Maynert, Metternich,
Michiels, Negociations, Nostitz, Oppenheira,
Peake,Pez, Ranke, Raumer, Recueil.Regnault,
Eogge, Riistow, Springer, Universal History
(Mod.) 32, Vehse, Ward. See ' Germany.'
Travels and Descriptions : Across, Cadell,
Eden, Forrest (J.), Gilbert, Hunter (1883),
Kohl, Koubrakiewitch, Lagarde, Levy, Nor-
man, O'Brien, Paton, Pillersdorf, Eosegger,
Stiles, Thompson, Trollope, Turnbull, Water
Lily, Wilde.
Banat: Bohm.
Slavonic Races : Krasinski, Wilkinson.
Politics : Beust, Eiickblicke (1848).
Statistics : Austria, Austrian, Becher, Brit, and
For. Rev. 15.
See 'Bohemia,' 'Dalmatia,' ' Germany,' 'Hun-
gary,' 'Transylvania,' 'Venice," Vienna,' etc.
AUTOBIOGRAPHY : Autobiographies, Lismore
Papers. See ' Biography.'
"AUTOCRACY: Giitschenberger.
AUTOGRAPHS : Colle, Lescure, Netherclift,
Sotheby, Thane, Twistleton.
Travels: Barker (1884), Costello, Cross, Le-
grand d'Aussy.
AVA. Sec 'Burmese Empire.'
AVIGNON (Popes at). Sec ' Rome (Church of).'
AVRANCHES : Le Herieher.
AZORES : Bullar, Walker (W. F.), 1886.
BABYLON, Ancient.
History, Topography, etc. : Ainsworth, Baby-
lon, Budge, Chwolson, Ehrmann, Forster,
Heeren, Keppel, Niebuhr, Palmer, Porter
Rawlinson, Rich, Schrader, Wahrmund.
Sec 'Assyria,' 'Chaldtea,' 'Nineveh.'
Abbott (E.), Bacon, Campbell, Coleridge
(' Friend '), Craik, Dixon, Dorner, Feuerbach,
Fischer, Liebig, Macaulay, Maistre, Napier,
Remusat, Spedding, Whewell. See ' Inductive
Sciences,' ' Science.'
BACTERIA : Crookshank, Dolley, Gradle, Trous-
BACTRIA. Sec ' Bokhara.'
BAGDAD : Rousseau, Wellsted.
BALKANS : Minchin, More (R. J.). Sec ' Turkey.'
English : Allingham, Anderson, Ashby-Sterrv,
Ballads, Barham, Bayley (T. H.), Bell,
Bennett (W. C), Bentley, Bode, Bon Gaultier,
Catalogues, Catnach, Child, Coleridge, Collier,
Crawhall, Deloney, D'Urfey, Edwards, Eng-
lish Verse, Evans, Gilbert (W. S.), Gilpin (S.),
Gleanings, Halliwell, Harland, Head, Howitt,
Lanier, Lays, Macaulay, Maginn, Mahony,
Milman, Motherwell, Old, Oliphant. Original,
Percy, Ritson, Roxburghe, Thompson, Wilkins,
Witt's Recreations, Wordsworth, Wright.
Scottish : Aytoun, Ballads, Chambers, Child,
Cromek, Finlay, Gilchrist, Gleanings, Hindley,
Hogg, Jamieson, Kinlock, Mackay, Mother-
well, Pinkerton, Scott, Sibbald, Whitelaw.
Irish: Hayes, Duffv, Gleanings, Hardiman, I
French Fabliaux: Barbazan, Castets, Jubinal,
Legrand, Leroux, Meon, Michel, Paris,
Brittany : Taylor (Tom). I
German : Arndt, Arnim, Burger, Goethe, Grimm, j
Korner, Uhland. t
Danish : Abrahamson, Borrow, Grimm, Grundt-
vig, Nyerup, Prior.
Dutch : Baecker.
Indi.an : Dutt.
Spanish: B5hl de Faber, Lewis (G.), Lockhart,
Parnaso, Quintano, Rodd, Romancero, San-
See 'Cid,' 'Poetry,' ' Songs,' ' Tales.'
BALLOONS. See 'Aeronautic Observations.'
BALTIC : Baden-Powell.
BANIANS (MYTHS OF) : Dosabhoy, Lord.
Treatises on : Bagehot, Capefigue, Cowi^er,
Forbes (U. A.), Gilbart, Grenfell (in Tracts),
Grindon, Hankey, Hardcastle, Joplin, Knight,
Lawson, Levi, Lewin, Macleod, Page, Pari.
ReiJorts, Pereire, Price, Quin, Rae, Scratchley,
Tracts Reprinted 2, Wilson (A. J.), Wolowski.
The Clearing -House : Howarth.
In America : Gilbart.
Bank of England : Banister, Cash, Cobbett,
Francis, Loyd, Pari. Reports, Paterson,
Rogers (J. E. T.), Tooke, Torrens, Tracts
(Aitchison), Van Sommers.
BAPTISM. Sec ' Church.'
BAPTISTS. Sec ' Church (Sects).'
BAR (THE) : Ball, Ballantine, Kingsdown.
History: Edwards, Ligon, Phillips, Schom-
burgk. See ' West Indies.'
Blue Book : Barbadoes.
Travels and Descriptions : Adams, Addison,
Arvieux, Dan, Fananti, Hay, .Jardine, Jurien,
Leaves from a Lady's Diary, Lord, Lubo-
mirski, Morgan, Ockley, Pinkerton 15, Rae,
Russell, Shaw, Turton.
Sec ' Algiers,' ' Morocco.'
BAROMETER : Weale's Series.
BARONAGE. See ' Peerage.'
BARONETAGE : Betham, Burke, Collins, Court-
hope, Dod, Foster (J.), Lodge, Selden, Solly
(E.), Wotton.
BARROWS : Greenwell, Jewitt, Lubbock, Phillips.
Sec the several County Histories.
BASEL (Council of). Sec ' Councils.'
BASQUE PROVINCES: Baudrimont, Blade,
Carnarvon, Coloma, Ddchei^are, Erro, Hum-
boldt (W.), Louis-Lande, Michel, Stephens.
Language : L'Ecluse, Larramendi, Kennedy,
Poetry: Tracts (Dechej^are).
BATHS : Bell, Bradshaw, Dowine, Granville,
Guidott, Lee, Maci^herson, Sutro, Thomson,
Venner, Vintras, Wilson. See ' Mineral
BATRACHIANS : Brehm. See ' Zoology.'
History : Adlzreitter, Anspach, Aventinus, Lud-
wig I., ffifelius, RIezler, Schardius.
Travels : Seguin (1884).
Das Bayerische Hochl.\nd : Schmid, Steub.
BAYEUX : Bayeux, Laffetay, Pluquet.
History, etc. : Costello, Marca, Mirasson.
BECKET, St. Thomas : Alanus, Arnulfus, Becket,
Buss, Giles, Hippcau, Morris, Robert, Robert-
son, Stanley.
BEDFOEDSHIRE : Fisher (T.), Ilcathcotc, Ly-
Dunstahle : Derbyshire, Dunstable, Nichols'
Bibl. Top. 1.
Lutoii, Odell, PuddUujton, Winnimjton : Nichols'
Bibl. Top. 4.
Agricultuke : Batchelor.
TopoGKAPHY : Beauties of E. & W., Cox, Dun-
stable Priory.
Visitation of : Harvey.
BEDOUIN TRIBES : Blunt (Lady A.).
BEER : Bickerdyke, Basteur. Sea ' Drink.'
Natuk.\l History : Buffon, Cotton, Goldsmith,
Huber, Jenyns, Kirby and S^jence, Lubbock,
Plinius, Purchas, Saniuelson, Schuckard,
Smith (F.), Virgilius (Georg.). Sec ' Ento-
Bee-Iuokpixg : Cheshire, Taylor (H.).
History, etc. : Arnaud, Belgium, Borman,
Brialmont, Davies, Dynter, Foppcns, Gachard,
Giron, Granvelle, Hymans, Mauvy, Moke,
Motley, Nicolas, Swertius, Taillandier.
Charles V. : Gachard, Gand, Hennc.
1826-38 : State Papers.
Revolution, 1830 : Bavary, Esquisscs, Juste,
Nothomb, Stockmar, Van de Weyer.
Travels and Descriptions : Andreas, Bell,
Buckingham, Havard, Lees, Madden, Massie,
Moens, Musgrave, Shooting, Stevenson (R. L.),
Tales, Tennent, Trollopc.
Bruges : Delepierre.
Field of Waterloo : Gardner, Scott (Paul's
Letters). See 'Brabantia,' ' Brussels,' ' Flan-
ders,' 'Holland,' 'Military History,' ' Nether-
BELLS : EUacombc, North, Stahlschmidt.
Travels : Ferrier, Floyer (1882), Hughes (1877),
MacGregor (1882), Masson. Pottinger.
BENEDICT, Order of St.: Bulteau, Dachery,
Dantier, Helyot, Mabillon, Weldon, Ziegel-
Ix England : Reyner, Weldon.
In Italy : Dantier.
BENGAL : Bruton, Buchanan, Dutt, Emanuel
(1886), Life in the Mofussil,Rousselet, Stewart.
See ' India.'
Topography, etc. : Beauties of E. and W.,
Bruce, Cox, Domesday, King (C), Lysons.
Abingdon Monastery : Chronicon.
Bray : Kerry.
Great Coxwell : Nichols' Bibl. Top. 4.
Donnington Castle : Money.
Reading : Coates, Reading School.
Wallingford : Hedges.
Wanting Hundred : Clarke (W. W.).
Windsor : Dixon (W. H.), Jesse, Pari. Reports
16, Tighe, Vetust. Monument. 1-3.
Birds of : Kennedy.
Visitation : Ashmole.
BERLIN : Berlin, Brennglas, Eberty, Reeve
(Dr. H.), Scherenberg (1860), Springer, Taylor
(S. T.) 1870, Vasili, Vizetelly, Whittingham.
See ' Societies.'
History, etc. : Bermuda, Gates, Godet, Lefroy,
Texts and Versions.
Syriac: Apostolical, Carshun, Curoton.
Greek : Codex.
English: Horsley, Jcbb, Lee, Lowth, Pictorial,
Sharp, Smithson.
Welsh : Llewelyn.
Anglo-Saxon: Evangelia, Hcnshall, Skeat,
llomaunt : Gilly.
History of the Birle : Anderson, ]5ible, Book,
Calmct, Eadie, Giles, Hal)ershon, Howard,
Kennicott (Hebrew), Kuenen, Loftie, New-
come, Simon, Stuart, Turner, Ussher 8-11.
Chronology : Bosanquet, Browne, Hales 2, 3,
Pridcaux, Townson, Ussher.
Introduction to : Davidson, Kichhorn, Home,
Litton, Watson's Tracts 3, Wette (W. de).
Alford, Allix, Barrett, Bertholdt, Birks, Bun.
sen, Calvinus, Cornelius ii, Lapide, Cyrillus,
Ephraemus, Erncsti, Ewald, Faber, Fabricius,
Frankel, Garbett, Gregorius, Cirillith (T.),
Grotius, Hall 3, 4, Hamann, Hannay, Harmcr,
Hengstenberg, Hieronymus, Homilies, Hors-
ley 5, 6, Jewel, Kiempf, Kuenen, Kurz, Lcathes,
Leigh, Lightfoot, Lyall, Maurer, Maurice,
Newton, Noack, Oehler, Oelricli^i, Origen,
Patrick, Philological, Polus, Rcusch, lleuss,
Ronsch, Rosenmiiller, Schulz, Schumann,
Seiler, Spurgeon, S tudia, Titcomb, VanMildert,
Van Senden, Vitringa, Wagner (A.), Weiss.
Typology : Fairbairn.
Fent.^teuch: Bissell, Blunt, Colenso, Faber,
Graves, Hengstenberg, Kalisch, Kuenen, Pen-
tateuch, Vos, Wilson.
Genesis: Ballantyne, Bohlen, Burnet, Colet,
Exley, Garland, Harcourt, Jcrvis, Jukes,
Mozley, Pratt, Priaulx, Quarry, Robertson,
(F. W.), Sorensen, Warburton, Watson.
Exodus: Challis, Jukes.
Numbers : Cox (Sam.).
Psalms : Aquinas, Augustinus, Bossuet, Bovet,
Brampton, Buchanan (G.), Bythncrus, Cal-
vinus, Cassiodorus, Cha'roboscus, Chrysostom,
Flaminio, Gregorius, Hammond, Herder,
Hornc, Horsley 4, Jennings (A. C), Kay,
Leighton, Lengerke, Lowth, Massillon, Neale
and Littledale, Newton, Perowne, Phillips,
Poetar. Scot., Psalms, Wette.
Jon: Aquinas, Chcyne, Cox (S.), Ewald, Eenan.
Song of Songs: Aquinas, Cassiodorus, Ginsburg,
Herder, Renan.
Proverbs, Ecclksiastes, etc. : Bossuet, Cheyne,
Delitzsch, Ginsburg, Hammond, Origen,
Tischendorf, Wright (C. H. H.).
Prophets : Blunt, Eichhorn, Ewald, Pusey.
Ezekiel : Smend.
Is.UAH : Alexander, Aquinas, Arnold (M.), Cal-
vinus, Caspari, Cheyne, Delitzsch, Isaiah,
Jones (W.), Lowth, Philological, Vitringa.
Jeremiah : Aquinas, Calvinus, Kcil.
Daniel : Gumming, Daniel, Elliot, Harrison,
Hengstenberg, Irving, Mede, Pusey, Stuart,
Ruth : Wright (C. H. H.).
Zecuariah : Hengstenberg, Wright (C. H. H.).
Apocrypha : Augustine 3, Bertholdt, Hales,
Patrick 3.
Introduction to New Testament : Davidson,
Eichhorn, Holtzmaun, Hug, Michaelis.Nicol-
son (W. M.).
Commentaries, etc. : Alford, Augustinus, Baum-
gartcn, Bengel, Bernhard, Bloomficld, Blunt,
Calvinus, Erasmus, Godet, Goulburn, Guth-
rie, Hammond, Ha srath, Herder 40, Hicr-
onymus, Jebb, Keble, Kirchliofer, Kuinoel,
Lai'dner, Leigh, Liinemann, Marsh, Maurice,
Meyer (H. A. W.), Newton, Olshausen, Origen,
PafiEoromaica, Percy, Philological, Polus,
Priestley, Eeuss (E.), Eosenmiiller, Schoett-
genius, 8crivener, Simon, Stanhope, Sweden-
borg, Trench, Upham, Valdes, Wolfius,
Gospels : Aquinas, Baring-Gould, Baur, Bossuet,
Campbell, Chubb, Clarke, Ebrard, Elsley,
Ewald, Farmer, Forster, Greswell, Leathes,
Lightfoot, Lonsdale, Meyer, Mill, Otfrid,
Roberts (A.), Rushbrooke, Salmon, Sanday,
Sumner, Tischendorf, Townson, Worthington.
Dissonance of : Evanson (C), Falconer (J.).
,S7. Matthew : Augustine, Beausobre, Chemnitz,
Chrysostom, Leighton.
St. Liikc: Godet, Hobart (W. K.), Maurice,
Nosgen, Ritschl, Schleiermacher.
St. John : Abbott (Ezra), Augustine, Blomfield,
Bretschneider, Chrysostom, Cyril, Godet,
Griffith (J.), Leathes, Macdonald (Dr. M.),
Maurice, Person, Schanz, Tittmann.
Acts of the Apostles : Biscoe, Blomfield, Chry-
sostom, Du Veil, Howson, Milman, Eeuan,
Sumner, Zeller.
Apocryphal Acts : Bible, Tischendorf.
Apoceyi«hal Gospels : Baring-Gould, Bible,
Brunet, Bunsen (E.), Churton (W. R.), Cowper
(B. H.), Fabricius, Jones (Jer.), Nicholson
(E. B.), Nicolas, Ritschl, Thilo, Tischendorf,
Epistles : Alford, Cyril.
Of St. Paid : Baur, Belsham, Chrysostom,
Colenso, Colet, Conybeare, Eadie, EUicott,
Farrar, Godet, Howson, Jewel, Jowett, Leathes,
Lightfoot, Locke, Maurice, Morison (J.),
Owen, Stanley, Stuart, Sumner, Tholuck,
Vaughan (C. J.), Venn, Whately, Williams.
To the Romans : Taylor (John).
Of St. Peter : Steiger, Sumner.
Of St. James : Cellerier, Sumner.
Of St. John : Maurice, Sumner.
St. Barnabas : Cunningham (V/.).
To the Hebreivs : Delitzsch, Ebrard, Liinemann.
Revelation: Bale (Bp.), Bauer, Bengel, Ber-
nardin, Beyschlag, Bleek, Bossuet, Burgh,
Campbell (J. M.), Conder, Cumming, Cunning-
hame, Dawson, Elliot, Faber, Fleming,
Harrison, Hengstenberg, Herder 39, Hoare,
Huntingford, Irving, James, Liicke, M'Caus-
land, Maurice, Mede, Stuart, Swedenborg,
Todd, Trench, Wordsworth. Sec ' Prophecy.'
Works on the Canon, the Inspiration,
Genuineness, Authority, and Interpreta-
tion OF Scripture : Arnold, Babington,
Bartle, Benson, Bertholdt, Birks, Blunt, Boyle,
2, Brief Exam., Butler, Calvinus, Campbell,
Charteris, Chubb, Churton, Clemens, David-
son, Dick, Dupin, Farrar, Harcourt, Hinds,
Jones (Jer.), Lardner, Leathes, M'Causland,
Macnaught, Miller, Norton, Osborn, Rawlin-
son. Row, Salmon (G.), Sandys (R. H.),
Simon, Townson, Tracts (Modern), Tregelles,
Watson, Westcott, Wordsworth.
Rationalistic Interpret. : Hennell, Mill, Renan,
On Different Versions, Editions, Transla-
tions, etc : Butler, Calmet, Geiger, Simon,
Tischendorf, Watson's Tracts 3.
Abyssinian : Church.
English: Anderson, Botfleld, Burgon, Cook
(F.C.), Cotton, Field (F.),Fulke, Lewis, Malan,
Moon, Newth, Turton, Ward, Watson's
Tracts 3.
French: Cotton.
German : Kehrein.
Scptuagint : Aristeas, Dale, Grinfield.
Syriac : Etheridge, Whish, Wichelhaus.
Dictionaries and Lexicons : BuUinger, Calmet,
Gesenius, Kitto, Proper Names of 0. T.^
Schleusner, Smith, Winer.
Concordances: Cruden, Dutripon (Vulgate),
Trommius (Septuagint).
Nciu Testament : Bruder, Bullinger, Schmidius.
Geography and Natur.al History : Bochartus,
Callcott, Cellarius, Cox, Delitzsch, Hales (I.),.
Harmer, Hasselquist, Kitto, Robinson, Smith
(J.), Stanley, Tobler, Tristram, Wells.
Bible Stories : Gaskoin, Oort.
Archeology : Biblical Archasological Sec.,.
Bibliography : Bible, Briggs, Stevens (H.). See
'Bibliography (Biblical).'
Bible Wines : Wilson (Rev. A. M.).
Illustrations : Akerman, Buchanan, Burder,
Roberts, Thomson.
ed's Prayer : Anderson (R.), Vaughan (C. J.).
General Works : Aim^-Martin, Bauer, Beloe,
Bibliotheque, Bookworm, Brunet, Bulletin,
Bury, Catalogues, Clarke, Clement, Darling,
De Bure, Dewey, Dibdin, Ebert, Fabricius,
Fournier, Freytag, Georgi, Guild, Heinsius,
Home, Klotzius, Latour, Library Manual,
Molini, Morhof, Nodier, Peignot, Petzholdt,
Polybiblion, Power, Rive, Savage, Saxius,
Schmidt, Schwartzius, Sempere, Struvius,
Thysius, Vallee, Virmond, Watt.
Manuscripts : Adrian, Bibliotheca, Catalogues
(Bodleian, British Museum Library, Cam-
bridge, Coislin, France, Oudh, etc.), Dibdin,
Farsetti, Gardthausen, Gayangos, Haenel,
lolo, Laude, Libri, Marsand, Migne, Monteil,
Ochoa, Schnorr, Thorpe. See ' Autographs.'
Anglo-Saxon : Michel.
English : Allibone, Bale, Beresford, Bookseller,
Brydges, Catalogues, Clavel, Coleridge, Col-
lier, Davis, Hardy, Howard (Lord), Hugo
(Bewick), Library, List, London, Low,
Lowndes, Oldys, Publishers' Circular, Retrosp.
Review, Reuss, Tanner, Upcott, Watt, Wood.
CoLONL\L : Mayer, Silver.
Irish : 0' Curry.
North of Europe : Hickes.
Danish : Bartholini, Brunn, Fabricius, Nyrop.
German : Catalogues, Georgi, Grasse, Heinsius,
Hoppe, Struvius, AViirdtwein.
French : Barbier, Bibliographic, Catalogues,
Fantaisies, France, Goujet, Libri, Lorenz,
Michel, Notices, Querard, Reinwald, Werdet.
Belgian : Belgium, Catalogues (Bibliotheca),
Hung.arian : Hungary.
Italian: AUacci, Batines, Catalogue (Molini),
Fossius, Gamba, Haym, Italy, Marsand,
Jewish : Bartoloccius, Castro, De Rossi, Dukes,
Fiirst, Imbonatus.
Spanish : Antonio, Casiri, Catalogues (Ford),
Franckemann, Ochoa, Pellicer, Salva, Sem-
Asia, India, etc. : Casiri, Catalogue (Calcutta),
(E. I. Co.), (Bodleian), (Oudh), Eichhorn,
Elliot, Haji Khalfa, Herbelot, Ouseley, Ter-
naux, Wilson, Zeller, Zenker.
Africa : Casiri, Ternaux.
America : Allibone, America, Catalogues (Boston),
(New York), Eden (R.), Redpath, Rich, Ter-
naux, Thomas, Triibner.
Early Printed and Rare Looks : Bannatyne,
Bauer, Becker ((!.), Beloe, Brunet. Catalogues
(Bandinel), (Bliss), (liodlcian). (Brit. Museum),
. (Clietham Lib.), (Ileber), (Libri), (Quaritch),
(Sion Coll.), etc. etc., Collier, Be liure, Dibilin,
Fossius, Freytag, llaiii, Hartshorne, liazlitt,
Hindlcy, Maitland, Maittaire, Osmont, Panzer,
PiiEss OF Mkntz, of AiiDrs, OF STi;rHENs : Cata-
logues (Lloyd), Didot, Greswell, Benouard,
Elzevir : Jaunet.
Books Piuv.vtely Pkinted : Martin, Peicrnot,
Books Coxpemxed ok Suppressed : Drujon,
Lidex, Peignot, Reusch, Struvius 3.
Anoxysious axi) PsEDi>oxY.Mors WoitKs : Barbier,
Cushing,Halkett, Hamst, Heilly, Heumannus,
Joliet, Lancetti, Manne. Melzi, Mylius,
Passano, Placcius, Querard, Struvius, Weller.
Agricultural : Donaldson.
Ajiericax Botaxy : Smithsonian Misc.
AxA : Dictionnaire, Encyclopanliana, Peignot.
Axtiquities : Fabricius.
Bexedictine : Le Cerf.
Biblical, Ecclesiastical axd Theological :
Butler, Cave, Cotton, Darling, Dowling, Dupin,
Eichliorn, Fabricius, Fiebig, Fuhrniann,
Home, Belong, Lewis, Masch, Migne, Nutt,
Orme, Oudinus, Schoenemann, Simon, Ste-
vens (H.), Walchius.
Bibliography : Vallee.
Biographical : Biographie Nouvelle, Oettinger,
Botaxy : Jackson.
Chap Books: Ashton (J.), Halliwell.
Chess : Schmid.
Classics (Greek axd Latix) : Botfield, Cata-
logue (Calvary), Clarke, Dibdin, Engelmann,
Enslin, Fabricius, Harwood (E.), Hoffmann,
Mayor, Moss.
Crusades : Michaud.
DiCTiox.uiiES AXD GRAMMARS : Engelmann,
Enslin, Noinville, Schnitzler (Tracts), Vater,
Triibner (Catalogues).
Ecoxor.iY (Political, etc) : Catalogue (Statis-
tical Society), Enslin, M'CuUoch.
Educatioxal : Catalogue (Kensington Museum).
Electricity axd Magxetism : May.
FisHixG : Westwood.
Geographical : Brunet, Catalogue (Geogr. Soc),
Engelmann, Mayer, Richarderie, Ternaux.
Oeological : Agassiz.
Historical Works : Enslin, Fabricius, Girault,
Belong, Meuselius, Oettinger, Potthast, Saxius,
Struvius, Wattenbach.
British : Catalogues (Palgrave), etc.. Hardy,
Macray, Nicholson, Oldys, Stace, Tanner.
Irish: Pitseus, Stace, Ware.
Legal : Bridgman, Butterworth, Catalogues
(Cooper), (Durand), Enslin, Lincoln's Inn.
Literary History : Catalogues (Halliwell),
(Mitford), (Singer), etc., Gamba, Griisse,
Nichols, Saxius, Struvius.
Natural History : Agassiz, Catalogues (Roy.
Institution), (Roy. Society), Engelmann.
Paleography : Namur.
P.amphlets, etc. : Davies, Lemon.
Philological: Catalogues (Quaritch), Engel-
mann, Enslin, Ersch und Geissler.
Philosophical : Hall.
Plays (Exglisu) : Baker, Catalogue (Harward),
Collier, Halliwell, Hazlitt, Langbaine, Malone,
.Poetry (Exol.) : Griffith, Malone, Ritson.
Poetry (Tracts ox) : Gee, Jones.
Proverbs : Du Plessis.
RoMAX Catholic : Gillow.
Royal axd Noble Authors: Orford 1
Saxscrit: Adelung, Gildemeister, Hall.
SciEXTiFic Papers : Catalogues (Libraries),
Topography (Exglish) : Anderson (J. P.), Boyne,
Catalogues (Roy. Inst.), (London Inst.),
Davidson, Gough, Upcott.
French : Girault.
Voyages axd Travels: Camus, Kerr 18, Locke,
Maltebrun, Pinkerton 17, Richarderie.
Rcc above, ' Geographical.'
Zoological : Agassiz, Carus, Catalogue (Royal
Society), (Roy. Inst.), Engelmann.
Times : Taylor.
Libraries, History, Use, Arrangemext, etc.,
OF : Barbier, Bibliotheca, Cutter, Dibdin, Ed-
wards, P^abricius, Guild, Hornc, Jewett, Li-
brary, Noinville, Petit-Radel, Shurtleef, Sims,
Slater (J. H.), Spilsbury, Struvius, Tedder,
British : Bibliotheca, Clarke.
Cathedral, Monastic : Botfield, Durham, Hunter.
Of Paris : Maichelius, Paris.
Sea ' Libraries,' ' Literature,' ' Typography.'
BICYCLING : Bury and Hillier, Dalton (J. C),
Howard (C).
BILLIARDS : Bennett (J. H.), Cook (W.).
BIMETALLISM : Barclay (R.), Cemuscbi, Gibbs
and Grenfell.
Biographical Dictioxaries : Aikin, Allen, Alli-
bone, Bayle, Bibliotheiiuo, Biograjihia, Bio-
graphical, Biographie, Brewer, Campbell,
Gates, Cean-Bermudez, Chalmers, Chambers,
Chaufeijie, Conversations-Lexicon, Cooper
(T.), Dictionary, Dictionnaire, Gorton, Hof-
inann. Hole, Ibn Khallikan, Jal, Lloyd,
Marchand, Marechal, Maunder, Moreri, Oli-
phant, Phillipps, Ranke, Rose, Smith (W.),
Tracts (Biographical), Universal, Vapereau,
Coxtemporary : Baur, Biography, Conversa-
tions-Lexicon, Dictionary, Gibbon (1H14),
Hays, Martin, Men of the Time, Sanders,
Vapereau, Wurtzbach.
Gkxeral : BiHtigcr, Brantomc, Brightwell, Bruce,
Bulau, Busching, Cha.racteristics, Franck,
Gentleman's Mag. (Obituary), Haydn, Heeren,
Index Society, Jalin, Jameson, Jerdan, Kirby,
Knight (I'^ngl. Cyclop.), Le Neve, Lives, Lloyd,
Musee, Parkes, Playfair, Prutz, Public Men,
Redding, Register, Robinson, Sainte-Beuve,
Senior, Seymour, Teale, Timbs, Varnhagcn
von Ense, Vicars, Wilford.
For Biographies of Individuals, sec the names
in the Alphabetical Catalogue.
Female : Alexander, Amory, Anderson, Babou,
Ballard, Bayne (P.), Brantome, Campardon,
Cesena,Costello, Cousin, Frere, Gaskell,Hays,
Holt, Jameson, Kavanagh, Leroux, Michelet,
Munch, Revolutionary, Roberts, Roland, Stahr,
Stuart, Vcnto, Wright, Yonge (C. M.).
Christiax : Hone (R. B.), Smith (W.).
CiiiLDREX : P'araous, Freville.
lioyal : Luard.
Greek axd Romax : Ahren, Aurelius Victor,
Bellorius, Biographoi, Boissier, Bottiger, Cor-
nelius Nepos, Dictionary (Smith), Lcmpriere,
Plutarchus, Suidas.
AxGLo-IxDiAX : Laurie (W. F.).
AxGL0-S.Axox AXD AxGLo-NoRMAX : Biographia.
English : Anglorum Si^eculum, Allibone,
Annual Biog., Aubrey, Bates, Biographia,
Biographical Diet., British Biog., Caulfield,
City, Cook, Cooper, Cunningham, Escott,
Fuller, Gentleman's Mag., Gibson, Granger,
Home, Lives, Men of the Eeign (Victoria),
Noble, Pitseus, Prince, Smyth, Spence, Stephen
(L.), Ward, Winstanley, Wood.
Scottish : Biographia Brit., Chambers, Howie,
Irving (J.), Pinkerton, Stephen, Tytler.
Welsh : Stephen, Williams.
Ieish : BiograjDhia Britannica, Madden, Eyan,
Stephen, Walker, Webb (A.), Wills.
lEiSHWOiiEN : Blackburne.
Ameeican : Alien, Allibone, American, Belknap,
Flanders, Griswold, Sparkes, Thatcher, Tit-
Fbench : Bachaumont, Barthelemy, Bayle, Bio-
graphic, Brantome, Dictionnaire, Haag, La-
combe, Lamartiue, Lanfrey, Lives, Men and
Women, Moreri, Montpensier, Ribeyre.
Spanish : Cean-Bermudez, Lives, Quintana.
Itallan : Fabroni, Greswell, Hare, Hunt (Leigh),
Lives, Manni, Martuscelli, Mauri, Stebbing.
Gebman : Biilau, Conversations-Lex., Deutsche
Biogr., St. Cilzky, Zedler, Zweihundert.
Special Biographies : —
Antitrinitarians : Trechsel, Wallace.
Architects : Bellori, Cunningham, Dominichi,
Felibien, Ferrey, Gould, Milizia, Pascoli, So-
prani, Ticozzi, Vasari.
Drasxatic : Baker, Bannister, Boaden, Camijbell,
Cooke, Davies (T.), Doran, Dunham, Dun-
lap, Fitzball, Gait, Gildon, Kirkman, Thes-
Ecclesiastical (including Saints, Fathers,
Martyrs, Bishox)s and Archbishops) : Acta
Sanctorum, Adamus, Baillet, Baring-Gould,
Bohringer, Bossuet, Butler, Cellier, Dupin,
Mabillon, Martyrologium, Middleton, Neander,
Eenaudot, Eosweydus, Euinart, Tillemont,
English : Britannia Sancta, Cassan, D'Alton,
Dixon, Drake, Gibbs (R.), Giraldus, Godwin,
Harington, Hook, Le Neve, Lives, Masters,
Middleton, Newman, Eaine, Eees, Stephen,
Strype, Teale, Todd, Wharton, Williams
(Folkestone), Wordsworth.
Scottish : Keith (E.), Walker.
Irish : Todd, Ware.
Jeicish : Hale (W. H.).
Eoman Catholics : Butler, Challoner, Ireland,
Nonconformists : Calamy, Middleton, Wilson.
Puritans : Brooke.
Of Economists: Fabbroni, McGilchrist, Eey-
Engineers : Beamish, Brunei, Devey, Jeaffreson,
Muirhead, Smiles, Trevethick.
Engravers : Bryan, Gould, Heinecken, Huber,
Nagler, Orford, Ottley, Ticozzi.
Lawyees : Adam, Campbell, Curran, Dugdale,
Foss, Generation, Jeaffreson, Law, O'FIana-
gan, Phillipps, Eoscoe, Strictures (Lord Thur-
low, etc.), Townsend, Welsby, Woolrvch.
Masonic : Mackenzie (K. E. H.).
Men of Letters : Agostini, Alby, Ancillon,
Chambers (Cyclop.), Chasles. D'Alembert,
Forster, France (Hist. Litter.). Immermann,
. Irving (W.), Jordens, Lockhart, Montgomery,
Morley (.J.), Oliphant, Philosoph. Trans.
(Abstracts), Bedding, Eeville, Eobinson,
Sainte-Eeuve, Sammarthanus, Smith (G. B.),
Spazier, Wolf.
English :_ Bale, Boswell, Brougham, Chambers,
Cooper, Davies, Disraeli, Dunham, Gilfillan,
Home, Malcolm, Nichols, Thackeray, Timbs,
Scotch : Chambers, Irving, Lives, Mackenzie.
Irish : M'Gee, Ware.
Spanish : Cean-Bermudez.
See ' Dramatic,' ' Novelists,' ' Poets.'
Medical Men : Adamus, Bettany, Hutchinson
(B.), Jeaffreson, Kluyskens,Macmichael,Munk,
Pettigrew, Physic, Physici, Eussell, Sprengel.
Military Men : Brantome, Chenier, Cust, Fa-
bretti, Gleig, Hurter, M'Grigor, Mitchell,
Napoleon III., Baudot, Scherr, Taillandier,
Musicians : Baptie, Barrett, Bitter, Blaze de
Bury, Crowest, David, Dictionary, Ferris,
Fetis, Grove (G.), Holmes, Parry, Eeissmann,
Schoelcher, Wodzinski.
Naval Men : Campbell, Clarke, James, Marshall,
O'Byrne, Southey.
Necromancers : Godwin.
Novelists : Bayne (P.), British Novelists,
Gaskell, .Jeaffreson, Masson, Scott.
P.UNTERS : Argenville, Artists, Baldinucci, Bal-
lantine, Beckford, Bellori, Blanc, Bryan,
Buc'hoz, Dati, Fairholt, Felibien, Fra
Angelico, Gould, Houdin, Jameson, Leclercq,
Looking-Glass (Mulready), Nagler, Nettement,
Pascoli, Pilkington, Eacynzski, Eaoul-
Eochette, Sillig, Smith, Stanley, Ticozzi,
Vasari, Wolzogen. See 'Artists.'
British : Cunningham, Edwards, Orford, Our
Living Painters, Thornbury.
Dutch and German : Mander.
Flemish: Crowe, Descamps, Michiels, Vosmaer.
Italian : Baruffaldi, Crowe, Dominichi, Lanzi,
Malvasia, Eidolfi, Vasari.
Spa7iish : Cumberland, Palamino, Stirling.
Siviss : Fuessli.
P.ARLI.4MENTARY : Adams, Barnes, Grant, Home,
Manning, Eitchie, Townsend. Sec ' States-
Philanthropists : Colquhoun, Dixon, Wilber-
Philologees : Benfey, Harles.
Philosophees, Moralists, etc : Adamus, Berti,
Brougham, Brucker, Diogenes, Erdmann,
Fenelon, Hamilton, Hegel, Lewes, Maccoll,
Martin, Michelet, OEuvres, Philostratus,
Eitter, Eosenkranz, Stanley, Ueberweg, Vinet,
Zeller. Sec ' Philosophy,' ' History of Philo-
Poets : Bell, Campbell, Cary, Chambers, Cibber,
Collier, Craik, Faber, Forster, Guizot, Irving,
Johnson, .Jones, Jordens, Martin, Masson (D.),
Ouseley, Phillips, Eitson, Eossetti (W. M.),
Eyan, Sarmiento, Stebbing, Willmott, Win-
Queens of England : Strickland.
Scientific Men : Adams (W. H. D.), Arago,
Brougham, Cuvier, Dictionnaire, Ernouf,
Kluyskens, Lives, Shelley, Thomas (Eloges),
Turner (Sir Isaac Newton), Walker, Young.
Sculptors : Baruffaldi, Bellori, Cunningham,
Dominichi, Gould, Nagler, Palomino, Pascoli,
Ticozzi, Vasari.
Shoemakers : Winks.
Singers : Clayton.
Statesmen : Adhemar, American, Botta,
Brougham, Cousin, Crowe, Cuvillier, Escott,
Forster (J.), .James and Crowe, Lewes,
Macaulay, Macdiarmid, Mackintosh, Maury,
Eobinet, Simon (Jules), Smith (G. B.), Stan-
hope, Thackeray, Thornton, Tomlin, Towns-
end, Tutzschmann.
Zoologists: Buchanan, Macgillivray, Natura-
Vaeiocs or Select Biography: 'Autobiography,'
Bennett, Camden Misc., Cnpgrave (The
inustrious Henries), Chesterfield, Clinton,
Coleridge (Hartley), Copner, Flonrens, Fon-
tenelle, Gardiner (M. IL), (luizot, Hayward,
Houghton, Irving, Jovius. Ijonsdalc, Maccall,
Martineau, Jlenzies, Nicoll (H. .T.), Oliphant,
Eapin, Reumont, Ileynaud, Ritchie, Ilussell,
Timbs, Wilson, Yonge.
African Explokeks : Meugens.
Sec ' Genealogy.'
BIOLOGY: Agassiz, Alliot, Analogic?, Aristotle,
Bastiat, Beale. Bouillier, Cassell, Chauffard,
Coleridge, Cook (.Tos.), Doherty (H.), Free
Notes, Garnett (T.), Gavarret, Gossc, Howes,
Huxley, Janet, Lange, Letonrneau, M'Alpine,
Moleschott, r;steur, Pcnnetier, Ponton,
Pouchet, Spencer, Stirling, Wilson (A.).
BIOPLASM : Beale. Sec ' Protoplasm.'
BIEDS. See ' Ornithology.'
BLACK SEA : Carlisle, Lechevalier, Oliphant,
Serristori, Seymour, Spencer.
Map of : Handtke.
BLANC (MONT). See ' Alps.'
BLIND (THE): Diderot, Johns, Levy, Paris
Expos., Tracts (Training), Wilson.
BLOCKADE. See 'America (Alabama Claims),'
' Law (International).'
BLOOD (Circulation of the) : Pettigrew, Willis.
History : Benger, Bost, Cosmas, Hurter, Keysler,
Oxley, Palaoky, Pangerl, Pescheck, Ranke,
Reuss (R.), Univ. Hist. 32, Wiedemann,
Wratislaw. Sec ' Germany.'
Travels and Descriptions : Burncs. Grover,
Heeren, Khanikoff, Lansdell (1885), Meyen-
dorff, Vambery, Wilson (' Ariana '), Wolff. See
' Khiva.'
Travels: Bonelli, Mathews (E. D.), Spence,
Wiener. Sec 'America (South).'
History : Ghirardacci, Savioli.
Marriages : Bingham. See ' France.'
BONIFACE (St.) : Bonifacius, Fischer (0.).
BON-MOTS : Bons-Mots.
Greek and Roman: Lewis (J. D.).
BOOKBINDING: Brunet (G.), Buchot, Bulletin
de Bibliophile, Cundall, Hannet, Louisy,
^ Schwartz, Zaehnsdorf.
BOOKKEEPING : Everard (W.), Hamilton (R. G.
C), Morrison, Sheriff.
BOOKS, Enemies of : Blades.
Choice of: Baldwin, Fitzgerald (P.), Harrison
(F.), Ireland (A.), Lang (A.), Mangin, Reading,
Richardson (C. F.), Van de Weyer.
See ' Bibliography.'
Illustration of : Wood (H. J.).
Book-Plates : Warren.
Dedications : Wheatley.
Topography: Baurein, Varietes.
Wines : Cocks, Druitt, Michel, Thudicum,
BOEDER HISTORY. See ' Scotland.'
BORDER MINSTRELSY : Scott. See ' Poetry.'
BORNEO : Bock, Borneo, Boyle, Brooke, Bur-
bidge, Hatton (188/5), Keppel, Marryat,
Mundy, St. John.
BOSNIA: Evans (A. J.), Schweiger, Yriartc.
Bibliographies: Index Soc, Jackson, Smith-
sonian Misc.
Dictionaries : Don, Loudon, Marlyn, Miller.
Treatises on : Annals of Nat. Hist., Babington
(C. C), Balfour, Banks, Barton, lienthani,
Bentley, Berkeley, Boscowitz, Botanical,
Brewer, Brown (R.), Browne (J. A.), Catl'>w,
Cooke, Dale (C. W.), Darwin, Daubeny, Dc
Candollc, Dondis, Edmeades, Emery, En-
cyclopa'dia, Figuier, Flower-Lore, Gerard,
Gordon (G.), (iray (A.), Grew, Grindon, Han-
bury, Ilehn, Henfrey, Henslow, Hooker,
Huime, Irvine, Jones, Jussieu, Karr, Kerner,
Kitchener, Kittlitz,Lccs,Leighton, Le Maout,
Lindley, Lindsay, Linncan, Macmillan,
Maling, Masters, Mueller (F. von). Nave,
Oliver, Prantl, Ray Society Publications,
Robinson, Sachs, Salmon, Schleiden, Smith
(John), Sowerby, Strasburgcr, Syme, Taylor
(J. E.), Theophrastus, Thornton (R. J.),
Threlkeld, Tracts 14, '21, Turner (W.), Twin-
ing, Ungor, Vines, Vogel, Wallicli, Ward,
Watson, Weber (J. C), Wilkes (C), Woods.
Geography of Plants : Meyen, Watson.
Mythology of Plants: (rubernatis.
Vegetable Physiology : Boscowitz, Carpenter,
Cooke (W. C), Henfrey, Henslow, Marcet,
Roget, Thome.
Bible Plants: Smith (J.).
Climbing Plants : Darwin (C).
Spikenard of the Ancients : Jones (W.).
Ferns : Britten, Chanter, De Bary, Francis,
Heath, Hooker, Lowe, Lyell, Moore, Smith (J.).
Flowers : Allen (G.), Burbidge, Darwin (C),
Flower-Lore, Hulme, Johns, Lankester, Lub-
bock, Miiller (H.), Robinson (W.), Ruskin,
Taylor (J. E.).
Flora of Norway : Blytt.
Fungi : Badham, Hay, Marsilius, Stevenson.
Grasses : Plues, Sinclair.
Genus Carex : Boott.
Insectivorous Plants: Darwin (C).
Microscopic : Behrcns (J. W.), Troussart.
Mosses : Berkeley (J. M.), Stark (R. M.).
The Nettle : Gravis.
Orchids : Britten.
Trees : Evelyn, Heath. Kirby, Loudon, Selby,
Stcuart. Sec ' Arboriculture.'
Alpine Plants : Scboth.
Plants of Hawaii : Sinclair.
Plants of Indlv : Baynes (C. E.), Hooker, Jones
(W.), Oliver, Royle, Tennent. Wallich, Wight,
Plants of West Yorkshire: Davies (J. W.).
Plants of Great Britain : Johnson (C. P.),
Sowerby (J. E.).
ropular Names of : Britten and Holland,
Prior (R. C. A.).
Index to Curtis's Magazine : Tonks.
BOURBON (HOUSE OF) : Aumale, Bourbon,
Crowe, Freer, Louis (de Bourbon), Nauroy,
Yonge. Sec ' France.'
BRABANT : Borman, Galesloot, Klerk, Sanderus.
BRAHMANISM: Rose (R. C). -SVc 'Hindu
Religion,' ' India,' ' Menu,' ' Mythology,'
' Vedas.'
Functions of: Bennett (J. H.), Calderwood,
Fcrrier, Gall, Janet, Luys, Rittershain, Vogt.
Diseases of : Bucknill, Corning, Ferrier, Mauds-
ley, Schroeder van der Kolk, Wigan, Win-
slow. See ' Insanity.'
BriANDENBURG (HOUSE OF). See ' Prussia.'
BRASSES (MONUMENTAL) : Boutell, Greeny,
Haines. Sec 'England (Antiq.).'
History : Armitage, Barlmus, Brazil, Dutot,
Gafferel, Henderson, Southey.
Travels axd Desceiptions : Adalbert, Agassiz,
Ave-Lallemant, Biard, Bigg-Wither, Burke
(1884), Burmeister, Burton, Christie, Churchill
1, Conder, Dent (188(5), Dundonald, Edwards,
Eschwege, Ewbank, Expilly, Fletcher, Gar-
diner, Gordon, Graham, Hadfield, Harty,
Kidder, Koster, La Hure, Laval, Lery, Mans-
field, Marmol's Amalie, Mathison, Mawe,
Maximilian, Mulhall (1881), Netscher, Pur-
chas 4, Relations, Saint-Hilaire, Spix and
Martius, Stade, Ulloa, Walsh, Wells (1886).
DuMOND Provinces : Saint-Hilaire.
Liter-atuee of : Wolf.
See 'Amazon,' 'America (South).'
BREVIARY : Roman, York.
BREWING : Black (W.).
BRIDGES : Cresy, Dempsey, Douglas, Provis.
Tubular : Weale's Series.
BRITAIN. See ' Great Britain.'
BRITISH MUSEUM: Catalogues (Brit. Mus.),
Cowtan, Edwards, Fagan, Fisher, Fortescue,
Nichols (T.), Pari. Reports, Sims, Tracts
(Hosking), Vaux.
BRITONS (ANCIENT) : Cffisar, Giles, Tacitus.
See ' Great Britain,' ' Celts.'
History and Antiquities: Bethara, Costello,
Courson, Daru, Desfontaines, Freminville,
Lobineau, Miln, Rio.
Descriptions : Blackburn, Broceliande, Crig-
nelle, DunloiJ, Glover, Hope, Hutchinson
(T. J.), Jephson, Litteratures poiD., Macquoid,
Musgrave, Palliser, Souvestre, Trollope, Ville-
marque. Weld.
WoLF-HuNTixG IN : Wolf-liuuting.
BRONZES : Fortnum.
BROTHERHOODS. Sec ' Sects,' ' Societies.'
History : Erath, Gibbon, Kocher, Leibnitz,
Mauvillon, Rehtmeier, Scheller.
House of (1065-1725) : Beaucaire.
BUCCANEERS: Archenholz, Burney's Disc, 5,
Johnson (C ), Oexmelin, Walker.
History, etc : Beauties of E. and W., Cox 1,
Domesday-book, Kennett, Lipscombe, Lysons.
Eton: About, Banks, Chattock, Creasy, Eton,
Jesse, Lyte, Musae, Recollections, Rimmer,
Stapylton, Tighe, Willis and Clark.
Wraysbxtrij, etc. : Gyll.
BUDDHISM : Alabaster, Bastian, Beal, Bendall,
Bodhisattva, Buddhism, Burnouf, Cunning-
ham, Dathavansa. Davids (T. W. R.), Dhar-
matrata, Dods, Edkins, Eitel, Fausboil, Hardy
(Spence), Holraboe, Hue, Laftitte, Lillie,
Marco Polo, Miiller (Tracts), Oldenberg, Rock-
hill, Saint-Hilaire, Schlagintweit, Schopen-
hauer, Senart, Swamy, Titcomb, Tracts
(Buddhist), Vassilicf. Sec ' Mythology (Hin-
BUDGET : Wilson (A. J.). See ' Finance.'
Travels : Andrews, Conder 30, Daireux, Ger-
staecker, Hutchinson, Mulhall, Parish.
BUILDING: Beckett, Galton (D.), Kerr (R.),
Shaw (R. N.), Teale. See ' Architecture,'
' Cottages.'
History : Jirecek.
War in : Baker, Huhn.
Travels and Descriptions : Barkley (1876),
Erdic (1885).
Affairs of : Bath, Gladstone (W. E.), St. Clair.
BULLION : Chevalier, Faucher, Pari. Rep., Senior,
Seyd. See ' Currency.'
History: Barante, Catalogues (Bourgogne),
Chastellain, Comines, Courtep^e, Kirk, La-
borde, Papillon, Paradin, Troyes, Weld.
Burial Acts, Hale (C. H.), Jewitt, Kirch -
mannus, Nicolai, Sonntag, Tegg. See
' Cemeteries.'
BURMAH (BRITISH) : Forbes (C. J. F. S.),
Travels : Bradley (J.), Chase, Colquhoun (1883),
Gill (W.), Gordon (C. A.) 1876, Heifer, Scott
(J. G.) 1886.
History and Descriptions : Bastian, Conder 11,
Cox, Geary, Gouger, Kreitner, Phayre, Pinker-
ton 9, Sangermano, Williams, Yoe.
Ava: Crawfurd, Symes, Trant, Two Years, Yule.
Burmese War : Laurie, Snodgrass, Wilson.
Conquest of Pegu : Pinto.
BUTTERFLIES: Newman (E.), Scudder. See
' Entomology.'
Chronology : Muralt.
Empire (in Vllth Cent.) : Drapeyron.
Historians : Byzantina;.
See ' Constantinople.'
CABBALA : Ginsburg, Molitor. See ' Jews.'
CABIRI (MYSTERIES OF) : Faber, Schelling.
CADIZ (VOYAGE TO IN 1025) : Glanville.
CAGOTS : Michel (F.). See ' Pyrenees,' ' Spain.'
History (Henry VII. to 1540) : Chronicle.
Naufrages de, 1795 : Choiseul.
CALCULUS: Differential and Integral. See
' Mathematics.'
History and Illustrations : Assemannus,
Boeckh, Brady, Butcher, De Morgan, Forster,
Gebelin 2, Graevius Rom. Antiq. 8, Gumpach,
Hampson, Hone, Macrobius. See 'Almanac'
Bayle, Bolzec, Buckle, Bungener, Calvin,
Damasi, Dyer, Edwards, Froude, Fi-y, Henry,
Mozley, Tomline.
CAMBRIDGESHIRE: Cambridge, Everett, Ly-
Agriculture : Agric. Survey.
Topography : Beauties of E. and W., Cox 1,
Cambridge: Arnold (F.), Cooper, Drury, Everett,
Fuller, Gunning, Lamb, Le Keux, Liber,
Sketches, Willis \ll.).
Barnwell and Sturbridge Fair: Nichols' Bibl.
Topog. 5.
Caius Coll.: Yetust. Monument. 4.
Churches : Cambridgeshire.
Clare Hall : Vetust. Monument. 1.
Corpus Christi Coll. : Masters.
St. John's Coll. : Baker.
Trinitij Coll.: Storer.
^lij : Bentham, Miller, Vetust. Monument. 1.
Newmarket : Horc.
Wisbeacli : Walker.
The University : Alma Mater, Arundincs,
Banks, Blomfield, J3risted, Cambridge, Can-
tabs (Sketches of). Catalogues, Cooper, Dyer,
Education, Fuller, (Iraduati, Gunning, Lamb,
Letters, Musai Cantabr., Pari. Beport, Pea-
cock, Tracts (Cambridge), Tracts (Mayor),
Tracts (Walsh).
Studies : Burrows, Challis, Donaldson, Hamil-
ton (Sir W.), Sedgwick, Student's Guide, Tod-
hunter, Whewell.
Fellowships, etc.: Gilbert (G.), Liber.
Choristers : Glover (W.).
Libraries : Hartshorne.
CANADA. See ' America (North).'
CANALS : Harcourt (L. F. V.), Tatham.
History : Glas, Hakluyt 5.
Voyages and Descriptions : Debary, Lemaire,
Murray, Ogier.
Description : Brewster.
CANNIBALISM : St. John (A.).
In Africa : Du Chaillu.
In Brazil : Stade.
In Polynesia : Cook, Feejee, Williams and Cal-
In Europe : Khevenhiller (' Annales ').
In the Western Pacific : Thomas (J.).
CAOUTCHOUC : Collins (J.).
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. See ' Africa (South).'
CAPERCAILZIE : Brown (J. A. H.).
CAPETIAN DYNASTY: Sismondi. See 'France.'
CAPITAL AND LABOUR. See ' Economy,' ' La-
bour,' ' Trade.*
In Ancient Times : Benfey, Drumann.
In Middle Ages : Brentano. Sec ' Guilds.'
CAPUA. Antiquities : Eucca.
CARDS AND GAMBLING: Boiteau, Cadogan,
Cavendish, Chatto, Games, Peignot, Stein-
metz, Taylor.
CAREW MSS. : Brewer and Bullen.
CARIBBEES. Travels: Ober.
CARICATURES: Cham, Everitt (G.), Gillray,
Rowlandson, Wright (T.).
Of Napoleon I. : Ashton (J.).
CARLAVEROCK, Siege of (a.d. 1300) : Nicolas.
CARLOVINGIANS : Gfrurer. Thegan. Sec
'France,' 'History (Middle Ages).'
CARLSBAD : Merrylces.
CARNIOLA. Travels: Cadell.
Of Greeks and Romans : Ginzrot, Polenus 5.
CARTAGENA : Bulkeley, Smollett.
CARTE MSS. : Micliel (Bordeaux), Russell.
History and Antiquities: Arnold, Bealc,
Botticher, Church (A. J.), Davis, Emmius,
Heeren, Meltzer, Munter, Polybius, Rettberg,
Smith (R. B.), Universal Hist. Anc. 15-lG.
Hannibal: lienncbert.
CARTHUSIANS. Sec 'Monastic Orders.'
CARTULARIES : Cartulaire, Crawley-Boevey,
Crosraguel, Newminster, Ramsey, St. Troiid,
Surteos Society, Whiteby.
CASHMERE: ]]cllew, Clark, Hiigel, Knight,
Schonberg, Torrcns, Vignc, Waketield.
CASPIAN SEA: Eichwald, Hanw.iy, Holmes,
Hommaire de Hell. Sec ' Russia.'
CASTLES : Parker (J. H.).
CATACOMBS : Aringhi, Artaud, Kip, Marriott,
Northcotc, Parker (.1. H.), Rossi, Schultze,
Scott, Withrow. Sec ' Cemeteries.'
CATALOGUES: Blackburn (C. F.). Catalogues,
Fortescue, Ijocker-Lampson, Paris Salon,
Petzholdt, Redgrave, Rembrandt, Scharf. Sec
' Bibliography.'
CATECHISM. Sec 'Church.'
CATEGORIES: Aristotle, Cousin, Kant, Hegel
CATHAY : Marco Polo. See ' China.'
CATHEDRALS: Benson (E.W.), Bonney, Britten,
Chartres, Hope (A. J. B.), Milner, Murray,
Storer, Willis, Wmkle. See ' Architecture
(Ecclesiastical),' and the various County and
Diocesan Histories.
CATHERINE IL Sec 'Russia.'
CATHOLICISM. See 'Rome (Church of).'
CATS (MANACiEMENT OF) : Dogs and Cats.
Descriptions and Management : Allen (L. F.),
Beever, Coburn, Dixon, Live-Stock Journal,
Miles, Tracts (Evershed), Youatt.
Diseases of : Billings, Constable (H. S.), Flem-
ing, Gamgee, Grccnhow.
Wild : Harting, Shepherd (W.), Storer, Vasey.
See 'Agriculture.'
CAUCASUS: Freshfield, Petzholdt, PhiUipps-
Wolley (1881), Sketches, Thielmann. See
' Circassia.'
CAUSALITY: Bain, Barrett, Everett, Guthrie,
Hamilton (Sir Vv.), Hegel (Ency. {; loH),
Hodgson, Hume, Kant, Laming, Mill (J. S.).
Sec 'Logic,' 'Philosophy.'
CAVA. The Abbey : Guillaume.
CAVES : Buckland, Dawkins, Jewett, Phillips.
CELIBACY. Sec ' Clergy.'
History and Antiquities : Bacon - Tacon,
Boucher, Bourke, Cambray, Courson, Davies,
Diefenbach, Fouquet, Guest, Higgins, John-
stone, Keferstein, MacLauchlan, Pclloutier,
Ehys, Ritson, Eoget, Thierry, Vabroger,
Wright (T.).
Eastern Origin : Pricharcl.
Celto-Breton Language: Legonidec.
Celtic Literature : Arbois de Jubainville,
Arnold, Carro, Diefenbach, Edwardes, Guest,
Latour, WilHams (ap Ithel), Zeuss. See
'Language,' 'Literature,' 'Wales.'
CEMETERIES : Aringhi, Cochet, Didier, Jacobs,
Marriott, Northcote, Robinson (W.), Rossi,
Scott (B.). Sec ' Burial,' ' Catacombs.'
CENTRAL AMERICA: Brasseur de Bourbourg.
Sec ' America.'
CENTRIPETAL FORCE: Newton ('Principia').
CERAMICS. See ' Porcelain,' ' Pottery.'
CEREMONIES: Spencer (H.), Spinoza. See
' Religion,' ' Ritualism.'
See 'France (Louis XIV.).'
History and Antiquities : Capper, Fellows,
Milller (E.), Pridham, Ribeyro, Tennent.
Travels and Descriptions : Arber's Eng.
Garner, Baker, Barrow, Campbell, Churchill
3, Corbet (1880), Davey, De Butts, Fa-Hien
(399-414), Ferguson (J.) 1883, Forbes, Haeckel
(1883), Kingston (1880), Knighton, Marshall,
Mouat, Percival, Russell, Selkirk, Sirr, Ten-
nent, Wilkinson.
Cingalese Poejis : Callaway.
CHAIRMAN (DUTIES OF) : Palgrave (R.F.).
(History of 15th Century),' ' Councils.'
CHALDiEA : Ainsworth, Chwolson, Lenormant,
Menant, Rawlinson, Smith (George). See
' Assyria,' ' Babylon,' ' Nineveh.'
History : Dozy, Hammer, Weil. See ' Arabia.'
CHANCERY (COURT OF): Dugdale, Herbert,
Monro, Parkes, Pari. Rep., Pearce, Record
Commission, Spence.
Lord Ch.ancelloks (List of) : Hardy (T. D.).
CHANNEL ISLANDS: Ansted, Duncan, Havet
(J.), Inglis, MacCulloch, Pegot-Osier.
Guernsey : Dicey, Guernsey.
Jersey : Ccesai'cea., Falle, Jersey, Lewes, Mur-
doch, Plees, Shebbeare.
CHARADES, ENIGMAS, etc. : Hood (T. jun.),
Rolland (E).
CHARITIES : America, Amiales, Carlisle's En-
dowed Schools, Charity Organization Soc,
Fawcett, Five Dials, Jerrold, Liefde, Low,
Malthus, Pari. Reports, Pennsylvania, Roth,
Sieveking's Life, Wright (J. H.). See ' Lon-
don,' 'Poor,' 'Population,' 'Public Charities,'
'Schools,' and the Local Histories referred
to under the names of Counties and Towns.
CHARLEMAGNE : Ariosto, Charlemagne, Ciampi,
Eginhard, Hahnii Coll., Turpin. Sec ' France.'
CHARTERS : Chattock.
CHARTISM : Bamford, Carlyle, Cooper.
CHELSEA. See ' London.'
History : Paulmy 25, 36.
Works on : Cooke (J. P.), Dolbear, Fownes,
Johnson (J. F. W.), Landauer, LuUius, Phip-
son, Rodwell, Solly (E.), Viccaiee, Youmans
(E. L.).
Manuals, Dictionaries, Elements, etc. : Abel
and Bloxham, Accum, Bell, Bernays, Bow-
man, Boyle, Brande, Chemistry, Daniell,
Davy, Donovan, Encyclopedias, Faraday,
Fownes, Frankland, Fresenius, Graham,
Gurney (G.), Hardwick, Helmont, Heron,
Hoffmann, Johnson (G. S.), Kemp, Lavoisier,
Leslie, Marcet, Miller, Napier, Normandy, Orr,
Parkes, Prout, Richardson (T.), Rigg, Roscoe
and Schorlemmer, Scoffern, Stewart, Stock-
hardt, Thomson, Tracts, Ure, Watson (R.),
Watts, Weldon, Wurz, Young.
Applied to the Arts, etc. : Boussingault,
Dumas, Elsholt, Hassall, Knapp, Liebig,
Mulder, Muspratt, Payen, Phipson, Simmonds,
Simon, Solly.
See ' Agriculture,' ' Diet,' ' Medicine.'
CHERSONESE : Bird (Isabella) 1883.
History and Topography : Axon, Barlow,
Beauties of E. and W., Cheshire, Chetham
Society Public, Cox 1, Dodridge, Hume, King,
Lancashire and Cheshire Hist. Soc, Langton,
Leigh, Lysons, Ormerod, Parry.
The Dee : Howson.
Prestbury : Renaud.
Rosl\n Remains in: Watkin (W. T.).
Chester: Chester Triumph, Earwaker, Heming-
way, Murray, Parker, Pennant, Storer, Winkle.
Dialect: Wilbraham.
CHESS : Hyde, Lolli, Meyer (H. F. L.), PhiHdor,
Schmid, Staunton, Walker.
Chessplayers : Macdonnell.
CHILDREN : Ayrton (M. C), Le Eebour, Luard,
Perez, Poole (H.), Tracts (Travail), Valeric,
Youmans (E. A.).
War in 1879 : Boyd (R. W.).
History : Chile, Miller (Memoirs), Molina,
Travels and Descriptions : Brewer, Conder, Dun-
donald, Frezier, Gerstaecker, Graham, Hall.
CHINA (MANUFACTURE, etc) : Hancock (E.),
Haslem, Hirth, Palliser. See ' Porcelain,'
History : Baudier, Callery, China, Guignes,
Gutzlaff, Hakluyt, Hamberg, Julien, M6-
moires, Mendoza, Osborn, Portfolio, Eenau-
dot, Richthofen, Universal History (Anc) 7.
Travels, Voyages, and Descriptions : Abel,
Anderson (J.), Anville, Astley 3, 4, Avril,
Balfour, Barrow, Baudier, Beauvoir, Bell,
Bergeron, Berncastle, Bissach^re, Blakiston,
Bourbulon, Bowring, Bradshaw, Caccia, Came,
China, Chinese, Collingwood, Colquhoun
(1883), Conder, Constantin 9, 10. Cooke,
Cooper, Cordier, Cotteau (1884), Cumming
(C. F. G.) 1886, Cunynghame, Davidson,;
Davis, De Veer, Doolittle, Downing, Du Halde,
Ellis, Farnham, Fishbourne, Fisher, Fon-
blanque. Fortune, Gill, Gordon (Gen. C. G.),
Gray (J. H.), Gray (Mrs.), Grimestone, Grosier,'
Guignes, Gutzlaff, Hall (Basil), Harris, Hen-
derson, Henry (1886), Kingston (1880), Hue,
Hughes (1883), Ides, Itier, Jocelyn, Juillard,-'
JuHen, Kidd, Kreitner (1880), Lavoll(jc, Lay,
Lecomte, Letters, Lettres Kditiantcs, Lindsay,
Loch, Lockhart (W.), Maclcod, Marco, Polo,
Margary, Meadows, Medlrurst, Mcignan, Me-
moires, Milne, Morrison, Moule, IMurray,
Navarrctc, Xcvius, Nieuhoff, Osborn, Parlia-
mentary, Pauw, Percy, Perry, Piassetzki
(1883), Pinkcrton 7, Playfair (187<.)), Prejeval-
sky, Purchas 3, Kains, liennio, Pipa, Schlie-
mann, Scott, Khorc (1881). Sinibald (1858),
Smith (Bp. (t.), Sonnerat, Taylor, Thevenot,
Thomson (J.). Timbowski, Wheeler (1881),
Williams, Williamson, Wilson (A.), Yvan.
Emuassies to : Praun, F.llis (Amherst), Loch,
Ogilby (J.), Oliphant, Stannton (Macartney),
Van 13raam.
Chixa Seas : Ha^vks (1885).
Chi>;ese Tartary : Atkinson, Hue.
CoREA .^"D LoocHoo : Gaubil (in Lettres Kdi-
fiantes). Hall, Halloran, Kaimpfer, Macleod.
Ejiigkation : Seward (G. F.).
Military Operations, 1840-42 : Belcher, Binder-
mann, Bingham, Cunynghame, Dayis, Gra-
viere. Loch, Mackenzie, Murray, Pari. Re-
1857-71 : Cooke, M'Ghee, Oliphant,
Osborn, Rennie, Swinhoe, Yarin, Wilson,
i Wolseley, Woodthorpe.
Gordon in China : Mossman.
Pirates: Brown, Neumann.
PRovaNCE OF Yun-Nan : Rocher.
Taeting Rebellion : Brine, Hamberg, Lin-Le.
British Commerce with : Martin, Pari. Report.
Religion : Confucius, Edkins, Hue, Julieu,
Kesson, Legge, Marshall, Thiersant.
Government, Laws, Polity, etc. : Auber, Con-
fucius, Ferrari, Gumpach, Julien, M6moires,
Literature. Sec ' Literature,' ' Poetry.'
Philosophy, etc.: Chalmers (G.), Martin
(W. A. P.).
See ' Cochin China,' ' Tartary.'
History: Digby,Doran,Ferrario, Honore, James,
Mills, Nicolas, Sainte-Palaye, Schlegel, Scott.
Seo ' Crusades,' ' Heraldry,' ' Minnesiinger,'
' Troubadours.'
Romances of : Ashton (J.).
CHLOROFORM : Sansom, Snow.
CHOCOLATE: Bontekoe.
Life : Baumgarten, Bonaventura, Clodd, Cole-
ridge (H. J.), Diatessaron, Dods, Drew, Du-
panloup, 'Eece Deus,' ' Ecce Homo,' Ellicott,
Ewald,Farrar,Fowle (T. W.),Geikic (C), Glad-
stone, Harwood, Hase, Hausrath, Hofmann,
Howarth, Jameson, Jeschua (Toldoth Jesu),
Keim, Lange, Meredith, Neander, Oosterzee,
Pressense, Rambach, Renan, Renton, St. Real,
Salvador, Schenkel, Schleiermacher, Sepp,
Strauss, Tauler, Taylor (Jeremy), W^arner,
See ' Bible,' ' Christology.'
Physical Cause of the Death of : Stroud.
Resurrection : Macan, Philological, West.
Genealogies : Hervey.
Works on its Truth, Evidences, Vindications,
etc : Abbadie, Abbott, Aids to Faith, Alexan-
der (W.), Amnion, Arnobius, Arnold (M.),
Athenagoras, Aubcrlin, Autobiography of an
Atheist, Bauer, Baur, Beard, IJeattie (J.),
Bellarmin, Blunt, Burton, Butler, Chalmers,
Chateaubriand, Christlieb, Civilised Chris-
tianity, Cohen, Collins, Curteis (G.A.), Erskine
(T.), Eusebius, Fabricius (F.), Fleming (J.),
Goddard, Gregory, Grotius, Hallor, Halli-
well, Hawarden, Hinds, Howarth (H.), Hum-
phreys, Jcnkin, Jortin, Keitli, Lcalhcs, Lee
(F. G.), Leslie, Lindsay, Locke, Mandcville,
IMartyn, Michell, Mo/.ley (J. B.), Napier,
Nicolas, Paley, Philochristus, Piiiloiogical
Tracts, Quinet, Row, Sanday, Schariing,
Schlegel (G.), Shelley, Sheplierd (P.), Shuttle-
worth, Smith (J. P.), Smyth, SteiTens, Stil-
lingfleet, Storrs, Sumner, Supernatural Re-
ligion, Swift,Tait, Taylor (Rev. R.), Thompson,
Tracts (Ncvins), Vaughan (E. F.), Ward (W.),
History : Antiqua Mater, Bouzi(jue, Bruce
(E. L.), Cellier, Chastel, Havet (E.), Peilagaud,
Primitive ; Cave, Co.x (H.), Farrcr, Giles, Han-
son (K. D.), Kett, Lechler, Plieiderer, Row,
Wallace (L.), Weber (G.). Sec ' Church.'
The Apostles' Creed: Barrow, Harvey (W.W.),
King, Leighton, Palmer, Pearson,
Athanasian Creed : Harvey {W. W.), Ommaney,
Tracts (Athanasian), Waterhmd.
NiCENE Creed: Forbes (A. P.), Harvey (W. W.).
Doctrines, Institutes, Principles, etc. : Alger,
Allen (A. V. H.), Alt, Anderson, Augustinus,
Baur, Bautain, Brown (J. B.), Burnet (T.),
Butler, Calvinus, Challis, Charnock, Chateau-
briand, Christian Doctrine, Chubb, Clemens,
Colet, Cook (K.), Cranmer, Cunningham
(W.), Cyrillus, Dorner, Drummond, lidwards,
Ehrenfeuchter, Ephraemus, Ejjijdianius, Fa-
ber, Feuerbach, (iersonius, (hcgory. Grey,
Guizot, Harnack, Hase, Hettinger, Horbery,
Howe, Jackson, Jurieu, Justinus, Kempis,
Ken, Kirkus, Koller, Law, Leroux, Little,
Litton, Maclear, Marheineke, Martensen,
Mathcson, Maurice, Milligan (W.), Milton,
]Moh]er, Molinos, Munger, Mysteries, New-
man, Nicolas, Nitzsch, Oxenham, Palmer,
Perfect Way, Phillips (G.), Rhocr. Pubot (P.),
Ritschl, Rogers, Schleiermacher, Schnecken-
burger, Schwartz, Scott (C. N.), Scott (Dr. J.),
Scott (Thomas), Shakspearc (Ch.). Shedd,
Shuttleworth, Steffens, Theologia, Tomline,
W^arburton, Waterland, Wliately. Wliite (E.),
Whole Duty of ]\Ian, Winer, Withrow, Wood-
gate, Wordsworth, Worthington.
Doctrine of the Atonement : Cox (S.), Dale
(R. W.), Davison, Dorner, Magec, Penrose,
Rigg, Ritschl, Taylor (J.), Voyscy.
Doctrine of the Trinity : Alexandria, Athana-
sius, Augustinus, Buhnie, Clarke, Evanson,
Hegel 15, Horsley, Jones, Proclus, Stilling-
fleet, Waterland, Watts, Whiston. .SVo' Deism,'
'Theology,' ' Unitarianism.'
Original Sin : Taylor (J.).
The Incarnation : Anselm, Athanasius, Wilbcr-
MiLLENNiu.M : Gumming, Evans, Waldegrave.
Predestination : Augustinus, Baur, Calvin,
Edwards (Jon.), Fry, Mozley (J. B.).
Of Retribution : Jackson (W.), Row.
Baptisji, Treatises on, etc. : Anderson, Bethel!,
Ringham, Clarke, Croly, Cyril (of Jerusalem),
Glas, Goode, Irving, .fewel, Mozley, Tyndale,
Wall, Waterland, Wickham, Wilberforco.
Holy Communion : Ritual, Scudamorc (W. E.).
Future Punishment : Farrar, Oxenham, Philo-
logical Tracts.
Miiucles : Brewer (E. C), Bruce (A. B.), Cscsa-
rius Hcistcrbacensis, Campbell, Chubb,
Gumming, Davroult, Douglas, Fonvielle,
Hume, Le Bas, Lecanu, Lias, Litton, Mac-
donald, Miracles, Mozley, Newman, Eow,
Scott, Steffens, Steinmeyer, Strachey, Super-
natural Eeligion, Trench, Wallace (A. E.),
Its Moral and Social iNFLnENCE, Province,
ETC. : Ballantyne, Bayley (E.), Blakey, Can-
ning, Coquerel, Croslegh, Dewar, Fleming,
Fontan^s, Froude, Gass, Greswell, Haweis,
Hopkins, Knox, Lagrange (C), Mandeville,
Sewell, Sumner, Wace, Wiseman, Worsley.
Sec ' Church.'
CHEISTIAN AET: Alt, Didron, Jameson, La-
croix, Eio, Eumohr, Saint-Laurent, Schlegel,
Schnaase, Viollet-le-Duc. Sec 'Architec-
ture,' ' Art,' ' Eitualism.'
'Fathers,' ' Philosophy,' ' Schoolmsn.'
CHEISTOLOGY : Coquerel, Dorner, Hengsten-
berg, Hughes (T.), Eow, Stanton, Vernes.
CHEOMATOGEAPHY : Aristoteles, Chevreul,
Field, Goethe, Hay, Helmholtz, Koehler
(S. E.), Muckley, Eood, Eamford, Wilkinson,
Wilson, Young.
CHEONICLES : Buchon, Chronicles, Chronik,
Cronica, Hantka, Heelu. Sec ' Calendar,'
' Great Britain,' ' State Papers.'
GHEONOGEAMS: Hilton (J.), Hughes (F. J.).
Systems, etc. : Abul-Farajii, Annuaire, Annual
Eegister, Art de Verifier les Dates, Blair,
Book of Dates, Bosanquet, Brady, British
Chronologist, Censorinus, Clinton, Cunning-
hame, De Morgan, Dreyss, Freret, Galloway
(W. B.), Hales, Haydn, Ideler, Index to
' Times,' Jarvis, Martin, Newton, Nicolas,
Oettinger, Palmoni, Petavius, Phillips (Biog.
Diet.), Picot, Prideaux, Scaliger, Smith (G.),
Smith (Dr. W.), Townsend, Universal Hist. 1,
Ussher, Woodward, Zumpt.
Egyptian and Hebrew : Bond, Bunsen, Knotel,
Lepsius, Lesueur, Lewin, Nolan, Palmer,
Poole. See ' Egypt.'
Greek: Clinton, Peter (C).
Hindoo : Jones 4, Key, Wilford in Asiatic Ee-
Persian : Tyrwhitt.
Sec ' History.'
History of the Christian Chdrch :
General Histories : Alexander (Nat.), Antoninus,
Ashwell, Baronius, Becchetti, Benson, Be-
rault, Berniera, Bingham, Boehringer, Bright
(W.), Broglie,Broughton, Bullet, Bunsen, Bur-
ton, Campbell, Casaubon, Cellier, Centuriatores
Magd., Capefigue, Creighton, Cunningham
(J.), Dalrymple, Dollinger, Dowling, Faber,
Eabricius, Febronius, Fitzgerald (W.), Fleury,
Fox, Gieseler, Guericke, Hardwick, Hase,
Hinds, Hornius, Jarvis, Jones, Jortin, Kaye,
Marsden, Martene, Matter, Maurice, Merivale,
Migne, Milman, Milner, Mosheim, Neander,
Palmer, Planck, Eenan, Eobertson, Eussell
(Earl), Schroeckh, Sigonius, Stanley, Thomas-
sinus, Time and Faith, Townsend, Tucker,
Volbeding, Wadlington, Wiggers, Wiltsch,
Wing, Wood (W. S.), Yeates. See '13ible
(History of),' ' Jews.'
Apostolic Period : Baumgarten, Baur, Bert-
holdt, Bruns, Cave, Dollinger, Lechler,
Merivale, Neander, Eeuss, Schneckenburger,
Schwegler, Stanley, Thiersch, Volkmar.
The Primitive Church : AUard, Allies, Augus-
tin, Baur, Bunsen, Butler, Cassiodorus, Cave,
Christianisme, Doulcet, Eusebius, Freppel,
Gfrorer, Greppo, Hinds, Kaye, King, Lamson,
Maitland, Marshall, Alartene, Mosheim, Ne-
ander, Pressense, Eothe, Schmidt, Soames,
Soyres, Sozomen, Tillemont, Tyler, Whiston,
Fathers of the Church. See ' Fathers.'
The Church at different Periods before
1300 : Anastasius, Backhouse, Baur, Blunt,
Bright (W.), Clarke (A.), Freppel, Gilly,
Greenwood, Guibertus, Hemans, Kip, Moyle,
Orsi, Eoberts (W.), Schwegler, Socrates, Stu-
dent's, Theodoretus, Ullmann, Wordsworth.
The Fourteenth Century : Baluzius, Flathe,
Ullmann, Weber, Wicliffe.
Medi.t5val : Hurter, Schmidt (C), Trench,
Zeller (J.).
Schism of the West. See ' Councils,' ' Eome.'
The Hussites. jScc ' Church (Sects).'
From the Eeformation to the Nineteenth
Century : Baur, Hagen, Hagenbach.
In the Sixteenth Century :
Germany : Adamus, Aubigne, Audin, Barham,
Barthold, Beausobre,Bretschneider, BuUinger,
Cantu, Capefigue, Cox, Erasmus, Forstemann,
Gerdesius, Gilpin, Hagenbach, Hardt, Hard-
■wicke, Hare, Heimbiirger, Heraninjard, Ku-
czynski, Laemmer, Lauterbach, Lutherus,
Marheinike, Melanchthon, Neudecker, Nichols,
Ranke, Eohr, Schroeck, Seckendorf, Sleidan,
Villers, Waddington, Wildenhahn, Worsley.
In the Nineteenth Century : Barral.
Germany : Baur, Dorner, Eettberg, Schwartz.
Old Catholics : D5llinger, Janus, Sybel, Unsere,
Zeit. See ' Councils,' ' Germany.'
The Low Countries : Brandt.
Switzerland : Christoffel, Haller, Zurich.
Italy : Achilli, Bonnet, Curci, Gavazzi, Macrje,
Villari, Young.
Catechism : Andrewes, Catechism, Clarke,
Nicholson, Nixon, Nowell, Seeker, West-
Confessions of the Eeformed Churches :
Niemeyer, Sylloge Confessionum, Thomasius,
Vincke, Westminster Confession.
Councils. See ' Councils.'
Creeds : Baur, Bingham, Butler, Durandus,
Hammond, Hase, Ketten, Marheineke, Mohler,
Niemeyer, Pearson. See ' Creeds,' ' England,'
' Eome.'
Liturgies: Basil, Blunt, Bode, Bona, Brett,
Daniel, Gregorius (Magnus), Klotz, Leo (vol.
2), Martene, Maskell, Neale, Palmer, Eanke,
Eenaudot, Eobles, Eock, Surtees Soc, Taylor,
Tracts for the Times, Zaccaria.
Of the Church of England : See ' England
(Church of).'
Ordinations : Hodgson, Le Courayer, Walcott.
Christian Sects, Heresies, etc. : Archelaus,
Athenagoras, Blunt, Boone, Christian Sects,
Curci, Evans, Ffoulkes, Gregoire,Hahn, Ittig,
Keschner, Lardner, Eosse, Walch, Wilberforce,
Wilson (E. F.), Winer. See ' Anglican Schism.'
Anaharitists : Carri^re, Eanke, Zimmermann.
Sec ' Eeformation.'
Arians : Athanasius, Gregorius (Naz.), Gwatkin,
Hermant, Maimbourg, Newman, Eevillout,
Tillemont, Whitaker (J.) See ' Council (Ni-
Arminians : Arminius, Brandt (G.), Whitby.
Baptists : Crosby, Ivemy, Judson, Mosheim,
Donatists : Augustinus.
Erastians : Erastus, Wilberforce.
Gnostirs : Baur, Gibbon, King, Manscl, Matter,
Neander, TertuUian.
Eiissitcs : Bcausobre, Flathc, JaulTret, Lenfant,
Janscnisis : Fenelon, Gerbcron, Jansen, Pascal,
Schimmelpenninck, Tregclles. See ' Port
Maniclucans : Avigustinus, Bcausobre, Fliigel.
Montanists : Schwcgler, TertuUian.
MoravicDis : Crantz, English Girl, Ijatrobe,
Ncsloria)ts : Badger, Grant, Neale, Perkins.
Quakers: Barclay, Clarkson, Cunningham,
Ellis, Evans, Fox ((ieo.), (iurnoy, Hancock,
Leslie, Montague, Penn, C^uakerisin, Howntree,
Eules, Selection, Sewell, Tracts, Woolman.
See 'Pennsylvania.'
See ' Albigenses,' ' Waklenses.'
Coptic Cnrncii : Butler (A. J.), Swainson.
Eastern Chuhch : Allatius, Api)leyard, Black-
more, ]5roglie, Ginzel, Golovin, Grcgorius
(Naz.), Kinimel, King, Krasinski, Le Quien,
Littledale, Macaire, Maciejowski, Montalem-
bert, Morcellis, Morinus, Monravieff, Neale,
Palmer, Pinkerton, licligion des Moscovites,
Eomanoff, Schaff, Smith (T.), Stanley (A. P.),
KoME (Church of). See above : ' General His-
tories,' 'Eome (Church).'
EoMAN Catholics in England since the Re-
formation : Brooke, Butler, Challoner, Dodd.
Directory (18S1) : Addis (W. E.).
Emancipatioyi : Amherst, Catholic.
Martyrologies, Lives of the Saints : Acta
Sanctorum, Baillet, Baring-Gould, Butler, De
Vera, Newman.
Persecutions : Aub6, Garrido and Cayley.
Ni.TURE OF Church Establisioients, etc. :
Chalmers, Colet, Dollingcr, Geffcken, Gilmore,
Gladstone, Hatch, Minghetti, Montagu, Mo-
rinus, Pusey, Yoysey, Walcott, Warburton,
Ward, Whately, Zeller (E.).
Church Government — -EnscoPACY : Benson (E.
W.), Brett, Burgess, DoUinger, Drummond,
Gillmor, Heylyn, Hickes, Hooker, KoUer,
Letters, Marshall (T. W.), Milton, Stubbs,
Tindal, Tracts for the Times, Wilberforce.
Church BuiLmNG [Middle Ages) : Norton (C. E.).
Church and Society : Brown (J. B.).
Free Church: Maassen, Tracts. r
Gallic AN Church : Gregoire, Maistre (J.), Jer-
vis (W. H.).
South Africa: Tracts (Africa).
See Ecclesiastical History of different Countries
under Names of the Countries. See also
' Articles,' ' Law (Canon),' ' Liturgies,'
'Eitual,' 'Eome.'
.CHUECHES : Cox (-J. C), Glynne, Pari. Eeports,
Thiers (J. B.). Sec 'Furniture,' 'Eegisters.'
.CID (THE) : Chronica, Dennis, Dozy, Herder,
Kelly, Lockhart, Luna,Romanccro, Romances,
CILICIA : Barker, Vahram, Xcnophon.
CINQUE POETS : Lambarde, Lyon, Raleigh.
Travels: Bell, Bodenstedt, Cameron, Captivity,
Cunynghame, Eichwald, Freshlield, Grove,
(F. C.) 1874, Harvey, Haxthausen, Jesse,
Klaproth, Letters, Longworth, Marigny,
Mounsey, OliiDhant (D.), Seymour, Spencer,
Language : Loewe, Miiller.
CISTEECIANS. See ' Monastic Orders.'
' Government.'
History of, i:tc. : Ah-Cliin-Le, Arnold, Barker
(T. C), Buckle, Draper, Geiger (W.), Guizot,
Hiinneger, Klemm, Lecky, Mackinnon, Mit-
chell (.\.), Ozanani, Eambaud, Reiiouvier,
Rossillon, Soury.
Sec ' Society.'
CLASSICS : Collins, Valpy, Wordsworth (Bishop).
See 'Drama,' 'Essays,' 'Greece,' 'History,'
'Literature,' 'Philology,' ' Rome.'
CLASSIFICATION : Agassiz, Amp(^re, Coleridge
(Encycl. MetropoL), D'Alembert.
G];neral or Philosophical : Charma, Comte
(Tableau Synoptique, 182!)), Hegel (Encyclop.
1817 and 1830), Spencer (H.).
Zoological : Cuvier, Huxley, Owen.
CLEOPATEA'S NEEDLE : King (J.), Wilson (E.).
History : P>abington (C), Benson, Bonnani,
Burnet, Hickoringill, Jeaffrcson, Johnson,
]\Iiller (H.), Tracts (Paley), Twining (T.),
Wale (H. J.), Warton, Wilks.
French Clergy in England : La Marche.
Celibacy : Gregoire, Lea, Theiner.
See 'Eome (Gregory YII.).'
OG): Flc-chier.
CLIMATE: Howard (L.), Sargeaunt, Thomson
(A. S.).
In Relation to Geology : Croll.
Curative Influence of : Bennet, Clark, Francis,
Harwood, Martin, Shapter, Taylor, Waring,
Williams. See ' Meteorology.'
Subtro2ncal : Haldane (R. C).
Bibliography of: Ramsay (A.).
CLOCKS : Benson (J. W.), Carpenter, Denlson,
EncyclopiDdias, Thomson, Wood.
CLUBS : Arnold, Calves'-Head, Gronow, Jesse,
London, Marsh, Rouge et Noir, Strang, Timbs.
See ' Societies.'
CLUNY ABBEY : Bernard et Bruel.
Harris (S.), Haworth, Hissey, Lennox, Malet
(Captain), Reynardson, Thrupp (G. A.).
COAL AND COAL MINES : Boyd, Clegg, Coal,
Dalziel (A.), Danvers, Dixon (J.), Galloway,
Gesner, Holdsworth, Holland, Hull, Jevons,
Murchison, Pari. Reports 23, Smyth, Taylor,
Thomas (J. W.).
Indian: Ball (V.).
Voyages to : Barrow, Bissachere, Borri,
Bouinais, Cortambert, Crawfurd, Haussman.
COFFEE : Arnold (E. L.), Bontekoe, Dekker.
General Discourses on : Addison, Carter,
Grenser, Head (B. V.), Jacob, Jennings, Jou-
bert, Klotz, Lane-Poole, Lenormant, Locke,
Mangeart, Mint, Newton, Pinkerton, Sestini,
Tracts (Catalogue), Yates, Zanetti.
Eastern : Schrader, Thomas (E.), Wilson (H.H.).
Early Christian : King (C. W.).
Jewish : Akerman, Madden.
Greek and Roman ; Acad, des Inscrip. (M6m.
de), Arbulhnot, Cardwell, Chilllet, Cohen,
Ducange, Eckhel, Gncvius, Gronovius !l, Head
(B. v.), Humphreys, Meursius.Rasche, Schlum-
• berger, Sestini, Smith's Diet, of Biogr., etc.,
Spanlieim, Tracts (Kerrick), Walker, Whelan,
OscAX : Friedliinder.
EoJiAN : Akerman, Clarke, Greaves, Hobler,
Madden, Mionnet, Mommsen.
SiciLL\.x : Head, Paruta and Augustin (in
Grsevius 6, 7, 8).
Swiss: Poole (R. S.).
AxciEXT British, Axglo-Saxox, and Danish :
Clarke, Evans, Fountaine, Poste, Stukeley.
American : Eodenbough.
English : Ansell, Clarke, Fleetwood, Golding,
Hawkins, Henfrey, Kenyon. Leake, Livei^pool,
Lowndes, Montagu (W. H.j, Ending, Thor-
Western Europe : Keary (C. F.).
Irish : Simon, Thorburn.
Scotch : Cochran-Patrick, Robertson (J. D.).
Coins Current throcgh Europe, 1766 : Snel-
Tokens : Boyne, Burn.
COLLECTS : Bright, Goulburn (E. M.), Palmer's
mann, Justinian (Code, lib. iii., iv.), Mommsen,
Pliny (Epist. lib. x.), Theodosius (Code, lib.
xiii., xiv.) See 'Labour.'
COLOMBIA: Cochrane, Columbia, Conder 27,
Hamilton (J. P.). Sec 'America (South).'
Of Europe : Payne.
Of Great Brit.un : Adderley, Bannister, Barry,
Bathgate, Bonwick, Bourne, Burke, Byrne,
Colonies, Cotton (J. S.), Dilke, Froude, Guyot,
Kershaw, Martin, Mill, Montegut, Napier,
Parkman, Parliament, Queensland, Ransome,
Rawlings, Roberts, Robinson (J.), Roebuck,
Rowe (C. J.), Royal Colonial Institute, Sains-
bury (W. N.), Tracts, Young (P.).
On Colonization : Aborigines, African Colonizer,
Beheim-Schwartzbach, Bell, Bentham, Broug-
ham, Clarke, Fox, Fuller, Grey, Lang, Lewis,
Blerivale, Mills, Money, Pari. Reports, Pownall,
Pridham, Raynal (Abbe), Swainson, Talvi,
Tracts, Wakefield.
Of Ancient States : Baron, Raoul-Rochette.
French : Duval, Parkman, Rameau.
See 'Africa (South),' 'America (North),' 'Aus-
tralia,' ' New Zealand.'
CoLONLAL Industry : Exhibition.
COLOUR. Sec 'Chromatography.'
COLOUR-BLINDNESS : Jeffries, Wilson.
COLUMBIA, British. See 'America (North).'
COMETS. See 'Astronomy.'
COMMERCE : Allen (A. P.), Devinet, Oddy. Sec
' Trade.'
CoiiiiERCLAL Distress : Commerce.
Crisis in 1857-58 : Evans (D. M.).
Six Essays. See ' Land.'
COMMONS (HOUSE OF) : Palgrave (R. F.). See
' Parliament.'
COMMUNE (PARIS, 1871) : Audigonne, Beau-
mont-Vassy, Delion, Enault, Leighton, Mail-
lard, Molinari, Rossel, Sybel, Yriarte. Sec
' France,' ' Paris.'
COMMUNISM : Woolsey (T. D.), Zacher (A.).
COMPANIES. See ' Guilds,' ' Labour,' 'London,'
' Societies,' ' Trade.'
Breen, Thring.
CONCHOLOGY : Bell, Catlow, Chenu, Crouch,
Johnston (G.), Sowerby, Swainson, Woe>d.
Fossil: Brocchi, Mansell, Smithsoniafl. Coll.,
Woodward. . ' ;
See ' Geology.'
CONCLAVES: Cartwi-ight, Cesare, Petrucelli,
CONFESSION, Auricular: Chiniquy, Hettinger,
Koller, Lasteyrie, Pusey, Tracts (Aldridge).
See 'Rome (Church of).'
Political : Angleterre, Bonghi, Congr^s, Pari.
Reports, Tracts (Congres).
Academical : Anthropologie, Conferences,
Library, Orientalists, Paris, Tracts (Orien-
Bishop, Kiorning.
CONSTANCE (COUNCIL OF) : Hardt, Lenfant.
See ' Councils.'
Ancient: Axnmianus Marcellinus, Bandurus,BM-
terie, Byzantinre Historic Scriptores, Codi-
nus, Comnena, Cousin, Eusebius, Flechier,
Georgius, Gibbon, Le Beau, Procopius, Tille-
mont, Wilken.
Conquest by the Franks : Buchon, Ducange,
Duchesne, Finlay, Mouskes, Ville-Hardouin.
Siege of (1453) : Raumer.
Council of. See ' Councils.'
Modern. History and Description : Amicis,
Asselineau, Auldjo, Aya, Brassey, Burbury,
Dallaway, Europiiische Wanderbilder (1886),
Fallmerayer, Frankland, Galland (1672),
Hammer, Hornby, Jeruingham, Leila-Ha-
noum, Londonderry, Macfarlane, Osborne
(C. J.), Pardoe, Pertusier, Raguse, Smith (A.),
Tchihatchef, Yigier, Walsh, White.
Sec ' Christianity,' ' Church (Greek),' ' Turkey.'
CONSTITUTIONS : Lesignano. See ' Govern-
mfut,' ' Politics.'
Of Europe : Demombynes.
CONSULS (Duties of, etc.) : Consuls, Horstmann,
Martens, Mensch.
CONSUMPTION : Ramadge, Young (T.).
CONVEYANCING : Fearn, Martin, Sugden. See
' Law.'
CONVICTS: Carpenter (M.), Parliamentary Re-
ports, Thomas (J.). See 'Prisons.'
CONVOCATION : Atterbury, Cardwell, Lathbury.
See 'England (Church of).'
COOKERY: Apicius, Brillat-Savarin, Buckton,
Cookery, Dumas, Grimod, Hunter, Jeaffreson,
Kettner, Patents, Pegge, St. Clair, Soyer,
Tabella Cibaria, Warner, Williams (W. M.).
CO-OPERATION : Bray ' Co-operator,' Flotard,
Hennell (M.), Holyoake, Lawson, Pare, Thur-
low. Sec 'Collegia,' 'Labour,' 'Rochdale
COPEPODA. Sec 'Entomology.'
CORAL ISLANDS : Dana, Darwin, Williams.
Corals (Pal.eozoic) : Nicholson (H. A.).
CORDILLEEAS : Humboldt, Proctor. Sec ' Amc-
COEEA : Griffis. Hall, Halloran, Lowell (P.), Koss
(Rev. J.). Sec ' China.'
CORINTH : Spangenberg. Sec • Greece.'
CORN LAWS: Aslnvorth, Cobbott, Elliott, Fox
(W.J.), Haiuilton, Jacob, Pari. Reports 27, 28,
Prentice (A.), Thompson (T. P.), Torrens,
Tracts (Corn).
Peice.s of Coun : Fleetwooil, Lloyd, Rogers
(J. E. T.), Tooke, Wilson (A. S.).
History, Toi'Our.vphy, axp Antiquities : Beau-
ties of E. and W., Bligh, Boase, Bodmin,
Bond, Borlase, Carew, Charnock, Collins,
Cox 1, Cumming, Deville, Dunkin, Esquiros,
Gilbert, Heath, Leifchild, Lukis, Lysons,
Murray, Oliver, Reading, Tregellas, Whitaker.
Visitation : Cornwall, Vivian.
Guide : Baddeley, Black (A. and C).
Tour.s IN : Halliwell (18G1), Mulock (1884).
Cathedral of Cornicall {Ancient) : Whitaker.
Land's End : Blight, Edmonds, Lach-Szvrma,
Lizard : Johns.
Looe {East and V.'cst) : Bond.
Madron : Millett.
Mull yon : Harvey (E. G.).
Pendcnnis and St. Maives : Oliver (S. P.)
Perranzabuloc : Collins.
Polperro : Couch.
Scilly Islands : Borlase, Heath, Lewes, North,
Trigg Minor {Deanery of) : IMaclean.
Dialect : Cornish, Norris.
Fauna : Couch.
Bibliography : Boase and Courtney.
Origin of the Cornish, etc. : Betham, Cor-
CORONATIONS: Chapters on, Dennis, Jones (W.),
Taylor (Arthur).
Coronation of James I. in England : Petowe.
OF Ch.uiles I. IN ScoTL.iND, 1633 : Balfour.
OF Charles II. at Scone, 1651 : Somers's
Tracts 6.
OF Charles V. at Bologna : Giordano.
CORPULENCE : Banting, Chambers, Ebstein.
Indexing and Prjccis of : Hunter (J.).
Sec 'Letters.'
History : Benson, Bulkeley, Forester, Frederic,
Grjcvius (Antiq. Sic. 15), Gregorovius.
Travels and Description : Bennett (J. H.),
Benson, Boswell, Campbell, Cowen, Forde
(1880), Forester, Gregorovius, Lear, Murray,
Valery, Winter.
COSMOGRAPHY : Aithikos, Bernardi, Humboldt
(A.), Mehren, Santarem, Werner, Whewell.
See ' Astronomy,' ' Physics.'
COSTUME : Book of, Dowie, Fairholt, Falke,
Martin (C. and L.), Matthias, Pauquet,
Planch6, Pugin, Strutt.
In France : D'Eze, Quiclierat.
Medi.^lval : Demay, Lacroix.
Austrian : Alexander (W.).
Egyptian : Baxter (T.).
Greek and Roman : Baxter (T.), Grmvius,
Rom. 6, Hope, Smith (J. M.).
Deformity in : Flower (W. H.).
Ecclesiastical : Cheetham, Marriott, Tertullian.
See ' Ritualism.'
COTTAGES (BUILDING) : Loudon, Shaw (R. N.).
Sec ' Architecture,' ' Building.'
COTTON : Arnold, Baincs,Cassel8, Ellison, Mallet,
Royle, Tracts (Cotton), Ure.
Collections and Histories of : Acta et Decreta,
Bail, Baluzius, Bruns, Bullinger, Cabassutius,
Canons, Cave, Concilia, Councils, Dupin,
Hefele, Labbeus, Martcne 1, Pusey, Richard,
Spelman, Theiner, Wilkins.
Of Basil, Constance, Pisa : Lenfant, Pallacky.
Of Bonn : Pusey, Reusch.
Of Constantinople : Councils.
Of Ch.\lcedon : Councils.
Of Trent : Brischer, Buckley, Bungener,
Canones, Catechism, Dejob, DoUinger (J. v.),
Navarrete Doc. 9, Pallavicino, Plat, Ranchin,
Sarpi, Sickel, Theiner.
Of Ephesus : Councils, Perry.
Of Florence : Sguropoli.
Of Narbo : Baluzius.
Of Nic.i:a : Broglie, Councils, CoAVTer, Kayc,
Whiston, Wordsworth.
Of the Reformed Churches in France : Quick.
Of Pistoja : Atti.
Of Great Britain. See ' England, Church of.'
Of Germany : Bonifacius, Concilia.
Of Spain : Aguirre.
V.\tican (1869-72) : Dollinger, Friedrich, From-
man, Janus, Leto, Manning (H.), Maria-
Laach, Nevins, Petrucelli, Pius IX, Quirinus,
Sufficld, Tracts (Gladstone), Wallon.
COUNTIES (ENGLISH). See their several names
and ' Topography.'
Scotch, Irish, Welsh. Sec ' Scotland,' ' Ireland,'
' Wales.'
COVENANTERS, The. See ' Scotland.'
CRANIOLOGY. See ' Phrenology.'
CREATION : Baden-Powell, Darwin (C), Haeckel,
Sandys (R. H.). Sec ' Mankind.'
CREED: Butler (C), Formularies, Harvey, Schaff.
See ' Catechisms,' ' Christianity,' ' England,
Church of.'
CREMATION: Bonneau, Eassie (W.), Haweis.
Sec ' Burial.'
CRETE: Ballot, Cramer 3, Hoeck, Midler, Pashley,
Pausanias, Perrot, Sainte-Croix, Scott, Spratt,
Coins of : Wroth.
CRICKET : Badminton Lib., Pycroft. &V(; 'Sports.'
CRIME : Amos, America, Bcccaria, Bentham,
Clay, Dostoievsky, Ducanc, Dugdale (.\. L.),
Farrer (J. A.), Fitzgerald, Hill, Hitzig und
Hiiring ('Pitaval'), Knapp, Livingston (E.),
Lombroso, Pare (Tracts), Pari. Reports 33,34,
284, Pelham (C), Pike, Rambaud, Storer,
See ' Convicts,' ' Law,' ' Prisons,' ' Punishment,'
* Statistics.'
History ; Barker.
Tr.wels and Descriptions : Alexander, Cole-
brooke, Crcagh, Demidoff, De Ros, Gordon
(Gen. C. G.), Guthrie, Koch, Macpherson,
Pallas, rhillipps-Wolley (1881), Scott, Sey-
mour, Skene, Telfer.
Sec ' Kussia, (South).'
CRIMEAN WAR. Sec ' Military History.'
CRITICISM : Aristotle, Arnold, Bentley, Blair,
Bowles, Cambridge, Classical, Coleridge,
Dawesius, Egger, Erasmus, Gruterus, Hazlitt,
Hermann, Kames, Meursius, Museum, Philo-
logus, Poole's Index, Person, Ruhnken,
See ' Ji^sthetics,' 'Language,' 'Literature,'
'Periodicals,' 'Philology,' 'Poetry,' 'Taste,'
and the various Classics.
CROMWELL: Aubigne, Banks (J.), Carlyle,
Chasles, Clarendon, Cromwell, Guizot, Hen-
frey, Leti, Milton, Southey, Villemain. Sec
' Great Britain,' ' Long Parliament.'
Legendary History : Veldener.
History : Albert d'Aix, Bernard, Bialloblotsky,
Chronicles, Cox (G. W.), Croisades (Recueil),
Faber (Stuttg. Bib.), Foulcher, Gesta Dei per
Francos, Gibbon (ch. 58-61), Gray, Guibertus,
Jacobus de Vitriaco, Jenkins, Joinville,Keight-
ley, Maimbourg, Michaud, Mills, Odon, Rai-
mond, Raoul de Caen, Raunier (' Hohenstau-
fen '), Reinaud, Robertus Monachus, Sybel,
Ville-Hardouin, Wilken, Willelmus Tyriensis.
Influence of : Choiseul-Daillecourt, Heeren.
Sec ' Chivalry.'
CRYSTALLOGRAPHY : Groth (P.), Larkin.
History : Sagra.
Travels and Descriptions : Ampere, Ballow
(1885), Dana, Gallenga, Goodwin, Hazard,
Huiibert, Murray, Townshend, Turnbull.
See ' West Indies.'
History of : Burrows, Carri^re, Gregorovius,
Honegger, Klemm, Rosenkranz, Sinclair,
Whetenall, Youmann. Sec ' Civilization,'
Self: Blackie (J. S.).
Topography, History, etc. : Anderson, Beauties
of E. and W., Cox 1, Cumberland and Westm.
Antiq. Soc, Dickinson (J.), Ferguson, Gilpin
(W.), Lonsdale, Lysons, Pipe Rolls, Ralph,
Wright (T.).
Visitation : St. George.
Carlisle: Mounsey, Nicholson (Wm.).
Cathedral : Storer.
Church Plate: Ferguson (R. S.).
Lakes : Black, Gil]Din, Linton, Mackay, Mar-
tineau, Murray, West, Wordsworth (and
Lanercost : Chronicon.
Mountains: Barron (J.)
Dialect: Ferguson, Gibson (A. L.), Westmoreland.
Members of Parliament : Ferguson.
Worthies of : Lonsdale.
Songs and B.allads : Gilpin (S.).
Treatises : Alison, Bagehot, Bailey, Barclay
(R.), Bentham 5, Bosanquet, Capefigue,
Colquhoun, Daguesseau, Daniel (C. J.), Ful-
larton, Haupt, Hill, Joplin, Jordan, Law, Levi,
Macculloch (J. R.), Maclarem, Martin (J. B.),
Norman, Paris Exposition, Parliament, Pas-
ley, Patterson, Poor, Potter, Price, Seyd,
Steuart, Studnitz, Theory, Tooke, Torrens,
Tracts Reprint (Coins, Currency, etc.). United
States, Weston (G. M.), Wilson (A. J.)»
Bullion and the Precious Met.als : Chevalier,
Faucher, Jacob, Senior, Seyd.
History of Prices : Levy, Stirling, Tooke.
Bimetallism : Cernuschi, Laveleye.
See ' Banking,' ' Exchange,' ' Finance.'
CUSTOM HOUSE : Chester (W. D.).
CUSTOMS, POPULAR. Sec ' Folk-Lore.'
Court Customs : Armytage.
CYCLOP.EDIA. See ' Dictionaries.'
CYMRY, ANTIQUITIES OF: Caradoc, Cymmoro-
dorion, Davies, Guest, Monumenta, Richards,
Smiddy. Sec ' Literature,' ' Wales.'
CYNICS. See ' Philosophy.'
CYPRUS: Baker (Sir S. W.), Brassey, Cesnola,
Colonna-Ceccaldi, Dixon (W. H.), Farley
(J. L.), Lang (R. H.), Lriher, Mas Latrie,
Levkosia, Pari. Reports, Smith (A.) 1887,
Stevenson (Mrs. S.) 1880, Tracts (Robinson),
In the 5th Century b.c. : Roth.
CYRUS, Expedition of : Ainsworth, Grote, Mitford,
Rennell, Thirlwall, Xenophon.
DAIRY-FARMING : Long (J.), Sheldon (J. P.).
History, Travels, etc : Fortis, Krasinski, Per-
tusier. Rambles, Wilkinson, Wingfield.
Palace of Diocletian at Sp.alatro : Adam.
DAMASCUS : Porter. Sec ' Syria.'
DANCING : Krause, Meursius 5, Northbrooke,
Paulmy 29, 30, Rabou.
DANES (in England). See ' Great Britain.'
DANUBE (RIVER) : Berger (F. K.).
DARFUR. Sec ' Africa.'
DARIEN, Isthmus of : Pirn.
Scotch Colony : Cullen, Darien, Macaulay 5,
Paterson, Warburton.
Ship Can.al : Cullen, Gisborne.
Sec ' America, Central.'
DARWINIAN THEORY: Bateman (F.), Bois-
Reymond, Cobbe, Darwin, Gray (A.), James
(Dr. C), Kosmos, Krause, Lankester, Mivart,
Schmidt (0.), Strange, Wallace. Sec 'Evo-
lution,' ' Origin of Species.'
DATES. See ' Chronology.'
DAUPHINE : Musgrave, Valbonnais.
DEAF AND DUMB : Paris Exposition.
DEAFNESS : Diderot, Harvey, Kitto.
Medical Aspects of: Harrison (J. B.), Munk.
Sudden Death : Granville (A. B.).
Death and After: Alger, Arnold (Edw.),
DECORATIVE ART : Conway, Edis, Griiner,
Jones (Owen), Mayeux, Smith (J. M.). Sec
' Architecture,' ' Art,' ' Ornament.'
DEE (RIVER) : Howson.
DEER-STALKING : Conway, Grimble.
Red Deer : Collyns, Jefferies (R.).
DEFENCES, National: Colomb, Colonial, Douglas,
Fortification, Head, See ' Military History.'
DEISM AND DEISTS: Boulanger, Buslmell,
Chubb, Collins, Flint, Herbert (Lord), Holy-
oake,Levallois,Renan, Sen (Keshub Chunder),
Tindal, Toland.
On Deistical WitiTEns of England : Bentlcy,
Berkeley, Lechler, Leland, Leslie, Skelton.
DEMOCEACY : Anthony, Biton, BrouRham,
Carnegie, Chorbuliez, Fouillee, Frary, Gigot,
Guizot, Ingersoll, Laveleye, Lowell (J. 11.),
May (Sir T. E.), Mazzini, Meyer (K.), Michelet,
Naville, Ollivier, Perrens, Sherer (E.), Somer-
set, Stei)hen, Toc(iuevillc, Vacherot, Venturi.
See ' Government,' ' Society.'
DEMOGRAPHY : Paris Exposition.
DEMONOLOGY : Beard, Bohme, Conway, FliiKel,
Gilpin, (foethc (Eckcrmann), Hall (F. T.),
Horst, Luther (Tischreden), Masson (D.j,
Plato, Reville, Roskoff, Rowel, Scott, Soldan,
Spalding, Swedenborg, Zoroaster. See ' Ap-
paritions,' ' Folk-Lore,' ' Magic,' ' Manichausm,'
' Mythology,' ' Witchcraft.'
History and Antiquities : Beringius, Brown
(J.), Cragius, Dahlmann, Danicarum Rerum
Script., Droysen, Dunham, Engelhart, France
(J.), Mallet, Manley, Meursius 9, Pontanus,
Pontoppidanus, Robertson, Saxo Gram.,
Schlegel, TorfiEus, Tractatus, Tracts (Fride-
ricia), Universal Hist. (Mod._28, 29), Worsaae.
See ' Iceland,' ' Scandinavia.'
EccLEsiASTic.VL HisTORT : Karup, Munter.
Travels and Descriptions : Baggesen, Barrow,
Boucher, Bremner, Bushby, Comettant, Coxe,
Danes, Denmark, Hamilton, Herbert, Inglis,
Kohl, Laing, Laurie, Marryat, Molesworth,
Moryson, Murray, Observations, Scott (C. L.
H.), WoUstonecraft. Sec 'Iceland,' 'Military
History,' 'Norway,' ' Scandinavia,' ' Schleswig-
Holstein,' ' Sweden.'
History and Topography : Bateman, Beauties
of E. and W., Bradbury (E.), Brady, Bray,
Cox 1, Davies, Dayes, Ferber, Glover, Hutton,
Jewitt, Leigh, Lysons, Pendleton, Pilkington,
Barrows and Bone Caves : Ferber, Pennington.
Churches op: Cox (J. C).
Mineralogy of : Dawe.
Bolsover and Peak : ' Nichols' Bibl. Top.' 4.
Chesterfield : Yeatman.
Derby : Hutton.
Melbourne : Deans, Yetust. Monument. 1,
Peak : Glover, Leigh.
Repton : Bigsby.
In Doctrinal Religion : Newman. Sec ' Rome.'
In Sociology : Haeckel, Kosmos, Spencer (H.).
DEVONSHIRE : Beauties of E. and W., Bray,
Cox 1, Deville, Devonshire, Gosse, Jones,
L'Estrange, Lewes, Lysons, Murray, Oliver,
Polwhele, Prince, Rogers (W. H. H.), Worth.
Guide: Baddeley, Black (A. and C).
The Axe : Pulman.
Barnstatle : Gribble.
Exeter : Charity Comm. Rep., Freeman (E. A.),
Gibbs (R.), Isacke, Shortt, Storer, Yetust.
Monument. 3.
Boyal Visit to : Gidley.
Earls and Dukes of Devonshire : Grove.
HoNixoN (The Marwoods of) : Munk (W.).
Ilfracomde : Lewes.
SiDMouTu : Tracts (Mackenzie).
Tiverton : Dunsford, Harding.
Bidliograi'hy of : Davidson (.J.).
Flora : Chanter (Ferns), Jones and Kingston.
Dialect : Devonshire, Jennings.
Monasteries : Oliver.
Pedigrees: Tuckett.
Survey : Risdon.
Traditions : Bray.
DIALECTICS : Aristotle, Hegel, Plato, Schlcier-
macher. Vera. See ' Logic,' ' Philosophy.'
DIALECTS. Sec ' Language,' and the names of
English Counties, etc.
DIALOGUES (Imaginary) : Fenelon, Helps, Lan-
dor, Lucian, Traill, Wieland.
DIAMONDS: Ball (V.), Jannettaz, Streetcr (E. W.).
Abbreviations : Chassant.
Agricultural : Morton.
Antiquities : Baxter, Dictionary, Pauly, Rich.
Arch.t.ological : Fosbroke, Guenebault, Jacquiu,
Mollet, Otte.
Architectural : Cresy (Civil Engineering), Glos-
sary, Gwilt, Loudon, Viollet, Weale, Willis.
Artists : Bartsch, Daryl, Nagler, Redgrave.
Arts and Sciences : Brande, Ure.
Arts, Fine : Daryl, Fairholt, Millin, Nagler.
Bible : Berchorius, Bullinger (New Test.),
Calmet, Herzog, Proper Names, Smith (W.).
See ' Bible.'
Bibliographical : Brunet, Clarke, De Bure,
Ebert, Heinsius, Hoffman, Lorenz, Lowndes,
Watt. See ' Bibliography.'
Biographical. See ' Biography.'
Botanical : Don, Loudon.
Catholic : Addis.
Chemistry : Watts (H.).
Christian Antiquities : Smith (W.).
Christian Biography : Dictionary.
Classical : Lempriere, Pauly, Rich, Smith (W.).
CoMMERci.AL : MaccuUoch, Savary, Seguier.
Costume : Planche.
Dates : Haydn, Oettinger, Woodward.
Dialects. Sec 'Language.'
Diplomatic : Baringius, Waltherus.
Ecclesiastical : Herzog, Hook, Lee (F. G.),
Migne, Shipley, Suicer.
Economy, Domestic : Webster and Parkes.
Economy, Political : Ch^ruel, Coquelin et Guil-
laumin, I'olitical.
Encyclop.edias : Beeton, Beyerlinek, Conversa-
tions-Lexicon, Diderot 13-'20, I'^ncycloprcdia
Brit., EncyclopaHlia Metrop., Encyclopiidic
(Ersch und (iriiber). Encyclopedic du XIX
Siicle, Knight, Larousse, Maunder's Trea-
suries, Penny Cyclopa'dia, Zedler.
Fiction (Names of) : Wheeler (W. A.).
Gardening : Don, Loudon, Macintosh.
Geography : Bender, Bernard, Bouillet, Brookes,
Collier, Edinburgh Gazetteer, Gazetteer,
Griisse, Index (icographicus. Lexicon Hydro-
graph., Lloyd, MaccuUoch, Martiniere,
Ancient : Dictionary, Ilazlitt, Stephanus
America and West Indies : Alcedo, Baldwia
(T.), Lippincott.
British: Bartholomew.
German]! : Lexicon (/liirrs), Rudolph [Places).
India: Hamilton (W.), Thornton.
Russia : Vscvolojsky.
Typographical Gazetteer : Brunet Supp., Cotton.
Her-Vldic : Edmondsou, Glossary, Migue.
HiSTOKiCAL : Bayle, Beauvais, Bouillet, Buddeus,
CMruel, Collier, Cooper (W. E.), Dictionary,
Dowson, General, Hotfmannus, Lalanne,
Lloyd, MaccuUoch, Martiuiere, Moreri,
Eastern : El Masudi.
Insurance : Walford.
Law: Broom, Calvinus (Kahl), Cowell, Jacob.
French Law : Eagueau.
Literature : Chambers, Dowson.
London : Dickens.
Manufactures : Ure.
Mathematical : Hutton.
Mechanical : Knight (E. H.).
Medical : Cooper, Dezeimeris, Hoblyn, Hooper,
Macaulay, Palmer (S.), Phamiacopceia, Quain,
MicROGRAPHic : Griffith and Henfrey.
Military: Dictionnaire, Duckett, James (C),
La Chenaye, Voyle.
Miracles : Brewer (E. C).
Music : Grove (G.).
Mythological: Biographic Universelle (Supi^l.),
Cooper (W. E.), Dowson, Lempriere, Smith(\V.).
Names : Bardsley, Bowditch, Ferguson, Larchey,
Hebrew : Proper Names.
Natural History : Dictionnaire.
Navigation, Commercial : MaccuUoch.
Of the Opera : Clement and Larousse.
Painters : Bartsch, Daryl, Nagler.
Pasigraphical : Bachmaier.
Philosophical : Bayle, Dictionnaire, Garden,
Morin, Voltaire 23-26.
Photography : Sutton (T.).
Phrase and Fable : Brewer.
Poetical : Lloyd.
Plant Names : Britten and Holland, Millar (W.),
Prior (E. C. A.).
Anglo-Saxon : Eaiie.
Political : Block.
Proverbs : Bohn, Hazlitt, Eay.
Quotations : Henderson, Macdonnel, Moore,
Eiley, Who wrote it.
Scholastic : Migne.
Scientific Terms : Henry, Mayne, Nuttall,
Eodwell, Ure.
Surgical : Cooper, Erichsen.
Technological : Craig, Tolhausen.
Theological : Benham, Bernier, Blunt (J. H.),
Dictionnaire, Gascoigne, Herzog, Migne.
Thugs' Dictionary : Sleeman.
Topographical : Gorton, Lewis, Potts, Sharp.
German : Eudolph.
Languages :
Polyglott : Calepinus, CoUoques, Fick, Minshew,
Pallas, Eeehorst.
Tetraglott : Howell.
Hebrew ; Gesenius, Grafenhan, Lindo.
Hebrew and Chaldee : Buxtorf .
Afghani, or PusJito : Eaverty.
Arabic and Latin : Freytag, Haji Khalfa.
Arabic aiul English: Newman.
Egyptian : Tattam, Young.
Arabic, Persian, and English : Barretto, John-
son (F.), Eichardson.
Armenian : Aucher.
Assyrian : Norris.
Burmese and English : Judson.
Syriac : Bernstein.
Turkish : Langl^s, Lowe, Eedhouse.
Sanscrit : Williams, Wilson.
Chinese: Morrison (E.).
Hindustani : Forbes, Eobertson.
Indian Terms : Elliot, Giles (H, A.), Wilson
(H H.).
Japanese : Satow.
Ktird : Garzoni.
Malay : Marsden, Swettenham.
Pali : Childers.
Polynesian : Mariner.
Australian : Moore.
New Zealand : Grammar, Williams.
Gipsy : Borrow, Diccionario.
Yoruba : Crowther.
Zulu-Kafir : Dohne.
Greek : IButtmann, Gebelin, Hedericus, Hesy-
chius, Hoogeveen, Julius Pollux, Martinus,
Moeris, Pape, Passow, Photius, Phrynicus,
Portus, Scapula, Stephanus.
and English : Crusius, Hamilton, Liddell.
English and Gr. : Yonge.
Patristical : Suicer.
Poetical : Maltby, Morell.
Mediceval : Ducange.
Barbarisms : Meursius 4.
Modern : Contopoulos.
Latin : Breal, Calex^inus, Cooper, Facciolati,
Gebelin 6, 7, Scheller, Schwenk, Stephanus.
and English : Andrews, Promptorium,
Eiddle, Smith. English and Latin : Yonge.
Barbarous and Mediceval : Diefenbach,
Ducange, Noltenius.
Lido-Germanic : Fick.
Italian : Davenport, Dizionario, Fanfani,Petroc-
and French : Petronj.
a7td English: Baretti, Florio, Petronj.
Illyrian: Ardelio.
Spanish : Amat, Diccionario.
and English : Neumann, Pineda, Velas-
Basque : L'Ecluse.
Polish : Baranowski.
Portuguese : Bluteau, Pinto.
and English : Azevedo, Vieyra.
Eomance : Diez, Donkin, Francois, Honnorat,
Eaynouard, Eoquefort.
Norman and Old French : Kelham, Lacome,
Walloon : Francois, Eemacle.
French : Boiste, Dictionnaire, Gebelin 5, H^cart,
Littre, Menage, Nagel, Eichelet, Soulice,
. and Latin : Boiste.
a7id English : Cotgrave, Fleming, Pick.
Etymological : Brachet, Littre, Pick.
Homonyms : Zlatagorski.
Synonyms : Guizot, Lafaye.
Satirical ajul Proverbial : Le Eoux.
aiul Languedocian : Sauvages.
Basqtce : Eys.
Patois-Normand : Meril.
Breton : Legonidec.
Celtic : Francjois.
Welsh: Davies, Lhuyd, Owen.,
Gaelic : Gaelic.
Manx : Gill.
Gothic : Diefenbach, Francois, Gaugengigl, Ihre,
Lye, Meidinger, Schilter, Schulz, Skeat,
German, Old High: Adelung, Graff, Grimm,
, Middle High : Lexer.
, New High : Diefenbach, Dietz (Luther's
and English : Cassell, Fliigel, Hilpert,
Synonyms : Eberhard.
. Etymology : Kluge.
Dutch and English : Bomhoff, Sewel.
and Latin : Hannot.
Frisian : Outzen.
Flemish : dinger.
Ariglo-Saxon : Benson, Bosworth, Grein 3,
Hickes, Hire, Junius, Lye.
■ Eiiglish : Ash, Boucher, Craig, Glossographia,
Johnson, Mason, Murray (J. A. H.), Bichard-
son, Stratniann, Webster.
English Etipnological : Chambers (Donald),
Dictionary. Junius, Lemon, Pick, Skinner,
Spehnau, Trench, Wedgwood, Whiter.
Englisli Si/no)iijiiis : Crabb, Eoget, Smith (C.J.),
Taylor (W.).
English Old Words, Proverbs, Provincialisms,
etc.: Akerman. Audclay, Baker. Borlasc,
Brockett, Davids (J.), Epinal Glossary, (ilos-
sary, Grose, Halliwell, HoUoway, Huntley,
Jackson (G. F.), Jennings, Leo, Nares, Strat-
niann, Toone, Wright. Sec also the several
llliijining : Walker.
Shakf^pcarcan : Jervis, Nares, Schmidt.
Slang : Badcock, Ducange, Grose, Hotten.
Scoltifih : Gaelic, Jamieson.
American Phrases : Bartlett.
Scandinavian : Dieterich, Hickes.
Icelandic : Cleasby, Haldorson, Hire.
Danish : Aasen, Haldorson.
Danish and English : Bay, Danish.
Sivedish and English : Widegren.
Finnish : Eenvall.
Lapponic : Hire.
Lapponic and Swedish : Lindahl.
Slavonic : Dictionnaire, Miklosich.
Rtissian, French, German, and English : Eciff.
North American Indians : Gebelin, Biggs.
History, etc. : Asseline (D.), Guibert, Vitet.
Teeatises om : Art of Dining, Bennett (J. H.),
Brillat-Savarin, Brinton, Buckton, Chambers
(T. K.), Combe, Dobell, Dodd, Drewry, Eyre,
'Food Journal,' Hall (H. B.), Hassall, Jeaf-
freson, Kingsford (A.), Kirwan, Lankester,
Letlieby, Liebig, Muli'et, Newman (F. W.),
Nichols, Paris, Patents, Pavey, Pereira, Por-
phyrius, Prout, Eitson, Simmonds, Simpson,
Smith (Dr. E.), Soyer, Thompson (Sir H.),
Thomson (S.), Tracts 119 and 211, Truman,
' Vade Mecum.'
See 'Cookery,' 'Health.'
LUS. See ' Mathematics.'
DIGNITIES : Beatson's Political Index, Booking,
Cruise, Haydn, Selden, Solly. Sec 'Almanacs,'
' Heraldry,' ' Peerage.'
DIJON, History: Maillard.
Treatises on : Bernard, Ih-oglie, Embassies,
Garden, Ghillany, Martens, Zeller.
Secret : Bullock (J. D.), Fonseea, Wollheim.
Functions op Ambassadors : Album, Diplomatic
Sketches, Dumoiit 4, 5, Galardi, Martens,
Consuls: Martens, Menscli.
History : Adair, Barral, Capefigue, Flassan,
Klackzo, Maffei, Masson (F.), Schybergson.
Front England : Adair, Baillon, Balzani (1487),
Beckington (1142), Bourgoing, Calacazy, Car-
leton (1615-20), Carlisle (16G3), China, Craw-
furd, Ellis, Huot, London, Negociations,
Oliphant, Parliament, Eoe (1014-16), Eush,
Staunton, Symes, Treswell (1G04), Turner,
Whitelocke (1653).
From France : Abrantes (1808), Barozzi, Bas-
sompierre, Boderie (1611), Castillon (1537-
43), Chaumont (16.S5), France, Fremy, Han-
sen, Noailles, Valfrey, Villeneuve.
From Spain and Italy : Barozzi.
From Holland : Montanus, Moycs, Olearius,
Van Braam, Vrecde.
From Portugal: Alvarez.
From Sweden : Eolamb.
From Venice : Alberi, .\mbassadours, Gius-
tiniani, Hagenians, Eelazion.
See ' Law of Nations,' ' Treaties.'
DIPLO:\IATICS. Sec ' Palieography.'
Oi' DiREcrous : Skinner.
Hackney Coaches : Snaife.
Music.vL : Eeeves.
Ok SciiiNTisTs : Cassino, Scientist.
V/oRKs ON : Bennett, Bright, Duncan, Forbes,
(ialenus, Maclagan, Nomenclature, Parkin,
Eadclille (C. B.), Eamazzini, Eichardson
(B. W.). Spurgin, Sydenham Soc. Publica-
tions, Whitehead, Woodworth.
Slight Ailments : Beale (L. S.).
Aneurism: Erichsen.
Of the Brain : Bennett (J. H.), Dagonet, Eoutli
(C. H. T.), Voisin.
Of the Breast : Velpeau.
Of Organs of Circulation and Eespiration :
Bright, Czermak, Davies, Hasse, Walshe,
Consumption : Clark (Sir Jas.), M'Corniac,
Smith (E.).
Contagious : Hosack, Pari. Eeports.
Delirium Tiuomens : Blake.
Diabetes : Campolin.
Divkrikea and Cholera : Chapman.
Diphtheria : Chapman (E.), Greenhow.
Ear and Throat : Thomas (L.).
Epidemic : Dixon (J.), Haeser, Heckcr, Pfeiffer.
Gout: Gairdner, Tracts (Eheumatic).
Of the Heart : Davies, Elliotson, Latham.
Of London Eesidents : Hilles.
M.iiLARiA : Macculloch.
Of the Nerves : Hunt, Lucas, Eomberg.
Of Old Age : Carlisle, Day.
Of Prisoners : Good (J. M.).
Eheumatism : Maclagan.
Scarlatina : Brown.
Of the Skin : Ehazes, Wilson (E.).
Of Soldiers and Sailors : Diseases, Fergusson,
Maccormac, Eawlinson (E.).
Of the Spine : Hare.
Of the Stomach : Ballard, Brunton, Eyre.
Tic Douloureux : Hunt. •
Of Tropical Climates : Maclean.
Typhoid Fever : Budd (W.).
Of Women : Gooch, Soranus.
See ' Deafness,' ' Health,' ' Insanity,' ' Medicine,
' Nervous System.'
Diseases of Anijlils. See ' Cattle.'
DISPATCHES. Collections of.
Bonaparte Correspondence, Castlereagh, Copies,
Ducasse, Forgucs, Gentz, Marlborough, Nel-
son, Pari. Eeports, Welleslcy, Wellington.
DISSENTEES: Ballantyne (J.), Bogue, Calamy,
Crosby, Dexter, Disraeli (Is.), Judson, Middle-
ton, My Life, Toulmin, Tracts (Dissent),
Walker's ' Hist, of Independency,' Wilson.
See 'Baptists,' 'England, Church of.'
DIVING-BELL. Sec ' Hydrostatics.'
DIVORCE : Essais, Milton, Tracts 198.
c c2
(L. F. v.).
DOG, The.
Natubal History, etc. : Apperley, Caius, Carter
(W.), Dalziel, Dogs, Fleming, Hutchinson,
Jesse, Martin, Stables, Williams, Youatt. See
' Natural History.'
DOLOMITES: Edwardes (A. B.) 1875, Gilbert
and Churchill.
History, ktc. : Beauties of E. and W., Coker,
Cox 1, Eyton, Hutchins, Mayo, Oliver, Worth.
Visitation of : St. George.
CoRFE Castle : Banks, Bond.
Glanville-Wootton : Dale.
Melcombe Regis (Charters) : Moul.
PuRBECK : Eobinson (C. E.).
Weymouth (Charters) : Moul.
Dialect : Barnes.
Topography : Kelly.
DEAINAGE OF LAND : Arber's Garner, Bed-
ford, Copland, Dempsey, Dugdale, Eoland,
Smith (R. B.), Tatham, Wells, Wiggins.
See ' Sanitary Eeform.'
On the Dramatic Art, History, etc. : Actor,
Alt, Archer (W.), Aristotle, Bernays, Black-
burn, Bohtz, Bucknill, Chassant, Clar^tie,
Corneille 1, 10, Diderot, Donne, Downes,
Duclos, Dwight, Fitzgerald, Gervinus, Gilli-
land, Kendall, Lennox (Lord), Lessing, Lud-
low (N. M.), Molaud, Mone, Morley, St. Victor,
Sarcey, Schlegel, Schneider, Stirling, Tivier,
Ward (Prof. A. W.), Wolzogen.
Greek : Donaldson, Gronovius, Monceaux.
Tragedy : Beatson, Boeckh, Brumoy, Church
(A. J.), Gruppe, Kayser, Linwood, Meineke,
Milman, Schlegel, Welcker.
Comedy : Bergk, Deschanel, Eichstaedt, John-
son B.
EoMAN : Dum^ril, Ficoroni, Eibbeck.
English : Bellamy, Boaden, Cibber (Th.), Cole-
ridge, Collier, Companion, Cook, Davies, De
Grisy, Devrient, Dodsley 1, Doran, Drama,
Dramatic Censor, Downes (J.), Dramatists
(by Q.), Edwards (H. S.), Elze, Fontane, Frere,
Genest, Gervinus, Glimpses, Halliwell, Haz-
litt, Irving (H.), Jusserand, Kenny, Klein,
Lacy, Langbaine, Latham, Lewes, Malone,
Mason, Molloy, Monthly, Morris (M.), Pascoe,
Shakespeare Society, Theatres, Theatrical,
Thespian, Tourneur, Vandenhoff, Victor (B.),
English Actors : Arber's Garner, Baker (B. H.),
Belton, Pascoe.
Strolling Actors : Lachard.
Treatises ag.unst and Replies : Collier, De-
fence, Gosson, Heywood, Prynne.
Ancient Cornish : Norris.
Ancient Irish : Hitchcock.
Chinese and Hindu : Bazin, Wilson (H. H.).
French : Bernard, Blaze de Bury (Mme.), Cam-
pardon, Champfleury, Cochrane, Dramatique,
Dumas, Faguet, Fontenelle, Fournel, Geoffroy,
Girardin, Gueullette, Hawkins (F.), Heylli,
Janin, Jauffret, Jubinal, La Valliere, Lucas
(H.), Maurice, Musset, Parfait, Sainte-Beuve,
St.-Marc Girardin, Samson, Sarcey.
German : Cohn, Gervinus, Lessing, Mone, Prutz.
It.u,ian : Allacci, Ancona, Home, Eiccoboni,
Eossi, Salfi, Walker.
Mysteries and Miracle Plays : Ancona, Ches-
ter's Triumph, Coventry, Digby, Freybe, Hase,
Hawkins, Hone, Marriott, Pelly, Sepet, Sharp,
Towneley, Wagner, Wilken, Wright, York.
Spanish : Bouterwek, Chorley, Klein, Lewes,
Montiano, Schack, Ticknor, Viel-Castel, Vil-
See ' Biography (Dramatic),' ' Literature.'
Dramatic Authors.
Greek : J<]schylus, Aristophanes, Comicorum
Gr. Frag., Euripides, Patin, Poetarum Tragic.
Frag., Poetae Scenici, Sophocles.
Latin : Plautus, Poetarum Scenic. Frag.,
Seneca, Terentius, Tragicorum Frag.
American : Longfellow, Quincy.
English Collections : Ancient Brit., British
Theatre, Bullen, Dilke, Dodsley, Drama, Inch-
bald, Mod. Brit. Drama, Old English Drama
(all to be found under the word ' Drama ').
English Authors and Plays : Addison, Ala-
baster, Armin, Baillie, Bale, Barker, Barry,
Beaumont and Fletcher, Behn, Bickerstaff,
Blake (E. A.), Boucicault, Brewer, Brome,
Brooke, Brown, Browning, Buckhurst, Buck-
ingham, Bulwer, Burgoyne, Byron, Campbell,
(D. C. L.), Carpenter (E.), Cartwright, Cent-
livre, Chamberlayne, Chapman (G.), Chettle,
Cibber, Coleridge, Colman, Congreve, Corn-
wall (Barry), Cowley, Crawley, Cumberland,
Daniel, Davenant, Davenport, Day, Dekker,
Dennis, De Vere, Dryden, D'Urfey, Etherege,
Fanshaw, Farquhar, Fisher, Foote, Ford,
Garrick, Gay, Gilbert (W. S.), Glapthorne,
Glover, Goldsmith, Graham (D.), Gray, Green
(H.), Greene, Habington, Healy, Helps,
Henry II. (a drama), Heywood, Hill, Hoadly,
Holcroft, Home, Howard, Hughes, Hurdis,
Inchbald, Ingelend, Jerrold, Johnson (Sam.),
Jones, Jonson, Killigrew, Kingsley, Knowles,
Kyd, Lamb, Lancaster (W. P.), Lansdowne,
Lee, Lewes, Lillo, Lilly, Lindsay, Lodge, Lyd-
gate, Lytton, Machin, Macklin, Mallet, Mar-
lowe, Marmion, Marston, Mason, Massinger,
Maturin, May, Mayne, Middleton, Milman,
Milton, Mitford, Moile, Moore (E.), More,
Morley (H.), Morris (L.), Munday, Murphy,
Nabbes, Nash, Neil (E.), Orford, Orrery,
Otway, Pedantius, Peele, Philips, Porter,
Private Theatricals, Eandolph, Eeade, Eowe,
Eowley, Ruggle, Sackville, Saul (a drama).
Savage, Schwartz (J. M.), Scott (C.), Sedley,
Shadwell, Shakspeare, Shelley, Sheridan,
Shirley, Skelton, Smith (W.), Smollett,
Southerne, Steele, Sterling, Stratford, Suck-
ling, Swinburne, Talfourd, Tatham, Taylor
(Sir H.), Taylor (R.), Tennyson, Thomson
(Jas.), Tomkis, Tuke, Udall, Vanbrugh,
Waller, Webster, Wells (C), Welsted, White-
head, Wilkins, Wilmot, Wilson (A.), Wright,
Wycherley, Young.
French : Alaine, Anglais (L') a Paris, Augier,
Balzac, Banville, Beaumarchais, Bret, Cham-
fort, Ch^nier, Clement, Comedie, Copp6e, Cor-
neille, Crebillon, Dennery, Destouches, Diderot,
Drama (Theatre), Ducasse, Dumas, Fleury,
Florian, Hugo, Lally-Tollendal, Lamartine,
Leila-Hanoum, Le Sage 12-16, Marivaux,
Marmontel, Moli^re, Montei^in, Montegut,
Picard, Ponsard, Racine, Regnard, Remusat
(Ch. de), St. Foix, Sand, Sandeau, Sardou,
Scarron, SchoU, Scribe, Valerie, Voltaire,
Walker (H. H.).
Italian : Alamanni, Alfieri, Andred, Berni,
Giraud, Goldoni, Gozzi, Guarini, Horte,
Manzoni, Metastasio, Monti, Niccolini, Nota,
Perceval, Rossi, Teatro, Zeno.
Marshall Collection, Teatro : Agosti, Al-
beri, Alberi (L.), Amenta, ' Amor,' Andreini,
'Androphysla,' Anf,'clita, ' Angcloni,' Arch-
angeli, Ariosto, Badiale (G. e J.), Balbi, 13ol-
doni, Barbieri, Battista (G. e P.) , Beccatutto,
Benedetto, Berncii, Bettei, Bianchi, 15isaccioni,
Bisensi, Boccabadati, Bonaielli (G. e 1'.), Boni-
facio, Bosso, Brancaleoni, Briccio, Caccianiga,
Calcagnini, Calcolona, Cahuo, Canipana,
Campelli, Capccc, Casavi, Casniio, Castellotti,
Castores, Castro, Cavallerino, Cavanna,
Cecchini, Cenci, Cesana, Chi lingo aniaie,
Cicognini, Cimiuante, Cleoneo, Contarini,
Corcione, Cornacchia, Corteggiana fallita,
Cortesi, Crocifero, Dattonio, Del Mazza, Del
Pizzo, Delia Mirandola, Dolce, Donati,
Donzellini, Dorigesta, Faggi, Faustini, Fcdini,
Ferrazzoli, Fcrro, Fiannna, Filosopho, Fio-
rillo, Fircnzuola, Fortunati, Fianceschini,
Gabiani, Galleria, (hxUesi, Gallo, Gambaruti,
Gatti, Gattici, Gattinon.Gelli, (ierardus, Gian-
carli, Ginnari, Giorgi, Giustino, Gl'inganni,
Glissenti (F.), Glissenti (0.), Gloritio, Gnavio,
Grassi, Grifoni, Grigioni, Groto, Guarini,
Guidoccio, Hostein, ' Hume,' landarini,
lanida, Ingegneri, Jacobilli, Lanipugnano,
Lassi, Leoni, Livio, Longo, Loredano,
Lorenzani, Lottini, Lucchini, Luco-Screni,
Lunardi, Luzzago, Madama Ciana, Manasta,
Manzini, Marescalchi, Marpesia, Martij,
Martinengo, Marzi, Massa, Matilde, Mem-
molo, Michele, Mori, Morone, Moroni, Moz-
zagrugno, Negro, Negrone, Neralco, Noris,
Oddi, Oddo, Oddoni, Ottaviano, I'andino,
Parabosco, Parma, Pazzia, Peripezie, Per-
siani, Perucci, Piazzone, Pierelli, Piperno,
Pisani, Pona (F.), Pona (G. B.), Eaimondo
Ealli, Kicci, Kicciardi, Eodiseo, Kossi,
Eota, Buffi, Ruzante, Saliti, Salviano,
Santinelli, Sasgri, Savaro, Sbarra, Scatem-
braz, Scaramuccia, Scassafer, Secchi, Semi-
ramide, Serangeli, Sereni, Settizonio, Sgam-
bati, yononi, Spagna, Spezzani, ypinello,
Strozzi, Suardo, Husini, Tabarrino, Tem-
porini, Tesauro, Testi, Tiberi, Tientibene,
Todini, Tomadoni, Torelli (G. C), Torelli
(P.), Toschi, Tradimento, Uccellatori, Ven-
turella, Veraldo, Verlato, Verucci, Visconti,
Volterrano, Zanovello, Zinano.
Sjya^iish : Alarcon, Calderon, Celenio, Drama
(Colleccion) (Comedias Sueltas) (Tcatro), (iil
y Zarate, Lope de Vega, Montalvan, Virues.
German: Amalie, Benedix, Borne, Drama
(Theater), Engel, Fastnachtsspiele, Goethe,
Grillparzer, Hebbel, Heinrich, Hertz, Hippel,
Iffland, Klopstock, Kotzebue, Laube, Leasing,
Lustsijiele, Milliner, Riickert, Schiller, Tieck,
Van der Velde, Werner.
Flemish : Jellen en Mietje, Van Peene.
Dutch : Drama (Theater).
Danish : Andersen, Oehlenschliiger, Petersen,
Persian: Haggard (W. H. D.).
Chinese : Tcheng-ki-tong.
Norioegian : Ibsen, Forvandlede Konge.
Swedish : Atterbom.
See ' Shaksperian Literature.'
DRAWING : Barnard, Delamotte, Fagan, Hamer-
ton, Ottley, Paulmy 29, 30, Redgrave, Row-
botham, Ruskin, Serle. See ' Etching,'
' Painting.'
DREAMS : Clodd, Schubert, Scafield.
DRESS: Ballin, Blanc (C), Haweis, Holt (A.),
Oliphant (Mrs.). Sec ' Costume.'
DRINK : Alcohol, Baer, Bucknill, French (R. V.),
Gustafson, Ijewis (D.), Murger, Pari. Reports,
Paterson, Richardson (B. W.), Samueluon,
Tracts (.\ngell). Sec ' Drunkenness,'
Load Oj^tion : Buxton (Caine).
DRUIDS, The: Casar, Davics, Duclos, Higgins,
Identity, Nash, Richards, Sniiddy, Smith, (Dr.
John), Toland, Villemarciuu. See ' Wiltshire.'
DRUNKENNESS : Anstie, Carpenter, Macnish,
Wilson (C). See ' Drink.'
DRUSES : Carnarvon, Casscaud (G. W.). Churchill,
Sacy, Wolff. Sec ' Syria.'
DUELLINCi : Brantome, Colombty, Cordelois,
Douglas (W.), Millingen, Seldcn, Steinmetz,
Tracts (Bosquet).
HrsToiiY AND ANTKjriTiEs: Acts of High Com-
mission, Beauties of E. and W., Boldon Buke,
Cox 1, Durham, Hatlleld, Hcggo, Inventories,
Kellawe, Murray, Pi2Je Rolls, Raine, Richard-
son, Sanctuarium, Storer, Surtees, Surtees
Diocesan History : Low.
Aucklajul Palace : Raine.
Caivood : Wheater.
Darlington : Longstaffe.
Gainforcl : Gainford.
Jarrow and Monkwearmouth : Inventories.
DWARFS, LAND OF (in Africa) : Da Chaillu,
Johnstone, Pallme, Schweinfurlh.
DYEING : Berthollet, Fulham.
DYNAMICS: Clilford (W. K.), Routh (E.), Tait
(P. G.).
EAR, The : Diderot, Harvey.
EARLY ENGLISH (Language) : Chaucer Society,
Early Eng. Text Society, Ellis, Langland. Sec
' Language.'
Theory of: Arundell, Cuvier, Hacckel, Hclm-
holz, Humboldt, Knight (W.). Nichols, Patti-
son (S.), Rcclus, Roscoe (H. p].), Schouw,
Toulmin, Whiston, Whitehurst, Worms.
Mos.vic Theory : Burnet, Harcourt, Harris,
Chemistry of : Davy.
Rotation of : Brothers, Roberts (W.).
See ' Geography, Physical,' ' Geology.'
EARTHQUAKES: Daubeny, Dolomieu, Groivius
(Sic. y), Harl. Misc. 7, Humboldt (Caraccas),
Milne (J.), Phipson, Poli, Sjiampinato, Tracts
(Sherlock), Tschudi (Peru), Winclielsoa.
EAST INDIA COMPANY. Sec ' India, East.'
EASTER ISL.\NDS : Geiselcr.
EASTERN QUESTION: Argyll, Baker, Baxter
(W. E.), lionghi, Boukharow, Boulger, Camp-
bell (Sir G.), Cory (A.), Dilke, Eastern Ques-
tion, Farley (L.), Gallcnga, (icntz, Holland,
Letters, I\IcCoan, McColl, Maitland, Marvin,
Montagu (liOrd R.), Petermann, l{awlinson
(Sir H.), Russia, Riistow, St. Clair, Sinclair
(Sir T.), Stanley (F.), Stuart-Glennie, Suavi,
Tracts, Wallace (1). M.), Worms.
Alt, Audsley, Augusti, Bingham, Casaubon,
Dalrymple, Dictionary, Didron, Dupin, Dur-
andus, Ecclcsiologist, Fosbrokc, Gucricke,
Hahn, Hailes, Hemans, Hittorpius, Hook,
Husenbcth, Instrumenta, Lindsay, Lingard,
Liibkc, Marriott, Martiguy, Northcote, Parfait,
Peacock, Pelliccia,Pugin, Raine, Riddle, Rock,
Shipley, Siegel, Stillingfleet, Strutt, Suicer,
Surtees >Soc., Theophilus, Thiers (J. B.),
Ussher, Volbeding, Walcot, Wood (A.), Zester-
See 'Architecture,' ' Churches.'
Bright, Cellier, Gilly, Mihnan, Ordericus,
Picot, Simcox, Waddington. See ' Church.'
ECLECTICISM. See ' Philosophy.'
ECLIPSES. See ' Astronomy.'
Nationajj or Political, Principles of : Aris-
toteles, Atkinson (E.), Atkinson (W.), Bagehot,
Bailey (S.), Bastiat, Baudrillart, Baxter,
Bechard, Bentham, Bergasse, Blanqui, Bonnet,
Burton, Byles, Caird (J.), Cairnes, Carruthers,
Chalmers, Chevalier, Clark (E. H. G.), Cobden,
Condorcet, Constable, Coquelin, Courier,
Cunningham (W.), Danson, De Quincey,
Devas, Dixwell, Droz, Du Mesnil-Marigny,
Economistes, Economisti, Fabroni, Fawcett,
Funck-Brentano, Ganihl, Golovine, Gomes,
Hamilton (R.), Hawley, Hodgkin, Hodgson
(W. B.), Howell, Isnard, Janet, Jevons, Jones,
Joplin, Joubleau, La Gueronniere, Lauderdale,
Lavergne, Law, Lawson, Leroy-Beaulieu,
Leslie, Lestgarens, List, Longfield, Mac-
culloch, Macdonnel, Macleod, Mallock, Mal-
thus, Marcet, Marriott, Marshall (A.), Mar-
tineau, Menier, Mill, Moti'at, Newman, Opdyke,
Paris Congr^s, Patterson, Phillips (W. A.),
Price (B.), Reybaud, Eicardo, Riekards,
Eoscher, Rossi, Rumford, Ruskin, Sandelin,
Sargant, Say, Schaffle, Schmalz, Scrope,
Senior, Shadwell, Sidgwick, Sismondi, Smith
(Adam), Spence, Steuart, Storch, Taylor (S.),
Thompson, Torrens, Tracts 179, Turgot,
Twiss, Villiaume, Villiers, Wagner and Nasse,
Walker, Watt (W.), Wayland, Wells, Whately,
Wilson (A. J.), Wise, Wolowski, Woodward
(E. H.).
HiSTOET : Bureau, Ochenkowski, Pecchio, Rey-
baud, Villeneuve.
See also 'Banking,' 'Finance,' 'Poor Laws,'
' Population,' ' Statistics.'
Ancient Greek : Boeckh, Henkel.
Social: Ellis, Miller (Mrs. F.), Spencer. See
' Society.'
RuEAL AND Domestic : Brown, Caird, Cobbett,
Cobden Club Essays, Danson, Darwin (E.),
Dixon, Fitzherbert (Tracts), Harris, Laveleye,
Lavergne, Maine, Mann, Markham, Maurer,
Moubray, Payne, Robinson, Seller, Shirley,
Shuckard, Six Essays, Smiles, Stejihens,
Tegetmeier, Vasey, Virgil, Webster (A.),
Xenophon. See ' Agriculture,' ' Architecture '
(Rural), 'Cattle,' 'Gardening,' 'Poultry,'
' Sheep.'
ECUADOR: Cavallos.
Travels (1886) : Simson (A.).
EDDAS AND SAGAS: Anderson (R. B.), Castren,
Cottle, Edda, Fasreyinga, Fagrskinna, Grimm,
Gudrun, Hagen, Haigh, Keyser, Legis, Lock
(C. G. W.), Magnusson, Mallet, Morris (W.),
Saemundar, Snorro Sturleson, Thorpe. See
'Folk-Lore,' 'Mythology.'
Works on : Albert (Prince), Anguilli, Arnold
(M.), Aseham, Bacon, Bain, Bartley, Beale,
Biber, Blake, Blakiston, Bossuet, Bray,
Browning, Carlisle, Chambers, Chesneau,
Christian Schools, Clarke (Dr. E. H.), Combe,
Cox, Craik (H.), Cumin, Currie, Daguet,
Daniel, Daubeny, Dawes, De Gerando, Dide-
rot, Digby (Broadstone, etc.), Dunn, Edge-
worth, ' Education,' Egger, Ellis, Elyot,
Euphranor, Farrar, Fellenberg, Fletcher, Frua,
Fry, Galloway, Gandar, Genlis, Gilchrist,
Godwin, Grey, Guizot,Haly, Hamilton, Herder,
Heywood, Hiatus, Hill, Hodgson, Hole, Hol-
land, Hook, Hope, Hoppus, Huxley, Issaurat,
JuUien, Kay, Kingsley (C), Latham, Laurie,
Laveleye, Lebon, Lectures, Lee (J. B.),Leitch,
Lessing, Locke 9, Long (Prof. G.), Luard, Lub-
bock, Maclaren, Mainzer, Marion, Mathias,
Maurice, Michaud, Mill (Dr. J.), Milton 1,
Murphy, Nccker, Oppler, Owen (H.), Paris
Congr^s, Pari. Reports, Payne (Jos.), Perez,
Pestalozzi, Philp, Pownall, Public Schools
Calendar, Quain, Quick, Raumer, Richter,
Ricotti, Rigg, Rosmini, Rousseau, Russell,
St. John, Schleiermacher, Schwarz, Sewell,
Senior, Sidgwick (A.), Simon, Smith (J. G.),
Spencer, Stow, Strachan (J.), Tate, Thomas
(W.C), Thompson (D'Arcy), Thomson (A.F.),
Todhunter, Tracts (Grey), Wattenbach,
Wilderspin, Wilson.
University : Amos, Arnold, Burrows, Classical,
Copleston, D'Ewes, Donaldson, Foster, Froude,
Mill, Newman, Pattison, Perry, Rogers, Sedg-
wick, Villers, Whewell, Wordsworth (Chr.).
See ' Cambridge,' ' Dublin,' ' London,' ' Oxford.'
Household : Aime-Martin, Defoe, Edgeworth,
Martineau, Taylor.
Leg.vl : Cox, Warren.
Musical : Bach (A. B.).
Pauper : Boarding-out.
Pestalozzi : Barnard (H.), Pestalozzi.
Philosophical : Jardine.
Of Women : Clarke, Defoe, De Wahl, Ellis,
Greard, Remusat, St. Pierre, Shirreff,
Woman's Mission, W^omen's Educational
In America : America.
In Canada : Canada.
In England : Census, Demogeot, Education
Minutes, Fortescue, Furnivall, Garfit, Gasc,
Hole, Holland, Kay, Owen, Pari. Reports
41-45, Shuttleworth, Staunton, Thomson,
Wiese. See ' Schools.'
In France : Arnold, Breal, Compayr^, Dessoye,
Dupanloup, France, Genin, Jourdain, Libri,
Ocagne, Pecaut, Simon (Jules).
In Geemany, etc : Arnold (M.), Cousin, Kay,
Laing, Paulsen, Perry, Raumer, Specht,
In India : Cameron, Carpenter (Miss), India,
Johnson (J.), Lethbridge, Oriya.
In Ireland : O'Donnel, Ireland.
In Scotland : Demogeot, Parliament, Russell
(M.), Scotland.
Ancient Greek : Mahaffy.
Ninth Century : Mullinger.
Ecclesiastical : Theiner.
Private Tuition : Thomson (Rev. A. F.).
EGGS : Hewitson.
EGOISM : Gracian (' Criticon '), Helvetius, Roche-
foucauld, Schopenhauer.
History : Berkley (E.), Bible, Birch, Broglie,
Boeckh, Brugsch, Bunsen, Chabas, Cham-
pollion (le Jeune), Cory, Egyptian, Harkness,
Henry, Herodotus, Kenrick, Knotel, Lepsius,
Manetho, Osburn, Palmer, Poole, Prichard,
Eameses, Rawlinson, Regaldi, Rhon^, Russell,
Sharpe, Univ. Hist., Wiedemann, Wilkinson,
Wilson (E.), Zincke.
Undek the Gkeeks AM) EoMANs : Letronnc,
Under the Majieluke Sultans : Makrizi.
MoDEEN Times: Barker (E. li.), Harkness,
Jerrold (15.), Khedives, Meiiioires, I'arl. lie-
ports, riickler, liegaldi, Stuart (V.), Twesten,
Whately (M. L.), Yates.
CiiRONouHiY: Brugsch, Hekekyan, KniJtel, Lep-
sius, Lesueur, Menes, Nash, Nolan, Palmer,
Poole, Bhont'.
Antiquities: Benndorf, Birch, Bonwick,Brugsch,
Chabas, Colonna-Ceccaldi, Day, Drummond,
Gliddon, Jablonski, Kenrick, Lane, Lepsius,
Mariette, Matthey, Naville, Paturet, Poole,
Records, Smyth (P.), Stuart (V.), Uhlemann,
HiEuouLYPHics : Brugsch, Champollion, Cle-
mens, Landseer, Leemans, Lei)sius, Pahlin,
Pauthier, Pierret, Renouf, Sharpe, Young.
Inscriptions : Brugsch, Maspcro.
Religion : Renouf.
Nile Colujin : Brackenbury.
Politics and Tr.vde : Dicey, Fitzgerald, Heeren,
Seguzzi, Vyse.
Papyri : Egypt, Leemans.
Pyramids: Petrie, Smyth (C. Piazzi), Taylor
Language : Benfey, Jablonski, Spohn, Tattam,
Ancient Manners and Customs : Ebers (G.),
Maspero, Pauw, Wilkinson.
Travels and Descriptions : Abd-allatif, Albert,
Amp&'e, Anville, Arnold (1882), Bartlett,
Bellonius, Bevan, Borrer, Bovet (1882), Brown
(E.), Browne (W. G.), Bruce, Brugsch-Bey,
Bruyn, Burckhardt, Burton (Mrs.), Castle-
reagh, Charmes (1880), Churchill 1, Clarke,
Clot-Bey, Combes, Cumming (1885), De Leon,
Denon, Dry Leaves, Ducamp, Edmonstone,
Edwardes (1882), Estournel, Eabor (F.), Falk-
land, Farley (J.L.),Farnham, Ferguson, Field,
Fisk, Fitzclarence, Fitzgerald, Gellion-Dangler,
Gordon, Gordon (Lady), Grey, Hakluyt 2,
Hamilton (C.) 1875, Hamilton (W.) 1801,
Hamley, Hill, Hingston (1879), Hoskins, Ibn
Batuta, Irby, Kinglake, Klunzinger, Lambert,
Lane, Legh, Leibnitz, Lindsay, Loftie (W. J.),
Lott, Ludovic, Ludwig, Lushington, Madden,
Maillet, Marechal, Martin (W. G.), Martineau,
McCoan, 01iphant(1882), Oliver, Oxley (1881),
Patterson, Petherick, Pfeiffer, Pinkerton 15,
Poole, Piickler, Purchas 1, 2, Raguse, Ritt,
Roberts, Rohlfs, Romer, Russcgger, Russell
(W. H.), Saint-Hilairc, St. John, Savary, Sherer,
Sonnini, Spencer, Stent, Stephens, Tangye
(1883), Taylor (B.), Timberlake, Valencia,
Volney 2-3, Wanderings, Warm Corners
(1886), Warner (C. D.) 1881, Webbe, Wilson
(E.), Yates.
Egyptian War (1882-84) : Egypt, Ninet, Yogt,
Vyse (G. W.).
BouL.\Q : Maspero.
Thebes : Naville, Rhind, Wilkinson.
Ghizeh : Tracts (Wrey), Vyse.
Cairo : Kinnear, Paton.
Guides : Baedeker.
Suez Can.u, : Lesseps.
See ' Africa,' ' Cleopatra's Needle,' ' Mummies,'
' Nile,' ' Nubia,' ' Pyramids.'
ELECTION, Doctrine of: Augustinus, Calvin,
ELECTIONS : Fawcett, Eraser (S.), Grego, Grey,
Hare, McCalmont, Mildmay (W.), Pari. Re-
ports 17-52, Westminster. Sec * Representa-
ELECTRICITY: Ayrton, Cavendish, CongrtVs.
Deschancl, Faraday, Ferguson, Franklin,
Garvey (M. A.), Go'rdon (J. ]■;. H.), Harris,
Higgs, Hospitaiii-r, Jamin, Jcnkin, Langdon,
Lardner, La Rive, Maxwell, Noad, Patents,
Phipson, Priestley, Ruttor, Shoolbri'd, Sprague,
Thompson (K. P.), Thomson (W.), Tyndall,
Urbanitsky, Wiedemann, Wilson.
Electro-Biology : Braid, Du Bois Raymond,
Jones (Bencc), Smee.
Electro-Metalluugy : Napier.
See ' Light, PMectric,' ' Lightning,' ' Magnetism,'
' Meteorology,' ' Telegraph.'
ELEGIES : Bion, Catullus, Gray, Moschus, Ovid,
Propertius, Shcnstone, TibuUus.
Holden (C. F.), Tennent (Sir J. E.).
ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES : Andoci.les, Callia-
chius, Creuzer Symb. 4, Gibbon (Misc. W.),
Gronovius, Lobeck, Meursius 2, Sainte-Croix,
Schelling, Wachsmuth Hell. Alter. 2, Warbur-
ton (Div. Leg.). Sec ' Mythology.'
ELEUSIS : Lenormant.
' Great Britain,' ' Reformation.'
ELOCUTION : Bautain, Bell (A. B.), Cull. Deme-
trius, Fenelon, Foster (J.), Goddard, Plumptre,
Sandlands, Scientific, Wood. Sec ' Oratory.'
EMBASSIES. Sec ' Diplomacy.'
EMBLEMS : Alciati, Cats, Fredro, Ileyne, Mont-
faucon, Quarles, Vienius, Winckelmann, See
' Art, Ancient.'
EMBROIDiniY : Lockwood.
EMBRYOLOGY : Balfour, Foster (M.).
EMIGRATION : Burton, Chambers, Dufferin,
Frobel, Head, Maguirc, Marcy, Powell (W.),
Pradt, Sidney, Wakefield. Scr ' .Vmerica,'
' Australia,' ' Colonies,' ' Colonization,'
' Labour,' * New Zealand,' ' Population.'
EMOTIONS: Bain, Brown (Dr. T.), Darwin,
Descartes, Hutcheson, McCosh (■).), Spencer
EMPIRICISM. See ' Philosophy.'
ENAMELLING : Molinier.
Jap.\nese : Bowes (J. L.).
ENCYCLOP.EDISTS : Morley (J.). See ' Philo-
ENGINEERING, Civil : Andreossy,Baker,Beaniish
(Life of Brunei), Brassey, Civil Engineers,
Cresy, Engineers, Gregory, Grothe, Helps,
James, Jeaffreson (Life of R. Stephenson),
Langdon, Law, Moseley, Paris Exposition,
Rankine, Recollections, Smiles, Trevcthick,
Weale's Series, Wells, Yarranton. Sec
' Bridges,' ' Military Art,' ' Railways.'
ENGINEERS (ROYAL) : Connolly (T. W. J.).
ENGLAND. Sec ' Great Britain.'
ENGLAND, Church of.
History and Antiquities : Beda, Boultbee,
Bright, Butler, Cardwell, Carwithcn, Cliurch,
Ghurton, Collier, Cressy, Dixon, Dodd, Field,
Fuller, (iiraldus Cambrensis, Godwin, Harps-
fcldius. Hart, Herford, Hook, Hore, Jarvis,
Jennings, Johnson, Kennet, Le Neve, Liber
Eliensis, Manning, Parker, Perry, Eeynolds,
Bogers, Sandar, Short, Smith, Southey, Still-
ingfieet, Stubbs (W.j, Student's History,
Ussher, Warner, Wharton.
In the Colonies and Abroad : Anderson,
Colonial, Hawkins, Tucker.
British and Anglo-Saxon : Alford, Beda, Lin-
gard, Ordericus, Schoell, Smith, Soames, Still-
ingfleet, Thackeray, Williams.
Pre -Reformation : Boultbee, Church of Eng-
land, Martineau.
Eeformation : Blunt, Bradford, Burnet, Chester,
Cobbett, Heylyn, Hook, Lechler, Lee (F. G.),
Lorimer (P.), Maitland, Martineau, Massing-
berd, Sanderus, Soames, Strype.
Since the Reformation : Abbey (C. J.), Hunt,
Hunter, Overton (J. H.), Palin, Stoughton.
Westminster Assembly of Divines : Hether-
BoTAL Supremacy : Pusey, Robins, Wake,
Lives of Archbishops : Crozals, Hook, Raine.
Bishops : Arnold (F.), Godwin (F. R.).
Rural Deans : Dansey.
Councils and Convocations, Canons, etc. :
Atterbury, Cardwell, Haddan, Hody, Hook,
Kennet, Lathbury, Spelman, Trevor, Wake,
Articles: Browne (E. H.), Burnet, Cardwell,
Hardwick, Sparrow.
Ecclesiastical Revenues, Statistics, etc. :
Bacon, Brewer (J. S.), Cove, Ecclesiastical,
Le Neve, Martin (F.).
Ordinations: Courayer, Hodgson, Lee (F. G.),
Mason, Walcot.
Holy Communion : Howson, Ritual.
Confession : Gaume, Pusey.
Consecration of Bishops : Bishop, Estcourt
(E. E.), Kiorning.
Choral Service : Jebb.
Church Rates : Denison, Tracts 22, 105, 108.
Fasts, Festiv.als, etc. : Neale, Nelson.
Queen Anne's Bounty : Hodgson.
Parochial Systeji : Blunt, Chalmers, Hale,
Shipley, Smith (Toulmin), Stillinglleet, Warter.
Pluralities, Defence of : Wharton.
Works on its Position and Condition, Vindica-
tions, etc. : Allies, Biber, Bingham, Bull,
Church, Coleridge, Collette.Dollinger, English-
man's Brief, Estcourt, Free, Freeman, Fuller
(M.), Gilbert (W.), Goode, Hammond, Harper,
Harvey, Harwood (G.), Heylyn, Hope (A. J. B.),
Hughes (T.), Button (A. W.), Jewel, Laud,
Leathes, Lord, Manning, Marsh, Mason,
Newman, Oakley, Oxenham, Perceval, Pusey,
Sandar, Scourge, Sinclair (Archdeacon),
Smith (William), Southey, Swift, Tait (Arch-
bishop), Tayler, Tracts (Church), Tracts
(Marsh), Uhden.
Disestablishment: Freeman (E. A.), Richard
(H.), Selborne.
Endowments : Brewer (J. S.).
Sects differing from : Boone, Calamy, Canne,
Census, Stanford.
"Voluntary Systeji : Maitland.
Nonjurors : Lathbury.
Sec ' Canon Law,' ' Catechism,' ' Church,'
'Dissenters,' 'Liturgy,' 'Puritans,' ' Re-
fomiation,' 'Reformers.' For the Ecclesi-
astical History of ' Ireland ' and ' Scotland,'
see these names.
History : Bryan, Delaborde, Duplessis, Dutruit,
Evelyn, Hymans, Passavant, Paulmy 29, 30.
Wood Engraving : Chatto, Jackson, Ottley.
Catalogues of Engravings : Bartsch, Bromley,
Catalogue (Lake's), Chodowiecki, Cohen,
Delaborde, Hamilton (E.), Huber, Smith
(J. C).
Monograms of Engravers : BruUiot.
Defence of (1688-89) : Graham (Rev. J.).
ENOCH, Book of : Dillman, Lawrence, Murray (E.).
ENSILAGE : Bailey (J. M.).
ENTHUSIASM: Lavington (Bp.), Nott, Taylor
ENTOMOLOGY: Badham, Blanchard, Buckler,
Budgen, Catlow, Donovan, Douglas, Duncan
(P. M.), Entomologists, Figuier, Griffith and
Henfrey, Insects, Jardine's Nat. Libr., Karr,
Kirby and Spence, Libr. of Ent. Knowl,,
Michael, Michelet, Moggridge, Ne^vman,
Ormerod, Ray Soc. Publ., Reaumur, Rendu,
Rennie, Samuelson, Shuckard, Smith (F.),
Smithsonian Coll., Stainton, Staveley,
Stei^hens, Swainson, Swammerdam, Swinton,
Wakefield, Westwood, Wood,
Aphides : Buckton.
Lepidoptera : Kirby (W. F.), Newman, Stainton.
Locusts : Ludolfus.
Wasps : Ormerod.
Flower Insects: Darwin (C), Kerner, Lubbock.
The Fly : Samuelson.
Ants: Huber, McCook.
Insects Injurious to Vegetation : Harris,
Saunders (W.), Whitehead.
Parthenogenesis in Moths and Bees : Siebold.
See ' Bees.'
EPHESUS. See ' Asia Minor,' ' Councils.'
Ephesus (Temple of Diana) : Clarke (Hyde),
Fergusson (J.), Kiepert, Wood.
EPICUREANS: Wallace (W.), Zeller. See.
' Philosophy.'
EPIGRAMS : Anthologia, Auratus, Ausonius,
Booth, British Martial, Carey, Epigrams,
Martial, Theocritus. Sec ' Poetry.'
EPISCOPACY. See 'Church,' 'England,' 'Rome.'
In Scotland : Skinner (J.).
EPITAPHS : Cansick, Chwolson, ' Epitaphs,'
Framesca, Frobisher, Hackett, Hakewill,
Henney, Hiibner, Lawrence-Archer, Le Neve,
McCaul, Norfolk, Northcote (J. S.), Palmer
(S.), Pettigrew, Raveushaw, Tissington, Tol-
dervey. Walker, Webb, Weever, Wordsworth
(Notes to 'Excursion ').
EPPING FOREST: Buxton (E. W.), Tracts
ERASTIANISM : Erastus, Wilberforce.
ESCHATOLOGY. See 'Christianity.'
Tales and Traditions : Rink.
Sec ' Arctic Regions.'
English : Abbott (E.), Addison, Adventarer,
Alison, Argonaut, Arnold (F.), Ay ton. Bacon,
Belsham, Blunt (J. J.), Bosanquet, Boyd,
Boyes, Brimley, British Essayists, Brougham,
Brown (Jas. B.), Brown (Dr. John), Brydges,
Bulwer-Lytton, Burnand, Cambridge, Carlyle,
Chalmers, Chambers, Chesterfield, Coleridge,
Congreve (R.), Connoisseur, Cowley, Cracroft,
Cranborne, Critical, Crosland, Cumberland,
Davey, Dennis, De Quincey, Dewey, Doran,
Drake, Dutt, Eagles, Edinburgh, Ellesmere,
Emerson, Essays, Etonian, Eyton (R. M.),
Feltham, Forstcr, Foster, Franklin, Free
Thoughts, Freeman, Friswell, Froiule, (iold-
smith, dreg, (jrcgory, (irose, (irub Street,
Guardian, Halford, Hall, Halliday, Hamilton
(Janet), Hannay, Hare, Haweis, Hayley,
Hayward, Ha/.litt, Head, Helps, ' Hermit,'
Herschel, Higgins, Holland, Hollingshead,
Hood, Hoskyns, Hume, Hunt, Idler, Irving,
Jackson (W.), Jeffrey, Jcrrold, Johnson (Sam.),
Kingsley, Lamb, Lawrence, Letters, Ijong ((I.),
Lover, Lowell, Macaulay, Mackenzie (H.),
Mackintosh, Macnish, Mahon, Maitland,
Manchester Papers, Manning, Martineau (H.),
Martineau (J.), Masson, Maurice (F. D.),
Mill (J. S.), Miller (H.),Morley (J.), ]\Iornings,
Mozlcv, Mvers, Is'adal, Olipliant, Oxford,
Parker (T.),"Playfair, Prescott, Preston (S. T.),
Prose, Kambler, Pogers (H.), Sala, Savage
Club, Seeley, Senior, Shelley, Shenstone,
Smith (S.), Southcy, Spectator, Spedding,
Spencer (H.), Stanhope, Stanley, Steele,
Stuart (J. M.), Studies, Swift, Tatlcr, Temple
(Sir E.), Tuckerman, Vaughan, Victoria,
Views, Wainewright, Whately, Wilson (John),
French : Beyle, Broglie, Deschanel, Feuillet-de-
Conches, Francs Propos, (luuroult, Guizot,
Hommes du Jour, Houssaye, Janin, Jouy,
Karr, Laboulaye, Lamartine, Lamennais, Le-
normant, Marville, Merlet, Mery, Mirabeau,
Montaigne, Montegut, Montesquieu, Musset,
Nettement, Nicolas, Nicole, Nisard, Nourris-
son, Ouvaroff, Pascal, Pontmartin, Pr6vost-
Paradol, E^musat, Eenan, Kondelet, Sacj',
Sainte-Beuve, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Priest,
Saint-Eeal, Saisset, Thomas (A. L.), Tracy,
Trublet, Valine, Vigneul-Marville, Voltaire.
German : Fallmerayer, Grimm, Hartmann (E.),
Hase, Jacobi, Kopp, Lessing, Miinch, Eanke,
Strauss, Teuffel, Varnhagen von Ense, Weis,
Wieland, Zeller.
ESSENES: De Quincey, Ginsburg, Josephus,
Eenan. See ' Christianity,' ' Jews.'
History and Topography : Beauties of E. and
W., Buckler, Cox 1, Lysons' Environs, Morant,
Norden, Ogbourne, Suckling.
Visitation : Hawley, Metcalf (W.).
AuDLEY End : Braybrooke.
Colchester : Buckler, Colchester, Cromwell,
Morant, Round, Smith, Strutt, Vetust. Monu-
ment. 1 and 3.
Epping Forest : Buxton (E. W.), Tracts (Wal-
Gaston (Little) Vetust. Monument. 2.
Geeensted : Ibid.
Harwich and Dovercourt : Taylor and Dale.
Hedingham (Castle) : Vetust. Monument. 3.
Malden : Tracts (Maiden).
Maplestead (Little) : Waller.
New Hall : Vetust. Monument. 2.
S.AEFRON Walden i Braybrooke, Vetust. Monu-
ment. 2.
Southend : Evans.
Stifford : Palin.
Walthah Abbey : Farmer, Fuller.
Cross. See ' Hertfordshire.'
ESTATES, Management of: Brown, Cracroft,
How I managed, Morton. Sec ' Economy,'
'Land-Holding,' 'Law.'
ESTHONIA: Kreuzwald.
ETCHING: Hamerton, Middleton (C. H.), Eem-
ETHICS : Abbadie, Abercrombie, Argyll, Aristotle,
Arnold, Arthur (C. W.), Aubertin, Aurclius
(]\L), Bacon (T. S.), Bailey, Barni, Barrett,
I3asilius (St.), Bautuin, Baxter, Beale, Beattie,
Beaussirc, Belsham, Benekc,Bentham, Bersot,
Blakey, Boulanger, Bowring, liradley, Bray,
Brougham, Brown (T.), Browne (Sir T.), Bur-
gersdicius, Carlyle, Caro, Caumont, Cebcs,
Chalmers, Chalybieus, Chamberlain, Chubb,
Cicero, Coignet, Combe, Comte, Conway,
Cook (Jos.), Cudworth, Damiron, Havies,
DeGerando, Diderot, Duclos, I'hnerson, Knsor,
Epictetus, Fenelon, Fergusson, Feuclilers-
leben, Fichte, Fouilliie, Fowkr, Franck,
Friedlander, Fuller, Garnier, Glanvill,
Godwin, (irant, Greard, Grote, Guizot,
Haddon, Hartley, Hclvetius, Hervey, Hodg-
son, Hofmann (J. C), Home, Hume, Isocrates,
Jajip, Jenyns, Jevoiis, JoulYroy, Kant, King,
Law, Lieljer, Ijiguori, Long, Mably, Man-
deville, Martha, Martineau (J.), Maurice,
Morgan, Nicholson (E. B.), Opuscula, Paley,
Perry, Picaut, Plato, Plutarch, Eamsay,
Itenan, Eenouvier, Eojas, Eomundt, Eothe,
Euskin, Eutherforth, Sainsbury, Schelling,
Schmidt (L.), School of Man, Si-liopenhauer,
Selkirk, Seneca, Shii)ley, Sidgwick, Simcox,
Smith (W.), Sorlcy, Sjjalding, Si)ark, Spencer
(H.), Spinoza, Stein, Stewart, Tallack, Taylcr
(J. J.), Thornton, Tremlelenberg, Tucker,
Venn, Wace, Wliewell, Whinfield, ' Whole
Duty of Man,' Wingfield.
Equivocation : Jardine.
Formation of Opinions : Bailey, Lewis (G. C).
Medicvl : Percival, Simon.
Chinese : Confucius, Davis, Girot, Legge.
Buddhist : Swamy.
Persian : Girot.
History : Cousin, Denis, Lecky, Lewes, Mack-
intosh, Stanley.
See ' Bacon,' ' Metaphysics,' ' Philosophy.'
History, etc. : Almeida, Alvarez, Cosson,
Heeren, Lacroze, Ludolfus, Santos.
Ecclesiastical : Piatt.
Travels and Descriptions : Harris, Hoskins,
Labat, Lepsius, Ludovicus, Purchas 2, Tracts
177, Waddington. Sec ' Abyssinia,' ' Africa.'
ETHNOGEAPHY : Donaldson, Hovelaciiue,
Niebuhr, Ollivicr-Beauregard.
ETHNOLOGY : Anthropological Journal, Balbi,
Beddoe, Belloguet, Bergmann, Black (C. J.),
Blumcnbach, Brace, Brinton. Broc, Castren,
Catlin, Coulanges, Desor, Diefenbach, Karl,
Fritsch, Hartmann (E.) Home, Humboldt,
Johnston (K.), Johnstone (J. C), Kennedy,
Knobcl, Knox, Latham, Lazarus, Leslie,
Lewin, Lindenschmidt, Lubbock, Lysons,
Michel, Monboddo, Morgan, Nott, Pcschel,
Ploss, Prichard, Quatrefagos, Eatzel, Salle,
Schoebel, Schoolcraft, Smith (C. H.), Smith-
sonian, Steinthal, Tracts 200, Wallace (A. E.),
ETNA (MOUNT) : Eodwcll.
History, Laxguaok, LiTKRArrRE, etc. : Donald-
son, Ellis, (rray, Lanzi, Lepsius, Mallei,
Mommsen, Miiller, Steub.
Antiqt'itiks, Sepulchres, Bronzes, Vases,
ETC. : Bctham, Crawford, Dempster, Dennis,
Fabretti, Gray, Passerius.
ETYMOLOGY. Sec ' Language.'
EUCHAEIST: Barrow, Bridgett, Cranmer, Eb-
rard, Hettinger, Jewel, Koller, Perpetuite,
Pusey, Ritual, Sadler, Scudamore, Shij^ley,
Taylor (Jer.), Turton, Vogan, Whately,
Wilberforce, Wiseman.
See ' Christianity,' ' Eome,' ' Sacrament.'
EUCLID : Euclid, Heiberg.
Navigation : Chesney.
Bedouins of : Blunt (Lady A.).
History : Albon, Alison, Ancillon, Annuaire,
Balzani, Craik, Dyer, Flint, Gervinus, Hale
(E.), Heeren, Holywell, Johnson (A. H.),
Koch, Kohn, Kortiim, Lilly (W. S.), Maclear,
Miiller, Nichol (J.), Noorden, Ritter, Russell,
Secret History, Taylor, Universal History
Origin of the European Nations : Diefenbach,
Hiinly, Latham, Miiller, Pallmann, Wise.
During the Middle Ages : Alfred (King),
Berington, Digby's Mores, Dunham, Hallam,
Othere, Ranke.
Empire of the West : Bryce, Comyn, Gibbon.
Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries : Aubign6,
Baschet, Jovius, Lodge (R.), Raumer, Stirling-
Maxwell, Thou (J. A. de).
League of Cambray : Du 13os.
Seventeenth and * Eighteenth Centuries :
Actes, Clef du Cabinet, Frederic, Flassan,
Letters, Lodge (R.), Mahon, Malcolm, Mer-
cure, Raumer, Russell (W.), Schlosser, Siri,
Stover, Walsh.
Period of the French Revolution, etc. :
Adair, Alison, Allonville, Capefigue, Dohm,
Fyffe, Gentz, Lefevre, Politz, Pradt, Sybel,
Thiers, Weir.
From the Peace of 1815 : Alison, Beaumont-
Vassy, Capefigue, Etat, Flassan, Hertslet,
Congress of Vienna : Capefigue, Flassan,
Political System of : Bernhardi, Bruce, Gentz,
Heeren, Mountmorris, Nolte, Szabad.
See 'Diplomacy,' 'History.'
Intellectual Development of : Draper.
Prospects of: Newman, Santi.
Secret Societies : Frost.
Travels and Descriptions : Ah-chin-le, Baxter,
Bellows, Beltrami, Bromley, Buckingham,
Clark, Colman, Downes, Farnham, Forney,
Huntley (1887), Kaye (Lady L.), Kirk-
land, Laing, Lithgow, Mendelssohn, Mills,
MoncrieU, Murray, Peabody, Pembroke,
' Rainbles,' Ray, Sedgwick, Shah of Persia,
Sigourney, Silliman, Sopwith, Talfourd,
Taylor, Thevenot, Thunberg, Walsh, Ware,
' Zigzagging.'
Eastcrii: Tucker (W.).
Northern : Atkinson (J. B.), Barrow, Fortia de
Piles, Lamotte, Laurie, Londonderry, Murray's
Handbook, Wraxall.
Southern : Osborne (E.).
Geography ; Bruguiere, Reclus, Rudtoffer,
River Names : Ferguson.
EVIL, Essays on : Augustinus, Bosanquet, ' Com-
plete Triumph,' Erigena, Jenyns, King, Leib-
nitz (Theodice), Mani, Schelling, Schopen-
hauer, Swedenborg, Zoroaster. Sec Ma-
nichffiism,' ' Metaphysics,' ' Zoroaster.'
EVOLUTION: Aitken, Allen (G.),Bastian (H. C),
Bateman, Bernard, Birks, Butler (S.), Cleland,
Cope, Darwin, Dumont, Elam, Fiske, Free
Notes, Guthrie (M.), Guyan, Haeckel, Masson
(J.), Mivart, Reichert, Romanes, Savage,
Spencer, Tyndall, Wainwright, Weismann,
Wilson (A.). See 'Biology,' 'Darwinian
Theory,' ' Origin of Species,' ' Sociology.'
EXCHANGE, Stock, etc. : City, Crump, Evans,
Fenn, Francis, Giffen, Goschen, Hewitt
(Tracts), Jevons, Kelly, Scratchley, Seyd,Tait,
Wolowski, Ye Outside Fools.
EXCHEQUER, The: Hearne, Madox, Record
Comm. Publ., Thomas.
Rolls of Scotland : Burnett.
In England, 1851 : Babbage, Berlyn, Exhibi-
tion, Hunt, Janin, Jerrold, Lardner, Reports,
Society, Whewell.
1862 : Catalogue, Exhibition, Hunt, Watson.
Fisheries, Health, etc. : Exhibition.
In France. See ' Catalogues,' ' Paris.'
In Italy : Jervis.
In Ireland, 1853 : Irish.
In Vienna, 1873 : Brazil, Vienna.
In America : Catalogues, Philadelphia.
In Paris : Paris.
EXODUS (DESERT OF) : Beke, Naville, Palmer.
EYE, The : Carter, Cooper, Helmholtz, Jones
(Wharton), Scheffler.
See 'Blind,' 'Optics.'
FABLES: ^Esop, Avianus, Babrius, Barbazon,
Bewick, Fables, Florian, Franceschi, Gay, La
Fontaine, La Mothe, Phiedrus.
Burmese : Buddhaghosha.
GERiLAN : Grimm, Krummacher, Lessing.
Hindoo : Hitopadesa.
Indian : Bidpai, Knatchbull, Pancha-Tantra.
Persian : Anvar-i-Suheli.
Russian : Kriloii.
Spanish : -Brinckmeier, Yriarte.
Sec ' Folk-lore.'
FABLIAUX: Le Grand, Meon, Michel, Montaiglon.
See ' Ballads.'
FACTORY MOVEMENT : Pari. Reports, Plener.
See 'Labour,' ' Manufactories.'
FAIRS : Campardon, Walford (C).
FAIRY TALES: Andersen, Anvar-i-Suheli, Ara-
bian Nights, Arjis, Arzelier, Aulnoy, Auneuil,
Bethell, Blewitt, Cabinet des Fees, Carroll,
Coleridge (S.), Croker, Fogg, Grimm, Hamil-
ton, Harrison (B.), Hazlitt, Hugessen, Indian,
Keightley, Lee, Monnier, Morley, Muloch,
Musffius, Naake, Nerucci, Oberleitner, Parker
(Mrs. A.), Pollock, Ritson, Roumanian,
Stephen, Stokes (W.), Tieck, Tuscan, Voyages
Imaginaires. See 'Folk-Lore,' 'Legends,'
' Mythology,' ' Traditions.'
FAITH : Randies, Ward (W.).
See ' Christianity.'
FAMINES : Walford (C).
FANATICISM : Modern F. Unveiled, Taylor.
FANS : Walker (R.).
FARMING. See ' Agriculture.'
FASTS AND FEASTS : Neale, Nelson.
Literary History and Biography : Cave,
Dupin, Kaye, Lumper, Oudinus, Plummer.
Bibliography : Balbus, Barbeyrac, Darling,
Dowling, Edwards, Fabricius, Walchius,
On the Right Use or : Blunt, Daill6, Reeves.
Works of the Grekk and Latin Fathers :
Ambrosius, Arnobius, Atlianasius, Atlien-
agoras, Augustinus, IJavnabas.Basilius, IJedo,
Benedict, IJernardus. Boniface, Chrysostonius,
Clement 2, Cyin'ianus, Cyvillus, ])ionysius
Areopag., Ephraenius, Epiplianins, Euse-
bius, Evagrius, Gregorius (Magnus), Gregorius
(Naz.), Gregorius Nyssenus, Hernias, Hicr-
onynius, Hilarius, Hippolytus, Ignatius, Ire-
HKUs, Isidorus, Justinus Martyr, I^aetantius,
Leo, Macarius, Methodius, Minutius Eelix,
Origen, Oi'osius, Hulinus, Salvian, Sidonius,
Socrates, Sozomcn, Sulpicius Severus, Sy-
ncsius, Tatian, Tertullianus, Theodoretus,
Theophilus, Theopliylaet, ^'incent.
Collections, Fracments, etc. : Alzog, Canisius,
Constant, Corpus, Cotelerius, Freppel, Grabe,
Mabillon, Mai, Martene et Durand, Meuvsius
8, Otto, Patres Apostol., Pitra, Eous, Eouth,
Sirmondus, Walch, Zacagnius.
Translations : Chevallior, Cureton, Library of
the Fathers, Reeves, Wake.
Ante-Nicene Fathers : Ante-Nicene Libr.,
Burton, Conybeare.
See ' Christianity,' ' Theology.'
FEDEEATION: Imperial Fed. League, Lome
(Marquis of).
FEN COUNTEY: Heathcote, Miller (S. H.).
FENCING : Castle, Prevost.
FEEDINAND II. (German Emperor): Hurter,
Khevenhiller. Sec ' Germany,' ' Thirty Years'
FERMENTATION : Schiitzenberger.
FERNS. Sec ' Botany.'
Description : Cruise of ' Maria,' Landt.
FETE DES FOUX: Du Tilliot.
FETISCHISM : Beecham, Burton, Conder 20-22,
Du Chaillu, Labat, Pallme. Sec ' Religion.'
FEUDALISM: Barrington, Cruise, Hallam,
Palgrave, Roth, Schmidt (K.), Veuillot,
Wright. Sec ' Civilisation,' ' History (Middle
Greek and Roman : Achilles Tatius, Apuleius,
Chariton, Heliodorus, Longus, Lucianus,
Nicetas, Petronius, Scriptorea Erotici, Xeno-
phon Ephes.
Of the Middle Ages : Baring-Gould, Cox,
Ellis, Gesta Eonianorum, Latin Tales,
Weber, Wright (Th.).
Early English, Scotch, and Welsh : Early
English Text Society, Gilchrist, Hartshorne,
Laing, Lauder, Mabinogion, Painter, Welsh,
French : Biblioth^que, Girardin, Lafon,
Louandre, Nouvelles, Paris (P.), Romans.
Eastern : Amari, Antar, Arabian Nights, Bab-
ington. Clerk, Garcin de Tassy, Lane, Petis,
Ridley, Scott (.Jon.), Taheir-Uddin.
History of: Dr.nlop, Jealfreson, Masson,
Schmidt, Segrais, Tuckerman, Wheeler's Dic-
MoR.VLiTY OF : Murray.
Sec 'Ballads,' 'Fairy Tales,' 'Folk-Lore,'
' Novels,' ' Romances.'
FIJI ISLANDS : Anderson (.1. W.) 1880, Cuming
(1881), Cumming (Mrs.), Erskine, Forbes (L.),
Seemann, Williams.
FINANCE : Evans, Macgrcgor.
England : Annals of Legisl., Bagehot, Bartlett,
Cobdcn Club ]''.ssays. Crump, Davenant,
Doublcday, Fawcett.Fenn, Financial, Fleming,
GilTen, Gladstone, Hall (H.), Jicvi, Lindsay,
Northcote, Parnell, Pari. llei)orts, Sanford,
Sargant, Scratchley, Sinclair, South Sea
Bubble, Tooko, Tracts, Wells.
National Deut and the Finds : Capps, Cob-
bett. Duff, pjd wards (G.), Fairman, Fortune,
Hamilton (E.), Macculloch, Tracts, Van-
French : Capefigue, Clement, France, Hautcrivc,
Mirabcau ('Agiotage '), Wolowski.
Indian : Fawcett, Strachey.
See ' Exchange,' ' Great Britain,' ' Statistics,'
' Taxation.'
Russian Conquest of : Monteith.
(J. C), Finland, Galitzin, Keilhau, Leouzon
Le Due, Schiefner, Vincent (1881).
FIN MARK : Brooke.
FIRE PROTECTION, etc : Patents, Shaw (E. M.),
Tracts (Chadwick).
FIRE-WORSHIP : Dosabhoy, Lord, Zoroaster.
British : Buckland (F.), Eraser (R.), Gentle-
man (T.), Holdsworth, Manley, Monson, Pari.
Reports. See ' Angling.'
Herring : Campbell (1750), Mitchell.
Yarmouth Herring -Fishery : Nail, Nashe.
Dutch : Keymer, lieste.
Whale-Fisher V : Browne (J. R.), Scoresby.
Fishery L.ws : Paterson.
FISHES. See ' Ichthyology.'
FLAGS : Claretie, Steinitz.
History : Baecker, Chroniques, Flandre, Gran-
velle, Grattan, Kervyn, Le Glay, Meteren,
Schoutheete, Swertius, Warnkonig.
Wars of 1580, ];tc. : Bentivoglio, Coloma,
Navarretc Docum. JJ, 4, Parker (R.).
Travels and Descriptions : Boys, Conscience,
Havard, Jones, Moke.
See ' Belgium,' ' Holland,' ' Netherlands.'
FLAX : Charley, ]\Iacadam.
FLINT IMPLEMENTS: Boucher de Perthes,
Dawkins, Evans, Flower, Lubbock, Stevens.
Sec ' Man.'
FLORENCE : Compagni, Delucluzo, Doran, Fer-
rigni, Florence, Horner, .lustinianus. Lami,
Landucci, Machiavelli, Museum, Napier,
Oliphant (Mrs.), I'errens, Poggio, Reumont,
Ruskin, Taine, Trollope, Villani, Yriarte.
See ' Italy.'
FLORICULTURE. Sec 'Gardening.'
FLOWERS. Sc(J 'Botany.'
FOLK-LORE : Baring-Gould, Brand's Popular
Anticiuities, Jirown (U.), Cartailhac, Cliamp-
tleury, Chap-Books, Folk-Lore Soc.,Keightley,
Kelly, Melusine, Montalba, Notes and Queries,
Arabic : Baddeley, Wright (W.).
Norse and Scandinavian: Arnason, Baring-
Gould, Dasent, Grimm, Keyscr, ISIagnusson,
Mallet, Maurer, Metcalfe, Morris, Miiller, Nor-
wcgische, Sagas, Snorra, Viga Glum, Way-
land Smith.
Of North America : Drake (S.A.), Pidgeon.
Ceeek Indians: Gatschet.
Of Beitish Guiana : Brett.
Basque : Basque, Monteiro.
Of Bohemia : Gerle.
Of China : Dennys.
Of England : Bell, BrueyOjvc, Cunningham,
Dyer, Folk-Lore Soc, Gomme, Harland, Hen-
derson, Hunt, Notes and Queries, llichardson,
Eitson, Koby, Service.
Of Devonshire : Bray (Mrs.).
Of Northamptonshire : Sternberg.
Of Shropshire : Burne (C. F.).
Of Ireland : Croker, Kennedy.
Op Scotland : Campbell, Cunningham (A.),
Miller, Napier.
Of Wales: Davies (R. R.), Guest (Lady C),
Jones (Owen), Mabinogion, Merlin, Morte
Manx : Callow.
Of Esthonia : Kreuzwald.
Of the Eskimo : Rink.
Of the Finns : Schiefner.
Of France : Assier, Biblioth^que Bleue, Biblio-
th^que de Poche, Bosquet, Laisnel, RoUand.
Of Germany : Alpenburg, Birlinger, Eisel,
Grimm, Hagen, Kaltenbaeck, Kloster, Knox,
Kohler,Liebrecht, Lithuanische,Preger,Rasz-
mann, Reumont, Rochholz, Taylor (J. E.),
Temme, Thorpe, Wolf.
Or Greeks and Albanians : Hahn,
Of Eoumania : Legends.
Of HuNG.uiY : Mailath, Pulszky, Stier.
Of India : Aimard, Dutt, Gover, Kelly.
Of Italy: Basile, Finamore, Monnier (M.),
Nerucci, Zambrina.
Of Rome : Busk (Miss).
Of New Zealand : Grey, Shortland, Taylor.
Of the Bushmen: Bleek.
Of South Africa : Theal.
Of Portugal : Tales.
Scythian : Neumann.
Of Sicily : Gonzenbach.
Slavonic : Naak^.
Of Spain : Middlemore.
Of Sweden : Oberleitner.
Of Switzerland : Ceresole.
SuABiAN : Binder.
" Of the Tartars : Castr^n, Schiefner.
Of Plants: Flower-Lore, Folkard, Gubernatis.
The Moon : Harley (F.).
See ' Ballads,' ' Fairy Tales,' ' Mythology,'
' Nursery Tales,' ' Tradition.'
Of Birds : Swainson.
Naval : Ray (J.).
FONTS, Baptismal : Caumont.
FOOD. Sec ' Cookery,' ' Diet.'
FORESTRY: Amery, Brown (.J. C), Hough,
Levallois, Lewis (P.), Rattray, Sargent. Sec
' Arboriculture.'
FORMOSA : Candidius, Constantin.
FORMULARIES. See ' Church.'
FORTIFICATION. See ' Military Art.'
FORTUNE-TELLING : Beamish, Boiteau.
FOSSILS : Buckland, Cuvier, Da Costa, Dawson
(J. W.), Dixon, Mantell, Murchison, Owen,
Palffiontographical Soc, Taylor (J. E.).
Fossil Man : Argyll, Boucher de Perthes, Daw-
son (J. W.), Lehon, Lubbock, Lyell.
Fruits and Seeds or London Clay : Bowerbank.
Teilobites : Burmeister.
Shells : Brocchi, Chenu, Mantell, Woodward.
See ' Geology,' ' Mankind,' ' Palaiontology.'
FOWLING : Payne-Gallwey. See ' Sport.'
History. General: Annuaire, Anquetil, Ash-
burton, Belloguet, Bonnechose, Bordier, Bou-
lainvilliers, Bourbon, Boxhorn, Bush, Cape-
figue, Carn6, Challamel, Clement, Crowe,
Daniel, Dareste, Deseille, D'Esterno, Dreux,
Duruy, Eckhart, France, Franklin (A.), Gail-
lard, Guizot, Henault, Hillebrand (K.),
Kitchin, Lacroix, La Popelini^re, Lavall6e,
Lelong, L'Epinois, Mably, Markham, Martin,
Mezeray, Michelet, Millot, Monteil, N6go-
ciations, Nourisson, Patria, Prus, Ranke,
Ranken, Roberts (Miss), Schmidt, Scott,
Sewell (E.M.), Sismondi, Stephen, Stewarton,
Student, Taine, Taylor, Thierry, Tocqueville,
Touchard, TroUope (T. A.), Universal History,
Velly, Yonge.
Collections of Historians, Memoirs, Docu-
ments, ETC. : Anjou, Archives Curieuses, Bib-
liotheque, Brequigny, Buchon, Champollion,
Collection (Perrin), Delaborde, Delpit, Docu-
mens Inedits (Dachery), Duchesne, Forneron,
France, Gaches, Guizot, Leber, Mavidal,
Michel, Petitot, Ribier, Soci^te de I'Histoire,
Royal Genealogies : Anselme.
Early Chronicles : Auton, Bourdign6, Chro-
niques, Comines, Du Tillet, Fabyan, Froissart,
Gallicarum, Godefroy, Gregorius, Guillelmus,
Jehan le Bel, Joinville, Juron, Masson (G.),
Particular Periods :
Roman Empire : Histoire.
TJie Gauls : Belloguet, Betham, Bouquet, Cffisar,
Coulanges, Desjardins, Dubos, Fauriel, Galli-
carum, Histoire, Perreciot, Roth, Thierry,
Valesius, Valroget.
Merovingian Dijnasty : Coulanges, Histoire, Le-
tronne, Monod (G.), Perry, Thierry, Zevma.
Carolingian Dynasty : Monnier.
Capetian Dynasty : Luchaire.
During the Crusades : Vaublanc.
From Louis VII. to Henry IV. : Capefigue,
Under the Valois Kings, etc.: Capefigue, Belleval,
Under the Bourhons : Yonge.
\Uh Century : Chasles, Jackson (Lady), La
11th Century : Bourelly, Kerviler, Lacroix.
ISth CentJiry : Bonhomme, In the Shadow of
God,Lomenie, Plelo, Robiquet.
IWi C(^nttLry : Hillebrand, Michelet.
From 1789 : Martin (H.).
Revolutionary Epoch, 1774-1870 : Laun, Taine.
Ancient MonarcJiy : Louandre, Taine.
Particular Reigns :
Charles the Great : Abel (S.), Acciola, Angil-
bertus, Charlemagne, Ciampi, Eginhardus,
Gaillard, Hahnii CoUectio 2, James, Mieville,
Mullinger, Perry, Turpinus.
Louis le Debonnaire : Ermold, Funck, Thegan.
Robert I. : Adalberon, Helgand.
Louis VI., le Gros : Suger.
Philip Augustus : Capefigue, Guillaume le
Breton, Rigord.
Louis VIII.-IX. : Ambassadeurs, Bray, Cape-
figue, Tillemont.
Louis IX. : Joinville.
Charles V. : Bertrand, Cuvelier.
Charles VI. : Boucicaut, Demandes, Journal,
Juvenal des Ursins, Puiseax, Pyne, Saint-
Charles VII. : Basin, Berri, Bray, Chartier,
Clement, Du Fresne, Durand, Guimier,
Journal, Pyne, Steenacker, Vallet.
Maid of Orleans : Bray, Caddy, De Quincey,
Gurney, Hase, Laiiiartine, Mahon, I'arr,
Quicherat, Villiaum6.
Louis XL : Basin, Comines, Duclos, Kirk,
Legeay, Mathieu, Troyes, Willcrt, Wratislaw.
Charles VIII. : Boucliet, Cherricr, Comines,
Eccardi Corpus 2, Jaligny, Massolin.
Louis XII. : Bouchot, Bourdit^nc, Flourange.
Francis 1. : Bellay, 15rantonio, Capehgue,
Coignet, Fleurange, (Jaillard, Journal, La-
lanne, Lescure, Miclielet, Mignet, Pardoe,
Paris (P.). Teulet.
Captivitjf of: Champollion, Cochrane.
Catlierine de Mcdicis, 1;j1!)-89 : Medicis.
Francis II. : Aubespine, Bouillon, Casteluau,
Hopital, Miclielet, Teulet.
Charles IX. : Aubrey, Bouille,Castelnau, Coligni,
Merim^e, Michelet, Teulet.
Henry III. : Castelnau, Duparcq, Estoile, Freer,
Mezeray, Michelet. Teulet, Villeroy.
Henry IV. : Angoulemo, Anquetil, Aumale,
Birch, Bouille, Bouillon, Colynet, I'reer,
Galerie, Guise, Henri IV., James, La Barre,
Lacombe, Loiseleur, JMarca, Mathieu, Me-
moires, Michelet, Perefixe, Phillipson, Poirson,
Prevost-Paradol, Proces, Bott, Sully, Villeroy,
Zeller (B.).
15-17-1610, Civil Wars, the ' Ligiie,' etc. : An-
quetil, Baguenault, Brizard, Cayet, Cond6,
Cr^tineau-Joly, Davila, Duplessis, Goulart,
Labitte, Lacretelle, Marguerite, Michelet,
Philippson, Prevost-Paradol, Eanke, Satyre
M6nippee, Vitet.
laiO-Wli, Regency of Marie de Medicis : Pardoe,
Louis XIII. : Anquetil, Bassompierre, Bazin,
Brienne, Cayet, Chantelauze, Chatre, Elliot,
Galerie, Griffet, Heroard, Leroi, Memoires,
Michelet, Porte, Richelieu, Sourdis, Talle-
ment, Topin, Villeroy, Zeller (B.).
Cardinals de Berulle and Richelieu : Avenel,
Gerard (W.), Houssaye.
Louis XIV.: Agnew (D.), Caillet, Came, Che-
verel, Chantelauze, Courcy, Elliot, Fenelon,
James, Jay, Lair, Legrelle, Michelet, Noailles,
Pardoe, Parkmau, Pelet, Voltaire.
Memoirs, etc. : Anquetil, Barriere, Barthelemy,
Berwick, Boivin-Champeaux, Brienne, Bussy-
Rabutin, Capetigue, Chatre, Choisy, Clement,
Colbert, Correspondance, Dangeau, Duclos,
Dumas, Feuquieres, Fullerton, Galerie, Gour-
ville, Griin, Kingsley, La Fayette, Lemontey,
Leroi, Longueville, Louis, Maintenon, Maza-
rin, Memoires, Millot, Montpensier.Narbonne,
Noailles, Orleans (Duchesse d'), Porte, Eeneo,
Eetz, Eoux, Saint-Simon, Sourches, Talle-
ment, Tesse.
Troubles dcs Cevcnnes : Court (Ant.).
Tlie Fronde : Baker, Barante, Berthod, Cape-
figue. Chevalier, Cousin, Feillet, Fitzpatrick,
Longueville, Mailly, Michelet, Motteville,
Eegistres, Eetz, Sainte-Aulaire.
16G5-6G, Les Grandcs Jours de Clermont :
Edict of Nantes, Revocation of : Benoit, Brizard,
Du Bois-Melly, Edits, Napoli, Schoeffer,
Weiss, White.
Regency of Duke of Orleans : Capefigue, Dubois,
Janin, Lamothe, Lemontey, Saint- Simon.
Louis XV. : Barthelemy, Broglie, Caillet, Cam-
pardon, Carne, Dufort, Dumas, Fantin-
Desodoards, Goncourt, Janin, Jay, Kingsley,
Louis XV. (Correspondance Secrete), Louise
de France, Michelet, Narbonne, Eosalba,
Tocqueville, Voltaire.
Memoirs : Aignan, Argenson, Barbaroux, Bar-
bier, Barriure, Barry (Madame du), Bonne val,
Cantrel, Dubois, Duclos, Galerie, Hausset,
L6vy, Millot, Noailles, Soulavie, Tes.se.
Louis A' IT. ; Abrantos, Arneth, Barrit're, Ber-
trand-Moleville, Broglie, Droz, Dufort,
Dumas, Edgewortli, Falloux, Fersen, Feuillet-
de-Conches, (iellroy, Hamcl, Heroes, Hue,
Jackson (Lady), Janin, Jobez, Jullien,
Lescure, Louis, Phipson, Eenee, Soulavie,
Marie Antoinette : Campardon, Marie, Yonge.
Louis XVII. : Bcauchesnc, J5ourbon, Campan,
Delabarre, Fcuillet-de-Conches, (ioncourt, La
Barre, Lescure, Marie Antoinette, St. Amand,
Political Works on thi Causes of the Revolu-
tion : Bailleul, liurkc, Dubost, Gentz, Granier
de Cassagnac, Lanfrey, Mackintosh, Moore
(J.), Necker, Paganel, Proyart, Eemusat,
Eocquain, Eussell, Staiil, Taine, Tocqueville,
Wollstonccraft, Young.
1789, T)ie Revolution : Alison, Baboeuf, Blanc,
Buehez, Buzot, Carlyle, Dahlmann, Etudes,
Fantin-Desodoards, Flcury |J. P.), Forneron,
Gardiner (15. M.), Ilamel, Ih'ricault, Kerver-
seau, Lacretelle, Lanfrey, Lavallec, Lemaire,
Lescure, Lockroy, Macfarlane, Martcl, Miche-
let, Mignet, Mirabeau, Moniteur, Montgaillard,
Morris, Paganel, I'eltier, (^uinet. Bedhead,
Eevolutions, Eobinet, Smyth, Sorel, Stael,
Stephens (H. M.), Sybel, Taiiic, Tcrnaux,
Thiers, Tocqueville, Wachsmulh, WoUstone-
Memoirs, etc., on the Revolution : Abrantos,
Angouleme, Arnaud, Augeard, Aymc, Bailly,
Barbaroux, Barere, Barthelemy, 13crrycr,
Bertrand-Molevillc, Berville (' Collection '),
Besenval, IHogiaphical Anecdotes, Bougeart,
Bouille, Cliamiiicr, Choiscul, Clery, Cordier,
Dampmartin, Dauban, Daudet, Des Eche-
rolles, Desmoulins, Dulauro, lOlliot, Female,
Ferrieres, Freron, Gallais, Geiilis, Georgel,
Goguelat, lung, Janet, Lally-Tullendal, La-
motte-Valois, Lavalette, Lescure, Linguet,
Lombard, Louvet, Marsh, Martel, Meillan,
Memoires, Mirabeau, Morellet, Morris (W. O.),
Mortimer - Ternaux, Nodier, Ormatlnvaite,
Parades, Pontecoulant, Pecquet, Puisaye,
Eaguse, Eigby, EioulTe, Robespierre, Eoland,
Schmidt (.\dolf), Sieyt>s, Vivonot, Wallon.
Legislative AssenilAies, Convention, etc.: Asscm-
blee, Barante, Buehez, Carn(5, Dumont, (iranie,
Lacretelle, Lamcth, Maillane, Mirabeau, Thi-
The Bastille : Charpentier, Languet, Ravaisson.
TIic Girondists : Granier de Cassagnac, Lamar-
tine, Eoland.
TJie Jacobins : Barruel.
Wars of t lie Revolution. See 'Military History.'
Tlie Directory : Barante, Buonarotti, Gohier,
Granier de Cassagnac.
Consulate and Kmpirc : Abranti^'S, Barni, Big-
non, Bonaparte, Bourrienne, Capefigue, Car-
not, Enghien, Fain, Fauriel, French, Gold-
smith (L.), Gourgaud, Guillemot, Hamel,
Hauterive, lung. Juste, Kirwan, Lacretelle,
Lanfrey, Marie-Louise, I\richelet, Montholon,
Morris (\V. O.), Nodier, Pardoe, I'assy, Por-
talis, Eaguse, Baudot, Eovigo, Schoell, Thibau-
deau, Thiers, Toulongeon, Veron.
See 'Napoleon.'
Restoration : Abrantes, Berryer, Capefigue, Cha-
teaubriand, Lacretelle, Lamartine, Memoires,
Montgaillard, Pontecoulant, R.nguse, Vaula-
belle, Veron, Viel-Castcl.
Due do Normandie : Dauphin.
■ CJmrlcs X. : Crowe, Marnay, Vaulabelle.
'Louis Philippe: Blanc, Bouillee, Capefigue,
Cormenin, Corne, Crowe, Granier, Groiseil-
liez, Guizot, Haussonville, Louis, Michaud,
Nouvion, Orleans, Kaguse, Raikes, Eegnault,
Revue, Rush, Turnbull, Veron, Viel-Castel.
Revolution o/1848 : Accuses, Blanc, Brougham,
Caussicli^re, Chamier, Chenu, Corkran, Croker,
Du Camp, Dunoyer, Estournel,Faure, France,
Gamier, Guizot, Journ^es, La Hodde, La-
martine, Miot, Molinari, Normanby, Pierre,
Proudlion, Redhead, St. John, Schcelcher,
■ See ' Labour,' ' Socialism.'
Napoleon III. : Bavoux,Beaumont-Vasey, Bene-
detti, Bertould, Blanchard, Brummel, Cam-
bac^r^s, Collin de Plancy, Dam6, Day, Delord,
Delpit, Deschamps, Documents, Dolgoroukow,
Dunoyer, Duprat, France, Francjois-Raymond,
GasjDarin, Giberne, Grammont, Gricelli, Gri-
court (Tracts), Gronow, Guizot, Hans, Hugo,
Is it Peace ? Kinglake, La Gu^ronni^re,
Leclercq, Letters, Maupas, Menneval, Mire-
court, Molinari, Napoleon, Ollivier, Papiers
Secrets, Passy, Potvin, Poujade, Pr6vost-
Paradol, Senior (W. N.), Streubel, Sybel,
Sylvanecti, Ten Years, Tenot, Whitehurst,
Williams, Wraxall.
■ Memoirs, etc. : Ranc, Tenot.
See ' Military History.'
Eevolution of Sept. 1870 : Albrecht, Du Camp,
Duret, Favre, France, Leighton, Littre,
* Pointu, Reinach, Rothan, Simon, Steenackers,
Taine, Thiers.
Paeliasientakx History : Boinvilliers, De-
lachenal, Desmaze, Duvergier de Hauranne,
Esquiros, Guizot, Hervien, King (E.), Laf-
fineur, Lamartine, Ollivier, Pr6vost-Paradol,
Thiers, Thureau-Dangin.
Constitution of 1875 : Bard, Goltz.
The Commune : Block, Lauser, Lissagaray.
Geography : Atlas, Desjardins, Girault (Dic-
tionn. des Communes), Lavallee, Leber,
Reclus, Walckenaer.
Travels and Descriptions : Allies, Analogies,
Babeau, Bell, Berkeley, Best, Blessington,
Bourdot, Bouvasse, Boys, Bridges, Brown
(Ed.), Bulwer, Byrne, Cadell, Campe, Cass,
Chamier, Chateau, Chatterton, Ch^ruel, Chor-
ley, Cooper (J.F.), Cousin, Crignelle, Dumast,
Estournel, Eyre, Field (Mrs.), France, Ham-
erton, Hazlitt, Hentznerus, Liglis, Jacob,
Jernyngham, Jerrold, Johnson, Jullien, La-
ment, Langel, Legrand d'Aussy, Levallois,
Lowth, Maclean, Marechal, Mariette, Mary-
Lafon, Matthews, Merimee, M6zi6res, Miller
(W.), Millin, Millingen, Moens, Molloy, Mont-
faucon, Moore, Morgan, Morlent, Moryson,
Muloch, Murray, Musgrave, Oxley, Pacca,
Palliser, Palmerston, Pinkerton, Pinkney
(1808), Piickler, Quatrefages, Raikes, Rhodes,
Roberts, Sartoris, Saugrain, S6guin, Senior,
Shelley, Skippon, Smollett, Stevenson (R. L.),
Strutt, Taylor, Thicknesse, Thummel, Tomes,
Trench, Trollope, Tussaud, Williams, Vaysse,
Young. See ' Brittany.'
Philosophy: BiWioth^que, France, Guigniaut,
Ravaisson. See ' Philosophy.'
Literature : Albert, De Sacy, France, Garreaud,
Genevay, Geffroy, Geruzez, Godefroy, Lafon,
Le_ Clerc, Meytr (P.), Saintsbury. See
' Literature.'
Law : Bacqua, Bornardi, Boulatignier, Duver-
gier, France, Giraud, Glasson, Goviand,
La Gueronniere.
Political Economy : Chevalier, Economistes,
France, Say.
Army of : Armee, Dussieux. See ' Military
Sciences (Progress of). See ' Science.'
Social Life and Influences : Baker (H. B.),
Bardoux, Bernard, Boisjoslin, Bonnem^re,
French, Nos Fautes, Piiigaud, P161o. See
' Paris.'
Antiquities : Borel, Bourcher de Perthes, Byrne
(Feudal Castles), Caumont, Cochrane, Didron,
Ducarel, Fauchet, France (Inscriptions) (Soc.
Arch, etc.), Guilhermy, Maury, Millin, Mont-
faucon, Pluquet.
Cathedrals : Winkle.
Normandy : France (Archffiology).
Picardy and Dauphine : Carnoy, France (Soc.
des Antiq. de Picardie), Musgrave.
Statistics, Finance, etc. : L'Armee (1867),
Aumale, Bertrand, Block, Boislisle, Ch^ruel,
Dupin, Dutilleul, France (Enquetes), Gold-
smith, Guerry, Laing, Le Tresor, Nadaillac,
Necker, Reeve, Rochefort, Tapis, Turgot.
See 'Brittany,' 'Burgundy,' 'Languedoc,'
Reboisement in : Brown (J. C).
Colonies : Hamont, Margey, Norman (C. B.),
Puymaigre, Scudamore (F. J.).
Ecclesiastic.Uj History: Arnauld, Bujeaud,
Bungener, Butler, Carron, Coquerel, Dachery,
D'Aguesseau, Fauchet, Fournier, Gregorius,
Guett^e, Jauffret, Jervis (W. H.), lung, Leger,
Longueval, Marca, Michaud, Peyrat, Pitra,
Pradie, Robillard, Sammarthauus (Gallia
Sacra), Sciout, Wordsworth.
Catholic Reform : Lamennais, Lacordaire, Loy-
son, Michaud, Montalembert.
GalUcanism : Bardoux, Montlosier.
Reformation : Artis, Aymond, Beza, Marsh,
Puaux, Schoeffer, Smedley, White.
Protestantism : Agnew, Aguesse, Arnaud, Beard,
Haag, Vincent.
Calvinism : Roisselet.
Vineyards : Busby.
Agriculture : Richardson (G. G.).
Arts : Mazaros.
Conquest of America : Parkman.
Ports of Commerce : Simonin (A. H.).
FRANCHISE. See ' Representation.'
FEANCONIA : Breysig.
FRANCONIAN EMPERORS (Germany) : Stenzel.
See ' Scriptores Rerum Germ.'
ERASER RIVER. See 'America (Brit. Colum-
FREDERICK II. See ' Prussia.'
FREEMASONRY : Adams, Blake, Cooke, Findel,
Gould, Halliwell, Lenning, Lessing, Mackenzie
(K. R. H.), Oliver, Paton, Preston, Ritual.
FREE TRADE. See ' Economy,' ' Trade.'
FREEWILL : Augustinus 1, Bersot, Destutt, Ed-
wards, Erasmus, Luther, Maassen, Tracts
(Guthrie, Sweetman). Sec 'Metaphysics.'
FRESCO-PAINTING. Sec ' Painting.'
Scratchley, Wilkinson (J. F.).
FRIENDS (SOCIETY OF). See ' Quakers,'
FRONDE, The. See ' France.'
FRUIT-FARMING: Whitehead (C).
FUEL : Edwards, Prideaux, Teale. Sec ' Coal.'
Financial Eegister, Scratchley. Sec ' Finance.'
FUR TEADE, North American: Dunn, Irving,
Noyes, Selkirk, Umfreville. Sec ' Hudson's
FUENITURE : Art at Home, Champcaux, East-
lake, VioUet-le-Duc.
Church Ixventoiues : Bailey (J. E.).
History : Jaciiucmart, Patents, Shaw (H.).
Louis XIV. : Chippendale.
At Kensington Museum : Pollen.
FUTURE LIFE: Alger, Unseen. See 'Soul
(Immortality of).'
GAELS. Sec ' Celts.'
GALLERIES : Catalogues.
Of Pictures. England : Academy, Brady,
Duchesne, Gower (Lord R.), Hazlitt, Jameson,
Law (E.), Murray, Redgrave, Raskin, Scharf,
Waagen. See ' National Gallery.'
In France : Paris (Salon).
Continental : Berlin, Blake, Burger, Desen-
fans, Duchesne, Eastlake, Florence, Gallery,
Kugler, Louvre, Museum Florentinum, Eus-
kin. Tableaux (The Hague), Thompson (K.),
Vatout, Viardot, Visconti, Wilkins (W. N.).
Of Antiquities : Bateman. Botlield, Disney,
Fol, Guimet, Fonthill Catalogue, Forster
(Stowe), Herculaneum, Loan Exhibition,
Maskell, Vaux, Wilde. Sec 'British Museum,'
' Catalogues.'
GALVANISM. See 'Electricity.'
GAME PRESERVING : Carnegie. Sec ' Law.'
GAMES : Bohn, Cavendish, Divertissements,
Philidor, Rolland. Sec ' Sports.'
Laws of Gaming, Racing, etc. : Oliphant
(G. H. H.).
GARDENING: Bacon ('Essays'), Baines (T.),
Ballet, Bright (H. A.), Buckton, Burbidge,
Cobbett, Darwin, Duhamel, Edmeades, Eve-
lyn, Falke, Fish, Garden, Gardening, Gerard,
Heath, Hibberd, Hope (F. J.), Horticul-
tural Soc, Johnson (L.), Kemp, Lindley,
Loudon, M'Intosh, Milner (G.), Moore (T.),
Repton, Robinson, Smee, Stewart (H.),
Thompson (R.), Thomson (D.), Towers,
Vilmorin, Warner (C. D.), Whately (T.).
Rose Culture : Ellwanger, Hole.
In Persl\: Baboo.
Dictionaries : Don, Loudon.
See ' Botany.'
GARTER (ORDER OF THE) : Anstis, Ashmole,
Beltz, Buswell, Nicolas. Sec ' Heraldry.'
GAS: Clegg.
Gas Engines : MacGregor (W.).
Gas Lighting : Matthews (W.), Patents, Tracts
GASTRONOMY : Art, Brillat-Savarin. See ' Diet.'
GAUL : Vabroger, Valesius. See ' France.'
GAVELKIND: Elton, Robinson. See 'Kent,'
' Law.'
GAZETTEERS. Sec 'Dictionaries (Geographi-
cal),' and ' England (Topography).'
GEMS : Barrera, Emanuel, Horace (illustrated).
King, Mariette, Museum.
GENEALOGY : Banks, Berry, P.ridgcr, Erydges,
Buckler, Burke, Coleman, Collins, Dugdale,
Foster (Jos.), Genealogist, George (H. B.),
Grimaldi, Harleian Soc, Howard, Imhotf,
Le Neve, Lodge, Marshall (G. W.), Nichols,
Nicolas, Norman, Sims, Walford (E.).
RoYvVL, Genealogies : Anderson, Betham, Long,
Recherches, Schowart.
Of Kuglaml : French (G. R.), Halliday, Sand-
ford, Taylor (S. F.), Townend.
Of W'ttlcs : Dwnn.
Of France : Ashburton, .\nselmc, Saint-Allais.
Of Ireland: O'Hart.
Of Lorraine : Hugo.
Of Savoy: Ferrer.
L.tNDED Gentry of England : Burke.
Particular Peerages and Families : Bertie,
Burke, Collectanea, Craik, Pari. Eep. (Dignity
of a Peer), Shirley.
Banbury Peerage : Banks.
Alexajider : Rogers (C).
Angus and the Mcarns : Jervise.
Berkcleys : Berkeley MSS.
Boyle Family : Budgell, Lismore Papers.
Cannyngc Family : Pryce.
Chandos Peerage: Beltz.
Chichclc Family : Buckler.
Courtney Family ; Cleaveland.
Cranmer : Waters (R. C. E.).
Craivford and Balcarrcs : Lindsay.
Devonshire, Earls and Dukes of : Grove.
Douglas and Angus : Hume.
Douglas Case : Douglas, Richardson, Stuart.
Fitzgeralds : Lismore Papers.
Gardner Barony : Le Marchant.
Garvoeh : Davidson (J.).
Gilpin : Gilpin (W.).
Gladstone : Oliver (Mrs.).
Grcville Family : Edmondson.
Haliburtons : Rogers If^.).
Harrison : Earwaker.
Howard Family: Howard.
Huntingdon Peerage : Bell.
Innes Family : Innes.
Kildare, Earls of: Kildare.
Kilravock, Family of : Rose.
Knox (John) : Rogers (C).
Lindsays, Lives of : Lindsay.
Lisle Barony : Nicolas.
Lloyd of Dolobran : Lowe (E. J.).
Mar : Lindsay, Mar.
Merict Famih/ : Greenfield.
Middletun (Earls of) : Biscoe.
Morgan ami Glamorgan : Clai'k (G. T.).
Neville, House of : Swallow.
O'Brien Family : O'Donoghue.
O'Meaghers of Ikerrin : O'Meagher.
R2issell, House of : Wiffen.
Scott (Sir Walter) : Rogers (C).
Scudamore Family : Gibson.
Sluii-nburn Family : Spelman.
Somerville Family : Somerville.
Stanley Family : Stanley.
Steivart Family : Stewart, Townsend.
Stirling Family : Riddell, Rogers (C).
Strangford (Lords) : Fonblanque.
Urquhart Family : Ui'quhart.
Walpole : Jessop.
WariL'ick, Earls of : Eossus.
Baronies ry Writ : Collins.
See ' Heraldry,' ' Peerage.'
Di.u^ECT :
History : Spon.
History : Bonfadius, Bracellue, Celesia, Genoa,
Grffivius (Ital. 1, pt. 1, 2), Muratori 6, 17, 23,
Univer. Hist. (Mod. 25), Vincens.
Genoese in Galata : Sauli.
Descriptions : Alfoid, Cox, Dickens, Millin,
Musset, St. John.
GEODESY : Clarke (A. E.).
GEOGEAPHY: Bulletins, Journal, Macculloch,
Muir (F.). See ' Dictionaries (Geographical).'
Treatises on : Behm, Bevan, Busching, Butler,
Daubeny, Freret, Geog. Soc, Giinther, Hun-
newell, Johnston (K.), Keith, Kloden, Kiitzen,
Lavallee, Lehon, Malte-Brun, Manual, Pes-
chel, Petermann, Pinkerton, Piitz, Eeclus,
Eitter, Eoon, Saint-Martin, Salmon, Stan-
ford, Wallace (J.), Watts.
Ancient: Anville, Bevan, Bunbury, Cellarius,
Cluverius, Cooley, Dicuil,Edrisi, Eratosthenes,
Geographi, Geographia, Itineraria, Kiepert,
Laurent, Law, Leake, Mannert, Marcianus,
Niebuhr, Peutinger, Pomponius Mela, Ptole-
maBUS,Eennell, Schmitz, Sequester, Stephanus
Byzant., Strabo, Varenus, Wells.
Arabian : Sprenger.
Indian : Lassen.
Ancient Systems of : Forbiger, Gosselin, Piitz,
Eennell, Ukert.
Great Britain : Geography, Eamsay (A. C),
Ti-acts (Eylands).
EoiiAN Gaul : Desjardins.
Greece : Bursian.
Eastern : Ebn Haukal, Hamilton, Sildik Isfa-
African : Banning.
American : Alcedo, America, Barber, Lippincott.
BiBLic.\i. See ' Bible.'
Medi.^v.al : Bevan, Bretschneider, Lelewel,
Long, Piitz, Santarem, Spruner.
Medical : Bordier.
Physical: Ansted, Cooley, Giinther (S.), Guyot,
Herschel, Hull, Humboldt, Jackson, Johnston,
Kant, Klein, Marsh, Maury, Page, Eamsay,
E6clus, Eeid, Somerville, Strzlecki.
Historical: Freeman (E. A.), Heeren, Niebuhr,
Pearson (C. H.).
Etymological : Blackie, Taylor (Isaac).
Ecclesiastical : Wiltsch.
See 'Atlas,' ' Geology,' ' Meteorology.'
GEOLOGY : Introductions, Elements, etc. :
Agassiz , Annals of Nat. Hist., Ansted, Bakewell,
Buckland, Burmeister, Burnet, Catlin, Cham-
bers, Dana, Darwin, Daubeny, Davies, Dawson,
De la Beche, Drayson, Figuier, Fischer (C),
Geikie, Geological, Gosse, Green, Greenwood,
Hartwig, Hitchcock, Jackson, Johnston, Jukes,
King, Kirwin, Lyell, M'Causland, Maegilli-
vray, Malet, Mantell, Mill, Miller, Ormerod,
Page, Palteontographical, Pattison, Peschel,
Phillips, Portlock, Prestwich, Eichardson,
Sketches, Southall, Sykes, Symonds, War-
rington, Winchell.
Structure of the Globe, Theory of the
Earth, etc. : Argyll (Duke of), Barnes (E.
L.), Bosanquet, Buffon, Burmeister, Burnet,
Chambers (E.), Cosmogony, Cuvier, Davison,
Davy, Donnelly, Guyon, Harcourt, Harris,
Kemp, Klee, Mason, MoUoy, Nichols, Eeclus,
Schouw, Smith (W.), Sumner, Tracts (Eoscoe),
Wagner, Worms.
Silurian System : Murchison.
Dust : Malet (H. P.).
Local Geology.
Great Britain : Bewick, Conybcare, Davies
(J. W.), Dixon, Englefield, Geikie, Harrison
(W. J.), Holme, Hunt, Jukes, Macculloch,
Mantell, Miller, Phillips, Eamsay, Woodward.
Of London : Bowerbank, Kingsley, Prestwich.
Alps : Cotta, Forbes, Tyndall.
America : Dana, Geological. See ' America.*
Australia (South) : Woods.
Neiv South Wales : Strzelecki.
France : Boitard, Boucher de Perthes, Scrope.
India : Ball.
Ireland : Hull, M'Coy, Portlock.
Russia : Murchison.
Persia : Persia.
See ' Earth,' ' Earthquakes,' ' Fossils,' ' Geogra-
phy (Physical),' ' Mineralogy,' ' Mines,' ' Vol-
GEOMETEY': Adh6mar, Archimedes, Bret-
schneider, Chasles, Darley, Davies (C), Des-
cartes, Euclid, Heather, Heiberg, Lacroix,
Picquet, Wedgwood.
Conic Sections : Hamilton (H. P.), Hann, Sal-
Properties of the Ellipse : Somerset.
Solid : Larkin.
See ' Mathematics,' ' Trigonometry.'
Travels : Brosset, Cameron, Haxthausen, Let-
tres. Porter.
History : Bertius, Dahlmann, Diihring, Eccar-
dus, Eichhorn, Forschungen, Greenwood,
Grotefend, Herrgott, Klein, Kohlrausch, Kol-
larius, Krantz, Lehmann, Lindner, Luden,
Markham, Menzel, Pertz, Pfeffel, Pfister,
Eiickert, Schilter, Schmidt, Scriptores Eerum
Germanicarum, Sime, Stacke, Stenzel, Stru-
vius, Univ. Hist., Vehse, Wachsmuth, Waitz,
Wegele, Yonge.
Early : Arnold (W.), Caesar, Dahn, Fresel, Ger-
manic Monumenta,Gervinus, Mascou, Miiller,
(Joh.), Nitzsch, Piitter, Sohm, Stritterus,
Tacitus, Zeller.
Earlier Middle Ages (476-800) : Diimmler,
Gfrorer, Jornandes, Pallman, Wattenbach.
See ' Scriptores.'
Middle Ages : Datt, Dunham, Hallam, Lorenz,
Wattenbach, Wessely.
800-1084 : Bohmer, Gfrorer, Giesebrecht, Guba,
Wattenbach, Wilcke, Wilken. See ' Scrip-
From the Crusades to the Fall of the Hohen-
staufen Dynastij : Albertinus, Bohmer (Boni-
face VIII.) , Drumann, Giesebrecht, Hurter,
Kohler, Eaumer, Wattenbach. See ' Scrip-
From the Interregnum to Maximilian I. : Boh-
mer, Broglie (A. de), Carri^re, Closener Dru-
mann, Hagen, Hiilhnann, Mailath, Pallacky,
Ullmann. See ' Scriptores.'
Documents : Bohmer, Jaffe, Miruss, Pertz.
Eoy.al Itineraries : Brinckmeier.
Particular Eeigns and Periods :
Konrad I. to Hcinrich YII. : Bohmer.
Konrad II. : Breslau.
Lothar and Konrad III. : Heinemann.
Henry I. : Waitz.
Heyiry IV. : Floto.
Frederic I. : Sepp, Testa.
Henry VI. : Toeche.
Frederic II. : Aventini, Kington.
Frederic IV. : Chmel, Herrgott, Muratori 23,
Schwiibischer Bund.
Maximilian I.: Costello, Delepierre, Haltaus,
The Peasants' War : Eanke, Weill, Zimmer-
man n.
Charles Y. : Balbi, Bradford, Charles V., Chris-
tine, Cortes, Desbarrcs, Dollinger, Giordano,
Henne, Hortledcr, Mignet, lianke, Robertson,
See ' Flanders,' ' Spain.'
Ferdinand I., Ma.rtinilian II.. and Ferdinand
II. : Bucholtz, Hurter, Khevenhiller, Loti-
chius, Kankc.
The Schmalkald and the Thirty^ Fears' Wars:
Avila-y-Zuniga, Carve, Gagcrn, Gardiner,
Gindely, Haberlin, Hurter, Khevenhiller,
Mitchell, llanke, Schiller, Schybergson, Spor-
schil. Trench (Abp.). Sec ' Military History.'
1633-1C34, Negociations : Feuquit^res.
1648-1678, Leopold I. : Leopold.
Frederick the Great : Carlyle, Frederic, f]ried-
rich, Kanke.
1740-1780, Maria Theresia: Arneth, Dove.
Khevenhiller, Maria Theresia, Eautenstrauch,
From the Peace of Westjilialia to Josejik II. :
Archenlioltz, Biedermann, Carlyle, Elizabeth
(Herzogin v. Orleans), Friedrich II., Hagen,
Kapp, Moser, Kanke, Schlosser, Schlozer,
1765-1792, Joseph II. : Arneth, Bahrdt, Beer,
Grosshoffinger, Hausser, Joseph, Miihlbach,
Pamphleteer, Kanke, Kioust, Schlosser, Sybel.
1806-1815, The Time of Liberation: Arndt,
Biirsch, Biilau, Charras, Ernouf, Fichte, Gentz,
Gervinus, Gorres, Menzel, Kotteck, Scherr,
Seeley, Stein, Stern (A.), Varnhagen,
Battle of Leipzig : Wuttke.
1815-1848: Bauer, Bauernfeldt, Biedermann,
Brustbilder, Fi-eimiithige Gedanken, Gervi-
nus, Honegger, Laube, Menzel, Prutz, Varn-
1847-1857 : Taillandier.
1848-1866: Bismarck, Cherbuliez, Hahn (L.),
Hozier, Katow, Laveleye, Malet, Menzel,
Eeichensperger, Treitschke, Vilbort.
See ' Military History.'
1866-1871: Abel, Albrecht, Arnd, Auerbach,
Benedetti, Bismarck, Busch (^I.), Fontane,
Grammont, Grimm, Hahn (L.), Hocker,
Hozier, Hugo, Menzel, Michelet, Ollivier,
Kenan, Kothan, Kiistow, Schmidt, Strauss,
Sybel, Treitschke, ' Unsere Zeit,' Vilbort,
Emperor William: Forbes, Simon (E.), Strauss.
Modern : Beaulieu-Marconnay, Blum, Gereimte
Eathsel, Hardenberg, Tissot, Treitschke,
Veron, Wilhelm.
SocLAi Life : Baiierliche Zustande, Bismarck,
Blum, Conti, Henne, Japp, Scherr, Schwebel,
See 'Austria,' 'Bavaria,' 'Bohemia,' 'Hun-
gary,' ' Military History,' 'Prussia,' 'Saxony,'
'Suabia,' ' Wiirtemberg.'
Minstrels : Schultz.
Geography .u^d Ethnogeaphy : Bottiger, Clu-
verius, Conversations-Lex. (11th ed. Supp.),
Latham, Rudolph, Tacitus.
History of Cities, Towns, Castles, etc. : Bar-
thold, Gottschalck, Heyne, Hiillmann, Lehne,
Eossler, Vizetelly.
Colonization: Kolonization.
Culture: Arnold (M.), Bellows, Biedermann,
Carri^re, Gostwick, Honegger, Klemm, Kiick-
ert, Scherr, Schlosser, Selden (C).
Legislation: Bluntschli, Code, Dambach, Don-
niges, Germany, Henzler, Hillebrand, Holzen-
dorf, Pulfendorf, Seeley, Stein, Stintzing,
Waitz, Wirth.
Ancient Institutions : Gengler, Grimm, Huber-
Liebenau, Knigge, Maurer (G. L.), Schilter.
Statistics and Political Accounts : Auerbach,
Bockh, Cherbuliez, Chesney, Cohen, Conver-
sations-Lexicon, Dambach, Gardiner, Holzcn-
dorf, Laing, Lefebure, Martin, Matter, Ros-
cher, Schiiltlc.
Constitutional History : Heusler, Hillebrand,
Nicholson (A.), Waitz.
Ecclesiastical and Religious Reports : Baur,
Dollinger, Dorner, Laing, Rose, Schwartz.
Universities : Harf (J. M.).
Literature : Chasles, Gervinus, Gostwick and
Harrison, Herford, Metcalfe, Miilicr (Max),
Prutz, Soiling, Thimm, Vilmar.
Travels and Descriptions: Austin, Baedeker,
Baring-Gould, Beattie, Blackburn, Blaze do
Bury, Boner, Brace, Browne (E.), Carlyle,
Chatterton, Chorley, Daniel, Duthie, Eight,
Forbes, Freytag, Geismar, (Jerman, (Jirardin,
Gleig, Gray, Hawkins, Heine, Hentzner,
Hinton, Hodgkin, Howitt, Incledon, Ireland,
Jacob, James. [Jameson, Kohl, Kutzen, Leo,
Massie, Mayhew, Millot, Moravian, Moryson,
Munch, Murray, Musgrave, Nerval, Nicolai,
Niemeyer, Niendorf, Oxley, Ray, Russell, Sel-
den (C), Seraple, Shelley, Sherer, Skippon,
Spencer, Stael, Steub, Tennant, Tissot,
Travels (1839), Trench, Trollope, Varnhagen,
Whitling, Wilkey.
Black Forest, 183!) : Seguin (Miss L. G.), Slade
(A.) 1882, Wood (C. W.).
See 'Civilisation,' 'Literature,' 'Reformation,*
' State Papers.'
GHIBELLINES : Giesebrecht, Muratori, Raumer,
Scriptores. See ' Germany,' ' Italy.'
History : Bell, Gibraltar, Mann, Sayer.
Garrison Orders : Kent (Duke of).
See ' Militai'y History.'
Siege : Drinkwater.
The Straits of : Bolland.
GIPSIES: Ascoli, Borrow, Chambers (W.), Crabb,
Diccionario, Grellman, Hoyland, Leland,
Morwood, Pott, Predaro, Smith (G.), Smith
(Hubert), Wlislocki.
History : Granier, Lamartine, Roland.
GLACIERS : Drayson, Forbes, Geikie, Penck,
Rendu, Tyndall. See ' Alps,' ' Switzerland.'
lingham, Hancock (E.), Shaw, Texier, Win-
GLASS MANUFACTURE: Neri, Nesbitt (A.),.
Peligot, Porcelain.
GLASSITES : Glas. Sec ' Sandemanians.'
GLOSSARIES. Sec 'Dictionaries,' and the names
of English Counties, etc.
History and Topography : Atkyns, Beauties of
England and Wales, Bigland, Cox 2, Domes-
day, Fosbroke, Gloucester, Oliver, Phelps,
Rudder, Storer.
Cheltenham : Grillith (S. Y.).
Royal Tonr to (1788) : Royal.
Berkeley Castle and Parish : Fosbroke.
Bristol : Barrett, CoUinson, Corry, Murray,
Ricaut, Seyer, Storer, Winkle. See ' Somer-
Cirencester : Buckman, Vetusta Monumenta 2.
Durslcy : Blunt (J. H.).
Gloucester : Fosbroke, Hart, Vetusta Monu-
menta 2.
Little Compton : Juxon.
Minchinliampton : Bruce.
Monastery of St. Peter : Hardy.
Slymbridge : Slymbridge.
Tethury : Lee.
Teivkesbury : Dyde, Vetusta Monumenta 5.
The Forest of Dean: Nichols.
Winchcovibc and Siidcley : Dent (I'j.).
Woodchester : Vetusta Monumenta 2.
Domesday : Bristol.
Pleas of Cr.owx : Maitlaficl (F. W.).
Visitation : Chitty (H.), May (T.).
GNOSTICS. See ' Church (Sects).'
History : Cottineau, Fonscca.
Inquisition of : Dillon.
GOBI DESERT : Marco Polo. See ' Thibet.'
GOETHE LITERATURE : Abeken, Diezmann,
Emerson, Fischer, Gervinus, GoecTeke, Goethe,
Goethe Society, Karl August, Koberstein,
Menzel, Saupe, Schiifer, Voigt, Zelter.
Baines, Ball (V.), Butfum, Caldwell, Jennings
(S.), Letters, Phillips. See ' Australia,' ' Cali-
fornia,' ' Emigration,' ' Mines.'
GOLD AND SILVER. See ' Currency.'
Bullion : Seyd. See ' Coinage.'
Hall Marks : Chaffers, Gee, Lutschaunig.
GOLDSMITHS : Pollen (J. H.), Price (F. G. H.).
GOTHIC LANGUAGE : Gaugengigl, Ulfilas.
History : Chronicon, Dahn, Gibbon, Grotius,
Hahnii Collectio 2, Jornandes, Muratori 1,
Olaus Magnus, Pallmann, Pinkerton, Praj-
torius, Procopius, Stritterus.
Works on : Aristotle, Ascham, Bacon, Bailly,
Barni, Bentham, Bigot, Boulanger, Boutaric,
Broglie, Calhoun, Campbell, Cartwright, Civil
Polity, Condillac, Davenant, Defoe, Double-
day, Drummond (Sir W.), Ducpetiaux,
Ewald, Filmer, Freeman, Friedrich II.,
Gomme, Grey, Guizot, Harrington, Haxthau-
sen, Hegel, Helps, Hildreth, Hobbes, Hum-
boldt (W.), Hume, International, Jones (Sir
W.), Laboulaye, La Marmora, Lambert, La-
veleye, Lewis, Lowman, Macdiarmid, Ma-
chiavelli, Maistre, Martin, Midi, Mill, Mira-
beau, Mitraud, Morgan, Moyle, Nicolas,
O'Brien, Price, Priestley, Proudhon, Rath-
bone, Boon, Rottenburg, Sancroft, Schulz,
Seebohm, Semerie, Sidney, Smith (Sydney),
Stein, Tittmann, Traill (H. D.), Tremenheere,
Tucker, Waitz, Woolsey, Wrottesley.
Republican : Cavalcanti, Cicero, Drummond,
Federalist, Freeman, Hamilton (Alex.), Har-
rington, Hobbes, Jennings, Moyle, Plato,
Probyn, Sainte-Croix, Seaman, Sidney, Titt-
mann, Tocqueville, Xenophon. See ' Denao-
Constitution and Government of England :
Amos, Anstey, Bacon (F.), Bacon (N.), Bage-
hot, Blackstone, Boulanger, Bracton, Bright,
British Liberties, Brougham, Burrows, Carr,
Cathrein, Cobden, Cox, Creasy, Dean, De
Lolme, Dicey, Earle, Essays, Fischel, Fon-
blanque, Franqueville, Freeman, Gladstone,
Gneist, Grey, Hallam, Hearn, Jones, Karcher,
King, Kinnoar, Lewis, Lorimer, Masheder,
Maxwell, Mill, Molesworth, Raikes, Ritchie,
Rowland, Sandford, School for Statesmen,
Smith (Sir T.), Stuart, Taswell-Langmead,
Tyrrell, Vincke, Wynne.
History: Bisset (A.), Hallam, Lewis, May,
Millar, Molesworth, Parliamentary, Phillips
(G.), Rumusat, Russell, Stuart, Stubbs.
Of France : Barante, Buat, Caillet, Cheruel,
Des Maze, Duvergier de Haurannc, Gautier,
Guizot, Hervieu, Lamartine, Lasteyrie, La-
veleye, Teulet, Tocqueville.
Of It.vly and Germany : Buat, Gervinus, Leo,
Seeley, Ste^. See ' Germany,' ' Italy.'
Civil Service : Boulger, Bryant, Campbell, Co-
lonial, Foreign, Marvin, Muir, Parkinson,
Pari. Reports,
Imaginary Governments, etc. : Bacon, Barclay,
Bulwer, Burgk, Campanella, Erewhon, Ers-
kine, Gaudentio di Lucca, Geoffrey, Hall,
Harrington, Holberg, Kennaquhair, Manley,
More, Plato, Vairasse.
See 'Economy,' 'History,' 'Law,' 'Liberty,'
' Parliament,' ' Politics,' ' Press,' ' Representa-
tion,' ' Republics.'
GRAMMAR. See 'Language.'
GRANADA : Alcantara, Carter, Irving, Perez.
GRAVEYARDS: Walker. See 'Burial,' 'Epi-
taphs,' ' Sanitary Reform.'
GRAVITATION: Airy, Euler, Newton. See
' Astronomy,' ' Mechanics.'
History. General : Acland, Adolphus, Andrews,
Annals, Baker, Bannister, Beatson, Bertrand,
Bisset, Bonnechose, Bright (J. F.), British
Chron., British Empire, Brodie, Browning
(0.), Canning, Carte, Clarke, Collier (F. W.),
Cooper (Em.), Cory (W. M.), Cotton, Cox
(G.W.), Craik, Creasy, Creighton (M.), Day,
Dickens, Echard, Elton (C), England, Ex-
cerpta, Fisher, Fountains of Brit. Hist., Gail-
lard, Gardiner, Goldsmith, Green (J. R.),
Guest (M. J.), Guizot, Guthrie, Hamilton
(W. D.), Henry, Heylyn, ELiggons, Howell,
Hughes, Hume, Jeans, Kennet, Iilopi^, Knight,
Ledru-Rollin, Lingard, Longman, MacCabe,
Mackintosh, Major, Markham, Metamorphosis
Anglorum, Millot, Oldmixon Orleans, Pal-
grave, Pauli, Pearson, Powell (F. Y.), Ranke,
Rapin, St. John, Sanford, Thompson (E.),
Turner, Tyrell, Universal Hist. (Mod. 39-40),
Vallancey, White, Yonge.
Constitutional : Amos, Boutmy, Dean, Ed-
wards (G.), Feilden, Hallam, Karcher,
Ransome (C. R.), Stubbs, Taswell-Langmead,
National and Domestic History : Aubrey,
Green (J. R.), Held, Knight.
Chronicles and Historlvns of various Early
Periods: Adamus, Aluredus, Asserius, Bar-
tholoma'us de Cotton, Beda, Capgrave,
Chronicles, Chronicon, Cooper, Eadmerus,
Eulogium, Fabyan, Florentius, Froissart,
Galfridus, Geoffrey, Gervase, Gildas, Grafton,
Gulielmus, Hall, Hardyng, Hemingburgh,
Henry of Huntingdon, Herd, Higden, Holin-
shed, Hutchinson, Johannes de Oxenedes,
Langtoft, Matthew Paris, Matthew of Weslm.,
Monstrelet, Monumenta Hist., Nennius, Otter-
bourne, Ralph, Rastell, Ricardus, Robert of
Gloucester, Roger of Wendover, Rossus, Saxon
Chron., Silegrave, Speed, Sprottus, Stowe,
Strutt, Thorpe, Trivetus, Vergilius, Vitus
(Rich. Basingstochius), Waurin, Willelmus.
Collections of Historians : Anglica (Cam-
den), Anglicanse Hist. Script. (Twysden),
Anglicarum Rerum Scri^jt. (Savile), Camden
Soc. Publ., Chronicles, Duchesne Normann.
Script., English Historical Soc, Gale, Hardy,
Macray, Record Commission Publ., Sparke.
Collections of Docujients : Bentley, Calen-
dars, Camden Soc. Publ., Cecil, Edwards,
Ellis, Fortcscue, Halliwell, Hardy, lU'cord
Commission, IJynier, Stall'ord (^^'.), State
Papers, State Tracts, Stubbs.
jSee ' Parliamentary Reports (Hist.MSS. Comm.),
(Public liecords).'
History of Pakticulau 1'kiuoh^ :
Early : Armitage, Baird, Dawkins.
Ancient Britons : Betham, Davies, Geoffrey,
Giles, Guest (Lady C), Herbert, History,
Hughes, Johnstone, La J^orderie, Layamon's
Brut, Nash, Nennius, Poste, llossus, Sher-
ingham, Univer. Hist. (Anc.) 17, Vallancey,
Whitaker, Wright (T.).
Invasion of the liomans : Bruce, Ctesar, Coote
(H. C), Lewin, Ormerod (G.), Scarth,
Surtees, Tacitus, Vine.
Anglo-Saxons : Alfred, Allen (G.), Barnes,
Birch, Collen, Freeman, Cheen (.J. 11.), Haigh,
Hodgett, Kemble, Lappenberg, Miller, JNIilton,
Palgrave, Roger of Wendover, Saxon Chro-
nicle, Schmid, Speed, Strutt, Thierry, Thorpe,
Tracts (Guest, Herward), Turner, Wright (T.).
To the Nornian Conquest : Freeman. Green
(J. R.), Milton, Monumenta, Norman, Nor-
mandy, Speed, Strutt, Turner.
Under the Norman Kings : Cobbc, Crozals,
Freeman (E. A.), Gibson, Hunt (W.), Lap-
penberg, Liebermann, Palgrave, Pauli.
Under the Angevin Kings : Norgate.
During the Middle Ages : Berington, Hallam,
Ochenkowski, Pearson, Turner, Wright.
Henry I. to Henry VI. : Cai^grave.
Henry II., Richard, and John : Berington, Nor-
Cotiqncst to Henry III. : Brady, Roberts,
Swift 10.
to Henry VI. : Daniel and Trussell.
To Edxvard I. : Langtoft.
Edward I. to Henry VI. : Savile, Walsingham.
1362-1874 : Burrows.
House of Lancaster : Brougham, Gairdner.
House of York : Gairdner.
Henry IV. to Henry VII. : Paston Letters,
Plantagenets : Stubbs.
Tudor Dynasty : Burke, Epochs, Wriothesley.
Henry VIII. to James I. : Andrews, Brewer,
Chasles, Froude, Strickland.
Henry VIII. to 1760 : Gordon.
Seventeenth Century : Ranke.
To James I. : Reynolds.
From James I. : Aikin, Conspirations d'Angle-
terre, Coxe, Lilly, Macaulay (Catharine),
Macgregor, Nichols.
To Charles I. : Baker, Whitelocke.
Puritan Revolution, lGOo-60 : Gardiner (S. R.).
From Charles I. : Aikin, Baillie, Bramston,
Brodie, Davis, Warwick, Welwood, White-
To Charles II. : Churchill, Meriton.
From Charles II. to (leorgc I. : Burnet, Cooke,
Dalrymple, Macpherson, Somerville.
From James II. : Luttrell, Macaulay (T. B.),
Mackintosh, Marchmont.
Under the Stuarts : Culloden, Klopp, Vaughan.
Revolution, 1688, to George I. : Abbadie, Cun-
ningham, Ralph.
Eighteenth Century: Lecky.
to George III. : Belsham, Smollett.
From 1711 to 1748: Mahon, Political State of
Great Britain (Boyer).
1745-1755 : Chamberlayne, Cordara.
Under the House of Hanover : Adams (W. H.
D.), Jesse, Klopp, Thackeray, Wright.
From French Revolution to 1852 : Alison.
From 1800 to 1815 : Levis, Martineau (H.).
l<'rom 1815 : Pauli, Walpole (S.).
During Thirty Years' I'eace, 1810-1816: Mar-
tineau, Pauli.
From 1880 to 1M74 : Molesworth (W. >:.).
From 18;iO to 1880 : Amos, McCarthy.
From 1835 to 1884 : Bulletins.
Pauticl-lau Ri:i(i.\s :
Alfred the Great: Asserius, Bicknell, Guizot,
Pauli, Spelman.
Edward the Confessor : Freeman, Luard.
Nornum Conquest and William I. : Argumen-
tum Anti-Normannicum, Bonnechose, Free-
man, Guillclmus Pict., Hayward, Maseres,
Morgan, I'revost, Roscoc, Taylor, Thierry,
Willelmus Conq.
William II. and Henry I. : Hayward.
StepJwn : Gervase, Gesta Stephani, Henry of
Huntingdon, Ricardus Hagustald.
Henry II. : Benedictus, Berington, Eyton,
Freeman, Gervase, Giraldus, Lyttelton, May,
Mignot, Morgan, Norgate.
Richard I. : Benedictus, Gervase, James, Nor-
gate, Stubbs.
John : Norgate, Ralph de Coggeshall, Rousset.
Henry III. : Beckingtoh, Blaauw. Cotton,
Ireland, Pauli, Rishanger, Roberts, Shirley.
Simon de Montfort : Crcighton (>L), Pauli,
Edward I. : Chronicles, Greatest of the Plan-
tagenets, Halifax, Hemingburgh, Seeley.
Edward II. : Davy, Fannant, Faulkland,
Galfridus, Halifax, Hartshorne, Hemingburgh,
Howard, Moor (in 'Anglica'), Trokelowe.
Edward III. : Barnes, Bree, Browne, (ial-
fridus, Halifax, Plemingburgh, Longman,
Robert of Avesbury, Warburton (Rev. \V.),
Black Prince: Collins, Creighton (L.),
Froissart, James.
Richard II. : Chronicle, Chronique, Halifax,
Hearne, Howard, Richard H., Savile.
Henry IV. : Capgrave, Chronicle, Cotton,
Henry V. : Brewer, Capgrave, Chronicle, Hen-
ricus, LiviusForojul., Puiseux, Pyne, Thomas
of Elmham, Towle, Tyler.
Henry VI. : Bekynton, Brewer, Capgrave,
Chronicle, Parr, Paston, Pyne, Vcrgilius.
Edward IV. : Bruce, Habington, Nicolas,
Paston, Vergilius, Warkworth.
Edward V. : Grants from the Crown, More.
Riclmrd III. : Gairdner, Halsted, Hutton, Jesse,
Kennett, Legge, More, Vcrgilius.
Portraits of : Scharf.
Henry VII. : Bacon, Bernardus, Brooke, Burn,
Gainsford, Gairdner, Kennett, Mozley (T.),
Nicolas, Rutland.
Margaret Beaufort: Halsted.
Henry VIII: Amos, Audin, Brewer, Brown
(Rawdon), Busch, Cabala, Chaloner, Cobbett,
Craon, Froude, Fulwell, Gairdner, Giustiniani,
Godwin, Grove, Herbert, Kempe, Lewis,
Lingard, Lodge, I\Iassingberd, Maurcnbrecher,
Nicolas, Pauli, Rishanger, Rutland, Starkey,
Thomas, Thomson, Tracts 150, 151, Turner,
Divorce from Catherine of Arragon :
Forrest (W.), Harpsfield, Legrand.
Anne Bolryn : Arber's Garner 1, Benger,
Dixon, Tracts'l50.
Edward VI.: Froude, Godwin, Hayward, Ma-
chyn, Thomas, Turner, Tytler.
Kelt's Rebellion : Russell.
Lady Jane Grey : Chronicle, Grey, Howard.
Mary : Bradford, Chronicle, Froude, Godwin,
Griffet, Lingard, Machyn, Madden, Pole
(Card.), Thomas, Tracts, Turner.
Cardinal Pole : Beccatelli.
Elizaheth : Aikin, Bacon, Birch, Bohun, Bruce,
Burghley, Cabala, Caird, Calendars, Camden,
Carew, Cecil, Chamberlain, Chettle, Congreve,
Creighton (M.), Crosby, Dargaud, D'Ewes,
Digges, Dudley, Egerton, Elizabeth, Finelon,
Forbes, Froude, Gonzales, Hake, Hayward,
Hazlitt, Hearne, Heywood, Jameson, John-
stonus, Keralio, Leti, Lodge, Machyn, Man-
chester, Mary, Melville, Motley, Naunton,
Nichols, Occasional Essays, Peacock, Eaumer,
Eye, Sadler, Stradling, Strickland, Sydney,
Thomas (F. S.), Throckmorton, Thumery,
Turner, Wiesener, Winwood, Wright.
The Armada. Sec ' Naval History.'
NorthunihcrlaiuV s Rebellion, 1569 : Sharpe.
Mary, Q. of Scots : Camden Soc, Davis,
Hosack, Labanoff, Macneel-Caird, Meline,
James I. : Aikin, Assheton, Barlow (W.),
Brydges, Cabala, Camden, Carleton, Cecil,
Cooijer, Coxe, Dalrymple, D'Ewes, Digby,
Disraeli, Gardiner, Heylyn, Howell, James I.,
Jesse, Johnstonus, Kempe, Lilly, Lodge, Man-
chester, Melville, Nichols, Petowe, Eaumer,
Eushworth, St. John, Sydney. Thomas, Tom-
tell-troath, Vaughan, Wake, Weldon, Wilson,
Winwood, Yonge.
Poisoning of Overhury : Amos.
Gunpowder Plot : Caulfield, Gunpowder,
. Henry, Prince of Wales : Birch, Corn-
Princess Elizabeth: Benger, Blaze de
Bury. See ' Palatinate.'
Charles I. and the Civil War : Aikin, Ameway,
Balfour, Bassompierre, Bate, Baxter, Boxhorn,
Brodie, Bruce (Calendar 1638-9), Carter,
Cary, Charles I. ('Eikon,' &c.). Clarendon,
Cooper (E. C), Cordery, Cromwell, Diary,
Disraeli, Dugdale, England, Forster, Gardiner,
Godwin, Guizot, Gwynne, Hallam, Hammond,
Harris, Heath, Herbert, Hillier, Hobbes,
Hume, Jesse, Kennett, L'Estrange, Lilly,
Macaulay, Manley, Mentet de Salmonet,
Money (W.), Occasional Essays, Phillips
(J. E.), Eemarkable Truths, Einuccini, San-
ford, Sprigge, Thomas, Vaughan, Vicars,
Wallington, Warburton, Warwick, Webb (J.),
Docitmentary : Acts, Birch, Carte, Claren-
don, Court, Green (Mrs.), Howell, Letters,
Nalson, Northcote (Sir J.), Eushworth,
Sydney, Thurloe.
• Letters, Memoirs, etc. : Ashburnham,
Berington, Berkeley, Bromley, Bulstrode,
Charles I., Dalrymple, D'Ewes, Evelyn, Fair-
fax, Fanshawe, Guthry, Herbert, HoUis,
Hughes, Hutchinson, Ludlow, Maseres,
Slingsby, Strafford, Turner, Ward.
Queen Henrietta Maria : Baillon, Hen-
riette-Marie, Leveneur de Tillieres.
Cromwell and the Commonii:ealth : Aubign^,
Banks, Barclay (E.), Bardsley, Bisset, Black-
burne, Blencowe, Bramhall, Brodie, Carlyle,
Carriere, Chasles, Clarendon, Cordery, Crom-
well, Godwin, Gostelow, Guizot, Harris,
Heath, Henfrey, Hutchinson, Kimber, Leti,
Milton, Nickolls, Noble, Peacock, Peck, Per-
fect Politician, Prendergast, Prestwich,
Eaguenet, Eeresby, Eogers, Eussell, Eyves,
Simond. Southey, Thomas, Vaughan, Ville-
main, Warwick.
Charles II. : Arber's Garner 2, Capefigue,
Carrel, Cook, Danby, Davies, Eglesfield^
Essex, Harris, Jesse, Jones, Kennett, Mac-
aulay, Macpherson, Monk, Orrery, Price,
Savile, Schwerin, Secret History, Somers
(Ti-acts 6), Sprat, State Tracts, Thomas,
Vaughan, Warwick.
Trial of Regicides : Caulfield, Eegicides.
Letters, Memoirs, etc. : Anglesea, Arling-
ton, Barker (C), Blencowe, Bulstrode, Carte,
Charles II., Collins, Cunningham (P.), Evelyn,.
Hamilton, Jameson, Lloyd, Parker, Pepys,
Prideaux, Pythouse, Eeresby, Somerville,
Story (E. H.), Turner, Ward.
James II. : Baxter, Burridge, Carrel, Clarke,
Dover, Echard, Fox, Heywood, Hopkins,
James II., Jesse, Jones, Kennett, Luckock,
Macaulay, Macpherson, Neill, Pett, Secret
History, State Tracts, Strickland, Thomas,
Vaughan, Wilson (C. T.).
Letters, Memoirs, etc. : Brown, Cartwright,
Cavelli, Clarendon, Clarke, Cooke, Exiles,
James II., Lloyd, Marchmont, Pitts, Eeresby,
Somerville, Temple.
Monmouth, Duke of: Carey, Grey, Eoberts.
Revolution, The, 1688 : Dahlmann, Echard,
English Eevolution, Guizot, Hale (E.), Mac-
aulay, Mackintosh, Macpherson, Mazure,
Speke, State Tracts, Welwood.
Letters, Memoirs, etc. : Burnet, Calamy,
Carstares, Cole, Coxe, D'Aulnoy, Davies,
Ellis, Evelyn, Lexington, Marchmont, State
Tracts, William III.
William III. : Abbadie, Bedloe, Dahlmann,
Harris, History, Jesse, Kennett, Macaulay,
Macky, Mahon, Ealph, State Tracts, Thomas,
Anne: Adams (W. H. D.), Ashton, Boyer,
Burton (J. H.), CavelK, Cole, Defoe, Hamil-
ton, Hill, Hook, Jesse, Macky, Mahon, Man-
chester, Marlborough, MoUoy, Morris (E. E.),
Ealph, Somerville, Stanhope, Swift, Thomas,
Thompson, Wyon.
Tlie Union : Argyle, Bruce, Defoe, Ker, Lock-
George I. : Asgill, Bolingbroke, Boyer, Cooper,
Cosin, Ewald (A. C), Eyre, Gibson, Grim-
blot, Jesse, Macky, Mahon, Ealph, Skottowe,
Stanhope, Thackeray.
Queen of : Memoirs, Poellnitz.
George II. : Anspach, Barrington, Coxe, Hervey,
Mahon, Orford, Skottowe, Stanhope, Thacke-
ray, Waldegrave.
Letters, Memoirs, etc. : Bedford, Dodington,
Hervey, Keith, Orford, Thompson, Suffolk
(Lady), Walpole.
George III. : Adolphus, Aikin, Almon, Anspach,
Anti-Gallican, Barrington, Belshani, Camp-
bell, Craik, Fitzgerald (P.),Fonblanque, Green
(W.), Hamilton (Lady), Jesse, Junius, Mac-
farlane, Massey, Miles, Orford, Phillimore,
Skottowe, Stanhope, State Papers. Thackeray,
Letters, Memoirs, etc. : Albemarle, Arblay,
Auckland, Beckford, Buckingham, Burke,
Colchester, Collingwood, Delaney, Instruc-
tions aux Anglois, Keith, Malmesbury, Me-
moirs, Eedington, Eose, Walpole, Wellington,
Caroline, Princess of Wales : Caroline.
Princess Charlotte : Huish, Knight, Wei-
George IV. : Brougham, Buckingham, Cobbett,
Croly, Diary, Fitzgerald (P.), Georgian Era,
Greville, Gronow, Hamilton (Lady A.), Mar-
tineau, Skottowe, Thackeray, Wallace, White-
hall, Wynn.
Quern Caroline: Adolphus.
William IV. : Bvow^htim, lUickiiif^ham, Grey,
Guizot, Hatherton, Lewis, Ijinsin},'cn, Malay,
Molesworth, Kaikes, lloebuck, Ixussell.
^ueen Adelaide : Doran.
Victoria : Albert (H. 11. H.), lllanu (L.), Ikick-
ingham, Clayden (P. M.), DalliiiK, Disraeli,
Picquelmont, FonblaiKjue, tireith, Greville,
Grey, Guizot, Hood, Irving (Annals), Lewis,
McCarthy, McGlieo, Mc(iilcluist, Martin,
Molesworth, Eoebuck, llussell, Taillandicr,
Urquhart, Warm.
Ajiccstors of : French (G. E.).
BioGKAPiiicAL : Granger, Noble. Sec ' Dic-
Kings of England : Index Society, Sandford,
Secret History, Strickland.
Princes of Wales : Doran.
•Queens of England : Dixon, Doran, Index So-
ciety, Lawrence, Secret History, Strickland.
Pretender: Ewald.
Princesses of England : Green, Strickland.
Collections of Tracts on Histoky and Anti-
quities : Bruce, Calendars, Camden Soc,
Causton, Chetham Soc, Gutch, Harleian
Misc., Hearne, Leland, Macray, Miscellanea,
Morgan, Peck, Phcenix, Somers's Tracts,
Spalding Club, Surtees Soc, Tracts.
Ecclesiastical Histoky. See ' England (Church
History of Party : Adams, Bolingbroke, Broug-
ham, Carr, Cooke, Fonblanque, Holland,
Lewis, Molesworth, Russell, Somerville.
Hee-Aldic : Beatson, Burke (Sir B.), Haydn,
Heylyn, Nicolas.
See ' Government,' ' Law,' ' Military,' ' Naval,'
' Parliamentary History.'
Topography and Antiquities : [of particular
Counties and places, see under their names.]
Accounts of Topographical Works : Gough,
Topographical Dictionaries : Anderson (J. A.),
Gorton, Hotten, Lewis, Potts, Sharpe.
Antiquities. Topographical: Anticjuarian Re-
pertory, Archwologia, Archjeological Journal,
Beauties of E. and W., Beeverell, Brooke,
Camden, Camden Soc. Publ., Chetham Soc,
Collectanea, Cox, Gumming, Dingley, Domes-
day, Eccleston, Ellis, Fairholt, Grose, Home,
Jewitt, Lambarde, Leland, Lysons, Musgrave,
Richard of Cirencester, Rimmer, Smith (W.),
Stukeley, Surtees Soc. Publ., Topographer,
Topograiohical, Tymms, Verstegan, Vetusta,
Walpole, Wright (Th.), Wright (W. H. K.).
Ecclesiastical, Cathedral, etc. : Britton, Cathe-
drals, Diocesan Histories, Dugdale, Handbook,
Longman, Stavely, Storer, Strutt, Tanner,
Monumental : Blore, Boutell, Gough, Stothard.
Boman Antiq. in Britain : Bateman, Bruce,
Buckman, Coote(H.C.),Horsley,MaeLauchlan,
Musgrave, Smith (C. R.), Warl)urton, Wright.
Bcgal : Antiijuarian, Index Society, Nichols,
Nicolas, Pegge, Sandford, Strutt.
Maimers, Dress, Sports, etc. : Andrews, Bayeux
Tai)estry, Brand, Brathwaite, Brief, E.E.Text
Soc, Ellis (A. L.), Fairholt, Heywood, Home
Life, Knight, Leigh, Lennox, Manners, Muralt,
Pictorial Hist., Strutt, Tln-upp, Timbs,
Conquest of America : Parkman.
.Social Life : Amero, Anglais, Blouct, Forgues,
Guillemot (E.), Hall (T.), Katscher, Ker-
vinan, Narjoux, Paston, Rodenberg, Sandya
(G. W.), Wall (M. M.).
In Fourteentli Coititnj : .Tusserand.
Travels and Descuiptions : Althaus, Antoninus,
Beaumont (17(Ji")),Beautiesof ]•:. ami W., Beeve-
rell, BcUenger, Bertha, Black, Bbmc, Bolton,
Brathwaite, Brereton, Browne, Burritt, Campo
(1SU;5), Cams, Cliamberlayne, Change for
American Notes, Chatterton, Clark, Clarke,
Cooper, Cosins, Coxe, Croker, Curwen, Defoe,
Deprct, Derrick, English Life, Escpiiros, Fau-
cher, Fontn'ial (IH7o), Gilpin, Gonzales,
Gordon, Hawthorne, Head, Heine, Hennequin
(183G), Hcntzner, Hillebrand (K.), Hoi)pin,
Howitt, Hiibner, Jesse, Johnstone, Karclier,
Knight, Kohl, I^archer, Laugel, Lehls, Leo,
Lester, L'Estrange, Lewald, Mackay, Mason
(C. ^L), Miller, Misson, Moryson, Murray's
Handbt)()ks, Nicander, Parkes, Parsees, Pen-
nant, Perlin, Pillet, Pinkerton 2, Pontes,
Piickler, Raunier, lUresby, Rodenberg, Rou-
joux, St. Fond (I7'.)7), Schmidt, Schopen-
hauer, Sliaw, Sinibaldo, Sinh Jee (1SS3), Skrino
(ITjrj), Sorbiere (170!)), Stael-Holstein, Syl-
vanus, Taine, Thorburn, Thornbury, Tyng, Vic
de Village, Voltaire, Walcott. Webb (1.S12),
White, Willis, Young, Zardetti.
Roads : Bradsbaw's Railway Guide, Malet
(Captain), Murray's Handbooks, Ogilby,
History of the Cities, Boroughs, etc : Adams
(J.), Brady, Doran, Freeman (E. A.), Madox,
Merewether, Smith (W.), Stephens, Thomp-
son, Willis.
Rivers : Lewis, Skrine, Thome.
Economical Development: Mulhall, Ocheii-
kowski, Seeley (J. R.).
Statistics : Census, Dupin, Fletcher, Gladstone,
Hunt (R.), Levi, MaccuUoch, Macpherson,
Pari. Reports, Porter, Progress, Registrar-
General, Salmon, Sinclair, Smith (A.), Spack-
man. Statistical, Thom, Vincke, Wells.
Geology and Geography : Hull (E.), Ramsay
(A. C).
See ' Colonies,' ' Finance,' ' Geology,' ' Popula-
tion,' ' Statistics.'
History: Abbott (E.), Arnold, Busolt, Clinton,
Clough, Cox, Curtius, Droysen, Duncker,
Finlay, Forbiger, Gillies, Goldsmith, Grote,
Guhl.'Heercn, Herodotus, Hertzberg, Histori-
corum Frag., HuUman, Keightley. Lenormant,
Lloyd (W. W.), Mably, Malkin. Mitford,
Miiller, Neumann, Pococke, Polybius, Raoul-
Rochettc, Sankey, Schaefer, Sciunidt (A.),
Schmitz, Schon, Sourg, Spicilegium, Theo-
pompus, Thirlwall, Thucydides, Univ. Hist.,
Wachsmuth, Xenophon, Yonge, Young (J. F.).
Pcloponnesian War : Curtius, Thucydides,
Umlcr the Macedonians : Flathe, Leland.
Sec ' Alexander the Great.'
Under the Romans : Finlay, Helwing, Hertz.
berg, Polybius.
Antiquities : Audrich, Beule, Blackie, Boeckh,
Boetticher, Cesnola, Curtius, Delaunay, Fei-
thius, (ironovius, Hancarville, Plermann,
Lenormant, Meursius, ^Mommsen, Polenus,
Potter, Rouis, Sallengre, Schreiber, Sigonius,
Smith (W.), Wachsmuth, Welcker, Wiuckcl-
Architecture : Aberdeen, Vitruvius, Wilkins.
Manners and Custo)ns : Athenieus, Becker, Dru-
mann, Guhl, Hase, Krause, Mahally, Meur-
sius, Neumann, Pauofka, Pauw, St. John.
Games, Gymnastics, etc. : Jaeger, Krauss.
Travels and Descriptions : Barthelemy, Cramer,
Lantier, Mareclial, Pausanias, Polyclete.
During the Middle Ages : Fallmerayer, Finlay.
Akt : Schreiber, Winckelmann.
Eeligion : Foucart, Schreiber.
Greek Dl\lect in Italy : Comparetti.
Modern ; Finlay, Mahaffy, Moraitinis, Parish,
Pennazzi, Pouqueville, Eaffenel, Serjeant,
State Papers, Symoncls.
The Revolution : Dundonald (Ld.), Finlay,
Gordon, Soutzo, TpiKovirrj, Vontier.
Travels and Descriptions : About, Baird, Bel-
lonius, Blaquiere, Bremer, Burgess, Byron,
Carlisle, Carn^, Chandler, Clark, Cochrane,
Conder, Curtius, Darner, De Vere, Dodwell,
Emerson, Estournel, Farrar (1880), Fiedler,
Gell, Gruys, Hanson (1886), Harrison (J. A.)
1880, Hobhouse, Holland (Sir H.), Hughes,
Lantier, Leake, Lucas, Mahaffy, Mezi^res,
Mure, Patterson, Postlethwaithe, Quitzmann,
Boss, Eussell (W. H.), Sandys (1887), Savary,
Schaub, Senior, Slade, Spencer, Strong, Texier,
Thomas (1881), Waddington, Wayfaring,
Wheler (1689), Williams, Wordsworth, Wyse.
The Morca : Beule, Bory, Brigands, Carnarvon,
Fallmerayer, Ghika, Leake.
Thessaly : Chirol (1880).
Geography : Clarke, Cramer, Curtius, Pausanias,
Ancient and Modern Greeks compared : Dou-
The Greek Islands: Auldjo (1835), Bent (1885),
Field (H. M.) 1886, Gell, Jervis, Meursius,
See 'Antiquities,' 'Art,' 'Athens,' 'Drama,'
'Ionian Islands,' 'Literature,' ' Mythologj'.'
GEEEK CHUECH. See 'Church.'
Voyages and Descriptions : Crantz, Egede,
Graah, Hayes, Murray, Nordenskiold (1886),
Eink, Spitzbergen.
GEOUND-EENT : Carey, Mill (J. S.), Eicardo.
GUATEMALA: Brasseur de Bourbourg, Conder,
Obert, Stoll, Valois.
GUELPHS. See ' Germany,' ' Ghibellines,'
' History (Mediffival, 12th Century).'
GUEENSEY. See ' Channel Islands.'
GUIANA: Bancroft, Boddam-Whetham, Brett,
Brown (C. B.), Dalton, Guiana, Ealeigh,
Schomburgk, Tracts 115.
GUIANA (DUTCH) : Palgrave (W. G.).
GUIDES. See ' Topography ' and names of
America : Appleton.
England and Wales : Baedeker, Beauties of E.
and W., Bevan, Black, Hicklin, Jenkinson,
Malkin, Martineau, Murray's Handbooks,
Europe : Baedeker, Heidelberg, Murray, Pater-
London : Baedeker, Cunningham, Kelly, London,
Westminster Abbey : Cunningham.
Hampton Court : Cole.
Crystal Palace : Crystal.
Isle of Man : Gumming, Jenkinson.
Ireland : Fraser, Handbook.
London to Isaplcs : Brockeden, Sarnelli.
France : Dudevant, Murray.
Paris : Galignani.
Germany : Baedeker.
Florence : Firenze, Horner.
Norioay and Sweden : Baedeker.
Palestine : Baedeker.
Rome : Braun, Dyer, Hare, Nibby, Wey.
Spain: Ford, O'Shea.
Scandinavia : Metcalfe, Williams.
Hungary : Schmidt.
Egypt : Baedeker.
The Alps : Baedeker, Schwab.
British Possessions in the East : Eitchie,
GUILDS : Arundell, Brentano, Clode, Coote (H.
C), Gross, Hiillmann, Jupp, Nicholl, Smith
(Toulmin). Sec 'Collegia,' 'Companies,'
' London,' ' Societies.'
GUNNEEY. Sec ' Military Art.'
GUNPOWDEE PLOT: Caulfield, Gunpowder,
GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS: Droyssen, Gfrorer,
Gustave. See ' Sweden,' ' Thirty Years' War.'
GUYENNE: Michel, Eibadieu, Thierry. See
' France,' ' Great Britain.'
GYMNASTICS : Maclaren, Walker.
Ancient Greek : Jiiger, Krauss, Winckelmann.
HAIE: Pincus.
CHID.E. Antiquities at : Fergusson (J.),
HAMBUEG : Adamus, Beneke, Mallet, Eobinson
(C. E.).
HAMPSHIEE : Beauties of E. and W., Bevan
(G. P.), Cox, Englefield, Gilpin, Kelly,
Murray's Handbook, Woodward.
Winchester : Archseol. Inst., Cassan, Hand-
book, Milner, Murray's Cathedrals, Storer,
Vetusta Monumenta, Winkle.
The College : Adam.
Basing House : Godwin (G. N.).
Bosmere Hundred : Longcroft.
Bournemouth : Dobell.
Christ Church : Ferrey.
Lymington : St. Barbe.
New Forest : Domesday, Gilpin, Pari. Eeports,
1867, Wise.
Portsmouth : Allen, Wright.
St. Cross : Humbert.
Selborne : White.
Southampton : Englefield.
Magdalen Chapel : Vetusta Monumenta 3.
Isle of Wight. See 'Wight.'
HAND, The : Beamish, Bell (C), Warren (CI.).
HANNIBAL : Cornelius Nepos, Hennebert.
Campaigns of : Arnold, Botticher, Macdougall,
Napoleon I., Polybius.
Passage of the Alps : Cramer, Law, Whitakcr,
History: Kocher, Morris (E. E.), Spiel, Wyatt.
HANOVEE (HOUSE OF): Asgill, Barrington,
Beckford, Belsham, Doran, Ernest, Keith,
Mahon, Martineau, Orford, Poellnitz, Stan-
hope, Walpole. See ' Great Britain.'
HANSEATIC LEAGUE: Butler (C), Hansere-
cesse, Hiillmann, Mallet. See ' Germany,'
' Trade.'
HAPSBUKG (HOUSE OF) : Chmel, Giesebrecht,
Mailath, Newman, Pez, Schardius. See
' Scriptores Eerum Germanicarum.'^
HAEBOUES : Haicoiul, Lovelace, rail. Ecports,
HAEVEY (William) : ElUotson, Harvey.
HAEZ MOUNTAINS: Anderson, lUackburn,
Heine (H.).
HAWAH: Cuming (C. F. G.), Ellis, Hopkins,
Nicholson (H. W.) 1881.
HAYTI, or St. Domingo.
HisTOKY : Carteau, Charlevoix, Janvier (1883),
Jordan, Lacroi.K, Lepelletier, Placide, St.
Domingo, Schoelchcr.
Desciuption : Alaux, Franklin, Harvey, Hazard,
Helps, Mackenzie, St. John (S.).
Works on : Bealc, Belinaye, Bennet, Boorde,
Buckton, Carlisle (A.), Chambers, Corfield,
Cormenin, Dickson, Donne, Fothergill, (iaird-
ner, Guy, Hall (W. W.),Hinton, How, Jenkin,
Kingsley (C), Kitchener, Lucas, Maclaren,
Martineau, !Montegazza, Moore, Morgan,
Morin, Paris, Finney, liichardson (B. W.),
Eouth, Salerno, Sinclair, Smith (E.), Sutro,
Thackrah, Tilt, Walker, Waring, Wilson (G.).
Sec ' Diet,' ' Diseases,' ' Gymnastics, ' ' Medi-
cine,' 'Mineral Waters,' ' Temiierance.'
Public : Arts (Society of), Billings, Carpenter (A.).
Hk.vlth Eesohts : Bartell, Benjamin, Bennet
(J. H.), Fuller (A.), Johnson (J.), Seaside,
Sparks, Williams (C. T.), Wilson (W. S.), Wise
(A. T.), Wolf (E.).
HEAT : Dixon, Dove, Hirn, Maxwell, Metcalfe,
Stewart, Tyndall, Warrington, Williams
(W. M.).
HEAVEN AND HELL: Bohme, Eeynaud,
Swedenborg, Taylor, Watts, Zoroaster.
HEBEEW. See ' Jews,' ' Language.'
HELIGOLAND : Tracts (Oetker).
HELL : Delepierre.
HELOTS. See ' Slavery,' ' Sparta.'
DiCTioNAr.iEs, Treatises, etc. : Baigent, Boutell,
Brayley, Bryant, Burke, Cussans, Dobson,
Dugdale, Edmondson, Ellis (W. S.), Elvin,
Fauchet, Glossary, (irazebrook, Guillim,
Haydn, Howard (J. J.), Jenkins, Lower,
Millington, Montagu, Nares, Nichols, Nisbet,
Papworth, Porny, Sloane-Evans.
College of Arms : Noble.
Titles of Honour, Origin of Dignities, Arms,
ETC. : Booking, Fauchet, Hampson.
British: Bedford, Betham, Burke, Cruise, Elvin,
Gloucester, Moule, Seldcn.
, Land-honours and Baronies : Banks, Collins,
Dugdale, Madox.
History of British Commoners : Burke.
Heralds' Visitations : Chatham Soc, Harleian
Sec, Langton, Metcalfe, Towneley.
Index to : Sims.
See Histories of the various Counties.
Orders of Knighthood, Precedency, etc. :
Young (Sir C).
British: Anstis, Ashmolc, Buswell, Miliar,
Mills, Nicolas.
Texitonic Knights : Duellius, Wahl.
Notrc-Damc dc Mont-Carmcl ct St.-Lazare do
Jerusalem : Gautier. See ' Hospitallers,'
' Templars.'
See ' Garter,'' ' Genealogy,' ' Peerage.'
HEEAT : Malleson, Marvin.
Antiquities : Herculancnsia, Hcrculancum,
Martyn, Murray's Handbook forS. Italy, Scott
(W.), Winckelmann.
HEEEDITY: Cook (Jos.), Cialton, Wyalt-Edgell.
History and Antkjuities : Beauties of E. and
.W., Cox 2, Duncombe, Gib.son, Stortr.
Abbey Dare, Jlriitpsted, aiulllomc Lacy: Gibson.
Castles of : Itobinson.
Hereford: Havergal. Vetusta Monumenta 1.
Dialect : Glossary, Lewis.
HEEESIES: Dictionary, Blunt (J. H.), Tocco,
History of. See ' Churcli (Sects).'
HEEEING-FISHEEY : Mitchell. See ' Fisheries.'
History and Antiquities : Beauties of E. and
W., Chauncey, Clutterbuck, Cox 'J, Cussans,
Domesday, Salmon.
Barnct : Cass, Stevens (H. W. P.).
Bishop Stortford : Glasscock.
Hertford : Turnor.
St. Alban's : Newcome.
Roman : Vetusta Monumenta 1.
Waltham Cross : Vetusta Monumenta 1 and 3.
Abbey. Sea ' Essex.'
HEEZEGOVINA: Evans (A. J.), Stillman, Suavi,
HETEEOGENESIS : Bastiat, Pasteur, Pouchct.
See ' Origin of Species,' ' Spontaneous Gene-
HIEEOGLYPHICS. Sec ' Egypt,' ' Language.'
' Scotland.'
HINDOSTAN. See ' India.'
HINDU EELIGION : Acharya, Ballantyne. Butler,
Colebrooke, Deussen, Dialogue, Dosabhoy,
Dowson, Fergusson, Lord, Moor, Muir (J.),
Miiller (F. I\I.), Wilkins. See ' India,' ' Myth-
ology,' ' Vedas.'
HIPPOLYTUS: Bunsen, Hippolytus, Wordsworth
HISTOLOGY : Strieker.
On the Study of : Bolingbroke, Bossuet,
Buchez,Condillac, Cuviliier, Daunou, Ferrand,
Freeman, Freret, Geffroy, Laurens, Mably,
Philosophy of : Arndt, Biedermann, Dohcrty
(H.), Fairbairn (A. M.), Fichtc, Flint, Guizot,
liegel. Herder, Incjuiry, Miller, Miiller, Molitor,
Schlegel, Senior, Vico.
Historical Diction.vries : Help. Sec ' Diction-
aries (Historical).'
Gener.Ui Essays, etc. : Caspari, Curtius, Dutt,
Epochs, Freenuin, Froude, Grundy (F. H.),
Heifer (E.), Herder, King (E. J.), Lefiivre,
Mozley (J. B.), Newman (J. H.), Eenan,
Eobert (E.), Stubbs, Vischer (W.).
Universal and General : Anquetil, Aubignd,
Baillj', B(')ttiger (in Biograjihien), Boxhorn,
Jjuddeus, Bunsen, Canti'i, Cassiodorus, Cha-
teaubriand, Craufurd, Dahlmann, Daunou,
Drummond, Gattercr, Ileeren, Heigel, Kcight-
ley, Kingsley, Lucas, Martinet, Maunder,
Miller, Millot, I\Iiiller, Munday, Nicholas,
Paulmy, Ealeigh, Eotteek, Schlegel, Schlosser,
Sowell, Siielton, Smith (Ph.), Taylor (W. C),
Thierry, Tytler, Volney, Wachsmuth, Wolfius.
Ancient : JElianus, Ancient Hist., Bonglii,
Bryant, Buat, Byzantine Historians, Chabas,
Condillac, Cory, Cumberland, Curtius, Dale,
Diodorns, Drumann, Duncker, Epochs, Fried-
lander, Heeren, Justinus, Keary (L. F.),
Kenrick, Lenormant, Niebuhr, Polybius, Piitz,
Eaumer, Eawlinson, EoUin, Eougemont,
Schlegel, Solinus, Tytler, Universal Hist.,
Its Connection loith Sacred History : Beke,
Lenormant, Prideaux, Eussell, Shuckford,
Middle Ages : Adrian, Anville, Berington,
Bohmer, Busk, Champfieury, Chevallier,
Church (E. W.), Clarke (A.), Comyn, Cutts,
Digby, Dollinger, Drumann (Bonifacius VIU.),
Dunham, Frantin, Freher, Freytag, Gfrorer,
Gregorovius, Gurney, Heeren, History, Hurter,
Lecky, Littre, Merry weather, Ozanam, Pall-
mann, Pauli, Pertz, Piitz, Eanke, Eaumer,
Eenzi, Eeumont, Euelle, Scheffel, Schilter,
' Scriptores,' Theiner, Turner, Waitz, Watten-
bach, Wietersheim, Wilken. Sec ' Schoolmen.'
Of McdicBval Toicns, etc. : Civitates, Hegel
(Karl), Hiillmann, Maurer.
Modern History : Annuaire, Annual Eegister,
Barton, Bavary, Bayle, Bulletins, Chantal,
Chateaubriand, Cochrane, Condillac, Dyer,
Edgar, Edinburgh, Epochs, Freeman, Geffroy,
Gervinus, Geschichte, Heeren, Henry, His-
torical, Lord, Martin (F.), Mazade, Menzel,
Michelet, Miiller (K. A.), Praet, Piitz, Eaumer,
Eeynolds, Eussell, Schlosser, Taylor, Zeller.
Periods in SevcntcentJi and Eighteenth Cen-
turies : Burgoyne, Canti), Defoe, Hale (E.),
Lamberty, Loiseleur, Mercure, Schlosser,
Schybergson, Siri, Walsh.
Periods in the Nineteenth Centuri/ : Annuaire,
Annual Eegister, Blanc, BuUe, Cantu, Cayley,
Gervinus, Hermes, Irving (.1.), Lewis, Menzel,
Michelet, Molesworth, Murray, Prutz, Eanke,
Sybel (' Zeitschrift '), ' Unserc Zeit.'
See ' Fi-ance,' ' Germany,' ' Great Britain,'
' Military History.'
Lectures on : Arnold, Freeman, Laurens, New-
man, Priestley, Smith (Goldwin), Smyth,
Stubba, Vaughan.
Ecclesiastical. See ' Church.'
Literary. See ' Literature.'
Of Civilization. See ' Civilization,' ' Ethics,'
' Society.'
Of War. See ' Military,' ' Naval.'
See ' Chronology,' ' Europe,' and the names of
HITTITES : Wright (W.).
Giesebrecht, Eaumer. See ' Germany,' ' Scrip-
tores Eerum Germ.'
History : Allen, Beka, Bilderdyk, Blaze, Bona-
parte, Castlemain, Collier, D'Avaux, Davies,
Don, Eggericus, Grattan, Groen van Prin-
sterer, Holland, Junius, Juste, Le Petit,
M'Gregor, Motley, Universal History.
John de Witt : Geddes (J.).
William the Silent : Correspondance, Gachard,
Travels and Descriptions : Beets, Bell, Brere-
ton, Costello, Cousin, Esquiros, Greyson,
Hare, Havard, Hinton, Jacob, Lees, Murray,
Mylius, Overbury, Eadcliffe, Eeynolds,
Eitchie, Saint-Pierre, Tennant, Travels (]83'J),
Wood (C. W.) 1877, Zeiller. See ' Amsterdam.'
Museums of : Burger, Gower, Tableaux.
Church of : Batavia, Brandt.
Statistics : Holland, Luzack.
HOME EULE : Chamberlain (J.), McCarthy.
See ' L-eland.'
HOMCEOPATHY: Dunsford, Epps, Homceo-
pathic, Kempel, Paris Exhib., Tracts.
Gladstone, Homer, McLauren, Nicola'ides,
Paley (F. A.), Tracts, Volkmann, Westropp,
HOESE, THE : Apperley, Berjeau, Fitzwygram,
Fleming, Head, Horse-racing, Martin, Phillips,
Sidney (S.), Stephen (Sir G.), Stud, Wood
(J. G.), Youatt.
HOESEMANSHIP : Adams (J.), Anderson (E. L.),
Bunbury, Day (W.), Dwyer (F.), Hayes (M.H.),
HOESE -EACING : Suffolk, See ' Sports.'
HOETICULTUEE. Sec ' Gardening.'
HOSPITALS : Galton, Howard, Mouat, Nightin-
gale, Osborne.
History : Boisgelin, Duellius, Porter, Suther-
land, Taafe, Universal History, Vertot.
In England: Knights.
HOUSE DECOEATIONS, etc.: Art at Home
Series, Eastlake, Garrett, Loftie, Mann, Wil-
kinson (W.), Yapp (G. W.).
HUDSON'S BAY: Eobinson (H. M.), Selkirk,
HUGUENOTS : Agnew, Baird (C. W.), Barthold,
Burn, Duplessis, Fontaine, Haag, Kershaw
(S. W.), Poole (E. L.), Smedley, Smiles, Tri-
queti. See ' France, Ecclesiastical.'
HUMOUEISTS. See ' Literature, Comic'
History : Beust, Bonfinius, Degerando, Desprez,
Endlicher, Engel, Fumee, Henningsen, Hun-
garicarum, Isthyvanhus, Leger, Levy, Mai-
lath, Ortvay, Paton, Pattison (A. J.), Pesty,
Eeisinger, Sayous, Universal Hist., Yambery.
Antiquities : Hungary.
From 1848 to 18G0 : Beck, Chownitz, Czetz,
Frey, Hungarian, Klapka, Pridham, Scenes,
Szemere, Ungarische, Voice from the Danube.
Eliz.abeth of Hungary : Kiugsley, Montalembert.
Travels and Descriptions : Ansted, Birkbeck,
Bright, Byrne, Demidoff, Europiiische Wan-
derbilder (1886), Frontier Lands, Gleig,
Gorgei, Jokai, Kay (D.), Magyarland (1881),
O'Brien, Orosz, Paget, Pardoe, Patterson,
Payne, Pic, Pimodan, Prochatzka, Pulszky,
Quitzmann, Eaguse, Tissot.
HUNS, The: De Guignes, Gibbon, Pallmann,
Saint-Martin, Thierry.
Godmanchestcr : Fox.
Visitation : Charles.
HUSBANDRY. See ' Agriculture.'
Bohringer, Hussius, Lenfant, Pallacky. See
' Reformation.'
HYDEAULICS: Belidor, Clare, Darcy, Jordan,
Law, Matthews, Patents. See ' Hydrostatics,'
' Physics.'
Bell, Bulwci-, Francke, Gully, Hot Water,
Johnson, Lane, Mayo.
HYDROSTATICS : Lamb, Tracts (Falck), Wcalc's
Series, Whewcll.
HYGIENE. Sec ' Hcaltli.'
HYMNOLOGY : Adam of St. Victor, Annus, Beck,
Bovet, Daniel, Dullield. Kn^'cliiardt, Faber,
Gerhardt, ' Gude and Godly Ballads,' Hymns,
Keble, Kins (J.), Knapp, Loe, Macdonald (G.),
Mone, Palmer, Saunders, Simrock, Trench,
Winkworth, Znuz.
See ' Psalmody.'
Christji.\s C.MtoLs : Sandys.
History : Annales Islandici, ArnRrim, Cony-
bearc, Islandorum Scripta, Jarnsida, MaccoU
(L. M.), Orkneyinga Sa^a, Snorro-Sturleson.
Travels and Descriptioxs : Baring-Gould, Bar-
row, Burton (R. F.), Chambers, Churchill 1,
Dufferin, Forbes, Henderson. Hooker, Knee-
land (ISTi), Lock, Mackenzie, Metcalfe, Miles,
Murray, Oswald (1882), Pfeiffcr, Poestion,
Shepherd, Sdguagrip, Symington, Taylor (B.),
Troil, Watts (W. L.). See ' Folk-Lore.'
L.^NGUAGE : Cleasby, Haldorson, Rask.
ICHTHYOLOGY : Balfour (F. M.), Buff on, Cuvier,
Huxley, Jamieson, Jardine.
British : Couch, Forbes, Yairell.
ErvER-FisH : Boccius, Seeley.
Salmon : Brook, Russell.
Herring: Mitchell, Nail (' I'armouth').
PiscicnLTrRE : Boccius, Buckland, Coste, Francis.
Shell-Fish : Swainson, Lovell. See ' Concho-
logy,' ' Fossils.'
India: Day (F.), Giinther.
ICONOGRAPHY (Christian) : Crossnier, Didron.
IDEALISM. Sec 'Philosophy.'
See ' Insanity.'
IDOLATRY. Sec ' Mythology.'
Bunsen, Chevallier, Cureton, Denzinger, Hus-
sey, Ignatius, Ussher.
ILLUMINATI. See ' Societies (Secret).'
ILLUMINATING: Audsley, Bradley (J. W.),
Laing, Shaw, Wyatt.
INDEXES : Index Society, Record Commission,
Smithsonian Contrib., Times.
History: Ancient and General: Acosta, Asiatic
Journal, Asiatic Researches, Bohlen, Chesney,
Cunningham, Elliott,India, Lassen, McCrindle,
Manning, Marshman, Maurice, Muir, Miiller,
Pope(G. W.), Seeley, Sewell, Speir, Strickland,
Sullivan, Taylor (M.), Weber, Wheeler, Wil-
liams (M.), Wilson, Vedia.
Early Voyages : Arber's Garner, Arrianus, Fa-
Hien, Lancaster, Major, Priaulx, Renaudot,
Commercial : Congr^s, Heeren, James (A. G.),
Japp, Robertson, Vincent.
General : Dow, Elphinstone, Garcia, Hodgson
(B. H.), Holwell, Keene (H. G.), Keightley,
Ludlow, Martin, Maurice, Showers.
Mohammedan or Mogvl KDipirc : Abulghasi,
Ayeen, Baber, Bernier, Caldccott, Catron, De
Guignes, Dow, Erskine, Ferishta, Gholam,
Jouher, Keene, Lacroix, Orme, Roe, Thomas,
Universal Hist., Valentyne.
Hydur All and Tippoo Sultan : Bristow.
European Estarlisiijients : Malloson, Raynal,
Universal History.
British Empire in : Aitchison, Andrews, Asiatic
Annual Register, Auber, Bell, Blanchard,
British India, Cavenagh, Chesney, Chesterfield,
Cotton (H. J. S.), Cunningham (H. S.), Davis,
Dickenson, East India, Eastwick, Edwards
(H. S.), EUenborough, Forjett, (ileig, Holkar's
Appeal, H()W(dl, Importance, India, Jackson,
Jacob, Jac(piemont, .lames {W . M.), Kayc,
Macfarlane, Mahon, Malcolm, Malleson, Mar-
tin (R. M.), Martineau (Harriet), Metcalfe, Mill,
Moore (J.), Morloy, Murray, Napier, Norton,
Orlich, Orme, Pamphleteer, Pari. Reports,
Phillips (H. A. 1).), Ransome (C), Roujoux,
Routledge, St. John, Shore, Sullivan, Thurlow,
Torrens, Tracts, Trotter, Tucker, Vall)ezen,
Vindications, Warren (E, de), Wilson, Wyllie.
Under Warren Hastings : Bond, Hastings,
Under Marquis of Hastings (1818-1818) : Hast-
ings' Priv. Journal, Prinsop, Welleslcy.
Mutiny of 1857 : Anderson (R. P.), Cave-Browne,
Dunlop, Edwardes, (irant, (iubbins. Holmes
(T. R.E.), Jones, Kaye, Keene, Malleson, Mills,
My Escape, Mutinies, Mutiny, Polehampton,
Prichard, Raikes, Rees, Robertson, Rotten,
Russell, Thomson, Thornhill (M.), Trevelyan.
Sec ' Military History.'
Under Marquis of Dalhousic : Arnold, Dal-
housie, West.
ARcn,i50L0GY : Burgess, Cunningham (A.), Fer-
gusson (James).
Cave-Temples : Fergusson and Burgess.
Travels and Descp.iptions : Acland, Adams,
Addison, Alexander, .\ssam, Ball, Bartolomeo,
Baxter (W.E.),Beaulieu, Bell, Bellew, Bendall
(188G), Bernier, Blanchard, Bontekoe, Boyle
(1882), Braddon, Bradshawe, Briggs, Bruton,
IJruyn, Burton (Mrs.), Bushby, Caird (J.),
Cameron, Campbell, Carpenter, Chunder, Con-
der, Constantin, Coreal, Coryat, Cust, Dal-
viella, Davidson, Dubois, DutT,I)unlop, P^gerton,
Elliot, English Homes, Englishwoman, Essays,
Fane, Fifteen, Fontanier, Forbes (1885), Fro-
bisher, Fryer, Garnier (i8s5), (iay, (ilimpses,
Graham, Grant, Greenaway, (iribble, (irose,
Guthrie (Mrs.), Hakluyt 2, 5, Hall, Hamilton,
Harlan, Herbert, Herf"(18H5), Hervey, Heyne,
Hogg, Hooker, Hornaday, Hull, Hunter, India,
Irving, Kennedy (J.), Kerr, King (1884),
Kreitncr (1877), Laet, Lang, Latham, Laval,
Lawrence, Ijeguat, Leonowens (18.S5), Letters,
Lettres Edifiantes, Lewin, L'Hermite, Lut-
fullah, IMacleod, Malleson, IMarechal, Mark-
ham, Marmier, IMarsh, JIarshall, Massie,
Meer, Mohammed, Mundy, XienholT, Olearius,
Original, Orlich, Overland, Ovington, People
of India, Percival, Perry, Pinkerton 8, Pos-
tans, Prinsep, Pnrchas 1, Raikes, Rennie,
Ilickard, Roberts, Roe, Rough Notes, Rousse-
let, Russell (W. H.), Sanderson, Schlagintweit,
Schonberg, Shakospear, Sherring, Sketch,
Skinner, Sleeman, Sonnerat, Speir, Spilberg,
Tayler (1882), Taylor, Tck Chand, Temple
(R.), Terry, Tytler. Valentia, Vallc, Vigne,
Vincent, Wheeler, Zimmer.
nimalayaMou)itains : Cunnning, Eraser, Go-
blet d'Alviella (1877), Hooker, Moorcroft,
Thomson. Sec ' Botany,' ' Tea.'
Neilgherry Hills : Harkness.
The I'unjnb and the Sikhs : Cave-Browne,
Cooper, Edwardes, I'Mliot, Eraser, Gerard, Grif-
fin (L.), History, Hiigel, Ibbetson, Lawrence,
Leaves of a Journal, Lloyd, Macgregor, Mal-
colm, Markham, Masson, Moorcroft, Punjab,
Raikes, Eoss (D.), Steinbach, Summer, Tod,
Trumpf, Vigiie.
Scindc : Allen, Burnes, Burton, Langley, Najiier,
Postans, Pottinger.
Bakarganj : Beveridge.
Bengal : Bruton, Buchanan, Day, Dutt, Ed-
wards, Frere, Hunter, Hutchinson (1883),
Life, Mackenzie (A.), Hural Life, Stewart.
Kashmir and Kashghar : Aynsley, Bellew,
Drew (F.), Kuropatkin.
Gujerat : Forbes (A. K.), Malabari, Mohammed
Jumvioo : Drew (F.).
Rajpoot States : Prichard, Tod.
Oude : Eastern King, Sleeman.
Caivnpoor : Montgomery (R.).
Dcccan: Frere, Malcolm.
Ladakh : Aynsley.
Lahore: Henderson, Smyth.
Upper Provinces : Corbett, Davidson, Forster,
Central : Cunningham, Gubernatis, Malcolm.
Nepaul: Liglis, Nepal, Oldfield (1880), Oliphant
(1854), Temple.
The Mahrattas : Broughton, Duff.
Western : Postans.
Southern : Cleghorn, Heber.
Mysore, Malabar, Coromandel, etc. : Baldteus,
Bell, Buchanan, Elliott, Home, Michaud,
Orme, Wilks.
Madras : Morris (H.), Prinsep (C. C), Tracts
Peshawur : Trevelyan (L. R.).
Assam: Cooper (T. T.), Hunter (W. W.), Pol-
Burniah : Forbes (C), Fytche, Laurie, Pollock.
The East India Company : Auber, Bruce, East
India, Grant, Griffiths, Hovell-Thurlow, Kaye,
Law, Pari. Reports, Stevens (H.), Tracts.
French Possessions: Charpentier, Daguesseau,
Hamont, Malleson, Relation de I'Etablisse-
Portuguese Empire in : Alboquerque, Barros,
Castro, Faria, Rowlandson.
NATUR.Ui History : Forbes, Gray, Hooker, Jer-
don, Royle, Thomson. See 'Botany,' 'Hima-
Statistics, Geography, etc. : Ball (V.), Billot,
Bjornstjerna, Chambers, Cold, Dalrymple's
Repertory, Essays, Fawcett, Fitzgerald, Gover,
Halliday, Hamilton, India, Markham, Martin,
Montgomery (R.), Pari. Reports, Prichard,
Rammohun Roy, Rennell, Strachey, Thomp-
son, Thornton.
Survey : Markham (C. R.), Sherwill.
Overland Route : Andrew, Campbell, Elwood,
Fitzclarence, Griffith, Jackson, Waghorn.
GEOLo>.iY : Ball.
Public Works, etc. ; Clarke, Cotton, India,
Thornton (W. T.).
Land Tax : Baillie, Briggs.
Currency : Daniel (C. J.).
TelegR/U'h Communication : Goldsmid.
Famines : Digby, Tracts (Cotton).
Law : Macnaghten, Mayne, Morley, Naradiya.
Trade : Grant, Irving, Lockyer, Macpherson,
Maurice, Mun, Tracts.
Hygiene : Lucas (.J. C).
Railways : Tyrrell.
Protestant Missions : Sherring.
Sport in : Barras, Brown (.J. M.), Capper (1871),
Fraser (Col.).
Wild Animals cf : Sanderson.
Religions, Superstitions, etc. : Ballantyne,
Bjornstjerna, Colebrooke, Fergusson, Hille-
brandt. Moor, St. Hilaire, Vaughan (Rev. J.)
Williams. Sec ' Mythology, Hindu.'
Poetry : Arnold.
FoLK-LoRE : Dutt, Gover, Hindoo, Kelly.
Philosophy : Regnaud, Williams (M.).
Infanticide ; Pari. Reports.
Caste ; Irving.
Christianity in : Heber, Kaye, La Croze, Marsh-
man, Martyn, Ward.
Sec ' Afghanistan,' ' Burmese Empire, ' Ceylon,'
' Cochin-China,' ' Siam.'
East India Islands.
History : Crawford, Sainsbury (W. N.), St. John.
Voyages to : Astley, Aynsley, Cameron, Con-
stantin, Earl, Gibson, Hakluyt 5, Jukes, Os-
born, Pinkerton 11, Valentyne.
Dutch Establishments in : Cruyplants, Tem-
minck, Valentyne.
Celebes : Woodward.
Formosa : Candidius, Constantin, Psalmanazar.
Moluccas : Argensola, Kolff, Laval, Spilberg,
See ' Borneo,' ' Japan,' ' Java.'
Indian Navy : Low.
Indlan Ocean, Navigation of, by the Ancients :
Nearchus, Vincent.
Navigator's Guide : Dunn (J.).
INDIES (WEST). Sec ' West Indies.'
INDIANS, North American. See ' America.'
INDUCTIVE SCIENCES : Strutt, Todd (T. J.),
INDUSTRY: Burty, Chaptal, England's Work-
shops, Labarte, McCullagh, Marshall (A.),
Maskell, Mill (Dr. J.), Paris Congr^s, Paris Ex-
position, Patents, Schoenhof, Schwabe, Smiles,
Syme, Toynbee, Tracts (Congr^s), Year-Book.
Sec 'Biography,' 'Exhibitions,' 'Labour,' 'La-
bouring Classes,' ' Manufactures.'
INFANTS (Education of) : Wilderspin.
INFUSORIA. See ' Zoology.'
INNATE IDEAS: Beattie, Condillac, Jacobi,
Leibnitz, Locke, Mill, Plato ('Phffidrus '), Reid,
Rosmini, Stewart (D.).
INNOCENT IIL: Hurter. Sec 'Rome.'
INNS. Sec ' Taverns.'
INNS OF COURT : Herbert, Inns, Pari. Reports,
Shaw (C), Spilsbury (Lincoln's Inn). See
History of the Coif : Pulling.
INOCULATION: D'Alembert, Montagu (Lady).
INQUISITION : Molinier, Rule.
In Spain : Achilli, Dugdale, Ferial, LavalMe,
Limborch, Llorente.
In It.aly : Lavallee, Sarpi, Siebenkees,
In Portugal : Lavallee.
Records, Towneley (C).
INSANITY : Bacon (G.M.), Barlow, Bennett (J. H.),
Bucknill, Calmeil, Chambers (J.), Conolly,
Dagonct, Esquivol, Granville (J. M.), Ideler,
Maudsley, Millingen, My Experiences, Tuke,
Winslow, Zoist. See ' Brain,' ' Idiocy.'
Plea of, in Criminal Cases : Mayo, Prichard,
Shelford, Winslow.
Of Prisoners : Sampson.
Legislation for : Harrison (G. L.).
Lunatic Asylums : Pari. Reports.
INSCKIPTIONS : rrancc (Acadi'mic).
Assyrian and CrxErioRM : Bnrnouf, (Jobineau,
Lowenstein, Rawlinson. Schrader, Sinitli (G.).
EcJYPTiAN. Sec ' Hieroglyphics.'
Hebrew : Chwolson.
Greek and Latin in EcarT : Letronne.
Greek : Bocckh, Curtius, Dittcnbcrt,'cr, (iruterus,
Knight, Kochlor (W.), Latysliev, Letronne,
Morcclhis, Muratori, Newton (C. T.), Orellius,
Paciaiulius, Pauli (C), IJenczynski, Hose,
EoMAN : Corpus, Fabretti, ForccHa, Henzen,
Kcnrick, Mommsen, Northcote, IJossi, ZcU,
EojiAN AND Christi.^' : Forcella, Hiibner, Le
British West Indies : Lawrence -Archer.
Etruscan, Oscan, Umbrl^n, etc. : Corssen,Craw-
furd, Fabretti, Lcpsius, Mommsen, Taylor.
Gavr : Eavenshaw.
Greek jlso Eo.man in Etruria : Crawford,
At Sigeum : Chishull.
Early Christian : Eossi.
PncENiciAN : Gesenius, Movers.
Moarite : Conder (C. E.), Ginsburg, Hitzig,
Punic : Davis, Drummond, Euting.
Sassanian : Thomas.
Sanskrit : France (Piibl. Instruction).
At Hamburg : Anckelmanus.
Ehenish : Brambach.
Celtic : Bateman, Poste.
Ogham: Brash, Fergusson (S.).
EuNic : Eafn, Stephens.
Britanno-Eoman : M'Caul, Musgrave.
Scottish : Eogers, Sculptured Stones, Simpson.
English. See 'Epitaphs,' 'Marbles,' 'Monu-
ExPL.vNATioN OF WoRDs IN : Ursatus.
INSECTS : Lubbock. See ' Entomology.'
INSTINCT: Chadbourne, Couch, Darwin, Des-
cartes, Hartmann, Jesse, Kirby and Spence,
Lemoine, Leroy, Jlenault, Eendu, Eomanes,
Schelling, Schopenhauer, Wood. Sec ' Natural
History,' ' Zoology.'
INSUEANCE. See ' Assurance.'
INTEMPEEANCE : Pari. Eeports. Sec ' Drink.'
national, Stewart (C).
INTEENATIONAL LAW. Sec ' Law (of Nations).'
INTUITION (MoR.vL and Eeligious) : Hutcheson,
Jacobi, Kant, Sully. See ' Philosophy.'
History : American Patents, Beckmann,Dutens,
Fournier, Hall, Leisz, Pancirollus, Patents,
Eoutledge (E.), Sangster, Tinibs, Turner,
Tyndall, Vergilius, Worcester, Year-Book of
(J. E.), Peacock (E.), Surtees Soc.
INVESTMENTS : Mathicson, Scratchloy.
IONIA (Ancient) : Herodotus.
IONIAN ISLANDS: Ansted, Holland, Ionian,
Jervis, Kirkwall, Liebetrut, Mure, Murray's
Handbook, Napier, Spencer, Xenos.
History : Bagwell, Bannister, Baratariana, Bar-
rington, Beatson, Boulter, Brady, Calendars,
Canidon, Campbell (Col. J.), Carey, Carte,
Cloncurry, Cox, Cronnelly, Cudmore, Curry,
Cusack, Dalrymple, D'Alton, Daunt, Davies,
Dcane, DutTy (C. .1.), Ferguson, Fitzpatrick,
Froude, Gibson (C. B.), Gordon, (irace,
Grattan, Gregg, Harris, Hassencam)!, Haverty,
Henncssy, Holinshed, Hutchinson, Leland,
Leber, Lehind, Lynch, McCarthy, M'Geoghe-
gan, M'Pherson, Meehan, Mitchell, Moore,
Musgrave, O'Connell, O'Conor, O'Curry,
O'Donovan, O'Driscoll, OFlaherty, O'CJrady,
O'Halloran, Oldliold, Parker, Perrot, Petty,
Phillips, Plowden, I'rendergast, Eichoy.liinuc-
cini. Smiles, Stauhurst, Stokes (G. T.), Story,
Sullivan (A. M.), Sweetman. Tracts, Universal
History, Vallancey, Wakefield, Walpole (C. G.),
Ware, Witherow, Wood, Young (T.).
Time of Elizabeth : Camden, Froude, Hamilton
(H. C.), Hennessy, Meehan, Moryson, Spencer,
Rebellion, lG41-lCfiO : Borlase, Carlyle, Castle-
haven, Clanricarde, Clarendon, Croker, Curry
(J.), Gilbert (.J. T.), (ilamorgan, Gordon,
Hickson, Leyburn, Musgrave, O'Kelly, Parker
(E.), Prendergast, Einuccini, Temple, Warner.
Javu'S I. : Eussell (C. W.).
ItcbelUon, 171)H : Canning, Cloney, Fitzgerald
(Lord E.), Harwood, Hay, Holt, Killala,
Maxwell, Musgrave, Petty, Teeling, Temple,
History of the U7iion : Coote.
Ecclesiastical : Adamnan, Brady ( W. M), Bram-
hall, Britannia Sancta, Collier, Colton, Cotton,
Dunstan, Godkin, Greith, Hart, Ireland,
Jocelin, Killen, King, Lanigan, Lloyd (W.),
McLauchlin, M'Neven, iNIalone, Mant, Moore,
Murray, Oliver, O'SuUivan, Parr, Eoden,
Seeker, Seddall, Shearman, Smith (Dr. John),
Stephens, Stevens, Stokes (G. T.), Swift,
Ware, Whiteside.
Irish Presbyterians : Ecid (J. S.).
Irish Quakers : Scwell.
Irish Sisters of Charity : Aikenhead.
Irish Catholics : Butler, Meehan, Nevins, Par-
nell, Eichardson, Smith (Sydney), Wyse.
Irishwomen : Blackburne.
Fenians : Frost, Eutherford.
Ancient Laws : Ancient, Scnclius Mor.
Phoenicians in : Villanueva.
Antiquities: Archaeology, Archdall, Betham,
Getty, Gutch, Ireland, Irish Archieolog. Soc,
Kennedy, Lanigan, La Villemarque, Ledwich,
Milner, O'Conor, Smiddy, Stevens, Theiner,
Vallancey, Vetusta Monumenta 2 and />, Ware,
Wcever, Wood, Wright.
Coins : Simon, Wakeman.
Killarncy Lc(jends : Croker.
Hound Toicers : O'Brien, I'ctrie, Smiddy.
Home Eule : Conder (A.), Dennis (E.), Dicey,
Gladstone, King (D. B.), Moore (G.), O'Connor
(T. P.), Eeid (A.), Eepeal, Saint-Thomas,
Thursfield, Tracts (vol. -142).
Architecture : Dunraven, Stokes.
Toi'OGRAi'HY, Travels, and Descriptions : Barker
and Cheync (1821), Barrow, Binn, Blake, Bush,
Carleton, Carve, Chatterton, Clarke, Conwell,
Coulter, Derrick, Duffy, Falcon, Fitzpatrick,
Forbes, Eraser, Gamble, Gatty, Giraldus, Gore
(10G7), Grose, PIall,Head, Hoarc, Hole (ls59),
Hutchinson (J. H.), Inglis, Ireland, Johnson,
Joyce, Joynes (1882), Kohl, La Boullaye (ir)44),
Lacey, Letters (1880), McClintock (1881), Mad-
den, Manners, Martineau, Meredith, Micdge,
Misson, Mitchell, Murphy, Murray, Nichol-
son, O'Donovan, O'Flaherty, Osborne, Otway,
Pinkerton 6, Puckler, Eodeuberg, Saxon,
Senior, Seward, Smith, Taylor, Thackeray,
Thom, Tighe, Trench, Twiss, Venedey, Vereker,
Walking Tour, Webster, Weld, West, Wilde,
Topographical Dictionary : Gorton.
Famine in 184()-47 : Foster (T. C), Trevelyan.
Gkology and Natubal History : J3oate and
Molineux, Kinahan, Patterson (R. L.), Thomp-
Belfast : Belfast.
Boyne : Wilde.
Cloync (Records of) : Brady (W.).
Connaught : Houstoun, O'Flaherty, Osborn,
Otway, Saxon.
CorTc : Brady (W. M.), Cusack, Graves, Smith
(Ch.), Townsend.
Derry : Portlock, Witherow.
Down : Bulkeley, Harris.
Dublin: D'Alton, Dublin, Gilbert, Harris, Walsh.
Christ Churcli : Seymour.
St. Mary's Abbey : Chartularies.
St. Patrick's : Mason.
Universitii : Dublin.
. . Flora : Threlkeld.
Oalway : Hardiman, O'Flaherty.
Enniskillen, Defence of (1688) : Graham.
Keans of South Ireland : Croker.
Kerry : Bi'ady, Cusack, Smith (Ch.).
Kilkenny : Graves, Tighe.
Londonderry : Portlock, Witherow.
Siege of : Graham (J.).
Lough Corrib : Wilde.
Munster : Brew.
Boscommnn : Weld.
Sligo : Woodmartin.
Ulster : Belmore, Doyle, MacXevin, Ulster.
Plantation : Hill (G.).
Waterford : Brady, Smith (Ch.).
Land Tenure : Confiscation, Craig (E. T.),
Dufferin, Dun,,Godkin, Hall (W. H. B.), Hill,
Hutton, Jones (W. B.), Lavelle, Leslie, Morris,
Pari. Pieports, Richey. Sec ' Geography.'
Statistics, Political Accounts, etc : Attwood,
Baratariana, Beaumont, Bicheno, Boate and
Molineux, Brooke, Butt, Caird, Campbell,
Carlisle, Cavour, Cecil, Chalmers, De Vere,
Dutferin, Fitzgibbon, Fitzpatrick, Foster,
Froude, Greville, Hamilton, Ireland, Jervis,
Kane, Lavelle, Lawrence, Lawson, Lecky,
Lewis, Macaulay, McGhee, Maguire, Martin,
Mason, Mill, Molyneux, Moore, Morris, Mul-
lala, Murphy, O'Brien, O'Driscoll, Pari. Re-
ports, Perraud, Petty, Pirn, Ryvius, Sadler,
Scott (T.), Senior, Seward, Smyth, Swift,
Tennant, Townsend, Tracts 106, 112, 1(57,
Trench, Tucker, Tuke, Twiss, Webb, Wiggins,
Volunteers of 1782 : MacNevin.
Sport : How, Morris (W. 0.), Payne-Gallvvay.
IRON AND STEEL : Bell (.J. L.), Day (St. J. W.),
Fairbairn, Lardner, Percy, Reed, Rogers,
Scrivenor, Truran, Whitworth. See ' Metal-
IRON MASK, The Prisoner called the : Delort,
Dover, Gibbon 5, lung, Topin, Voltaire.
IRRIGATION : Stewart (H.). See ' Agriculture.'
NGISM : Irving, Kelty (' Reminiscences '),
Miller (E.), New Apostles, Oliphant.
ISLAM. Sec 'Mahometanism.'
ISTRIA : Rambles.
Antiquities : Adams, Ellis, Eustace, Forsvth,
Gi-ievius, Lungo, Smith (S. A.). Sec 'An-
tiquities,' ' Etruria,' ' Rome.'
General : Archivio,Balbo, Botta, Brosses, CantA,
Castelar, Denina, Fanfani, Garzetti, Gorani,
Grffivius, Guicciardini, Hunt, Imhoff, Italy,
Leo, Machiavelli, Mignaty, Muratori, Percival,
Reuchlin, Reumont, Saint-Marc, Sigonius,
Spalding, Troya, Ughelius, Universal History.
Ancient Inhabitants : Abeken, Micali, Rubino,
Ancient Geography : Cluverius, Cramer, W^alcke-
Ostro-Gothic Kings : Cassiodorus, Du Roure,
Invasion by the Saracens : Famin, Hodgkin.
Mediaval Period : Alberi, Calvi, Cappelletti,
Delare, Deltuf, Dennistoun, Giustinian, Grego-
rovius, Leo, Molini, Muratori, Napier, Roscoe,
Sismondi, Troya, Vermiglioli.
History of Italian Cities : Hare, Hegel (Karl),
Pullan, Robida.
Modern Period : Atti, Botta, Butt, Clement,
Coppi, Gondon, Italy, La Marmora, Maistre,
Poggi, Recueil.
Revolutions, 1796-1849 : Ferrari, O'Clery, Sirao.
Victor Emmanuel : Bianchi, Bersezio, Faustony,
Ghiron, Godkin.
1840-70 : Alfieri (C), Arlincourt, Arrivabene,
Artaud, Arthur, Azeglio, Bicknell, Bonaparte,
Bouillier, Cantu, Castelar, Chambers, Fabrizi,
Gallenga, Garibaldi, Gretton, Griin, Gualterio,
Honan, La Rive, Lecomte, Legge, Lushington,
Macfarlane, Mamiani, Mazade, Mazzini,
Mittermaier, Mundy, Pepe, Pius IX., Probyn,
Rassette, Raumer, Rendu, Ricciardi, Rothan,
Roux, Soria, Stern, Trinity of Italy, Vande-
velde, Varenne, Vecchj.
Ecclesiastical History, etc : Curci.
Abbey of Monte-Casino : Tosti.
See ' Literature,' ' Military History.'
Manners, before 1500 : Bettinelli, Blunt.
Travels and Descriptions : Addison 5, Allies,
Baretti,Barthelemy, Baxter, Beckford, Beldam,
Bell (John), Bennett, Best, Blessington, Bod-
dington, Branca, Bremer, Broughton, Brown,
Burnet, Cadell, Carr, Chamier, Chasles,
Chastre, Chateauvieux, Cobbe, Cochrane,
Conder, Cooper, Covino, Crichton, Dantier,
Davies, Dickens, Ducamp, Duclos, Dumas,
Dupaty, Elliot, Estournel, Eustace, Fiorelli,
Forsyth, Francis, Freshfield, Fucin (1882),
Galiffe, Gallenga, Gardiner, Geale, Goethe,
Gray, Gregorovius, Gretton, Hazlitt, Headly,
Heckethorn, Hemans, Hentznerus, Hillard,
Hilton, Hippeau, Hoare, Honan, Howell,
Ideville, Jameson, Janin, Kennedy (1881),
King, Knight, Kotzebue, Labat, Lalande,
Lassels, Leo, Liegard, M'Grigor, Mackie (1874),
Mahony, Manning (S.), Marechal, Matthews,
Mezi^res (1883), Miller, Misson, Moens, Money,
Montaigne, Montfaucon, Montgomery, Moore,
Morgan, Moryson, Murdoch, Norton, Osborne
(C. J.), Pfeiffer, Pimodan, Pinkerton 5,Quandt,
Recollections, Riedesel, Rose, Rumohr, Sass
(1818), Scoto (1670), Senior, Sestini, Sewell,
Sharp, Shelly, Sherer, Simond, Smollett,
Speckter, Spon (1679), Starke (1798), Stisted,
Street, Symonds, Taine, Talmadge, Tayler,
Townsend, Trollope, Turton, Umilta, Valery,
Vaysse, Venice, Vieussieux, Waveney, White-
side, Wordsworth, Yates (1884), Young.
Ancona : Scammaco. •
Benevento : Borgia.
Bologna : Deseille.
Calabria : Bartels, Dolomieu, Lear, Melena
Unprotected Females.
Cava {Abbey) : Guillaume.
Riviera : Devereux, Sparks (1870).
San Marino : 15ent.
Siena ; Bellarmarte, Mazzi.
Popular Tales : Monnier (M.).
Renmssance: Burckhardt (J.), Symonds.Vischer
(^•)- , ...
Statistics, ktc. : Dcnina. Italy. Jervis, Laing.
See 'Florence,' ' Lombardy,' 'Naples,' 'Pied-
mont,' ' Ponipei,' ' Home,' ' Savoy,' ' Sicily,'
' Tuscany,' ' Venice.'
IVORIES : Maskell.
HisTouY : Barruel, Valine. Sec ' France, Revo-
JACOBITES : Doran, Towneley.
JAIN RELIGION : Stevenson.
History and Descriptions : Alcedo, Bridges,
Carlile (W.), Edwards, Gardner, Jamaica,
Long, Martin, Phillippo, Price, Renny, Scott
(Sir R.), Sinclair (1886), Vernon, Warmer
Islands (1881).
Post-mortem Examination of : Munk (W.).
See ' Great Britain.'
JAMES II. (ENGLAND). See ' Great Britain.'
JANSENISM. Sec ' Church (Sects).'
History : Adams, Bousquet, Griffis, Ka-mpfer,
R6musat, Thorpe (P.), Titsingh.
Travels and Descriptions : Adams, Alcock,
Beauvoir, Bird (1880), Black (.J. R.), Busk,
Carai, Cardom, Caron, Charlevoix, China and
Japan, Clark (E. W.), Cotteau (1884), Cramer,
• D'Alton, Dickson (W.), Dixon (W. G.), Eden
(C. H.), Fonblanque, Furet, Golownin, Guimet,
Halloran, Kingston, Hodgson, Holtham (1881),
Humbert, Jephson, King and Lay, Klaproth,
Kreitner, Laird, Lanman, Leprince, Letters,
Metchnikoff , Mitford, Mossman, Osborn, Perry,
Pinkerton 7, Rains, Reed (E. J.), Rein, Schlie-
mann, Shore (H. N.), Siebold, Smith (G.),
St. John, Steinmetz, Taylor, Tilley.
Home Life of : Ayrton (M. C), Dalmas, Faulds.
Sec ' Art.'
Lord Elgin's Embassy in 1857-59 : Oliphant.
American Expedition, 1852 : Hawkes.
Church of : Crasset, Gysbertz.
Commerce of : Campen.
War, 1862 : Rennie.
History and Antiquities : Leemans, Money,
Miiller, Raffles.
Descriptions : Beauvoir, Constantin 4, Court-
hope, Davidson, Gortz, Hogendorp, Junghuhn,
Middleton, Stavorinus, Temminck, Thurlow.
Language : Humboldt.
JERSEY. Sec ' Channel Islands.'
History : Ewald, Foucher, Gcsta Dei per Fran-
cos, Josephus, Lewin, Milman, Poujoulat,
Topography and Descriptions : Antoninus,
Bartlett,Besant, Chateaubriand, Creagh(18G9),
Fergusson, Finn, Fisk, Johnson, King (J.),
Lyne, Maundrell, Robinson, Schulz, Stanley,
Thrupp, Tobler, Torkington (1517), Warren,
Williams (G.), Wilson.
History of the Temple: Jalal Addin.
Church of the Holy Sepulchre : Cartulaires,
Fergusson, Rozi^re, Willis.
See ' Crusades,' ' Jews,' ' Palestine.'
History: Brown, Chanipllcury, Delepierrc,
Doran, Douce, Fischer (K.), FK'tgel, Forgues,
Hazlitt (W. C), Lemon, Miller (Joe), Moreau,
Nick, Punch, Scheible (das Kloster), Thackeray,
History : Cretincau-Joly, D'.Vh niliert, Foley,
Griesinger, Hospinianus, lluber, Kip, Oliver,
Rose, Saint-Priest, Stephens.
Missions : Norbert.
Various Works REi.ATiN(i to the Jesuits:
Bartoli, Bert, Carlyle, Cartwriglit, Elixir,
Gee,' Glimpse,' Jesuits, Jubileum, Leone,
Marcet, Michelet, Montlosier, Reusch, Sey-
mour, Steinmetz, Taylor.
JEWELLERY : Fontenelle, Lacroix.
History : .\bcndana, Aguilar, Barnard, Basnage,
Beke, Bialloblotsky, Bible, Brett, Bruck,
Capetigue, Caspar, Clodd, Cohen (J. H.),
Conder, Cox, Cunaus, Currey, De Castro,
De Groot, Depping, Kdersheini, Eichhorn,
Ewald, Fenton, Finn, CJriitz, Hebrew, Herz-
feld, Jahn, Jennings, Josephus, Josippon,
Jost, Kuenen, Lengerke, Lewis, Magnus,
Menzel, Meyer, Milman, Modena, Newman,
Oort, Outlines, Palfrey, Prideaux, Reinach,
Rothschild, Russell, Salvador, Schiirer, Sime,
Smith (W. R.), Stanley, Strachey, Universal
History, Weber (G.), Welhauscn.
In Encjland : Blunt, Hine, Kayserling, Mar-
goliouth, Picciotto, Tovey, Tracts.
In France : Drumont, Kirwan.
In Rome : Hudson (K. H.).
In Russia : Demidoff.
In Spain and Portugal : De Castro, Los Rios,
Modern : Allen, Beaton, M'Caul, Salaman.
Restoration : Bickersteth, Faber, Forster,
Neil (J.), Thorn.
Customs, Rites, etc. : Allix, Fleury, Ghillany,
Godwyn, Mischna, Picart,Spencerus, Spinoza,
Criminal Code : Benny.
Missions to : Bonar.
Works on Judaism : Adam, Airy, Allen, Aubrey,
Bahr, Ben Pedahzur, Benisch, Bertholdt,
Chwolson, Delaunay, D'Isracli, Drummond
(J.), Eisenmongcr, Etheridge, Ewald, Fried-
liinder, Ginsburg, Greswell, (iuenec, Kuenen,
Langen, Maimonides, Martin, Mischna,
Molitor, Neubauer, Sachs, Taylor (C), Twenty
Years, Wahrmund. Sec ' Literature.'
Bibliography : Bartoloccius, Castro, De Rossi,
Dukes, Fiirst, Imbonatus, Koechcr.
Poetry : Zunz.
JOSEPH II. (Emperop.) : Arneth, Beer, Hiiusser,
Joseph II., Ranke.
JOURNALISM : Dawson (J.), Oldcastle, Pigott.
JUD.EA. Sec ' Palestine.'
JUDGES : Campbell, Foss, O'Flanagan, Welsby.
Sec ' Biography, Legal.'
JULIUS C-ES.\R: Casar, Drumann, Mommsen,
Napoleon III., Williams.
JUEISPRUDENCE : Austin, Foote, Foster (C. J.),
Hearn, Holland (T. E.), Merrill, Pollock (F.).
See 'Law.'
JURY, TRIAL BY. See ' Law.'
KALEWALA : Leouzon Le Due, Schiefner.
KAMTSCHATKA: Cochrane, Dobell, Erman,
Grieve, Guillemand (1887), Lesseps, Staehlin.
KASHGAE : Bellew, Boulger,
Topography and History : Battely, Beauties of
E. and W., Bevan, Cantiana, Cox, 2, Cruden,
Frost, Fussell, Gilpin, Hasted, Ireland (W.H.),
Kent, Lambarde, Larking, Morris, Murray,
Smith (J. R.), Somner, Stanley (F.).
Tenures of : Elton, Robinson, Somner.
Proceedings in 1G40 : Larking.
Roman Antiquities in : Somner.
History of Gavelkind : Robinson, Somner.
Cinque Ports : Lambarde, Lyon, Raleigh.
Ash-next ■Sandwich : Blanche.
Canterbury : Brent, Britton, Dart, Laborde,
Nichols' Bibl. Top. 1, Parker, Robertson
(W. A. S.), Somner, Stanley (A. P.), Storer,
Willis, Winkle, Vetusta Monumenta 3.
St. Aitgiistine's : Thomas of Elmham.
Chatham : Vetusta Monumenta 3.
Cranhrookc : Nichols' Bibl. Topog. 1.
Dartford : Dunkin.
Dcptford : Dews.
Dover : Lyon, Nichols' Bibl. Topog. 1, Puckle.
EWuun : Buckler.
Faversham : Giraud, Jacob, Lewis.
Gravesend : Cruden.
Greeniuich : L'Estrange (A. G.), Richardson,
Vetusta Monumenta 2.
Hopivood : Vetusta Monumenta 4.
Knowle : Brady.
Maidstone : Russell (J. M.).
Ramsgate and Margate : Proelss.
Richhorough, Reculver, and Lymno : Battley
(Antiq. Rutup.), Nichols' Bibl. Top. 1, Smith
and Fairholt.
Rochester : Handbook, Rochester, Storer,
Thorpe, Vetusta Monumenta 3.
Sandxvich : Boys.
St. Mary's Priory : Davington.
Ihanet {Isle of) : Lewis.
Titley : Vetusta Monumenta 3.
Tunbridge Wells : Amsinck, Burr, Evans,
Madan, Rouzee.
Tunstall : Nichols' Bibl. Top. 1.
Weald : Farley.
Churches or: Glynne.
KEPLER'S LAWS: Herschel (Sir J.), Kepler,
Newton. See 'Astronomy.'
KHIVA : Abbott, Burnaby, Ker, Lansdell (1885),
MacGahan, Spalding, Stumm, Wood. See
' Russia.'
KIDNAPPING (in South Seas) : Palmer, Patteson
KINETIC THEORY: Bernouilli, Brit. Assoc.
Rep. (Pres. Addr. 1872), Clausius, Joule,
Lucretius, Maxv\-ell.
KINGS OF ENGLAND : Sandford, Strickland.
Hereditary Right op Crown of England:
Royal Prerogative : Allen, Defoe, Lorieux,
See ' Coronation,' ' Great Britain.'
History : Mills, Nicolr^s.
See ' Chivalry,' ' Heraldry.'
KOORDISTAN : Ainsworth, Creagh, Millingen,
Xenophon (' Anabasis '). See ' Persia.'
KORAN : Lane. See ' Mahomet.'
KORDOFAN : Pallme. See ' Africa.'
KOUMISS: Carrick.
Organization and Right of: Argyll (Duke of),
Banfield, Bates, Blaikie, Blanc (L.), Brassey,
Brentano, Carlyle ('Chartism'), Chevalier,
Cobden Club Essays (1871), Cook (J.), Co-
operator, Crompton, Dunoyer, England's
Workshops, Fawcett, Feugueray, Fourier,
France (1818), Girardin, Helps, Hole, Howell,
Jameson, Jenkins, Lamennais Le Play, Levi
(L.), Mario, Marx, Mills (H. V.), Morrison, Pare,
Pari. Reports, Phillips (W. A.), Proudhon,
Rogers (J. E. T.), Ruskin, Scott (J.), Stein,
Stubbs, Thomas, Thornton, Thurlow, Ward,
Wynter. See ' Co-operation,' ' Socialism.'
Children used for : Pari. Reports (Agriculture,
ChHdren), Tracts (Travail).
History : Brentano, Du Collier, Eden, Fagniez,
Granier, Leymarie, Robert (C), Spackman,
In Ancient Times: Drumann, Grote, Momm-
sen. See ' Collegia.'
Conditions and Claims : Bamberger, Barry,
Brentano, Cobbett, Davies, Ducp6tiaux, 'Edin-
burgh Review ' (No. 258), English Hearts,
Flotard, Fox, Hopkins (E.), Hubert-Valleroux,
Kebbel, Levy, Ludlow, Macculloch, Mayhew,
Memoirs, Mony, Ouvrier, Paris (Comte de).
Pari. Report (18fi7), Pari. Reps, (on Manufac-
tures and on Mining), Pashley, Proudhon,
Reybaud, Ruprecht (W.), Samuelson, Sargent,
Simon, Simonin, Solly, Thurlow, Usher (R.),
Wohnungsnoth, Wright, Young (E.).
See ' America,' ' Collegia,' ' Communism,' ' Co-
operation,' ' Emigration,' ' Paris,' ' Poor and
Poor Laws,' ' Population,' ' Proletaires,'
' Rochdale Pioneers,' ' Socialism,' ' Trade-
LABRADOR : Stearns.
LACE : Hawkins (D. W.), Palliser, Treadwin.
LAKES, The: Baddeley, Black, Bolton, Den-
holm, Gilpin, Jenkinson (H. J.), Knight (W.),
Mackay, Martineau, Napier (C. J.), West,
Wordsworth and Green.
Lakes in Africa : Baker, Beke, Burton, Cooley,
Livingstone, Royal Geog. Soc. (Journ. 31),
Lake Dwellings : Keller, Lubbock, Munro (R.),
Rabut, Wood-Martin.
See ' Man.'
LAMAISM : Hue. See ' Buddhism.'
History and Antiquities : Ashworth, Axon,
Bailey, Barlow (T. W.), Beauties of E. and W.,
Baines, Chetham Soc. Publ., Clarke, Cole-
ridge's Worthies, Dugdale, Espinasse's
Worthies, Fishwick, Gregson, Harland, Lan-
cashire, Langton, Leigh, Potter, Roby'a
Traditions, Waugh.
Visitation : Chetham Miscell.
Authors : Sutton (C. W.).
Charlton : Chetham.
Clitheroe : Vetusta Monumenta 2, Whitaker.
Didsbury : Chetham.
Furncss: Bolton. Chetham Society, Vetusta
Monumenta 1, West (T.).
Garstancj : Fishwick.
Goosnanjh : Fisliwick.
Kirkha m : Fisliwick.
Lancaster: Vetusta Momunonta 1.
Latham House : Hutchinson, Witt.
Liverpool : IJainos, Brooke, EuHekl, Guide,
Liverpool, ]\Ioore, Picton.
■ Potti'r;/ i)i : Mayer.
Lydiate Hall : (iibson (T. K.).
Manchester : Aikin, Axon, Clietlnun Soc, Goss,
(irindon, Mancliester, Owens Coll., Prentice,
Proctor, Baines (F. B.), Wliitaker.
Factory System : Schwabe.
Flo7-a of : Grinlield.
Penwortham : Chetham Soc.
Poulton-lc-Fylde : Fishwick.
llibchcster : Vetusta IMonumenta 1.
Eociidale : Molesworth (Hist, of E.), Baine (.J.).
Dialect : Baines, Collier.
Waverloio : Brierley.
Warrington : Beaumont, Chetham Soc.
Whalley and Clitheroc : Couchcr Book, Whit-
Dialect: Bobbin, Collier.
Folk-Lore : Hardwick, Harland.
Nonconformity of : Halley.
Songs: Waugh.
'Great Britain.'
LANDED ESTATES: Birkbeck (L.), Brown,
Cobden Club Ess. (1870), Cox, Cruikshank,
Finlaison, Macdonnel, Maine, Morton, Nasse,
Guvry, Parliament, Seeley, Stuart.
LAND-HOLDING: Arnold (A.), Bateman (J.),
Brodick (G. C), Caird (.Jas.), Field (C. D.),
Fisher (J.), Hanssen, Kay, Kinnear, Lefevre
(G. S.), Pari. Eeports (Landowners), Probyn,
Stein (L.), Thornton (W. T.), Walker (F. A.),
Wallace (A. E.), Wilson (A. J.).
Peasant Properties : Verney (Lady).
Common Lands : Hill (0.).
Germans (Eaely) : Boss (D. W.).
LANDSCAPE PAINTING: Barnard, Delamotte,
Gilbert (J.), Penley, Prout (S.).
DicTioNABiEs. See ' Dictionaries.'
Universal Geajimar, Origin of Language,
Comparative Tables, Geneb.\l Philology,
ETC. : Abel (C), Adelung, Arnauld, Balbi,
Bancel, Barnes, Beames, Becker, Bell, Benary,
Benfey, Bentham, Bleek, Bopp, Bosworth,
Brerewood, Brosses, Burnett, Chaignes,
Charma, Clairefond, Comenius, Cook (F. C),
Copineau, D'Alembert, Delbriick, Destutt,
Dorow, Drummond, Dwight, Egger, Fader,
Farrar, Forster, Gebelin, Gilbart, Gilchrist,
Grammar, Grimm, Gyll, Harris, Hermann
(C), Hovelacque, Hoefer, Hugo, Humboldt,
Hutchinson (C. H.), Kavanagh, Kelle, Ken-
nedy, Key, Larchey, Latham, Lazarus,
Lazarus and Steinthal, Lcibnitius,Lenormant,
Manitius, Marcel, Marsden, Marsh, Mitford,
Monboddo, Miiller (F.), Miiller (F. M.), Noir6,
Novara, Oppert, Papillon, Pezzi, Philology
(Journal of), Pictet, PortBoyal,Pott, Priestley,
Bask, Baumer (E.), Eeehorst, Benau, Eevue
de Philologie, Eheiuisches Museum, Sayce,
Schlegel, Schleicher, Schrader, Steinthal,
Stoddart, Teuffel, Tooke (Home), Welcker,
Welsford, Whiter, Whitney, Wilkins.
Language and Mythology : BrC'al.
Akuican : Cust.
Abyssinian (Aboriginal Tribes) : Salt.
Egyptian : 15onfey, Jablonski, Spohn.
Guinea : Koler.
luijjir : Appleyard.
Moza)nhiquc : Bleek.
Nubian: Lepsius.
Nyamwezl : Steere.
Schambula : Steere.
S wall Hi: Steere.
Tourgliee and Ghadamscc : llichardson.
Yao : Steere.
Yoruba : Bowen, Crowther.
Asiatic: Dissertations, etc. : Bochart, Davids,
Dorn, Bichardson.
The European Alphabet applied to : Marsden,
Miiller (F. M.), Volney, Williams (M.).
Cuneiform: Eawlinson, Smith (G.), Tracts
Palestine : Philological.
China : Douglas (E. K.), Edkins.
Semitic, Aryan, and Turanian : Halevy, Martin
(Sir W.), Miiller (F. Max), Bonan.
Inuia : Cust, Dowson, Forbes, Jarrett, Yule.
Melanesia : Codrington.
Gra:«mars, etc., of Particular Languages :
Afghan : Eaverty.
Arabic: Ebn Malek, Ewald, Paris, Palmer,
Sacy, Schier, Socin, Volney, Wright (W.).
Armenian : Petermann.
Aryan (India) : Beames, Bourke, Pezzi.
Non-Aryan (India) : Hunter.
Assyrian: Oppert, Sayce.
Burmese : Judson.
Chinese : Bridgman, Davis, Morrison.
Hebrew: Bernard (H. H.), Delitzsch, Ewald,
Gesenius, Griifenhahn, Home, Lee, Philipps,
Stuart, Volney, Wesley 14.
Hindustani : Palmer (E. H.).
Japanese: Chamberlain.
Kau'i : Humboldt.
Kurd : Garzoni.
Malagasy : Parker (G. W.).
Malay : Marsden.
Mantchou : Langles.
Pali: Miiller (E.).
Pdrsl : Spiegel.
Persian : Barretto, Jones, Palmer (E. H.).
Phcenician : Bayer, Gesenius.
Russian : Fuchs, Eeiff.
Sanscrit : Adelung, Benfey, Bopp, Edgren,
Jarrett, Kellner, Muir (J.), Miiller (F. M.),
Perry, Schleicher, Small, Soupe, Williams
(M.), Wilson.
Syriac : Cowpcr, Etheridge, Michaelis.
Tartar : Eemusat.
Turanian : Lenormant.
Turkish : Arnold (E.), Barker, Davids.
Zend : Aucher, Bopp, Bask.
Polynesl^n, Maori, etc. : Belcher, Mariner,
Williams (W.).
European : .\rndt, Murray, Schleicher.
Words (on the Senses of): Blackley, Chavee,
Festus, Priscian, Varro.
Alphabets : Haldcman, Key, Knight, Lepsius,
Greek (Critical Works) : Bachmann, Bekkcr,
Blackie (J. S.), Blass, Bi3ckh, Burton, Butt-
mann, Comparetti, Curtius, Danz, Donaldson,
Freudenthal, Gregorius, Hermann (Gotfr.),
Lersch, Miiller, Papillon, Pcile, Philological,
Porson, Port Eoyal, Eutherford, Sylburgius,
Trendelenbcrg, Vigerus.
Accents : Chandler (H. W.).
Grammars: Dindorf, Goodwin (W. W.),
Hadley, Hamilton (H. G.), Jelf, Key, Kiihner,
Kusterus, Lennep, Lobeck, Matthia% Eost,
Hchleicher, Thiersch, TroUope, Wesley 10,
Metres : Burney, Dindorf, Draco, Hephajs-
tion, Hermann, Porson, Usener.
Pronunciation : Beza, Ceratinus, Cheke,
Erasmus, Gardiner, Havercanipus, Penning-
ton, Schmidt.
Ellipses : Bos.
Pelasgi {Language of) : Marsh.
Romaic or Modern Greek : Contopoulos,
David, Geldart, Vlachos.
Indo-European : Bopp, Pott, Schleicher.
Latin : Donaldson, Ellis (A. J.), Fuchs, Func-
cius, Greenlaw, Key, Kiihnast, Kurschat,
Latins Ling. Auct., Lilye, Miiller, Niigels-
bach, Nizolius, Papillon, Peile, Pompeius
Festus, Port Royal, Schleicher, Teuffel, Tm--
sellinus, Varro, Voss, Wordsworth (J.).
Etruscan : Corssen, Donaldson, Ellis (R.),
Lanzi, Mommsen, Tracts (Taylor).
Early Latin : Mommsen. See ' Inscriptions.'
Grammars : Greenland, Key, Madvig,
Priscianus, Roby, Ruddiman, Voss, Walch,
Wesley 14, Zumpt.
Latin Prommciation : Corssen, Erasmus.
Affinities of Greek, Latin, Gothic, etc. : Bopp,
Grimm, Jamieson, Kennedy.
Mediaval Latin: Diefenbach. See 'Diction-
Eomance : Craig, Diez, Laveleye, Lewis, Kay-
nouard, Roquefort, Schuchardt, Suchier,
Italian : Bartolini, Bembo 4, Blanc, Caix,
Corssen, Fauriel, Gherardini, Grassi, Morand.
Grammar : Baretti, Elwes, Gherardini,
Tergolina, Vergani, Zotti.
and French Synonyms : Ferrari.
Corsican : Benson (R.).
S^yanish : Baretti, Cormon, Delmar, Grammar,
Martinez, Pacheco, Siscar.
Portuguese : Grauert.
Basque : Erro, Geze, Larramendi, L'Ecluse,
Old French : Aubertin, Bartsch, Craig, La-
combe, Metivier, Paris (G.), Raynouard,
Roquefort, Schlegel.
French: Darmesteter, Dictionnaire, Duclos 9,
Fallot, Leber, Littre, Loiseau, Melanges,
Manage, Morand, Palsgrave, Wey.
Grammar: Brachet, Brintemann, Cobbett,
Condillac, Didot, Duclos, Duvivier, Paulmy
19, 20, Pellissier, Wall (C. H.), Wesley 14.
Synonyms : D'Alembert, Ferrari, Guizot,
Homonyms : Zlatagorski.
. Idioms : Champollion, Larchey, Schnaken-
Provengal: Bemmell.
Celtic : Bullet, Davis, Duclos 9,Ebel, Edwardes,
Latour, Legonidec, Schuchardt, Zeuss.
Cymraeg. See ' Welsh.'
Gaelic : Bourke, Kelly, Mackay (C), Shaw,
Irish: Joyce, O'Donovan, Vallaneey, Windisch.
Welsh: Edeyrn, Lhuyd, Rhys, Roberts (G.),
Spurrel, Williams (ap Ithel). See 'Wales.'
Teutonic : Bezzenberger, Grimm, Helfenstein,
Kelle, Lebrocquy.
Anglo-Saxon : Barnes (W.), Bosworth, Elstob,
Ettmiiller, Grein, Hickes, Junius, Koch, Leo,
March, Miitzner, Rask, Skeat, Sweet, Vernon.
Early English (Specimens, etc.) : E. E. Text
Soc, Ellis, Hume (Alex.), Levins, Miitzner,
Morris, Oliphant (T. L. K.), Skeat.
English, Contributions to the History of:
Chambers, Craik, Earle, Ellis's Specimens,
Fleming, Fowler, Free, French, Hunt, Key,
Latham, Marsh, Meiklejohn, Morris, Miiller,
Oliphant, Saintsbury, Skeat, Storm.
. Grammars : Abbott (' Shaksperian '), Bain,
Cobbett, Fiedler, Fowler, Gostwick, Goulburn,
Head, Johnson, Koch (C. F.), Latham,
Matzner, Mason, Priestley, Thring, Wesley
14, Williams.
English Critical and Etymological Works :
Alford, Baker, Barnes, Breen, Crombie, De
Vere, Ellis, Fearn, Fleming, Hall, Hare,
Harrison, Hoare, Hodgson (W. B.), Jahrbuch,
Jones, Mackay, Moon, Nares, Odell, Pegge,
Potter, Richardson, Smith (C. J.), Talbot,
Tooke, Trench, Wedgwood, Weisse, Welsford,
White (R. G.), Wood (H. T. W.).
Synonyms : Crabb, Piozzi, Roget, Smith
(C. J.), Taylor (W.), Trusler, Whately.
Popular Phrases : Ker (H. B.).
Provincialisms : English Dialect Soc,
Huntley (R. W.), Jackson (G. F.), Jennings,
Nail, Waugh. See ' Dictionaries (English
Provincialisms) , ' and also the several Counties.
Scottish : Paterson, Scotticisms, Sinclair.
Highlands : Blackie (J. S.).
Americanisms : Bartlett, Scheie de Vere.
Scandinavian : Hickes, Miinch, Rask.
Old Norse (Icelandic) : Bayldon, Cleasby,
Rask, Skeat.
Gothic : Bernhardt, Bopp, Braune, Gaugengigl,
Kelle, Stamm, Ulfilas.
Old Saxon : Heliand, Schmeller.
Danish : Hagerup, Rask.
German :
History of, etc. : Benecke, Grimm, Hoff-
mann, Pischon, Scherer, Suchenwirt, Wachter.
Old High : Braune, Graff, Grimm.
-I — Middle High : Benecke, Grimm.
Grammar : Boileau, Bopp, Grimm, Strauss.
Synonyms : Eberhard.
Place Names : Bender.
Dutch : Marshall, Sewel.
Connection of Germanic Tongues : Bosworth,
Helfenstein, Kelle, Miiller (Max), Schleicher.
Swedish : Brunnmark, Sjoborg.
Bohemian : Dobrowsky, Rosa.
Finnish : Kellgren.
Lapponic : Hire, Lindahl, Tromholt.
Albanian : Dozon, Hahn.
Slavonic : Dianiska, Eichoff, Frohlich, Reiff,
Rosa, Tracts 174.
Hungarian : Block, Bowring, Czink, Singer.
Magyar and Ugrian : Tracts (Clarke).
Romany (English Gypsy) : Ascoli, Borrow, Le-
American :
Mexico — Aztecs : Buschmann.
Dakota Language : Riggs.
Temahuq : Freeman.
American-Asiatic : Platzmann.
Nicaraguan : Brinton (D. G.).
Polynesian : Belcher, Mariner, Williams.
Spellixg : Brewer (E. C), Gladstone (J. H.).
Latin Names, Surnames, and Pseudonyms :
Franklin (A.).
See' Dictionaries,' 'Ethnology,' 'Hieroglyphics,*
'Palaeography,' 'Writing.'
LANGUEDOC : Astruc, Lavalette, Vic et Vaissette.
LAPLAND : Acerbi, Aubel, Brooke, Buch, D'Alvi-
ella, Du Chaillu (1880), Everest, Hutchinson,
Linnffius, Mackinnon, Milford, Morrice (1881),
Schetfer, Vincent (1881).
LA PLATA. See ' Argentine Republic'
Its Uses : Lathe.
Peinciples, Philosophy, etc. : Amos, Austin,
Bautain, Beccaria, Bluntschli, Broom, Bruns,
Daguesseau 12, Heron, Jurisprudentia, Legal
Profession, Lerminier, Lorimer, Maine,
Markby, Matter, Meyer, Monahan, Montes-
quieu, Pauhny 9, 10, Phillimore, Slater,
Stirling, Warnkonig, Warren.
Egyptian : Bevillout.
Gbecian : Basilicorum Libri LX., Butler, Ler-
minier, ]\Ieier, Platner, Plato.
Athenian Laio of Inheritance : Bunsen.
Ancient Law : Maine.
EoMAN OK Civil : Abdy, Amos, Bravard, Butler
(C), Cicero, Codex, Corpus, Daguesseau,
Demangeat, Dirksen, Domat, Gains, Gravina,
Halifax, Heineccius, Hugo, Hunter (W. A.),
Invernizius, Justinianus, Mace, Maine, Mac-
kenzie, Mommsen, Ortolan, Phillimore, Rhoer,
Savigny, Sigonius 5, Taylor (J.), Troplong, Ul-
pianus, Warnkonig, Veyri^res, Zimmern.
Feudal and Northern : Butler (C), Cancianus,
Cragius, Dalrymple, Fuero, Grimm, Lex
Salica, Meyftr, Nicolson, Savigny, Veuillot,
Assises de Jerus-^lem : Assises, Cancianus.
Of the Goths, Saxons, Angli, etc : Cancianus,
Lambard, Wilkins.
Of the Franks and Lombards : Baluzius, Can-
cianus, Merkel, Mignet.
Law of Nations : Alabama, Archives, Bentham
4, Calvo, Creasy, Droit, Dumont, Ferguson
(J. H.), Foelix, Furneaux, Grotius, Gumpach,
Hall (W. E.), Halleck, Harcourt, Heffter,
Hosack, Kennedy, Kent, Kliiber, Leone, Lewis,
Mably, Maclean, Manning, Martens, Philli-
more, Pratt, Proudhon, Puffendorf, Reddie,
Eevue, Savigny, Seebohm, Selden 1, Twiss,
Vattel, Ward, Westlake, Wharton, Wheaton,
Wildman, Woolsey.
Collection of Cases Relative to : Bigelow, Coke,
Martens, Robinson's Admiralty Reports.
Maritime : Croke, Cussy, De Burgh, Gessner,
Hautefeuille, Johnstone (H.), Munro, Reddie,
Reeves, Ricardo, Sea, Selden, Wendt.
See ' Diplomacy,' ' Treaties.'
CoMMERci.Ui Law : Leake, Levi, Reddie, Shelford.
Ceimin.UiLaw : Amos, Beccaria, Bentham, Cottu,
Cox (E. W.), Criminal, Criticisms, DuBoys,
Franck, Law, Livingston (E.), Ludlow, Re-
ports, Romilly, Stephen (.J. F.), Thring.
Law of Criminal Conspiracies : Wright.
Law of Adulterine Bastardy : Nicolas.
Common Law: Hall (R.), Smith (J. W.), Tracts
Copyhold : Coke.
Copyright : Copinger, Fraser, Leisz, Pari. Re-
ports, Philipps, Reade, Shortt, Tracts 129,
Tracts (Internat.), Turner.
American : Wheaton.
Law of Domicil : Dicey.
Evidence : Bentham, Forsyth, Phillimore,
Stephen (J. F.), Wills (W.).
Debt : Taylor.
Game Laws : Martineau, Pari. Report, Paterson,
Law of Inheritance : Chambers, Elton, Gans,
Hargrave, Talbot Case, Westoby.
Land Laws : Brichdale, Pollock (F.). See
Law of Landlord and Tenant : Fawcctt.
Law concerning Lunatics : Shelford.
Leasehold Enfranchisement : Broadhurst.
Liquor Law : Paterson.
Juries: Aignan, Biener, Brunner, Erie, Forsyth»
Liberty of the Subject : Paterson.
Licensing : Licensing, Paterson.
Patents : Carpmael, Patents, Turner.
Parish : Burn.
Poor : Archbold, Bartlcj', Peek.
Tenures : ]5eale, Blount, Elton, Mackay (H.
W. ]5.), Rc])orts, St. Leonards, Scratchley,
Stewart, Williams.
Riot Law : Wise.
Marti.u. Law : D'Aguilar, Finlason, Tovey.
Duties of Advocates, Attorneys, etc. : Cox,
Forsyth, Harris (R.), O'Brien, Professional,
Smith (J. W.), Warren.
On Going to Law : Williams (A. J.),
Civil Procedure : Roscoe (E. S.).
Equity JuRisPRri>ENCE : Smith (J. W.).
High Court of Justice : Prentice (S.).
Law of Sheriffs' Court (London) : Sheriff.
Executors: Williams (Vj. V.).
Curiosities of Law: Heard (F. F.), James (C).
Of England and Wales :
Ancient : Black Book, Bracton, Britton, Flota,
Glanvilla, Kelham, Madox, Phillips, Records,
Spelman, Wilkins, Wotton.
Statute Law, Codification, etc. : Acts, Amos,
Bentham, Dwarris, Hale, Reports, Statutes.
Abridgments, Commentaries, etc. : Aird, Amos,
Bacon (N.), Bedford (E. H.), Biddle, Black-
stone, iiritish Liberties, Broom, Cabinet
Lawyer, Coke, Cohiuhoun, Cowel, Fortescue,
Healcy, Hobbcs G, Jacobs, Luders, Martin,
Oughton, St. Leonards, Selden, Sharp, Smith
(J. W.), Ste))hcn, Warren.
Historij and General Treatises : Anstey, Brou-
gham, Dugdalc, Finlason, Forsyth, (irimmer,
Hallam, Hamilton (A. H. \.), Hawkc, Law
Magazine, Law Review, Parkes, Pari. Reports,
Reeves, Statutes, Tellkampf, Walton, Wil-
liams, Wilson (Sir R. K.), Yeatman.
Of Scotland : Hume, Innes (.\. T.), Innes (C),
Maclaurin, Moylan, Skenajus, Stuart.
English and Scotch Law Compared : Paterson
French Law Compared : Glasson, Rey.
Of Ireland : Ancient Laws.
Of France :
A?icient : Baluzius, Beaumanoir, Cancianus,
Hoiiard, Isambert, Leber 4, Lehuerou, Oliui
(ou les Rogistres), Ordounances.
Les Cinq Codes : Codes.
General Treatises : Camus, Fleury, Guerry,
Jourdan, Paillet, Pinheiro-Ferreira, Rcnouard.
Trials : Berquier, Causes Celebres, Choiscul,
Dumas, Ketschcndorf, Lachaud, Young.
Of Nor:mandy : Floquet, Hoiiard.
Of Italy, Sicily, etc. : Cancianus, Codice,
Leggi, Statuta.
Of the Slavs : Demcrlic.
Of Spain : Franckcnau, Fuero, Jo36.
Of Germany : Cancianus, Codice, Germany,
Grimm, Kliiber, Michaelis, Schulte, Trummer,
Falk Laws : Victim.
Of Switzerland : Meyer.
Of United States, America : Holmes (0. W.),
Kent, Livingston (E.), Reports, Story.
S.Uiic : Lex Salica.
Asiatic :
Hindoo : Craufurd, Gcbelin, Jones (W.) 3, Mac-
naghten, Maurice, Niiradiya.
GcntiM : tialhed.
Mahometan: Hamilton, Jones (W.) 3, Mcic-
naghten, Worms.
Persian : Ayeen.
Of Tamerlane : Timour.
Chinese Penal Code : Staunton.
HchrcxD : Benny, Jennings, Michaelis, Misclina,
Selden, Spencerus.
African :
Kafir : Maclean.
Canon Law ;
Systcvis and Treatises : Blunt, Bohmer, Bul-
'larium, Butler (C), Corpus, Decretum, Espen,
Maassen, Ov.-en (E.), Thomassinus, Walter,
African Church : Codex, Piatt, Tattam.
France : Eecueil.
Reformed Chxirchcs : Aymon, Quick.
England : Ayliffe's ' Parergon,' Burn, Cardwell,
Cripps, Gibson, Johnson (J.), Lyndewood,
Eeformatio, Eeformation, Spelman.
Ecclesiastical Courts : Brodrick, Brook, Hag-
gard, Judgments, Pari. Eeports, Phillimore.
See 'Church,' 'Councils,' 'Law.'
LEARNING : Bacon, Baker, Glanvill, Juvencius,
Mencken, Swift, Temple, Wotton.
LECTURES: Clifford (W. K.), Kingsley (C),
Pollock (W. H.), Poynter, Prestwich, Rigault,
Ruskin, St. James's, Stirling.Trench, Vaughan
(H. H.).
See the various subjects.
LEGENDS : Baring-Gould, Brown (R.), Ceresole,
Comparetti, Constans, Craig, Croker, Grimm,
Guthrie (J. C), Hazlitt (W. C), Horstmaiin,
Kreuzwald, Lavergne (J. 0.), Maccall, Mat-
thews (C), Maury, Musffius, Pfeiffer (F.),
Raszmann, Richter, Rochholz, St. German,
Schoebel, Schulz, Senart, Seguin, Westall,
Wilson (H. S.), Wright (G. R.), Zinzow.
Naval and Military : Bassett, Fiev^e.
See 'Edda,' ' Fairy'Tales,' 'Folk-Lore,' 'Sagas,'
' Superstitions,' ' Tradition.'
Treatises on : Bentham, Clifford, Comte, Con-
stant, Filangieri, Gneist, Hirsch, Lerminier,
Locke, Mably, Pastoret, Savigny. Sec ' Laws.'
LEICESTERSHIRE : Beauties of E. and W., Cox,
Aston Flamville : Nichols' Bibl. Top. 7.
Bosworth : Hutton.
Hinckley : Nichols' Bibl. Top. 7.
Leicester, St. Martin's : North.
Words, Proverbs, etc. : Evans.
Flora of : Leicestershire.
English: Adams (J.), Aikin (Lucy), Alexander,
Alford, Ascham, Atterbury, Bentley, Berkeley,
Bolingbroke, Boswell, Bullar, Bulstrode,
Bulwer, Burke, Burns, Carew, Carter, Cart-
wright, Cecil, Chalmers, Chamberlain, Chan-
ning, Chatham, Chesterfield, China, Chorley,
Christ Church, Coleridge, Collingwood,
Combe, Cowper, Craven, Denison, Dobell,
Donne, Downing, Ellis, Emerson, Erskine,
Fanshaw, Fitzosborne, Forney, Forster, Fox,
Franklin, Gordon, Graham, Grant, Gray,
Grenville, Hamilton, Haydon, Hearne, Her-
schel, Horner, Howard, Howell, Hunt, Irving,
Jebb, Junius, Keats, Kingsley, Lamb, Lee,
Letters, Lewis, Lytton, Malmesbury, Martyn,
Minto, Montagu, Morgan (Lady), Morris,'
Mundy, Nicolson, Parker, Paston, Piozzi,
Priestley, Raikes, Raine, Ray, Reed (E. J.),
Richardson, Rigby, Rowel, Russell, Seton,
Seward, Sidmouth, Steele, Storv, Suffolk,
Swift, Temple, Thirlwall, Ussher,' Wakefield,
Walpole, Wilberforce, AVilliams (H.), Wodrow,
Wollstonecraft, Wood (Mrs. M.), Wylie.
German : Beethoven, Bettina, Bernays, Bis-
marck, Bliicher, Bonstetten, Borne, Chamisso,
Donnersmarck, Elizabeth Charlotte (Herz. v.
Orleans), Frese, Friederich, Gass, Gentz,
Goerres, Goethe, Grimm, Hagen, Hamann,
Heine, Herder, Hiller, Humboldt, Jacobi,
Joseph II., Karl August, Kleist, Knebel,
Kuenzel, Leibnitz, Lessing, Luther, Mendels-
sohn, Merck, Mozart, Niebuhr, Polko,Piickler-
Muskau, Raumer, Riemer, Schelling, Schiller,
Schindler, Schlegel (Caroline von), Schleier-
macher, Schneider, Vandevelde, Varnhagen
von Ense, Wallenstein, Winckelmann. See
' Goethe-Literature.'
French : Aiss6, Angeloni, Argens, Balzac,
Beranger, Bernis, Bossuet, Bussy-Rabutin,
Cabilleau, Calvin, Campori, Catesby, Caylus,
Chateauvieux, Chaulieu, Colbert, Comte,
Condorcet, Constant, Custine, D'Alembert,
Daydie, Delacroix, Descartes, Desnoyers,
Diderot, Dollfuss, Doudan, Duclos, Du Def-
fand, Dufour, Dunoyer, Dlipanloup, Epinay,
Faucher, Fenelon, Feuillet-de-Conches,
Flechier, Forgues, Gachard, Galiani, Gel-
lion, Gerando, Granvelle, Grimm, Gu6rin,
Ideville,- Joubert, La Harpe, Lamennais,
Lanfrey, Laurette, Leibnitz, Lespinasse,
Lettres, Maintenon, Maistre, Malboisi^re,
Mallet, Marie- Antoinette, Medicis (Cath. de),
M^rim^e, Mirabaud, Montaigne, Montalem-
bert, Napoleon I., Orleans, Ossat, Pascal,
Patin, Philippe II., Pompadour, Poniatowski,
Rabaut, Racine, Reboul, Rigaud, Rocca,
Rodex, Roland, Rousseau, Rousselin, Rubens,
Sabran, Saint-Arnaud, Sainte-Beuve, Sand,
Schwetchine, Sevign^, Sismondi, Tencin, Toc-
queville, Ursins, Voiture, Voltaire.
Italian : Algarotti, Azeglio, Baretti, Bembo,
Calvi, Caro, Caterina, Cavour, Clement XIV.
(Ganganelli), Foscolo, Galileo, Gozzi, Meta-
stasio, Monti, Petrarca, Porto, Sarjji, Segneri.
Latin : Bonifacius, Cicero, Epistolse, Graia
Gregorius, Grosseteste, Grotius, Hus, Hutten,
Innocentius, Joannes, Languet, Leo, Losinga,
Martyr, Melanchthon, Petrarca, Plinius, Pole
(Card.), Sadoletus, Sidonius Apollinaris.
Greek : Alciphron, Julian, Plato.
Papal: Thiol.
See ' Records.'
Collections of Letters : Bromley, Cornwallis,
Elegant Extracts, Ellis, Gaye, Gualandi,
Halliwell, Letter-writers, Lodge, Nardini,
Wood (Mrs.).
Love Letters : Cupid.
History of Letter-Writing : Massey, Roberts.
LEVANT, The : Blunt, Brown (J.), Burgess, Crowe,
Curzon, Depping, Fallmereyer, Hasselquist,
Lenormant, Lettres Edifiantes, Lucas, N6-
gociations, Newton, Perry, Roberts, St. John,
St. Sauveur, Shaw, Tournefort, Turner,
Watson, Young. See ' Palestine,' ' Turkey.'
LEVELLING : Weale's Series.
LIBERTY : Fouillee, Garrido, Maistre, Mazzini,
Mill, Rogers (J. E. T.), Tocqueville. See
'Government,' 'Representation,' 'Will.'
LIBRARIES, Accounts of: Black, Boston, Bot-
field, Boyne, Catalogues, Christie (R. C),
Clarke (W.), Dibdin, Dowse, Edwards, Hunter,
Jewett, Kershaw, Library Assoc. Trans.,
Macray, Mason (T.), Mullins, Murr, Palmer,
Paris, Pari. Reports, Penn (A.), Pettigrew,
Spilsbury, Stevens (H.), Taylor (Rev. W.),
Todd, United States. Sec ' Catalogues,'
' Bibliography,' ' British IMuscum.'
Feee Libkaeies : Greenwood (T.), Library Assoc.
LICHENS: Leighton, Lindsay (W. L.). See
' Botany.'
LIFE, Origin of, and Duration : Bastiat, Beale,
Carlisle, Chambers. Cohausen, Collins, Day,
Flourens,(iardner, Hartley, Hufeland, Huxley,
Ivernois (Tracts), Kitchener, Lankester,
Nervo, Paz, Ponton, Rambosson, Secret.
Phenomena : Bernard (C), Cyples, Edger.
Sec ' Biology,'. 'Diet,' 'Health.'
LIFE ASSURANCE. Sec 'Assurance.'
LIFE-BOAT, ETC. : Gilmore (J.), Lewis (R.).
LIFE-TABLES : Inwood, Willich.
LIGHT: Coddington, Goblet, Goethe, Hunt,
Lommel, Newton, Pereira, Russell (J. S.),
Sedgwick, Spottiswoode, Stokes (G. G.), Tait
(P. G.), Thomas (W. C), Tyndall, Winslow,
Woodward. Sec ' Optics.'
Electeic : Dredge, Du Moncel, Electric, Fon-
taine, Higgs, Maier. See ' Electricity,' ' Gas.'
LIGHTHOUSES, etc.: Adams, Ballantyne,
Edwards (E. P.), Pari. Reports, Stevenson.
LIGUE, The. See 'France.'
History : Derode.
LIMITS OF SCIENCE: Hamilton (Sir W.),
Kant, Lewes, Mansel, Maurice, Mill, Spencer
TopoGEAPHY : Allen, Beauties of E. and W.,
Cox 2, Domesday, Smith (C. G.).
Danes in Lincolxshiee : Streatfielde.
Axlwlme (Isle of) : Peck, Stonehouse.
Bedford Level : Bedford Level, Dugdale, Wells.
Boston : Thompson.
Caiideshoc ( Wapentake of) : Oldfield.
Croyland : English, Nichols' Bibl. Topog. 3.
Gainsborough : Stark.
Grantham : Turnor.
Heckington : Vetusta Monumenta 3.
Holland (Division of) : Lincolnshire.
Horncastle : Weir.
Lincoln : Vetusta Monumenta 1 and 3.
Cathedral : Storer.
. Bishopric of : Stark.
Scampton : Ulingworth.
Stamford : Peck.
Wainfleet: Oldtield.
Winterton and Boxhij : Vetusta Monumenta 2.
Ageicultdre : Agricultural Surveys.
Dialect of Lini^ay : Peacock (M.).
Landowners : Waters.
M.\N0Rs : Lacy.
Survey : Greenstreet.
LITERARY MEN (Traits of) : Coleridge (Biog.
Lit.), De Quincey, D'Israeli, Field, Jacox,
Morley, Pebody, Purnell. See ' Biography.'
Histoey and Criticism of : Afternoon Lectures,
Amiaere, Andres, Arnold, Baillet, Bibliothc^que,
Blount, Bougeault, Boyd, Boyes, Brunetiere,
Biirger, Catalogue of 500 Authors, Chasles,
Collet, Condorcet, Delepierre, Donaldson, Du-
prat, Eichhorn, Foscolo, Froude, Fuller, Gale,
Griisse, Gutzkow, Hallani, Hcttner, Honcgger,
Janin, Journal des Savants, .lullien, Kreysig,
La Harpe, Laixnte, Laun, Lecierc, Lcipziger
Reportorium, I^owull, McCarthy, Morlu)fius,
Mundt, Nichols, Nolicias, Posnett, Pui-ncll,
Sainte-Beuve, Sandys, Schercr, Schlogcl,
Schmidt, Scliwartz, Southcy, Staei, Stebbing,
Stirling (J. H.).
See ' Periodicals.'
Rkligion of : McCrie (G.).
Literauy Anecdotes, etc. : Almon, Ana, Au-
blet, Beloe, Corncy, Curwen, D'Israeli, Dunton,
(Hllics, Irailh, King, Lockhart, Mitford (Miss),
Nichols, Spence.
Greek : Aicyonius, Ampere, Baumgart, Bergk,
Bernhardy, Blackie, Bocckh, Boeclcrus, Bois-
sonnade, Bottiger, Burnouf, Cambridge Phil.
Museum, etc.. Classical Journal, etc., Cobet,
Collins (Anc. Classics), Creuzcr, Donaldson,
Gruter, Herder, Hermann, Jacobs, Jcvons
(F. B.), Mahafty, Meursius, Mnemosyne,
Mommsen, Miiller, Mure, Nicolai, Observa-
tiones, Osann, Philologus, Photius, Rangabe,
Schlegel, Schoell, Stobieus, Symonds, Tal-
fourd, Ulrici, Villemain, Villoison, Welckcr,
Wolf, Zeller.
Roman: Ampere, Biihr, Bergeron, Browne
(R. W.), Cambridge, Church (A. J.),
Classical, Closset, Collins (Anc. Classics),
CoUombet, Creuzer, Cruttwell, Donne, Dun-
lop, Eschenburg, Gcrlach, Ilarles, Heeren,
Herder, Hermann, Jahrbuch, Klotz, Mayor,
Mnemosyne, Munro, Nettlcship, Observa-
tiones, Osann, Schoell, Sellar, Simcox, Teuf-
fel, Zell.
Medi.eval: Beda, Berington, Berkenhout,
Bouterwek, Collombet, Daunou, Dunlop, Ellis,
Grimm, Hagen, Hallam, Haurcau, Heeren,
Justini, Kervyn, Kolbing, Lachmann, Lacroix,
Maitland, Nisard, Scheible, Sismondi, Stockl,
Stuttgart (Vereins Bibliothek), Vaughan.
Renaiss.ance : Lacroix, Reumont, Symonds.
See ' Philosophy,' ' Schoolmen.'
Sacred and Mythic : Hawkins (J. D.).
Eccleslastical : Cattermole, Cave, Collier, Dow-
ling, Dupin, Ebert, Keble, Kettleweli, Lay
Folks' Mass Book, Mohler, Orme, Oudin,
Modern : Althaus, Bock, Chasles, Eichliorn,
Feug^re, Griisse, Jordan, Kreysig, Livet, Me-
moirs, Michiels, Nichols, Scherer, Stahr,
Unsere Zeit.
See 'Periodicals.'
Comic : Ashby-Sterry, Brooks, Burnand, Carroll,
Champfleury, Cocaius, Colman, Cruikshank,
Delepierre, Ebsworth. Flogel, Fool's I'lrrand,
Forgues, Hamilton (W.), Hazlitt, Hood, Jcr-
rold (D.), Leigh, L'Estrange, Mahony (Rev.
F.), Mason (C. F.), Page (H. A.), Punch,
Scheible, Thackeray, Twain. See ' Jests.'
Anglo-Saxon : Alfred, Arnold, Barnes, Beowulf,
Bosworth, Bouterwek, Conybeare, Goodwin,
Grein, Inglis, Kemblc, Lindisfarne, Psalte-
rium, Thorpe, Wright (T.), Wiilcker.
Babylonian : Sayce.
Celtic : Arbois.
Early English : Arber, Brink, Clarke, Crofts,
Early English Text Society, Ellis, Furnivall,
Gest, Gomont, Gower, Grosart, Halliwcll,
Hazlitt, Jusserand, Langland, Miitzner, Met-
calfe, Morris, Miiller (T.), Perry, Robinson
(W. C), Roxburghe Club, Sandras, Schutz,
Scoones, Skeat, Taylor, Townsend, Wright.
English : Afternoon Lectures, Allibone, Angus,
Arnold, Arber's Reprints, Bale, Barot, Bas-
E E 2
com, Beljame, Bibliotheca, Blakey, Boyd
(W.), Breen, Brewer (E. C), Brooke (J. S.),
Browne (J.), Brydges, Burke, Cassell,
Chambers, Chasles, Chateaubriand, Chate-
lain, Chesterfield, Clarke (Ch. and M)., Cohn,
Coleridge, Collier, Courthope, Cradock, Craik,
Curll, Davies (J.), Demogeot, Dennis (J.),
D'Israeli, Dowden, Drake, Drummond, Duff
(Grant), Elegant Extracts, Fenn, Fields,
Fisher, Forsyth, Gillies, Godwin, Goldsmith,
Gosse, Graham, Grant, Greg (W. E.), Grey
(H.), Guizot, Haddan, Halliwell, Hannay,
Hare, Haywai'd, Hazlitt, Herbert (G.), Hippis-
ley, HoUingshead, Ireland, Jahrbiicher, Jeffer-
son, Jerdan, Johnson (Samuel), Jones (M.),
King (R. J.), Kingsley (C), Knight (C),
Lancaster (H. H.), Landor, Landscapes,
Langbaine, Lennox, Lyly, Macaulay, Macbeth,
M'Nicholl, Masson (D.),Mathias, Maty, Minto,
Montagu (Lady M. W.), Morell (J. M. D.),
Morley (H.), Morley (J.), Nichols, Nicolas,
Nugent, Ormsby, Paget (J.), Payne, Phillips,
Pitseus, Political, Porter (F. T.), Prefaces,
Provost, Redding, Reed, Reid, Retrospective
Review, Richardson, Rolfe, Schmidt, Shaw,
Smith (G. B.), Southey, Spalding, Spedding,
Stapfer, Stephen (L.), Stirling, Taine, Typical
Selections, Walford (E.), Walker (T.j, Welsh,
Willmott, Wilson (J.), Wright, Yonge.
Prologues and Epilogues : Prologues.
Scottish : Chambers, Complaynt of Scotland,
Hogg (Jas.), L-ving, Laing (D.), Leyden, Rit-
son, Rolland, Spalding Club.
Irish : Arbois, Kormak's Saga, Stokes.
Welsh : Arnold, Cambro-Briton, Cymmro-
dorion, Early English Text Society, Guest,
Lanier, Myvyrian, Schulz, Stephens (T.).
American : Allibone, Bartlett, Bryant, Chasles,
Gostwick, Griswold, Lowell, Nichol (J.),
Richardson (C. F.), Scheie de Vere, Simms,
Tyler, Wilkinson (W. C).
Bohemian : Wratislaw.
North of Europe : Altnordisch, Bowring, Camp-
bell, Dasent, Eddas, Gosse, Grimm, Horn,
Howitt, Leouzon, Otto, Sagas, Sturzenbacher,
Frisian : Oera Linda.
IcEL.AJNDic : Skirner.
Danish: Brunn, France (J.), Hjort, Schultze,
Slavonic, Russian, Bohemian, and Hungarian :
Bowring, Courri^re, Czvittingerus.Dobrowsky,
Dupuy, Hunflavy, Hungary, Knorring, Kreuz-
wald, Mickiewicz, OttO, Petrow, Pypin, Ral-
ston, Reinholdt, Robinson, Sichler, Vogiie,
Vorosmarty, Wallasky.
German : Austin, Bartsch, Bossert, Carlyle,
Carriere, Calvert, Demogeot, Denina, Falk,
Gervinus, Gostwick and Harrison, Gottschall,
Grasse, Grimm, Hagen, Herder, Hillebrand,
Hosmer, Koberstein, Kreysig, Lachmann, Les-
sing, Menzel, Metcalfe, Miiller (F.M.),Pfeiffer,
Pischon, Prutz, Raumer (Rud.), Rinne, Roscoe
(T.), Rosenkrantz, Saupe, Scherer, Schlegel,
Schmidt, Schwab, Sime, Soiling, Stahr, Stutt-
gart Vereins Bibl., Taylor (W.), Teuffel,
Thimm, ' Unsere Zeit,' Varnhagen, Vilmar.
Dutch: Brink, Hatin, Hoffmann von Fallers-
leben, Koenig, Nederlandsche Letterkunde
(Vereen. voor).
Swiss : Morikofer.
Flemish : Delepierre, Foppens, Kausler, Paquot,
French : Albert, Amey, Ampere, Baillet, Bancel,
Baron, Berger, Bersot, Beyle, Broglie,
Caboche, Champsaur, Chasles, Cherbuliez,
Chenier, Colombey, Courier, Craufurd, De-
mogeot, Deschamps, Desmoulins, Desnoires-
terres, Deumier, Diderot, Dinaux, Doudan,
Duprat, Dusolier, Egger, Favre, Flotte, Four-
nel, France (Public Instruction), Gellion-
Dangler, Genlis, Gerusez, Girardin, Goujet,
Granier, Guizot, Hatin, Haussonville, James
(H.), Janin, Kreysig, Laun, Louandre, Mas-
son, Maurice, Mayrargues, Merlet, Meyer,
Moland, Montaigne, Morley, Musset, Nisard,
Nodier, Potvin, Puibusque, ' Revue des Deux
Mondes,' Sabatier, Sainte-Beuve, Sand,
Sayous, Schaeffer, Scherer, Staaf, Stapfer,
Taine, Tassin, ' Unsere Zeit,' Vapereau, Ville-
main, Vinet, Voiture, Voltaire, Werdet, Wrax-
all. See ' Periodicals.'
Humourists : Besant.
Provenr^al and the Troubadours : Bartsch,
Cavillier, Fauriel, Hueffer, Mary-Lafon, Ray-
nouard, Sainte-Palaye, Schlegel, Sismondi.
Middle Ages : Ampere, Chatelain, Cox and
Jones, Diez, Guibal, Meril, Michel, Stuttgart
Verein, Villemain.
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries : Albert,
Bachaumont, Barante, Faguet, Fournel,
Freron, Reymond, Villemain, Vinet.
It.ullan : Agostini, Andres, Baretti, Bartoli,
Bottari, Carducci, Cecchi, Comparetti, Con-
stanti, Corniani, Demogeot, Fauriel, Ferucci,
Foscolo, Gallenga, Gamba, Ginguen^, Koert-
ing, Landau, Lombardi, Maffei, Mestica, Oza-
nam, Pulci, Roux, Simpson, Sismondi, Tira-
boschi. Vidua, Villari, Zumbini.
Poetry : Crescimbeni, Muratori, Quadrio.
Of Venice : Foscarini.
Of Corsica : Benson.
Spanish : Alvarez, Bouterwek, Caicedo, Castro,
Chasles, Clarus, Dalboquerque, Demogeot,
Dozy, Hubbard, Latour, Lewes, Puibusque,
Puymaigre, Sismondi, Southey, Tioknor,
Wolf (F.).
Poetry : Bowie, Bowring, Kennedy, Lockhart,
Portuguese : Bouterwek, Fonseca, Loiseau,
Portuguese, Sismondi, Wolf (F.).
Of Brazil : Wolf.
Eastern : Ampere, Assemannus, Burder, Eich-
horn, Garcin de Tassy, Hakayit-AbduUa,
Haug, Hawkins (J. D.), Herbelot, Jarrett,
Jones (Sir W.), Oriental Trans. Fund, R6mu-
sat, Sacy, Schlegel.
Jewish : Bartolocci, De Rossi, Eichhorn, Ewald,
Friedliinder, Fiirst, Gray, Kitto, Koecher,
Mendelssohn, Molitor, Rothschild, Sharpe.
See ' Jews.'
Sanscrit : Adelung, Bhagavad-Gita, Colebrooke,
Goldstiicker, Hu, Jones (Sir W.), Muir, Miiller
(F. M.), Poor, Ramayan, Soup6, Weber, Wilson
(H. H.).
Hindostance : Dowson, Enault, Garcin, Ward.
Pali : FausboU.
Arabic : Anthologie, Azz-Eddin, Sacy.
Persian : Herbelot, Hyde, Jones (Sir W.),
Malcolm, Oriental Trans. Fund, Zoroaster.
Turkish : Barker, Toderini.
Armenian : Neumann.
Syriac : Cureton, Etheridge.
Chinese : Bazin-Aime,Bridgman, Chinese, Con-
fucius, Davis, Douglas, Edkins, Giles (H.
A.), lu-Kiao-li, Julien, Kidd, Legge, Marshman,
Medhurst, Meng Tseu, Milne, Morrison, Percy.
Ancient Babylonian : Chwolson, Rawlinson,
Smith (G.).
Of Negroes : Gregoire.
Sec ' Bibliograijhy,' ' Drama,' ' Fiction,' ' Lan-
guage,' ' Kovels,' ' reriodicals,' ' roetry,'
' Press.'
LITHOGRAPHY : Every, Itichmond.
LITHOLOGY: Burnham, Dana (J. D.), Jones
(W.), Stifter, Streeter.
LITURGIES: Basil, Blunt, Bode, Bona, lirctt,
Daniel, Denton, Gregorius Magnus, llani-
mond, Klotz, Leo 2, Liturgies, Mavtenc,
Maskell, Nealc, Palmer, Ranke, Reiuiudot,
Eobles, Rock, Surtees Hoc, Swainson, Taylor,
Tracts for the Times, Warren, Zacearia.
Of the Chuuch of England : Baxter 15,
Blakeney, Book of C. P., Brogden, Bunsen,
Card well. Cousin, Hall (P.), Lathbury,
L'Estrange, Liturgia>, Liturgies, Maurice, Pal-
mer, Selborne, Shepherd, Sparrow, Stephens,
Vaughan, Whiston.
Book of Common Pkayer : Luckock, Pecock,
Conferences on its Revision : Cardwell.
071 the Rubrics : Harrison, Sharpc.
Okdination : Estcourt (E. E.), Woodford (J. R.).
Ancient German Liturgy : Gerbcrt.
Ancient French : Delisle.
LIVONIA: Buddeus, Eckhardt, Hceneke, Kruse,
Livonia, Rigby. See ' Russia.'
Firth, Local, Pari. Reports, Rathbone, Stein
(Dr. L.), W^oolrych, Wright (R. S.).
LOCUSTS: Ludolfus.
LOGIC : Charma, Fowler, Garden, Harms, Hin-
ton, Liard, Naville, Prantl, Reid, Robertson,
Sidgwick, Stebbing, Thompson, Ueberweg,
Venn. See ' Dialectics.'
Elements, Systems of, etc : Aldrich, Aristotle,
Bailey, Bain, Barret (T. S.), Bartholinus,
Baynes, Belsham, Bentham, Blakey, Blunde-
ville, Bouhours, Boole, Bosanquet, Bowen,
Bradley, Brerewood, Burgersdicius, Chretien,
Coke, Condillac, Crackanthorp, Crousaz,
Damiron, Davidson (W. L.), De Morgan,
Destutt de Tracy, Duncan, Elementa,
Fuller, Gassendi, Grammatica, Hamilton,
Hegel 3-5, Hobbes, Hypomnemata, Jevons,
Kant 1, Karslake, Keckermann, Keynes,
Leibnitz 2, Logic, Logica, Mansel, Mill,
Milton 2, Oldmixon, Port Royal, Sanderson,
Sidgwick, Smith (J. R.), Stier, Summa, Tren-
delenburg, Wallis, Watts, Wesley 14, Whatcly,
Wundt, Zabarella.
See ' Metaphysics,' ' Oratory,' ' Rhetoric'
LOMBARDY : Barrow, Bruner, Canti, Dino, Gro-
tius, Jornandes, Paulus Diaconus, Pertz,
Testa. See Italy.'
History, Topography, Antiquities, etc. : Amicis,
Arnold, Arundell, Beames, Beauties of E. and
W., Bosanquet, Brady, Brayley, Brinklow,
Britton, Chronicles, City Biography, Crosland,
Cunningham, Delaune, Display, Dorau, Elmes,
Emerson, Entick, Farjeon, Freeman, Gaird-
ner, Grant, Greenwood, Hare, Hatton, High-
more, Hollingshead, Howard, HowcU, Howitt,
Hughson, Hunt, Janin, Jesse, Kelly, Kcmpc,
Knight, Lambert, Lemon, Leverington, Loftie,
London, Lysons, Macculloch, Mackay, Mait-
land, Malcolm, Matthews, Michel, 'Motley,
Newton, Noorthouck, Norton, Old London,
Orridge, Pennant, Percy, Pike, Price, Riley,
Ritchie, Rush, Sala, Schlesinger, Seymour,
Smith (J. T.), Stow, Thornbury, Timbs,
Vandorkiste, Vetusta Mouumenla 2, Victor,
Walford (E.), Walker, Warburton, Woalc,
Wey, Wheatley, \\'hittington. Woodcock,
Goveunmknt of: Firth, Tracts (London).
Maps of: Agas, Bacon (G. W.), Langley and
Belch, London, Wyngaerde.
Guides : Baedeker, London, Rousselet.
Reconstruction : Wcstgarlh.
Early Period : Arnold, Croiiiques, Liber AlbUB,
London, Old London, Riley, Smith (C. R.).
Ecclesiastical: Purge, Dugdale, Gwilt, Jones
(H.), London, Mackmurdo, Newcourt, Pater-
son, Storor, Walker, Wilson, Wood (Alex.).
Livery Companies : Arber, Arundell, I3r(^ntano,
Coopers' Company, Cootc (IL C), Herb(!rt,
Merchant Taylors', Mildmay, Nicholl, Smith
(J. T.).
GoQ AND Maooo, Pageants, etc : Fairholt,
London, Lord Mayor, Morley, Peele.
The Tower : Bayley, Bell (D." C), Bennett, De
Ros, Dixon, Hewitt, Vetusta Monumental, 4.
Schools, Cil\rities, etc : Brewer, Brownlow,
London, Low, Smythe.
The Plague, Great Fire and Storm : City
Remembrancer, Defoe, Hodges, London,
Police Statistics, etc : 13ills, Colipihoun,
Dutton, Greenwood, Howard, Metropolitan,
Pari. Reports, Prestwich, Stallurd, Tracts
148-50. See ' Poor.'
The Environs: Alphen,Bartlett, Brady, Croker,
Faulkner, Howitt, Hunt, Irvine, Jesse,
Knight, Loftie, Lysons, Malcolm (J. P.),
Monteinont, Schlesinger, Thorne, Thornbury„
Walford (E.).
The Parks : Larwood, Robinson (W.).
SocLvi. Life : Chambre, Fall, Ferri, Fontrial,
La Bedolli^'re, Laforest, MoUoy, Nadal, Per-
sius (C), Pomar, Purdy, Rasch, Rodenberg,
Society, Vasili.
Artillcri/ Company: Highmore.
Bartholumew Fair: Morley.
Booksellers : Curwen, Knight.
British Miiseinn : Cowtan, Edwards, NichoUs,.
Pari. Reports 289, 341, Sims, Vaux.
Buckingham Palace : Pari. Reports IG.
Bunhill Fields Cemetery : Bunhill.
Cambcnccll : Blanch.
Carpenters' Company : Juj^p.
Chancery (Court of) : Parkes.
Chapel lioyal : Rimbault.
Charities: Bosanquet, Highmore, London, Low.
Cluirtcrhouse : Brown (W. H.), Chronicles,.
Parish (W. D.), Smythe.
Chelsea : Faulkner, L'Estrange.
College: Glcig.
ChrlsVs Hospital : Trollope.
City School : Brewer.
Cleopatra's Needle : Wilson (E.).
Clerkenwell : Pinks.
Climate : Howard.
Clubs : Arnold (W.), Clubs, Jesse, London
Marsh, Rouge ct Noir, Timbs.
Colosseum : Colosseum.
Companies. See 'Livery.'
Coronation Stone : Skene.
Corporation : City Biography, Firth, Gilbert
(W.), London, Norton, Pari. Reports 341,
Cries : Hindley.
Criminal Classes: Greenwood, Mayhew. Ritchie,
Crosby Place : Blackburn.
Dissenting Churches : Davies, Pike, Stevenson,
Exchequer : Hearne, Madox, Thomas.
Exeter Hall : Holmes (F. M.).
Fairs : Frost.
Foundling Hospital : Brownlow.
■ Gresham College : Ward.
Oiiildhall: Fairholt, NichoUs, Price (J. E.),
Guilds : Brcntano, Smith (Toulmin).
Hackney : Simpson (R.).
Heralds' College : Noble.
Holland House : Liechtenstein.
Inns of Court : Douthwaite, Herbert, Inns,
London, Pari. Reports 104, Pearce, Spilsbury,
Temi^le (Inner).
Islington : LcNvis, Kelson, Nichols' Bibl. Toji. 2,
Knightsbridgc : Davis (H. G.).
Lambeth I'alace : Cave-Browne, Kershaw.
■ Leicester Square: Taylor (Tom).
London Missionary Society : Morison.
Media'val : Arnold, Chronicle, Croniques, Liber
Albus, Loftie, London, Rafn, Riley.
Merchant Taylors' School : Robinson (C. J.),
Mint, Royal : Ansell, Mint.
National Gallery : Pari. Reports 13, 282, 284.
Neivgate : Griffiths (A.).
Newington : Newington.
Northern Heights : Howitt.
Paddington : Robins.
Parliament, Houses of : Brayley.
Physicians, College of : Munk.
Piccadilly and Pall Mall : Wheatley.
Poor : Beames, Byeways, Contrasts, Hill (0.),
Mayhew, Meyrick.
Post Office: Lewin.
Press : Grant, Hunt, May.
Prisons : Dixon, Howard, Knapp, Mayhew, Pari.
Reports 204, Prisons, Tracts 140.
■Roman London: Price (J. E.), Smith (C. R.).
Royal Academy : Blackburn, Graves (A.), Pari.
Reports 115, Tracts 181.
Lectures : Hodgson (J. E.).
Royal Institution : Jones (Bence).
Royal Society : Spratt, Thomson, Weld.
St. Bartholomew's, Smithficld : Morley, Tracts
189, Vetusta Monumenta 2.
St. Clovient Danes : Diprose.
St. Dionis Backchurch : Tracts (St.).
St. Dunstan, West : Denham.
St. Giles, Cripplegate : Denton.
St. Giles-in-the-Flelds : Parton.
St. Helen's, Bishopsgaie : Cox (J. E.).
St. Katlwrine' s Hospital : Nichols.
St. Laurence Pountney : Wilson.
St. Margaret's, Westminster : Vetusta Monu-
menta 2, Walcott.
St. Martin-le-Grand : Kempe.
St. Martin Outivich : Wilkinson.
St. Marylebone: Smith (T.).
St. Mary-le-Boiu : Vetusta Monumenta 5.
St. Michael, Cornhill : Overall.
St. Mildred, Poultry : Milbourn.
St. Pancras : Cansick, Palmer.
St. Paxil's Cathedral : Domesday, Dugdale,
Faith, Gcnealogiea, Gwilt, Longman, Milman,
Murray, Simpson (W. S.), Smyth.
St. Paul's School : Gardiner (R. B.), Lupton.
St. Peter's, Cornhill : Wilkinson.
Savoy Palace : Loftie, Vetusta Monumenta 2.
Smithficld Market : Pari. Reports 239.
Southwarlc : Rendle.
Star Chamber : Burn.
Statistics : Bills, Colquhoun, Scott.
Temple Bar : Goodwin.
Temple Church : Burge, Vetusta Monumenta 5.
Theatres : Green Room, Morley, Theatres.
Tybiirn : Mandeville.
Wards, Court of : Vetusta Monumenta 1.
Waterivorks : Matthews, Pari. Reports 247,
Westminster : Brayley, Smith.
Abbey: Camden, Chester, Crull, Dart,
Neale, Scott, Smith, Stanley, Vetusta Monu-
menta 1, 4, Westminster, Widmore.
Ancient Palace : Brayley, Vetusta Monu-
menta 4, 6.
School : Forshall.
Whitehall and King Henry's Gates : Vetusta
Monumenta 1.
Visitation : St. George.
Flora : Irvine.
Geology : Bowerbank.
LONGEVITY : Collins, Davies, Evans (C. W. L.),
Farr (W.), Flourens, Gardner, Hufeland, Long
Life, Thoms.
LONG PARLIAMENT : Husband, May, Scobell,
Walker. See ' Great Britain.'
LOOCHOO : Hall, Halloran. Sec ' China.'
LORDS (HOUSE OF) : Rogers (J. E. T.).
LORRAINE : Haussonville.
LOUIS PHILIPPE : Blanc, Crowe, Louis, Veron.
See ' France.'
LOYOLA, IGNATIUS : Bartoli, Carlyle (Latter-
day Pamphlets), Rose, Stephen, Taylor (J.).
See ' Jesuits.'
LUCIA, ST. : Breen. See ' West Indies.'
LUNACY: Winslow. Sec 'Insanity.'
LUSATIA, TxLEs, etc., of : Westall.
LUTHERAN CHURCH : Baur, Dollinger (Kirche
und d. Kirchen), Dorner, Evangelische
Kirchenzeitung, Luther, Hagen, Hagenbach,
Marhcineke, Menzel, Neudecker, Schmidt (C.
G.), Schwartz, Waddington. See ' Church.'
mur, Pez, Schardius, ScriptoresRerumGerm.
Sec ' Germany.'
LUXURY, History of : Baudrillart.
LYCIA: Herodotus.
Travels : Davies, Fellows, Spratt. See ' Asia
LYDIA (ANCIENT) : Herodotus.
History : Badon, Guillon, Menestrier.
MACEDONIA : Cousinery, Holland, Walker. See
' Greece.'
MACHINERY: Amongst Machines, Reuleaux,
Spon, Unwin.
Economy of : Babbage, Baker, Dodd, Knight.
Machines and Tools : Fairbairn, Wills, Young.
See ' Mechanics.'
MADAGASCAR : Barnard, Boothby, Drury, Ellis,
Eschamps, Everard, Little, M'Leod, Mada-
gascar, Mullens, Oliver, Owen, Pfeiffer, Rela-
tions V6ritables, Rochon, Shaw (G. A.),
Travels and Descriptions : Bowdich, Crane,
Dix,Harcourt, Johnson (J. G.), Taylor (E. M.)
1882, Warmer Islands (1881), White, Wilde.
MAGDEBURG : Centuriatores, Hahnii Collectio 2.
See ' Military History (Thirty Years' War).'
HisToiiY : Church (A. J.), Colquhoun, Enne-
luoser, Horst, Maury, Morley, Naude,
Wright (T.).
Treatises : Braid, Defoe, Hartmann (F.), Institor,
Kloster, Lenorinant, Levi, Magic, ^Mallei,
Maury, Michelet, Porta (Baptista), Salvertc,
Trismegiste, Villars, Villeinarquo.
. DicTioN.vuY OF : ColHn de Plancy.
Modern, Conjuhino, etc. : Hoffmann.
Natural Magic : Brewster.
. See ' Apparitions,' ' Science,' ' Witchcraft.'
MAGNA CHARTA: Thompson. See Great
MAGNETISM : Dunn, Enneraoser, Eschenmeyer,
Harris, Lardner, Maxwell, Reichenbach, Sa-
bine, Thomson (W.). See ' Electricity,'
' Meteorology.'
Animal Magnetism : Ashburner, Cavailhon,
Gregory. See ' Mesmerism.'
Dluiagnetism : Tyndall.
MAGYAES : Pattison (A. J.). . See ' Hungary.'
Arnold (J. M.), Blunt (W. S.), Brabazon,
Butler, Dods, DiJllinger, Dozy, Dun, Gagnier,
Garcin de Tassy, Gibbon, Higgins, Hughes,
Hunter, Irving, Koran, Lane, Laftitte, Mait-
land, Maltzan, Martyn, Muir, Neale (F. A.),
Ockley, Oelsner, Perron, Pitts, Price, Prideaux,
St.-Hilaire, Sell, Sprenger, Stobart, Syed-
Ahmed, Taylor, Thiersant, Universal Hist.,
MAHRATTAS. See ' India.'
History : Cameron, Favre, Leyden, Raffles,
Thomson, Wallace.
MALARIA : MaccuUoch, Murphy (P.).
MALAYS: Bradley (.J.), Featherman, Hakayit-
Abdulla, Indo-China, McNair, Montauo,
Tracts (Napier).
MALTA : Abela, Adams (A. L.), Boisgelin, Bres,
Brown (E.), Brydone, Caruana, Davy, Malte,
Martin, Parthey, Seddall, Slade, Smith (Jas.),
Tallack, Tracts (Tregellas), Voy. of St. Paul.
Knights of. See ' Hospitallers.'
MALTHUSIAN THEORY: Fawcett, Malthus,
Sadler. See ' Pauperism,' ' Population.'
MAMMALIA : Bell, Bewick, Buchoz, Buffon, Car-
penter, Clermont, Cuvier, Figuier, Flower,
Jardine, Murray, Owen, Parker (W. K.),
Schmidt (0.), Waterhouse, White.
See ' Natural History,' ' Zoology.'
History, Antiquities, etc. : Beauties of E. and
W., Bullock, Gumming, Feltham (J.), Jenkin-
son, Johnstone, Kelly, MaccuUoch, Miinch,
Pari. Rep. 24, Stanley, Teignmouth, Train,
MANCHURIA : Adams, Atkinson, Georgi, Hue.
See ' China,' ' Tartary.'
MANICH.EISM: Augustinus ('Confessions'),
Baur, Fliigel. See ' Church (Heresies).'
Origin and Prospects of : Ai-gyll, Baldwin,
Bray, Broca, Carneri, Cobbe, Congrtis, Darwin,
Davis, Desor, Dupont, Ellis, Evans, Feather-
man, Figuier, Frohschammer, Gfrorer, Hiickel,
Hale, Harris, Hey worth, Hope, Huxley,
Jenisch, La Mettrie, Lehon, Leslie, Mahafify,
Moore, Napier, Oilier de Marichaud, Page,
Ranch, Rousseau, Rover, Smyth, Stevens,
Thomson, Tissot, Tyloi-, View, Yogt, Wake,
Wallace, Waring, Westropp, Williams, Wilson.
Early: Bancroft (G.), Bouclier de Perthes,
Brown (J. A.), Dawkins, (iobincau, Godwin,
Keary (C. F.), LalKtte, Lefevre, Leroux, Lub-
bock, Lyell, Mallock, Southall, Winchell,
Phy.skal and Natural History : Alliott, An-
thropological Journal, Biumenbach, Bodichon,
Brec, Buffon, Combe (G.), Darwin, Dunbar,
Fau, Flourens, Galton, Gastaldi, Haeckel,
Hartley, Helvetius, Hobbes, Home, Huxley,
Jacolliot, Klemm, Knox, Lawrence, Lazius,
Nott, Peschcl, Pickering, Poole, Prichard,
Quetelet, Smith (C. H.), Smithsonian Contri-
butions, Story, Tracts (lioucher), N'irey, Wood,
Preadamites : La Peyrere, Prcadamite.
Early ILujitations of : Dawkins, Keller,
Sec ' Ethnology,' ' Origin of Species.'
MANU, Laws of: Colebrooke, Jones (Sir W.),
Laffitte. See ' Law (Hindu).'
Works on : Burty, Dodd, Inventions, etc.,
Novelties, Repertory, Rimmel, Rock, Wilton,
Wynter, Young.
Manufacturing Industrie.s : Bevan, British,
Knight (C), Labarte, Pari. Reports, Reybaud,
Spon, Ure.
The Factory System : Dodd, Pari. Reports,
Schwabe, Taylor, Ure, Wing.
Hosiery and Lace : Felkin.
Silk : Silk, Wyckoff.
Woollen : Bischoff, Samuel, Smith (John).
French : Auriac.
See 'Cotton,' 'Industry,' 'Labour,' 'Machinery,'
MANUSCRIPTS. Sec 'Bibliography,' ' Catalogues,'
'Libraries,' ' Pala;ography,' • Writmg.'
MAORIES. See ' New Zealand.'
MAPS. See ' Atlases.'
MARBLES, ANCIENT : Elgin, Ellis, Towneley.
Arundelian : Maittaire, Selden.
X.\NTHiAN : Fellows, Lloyd.
Parl^n and Rosetta : Historicorum Fragmenta,
Museum Criticum.
See ' Inscriptions.'
MARIA THERESA. See ' Germany.'
MAEIE DE MEDICIS. Sec ' France.'
gation,' ' Voyages.'
tin Marprelate.
(Jos.), Dupanloup, England, Essais, Gray
(G. 13.), Hayem, Hippcl, Huth, Index Soc,
Kingsbury, Le Gai, M'LcUan, Milton, Odier,
Pari. Rep., Pusey, Sanchez, Smith (W. R.),
Taylor (Jeremy), Tracts.
Cl.\.ndestine Marriages : Clandestine.
Hygiene of : Debay.
Marruge Licenses : Harleian Soc.
MAETYES : 'Acta Sanctorum,' Egli, Fox, Law
(T. G.), Pressens^, Southey (' Book of the
Church '), Tracts (Maitland). Sec ' Church
Britain,' ' Scotland.'
(Church of).'
MATEEIA MEDICA. See ' Medicine.'
MATHEMATICS : Adhemar, Archimedes, Baltzer,
Barlow, Boole, Bossut, Brougham, Cardan,
Challis, Clarke, Clausius, Comte (' Cours I.'),
D'Alembert, Dariot, Darley, De Morgan,
Dodgson, Edgworth (F. Y.), Ellis, Euclides,
FrauccKur, Gregory, Halliwell, Hardy (A. S.),
Hobbes, Hutton, Kelland and Tait, Lacroix,
Lagrange, Laplace, Law, Leibnitz, Leslie,
L'Hospital, Maclaurin, Martin, Mathemati-
corum Opera, Muir(T.), Newton, Orr, Pascal,
Paulmy, Peacock, Salmon, Sedillot, Serret,
Steele, Tait, Thomson (W.), Todhunter, Tracts
Differential and Integral Calcitliis : Boole, Cox,
De Morgan, Hann, Lacroix, Lagrange, Leib-
nitz, Newton, Todhunter, Woolhouse.
Progress of : Bertrand, British Assoc. (Pres.
Address, 1871).
Mensuration : Bauernfeind.
History : Bertrand, Cantor, Libri, Montucla,
Playfair, Eigaud.
Mathem.4tical Instruments : Heather, Stanley
(W. F.).
Sec ' Algebra,' ' Arithmetic,' ' Geometry,' ' Tri-
MATTEE AND FOECE : Beale, British Assoc.
Eep. (Pres. Address, 1872), Blichner, Carpenter
(W. L.), Grove (W. E.), Ibbetson, Janet, Moles-
Bouillier, Biichner, Democritus, Doubleday,
Fabri, Fearon, Hartley, Holbach, Huxley
('Protoplasm'), Janet, La Mettrie, Lange,
Leblais, Lucretius, Maccall, Millingen, Mole-
schott, Picton, Priestley, Simonin, Stirling
(on 'Protoplasm'), Tyndall (Brit. Assoc.
Address, 187-4), Vogt. See 'Philosophy'
(Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries).
Description : Blackhouse, Ellis, Macculloch,
Martin, Mauritius, Mouat, Pike, Pridham.
MAXIMS: Bacon, Borne 3, Broom, Cato (Disticha),
Colton, Fuller, Maginn, Oxenstiern, Publius
Syrus, Eochefoucault, Shaftesbury, Sinclair,
Tupper. See ' Proverbs.'
MECHANICS : Axon, Baker, Bayma, Carpenter,
Conferences, Cotterill, De Launay, Diihring,
Emerson (W.), Ferguson, Galileo, Glynn,
Goodeve, Gregory (0.), Knight (E. H.),
Mechanic, Moseley, Paulmy, Poisson, Provis,
Todhunter, Tomlinson, Weisbach, Willis.
Sec ' Mathematics.'
History : Nugent.
MEDALS. See ' Coins and Medals.'
Works on : Acland, Alderson, Amatus, Aretajus,
Avicenna, Bennett, Bowman, Braithwaite,
Brit, and For. Medical Eeview, Bucknill and
Tuke, Budd, Catlow, Celsus, Chapman, Dick-
son, Dioscorides, Dusart, Elaiu, Fleming,
Freind, Galenus, Galton, Goddard, Handbook,
Harrison, Hastings, Hawkins, Healing Art,
Hippocrates, Hill, Holland, Jansenius,
Jeaft'rcson, Lancet, Le Clerc, Lee, Littr^,
Lockhart (W.), Mart, Mayo, Mead, Medicine,
Medicorum Opera, Mery, Millingen, Pamph-
leteer, Paris Exposition, Patents, Paulmy,
Physici, Quain, Eaynaud, Eeynolds, Eichard-
son (B. W.), Eitter (G.), Eussell, Sanson,
Sprengel, Spurgin, Sydenham Soc, Sylvius,.
Thomson, Timbs, Tracts 29, 51-57, 118, 132,
166, Watson, Year-Book.
History of: Brunton, Daremberg, Haeser,
Good (J. M.).
Dictionaries : Cooper, Deziemeris, Forbes, Hob-
lyn, Hooper, Macaulay, Palmer (S.), Quain.
Directory : Medical.
Materia Medica and Pharmacy : Block (W. G.),
Dioscorides, Dusart, Galenus, Hanbury, Paris,
Pharmacopoeia, Pomfret, Spurgin.
Medical Jurisprudence : Beck, Caspar, Gray
(W. A.), Taylor (A. S.).
Superstitions : Pettigrew (S. J.).
Flora Medica : Barton.
See ' Anatomy,' ' Diseases,' ' Homoeopathy,*
' Nervous System,' ' Surgery.'
MEDITATIONS : Antoninus, Bacon, Hervey.
Voyages in : Bennet, Blaquiere, Coote (W.),
Digby, Gainsford (1887), Grosvenor, Jowett,
Munro(1881), Murray (Hbk.), Napier, Eichard-
son, Sandwich, Smyth, Swan, Wilde.
MEETINGS (PUBLIC) : Palgrave (E. F.).
MELANCHOLY : Burton, Feuchtersleben.
MEELIN: Quinet.
MEEOE, Ancient Kingdom of : Caillaud, Hoskins.
MEEOVINGIANS. See ' France.'
MESMEEISM : Braid, Cahagnet, Carpenter
(W. B.), Colquhoun, Fischer, Gregory, Kluge,
Maitland, Martineau, Passavant, Eutter,
Sandby, Smee, Townshend, Younger, Zoist.
In Surgical Cases : Elliotson, Newnham.
MESOPOTAMIA : Beke, Eraser, Heifer.
METALLUEGY : Day (St. J. W.), Lullius, Patents,
Percy, Phillips (W.), Eogers, Styffe, Truran,
Ure, Wright (C. E. A.).
METAL-WOEK : Haslop, Napier (Jas.), Wheatley.
Ancient: Alexander, Aristoteles, Burnet, Cousin,
Griffith, Grote, Hampden, Hertling, Lewes,
Monboddo, Plato, Plotinus, St.-Hilaire,Towne.
Modern : Alpha, Alsted, Baildon, Bailey, Bain,
Benecke, Berkeley, Bilharz, Bishop, Blakey,
Boole, Bouhours, Braithwaite, Bray, Brodie,
Brown (Dr. T.) , Bucknill, Buffier , Burgersdicius
Clarke, Clifford, Condillac, Cory, Courtney,
Cousin, Cudworth, Dendy, De Quincey, Des-
cartes, Destutt, Drew, Drummond (H.), Enne-
nioser, Erdmann, Farrar, Fenelon, Ferrier,
Feuchtersleben, Fichte (J. G.), Fichte (J. H.),
Fischer (K.), GlanviU, Hamilton (Sir W.),.
Hartmann (E.), Heard, Hegel, Helvetius,
Hennel, Herbart, Herder, Hinton, Hobbes,
Hodgson, Hume, Hutcheson, Hypomnemata,
Immaterialism, Javary, Jenj'ns (S.), Kant,
Kivwan, Laugel, Leibnitz, Letorneau, LevSqnc,
Liard, Mackay (R. W.), M'Coi-mac, Male-
branche, Manscl,Mau(lslev, Maurice, -Vlicliclis,
Mill, Morell, Neale (E/Y.). Newman (F.).
Newton (B. W.), Parr, Priestley, Prince,
Ramsey, Reid, Sarchi, Scluibart, Spencer,
Stadler, Stanley, Stewart, Stirling,', Strada,
Synopsis, Tagart, Thomson, Tombs, Travis,
Trendelenbnri,', Upham, Vacherot, Vera,
Wiener, Wilkins.
Essays on Titr th : Reattic, Rcnccke, Hutcheson,
Kingsley, Malebranche.
Principle of Evil : Rosanquet, Hartmann,
Jenyns, King, Schopenhauer. .SVc 'Buddhism.'
Philosophical Neckssity: Alexander, Bray (C),
Bryant, Edwards, Hazard, Herzen, Irons,
The Mind akij Intellectual Powers : Aber-
crombie, Ardigo, Bailey, Bain, Belsham, Ben-
eke (F. E.), Bouillicr, Brown, Bucknill, Butler
(S.), Chalmers, Colsenet, Condorcet, Cousin,
Cox, Degerando, (lalton (F.), Clough (A. E.),
Hartley, Hinton, Hume, Janet, Lewes, Locke,
Lotze, M'Cosh, Maudsley, Mill, Momerie,
Moore, Reid, Ribot, Spencer, Spinoza, Stewart,
Taine, Taylor, Tuke, Vacherot, Vauvenargues,
Mind and Body : Bain. Sec ' Physiology of the
The Memory and Me.^ns of Improving it :
Grataroli, Grey, Pick.
See ' Ethics,' ' Logic,' ' Philosophy.'
METEMPSYCHOSIS : Barthelemy ('Buddhism'),
Bastian (A.) ('Buddhism '), Ca>sar (on ' Druids
in Gaul '), Plato (' Plnedrus '), Pythagoras,
St.-Hilaire, Virgil (' ^Eneid. 6.')
See 'Buddhism,' ' Mythology (Hindoo).'
METEORITES : British Museum (Catalogue).
METEOROLOGY: Abhandlungen, Arago, Aris-
totle, Armit, Berlin, Berndt, Boussingault,
Broun (J. A.), Buchan, Buist, Crampton, Davy,
Deluc, Descartes, Dove, Drew, Fitzroy, Flam-
marion, Fleming, Forster, Glaisher, Green-
wood, Herschel, Howard (Luke), Humboldt,
Kaemtz, Lardner, Lehon, Liais, Lichtenbcrg,
Maury, Meteorological, Morris, Miiller, Paris
Exhibition, Phipson, Piddington, Prout,
Robertson (H.), Rowell, Sabine, Science, Scott
(R. H.), Sestier, Smith (R. A.), Smithsonian
Contr., Symons, Thomson, Tracts (Meteoro-
logy), Wells (W. C).
Barometer and Therjiometer : Hopkins, Dixon.
Law of Storms : Espy, Hopkins, Piddington,
METHOD : Bacon, Coleridge, Comte, Descartes,
Hegel (Encyclop.).
In Politics : Lewis (Sir G. C).
History : Gledstane, Lavington, Rowe (R.),
Smith (Geo.), Southey, Stevens, Stevenson,
Taylor (Is.), Tyerman, Urlin, Watson, Wedg-
wood, Wesley, West (G.).
History and Antiquities : Acosta, Aglio, Bras-
seur, Charnay, Chevalier, Garcilasso, Oviedo,
Robinson (W. D.), Tylor.
Conquest of : Clavigero, Cortes, Diaz, Helps,
Herrera, Ixtlilxochitl, Las Casas, Prescott,
Robertson, Solis.
Emperor Maxijiilian : Keratry, Kollonitz, Ma-
gruder, Masseras, Maximilian.
Travels, Descriptions, Expeditions : Applcton's
Guide, Aubertin,Bazancourt,Beaufoy, Bishop,
Brocklehurst, Bullock, Buschmann, Calderon,
Conder '2'), •>(;, Cubas (1870), Domenech,
Edwards (F. S.), lalton, l^vans, Fossey, Frobcl,
(iciger, Gilliam, Hakluyt 3, Hall, Hamilton,
Hardy, Heller, Houstoun, Humboldt, Joutel,
Lempriere, Lyon, Mason, Mayer, Mexicans at
Home, Mexico, Mexiciue, Miihlenpfordt, Obcr
(iKH-i), Oswald (1880), Ranuisio, Robertson
(W. P.), Ruxton, Salm-Salm, Sanborn (188G),
Solorzano, Taylor, Ternaux-Coniiians. Thomp-
son, Thiimmel, Toninemada, Trip to M.,
L'lloa, Valois, Ward, ^Vilson.
N.U'ivE Rehoion of : Reville (A.).
Yucatan : Fancourt, Norman, Stephens.
MICROSCOPE : Baker (H.), Beale, Carpenter,
Catlow, (iriflith, Hogg, Marsh (S.), Micro-
scopical, Quckett, Somerville, Wood (J. G.).
MIDDLESEX : Middlesex, Warburton.
Topocraphy and Antiquities : Beauties of E.
and W., Cox 3, Domesday, Faulkner, Lysons,
Robinson, Tymms.
Sec ' London.'
Brentford, Ealing, and Chistvick : Faulkner,
Enfield : Robinson.
Fulham : Croker, Faulkner.
Hackney : Robinson, Simpson (R.).
Hanuncrsniith : Faulkner.
Hampton-on-Tlianies : Ripley (H.).
Hampton Court ; Jesse, Law (E.), Summerley,
Vetusta Monumenta 2.
Hnrroio : Rimmer, Thornton (P. JI.).
Kensington : Brown (R. W.), Croker, Faulkner,
Hunt, Thackeray.
Holland House : Liechtenstein.
Monken Hadlcy : Cass.
Sion, Islcworih, and Hoimsloiv : .-Vungier.
SojUJi Miinms : Cass.
Stoke Ncicingtuii : Nichols' ]5ibl. Topog. 2,
Straivberry Hill : Catalogue, Oxford.
Tottenham : Robinson.
Ticickcnluun : Cobbett.
Uxbridge : Redford.
Agriculture : Agricultural Surveys.
Birds of : Harting.
Flora : Trimen.
MIDIAN : Beke, Burton (R. F.).
MIGRATIONS OF NATIONS : Gibbon, Jornandes,
Pallmann, Pertz, Wattenbach.
See ' Constantinople,' ' Germany,' ' History
(Middle Ages),' 'Italy.'
MILAN : Argelati, Arnulfus, Cattaneo, Corio,
Jovius, Milan, Urquhart, Verri. See ' Italy,'
' Lombardy.'
Pictures at Milan : Eastlake.
Beaumont, Bluntschli, Brabazon, I'.rantome,
Buigoyne, Burke, Carter (T.),Chesney,Clause-
witz. Creasy, Decker, De Ros. Dictionnaire,
Dumesnil, Gentilis, Goltz, (iraham (J. J.),
Hamley, Hayes, Jackson, Jomini, Lacroix,
Lallemand, Larroquet, Leroy-Beaulieu, Mac-
dougall, Macliiavelli, Malleson, I\Iarga, Middle-
ton ((). R.), Moselli, Nolan, Oman, Palliser,
Pari. Reports, Pasley, Pievost, Raguse, Ran-
king, Robson, Rossel, Seaton, SniitJi (M. W.),
Stewart (H.), Thomson, Ticlke, Tovey, Unger,
Verdy, Villaume, Voyle, Ward (R.), Welsh
(Col. J.), Wraxall. See 'Anns,' 'Army,'
' Defences.'
Of the Ancients : iElian,. -Eneas Tacticus,Ca;sar,
Frontinus, Guischardt, Lipsius, Meursius,
Polyfenus, Polybius, Quincy, Vegetius.
FoBTiFicATiox AXD Engixeerixg : Brialmoiit,
Choumara, Douglas, Enchiridion, Fergusson,
Fortification, Gibraltar, Hyde, Jones, Macau-
lay (J. S.), Smith (M. W.), Straith, VioUet-le-
Use of Caeriee Pigeons : La Perre de Pioo.
Use of Elephants : Armandi.
Akms and Aemour : Boutell, Demmin, Fauehet,
Grose, Hewitt, Meyrick, Roy.
Aetilleey : Aide-Memoire, Fauehet, Mallet,
Napoleon, Stubbs (F. W.), Whitworth.
Cavalry : Denison (G. F.).
Fire Arms : Busk, Chesney, Scoffern, Thierbach.
Gunnery : Tracts (Eobins), Whitworth.
Campaigns of Europe : Adams (Major C).
Of Great Bp.it.un : Abbott (General), Aber-
crombie, Adams (W. H. P.), Alexander (Gen.),
Beamish, Beatson, Beeton, Camp, Cannon,
Castellane, Clode, Cope, Cumberland, Cust,
Duncan, Elcho, Fonblanque, Gardiner,
Griffiths, Grose, Gudgeon, Harleian Miscell. 1,
Hart, Hodson, Hozier, .Johns, Leeke, Levinge,
Mackinnon, Malet, Militiaman, Moorsom,
Pari. Eeports, Eoy, Scott, Smith (M. W.),
Thomson, Williamson.
Of the Irish : MacNevin, O'Conor.
Of France : Arm6e, Besancenet, Bowen, Fieff6,
France, Gaboriau, Gallois, GonneTille, Jerrold,
Jomini, Leckie, Mist^re, Moreau, O'Callaghan,
Orleans, Paixhans, Eambaud, Thiebault, Vic-
toires, Vinoy, Zouaves.
Of It.u.y: Hare (W. A. H.), Martel.
Of Bavaria : Helvig.
Of Belgium : Bergues, Heelu, O'Kelly.
Of Germany : Clarke (F. C. H.), Hacklander
(F. W.). See below, 'Thirty Years' War'
and others.
Of Sp.un : Bacallar, Coloma, Somerville.
Of Eussia : Boutourlin, Coope, Danileffsky,
Greene (F. V.), Leckie, Eelation, Wilson.
Of Turkey : Baker, Beaujour.
Of India: Egerton, Guthrie (Mrs.), Kaye.
Wars or the English in France, 1-115-1450 :
Brougham, Hunter, Nicolas.
Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648: Avila-y-Zuniga,
Bougeant, Brockhaus (H.), Carve, Cust, Gar-
diner (S. R.), Grimoard, Gustave, Harte,
Hepburn, Hurter, Khevenhiller, Mitchell,
Montecuculi, Priorato, Eanke, Schiller, Solt,
Sporschil, Swedish Intelligencer, Tilly, Vin-
cart, Wallenstein, Zober.
Siege of Vienna, 1683 : Maiden (H. E.).
Civil War in England. See ' Great Britain.'
War with Holl.and, 1657 and 1674 : Morgan,
1700-1718, Wars of Chaeles XII. of Sweden :
Adlerfeld, Frederic, Lundblad, Stenbock,
1701-1714, War of the Spanish Succession :
Brodrick, Carleton, Freind, Griffet, Mahon,
Pelet, Peterborough, Spottiswoode (Miscell. 1).
1737-1739, W.AE IN Bosnia : Eraser.
17.56-1763, Seven Years' Wae : Archenholz,
Briihl, Carlyle, Frederic, Lindsay, Lloyd,
Eanke, Eetzow, Saxe, Schaefer, Stuhr, Tielke,
17-57-1760, W^R in North America: Knox.
1775-1783, American War : Andrews, Bancroft,
Botta, Chotteau, Moore, Stedman, Stone.
See j America, United States.'
1775, Spanish Expedition against Algiers:
1790-1801, Wars of the French Eevolution :
Bowen, Bulletins, Campbell, Carnot, Dumas,
Jomini, State Papers, Walsh.
1796, 1806, and 1809, War in Germany, Poland,
etc. : Bunbury, Cust, Dumas, Historv, Hooper,
Pelet, Sybel, Wilson.
1798-1813 : Saint-Cyr.
1798-1799, Campaigns in Egypt: Anderson,
Bonaparte, Memoires, Miot, Napoleon, Nodier,
1808-1814, Peninsular War: Blayney, Bulle-
tins, Connaught, Cotton, Dallas, Desplans,
Fezensac, Foy, Eraser, Gentz, Hamilton,
Jones, L'Estrange, Moore, Napier, Napoleon,
Naylies, Eigel, Scherr, Southey, Toreno,
Vacani, Wellington, Wilson.
1812, Campaign in Eussia : Boutourlin, Cath-
cart. Combe, Danilfelsky, Fezensac, Labaume,
Napoleon, Eambaud (A.), Eoder, Segur,
Campaigns of 1812-1814 : Beauchamp, Combe,
Cook, Fain, Fezensac, Koch, Muffling, Napo-
leon, Norvins, Odeleben, Precis des Opera-
tions, Etihden, Schneider, Westmoreland,
1815, Belgium, W.aterloo, etc : Bulletins,
Charras, Chesney, Combe, Copies, Days of
Battle, Eraser, Gleig, Gourgaud, Hooper,
Jomini, Kennedy, Maceroni, Mercer, Napo-
leon, Ollech, Quinet, Eiihden, Scherr, Siborne,
Waterloo, W^ellington.
War with the United St.ates, 1814 : Annals,
Gleig, IngersoU.
Wars in India from 1750-1820 : Blacker, Mill,
Orme, Thorn, Wellesley, Wellington.
1824, 1826, and 1852, Buemese Wae : Doveton,
Laui'ie, Snodgrass, W^ilson.
1828-1829, RussLAN Campaign in Asia Minor :
Chesney, Fonton, Macready, Moltke, Mon-
teith, Miiftiing, Oliphant.
1835-1839, Feench W.ui in Africa : Orleans.
1838-1849, Waes in India: Allen, Buist, Dennie,
Eyre, Gleig, Greenwood, Havelock, Hough,
Kaye, Kennedy, Lushington, Napier, Outram,
Sale, Thackwell.
1840, War in China. Sec ' China.'
1848-1849, Wae in Italy : Dandolo,Dino, Hack-
lander, Hoffstetter, Lushington, Torre.
1851-1852, Kaffie Wae : King.
1854-1856, Wae in the Crimea : Adey, Anit-
schkoff, Autobiography, Bazancourt, Bushby,
Chambers, Crimean War, Duberly, Hamley,
Hodasevich, Hoseason, Inkerman, Jesse,
Kinglake, Klapka, Lake, Leouzon, Letters,
McClellan, Macintosh, Money, Nolan, Oli-
phant, Our Tent, Pack, Pari. Eeports, Pic-
tures, Pflug, Eambaud, Eobinson, Eoger,
Eousset, Eussell, Eussia, Sandwith, Siege,
Slade, Steevens, Taylor, Trenches, Urquhart,
Whittingham, Wilson, Woods, W^urm.
1857-1858, Indian Mutiny : Alexander, Ander-
son, Bouchier, Cave-Browne, Christmas, Coop-
land, Defence, Dunlop, East India, Edwards,
Hodson, Hutchinson, India, Jones, Kavanagh,
Kaye, Lowe, Martin, Maurice, Mead, Mutinies,
Mutiny, My Escape, Norton, Prichard, Eaikes,
Eees, Eobertson, Eotton, Eussell, Thomson,
Trevelyan, Verney.
See ' India.'
1859, etc, War in It.vly : Almezan, Dumas,
Durand-Brager, Fonvielle, Forbes, Eiistow.
See ' Italy.'
1863, Wae in Schleswig and Holstein : Dicey,
Gallenga, Herbert.
See ' Denmark,' ' Germany,' ' Schleswig-Hol-
1863, Wae of Secession. Sec 'America.'
1866, Austrian-Prussian War : Bismarck,
Hozier, Katow, La Maniioia, Lavcleye,
Menzel, lliistow, Vilbort. Wyatt.
See 'Austria,' '(xcrmanT,' 'Prussia.'
1867, Abyssinl^n War : Henty, Hozier, Stanley.
See ' Africa.'
1870-1871, Franco-German W.^r.
French Authors : Ambert, AurcUe tie Palatlines,
Bazaine, Beaunis, Bulletins, Campaf,'ne de
1870, Caux, Chanzy, Dalseme, Dcligny,
Ducrot, Dumont, Fabre, Faidherbe, Gasparin,
Gautier, Giraudeau, Halcvy, Hans, Hugo,
Jacomin, Joubcrt, La Chapelle, La Gueron-
ni^re, Lcbrun, Lcconitc, Maillard, Metz,
Michelet, Molinari, Napoleon III., Palikao,
Quatrefages, Quesnoy, Riviere, Bolin, S(^'guin,
Sorel, Tenot, Thiers, Trochu, Vandevelde,
Veron, WimptTcn.
See ' Commune,' ' France,' ' Paris.'
German Authors: Albrecht, Arnd, Auerbach,
Bismarck, Blume, Borbstiidt, ]3usch (M.),
France, Hahn, Hoft'bauer, HoUzcndorlt', Kaysz-
ler, Klein, Moltke, Niemann, lliistow, Schell,
Schmidt, Stoffel, Sybel, Treitschke, ' Unsere
Zeit,' Wartsleben.
See ' Germany.'
English Authors: Ai^pleton (E.), Capper, Ches-
ney, Edwards (S.), Eight Months, Forbes,
Greg (W. R.), Labouchere, Legge, Letters, Mac-
Cormac, Pratt, Roberts, Russell (W. H.), Shep-
pard, Talbot, War Corresj^ondence (' Daily
News '), Washburne, Winn.
Carlist War: Burges, Furley (J.), Joantho.
Russo-TuRKiSH War : Baker (V.), Farcey, Fifc-
Cookson, Gay, Glenard, Greene (F. V.), Mar-
vin (C), Moltke, Miiller (W.), Russell (Major
F. S.), Russia, Rustow, Salusbury, Sarauw,
Stuckrad, Tracts (Congreve).
1873, Ashantee War : Boyle, Brackenbury,
Butler (W. F.), Henty, Reade, Stanley.
1877, Kaffir War : Norbury, Streatlield.
See ' Africa.'
1877, Armenia and Koordistan : Williams (C).
Khiva Expedition : MacGahan.
War in Afghanistan : Abbott (General), Af-
ghanistan, Argyll, Durand (H. M.), Eyre,
MacGahan, Pari. Reports.
MILITIA (HISTORY OF) : Davies, Raikes.
MILLENNIUM : Amyraut, Gumming, Evans,
Launoy, Waldegrave.
MILLS : Fairbairn.
Treatises on : Accum, Ansted, Brush, Buckland,
Bufi'on, Dana, Dawe, Hunt, Jackson, Moore,
Ramsay (Alex.), Simonin, Sowerby, Ure.
See ' Geology,' ' Metallurgy,' ' Petralogy.'
England : Burr, Davies (C. E.), Glovei', Gran-
ville, Guidott, Macpherson, Madan, Kowzee,
Tracts 14, 56, 57, Venner.
Germany, etc. : Aldridge, Engelmann, Genth,
Granville, Head, Johnson, Lee, Sutro, Wilson,
MINES AND MINING : Australia, Burgoyne,
Cornwall, De la Beche, Button, Jackson,
Merin, Mines, Nichols, Pari. Reports, Patents,
Phillips, St.-Hilaire, Simonin, Tapping,
Thomas (J. W.), Tracts, Ure.
See ' Coal Mines,' ' Gold-digging.'
MINNESINGERS: Schuitz. Sct^ ' Poetry, Ger-
MINSTRELSY. Sec ' Ballads.'
MINT (ROYAL) : Pari. Reports. See ' London."
MIRACLES. See ' Christianity.'
MISSALS : Bachelin, Hereford, Leofric, Pearson.
Missions and Travels of : Abbott, Acta Sanc-
torum, Ameuney, Bcardslcy, Buclianan,
Douen, Hutton, Krapf, Lii'stadius, Lettres
l-klifiantcs, Livingstone, Lowe (J.), Marshall,
Marslnnan, Martyn, MolTat, Niecamp, Rowley,
Sherring, Tomlin, Walker, West, Williams,
Sec ' Christianity,' ' Voyages.'
History and Statistics of Societies : Boyce,
Smith (T.).
MOGUL DYNASTY : Thomas. Sec ' India.'
doff, Ilagemeister, Wilkinson.
MOLUCCAS : Argensola, Laval. See ' India.'
MONACO : Pemberton, Revoil.
Froude, Gasquet, IMurpliy, Wright. See
' Great Britain (Henry Mli.).'
British : Ancron Riwle, Annales, Brakelonda,
Brewer, Carlyle's I'ast and I'resent, Dugdale,
Fosbroke, Fox, Hill, Luard, Monumenta,
Oliver, Parkinson, Taylor (R.), TurnbuU,
In the Levant : Curzon, Fallmereyer.
Alien Priories : Gough, Reynerus.
MONASTIC ORDERS, History, etc. : Archdall,
Byrne, Chasles, Grilles (Glance behind),
Helyot, Jameson, Milman, Montalembert,
Mosheim, Palmer (B.).
Sec ' Benedict, Order of St.'
MONASTICIHM : Altcserra, Bibliotheca, Engel-
hardt, Montalembert, Remusat (Ch. de).
Eastern : Hardy (R. S.).
MONEY: Del Mar, Gompertz, Hamilton (R.),
Jevons, Lenormant, Muloch, Piatt, Poor,
Tracts (Hewitt), Walker (F. A.), Woolhouse.
See ' Banking,' ' Coinage,' ' Currency.'
Ancient Systems : Queipo.
MONGOLIA: Gilmour (J.), Howartli (H. H.),
Piassetzki (1883), Prejevalsky, Williamson.
See ' China.
MONMOUTH (DUKE OF) : Carey, tirey, Roberts.
Description : Beauties of E. and W., Black,
Coxe, Parry, Wyndham.
Chei)stow Castle : Marsh (J. F.).
The Wrjc : Gilpin, Guides, Heatli (C).
Elstow Abbey : AVigram (S. R.).
ETC : BruUiot, Lillie, Nagler.
MONOTHEISM : Schelling 11-14, Spinoza. Sec
'Jews,' ' Mahomet.'
History and Description : Gregory.
MONT SAINT-MICHEL : Chrouique, Corroyer.
MONTANISTS : Belck, Bonwetsch.
MONTENEGRO : Denton, Frilley, Rambles,
nach (1876), Strangford, Wilkinson.
MONTREAL : Bosworth. See ' America, North.'
MONUMENTS, Sepulchral : Aringhi, Caumont,
Godwin, Parliament, Eossi.
Ancient : Merimee.
English : Blore, Boutell, Gough, Markland,
Stothard, Weever.
Sec ' Inscriptions.'
MOON, The : Crampton, Nasmyth and Carpenter,
Neison, Procter, Wilkins. See ' Astronomy.'
MOOES (IN SPAIN) : Assaleh, Brabazon, Ga-
yangos, Eanke, Viardot. See ' Spain.'
MOEALITY: Hartmann (E.), Jolly, Lecky, Leslie
(C), Maurice, Mazade, Miiller (E.), Piatt,
Wilberforce (Canon). See ' Ethics,' ' Society.'
MOEAVIANS. See ' United Brethren.'
Bonwick, Burton, Chandless, Dickinson (E. E.),
Mayhew, Remy, Stansbury, Stenhouse, Turner.
MOROCCO : Amicis, Beauclerk, Braithwaite, Buffa,
Caille, Chenier, Colville (1880), Durrieu, Fre-
jus, Godard, Hay, Hardman, Hooker (J. D.),
Jaekson, Leared, Lempriere, Lenz (1884),
Murray, Perrier, Rolilfs, Roth, Stuttield (1886),
Trotter (1880), Urquhart, Windus.
Kairican: Boddy.
Tangier : Howard-Vyse (1882).
MORTALITY, BILLS OF : Grant, Ivernois
(Tracts), Short. See 'Life.'
Statistics of : Ansell, Farr (W.).
MOSAICS : Gerspach, Parker (J. H.).
MOSCOW : Abbott, Bourke, Kohl, Lowth, Lyall.
See ' Russia.'
MOSQUITO KINGDOM: Churchill's Coll. 6,
MOSSES : Berkeley, Schimper, Tripp.
MOTHS : Newman (E.).
MOTION AND HEAT : Tyndall. See 'Physics.'
Essays (1874), Firth, Gomme, Hiillmann,
Laveleye, Savoy, Vine.
In Italy : Hegel.
Bishops of : Tympius.
MUSEUMS: Biirger, Landon, Louvre, Nesbitt,
Pollen, Tableaux, Viardot, Watson (J. F.).
See ' Catalogues,' ' Galleries.'
Ancient : Augustinus 1, Bacchinus, Chappell,
Engel, Gevaert, Herculaneum, Meibomius,
Meursius, Moseley, Musics Ant. Auctores,
Plutarch, Scudo.
Welsh : Jones (Owen).
History, etc. : Beauquier, Berlioz, Burney,
Chappell, Desarbres, Dommer, Engel, Fetis,
Forkel, Hawkins, Holmes, HuUah, Johnson,
Macfarren, Naumann, Paulmy, Rambosson,
Eitter (F. L.), Rousseau, Sandys, Wallace,
Wasielewski, Wolf.
Works on : Arber, Art, Banister, Beattie, Ber-
lioz, Bishop, Bosanquet, Chorley, Commet-
tant, D'Alembert, Deldevez, Eaton, Ehlert,
Ella, Euing, Fleming (J. M.), Gardiner, Ger-
vinus, Gosse, Grove, Hand, Haweis, Hogarth,
Holmes, Hueffer, HuUah, Jahn, Kiesewetter,
Laugel, Letters, Lussy, Mainzer, Marx,
Mason, Maynard, Moore (H. K.), Mount-
Edgcumbe, Nohl, North, Offenbach, Patents,
Pole, Pontecoulant, Reeves, Riemann, Rous-
seau, Schumann, Schure, Sketches, Smith
(E.), Spencer, Stainer, Thibaut, Tyder, Viard-
Louis, Wallbridge, Wolzogen.
Theory of : Blaserna, Callcott, Coussemaker,
Day (A.), Helmholtz, Taylor (Sedley).
Dramatic : Choquet, Schur§.
Eeligious : Clement.
Music OF THE Future : Hueffer, Wagner,
Music IN France, It.u^y, etc. : Burney, Chorley,
Fay, Ferris (G. T.), Gardiner, Phillips, Pois-
sot, Seldon.
In America : Gottschalk, Eitter (F. L.).
Instruments : Brinsmead, Duborg, Engel, Flem-
ing, Hart, Pillaut, Rambosson, Sib^re.
Counterpoint, Harmony, etc : Albrechtsberger,
Cherubini, Crotch, David (E.), Macfarren,
Marx, Ouseley, Eambosson, Eichter (E. F.),
Saint-Saens, Weber.
Musical Anecdotes, etc. : Beatty-Kingston,
Cox (J. E.), Crowest, Eemo.
Bibliography : Becker (C. F.), Catalogues
Brodie, Mutiny.
MYCEN.E: Schliemann,
MYSOEE : Elliot. See ' India.'
Bohme, Daille, Davis, Demonologia, Engel-
brecht, Ewald, Flud, Franck, Ginsburg,
Matter, Molitor, Eousselot, Steffens, Stockl,
Swedenborg, Tauler, Vaughan. See ' Cab-
bala,' 'Quietism.'
Dictionaries and Tables : Banier, Berry, Bio-
graphie Universelle 33-35, Cox (G. W.),
Lempriere, Paulmy, Smith (W.).
History, Origin, etc: Baring-Gould, Baur,
Beugnot, Boissier, Bottinger, Breal, Bryant,
Bunsen, Chastel, Christmas, Collins, Con-
stant, Cox, Creuzer, Eckermann, Faber, Fiske,
Freret, Kavanagh, Keightley, Knight (E. P.),
Lhomond, Maurice, Menard, Miiller, Nork,
Oort, Peschel, Pomey, Sainte-Croix, Schelling,
Tylor, Welcker.
Comp.\rative : Girarde de Eialle.
Mythology of Plants and Zoology : Guber-
Worship of the Serpent, etc : Deane, Du-
laure, Fergusson.
Hebrew : Goldziher.
Indian : Ballantyne, Bjornsterna, Bopp.Burnouf,
Butler, Colebrooke, Craufurd, Dowson, Hardy,
Haug, Hawken, Holmboe, Lassen, Moor,
Muir, Miiller, Eammohun, Saiut-Hilaire,
Wilkins (W.), WiUiams, Wilson (H. H.).
Irish and Celtic : Arbois de Jubainville.
Jain Eeligion : Stevenson.
Chinese : Chinese, Confucius, Julien, Legge.
Ceylon Demonology : Callaway, Teunent.
Japanese : Titsingh.
Maori : Shortland (E.).
Persian: Bleeck, Hyde, Zoroaster.
Parsees and Bani.^"s : Dosabhoy, Lord.
Polynesian : Grey, Shortland, Taylor.
Egyptian : ChampolUon, Jablonski, Jamblichus,
Kenrick, Lepsius,Pignorius, Prichard, Eenouf,
Sharpe, Wilkinson.
Mysteries of the Cabiri : Faber.
Greek and Eoman : ApoUodorus, Barker, Baur,
Bernouilli, Buttmann, Callimachus, Constans,
Cory, Cox, Creuzer, Dechaime, Duncker,
Farmer, Girard, Harrison (J. E.), Havtung,
Hesiodus, Julius, Keightloy, Kingslcy, Lobeck,
Macrobius, Montfaucon, Mythicarum, Mytho-
graphi GrjBci, jMythographi Latini, Nicbuhr,
Nonnus, Nosselt, Gpuseula, Orpheus, Po-
cocke, Potter, ProUer, Schreiber, Smith's
Dictionary, Kpence, Voss, Weiskc, Welckcr,
Witt (C).
DioNYsiAK : Brown (R.).
Sibylline Or.vcles : Sibyllina.
Of the Druids : Davics, Tliggins, Reado,
Richards, Smith (Jno.), Smiddy, Stukcley.
Icelandic on Scandinavian : Anderson, Castrcn,
Dasent, Eddas, (Irottis Saga, Legis, Magnus-
son, Mallet, Mone, Pigott, Sagas, Stephens (G.),
Indo-Germanic : Sepp.
German: Baldwin (J.), Bowles, Colshorn, Cox,
Gerle, Grimm, Holtzmann, Mannhardt,
Miiller (W.), Panzer, Thorpe.
American : Bancroft (G.), Emerson (E. R.),
Leland (C. G.).
Centr.Uj American : Brasseur de Bourbourg.
South Pacific : Gill (W. W.).
Astronomical : Blake, Mackey (S. A.).
Medical : Garratt.
Mythology and Language : Br6al, Knight (R. P.).
Sec ' Folk-Lore,' ' Religion,' ' Vedas.'
MYTHS (THEORY OF) : Creuzer, Grote, Miiller
(0.), Niebuhr, Strauss.
NAMES : Bardsley, Bowdich, Brady, Buchanan,
Charnock, Edmunds, Ellendt, Ferguson, Fin-
layson, Franklin (L.), Gliick, Hope (R. C),
Inman, Joyce, Larchey, Long (H. A.), Lower,
Pott, Salverte, Scotch, Taylor (Is.)', ^Vlleeler,
Of Rivers : Dyer, Ferguson (R.).
History : Galliot, Namur.
NANTES, Edift of : Benoist.
Sec 'France (Ecclesiast. Hist.),' 'Huguenots.'
History : Arlincourt, Arrivabene, Baldacchini,
Cacciatore, Colletta, Costanzo, Court Life,
Giannone, Gladstone, Horner, Orloff, Porzio,
Stamer, Toppi, Tracts 1G3, 168, Troyli, Univ.
Joaniui of Naples : Jameson, Joanna.
Queen Caroline : Helfert.
Under Spanish Dominion : Raumer.
Massaniello : Midon, St. John.
Garibaldi: Arrivabene, Bicknell, Chambers,
Travels and Descriptions : Baccus, Beyle,
Borrer, Craven, Kavanagh, Mayer, Musset,
Naples, Smith (Sam.), Spallanzani, Swin-
Bcjicvento : Borgia. See ' Italy.'
Catacombs : Schultze.
National Museum : Gargiulo.
Geography : Giustiniani.
Memoirs, etc. : Abrantc3,Bausset, Beyle, Bona-
parte, Bourrienne, Bowcn, Collin de Plancy,
Constant, Fleury, Geoffrey, Goldsmith, Gour-
gaud, Hazlitt, Helfert, lung, Lanfrey, Larroy,
Lockhart, Maitland, Memoirs, Napol6on,
Norvins, Peltier, Rcmusat, Rovigo, Saint-
Hilaire, St. John, Scott, Thibaudeau, Thiers,
Tracts (Napoleon), Vieusseux, Whately.
At Fontainebleau and Elba : Campbell.
At St. Helena : Abell, Forsyth, Montholon,
O'Meara, Sturmer.
Letters of : Bingham (H. A.).
S.ATiREs ON : Ashton (J.).
NAPOLEON in. : lUaumont-Vassy, Bonaparte,
Cambaceres, Collin de Plancy, Ddord, Duno-
ycr, Diiprat, Franco. Griscelli, Gronow,
(iuizot, Jcrrold, La Gueronnierc, Le Clenj,
Poujade, llochefort, Tonot, Tracts (Bonaparte),
Williams. See ' France,' ' Military History.'
The Prince Imperial : Barlee.
NATAL. Sec ' Africa (South).'
NATIONAL CHARACTER : Chcnevix, Cockburn,
NATIONAL DEBT. Sec 'Finance.'
NATIONAL (iALLERY : Gwilt, National, Pari.
Reports, Tracts IHL
Catalogue, etc. : Summerly, Wornum.
NATIONS (ORKHN OF): Rawlinson (G.).
NATURAL HISTORY: Adams (W. H.), .Elian,
Aldrovundus, Allman, Anderson (C. J.),
Animal World, Annales, Aristotle, Astruc,
Atkinson, Bacon, Baird, ]5ates (H. W.),
Bennett, Bewick, Biart, Blanchard, Boatc(and
Molineux), Bohmer, Bonnet, 15orelli, Bower-
bank, Brooke, Buchoz, Buckland, BufTon,
Champfloury, Collingwood, Contributions,
Cooke (M. C), Darwin, Dictionnaire, Dolbear,
Duncan (P. M.), Edwards, Faivrc, Figuier,
Forster, (rarner. Goldsmith, (iosse, (irindon,
Guillemin, Hamley, Harting, Ilartwig, Harvey,
Helps, Hinton, Hobson, Holiday, Houghton,
Howitt, Hunt, Huxley, Jardine, JefTeries,
.Jcnyns, Jesse, Johnson, Jones, Kearly, Knapp,
Lapradc, Lemnius, Liais, Lockwood, Ijord,
Lubbock, ]\Iace, Magazine, Martin, Maunder,
Michclct, IMonkcys, Morgan, Moscley, Napier
(C. O. G.), Natural Hist.. Naturalist, Nitzsch,
Ogilvie, Oiaus Magnus, Owen, Piessc, Plinius,
Pontoppidan, Pouchct, Ray Society Publ.,
Reeve, Rendu, Rimmel, St. John, Schneider,
Shuckard, Slack, Smcllie, Smith (W.), Smith-
sonian Contr., Spallanzani, Stavelcv, Swain-
son, Taylor (J. E.), Thompson (J.), Timbs,
Wallace (A. R.), Waterhouse, Waterton,
Watkins, Watson (W. H.), White (G.), Wil-
son, Wood (J. (.'.), Yarrell.
African : Drummond (W. H.).
Caucasus: Petzholdt.
North American : Ingersoll, McCook.
Central American : Belt, Ober.
South American : Bancroft, I'.ates, Darwin, Ed-
wards, Markham, Molina, Wailuco.
Bibliography : Agassiz, Engelmann.
Sec ' Bible(Nat.nist.),' ' Botany," Entomology,'
' Geology,' ' Ichthyology,' ' Origin of Species,'
' Ornithology,' ' Spontaneous Generation,'
' Zoology.'
NATURE (LAWS OF) : Beckett, Cockburn,
Morelly, Ncwlands.
NATURE (PHILOSOPHY OF) : Aristotle, Hart-
mann, Hegel (Encyclop.), Levittoux, Oer-
sted, Oken (Ray Soc), Schelling. Schopen-
hauer, Steffens. Sec ' Philosophy.'
History, etc. : Arcq, Barrow, Coiterill, Du Sein,
Formaleoni, I^indsay, Locjcc, Oliver (S. P.),
Philipott, Pliillips (J.), Priestley, Smith,
Vincent, Wilkinson (J.).
Art of: ]5yrnc (O.), Davies (G. C), Greenwood
(Jas.), Haseldon, Lever (D.), Robertson (J.),
Taylor (Janet).
Law of Storms, Winds, Currents, etc. : Espy,
FitzRoy, Hopkins, Ley, Maury, Piddington,
Reid, Smith (A.).
Steam Navigation : Douglas, Halstead, Pari.
Reports, Woodcroft.
Naval Discipline, Tactics, etc. : Bowles (T.
G.), Clerk, Douglas (H.), Folkard, Kecker-
mann, Noel, Ward (R.).
Nav.u:, Warfare with Steam : Douglas (H.),
Halsted, Joinville, Reed.
Naval Architecture, etc. : Fairbarn, Kipping,
Marett, Peake, Reed, Steinitz, Very (E. W.),
White (W. H.).
Nautic.\l Tables. See ' Astronomy.'
Nautical Terms : Smyth (W. H.), Young.
Naval History : King (J. W.).
Of till' Ancients: Bayfius, Bockh, Ryvius,
Schei'fer, Smith (James), Vincent.
Of the Normans, Venetians, Turks : Depping,
Formaleoni, Haji Khalifeh.
Of Great Britain : Allen, Brenton, Busk, Camp-
bell, Giffard, Hornby, James, Johns, Lidyard,
Napier, Naval, Nicolas, Our Naval Position,
Paget (J. C), Pari. Reports, Pepys, Plunkett,
Read, Sinclair, Southey, Youge.
Mercantile : Ballingall.
Bank and Badges : Perry.
See 'Biography (Naval).'
English and Simnish Fleets temp. Elizabeth :
Barrow, Bruce, Esquiros, Marten, Monson,
Navarrete Docum. 14, Ubaldino.
English Naval Affairs at different Periods to
1800 : Beatson, Burchett, Byng, James, James
II., Jenkins, Journal.
Since 1800 : Armstrong, Clarke, Cust, Dun-
donald, James, Nelson, Plunkett.
Of France and of other Foreign Powers : Cheva-
lier, Cooper, Enquete, Joinville, Leckie, Mar-
gry, Sue.
Indian Navy : Low (C. R.).
(See ' Admiralty,' 'Law (Maritime),' 'Lifeboat,'
' Shipwrecks,' ' Voyages.'
NEEDLEWORK (ART) : Lockwood, Stanley (K.),
Wilton (Countess of).
Matter. See ' Alexandria,' ' Philosophy.'
NEPAUL : Bendall (1886), Kirkpatrick, Oliphant.
NERVOUS SYSTEM : Bell, Bernard, Feuchters-
leben, Fleming, Guillaume, Holland, Hunt,
Kussmaul, Lee, Lucas, Mart, Moore, Ribot,
Schroder van der Kolk, Skey, Tuke.
NESTORIANS : Badger, Grant, Neale, Perkins.
History, etc. : Bergh, Davies, Gachard, Gratton,
Grimeston, Hagemans, Kampen, Lebeau,
Lothian, Meursius, Motley, Netherlands,
Temple, Wenzelburger, Wicquefort, Witt,
Young (A.).
Period 1814-30 : Gerlache.
Ecclesiastical : Brandt, Heppe, Vinke.
Sixteenth Century Wars : Alva, Bentivoglio,
Coloma, Conestaggio, Giustiniano, Marguerite,
Navarrete Docum. 35-38, Schiller.
Travels and Descriptions : Brereton, Guic-
ciardini, Montegut (1869), Moryson, Ray,
Skippon, Thicknesse.
Diplomacy : Recueil.
See ' Belgium,' ' Flanders,' ' Holland,' ' Military
History,' ' Spain.'
NEUTRALITY : Bemis. See 'America ' (Alabama
Claims, London Gazette, l.ussell).
NEW CALEDONIA: Anderson (J. W.).
History, Voyages to, and Descriptions : Bonny-
castle, Chappell, Hakluyt 3, Hatton, Jukes,
Kennedy (W. R.), McCrea, Pari. Reports,
Pedley, Rae (1880), Reeves, Thoreau.
Geological Survey : Murray (A.).
NEW GUINEA: Chalmers (1877-85), Feather-
man, Guillemand (1880), Lawson (1875),
Moresby, Stone (0. C.) 1880.
NEW SOUTH WALES. See 'Australia.'
History : Andrews, Bennett, Camusat, Clarigny,
Grant, Hunt, Newspaper, Oldmixon, Spirit of
the P. Journals, Street.
See ' Press.'
NEW YORK : Brace, Irving, Jones (T.), Morgan,
New York.
Description, etc. : Angas, Barclay (Tracts),
Barker, Bonwick, Bradshaw, Brodie, Brown,
Buller, Butler (A. R.) 1886, Cholmondeley,
Crawford, Fitton, Fox, Fuller, Gilbert, Gis-
borne (W.),Gorst, Green (W. S.),Hawtrey,Hay
(W. D.), Heywood, Hingston, Hochstetter,
Hooker, Howitt, Hursthouse, Jameson, Kenna-
way, Kerry-Nidiols (1884), Lyttelton's Ephe-
mera, M'Killop, Martin, Meade, Nicholas,
Poenamo, Polack, Power, Rains, Rusden,
Savage, Senior (W.), Silver, Swainson, Taylor,
Terry, Thompson, Trollope, Wakefield, White,
Religion, Manners, Customs, etc. : Grey, John-
stone (J. C), Manners, Old, Shortland, Sim-
mons (A.), Taylor (R.), Williams.
Colonization : Aborigines, Bathgate, Fuller,
Swainson, Thomson, Wakefield.
Langu.age : Williams (W.).
War in : Alexander, Carey, Gorst, Gudgeon.
New Zealand Company : New Zealand, Petrie.
Statistics : New Zealand, Pari. Reports.
NIBELUNGENLIED : Forestier, Nibelungenlied,
NICARAGUA : Belt, Costa Rica. See ' America
NICE : Brewster, Hole (1881), Millin. See ' Coun-
cils,' ' France,' ' Italy.'
NIGER, The River : Allen, Andersson, Baikie, Bur-
ton, Hutchinson, Laird, Lander, Lanoye, Mac-
queen, M'Williams, Schon.
Flora : Hooker.
See ' Africa.'
NIHILISM : Arnaudo, Audouard, Frede, Kupc-
zanko, Lavigne, Tracts (Nihilists).
NILE, The River.
Travels to its Source, etc. : Adams, Appleton
(T. G.), Arnold (1882), Baker, Beke, Bruce,
Burton, Didier, Du Camp, Eden, Edwards
(A. B.), Fairholt, Grant, Nile Notes, Pallme,
Ritter, Smith (A. C), Speke, Warburton.
The White Nile : Heuglin, Werne.
See ' Egypt.'
History, Remains, etc. : Ainsworth, Bonomi,
Bosanquet, Botta, Fergusson, Fletcher, Lay-
ard. Porter, Rawlinson, Rich, Smith (G.), Vaux.
See 'Assyria,' 'Babylon.'
NIRVANA: Bastian, ' Bhagavad-Gita,' Miiller
(Max), St.-Hilaire, Schopenhauer. See ' Budd-
hism,' ' Literature (Hindoo),' ' Suiism.'
NISMES : Frossard, Menard.
NOBILITY (OUR OLD) : Evans (H.).
NOMINALISM. See ' Philosophy.'
NONCONFORMISTS: Calaniy, Canne, Grosart,
Hey wood (C), Stanford.
NON-INTERVENTION. See ' America (Alabama
Claims),' ' Law (of Nations).'
NONJURORS : Estcom-t (E. H.), Lathbury.
History and Topography : Beauties of E. and
W., Blomefield, Browne (Sir T.), Chadwick,
Cluonicon Petroburgenso, Cox, Halliwell,
Kelly, Ritchie, Rye (W.). Spelman, Taylor (A.).
Norwich: Kirkpatrick, Norwich, Storcr.
DiocKSAN History : Jessopp.
Brampton: Browne (Sir T.).
The Broads : Davies (G. C).
Castlcacre : Bloom (J. H.).
Castor : Gibson.
Cromer : Bartell.
Foulsluim : Vetusta Monumenta 1.
King's Lynn : Mackerell.
Northicold : Vetusta Monumenta 3.
St. BenneVs Abbey : Vetusta Monumenta 1.
Sandrlngham : Jones (Mrs. H.).
Thctford: Hunt.
Walsingliam : Vetusta Monumenta 1.
Woltcrton : Vetusta Monumenta 4.
Yarmouth : Nail, Nashe.
KetVs Rebellion : Russell.
Agriculture : Kent.
Antiquities : Norfolk Antiquarian Misc.
NORMAN CONQUEST: Freeman. See 'Great
History : Baudrillart, Benoit, Bourget, Chro-
niques, Depping, Deville, Dubois, Duchesne,
Dues, Goub^, Guillaume, Johnson (A. H.),
Michel, Normandy, Ordericus, Palgrave, Pui-
seux, Wilhelmus.
Antiquities : France.
Traditions : Fleury.
Caen : Bourgueville, De la Rue.
Paell\.ment, Laws, Language, etc : Floquet,
Houard, Kelhani.
Travels and Descriptions : Blackburn, Bour-
gueville, Brehat, Cassell, Cochet, Dubois, Du
Carel, Hairby, Hugo, Knight, Life, Macquoid
(1881), Musgrave, Seguier, Shoberl, Six Days'
Tour (1786), Turner.
History and Topography : Architectural, Baker,
Beauties of E. and W., Bridges, Chronicon
Petroburgense, Cox, Hartshorne, Northamp-
tonshire, Tracts.
Cottcrstock : Vetusta Monumenta 1.
Fothcringay : Bonney, Nichols' Bibl. Topog. 4.
Geddington : Vetusta Monumenta 3.
Kingsthorpe : Glover (J. H.).
Naschij : Masters.
Northampton : Vetusta Monumenta 3.
Peterborough : Gunton.
Dialect : Baker, Sternberg.
NORTH POLE. Sec ' Arctic Regions.'
Topography .and Antiquities : Beauties of E.
and W., Bruce, Cox, Gibson, Hodgson (J.),
Howitt, Hutchinson, Murray's Handbook,
Northumberland Household Book, Richard-
son, Service, Surtees Soc, White.
Ahitvick : Birch (S.), Bruce (J. C).
Bcrwick-on-Twecd : Sheldon.
Dilstoii : Gibson.
Ecton : Cole.
HcxJuini : Hexham, Surtees Soc.
Newcastle : Brand, (hey, Newcastle, Vetusta
Monumenta 5.
No7-ham, dc. Shires of : Raine.
Boman Wall : Bruce, Hutton, Maclauchlan,
Tynnnoiith : Gibson.
Watting Street : Maclauchlan.
Di.vLECT ; Brockett, Newcastle.
NORTH-WEST PASSAGE. Sec ' Arctic Regions.'
History jVnd Antiquities : Aarbogcr, Bojcsen,
Carlyle, Dunham, Fayc, Holmljoe, Miinch,
Munter, Nicolaysen, Sars, Sidgwick, Snorro
Sturleson, Torfrous.
Travels and Descriptions : Barnard, Barrow,
Beauclcrk, Belton, Blom, Bonnier, Bowden,
Brace, Bremner, Buch, Cam])ljell, Coxe, Elton,
Enault, Everest, Forbes, Forester. Hollway,
Inglis, Laing, Landor, Latham, Ijloyd, Met-
calfe, Miigge, Murray, One and a Half (1885),
Passage (1881), Pfeiffer, Stone (1882), Tons-
berg, Tracks, Unprotected, Vandal, Vicary
(1885), Vincent (1881), Westminster (Mar-
chioness), Williams (W.), WoUstonccraft,
Wood (1880), Wyndham.
Guide : Baedeker.
Natural History : Pontoppidan.
FiNJiARK : Brooke.
Sec ' Scandinavia.'
History and Topogr-^phy : Beauties of E. and
W., Briscoe, Cox, Thoroton.
Baiotrei/ and Thome : Peck.
Bhjth :^ Baine (Rev. J.).
Newark : Brown (C), Dickinson.
Neiostcad : Irving.
Nottingham Castle : Hine.
Sherwood Forest, Birds of : Sterland.
Southwell : Dickinson.
Stoke Field, Battle of : Brooke.
Agriculture : Agricultural Surveys.
NOVA SCOTIA. S^e' America (North).'
History : Dunlop, Forsyth, Jefferson, Masson.
Early : Calprenede, Ceriziers, Lennox, Painter,
Rich, Sidney.
Collections : Blackwood, British Novelists,
Ritchie, Standard Novels.
Modern Novelists will be found in the Cata-
logue under the names of the authors re-
English Anonymous Novels are placed in the
alphabet under the first word of the Title.
American : Browne (C. F.), Child, Clemens,
Cooper, Craddock, Green (A. H.). Halliburton,
Harte, Hawthorne, Henderson, Howell, Irving,
James (H.), Kennedy, Lathoi-p (G. P.),
' Library,' Longfellow, Reid, Sedgwick,
Simms, Stowe, Van Dyke (T. S.), Wendell
(B.), Wetherell.
American Anonymous : Guerndale, Helen's
Babies, Hetty's Story, Jericho, Money-Makers,
Six to One, ' Two Englishmen.'
Dutch : Bosboom (Frank).
Danish : Andersen, Oehlenschliigcr, Winther.
Flemish : Conscience (H.), Vostaert.
French : About, Achard, Adam (Mme.), A C6t6
du Bonheur, Aimard, Alard, Ancelot, Arcjay,
Arjis, Armengaud, Assolant, Audebrand,
Audeval, Augiei-, Aurevilly, Babel, Babou,
Backer, Badin, Balzac, iianville, Bayeux,
Bazancourt, Belot, Bentzon, Ber-Ange,
Bergerat, Bernard (Ch. de), Bernhardt, Bersier,
Berthet, Beyle, Biart, Billaudel, Blangra,
Boub(ie, Bouquet, Bourda (P.), Bouvier (A.),
Brehat, Bressant, Brunettiere (F.), .Cadol,
Cantacuz^ne, Carne,Castille, Cazotti, Celieres,
Champfleury, Chandeneux, Chaperon (P.),
Chateaubriand, Chavette, Cherbuliez, Cher-
ville, Claretie, Clement (C), Clodin, Colomb,
Constant, Cordier, Cottin, Craven, Cr^billon,
Croix, Custine, Daryl (P.;, Dash, Daudet,
Debans, Deguet, Delacloz, Deligny, Deltuf,
Depardieu (F.), Depret, Desnoyers, Deulin,
Diderot, Didier, Dillon, D'Orsay, Droz, Du
Boisgobey, Du Camp, Ducroz, Dumas,
Duranty, During, Duval (G.), Enault, Erck-
mann-Chatrian, Expilly, Eyma, Fabre, Ferry,
Fertiault, Fervacques, Feuillet, Feval, Fey-
deau, Fieffe, Flaubert, Fleuriot (L.), Florian,
Fornelles, Fortunio, Foudras, France (A.),
Franz, FuUerton, Gaboriau, Gasparin, Gautier,
Geisendorf, Genlis, Gei-ard, Girardin, Gjertz,
Glatron, Gobineau, Goncourt, Gondrecourt,
Gozlan, Grandjoan, Greville, Guerrier de
Haupt, Guyot (Y.), Gyp, Halevy, Haller,
Halt, Hericault (C. de), Holland, Houssaye,
Hugo, Huysinans (J. K.), Idole, Imhert (P.),
Jacob, Janin, Joliet (C), Joly (V.), Jouy,
Karr, Katow (P.), Kock (H.), Kock (P. de),
Korigan (P.), Laboulaye, Lachese (Mile.),
Lacretelle, Lafon (M.), Lafontaine, Laforest,
Lamartine, Lamber (J.), Lamothe (A.),
Langlet (Mme.), Langr^s, Lapointe, La Tour-
du-Pin, Launay, Lavergne, Legrand, Lemerre,
Lemonnier, Lemoyue, Lerne, Leroy (C),
Lesage, Lescure, ' Les deux Filles,' ' Le
Maudit,' Levesque (J.), Loti (P.) Louandre,
Louvet, Mace (G.), Madelene, Mahon (F.),
Maillard, Malot, Man6, Marc Bayeux, Marcel
(E.), Marechal, Marguerite, Marivaux, Mar-
montel, Masson, Matthey (A.), Maupassant
(G. de), Meldrum, Mercey (F.), Merimee,
Mery, Mirecourt, Mistral (F.), Molenes, Mon-
nier, Monselet, Monteil, Montepin, Moret,
Mouhy, Mouls, Mouton (E.), Miiller, Miirger,
Musset, Narjoux (F.), Navery (R.), Nerval,
Noirot, Noriac, Nus (E.), Ohnet (G.), Oliviei',
Orsay (Ctesse d'), Ourliac, Ouvry, Paludin,
Pascal (C), Paul, Paulmy, Pei-ret, Perrin,
Picard, PigaultLebrun, Pinard (A.), Poll, Pon-
son, Pontmartin, Posson (A.), Pradel (G.),
Pressense, Prevost, Quetteville, Eabusson (H.),
Eambaud (G.), Eash (C), Eatazzi, Eetif, Eey-
baud, Eho'idis, Eicard (J.), Eichard, Eiche-
bourg, Eobert (C), Eobida (A.), Eochefort,
Eoison, Eousseau, Eoyer, St. -Germain, St.-
Pierre, St.-Eeal, Ste.-Beuve, Saintine, Sand,
Sandeau, Sandrie (P.), Sans Queue, Sardou,
Sauniere, Scholl, Scudery, Second, Segellas
(M.), Sismondi, Sorel, Sorr, Soulie, Souvestre,
Souza, Stael, Stahl, Theuriet, Thierry (G. A.),
Tremadeure, Tressan, Trimm (T.), Uchard,
Ulbach, Valbezen, Vasili (C), Vast-Eicouard,
Vautier, Verne, Yerneuil, Veron, Veuillot,
Viaud (P.), Yignon (C), Vigny, Yoltaire, Witt,
Zaccone, Zola.
Hungarian : Abranyi, Agai, Arany, Asboth,
Eotvos (B. J.), Eotvos (J. F.), Guylai (P.),
Jokai, Kemeny.
It.axi.4N : Amari, Amicis, Azeglio, Bandello,
Barrili, Bazzoni, Bersezio, Boccaccio, Bosio
(F.), Bresciani, Busone, Caccianiga, Cantu,
Capranica, Carcano, Castagnola, Castelnuova
(E.), Chavette, Cimino (G. F.), Cinthio,
Colombi (C), Cordelia, Erizzo, Falconetti,
Farina, Fogazzaro, Garibaldi, Giovagnoli (E.),
Giovanni, Gonzales, Grandi, Grazzini, Grossi,
Gualdo, Gualtieri, Guerini (F.), Guerini (G.),
Guerrazzi, Imbriani, Lombrosio (C), Man-
zoni, Mastriani, Molmente (P. G.), Neera,
Novelle, Novellieri Italiani, Nuovi Eacconti,
Parabosio, Pierantoni, Porto, Prati, Pruden-
zano, Eoscoe, Eosini, Saredo, Savini, Serao,
Serra-Greci, Singer, Soave, Tzikos, Varese,
Venosta, Verga, Vivanti-Castrelli.
Spanish : Alarcon, Aleman, Avellaneda, Busk,
Caballero, Cervantes, Frueba, Hurtado, Isla,
Lope de Vega, Manuel, Patranas, Eoscoe,
Portuguese : Herculano.
German : Amyntor, Angelika Kauffmann, Anna
Hammer, Anzengruber, Auerbach, Bachmann,
Becker, Biernatzki, Bitzius, Borne, Brennecke,
Buchheim, Burnberger, Byr, Calm, Cancan,
Carove, Chainisso,Delitzsch, Detlef, ' Deutsche
Liebe,' DiethoiT, Dincklage, Dominicus, Ebers,
Eckstein, Edler, Ehrlich, Einsiedler, Elbe,
Eritis sicut Deus, Ernesti, Fallot, Feldberg,
Forster, Fouque, Francois, Franzos, Freytag,
Galen, Goethe, Goldschmidt (M.), Gotthelf
(.J.), Grant, Gutzkow, Hackliinder, Hahn-
Hahn, Haring, Hartmann, Hauff, Heigel,
Hermann (Th.), Herrmann-von-Unna, Heyse,
Hezekiel, Hillern, Hoefer, Hoffmann, Im-
mermann, Jacob, Jensen (W.), Josephe Miins-
terberg, Keller (G.), Laube, Lewald, Liechten-
stein, Lindendorf, Ludwig (0.), Marlitt,
Masoch, Mayer, Meding (0.), Meinhold,
Misasi (N.), Mugge, Miihlbach, Mundt, Na-
thusius, Nessel, Novellenschatz, Oelschliiger,
Olfers, Basque (E.), Paalzow, Pichler, Piderit,
Polko, Eaabe, Eaimund, Eau, Eedwitz, Eell-
stab, Eeuter, Eichter, Eiehl, Eing, Eodenberg,
Eoquette, Eoscoe (T.),Euge, Sallet, Samarow,
Scharling, Schiller, Schlegel, Schmidt (M.),
Schopenhauer, Schiicking (L.), Schultes (C),
Schwartz, Schwartzkopfen (C), Sealsfield,
Solitaire, Spielhagen, Spindler, Steffens,
Stengel, Sternberg, Steub, Stinde, Storm,
Strand (G.), Strauss (V.), Telman, Tieck, Uhl,
Vandervelde, Villinger (H.), Yoss (E.), Werner
(E.), Wieland, Wilbrandt, Wildermuth, Wih-
terfeld, Wolzogen, Zschokke.
Eussi-iN : Avenel, Dostoievsky, Gogol, Tolstoi,
Swedish : Bremer, Palmaer.
Foreign Novelists : Zimmern (H. and A.).
Chinese : Bowring.
NUMISMATICS. Sec ' Coins and Medals.'
NUESEEY EHYMES : Halliwell, Ker, Nursery
NUESEEY TALES : Ayrton (M. C). Sec ' Fairy
Tales,' ' Legends,' ' Tradition.'
NUESING : Good Nurse, Martineau (H.), Moynier,
Nightingale, Thomson.
NUTEITION : Bennet. Sec ' Diet.'
OATHS : Bentham 3, Sharman (J.), Tyler.
OBELISKS : Cooper (W. E.), Gorringe, Wilson
(E.), Zoega.
OBITUAEY (YEAELY) : Annual Eegister, Index
Society, Palmer (S.).
OCEAN, The : Wild.
OcE.\N Currents: Jordan.
SiNECuitE : Black Book.
Public : Marvin.
Municii'.Uj : Goinme.
History : Clayton, Clement, Doran, Edwaids,
Hippeau, Jnllicn, Lumley, Nuitter, Wagner.
Sec ' Drama,' ' Music'
OPINIONS (FOllMATION OF) : .\ncillon, Bailey,
OPIUM TRADE : Brereton, Hill (J. S.).
OPTICS : Airy, Algarotti, Bailey, Brewster,
Briicke, Descartes, Fergusson (J.), Ilelmholtz,
Hunt, Jones (T. W.), Kirchhoff, Gardner,
Laugel, Lloyd, Lommel, Newton, Parkinson,
Patents, Potter, Priestley, Schelller, Young.
Theory of Vision : Abbot, Berkeley, Wells
(W. C).
On Sight: Cooper, Goblet. See 'Eye,' 'Sight.'
OPTIMISM: Kaye, Leibnitz (Th6odic6e). See
' Theology (Natural).'
ORANGE, HOUSE OF: Gachard, Macaulay,
Motley. See ' Great Britain,' ' Holland,'
' Netherlands.'
Ancient : jEschines, Andocides, Basil, Blass,
Cicero, Demosthenes, Dion Chrysostomus,
Gregorius (Nazian.), Hyperides, Isieus, Iso-
cvates, Jebb, Julianus, Lycurgus, Lysias,
Oratores Attici, Oratorum Rom. Frag., Quin-
tilianus, Tacitus, Themistius, Westermann.
See ' Fathers.'
English : Barrow, British Eloquence, Butler
(C), Francis, Gyorgy, Kempe. See ' Sermons,'
' Speeches.'
American: Johnston (A.).
General : Mathews (W.).
French, It.\lian, Spanish : Bautain, Capmany,
Cormenin, Fontanini, Maury, Ricard. See
' Sermons.'
ORDINATIONS. See ' Church,' ' Liturgies.'
ORGANS : Edwards (C. A.).
ORGANIC REMAINS. Stc ' Fossils.'
ORIENTAL STUDIES: Leemans, Maspero,
Mohl (J.), Orientalists. See 'Literature.'
Agassiz, Bastian, Bastiat, Beale, Bree,
Biichner, Crosse, Darwin, Favre, Hiickel,
Hartmann, Janet, Lamarck, Mivart, Miiller
(F.), Pasteur, Ponton, Pouchet, Quatrefages,
Schleicher, Schopenhauer, Wallace. See
' Darwinian Theory,' ' Evolution,' ' Mankind,'
' Protoplasm.'
ORINOCO (RIVER) : Humboldt, Wickham.
ORISSA: Hunter. See 'India.'
ORLEANS (HOUSE OF): Aumale, Capcfiguc,
Crowe, Granier, Louis Philippe. See 'France.'
ORNAMENTS: Jones (0.), Matthias, Viollet-le-
Duc, Zerffi. See 'Architecture.'
ORNITHOLOGY: Adams (W. H.), Audubon,
Bewick, Brehm, Buffon, Coues, Dixon (C),
Dixon (E. S.), Gedney, Harting, Jamieson,
Jardine, Kennedy, Knox, Rennie, Smithsonian
Coll., Temminck, Wood.
Migratory Birds : Harting.
The Dodo : Strickland.
Song Birds : Bechstein, Maling, Wallace (R. L.),
British : Cordeaux, Gosse (P. H.), Gray, Greene
(W. T.), Harting, Johns, M'Gillivray, Mon-
tague, Newman, Rodd, Seebohm, Smith,
Stanley (I'.dward), Stcrlund, Swainson, Sways-
land, Wood, Yarrill.
Indian : Blyth, Gates.
OsTKUHKs: Jiallantyne, Jlosenlluil.
yiooH : Hewitson.
See ' Natural History,' ' Zoology.'
Hawkins. See 'Anatomy.'
OXFORDSHIRE : Beauties of E. and W., Cox 4,
Domesday, Dunkin, Guides, Kennet, Lords-
Lieut., Plot.
Amhrosden : Kennet.
Bainpton : Giles.
Banbury : Beesley.
Bicester : Dunkin.
Blenheim : Blenheim Guides.
J'J)istonc : Jordan.
Ewclnie and SwyncoDibc : Napier.
Kiddington : Warton.
0.rford : Arnold (F.), Ingram, Oxford, Rimmer,
Bodleian : Macray.
Chancellor'' s Court, Wills in : Grifliths.
Musnun and liadcliffc Library : Acland.
Thame : Lupton.
Woodstock : Marshall.
Witney : Giles.
Geology of : Phillips.
Agriculture : Agricultural Surveys.
Diocesan History: Marshall (E.).
Visitation : Harvey (W.).
OXFORD UNIVERSITY, etc.: Acland, Amhurst,
Anstey, Aylift'e, Black, Bloxam, Boasc, Brod-
rick, Caius, Chalmers, Cox, Dillon, Graduate,
Heywood, Ingram, Jeatlreson, Kirkpatrick,
Liber, Lyte, Macray, Neale, Oxford, Parker
(J.), Pari. Rep. 245, 315, Peshall, Pycroft,
Smith (Gokhvin), Storer, Tracts (Mayor),
Twyne, Wood.
Voyages, etc. : Beechev, Boddam-Whetham,
Cook, Cooper (1880), Coulter, Kennedy (W.
R.),Meinicke (1870), Palmer, ]\omilly,Rovings,
Tracts 177, Turner (G.), Wulpolc, Wilson.
Sec ' Polynesia.'
PAGANISM. See 'Mythology.'
PAGEANTS: Chester, Coventry, FairhoU, Nor-
wich, Peele.
PAINTERS : Argenville, Bartsch, Bellori, Blanc,
Bryan, Claretie, Crowe, Cunningham, East-
lake (Lady), Edwards, Gower (Lord R. L.),
Hobbes, Houbraken, Jameson (Mrs.), Nagler,
Pilkington, Redgrave, Reynolds, Washburn,
Wilmot-Buxton. Sec ' Artists,' 'Biography,
Catalogues: Scguier, Smith (John).
IMoNOGRAJis : Brulliot.
Treatises on. Lectures, etc. : Algarotti,
Alston, Armitage, Bell, Bottari, Briicke,
Burnet, Burtin, Campion, Carmichael, Car-
penter, Cennini, Chesneau, Crowe, Da Vinci,
Davis, Delamotte, Diderot, Dolce, Du Bos,
Dufresnoy, Dumas, Fielding, Freart, Fuseli,
Gullick, Hamerton, Handbook, Haydon,
Jameson, Jarves, Lectures, Ijcslie, Lessing,
Liebreich (Tracts), Lights in Art, Lloyd,
Lomazzo, Mason, Massoul, Merrifield, Napier,
Northcote, Opie, Paulmy, Penley, Phillips,
Piles, Poynter, Reynolds, Eicliardson.Eiiskin,
Scharf, Texier, Twining, Waagen, Webb,
Laws of Colouring : Bancroft (E.), Burnet,
Chevreul, Field (G.), Hay, Merim6e, Merri-
Anatomy of Expression : Bell, Hay.
Ancient : Bottiger, Carter, Clarac, Hirt, Junius,
Letronne, Raoul-Rochette, Hchnaase, Sillig,
Thiersch, Welcker, Wiegmann.
Medi/Hval : Emeric, Jameson, Theophilus.
Painting on Glass : Fromberg, Gessert, Merri-
tield, Winston. Sec ' Glass.'
Fresco Painting : Merimee.
History of Painting : Buchanan, Callcott, East-
lake, Fiorillo, Jameson, Kugler, Meyer (J.),
Redgrave, Schnaase, Wornum, Zerl'ti.
Italian School : Bazzi, Beyle, Bombet, Crowe,
Evans, James, Jarves, Kugler, Lanzi, Mengs,
Napier, Reynolds, Rosini, Vasari, Zanetti.
Florentine : Ottley.
Venetian : Gilbert, Pontes.
Spanish : Cumberland, Head, Montecuccoli,
Smith (G. W.), Stirling, Viardot.
Flemish and German: Blanc, Claussen, Crowe,
Delaborde, Fairholt, Guicciardini, Havard,
Helbig, James, Kugler, Michiels, Riegel,
Scott, Wauters, Woltmann.
English : Arber's Garner, Lichtenberg, Red-
grave, Ruskin, Sala, Swinburne.
French : Head, Lagrange.
Water Colours : Delamotte, Leitch, Penley,
Redgrave (Sam.), Rowbotham.
Genre : Wedmore.
See also 'Antiquities,' 'Art," Galleries.'
Aylotfe, Barisonius, Carpentier, Codex, Kopp,
Lepsius (Tracts), Mabillon, Montfaucon,
PalfEographical Society, Palcographie, Pla-
centinus. Record Comm. Publ., Wailly, Wat-
tenbach, Wright. See ' Language,' ' Cata-
logues of Manuscripts,' 'Writing.'
PALEONTOLOGY : Da Costa, Duncan, Falconer,
Keller, Nicholson (H. A.), Palffiontographical
Soc. See ' Geology.'
PALATINATE : Blaze de Bury, Hausser.
PALERMO : Giardura. See ' Sicily.'
History : Champagny, Coggeshal, Derenbourg,
Josephus, Langen, Robinson, Russell, Sal-
vador, Stanley (A. P.), Universal History. See
' Jews.'
Travels and Descriptions : Alton, Antoninus,
Baumgarten, Bovet (1882), Brocardus, Broc-
qui^re, Bruyn, Burckhardt, Burton, Carmoly,
Came, Castlercagh, Churton, Clarke, Conder,
Damer, Ehrmann, Estournel, Fabri Evaga-
torium, Farnham, Fergusson, Fisk, Fullerton,
Gordon (General), Graul, Guylforde (1506),
Hakluyt '2, Hamilton, Hasselquist, Herbert,
Hull (1885), Kelly, Kinglake, Kitto, Lamar-
tine, Lennep, Leo, Lepsius, Lindsay, Lynch,
Macleod, Mandeville, Margoliouth, Martin
(W. G.), Martineau, Merrill (1885), Montagu,
Neale, Niebuhr,OHphant (1880), ' Our Work,'
Palestine, Palmer (E.), Patterson, Pfeiffer,
Pierotti, Pilgrims' Text Soc, Pinkerton 10,
Porter, Piickler, Purchas 2, Raguse, Raumer,
Robinson, Rogers, Romer, Saulcy, Schwarz
(J.), Seetzen, Spencer, Stanley, Stapfer,
Stent, Stuart-Glennie, Timberlake, Tour,
Tristram, Vogue, Warburton, Ward, Wilkins,
Geography : Derenbourg.
Guides : Baedeker.
See ' Arabia,' ' Jerusalem,' ' Syria.'
PALMYRA: Ware, Wood.
PAMPAS, The : Bonelli, Crawford (1881), Gers-
taecker, Head, Henty, Seymour.
PANAMA CANAL: Rodrigues.
PANTHEISM: Berti, Bruno, Diderot, Hegel
(Encyc. § 573), Hunt (R.), Jundt, Orelli,
Spinoza, Tholuck, Vanini, Willis.
See ' Literature (Oriental).'
PAPER-MAKING : Bevan, Herring, Patents.
PAPUA. See ' New Guinea.'
PAPYRI (GREEK) : Hartel.
Greswell, Trench. See 'Bible.'
PARAGUAY : Burton, Charlevoix, Du Graty,
Echavarry, Hutchinson, Masterman, Robert-
son, Techo, Thompson, Washburn.
Ahiponcs : Dobrizhoii'er.
Expedition up the : Mackinnon,
History and Descriptions : Amicis, Arbousse,
Bernadille, Borne, Byrne, Copping, Corrozet,
Dauban, Drummond (E.), Ducamp, Dulaure,
Ebeling, Faugere, Felibien, Fournel, Fournier,
Head, Heuzey, Hobhouse, Janin, Jerrold,
Kock, Laborde, Lacroix, Legouve, Legrand,
Leonard, Mercier, Monnier, Moore, Mourin,
Murger, Neukomm, Pardoe, Paris, Parisian,
Peltier, Photographs, ' Pictures,' Piganiol,
Rimmel, Robiquet, Rosalba, Ste.-Beuve, Saint-
Foix, St. John, Scott, Saugrain, Say, Taine,
T6not, Thackeray, TroUope, Veron, Veuillot.
Directory (1G92) : Du Pradel.
Under Philip le Bel, 1292 : Paris.
Siege by the Normans : Abbon.
Siege by the Germans, 1870-71 : Bingham,
Bowles, Claretie, Ducrot, Favre, Fournier,
Gautier, Inside Paris, Labouchere, Leighton,
Maillard, Sala, Sarcsy, Schuler, Sheppard,
Trochu, Yiollet-le-Duc, Vizetelly.
Various Public Buildings and Institutions :
Budinski, Cartulaires, Crevier, Desmaze,
Dulaure, Exhibition, Exposition, France,
Morand, Paris, Pellisson, St. John, Somme-
BibliotMquc Nationale : Franklin (A.).
Saint-Denis : Felibien, Guilhermy.
Industry, etc. : Fagniez.
Louvre : Eastlake (E. L.), Gautier.
Police : Caussidi^re, Chenu, Fregier, Gisquet,
Mace, Manuel, Sanson, Ten Years, Vidocq,
The Luxembourg : Dumas (F. G.), Favre (L.).
Prisons: Nougaret.
Prostitution : Duchatelet.
University : Jourdain.
Society in : Chambre, Cognel, Fournel,
Grison, Hake, Ideville, Jackson (Lady),
Kalisch, Mohl (Madame), Marionnettes,
Monselet, Nordan, Nuits de Paris, Ste.-Beuve,
Sala, Zolling.
Under the English, 1420-36 : Longnon, Paris.
Exhibition : Industries, Paris.
See ' Commune,' ' Military History.'
Great Britain : Acts, Anson (W. R.), Beatson.
Bisset, Bohun, Brown, Burton, Buxton (S.),
Cavendish, Dod, D'Ewes, Dugdale, Earle,
Elsing, Filmer, Flaf^ollum, Fuller, Gardiner,
Gneist, Grant, Historical, Howell, Hutton,
Jennings, Johnson, Journals, Kingsdown,
Lucy (H. W.), May (E.), O'Connell, Parlia-
mentary, Parry, Pittis, Eaven, liccord Com-
mission, Sadler, Sketches, Skottowe, Smith
(H. S.), State Papers, Townsend.
House of Comjions : Anderson (D.), Men and
Manners, O'Connor (T. P.), Palgrave (K. F.).
Eei'okm of : IJentham 5, (irey, Heaton, Jones,
Mill, Molesworth, Murdoch "(J.), Pari. Reports,
Eussell, Tracts (Pari.).
LoNO Pakliamknt : Husband, May (T.), North-
cote (Sir J.), Sarcastic Notes, Scobell, Walker.
Deiutks, 10G7-1(J9-1 : Grey (A.), 1803-88:
Of ScoTLANii : Acta, Acts, Record Commission.
Of Irel.vxi) : Irish, MacNeill, Mountmorres,
Statutes, Whiteside.
Use and Abuse of Pakliajients : Ralph.
Parliamentaky Jurisdiction : Burn, Elsynge,
Hale, Hamilton, HoUis, Luders, Petyt,
Precedents of Proceedings, Rolls, Writs,
ETC : Hatsell, May (E.), Prynne, Record
See ' State Papers.'
Private Bill Legislation : Clifford (F.).
Lives of the Speakers : Manning.
Members : Pari. EejDorts.
Protests of Lords : Rogers (J. E. T.).
See ' State Papers.'
History of Ancient Palace of Westminster :
Brayley, Vetusta Monumenta.
See ' Elections,' ' Government,' ' Representa-
tion,' ' Speeches.'
PAROCHIAL SYSTEM : Bartley, Beever, Blunt,
Chalmers, Smith (Toulmin), Stillingfleet.
See ' Church,' ' Law.'
PARROTS : Greene (W. T.), Russ.
PARSEES : Dosabhoy Framji Karaka, Haug, Hyde,
Lord, Zoroaster.
PARTHIA : Pliny, Rawlinson, Strabo.
P.\ETY (HISTORY OF): Bolingbroke, Cooke,
Harris (W.), Holland, Macaulay, Molesworth,
Roebuck, Somerville.
PATAGONIA : Beerholm, Coppinger (1883), Cun-
ningham, Dixie (Lady F.), Falkner, Guin-
nard. Musters.
PATENTS : America, Australia, Leisz, Pari.
Reports 26, Patents, Tracts 15, 201, Turner,
Bernard (M. P.).
PATHOLOGY. See ' Diseases.'
PAUL, ST.: Aubertin, Baur, Blunt, Conybeare,
Farrar, Hcmsterhusius, Howson, Lewin,
Paley, Plumptre(E. H.), Smith (James), Tate,
Taylor (W. M.). See ' Bible.'
PAUL'S (ST.) CATHEDRAL. See 'London.'
PAUPERISM : Fawcett, Mills (H. V.). See ' Poor.'
PAVING : Gillmore (Q.).
PEASANTRY, ENGLISH: Heath, Jefferies (R.),
Smith (E.).
PEASANTS' WAR : Ranke, Weill, Zimmermann.
Sec ' Germany,' ' Reformation.'
PEDESTRIANS : Walker's Original, Watson.
PEDIGREES. See ' Genealogy.'
liurke. Carpenter, Catton, Collins, Dale,
Debrett, Dod, Dugdale, Edmondson, Foster
(J.), Jacob, Jones, Lodge, Nicolas, Our Old
Nobility, Pari. Reports (Peerage Cases),
Sharpe, Solly, Stanley.
Dormant and Extinct : Banks, Burke, Nicolas.
Sl-dtland : Douglas, Riddell, Robertson, Wallace.
Ireland : Lodge.
Fiunce: Anselme, Courcelles, Daguesseau, Du-
laure, GranierdeCassagnac, Louandre, Saint-
Russia : Dolgoroukow, Lubomirski.
Sec ' Genealogy,' ' Heraldry.'
PEGU: Balbi, Pinto.
PELAGIAN HERESY : Augustin (S.).
PELEW ISLANDS : Hoskin (1803), Keatc.
PELOPONNESUS: Clarke, Cramer, Curtius,
Strabo, Wyse. Sec ' Greece.'
PENINSULAR WAR : Jones, Napier. See ' Mili-
tary History.'
PENITENTIARIES: Beaumont, Begg, Pari. Re-
port 34, Tocqueville. See ' Prisons.'
PENNSYLVANIA : Dixon, Gait, Macaulay, Penn.
Sec ' America.'
PERICLES (TIME OF) : Curtius, Grote, Lloyd
(W. W.j, Schmidt (A.), Thucydides. See
' Greece.'
English : Academy, All the Year Round, Anti-
Jacobin, Art Journal, Athenieum, Athenian
Oracle, Atlantic Monthly, Bee, Bentley, Bi-
bliotheca, Blackwood, British, Builder, Cal-
cutta, Cambridge, Catholic Presbyterian,
Chambers, Christian Miscellany, Christian
Reformer, Christian Remembrancer, Church
Builder, Church Quarterly, Church Review,
Church of England Mag., Coleridge, Co-
lonial Church Chronicle, Contemporary,
Cornhill, Council of Ten, Craftsman, Dial,
Dickens, Dolman, Dublin, Dunton, Eclectic,
Economist, Edinburgh, Ellis, English His-
torical Review, English Illustrated Mag.,
Entomologist, Eton College Mag., Euro-
pean, Expositor, Fine Arts, Fisherman's
Mag., Food Journal, Foreign, Fortnightly,
Eraser, Genealogist, Gentleman's, Geological,
German Museum, Guardian, Hall (Crypt),
Homreopathic, Hunt, Illustrated London,
Illustrated Science, Index Society, Ionian,
.Jewish, Journal, Lancet, Law, Lawson,
Lazarus and Steinthal, Linton, Literary
Chronicle, Literary Gazette, Literary Journal
(1741-48), Live-Stock Journal, London Criti-
cal, London Mag., London Quarterly Rev.,
London Saturday Journal, London Weekly
Mag., Lowe's Edinb. ]Mag., Manchester Lit.
Club, Maty, May, Medical Science, Microcosm,
Microscopical, Mind, Missionary Record,
:\Ionth, Monthly Magazine, Monthly Chro-
nicle, Monthly Review, Murray's Mag.,
Museum, National Mag., Natural History
Rev., Nature, New Monthly, New Quarterly,
Nineteenth Century, Norfolk Antiquarian
Miscellany, North American, North 15ritish,
Northern Star, Notes and Queries, 011a
Podrida, Oxford, Pall Mall, Philology (Jour-
nal of), Philosophical Mag., Pha>nix, Popular
Science Rev., Portfolio, Postboy, Prospective,
Punch, Quarterly, Rambler, Retrospective,
Reynolds's, St. James's, St. Stephen's,
Saturday, Saturday Mag., Scottish Guardian,
r F 2
Scottish Mag., Scottish Monthly, Scottish
Eev., Scots, Scourge, Simmonds, Spectator,
Spirit, Statesman, Student, Sunbeam, Tait,
Tegg's Mag., Temple Bar, Times (Index to).
Union Eev., Universal Museum, Universal
Rev., Urquhart, Victoria Mag., Weekly Visitor,
Westminster Rev., Wilkes, Winslow, Wits'
Mag., Wonderful Mag., Year-book, Zoist.
Feench : Annales, Baillet, Bayle, Cosmos,
Courrier du Bas-Rhin, Freron, Gazette des
Beaux-Arts, Journal des Savants, Magazin,
Mallet, M61usine, Mercure, Philosophic Posi-
tive, Revue Celtique, Revue Contemporaine,
Revue Critique, Revue de Droit National,
Revue des Deux Mondes, Revue Encycl.,
Revue Franc^aise, Revue Historique, Revue
Independante, Revue Nouvelle, Revue Occi-
dentale. Revue Philosoijhique, Revue Retro-
spective, Revue de la Revolution, Semaine
Gi:R.AiAN : Blatter, Deutsche Rundschau, Evan-
gelische Kirchenzeitung, Gegenwart, Gentz,
Gerhard, Geschichte, Grenzboten, Hoefer,
Holzendorff, Jahrbiicher, Jenaische, Kunst-
blatt, Lazarus, Philologus, Poggendorf, Pro-
testantische Kirchenzeitung, Raumer, Rheini-
sches, Steinthal, Sybel (Hist. Zeitschrift),
Theologische Studien, Theolog. Literatur-
Zeitung, Unsere Zeit, Wochenschrift, Zeit-
schrift fiir Hist. Theol., Zeitschrift der
Savigny-Stiftung fiir Rechtsgeschichte.
Swedish : Svensk Tidskrift.
AiiEBicAN : Century, Harper, North American
Review, Princeton Review, Scribner, Silliman.
Latin : Mnemosyne.
MoDEEX Greek : Parnassos.
PERSEPOLIS: FranckHn, Rich, Tracts 76,
Ussher, Vaux.
HisTOEY (Ancient and Modern) : Angiolello,
Ayeen, Brissonius, Ctesias, Firdausi, Fraser,
Gobineau, Hamza, Herodotus, Hoeek, Hyde,
Jones, Kinneir, Letters, Malcolm, Markham,
Maspero, Mirkhond, Ouseley, Piggot, Raw-
linson, Sacy, State Papers, Spiegel, Univers.
History, Vaux, Watson, Xenophon. Sec
' Greece.'
Travels and Descriptions : Arnold (A.), At-
kinson, Bell, Bergeron, Bode, Brittlebank,
Brugsch, Bruyn, Brydges, Buckingham,
Burnes, Cartwright, Chardin, Conder, Delia
Valle, Eastwick, Ferrier, Fowler, Fraser,
Hakluyt 1, Herbert, Letters from the Cau-
casus, Malcolm, Marsh (H. C), Morgan
(E. D), Morier, Olearius, Olivier, Otter, Per-
kins, Persia, Pinkerton 9, Porter, Purchas 2,
Ramusio 2, Rich, Sherley, Shiel, Stack (1882),
Stuart, Tavernier, Thielmann, Torrens, Va-
lentyn, Vaux, Wagner, Waring, Wills (1886).
PERSPECTIVE : Abbatt, Heath, Jesuits (The),
Pyne, Rider, Ruskin.
PERU : Balboa, Brehni, Duffield, Garcilasso de la
Vega, Helps, Lima, Markham, Mathews
(E. D.), Miller, Navarrete Docum. 5, Pizarro,
Prescott, Robertson, Xeres, Zarate.
Travels and Descriptions: Acaretta, Betagh,
Cieza, Conder, Constantin, Coreal, Dundonald,
Frezier, Hall, Humboldt, Hutchinson, Ma-
driga, Markham, Miller, Smith and Lowe,
Squier, Tschudi, Wiener.
Guano : Tracts (Nesbit).
Religion : R6ville (A.).
See 'America (South).'
PESSIMISM : Barlow, Caro, Hartmann, Schopen^
hauer. Sully. Sec ' Optimism,' ' Teleology.'
PETER, ST.: Allies, Blunt, Zeller (E.). See
' Bible,' ' Rome.'
PETER THE GREAT. See ' Russia.'
PETERSBURG: Bourke, Jerrmann, Kohl, May,
Raikes, Storch, Vitzthum, Welp.
PETRALOGY: Barnes (E. L.), Pinkerton. See
' Mineralogy.'
PETROLEUM : Gesner, Marvin. Sec ' Coal.'
PHALARIS, Dissertations on : Bentley, Boyle.
PHARAOH DYNASTY : Zincke. Sec ' Egypt.'
PHARMACY. Sec ' Medicine.'
PHILIPPINES, The : Bowring, Carillo, Gironi^re,
Jagor (1875), Lady's Visit, M'Micking, Mon-
tano (1886), Morga, San Augustin, Semper,
PHILOLOGY: Ayuso, Bahr, Benfey, Bentley,
Blackie (J. S.), Boeckh, Bopp, Borberg, Bot-
tiger, Clarke (H.), Creuzer, Crombie, Donald-
son, Ficke, Gladstone, Grimm, GriJber, Hadley,
Harris, Hermann, Hoefer's Zeitschrift, Huni-
boldt (W.), Jacobs, Julien, Key, Latham,
Lazarus, Madvig, Mommsen, Milller (Max),
Miiller (Otf.), Niebuhr, Paley, Papillon, Parr,
Pauly, Pezzi, Philological, Porson, Pott,
Raumer (Rud. v.), Rhein. Museum, Rhys,
Sayce, SchoU, Strangford, Teuffel, Tooke,
Wachsmuth, Walz, Welcker, Whitney, Wolf
(F. A.). See 'Antiquities,' 'Language,'
' Literature ' (Greek and Roman).
Ancient: Abbott (E.), Apuleius, Aristotle, Aure-
lius, Baur, Benn, Blackie (J. S.), Boethius,
Brucker, Butler (W. A.), Chaignet, Cicero,
Collins (W. L.), Cornutus, Diderot, Diogenes
Laertius, Empedocles, Ejiictetus, Eudemos,
Fenelon, Ferrier, Greek Philosophy, Grote,
Hermann, Heusde, Hierocles, Hirzel, Jam-
blichus, TjCwcs, Longinus, Maguire, Maui'ice,
Maximus, Philosophorum Frag., Plato, Plo-
tinus, Plutarch, Potter, Proclus, Seneca, Sex-
tus, Simi^licius, Socrates, Stanley, Synesius,
Theophrastus, Wallace (E.), Xenophon, Zeller.
See ' Alexandria.'
Middle Age or Scholastic : Abelard, Aquinas,
Bernard, Bruckerus, Christlieb [ErigenaJ,
Cousin, HamiDden (in Encyc. Met.), Haureau,
Isidorus, Maurice, Morin, Petrus Lombardus,
Ritter, Rousselot, Stockl, Suarez, Vaughan.
Modern : Andre, Argens, Bacon, Bailey, Balfour
(A. J.), Balmes, Barruel, Bates, Beaussire,
Bees, Belsham, Bentham, Berkeley, Bersot,
Biblioth^que, Blakey, Blanc (L.), Blignieres,
Boccardo, Bolingbroke, Bolton, Bouillier,
Bowen, Brewster, Brodie, Brown (J.), Bruno,
Bungener, Burgersdicius, Burgh, Burnett, But-
ler (S.), Calderwood, Caraman, Carlyle, Caro,
Chalyba;us, Clifford, Clulow, Cobbe, Coleridge,
Comte, Condorcet, Conversations, Cousin,
Crombie, Crozier (.J. B.), Cudworth, Cumber-
land, Daguesseau, D'Alembert, Damiron,
Derodon, Descartes, Diderot, Digby, Dobell,
Doherty, Drelincourt, Elam, Engel, Espinas,
Euler, Ferrier, Feuerbach, Fichte, Fischer,
Fiske, Flourens, Fontaine-Malherbe, Fourier,
Franck, Fraser, Frauenstadt, Frederic, Freret,
Galileo, Gassendi, Gioberti, Gleig, Green,
Gregory, Groth, Guizot, Guyan, Halle, HamiU
ion, Hartley, Hartmann, Hegel, Plerbart,
Herbert, Hcnler, Hillcbrand, Hinton, Hii)pel,
Hobbes, Hodi^son, Home, Hiiet, Hume, Hunt
(E.), Hutchinson, Jacobi, Jiimieson, .Iiinet,
Jobert, Joul'froy, Kant, Keckcnnann, Kennedy,
Kirkman, Lamennais, La Mettric, Laming,
Laromiguit^re, Laugel, Lef6vre, Leibnitz,
Lewes, Littro, Lloyd, Maccall, Mackay,
Maine, Mallock, Mandevillc, jNIansol, Margerie,
Mariano, Martincau (J.), Masson, Matter,
Maurice, Michelet, Mill, Molitor, Monboddo,
Moore, More, Morin, Morley (J.), New Philo-
sojjhy. Noack, Noirot, Norris, Kourrison,
Ogilvie, Oliphant (T. K. L.),Ott, Taley, Para-
doxical, I'aulmy, I'aulus, Phil-Magazine, Por-
talis, Powell, Purpose of Existence, Piamsay,
Beid, Eemnsat, lienan, l\ibot, Rosmini, llot-
tenburg, Saintine, Haisset, Saverien, Schel-
ling, Schleiermacher, Schobel, Schopenhauer,
Shaftesbury, Shairp, Sheddcn, Sigwart, Smith
(A.), Spencer, Spinoza, Spurgin, St.-Hilairc,
Stallo, Stewart, Stirling, Swedenborg, Taylor,
Thomson (Sir W.), Turgot, Tytler, Vera,
Vico, Voltaire, Wiener, Wolif (H.), Zart.
Biographical History of Philosophy: Lewes.
•Orient.al Philosophy : Ballantyne, Banerjea,
Bartheleniy, Bruch, Colebrooke, Cousin, Da-
bistan, Davies (J.), Davis, Hall, Haug, Jones,
Maimonides, Maurice, Milller (Max), Munk,
Pauthier, Pauw, Eegnaud, Renan, Hose (E. C),
Schmolders. Wilson.
Arabic : Dieterici.
Chinese: Confucius, Douglas, Julien, Lao-Tsc.
See ' Oriental Literature,' ' Sufism,' ' Zend-
Philosophy .\xd CHr.isTi.v;,-iTY : Gostwick, Peila-
History of Philosophy (ix Outlines) : Barchou
de Penhoen, Bax, Bernays, Bersot, Boeckh,
Brandis, Brucker, Buhle, Busse, Butler, Chaly-
bffius, Christlieb, Cousin, Damiron, De Gerando,
Dionysius, Du Hamel, DiUiring, Enfield, Erd-
mann, Ferri, Feuerbach, Fischer, Galluppi,
Grote, Hampden, Harms, Haureau, Hegel,
Henry, Herder, Hermann, Joel, Jonsius,
Lange, Lewes, Marinus, Maurice, Michelet,
Morell, Morellet, Morin, Xoack, Orelli, Paulus,
Eitter, Eosenkranz, Schleiermacher, Schweg-
ler, Stanley, Tenneman, Trendelenberg,Ueber-
weg, Valentin, Van de Weyer, Weber, Willm,
Zeller, Zimmermann.
Schools of Philosophy. [Where monographs
on the several schools are not found, refer-
ences to more comprehensive works are
The First Ionic School : (Thales, Anaximander,
Anaximenes) ; Ferrier, Ijcwes, Eitter, Zeller.
Pythagoreans : Bijckh, Chaignet, Hegel 13,
Lewes, Zeller.
Elcatics, etc. : (Xenophanes, Parmenides, Zeno ;
Empedocles,Democritus,Anaxagoras) ; Lewes,
' Philosophorum Fragmenta,' Eitter, Zeller.
The Doctrine of Heraclitus : Hegel, LaFsalle,
Sophists : Funck-Brentano, Grote, Lewes, Zeller.
Socrates and FoUoirers : (Aristippus, Theodorus,
Hegesias, Euclides) ; Dcssaucv, Hamann,
Plato, Schlegel, Xenophon, Zeller.
Cynics : (Antisthenes, Diogenes) ; Zeller.
Platonic Philosopliy : Becker, ]3onitz, Coleridge
('Friend'), Cousin, (irote, PIcgel, Hermann,
Heusde, Jowitt, Lewes, Proclus, Eitter,
Schleiermacher, Schwegler, Whewell, Zeller.
The Old Academy : (Speusippus, Xenocrates,
Polemon, Crates, Grantor) ; Eitter, Ueberweg.
Aristotle : Bonitz, Grote, Hegel, Lewes, Stahr,
Ueberweg. See ' Aristotelian Philosophy.'
Stoics and Pantheists : (Zeno, Cleanthcs, Cliry-
sippus) ; Capes (W. W.), Holland (F. M.),
Eitter, Zeller.
Epicureans : Zeller (E.).
The Earlier Scci>tics : (Pyrrho, Tinion) ; and
the later Sceptics ((Knesidcnnis, Agrippa,
Sextus Empiricus) ; Hegel, Maccoll, Eitter,
The New Academy : (.\rcesilaus, Carncades) ;
Eitter, Zeller.
Eclecticism and Roman Philosophy : (Cicero,
Epictetus, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius). Modern
Authors : Lewes, Eitter.
Early Christian Philosophy and its Opponents :
Apolionius Tyancus, Augustinus, Arius,
Athanasius, Boetius, Basilius, Celsus, Clemens
Alexandrinus, Dionysius Areopag., Gregorius
Nyssenu", Julianus, Origen, Synesius, Ter-
tullianus. Modern Authors : Baur, Cave,
Fliigcl (' Mani '), Gibbon, Maurice, Stockl.
Nco-Platonic Philosophy: (Hrorer, Jamblichus,
Kingsley, Matter, Philo-Juda'us, Plotinus,
Porphyrius, I'roclus, Stockl. See ' Alex-
andria",' ' Ante-Xicene Fathers, ' Christianity.'
MediuTal Philosophy or Scholasticism : Abai-
lard, Ansclm, Damascenus, Ph-igena, Thomas
de Aquino, Petrus Lombardus. Eamus. Mo-
dem Authors : Christlieb, liaurcau, Kleutgen,
Maurice, Stockl, Vaughan.
See ' Scholastic Philosophy,' ' Schoolmen.'
Nominalism and Realism : Abadardus, Ansel-
mus, Occam, Eoscellinus. Modern Authors :
Cousin, Haureau, Maurice, Stockl, Vaughan.
Mcdio-ral Mysticism : Bernardus, Eckhart,
Tauler, Hugo de S. Victor, Thomas de Aquino,
Thomas k Kcmpis. Modern Authors : Stockl,
Pantheism and Philosophy of the Renaissance
Period : Bessarion, Bruno, Campanella, Fici-
nus, Petrus Eamus, Picus Mirandula, Pompo-
natius, Vanini. Modern AuUicrs : Carriere,
Modern Philosophy : (Bacon, Descartes, Geulinx,
Malebranche, Spinoza) ; Cousin, Erdmann,
Fischer, Lewes, Nourrisson, Orelli, Eehorn,
071 Spinoza's Theory : Caird, Camerer, Dessauer,
Erdmann, Frohschammcr, Huber, Lewes,
Linde, Orelli, Pollock, Eehorn, Reichcnau,
Ueberweg, Willis.
Idealism, nth and ISth Centuries : (Leibnitz,
Wolf, Clarke, Cudworth, Berkeley) ; Erdmann,
Fischer, Eemusat.
{Experimental) : Coste, Webb (T. E.).
Empiricism, llth and 18th Centuries : Con-
dillac, Helvetius, Hume, Jodl, Lechler, Locke,
Materialism, 18th Century : Hartley, Holbach,
La ]\Iettrie, Lange.
German Rationalism in the 18th Century :
Bahrdt, (lostwick, Lechler, Mendelssohn (M.),
Eeimarus, Spalding.
Sec ' Deism,' ' Eationalism.'
Social Philosophy. Sec ' Society,' ' Sociology.'
English and Scottish Philosophy in the 18th
Century : Beattie, Home, Hume, Hutchcson,
Eeid, Smith (Adam).
Later English and Scottish Philosophy : Aber-
crombie, Blakey, Bolton, Brown (Thos.), Cole-
ridge, Combe (G.), Doherty, Green, Hall,
Hamilton (Sir W.), Hampden, Hodgson,
Leslie (C), Lewes, McCosh, Mackintosh,
Mansel, IMasson, Maurice, Mill (Jas.), Mill
(J. S.), Morell, Eamsay, Seth (A.), Shedden,
Spencer (H.), Spurgin, Stanley, Stewart (Du-
gald), Stirling, Taine, Whewell.
German Idealism, 1780-1854 : (Fichte, Hegel,
Herbart, Jacobi, Kant, Schelling) ; Caircl
(E.), Chalybaeus, De Quincey, Erdmann,
Fischer, Foucher de Careil, Frohschammer,
Haym, Hillebrand, Kant, Lewes, Eosenkranz,
Stirling, Vera.
Later German Philosophy : Erdmann, Frauen-
stadt, Hartmann (Ed.), Eibot, Schopenhauer,
Cartesian Philosophy : Bordas-Demoulin, Bouil-
lier, Descartes, Fog, Lowndes.
Eclecticism and Later French Philosophy :
Alaux, Cousin, De Gerando, Ferraz, Jouffroy,
Leblais (Bib. de Phil. Contemporaine), Ra-
vaisson, Roisel.
Positivism : ' Bibliotheque de Phil. Contempo-
raine,' Blignieres, Bridges, Broglie, Comte,
Congreve, Fiske, Lauret, Leblais, Lewes,
Liard, Littre, McCosh, Mallock, Mill (J. S.),
Schiattarella, Spencer (H.), Taine.
Transcendentalism : Frothingham.
German Materialism, Vdth Century : Biichner,
Erdmann, Janet, Lange, Moleschott, Vogt.
Fatalism [Modern) : Bii-ks, Guyan.
See ' Aristotle,' ' Bacon,' ' Inductive Sciences,'
' Logic,' 'Metaphysics,' ' Scepticism.'
PHILOSOPHY (OCCULT) : Barrett (Francis),
Crollius. See ' Science (Ancient).'
Flint, Hegel, Herder, Schlegel, Vico. See
' History.'
PHILOSOPHY OF LAW : Bautain, Beccaria,
Hegel,'Montesquieu. Sec ' Law.'
Hegel, Herder, Lowndes, Pfleiderer, Schlegel,
Wilson (John). See ' Religion.'
PHCENICIA: Cumberland, Donop, Kenrick,
Travels and Description : Bovet (1882).
PHONOGRAPHY: Moncel, Pitman, Prescott,
ney, Amateur Photographer, Ayling, Beeja-
pore, Fritsch, Hunt, India (People of).
Patents, Robinson, Sutton.
PHRENOLOGY: Bain, Balscopo, Carus, Castle,
Combe, Davis, Flourens, Gall, Morgan, Ritter-
shain, Spurzheim.
Aristotle, Arnott, Bacon, Bakewell, Barlow
(W.), Beale, Bessel, Birks (Tracts), Boase,
Bonnet, Boscovitch, Braithwaite, Brisson,
Brooke, Brougham, Conferences, Crombie,
Descartes, Deschanel, Diderot, Dolbear,
Euler, Everett, Faraday, Ferguson (J.), Fonte-
nelle, Franklin, Galileo, Ganot, Gassendus,
Gower, Grove, Guillemin, Guthrie (F.), Helm-
holtz, Herschel, Hinton, Hobbes, Humboldt,
Huxley, Hypomnemata, Jamin, Johnson,
Jordan, Kant, Kidd, Leibnitz, Lewes, Lockyer,
McCosh, Marcet, Martin, Matteueci, Miller
(S.), Mivart, Miiller, Newton, Nicols, Paris,
Pasley, Paulmy, Perrin, Pouchet, Pouilly,
Proctor, Quinet, Reclus, Rossiter, Saigey,
Scina, Skertchley, Somerville, Smithsonian,
Stewart, Swainson, Swedenborg, Tait (and
Thomson), Thomson (W.), Todhuntev, Tom-
linson, Tyndall, Voltaire, Warrington, Whe-
well, Wilner, Winslow, Young.
Journals : Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine,
Nature, Microscopical Journal, Philosophical
Magazine, Philosophical Transactions, Pog-
gendorf. Popular Journal of Science, Quarterly
Journal of Science, Silliman.
Heat : Dixon, Metcalfe, Tyndall.
Measurements (Physical) : Kohlrausch.
Peepetual Motion : Dircks.
Transcendental : Zolling.
Experimental : Weinhold, Wiillner.
Inductive Sciences: Whewell.
See ' Electricity,' ' Geography (Physical),'
'Heat,' 'Light,' 'Magnetism.' 'Matter,'
' Meteorology,' ' Pneumatics,' ' Science.'
PHYSIOGNOMY: Carus, Classen, Delestre,
Lavater, Lichtenberg, Lemoine, Simms,
Spurzheim, Warner (F.).
On Hands: Warren (C).
On Noses : Warwick.
PHYSIOLOGY : Agassiz, Alfredus, Allan, Anstie,
Baly, Bennett (J. H.), Bernard, Bichat, Bird,
Blumenthal, Brodie, Cabanis, Carpenter,
Chereau, Child, Combe, Darwin, Draper,
EUiotson, Flint, Foster (M.), Graves, Haller,
Hartley, Hermann (D. L.), Hinton, House I
live in. Hunter, Huxley, Johnson (T. B.),
Kiichenmeister, Lankester, Lawrence, Lawson,
Lee, Lewes, Liebig, Lord, Lovett, M'Kendrick,
Moleschott, Montegazza, Mulder, Miiller,
Oken, Owen, Parker (W. K.), Pitres, Quatre-
fages, Eadcliffe (C. B.), Roberts (C), Roget,
Todd, Unzer,Venette, Wilkinson. See 'Brain,'
' Nervous System.'
Of the Mind : Brown (Th.), Calderwood, Car-
penter (W. B.), Classen, Herzen, Holland
(H.), Laycock, Maudsley.
Muscular and Nervous: Rosenthal (L.).
Vegetable : Carpenter, Ingen-Housz, Kiichen-
meister, Marcet, Mohl, Mulder, Roget, Thom6,
Of Circulation : Pettigrew.
Monstrosities : Aldrovandus, Saint-Hilaire.
PIANOFORTE : Brinsmead, Christiani.
PICTURES: Academy Notes, Bartsch, Boito,
Daryl, Ruskin, Scharf, Seguier, Smith (J.),
Tracts (Gilderoy).
See ' Galleries,' ' Painting.'
Lauder, Price, Twining.
PIEDMONT: Bianchi, Gallenga, Gilly, Hender-
son, Millin, Noel, St. John, Saluces.
Gerjlan Colonies in : Schott.
See ' Albigenses,' 'Italy,' 'Savoy,' 'Wal-
PIETISM : Arndt, Gasparin, Guerin, Heppe,
Menzel (Germ. Hist.), Ritsehe, Spener, S wet-
chine, Tholuck, Zinzendorf. See ' History '
(of Germany, 17th Century), ' Methodism,'
' United Brethren.'
PIG, The : Youatt.
PIGEONS : Lyell (J. E.).
Use of Caerier-Pigeons in War : La Perre de
PIRATES, ROBBERS, etc. : Johnson (Captain),
Oexmelin, Wise. See ' Buccaneers,' ' Thieves.'
History of : Lenfant, Muratori (Coll.), Tronci.
See ' Italy.'
nSCICULTURE : BucklancI, Coste, Yairell.
PITCAIRN'S ISLAND: Eroilie (1850). Sec
' Mutiny of the Bounty.'
See ' Copyright,' ' Literature.'
PLANTAGENPVr KINCiS : Uokynton, Bonedictus
Petrob.,Berington, Cluonicle, Collins, (ireatest
of the Plantagenets, Halifax, Hallam, Hcm-
ingford. Sec ' Great Britain.'
Medicixal : Barton.
History of : Pickering, Schleidcn.
Sec ' Botany.'
PLATA, Eio de la: Arcos, Brossard, Hadfield,
Niers, Page, Parish.
PLATE (OLD ENGLISH) : Chaffers, Cripps.
PLAYS (OLD ENGLISH) : Baker, Collier, Dilke,
Dodsley, Grindrod, Halliwell, Hazlitt, Malonc.
Sec 'Bibliography,' 'Drama.'
mers, Fontenellc, Powell (B.), Proctor, Whe-
well. See ' Astronomy.'
PNEUMATICS : Boyle, Tomlinson. See 'Physics.'
The Theory of : Aristotle, Carriere, D'Alem-
bert, Hegel, Hunt, Lessing, Rosenkranz,
Sidney, Wordsworth (Prefaces to Poems).
Essays, Critiques, and Treatises on : Addison,
Alford, Arnold (M.), Baudelaire, Bayne,
Beattie, Bernhardi, Besant, Bouchier, Bouter-
wek, Brightwell, Brimley, Brooke, Buchanan
(R.), Bucknill, Campbell, Clarke (C), Cleve-
land, Coleridge, Cotterill, Dallas, Dennis, De
Quincey, Dobson, Dowden, Doyle, Du Bos,
Engel, Forman, Gherardini, Girard, Gosse,
Haslewood, Hazlitt (W.), Humboldt (W.),
Hunt, .James, Kreysig, Lamb (C), Laws of
P., Lewin, Massey, Masson, Mathias, Moseley,
Neele, Nettleship, Newman (F. W.), Pollock
(W.H.), Raymond, Reid (H.), Ryan, Ste.-Beuve,
Sanchez, Selkirk, Sellar, Shairp, Simpson,
Stedman, Taine, Tainsh, Tomlinson, Warton,
Webb, Webbe, Wilson (Prof.), Wilson (J. G.).
PopUL.ui Poetry : Ancona, Rubicri, Scliure.
Greek Poets : Anacreon, ApoUonius, Archi-
lochus,Bion, Callimachus, Callinus,Ch!rronus,
Coluthus, Euphorion, Hermesianax, Hesiod,
Homer, Lycopliron, Mimnermus, Moschus,
Nicander,Nonnus, Oppian, Orpheus, Philetas,
Phocylides, Pindar, Pratinas, Quintus Smyr-
nffius, Sappho, Simonides, Solon, Theocritus,
Tryphiodorus, Tzetzes.
Sec ' Drama, Greek.'
Collections, Specimens, etc. : Alford, Anthologia,
Arnold, Blackie, Bland, Bode, Carmina, Donne,
Edmonds (E. M.), Nitzsch, Poctie Lyrici, Poette
Minores, Symonds, Ulrici, Wellesley, Wright.
Modern Greek : Garnett (L. M. J.), Macpherson,
Latin Poets : Arborius, Auratus, Ausonius,
Avienus, Calpurnius, Cato, Catullus, Clau-
dianus. Columella, Ennius, Flaccus, Horatius,
Juvenalis, Lactantius, Lueanus, Lucilius,
Lucretius, Manilius, Martialis, Martianus,
Nemesianus, Ovidius, Persius, Petronius,
Plijedrus, Priscianus, Propertius, Prudentius,
Reposianus, Seneca, Sidonius, Silius, Spurina,
Statius, Sulpicia, Sulpicius, Terentianus,
TibuUus, Varro, Yirgilius.
Ancient and Modern : Derby.
Collections, Specimens, etc. : Amos, Aschbach,
Corpus Poet., Eyb, Fabricius (G.), Franckius,
Nisard, Patin, Pinder (N.), Poeta' I.at. Min.,
I'oetarum Opera, Sellar, Walpole, Wichert.
Modern Latin : Arundincs Canii, .\tterbury,
Barleus, Baudius. Beda, Bcza, Bocthius,
Bourne (V.), Brunette, Buchanan (G.),
Budik, Caius, Carmina. Commirius, Deliciie,
Farsetius, Folcngi, Francius, Gherus, (Jliiho-
sius. Gray, tirenvillo, (irimm, Holden,
Hosschius, Huct, Hugenius, Huttcii,
Johnson (Sam.), Kebie, Ijaudor, Ijcyscr,
Lotichius, Lyra Doclorum, LyltcUon and
Gladstone, Macaronic, Maginn, Mahony,
Malapcrtius, Mapes, Margunius, Marulius,
M^ril, Milton, Musa-, Musarum .'Vnalecta,
Petrarch, Poemata, Polignac (Card.), Pope,
Quilletus, Ricse, Sabrina' Corolla, Scinncller,
Sedulius, Selecta, Trench, rrluui VIII.,
Vanien, Vida, Vitellescus, Wakelield, Win-
semius, Zcvecote.
Macaronica : Cocaius.
Anglo-Latin Poets (12th c.) : Wright.
Ili/inns : Daniel, Hymnen, .Jebb, Latin, Mone,
Neale, Simrock, Trench, Zunz.
See ' Hynmology.'
Italian Poets: .Vdorni, Alfieri, Arboit, Ariosto,
Arrigo, J5aldovini, Barbati, Barctti, Bcrni,
Bojardo, Braccilini, Buonarroti, Cainpanella,
Canigiani, Carducci, Casa, Castanzo, Casti,
Cesarotti, Chiabrera, Cino, Dante, Foscolo,
Frugoni, Giusti, Gozzi, Guarini, Guidi,
Leopardi, Lippi, Lorenzo, Manzoni, Meta-
stasio, Monti, Niccolini, Ongaro, Parini,
Petrarca, Poliziano, Prata, Prina, Pulci,
Rapisardi, Rime, Rosa (Salvator), Tasso,
Tassoni, Trissino, Volpi, Zamboni, Zcr-
Collections, Specimens, etc. : Ancona, Arrivabcnc,
Bergalli, Bertoldo. Collezione, Crescimbeni,
Filicaia, Gherardini, Glassford, Tilartin (Th.),
Mazzoleni, Mcli, Muratori, Ozanam, Parnasso,
Poeti, Pozzesi, Rossetti, Rubieri, Trucchi.
French Poets.
Troubadours and other early French Poets :
Alioni, Barot, Barrois, Basselint Besant,
Charlemagne, Costcllo, Diez, Doon, Gaimar,
Genin, Jacque d'Amiens, Jubinal, Keller,
Leconte, Le Houx, Marie, Medicis (C. de),
M6on, Meril, Orleans, Raynouard, Rochegude,
Roquefort, Rutcbeuf, Rutlierford, Ste.-Beuve.
Modern : Ackermann, Ampere, Baif, Banville,
Bartas, Barthulemy, Beaumarchais, Bi'ranger,
Boileau, Boulllers, Bouilhct, Chateaubriand,
Chatelain,Chenier, Clotilde, Coppt-c, Corneille,
Delavigne, Delille, Dumas ((ils), FR'chier,
Fontenellc, Gautie , Goudeau, Gouge de
Cessieres, Grandmougin, Gresset, Hamilton,
Heusscy, Houssayo, Hugo, Jasmin, Koch,
Lafontaine, Ijamartine, Lemoyne, Malherbe,
Marivaux, Marmontel, Marot, Mathieu,
Montegut, Murger, ]Musset, Nadaud, Piron,
Racine, Rolland, Ronsard, Rousseau, Ruclle,
Sainte-Beuvc, Scarron, Silvestre, Thibaut,
Turgot, Vigny, Villon, Voltaire.
Sj^ecimens and Collections : Brunton, CabriL-,
Carey, Castets, Gottfried, Guilcviile, Hippeau,
Jullien, Marchangy, Masson, Poesie, Poitcs,
Sainte-Beuvc, Thyes, Vinet.
Gascon : Blade.
Spanish : ]5albuena, Calderon, Ercilla, Gar-
cilasso de la Vega, Lope de Vega, Qucvcdo,
Saavedra, Zorilla.
Collections, Specimens, etc. : Bowie, Bowring,
Coleccion, Floresta, Kennedy (J.), Michaclis,
Ochoa, Parnaso, Poetas, Quintana, Roman-
cero, Sanchez, Sarmicnto, Schack (A. F. G.),
Sylva, Wolf.
Basque : D6chepai'e.
PoETUGUESE : Camoeiis, Portuguese.
English Poets :
Early Period to \Wi Ccniiirij : Alliterative,
Arnold's Chron. (for Nut-Brown Maid), Bell,
Beowulf, Bowie, Brydges, Cifednion, Capel,
Chaucer, Codex Vercellensis, Collier, Cony-
beare, Corser, Cromie, Danicarum Eer. Scr. 2,
Ellis, E. E. Text Soc, Evans, Federer, Fry,
Gairdner, Gower, Grein, Grosart, Halliwell,
Hayward, Hazlitt, Headley, Heliconia, Hoc-
cleve, Kemble, Langland, Lydgate, Mirror,
Morris, Motherwell, Ormulum, Percy, Percy
Soc, Ritson, Rolle, Boy, Scott, Skeat,Skelton,
Small, Surrey, Thorpe, Thwaites, Thynne,
Tundale, Turberville, Tusser, Utterson, Weber,
Wills, Wright, Wyatt.
IWi and 11th Centuries : Alabaster, Arber's
Reprints, Bale, Baiisley, Barclay, Barnes,
Barnfeld, Baxter, Brathwaite, Breton, Brooke
(C), Browne (W.), Butler, Campion, Carew,
Cartwright, Chamberlayne, Chapman, Chettle,
Churchyard, Cleveland, Constable, Corbet,
Cotton, Cowley, Crashaw, Daniel, Davenant,
Davies, Deloney, Denham, Dennis, Donne,
Drayton, Drummond, Dryden, Ebsworth,
Edwards, Elderton, Etherege, Falkland, Flat-
man, Fletcher (G.), Ford, Gascoigne, Gent,
Gifford (H.), Greene, Habingtou, Hall (J.),
Harbert, Harington, Hawes, Herbert, Herrick,
Johnson (R.), Jonson, Lauder, Lilly, Linton
(W. J.), Lithgow, Lodge, Loe, Lok, Lovelace,
Marlowe, Marvell, Middleton, Milton, Munday,
Newman (A.), Niccols, Norris, Oldham,
Parker (M.), Percy (W.), Percy Soc. Publ.,
Peyton, Primrose, Quavles, Raleigh, Ran-
dolph, Robinson, Rosse, Sackville, Sandys,
Shakespeare, Sidney, Southwell, Spenser,
Storer, Suckling, Sylvester, Taylor (John),
Vaughan, Waller, Watson, Weber, Wild,
Winchelsea, Wither, Wotton.
From 18tli Centurij to tlic Present Time : Adams
(W,H. D.), Adamson, Addison, Aird, Akenside,
Alford, All the Talents, AUingham, Amhurst,
Anastasia, Anatomj', Anderson (R.), Andred,
Anstey, Anti-Jacobin, Arbuthnot, Armstrong,
Arnold (M.), Audelay, Austin, Aytoun, Bailey,
Baillie, Ballads, Barbauld, Barlow, Barnes,
Barrett, Barton, Bayley, Baync, Beattie, Beau-
mont, Beddoes, Bennett, Bickersteth, Blackie,
Blake, Blanchard, Blanche, Bloomtield,
Blunt (W.S.), Bourne, Bowdler, Bowles, Bow-
ling, Bray, Brooke, Brown (T.), Browne (W.),
Browning, Buchanan (R.), Bulwer, Burbidge,
Byron, Caine, Calverlcy, Campbell, Carey,
Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Cayley, Chaloner,
Chatterton, Churchill, Churton, Clare, Clough,
Cole (H. W.), Coleridge, Collins (M.), Collins
(W.), Colman, Colville, Combe, Cook (E.),
Cooper, Cork, Courthopc, Cowper, Crabbe,
Crocker, Croker, Croly, Darwin, Davis (T.),
Dennis, Do Vere, Dobell, Domett, Dowden,
Doyle, Drane, Drury, Duck, Dutt, Edwardes,
EgertoD, Eliot (Geo.), Ellesmere, Elliot,
Fane, Fisher, Freoland, Frere, Fuller,
Garrick, Garth, Gay, Gifford, Gill, Glap-
thorne, Glennie, Glover, Goddavd, Gold-
smith, Gordon, Gosse, Gower, Grahame,
Grant (J. C), Gray, Green, Greenwell,
Gurney, Hambleton, Hankinson, Harvey (C),
Hawker, Hayley, Head, Heath, Heber, He-
mans, Henderson, Hewlett, Hilda, Hill (R. G.),
Hinton, Hobhouse, Hcliingsworth, Holmes,
Hood, Houghton (Lord), Howe, Howitt,
Hughes, Hunt, Hurdis, Hurnard, Ingelow,
Jenyns, Jerningham, Johnson (Sam.), Jones,
Keats, Keble, Kelly, Kemble, Kent, Kenyon,
King (H. E. H.), Kingsley, Kington, Lady of
Lipari, Landon, Landor, Lansdowne, Lee-
Hamilton, Lemon, Leyden, Lloyd, Locker
(F.), Lover, Luttrell, Lyrics, Lyttelton,
Lytton, Macaulay, McCosh (Dr. J.), Mc
Gee, Mackay, Macready, Mahony, Maid-
stone, Mallock, Manners, Marston (P. B.),
Marzials, Mason, Massey, Mathias, Melville,
Meredith (G.), Meredith (0.), Merivale, Miller
(J.), Milman, Milne (C), Milnes, Mitford
(M. R.), Monks of Kilcrea, Montgomery(James),
Montgomery (R.), Moore, More, Morris (L.),
Morris (W\), Moultrie, Myers (E.), Newman
(J. H.). Nicholson (E. B.), NicoU, Noel,
iSTorris (A.), Northampton, Norton, Odes,
O'Reilly, Orford, O'Shaughnessy, Oxford
Prize Poems, Palgrave, Parnell, Patmore,
Pennell, Philips, Pinkerton (P. E.), Planch^,
Poems, Pollock, Pollok, Polyanthea, Pope,
Power, Praed, Pringle, Prior, Probyn, Proctor
(A.), Prometheus, Eadcliffe, Rafi'alovitch,
Rathbone, Reade (J. E.), Richards, Ritchie,
Robinson (A. M. F.), Rodd (R.), Rogers,
Rolliad (The), Roscoe, Rose, Rossetti (D. G.),
Rowe, Rowley, Russell (P.), Sacred Lyrics,
Sanders, Saul, Scott, Scott (W. B.), Seward,
Shannon, Shee, Shelley, Shenstone, Sinclair
(T.), Smedley, Smith (A.), Smith (C), Smith
(H.), Smith (J.), Smith (W. C), Smollett,
Somerville, Songs, Southesk, Spencer (W. E.),
Sterling, Stigand, Stoddard, Story, Stubbs
(C.W.), Swift, Swinburne, Symonds, Talfourd,
Tannahill, Taylor (Sir H.), Temple and
Trevor, Tennent, Tennyson, Thackeray,
Thomas, Thompson (A. C), Thomson (Jas.),
Tighe, Toulmin, Trench, Turner (Rev. C),
Walker, Ward, Warton, Waterfield, West-
wood, Wharton, White, Whitehead, Williams,
Wills, Wilson (Prof.), Wolcot, Wolfe (C),
Wordsworth, Worsley, Young.
Collections, Specimens, etc. : Asylum, Attwell,
Ballads, Belfast, Bellew, Bleaden, Brown,
Bushby, Campbell, Collection, Creech, Dau-
beny, Dennis, Dodsley, Dyce, Ellis, English
Poets, Evans, Farrar (F. W.), Fawkes, Fenton,
Fry, Guest, Haslewood, Hayward, Hippisley,
Hobhouse, Hunt, Lamb, Locker, Longfellow,
Main, Minor E. Poets, Minto (W.), Moir,
Motherwell, Muse's Mirror, Nichols, Palgrave,
Pamphleteer, Percy, Poems, Poetical Register,
Poetry of ' Anti-Jacobin,' Poole, Robertson
(E. S.), Rogers, Rowton, Ryan, Scrymgeour,
Songs, Southey, Stedman, Suffolk Garland,
Trench, Warton, Wilkins, Wilson, Wright.
Scottish Poetry : Alexander (Sir W.), Aytoun,
Bannatyne, Barbour, Bellenden, Bruce (M.),
Buchan, Buchanan, Burel, Burns, Callander,
Chalmers, Douglas, Dunbar, Ferguson, Finlay,
Grant, Hogg, Irving, James I., Laing, Leyden,
Lindsay, Logan, Mackay (C), Maitland,
Montgomery, Motherwell, Ramsay (Allan),
Scott (Sir W.), Semple, Sibbald, Wilson (J. G.).
Collections, Specimens, etc. : Aitken, Aytoun,
Ballads, Chambers, ' Complaynt of Scotland '
(E. E. Text Soc), Grant, Kautmann, Mackay
(C), Maidment, Motherwell, Ritson, Eox-
burghe Ballads, Scott (Sir Vv'.).
Gaelic, Irish, W^elsh: Brooke, Davies,
Edeyrn, Evans, Guest, Hardiman, Jones
(Owen), Mabinogion, M'Carthy, Macgregor,
Maci^herson, Montgomery (H. L.), Morte
d'Arthure, Myvyrian, Nash, Shamrock.
See ' Whales.'
Amemcax: Breitmann, Bryant, Davidson,
Emerson, Freneau, Griswold, Harlann, Harte,
Holmes, Hows, Leland (C. G.), Linton (W. G.),
Longfellow, Lowell, Miller, Moulton, Poe,
Stedman, Whittier, Winthrop.
Medi.t.yal Gei;m.\n : Ciriuini, Hagen, Heliand,
Konrad, Lachniann, Laureniberg, Lohengrin,
Minnesiinger, Nibclungcniied, lleynard the
Fox, Stuttgart Yerein, Suchenwirt.
Modern Gekmax : Arndt, Auersperg, Bernays
Claudius, Ditfurth, Fontanc, Foui|U('', Froilig-
rath, Geibel, Gellert, Gerhardt, Gleim,
Goethe, Gottfreid, Grillpar/.er, Heine, Herder,
Herwegh, Heyse, Kleist, Kiopstock, Kurner,
Kroger, Lenau, Lessing, Marc, Matthison,
Miiller, Opitz, Pfeitfer (E.), Iledwitz, lUickert,
Salis-Seewis, Sallet, Sclieffel, Schiller, Schle-
gel, Simrock, Thumniel, Tieck, Tiedgc, Uh-
land, Voss, Wagner, Werner, Westphalen,
Wieland, Woltt', Zschokke.
Histori/ and Criticism : Gelzer, Gervinus,
G5deke, Gostwick and Harrison, Gottschall,
Groth, Hahn (W.), Hillebrand,Schulz, Turgot,
Vilmar. See ' Literature.'
Collections, Specimens, etc. : Adelung, Basker-
ville, Buchheim, Biisching, Uulcken, Echter-
meyer, Godeke, Goldschniidt, Hagen, Hart-
mann, Horn, Karl, Lachniann, Mangan,
Miiller (M.), Pontes, Scherr, Sclilippenbach,
Taylor (W.), Wilhelmi, Woltf.
Icelandic: Corpus, Vigfusson. ckhardt, I'jdwanls (S.), Eyre,
Frankland, Galitzin, Gallenga (1882), (Jautier,
(iolovin, Gordon, (h-anville. Green, Grecna-
way, Hakluyt 1, Hamel, Hare (1885), Harri-
son, Haxthausen, Herberstein, HotYmann (W.),
Holderness, Holman, Hommaire de Hell,
Hughes, James, Jesse, Journey, Jovius, Kohl,
Kruse, Labaume, Lagarde, Lansdell (1882),
Laurie, Leclerc, Legrelle, Lekoy-Beaulieu,
Lyall, Lycklama, MacMahon, M'Michael,
Manstein, Margeret (15U0-1()(J()), Marmier,
Merim6e, Michell, Moltke, Moore, I\Iorgan,
Morley, Morton, Murray, Nelson, Northern
Circuit, Ogareff, Olearius, Pallas, Passenans,
Pepys, Perry, Persia, Pierson, Pinkerton,
Possevinus, Raguse, Raymond, Recollections,
Reed (E. J.), Revelations, Richardson, Rigby
(Miss), Russia, Russland, Saint-Pierre, Sala,
Saltikow, Sauer, Schedo-Fcrrati, Schrenck,
Schuyler, Serge (1880), Six Years, Slade
(183'J), Smyth, Sollogub (1850), Spottiswoode,
Stephens, Stepniak, Strahlenberg, Struys,
Tarantas, Thevet, Thompson, Tissot, Tour-
guenief, Tradescant, Turnerelli, Ujfalvy,
Urquhart, Venables, Wahl, Wallace (D. M.),
Westminster, Whitworth, Wilbraham, Wil-
Literature : Turner (C. E.).
Officials and Boyards : Lubomirski.
Agriculture, Serfdom, etc. : Engelmann, Roth.
Geography : Reclus.
Society : Briickner, Forgues, Societe, Tucker.
Russia and Turkey : Boukharow, Latham (R.
G.), Marvin (C).
See ' Military History.'
Russia in Asia : Baxter (W. E.), Uguny, Valik-
hanof. See ' Siberia.'
History and Topography : Beauties of E. and
W., Blore, Cox, Domesday, Smith (C. G.).
SABBATH: Baxter (W. L.) Baylie, Bramhall,
Cox, Domville, Evanson, Fearon, Fuller (W.),
Grahame, Grant (B.), Hessey, Heylyn, Lee
(S.), Maurice, Sabbath, Tracts 31, id, 159,
190, White.
SAB.EANS : Gioufli, Landseer (John).
Barrow 11, Cranmer, Ebrard, Hettinger,
Jewel, Koller, Pusey, Shipley, Taylor, Turton,
Whately. See ' Christianity,' ' Eucharist,'
' Rome.'
SACRIFICE : Maurice, Outranms.
SACRILEGE : Spelman.
SAGAS : Didrik, Edda, Eyrbiggia, luilbing, Leh-
mann, Miuich. Sec 'Folk-Lore,' ' IMythology,'
' Poetry.'
SAHARA : Edwardes, Goblet d'Alviella, Tristram.
See ' Africa.'
zard, Froude (Elizabeth), White. Sec 'France'
ST. DOMINGO. Sec ' Hayti.'
ST. GERMAINS, Abbey of: Bouillart.
ST. HELENA: Abcll, Arber's (Jarner, Beatson,
Brooke, Forsyth, India, Melliss, O'Meara.
ST. LUCIA : Memorials.
ST. MAUR. See 'Benedict.'
ST. MICHEL (MONT) (Abbey of) : Corroyer.
ST. PETER (LEGEND OF) : Zeller (E.).
ST. SIMON : Booth, Janet, Littre, Stein. Sec
' Communism.'
SAINTS, LIVES OF: Acta Sanctorum, iElfric,
Alexius, Baring-Gould, Butler, Clements,
McLaughlin, Owen (Rev. R.), Poujoulat,
Stokes, Teresa, Voragine, Women. See 'Bio-
graphy ' (Ecclesiastical).
SALADIN. See ' Saracens.'
SALT: Ration, Richardson (T.).
Desckiptioxs : Burton, Chandlers, Remy, Stans-
bury, Stenhouse. Sec ' Mormons.'
S.ALZBURG : Hahn (CoUectio 2).
S-iN FRANCISCO : Beauvoir. See ' America.'
SANDEMANIANS : Wilson (Walter).
SANDWICH ISLANDS : Bird, Cheever, Cook,
Ellis, Jarvis, King, Stewart, Varigny. See
'Polynesia,' 'Voyages (to South Sea).'
SANITARY REFORM : Banner, Burke (U. R.),
Burn, Corfield, Dempsey, Denton, Eassie,
Evans, Galton (D.), Guy (H.), Hare, Hellyer,
Kingzett, Marsh (L.), Metcalfe (R.), Morin,
Murphy (S. F.), Pari. Reports, Patents
(Drains), Rawlinson, Sanitary, Teale, Wilson
(G.). See 'Health,' ' Ventilation.'
SANSCRIT TEXTS: Muir (J.), Miiller (F. M.).
See ' Literature.'
History : Bergeron, Dozy, Freeman, Gibbon,
Hutton, Marigny, Ockley.
Sal.\din : Abulfeda, Bohadinus, Marin.
SARAWAK : Brooke, Keppel, Low, McDougall
(1883), Mundy.
Kingdom of: Bennett (J. H.), Genoa, Lee,
Mimaut, Montegazza, Piedmont. See ' Savoy.'
Isle of : Forester, Smyth, Tyndale.
PEX/Ui Code of : Code.
SATIRES: All the Talents, Anstey, Arnold,
Austin, Boileau, Bulwer, Butler, Byron,
Churchill, Desnoiresterres, Disraeli, Dryden,
Erasmus, Giflord, Hall (J.), Hannay, Horace,
Hunt, Hutten, Julianus, Juvenal, Kloster,
Lafon, Laughter, Lenient, Lucian, Mathias,
Moore, Oldham, Persius, Petronius, Political
Merriment, Pope, Rabelais, Rosa, Scarron,
Seneca, Skelton, State Poems, Summers,
Swift, Voltaire, Wieland, Young.
SAVAGE LIFE : Boyle, Farrer (J. A.), Lubbock,
Spencer (H.), Tylor. See names of several
History : Carutti, Costa, Ferrer, Gallenga, Ide-
ville, Paradin, Savoy, Tons.
Travels and Descriptions : Bertolotti, Forbes,
Gallenga, Millin, Rendu, St. John, Weld.
House of : Beauregard, Belgiojoso, Bersezio,
Bianchi, Leris, Riccardi, Servion.
History : Bottiger, Briihl, Calvor, Flathe,
Geheimnisse, Heinemann, Homeyer, Jacobs,
Kranz, Menckenius, Reineccius, Scheller,
Travels A^"D Descriptions : Merian, Stanford,
Tales and Legends : Westall.
History and Antiquities : Annaler, Annales,
Christiania, Crichton, Islandorum Scripta,
Keyser, Kruse, Liljegren, Lloyd, Mallet,
Nilsson, Olaus Magnus, Rafn, Sinding,
Skavlan, Steenstrup, Stephens, Strinnholm,
Thorpe, AVarburton, Wheaton, Worsaae.
Travels and Descriptions : Arnold (E. L. L.),
Browne, Clarke, Garvagh, Hakluyt 1, Hare
(1885), Hurton, Lower (1874), Nilsson, Pinker-
ton 6, Ross, Tyler (1881).
Geography : Reclus.
See ' Denmark,' ' Iceland,' 'Norway,' ' Sweden.'
SCEPTICISM: Duprat, Guyau, Hume, Jodl,
Lechler, Lindsay, Maccoll, Mandeville (B.),
Napier, Rennell (Tracts), Reville, Scott
(Tracts), Sextus Empiricus, Statham, Y'oung,
Zeller. See ' Deism,' ' Philosophy,' ' Ration-
SCHISM (ANGLICAN) : Le Mesurier, Sandar.
SCHISM OF THE WEST. See ' Church.'
gesen, Bunsen, Falck, Gosch, Hampden,
Kohl, Laing, Marckmann, Tractatus, Tracts
97, 174, Twiss, Wegener. See ' Military His-
Christlieb, Duns Scotus, Hampden, Kleutzen,
Occam, Petrus Lombardus, StSckl, Thomas
Aquinas, Vaughan. See ' Philosophy ' (Me-
Abffilard, iElfric, ^neas Sylvius, Alanus,
Alcuin, Anselm, Arnulf, Bacon (Roger),
Bernardinus, Dachery (' Spicileg.'), Erigena,
Francis (St.), Gerson, Grosseteste, Guibert,
Hildebert, Hilton, Hincmar, Hittorjiius, John
of Salisbury, Kempis, Lanfranc, Langland
(William), Martene, Morin (Diction.), Pascha-
sius, Pecock, Pertz, Petrus Blesensis, Petrus
Lombardus, Pez, Picus Mirandula, Rabanus,
Remigius, Rolle de Hampole, Tauler, Wiclitfe.
See ' Chronicles,' ' Church,' ' Early English,'
' History ' (Mediieval), ' Rome.'
SCHOOLS: Bartley, Blakiston, Brewer (T.),
Carlisle, Carteret-Bisson, Cotterill, Creasy,
Drane, Fearon, Hope (A. R.), Landon, Mair,
Ocagne, Pari. Report, Pascoe, Robson, Runci-
man, Staunton (H.), Steven. Sec ' Bedford,'
' Birmingham,' ' Durham,' ' Edinburgh,'
' Education,' ' Eton,' ' London,' ' Rugby,'
' Shrewsbury,' ' Westminster,' etc.
Industrlal Schools : Industrial.
Polytechnic : Pinet.
Technical : McLaren.
Gener.\l : Ashley, Bailly, Bernard (C), Ber-
thoud, British Association, Challenger,
Comte, Deherain, Deschanel, Draper, Freret,
FuUom, Galton, Girard, Gore, Grove, Haeckel,
Hanbury, Herschel, Hutton, Huxley, Lardner,
Littre, Martin (T. H.), Napier, Orr, Pepper,
Phipson, Proctor (R. A.), Rolleston, Science,
Sidney, Silliman, Smithsonian, Spencer (H.),
Student, Thompson (J.), Timbs, Transactions,
Tyndall, Virchow, Watson (W. H.), Weale,
Williams (W. M.).
Household : Faunthorpo.
Natur-u. : Buckley, Ciniento, Hutton (Dr.),
Ancient and Middle Age, Occult Sciences,
ETC. : Agrippa, Bacon, Barrett, Beda,
Blavatsky, Browne (Sir T.), Cassiodorus,
Christmas, Croliius, Fram.'ois, Glauber, Halli-
well, Helmont, Jevons, Lacroix, Leechdoms,
Manetho, Meiners, Morinus, Morley, Oicott,
Proctor, Resie, Salverte, Theatrum, Vico,
Villars, Wattenbach, Wright. Sfc 'Astro-
logy,' ' Magic,' ' Societies ' (Learned and
son (.J. W.), Draper, Fowle (T. W.), Genesis
in Advance, Gibson (S. T.), Goodwin, Graham
(W.), Gray (Asa), Greg (P.), Hennell, Kinns,
Laing, Larkin, Nolan, Stuart (J.), Temple
(Bp.), White (A. D.), Wilkinson (J. J. G.),
SCIENCES, PROGRESS OF (in France) : Beau-
mont (E. de), Bertrand, Chasles, Delaunay,
Dumas (J. B.), Jourdain, Milne-Edwards,
SCILLY ISLANDS. See ' Cornwall.'
General : Abercrombie, Allen, Analecta, Bacon
5, Bannatyne Club, Buchanan, Burton, Craw-
furd, Dalzell, Hailes, Heron, Hogg, Innes,
Keith, Leslffius, Leslie (J.), Lindsay, Mac-
arthur, Mackenzie, Macpherson, Maitland,
Michel, Riddell, Scott (D.), Scott (AV.), Spald-
ing Club, Spotswood, Spottiswoode Misc.,
Tytler, Univ. Hist., Urquhart, Wallace.
Chronicles and Ancient History : Barbour,
Betham, Boece, Chalmers (G.), Fordun,
Holinshed, Lindsay, Macpherson, Pinkerton,
Sibbald 4, Skene (W. F.), Wilson, Wyntoun.
Histories of different Periods before the IWi
Centtiry : Balfour, Burns (W.), Dalrymple,
Drummond, Lesley, Pinkerton, Registrum,
Robertson, Ross, Tytler, Watson.
Siege of Carlaverock (1300) .• Nicolas.
1542-1567, Mary : Anderson, Bannatyne,
Benger, Bisselius, Buchanan, Buckingham,
Chalmers, Chantelauze, Cheruel, Complaynt,
Dargaud, Froude, Heylyn, Hosack, Labanotf,
Laing, Maria, Mignet, Robertson, Ruddiman,
Sadler, Sanderson, Scot, Skelton, Strickland,
Tytler, Whitaker. See ' Great Britain '
1567-1G25, James VI. : Bacon, Bannatyne,
Chambers, Constable, Cromerty, Frankland,
Gowrie, Hart, James VI., Johnston, Laing,
Robertson, Spottiswoode Misc., Stuart.
1642-1660, During Civil Wars, etc.: Baillie,
Balcarres, Balfour, Burnet, Gordon, Kincar-
dine, Lament, Mackay, Mackenzie, Melville,
Motuum, Napier (Montrose's Mem.), Spald-
ing, Spang, Stevenson, Walker.
1650-1667: Nicoll.
The Union, etc. : Argyle, Defoe, Ker, Laing,
Lauder, Law, Lockhart.
1715, Rebellion : Buxton, Chambers, Crichton,
Earbery, Gordon, Patten, Spottiswoode Misc.,
1745, Rebellion : Bisset, Carlyle, Chambers,
Gussali, Henderson, Johnstone, Mahon, Mar-
chant, Ray, Si^ottiswoode Misc. 2, Thomson.
Jacobite Belies : Hogg (Jas.).
Documentary : Memoirs, etc. : Acta Dominorum,
Balfour, Book of Cawdor, Bremner, Bur-
ton, Caldwell, Chambers, Churchyard, Cock-
burn, Crawfurd, Crichton, Culloden, Erskine,
Facsimile MSS., Goodall, (Goodman, (Graham,'
Hooke, Hope, James VI., Lockluirt, Mac-
pherson, Macrie, Melvill, Molvillo (W. L.),
Miscell. Scotica, Napier, Scotland, Skene,
Spottiswoode, Thciner, Wishart, Wodrow Soc.
Biographical : Chambers, Charter, Strickland.
See ' Biograi)hy.'
Border History : Carre, Ridpath, Scott, Veitch.
Law : Burton (J. H.).
Topoor.vphy: Anderson, Beauties of Scotland,
Billing, Black, Bruce, Camden, Chalmers,
Edinburgh, (Jorton, Grose, Innes, Ridpath,
Scotland (Statistical Ace), Scott, Sculptured
Stones, Simpson, Sinclair, Skene, Spalding
Club Publ., Stuart.
Antiquities : Anderson (J.), Grose, Robertson,
Rogers, Scott, Simpson, Vetuita Monumenta 3.
AucHiTECTuuK : MacGibbou.
FoLK-LoRE : Gregor.
Paganism : Wise (T. A.).
Sport : Speedy (T.).
Birds of : Gray.
Geology : Geikie, Holme.
Dialect and Proverbs : Hislop, Glossary, Scot,
Abbotsford : Chambers, Irving.
Aberdeen : Kennedy, Spalding Club.
Annandalc : Ruthwell, Vetusta Monumenta 8.
Arbroath Abbey : Aitkon.
Argyll : Agricultural Surveys, Campbell (D. A.).
Arran : McArthur, Scotland.
Ayr : Ayr, Obits, Paterson.
Balmerino Abbey : Aitken.
Banff : Spalding Club.
Bass Rock : Bass.
Caithness : Laing.
Cambuskenneth Monastery : Registrum.
Carlaverock : Nicolas.
Clydesdale : Agricultural Surveys.
Cromarty : Agricultural Surveys.
Dumbartonshire : Irving.
Dunfermline : Chalmers.
Abbej/ : Dunfermelyn.
Edinburgh: Arnot, Buchanan, Chambers,
Edinburgh, Gillies, Heiton, Leighton, Mait-
land, Miller, Topham, Wilson.
Castle : Grant, Semple.
High School : Steven.
Holyrood : Chronicon.
University : Bower, Dalzel, Fraser (N.),
Grant (Sir A.), Harrison (J.), Hole.
Fife and Kinross : Sibbald.
Glasgow : Bain (J.), Clcland, Simonis, Strang.
University : Hay.
Aiulerson's College : Anderson (in Tracts).
Greenock : Williamson (G.).
Hebrides : Boswell, Hall, Johnson, MaccuUoch,
Martin, Pennant, Ritchie, Seton.
Inverness : Agricultural Surveys.
Inverurie : Davidson (J.).
lona : Argyll.
Kintorc : Watt.
Lindores Abbey : Aitken.
Lome (Land of) : Buchanan.
Melrose: Wade (J. A.).
Moray : Lauder, St. Jolin.
(Torres) : Vetusta Monumenta 5.
Geology: Duff (1'.).
Orkney: Barry, 15rand, Eunson, Fergusson (J.),
Gorrie, Low (G.), Orkncyinga.
Perthshire : Drunnnond (P. R.), Nicolas, Sin-
clair, Spottiswoode Misc. 2, Storcr.
Renfrew : Crawfurd.
Boss : Agricultural Surveys.
Roxburgh : Agricultural Surveys.
St. Andreics : Buchanan, Lyon.
St. Eilda : Buchan, Martin, Miscell. Scotica.
Selkirk : Agricultural Surveys.
Sluitland Isles : Hibbert, Low, Orkney, Sin-
Strathmorc Vale : Guthrie (J. C).
Sutherland : St. John.
Tcesdale : Glossary.
Teviotdale : Morton.
T]ie Rivers : Lauder.
The Iskmds : Argyll, Cricliton, Gregory, .John-
son, Eoberts, Smith (Alex.), Teignmouth,
Weld, Wilson.
Teavels a\d Desceiptions : Alexander (W.),
Argyll (Duke of). Black, Brereton, Brome,
Burt, Campbell, Carus, Caswall, Dunbar,
Geikie, Gili^ia. Gordon, Guthrie (E..L),Hally-
burton, Head, Heron, Hood (E. P.), Leighton
(A.), Lettico, Maxwell, Miller, Murray, Pen-
nant, Perlin (1558), Pinl^erton 3, Ramsay,
Eogers, Schopenhauer, Scotland, Sinclair,
Skrine (1795), Stewart, Trench.
The Scot Abroad : Burton.
The Highlands : Anderson, Bede, Blackie, Bot-
fleld, Bradley, Broune, Buchanan, Campbell,
Colquhoun, Dundee, Gowrie, Gregory, Hall,
Hamerton, Mackenzie, Macleod, Macmillan,
Maxwell, Robertson, St. John, Selkirk, Skene,
Spence, Stewart, Taylor, Victoria (H. M.),
EccLESL\STiCAL HisTOEY ; Bellesheim, Brown
(T.), Cook, Defoe, Dempster, Grub, Hamilton
(Archbp.), Hart, Hetherington, Innes, Lawson,
M'Lauchlan, Baton, Rankin, Russell, Schoell,
Skinner, Spottiswoode Soc, Stanley, Wodvow
Kalendars of Saints : Forbes (A. P.).
Reformation, etc. : Argyll (Duke of), Aubigne,
Balfour, Beattie, Calderwood, Carlyle, Cook,
Keith, Kirkton, Knox, Macrie, *Eow (J.),
Spottiswoode, Stephens, Stuart, Wodrow.
The Covenanters : Alton, Beattie, Dodds, Dun-
dee, Gilfillan', Montrose, Napier, Taylor (Jas.).
Secession : Brown (T.), Buchanan, Macfarlane.
Government, Succession of Bishops, etc. : Keith,
Skinner, Spotswood, Steuart, Sydow.
Ageicultcke : Agricultural Surveys, Scotland.
Civilization in : Mackintosh.
Coinage : Cochran-Patrick, Robertson (J. D.).
Laieds of Gask : Oliphant.
LoED Advocates : Omond.
Paupee Child een : Skelton (J.).
SCRIPTOEES (Collections of Historians) :
Reedji Anglicusuji : Anglicans Hist. Script.
(Twysden), Anglicarum Rer. Script. (Saville),
Scriptores Eerum Angl. (Gale), Sparke.
Danish : Danicarum Rer. Script.
Duchesne, Gallicarum Rer. Script.
Beeum Gebjlvnicaedm : Asher, Boeclerus, Datt,
Eccardius, Freherus, Goldastus, Groppius,
Heineccius, Kollarius, Leibnitz, Linden-
brogius, Meibomius, Menckenius, Oefehus,
Pertz, Pez, Pistorius, Reineccius, Reuberus,
Schardius, Struvius, Urstitius, Westphalen.
Hisp.\NicAiiuM : Hispania.
HuNG.iEiCAEuu : Huugaricarum Rerum Scrip-
ISLANDicAErM : Islandorum Scripta.
SuEviCAEuii : Sweden.
TuBciCAEUM : Lonicerus.
SCULPTURE : Bottari, Cicognari, Evelyn, Flax-
man, Jarves, Lessing (' Laocoon '), Lomazzo,
Liibke, Menard, Museum, Paulmy, Perkins,
Eichardson, Euskin, Viardot, 'Waldstein,
Winckelmann, ZerfE. 'See ' Antiquities,'
'Art,' 'Biography (Sculptors),' 'Catalogues,'
' Monuments.'
Ancient : Aicard, Carter, Michaelis, Mitchell,
Murray (A. S,), Eavensburg, Bedford, Spence,
Modeen : Bellori, Boito, Cellini, Claretie, Ham-
merich, Jouin, Luca, Memes, Perraud, Plon,
Quatrem^re, Eobinson, Scott (L.), Thor-
SCYTHIANS : Neumann.
SEA, The : Bertram, Davy (J.),Dempsey, Figuier,,
Gosse, Hartwig, Hayes, Jordan, Jones, Mangin,'
Maury, Michelet, Moreau, Eeclus, Sonrel,
Thomson. See ' Navigation.'
SEA-FISHING: Wilcocks, Young. See ' Fisheries.'
SEALS (NORMAN) : Barab6.
SEAMEN (BRITISH) : Brassey, Keane (J. F.),
Samuels (S.). See ' Navigation.'
SEASIDE STUDIES: Gosse (P. H.), Harvey,
SEBASTOPOL : Pack. See ' Mihtary History.'
SECOND SIGHT : Grant (of Laggan), Kirk (R.).
SECEET WTIITING : Lacroix, Trithemius, Wil-
SECTS See ' Church.'
SENEGAMBIA : Berenger-Feraud. Sec ' Africa.'
SENNAAR : Caillaud. See ' Africa.'
SENSES, The Five: Bernstein, Jones (H. M.),
Wilson, Wyld.
The Lost Senses : Kitto.
Helve tins. La Mettrie. See ' Philosophy.'
Blore, Bloxam, Borlase, Gough, Greenwell
and EoUeston, Weever. See ' Monuments,'
and names of counties and towns.
SERMONS, Greek and Latin. Sec the ' Fathers.'
English: Abbott (E. A.), ^Elfrie, Alford, Alison,
Anderson, Andrewes, Arnold, Artom, Ashwell,
Aspinall, Atterbury, Bampton Lectures, Bar-
row, Baxter, Bellew, Bennett, Bingham, Binney,
Blair, Blakesley, Blomfield, Blunt, Bonney,
Boyle 'Lectures,' Brooke (S. A.), Brookfield,
Bull, Bullinger, Burgess, Butler (Jos.), Butler
(H. J. W.), Butler (W. A.), Caird, Caswell,
Chalmers, Clarke, Classic Preachers, Coghlan,
Coleridge, Colet, Collyer (E.), Congreve (J.),
Connelly, Cosin, Cotton, Cox, Crauford, Cud-
worth, Cumming, Davidson, Dawson (G.),
Dickenson, Donne, Eaton, EUicott, Elliot,
Evanson, Ewing, Family, Farrar, Fisher,
Fleetwood, Fleming, Footman, Frank, Gar-
bett, Gilchrist, Greenwood, Grimley, Guthrie,
Hall, Hammond, Hampden, Hare, Heber,
Holland, Hook, Hooker, Home, Horsley,
Howe, Hussey, Hyacinthe, Illingworth,
Irving, Jackson, Jacob (J. A.), Jebb,
Jellett, Jewel, Johns, Jones, Jortin, Keble,
Kempe, Kennaway, Kingsley, Lardner, Lati-
mer, Leathes, Le Bas, Leighton, Lenten,
Liddon, Little, Losinga, Macdonald, Magee,
Manning, Marks, Martin (S.), Martineau (J.),
Maurice, Mecld, Melvill, Milman, Mobcrly,
Momerie, Mozley (J. B.), Newman, NeAvton,
Northesk, O'Brien, Ogdcn, Ouvry, Pago-
Koberts, Parr, Penrose, Percival, Pcrownc,
Porteus, Preachers, Pusey, Rawlinson,
Eawnsley, Roberts, Robertson, Rose, Salmon,
Sanderson, Sandys, Seeker, Sharp, Shore,
Shuttleworth, Skelton, Smith (Sydney),
' Sortain, South, Stanley, Sterne, Stilling-
fleet, Sumner, Swift, Taylor, Temple, Tillot-
son. Trench, Tulloch, Ussher, Vauphan,
Vogan, Warburton, Warter, Waterland, Wat-
son, Watts, Wesley, Whately, Wicksteed,
Wilberforce, Wilkinson, Wilson (J. M.),
French : Bcauvais, Bersier, Bourdaloue, Bos-
suet, Flechier, Lacordaire, Massillon, Mul-
lois, Oraisons, Recolin, Rcville, Saurin.
SERPENT-W^ORSHIP : Deane, Fergusson, Tracts
SERVIA : Belgrade, Bowring, Cunibert, Denton,
Engel, Baton, Ranke, Salusbury, Thiers,
Ubicini, Wright (A.) 1884, Yovanovitch.
SEVEN YEARS' WAR. See ' Military History.'
SEWAGE OF TOWNS: Arts (Society of). Sec
' Sanitary Reform.'
SEXES (LAW OF) : Starkweather.
Equality in England : Remo.
SHEEP : Bischoff, Brown, Youatt. See ' Agri-
SHETLAND ISLES. See ' Scotland.'
SHIPPING: Lindsay, Lloyd's Register, Pari.
Reports, Patents.
SHIPWRECKS, ETC.: Adams, Adshead, Bulkeley,
Carter, Cheap, Gilly, Keate, Musgrave, Narra-
tives, Plimsoll, Raynal, Reed (E. J.), Russell
(W. C), ' Sarah Sands,' Scoresby, Seymour,
Shipwrecks, Voyages Imaginaires. See ' Life-
boat,' ' Voyages.'
SHORTHAND WRITING : Anderson, Levy, Pit-
Topography and Antiquities : Anderson, Beau-
ties of E. and W., Cox, Eyton, Hartshorne,
Ludlow, Parry, White.
Aston Eyre, Morvillc and Quadford : Wasey.
Hendinas : Vetusta Monumenta 2.
Ostuestry : Cathrall.
Shrciusburii : Owen.
Wrehin: White.
Wroxeter : Anderson (J. C).
Geology : Murchison.
DuLECT : Audelay, Jackson (G. F.).
SIAM : Bastian, Beavoir, Bock, Bowring, Bradley,
Conder, Crawfurd, Finlayson, Kannpfer,
Leonowens, Loub^re, Neale (1852), Tachard,
SIBERIA: Atkinson, Bell, Cochrane, Coxc,
Chappe d'Auteroche, Collins, Constantin 2,
Cotterell, Dostoieffsky, Eden, Erman, Georgi,
Gerhard, Hill, Kennan, Knox, Kotzebue,
Lansdell (1882), Michie, Niemojouski (1882),
Purchas 3, Radloff (1884), Revelations, Rosen,
Sarytschcw, Seebohm, Ujfalvy. See ' Amoor,'
Ancient History : Cluverius, Cramer, Grcevius,
Holm, Lloyd, Perrinchiefe.
Modern : Aime, Aiioldi, Alexander, Araari,
Annali, Bazancourt, Blunt, Brunet, Byng,
Hclfert, Pari. Report.
Travels and Desckiptions : Bartels, Brydonc,
(ircgorovius. Hare, Hoare, Hughes, Kavanagh,
Knight (Gaily), Langlois, Macnab, Musset,
Ormonde, Parthey, Paterno, Quatrefagcs,
Riedesel, Russell (1815), Sestini, Seume,
Simond, Smyth (W. H.), Spallanzani, Un-
protected Females.
Coins and Inscriptions : Gia'vius (Sicil.) (], 7, 8.
Syracuse : Cluverius, Goeller, Grasvius.
Coins : Head.
Messina : Noe.
Poetry and Art oe : Schack (A. F. G.).
Sicilian Legends : Gonzenbach.
Sicilian Vespers : Amari.
SIERRA LEONE. See ' Africa.'
SIGHT : Abbott, Cooper, Goblet, Jones (T. W.),
Le Conte, Schelller. Sec ' Optics.'
SIGNS (TAVERNS, ETC.) : Hindley, Tournier.
SIKHS. Sec ' India.'
SILESIA : Adams, Griinhagen. Sec ' Ciermany,'
' Prussia.'
SILURIAN SYSTEM: Murchison. Sec 'Geo-
Currency and Depreciation of : Bagehot, Bar-
clay (R.), Hyndman, Scyd, Tracts (Cernuschi)
Working of : Gee, Pollen.
SILVER (HALL MARKS) : Chaffers. Lutschaunig.
SILVER MINES : Phillips, Tschudi (Peru). Sec
' Mining.'
SIN: Shipley.
SINAI : Beamont, Beke, Boner, Burckhardt,
Lepsius, Palmer, Robinson, Stanley. Sec
' Palestine.'
SINECURES : Black Book.
SINGAPORE : Cameron, Davidson, Thomson (J.).
SINGING: Bach, Courcy, Hullah, Ousclcy,
Walshe. Sec ' Music,' ' Opera.'
SKATING : Goodman.
SKULL (THE) : Parker (\\\ K.).
Bandinel, Beaumont, Biot, Blair, Bucking-
ham, Buxton, Carey (H. C), Cartier, Chan-
ning, Clarkson, Colomb, Conway, ' Cruise of
the Gorgon,' Edge, Frere, Hall, Helper,
Jenkins, Laboulaye, Livermore, Livingstone,
Milliroux, Olmsted, Page (R.), Palfrey, Pari.
Reports, Rapport, Stanley. Sullivan, Tracts
(Emerson), Wilberforce, Wilson, Zamba. Sec
' Africa,' ' America (United States),' ' West
Right of Search : Wheaton.
SLAVONIC NATIONS : Demerlic, Forsyth, Hax-
thausen, Kapper, Korczak, Krasinski, Leger,
Maclcar, Phillipps-Wolley, Talvi (Mrs. Ro-
binson), Wilkinson. Sec ' Bohemia,' ' Poland,'
' Russia,' ' Servia.'
SLEEP AND DREAMS: Braid, Cox (E. W.),
Dunphie, Fischer, Macnish, Reichenbach,
Schubert, Sealield.
SLOTH, The : Owen (R.).
SMOKE : Tracts (Prideaux).
G g 2
SMYRNA : Rolleston, Scherzer, See ' Turkey.'
(W.), Rousseau, Savigny.
SOCIALISM : Ballanche, Bax, Blanc, Booth,
Bray, Brentano, Cabet, Carey, Considerant,
Cook (J.), Dewey, Dixon, Drummond, Dufau,
Ely, Fergusson, Fleury, Hendle, Hyndman,
Journal, Kauffmann, Laveleye, Malon, Marx
(K.), Michel (Louise), Morris (W.), Nordhoff,
Noyes, Owen, Proudhon, Rae, Reybaud, Rous-
seau, Sargent, Say, Stein, Stroll, Sudre,
Sybel, Woolsey. See ' Conunune,' ' France,'
' Labour,' ' Society.'
Secret: Canteleu, Chenu, Fereal, Frost,
Hahn (Coll. 2), Hammer, Herrmann von Unna,
Jennings, Lyde, Monnier, Stepniak, Walpole.
See 'Freemasonry,' 'Germany (History, XIV.
and XVIII. Centuries).'
In Chixa : Kesson.
Religious : Barclay (R.).
Missionary : Smith (T. T.).
Mechanics' Institutions : Apprentice, Duppa,
Hole, Manchester, Mechanics'.
Trade : Brentano, Cobden Club Essays (1871),
Erie, Lacroix, Report, Riehl, Trade Unions
(Pari. Report on) 1867, Vigne.
Learned and Scientific Societies, History,
Transactions, etc.
Of Great Britain : Aborigines, Actuaries,
African, Agriculture, Antiquaries, Arts,
Asiatic, Astronomical, Bannatyne, British
Association, Camden, Caxton, Chaucer,
Chetham, Colonial, E. E. Text Soc, Edin-
burgh, Engineers, Ethnological, Folk-Lore,
Geographical, Geological, Hakluyt, Harleian,
Hogarth, Index, Irish Archreological, Library
Association, Linna;an, Literatui-e (Roy. Soc.
of), Musical Assoc, Palasographical, Palfeonto-
graphical, Parker, Pathological, Percy, Philo-
logical, Philosophical, Ray, Royal, Shakspere
(New), Social Science, Spalding Club, Statis-
tical, Surtees, Sussex Archfeological, Syden-
ham, Wodrow, Year-book, Yorkshire.
Foreign : Taylor (R.).
America : America, Massachusetts, New Hamp-
shire, New York, Quebec, Smithsonian, United
States, Worcester.
Austria and Hungary : Hungary, Oester-
reichische, Pesth, Wien.
Denmark and Scandinavia : Copenhagen (Soc.
des Antiquaires du Nord).
France : Annuaire, Boze, Comptes Rendus,
Duclos, Economistes, France (Academic,
Antiquaires de Normaudie, Antiq. de Picardie,
Institut, Inscriptions, Instruction Publique,
Soc. Archeologique du Midi, Soc. de I'Histoire,
Soc. Sav. de la Republique), Fureti^re, Paris,
Germany : Bartholmess, Bayerische Academie,
Berlin, Gottingen, Hagen, Leipzig, Munich,
Greece : Athens.
Hollajid : Amsterdam, Batavia.
India : Asiatic Society (Bengal), Bombay.
Italy : Italy, Prezziner, Rome, Venice.
Japan : Japan (Asiatic Society).
Rome : Rome.
Russia : St. Petersburg (Academie).
Spain : Spain.
Works on the Condition of: Antonides, Arnold,
Ballanche, Barham, Baudrillart, Berkeley,
Berry, Bertauld, Bishop, Blanc, Bonhomme,
Boyd, Brantome, Brown, Bulwer, Campardon,
Cantagrel, Capefigue, Carlyle, Chasles, Ches-
terfield, Cobbe, Coeurderoy, Cousin, Cunning-
ham, Defoe, Doherty, Dunbar, Emerson,
Esquiros, Essays, Farrell, Fauconnier, Faw-
cett, Fergusson, Ferron, Fourier, Freytag,
Funck-Brentano, Gioberti, Godwin, Goncourt,
Great Army, Greenwell (D.), Greg (W. R.),
Guillemot, Guyau, Harris, Haweis, Helps,
Hess, Heywood, Higgins, Kauffmann, Ker-
kadec, La Bruy^re, Lacroix, Lalor, Le Play,
Loftie, Lomenie, Mahaffy, Marshall, Mazzo-
leni, Mezi^res, Michelet, Mill, Mitraud, More,
Morgan, Murray, Nadal, Nichols, Nieudorf,
Ozanam, Passy, Polignac, Proudhon, Quete-
let, Rahel, Recamier, Roberts, Rochefou-
cauld, Rousseau, Routledge, Rules, Ruskin,
Schaff, Scherr, Sharp, Smith (J. S.), Sparks,
' Strong and Free,' St. -Simon, Stuart, Sy-
mons, Taylor (W. C), Thackeray, Thornbury,
Tocqueville, Towle, Trollope, Upper Ten
Thousand, Vaughan, Veuillot, Voltaire,
Wakefield, Walker (T.), Whitehurst, Wynter,
Principles of Social Science : Bentham, Carey,
Comte, Hobbes, M'Kean, Rousseau, Social
Science Association, Silencer (H.).
Primitive and Ancient Society, Manners,
Customs, etc. : Farrer, Gomme, Hearn, Lub-
bock, McLennan, Maine, Menard, Morgan
(L. H.).
Medi.ev.al Manners, Customs, etc : Engelhardt,
History of Civiliz.ation : Arnott, Atkinson,
Balmez, Bamford, Brouwer, Buckle, Constant,
Coulanges, Cournot, Fergusson, Fourier, Ge-
rebtzoff, Guizot, Honegger, Innes, Kalisch,
Klemm, Lecky, Mackinnou, Martin, Salverte,
Luxury : Baudrillart.
Origin of Rank : Millar.
History of Women : Alexander, Fullom, Gon-
court, Higgins (Mrs.), Kavanagh, Laroche,
Lawrence, Michelet, Segur, Wright (T.). See
' Women.'
Prostitution : Acton, Campbell, Duchatelet,
See ' Economy,' ' Ethics,' ' Government.'
SOCINIANISM : Fuller, Leslie, Maimbourg, Soci-
nus. Sec ' Unitarianism.'
SOCIOLOGY : Clapperton, Comte (Phil. Positive
4-6), Doherty, Free Notes, Guyot, Letourneau,
Littre, Mivart, Roberts, Spencer (H.). See
' Society.'
' Philosophy.'
SOLAR SPECTRUM: Kirchhoff, Lockyer, Roscoe
(H. E.), Schellen, Smyth (C. P.). See ' Sun.'
SOLITUDE : Zimmermann.
History and Antiquities : Beauties of E. and
W., Collinson, Cox, Dunster, Eyton, Hearne,
Hugo, Kerslake, Lyte, Oliver, Phelps, Somer-
setshire, Tour, Worth.
Visitation : Somersetshire.
Topography : Kelly.
Bath : Anstey, Collinson, Davies (C. E.), Guides,
Guidott, King (A. J.), Peach, Venner, Vetusta
Monumenta 1, Warner.
Abbey : Britton, Murray, Storer, Winkle.
Bristol : Barrett, Corry, Freeman, Pryce, Seyer,
Tracts (Saint).
• Redcliffe Church : Britton.
Sec ' Gloucestershire'
Clecvc Abbey : Walcott.
Glastonbury : Hearne, John of Glastonbury,
Vetusta Monunienta 4.
Porlock : Halliday (M.).
Taunton : Touhnin.
Wellow : Vetusta Monumenta 1.
Wells : Cockburn (C. 11.), Freeman, Parker.
Wookcy : Holmes.
Birds of : Smith (Cecil).
DuLECT : Jennings.
SOMNAMBULISM: Ecichenbach. Sec 'Mes-
merism,' ' Sleep.'
SONG BIKDS : Bechstein, Dixon, Malin, Wood.
English : Aikin, Allingham, Bayley (T. H.),
Blake, Book of S., Chappell, Christmas Carols,
Clark, Collection, Crawhall. Dalrymple (A.),
Davies, Dibdin, D'Urfey, Festive, Flatman,
Gilpin (S.), Griffin, Halliwell, Harland, Hart-
ley, Hullah, Ingledew, Jewitt, Miller, Morley,
Nairne, Nursery, Palgravo, Plumptre, Ritson,
Songs, Warton, Wright.
English Gipsy : Leland.
Classical : Geibel.
Latin : Hagen, Symonds.
Greer : Carmina, Garnett.
Scottish : Aitken, Aytoun, Book of S., Cham-
bers, Cromek, Cunningham, Dalrymple (D.),
Dalzell, Dauney, Gilchrist, Herd, Jameson,
Johnson, Mackay, Maidment, Orpheus, Earn-
say, Ritson, Songs, Tytler, Warton.
Irish : Barry, Croker, Duffy, Hardiman, Hayes,
Ireland (Pop. Songs), Moore.
Of Alsace : Weckerlin.
German : Ambraser, Arndt, Biissler, Carmina,
Dulcken, Erlach, Geibel, GiJrres, Grimm, HolT-
man, Liliencron, MacDonald (G.), Schur6,
Talvi, Uhland, Weingartnerlieder, Wolff.
Lithuanian : Leskien.
Transylvanian : Schuster.
Dutch and Flemish : Baecker, Hoffmann.
Danish : Abrahamson, Prior, Sange.
Norse : Keyser, Marmier.
Russian : Ralston, Rambaud (A.).
French: Beaumarchais,Beranger, Barozai, Book
of S., French, Leroux, Michel, Nadaud,
Nisard, Paris (G.), Raunie, Wackernagel.
Brittany : La Villemarque.
Spanish and Portuguese : Collection, Lockhart,
Puymaigre, Resende, Wolff.
Italian : Dalmetico, Tommaseo.
Servian : Lytton.
Arabian : Riickert.
Hindoo : Gover.
Maori : Grey.
The South Pacific: Gill (W. W.).
Walloon : Wallon.
See ' Ballads,' ' Poetry.'
SONNETS : Book of S., Burghley, Coleridge (H.),
Dennis, Drummond, Keats, Michelangiolo,
Milton, Petrarch, Pfeiffer, Rosslyn, Shak-
speare, Tomlinson, Waddington, Woodford,
Wordsworth. See ' Poets.'
SOPHISTS : Coleridge (' Friend '). Sec ' Philoso-
Travels and Description: James (1883), Lenz
(1884), Lyon (1820), Williams (1882), Wilson
(C. T.).
The War : Buchta, Burleigh, Darmesteter,
Maurceley, Pimblett, Sartorius.
SOUL, IMMORTALITY OF, etc : Alger, Aris-
totcles (di; Anima), Avicenna, Baxter, Black-
burne, Burnett, Cicero, Clarke, Collins (Fr.),
Drew, Farmer (J. S.), Fichte (.J. H.), (ianiier,
Hertling, La Mettrie, Ijetourneau, Luckock,
Lucretius, Mendelssohn (M.), Meyr, Newman
(F. W.), Perowne, Plato (' Ph;i'do '), Richter
(J. P.), Schelling ('Clara'), Spicss, Hweden-
borg, Whitley. See 'Ethics,' ' Metaphysics.*
SOUND : Blaserna, Gurney (E.), Helmlioltz, Mayer
(A. M.), Rayleigh, Russell (J. S.), Tyndall.
See ' Acoustics.'
SOUTH POLE. See ' Antarctic Regions.'
SOUTH SEA ISLANDS : Porno, Stoddard (1873),
Wood (C. F.).
SPA WATERS. See ' Baths,' ' Mineral Waters.'
History, etc : Abbott, Abulcacim, Alfonzo,
Baumgarten, Beaumont, lientham 8, Bidas-
souet. Busk, Ciesar, Callcott, Casaus, Dal-
boquerque. Dozy, Dunham, Gaillanl, Galardi,
Garibay, (ieorge, Gervinus, Heine, Hisj)ania,
Hubcr, Hurtado, Imlioff, Lemlike, Luna,
Mariana, Masdeu, Ma/.ade, Navarrcte, Nervo,
Nunez, Ocampo, Rocca, Rogatis, Schiifer,
Schirrmacher, Schepeler, Spain, Univ. His-
tory, Wolf (F.), Wylie, Zurita.
Documents : Gayangos, Sarniiento, Spain. See
' State Papers.'
hi the Middle Ages : Dozy.
Under the Domination of th; Moors : Assaleh,
Bleda, Brabazon, Cardonne, Circourt, Conde,
Dozy, Gayangos, Geddes' Tracts, Ibn-Abdel-
Hakem, Irving, Murpliy, Perez, Power, Rae,
Ranke, Sauvaire, Schack, Viardot, Yonge.
VariousReigns before thatof Charles V.: Anelier,
Bertrand du Guesclin, Chaintreau, Chronica,
Del Pozo, Ferrer, Gamez, Guzman, Havcmann,
Lopez de Ayala, Luna, Merimee, Mondexar,
Narbona, Nunez de Castro, Prescott, Puy-
maigre, Ranke, Salazar.
Iteigns of Charles V. and his Successors to tlie
time of Napoleon : Arlington, Baumstark,
Bradford, Cabrera, Cespedes, Cliarles V.,
Christine de Pisan, Churton, Cortes, Coxe,
Custinc, D'Aulnoy, Diillinger, Dunlop, Ferdi-
nand, Freer, Gachard, Herrera, Hippeau,
Mahon, Melo, Mignct, Pelet, Philippson, Pres-
cott, Rio, Robertson, Sandoval, Scribe, Stir-
ling, Teulet, Torre, Villars, Watson.
Philip v. : liacallar.
Napoleon, Joseph, etc. : Andrews, Bonaparte,
Oarnarvon, Cliateaubriand, Du Casse, Hen-
ningsen, Hugo, Jones, Jos6, Napier, Riihden,
Schepeler, Toreno.
Modern : Chcrbuliez, Humboldt (A. v.).
War of the Succession and Peninsular War.
See ' Military History.'
Carlist War. Sec ' Military History.'
Ecclesiastical History : Conrad, De Castro,
Doblado, Floiez, Gama, M'Crie, Meyrick.
Eefori)ie7-s : ]5oehmer.
Sec ' Inquisition,' ' Rome, Church of.'
Travels and Descriptions : Abrantes, Adolphus,
Amicis, Andalucia, Andersen, Andros, Ba-
retti, Baxley, Baxter, lieckford. Bell, Belling-
ham, Blackburn, liorrow, Bourganne, Bour-
going, Bowles, Busk, Byrne, Calvcrte, Campion,
(187!)), Capmany, Carnarvon, Cayley, Chatter-
ton, Claretie, Clark, Conder, Cox, Dalrymple,
Danois, Debary, Dembowski, Deverell (1884),
Dillon, Dunbar, Duncan (F.), Edwards, Elliot,
Eyre, Fisclier, Ford, Foresta (1870),Gallenga,
Galizien, Garrido, Gasparin (1882), Gautier,
Hare, Hiiring, Harrison (1881), Harvey, Ha-
verty, Herbert, Hope-Edwards (1882), Hos-
kins, Howard- Vyse (1882), Huber, Hughes,
Imbert, Inglis, Irving, Jackson (M. C), Jacob,
Journal (1847), King, Labat, Laborde, La
Corte, Lantier, Latour, Lawlor, Leek (188-4),
Leo, Lestgarens, Lomas (1884), Londonderry,
McGIintock (1881), Mackenzie, March, Me-
zi^res (1883), Murray, O'Shea, Pinkerton,
Ponz, Quatrefages, Quillinan, Quin, Quinet,
Rigel, Rochau, Eomer, Eose (H. J.), Eoss
(1885), Eussell (W. H.), Saussaye, Scenes,
Semple, Sherer, Slidell, Southey, Spain,
Tchihatcheff (1880), Thicknesse, Thieblin
(1874), Thornbury, Tollemache, Townsend,
Trench, Trollope, Turton, Twiss, Udal,
Urquhart, Villanueva, Webster (W.), White,
Widdrington, Will, Wolff, Wylie, Young.
The Alhambea : Jones (Owen).
Geography, L.ajiguage, Literature, etc. : Al-
varez, Baxley, Bowles, Bowring, Censo, Es-
pana, Garrido, Minano, Neumann, O'Shea,
Puymaigre, Eiiino, Schack (A. F. G.), Ticknor.
Castile axd Andalusia: Tenison (1853), Tolle-
Granada : Alcantara, Carter, Irving, Perez.
See 'Basque Provinces.'
Madrid (Society in) : Vasili.
Vineyards of : Busby.
See 'Balearic Islands,' 'Basque Provinces,'
' Literature.'
SPALATEO, Palace of Diocletian at : Adam.
SPAEEOWS : Gurney (J. H.).
SPAETA. Sec ' Greece.'
SPEECH : Bristowe, Hunt (J.), Sandlands, Twisle-
ton. See ' Elocution,' ' Voice.'
Visible Speech : Bell,
SPEECHES : Arthur, Bacon 6, Beaconsfield, Bert
(P.), Bismarck, Bright, Brougham, Burke,
Burritt, Campbell, Canning, Cavendish (Pari.
Debates), Cavour, Chatham, Cobden, Curran,
Dickens, Duff, Erskine, Faucher, Fox, Gam-
betta, Gladstone, Grattan, Gyorgy, Hansard's
Debates, Hazlitt, Horsley, Huskisson, King,
Laboulaye, Lassalle, Lytton, Macaulav, Mirror
of Pari., O'Connell, O'Hagan, Pitt, Plunket,
Eomilly, Eussell, Salisbury, Shell, Sheridan,
Tracts, Wilkes, Windham, Winthrop. Sea
' Oratory.'
Queen's Speeches : Ensor, Victoria.
American : Beecher, Everett, Phillips, Webster.
SPELLING (ENGLISH). See ' Language.'
SPIDEES : Blackwall, Staveley.
SPINOZA. See 'Philosophy.'
SPIRITUALISM: Ashburner, Bray, Blavatsky,
Carpenter (W. B.), Castle, Confessions, Cox,
Crookes, De Morgan, Dialectic Soc. (' Eeport
on S.'), ' Hints,' Home, Houghton, Howitt,
Jung-Stilling, Massey, Owen, Pember, Wal-
lace (A. E.).
Grandeau, Leblais, L^veque.
SPIEITUAL WIVES : Dixon, Swedenborg.
SPITZBERGEN: PhiUipps-Wolley (1884). See
' Arctic Regions.'
tiat, Crosse, Janet, Pasteur.
SPORTS AND GAMES : Beers, Blaine, Bohn,
Boy's Own Book, Cricket-Field, Daniel,
Davenport, Delphinus, Ficoroni, Gale (E.),
Hallock, Lennox, Leveson, Scaino, Strutt,
Thiers (J. B.).
Card-Games : Bohn, Boiteau, Cavendish, Chatto,
Drayson. See ' Cards.'
Games of the Ancients : Becq de Fouquieres.
Horsem.anship .\nd Racing : Adams (J.), Day
(W.), Dwyer (F.), Neville, Oliphant (G.),
Hunting, Hawking, Shooting, etc. : Apperley,
Badminton Library, Beaufort (Duke of). Beck-
ford, Berkeley, Boyle, Campbell, Chapus,
CoUyns, Colquhoun, Dead Shot, Dodge,
Dougall, Eardley-Wilmot, Elliott, Facts,
Flack, Folkard, Forest-Sketches, Forsyth,
Fortescue, Gerard, Gillmcre, Greener (W. W.),
Gun, Handley, Hawbuck, Hawker, Hieover,
Hints, Horse-Racing, Hutchinson, Jeans,
Johnson (T. B.), Lament, Mayo, Meunier,
Mills, Morgan, Murphy (J. M.), Newall, Nim-
rod, Oijpianus, Parkyns, Penn, Ranking,
Revoil, Reynardson, Rous, St. John, Scrope,
Shooting, Smith (Th.), Somerville, Sponge,
Sportsman's Diet., Upton, Walsh, Walsing-
ham, Watson (A.), Whyte, Wildfowler, Wilton,
Steeplechasing : Suffolk (Duke of).
In Ieel;Vnd : Morris (W. O'C).
In Scotland : St. John (C).
In France : Berkeley, Crignelle, O'Conor.
In Norway : Lloyd.
In America : Berkeley, Crockett, Gerstaecker,
Gibson (W. H.), Gillmore, Herbert, King,
Lewis, Rambles, Roosevelt, Rowan.
In Africa : Baldwin, Gumming, Drayson,
Gerard, Hamilton.
In India and Ceylon : Brinckman, Brown (J.
M.), Campl)ell, Capper, Eraser, Gerard, Mark-
ham, Newall, Old Shekary, Pollock (Colonel),
Shakspeare, Tennent.
In the West Indies and Pacific : Kennedy
(W. R.).
See ' Angling.'
History and Antiquities : Beauties of E. and
W., Burritt, Cox, Erdeswick, Garner, Shaw,
Boscobel : Hughes.
Eccleshall : Nichols' Bibl. Top. 4.
Leek : Sleigh.
Lichfield {Diocesan History) : Beresford.
Tutburji : Mozley, Vetusta Monumenta 1.
Agriculture : Pitt (W.).
STAGE, The. See ' Drama.'
STAR CIL\MBER : Burn, Gardiner (S. R.).
STATE PAPERS: Calendars, Cecil, Chai-tes,
Deutschland, Granvelle, Hardy (T. D.), Ire-
land, Record Commission, State Papers.
See ' Records,' ' Treaties.'
STATICS. See 'Mechanics.'
STATISTICS: Almanach de Gotha, Annals of
Br. Legislation, Ansell, Austria, Balbi, Ban-
field, Bisset, Block, Boothby, Boyce, British
Almanac, etc., Criminal, Farr, Gavarret,
Hunter (W. W.), Macculloch, Macgregor,
Martin's Year-book, Mason (J.), Montgomery
(R.), Moreau de Jonn^s, Mulhall, Paris (Ex-
position), Pari. Reports, Porter, Programme,
Registrar, Statistical Soc, Walker (F. A.),
Weldon, Year-book, Young. See ' France,'
' Great Britain,' etc.
STATUTES: Barrington, JiiJule, rarliament,
OF Henry VII. : Caxton.
The Thellusson Act : Hargrave.
STEAM ENGINE: Armstrong, Barry, Bourne,
Douglas, Garvcy (M. A.), (loodcvc, Lardner,
Panibour, Schroot, Scnnett, Scwell, Thurston,
Tracts. Sec ' Navigation,' ' llaihvays.'
STEPPES (Casi>l\n Sea, etc.) : Hommairc de Hell,
STEREOSCOPE, The : Baxter.
STOCK. Sec ' Funds,' ' Joint-Stock Companies.'
STOCK EXCHANGE : Evans (D'. M.), Francis,
STONEHENGE. Sec ' Wiltshire.'
STONES (PRECIOUS). Sec 'Lithology.'
STORMS, Law of: Methven, Piddington, Scott
(E. H.). Sec 'Meteorology,' 'Navigation.'
STRASSBUEG, History of : Closener, Reuss.
STRATFORD-ON-AVON. Sec ' Warwickshire.'
STREETS (Ancient) of England : Rimmer.
STUART (HOUSE OF): Aikin, Campana de
Cavelli, Coxe, Culloden, Hale (E.), Klopp,
Somerville, Vaughan, Whitelocke. See
' Great Britain,' ' Scotland.'
STUDY (METHODS OF) : Coleridge, Dupan-
loup, Hipi^eau, Ocagne, Raumer (K.), Schel-
ling, Simon, Stow (D.), Todhunter. Sec
' Education.'
Travels in: Hall. Sec 'Austria.'
SUAKIM. Sec 'Africa.'
SUEZ CANAL : Lesseps.
History, etc. : Agricult. Surveys, Beauties of
E. and W., Bowdich, Cox, Golding, Hervey,
Kelly, Kirby, Page, Ritchie (J. E.), Suckling,
Suffolk Collection, Taylor.
Aldchiirgh : Hele.
Bury St. EdmuncVs : Brakelonda (Chron. .loc.
de), Dugdale, Vetusta Monumenta 2, Wills,
Elmestuell and Campscij Lisle : Nichols' Bibl.
Top. 5.
Framlingham : Green, Hawes and Loder.
Hmustead, etc. : Cullum.
Hengrave : Gage.
Ipstvich : Clarke (R. G.).
Lowestoft : Gillingwater, Nail.
Soutliwold : Wake.
' Stowmarket : Hollingsworth.
Stutton : Crisp.
Sudbiinj : Vetusta Monumenta 3.
Thingoe Hundred : Gage.
Ufford : Vetusta Monumenta 3.
Dialect : Forby, Moor, Suffolk.
SUFISM : Dabistan, Herbelot, Jones (Sir W.)
(Commentaries on ' Asiatic Poetry '), Malcolm,
Martyn (Henry), Oriental Translation Fund,
Stewart, Tholuck. Sec ' Pantheism.'
SUGAR-GROWTH, etc. : America, Dupin, Evans
(W. J.), Pari. Reports, Patents, Porter (G. R.
v.), Tracts 31.
SUICIDE : Adams, Donna, Du Camp, Plotinus,
SUMATRA, Island of : Heyne, Marsden.
SUN, The : Carrington, Clarke (G.), Flannnarion,
Guillomin. Kirchhoff.IiOckycr, Proctor, Roscoe
(H. V..), Schellcn, Secchi, Smyth (C. P.), Webb,
Williams, Young (C. A.). Sec ' Solar Spec-
SUPERNATURAL, The : Birks, luincmoscr, Gio-
berti, Howitt, Owen (R. D.), Reynolds (J. W.),
Row (C. A.), Sanday, Supernatural Religion,
Unseen World. See ' Magic,' ' Miracles,'
' Spiritualism.'
SUPERSTITIONS, Popular : Baring - Gould,
Bassett, Bosquet, Brand, Chamliers, Dalzell,
Dorman, Fergusson, Grant, Hone, Jones (W.),
Ktihler, Kloster, Lea, Lee (F. G.), Luther
(' Tischreden '), JIaury, Mayo, Parfait, Petti-
grew, Reville, Roskopf, Spinoza, Spottiswoode
Miscell. 2, Thiers (J. B.), Timbs, Wanlcy,
Wright. See ' Apparitions,' ' Folk-Lore,'
' Witchcraft.'
SUPREMACY (PAPAL) : Dr.llinger, Hettinger,
KoUer, Manning. Sec ' Rome (Church of).'
SUPREMACY (ROYAL). See ' England (Church
SURGERY : Albucasis, Bright, Brodie, Cooper,
Erichscn, Halle, Paulmy 25, 20, South,
VesaHus, Wilson (A.). See 'Anatomy,'
'Medicine,' 'Physiology.'
Military : Larrcy, Pare.
SURINAM : Stedman, Warren.
SURNAMES. Sec 'Names.'
History and Topography : Aubrey, Beauties of
E. and W., Brayley, Cox 5, Manning and Bray,
Guides : Bevan, Black, Murray.
Camberwell : Blanch.
Croydon : Anderson, Garrow, Kershaw (Tracts),
Nichols' Bibl. Top. 2, Steinman.
Crystal Palace : Berlyn.
Diihvich College : Blanch, Warner (G. F.).
Epsom : Pownall.
Guildford : Nichols' Bibl. Top. 2, Smith (W. C).
Lambeth : Nichols' Bibl. Toi?. 2, Tanswell.
Neivington : Newington.
Richmond : Chancellor, Crisp, Vetusta Monu-
menta 2.
Sotithwark : Rendle.
St. Saviour's: Moss, Taylor.
Slreatham : Arnold (F.).
Wimbledon : Bartlett, Wimbledon (Court Rolls).
Flora : Brewer, Salmon.
Topography, etc. : Beauties of E. and W.,
Champneys, Cox, Ellis (W. S.), Fleet, Gilpin,
Horsfield, Jennings, Lower, O'Reilly, Parry,
Quaint Industries, Sussex.
Domesday : Domesday.
Arundel : Tierney, Wright.
Battle : Lower, Scargill-Bird, Thorpe.
Brighton : Chachet, Evans.
Castles and Manors : Elwes.
Chichester : Handbook to Cathedral, Stephens
(Diocesan Hist.), Vetusta Monumenta 1.
Cowdray : Roundell, Vetusta Monumenta 3.
Croivborough : Prince.
Hastings : Guides, Moss.
Rye : Hollo way.
Uchfield : Prince.
WincJiclsca : Champneys.
Agriculture : Young (A.).
Birds of : Knox.
DiAiiECT : Cooper.
Geology : Dixon, Mantell, Topley.
Worthies of : Campkin, Egerton, Lower,
Meteokology : Tracts (Meteorology).
Guide : Chambers (G. F.), Murray.
History : Pfister, Schwabischen Bundes Gesch.
See ' Germany.'
History: Brown (John), Carlson, Ci-usenstolpe,
Dunham, Fryxell, Geijer, Hagen (H.), Lunclh,
Scriptores, Sheridan, Stedingk, Sweden, Uni-
versal Hist., Vertot.
Gustavus Adolphus : Bayle, Chapman, Cron-
holm, Droyssen, Fryxell, Gfrorer, Grenaille,
Gustavus, Harte, HoUing, Mauvillon, Prade,
Schybergson, Sj^ottiswoode Misc. 2, Stevens,
Tracts (Nederland).
Gustavus Wasa: Alberg, Archenholtz, Gus-
Gtistavus III. : Nervo.
See ' Military History (Thirty Years' War).'
Charles XII.: Adlerfeld, Fabricius, Frederic,
Lundblad, Stevens, Voltaire.
Travels and Descriptions : Acerbi, Ahnfeld,
Andersen, Barrow, Bonnier, Brace, Bremer,
Bremner, Brooke, Bunbury, Clarus, Coxe, Du
Chaillu (1880), Everest, Fusselbrenner, Hahn,
Heber, Howitt, Inglis, James, Laing, Laurie,
Lloyd, Marryat, Northern, Pfeiffer, Porter,
Story, Sweden, Sylvanus, Ten Years, Vandal
(1876), Westminster (1827), Wollaston.
Antiquities : Montelius.
FoLK-LoRE : Oberleitner.
Guide : Baedeker.
SWEDENBORGIANS : Clissold, Gorman, Hind-
marsh, Swedenborg, White, Wilkinson.
History : Aventinus, Fuessli, Gelzer, Grote, Lee
(T. M.), Mallet, Mandelgren, Meyer, Miiller,
Naylor, Planta, Rilliet, Tschudi, Universal
History, Vieusseux, Zschokke.
Boclcn See : Capper.
Engadine : Caviezel.
. Lake Dwellings : Keller.
Matterhorn : Whymper.
Antiquities : Heer, Merk.
Travels and Descriptions : Alexander, Bake-
well, Boddington, Bremer, Brydges, Burnet,
Chamier, Cooper, Coxe, Delmard, DesbaroUes,
Dixon (W. H.), Forbes, Galton, Georges, Gray,
Grey (R.), Herzog, Inglis, Jones, Jubinal, Kast-
hofer (1827), Lamont, Lantier, Laveleye,
Matthews, Morell, Moryson, Miigge, Noel,
Plunket, Shelley, Simond, Stephens, Strutt,
Topffer, TroUope, Williams, Wyse, Zincke,
See ' Alps.'
Laws : Bippert, Code, Daguet.
SoNDERBUND : Cretincau-Joly, Miaskowski.
SYLT : Rodenberg.
Barlow (H. C), Didron, MoUin, Rio, Stock-
bauer. See 'Religion,' 'Ritualism.'
Voss, Westropp. See ' Mythology.'
SYNONYMS : Crabb, Gruter, Lafaye,Roget, Smith
(C. J.), Soule (R.), Taylor (W.). See ' Lan-
SYRACUSE. See ' Sicily.'
Ancient History : Becker's ' Alterthiimer,'
Droysen, Gibbon, Rawlinson, Riickert, Selden
2, Strabo 16, Universal History.
In the 12th and 13th Centuries : Rey.
Modern History: Barker (E. B. B.), Gender
(Jos.), Farley, Girardin, Hunter.
See ' Druzes.'
Travels and Descriptions : Ainsworth, Arvieux,
Asaad, Asmar, Bannatyne, Bartlett, Beaufort,
Bruyn, Buckingham, Burckhardt, Burton,
Carne, Carnarvon, Cartwright, Casseaud,
Castlereagh, Churchill, Churton, Conder(1883),
Curtis, Estournell, Falkland, Farley, Fletcher,
Green, Hamilton (1875), Harvey, Heifer,
Hill, Irby, Kayat, Kelly, Kinnear, La Roque
(1723), Loftus, Lortet (1884), Mar6chal, Mar-
tineau, Monro, Mukaddasi (a.d. 985), Neale,
Niebuhr, Paterson, Paton, Porter, Piickler,
Raguse, Roque, Rough Notes, Urquhart,
Vogue, Wanderings, Ware, Wortabet. See
' Palestine.'
Antiquities : Colonna-Ceccaldi.
Guide : Baedeker.
Physical Geography, etc : Diener.
SYRIAC LITERATURE : Cowper (B. H.), Cure-
ton, Phillips (G.), Wright (W.).
TAHITI : Stuart-Wortley (1882).
TALES : AUingham, Ar^ne, Arjis, Asbjornsen,
Ayrton (M. C), Binder, Christmas, Clerk,
Clifford, Collier (W.), Cox, D'Anvers, Dasent,
Dickenson (H. M.), Evelyn, Ever Heavenward,
Gueulette, Gustafsson, Hawthorne, Henty,
Hodges, Hogg, Hope (A. R.), Hutcheson,
Irving, Jarrett, Kingston, KnatchbuU-Huges-
sen, Lewis (M. A.), Lome, Low (Lieut.), Mag-
nusson. Maid of Florence, Manning (Miss),
Marmier, Maturin, Menzies, Morley (H.), Mor-
timer, O'Flanagan, Opie, Oxenford, Pfeiffer
(F.), Rameses, Roberts (Miss), Severne,
Somers, Southgate, ' Tales from Bentley,'
' Tales from Blackwood,' Traherne, Tregellas,
White (J.), Wilson (J. B.), Wit and Pleasure,
Arabic : Clouston, Collection, Laboulaye,
Bohemian : Dieterich (E.).
CoBsicAN : Ortoli.
Finland and Lapland : Poestion, Schrek.
French : Comity, Contes, Cosquin, Deulin,
Engelbach, Fath, Franc (A.), Laboulaye,
La Bruyere, Louandre, Quetteville, Sewell
(E.), Villeneuve.
German : Gaudy, Grimm.
Greek : Legrand.
Italian : Crane, Monnier (M.) .
Indian : Arbuthnot, Chatterjee, Collection,
Indian, Saurin.
Persian : Sadi.
Roumanian : Kremnitz.
Saxony and Lusatia : Westall.
Slavonic : Collection, Krauss, Ralston.
Spanish and Portugese : Patranas, Pedroso.
Swiss : Frey, Westall.
See 'Ballads,' 'Fairy Tales,' 'Fiction,' 'Novels,'
' Poetry,' ' Romances.'
TALMUD : Barclay (J.), Levi, Polano, Schoett.
genius. Tracts (Lebrecht), Tracts (Schwartz),
See ' Jews.'
TANGIER. See 'Africa.'
TAPESTRY : Champe'aux, Laffetay, Miintz.
Bayeux : Bayeux, Laffetay.
In the Vatican : Gunn.
TARGUMS: Etheridge. Sec 'Bible,' 'Jews.'
TARIFFS: Bastiat, Chevalier, Free Trade,
M'Gregor, Taussig.
History of the Tartaks : Abulghasi, Cheref-
eddin, Deguigncs, Hutton (J.), Mosheim, Or-
leans, Palafox, Tott, Vambery.
Genghis Kliaii : Lacroix.
Timour : Arab Shah, Clavijo, Nere.
Travels and Descf.iptions : Astlcy, Atkinson,
Bergeron, Bergmann, Burnes, Burslem, Car-
pini, Castren, Clarke, Cochrane, Cunning-
ham, Davis, Du Halde, Ferrier, Fleming,
Furet, Haiton, Hakluyt 1, Harris 2, His-
tory, Hue, Ides, Marco Polo, Markham, Olea-
rius, Prinsep, Purchas 3, Ramusio 2, Shaw,
Tartars, Torrens, Vambery, Wood.
TAR WATER : Berkeley.
TASMANIA: Bonwick, Howitt, Lloyd, Melville,
Meredith, Mereweather, Phillip, Senior (W.),
Therry. See 'Australia.'
TASTE. Sec '.Esthetics.'
TAVERN SIGNS. See 'Signs.'
Principles and Sources of : Babbage, Baillie,
Baxter, Bentham 4, Buchanan, James, Jones,
Levi, Macculloch, Noble, Pari. Reports,
People's Blue Book, Peto, Urquhart.
In England : Dowell, Noble, Probyn, Rathbone,
Taylor (W. M.), Tracts (Letter), Wright (R. S.).
Roman : Cagnat.
TEA : Baildon, Bontekoe, Money, Patents.
Culture of : Ball, Barker (G. M.), Fortune,
TEETH : Bew, Hunter (J.).
Travels : Brasseur de Bourbourg.
TELEGRAPH (ELECTRIC) : Blavier, Culley,
Eugene (J. B.), Fahie, Goldsmid, Highton,
Lardner, Parkinson, Preece, Prescott, Ronalds,
Walker, Wilson.
Atlantic Cable : Field.
TELEOLOGY : Aristotle (Metaphys. XL), Bridge-
water Treatises, Hegel (Encyclop. § 204-212),
Kant, Paley, Schopenhauer. Sec ' Theology '
TELEPHONE : Moncel, Prescott.
TEMPERANCE: Anstie, Carpenter, Miller (J.),
Prescott, Social Science, Thomson, Wilson.
See ' Drink.
TEMPLARS, KNIGHTS : Addison, Du Puy, His-
toire, Jeune, Michelet, Porter, Proems, Ray-
nouard, Soldan, Taafe, Wilcke.
Orientation of : Tracts (Warren).
TENNESSEE. See ' America ' (U.S.).
TENNIS. Marshall (J.).
TENURES. See ' Law.'
TEUTONIC KNIGHTS : Duellius, Wahl.
TEXAS. See 'America (United States).'
THAMES: Hall (S. C), Murray (J. F.), Taunt,
Thome (J.), Tracts (White).
' Drama.'
THEBES (SURVEY OF): Wilkinson. See
' Egypt.'
Antiquities : Naville.
THEISM: Caro, Harris (S.), Savage, Theism,
Tracts (Nixon), Ward (W. G.).
THEOCRACY. Sec ' Jews.'
Study of : Barlow, Barrow, Fog, Macairc.
Dictionary of: Benham (W.), Blunt (J. H.),
Gerhard (Loci Theologici), Migne.
Natural : Babbage, Beaucliamp, I'.ell, Bridge-
water Treatises, Brougliam, Buckingham,
Chalmers, Clarke, Crombic, Derhani, (ieikie
(C), Gillespie, Home, Hutchinson, Jackson
(W.), Mill, Macculloch, Natural Religion,
New (A.), Paley, Ray, Simon, StillingHeet,
TuUoch, Turton, Warburton, Wollaston.
Moral: Birks, Brooke (S. A.), Condor (E. R.),
Hoffmann (J. C).
Theology for Children : Oort, Waugh.
English and Scottish : Archer, Arnold (M.),
Bailly, ]3arrow, Baxter, ]5cck, Beveridgc,
Blunt, Boyd (A.), Bull, Caithness, Cosin,
Davies (.L LI.), Fuller (T.), Gladstone (W. E.),
Hall, Harper, Hooker, Innes (A. T.), .Jackson
(W.), Jacob, Jebb, Jewell, Jones (of Nayland),
Leighton, Library of Anglo-Catholic Theol.,
Macaire, Maitland, Mant, Marsh, Martincau
(J.), Masters, Moberly, Mountagu, Mozley
(J. B.), Newman (F. W.), Norris (J. P.),
Ogilvie (C. A.), Outram, Palmer, Pearson,
Philochristus, Plumptrc, Rigg, Sanderson,
Taylor (Jeremy), Thirl wall, Vaughan, War-
burton, Waterland, Watts, Wesley, Words-
worth (Chr.).
German : Baur, Bender, Bertholdt, Bret-
schneider, Delitzsch, DoUinger, Dorner,
Ebrard, Gelzer, Hagenbach, Hahn, Hase,
Hengstenberg, Keim, Lange, Liicke, Luthardt,
Luther, Marheineke, Martensen, Molanchthon,
Mohler, Neander, Nitzsch, Noack, Paulus,
Rothe, Schleiermacher, Schulz, Schwartz,
Strauss, Studien, Theologische, Tholuck,
Zockler. See ' Rationalism,' ' Tiibingen School.'
Modern : Hawkins (J.), Inman, Jenner.
Dutch : Arminius, Grotius, Jansenius.
Roman Catholic: Amort, Ardeskin, Bailly, Bel-
larmine, Billuart, Dictionnaire, l)()llinger,
Hettinger, Kollner, Liguori, Manning,
Mohler, Newman, Ponta, Suarez, Ullathorne,
Theology and Science. See ' Science.'
Sec ' Christianity,' ' Deism,' ' Schoolmen.'
THERMOMETER : Weale's Series.
THESSALY. See ' Greece.'
THIBET: Boyle, Cooper (T. T.), Gill (W.),
Gordon (T. E.), Hue, Kreitner, Prejcvaisky,
Prinsep, Schlagintweit, Turner.
THIEVES: Awdeley, Falkenberg. .Sec 'Pirates.'
THIRTY YEARS' WAR : Hurter, Khevenhiller,
Schiller, Si^crschil. See ' Germany,' ' Military
THOUGHT : Miiller (F. M.), Norton, Poole (R.L.).
THRIFT: Blackley (W. L.), Bartley.
THUGS AND DACOITS : Hutton, Ramasseana,
Slecman, Taylor (M.), Thugs. Sec ' India.'
TIBER : Smith (S. A.).
TIDES: Jordan (W. L.). See 'Astronomy.'
TIMBER, etc.: Laslett.
TIME, Computation of : Benson (J. W.), Bond,
Tlionipson (A.). See ' Almanac,' ' Calendar,'
' Chronology,' ' Clocks.'
TIMES (THE), Agony Column : Clay (J.).
TIMOUE: Arab Shah, Clavijo, Neve. See
' Tartary.'
TIEYNS : Schliemann.
TITHES: Clarke (H. W.), Comber, Cooke (L.),
Leslie, Prideaux, Selden,Spelman (H.), Tracts
22, 105, 108.
TOBACCO : Anstie, Barclay, Fairholt, James I.,
Johnston, Patents, Steinmetz.
TOKENS. See ' Coinage,' ' Coins and Medals.'
TOLEEATION : Heegaard, Locke, Taylor
(Jeremy), Tracts 3, 18, 19, 36, 70, 105, 117,
121, Voltaire, Williams (Eoger).
TONGA: Farmer, Mariner.
TONKIN: Cotteau (1881), Isle (1885), Scott
(J. G.).
TOPOGRAPHY: Girault dc St. Fargeau, Gough,
Topography and Loc.Ui History (General) :
Baedeker, Beauties of E. and W., Bridges,
Camden, Chamberlayne, Collectanea, Cox,
Gorton, Grose, Herbert, Horsley, King, Kohl,
Lambarde, Leland, Lewis, Lhuyd, Moll,
Murray, Nichols, Sims, Thornbury, Timbs,
Topograijher, Topographical, Tynims.
English : Anderson, Sammes.
Cathedrals : Britton, Cathedrals, Howson, Long-
man, Murray, Pari. Eep. 344, 1869, Storer,
Walcott, Vetusta Monumenta, Winkle.
Eastern Counties : Taylor (Arthur).
East Coast : Walcott, White.
South Coast : Walcott.
See ' Geography,' and the names of the several
Counties and Countries.
TORIES : Cooke (G.), Kebbel, Macaulay, Rapin,
TOETURE IN ENGLAND : Jardinc. See ' Crime,'
' Law,' ' Trials.' '
Trial by : Triimmer.
TOULOUSE : Raynal.
TOURAINE: Chalmel.
TOURNAY: Gregory.
Of France : Lentheric. Sec ' France.'
Of Germany : Lehne, Rudolph. See ' Germany.'
Of Gre.\.t Britain : Doran, Smith (W.).
Of Italy : Hare, PuUan, Robida. Sec ' Italy.'
Newland, Newman, Oakeley, Palmer (W.),
Pusey, Taylor, Tracts for the Times.
TRACTS : Davies (Myles). See Tracts Indexed
in Appendix to the Catalogue.
Ashburton, Beaujour, Bourne, Business, Busy
Hives, Campen, Clamageran, Colquhoun,
Condillac, Cooper, Crumi?, Davenant, Dep-
ping, Ewart, Fawcett, Free Trade, Fyfe,
Gilbart, Grant, Gregg, Hanserecesse, Heeren,
Levi, Lindsay, Lyttelton (W. H.), Macculloch,
Macpherson, Mallet, Marin, Martin (F),
Mazaroz, Melon, Michel (Bordeaux), Mon-
gredien, Monteiiore, Oddy, Parieu, Paris
Exposition, Pari. Reports, Patents, Pat-
terson, Piatt, Purdy, Rationale, Sbarbaro,
Schraut, Simmonds, Simon, Simonin (L.),
Smith (A.), Torrens, Tracts, Walker, Webster
(R. G.), Xenos, Yeats.
England: Buchanan, Chalmers, Craik, Dave-
nant, Defoe, Dekker, Gee, Goadby, Haiieian
Miscell. 18, Pari. Reports, Tracts, Tucker,
Early British : Vine.
CoMMERcuL Tariffs : Bastiat, Chevalier,
European, Free Trade, Gumpach, M'Gregor.
See 'Economy,' 'Industry,' 'Manufactures,'
' Statistics.'
TRADES: Congr^s, Paris, Workshops of England.
See 'Industry,' ' Manufactures,' ' Societies.'
TRADE-UNIONS: America (U. S. Cons. Rep.),
Baernreither, Brentano, Paris (Cte. de). Pari.
Rep. (1867), Robert (C), Somers, Thurlow.
Law Respecting : Erie.
Paris (13th Cent.) : Depping.
See ' Labour,' ' Societies.'
TRADITIONS : Archivio, Arundell, Gautier (L.),
Ingram, Litterature. See ' Legends.'
TRAGEDY. See ' Drama.'
TRAMWAYS : Clark (D. K.).
TRANSPORTATION : Maconochie, Melville,
Pari. Reports, Whately. See ' Punishments.'
TRANSVAAL. 6Vc' Africa.'
Description : Boner, De Gerando, Paget, Paton,
TRAPPE (LA), Monastery of : Ranc6.
Galton, Leveson. See ' Guides.'
TRAVELS. See ' Voyages and Travels,' and
names of Countries.
TREASON : Gordon, Luders.
Collections of Treaties : Aitchison, Barbeyrac,
Birch, Bougeant, Chalmers, Dijk, Dumont,
Elliot, France, Francesco, Furneaux, Garden,
Ghillany, Hertslet, Histoire, Koch, Leonard,
Liverpool, Macgregor, Martens, Pari. Re-
ports, Rapin, Recueil, Rymer, Traitds,
See ' Law (of Nations).'
TREES: Grindon, Hemsley, Johns (C.A.), Kirby,
Laslett, Mongredien, Roland, Selby. See
' Arboriculture,' ' Botany.'
TRENT. See ' Councils.'
TEEVES : Brower and Masenius, Wyttenbach.
State Trials : Phillipps, State, Townsend,
Celebrated : Annual Register, Aram, Arnot,
Burke, Burton, Cannaert, Carmigiani, Caro-
line, Causes Cel^bres, Chandler, Cockburn,
Craik, Dale, Demme, Depositions, Dumas,
English, Fenwick, Fitzgerald, Gordon, Has-
tings, Hitzig, Jardine, Ketschendorf, Lewis
(J. D.), Martens, Meinhold, O'Keefe, Pitcairn,
Poore, Proems, Remarkable Trial, Suratt,
Tracts (Sessions), Trial. See ' Law.'
Trial by Battle : Gilchrist (A.).
See ' Torture.'
Elements : Adams (W.), Chauvenet, Darley,
De Morgan, Euclid, Hann, Lacroix.
See ' Geometry,' ' Mathematics.'
TRINIDAD : Burnley (1812), Kingslcy (C). Sec
' West Indies.'
Description : Beechey, Bentham 7, Tally.
TROPICS : Vincent (F.), Wallace (A. R.).
TROUBADOURS. See 'Ballads,' ' Literature.'
Desceiption of the Plain of : Chandler, Lenor-
niant, Maclauren, Nicolaides, Rennell, Schlie-
mann, Troy.
Tkojan Wak, History : Dictys Cretans., Geste
Hist., Homer, Thebaidis, Tryphiodorus. Sec
' Homer.'
History : Grosley.
TRUSTS : Hargrave, Hobhouse.
Essays ON : Bailey, Beattie,Beneke, Cousin, Male-
branche. Murphy, Tatham. See ' Ethics.'
TUBINGEN SCHOOL : Baur, Dorner, Keim,
Lang, Mackay, Schwartz, Schwegler, Strauss,
TUDOR, HOUSE OF : Andrews, Bacon, Froude,
Halsted, Nicolas, Rutland. Sfc' Great Britain.'
TUNIS. See ' Africa.'
TURKESTAN : Mouchketoff, Petzhoklt, Schuyler,
Shaw, Ujfalvy, Valikhanof, Wolff. See ' Asia,'
' Khiva.'
History : Abulghasi, Austin (C. E.), Bonneval,
Chalcondylas, Creasy, Desprez, Diefenbach,
Freeman, Guignes, Guyard, Hammer, KnoUes,
Lavallee, Lonicerus, Mill, (J.), Millingen,
Naima, Newman, Osman, Paganel, Pasj^ati,
Pitzii^ios, Porter, Poujade, Ranke, St. John
(B.), Tott, Turkey, Univ. Hist. Zinkeisen.
L.u^guage : Barker, Davids, Redhouse.
Proposed Reforms (1883) : Ali.
See ' Military and Naval History.'
Travels, Descriptions, etc. : Adair, Alton, Ali-
Moulavi, Anadol, Arvieux, Baker, Baltimore,
Belgrade, Boue, Brown, Busbequius, Cai'lisle,
Carne, Charmes, ChishuU, Clarke, Collas,
Conder, Creagh, Damer, Davis, De Vere, Delia
Valle, Eton, Etudes Pratiques, Farley, Field
(1886), Gasparin, Geary, Georgieviz (1552),
Grimeston, Hobhouse, Irby, Lucas, McCoan,
Macfarlane, Mackenzie, Macmichael, Madden,
Menzies (1880), Moltke, Moryson, Nicholay,
Oliver, Otter, Palgrave, Quitzmann, Rich,
Robert, Russell, St. Clair, Sandys, Sestini,
Slade, Smyth, Spencer, Stephens, Tavernier,
Tchihatcheff, Thielmann, Thornbury, Thorn-
ton, Tozer, Ubicini, Urquhart, Vambery,
Viaggi, Walker, Walpole.
Christians of : Denton.
Turkey and Russia : Boukharow, Latham (R. G.),
Valentini, Pari. Reports.
See ' Armenia,' ' Asia Minor,' ' Balkans,' ' Con-
stantinople,' ' Eastern Question,' ' Military
History : Alberi, Aldo, Capponi, Cavalcanti,
Dino, Galluzzi, Geronius, Machiavelli, Napier,
Nerli, Pignotti, Renee, Rohault, Roscoe,
Rubieri, Segni, Tenhove, Univ. Hist., Varchi,
Varillas, Villani.
" Travels and Descriptions : Beyle, Crawfurd,
Davis, Firenze, Holmes, Horner, Saggio,
Targioni, Young (D.). See ' Italy.'
On the Art of Printing : Didot, Hansard,
Johnson (J.), Timperlcy.
History, etc. : Almeloovcn, Ames, Blades,
Bowyer, Brunet, Buchdruckerkunst, Campbell
(F. A. G.), De Vinne, Didot, Falkenstein,
Fournier, (ireswell. Knight, Labordc, Laire,
Lambinet, Lindc (H. v. der), Ijonisy, Mar-
chand, Meerman, Middleton, Nichols (J.),
Otley, Panzer, Paulmy, Plantin, Rcnouard,
Ruelens, Schaab, Skeen, Westreenen, Willcms
(A.), Wolfius, Wiirdtwein.
In Scotland: Dickson (R.), Edmonds (J. P.).
In Iceland : Soguagrii^.
In America : Thomas (I.).
Typographical Gazetteer : Cotton.
Printers' Slang : Boutmy.
See ' Bibliography.'
TYROL, The : Bradshaw, Busk, Grohman, Giin-
ther (Ctesse. A.), Inglis, Pictures, Pritchard,
Rosegger, Steub, White (W.), ' Zigzagging.'
UKRAINE, The. See ' Russia.'
ULTRAMONTANISM. Sec ' Rome (Church of).'
Argyle, Bruce, Defoe, Ker, Lockhart. See
' Great Britain,' ' Scotland.'
LAND) : Coote.
UNITARIANISM : Allix, Bibliotheca, Crellius,
Dewey, Fuller, Gilchrist, Greg, Horsley, Leslie,
Maimbourg, Martineau (J.), Newman (F. W.),
Parker (Theod.), Priestley, Socinus, Tayler
(J. J.). See ' Socinianism.'
UNITED BRETHREN: Crantz, English Girl,
Latrobe, Rimius, Zinzendorf.
UNITED STATES. Sec ' America.'
UNIVERSE : Aristotle, Brothers (R.), Gillespie,
Humboldt, Mizaldus, Pouchet.
UNIVERSITIES: Arnold (M.), Badinsky, Cam-
bridge, Conrad, Denifle, Hall, Hart (J. M.),
Hertzberg, Heywood, Huber, Jourdain, Kirk-
p'atrick, Laurie, Maiden, Newman (J. H.), Pari.
Reports, Perry, Raumer, Schleiermacher, Sedg-
wick, Sybel,Vaughan, Wales, Whewell, Woota,
Wordsworth (Chr.).
Leipzig : Zarncke.
Leyden : Peacock.
See ' Cambridge,' ' Education,' ' Oxford.'
Ancient Athens : Capes.
URN BURIAL : Browne (Sir T.).
USURY : Bentham. Sec ' Currency.'
UTILITARIANISM : Bentham, Grote, Guyan,
Helvetius, Joutfroy (' Droit Naturel '), Kant,
Mill, Simon (' le Devoir ').
UTRECHT PSALTER : Birch, Hardy (T. D.).
VACCINATION : Drysdale (in Tracts), Germann,
Pearce, Vaccination, Wallace (A. R.), White
VALOIS KINGS : Belleval, Capefiguc, Wraxall.
See ' France.'
VANCOUVER'S ISLAND: Hazlitt, Macdonald,
Mayne, Sproat.
VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. See ' Tasmania.'
VASES, Greek: Lloyd (Tracts), Wclckcr. Se
VATICAN COUNCIL : Fiiedrich, Leto, Manning
(H.), Nevins, Suflield, Tracts (Gladstone).
See ' Councils,' ' Eome.'
VAUDOIS. See ' Waldenses.'
VEDAS: Jones (Sir W.), Ludwig, Muir (J.),
Miiller (F. M.), Kosen, Wilson (H. H.). See
' Hindu Eeligion,' ' India.'
VEGETARIANISM : Porphyrins, Williams (H.).
VEHMGEEICHT: Triimmer. Sec 'Germany'
(14th century).
History of the War in : Argens, Cadoudal,
Cr6tineau-Joly, Hugo, Larochejacquelein, Sa-
vary, Turreau.
Description : Costello.
VENEZUELA : Danco, Eastwick, Humboldt.
History : Agostini, Alberi, Arlunus, Barbaro,
Baschet, Bembo, Brown (R.), Contarini,
Cornet, Daru, Diedo, Examen, Filian, Flagg,
Foscarini, Giannotti, Hardy (T. D.), Hazlitt,
Houssaie, Howell, Labaume, La Haye, La-
manski, Manin, Martin, Molmenti, Morpurgo,
Mutinelli, Nani, Pasolini, Eomanin, Ruskin,
Saint-Didier, Sandi, Sarpi, Smedley, Univer.
Hist., Venice, Veri, Yriarte, Zwiedeneck.
Spanish Conspiracy : Saint-R6al.
Description : Bournet, Bruner, Cicognara,
Costello, Freeman (E. A.), Havard, Howell,
Kreuz, Michels, Molmenti, Morelli, Quadri,
Ruskin, Sala, Sansovino, Sanuto, Temanza,
Topografia. See ' Italy.'
Coinage : Papadopoli.
The Lagoons : Brown (H. F.).
VENTILATION : Arnott, Bernan, Burn, Edwards,
Reid, Webber.
Description of : Maffei. See ' Italy.'
VICTORIA (QUEEN). See ' Great Britain.*
VICTORIA. See ' Australia.'
History : Auerbach, Newman, Schimmer.
Congress of. See ' Europe.'
Description : Burbury, Coke, Londonderry,
Baton, Reeve (Dr. H.), Tissot (V.), Trollope.
See ' Austria,' ' Catalogues.'
Council of. See ' Councils.'
VIKINGS : Dasent, Storm.
Maine, Maurer, Nasse, Seebohm.
Culture of : Barron, Busby, Hoare.
Diseases of : Pasteur.
VINEGAR: Pasteur.
VIOLIN : Duborg, Fleming (J. M.), Hart (G.),
Sib^re. ' ^ '
VISION : Carter (R. B.), Wells (S.). See ' Blind,'
' Eye,' ' Optics,' ' Sight.'
VIVISECTION : Jesse (G. R.), Nicholson (E. B.),
Tracts (Jesse), Vivisection.
VOICE : Art, Bristowe, Browne (L.), Hullah,
Hunt, Laugel, Lee, Mackenzie (M.), Rush,
Sandlands, Tucker. See ' Singing,' ' Speech.'
Description : Carrera, Darwin, Daubeny, Forbes,
Gumprecht, Hamilton, Humboldt, Kingsman,
Palmieri, Peacock (R. A.), Phillips, Scrope,
See 'Earthquakes.'
VOLGA : Butler-Johnstone (H.), Legrelle.
VOLKSLIEDER. , See Songs ' (German).
VOLUNTEERS (1852): Pycroft.
VOSGES : Lee (1883), Voulot.
General Collections : Astley, Barrow, Becker
(B. H.), Bergeron, Bishop, Boyle, Brosses,
Burney, Callander, Churchill, Cladera, Conder,
Constantin, Cooley, Croal, Dalrymple, Davis,
Estancelin, Fanning, Fleurieu, Galvano, Gal-
ton, Geographic, Gryna^us, Hacke, Hakluyt,
Harleian, Harris, Hawkins, Kerr, Lafitau,
Marmier, Murray, Navarrete, Pinkerton, Por-
tuguese, Purchas, Ramusio, Saint-Maurice,
Stanford, Ternaux-Compans, Thevenot, Va-
lentyn, Wappaus, Zurla.
Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa : Asia,
Avril, Bastian, Bell, Bellew, Bogle, Bradley
(J.), Bryce, Calvert, Coryat, Gumming, Duff
(Grant), Duret, Ebers, Europ. Wanderbilder,
Farnham, Freeman, Gill (W.), Gillmore,
Gordon (T. E.), Hall, Hamilton (J. C), Han-
way, Heifer, Holthaus, Howison, Jerningham,
Ker, Kingston, Lacerda, Lamartine, Lancaster
(J.), Leblanc, Lithgow, Macgregor, Marmier,
Marshall (J.), Maughan, Monconys (1695),
Paquet-Siphorien, Payen (1()08), Russegger,
Taylor (B.), Terry, Travel, Vacation, Whyte,
Wolf, Wood (C. W.), Young, Yul, Yvan. See
' Africa,' ' Asia,' ' Europe.'
Voyages round the World : Anson, Arago,
Arber's Garner, Bafhn, Beauvoir, Belcher,
Betagh,Bille, Bougainville,Bridges, Broughton,
Campbell, Carlisle, Carnegie (1884), Carreri,
Chamisso, Cleveland, Cook, Cooley, Dampier,
Darwin (C), Diderot, Dilke, Dixon, Drake,
Dumont d'Urville, Ellis, Fenzi, Forster, Frere,
Funnell, Garnier, Gerstaecker, Gortz, Gray
(J. H.), Guillemard, Hawkesworth, Hawkins,
Hinchliff. Hingston, Hiibner, Jones-Parry
(1881), Kingston, Kotzebue, Krusenstern,
Labillardiere, Laird, Langsdorff, Lesseps,
Lisiansky, Macgregor, Marchand, Nopitsch,
P^rouse, Pfeiffer, Pigafetta, Portlock, Purchas
1, Ruschenberger, Scherzer, Seward, Simpson,
Sparrman, Tilley, Turnbull, Vancouver, Vin-
cent (Mrs.), Walker, Young (J. R.).
To the East and Overland : Mitford (1844),
Rudolph (1884), Weld (A. G.).
To the Soutli Sea: Bligh, Brosses, Burney, Cal-
lander, Corcal, Dalrymple, Fleurieu, Flinders,
Frezier, Hawkesworth, Maldonado, Melville,
Narborough, Parkinson, Seriman, Shelvocke,
Stewart, Snow, Webster.
Ocean : Brassey.
Speci.\l, Scientific, etc : Bates, Beechey,
Belcher in the ' Samarang,' Belt, Bernard
in the ' Nemesis,' Bishop, Bulkeley, Burnet,
Campbell (Lord G.), Cheap in the ' Wager,'
Coppinger in the ' Alert,' Darwin in the
' Beagle,' Dumont d'Urville in the ' Astro-
labe,' Farragut, Fitzroy in the ' Beagle,'
Frobisher, Gama, Gill (Mrs.), Hamerton,
Hansen, Hood in the ' Fawn,' Hovgaard in the
'Vega,' Innes-Lillingston, Inwards, Jukes in
the ' Fly,' King in the ' Adventure ' and
'Beagle,' Koldeweg, Lambert in the 'Wan-
derer,' Macgillivray in the ' Rattlesnake,'
Macleod in the ' Alceste,' Margery, Milner,
Montgomery in the ' Franklin,' Novara, Spry,
Stables in the ' Wanderer ' (1880), Stokes in
the 'Beagle,' Thomson (Sir C. W.) in the
' Challenger,' Ujfalvy, Voyages, Wales (Princes
Albert and George of) in the ' Bacchante,'
Wilkes's United States Expedition, Willemoes-
Suhm, Young (Sir A.) in the ' Pandora.'
Early Portuguese : Castro (I). Joam).
See ' Arctic Regions,' and the names of the
several Countries.
Imaginary Voyages and Travels : Defoe (Cap-
tain Roberts), Immermann, Swift (Gulliver),
Verne, Voyages Imaginaires, Wright (H.).
Sec ' Fairy Tales.'
VULGAR ERRORS : Browne (Sir T.),
WAGES : Brassey, Le Hardy de Beaulieu, Marx
(Karl), Rogers (J. E. T), Tracts (Bates),
Walker (F. A.), Young (E.), See 'Labour.'
History, Doctrines, etc. : Faber, Gilly, Hahn,
Maitland, Muston. See ' Albigenses.'
History : Betham, Brut, Caradoc, Dodridge,
Enderbie, Guest, Herbert, Jeffrey, Jenkinson,
Lhoyd, Monumenta, Parry, Phillips (J. R.),
Rees, Skene, Walter, Warrington, Williams.
Descriptions, Topography, and Antiquities :
Beauties of E. and W., Bingley, Black, Borrow,
Cambro-Britain, Cathrall, Clarke (E. D.),
Clifi'e, Cymmrodorion, Davies (R. R.), Gilpin,
Giraldus, Grose, Hartshorne, Jones (Owen),
Kohl, Lhuyd, Llewelyn, Nicholson, Parry,
Pennant, Phillip, Rees, Richards, Roberts,
Sinclair, Skrine, Stephens, Tour, Tugwell,
Villemarque, Wyndham.
Guides : Black, Jenkinson (H. J.), Ward (C. S.).
Visitations : Dwnn.
Anglcsca : Breese, Rowland.
Carlcon : (Museum), Lee.
Cardigan : Meyrick.
Carnarvon : Breese, Record Commission.
The Conway : Davidson, Halliwell.
Flintshire : Taylor (H.).
Glamorganshire : Nicolas.
Holyhead : Nichols' Bibl. Topog. 5.
Holyivcll : Pennant.
Llandaff : Rees.
Menai Bridge : Provis.
Merionethshire : Breese.
Isorth Wales : Cathrall, Cliffe, Costello, Halli-
well, Hartshorne, Hicklin, Hutton, Llewelyn.
Osioestry : Cathrall.
Pembrokeshire : Fenton.
Fowys : Jones.
St. David's : Jones and Freeman.
South Wales : Clille, Douglas, Gilpin, Sikes
(W.), Ward and Baddeley.
Tenby : Gosse, Lewes.
Wliitcford : Pennant.
Geology : Murchison.
Hills of : Halifax.
Protestant Nonconformity in : Rees.
See ' Great Britain,' ' Language,' ' Literature.'
WALKING: Barron.
WALLACHIA. See 'Moldavia.'
Bucharest : Berger.
WALLEN STEIN : Hallwich, Hurter, Schiller.
WANDERING JEW : Schoebel, Sue (E.).
WAR : Amos, Mandeville, Ram. Sec ' Military
WARDS (COURT OF) : Vetusta Monumenta 1.
WARWICKSHIRE: Beauties of E. and W.,
Camden (W.), Cox, Dugdale, Merridew, Tymms,
Alcester : Dunkin.
Birmingham : Bunco, Dent, Hutton, Langford,
Sargant, Timniins.
Coventry : Poole, Sharp.
Kenilnorth : Ijaneham.
Stratford : HaUiwell.
Earls of Warwick : Rossus, Rows.
WATCHMAKING : Glasgow (D.). See ' Clocks.'
WATER: IMacdonald (J. D.), Morgan (C. L.),
Parry, Reclus, Tyndall.
WATER CURE. See 'Hydropathy.'
WATER SUPPLY: Ansted, Arts (Society of),
De Ranee, Murger, Patents, Prestwich,
Swindell, Wurm.
Austria and Germany : Gutmann.
Switzerland : Gutmann.
Sec 'Baths,' 'Mineral Waters.'
WATERLOO: Bliicher, Bowen, Chcsney, Gleig,
Grouchy, Hooper, Mercer, Pierart, Scherr,
Scott, Siborne, Waterloo, Wellington (Des-
patches). See ' Military History.'
WAVERLEY NOVELS (Authorship of) : Adol-
I)hus (J. L.).
berland, Clarke, Greaves, Husscy, Kelly, Paris
Exposition, Pari. Reports, Pasley, Woolhouse,
Ancient : Boeckh, Hooper (G.), Incjuiry,
WELLINGTON (DUKE OF) : Hammick, Moinne,
Wellington. See ' Military History.'
(Wesley), Tycnnan, Wesley. See ' Method-
History: Alcedo, Bates (H. W.), Dalby, Ed-
wards, Gomara, Las Casas, Metcalfe, Oviedo,
Raynall, Shephard, Southey, Univ. History,
West Indies.
Descriptions, Tp.avels, etc. : Amphlett, An-
tigua, Baird, Bolingbroke, Breen, Capadose,
Champlain, Coleridge (H. N.), Day, Dun-
donald, Gage, Gardiner, Gurney, Hakluyt,
Halliday, Kingslcy, Labat, Ligon, Long,
Lome, Sturgc, Tracts 108, 172, '21:5, Trollopc,
Underhill, Waddcll.
Caribbre Islaiuis : Spencer (T.).
Monumental Inscriptions : Lawrence-Archer.
See ' Cuba.'
WESTMINSTER: Cunningham, Enlick, Tmibs.
See ' London.'
Palace and Houses of Parliament : Brayley,
Abdey and School of S r, Peter's : Chester
(Col. J. L.), Dart, Scott (Sir G. G.), Stanley
(A. P.)^ Widmore.
Queen's Scholars : Welch.
WESTMORELAND : Barrow (J.), Beauties of E.
and W., Black, Cox, Ferguson, Martineau,
Pipe Rolls, Wilson (' C. North's Recreations '),
Wordsworth (and Green), Wright (T.).
Members of Parliament : Ferguson (R. S.).
Kendal : Nicholson.
Dialect : Westmoreland.
See 'Cumberland,' 'Lakes,' 'Lancashire,'
' Yorkshire.'
WHALLEY. See ' Lancashire.'
WHIGS : Cooke, Holland, Macaulay, Rapin, Roe-
buck, Somerville.
WHITE HORSES (West of England): Hughes
(T.), Plenderleath.
WHITE SEA: Helms (1878).
WIGHT, Isle of.
Dksckiptioxs, etc. : Alphen, Barber, Englefield,
Gilpin, Hassel, Martin, Worsley.
TJndercUff : Martin.
Geology : Mantell.
WILL, FREEDOM OF, etc. : Augustinus (St.),
Bain, Edwards, Guthrie (M.), Herzen, Hol-
land (F. M.), Luther, Pelagius. See 'Meta-
Will in Nature : Schopenhauer.
WILLS : Bannatyne Miscellany 2, Bristol Notes,
Durham, Fox, Matthfei Analecta 1, Nichols,
Nicolas, Peignot, Piccope, Tegg, Wills.
History, etc : Aubrey, Beauties of E. and W.,
Britton, Cox, Domesday, Hoare, Kelly, Oliver,
Tour, Wyndham.
Diocesan History : Jones (W. H.).
Visitation : Marshall (G. W.).
Avebury : Bowles, Heanie (Robt. of Glouc),
Higgins, Stukeley.
Bisliopstone : ' Carter.
Bremliill: Bowles.
Grittleton : .Jackson.
Lacock Abbey: Bowles.
Mahnesbury : Cartularium, Registrum, Vetusta
Monumenta 5.
Mar'lborough : Waylen.
Salisbury : Cassan, Dodsworth, Handbook, Led-
wich, Milner, Osmund, Salisbury.
Stonehcnge : Bowles, Charlton, Herbert, Jones,
Stukeley, Webb.
Warminster : Vetusta Monumenta 2.
Wilton House : Wilton.
Dialect: Akerman.
WINES : Arber's Garner, Cocks, Denman, Druitt,
Duprez, Forrester, Henderson, Hoare, Michel
(Bordeaux), Pasteur, Redding, Shaw, Sheen,
Tennent, Thudicum, Tomes, Torey, Tracts
151, Vizetelly.
Chemistry of : Mulder.
Wines of the Bible : Wilson (A. M.).
WINE DUTIES: Bosvll <■, J; mes, Tennent.
History : Pfafif.
WIT : Banquet, Gray (J.), Stanford (C).
Greek : Paley (F. A.).
German : Schatzkastlein.
WITCHCRAFT : Beaumont, Braid, Ciesarius
Heisterbacensis, Cannaert, Collin de
Plancy, Colquhoun, Conway, Dallaway, Darrel,
Gifford, Glanvil, Gordon, Horst, Howard,
Hutchinson, Institor, James I., Linton,
Luther (' Tischreden '), Magic, Mallei Malefic,
Mather (C.),Michelet, More (H.), Potts, Reuss,
Schopenhauer, Scot, Scott (Sir W.), Sharpe
(C. K.), Soldan, Spalding Miscell. 1, Spottis-
woode Miscell. 2, Trummer, Wiichter, Web-
ster, Williams (H.).
See ' Apparitions.'
WOMEN : Adams (W. H. D.), Atkinson, Beale,
Bebel, Blackburn (H.), Blaze de Bury, Bogor,
Brantome, Campardon, Capefigue, Cesena,
Clarke (E. H.), Cousin, Daubi6, Dilke, Essays,
Femmes, Feyjoo, Guizot, Herbert (Lady),
Heroines, Higginson, Hippel, Howson, Jame'-
son, Kavanagh, Kingsbury, Laboulaye, Lc
Gai, Legouve, Linton (E. L.), Menzies,
Michelet, Mill (J. S.), Milne, Morgan,
Parkes, Pascoe, Puliga, Roussel, S6vigne,
Stahr, Stanton (E.), Strickland, Taylor,
Tracts, Trevelyan, Wollstonecraft, Women,
Wright, Zeller (Vortrage). See ' Biography,'
' Civilization,' ' Society.'
In the 15th and 16th Centuries : Higgins
In Turkey: Osman-Bey.
WOOD CARVING : Pollen, Seaton.
WOOD ENGRAVING: Bewick, Chatto, Conway,
Dobson, Jackson, Linton.
baud, Samuel, Tracts 1, 2, 04.
See ' Manufactures,' ' Sheep.'
WORCESTERSHIRE : Allies, Beauties of E. and
W., Chambers, Cox, Green, Nash, Worcester.
Visitation : Worcester.
Croome cV Abitot : Dean.
Evesham ; Tindal, Vetusta Monumenta 5.
Hanley Castle : Symonds (W. S.).
Malvern : Lee.
Worcester : Binns, Green, Hale, Hemingus,
Noake, Smith (T. G.).
Cathedral : Storer, Worcester.
Her.aldry : Grazebrook.
WORK, OVERWORK : Routh (C. H. T.).
WORKHOUSES, Management : Twining (L.).
WORKING CLASSES: Brentano, Nadaud,
Ouvrier, Phillips (W. A.), Working Men. See
WORLD. See ' Earth,' ' History,' ' Voyages.'
WORMS, History of the Bishopric : Schannat.
WORSHIP. See ' Prayer,' ' Religion.'
WRECK (RIGHTS OF) : Michel (Bordeaux).
Accounts of. See ' ShiiJwrecks.'
Origin and Progress : Astle, Callingham, Des-
baroUes, Gebelin, Hincks (Tracts), Horne,
Hugo, Monteil, Pauthier, Roberts, Watten-
bach, Wright, Wuttke. See 'Egypt, Hiero-
glyphics,' ' Language,' ' Palaeography.'
Among the Romans : Modestow.
Philosophy of : Salamanca.
History: Groppius.
XANTHUS, Monuments at : Fellows, Lloyd.
YACHTING : Shooting, Speed (H. F.).
YACHT-BUILDING. Sec ' Navigation.'
YAEKAND : Henderson, Shaw.
YOEK, HOUSE OF: Brewer, Bruce, Capgrave,
Chronicle, Nicolas. See ' Great Britain.'
YOKKSHIRE : Atkinson, Beauties of E. and W.,
Be\\ick, Bowles, Boyne, Bray, Burton, Cart-
wright, Coleridge's Worthies, Cox, Dayes,
Dugdale, Hartley, Lawton, Macquoid, Mur-
ray's Handbook, Phillips (J.), Prymo, Sketch,
Smith (W.), Surtees Society, Todd, White
(W.), Yorkshire.
Add : Simpson (H. T.).
Almondbury : Hulbert.
Baiotry and Thome : Peck.
Beverley : Oliver, Poulson, Surtees Soc, Sanc-
tuarium Beverlacense, Tracts (Yorkshire).
Blyth : Raine (Rev. J.).
Bolton Abbey : Tracts (Yorkshire), Walbran.
Bradford : James (J.).
Caivood : Wheater.
Cleveland : Graves, Bewick (Geology).
Coatham : Hutton.
Cottingha)ii : Vetusta Monumenta 1.
Craven : Phillips, Whitaker.
Doncastcr : Hunter, Vetusta Monumenta 2.
Ecclesfield : Eastwood.
Fountains : Vetusta Monumenta 1, Walbran.
Gilling : Harrison (P.).
Halifax : Bently, Tracts (Yorkshire), Watson.
Registers : Walker.
Hallamsliire (Glossary) ; Hunter.
Hareivood : Jones.
Harrogate : Grainge, Walbran.
Holderncss : Holderness, Oliver, Poulson.
Hull : Clarendon Society, Gent.
Ingleborough and Settle : West.
Knaresborough : Vetusta Monumenta 1.
. Forest of : Grainge.
Leeds : Leeds, Mayhall, Thoresby, Whitaker
Loidis and Elinete : Whitaker.
Middlcham : Atthill.
Nidderdalc : Lucas (J.).
Nortliallerton : Ingledew.
Pontefract : Drake, Morris, Pontefract, Vetusta
Monumenta 1.
Bichmond : Gale, Raine, Robinson (W. R.).
Itichmondshire : Whitaker.
Bipon : Eipon, Walbran.
Boman Remains: Surtees, Vetusta Monumental.
Sandal : Vetusta Monumenta 2.
Scarborough : Baker (J. B.), Hinderwell, Hutton,
Sheffield : Bywater, Gatty, Harrison, Hunter.
Sherburn : Wheater.
Sheriff Hutton: Todd.
Skirlaugh Chapel : Skirlaugh.
Streonshall Abbey : Young (G.).
Tickhill : Vetusta Monumenta 1.
Wakefield : Cameron, Taylor (T.).
West Yorkshire : Bevan (G. P.).
Wliitby : Whitby, Young (G.).
York : Burton, Davies, Dixon, Drake, Dugdale,
Hargrove, Lawton, Twyford, Vetusta Monu-
menta, Wellbeloved.
Archbislwps of : Alcuinus, Dixon, Raine
York Cathedral : Poole (G. A.).
,S'^. Mary's Abbey : Vetusta Monumenta ;".
Dialects : Atkinson, Bywater, Carr, Craven,
Glossary, Leeds, Wliitaker.
DiocKSAN History : Ornsby.
Visitation : Flower.
Geology and Botany : Davis and Lccs.
YOSEMITE VALLEY. See 'America (Cali-
ZANZIBAR : Browne (J, R.), ' Cruise of the Gor-
gon,' Frere, Sullivan. See 'Africa,' 'Slavery.'
ZEND-AVESTA: Black, Bopp, Darmesteter,
Fontane, Haug, Hyde, Jones (Sir W.) 10.
Spiegel, Zoroaster. See 'Parsees.'
ZOOLOGY, or the Animal Kingdom : ^Elianus,
Agassiz, Anderson, Annals, Aristotle, Bennett,
Blackwall, Blake (C. C), Bonaparte, Brehm,
Broderip, Brown (P.), Buchoz, Bucklnnd (F.),
Buckley, Bull'on, Carpenter, Claus, Clermont,
Cuvier, Darwin, Edwards, Fleming, Gray,
Hehn, Huxley, Jardine, Jones, Lawrence,
Lyman, Milne-Edwards, Nicholson (H. A.),
Ogilvie, Owen, Patterson, Perrier, I'ersia,
Pliny, Ray Society, Smithsonian, Solinus.
Watson, Wood, Zoological.
Ckylonese Elephants : Tennent.
United States : Wilkes (C).
Geographical Distribution : Wallace (A. R.).
Classes or the Animal Kingdom :
Animalctda- : Mantell, Troussart.
Annelids (British) : Mcintosh.
Cetacca : Flower.
Cirripedia : Darwin.
Ccelenterata : Greene.
Crustacea : Bate and Westwood, Bell (T.). Sec
' Conchology.'
Eartli-Worms : Darwin.
Entomostraca : Baird.
Entozoa : Cobbold.
Foraminifera : Carpenter, Williamson.
Hydrozoa : Huxley.
Infusoria : Kent, Pritchard, Ray Society.
Insecta. See ' Entomology.'
Mcdus'£ : Forbes.
Mollusca : Romanes. See ' Conchology.'
Nudibranchiata : Alder.
Polyzoa : Allmann.
Protozoa : Greene.
Spongiadtc : Bowerbank.
Tape and Cystic Worms : Siebold.
Trilobitcs : Burmeister.
Vertebrate Animals : Hartwig.
Invertebrate : Huxley.
Alternation op Generations in Animals :
Habits, Instincts, etc : Atkinson, Bencden,
Berkeley, Bernard (C), Bingley, Flourens,
Garratt, Kirby, Lee, Lockwood, Lubbock (J.),
Rosarius, Swainson.
Plagues, Diseases, etc. : Fleming (G.).
Sec ' Ichthyology,' ' Natural History,' ' Origin
of Species,' ' Ornithology,' etc.
ZOROASTER. See ' Zend-Avesta.'
ZURICH : Fucssli. See ' Switzerland.'
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