GIFT OF T) v J AUG 13l»>* GOT OF .Ht UNIVERSITY ,£4UFOHN\* CHICO STATE NORMAL SCHOOL BULLETIN No. V PART I MAP GEOGRAPHY PART II JOURNEY GEOGRAPHY FOR BEGINNERS STUDLEY ^1&Sl&S«&Sg^SliS^ Copyright, 1912 C. K. Studley CHICO STATE NORMAL SCHOOL BULLETIN No. 5 PART I MAP GEOGRAPHY A COURSE OF STUDY AND TEACHERS' MANUAL BY C. K. STUDLEY Supervisor of Geography, Chico State Normal School SACRAMENTO FRIEND WM. RICHARDSON -------- Superintendent State Printing 1912 (3lS63 PRLFACL. This is the first of a series of bulletins on the subject of Geography to be gotten out by the Chico State Normal School. This series has been prepared for distribution after numerous and urgent requests have been received asking for such a work. These requests have come directly from the teachers of the State and indicate a want that has not been supplied. Part I consists of methods and devices for the systematic teaching of Map Geography. Its main purposes are, (1) to save the time and energy of the teacher; (2) to put the material into such shape that it can be readily grasped, retained, and reproduced at will by the pupils. While it may be used independently, it is designed to accompany others that are to follow and forms an integral part of the Course of Study in Geography as set forth in the entire series. Part II, Journey Geography for Beginners, is based primarily upon eighty-five tersely stated topics intimately interwoven with Map Geography as presented in Part I, so that together they will leave a vivid impression of the region studied, together with some of the most important facts about it. References to supplementary books have been so arranged that the teacher will be able to give the course from them. At the same time she will have material left to assign as -seat work following each portion of the journey covering the parts of the earth that are best known by people in the world at large. Such localities as we see mentioned in the newspapers ; such localities as we hear spoken of in friendly intercourse among people who are not specialists in this particular subject. These people have inter- ests in the world because it is the "Enduring home of man" and is worthy therefore of such interest. The future plans for this series are as follows : ( 1 ) A Course of Study in Geography for the Fifth and Sixth Grades which is based upon the State Series Introductory Geography. It consists, first of all, of a quite complete exposition of the method of presenting the Home Geography so that it will be more easily handled by the teacher and will also be more profitable to the pupil. The remainder will be primarily a suggestion as to the topics to be considered, together with their time value, supplementary references and points to be emphasized. Where it is deemed best, the method of handling the topic will be indicated. (2) A Course of Study in Geography for the Seventh and Eighth Grades based upon the State Advanced Geography and following practically the same lines as the one for the Fifth and Sixth Grades. These have all been used, tested, and revised as occasion demanded, and are the outgrowth of the work in the Elementary Department of the Chico State Normal School. They are designed as a guide to the content of a complete course in Geography and as a labor-saving device for the teachers, Avho ordinarily has more than she can do Avithout overtaxing her nervous supply. It is hoped, therefore, that the teachers into whose hands they may fall will not be at all backward in cooperating in such a way as to make (3) 251761 this work hidre' arid' more' rreipfirl' to the teachers, and thus a real aid in obtaining practical results. The methods and devices contained in this Bulletin have been tested in the Elementary Department of the Chico Normal School. Part I has also been tested in the San Francisco Normal School and in the schools of the State at large. Any comments or questions concerning any portion of this Bulletin will be gladly received so that it may be known wherein lies the trouble, if any should arise in the use of the Bulletin. Part I of this Bulletin has as its foundation Bulletin No. 4 (New Series) of the San Francisco State Normal School, but has been changed in various places, and had portions added so as to make it, if possible, more helpful and nearer the ideal of such Geography work. In Part II it has been care- fully correlated with certain interesting facts about each locality, thus broadening its scope, increasing its usefulness, and insuring its permanency. By means of the map drill and the descriptive lesson, the locality becomes a real, clear visualization. (4) CONTENTS. Page. Introduction : 6 Plan for the Work 8 Course in Map Geography 12 Meaning oe Map Symbols 12 The Earth as a Whole (first time over) 14 North America (first time over) * '. IS Outline Map Sketching 18 Pronunciation of Names 19 Visualizing Locations 19 Drill in Visualizing of Locations 19 The Test 21 The Review 22 Exercises for Seat Work , 22 South America (first time over) 25 Africa (first time over) 26 Australia and Pacific Islands (first time over) 27 Asia (first time over) 28 Europe (first time over) 29 United States (first time over) 31 California (first time over) l 33 The Earth as a Whole (second time over) 34 North America (second time over) 36 South America (second time over) 37 Africa (second time over) 38 Australia and Pacific Islands (second time over) 39 Asia (second time over) 39 Europe (second time over) 40 United States (second time over) 41 California (second time over) 43 Review Work for Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grades 45 (•'») INTRODUCTION. Two sorts of results should flow from a well-taught course in geography : First, the pupil should gain clear visual images of the location, relative position, and shape of a considerable number of geographical features; second, he should be given certain broad and intelligent appreciations of certain regions of the earth, aspects of nature, and affairs of men. Under the first subdivision would fall the map visualization, common to us all, of the Sahara Desert in its proper location in northern Africa. Under the second classification would fall that general idea of the Sahara which we all have when the name is left to the freedom of our mental fancy ;' a vast waste, parched, sandy, sometimes rugged, of tener a plain ; visited by sand storms; here and there relieved b}' oases; the wide home of swarthy and warlike nomad tribes; overpassed with difficulty by caravans of camels; a region of. mystery and strange adventure and thrilling story. To ask which of the conceptions of the Sahara, — the visual picture of it in its geographical locations, or the more broadly cultural conception of it with all its typical associations, — is the more important, is a vain inquiry. Both of them are fundamental to common intelligence on the subject. And the fact that the cultural conception is the one more pleasing to the fancy, more filled with thought-starting and picturesque details, and more stimulating to our emotions does not prove by any means that it is the more commonly employed by us in meeting the knowledge standards of ordinary intelligent intercourse. The staid and drab-toned visualization that we have of the Sahara, as a somewhat definite area located just so in its relations to Africa and the w r orld at large, may prove our most useful conception of the region. Since both are necessary to sound educational adjustment to the demands of intelligent living, there is little to be gained by asking whether the knowledge of commonly known locations or the cultural grasp of such areas and conditions, as stand amid rich associations in the minds of educated people, is the more important end of geography teaching. One must know definitely where the city of New York is located in order to pass the world 's examination in elementary geography; and the same examination demands that we should know that city as a great seaport metropolis, with its miles of ship-lined docks, its hundreds of great vessels in the stream, its roaring j streets, cliff -like buildings, and enormous urban and suburban traffic. That J teaching is defective which fails to give the pupil a clear mental picture of /> its location, or a rich, real conception of the city in its commonly knoivn "" aspects. We no longer question the value of Map Geography as applied not only to the teaching of Geography but also to the teaching of History, and, to the world at large. The query that reaches us and demands attention is, ' ' How can it best be presented ? " In what ways can we give to the pupils that clear, accurate and everlasting image of the earth and places upon its surface that comes at will, and shows us a true picture of any or all parts of the earth's surface with their relation to other parts. (6) Many of us have sat down in the past and faithfully memorized line after line of some beautiful poem, or paragraph after paragraph of prose, that was deemed good for us by our elders and teachers. "We have repeated the words over and over in the attempt to fix them in our mentality. But in the majority of cases we little knew or cared what the words we were repeating really meant. We have drilled many weary hours over a word location in Geography with about the same result. We could rattle off the sentences by the yard and they meant to us just so many words. We could tell that ''the Amazon River rises in the Andes Mountains, flows east through the central part of South America and empties into the Atlantic Ocean, ' ' but if sent to a map of the world we were about as apt to point out the Orinoco or the Rio de la Plata as we were to point out the Amazon. Had we been sent to the map to trace out the Amazon, or seen others trace it out, till we could shut our eyes and see on the map of South America the long sinuous line growing wider and wider as it found its way toward the point where it was merged with the faint blue of the map, that we well knew represented the Atlantic Ocean, our image would have been so indelible that years after we could not but see that same picture whenever the name ■ ' Amazon River ' ' was mentioned. We all agree that what is desired in this day and age is accuracy, and as a matter of fact it is not only desired but absolutely demanded. We know that accuracy involving the multiplication table depends upon the accuracy with which the person has learned this table. We also agree that he can learn it only by drill ; long continued. In other words, there is no "royal road to learning." The secret is drill, drill, test, review, drill, drill, not once but many times repeated. This is just as true in Map Geography as in any other subject and no one can escape it. Drill till the location is learned and then review often enough to retain it easily and accurately. The combining of this drill with such active life interests as will appeal to the children will tend to make the image more vivid and consequently more permanent. (See Part II of this Bulletin.) (7) A PLAN FOR THE WORK. The regular work of the course in map geography as planned in the following pages requires two periods per week throughout two years. In city schools each period should be from thirty to forty minutes in length so as to provide for silent section seat work and class recitation work, each of fifteen or twenty minutes' duration. Opportunity for the division of large classes into two sections is thus given, one section to be busy with seat work while the other is engaged in class exercises. A plan for such division is pro- posed on page 14, and seat work for the silent section is suggested through- out the course and on pages 22-24. In ungraded schools, where periods for recitation are necessarily much shorter than in city schools, class recita- tion work in map geography may be well done during two fifteen-minute periods per week. Not less than two fifteen-minute periods of seat work in map geography should supplement this recitation work.* (See pages 22-24 for suggestions as to seat work.) The descriptive geography work will make its own progress along its own lines as laid down in the other Bulle- tins of this series, and can be cared for in the remaining. time allotted to the work in geography. At the completion of the regular course in map work (usually at the end of the fifth year) a system of cumulative reviews is arranged to continue throughout the remaining years of the grammar school course. (See Part II, Journey Geography for Beginners.) The two-year map geography course is planned to begin with the lowest grade in which geography is taught. This means that in most of our schools it should be commenced with the fourth grade. It is planned that it shall be taken up in connection with certain interesting material as laid down in Part II of this Bulletin, so that these bits of information about the real activities connected with the features located will tend to make the visuali- zation more real and consequently more lasting. If the classes acquire clear impressions of locations during the first years of their geography work, the teacher will in the long run more than save the time spent in develop- ing them because of the increased grasp and intelligence that they give the pupils in the descriptive and physical geography to follow. Moreover, children as young as those of our fourth and fifth grades quickly acquire the visual images of map relations which are the object of the course, and the game element so prominent in the drill exercises of this work makes a strong appeal to them. The first step in the work should be a clear interpretation to the class of the meaning of maps and map symbols. The pupils must be brought to see behind the printed buff and green, the black lines and dots, and to realize that mountains and valleys, rivers and cities are the realities involved in their work. A slight modification of Chapter XI of the State Series Intro- *The ingenious teacher in a rural school will And no difficulty in arranging so that several classes may be combined in this map geography work. This will require that the order of the topics be recast to suit conditions. Care must be taken in such a combination of classes lest some pupils miss or unduly repeat certain parts of the work. (8) ductory Geography will be found adequate for this purpose. It should be remembered that anything like a full realization of the meaning of map characters is not to be expected until the descriptive work is done. Even then experience and travel and mature associations are necessary to round out the conceptions. The purpose of the course in map geography is to give a series of strong, correct and lasting mental map pictures of certain features in their principal relations, with a background of ideas whereby the map symbols may be interpreted. But a full knowledge of the realities symbolized in the map images must be largely a growth from further school work and life experiences. Ease in passing from the Mercator to the polyconic projection is to be specially dealt with in the first map work where the earth as a whole is taken up. Here the pupil passes from the globe to the peeled surface of the globe as shown on the maps of the two hemispheres, and then to the Mercator map of the world. The outline maps of the various continents taken up in the course should all be based on the polyconic projection. This is the standard projection for ordinary reference maps, and we are. therefore, more familiar with the shape and position of areas as shown upon it. The text maps of the continents, referred to in the following pages, as well as the Chico State Xormal School Outline Maps are of this type. The outline map sketching prescribed when each new unit is taken up is of the first value and deserves more than a passing mention. Its principal result is that it gives the pupil a clear-cut mental picture of the outlines of the various continents, by forcing him to depend upon his memory of what each outline is like rather than upon its representation on the text map. or on the map hanging against the wall. In order to sketch a fair outline of North America without recourse to any model the pupil must have acquired a mental model. Besides, this sketching practice adds to the visual image a motor image which is of substantial value in deepening and making permanent the impressions received through the eyes. In this work mechanical devices and outline frameworks are undesirable aids. It is not a perfect map that is to be sought, but rather a clear mental impres- sion of the general configuration of the outline. Such an impression to be worth while must consist in a clear visualization of the area itself and not in the remembrance of certain drawing rules and construction lines. Such rules and lines render unnecessary the clear visualization of the outlim and in part usurp its place. A point later mentioned, but of such import- ance as to merit emphasis here, is that the model outlines and the outlines sketched by the pupils should not be crowded with a perplexing host of minor sinuosities. The characteristic features alone are to be included. On the other hand, the lines should never be stiff and rigid (save where properly following some parallel or meridian), but should have the yielding irregularity of any coast line or river. All the drill and testing should be done on maps void of the names of the features. Otherwise, in making locations the pupil will find it impossi- ble to keep his eye from searching for the name printed on the map, whereas he should be searching his mental picture of the map for the exact position desired. It will be hard to get a pupil to depend on his mental vision of St. Louis in its proper place on the map of the United States while locating (0) that city on a lettered map. Of course, when first learning the location of a place the pupil may very properly have recourse to a map with names upon it. This is provided for in the following first location exercises in which the text-book maps are to be used. But after the first visual impression is gained, the work proceeds to deepen and fix that impression by requiring him to make correct location of the feature upon a map without names. In no case should exercises systematically involving the use of oral statements of location and unaccompanied by actual location drill on maps be permitted to occupy the class. Such oral statements are not of value in sharpening the visualizations, and if persisted in will result in a gradual indifference to and a final fading out of the picture image. The word image will take its place, as it so often does in our map work at the present time, and the whole pur- pose of the course will have been defeated. It should be remembered that any one with a clear visual memory of the location of any feature, — say of the Nile River, — will have no difficulty in describing that location in words. But ability to describe a location in words does not mean the ability to visualize it. A natural question is, "How will children in the fourth and fifth grades stand the constant formal drill involved in systematic work in map geography ? Will they not become tired of its monotony ? ' ' The answer is, There is no reason for it to be monotonous ; and with an ordinary degree of skill and care on the teacher's part the pupils will maintain a keen inter- est in it. Every teacher knows that children like to do what they can do well. They have a zest for the piece of work that they can perform smoothly and with credit to themselves, and all the work in map geography is of this sort. If the course is faithfully taught, any child not positively defective will soon be in possession of a considerable number of accurate visual memories of many different features,— so many that he will be pleased and surprised at the extent and sureness of his knowledge. To go smoothly and in a few seconds over an unlettered map, pointing out and naming a score of known features, becomes a pleasant reaction to the sense of confidence and pride that the pupil has in his abilities. Besides, the drills are not of a single sort. Many forms of map exercises are suggested in the following course and others quite as good will doubtless suggest themselves to many teachers. Each of these exercises has some of the characteristics of a game, calling as it does for skill, readiness, certain knowledge, and alert wits. Each, moreover, has as its central incentive the spur of emulation, of competition in well-doing, the standard being perfec- tion. The match may be introduced between sections as a stimulus to interest, as often as it is needed. Joint matches betAveen classes and try-outs for school exhibitions may be introduced. The old objections to emulation, namely, that such an incentive stimulates those who do not need it, depresses still further those who are already behind, and arouses harmful emotions in all, has little force when applied to the method of these locative drills. The emulation is not so much between pupils as between each pupil and perfection. Besides, there is no occasion for poor pupils in this work. Any fourth or fifth grade child not abnor- mally below standard can easily be perfect. Test has shown that where the work has been well done, a whole class will review the locations of the (10) features involved in a unit without a single error. If the test made at the close of the work of each unit shows over one per cent of error, the faulty work should be done over by those who need it. When it is apparent to the teacher that some of the pupils can go faster than the remainder, she should divide the class into A and B groups. Each group can then make progress according to its ability. In classes of over twenty-five pupils division into sections should be made, even if there is no material difference in the abilities of the children. This will make it possible for the teacher to sustain a close interest and constant activity on the part of every pupil in the work in hand. In classes so divided, each section will spend half of the time devoted to each period of map geography at some sort of seat exercise and half the time in class reci- tation work. Thus, during the first twenty minutes the A section will be engaged in class recitation while the B section has seat work, and during the last twenty minutes B section will be reciting while A section is silent at seat exercises. The two days on which map geography is taught should fall together and should not separate the three remaining days on which the descriptive geography is taken up. Thus Monday and Tuesday, or Thursday and Fri- day should be given to this course. After the completion of the regular two-year course in map geography, (normally at the end of the fifth year) , the work is not to be dropped. Once dropped it will be forgotten. All of us are aware of masses of facts which once seemed well within the possession of our memories, but which are now dead to all recall. If such should be the result of the work in map geography the course will have been a failure. It is not the purpose of the work to give merely temporary visualizations, but, rather, to equip the pupil with a permanent stock of mental map pictures. To this end orderly, systematic reviews must be kept up, not depending on chance or inspiration, but follow- ing a regular scheme. It is a good plan to review each section within two weeks after completing it as the first visual image is apt to begin to fade if left beyond this time. One forty-minute period every two weeks through- out the remaining years of the pupil's school work should be devoted to review exercises in map geography. In rural or ungraded schools this may be made one fifteen-minute period each week. This systematic review work will provide for a complete recall of each of the locative visualizations not less often than twice each school year. In no other way can their per- manency in the minds of the pupils be assured. (11) COURSE IN MAP GEOGRAPHY. THE MEANING OF MAPS AND MAP SYMBOLS. The first work should be to explain the meaning of maps and map symbols. Show a large wall map of California or the United States to the class. Point out rivers, cities, mountains, lakes, and seas. Show that all rivers are repre- sented in one way, oceans or other large bodies of water in another, moun- tains by certain symbols and so on. If the map used is a political map, explain why the different political divisions have various colorings. If a physical map, explain the uniform use of one color for highlands and an- other for lowlands. From this preliminary work the class will get some inkling of what maps are, and what they are about to learn will apply itself to the further interpretation of the map that they have examined. Next, take up the text explanations (State Series Introductory Geography, pages 109-114)* and develop the chapter as follows: What are maps for? For what are they used ? Could you draw a map of the top of your desk ? Of the school j^ard ? Of the whole valley ? Could each of these be drawn on a small piece of paper? How? (Omit that part of the chapter relating to the use of a fixed scale till they have taken the subject in Arithmetic.) AVhat is a compass? (Show one to the class, if one is at hand. In case no compass is available, the teacher can easily make one. Stroke a common needle on a horseshoe magnet. Thrust the needle .through a bit of cork or wood so that it will float horizontally when placed in a dish of water. Care- fully placing it on the surface of the water in a dish five or six inches in diameter, watch it turn and come to rest in a North and South direction. Then proceed with the lesson as indicated below. In case the magnet is not obtainable, make a drawing of the compass on a piece of cardboard or stiff paper. Take as your model the pieture on page 112 of the State Introduc- tory Geography, using only the E and W, N and S lines and the«two circles nearest the center of the figure. The other features will only serve to con- fuse. The needle can be made of a piece of wood or paper fastened to a pin or needle sticking from the center of the drawing.) For what is it used? In what direction does it point? (Show that it does so.) "What is the north star? (Tell just how it may be located.) Where does the sun rise? Where does it set? (Continue with the questions as given in the text.) (Paragraph, page 113, beginning ''You see that the north," etc.) Which, is the north side of your map ? Which is east? West? South? (Follow the directions as given in the fine print at the bottom of page 113.) What is a map? What do maps show? Does your map show the school house as it is ? Why ? Does it show the yard as it is ? Why ? What is not shown ? Does any flat map show the region as it really is? What other kind of maps * Where reference is made to the State Series Geographies it should be remembered that these page references are to the latest edition. If an earlier edition is to be used, the reference will be found a few pages nearer the front of the book (e. g., 102-107 instead of 109-114). (12) are there? How do they differ from our maps? What is a relief map? What does it show? Omit the exercises involving the use of accurate and stated scales. The main object is to develop the general notion that on a small map the actual object is represented by a very small figure; and that the larger the area represented, the smaller relatively the representation becomes. This may be shown by discussion of the fact and by map-drawing exercises based on home surroundings where the reduction in scale is mani- fest, even if inaccurate. The use of scales involving an accurate ratio of reduction may be postponed until later. It is too complex an operation to be profitably performed in the fourth grade. Maps of the desk top, school room, school yard, home neighborhood, and other familiar areas should be drawn by the pupil. The relative size and position of the map symbols used in these exercises should be discussed and carefully checked by comparison with the real objects. Discuss and com- pare Figs. 86 and 87 (State Int. Geog., pages 109-110), and Pigs. 88 and 89 (Ibid, page 111). Have the class stand and face the north. Behind them is what direction ? To their right hand? To their left hand? Have individuals point to the north; the south; the east, (where the sun rises) ; the west, (where the sun sets). Have members of the class point to the north end of the room; the south end ; the east side ; the west side. Have them do the same for the school yard and town. Then ask such questions pertaining to well-known local objects, as, "In which direction is Phillips' farm?" "The bridge?" "The depot?" etc. This done, let the class mark the four cardinal directions on the maps which they have made of desk top, school and neighborhood. Here bring out the idea that the north side of a map is always the farthest from the reader. Show that "up" and "down" on a wall map mean simply north and south, and that the actual surface represented in the map is not "up and down" (in the sense of being vertical), but is practically level; that maps represent such flat surfaces, but that they are sometimes hung up so that people can see them better. A careful discussion of Fig. 91, page 114, should occupy a full period. Have the class turn to the figure in their texts. Then discuss with them the various features shown in the pictures and compare each with its represen- tation on the map to the right. Next, let them turn to Fig. 123, (opposite page 152,) and find the peninsula of Nova Scotia on the large map. Com- pare its appearance there with its appearance on the small map, Fig. 91. Likewise have them locate New York City and its neighborhood on the map marked Fig. 132, (opposite page 161), and compare its representation there with its appearance on the small map in Fig. 91. Finally, return to the wall map with which the work began and have the pupils answer, "Ocean"; "Land"; "City"; "River"; "Lake"; "Moun- tains"; etc., as you point out one sort of feature after another. (13) THE EARTH AS A WHOLE. (First time over.) The Globe. Object: To give pupils a visualization of the shape of the earth; and of the shape and relative positions of the continental and ocean masses. 1. Divide the class, if it contains more than twenty-five pupils, into two sections. This will insure close attention and more constant activity on the part of all members of the reciting section. As half the time devoted by each pupil to map geography will be spent in silent seat work, this division will not reduce the amount of recitation work done by each, but will mean that one section is to have silent seat work while the other is engaged in class recitation. On the other hand, many positive advantages will be found to come from the reduced size of the sections. Give the silent section for its first seat work the task of drawing maps of their home yards or farms. Or, let them make four columns on a piece of paper, heading them with the names north, south, east and west and write down beneath the proper head- ings the names of places or objects that are north, south, east or west of their position, e. g., North. South. East. West. Pump. Woodshed. Grainfield. Stable. Oak tree. Swing. Road. Farmhouse. 2. Then take up the work with the section that is to be engaged in class recitation. A word should be said concerning the shape of the earth, but a full discussion of its sphericity should be left to the descriptive work. Hold a globe in your hand and have the pupils supplied with small globes. A dozen such small globes (cost, $4.50), will supply a section of twenty- four pupils by seating two in a seat for this exercise. Be sure that the pupils hold their globes north pole end up. Then have individuals point out to the rest of the class bodies of land and water, rivers, mountains, etc. Note. — If necessary, one globe in the hands of the teacher will be sufficient for this exercise. 3. Locations. Point to North America on your globe and run your finger along its outline. Call its name and write it on the blackboard. Have the children find it on their globes and run their fingers around its outline. Have the section call the name, softly in chorus, as you point to North America. Have them point to North America on their globes as you give the name. Treat South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, and the oceans, — the Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Antarctic, — in the same way. 4. Drill, (a) Have individuals stand in turn and point out on their globes the various continents and oceans as you speak their names. ( b ) Have individuals call the correct names as you point to the different continents and oceans. In case of error made by any pupil, the one who detects it is entitled to continue the recitation. Each pupil should be called upon in this work, and each should have the whole list of locations to make or names to answer while he is on his feet. It is a waste of time to call (14) upon a pupil to arise and utter a single word or point to a single location and then sit down. 5. Test. Same as Section 4. 6. Globe Directions. In order to get a starting point for determining direction, mark the spot where we live on your globe with a piece of chalk, and have the pupils do the same on theirs. Then ask, "In what continent do we live?" "Draw your finger eastward on your globe." Do so on your own globe and see that the children follow the action on theirs. In like manner, — ' ' Draw your finger westward. ' ' ' ' Draw your finger northward and locate the North Pole. ' ' "Draw your finger southward and locate the South Pole." "What ocean is east of North America?" "What ocean west?" "What ocean east of South America?" "What ocean west?" "What ocean north of North America?" ' ' What ocean south of South America ? ' ' "What ocean is north of Europe?" "What ocean is west of Europe?" "What continent is south of Europe?" 1 ' What ocean is west of Africa ? " " South ? " " East ? ' ' "What continent is east of Europe?" ■ ' What ocean is north of Asia ? " " East ? " " South ? ' ' 7. Drill in Globe Directions. Repeat Section 6, reversing each ques- tion, thus: "What continents are west of the Atlantic Ocean?" "What continents are east of the Pacific Ocean?" And so on for the rest of the questions. Drill on the exercises contained in Sections 6 and 7 until the members of the class can answer all the questions without looking at their globes. 8. Test. After sufficient drill, have the pupils during their next period for map geography seat work, (while the other section is reciting), copy the following from the board, filling in the missing words : 1. and are west of the Atlantic Ocean. 2. and are east of the Atlantic Ocean. 3. and are east of the Pacific Ocean. 4. and are west of the Pacific Ocean. 5. The continents of , and are south of the Arctic Ocean. 6. The continents of , and are north of the Antarctic Ocean. 7. The and oceans are south of the Arctic Ocean. 8. The , and oceans are north of the Antarctic Ocean. 9. is west of the Indian Ocean. 10. is north of the Indian Ocean. 11. Australia is between the and the oceans. 12. is east of the Indian Ocean. In order that the names of the continents and oceans may be correctly spelled it is necessary for the teacher to have them plainly written on the (15) blackboard or on a black paper chart, and the class should be earnestly cautioned to look 'up the spelling of each name before writing it. It will be well to have the names arranged alphabetically so as to aid the pupils in finding, without loss of time, the correct spelling of each word. Thus : 1. Africa. 7. Europe. 2. Antarctic Ocean. 8. Indian Ocean. 3. Arctic Ocean. 9. North America. 4. Asia. 10. Pacific Ocean. 5. Atlantic Ocean. 11. South America. 6. Australia. If care is taken to see that the pupils do actually consult the correct spelling thus displayed before them while they are writing, the habit will soon be fixed and it will be easy to prevent mistakes. The Hemisphere Maps. Object: To secure visualization by the pupils of the flat hemisphere maps, and of the continental masses and oceans in their general shape, relative positions, and direction from one another. 9. Locations. Have the section turn to the maps of the hemispheres, Fig. 119 in the State Introductory Geography. Ask the following questions. <-alling on individuals to answer: — 1. "What continents are in the Western Hemisphere?" 2. "What continents are in the Eastern Hemisphere?" 3. "What ocean is entirely in the Eastern Hemisphere?" 4. ' ' What oceans are partly in both hemispheres ? ' ' 5. "Point out the North Pole on the Eastern Hemisphere." 6. "On the Western Hemisphere." 7. "Point out the South Pole on the Eastern Hemisphere." 8. ' ' On the Western Hemisphere. ' ' 10. Drills. Hang against the board an outline map of the hemispheres drawn with chalk on black paper,* blackboard clothf or on the blackboard itself. Use as a model the Hemisphere Map of the set of Outline Maps accompanying this Bulletin. Enlarge it to the size desired for the pupils to draw later on. The advantage of this outline map over an ordinary political map is that there are no colors, printed names or anything of that sort to detract from what you are trying to get the pupil to see, i. e., the true •The black paper referred to is tailor's pattern paper. If possible, the teacher should get the school to supply her with about ten yards of it. This amount will be sufficient for the nine outline maps which the course in map geography requires. But in the event of the failure of the school to supply the paper it will pay the teacher to get it herself, as it costs only 1J cents a yard and its use will save her much duplication of work. If handled, care- fully to prevent smudging, these chalk outlines may be used for all necessary review work and for successive classes as well. When not in use, they should be kept rolled on sticks, or, better still, should be tacked on regular map sticks. If the outline is put on in white or cream water color it will last indefinitely, and will prove a very useful part of the teacher's outfit all of the time. ■f Blackboard cloth may be used instead of the paper. This will cost 60 to 75 cents per single yard, but is preferable to the paper, as it lasts longer and can be folded away more easily. It has the additional advantage that it may be erased and used for other purposes as well. (16) appearance of the outlines of the continents and their space relation to each other. (a) Then point out the continents and oceans in rapid succession and have the class answer softly in chorus the name of each as it is pointed out. (&) Call a pupil to the map. Have him point to each feature as you briskly run over the names of the continents and oceans. In case of error, the pupil detecting it takes up the recitation. Here, as in all other exercises where pupils pass to the map, the most scrupulous care must be taken to keep them out of the line of vision of the rest of the class. A few days of system and insistence will give the members of the class sound habits as to their posture and position when standing at the map, and will pay a big dividend in all the work that follows. (c) Call up two pupils and repeat (&). (d) Call on a pupil to stand and name all the features in turn as you point them out. In case of error, the pupil noting it gets the recitation. (e) Repeat (d), letting a pupil take your place to do the pointing out. Insist on rapidity and snap in the pupil-teacher's work. (/") Have the alphabetical list of the features written beside the map. Then call on pupils to pass to the map, point to and pronounce the name of each feature, and locate each in turn. This exercise is especially useful in that it combines the pronunciation of the name and the location of the feature. (g) Line up the section along the blackboard. Then point on the outline map to each continent, ocean and map direction, and let the pupils in rotation give the name as each feature is pointed out. When a pupil makes a correct answer, he turns and makes a score mark in his favor on the board at his back. If he misses, do not send him to his seat; simply pass the question on. At the end of the exercise, those with perfect scores win. If the previous reviews have been well done, all should win. 11. Test. Same as exercise (b), in Section 10 above. The Mercator Map of the World. Object: To give a visualization of the Mercator projection of the world and an under- standing of the relation of positions and sizes of masses upon it to their positions and sizes on the hemisphere maps and the globe. 12. Characteristics of the Mercator Projection. Have the pupils turn to the Mercator map, Fig. 120, opposite page 149 in the Introductory State Text. Explain that this is a sailor map. It was first made by a man who called himself Mercator, and was to help sea-captains find their positions and trace their voyages. In it the northern lands are too large. Compare Greenland with South America as shown on the Mercator and on the hemi- sphere maps. Compare the Arctic lands as shown on the Mercator map with the same areas shown in their true proportion on the globe. Bring out the fact, by reference to the globe, that the places shown at the eastern and western edges of the Mercator map of the world are really side by side ; that the map represents the earth's surface peeled off and then stretched out at the north and south until it is flat and square cornered, just as if a piece of rubber were stretched over the globe, the map painted on it and then the 2— nut. 5 (17) rubber, after being cut down one side from pole to pole, stretched so as to form a map shaped like Fig. 120. 13. Location. Have the class find and point to each continent and ocean as it is called out. 14. Drill in Directions. With the Mercator map (Fig. 120) of the text-book before them, ask the class the questions found in Sections 6 and 7. Then have them close their books and answer the same questions, depending on their mental pictures of the map. 15. Test. Apply Section 8. NORTH AMERICA. (First time over.) 16. Outline Map Sketching. The class is first stationed at the black- board in easy sight of a model outline map of the continent of North America. This outline should be in chalk on black paper, blackboard cloth or on the blackboard. (See footnote, page 16.) It should be drawn to the scale that the class is to use. The outline should be heavily drawn and should not attempt to include more than the general contour of the coast line. The Outline Maps accompanying this Bulletin will indicate the amount of detail to be shown. Minor irregularities will serve to confuse and to take the atten- tion from the more important and more characteristic features. The teacher should call the attention of the class to the various features that are brought out and to the heavy white stroke used. It will be well for them to use a firm, heavy stroke also. Then the following points should be offered the pupils as suggestive hints to aid them in their sketching : — 1. That Hudson Bay is due north of the Gulf of Mexico. 2. That the mouth of the St. Lawrence. River is due east of Puget Sound. 3. That Alaska has four prominent peninsulas jutting out toward the northwest ; and that a line passed through the extremities of these peninsulas is almost straight and takes a northeasterly and southwesterly direction. 4. That Chesapeake Bay is approximately east of San Francisco Bay. 5. That Lower California extends north and south of the latitude of Florida. 6. That the general . trend of the north coast is in a northwesterly and southeasterly direction. These outline points will be very much clearer when explained in simple terms with the map in the presence of the children. The object is not to fill their minds with word wisdom concerning the outline, but to call attention to some of the most significant characteristics of the outline in such a w r ay as to emphasize and deepen the visual impression received by the class. After the pupils have had a good look at the model, have them face the board and draw in one minute as good an outline of the continent as they can. During this part of the exercise they should not be permitted to look at the outline, as such a practice will tend to place their dependence upon the model rather than upon their mental image of it. The safest thing to (18) do is to cover or remove the model. During the minute in which the pupils are busy drawing, pass from one to another, giving such hints as may be needed. When the prescribed time is up, send the class to their seat's and go briskly from map to map, pointing out the best features of the work done and indicating the most serious errors. This exercise should precede each map geography lesson until every member of the class can sketch a fairly good outline within the minute. 17. Pronunciation. The following list of names, alphabetically arranged so that the same list may be used in drilling and testing as to locations in the later work, should be in view of the class : 1. Alaska. 11. Hudson Bay. 2. Appalachian Mountains. 12. Mexico. 3. Arctic Ocean. 13. Mississippi River. 4. Atlantic Ocean. 14. New York City. 5. Boston. 15. Pacific Ocean. 6. Canada. 16. Rocky Mountains. 7. Central America. 17. St. Lawrence River. 8. Chicago. 18. United States. ■ 9. Great Lakes. 19. Washington City. 10. Gulf of Mexico. Point out each name, pronouncing it, and have the class pronounce each in turn softly in chorus. Then call on individual pupils to pronounce each name as it is pointed out, until every member of the class is able to go through the whole list with ease. The names should be written in syllables so as to aid the class in pronouncing them. 18. Location. Have an unlettered wall map of North America hanging before the class. Then direct the pupils to turn to their text map of North America opposite page 140 in the Introductory Geography. The teacher then reads the names in the above list, and as each name is read the pupils hunt for it on the text maps before them. The one whose hand is first raised should be permitted to pass to the wall map and locate the feature there. He should pronounce its name clearly and correctly as he points to it. In case the class consumes too much time in the effort to make the initial loca- tion upon their book maps, the teacher should offer suggestions that will help in the prompt location. As the exercise progresses and more and more of the features in the list have been successfully located, each pupil, stepping to the wall map, should be required to locate not only the feature that he has just found in his book, but also all the other features previously pointed out. This will save much time, increase the scope and thoroughness of the drill, and serve as a stimulus to close attention. 19. Drill, (a) Call up the pupils one by one and let each locate upon the wall map the various features as their names are called out. Whenever a pupil makes an error in this and similar drill exercises, the pupil first (19) detecting it is entitled to continue the recitation. Insist that they be sure of an error before they raise a hand to indicate it. Note. — While the alphabetical arrangement of the names is very useful in certain exercises, the features should not be considered in that order in these oral location drills. It will be better for the teacher to bring out map relations of the various fatures by drilling on them in the order best adapted to emphasize those relations. Thus, Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Central America should be treated in order. So the large bodies of water should be grouped as related parts of the boundaries of the continent. The rivers, lakes, mountains, and cities should be brought out in the sequence adapted to show their relative positions. (b) With the list of names beside the map, call on pupils one by one to step to the map, point out the names, pronounce them correctly, and then locate the features for which they stand. (c) Here the teacher points to each feature in turn, and as each is pointed out the class repeats its name in chorus. This may be varied by having the pupils write the names on slips of paper as the features are pointed out. In this event the alphabetical list of names should be in plain sight and the class should be cautioned from time to time to make sure of the spelling of all words by looking them up on the list. The features should not, of course, be pointed out in the order in which their names are listed. If the teacher desires, she may keep a record of the order in which she points out the features, and then after having the pupils exchange papers may have the work corrected after the manner of correcting spelling papers. A simple way to do this is to make a list, beforehand, of the features to be pointed out. In this way the teacher has a check list. (d)This exercise is a variation of the preceding one; it is especially adapted to save time. Have the wall map and list of names as before, but have each name on the list preceded by a number. Then, as each feature is pointed out on the map the "pupils look up its name in the list, note the number before it, and write the number on their slips of paper. Suppose we take the list as given in Section 17 and point out Boston, Chicago, Mexico, Great Lakes, etc., the pupil should record in a vertical column the numbers: 5, 8, 12, 9, etc. Correction may be made as in the last exercise, only instead of reading out the names, the numbers are read out in the order in which the pupils should have written them upon their slips. In case this form of drill is frequently used, the numbers before the names should be changed from time to time. Mexico, for instance, should not be numbered 12 con- stantly, just because it appears in the twelfth place on the list; nor should it or any other name have the same number, whatever it may be, for three consecutive drills. Otherwise the pupils will learn to think of the number instead of the name when the feature is pointed out. (e) Line up the class along the blackboard. Then point out each feature on the map and let the pupils in rotation give the name of each feature as it is located. When a pupil makes a correct answer he is entitled to make a score mark in his favor on the board at his back. In case of error, do not send the pupil who makes it to his seat; pass the question on to the next in line and then, after it has been correctly answered, have the one who made the error repeat the correct answer. At the end of the exercise, those with perfect scores win. If the previous reviews have been well dene, all should win. (20) (/) In this, the teacher calls upon a pupil to stand and to name a number of features as she points to their locations in turn. This device is especially adapted to save time, for it gets the maximum of work for the minimum of time spent in calling on pupils to arise. It is good, also, because it will result in a rapid-fire review of the whole list of features by each pupil in the section. (g) The "match" idea may be applied in a multitude of ways. Leaders may choose their followers by alternating selections, a very interesting but somewhat time-wasting way of dividing the class ; or the A section may be matched against the B section, the right side of the room against the left, or the boys against the girls. Except for formal occasions, when something of especial interest is desired, the pupils should not be ranged against the board, as the time lost in this is considerable, nor should the choice of followers by leaders be permitted save on such special occasions. No one should be dropped from the match work because of failure, for those who fail are just the ones who need the work most. Score should be kept by the teacher or the side leaders by making a mark on the blackboard each time a location is correctly named by one of that side. When holding matches, point to the features on the map and call on the pupils in rotation, alternat- ing from one side to the other. An excellent detail to the formal match work may be found in the follow- ing : "When a pupil has failed to make the correct answer to a match question, he is to go over to the opposite side until he does make a correct answer. Then he vanj return to his own side. This is a special incentive for interest and effort on the part of those who most need the drill. (h) Send one child to the wall map to locate all the political features involved in the unit 's work ; another, to locate all the rivers ; another, all the lakes ; another, all bodies of water ; another, all land features, etc. 20. Test, (a) Have each pupil make an outline tracing of North America, using any cheap, unruled paper* and the outline map of North America which accompanies this Bulletin. t This work should be done as a seat work exercise for the silent section in classes divided into sections.! The alphabetical list of names of the features whose locations are to be tested is then placed before the class as a guide to the correct spelling. Next the teacher points to and pronounces the names one by one, and as each is indicated the pupils write the name in the proper place on their traced outlines. This may be varied by having numbers written before the names as in exercise (d) of Section 19, and by requiring the pupils to place the numbers corresponding to the names in the proper locations on their outlines. In case numbers are thus used for locating countries, mountains, *A chemical manila paper, going sixteen pounds to the ream, can be purchased in one or two ream lots in San Francisco for a little over a dollar per ream. This cuts con- veniently into the common letter size (8J by 11) which is the size desired for this work. This means that it will cost about one cent for twenty sheets. The addresses where such paper can be procured will be furnished by the Normal School. In case circumstances compel the teacher to do without such paper, the exercises sug- gested in Section 19 («), 19 (b), 19 (d), and 19 (f) may be used as substitutes for it. f See Exercises for Seat Work given below. JThis use of outline maps for seat work, both in drill and in test, is strongly urged because it tends toward an accurate visualization of the outlines of the continent and gives a clearer idea of the relations existing between these outlines and the features to be added later. (21) rivers and large masses of land or water, each number should be written three times at short intervals on the map, so as to give the general trend or extent of the feature for which it stands. It is advisable that the numbers should be substituted for the names when more than twenty features are to be located on a single outline. Otherwise the written names will become crowded and confused. A high standard of neatness and accuracy should be set in this outline map test. Mimeographed or printed outline maps may be used by the class in this test, instead of maps traced for the purpose. If such maps are available in sufficient quantities, or if sufficient time is found during the silent section seat work to have the class make a number of traced maps, this method of the location test may be effectively used as an exercise in location drills. (b) Another form of test may be used by applying drill exercise (d), Section 19. After the test results have been checked up, those pupils who show an imperfect knowledge and weak visualization of the features should be placed in a section by themselves, the class being divided along the line separating the good from the poor pupils, and should be given location drill (Section 19) until the proper results are obtained. The rest of the class, of course, pass on to the next unit. 21. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the continents, oceans, and poles by reviewing the work of Sections 10-11. The purpose of this and subequent review work is to refresh and make more permanent the visualizations already established in the minds of the pupils. It is an essential part of the work. Without it the original impres- sions, however correct and vivid they may have been at the time the original work was done, will fade out and finally disappear; and thus the whole value of the course will be lost. In the case of all review work the drilling should be continued and varied by the different devices outlined in Section 19 until the teacher is sure that .every pupil has clear visualizations of the location of the features involved. Then a test should be made. For the review tests the plan outlined in Section 19. subdivision (d), is especially recommended. It saves time and does not require the preparation of outline maps. After the class and teacher have become familiar with this method of conducting review tests, it will be possible for the class to locate as many as forty features in ten minutes. EXERCISES FOR SEAT WORK. The following exercises are useful forms of seat work for the employment of the silent section : 1. Tracing Outline Maps. Supply each pupil in the section engaged in seat work with a sheet of paper and set the section to tracing the outline of the continent whose features they are considering, by use of one of a set of Outline Maps like the set accompanying this Bulletin. These Outline Maps were designed especially to be used in connection with the work of (22) teaching locations.* They represent the following areas: United States, California, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Hemispheres. As a basis for useful seat work in geography, these maps have proved of the first value. They are so heavily outlined and are so free from confusing minor features that the children can trace them in less than two minutes. Then, upon the traced outlines, the pupils may make such location of features as the current work in locational or descriptive geography sug- gests. Ordinary manila paper, such as is cheapest and best for common school use is thin enough to permit accurate tracing. (See note, page 21.) The values of this form of seat work will appeal to the teacher at once : (1) Frequent tracing of the outlines insures correct and lasting mental pictures of the principal areas of the earth. (2) The traced outlines may be used, — (a) for the study of new locations, in which work the pupils first find the location of the features in their text- book maps and then indicate their location on the outlines; (&) for drill on map locations already temporarily learned, in which the pupils locate the features upon the outline without reference to any other map; and (c), for the purpose of testing the map knowledge of the class. (See pages 19-22.) Besides, in descriptive geography and in history, the tracings may be filled in by the pupils to show the products, population, cities, physical characteristics, railroads, territorial growth or any other important aspect of the current work. (3) Seat work, based upon the use of these outlines, has proved a most useful aid in teaching map geography. Thus, it solves in part the problem of the teacher of the ungraded school, — "What can I do to keep my many sections usefully busy at seat work during the long intervals when they are not reciting ? " (See Section 20.) 2. Locating Neiv Features. This exercise is to be used when the section is about to take up or has just commenced the location of a group of new features. Place the list of the features on the board and then direct the members of the section to hunt up each on their text-book maps. After each is located, its name is to be written on a slip of paper. 3. Locating New Features. This work, also, is to be done when a new group of features is being taken up. Have the pupils hunt up the location of each feature as directed in (6), and then write the name in its proper place on an outline map. 4. Location Drills. In this the pupils should write the names found in the list on the blackboard in their proper places on outline maps. Reference to books should not be allowed. 5. Location Drill. The teacher draws an outline of the continent under consideration on the blackboard and places numbers upon the various ♦The outlines printed by the Chico State Normal School are on heavy paper ; the paper which the children will use in making the tracings needs to be only letter size, 81 by 11 inches. ■ In ordering, enough copies of each map should be secured to provide for the largest section in the school. All outlines should be mounted on heavy cardboard before being put to use. This will preserve them indefinitely. . A light coat of varnish or shellac will give' them a surface which may be cleaned from time to time with a damp cloth. « (23) features in the location of which the section is to be drilled. The pupils then arrange the numbers found on the outline in regular order down the side of slips of paper, and write after each number the name of the feature to which it refers. A list of the names of the features should be in sight so that the spelling may be correctly written by the class. 6. Answers to Map Questions. Certain kinds of map questions may be used to sharpen the visual images formed in the minds of the children. Care must be taken, however, to see that such questions as are used really call up and depend upon the visualizations held by the class. Otherwise the word location will tend to displace the mental picture of the location, and more harm than good will result. The following questions are sug- gested as types of the sort to be used : (1) Name the countries of South America bordering on the Pacific Ocean. (2) Name the countries of South America bordering on the Atlantic Ocean. (3) Name all the states in the Union, beginning with Maine and passing from one to another in the order of contiguity. Thus, Maine ; New Hamp- shire; Vermont; Massachusetts; Rhode Island; Connecticut; New York; New Jersey, etc. (The boundaries of each state must touch the one preced- ing and following it in the list.) (4) Apply (3) to the countries of Europe. (5) Is the Mississippi River nearer the Atlantic or the Pacific coast line? (6) Name in order, beginning with South America and going eastward, the oceans and continents crossed by the equator. (7) Apply (6) to the zones and zone boundary circles. (8) Name the land and water features over which you would pass in making a journey around the world. Note. — The following are merely suggestive of what may be done. It is to be under- stood that a feature is not to be used in the way indicated in 9 and 10 until it has been taken up in regular drill. (9) Name the land and water features over which you would pass in going from here to London; Switzerland; Cairo; St. Petersburg; etc. (10) In what direction is the Baltic Sea from the Adriatic Sea"? England from Holland ? Africa from Europe f etc. (Be sure to limit these questions to such directions as are due north, south, east, or west.) Each of the above stimulates a mental picture of the map locations involved in its answer, and is, therefore, a useful form of seat work. But in no case should any question be so framed and used as to require repeat- edly the same verbal answer. If this should be allowed, the pupil would fall into an habitual word answer that would soon drive out the visual image, and thus do more harm than good. (24) SOUTH AMERICA. (First time over.) 22. Outline Map Sketching. Apply the method set forth in Section 16. The following suggestive hints should be considered : 1. That the general shape of the continent is triangular. 2. That the mouth of the Amazon River is almost due east of the Gulf of Guayaquil. 3. That the Isthmus of Panama is south of the northwestern extremity of the continent. 4. That the easternmost and westernmost points of the continent are in about the same latitude. 5. That the mouth of the Plata River is midway between Cape Frio and the Strait of Magellan. It is not expected that the class will memorize these or similar hints in other outline map work. Their function is merely to make strong the mental image of certain characteristic and critical portions of the outline. 23. Pronunciation. Apply the method set forth in Section 17. The following features are included in the work of this unit : 1. Amazon River. 7. Buenos Aires. 2. Andes Mountains. 8. Caribbean Sea. 3. Antarctic Ocean. 9. Chile. 4. Argentina. 10. Pacific Ocean. 5. Atlantic Ocean. 11. Rio de Janeiro. 6. Brazil. 12. Valparaiso. 24. Location. The above features should be located by applying the method used in Section 18. 25. Drill. Apply the exercises suggested in Section 19 to the above features. 26. Test. Apply Section 20. 27. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features : North America : 19. Alaska. . 9. Hudson Bay. 18. Appalachian Mountains. 8. Mexico. 17. Arctic Ocean. 7. Mississippi River. 16. Atlantic Ocean. 6. New York City. 15. Boston. 5. Pacific Ocean. 14. Canada. 4. Rocky Mountains. 13. Central America. -3. St. Lawrence River. 12. Chicago. 2. United States. 11. Great Lakes. 1. Washington City. 10. Gulf of Mexico. (25) The list of features considered in the treatment of North America, first time over, is here printed with a different arrangement of marginal numbers than it has in Section 17. This is to emphasize the fact that in using the numbers in location drills or tests the features should be variously numbered from time to time. Otherwise the number will soon take the place of the name in the pupil's mind. See Section 19, subdivision (d) for a discussion of this point. See, also, Section 21, for suggestions as to method and pur- pose of review work. AFRICA. (First time over.) 28. Outline Map Sketching. Apply the method set forth in Section 16. The following suggestive hints should be used : 1. That Africa is nearly as wide as it is long. 2. That there is a marked break in the contour of the northern coast line at Tunis, about the center of the northern boundary. . 3. That the bend in the coast line at the head of the Gulf of Guinea is almost due south of the break in the northern boundary along the coast of Tunis. 4. That the eastern and western extremities of the continent are in about the same latitude. 5. That there are three indentations similar in form but decreasing in size in the coast line from the Gulf of Aden to Cape Colony. 6. That it is about as far from the Strait of Gibraltar to the Isthmus of Suez, as from the isthmus to the easternmost point of the continent. 29. Pronunciation. Apply the exercise set forth in Section 17. The following features comprise the work of this unit : 1. Alexandria. 9. Egypt. 2. Antarctic Ocean. 10. Indian Ocean. 3. Atlantic Ocean. 11. Isthmus of Suez. 4. Barbary States (as a whole). 12. Kongo River. 5. Cairo. 13. Mediterranean Sea. 6. Cape Colony. . 14. Nile River. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 15. Red Sea. 8. Cape Town. 16. Strait of Gibraltar. 30. Location. The above features should be located by applying the methods used in Section 18. 31. Drill. Apply exercises suggested in Section 19 for drill in locating the above features. o 2. . Test. Apply Section 20. (20) 33. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features : (a) The Earth as a Whole, first time over : 11. Africa. 5. Europe. 10. Antarctic Ocean 4. Indian Ocean. 9. Arctic Oeean. 3. North America. 8. Asia. 2. Pacific Ocean. 7. Atlantic Ocean. 1. South America. 6. Australia. (&) South America, first time over: 12. Amazon River. 6. Buenos Aires. 11. Andes Mountains, 5. Caribbean Sea. 10. Antarctic Ocean. 4. Chile. 9. Argentina. 3. Pacific Ocean. 8. Atlantic Ocean. 2. Rio de Janeiro. 7. Brazil. 1. Valparaiso. See Section 21 for suggestions concerning review work. AUSTRALIA AND PACIFIC ISLANDS. (First time over.) 34. Outline Map Sketching. Australia is the only feature to be included in this exercise. Apply the method set forth in Section 16. The following suggestive hints should be used : 1. The western coast line is about one half as long as the eastern coast line. 2. The Great Australian Bight is the main feature of the southern coast line, and is almost centrally located in it. 3. Melbourne Bay is due south of Cape York. 4. The easternmost and westernmost points are in about the same latitude. 5. The northernmost and southernmost points are in about the same longi- tude. 35. Pronunciation. Apply the exercises set forth in Section 17. The following features are included in this unit : 1. Australia. 7. Manila. 2. East Indies. 8. New Zealand. 3. Hawaiian Islands. 9. Pacific Ocean. 4. Honolulu. 10. Philippine Islands. 5. Indian Ocean. 11. Sydney. 6. International Date Line. 36. Locations. Locate the above features by applying methods set forth in Section 18. Honolulu is not named on the map opposite page 249 in the Introductory Geography. The teacher should therefore show the pupils approximately where it is, and thus save them a profitless search. In the same way point out the fact that the International Date Line is the 180th (27) meridian. It should be explained briefly that this is the line where each new date first begins. 37. Drill. Apply exercises suggested in Section 19. 38. Test. Apply Section 20. 39. Review. In this, and all the following reviews, the names of the features involved are arranged alphabetically, but are not set forth in list form. The teacher should understand that they are to be listed by her when used in class, as shown in Sections 27 and 33. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features : (a) North America (first time over) : Alaska, Appalachian Mountains, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Boston, Canada, Central America, Chicago, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Hudson Bay, Mexico, Mississippi River, New York City, Pacific Ocean, Rocky Mountains, St. Lawrence River, United States, Washington City. (6) Africa (first time over) : Alexandria, Antarctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Barbary States (as a whole), Cairo, Cape Colony, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town, Egypt, Indian Ocean, Isthmus of Suez, Kongo River, Mediterranean Sea, Nile River, Strait of Gibraltar. In using number symbols for testing and drilling the class in the location of the above, the teacher should employ a varying assortment of numbers as suggested in Section 19, subdivision (d). See Section 21 for directions concerning reviews. ASIA. (First time over.) 40. Outline Map Sketching. The outline of Asia will be harder for the class to sketch than that of any continent thus far treated. Nevertheless it is important that this work should not be neglected. During the first two or three days allow two minutes instead of one for the blackboard work. Re-read Section 16 carefully and apply its methods. The following hints may be used: 1. That East Cape is nearer the top of the map than any other point. 2. That India is due south of the Gulf of Ob. 3. That a line passing through the southernmost points of Arabia, India, and the Malay Peninsula is nearly straight, and runs a little north of west by a little south of east. 4. That the Malay Peninsula is the southernmost point of the continent. 5. That there are six prominent projections on the eastern coast. 6. That a line almost straight can be drawn northeast by southwest through five of these points, namely, — Kamchatka, Korea, China, Indo- China, and the Malay Peninsula. (28) 41. PsONUNClA'hON. Apply the exercise set forth in Section 17. The following features are to be taken up in this unit : — 1. Arabia. 34. Japan. 2. Arctic Ocean. 15. Jerusalem. 3. Black Sea. 16. Jordan River. 4. Calcutta. 17. Mecca. 5. Caspian Sea. 18. Pacific Ocean. 6. Chinese Empire. 19. Peking. 7. Desert of Gobi. 20. Persia. 8. Euphrates River. 21. Red Sea. 9. Ganges River. 22. Siberia. 10. Himalaya Mountains. 23. Steppes. 11. India. 24. Tibet. 12. Indian Ocean. 25. Tokyo. 13. Indus River. 26. Turkey (Asiatic). 42. Locations. Apply exercises set forth in Section 18 in locating the above features. 43. Drill. Apply the drill exercises suggested in Section 19. '44. Test. Apply Section 20. 45. Review. (a) The Earth as a Whole (first time over) : Africa, Antarctic Ocean. Arctic Ocean, Asia, Atlantic Ocean, Australia. Europe. Indian Ocean, North America, Pacific Ocean, South America. (b) South America (first time over) : Amazon River, Andes Mountains, Antarctic Ocean, Argentina. Atlantic Ocean, Brazil. Buenos Aires, Carib- bean Sea. Chile, Pacific Ocean. Rio de Janeiro. Valparaiso. (c) Australia and Pacific Islands (first time over) : Australia. East In- dies, Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, Indian Ocean, International Date Line, Manila. New Zealand, Pacific Ocean. Philippines, Sydney. See Section 21 for suggestions concerning reviews. EUROPE. (First time over.) 46. Outline Map Sketching. Europe is the hardest continent of all to sketch, for its coast line is the most irregular, and many of the relatively minor irregularities are significant and must be included. As in the case of Asia, it will be well to give the class two minutes for board drawing during the first two days. Carefully apply the methods set forth in Sec- tion 16. The following hints will be found useful : 1. That the coast line of Norway is very irregular. 2. That Denmark projects into the cleft in the southern end of Norway and Sweden. 3. That the west coast of Prance is characterized by the peninsula that projects into the Atlantic just south of England. (20) 4. That the west coast of Spain and Portugal is roughly rectangular. 5. That Italy and Greece slant toward the southeast. 6. That Italy has the shape of a boot. 7. That Greece roughly resembles a hand cut almost in half. . 8. That the Adriatic Sea is in approximately the same latitude as the Black Sea. 9. That the Black Sea has the shape of a slipper, and is due south of the White Sea. 47. Pronunciation. Apply the exercises set forth in Section 17. The following features are to be taken up in this unit : 1. Alps Mountains. 20. Holland. 2. Arctic Ocean. 21. Iceland. 3. Atlantic Ocean. 22. Ireland. 4. Austria-Hungary. 23. Italy. 5. Belgium. 24. London. 6. Berlin. 25. Mediterranean Sea. 7. Black Sea. 26. Norway. 8. Bosporus. 27. Paris. 9. Bulgaria. 28. Portugal. 10. Caspian Sea. 29. Rome. 11. Constantinople. 30. Roumania. 12. Danube River. 31. Russia. 13. Dardanelles. 32. Scotland. 14. Denmark. 33. Sicily. 15. England. 34. Spain. 16. France. 35. St. Petersburg. 17. Germany. 36. Sweden. 18. Great Britain. 37. Switzerland. 19. Greece. 38. Turkey (European). 48. Locations. In dealing with so many new locations it will be neces- sary to take up half of them first and drill on them for a time before intro- ducing the class to the remainder. In this way mental congestion will be avoided and clear visualizations secured. No part of the work is more important than the clear visualization of these European features in their proper map relations. Everyday experiences are constantly demanding that we have vivid mental images of them. Carefully apply exercises set forth in Section 18 in locating the above features. Point out the location of Holland so as to show the class its map position. On the text map, Fig. 183, opposite page 225, Holland is called Netherlands. 49. Drill. Apply the drill exercises suggested in Section 19. In drill- ing on the content of this unit, the exercises, involving the use of numbers in marking locations on maps and m writing lists of answers to features (30) pointed out by the teacher on the wall map, will be of especial value because of the saving of time thus gained and because the numbers take up much less space than the names. 50. Test. Apply Section 20. . 51. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following : (a) North America (first time over) : Alaska, Appalachian Mountains, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Boston, Canada, Central America, Chicago, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Hudson Bay, Mexico, Mississippi River, New York City, Pacific Ocean, Rocky Mountains, St. Lawrence River, United States, Washington City. (&) Africa (first time over) : Alexandria, Antarctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Barbary States (as a whole), Cairo, Cape Colony. Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town, Egypt, Indian Ocean, Isthmus of Suez, Kongo River, Mediterranean Sea, Nile River. Red Sea, Strait of Gibraltar. (c) Asia (first time over) : Arabia, Arctic Ocean, Black Sea, Calcutta, Caspian Sea, Chinese Empire, Desert of Gobi, Euphrates River, Ganges River, Himalaya Mountains, India, Indian Ocean, Indus River. Japan, Jerusalem, Jordan River, Mecca, Pacific Ocean, Peking, Persia, Red Sea, Siberia, Steppes, Tibet, Tokyo, Turkey (Asiatic). See Section 21 for suggestions concerning review work. UNITED STATES. (First time over.) 52. Outline Map Sketching. Re-read and carefully apply Section 16. The following hints will help to emphasize certain characteristics in the visualization of the outline : 1. That Lake Ontario is due north of Florida, and Lake Superior is north of the delta of the Mississippi River. 2. That Chesapeake Bay is due east of San Francisco Bay. 3. That the southernmost point of Florida and the southern tip of Texas are in a line almost parallel with the bottom of the map. 4. That the southern point of Lake Michigan is in the same latitude as the southern border of Lake Erie. 5. That Cape Hatteras lies midway between the southern point of Florida and the northeastern point of Maine. 6. That Cape Hatteras and Point Concepcion are in nearly the same latitude. (31) 53. Pronunciation. Apply the exercises set forth in Section 17. following features are to be taken up in this unit : Physical Features, — Water: The 1. Atlantic Ocean. 2. Chesapeake Bay. 3. Colorado River. 4. Columbia River. 5. Connecticut River. 6. Great Lakes. 7. Great Salt Lake. 8. Gulf of Mexico. 9. Hudson River. 10. Lake Champlain. 11. Lake Erie. 12. Lake Huron. 13. Lake Michigan. Physical Features, — Land: 1. Adirondack Mountains. 2. Appalachian Mountains. 3. Cape Cod. 4. Cape Hatteras. 5. Cascade Mountains. 14. Lake Ontario. 15. Lake Superior. 16. Massachusetts Bay. 17. Mississippi River. 18. Missouri River. 19. Niagara Falls. 20. Ohio River. 21. Pacific Ocean. 22. Potomac River. 23. Puget Sound. 24. Rio Grande. 25. San Francisco Bay. 26. St. Lawrence River. 7. Long Island. 8. Mississippi Valley. 9. Rocky Mountains. . 10. Sierra Nevada Mountains. 11. Yellowstone Park. 6. Coast Range. 54. Locations. In fixing the locations of the above features the first list should be taught and drilled thoroughly before the second is taken up. This will avoid the difficulty of attempting to develop too many new visual- izations at the same time. Carefully apply the method suggested in Section 18. 55. Drill. Apply the exercises suggested in Section 19. See suggestion in Section 49. 56. Test. Apply Section 20. 57. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features : (a) South America (first time over) : Amazon River, Andes Mountains, Antarctic Ocean, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean, Brazil, Buenos Aires, Carib- bean Sea, Chile, Pacific Ocean, Rio de Janeiro, Valparaiso. (b) Australia and Pacific Islands (first time over) : Australia, East Indies, Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, Indian Ocean, International Date Line, Manila, New Zealand, Pacific Ocean, Philippines, Sydney. (c) Europe (first time over) : Alps Mountains, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Berlin, Black Sea, Bosporus, Bulgaria, Caspian Sea, Constantinople, Danube River, Dardanelles, Denmark, Eng- land, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, London, Mediterranean Sea, Norway, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Rou- (32) mania, Russia, Scotland, Sicily, Spain, St. Petersburg, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (European). See Section 21 for suggestions concerning reviews. CALIFORNIA. (First time over.) 58. Outline Map Sketching. Apply with care the suggestions con- tained in Section 16. The following points will help in giving correct visual- izations of the outline : — 1. That the northern boundary of California is a parallel of latitude. 2. That the northeastern boundary runs along a meridian. 3. That the northern boundary is practically the same in length as the northeastern boundary. 4. That Cape Mendocino is the most westerly point. 5. That San Francisco Bay is somewhat south of the latitude of Lake Tahoe. 6. That California is narrowest between San Francisco Bay and Lake Tahoe, save at the extreme southern end. 7. That the greatest width of California is found between Point Concep- cion and the Colorado River. 8. That the southern boundary slants upward somewhat north of due east, and is about two thirds the length of the northern boundary. 9. That the straight line' forming the eastern boundary from Lake Tahoe to the Colorado River is in line with the northwestern corner of the State, and about twice as long as the northern boundary. It should be remembered that when these map hints are being used in class no terms not understood by the class, such as latitude or meridian or Lake Tahoe. are to be used. The teacher will have no difficulty in making the points in the above clear by loose and simple expressions when inter- preted by constant reference to her model outline. 59. Pronunciation. Apply exercises set forth in Section 17. The fol- lowing features are to be taken up in this unit : — 1. Arizona. 12. Sacramento River. 2. Cape Mendocino. 13. San Francisco Bay. 3. Coast Range. 14. San Joaquin River. 4. Colorado River. 15. Santa Catalina Island. 5. Golden Gate. 16. Mt. Shasta. 6. Mexico. 17. Sierra Nevada Mountains. 7. Mohave Desert. 18. Tahoe Lake. 8. Monterey Bay. 19. Tehachapi Pass. 9. Nevada. 20. Tulare Lake. 10. Oregon. 21. Yosemite Valley. 11. Pacific Ocean. 3— bul. 5 (33) 60. Locations. Apply the exercises described in Section 18. 61. Drill. Apply the exercises described in Section 19. See suggestion in Section 49. 62. Test. Apply Section 20. 63. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features : (a) North America (first time over) : Alaska, Appalachian Mountains, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Boston, Canada, Central America, Chicago, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Hudson Bay, Mexico, Mississippi River, New York City, Pacific Ocean, Rocky Mountains, St. Lawrence, United States, Washington City. (&) Africa (first time over) : Alexandria, Antarctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Barbary States, Cairo, Cape Colony, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town, Egypt, Indian Ocean, Isthmus of Suez. Kongo River, Mediterranean Sea, Nile River, Red Sea, Strait of Gibraltar. (c) Asia (first time over) : Arabia, Arctic Ocean, Black Sea, Calcutta. Caspian Sea, Chinese Empire, Desert of Gobi, Euphrates River, Ganges River, Himalaya Mountains, India, Indian Ocean, Indus River, Japan, Jerusalem, Jordan River, Mecca, Pacific Ocean, Peking, Persia, Red Sea, Siberia, Steppes, Tibet, Tokyo, Turkey (Asiatic). (d) United States (first time over) : — Physical Features, Land: Adirondack Mountains, Appalachian Moun- tains, Cape Cod, Cape Hatteras, Cascade Mountains, Coast Range, Long Island, Mississippi Valley, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Yellowstone Park. Physical Features, Water: Atlantic Ocean, Chesapeake Bay, Colorado River, Columbia River, Connecticut River, Great Lakes, Great Salt Lake, Gulf of Mexico, Hudson River, Lake Champlain, Lake Erie, Lake Huron. Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake Superior, Massachusetts Bay, Missis- sippi River, Missouri River, Niagara Falls, Ohio River, Pacific Ocean, Potomac River, Puget Sound, Rio Grande, San Francisco Bay, St. Lawrence River. See Section 21 for suggestions concerning reviews. THE EARTH AS A WHOLE. (Second time over.) 64. Class Work With Globes. Pass out the small globes used in the work of Sections 2-6. Point out, describe briefly, and have each member of the class rise and locate on his globe the following: Arctic Circle, Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Tropic of Capricorn, Antarctic Circle, North Frigid Zone, North Temperate Zone, Torrid Zone, South Temperate Zone, South Frigid Zone. Explain in a few words that the Frigid Zones are cold and bleak; that they are lands of ice and snow. The Temperate Zones are mild and pleasant regions. The Torrid Zone is very hot. 65. Locations on the Hemisphere Maps. Use the same outline map of .the hemispheres as was used in the work of Section 10. Draw on it the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and (34) the Equator. Then apply the methods suggested in Section 10. Review in connection with the new locations the location of the features taken up in treating the Earth as a Whole, first time over. (See Section 3.) 66. Locations on the Mercator Map op the World. Have the pupils turn to the Mercator map, Fig. 120, opposite page 137 in the Introductory Geography. Have different members find and point to the location of the various zones and circles on this map. Also review the location of the different continents and oceans. 67. Test, (a) Have each pupil stand, point to, and name the zones and zone boundary circles as they appear upon his globe. •(&) Send each pupil in turn to the outline map of the hemispheres and have him point out each zone and circle. 68. Written Work. At its first occasion for seat work in map geography have the section that has just completed the above exercises copy the following from the blackboard, filling in the missing words : — 1. The Equator runs through the middle of the • Zone. 2. The Tropic of is the northern boundary of the Torrid Zone. 3. The Tropic of — — ■ is the southern boundary of the Torrid Zone. 4. The — — Circle is the northern boundary of the North Temperate Zone. 5. The North Temperate Zone is north of the Zone. 6. The North Temperate Zone is south of the Zone. 7. The Arctic Circle is south of the Zone. ) 8. The Tropic of is north of the South Temperate Zone. 9. The Zone is south of the Torrid Zone. 10. The Zone is south of the South Temperate Zone. 69. Review. Drill and test the pupils in the location of the following features : (a) The Earth as a Whole (first time over) : Africa. Antarctic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Asia, Atlantic Ocean. Australia, Europe. Indian Ocean, North America. Pacific Ocean. South America. (b) Asia (first time over) : Arabia, Arctic Ocean. Black Sea, Calcutta. Caspian Sea. Chinese Empire, Desert of Gobi. Euphrates River. Ganges River, Himalaya Mountains, India, Indian Ocean, Indus River, Japan, Jeru- salem, Jordan River, Mecca. Pacific Ocean. Peking, Persia. Red Sea. Siberia, Steppes, Tibet, Tokyo, Turkey (Asiatic). (c) United States (first time over) : Physical Features, Water: Atlantic Ocean. Chesapeake Bay. Colorado River, Columbia River, Connecticut River, Great Lakes, Great Salt Lake. Gulf of Mexico, Hudson River, Lake Champlain. Lake Erie. Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake Superior. Massachusetts Bay. Missis- sippi River, Missouri River, Niagara Falls, Ohio River. Pacific Ocean. Potomac River. Puget Sound. Rio Grande. San Francisco Bay. St. Lawrence River. Physical Features, Land: Adirondack Mountains. Appalachian Mountains. Cape Cod, Cape Hatteras, Cascade Mountains. Coast Range. Long Island. (35) Mississippi Valley, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Yellowstone Park. See Section 21 for suggestions concerning review. NORTH AMERICA. (Second time over.) 70. Outline Map Sketching. Drill the class in sketching the outline of North America in the manner suggested in Section 16. By this time the pupils should have a clear visualization of the main features of this conti- nent and a few days' work should be sufficient to secure good outlines. In any event, continue the drill until satisfactory results are attained. 71. Pronunciation. Apply the method set forth in Section 17. The following features are to be considered in this unit : 1. Bering Sea. 12. Mexico. 2. Bering Strait. 13. Montreal. 3. Caribbean Sea. 14. Newfoundland. 4. Cuba. 15. New Orleans. 5. Greenland. 16. Panama Canal. 6. Gulf of California. 17. Porto Rico. 7. Gulf of St. Lawrence. 18. Rio Grande. 8. Havana. 19. San Francisco. 9. Hawaiian Islands. 20. Vancouver Island. 10. Isthmus of Panama. 21. West Indies. 11. Lower California. 22. Yukon River. 72. Location. Locate the above features by applying the methods sug- gested in Section 18. 73. Drill. Apply the drill exercises suggested in Section 19. 74. Test. Apply the tests suggested in Section 20. 75. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features : (a) North America (first time over) : Alaska, Appalachian Mountains. Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Boston, Canada, Central America, Chicago, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Hudson Bay, Mexico, Mississippi River, New York City, Pacific Ocean, Rocky Mountains, St. Lawrence River, United States, Washington City. (&) Europe (first time over) : Alps Mountains, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Black Sea, Bosporus, Bulgaria, Caspian Sea, Constantinople, Danube River, Dardanelles, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, London, Mediterranean Sea, Norway, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Roumania, Russia, Scot- land, Sicily, Spain, St. Petersburg, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (European). (c) California (first time over) : Arizona, Cape Mendocino, Coast Range, Colorado River, Golden Gate, Mexico, Mohave Desert, Monterey Bay, Nevada, (3G) Oregon, Pacific Ocean, Sacramento Kiver, San Francisco Bay, San Joaquin River, Santa Catalina Island, Mount Shasta, Sierra Nevada Mountains. Tahoe Lake, Tehachapi Pass, Tulare Lake, Yosemite Valley. See Section 21 for suggestions concerning review. SOUTH AMERICA. (Second time over.) 76. Outline Map Sketching. Apply the method suggested in Sec- tion 16. See Section 22 for hints in sketching the outline of South America. 77. Pronunciation. Apply the method set forth in Section 17. The following features are to be taken up in this unit : 1. Bolivia. 6. Paraguay. 2. Cape Horn. 7. Peru. 3. Colombia. 8. Strait of Magellan. 4. Ecuador. 9. Uruguay. 5. Guiana. ' 10. Venezuela. 78. Locations. Locate the above features by the method set forth in Section 18. 79. Drill. Use the drills suggested in Section 19. 80. Test. Apply the test methods suggested in Section 20. 81. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features : (a) South America (first time over) : Amazon River, Andes Mountains. Antarctic Ocean, Argentina, Atlantic Ocean, Brazil, Buenos Aires, Carib- bean Sea, Chile, Pacific Ocean, Rio de Janeiro, Valparaiso. (6) United States (first time over) : Physical Features, Water: Atlantic Ocean, Chesapeake Bay, Colorado River, Columbia River, Connecticut River, Great Lakes, Great Salt Lake. Gulf of Mexico, Hudson Bay, Lake Champlain, Lake Erie, Lake Huron. Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake Superior, Massachusetts Bay, Mississippi River, Missouri River, Niagara Falls, Ohio River, Pacific Ocean, Potomac River, Puget Sound, Rio Grande, San Francisco Bay, St. Lawrence River. Physical Features, Land: Adirondack Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Cape Cod, Cape Hatteras, Cascade Mountains, Coast Range, Long Island, Mississippi Valley, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Yellowstone Park. (c) The Earth as a Whole (second time over) : Antarctic Circle, Arctic Circle, Equator, North Frigid Zone, North Temperate Zone, South Frigid Zone, South Temperate Zone, Torrid Zone, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn. See Section 21 for suggestions concerning review. 1 37 1 AFRICA. (Second time over.) 82. Outline Map Sketching. Apply the method described in Sec- tion 16. See Section 28 for suggestive hints to aid in sketching the outline of Africa. 83. Pronunciation. Apply Section 17. The following features are to be taken up in this unit : 1. Abyssinia. 9. Madagascar. 2. Algeria. 10. Morocco. 3. Atlas Mountains. 11. Sahara Desert. 4. Azores Islands. 12. St. Helena Island. 5. Canary Islands. 13. Suez Q&nal. 6. Darkest Africa. 14. Tripoli. 7. Gulf of Guinea. 15. Tunis. 8. Kongo Free States. 84. Locations. Teach the location of the above features by the method set forth in Section 18. 85. Drill. Use the drills suggested in Section 19. 86. Test. Apply the test methods suggested in Section 20. 87. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features : (a) Africa (first time over) : Alexandria, Antarctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Barbary States, Cairo, Cape Colony, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town, Egypt, Indian Ocean, Isthmus of Suez, Kongo River, Mediterranean Sea, Nile River, Red Sea, Strait of Gibraltar. (b) California (first time over) : Arizona, Cape Mendocino, Coast Range, Colorado River, Golden Gate, Mexico, Mohave Desert, Monterey Bay, Nevada. Oregon, Pacific Ocean, Sacramento River, San Francisco Bay, San Joaquin River, Santa Catalina Island, Mount Shasta, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Tahoe Lake, Tehachapi Pass, Tulare Lake, Yosemite Valley. (c) North America (second time over) : Bering Sea, Bering Strait, Caribbean Sea, Cuba, Greenland, Gulf of California, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Havana, Hawaiian Islands, Isthmus of Panama, Lower California, Mexico, Montreal, Newfoundland, New Orleans, Porto Rico, Rio Grande, San Fran- cisco, Vancouver Island, West Indies, Yukon River. See Section 21 for suggestions concerning review. (38) AUSTRALIA AND PACIFIC ISLANDS. (Second time over.) 88. Outline Map Sketching. Apply the method described in Section 16. See Section 34 for suggestive hints. 89. Pronunciation. Apply the method set forth in Section 17. The following features are to be taken up in this unit : 1. Borneo. 6. New Guinea. 2. Guam. 7 - Samoan Islands. 3 Java 8. Sumatra. 4. Luzon Island. 9- Tasmania. 5. Melbourne. 90. Locations. Teach the location of the above features by applying the method set forth in Section 18. 91. Drill. Apply the drills suggested in Section 19. 92. Test. Apply Section 20. 93. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following (a) Australia and Pacific Islands (first time over) : Australia, East Indies, Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, Indian Ocean, International Date Line, Manila. New Zealand, Pacific Ocean, Philippines, Sydney. (b) The Earth as a Whole (second time over) : Antarctic Circle, Arctic Circle, Equator, North Frigid Zone, North Temperate Zone, South Frigid Zone, South Temperate Zone, Torrid Zone, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn. (c) South America (second time over) : Bolivia, Cape Horn, Colombia, Ecuador, Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Strait of Magellan, Uruguay, Venezuela. See Section 21 for suggestions concerning review. ASIA. (Second time over.) 94. Outline Map Sketching. Apply the method set forth in Section 16. See Section 40 for suggestive hints. 95. Pronunciation. Apply Section 17. The following features are to be taken up in this unit : — 1. Afghanistan. 11. Manchuria. 2. Arabian Sea. 12. Mount Everest. 3. Bay of Bengal. 13. Persian Gulf. 4. Ceylon. 14. Siam. 5. China Sea. 15. Ural Mountains. 6. Dead Sea. 16. Ural River. 7. Hoang-ho. 17. Vladivostok. 8. Hongkong. 18. Yangtse-kiang. 9. Japan Sea. 19. Yokohama. 10. Kamchatka. (39) 96. Locations. Teach the location of the above features by applying the suggestions in Section 18. 97. Drill. Apply the drills outlined in Section 19. 98. Test. Apply Section 20. 99. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features : (a) Asia (first time over) : Arabia, Arctic Ocean, Black Sea, Calcutta, Caspian Sea, Chinese Empire, Desert of Gobi, Euphrates River, Ganges River, Himalaya Mountains, India, Indian Ocean, Indus River, Japan, Jeru- salem, Jordan River, Mecca, Pacific Ocean, Peking, Persia, Red Sea, Siberia, Steppes, Tibet, Tokyo, Turkey (Asiatic). (&) North America (second time over) : Bering Sea, Bering Strait, Carib- bean Sea, Cuba, Greenland, Gulf of California, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Ha- vana, Hawaiian Islands. Isthmus of Panama, Lower California, Mexico, Montreal, Newfoundland, New Orleans, Panama Canal, Porto Rico, Rio Grande, San Francisco, Vancouver Island, West Indies, Yukon River. (c) Africa (second time over) : Abyssinia, Algeria, Atlas Mountains, Azores Islands, Canary Islands, Darkest Africa, Gulf of Guinea, Kongo Free State, Madagascar, Morocco, Sahara Desert, St. Helena Island, Suez Canal, Tripoli, Tunis. See Section 21 for suggestions concerning review. EUROPE. (Second time over.) 100. Outline Map Sketching. Apply the method described in Section 16. See Section 46 for hints. 101. Pronunciation. Apply Section 17. The following features are to be taken up in the treatment of this unit : — 1. Adriatic Sea. 14. Naples. 2. Apennines. 15. North Sea. 3. Athens. 16. Pyrenees Mountains. 4. Baltic Sea. 17. Rhine River. 5. Bay of Biscay. 18. Seine River. 6. Brussels. 19. Strait of Dover. 7. Caucasus Mountains. 20. Strait of Gibraltar. 8. Edinburgh. 21. Thames River. 9. English Channel. 22. The Hague. 10. Gibraltar. 23. Tiber River. 11. Lake Geneva. 24. Venice. 12. Liverpool. 25. Vesuvius. 13. Madrid. 102. Locations. Teach the location of the above features by applying the methods set forth in Section 18. (40) 103. Drill. Use the drills suggested in Section 19. 104. Test. Apply Section 20. 105. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features : (a) Europe (first time over) : Alps Mountains, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean. Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Berlin, Black Sea, Bosporus, Bulgaria, Caspian Sea, Constantinople, Danube River, Dardanelles, Denmark, Eng- land, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, London, Mediterranean Sea, Norway, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Rou- mania, Russia. Scotland, Sicily, Spain, St. Petersburg, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (European). (b) The Earth as a Whole (second time over) : Antarctic Circle, Arctic Circle, Equator, North Frigid Zone, North Temperate Zone, South Frigid Zone, South 'Temperate Zone, Torrid Zone, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn. (c) South America (second time over) : Bolivia, Cape Horn, Colombia, Ecuador, Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Strait of Magellan, Uruguay, Venezuela. (d) Australia and Pacific Islands (second time over): Borneo, Guam, Java, Luzon Island, Melbourne, New Guinea, Samoan Islands, Sumatra, Tasmania. See Section 21 for suggestions, concerning the method of the review. UNITED STATES. (Second time over.) 106. Outline Map Sketching. Apply the method set forth in Section 16. See Section 52 for hints. 107. Pronunciation. Apply Section 17. The following features are to be taken up in the treatment of this unit : — (a) States: 1. Alabama. 17. Louisiana. 2. Arizona. 18. Maine. 3. Arkansas. 19. Maryland. 4. California. 20. Massachusetts. 5. Colorado. 21. Michigan. 6. Connecticut. 22. Minnesota. 7. Delaware. 23. Mississippi. 8. District of Columbia. 24. Missouri. 9. Florida. 25. Montana. 10. Georgia. 26. Nebraska. 11. Idaho. 27. Nevada. 12. Illinois. 28. New Hampshire. 13. Indiana. 29. New Jersey. 14. Iowa. 30. New Mexico. 15. Kansas. 31. New York. * 16. Kentucky. 32. North Carolina. (41) 33. North Dakota. 42. Texas. 34. Ohio. 43. Utah. 35. Oklahoma. 44. Vermont. 36. Oregon. 45. Virginia. 37. Pennsylvania. 46. Washington. 38. Rhode Island. 47. West Virginia. 39. South Carolina. 48. Wisconsin. 40. South Dakota. 49. Wyoming. 41. Tennessee. (b) Cities: 1. Boston. 7. Salt Lake City. 2. Chicago. 8. San Francisco. 3. Denver. 9. Seattle. 4. New Orleans. 10. St. Louis. 5. New York. 11. Washington. 6. Omaha. 108. Locations. Teach the location of the above features by applying the method set forth in Section 18. In this unit there are so many new locations to teach that the work must be done in installments. Take up the states in the groups in which they have been treated in the Introductory Geography text-book : New England States ; Middle Atlantic States ; South- ern States ; Central States, and Western States. Drill and test the class in the location of the states of each group before passing on to the next. In this way confusion will be avoided. When the states have been thoroughly treated, take up the location of the cities. 109. Drill. Use the drills set forth in Section 19. 110. Test. Each group should be tested when it has been sufficiently drilled upon. The final test should involve the whole list of states and cities. For this exercise have at hand outline maps of the United States showing the outlines of all the states and territories. Then apply the method sug- gested in Section 20, subdivision (a). Have the pupils write the numbers instead of the names. Test, also, with the method described in Section 19, subdivision (d). 111. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features : (a) United States (first time over) : Physical Features, Water: Atlantic Ocean, Chesapeake Bay, Colorado River, Columbia River, Connecticut River, Great Lakes, Great Salt Lake. Gulf of Mexico, Hudson River, Lake Champlain, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake Superior, Massachusetts Bay, Missis- sippi River, Missouri River, Niagara Falls, Ohio River, Pacific Ocean, Potomac River, Puget Sound, Rio Grande, San Francisco Bay, St. Lawrence River. 'Physical Features, Land: Adirondack Mountains, Appalachian Mount- (42) ains, Cape Cod, Cape Hatteras, Cascade Mountains, Coast Range, Long Island, Mississippi Valley, Roeky Mountains, Sierra Nevada Mountains. Yellowstone Park. (&) North America (second time over) : Bering Sea, Bering Strait, Car- ibbean Sea, Cuba, Gulf of California, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Havana, Hawaiian Islands. Isthmus of Panama, Lower California, Mexico, Montreal, Newfoundland, New Orleans, Panama Canal, Porto Rico, Rio Grande, San Francisco, Vancouver Island, West Indies, Yukon River.. (c) Africa (second time over) : Abyssinia, Algeria, Atlas Mountains. Azores Islands, Canary Islands, Darkest Africa, Gulf of Guinea, Kongo Free State, Madagascar, Morocco, Sahara Desert, St. Helena Island, Suez Canal. Tripoli, Tunis. (d) Asia (second time over) : Afghanistan, Arabian Sea. Bay of Bengal, Ceylon, China, Dead Sea, Hoang-ho, Hongkong, Japan Sea, Kamchatka, Manchuria, Mount Everest, Persian Gulf, Siam, Ural Mountains. Ural River, Vladivostok, Yangtse-kiang. Yokohama. See Section 21 for suggestions concerning the method of the review. CALIFORNIA. (Second time over.) 112. Outline Map Sketching. 16. See Section 58 for hints. 113. Pronunciation. Apply Section features are to be taken up in this unit : — 1. Alameda County. 2. Berkeley. 3. Contra Costa County. 4. Eureka. 5. Fresno. 6. Fresno County. 7. Kern County. 8. Los Angeles. 9. Los Angeles County. 10. Mare Island Navy Yard. 11. Marin County. 12. Monterey County. 13. Napa County. Apply the method set forth in Section 17. The following political 14. Oakland. 15. Sacramento. 16. Sacramento County. 17. San Diego. 18. San Diego County. 19. San Francisco. 20. San Jose. 21. San Mateo County. 22. Santa Barbara. 23. Santa Barbara County. 24. Santa Clara County. 25. Solano County. 26. Sonoma County. Note. — A clear idea of the location of each of the above would seem to be of value to any well-informed Californian. But in addition there should be added to this list such local features as it may be necessary for the pupils to hold in visual memory. Thus, in the schools of Kings County there should be added to the list the following : Kings River, Han- ford. Kings County, Tulare County, and San Luis Obispo County. And in like manner in Sonoma County it would be well to include Petaluma. Santa Rosa, Healdsburg, Sonoma, Lake County, and Mendocino County in the list. Each teacher should add such local features as may be of sufficient importance. (43) 114. Locations. Apply the methods set forth in Section 18 in teaching the location of the above features. It will be well to keep the counties in a group during the exercises in locating, location drills, and testing, so that the class may see clearly their relative size and position on the map. 115. Drill. Apply the drills described in Section 19. 116. Test. Apply Section 20. 117. Review. Drill and test the class in the location of the following features: (See Section 21 for suggestions concerning review work.) (a) California (first time over) : Arizona, Cape Mendocino, Coast Range, Colorado River, Golden Gate, Mexico, Mohave Desert, Monterey Bay, Nevada, Oregon, Pacific Ocean, Sacramento River, San Francisco Bay, San Joaquin River, Santa Catalina Island, Mount Shasta, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Tahoe Lake, Tehachapi Pass, Tulare Lake. Yosemite Valley. (b) South America (second time over) : Bolivia, Cape Horn, Colombia, Ecuador, Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Strait of Magellan, Uruguay, Venezuela. (c) Australia and Pacific Islands (second time over) : Borneo, Guam, Java, Luzon Island, Melbourne, New Guinea, Samoan Islands,' Sumatra. Tasmania. (d) Europe (second time over) : Adriatic Sea, Apennines, Athens, Baltic Sea, Bay of Biscay, Brussels, Caucasus Mountains, Edinburgh,. English Channel, Gibraltar, Lake Geneva, Liverpool, Madrid, Naples, North Sea, Pyrenees Mountains, Rhine River, Seine River, Strait of Dover, Strait of Gibraltar, Thames River, The Hague, Tiber River, Venice, Vesuvius. (e) Asia (second time over) : Afghanistan, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Ceylon, China Sea, Dead Sea, HoangJio, Hongkong, Japan Sea, Kamchatka. Manchuria, Mount Everest, Persian Gulf, Siam, Ural Mountains, Ural River, Vladivostok, Yangtse-kiang, Yokohama. (/) United States (second time over) : States: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts. Mich- igan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North .Carolina. North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Caro- lina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Cities: Boston, Chicago, Denver, New Orleans, New York, Omaha, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, Washington. (g) California (second time .over) : Alameda County, Berkeley, Contra Costa County, Eureka, Fresno, Fresno County, Kern County,. Los Angeles. Los Angeles County, Mare Island Navy Yard, Marin County, Monterey County, Napa County, Oakland, Sacramento, Sacramento County. San Diego, San Diego County, San Francisco, San Jose, San Mateo County. Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, Santa Clara County, Solano County, Sonoma County. See Section 21 for suggestions concerning review work. (44) REVIEW WORK EOR THE SIXTH, SEVENTH, AND EIGHTH GRADES. The foregoing course under ordinary conditions should be completed at the end of the fifth grade. If, however, due to special circumstances, the teacher is unable to cover the work in these two years of the fourth and fifth grades, she should continue it on its accustomed schedule of two periods per week until it has been completed. It may be possible, on the other hand, under most favorable conditions to finish the course before the close of the fifth year, and if this can be done (thorough work being the standard at all times), so much the better. The point is that every part of the course should be taught and each review dwelt upon until satisfactory results have been attained. This done, whether it be at the end of the fifth year or before or after that time, the regular final review schedule should be taken up. This work requires one forty-minute period every second week, or one fifteen-minute period every week, and should be continued throughout the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. The class should follow the review course outlined below, and in each review period should cover as many features as possible, clear visualizations of map locations being the standard. In case weakness is shown in recalling any of the mental map pictures, enough drill work (see Section 19) should be given to remove the difficulty. This work should be systematic. If a review period is missed through holiday or other interference, it should be made up. Unless order and sequence mark review exercises the map visualizations that have been secured will fade out and the results of the course will be largely lost. Upon faith- ful review work depends the permanence of the impressions gained in the first two years' work. Besides these regular bi-weekly or weekly review exercises, the class should go over the map geography of the different areas as each area comes up for treatment in the descriptive geography course, and also when the area has just been completed. Thus, when Europe is taken up for descriptive work that work should be prefaced by a brisk review of the map geography of Europe, both first and second times over. Give another review of the same feature as soon as the descriptive material on Europe has been com- pleted. Such occasional review exercises should not be considered a part of the systematic review work referred to above, but should be given when occasion for them arises in time taken from the descriptive geography course. The drill methods outlined in Section 19, subdivisions (d) and (/), are especially recommended for this review work. They are thorough and time-saving. Each day's work should include as many features as may be thoroughly treated, and the class should proceed systematically from the beginning to the end of the course as outlined below. In this way it will be found possible to complete the review of the map geography of the world at least once each school year. In smaller classes the proposed schedule will make it possible to cover the whole ground two times each year. (45) 1. The Earth as a Whole, first time over: Africa. Antarctic Ocean. Arctic Ocean. Asia. Atlantic Ocean. Australia. 2. The Earth as a Whole, second time over. Antarctic Circle. Arctic Circle. Equator. North Frigid Zone. North Temperate Zone. 3. North America, first time over: Alaska. Appalachian Mountains. Arctic Ocean. Atlantic Ocean. Boston. Canada. Central America. Chicago. Great Lakes. Gulf of Mexico. 4. North America, second time over: Bering Sea. Bering Strait. Caribbean Sea. Cuba. Greenland. Gulf of California. Gulf of St. Lawrence. Havana. Hawaiian Islands. Isthmus of Panama. Lower California. 5. South America, first time over: Amazon River. Andes Mountains.* Antarctic Ocean. Argentina. Atlantic Ocean. Brazil. Europe. Indian Ocean. North America. Pacific Ocean. South America. South Frigid Zone. South Temperate Zone. Torrid Zone. Tropic of Cancer. Tropic of Capricorn. Hudson Bay. Mexico. Mississippi River. New York City. Pacific Ocean. Rocky Mountains. St. Lawrence River. United States. Washington City. Mexico. Montreal. Newfoundland. New Orleans. Panama Canal. Porto Rico. Rio Grande. San Francisco. Vancouver Island. West Indies. Yukon River. Buenos Aires. Caribbean Sea. Chile. Pacific Ocean. Rio de Janeiro. Valparaiso. (46) .'«»A»,, South America, second time over: Bolivia. Cape Horn. Colombia. Ecuador. Guiana. Africa, first time over: Alexandria. Antarctic Ocean. Atlantic Ocean. Barbary States. Cairo. Cape Colony. Cape of Good Hope. Cape Town. Africa, second time over: Abyssinia. Algeria. Atlas Mountains. Azores Islands. Canary Islands. Darkest Africa. Gulf of Guinea. Kongo Free State. Australia and Pacific Islands, first Australia. East Indies. Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu. Indian Ocean. International Date Line. Paraguay. Peru. Strait of Magellan. Uruguay. Venezuela. Egypt. Indian Ocean. Isthmus of Suez. Kongo River. Mediterranean Sea. Nile River. Red Sea. Strait of Gibraltar. Madagascar. Morocco. Sahara Desert. St. Helena Island. Suez Canal. Tripoli. Tunis. time over: Manila. New Zealand. Pacific Ocean. Philippines. Sydney. 10. Australia and Pacific Islands, second time over: Borneo. New Guinea. Guam. Samoan Islands. Java. Sumatra. Luzon Island. Tasmania. Melbourne. (47) 11. Asia, first time over: Arabia. Arctic Ocean. Black Sea. Calcutta. Caspian Sea. Chinese Empire. Desert of Gobi. Euphrates River. Ganges River. Himalaya Mountains. India. Indian Ocean. Indus River. 12. Asia, second time over: Afghanistan. Arabian Sea. Bay of Bengal. Ceylon. China Sea. Dead Sea. Hoang-ho. Hongkong. Japan Sea. Kamchatka. 13. Europe, first time over: Alps Mountains. Arctic Ocean. Atlantic Ocean. Austria-Hungary. Belgium. Berlin. Black Sea. Bosporus. Bulgaria. Caspian Sea. Constantinople. Danube River. Dardanelles. Denmark. England. France. Germany. Great Britain. Greece. Japan. Jerusalem. Jordan River. Mecca. Pacific Ocean. Peking. Persia. Red Sea. Siberia. Steppes. Tibet. Tokyo. Turkey (Asiatic), Manchuria. Mount Everest. Persian Gulf. Siam. Ural Mountains. Ural River. Vladivostok. Yangtse-kiang. Yokohama. Holland. Iceland. Ireland. Italy. London. Mediterranean Sea. Norway. Paris. Portugal. Rome. Roumania. Russia. Scotland. Sicily. Spain. St.. Petersburg. Sweden. Switzerland. Turkey ( European ) (48) 14. Europe, second time over: Adriatic Sea. Apennines. Athens. Baltic Sea. Bay of Biscay. Brussels. Caucasus Mountains. Edinburgh. English Channel. Gibraltar. Lake Geneva. Liverpool. Madrid. 15. United States, first time over: Physical Features, Water: Atlantic Ocean. Chesapeake Bay. Colorado River. Columbia River. Connecticut River. Great Lakes. Great Salt Lake. Gulf of Mexico. Hudson River. Lake Champlain. Lake Erie. Lake Huron. Lake Michigan. Physical Features, Land : Adirondack Mountains. Appalachian Mountains. Cape Cod. Cape Hatteras. Cascade Mountains. Coast Range. Naples. North Sea. Pyrenees Mountains. Rhine River. Seine River. Strait of Dover. Strait of Gibraltar. Thames River. The Hague. Tiber River. Venice. Vesuvius. Lake Ontario. Lake Superior. Massachusetts Bay. Mississippi River. Missouri River. Niagara Falls. Ohio River. Pacific Ocean. Potomac River. Puget Sound. Rio Grande. San Francisco Bay. St. Lawrence River. Long Island. Mississippi Valley. Rocky Mountains. Sierra Nevada Mountains. Yellowstone Park. 4 — BUL. u (49) 16. United States, second time over: States : Alabama. Arizona. Arkansas. California. Colorado. Idaho. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. Kentucky. Louisiana. Maine. Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan. Minnesota. Mississippi. Missouri. Montana. Nebraska. Nevada. New Hampshire. New Jersey. New Mexico. Cities : Boston. Chicago. Denver. New Orleans. New York. Omaha. 17. California, first time over: Arizona. Cape Mendocino. Coast Range. Colorado River. Golden Gate. Mexico. Mohave Desert. Monterey Bay. Nevada. Oregon. Pacific Ocean. Connecticut. Delaware. District of Columbia. Florida. Georgia. New York. North Carolina. North Dakota. Ohio. Oklahoma. Oregon. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South. Carolina. South Dakota. Tennessee. Texas. Utah. Vermont. Virginia. Washington. West Virginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming. Salt Lake City. San Francisco. Seattle. St. Louis. Washington. Sacramento River. San Francisco Bay. San Joaquin River. Santa Catalina Island. Mount Shasta. Sierra Nevada Mountains. Tahoe Lake. Tehachapi Pass. Tulare Lake. Yosemite Valley. (50) 38. California, second time over: Alameda County. Oakland. Berkeley. Sacramento. Contra Costa County. Sacramento County. Eureka. San Diego. Fresno. San Diego County. Fresno County. San Francisco. Kern County. San Jose. Los Angeles. San Mateo County. Los Angeles County. Santa Barbara. Mare Island Navy Yard. Santa Barbara County. Marin County. Santa Clara County. Monterey County. , Solano County. Napa County. Sonoma County (51) PART II. JOURNLY GLOGRAPHY FOR BLGINNLR5. PREFACE. This portion of the Bulletin is in no way intended as a substitute for any portion of the State Series Geographies. It is designed more as a preparation for the intelligent use of the texts, by the pupils, later in their course. The topics are so chosen as to represent a complete journey around the world. Part I and Part II of this Bulletin are to be given together. The Topics in Part II should be so connected with the Map Geography, as given in Part I, as to leave a clear idea as to the locations upon the earth and also a vivid impression of the habits and customs of various peoples of the earth. These topics have been carefully prepared and repeatedly revised so as to include only those features that are of the greatest importance. They will be of use not only to the child in the Fourth Grade but in later life as well. By using them he will have three complete surveys of the earth in a descriptive way, (1) in Journey Geography, (2) in the State Introductory Geography and (3) in the State Advanced Geography. The methods suggested here have been tested and are such as will give the maximum results with a reasonable expenditure of energy on the part of both pupils and teacher. Thus it is hoped that the teacher may be able to do more effective work with the same amount of energy she usually has to expend upon the subject. Any questions in regard to any part of the Bulletin will be gladly received. In this way it will become more useful and consequently more valuable to the teaching force in general. TABLL OF CONTLNTS. Page. INTRODUCTION 5 "From the Near to the Remote" 1 5 The Question of Sequence 5 The Child is Interested in Activities 6 "Culture Epoch Theory" 6 Primitive Interest of the Child 7 The Elimination of Waste in Geography 8 Desirability of Such a Course in the Fourth Grade 8 Method of Handling the Work 9 LOCAL GEOGRAPHY 10 JOURNEY GEOGRAPHY 13 Methods and Book List 13 Summary of the Course of Study in Geography 14 Minimum Book List 15 Complete Book List 16 North America 17 Reviews 1 18 South America 25 Africa 27 Europe 28 Asia 35 Australia and the Islands 37 SCHEME FOR SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 39 INTRODUCTION. "From the Near to the Remote." The pedagogical doctrine of "From the near to the remote" or "from the .known to the unknown" is one of great value and its application in the work of general instruction in the grades is of extreme importance. It is only by and through this principle that we are able to make rapid strides in educational work. This is especially true of instruction in geog- raphy where we wish to lay a good solid foundation for all future work and build upon that foundation through appealing to what the child knows. But in its application we must not forget to take into consideration the fact that it does not necessarily apply to what is near or remote as measured in feet or miles. For example, osmosis is nearer to our very being than most anything else except perhaps protoplasm, yet how few of us really understand the former and none of us understand what the latter is or how it is produced. To most of us, New York city is nearer than Cheyenne, or the Alps Mountains are nearer than the Henry Mountains. Yet if meas- ured in miles we will find the reverse true several times over. We know more of the Philippines than we do of Vancouver Island and consequently the former is the nearer educationally, but measured in miles the latter is but a stone's throw as compared to the Philippines. To the average child in California the moon is nearer than Mount Shasta or Mount Whitney. Granted that we wish to follow that good old doctrine, where shall we begin and where shall we end in order that we may have those things that are near to the child, and where shall we begin that we may classify the others as remote? To be sure the region near to one child in one locality will differ from that of a child in another place, so that the only safe basis upon which to judge as to what is near or remote will resolve itself into this : Judge those things near that are within reach of him so they can be observed or investigated by him and classify all other things as remote. But it must be taken into consideration that some things are more remote than others and it is not the distance in miles that counts most. This then limits the near objects to his own neighborhood, to his own district, where he may investigate for himself. To this may be' added those humanistic tendencies which so influence and make up the life of the child. Under this heading let us place the play instinct in which the child so resembles a young animal, and also the interest in young life of all descriptions, whether it be human, semi-human as exhibited by the savage and barbarous inhabitants of the different parts of the little known portions of the earth, or animal as shown by the habits and play of young animals. The Question of Sequence. Outside of the interest exhibited along these lines the child is seemingly as much interested in South America, Africa or Australia as he is in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Montana, Nevada or even parts of our own state of California. Such being the case it makes little difference as to the (5) sequence of geographical material- after the immediate neighborhood has been studied and, in fact, there are many things connected with the home region that are best left out till the child mind is more mature so that it may be the better able to grasp them. Many people think that as the child of the fourth grade spends the greater part of his time in the home he is interested in his own home and consequently in all other homes. As a matter of fact this is, in the majority of cases, only a minor interest. He is more interested in doing something ; in working with his hands. He wants to whittle, to make kites, to dig in the dirt and do a thousand and one things that call for action on his part. For this reason as much as for any other the Map Geography work can best be introduced at this time. This gives the child occupation, coordinates the muscular movements and at the same time teaches him the location of places on the earth's surface. It is not a waste of time, as some may argue, for he must know these locations sooner or later. If given now he will have the time that would have been spent on map drill later to put on those parts that call for reasoning, and reasoning is not one of the chief charac- teristics of the child in the fourth grade. It is a well known fact that this is what might be termed the memory age. At this age the child learns abstractions most easily and retains them better than at any later time: We must be careful not to overdo the matter and get the child disgusted with the work but strive to keep up a healthy interest in the doing part of it. He will show a great deal more interest for fifteen or twenty minutes a day in map work than he will in sitting and grinding out bricks and boards by a mental process, these boards to be used in building the homes of all sorts of people. The Child is Interested in Activities. Nothing appeals so strongly to a fourth grade boy especially, and to a girl as well, as stories of activities connected with hunting, fishing or trapping expeditions. The child at this age is more or less of a little animal and is consequently interested in animals. So to vary the monotony a little let us study some of the activities, plants, animals and the like con- nected with various parts of the earth in hopes that they may serve to keep those places fixed in the memory for all time. It seems reasonable to expect each to help the other, i. e., the activity, animal or plant will help him to remember the locality, and the location helps to fix certain activities carried on by certain animals, people, etc. The Culture Epoch Theory. It will be almost self-evident to the reader that little or no attention has been given to the "Culture Epoch Theory" and its application to the teaching of geography in this course of study. While there may be a great deal to be said in favor of such a scheme as having the children study of the wandering tribes and the like when they are in that particular period of the "Culture Epoch" that corresponds to it, there is enough weight on the other side to more than counteract it and render its utter neglect more or less mandatory. One of the chief arguments against it is that it has been "short cut" so many times in the development of the individual that it is impossible to get a complete whole in any one individual and no two (6) have dropped out just the same part of it. It is also quite evident that the child has passed through a portion if not the greater part of the "Culture Epoch," as outlined by the various exponents of the theory, before he comes to school and certainly has done so long before he is suffi- ciently advanced to profit by the study of the parts of the geography that correspond to them. Taking the three divisions "Hunting, Pastoral, and Agricultural" as the basis, it seems that about all we have left by the time the child is ready for any formal work in geography will be a portion of the "Agricultural." He has passed through the others and is beyond the period at which he is supposed to be in the best condition to study those parts of the subject. Then, too, it is a well known fact that children vary greatly in their maturity at a given age so what would suit one would be too late for others of the class, and yet too early for the remainder. Only where the child is to have individual instruction will it be possible to follow a course based on the "Culture Epoch Theory," and such condi- tions are seldom if ever met with in the country schools and never in the city schools. The conclusion is that any attempt to follow the above named theory will be at best but a hit or miss proposition and not worth the effort it will require to formulate and endeavor to operate a course based upon it. Assuming that the course based upon the "Culture Epoch Theory" is not feasible there remains but one course to follow, and that is, the interest of the children which may in some cases fit the aforesaid theory, but more often will depend upon local conditions or stimuli received from various sources. This has been the idea that has guided the formulation of this course wherever possible. It is to be understood, however, that this work is not given because of the child's interest but to educate him. His interest, therefore, is a means to an end. By appealing to it we make the work more realistic and conse- quently the mental impression becomes stronger and more lasting. Every- thing in the course is selected for its educational value and is introduced in such a way as to make it interesting. Primitive Interests of the Child. The first thing that attracts the attention of the child is a bright object or something in motion. His attention seldom rests on an inert object as it reposes peacefully, but let it be moved or jostled about, and it at once becomes the center of an active interest. So it has been with the whole human race. It has been from the very beginning interested in activities of. all sorts. It is, therefore, not at all strange that children who have inherited all of these instincts from countless generations, should be inter- ested most of all in the doings of people rather than in some lifeless philo- sophical treatment of the whys and wherefores of the life of the earth. The child is more interested in the hunt, the chase, or the games of primi- tive peoples than he is in their other life conditions. The interest of the child in the real active side of life undoubtedly points back to the time when his ancestors lived in trees, or in caves, hunted and fished like the savages of to-day, and protected themselves from the animals wilder than themselves by tricks or methods more or less ingenious. Then all was activity, motion. It is not at all strange, then, that the child at (7) the ages of from eight to eleven or twelve years is more interested in those things which call upon his primitive instincts than in those calling for functions of a later development. The Elimination of Waste in Geography. Since this is the condition of the average child in the fourth grade of our schools, it seems advisable to endeavor to put these primitive instincts to work, in order that the geography teaching may follow the lines of the least resistance and at the same time reach the desired goal at the same period of the child's development, that it is reached by the less enjoyable method which has to do with certain lessons arranged in a certain order because of their relation to the general law of procedure, "From the near to the remote," without any reference to any doctrine of interest. The arrangement in this bulletin is in accordance with that law and at the same time it is in accordance with the doctrine of interest. The child is first of all interested in the activity side of geography instruction, and it is to this end that the work outlined, in what follows, is given. Wherever pos- sible the effort has been to teach the important points by approaching them through some activity that will secure and retain the interest of the child for some time to come. Each topic is introduced in a way that is designed to create interest in a certain part of the inhabitants of the earth, and through them to center this interest upon the points that are to be emphasized. "One of the watchwords of modern civilization is the 'elimination of waste.' Modern education is slowly recognizing that it is economy to develop acquired interests, that the primitive interests may be replaced with higher needs to the great saving of time and energy. * # * Education, consequently, does not neglect the instincts, the primitive interests. On the contrary, it seizes upon them and turns them to its own ends, seeking slowly to transform them into acquired interests representing ever higher and higher needs."* Desirability of Such a Course in the Fourth Grade. There are several reasons why it is desirable to introduce this course into the Fourth Grade: (1) Map Geography furnishes a basis upon which all future map or locational work can be based. (2) The travel idea lends interest to the subject itself, and furthermore, the points gained in this part of the course are important as bits of knowl- edge. When considered together they form a general fund of information about the earth and its inhabitants. (3) The fourth grader is not ready to do the reasoning necessary to carry on successfully the work as given in the State Series Introductory Geography. (4) He is interested in the activities studied about in this course. (5) Perhaps the most important point in favor of this course is that it gives the child occupation whereby he is preparing the foundation for work which is postponed till the Fifth Grade. •Bagley, The Educative Process. (8) By this time his reasoning faculties begin to be more in evidence and he can therefore take up the text-book in the order given and study it vvilh gain to himself and pleasure to his teacher. Method of Handling the Work. The pupils will have the Introductory book for use in the map exercises where needed, and can also make good use of the pictures whenever occasion presents itself. Now and then there may be parts that they can read to advantage, but for the most part it should be left till the next grade. The work outlined for this grade is not intended as a lesson to be studied directly from the book because the reading is too difficult for pupils of this age. Most of the references are suitable reading for about seventh or eighth grade pupils. Unfortunately, the material in a form simple enough for Fourth Grade reading books is not published, hence is unavailable except as the teacher reconstructs it to suit the needs of the pupils of her class. Some of the references may be read by the teacher to her class, pro- vided she takes pains to explain all difficult parts, and asks numerous questions, as she reads^ in order that she may ascertain whether or not her class is getting a clear mental picture of what she is reading. This mental picture will be aided and strengthened by the proper use of pictures which are usually obtainable from books, magazines, real estate advertisements, and railroad and steamboat folders. Many of the latter are distributed gratuitously by the various companies. A more satisfactory method of presenting it is for the teacher to read the reference, reconstruct it and present it in her own words which should, where possible, be supplemented by pictures, objects, and the like. (9) CHAPTER I. LOCAL GEOGRAPHY. The first five weeks will be given to Map Geography, as given in Part I as far as page 24, and Local or Regional Geography. The map work to be given in the form of drills, seat work and the like. The time allotted for each should be, two periods to Map Geography and three periods to Local Geography. Enough should be given in the Local Geography work so that the pupils will be able to understand and appreciate the journeys that are to be taken later. Perhaps it will be well to continue the study of local topics till there have been at least two lessons on North America to serve as a basis for the work to follow. Method of Handling- Local Geography. • In the work of this section it is impossible to give references that will apply to the region in question in more than a small portion of the topics. Even then it will be necessary for the teacher to read and adapt them to local conditions. It will, perhaps, be easier and infinitely better if the teacher will get the knowledge, first hand, from the neighborhood and teach what is found there without reference to any text. The best a text can do will be to suggest what may be taken up. If a topic suggests something that is not found in your region substitute something of a like nature for it, or if nothing can be found to take its place drop the topic entirely and put the time on other parts of the work. The main idea should be to study what is in the school district or within easy reach of it and those things only. Materials to illustrate the lessons may be obtained from the Chamber of Commerce, from farmers, from the homes of the children, from manufac- turers and many other sources, for the asking. These should be kept as part of the school's equipment. The outline given below will serve as a basis upon which the teacher can build in shaping her own home region to the needs of the pupils. Most of these topics will be represented in each region, but in case one is not near at hand, something else will do much better. I. Foods and Food-producing Occupations. 1. Bread. (Two days.) Teacher's References: Chamberlain, How "We Are Fed, pp. 7-17. Carpenter, Foods, pp. 12-43. Suggestions. — Take up the study of wheat under (a) planting, (&) har- vesting, (c) grinding into flour. Discuss the size of the farms, how the plowing is done now, and how it was done formerly. Something of the process of harvesting it and grinding it into flour may be taken up. Study (10) briefly the process o± bread making. Apply all of this to your home environment. 2. Meat. (One day.) Teacher's References: Chamberlain, How We Are Fed, pp. 18-31. Carpenter, Foods, pp. 73-106 ; 126-138. Suggestions. — Study the cattle ranch if there is one in the vicinity. If not study the slaughterhouse and the butcher shop. Find out and teach something about chickens and their use as food. 3. Fruits. (Two days.) Teacher's References: Chamberlain, How "We Are Fed, pp. 165-183. Carpenter, Foods, pp. 225-274. Suggestions. — Go out to a fruit ranch with the children (on an imaginary excursion) and see how the fruit is grown, how it is harvested, and how it is made ready for use as fresh, canned or' dried fruit. 4. Milk and Milk Products. (One day.) Teacher's References: Chamberlain, How We Are Fed, pp. 41-53. Carpenter, Foods, pp. 107-118. Suggestions. — Make an imaginary visit to a dairy and notice how the cows are kept, how the milk is cared for, i. e., cooling, bottling, and deliv- ering in the wagons to the people in town. How the cans and bottles are cared for in order that we may have good fresh milk. II. Local Commerce. (One day.) Suggestions. — Discuss the things brought into your community and those sent out. How this is carried on by means of wagons, railroads, etc. III. Clothing. (One day.) Teacher's References: Chamberlain, How We Are Clothed, pp. 3-11. Carpenter, How the World Is Clothed, pp. 10-14. Suggestions. — Take up a general discussion of clothing. Bring out the need for clothing, state briefly the history of clothing and some idea as to what is worn now as compared to what used to be worn, *'. e., talk of the clothing used by the Indians and what we use now. IV. Buildings. (Two days.) Teacher's Reference: Chamberlain, How We Are Sheltered, pp. 1-11. Suggestions. — Study houses, stores and public buildings with reference to the materials used, shapes, manner of construction, relative sizes, work- men employed in building them and the uses of the various buildings. (ID V. Surface Features. 1. Creeks or Rivers. (Two days.) Suggestions. — Discuss the source, course, banks, channels and vegetation along the stream. Call attention to its appearance at high and low water. Notice the rocks and gravel and how they are rounded. The uses of the stream should also be brought out here. 2. Hills and Mountains. (One day.) Suggestions. — Hills or mountains are higher than the land around them and are usually on the edge of the level plain. Streams run down their sides and few homes are found on them. They are usually covered to some extent with trees, grass and brush. 3. Valleys. (Two days.) Suggestions. — Notice that a valley usually contains a stream and has hills or mountains on all or nearly all sides of it. The valley slopes from the hills down to the river. The homes are mostly along the river or creek. Note the vegetation in the different parts of the valley. VI. Government. (One day.) Suggestions. — Why is it necessary to have any government at home? Who rules ? How ? What happens where no one rules ? Why do we need government at school? Who rules? Who gives the authority? Why do we need government in town ? Who rules ? Bring out the fact that police- men like good boys and will keep them from harm. Policemen are much like their papas only dressed in blue clothes. (12) CHAPTER II. JOURNEY GEOGRAPHY. METHODS AND BOOK LISTS. When the preliminary work of the first five weeks has been completed as indicated above, the class will be ready to take up the Journey Geography. The map work is to precede and accompany it so as to make the location help the pupil to remember the fact and the fact help him to remember the locality. For example, take the first topic where we are to go on a whaling voyage to Bering Sea. Before we study this topic, we have taken the pre- liminary map work as given in the. Bulletin mentioned above to page 24, which includes North America first time over, then begin with the review of some of these topics to be followed by the location of Bering Sea and Bering Strait. Be sure that each one knows definitely just where each locality is, then follow with the description of an imaginary whaling voyage. Next day review the Map Geography of the previous day, also review the story briefly, together with the location of Bering Sea and Bering Strait. Then treat the second topic in the same way the first was treated the previous day. Continue in this way to add new material and review what has been given, until it is well known by the pupils, then the review of a particular part is only to be given as often as is necessary to keep it fixed in the minds of the pupils. Of course there are some localities about which we will find no material to offer, but they will be remembered by their location and connection with the parts already well known. For example, the oceans will be located as such and reviewed with each continent. North America will be learned in the same way as will also the other continents. The locations pertaining to each continent or large division should be reviewed thoroughly, as soon as finished, preparatory to taking another large division. There are at least eight large divisions to be taken, viz., North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Islands, The Earth as a Whole, and the United States. Take one at a time for Map Geog- raphy work and at the same time take the same one for the tour of that portion of the work. Begin with North America by taking a journey into the Bering Sea, up the Yukon River to the gold mining region, through Alaska, down by Hudson Bay, through Eastern Canada to Newfoundland and so on in such a way that it will not be found necessary to travel over the same region twice. After North America is finished go down into South America, then to the Old World, returning by way of the Islands of the Pacific to California. It is desirable to complete the Map Geography first and second time over in this grade if possible or at any rate early in the next grade, so that all there will be left to do later will be to review on an average of about once (13) 5 — BUL. 5 a week or once in two weeks and when the study of a continent or large division is begun or completed. Summary of the Course of Study in Geography. The following is a suggestion as to the amount of time to allow for the different parts of the Course of Study in Geography including both Map Geography and Formal Geography as given in the State Series Geographies. It is a brief outline of the whole course as it will ultimately be : Low Fourth Grade. Map Geography two periods per week throughout the year. Descriptive Geography as follows : First five weeks three periods per week will be given to Local Geog- raphy. The remainder of the term to Journey Geography. (See later.) High Fourth Grade. Map Geography two periods per week. Journey Geography three periods per week. Low Fifth Grade. Map Geography one period per week. State Introductory Geography four periods per week taking pages 1 to 161 (to Middle Atlantic States). High Fifth Grade. Map Geography one period per week. State Introductory Geography four periods per week taking pages 161 to 211 (to Countries South of the United States). Low Sixth Grade. Map Geography one period per week till finished, then one period in two weeks as review. State Introductory Geography four periods per week taking pages 211 to 250 (to Asia) . High Sixth Grade. Map Geography one period per week till finished, and then one period in two weeks as review. State Introductory Geography four or five periods per week completing the book. Low Seventh Grade. Map Geography one period in two weeks as review. State Advanced Geography four or five periods per week taking pages 1 to 119 (to the Central States). High Seventh Grade. Map Geography one period in two weeks. State Advanced Geography four or five times a week taking pages 119 to 317 (to Part IV, Europe). (14) Low Eighth Grade. Map Geography one period in two weeks or just often enough to retain what they have had. State Advanced Geography, pages 317 to 431 (to Part V, Asia). High Eighth Grade. Map Geography as in the Low Eighth. State Advanced Geography completed. It is to be understood that the above allotment of time and the amount of material to be covered during one grade or portion of that grade is not absolute and may be shifted one way or the other as the case demands. It is designed to serve merely as a basis or sort of an objective point toward which the teacher may strive. As no two classes are alike, the teacher perhaps is the one best qualified to make the finer adjustment of time and material. Any course of study must be elastic enough to permit of such adjustment without interfering with the work of the teacher or hampering the progress of the class in any way. MINIMUM BOOK LIST. The course as outlined later can be successfully carried on by the use of the following books. If the books in the other list are in your library do not fail to use them, as they are valuable in all cases, and in some instances are more valuable than the ones included here. This list has been made out with the idea of having as few books as possible and still include all of the topics given later. Price. Carpenter. Africa American Book Co. $0 60 Carpenter. Asia American Book Co. 60 Carpenter. Australia American Book Co. 60 Carpenter. North America American Book Co. 60 Carpenter. South America American Book Co. 60 Carroll. Book Five Silver, Burdett & Co. 60 George. Little Journeys to England and Wales A. Flanagan & Co. 50 King. Book II Lee & Shepard 72 King. Book III Lee & Shepard 56 King. Book V Lee & Shepard 56 Pratt. Stories of England Educational Publishing Co. 60 Rupert. Geographical Reader Sibley 65 Sexton. Stories of California Macmillan Co. 60 Smith. Our Own Country Silver, Burdett & Co. 50 Discounts are allowed on a number of these books so that the cost of the books for the Journey Geography will be less than the amounts indicated above. (15) COMPLETE BOOK LIST. The following is a complete list of all books referred to in this Bulletin. All are excellent books and should be used if available. One feature of this list is that every single book listed here will be useful for the children to read for themselves in later grades. The teacher will also find them valuable for later work. Price. Badlam. Views in Africa. Silver, Burdett & Co $0 72 By Land and Sea. Perry Mason Co 50 Campbell. Little Jan the Dutch Boy. Educational Publishing Co 25 Campbell. Little Metzu the Japanese Boy. Educational Publishing Co 25 Campbell. Story of Little Konrad. Educational Publishing Co 25 Campbell. Wah Sing. Educational Publishing Co 25 "'Carpenter. Africa. American Book Co 60 ^Carpenter. Asia. American Book Co GO ♦Carpenter. Australia. American Book Co 60 ♦Carpenter. Europe. American Book Co 60 Carpenter. Foods. American Book Co 60 Carpenter. How the World Is Clothed. American Book Co 60 ♦Carpenter. North America. American Book Co 60 ♦Carpenter. South America. American Book Co 60 Carroll. Book Three. Silver, Burdett & Co 48 Carroll. Book Four. Silver, Burdett & Co 54 ♦Carroll. Book Five. Silver, Burdett & Co 60 Chamberlain. How We Are Clothed. The Macmillan Co 40 Chamberlain. How We Are Fed. The Macmillan Co 40 Chamberlain. How We Are Sheltered. The Macmillan Co 40 Coe. Modern Europe. Silver, Burdett & Co 60 Coe. Our American Neighbors. Silver, Burdett & Co 60 Dodge. A Reader in Physical Geography. Longmans, Green & Co 70 Fairbanks. Home Geography. Educational Publishing Co 60 Fairbanks. Stories of Our Mother Earth. Whitaker & Ray Co 50 George. Little Journeys to Cuba. A. Flanagan & Co 50 ♦George. Little Journeys to England and Wales. A. Flanagan & Co 50 George. Little Journeys to Hawaii. A. Flanagan & Co ' 50 Headland. Our Little Chinese Cousin. Page & Co 60 Herbertson. North America. Black 60 Hield. Glimpses of South America. Cassell 75 ♦King. Book II. Lee & Shepard 72 ♦King. Book III. Lee & Shepard 56 King. Book IV. Lee & Shepard 56 ♦King. Book V. Lee & Shepard 56 Kirby. The World by the Fireside. Nelson & Son 1 75 Mabie. Heroes Every Child Should Know. Doubleday, Page & Co 90 MacClintock. The Philippines. American Book Co 40 MacDonald. Our Little Mexican Cousin. Page & Co.__- 60 McManus. Our Little Egyptian Cousin. Page & Co 60 McManus. Our Little English Cousin. Page & Co 60 Markwick and Smith. South American Republics. Silver, Burdett & Co . 60 Muller. Story of Akimakoo. A. Flanagan & Co _ 35 Nixon-Roulet. Our Little German Cousin. Page & Co 60 Nixon-Roulet. Our Little Greek Cousin. Page & Co 60 Northern Europe. Ginn & Co 25 Our Country East. Perry Mason Co : 50 Our Country West. Perry Mason Co 50 Pratt. India. Educational Publishing Co 60 *Pratt. Stories of England. Educational Publishing Co 60 Pratt. Stories of Massachusetts. Educational Publishing Co 60 Pike. Our Little Panama Cousin. Page & Co 60 '"Rupert. Geographical Reader. Sibley 65 (16) Price. Schwatka. Children of the Cold. Educational Publishing Co $1 25 Seabury. Porto Rico. Silver, Burdett & Co 60 ♦Sexton. Stories of California. Macmillan Co 60 Smith. Life in Asia. Silver, Burdett & Co 60 *Smith. Our Own Country. Silver, Burdett & Co 50 Starr. Strange Peoples. D. C. Heath & Co 40 Stockton. Tales Out of School. Scribner & Son 1 50 Strange Lands Near Home. Ginn & Co 25 Tarr & McMurry. North America. The Macmillan Co 75 Under Sunny Skies. Ginn & Co 25 Wade. Our Little African Cousin. Page & Co 60 Wade. Our Little Cuban Cousin. Page & Co 60 Wade. Our Little Eskimo Cousin. Page & Co 60 Wade. Our Little Hawaiian Cousin. Page & Co 60 Wade. Our Little Irish Cousin. Page & Co 60 Wade. Our Little Japanese Cousin. Page & Co 60 Wade. Our Little Jewish Cousin. Page & Co 60 Wade. Our Little Norwegian Cousin. Page & Co '. 60 Wade. Our Little Philippine Cousin. Page & Co 60 Wade. Our Little Porto Rican Cousin. Page & Co 60 Wade. Our Little Russian Cousin. Page & Co 60 Wade. Our Little Siamese Cousin. Page & Co * 60 Wade. Our Little Swiss Cousin. Page & Co __ 60 Wade. Our Little Turkish Cousin. Page & Co 60 Note. — The books marked with an asterisk (*) are the ones Included in the Minimum Book List. NORTH AMERICA. I. Alaska. 1. A whaling voyage to Bering Sea. (One day.) Teacher's References: King, Book II, pp. 14-20. . Suggestions. — Board the ship at San Francisco, or your nearest seaport, with the children. Relate the experiences you would have in taking a trip on a whaling vessel, such as, where they would sleep, where and what they would eat, and how and where they would spend their time between meals. When they arrive at the whaling waters, go out in a small boat, harpoon the whale and go bounding over the waters as he tries to escape. Finally bring him to shore or to the side of the ship and striphim of blubber and whalebone. Children's References: Fairbanks, Home Geography, pp. 123-124. Features to be noticed, Bering Strait, Arctic Ocean. 2. In the mad rush up the Yukon with the gold hunters. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, North America, pp. 307-309. Our Country West, pp. 37-39. Suggestions. — Fit out an expedition by getting together food, clothing, and prospector's tools, such as picks, shovels, etc. When all is ready, make (17) a wild dash up the Yukon River to the gold region. Show pictures of the miners and their outfits as well as the camps and life along the Yukon. Children's References: Fairbanks, Home Geography, pp. 116-119. •Carroll, Book Four, pp. 122-131. Reviews. — Before taking a new topic the previous one should be reviewed. Review, also, the map location connected with it. Then take up the location of the new topic preparatory to giving the descriptive material on it. These reviews should be oral and should be based upon the points given under the head of "suggestions" as well as any indicated in the topic itself. Such a review will serve at least two purposes, (1) it will recall what was given previously, thus making the impression more lasting, and (2) it will give the teacher an opportunity to correct any wrong impressions or wrong ideas that the children may have gotten from the previous lessons. After a few days the amount of material passed over will have accumu- lated so it will be impossible to review it all every day. When this becomes the case the teacher should spend a certain amount of time each day on review, starting, we will say, with the first topic and covering as much as possible in the time allotted. Next day begin where you left off the day before. Continue in this way till all is reviewed up to the point where the class happens to be at the time. Then return to the first and repeat as before. It is to be understood that in addition to this review it will be advisable to review the topic of the day before, as already stated, so as to connect the work as much as possible. Keep the map in sight of the chil- dren during the time the descriptive lesson is given. (See page 39.) 3. Sleeping and waking in the land of the midnight sun. Teacher's References: Carpenter, North America, pp. 303-306. Carpenter, Europe, pp. 163-164; 173-175. Coe, Modern Europe, pp. 109-110. Schwatka, Children of the Cold, pp. 9-43 ; 154- 170. Wade, Our Little Eskimo Cousin, pp. 63-73; 81-90; 98-99. King, Book II, pp. 185-186. King, Book V (parts). Suggestions. — Pitch camp in an Eskimo village and build a house such as he has. Go hunting for seals and reindeer to obtain materials from which to make clothing. The Eskimos will show you how to spear fish through holes in the ice. Children's References: Wade, Our Little Eskimo Cousin (parts). Schwatka, Children of the Cold (parts). Feature to be noticed, Alaska. ♦Formerly called Third Book. (18) II. Canada. 1. Among the trappers in the wilds of Hudson Bay. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, North America, pp. 310-314. King, Book II, pp. 170-177. Chamberlain, How We Are Clothed, pp. 129- 146. Kupert, Geographical Reader, pp. 93-99. Suggestions. — Go out and live with the trappers for a few days. Help them to catch some of the wild animals. Show pictures of two or three of these animals and speak of their habits. Children's References: MacDonald, Our Little Canadian Cousin, pp. 40-54. Kirby, The World by the Fireside, pp. 77-79. 2. Down the St. Lawrence past Montreal to the Gulf. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, North America, pp. 316-327. King, Book II, pp. 146-158 ; 198-206 ; 177-185. Suggestions. — Make this trip on a steamer, take stateroom, explain usages on board ship, e. g., what to do and what not to do, and pay strict attention to sights along the river. Go out to the Newfoundland Banks and watch the fishermen a while. Pictures are valuable in this work. Children's Reference: MacDonald, Our Little Canadian Cousin, pp. 26-39. 3. Across Canada in a Pullman. (Three days.) Teacher's References: King, Book II, pp. 226-250. King, Elementary Geography, pp. 150-151. Coe, Book IV, pp. 13-143. Davis, R. H., The West Through a Car Window. Suggestions. — Under this topic the children are to take an imaginary journey in the Pullman where they have the berths made for them, are allowed in the observation car, go to the diner for their meals, use the dressing rooms where they must wait their turns, and in fact get the experi- ence of a real journey. Have them look out of the windows to observe the country through which they are passing. They will see the Great Lakes, broad level plains covered with extensive grain fields, the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, the mountains with their deep gorges through whose depths plunge mighty rivers, canyons filled with ice packs known as glaciers, and rough, rugged peaks piercing the heavens with their sharp pinnacles. Children's References: MacDonald, Our Little Canadian Cousin, pp. 99-129. King, Book II, pp. 189-221 ; 226-250. (19) III. Mexico. 1. The people of the land of the noonday nap. (One day.) Teacher's References: King, Book II, pp. 263-269. Carpenter, North America, pp. 295-297; 336- 345. By Land and Sea, pp. 102-107 ; 110^112. Coe, Our American Neighbors, pp. 197-215. Rupert, Geographical Reader, pp. 119-120. Strange Lands Near Home, pp. 16-42. Starr, Strange Peoples, pp. 17-25. Suggestions. — Pay attention to the characteristics of the people and their every day life. Such things as the nap taken during the middle of the day, the one-room adobe houses in which they live, their simple foods such as bread, meat and beans, the latter usually well flavored with red pepper, and the pulque and mescal which they drink. They are indolent and will work only when forced to do so through poverty. Children's Reference: MacDonald, Our Little Mexican Cousin (parts), pp. 1-13 ; 14-22 ; 35-51 ; 70-80. IV. West Indies Islands. 1. Our neighbors of the sugar cane country. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Australia and Islands, pp. 319-320; 362-366. Carroll, Book Three, pp. 163-186. Carroll, Book Four, pp. 215-222. Seabury, Porto Rico, pp. 84-98. Suggestion. — Make a brief study of the sugar cane and the people who live in the region where it is grown. Notice that they are composed of various classes and that the lower class is poor and ignorant. "Watch them gather the sugar cane and see how it is harvested and the sugar prepared for shipment. Children's References: Fairbanks, Home Geography, pp. 213-217. Wade, Our Little Cuban Cousins, pp. 9-36; 72-80; 97-106. George, Little Journeys to Cuba, pp. 3-77. Feature to be noticed, Havana City. (20) V. The United States. 1. New England, the home of our Pilgrim Fathers. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, North America, pp. 91-99. King, Book IV, pp. 87-106. Our Country East, pp. 219-224. King, Book III, pp. 40-46. Pratt, Stories of Massachusetts, pp. 201-248. Suggestion. — Here we are to see the homes of our forefathers and the rough rocky coast upon which they landed. In winter the children have much sport on ice and snow. Let them take a few hours to enjoy coasting and skating. Children's References: Pratt, Stories of Massachusetts, pp.- 13-68. Carroll, Book Four, pp. 170-197. Features to be noticed, Boston, Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bay. 2. New York, America's largest city. (Two days.) Teacher's References: King, Book III, pp. 154-169. Dodge, A Eeader in Phys. Geog., pp. 23-26. Our Country East, pp. 174-192. Suggestion. — Visit the main points of interest such as Central Park, "Wall Street, The Bowery, the Brooklyn Bridge, the underground railways, the tunnels beneath the Hudson, and the monstrous skyscrapers. There may not be time to see all of these, but there will be for the more important. Some time should be taken for a trip to Long Island. Children's References: Fairbanks, Home Geography, pp. 209-212. Carroll, Book Four, pp. 4-13. Feature to be noticed, Long Island. 3. Our Capital on the Potomac River. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, North America, pp. 14-15. King, Book III, pp. 215-232. Our Country East, pp. 131-143. Suggestions. — The White House is of interest to us all. Visit the grounds, the capitol building, see where the lawmakers hold their sessions and call on the President of the United States. He will be glad to see you for a few moments, but you must not tarry long, for he is too busy with the millions of other people in our country. Use pictures where available, especially of the capitol building, and the President. Children's Reference: Carroll, Book Four, pp. 47-53. (21) 4. New Orleans, the cotton city. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, North America, pp. 138-143. King, Book IV, pp. 17-29. Our Country East, pp. 67-72. Smith, Our Own Country, pp. 145-150. Suggestions. — Walk down along the wharf and see the bales of cotton ready for shipment. If the time permits tell about the country near here where cotton is grown, how it is cared for, picked, the seed taken out, and the soft white cotton pressed into bales to be shipped to the factory as soon as the boats arrive to carry it. Children's Reference: Kirby, The World by the Fireside, pp. 80-84. 5. The Mississippi Valley with its streams and cities. (Three days.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, North America, pp. 156-158. Rupert, Geographical Reader, pp. 26-29 ; 36-39. King, Book IV, pp. 43-47. Smith, Our Own Country, pp. 96-109 ; 155-163. Suggestions — Take berths on a river steamer that will finally land you Chicago and study the following points as they are encountered on the journey: levees, swamps, lakes, flat country, broad sweeping curves, the Mississippi Valley as it appears from the steamer, Ohio River, St. Louis, Missouri River, and finally Chicago where you will land. Pay especial attention to those things of most interest to the class, e. g., life, both human and animal, encountered at different places. Children's References: Fairbanks, Home Geography, pp. 189-198. Carroll, Book Four, pp. 76-85. 6. Erie Canal and Niagara Falls. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, North America, pp. 193-202. Smith, Our Own Country, pp. 83-87. Suggestions. — Go out to the canal and watch the lazy donkeys pulling the queerly built boats along through the big ditch. Follow along or ride along till a hill is reached ftnd have the men show how the boat climbs the hill. Later visit Niagara Falls. Watch the water plunge down over the precipice and churn itself into a spray, then go down and take a ride in the little steamboat that goes up near the Falls. Notice also the whirlpool rapids. Pictures are indispensable here. Children's References: Fairbanks, Home Geography, pp. 84-88. Carroll, Book Four, pp. 23-27. Feature to be noticed, Appalachian Mountains. (22) 7. The five great ponds. (One day.) Teacher's References: King, Book II, pp. 129-139. Our Country East, pp. 16-19 ; 31-34. Rupert, Geographical Reader, pp. 29-36. Smith, Our Own Country, pp. 80-96. Suggestions. — One of the easiest ways of treating this topic is to take £tn imaginary journey through these lakes. Notice their size, the vessels that sail over them, the waves that dash over them, and the frequent violent storms that occur, especially during the winter time. Children's References: Fairbanks, Home Geography, pp. 108-111. Carroll, Book Four, pp. 63-74. 8. Salt Lake City and Great Salt Lake. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, North America, pp. 259-264. Rupert, Geographical Reader, pp. 54-56 ; 70-73. Smith, Our Own Country, pp. 193-194. Our Country, West, pp. 67-121. Suggestions. — Notice the clean, well kept streets with the streams of clear cool water flowing in the gutters. Visit the Mormon Tabernacle and before you leave have a swim in Great Salt Lake where the water is so salty you can not sink if you try. Children's Reference: Carroll, Book Four, pp.. 147-149. Features to be noticed, Rocky Mountains and Denver. 9. A visit to Yellowstone Park. (Three days.) Teacher's References: King, Book II, pp. 46-57. Carpenter, North America, pp. 284-289. Suggestions. — Take a trip from the railway station, by stage, into the Yellowstone. See Old Faithful and some of the other important geysers, wait till they spout or throw a bar of soap into their mouths to hasten this phenomenon. The guide will tell you how to do it. Make a trip to the Punch Bowl and Cupid's Cave to see the deposits of pure white limestone that have been brought up by the hot water. Go to the Canyon of the Yellowstone and see the beautiful Falls. Make it a point to see the deer and any other animals that may be in the Park. Children's Reference : Carroll, Book Four, pp. 144-146. 10. Puget Sound, the harbor of the Northwest. (One day.) Teacher's References: Rupert, Geographical Reader, pp. 79-81. King, Book V, pp. 78-106. Suggestions. — Take a trip on the steamer so that the children may see the beautiful hills and valleys bordering this body of water and at the same (23) time get an idea of its size, the number of cities along its edge and also the ships that come and go or are to be seen rising and falling with the waves. Children's Reference: Fairbanks, Home Geography, pp. 43-46. Features to be noticed, Cascade Mountains and Columbia River. • 11. The Sierras with the matchless Yosemite Valley. (Two days.) Teacher's References: Our Country West, pp. 139-143. Herbertson, North America, pp. 193-196. Sexton, Stories of California, pp. 199-208. Carpenter, North America, pp. 273-274. Suggestions. — Take the stage, at the railway station, which will land you at the picturesque tavern where the night may be spent. Note the river as you come into the valley. Next morning visit the valley and such points as Glacier Point, The Three Brothers, Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite Falls, El Capitan, and Mirror Lake. Later it may be well to see Hetch-Hetchy Valley and some of the High Sierras. Children's References: Fairbanks, Home Geography, pp. 104-107. Carroll, Book Four, pp. 108-112. Features to be noticed, Coast Range Mountains. 12. The wonderful Colorado River and its Grand Canyon. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Our Country "West, pp. 161-167. Suggestions. — It will be of great interest to take a journey on the back of a donkey down into the canyon itself from the Inn on its edge. Here you will notice the many colored rocks, the ruggedness of the canyon and the water flowing many feet below. It is more or less dangerous, as all such climbs are, but one that will be thoroughly enjoyed. Children's Reference: Fairbanks, Stories of Mother Earth, pp. 96-102. 13. A trip through the Big Ditch. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, North America, pp. 351-352. Carpenter, South America, pp. 9-29. Coe, Our American Neighbors, pp. 312-313. Markwick and Smith, South American Repub- lics, pp. 49-50. Suggestions. — Sail through the canal on a large steamer paying special attention to the large restraining dams, the Chagres River, and the immense lake formed by the restraining dam. Notice the strong, massive locks and how easily they can be opened and closed to let the ships pass through. Children's Reference: Pike, Our Little Panama Cousin, pp. 81-89; 102-114. (24) SOUTH AMERICA. 1. Rio de Janeiro, the most beautiful harbor in the world. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, South America, pp. 267-282. Coe, Our American Neighbors, pp. 236-248. % Suggestions. — Emphasize the fact that we get much coffee from here. Study the production of coffee. Visit the coffee plantations and see the coffee berries growing on the bushes. Notice the harbor and discover what makes it beautiful. See ''Reviews," page 18. 2. Argentina, where heavy loads are drawn in immense carts. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, South America, pp. 174-200. Suggestions. — Pay especial attention to the large ranches and great bands of sheep and herds of cattle. Visit one of these large ranches and watch the cowboys and herders care for their flocks and herds. It will be inter- esting to note the grassy plains upon which the cattle and sheep feed as well as to watch the cowboys round up the cattle and brand the calves. Features to be noticed, Buenos Aires, Strait of Magellan and Cape Horn. 3. Among the South American Forests and Plains. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, South America, pp. 201-241. Coe, Our American Neighbors, pp. 250-257. Suggestions. — Call attention to the new kind of tea which is used so exten- sively in Paraguay and other South American countries. Notice the immense herds of cattle roaming over the grassy plains and plateaus. Notice also the clumsy big-wheeled carts of Uruguay. Features to be noticed, Paraguay and Uruguay. 4. Bolivia, the former home of the Incas. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, South America, pp. 87-94. Hield, Glimpses of South America, pp. 74-88. Suggestions. — Notice that the people wear bright colors in the matter of personal adornment wherever possible to obtain them. Look at the peculiar rush boats that may be seen upon the shores of Lake Titicaca, the most elevated great lake in the world. Show how the Incas were mistreated and slain by the Spanish. (25) 5. The Amazon, the greatest of rivers, and Brazil with its forests filled with chattering monkeys. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, South America, pp. 243-257; 291- 312; 320-327. Coe, Our Ameriean Neighbors, pp. 223-230. Stockton, Tales Out of School, pp. 287-297. Suggestions. — Imagine you and the children are calmly floating down the Amazon through the dense forest some twilight evening listening to the chattering monkeys and watching the insects as they fly hither and thither. Pass on down to the mouth of the river and note that it is impossible to see from one bank to the other so large is the stream. Make a brief study of the rubber trees and their location if time permits. 6. A region of dense forests and grassy plains. (One day.) Teacher's References : Carpenter, South America, pp. 327-350. Coe, Our American Neighbors, pp. 321-324; 308-312. Suggestions. — Here we have the homes of a peculiar Indian and it will be of interest to study a few of his habits and peculiarities among which may be noted the ceremony known as the ''whip dance." Venezuela and the Guianas should be definitely located with this topic. Feature to be noticed, Caribbean Sea. 7. Among the wild Andes Mountains. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, South America, pp. 29-50; 67-81; 95-100; 115-123. Coe, Our American Neighbors, pp. 268-270; 289-299; 308-312. Kupert, Geographical Eeader, pp. 26-28. Suggestions. — This region is the natural home of the common potato and should be presented as such. This will lend value to the topic. Other things to be noticed will be the high, rugged peaks, the steep mountains and the difficult path by which the region is reached. The llamas will also prove of interest, if time permits their being noticed briefly. "When this topic is studied the location of the features given below should be made definite. Features to be noticed, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. 8. Chile, the narrowest of all countries, or the land of many climates. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, South America, pp. 100-144. Coe, Our American Neighbors, pp. 274-285. Rupert, Geographical Reader, pp. 188-191. Suggestions. — Pay especial attention to the narrow country. Notice the queer street cars. A short journey will take one from the warm oceanic (26) climate, where the days are moderate, through the various kinds of climate to that where there is snow the year around. Feature to be noticed, Valparaiso. AFRICA. General Suggestion. — Land at the Barbary States and after considering topic take a caravan trip across the Sahara Desert, follow up the Nile River, noting how it feeds the people. Visit the queer city of Cairo and then journey out to look at the strange monuments of the past, e. g., the Sphinx and the Pyramids. Then down to South Africa, up the west coast past the Island of St. Helena to the Kongo region, then to Europe. 1. The Barbary States, the old home of the pirates. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Africa, pp. 14-55; 74-81. Badlam, Views in Africa, pp. 28-34. Suggestions. — Explain the change that has taken place in that the sea robbers have been forced to live more like other people and not prey upon the merchantmen of civilized nations. Here one would have to eat his bread without butter because there is none to be had. The water carriers are odd and the Moorish women would attract much attention on our streets. Point out the fact that Tunis, Tripoli, Algeria, and Morocco are considered under this topic. See ''Reviews," page 18. Feature to be noticed, Atlas Mountains. 2. Sahara Desert, the greatest of sand piles. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Africa, pp. 55-78. Suggestions.— Hire a band of camels and the native drivers to take you across the desert. Mention the fact that it is dry and water must be taken along by both man and beast. The camel drinks his and carries it inside of him. On the road over note the stubbornness of the camel at times, the trickery of the driver, once in a while a sandstorm and the mirage in the distance. Call attention to the sparse vegetation except on the oases, and also to the sandy character of the surface. It is not all level. Children's Reference: Fairbanks, Home Geography, pp. 226-228. 3. Egypt, the strangest of all countries. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Africa, pp. 81-116; 123-141. Suggestions. — Cattle live with the family at night. What would we think of such a custom ? Take a trip to the pyramids, built thousands of years ago, and to the great stone face known as the Sphinx. This is the home of (27) one of the oldest races on the face of the earth. Land at Cairo and make the trip from there. Children's References: Our Little Egyptian Cousin, pp. 27-70; 102- 131. Carroll, Book Two, pp. 87-140. Features to be noticed, Alexandria, the Nile River, Cairo, and Abyssinia. 4. Cape Town in Cape Colony, the southernmost country of Africa. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Africa, pp. 316-322. Suggestions. — Pay a visit to an ostrich farm, paying attention to the size, general appearance and diet of the birds. Follow this by a journey to the diamond mines where they are digging in the bluish volcanic material to hunt out the rough diamonds which are unlike the ones we usually see. Notice how they guard the workmen as they come from their work to pre- vent their stealing the diamonds. Feature to be noticed, St. Helena Island, where Napoleon was imprisoned. 5. Darkest Africa. (Three days.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Africa, pp. 222-252. Badlam, Views in Africa, pp. 79ff. Suggestions. — Start up the Kongo River, pointing out the size of the river, something of its navigability, the falls, the jungle where many strange and dangerous animals live (e. g., the lion, rhinoceros), here and there will be villages of savage tribes of black people, some of which are cannibals. Some of these people sleep on a pillow which is a wooden block hollowed out to suit the shape of the head. Numerous lakes with villages around them. Notice the queer houses and the fact that many children are wholly without clothing. Children's References: Our Little African Cousin, pp. 53-92. , Muller, The Story of Akimakoo (parts). Features to be noticed, Kongo River, Kongo Free State, and Gulf of Guinea. EUROPE. 1. Gibraltar, the strongest fort in the world. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Europe, p. 444. Suggestions. — Bring out the reason why it is so strong (t. e., it is so high above the water that it is difficult to point the big guns high enough to reach it). Notice how it is made, where the guns are placed, and how the men who use the guns are protected from the enemy by the solid rock. See "Reviews," page 18. Feature to be noticed, Portugal. (28) 2. Spain, ivhere things are reversed. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 428-445. Under Sunny Skies, pp. 11-18. Suggestions. — Here the people are to be seen carrying on their various amusements, etc., during the night, then sleeping during the day to make up for it. They are fond of rooster fights and bull fights, are a quick- tempered, sentimental people. Feature to be noticed, Madrid. 3. Ireland, the green island. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carroll, Book Five, pp. 7-25. Suggestions. — Notice the character of the people, their houses, how they dig their fuel out of the peat bogs and dry it for winter use, that the domes- tic animals are often kept under the same roof as the family, that the potato, of which most of us are so fond, is one of the main foods of the people. Do not forget to notice the beauty of the country as you pass through it. Pic- tures of peasants and their houses will help to show the life, and scenes such as the Lake of Killarney will show the natural beauty of the land. Children's Reference: Our Little Irish Cousin, pp. 1-53. 4. England, where the country is like a garden. (One day.) Teacher's References: Pratt, Stories of England, pp. 177-190. George, Little Journeys to England and Wales, pp. 3-35 (pt. II). Suggestions. — In teaching this topic it will be well to notice especially the garden-like appearance of the country with its castles situated on the high hills, fine residences, the homes of the land barons, good roads, cattle and sheep on the green hills. The hedges along the highways are beautiful and interesting. Children's Reference: Our Little English Cousin, pp. 1-53. 5. Liverpool, a busy place. (One- day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, p. 64. George, Little Journeys to England and "Wales, pp. 13-18. Suggestions. — Ships of all sizes and descriptions are to be seen in the harbor. Here we could get a steamer for home, if we wished. Go down to the drydocks and see the immense ships that are being built. Look sharp on your way through the city and you may see some of your friends who have come to England for business or pleasure. 6 — BUL. 5 (29) 6. London, the commercial center of the world. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 66-84. George, Little Journeys to England and Wales, pp. 18-82. Suggestions. — Emphasize the fact that London is the largest city in the world and try by example to indicate what that really means. Illustrate by comparison with your home town or city. Visit the Cathedral and "West- minster Abbey. Windsor Castle, the Tower and London Bridge will also be of interest if there is time to consider them. Pictures will be invaluable here. Children's Reference: Our Little English Cousin, pp. 54-88. Feature to be noticed, the Thames River. 7. Scotland, the home of Robert Bruce. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 32-48. Mabie, Heroes Every Child Should Know, pp. 250-273. Suggestions. — Tell the story of Bruce as briefly as is best to bring out his character, etc. In doing so point out the beautiful lakes, mountains and castles. There are many beautiful legends connected with this country; tell some of them if there is time. Notice the cattle and sheep feeding on the hillside. The typical highland dress is also interesting. Children's Reference: Carroll, Book Two, pp. 141-182. Feature to be noticed, Edinburgh. 8. Norway, a country of hospitality. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 163-180. Northern Europe, pp. 11-17. Suggestions. — Point out the hospitality of the people as a trait to be com- mended. Some of their curious customs are likewise of interest. One especially noteworthy is that of hanging out an ear of corn for the birds at Christmas time. Children's References: Our Little Norwegian Cousin, pp. 21-35; 59- 65; 72-91. •Carroll, Book Three, pp. 78-128. 9. Sweden," the Land of the Midnight Sun." (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 163-185. Suggestions. — Dwell upon the fact that it as far north as Alaska and con- sequently is cold in winter. The sun does not rise for months at a time in the northern part, while in summer it shines continuously, even at midnight. Children's Reference: Carroll, Book Three, pp. 78-128. ♦Formerly called Second Book. (30) 10. Russia, the land of oppression and ignorance. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 311-361. Northern Europe, pp. 109-122. Suggestions. — In this the teacher has an excellent chance to bring out the fact that oppression and ignorance go hand in hand. Picture the Russian peasant as he is in his meager surroundings, with small income and few comforts. It is no wonder that the father, in parts of Russia, looks forward to the sale of his' daughter to some young man for a wife. Children's References: Our Little Russian Cousin. (Parts.) Carroll, Book Two, pp. 7-57. Feature to be noticed, St. Petersburg. 11. Denmark, the land of small farms. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 156-163. Suggestions. — Stores are built on a queer plan and the ladies who go shopping must climb stairs to do so. Nearness to the ocean has made them a seafaring nation. Danish sailors are found on many ships, even those of Uncle Sam. 12. Holland, the country below the sea level. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 133-156. Northern Europe, pp. 129-134. Suggestions. — Much of the country is so far below the level of the sea that levees or dikes are built to keep out the sea. Tell the story of the little boy who found a leak in the dike and sat all night holding his thumb in the hole to keep out the sea. This is the land of the clumsy wooden shoe. Show pictures of it. Children's Reference: Little Jan the Dutch Boy. (Parts.) 13. The Hague, the Peace City* (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Europe, p. 152. Suggestions. — Here is an excellent chance for a lesson on World Peace. Men meet in this city to try to prevent the horrible wars. They want to settle all quarrels by simply talking it over and deciding without having wars and killing people. 14. Belgium, the home of a busy people. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 125-133. Northern Europe, pp. 39^45. Suggestions. — Take a trip through the country noticing the men and women working in the fields where there are no fences. Notice the smoke in (31) the cities which tells of busy factories. Call attention to the great amount of lace manufactured here. Note, also, the chimes which are found in the town halls as well as in the churches. The farms are small but productive. Feature to be noticed, Brussels. 15. France, a land of small farms and good roads. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 85-124. Suggestions. — Travel along these roads and notice how good they are and at the same time notice these farms and how they differ from ours. Then enter the city and see the people chatting on the streets really having parties out in the public places. The people are very polite wherever you go. Here is, perhaps, a good chance to make a lesson or a portion of one on politeness. This will also help to fix France in the memory. "True politeness is to do and say The kindest thing in the kindest way." Feature to be noticed, Seine River. 16. Paris) the most beautiful city in the world. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 106-125. Suggestions. — Notice the wide clean streets, the well kept sidewalks, and the beautiful public parks. The Seine River forms a portion of the streets, but in many places it is covered over. Note any other prominent feature that adds to the beauty of the ' ' Gay Pairee. " 17. A trip up the Rhine River. (Two days.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 186-248. Suggestions. — Notice the following and call attention to them in the order named: The well cultivated fields, fat cattle, numerous villages along the river, the rafts and their crews, where as many as two or three hundred people live, eat and sleep. Retell the story of the Lorelei. The location of Bin gen is more or less important on account of the poem, "Bingen on the Rhine." Tell it or read it to them, explaining the difficult parts. Call attention to the castles, villages and ruins along the banks. Children's Reference: Our Little German Cousin, pp. 23-39; 48-59. Features to be noticed, Germany, Berlin. 18. Switzerland, the land of the lofty, snowclad Alps Mountains, (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 249-271; 275. Northern Europe, pp. 78-94. Suggestions. — The things to be noted here will be the beautiful scenery consisting of high mountains, peaks and glaciers. The lives of the Swiss people will be of interest as will the work of the magnificent St. Bernard (32) dogs used in rescuing people lost in the snow. This will be the most interest- ing part of the lesson. It lends an opportunity for the teacher to give some- what of a lesson on love for animals. Children's References: Campbell, Story of Little Konrad. Our Little Swiss Cousin, pp.. 27-42; 51-62; 76-104. Carroll, Book Three, pp. 129-159 (Parts.) 19. Italy, the land of sunshine. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 392-428. Under Sunny Skies, pp. 47-54. Suggestions. — The manufacture of macaroni will interest them, especially if they are led to wonder how the workmen punch the holes in it. If time permits there is much to be said, also, of the beauties of the country. Feature to be noticed, Naples. 20. Rome, the ancient city. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 411-417. Suggestions. — Show pictures of the Colosseum, the Appian Way, the Forum, and the various other points of interest. This lesson can well be taught from pictures alone. Show the pictures to the class and explain them as you go. It will be of advantage to have a set of pictures for each child and have each one look at a given picture while it is being explained. Do not make it too complicated. 21. A visit to Vesuvius, the burning mountain. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 421-28. Under Sunny Skies, pp. 30-37. Suggestions. — Give a general description of the mountain, such as the appearance, how it sends out clouds of smoke and steam, occasionally break- ing forth and pouring lava over the surrounding country. Look down into the crater and see the red-hot lava rock. . Notice the strong gases given off and carried to you when the wind is in the right direction to do so. Speak of Pompeii and Herculaneum that were covered up by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius. 22. Venice, where the streets are canals. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 391-401. Under Sunny Skies, pp. 55-66. Suggestions. — Go out riding on the streets in a gondola. See how smoothly the gondolier paddles his boat along and listen to his cheerful song as you glide along past the houses. (33) 23. Athens, the city of ancient ruins. (One day.) Teacher's Reference : Carpenter, Europe, pp. 381-393. Suggestions. — This is the seat of an earlier civilization but the glory of ancient Greece far outshines the present one. Notice the ruins such as the Acropolis, show' pictures to explain these ruins. The men dress in short skirts. Children's Reference: Our Little Grecian Cousin, pp. 22-37; 67-83. Feature to be noticed, Greece. 24. Turkey and Constantinople, where the women hide their faces. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 361-381. Suggestions. — Point out the fact that the women must wear veils when they appear on the street so that their faces may not be seen. Also the Turks are not Christians and that they persecute and massacre the Armenians, a Christian people under their rule. People can not do as we can in many ways. Children's Reference: Our Little Turkish Cousin, pp. 12-32; 54-66. Feature to be noticed, Bosporus. 25. A trip up the Danube River. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 293; 301-311. Suggestions. — Take a steamer and sail from the Black Sea up the Danube River to Vienna noting the old castle ruins, the number of churches and the sacredness with which the people look upon them ; the floating flour mill in the region where there is much wheat grown, the wheat drawn to the river in oxcarts ; the shepherd dressed in sheep 's clothing, and many other queer sights. 26. Austria-Hungary , the land of many languages. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Europe, pp. 280-301. Suggestions. — Call attention to the great number of languages spoken in the different parts of the country and even in the same town. Notice the gypsies and their mode of life. Visit Vienna the capital. Features to be noticed, Roumania, Caspian Sea. (34) ASIA. 1. Siberia, the land of the Russian exile. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Asia, pp. 297-304; "93-101. Suggestions. — This region should be taught as a cold, bleak country in winter some parts of which rival the poles themselves. Here the political prisoners from Russia are sent and forced to live and work till they finally contract disease and end their sufferings and torments by death. See "Reviews," page 18. Feature to be noticed, Vladivostok. 2. Yokohama, a city where they ride in the jinrikisha. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Asia, pp. 15-33. Suggestions. — Take a ride in a jinrikisha and visit the homes of the thrifty and hospitable people to note the character of their homes, note the fact that they are very artistic, wide-awake people who have made wonder- ful progress in the last half century. Children's References: Our Little Japanese Cousin, pp. 50-55; 63-66. Campbell, Little Metzu, the Japanese Boy. (Parts.) Features to be noticed, Japan, Tokyo, Korea. 3. China, the oldest country in the world. (Two days.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Asia, pp. 128-134. Smith, Life in Asia. (Parts.) Suggestions. — There are many points of interest to be brought out here, such as the swarming population, and strange sights and customs. Many families live on boats where the boys are tied to prevent their being drowned but the girls are allowed to go free. The Great Wall will be of particular interest. Show pictures of these features. Speak of the changes that have recently taken place. Children's References: Our Little Chinese Cousin, pp. 64-88. Campbell, Wah Sing. (Parts.) Features to be noticed, Peking, Yangtse-kiang, Hoang-ho, Hongkong. 4. Siam, the land of the white elephant. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Asia, pp. 162-178. Suggestions. — The fact that the white elephant is held sacred by these people is one of the main features to be emphasized. The girls chew betel nut in order that they may have black teeth and tongues. These are consid- ered marks of beauty. Children's Reference: Our Little Siamese Cousin, pp. 47-66; 87-97. (35) 5. India, the land of famine and plague. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Asia, pp. 202-240. Pratt, India, pp. 168-171. Suggestions. — Famine is quite common among the poor people and has put its stamp upon the whole race by making them lean, lank, bony individuals. Point out the fact that they use iron telegraph poles and why they do so; that the babies are naked and the grown people nearly so. They bathe in the sacred river at Benares as a part of their religious belief. Children's Reference: Around the "World, Book II, pp. 58-85. Features to be noticed, Calcutta, Ganges River. 6. Tibet, the land where foreigners are not wanted. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Asia, pp. 257-264. Starr, Strange Peoples, pp. 81-88. Suggestions. — Point out why foreigners are not wanted, that the people wander from place to place following their flocks among the high mountains and elevated plateaus. Pictures should furnish much of the instruction when they can be obtained. 7. Himalaya Mountains with the lofty Mount Everest. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Asia, pp. 249-256. Suggestions. — These are the most lofty mountains, reaching an elevation of about four miles in many places. Mount Everest is the highest mountain peak in the world. It is so high it can never be climbed. Feature to be noticed, Afghanistan. 8. Persia, the land of the turban. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Asia, pp. 265-273. Suggestions. — Explain the turban or how it looks by showing pictures of it and also of the people wearing them. The houses are queer things, resembling mud boxes. From this country we get some of our nicest rugs. 9. Arabia, a desolate barren region. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Asia, pp. 273-281. Suggestions. — Emphasize the fact that this region is principally a desert one and the inhabitants live from their flocks and herds. Hence they are a nomadic or wandering people. From here we get some of our finest horses. 10. Mecca, the Holy City of the Mohammedans. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Asia, pp. 281. Pratt, India, pp. 41-50. Suggestions. — Show a picture of the famous black stone and explain its use. The people consider it a very great honor to have visited this place and one who has done so is allowed to wear a certain kind of green trimming (36) on the dress worn afterward. There are many peculiar beliefs and customs that may be spoken of if time permits. 11. Jerusalem, the Holy City of the Christians. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Asia, pp. 282-290. Suggestions. — Teach that this place is honored and revered as the early seat of the Christian religion. Many changes have taken place since then. One is able to visit the city with more or less difficulty. The people are very suspicious. They reverence, their landmarks and guard them jealously. Children's Reference: Our Little Jewish Cousin, pp. 49-66. Feature to be noticed, Turkey. AUSTRALIA AND ISLANDS. 1. Australia, the land of strange plants and animals. (One day.) Teacher's Reference:. Carpenter, Australia, pp. 11-16; 44-52. Suggestions. — Of these strange animals, show pictures and notice the habits of the kangaroo and the duck-billed platypus. The natives use the weapon known as the boomerang. They also use spears with which to cap- ture their food. See "Reviews," page 18. Features to be noticed, Sydney, Melbourne. 2. New Zealand. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Australia, pp. 73-79. Suggestions. — Numbers of sheep are raised here and they must be pro- tected from the kea parrot. Notice how it attacks and kills the sheep. Features to be noticed, Samoa, Tasmania. 3. New Guinea, where the people live in queer houses. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Australia, pp. 95-104. Suggestions. — Point out the fact that the island is shaped much like a guinea hen (show picture of one), that the people live in queer tenement houses so that it has much the appearance of people living in stalls. 4. Java, the home of Java coffee. (One half day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Australia, pp. 233-248. Suggestions. — Make a study of coffee as grown here, go out to the coffee plantation and watch them care for the plant, see how the berries look before they are picked, how they are cared for to prepare them for the market. 5. Sumatra, the land of black pepper. (One half day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Australia, pp. 249-256. Suggestions. — Study the pepper tree and its berry. Notice how it grows and how it is harvested and prepared for our use. (37) 6. Borneo, the home of enormous monkeys and huge butterflies. (One half day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Australia, pp. 213-221. Suggestions. — Take a trip out into the forest (by means of pictures) and see these interesting animals. Notice especially the orang-outang and learn some of his habits. He is of interest because he more closely resembles man than any other animal. Compare the size of the butterflies with those we have at home. Children's Reference: Our Little Brown Cousin. (Part.) 7. East Indies, the land of spices. (One half day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Australia, pp. 222-233. Suggestions. — Study some of the more common spices such as nutmegs by means of pictures and talks or readings. Notice how they grow, how they look before and after they are harvested. 8. Philippines, where they cultivate rice with water buffalo. (One day.) Teacher's References: Carpenter, Australia, pp. 178-192. McClintock, The Philippines. (Parts.) Suggestions. — The water buffalo is a queer animal. He does not like a white man but is perfectly harmless to a Filipino. He has queer habits such as wallowing in the mud. He works well in the paddy field till the mud dries, then he must have a bath before he will do more work. The streets in Manila are narrow, more like our alleys. Note the character of the people and the houses. Children's References: Our Little Philippine Cousin. Carroll, Book Three, pp. 197-207. Carroll, Book Four, pp. 241-268. Feature to be noticed, Manila. 9. Hawaiian Islands, the country of bananas and pineapples. (One day.) Teacher's Reference: Carpenter, Australia, pp. 121-148. Suggestions. — Visit a field of pineapples, and explain how they are planted, cared for and prepared for the market, especially the latter. On the way to this field let the children see the bananas growing. Show pictures of pineapples and bananas to explain the various parts of the lesson. Children's References: Our Little Hawaiian Cousin, pp. 17-25; 77-84; 45-51. Carroll, Book Four, pp. 228-240. (38) A SCHEME FOR A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. In making any topic or series of topics interesting or understood, it is necessary to give a certain amount of interesting detail connected with them. Since the child is interested, primarily, in the activities of other children, people and animals, these activities should be spoken of whenever advan- tageous. For this reason the topics, already given, contain more than the essential facts to be remembered. A great deal of supplementary material is introduced merely to make clear and realistic what would otherwise be abstract and hard to understand. After this supplementary material has been presented, as already indicated, it has served its purpose and further drill upon it is unnecessary. It is better to spend the time of the review upon those facts that the pupil should retain. What follows is a brief summary of the most important points treated under the various topics. These are the things that the child should remem- ber about the places. It is to be understood, however, that he also knows their locations. The two important questions to be asked about each locality are: What is itf and, Where is itf The following material should be used in the review as indicated on page 18, that is, begin with the first topic and spend a certain amount of time each day on review. The following day begin at the point left off the day before and continue the review. "When the point of the new work is reached, return to the first and repeat as before. The teacher should insist that the children know the points set down in this review. The numbers given to the following paragraphs or sentences correspond to the numbers of the original topics. NORTH AMERICA. I. Alaska. 1. Bering Sea, located off the west coast of Alaska, is the home of enor- mous whales. These whales furnish such material as whalebone and whale oil. Many men have been busily engaged during the summer season captur- ing these whales. Bering Sea is connected to the Arctic Ocean by a narrow strip of water known as the Bering Strait. 2. Hundreds of men have gone to Alaska in search of gold. Many have passed up the Yukon River searching for the precious metal. It is a hard life and scores of men have died from the effects of the hardships. 3. The natives of Alaska are a hardy race of people who live on what they are able to obtain by hunting and fishing. They have no schools. It takes all of their time to gain a living, consequently as a result of this they have no time for schooling. (39) II. Canada. 1. No one lives in the cold region around Hudson Bay except men who go there looking for wild animals, which they may kill in order to get their skins. These skins are often very warm and beautiful. 2. The St. Lawrence is a beautiful, broad river, upon which large steamers can sail out to the ocean. As we pass down it we notice cities, farms, fields of grain and other interesting sights. Finally we pass the Newfoundland Banks where the fishermen are catching cod fish. These are salted and sold in many places. 3. The trip across Canada not only gives us a chance to learn how to behave in a Pullman car, but it also permits us to see the broad valley and the extensive fields of central Canada and the magnificent Rockies in the western part. III. Mexico. 1. The people of Mexico are not like our people. They like to be idle and have time to watch bull fights and such things. Many of their houses are made of blocks of sod or adobe. They work only when they have to in order that they may not starve. IV. West Indies. 1. The people living in the West Indies are a mixture of Spanish, negro and native blood. Many things are grown here, but sugar cane, which looks like corn stalks, is the chief product. V. The United States. 1. Some of the early settlers of the United States landed in New England and began to build their homes. They had to work hard to make a living from the rough, rocky ground. It is so cold in winter that they have plenty of snow and ice for sleighing and skating. 2. It would take a person many days to see all of New York City even with a horse and buggy. It is the largest city in North America. Among the well-known sights are Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, Wall Street, and Chatham Square. In this great city are hundreds of children who seldom have a chance to gather wild flowers or chase butterflies. 3. The President, who helps to see that we behave, lives in the large building known as the White House. This and the Capitol building are located in Washington City. 4. On the Mississippi River, near its mouth, is New Orleans. On the banks of the river where it passes through the city are large bales of fleecy white cotton waiting for the ships to take them away. 5. The Great Valley of the Mississippi River occupies a large part of the central portion of the United States. In it we find many beautiful homes, large cities and valuable farms. 6. Erie canal is a large ditch through which big boats loaded with freight can pass. It runs east and west through the greater part of New York state. The Niagara River plunging over a large bluff forms the Niagara Falls. They are the largest and most famous falls in the world. 7. The Great Lakes are immense bodies of water between the United States and Canada. Large vessels carrying people and freight sail on these lakes. (40) 8. Salt Lake City, located on Great Salt Lake, is a very clean, beautiful city. It is the home of the Mormons. One of the sights of interest to the tourist is the Mormon Tabernacle. 9. One of nature's greatest bits of scenery is the Yellowstone Park. Here are many wild animals and also interesting falls and geysers. 10. Puget Sound, located in the northwest corner of the United States, is one of the few places on the Pacific coast where large ocean steamers may anchor safely. It is surrounded by beautiful tree-covered mountains. 11! People come from many parts of the earth to visit California's great picture gallery, the Yosemite Valley. It has many interesting features, such as falls, lakes and high cliffs. 12. The Colorado River has cut one of the most wonderful gorges in the world. It is in hard lava rock. Although a dangerous trip, hundreds of people climb down into the canyon every year. 13. The United States is digging a big canal across the Isthmus of Panama. Large ships will soon pass through it from one ocean to the other. SOUTH AMERICA. 1. Around the harbor of Rio de Janeiro are large well-kept coffee plan- tations from which we get excellent coffee. Rio de Janeiro is one of the most important cities of South America. 2. In Argentina, a country of South America, are large ranches some- what like the California grain ranches. On other ranches and on the grassy plains are large bands of sheep and cattle. 3. Paraguay and Uruguay are countries of South America. They are in a region of forests and grassy plains. Here, too, are large herds of cattle. 4. The Incas originally owned the region of Bolivia, in South America, and lived there peaceably and happily till the Spaniards entered their country and killed many of them. Here is the beautiful Lake Titicaca, which is far above the sea. 5. The Amazon is the largest river in the world. The dense forests along the banks make it almost impossible to travel on the land. The trees from which india rubber is obtained grow here. 6. Venezuela and the Guianas, countries of South America, are in the northern part of the continent. Here and there are dense forests, between which are large grassy plains. The coeoanut tree is found in some of the forests. 7. The potato such as we eat every day originally came from the high Andes Mountains. Here it grew naturally. Here we see the rough, rugged peaks so common to high mountains. 8. A narrow strip of land extending over half the length of South America makes up the country of Chile. A journey of a few hours will take a person from a warm climate to a place where snow may be found all the year. (41) AFRICA. 1. The more or less arid region of northwest Africa, known as the Bar- bary States, is the home of the sea robbers of a few years ago. They are a lazy, dark-skinned and treacherous lot of people. Tunis, Tripoli, Algeria and Morocco make up these states. 2. The camel is about the only animal that is able to withstand the heat and dryness of the sandy Sahara Desert. The rolling hills and level plains are barren of plants or trees. Occasionally there are spots where plants and trees grow. These spots are called oases. 3. The ancient people who lived in Egypt built the pyramids and the sphinx. Egypt has been inhabited for thousands of years. 4. Near Cape Town, in southern Africa, are the ostrich farms and the diamond mines. Ostrich feathers and diamonds are valuable products. 5. The Kongo River comes down to the ocean from the region known as Darkest Africa. This region is the home of black-skinned people and such animals as giraffes, tigers and' lions. It is so warm here that people need little clothing. EUROPE. 1. The fort of Gibraltar, which is built at the entrance to the Mediter- ranean Sea, is so high up in the solid rock that guns on board a ship can not hit it. It can never be destroyed by them. 2. Spain is the home of a quick-tempered, pleasure-loving people who like to amuse themselves at night and sleep in the daytime. They enjoy such things as bull fights. They are not very progressive. 3. Ireland is the home of a quick-witted, industrious people who must work hard to make a living. The country is so beautiful and green that it is often called the Green Isle. The potato is the principal food of these people. 4. England is so beautiful and well kept that it reminds one of a large garden. Many fine houses are to be seen here. 5. Liverpool, in England, has a fine harbor where one sees ships from all parts of the world. Many large ships are built here. 6. London is the largest city in the world. It is situated on the Thames River. Westminster Abbey, the Tower and London Bridge have been built for hundreds of years. 7. Scotland is a region of beautiful lakes and mountains. The large numbers of cattle and sheep seen in the pastures belong to the honest, indus- trious people who live here. 8 and 9. The countries of Norway and Sweden are noted for the free- hearted way in which strangers are made to feel at home. They reach so far north that portions of them have the sun shining at midnight in the summer time. In winter it does not shine at all. It is cold in winter. 10. In Russia the common people are kept in ignorance by the govern- ment. The people are quick to learn when given a chance. They have little money and few comforts. (42) 11. Because it is almost surrounded by seas, Denmark has many people* who make their living on board of ships. Many Danish sailors are to be found on United States vessels. 12. The levees and dikes along the sea keep the water from covering a part of the country of Holland. The level of the sea is about as high as the second story of the houses. 13. People from all parts of the world meet at The Hague, in Holland, and talk of how wars can be prevented. 14. Men and women work side by side in the fields of Belgium. Here are many busy factories. 15. France is a country of small farms, good roads and well-kept cities. The people are polite and industrious. 16. The clean streets and well-kept parks of Paris make it the most beau- tiful city in the world. The Eiffel Tower is one of the points of interest. 17. Well-cultivated fields line the banks of the Rhine River. Small vil- lages and castles are found here and there beside it. 18. The lofty, snow-clad Alps of Switzerland are known the world over. The people are happy and free. Many lives are saved each year by the large St. Bernard dogs. 19. Italy, in southern Europe, is a land of well-cultivated fields. Fields of wheat are seen here and there. Much of it is made into macaroni. 20. The Colosseum, the Appian "Way and the Forum are among the most noted points of interest about the ancient city of Rome in Italy. 21. For many centuries Mount Vesuvius has had periods during which it has sent streams of lava over the surrounding country. Pompeii and Herculaneum were two ancient cities buried by such a lava flow. Parts of them have been excavated and the ruins have furnished us many ideas of how the people lived at that time. 22. The city of Venice is well known to travelers and others. Its streets are canals and people go along them in boats. The Rialto is an important point of interest. 23. The ruins of the Acropolis, an ancient fort in Athens, tell the story of this city in past ages. 24. Turkey, with Constantinople for its capital, is best known because the women have few privileges and Christians are often murdered in large numbers. 25. The Danube River, which flows into the Black Sea, extends through regions of grain fields and pastures. Here are also many churches and castle ruins. 26. Austria-Hungary is the land of many wandering gypsies. The people of nearby towns often speak different languages. . ASIA. 1. Siberia, in northern Asia, is a cold, cheerless region to which Russia sends its political prisoners. Here they work in the dark, damp coal mines year after year. 2. One of the first things seen in Yokohama is the light two-wheeled carts, (43) <■■ ■ drawn by the Japanese, in which people ride from place to place. These people are very industrious and wide-awake. 3. China is the oldest country in the world, yet it is quite backward in many things. They have few railroads or telegraph lines. The Great Wall was built ages ago to protect the people from hostile people to the north of them. 4. Siam is often known as the land of the "White Elephants" because of the reverence they show to these animals. They are considered next to the king in importance. 5. Many poor people live in India. At times the crops are short and hundreds of natives starve to death. It is so warm that little clothing is needed. 6. The people of Tibet wander over the plains pasturing their flocks. They object to foreigners visiting their country. 7. Mount Everest, the highest mountain peak in the world, is in the lofty Himalaya Mountains. 8. In Persia the people wear a queer sort of turbans on their heads. The houses are built of mud and have nearly flat tops. Many handsome rugs are made in this country. 9. Although the greater part of Arabia is barren desert, there are places where cattle, sheep and some of the finest horses in the world are raised. 10. The city of Mecca is sacred to the people who believe in the Moham- medan religion. 11. Jerusalem is the former home of the Christian religion. AUSTRALIA AND THE ISLANDS. 1. The Continent of Australia is the home of queer animals. The natives are dark-skinned and use the spear and the boomerang with which to capture their food. Many white people like the people of California live here. 2. New Zealand is an island near Australia where many sheep are raised. One of the worst enemies of the sheep is the kea parrot. 3. The Island of New Guinea is the home of a queer people who live in strange houses. 4. Some of the very best coffee grown in the world comes from the island of Java. 5. The black pepper that most people use comes from the island of Sumatra. 6. The island of Borneo is the home of the orang-outang, which is a very intelligent animal. 7. Many spices, such as nutmegs, etc., come from the East Indies islands. 8. The Philippine islands belong to the United States. The natives, a dark-skinned people, cultivate rice with a crude plow drawn by a water buffalo. Manila, the largest city in the island, has narrow streets and queer houses. 9. Many bananas and pineapples are grown in the Hawaiian islands. (44) ADVERTISEMENT Bulletins and Publications OP THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AT CHICO Bulletin No. 1. School Gabdens fob Oalxfobnia Schools. A manual and teacher's guide in the making of school gardens, especially designed to meet the conditions of California schools. Illustrated, 80 pages, 30 cents postpaid. B. M. Davis, Chico State Normal School. Bulletin No. 5. Part I, Map Geography. Part II, Journey Geography for Beginners. 96 pages, 30 cents postpaid. C. K. Studley, Chico State Normal Outline Maps. A series of nine maps densigned for use in teaching Map Geog- raphy and to accompany Part I, Bulletin 5. These maps afford the basis for a valuable type of seat work and provide an unusually effective drill in the teaching of Map Geography. Postpaid, per set of nine, 15 cents. C. K. Studley, Chico State Normal School. Address all orders and inquiries, and make all payments to the Secretary, State Normal School, Chico, California. •XIYKRHITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRAE? THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW JAN 26 6lan'62LU RECTD Jan 5 LD 30m-6,'14 ■