Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/etymologicaldictOObracrich CIar«nbon ^«ss S'ttm ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE EoiiDon MACMILLAN AND CO. PUBLISHERS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE • Jbv' '•' A^BRACHET AUTHOR OF *A HISTORICAL GRAMMAR OF THE FRENCH TONGUE' TRANSLATED BY G. W. KITCHIN, M.A. AT THE CLARENDON PRESS M DCCC LXXIII [All rights reserved} 4 AUTHOR'S PREFACE This Etymological Dictionary is the natural sequel to the His- torical Grammar. In that work I had traced out the history of French grammatical forms : with a view to the completion of my task, and the full cycle of the history of the language, I was bound to write also a history of its vocabulary. This is attempted in this volume, which seeks to register for general use the results of philo- logical enquiry, hitherto too much confined to a narrow circle of literary men. It is not that philological enquiry has been lacking in France during the last three centuries. In the anarchical period of philo- logy — the period between the sixteenth century and our day, during which philology was little but a confused mass of erudite errors — two etymological Dictionaries were written, that of Manage in 1650, and that of Roquefort in 1829. Seven years later the illustrious Frederick Diez pubHshed at Bonn the first volume of his Grammar of the Rornance Languages (1836), a comparative history of the six lan- guages which have sprung from the Latin, in which he showed by what invariable laws Latin passed into French, Italian, Spanish, Portugese, Wallachian; at the same moment he created a scientific history of the French tongue. Thenceforth French philology was revolutionised ; and, just as in the eighteenth century chemistry shook itself free from alchemy, so then the study of the French language became a science based on observation^ the progress of which was destined to be very rapid, under the influence of a spirit of exact in- vestigation : the latest born of experimental sciences, it seemed likely to outstrip them all, except chemistry, in the rapidity and unbroken succession of its discoveries. Every new result is enrolled in its order in the three etymological Dictionaries which followed one another at intervals: in 18^'^ Diez ipuhlished his I^/ymologi'sc/ier Worterbuch; in 1862 appeared M. Scheler's Dictionary of French Etymology; in 1863 the first parts of M. Littre's admirable Dictionary of the French Tongue came out. ^ It is but fair to say that a Frenchman, M. Raynouard, had already prepared the way by a comparative study of the six Neo-Latin tongues ; still to M. Diez belongs the honour of having created the science by introducing into French phi- lology an exactitude quite unknown before his time. iVVt90209 author's preface. These three works give us all the philological discoveries made during the last thirty years in the French language ; and the chasm which separates them from the dreams of Manage and Roquefort can only be compared to that which lies between the chemistry of Lavoisier and the reveries of Raymond LuUi, or Van Helmont. It may there- fore seem needless to wish to swell the catalogue with a new philo- logical Dictionary ; but still I have decided on writing this book ; for there is a blank to be filled up. In scientific subjects there is always room for two kinds of books — those which teach established scientific knowledge and transmit our learned acquisitions in a collective form, and those which leave former discoveries alone, in order to at- tempt new research, to work out the solution or the discussion of problems hitherto untouched. Thus, in zoology, a treatise intended for the general public would be silent as to all doubtful or unsettled questions (such as the origin of species, or the like), and would occupy itself solely with the minute proof of established truths : but if on the other hand the treatise were addressed to the narrower class of professed naturalists, it would be satisfied with simply stating known facts (assuming their proof to be known by the reader) and would set itself specially to elucidate by new observations or hypotheses those problems which were yet uncertain. This distinction applies with equal force to etymological Dictionaries, according as they address themselves to students of philology only or to the general literary public : in the former case the main task of the author will be to attempt unsolved etymological problems, simply stating established etymologies without stopping to give the proofs. This has been done by Diez, Scheler, and Littr^, who have been more anxious to discover or explore unknown regions than to descril2£_the^^nown. But by the side of these works, which assume in the reader a previous acquaintance with philological principles and a knowledge of the position of each question that comes up, there is room for another Dictionary which shall take the science in its pre- sent condition, shall provisionally regard the etymology of all words whose origin is still under discussion as unknown, shall limit itself to the statement of etymologies already settled, and shall then lay before the eyes of the reader all the philological principles on which these interesting results depend. Of such a kind is this manual of the science of etymology which I have endeavoured to make, in the full persuasion that, imperfect as it is, it may yet render some service to the cause of higher education^. /j ^ M. Breal, Professor in the College of France, has admirably pointed out the / dangers of ' a method which professes to explain everything, and does not know ^^ how to resign itself to be ignorant of many things.' For education nothing is so /': mischievous to the authority of a science as an inconclusive discussion. i AUTHORS PREFACE, As an example of the difference between the two methods, let us take the two words marcassin and pourrir. The etymology of marcassin is unknown ; and while Diez and Littrd discuss the hypo- theses already started as to the origin of the word, and throw out new suggestions, I content myself with the simple statement that here is a blank in our knowledge, and so I leave it. For in education uncer- tainty is worse than ignorance, and the maxim ' in dubiis abstine ' finds its application. But under the word pourrir, whose etymology [l(from Lat. putrere) is well known, Littrd and Scheler merely [Imention the Latin word, and do not stop to explain ; but in my [•JDictionary I set myself to prove it, and to show how putrere becomes \pourrir, in answer to the questions, Why such and such a change? ;Have the Latin letters been altered by chance .? or Is there any invariable law of change .? Has putrere become pourrir all at once, or have there been successive changes, letter by letter? and can one fix the steps of the process in their chronological order ^? — questions which a Dictionary professing to teach ' laymen ' (as the Germans would say) the science of etymology cannot possibly neglect. ' Scientific etymology,' says M. Brdal, ' does not consist in a vague statement of the affinity which may exist between two words ; it must ' track out, letter by letter, the history of the formation of a word, and show all the intermediate stages through which it has passed.' Thus, in the example taken above, one must show that the u of putrere has passed into on {pourrir), like ursus, ours\ surdus, sourd; turris, tour; — that the Latin tr becomes rr, like latronem, hirron; nutrire, nqurrir ; — lastly, that the long e of putrere is represented by the French i, like tenere, ienir ; abolere, abolir, &c. The philologer, when he has reached this point, has done but half his work ; he has shown that pourrir answers, letter for letter, to putrere ; he must now show how this change has come about : we have as yet only the end-links of the chain, we must find the intermediate and connecting ones. Between the grub and the butterfly the naturahst studies all the different conditions of the chrysalis ; between the Latin and the French we find, on the one side the Low Latin, on the other the Early French. Thus pourrir has not leapt at one bound from putrere : Latin MSS. of the Merovingian period show us that the word became first putrire, then pudrire ; whence the earliest French form podrir, whence follows porrir, and lastly pourrir. By what slow and almost insensible changes has the Latin word slipped into ^ Our remarks on the three Dictionaries of Diez, Littre, and Scheler, must not ■ be taken to indicate any want of esteem for such admirable works. Far from challenging their method I seek only to support it by supplementing it ; methods must vary according to the end proposed, the audience addressed. Let me seize this opportunity of expressing my hearty gratitude for the advantages I owe to these masters in the science of etymology, and to their labours. author's preface, French ! — tr has been successively softened into dr, thence into rr ; u passes through o into ou ; and, as one can prove by the steps taken, the Latin word has never accomplished more than one of these changes at a time. Thus penetrating by means of a strict analysis into the innermost organisation of language, one sees that living words change and grow, and that Latin and French, for ex- ample, are in reality only two successive conditions of one language. By patient study, by careful comparison of thousands of little facts, insignificant by themselves, etymological science has been able to prove that languages, like plants or animals, are born, grow, and die, according to definite determinable laws. This fact saves us from the reproach of lingering over petty details. * Every building raised on abstract ideas,' says Buflfon, in his noble language, ' is a temple dedicated to a lie.' It is high time that men should abandon meta- physical speculations as to the origin of human speech, and betake themselves to the humbler observation of facts : for they alone can lead us on to a just conception of the laws of language ; and one may apply to them the saying of Quinctilian, ' Parva quidem, sed sine quibus magna non possent consistere,' — these are but details indeed, yet without them general principles could not stand. A. B. VOUVRAY, September 3, 1868. CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION. BOOK I. Of the Rules to be followed in Etymological investigations Chap. i. Phonetics ii. History iii. Comparison iv. Variations of meaning V. Conclusion BOOK II, Etymological Elements of the pRENcri Tongue Part I, Elements of Popular Origin Chap. i. The Latin element ii. The Celtic element iii. The Germanic element . iv. The Greek element Part ii. Elements of Learned Origin Part hi. Elements of Foreign Origin Chap. i. Words of Provengal origin ii. Words of Italian origin iii. Words of Spanish origin iv. Words of German origin v. Words of English origin vi. Words of Slavonic origin vii. Words of Semitic origin viii. Words of Oriental origin ix. W^ords of American origin Part rv. Elements of Various Origin Chap. i. Words of Historical origin ii. Words of Onomatopoetic origin iii. Words of Unknown origin iv. Etymological statistics of the French Tongue m iv vi ix xiv xvi xvii xvii xix xxii xxiv XXV xxvii xxix XXX xxxiii xxxiv XXXV XXXV XXXV xxxvii XXX vii xxxvii xxxvii xxxviii xxxix xli CONTENTS, PAGE BOOK III. Phonetics, or the Study of Sounds. .... xlii "Part i. Description of Sounds xliii Chap. i. The vowels xlv ii. History of the Latin vowels . . . liii iii. The Latin diphthongs .... Ixxvii iv. The Latin consonants .... Ixxix Part n. The Principles which rule the Permutations of Language . xcv Part m. Exceptions to Phonetics. Effect of Corruption on the Formation of the French Language .... xcvii Part iv. Derivation c Section i. Derivation of substantives ci Chap. i. French substantives derived from Latin sub- stantives . . . . . . ci ii. French substantives derived from Latin adjec- tives cii iii. French substantives derived from Latin pre- positions cii iv. French substantives derived from Latin verbs cii Section ii. Derivation of adjectives cvi Section iii. List of nominal suffixes cvii Chap. i. Accented cvii ii. Atonic cxxii Section iv. Verbal suffixes cxxv Chap. i. Accented cxxv ii. Atonic cxxv Section v. Diminutive suffixes cxxvi List of Abbreviations ex. viii ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY 1-376 INTRODUCTION. BOOK I. OF THE RULES TO BE FOLLOWED IN ETYMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Axiomata a particularibus rite et ordine ahstracta nova particularia rursus facile indicant et designant, itaque scientias reddunt activas. — Bacon, Novum Organon, i. 24. § 1. Etymology, which investigates the origin of words and the laws of the transformation of languages, is a new science. It is scarcely thirty years since it became one of the sciences of observation ; and the good work it has since done has speedily won for it among the historical sciences a place which it can never lose. Before attaining its present precision, etymology — like every other science, and perhaps more than any other — passed through a long period of infancy, of uncertain groping and effort, during which it subsisted chiefly on arbitrary relations, superficial analogies, and fanciful combinations. 'One can scarcely imagine how arbitrary was the search for etymologies while it was solely an attempt to connect words at haphazard by their apparent resemblance, without any farther proof. The dreams of Plato's Cratylus, the absurd etymologies of Varro and Quinctilian, the philological fancies of Menage in the seventeenth century, are known to every one. There was no difficulty in con- necting jeiine with Jeune, for youth is the morning of life, and one rises fasting. Most frequently one word was derived from another of an entirely different form, and to fill up the gap between them, fictitious intermediates were invented. Thus Menage derived rat from the Latin mus ! " They must have said, first mus, then muratus, then ratus, then rat!' Nay, farther, they went so far as to suppose that an object could derive its name from a quality the opposite of that which that name denoted, because affirmation provokes negation, and so, . 'f b i. INTRODUCTION. for instance, they affirmed that lucus came from luoere, " quia non lucet."'^ At last, the dreams of etymologists became proverbial, and this branch of human knowledge fell into utterrtiost discredit. How then has this confused heap of erudite error given place to an established science of etymology? Simply by the discovery and application of the comparative method, the method of the natural sciences. * Com- parison is the chief instrument of science. Science is made up of general facts ; scientific knowledge is the formation of groups, the establishment of laws, consequently the separation of the general out of the particular. Now, if we would compel facts to surrender to us their inner meaning, we must draw them together, explain them by one another, in other words compare them. 'Every one knows something of the discoveries of comparative anatomy. We know how the study of the structure of animals, and the comparison of organs, whose infinite modifications form the diifer- entiae of class, order, genus, have revealed to us, so to speak, the plan of nature; have provided us with a solid foundation for our classifications.' ^ Just so with languages also : here also comparison is doubtless as ancient as observation; but there are two kinds of comparison, or rather, two degrees of comparison through which the mind must pass in succession. § 2. The first is hasty and superficial comparison, which was omni- potent in all physical sciences down to the end of the seventeenth century; it was satisfied with connecting beings or words by their superficial resemblances. Thus, naturalists called the dolphin and the whale fishes, by reason of their outer shape, their habits, their con- stant living in the sea; and etymologists derived the word par esse from the Greek irapfais ^, because of all words they knew this was the one most like the French word, and they concluded, without any further proof, that this was the origin of paresse : an easy proof indeed ! These arbitrary comparisons have been succeeded in our own days by thoughtful and methodical comparison, an exact and scientific method ; one not satisfied with outer resemblances or differences, but seeking by careful dissection to penetrate to the essence and inner- most analogies of things. The anatomist now studies the internal structure of the whale, and discerns that the conformation of its organs excludes it from the class of fishes, and places it among the mammals. And the philologist, instead of studying the mere outside of words, dissects them into their elements, their letters ; observes their origin, and the way in which they are transformed. ^ M. Reville, Les ancetres des europeens. * E. Soberer, Etudes d'histoire et de critique, ^ See below, § 21. H PHONETICS. iii " It is by a strict application of this new method, by following facts instead of trying to lead them, that modern philology has proved that language is developed according to invariable laws, and follows in its transformations certain necessary rules. This book will lay out the principal characteristics of this natural history of language: it will be found that they furnish the ety- mologist with unexpected help, and are a valuable instrument, a powerful microscope for the observation of the most delicate phenomena. § 3. The instruments of observation are three in number : Pho- netics, History, Comparis.on. CHAPTER I. Phonetics. B § 4. Take any Latin letter, and ask what it has become in French you will soon see that the transition has followed a regular course, or, in other words, that each Latin letter passes into French in an invariable way : thus e long usually becomes oi : as me, moi ; regem, roi; legem, loi; te, toi ; se, sot; tela, toile ; velum, voile: ea be- comes che ; caballus, cheval ; ea^inus, chemin ; canile, chenil : o becomes ou ; tormentum, tourment ; vos, vous ; nos, nous ; sori- cem, souris ; &c. We give the name of Phonetics ^ to the collection of these laws of transformation. The bearings of this discovery are plain enough ; these laws of transformation once observed for each letter are a guiding line in investigation, and stop us if we are on a wrong track ; if the derivation does not satisfy the conditions of phonetic change, it is null and void. Thus then the knowledge of the sum total of these transformations from Latin to French letters^ is the first condition which must be fulfilled if we would busy ourselves with etymology. If any one thinks this preparatory study too minute or needless, we would remind him that anatomy observes and describes muscles, nerves, vessels, with most minute detail : this vast collection of facts may seem dry and tiresome ; but yet, even as comparative anatomy is the basis of all physiology, so is the exact knowledge of phonetics the starting-point for all etymology ; from it alone the science gets its character of solidity and exactitude. § 5. We may then state this new principle as follows : — every ety- mology which does not, according to the rules of permutation laid down by phonetics, account for every letter kept, changed, or dropped, must be set aside as worthless. See below, § 37. ' Ibid. §§ 46, sqq. b2 Iv INTRODUCTION. Taking this principle as our guide, let us look, for example, for the derivation of the word iai'/ue. One sees at once that the letters if represent the Latin ct, as is found \Xi fait from factus; lait from lactem ; fruit from fructus, &c. Thus then the first part of the word will answer to a Latin form lact ; what is the origin of the suffix -ue ? Now we can prove that this suffix comes from the Latin suffix -uca \ as in verr-ue, verr-uca ; charr-ue^ carr-uca, &c. Hence we arrive at the form lactuca, the actual Latin name for a lettuce. Thus it is seen that the search for etymologies corresponds to researches in chemical analysis. When a substance is put into the crucible and reduced into its elements, the chemist ought to find those elements equivalent in weight to the original substance : in this case the elements are the letters, and the analysis, that is, the etymology, is uncertain until all the elements are accounted for . j^ § 6. To sum up ; etymological research is subjected to two laws : (i) No etymology is admissible unless it accounts for every one of the letters of the word which it professes to explain; (2) In every etymo- logy which involves a change of letters we must be able to produce at least one example of a change thoroughly like the one suggested ; otherwise, so long as no such example can be adduced, the attempted etymology is valueless. D CHAPTER n. History. § 7. Every Latin word has undergone two successive changes in its descent to modern times : it has passed out of Latin into Old French, out of Old French into Modern French : festa became first feste, then fite. In searching for the origin of a French word it would be a great mistake to speculate on it in its present condition, and to leap at one bound back to the Latin : we ought first to enquire whether any intgr- ni^ediateiprms exist in Old French which illustrate the transition and mark the patH thirougli which the Latin word has passed down to the present time. These intermediate steps lead us up to the point of departure, and enable us to see with greater distinctness, and even sometimes to discover without any further investigation, the original word from which our French word is derived. One example will explain clearly enough the difference which sepa- rates the old from the new etymological method: formerly etymo- logists were much divided in opinion as to the origin of the word dme : some, thinking only of the sense, derived the word from the * See below, § 237. HISTORY. V Latin anima, without being able to explain how the transformation was accomplished ; others, thinking this transformation from anima to dme too harsh, derived it from the Gothic ahnia (breath). The dispute would have still been unsettled had not modern philo- logy intervened with the solution of the problem in its hand. Substi- tuting for imagination the observation of facts, modern philologers laid it down that it is absurd to debate for ever over a word in its present form, without troubling oneself with the changes it has under- gone since the first beginning of the language ; and so, reconstructing the history of this word by means of the study of early texts, they have shewn that in the thirteenth c^ntury,it was written ^^a^^ in the de^yenth aneme, in'lhe~tenth anime, a form which leads directly back to anima. " ' ~ We can avoid mistakes only by observing step by step all the intermediate forms, so as to study the gradual transformation of the Latin word ; but even so, we ought to distinguish between two kinds of intermediates, those of the old and those of the new philological school. The first assumed at a venture a very dissimilar word as the origin of the word under enquiry, and then, in order to connect the two extremes, invented fictitious intermediates, which thus led them on to the point they wished to reach. Manage, for example, thought he found the origin of the word haricot in the Latin faba ; and, to fill up the blank between, he added, 'People must have said faba, then fabaricus, then fabaricotus, arieotus, haricot.' It is like a dream, to listen to such lucubrations : they more than justified the laughter of the wits, * Alfana ^ vient ^equus sans doute, Mais il faut convenir aussi Qu'a venir de la jusqu'ici, II a bien change sur la route.' ^ § 8. But the intermediates which modern etymology demands are of a different kind : the science now no longer asks what people ought to have said, but what they did say. No more fanciful intermediates, invented as they were wanted : It is enough to trace the word through French texts from the nineteenth to the tenth century. Modern etymology notes the first appearance of words, and observes their changes age by age ; nothing is left to conjecture or invention. And this exact observation is a preliminary but indispensable portion of every etymological investigation: before passing on to the analysis of a French word in its present state, one must try to find as many examples as possible of the word in Old French. ^ Alfana is the name given by Ariosto to the steed of Gradasso. Menage derives it from equus. ^ The epigram is by the Chevalier d'Aceilly. vi INTRODUCTION. Thus, instead of inventing an arbitrary series of intermediates, we must collect under each word a series of examples taken from actual documents, running back to the very origin of the French language. These landmarks once established, we must go on to discover the etymology, starting from the word as it stood at the very birthplace of the language. Thus then the comparison of Old French with Modern French — two successive states, in fact, of one language— is absolutely indispens- able. How much better do we understand that modulare is the parent of motiler, when we see the intermediate steps— the Merovingian Latin modlare, the old French modler of the eleventh century, molle of the twelfth. This word becomes mouler by the same change of ol into ou, which we find in fou from fol, cou from col, &c.^ We need not have any doubts as to the meaning of the word ddur/^oriQ who will no longer let himself be deceived {leurre), — when we have before us the old form deleurre. In many cases we have lost the primitive form in use in Old French, and have retained the diminutive, as alouelte, moiiette, belette, whose primitives aloue, moue, bele, are gone. We have no longer the old verbs lentir, freindre, penttr, oeuvrer, ver- gonder, bouter ; but we have their compounds, retentir, enfreindre, repent ir, de'soeuvrer, devergonde\ de'bouti : and it is important that the etymologist should know all these forms, as, before we find the origin of a word, we are bound to reduce it to its simplest form.^ CHAPTER m. Comparison. § 9. When popular Latin gave birth to the French, it created four other sister languages, formed, like the French, with amazing regu- ^ The chief reason why the French language is so perfect a model for etymological study lies in the fact that these intermediary forms have an ascertained existence. We learn from this birth and this development of the French language, — in a historical age, well-known to us, — how such languages as Latin and Greek (which are known only in their full age) came first into being. This enquiry into the development of languages, through the study of the French tongue, in which all the conditions re- quired by the philologer are to be found, answers to the process in chemistry which is styled ' une experience en 'vase close.'' ^ Other examples of primitives lost in Modern French, but retained solely in their derivatives, are to be seen under the words — accabler, beani, compagnon, corset, criance, dernier, doleance, effroi, emoi, engeance, finance, galant, herboriste, issue, laitance, mechant, mecreant, nuance, outrecuidance, sure an, &c. COMPARISON. vii larity and similarity — the Proven9al, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese ;Mj or, as the Germans would say, the Romance languages. Consequently, uf we must use comparison between the Romance forms and the French, as a touchstone by which to verify and confirm our hypo- theses. We have, for instance, just shewn that laitue answers letter for letter to lactuca. If this etymology is correct, the Italian lattuga, the Spanish lechuga, must also come from the same word, their sense being also the same. Hence we may gather that the ItaUan // and the Spanish ch, came from the Latin ci, thus : — Italian : noile from noctem ; otto, octo ; biscotto, biscoctus ; tratto, tractus ; &c. ; — whence lattuga = lactuca. Spanish: noche from nocteia ; oc/io, octo; discocho, hiacoctus; irecho, tractus ; &c. ; — whence lechuga = lactuca. Thus one sees how a comparison of the Romance languages with the French confirms our'"pm[immary observations and verifies our hypotheses. These comparisons have a farther use : they often shew us the route we may follow. Between the Latin and the French the Romance tongues stand in the same relation of space as Old French does in relation of time : router seems less distant from rotulare when the gap is filled up by the Proven9al rolar (early Prov. rotlar) and Italian rotolare. Chou is directly related to caulis, through old French chol, Spanish col, Proven9al caul : between coude and cubitus, we find the Proven9al code, the old Spanish cohdo, the Italian cubito. The stages between nourrir and nutrire are filled up when one has passed through the three steps of Proven9al norrir, Catalan nudrir, Italian nutrire. If, on the other hand, we study the chronological sequence of the transformations of nutrire into the French language, we shall see that the word was nudrire in Merovingian Latin, nodrir in the eleventh century, norrir in the twelfth, nourrir in the thirteenth : and thence we may conclude that it is a natural law of such develop- ments, that the Romance languages off"er simultaneously to our sight, and, as it were, in living examples, the same series of linguistic degra- dations and dead forms that the French language sets before us at different periods in its history : just as the globe shews us in different parts the successive formations on its surface, while at the same time we have those same beds ranged one under another in a vertical series.-^ § 10. By the side of thesejour Romance languages, the great divi- sions of the Latin tongue, we have '"patois,'^vhich"are secondary divi- ^ Other examples of the value of the comparison of Romance forms for French etymology may be found under the words courroucer, guere, pouj tuer^ tuyaUj &c. ^ viii INTRODUCTION. / sions under each language. We have shewn elsewhere ^ that at first there was no one literary language in France ; that, in the different districts, the Latin was broken up into a like number of dialects — Norman, Burgundian, Picard, French (i.e. the dialect of the inhabit- ants of the He de France). We know by what succession of political events, by the conquests of the Dukes of France, and the successive augmentation of the royal domain, three of these dialects were ab- sorbed at last in the fourth, the French, which, as it rose to the rank of the one literary language, depressed the others into patois, at this day slowly dying out in the country districts. These patois are not, as is commonly thought, literary French corrupted in the mouth of peasants, but they are the remains of ancient provincial dialects, which, thanks to political events, have fallen from the position of official and literary languages to that of simple patois.^ The history of patois shews us their importance in the study of French etymology. Side by side with the fo ur Romance languag es, which form as it were four distinct colours, lie patois, filling up the intermediate spaces, and providing us with all the secondary and intermediate stages : thus regarded they throw a very strong light on many words. The bivalve shell, called in Latin musculus, is moule in French. How can we connect these words together, without passing through the Norman patois moucle, then the Languedoc mouscle, which form the inter- mediate links ? One can understand th^l/resaie and praesaga are the same word by seeing the forms presaie in Poitou, and bresague in Gascony.^ Even exceptions or corruptions of language often find their expla- nation in patois. At the outset it would seem very strange that the Old French ombril (the navel),* from umbilicus, should have become novibril in or about the fifteenth century. But if we consider that the Old' French aim (a hook), from hamus, has become naim in the modern patois of Touraine, by an euphonic corruption of un-aim, into un naim, whence h naim, we shall find that we have a clear instance of the process which has converted un-ombril into un nombril, le nombril. ^ 111 the Historical Grammar of the French 7ongue,-p. i8, sqq. English translation. ^ In the same way the Tuscan obtained the supremacy over all the other Italian dialects (the Milanese, Venetian, Neapolitan, Sicilian), which dropped into the position of patois; and in Spain also, the Navarrois, Andalusian, &c., gave place to the Castilian dialect, which became the literary language of the whole country. ^ For other examples of the value of patois in etymological research, see under the words coulis, godet, levis, nombril, &c. * Ombril is the form used in Froissart (?) VARIATIONS OF MEANING. ix Thus one sees what manner of help etymology may expect to get from the comparative study of patois. The li nguist can. .also, verify this fact, which appears in all the Romance languages : in them, as also in the patois, the Latin tongue becomes more dull and contracted the farther itjs removed in space from Latimn. And thus the progress of the Latin word is a kind of sensitive thermometer, which falls lower and lower as we^g^o^ northwards, by a series of slow and insensible degrees, not by a sudden leap or instantaneous change. CHAPTER IV. Variations of Meaning. § 11. Of the two elements which compose a word, its form and meaning, we have now considered the first, its form, ' in space and time,' as philosophers say — in space by means of Phonetics and Com- parison, in time by me ans of ..Hkt_Qry_._ But the knowledge of the history and changes of meaning in words is an indispensable instru- merifnT'the study of forms. In this branch of the subject we may study the history of the meaning either by following the changes in its own language, or by instituting a comparison, setting the word side by side with words of the same signification in other languages. § 12. History of Meaning. — If we compare a number of French words with the Latin words whence they have sprung, we soon see that most of them have changed in meaning as they have passed from Latin to French, and have not retained their original intensity aiiH i power. Sometimes the meaning is wider : carpentarius (a wheel- 1 Wright) becomes charpentier (a carpenter); caballus (a nag) has risen J to nobility in cheval ; minare (to guide a cart, or a flock) is menerl^ (to lead generally) ; villa ( = a farmstead, and then = a hamlet) be-j comes ville, a town.^ In other cases the sense is narrowed : passing \ from general to particular — ^jumentum (every kind of beast of burden) | becomes jument (a mare) ; peregrinus (properly a stranger, one who i travels) is restricted in pelerin to travellers to the Holy Land^ or ^ For other examples of expansion of sense see the words abonder, abon- ner, acerer, accorder, accoster, agneau, alarme, alerte^ alter, arri-ver, bdtard, beugler, boucher, bourg, corbeille, corneille, &c. ^ The Latin peregrinus (found in the form pelegrinus as e&rly as in the Inscriptions) had already taken the sense of 'pilgrim' in Low Latin. Thus Mapes, De Nugis Curialium, i. i8, has 'Miles quidam, a pago Bur- gundiae .... venit Jerusalem peregrinus.' It X INTRODUCTION. some other holy place; arista (fish-bone or ear of corn) has lost its second meaning in ar^fe (a fish-bone); carruca (a chariot) be- comes an agricultural cart in charrue} Sometimes the abstract Latin word becomes concrete in French : as punctionem (the act of pricking), tonsionem (the act of clipping), morsus (the act of biting), become poin^otiy lotson, mors (used of horses' bites) : similarly nutritionem is the act of nourishing, and becomes nourrisson, one who nourishes.^ Sometimes, on the other hand, a Latin concrete word becomes abstract or metaphorical in French : thus ovicula (a sheep) has pro- duced the word ouailles, which in French ecclesiastical speech is used of the flock of a spiritual pastor.^ It is clear that the French lan- guage, having before it the many rich and slightly different senses of the Latin word, takes one of its facets, regards it as if it were the only one, and thus givesTTrth to the modern signification. § 13. But these changes of meaning do not merely take place in the passage from Latin to French : * Consuetudo loquendi est in motu,' says Varro (De Ling. Lat. ix. 17); and if we were to confine our- selves to observing the history of the French tongue from the eleventh century to the present time, we should find, even in the heart of the language, many words whose sense has grown or shrunk as they have passed from Old to Modern French. Words formerly used in a noble or refined sense have fallen into the humblest and meanest condi- tion : thus pectus (the breast) kept its original sense when it passed into Old French ; and pis (from pectus, like lit from lectum, co7tfit from confectum) meant at first the breast or chest ; in feudal speech a man was said, in taking an oath, ' mettre la main au pis,' to lay his hand on his breast. The word has gradually been restricted and lowered to its present meaning. Mutare has become muer (so remutare, commutare are remuer, commuer). Muer, which had at first retained the whole energy of the Latin word (so Froissart says : * les dieux et les deesses muoient les hommes en bestes * '), presently was restricted to the moulting of ' For other examples of restriction of sense see the words ame, ampoule, ancetre, andouitle, apothicaire, appeau, arche, billon, bdilan, botteux, brosse, brouette, couper, &C. ^ For other examples see ablette, accessit, accoucher, aleruin, ambe, amble, angelique, armee, artillerie, braire, cannelle, corset, defense, dejeuner, diner, ecluse, engin, fort, habit, hiver, jour, maison, meute, mallet, poison, printemps, quaterne, rouget, serre, su(;on, temoin, tenue, terne. ' For pther examples see barreau, cbambre, chancellerie, &c. * Voltaire has still preserved this etymological signification in the lines ' Qui de Meduse eut vu jadis la tete Etait en roc mue soudainement.' HISTORY OF MEANING. xi birds, the skin-shedding of certain beasts; — labourer (laborare, to work) was restricted quite late to the sense of turning the soil. Oresme, in the fourteenth century, in translating the Ethics of Aristotle, says : * Les excellens medecins laboiirent moult a avoir cognoissance des choses du corps.' Mardtre (from matraster) meant only 'mother-in-law', or 'step-mother'; it later took the sense of a ' harsh and cruel step-mother.' Pre'au (from pratellum, Yikefleau from'\ flagellum) is literally a ' little meadow,' and kept this sense in old I French; later ^ it was restricted to the meaning, a ' little meadow behind j a prison,' where the prisoners take their exercise ; thence, the prison- \ court.^ By the side of these narrowings and diminutions of meaning [ we must notice some cases in which it is extended and enlarged.^ Many \ terms of trade, or technical and special words, have thus entered into general use : and this has been specially the case with hunting terms. Attraper was at first ' to catch in a trap' ; leurrer to ' call in the falcon with the lure'; — one who refuses to be deceived by the lure is a de'leurre {p\d form of the modern deliire). When a falcon was caught after his second moulting season, he was hard to tame, and fierce, or» as the falconers said, hagard ; whence Fr. hagard, Eng. haggard, came to have the sense of wild, then wan and wasted. But when the bird was taken from the nest, it was called mats (nidacem from nidus) and the weakness of young falcons gave the word nzais, niaiserie, to express the simpleness and awkwardness of young people who ' are scarcely out of their nest.' Another term of falconry is the expression des siller les yeiix (formerly de'ciller). It was usual to sew up the eyes of falcons to tame them, an operation expressed by the word ciller : when the bird was tame enough, they re-opened its eyes {de'ciller^ by cutting the thread which sewed together the eyelids {cils)} It was, similarly, very natural that man should give to the machines invented by him in order to economise his energy, or to -augment the effect of his work, the names of beasts of burden or of other animals which paid him service, or interested him by some fanciful analogy. Thus the Latin aries is a ram, a buttress, and a war-engine ; capre- ^ Marot, iii. 308 (sixteenth century), writes — 'Bientost apres, allans d'accord tous quatre Par les preaux toujours herbus s'esbattre.' ^ For examples see atterrer, dais, depit, ennui, etonner, fer, froisser, gene, granjelle, manant, &c. J For examples see arri'ver, aubaine, avanie, banal, banlieue, boucher, debardeur, &c. * For other examples see abois, ackarner, agacer, aburir, aigrette, ama- doner, ameuter (?), appas, bejaune, beugler, blottir, boucher, braconnier, brisees, brouter, bute, butor, curee, emerillonne , enjoleur, /ureter, herisser, bobereaux, ruser, sacre, taniere, trace, &c. xu INTRODUCTION. olus has the two meanings of a chamois and of stays ; corvus is a raven, a grappling-hook, and a crane, &c. Similarly, the French language gives this kind of double meaning to several words : thus mouton is a wether and a rammer; corbeau, a raven and a corbel; grue, a crane and the engine which bears the same name ; b^lier, a ram and an engine of war ; chevre, a goat and a crab ; chevron, a kid and a rafter. In many cases the earlier sense, that of the animal, has disappeared from Modern French, and that of the implement has survived alone : thus poutre, a beam, signifies also a mare in Old French : * De toutes parts les poutres hennissantes,' says Ronsard (sixteenth century). This word, originally poltre, Italian poledro, comes from the Latin puUetrmn, a derivation of puUus, a foal, and found in the Germanic laws; thus in the Lex Salica, tit. xl. (sixth century), we read ' Si quis pulletrum furaverit.* Again, just as equuleus signifies a young horse, and a block, and the French chevalet is a little horse and a buttress, so poutre passed from the sense of a mare to that of a beam by the application of that well- known metaphor which likens a supporting piece of wood to an animal which bears up a burden.^ So also land and water transport are assimilated, sea-terms being applied to land journeys : thus debarcadere, derived from debarquer, to disembark, is used for the terminus of a road or railroad ; the platform of a station is called quai, a wharf: some kinds of omnibus are called gondoles or galeres ; coche signifies first a barge for travelling, then a coach; from caboter to coast from port to port comes cabotin, a strolling player who goes from town to town, &c.^ § 14. To complete this series we must quote some very singular meta- phors which come from the vulgar Latin, and prove what a ^eat part the common_jpeople took in the formation-Qf^the Frendf language": from testa (a brokehvessel), gurges (a gulf),b6tellus (aTpudding), pellis (a fur hide), come the French tete, gorge, boyau, peau ; and the classical words caput, guttur, intestinum, cutis, are set aside. The French tongue adopted these metaphors from the vulgar Latin : testa means a *skuir in Ausonius, botellus an 'intestine' in Tertullian. These fanciful metaphors of the Roman common folk are not at all as- tonishing, if one remembers that in French slang a head is likened to a ball, the legs to skittles, the hand to pincers, &c. By the side of these metaphors, sprung from the Latin and transmitted thence to the French, there are a great number of native growth, and charming in their simplicity : thus the people have given the name of bergeron- nette ( = petite bergere, little shepherdess) to the wagtail, a meadow- loving bird; the bouvreuil (bovariolus from bovarius, = a little * For other examples see demoiselle, grue, &c. ^ For other examples see canard, &c. COMPARISON OF MEANING. xiii bouvier, or neat-herd) is the bullfinch, a bird which follows the herds, and Hngers about in their neighbourhood. § 15. Comparison of Meaning. — What we have already said is enough to shew how much more difficult it is to study the mean- ings than the forms of words. In dealing with the latter we have simply to deal with regular and observable changes. Climate and race have given to each of the peoples of Gaul, Italy, and Spain, a vocal apparatus differing in certain inflexions of pronunciation ; and according to these, the Latin language has been transformed with an unchanging regularity into three diflferent languages. This part of philology, styled Phonetics, is in reality a part of Natural History, for it depends, after all, on the physical conditions special to certain families of languages and peoples. In fact it is as much dependent on material conditions as the study of meanings is in- dependent of them. While the study of form can only have in view a single group or family of languages of common origin, the study of meanings attacks all languages alike, observes in all the progress of the human mind, and passes out of the domain of natural sciences into that of psychology : etymology draws largely on this comparison ) of metaphors which explain and cdhfirm the derivations suggested \ for certain words, even when we cannot give a full explanation \ of them. Thus, it is curious that popular language should have I called a certain bird (the wren) roitelei [= peiii roi, kinglet); but the ^ etymology becomes absolutely certain if we compare the Latin, Greek, German, Dutch, Swedish, Spanish, and Portuguese, and find the same metaphor in all.^ This coincidence does not indeed explain_the_cause A^ of the name^, but it proverifs~exrstence,"ahd"the correctness of the derivatlonr ""It makes it easier to understand that the Latin causa became chose, when one notices that the German <^ac^e has the meaning of both these words. We are certain that chardonnet, the goldfinch, means the bird which feeds on the grains of the thistle, chardon, when we see that in Latin the bird is called carduelis, from carduus, and in Greek aKavQX's, from uKavdos, in German 2)iftelfitif, the * thistle-finch,' in Dutch distelvink, in Italian cardellino, from cardo^ a thistle. We have just said that bouvreuil (from bovariolus, diminutive ^ The wren, roitelet, is in all the following languages called by names which are connected with the word which signifies a king in each case : Latin, regulus, from regem ; Greek, ^aaCKiaKos, from IBaatXevs ; in Ger- rnan, 3*iunfonig (the ' hedge king ') ; in Dutch, Winter koningje (the ' winter- king'); fti Swedish, fugl-konung, and in DdLvash, fugl-konge (the 'bird- king') ; in Spanish, reyezuelo, from rey ; in Portuguese, reisete, from rei. ^ The origin of this metaphor must be looked for in the legends of the I Indo-Germanic races, under the guidance of the principles of comparative ^ ' mythology. xiv INTRODUCTION. of bovariuB, a neat-herd) signifies a little neat-herd ; its English name bullfinch, and one of its Gefman names, !i8u(lenkipcr (the bull-biter '), join in confirming this derivation. Contree comes from Low Latin contrata ( = the land stretched out before one), and contrata comes from contra : here the German ©cgenb from the prep, gccjen ( = over against) explains and confirms the derivation. DejeUner (to break one's fast) from jeilner (like defaire, horn /cure), is used of the morning meal, just like the English breakfast, which means exactly the same thing. Corset is a diminution of corps'^, a little body — a metaphor confirmed by other like expressions, as the German HJeibcfcen (Ceib^, a body); English boddice, from body, Italian cor petto {corpo, a body). It seems quite natural that habitus, which signifies an habitual manner of being, should become in French habit, dress, when we see that the Greek (txw^^ ^^^d the Italian costuma have the same double sense of manner of being, habit and clothing. It is by making a delicate and careful comparison of the operations of the human mind that the etymologist is enabled to explain the origin of all such metaphors, which spring either from caprice, or the imagina- tion of the people.^ CHAPTER V. Conclusion. § 16. By shewing that words have growth and history, and that, like plants or animals, they pass through regular transformations — in shewing in a word that, here as elsewhere, law rules, and that it is possible to lay down strict laws by which one language is derived from another — modern philologers have established the firm basis of comparative etymology, and have made a science of that which I seemed doomed to abide in the region of imagination and individual caprice. ^ Originally written cors ; the p was added by the learned after the fourteenth century. At first the word corset was not used, but corps (the corset being regarded as the body of the skirt) : and in the eighteenth century, Rousseau found fault with the tightness of ladies' corps. Corset simply means a ' little body.' ^ We must not imagine from instances like this that the German language has taught the French its method of procedure : the resemblance springs from the identity of the operations of the human mind in general, and is not transmitted from language to language. ^ For other examples of the value of this comparison of meaning in other languages see arborer, helette, belier, berner^ blaireau, ble, boucher, bourdon, brocket, broder, cabus, chardonnet, &c. CONCLUSIVE REMARKS. xv Of old, etymology tried to explain a priori the origin of words according to their apparent likenesses^ or differences^ : modern ety- mology, applying the method of the natural sciences, holds that words ought to explain themselves, and that, instead of inventing systems, we ought to observe facts, by the help of three instruments; (i) the History of the word, which by regular transitions leads us up to the derivation we are seeking, or, at any rate, brings us nearer to it; (2) Phonetics^ which gives us the rules of transition from one language to another, rules to which we must submit blindly, or we shall lose our way; (3) Comparison, which assures and confirms the results arrived at. To the fantastic aberrations of learned men of old is due the discredit into which etymology had sunk ; but it is by the strict application of this method and these principles that comparative etymology has risen in our days to the dignity of a science. ^ For example, the etymologists of the seventeenth century deduced me, te, se, njos, nos, tres, heur, from the Latin me, te, se, vos, nos, tres, hora, without any suspicion that these words, which have certainly produced moi, tdi, soi, 'vous, nous, trots, heure, could not possibly have produced any- thing else. They similarly deduced boucher from bouche (as being the man who caters for the mouth), while the history of this word shews that it means the man who kills the houc or buck ; they derived cordonnier from cordon, forcene from force, while the Old French forms cordouanier and forsene prove at once that such derivations are impossible ; similarly they connected ecuyer and ecurie with the Latin equus, which has in reality no relation whatever to either of them. We may, in fact, always to lay down as an invariable axiom in etymology the principle that * t ^ ft) ie (from the 9th cent, as pied). i in the 3rd century before ^ ^ gutturals, &c., as ligit, ;5 p- midium, &c.) 5 3 / (from the 8th century ; as //V, mi^ dix^ &c.). IL— B. § 59. E is found to have taken the i form in early common Latin documents ; and Inscriptions of as early a date as the second century (see Schuchardt, i. 104) are full of such forms as mercidem, dibet, virus, cadire, capire, tradire. This i must have had a sound inter- mediate between closed / and pure i (perhaps one something like that of the French ei in veille), for it has taken two different French sounds, as i on the one side (mercedem, mercidem, merci) and as ei on the other side, whence comes the oi of Modern French (thus verum. Low Lat. virum. Old Fr. veir, Mod. Fr. voir). We must consider these two developments of the Latin e in detail, and trace the path by which they have at last arrived at two such very different results. § 60. To clear the way ^, let us begin by at once making out a list of the words which have sharpened into a pure i the natural tendency of the Latin e to become i in Merovingian days : e became i before a simple consonant (except the nasals) in the following words : mercedem, merci; cera, cire ; berbecem, brebis ; presus *, pris ; pagesis *, pays ; marchesis *, marquis ; and sometimes even before a ^ In a very few instances, and before /, n only, e continues unchanged : strena, etrenne; candela, chandelle; crudelis, cruel. All other cases of the continuance of the e, such as severus, se'vere; extradere, extrader^ are cases of learned words. THE VOWELS. Ivii nasal, as in venenum, venin ; saracenus, sarrasin ; racemus, raisin ; pullicenum, poussin ; pergamemum., parchemin ^. § 61. Before the nasal consonants, e, after becoming ?', is developed into ei; just as before the nasals a becomes ai (§ 54). This e, which became ei before a nasal at the very origin of the French language, was accentuated on the former vowel, and was pronounced sonorously, like the /?' in Ital. ///. In the eleventh century we find in the Oxford Psalter (of which we have already spoken in § 56) the forms con- se'il, ceint, vie'il, veine ; and, in the sixteenth century, Palsgrave gives us the true pronunciation of ei in his * Example howe prose shulde be sounded' (Book i. p. 57). There he writes the phrase conseil de la souverdyne, by the phonetic forms ' counsey de la sovuerdyne! After the sixteenth century ^i was flattened into ei, then into /: thus vena was vina in Merovingian Latin, veine in the eleventh century, veine in the sixteenth, and now is pronounced vene, though still written veine, a form which remains as an orthographic indication of the old pronunciation which has gone. The like change is to be found in serena, sereine ; verbena, verveine ; balena, baleine ; ren, rein; plenum, plein ; frenum, frein ^ / and in some cases this ei has dropt to oi, as avena, O. Fr. aveine, Mod. Fr. avoine ; fenum, O. Fr. fein, now foin ; and indeed the process has gone yet further, and has reached to ai, as terrenum, terrain ^. § 62. Before a simple consonant (except the nasals) e becomes oi, in : habere, avoir ; sapere, savoir ; debere, devoir ; sedere, seoir ; raesiB'^ , mois ; hourgesia* , bourgeois ; regem., roi ; legem., loi; serus, soir ; verus, voir; heres, hoir ; me, mot; te, loi; se, soi; tres, trois ; tela, toile ; velum, voile ; in which words oi is pronounced as French oua : in a few other cases oi has gone and is replaced by ai : thus theca, O. Fr. loie, taie ; creta, O. Fr. croie, craie ; alnetum, O. Fr. Aunoi, Aunay ; franeesis *, O. Fr. Frangois, Frangais. But hitherto we have only stated the mechanical facts of these changes; we must also describe their history, and point out (i) how e becomes oi ; (2) how, and in what cases 02' becomes ai. § 63. How e becomes oi, and then ai. We have seen already (§ 60) that before nasal consonants the classical Latin e becomes i in Merovingian Latin, then a sonorous ^ For the nasal sound of i in in, see § 73. 2 Notice that ei is sounded like e when n has continued to be sounded, as in sereine, •veine; while it takes the nasal sound of in in words of a masculine termination, such as frein, plein, whose ein is sounded exactly like the in of -venin, raisin : for this nasalisation, see § 73. ^ In the body of the Dictionary will be found the explanation of the two exceptions, remus, rame ; sebum, suif. Iviii INTRODUCTION. ei in the oldest French monuments, then was stopped in its progress, and was flattened to I. Before all other consonants, on the contrary, this development was not so suddenly arrested : thus debere, francesis, become successively debire, francisis (seventh century), deveir, fran^e'is (tenth century). At the end of the tenth century this sonorous // became a sonorous Si'^, and we get devoir ^ frangSis. By the end of the twelfth century this sonorous 6i is softened into a sonorous 6e : just as the Latin foidere, Coilius became foedere, Coelius, so devSir, frangois changed their pronunciation and became devSer, frangSes. But it may be noticed that at the end of the twelfth century it was a characteristic and uniform mark of French vocalisation, that it weakened all the strong diphthongs, and that the accent passed from the first vowel of the diphthong to the second : then devoer, frangSes became devoe'r, frangoe's. In this thirteenth- century pronunciation the modern pronunciation can already be recognised ; for Modern French has been formed by the simple change of the strong diphthong into a weak one. Let us now sum up this first period of the evolution of change by means of a table : — Classical Latin . . . . e 1 Merovingian Latin . 1 . . i 1 Tenth century . . . . ei 1 Before a.d. 1050 . . 1 . . oi 1 After A.D. 1050 . . I . . oe 1 Twelfth century . . 1^ . . oe From the fourteenth century onward a new evolution of oe' begins to take place, and this in two directions : (i) 0^' advances towards a more closed sound ; (2) towards a more open sound. 1. The closed sound. — Just as the Latin foem.ina, coelum, poena, coena, quickly took the weaker forms femina, eelum, pena, cena, so did the French 0/ in certain cases drop to the weaker e (between the thirteenth and the fifteenth century) : thus the pronunciation Frangois, Angloes^ dropped to the simple sound Frange's, Angle's. ^ By sonorous oi I mean the sound of oi in the English word 'voice (which is also the Italian and Greek oi) ; that is to say, a strong diphthong, accented on the first part, in contradistinction to the sound of the Modern French oi ( = Fr. oua), which is a weak diphthong, accented on the last vowel. THE VOWELS. lix This new sound is often, in documents before the seventeenth cen- tury, rendered by e, which is its proper symbol; but for the most part the Old French spelling in oi was kept, as in Frangois, Anglois, although it in no way answered to the pronunciation. In order to end this discrepancy between the sound and the spelling, Nicolas B^rain (a.d. i68i?), and after him Voltaire, proposed to represent by ai'^ the sound so ill represented by oi ; it would have been more logically proper had this sound, really an open e, been expressed by e ; but at was chosen, a symbol which simply still farther in- creases the orthographic difficulties of the French language. Adopted and pushed by Voltaire, the fashion of spelling in ai triumphed, and the French Academy adopted it authoritatively, to the exclusion oi 01, in the sixth edition of its Dictionary (a.d. 1835). II. The open sound. — In another direction, oe instead of becoming weaker constantly gathered strength. From 0^ in the fifteenth century it passed to the sound oue, transformed in the sixteenth by popular usage into oua. Palsgrave, in his specimens of French pronunciation (a.d. 1535), Book i. p. 61, gives us droit, vicioire, pronounced as droat, vicioare. Still this pronunciation of oi as oa, which was that of the Parisian citizens (as Henri Estienne tells us), was not at once adopted by the court and the literary circles : they retained the oue' sound for more than two centuries. Moli^re makes fun of the peasantry for saying oua for oi', and Louis XIV and Louis XV used to say un ouezeau (oiseau), la /oue {/oi), la hue {lot) : the oua sound did not triumph finally till the end of the eighteenth century. The ( stage stuck to oue up to the beginning of the present century ; and | Lafayette in 1830 pronounced le roi, le roue'. The oua sound, — which has two shades of pronunciation, oua when it stands at the end of a word, as /oua {/oi), loua {loi) ; and oa when the word has a final consonant which is sounded, as devoir, gloire, vidoire, — is then ex- pressed in French by oi, which is the eleventh century orthography. By this example may be seen how in certain cases orthography falls far behind the progress of pronunciation. § 64. The study of the history and developments of the Latin e will best be shewn by the following table : — ^ This ai at a later time became confounded with e, and finally sup- planted it, very wrongly; for the two symbols e and ai originally re- presented two entirely different sounds. C« w H O a PQ <1 O t— I o o o o INTRODUCTION. g w g « J^ 2 " -^ _•« a a o . r o o o o >. >» i c o i2 o r«5- i2 __.^^ <» 'W « Z O J2 H H •5 S .ti'^ O C 3 3 ir o fe o Cm w> > en w no .5 h So •£<5j5 THE VOWELS. Ixi III. — E in Position. § 65. E in Latin position (i. e. when it is followed in the Latin word by two consonants) always remains unchanged : as herba, her be ; testa, teie ; festa, fete ; fernim, /er ; inferniun, enfer ; hibemum, hiver^ ; except that before gutturals the e is 'iotacised,' or passes into the i form, under the usual influence (§ 58) of the guttural: and this either into /.' as pectus, />u/ lectum, lit ; confectum, confit ; sex, six ; despectum, de'pit ; or into ei, as sed'cim, tred'cim, seize, treize ; and later on this ei becomes oi, as tectum, toit ; cresco (by transposition crecso*), crois ; directiun (Low Lat. dirictum, drietum, O. Fr. dreii), droit ; and finally into ai, as in paresco (Low Lat. parisco, O. Fr. pareis, then parois), parais. For e becoming ei, oi, and ai, see §§ 61, 62, 63. § 66. E in French position (i. e. when followed in the later stages of transition by two consonants), as debita, deb'ta, dette. 1. e is treated as if it were not in position, and therefore it follows the course of e, which passes into ie (§ 56): as lep(6)rein, lievre ; ped(i)ca, /"/^"^ / tep(i)dus, tiede ; eb(u)luni, Jiieble, &c. ^ 2. e in position remains unchanged: as deb(i)ta, dette ; quadra- ges(i)ma, careme ; cler(i)cus, clerc, &c. And this may be thus expressed : — E in Latin position I -^ -1 before gutturals becomes continues as e, except Merovingian i, before gutturals ; as which passes into whence Fr. / ; 1 . ei ; as sed'cim, seize, as lectum., //'/. 2. oi; as tectum, toit, 3. ai; as -pareaco, parais. herba, berbe. ^ The only true exceptions are lucerna, lucarne, and lacerta, le%ard: in the Dictionary will be found the history of each of these exceptional forms. The change of e into a before r (as is also seen in per, par) follows a secondary law which is explained in my Memoire sur le changement de /'e latin en a, in the Memoires de la Societe de Linguistique, i. 418. In niece from neptia, tiers from tertius, the ie has been formed by the transposition of the i; as also in siecle, which is a bad and semi-learned form, as is shewn by the retention of the c ; seule would have been the good form of the word. ^ Merula, posterula, and asperagus*, have been treated as if they had an e in Latin position ; and have given rise to merle, poterne, asperge. Ixii INTRODUCTION. E in French position I ' 1 if e, if e, becomes ie ; as remains unchanged ; as lep(o)rein, lie'vre. dericus, clerc, § 67. General r^sumd of the passage of the Latin e into the French language : — I. e always becomes ie (except before gutturals, when it always becomes i). • 2. e becomes t, which sometimes, though very seldom, con- tinues as t ; but usually passes on to ei, oi, ai. 3. e in Latin position always remains unchanged (except before gutturals, when it becomes i)\ e in French position re- mains as ^, if long ; becomes zench before the eleventh century ; then into oi, as legem, ligem, le% hi. Similarly the Latin i, in Merovingian times, was sounded like ei, and written in Merovingian texts as e\ which simply became e'i in very early French, then 6i\ as fidem, Merovingian Latin fedem, O. Fr. fei, then foi. This remarkable parallel may be best seen by the following table :— Classical Latin e (legem). i (fidem.). Merov. Latin, i, pronounced 6i (ligem). e, pronounced 6i (fedem). French of the nth century . . . eiQei,fei). After that date oi (Jot, foi). ^ The forms vecem, bebere, fedem, menus, &c., for vicem, bibere, fidem, minus, &c., occur in Inscriptions of the times of the Empire: and this pronunciation of i as //', expressed by e, dates from very early times ; for we find in Varro ' Rustici nunc viam . . veham appellant.' THE VOWELS. Ixiii This change of i into ot through O. Fr. ei, is also to be found in pirum, poire ; pilum, poil ; picem, poix ; nigrum, noir ; minus, moins ; sit, soil ; &itim,soi/; Yisim.,voie; iidem., foi ; \yi\y've, boire ; pip'r, poivre ; Lig'rim, Loire ^ For details, and for the history of the passage from Old French ei into oi, see above, § 61. IL— I. § 69. i usually remains in French: as nidum, nid ; ripa, rive ; fvsMsm., fin ; vinum, 57z«/ ■gYYrQ.^x![n., prin (m prinie?nps) ; s\Q,si; vita, vie ; pica, />z"/, as molinum, moulin ; ire = ir, as audire, ouir ; itum = i, as maritum, mari ; ivum = ?/] as captivum, cMiif^. § 70. Before a consonant followed by ius (eus), ia, ium, this 1, whether long or short, usually remains: as filius, fil ; cilium, cil ; servitium, service ; — lineum, linge ; tibiam, tige ; simia, singe ; — familia famille; fili&,, fille ; linea, ligne ; vinea, vigne. In a few cases, however, this i passes into ei (pronounced like e, as we have seen in § 61): as consilium, conseil ; mirabilia, merveille ; nivea, neige ; tinea, teigne : insignia, enseigne : and this ei, pronounced as e, is met with in the latter form in vicia, vesce ; tristitia, tristesse ; laetitia, Hesse ; -j^i^vitiEi, par esse ^. The history of the passage of the Latin ~ and " into the French language may be shewn as follows : — ^ Sinus has stopped at sein, and vitrum at n^erre, because these monosyllables instinctively keep all the strength they can. The Dictionary explains how it is that sine has become sans : mine, ligo, plico, formed the regular O. Fr. moine, loie, ploie; and these again have been reformed in Modern French into mene, lie, plie. The only true exceptions are eicer, chiche ; librum, li-vre (but the quantity of librum was uncertain); other words, such as tigris, tigre, &c., are of learned origin. ^ Patrinum, parrain ; matrina, marraine, at first changed the i into ei (§ 70), whence O. Fr. parrein, marreine : for the change from ei to «i, see §§ 61, 62, 63. Glirem, loir; pisum, pois, have treated the i as if it were i : perhaps pois, which in regular course ought to have been pis, is so formed in order to escape from the confusion between pis from pectus, and pis from peius, and also pic from picus. Cer'voise does not come from cerevisia, but from cervisa. ^ See above, § 2. This change of i into e is also to be met with in vidua, vidva, vedva, 've've, 'vewve. Courroie, from corrigia, has treated the i as if it were i, see § 68. Ixiv INTRODUCTION. In Merovingian "I ' f^., ^ before ius, ia, before ius, ia, before any oth times J ® <^^®^®°^>' ium ium letter it remain always unchangi / ifds). in I oth century . ei {fe't) in nth century . oi (^foi) ' in nth century . 6e in 1 2th century . oe {foi) i (Jlle) sometimes becomes ei, as (^conseit), then e (tristesje). e one in 1 5th century, as njerre from O. Fr. | •voirre, vitrum. oua in i6th century. III. — I in Position. § 71. I in Latin position is changed to e in Merovingian Latin ^ : thus fermum, ceppum, mettere, for firmum, cippum, mittere, are found in Inscriptions ; and this e, pronounced et (see § 66), has produced two distinct French forms, according as it has preferred the open e sound, or the i sound. § 72. (i) The e sound. — This is the usual way in which i in position before all consonants, except the gutturals and nasals, is changed : as ilia, elle ; axilla, aisselle ; firm.uin, ferme ; siccum, sec ; missum, mets ; fissa, /esse ; arista, ar^ie ^ ; cippum, cep ; crista, cr^te; evisT^a, cre'pe^. ^ For details and history of the development of oi, see the table which gives the history of e, above, § 63. ^ i in position rarely remains unchanged; instances are ille, il ; villa, wl/e; mille, mil ; millia, milk ; missum, mis (but also mets) ; scriptum, ecrit. Such words as triste from tristis, argile from argilla, epitre from epistola, are learned or half-learned words. ^ Illos, capillos, ilicem, have formed, quite regularly, the O. Fr. els, chevels, yelce, whence, at a later time, by softening /into u (see § 157), came the Modern French eux, che^eux, yeux. Vierge, from virgo, is an ex- ception ; but in O. Fr. the correct form, virge, was in use. * In en, from inde, the word has taken the sound of an, a sound which appears orthographically in such words as langue, dans, sangle, tanche, ceans, dimanche, from the Latin lingua, &c. : these words were correctly written as lengue, dens, &c., in Old French. THE VOWELS. Ixv § 73. (ii). The ei sound, before nasals, whether they are (i) pure : as imprim(e)re, empreindre ; exprim(e)re, epreindre ; or (2) fortified by a guttural : as eing(e)re, ceindre ; exstingu(e)re, eieindre ; tin- g(e)re, teindre ; fmg(e)re, y^zWr^; T^in^{e)ve, peindre ; string(e)re, etreindre \ For the history of this ei sound, see § 61. § 74. Before pure gutturals i first becomes ei, which later passes into oi, and sometimes even into ai : as rig(i)dura, reide, roide, raide. For the history of ei, oi, and ai, see §§ 61, 62, 63. But i is not in all cases so fully developed ; in some words it even remains unchanged : as periculiim, /£7V// GlsL-vicvlo,, cheville ; lenticvUa,, leniille ; craticula, grille ; dictum, dit ; delictum, delii. Before gl, ch, i drops to ei : as apic(u)la, aheille ; somnic(u)lus, sommeil ; sicla*, seille ; vig(i)lo, veille ; triehila, ireille ; ovic(u)la, O. Fr. otieille, now ouaille. (For ei = ai, see § 61.) Axic(u)lum. and spic(u)lum made the O. Fr. aissieil, espieil, which, by the later soften- ing of I to u (§ 157), have produced essieu, e'pieu. It is only before c, g, followed by a dental, that the i is completely developed : thus strictus, digitus, rigidus, frigidum, explicitum, become O. Fr. estreit, deil, reide, freii, expleit, now elroit, doigt, roide, froid, exploit'^. .This oi (following the rule given in § 63) becomes ai in roide, raide ; but e in implicita, empleite *, emploiie *, now emplette. To sum up : — I in French position becomes e in Merovingian Latin, in nth century is open e before all consonants in i ith century is ei (sonorous) before except nasals and ^ j gutturals. I I nasals gutturals 12th cent. «■ nasal remains as « becomes oi in before/ 12th century before dentals. Why is constringere, contraindre, written with at f Vincire makes -vaincre, though O. Fr. t^eincre. Benignus, maUgnus, keep the i, as benin, malin : setng and daigne come, through O. Fr. sein, daingne, deingne, from signum, digno. Signum remains as sin in tocsin. The attraction of the i with gutturals is so strong that it makes itself lelt, even though a consonant be between it and the gutturals : thus discus, meniscus, theodiscus, become dicsus, menicsus, theodicsus, whence O. Fr. dets, meneis, tieis, then dots (now dais), menois, tiois. Ixri INTRODUCTION. History of O. I— O. § 75. 6 only continues unchanged in French in a very few cases ; that is, before the nasals : as sono, sonne ; bonus, bon ; sonum, son ; homo, on : this o, which was sonorous (like the Italian o) in the earliest French, becomes nasal (on) from the twelfth century.^ § 76. Before all other consonants 6 becomes a diphthong in French, in consequence of the necessity of strengthening the accented short vowels. In all the Romance tongues, except Portuguese, the Latin 6 becomes a diphthong by placing u before it, the vowel which comes next after it in the scale of vowels : just as e called in t to form t'e, so 6 attracted u, and formed the group ud, some traces of which are even to be found in popular Latin ^; it also has produced the Italian uo (novuni, It. nuovd). This uo was softened into ue in Spanish (novum, nuevo), and, still more, into eu in French (novum, neuf). But the remark made above, that the Romance tongues offer us in space the same phenomena as are presented by the French language in time, is here again shewn to be just; for the Latin 6 was uo in ninth-century French — the Hymn of St. Eulalia has buona ; in the eleventh century this uo had softened into ue : thus novum, proba *, were nuef, prueve in the Chanson de Roland. In the twelfth century the u dropped to o, the group ue became oe, whence noef, proeve ; this group, oe, in the thirteenth century takes the sound of the German d (as the rhymes of that age clearly shew). Now, this German '6 being expressed in French by eu, the oe group was transcribed into eu towards the end of the fourteenth century. It may be noticed that, here as elsewhere, orthography has taken two centuries to accommodate itself to pronunciation. Hence comes the modern orthography of noviim, neuf; novem, neuf; proba, preuve ; m.ovita*, meute ; volo, veux ; mola, meule ; Mesa, Meuse ; coquus, queux; dolium*, ^hMm., Jujuie ; or (2) has risen to the full ou sound: thus ^vpa-r], TTv^lda, KpvTrrr}, rvfi^os, which were byrsa, pjrxida, crypta, tumba*, in Latin; then bursa, buxida, crupta, tumba, in Mero- vingian Latin, and were treated as if formed with an original Latin u, so making quite regularly the forms dourse (§ 97), M/e (§ 100), gro//e (§ 97), fomde (§ 97) : or (3) il has followed the descending course, which is towards z (just as the German Milller becomes English miller^ and as the Latin maxumus passed first to maxumus, then to raaximus), as tympanum, timbre ; m.yrtus, O. Fr. mirie (the modern myrte is a classical reproduction). Similarly myxa became micsa, and was treated in French as if written with an original i ; whence come the two regular changes of micsa into misca (§170), then misca to mesche (§ 126), lastly vieche. CHAPTER IIL The Latin Diphthongs. § 102. Just as the tendency of the classical Latin was to soften the primitive diphthongs of the Indo-European language \ so it is the tendency of the popular Latin to reduce the diphthongs to simple vowels, which are then treated as such by the French tongue ^. L— AE. § 103. Ae appears about the time of the Gracchi as a degenerate form of the Old Latin ai (aidem, datai, then aedem, datae). Then in turn this diphthong, already half-gone, is reduced to the simple e sound, which must have taken place somewhat early, for Varro speaks of edus, Mesius, as a popular pronunciation for haedus, Maesius, and Lucilius ridicules the pronunciation Cecilius, pretor, instead of Caecilius, praetor. Still, except on the Graffiti, or wall- ' Of the six old Latin diphthongs, ai, ei, oi, au, eu, ou, classical Latin has reduced ei to 1, and ou to u ; has changed ai to ae, and oi into oe ; and only au and eu have remained untouched. "^ Common Latin reduced ae and oe to e, au to o, and retained only eu. Ixxviii INTRODUCTION. inscriptions of Pompeii, e for ae is rather rare in Inscriptions down to the third century ; after that time it becomes common in monuments and MSS. : as preda, prefectus, presens, Grecus, for praeda, &c. § 104. This ae has been treated, when in position, as a primitive e (see § 65), whence comes regularly praesto, pre'/. When not in position, the e which comes from ae is treated by the French language ( i ) sometimes as an e, whence in due form (§ 61) comes ei, then o/(§63): as balaena, balena, baleine ; praeda, preda, proie ; blaesus, blesus, blois ; or (2) as a e, whence, in due form (§56) the diphthong ie : as laeta, leta, lie ; quaerit, querit, quiert ; saeculum, sec'lum, siecle. But how has ae become eu, ieu, in hibreu (Old Fr. ibrieii), from Hebraeus ; Matthieu from Matthaeus, and Old Fr. cieu for caecus; grieu from Graecus ; Dieu^ Old Fr. Deu, from Deus .? This is a phonetic difficulty, which has as yet received no answer, and remains very obscure. The same is the case with the transformation of Judaeus into juif^ in which the d has become y (as in sitim, soif) : and here the change from ae to i cannot be explained, unless we suppose that it has taken place in the same way in which iniquus, concido, illido, requiro, have come from aequus, caedo, laedo, quaere. II.— OE. § 105. Just as the Old Latin ai became ae in classical times, and then e in popular Latin, so the archaic Latin oi (foidere, Coilius) is softened by the time of Plautus into oe (foedere, Coelius), which becomes e in late imperial times. By the third century a.d. it was difficult to distinguish between oe and e ^ : whence ae and oe, having alike become e, have been similarly treated : thus we have oi, foenum, (§ QQ),/oin ; ei in poena (which was poine in Old French, § 63), peine ; also e from foemina, femme ; and ie (§ 56) in coelum, tenth century eel (in St. Eulalia), del. III.— AU. § 106. Just as ai became ae, then e, so au becomes ao, then 0. This change is to be seen more than once in classical times ; as in Clodius for Claudius, oUa for aula, plostrum for plaustrum, ex- plode from plaudo, suffoco from fauces : it becomes common in the decadence of the Latin language : thus Festus says that in his days auricula, aurum were pronounced oricula,*orum by country people. In Merovingian documents the substitution of o for au is general. ^ When once ae and oe had both become e, an inextricable confusion sprang up in Latin orthography between them ; and thus we find coelum, poena, coena, wrongly written caelum, paena, caena. THE LATIN CONSONANTS. Ixxix § 107. Au always begins by becoming o in French : as aurum, or ; clausus, clos ; ausare*, oser ; causa, chose^. This o usually remains in Modern French^, except when followed by a consonant which disappears : in this case o becomes ou in Modern French : as in laudo, O. Fr. he, loue ; compare also aut, ou ; inrauco *, enroue. It is clear that we may not confound this ou from O. Fr. o, the ou which comes from the softening of / into u, as in caulis, O. Fr. chol, chou. § 108. Before a guttural (as auca), or in a proparoxyton word ending in ius, ia, ea, &c., au, after passing into o, follows the rule which we have noticed as holding invariably in this case (§§ 83, 84), and is iotacised into oi: as auca, oie^ ; nausea, noise '^ ; gaudium, joie ; Sabaudia, Savoie : a change which even reaches to such words as claustrum, cloiti'e * ; adbaubare, aboyer, in which cases there is no guttural. CHAPTER IV. The Latin Consonants. § 110. The consonants may be divided into : — I. Explosive : (i) Labials, p, b (dull p, sonorous b). (ii) Dentals, t, d (dull t, sonorous d). (iii) Gutturals, c, g (dull c, sonorous g). II. Aspirate: h. III. Semi-vocals : j, v. IV. Prolonged : (i) Labial, f (ph). (ii) Dentals, s, x, z. V. Liquids : r, 1. VI. Nasals : m, n. * Learned writers have often reconstructed, and wrongly so, the Old French forms, with a view to bringing them back to what they conceived to be the original Latin form : thus the very correct Old Fr. po-vre from pauper, torel from taurelliim, have been rewritten as pawvre, taureaUf by the clerks. 2 In one or two cases Modern French has treated this Old Fr. o as if it had been a primitive Latin o, and has changed it regularly (§ 79) into eu : thus cauda, paucum., gave the Old Fr. coe, po, softened in Modern French into queue, peu. The old form coe, or coue, is still to be seen in the derivative couard. ^ We have seen (§ 84) how often the Latin as it becomes weaker in French takes two forms : thus paucum, when it lost its guttural influence, became peu, but in Old French, when it retained some memory of it, it was pot; and similarly auca loses all trace of the guttural in the O. Fr. oe, oue, but recovers it again in oie. * In Old French we have also the more regular form clostre. Ixxx INTRODUCTION. I. — Explosive Consonants. P, B. (i) Labials. Strong P. § 110. The Latin initial p always remains unchanged ' : pauper- tatem, pauvreti ; pacare, payer ; palatium, palais. § 111. Medial p drops to b in popular Latin, and this b in its turn drops to v in French : thus the classical saponem, ripa, crepare, saporem, become sabonem, riba, crebare, saborem in Merovingian days : but (as we see, § 113) b drops necessarily to v in French, and the forms sabonem, riba, crebare, saborem, become savon, rive, crever, saveur? P, having such a distance to pass (p to b, b to v) ^, it is easy to see that when medial it is not syncopated in French ; still there is one example of this syncope in sil, O. Fr. seii, from sa(p)utus *. § 112. Final p disappears : lupum becomes O. Fr. lou, which the learned from the fifteenth century onwards have rewritten in the form loup ; while this imitative p still remains mute *. ^ It is no objection to this rule that we have boite from puxida because the Romans themselves called it buxida, Placidus the grammarian mentions it as a popular and incorrect pronunciation of the word. — (Glosses of Placidus, ap. Mai. CI. Auct. vi. 570.) Compare also the classical Latin buxus from Gr. ttv^os. The change of initial p into b cannot therefore be attributed here to the French, but to the popular Latin. '^ In apicla*, abeille', apotheca, boutique; caepulla, ciboule; capanna, cabane, it seems at first that the Latin p had been arrested in its descent at b, without being able to drop to v : but, in fact, these words are not French (i. e. they have not come straight from the Latin) ; they have been imported (as may be seen in the Dictionary) some from Provence, others from Italy : and consequently they do not vitiate the rule laid down. The same is the case with the word acabit, which is an offensive corruption of accapitum *. •^ Such words as vaporem, 'vapeur; stupidus, stupide ; occupare, oc- cuper ; capitale, capkale, &c., which retain the medial p intact, are all of learned origin (§ 36). We must, however, except some such forms as eapitulum, chapitre ; epistola, epitre ; papilionem, papillon ; caponem, chapon ; apostolus, apotre ; capitellum *, chapiteau , capulare, chapeler, which are clearly more than half popular, and have yet partly remained in a learned form, for reasons which one cannot always readily explain. * As to chef hom caput, the permutation comes in another way. Caput became capu in common Latin, then the regular permutation (p to b, b to n)) gave in Merovingian Latin the form cabo ; and this is succeeded by the French form che've in the tenth century (et preparavit dominus ederam super caput Jone . . un edre sore sen che've, ' an ivy-bush over his head'), is a phrase found in a homily on Jonah of the tenth century. Che've became chef, like bovem, b(Buf; ovum, <£uf; vivum, 'vif see § 142. Compare aput = ab, a. EXPLOSIVE DENTALS. Ixxxi When followed by a (in French e mute), the final p again becomes a medial, and passes regularly into v : as ripa, rive ; cupa, cuve ; lupa, louve ; rapa, rave ; sapa, seve ; caepa, cive. Soft B. § 113. The Latin initial b remains unchanged : bucca, louche ; bovem, bocuf; bene, bien; bonum, bien. The Latin medial b : when soft it never remains in the middle of a word ^ but drops to the aspirated v. In some cases the Latin b, having become v, does not stay there, but treats that v as if it were the original letter ; it then undergoes the change considered below, § 141, i. e. it disappears : adbau(b)are * becomes aboyer ; ha(b)enteni, ay ant ; de(b)utus, die; ha(b)utus*^, O. Fr. eii, eu ; ro(b)iginem, rogne ; su(b)urra, saorre ; su(b)umbrare, sombrer ; su(b)undare, sonder ; ta(b)anum, taon ; tu(b)elluin (?), /z^(2«y ^i{b)^x!o■a.Si, viorne ; n.\xbem., nue ; bi(b)utus*^ formerly beii, now bu. § 114. Final b disappears : ibi, O. Fr. first iv, then i, Modern Fr. y; ubi, ou ; debeo, O. Fr. doi, dots; scribo, O. Fr. escrt, icris ; unless followed by a, in which case it becomes v : feibaf/eve ; proba, preuve ; entyba, endive'^. (ii) Dentals. T, D. Soft T. § 115. The Latin t had always a dental sound, except when it preceded the combined vowels ia, ie, io, iu, in which cases it was sibilant. This sound having already been considered in § 70, we need only now deal with the dental t. § 116. Initial t always remains: tantum, iant ; tabula, table; totum, tout ; titionem., tison ; tutare, tuer ; testa, tete. ^ The words which retain the b are all learned, such as probus, probe ; subitus, JW/^/V, &c. ; and even laborare, /«/^o«r^r; hsibitVLa, babit ; laborem, labeur; habitare, habiter, which, in spite of their adoption into common use, are of learned origin. The only exceptions to the rule of p passing into v, are the popular forms obedire, obe'ir ; abismum *, abtme. '^ In Western patois we still have the form evut, for eu, marking the transition from ha(b)utus * to a-vut, then e'vut, eil, eu. ^ Similarly the imperfects in a(b)ani, &c., have formed successively e've^ eie, oie, ois, ais : lavabam, O. Fr. la've've, then, by dropping the second •y, lanjeie, lai'oie, la'vois, Iwvais. * The exception sebum, suif, is not due to the French : Pliny writes it sevum, so that the change is not from b to^^ but from v tof. g Ixxxii INTRODUCTION. § 117. Medial t undergoes two successive changes: (i) it becomes ^in Old French, (2) this ^disappears; and then the two vowels thus brought together are in turn contracted. Thus mutare, vitellum, imperatorem, aetaticum, became O. Fr. muder, vedal, emperador, edage. In the twelfth century this medial d begins to be regarded as if it had been an original Latin d (see § 120), and as such it disappeared^; and the words became viu-er, ve-el, emper/-ur, i-age, and these again, towards the close of the middle ages, were con- tracted into veau, empereur, dge ^. Thus one sees that the medial Latin t passes through three stages : ist, at the origin of the French language it passes from the soft to the sonorous state, becoming d) 2nd, this medial d is dropped; 3rd, the vowels thus brought together are contracted. We subjoin the full list of Latin words which contain the medial t, and have passed through these three stages ^ : — Abbatissa, abbadissa, abba-esse, abbesse ; aetaticum, aedaticum, edage, e-age, dge ; so also with armure from armatura ; boyau from botellus ; cahier from quatemusi ; carreau from quadratellum ; censter from censitarius ; chaine from catena ; coussin from culcitinus ; commuer from coinm.utare; crier from quiritare; delayer from dilatare; de'vouer from devotare ; doloire from dolatoria ; doner, from dotare ; duchesse from ducatissa * ; dcuyer from scutarius ; e'ternuer from stemutare ; feu from fatutus * ; grille from craticula ; marier from maritare ; m^me from metipsimus ; me'tayer from medietarius ; mtiet from mutettus; noel from natalis; oublier from oblitare; poele from patella; pouvoir from potere; prairie from prataria; pre'au from pratellum ; poussif from pnlsativus * ; puer from putere ; rouelle from rotella ; seau from sitellus ; secouer from succutere ; soucier from soliicitare ; terroir from territorium ; trier from tritare * ; ttier from tutare ; vertueux from virtutosus * ; melle from vitella ; vouer from votare. § 118. Final t undergoes like changes with medial t. Before a ^ Such words 2& paladin, salade, cascade, are of foreign origin. "^ Such a hiatus as may exist between two Latin vowels is not allowed in French, but is put an end to in one of two ways : i . by contraction, which combines the two in one; 2. by intercalation, which disjoins them, and separates them by an interposed consonant. We have just seen con- traction at work; intercalation may be seen in the following example: po(t)ere, O. Fr. podir, then po-oir by loss of the d; then, to avoid hiatus, a -z; is introduced, and it becomes ;5o-i>-o/>, whence Modern Fr. powvoir. ^ Medial t naturally persists in all learned words : natalis, natal ; nativns, natif; votare, voter. Still it is found also in some popular words : buticula, bouteille ; catuUiare, chatouiller ; capitaneum, che'vetain ; quatere (?), catir ; Britannia, Bretagne ; medietatem, moitie ; pietatem, pttie\ pietantia, pitance; pietosum, piteux ; tota, toute: and it even becomes tt in beta, bette; blitum, blitte ; carota, carotte ; quietus, quitte. EXPLOSIVE DENTALS. Ixxxiii masculine ending in um t disappears, together with the termination, as pratum, pre; cornutum, cornu. [For further examples see under the suffixes -atus, § 201 ; -utus, § 201 ; Fr. tatem, § 230 \] Sonorous D. § 119. Initial d always persists: dies, di ; decanus, doyen; donare, donner ; dextrarius, destrier. Jour, from djurnum ; jusque, from de-usque, diusque, djusque, fall under a different case ; namely, that in which d is followed by iu, and the i being consonnified eventually ejects the d, though it has been retained for centuries in the dj, dz forms (the form zabolus is found in Latin for diabolus) ; and the dg sound remains in the Italian g. § 120. Medial d remained in French up to about the middle of | the eleventh century, and is found in French MSS. of that age ; \ in the latter half of that century this d is softened into a sound \ half sibilant, answering to the two English ih sounds ; and this, in j certain French MSS. written in England, has actually been indicated by the sign th : thus videre becomes successively vedeir (in the ■ Chanson de Roland, in the eleventh century) ;. veiheir (in the Vie | j de St.'^ran(r6n,"a twelfth century poem); then vieir in later texts d (whence successively ve'oir and voir'). So similarly for accahler, \\ cadabulum ; aimanf, adamantem ; asseoir, assedere ; bailler, bada- culare * ; bayer, badare ; b^nir, benedicere ; chance, cadentla * ; choir, cadere ; chuie, caduta * ; confier, confidare * ; confiance, con- fidentia; croyance, cxq^qtsAAs^', cruel, crudelis; creance, credentia ; cruaut^, crudelitatem ; de'nue\ denudatus ; dech/a?ice, decadentia ; I dimanche, diedominica ; e'cMance, excadentia * ; enfouir, infodere ; I envahir, invadere ; fe'al, fidelis ; jiancer, fidentiare * ; fier, fidare ; I fouir, fodere ; fouiller, fodiculare * ; gldieul, gladiolus ; gravir, j gradire * ; joyau, gaudiellum ; jouir, gaudere ; joyeux, gaudiosus ; I juif, judaeus ; louer, laudare ; moelle, medulla ; michant, minus- I cadentem * ; ;;^(9/(f/z'/, m.edietatem. ; 7;z^^«, medianus; »z^^;z, modiolus ; i niais, nidacem ; nouer, nodare ; noueux, nodosus ; nettoyer, nitidare ; j obeir, obedire ; ouir, audire ; parvis, paradisus ; pe'age, pedaticum * ; j pion, pedonem ; poti, peduclus * ; pr^se'ance, praesidentia ; rangon, re- j demptionem ; suer, sudare ; suaire, sudarium ; se'oir, sedere ; siance^ '■ sedentia ; irahir, tradere ; trahison, traditionem. ; traitre, traditor. This rule has no true exceptions : odorem, odeur ; rudis, rude ; ^ We must not forget that the hiatus protects the consonant: see pascuatieum, />«rfl^f, not pactage. Similarly /<7^ from fatuus. Compare G. Paris, in the Soc. de linguistique, s. v. fade. g2 Ixxxiv INTRODUCTION. studium, //ude \ are not in point, being learned words, whatever may be said. As to viduum, vide, this persistence of the d is, on the contrary, confirmatory of this rule. We have seen (§ 118, note i) that the dental t remains in like manner before the hiatus of uu, uo, which protects the preceding consonant : compare fatuus, /ai ; quatuordecim, quatorze ; batualia, baiaille. § 121. Final d is softened into / in very early French, then this / ceases to be pronounced, and disappears from MSS. : thus mer- cedem becomes successively mercii, then merci. A certain number of words, however, have directly lost the dental without passing through the / stage in any extant MS. : as fidem, foi ; crudum, cru ; nudum, nu ; medium, mi ; hodie, hut ; podium, put. Some of these words have been recast by the learned and the clerks at the end of the middle ages, so as to get back to the Latin forms : thus medium, pedem, nodum, nidum, after having become ?nu/,pie, fleu, ni, were altered to muid, pied, noeud, nid ; but this d is not pronounced. § 122. In a few cases there is a transformation of this final d into / (compare the / under t in sitim, soi/; ablatum *, blei/*) : similarly feodum makes jfie/; modum, meuf ; Judaeum, juif ; and such names of places as Marbodus, Marbceuf ; Pambodus, Paim- boeuf, &c. Chronological Resume of the History of the Dentals. Merovingian Latin Inf riAL d d d d d Me t DIAL d Final t Masc. d d d d d • d d French before loth century . d t After A.D. 1050 .... th th '• " From the 1 2th century " " (iii) Gutturals. C, G. C. § 123. The Latin c was hard and pronounced like k, whether before e and i, or before a, o, and u : thus they said kikero, fekerunt, kivitatem. In French this hard sound has perished before e and /, and has been replaced by the sibilant sound (s) ; before a, 0, and u it keeps its hard sound : it is then well to distinguish these two cases. Before the groups ia, io, iu, Latin c ^ The true popular form of studere is estovoir. EXPLOSIVE GUTTURALS. Ixxxv however did not retain its k sound, but became a tz (juditzium, contzio, offitzia), whose history we will consider separately. § 124. Initial c remains unchanged before o and u : ( i ) before o : cooperire, couvrir ; coUum, cou ; cornu, cor ; cornua, come ; corpus, corps : and sometimes this c becomes a ^ : coquus, queux ; cotem, queux. In such words as coactare *, cacher ; coagulare, cailler, in which the primitive o has been absorbed by the subsequent vowel, the rule of continuance of the c is respected, because the Old French certainly was coacher (the form coailler is to be found in the Oxford Psalter) ; and the o has been dropped at a later time. (2) Similarly, c remains before u: cutenna, couenne ; curtem, court ; eurrere, courir ; culpa, culpe. Before au, c remains when the au is treated as a simple o ; whence Cauda, coda, queue ; while causa, caulis, have changed c into ch {chose, chou). § 125. In confiare, gonfler, the c has dropped to g. The same change is met with in a word whose French origin is doubtful, cupellettum *, gohelei. § 126. Before a, initial c undergoes a very peculiar change : it passes through the successive aspirated sounds k'h, tk'h, kh, ch ; whence carrus, char. This change, of which there is not a trace in Merovingian Latin, was produced early in French: chief [?, found for caput in the Cantilene de Sainte Eulalie ; still it was long before it got into general use in writing : as late as the end of the eleventh century we find camhre and canter in French MSS., whereas it is 1 certain that at that date the pronunciation was chamhre and chanter, j This change of c into ch is to be met with in : — / Champ, campus ; chance, cadentia * ; chaine, catena ; chef, caput ; chair, caro ; chevre, capra ; chien, canis ; chose, causa ; champetre, campestris ; champion, campionem. * ; chicoree, cichoreum ; chenal, canalis ; chape, cappa ; chapeau, capellum * ; chapelle, capella * ; cheptel, capitale ; charnel, carnalis ; charnier, carnarium ; chaire, cathedra ; chaloir, calere ; chalumeau, calamellus ; chaleur, calorem ; chamhre, camera ; chancel, cancellus ; chanceler, cancellare * ; chancir, canutire ; chancre, cancer ; chandelle, candela ; changer, cambiare * ; chanoine, canonicus ; chanson, cantionem * ; chantre, cantor ; chanter, cantare; chantier , Q2JcA.Qr\\icai-, chanvre, oaxmsibia; chapeIer,csi]p-alaTe; chapiteau, capitellum ; chapitre, capitulum ; chapon, caponem * ; char, carrus ; charger, carricare ; charbon, carbonem ; chardon, cardonem * ; charrier, carricare ; cherts, caritatem ; charme, carmen ; charme, carpinus* ; charnier e, cardinaria*; charpeniier, carpentarius; charpie, carpere * ; charrue, carruca ; chartre, career ; chdsse, capsa ; chasser, captiare * ; chaste, castus ; chasuble, casibula * ; chat, catus * ; chdtaigne, castanea ; chateau, castellum ; chignon, catenionem * ; chdtier, castigare ; chatouiller, catulliare * ; chdtrer, castrare ; chaud, Ixxxvi INTRODUCTION. calidus ; chaudi7re, caldaria * ; chauffer, calefacere * ; chaume, calamus ; chausse, calceus ; chauss/e, calceata * ; chauve, calvum ; chaux, calcem ; chemin, caminus ; cheminee, caminata * ; chemise, camisia ; chenal, canalis ; chefiil, canile ; chenille, canicula * ; chenu^ canutus ; cher, carus ; ch^re, cara ; chercher, circare ; chetif, captivus ; cheval, caballus ; chevaucher, caballicare; chevecier, capicerium * ; chevitre, capistrum ; cheveu, capillus ; cheville, clavicula ; chevre, oapra ; chevreuil, capreolus * ; chez, casa ; chien, canis ; chiche^ ciccum ; chiche, cicer ; choir, cadere ; chose, causa ; chou, caulis. § 127. In a certain number of cases the initial ch goes rather • further, and becomes j : capella*, javelle ; caryophyllum, girofle ; camba, jamhe ; camitem (from cames), jante ; caveloa, geole ; cam- marus, O. Fr. jamble (a crayfish) ; and perhaps janger from quali- ficare, cal'f care ? §128. This ch for ca did not exist in the Picard dialect^; whence cartie the double forms camp, campagne, casse, which have entered the French language side by side with the original forms champ, champagne, chasse, from campus, campania, capsa. To the same influence may be attributed such irregular forms as cavea, cage, side by side with caveola, geole ; cable from capulum (sup- planting the O. Fr. chable) ; cdcher from calcare (supplanting the O. Fr. chocher, which survives in the names of certain birds, choche- pierre, choche-poule) ; whence cauchemar, and the diminutive caillou (from calcullum *, whence O. Fr. caillel, Bartsch, Pasturelles, 1 20) ; and also cava, cave. f By the side of these exceptions, due to the influence of certain dia- I lects of the Langue d'Oil, we must put the words due to the influence ; of the Proven9al; such as capitellum (O. Fr. chadel), cadeau ; capsa, r caisse (doublet of chdsse) : or due to the influence of the Italian : such as caput, cap (It, capo); cadentia, cadence (It. cadenza); cal- care, calquer (It. calcare) ; cavalier, canaille, capitaine, calegon, &c. § 129. Medial c. Before a, o, u, medial c passes into g in Mero- vingian Latin, which has pagare, vogare, logare, instead of pacare, vocare, locare, &c. This g drops to the semi- vocal j ^, which later ^ See Historical Grammar, p. 21. ^ In acutum, aigu ; acucla*, aiguille; secundum, second, the Latin c has been exceptionally stopped in its descent at g ; but we cannot put among such cases the words cicadula, cigale ; fica, ^gue ; vicarium., viguier ; flcarium, figuier ; draconem, dragon, which have been borrowed from the Proven9al cigala, Jiga (O. Fr. form vfdisjie and Jier, see the Oxford Psalter), viguier, drago (?). Ciconia, cigogyie, is a case, as the Old French form was soigne. As to locusta, langouste, this nasal form must come from a form loncusta : the simple form has regularly lost its c, and has become laouste (found in the Oxford Psalter). Finally cigue from cicuta is probably a learned word. THE ASPIRA TED GUTTURAL. Ixxxvii is again reduced to a simple i : thus braca becomes braga, then braja, then braie. When the c is between two vowels it disappears; as amicus, ami. Soft c becomes s, as avicellus^ oiseau ; placere, plaisir. a. ^ § 130. Initial Latin g, whether hard or soft, remains in French : as gustus, gout; gobionem, goujon; gigantem, gea7tt ; gemere, geindre ; gemma, gemvie ; gentem, gens {gent). It sometimes is softened intoy, as in g&uder e, j'oui'r ; gemellus, Jumeau ; galbin\ia,jatme. § 131. Medial g also remains : as angustia, angoisse ; cingulum, sangle ; ungula, ongle ; largus, large. Also it drops to / .• as Ande- gavi, Anjou. But g before m, n, r, and d, disappears in French, in whatever part of the word it occurs, being vocalised into aj/; pigmentum, piment ; tragere, traire ; legere, lire; m.alignum., malin ; Mag- dalena, Madeleine ; frigidus (frig'dus), froid. Compare yiyvaa-Koi , gnosco, nosco ; gnatus, natus. §132. Final g remains : as longus, /i?«^/ at&gDMm., e'tang ; pugnus, poing ; dignus, digne. II. — The Aspirate. H. § 133. The Latin h was not, like the French h, a mute letter, unpronounced and only written ^ : the Romans originally aspirated their h with a certain vigour (like the German h) ; for Marius Victorinus, the grammarian, as late as the fourth century, directs his countrymen thus : ' Profundo spiritu, anhelis faucibus, exploso ore fundetur.' The aspirate, being of all letters the hardest to pronounce and requiring the most effort, it must necessarily suffer more softening than any other letter, following the ' law of least action,' § 139. Just ^ as the Latin had abandoned almost all the aspirates of the Indo- | European primitive languages (aspirates which were retained in the \ Greek, and still more in the Sanscrit), the French has completely I dropped the Latin aspirated h, and, ceasing to pronounce the letter, * naturally also gave up writing it ^. ^ What is called the French aspirated h is not really such; it is not really pronounced, but simply has the power of stopping the elision of the preceding vowel : as le-heros, me-hdir ; or it stands for a final consonant : thus Pierre est haissable is pronounced Pierre eh-aissable ; whilst, on the other hand, the words Pierre est homme and etonne are pronounced alike. ^ It is unnecessary to repeat that we do not trouble ourselves about learned words such as hom.icida; homicide ; halitare, haliter ; habitare, babiter ; heros, heros, &c. Ixxxviii INTRODUCTION. § 134. Initial h. Just as the archaic Latin words holus (a bean) ; hera (a mistress) ; her (a hedgehog), dropped to olus, era, er, in classical days, so the common Latin suppressed this aspirated h, and wrote oc, ordeus, eredes, onestus, omo, which are found in Inscriptions of imperial days for hoc, hordeum, heredes, honestus, homo. The French language, carrying on this tendency, said avot'r, on, or, orge, oui, encore, for habere, homo, hora, hordeum., hoc-illud, hanc-horam. Similarly we have ordure from O. Fr. ord, horridus ; and Herre, O. Fr. lerre, hedera\ The French language, invariably suppressing this (to them) useless letter, said also hominem, omme ; hodie, ui ; herba, erbe ; hereditare, e'riter ; heres, oir ; heri, ier ; hibemum, iver ; hora, eure, regular forms, afterwards corrupted by the learned, by the restoration of the mute h ; whence the modern forms homme, hui, her be, &c., which, therefore, do not really break the law laid down in § 133, as might appear at first sight. §135. Medial h. Just as classical Latin suppressed the aspirate sound in ni(h)il, co(h)ortem, mi(h)i, pre(h)endo, contracting these words into nil, cortem, prendo, so the French, seeking to abolish this medial aspirate, employed the two usual methods given above (§ 117, note 2) — contraction or intercalation: Jo(h)annes is con- tracted into Je-an, then Jean, pronounced Jan ; but in trai're from tra(h)ere we have another process ; the aspirate becomes a guttural, and tra(h)ere becomes tra-g-ere. (For tragere, see traire in the Dictionary^.) Tragere, regularly contracted into trag're, becomes traire, by changing gr to ir (§ 131). The same case is found in medieval Latin : vehere becomes vegere, to soften the hiatus ; and similarly we have grugem for gruem. This suppression of the aspirated h explains to us why th, ph, ch, which were learned importations of Latin savants for the Greek 6, 0, X, have been treated in French as if they were /, J, c. III. — The Semi- Vocals. J, V. § 136. Two consonants (j, v) bear this name : they had in Latin a sound which floated between that of a vowel and that of a consonant ; the Latin j approaching to i, the Latin v to ou. From this double tendency of these two Latin letters we get in French two very distinct ways of treating these semi-vocals, according as they incline towards the French consonantal or the French vowel state. In the first case, the Latin v and j take in French the form of two well-marked ^ Ortolan comes from hortulanus *, through the Provengal. 2 The form tragere explains how trahentem has produced trayant, where the y represents the usual vocalisation (§ 131) of the g of tra- gentem. SEMI-VOCAL CONSONANTS. Ixxxix consonants v ^ and j (which is a soft g) : thus avena ^ became avoine, and junicem ^, ge'nisse. In the second case, the Latin j and v, be- coming real vowels, are represented by i and ou : hence Troja becomes Troie (an i which finally disappears in such words as je-junum, Je-Un, then jetm) : and the v = otc at last disappears and leaves no trace ; as pa-vonem, pa-wonem, pa-ou-on, pa-on. This, however, does not hold good of initial v, which remains in French. We must now inquire how these changes have taken place. J. § 137. This letter, pronounced i-i by the Latins, who said i-iuvenis, mai-ior, for juvenis, major *, soon underwent two distinct changes : I. the one transforming this Latin i-i, in order to mark it better, into d-i, as in ma-di-us, found in medieval Latin ^, for ma-i-us ; or di-acere for jacere. 2. But when once the j has got behind a d, how does it consonify itself? It takes a dj sound, diacere = djacere, a sound represented in modern Italian by gi (pronounced dgi), as m. giacere. This compound dgi sound loses its dental, and is then reduced to the soft g or / sound (as pronounced by the French). This, then, is the scale of sounds : — J ( = i-i) -♦ di-i — dj-i — gi — j (French) : i-iugum -^ di-iugum — dj-iugum — giugum, joug. Helped by these preliminary distinctions, we may study the history of the Latin semi-vocal j into French. § 138. Initial j becomes a consonant, and is sounded as ge : jam, ja ; jaculare, jaillir ; Januarius, Janvier ; jactare, Jeter ; jocus, Jeu ; Jovis-dies, jeudi ; jejunus, jeun ; jungere, joindre ; juncus, jonc ; joc\xi.8iri,jongkr ; jocsiri, jouer ; jugvim, j'oug ; j-axtare, j'oufer ; juventia, jouvence ; jocale, joyou ; Judaeus, juif; judicare, jtiger ; inveneva, jhine ; Junius, Jm'n ; juYnentura, j'umenf ; jurare, Jurer ; jus, JUS ; Justus, jusie : a change also often expressed by soft g, which is the same letter as j in French : hence jacere, ge'sir ; junicem, g^nisse ; juniperum, gemevre. ^ The French «!; is a labial consonant, degenerated from the Latin b, just as the French y, or soft g, is a degenerated form of the guttural ch. (?) 2 Pronounced a-ou-ena at Rome. ^ Pronounced i-iunicem at Rome. * Cicero, Quinctilian tells us, was accustomed to write this medial j , as i. ' Sciat enim Ciceroni placuisse aiio, Maiiamque, geminata i | scribere.' Instit. Orat. i. 4, 11. We find liulius for Julius in Inscriptions ^ under the Empire. Those Inscriptions and MSS. which write Hiesu, | Hiaspidis, Hiericho, Hieremie, Trahiani, for Jesu, Jaspidis, Jericho, j Jeremias, Trajani, have accurately expressed this pronunciation. Com- I pare with this pronunciation that of the English j/^'^r, or German Jabr. ^ For examples, see under Mai in the Dictionary. xc INTRODUCTION. § 139. Medial j retains the Latin i sound, and disappears when it immediately precedes the tonic vowel : jejunium., Je-unyjhm ; when, on the other hand, it follows the tonic vowel, it remains as i : Troja, Troie ; raja, raie ; boja, O. Fr. boie^ bouie ; majus, mai ; major, maire ; bajiilare (?), bailler ; pejor, /^r*? / pejus, /w^. V. § 140. Initial v always continues, except in the important case of V = gu, as in Vasconia, Guascogne, Gascogne ; -sriscyxva^gui ; vadum, gti/; veapa,, guepe ; vipera, gm'vre. Thus vajLwon, vain ; vinum, z'm/ vectura, voiture ; vulturius, vautour ; virtutem, vertu ; vaeca, vache. In a few cases v is strengthened into either/^ as vicem, fois ; or into ^, as vervecem, brebi's ; vaccalarius, bachelier ; vervecarius, berger ; vettonica, be bine ; Vesontionem, Besangon ; but this rise from v to b is not the work of the French language ; it was done in the Latin. Petronius writes berbecem, Pliny bettonica: in the fifth century we find berbecarius; in a tenth century MS. we have baccalarius. § 141. Medial v. We know that the Latin v was not pronounced like the French v, but rather like the English w (or like the French ou sound) ^. This sound, which was not a pure consonant like the French Vy nor a pure vowel like the French u, but lay between the two, J has properly been called semivocal. It has undergone two different * methods of treatment in French, according to its approximation to the consonantal or to the vowel condition : if the former, it has produced the French v, as in lavare, laver .; levare, lever ; privare, priver ; novellum, nouveau ; lixivia, lessive ; viventem, vivani ; November, novembre ; gingiva, gencive. This, however, is not universal : on the contrary, when the semivocal inclines towards the vowel sound, it disappears in French: thus pavonem (pronounced ^ The word aider^ very irregularly formed from adjutare, may here be considered. Adjutare at a very early period became ajutare, as the Inscriptions shew us (see Dictionary, s. v. aider, where also the details of these changes are worked out). Ajutare soon became aj'tare, whence aider. . ^ This rise from v to b, rare in the Latin also, especially before the fourth century, became the rule in certain patois of the Romance lan- guages; as the Neapolitan in the East, the Gascon in the West. In Gascony the pronunciation has always been bos from vos ; boide from volere *, benir from venire, &c. ; a rule noticed by Scaliger, who founded on it the neat and well-known epigram — 'Non temere antiquas mutat Vasconia voces, Cui nihil est aliud vivere quam bibere.' It is curious that this same pun occurs, more than a thousand years before Scaliger, on a Roman tomb : ' Dum vixi bibi libenter ; bibite vos qui vivite.' — Heuzer, Or. 6674. SEMI-VOCAL CONSONANTS. • ; . , , , ,xc^ pa-ou-nem in Rome) soon became pa-onem, whence p'tuM";' s\mihfif avunculus (pronounced a-ou-unculus) soon was contracted to a-uneulus ; the Latin poets treat it as a trisyllabic word ; it is also to be found as aunculus in several Inscriptions. Thus, too, we find in Inscriptions noember for no-v-ember, juentutem for ju-v-entutem. This loss of the v is to be found also in classical Latin, as in bourn for bovum * ; audii for audivi ; redii for redivi * ; amarunt for amaerunt*, for amaverunt; pluere for pluvere*. The Appendix Probi speaks of ais for avis ; rius for rivus ^. This loss of v^ also takes place in French : as in pavonem, paon; pavorem, peur; aviolus *, aieul ; vivenda, viande; clavare, doner; avunculus, oncle ; ovicla, ouaille ; pluvia, pluie ; caveola, geole ; uvetta *, luetle ; obliviosus, oublieux. § 142. Final v is always hardened into f at the end of words : this phenomenon, which is opposed to the law stated below § 167, is easily explained. Notice that most of the popular words which change v into f are monosyllabic : bovem, bcEuf ; brevem, href; cervum, cerf ; captivum, che'tif ; clavem^, clef; nativum, nmf ; navem, nef; nervum, nerf; novus, neu ; novum, neuf; ovum, ceuf ; pulsativum *, poussf ; salvum, saif ; servum, serf ; sevum, suf; vivum, vf; ^ejveva., grief ; augivum *, ogif*; restivum*, re'ttf ; vidvum, veuf Now we know that monosyllables shew a marked desire to strengthen themselves, either at the beginning by aspiration or at the end, by introducing a strong consonant as a bulwark against phonetic decay. Besides, without insisting on this fact, the true cause of the change from v to yiies in the tendency which leads the French language to replace soft consonants at the end of words by strong ones, in order to give greater support to the voice. For this reason the soft d and g in this position are replaced in pro- nunciation by the strong / and c, as in sang et eau, grand homme, where sa?tg is pronounced sajic, and grand, grant * ; whence it follows that the final v is necessarily strengthened into y'^. When v is not ^ ' Rivus non rius, avis non ais.' — App. Probi. ^ In Andegavi, Pictavi, clavus, pronounced by the Romans Ande- ga-ou-i, Picta-ou-i, cla-ou-is, &c., the Latin v (ou) joins the preceding a, and forms the diphthong aou; which, following the law of trans- formation into French (au, then o, lastly ou), has formed the three words Anjou, Poitou, clou. ^ Why is the /of clef mnte (whence the orthography cle) while it remains sonorous in the other words ? * Why then does the strong s form an exception, being softened into a z, at the end of words, as in nous aimons, aux enfants, che'vaux admirables, &c., where nous, aux, che'vaux, are pronounced nou-%, au-'z, chenjau-z ? ^ This tendency is so strong that it even transforms words of learned origin, which also change final v into /, as in activus, actif; passivus, passif; nativus, natif; relativus, relatif. xcii INTRODUCTION. iincrl, there- is no longer any reason for this strengthening process, and it remains unchanged according to § 140. This is the reason why the feminine of adjectives in -z/'is -we ; and why we have bovem, dcvuf, but bovarius, houvier ; navem, nef, but navile, navire; servum, serf, but servire, servir ; salvum, sauf but salvare, sauver ; nativum, naif but nativitatem, naivete. The same rule enables us to explain the relation between the primitive chef and the derivatives chevetj achever, and between such words as ^rf/'and brevet, relief diXid. relever. IV. Prolonged. (i) Labial. F. § 143. Initial f remains : fortem, fort ; focum, feu ; fata, fe'e ; fabula, fable ; foras, fors, which last word became hors at an early date, just as O. Fr. faras (a troop of stallions) and fardes (clothes ?) became haras and hardes. The Latin f being only one degree stronger than h, we find this same exchange between the archaic Latin fostis, fircum, folus, and the classical hostis, hircum, (olus?). § 144. Medial f invariably remains : refutiare, refuser ; defendere, defefidre, &c., with'the one exception of scrofella *, ^crouelle. § 145. Final f remains ; tufus, iuf; but, if followed by a mute a, it becomes v, as genovefa, genevieve. § 146. By the side of the spirant f the Latin had received from the Greek, and has passed on to the French, another aspirate 0, whose history must now be considered. The Greek 0, ph (wrongly pronounced by us as an/"), had a very / distinct sound of its own, differing from the Latin f Quinctilian and i Priscian tell us that to pronounce f we must use a stronger aspiration I than we should with <^, and that in so doing the lower lip should not \ touch the upper row of teeth. The was pronounced like the English ph in shepherd. A p thus aspirated necessarily dropped down to the common p when used by persons whose ears were not fine enough to recognise so slight a distinction ; and thus at Rome, whilst the upper classes, in transferring ^ made it first ph, afterwards f, the common people made it a p, thus suppressing its delicate aspirate: as in af^vn], which has produced the double Latin form, the learned aphya, and the popular apua. Thus, whilst the learned called the dfx(popevs amphora, and the arpocpr} stropha, the people made them ampora and stropa, as the Appendix Probi (in the time of Nero) tells us. Probus blames the vulgar pronunciation 'stropha non stropa, amphora non ampora.' This vulgar pronunciation remains in a few French words : thus rropcfivpa produced the popular Latin purpura, whence pourpre ; KoKa^o^ has both forms, learned colaphus, PROLONGED CONSONANTS. xciii and vulgar colapus, so frequent in Merovingian documents, Avhence O.Yv.colp, now coup^ : (f)a\ayyai, in classical Latin phalangae, popular Latin palangae, has preserved the latter form in the French palan, palafique. On the other hand, the ph used by the Latin literati to represent 4> in the words they borrowed from the Greek (as 4)i\o(ro(}ila, philosophia), soon, in spite of the outcries of the grammarians, was confounded with the Latin f. Side by side with phaselus, phlegma, sulphur, tophus, sylphi, phalangae, &c., we find, at an early date, the forms faselus, flegma, sulfur, tofus, sylfi, falangae, &c. This change of ph into f goes on in French in popular words ^ : as phantasma,y^«/^;^^^/ -phi^la, Jiole ; ■p'ha.sia.nuSy/'aiscm; elephantum, olifant ; graphium, greffe^. Similarly orphaninus * produced the O. Fr. orfenin, whence orfelin, which the learned of the middle ages have recast in the form orphelin, believing that they were thereby approaching nearer to the original Latin form. (ii) Dentals. S, X, Z. S. §147. Initial s, if followed by a vowel, remains: solus, seul ; subtus, sous; sella, selle ; ^^xv6^x^, sourd. But st becomes est; sp, esp ; sc, esc, the prefixed e tending to render the pronunciation more easy : thus we have stare, O. Fr. ester ; scribere, O. Fr. escrire ; sperare, esperer ; and this s is not uncommonly absorbed, its place being marked by the acute accent on the initial e : as escrire, e'crire ; statum, estat, etat. § 148. Medial s remains : as cerasus, cerise ; quassare, casser. But sc'r drops the s, as is seen in crescere, croitre ; pascere, paitre ; cognoscere, connaitre. §149. Final s sometimes remains: ursus, ours; subtus, sous; minus, moins. Or it becomes z, as casa, chez ; nasus, nez ; adsatis, assez. Or x, as duos, deux ; tussis, toux ; otiosus, oiseux ; sponsus, e'poux, ^ Sometimes a p sprung from a is treated in French as if it were an original p : thus the Greek (}.^v^ov became ziziphus, with a popular form zizupus, which then underwent the regular change of p into b (§ 111), whence zizubus, whence the ill-formed y«y«^(f. ^ It remains as ■ph in learned words: philosophia, philosophie • pha- langeus, phalange; phoebus, phebus ; except in some scientific terms, introduced somewhat early (as we have seen in § 146), which have changed ph into f, as (^avTaty'ia^ fantaisie ; (pauTaariKos, fantastique ; phrenesis, frenesie. ^ There are a few of these double consonants which have a like origin ; as cophinus, common Latin co£bius, coffre. INTRODUCTION. X. § 150. Medial x sometimes remains : as sexaginta, soixanie. Or it becomes ss : as examen, essairn ; laxare, laisser ; coxa, cutsse ; axilla, ai'sselle. § 151. Final x remains : sex, six ; luxum, luxe. Z. § 152. Initial z remains : zelum, zeie ; but zelosus becomes ya^^Jtr. V. — Liquids. R, L. R. § 153. Initial r remains : regnum, regne ; rupta, route ; regem, roi ; ripa, rive. § 154. Medial r remains : soricem, souris ; carmen, charme. It also becomes / in some few cases : as paraveredus, palefroi. It is some- times dropped before j, as dorsum,, dos ; persica, O. Fr. pesche, p^che. §155. Final r remains usually: as audire, ouir ; carrus, char ; but in some cases it becomes /, as altare, autel ; cribrum, crible. §156. Initial 1 remains: littera, letire ; lingua, langue ; legem, hi. It also becomes r, a change which dates back to Merovingian days : lusciniola, rossig?ioL Also n, as libella, niveau. § 157. Medial 1 remains : as aquila, aigle ; filius, fils ; circulus, cercle. There is also the change into n, as is seen in posterula* (O. Fr. posterle, posterne), poterne ; margula (O. Fr. marie), marne. Also into r, as ulmus, orne ; cartula, chartre ; capitulum, chapitre. It should be noticed that this 1 is often softened into u in the combinations ol, ul preceding a consonant: as collem, cou ; aus- cultare, /couter ; pulverem, poudre ; sulphur, sou/re; col'phus, coup. This process took place in French times. §158. Final 1 remains in solus, seul ; sal, sel ; supercilium, sourcil ; mille, mil; mel, miel. VI.— Nasals. M, N. M. §150. Initial m remains: mare, mer ; m.B.mxa, main ; mille, mil. It also becomes n, as mappa, nappe ; matta, natte. § 160. Medial m remains : camera, chafnbre ; computare, compter ; RULE OF PERMUTATIONS. xcv or it becomes n, as semita, senie ; computare, confer ; simius (simiMB), singe ; ^vixixvnn, prin'm p7'intemps . Also in the double mn the m becomes n, as colunina, colonne. § 161. Final m remains : dama, daim; nomen, nom ; faxaeva^/ai'm. Also it becomes n, as rem, rien ; meum, taxim, suum, ?7ion, ton, son. § 162. Initial n remains : nomen, nom ; non, non ; nos, ' nous ; nasum, nez. §163. Medial n remains: as ruina, ruine ; mentiri, mentir ; mentum, menfon. Also it becomes m, as nominare, nommer ; car- ■^vmxs,, charme ; hominem, homme. Also/.- orphaninus *, orphelin ; Panorm.us, Palerme ; Bononia, BologJte. Also r : ordinem, ordre ; diaconus, diaa'e ; Londinum., Londres. N also disappears in some cases before the origin of the French language, as in pagensis, pagesis *, pais, pays. § 164. Final n remains : non, non ; sonus, son ; bonus, bon. Or it disappears, as nomen, ?iom. PART II. THE PRINCIPLES WHICH RULE THE PERMUTATIONS OF LANGUAGE. § 165. We may thus sum up the results of our inquiry by statmg the Laws on which the change of the Latin letters into French rests ; and these (using the language of natural history) we may call the laws of least action, and of transition. § 166. I. Law of Least Action \ — It is a characteristic of every human effort to try to exert itself with the least action, that is, with the smallest possible expenditure of energy. Language follows this law, and its successive transformations are caused by the endeavour to diminish this effort, and by the desire of reaching a more easy pronunciation. This, combined with the structure of the vocal apparatus, gives us the true cause of these changes of language. ^ In his admirable Grammaire comparee du Sanskrit, du Grec, et du Latin, M. Baudry has shewn the influence of these two principles on the formation of ancient languages. I hope to shew that they may be further confirmed by the history of the French language. xcvi INTRODUCTION. § 167. This need of greater ease in pronunciation shews itself in the history of the French language, by the general weakening of the Latin letters : thus the c and g, pronounced hard by the Romans before e and i \ as fekerunt, kivitatem, guemellus, guibba (fecerunt, civi- tatem, gemellus, gibba) have become soft in French, the hard o passing into the f sound, the hard g into they sound, so that where the Latins said kedere, aguere, the French say ceder, agir. Similarly the Latin p is softened into v, ripa, crepare, saponem, becoming rive^ crever, savon : in some cases the weakening is so great that the Latin letter altogether disappears; as crudelis passes into crue/, sudare into siier, obedire into od/tr. § 168. In other cases, the letters in contact being dissimilar, the French language assimilates them, to make the pronunciation easier ; thus it changes dr into rr ; adripare, arriver ; quadratum, carre ; similarly tr is softened into rr, as putrere, pourrir ; latronem, larron. Here moreover, as in most cases, the French only follows the example of the Latin itself, whose tendency towards assimilation was strongly developed ; thus the Romans said arridere for adridere, arrogantem for adrogantem, &c. From this regular progress of languages towards an easier pronunciation, we may conclude at once that languages are ever descending, never climbing, the scales of sounds : thus tr is softened into rr ; rr is never hardened into tr ; latronem may des- cend into larron, but parricidium never ascends in French to patri- cide ; either it must remain as it is, parricide, or grow softer still by simplifying the rr into r. § 169. Another phenomenon, the correlative of this assimilation of letters, and also springing from the desire of ease in pronunciation, is the separation or differentiation of similar letters, so as to render their emission from the mouth easier. If a Latin word has two r's, in French it will be softened by changing the one r into /, as cribrum, crible : thus the Latin parafredus becomes palefroi, not pare/roi] peregrinus becomes pelerin, not pereri?t. So too, if there are two I's, the French changes one into r; lusciniola becomes rossignol, not lossignol. This process has received the name of dis~ similation. This balancing of letters and effort after the vocal equilibrium were not unknown to the Latins, who, to avoid the two r's, said ruralis, muralis, instead of ruraris, m.uraris : to avoid the two /'s, they said epularis, stellaris, instead of epulalis, stellalis^. ^ See the word agencer in the Dictionary. ^ In a word, the suffixes aris, alls, being alike in origin and meaning, the Romans preferred aris, when the word had already an 1 in it (as stellaris, from stella), and alis, if the word had an r in it (ruralis, from ruris). See Baudry, Grammaire comparee du Sanskrit, du Grec, et du Latin, p. loi. EXCEPTIONS TO PHONETICS. xcvii § 170. Together with this ' dissimilation/ which seeks to avoid the disagreeable repetition of the same letter, we must notice another process, 'metathesis,' the transposition or displacement of a con- sonant, to facilitate pronunciation: thus, formaticum, turbare, paupertatem, at first became formage, iourver, pauverie, as may be seen in old French texts; these words afterwards underwent the j displacement of the r, and h&C2imQ/romage, irouver, pauvrete. § 171. II. Law of Transition. — The law of least action shews us the cause of the transformations of language, and of the per- mutation of letters; that of transition will teach us the conditions of these changes, and their course. ' Permutation moves on step by step, and never more than one step at a time. A letter does not at a bound change its order, degree, or family; it can only make one of these changes at once ^' Thus, to resume the study of the word putrere, given above, the classical putrere did not turn at once into the French pourrir ; it passed in the Merovingian Latin into the forms putrire, pudrire, and in Old French through the successive ioiras podrir, porrir, whence pourrir : the tr had to pass the intermediate dr before it became rr. In like manner the Dic- tionary will present to us, so far as it is possible to write it, the history of every letter, and will connect the Latin with the French by the intermediate links of medieval Latin, and the Old French. PART III. \ EXCEPTIONS TO PHONETICS. EFFECT OF CORRUPTION ON THE FORMATION OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. § 172. Though the laws of Phonetics rule with precision almost all the words in the French language, there are still a few which seem, as far as we know, to be refractory, and to refuse to be classified under established heads: just as in natural history there are some beings which have not yet found their proper place under the divisions of science. These exceptions to the rules of Phonetics have a double cause : or rather, the infraction of the rules is only apparent, and is due to in- fluences which we are as yet unacquainted with, and to secondary laws ^ F- Baudry, Grammaire compare e du Sanskrit, du Grec, et du Latin, p. 83. h xcviii INTRODUCTION. which limit or modify the primary ones ; or these infractions of law are the result of corruption. Words thus corrupted cannot be used as arguments to throw doubt on the existence of the laws of lan- guage and their firm establishment : for, as M. Littrd says, * it is the general and positive rules which enable us to affirm that there is an error even where we do not know the circumstances or the conditions of the error ; they enable us to divide the whole into the regular and correct part, and the part altered and mutilated by the inevitable faults of time and of mankind.' And besides, in many cases the corruption is only apparent, not real, or if it does exist, it is not the French language that is to blame : thus ecouter (Old French escouter, escolter, originally esculter) is a very irregular derivation from the classical Latin auscultare, for the Latin au never becomes e in French, and if the word had been regularly formed, it would have been oscouter, not escouter, as the Latin au habitually becomes o (aurum, or; pausare, poser, &c.). Now here to all appearance is a flagrant exception, and Phonetics seem to be at fault. But not so: Phonetics are blameless, for we know from Flavins Caper that in the third century men said, not auscultare, but ascultare, whence, according to rule, comes the form escouter, as a becomes e (patrem, pere ; pratum, pre'; gratum, gr^ ; &c.). Thus in this case the corruption dates back to the popular Latin, and the French language has nothing to do with it. The same is the case when the French language seems to violate the Latin accent, in such words as encre from encaustum. / persil from petroselinum, borrowed by the Romans from the Greek (eyfcauoToi/, nerpocreXLuov). Here the French retains the original Greek accent, pre- served by the Latins in these borrowed words. In souris, seigle, mordre, foie, fin, faite, from soricem, secdle, mord^re, ficatum, finitus, fastigium, the accent had already been displaced in vulgar Latin, which said soricem, s6cale, mordere, ficatum, finitus, fastigium. But beside these apparent infractions of the laws of Phonetics, there are also real exceptions, caused by corruption or chance, — cases of Latin words whose passage into French is governed by no known laws, and which seem to us to be painful discords in the harmonious unity of the language. These errors are man's mark left on the vocabulary, the arbitrary element in the formation of the French tongue. If we compare with their Latin originals the words ^^r- mandree, cham.aedrys ; amidon, am.yluin^ ; camomille, chamaemelum; ancolie, aquilegia; erable, acer arbor; e'chalotie, Ascalonicum; estragon, draconem; regime, Ucim.Titm\ girofle, caryophyllum; marjolaine, ama- racana*, we shall find ourselves face to face with the worst corruptions ^ Here the corruption is older than the French language ; amidum for amylum is found in a Latin document of the ninth century. EXCEPTIONS TO PHONETICS. xcix in the language : let us note at the same time that almost all these words indicate medicinal plants, and have come down to us through herbalists and apothecaries. Nor is it astonishing that a long special use has deformed and corrupted such words ; for the people torture learned words so as to give them a sense of some kind — thus one may any day hear the common folk ask for de Veau d'anon for lauda- num, and the like. To this class also belongs boutique, from apotheca, one of the most striking instances of corruption. Apotheca would regularly have produced aboutaie, as the Latin initial a never drops out in French, and it is contrary to rule for the Latin c between, two vowels to become q in French at the end of a word ; in such a posi- tion the Latin c always disappears (baca, haie ; braca, braie ; ebriaca, ivraie) ; so that, like theca, iaie, apotheca ought to have become aboutaie ^. If we add to this list certain other words ^, we shall have the full catalogue of all forms due to chance or inexplicable disturb- ance : it will be seen how very small their sum total is, compared with the whole French language. Still, it is most important for us to be able to ascertain the truth. From the days of St. Augustine, who said ^ that the explanation of words depends on the fancy of each person who ■ I tries them, and who likened it to the interpreting of dreams, down to Voltaire, who believed that chance or corruption were the sole causes of the revolutions of language, human speech has ever been regarded as the product of the arbitrary caprice of men. But modern science has shewn that languages are not the work of chance, but a natural and organic growth, of which man is not the author, but the instru- ment. Philology has narrowed and limited the part played by caprice and corruption in the formation of languages, without utterly annihi- lating it. ^ Aboutaie is not the final form. We know on one hand that the Latin p does not stop at b, but drops down to t : on the other hand we know that t between two vowels always drops out in French ; so that aboutaie would become avoutaie^ and finally a'vouaie, the last regular contraction of apotheca. ^ Adamantem, diamant; emendare, amender ; amygdale, amande ; tremere, craindre ; carbunculus, escarboucle ; scintilla, etincelle ; sarco- phagus, cercueil • fracticium, friche\ lampetra, lamproie ; imicomu, Ucorne ; umbilicus, nombril. As to the words lendemain, loriot, lierre, which in Old French were rightly spelt endemain, oriot, terre (see the Dictionary for these words), they must not be reckoned as corruptions of the Latin word, but of the French. h2 INTRODUCTION. PART IV. DERIVATION. § 173. Before we enter into necessary details in dealing with deriva- tion, under tlie three heads of substantive, adjective, and verb, we must first forewarn our reader that every suffix ought always to be regarded from three points of view ; — with reference to its origin, form, and accentuation. § 174. I. Origin. — Suffixes maybe of Latin origin (as pfemz'^r from primarius), or of French origin, that is, formed on the model of Latin suffixes, as encrzVr from encre), but having no correspon- dent Latin original. § 175. 2. Form. — We must carefully distinguish suffixes of learned formation from those of popular origin ; i. e. such derivatives as prinWr^, sdcuWr^, schokzW, which come from the learned, from such as prem?'/«rz'^/, by changing e into ie. See § 56. The suffixes -alls, -aris have been replaced, so far as French derivatives are concerned, by the form -arius, and have disappeared, leaving no posterity behind them. § 192. Antia, entia become ance in popular French *". as in enfance, ^ For the letter-change, see % 54. "^ The learned form is al : cardinalis, cardinal ; hospitale, hopital. ^ Canalis has also produced another form, chenel, which was afterwards softened into cheneau, just as bel became beau. * The learned form from antia is ance, as in arrogance, arrogantia ; of entia, ence^ as in innocence, innocentia. I cviii INTRODUCTION. infantia; contenance, oontinentia *. We know that these abstract substantives are formed from the present participle by adding the suffix -ia ; thus from infantem has come infantia ; from con- tinentem, continentia, &c. The French language, imitating this process, has similarly created vengeance from vengeant, croyance from croyant, confiance from confiant, e'chiance from icMant, jouissance from jouissant. Participial substantives often come from forms which have disappeared from Modern French, and are, as it were, living witnesses to their dead ancestors : thus chance, formerly cheance, carries us back to che'ant, participle of ch/oir, primitive form of choir, cadere ; and ichiance carries us back, through dcMant, to echoir. Fiani, participle of fier, gives us the Old French substantive fiance, whence again the \trhfiancer. Engeance, finance, outrecuidance, similarly come from the old verbs enger (to multiply oneself) ; finer (to conclude a bargain, pay); outrecuider, ultra-cogitare. Cre'ance answers to the archaic participle criani, to be found in the compound m/cr/ant. DoUance, whence condoUaTue, similarly carries us through a participle doUant, to a verb doUier, from a Latin type dolicare * ; while nuance, laitance come through nuant, laitant, from the old verbs nuer, latter, which are derived from the words nue, laite. § 193. Andus, endus. The passive future participle has provided us, through its nominative plural neuter, with a certain number of substantives. We must, however, take note that the French language, following its customary use^, has treated these neuter plurals as if they were feminine singulars, and has produced from them a number of feminine substantives, such as viande from vivenda; provende from praebenda ^ ; whence, by analogy, the French derivatives offrande from offrir ; jurande ^romjurer ; re'primande from reprimer, &c. From the combination of the suffix and with the suffix /jeun, formerly / / eseo, Fr. ois ; isco, Fr. is. Nais, nasco'; pais, pasco ; parais, paresco ; crois, cresco, &c. § 260. Ascere, Fr. ailre, O. Fr. aistre. Naitre, nascere; paitre^ pascere. § 261. Ico, igo, Fr. ie. Lie, ligo ; chdtie, castigo ; nie, nego, &c. § 262. Illo, Fr. lie. Chancele, grommele, harcele, &c. § 263. Are, Fr. er. Peser, pensare ; chanter, cantare, &c. § 264. Tiare, Fr. cer, ser. These are forms peculiar to the common Latin : tracer, tractiare ; sucer, suctiare ; chasser, captiare. CHAPTER II. Atonic Suffixes. §265. Ico, Fr. che, ge. fuge, judico; mdche, mastico; venge, vendico ; ronge, rumigo ; charge, carrico, &c. The learned form is ique : revendique, revendico ; mastique, mastico. ^ We have seen, Historical Grammar, p. 119, that all deponent verbs became active in form in the Low Latin. cxxvi INTRODUCTION. § 266. Ere, Fr. re. Sourdre, surgere ; moudre, molere ; tordre^ torquere ; ardre, ardere. This Old French verb, which signified * to burn,' remains in the participle ardent, and substantive ardeur. § 267. lo disappears in French. Depouille, despolio. § 268. ITlo, Fr. le. Moule, modulo; comble, cumulo; tremble, tremulo ; trouble, turbulo. Under ulo we may put : — § 269. I. Aculo, Fr. atlle, as in tiraille, criaille, &c. § 270. 2. Iculo, Fr. z'lle. Fouille, fodiculo ; sautille, tortille, &c. § 271. 3. Uculo, Fr. ouille. Chatouille, bredouille, barbouille, &c. SECTION V. Diminutive Suffixes. These are sixteen in number. § 272. Aceus, Fr. ace, asse. Villace, grimace {grimer), populace, paperasse, &c. § 273. Iceus, Fr. use, iche. Coulisse {couler), pelisse {peau), caniche. § 274. Oceus, Fr. oche. Epinoche, pioche. § 275. Uceus, Fr. uche. Peluche, guenuche. § 276. Aculus. See above, § 255. § 277. Aldus. See above, § 195. § 278. Alia, Fr. aille. Betail, bestialia; poitrail, pectoralia; merveille, mirabilia ; portail, portalia ; canaille, viuraille, bataille, &c. § 279. Ardus. See above, §§ 175, 196. § 280. Aster, Fr. dtre. See above, §§ 178, 199. § 281. At, et, ot. (i) At : aiglat, louvat, verrat. (2) Et, ette : sachet (sac), cachet {coq), mollet {niol), maisonnette, alouetie. (3) Ot, otte : billot {bilk), cachot (cache), brulot (brtUe), Hot (tie), &c. § 282. Ellus, illus, Fr. eau, el, elle. Agneau, agnellus ; jumeau, gemellus ; anneau, annellus ; icuelle, scutella ; vaisseau, vascellus ; oiseau, avicollus. § 283. Onem, ionem. See above, § 231. § 284. Ulus. See above, § 254. ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. abl. ablative. Goth. Gothic, O.S. Old Saxon. abbrev. abbreviation. Gr. Greek, partic. participle, parti- accus. accusative. Gram. Grammatical, cipial. adj. adjective. grammar. Pers. Persian. adv. adverb. Heb. Hebrew. Pharm, Pharmacopoeia. Agric. Agricultural. hist. historical. Physiol. Physiological. Ageb. Algebraical. Hist. Gram. Historical Gram- Port. Portuguese. Anat. Anatomical. mar. poss.pron. possessive pro- Ar. Arabic. Hortic. horticultural. noun. Archit. Architectural. Icel. Icelandic. p.p. past participle. A.S. Anglo-Saxon. Ichth. Ichthyological. prep. preposition. Bot. Botanical. introd. introduced. prim. primitive. Cat. Catalan. It. Italian. proncd. pronounced. Carol. Carolingian. Kymr. Kymric. Prov. Proven9al. cent. century. L. or Lat. Latin. q,v. quod vide, see. Chem. Chemical. lit. literally. Rhet, Rhetorical. Chron. Chronological. Lomb. Lombardic, Scand. Scandinavian. Class. Classical. M.H.G. Middle High Schol. Lat, Scholastic Latin. compd. compound, com- German. Slav. Slavonian, pounded. Math. Mathematical. Surg. Surgical, Conch. Conchological. Med. Medical. sf- substantive femi- contr. contraction. Merov. Merovingian or nine. contrd. contracted. Merwing, /.//. plural substan- cp. compare. Met. Metallurgical. tive feminine. Dan. Danish. metaph. metaphorical. sm. substantive mas- Der. or deriv. derivative. metaphorically. culine. der. derived. Min. Mineralogical. smf. substantive of dim. diminutive. mod. Fr. modem French. common gender. Eccles. Ecclesiastical. MS. Manuscript. sm. pi. plural substan- Entom. Entomological. MSS. Manuscripts. tive masculine. etymol. etymological. Mus. Musical. Sp. Spanish. Fr. French. Naut. Nautical. Theol. Theological. frequent. frequentative. Neth. Netherlandish. Turk. Turkish. Gael. Gaelic. O.Fr. Old Frenth. subst. substantive. Geogr. Geographical. O.H.G. Old High Ger- V. verb. Geol. Geological. man. va. verb active. Geom. Geometrical. Ornith. Ornithological. Venet. Venetian. Germ. Germanic, Ger- 0. Scand. Old Scandi- vn. verb neuter. man. navian. VpT. verb reciprocal. = signifies * having become,' as 'e = a,' signifies 'e having become a.' When, in constructing a geological map, we xvish to distinguish the strata which lie one above another, and form, as it were, the history of the earth, we are wont to mark them out by the use of different shades or colours ; so, in distinguishing the two great layers of the French language, we shall mark them off from one another by employing two different kinds of type. Thus, the older or popular stratum, which is anterior to the Eleventh Century, and forms the main part and foundation of the language, will in this Dictionary be denoted by capital letters, as in the case q/" ABBA YE; and the newer or non-popular stratum, the work of the learned, which comprises all words borrowed straight from the classical languages or from foreign modern tongues, will be denoted by thick Roman type, as Aberration ; and again of these, the words borrowed directly from modern tongues will be distinguished from those taken from the classical languages by being printed in thick type, spaced, with f pre- fixed, as f Abrieot. The sections referred to, as ' § 53,' are those of the Introduction, to which the student is requested to turn. ( A, prep, to ; It. a and ad, from L. ad, which took successively in barbarous Latin the three meanings ( = avec, with ; =pour, for ; = d, to) which have descended to the Fr. a. Thus, ad = avec is found in the Lex SaHca (6th cent.) ed. Pardessus, p. I2i: 'Si quis unum vasum ad apis furaverit, sohdos XV. culpabilis iudicetur.' In a less popu- larly worded copy of the same law we find ' Si quis unum vas cum apibus,' etc., proving that ad was used as =cum. Hence comes the use of a, = avec in such phrases as chandelier a, tranche, fusil a aiguille. This prep, plays an important part in the inflexion of the language, and in the forma- tion of words. In inflexion, ad with the accus. takes the place of the Latin dative. This tendency, found in germ in classical Latinity (as in ' quod apparet ad agri- colas,' Terence ; ' hunc ad carnificem dabo,' Plautus ; ' pauperem ad ditem dari,' Terence), and found also in several other languages (as in modern Greek, which uses the accus. with €ts = ad for the lost dative, and as in the English use of to), is developed very strongly in Merovingian Latin, and forms the dative in all the Romance languages. Thus, for example, in a Diploma of a.d. 693, Briquigny, ii. 431, we have ' Sed veniens ad eo placito ; * and in a Donation of a.d. 713, id. ii. 437, ' Ergo donavi ad monasterium ;' in a Donation of A.D, 671, id. ii. 154, ' Idcirco dono ad sacrosanctum monasterium ;' in Markulf. A-PP. 58, ' Mihi contigit quod ego . . . caballum ad hominem aliquem in furto subdixi;' in the Formulae Andegav. 28, ' Nam terra ad illo homine nunquam fossa- dasset.' Ad becomes a by dropping d, a process which had already taken place before con- sonants in Merovingian Latin ; thus, in the 8th cent, we find in Markulf. Formul. i. 37i ' a quo placito veniens ; * a passage found in another part of Markulfus (Ap- pendix 38) in the form ' ad quod pi. veniens.' A Donation of a.d. 739 has ' In portionem quam a liberto nostro dedimus,' Brequigny, ii. 370. — Der. au, aux, q.v. ABAISSER, va. to abase. Sp. abaxar. It. ab- bassare, from L. adbassare, compd. of ad and bassare, der. from bassus, see bas. Adbassare, by db = bb (§ 168) and bb = b, becomes abassare : ' Molendina, quae sunt infra fossam civitatis, abassen- tur medietate unius brachii rationis ' (Char- ter of a.d. 1 192, Muratori, Ant. It. v. 87). Abassare becomes abaisser by are = er (§ 263), a = ai (§ 54), and by continuance of b, ss, and initial a. — Der. abaissement (§ 225), rabaisser (Hist. Gram. p. 179). ABANDON, sm. abandonment, giving up, un- constraint. In 13th cent, in the form a bandon in Marie de France, i. 488, which shows that the word is formed by a com- paratively modern junction of the prep, a with O. Fr. subst. bandon, = permission, liberty, authorisation, a word found as late as the 1 6th cent, in R. Estienne's Diet. Fr.-Latin (a.d. 1549): Bandon, indul- gentia, licentia. Permettre et donner bandon a aulcun, indulge re. Mettre sa forest a bandon was a feudal law phrase in the 13th cent. = m^//re sa foret a permis- sion, i. e. to open it freely to any one for pasture or to cut wood in ; hence the later sense of giving up one's rights for a time, letting go, leaving, abandoning. For this change of sense see § 12. The words d bandon were joined as early as the 13th cent. ; the form abandon appearing in Beau- manoir, 43, 13. The O. Fr. bandon, like all terms of feudal custom, is of Germ, origin, derived from feudal L. bandum, an order, decree : ' Tunc nos demum secundum canouicam auctoritatem ferula excommunicationis et B A BA QUE — A BEILLE. band! nostri constrinximus praelibatum Ermengandum comitcm,' says an Excom- munication of Gregory V, a.d. 998 (Concil. Rom., Baluze, i. 6). Bandum represents Dan. hand, an order, decree. — Der. aban- rfonner. Abaque, sm. an abacus; from L. abacus. ABASOURDIR, va. to stun, deafen; an ill- formed and corrupt form (§ 172), of a type abassourdir, compd. of ab and assourdir. See sourd. ABATARDIR, va. to abase, corrupt ; see bdlard. — Der. afta/arrfissement (§ 225). ABATIS, sm. a demolition, felling (of trees). In the 1 2 th cent, abateis in the Chanson d'Antioche 6, 9,^, from L. abbatere* (see abattre) through a deriv. abbaticius*. For abbat = a6a/ see abattre, for -icium = -eis = -is see under § 214. ABAT-JOUR, sm. a trunk-light, reflector, lampshade. See abattre and jour. ABATTRE, va. to beat down, knock down ; from L. abbattere, found in 6th cent, in the Germanic Laws : * Si quis hominem de furca abbattere presumpserit ' (Lex. , Sal. Nov. 273). Abbattere is compd. of ab and battere (see batlre). Abbattere by bb = b and tt = t (§ 168), becomes abatere, contrd. (§ 51) to abat're, whence O. Fr. abatre (in nth cent., in the Chanson de Roland, 267), wrongly afterwards written abbattre by the Latinists of the Renais- sance (1604, in Nicot-s Diet.), in order to make the word look more like its Latin parent. In the 17th cent, the older and correct orthography was resumed in the words abatage and abatis ; but abattre un- fortunately kept the tt. — Der. abati% (q. v.), abatage (§ 242). ABBAYE, sf. an abbey ; from L. abbatia (in St. Jerome). Abbatia, by bb =b, and t = d (§ 117), early became abadia: 'Ilia abadia de Rubiaco una medietas rema- neat,' says a will of a.d. 961 (Vaissette, ii. p. 108). Aba(d)iani becomes abe'ie (nth cent., Lois de Guillaume le Con- querant, l) by dropping d (§ 1 17), by a. = e (§ 54), and persistence of initial a and i (§ 69), and by final am = « (§ 54). Abeie is written in 13th cent, abate; in 1 6th cent, abbaye. ABBjfi, sm. an abbot, head of a religious house ; from L. abbatem, a word introduced in the last ages of the Roman Empire by Christian writers, who had borrowed it from Syriac abba, a father. For change of sense see § 5 2. Abbatem becomes abe (nth cent., Chanson de Roland, 209) by bb =b (§ 168), atein = J (§ 230), and continuance of initial a. For later change of ah6 to abbe sec abattre. ABBESSE, sf. an abbess. It. abbadessa, from L. abbatissa, a deriv. in -issa (§ 222) from abbatem, see abbd; found in an epitaph, a.d. 569 (Muratori, A. 429, 3) : ' Hie requiescit in somno paucis lustiiiu abbatissa.' Abba(t)issa, by dropping t (§ 117), and bybb = b (§ 168), a = e (§ 54), issa = esse (§ 222), and continuance of initial a, becomes O. Fr. abeesse (13th cent., Roman de la Rose, 8800), whence, later, abesse (§ 1 1 7), For the change from abesse to abbesse see abattre. Abcfes, sm. an abcess ; from L. abcessus. Abdication, sf. abdication; from L. abdi- cationem. Abdiquer, va. to abdicate; from L. ab- dicare. Abdomen, sm. the abdomen, stomach ; from L. abdomen. Ab6c6daire, sm. a spelling-book ; from L. abecedarium. For arium = aire see § 197, note I. t Abe ill e, sf. a bee; a word introd. towards the 15th cent. ; found in 1460 in a letter of remission quoted by Ducange; from Prov. abelha, which from L. apicvQa, Plin. N. H. 2, 21, 21: properly a little bee (for enlarge- ment of meaning see § 13). Jnst as we early find abis for apis (' de furtis abium.,' Lex Salica, ed. Pardessus, p. 163), so api- cula in Merov. Lat, becomes abicula, whence Prov. abelha, just as auricula, ovicula, corbicula, became Prov. au- relha, ovelha, corhelha. That abeille is not a true Fr. word derived directly from Lat. is shown by the fact that in Fr. the Lat. p never stops at h, but always descends to v (§ III), while in Prov. it always stops at h ; consequently if apicula, abicula, had directly produced a Fr. word, it would have taken the form aveille, by p = v (§ in), icxil& = eille (§ 257), and by the continu- ance of initial a. This true Fr. form is not imaginary ; it is to be found in the Diet, of R. Estienne (1549): Aveille, mousch a miel, mot duquel on use en Tou- raine et en Anjou. This form, which thus, even in 1549, was restricted to one or two western provinces, entirely disappeared when apiculture was localised in and re- stricted to Languedoc and Provence, and was replaced, as was to be expected, by a form brought from the district in which the ABERRA TION—ABOVER. , production of honey and care of bees was chiefly attended to. i Aberration, s/". aberration; properly of stars, I tl^e figurative meaning being later ; from L. aberrationem. i ABfiTIR, va. to brutalise. See bete and Hist. Gram. p. 177. i Abhorrer, va. to abhor, detest ; from L. abhorrere. ' ABIME, sm. an abyss. Sp. abismo, from L. abyssimus *, a deriv. of abyssus, with superlative termination -issimus, found suffixed to other Lat. subst., as ocul- -issimus, domin-issimus, marking the highest degree of intensity ; thus abys- simus signifies the deepest depth. Abys- simum, contr. to abyss'mum. (§ 51), becomes abisme (12th cent., St. Bernard's Sermons, p. 167) by persistence of a and m, and by y = £ (§ loi), ss = s (§ 168), and tun = e. For the very unusual continuance of b see § 113. For abisme = abime see § 148. — Der. abimer, to hurl into an abyss, thence to ruin, damage, thence to spoil (as in un ckapeau abime), by a reduction of meaning, see § 13; found also in gene and ennui, q. v. This sense is later than the 17th cent., for the Diet, of the Acad., 1694, recognises only the etymological meaning. Abject, adj. abject; from L. abjectus. — DtT. abjection (L. abjectionem). Abjurer, va. to abjure, renounce ; from L. abjurare. — Der. abjurztion (L. abjur- ationem). Ablatif, sm. the ablative case ; from L. ablativum. For final v=/ see § 142. Ablation, sf. ablation (Med.); from L. ablationem. ABLE, sm. a bleak (Ichth.) ; from L. albula, properly a little white fish, from the adj. al- bulus (in Catullus, 29 19), which is probably the fish called alburnus by Ausonius (an- other derivative of albus); 'Et albiirnos praedam puer ilibus hamis' (Mosella, 126). The albula got its name from its whiteness, just as the rotiget is so called from being partly red. Albula is found in the Lat.-Gr. glossaries, Albula, iKTapa, which is a kind of little fish. In the Schola Salernita, d. Moreau, p. 80, we find ' Lucius, et perca et saxaulis, albula, tinea.' Albula, losing 1 by dissimilation (§ 169), becomes abula, found in a MS. account of a.d. 1239, quoted by Ducange (s. v.) : 'Decano Turon. ille qui capit abulas, de dono ad unum batellum emendum xl. solid. Tur.' Ab(u)lam (§51) contr. to ab'lam becomes able by aTO. = e, and continuance of bl, and of initial a. — Der. aWette (§ 281). ABLETTE, sf. a bleak. See able. Ablution, sf. ablution, washing; from L. ablutionem. Abnegation, sf abnegation, renunciation, sacrifice (of self ) ; from L. abnegationem. ABOI, verbal sm. barking, baying. Aboi, which expresses the bark of a dog (aboie- ment is the present word), remains in the Fr. language in the phrase etre aux abois. The stag is said to be aux abois when he is hard pressed by the dogs, and close followed by their cry. This hunting-term has taken a figurative sense, and etre aux abois now means ' to be hard pressed,' ' at one's wits' end,' ' at bay.' ABOIEMENT, sm. barking. See aboyer. Abolir, «/a. to abolish; from L. abolere. For e = i see § 59. — Der. aSo/issement (§ 225, note 4). Abolition, sf. abolition; from L. abo- litionem. Abominable, adj. abominable; from L. abominabilis. Forabilis = aWesee§250. Abomination sf. abomination ; from L. abominationem. Abondamment, adv. abundantly; from abondant, q. v. Abondance, sf abundance ; from L. abun- dantia. For u = o see § 98; for antia = ance § 244. Abondant, adj. abundant; from L. abun- dantem. For u = o see § 98. Abonder, va. to abound; from L. abun- dare. — Der. sur abonder. ABONNER, va. to subscribe, pay a subscrip- tion ; see bon. — Der. abonnement (§ 225), abonne (§ 201). ABORDER, va. to reach shore, to draw nigh to shore ; see bord. — Der. abord, abordzge, abordMe (§ 250). Aborigene, smf an aboriginal, primitive in- habitant; from L. aborigines. ABORNER, va. to border on, touch limits of. See borne. ABOUCHER, va. to bring together, bring about an interview (s'aboucher avec quel- qu'un is lit. to place one mouth to mouth with another). See bouche. ABOUTIR, va. to arrive at, end in ; see bout. ABOYER, va. to bark, bay ; from L. abbau- bare*, compd. of ad (Hist. Gram. p. 177) and baubare *. For change from deponent to active, see Hist. Gram. p. 1 1 9 ; for db = bb § 1 68. Abbau(b)are, by bb = 6 ( § 1 68), loss of second b (§ 113), continuance of A brEger —a bstinence. initial a, and by au = o (§ 107), are = er (§ 54)» became in nth cent, aboer. The law of balance between the tonic and atonic vowels, spoken of § 48 etc, here plays an important part. In I2th cent, il abaie, Le Livre des Rois, 129; in 13th cent, aboer, Villehardouin, 109; in 14th cent, abayer, Oresme, Eth. 205. — Der. aboytuv (§ 227), aboiement (§ 225). For y = t see § 101. ABR^GER, va. to abridge, shorten ; from L. abbreviare, found in Vegetius, Prol. 3, De Re Mil. : ' Quae me per diversos auc- tores .... abbreviare iussisti.' Abbre- viare becomes abbrevjare by consoni- fication of i (Hist. Gram. p. 65), whence abreger by bb = 6 (§ 168), vj=j (§ 141), continuance of initial a, br, e, and j=g, axe = er. — Der. abrege (§ 201), abregcur, of which the learned doublet (§ 22) is abreviateur. ABREUVER, va. to give to drink, water. It. abbeverare, from L. adbiberare*, a compd. of ad and biberare, a deriv. of bibere ; see breuvage. Adbib(e)rare, dropping § (§ 52), and assimilating db to bb (§ 168), becomes abbib'rare, whence abevrer (13th cent., Floire et Blancheflor, 195), by bb =6 (§ 168), i = e (§ 72), br = vr (§ 113), are = fir (§ 263), and by continuance of initial a. Abevrer is in l6th cent, abrever (Hist, Gram. p. 77) by transposition, whence finally abreuver. — Der. abreuvo'iT (§ 183). Abr^viation, sf. abbreviation; from L. abbreviationem. See abreger. ABRI, sm. a shelter ; introd. in 1 2th cent. (Livre des Rois, 251) from Prov. abric, Sp. abrigo. Origin unknown. t Abricot, sm. an apricot (1549, R--Esti- enne's Diet.) ; introd. from Port, albricoque (§ 26). — Der. abricotier (§ 193). ABRITER, va. to shelter (a modern word, appearing first in 1740, Diet, de I'Academie, as a special horticult. term : Abrite, terme de jardinage — ' un espalier bien abrite ') ; from abri, by euphonic intercalation of t. There was, up to the 1 8th cent, another form, abrier, formed direct from abri, which has been supplanted by abriter: Etifin le bon Dieu nous abrie, St. Arnaud, Podsies, iii. 92 (17th cent.), and in 1728, Richelet's Diet., has Abrier, mettre a I' abri; ne se dit qu'en riant. Abrogation, sf. abrogation; from L. abro- gationem. Abroger, va. to abrogate, annul ; from L. abrogare. Der. atro^ation. Abrupt, adj. abrupt ; from L. abrup- tus. Abrutir, va. to brutalise ; see brute. — Der. a6r?//issement (§ 225). Abscisse, sf. an abscissa (Math.) ; from L. abscissa. Absence, sf. absence; from L. absentia. For &ntia. = ence see § 244. Absent, adj. absent; from L. absentem. Der. absenter (§ 183). Abside, s/l a vault ; (Archit.); from L. apsi- dem. Absinthe, s/". wormwood ; from L. absin- thium. Absolu, adj. absolute ; from L. absolutus. For utus = tt see § 201. — Der. a6so/wment (§ 225). Absolution, sf. absolution; from L. abso- lutionem. Absorber, va. to absorb; from L. absor- ber e. — Der. absolvtion (§ 232, note 4). Absorption, sf. absorption; from L. ab- sorptionem. ABSOUDRE, va. to absolve, acquit. It. assolvere, from L. absolvere. Absol- v(e)re, contr. regularly (§ 51) to ab- solv're, drops the v (§ 141), whence absol're, whence O. Fr. assoldre (nth cent.. Chanson de Roland, 25) by assimi- lating bs to ss (§ 168), by changing Ir to Idr (Hist. Gram. p. 73), and by continuance of a and o. Assoldre in 12th cent, becomes assoudre (§ 157); in 13th cent, is recon- structed into absoudre by the clerks and lawyers who wished to bring it back to the Lat. form. But the popular pronunciation continued in spite of this classical restora- tion of the b, and we know from Palsgrave (Eclairc. p. 23) that in 1530 it was still proncd. assoudre. — Der. absoute, strong partic. subst. (§ 188), from L. absoluta. For contr. of abs51(u)ta to absol'ta see § 51. ABSTENIR(S') vpr. to abstain. Sp. abstenir, from L. abstenere, a common Lat. form of abstinere. Abstenere becomes aste- nir (nth cent., Chanson de Roland, 203) by bs = ss = s (§ 168), by ere = z> (§ 60), and by continuance of a, t, e, n. In the 14th cent, astenir was reconstructed into abstenir (§56, note 4) by the clerks and lawyers. See absoudre. Abstention, sf. abstention, withholding; from L. abstentionem. Abstinence, sf abstinence; from L. ab- stinentiam. For eutia = ence see I § 244- ABSTRAC TION — A CCA BLER. Abstraction, sf. abstraction ; from L. ab- stractionem. Abstraire, va. to abstract, separate ; from L. abstrahere. For trahere = /ra/re see § 135 ; and see traire. Abstrait, adj. abstract; from L. abstrac- tus. For ct = 2Vsee § 129. Absurde, adj. absurd; from L. absurdus. — Der, absurdite (§ 230). Absurdity sf. absurdity; from L. absurdi- tatem. Abus, sm. an abuse ; from L. abusus. — Der. abuser (§ 183). Ablisif, adj. abusive; from L. abusivus. For iviis = 27see § 223. ACABIT, sm. a quality of anything (good or bad). This word originally signified purchase, and afterwards became limited to the thing purchased, then to the state or condition of that thing, lastly to the qualities of any object whatever. (In the 1 8th cent, it was used only of fruits; the Diet, of the Academy, 1740, has Acabit, ne se dit guere que des fruits : ' Des poires d'un hon acabit.') Acabit is a learned word, a corrupt form of the feudal L. accapitum, which in Custom Law signifies a right of entry (' deinde dono burgos . . . acca- pita . . .' in a Will of 11 50, Martene, Anecd. i. 410), and is itself only a bar- barous compound of the L. caput in the sense of rent, etc. For cc = c see § 168, for p = & § III. Acacia, sf. an acacia ; a Lat. word intro- duced by botanists. Among the Romans it signified the white-flowering locust-tree. More fortunate than many botanical names (such as mimosa, salvia, etc.) which are still used only by the learned, acacia has taken root in the language, where it holds its ground with as much right as the Lat. words quietus, omnibus, etc. Acad6niie, sf an academy, learned society; from L. academia (the garden near Athens in which Plato taught, thence ex- tended to signify any meeting of philoso- phers or learned persons). — Der. acat/^'mique, academmtn. Acaddmique, adj. academic ; from L. academicus. — Der. academicxtn, from L. academicus through a form academic- ianus (§ 194). *t" Acajou, sm. mahogany; an American word, introduced with the wood into Europe in the 18th cent. (§ 32). Acanthe, sf the acanthus; from L. acan- thus. ACARIATRE, adj. crabbed, cross-grained. The Lat. cara, a face, then a head (see chere), produced a verb adcariare*, acca- rare, whence O. Fr. acarier, whence the deriv. acanastre (§ 199), found in R. Esti- enne's Diet., a. d. 1549, i" sense of in- sanus, mente captus, then acariatre (§ 199). From its sense of foolish, mad, in 1604, Nicot's Diet., it has come to its modern sense, Diet, of the Academy, 1694. ACCABLER, va. to overwhelm. The Gr. Kara^oK-f], in sense of an overthrow, passing from the abstract to the concrete sense of a machine wherewith to overthrow (a fre- quent change of sense, see § 12, and cp. Fr. poin^on, from L. punctionem), produced late Lat. cadabulum, a balista. This word came in from the Byzantine Greeks, through the Crusaders, as did several other terms of medieval military art : ' Tribus lapidibus magna petraria, quae cadabula vocabatur, emissis,' sa3's (12 19) William the Breton, De Gestis Philippi Augusti, A, 1202. Cad6b(u)la, dropping u regularly (§ 51), became O. Fr. cadable (iith cent. Chan- son de Roland, strophe viii.) : Cordres a prise e les murs peceiez, Od ses cadables les turs en abatied (and his catapults beat down the towers thereof). Next ca[d)able, by dropping medial d (§ 120), becomes caable, found in another passage of the same poem, strophe xvi. : Od vos caables avez fruiset ses murs (and your catapults have broken its walls). From this proper sense of a machine of war to crush one's foe by throwing great stones to overthrow him, caable comes to have the more general sense of the act of overthrowing (§ 12). An old Custom- book of Normandy cited by Ducange (s.v.) has ' De prostratione ad terram, quod cadabiiluin dicitur, xxiii. solidos,' ren- dered in the Fr. version (12th cent.) by De ahatre a terre, que Von apele caable. Caable, later contr. to cable, gave the deriv. accabler, signifying to be crushed under some heavy mass : Accabler, estre accable de quelque chose qui chet sur nous, ou estre esc ache ; obrui (1549), R. Estienne's Diet. In 1604 Nicot's Diet, also gives this term in the active sense : Accabler, c'est affouler aulcun de coups pesans, Vatterrer a force de pesanteur, et de charger sur lui ; opprimere aliquem, obruere. Finally, the word loses all but its figura- tive sense, and is found in its modern ACCAPARER — A CCOMPLIR, signification alone in i68i, Richelet's Diet. — Der. accablement (§ 225). Accaparer, va. to buy up, to monopolise ; a word first found in 1762 in the Diet, de I'Academie, having eome in through the comineree of Genoa and Leghorn with Marseilles, from It. caparrare, to stop mer- chandise. Accaparer, which ought to have been caparrer, has got an initial a from the It. accapare, to choose, take, whose meaning is so similar to that of caparrare, that it naturally produced a confusion be- tween the two words. Very many modern Fr. words of trade and commerce are of It. origin (as banque, bilan, agio, etc., see § 25). — Der. accaparemexit (§ 225), ac- capartxxr (§ 227). Acc6der, va. to consent, accede (to) ; from L. accedere. Accel6rer, va. to accelerate, hasten ; from L. accelerare. — Der. acceVe'ration. Accent, sm. accent; from L. accentus. — Der. accentViQT, accew/uation. Accentuer, va. to accent ; from L. accen- tuare*, deriv. from accentus, see Ducange s. V. — Der. accen/wation, a learned form (§ 232, note 4), from L. accentuatioaem, Ducange, 92. Acceptation, sf. acceptance ; from L. ae- ceptationem*. See accepter. Accepter, va. to accept, receive ; from L. aceeptare. — Der. accepiion, accepution (§ 232, note 4), accepuhle. Acception, sf. acceptance ; from L. accep- tionem. Accds, sm. access, approach, entry ; from L. accessus. — Der. accessoire (§ 233). Accessible, adj. accessible ; from L. acces- sibilis. Accession, sf. consent, adhesion, accession ; from L. accessionem. + Accessit, sm. ' accessit,' honourable mention ; a Lat. word, introduced into scho- lastic language. Its meaning is that one ' ap- proached near' the prize without getting it. Accessoire, adj. accessory; from L. ac- cessorius, in Ducange. Accident, sm. an accident; from L. acci- dentem. — Der. accidenttX. Accidentel, adj. accidental; from L. acci- dentalis* found in Ducange. For alls = el see § 191. Acclamation, sf acclamation ; from L. acclamationem. Acclamer, va. to proclaim; from L. ac- c lam a re. — Der. acc/amation. Acclimater. See climat. ACCOINTANCE, sf. intimacy, close con- nection ; deriv. of accointer, q. v. ACCOINTER (S'), vpr. to become intimate (with one). It. accontare, from L. ad- cognitare *, a compd. of ad and cogni- tare *, deriv. of cogtiitus. Cognitare * is not classical, though cognitamentum occurs in Forcellini. Adcognitare is not uncommon in Carolingian texts : * Quarum exemplar Domination! vestrae transmitto, ut . . . ad aliquem diem ju- beatis venire fideles vestros dieentes quia eis adcognitare vultis . . . .' Hinc- mar, Opusc. De coereendis mil. rap. (a.d. 848). Dc = cc by assimilation (§ 168) pro- duced accognitare, as in a Capitulary of Charles the Bald, a.d. 856, § 11, * Et habet . . . fideles suos convocatos ut . . . nostram, qui fideles illius sumus devo- tionem accognitet.' Accogn(i)tare, contr. regularly (§ 51) to accogn'tare, becomes acointer by cc = c (§ 168), g = « (§ 131), are = er (§§ 49, 263), and by con- tinuance of o, nt, and initial a. Acointer inserted a diphthong regularly (§ 56) acoin- tier : for its return to the form accointer in the 15th cent, see § 56, note 4. — Der. accom/ance (§ 192). i'Accolade, sf an embrace, kiss. See accoler. ACCOLER, va. to embrace ; der. from col (see cou). For the transcription back to accoler from acoler in the 15th cent, see § 56, note 4. — Der. acco/lee, partic. subst. (§ 187). This word, which rightly means an embrace, kiss, and especially that given to a new-made knight, was transformed in the 1 6th cent, into accolade, in imitation (§ 25) of It. accollata : for the Fr. sufRx in ade see § 201. As late as the beginning of the 17th cent, accolade still solely signi- fied the embrace of a knight. Nicot (1604) says, AccoLLADE, se fait en jetant les bras autour du col. Accollee, embrassement, comme Le faisant chevalier, il lui donna I'accollee. Accom m oder , va. to suit, arrange, dress; from L. accommodare. — Der. accom- modement (§ 225). ACCOMPAGNER, va. to accompany; der. from O. Fr. compaing. For details see compagnon. ACCOMPLIR, va. to accomplish; from L. ac- complere *, compd. of ad and complere. For dc = cc by assimilation see § 168. Ac- complere becomes acomplir (12th cent., Raoul de Cambrai, 193) by cc = c (§ i68), A CCORDER—A CCR OIRE. ere = zV (§ 59), and continuance of a, o, m, and pi. For the return in 1 6th cent, from acomplir to accomplir see § 56, note 4. — Der. accomplisstmQnt (§ 225). ACCORDER, va. to reconcile, to agree. Sp. acordar, It. accordare, from L. accordare, der. (like concordare) from L. cor, cordis ; — ' quasi ad unum cor, sive ad eamdem voluntatem adducere' is R. Esti- enne's explanation (1549). We find in a treaty between Henry of Castile and Charles V. (Martini, Anecd. i. 1501) 'Cum parte adversa pactum seu pacem facere, tractare ; accordare . . .' Accordare becomes acorder (nth cent., C. de Roland, 285) by cc = c (§ l68), and continuance of initial a, o, and rd. For acorder = accorder in the 15th cent., see § 56, note 4. — Der. accord (§ 184). t Accort, adj. compliant, supple; from It. accorto. In 1560 Pasquier says, in his Recherches sur la France, viii. 3, Nous averts deptiis 30 oil 40 ans emprunte plu- sieurs mots d'llalie, comtne ' cofitrasie' pour ' contention,' ' concert ' pour ' conference,' * accort ' pour ' avise.' ACCOSTER, va. to accost. Sp. acostar. It. accostare, from L. accostare, deriv. of ad (Hist. Gram. p. 177) and costa, and so properly signifying to set oneself side by side : ' Fuit et stetit ita contractus .... quod . . . unum crus vel genu cum alio non potebat accostare . . . .' Mirac. S. Zitae, in the Acta SS. iii. Apr. 523. Accostare becomes acoster (12th cent., Livre des Rois, 363) by cc = c (§ 168), axe^er (§ 263), and continuance of initial a, o, and st. For 15th cent, accoster for acoster see § 56, note 4. For unusual continuance of s see §H7- ACCOTER, va. to prop up, support. Origin unknown (§ 35). — Der. accotoir (§ 183). ACCOUCHER, va. n. to deliver (as a mid- wife), to be delivered (of a child). This word, der. from couche (q. v.), was written acoucher in the 13th cent., and acouchier in the 14th. For er = ier see § 56. The history of this word is an example of those restrictions of meaning mentioned in the Introduction (§ 12). In the 12th cent, accoucher meant, according to its ety- mology, to lie down in bed. Mathieu de Montmorency, says Villehardouin, accoucha malade (lay down ill), et taut fut agreve gn'il mouriit. Joinville, when ill, uses the following expression, Et pour les dites maladies j'accouchai au lit malade^ en la mi-careme. Accoucher was soon restricted to the sense of lying down, because of illness, and then, later still, to ' He in ' for childbirth. From the 13th cent, onwards we see ac- coucher used in this modern sense, though not exclusively so : La contesse Marie accoucha d'une fille. Villehardouin, 180. On the other hand the word kept its sense of simply lying down in bed till the 17th cent., as we see in Nicot's Diet. 1604 : // s'est accouche malade, ex morbo decumbit. — Der. accouches. (§ 201), accouchement (§ 225), accouchtwx (§ 227). ACCOUDER (S'), vpr. to lean on one's elbow. Sp. acodar, from L. accubitare, der. from cubitus : ' Cum causa convivii fuisset accubitatus,' says S. Branle (640) in his life of S. Aemilianus. Accub(i)tare, contr. regularly (§ 51) to accub'tare, be- comes acouter (12th cent., Raoul de Cam- brai, 51) by cc = c (§ 168), u = om (§ 90), bt = / (§ 168), are = cr (§ 263), and by continuance of initial a. Acouter in the 1 6th cent, was altered into accoubder by the Latinists of the Renaissance. For c = cc, and t = hd, see § 56, note 4. For loss of b, see § 120. ACCOUPLER, va. to join, couple (dogs, etc.); der. from cople, O. Fr. form of cottple, q. V. For o = ou see § 86 ; for c = cc § 56, note 4. — Der. accouplement. ACCOURCIR, va. to shorten; der. from court, q. V. For c = cc see § 56, note 4. — Der. raccourcir. ACCOURIR, vn. to run up, come up hastily. Sp. acorrer. It. accorrere, from L. accur- rere. For the successive changes of c\xxvev& — curir = corir = courir, see courir. For c = cc see § 56, note 4. ACCOUTRER, va. to dress up, accoutre. Prov. acotrar : origin unknown (§ 35). For acoustrer = accoutrer see §§ 56, note 4, and 158. — Der. accoutrement (§ 225). ACCOUTUMER, va. to accustom; der. from coustume, O. Fr. form of coutume, q. V. For Q = cc see § 56, note 4; for loss of s § 158. — Der. accoutumznce (§ 192). Accrdditer, va. to accredit; der. from credit, q. v. ACCROCHER, va. to hook up, tear with a hook ; der. from croc, q. v. For c = cc in the 1 6th cent, see § 56, note 4. — Der. accroc (§ 184), xaccrocher. ACCROIRE, va. to believe ; from L. accre- dere, by regular contr. of accred(e)re to accred're, whence acreire (12th cent., 8 A CCR OISSEMENT—A CHETER, St. Thomas le Martyr). For oo = c see § i68, e = « § 6i, dr = r § i68. For ei = oi see § 6i. for o — cc, § 56 note 4. ACCROISSEMENT, sm. growth, increase. It. accrescimento, from L. aocrescimen- tmn. (13th cent, acroissement, H. de Valenc. x. 10.) For o = cc see § 56, note 4. ACCROITRE, va. to increase, enlarge. Sp. acrecer. It. accrescere, from L. aoorescere. For crescere = croistre, croitre, see croitre. For o = cc, see § 56, note 4. ACCROUPIR, vn. to cower down, squat; der. from crope, O. Fr. form of croupe, q. V. Etre accroupi is properly to sit on one's tail. (13th cent, acropir, R. de Renard, 5852 ; 14th cent, acroupir, Du Guesclin, 16413.) For o=^ou see § 81, for o = ctf § 56, note 4. ACCUEILLIR, va. to welcome. It. acco- gliere, from L. adcollegere, compd. of ad and coUegere, a common Lat. form of colligere: ' Et hospites tres vel am- plius collegere debet,' in the Lex Salica, 6th cent. ed. Pardessus, p. 26 ; hence by as- similation of do = cc (§ 168), accollegere, found in the sense of associating, making to partake, in medieval Lat. : ' Dominus etiam Rex aooollegit abbatem et Ecclesiam in omnibus quae in villa habebat,' Charter of Louis VII. A.D. 1 1 50, in Thomass. Coutu- mier de Bourges, p. 396. For collegere = coillir (i2th cent.) = cueilltr (13th cent.) see cueilltr. For o = cc see § 56, note 4. — Der. accueil (§ 1 84). ACCULER, va. to drive into a corner, bring to a stand ; deriv. of cul, q. v. AccuniTller, va. to accumulate ; from L. accumulare. — Der. accumuhtion. Accusateur, sm, an accuser; from L. ac- cusatorem. Accusatif, sm. the accusative case ; from L. accusativum. Accusation, sf. an accusation ; from L. accusationem. Accuser, va. to accuse; from L. accusare. — Der. accusation, -ateur, -atif. Acerbe, adj. bitter ; from L. acerbus. — Der. acerbitL AC^RER, va. to temper, steel. From acier, q.v. Acetate, sm. acetate; from L. acetum with termination ate. Ac6teux, adj. acetous ; from L. acetosus*, deriv. of acetum. For osus = ^wa; see § 229. Ac6tique, adj. acetic; from L. aceticus*, deriv. of acetum. ACHALANDER, va. to attract customers. From chaland, q. v. ACHARNER, va. to flesh, to excite, set against. It is an example of that numerous class of hunting terms spoken of in the Introduction, § 13, which have passed from their special and technical sense to a general use. Acharner was originally a term of falconry, meaning to put flesh on the lure, to excite the bird. From this proper sense of giving the falcon a taste of flesh, to teach him to tear other birds to pieces, comes the figurative sense of exciting, irritating animals, then men, against one another. At the beginning of the 1 7th cent, the word still had both senses: 1604, Nicot's Diet, has Acharner, c'est mettre de la chair dessus : le contraire descharner, pour oster la chair de dessus le leurre. On prend aussi acharner />Ottr ireusement addenter et deschirer aucun soil en son corps, sa chevance ou son honneur, ce qui est par metaphore. Acharner is from L. adcarnare*, like decamare, found in Vegetius. Acamare is found, without any instance cited, in Ducange. Adcarnare assimilates dc = cc (§ 168), whence accar- nare, whence (§ 168) by cc = c, acarnare, whence acharner by c = ci (§ 1 26), are = er (§ 263), and continuance of initial a, rn, and medial a. For the phonetic relation of acharner to chair see § 54. — Der. acharnevnent (§ 225). ACHAT, sm. a purchase. The medieval L. accaptare ( = acheter, under which word the history of letter -changes is studied) early produced a verbal subst. (§ 184) accaptum = achat : ' Et sciendum quod .... dedistis michi, priori S. Nazarii, v. solidos pro acapto,' from a Charter of 1 1 18, Cartul. S. Victoris de Massilia, ii. 573. Accaptum becomes achat by cc = c = ch (§§ 168, 126), pt = / (Hist. Gram. p. 76), loss of um, and continuance of the accented a, and of the atonic a. ACHE, sf. water-parsley; from L. apium, by consonification pi = pj, whence ache, by continuance of a, and reduction of pj —j (Hist, Gram. p. 76), and uin = «. ACHEMINER, va. to forward, advance ; from chemin, q.v. — Der. acheminement (§ 225). ACHETER, va. to buy. O. Sp. acaptar, from L. adcaptare* compd. of class. Lat. cap- tare. That Fr. acheter, though derived from the same root with accipere, should bear a different sense, will not seem astonish- ing, when we find in Festus that the early A CHE VER — A CQUITTJ^R . Romans said emere for accipere : ' Nam emere anliqni dicebant pro accipere.' Ad- captare becomes accaptare by assimi- lation of dc = cc (§ i68). ' Et est ipse alodes in comitatu Lutevense quem pater meus et ego accaptavimus,' Charter of A.D. looo, and Vaissette, ii. p. 157. In a Donation of 1060, Cartul. S. Victoris de Massillia, 1. 414, we read, ' Accaptavit vineas de Embreugo, quas plantavit Guido K. . . accaptavit terram subter ecclesiam S. - ' " Crucis.' Accaptare becomes flca/er (lith cent.) by cc = c (§ 168), pt = ^ (Hist. Gram, p. 76), are = er (§ 263), and by continuance of initial a and medial a. Acater is suc- cessively softened to achater (§ 126), l2th cent., Livre des Rois, 119, then acheter (§ 54), 13th cent., Berte aux Grans Pics, 115. In the 1 6th cent, the Latinists and pedants of the Renaissance wished to bring the word back to its Latin original, and wrote it achapter, as we see in Amyot and even in Rabelais. But the popular in- stinct rebelled, and did not let this word, like absoj/dre (q. v.), relapse into its Latin- ised form ; and from the beginning of the 17th cent, the learned had to abandon their innovation and conform to the popular pronunciation by writing the word as of old, acheter. — Der. achat (q. v.), achetem (§227). ACHEVER, va. to finish. The Lat. caput, towards the end of the Empire, and in Merov. times, took the sense of an end, whence the phrase ad caput venire, in the sense of to come to an end : ' Filum filabo de quo Justinus Imperator, nee Augusta, ad caput venire non possint,' says Narses in the Ancient Chronology quoted by Gregory of Tours. We also, in like man- ner, find ad caput venire for ' to finish,' in Fredegaire's Epit. ch. 65 (Monod). Venire ad caput naturally produced the Fr. phrase venir a chef= venir a bout. (For caput = cAe/" see chef.) Aucun d'eux ne put venir a chef de son dessein, Lafontaine, Contes ; Quand le due d'AnJou vit qn'il ri'eti viendroit point a chef, Froissart, ii. 2, 20; whence the sense of chef =a.n end. term, conclusion. Sur cette route, ati chief de chaque journee, tl y a de beaux palais. Montaigne, iv. 26; and in the 13th cent. Joinville, ch. 235, says, Au chef de ix jours, les corps de nos gens que ils avoient tue. vindrent au dessus de I'eau. From this chief, O. Fr. form of chef (q. v.), in sense of term, end, comes the Fr. compd. achever = venir a chef, to end, finish. For compd. of ad see Hist. Gram. p. 177. For/=t/ see § 145. — Der. achevemeni (§ 225). ACHOPPER, vn. to stumble; compd. of ad (Hist. Gram. p. 177) and coper, O. Fr. form of chopper, q. v. for origin of coper (13th cent.) = choper (14th cent.) = chopper. — Der. achoppemtnt (§ 225). Achromatique, adj. achromatic. See chro- mafique. Acide, adj. acid; from L. acidus. Aciditd, sf. acidity; from L. aciditatem. Acidule, arf/ subacid ; from L. acidulus*, deriv. of acidus. ACIER, sm. steel. Sp. acero. It. acciajo, from L. acierium.*, found in loth cent, in Graeco-Lat. glossaries, der. from acies, a sword-edge. Acierium becomes acer (nth cent., Ch. de Roland, 771) by §rium = er (§ 198), ci = c, and continuance of a. For acer = acier see § 198. — Der. acerer, acierer. For the diflferent forms acerer and acierer see § 56, note 4. Acolyte,sm. an acolyte; fromL. acolythus, from Gr. aKoXovdos. Aconit, sm. aconite ; from L. aconitum. ACOQUINER, va. to captivate, illure. See coquin. Acoustique, sf. acoustics ; from Gr. olkovo- TiKos, from aKovo). ACQUERIR, va. to acquire; from L. ac- quaerere, popular Lat. form of acqm- rere. For quaerere = gwe'r/r see § 104 and Hist. Gram. p. 140. For aquerir (12th cent.) = acqidrir see § 56, note 4. — Der. acquereuT (§ 227). ACQUfiT, sm. an acquisition (in legal lan- guage), property acquired ; from L, ac- quaesitum, common Lat. form of acqui- situm (see above acquerir from acquae- rere not acquirere). For the transition from a past part, to a subst. see § 187. Acquaesitum becomes acquet by qua6- 8itMia = quest = quet: for details see quete and querir. For aquest = acquest see § 56, note 4. Acquiescir, vn. to acquiesce, consent ; from L. acquiescere. Acquisition, sf. an acquisition ; from L. acquisitionem. ACQUITTER, va. to acquit, clear, discharge; from L. adquietare, compd. of ad (Hist. Gram. p. 177) and quietare, see quitter. Adquietare, making dq = cq by assimila- tion (§ 168), becomes acquietare, a form found in both senses of acquitter in medieval writers. * Et qui terram adquietatam. lO A CRE — A DMIRA TiF. habet comitatus testimonio ..." is to be found in the Laws of Edward the Confessor, cap. 35 J and 13th cent, in Matthew Paris, Chron. a.d. 1267, ' Petitum est, ut clerus aoquietaret novem millia marcarum;' and ib. Vita Henr. iii. 5 ; * Debita dicti abbatis . . . mercatoribus benigne acquie- tabat.' For the successive changes of qtiietare = gutter = quitter see quitter. For cq = 7 see § 168, for the French reverse process q = eg § 56, note 4. — Der. acquit (§ 187), acquittement (§ 225). ACRE, sm. an acre ; from L. acrum * : * Ego Starchrius do S. Florentino octo acra de terra,' Chartul. de S. Florentino, a.d. 1050 (quoted by Ducange, s. v.). Acrum is of Germ, origin (§ 27), and answers to Goth, akr, Engl, acre. Germ, acker. Acre, adj. sharp, acrid; from L. acris. — Der. acrete (§ 230). The doublet of this word (§ 22, note 3) is aigre, q. v. Acrimonie, sf. pungency, acrimony; from L. acrimonia. Acrobate, sm. an acrobat ; from Gr. da/jo- ficLTTjs (one who walks on tiptoe). Acrostiche, sm. an acrostic; from Gr. cLKpoarixov (the beginning of a line). Acte, sm. an act, action ; from L. actus. Acteur, sm. an actor; from L. actorem. — Der. actr'ict, from L. actrix. Actif, adj. active; from L. activus. — Der. activite, from L. activitatem. Action, s/l an action; from L. actionem. — Der. actionner, aclionmire. Actrice, sf. an actress; from L. actricem. Actuel, adj. real, actual; from L. actualis. — Der. actuaUte. Adage, sm. an adage, saying ; from L. adagium. Adapter, va. to adapt ; from L. a dap- tare. Addition, sf. addition; from L. addi- tion em. — Der. additionnd, additionev. Adepte, sm. an adept; from L, adeptus (one who has obtained knowledge of a subject). Adh6rent, sm. an adherent; from L. ad- haerentem. See adherer. Adherer, vn. to adhere; from L. adhae- rere. — Der. adherence. Adhdsion, sf. adhesion; from L. adhae- sionem. Adieu, adv. adieu, farewell ; compd. of d and Dieu, q. v. Sp. adios is a similar compd. of a and Dios, and It. addio of ad and Dio. All these forms are the products of an elliptical e:?cpression, such as soyez a Dieu, or je vous recommande a Dieu. The fact that the Prov. keeps the whole phrase in its d Dieu siatz confirms this view of the origin of the word. Adipeux, adj. fat, adipose; from L. adi- posus. For OB\XB = eux see § 229. Adjacent, adj. adjacent; from L. adja- centem. Adjectif, sm. an adjective; from L. ad- jectivus. ADJOINDRE, va. to assign as a colleague; from L. adjungere. For j\ing6re =join- dre seejoindre. For adj = aj see § 120. For the return aj = adj see § 56, note 4. — Der. adjoint (§ 187). Adjonction, sf addition; from L. adjunc- tionem. t Adjudant, sm. an adjutant; from Sp. ayudante, an aide-de-camp, a word recon- structed under the influence of Lat. adju- tantem*, the original of the Sp. word. The doublet of this word (§ 22, note 3) is aidant, q. v. ADJUGER, va. to adjudge, grant (as a con- tract, etc.), knock down (at an auction) ; from L. adjudicare, by dj=j (§ 120), whence ajugier : see juger. For the return 2=dj see § 56, note 4. Adjurer, va. to adjure; from L. ad- jurare(§ 263). ADMETTRE, va. to admit. It. ammittere, from L. admittere. This word was first reduced to amittere in Merov. Lat. ; we find amissarius for admissarius in the Salic Law, xl. § 5 ; whence O. Fr. amettre, by mittere = mettre : see mettre. In 16th cent, the d was reinserted by the Latinists (§ 56, note 4). Administrateur, sm. an administrator; from L. administratorem. Administratif, adj. administrative; from L. administrativus. For ivus = i/ see § 223. Administration, sf. administration ; from L. administrationem. Administrer, va. to administer; from L. administrare. ADMIRABLE, adj. admirable, wonderful; from L. admirabilem, by dm = m (§ 168), abilem = able (§ 51), whence amirable. For reinsertion of of by the Latinists see § 56, note 4 Der. admirablement (§ 225). Admirateur, sm. an admirer; from L. admiratorem. Admiratif, adj. pertaining to admiration ; from L. admirativus. For ivus = if see § 223. A DMIRA TION — A FFA IRE. II Admiration, sf. admiration; from L. ad- mirationem. Admirer, va. to admire; from L. admi- rari. — Der. ac?m/rable, -ateur, -atif, -ation. Admonestation, sf. See admonester. Admonester, va. to admonish. L, ad- moner^ produced, through its p. p. ad- monitum, a frequentative admonitare (admonitor is in the Cod. Theod. Leg. 7, De Execut. 88). Admonitare is later corrupted to admonistare *, then ad- mo nestare *, whence Fr. admonester, which is a term of jurisprudence = to repri- mand judicially, whence the later and more general sense of to admonish (§ 13). Adolescence, sf. youth; from L. ado- lescentiam. Adolescent, smf a youth, stripling, young girl; from L. adolescentem. ADONNER, vn. to veer aft ; reflex. S'ADON- NER, to give oneself up to. See don, and Hist. Gram. p. 177. Adopter, verb, to adopt, to choose; from L. adoptare. — Der. adoption, adopti^. Adoptif, adj. adoptive ; from L. adopt- ivus. For ivns = if see § 223. Adoption, sf. adoption; from L. adop- tionem. Adorable, adj. adorable; from L. adora- bilis. For sihilis — able see § 51. Adorateur, sm. an adorer; from. L. ador- atorem. Adoration, sf. adoration; from L. ador- ationem. Adorer, va. to adore; from L. adorare. ADOSSER, va. to lean the back against. See dos, and Hist. Gram. p. 177. ADOUBER, va. to dub, in the phrase adouher chevalier, to strike the knight with the flat of the sword as he is being armed ; also to hammer, strike, in the sea phrase adouberle coq d'uti vaisseau, i. e. to repair it. Sp. adobar, It. addobbare. Aduber (i ith cent., Ch. de Roland, 54) is a compd. of a and of a form duber*, of Germ, origin, as are many terms of feudal use and of seafaring (§ 27). A. S. dubban, to strike, beat, ham- mer, whence the two senses of the Fr. verb. For aduber = adober (12th cent.) see § 93, for adober = adouber § 93. — Der. xadouber (Hist. Gram. p. 179). ADRAGANT, sin. gum tragacanth, corruption of Gr. TpaycLKavOa. ADRESSE, verbal sf. (i) address, direction; (2) dexterity; from adresser. See aboi. ADRRSSER, va. to address, send. See dresser. ADROIT, adj. adroit, dexterous. See droit. Aduler, va. to flatter ; from L. adulari. — Der. aduhtion (§ 232, note 4), adid&teuT (§ 227). Adulte, adj. full grown ; from L. adul- tus. Adultdre, sm. an adulterer; from L. adul- ter. Adultere is a doublet of O. Fr. avoutre, q. V. — Der. adulterm. Advenir, vn. to happen, fall out, befall; from L. advenire. It is a doublet of avenir, q. v. Adventice, adj. adventitious ; from L. adventitius. Adverbe, sm. an adverb ; from L. adverb- ium. — Der. adverbi:a.\. Adverse, adj. adverse, opposite ; from L. adversus. It is a doublet of averse, q. v. — Der. advers2i\x& (doublet of O. Fr. aver- sier), adversite (§ 230). A6rer, va. (i) to ventilate, (2) Chem. to aerate; from L. a e rare, from aer (air), whence the learned compds. aerien, aeri- forme, etc. A6rolitlie, sm. an aerolite ; from Gr. a-{]p and Kidos. A6ronaute, sm. an aeronaut; from Gr. a-qp and vavr-qs. A6rostat, sm. an air balloon ; from Gr. d-fip and (TTaTos. Affability, sf affability, graciousness ; from L. affabilitatem. AFFABLE, adj. aifable, courteous; from. L. affabilis (easy of access for speech). Note that the Lat. suffix -^bilis, accented on the a, is contr. into -able. This is quite regular, according to the law of the Lat. accent, which rules that all words of this class lose their short penult, as they pass into Fr. See able. (We do not speak of learned words ending in -abile, as habilis, habile; the reasons for their exclusion are given in the Introduction, § 22). The Fr. uses the sufBx -able to form numerous adjs., specially from verbs ; thus from attaquer, durer, manger, etc., it forms attaquable, dur- able, mangeable, etc. Herein it only carries out a very marked tendency of the last ages of the Empire, in which we find the Romans making out of verbs like affirmare, ven- tilare, etc., the adjs. affirmabilis, ventil- abilis, etc., which are found in Virgilius the grammarian. AFFADIR, va. to make insipid, to cloy. See fade. — Der. q^Jissement (§ 225). AFFAIBLIR, va. to weaken. See faible. — Der. aj^a/6/issement (§ 225). AFFAIRE, sf. business, occupation. In O. Fr. 12 AFFA ISSER — AFFUBLER. more properly written a/aire, a compd. of a And /aire. Der. affaire. AFFAISSJIR, va. to sink, weigh down. See faix. — Der. affaissemcnt (§ 725). AFFAMER, va. to starve. See/a/m. Affecter, va. to aftect; from L. affectare. Affecter is a doublet of affaiter. — Der. af- / 3nd by x = s (to be met with in Lat. inscriptions, in which we find sistus for sextus, obstrinserit for obstrinxerit). This change of x into s occurs in Fr. in axis, ais; buxus, buis; dextrarius*, destrier; and in the eight O. Fr. words sextarius, sestier; buxda*, boiste; tax'tare*, taster; ix2LXxn\is, fresne; juxtare *, _;oMS/er ; de- exducere*, desduire ; deexviare*, des- vier; exclusa, escluse, which in mod. Fr. have lost the s and are setier, boite, later, frene, jouter, deduire, devier, ecluse, just as ajouster has become ajouter. (For the dropping of s, see § 147.) Ajouter is a doublet of ajuster, q. v. — Der. ajut&ge for ajouUge (§ 248). AJUSTER, va. to adjust. Ste juste. Ajuster ALAMBIC — ALLECHER. 19 is a doublet oiajouter, q. v. — Der. ajustage, ajustement. t Alambic, sm. an alembic, a still. This word was introduced in the 12th cent, from the alchemist's Lat. alambiquus, bor- rowed, together with the instrument itself, from Ar. al-anbiq, a distilling vessel (§ 30). — Der. alambiqneT. ALANGUIR, va. to enfeeble. See languir. + Alarine, sf. alarm, a military term in- troduced in the 1 6th cent. (§ 25) from Ital. alVarme, a word of similar sense, but literally a cry 'to arms,' the call of sentinels surprised by the enemy. In the 1 7th cent, alarme was still written allarme, in accordance with its etymology. — Der. alarmer, alarmiste (§ 217). ALBATRE, sm. alabaster ; from Lat. ala- bastrum, written albastrum in some Lat. MSS. For this dropping of a see § 52, and accointer ; for the fall of the s see abime. + Albinos, sm. an albino, a word intro- duced in the 17th cent, from Sp. albino (§ 26). + Album, sm. an album, scrap-book ; from L. album. Album is a doublet of aube, q.v. Albumine, sf. albumen; from L. albu- men. Albumine is a doublet of aubun. + Alcade, sm. an alcade; from Sp. alcade (§ 26). + Alcali, sm. alkali, a word introduced into Fr. through the alchemist's Lat. from the Ar. alcali, salts of soda (§ 30). — Der. alcal'm. tAlchimie, sf. alchemy, a word intro- duced into Fr. through alchemist's Lat. from Ar. al-chymia (§ 30). — Der. alchimiste. + Alcool, sm. alcohol, formerly alcohol, an alchemist's word, taken from Ar. alqohl (§ 30). tAlcdve, sf an alcove, recess, a word introduced in the 1 6th cent, from the It. alcovo (§ 25). Alcyon, sm. the kingfisher ; from L. al- cyone. Al6atoire, adj. uncertain, depending on chance; from L. aleatorius. ALENE, sf an awl. O. F. alesne, from O. H. G. alasna, a transposition of alansa (§ 20). ALENTIR, va. to slacken, formed from lent. This word, used by Corneille and Moliere, survives in mod. Fr. in the compd. ra- lentir. ALENTOUR, adv. around, round about ; O. Fr. a I'entour. See entour. t Alerte, interj. sf and adj. (i) take care! (2) an alarm ; (3) alert, vigilant. O. Fr. allerte, in Montaigne and Rabelais a I'erte, originally a military term, borrowed from It. in the i6th cent. (§25) from the cry alVerte (take care !). The It. phrase stare all' erta means ' to stand on the alert. ' ALEVIN, sm. fry of fish; from L. alleva- men. For the termination amen = in, see § 226. Alexandria, adj. Alexandrine (verse). Origin unknown (§ 35). + Alezan, adj. sorrel (horse); introduced in the 17th cent, from Sp. alazan (§ 26). tAlgarade, sf a sudden outburst of temper; introduced in the 17th cent, from Sp. algarada (§ 26). + Algdbre, sf algebra; from medieval scientific Lat. algebra, which from Ar. aldjabroun (§ 30). + Alguazil, sm. an alguazil (officer); from Sp. alguazil. Algue, sf sea- weed; from L. alga. + Alibi, sm. an alibi; from L. alibi. ALIBORON, sm. a wiseacre, ass. Origin un- known (§ 35). f Alidade, sf reckoning; from medieval scientific Lat. alidada, which from Ar. alidad (§30). Ali6ner, va. to alienate, transfer property ; from L. alienare. — Der. a/ze«ation, alien- able (§ 250). The sense of derangement is to be found in the Lat. word also. ALIGNER, va. to square, draw out by line. See ligne. — Der. alignement. Aliment, sm. aliment, nourishment; from L. alimentum. — Der. alimenter, -ation (§ 232, note 4). t Aline a, adv. (sf) a paragraph ; formerly d linea, from the Lat. a linea, used in dic- tation to show that the writer must break off and begin a new line. Aliquante, adj. (Math.) some ; from L. aliquantus. Aliquote, adj. (Math.) aliquot ; from L. ali- quot. ALITER, va. to lay in bed. See lit. ALIZE (also written alise), sf. the lote-tree berry ; of Germ, origin, from O. H. G. eliza (§ 20). — Der. alisier (§ 198). ALLAITER, va. to suckle; from L. allac- tare. For ct = it see § 129 and Hist. Gram. p. 50. — Der. allaitement. ALLECHER, va. to allure, attract ; from L. allectare. The very unusual change of ct into ch is to be found also in flectere, flechir; tc fleeter c,rejlechir; impactare, C 2 a,o A LINGER — A LL UMER . empecher ; coactare*, cacher. — Der. al- lechement. ALLEGER, va. to lighten, ease; from L. alleviare. Alleviare became allevjare by i=j (see Hist. Gram. p. 65); allevjare became aUejare, and then alleger, by yj=^, as in nivea, nivja, neige, etc. (Hist. Gram. p. 81). This change of the V also takes place (l) before the other gutturals {vc, vg), as in nav'gare nager; (3) before the dentals (vt, vd), as in civ'ta- tem, cite; (3) before the liquids, as in juv'nis, jeune. — Der. allegeznce. A116gorie, sf. an allegory; from L. alle- goria. — Der. allegoriqae. ALLEGRE, adj. brisk, nimble, lively. O. Fr. alegre, from L. alacris. For a = e see § 54 ; for CT=gr see § 129. — Der. a//e^r^ment, allegresse. + Allegro, adv. and sm. allegro; from It. allegro (§ 25). All^guer, va. to quote, allege ; from L. allegare Der. allegziidn. Allelllia, sm. hallelujah, introduced by St. Jerome in 4th cent, into ecclesiastical Lat. Heb. hallelujah (§ .^o). ALLER, va. to go. This word has borrowed its tenses from three different Lat. verbs : — (l) The I, 2, 3 sing. pres. indie, from Lat. vadere ; vado, je vais ; vadis, tu vas ; vadit, il va. (O. Fr. il vat). (2) The fut. and condit.firaiyfirais, from the Lat. ire, by the usual formation of the fut. (See Hist. Gram. p. 149.) (3) The remaining tenses, allais, allai, allasse, aille, allant^ alle, are related to the infin. aller, which was in O. Fr. aler, and aner, and comes from Merovingian Lat. anare, a soft form of adnare, which properly signifies ' to come by water ' (as in Cicero), but soon was much widened in sense ; thus, in Papias adnare is used for • to come by land.' The same remark may be made as to the corresponding word enare (to swim, in Cicero), which even in Class. Lat. signifies ' to come ' (no matter how) : ' Daedalus .... gelidas enavit ad Arctos,' Virg. Aen. 6. 16 (i.e. by fly- ing), or ' Enavimus has valles,' Silius Ital. (i. e. by land). It is singular that .the same transition from water to land occurs in the word adripare, at first meaning ' to touch the shore,' afterwards ' to reach one's aim,' whence Fr. arriver. See also § 13. To pass from adnare, anare, to Fr. allevt through the intermediate forms aner and aler, there has been an important change of n into /. This change of a nasal into a liquid is not rare in Fr., as in orphaninus *, orphelin; Ruscinonem, Roussillon, § 1 63; and even in falol and juillet, which stand for fanot, juinet. For are = er see § 263. — Der. a//^e, participial subst. (§ 187). ALLEU, sm. allodial ownership. O. Fr. alou, aloud, Sp. alodio. It. allodia ; from Mero- vingian Lat. allodium, a word of Germ, origin, in common with all feudal terms. Allodium is from O. H. G. alod (§ 20), full ownership, the franc-alleu (hereditary property, free from all duties to a higher lord) being opposed to benefice, which was originally a life-ownership, dependent on the will of the lord of the fief. ALLIER, va. to mix, unite, ally; from L. alligare. The Lat. g disappears from alli(g)are : this phenomenon, found in the last ages of Latinity (niellatas is found for nigellatas in a Merovingian docu- ment), is common in Fr. (i) when the g preceded the accented vowel, as in au(g)ustus, aout', gigantem, geant, etc.; (2) when the g followed the accented vowel, as in exa(g)ium, essaim; re(g)em, roi. — Der. alliance (§ 192), allie (§ 201), alliage (§ 248), me&allier, mesaZ/zance (Hist. Gram. p. 180), lallier (Hist. Gram, p. 179), ralliement. t Alligator, sm. an alligator ; intro- duced by English travellers (§ 28, note l). Allocation, sf. an allocation, allowance; from L. allocationem*, from allocare. Allocution, sf. an allocution ; from L. allocutionem. ALLONGER, va. to lengthen. See long. — Der. allonge. Allopathie, sf. (Med.) allopathy ; from Gr. aWos and vdOos, a medical system. See homceopaihie. — Der. allopathe, ALLOUER, va. to allow (a stipend) ; from L. allocare *. For letter-changes see louer : for ad = a/ see Hist. Gram. p. 177, and for assimilation of d to /, § 168. See also allumer. ALLUMER, va. to kindle; from L. ad- luminare*, compd. of luminare. Ad- luminare is alluminare in several 7th- cent. documents, by dl = ll, a frequent Lat. assimilation, as in allucere or adlu- cere, alludere or adludere, alluere or adluere, allocutio or adlocutio, alli- gare or adligare, allevare or adlevare, etc. This assimilation also went on in Fr. by change of dl into / or //, as in mod'lus, moule (§ 168). Allum(i)nare first be- ALLURE— AMADOUER. 31 came allum'nare by the regular dropping of the short vowel (§ 52). Allum'nare again became allumer, by ran = m, as in sem'nare, semer ; dom'na, dame, mn also often becomes mm, as fem'na, femme (Hist. Gram. p. 72). It. alluminare, Prov. alhimenar, alhanar, will mark the transition from L. alluminare to Fr. allumer. — Der. allumeuT (§ 227), allumette (§ 281). ALLURE, sf. gait, way of going (or dealing) ; from aller; like coiffwe, soidllure, brochure, etc., from coiffer, souiller, brocher (§ 183). Allusion, sf. an allusion; from L. allu- sionem. Alluvion, sf. alluvium*; from L. alluvi- onem. Almanach, sm. an almanac; Low Lat. almanachus, from Gr. a\ixiva)(a,, used in 3rd cent, by Eusebius for an almanac (§ 21). Alo§S, sm. the aloe. O. Fr. aloe, from L. aloe. ALOI. sm. a standard, quality (of coin) ; compd. of a and loi, which in O. Fr. signified the standard of coin, as still in Sp. For the etymology of loi see that word. ALORS, adv. then. See lors. ALOSE, sf. a shad ; from L. alausa, which was written also alosa. For au = o see § 107. ALOUETTE, sf a lark, dim. of O. Fr. alone, just as herbette is derived from herbe, cuvette from cuve. (For the suffix -ette, see ablette.) Here, as often, the primitive form is gone, and the derivative, though dim. in form, has the sense of the original word (see § 18). Aloue is from L. alauda (as used by Pliny for the sky-lark), a word borrowed by the Romans from Gaul, and introduced into Lat. by Caesar. (The true Lat. names for the lark are galerita, corydalus.) To get from alauda to aloue, the Lat. drops the medial d after the accented vowel ; as is found in the following cases: (l) when the subsequent vowel remains, as in invi(d)ia, envie; (2) when the subsequent vowel is dropped, as in cru(d)us, cru, § 120. The diphthong au is also changed into ou : this diphthong was pronounced by the Latins, not like Fr. 0, but a-ou ; thus for aurum, taurus, the Romans said a-ou- rum, ta-ourus, not orum, torus. This o pronunciation was looked on as quite faulty by the educated Romans, and grammarians speak of it as common to peasants, and a thing to be avoided, Festus tells us that the Roman country-folks said orum for aurum, oriculas for auriculas, etc. The Fr. language, sprung from popular not from Class. Lat., has kept the rustic pronuncia- tion, as in aurum, or; ausare*, oser (§ 107); and in certain secondary forma- tions, as parole, paraula, secondary form of parabola ; forger, faurcare, of fabri- care; tole, taula, of tabula; somme, sauma, of salma. In all these words the au became, and has continued to be ; in a certain num- ber of words this was in O. Fr., and in mod. Fr. has become ou (see also § 107). The following is the complete list of these changes: — laudo, Zo/^e; laudemia*, louange ; aut, ou; audire, ouir; gau- dere, jouir ; claus (for clavus), clou; Cauda, couard ; inraucare *, enrouer; colis (=caulis), chou; austarda (for avistarda), outarde ; gauta *, joue. ALOURDIR, va. to make heavy. See lourd. ALOYAU, sm. a sirloin. Origin unknown (§ 35). t Alpaga, sm. alpaca; a kind of wool got from the alpaga, a kind of llama in South America. Alphabet, S7«. the alphabet ; from L. alphabeta. — Der. alphabetique. Altercation, sf an altercation, dispute ; from. L. altercationem. Alt^rer, va. (i) to alter, (2) to be thirsty; from scholastic Lat. alterare, deriv. of alter ; as in Germ,, dnder?i comes from ajider. Why or how alterer passed from the sense of ' to change,' to that of ' to be thirsty,' is a thing that has no explanation, — Der. a//eration, -able, Alteme, adj. alternate ; from L. alternus. — Der. alterner, -ation, -atif, -ative, -ative- ment. + Altesse, sf highness ; introduced in the 1 6th cent, from It. altezza (§ 25), Altesse is a doublet of hautesse, q. v. + Altier, adj. haughty; introduced in the l6th cent, from It. altiere (§ 25). Altitude, sf height; from L. altitude. + Alto, sm. alto ; from It. alto (§ 25). Alumine, sf alumina; from L. alumine. — Der. aluminium. ALUN, sm. alum ; from. L, alumen. For -umen = -M« see § 226. Alv6ole, sf alveole, a little channel ; from L. alveolus, AMADOUER, va. to coax, cajole; a compd, of madouer *, a word of Germ, origin, from Old Scand, mata, Dan. 7nade, to bait, allure 22 A MA IGRIR—A MBR OISIE. (§ 20). — Der. amadou. Although there is no relation, as to meaning, between ama- douer and amadou, it is nevertheless certain that the latter is derived from the former. In It., adescare comes from esca, which means both bait and touchwood, as is also the case with Lat. esca. These relations show that the same metaphor which con- nects amadouer with amadou exists in several languages ; and this comparison of metaphors makes clear what is the origin of the word, though we may not be able to explain it. See also § 15. AMAIGRIR, va. to emaciate. See maigrir. — Der. amat^ssement. AMALGAME, sm. an amalgam. Origin un- known (§ 35). — Der. amalgamer. AMANDE, sf. an almond. O. Fr. amende, corruption of L. amygdalTim. Amyg- dSlum, contracted into amydlum, ac- cording to the rule of the Lat. accent (§ 51), first reduced the Lat. gd into d, as in Magdalena, Madeleine (§ 131). Amyd'lum afterwards underwent the in- sertion of n, and became amyndlum, just as, in Class. Lat., lanterna was used for laterna, thensaurus for thesaurus, rendere for reddere (in the Salic Law), Inculisma at early times for Iculisma. This may be seen in the App. ad Probum, •Amygdala non amiddola,' and in the Cap, de Villis, ' Volumus quod habeat pomarios avellanarios amandalarios.' Amynd'- lum or amindlTim produced the O. Fr. amende, by in = en, as in infantem, enfant; in en (§ 72). Amende finally became a/nande in Fr. by en = an, as we see in lingua, langue, singularis, sanglier, etc., which words were written in O. Fr. with more etymological propriety lengue, sen- glier, etc. The reader will have noticed that the laws of phonetics have enabled us to ex- plain every letter of this word, except the Lat. 1, which disappears: it is in the anomalous dropping of this 1 that the corruption of the word amande consists (as we have seen in § 172, note 2). We have seen (§ 168) that Lat. dl is always assimilated in Fr. into II or I; so that amind'lum ought to have produced, not amande, but amanlle, amanle ; just as hrandler has become branler. Amande is a doublet of amygdale, q. v. — Der. amandiex (§ 198). Amant, sw. a lover; from L. amantem. Amant is a doublet oi aimant. Amaranthe, sf. amaranth ; from L. amar- antus. AMARRER, va, to moor ; D^MARRER, va. to unmoor, cast off; compds. of prim. marrer*, which comes from Neth. marren (§ 20). — Der. amarre, amamge. AMASSER, va. to amass. See masse. — Der. amas (verbal subst., § 1 84), ramasser (Hist. Gram. p. 179), xamas, ramassis. Amateur, sm. an amateur; from L. ama- torem. Amaurose, sf. (Med.) amaurosis ; from Gr. dfiaijpojais. Amazone, sf. an amazon; from L. ama- zon. Ambages, sf. pi. ambages, circumlocution, prevarication; from L, ambages. t Am.baBSade, sf. an embassy; in the 15th cent, ambaxade, a word not found in Fr. before the 14th cent., and which is shown to be foreign by its ending -ade (unknown in Fr., which has -ee for -ade. See § 201). It comes from Sp. ambaxada, a word related to the low L. aiubaxiata. This word is .derived from ambaxiare, ambactiare, formed from ambactia, a very common term in the Salic Law, meaning Merov. Lat. a mission, embassy. Ambactia comes from am.bactus (a ser- vant who is sent with a message). For the enlargement of meaning see § 13. — Der. ambassadeur, -drice (§ 228). AMBE, (l) adj. both, (2) sm. a pair ; from L. ambo. In the middle ages the phrases ambes mains, ambes parts, etc., were used for deux mains, les deux parts. The word survives as a gambling term; thus fai gagne un ambe a la loterie, i. e. 'I have drawn two figures,' ' a pair of chances.' Ambiant, adj. ambient, surrounding ; from L. ambientem. Ambigu, (i) adj. ambiguous, (2) sm. a medley; from L. ambiguus. — Der. am- biguity. Ajnbitieux, adj. ambitious; from L. am- bitiosus. Ambition, sf. ambition ; from L. ambit io- nem. — Der. ambitionner. AMBLER, va. to amble ; from L. ambtilare. For the contraction of signification see § 13. For the dropping of the u see § 52. — Der. amble (verbal subst., § 1 84). + Ambre, sm. amber; introduced in the time of the Crusades, from Ar. anb'r (§ 30). — Der. ambrer. Ambroisie, sf. ambrosia; from L. am- brosia. AMB ULA NT—AMITlS. 23 Ambulant, ao?/. strolling; from L. ambu- lant em. — Der. amb2ehnce. A ME, s/. the soul ; from L. anima. Aniraa being accented on the first syllable loses the atonic i (see § 51), and is contracted into an'ma, whence O. Fr. anme. In Joinville the word takes the form amme, by assimi- lating nm into mm (§ 168), a regular step, known even in Lat. (as in immemor for inmemor, immigrare for inmigrare, immaturus for inmaturus, etc.) In the 15th cent, amme became am£, by the re- duction of the 7nm into m, a process marked by the addition of the circumflex on the a in^mod. Fr. AME, adj. well-beloved ; from L. amatus. For -atus = -e see § 201. Ame is 2. doublet of aime. Am^liorer, va. to ameliorate, improve ; from L. ameliorare. — Der. ameliora- tion. + Amen, sm. amen ; introduced from Heb. into Church Lat. of the early ritual (§ 30). AMENAGER, va. to parcel out, dispose of. See menager. — Der. amenagement. AMENDER, va. to amend, better ; from L. emendare. (For the unusual change of e into a see Hist. Gram. p. 48.) Accented e becomes a in per, par; lemus, rame; \a.certa., lezard. Atonic Lat. e becomes a in fSrocem, farouche; emendare, amender ; perga- menum, parchemin. In common Lat. we find lucarna for lucerna; marcadus for mercatus in Merov. Chartularies. — Der. amende (verbal subst., § 184), amendement, amendAhle. AMENER, va. to bring, conduct. See mener. — Der. ra7nener. Am.enit§, ff. amenity, pleasantness ; from L. amoenitatem. AMER, adj. bitter ; from L. amarus. For a = e see § 54. — Der. amerem&nt. AMERTUME, sf. bitterness ; from L. amari- tudinem. Amaritiidinein first lost its atonic i (§ 52): then, just as amarus be- came amer, amar'tudinem changed its second a into e (§ 54). In the suffix -tidinem the atonic 1 disappears, according to the law of Lat. accent (§ 51), and it becomes -ud'nera, which becomes Fr. -time: so consiietiidinem, coutume; in- cudinem, enclume (§ 234). This change doubtless took place before the beginning of the Fr. language, as we find in 6th-cent. documents the forms constuma, costuma, for cons'tudinem, consuetudinem. Am^thyste, sf. the amethyst ; from L. amethystus. AMEUBLEMENT, sm. furniture. See meu- ble. AMEUBLIR, va. to furnish. See meuhle. AMEUTER, va. to break dogs to hunt in pack, to get them together ; a hunting- term which has passed into common speech (see § 13). Amenter is 'to set the dogs en meute,' to collect them. For etymology of ameuter, see meute. AMI, S7n. a friend ; from L. amicus. The medial c after the accented vowel dis- appears, carrying with it the vowel that follows it, as in inimicus, ennemi; focus, feu (§ 212). When the medial c after the accented vowel is followed by an a, that vowel remains in Ff., as in ami(c)a, amie (§ 212). AMIABLE, adj. friendly, amicable ; from L. am.icabilis. For the loss of the Lat. c see § 129 ; for -aibUis = -able see § 250. Amiante, sm. amianthus; from L. amian- tus. Amical, adj. friendly; from L. amicalis. — Der. amzca/ement. Amict, sm. an amice ; from L. amictus. Amidon, sm. starch ; corruption of L. amy- lum (§ 172). In the 9th cent, this word is found in the form amydum. — Der. am,idonneT, -ier. AMINCIR, va. to make thin. See mince. — Der. aminchsement. fAmiral, sm. an admiral; introduced soon after the Crusades, from Ar. It answers to the low Lat. amiralius, which also is from Ar. (§ 30). — Der. amirah^, which is amiraute in mod. Fr. For \ = u, see §^89, note I, and § 157- AMITIE, sf. friendship ; in O. Fr. amistie, which is formed through amiste from amista (for a = e = ie, cp. gravis, griff; pietatem, pilie ; inimicitatem, inimitie, § 54): an earlier form is amistet, which answers to It. amista, Sp. amistad, Cata- lan amistat, and comes, as do these three words, from L. amicitatem., a common Lat. form of amicitia. (Amicitas was formed from amicus, like mendicitas from mendicus, antiquitas from anti- quus, etc.) In passing from amicitatem to amitie, or rather to O. Fr. amiste, we find three philological changes: (i) the i just before the accented vowel, amic(i)tatem, disappears (for the law, see § 52); (2) in the thus contracted Lat. word amic'tatem, final H AMMONIA QUE — ANA CHOR^TE. -atein = -^ (see § 330), and o = s, as we have seen it in the soft Lat. c under agencer: it is not so common in the case of the low Lat. o (§ 129). Lat. hard c becomes s in Fr., or more usually the guttural becomes a sibilant, as may be seen in the following : — I. o = s, as cingulum, san^/tf. a. c = ss,as in junicem, gSmisse. 3. c = «, as crucem, croix. 4. c = z, as lacerta, lizard. Amistid finally became amitiS by sup- pression of the s. (See Hist. Gram. p. 81.) ArnTnoniaque, sf. ammonia. O. Fr. am- moniac, from L. ammoniacus (sal) (§ 180). — Der. ammoniaca}. Anmistie, sf. an amnesty ; from Gr. dji- vrjcTTia (§ 22). — Der. omn/srier, AMOINDRIR, va. to lessen. See moindre. — Der. a;wom(/nssement. AMOLLIR, va. to soften. See mou. — Der. amoZ/issement. AMONCELER, va. to heap up, amass. See monceau. AMONT, adv. up stream. See aval. AMORCE, sf. a bait, lure ; corruption of O. Fr. amorse, strong p. p. (see § 187) of amordre, which is an O. Fr. compd. of mordre. Amorse comes from amordre, like entorse from entordre (see tordre). The original meaning is * that which lures,' makes fish, etc. take the bait, bite. — Der. omorcer. AMORTIR, va. to slacken, soothe, deaden. See mort. — Der. amorrissement (§ 225, note 4). AMOUR, sm. love ; from L. amorem. For o = ou see § 81. — Der. amourette. + Amouracher (S'), vpr. to be en- amoured; introduced in the 1 6th cent, by the Italians (§ 25). Amouracher is formed from amourache, which from It. amorracio, an ill-regulated passion. AMOUREUX, adv. loving, amorous; from L. amorosus. For o = om see § 81; for -OB\ia = -eux, cp. spinosus, epinetix, § 229. This suffix was afterwards employed in the Fr. language to form new derivatives which have no corresponding Lat. words, as hetir- eux, honteux, etc. which come straight from Fr. heur, honte, etc. — Der. amoureuse- ment. Amovible, adj. removable; from L. aftio- vibilis. For the dropping of the penult i, see § 51. — Der, inamovible, inamovibilite. Amphibie, adj. amphibious; from Gr. dijupi^ios. AmphibolOgie, «/". ambiguousness of lan- guage; from L. amphibologia. AMPHIGOURI, sm. nonsense, rigmarole. Origin unknown (§ 35). A TTi phithe&.tr e, sm. an amphitheatre ; from L. amphitheatrum. Amphitiyon, sm. an amphitryon, host (at dinner), alluding to the saying of Sosie in Moli^re's Amphitryon, 3. 5, Le veritable Amphitryon est I' Amphitryon oil Von dine. (§ 3.S.) Amphore, sf. an amphora; from L. am- phora. AMPLE, adj. ample, full, copious; from L. amplus. — Der. amplement, -eur. Ampliation, sf. an official copy, duplicate ; from L. ampliationem. Amplifier, va. to amplify, enlarge on ; from L. amplificare. For the loss of c, see Hist. Gram. p. 37. Am.plification, sf. exaggeration ; from L. amplificatio- nem. Am.plitude, sf. amplitude; from L. am- plitude. AMPOULE, sf (I) a little vessel, (2) the holy ampulla ; from L. ampulla, which signifies (l) a little bottle, and (2) a small tumour or boil. The sense of 'bottle' is still to be seen in the Sainte Ampoule, which held the sacred oil for the consecration of the kings of France. ^ For u = om see § 90. AMPOULE, adj. bombastic ; from L. am- pullatus. For u = om see § 90 ; for atus = e see § 201. The suffix -atus always becomes Fr. e, as in pratum, pre; curatum, cure (§ 200). The suffix -ata drops the t and becomes ee, as in annata, annee (§ 201). Amputer, z/a. to amputate; from L. ampu- tare. — Der. amputation. Am.lllette, s/. an amulet; from. L. amu- letum, a talisman (Pliny). AMURE, sf. a tack (of a ship). Origin un- known (§ 35). AMUSER, va. to amuse ; compd. of O. Fr. verb muser (preserved in its deriv. musard). Origin unknown (§ 35). — Der. amusement, amusewr. Amygdale, sf the tonsil ; from L. amyg- dalus, an almond, as this gland is almond- shaped. A mygdale is a doublet of amande. AN, sm. a year ; from L. annus. For nn = n cp. v annus, van; pannus, pan; bannum *, ban. Ajiachordte, sm. an anchoret ; from L, anachoreta, from Gr. avaxoip'r}7^s, one who withdraws from the world. A NA CHR ONISME — ANl VRISME. 25 Anadironisme, sm. an anachronism ; from Gr. avaxpoviOfibs, a chronological error. Anagramme, sf. an anagram ; from Gr. dvdypafi/jia, a transposition of letters. Analogie, ff. analogy ; from L. analogia. Analogue, adj. analogous; from L. ana- logus. Analyse, sf. analysis; from Gr. dvdXvais, the resolution of a whole into its parts, from dvaXvoJ. — Der. analydque (§ 247, note 4). + Ananas, sm. a pine-apple; introduced by travellers from the Indies (§ 31). An archie, sf. anarchy ; from" Gr. dvapxia. Anath^me, sm, an anathema ; from Gr. dvddifxa, an exposure (to the public curse). — Der. anathemzViStr. Anatomie, sf. anatomy ; from L. ana- tomia, which from Gr. dvaTOfxfi. — Der. a«a/omiste, -ique. ANCETRE, sm. an ancestor ; from L. ante- cessor. Antecessor, according to the rule in § 52, loses its atonic e, and is con- tracted into ant'cessor, which is written ancessor in a Lat. document of the year 980. Ancessor, accented on the penult, and consequently proncd. anc^ss'r, became in O. Fr. ancestre, by change of sr into str, a t being euphonically inserted. (See Hist. Gram. p. 74.) This insertion was not done by the Fr. language, but by the Lat., which transformed esserix, tonsorix, into estrix, tonstrix. The form Istrael for Israel is to be found in a biblical MS. of the 5th cent., and the Fr, has car- ried on this tendency in ^tre, O. Fr. eslre, from ess're; paraitre, O. Fi. paraistre, from pares're ; croirfe, O. Fr. croistre, from cres're* ; connaiire, O. Fr. connaistre, from cognos're ; pattre, O. Fr. paistre, from pas're*; naitre, O. Fr. naistre, from nas're ; coudre, O. Fr. cousdre, from cons're ; ladre, laz'rus; tistre, tex're. The common peo- ple, ever faithful to their instincts, con- tinue this euphonic transformation, and say, castrole for casserole, etc. Ancetre is one of the rare nominatives retained in the French language ; see Hist, Gram. p. 96. ANCHE, sf. a reed, pipe ; from O. H. G. anche, which was first the leg-bone, then a pipe; just like tibia, which was first the bone of the leg, then a pipe, then a flute (§ 15). Anche is a doublet of hanche, q. v. + Anchois, sm. anchovy, formerly an- choie; introduced about the 15th cent, from Sp. anchoa (§ 26). ANCIEN, adj. ancient, old ; from L. anti- anus * (an adj. derived from ante, and to be found in Papal bulls of the nth cent.) For ti = ci, see agencer. The suffix -anus usually becomes -aih in Fr., as in humanus, humain, § 198. But -anus usually be- comes -ten, -yen, when preceded in Lat. by a medial consonant, which is dropped in Fr., as we see in de(c)anus, doyen, etc. § 198. — Der. ancienneie. ANCRE, sf. an anchor ; from L. ancora. The atonic o of 6ncli6ra disappears, ac- cording to the strict rule of the Lat. accent (§ 51), as we see also in such words as arbor, arbre, etc. + Andante, sm. (Mus.) an andante, slow movement ; an It. word which properly signifies 'going,' 'walking' (§ 25). ANDOUILLE, sf. chitterlings, corruption of O. Fr. endouille, which comes from L. inductilis, which in low Lat. glossaries is given for a ' sausage,' and comes from L. inducere. Inductilis is properly a gut into which minced meat has been intro- duced (inductus). In passing from inductilis to the O. Fr. endouille, there have been four philological changes: — (l) in into en, a regular tran- sition, as in infantem, enfant (§ 72); (2) ductilis was at first regularly contracted into duct'lis (§ 51) ; (3) this was changed into ducllis by assimilation of the t'l into // (§ 268), and its change into cl, a change which occurred in Lat. (the Roman people changed vet'lus, vetulus ; sit'la, situla, into vec'lus, sicla); (4) ducllis became douille, by cl = il (Hist. Gram. p. 71), and VL — ou (§ 90). So too sicla he- c?Lme seille ; v e c\us, vieil; and volat'lia, volatile. — Der. andouillette. ANDOUILLER, sm. an antler. Origin un- ^ known (§ 35). ANE, sm. an ass. O. Fr. asne, from L. asinus. For the loss of the short i see § 51 ; for the loss of the s, and for the circumflex accent, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. awesse (§ 222), anon (§ 231), anerie (§ 244, note 2). ANEANTIR, va. to annihilate. See neant. — Der. aneanlissement (§ 225, note 5). Anecdote, sf an anecdote, from Gr. dven- 80TOS, that which has never yet been given out, kept secret. — Der. anecdoiique (§ 247, note 4). Anemone, sf. the anemone ; from L. ane- mone. An^vrisme, sm. an aneurism; in the 15th a6 A NFRA CTUE UX — A NNONCER. cent, an^vrysme, from Gr. ayfvpvfffm, a dilatation (of the veins). Anfractueux, adj. crooked, tortuous ; from L. anfractuosus. — Der. anfractuos\t6. ANGE, sm. an angel ; from L. angelus. Angdlus became ange, according to the law of the Lat. accent (§ 51). Ange is a doublet of angelus. Ang61ique, (i) adj, angelic, (2) sf. the angelica; from L. angel icus. The plant called the • angelica ' received this name from the excellence ascribed to it by l6th- cent. physicians, who believed that it would cure the stings of insects, and serpents' bites. Angine, sf. (Med.) angina (pectoris) ; from L. angina. ANGLE, sf. an angle ; from L. angulus. For the loss of the penult, ti, see § 51. — Der. anguleux, from L. angulosus (for -os\xa = -etix see § 229); angulaire, from L. angularis. ANGOISSE, sf. anguish, pang ; from L. an- gustia. For st = ss cp. testonem*, tesson (§ 168). This very uncommon reduction of st into s was known to the Lat. : we find pos-legem for post-legem in Roman land-surveyors, and posquam for post- quam in some gloss writers. Angustia, thus changed into angusia, became angoisse, by the change of Lat. u into oi, which is often caused by the attrac- tion of an i, as in fusionem, foison (§ 96) ; but it also occurs when u is alone, (l) if accented, as in crticem, croix, etc. (§ 91); (2) or of u atonic, as in muc^re, moisir. "t Angora, sf. angora, a word of historic origin (§ 33), a kind of cat brought from Angora in Asia Minor (L. Ancyredes). The Angora cat, the Angora goat and rabbit, are notable for the fineness and length of the hair of their coat. ANGUILLE, sf. an eel ; from L. angixilla. ANICROCHE, sf. a hindrance, obstacle; in the 16th cent, hanicroche, something that catches one as on a hook. Tous ces gens-la, says Regnard, sont faits de croche et d^anicroche. Anicroche originally, then, meant the same as croche, a crook, quaver. In Rabelais, hanicroche is used for the sharp point of a hook, lis aiguisoient piques, hallebardes, hanicroches. Origin unknown (§ 35). ANIER, sm. an ass-driver. O. Fr. asnier, from L. asinarius, by dropping the short i (§ 52), and by a = ie (as'-narius = asnier), a change to be seen also in can is, chien, etc. (§ 54) ; and in all Lat. suf- fixes in -aris, -arius, which become -er, -ier, as primarius, premier (§§ 197, 198). The suffix -ier, perhaps the most common in Fr., has formed many deriv. which had no original in Lat., as barriere from barre, per- ruqiiier ^xom perruque, arbale trier from arba- lete, etc. This suffix usually marks (l) trades, boutiquier, potier, batelier, berger, archer, ecuyer, viguier; (2) objects of daily use, sablier, encrier, foyer, etc. ; (3) vegetables, laurier, grenadier, figuier, pommier, poirier, peuplier, cerisier, etc. Animadversion, sf. animadversion ; from L. animadversionem. Animal, sm. an animal; from L. animal. — Der. animaliser, animalite, animalcule' (§ 154, note 4). Animer, va. to animate ; from L. animare. — Der. a«2TOation, lanimer (Hist. Gram, p. 179). Anis, sm. anise, aniseed ; from L. anisum. — Der. aniser, anisette (§ 282). Ankylose, sf. (Med.) ankylosis ; from Gr. dyKvXojms. — Der. ankylose. Annales, sf. pi. annals; from L. annales. Der. a?tnaliste (§ 217). Annate, sf. annates, yearly income ; from L. an n at a* (found in medieval documents in the sense of yearly revenue). ANNEAU, sm. a ring ; from L. annellus (in Horace). For -ellus = -ea2^ see § 204. Anneau in O. Fr. was annel, a form which is retained in the deriv. annelet, anneler, annelnxe. ANNEE, sf. a year; from Merov. Lat. an- nata, which from L. annus. For -ata = -ee see § 201. Annee is a doublet of annate, q. v. Annexe, sf. an annexe; from L. annexus. — Der. annexex, annexion. Annihiler, va. to annihilate; from L. an- nihilare. Anniversaire, adj. anniversary; from L. anniversarius. ANNONCER, va. to announce ; from L. an- nuntiare. — Der. annonce (verbal subst., § 184). For -tiare = -cer, see agencer. The change of u into is to be found in very many words : the accented Lat, u becomes when long by position, as in columba, colombe (§ 97). The atonic Lat. u be- comes o, when short, as in ciineata, cognee, etc. (§ 93) ; when long by nature, ANNOTER — ANTIMOINE. 27 as in frumentum, frotnent, etc. (§ 96); when long by position, as in urtica, ortie, etc. (§ 97). This change of the Lat. u into most frequently occurs (as we have just seen) before nasals and liquids, following a u in position : it is also found in the Lat. ; thus volpes, volsus, voltus, volnus, volt, exist by the side of vulpes, vulsus, vultus, vulnus, vult. In Old Lat. the finals -us, -um, -unt, and the sufBxes -ulus, -ula, are usually -OS, -om, -ont, -olos, -ola ; we also find popolus, tabola, vincola, non- tiare, sont, consolere, for populus, tabula, vincula, nuntiare, sunt, con- sul ere, in the oldest Roman inscriptions. The rostral column has on it pop lorn, diebos, navebos, primos, for populum, diebus, navibus, primus : we may also mention the beginning of the well-known inscription on the tomb of the Scipios, ' Hone oino ploirume consentiont duonoro optumo fuise viro, Luciom Scipione, fi- lios Barbati, consol.' The Graffiti of Pompeii, and certain inscriptions of the later Empire, have also dolcissima, mon- do, tomolo, for dulcissima, mundo, tumulo ; and solcus, fornus, moltus, sordus, polchrum, colpam are found in texts of the 5th and 6th cent. Lastly, several Merov. diplomas have titolum, singoli, somus, fondamentis, polsatur, onde, for singuli, sumus, fundamentis, pulsatur, unde. Annoter, va. to annotate; from L. anno- tare. — Der. a««o/ation. Annuaire, sm. a year-book; from L. an- nuarium. ANNUEL, adj. annual; from L. annualis. See 071. Annuite, s/. an annuity; from L. annui- tatem. Annulaire, adj. annular; from L. annu- larius. Aimuler, va. to annul ; from L. annullare, to annihilate (used by S. Jerome). — Der. annuhixon. ANOBLIR, va. to ennoble ; -ISSEMENT, sm. ennoblement (§ 225, note 5). See noble. Auodin, {i)adj. soothing; (2) sm. an ano- dyne; from L. anodynos, painless (used by Marcellus Empiricus). Anomal, adj. anomalous ; from Gr. dvw/jia- \os — Der. anomalie. ANON, sm. a young ass. See ane. — Der. dnonner. Anonyme, (1) adj. anonymous, (2) sf. an anonymous author ; from L. anony- mus. ANSE, sf. a handle ; from L. ansa. Antagonisme, sm. antagonism ; from Gr. avTayuviafia. — Der. antagonists (§ 217). Antarctique, adj. antarctic; from Gr. dvrapKTLKds. Ant6c6dent, adj. antecedent; from L. antecedentem. Antechrist, sm. antichrist ; in Rabelais an- tichrist ; from Gr. dvTixpiOTos. Ant6diluvien, adj. antediluvian ; imitated from antediluvianus. Antenne, sf. an antenna; from L. antenna. Ant6p6nulti§ine, (l) adj. antepenulti- mate, (2) sf. the antepenult, that which precedes (ante) the penultimate. See penultieme. Ant6rieur, adj. anterior; from L. anterior. — Der. anterionte. Anthdre, sf. an anther ; from Gr. dvOrjpos, from dvOos. Anthologie, sf. anthology ; from Gr. dvOo- \oyia. Anthracite, sf. anthracite, stone coal ; de- rived from L. anthracem. Anthracites is used by Pliny for a precious stone. Anthrax, sm. (Med.) anthrax ; from L. anthrax. Anthropologie, sf. anthropology; from Gr. dvOpoorros, and \6yos. Anthropophage, adj. anthropophagous; from Gr. dvOpojiros and (pajeiv. Antichambre, sf. an antechamber; from L. ante, and Fr. chambre, a learned and irregular compd. Anticiper, va. to anticipate; from L. an- ticipare. Antidate, sf an antedate; from L. ante, and Fr. date, a false date earlier than the right one. — Der. antidatex. Antidote, sm. an antidote; from L. anti- dotum. ANTIENNE, sf. an anthem ; from L. anti- ph.ona (chant of alternate voices). Anti- (ph)6na lost its medial ph (/), a loss very uncommon in Fr. and only met with in three other words, viz. scro(f)ellae*, ecrouelles; Stephanus, Etienne ; bi(f)a- cem*, biais. Antienne is a doublet of antiphone, q. v. For o = e (a very rare change), cp. non- illud, nennil. Antilope, sf. the antelope. Origin un- known (§ 35). Antimoine, sm. antimony. Origin un- known (§ 35). 28 A NTINOMIE — A POSTOLIQUE. Antinomie, sf. antinomy ; from Gr. dyri- vofua. Antipathie, sf. antipathy ; from Gr. &vti- irdOfia. Antiphonaire, sf. an anthem-book ; from L. antiphonarium from antiphona, antiphone, which is a doublet of antienne, q.v. Antiphrase, sf. an antiphrase; from Gr. ovr'nppaais. See phrase. Antipode, sm. antipodes; from L. anti- podes. Antiquaille, sf. an old curiosity; intro- duced in the 1 6th cent, from It. anticaglia (§ ^5). Antique, adj. ancient, antique; from L. antiquus. — Der. an/Zyr/aire, antiqmXe. An- tique is a doublet of O. Fr. anti, antif. An-tithdse, sf. antithesis; from Gr. avri- deais. See these. Antonomase, sf. (Rhet.) antonomasia; from Gr. avTojuo/Maia. Afltre, sm. a cave, den; from L. antrum. Anus, sm. (Med.) the anus; from L. anus. Anxi6t6, sf. anxiety; from L. anxieta- tem. Anxieux, adj. anxious ; from L. anxiosus. Aorte, sf. (Med.) the aorta ; from Gk. doprr] (Aristotle). AOUT, sm. august. O. Fr. aoust, Pro v. aost, It. agosto; from L. augustus. ' For the fall of g in augustus, aout, see Hist. Gram, p. 82 ; for au = see § 106 (this o is dropped unusually to a, as in orichalcum, archal) ; for u = ou see § 90 ; for the sup- pression of the s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. AoUt is a doublet of atigiiste, q. v. APAISER, va. to appease ; der. from paix through the O. Fr. form pais. See paix. — Der. apaisement. APANAGE, sm. an apanage, now restricted to a domain given to princes of the blood royal for their sustenance : in feudal law it meant any pension or alimentation. Apa- nage is derived from the O. Fr. verb apaner, to nourish ; apanage being derived from apaner, like badinage from badiner, patenlin- age from pateliner, savonnage from savon- ner, etc. (§ 248). Apaner is the feudal Lat. apanare, adpanare, from panis. + Aparte, adv. aside; two unaltered Lat. words (a, parte). Apathie, sf. apathy ; from Gr. andSfia. — Der. apath\(\\it. APERCEVOIR, va. to perceive. See perce- voir. — Der. apergvi, aperception. Ap6rltif, adj. aperient ; from L. aperitivus, from aperire. Apetisser, va. to make little. See petit. — Der. lapelisser. Aphorisme, sm. an aphorism; from Gr. dre«ation, apprecuh\e. Appr6hender, va. to apprehend ; from L. apprehendere. Apprehender is a doublet of apprendre. — Der. apprehension, from L. apprehensionem. APPRENDRE, va. {i') to learn, (2) to teach; from L. apprendSre, a form which co- existed in Lat. with apprekendere. (Ap- prendere is found in Silius Italicus.) For the loss of the penult, e, see § 51. — Der. dhapprendre, apprenti (which was in O. Fr. apprentif, from low L. apprendivus, a medieval deriv. of apprendere. Apprendre is a doublet of apprehender, q. v. APPRENTI, sm. an apprentice. See appren- dre. — Der. apprentisszge. APPRETER, va. to make ready. See pret. — Der. appret (verbal subst.). APPRIVOISER, va. to tame; from L. ap- privitiaie *. Apprivitiare is from privus. For -tiaxe = -ser see agencer; for i = oi see § 68. Approbation, sf. approbation ; from L. approbationem. APPROCHER, va. to approach; from L. appropiare (in Sulpicius Severus and St. Jerome). For •pi = ch by consonification of the i into 7, and consequent disappearance of the first consonant p, see Hist. Gram, p. 65. — Der. approche (verbal subst.), rap- procher, rapprochement. APPROFONDIR, va. to deepen, to fathom. See profond. Approprier, va. to appropriate ; from L. appropriare. — Der. appropriztion. APPROUVER, va. to approve ; from L. ap- probare. For o = ow see § 81 ; for b = i/ see § 113. — Der, desapprouver. APPROVISIONNER, va. to provision ; -EMENT, sm. storing, stock, supply. See provision, Approximatif, adj. approximate; from schol. L. approximativus. Approximation, sf, an approximation; from schol. L. approximationem. APPUI, sm. a support, stay; verbal subst. of appuyer (§ 184). APPUYER, va. to support, prop up; from late Lat. appodiare*, found in William of Nangis, 'Appodiantes gladios lateri eius': and in the Philipp. of William the Breton, we have, ' Fossis iam plenis parmas ad moenia miles appodiat.' Pui is from podium (a balcony, in Pliny ; a base, pedestal, in other writers). S'appuyer is, therefore, to support oneself by the help of something, of a pui, a prop. That podium produced pui, as hodie has hui (in aujourd'hui), as m odium, itiuid, as in odio, ennui, is perfectly certain. For the attraction of the Lat. i see Hist. Gram. PP' 53» 77 ; for the loss of the d see Hist. Gram. p. 81. Lastly, low Lat. appodiare, from po- divma, and It. appogiare from poggio, both in the sense of appuyer, confirm this ^ etymology. APRE, adj. rough, harsh ; formerly aspre, from L. asper. — Der. apremenl. APRES,^re/). after. See /res. APRETE, sf. roughness, harshness. O. Fr. asprete, from L. asperitatem. Asper(i)- tatem, contracted into asper'tatem. (§52), at first produced asperte (for atem = e, see § 230), and asperte became asprete, by the displacement and transposition of the r, with a view to an easier pronunciation. This metathesis (discussed in Hist. Gram, p. 77), frequent in Fr., also takes place in Gr., as in KapSia and Kpabia ; and in Lat., as in crevi,pret. of cerno, sprevi of sperno, etc. In Fr. this metathesis of the r is seen in vervecem, brebis; it has also taken place within the Fr. language in com- paratively modern days : in the 1 7th cent, the word brelan was proncd. either berlan or brelan ; peasants say berbis, bertaudre, berteche, for brebis, bretauder, breteche, etc. Aprete is a doublet of asperite, q. v. A-PROPOS, adv. apropos. See propos. Apte, adj. apt ; from L. aptus. — Der. apt- itude, which is a doublet of attitude, q. v. APURER, va. to audit (accounts) ; -MENT, sm. an audit. See pur. t Aquarelle, sf. water-colour; from It. acquarella (§ 25). + Aquarium, an aquarium; from. L. aquarium. Aquarium is a doublet of evier, q. v. Aquatique, adj. aquatic; from L. aqua- ticus. Aqueduc, sm. an aqueduct ; from L. aquae- ductus. Aquilin, adj, aquiline; from L. aquili- nus. A QUILON — ARCHITECTONIQUE. 31 Aquilon, sm. the north wind ; from L. aquilonem. Aquilon is a doublet of aiglon. t Arabesque, sm. ac?/. arabesque ; from arabe, through the It. arahesco (§ 25). Arable, adj. arable; from L. arabilis. ARAGNE, sf. a spider ; O. Fr. araigne, from L. aranea. For the change of the suffix -anea into -agne, -aigne, cp. castanea*, chataigne ; montanea*, montague ; Cam- pania*, campagne. -aneus usually be- came -ain, as subitaneus, soudain. In O. Fr. aranea was called araigne, and its web araignee, from araneata (the work of the aranea). For the loss of Lat. t see § 201. In the 16th cent, the etymol. meaning was lost, and the insect was called either araigne or araignee. In the 1 7th cent, araignee drove out the other form, and we find araigne no later than La Fontaine. The word is now banished to patois. The loss of it is certainly to be regretted. It survives only in the compd. tnusaraigne. ARAIGNEE, s/. a spider. See aragne. Aratoire, adj. belonging to tillage ; from L. aratorius. ARBALETE, sf. an arbalet, cross-bow. O. Fr. arhaleste, from L, arcubalista (in Ve- getius). Arcubalista, contracted into arc'balista in low Lat., became arbalete, (1) by reduction of re into r, as in quadri- furcum*, carrefour ; (2) by the loss of the s of O. Fr. arhaleste ; see Hist. Gram, p. 81. — Der. arbaletritr. 1. ARBITRE, sm. an umpire, arbiter; from L. arbiter. — Der. arbiirage, arbitniie, arbitrA. 2. Arbitre, sm. arbitrement, free-will ; from L. arbitrium. — Der. arbitrniie. Arborer, va. to set up (a standard), lit. to raise upright like a tree (arbre) ; from low L. arborare, from arbor. The It. word alberare is similarly formed from albero (a tree). See § 15. ARBOUSE, sf. the arbutus berry ; from L. ar- buteus, deriv. of arbutus. Arbuteus, regularly changed into arbutius (see § 58), gives arbouse, by u = om (see § 90), and ti^s (sfee agencer, and § 264). — Der. ar- bousier. ARBRE, sf a tree ; from L. arborem. For the loss of the o, see § 51. ARBRISSEAU, sm. a shrub, small tree ; from L. arborieeUus, dim. of arbor. For the loss of o see § 52; for c = ss see amide; for -ellus = -eaM see § 282. Arbuste, sm. a bush; from L. arbus- tum. ARC, sm. a bow, arc, arch ; from L. arcus. Arc n z doublet of arche. — Der. archer. t Arcade, sf an arcade; from the It. (§ 25). Arc-boutant, sm. (Archit.) an arched but- tress, flying buttress. See bouter. ARCEAU, sm. a vault, arch; O. Fr. arcel (lit. a little arc). See arc. ARC-EN-CIEL, sm. a rainbow ; from arc, en, and del. See Hist. Gram. p. 176. Archaisme, sm. an archaism ; from Gr. apx°'^^i^^^- — D^r- archdi(\we. ARCHAL, sm. brass wire; from L. orichal- cum. For o = a see aout; for loss of i see § 52. ARCHANGE, sm. an archangel; from L. archangelus (St. Jerome). Arcbangelus is Gr. apxayye^os, from dpx^i- and dy- yfXos. ARCHE, (i) sf. an ark; from L. area. (2) sf. an arch ; from L. archia *, deriv. of arcus, a bow. — Der. archev, which is a doublet of arquer. Arch^ologie, sf. archaeology ; from Gr. apxaiokoyia, from dpxaios and \6yos. — Der. arc/te'o/ogue. ARCHET, sm. a bow, fiddlestick; dim. of arc, cp. cochet from coq, § 281. Arche t was ori- ginally a wand bent in form of a bow. ARCHEVEQUE, sm. an archbishop ; from eccles. Lat. archiepiseopus, from Gr. dpxi- and kmaKoitos. Episc(6)pus, fol- lowing the law of Lat. accent (see § 51), dropped the short vowel 6, then, for euphony, not being able to bear the three consonants scp together, it dropped the p ; the word, then reduced to episc, became evesque, (i) by p = i', see § iii; (2) by i = e, see § 72 ; (3) hy c^q, see § 124, and Hist. Gram. p. 63 : then evesque became eveque, by the suppression of the s; see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. archeveche. ARCHIDIACRE, sm. an archdeacon; from Gr. dpxi- and diacre. Archiduc, sm. an archduke ; from Gr. dpx*- and due. t Archipel, sm. an archipelago; from It. arcipelago. In the 1 7th cent, the It. form was still retained by some, who wrote archi- pelague (§25). ARCHITECTE, sm. an architect; from L. architectus. — Der. architectare, -ural. Architectonique, adj. related to archi- tecture, architectonic; from Gr. apxircK- TOVlKOS. ■ 32 ARCHITRA VE — ARRIRA GES. Architrave, sf. (Archlt.) an architrave; from Gr. z>ation, -ateur. ASSAILLIR, va. to assail, attack ; from L. assSlire (used in this sense in the Salic Law ; also in one of Charlemagne's Capitu- laries, ' Qui peregrine nocuerit vel eum adsalierit '). For the change of salire into saillir see saillir. For assimilated ass for ads see § 168. ASSAINIR, va. to make wholesome. See sain. — Der. assamissement (§ 225, note 4). ASSAISONNER, va. to season, dress. See saison. — Der. assaisonnement. Assassin, sm. an assassin, a word of historic origin (see § 33), Assassin, which is assacis in Joinville. in the 13th cent., in late Lat. hassessin, is the name of a well- known sect in Palestine who flourished in the 13th cent., the Haschischin (drinkers of haschisch, an intoxicating drink, a decoc- tion of hemp). The Scheik Haschischin, known by the name of the Old Man of the Mountain, roused his followers' spirits by help of this drink, and sent them to stab his enemies, especially the leading A SSA UT — A SSONANT. 55 Crusaders. Joinville uses' the word assassin in the sense of a member of this sect, but from the 15th cent, the word becomes a synonym for a murderer, and loses its original and special signification. We have at this day quite forgotten the origin of the word, an(t*the fact which introduced it to Europe. The same is true of several other words of the same kind, like the berline, which originally meant a Berlin carriage, or seide, which is the name for a fanatic blindly de- voted to the Prophet in Voltaire's ' Ma- homet.' ASSAUT, sm. an assault. O. Fr. assalt, from L. assaltus, compd. of saltus. For al = au see § 157. ASSEMBLER, va. to assemble, collect, gather; from L. adsxmiilare, assimulare. A.s- sirauldre becomes assim'lare (see § 52), and thence assembler, by (l) val^mbl (see Hist. Gram. p. 73); (2) i = e (§ 72). — Der. assemblee (partic. subst., § 201), -age, rassembler, rassemblement. ASSENER, va. to strike hard, to deal a blow ; from L. assignare. Assener at first meant to direct a blow, to hit the mark : Froissart speaks of an archer who drew un carreau, et assena un chevalier en la teste, i. e. hit him on the head. Little by little assener lost its etymol. meaning, and came to signify, as it does now, 'to hit hard' (§ 13). The forms assinare, assenare are to be found in chartularies of the llth cent. The Romans similarly used either aprugna or apruna. This gn = « is to be met with in benignus, benin, etc. (§ 131). It is also found, orally, in the word signet, proncd. sinet. For i = e see § 72. Assener is a doublet of assigner, q. v. Assentiment, sm. assent, approval ; from O. Fr. assentir, from L. assentire. ASSEOIR, va. to seat ; from L. assidere. For the loss of the d see § 117; for i = e see § 72; for e — oi see § 62. — Der. rasseoir, rassis. The fem. part, assise has become a subst. (§ 187). ASSERMENTER, va. to swear (a witness, etc.). See serment. Assertion, s/. an assertion; from L. asser- tionem, ASSERVIR, va. to reduce to servitude ; from L. asservire. — Der. asseri/issement. ASSESSEUR, sm. an assessor ; from L. as- sessorem. For 6 = eu see § 79. ASSEZ, adv. enough ; from L. adsatis* (the t may be traced in Prov. assatz). Assez at first meant ' much,' and was placed after the subst. It may be found on every page of the Chanson de Roland : ' I will give you or et argent assez ' (i. e. plenty of gold and silver), trop assez (i. e. far too much), plus assez, etc. Similarly with It. assai: presto assai (prestus adsatis) = very quick, tresvite, not assez vite. For change and comparison of meanings see §§ 13, 15. In this word ds is assimilated to ss, as in aliud-sic, aussi (§ 168). For a = e see § 54. Adsatis becomes assez, just as amatis, portatis become aimez, portez. Assidu, adj. assiduous, punctual; from L. assiduus. — Der. assiduxXe, assiduvntxiX.. ASSIEGER, va. to besiege ; from L. assedi- are*, used in sense of laying siege in 8th- cent. texts. For diare=^er see Hist. Gram. p. 65 and §§ 137, 263; for e = /c see § 56. ASSIETI'E, (i) s/. a position, site, equilibrium, incidence (of taxation). This word is simply the strong part, of asseoir (§§ 187, 188; see also aftsow/^). (2) s/. a plate. The Lat. assecare (compd. of ad and secare. Hist. Gram. p. 177 and § 1 68) gave birth, through the supine assectum, to the fictitious verb assectare, whence It. assettare. The Fr. assiette, also spelt assiecte, answers to assecta*, and means properly ' the platter on which meat is cut up.' For § = ie see §§ 56, 66; as to ct = « (a change which maybe seen in dact'lum, datte, etc., § 18), this assimilation had already taken place in Lat. ; thus we find mattea for mactea, natta for nacta, gluttio for gluctio. — Der. assiettee. Assigner, va. to assign; from L. assignare. — Der. assigna.tion, -at. Assimiler, va. to assimilate; from L. as- similar e. — Der. assimihtion. ASSISE, sf. a course (of stones). See as- seoir. Assister, (i) va. to assist, help, (2) va. to be present, attend; from L. assistere. — Der. assistance. Associer, va. to associate ; from L. asso- ciare. — Der. assoc/ation. Assolement, sm. a distribution of crops. See sole. ASSOMBRIR, va. to darken. See sombre. ASSOMMER, va. to fell, knock down. See somme. — Der. assommoir. Assomption, sf. an assumption ; from L. assumptionem. ASSONANT, adj. (Rhet.) assonant ; from L. assouautem. — Der. assowance. D 2 3« ASSORTIR—ATRE. ASSORTIR, va. and «. to match, sort. See sorte. — Der. assortiment, d^sassortir. Assoupir, va. to make drowsy, lull to sleep; from L. assopire. Assoupir is a . doublet of assouvir, q. v. — Der. assoupisse- ment. ASSOUPLIR, va. to make supple. See souple. ASSOURDIR, va. to deafen. See sourd.— Der. asso«rrfi ssement. ASSOUVIR, va. to satiate, glut; from L. assopire. For 6 = om see § 8i ; for p = t/ see § 1 1 1 . Assouvir is a doublet of assoupir, q. V. — Der. assoj/vissement. ASSUJETTIR, va. to subject. See sujet Der. assujettissement. Assumer, va. to assume ; from L. assu- , mere. ASSURER, va. to secure, prop up; in the 1 6th cent, asseurer, from L. assecu- , rare (found in a 12th -cent, document, * Adsec\iravit in manu domini regis patris sui'). For the loss of the c see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. assurance, lassurer. Ast6risque, sm. an asterisk; from Gr. daTfpiaKos. Asthme, sm. the asthma ; from Gr. aaOpa. — Der. asthmat\(\ne. ASTICOTER, va. to plague, tease. See astiquer. ASTIQUER, va. to polish leather with a glazing-stick, called an astic. Origin un- known (§ 35). Asticoter is derived from astiquer in the metaph. sense of ' to plague, • tease.' Frequentative verbs of this kind are not rare in Fr. as picoter for piquer, tremhloter for trembler, etc. Astragale, sm. the ankle-bone ; from L. astragalus. Astre, sm. a star; from L. astrum. ASTREINDRE, va. to oblige, compel, bind ; from L. astringere. Astringere, regu- larly contr. to astrin*re (see § 51), pro- duced astreindre by wc — ndr (see Hist. Gram. p. 73). Astringent, adj. astringent; from L. as- tringentem. Astrolabe, sm. an astrolabe ; from Gr. d(TTp6\a^ov, lit. an instrument for taking the position of stars. Astrologie, .«/. astrology ; from Gr. aarpo- \oyia. — Der. astrologae. 'AarpoKoyia had . "no bad sense in Gr., and answered exactly to our Astronomy, not to Astrology. Astronoinie, .aKos in Gr. and capito in Lat. t Chabraque, sf. the cloths on a cavalry horse. A word introd. from Germ, scka- brake. fChacal, sm. a jackal; introd. from the East by travellers. Pers. and Turk, schakal. CHACUN, distrib. pron. each one. O. Fr. chascun, chasqun, from L. quisque unus. Quisque unus or quisq'unus becomes cAasc7m by changing qu into ch (see § 126), and i into a (see balance). For the loss of s see § 148. CHAFOUIN, sm. a pitiful-looking person. In patois chatfouin, compd. of chat and fouine. + Chagrin, sm. shagreen; introd. about the 15th cent, from It. Venetian zagrin. Chagrin, sm. affliction. Origin unknown. — Der. chagriner. CHAINE, sf. a chain ; from L. catena. For loss of medial t see abbaye and § 1 1 7 ; for e = i see accomplir. Chaine is a doublet of cadcne. — Der. chainon (of which chignon, q. v., is the doublet), chainette, enchainer, d^chainer. CHAIR, sf. flesh. O. Fr. char, originally charn, from L. carnem. For c = cA see § 126; for a = ai see § 54 ; for rn = n see aubonr. — Der. charnQ\, charnier, chartiu, charn- ure, cAarogne, decAarner, achamer. CHA IRE — CHA NCELER . 73 CHAIRE, sf. a pulpit. O. Fr. chaere, from L. cathedra, i. e. a raised seat from which one speaks. For loss of medial t (th.) see abbaye; for G — ch see § 126; for dr = r see § 168. Before the 1 6th cent, the word chaise did not exist, and chaire, like cathedra, had the two meanings, ' a chair, and ' a pulpit.' Thus Montaigne says, ijui. Chromatique, adj. chromatic ; from Gr. XpCOfMTlKOS. Chronique, sf. a chronicle; from L. chronica. — Der. chroniqueur. Chronique, adj. chronic ; from L. chron- icus. Chronogramme, sm. a chronogram ; from Gr. xpoJ'os and ypacpeiv. Chronologie, sf chronology; from Gr. XpovoKoyia. — Der. chronologique. Chronomdtre, sm. a chronometer; from Gr. xp6vos and fxirpov. Chrysalide, sf. a chrysalis ; from L. chry- salidem. Chrysocale, sm. pinchbeck ; a word made up of two Gr. words xP^^^^s and KaXos. CHUCHOTER, vn. to whisper ; an onoma- topoeia ; see § 34. — Der. chuchotement. ! CHUT, interj, hush ! an onomatopoeia ; see § 34- CHUTE, sf. fall ; partic. subst. (see absoute and § 188) of choir,q.v. iChyle, sm. chyle ; from Gr. xw^<5*. jCI, adv. here. See ici. plBLE, sf a target. O. Ft. cibe, from O.H.G. sciba. Ciboire, sm. a ciborium, p)^x; from L. cibo- rium. CIBOULE, sf. a shalot ; from L. caepuUa*. For p = 6 see abeille and § 1 1 1 ; for u = Ott see § 90; for ae=-t see § 104. Cicatrice, sf a scar ; from L. cicatricem. — Der. cicatrisev. tCic^rone, sm. a cicerone; introd. from It. cicerone. CIDRE, sm. cider. O. Fr. sidre, from L. sicera, from Gr. a'lKipa. Sieera, contrd. regularly into sic'ra, became sis'ra by changing c into s (see amitii) : sis'ra has regularly intercalated an euphonic dental between s and r (see ancetre), and be- comes sisdre, just as lazarus becomes ladre (laz'rus), or S. Lusor becomes S. Ludre (Lus'r). Sisdre becomes sidre (see Hist. Gram. p. 81), then cidre (see amitie). CIEL, sm. heaven; from L. coelum, written celum by the Romans themselves. See § 105. For e = e« see arriere. CIERGE, sm. a wax candle ; from L. cereus, from cera. For -eua = -ge see § 272 ; for e = ie see arriere. tCigale, sf a cicala, grasshopper; from Prov. cicala, which from L. cicadxila, dim of cicada. t Cigarre, sm. a cigar ; introd. from Sp. cigarro. — Der. cigarette. CIGOGNE, sf. a stork; from L. ciconia. For 0=^^ see § 129. For the change of ni into gn before a vowel see § 244. See also under aragne. Cigogne is a doublet of O. Fr. soigne. CIGUE, sf. hemlock; from L. cicuta. For o=g see § 129 ; for -uta= -ue see § 201. CIL, sm. an eyelash, hair of eyebrows ; from L. cilium. — Der. c//ler (whence O. Fr. d^- ciRer, now desszV/er). CI ME, sf. a summit, mountain-top. O. Fr. cyme, from L. cyma, a summit, in Isidore of Seville : ' Cjrma est enim summitas ar- borum.' — Der. cimier (an ornament on the top of a helmet). CIMENT, sm. cement ; from L. caementum. Here ae becomes i as in caepuUa, ci- boule; caepa, cive ; caepatum*, civet; 1 a e t a , //« ; p a e o n i a , pivoine. ae reduced to e becomes ie, as in saeclum, siecle ; graeca, grieche. See § 104. Ciment is a doublet of cement. — Der. cimenter. tCimeterre, sm. a scimitar. O. Fr. cimt- terre, introd. from the East through It. scimitej^ra. CIMETIERE, sm. a cemetery; from L. coemeterium. For oe = « see §§ 105, 64 ; for e = ie see arriere. CIMIER, sm. a crest. See eime. Cin6raire, arf/. cinerary ; from L. cinera- rius. Cineraire is a doublet oi cendriers G 82 CINGLER — CTVI^RE. CINGLER, va. to lash, whip; from L. oingiil^e, to whip with a cingulum. For regular loss of penult, ii see § 52. CINGLER, vn. to sail, make sail, O. Fr. singler, originally sigler, a word of Germ. origin, from O. Scand. sigla, to sail. Cing- ler is a doublet of sangler, q. v. CINNABRE, sm. cinnabar; from L. cinnfi.- b&ris. For loss of penult, a see § 51. Cixmaine, sm. cinnamon ; from L. cinna- mum. CINQ, num. adj. five; from L. quinque, written cinque in a 3rd-cent, inscription. For qu = c see car. — Der. cinqmhme. CINQUANTE, num. adj. fifty; from L. quinquaginta. For change of qu into c see car, and for loss of medial g see allier. — Der. cinquant'iQxnc, cinquantzine. CINTRER, va. to arch ; from L. cincturdre*. For regular loss of u see § 52 ; for change of ct into t see affete. — Der. cintre (verbal subst.), decintrer. Cippe, sm. a cippus ; from L. cippus. Cippe is a doublet of cep, q, v. Circoncire, va. to circumcise ; from L. circumcidere. For -cidere = -cire see occ'tre. — Der. circoncision. Circonf6rence, sf. a circumference ; from L. circumferentia. Circonflexe, adj. circumflex; from L. cir- cumflexus. Circonlocution, sf. circumlocution; from L. circumlocutionem. Circonscrire, va. to circumscribe; from L. circumscribere . — Der. «rco«scnption. Circonspect, adj. circumspect, cautious; fromL.circumspectus . — Der. circonspec- tion. Circonstance, sf. a circumstance ; from L. circumstantia. — Der. circonstancier, -iel. Circonvallation, sf. circumvallation; from L. circumvallationera, der. from cir- cumvallare. Circonvenir, va. to circumvent, deceive ; from L. circumvenire. Circonvoisin, adj. neighbouring, adjacent; compd. of voisin and the prefix circon, from L. circum. Circonvolution, sf. circumvolution ; from L. circumvolutionem*, der. from cir- cumvolvere. Circuit, sm. circuit, compass; from L. cir- cuitus. Circiilaire,ac//.circular;fromL.circularis. Circuler, vn. to circulate; from L. circu- lari. Circuler is a doublet of cercler, q. v. —Der. circuhtion. J CIRE, sf. wax; from L. cera. For e = i see § 59. — Der. cirii (which is a doublet of cerat, q. v.), c/rer, -age, -ier. CIRON, sm. a fleshworm, mite. Origin un- known. Cirque, sm. a circus; from L. circus, Cirre, s?«. a curl, lock (of hair) ; from L. cirrus. CISAILLES, sf pi. shears. See ciseau.— Der. cisailleT. CISEAU, sm. a chisel. Origin unknown. — Der. mailles, ciseler (from O. Fr. cisel for ciseau. See agneau). CISELER, va. to chisel, carve. See ciseau. — Der. ciseleuT, -ure. tCitadelle, ./. a citadel ; from It. citea- della. + Citadin, sm. a citizen ; from It. cittadino. CITE, sf a city ; from L. citateiu for civitatem, so written in several inscrip- tions before the 3rd cent. a.d. For loss of i (civ'tatem) see §51; for v't = / see alleger; tor -ateni = -e' see § 230. Citer, va. to cite; from L. citare. — Der. citation. Cit6rieur, adj. hither, hithermost ; from L. cilerior. CITERNE, sf a cistern; from L. cisterna. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. citer nea.u. Cithare, sf. a cithara, lyre; from L. ci- thara. Cithare is a doublet of guitare and O.Fr. cedre. CITOYEN, sm. a citizen. Prov. ciptadan, from L. civitadanus*, der. from civi- tatem. For the change of the first part of the word, civita- = «V-, see cite; for loss of medial d see accabler; for suffix yen see § 194. CITRIN, adj. citrine ; from L. citrinus. Citrin is a doublet of sSrin, q. v. CITRON, sm. a lemon, citron ; from L. citrum, through a dim. citronem*. CITROUILLE, sf a pumpkin, gourd; dim. of O. Fr, citre, which is L. citrum (the yellow colour of the gourd resembling that of a lemon). CIVE, sf a chive ; from L. caepa. For ae = e = i see § 104 and ciment. For p = v see § III. — Der. civet (in O.Fr. «W, properly a stew with chives), civette. + Civette, ./. a civet cat; a word of Eastern origin ; Ar. zibed. The word came into Fr. through medieval Gr. ^avi- riov. CIVI!:RE, sf a handbarrow, litter. Origin unknown. CIVIL — CLIN. 83 Civil, adj. civil; from L. civilis. — Der. civilite, civiliser, civilisation. Civique, adj. civic; from L. civicus. — Der. civisme. CLABAUD, sm. a babbler, liar. Of Germ, ori- gin. Neth. Happen. — Der. clabander, -age. CLAIE. sf. a hurdle, screen. O. Fr. cloie, Prov. cleda, from L. clida*, found in the Lex Bajuwariorum, tit. Ixxvii, ' Si eum in- terfecerit, coram testibus in quadrivio in clida eum levare debet.' The Lat. clida is of Celt, origin, Kymri clwyd, a. hurdle. Lat. clida becomes O. Fr. cloie by loss of medial d (see alouette), and by i =■ oi (see boire) ; oi in turn becomes ai, see § 61, whence claie. — Der. clayon; cloy- ere (from O. Fr. cloye). CLAIR, adj. clear, bright; from L. clarus. For a = az see § 54. — Der. clairet, -iere, -on; cZarine, -inette; eclaircr, 6clairciT, clairvoy&nt. CLAIRIERE, sf. a glade. See clair. CLAIRON, sm. a clarion (clear-sounding trumpet). See clair. CLAIRVOYANT, adj. clear-seeing. See clair. Der. clairvoyance. CLAM EUR, sf. clamour, din ; from L. clamorem. For 6 = eu see § 79. Claudestin, adj. clandestine ; from L. clandestinus. + Clapet, sm. a valve ; from Germ, klappe. CLAPIER, sm. a burrow. See clapir. CLAPIR (SE), vpr. to squat (of rabbits) ; from L, clepere (se clepere = to hide one- self). For accented e = i see § 60; for atonic e = a see amender. — Der. clapicT. CLAPOTER, vn. to clap, chop, splash. Dim. of clapper. An onomatopoeia. CLAQUE, sf. a slap, smack. An onomatopoeia. — Der. claquer (which is a doublet of clicker, q. v.), clacquear. JCLAQUEMURER, va. to immure. Origin unknown. CLARIFIER, va. to clarify ; from L. clarifi- care. See clair. — Der. c/fln)fcation. CLARINETTE, sf. a clarionet; dim. of clarine^ See clair. CLARTE, sf. clearness ; from L. claritatem, J by regular loss of 1 (see § 52), and by I -atein = -e' (see § 230). IjClasse, sf. a class; from L. class is. — Der. classer, classement, declasser, cZassique (which is a doublet of glas, q. v.), class- ification, ause, sf. a clause, a thing concluded, closed up ; from L. clausa, partic. of clau- dere. Clause is a doublet of close, q. v. Claustral, adj. claustral; from L. claus- tralis. CLAVEAU, sm. (Archit.) a keystone. O. Fr. clavel, from L. clavellus, dim of clavis. For -ellu8 = -el = -eaM see § 204. CLAVEAU, sm. the rot, sheep rot. O. Fr. cla- vel, from L. clavellus ; the lumps formed in this disease being thought to be like nail- heads (clavis). — Der. clavelee (from O. Fr. clavele). . + Clavecin, sm. a harpsichord; from It. clavicembalo. Clavicule, sf. collar bone; from L. clavi- cula. Clavicule is a doublet of cheville, q.v.^ Clavier, sm. a key-chain, key-board (of a piano) ; from L. claviarius*, from clavis. In O.Yr.=porte-clef,i.t. 2. key-ring; ap- plied afterwards to a collection of piano- keys. CLEF, sf. a key ; from L. clavis. For a = « see § 54 ; for v=/see § 142. C16inatite, sf. clematis; from L. clema- tidem. Clement, adj. clement, merciful ; from L. clementem Der. cUmt.nct, from L. dementia. Clepsydre, sf. a clepsydra, water-clock; from L. clepsydra. CLERC, sm. a clerk, scholar; from L deri- cus, Gr. kXtjplkSs, one who belongs to the Kkripos, or clergy, as opposed to a lay- man. The prim, sense has been expanded to that of a man of learning, then a pen- man, clerk (in all its senses), agent, as in clerc d'avoue, etc. For loss of i see § 51. CLERGE, sm. the clerical body; from L. clericatus, from clericus. For loss of atonic i see § 52; for c=g see § 129; for -atus = -e see § 201. Clerical, adj. clerical; from L. clericalis. CLICHER, va. to stereotype. O. Fr. cliquer, a form which shows that clicker is a vari- ant of cliquer, q. v. : it is also a doublet of claquer. Similarly in Germ, ab-klitschen, = clicker, is derived from hlatschen, = cla- quer. — Der. clicks, clickzgt. Client, sm. a client, dependent; from L. client em. — Der. clientele. CLIGNER, va. to wink ; from L. clinare. n becomes gn, and undergoes the same change as nn in grunnire, grogner ; pinnonem*, pignon. Climat, sm. climate; from climatem. — Der. c/tma^erique. CLIN, sm. a wink; verbal subst. of cligner, q.v. G 2 84 CLTNIQUE^-COCHE. diniqne, adj. clinical, sf. clinical surgery; from L. clinice, a medical lesson given at the sick man's bedside. CLINQUANT, sm. tinsel, Dutch gold-leaf; abbrev. of O. Fr. phrase or clinquant. Clin- quer, Neth. klinken, properly means to make a clinking noise. A like metaphor is found in Germ., which calls this metal rauschgold. CLIQUER, see clicker, of which it is another form. CLIQUETER,t;a.to clack, click. Frequent, of O. Fr. cliquer. An onotnatop. word. — Der. cliquetis. * + Oliver, va. to cleave; from Engl, cleave. Der. clivige. Cloaque, sf. a sewer; from L. cloaca. CLOCHE, sf. a bell ; from Merov. L. clocca. Origin unknown. For c = ch see § 126. — Der. clocher, -ette, -eton. CLOCHER, vn. to halt, limp, hobble. Prov. clopchar, Gr. x^w^t^Trovs (lame) gave birth, in the first ages after the fall of the Em- pire, to a Lat. cloppus. This word is found in the Glosses of Philoxenus, * clop- pus =x'''^<^5'>* ^nd the Lex Alamannorum gives cloppus for claudus, 'ut cloppus permaneat.' This adj. cloppus has given the Fr. two important words : — 1. O. Fr. adj. clop (lame), whence the vn, eloper, lost in mod. Fr., leaving its pres. partic. in the expression clopin- clopant, of which the first part is the verbal subst. of clopiner, another deriv. of eloper. Sclope is also a compd, of eloper. 2. Through a deriv., cloppicus, came the vn. cloppicare, which regularly losing i became clop'care, whence on one hand the Prov. clopchar, on the other the Fr. clocher. For c = ch see § 126. CLOISON, sf. a partition ; from L. closi- onem*, by transposition of i: see Hist. Gram, p, 77. CLOfTRE, sm. a cloister, monastery. O. Fr. cloistre, from L. claustrum. For au = o = ot see ahoyer and § 107; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. cloitrer. CLOPIN - CLOPANT, adv. loc. haltingly, ' clop-clop.' See clocher. CLOPORTE, sm. a wood-louse. In 17th cfent. written clausp6rte, degraded from clausporc, which should be its true form, from Lat. clausus porcus (lit. ' a shut-up pig'). It is hard to say why this name should be applied to the wood-louse; still the Wood-louse is* almost everywhere called a pig. The Lat. called it sometimes asellus, sometimes porcellio, the \\. porcellino, the Gr. 6vtaK6s. Similarly in the French pro- vinces; in Champagne cochon de saint An- toine, in Dauphin^ ka'ion (a pig), in Anjou tree{ = truie, a sow). These parallels confirm the existence of this metaphor, without however explaining it, CLORE, va. to close, shut; from L. clau- d§re. For the regular loss of the penult. 6 see § 51; for au = see alouette ; for dr = r see § 168, — Der. 6clore, enclore, enc/os, dMore ; clos, close (whose doublet is^clause)f closene, c/osier. CL6TURE, ,/. an enclosure, fence, close. O, Fr. closture, from L. clausitura*, from clausus. For regular loss of i see § 52 ; for au = see alouette ; for loss of s see Hist, Gram, p. 8i. CLOU, sm. a nail, O. Fr, do, from L, clavus. For av = au = = om see alouette. — Der, clouer, -tier, enclouex, de- clouer. CLOYERE, sf. an oyster basket. See date. + Club, sm. a club ; from Engl, club. — Der. dub'xste. Clyst^re, sm. a clyster; from L, clyster, Coactif, adj. coactive; from L, coactivus, Coaguler, va. to curdle, coagulate ; from L. coagulare. Coaguler is a doublet of cailler, q. v. Coaliser, vn. to coalesce. An ill-foi'med word from L, coalescere, — Der, coaZition, Coasser, vn. to croak. In l6th cent, co- axer, from L. coaxare. — Der. coassement. t Cobalt, sm. cobalt; from Germ, cobalt. COCAGNE, sf Cockayne. O. Fr. quaigne, in medieval mythology an imaginary land the houses of which are made of cakes (cogues as they were then called, now couque). COCARDE, /. a cockade. O, Fr, coquarde, a cock's comb, then a red device in the hat, like a cock's comb. See coq. COCASSE, adj. ludicrous. Origin unknown. COCHE, (i) sf. a boat; from L. concha*, which from its proper sense of shell, conch, came to that of a little boat. For nc = c see coque and Hist. Gram. p. 82. The word was early appHed to certain public carriages by the common transfer of words relating to water-carriage to land-carriage. In Paris before 1855 some omnibuses were called gondoles, others galires, thus taking their names from terms of navigation. Hence (2) sf a coach, carriage; see above.— Der. cocher, porte-cocAfere. COCHE, sf. a tally, notch. Origin unknown. — Der. decocAer is to shoot an arrow, COCHE — COLIS. 85 by freeing it from the notch of the arba- list. COCHE, sf. a sow. Origin unknown. — Der. chocon. fCochenille, sf. cochineal; introd. in 16th cent, from Sp. cochinilla. COCHER, stn. a coachman. See coche. COCHET, sm. a cockerel. See coq. COCHEVIS, sm. the crested lark. Origin unknown. COCHON, sm. a pig. See coche. + Coco, sm cocoa ; introd. from Port, coquo. — Der. cocotier. COCON, sm. a cocoon. See coque. Coction, sf. a coction, boiling; from L. coctionem. Coction is a doublet of cidsson, q. v. Code, sm. a code; from L. codex.— Der. corfifier. Code is a doublet of codex. Codicille, sm. a codicil; from L. codi- cillus. CoefiBLCient, sm. a coefEcient ; from co, L. cum, and efficient from L. efficientem. Coemption, sf. coemption; from L. co- emptionem. Coercition, s/. coercion ; from L. coerci- t ion em. — Der. coercitii. CCEUR, sm. the heart; from L. cor. For O = oeu see cueillir. COFFRE, sm. a chest, trunk, coffer; from L. cophinus, a basket, but used for a coffer in the Capit. de Villis. art. 62 : ' coflnis id est scriniis.' C6ph(i)lius was first regularly contrd. (see § 51) into coph'nus ; then ph became /, after a general Fr. rule. The Romans proncd. ph and f differently, as we see from Priscian : •Non tam fixis labris est pronuntianda f, quomodo ph,' but this shade of difference was soon effaced, and has entirely dis- appeared from modern languages. For pli=/ cp. phasianus, faison, § 146. Cofnus becomes coffre by changing n ! into r : this permutation of the nasal into ! a liquid is also to be found in ord'nem, ordre, etc., § 163. Coffre is a doublet of coffin. — Der. coffrtX, coffrtx, en- coffrex. COGNEE, sf. an axe, hatchet. O. Fr. coignee, from L. cvmeata*, a wedge to cleave « wood with. First ea became ia (see Hist. I Gram. p. 66), then cuniata becomes coignee by (i) ni=^ra (see aragne), (2) u = o/(see § ioo),(3)-ata = -e'e(see § 201). jpOGNER, va. to drive in (a nail, wedge). O. Fr. coigner, from L. cuneare. For (Hineare = coigner see cognee. •Cohabiter, vn. to cohabit; from L. co- habitare. — Der. cohabita.tiox\. Coh.6rent, a<^'. coherent ; from L. cohae- rentem. Cohesion, sf. cohesion; from L. cohae- sionem. Cohorte, sf. a cohort ; from L. cohortem. Cokorte is a doublet of cour. COHUE, sf. a rout, crowd ; verbal subst. of cohuer (to cry, hue and cry together). For the etymology see heur. COl,fem. coite, quiet, coy, still; from L. quie- tus. For loss of t see aigu ; for i = oi see § 68; for qu = c see car. Coi is a doublet of quitte, q. v. COIFFE, sf a headdress, cap ; from L. cofea, used by Fortunatus. First ea became ia (see Hist. Gram. p. 66), then cofla becomes coiffe by attraction of i, which changes o into oi (see Hist. Gram. p. 77). — Der. coiffei, -eur, -ure, decoiffer. COIN, sm. a corner, nook; from L. cuneus. For eus = tMS see Hist. Gram, p. 189; for iii= gn see aragne; for \i = oi see § 100, — Der. Tecoin. Coincider, vn. to coincide; from L. co- incidere. — Der. co'incidence, GOING, sm. a quince. O. Fr. cooing, Prov. codoing. It. cotogna, from L, cotoneus. -eus becoming regularly -ius (see Hist. Gram. p. 66), cotonius produced O. Fr. cooing, (l) by dropping medial t (see § 117), (2) by changing ui into ng, (3) by changing o into oi (see Hist. Gram. p. 77). — Der. co^wasse, -assier. t Coke, sm. coke ; from Eng. coke. COL, sm. a neck, of which cou is the softer form, see agneau ; from L. collum. Col is a doublet of cou, q. v. — Der. collier, -let, -lerette, deco/ler, enco/ure, acco/er. tColback, sm. colback; from Turk. kolbdk, a furred hat, adopted by certain French cavalry regiments on their return from the campaign of Egypt. Col6optdre, sm. a beetle, adj. coleopterous ; from Gr. KoKeoTrrepos, sheath-winged. Colore,./, wrath; from L. cholera, Co- lere is a doublet of cholera and O. Fr. colle. + Colibri, sm. a humming-bird; introd. from the American colonies. COLIFICHET, sm. a trinket. Origin un- known. CO LI MACON, sm. a snail. See limapon. Colique, sf. colic ; from L. colica. t Colis, sm. a package, more correctly written coli, from It. collo, the neck. 85 COLLA BORER — COMITS. Collaborer, va. to work with; from L. col labor a re. — Dcr. co//a6orateur, -ation. Collateral, adj. collateral; from L. col la- teralis*. Collateur, sm. a collator; from L. colla- tor. Collation, sf. a collation ; from L. collatio. The sense of a light repast comes from convents, in which the monks made a daily 'collation ' or reading and discussion on Holy Writ. This conference was followed by a light meal, which accordingly took the name of collatio. — Der. collationner. Colle, sf. paste, glue ; from Gr. nSWa. — Der. collcr, d^co/Ter, encoder. Collecte, sf. a collection, collect ; from L. coUecta * (partic.of colligere). Collecte is a doublet of cueillette, q. v. — Der. col- lecteuT. Collectif, adj. collective; from L. collec- tivus. Collection, sf. a collection; from L. col- lect ion em. — Der. collectionner. College, sm. a college, high school ; from L. collegium. — Der. collegizl, collegien. Colldgue, sm. a colleague ; from L. col- lega. Coller, va. to stick, glue, paste. See colle. COLLERETTE, sf. a collar, frill. See collier. COLLET, sm. a collar. See co/.— Der. collet- er, se decolletcT. COLLIER, sm. a necklace. See cou. — Der. collerette, dim. of O. Fr. coller for collier. COLLINE, sf. a little hill, hillock ; from L. collina, a word used by Roman surveyors. Columella uses the form collinum. Collision, sf. a collision; from L. collisi- onem. Collocation, sf. a collocation; from L. coUocationem. Colloque, sm. a colloquy; from L. col- loquium. Colloquer, va. to class, marshall, place; from L. collocare. Colloquer is a doublet of coucher, q. v. Collusion, sf. collusion ; from L. col- lusionem. Colljrre, sm. collyrium, eye-salve ; from L. collyrium. Colombo, ./. a dove ; from L. columba. — Der. colombxQi, colombxn. Colon, sm. a husbandman ; from L. col onus. —Der. colonie (which is a doublet of O. Fr. colonge), colonial, coloniser. + Colonel, sm. a colonel; introd. in i6th cent, from It. colonello. COLONNE, sf. a column ; from L. columna. For u = o see annoncer ; for mn = nn cp. Garumna, Garonne, This assimilation is to be found in Lat., where we have con- necto for cum-necto, etc. (§ i68). — Dei. colonn3.de, colonnette. Colophane, sf. colophony; in l6th cent. colophone, from L. colophonia, rosin of Colophon. Coloquinte, sf colocynth; from L. colo- cynthis. Colorer, va. to colour; from L. colorare. Colorer is a doublet of colorier. — Der. co/oration. t Color is, sm. colouring; introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. colorito. — Der. colorier, color'isXe. Colosse, sm. a colossus ; from L. colossus. — Der. colosszX. COLPORTER, va. to hawk, peddle; from col and porter, q. v. The colporteur was rightly a pedlar with a pack on his shoulders. — Der. colporteur, colportige. Colore, sf. (Astron.) colure ; from Gr. k6\ov- pos, sc. ypafxfifi, properly = ligne colure. t Colza, sm. colza, rape-seed ; from Flem. koolsaed. COMBATTRE, va. to fight, combat ; from battre (q. v.) and cum. — Der. combat (verbal subst.). COMBIEN, adv. how many; from com ( = to what point), O. Fr. form of comme (q. v.), and bien. See Hist. Gram. p. i6o. Combiner, va. to combine; from L. com- binare. — Der. cow6maison. COMBLE, sm. top, summit, fulfilment ; from L. cumulus, which signifies a summit in several medieval texts. Cura(u)lus, regu- larly contrd. (see § 51) into cum'lus, be- comes comble. For u = see annoncer ; for nil = w&/ see Hist. Gram. p. 72. Comble is a doublet of combrer. COMBLER, va. to fill up, fulfil; from L. cumulare, regularly contrd. (see accointer) into cum'lare, whence combler. For letter-changes see comble. Combler is a doublet of cumuler, q. v. Combustion, sf. combustion; from L. combustionem. Com6d.ie, ^f. a comedy, play ; from L. comoedia. — Der. comedien. t Comestible, adj. eatable, edible; in- trod. in 1 6th cent, from It. comestibile. Com^tes, sf pi. a comet; from L. co- metes. Comice, sm.pl. comitia; from L. comitia. Com.ique, adj. comic; from L. comicus. t Comit6, sm. a committee; introd. during COMMA NDER — COMPA GNE. 87 the Regency from Engl, committee. Comite is a doublet of comte, q. v. COMMANDER, va. to command; from L. commendare (used for 'to order' in the late Lat.). — Der. commands (verbal subst.), commandtmtx\\., commandant, commendeur, commenderie, commandite, rtco^nmander. COMMANDITE, sf. a joint-stock company. See commander, — Der. commandittx, com- manditzire, COMME, adv. how ; from L. qudmodo. For loss of the last two syllables see § § 50, 5 1. For qu = c see car. — Der. comment (compd. of comme and ent, which is from L. indd). For i = e see § 71 ; for d = / § 121 : ent is also found in the word souv-ent, from sub- inde. Commemoration, sf. commemoration ; from L. commemorationem. — Der. com- memoratxi. COMMENCER, va. to commence, begin. It. cominciare, from L. cominitiare *, compd. of cum and initiare. Co- min(i)tidre, losing its i regularly (see § 52), becomes comin'tiare, which gives commencer. For -tiare = -cer see agencer ; for -in = e« see § 72 ; foru = o see annon- cer. — Der. commencement. Com.m.ensal, sm. a messmate; from L. commensalis*, one who lives at the same table, mensa. Com.m.ensurable, adj. commensurable ; from L. cum and mensurabilis. COMMENT, adv. why, how. See comme. Com m entaire, sm. a commentary, com- ment ; from L. commentarius. Com.m.enter, va. to comment, annotate ; from L. commentari. — Der. comment- ateur. Com.mdre, sf. a gossip, joint godmother. The Church gives to infants at their bap- tism a spiritual father and mother, whose it is to replace the natural parents should they die, the godfather and godmother (parrain, marraine) of the child being counted as its second father and mother (or, -as would now be said, its co-pere and co- mere) : eccles. Lat. expressed this double idea by the words com-pater, com-mater, whence compere and commere, which origin- ally signified the two persons who held the child at the font. For commater = corn- mere see mere. — Der. commer&ge. COMMETTRE, va. to commit; from L. committere. For mittere = mc//re see mettre. — Der. commis, comm/ssaire, com- mission. Com.minatoire, adj. comminatory, threat- ening; from L. comminatorius * (from comminationem, which from commi- nari). COMMIS, sm. a clerk. See commettre. Com.mis6ration, sf. commiseration, pity ; from L. commiserationem. COMMISSAIRE, sm. a commissary, com- missioner. See commettre. — Der. commis- ariat. COMMISSION, sf. a commission. See com- mettre. — Der. commissionner, commission- naire. Com.mode, (i) adj. commodious; from L. commodus. (2) sf. a chest of drawers, so called from its commodiousness. Com.m.otion, sf. a commotion ; from L. commotionem. COMMUER, va. to commute ; from L. com- mutare. For loss of t see abbaye. — Der. commwable. COMMUN, adj. common ; from L. com- munis. — Der. commune, communzl, com- mwwisme, communiste. COMMUNAUT^, sf. a community ; from L. commvmalitdtem by regularly dropping i (see § 52) and reduction of com- m.unal'tatem. into communaute by (i) sl = au (see agneau); (2) -atem = -e (see § 230). COMMUNIER, va. to communicate ; from L. communicare (which in eccles. language signified to receive the Eucharist). For loss of medial c see affouage. Communier is a doublet of cornmuniqtierandO.Fr.comenger, Com.munion, sf communion ; from L. communionem. Com.m.uniquer, va. to communicate; from L. communicare. Communiquer is a doublet of communier. — Der. commu- nication, communicatif. Com.mutation, sf commutation ; from L. commutationem. Com.pacte, adj. compact; from L. com- pactus. COMPAGNE.s/. a companion; fem. of O.Fr. compaign. Lat. cum-panis * produced in Merov. Lat. a subst. com.pdnio*, whence the O. Fr. compaing (for a = ofj see § 54), while its accus. com.panionem produced the form compagnon (for ni = ^n see ci- gogne). Of these two cases, subjective and objective, the latter only survives ; see Hist. Gram. p. 8g sqq. Compaing has gone, but leaves its fem. compagne and the deriv. compagnie, and compagnon has taken its place. The oldest known occurrence of 88 COMPA GNIE — COMPRENDRE. this word is in the Gcrmano-Lat. Glosses of the Vatican, which are of the time of Louis the Debonair, in the phrase, no longer Lat. but Romance, ' ubi (h)abuisti mansionem (h)ac nocte, oompagn ?' — Der. compagnie, compagnon, Accompagner. COMPAGNIE, sf. a company. See com- pagru. COMPAGNON, sm. a companion. See com- pagne. — Der, compagnonnzge. COMPARAITRE, vn. to appear; from L. comporesoere. For parescero '^paraitre see npparaitre. Comparer, va. to compare ; from L. com- parare. Comparer is a doublet of O. Fr. comprer Der. compair^i%oTi, cowiparable, cofftparatif. COMPAROIR, vn. to ' put in an appearance '; from L. comparere. For e = oi see § 62. + Comparse, sf. a figure-dancer; introd. from It. comparsa. COMPARTIMENT, sm. a compartment, panel, division ; from O. Fr. verb compartir, which from L, compartiri *. Comparti- ment is derived from compartir, like senti- ment from sentir. Comparution, sf. an appearance; corrupted from L. comparitionem. COMPAS, sm. a compass, pair of compasses ; properly measure, equal distance. In O. Fr. it signified pas egal, pas regulier, from L. oompassus (see pas). — Der. compasser, to measure by compass, whence the wider sense to measure one's acts. Compassion, sf. compassion ; from L. compassionem. Com.patir, vn. to compassionate, pity ; from L. compatiri*.-Der. cowparible, incompat- ible (compatibilis*, incompatibilis*). Com.patriote, sm. a compatriot ; from L compatriota. + Compendium., sm. a compendium, abridgement ; a Lat. word. Compenser, va. to compensate, set off, balance; from L. compensare. — Der. compensation, recompenser. COMPARE, sm. a godfather, gossip. See commere. Comp6ter, vn. to be due, in the competency of; from L, competere. — Der. competent, competence, incompetent, incompetence. Com.p6titeur, sm. a competitor ; from L. competitor. — Der. compe'/ition. Compiler, va. to compile ; from L. com- pilare. — Der. com/)?7ation. COMPLAINTE, ./. a complaint ; partic. subst. of O. Fr. verb complain Jre (see plaindre). COMPLAIRE, vn. to please, gratify; from L. complacere. See plaire. — Der. com- plaisant, complaisznce. Com.pl6ment, sm. complement, fulness ; from L. complementum. — Der. comple- menti'ne. Complet, adj. complete; from L. comple- tus. Complete is a doublet of complies, q. v. — Der. completer. Complexe, adj. complex; from L. com- plexus. Complexion, sf. complexion; from L. complexionem. Complice, ( i ) adj. privy to, (2) smf. accom- plice; from L. compile em. — Der. com- plicity. COMPLIES, sf. complines; in eccles. Lat. completae. For e = i see § 60; for loss of t see aigu. In liturgical language this part of the divine office is called the horae completae, because it completes the service, which comprehends prime, tierce, sexte, none and complies, or in liturgical Lat. prima, tertia, sexta, nona, comple- torium. Complies is a doublet of complete. t Compliment, sm. a compHment; in- trod. in 1 6th cent, from It. complim£nto. — Der. complimented. Compliquer, va. to complicate ; from L. complicare. — Der. complicztion. COMPLOT, sm. a plot. Origin unknown. — Der. complotet. Com.ponction, sf. compunction ; from L. compunctionem * (strong sorrow at having offended God). Comporter, va. to admit of, allow ; from L. comportare. COMPOSER, va. to compose ; from L. com- pausare, compd. of cum and pausare. For au = o see § 106. — Der. xecomposer, decomposer, compositeur, com/>osition (L. compositorem, compositionem). Composite, adj. composite ; from L. com- pos it us. Composite is a doublet of com- pote, q. V. COMPOSTEUR,sOT. a composing-stick ; from L. composit6rem. For loss of atonic i see § 52; for o = eu see § 79. Com- pGsteur is a doublet of compositeur. COMPOTE, sf. stewed fruit. O. Fr. com- poste. It. composta, from L. composita. Compote is a doublet of composite. COMPRENDRE, va. to comprehend ; from L. eomprendere. For the loss of the penult, e see § 51. — Der. comprehen- sion (straight from L. comprehen- sionem). COMPRESSE—CONDESCENDRE. 89 COMPRESSE,^/: (Med.) a surgical compress; verbal subst. of O. Fr. verb compresser. See presser. Comprimer, va. to compress, repress ; from L. comprimere. COMPROMETTRE, va. to compromise; from L. compromittere. For mittere = mettre see mettre. — Der. cotnpromis. COMPTABLE, adj. accountable, responsible. See compter. — Der, comptabilite. COMPTER, va. to count, reckon; from L. computare, by regular loss of u (see § 51). — Der. compte (verbal subst., which is a doublet of compJii), comptMe, compt- oir, k-compie, decompler, m^compte (verbal subst. of tnecompter). Compulser, va. to search, examine ; from L. compulsare*, to push, then to collect, gather. Comput, sm. a computation ; from L. com- putum. Comput is a doublet of compte. Der. computet. Comte, sm. a count; from L, com it em, by regularly losing the 1 (§ 51). — Der. com^esse, comte (whose doublet is comiid), vicomte. CONCASSER, va. to pound, crush ; from L. conquassare. See casser. Concave, ctc^". concave ; from L. concavus. Conc6der, va. to concede, grant ; from L. concedere. Concentrer, va. to concentrate; from con ( = euin) and centre — Der. concentra.tion, concentrique. Concept, sm. a concept (philosophical term) ; from L. conceptus. Conception, sf. a conception ; from L. conceptionem. Concerner, va. to concern, regard ; from L. concernere *. + Concert, sm. a concert; introd. in i6th cent, from It. concerto. + Concert er, va. to rehearse, concert ; introd. in i6th cent, from It. concertare. — Der. deconcerter. Concession, sf. a concession; from L. con- cession em. — Der. concessionnziie. i" Concetto, sm. a conceit; an It. word, properly of brilliant and false thoughts. CONCEVOIR, va. to conceive ; from L. con- cipere. In this verb the accent has been displaced in Low Lat. from concipere to concip6re ; this -6re has become -oir regularly, see § 63. For i = e see mettre; for p = v see § lll.^ — Der. inconcevable. Conchyliologie, sf. conchology ; from Gr. tf07X»5A.to and \6yos. CONCIERGE, smf. a doorkeeper. Origin unknown. Concile, sm. a council ; from L. concilium. Conciliabule, sm. a conventicle ; from L. conciliabulum. Concilier, va. to conciliate ; from L. con- ciliare. — Der. co««7iation, r^con«7/ation. Concis, adj. concise; from L. concisus Der. concision. CONCITOYEN, sm. a fellow-citizen; from con ( = cum) and citoyen, q. v. t Conclave, sm. a conclave; from It. conclave. Conclure, va. to conclude; from L. con- cludere. This word, contrd. into con- clud're regularly (see § 51), changes dr into r; see § 168. Conclusion, sf. a conclusion; from L. con- clusionem. CONCOMBRE, sm. a cucumber; from L. cucumerem. This word is contrd. regu- larly (see § 52) into cucum'rem, and then undergoes three changes : (i) it intercalates n, as in laterna, lanterne. Hist. Gram. p. 79. This intercalation was not uncommon in Lat., in which we find pinctor, lanterna, rendere, for pictor, laterna, reddere. (2) m'r becomes mhr, see absoudre. (3) u becomes 0, see § 98. Concorde, sf. concord ; from L. con- cord i a. — Der. concordeT, concordance, concordzi. CONCOURIR, va. (i) to concur, co-operate, (2) to compete; from L. concvirrere. See courir. CONCOURS, sm. (l) concurrence, (2) com- petition ; from L. concursus. See cours. Concret, adj. concrete ; from L. concretus. Concretion, s/. a concretion; from L. con- cretionem. Concubine, sf. a concubine ; from L, con- cub in a. — Der. concubinage. Concupiscence, sf concupiscence ; from L. concupiscentia. Concurrent, sm. a competitor ; from L. concurrentem. — Der. concurrence. Concussion, sf. a concussion, extortion ; from L. concussionem (used in Roman Law for peculation, extortion). — Der. con- cussionm.[re. CONDAMNER, va. to condemn ; from L. condemnare. — Der. condammtion, con- dam?ia.hle. Condenser, va. to condense ; from L. con- den s a r e . — Der. co«cfe«sation, co«ar-i/-is; from corro(g)ata, corro-ata, corro-v- ata, which leads us to the Carlovingian form cofrvada, Fr. corv6e. For the changes from corrSvata to corvada, by the loss of 6, see § 52; for -ata = -a(/a=-^e see 4 201. The Fr. has even applied this intercala- tion to a foreign word, croate, in order to destroy the hiatus : the 1 6th and 1 7th cen- turies did not S3.y croate hut cra-v-ate ; — Un cheval cravate ; S'enroler dans une coni- pagnie de cravates: La crainte des embuches des Cravates (says Voiture) leur donne Valarme. Hence the name of the regiment Royal-cravate, which simply = Royal-croate. Hence also the common subst. cravate, a piece of light material worn round the neck originally by the first Croatians who entered the French service, came to be called by the name of those who wore it. ^Corvette, sf. a corvette; introd. from Port, corveia. Coryph6e, sm. a corypheus, leader ; from Gr. KopvcpaTos, Cosin6tique, adj. cosmetic; from Gr. KoapLrjTiKos. Cosmogonie, sf. a cosmogony; from Gr. Koafxoyovia. Cosmographie, sf. cosmography ; from Gr. KOGfxoypa(pla. Cosmologie, sf. cosmology ; from Gr. koissure. Crepitation, sf crackling; from L. cre- pitationem. Cr6puseule, sm. twilight, dawn ; from L. crepusculum. — Der. crepuscuhixe. + Crescendo, adv. (Mus.) crescendo; an It. word, = Fr. croissant. CRESSON, sm. cress. It. crescione, from L. crescionem *, from crescere, lit, a plant which grows quickly. sc is assimilated into ss before e and i, as in crescentem, croisi^nnt; nascentem, naissant, etc. CRftTE, sf a crest, cock's comb. O. Fr. creste, from L. crista. For i = e see mettre; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. f Cretin, sm. a cretin, idiot ; a Swiss word, from the Grisons patois. Cretin is a doublet of Chretien, q. v. — Der. cre'/misme. Cretonne, sf. linen cloth, stout calico. Origin unknown. CREUSER, va. to dig a pit. See creux. CREUSET, sm. a crucible, melting-pot. Origin unknown. CREUX, adj. hollow. Prov. cros, Low L. crosuin, contrd. from L. corrosum. For '08\mx = -eux see § 229; for contrac- tion of corrosus into c'rosus see briller. — Der. cr^Mser. CREVER, vn. to burst. Prov. crebar. It. crepare, from L. erepare. For p = v see § III. — Der. crevasse, creve-coeur. CREVETTE, sf a shrimp, prawn. See crabe. CRIAILLER, vn. to bawl, squall. See crier. — Der. criailler'ie. CRIBLE, sm. a sieve, riddle ; from L. cri- brum. For dissimilation of r into / see § 169 and autel. — Der. criblex. CRIC, sm. a screw-jack (an onomatopoetic word). See § 34. CRIER, vn. to cry. Prov. cridar, Sp. gritar, from L. quiritare. For contraction of q(\u)ritare into q'ritare see briller ; for q = e see car ; for loss of medial t see abbaye and §11 7. — Der. cri (verbal subst.), crzeur, mard, criee,decrier, s'^crier, cria.i\lex. Crime, sm. a crime ; from L. crimen. Criminel, adj. criminal; from L. crimi- nalis. — Der. criminality, criminalisex, cri- mmaliste. CRIN, sm. horsehair ; from L. crinis. For the restriction of sense see § 12. — Der. cnVziere, crmoline. CRI QUE, sf a creek; a word of Germ, origin, Neth. hreeli. CRIQUET, sm. a field-cricket, grasshopper; der. from eric, an onomatopoetic word. The cricket is similarly called cri-cri. Crise, sf a crisis ; from L. crisis. Crisper, vn. to shrivel; from L. crispare. — Der. cr/spation. Cristal, sm.a crystal; fromL.crystallum. — Der. cristal\xxi, crisiallistx, cns/a/lisation. CRITERIUM— CRYPTOGRAPHIC. lOI Criterium, sm. a criterion; a Lat. word, from Gr. KpiT-qpiov. Critique, adj. critical, sf. criticism, sm. a critic; from Gr. Kpirifcos. — Der. cri- tiquex, critiquahle. CROASSER, vn. to croak, caw (an onoma- topoetic word), — Der. croassement. CROC, sm. a hook ; of Germ, origin, Neth. krok. — Der. crochet, crochu, crochi, ac- crocher, decrocher. CROCHET, sm. a little hook. See croc— Der. crochettx, crochetem. CROCHU, adj. hooked, crooked. See croc. Crocodile, sm. a crocodile; from L. cro- codilus. CROIRE, va. to believe ; from L. credere. For the changes see under accroire. — Der. crqyant, cro>'ance, cro^able, Accroire, me- crotre. tCroisade, /, a crusade; from Pro v. crozada, which from cro2, which from L. crucem. Croisade is a doublet of croisee. CROISER, va. to cross. See croix. — Der. croise, crofsement, croisee (primitively =/c- nctre croisee, i.e. divided into four compart- ments by mullion and transom), cro/siere. CROISSANT, sm. a crescent. See croitre. Croissant is a doublet of It. crescendo. CROITRE, vn. to grow, increase ; from L. cr^scere. For the changes see under ac- croitre. — Der. croit (verbal subst.), cru, crue, accroitre, d4croitre, lecroitre, surcroitre. The partic. croissant is from L.creseentem. For e = oi see §§ 61,62; for sc = ss see cxesson : hence the two subst. croissant and croissance. CROIX, sf. a cross ; from L. crucem. For u = oi see angoisse ; for c = « see amitie. — Der. croiser. CROQUER, va. to crunch (an onomatopoetic word). Croqner is a doublet of craquer. — Der. croywette, croquh, croyj/ignole. CROQUIS, sm. a sketch. See croquer. CROSSE, sf. a crozier. O. Fr. croce. It. croccia, medieval L. crucea, deriv. of cru- cem. Crucea signifies properly a cross- shaped crutch ; the exclusive sense of crozier is modern. In some provinces the phrase marcher aiix crosses, is still used of infirm persons who walk with crutches. CROTTE, sf. dirt, mud. Origin unknown. — Der. crotler, decrotter, crottin. CROULER, vn. to fall down, sink down. O. Fr. croller, originally crodler, Prov. crotlar, from L, corotulfire*, to roll toge- ther. It loses its atonic u regularly (see § 52) and becomes corot'lare, and thence c'rot'laa-e by losing the first o (see hriller). Crotlare assimilates tl into // (see § 168), and becomes O. Fr. croller, whence crouler, by resolution of ol into ou (see agneau). — Der. ecrouler. t Croup, sm. croup; an Engl, word introd. into Fr. about 181 5. CROUPE, sf. crupper, rump. O. Fr. crope. The original sense is a protuberance, as in croupe d'une montagne, etc. ; of Germ, origin, Norse^ro/>pr, hryppa. — Der. crow/>ion, crow/iere, croup'n (which in O. Fr. meant to cover, s'accro«//>ir, croupier (properly one's associate in the game, metaph. from one who rides on one's crupper). CROUPIER, sm. a croupier. See croupe. CROUPION, sm. a rump. See croupe. CROUPIR, vn. to stagnate. See croupe. CROCtTE, sf. a crust. O. Fr. crouste, from L. crusta. For u = om see § 90 ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81,' — Der. crouton, encroiiter, crowstiller. CROYABLE, adj. credible. See croire. CROYANCE, /. belief. See croire. Croyance is a doublet of credence, creance, q. v. CRU, sm. growth. See croitre. CRU, adj. crude; from L. crudus, by loss of d, see alouette. CRUAUTE, sf. cruelty. O. Fr. crualte, originally cruelte, from L. crudelitdtem, which, contrd. regularly (see § 52) into orudel'tatem, becomes O. Fr. crualtet by loss of medial d, see § 120; and then cruaute, by softening 1 into u, see agneau ; and by -atem = e/=e, see § 230. CRUCHE, sf. a pitcher, jug, cruse. Of Celtic origin, Kymri cruc, crwc. — Der. cruchon. Cnicifere, adj. (Bot.) cruciferous ; from L. crucifer. Crucifier, va. to crucify; from L. cruci- ficare*. For loss of c see affouage. — Der. criicifiemen\. Crucifix, sm. a crucifix; from L. cruci- fixus. Crudit6, sf. crudity, rawness ; from L. cru- ditatem. CRUE, sf. rising, increase. See croitre. CRUEL, adj. cruel ; from L. crudelis, by loss of medial d, see § 1 20. Crustac6, adj. crustaceous; from L. crus- ta ce us*, clothed in a crust, crusta. Crypte, sf. a crypt; from L. crypta. Crypte is a doublet oi grotte, q. v. Cryptogame, adj. cryptogamous ; from Gr. KpvnTos and yafieiy. Cryptographic, sf cryptography; from Gr. Kpvnros, and ypd^eiv. 102 CUBE — CYLINDRE. Cube, sw. a cube; from L. cubus. — Der. cubtr, cubige, cj/6ique, t Cubitus, sm. a cubit; from L. cubitus. CUEILLIR, va. to collect ; from L. oolligere. For the changes see accueillir. Cueillir is a doublet of colliger. — Der. cueillette (L. collecta, of which the doublet is collecte ; for ct = // see assiette and § i68), ^iCcueilUr, recueillir. CUIDER, va. to think; from L. cogitare. Cogit^e is contrd. regularly (see § 52) into cog'tare. o becomes ui as in co- quina, cuisine, etc., § 84. In some words the o has become ui by attraction of the i, as in i n-o d i o, ennui. For gt = c? see aider. — Der. outrecwicfance. CUILLER, ff. a spoon ; from L. cochleare (found in Pliny and Martial), written co- cleare in the last ages of the Empire. For o = ui see cuider ; for cl = il see Hist. Gram, p. 71. — Der. cuillere, cuiller6e. CUIR, sm. hide, skin, leather; from L. ce- rium. For o = ui see chanoine. + Cuirasse, sf. a cuirass; introd. from It. corazza. — Der. cuirasser, cuirassieT. CUIRE, va. to cook, dress ; from L, coquere, written cocere in a 3rd-cent. inscription: see car. CocSre, contrd. regularly (see § 51) into coc*re becomes cuire by change of o into ui through the influence of the cr (see cuider), which cr is reduced to r, see benir. CUISINE, sf. a kitchen. It. cucina, Sp. coci- na, from L. coquina, used by Palladius and Isidore of Seville. Coquina, written cocina in the Glosses (see car), becomes cuisine. For o = ui see cuider ; for c = s seeamitie. — Der. cuisineT,cuisinieT,cmsinihTe. CUISSE, sf. a thigh, leg; from L. coxa, a word written cossa by the Romans. For 7i = ss see aisselle ; for o = ui see cuider. — Der. cuissot, cuiss^rd. CUISSON, sf. cooking, baking ; from L. coc- tionem. For o = ui under influence of c see cuider and attrait ; for ti = ss see agencer. Cuisspn is a doublet of coction, q.v. CUISTRE, sm. originally a cook, then a college-servant, then a pedant; from L. cocistro*, used by Isidore of Seville, a form of L. coquaster*, deriv. of coquus. For loss of medial c of co(c)istro see affouage ; for o = ui see cuider. CUIVRE, sm. copper ; from L. cuprum. For p=v see § ill ; for u = ttj see buis. — Der. cuivrer. CUL, sm. a bottom ; from L. cuius. — Der. cuhsse, accw/er, 6culer, rectt/er, culie, cul- otte; cw/buter {ieebuter), c«/-de-sac. Culinaire, adj. culinary; from L. cuH- narius. Culminer, vti. to culminate ; from L. cul- minare. Culpabilit6, sf. culpability ; from L. cul- pabilitatem. Culte, sm. worship; from L. cultus. Cultiver, va. to cultivate ; from L. culti- vare*, used in Low Lat. Culture, sf. culture; from L. cultura. Cumin, sm. cumin; from L. cuminum. Cumuler, va. to accumulate ; from L. cu- mulare. — Der. cumul (verbal subst.). Cun^iforme.flfl?/. cuneiform, wedge-shaped; from L. cuneus. Cupide, ac?/. greedy; from L. cupidus.— Der. cupidiie. 't'Cura9ao, sm. cura5oa, a liqueur imported from the Island of Curagao. Curateur, sm. a guardian, curator ; from L. curatorem, deriv. of curare. — Der. curat- elle. Cure, (i) sf. cure, doctoring; (2) cure (of souls) ; from L. cura, in eccles. Lat. the cure of souls. Cura took the sense of the duty of a curate, then by extension (3) a parsonage, vicarage. — Der. cure (one who holds a cure), CUREE, sf. a quarry (^hunting term); from L. corata*, the entrails etc. of an animal, from cor ; cur^e being properly the en- entrails etc. of the stag, thrown to the dogs. For -ata = -ee see § 201. o here becomes u, as in forum, fur. CURER, va. to cleanse, clean, prune; from L. curare. — Der. c^^rage, cwreur, recurer, cure-dent, cwre-oreille. Curieux, adj. curious; from L. cur iosus. For -osus = -eux see § 229. Curiosity, s/^. curiosity ; from L. curiosi- tateni. Cursive, adj. cursive; from L. cursiva*, which from cu'rsum, supine of currere. Cutan6, adj. cutaneous; from L. cuta- neus*, deriv. of cutis. t Cutter, sm. a cutter; sea-term, from Engl, cutter. CUVE, sf. a vat, tub ; from L. cupa. For p = v see § III. — Der. cuviev, cuv6e, cuv- ette, cuvex. Cycle, sm. a cycle ; from Gr. kvkXos. — Der. cyc/ique. Cyclope, sm, a cyclop ; from Gr. KvK\ai\p. — Der. cyclopeen. Cygne. sm. a swan; from L. cygnus. Cylindre, sm. a cylinder; from L. cylin- CYMAISE—DAMOISEA U, 103 drus. Cylindre is a doublet of calandre. — Der. cylindr'i(]\ie. f Cymaise, sf. (Archit.) an ogee; introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. cimasa. Cjrmbale, sf. a cymbal; from L. cymbal- um. Cymbale is a doublet of cymble. — Der. cymbaliev. Cynique, adj. cynical; from L. cynicus. — Der. cynisme. Cyprus, sm. a cypress; from L. cu- pressus. Cytise, sm. a cytisus ; from Gr. kvthtos. t Czar, sm. the Czar; from Russ. tzar. D. DA, inter}, truly, indeed ! O. Fr. dea, dia, originally diva, compd. of the two im- peratives di (dis) and va. See dire and aller. We even find the interjection diva followed by di. Ruteboeuf (13th cent.), in his Miracle de Theophile, has diva di, lit. ' say- go-say ' showing clearly the presence of the imperative dis in the word. Dactyle, sm. a dactyl; from L. dactylus. Dactyle is a doublet of datte. DAGUE, sf. a dagger. Origin unknown. — Der. daguet (a young stag, with straight horns like daggers). Dahlia, sf. a dahlia ; a word of hist, origin, see § 33. A plant named after Dahl by Cavanilles. DAIGNER, vn. to deign ; from L. dignari. For i = ai see marraine. — Der. didaigner. DAIM, sm. a deer ; from L. damus*, secon- dary form of dama. For a = a« see aigle. — Der, daine. As O. Fr. wrote dain for dai7n, the corresponding fem. is daine. DAIS, sm. a canopy. O. Fr. dois, It. desco, from L. discus. Dais in O. Fr. always meant a dinner-table, but specially a state- table with a canopy ; gradually the sense of table has been lost and that of canopy prevails, whereas in Eng. the sense of canopy is lost, while that of a state-table remains. Discus gives O. Fr, dois, as meniscus, menois, by change of i into oi, see hois. Dois becomes dais by change of oi into ai, see § 61. Dais is a doublet of disque. DALLE, sf. a flagstone. Origin unknown. — Der. dalhx. DAM, cost, loss ; from L, damnum. For inn = m see allumer and § 168, Damas, sm. Damascus, damask ; a word of hist, origin (§ 33), from Damascus, where damask was first made, — Der, damas^tx. t Damasquiner, va. to inlay with gold and silver ; from damasquin. Introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. damaschino, a Damas- cus blade. DAME, sf. a lady ; from L. domina, written dom.na in the inscriptions. Domna be- comes dame by changing m.11 into m (see allumer and § 168) and o into a, the only instance of this change for accented o, though there are several examples of atonic o being changed to a, as domicellus*, damoiseau; dominiarium*, danger; lo- cust a, langouste. Dame is a doublet of dom, masc, and of duegne, fem. — Der. t/aweret, damtx, damiex. DAME, interj. why 1 indeed ! This word is all that remains of the medieval exclama- tion Dame-Dieu! (from L. domine Deus ! i. e. Seigneur Dieu !) The right sense of dame ! is therefore Lord ! D6m.mus was reduced to domnus by the Romans themselves : the form is found in several inscriptions under the Empire, see § 51. Dom.ine similarly becomes dom.ne, whence dame (interj.), just as dom.na be- came dame (sf.). For details of these changes see above, under dame (l), f Dame, sf. a dam ; from Germ. damm. DAMER, va. to crown a man (at draughts). See dame (1). DAMERET, sm. a ladies' man. See dame (i). DAMIER, sm. a draught-board. See dame (i). Damner, va. to damn, condemn ; from L. damnare Der. cfamwation, damnMe. DAMOISEAU, sm. a page (a gentleman who is not yet knighted), O. Fr, damoisel, from L. dom.inicellus*, dim. of dominus. Dominicellus, contrd, regularly (see § 52) to domin'cellus, drops the n (see coque) and becomes domicellus, the form used in medieval Lat. : ' Non habeant I04 DANDINER — DSbARQUER. domicellos,' in the Statutes of Cluni. From domicellus comes straight the O. Fr. datnoisel. For o=»a see datne (l) ; for i = oi see boire; for c = s see amitie. Datnoisel afterwards became datnoiseau, by resolution of -el into -eau ; see agneau. — Der. demoisdh (O. Fr. t/amoiselle, fem. of O. Fr. datnoisel). DANDINER, vn. to walk awkwardly, like a dandin, an O. Fr. adj. meaning clumsy, boobyish. This adj. is personified in such names as Perrin Dandin, Georges Dandin, etc. Origin unknown. + Dandy, sm. a <^ndy; introd. from Engl, during the Restoration period. DANGER, sm. danger, peril. The original sense of this word is 'power.* Eire en dan- ger rfe Vennemi signified in the middle ages to be in one's enemy's power, at his mercy. From this signification it passed by natural transition to the sense of peril, danger ; it is perilous to be in the enemy's •danger.* This sense of power remained up to the middle of the l6th cent. Danger, O. Fr. dongier (for o = a see dame l), comes from L. dominiarium*, deriv. of dominium, used in sense of 'sovereignty' by Cicero. Just as dominus had become doxonus in Roman days (see dame 2), so dominiarium became domniarium, which consonified the ia (see the rule under ahreger and Hist. Gram. p. 65) ; whence domnjaritmi, whence O. Fr. dongier For m = « see changer; for -arium = -fer see § 198. — Der. dangereux. DANS, prep. in. O. Fr. dens {d'ens contrd. from de and ens) ; ens is L. intus. For intus = ens see mettre ; for dens = dans see § 65, note I. — Der. derfaws. DANSER, vn. to dance ; a word of Germ, origin, O.H.G. danson. — Dei.danse (verbal subst.), dansem, coniTedatts. DARD, sm. a dart. It. dardo, a word of Germ, origin, A. S. dara^. — Der. darder. DARNE, sf. a slice ; a word of Celtic origin, Kymri darn, a slice, piece. + Darse, sf. a floating wet-dock; introd, from It. darsena. Dartre, sf. (Med.) shingles, rash. Origin unknown. — Der. dartreux. Date, sf. a date. It. data, from L. data, rightly meaning • given,' in the expression • datum Romae.' — Der. datei, zntidatei, postrfa/er. Datif, sm. a dative; from L. dativus. DATTE, sf. a date ; also written dacte. Port. datil, from L. dactyUis. For ct=//see § 168; for loss of the two last syllables, -ylus, see §§ 50, 51. Daile is a doublet of dactyle, q.v. — Der. dattier. Daube, sf a stew. Origin unknown. DAUBER, va. properly to beat, cuff. A word of Germ, origin ; O. G. dubban, to dab, strike. DAUPHIN, sm. a dolphin. Prov. dalfin, from L. delphinus. The eldest son of the King of France began to bear the name of the Dauphin in the year 1343, the date of the absorption of Dauphine into the kingdom. Dauphin^, or rather the Viennois, had had several lords named Dauphin, a proper name which is simply the L. delphinus. For el = aM see agneau; for ph.=/ see coffre and § 146. DA VANTAGE, adv. more. O.Ft. d'avant- age ; see de and vantage. Davier, sm. (Med.) the forceps. Origin un- known. DE, prep, of; from L. de. DE-. A prefix which answers (i) to L. de ; (2) to L, dis (in the latter case the original Fr. form was des: calceare, chausser; dis-calceare, des-chausser, then dechausser. For dis = des = de see mettre and Hist. Gram. p. 81. We have in the double form decrediter, discrediter a strik- ing example of the opposition of the popular and learned forms) ; (3) to L. de-ex in a few words, devier, deduire, etc., which in O. Fr. were desvier (de-ex-viare), desduire J^de-exducere), etc. DE, sm. a thimble. O. Fr. del, originally deel, Sp. dedal, It. ditale; from L. digitale*. Digitdle, contrd. regularly (see § 52) into dig'tale, loses its medial t, di-t-ale (see abbaye), whence O. Fr. deel. For -ale = -el see § 191; for i = g see mettre. De is a doublet of doigt, q.v. DE, sm. a die, pi. dice ; from L. datum, i. e. what is thrown on the table, from dare, to throw, as in such phrases as * Dare ad terram.' etc. For -atum = -e see am- poule. DEBACLE, sf. a break-up (of ice). See bacler. d£bALLER, va. to unpack. See balle. — Der. debalhge. DEBANDER. va. to disband. See bande (2). — Der. debandade. DEBARDER, DEBARDEUR, va. to unlade ; sm. lighterman. See bard. DEBARQUER, va. to unship (goods); vn. to land. See barque. — Der. debarcudhve (cp. Sp. sembarcddero). d£ba rrasser — dScharger . 105 DSBARRASSER, va. to clear up, rid. See embarrasser. — Der. debarras (verbal subst.). D^BATTRE, va. to argue, debate. See battre. — Der debat (verbal subst.). DEBAUCHER, va. to debauch, entice aw^ay from one's duty, i. e. from bauche, O. Fr. for a workshop. The origin of bauche is unknown. — Der. debauche (properly cessa- tion of work, then idleness, then debauch). fD^het, sm. a debit; a Lat. word, debet. D§bile, a(i;. weak ; from L. debilis. Debile is a doublet of O. Fr. dieble. — Der. debilitei, debilite. D6bit, sm. a sale, shop; from L. debitum. Debit is a doublet of dette. — Der. debitor, debiteuT. D6blat6rer, w. to rail at; from L. debla- terare. DEBLAYER, va. to clear away; from L. debladare*. In medieval Lat. this word kept its original sense of carrying corn from a field, then of carrying off, clearing away generally. In a Chartulary of 1272 we read, ' Similiter in pratis ipsorum de dicto loco, postquam fuerint debladata.' De- bladare is a deriv. of bladura*, q. v. Debladare becomes deblayer by loss of medial d ; see accabler. — Der. deblai (verbal subst.), DEBLOQUER, va. to raise a blockade. See bloquer. DEBOIRE, sm. an after-taste, disappointment. See boire. DEBOITER, va. to dislocate. See hotte. DEBONNAIRE, adj. meek, goodnatured. O. Fr. de bon aire. See air (in sense of jiatural disposition). DEBORDER, vn. to overflow, run over. See bord. — Der. debord, debordement (verbal subst.). DEBOUCHER, va. to uncork ; vn. to emerge. See boucher. — Der. debouche. DEBOURSER, va. to disburse. See bourse. — Der. debours (verbal subst.). DEBOUT, adv. on end. See bout. DEBOUTER, va. to nonsuit. See bouter. DEBRAILLER, va. to uncover the breast. See braie. DEBRIS, sm. pi. remains, fragments. See briser. DEBUCHER, vn. to break cover (hunting). See buche and bois. tP6busquer, va. to drive out. See embusquer and de-. DEBUT, sm. a beginning, first stroke, outset. . See but. — Der. debuter, debutant. •jDEQA, prep, on this side of. See de and fa. Decade, sf. a decade ; from Gr. Sifcas, -6.S0S. Decadence, sf. decadence; from L. deca- de nti a*, from decadere*. Decadence is a doublet of decheance, q. v. D6cadi, sm. the tenth and last day of the decade in the calendar of the first French republic ; from Gr. Se'/fo and L. dies. Decagone, sm. a decagon ; from Gr. 56«a- yojvos. Decagramme, sm. a decagram; from Gr. Sifca, and gramme, q. v. Decalitre, sm. a measure of ten litres ; from Gr. Siita, and litre, q. v. Decalogue, sm. the decalogue; from Gr. deKaXoyos. DECAMPER, vn. to decamp. See camper. D6eanat, sm. a deanery; from L. deca- natus, from decanus. Decanat is a doublet of doyenne. Decanter, va. to decant. It. decantare, from L. decanthare*, to pour wine out gently, which from L. canthus, the angle o( a wine-jar. DECAPER, va. to clean (properly to scrape off the crust of dirt or rust on a metallic surface), deriv. of cape, a cloak, q. v. Thus decaper would mean to uncloak the metal, strip it naked. — Der. decapage. D6capiter, va. to behead ; from L. deca- p it are*, deriv. oi caput. Deceder, vn. to depart this life, die ; from L. decedere. DECELER, va. to disclose. See celer. DECEMBRE, sm. December; from L. de- cembrem. Deceimal, adj. decennial; from L. decen- nalis. Decent, adj. decent; from L. decentem. — Der. decence. Deception, sf. deception; from L. decep- tionem. D^cerner, va. to award (honours, etc.) ; from L. decernere. D6cds, sm. decease, death; fromL.decessus. DECEVOIR, va. to deceive ; from L. deci- pere. For -cipere = -cevoir see concevoir. — Der. decevable. DECHAINER, va. to let loose (a dog). O. Fr. deschainer, from L. dis-catenare*. For the changes see de- and chaine. — Der. dechainement. * DECHANTER, vn. to change one's note. O. Fr. deachanter. See de- and chanter. DECHARGER, va. to unload, discharge. O. Fr. descharger. See de- and charger. — Der. decharge (verbal subst.), decharge- ment. io5 DECHA RNER — D^CRE T. DECHARNER, va. to strip the flesh off. O. Fr. descharner, Sp. descarnar, from L. discamare'*'. To take off the flesh, car- nem. For o = ch see § 126. For dxH = de see de-. DfiCHAUSSER, va. to pull off boots, shoes, etc, O. Fr. desckausser, from L. discal- ceare. For the changes see chausser and de-. — Der. ddchaux (the barefooted friars, Carmelites'). DfiCHEANCE, sf. forfeiture ; from L. deca- dentia, from decadere. For loss of medial d see accabler; for ca, — che see §§ 126 and 54; iox-tia, = -ce stt agencer. Decheance is a doublet of decadence, il-v. DECHET, sm. waste, loss. See dechoir. Dechet is a doublet of dcchoit. DECHIFFRER, va. to decipher. See chiffre. J— Der. deckiffrahle, indeckiffrzhle. DECHIQUETER, va. to cut up, slash, chop into ; a word which seems to be a dim. of chiqidet, from L. ciccum (an insignificant thing, trifle). DECHIRER, va. to tear up. O. Fr. des- chirer, compd. of O. Fr. eschirer, Prov. esqnirar; a word of Germ, origin, O. H. G. skerran. — Der. dechirement, dechirure. DECHOIR, vn. to fall (from), sink, decline. See de andchoir. — Der. cfecAet (another form of dechoit). See § 187. Decider, va. to decide (a case), settle ; vn. to decide,- judge; from L. decidere. — Der. indecis (from in and decisus), decisis (from decisivus*, deriv. of decisus). D^cime, sm. a tenth, tithe; from L. de- cima. Decime is a doublet of dixieme and dime, q. v. — Der. decimtx, decitmXion, decimal. D^cimdtre, sm. a decimeter ; from L. prefix deci- and metre, q. v. The prefix deci- denotes ten, so that the word is ill- formed, as it rightly means ' ten metres,' not ' a tenth of a metre ' ; for the Lat. deci- multiplies, not divides. Decisif, adj. decisive. See decider. Decision, sf. a decision; from L. de- cisionem. D6clamer, va. to declaim, recite ; from L. dec lam are. — Der. declamation, declam- atoirer Declarer, va. to declare ; from L. de- ci ar are. — Der. declamation. !D6clmer, vn. to wane, decline ; va. to de- cline (an invitation, etc.); from L. de- clinare — Der. declin (verbal subst.), de- c/mable, declinzison. D6clive, adj. sloping; from L. declivus. — Der. d(^clivit6. DECLORE, va. to unclose. See d4- and clore. DECLOUER, va. to unnail, unfasten. See de- and clouer. DECOCHER, va. to discharge, shoot. See de- and coche, D6coction, sf. a decoction ; from L. decoctionem. DECOIFFER, va. to take off a coif, head- dress. See coiffer. D6collation, sf. a beheading; from L. de- j:ollationem. DECOLLER, va. to behead. See col. DECOLLER, va. to unpaste, unglue. See colle. DECOLLETER, va. to bare neck and shoul- ders. See collet. DECOLORER, va. to discolour. See de- and colorer. DECOMBRES, sm. pi. rubbish. See en- comhre. Decomposer, va. to decompose. See composer. — Der. decomposition. DECONFIRE, va. to discomfit, rout. Mal- herbe writes that la France a deconfit I'Espagne. Deconjire, O. Fr. desconjire, is from L. disconficere (compd. of con- ficere). For changes see de- and confire. —Der. deconjitme. DECONTENANCER, va. to abash. See contenance, DECONVENUE, sf mishap, ill-luck. See de- and convenir. D6corer, va. to decorate; from L. deco- ra re. — Der. decor (verbal subst.), decora- tion, decorat&nx, decoratif. D6coruin, sm. decorum, propriety; from L. decorum. DECOUCHER, vn. to sleep out. See de- and coucher. DECOUDRE, va. to unsew. See de- and coudre. DECOULER, vn. to flow down. See de- and couler. ' DECOUPER, va. to carve, cut out. See de- and couper. — Der. decotipnre. DECOUVRIR, va. to uncover, discover. See de- and couvrir. — Der. decouv&rtt (partic, subst.). DECRASSER, va. to cleanse. See crasse. DECREDITER, va. to discredit. See de- and crediter. , D6cr6pit, adj. decrepit; from L. decre- pitus. — Der. decrepitude. D6cret, sm. a decree; from L. decretum. — Der. decrettx, decretalt. DJ^CRIER — DjSgSnSreSCENCE. 107 DECRIER, va. to decry. See de- and crier. — Der. decri (verbal subst.). DECRIRE, va. to describe. O. Fr. descrire, from L. describere. For changes see ecrire. DECROCHER, va. to unhook, take down. See croc. DECROITRE, vn. to shorten, decrease. See croitre. — Der. t/ecroissant, cfeVroissance, decree. DECROTTER, va. to clean, brush. See crotte. — Der. decrotieur, decrottovc. Decuple, adj. tenfold; from L. decuplus. — Der. dectipler. D^DAIGNER, va. to scorn, disdain. O. Fr. desdaigner. It. disdegnare, from L. dis (see de-) and dignari (see daigner). — Der. dedain (verbal subst.), dedaigtieux. Dedale, sm. a maze, labyrinth; from Gr. Aaida\os (who made the Cretan labyrinth). DEDANS, adv. insist, within. See de and dans. Dedicace, 5/". dedication; from L. dedicatio. DEDIER, va. to dedicate ; from L. dedicare. For loss of medial c see affouage. DEDIRE, va. to contradict. See de- and dire. — Der. dediX.. Deduction, sf. a deduction; from L. de- ductionem. DEDUIRE, va. to deduct; from L. de- ducere. Dediicere, contrd. regularly, by the rule of the Lat. accent, into de- duc're, becomes deduire by changing cr into ir, for which see benir. DEESSE, sf. a goddess. O. Fr. deuesse, formed from O. Fr. deu (which from L. deus), and the fem. sufBx -esse. See abbesse. DEFAILLIR, vn. to fail. See de- and faillir. J— Der. defaithncQ. DEFAIRE, va. to undo, unmake. O. Fr. desfaire. See de- and /aire. — Der. defaite (partic. subst.). DEFALQUER, va. to deduct, subtract. It. diffalcare, compd. of de- (q. v.) and the radical falquer, a word of Germ, origin, O. H. G.falcan. — Der. defalcuXion. DEFAUT, sm. a defect, blemish. Seefaute. DEFAVEUR, sf. disfavour, disgrace. See de- andfaveiir. — Der. defavoxa.h[e. Defectif, adj. defective; from L. defec- tivus. Defection, sf. defection; from L. defec- tionem. D6fectueux, adj. defective; from L. de- fectuosus*. DEFENDRE, va. to defend; from L. de- fendere. For loss of penult, e see § 51. — Der. defendMe, defendem, dtfenderesss. DEFENSE, sf. defence ; from L. defensa *, a word found in TertuUian. D6fenseur, sm. a defender; from L. de- fensorem. fD^fensif, adj. defensive; introd. in i6th cent, from It. defensivo. D§ferer, va. to confer, bestow ; from L. de- fer re. — Der. defer QWCQ. DfiFERLER, va. to unfurl. ?>Qeferler. DEFERRER, va. to unshoe, take the tires off a wheel. See fer. DEFIANCE, sf distrust, diffidence. See defter. t Deficit, s/n. a deficit; aLat. word. DEFIER, va. to defy. O. Fr. desfier. It. dis- fidare. For the etymology see de- and_/?er. — Der. deft (verbal subst.), diftunce. D6figurer, va. to disfigure. See figure. DEFILE, sm. a pass, defile. See deftler (2). DEFILER, va. to unthread. Seefil. DEFILER, vn. to file off, defile. See file.— Der. defile (a narrow way, through which one must pass in file). D§finer, va. to define; from L. definire. — Der. deftnif indefini, definissdihle, iudefin- issable. D6finitif, adj. definitive; from L. defini- tivus. D6finition, sf. a definition ; from L. defi- nitionem. DEFLEURIR, vn. to shed blossoms ; va. to blight. See fleur. D6florer, va. to deflower; fromL. deflo- rare. DEFONCER, va. to stave in, dig up. See fond. — Der. defoncement. DEFORMER, va. to deform. See forme. — Der. deforma.t\on. DEFRAYER, va. to defray. Seefrais. DEFRICHER, va. to clear (of ground). See friche. — Der. defrichement. DEFROQUER, va. to unfrock.— Der. de- froque (verbal subst.). D6funt, adj. dead, defunct ; from L. de- functus. DEGAGER, va. to redeem a pledge. See jgager. — Der. degagement. DEGAINER, va. to unsheath. See game. — Der. degaine (verbal subst.). DEGARNIR, va. to unfurnish, unrig, strip. Stegarnir. DEGAT, sm. damage, depredation; verbal subst. of O. Fr. degater. See gater. DEGELER, va. to thaw. See geler. — Der. degel (verbal subst.). Degen^rer, va. to degenerate; from L. de- generare. — Der. degener^Xion. Degenerescence, s/". degeneracy; from io8 DSGL UTITION— DELIMITER. d^g^nirescent, from L. degenerescen- tem* (degenerescere*) from degene- rare. Deglutition, sf. deglutition; from L. de- glutitionem, from deglutire. DEGOISER, va. to chirp, chatter. See gosier. DEGORGER, va. to disgorge, vomit. See J^orge. DEGOURDIR, va. to take off the stiffness, sharpen, brighten. See gourd. DEGOOT, sm. disgust. O. Fr. desgoust, It. disgusto. See de- and gout. — Der. de- gouttx. DEGO UTTER, vn. to drop, trickle. See goutte. D6grader, va. to degrade; from L. degra- dare. — Der. degrad&\.ion. DEGRAFER, va. to unhook. See agrafer. DEGRAISSER, va. to skim off the fat, scour, fleece. See graisse. — Der. degraisseur, de- graissige. DEGRE, sm. a step. Prov. degrat. This word answers to a type degradus*, compd. of de- and gradus. For loss of d see alouette ; for & = e see § 54. DEGREVER, va. to reduce (a tax). See ^rever. — Der. degrevement, DEGRINGOLER, vn. to tumble down. Origin unknown. DEGRISER, va. to sober. See griser. DEGROSSIR, va. to rough-hew. See grosstr. DEGUENILLE, adj. tattered. See guenille. DEGUERPIR, va. to give up, quit ; vn. to pack off; compd, of de- and O. Fr. verb guerpir to abandon, which is in medieval Lat. -werpire, a word of Germ, origin, Scand. verpa. For yr = gu see gaine. — Der. deguerpissement. DEGUISER, va. to disguise. See guise.' — Der. deguisement. D6guster, va. to taste; from L. degus- tare. — Der. degusta.tion, degustateur. Dehiscence, sf. (Bot.) dehiscence ; from L. ^dehiscentia* (dehiscere). DEHONTE, adj. shameless. See honte. DEHORS, adj. outside, without. See hors. Deicide.sra. deicide(used of the Jews); from L. deicida*. D6ifier, va. to deify ; from L. deificare. — Der. cfe'//?cation. Deisme, sm. deism; from L. Deus, with suffix -isme. — Der. deiste. D6it6, sf. a deity ; from L. deitatem. DEJA, adv. already. O. Fr. desja. See des and ja. Dejection, sf. dejection; from L. dejec- tionem. DEJETER, va. to warp, make crooked ; from L. dejectare. For ct=»/ see § 168. DEJEONER, vn. to breakfast. O. Fr. des- jeuner. See d6- and jeiiner, lit. to break one's fast. For the contraction in mean- ing see § 12. — Der. dejeuner {sm.). DEJOINDRE, va. to disjoin. Seejoindre. DEJOUER, va. to baffle, frustrate. Seejouer. DEJUCHER, vn. to leave the roost. Seejucher. DELA, prep, beyond, on the other side. See la. f Deiabrer, va. to dilapidate, destroy, ruin. O. Fr. deslabrer, from It., Milanese disla- brare. — Der. delabrement. DELAI, sm. delay. See delayer. DELAISSER, va. to abandon, forsake. See laisser. — Der. delaissement. DELASSER, va. to refresh, relax. See las. — Der. delassement. ^'"^ Deiateur, sm. an informer; from L. de- latorem. Delation, sf. delation, information ; from L. delationem. DELAYER, va. to dilute ; from L. dilatare. For loss of medial t see abbaye; for i = e see mettre. The change of sense from dilatare, to dilate, broaden, to that of delayer is seen in the phrase delayer un discours. Delayer is a doublet of dilater, q. v.— Der. delai (verbal subst. of delayer, in its sense of extension ; delai being an extension of time granted). Deiecter, va. to delight ; from L, delectare. — Der. delectation, delectable. Deieguer, va. to delegate, commission; from L. delegare. — Der. delegation. Deleter©, adj. deleterious; from Gr. SrjXij- TTJptOS. Deiiberer, vn. to deliberate; from L. de- liberare. — Der. deliberation, deliberatxf. Delicat, adj. delicate; from L. delicatus. Delicat is a doublet of delie, q. v. — Der. in- delicat, delicatesse. Deiices, sf. pi. delights, pleasures ; from L. deljciae. — Der, delicieux. DELIE, adj. fine, slender, delicate, as in un fX delie, un style delie, etc, ; from L. deli- catus. For loss of medial c see affouage ; for -atus = e see § 201. Delie is a doublet of delicat, q. v. DELIE, partic of delier, unbound. DELIER, va. to unbind. O. Fr. deslier. See de- and Her. Delimiter, va. to fix boundaries ; from L. delimitare. — Der. delimitation. BtLINtA TION — DSMORDRE. 109 Delineation, sf. delineation; from L, de- lineationem, from delineare. Delinquant, sm. a delinquent ; from L. delinquentem. D6lire, sm. delirium; from L. delirium. Der. delirer. Delit, sm. a crime, offence; from L. de- lictum, DELIVRER, va. to deliver, free; from £. deliberare*, compd. of liberare. De- liber^re, regularly contrd. (see § 52) into delib'rare, becomes delivrer (see avant and § 113). — Der. delivriLnce. DELOGER, vn to remove, get away ; va. to dislodge. See loger. DELOYAL, adj. disloyal, false. O. Fr. des- loyal. It. disleale, from de- (q. v.) and loyal. Der. cfe/qyaut^ (see de- and loyaute). DELUGE, sm. a deluge, flood. It. diluvio, from L. diluvium. For consonification of iu into ge (diluyjum) and for vj ^7 see Hist. Gram. p. 65 ; for i = e see mettre. DELURE, adj. disenchanted. See § 8 and leurre. Demagogue, sm. a demagogue ; from Gr. Srjimy or/OS. — Der. demagogic, demagog- ique. DEMAIN, adv. to-morrow. Prov. demon. It. dimane; from L. de-mane*, compd. of mand. For a = m see aigle. — Der. len- demain (in O. Fr. Vendemain, as in It. it is Vindomani ; a form compd. of en and de- main). In the 14th cent, the article le by a singular misunderstanding became attached to the body of the word (see lierre) and produced the sm. lendemain, which in its turn is again preceded by the article (le len- demain). DEMANDER, va. to ask ; from L. deman- dare. — Der. demands (verbal subst.), de- mandewT, demanderesse. DEMANGER, vn. to itch. See manger.— Der. demangeaison. DEMANTELER, va. to dismantle, i.e. to take off the mantle, then to strip a town of its protection by destroying its walls. — Der. demantel ement. D^mantibuler, va. to break. O. Fr, de- mandibuler, properly to break the jaw ; /rom de- (q. v.) and mandibula. DEMARCATION, sf. demarcation. See mar- qtter. DEMARCHE, sf. gait, bearing, step. See marche. DEMARIER, va. to unmarry. See marier. DEMARQUER, va. to unmark, take out a mark. See marquer. DEMARRER, va. to unmoor. See amarrer. DEMASQUER, va. to unmask. See masque. DEMELER, va. to disentangle. See de- and meler. — Der. demel, demeloix. DEMEMBRER, va. to dismember. See mem- bre.—DeT. detnembrement. DEMENAGER, va. to remove. See menage. — Der. demenagement. D6nience, s/". madness; from L. dementia. DEMENER, va. to kick, struggle. See mener. DEMENTIR, va. to contradict, deny. O. Fr. desmentir. See de- and mentir. — Der. de- menti. Dein6riter, vn. to do amiss. See meriter. _;— Der. demerile (verbal subst.). DEMESURE, adj. unmeasured, huge. See mestire. DEMETTRE, va. to dislocate, dismiss. See mettre. DEMEURER, vn. to dwell, live. It. dimo- rare, from L. demorari, found in sense of tarrying, dwelling, in the Theodosian Code. — Der. demeure (verbal subst.), au demeur- ant. DEMI, adj. half; from L. dimidius. For loss of medial d see alouette ; for atonic i = e see mettre. Demission, sf. resignation (of an ofBce,etc.); introd. in 1 6th cent, from L. demis- sion em. — Der. demissionna.ire. D^mocratie, sf. democracy ; from Gr. SrjfjLOKpaTia. — Der. democrate, democrat- ique. DEMOISELLE, sf. a damsel, young lady. See damoiseau. Demoiselle is a doublet of dozelle. D6niolir, va. to demolish; from L. de- moliri. — Der. c?emo/isseur, demolition, (L. demolitionem). D^mon, sm. a demon ; from L. daemonem. — Der. Je'mowiaque. D6nionetiser, va. to alter the value of a coin, call it in ; from de- and mo net a. D6monstratif, adj. demonstrative ; from L. demonstrativus. Demonstration, sf a demonstration, proof; from L. demonstrationem. Demonstrateur, sm. a demonstrator ; from L. demonstratorem. DEMONTER, va. to unhorse, dismount (a rider). See de- and monter. DEMONTRER, va. to demonstrate. O. Fr. demonstrer, from L. dem,onstrare. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. de- mows^able. DEMORDRE, vn. to let go (grip), swerve from. See de- and mordre. no LENA IRE — DEpENSER . Denedre, adj . denary; from L. denarius. Denaire is a doublet of denier, q. v. DENATURER, va. to alter the nature of. See nature. D6n6gation, sf. denial; from L. denega- tionem. DENI, stn. a refusal (law term). See dinier. DENICHER, va. to take out of a niche, out of a nest. See nicher. — Der. denichem. DENIER, >sm. a denarius, denier (-J^ of a sou), mite; from L. denarius. For -arius = 'ier see § 198. Denier is a doublet of denaire. DENIER, va. to deny, refuse ; from L. de- negare. For loss of medial g see allier ; for e = i see § 58. — Der. d^ni (verbal subst.). D6liigrer, va. to revile, blacken (character, etc.); from L. denigrare. — Der. denigre- ment. DENOMBRER, va. to number; from L. dentunerare. For numerare = «om6rer see nombre. — Der. denombrement. I>6noininatif, adj. denominative ; from L. denominativus. D^nominateur, stn. a denominator ; from L. denominatorem. Denomination, sf. a denomination ; from L. denominationem. DENOMMER, va. to name (in a deed) ; from L. denominare. For letter-changes see nommer. DENONCER, va. to denounce; from L. demintiare. For nxintiare = noncer see annoncer. D§nonciateur, $m. a denunciator, in- former; from L. denuntiatorem. D6nonciation,s/". a denouncement, declara- tion ; from L. denuntiationem. D6noter, va. to denote, describe ; from L. jienotare. DENOUER, va. to untie, unravel. See dc- and nouer. — Der. denotement. DENREE,s^. food, commodity; from late L.de- nerata, found in the Capitularies of Charles the Bald : * Ministri Reip. provideant, ne ilH qui panem ... per deneratas . . . ven- dunt.' Originally merchandise generally, and specially such goods as were worth a denier. Similarly Sp. has dinerada, from dinero. From denier came O. Fr. deneree, just as from panier came panneree. Deneree is contrd. into den'ree, denree. Similarly in Bavaria pfenningwerth properly means a pfenning's worth of anything. For loss of the § (denSrdta) see § 52; for -ata = -ee see § 201. Dense, adj. dense; from L. densus. — Der. dens'xi^. DENT, 5/ a tooth ; from L. dentem.— Der. eudent(\ ^dentk, dentier, dentiste, dentcWe. Dentaire, adj. dental; from L. dentarius. Dentaire is a doublet of O. Fr. dentier. DENTELLE, sf. lace, properly a little tooth. — Der. dentel6, dentelme. Dentifrice, stn. dentifrice, tooth-powder; from L. dentifricium (tooth-powder, in Pliny). Dentition, s/. dentition; from L. denti- tionem. D6nuder, va. to denude, lay bare; from L. denudare. DENUER, va. to deprive, strip ; from L. denudare, by loss of medial d, see ac- cabler. — Der. rfeWment. DEPAREILLER, va. to render incomplete, spoil a pair. See pariel. DEPARER, va. to strip. See parer. DEPARLER, va. to cease speaking. See parler. DEPARTEMENT, sm. a department. See departir. DEPARTIR, va. to distribute. O. Fr. des- partir, from L. dispartire. Fordis = /7ation, d4pila.toire. DEPISTER, va. to track, hunt out. See piste. DEPIT, sm. despite, vexation. O. Fr. despit, from L. despectus. For des = de see de- ; for e = t see § 59 ; for ct = / see § 168. — Der. depitex. DEPLACER, va. to displace. See place.— Der. deplacemenU DEPLAIRE, va. to displease. See plaire. — Der. deplaisiT, deplaisa.nt. DEPLIER, va. to unfold, open. See de- and plier. D6plorer, va. to deplore; from L. deplo- rare. — Der. deplorable. DEPLOYER, va. to unroll. See de- and ployer. — Der. deploiement. DEPLUMER, va. to pluck (a bird). See de- and plume. Depopulation, sf. depopulation; from L. depopulationem. D6porter, va. to deport, transport ; from L. deport are. — Der. deport, deportation, de- ^portement. DEPOSER, va. to depose. See poser. Depositaire, sm. a depositary, guardian, confidant; from L. depositarius. Depositeur, sm. a depositor; from L. de- positorem. Deposition, sf. deposition; from L. depo- sitionem. D6poss§der, va. to dispossess. See posse- der. DEPOUILLER, va. to strip, spoil. O. Fr. despouiller, from L. despoliare. For o = ou see affouage ; for li = ill see ail ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. depouille (verbal subst.), depotiillement. DEPOURVOIR, va. to deprive, strip. See pourvoir. — Der. depourvu. Depraver, va. to deprave, vitiate; from L. depravare. — Der. depravation. D6pr6cier, va. to depreciate; from L. de- pretiare. Deprecier is a doublet of de- priser. — Der. depreciation. D6pr6dation, sf. depredation; from L. depraedationem. Depression, sf. depression; from L. de- pressionem. D6prinier, va. to depress; from L. depri- mere. DEPUIS, prep, since. See puis. D6purer, va. (Chem.) to depurate, purify ; from L. depurare. — Der. depuration, de- puratiL D§puter, va. to depute; from L. depu- tare. — Der. deputation, depute. DERACINER, va. to uproot. See racine. DERAILLER, vn. to run off the rails. See rail. DERAISON, sf. unreason. See raison. — Der. deraisonner, deraisonnahie. DERANGER, va. to derange, displace. See ranger. — Der. derangement. DERECHEF, adv. again, afresh; formerly written de rechef compound of re, marking repetition, and chef, meaning end, ex- tremity. We have seen under achever the medieval phrase venir a chef for venir a hout. See chef. DEREGLER, va. to derange, disorder. See regie. — Der. dereglement. Derision, sf. derision; from L. derisi- onem. Derisoire, adj. derisive; from L. deriso- rius. D6river, vn. to leave shore, drift ; to spring, derive; va. to turn off (a stream). — Der. derive (verbal subst.), derivation, deriv- atif. Derme, sm. skin ; from Gr. Sippia. DERNIER, adj. last; formerly derrenier, derrainier, der. from O. Fr. derrain. Der- rain answers to L. deretranus*, deriv. of 112 D^R OBER — DESPO TE, de-retro, properly one who walks behind. DerStrdnus, contrd. regularly (see § 52) into dertr'anus, softens tr into dr, then rr (see § 168), and changes a into ai (see aigle). DfiROBER, va. to rob, steal. See robe. D6roger, vn. to derogate (from) ; from L. ^derogare. — Der. derogation. DEROULER, va. to unroll, spread out. See rouler. DfiROUTE, sf. rout, defeat. O.Fr. des- route, from L. disrupta, from disrum- pere, to break up an army in battle. For dis = de see de- ; for u = o« see § 90 ; for pt = / see acheter. DEROUTER, va. to lead astray. See route. DEKKltKE, prep and adv. behind; from L. de retro*. ' Visa itaque turba de retro et ab ante adorantes dicite ' (Baruch vi. 5). For retro = riere see arriere. DES, art.gen.pl. of the; contr. oi dels = deles. See for details Hist. Gram. p. 10 1. Y)r.S,prep. from; from L. deipso, sc. tem- pore, De-ipso, contrd, into d'ipso, be- comes dis. For i = e see mettre ; for ps = s jee caisse. DESAIMER, va. to cease loving. See de- ^and aimer. DESAPPOINTER, va. to disappoint. See de- and appointer. — Der, desappointement. DfiSARROI, sm. disarray, confusion ; compd. of des (see de-) and O, Fr. arroi. Des- arroi therefore = des-ordre. A rroi is a compd. of O. Fr. roi, just as arranger is of ranger, arrondir of rond, etc. Roi, meaning in O. Fr. order, measure (a sense which re- mains in the phrase pied de roi), answers to the It, root redo*, to medieval L, redum*, and comes from Germ, source, Dan. rede, Swed, reda, to set in order, + D6sastre, sm. a disaster; introd, in 1 6th cent, from It. desastro. — Der, desas- trcMX. DESAVANTAGE, sm. a disadvantage. See avantage. DESAVEU, sm. a disavowal. See aveu. DESAVOUER, va. to disavow. See avouer. DESCELLER, va. to unfasten, unseal. See sceller. DESCENDRE, vn. to descend ; from L. de- sc^nd§re. For loss of g see § 51, — Der, descents (partic. subst., see ahsoute), de- scendance, redescendre, condescendre. Descriptif, adj. descriptive; from L. de- scriptivus. Description, s/. a description; from L, descriptionem. DfiSEMPARER, va. and n. to quit, go away. See emparer. DESERT, adj. deserted ; from L, desertus, — Der, dherttr, deserteur, desertion. DESERT, sm. a desert ; from L. desertum, DESESPERER, vn. to despair. See d4- and esperer. DESESPOIR, sm. despair. See de- and espoir. DESHABILLER, va. to undress. See d4- and habiller. DESHERENCE, sf. escheat. See hoir. DESHONNETE, adj. immodest. See hon- nete. DESHONNEUR, sm. dishonour. See hon- neur. DESHONORER, va. to dishonour. See hon- orer. Designer, va. to designate, describe ; from L. designare. Designer is a doublet of dessiner, q. v, — Der, designation. Desinence, sf. (Gram,) a desinence, termin- ation; from L. desinentia. DESINTERESSER, va. to buy out (creditors, etc.). See de- and interesser. — Der, desin- teressement. tD§sinvolture, sf. ease of carriage; from It. disinvoltura. DESIR, sm. desire, wish. See desirer. DESIRER, va. to desire. O.Fr, desirrer, from L. desiderare, Desiderdre, contrd, regu- larly (see § 52) into desid'rare, becomes desirer. For 6x = rr = r see § 168, — Der. desir (verbal subst,), desir&nx, desirabXt. D^sister (Se), vpr. to desist ; from L, de- sist ere, — Der, desistemtnt. DESGEUVRER, va. to throw out of work. See ceuvre. — Der, desceuvrement. D6soler, va. to desolate, ravage; from L. desolari. — Der, desohnt, desolation. D6sopiler, va. (Med,) to empty, clear out ; from L, dis-oppilare*, DfiSORDONNE, adj. disorderly. See de- and ordonner. DESORDRE, sm. disorder. See de- and ordre. DESORMAIS, adv. henceforth, O, Fr. des ore mais. Ore is from L. hora; mais from L, magis, Des ore mais properly means from this hour forward, i, e, dating from this present hour. For etymology see des, or, and mais. Similarly dormavant, q, v., which was in O. Fr. d'ore en avant, means from this present hour forward, DESOSSER, va. to bone. See os. Despote, sm. a despot ; from Gr, ScCTTc^riys. — Der. despotiqae, despotisme. DESSAISIR — DETROIT, 113 DESSAISIR, va. to dispossess. See saisir. — — Der. rfessa/sissemetit. DESSECHER, va. to dry up. See seeker.— Der. dessechement. DESSEIN, sm. design. See dessin, which is its doublet. DESSERT, sm. dessert. See desservir. DESSERVANT, sm. an officiating priest. See desservir. DESSERVIR, va.to clear away (after dinner). See servir. — Der. desservnr\t, dessert and desserie (partic. subst, of desservir, see absoute ; similarly O. Fr. had sert from servir^. Dessiceation, sf. desiccation; from L. dessiccationem. DESSILLER, va. to open (eyelids). On this word, written in O. Fr. deciller, see § 13 and oil. DESSIN, sm. design, drawing. See dessiner. DESSINER, va. to draw; in Regnier dessigner. It. disegnare, from L. designare. For 8 — ss, cp. vessica, vessie; pulsare, pous- ser. For gn = w see assener. Dessiner is a doublet of designer, q. v. DESSOUS, adv. below. See sous. DESSUS, adv. above. See sus. DESTIN, sm. destiny. See destiner. Destination, sf. destination ; from L. destinationem. DESTINEE, sf. destiny. See destiner. DESTINER, va. to destine, doom ; from L. destinare.— Der. destin (verbal subst.), destines (partic. subst.). Destituer, va. to dismiss ; from L. desti- tuere. — Der. destitution. DESTRIER, sm. a knight's warhorse, a horse led by the squire on his right hand (dextra), whence the deriv. dextrarius for a war- horse in medieval texts, as in an llth-cent. chronicle we read ' equo ejus militari, quem dextrariura vocant, ablato.' For x = s see ajouter; for -arius = -zer see § 198. Destructeur, sm. a destroyer ; from L. de- structorem. Destructible, adj. destructible; from L. destructibilis. — Der. indestructible. Destructif, adj. destructive; from L. de- structivus. Destruction, sf destruction; from L. destructionem. Desuetude, sf. desuetude, disuse ; from L. jiesuetudinem. DETACHER, va. to unfasten. See attacker. — Der. deiachement. DETAILLER, va. to cut up. See tailler.— Der. detail (verbal subst.), detailhnX. DETALER, va. to clear away, pack up. See etal. DETEINDRE, va. to take colour from ; vn. to lose colour. See teindre. DETELER, va. to unyoke. See atteler. DETENDRE, va. to unbend, relax. See tendre. —Der. detente (partic. subst., see ah- soute). DETENIR, va. to detain ; from L: detinere. For atonic i = e see mettre ; for e = i see § 59 — Der. detenu. Detenteur, sm. a holder of property ; from L. detentorem. Detention, sf. detention; from L, deten- tionem. « Deterger, va. to clean (a wound) ; from L. detergere. Deteriorer, va. to deface, damage ; from L. deteriorare. — Der. deteriora.tion. Determiner, va. to settle, determine ; from L, determinare. — Der. determination. D6terrer, va, to dig up, exhume. See terre. Detersif, adj. detersive; from L. deter- sivus*, from detersus, p.p. of detergere. D6tester, va. to detest ; from L. detestari. — Der. detestMe. Detoner, vn. to detonate; from L. de- Jtonare. — Der. detonation. DETONNER, vn. to sing out of tune. See ton. Detorquer, va. to twist, wrest; from L. detorquere. DETORS, adj. untwisted. See tordre. DETOURNER, va. to turn away. See tour- ner Der. detour (verbal subst.), detourne- ment, Detracteur, sm. a detractor; from L. de- tractorem. DETRAQUER, va. to spoil the paces (of a horse, etc.), disorder. See traquer. DETREMPER, va. to dilute. See tremper.— Der. detrempe (verbal subst.") DETRESSE, sf. distress. O. Fr. destrece, oppression, verbal subst. of destrecer, means to oppress, and represents the L. de- strictiare*, derived regularly from de- strictus, p.p. of destringere. De- strictiare becomes destrecer. For ct = / see § 168 ; for -tiare = -cer see ngencer and § 264; fori=esee mettre. Next destrece becomes detresse. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ; for c = ss see agencer. Detriment, sm. detriment, loss ; from L, detrimentum, DETROIT, sm. a strait. O. Fr. destroit, from L. districtus. In medieval documents we 114 DSTR UIRE — DIABLE. find • districtus fluvii ' (rendered by Du- cange as a place where a stream is crossed). Distriotus becomes detroit as strictus becomes ^troit. For dia = di see de- ; for iot =» oit see attrait. Detroit is a doublet oi district, q. v. DETRUIRE, va. to destroy. O. Fr. destruire, from L. destruSre. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 8l ; for e = f see § 59. DETTE, sf. a debt ; from L. d6bita, what is due, from debitum. For loss of i (d6b'ta) see § 51; for bt = « see § 168. — Der. endetter. DEUIL, sm. mourning, grief. See douloir. DEUXf num. adj. two ; from L. duos. For uo = see § 90 ; then for o = eu see cueiller ; for s = « cp sposus, epoux ; russus, roux; tnssi s, toux; cor ossus*, creux ; otiosus, oiseux ; and for suffix in osus = eux see § 229. Deux is a doublet of duo. — Der. deux\Qme. DEVALER, va. to let down, lower. See aval. DEVALISER, va. to rifle, plunder. See valise. DEVANCER, va. to precede. See devant. — Der. devancieT. DEVANT, prep, and adv. before, in front. O. Fr. davant (d'avant), compd. of de and avant, q. v. — Der. devancer. IJ6vaster, va. to devastate; from L. de- vast a re. — Der. t/e'i/as/ation, devastAtem. DEVELOPPER, va. to develop. Formed from a radical ' velop.' Origin unknown. Cp. envelopper, q.v. — Der. developpement. DEVENIR, vn. to become; from L. de- venire. DEVERGONDE, adj. dissolute; partic. of O. Fr. verb devergonder, to lose all shame ; compd. of de (q. v.) and vergonder, which from L. verecunddri. Verecundari, contrd. regularly (see § 53) into ver'- cundari, becomes vergonder. For c=g see adjuger ; for u = see annoncer Der. devergond2igt. DEVERS, prep, towards. See vers. DEVERS, adj. leaning; from L. deversus. — Der. deversei (to bend a piece of wood). DEVERSER, vn. to lean, bend. See verser.— Der. deversoir. DEVIDER, va. to wind off. O. Fr. desvider ; see vide. Devider properly means to make the spindle bare {vide) of wool. — Der. devidok. Deviation, ./.deviation; from L. devia- tionem. DEVIER, vn. to deviate. O. Fr. desvier, from L. de-ex- viare* (to leave the right path). See under dS- and vote. Ddvier is a doublet of devoyer. DEVIN, sm. a diviner ; from L. divinus. — Der. deviner, devineur, rfmweresse. DEVIS, sm. (I) chat, talk; {2\ estimate; verbal subst. of deviser, signifying in O. Fr. to distribute, regulate, whence the meaning of devis as an estimate of all costs of a building. DE VISAGER, va. to scratch the face (of one). See visage. DEVISE, sf. device ; verbal subst. of deviser, O. Fr. to distribute. Devise was first a heraldic term, meaning a division or part of a shield in which some emblematical figure ( = corps de la devise) was inscribed, and above a legend or sentence explaining it (technically called dme de la devise). This motto, which was originally only a part of the device, presently took to itself the name of the whole. DEVISER, va. to chat, talk; in O. Fr. to regulate ; from L. divisare. Divisare is a frequent, of dividere, formed in the usual way from the p.p. divisus. For i = e see mettre. Deviser is a doublet of diviser. ^ — Der. devis, devise. DEVISSER, va. to unscrew. See vis. DEVOIEMENT, sm. looseness, diarrhoea. See devoyer. DEVOILER, va. to unveil. See voile. DEVOIR, va. to owe, be in debt ; from L. debere. For b = v see avant and § 113 ; for e = oi see accroire and § 61. — Der. de- voir (verbal subst.). D6volu, adj. vested, devolved ; from L. de- volutus. D6vorer, va. to devour; from L. devo- rare. D6vot, adj. devoted, pious; from L. devo- tus. — Der. devotieux. Devotion, sf. devotion; from L. devo- tionem. DEVOUER, va. to devote, consecrate ; from L. devotare. For loss of medial t see abhaye ; for o = ou see affouage. — Der. de- vouem&nX. DEVOYER, va. to mislead. See voie.— T>tr. devoiement. Dexter it6, sf. dexterity; fromL. dexteri- tatem. Dextre, sf. the right hand ; from L. dextra. Diabdte, sm. (Med.) diabetes; from Gr. Siap-ffTrjs. DIABLE, sm. the devil ; from L. di&bolus. For regular loss of 6 see § 52 and ancre. — Der. diablene, diable$se, diablotin. DIABOLIQUE—DILEMME. 115 Diabolique, ac?/. diabolical ; from L. dia- bolicus. Diaconat, sm. the diaconate; from L. dia- conatus (in St. Jerome). Diaconesse, sf. a deaconess; from L. dia- conissa (in St. Jerome). DIACRE, sm. a deacon. O. Fr. diacne, from L. diaconus (in Tertullian). Diaconus is contrd. regularly (see § 52 and ancre) into diac'nus. For n = r see coffre. Diaddrae, sm. a diadem ; from L. diadema. Diagnostic, sm. (Med.) diagnostic; from adj. diagnostique, from Gr. SiayvoicrriKSs. Diagonal, adj. diagonal; from L. diagon- alis. Dialecte, sm. a dialect ; fromL. dialectus. — Der. dialect^]. Dialectique, sf. dialectics; from L. dia- lectica. Dialogue, sf. a dialogue ; from L. dialogus. Diamant, sm. a diamond ; from It. dia- mante. Diamant is a doublet oi aimant, adamant, q, v. Diamdtre, sm. a diameter ; from Gr. Stci- fifTpos. — Der. diametraX, diametr^lement. f Diane, s/. a morning gun, reveille ; introd. in 1 6th cent, from Sp. diana. + Diapason, sm. diapason, octave; fromL. diapason. Diaphane, adj. diaphanous ; from Gr. hia(pavus. Diaphragme, sm. (Med.) the diaphragm ; from L. diaphragma. "tDiaprer, va. to diaper, variegate; me- dieval diasprer, formed from O. Fr. subst. diaspre (a stuff of jasper-colour). Diaspre is from It. diaspro. Diarrh6e, sf. (Med.) diarrhoea; from L. diarrhoea. Diath^se, s/. a disposition; fromGr.Sm^ects. Diatribe, sf a diatribe, philippic ; from L, diatriba. Dietame, sm. (Bot.) dittany; from L. dic- tamnus. Dictateur, sm. a dictator; from L. dicta- tore m. — Der. dictatonal. Dictature, sf a dictature ; from L. dicta- tura. Dieter, va. to dictate; from L. dictare. — Der. dictee (partic. subst.). Diction, sf diction; from L. dictionem. — Der. dictionn&ire. + Diet on, sm. a saying, bye-word, a word corrupted from L. dictum. It is a doublet of dit. Didactique, adj. didactic; from Gr. 5i- daKTlK6s. Di^r^se, sf diaeresis ; from Gr. Siaipems. Didse, sm. (Mus.) diesis, a sharp ; adj. sharp. — Der. diestx. Di§te, sf. (i) a diet, assembly ; from L. diaeta*, an assembly on a fixed day, deriv. of Gr. hlaira. (2) diet (food, etc.). DIEU, sm. God ; in the Oaths of a. d. 842 Deo ; from L. deus. From 9th-cent. deo comes modern dieu. For eo = zo see abreger; then for o = eu see accueillir Der. zdieu (lit. A Dieu), for a Dieu soyezl which was the complete form of the phrase in O.Fr. Diffamer, va. to defame; from L. diffa- mare. — Der. diffamzitm, diffamz\o\rt. Difference, s/. a difference; from L. differ- entia. Different, adj. different; from L. differ- ent em. Differend is simply an orthogra- phic alteration of the word. DifPirer, va. (i) to put off, defer, (2) to differ; from L. differre. Diflacile, adj. difficult; from L. difficilis. — Der. difficilemtnt. Diflacult6, sf a difficulty; from L. diffi- cult a tem. — Der. dijfficultvitMX. fDifforme, adj. deformed; introd. in 15th cent, from It. difforme. — Der. difform- ' it^. DifFus, adj. diffuse; from L. diffusus. Dig6rer, va. to digest; from L. digerere. Digestif, adj. digestive; from L. diges- tivus*. Digestion, sf digestion; from L. diges- tionem. Digitale, sf fox-glove, digitalis ; in botanical Lat. digitalis purpurea. Digne, adj. worthy; from L. dignus. — Der. dignement. Dignity, sf a dignity; from L. dignita- tem. — Der. dignitn'iTe. Digression, sf a digression; from L. di- gressionem. DIGUE, sf. an embankment, bank. O.Fr. dicque, word of Germ, origin, Neth. dyk. — Der. endiguer. ' Dilapider, va. to dilapidate, waste ; from L. dilapidare. — Der. dilapidation, dilapid- ateur. Dilater, vfl. to dilate ; from L. dilatare. It is a Aowhltloi delayer, q.v. — Der.rfz'/a^ation. Dilatoire, adj. dilatory; from L. dila- torius. Dilection, sf affection; from L. dilec- tionem. Dilemme, sm. a dilemma ; from L. di- lemma. I 2 116 DILE TTANTE-'DISPENDIE UX, t Dilettante, sm. a dilettante, amateur; from It. dilettante. It is a doublet of de- lecfant, q. v. — Der. dilettantisms. Diligence,./, diligence; fromL.diligentia. Diligent, adj. diligent; from L. diligen- tem. — Der. diligenter. Diluvien, adj. diluvian; from L. diluvia- nus* from diluvium . — D er. znt^diluvien . DIMANCHE, sm. Sunday. O. Fr. diemenche, from L. dies-domiziica, the Lord's Day, in St. Augustine and Tertullian. Domin- ica loses its penult, i regularly (§ 51), and becomes domin'ca. Die-dominica having thus become die -domin'ca, loses medial d (see accabler), and becomes O. Fr. diemenche, whence dimanche. For ca = cA see §§126 and 54; for in = e« see Hist. Gram. p. 178. 'en = a« in modern Fr. is a very rare change, see § 65, note I. DIME, sf. tithe ; formerly disme, It. decima, from L. decima (found in Varro). D6- Cima loses its i regularly (§ 51), and is contrd. to dec'ma, whence disme. For e=t see § 59; for o = s seeamitie; for the loss of s at a later time, see Hist. Gram, p. 81. Dime is a doublet of decime, q. v. Dimension, sf. dimension ; from L. di- mensionem. Diminuer, va. to diminish ; from L. di- minuere. Diminution, s/. diminution; from L. di- minutionem. Dinde, sm. a turkey ; a word of hist, origin (§ .^3)> abbrev. of the phrase coq d'Inde. — Der. dindon, dindonnea.\i. DINER, vn. to dine ; formerly disner, in the 9th- cent. Lat. disnare *, in the Vatican Glosses. Origin unknown. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. diner (sm.). Diocdse, sm. a diocese; from L. diocesis, found in Tertullian. — Der. diocesa.in. Diphthongue, sf. a diphthong; from L. diphthongus. Diplomate, sm. a diplomatist. See di- plome. — Der. diplomatic, diplomatique Dipldme, sm. a diploma ; from L. diploma. — Der. diplomate. Diptyque, sm. a diptych : from L. dipty- cha. DIRE, va. to say ; from L. dicere. Di- cSre, contrd. regularly (§51) into dic're, becomes dire by reduction of cr to r, see henir. — Der. dire (sm.), contrerf/re, vnedire, d^dire, maurf/r, h^nir, xtdire, dit, disenr, disexise. Direct, adj. direct; from L. directus. It is a doublet of droit, 51- Disposer, va. to dispose. See poser. — Der. mdispnser. Disposition, sf. a disposition ; from L. dispositionem . — Der. dispositif. Disputer, va. to dispute; from L. dispu- tare. — Der. dispute (verbal subst.). Disque, sm. a disc: from L. discus. It is a doublet of da^is, q. v. Dissection, sf. a dissection; from L. dis- sectionem. Diss^miner, va. to disseminate, spread abroad; from L. disseminare. Dissension, sf. dissension; from L. dis- sensionem. Dissentiment, sm. dissent. See sentiment. Diss^quer, va. to dissect; from L. disse- care. Dissertation, sf. a dissertation ; from L. dissertationem. Disserter, va. to make a dissertation ; from L. dissertare. Dissidence, sf. dissidence, disagreement; from L. dissidentia. Dissident, adj. dissident; from L. dissi- dentem. Dissimulation, ./. dissimulation ; from L. dissimulationem. — Der. dissimulatenr. Dissimuler, va. to dissimulate; from L. dissimulare. Dissipateur, sm. a dissipator, spender ; from L. d issipatorem. Dissipation, sf. dissipation ; from L. d issi- pationem. Dissiper, va. to dissipate; from L. dissi- pare. Dissolu, adj. dissolute; from L. disso- lutus. Dissolution, s/. dissolution ; from L. dis- solutionem. Dissolvant, adj. dissolvent; from L. dis- solventem. Dissoner, vn. to be dissonant ; from L. dissonare. — Der. dissonznt, dissonance. DISSOUDRE, va. to dissolve ; from L. dis- solvere. For solveTe = soudre see ab- soudre. Dissuader, va. to dissuade; from L. dis- suadere. Dissuasion, sf. dissuasion; from L. dis- suasionem. Distance, sf distance; from L. dis- tantia. Distant, adj. distant; from L. distantem. Distendre, va. to distend; from L. dis- tendere. Distiller, va. to distil; from L. dis- tillare. — Der. distilhteur, distilhtion. Distinct, adj. distinct; from L. dis- tinctus. Distinctif, adj. distinctive; from L. dis- tinctivus. Distinction, sf distinction; from L. dis- tinctionem. Distinguer, va. to distinguish; from L. distinguere. Distique, sm. a distich; from L. dis- tichus. Distraction, sf distraction; from L. dis- tractionem. DISTRAIRE, va. to distract; from L. dis- trahere. For changes see traire. DISTRAIT, adj. distracted; from L. dis- tractus. For Qt = it see attrait. Distribuer, va. to distribute; from L. dis- tribuere. Distributeur, sm. a distributer ; from L. distributorem. Distributif, adj. distributive ; from L. distributivus*, from distribuere. Distribution, sf distribution ; from L. distributionem. District, sf a district; from medieval L. districtum, a territory under one juris- diction. District is a doublet of detroit, q. v, DIT, sm. a saying, maxim. See dire. It is a doublet of dicton, q. v. Dithjrrambe, sm. a dithyramb; from L, dithyrambus. + Dito, adv. ditto ; from It. deito. Diurnal, adj. diurnal; from L. diurnalis. Its doublet is journal, q. v. Diurne, adj. diurnal; from L. diurnus. Its doublet IS jour, q. v. Divaguer, vn. to wander hither and thither; from L. divagari. + Divan, sw. a divan; a word of Oriental origin, Ar. diouann. Its doublet is douane, q.v. ii8 DIVE— DOMINO. Sive, adj. divine ; from L. diva. Diverger, vn, to diverge; from L. diver- gere. Divers, adj. diverse; from L. di versus. Diversifier, va. to diversify; from L. di- versificare*, deriv. of diversus. Diversion, sf. a diversion; from L. diver- sionem. Diversit6, sf. a diversity; from L. diver- sitatem. Divertir, va. to turn aside; from L. di- vert ere. — Der. tfji/er/issement. Dividende, sm. a dividend; from L. divi- denda, from dividere. Divin, flrf/. divine ; from L. divinus. Its doublet is devin, q. v. Divination, sf. divination ; from L. divin- ationem. Divinit6, sf. divinity ; from L. divini- tatem. Divis, adj. divided; from L. divisus. Diviser, va. to divide; from L. divisare, frequent, of dividere. Its doublet is de- viser, q. V. Diviseur, sm. a divisor; from L. divis- orem. Divisible, adj. divisible; from L. divis- ibjlis. Division, sf. a division; from L. divis- ionem. Divorce, sm. a divorce; from L. divor tium. Divulguer, va. to divulge; from L. divul- gare. DIX, num. adj. ten ; frdm L. decern. For e = / see accomplir; for c = » see amide. Der. dizzin, diznine, dixihmc (whose doublet is dime). Docile, adj. docile; from L, docilis. Docility, sf. docility ; from L. docilitatem. + Dock, sm. a dock ; from Engl. dock. Docte, adj. learned; from L. doctus. Docteur, sm. a doctor; from L. doctor. — Der. doctorat, doctoral. Doctrine, sf. doctrine; from L. doctrina. Document, sm. a document; from L. documentum. DODU, adj. plump. Origin unknown. i'Doge, sm. a doge; from It. doge. Its doublet is due, q. v. — Der. dogzt. Dogmatique, adj. dogmatic; from L dogmaticus. Dogmatiser, vn. to dogmatise; from L. dogmatizare. Dogmatiste, sm. a dogmatist; from L dogmatistes. Dogme, sm. a dogma; from L. dogma. + Dogue, sm. a dog; from Engl. dog. Gros chien d'Angleterre, says Menage in the 17th cent. DOIGT, sm. a finger ; from L. digitus. Digitus, regularly contrd. (see § 51) into dig*tu8, becomes doigt by changing i into oi, see boire. Doigt is a doublet of de, q. v. — Der. doigttx, doigixtx. Dol, sm. deceit, cozenage; from L. dolus. DOLEANCE, sf. complaint, grief; answering to a verb doleir, which represents a Lat. form dolicare. DOLENT, adj. suffering; from L. do- lentem. Doler, va. to chip with an adze; from L. dolare. + Dollar, sm. a dollar, from Engl, dollar. + Dolman, sm, a hussar's coat, a word of Magyar origin. Hung, dolman. See §33. + Dolmen, sm. a dolmen; a word of Low Breton patois, introd. into Fr. towards the end of the 18th cent. It is of Celtic origin, Gael, tolmen, a stone table. DOLOIRE, sm. an adze. O. Fr, doleoire, from L. dolatoria, in Vegetius : 'cum securibus et dolatoriis.' For loss of medial t see abbaye ; doleoire = doloire is a rare change. DOM, sm. lord ; from L. dominus, which is domnus in several Merov. documents. For loss of i see §51; for inn = m see § 168, Dom is a doublet of dame^ q. v. DOMAINE, sm. domain; from L. domi- nium. For i = az, seen in daigne from digno, see marraine. — Der. domamzX. tD6me, sm. a dome; introd. about the 15th cent, from It. duomo. Domesticity, sf. domesticity; from L. domesticitatem*. Dom.estique, adj. domestic; from L, do- mesticus. Domicile, sm. a domicile; from L. do- mieilium. — Der. domiciliaiTe, domiciHer. Dominateur, sm. a dominator; from L, dominatorem. Domination, sf. domination ; from L, dominationem, Dominer, va. to dominate; from L. domi- nari. Dominical, adj. dominical; from L. do- minicalis, der. from dominus. + Domino, sm. a domino; from Sp. do- mino, a black hood worn by priests. — Der. domino (a game composed of pieces of ivory, backed with black, and, so far, re- sembling a domino). DOMMA GE — DO ULOUREUX. IT9 DOMMAGE, sm. damage; originally damage, from L. damnaticum*, der. from dam- num. For in.n = mm~m see § i68. — Der. dommage'dhle, dedommager, endotn- mager. DOMPTER, va. to daunt; from L, domi- tare, contrd. regularly (see § 52) into dom.'tare : the intercalated p is euphonic. — Der. dompttMT, domptahle, indompuhle. DON, sm. a gift; from L. donum. — Der. donation, c?owateur, c?o«ataire. DONC, adv. then ; aphaeresis of O. Fr. adonc. Adonc is from L. ad-tixnc, compd. of tunc. For u = ow see annoncer. DONJON, sm. a donjon, tower. Prov. dompnhon, from medieval L. domni- onem.*, a tower which dominates. Domni- onem is regularly contrd. from domini- 6nem by loss of i, see § 52. Domini- onem is a deriv. of dominium. From domnionem we come to donjon. For mn = m (domionem) see § 168; for io=_;o see abreger ; for change of m into n (domjonem) see conge. DONNER, va. to give; from L. donare. For n = n« cp. inimicus, ennemi. — Der. doTinee. (partic. subst.), donneur. DONT, adv. then pron. whence, from whence, whose. In Clement Marot d'ond, from L. de-undd, whose etymol. mean- ing the Fr. of the 17th cent, had pre- served, as Corneille uses it in Nic. v, 2 : Le Mont Avenfin, dont // Vaurait vu faire une horrible descente. For u = o see annoncer. The second d here becomes /, as in subinde, soiwent. i Donzelle, sf. a damsel ; introd. in 16th cent, from It. donzella. Donzelle is a doublet of demoiselle, q. v. fDorade, sf. a dorado, gold-fish; introd. from Prov. daurada. Daurada signifies rightly 'gilded' (doree), partic. of Prov. verb daurar, from L. deaurare. Dorade is a doublet of doree. DORENAVANT, adv. henceforward. See desormais. DORER, va. to gild; from L. deaurare (in Seneca). Deaurare, contrd. regularly into d'aurare, becomes dorer. For au = see alouette. — Der. dorem, dedorer. DORLOTER, va. to coddle. Origin un- known. DORMIR, vn. to sleep ; from L. dormire. — Der. dormeuT, dormeuse, endormir. Dorsal, adj. dorsal; from L. dorsalis*, from dorsum. DORTOIR, sm. a bedroom, dormitory; from L. dormitorium. Dormitorium, regu- larly contrd. (see § 52) into dorm'torium, becomes dor'torium (for loss of m see Hist. Gram. p. 81), and then dorioir by attraction of the i ; see chanoine. DOS, sm. the back; from L. dossum, a form found (for dorsum) in several in- scriptions of the Empire. For rs = s see chine. — Der. rfoisier, adosser. Dose, sf. a dose ; from Gr. 86cns. — Der. doser. DOSSIER, sm. back (of seats, etc.), a bundle of papers labelled on the back; from dos, q.v. Dot, sf. a dowry; from L. dot em. — Der. c?o/er (which is a doublet of doner, q. v.), dotz\. Dotation, sf. a dotation; from L. dota- tionem. DOUAIRE, sm. a dowry; from L. dota- rium. For loss of medial t see abbaye; for o = ou see affouage. — Der, douairVext. fDouane, sf. custom-house; introd. to- wards the 15th cent, from It. doana, old form of dogana. Douane is a doublet of divan, q. v. — Der. douanier. DOUBLE, adj. double; from L. duplus. For u = OM see § 90 ; for p = 6 see abeille. — Der. doublet, dedoubler, redoubler, doublet, doublure. tDoublon, sm. a doubloon; introd. from Sp. doublon. DOUCET, adj. mild. See doux. DOUCEUR, sf. sweetness ; from L. dul- corem. For vlI — ou see agneau ; for 6 = eu see § 79. — Der. doucereux, doucer- eusement. t Douche, sf. a douche, bath; introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. doccia. — Der. doucher, DOUELLE, sf. an archivolt. See douve. DOUER, va. to endow ; from L. dotare. For loss of t see abbaye; for o = o« see affouage. Doner is a doublet of doter. DOUILLE, sf. a socket ; from L. ductile * used in medieval Lat. for a culvert ; thus we have ' ductilis aquae ' in a Chartulary of 1016. For ductile = douille see andouille. — Douille is a doublet of ductile, q. v. DOUILLET, adj. soft, downy, effeminate; dim. of O. Fr. donille (soft, tender), which is from L. ductilis. For ductilis = douille, see andouille. — Der. douilletiement. DOULEUR, sf. pain ; from L. dolorem. For accented o = eu see § 79 ; for atonic o = OM see affouage. DOULOUREUX, adj. painful, sorrowful, lao DOULOIR—^DU. grievous; from L. dolor6su8. For -osu8 = -«/* see § 229; for atonic o — ou see affouafre. DOULOIR (SE), vpr. to mourn, grieve ; from L. ddlere. For 6 = ow see q^owa"-* ; for S = ot see § 61. — Der. deiiil (O. Fr. deul, verbal subst. of -doloir). For o = eu see § 79. DOUTER, vn. to doubt. Cat. duhtar, from L. dubitare. For loss of i in dubitare see § 52 ; for Vi = ou see § 90; for bt = ^ see § 168. — Der.doute (verbal subst.), dout- eux, redoufer. DOUVE, sf. stave (of casks). Origin un- known. — Der. ffowelle (for dou-v-elle). For loss of V see aieul. DOUX, adj. sweet, soft. O. Fr. dous, origin- ally dols, from L. dulcis. For ul = ow see agneau ; for G = x see agencer. — Der. zdoiich, doticet, douce&tre. DOUZE, adj. twelve ; from L. duodecim, by regular contr. of du6d§cini into duod'cim, see § 51. For uo = see deux; for d'c = c see § 168; for o = ou see affouage; for c = z see amitie. — Der. douzihmt, rfoMzaine. DOYEN, sm. a dean ; from L. decanus. For loss of medial c see affouage ; for e = oi see § 61 ; for -anus = -en see § 194. — Der. doyenn6 (which is a doublet of decanat, q. v.). Drachme, s/". a drachma ; from L. drach- ma. f Dr ag§e, 5/ a sugarplum ; introd. through Prov. dragea, from It. treggea. — Der, drageoxr. DRAGEON, sm. (Bot.) a sucker ; a word of Germ, origin, Goth, draibjain. DRAGON, sm. a dragon; from L. dra- conein. For Q=g see adjuger. — Der. dragon (a dragoon), dragonne, dragonna.de. + Drague, sf. a drag, dredge ; introd. from Eng. drag. — Der. dragutr, dragueur. t Drainer, va. to drain; introd. from Eng. drain. — Der. drainzgt. Dramatique, adj. dramatic; from L. dra- maticus. Dramaturge, sm. a dramatist, playwright ; from Gr. dpafxarovpyos. Drame, sm. the drama ; from L. drama. DRAP, sm. cloth ; from L. drappum *, in Charlemagne's Capitularies. Origin un- known. — Der. draper, drapier, drapene. DRAPEAU, sm. an ensign ; originally stuff, a rag ; dim. of drap, q. v. Drastique, adj. drastic ; from Gr. dpaan- KOi, DRfeCHE, sf. malt. O. Fr. dresche, crushed barley, which is Low L. drascus, coming from O. H. G. drascan (to thresh corn in a barn). For a. = e see § 54 ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. s DRESSER, va. to erect, set up, arrange. It. drizzare, dirizzaire, from L, drictiare*, a verb derived from drictus, a form explained under droit, q. v. For -ctiare (cciare) = -sser see agencer; for i = e see meUre. — Der. dressoxx, xedresser. DRILLE, s/. (i) rag (for paper-making), (2) drill, (3) a soldier, comrade; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. drigil, a servant, lad. f Drogman, sm. a dragoman; in Ville- hardouin drugkemant, It. drogomanno, a word of Eastern origin, introd. from Con- stantinople by the Cru«aders, who had bor- rowed it from the medieval Gr. Spayovfiavos, an interpreter. DROGUE, sf. a drug. Origin unknown. — Der. drogmste, droguer. DROGUE, sf. game of drogue (played by soldiers and sailors). Origin unknown. DROIT, sm. right; from L. directum, which came to have the sense of justice or right. (Thus we find * directum facere ' for 'to do justice' in the Formulae of Marculfus.) Directus becomes dirictus in medieval Lat. documents, as in ' et ultro hoc debet habere dirictum,' for e = i see § 59 ; dirictum. soon became contrd. to dric- tum, to be seen in Charlemagne's Capitu- laries, ' Et plus per drictum et legem fecissent' : lastly drictum becomes droit, by regular change of ict into oil, see attrait; cp. St rictus, etroit. — Der. droilnre. DROIT, crrf/. straight, right; from L. direc- tus. For changes see above. Droit is a doublet of direct, q. v. — Der, zdroit. + Dr61e, adj. droll; sm. a knave, sharp rogue. Formerly drolle. Introd. from Eng. droll. — Der. drolerie, drolesse, cfro/atique. Dromadaire, sm. a dromedary ; from L. dromadarius, which from L, dromadem, DRU, adj. fledged, lively, vigorous, thickset ; of Celtic origin, Kymr, drud, vigorous. Druide, sm. a druid; from L. druida, a Celtic priest. — Der. druidesse, druid- isme. Drupe, sm. (Bot.) drupe; from L. drupa (properly the olive). Dryade, sf. a dryad ; from L, dryad em. DU, art. m. of the* O. Fr. deu, originally del, which is a contr. of de le. Del be- comes deu by softening / into u ; see agneau. DU — JSbRUITER. 121 DU, sm. due, duty ; formerly deii, p.p. of devoir used substantively. Under boire we have shown that the p.p. of debere should have been debutus. Fordebutus = deu^dii see boire. — Der, diim&xit (from fem. due and suffix merit). Dubitatif, adj. dubitative, expressive of doubt; from L. dubitativus. DUG, stn. a duke ; from L. ducem. Its doublet is doge, q. v. + Ducat, 5m. a ducat; iromlt. ducato. Its doublet is duche. — Der. ducaton. DUCHE, sm. a duchy. See due. DUG HESSE, s/. a duchess. See disc. Ductile, adj. ductile; from L. ductilis. Its doublet is douille, q, v. — Der. ductilite. fDudgne, sf. a duenna; from Sp. duena. Its doublet is dame, q. v. Duel, sm. a duel ; from L. duellum. — Der. duel\\ste. Dulcifier, va. to dulcify, sweeten ; from L. dulcificare * (which from dulcem), DUNE, sf. a down ; of Celtic origin, Irish diln, a hill. t Duo, sm. a duet ; from It. duo. Its doublet is deux, q. v. DUPE, sf. a dupe. Origin unknown. — Der. dnper, diiperie, dupeur. tDuplicata, swz. a duplicate, a Lat. word ; neut. pi. of duplicatus, p.p. of dupli- care. Duplicity, s/". duplicity; from L. duplici- tatem. DUR, adj. hard ; from L, d\irus. — Der. dur- et6 (L. duritatem), durillon, durcir. DURER, vn. to endure, last ; from L. durare. — Der. dur^e (partic. subst.), rfwrant, dur- able. DUVET, sm. down, wool, nap ; from L. du- metum, through a form dubetum*, whence diwet; for b=i/ see § 113. Dynastie, sf. a dynasty ; from Gr. Svva- (TTfia. Dyspepsie, sf dyspepsia; from Gr. Sva- ■niipia. Dyssenterie, sf. dysentery ; from Gr, 8u&e fond Der. effondrement. EFFORCER (S'), vpr. to make an effort. See forcer. — Der. effort (verbal subst,). Effracteur, va. a breaker open; from L, effractor em. Effraction, sf. a breaking open ; from L. effractionem*. 126 EFFRA YER — SLIMER. EFFRAYER, va. to frighten, affray; for- merly eff'royer,es/royer,'Prov. esfreidar; from L. exfrigidare*, compd. of frigidus, so properly to freeze with fright. Exfrigi ddre, contrd. regularly (see § 52) into exfrig'dare, reduces gd to d (see amande), whence exfridare, whence es/royer. For X = s see ajouter ; for i = oi see boire ; for loss of d see accabler. Next it loses s and X = s becomes effroyer, see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ; then effrayer by changing oi into ai, see § 61 Der. (from O. Fr. effroyer) effroi (verbal subst.), ^^royable. EFFRENE, adj. unbridled; from L. efifre- natus. For -atus = -e see § 201. EFFROI, va. fright. See effrayer. EFFRONTE, adj. bold-faced. See front.— Der. effronttnt. EFFROYABLE, adj. frightful. See effrayer. Effusion, sf. effusion; from L. effu- sionem. EGAL, adj. equal ; from L. aequalis. For ae = « see § 104; for qu=^ see aigle. — Der. egaler, egalistr, egalit^. EGARD, sm. regard. See garder. EGARER, va. to mislead. See garer. — Der. egarement, egare. EGAYER, va. to enliven. See gai. !]£gide, sf. an aegis, protection; from L, aegi- dem. 6GLANTIER, sm. eglantine, dog-rose ; for- merly aiglentier, properly a plant covered with aiglents, thorns. Aiglent is from L. aculentus*, deriv. of actQeus*. Acu- lentus, contrd. regularly (see § 52) into aclentus, becomes aiglent. For cl =ge, and for & = ai, see aigle. — Aiglant has produced two Fr. derivations : aiglaniiei (now eglantier), aiglantine (now eglan- ^ tine). EGLANTINE sf. eglantine, columbine. See eglantier. EGLISE, sf. a church; from L. ecclesia. For e = 2 see § 59 ; for cl =gl see aigle. Eglogue, sf. an eclogue; from L. ecloga. ifigoisme, sm. egotism, selfishness ; der. from L. ego. — Der. egdiitt. EGORGER, va. to cut the throat, slay. See gorge. — Der. egorgemctvt, egorgeur. EGOSILLER, va. to make the throat sore, make hoarse. See gosier. EGOUT, sm. a fall (of water), sewer. See Sgoutter. — Der. egoutier. EGOUTTER, va. to drain. See goutte.— Der. egout (verbal subst.). EGRATIGNER, va. to scratch (the skin). See gratter. — Der. egratignutc. EGRENER, va. to shell (seeds), pick grapes (from the bunch) ; formerly egrainer. See grain. EGRILLARD, adj. brisk. Origin unknowo. t Ifigriser, va. to clean (diamonds); compd. of a radical grise*, which is Germ. gries. Egrisee is diamond-powder, used to polish diamonds. EHONTE, adj. shameless. See honte. !£|jacillation, sf. ejaculation ; from L. ejaculationem*. ifilaboration, sf. elaboration ; from L. elaborationem. Ifilaborer, va. to elaborate; from L. ela- borare. ELAGUER, va. to prune, curtail ; of Germ. origin, Dutch lalten. — Der. elagngt. ELAN, sm. a burst, spring. See 6lancer. t !filan, sm. an elan (a kind of elk) ; from Germ, elenn. ELANCER. va to dart, shoot, push on. See lancer. — Der. elan (verbal subst), elance, elancement. ELARGIR, va. to widen. See Ibrge. — Der. e'/ar^-issement. ifilastique, arf/. elastic; from Gr.kKaaTiKos. — Der. elasticite. t Eldorado, sm. Eldorado; from Sp. eldorado. ^lecteur, sm. an elector; from L. elec- tor em. — Der. e/ec/oral, electorzX. ifilectif, adj. elective; from L. electivus*, der. from electus. See elire. ifilection, sf an election; from L. elec- tionem. ifilectrique, adj. electrical; from L. elec- trum. — Der. electricite. electriser. Ifilectuaire, sm. an electuary; from L. electuarium. !fil6gance, s/. elegance; fromL. elegantia. !fil6gant, ac?/. elegant ; from L. elegantem. ]Sl6giaque, adj. elegiac; from L. eligi- acus. I6l6gie, sf. an elegy ; from L. elegia. l6l6nient, sm. an element; from L. ele- mentum. — Der. eUmenta'ne. I6l6phant, sm. an elephant; fromL. ele- phantem. Its doublet is O. Fr. olifant. ELfeVE, sm. a pupil. See lever. ELEVER, va. to raise, bring up, educate. See lever. — Der. eleve (verbal subst.), elevQ, eUvztion, elevtnx. ifilider, va. to elide, cut off; from L. eli- dere. ifiligible, adj. eligible; from L. eligibilis. Der. eligibility. ELIMER, va. to file out. See limer. ^LI MINER — EMDRA SER . 127 ifiliminer, va. to eliminate; from L, elim- inate. — Der. e'/fm/wation. ELIRE, va. to elect, choose ; from L. elig- . ere. The e disappears (§ 51) whence eli'gre ; then gr becomes r (see § i68\ whence elire. Eligere, signifying to choose, try, the O. Fr. elire, meant the same ; whence the O. Fr. p.p. elite, now used as a subst., signifying that which has been chosen, choice. Slite represents L. electa. For e = i see § 59; for ct = t see § 168. ]Slision, */■. elision; from L. elisionem, ELITE, sf. the elite, chosen ones. See elire. fifilixir, sm. an elixir; of Eastern origin, together with many other chemical terms. It represents Ar. al-ahsir, quintessence, ELLE, pers. pr. she ; from L. ilia. For i = e see mettre. E116bore, sm. hellebore; from L. elle- borum. Ellipse, sf. an ellipsis, ellipse; from L. ellip- sis (found in Priscian). — Der. ellipt'ique. !filocution, sf. elocution ; from L. elocu- tionem. ^filoge, sm. an eulogium, eulogy; from L. elogium. — Der. elogieux. ELOIGNER, va. to remove afar. See loin. — Der. eloignement. Eloquence, sf. eloquence; from L. elo- quentia, Eloquent, ac?/, eloquent; from L. eloquen- tem. iSlucider, va. to elucidate; from L, eluci- dare. Ifilucubration, sf. a lucubration ; from L, elucubrationem. ifiluder, va. to elude ; from L. eludere. ^Iys6e, sm. elysium; from L, elysium. EMAIL, sm. enamel ; formerly esmail. It, smalto; of Germ, origin, O, H.G. smalti, that which has been fused, melted. For sm = esm = em see Hist. Gram, p. 78, — Der. emailler, emailleur. Emancipation, sf. emancipation ; from L. emancipationem. iSmanciper, va. to emancipate ; from L, emancipare. Emaner, vn. to emanate; from L. ema- nate. — Der, emamtion. fiMARGER, va. to wtite in the margin. See marge. — Der. emargement. EMBALLER, va. to pack up. See balle.— Der. embalhge, emballeuv. fEmbarcaddre, sm. a wharf, place of embarkation ; from Sp. emharcadero. t Embarcation, sf. embarkation ; from Sp. embarcacion. t Embargo, sm. an embargo; from Sp. embargo. EMBARQUER, va. to embark, ship. See barque, — Der. embarquement. EMBARRASSER, va. to obstruct, embarrass; DEBARRASSER, va. to disembarrass; compds, of radical barras*, which in Sp. is also barras, whence verb active barrasser* (cp, barrer from harre). Barras* is from Fr. barre, q.v. — Der, embarras (verbal subst,). EMBAUCHER, va. to hite, seduce. See de- baucher. — Der. embauch^ge, efnbaucheur. EMBAUMER, va. to embalm. See baume. — Der, embaumeur, embanmement. EMBELLIR, va. to embellish. See beau.— Der. emfc^Z/issement. EMBLAVER, va. to sow with corn ; from L. imbladare*, from bladum, q. v. Imbla- dare is a common word in medieval docu- ments, and has also given birth to It. imbia- dare, which answers exactly to emblaver. Imbladare drops its medial d, see accabler ; it intercalates an euphonic v, see corvee. For i = e see mettre. — Der. em- blavme. EMBLEE, adv. at the first onset ; an adverbial phrase, compd. of de and emblee, partic. subst. of embler, O. Fr. verb meaning to steal. It comes from L. involare, written irabolare in the Germanic Laws. For v = 6 see bachelier ; for contr. of imboldre into imbl'lare see § 52, whence embler; for i = e see mettre. Embl6matique, adj. emblematic See embleme. Embldme, sm. an emblem ; from L, em- blem a. — Der. emWe'matique. EMBOIRE, va. to cover (with wax or oil). See boire, EMBOtTER, va. to fit in, joint. See boite. EMBONPOINT, sm. stoutness, plumpness, O. Fr, en bon point. See point. EMBOSSER, va,(Naut,) to bring the broadside to bear (on) ; compd, of en and bosse (the name of certain parts of a ship's rigging). — Der, embossage. EMBOUCHER, va. to put to the mouth. See bouche. — Der. embouchure, embouchoir. EMBOURBER, va. to thtust into mite. See bourbe. EMBRANCHEMENT, sm. branching off; deriv. of embrancher, compd. of en and branche, q. v. EMBRASER, va. to set on fire. — Der. em- brasement, embrasure ; originally a term of fortification, a narrow window in a parapet, through which to lay a cannon, or fire a 138 EMBRA SSER — EMPiCHER . gun : properly a window whence one sets fire to (embraser) a gun. EMBRASSER, va. to embrace. O. Fr. evi- bracer, properly to take in one's arms (brace). For explanation and etymology of O. Fr. brace see bras. — Der. embrassement, embrasszde, embrasse (verbal subst.). EMBRASURE, sm. an embrasure. See em- braser. EMBROCHER, va. to spit (a fowl). See broche. EMBROUILLER, va. to embroil, confuse. See brouiller. Embryon, sm. an embryo; from Gr. • efi,0pvov. EMBUCHE, sf. an ambush, snare ; verbal sf. of O. Fr. embucher, originally embuscher. It. imboscare, Low L. imboscare, pro- perly to allure into the boscum, or bush. For origin of boscus, see bois. Imbos- care becomes embiicher. For i = e see mettre ; for o = w see curee ; for ca = ch see § 126 and § 52; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. fEmbuscade, sf. an ambuscade; in- trod. in i6th cent, from It. imboscata. It is a doublet of embusquee. fEmbusquer, va. to place in ambush; introd, in i6th cent, from It. imboscare. ifimender, va. to amend; from L. emen- dare. tMERAUDE, sf. an emerald. O. Fr. esme- ralde. It. smeraldo, from L. smaragdus. For ara. = esm = em see Hist. Gram. p. 78; for a = e see § 52; for ed = ld^ud see amande and agneau. ^merger, vn. to emerge; from L. emer- ge re. — Der. emergent, emergence. •)■ iSmeri, sm. emery ; formerly esmeril, in- trod. in 1 6th cent, from It. smeriglio. EMERILLON, sm. a merlin ; formerly es- merillon, dim. of a form esmerle*, compd. of the prefix es and merle, q. v. £in6rite, adj. superannuated, who has served his time ; from L. emeritus. EMERVEILLER, va. to amaze. See merveille. ^in6tique, sm. an emetic; from Gr. c/xe- TiKus. — Der. emelisei. EMETTRE, va. to emit ; from L. emittere. See mettre. EMEUTE, sf. a riot, disturbance; from L. exiuota (that which is disturbed, troubled). For x = s see ajouter; for loss of s see Hist. G am. p. 81 ; iox o = eu see accueillir. — Der. emsutlex, •ifimigrer, va. to emigrate; from L. emi- grate — Der. e'TMi^ration, 4migr2int, €migr6. Eminence, sf. eminence; from L. emi- nentia. Eminent, adj. eminent; from L. eminen- tem. £missaire, sm. an emissary ; from L. emis- sarius. Amission, sf. emission; from L, emis- sionem. EMMANCHER, va. to haft, put handle to. See manche. EMMENER, va. to lead away. See mener. EMOI, sm. anxiety, emotion ; fromerly esmoi, originally csma/. Prov. esmag, It. smago; verbal subst. of esmaier (to be anxious). This O. Fr. verb, answering to It. smagare, is of Germ, origin, being compd. of prefix es (Lat. ex) and O. H. G. magan, and means properly to lose all one's ' main,* strength. ifimollient, adj. emollient ; from L. emol- lientem. Emolument, sm. emolument ; from L. emolumentum. ifimonctoire, sm. (Med.) an emunctory ; from L. emunctorius. ifimonder, va. to prune, trim ; from L. emundare. — Der. emondaige. Emotion, sf. an emotion; from L. emo- tionem. — Der. emotionnex. EMOUDRE, va. to grind ; formerly emoldre, from L. emolere. For regular contr. of emolere into emorre, see § 52 ; for lr = Idr see Hist. Gram. p. 73 ; for o = ou see af- fouage. — Der. emouleux, xemouleux. EMOUSSER, va. to blunt, dull the edge of. See mousse. EMOUSTILLER, va. to exhilarate, rouse. Origin unknown. EMOUVOIR, va. to move; from L. emS- vere. Fox o = ou see affouage; for ere = oir see Hist. Gram. p. 132. EMPALER, va. to empale. See pal. EMPAN, sm. a span ; formerly espan. It. spanna, a word of Germ, origin. Germ. spanne. EMPARER, va. to fortify, in O. Fr. ; compd. of en and parer, to prepare. S'emparer in 15th cent, meant to fortify oneself, hence to grow strong, acquire, seize. — Der. xemparer (compd. of re and emparer, whence verbal subst. rempar, now remparl). EMPATER, va. to cover with paste. See pate. — Der. empdtement. EMPfeCHER, va. to hinder; formerly em- pacher, from L. impactare *, deriv. of impactus, partic. of impingere. Im- pactare becomes first empacher, then EMPEIGNE — EN. 139 empecher. For ct = ch see allecher ; for a = c see § 54 ; for i = e see mettre. — Der, empbchement, depecher (answering to a type dis-pactare * ; see de- and em- pecher for changes. Depecher signifies pro- perly to free oneself from hindrances, opposed to empecher, to embarrass oneself). EMPEIGNE, sf. the upper leather, vamp (of a shoe). Origin unknown. EMPEREUR, sm. an emperor ; formerly em- pereiir, originally empereor, emperedor, from L. imperatorem. For i = e see mettre; for a = e see § 54; for loss of t see abbaye; for eo~eu see aieul and § 79. EMPESER, va. to starch. It rnay be seen in §§ 102, 103 why the deriv. of empois is empeser, and not empoiser. EMPESTER, va. to taint. See pesle. EMPETRER, va. to entangle, embarrass. See depitrer. Emphase, sm. emphasis ; from L. empha- sis. — Der. emphai\<\\xe. Emphyt^ose, sf. emphyteusis (legal) ; for- merly emphyteuse, from L. emphyteusis. EMPIETER, va. to encroach. See pied. — Der. empieiement. EMPIRE, sm. empire ; from L. imperixun. For i =» e see mettre ; for e = i see § 59- EMPIRER, va. to make worse, aggravate. See pire. Empirique, adj. empiric; from L. empi- ricus. — Der. empirhme. Empirisme, sm. empiricism. See empir^ ique. EMPLACER, va. to place, establish. See place. — Der. emplacement, xemplacer. Empl^tre, sm. plaster ; formerly emplastre, from L. emplastrum. EMPLETTE, sf. a purchase ; from L. impli- cita *. This word means ' expenditure ' in several medieval texts : thus a 1 2th-cent. regulation says, ' implicitam vero decla- ramus emptionem mercium per commit- tentes ordinatam.' Implicita, regularly contrd. (§ 51) into implic'ta, becomes emplette. For i = e see mettre ; for ct = tt see § 168. Emplette is a doublet of implicite, q. v. EMPLIR, va. to fill ; from L. implere. For i = e see mettre ; for e = i see § 59. — Der. xemplir. EMPLOYER, va. to employ ; from L. impli- care, which in medieval documents means to employ for some one's profit. We read in a I3th-cent. document, ' Dedit 40 libras implicandas in augmentum com- munitatis.* For loss of c, impli(cUre, see affouage ; for i = e see mettre ; for i = oi see boire. Employer is a doublet of impli- quer, q. v. — Der. emploi (verbal subst.), em- ploye. EMPOIS, sm. starch. See poix. EMPOISONNER, va. to poison. See poison. — Der. e?npoisonnement, empoisonnenr. EMPORTER, va. to carry oflf; formerly en- porter, for entporter, from L. indd portare. For inde = ent see souvent ; for ent = en see en. — Der. emportement, emporte, lemporter. EMPOTER, va. to pot (flowers, etc.). See pot. EMPREINDRE, va. to imprint ; from L. imprimere. For imere = eindre see geindre. Empreindre is a doublet of im- primer, q. v. — Der. empreinte (strong partic. subst., see absoiite). EMPRESSER (S'), vpr. to be eager, ardent. See presse. — Der. empresse, empressement. EMPRUNTER, va. to borrow : from L. im- promutuare *, compd. of promutuari, which is from promutuum, a loan. Inipromutud,re, contrd. into improm'- tuare (see § 52), changes ua into a, see § 52 ; whence impromtare, whence em- prunter. For i = e see mettre; for m = « see change ; for o = « see ctiree. — Der. em- primt (verbal subst.), emprnnttnt. Empyree, sm. the empyrean ; from Gr. 'ifxiTvpos. Empyreume, sm. the empyreum ; from L. empyreuma. — Der. empyreumntique. ifimulation, sf. emulation ; from L. aemu- lationem. — Der. emulateur. ifimule, sm. a rival ; from L. aemulus. ifimulgent, adj. emulgent ; from L. emul- gentem. ifimulsion, sf. an emulsion ; from L. emul- sion em *, deriv. of emulsus. — Der. emul- sionner, emulsif. EN, prep, in ; in 9th-cent. Fr. tn, from L, in, by change of i into e, see mettre. EN, rel. pron. of him, her, etc. ; formerly ent^ originally int, from L. inde. For i = e see mettre ; for nd = nt = n see § 121. Indd had, in popular Lat., the sense of ex illo, ab illo : ' Cadus erat vini ; indS implevi Cirneam ' (Plautus, Aniphyt. i. l). This use of ind§ was very common in Low Lat., and Merovingian documents have many examples of it : thus in a For- mula of the 7th cent., • Si potes inde man- ducare ' = si tu peux e n manger ; in a Di- ploma of 543, ' Ut mater nostra ecclesia Viennensis indd nostra haeres fiat,' etc. K 130 ENCA DRER — ENDIVE. Indd becomes in O. Fr. inl, a word extant in the Oaths of 842 ; in the loth cent, it is ent, a form still surviving in souvent, from subinde ; in the 12th cent. en. ENCM)RER, va. to frame. See cadre. ENCAISSER, va. to pack in a case. See caisse. — Der. encaisse (verbal subst.), en- caissemeni. ENCAN, stn. an auction. O. Fr. encant, en quant, originally inquant, from L. in- quantum. For qu = c see car; for i = e see meltre. ENCAQUER, va. to pack in barrels. See caque. Encastrer, va. to fit in, set in ; from L. incastrare (in Isidore of Seville). Eucaustique, sf. encaustic; from L. en- causticus. ENCEINDRE, va. to encircle, surround ; from L. incingere. For changes see ceindre. — Der. enceinte (a circuit of walls, which sur- rounds a city). ENCEINTE, s/. circuit (of walls), enclosure; from L. incincta (used of a pregnant woman in Isidore of Seville). For i = esee met(re; for ct = t see § 168. ENCENS, sm. incense ; from L. incensum (in Isidore of Seville). For i = e see mettre. — Der. encensei, encefisoir, Enc6phale, sm. the brain ; from Gr. kyai- (paXov. — Der. encephalic, encephalite. ENCHANTER, va. to enchant, bewitch; from L. incantare. For changes see chanter. — Der. enchantemtnl, enchanteuT, desenchanter. ENCHERIR, va. to bid for, outbid. See chere. — Der. enchere (verbal subst.), en- cAerissement, encherisseur, xencherir, sxxren- cherir, surenchere. ENCHEVfiTRER, va. to halter, entangle in a noose; from L. incapistrare, used by Apuleius. For i = e see mettre; for ca = che see § § 126 and 54 ; for p = v see ar river ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. Si. — Der. enchevetremtnt. ENCHIFRENER, va. to stop up the nose- passages. Origin unknown. Enchymose, sf. enchymosis; from Gr. Enclaver, va. to enclose; from L. incla- vare*, a medieval word, meaning to shut in. Its doublet is ejiclouer, q. v. — Der. enclave (verbal subst.). ENCLIN, adj. inclined, prone ; from L. in- clinis. For i=e see mettre. ENCLORE, va. to enclose ; from L. inclau- dere* (forincludere). Forolaudere = clore see clore. Enclore is a doublet of in- clure. — Der. enclos (partic. subst.). ENCLOS, sm. a close, enclosure. See enclore. ENCLOUER, va. to prick (a horse's foot), to spike (a gun). See clouer. — Der. enclouzge. ENCLUME, sf. an anvil; from L. incu- dinem. For in = en see mettre ; for -udi- nem = -vme see amertume : the intercala- tion of / is remarkable. ENCOGNER, va. to wedge in, to strike in. See cogne and coin. — Der. encognxat. ENCOGNURE, sf. a corner. See encogner. ENCOLURE, sf. neck and shoulders (of a horse), appearance, mien (of man). See col. ENCOMBRE, sm. an impediment. See de- combres, compd, of the prefixes de and en and a radical combre*, signifying a heap. The Lat.CTimiiluslost its u regularly(§ 51), so becoming cum'lus ; m'l intercalating a regular b (see absoudre), it became ctim- blus ; the 1 became r (see apotre), and thus we have cumbrus, a heap, found in several Merovingian documents, e. g. in the Gesta Regum_^Francorum, chap. 25. ENCONTRE (A L'), against, counter; pro- perly a verbal subst. of O. Fr. encontrer, compd. of contre. — Der. rencontrer. ENCORBELLEMENT, sm. (Archit.) a corbel- table. See corbeau. ENCORE, adv. again ; formerly ancore, from L. banc boram, by loss of initial b ; see atelier. ENCOURAGER, va. to encourage. See courage. — Der. encouragement. ENCOURIR, va. to incur ; from L. incur- rere. For changes see coiirir and en. ENCRASSER, va. to dirty, soil. See crasse. Its doublet is engraisser, q. v. ENCRE, sf. ink; formerly enque, originally enca ; from L. encaustum, by intercalating r (see chanvre). This word preserves the Gr. accentuation (eyKavarov), not the Lat. (encailstum). — Der. encrier. Encyclique, adj. encyclical ; from Gr. €yKVK\l0S. Encyclop6d.ie, sf. an encyclopaedia ; from Gr. kyKv/cXonaiSda. — Der. encyclopediqxic, encyclopediste. End6mique, adj. endemic; from Gr. hdrjpuKos. ENDfiVER, vn. to be vexed, wild, mad. Origin unknown. ENDIVE, sf. endive ; from L. intyba *, fern. of intybus (chicory). For i = « see mettre; for b = z; see avant and § 1 13 ; for t = c? see aider and §117. ENDOLORIR — ENGRENER. 13 ENDOLORIR, vn. to be in pain. See dou- leur. ENDORMIR, va. to lull to sleep. See dor- mir. ENDOSSER, va. to don, put on one's back. See dos. — Der. endos (verbal subst.), en- dossement, endosseur. ENDROIT, sm. a place ; compd. of en and droit, q. v. Endroit, an adv. in O. Fr., meaning ' right before one,' became later a subst,, meaning ' a place right before one.' Endroit is a doublet of indirect, q. v. ENDUIRE, va. to coat, cover ; from L. in- dueere. For regular contr, of inducere into induc're see § 51; for cr = ir see benir ; for in = en see mettre. Enduire is a doublet of induire. — Der. enduit (partic. subst.). ENDURCIR, va. to harden. See dur. — Der. ewrfwrcissement, ENDURER, va. to endure ; from L, indu- rare. For i = e see mettre. — Der. endur- ant, ifinergie, sf. energy; from L, energia*. — Der. energ'xqat. !finerguin%ne, smf. a demoniac, fanatic; from Gr. kvepyovfievos. jfinerver, va. to enervate ; from L, ener- vare, ENFANCE, sf. infancy; from L. infantia. For tia, = ce see agencer. ENFANT, sm. a child, infant ; from L. in- fantem. For m=e« see mettre. Its doublet is infant, q. v. — Der. enfanttx, en- fant'm, fw/h«rillage, enfanttmtnt. ENFARINER, va. to flour, Seefarine. ENFER, sm. hell. Prov. enfern, It. inferno, from L. infer mim. For i = e see mettre; for rn = r see aubour. ENFERMER, va. to shut in. See fermer.— Der. renfermer. ENFILER, va. to thread. See;?/,— Der. enjil- ade. ENFIN, adv. at last. See en znd Jin. ENFLAMMER, va. to inflame ; from L. in- flammare. For i = e see mettre. ENFLER, va. to inflate ; from L. inflare. For i = e see mettre. — Der. desenfler, xen- fler, enflnre. ENFONCER, va. to sink, plunge, bury. See fond. — Der. enfoncement, lenfoncer. ENFORCIR, va. to strengthen. See force. ENFOUIR, va. to bury, dig in ; from L. in- fodere. For loss of medial d see accabler ; for i = e see mettre; for e = z see § 59; for o = ou see affouage. — Der. enfouKse- ment. ENFOURCHER, va. to stride, bestride. See fourcJie. ENFOURNER, va. to put in the oven. Sec four. ENFREINDRE, va. to infringe. Seefreindre. ENFUIR (S'), vpr. to run away. See en and ' fuir. ENGAGE ANT, adj. engaging. See engager. ENGAGEMENT, sm. an engagement. See engager. ENGAGER, va. to engage. See gage. — Der. engagea.nt, engagement. ENGAINER, va. to sheath. See gatne.— Der. rengainer. ENGEANCE.s/. breed (of animals). See enger. ENGELURE, sf. a chilblain; from O. Fr. verb engeler. See geler. ENGENDRER, va. to engender; from L. ingenerare. For regular contr. of in- generare to ingen'rare see § 52; for i = e see mettre; for n'r = ndr see ab- soudre. ENGER, va. to burden, multiply. Origin unknown. — Der. engennce. ENGIN, sm. skill, engine. It. ingegno, from L. ingenium, used for a war-engine by Tertullian, de Pallio : ' Cum tamen ultima- rent tempora patriae et aries jam Romanus in muros quondam suos auderet ; stupuere illico Carthaginienses ut novum extraneum ingenium ' ; and by Isidore of Seville, * Apud antiquos Minerva vocata quasi Dea et manus artium variarum. Hanc enim multorum ingeniorum prohibent.* For i = e see mettre ; for e = i see § 59. ENGLOBER, va. to unite. See globe, ENGLOUTIR, va. to engulf, absorb ; from L. inglutire, in Isidore of Seville. For u = OM see § 90. — Der. englout'issement. ENGORGER, va. to obstruct, choke. See gorge. — Der. engorgement, rengorger. ENGOUER, va. to obstruct (the throat). Origin unknown. — Der. engouement. ENGOURDIR, va. to benumb. See gourd. — Der. engourdissement. ENGRAISSER, va. to fatten, manure ; vn. to grow fat; from L. incrassare. For i=e see mettre; for G=g see adjuger; for B, = ai see § 54. Engraisser is a doublet of encrasser, q. v. — Der. engrais (verbal subst.), engraissement, engraisseur. ENGRAVER, va. to bed in sand. See gravier. — Der. engravement, ENGRENER, va. to put corn (into the hopper); formerly engrainer. See grain. ENGRENER, va. to tooth (a wheel) ; from L. increnare *, from crena, tooth of a K 2 132 ENHARDIR — ENTENDRE. wheel. For 1 = « see mettre ; for O — g' see adjuger. — Der. engremge. ENHARDIR, va. to embolden. See hardi. £nigrQatique, adj. enigmatic. See enigme. £lligm.e, sm. an enigma ; from L. aenigma. — Der. 6nigmaA(\Mc. ENIVRER, va. to intoxicate. See ivre. — Der. enivremtnX., c«ivrant. ENJAMBER, va. to stride. See jamhe.— Der. enjambemtnt, enjamb^e. ENJOINDRE, va. to enjoin; from L. in- jungere. For changes see en and joindre. ENJOLER, va. to inveigle. See geole Der. enjohm. ENJOLIVER, va. to adorn, embellish. See jolt. — Der. ««;o/*Wment, enjolitfuxt, enjoliv- eur. ENJOUE, adj. playful ; properly p. p. of O.Fr. enjouer, corapd. oijouer, q. v. — Der. enjoue- ment. ENLACER, va. to entwine, clasp. See lac. — Der. enlacemtnl. ENLEVER, va. to raise, lift, carry oflF. See en and lever. — Der. etilevevataX. Enluminer, va. to illuminate ; from L. in (see en and Ituninare) properly to brighten, whence to paint with brilliant colours. Its doublet is illuminer, q. v. — Der. enlumin- eur, enluminuTe. ENNEMI, sm. an enemy ; from L, inimicus. For icus = i see § 212 ; for i = « see mettre. n here becomes nn, as in m on eta, mon- naie, ENNUI, sm. ennui, weariness ; formerly enui, meaning annoyance, pain, hatred. Sp. enojo, O. Venet, inodio, from L, inodio. In the Glosses of Cassel (Charlemagne's time) we have in odio habut, i. e. I was sick and tired of. For iii = en see en, for odio = tti see alouette and cuider. — Der. ennuyer, ennuytxxx. ENONCER, va. to enunciate, state ; from L. enuntiare. For changes see annoncer. — Der. e«o«ciation, enonce. ENORGUEILLIR, va. to make proud. See orgueil. ^nornie, adj. enormous; from L. enormis. — Der. enormement. ^normit^, sf. an enormity; from L. enor- mitatem. ENQUERIR, vn. to enquire ; from L. in- qxiirere. For changes see en and acquerir. ENQUfiTE, sf. inquiry ; formerly enqueste, from L. inquisita; strong partic. subst., see absoute. For regular contr. into in- qtiis'ta see § 51; for i = e see mettre ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 8i. — Der. enquktuT (whose doublet is inquisiteur, q.v.). ENRAGER, va. to enrage. See rage. ENRAYER, va. to put spokes in a wheel. See rayon. — Der. enrayme. ENREGISTRER, va. to register, enrol. See registre. — Der. enregistrement. ENRICHIR, va. to enrich. See riche. ENR6lER, va. to enrol. See role. Its doublet is enrouler, q.v. — Der. enrolement, enroleur. ENROUER, va. to make hoarse ; from L. inraucare, deriv. of raucus. For loss of medial c see affouage; for au = ow see alouette ; for i = e see mettre. — Der. enroue- ment. ENROULER, va. to roll up. See rouler. Its doublet is enroler, q. v. ENSABLER, va. to run on a sandbank. See sable. — 'Der. ensablemtnt. ENSEIGNE, sf. a sign, ensign. It. insegne, from L. insignia *. For i = e see mettre ; for i = ei see ceinture. Enseigne is a doublet of insigne. ENSEIGNER, va. to teach; from L. insig- nare *, properly to engrave, then to teach. For changes see enseigne. — Der. enseigne- ment, renseigner. ENSEMBLE, adv. together; from L. in- simul. For i = e see mettre, for siniul = semble see assembler. ENSEMENCER, va. to sow. See semence. ENSEVELIR, va. to bury ; from L. insepe- lire*, compd. of sepelire. For i = c see mettre ; for p = v see §111. — Der. ensevel- issement. ENSQRCELER, va. to bewitch. See sorcier. — Der. ensorce/lement, ensorceleut. ENSUITE, adv. afterwards. See en and suite. ENSUIVRE (S'), vpr. to ensue. See en and suivre. ENTABLEMENT, sm. an entablature. See table. ENTACHER, va. to infect. See tacher. ENTAILLER, va. to cut away. See tailler. • — Der. entaille (verbal subst.), entaillme. ENTAMER, va. to cut in, attack. Prov. enta- menar, from Lat. form intaminare, compd. of in and a radical taminare, which is found also in contaminare, attaminare. Inta- minare, contrd. regularly (see § 52) to intam'nare, becomes entamer. For i = e see mettre, for nin = m see § 168. ENTASSER, va. to heap up. See ^as.— Der. entassement. ENTE, sf a graft. See enter. ENTENDRE, va. to hear, understand ; from L. intendere, to apply to, direct towards. ENTENTE — ENVA HIR. ^S3 thence pay attention, thence hear. For - changes see en and attendre. — Der. entente (partic. subst., see absoute), en/e«c?ant (whose doublet is mtendant),entendement, entendeur, entendn. ENTENTE, sf. a meaning, agreement. See entendre. ENTER, va. to graft, engraft ; from L. im- potare *, deriv. of impotus, a graft, in the Lex Sahca. Impetus is Gr. e/xipvTov. Irapot^re, contrd. regularly (see § 52) into imp'tare, becomes e?iter. For pt = / see acheter, for m = « see changer, for i = e see mettre. — Der. eiite (verbal subst.), ewAire. ENTERINER, va. to ratify; "from O. Fr. enterin, entire, complete, which answers to a Lat. type integrinus *, deriv. of in- tegrum. For in = m see en, for gr = r see § 168. — Der. enterinement. ENTERRER, va. to inter, bury. See terre. — , Der. enterrement. ENTETER, va. to affect the head, make giddy, vain. See tete. — Der. entetement. Enthousiasme, sm. enthusiasm ; from- Gr. h9ovaiacfx6s. — Der. enthousiasmtr, enthou- siaste. Enthousiaste, sm. an enthusiast. See enthousiasme. Enthym^me, sm. an enthymeme; from L. enthymema. ENTIER, adj. entire. Prov. enteir, It. intero, from L. integrum. For in. = en see en, for e = ie see § 67, for gr = r see § 168. Entier is a doublet of integre, q. v. ENTICHER, va. to spoil, taint. Origin unknown. Entite, sf. an entity; in schol. Lat. enti- tatem *, deriv. of entem. Entomologie, sf. entomology; from Gr. evTo/jLov and A.070S. — Der. entomologique, entomologiste. ENTONNER, va. to tun. See tonne.— Der. entonno'ix. ENTONNER, va. to begin (a song), to sing. See ton. ENTORSE, ./. a sprain. See tordre. ENTORTILLER, va. to twist, wind. See tortiller. ENTOUR, sm. neighbourhood. See tour. — Der. entourtx, entourz^Q, alentour. ENTOURNURE, sf. slope (of sleeves, etc.). See tournure. ENTRAILLES, sf. pi. bowels, entrails. Prov. intralia, from L. intrania*, in the Lex Salica : ' Si vero intra costas vulnus in- traverit, et usque ad intrania pervenerit.' Intrania is from L. interanea (Pliny). For regular loss of e see § 5 2 ; for ea — ia see abreger. Intrania in turn becomes enlrailles. For in = en see en; for n = / see § 163. ENTRAIN, sm. spirits, animation. See entrainer. ENTRAINER, va. to carry away, hurry on, inspirit. See en and trainer. — Der. entrain (verbal subst.), entralnement. ENTRAVER, va. to clog, trammel, put an entrave to act as a clog. From L. tra- bem comes a compd. intrabare *, whence entraver. For in = en see en, for b = v see § 113. — Der. entrave (verbal subst.). ENTRE, prep, between ; from L. intra. For in — en see eti. ENTRE-BAILLER, va. to half-open. See entre and bailler. tEntrechat, sm. cutting (in dancing), introd. in 1 6th cent., with many other dance- terms, from It. intrecciato, in the phrase capriola intrecciata. ENTREE, sf. entrance, admission. See entrer. ENTREFAITES, sf. (in the) interval, i.e. entre. ENTRELACER, va. to interlace. See lacer. — Der. efitrelacs, entrelacement. ENTREMELER, va. to intermingle. Seemeler. ENTREMETS, sm. a side-dish. See mets. ENTREMETTRE, va. to interpose (an ob- stacle). See mettre. — Der. entremetteui . ENTREMISE, sf. mediation. See mise. ENTREPOSER, va. to warehouse. See e?itre and poser. Its doublet is interposer. — Der. entrepot (like depot from deposer), entre- poseuT, entreposxizirt. ENTREPRENDRE, va. to undertake. See prendre. — Der. entreprise (partic. subst.), entreprena.nt, e?itrepreneuT. ENTRER, va. to enter; from L. intrare. For in = c« see en. — Der. entree (partic. subst.), rentrer. ENTRE-SOL, sm. the suite of rooms between ground-floor and first-floor. See entre and sol. ENTRETENIR, va. to hold together, sup- port. See entre and tenir. — Der. entre^ca (verbal subst.). ENTREVOIR, va. to see imperfectly, catch a glimpse of. See entre and voir. — Der. entrevwe (partic. subst.). ^nura^ration, sf. enumeration; from L. enumerationem . — Der. enumeratit ^num^rer, va. to enumerate; from L. enumerare, ENVAHIR, va. to invade. Sp. envadir. It. invadire, from L. invaders. For loss of medial d see accabler ; for intercalation of h see Hist. Gram. p. 72; for xa. = en see 134 ENVELOPPER — ^PA ULE. mettre ; for ere = ir see § 59. Invadere having lost its d became in O. Fr. enva-ir ; the intercalated h is put in to save the hiatus, as is also done in trader e, trahir. h is added at the beginning of words, such as altus, haut, see Hist. Gram. p. 79, Even in Lat. we find the forms hornamentum, hobi- tus, hac, for ornamentum, obitus, ac, in Griiter's Recueil d'Inscriptions. The as- piration of the letter k in Fr. words is due to the influence of corresponding Germ, words, such as, hoch, heulen, etc., compd. with Fr. haut, Hurler, etc. This remark is due to Professor Max Miiller, who has worked it out in detail in the Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung (v. 11-24: •iiber deutsche Schattirung romanischer Worte'). In my Historical Grammar (Engl. ed. 1869) I rejected Professor Max Miiller's theory, but I now believe it to be entirely correct. — Der. envahisseni, envah- issement. ENVELOPPER, va. to wrap up. See develop- per. — Der, enveloppe (verbal subst.). ENVENIMER, va. to envenom. See venin. ENVERGUER, va. to bend (sails). See ver- gue. — Der. tnvergwxt (the bending of sails, thence metaph. the unfolding of birds' wings). ENVERS, sm. the reverse, wrong side (of Stuffs); from L. inversus. For in. = en see en. Envers is a doublet of inverse, q. v. ENVERS, prep, towards ; from L. en and vers, q. v. ENVI, prep, in emulation of. For etymology of this word see renvier. EN VIE, sf. envy, desire; from L. invidia. For in = en see en ; for loss of d see ac- cabler. — Der. enviev. ENVIER, va. to envy. See envie. — Der. en- wable, envieux. ENVIRON, adv. about. See virer.—Der. en- vironner. ENVISAGER, va. to look at, consider. See visage. ENVOI, sm. a sending, parcel. See envoyer. ENVOLER (S'), vpr. to fly away. See en and voter. ENVOOTER, va. to enchant (by melting etc. a wax figure) ; originally envolter, from medieval L. invultudre*, i. e. to make a waxen face, deriv. of vultus. For loss of ii see § 52; for a = e see §54; for in = en see en; for iil = o/ = Ott see agneau. — Der. envotkemcnt. ENVOYER, va. to send ; formerly enveier, originally entveier, from L. indSviare*. For inde = ent = en see en ; for viare = voyer (by change of i to oi) see boire. — Der. envoi (verbal subst.), xenvoyer. £pacte, sf. the epact; from L. epactae. EPAGNEUL, sm. a spaniel ; in Montaigne espagneul, in Rabelais espagnol. Avec une demi-douzaine d'espagnols, et deux levriers, vous voila roy des perdrix et lievres pour tout cet hyver, says Gargantua, i. 12. This breed coming from Spain got the name of chiens espagnols, or, as is now said, chiens epagneuls. For o = eu see § 79 ; for e$p=iep see Hist. Gram. p. 81. £pag- neul is a doublet of espagnol, q. v. EPAIS, adj. thick ; formerly espais, originally espois, from L. spissus. For i = o/ see boire; for oi = at see § 62; for sp = esp = ip see Hist. Gram. p. 78. — Der. epais- sir, epa/sseur, epct/ssissement. EPANCHER, va. to pour out ; formerly es- pancher, from L. expandicare * (deriv. of expandere. Expandicdre, contrd. re- gularly (see § 52) into expand'care, be- comes epancher. For x = s see ajouter; for es = e see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ; for dc = c see § 168 ; for e = cA see § 126; for a = e see § 54. — Der. epanchemtnX. EPANDRE, va. to spread; ioxmexXy espandre , from L. expanders. For regular loss of penult, e see § 51; for ex = es see ajouter ; for es = e' see Hist. Gram, p. 81. — Der. re- fandre. EPANOUIR, va. to expand, smoothen ; for- merly espanouir, developed from O. Fr. espanir from espandir, which from L. ex- pandere. For expandere = expandere see courir ; for ex = es = e see ajouter ; for e = t see § 59. — Der. epanouissement. EPARGNER, va. to spare. Origin unknown. — Der. epargne (verbal subst.). EPARPILLER, va. to scatter, disperse ; for- merly esparpiller, properly, in the middle ages, to scatter, fly off like a butterfly. Esparpiller is compd. of ex and the radical parpille *, which answers to L. papilio. For addition of r see chanvre. This ety- mology is fully proved by It. sparpagliare, similarly formed from parpaglione ; and Prov. esfarfalha ixom falfalla. — Der. epar- pillexxient. EPARS, adj. scattered, straggling ; formerly es- pars, from L. sparsus. For 8p = esp = ep see Hist. Gram. p. 78. E PATER, va. to break off the foot (of a glass). See palte. EPAULE, sf. a shoulder; formerly espaule, originally espalle, from L. spatula (used ^PA VE — Episode. -^35 by Apicius). Spatula, contrd. regularly into spat'la (see able and § 51), becomes espalle by assimilation of tl into // (see § 168), and by sp = esp (see Hist. Gram. p. 78). Espalle then becomes espaule by al = au (see agneau); lastly epaule by loss of s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). Epaule is a doublet of spatule, q. v. — Der. epaulet, epaulement, epaulette. EPAVE, adj. stray, sf. a waif; formerly es- pave, a word now applied only to things lost, though still used, in some legal phrases, of animals, aszm cheval epave. In O.Fr. epave was only applied to animals, not to things. Espave comes from L, expavidus, i. e. frightened, then running away, strayed. For ex = e5 = e see aj outer and Hist, Gram, p. 8 1 ; for loss of two last atonic syllables see Hist. Gram. p. 34. EPEAUTRE, sm, spelt, bearded wheat ; for- merly espeautre, Sp. espelta. It. spelta, from L. spelta. For s-p = esp = ep see Hist. Gram. p. 78 ; for el = eal see eau ; for eal = eau see agneau; for intercalation of r see chanvre. EPEE, sf. a sword ; formerly espee, originally spede, It. spada, from L. spatha (Tacitus). For sip = esp = ep see Hist. Gram. p. 78; for ata = ee see § 201, Spee is a doublet of spathe, espade, EPELER, va. to spell ; formerly espeler (meaning in the middle ages to explain, enunciate generally), a word of Germ, origin, O. H. G. spellun. — Der. epellation. EPERDU, adj. distracted. See perdu. EPERLAN, sm. a sprat, smelt ; formerly es- perlan, originally esperlanc, from Germ. spierling. For sp = esp = ep see Hist. Gram. . p. 78- EPERON, sm. a spur ; formerly esperon, es- poron, from O. H. G. sporon. For sp = esp — ep see Hist. Gram. p. 78. — Der. eperonner. EPERVIER, sm. a sparrow-hawk; formerly espervier, Prov. esparvier, It. sparviere, from O. H. G. sparvari. For sp = esp = ep see Hist. Gram. p. 78. fiph61ide, sf. a freckle; from L. epheli- dem. !fiph.6m5re, adj. ephemeral ; from Gr. I<^^- lifpos. ;fiphem§rides, sf. pi. ephemerides, journal ; from L. ephemeridem. EPI, SOT. an ear (of corn), spike ; formerly espi, from L. spicus * (a masc. form of spica). For sp = esp = ep see Hist. Gram. p. 78 ; for icu8 = i see § 212. EPICE. sf. spice, pi. sweetmeats; formerly espice, from L. species (used for spice in the Digest, de Publicanis et vectigalibus : ' species pertinentes ad vectigal, cinna- monum, piper longum.' For sp = esp =: ep see Hist. Gram. p. 78; fore = zsee § 59. Epice is a doublet of espece, q. v. — Der, epicier, epicene, epicet. !]6pid6inie, sf. an epidemic ; from Gr. km^fxios, sc. voaos. — Der. epidemiqae. !]6pideniique, adj. epidemic See epidemic. Ifipiderme, sm. epidermis, cuticle ; from L. epidermis. EPIER, va. to spy ; formerly espier. It. spiare, a word of Germ origin, Engl, to spy, O. H. G. spehen. For sp = esp = ep see Hist. Gram. p. 78. EPIEU, sw. a boar-spear; formerly espieu, originally espiel, from L. spiculum. For regular contr. into spic'lum see § 51. For sp = esp = ep see esperer ; for cl = il see abeille ; for espiel = espieu see agneau. Epigrammatique, adj. epigrammatic ; from L. epigrammaticus. ifipigramme, sf. an epigram; from L. epigramma. ifipigraphe, sf an epigraph; from Gr. I7ri7pa077. i^pilepsie, sf. epilepsy; from L, epilepsia. ifipileptique, a^'. epileptic ; from L. epi- lepticus. ifipiler, va. to depilate, strip of hair; from L.epilare.deriv. of pilus. — Der. epihto'ire. Epilogue, sm. an epilogue; from L. epilo- gus. — Der. epiloguex. EPINARD, sm. spinach. See epine. EPINE, sf. a thorn ; formerly espine, from L. spina. For 8jp = esp = €p see Hist. Gram, p. 78. — Der. epineux, epinoche, epinihre, epimxA (so called from the thorn-shaped dents in its calyx), epine-vinette. t Epinette, sf. a spinet ; in the l6th cent. espinette, from It. spinnetla. EPINGLE, sf. a pin : formerly espingle, from L. spiniila, properly a little thorn. For regular contr. into spin'la see able and § 51; for n'l = ngl see absotidre ; for sp = esp = ep see Hist. Gram. p. 78. Epingle is a doublet of spinule. — Der. epinglette, epingler. EPINOCHE, sm. a stickleback. See epine. Epique. adj. epic ; from L. epicus. ifipiscopal, adj. episcopal; from L. epi- scopalis. ifipiscopat, SOT. the episcopate; from L. episcopatus. Its doublet is eveche, q. v, ifipisode, SOT. an episode ; from Gr. kmiff- udiov. — Der. episodiqne. 136 Spispastique — EquitjE. ifipispastique, adj. (Med.) epispastic; from Gr. (manaaTiKot. fePISSER, va. to splice ; formerly espisser, word of Germ, origin, Engl, to splice. — Der. epissoire, epissmc. fipistolaire, arf/. epistolary ; from L. epi- st Claris. Its doublet is epistolier. ifipitaphe, sm. an epitaph; from L. epi- taphium. iJ^pithalame, sm. a marriage song; from L. epithalamium. ]]@pithdte, sm. an epithet; from L. epi- thetum, used by Macrobius. Epitome, sm. an epitome; from L. epitome. EPITRE, sf. an epistle, letter; formerly epistre ; originally epistle, from L. episto- la. For regular contr. into epist'la see §51; for 1 = r see apotre ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. ;fipizootie, sf. distemper; from Gr, inl and ^wov. — Der. epizootique. EPLORE, adj. weeping. See pleurer. EPLOYE, adj. spread (eagle) ; from L. expli- catus. For changes see ployer; for -atus = -^' see §201. Eploye \sz6.o\ih\tloi explique. EPLUCHER, va. to pick, examine closely; formerly esplucher, espelucher. See peluche. — Der. epluchsige, epluchement, epluchenr, epluchoir, epluchure. EPOINTER, va. to break the point off. See ^ pointe. EFOIS, sm. branches (of horns) ; formerly espois, from O. H. G. spiz, a pointed piece of wood, whence the pointed antlers of the stag. For sp = esp = ep see Hist. Gram, p. 78 ; for i = oi see boire. EPONGE, sf. a sponge; formerly esponge, from L. spongia. For 8p = esp = ep see Hist. Gram. p. 78. — Der. eponge.r. ;fipop6e, sm. an epopee ; from Gr. eiroiroiia. ^poque, sf. an epoch ; from Gr. eiroxv- EPOUSER, va. to espouse, marry; formerly espouser, originally esposer. It. sposare, from L. sponsare (used in the Digest). For ns = s see atne ; for sp = esp = ep see Hist. Gram. p. 78; for o = ow see affouage. EPOUSSETER, va. to dust. See ponssiere. — Der. epoussete. EPOUVANTER, ra. to scare, frighten; for- merly espouvanter, originally espaventer. It. spaventare, from L. expaventare (deriv. of expaventem, p. p. of expavere). For ex=es = e see ajouter and Hist. Gram, p. 78 ; a = ou and e = a are peculiar changes which have taken place since the word be- came French. — Der. epouvante (verbal subst.), epouvantzWt, epouvantzW. EPOUX, sm. a spouse, husband; from L. sponsus. For changes see ipouser, — Der. e.pousziWts, ^pouseur. EPREINDRE, va. to express, squeeze out ; from L. exprimere. For primere =prein- dre see empreindre. Epreindre is a doublet of exprimer, q. v. — Der. epreinte (verbal Subst.). EPRENDRE (S'), vpr. to become enamoured. See prendre. — Der. epris. EPREUVE, sf. a trial, proof. See eprouver. EPROUVER, va. to try. See prouver.—Dtx. ^preuve (verbal subst.), eprouvette. EPUISER, va. to exhaust. See puiser. — Der. epuisemtnt, epuisMe, inepw/sable. EPURER, va. to purify. See pur.— Dei. epure (verbal subst.), epur&tion. EQUARRIR, va. to quarry, cut into an equerre, q. V. — Der. equarriss&ge, equarrisseuT. Ifiquateur, sm. the equator; from L. ae- quatorem * (i. e. a circle dividing the earth into two equal parts). — Der. equaiona\. ifiquatorial, adj. equatorial. See equateur. Equation, sf. an equation; from L. aequa- tionem. EQUERRE, sf. a square (instrument); formerly esquerre, originally esquarre, verbal subst. of a type esquarrerer * , answering to L. exquadrare *, whence the name equerre for the instrument which enables us to draw right angles. Squerre is a doublet oi square, escadre, q. v. Exquadrare * produces es- quarrer* by ex ==65, see ajouter; by es = e, see Hist. Gram. p. 81; by dr = rr, see § 168. — Der. equarrh (formerly esquarrir, from esquarre, O. Fr. form of equarre). ^questre, adj. equestrian ; from L. eques- tris. ifiquidistant, adj. equidistant; from L. aequidistantem. ;fiquilat6ral, adj. equilateral; from L. ae- quilateralis. Ifiquilibre, sm. equilibrium ; from L. aequi- librium. — Der. equilibrtr. ifiquinoxe, sm. the equinox; from L. ae- quinoctium. — Der. e'y7««o»ial. EQUIPER, va. to equip, fit out (a ship), purvey (generally). Equiper, O. Fr. esquiper, to rig a ship, is from Goth. skip. For sq = esq = eq see Hist. Gram. p. 78. — Der. equips (verbal subst.), equipage, equipee, equipement. Ifiquipollent, stn. an equivalent ; from L. equipoUentem. — Der. equipollence. ifiquitation, sf. horsemanship: from L. equitationem. Equity, sf. equity ; from L. aequitatem. — I Der. equitable. Equivalent — escient. ^31 Equivalent, sm. the equivalent; from L. aequivalentem. — Der. equivalence. ilfiquivaloir, vn. to be equivalent; from L. aequivalere. See valoir. iSquivoque, adj. equivocal ; from L. aequi- vocus. — Der. equivoquer. ERABLE, sm. the maple; formerly erabre, erarbrejxom L. acer and arbor. For arbor = arbre see arbre; for acer = ac'r see § 5 2 ; for cr = r see benir and § 168; for a = e see § 54. Erabre becomes erable by chang- ing r into /, see a^itel. 6RAFLER, vn. to graze. See rafle.—Dtr. eraflme. ERAILLER, va. to fray, fret; O. Fr. esrailler, from L. exrallare*, properly to heat by friction, der. from rallum, a scraper. For ex = es = e see Hist. Gram. p. 78. — Der. eraille- ment, eraillnre. Ere, sf. an era; from L. aera. Ifirectile, adj. erectile; from L. erectilis*. !!Srection, sf. an erection, raising ; from L. erectionem. EREINTER, va. to break the back of, tire out. See rein. ifir^sipdlCj sm. erysipelas. See erysipele. ERGOT, sm. spur (of a bird). Origin un- known. — Der. ergo(e. Ergoter, vn. to quibble, weary a disputant with syllogisms; der. from L. ergo, sign of the conclusion in syllogism. — Der. ergotcui. ifiriger, va. to erect; from L. erigere. ERMITE, sm. a hermit; from L. eremita. j For loss of e see § 52. — Der. ermitage. Erosion, sf. erosion ; from L. erosionem. Erotique, adj. erotic: from L. eroticus. + Errata, sm.pl. errata; a Lat. word. Erratique, arf/. erratic; from L. erraticus. ERREMENTS, sm. track, way, manner; from O. Fr. errer, to travel, which remains in verbal subst. erre, and in the knightly word errant. Errer, Prov. edrar, is from L. iterare* (to travel, from iter), contrd. regularly into it'rare, see § 52. For tr = rr see § 168 ; for i = e see mettre. ERREUR, sm. an error, wandering ; from L. errorem. See accueillir. Erron6, adj. erroneous; from L. erroneus. jfiruetation, sf. eructation, belching ; from L. eructationem. ifirudit, adj. erudite; from L. eruditus. Erudition, sf erudition; from L. erudi- tionem, ifirugineux, adj. (Med.) eruginous ; from L. aeruginosus. Erysipdle, sm, erysipelas; from L. erysi- pelas. ES, contr. of en les (enls, then ens, whence es, by regular reduction of ns to s, see aine). Es {en les) has left some few traces in the language, as in the phrases maitre es arts, docteur es sciences, es mains, Saint-Pierre es liens, etc. ESCABEAU, sm. a stool ; from L. scabellum. For sc = esc see Hist. Gram. p. 78 ; for elluni = eaM see agneau. t Escadre, sf. a squadron; introd. from It. squadra. Its doublet is equerre, q. v. t Escadron, sm. a squadron (of cavalry) ; introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. squadrone. + Escalade, s/. escalade, scaling (of walls); introd. in 16th cent, from It. scalata Der. escalader. t Escale, 5/ putting in (naval) ; from It. scala. Its doublet is echelle, q. v. tEacalier, sm. a staircase; from Prov. escalier, which from L. scalarium,* deriv. of scala. Its doublet is echalier. tEscamoter, va. to juggle; from Sp. escamotar. — Der. escamotsige, escamottuT. "Y Escamper, vn. to scamper off, decamp ; from It. scampare, whence the phrase prendre la poudre c?'escampette. t Escapade, sf an escapade, frolic; from It. scappata. Its doublet is echappee. ESCARBOT, sm. a stag-horn beetle ; dim. of a type escarbe*, answering to L. scara- baeus. Scarabaeus is contrd. to scar'- baeus (see § 52), whence escarbot. For BG = esc see Hist. Gram. p. 78; and for addition of o^ see chabot. ESCARBOUCLE, 5/. a carbuncle; from L. carbunculus, with prosthesis of s. Ex- carbunculus loses its u, see § 51. For nc — c see coque ; for u = ou see accouder. Escarboucle is a doublet of carboucle. ESCARCELLE, sf a purse. See echarpe. ESCARGOT, sm. an edible snail ; originally escargol, from ex and the root cargo}, answering to Sp. caracol and It. caragollo. Origin unknown. t Escarmouche, sf. a skirmish; from It. scaramuccia. t Escarpe, s/". a scarp, escarpment ; from It. Scarpa. It is a doublet of echarpe, q.v. — Der. escarper, escarpment, contrescarpe. + Escarpin, sm. a pump (shoe) ; from It. scarpino. tEscarpolette, sf a swing; from It. scarpoletta. Escarre, sf. (Med.) a slought (of a wound) ; better written escharre, from L. eschara. Escient, sm. knowledge; from L. scientem. For so = es see Hist. Gram. p. 78. 138 ESCLA NDRE — ESQUILLE, ESCLANDRE, sm. a scandal; formerly es- candle, from L. soandalvun. So&nd&- luxn, regularly contrd. (see § 51), be- comes scandlvim, whence O. Fr. escandle. For sc = esc see Hist. Gram, p, 78 ; then esclandre by intercalation of /, which is un- common ; for dl = dr (see apotre). Esclan- dre is a doublet of scandale, q. v. ESCLA VE, sm. a slave; in lOth cent, sclavus, in 9th cent, slavus, a word which rightly means a Slavonian, and was originally applied only to Charlemagne's Slavonian prisoners, who were reduced to slavery. After the loth cent, the word sclavus takes the general sense of slave, without distinction of nationality. For -bo\ = -escl see Hist. Gram. p. 78, Esclave is a doublet of slave. — Der. esclavage. Escobarderie, sf. subterfuge, shuffle ; of hist, origin, see § 33 , meaning to use Escobar's reticence. Escobar was a Spanish casuist immortalized in Pascal's Provincial Letters. ESCOGRIFFE, sm. a sharper. Origin un- known. + Escompter, va. to discount; from It. scontare. — Der. escompte (verbal subst.). + Escopette, sf. a carbine; from It. schioppetto. fEscorte, sf. an escort; from It. scoria. — Der. escorter. tEscouade, /. a squad, i6th cent. escouadre and scouadre, from It. squadra. It is a doublet of escadre and equerre, q. v. ESCOURGEE, sf. a scourge; from L. ex- oonigiata *. Excorrigidta, contrd. regularly (see § 52), becomes escourgee. For ex = es see ajouter; for o = ou see affouage ; for -ata = -e« see § 201. ESCOURGEON, sm. winter barley. Origin unknown. ESCOUSSE, sf. a run (before leaping) ; from L. excussa*. — Der. rescousse. t Esc rimer, vn. to fence ; from It. scher- m^re. — Der. escrime (verbal subst.). , +Escroc, sm. a swindler ; from It. scrocco. — Der. escroquer, escroqueur, escroqutx\e. ESPACE, sm. a space ; from L, spatium. For 8p = esp see Hist. Gram. p. 78 ; for ti = c see agencer. — Der. espacei, espacement. i'Espadon, sm. a sword, sword-fish ; from It. spadone. fEspagnolette, ./. baize; introd. in 17th cent, from It, spagnoletta. tEspalier, sm. a fruit-wall; from It. spalliere. ESPECE, sf. a kind; from L, species. For sp = esp see Hist. Gram. p. 78. Espece is a doublet of epice, q, v, ESP^RER, vn. to hope; from L. sperare. To the initial sounds sc (scribere), sm (smaragdus), sp (sperare), st (status), which were hard to pronounce, the Roman people early prefixed the letter i to divide the two consonants in pronunciation. As early as the 4th cent, we find in Roman in- scriptions ispatium for spatium, istare for stare, istatua for statua, ispiritu for spiritu, istabilis for stabilis, isma- ragdus for smaragdus. This i soon be- came e (see mettre), and in the 5th cent, we find in Christian inscriptions the forms , estatua, espatium ; in Merov. Diplomas; especiem, esperare, estudium. This I change of sc into esc, sm into esm, sp into , esp, st into est, went on in Fr. in suchj words as spatium, espace. Since the i6th cent, many of these words have been again j modified by loss of the s, see Hist, Gram. J p, 80, and the suppression is marked by the ; acute accent on the initial e, as in statu m^i etat. Even farther, a false assimilation led to the prefixing of e before words which had no Latin s ; thus c orticem, ecorce ; car- bunculus, escarboucle, etc.— Der. esper- ance, d6sesperer. Espidgle, adj. frolicsome ; of hist, origin, see § 33, £s/)zeg'/e isa wordof the l6th cent., at which time a very popular German tale (Eulenspiegel) was translated and introduced into Fr. under the title of ' L' Histoife joyeuse de Till Ulespi^gle.' In this story the hero performs a number of waggeries and tricks. This ' Histoire de Tiel Ules- piegle,' or, as it was written, * Histoire de I'Espiegle,' soon became popular, and the word espiegle became a name for a tricky, mischievous spirit. — Der, espiegleiie. fEspion, sm. a spy; from It. spione. — Der. espionner, espionnage. t Esplanade, sf. an esplanade. In Montaigne splanade, from It, splanata. ESPOIR, sm. hope ; from L. speres *. For sp = ^s/> see esperer ; for e = oi see § 61. fEsponton, sm. a spontoon; from It. spunlona. ESPRIT, sm. spirit; from L. spiritus, by displacing the Lat. accent (spiritus for spiritus) and by sp = esp, see esperer ; for loss of i see § 52. Esprit is a doublet of spirite. ESQUIF, sm. a skiff; from O. H. G. sMf For sli = esq see esperer. ESQUILLE, sf. a splinter ; from L. schidu- ESQ UINA NCIE — S TA BLIR . 139 lae*, dim, of schidiae, splinters of wood, by the regular contr. (see § 51) into schid'- lae. For dl=:// see §168; for sch. = sc — esq see esperer and Hist. Gram, p. 63. fEsquinancie, &f. the quinsey. i6th cent, sqninancie, from It. schinanzia. fEsquisse, sf. a sketch; from It.schizzo. — Der. esquisser. ESQUIVER, va. to evade (a blow), avoid ; from O. H. G. skiuhan. ESSAI, sm. a. trial ; from L. exagium, weigh- ing, a trial of exact weight. For :s. = ss see aisselle ; for -agivim = -a« see allier. — Der. essay&r, essayeuv. ESSAIM, sm. a swarm; from L. examen. For x = ss see aisselle; for -amen = -aim see airain. Essaim is a doublet of examen. — Der. essaimer. ESSARTER, va. to grub up; from L. ex- saritare *, a frequent., der. from ex- saritum, p. p. of ex-sarire. Exsari- tare becomes essarter by regular fall of i, see § 52; by xs = ss, see aisselle. — Der. essartenitxii. ESSAYER, va. to essay. See essai. Essence, sf. essence; from L. essentia. Essential, adj. essential; from L. essenti- alis, in Isidore of Seville. ESSIEU, sm. an axle-tree ; in Amyot aissieu, in Montaigne aixieu, from L. axicvilus. For Sb = ai = e see § 54; for x = ss see aisselle ; for iculus = ieu see epieti. ESSOR, sm. flight (of birds). See essorer. ESSORER, va.to soar; from L. exaurare*, deriv. of aura. For :s. = ss see aisselle ; for au = o see alouette. Essorer in O. Fr. meant to balance in air, soar, whence verbal subst. essor. ESSORILLER, va. to crop ears (of dogs); from L, exauriculare *, der. from auri- cula. For regular contr. of exaxu-icu- Idre into exauriclare see § 52; for X = ss see aisselle ; for au = see alouette ; for cl = il see abeille, ESSOUFFLER, va. to put out of breath. See souffier. ESSUYER, va. to wipe, wipe away. It. as- ciugare, from L. exsuccare. Exsuccare, reducing cc to c (see bee), becomes exsu- (c)are, thence essnyer. For xs=ss see aisselle ; for loss of medial c see affouage. Essuyer is a doublet of essucquer.—T)Qx. essui (verbal subst.). EST, sm. the east ; of Germ, origin, Germ. qst, Engl. east. + Estacade, sf. a stockade ; from It. stoccata. t Estafette, sf. an express; from It. sta^etta. + Estafier, sm. a tall footman; from It. staffiere. t Estafilade, sf. a gash; from It. staffilata. Estaminet, sm. a smoking-room. Origin unknown. f Estampe, sf. a print, stamp; from It. stampa. — Der. estampxWt. fEstamper, va. to print, stamp; from It. stampare. Estampille, sf. a stamp. See estampe. ESTER, vn. (Legal) to appear (in court) ; from L. stare. For st — est see esperer. Esth6tique, adj. aesthetic; from Gr. ai- adrjTiKos. Estimation, s/. esteem ; from L. aestima- tionem. — Der. estimateur, estimatif. Estimer, va. to esteem ; from L. aesti- mare. — Der. estime (verbal subst.), estim- able, vcxQiestimer, mesestime. ESTOC, swz. (l) a stick, (2) a sword. It. stocco, from Germ, stock. For st = est see esperer. t Estocade, sf. a stockade; from It. stoc- cata. ESTOMAC, sm. a stomach ; from L. stoma- ch.us. FoT 8t = est see esperer. fEstompe, sf. a stump; from Germ. stumpf. fEstrade, sf. a route; from It. strada, whence the phrase battre Vestrade. Its doublet is estree. fEstrade, /. a platform ; from It. strata. ESTRAGON, sm. (Bot.) tarragon ; corruption of L. draconem (primitive of dracuncu- lus) with prefix ex. For Fr. words which spring from corruption see § 172. tEstram.a90n, sm. a two-edged sword ; from It. stramazzone. fEstrapade, sf. a strappado; from It. strappata. fEstropier, va. to cripple, maim; from It. stroppiare. Estuaire, sm. an estuary; from L. aestu- arium. Its doublet is O. Fr. eV/er. ESTURGEON, sm. a sturgeon. Sp. esturion, medieval Lat. sturionem. Sturio is de- rived from O. H. G. sturio. For st = est see esperer; for io = jo =geo see abreger. ET, conj. and ; from L. et. ETABLE, sf. a stable ; formerly estable, from L. stdbulum. For loss of u see § 51 ; for &t — est = et see esperer and Hist. Gram. p. 81. ETABLIR, va. to establish ; formerly establir, from L. stabilire. Stabilire, contrd. regularly (see § 52) into stab'lire, becomes 140 ^ TA GE — ETERNUER, etablir. For st = «/■=tr. felicitation. F61in, adj. feline ; from L. felinus. FELON, sm. a felon; from L. fellonem*, a word found in the Capitularies of Karl the Bald. Origin unknown. — Der. /e7o«ie. + F61ouque, sf. a felucca; from It. feluca. Femelle, adj. female; from L. feme 11 a*, dim. of femina. F6ininin, adj. feminine; from L. femi- ninus. FEMME, sf. a woman; from L. f^iuina. For regular loss of 1 see § 51 ; for fem'ua =femme, by assimilation of mn to mm, see § 168. — Dex.femmelette. F6niur, sm. the thigh - bone ; from L. femur Der./e'moral. FENAISON, sf. hay-making ; from L. foena- tionem*, deriv. of foenare*. For oe = 5 see §105; for -ationem = -a«o«, by at- traction of i and softening of t, see agencer. FENDRE, va. to cleave; from L. flndere. For regular contraction of findere into find're see § 51 ; for i = « see ceinture. — Der. fente (partic. subst,, see absoute), fend'iWer. FEN£TRE, sf. a window ; formerly fenestre, from L. fenestra. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. FENIL, sm. a hay-loft ; from L. foenile. FENOUIL, sm. fennel; from L. foenu- culum, secondary form of foeniculum/ For oe — e see § 105; for -uculum= , -otiille see abeille. — T>er. fenouillette. FENTEj sf. a slit. Seefendre. Feodal, adj. feudal ; from medieval L. feodalis (that which relates to zfief q.v.) — Der. feodal'ite. FER, sm. iron ; from L. ferrum. — Der, ferrer, ferrage, ferrement, /errant, /errure, /erraille, ferret, ferriere, ferronnier,ferron- nerie, enferrer, deferrer. FER-BLANC, sm. tin-plate, tinned iron. — Der./erWa«tier. Ferie, sf. holidays; from L. feriae. Its doublet is foire, q. v. — Der. ferie, feria]. Feri6, adj. relating to holidays. See ferie. FERIR, va. to strike ; from L. ferire, in the phrase sans coup /eWr = without striking a blow. + Ferler, i/a. to furl ; from Engl. furl. — Der. diferler. FERMAIL, sm. a clasp, locket ; from L. firmaculum * (a clasp, in medieval Lat.) For i = e see mettre; for -aculvtm = -a// see § 155. FERME, adj. firm; from L. firmus. For i = e see mettre. — Der. af/ermir. Fermete is from L. flrmitatem. For -atem = -e' see § 230. FERME, sf. a farm ; properly a compact, agreement for letting (specially of rural properties), then by extension used of those FERMENT— FIA NCER . 151 lands let out to farm, thence the house of the farmer. Ferme in sense of an agreement is from L. firmus. For i = e see mettre. — Der./er?nage,/(?rmier, ^ifermftr. Ferment, sm. leaven; from L. fermentum. — Der. ferment2k.'C\{. Fermentation, sf. fermentation ; from L. fermentationem*, der. from fermen- tatus. Fermenter, vn. to ferment; from L. fer- mentare. FERMER, va. to shut, close; from L. firmare, which is used for claudere in Isaiah xxxiii. 15 : 'et firraaijs oculos suos, ut ne videat.' For i = e see mettre. — Der. fermoir, en/ermer, /ermt ture. FERMETE, sf. firmness. ?,te ferine. FERMIER, sm. a farmer, ^tt ferme. Feroce, adj. ferocious, fierce ; from L. ferocem. Its doublet \% farouche, q. v. Ferocity, sf. ferocity; from -L. feroci- tatem. FERRAILLE, sf. old iron. See /er._Der. fa-raill&x, ferrailleur. Ferrugineux, adj. ferrugineous ; from L. ferruginosus, deriv. of ferruginem. Fertile, adj. fertile; from L. fertilem. — Der. fertiliser, fertilisation. Fertility, sf fertility; from L. fertili- tatem. F6rille, sf a ferule, rod; from L. ferula. Fervent, adj. fervent; from L. ferven- tem. Ferveur, sm. fervour; from L. fervorem. FESSE, sf. a buttock ; from L. fissa, from fissus, partic. of findere. + Festin, sm. a feast; from It. festino. — Der. festintr. Festival, sm. a festival; from L. festi- valis *, deriv. of festivus. f Fes ton, sm. a festoon; {xom.lt. festone. — Der, festonner. FESTOYER, va. to entertain, feast; from L. festicare*, der. from festum. For loss of medial c see affouage ; for i = oi see boire. FETE, sf. a festival, feast, holiday; formerly feste, from L. festa, pi. of festum. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der./eVer. + Fetiche, sm.. a Fetiche; a name given by the Portuguese to the rough idols wor- shipped by the inhabitants of the West African coast. It comes from Fort, feitifo. Fetiche is a doublet of factice, q. v. — Der. /f;ftc/iisme. Fetide, adj. fetid; from L. fetidus.— Der. /('Vrrfite. FETU, sm. straw, bit of straw ; formerly festii, Prov. festuc, from L. festucus, masc. form of festuca. For -ucus = -u see § 237 ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. FEU, sm. fire ; from L. focus. For loss of c see ami ; for o = eu see § 76. FEU, adj. late, lately dead ; formerly feu (in fem.feude, in St. Alexis), from L. fatutus*, deriv. of fatum. Feu means properly one who has fulfilled his fate. Fa(t)utus loses its medial t (see abbaye), and changes -utus into -u (see § 201), whence fail, whence feu, by softening a into e (see §54)- Feudataire, sm. f feudatory ; from L. feudatarius*, a term of feudal law, der. from feudum, a fief. For etymology of feudum seejief. Feudiste, sm. a feudist ; from L. feu- dista*, der. from feudum, see fief . FEUILLE, sf a leaf; from L. folia, pi. of folium. For li = t7 see ail; {or o = eu see § 76. — Der. feuilhge, fenillex, feuillie, feuilln, fezdlhison, feuillet, feuilletex,feuill- eton. FEUILLETTE. sf. a measure of wine (30-8 gallons'). Origin unknown. FEURRE, sm. straw. Sp. forro. It. fodero., word of Germ, origin, O. Scand. /orfr. For dr = rr see § 168; for o = eu see § 76. FEUTRE, sm. felt ; formerly feltre, It. feltro, from L. filtrum.*, a medieval word. Fil- trum. is of Germ, origin, Neth. vilt. Germ. Jilz. Fetitre is a doublet of alchemist's vf Old filtre. Filtrum becomes feltre, then feutre. For i = e see mettre ; for el = eu see agneau. — Der. feutrex, feutrzge. FEV£, sf. a bean ; from L. faba. For a = ff see § 54; for b = v see § 113 — Der. fevexoXe. FEVRIER, sm. February; from L. febru- arius, febrarius*. For b = t/ see § 113; for -arius = -/er see § 198. FI, interj. fie ! (onomatopoetic). See § 34. Fiacre, sm. a hackney-coach, cab ; a word of hist, origin (see § 33) : it dates from A. D. 1640, when the first carriages for hire were stationed in Paris, at the Hotel de Saint Fiacre. Menage wrote in 1650-: Fiacre. On appelle ainsi a Paris depuis guelques annees un carosse de louage, a cause cfe. I'image Saint Fiacre qui pendoit pour enseigne a un logis de la rue Saint- Antoine, oil on louoit ces sortes de carr asses. Cest dont je suis temoin oculaire. FIANCER, va. to affiance, betroth. It. fidan- sare, from L. fidantiare*, found in some 152 FIBRE — FILLEUL. medieval Lat. documents. Fidantiare is der. through fidantia from fldantem, partic. of fldare* (seejier). Fi(d)antiare becomes fi-ancer. For loss of medial d see § 120; for -tiare = -<:«• see agencer. — Der, fianc^t, ^anf ailles. Fibre, sf. a fibre; from L. fibra. — Der. jf6reux,jfffcrilie,^6nne. FICELLE, sf. a string, twine ; from L. fili- oellum*, dim. of filum. Filic^Uum is contrd. regularly into fil'cellum (see § 52). whence _/f/ce//e *, whence _;fce//e. — Der. ficehx. FICHER, va. to drive in (as a nail), fix (eyes on) ; from L. figicare*, der. from flgere. Figicdre is contrd. regularly into fig'care (see § 52), whence _/?cAcr. For Qa, = che see § 126 and § 54. — Der. fiche (verbal subst.), fichn. Pictif, adj. fictitious; from L. fictivus*, deriv. of fictus. Fiction, sf. a fiction ; from L. fiction em. Fid^icommis, sm. a trust (in law) ; from L. fideicommissum. Fid^USSeur, sm. a ' fideijussor,' guarantor ; from L. fidejussorem. Fiddle, adj. faithful; from L. fi delis. Its doublet is feal, q. v. - Fid61it6, sf. fidelity; from L. fidelitatem. Its doublet hfealte, q. v. Fiduciaire, sm. a fiduciary; from L. fidu- ciarius. FIEF, sm. a fief; in nth cent. fied. Low L, feodum, from O. H. G. feod, possessions, goods, properly cattle. For eo = ieu see in detail under dieu ; ieu (which is found in the form fieu in several medieval texts) is reduced to ie in a very unusual way. Next, for er. flageolet (horn flageol*, see fliite). FLAGORNER, va. to fawn on. Origin un- known. — Der. flagorner'ie, flagornexxr. Flagrant, ac(/. flagrant ; from L. flagran- tem. FLAIR, sm. scent (of dogs). See flairer. FLAIRER, va. to scent, smell ; in O. Fr. in neut. sense of exhaling an odour ; from L. flagrare, by reduction of gr to r (see § 168), whence flarare, whence fiairer. Forr = l see § 154; for Q. = ai see § 54. Flairer is a doublet of fleurer, q. v. — 'Der. flair (verbal subst.), /aiVeur. FLAMANT, sm. a flamingo ; formerly flam- mant, a name given from the flaming colour of the bird's plumage. Its doublet is flambant. FLAiVlBE, sf. the German iris {iox flamhle) ; from L. flammula, dim. of flamma. For regular contr. of fidmmula to flam'la, then to flamble, see § 51. For change of ml into mbl see absoudre ; for loss of 1 see able. — Der. flamber, flamb- eau. FLAMBEAU, sm. a torch. Seeflambe. FLAMBER, vn. to flame. See flamhe. — Der. flainboyer. Flamberge, sf a sword, a word of hist, origin, being the name of the sword of Renard de Montauban, in medieval romance ; hence by extension applied to any sword. 154 FLA MME — FL UER. FLAMME, s/. a flame ; from L. flamma. — Der. /lammhche, cujlammer, FLAN, sm. a custard, tart. O. Fr. /laon. It. Jiadone, from L. flatonem* (a soufflet in Fortunatus), der. from flatus. For loss of medial t of flatonem see abhaye. FLANC, sm. flank, side (soft, weak, i. e. the soft part of the body) ; from L. flaocus. A similar metaphor exists in Germ., where we have weiche (the flank), from weich, soft. On such analogies see § 13. Flaccus be- comes fianc by adding n, see concombre. — \y&x.flanqutr, tiflanqu^. Plandrin, sm. a lanky lad, a word of hist, origin (see § 33), being a nickname given to the Flemings, then used of any tall and meagre man, like them. FLANELLE, sf. flannel. Origin unknown. FLANER, vn. to stroll. Origin unknown. — Der. fldntvix. FLAQUE, sf. a puddle, pool ; of Germ, origin, Flem. vlaque, the sea. FLASQUE, adj. lanky, soft, flabby: from L. flaxidus*, a transformation of flaccidus. Flaxidus, = flacsidus, is transposed to flascidus (see Idche and § '170), flasqu- idus ; whence flasque by dropping the atonic syllables (see §§ 50, 51). FLATTER, va. to flatter. Origin unknown. —Der. flatter\&, flattenx. FLEAU, sm. a flail, scourge. O. Fr. flael, Prov. flagel, It.JlageUo, from L. flagel- lum. For loss of medial g see allier ; for a, = e see § 54; for el = au see agneau. Fleau is a doublet oiflagelle. FLEBILE, adj. lamentable, weak ; from L. flebilis. Its doublet is faible, q. v. FLECHE, sf. an arrow, point, pinnacle ; for- merly ^escA? ; of Germ, origin, M. H. G. jlitsch =fleche. FLECHE, sf. a flitch of bacon; formerly Jlesche; of Germ, origin, Dan. _/?es^. FLECHIR, va. to bend ; from L. flectere. For e = i see § 58; for c% = ch see allecher. — Der. ^e'cAissement, _^e'cAisseur. Plegme, sm. phlegm ; from L. flegma. — Der. flegmz.\.\(\w&. FLETRIR, va. to blast, wither; formerly flestrir, from O. Fr. flestre, flaistre. Flais- tre corresponds to a L. flaccaster*, deriv. of flaccere (i. e. to be flaccid, faded, withered). Flaccaster becomes flacas- ter, then loses its medial c regularly (see affouage), whence flaistre. For a = a/ see i54. FLETRIR, va. to dishonour, brand, properly with a hot iron; to burn, dry up; in which way it is connected with flttrir I . — Der. ^('Vrissure. FLEUR, sm. a flower ; from L. florem. For o^eu see § 79. — Der. ^^wron, ^ewrette, fieur'xsie, flei/ret, fleurAisoxi. FLEUR, sm. level with, in the phrase afleur de. Of Germ, origin, Germ. flur. — Der. ifflevrex, eifleurex. FLEURDELISER, va. to brand with a fleur- de-lys ; der. ixoxn. fleur de lis, q. v. tPleuret, sm. a foil, dagger, a word created in the i6th cent, to answer to It. fioretto. FLEURIR, va. to flower, flourish ; from L. florere. For e = i see § 58 ; for o = eu see § 79. Fleurir is a doublet oi florir, q.v. — Derj^«?/raison. FLEUVE, sm. a river; from L. fluvius. For u = ew see betigler. Flexibility, sf. flexibility; from L. flexi- bilitatem. Flexible, adj. flexible; from L. flexi- bilis. Flexion, sf. flexion, bending ; from L. flexionem. fFlibustier, sm. a buccaneer, freebooter; ioxmexly fribustier, a naval term of Germ. origin, Dutch vrybuiter, a marauder ; Engl, freebooter. tFlint-glass, sm. flintglass. From Engl. flintglass. FLOCON, sm. a flake, flock; dim. of root floe*, remaining in Prov. floe; from L. floccus. — Der. floconnewx. FLORAISON, sf. efflorescence. Seeflorir. Flore, ./. Flora; from L. Flora. Flor§al, adj. floral, deriv. of florem. + Florin, sm. a florin; from It. fiorino. FLORIR, vn. to bloom, flower; from L. florere. For e = r see § 58. — Der. _/?oraison. FLOT, sm. a wave ; from L. fluctus. For u = o see § 97; for ct = ^ see § 168. — Der. flottex, flott^ge, ^o/taison (whose doublet '\s fluctuation, q. v.) PLOTTER, va. to float. See flot Der. flotte (verbal subst.),_;?o//ille,_;?o«eur. FLOU, sm. softness of touch ; formerly flo (weak), a word of Germ, origin, Flem. flauw. For au = o = ow see alouette. — Der. flueX.. Fluctuation, sf. a fluctuation; from L. fluctuation em. Its doublet is flott- aison. Fluctueux, adj. fluctuating; from L. fluctuosus. For -osus = -ewac see § 229. Fluer^ vn, to flow, run; from L. fluere. FL UET — FONGIBLES, ^55 FLUET, adj. mean, thin, lanky. Fhiet, in Lafontaine^owe^, is a dim. o^ floti, q. v. Fluide, adj. fluid; from L. fluidus. — Der. JIuidite. Fluor, sm. (Chem.) fluorine, the presumed root of the fluorhydric acid; formerly a name given by alchemists to all mineral acids, because of their fluidity: from L. fj^uorem. FLUTE, sf. a flute ; formerly Jlaiite, It. flauta ; verbal subst. of O. Fr. flaider (to blow into a wind instrument). Flauter is from L. flatuare, deriv. of flatus, by transposition of u : flautare for flatuare. Flauta*, or rather its masc. flautus*, gives the dim. flautiolus *. This, by consonification of io into jo (see abreger), has produced Prov. flaujol, O. Fr. flajol, flageol. Flageol disappeared at end of the 1 6th cent., but left its dim. Jlageolet. — Der. flUt&m, Jiuliste. Fluvial, adj. fluvial; from L. fluvialis. Flux, sm. flux, flow; from L. flux us. Fluxion, sf. fluxion, inflammation; from L. flux ion em. — Der. Jluxionnaire. + Foc, sm. a jib-sail; from Dutch fok. f Foetus, sm. a foetus; from L. foetus. FOI, sf. faith; from L. fldem. For i = oi see boire ; for loss of d see alouette. FOIE, sm. liver. It. fegato, from L. ficatum, found in Marcellus Empiricus. The accent has been misplaced (ficatum for ficdtum). Ficatura then loses its atonic syllable (see § 51), then is reduced to flea, whence foie by loss of medial c, see affou- age. For i = oi see hoire. FOIN, sm. hay ; from L. foenum. For oe = e see § 105 ; for e = oi see § 63. FOIRE, sf. a fair. Sp. feria, from L. feria, found in medieval documents, as ' Quod nullus in regno potest facere feriam sine permissu Regis.' Feriae, properly holidays, has taken the sense of fair, because me- dieval fairs were held on saints' days. For e = oi see § 61. Foire is a doublet oiferie, q. v. FOIS, sf. time. Prov. fes. It. vece, from L. vice. For v=/see § 140 ; for i = oi see boire ; for c = s see amitie. FOISON, sf abundance ; from L. fusionem, pouring forth with plenty. For \x = oi, by attraction of the i, see bids. Foison is a doublet of fusion, q. v. — Der. /ozsowner. FOL, adj. mad, crazy ; from L. follus *, found in a Lat. document, a.d. 879. Follus is properly one who grimaces, moves affectedly, and is connected with L. foUere *, which is from follis, a grimace made by puffing out the cheeks, used by Juvenal. The idea of motion survives in the phrases feu follei, esprit follet. — Fol is a doublet of fori, q. v. — Der. /o/ie, /o/let, folatve, folichon, zffoleT. FOLATRE, adj. foolish. See fou.— Der. foldtrer. FOLIE, s/. folly. See fol. Folio, sm. a folio, a Lat. word, abl. of folium. Its doublet \s feuille, q. v. FOLLET, adj. wanton, playful. See fol. FoUiculaire, sm. a pamphleteer ; der. from follicule, used by Voltaire to signify a small sheet of paper. Follicule is an absurd word, made out of the L. folium. Follicule, sf. a follicle; from L. folli- culus. Fomenter, 1/fl. to foment; from L. fo men- tare. — Der. fomentation. FONCER, va. to bottom a cask. See fond. — Der. fonce, enfoncer, defoncer. FONCIER, adj. landed. Seefoftds. Fonction, sf a function; from L. func- tion em, — Der. fonctionner, fonctionnaiie, fonctionnement. FOND, sm. a bottom, foundation; from L. fundus. For u = o see § 97. O. Fr. form was fonds for the nom., whence fofiser *, now written foncer. For this nominatival s see Hist. Gram. p. 89. — Der. effondrer {see fondriere). Fondainental, adj. fundamental ; from L. fundamentalis *, der. from fundamen- tum, Fondateur, sm. a founder ; from L. fundatorem. Fondation, sf. a foundation ; from L. fundationem *. Fondement, sm. a fundament ; from L. fundamentum. Fonder, va. to found ; from L. fundare. FONDRE, va. to melt; from L. fiindere. For u = o see § 97. For loss of e see § 51. — Der. fonte (partic. subst,, see ab- soute), fondexxr, fondexie, xefondre. F0NDRI£RE, sf a slough, bog; der. from fondrer, an O. Fr. verb which survives in its compd. effondrer. Fondrer is from fond. For the addition of r see chanvre. FONDS, sm. ground, soil, landed property, funds, cash ; from L. fundus. For u = o see § 97. — Der. /owcier. Fongibles, adj. that which being lent or leased may be replaced by other like things; from L. fungibiles. »5« FONG UEUX— FORME. Fongueuz, adj. fungous, upstart; from L.' fungosus. FONTAINE, sf. a fountain ; from L. fon- tana * ; from fontem. There are several examples of fontana in yth-cent. docu- ments. For a = ai see § 54.— Der. fon- /Oinier. Fontange, sf. a top-knot, a word of hist, origin (see § 33), being a form of coiffure introduced by Mile, de Fontange, a.d. 1679. FONTE, sf. melting, founding. Seefondre. tFontes, s/. holster (of a saddle), introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. fonda. Fonts, sm. pi. the baptismal font ; from L, fontes ; der. from fons. For, sm. a tribunal; from L. forum. Its doublet is/j/r, q. v. FORAGE, sm. boring, drilling. Seeforer. FORAIN, adj. foreign ; from L. foraneus *, that which is without, strange, foreign, Foraneus* is from foras. Travelling pedlars are called forains in opposition to home-staying traders. FORBAN, sm. a pirate, bandit, one out of the pale of law, who is under ban. See ban. + Forcat, sm. a convict; from Prov, forcat, which from L, fortiatus ♦ ; see forcer. Its doublet is forc^. FORCE, sf force, strength ; from L. fortia * ; used in the Germanic Laws as in this pas- sage in the Lex Bajuariorum il, 5 : ' Si cui Deus dederit fortiam et victoriam.' For tia = ce see agencer. F( RCENE, sf. a madman ; formerly forsene, It. forsennato, properly one out of his senses ; compd. of for, which is from L. foris, and O. Fr. sene, der. from sen, which means sense, reason, judgment, in O. Fr. Sen is of Germ, origin, O. H. G. sin. fForceps, sm. a forceps; from L. for- ceps. FORCER, va. to force, break open, oblige, impose by force; der. from fortia*; see force. For -tia = -ce see agencer. — Der. ^{forcer, xtnforcer. FORCES, . softens o into ou (see § 81). — Der. /oKr/«"ment, /o?/rnisseur, fournitoxe. FOURRAGE, sm. forage ; formerly forrage, from O. Fr. forre, which from fodrum, in Carolingian documents. In a Chartulary of Louis the Pious, a.d. 796, we find : * Inhibuit a plebeiis . . . annonas militares quas vulgo fodriun vocant, dari.' Po- drum is of Germ, origin, answering to Goth. fudr. Fodrum becomes forre by chang- ing dr into rr (see § 168), hence deriv, forrage, whence fourrage (see § 81). — Der. fourrager,fourraghxe, fourragem. FOURREAU, sm. a sheath, case, frock ; for- merly fourrel; for el = eau see agneau. Fourrel is dim. of O. Fr. fourre. Fourre is of Germ, origin, answering to Goth. fodr. For dr = rr see § 168; for o = om see § 81. — From O. Fr. forre comes va. fourrer, to thrust, poke, as with a f our r eau. FOURRER, va. to thrust, poke, stuff in.— Der. fourr^, fourrare, fourrem. FOURRIER, sm. formerly an officer of the royal household, employed to see to quarters and food, a courier, properly one who sees to the forage. From L. fodrarius*, used of one who looks after forage in Carol, documents, as e. g. in Hincmar, Opusc. 5 : ' De coercendis militum rapinis : Et mitte homines secundum consuetudinem prae- decessorum vestrorum, qui in longius per- gant propter fodrarios.' Fodrarius is from fodrum, see under fourrage. Fo- drarius becomes fourrir. For o = o« see § 81; for dr -rr see § 168; for -arius = -iVr see § 198. The place where these fourriers lodged was called four- riere, a word applied later to the pound in FOURR URE — FRA TERNITS. 159 which strayed beasts are put and kept for a time, FOURRURE, sf. fur. Seefourrer. FOURVOYER, va. to mislead ; formerly /or- voyer, to go out of the way, compd. of for (L. foris) and voyer (deriv. from voie). For o = ou see § 81. — Der. fourvoie- ment. FOYER, sm. a fire-grate ; from L. focarium, der; from focus. We find in a medieval glossary the following : ' Igniarium : foca- rius locus in quo fit ignis.' Focarium losing its medial c (see affouage) becomes foyer by changing -arium into -ier (see § 198). + Frac, sm. a dress-coat, frock ; from Germ. frack. tFracasser, sm. to shatter; introd. in the 1 6th cent, from It. fracassare. — Der. fracas. Fraction, sf. a fraction; from L. frac- tionem. — Der. /rac//o7jnaire, fractionner, fractionnement. Fracture, s/ a fracture; from L. fractura. — Der. fraciurev. Fragile, adj. frail; from L. fragilis. Its doublet is frele, q. v. Fragility, sf. fragility, frailty ; from L. fra- gilitatem. Fragment, sm. a fragment ; from L. frag- mentum. FRAI, sm. spawn. See frayer. FRAIRIE, sf. an entertainment, merry-mak- ing ; properly a meeting, assembly, then a pleasure party; from L. fratia. For tr = r see § 168 ; for & = ai see § 54. FRAIS, adj. fresh, Prov. fresc, It. fresco, a word of Germ, origin, A.S. fresc. For e = oi = at see § § 60, 63 ; for sc = s see bois. The Germ, form fresc was Latinised into frescus by the Gallo-Romans, whence fem. fresca became fresche by changing c into ch (see § 1 26) ; fraische htczme fraiche by loss of s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). — Der. ^atcheur, fraichk, tzfraichxr. FRAIS, sm. pi, cost, expense ; pi. of O. Fr. frait, which is from L. fredum*, a fine, in the Germanic laws, as in the Ripuarian Code: 'Fredum autem non illi judici tribuat, qui culpam commisit, sed illi qui solu- tionem recipit.' Fredum, of Germ, origin, answers to Dan. fred, Germ, friede, and signifies rightly a payment for having broken the public peace. Frais is a doublet of fresque. Fredum. becomes /razV. For e = oi = ai see §§ 60, 63. — Der. defrayer. FRAISE, sf a strawberry ; from L. fragea, deriv. of fragum*. For ea = m see abreger ; for gia = se see agencer : cp. also gesier from gigerium, gencive from gin- giva. For a = az see § 54. — Der. /raesier. FRAISE, sf. a fringe, lacework ; introd. from Sp. /reso. — Dtr.fraiser. FRAISE, sf a ruffle (a term used by butchers). Origin unknown. FRAMBOISE, sf. a raspberry; of Germ, origin, Dutch brambezie, a blackberry. For b = v=^f, an unique change at the beginning of a word, see avant and bceuf; for e = oi see § 63 Der. /ramftomer, framboistr. FRANC, sm. a franc, value 9.69 pence; "so called from the old device on it, Francorum Rex. FRANC, adj. free, exempt; from L. fran- cus*, meaning ' free ' in Merov. documents. This sense remains in such phrases zs franc de port, etc. Francus is from O. Yi.G. fran- co. — Der. /rawchir (to free oneself, to leap ""^over an obstacle), franchise., af/rctnchir. FRAN^AIS, sm. a Frenchman, sf a French- woman; formerly/ra«^o/s, fromL.francen- sis*, deriv. of Franc, as the name of a peo- ple, with sufhx -ensis.used in Lat. to express nationality. Francensis, regularly re- ducing ns to s (see aine), became france- sis, thence fran^-ois, then frangais (^for e = oi^azsee §§ 60,63). — Der. franciser, francisa.tion. FRANC HIR, va. to leap over. See franc. FRANCHISE, sf franchise, freedom (of a city). See franc. FRANGE, sf a fringe ; formerly fringe, Wallachian frimbie, from L. fimbria*. For transposition of r see aprete, whence frimbia, whence the Wallachian frimbie. Frimbia consonifies ia into ge (see abre- ger), loses b (see abreger), whence fringe ; changes m. into n (see changer), hence frange. For \XL — en = an see andouille. — Der. franger. fFrangipane, sf. frangipane; from It. frangipane. FRAPPER, va. to strike. Piov.frappar, It. frappare, from Scand. hrappa, to handle roughly, thence by extension to strike. For hr=frcp.freux,hr6c; froc,hroch; frimas, hrim. — Der. frappe (verbal, subst.), frappe- ment, frappexm. tFrasque, s/. a farce; from \t.frasca. Fratemel, adj. fraternal; from L. frater- nal is. Fraternity, sf. fraternity; from L. frater- n i t a t e m . — Der. fratermsex. i6o FRA TRICIDE — FRILEUX. Fratricide, (l) sm. fratricide (the act); from L. fratricidium. (2) sm. a fratricide, (the person); from L. fratricida. Fraude, sf. fraud; from L. fraudem. — Der. fraudex, fraudtnx. Frauduleux, adj. fraudulous ; from L. fraudulosus^ FRAYER, va. to trace out (a road), to mark out ; formerly froyer, from L. fricare. For icare = oyer see employer ; for oy — ay see § 63. — Der./rai (verbal snbst.). FRAYEUR, sf. fright, fear; formerly >qy«/r, from L. frigorem (shuddering caused by fright). Frigorem loses its medial g (see allier) and becomes /raye«r. For o = eu see § 79; for i = oi see hoire; for oi = ai see § 63. FREDAINE, sf. a frolic. Origin unknown. FREDONNER, va. to hum. Origin un- known, — Der. fredonnement. + Fr6gate, sf. a frigate; introd. in l6th cent, from It. fregata. FREIN, sm. a bridle ; from L. freniiin. For e = ei before n, m, cp. plenum, plein; see § 61. f Frelater, va. to sophisticate, adulterate. This word signified formerly to decant, transfuse; from Fltm. verlaten, by metathesis of verlaten into vrelaten (see dprete). — Der. frelateuT, frelaiage. FRfiLE, adj. frail ; formerly fraile, from L. fragilis. For regular contr. of frdgilis into frag'lis see § 51 ; hence fraile. For gl = il see cailler ; for ai = e see § 112, note I, and § 1 14. Frele is a doublet of fragile, q. v. — Der. frelon (properly an insect whose body is frail and feeble; a hornet, drone). FRELON, sm. a hornet. See frele. FRELUCHE, sf. a tuft (of silk, etc.). Origin unknown. — Der. freluquet. FRELUQUET, sm. a coxcomb. Seefreluche. FREMIR, vn. to shudder at; from L. fre- mere. For change of accent (frem^re for fir6m6re) see accourir; for e = i see § 59. — Der./re'missement. FRENE, sm. an ash ; formerly fresne. It. frassino, from L. fraxinus, by regular change from fraxinus to frassinus (' Quomodo vadit ad caput frassino- rum,' says Ducange). Pr6,ssinus, contrd. (see § 51) into frass'nus, becomes fresne. For a = e see § 54 ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 8t. Fr6n6si6, sf. a phrensy; from L. phre- nesis. Fren6tique, adj. frantic; from L. phre- neticus. Fr6quence, sf. frequency; from L. fre- quentia. Frequent, adj. frequent; from L. fre- quentem. Fr6quenter, va. to frequent; from L. frequentare. — Der. frequenUtiou, fre- quentitif. FRfeRE, sm. a brother; from L. fratrem. For tr = r see § 168; for a. = e see § 54, " — Der. confrere, confrerie. FRESAIE, sf. a white owl ; in Poitevin patois presaie, in Gascon bresague, from L. prae- saga * (properly a bird of ill omen). For &e = e see § 103; for p =/ see chef; for loss of g see allier ; for a = ai see § 54. + Fresque, .f. a fresco; introd. in i6th cent, from It. fresco. Its doublet is frais, q.v. PRESSURE, sf. pluck (of animals). Origin unknown. FRET, sm. freight (of a ship); of Germ, origin, O. H. G.freht. — Der. fritex,freteMX, 2SJretex. FRETILLER, va. to frisk, wriggle ; from L. frictillare*, der. of frictare*, frequent, of fricare. For ct =/ see § 168 ; for i = « see mettre. — Der. fretillement. FRETIN, sm. fry, small fry, trash. Origin unknown. FRETTE, sf. a hoop (in building), curbing. Origin unknown. — Dex.freitei. FREUX, sm. a rook ; of Germ, origin, O. Sax. hroc. For hr =fr see frapper ; for = eu see § 79. Friable, adj. friable; from L. friabilis. — Der. friabilite (from L. friabilitatem, deriv. of friabilis). FRIAND, smf. an epicure. See frire. — Der. friandise, affriandex. FRICANDEAU, sm. a fricandeau (in cook- ery). Origin unknown. FRICASSER, va. to fricassee, metaph. to squander. Origin unknown. — Der. fri- cassee. FRICHE, sf. waste (of land). Origin un- known. — Der. d^frickex. FRICOT, sm. a ragout, stew. Origin un- known. — Der. fricotex, fricotewx. Friction, sf. friction; from L. frictionem. Its doublet is frisson, q. v. — Der. friction- ner. FRILEUX, adj. chilly. O. Fr. frilleux, from L. frigidvilosus, deriv. of frigidiilus. Under froid we see that frigidus was found in popular Lat. in the form frigdus; which shows that the contr. from frigid- ulosus into frig'dtilosus had taken place FRIMA S — FR ONTI^RE. l6l in the Lat. of the time of the later Em- pire. Frigdulosus reduced gd to d (see amande), then fridulosus was regularly contrd. (see § 52) into fridlosus, whence frileux by assimilating dl into U, then into / (see § 168), and by -osus^-^wa; (see § 229). FRIMAS, &m. hoar frost ; der. from O. Scand. hrim. For hr = fr see frapper. — Der. /n'maire. PRIME, sf. a pretence, sham. Origin un- known. — Der. /r/mousse. FRINGALE, sf. a sudden hunger; in Norm, patois frainvale, a corruption of faimvalle, ' hungry-evil ' (a veterinary term). FRINGANT, adj. dapper, brisk; der. from fringuer. Origin unknown. FRIPE, sf. a rag, scrap. See /riper. — Der. fripier, fripevie. FRIPER, va. to rumple, squander, swallow down. Origin unknown. — Der. fripon. FRIPON, sm. (also adj.) a knave, cheat, originally a gourmand; der. from /riper. — Der. /riponntrie, /riponnex, /riponne^u. FRIRE, va. to fry ; from L. frigere. For regular contr. of frigere into frig're see § 51 ; whence /rire by reduction of gr to r, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. /rzand (irom/riant, partic. of /rire, like riattt from rire. Friand means properly anything ap- petising, thence, by a remarkable extension of meaning, an epicure. The old form of /riand is always /riant, showing that the above is the correct etymology). fFrise.s/. (Archit.) a frieze; irom It./regio. Frise, sf. woollen frieze ; a word of hist, origin, see § 33. It came from Friesland. Frise (Cheval de), s/. a military term, so called because it was first used in de- fensive warfare in the province of Fries- land. FRISER, va. to frizz, curl (hair). Origin unknown. — Der. /risure, /rison, /risotter, de/mer. FRISSON, sm. a shivering, shudder ; formerly /rifon, from L. frictionem, found in Gregory of Tours : ' Ita sospitati est resti- tutus ut nee illas, quas vulgo frictiones vccant, ultra perferret.' For -ctionein = -fon see § 232; for /rigon —/risson see agencer. Frisson is a doublet of /riciion, q. V. — Der. /rissonner, /msownement. FRITURE, sf. frying; from L. frictura*. For ct = / see affete. Frivole, adj. frivolous; from L. frivolus. — Der./rit/o/ite. FROC, sm. a frock, coat ; in Low Lat. hrocus, from O. H. G. hrocJi. For hr=/r see /rapper. — Der. /rocard. de/rogue, de/roqueT. FROID, adj. cold; from L. frigdus, used popularly at Rome for frigidus. ' Frigida non fricda/ says the Appendix ad Probum. We also tind frigdor for frigidor, frig- dosus for frigidosus, &c. For this loss of 1 see § 52. Frigdus becomes /ro/rf by gd — d (see amatide), i = oi (see § 74). — Der. /roideur, /roidme, xe/roidir. FROISSER, va. to bruise, rub violently; from L. frictiare*, der. from frictus, partic. of fricare. For -ctiare = -sser see agencer ; for i = oi see § 74. — Der. /roissement,/roiss- ure. FROLER, va. to graze ; from L. frictulare, dim. of frictare*, frequent, of fricare. Frictulare becomes fritulare by ct = t (see affete) ; frituMre, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to frit'lare, changes i into (see /rotter), whence /rot'ler, whence /roler, by assimilating // into / (see § 168). — Der. /ro/ement. FROMAGE, sm. cheese ; formerly /ormage, Prov. /ormatge, from L. formaticum ( = caseum in Merov. and Carol, docu- ments. In the Glosses of Reichenau, 8th cent., we have ' caseum = formaticiiJtn'). Formaticum is properly something made in a form. Papias quotes formaticum. as a popular word : ' caseus vulgo form.ati- eum.' Ducange quotes a pth-cent. pas- sage to like effect : ' Ova manducant et formaticum, id est, caseum.' Formati- cum. becomes /ormage by -aticum — -age (see § 248) ; then /romage by transposing r (see aprete). — Der. /romager, /romagerie. FROMENT, SOT. wheat ; from L. fru- m.entum. For u = see annoncer. FRONCER, va. to wrinkle up, frown; from L. frontiare *, der. from frontem. For -tiare = -cer see agencer. — Der. /ronce (verbal subst.), /rowcement, /roncis, d6- /roncer. FRONDE, s/. a sling ; from L. funda. For u = see annoncer ; for intercalated r see chanvre. — Der. /rondtr , /rondenr . FRONT, sm. forehead, front ; from L. fron- tem. — Der. /ronta.\, /rontea.\x, /ronton, af- /ront, zf/ronttx, con/ronttr, tf/rontd, ef/ront- erie. FRONTIERE, s/. a frontier ; from L. fron- teria*, a word used for a boundary line between two countries in medieval docu- ments, literally the face-to-face boundaries between two countries : from firontem. For e = ie see § 56. M l^^ FR ONTISPICE — F USSE. Prontispice, ftn. a frontispiece; from L. frontibpicium*. FRONTON, itn. a frontal, pediment. See front. FROTTER, vn. to rub ; from L. frictare *, frequent, of frioare. For ot = tt see § l68 ; for i = o cp. ordino, ordonne; {t ictxxl SLT e, froler.— Der. froUement, frott- age, JroUeuT. frottoxr. fPructidor, sm. Fructidor (the 12th month in the Republican Calendar, from Aug. 18 to Sept. 16) ; der. from L. fructus. Fructification, ./. fructification ; from L. fructificationem. Pructifier, vn. to fructify ; from L. fruc- tificare. PructueilX, adj. fruitful; from L. fruc- tuosus. For -os\XB = -eiix see § 2^29. Frugal, adj. frugal; from L. frugal is. Frugality, s/". frugality; from L. frugali- tatem. Frugivore, adj. frugivorous; from L. frugem and vorare. FRUIT, SOT. fruit; from L. ftiictus. For ct = iV see at trail. — Der. fruititx, fruit- erie. FRUSQUIN, sm. in pi., sticks and stems, one's goods and chattels. Origin unknown. + Pruste, adj. defaced (of coins, etc.); from \\. frusta. Frustration, sf. frustration; from L. frus- trationem. Frustrer, va. to defraud, frustrate ; from L. frustrari. Fugace, adj. fugitive, transient; from L. fugacem. Fugitif, adj. fugitive, sm. a fugitive ; from L. fugitivus. t Fugue, •/. a fugue; from It. fuga. Its doublet is fuie. FUIR, vn. to flee; from L. fugSre. For regular contr. into fug're see § 51, whence yi/i'r. For gr — ir see accueillir and buis. — Der. fuite (partic. subst., see absoute), fuyzrd, s'en/w/r. FUITE, s/. flight. See/wV. Fulgural, adj. fulgurous; from L. fulgu- ralis. Fulguration, sf. lightning; from L. ful- gurationem. Fuligineux, adj. fuliginous; from L. fuliginosus. Fulminer, va. to fulminate ; from L. ful- minare. — Der. fulminznt, fulmimtion. FUMER, vn. to smoke, va. to dry by smoke ; from L. fmnaxe. — Der. fumee (partic. subst.), fumzge, fumet, /wmeur, fumoir, fumcron, /wmiste, enfi/mcT, par- fumcr. FUMEUX, adj. smoky; from L. fumosus. For -osus = -fj/jc see § 229. FUMIER, sm. dung : formerly femier ; from L. fimariuin*, deriv. of fimus. For -arius — -«er see § 198; for i-e = u see affubler. Fumigation, sf. fumigation. See fum- iger. Fumiger, va. to fumigate: from L. fum- igare. — Der. fumigzHon, fumignXoire. Funanibule,sOT. a rope-dancer, adj dancing on the rope; from L. funambulus. Fundbre, adj. funeral; from L. funebris. Fun6railles, sf. pi. funeral ; from L. fune- ralia *. For -alia= -aille see ail. . Fun6raire, adj. funeral; from L. func-j rarius. ' Funeste, adj. fatal, baleful; from L. funestus. Funin, sm. a hawser ; dim, of fune, which from L. funis. FUR, sm. in proportion ; a pleonastic expres- sion, for fur means price, measure, pro- portion. Fur is from L. forum, in sense of price; see h forfait. For o = « see curee; cp. mesure. Fur is a doublet of for, q. V. FURET, SOT, a ferret; dim. of/wr*; a root answering to L. furo, in Isidore of Seville. — Der. fureter (properly to hunt with the ferret, then to rummage). FURETER, vn. to ferret, rummage. See furet. — Der. fureteur. Fureur, sw, fury ; from L. furore m. Furibond, adj. furious; from L. furi- bundus, Furie, sf fury ; from L. furia. Furieux, adj. furious; from L. furiosus. For -osua = -eux see § 229. Furoncle, sot. a gathering, boil ; from L. furunculus. Furtif, adj. furtive; from L. furtivus. FUSAIN, SOT. spindlewood, a tree whose wood makes good spindles (fuseau). Fusain an- swers to a Lat. fusanus *, deriv. of fasus. For -anus = -am see § 194. The word is also used for the charcoal used by draughts- men, which is made of spindlewood. FUSEAU, SOT. a spindle, distaff; formerly fusel. For el = eau see agneau. Fusel re- presents L. fasellus *, from fusus. FUSEE, sf. a spindleful ; properly the ball of thread on the spindle, then a piece of artillery of that shape. In its first sense fuseau comes from L. fusata *, which has FUSER — GA GNA GE. 1 53 the same meaning. ' Portans secum duas fusatas fili,' says a document of a.d. 1355. For -ata = -eV see § 201. FllSer, va. to fuse; from L, fusare*, deriv. of partic. fusus, from fundere. Fusible, adj. fusible; from L. fusibilis. — Der. fusibilixe (from fusibilitatem *, from fusibilis). FUSIL, sm. a steel (to strike flint with), tinderbox, hammer (of a gun), then a musket, by extension. Fu&il is in It. focile, from L. focile*, steel (to strike fire with), from focus. For o = u see curee; for o = s see amitie. — Der. f7isilhT,fusilhde, fusilier . Fusion, sf. fusion; from L. fusionem. Its doublet isfoison, q. v. — Der./Mszowner. Fustiger, va. to beat, whip; from L. fustigare — Der. /ws/z^ation. FUT, sm. a cask ; formerly fust ; properly wood (as in the phrase le fut cfune lance). from L. fustis. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. fut^ie, futa.i\le (a little cask), fiite (crafty, one who has experience, has suffered, in O. Fr. one who has been beaten with ayw/ or stick), af/i// (compd, of a and fut, i. e. = au bois, properly the leaning up against a tree to watch game ; thence a gun-carriage). FUTAIE, sf a forest. See fut. FUTAILLE, sf. a small cask. Seefiit. t Futaine, sf fustian ; {oxmerXy fustaigne ; introd. in middle ages, through Genoese commerce, from It. fustagno. FCtTE, adj. crafty. See/«^ Futile, adj. futile ; from L. futilis. Futility, sf. futility; from L. futilitatem. Futur, adj. future; from L. futurus. FUYANT, adj. flying, fleeting, fading. See fuir. FUYARD, sm. a fugitive. See fuir. G. t Gabarre, /. a storeship, lighter; from It. gabarra. — Der. gabarier, gabarit (a model for the construction of these ships, then used for any naval model). GABELLE, sf. gabel, salt-tax ; originally any kind of tax, a word of Germ, origin, Engl. gabel, gavel, A. S. gafol. Gabelle is a doublet of cabale, q. v. — Der. gabelem, gabelou, gabeler, gabehge. GABER, va. to mock at, gibe at. It. gab- bare; of Germ, origin, O. Scand. gabba, to deceive. fGabier, sm. a topman; introd. from. It. gabbiere. + Gabion, sm. a gabion; introd. from It. gabbione. — Der, gabionner. G&che, sf. a staple. Origin unknown. — Der. gnchette. GACHER, va. to bungle ; formerly gascher ; properly to temper mortar : of Germ, origin, O. H. G. washan, to wash ; whence in Low Lat. a form wascare*, whence gascher, by regular transformation. For initial ■w=^w = g' before a, as in wadiare, gager; weidaniare*, gagner; wantus, gant; warant, garant; warten, garder; warenn^L, garenne; wa.r on, garer; war- nian, garnir; wastel, gateau; welk, gauche; wafer, gaufre; walu, gaule; WASO, gazon. ^w remains before e ; werra, guerre; w er } a.n, guerir; wahten, guetter. For GSk — che see §§ 126 and 54; for loss of s see Hist. Gram p. 8 1 — DcT.gdche (verbal subst.), gachtur, gncheux, gachh. GACHE TTE, sf a tumbler (term of gunnery). See gache. Gade, sm. a codfish ; from Gr, 7(i5o$. GADOUE, sf. a clearing out (of cesspools, etc.). Origin unknown. — Der. gadousLtd. GAFFE, sf. a boat-hook ; of Celtic origin, Gael. gaf. — Der. gaffer. GAGE, sm. a pledge, forfeit. See gager. — Der. ^a^iste. GAGER, va. to wager, hire, pay. Pro v. gatjar, from L. wadiare *, found in Ger- manic codes: it is der. from wadium*, found in the same codes in sense of a pledge, "Wadium is of Germ, origin, and answers to Goth. vadi. "Wadiare, regularly trans- formed (see abreger, and Hist. Gram. p. 65) into "wadjare, becomes gager. For dj =^ see ajouter; for vr^g see gdcher. — Der. gage (verbal subst.), ^a^erie, ^a^eur, ^a^eure, engager, d^gager. GAGNAGE, sm. pasture land, pasturage. See gagner. M 2 164 GA GNER — GA L VA NIQUE. GAGNER, va. to earn; formerly to make pfofit out of cultivation, originally to make profit by pasturing cattle ; hence the word first means to pasture : this sense is kept in gagnage, q. v., and in such hunting phrases as le lievre gagne, le cerf gcigne, i.e. the hare, stag, feeds. Gagner, in O. Fr. gaagner, Prov. gazanhar. It. guadagnare, O. Sp. guadanar, is , of Germ, origin, O. H. G. weidanjan, to pasture cattle. This form answers to the Low Lat. form ■weidaniare *. For loss of medial d see accabler ; for w =^ see gdcher ; for ni =gn see cigogne. Gaagner had formed the O. Fr. verbal subst. gaaing, now contrd. into gain. GAI, adj. gay, blithe; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. gaki, lively, alert, whence later gay. — Der. gaiet6, egaytx. •fQ-aiac, sm. guiac, holywood; a word introd. from St, Uomingo. GAIETE, sf. gaiety. See gat. GAILLARD, sm. sprightly, merry. Origin unknown. — Der. gaillardise, ragaillardiT. GAIN, sm. earnings, profits. See gagner. GAINE, sf. a sheath; from L. vagina. For -agina. = -ame see faine. The form vaina became gaine by changing the initial v into g, as in vastare, gdter, and Hist. Gram. p. 64. Gaine is a doublet oivagine. — Der. gain\e.x, gainerie, engainer, rengaintr, degainer. "t-Qala, sm. a gala; introd. from It. gala. GALANT, adj. worthy, good, gallant ; partic. of verb galer, meaning in O. Fr, to rejoice. This word is of Germ, origin, from A. S, gal. — Der, galanterie, galantm, galantisei. Q-alantine, sf. a galantine (dish of turkey or veal, fish, with herbs, etc.); found in medieval documents. For the insertion of n see con- , combre. Galalina is a corruption oi gelatma (see gelatine). For this word see an example in the Philippide of Guillaume le Breton (liv. X.) : ' Millia salmonum murenarumque ministrat Britigenis, quos inde procul com- mercia mittunt Chara diu, dum servat eis Galatina vigorem,' A MS, account-book of A.D. 1240 gives the same sense to the word : ' De duodecim lampredis portatis in galatina.' G-alaxie, sf. a galaxy; from Gr, yaKa^ia. Galbanum, sm. galbanum; from L. gal- banum. "f-Galbe, sm. (Archit.) entasis, entour; garbe in Ronsard (i6th cent.) : from It. garbo. GALE, 5/, scab (on fruit, etc), itch; properly a hardness of skin, thence a cutaneous dis- order which makes the skin hard and thick : from L. callus. Callus is found in sense of the itch in medieval Lat. We find its deriv. callosus in sense of scurfy in an i ith- cent. document : ' Insuper expertus calloso corpore lepram.' For c =^ see adjuger. — Der. gahux (whose doublet is calleux). tGalega, sm. (Bot.) goatsbeard; from Sp. gallega. Galdne, sf. (Min.) galena ; from L. ga- lena. t Galore, s/. galley; introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. galera. — Der. galeritn. t Galer ie, sf. a gallery; introd. from It. galleria. GALERNE, sf. the north-west wind ; of Celtic origin, Bret, givalern. GALET, sm. a pebble, shovel-board. Origin unknown. — Der. galette (which has the flat and round shape of the galet). GALETAS, sm. a garret. Origin unknown. GALIMATIAS, sm. nonsense. Origin un- known, GALION, GALIOTE, sm. a galleon; from O, Fr. galee. Origin unknown. GALIOTE, sf a galliot. See galion. Galle, sf. an oak-apple, gall; from L. galla, — Der. ^a//ique, Galilean, adj. Gallican; from L. galli- canus*, from gallus. Gallinace, adj. gallinaceous; from L. gal- linaceus. i Gallon, sm. a gallon ; from "Exi^. gallon. GALOCHE, sf. a galoshe; properly a shoe with a wooden sole : from L. calopedia *, used often for a wooden shoe in medieval writers. Calopedia is from Gr. Ka\o- TToSiov. Calopedia is contr, (see § 52) into calop'dia, which is transformed regu- larly (see abreger) into calopd'ja, whence galoche. YoxG=g see adjuger] for pd = c? see hideux; for dja. = che see ajouter and abreger. GALONNER, va. to lace (with gold, silver, etc). Origin unknown.— Der. galon. GALOPER, vn. to gallop. Prov. -galaupar; of Germ, origin, GoXh.. gahlaupan* (compd. of hlaupan, to run, and the prefix ga. For ajc — o see alouette, — Der, galop (verbal subst,), galopin, galopa.de. Galoubet, sm. a kind of flute. Origin un- known. Galvanique, adj. galvanic ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from Galvani, the Italian physician, who discovered the phenomenon i named after him in a.d, 1780. GALVA UDER — GASCON. l6'^ Galvauder, va. to throw into disorder. Origin unknown. f Gambade, sf. a gambol; introd. from It. gambata, — Der. gambadev. t Gambit, sm. gambit (chess); from It. gambetto. GAMELLE, sf. a platter, bowl ; from L. camella. For c=g see adjuger. GAMIN, sm. an urchin, street boy. Origin unknown. — Der. gaminer, gaminene. Gam.me, sf. (Mus.) gamut, scale; named after the Gr. letter gamma. Guy of Arezzo used to end the series of seven notes of the musical scale by this mark y. . He named ■ the notes a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and the last of the series has given its name to the whole scale. f Ganache, sf. the lower jaw, a dunce; from It. ganascia. Ganglion, sm. a ganglion; from L. gan- glionem. Gangrene, sf a gangrene; from L. gan- graena. — Der. gangreneux, gangrener. fGangue, sf (Min.) gangue, veinstone; from Germ. gang. GANSE, sf bobbin. Origin unknown. GANT, sm. a glove ; from L. wantus *. In Karl's Capitularies we have ' wantos in aestate,' and in the Acta Sanctorum, ' chiro- thecas quas vulgo "wantos vocant.' "Wan- tus is of Germ, origin, answering to Swed. watite. "Wantus becomes gant by chang- ing w into g (see gdcher). Der. gander, ganter, ganterie, gantelex (through gantel*). GARANCE, sf. (Bot.) madder. Origin un- known. — Der. garancer. GARANT, sm. a guarantee, voucher, surety. Low L. warantus ; of Germ. origiPx, Engl. warrant, Fries, warend. For vr=g see gdcher. — Der. garant'n, garande. tGarcette, sf (Naut.) a gasket; from Sp. garceta. GARCON, sm. a boy ; dim. of gars. Origin unknown. GARDER, va. to guard, keep, take care of; of Germ, origin, O. H. G warten, to watch over. For ^=g see gdcher. — Der. garde (verbal subst.), gardeuT, gardien, xegarder, regard. GARDIEN, sm. a guardian. See garder. GARDON, sw. a roach. Origin unknown, GARE, sf. a basin (river), railway platform, terminus. See garer. GARENNE, sf. a warren, properly a district in which the rights of hunting were reserved, originally a prohibition to hunt in a wood. Garenne, in medieval L, warenna^ is of Germ, origin, from O. H. G. ivaron, to forbid. "Warenna becomes gare?ine by w =g, for which see gdcher. — Y)tr. gar ennxer. GARER, va. (Naut.) to put into dock ; of Germ, origin, O. H.G. waron. — Der. gare (verbal subst.), kgarer. Gargariser, va. to gargle ; from L. gar- garizare. Gargarisme, sm. gargling; from L. gar- garisma. GARGOTE, /. a cook-shop. Origin un- known. — Der. gargotxer, gargoter, gargot- age. GARGOUILLE, sj. a gargoyle. Origin un- known. — Der. gargouiller, gargouillement, gargoidU'is, gargouilhde. Gargousse, sf a cartridge. Origin un- known. GARNEMENT, sm. a scapegrace, worthless fellow. See garnir. GARNIR, va. to garnish, furnish; of Germ, origin, A. S. warnian, to take care, defend. For w=g see gdcher. — Der. ^arw'ture, garnement (properly that which seems to defend, protect ; so mauvais garnement is that which defends badly, i. e. is worth nothing, thence by extension a bad fel- low), garnison (from garnir, in its first sense of to defend), garnis^ire, garni (partic. subst.). GARNISON, sf. a garrison. See garni. GARNITURE, sf. garnishing, set, furniture, lining. See garnir. GAROU(LOUP), sm. a were-wolf,in medieval mythology a man who is changed into a wolf and roams at night. Garou, O. Fr. garonl, is from gerulphus, found in medieval Lat. Gervasius Tilberiensis says of this imaginary creature, 'Vidimus enim frequenter in Anglia per lunationes homines in lupos mutari, quod hominum genus gerulphos Galli nominant, Angli vero were-vulf dicunt.' Gerulphus is of Germ, origin, and answers to Swed. varulf Varulf is compd. of var (a man) and ulf (a wolf), and means a man-wolf. Gerulphus produced O. Fr. garoul. For e = a see amender ; for w. — ou see § 90 ; for lpli = Zcp.Radulphus, i?ao?^Z; for oul = ou cp. St. Ulfus, St. Ou. GARROT, sm. a packing-stick. Origin un- known. — Der. garrotter. GARROT, sm. withers (of a horse). Origin unknown. GARROTTER, va. to bind with strong cords, tie down. See garrot. GARS, sm. a boy. See gargon. GASCON, adj. Gascon ; from L. Vasconem, i66 GA SPILLER — QELINE. an inhabitant of Vasconia. For v=^ see gaxne. - Der. gascorinei, gasconuzde. GASPILLER, va. to throw into confusion, squander, waste ; of Germ, origin, A. S. gaspillan, to waste, spend. — Der. gaspilleuT, gaspilhge. Qaster, sm. (Med.) gaster; from Or. yaarrjp. — Der. gaslrique, gastrite. Gastralgie. ./. (Med.) gastralgia ; stomach- ache ; from Gr. yaarpakyia. Gastrique, adj. gastric. See gaster. Gastrite, sf. (Med.) gastritis. See gasfer. Gastronomie, sf. gastronomy ; from Gr. yaaTpovofiia. — Dei. gastronome, gastronom- ique. GATEAU, sm. a cake ; formerly gasteau, originally gastel (for el = eau see agneau). Gastel is of Germ origin, answering to O. H. G. wastel. For w = g see packer. GA.TER, va. to spoil ; formerly gaster, from L. vastare. For v=^ see game; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 8l. — Der. d^gdl. GAUCHE, sf. left hand (lit. the weak hand); adj. left, awkward ; fern, form of gauc *, originally gale *, a form of Germ, origin, answering to O. H. G. welk, which becomes gale. For io = g see gaeher ; for e = a see amender; for al = au see agneau. Thus the left hand properly means the weak hand, which has not the qualities of strength, agility, address, attributed to the right hand. Strange as this origin may seem, it is quite certain, and is confirmed by the existence of analogous metaphors in other languages. Thus in It. the left hand is stanca, the fatigued, or manca, the defective ; Mod. Prov. calls it man seneco, the decrepit hand. — Der. gavchex, gaueherie, gaueh'ix. GAUCHIR, vn. to turn aside, shuffle. See gauche. — Der. ^awcAissement. GAUDE, sf. (Bot.) mignonette; of Germ, origin, Germ, waude. For w=g see gdcher. Gaudir, vpr. to rajoice, mock (at); from L. gaud ere. Its doublet is jouir, q. v. — Der. gaudnole (for gaudiole). ■' Gaudriole, ./. a broad jest. See gaudir. GAUFRE, sf a honeycomb, wafer (cake) ; formerly gafre. Of Germ, origin, Engl. wafer. Germ, waffel. For w = g see gaeher. — Der. gaufrex, gaufr'xex, gaufruxe. GAULE, sf a long pole, switch; formerly waule. Of Germ, origin, Fries, walu. For w=g see gaeher.— Dex. gaidex. GAULOIS, adj. Gaulish, olden, rude, patri- archal ; deriv. of Gaule, which from L. Qallia. For al = au see agneau. GAUPE, sf. a slattern, slut. Origin unknown. fGausser, vpr. to mock, banter; introd. from Sp. gozar, gozarse. — Der. gaussenx, gaussexie. Gavotte, sf. a gavot. Of hist, origin, see § 33. Originally a dance of the Gavotes, i. e. people of Gap. Gaz, sm. gas. Of hist, origin, see § 33. It was invented in the 16th cent, by the alchemist Van-Helmont. — Der. gazeux, ^azeifier, ^azeiforme, ^azier, ^ctzometre. Gaze. sf. gauze. Of hist, origin, see § 33 ; a fabric first made at Gaza in Palestine. — Der. gazex. i* Gazelle, sf a gazelle. Of Oriental origin, introd. from Africa by St. Louis' Crusaders. It is the dim. of Ar. ghaza. t Gazette, sf. a gazette; introd. from It. gazetta. — Der. gazetiex. Gazomdtre, sm. a gasometer; from gaz (q. v.), and from Gr. fi^rpov. GAZON, sm. turf, grass, sod ; formerly wason. Of Germ, origin, O. H.G. waso. For tv = g see gaeher. — Gazon is a doublet of vase, q. v. — Der. gazonnex, gazonx\ement. GAZOUILLER, va. to twitter; secondary form of O. Fr. gaziller; dim. of gaser, which is for jaser. — Der. gazouillement, gazouill'is. GEAI, sm. a jay; formerly gai, which is in fact the adj. gai, for the jay gets its name from its chattering ways. The O. Sp., which uses gayo for both jay and gay, confirms this origin. GEANT, sm. giant. It. gigante, from L. gigantem. For loss of medial g see Hist. Gram. p. 82 ; for i = e see mettre. G6heiine, sf Gehenna ; from L. gehenna, found in TertuUian, who had transcribed this word from the Septuagint yUvva, which is the Heb. gehinnom, the place of eternal doom. For this word see § 30. Gehenne is a doublet oi gene, q.v. GEINDRE, vn. to moan ; from L. gemere, by regular contr. (see § 51) of gemere into gera*re, whence geindre. For e = ei see §61; for in = « see ehanger ; for nv — ndr see absoudre. Geindre is a doublet of gemir, q. v. Gelatine, sf gelatine ; from L. gelatina *, der. from gelatus (congealed). — Der. gelatineux. GELER, va. to freeze; from L. gelare. — Der. gel6e (partic. subst.), gelif, gelive, engeluxe, d&geler, congeler. GELIF, GELIVE, adj. split by frost (of trees, etc.). See geler. GELINE, sf a hen, fowl; from L. gal- GELINO TTE — GENTILHOMME. 16 j lina. For a = e see § 54. — Der. gelin- otte. GFXINOTTE, sf. a fowl fattened in the yard, hazel-hen. See geline. G6ineau, sm. in pi. twins ; formerly gemel ; from L. gemellus. For e\ = eau see agneau. Mod. Fr. only uses the word in the sing, in astronomical phrases, as ge- meau occidental, gemeau oriental, i. e. Castor and Pollux. Gemeau is a doublet o(jumeau, q. v. Oemine, adj. (Bot.) geminate, double ; from L. geminatus. GEMIR, vn. to groan ; from L. gemere. In this case the accent is displaced from gemere to gemere, as in accourir. For e = i see accotnplir. Gemir is a doublet of geindre, q. v. — Der. gemisiement. Gremme, s/". a gem ; from L. gemma. Gemonies, sf. the Gemonian stairs (in Ro- man antiquities) ; from L. gemoniae (sc. scalae). GP^NvJlVE, sf. the gum (in the mouth) ; from L. gingiva. For g = c see f raise ; for i = e see admettre. GENDARME, sm. a gendarme, man at arms ; formerly gent d'arme. See under gens, de and arme. — Der. gendarmerie, gendarm- er(se). GENDRE, sm. a son-in-law; from L. gener, by regular contr. (see § 51) of generum. into gen'rum., whence gendre. For nr =^ ndr see absoudre. GENE, sf. formerly torture: mettre a la gene was = donner la question, to put to torture. It is easy to see how the word has gradually lost its strength : gene, whose doublet is gehenne, is from L. gehenna, the place of torment in TertuUian ; thence any punishment, torture. — Der. gtnex. Genealogie, sf a genealogy ; from L. ge- uealogia. — Der. genealog\(\ne, genealog- ists GENER, va. to vex, torment, incommode. See gene. General, adj. general; from L. generalis. — Der. general (sm.), generaht, general- iser, generalite. • Generaliser, va. to generalise. See gene" ral. — Der. generalisation. G^n^ralissime, sm. a generalissimo ; from L. generalissimus*, superl. of gene- ralis. G6n§rateur, sm. a generator; from L. generatorem. Generation, sf. a generation; from L. ge- nerationem. G6n6reux, Of//, generous; from L. gene- rosus. For -os\x.s = -eux see § 229. G^nerique, adj. generic; from L. gene- ricus *. G6nerosit6, sf. generosity; from L. gene- rositatem. Gendse, sf. genesis ; from Gr. ytveais. + Genet, sm. a jennet (Spanish horse); from Sp. ginete, a light-armed horseman. GENET, sm. the broom ; formerly genest, from L. genista. For i = e see mettre ; for loss of -s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. tGenette, ./.a genet. Of Oriental origin. Ar.djerneith. GENEVRIER, sm. a juniper tree. See genievre. G6nie, sm. genius; from L. genius. GENIFJVRE, sm. a juniper ; formerly genevre, from L. juniperus. Regularly contr. into junip'rus, after the law of Lat. accent (see § 51), it becomes genevre. For p - v see § III; for u = e see chapeler ; for j=^ cp. junicem, genisse ; jacere, gesir. For genevre = genievre, see arriere. — Der. genevrier. GENISSE, sf. a heifer; from L. junicem. For u = ^ see chapeler; for ]=g see ge- nievre ; for c = ss see amitie. G6nital, adj. genital; from L. genitalis. G6nitif, sm. the genitive; from L. geni- tivus. G6niture, sf offspring, child; from L. genitura. GENOU, sm. a knee ; formerly genonil, from L. genuculum, dim. of genu. Genu- culum signifies a knee in the Germ, codes : ' Si tibia subtus genuculo media incisa fiierit,' says the Lex Frisonum, 22, 60, Genuculum becomes genouil by -uculum — -ouil, see § 258. For genouil —genou see Hist. Gram. p. 191. — From O. Fr. genouil comes 2igenou\\\ex, genouillhre. Genre, sm. a kind, description; from L. ' genere, abl. of geniw. GENS, smf.pl. people; -pi. of gent, q. v. GENT, sf a nation; from L. gentem. — Der. gens. GENT, adj. fair, comely, pretty; from L. genitus, of good birth, then gracious, charming. For regular contr. of genitus into gen'tus see §■ 51. — Der. zgencer (from a form agentiare*, deriv. of gentus * for genitus. See agencer). Gentiane, sf the gentian ; from L. gen- tiana. Gentil, adj. pretty; from L. gentilis. — Der. p-f'ntWe'ise ^entillktre. GENTILHOMME, sm. a nobleman, person i68 GENTILlA TRE — GIB OYER . of quality ; compd. of homme and genlil, in sense of a person of good birth. — Der. gentilhommene, gentilhotntmhrt. Qentill&tre, sm. a lordiing. See gentil. Gtentillesse, sf. prettiness, gracefulness. See gentil. (^nuflexion, sf. a genuflection ; from L. genuflexionem ♦. Q6od6sie, .•/. geodesy ; from Gr. 'yioi^aiaia. G6ognosie, sf. geognosy ; from Gr. yfj and yvijais. — Der. g"eWe'sique. Q^Ographie, sf geography ; from L. geographia. — Der. geographique, geo- graphe. GEOLE, sf a gaol; formerly gaiole. It. gabbiola, from L. caveola. Geole (a prison, properly a cage) still had both senses in the middle ages; in the 13th cent, people spoke of the geole (fun oiseau as well as of the gedle (Twi prisonnier. Caveola, which consonified eo into io (see ahreger) and changed c into g (see adjuger), became gaviola, found in the form gabiola in a charter of a.d. 1229: ' Ipsos quittamus ab omni . . . custodia villae, turris et gabiolae, ab exercitu,' etc. Gabiola becomes jaiole. For loss of medial b see aboyer ; for g =j see jumeau. O. Yt. jaiole becomes jeole : for ai = ae = e see § 103 ; and lastly geole, see genievre. In the sense of a birdcage geole has produced the compd. engeoler, now spelt enjoler, which in the middle ages = mettre en cage. Cp. Sp. enjaular, der. from jaula, a cage. Engeoler in fowler's language meant to lure a bird into a snare or cage by help of other birds. From this technical sense the word came metaph. to mean ' to cajole,' ' take in by flattering words.' The spelling engeoler, which is etymol. correct, and indicates the origin of the word, continued down to the beginning of the 18th cent. — Der. geol'xer. G6ologie, sf. geology; from Gr. yf} and A070S. — Der. geologlque, geologue. G^omancie, s/.- geomancy ; from L. geo- mantia. — Der. geotnanc'ien. G6oilldtre, s?«. a geometrician ; from L. geometra.— Der. geometral. Q^Olll6trie, sf. geometry ; from L. geo- metria. — Der. ^e'oweVrique. Geranium, sm. a geranium ; from L. geranium. GERBE, sf. a sheaf. O. Fr. garbe, from O. H. G. garba. — Der. gerbee, gerber. GERCER, va. to chap, crack (in cold weather); formerly garcer, from L. carptiare*, , deriv. of carptus, partic. of carpere, to break, split. Carptiare becomes garcer. For c =g see adjuger; for -tiare = -cer see agencer; garcer becomes gercer by a=-e, see § 54 — Der. ^erf-ure. G6rer, va. to administer, manage ; from L. gerere. — Der. gerznX. GERFAUT, sm. a gerfalcon ; formerly ger- fauc, originally gerfalc; of Germ, origin, Germ, gerfalk. For al = au see agneau. Germain, adj. german (cousin) ; from L. germanus. t Gerinandr6e, sf (Bot.) germander (for gelmandree) ; from It. calamandrea. GERME, sm. a germ; from L. genaen. GERMER, vn. to shoot, bud ; from L. ger- minare, by regular contr. (see § 52) of germinare into germ'nare, whence germer. For mn = n see allumer. Gherminal, adj. germinal, sm. Germinal (the 7th month in the French calendar, Mar. 21 to April 19). Germination, sf germination; from L. germinationem. G6rondif, adj. gerundive; from L. gerun- divus. GESIER, sf the gizzard ; from L. gigerium, unused sing, of gigeria. For i = e see mettre', for g = s see f raise; for e = ie see GESIR, vn. to lie (infinitive of git,gisais, etc.) ; from L. jacere. For j=^ see genievre; for a = e see § 54 ; for c = s see amitie ; for e = i see § 59. — Der. gesine. Gestation, sf gestation ; from L. gesta- tionem. Q^ste, sm. a gesture ; from L. gestus. Gesticuler, vn. to gesticulate ; from L. gesticulari. — Der. gesticuhtion, gesticul- ateur. Gestion, sf administration; from L. ges- tionem. Gibbosit6, sf. gibbousness; from L. gib- bositatem*, from gibbosus. GIBECI^RE, sf a game-pouch ; der. from O. Fr. gibecer. Cp. grimaciere from gri- macer. See gibier. GIBELET, sm. a gimlet. Origin unknown. GIBELJDTTE, sf a gibelotte, rabbit-stew. Origin unknown. + Giberne, sf a cartridge-box ; introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. giberna. GIBET, sm. a gibbet. Origin unknown. GIBIER, sm. game. Origin unknown. GIBOULEE, sf. a shower, hail-storm. Origin unknown. GIBOYER, vn. to hunt. See gibier.— Tiex. giboyeuT, giboyeux. GIGA NTESQUE — GLAIVE. 169 tGigantesque, adj. gigantic; introd, from It. gigantesco. GIGOT, sm. a leg of mutton. See gigue. GIGUE, sf. a leg. Origin unknown. — Der. GIGUE, sf. a jig, a dance to the sound of the gigue, an O. Fr. name for a stringed instru- ment. Gigue is of Germ origin, M. H. G. gige. Germ, geige, a violin. GILET, sm. a waistcoat. See gille. — Der. ^fZetiere. GILLE, sm. a clown (at a theatre). As a pro- per name Gille represents the L. Aegidius; ' Sanctus Aegidius ' is in Fr. Saint Gilles. But why is the theatre clown "called Gille ? We know not. — Der. gilet (originally a sleeveless waistcoat worn by clowns on the stage. A similar metaphor is found under jaquette, q. v.). GIMBLETTE, sf. a kind of cake. Origin unknown. GINGEMBRE, sm. ginger ; in Joinville gin- gimbre, originally gingibre, from L. zinzi- berum. For regular contr. to zinzib'rum see § 51 ; hence gingibre by z=g, see jaloux. For intercalated m (gingimbre) see lambruche; for i = e (gingetnbre) see mettre. •}- Girafe, sf a giraffe; of Oriental origin. Ar. zurafa. For z=g see gingembre. t Girandole, sf a girandole, spring (of guns) ; from It. girandola. Girasol, sm. a girasol; from L. gyrare and sol. Giratoire, adj. gyral ; from L. gyrato- rius*, deriv. of gyratus, partic. of gy- rare. GIROFLE, sm. a clove ; corruption (for cheriofle see § 172) of L. caryopliyllum. Contrd., according to the Gr. accent (wap- v6(pvWov, see § 51), into caryoph'lum, whence girofle. For ph. =/ see coffre ; for C=g see accointer. For the unwonted phe- nomenon of a = i see aimant; io = o is still more rare. — Der. giroflier, girofl6&. GIRON, sm. lap. Before it received its pre- sent sense it signified the part of the dress between the girdle and the knees : in me- dieval Lat. the word was giro, signifying the lower part of the tunic ; ' Mox cum sinistra manu girones albas accipiens, et ante se tenens, spargit ante se aquam be- nedictam,' a passage quoted by Ducange. The L. giro* is of Germ, origin, M.H.G. gere, a skirt. GIROUETTE, sf. a vane, weathercock; from O. Fr. girer, which is from L. gjn-are. GISANT, adj. lying (ill, dead) ; from L. ja- centem. For a = i see aimatit ; for c = s see amide ; for i=g see genievre. GISEMENT, sm. bearing (in geology, naviga- tion), der. from gesir (q. v.) ; gisement is for gesement, see accomplir. GITE, sm. home, lodging, site, seat, form, gist ; formerly giste. Low L. gista, origin- ally gesta, representing L. jacita* , a sleep- ing place, partic. of jacere. Jdcita, regu- larly contr. (see § 51) into jac'ta, becomes Low L. gesta by j=g, see genievre; by c = s, see amilie ; by a = e, see § 54. Gesta becomes O. Fr. giste by e = i, see § 59, and lastly gtte by loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. giter. GIVRE, sm. rime, hoar frost. Origin un- known, GIVRE, sf a snake. O. Fr. guivre, from L. vipera*, by regular contr. of vip§ra into vip'ra, whence guivre. For v=gu see gaine ; for p = i' see § iii. Glabre, adj. (Bot.) glabrous, unbearded ; from L. glaber. GLACE, sf ice ; from L. glacia*. a second- ary form of glaeies, found in Graeco-Lat. glossaries in the middle ages. For cia = ce see agencer. — Der. glafon, glacex, glacier, glacihve, glacis. Glacial, ac^'. glacial ; from L. glacialis. Gladiateur, sm. a gladiator ; from L. gla- diatorem. GLATEUL, sm. (Bot.) a gladiolus ; from L. gladiolus. For glad-io-lus = glad-io- lus see aieul ; hence gla'ieul, by loss of medial d (see accabler), and by -io\\XB = 4eul (see § 253). GLAIRE, sf glair, a term used by binders, signifying properly white of egg : the sense of ' glairous humour ' comes from the like- ness of this humour to the white of egg. It comes from L.clara in the phrase 'clarium ovi,' used in some Low Lat. documents. For c\ = gl and for a = a/ see § 54. This derivation is confirmed by It. chiara, Sp. and Port, clara. — Der. glaireux. GLAISE, sf loam, clay; from L. glitea*, found in a medieval glossary. Glitea is from glitem, found in Isidore of Seville, signifying thick clay. Glitea becomes re- gularly glitia (see § 58), whence glaise. For tia = se see agencer ; for i = ai see § 69 note 2 — Der. glaiser, glaiseax, glais- iere. GLAIVE, sm. a sword ; from L. gladius. For loss of d see accabler ; for insertion o^ V see corvee. I/O GLAND — OO^LA ND. GLAND, sm. an acorn ; from L. glandem. — Der. glande (from its likeness to an acorn), glandie. GLANDE. sf. (Anat.) a gland. See gland. Glandule, sf. (Anat.) a glandule; from L. glandula. Its O. Fr. doublet is glandre. — Der. glandulcMX, glanduUire. GLANER, va. to glean ; from L. glenare*. found in some 6th-cent, documents. Thus we read ' Si quis in messem alienam glenaverit' in a document of a. d. 561. Origin unknown. For e = a sec amender. — Der. glane (verbal subst.), glantuT, glan- ure, glanagc. GLAPIR, vn. to yelp; of Germ, origin, Neth. Happen. For g1 =gl see aigle. — Der. glapissement. GLAS, sm. a knell, passing-bell, also written das in O. Fr. ; from L. classicum, which in Class. Lat. was the signal by the trum- pet to call troops together ; in Eccles. Lat. the bell calling the monks to church, which latter sense is seen in the following : ' Ad matutinum primo totum classicum pul- setur, et, remanente classico, duo minora signa sonent, donee fratres ad ecclesiam con- veniant.' We even find ' classicxun mor- tuorum ' = gins des trespasses, the passing bell. Classicum becomes glas by loss of last two atonic syllables, see §§ 50, 51 : for cl = ^/ see aigle. Glauque, adj. glaucous; from L. glaucus. Gldbe, sf. glebe, soil ; from L. gleba. t Glette, s/. litharge ; from Germ, gla/te. GLISSER, vn. to slip, slide ; of Germ, origin, Neth. glitsen. — Der. glissoire, gliss&de, glissenr, glissement. Globe, sm. the globe; from L. globus. — Der. englober. Globule, sm. a globule; from L. globulus. Der. globuleux, globuhire. GLOIRE, sf. glory; from L. gloria. For transposition of i see chanoine. Glorieux, adj. glorious, boastful ; from L. gloriosus. For -OB\is = -eux see § 229. Glorifier, va. to glorify; from L. glorifi- care. — Der. glorification. Gloriole, sf. vainglory; from L. gloriola. Glose, sf. a gloss, carping, a parody ; from L. glossa. — Der.g'/oser,^/oseur,^Zossateur. Glossaire, sm. a glossary; from L. glos- sarium. Glossateur, sm. a glossologist. See glose. Glotte, sf. (Anat.) glottis ; from Gr. yXcoTTis. GLOUSSER, vn. to cluck ; formerly gloucer, from L. glociare *, deriv. of glocire. For oiare = ccr see agencer; for o = o» see affouage ; for cer * sser see agencer. — Der. gloui>semen\. GLOUTERON, sm. (Bot.) a burdock ; cor- ruption of O.Fr. gletteron. Gletteron is dtr. from glette (cp. moucheron from mouche, aileron from aile). O, Fr. glette, a burdock. The word is of Germ, origin, Germ, kletle. For cl=gl see aigle. GLOUTON, sm. a glutton; from L. glu- tonem, found in Festus. For u = ott see § 90. — Der. ^/o7^//o«nerie. GLU, sf. birdlime, glue. Prov. glut, from L. glutem, found in Ausonius. For loss of t see aigu. — Der. glimu, g/7/ant, engluer. GLUI, sm. thick straw. Origin unknown. Gluten, sm. gluten ; from L. gluten. — Der. glutineux. Glyptique, adj. glyptic (art of engraving figures on stone) ; from Gr. yXvirros. Gnome, sm. a gnome; a word made by Paracelsus from Gr. yvwfirj. Gnoniique,afl?/. gnomic; from Gt. 'fVcvfx.tKos. Gnomon, sm. a gnomon, dial-pointer ; from L. gnomon. — Der. gnomon'ique. GO (TOUT DE), adv. freely, unceremoni- ously. See gober. GOBELeT, sm. a goblet ; dim. of O. Fr. gobel. Gobel is from L. cupellum, masc. form of cupella, used in Apicius. For c = ^ see adjuger; for u = om see annoncer ; for p=^6 see § III. GOBELOTTER.vw. to tipple; from gobelot*, dim. of gobel (see gobelet). GOBER, va. to swallow greedily ; of Celtic origin, Gael, gob, the mouth, whence gober. GOBERGER, vpr. to amuse oneself, take one's ease. Origin unknown. GODAILLER, vn. to tipple ; der. from O.Fr. goder (cp. criailler from crier, etc.). Origin unknown. GODELUREAU, sm. a coxcomb, fop, sim- pleton. Origin unknown. GODER, vn. to be creased, puckered (of clothes). Origin unknown. GODET, sm. a drinking cup ; dim. of root ^0/, which still survives in the Saintonge patois. Got is from L. guttus, found in Pliny. For u = o s.ee annoncer ; for t - cf see § 117. GODIVEAU, sm. a forcemeat pie. Origin unknown. GODRON, sm. (Archit.) a round plait, god- roon. Origin unknown. — Der. godronner. GOELAND, sm, a gull; formerly goiland; of Celtic origin, Kymr. guilan. The root guil has produced both goeland and goelette, which is properly a sea-swallow, then metaph. a light bark. GOELETTE — GOURDE. 171 GOELETTE, sf. a schooner. See goeland. GOEMON, sm. sea-weed. Origin unknown. GOGO, adj. in clover. Origin unknown, GOGUENARD, adj. bantering, sm. a jester, banterer ; from O. Fr. gogue, pleasantry, which survives in deriv. goguetle. Origin unknown. — Der. goguenardei, gogiie?iard- erie, GOGUETTE, sf. a merry creature. See go- guenard. GOINFRE, sm. a gormandizer. Origin un- known. — Der. gotnfrer, goinfreTie. GOtTRE, sm. a goitre, swelled neck ; for- merly goetre, from L. gutter*, another form of guttur. Gutter properly signifies a throat, but is used for a goitre in late Lat. We find its deriv. gutturosus, for a goitre, in Ulpian : ' Si quis natura gut- turosus sit, aut oculos eminentes habeat, sanus videtur;' and the Scholiast on Juvenal's line, ' Quis tumiduni guttur miratur in Alpi- bus ?' has this note : ' Tanquam si in Alpibus gutturosos homines admireris.' Gutter, by u = o (see annoncer) and by metathesis of e, becomes goetre. — Der. ^-oi^reux. f Golfe, sm. a gulf; from It. golfo. Its doublet is gotiffre, q. v. Gomine, sf. gum; from L. gummi. For u = o see annoncer. — Der. gommer, gomm- eux, gommier. GOND, sm. a hinge; formerly gon, from L. gumphus *, a nail, piece of iron used as a hinge, which from Gr. yofAcpos. Gum- phus, which is found also in form gonfus in several iith-cent. documents, becomes gon in O. Fr. For u = o see annoncer ; for m = « see changer ; for ph =/ see coffre ; for lph=^=/, see garou. f Gondole, sf. a gondola; from It. ^ow- dola. — Der. gondolier. f Gonfalon, sm. a gonfalon ; from It. gonfalone. — Der. gonfalonniei. GONFLER, va. to inflate, swell out ; from L. conflare, which in the Latin of the late Empire signifies to swell out. For c=g see adjuger. — Der. gonfiement, degon/Ier. GORE T, sm. a porker, young pig ; dim. of O. Fr. gore, signifying a sow. Of igin un- known. GORGE, sf. the throat; from L. gurges, properly a whirlpool, then a throat ; for the change of meaning by way of metaphor see § 14. For u = om see § 90. — Der. ^org-erette, gorgei, degorger, egorger, en- gorger, regorgev, lengorger, gorget (partic. subst.). GOSIER, sm. the throat, gullet; deriv. of O. Fr. gueuse. Origin unknown. Gueuse gives us another deriv., the vn. s'egosiller, to tire the throat. Gothique. adj. Gothic ; from L. gothicus, from Gothus. t Gouache, sf. water body-colour ; from It. gunzzo. f Goudron, sm. tar; corruption of goud' ran. It. catrame, a word of Oriental origin, Ar. gatran. — Der. goudronner. GOUFFRE, sm. a whirlpool; originally ^oZ/"re*, It. golfo, from Gr. KoKrros. For ol — ou see agneau ; for p =/ see chef; for the intercalated r see chanvre. Gouffre is a doublet of golfe, q.v. — Der. engouffrex. GOUGE, sf. a gouge ; from L. guvia*, a chisel, in Isidore of Seville, lib. xix., De Instrumentis Lingariis : ' Cauterium gallis guvia.' Guvia is regularly transformed (see abreger) into guv'ja, whence gouge. For vj =^" see abreger; for o=ou see af- fouage. GOUJAT, sm. an army servant, a blackguard. Origin unknown. GOUJON, sm. a gudgeon. It. gobio, from L. gobionem. For consonification of io into ^'0 (gobjoneru) see abreger; for bj =j see abreger ; for o = ou see affouage. GOULEE, sf a mouthful; from goule, the throat in O. Fr,, der. from L. gula. For u = OM see § 90. — Der. (from O. Fr. goule) goulet, g02dette, goulotte, goulu. GOULET, GOULOT, sm. neck (of a bottle). See goulee. GOULOTTE, sf. a gullet. See goulee. GOULU, sm. a glutton, adj. greedy. See goulee. GOUPILLE, sf. a small pin ; formerly cou- pille, from L. cuspicTila, dim. of cuspis. For -icula — -i7/e see § 257 ; for u==om see § 90; for o^g see adjuger; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. GOUPILLON, sm. holy water brush; deriv. of goupil, a fox. Goupillon, originally a fox's brush, came to its present sense be- cause these brushes were like those of foxes, Goupil, O. Fr. a fox, is theL. vulpeculus*, dim. of vulpes. For -eculus = -i7 see § 256 ; for -v^g see gains; for ul = o« see agneau. GOURD, adj. benumbed. Sp. gordo, from L. gurdus*, heavy, clumsy. For u = ott see § 90. — Der, degourdiT, engourd'n, en- ^OJ^rJissement. GOURDE, sf. a gourd ; formerly gouourde and gougourde, from L. cucurbita. For regular contr. of cucurbita into cu- i7a GOURDIN — GRA IN. ourb'ta see § 51, hence gougourde. For bt = « see § 168; for tt = d see § 117; for O^g see adjnger; for u = om see § 90. From gougourde comes the O. Fr. gouourde, then gourde, by loss of medial g, see allier. Gourde is a doublet of cucurbiie, f Gourdin, sm. a cudgel, club; from It. cordino, the rope's-end with which galley- slaves were punished. GOURGANDINE, sf. a street-walker. Origin unknown. GOURMADE, sf. a punch, blow. See gour- mer, GOURMAND, sm. a gourmand, glutton, adj. gluttonous. Origin unknown. — Der. gour- mandise. GOURMANDER, va. to scold ; from gourme, q.v. GOURMANDISE, sf. gluttony. See gour- mand. GOURME, sf. mumps, glanders. Origin un- known.^ GOURME, p.p. affectedly grave, curbed. See gourmer. — Der. gozirmander. GOURMER, va. properly to put the curb chain on a horse, to beat. Origin unknown. — Der. gourintXXe, gourma.de. GOURMET, sm. a judge of wines, connoisseur in food ; originally a wine-merchant's man, in 13th cent, a lad generally. Gourmet, formerly groumet, is a dim. of groume, found for a boy in O. Fr. documents ; of Germ, origin, Neth. grom. For o = ou see affouage ; for transposition, groumet = gourmet, see dprete. GOURMETTE, sf. a curb-chain. See gour- mer. + Gousse, sf a pod; in i6th cent gosse, from It. guscio, Milanese gussa. GOUSSET, sm. the armpit. Origin unknown. GOOT, sm. taste ; formerly goust. It. gusto, from L. gustus. For vl — ou see § 90 ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. gouttx, d^gouter, rugoutei, goitiex (verbal subst.). GOUTTE, /. a drop ; from L. gutta. The sense of ' gout ' comes from the old belief that these joint-pains are caused by drops {gouttes) of humour, which swell the limbs. — Der. ^ow//elette, goutteux, gouttibxe, degoutter, egoutter, igoilt. GOUVERNAIL, sm. a helm; from L. guber- naculum. For-aculum = -at7 see § 255 ; for u = OM see § 90 ; for b = v see § 113. GOUVERNER, va. to govern; from L. gubemare. For u = ou see § 90 ; for 'b=v see § 113. — Der. gouverne (verbal subst.), gouvernement, gouvermnte. GOUVERNEMENT, sm. government. See gouverner. GOUVERNEUR, sm. a governor, ruler ; for- merly gouverneur, Prov. governador. It. governalore, from L. gubernatorem. For -atorem = -eur (through ador, edor, edur, eiir, eur) see under empereur; for n = ou see § go; for b = v see § 13. Grabat, sm. a pallet; from L. grabatus. GRABUGE, sm. a quarrel. Origin unknown. GRACE, sf. grace, favour ; from L. gratia. For •ti& — -ce see agencer. — Der. d\sgrdce. Gracier, va. to pardon; from L. gra- tiare *, der. from gratia. Gracieux, adj. gracious; from L. grati- osus. For -os\xs = -eux see § 229. Gracieuset6, sf. graciousness, courtesy ; from L. gratiositatem. For -atem = -« see § 230. Gracilit6, sf shrillness; from L. gracili- tatem. Gradation, sf gradation; from L. grada- tionem. Grade, sm. grade, rank; from L. gradus. — Der. gradi, gradm. Grad6, adj. that has a rank. See grade. Gradin, sm. a step. See grade. Graduation, sf graduation. See graduer. Graduel, adj. gradual; from L. gradu- alis*, from gradus. Graduel, sm. a gradual ; from Eccles. L. graduale (properly verses of the Psalms of Degrees, which the Levites are said to have sung on the fifteen steps of the Temple). Graduel is a doublet of O. Fr. grael. Graduer, va. to graduate; from L. gradu- are*, from gradus. — Der. ^rnrfwation. GRAILLER, vn. to call in the dogs (with the horn) ; from O. Fr. graile, a trumpet, which from L. gracilis, properly clear, shrill ; then a horn, in medieval Lat. texts. So we have clairon from the adj/ clair. There is an example of gracilis in this sense in the Chronicle of Walter the Chancellor : ' Libetque preconari voci pro- patula ut universi, audito primo sonitu graciles, festinent bellicis indui.' And again : ' Gracilibus, tibiis, tubis clangen- tibus.' For gracilis = graiVe see grele. — Der. graillement. GRAILLON, stn. broken meat. Origin un- known. GRAIN, sm. grain ; from L. granum. For GRAINE— GRA VIER. 173 -anuin=-am see § 194. — Der, grainier, grener, gretm, egrener, greneler, grenaille. GRAINE, sf. seed, set, race, eggs (of silk- worms) ; from L. grana *, a fem. form of granum. For -ana = -ame see § 194.— Der. graitietleT. GRAISSE, sf. fat, grease. See gras.— Der. graisser, graisseux. GRAISSER, va. to grease. See graisse. — Der. graissiLge. t Gramen, s?n. (Bot.) grass ; from L. gra- . men. Gramin^e, sf. (Bot.) grass, adj. grassy, gramineal; from L. graminea*. Grammaire, sf grammar ; from L. gram- mar! a,* a hypothetical form, composed of L. gramma, a letter, and the suffix arius. — Der. grammainen. Grammatical, adj. grammatical ; from L. grammaticalis *, der. from gramma- tica. Gram.me, sm. a weight, gramme (15,438 grains troy) ; from Gr. 'ypdfifxa. GRAND, adj. great ; from L. grandis. — Der. ^ra«cfelet, grandeur. tGrandesse, sf grandeeship (Spanish title) ; from Sp. grandezza. GRANDEUR, /. greatness. See grand. t Grandiose, adj. grand, sw. grandeur ; from It. grandioso. GRANDIR, V7i. to grow great ; from L. gran dire. Grandissim.e, adj. superlatively great ; from L. grandissimus. GRAND'MERE, sf. a grandmother. See grand and mere. See also Hist. Gram, p. 103. GRANGE, sf a barn. Sp. granja, from L. granea*, der. from granum. Granea* is thus used in the Germanic Codes : ' Si enim domum . . . incenderit aut , , . graneam vel cellaria,' in the Lex Alemannorum, 81, 2. Granea becomes first grania, then granja, then grange; see §§ 243, 244. — — Der. engranger. + Gr anit, sm. granite ; from It. granito Der. granit{(\ne. Granulation, s/. granulation. Seegramder. Granuler, va. to granulate ; der. from granule, which is from L. granulum, dim. of granum. — Der. granuUtion, Granuleux, adj. grained, granular; der. *. from grannie. Graphique, adj. graphic ; from Gr. ypacpi- KUS. Graphom^tre, sm. a graphometer; from Gr. ypacpTj and nirpov. GRAPPE, sf a bunch; properly a hook, then clustered fruit. Grappe in sense of ' hook ' remains in some special uses, as grappe de marechal ferrant, etc., and in the deriv. grappin. Grappe is of Germ, origin, Germ, hrappen. For k'= g see adjuger. — Der, grappiWer, grappilleur, grap- ^illon, grappin, egrapper. GRAPPILLER, va. to glean. See grappe. GRAPPILLON, sm. a cluster of grapes. See grappe. GRAPPIN, sm. a grapnel. See grappe. GRAS, adj. fat. O. Fr. eras, from L, cras- sus (in Martial), a word in form grassus in the 17th cent, in Isidore of Seville. For C = g see adjuger. Gras is a doublet of crasse, q. v. — Der. graisse, graisser, grais- seux, graisouillet, grasseyer, grasseyemer\t. GRATERON, sw. (Bot.) scratchweed. See gratter. fGraticuler, va. to square; from It. graticolare. Its doublet is griller, q. v. Gratification, sf gratification; from L. gratificationem. Gratifier, va. to gratify; from L. grati- ficari. GRATIN, sm. the burnt part (of food). See gratter. t Gratis, adv. gratis; from L. gratis. Gratitude, sf. gratitude; from L. grati- tudinem. GRATTER. va. to scratch. It. grattare, from L. cratare, found in the Germanic codes : ' Si quis alium unguibus crata- verit, ut non sanguis, sed tumor aquosus decurrat,' in the Lex Frisonum, app. 5. Cratare is of Germ, origin, answering to Icel. hratta. Cratare becomes gratter by C = g, see adjuger. — Der. gratteWt, graieron, grattoir, gratin, egrarigner, egrat- ignure. Gratuit, adj. gratuitous; from L. gratu- itus. — Der. gratuite. Grave, adj. grave; from L. gravis. Its doublet is grief, q. v. — Der. graviter. GRAVELEUX, adj. gravelly. See gravier.— Der. gravelure. GRAVELLE, sf. gravel. See gravier. t Graver, va. to engrave ; of Germ, origin, Neth. graven. — Der. grnvewr, gravure. GRAVIER, sm. gravel ; from O. Fr. grave, rough sand mixed with stones. Origin un- known. This word grave has left other derivatives : gravois, graveWe, graveleux, engraver, as well as grtve, which is a softened form of O.Yr. grave. For a = e see § 54.— Der. gravats.g-rai/ois, grai/atier. 174 GRA VIR — GR^S. GRAVIR, va. to climb. It. gradire, from L. gradire * (lit. to climb by steps^ from gradiis. Gradire becomes gravir by loss of medial d (gra'ire\ see accabler, and by intercalation of an euphonic v, see corvee. Gravity ./. gravity; from L. gravitatem. Qraviter, vn. to gravitate. See grave Der. ^rav//ation. GRAVOIS, sm. rubbish. See gravier. QravTire, sf. engraving. See graver. GRE, sm. vk'ill, inclination, taste. Prov. grot, It. grato, from L. gratum. For -at\iin = -e see § 201. — Der. agrt'er, mal- gre, q. v. Qrec, adj. Greek; from L. graecus. GREDIN, sm. a scoundrel. Origin unknown. — Der. gredinerie. GREEMENT, sm. rigging. See greer. GREER, va. to rig ; of Germ, origin, Goth. geraidjan, to get ready. For geraidjati = g'raidjan see briller; for loss of d see accabler. — Der. a^res, greVment, ^re'eur. GREFFE, ff. a record-office ; in Low Lat gra- phium (_see greffier), a style, for writing with. For ph. =/ see coffre ; for a = « see § 54. From greffe, in sense of a stiletto, comes the verb greffer, to graft with a GREKFE, sf. (Bot.) a graft. See greffex. GREFFER. va. to graft. See above.— Der. greffe (verbal subst.), greffeur, greffo'ir. GREFFIER. sm. clerk to a court, registrar ; from L. graphiarius, a word found in medieval documents: 'Guillelmus christianissimi regis consiliarius et status regni a secretis, ut etiam dicti ordinis S. Michaelis ab actis seu graphiarius; ' from an act of a.d. 1550. Graphiarius is from graphium, a style. Graphiarius becomes greffier. For a, = e see § 54; for ph =/ see coffre; for -&TiMB = -ier see § 198. + Grdge, adj. raw (of silk) ; from It, greggia (seta greggia, raw silk). GREGEOIS, adj. Greek (fire), wildfire ; for- merly feu grezois, an inflammable substance invented in the 7th cent, by Callinicus of Heliopolis ; so called from the Byzantines (or, as they were named in the middle ages, the Gregeois) who employed it. As late as Scarron we find Gregeois used for Grecs. Gregeois represents L. graecensis, der. from graecus. Graecencis becomes grezois by ns = s, see aine ; by e = oi, see . § 62; by c = z, see amitie. Lastly gre- zois becomes grigois, just as zelosus ht- comts jaloux (q. v.) + Grdgue, sf. breeches; formerly ^reg'es- q7/e, from It. grechesco. Its doublets are grieche, grecgue. GR£LE, adj. slender, slim ; formerly graile. It. gracile, from L. gracilis. For regular contr. of gracilis into grac'lis, see § 51, hence O. Fr. graile by cl = t7, see Hist. Gram. p. 71. GRELE, sf. hail ; formerly gresle, a word whose radical gres- is found in gresil, sleet. The origin of this conmion root gres- is unknown. — Der. grtlon, greltr. t Qrelin, sm. a wallfish ; from Germ, gre- ling. GRfiLON, sm. a great hailstone. See grele. GRELOT, sm. a hawker's bell, dim. o[ grele. GRELOTTER, va. to shiver with cold. See grelot. tG-renade, sf. a pomegranate, grenade (military) ; from Prov. granada^ which from L. granata for granatum. The suffix ade shows that the word did not come direct from Lat. to Fr. ; for had it done so, its form would have been grenee, the suffix ata always = eV in Fr.^ see § 201. — Der. grenadier, grenadine. (From grenade, in sense of a projectile, comes grenadier.) GRENADIER, (i) sm. (Bot.) a pomegranate- tree. See grenade. (2). sm. agrenadier (military). See grenade, GRENAILLE, sf. a minute grain; dim. of grain. — Der. grenailler. t Grenat, sm. a garnet; from It. granato. GRENER, vn. to seed, va. to granulate. See graine. — Tier . greneier , grene (panic, subst.). GRENETIER, sm. a seedsman ; from grenette, dim. of graine. — Der. greneterie. GRENETIS. sm. the milled edge (of coins), a punch; deriv. o{ grenet, dim. of graine, c\.v. GRENETTE, sf. the Avignon berry ; dim. of graine. GRENIER, sm. a granary, loft ; from L. granarium. For -arium = -ier see §198; for atonic a = e see § 54. GRENOUILLE, sf. a frog. O. Fr. renouille. It. ranocchia, from L. raniincula. fem. form of ranunculus, used by Cicero, der. from rana. Rantmcula becomes ranu- cula by nc = c (see coque), then renouille by ucula = o?«7/« (see § 258), and atonic a=« see § 54, Renouille becomes gre- nouille by the altogether unusual prefix of a g, see Hist. Gram. p. 79, note 2. — Der. grenouillet, grenouillette (see renoncide), grenouiUexe. GRENU, adj. corned-, granular ; deriv. of grain {un tpi grenu, an ear full of grain). GR^S, sm. sandstone, gritstone; of Germ. GRSsIL — GROGNER . ^75 origin, O. H. G, grtes, gravel. — Der, gres- i\,gressene. GRESIL, sm. sleet. See gres. — Der. gresil- ler, grhihemtnt. GREVE, sf. a strand. See gravier. GREVER, va. to burden, injure ; from L. gravari. For a = e see § 54. — Der. d^- grever. GRIBLETTE, sf. a hash of meat. Origin unknown. GRIBOUILLER, va. to daub, scrawl. Origin unknown. — Der. gribouilhgt, gribouillexte. GRIECHE, adj. prickly, importunate ; from L graeca. For ae = e = ze see § 104; for ca, = che see §§ 126, 54. Grieche is a doublet of gregue, grecgjie, q. v. Grieche is only used in two compds., pie-grieche, ortie-grieche, which is called in Eng, greek nettle. . GRIEF, adj. grievous ; fern, grieve, whence grievement. Grief \s used, as late as Bos- suet, as an adj. meaning hard, painful ; from L. gravis. For v=/see § 142 ; for a = e see § 51, whence O. Fr, gre/ which becomes grief by change of e into ie, see arriere. Grief is a doublet oi grave, q. v. GRIEF, sm. a wrong, injury; from L. grave *, by changing ave into ief (for details see above). GRIEVETE, sf gravity, enormity ; from L. gravitatem. For a = c see § 5 1 ; for e = ie see arriere ; i = « see mettre ; for -atem = -e see § 201. GRIFFE, sf a claw ; of Germ, origin, O.H.G. grif anything to seize with, then in me- dieval Germ, texts a claw. — Der. griffkx, griffa.de, griffonntr, griffonneur, grijfon- nage. GRIFFON, sm. a griffin. Port, gripho, der. (with suffix on) from L. gryphus. For pli=/see coffre. GRIGNOTER, vn. to nibble ; der. from grigner, cp. tremhloter from trembler. The O. Fr. grigner, to show one's teeth, is of Germ, origin, O. H. G. grinan. GRIGOU, sm. a poor wretch. Origin unknown. 1 GRIL, sm. a gridiron ; formerly gre/l, origin- ally grail, from L. craticulum, masc. form of eraticula, a gridiron (in Martial). Craticulum becomes gra'/l by loss of medial t (see abbaye), and by 0=g (see adjuger). The form graticula for erati- cula is found in medieval Graeco-Lat. glossaries. For -iculum = -il see § 257, and cp. p e r i c u 1 u m , peril. Gra'/l becomes gre/l by a = ei, see § 51; then gril by ei = i, see § 102, note l. — Der. grilki, grillage. GRILLE, sf. a grate ; formerly greil, origin- ally gra'il, from L. eraticula*, deriv. of crates. Craticvila is written graticula in medieval Lat. texts : we find ' Unam gratieulam . . . abstulit,' inanact of a. d. I35.S- For OTSiticvla,=p grille see gril. — Der. griller (whose doublet is craticuler), grilUge. GRILLON, sm. a cricket ; dim. of L. gril- lus. GRIMACE, sf. a grimace ; of Germ, origin, O. Scand. grima, a mask, — Der. grimactx, grimacier. GRIMAUD, sm. an urchin. See grime. t Grime, sm. a dotard (theatrical term), introd. in modern times from It. gritno. — Der. se primer, grimzud. GRIMOIRE, sm. a conjuring book. Origin unknown. GRIMPER, 2/«. to climb, clamber; formerly gripper, in double sense of climbing, grip- ping hold to climb, then grasping, seizing : of Germ, origin, Neth. grippen. For in- tercalated m see lamhruche. Grimper is a doublet of gripper, q. v. GRINCER, vn. to gnash (with the teeth); of Germ, origin, O. H. G. gremizun, through intermediate forms grem'zon, gren- zon. For in = « see changer. Grincer is a doublet of grincher. — Der. grince- ment. GRIOTTE, sf (Bot.) a griotte cherry; corrup- tion of O. Fr. agriotte, dim. of Gr. dypios. The marble called griotte is so named from its being cherry-coloured. GRIPPER, vn. to grip, seize ; of Germ, origin, O. Norse gripa. — Der. grippe. GRIS, adj. grey ; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. gris, used of the hair. — Der. ^matre, ^nsaille, griser, grison. GRISONNER, vn. to grow grey ; deriv. of grison. See gris. GRIVE, sf a thrush. Origin unknown. — Der. grivele. GRIVOIS, smf a jolly comrade. Origin un- known. + Grog, sm. grog; from Eng, grog. GROGNER, vn. to growl, grumble; secondary form of grognir*. So also It. has grug- nare and grugnire, which is from L. grunnire (said of pigs). For nn = §'« see cligner ', for u = o see annoncer. — Der. From groigner, O. Fr, form for grogner, comes the verbal subst, groing, now written groin ; for the connection between groin and groigner cp. soin and soigner, I temoin and temoigner, loin and eloigner. 176 GROIN— GUERRE. etc. Other deriv. are grogner, grogne- ment, grogttzTd, grognon, grognoimer. GROIN, sni. a snout. See grogner. GROMMELER. vn. to grumble, formerly gnrntmeler; of Germ, origin, O. Germ, ^rwm- tneln. GRONDER, vn. to mutter, scold, grumble ; from L. gnindare*, a hypothetical second- ary form of gmndire. For u = o see annoncer. — Der. groTidcuT, grondement, gronderie. + Qroom, sm. a groom ; from Eng. groom. GROS, adj. large, bulky ; from L. grossus. — Der, ^rosseur, ^rossesse, grossier, grossii, degrossir, grossoyer, grosse, ^rossissement. GROSEILLE, sf. a gooseberry. Sp. grosella, of Germ, origin (O. H, G. krausel, in the compd. krausselbeere). For = ^0^ see ad- juger; for au = o see § 106.— Der. gro- seillxtx. GROSSIER, adj. coarse. See gros. — Der. grossih-ttQ. -h Grotesque, adj. grotesque; from It. grotesco. GROTTE, sf. a grotto. Prov. cropta, from L. crypta, which became crupta by y = u, § 101. Crupta, by c = g (see adjiiger) becomes grupta, a form found in a Caro- lingian document : ' Insuper eidem contuli gruptas eremitarum . . . cum omnibus ad dictas gruptas pertinentibus,' is in a Char- tulary of a.d. 887. Grupta becomes ^ro«e by u = see annoncer, and pt = tt, see § 168. Grotte is a doublet of crypte, q. v. GROUILLER, vn. to stir, move. Origin un- known. — Der. grouillement. GROUP, sm. a bag of money. Origin un- known. + Groupe, sf. a group ; from It. groppo. — Der. grouper, groupement. GRUAU, sm. oatmeal ; formerly gruel, from grutellxim, found in medieval Lat. Gru- telltun is a dim. of grutum, in a Carolin- gian text. Grutum is of Germ, origin, A. S. griit, groats. Grutellum becomes gruel by dropping medial t (see abbaye), then gruau by el — au (see agneau). GRUE, sf. a crane; from L. grua, a fem. form of grus, found in the Salic Law, 7, 6 : ' Si quis gallum aut gallinam furaverit, vel cygnum aut gruam domesticam.' The word has also the sense of a crane to lift weights : so also Gr. yipavos and Engl. crane have both senses. GRUGER, va. to crunch. Origin unknown. GRUME, sf. bark (on forest trees). Origin unknown. GRUMEAU, 5m. a clod, lump ; formerly grumel, from L. grumellus, dim. of g^ruiuus, a little lump. For el = eau see agneau — Der, (from O.Fr. grumel) grumel- er, grumeleux. GRUYER, adj. one who has the right to forest wood (a feudal term). Of Germ, origin, O. Germ, griis, used for an orchard. — Der. ^rwerie, fGruydre, sm. Gruyere cheese; of hist, origin, see § 33 ; from Gruyere in Switzer- land, where this cheese is made, GUE, sm. a ford. Sp. vado, from L. vadum. For x = gu see game; for -atum = -e' see §201; for loss of d see aigu. — Der. ^Kf'able. GUEDE, s/. wood. O.Fr. guaide; originally waide. Of Germ, origin, Germ. waid. For w = gu see gdcher. GUENILLE, sf. a rag, tatters. Origin un- known. GUENON, sf. a pouched monkey. Origin unknown. GUEPE, sf. a wasp; formerly guespe, origi- nally wespe. It. vespa, from L. vespa. For ■v=gu see gaine ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. guepier. GUERE, adv. little, but little, not very. Prov. gaigre. The word means ' much ' in O. Fr. : S'il eust gtitre vecu, il eust conquis toute V Italic, says a I4th-cent. chronicle. Guere is of Germ, origin, answering to O. H. G. weigaro *, much. This contr. into weig'ro becomes guere. For w=gu see gacher ; for gr = r see aigrette : the gr re- mains in old Prov. gaigre. — Der. mguere, q.v. GUERET, sm. a fallowland, field. Prov. garag, from L. veractum *, a Low Lat. form, representing L. vervactum *, fallow land, by the unique reduction of rv into v in the middle of a word. Veractum by ct = t (see § 168) gives us Fr. gueret. For ■v=gu see game; for actvun = «'/ = «/ see attrait and affete. Gu6ridon, sm. a round table. Origin unknown. GUERIR, vn. to heal ; its primitive sense is • to defend' in very old Fr. documents. Guerir, formerly g-war/V, originally warir, is of Germ, origin, Goth, warjan, to defend. For w=g"« see gacher. — Der. guerhon, ^we'rissable. tGu6rite, sf. a sentry box; from Sp. garita. GUERRE, sf. war. It. guerra. Of Germ, origin, O. H. G. werra, a quarrel. For w = gu see gdcher. — Der. guerrkr, guerr- oyer, zguerrir. G UET — GYMNASTIQUE. 177 GUET, sm. a watch, guard. See guetter. — Der. ^Me/-apens (formerly g-weZ-apense, compd. of guet, and adj. apense, which answers to a form appensatus*, hung up, prepared. GMe^apens means properly an ambuscade). GUETRE, sf. a gaiter. Origin unknown. GUETTER, va. to watch, look out; for- merly gtiaiter. It. guatare. Of Germ, origin, O. H.G. wahtan. For w=gu see gacher. — Der. guet (verbal subst.), gzietteur, nguets (verbal subst, of O. Fr. verb aguetter). GUEULE, sf. mouth; from L. gixla. For u. = eu see beugler. Gueule is a doublet of goiile, — Der. gueider. t-Gueules, &m. pi. gules (heraldry). Of oriental origin (§31), as are many heraldic terms ; from Pers. ghul, a rose. + Gueuse, sf. cast-iron ; of Germ, origin, like many other metallurgic terms; from Germ, guss (§ 20). GUEUX, sm. a beggar. Origin unknown. Its doublet is queux. — Der. gueuse, gueustx, gueusene. GUI, sm. mistletoe. O.Fr. guis and vis, It. visco, from L. viscum. For v=gu see gaine; for sc = s see bois; hence O.Fr. forms vis and guis, GUICHET, sm. a wicket ; the original sense being a gate, as in les guichets du Louvre, etc. In O. Fr. it signifies a little gate. Gtiichet, formerly vichet, is of Germ, origin ; vicJiet is dim. of O. Nors. vih, a lurking- place. Vicket becomes guichet by v=gu, see game; and by c = ch see § 126. — Der. gidchet'iex. + Guide, sm. a guide; introd. from It. guida. — Der. gidder, gtddon. Guider, va. to guide. See guide. GUIGNE, sf. (Bot.) a kind of cherry ; for- merly guine, originally gjusne. Of Germ, origin, O. H. G. wihsela, a sour cherry. 'Wihs{e)la, contr. to wihs'la becomes guisne. For w—gu see gacher; for / = «, guisne for gidsle, see quenouille. O. Fr. guisne becomes successively gtdne (see Hist. Gram, p. 81) and gtdgne (see cligner). GUIGNER, va. to glance, peep at. Origin unknown. I + Guignon, sm. ill luck; from Sp.guinon. i GUILLEDOU, SOT. pi. places of ill repute. Origin unknown. Guillemet, sm. an inverted comma ; of hist, origin, see § 33. Guillemet is the name of the i6th-cent. printer (Guillaumet or Guillemet), who first introduced this symbol. GUILLERET, adj. brisk, lively. Origin unknown. Guillocher, va. to ' guilloche,' engine-turn ; of hist, origin see § 33. Guillocher is from Guilloche, the name of the inventor of this kind of ornament. Guillotine, sf. guillotine; of hist, origin, see § 33. Guillotine is from M. Guillotin, a Fr. physician, who invented this instru- ment. — Der. guillotiner. GUIMAUVE, sf. (Bot.) mallow, marsh mallow; formerly mauve, from L. bismalva, found (8th cent.) in the Capitulary de Villis. Bis- malva is contr. from ibiscum-malva *, compd. of ibiscum, the mallow (in Pliny), and of malva, which means the same thing. Forsc = s see bois. Bismalva losing its s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81) becomes vimauve by \>=v, see avant, and by aX = au, see agneau. Vimauve becomes guimauve by v = gti, see gaine. GUIMBARDE, sf. a van, a jew's-harp. Origin unknown. GUIMPE, sf. a wimple ; formerly guimple. Of Germ, origin, O.H.G. wimpal. Wim- p{a)l contrd. into wimp'l becomes guimple. For w—gu see gacher. GUINDER, va. to hoist oneself, strain; of Germ, origin, O.H.G. windan. For w—gu see gacher. + Guin6e, sf. a guinea; from Engl. guinea. GUINGUETTE, sf. a public house, villa. Origin unknown. GUIPURE, sf. guipure (thread of silk lace) ; der. from O. Fr. verb guiper. Of Germ, origin, Goth, veipan, to weave. For v—g see gaine and gacher. + Guirlande, ./. a garland; from It. ghirlanda Der. enguirlander. GUISE, sf. manner, way, wise; of Germ, origin, O.H.G. wisa. For w=gu see gacher. — Der. degtdser. t Guitar e, sf a guitar ; from Sp. guitarra. Its doublet is cithare, q. v. — Der. guitar- iste. Gustation, sf. taste; from L. gusta- tionem. t Gutta-percha, sf. gutta-percha; from Engl, gutta-percha. Guttural, adj. guttural ; from L. guttu- ralis*; der. from guttur. Gymnase, sm. a gymnasium ; from L. gymnasium. — Der. g-ymnasiarque, gym- waste, Gymnastique, adj. gymnastic; from L. gymnasticus. N 178 GYMNIQUE — hAlER, Gymnique, adj. (Anat.) gymnic ; from L. gymnicus. Gyinnosophiste, sm. a gymnosophist ; from L. gymnosophista. Gjntl^cee, 5m. a woman's workshop, quarter ; from L. gynaeceum. Gypse, sm. (Min.) gypsum. — Der. gyps- eux. H. Habile, adj. able; from L. habilis. Habilet6, sf. ability; from L. habili- tatem. For -atein = -e see § 230. Habiliter, va. to qualify (legal) ; from L. habilitare, to qualify, in the Notae Ti- ronis. — Der. T&habiliter. Habiller, va. to dress; a very ill-formed deriv. from L. habilis, properly to make fit for, put into right state, thence dress. — Der. habillement, kabilleuT, deshabiller. Habit, sm. dress; from L. habitus (used for dress by Virgil). Habitacle, sm. an abode; from L. habi- taculum. Habitation, sf. habitation; from L. habi- tationem. Habiter, va. to inhabit; from L. habi- tare. — Der. habitMe, habitant. Habitude, sf. habit, use; from L. ha- bitudinem. Habituel, adj. habitual ; from L. habit- ualis*; der. from habitus. Habituer, va. to habituate; from L. ha- bituare*, from habitus. ■fH^bler, va. to boast, brag; from Sp. hablar (§ 26, note 2). — Der. habhwx, habl- erie. HACHE, sf. a hatchet ; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. hacco. Yox cc = ch see § 126. — Der. hach&itt, hachtxczu, hachtr, hachoir, hachure, hacMs. HACHURE, sf. hatching (engraving). See hache. HAGARD, adj. haggard, wild. We have seen (§13) that this word was at first only ap- plied to the falcon: the faucon hagard was one which had not been caught till after more than one ' mewing,' in which case the bird is untameable. Faucon hagard means lit. a hedge-falcon, which has never moulted in a cage. For etymology see hate. Hagiographe, sm. a hagiographer ; from Gr.dyioypdcpos. — Der. hagiographie. HAIE, sf. a hedge ; from L. haga *, found in very old medieval texts, as e. g. ' Quod totam dictam plateam . . . includere possint fossato et haga.' Haga is of Germ, origin answering to O.H.G. haga. L. lia(g)a loses its medial g (see allier), and becomes haia, found (9th cent.) in the Capitularies of Charles the Bald, tit. xxxvi. : • Qui- cumque istis temporibus castella et firmitates et haias sine nostro verbo fecerint.' For a, = ai see § 54. — Der. from a Lat. form haga the adj. hagard (used of birds that live in the hedges, wild). HAILLON, sm. rag, tatters ; of Germ, origin, dim. of a hypothetical root haille, which answers to O. H. G. hadil, a rag, by contr. of had{i)l into had'l, and by dl = ll (see § 168), and by a = m (see § 54). HAINE, 5/ hatred. See Aa7r.— Der. hainevLX. HAIR, va. to hate; in lith cent, hadir (in the poem of St. Alexis), of Germ, origin, A.S.hatian. For i=d see aider. O. Fr. hadir becomes hair by loss of d, see accabler. — Der. haine (formerly hame, der. from hair, like saisine from saisir), Aatssable. HAIRE, sf. a hair-shirt ; of Germ, origin, O. Scand. hcera. HALBRAN, sm. (Ornith.) a young wild-duck ; of Germ, origin. Germ, halbente, through hypothetical M.H.G. form Aa/&ere«^ whence halbran.—^Der. halebrene. HALE, adj. sunburnt, swarthy. See haler. HALEINE, sf. breath; formerly aleine (for h prefixed see envahir), verbal subst. of O. Fr. verb alener, to breathe, which is for aneler, from L. anhelare, by transposition of liquids n and I (see sangloter). For e = ei before n seefrein. HALENER, va. to scent the breath of, wind (hunting), formerly alener. See haleine. HALER, va. to haul, hale ; of Germ, origin, Engl, to hale, O. Nors. hala Der. hahge. HALER, va. formerly to dry up, to sunburn. The sun burns (hale) the skin, i, e. dries it up. Hdler is of Germ, origin, der. from Flem. hael, dry. The adj. hale is found in O, Fr., meaning 'dried up.* The place where hemp is dried at a farm is still called the hdloir. — Der. hale (verbal subst.). HALETER—HARENO. 179 HALETER, vn. to pant. It. alitare, from L. halitare (used by Ennius). Hallali, an onomatopoetic word. See § 45. HALLE, sf. a market ; of Germ, origin, Germ. halle, a hall, covered market, which latter is also the proper meaning of Fr. halle. — Der, halhge. f Hallebarde, sf. a halberd; introd. from It. alabarda. — Der. hallebardier. HALLIER, sm. a thicket ; der. from a form halle *, which is from L. hasla *, branches, in the Germanic Codes. Origin unknown. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. Hallucination, sf. a hallucination; from L. hallucinationem. Halo, sm. a halo ; from Gr. aAcws. HALTE, sf. a halt. O. Fr. halt ; of Germ. origin. Germ. halt. Haltdres, sm. pi. weights used by jumpers to help them in making long leaps ; from Gr. aXrrjp^s. + Hamac, sm. a hammock; introd. from Sp. hamaca. Hamadryade, sf. a hamadryad ; from Gr, a/JLa5pvddes. HAMEAU, sm. a hamlet ; formerly hamel {{or el = eau see agneau). O. Fr. hamel is dim. of ham *, which is of Germ, origin, A. S. ham, a dwelling. HAME^ON, sm. a fish-hook ; from L. hami- cionem*, dim. of hamus. For cio = fo see agneau ; for i = e see mettre. HAMPE, sf. a staff, handle; for hampte*, hantbe^, of Germ, origin, O.H.G. hanthabe, properly that which the hand holds, a handle, by contr. ofhajtthabe into hant'be, and then, very irregularly hant'pe, hamt'pe. HANAP, sm. a goblet; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. hnap. HANCHE, sf. the hip, haunch; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. Oncha, the leg, then the haunch. For addition of h see envahir. •Hanche is a doublet of anche. fHanebane, sf henbane; from Engl. henbane. HANGAR, sm. a shed, cart-shed; formerly angar, properly a shed to shelter imple- ments and utensils. The Gr. ayyapos, an express, had, through the form dyyapia, produced the L. angaria, meaning the obligation to furnish to the Emperors the means of transport, then a station at which the imperial carriers changed horses ; hence deriv. angarium, a covered place, shed to shoe the carriers' horses in. ' Angarium est locus ubi sufferuntur equi,' says a Low Lat. document. Angarium is extended from its special sense of a shoeing-shed, to every kind of shed for iniplements or carts. For addition of h see envahir ; in the 1 7th cent, it was still written angar. HANNETON, sm. a beetle, chafer, cock- chafer; formerly haneton, dim. of a root hane*, of Germ, origin, answering to pro- vincial Germ, hahn, in the compd. weiden hahn, a cock-chafer, a word used in many provinces in Germany. HANSE, ,/. the Hanse ; from O. H. G. hansa, an association. — Der. Aanse'atiqne. HANTER, va. to haunt, frequent. Origin unknown. HAPPE, sf. the bed of an axletree, cramp- iron, bill ; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. happa a sickle. HAPPER, va. to snap, snatch at ; of Germ. origin, Neth. happen, to bite, then to snap. t Haquenee, sf. a nag, hackney; from Sp. hacanea. HAQUET, sm. a dray, a wretched horse, screw. Panser un haquet was a phrase in 15th cent. Haquet is a dim. of O. Fr. haque, a hack, which is of Germ, origin, Engl, hack, a horse. t Harangue.^s/". a harangue; formerly arengue, introd. from It. aringa, which is of Germ, origin. Germ, hring. Its doublets are rang, ranz, q. v. — Der. harangaer. HARAS, sm. a stud ; formerly faras, a troop of horses ; of Oriental origin, Ar. faras, a horse, whence the collective sense. For /=A see §143. HARASSER, va. to harass. Origin unknown, HARCELER, va. to harass, torment ; formerly herceler, from herce, a form of O. Fr. herse. Herceler is to vex, as the herce (harrow) vexes the ground. In Engl, we also find the word ' harrow ' in both senses. HARDE, sf. a herd, flock ; of Germ, origin, Germ, herde. HARDE, sf. a leash (for hunting dogs). See hart. HARDES, sf. pi. clothes; formerly fardes. Origin unknown. For f=h see § 143. HARDI, adj. bold, daring ; partic, of O. Fr. verb hardir, of Germ, origin, O. H. G. hartjan, to harden. For t = d see § 117. — Der. hardiesse, enhardir (from O, Fr, verb hardir). HARDIESSE, sf. boldness. See hardi. + Harem, sm. a harem ; of Oriental origin, Ar. charam. HARENG, sm. a herring; formerly harenc, of Germ, origin, O. H. G. harinc. — Der. haretighie. N 2 i8o HARGNEUX — HA VRE-SA C. HARGNEUX, adj. surly, crabbed ; from O.Fr. verb hargner, to quarrel. Hargner is of Germ, origin, O. H. G. harmjan, to quarrel, scold. HARICOT, sm. (i) a bean, (2) a stew. Origin unknown. HARIDELLE, sf. a jade, hack. Origin un- known. f Harmonica, sf. a. harmonica; from Germ, hannonika : name and instrument came from Germ, at the beginning of the present century. Harmonie, sf. harmony; from L, har- monia. — Der. Aannowieux, harmonv&tt. Harmoniexix, adj. harmonious. See har- monie. Harmonique, adj. harmonic; from L. harmonicus. HARNACHER, va. to harness. See harnais. — Der. enharnacher. HARNAIS, sm. harness, trappings ; formerly the full fitting out of a knight and his horse. , Originally harnais signified only the har- ness, armour, of a knight, which sense remains in the phrase blanchir sous le harnais. Harnais, formerly harnas, is of Celtic origin, Low Bret, harnez, Kymr, haiamez, implements of iron, and thence armour. — Der. Aarnacher (formerly har- nascher. Pro v. arnascar, from O. Fr. form harnasc *). HARO, sm. hue and cry. Origin unknown. HARPE, sf. a harp ; from L. harpa, found in Fortunatus (6th cent.) : ' Romanusque lyra, plaudet tibi Barbarus haxpa.' Harpa is of Germ, origin, answering to Scand. harpa. Germ, harfe. — Der. harpiste. HARPER, va. to seize with the nails ; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. hqrfan, to seize. — Der. harpon. Harpie, sf. a harpy; from L. harpyia. HARPON, sm. a harpoon. See harper. — Der. harponner, harponneur. HART, sf, a rope (also harde). Origin un- known. HASARD, sm. chance, hazard, risk ; originally game of dice (in 1 2-cent. documents), then the chances of gambling, then chances of life. Hasard, O. Fr. asari, Prov. azar, Sp. azar, O. It. zaro, is of Oriental origin, from Ar. al-sar, the game of dice, whence, by omission of the article al comes It. zaro, and with the article the compd. forms of Sp. azar and O. Fr. asar, to • which was afterwards suffixed a d (cp. homard for homar), and an initial h (see envahir). — Der. hasardei, hasardeuK. HASE, sf. a doe-hare; of Germ, origin. Germ. hase. Hast, sm. a staff; from L. hasta. — Der. hastzire. HATE, sf haste; formerly hasl, of Germ. origin, Germ. hast. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. hater, Au/if. HATIER, sm. a spit-rest ; formerly hastier, from haste, a spear, spit, which is from L. hasta. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. HATIF, adj. forward, precocious. See hate. — Der. hativet6. HAUBANS, sm. pi. (Naut.) shrouds; for- merly hoben, of Germ, origin, as are most seafaring terms, Flem. hohent. HAUBERT, sm. a hauberk ; {oxractXy hanherc, originally halberc, in medieval Lat. hals- berga; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. halsberc. — Der. (from O. Fr. hauberc) haubergeon. HAUSSER, va. to lift up ; from L. altiare *, a deriv. of altus. For altiare = hausser see exhausser. — Der. hausse-co\, hausse- ment, hausse (verbal subst.), xthausser. HAUT, adj. high ; formerly halt, originally alt, from L. altus. For al = au see agneau; for addition of A see envahir Der. Aaw/ain, hautesse, hauteur. HAUTAIN, adj. haughty. See haut. HAUT^BOIS, sm. a hautbois ; compd. of bois and haut, q. v. A hautbois is properly a wooden instrument (bois) whose sound is shrill (haut). HAUTESSE, sf. highness (a title). See haut. Its doublet is altesse, q. v. HAUTEUR, ./. height, haughtiness. See haut. HAvE, adj. wan ; of Germ, origin, A.S. hasva, pale. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. havir. HAVRE, sm. a haven, harbour; formerly havle, originally liable, from L. habulum *, a harbour, in Low Lat. : * Laxavi et dimisi . . . quidquid juris habebam in portu et habulo,'says a lath-cent. act. Habulum is of Germ, origin, dim. of Germ, forms, as A.S. h(Efen, Engl, haven. Hdbulum, contrd. hab'lum (see § 51), becomes suc- cessively hable, then havle (see avant), and lastly havre (see apotre). "f Havre-sac, sm. a knapsack, Ht, an oat- bag ; in 1 7th cent, habresac, thus defined by Menage, a.d. 1650, Havre-sac ou habre- sac : Les Chartiers et les Fiacres appellent ainsi un sac de toile dans lequel ils donnent de I'avoine a leurs chevaux dans les rues. . . . Les soldals fantassins se servent aussi de cetle sorte de sac quand ils vont en cam- HEA UME — HERB A GE. i8i pagne. Thus we see that its true sense is an oat-bag. Havresac or habresac is from Germ, hahersack. HEAUMEj sm. a helm ; formerly helm, of Germ, origin, O. H. G. helm. For el = eau see agneau. Hebdomadaire, adj. weekly ; from L. hebdomadarius *. Its doublet is hebdo- madier. HEBERGER, va. to lodge; formerly her- berger, from O. Fr. herberge, a place in which one lodges. Herberge is of Germ. origin, Germ, herberge. — Der. heberge, H6beter, va. to stultify; from L. hebe- tare. H6braiique, adj. Hebrew; from L. he- bra icus. — Der. hebra'isant, hebrdisme. Hebreu, sm. a Hebrew ; from L. he- braeus. Hecatombe, sf. a hecatomb; from L. heca- tomba. Hectare, sm. a hectare (2 a. i r. 35 p.); formed from Gr. kKarov and are. See are. Hectique, adj. hectic; from L. hecticus. Its doublet is etique, q. v. Hectogramme, sm. a hectogramme (3'2i6 oz. Troy) ; formed from Gr. kKarov and gramme. See gramme. Hectolitre, sm. a hectolitre (3 '531 7 cubic feet) ; formed from Gr. kKarov and litre. See litre. Hectom.§tre, sm. a hectometre (328*09167 feet) ; formed from Gr. kKarov and metre. See metre. HELAS ! interj. alas ! Written in O. Fr. he I las I compd. of interj. he ! and adj. las, from L. lassus, unhappy. In the 13th cent. people said Cette mere est \a.s&e de la mort de son Jils. — He! las! qui je suisl i.e. unhappy that I am ! The two words were finally united into one in the 15th cent. At the same time las lost its primitive force, passing from sense of pain to that of weari- ness, as has also occurred with gene and ennui, which originally meant ' plague ' and ' hatred,' + Heler, va. to hail; of Engl, origin, like many other sea terms, Engl, to hail. Helianthe, sm. the sunflower ; from L. helianthes, found in Pliny. H61ice, sf. a helix ; from Gr. eAt£, a spiral. H61iocentrique, adj. heliocentric; from Gr. ijXios and Kfvrpov. Helioscope, sm. a helioscope; from Gr. i]\ios and (Tkottuv. H61iotrope, sm. a heliotrope ; from L, heliotropium. Hellenique, adj. hellenic ; from Gr. IWt)- VLKOS. Helleniste, sm. a hellenist ; from Gr. kWrj- vir see § 198. Herbivore, adj. herbivorous ; from L. herba and vorare. Herboriser, vn. to herborise. See herbe. — Der. herboriszixon, herboristwr. Herboriste, sm. a herbalist. See herbe. H^RE, sm. a fellow, wretch. Origin un- known. H6r§ditaire, adj. hereditary; from L. hereditarius. Its doublet is heritier, q. v. !E[6r6dit6, sf. inheritance; from L, heredi- tatem. For -atem = -e see § 230. H6r6siarque, sm. a heresiarch ; from Gr. aip(aLapxr}S. H6r6sie, sf. heresy ; from Gr. atpecis. Il6r6tique, sm. adj. heretic, heretical ; from L, haereticus. HERISSER, va. to bristle, erect, to act like a herisson : just as in It. arricciare is a compd. of riccio, in Sp. erizar is formed from erizo. Herisser does not come straight from herisson, but from the root heriss-, of which herisson is the diminutive. HERISSON, sm. a hedgehog, urchin ; for- merly heriQon, originally erigon, from L. ericionem *, dim. of ericius. For cio = ^o = sso see agencer; for addition of h see envahir. Herisson is a doublet of oursin, HERITAGE, sm. 'an inheritance. See heri- ter. HERITER, va. to inherit Prov. heretar, Sp. heredar, from L. hereditare (found in Arnobius). Hereditd,re becomes he- retare, see accointer; whence htriter by e = i, see § 60. — Der. heritage, des- heriter. HERITIER, sm. an heir; from L. heredi- tarius* For heredit- = herit- see heriter ; for -arius = -ier see § 198. Heritier is a doublet of hereditaire, q, v. Hermaphrodite, sm. a hermaphrodite; from L. hermaphroditus. Herm6neutique, adj. hermeneutic ; from Gr. kpiXTJVfVTlKOS. Hermds, sm. Hermes ; from Gr. 'Epfirjs. — Der. hermetique. The hermetic philosophy is that which occupied itself with the search after the Philosopher's stone, i. e. that of Hermes Trismegistus. The hermetic science. or alchemy, had also a way of absolutely closing flasks with a seal, whence comes the phrase * hermetically sealed. HERMETIQUE, adj. hermetic. See hermes. — Der. hermetiquemtnt. HERMINE, sm. ermine; formerly ermine, Sp. armino, from L. armenius*, properly fur of Armenia, it having been imported thence into Rome. Armenius becomes ermine. For a = « see § 54 ; for e = i see § 6o. Ermine becomes hermine by prefixing h, see envahir. — Der. hermin^. HERMITE, sm. a hermit. See ermite. For prefixed h see envahir. — Der. hermiUgt. Hernie, sf. (Med.) hernia ; from L. hernia. — Der. Aerwiaire. H6roine, sf. a heroine; from L. heroina. Heroique, adj. heroic; from L. heroicus. Heroisme, sm. heroism. See heros. HERON, sm. a heron. See aigrette. — Der. AeVowneau, heronmex, AeVonniere. H6ros, sm. a hero; from L. heros. — Der. heroisms. HERSE, sf. a harrow, caltrop, portcullis; formerly herce, It. erpice, from L. hirpi- cem (a harrow, in Varro). For regular contr, of hirp(i)cem into hirp'cem, hir*cem, see § 51; hence O, Fr. herce by \ = e, see mettre. For herce = herse see amitie. — Der. hersage, herser, herseur. Hesitation, sf. hesitation; from L. haesi- tationem. H^siter, vn. to hesitate; from L. hae si- tare. H6t6roclite, adj. heteroclite; from L. heteroclitus (found in Priscian). H6t6rodoxe, adj. heterodox; from Gr. kT(p68o^os. — Der. heterodox'xe. H6t6rog§ne, adj. heterogeneous ; from Gr. erepoyep'fjs. — Der. heterogeneite. H^TRE, sm. a beech-tree; formerly hestre. Of Germ, origin, Low Germ, hester. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81, HEUR, sm. luck, good fortune ; formerly ei'ir, aiir, Prov. agur. It. augurio, from L. augurium., which signified first a presage, then good or ill fortune. Augurium became agurium, just as auscultare be- came ascultare in Roman times. Agurium drops the g (see allier), whence O. Fr. a-ur ; aiir softens a into e (see § 51), whence eur, whence eur, whence the mcdern form heur, by prefixing h (see envahir). The philologists who have derived heur from hora have committed a grave blunder, for h o r a could only produce a monosyllabic form, heure, whose final and mute e answers to the HE URE — HOMICIDE. 183 final a of its parent ; whereas eiir, ailr, cannot come from hora, being a dissyllable, ending also with a consonant. Hetir is a doublet of augtire, q. v, — Der. honheur, radAhejir, henreux. HEURE, sf. hour ; from L. hora. For o = eu see § 79- Its doublet is or. HEUREUX, adj. happy. See heur. HEURTER, va. to strike, hit. Origin un- known. — Der. heurl (verbal subst.), heurt- oir. HexaSdre, sm. a hexahedron ; from Gr. c£ and e^pa. Hexagone, sm. a hexagon; from L. hex- agon us, found in Columella. Hexamdtre, sm. a hexameter; from L, hexametrus. + Hiatus, sm. a hiatus; from L. hiatus. HIBOU, sm. an owl. Origin unknown. + Hidalgo, sm. 2L hidalgo (Sp. nobleman); from Sp. hidalgo. HIDEUX, adj. hideous, frightful. O. Fr. hisdeiix, from L. hispidosus, found in Catullus. The original sense is still to be seen in the following line of Dubellay : Sur r autre sont les 7nurs vienx, hi deux de ronces et d'hierre. Hispidosus, contr. regularly into hisp'dosus (see § 52), be- comes kisdeux by -pd — d. Cp. tep'dus, tiede; male sap'dus, maussade; vap'dus, fade; extorp'dire, etotirdir. For hisdeiix — hideux see Hist. Gram. p. 81. HIE, sf. a paviour's ram, beetle. Of Germ. origin, Neth. hei. HIEBLE, sf. (Hot.) dwarf elder, danewort; formerly ieble, from L. ebulum. For regular contr. of ebiilum into eb'lum, see § 51; htnct ieble hy e^ie, s.t&arriere; then hiehle : for prefixed h see envahir. HIER, adv. yesterday; from L. heri. For e = ie see arriere. Hierarchie, sf. hierarchy; from L. hier- archia. — Der. hierarch\(\Me. Hieratique, adj. hieratic ; from Gr, Upan- KOS. Hieroglyphe, sm. a hieroglyph ; from Gr. Upos and y\v(po}. — Der. hieroglyphique. Hilarit6, s/. hilarity ; from L. hilaritatem. For -atein = -e see § 230. Hippiatrique, sf. veterinary medicine; from Gr. InniaTpiicrj. Hippique, adj. belonging to horses ; from Gr. InniKus. Hippodrome, sm. a hippodrome, race- course ; from Gr. iTrrrodpofios. HippogrifiPe, sm. a hippogrifF; a hybrid word,compd. of Gr.fTTTros and L. gryphus. Hippopotame, sm. a hippopotamus ; from Gr. tnnoTTOTaiios. HIRONDELLE, sf a swallow; from L. hirundo, and the dim. suffix elle. For u = o see annoncer. HISSER, va. to hoist. Of Germ, origin, Germ, hissen. HISTOIRE, sf. history; from L. historia, by transposing the i ; see chanoine. — Der. hislor'i&x, historien, historiette, historisl. HISTORIEN, sm. a historian. See histoire. HISTORIETTE, sf a Httle history, story See histoire. Historiographe, sm. a historiographer, historian ; from Gr, iaropioypcKpos. Historique, fli//. historic ; from L. histo- ricus. Histrion, sm. a stage-player; from L. his- trionem. HIVER, sm. winter; formerly ivern, from L. hibernus, used for winter in TertuUian and Solinus. For b=f see § 114; for rn = r see aubour and § 163. HIVERNAL, adj. wintry; from L. hiber- nalis. For h^v see § 114. HIVERNER, vn. to winter, hibernate; from L. hibemare. For b = i/ see § 114. — Der. hivermge. HOBEREAU, sm. (Ornith.) a hobby; properly a small falcon. Hobereau is a dim. of O. Fr. hobe, a small bird of prey. Of Germ. origin, Engl, hobby. HOCHEQUEUE, sm. (Ornith.) a wagtail, nuthatch. See hoche and queue. HOCHER, va. to shake, toss; formerly hochier, hocier, hossier. Of Germ, origin, Flem. hotsen. — Der. hochet. HOCHET, sm. a rattle, child's coral. See hocher. HOIR, sm. heir-at-law ; from L. heres. For e = oi see § 61. — Der. hoirie. HOLA ! interj. holloa ! compd. of ho ! and la! Holocauste, sm. a holocaust; from Gr. 6\vKavaTos. Holographe, sm. adj. holograph; from Gr. oKoypacpos. HOMARD, sm. a lobster ; formerly homar. Of Germ, origin, Dan. hommer. fHombre, sm. ombre (in card-playing); from Sp. hombre. Its doublet is homme, q.v. Honi6lie, sf. a homily ; from. Gr. ofJuXia. Hom6opathie, sf homoeopathy ; from Gr. ofxoLos and nddos. Homicide, sm. a homicide; from L. homi- cidium. 1 84 HOMMA GE — HOR TIC ULTURE, HOMMAGE, sm. homage. Prov. homenatge, from L. hominaticum *, in medieval Lat. texts. Hominaticum, meaning feudal homage, occurs in a will of a.d. 1035 : * Volo ergo et mando ut jam dicta ecclesia de Molig teneat eam Bemardus per manum praedicti filii mei Berengarii, et per suum donum et habeat inde hominaticxim.' Homin&tictim, contr. regularly (see § 52) into hom'naticum, becomes hom- mage. For -aticum = -a^c see § 248; for inn = wzm see § 168. HOMMASSE, dcf;. masculine (used of women). See homme. HOMME, sm. a man ; from L. h6minem, contr. regularly (see § 51) into liom.'nem, whence homme by mn = mOT, see § 168. Homme is a doublet of on, hombre, q. v. — Der. komma.sse. Homocentrique, adj. homocentric; from Gr. dfiSKevTpos. Homogdne, adj. homogeneous; from Gr, ofxoyfvijs. — Der. homogeneite. Homologue, adj. homologous ; from Gr. 6fjio\6yos. — Der. homologyxtx, homolog- ation. Homonyine, adj. homonymous ; from Gr. dnwvvfios. — Der. homonyxmt. HONCHET. Seejonchet, whose doublet it is, Hongre, sf. adj. gelded. Of hist, origin, see § 33 ; properly Hungarian. Down to the 1 6th cent, the Hungarians were called Hongres by the French, and les chevaux hongres were horses imported from Hungary. Hongre is a doublet of Hongrie. HONNfiTE, adj. honest, virtuous; from L. honestus. For loss of s see Hist. Gram, p. 81 ; for n= «n see ennemi. — Der. hon- neteratni, honneteie. HONNEUR, sm. honour; from L. honor. For -oTexa. = -eur see § 227; for n = n« see ennemi. HONNIR, va. to dishonour, disgrace; for- merly honir. Of Germ, origin, O. H. G. honjan. Honorable, adj. honourable; from L. ho- norabilis. Honoraire, adj. honorary; fromL. hono- rarius. Honoraire, sm. a fee, honorarium; from L. honorarium. Honorer, va. to honour; from L. hono- rare. Honorifique, adj. honorary ; from L. ho- norificus. HONTE, sf. shame. It. onta; of Germ, origin, O. Sax. honda. — Der. hontexix, 6hont6. HONTEUX, adj. ashamed, shameful. See honte. Hdpital, sm. hospital, almshouse ; formerly hospital, from L. hospitale (a place where hospitality is exercised, in Low Lat.). Its doublet is h/itel, q. v. HOQUET, sm. a hiccough (onomatopoetic). See § 34. HOQUETON, sm. a *hoqueton' (archery); formerly hauqiteton, auqueton, a cloak, also stuff, which is the etymol. sense. Originally alqueton, Sp. alcoton ; of Oriental origin, Ar. al-qoton. Horaire, adj. horary, horal ; from L. hora- rius. t Horde, sf. a horde; of Slav, origin, see § 29. HORION, sm. a thump. Origin unknown. Horizon, sm. horizon; from L. horizon. — Der, Aonzowtal. Horizontal, adj. horizontal. See hori- zon. HORLOGE, sf. a clock; from L. horo- logium. For regular loss of 6 in horo- 16giTim see § 52. — Der. horlogtr, hor- logerie. HORMIS, adv. save, except. O. Fr. horsmis, I i.e. mis hors. In this phrase the partic. | mis (L. missus) used to be variable ; thus ' in 13th cent, we find Cet homme a perdu tons ses enfants, hors mise sajille. In the 1 5th cent, the partic. became firmly attached \ to the particle hors, and the phrase hors mis became a prep. For etymology see hors and mis. Horoscope, sm. a horoscope; from L. horoscopus. HORREUR, sf. horror ; from L. horrorem. For -oTera = -eur see § 227. Horrible, adj. horrible; from L. horri- bilis, Horrifique, arf/. horrific; from L. horri- ficus. Horripilation, sf. horripilation; from L. horripilationem. HORS, prep, (of place and of time) out ; for- merly fors, from L, foras. For the very unusual change of f into h see haras and hordes and § 143. — Der. Aormis. Horticole, adj. horticultural; from L. hor- ticola, a gardener (in Isidore of Seville). Horticulteur, sm. a horticulturist ; a word fabricated out of the Lat. words hortus and cultorem. Horticulture, sf. horticulture; a word fabricated out of the Lat. words hortus and cultura. HOSPICE— HUI. 185 Hospice, sm. a hospital, almshouse; from L. hospitium. Hospitaller, adj. hospitable; from L. hos- pitalarius*. Hospitality, s/. hospitality; from L. hos- pitalitatem. Hostie, sf. an offering, victim, consecrated wafer, host; from L. hostia. Hostile, adj. hostile; from L. hostilis. Hostilite, sf. hostility; from L. hostili- J:atem. H5TE, sm. a landlord, host, guest ; formerly hoste. Port, hospede, from L. hospitem, by regular contr. (see § 51) of hospitem into hosp'tem, by pt = / (see acheter), whence hoste, lastly hote (see Hist. Gram. ^p.8i.) HOTEL, sm. a mansion, hotel, palace; for- merly hostel, Sp. hostal, from L, hospitale, a large house, palace, in medieval Lat. * Actum apud hospitale juxta Corbolium, anno Domini mccxuii ' is the date of an Ordinance of St. Louis. Hospitdle, re- gularly contr. (see § 52) into hosp'tale, becorhes hostel by pt = ^ and a,- e, see acheter ; lastly hotel by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. Hotel is a doublet oi hopital, q. V. — Der. hotelier, hStellerie. HOTTE, sf. a basket (carried on the back) ; of Germ, origin, Swiss Germ, hotte. HOUBLON.sm. thehop ; dim. ofa root houble*, which is from medieval L. hupulus *, der. from hupa, the hop, in Low Lat. documents, ' Huparum hortus ' is a phrase found in a Chronicle. Hupa is of Germ, origin, Neth. hop. Hupiilus becomes houble * by regular contr. (see §51) into hup'lus, and by p = 6, see § iii. — Der. hotiblonnierQ. HOUE, sf. a hoe ; in Namur patois hotive ; of Germ, origin, Engl, hoe, M. H. G. houwe. From O. Fr. hoe comes dim. hoel, then hoyel, by a softening of the hiatus ; hoyel becomes hoyau by softening el into au, see agneau. HOUILLE, sf. coal, pit-coal. Origin un- known, — Der. houillere. HOULE, sf. a billow, so used in i6th cent.; • of Celt, origin, Bret, houl, Kymr. hoeval. — Der. hoideux. HOULETTE, sf. a crook, trowel; from L. agolum (used for a shepherd's crook in Festus), through a dim. agoletta *, which, losing its medial g (see accointer) becomes a-olette, whence a-oulette by o = ou, see affouage ; aoulette becomes oulette, just as aoncle, from avunclus*, becomes oncle. For prefixed h see envahir. HOUPPE, sf (Ornith.) a tuft, topknot. See its doublet hvppe. HOUPPELANDE, sf. a kind of overcoat ; a word found early in the 14th cent. Origin unknown. HOURDER, va. to pug (walls, etc.), originally to fortify with trellises, hurdles ; of Germ, origin. Germ, hurde. HOUSEAU, sm. a spatterdash ; formerly hou- sel. For -el = -eau see agneau. Housel is a dim. of O. Fr. house, a boot, which from medieval L. hosa; of Germ, origin, 0.*H. G. hosa. For o = om see affouage. HOUSPILLER, va. to mob, worry. Origin unknown. HOUSSE, sf. a horse-cloth, housing ; for- merly houce, from medieval L. hiiltia *, der. from O. H. G. hulst, a covering. Hul- tia becomes houce. For -tia = -ce see agencer ; for ul = 0/ = ou see agneau. For hozice = housse see agencer. HOUSSINE, sf a switch. See houx. HOUSSOIR, sm. a birch-broom. See houx. HOUX, sm. (Bot.) a holly-tree, holm; for- merly hous, originally hols * ; of Germ, origin, O. H, G. hiiliz, a thorny shrub. Huliz, contrd. into hul'z, becomes hols by ul = ol, see annoricer ; hols becomes hous by ol = ou, see agneau; then houx by s — x, see deux. — Der. Ao;/ssine (properly a holly- branch), ^oMSsoir. . HOYAU, sm. a mattock, pickaxe. See houe. HUCHE, sf. a kneading-trough, hutch; from medieval L. hutica * : ' Quadam cista, vulgo hutica dicta, quantitate magni- tudinis ampla . . . annonae plena.' See in Ducange. Origin unknown. Hutica, re- gularly contrd. (see § 51) into hut'ca, be- comes huche by tG = c, see § 168, and by -ca, = -che, see §§ 126, 54. HUCHER, vn. to whistle. Prov. hucar, from L. huccus*, a call-cry in medieval Lat. texts : e. g. ' Qui ad ipsos huccos cucurre- runt,' in a Formulary published by Sirmond, No. 30. Huccus is an exclamation der. from L. hue. Huccus produces a verb huccare *, whence hucher, by oca, = che, see § 126. — Der. huchet. HUCHET, sm. a hunting-horn. See hucher. »HUE, interj. hie ! gee ! (cry to horses). See § 34. — Der. huer. HUER, va. to hoot, hoot after. See hue. HUGUENOT, sm. a huguenot. Origin un- known. — Der. huguenotisme. HUI, adv. this day; formerly hoi, Sp. hoy, from L. hodid. For odi = oi = ui see ap- puyer ; for oi = ui see § 84. i85 HUILE — HYDR OG^NE. HUILE, sf. oil ; formerly uile, originally oile, Sp. olio, from L. oleum. For oleiim^ olium see abreger. Olivun becomes oile by transposing the i, see chanoine. For oile = uile see cuider ; for prefixed h see envahir. — Der. kuiltx, huileux, huilier, huileric. HUIS, sm. a door ; formerly uis. It. uscio, from L. ostium, by attraction of i (ostium Bs oistum *) and st = t, cp. dispos from dispostus, etc. For oi = tt/ see cuider; for prefixed h see envahir. — Der. Awjisier (properly a porter, who keeps the ' gate, huts), huisserie. HUIS CLOS, adj. private. See huts and clos. HUISSIER, sm. an usher, bailiff. See huis. HUIT, adj. eight ; formerly uit, originally oil. Port, oito, It. otto, from L. octo. For oct = oit see attrait ; for oit = uit see atlrait and adder ; for prefixed A see envahir. — Der. /tMjVain, AwzVaine. HUITlfiME, sm. and a<^'. an eighth ; formerly huitiesme, from L. octesimus*, by regular contr. (see § 51) of oct6simu8 into octes'mius, whence huitiesme. For oct- = huit- see huit ; for e = ie see arriere. Huitiesme becomes huitieme by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. huitiemement. HUITRE, sf. oyster ; formerly uistre, origin- ally oistre, from L. ostrea. For regular change of ostrea into ostria see abreger ; hence oistre by attraction of 1, see cha- noine', then uistre by oi = ui, see cuider; then huistre by prefixed h, see envahir. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. huitrier, huitrihre. HULOTTE, sf. a howlet, owlet; dim. of root hide*, which is L. \ilula, by regular contr. (see § 51) ofuliila into ul la, whence ulle, then hulle by prefix of h, see envahir. SEumain, adj. human; from L. humanus. For -anus = -am see § 194. — Der. human- iser, humaniste. Humanity, sf. humanity; from L. hu- manitatem. HUMBLE, adj. humble ; from L. humilis. For regular contr. (see § 51) of humilis into hum'lis, whence humble, by nil = mbl, see absoudre. Humectation, sf. wetting, moistening^ from L. humectationem. Humecter, va. to moisten; from L. hu- mectare. HUMER, va. to inhale. Origin unknown. t Huni6rus, sm. (Med.) a humerus; from L. humerus. — Der. AwmeVal. Humeur, sf. humour, mood, temper ; from L. humorem. For -orem^-fx/rsee §227. Its doublet is humour. — Der. humorsX. Humide, adj. humid; from L. humidus. Humidity, sf humidity; from L. humidi- tatem*. For -atem = -e see § 230. Humiliation, sf. humiliation ; from L. humiliationem. Humilier, va. to humiliate, humble ; from L. humiliare. Humility, sf humiUty; from L. humili- tatem. Humoriste, sm. a humorist ; der. from L. humor, with the ending -iste, see § 217. + Humour, sm. humour; from Engl. humour. — Der. A»/monstique. + HumiUS, sm. soil; from L. humus. HUNE, sf (^Naut.) top ; of Germ, origin, A. S. htin. — Der. Awwier. HUPPE, sf (Ornith.) a crest, tuft, hoopoo. Prov. upa. It. upupa, by regular contr. (see § 51) of upupa into uppa, whence hupe by prefixed h, see envahir. Its doublet is houppe. — Der. huppk. (crested : a dialectical variety of huppe is houppe). For u = ou see affbuage. HUPPE, adj. crested. See huppe. HURE, sf. head (of certain animals). Origin unknown. HURLER, vn. to howl; formerly htdler, originally uller, from L. ululare, by regular contr. (see § f^i) of ululdre into ul'lare, whence O. Fr. uller, whence huller by prefixing h (see envahir), then hurler by / = r (see apotre). — Der. hiirlemeni. HURLUBERLU, sm. a giddy goose, fool. Origin unknown. tHussard, sffz. a hussar; of Hungarian origin, see § 29. HUTTE, sf. a shed, hut ; of Germ, origin. Germ, hutte. — Der. hutttr. Hyacinthe, sf (Hot.) a hyacinth; from L. hyacinthus (so used in Pliny). Its doublet is jacinthe, q. v. Hyades, sf pi. the Hyades; from J hyades. Hybride, adj. hybrid; from L. hybrida. Hydrate, sm. a hydrate ; from Gr. vSup. Hydraulique, adj. hydraulic ; from hydraulicus (so used in PHny). Hydre, sf a hydra; from L. hydra. Hydrocephale, sf (Med.) hydrocephalus! from Gr. v5poK4(pa\os. Hydrodynamique, sf. hydrodynamics^ from Gr. vbwp and dvvafiis. Hydrogdne, sm. hydrogen; a word fabt cated, A. D. 1776, by Cavendish, from Gi vdwp and yivos. L. HYDR OGRA PHE — ICONOCLA STE. 187 Hydrographe, sm. a hydrographer ; from Gr. vbap and ypdipdv. — Der. hydrographie, hydrographique. Hydrologie, sf. hydrology ; from Gr. vScup and Koyos. Hydromel, sm. hydromel, mead ; from L. hydromeli (so used in Pliny), Hydrom^tre, sm. a hydrometer ; from Gr. vdaip and /xerpov. — Der. hydrometrie. Hydrophobe, adj. hydrophobic; from L. hydrophobus (so used in Pliny). — Der. hydrophobie. Hydropique, adj. dropsical ; from L. hydropicus. Hydropisie, sf. dropsy; from L. hydro- pisis. Hydroscope, sm. a hydroscopist ; from Gr. iSpooKOTTOs. — Der. hydroscopit. Hydrostatique, s/". hydrostatics; compd.of hydro, answering to Gr. vdwp, and siatique, q.v. Hydne, sf. a hyena ; from Gr. vaiva. Hygiene, sf. hygiene; from Gr. v-yieivus. — Der. hygienique. Hygrom^tre, sm. a hygrometer ; from Gr. vypos and fierpov. — Der. hygrometrie, hygrotneirique. Hymen, stn. Hymen; from L. hymen. Hyinen6e, sm. hymen, marriage ; from L. hymenaeus. Hym^noptdres, sm. pi. hymenopteres, bees ; from Gr. v/x'/jv and rrrepov. Hyrane, smf a hymn ; from L. hymnus. Hyoide, sm. (Med.) the tongue bone ; from Gr. voeidis, a bone in the throat shaped like the Greek letter v. Hypallage, sf. (Rhet.) hypallage; from L. hypallage. Hyperbole, sf. (Rhet,) hyperbole; from L. hyperbola. — Der. hyperbolique. Hyperboree, sf. the North ; from L. hyperboreus, — Der. hyperboreen. Hsrpdthre, adj. hypaethral; from Gr. virai' dpos. Hypnotique, adj. (Med.) hypnotic ; from Gr. vTTVCOTiKos. — Der. hypnotisms. Hypocondre, adj. hypochondriacal ; from L. hypochondria (so used in Priscian). — Der. hypocondrie. Hypocondrie, sf. hypochondria. See hypocondre. — Der, hypocondrhqws. Hypocras, sm. hippocras ; corruption of hippocraticum, sc. vinum. Hypoerisie, sf. hypocrisy; from L, hypo- crisis (so used in St. Jerome). Hypocrite, sm. a hypocrite ; from L. hypocrita (so used in St. Jerome). Hypogastre, sm. (Med.) the hypogastrium ; from Gr. vnoydaTpiov. — Der, hypogastr- ique. B[ypog^6. sm. a hypogeum ; from L. hy- pogeum (a cive, cellar, in Isidore of Seville). Hypostase, sf (Med., Theol.) hypostasis ; from L, hypostasis (substance, in St. Jerome). Hypot6nu.se, sf. the hypothenuse ; from Gr. vTTOTtivovaa. Hypoth.6caire, adj. on mortgage ; from L. hypothecarius, Hypoth^que, sf. a mortgage; from L. hypotheca. — Der. hypothequtx. Hypothdse, sf. a hypothesis ; from L. hypothesis. Hypoth6tique, adj. hypothetical ; from L. hypotheticus (so used in Cassiodorus). Hypotypose, sf (Rhet.) hypotyposis ; from Gr. vnoTvnooais. Hyssope, sf (Bot.) hyssop ; from L. hys- sopum (so used in Pliny). Hyst6rie, ./, (Med.) hysteria ; from L, hysteria *. Hyst^rique, adj. hysterical; from L, hystericus (so used in Martial). I. lambe, sm. an iambus; from L. iambus. lambique, adj. iambic; from L, iam- bicus. Ibis, sm. the ibis; from L, ibis. ICEL, pron. this. See ce. ICELUI, pron. this here. See ce. Ichneumon, sm. an ichneumon; from L, ichneumon. Ichthyologie, sf. ichthyology; from Gr. ixOvoXoyia. — Der. ichthyologique, ichthy- ologists. Ichthyophage, adj. fish-eating ; from Gr. ix6vo(pdyos. ICI, adv. here. See ce. — Der. ci. Iconoclaste, sm. an iconoclast ; from Or. ilKOJv and K\daTT]s (from «Adco). i88 ICONOGRAPHIE — IMBROGLIO, loonographie, sf. iconography; from L. iconographia. — Der. iconographe, icono- graphique. loonol&tre, sm. an image - worshipper ; from Gr. (Ikojv and XArprjs. — Der. icono- Idtrie. Iconologie, sf. iconology (interpretation of ancient monuments) ; from Gr. tlKdjv and \oyia. Id^al, adj. ideal; from L. idealis. — Der, idealisme, idealists, idealiser. Id6e, ./. an idea; from L, idea. t Idem, adv. ditto, the same; from L. idem.^ Identique, adj. identical ; from Schol. Lat.* identicus*, der. from idem. Identity, sf. identity; from L. identi- tatem, der. from idem. See identique. Id^ologie, sf. ideology ; from Gr. tSto and ^.6708. — Der. ideologue, ideologique. Idiome, sm. an idiom, language; from L. idioma. Idiot, sm. an idiot; from L. idiota. Idiotisme, sm. an idiom, peculiarity of speech, idiocy; from L. idiotismus. IdolS,tre, adj. idolatrous, sm. an idolater; from L. idolatra. — Der. idoldtrex. Idol&trie, sf. idolatry; from L. idola- tria. Idole, sf an idol; from L. idolum. Idylle, sf an idyl; from L. idyllium. IF, sm. (Bot.) yew. Sp. ivai of Germ, origin, O. H. G. iwa. For v=/see hoeuf. Ignare, adj. ignorant; from L. ignarus. Ign6, adj. igneous; from L. igneus. — Der. i^'nicole. Ignition, sf ignition; from L. igni- tionem *, der. from Ignitus. Ignoble, adj. ignoble; from L. ignobilis. Ignominie, sf. ignominy; from L. igno- minia. Ignominieux, adj. ignominious ; from L. ignominiosus. For -OSMS = -eiix see §229. Ignorance, sf ignorance; from L. igno- rantia. Ignorant, adj. ignorant; frofn L. igno- rant em. — Der, ignorafit'm. Ignorer, va. to ignore, be ignorant of; from L. ignorare. IL, pers.pron. m. he. Its doublet is le, q. v. ILE, sf an island ; formerly isle, Prov. isla, from L, insula. For regular contr. of insula into ins'la see § 5 1 ; hence isle by ns = s (see dine), then He by loss of s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). — Der. Hot. Illegal, adj. illegal; from L. illegalis*. — Der. illegality. I116gitime, adj. illegitimate; from L, IIIct g i t i m u s ♦. See legitime. ILLETTRfe, adj. unlettered, illiterate ; from L. illiteratus. For literatus= /fi//rc see lettre. Illicite, adj. illicit; from L. illicitus. lUimit^, adj. unlimited. See limite. Illisible, adj. illegible. See lisible. lUuminateur, sm. an illuminator; from L. illuminatorem. Illumination, sf an illumination; from L. illuminationem. niuminer, va. to illuminate; from L. illuminare. Its doublet is enluminer, q.v. — Der. illuming (partic. subst.), illumine isme. Illusion, sf. an illusion; from L. illusio- nem, — Der. illusionner. niusoire, adj. illusory; from L. illu- sorius *. Illustration, sf an illustration ; from L. illustrationem. lUustre, adj. illustrious; from L. illustris. lUustrer, vn. to illustrate; from L. illus- trare. niustrissime, adj. most illustrious; from L. illustrissimus. ILOT, sm. an islet. See He. ' Ilote, sm. a Helot; from L. ilotae. — Der. z7o/isme. IMAGE, sf. an image ; from L, imaginem. For loss of last two atonic syllables see §§ 50» 51' — Der. imager, imagerie. Imaginable, adj. imaginable; from L. i magi nab il is *. — Der. inimaginable. Imaginaire, adj. imaginary ; from L. ima- ginarius. Imaginatif, adj. imaginative; from L. imaginativus *. — Der. imaginative. Imagination, sf. imagination; from L. imaginationem. Imaginer, va. to imagine ; from L. imagi- nari. Imbecile, adj. imbecile; from L. imbecil- lus. Imb6cillit6, ^. imbecility; from L. im- becillitatem. Imbevhe, adj. beardless; from L. imber- bis. Imbiber, vn. to imbibe; from L. im- bibere. Its doublet is emboire. — Der. imbibition. Imbrique, adj. (Bot.) imbricated, fringed ; from L, imbricatus. + Imbroglio, sm. an imbroglio, per- plexity; introd. in i6th cent, from It. im- broglio. Irabu, adj. imbued ; from I. For -utus = -M see § 201. Imitable, adj. imitable ; from L. imita- bilis. Imitateur, s??z. an imitator ; from L. imi- tatorem. Imitation, sf. imitation; from L. imita- tionem. Imiter, t^a, to imitate; from L. imitari. — Der. i7mta.ti(. Immaeule, adj. immaculate; from L. im- maculatus. Immanent, adj. constant; from L. im- manentem. Immangeable, adj. uneatable. See man- ger. Immanquable, adj. unfailing. See man- quer. Immateriality, sf. immateriality. See im- materiel. f Im.materiel, adj. immaterial; from L. im- materialis. — Der. immaterial'xtL Immatricule, sf. matriculation ; from im, for iji, and matricide. — Der. immatriculei, immatriculztlon. Imm6diat, adj. immediate; from L. im- mediatus* . — Der. immediatement Immemorial, adj. immemorial. See me- moire. Immense, adj. immense ; from L. immen- sus. Immensity, sf. immensity; from L. im- mensitatem. Im.merger, va. to immerse; from L. im- mergere. Imm6rit6, adj. unmerited. See meriter. Imijiersion, sf immersion; from L.«im- mersionem. Im.m.euble, sm. a landed estate ; from L. immobilis, used in this sense in the Digest, res immobiles. For mohiVis = vieuble see meuble. Imm.inence, sf imminence; from L. im- minentia. Imminent, adj. imminent; from L. ira- minentem. Immiscer, vpr. to mix up; from L. im- miscere. Immixtion, sf blending; fromL. immix- tionem. Imm.obile, adj. immoveable; fromL. im- mobilis Der. immobihsex, immobilisz- tion. Immobility, sf immobility; from L. im- mobilitatem. Inim.od6r6, adj. immoderate ; from L. i m- moderatus. 1MB U — IMPECCA BILITS, imbutus. 189 L Immodeste, adj. indecent ; from L. immo- destus. Immodestie, sf immodesty; from L. im- modestia. Immolation, s/". immolation ; from L. im- molationem. Immoler, va. to immolate; from L. im- molare. Immonde, adj. unclean; from L, immun- dus. Immondice, sf dirt, uncleanness ; from L. immunditia. Immoral, adj. immoraj. See moral. — Der. zwmora/ite. Imraortaliser, va. to immortalise. See immorlel. Immortality, sf immortality ; from L« immortalitatem. Immortel, adj. immortal; from L. im- mortalis. — Der. immorlaliser, immort- elle. Immuable, adj. immutable; fromL. im- mutabilis. For mutah His = muable see muer. Immunity, sf immunity; from L. immu- nitatem. Immutabilite, sf immutability; from L. immutabilitatem. Impair, adj. unequal, odd. See pair. Impalpable, adj. impalpable ; from L. impalpabilis*. Impardonnable, adj. unpardonable. See pardon?ier. Imparfait, adj. imperfect; from L. im- perfectus. See parfait. Imparfait, sm. the imperfect (tense) ; from L. imperfectum. ^ee parfait. Impartageable, adj. indivisible. See par- tager. Impartial, adj. impartial. See partial. — Der. impartial'xie. Impasse, sf a lane, blind alley. See passe. Impassibilit6, sf impassibility ; from L. impassibilitatem. Impassible, ac?/' ™P^ssible ; from L. im- passibilis. Impatience, sf impatience; from L. im- patientia. Impatient, adj. impatient; from L. im- patientem. — Der. impatietttex. Impatienter, va. to provoke. See impa- tient. Impatroniser, vpr. to become master (of a house). See patron. Impayable, adj. invaluable. See payer. Impeccability, sf impeccability ; from L. impeccabilitatem. 190 IMPECCA BLE — IMPOSTE, Impeccable, adj. impeccable ; from L. impeccabilis. Iinp6n6trable, adj. impenetrable; from L. impenetrabilis. — Der. impinetrabil- it6. Imp6nitence, sf. impenitence; from L. impoenitentia. Impenitent, adj. impenitent; from L. im- poenitentem. Imp6ratif, {i)adj. imperative ; from L. im- perativus. (2)s»i. the imperative (mood); from L. imperativus, sc. modus. Imp6ratrice, sf. an empress ; from L. im- peratricem. Imperceptible, adj. imperceptible. See perceptible. Imperdable, adj. that cannot be lost. See perdre. Imperfection, sf. imperfection ; from L. imperfectionem (so used by St. Augus- tine). Imiperforation, sf. imperforation. See perforation. Imperial, adj. imperial; from L. impe- rialis, Imp6rieiix, adj. imperious; from L. im- periosus. For -osus = -«?/;« see § 229. Imp^rissable, adj. imperishable. See perissable. Imp6ritie, sf. incapacity ; from L. imper- itia. Imperm§abilit§, sf. impermeability. See permeability. Impermeable, adj. impermeable. See permeable. Im.personnel, adj. impersonal ; from L. impersonalis. Impertinence, sf. impertinence. See im- pertinent. Impertinent, adj. impertinent ; from L. impertinentem. — Der, impertinence. Imperturbable, adj. imperturbable ; from L, imperturbabilis. — Der. imperturba- bilite. Impetrant, sm. (Legal) a grantee, candidate (for a degree). See impetrer. Imp6tration, sf (Legal) impetration ; from L. impetrationem. Imp6trer, va. (Legal) to impetrate ; from L. impetrare. — Der. impetrant (partic. subst.). Imp6tue\ix, adj. impetuous ; from L. impetuosus*; for -osms = -eux see § 229. Impetuosite, sf impetuosity ; from L. im- petuositatem*. Impie, at//, impious; from L. impius. Impi6t6, sf impiety ; from L. impietatem. Impitoyable, adj. unpitying. See pitoy- able. Implacable, adj. implacable ; from L. im- pl aca b i 1 i s. — Der. implacabilhe. Implantation sf. a planting. See implan- ter. Implanter, va. to implant. See planter. — Der. implantation. Implexe, adj. intricate; from L. im- plexus. Implication, sf (Legal) contradiction ; from L. implicationem. Implicite, adj. implicit; from L. implici- tus. Impliquer, va. to implicate ; from L. im- plicare. Its doublet is employer, q. v. Implorer, va. to implore ; from L. i m- plorare. Impoli, adj. unpolished ; from L. impoli- tus. ^ Impolitesse, sf unpoliteness. See polit- esse. Impolitique, adj. impolitic. See polit- ique. Imponderable, adj. imponderable. See ponderable. Impopulaire, adj. unpopular. See popti- laire. Impopularite, sf unpopularity. See popu- larite. Importance, sf. importance. See import- ant. Important, adj. important. See importer. — Der. importance. Importation, sf importation. See im- porter. Importer, (l) va. to import (merchandise) ; from L. importare. — Der. importaiion. (2) vn. to be of importance. — Der. import- ant. Importun, adj. importunate; from L. im- portunus. — Der. importunev. Importuner, va. to importune. See im- portun. Importlinite, sf importunity ; from L. importunitatem. Imposable, adj. taxable. See imposer. Imposer, va. to impose. See poser. — Der. impossible, imposznt. Imposition, sf an imposition ; from L. impositionem. Impossibilite, sf impossibility; from L. impossibilitatem. Impossible, adj, impossible; from L. im- possibilis. t Imposte, sf (Archit.) an impost; from It. imposta. Its doublet is impot, q. v. IMPOSTEUR—INA CTION. 191 Imposteur, sm. an impostor; from L. im- postorem (so used in Ulpian). Imposture, sf. imposture ; from L. impos- tura (so used in Ulpian). IMPOT, sm. an impost, tax ; formerly im- pose, from L. impositus* (so used in me- dieval Lat.), by regular contr. of inip6- situs into impos'tus (see § 51), whence impost; then impat by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. Its doublet is impost, q. v. Impotence, sf. impotence ; from L. impo- tentia. Im.potent, adj. impotent; from L. impo- tentem. Impracticable, adj. impracticable. See pratiquer. Imprecation, sf. an imprecation ; from L. imprecationem. Impregner, va. to impregnate ; from L. impraegnare*. Imprenable, adj. impregnable. See pren- able. + Impresario, sm. a manager (at a theatre) ; from It. impresario. Imprescriptible, adj. imprescriptible. See prescriptible. — Der. imprescriptibilhe. Impression, sf. impression; from L. im- pressionem. — Der. impressionner, impres- sto«nable, fm/'ressfonnabilite. Impr6voyance, sf. improvidence. See prevoyant. Impr6voyant, adj. improvident. See pre- voyant. — Der. imprevoyance. ^ Im.pr6vu, adj. unforeseen. See prevu. Im.prim.er,fa.to print ; from L.imprimere. Its doublet is empreindre, q. v. — Der. im- prim6 (partic. subst.), imprimear, imprim- erie. Improbable, adj. improbable; from L. improbabilis. Improbateur, sm. a disapprover, censor; from L. improbatorem. — Der. impro- bat'if. Improbation, sf disapprobation ; from L. improbationem. Im.probit6, sf improbity; from L. impro- bitatem. Improductif, adj. unproductive. See pro- ductif. — Der. improductih\e. Im.promptU, sm. an impromptu ; from L. in and promptu, a thing- improvised, in such phrases as 'in promptu aliquid habere,' to have something at hand ; ' dicere quae sunt in promptu,' to say what is ready in the mind, straight off. Im.propre, «(//. improper ; from L. impro- p r i u s . — Der. impropriete. Improuv6, a^y./"./". unproved, disapproved of. See projiver. f Impro vise r, fa. to improvise; from It. improvvisare. t Improviste, adv. suddenly, unawares; from It. improvvisto. Imprudence, sf. imprudence ; from L. im- prudentia. Imprudent, ac?;. imprudent ; from L. im- prudentem. Impub§re, adj. (Legal) in a state of im- puberty ; from L. impuberem. Impudence, sf. impudence; from L. im- pudentia. Impudent, adj. impudent ; from L. impu- dentem. Impudeur, sf. immodesty. See pudeur. Impudicit6, sf. unchastity. See pudi- cite. Im.pudique, adj. impure, unchaste ; from L. impudicus. Impuissance, sf. powerlessness. See im- pinssa?it. Impuissant, adj powerless. See puissant. — Der. impuissance. Impulsif, adj. impulsive. See impnilsion. Impulsion, sf. impulsion, impetus ; from L. impulsionem. — Der. imptdsii. Impuni, adj. unpunished; from L. impu- nitus. Impunite, sf impunity ; from L. impuni- tatem. Impur, adj. impure; from L. impurus. Inipuret6, sf. impurity; from L. impuri- tatem. Im^putable, adj. imputable (to), chargeable (on). See imputer. Imputation, sf. an imputation ; from L. imputationem. Imiputer, va. to impute; from L. impu- tare. — Der. /mpw/able. Inabordable, adj. inaccessible, unap- proachable. See abordable. Inacceptable, adj. unacceptable. See ac- ceptable. Inaccessible, adj. inaccessible; from L. inaccessibilis (so used in Tertullian). Inaccordable, adj. that cannot be brought into harmony. See accordable. Inaccostable, adj. unapproachable. See accostable. Inaccoutum^, adj. unaccustomed. See accouttime. Inacliev§, adj. unfinished. See acheve. Inactif, adj. inactive. See actif. — Der. in- activite. Inaction, sf. inaction. See action. 192 IN A CTIVITS-^INCOH^RENT. Inactivity, s/. inactivity. See inactif. Inadmissible, adj. inadmissible. See ad- missible. — Der. inadmissibility. Inadvertance, ./. inadvertence ; from Schol. L. inadvertantia *, compd. of advertantia, der. from advertere. Inalienable, adj. inalienable. See aliener. — Der. inalienabilixd. Inalliable, adj. that cannot be alloyed. See alliable. Inalterable, adj. that cannot be altered. See alterer. Inamovible, adj. irremovable. See amov- ible. — Der. inamovibil'itL Inanim6, adj. inanimate; from L. inani- matus. For -atus = -e' see § 201. Inanite, sf. inanity; from L. inanitatem. Inanition, sf. inanition; from L. inan- itionem (so used in Isidore of Seville). Inapp6tence, s/ (Med.) inappetency. See appetence. Inapplicable, adj. inapplicable. See ap- plicable. — Der. inopplica.tion, inapplique. Inappreciable, adj. inappreciable. See appreciable. Inaptitude, sf. inaptitude. See aptitude. Inarticuie, adj. inarticulate. See articule. Inattaquable, adj. unassailable. See at- taquable. Inattendu, adj. unexpected. See attendu. Inattentif, adj. inattentive. See attentif. Inattention, sf. inattention. See atten- tion. Inauguration, sf. inauguration ; from L. inaugurationem. Inaugurer, va. to inaugurate; from L. in- augurare. — Der. inaugura.\. Incalculable, adj. incalculable. See cal^- culable. Incandescent, adj. incandescent ; from L. incandescentem . — Der. incandescetice. Incantation, sf. an incantation ; from L. incantationem. Incapable, adj. incapable. See capable. Incapacity, s/", incapacity ; from L. in (pri- vative) and capacitatem. Incarceration, $f. imprisonment. See in- carcerer. Incarcerer, va. to incarcerate ; from L. incarcerare *, found in Lat. medieval documents, der. from L. career. + Incarnat, adj. incarnate; from It. m- carnato. Its doublet is incarne. Incarnation, sf. incarnation ; from L. in- carnationem. Incamer, vpr. to become incarnate ; from L. incarnare. t Incartade,s/; a wanton insult, practical joke ; from Sp, encartada, der. from encar- tarse, properly to draw a bad card, thence metaph. to make a fool of oneself. Incendiaire, adj. incendiary; from L. in- cendiarius. Incendie, sf. a fire, conflagration ; from L. incendium. — Der. incendier. Incendier,' va. to burn up. See incendie. Incertain, adj. uncertain. See certain. Incertitude, sf uncertainty; from L. in- certitudinem *. Incessant, adj. incessant; from L. inces- santem *. Inceste, (l) adj. incestuous; (2) sm. in- cest; from L. incestus. — Der. incestueux. Inchoatif, adj. inchoative; from L. in- choativus. Incident, adj. incidental; from L. inci- dentem. — Der. incident (sm.), incidence. Incise, sf (Gram.) an involution ; from L. incisus. Inciser, va. to incise; from L. incisare*, a frequent., through supine incisum, of in- cidere. — Der. incis\f. Incisif, adj. incisive. See inciser. Incision, sf an incision; from L. incisio- nem. Incitation, sf an incitement ; from L. in- citationem. Inciter, va. to incite; from L. incitare. Incivil, adj. uncivil, brutal; from L. inci- viUs. icwili Incwilite, sf incivility; from L. incivili- tatem. For -tatem = -/e see § 230. Incivique, adj. unpatriotic. See civique. Incivisme, sm. incivism, want of patriotism. See civisme. Inciemence, sf inclemency; from L. in- clementia. Inclement, adj. inclement ; from L. in- clementem. Inclinaison, sf inclination, dip ; from inclinationem. For -ationem = -ctfsc see fenaison. Its doublet is inclination q. v. Inclination, sf inclination ; from L. in- clinationem. Its doublet is inclinaison, q. V. Incliner, va. to incline; from L. inclinare, Indus, p. p. inclosed ; from L. inclusus. t Incognito, sm. incognito; introd. frou It. incognito. Incoherence, sf incoherence. See inco herent. Incoherent, adj. incoherent ; from L. cohaerentem. — Der. incoherence. INCOLORE—INCR^E. 193 Incolore, adj. colourless; from L. inco- lor. Incomber, V7i. to be incumbent ; from L. incumbere. Incombustible, adj. incombustible ; from in (negative) and combustibilis *, der. from combustus. Incomraensurable, adj. incommensura- ble ; from L. incommensurabilis. — Der, incommensurahilil^. Incomraode, adj. inconvenient ; from L. incommodus. Incommoder, va. to incommode ; from L. incommodare. Incoinmodit6, sf. inconvenience ; from L. incommoditatem. For -tatein = -/e see § 230. Incommunicable, adj. incommunicable ; L. incommunicabilis, so used by from St. Jerome. Incommutabilit§, sf. incommutability ; For from from See See See from L. incommutabilitatem. -tatem = -/e see § 230. Incommutable, adj. incommutable ; L. incommutabilis. Incomparable, adj. incomparable; L. incomparabilis. Incompatibility, sf. incompatibility compatible. Incompatible, adj. incompatible. compatible. — Der. incompatibilite. Incompetence, sf. incompetence. competer. Incomp6tent, adj. incompetent; from L. incompetentem. Incomplet, adj. incomplete; from L. in- completus. Incomplexe, adj. simple, incomplex ; from L. incomplexus. Incompr61iensibilit6, sf. incomprehen- sibility; from L. incomprehensibili- tatem *. For -tatem = -/e' see § 230. Incomprehensible, adj. incomprehen- sible; from L. incomprehensibilis. Incompressible, adj. incompressible ; compd. of compressible, from L. com- pressibilis *, der. from compressus- Inconcevable, adj. inconceivable. concevoir. Inconciliable, adj. irreconcileable. concilier. Inconduite, sf. misconduct. See conduite. \ Incongru, adj. incongruous; from L. in- congruus. Incongruity, sf. incongruity ; from L. in- congruitatem. For -tatem = -/e see § 230. See See Inconsequence, §A inconsequence; from L. inconsequentia. Inconsequent, adj. inconsequent ; from L, inconsequentem. Inconsideration, sf inconsideration ; from L. inconsiderationem. Inconsidere, adj. unconsidered; from L. inconsideratus. For -atus = -e see § 201. Inconsistance, sf. inconsistency. See con- sister. Inconsolable, adj. inconsolable; from L. inconsolabilis. Inconstance, sf inconstance; from L. in- constantia. Inconstant, adj. inconstant; from L. in and constantem. Inconstitutionnel, adj. unconstitutional. See constituer. Incontestable, adj. incontestible. See contester. Inconteste, adj. uncontested. See con- tester. Incontinence, sf. incontinence ; from L. incontinentia. Incontinent, adj, incontinent; from L. incontinentem. Incontinent, adv. forthwith; from L. in and continents Inconvenant, adj. improper, unbecoming. See convenir. — Der. inconvenance. Inconvenient, adj. used as a sm. incon- venience; from L. inconvenientem. Incorporation, sf incorporation ; from L. incorporationem *. Incorporel, adj. incorporal; from L. in- corporalis. — Der. incorporalite. Incorporer, va. to incorporate ; from L. incorporare (so used in Solinus). Incorrect, adj. incorrect; from L. incor- rect us. — Der. incorrect'ion. Incorrigible, adj. incorrigible ; from L. incorri gib ills. — Der. incorrigibilhe. Incorruptibilite, s/. incorruptibility; from L. incorruptibilitatem. For -tatein = -te see § 230. Incorruptible, adj. incorruptible; from L. incorruptibilis. Incredibilite, sf. incredibility ; from L. incredibilitatem (incredulity, in Apu- leius). For -tatem^-^e see § 230. Incredule, adj. incredulous; from L. in- credulus. IncredTllite, sf incredulity; from L. in- credulitatem. Incree, adj. uncreated ; from L. increatus*, a word used in Christian controversy. O 194 INCRIMINER — INDISCIPLINA BLE. Incriminer, va. to incriminate; from L incriminari *; der. from crimen. — Der mcr/mmation. Incroyable, adj. incredible. See croyahle. Incrustation, sf. an incrustation ; from L. incrustationem. Inoruster, va. to encrust; from L. in- crustare. Its doublet is encrouter, q. v. Incubation, sf. incubation; from L. in- cubationem. Inculpation, sf. inculpation; from L. in- culpationem *. Inculper, va. to inculpate; from L. incul- pare*. — Der. inculpL Inculquer, va. to inculcate; from L. in- culcare. Inculte, adj. uncultivated; from L. in- cultus. Inclinable, sf. a cradle; from L. in- cunabulum. Incurability, sf. incurability. See in- curable. Incurable, adj. incurable ; from L. in- curabilis. — Der. incurabilite. Incurie, sf. carelessness; from L. incuria. Incursion, sf. an incursion; from L. in- cursionem. Inde, sm. indigo. Of hist, origin, see § 33 ; a blue colour introduced from India. Its doublet is indique, indigo, q. v. Ind6cence, sf. indecency; from L. inde- centia. Indecent, adj. indecent; from L. inde- centem. Ind6chifFrable, adj. undecipherable. See dechiffrer. Ind^cis, arf/. undecided ; from L. indecisus. Indecision, sf. indecision: from L. inde- cisionem*. Indeclinable, adj. indeclinable; from L. indeclinabilis . — Der. indeclinabilitL Indecomposable, adj. indecomposable. See decomposer. Indeiini, adj. indefinite; from L. inde- finitus. For loss of t cp.aigu from acutus. Indefinissable, adj. indefinable. See definir. Indeiebile, adj. indelible; from L. inde- lebilis. Indeiicat, adj. indelicate. See delicat. — Der. indelicatesse. Indemne, adj. indemnified; from L. in- demnis. Indeniniser, va. to indemnify. See in- demne. Indemnite, sf. an indemnity; from L. in- demnitatem. For -tatem = -/e see § 230. Independant, adj. independent. See de- pendant. — Der. independance. Indestructible, adj. indestructible. See destructible. — Der. indestructibility. Indetermination, sf. indetermination. See inditertnine. Indetermine, adj. undetermined ; from L. indeterminatus. For -atu8 = -4 see § 201. — Der. indeterminztioa. Index, sm. an index, forefinger; from L. index. Indicateur, sm. an indicator. See in- diquer. Indicatif, adj. indicative; from L. indi- cativus. Indication, sf. an indication j from L. indicationem. Indice, sm. an indication; from L. in- dicium. Indicible, adj. unutterable ; compd. of L. dicibilis * ; der. from dicere. Indiction, sf. (Chron.) indiction, convo- cation (of synods, etc.); from L. indic- tionem (so used in the Theodosian Code.) Indienne, sf. printed calico ; der. from Inde, see § 33; properly a coloured cotton stuff first made in India. Indifference, sf. indifference; from L. indifferentia. Indifferent, adj. indifferent; from L. in- differentem. Indigence, sf. indigence; from L. indi- gentia. Indigdne, adj. indigenous, native ; from L. indigenai. Indigent, adj. indigent; from L. indi- gentem. Indigeste, adj. undigested; from L. indi- gestus. Indigestion, sf. indigestion; from L. in- digestionem. Indignation, sf indignation; from L. indignationem. Indigne, a Jj. unworthy; fromL. indignus. Indigner, va. to make indignant ; (S*), vpr. to be indignant; from L. indignari; der. from indignus. Indignity, s/. an indignity; from L. indig- nitatem. For -tatein = -/e' see § 230. t Indigo, sm. indigo; from Sp. indico. — Der. indigotene, indigotier. Indiquer.va. to indicate; from L.indicare. Indirect, adj. indirect ; from L. indi- rectus. Its doublet is endroit, q. v. Indisciplinable, adj. indisciplinable. See indiscipline. INDISCIPLINE — INEX PLICA BLE. 195 indiscipline, s/". want of discipline ; from L. indisciplina. — Der. indisciplinahle. Indiscipline, adj. undisciplined; from L. indisciplinatus. For -atus = -e see § 201. Indiscret, «c?/. indiscreet; from L. indis- cretus *, found in this sense in 6th-cent. documents. Indiscretion, sf. indiscretion ; from L. indiscretionem *. See indiscret. Indispensable, adj. indispensable. See dispettser. Indisponible, adj. that cannot be disposed of. See disponible. Indisposer, va, to indispose. See disposer. Indisposition, sf. an indisposition. See disposition. Indissolubility, sf. indissolubleness. See indissoluble. Indissoluble, adj. indissoluble; from L. indissolubilis . — Der. indissolubilite. Indistinct, adj. indistinct; from L. indis- tinctus. Individu, adj. individual, indivisible ; from L. individuus. Individualiser, va. to individualise. See individtiel. Individuality, sf. individuality. See indi- viduel. Individuel, adj. individual ; der, from individu. — Der. individuality, individual- iser. Indivis, adj. undivided; from L. indi- visus. Indivisibility, sf. indivisibility. See in- divisible. Indivisible, adj. indivisible ; from L. indivisibilis . — Der. indivisibilite. Indi vision, sf. joint-tenancy; from L. indivisionem *. Indocile, adj. indocile; from L. indocilis. — Der. indocilite. Indolence, sf. indolence; from L. indo- lentia. Indolent, adj. indolent; from L. indo- lentem. Indomptable, adj. indomitable. See dompter. Indonipt6, adj. undaunted. See dompter. Indu, adj. undue. See du. Indubitable, adj. indubitable; from L. indubitabilis. 1 Induction, sf. induction; from L. induc- tionem. Induire, va. to induce; from L. inducere. See conduire. Its doublet is enduire, q. v. — Der. induit. Indulgence, sf indulgence; from L. in- dulgentia. Indulgent, aof/. indulgent ; from L. indul- gentem. Industrie, sf. industry ; from L. industria. — Der. industriel. Industrieux, adj. industrious; from L. industriosus. In6branlable, adj. unshaken. See ebran- ler. Inedit, adj. unedited; from L. ineditus. Ineffable, adj. ineffable; from L. ineffa- bilis. — Der. ineffabilite. Ineffa9able, adj. ineffaceable. See effacer. IneflB.cace, adj. inefficacious; from L. in- efficacem. — Der. inefficaclte. In6gal, adj. unequal; from L. inaequalis. See egal. In6galit6, sf. inequality; from L. inae- qualitatem. See egalite. Ineligible, adj. ineligible. See eligible. Inenarrable, adj. unutterable ; from L. inenarrabilis. Inepte, adj. foolish ; from L. ineptus. Ineptie, sf. folly; from L. ineptia. In6puisable, adj. inexhaustible. See epuiser. Inerte, adj. inert; from L. inertem. Inertie, sf. inertness; from L. inertia. Inesp6r6, adj. unhoped for. See esperer. Inestimable, adj. inestimable; from L. estimabilis. Inevitable, adj. inevitable; from L. in- evitabilis. Inexact, adj. inexact. See exact. — Der. inexactitude. Inexactitude, sf. inexactness. See exacti- tude. Inexcusable, adj, inexcusable; from L. excusabilis. Inex6cutable, adj. impracticable. See executer. Inex^CUtion, sf. inexecution. See execu- tion. Inexerce, adj. unpractised. See exercer. Inexigible, adj. not due, that cannot be exacted. See exiger. Inexorable, adj. inexorable ; from L. inexorabilis. Inexperience, sf. inexperience. See expe- rietice. Inexperimente, adj. unpractised. See experimenter. Inexpiable, ac^', inexpiable ; from L. inex- piabilis. Inexplicable, adj. inexplicable ; from L. inexplicabilis. O 2 19^ INEXPRIMA BLE — INF USIBLE, Inexprimable, adj. that cannot be ex- pressed. See exprimer. Inexpugnable, adj. impregnable ; from L. inexpugnabilis. Inextingiiible, adj. inextinguishable ; from L. inextinguibilis. Inextricable, adj. inextricable ; from L. inextricabilis. Infaillibilit6, sf. infallibility. See/aillir. Infaillible, adj. infallible. See/aillir. Inf&me, adj. infamous; from L. infamis. — Der. infamznX. Infamie, ^. infamy; from L. infamia. + Infant, sm. infant; from Sp. infante. Its doublet is enfant, q. v. flnfanterie, sf. infantry; introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. infanteria. Infanticide, sm. child-murder; from L. infanticidium. Infanticide, smf an infanticide; from L. infanticida. Infatigable, adj. indefatigable; from L. infatigabilis. Infatuation, sf. infatuation. See infatuer. Infatuer, va. to infatuate; from L. infa- tuare. — Der. infatuzlion. Infecond, adj. unfruitful; from L. infe- cundus. Inf(§COndit6, sf. unfruitfulness ; from L, i n- fecunditatem. For -tatera = -/e see § 330. Infect, adj. corrupt, infected; from L. in- fectus. — Der. infectex. Infecter, va. to infect. See infect. Infection, sf. infection; from L. infec- tionem. Inf(§odation, sf. infeodation (feudal term). See infeoder. Inf6oder, va. to enfeoff; from medieval L. infeodare; der. from feodum*, for which see fief. Inf6rer, va. to infer ; from L. infer re. Inf(§rieur, adj. inferior; from L. infe- rior em. — Der. inferionXe. Infernal, adj. infernal ; from L. i n fe r na 1 i s. Infertile, adj. infertile; fromL. infertilis. Infester, va. to infest; from L. infestare. Infid^le, adj. unfaithful, infidel ; from L. infidelis. Infidelity, s/. infidelity ; fromL. infideli- tatem. For -tatem = -te see § 2 30. Infiltrer, va. to filter in, infiltrate. See filtre. — Der. infiltraXxon. Infime, adj. lowest; from L. infimus. Infini, adj. infinite; from L. infinitus. — Der. t«;?««tesime*, whence infinitesimaX. Infinite, sf. infinity; from L. infinitatem. JFor -tatem =-;e see § 230. Infinitesimal, adj. infinitesimal. See in- fini. Infini tif, adj. infinitive; from L. infini- tivus. Infirme, adj. infirm; from L. infirmus. — Der. infirmier, infirmerie. In firmer, va. to invalidate; from L. infir- mare. — Der. infirma.ti(. Infirmerie, sf. an infirmary. See infirme. Infirmier, sm. an infirmary nurse. See in- firme. Infirmity, sf. infirmity; fromL. infirmi- tatem. For -tatem = -/6' see § 230. Inflammable, adj. inflammable. See Jlamme. Inflammation, sf. inflammation ; from L. inflartimationem. — Der. inflammatoixe. Inflammatoire, adj. inflammatory. See inflammation. Infl§cllir, va. to inflect; from L. inflec- tere. For letter-changes seefleckir. Inflexibility, sf inflexibility ; deriv. of in- flexible. Inflexible, adj. inflexible; from L. inflexi- bilis. Inflexion, sf. an inflexion ; from L. in- flexionem. Infliger. va. to inflict; from L. infligere. Influence, sf. influence; from L. influen- tia. — Der. influencex. Influencer, va. to influence. See influence. Influent, adj. influential; from L. influ- entem. Influer, v«. to influence; fromL. influere. fln-folio, sm. a. folio; from L. in and folio. Information, sf. information; from L. in-^ formationem. Informe, adj. unformed, shapeless ; from L. , informis. i Informer, va. to inform ; from L. infor- 1 mare. 'i Infortune, sf. a misfortune ; from L. i n-* j fortunium. J Infortun6, sm. an unhappy wretch ; from • L. infortunatus. For -atus = -e see § 201. Infraction, sf. an infraction ; from L. in- fr actionem. — Der. infractenx. Infructueux, adj. fruitless; from L. in- fructuosus. For -osus = -5//X see § 229. — Der. infructueusexaent. Infus, adj. infused; from L. infusus. — Der. infusex. Infuser, va. to infuse. See infus. — Der. in- fusoixes. Infusible, a£(/. infusible. See fusible. INF USION — INOFFENSIF, T97 Infusion, sf. an infusion; from L. infusio- nem. Infusoires, sm. pi. (Entom.) infusoria. See ififuser. tlngambe, adj. active, brisk; from It. ingamba. Its doublet is enjambe, q. v. Ing6nier, va. to task one's ingenuity ; from L. ingeniari*. Its doublet is O. Fr. en- geigner. Ing6nieur, sm. an engineer; from L. in- geniatorem, a military engineer in me- dieval documents: ' Erat etiam ibi ingenia- tor ... qui fecerat plurima ingenia,' see Du- cange. Ingeniator is from, ingenium, which (see engin) has the sense of ' a ma- chine/ ' engine of war.' For -torem = -teur, see § 228. Ing6nieux, adj. ingenious ; from L. inge- niosus. For -osvLS = -eux see § 229. Ing^nu, adj. ingenuous, modest ; from L, ingenuus. Ing6nuit6, sf. ingenuity; from L. ingenu- itatem. For -tateni = -/e see § 230. Ing6rer (S'), vpr. to meddle with ; from L. ingerere. Ingrat, adj. ungrateful; from L. ingratus. Ingratitude, sf. ingratitude; from L. in- gratitudinem. Ingredient, sm. an ingredient ; from L, ingredientem. Ingu6rissable, adj. uncurable. See guerir. Inhabile, arf/. unskilful; from L. inhabi- lis. — Der. inhabilete, inhabilite. Inhabitable, adj. inhabitable; from L. in- habitabilis. Inherence, sf. inherence. See inherent. Inherent, adj. inherent; from L. inhae- rentem. — Der. inherence. Inhospitalit6, sf. inhospitality ; from L. inhospitalitatem. For -tatein = -/e see § 230. — Der. inhospitalier. Inhumain, ac?;'. inhuman; from L. inhu- manus. Inhumanite, sf. inhumanity; from L. in- humanitatem. For -tatem. = -/e see § 230. Inhumation, sf. inhumation, burial. See inhiimer. Inhumer, va. to bury; from L. inhu- mare. — Der. inhumation. Inimaginable, adj. unimaginable. See imaginable. Inimitable, adj. inimitable; from L. ini- mitabilis. Inimitie, sf unfriendliness; from L. ini- micitatem* (deriv. from inimicus, like amicitatem from amicus; see amide). For -icitatem = -jV/e, see amitie. Inintelligible, adj. unintelligible ; from L. inintelligibilis (so used by St. Am- brose). Inique, adj. unjust; from L. iniquus. Iniquity, sf. iniquity; from L. iniquita- tem. Initial, adj. initial; from L, initialis. Initiation, sf. initiation; from L. initia- tionem. Initier, va. to initiate; from L. initiare. — Der. inieie, iniiiative. Injecter, va. to inject; from L. injectare. Injection, sf. an injection; from L. injec- tionem. Injonction, sf. an injunction; from L. in- junctionem. Injure, sf. an injury, abuse; from L. in- juria. Injurier, va. to revile, abuse; from L. in- juriari. Injurieux, adj. injurious, abusive ; from L. injuriosus. Injuste, a^^'. unjust; from L. injustus. — Der. injustement. Injustice, sf injustice; fromL. injustitia. Innavigable, adj. unnavigable; from L. innavigabilis. Inn§, cJ/. inborn ; from L. innatus. For -atus = -e see § 20 r. Innocence, sf innocence; from L. inno- centia. Innocent, adj. innocent; from L. inno- centem. — Der. innocenter. Innocuite, sf innocuousness, harmlessness ; from L. innocuitatem, der. from inno- cuus. Innombrable, adj. innumerable ; from L. innumerabilis. Innomm6, adj. unnamed. See nommer. Innovateur, sm. an innovator. See inno ver. Innovation, sf an innovation; from L. innovationem, Innover, i/«. to innovate; from L. inno- vare. Inoccup§, adj. unoccupied. See occupS. tin-oetavo, sm. an octavo (volume); from L. in and octavo. Inoculateur, sm. an inoculator ; from L. inoculatorem. Inoculation, sf inoculation ; from L. ino- culationem. Inoculer, va. to inoculate, ingraft ; from L. inoculare. Inodore, adj. inodorous, scentless ; from L. inodorus. InofiFensif, adj. inoffensive. See offensif. 198 INONDA TION^-INSTABILITS. Inondation. sf. an inundation; from L. inundationem. Inondor.va. to inundate; fromL.inundare. Inopin6, odf;. unexpected ; from L. inopi- natus. For -atusn-J see § 201. Inopportun, adj. inopportune ; from L, inopportunus. Inopportunit6, 5/ unseasonableness ; from L. inopportunitatem*. For -tatem = -/c see § 230. Inorganique, adj. inorganic. See organique. Inoui, adj. unheard-of. See ouir. t In-pace, adv. in peace; from L. in and pace, fln-partibus, adv. in partibus, among the heathen; from L. partibus (infide- lium). + In-pettO, adv. inwardly; from It. in petto, properly in the heart. + In-quar to, sm. quarto ; from L. in and quarto. Inquiet, adj. unquiet, restless; from L. in- quietus. Inqui^ter, va. to disquiet; from L. in- quietare. — Der. inquietint. Inqui6tude, sf. uneasiness ; from L. in- quietudinem. Inquisiteur, sm, an inquisitor; from L. inquisitorem. Its doublet is ettqueteur, q. V. — Der. inquisitoriil. Inquisition, sf. inquisition; from L. in- quisitionem. Insaisissable, adj. indiscernable. See saisir. Insalubre, adj. unhealthful; from L. in- salubris. Insalubrity, sf. unhealthfulness ; from L. insalubritatem*. For -tatem=-/e' see § 230. Insatiability, sf. insatiableness ; from L. insatiabilitatem. For -tatem = -/e' see § 230. Insatiable, adj. insatiable; from L. insa- tiabilis. Inscription, sf. an inscription ; from L. inscriptionem. Inscrire, fa. to inscribe; from L. inscri- be r e . For -ibere = -ire, see ecrire. Insecte, sm. an insect; from L. insectum. fln-seize, sm. l6mo. (book); from L. in and Fr. seize. Insens^, adj. insensate, foolish ; from L. insensatus. For -atus = -e see § 20r. Insensibility, sf. insensibility ; from L. insensibilitatem*. For -tftteni = -/e see § 230. Insensible, adj. insensible; from L. in- sensibilis. Inseparable, adj. inseparable; from L. inseparabilis. Ins6rer, va. to insert ; from L. inserere. Insertion, sf. insertion; from L. inser- tionem. Insidieux, adj. insidious; from L. insidi- osus. For '08\xa = -eux see § 229. Insigne, adj. distinguished; from L. in- signis. Insigne, sm. a badge; from L. insigne. Its doublet is enseigne, q. v. Insigniiiant, adj. insignificant. See sig- nijier. — Der. insignifiancQ. Insinuation, */". insinuation ; from L. in- sinuationem. Insinuer, va. to insinuate ; from L. insin- uare. Insipide, adj. insipid; from L. insipidus. — Der. insipidM. Insistance, sf insistence, persistence. See insister. Insister, va. to insist; from L. insistere. — Der, insistance. Insociable, adj. unsociable; from L. inso- c i a b i 1 i s . — Der. insociabilite. Insolation, sf sunstroke, exposure to the sun; from L, insolationem. Insolence,*/. insolence ; fromL.insoIentia. Insolent, arf/. insolent; fromL. insolent em. Insolite, adj. unwonted; from L. insolitus. Insolubility, sf insolubility; from L. in- solubilitatem. For -tatem = -/tf see § 230. Insoluble, adj. insoluble; from L. insolu- bilis. Insolvable, adj. insolvent. See solvable. — Der. insolvabilit^. Insomnie, sf sleeplessness; from L. in- somnia. Insouciant, adj. heedless. See soucier. — Der. insouciance. Insoumis, adj. unsubdued. See sou- mettre. Insoutenable, adj. indefensible. See sou- tenable. Inspecter, va. to inspect ; from L. in spec- tare. Inspecteur, sm. an inspector ; from L. in- spectorem. Inspection, sf inspection ; from L. in- spectionem. Inspirateur, sm. an inspirer ; from L. in«j spiratorem. Inspiration, sf inspiration; from L. in^ spirationem. Inspirer, va. to inspire; fromL. inspirarej Instability, sf instability; from L. insta- bilitatem. For -tatem = -/e see § 230. INSTALLER — INTER CEPTER. 199 Installer, va. to instal. See stalle.—Der. installation. Instance, sf. instance; from L. instantia. Instant, sm. an instant, adj. pressing ; from L. instantem. — Der. instantane. Instar (§11') adv. like ; from L. instar. Instauration, sf. an instauration ; from L. instaurationem. Instigateur, sm. an instigator ; from L. instigatorem. Instigation, sf. instigation ; from L. insti- gationem. Instiguer, va. to instigate ; from L. insti- gare. Instinct, sm. instinct; from L. instinctus. — Der. instinchi. Instinctif, adj. instinctive. See instinct. Instituer, va. to institute; from L. insti- tuere. Institut, sm. an institution, institute ; from L. institutum. Instituteur, sm. a teacher, master ; from L. institutorem. Institution, sf. institution ; from L. insti- tutionem. Instructeur, sm. an instructor ; from L. instructorem. Instructif, adj. instructive; from L. in- structivus*, der, from instruere. Instruction, sf. instruction; from L. in- structionem (so used in Arnobius). Instruire, va. to instruct; from L. in- struere. Instrument, sm. an instrument ; from L. instrumentum. — Der. instrumenta.\, in- strumenttx. Instrumentation, sf. instrumentation. See instrumenter. Instrumenter, va. to draw deeds, etc., to compose instrumental music. See instru- ment. — Der. instrumenta.tion. Insu {h V), adv. in ignorance. See savoir. Insubordination, sf insubordination. See subordination. Insubordonn6, adj. insubordinate. See subordonner. Insuffisance, sf insufficiency; from L. in- sufficientia. Insuflisant, adj. insufficient; from L. in- sufficientem. Insufllation, sf (Med.) insufflation ; from L. insufflationem. InsuflB.er, va. to inspire, breathe into ; from L. insufflare. Insulaire, adj. insular; fromL, insular is. Insulte, sf an insult; from L. insultus. Insulter, va. to insult ; from L. insultare. Insupportable, adj. insupportable. See supportable. Insurger (S'), vpr. to revolt; from L. insur- gere. — Der. insurg6 (weakpartic.subst.). Insurmontable, adj. insurmountable. See surmonter. Insurrection, sf an insurrection ; from L. insurrectionem . — Der. insurrectionnel. Intact, adj. intact; from L. intactus. Intarissable, adj. unfailing. See tarir. Integral, adj. integral; from L. integra- lis. Int^gre, adj. whole; from L. integer. Its doublet is entier, q. v. Int6grer, va. (Math.) to re-establish, inte- grate; from L. integrare. — Der. integr- ation. Int6grit6, sf integrity; from L. integri- tatem. For -tatera = -/e see § 230. Intellect, sm. intellect; from L. intel- lectus. Intellectuel, adj. intellectual ; from L. intellectualis. Intelligence, sf intelligence ; from L. i n- telligentia. Intelligent, adj. intelligent ; fromL. intel- ligentem. Intelligible, adj. intelligible; from L. in- telligibilis. Intemperance, sf. intemperance ; from L. intemperantia. Intemp6rant, adj. intemperate; from L. intemperantem. Intemp6r6, adj. intemperate; from L. in- temperatus. For -atus = -e see § 201. Intemperie, sf. inclemency (of weather) ; from L. intemperies. Intempestif, adj. unseasonable, untimely ; from L. intempestivus. Intendant, sm. a superintendent, manager ; from L. interidentem. Its doublet is en- tendant, q. v. — Der. intendance. Intense, adj. intense; from L. intensus. — Der. intensite. Intenter, va. to enter (an action), begin a suit; from L. intentare. Intention, s/". an intention; fromL. inten- tionem. — Der. intentionne, intentionnel. Inter calaire, adj. intercalary ; from L. in- tercalaris. Intercalation, sf intercalation; from L. intercalationem. Intercaler, va. to intercalate ; from L. in- tercalare. Interceder, va. to intercede; from L. in- tercedere. Inter cepter, va. to intercept ; from L. 200 INTER CEPTION-^INTER VENTION. interceptare ♦, compd. of inter and ceptare, from captare. Interception, sf. an interception ; from L. interceptionem. Intercesseur, sm. an intercessor ; from L. intercessorem. Intercession, sf. an intercession ; from L. intercessionem. Intercurrent, adj. intercurrent ; from L. intercurrentem. Interdiction, sf. an interdiction, prohibition ; from L. interdictionem. Interdire, va. to interdict ; from L. inter- dicere. Interdit, sm. an interdict; from L. inter- dictum. For ct = / see § i68. Int6ressant, adj. interesting. See inter- esser. Int6resser, va. to interest; from L. inter- esse. Int6ret, sm. interest ; formerly interest, from L. interest (v. impers.). For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 8i. Int6rieur, adj. interior; from L. inter io- rem. Int6rini, sm. an interim ; from L. interim. — Der. interim&ire. Interjection, sf. an interjection ; from L. interjectionem. Inteijeter, va. to interpose ; from L. inter' jectare*, compd. of inter and jectare which is der. from jectum. For ct = t see § i68. Interligne, sf. a space between lines, prin- ter's leading; from L. inter and Fr. ligne. Interlocuteur, sm. an interlocutor; from L. interlocutorem *, from interloqui. See interloquer. Interlocution, sf. interlocution; from L. interlocutionem. ^Interlope, sm. an interloper; from Engl, interlope. Interloquer, vn. to award an interlocutory in, to nonplus, interrupt ; from L. inter- loqui. Intermdde, sm. an interlude; from L. in- termedins. — Der. intermedizixt. Interni6diaire, adj. intermediate. See intermede. Interminable, adj. interminable ; from L. interminabilis. Intermission, sf. intermission; from L. intermissionem. Intermittence, sf intermission. See m- termittent. Intermittent, adj. intermittent ; from L. inter mittentem. — Der. intermittence. Interne, adj. internal; from L. internus. — Der. interncT, internet. Intemonce, sm. an envoy ; from L. inter- nuncius. Interpellation, sf a summons, call for a reply, question; from L. interpellatio- nem. Interpeller, va. to summon, put a ques- tion ; from L. interpellare. Interpolation, sf interpolation; from L. interpolationem. Interpoler, va. to interpolate ; from L. interpolare. Interposer, va. to interpose ; from L. inter and poser. Its doublet is entre- poser, q. v. Interposition, sf interposition ; . from L. interpositionem. Interpr6tatif, adj. interpretative ; from L. interpretativus, from interpretare. See interpreter. Interpretation, sf interpretation; from L. interpretationem. Interpr^te, sm. an interpreter; from L. interpretem. Interpreter, va. to interpret ; from L. in- terpretari. Interrdgne, sm. an interregnum ; from L. interregnum. Interrogant, adj. asking questions ; from L. interrogantem. Interrogateur, sm. an interrogator ; from L. interrogatorem. Interrogatif, adj. interrogative; from L. interrogativus. Interrogation, sf an interrogation ; from L. interrogationem. Interrogatoire, sm. (Legal) an examina- tion; from L. interrogatorius. Interroger, va. to interrogate; from L. interrogare. Interrompre, va. to interrupt; from L. interrumpere. Interrupteur, sm. an interrupter ; from L. interruptorem. Interruption, sf an interruption ; from L. interruptionem. Intersection, sf an intersection ; from L. intersectionem. Interstice, sm. an interstice ; from L. i n- terstitium. Intervalle, sm. an interval; from L. inter- vallum. Intervenir, vn. to intervene; from L. in- ter venire. Intervention, sf intervention; from L. interventionem. INTER VERSION — INVISIBILITY. 201 Interversion, sf. inversion; from L. in- terversionem. Inter vertir, va. to invert; from L. inter- vertere. Intestat, adj. intestate; fromL. intestatus. Intestin, adj. intestine; from L. intesti- nus. Intestin, sm. an intestine; from L. intes- tinum. — Der. intestinal. Intimation, sf. an intimation, notice ; from L. intimationem. Intime, adj. intimate; from L. intimus. — Der. intimiiQ. Intimer, va. to intimate; from L. inti- mare. Intimider, va. to intimidate. See titnide. Intituler, i/a. to entitle, name; from L. in- titulare. Intolerable, arf/, intolerable ; from L. in- tolerabilis. Intolerance, sf. intolerance; from L. in- tolerantia. Intolerant, adj. intolerant ; from L. in- tolerant em. — Der. intolerantisme. Intonation, sf. an intonation ; from L. in- tonationem *, der. from intonare. Intraduisible, adj. untranslateable. See traduire. Intraitable, adj. intractable. See traiter. Intransitif, arf/. intransitive ; from L. in- transitivus. Intrepide, adj. intrepid; from L. intrepi- dus. — Der. intrepidite. t Intrigue, sf an intrigue; introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. intrigo. — Dex . intrigant, intriguer. Intrinsdque, adj. intrinsic; from L. in- trinsecus. Introducteur, sm. an introducer ; from L. introductorem. Introduction, sf an introduction; from L. introductionem. Introduire, va. to introduce ; from L. in- troducere. Introit, sm. an entrance, introit ; from L. introitus. Intromission, sf intromission; from L. intromissionem*, der. from intra- missus. Introniser, va. to enthrone; from L. in- thronizare *. — Der. m/ro/izsation. Introuvable, adj. undiscoverable. See tronver. Intrus, adj. intruded, sm. an intruder ; from L. intrusum.' — Der. intrusion. Intuitif, adj. intuitive; from L. intuiti- vus*, der, from intueri. Intuition, sf an intuition; from L. intui- tionem*. Intumescence, sf a swelling, intumes- cence; from L. intumescentia*, der. from intumescere. Intussusception, sf (Physiol.) intus-sus- ception; from L. intus and susceptionem. Inusite, ac?/. unused ; from L. inusitatus. For -atus = -e' see § 201. Inutile, ac?/'. useless ; from L. inutilis. Inutility, s/. inutility ; from L. inutilita- tem. For -tatem = -/e see § 230. Invaincu, adj. unconquered. See vaincu. Invalide, adj. weak, invalid; fromL. in- validus. — Der. invalidei, invalid'ite. Invariability, sf invariability. See in- variable. Invariable, adj. invariable. See variable. — Der. invariabilite. Invasion, sf an invasion; fromL. inva- sionem. Invective, sf an invective; from L. in- vectiva, from invectivus. — Der. invec- tiver. Invendable, adj. unsaleable. See vend- able. Invendu, adj. unsold. See vendu. Inventaire, sm. an inventory ; from L. in- ventarium. — Der. inventor'xtr. Inventer, va. to invent; from L. inven- tare*, from inventum, supine of inven- ire. — Der. inventif. Inventeur, sm. an inventor; fromL. in- ventorem. Invention, sf invention ; from L. inven- tionem, Inventorier, va. to inventory. See in- ventaire. Inverse, adj. inverse ; from L. inversus. Its doublet is envers, q. v. Inversion, sf an inversion ; from L. inver- sionem. Invertebre, adj. invertebrate. See vertebra. Investigateur, sm. an investigator ; from L. investigatorem. ^ Investigation, sf an investigation; from L. investigationem. Investir, va. to invest; from L. invest ire. — Der. mj/es/issement, investiture. Inveterer (S'), vpr. to become inveterate ; from L. inveterare. Invincible, adj. invincible; from L. in- vincibilis. Inviolable, adj. inviolable; from L. in- V i o 1 a b i 1 is. — Der. inviolabilite. Invisibilite, sf invisibility; from L. in- visibilitatem. For -tatein = -/e see § 230. 202 INVISIBLE— ISSU, Invisible, adj. invisible; from L. invisi- bilis. Invitation, 5^. an invitation; from L. in- vitationem. Invitatoire, adj. invitatory; from L. in- vitatorius. Inviter, va. to invite ; from L. invitare. Invocation, sf. an invocation ; from L. in- vocationem. Involontaire, adj. involuntary ; from L, involuntarius. Involucre, sm. an envelope ; from L. in- volucrum. Involution, sf. involution; from L. in- volutionem. Invoquer, va. to invoke; from L. invocare. Invraisemblable, adj. improbable. See vraisemblable. Invraisemblance, sf. improbability. See vraisemblance. Invulnerable, adj. invulnerable; from L. invulnerabilis. lode, sm. (Chem ) iodine ; from Gr. luiSrjs. lonique, adj. Ionic; from L. ionicus. Iota, sm. iota ; from Gr. Iwra. tlp6cacuana, sf. (Med.) ipecacuanha; of American origin, see § 32. The root was introd. from Brazil into Europe towards the end of the 17th cent. Irascible, adj. irascible; from L. irasci- bilis. Ire, sf, anger, ire; from L. ira. Iris, sm. an iris; from L. iris, Goddess of the rainbow, then, the rainbow itself. The word has other uses, as the iris of the eye, so called because of the colours of that membrane ; the iris of botany, from the blue colour of the plant. — Der. irise. Ironie, sf. irony; from L. ironia. — Der. ironique. Irradiation, sf. irradiation. See irradier. Irradier, va. to irradiate; from L. irra- diare. — Der. irradia.tion. IrraisonM,ble, adj. unreasonable. See raisonna^. Irrationnel, adj. irrational; from L. irra- tionalis. Irr6conciliable, adj. irreconcilable. See reconcilier. Irrecusable, adj. unexceptionable ; from L. irrecusabilis. Irr6ductible, adj. irreducible. See re- dnire. — Der. irreductibil'ite. Irr6fl.echi, adj. unreflecting, unguarded, thoughtless. See reflechir. Irr6fl.exion, sf. thoughtlessness. See re- flexion. Irrefragable, adj. irrefragable; from L. irrefragabilis*. Irregularity, sf irregularity. See rigula- rite. Irregulier, adj. irregular. See regulier. Irreiigieux, adj. irreligious; fromL. irre- ligiosus. For -osus = -««;» see § 229. Irreiigion, sf. irreligion; from L. irreli- gionem. Irremediable, adj. irremediable ; from L. irremediabilis. Irremissible, adj. irremissible ; from L. irremissibilis. Irreparable, adj. irreparable; from L. irreparabilis. Irreprehensible, adj. irreprehensible ; from L. irreprehensibilis. Irreprochable, adj. irreproachable. See reprocher. Irresistible, adj. irresistible; from L. ir- resistibilis*. Irresolu, adj. irresolute. See rdsolu. Irresolution, sf. irresolution. See resolu- tion. Irrespectueux, adj. disrespectful. See respectueux. Irreverence, sf. irreverence; from L. irre- verentia. Irreverent, adj. irreverent ; from L. irre- verentem. Irrevocable, adj. irrevocable; from L. irrevocabilis. — Der. irrevocabiliti. Irrigation, s/. irrigation; from L. irriga- tionem. Irritabilite, sf irritability; fromL. irri- tabilitatem. For -tatem = -/e see § 230. Irritable, adj. irritable; from L. irritabi- lis. Irritation, sf. irritation; from L. irrita- tionem. Irriter, va. to irritate; from L. irritare. Irruption, sf. an irruption; from L. ir- ruptionem. Isoceie, adj. isosceles ; for isoscele, from Gr. iaoaK(\T}S, comp. of 'iaos and axiXos. Isochrone, adj. isochronous ; from Gr. laoxpovos Der. isocAronisme. Isolation, sf. isolation. See i&oler. Isolement, sm. isolation, loneliness. See isoler. + Isoler, va. to isolate, detach ; introd. in 16th cent, from It. isolare. — Der. tso/ement, isoZation, isoloir. ISSU, sprung from p.p. of O. Fr. issir, which from L. exire. For ■x. = ss see aisselle; for e = i see § 59. — Der. issut (partic. subst.). ISSUE — JALOUX. 203 ISSUE, sf. an issue. See issu. Isthme, sm. an isthmus ; from L. isthmus. Italique, adj. italic ; from L. italicus. A word of historic origin (§ 33), the typo- graphical letters called italics having been introduced at Venice by Aldus Manutius. + Item, adv. moreover ; from L. item. It6ratif, adj. iterative; from L. itera- tivus. Itin6raire, sm, an itinerary; from L. itin- erarius. IVOI RE, sm. ivory ; from L. eboreus. For eboreus = eborius see abreger, whence ivoire. For e = e see § 59 ; for b = f see § 113; for o = oi, by attraction of the /, see chanoifie. IVRAIE, sf. (Bot.) tares, darnel; from L. ebriaca, der. from ebrius ; by reason of the drunkenness, or rather the torpor caused by it. For ebri- = ivre- see ivre ; for -aca = -a/e and for loss of c see ami; for a = ««■ see § 54. IVRE, adj. drunken ; from L. ebrius. For e = « see § 59; for b = v .see § 113. — Der. jvresse, cnivrev, iVrogne. IVRESSE, sf. drunkenness. See ivre. IVROGNE, sm. a drunkard. See ivre, — Der. ivrogiieixQ. J A. adv. already; from L. jara. For loss of final m, already gone in popular Lat., see in inscriptions under the Empire such words as Corsica for Corsicam, virofor virum, urbe for urbem, etc. — Der. de/d, ^adis, jamais. JABLE, sm. a cross groove. Origin unknown. Der. jabkr. JABOT, sm. a shirt frill. Origin unknown. — Der.^a^o^er. JACASSER, vn. to chatter like a. Jacques (sou- briquet of a magpie). Proper names of men are often applied to birds, as e. g. pierrot to the sparrow. J ACHfiRE, sf. fallow-land ; formerly jaschiere, gaschiere, from L. gascaria, so used in medieval documents, as e. g. ' Unusquisque equus, qui laborat in terrae ejusdem villari, id est in gascariis,' from a I2th-cent. text. Origin unknown. Gascaria becomes gas- chiere by o = ch, see § 1 26; and by -aria = -iere, see § 198; then jachiere by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ; and by e=j, see jumeazi. — Der. jacherer. JACINTHE, sf. a hyacinth; from L. hya- cinthus. For hy=7 see abreger. Its doublet is hyacinthe, q. v. Jaconas, sm. jaconet. Origin unknown. JACQUE, sf a coat. Seejaqueite. Jactance, sf. boasting ; from L. jactantia. Jaculatoire, adj. ejaculatory; from L. jaculatorius. JADE, sf. (Min.) jade. Origin unknown. JADIS, adv. of old, of yore; compd. of 7a and dis. Ja is from L. jam, q. v. ; dis is from L. dies. + Jaguar, sm. a jaguar; introd. from the colonies of South America, Sp. jaguar or jaguar a. JAILLIR, vn. to gush out ; a form o£jailler*, from L. jaculare*, in Isidore of Seville. For regular contr. of jaciiMre into jac'lare see § 52, hence jailler by c\=^il, see Hist. Gram. p. 71. — Der. ^'az/Zissement, Tejaillir. JAIS, sm. jet, black amber ; a very ill-formed word, from L. gagates. Jais was in O. Fr. jayet, in Walloon gaiete. Gagates losing its medial g (see allier) becomes gayet by intercalating an euphonic y and by a = e (see § 54); gayet becomes jayet hy g=j, see jumeau. Up to this point the trans- formation is regular ; how jayet was de- graded into jaye then jai or jais is not known. Jalap, sm. (Bot.) jalap ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from the Mexican town of Jalapa, Sp. Xalapa, whence the plant was brought to Europe at the beginning of the 1 7th cent. JALE, sf. a large bowl. Origin unknown. — Der.^a/age. JALON, sm. a stake, landmark. Origin un- known. — Der. jalonner, jalonneur. JALOUSER, va. to be jealous of. Seejaloux. JALOUSIE, sf. jealousy. Seejaloux. JALOUX, adj. jealous ; from L. zelosus. For e = a see amender ; for o = ou see affouage ; for z = j cp. jujube from zizyphum. — Der. jalouser, jalousie. 204 JAMAIS— JET, JAMAIS, adv. ever. See 705 and mats. JAMBE, sf. a leg; ioxmcTly gambe,\X. gamha, from L. gamba, a thigh ; then a leg, in Vegetius, Art. Vetr see § 198. Here u = v (januarius); for this consonification cp. vidua., veuve; irXfvpd, pUvre : and after a q, as sequere, suivre; aqua, eve*. This change is found even in Lucretius, who has genva for genua, tenvis for tenuis ; so also in Merov. Lat. of the 6th cent., severe for sequere (seq'vere). JAPPER, vn. to yelp, yapp (of little dogs, foxes, etc.) ; onomatopoetic. See § 34. — Der.jappement. Jaque, sm. a jacket ; of hist, origin (see § 33)> from the time of the Jacquerie; a garment much worn by the Jacques, or revolted peasants of the 14th cent. — Der. jaqutWt. JAQUEMART, sm. a clockhouse, jack. Ori- gin unknown. Jaquette, sf. a jacket. See jaque. JARDIN, sm. a garden ; formerly gardin, of Germ, origin. Germ, garten. For g=j see § 167 ; for t = fl? see § 117. — Der. jardiner, jardinieT, jardinage, jardinet. JARGON, sm. jargon, gibberish. Origin un- known. — Der. jargonner. + Jarre, sf. a jar ; from Sp.jarra. JARRET, sm. ham, hamstring; formerly garret, dim, of a lost radical garre *, found also in Prov. garra ; of Celtic origin, Bret. gar. For g=j see § 167. — Der. jarret- iere. JARRETlfeRE, sf. a garter. Seejarret. JARS, sm. a gander. Origin unknown. t Jaser, vn. to chatter, prattle, tattle; a modern word, from Prov, gasar, a word of Germ, origin, Scand. gassi, a prattler. For g =j see jumeau. — Der. j'oseur, jaserie. + Jasmin, svi. jessamine; from Sp. jasmin. Jaspe, sm. jasper ; from L. i asp is (found in Pliny). — Der. jasper, jaspuie. JATTE, sf. a bowl ; formerly gatte, Sp. gabata, from L. gabata, by regular contr. (see § 51) of gdbata to gab'ta, whence gatte, by bt = // (§ 168), which ought re- gularly to have become d, see accouder. Gatte becomes jatte by g=j, see § 167. Jatte is a doublet of joue, q. v. — Der. jattee. JAUGER, va. to gauge. Origin doubtful, perhaps from L. qualificare. If so, its doublet is qualifier, q. v. — Der. jauge (verbal suhsX.), jaugezgt. JAUNE, adj. yellow ; formerly jalne, from L. galbinus. For regular contr. of gdl- binus into galb'nus see § 51, whence galnus (see § 113), whence y'a/we (for ^=7 see § 167), lastly jaune (for al = au see agneau). — Der. jajinktre, jaumr,jaunisse. JAVART, sm. a quittor (veterinary). Origin unknown. t Javeline, sf. a javelin; introd. in i6th cent, from It. giavelina. JAVELLE, sf. a sheaf; formerly ^av«//«. It. gavella, a handful of shoots or ears, from L. capella*, a handful, from the same root as capulus. Capella becomes ga- velle by p = i/ (see § lii), c=g (see § 114), and \zsX\y javelle (for g'^j see § 167). — 'Der.javehr,javele\ir, enjaveler. JAVELOT, sm. a javelin. Origin unknown. JAYET, sm. pitch-coal. Seejais. JE, pers.pron. I ; in nth cent.^'o, in 9th cent. io and eo, from L. ego. By regular loss of medial g (see allier) ego becomes eo, found in 9th cent. in the Strasburg Oaths: Eo salvarai cest meon fradre Karlo, sc. ' Ego salvabo eccistum meum fratrem Karolum.' Just as leonem becomes lion, eo becomes io (see abreger) ; it is so found in the Oath of Karl the Bald, A. D. 842 : Ne io ne nerds, lit. ' Nee ego nee nec-uUus.' According to the rule (see abreger) io was consonified into jo, which, about the middle of the 1 2th cent., was weakened into je, just as the O. Fr. forms fo, la are softened into ce, le. JEREMIADE, sf. a Jeremiad; of hist, origin, see § 33. J6suite, sm. a Jesuit; originally Jesuiste, from Jesus ; of hist, origin (§ 33). For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 8 1 . — Der. jesuitiq\ie,jesuit- isme. JET, sm. a throw. Seejeier. JETER — JOUIR. 205 JETER, va. to throw, cast. It. gettare, from L. jactare. For a = e see § 54; for ct = t see § 168. — Der. jet (verbal subst.), jet6& (partic. subst.), dejeter, xejeter, sur- jeter,jeton. JETON, sm. a counter, token. Seejeier. JEU, sm. play, sport, game. Prov. joe, from L. jocus. For o = eu see § 76; for loss of c see ami. JEUDI, sm. Thursday. It. giovedi, from L. Joves dies, found in the Inscriptions. Jovis becomes jeti by loss of v (see a'ieul) and by o = eu (see § 76). We see that this derivation is right when we find that the Prov., reversing the order of the com- pounds, calls the day dijous (dies jovis). JEUN (A), adv. fasting; formerly jeun, from L. jejunus, by dropping the medial j, as is also done in jeune from je]uni\im,jeuner from jejunare. JEUNE, adj. young ; formerly jotie, from L. juvenis. For regular contr. of juvenis into juv'nis see § 51, hence jone, by vn = n (see alleger), and by u = (see annoncer) ; jone becomes jeune by o = eu, see § 76. — Der. jeimesse, rzjeumx. JEUNE, sm. fasting, a fast; iormerXy jeune, from L. jejunium. For letter-changes see jeujt. JECNER, vn. to fast; formerly jeuner, from L. jejunare. For letter-changes see jeun. — Der. dejeuner, jeuneuT. JEUNESSE, sf. youth. See jeune. JOAILLIER, sm. a jeweller. See joyau. — Der. joailleiie. t Jockey, sm. a jockey; from Engl. jockey. Its doublet is jacquei. Jocrisse, sf. a silly servant. Origin un- known. JOIE, sf. joy ; from L. gaudia (from gau- » dium) by dropping medial d (see acca- bler), whence gau-ia, which becomes joie by au = (see § 107), and s — j (see § 167). JOINDRE, va. to join ; from L. jungere. For -ungere = -oindre see oindre. JOINT, sm. a joint ; from L. junctus. For letter-changes see accointer. Its doublet is juntre. — Der. joiniie, jointoyer. JOINTURE, sf. joint; from L. junctura. For unct = oint see accointer. JOLI, adj. pretty ; a word of Germ, origin, O. Scand. jul, properly a festival, then joy, whence the original sense of7o/i= joyous. — Der. joliet, enjoliver, jolivete. JONG, sm. a rush ; from L. juncus. For u = o see annoncer. — Dei. jonchtx (for- merly to strew with rushes, then, by exten- sion, to cover with verdure, flowers, etc.), jonchet (originally pegs made of rushes). JONCHER, va. to strew, scatter. See jone. — Der. ^oncAee (partic. subst.). JONCHET, sm. bones (a game). See jone. Its doublet is honchet. Jonetion, sf a junction; from L. junc- tion em. For letter-changes see accointer. JONGLER, vn. to juggle, originally to divert anyhow ; from L. joeulari. For regular contr. into joc'lari see § 52 ; whence jongler by inserting n, see concombre, and by cl = gl see eglise. — Der. jonglerie, jongleur. JONGLERIE, sf jugglery. See jongler. JONGLEUR, sm. a juggler. See jongler. fJonquille, sf. a jonquil; from Sp. junquillo. JOUBARBE, sf (Bot.) sengreen, houseleek ; from L. Jovis barba, found in Pliny. Jovis becomes jou by loss of v, see a'ieul, and by o = ou, see affouage. The Italians, reversing the parts of the compd. Jovis barba, call the plant barba di Giove. JOUE, sf. a cheek; formerly joe, originally jode, Ix.goia, Vrov. gauta,Siom L. gauta*, a word found in medieval texts : ' Habuit partem capitis St.Bartholomaei,quae maxilla seu faux, vel gauta vulgariter dicitur,' see Ducange. Gauta is contrd. from gavata, a form used by Ennodius, and this is a transformation of gabata, a porringer, in Martial. For the transition from the sense of porringer to that of cheek, see § 14, Joue is a doublet of jatte, q. v. Gabata became first gavata (see avant), then gav'ta (see § 51), then gauta (see aurone),vfhencejoe by loss oft (see aigu), by au = o (see § 107), and g=^j (see § 167). O. Ft. joe becomes joue by o=^ou, see affouage. — Der.70Mfflu (the relation be- tween this word and the primitive gabata can hardly be made out). JOUER, va. to play, Prov, jogar, from L. jocari, by regular loss of medial c and = ou, see affouage. JOUET, sm. a plaything, toy; dim. of jeu, q. V. ; notice also the curious change of the diphthong from eu to ou. JOUFFLU, adj. chubby, fat-cheeked. See joue. JOUG, sm. a yoke; from L, jugum. For u = OM see § 90. JOUIR, vn. to play ; formerly jotr. Prov. gaudir, from L. gaudere. For gaudere = gaudire see accomplir. Gaudire loses 206 youR—yuiF. its medial d, see accabler, whence joir. For e=j see § 167; for au = see § 107. Joir becomes jouir by o=-ou, see affouage. youir is a doublet of gaudir, q. V. — Der. _/oMissant (whence jouissance), rSjouir. JOUR, sm. a day ; formerly jor, originally jorn. It. giorno, from L. diurnus, pro- perly diurnal, daily, then in Low Lat. the length of time called a day. Diiirnus con- sonifies di into_; (see abreger), and makes u = o (see annoncer)^ vfhence joruus, found for diurnus, in Carolingian documents, e. g. in a Chartulary of a.d. 896 : ' Donamus etiam mancipia his nominibus . . . sub eo censu, ut masculi denarios 4. de capite annis singulis, simul et jornos 2. nisi reditus terrae teneant.' Jornus produces O. Fr. jorn, whence jor (see aubotir), whence modern form jour (see affouage). Jour is a doublet oi diurtie, q.v. — Der. (from O. Fr. jorn), jor nee* (now joun\4:e, for o = ou see affouage), yourner, se/oz/nier. JOURNAL, sm. journal; formerly jornal (properly that which takes place daily\ from L. diurnale, written jornale in Merov. documents, by, change of diurn into jorn ; see jour. ' Similiter dono jornales de terra arabili,' is found in an 8th-cent. Chartulary. Jornale gives O. Fr. jornal, which becomes journal by o = ou, see affouage. Journal is a doublet of diurnal, q. V. — DeT.journalier, journaliste, journal- isms. JOURNALIER, adj. daily, variable. See journal. JOURNALISME, sm. journalism. Ste journal. JOURNALISTE, sm. a journalist. See jour- nal. JOURNEE, sf. a day (from rising to rest). See jour. JOUTE, sf. a joust. Seejouter. J OUTER, vn. to joust, tilt, tourney ; formerly jouster, originally juster, Sp. justar, from L. juxtare *, to draw near, thence to fight hand to hand, in medieval Lat., from juxta. Juxtare becomes _/ws/er by x = s, see ajouter ; by m = ou, see § 90, whence jouter by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. Jouter is a doublet of jouxter. — Der. joute (verbal subst.),70M/eur. JOUVENCE, sf. youth ; from L. juventia*. For u = OM see § 90; for -tia = -ce see § 224. JOUVENCEAU, sm. a young lad; formerly jouvencel. It. giovincello, from L. juve- nicellus; dim. of juvenis. Juveni- oellus, regularly contrd. into juven*cellus (found in a document of a.d. 1 150), be- comes jouvencel by u = ou, see § 90 ; then jouvenceau by */ = eau, see agneau. t Jovial, adj. jovial ; from It. giovale. JOYAU, sm. a jewel ; formerly joyel, joel, from L. jocale *, found in Gregory of Tours. This word, derived from jocari, is common in sense of a jewel in medieval Lat. documents : thus, ' Reges . . . jocalia plurima in sanctae ecclesiae ornamentum contulerant,' says Ingulphus, p. 858. Jocale having lost its medial c (see affouage), and changed al to el (see annuel), becomes joel, thence joyel, by intercalating an, eu- phonic y, see § 167. Joyel becomes joyau by el = au, see agneau. — Der.^'oai/lier (from O. Vx.joal,joel). JOYEUX, adj. joyful, joyous ; from L. gaud- iosus. Gaudiosus loses its medial d (see accabler), and becomes joyeux by g=j (see § 167), byau = o (see § 107), and by -08us = -eux (see § 229). — Der. joyeuset6. Julb6, sm. a roodloft ; of hist, origin, see § 33 ; so called because of the ' Jube, domine, dicere,' which was formerly chanted in that part of the church. Jubilation, sf. jubilation; from L. jubi- lationem, found in St. Jerome. Jubil§, sm. a jubilee ; from L. jubilaeus. JUCHER, vn. to roost, perch. Origin un- known. — Der. jucho'iT, dejucher. Judaique, adj. Judaical, Jewish; from L. 1 judaicus. j Judaiser, vn. to judaise; from L. juda- i izare. JudaiSlU,e, sm. Judaism; from L. juda- ismus. Judas, sm. judas; of hist, origin, see § 33. Judicature, sf. judicature; from L. judi- catura *. Judiciaire, adj. judicial; from L. judici- arius. J JudicieUX, adj. judicious; from L. judi- I ciosus *. For -osus= -eux see § 229. JUGE, sm. a judge. Prov. jutge, It. giudice, from L. judicem, by regular contr. (see § 51) of judicem into jud*cem, whence juge by dG = c=g, see adjuger. JUGEMENT, sm. judgment. Seejuger. ' JUGER, va. to judge; from L. judicare. I For jndio&Te ^juger see adjuger. — Der. ' jngement, adjuger, pT6juger. Jugulaire, ac?/. jugular ; from L. jugulum. JUIF, adj. Jewish, sm. a Jew ; from L. ju- daeus. Forae = esee § 104, hence judeus; J VILLET — KIOSQ^ UE. ZCJ then judeus = judius (see abreger). thence juif by attraction of i (see buis), and d=/ (seejief). — DeT.jnivene. JUILLP:T, sm. July ; dim. of L. Julius (July, at Rome), whence a dim. juliettus*, whence juillet by li = il, see ail. JUIN, sm. June ; from L, Junius by trans- position of i, see buis. JUJUBE, sf. (Bot.) jujube; from L. zizy- phum. For regular change of y into u see § lOI, whence zizuphtini, whence jujube. For z =j see jaloux ; for i = « see fumier. ph, or f, = 6 is a change against all rule. — DeT.jtijubier. t Julep, sm. (Med.) julep; from Sp. julep. JUMEAU, adj. twin, twinborn ; from L, geraellus. For -ellus = -eau see § 204. In this case initial g becomes 7, as in gaud- ere, jouir, see § 130. For e~eu = u cp. buveur, bluet, puree, in O. Fr. beuveur, hleuet, peuree. The same changes are found in reussir from re-exire. Jumeau is a doublet of gemeaux. — Der.^wmelles, JUMENT, sf. a mare ; from L. jumentum, a beast of burden in Class. Lat., a mare in late and medieval Lat. JUPE, sf. a petticoat ; a word of Oriental origin, Ar.jubbet, an under-garment. JUPON, sm. a short petticoat. Seejupe. JURANDE, sf. a wardenship. Seejurer. JURER, vn. to swear; from L. jxirare. — Der. jurement, juron, jurande. Juridiction, sf. jurisdiction ; from L. jurisdictionem. Juridique.ac?/. juridical; from L.juridicus. Jurisconsulte, sm. a jurisconsult ; from L. jurisconsultus. Jurisprudence, sf jurisprudence ; from L. jurisprudentia, used by Ulpian. JURON, sm. an oath. See jurer. t Jury, sm. a jury; from Engl. 7?/ry. Its doublet \sJ7iree. JUS, sm. juice, sauce ; from L. jus. — Der. jutexxx. JUSANT, sm. ebb of the tide; der. from^ws, an adv. which signifies ' downwards 'in O.Fr. O. Fr. jus is from L. jusum *, down, in St. Augustine : ' Jusum facere Deum,' he says in his treatise on the First Epistle of St. John. JUSQUE, prep, as far as, until ; from L. de usque, conipd. of de and usque. De- usque regularly became diusque, see § 59 ; whence jusque by consonification of di into 7", see abreger. Jusquiame, sf (Bot.) hyoscyamus ; from L. jusquiamus (so used in Vegetius). Jussion, s/". a command; from L. jussio- nem. JUSTAUCORPS, sm. a close coat, compd. of juste, au, corps, q. v. JUSTE, adj. just, accurate^ apt; from L. Justus. JUSTESSE, sf. justice ; from L. justitia, by -itia = -esse, see § 245. Its doublet is justice, q. v. Justice, sf justice; from L. justitia. For -tia = -ce see § 214, note 2. Its doublet is justesse, q. v. — "Dtx. justiciar, justiciable. Justification, sf justification ; from L. justificationem. Justifier, vfl. to justify; from L. justifi- c a r e . — Der. justifizhle. JUTEUX, aflj/. juicy. See^wsandf 229. Juvenile, ac^'. juvenile ; from L. juvenilis. Juxtaposer, vn. to juxtapose; from L. juxta and poser, q. v. — Der. juxtapos- ition. K. t Kan, sm. a khan ; of Oriental origin, Pers. kkcln. + Kangurou, sm. a kangaroo ; name and animal imported from Australia. t Kaolin, sm. kaolin, porcelain clay; of Chinese origin, Chinese kaoling. fKermhs, sm. kermes ; of Oriental origin, Ar. kermes, cochineal. fKermesse, sf a kirk-mass, feast-day; from Flem. kerhnisse. Kilo-, sm. a ' kilo ' (a thousand of) ; from Gr. Kilogramme, sm. a kilogram (2lb. 30Z. 4'428 dr. avoirdupois). See Mo znA. gramme. Kilolitre, sm. kilolitre (I tun 10 galls. nearly). See Mlo and litre. Kilometre, sm. a kilometre (io93'6389 yards). See Mlo and metre. + Kio S que, sm. a kiosk; of Oriental origin, Turk, liieuchk. 208 KIRSCH- WASSER — LA I. t Kirsch-Tvasser, sm. kirsch-wasser (a spirit made of cherry stones) ; from Germ. kirsch-wasser. t Knout, sm. the knout; from Russian knout. Kyrielle, sf. a litany, long list ; a word fa- bricated by means of the first two words of the Greek Litany, which contains a long list of invocations of Saints; whence the word comes to mean a long enumeration o? string of things. Kyste, sm. (Med.) cyst ; from Gr. kvotis. LA, art. f. the. See le. La, interj. La, sixth note of the musical scale. LA, adv. there. Sp. ella, from L. iliac, by dropping the initial il, see le. For loss of c see ami. fliabarum, sm. the labarum; from L. labarum. Labeur, sm. labour ; from L. lab o rem. For o = eu see § 79, Iiabial, adj. labial; from L. labialis*, from labia. Labile, sf. (Bot.) labiate; from L. labium. Laboratoire, sm. a laboratory; from L. laboratorium*, from laborare. Laborieux, adj. laborious; from L. labo- riosus. For -osns = -eux see § 229. Labourer, va. to labour, till, plough (for the restriction of meaning see § 12). — Der. labour (verbal subst.), laboura.ge, labour- able, laboureuT. Labyrinthe, sm. a labyrinth ; from L. la- byrinthus. LAC, sm. a lake ; from L. lacus. LACER, va. to lace. See lacs. — Der. lacis, enlacer, d6lacer, entrelacer. Laceration, s/. laceration; from L. lace- rationem. Lac6rer, va. to lacerate; from L. lacerare. LACET, sm. a lace. See lacs. LACHE, adj, cowardly. O. Fr. lasche, Prov. lasc. It. lasco, from L. lascus, which is a transposition of lascus, e. g. laxus. The double consonant x = cs is thus transposed in a few words ; thus, Idcher, O. Fr. las- cher, lasquer in the Chanson de Roland, from lascare for lacsare (laxare) ; meche, O. Fr. mesche, from mysca for mycsa (myxa); tdche, O.Yt. tasche, from tasca for tacsa (taxa*). For change of lascus into lache see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ; for c = ch see § 126. LACHER, va. to slacken, loosen; formerly lascher. from L. laxare. For lacsare (laxare) — lascare = lascher, see Idche and acharner; for loss of s see Hist. Gram, p. 81. Ldcher is a doublet of laisser, q. v. — Der. xddcher. LACHETE, sf. cowardice ; formerly laschete. It. laschita, from L. laxitatem. For laxi- = Idche-, see Idcher ; for -tatem = -te see § 230. LACIS, sm. network. See lacer. Laconique, adj. laconic; from L. laconi- cus (Laconian). Lacrymal, adj. (Med.) lachrymal ; from L. lacrymalis*. — Der. /acrymatoire. LACS, sm, a string, bowstring, lace (of boots). For qu = c see car; for continuance of s see § 149. — From the old objective case lac come lacer, lacet. Lactation, sf. lactation; from L. lactatio- nem. Lacte, adj. lacteal; from L. lacteus. Lacune, sf. a chasm, lacuna ; from L. la- cuna. Its doublet is lagune, q. v. LADRE, sm. a leper ; adj. leprous ; from L. Lazarus, the poor man in the Gospel, co- vered with sores, whence by extension (§ 12) applied to all lepers. St. Lazarus was invoked in the middle ages against leprosy, and lazarus in late Lat. documents signi- fies a leper : ' De infirmis qui et leprosi, vul- go autem lazarii nominantur.' IidzSrus, regularly contr. (see § 51) to laz'rus, be- comes laz-d-re, by ZT = zdr, see ancetre. For lasdere = ladre see Hist. Gram. p. 81. It is confirmatory of this derivation that St. Lazare is called St. Ladre in all parts of France north of the Loire. Ladre is a doublet of Lazare. — Der. ladrerie. t Lagune, sf a lagoon; from It. laguna. Its doublet is lacune, q. v. LAI, adj. unlettered; from L. laicus. For loss of c see ami. Its doublet is Idique, q. v. LAI, sm. a plaint, lay ; of Celtic origin, Kymr. llais. LAlCHE — LANCE. 209 LAfCHE, sf. sedge ; formerly laische. It. lisca ; of Germ, origin, O, H. G. lisca. For i = ai see marraine and § 74; for G = ch see § 126. Laiche is a doublet oileche. LAID, adj. ugly. It. laide ; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. /azrf, odious. — Der. laideion, laideuT, enlaidir, LAIE, 5/. a sow. Origin unknown. LAIE, sf. a path ; from medieval L. leda, a woodland track in Low Lat. : ' terram, al- netum, paludem, quae jacent inter ledam . . . et sclusam molendini,' from a charter of A.D. 1 136. Leda is of Germ, origin, Scand. leid. Leda becomes. /a/e by loss of d, see alouette ; and by e = oi — ai, see §§61,63. LAINE, sf. wool. It. lana, from L. lana. For ana = c!t«s see § 194. — Der. lainer, laimge, lainerie, lainier. LAINEUX, adj. woolly ; from L. lanosus. For a = ai see § 54 ; for -osus = -eux see § 229. Laique, adj. laic, lay ; from L. laicus. Its doublet is O. Fr. lat. LAIS, sfn. a standard tree, in a wood. See laisser. LAISSE, sf. a string, leash ; from L. laxa*, found in medieval documents. Laxa is from laxus, loose, i.e. a string loosely held. For :gi='SS see aisselle ; for Q, = ai, see § 54. LAISSER, va. to leave; from L. laxare (found in Gregory of Tours). For a, — ai see § 54; for yi = ss see aisselle. Its doublet is lacker, q. v — Der, lais (verbal subst.), rdais, delaisser. LAIT, sm. milk ; from L. lactem. For ct = it see attrait. — Der. lait^, laiterie, lait- age, laitenx, lait'ier, allaitter. LAITANCE, sf (Ichth.) milt. See laite. LAITE, sf (Ichth.) milt, soft roe; from L. lactes. For ct = it see attrait. Its doublet is lactee. — Der. /aiVance. LAITON, sm. latten, brass. Origin unknown. LAITUE, sf. a lettuce ; from L. lactuca. For ct = it see attrait ; for uca = we see § 237. LAIZE, sf. width ; formerly laise, from L. latia*, deriv. of latus. For a=m see § 54; for tia = soft s see agencer; for s = z see nez. + Ii am a, sm. a 'Llama; of Tibetian origin, signifying a priest of Buddha. • tljania, sm. (Zool.) the llama ; of Peruvian origin, as is also the animal. LAMANEUR, sm. a harbour pilot; from O. Fr. laman, a coast pilot. Laman is of Germ, prigin, Flem. lotman. LAMBEAU, sm. a shred, scrap, rag ; formerly lambel, a form which remains in heraldry. For el = eau see agneau. Origin unknown. Its doublet is the heraldic term lambel. Lambin, sm. a dawdler ; of hist, origin, from the diffuse Professor Lambin (see § 33). — Der. lambinev. LAMBOURDE, sf. a joist. Origin unknown. LAMBREQUIN, sm. (Archjt.) a scallop. Origin unknown. LAMBRIS, sm. panelling ; from O. Fr. lambre. Lambre is from L. lamina by regular contr. (see § 51) of Mmina into lam'na, which irregularly changes mn into mr, see coffre ; whence comes mbr, see absoudre. — Der. lambrisser, lambrissnge. LAMBRUCHE, sf. the wild vine; in i6th cent, lambrusche, from L. labrusca. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ; for addi- tion of w cp. turbo, trombe. LAME, sm. a plate (of metal), wire (of gold, etc.), blade, wave (of sea); from L. lamina, by regular contr, (see § 51) of lamina into lam.'na, whence lame by mn = m, see allumer and § 168. — Der. lame, lamtWc, /amelleux, lamtWe. Lamentable, adj. lamentable; from L. lamentabilis. Lam-entation, sf. lamentation ; from L. lamentationem. Iiam.enter, va. to lament; fromL, lamen- tari. Lamie, sf a lamia ; from L. lamia. Lam-iner, va. to flatten (metals) ; from L, laminare,der. from lamina. — Der. lamin- age, lamino'iT. Ijam.padaire, sm. a lamp-post ; from L ampadarius. LAMPAS, (i) sm. lampas (a fabric); (2) sm. a lampas (veterinary). Origin unknown. LAMPE, sf a lamp; from L. lampas. — Der. lampion, lampiste. LAMPER, va. to guzzle, gulp down. See laper. — Der. lamp^e (partic. subst.). LAMPION, sm. a lamp. See lampe. LAMPISTE, sm. a lampmaker, lamplighter. See lampe. LAMPROIE, sf. a lamprey, Prov, lamprada. It. lampreda, from L. lampetra. Lam- petra regularly changes tr into dr (see aider), whence lampedra, found in 7th- cent documents, hence lampreda by trans- posing the r, see aprete. Lampreda be- comes lamproie by losing medial d, see accabler ; and by e = oi, see § 63. LANCE, sf. a lance. It. lancia, from L. lanoea, by regular transformation of ea P 210 LANCER — LA TRINES. into ia, see abreger ; whence lance, by cia = ce, see agencer. — Der. lancer (properly to throw the lance, then to cast a glance), lancetle, lander. LANCER, va. to dart, throw, shoot. See lance. Iiancinant. adj. (Med.) shooting (of pain) ; from L. lancinantem. LANDE, sf. waste land; of Germ, origin, Germ, lande. LANDIER, sm. a kitchen fire-dog. Origin unknown. LANGAGE, sm. language. See langue. LANGE, sf. swaddling band ; from L. lanea*. Xjanea becomes regularly lania (see ac- cointer), whence lanja by ia = ja (see abreger), whence lange. LANGOUREUX, adj. languishing, consump- tive. See longueur. LANGOUSTE, sf. a lobster ; in O. Fr. both a locust and a lobster. In a I3th-cent. Psalter we read that God gave over the crops of Egypt to the langoustes. Lan- gouste, Port, lagosta, is from L. locusta. liocusta becomes langouste by addition of «, see concombre. For u = om see accouder ; for o = a see dame, LANGUE, sf. a tongue; formerly lengue, from L. lingua. For in — en = an see § 71, and Hist. Gram. p. 48. — Der. langage, langMtXXe. LANGUEUR, sm. languor ; from L. languo- rem. For o = eu see § 79. — Der. lan- gourevx. LANGUIR, vn. to languish; from L. lan- guere. For e = i see § 59. LANI£RE, sf. a thong ; in O. Fr. a woollen strap. We find the phrase itsser des lanieres in 13th cent, in the Partonopeus. Laniere is from L. lanaria, from lana. For -aria = 'iere see § 198. Lanifdre, adj. laniferous; from L. lanifer. 't'liansqueuet, sm. a lansquenet, mer- cenary soldier ; from Germ, landsknecht. LANTERNE, sf. a lantern ; from L. laterna, lantema. See concombre. — Der. lantermer. LAPER, va. to lap; of Germ, origin. Germ. lappen. Another form of laper is lamper. For addition of m see lambrucke. LAPEREAU, sm. a young rabbit. See lapin. Xjapidaire, sm. a lapidary; from L. lapi- darius. Xiapidation, sf. stoning (to death) ; from L. lapidationem. Lapider, va. to stone; from L. lapidare. LAPIN, LAPEREAU, sm. a rabbit ; from a common root lap. Origin unkiiown. Xiaps, sm. a lapse ; from L. lapsus. fljaquais, sm. a lackey, servant; from Sp, lacayo. tLaque, sf. gum-lac, lake (colour); from It. lacca. — Der. laquexix. LARCIN, sm. larceny, theft. O. Fr. larecin, originally larrecin, Sp. ladrocinio, from L. latrocinium. For tr = rr = r see § 168; for loss of o (larrocinium) see aider. LARD, sm. bacon ; from L. lardum. — Der. larder, lardoire, lardon, entrelarder. t Lares, sm. Lares, household gods; from L. lares. LARGE, adj. plentiful, broad, large; from L. largus. Its doublet is largue. — Der. 6- largir, largenr. LARGESSE, sf. largesse, bounty; from L. largitia*. For -itia. = -esse see § 245. LARGEUR, sf. breadth. See large. + Largue, adj. large, flowing; from It. largo. — Der. larguer. LARME, sf. a tear. Sp. lagrima, from L. lacryma, by regular contr. (see § 51) of lacryma into lacr'ma, whence larme. For cr = r see benir. — Der. larmier, larm- oyer. LARMOYER, vn. to shed tears. See larme. — Der. /armozVment. LARRON, sm. a thief; from L. latronem. For tr = rr see arriere and § 168. — Der. Zarronnesse, larronnezn. Larve, sf. a mask, (Entom.) larva ; from L. larva. Larynx, sm. the throat, larynx : from Gr. \6pvy^. — Der. larynge, laryngien, laryngite. LAS, adj. weary ; from L. lassus. Lascif, adj. wanton; from L. lascivus. Lascivet6, sf. wantonness; from L. lasci- vitatem. For -t&%era = 'te see § 230. LASSER, va. to fatigue, tire ; from L. lassare. — Der. delasser. Lassitude, §/". weariness; fromL. lassitudo. "tLast, sm. a last (a weight); from Germ.: last. Latent, adj. latent; from L. latentem. Lateral, adj. lateral; from L. lateralis. Laticlave, sm. a laticlave (a part of a Roman consul's dress) ; from L. laticlavus. Latin, adj. Latin; from L. latinus. Latiniser, va. to latinise; from L. latini-_ zare. — Der. latinisme, latiniste. m Latinisme, sm. Latinism. See latiniser. % Latiniste, sm. a Latinist. See latiniser. Latinit6, sf. Latinity; from L. latinitatem. Latitude, sf. latitude; from L. latitudi- nem. Latrines, s/./>/. a privy; from L. latrina. LA TTE— LEGITIME. !ZI1 LATTE, sf. a lath ; of Germ, origin, Germ. lalte, latte. — Der. latttx, latds. Laudanum, sm. laudanum. Origin un- known. Laudatif, afl?/. laudatory; from L. lauda- tivus. fLaudes, sf.pl. lauds (in the Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church) ; from L. laudes. Laur^at, adj. laureate; from L. laureatus. LAURIER, sm. (Bot.) a laurel, bay-tree; from L. laurarius *, der. from laurus. For -axivis = -ier see § 198. *t*Ijavabo, sm. a wash-stand; from L. la- vabo, fut. of lavare. tLavande, sf. (Bot.) lavender; from It. lavando. tLave, sf. lava ; from It. lava. LAVER, va. to wash; from L. lavare. — Der. Zaveur, lav'xs, /avoir, lavme, /avasse, lavement, /av andiere. Laxatif, adj. laxative; from L. laxativus. LAYER, va. to lay out paths in a wood. See late. — Der. layeur. LAYETTE, sf. baby linen, properly a box (still used for a drawer in the phrase layette d'archives), then linen etc. in the box. So similarly we have corbeille de marriage meaning the trousseau in the corbeille. Lay- ette is dim. of O. Fr. laye, of Germ, origin, Germ. lade. ;For loss of d see alouette. — Der. layetier. t Lazaret, sm. a lazaretto, lazar-house; from It. lazaretto. i'Lazzi, sm.pl. pantomime, buffoonery; from It. lazzi. LE, pers. pron. m. the ; formerly lo, Sp. lo, from L. ilium. For the use of the pron. ille as an article see Hist. Gram. p. 160. Il-lum becomes le just as il-la becomes la, il-los les, il-luic lui, il-lorum leur, by the loss of the first syllable (which is short in the Lat. comedians). Ille, ilia, ilium are almost enclitic, as may be seen by the compds, ellum, ell am in Terence, these being contr. of en-ilhim, en-illam, by dropping il, e n (il)lum, e n ( i 1 ) 1 a m ; whence en'lum, en'lam, whence ellum, ellam, by assimilating nl into 11. Thus we see how ille, not being accented, lost its first syllable in Fr. 1. Il-lum, thus reduced to lum, becomes lu by losing m (see ja), then lo by u = o (see annoncer). O. Fr. lo becomes le just as Jo and fo become Je and ce. 2. Il-los, reduced to los, becomes les by the same softening of o into e. 3. Illi-huic, contrd. to ill'huic, whence illuic by loss of h (see atelier), becomes illui, to be seen in an inscription in Impe- rial times (Mur. 2088, 6) : 'ultimum illui spiritum.' Illui losing its initial syllable becomes lui. 4. Il-lorum, reduced to lorum, becomes leur by o = eu, see § 79. Le is a doublet of il, q. v. LE, sm. breadth (of a textile fabric) ; from L. latus. For -atus = e see § 201. LECHE, sf. a thin slice. Origin unknown. Its doublet is laiche, q. v. — Der. lechehite. LECHER, va. to lick. Prov. lechar. It. leccare; of Germ, origin. Germ. /ec^e«. For ck or cc = ch see acheter. LEQON, sm. a lesson ; from L. lectionem. For ctio = fo see agencer. Lecteur, sm. a reader; from L. lectorem. Lecture, sf. a lecture, reading; from L. lectura*. L6gal, adj. legal; from L. legalis. Its doublet is loyal, q. v. — Der. legaliser, legal- isation. L§galit6, sf. legality; from L. legal ita- tem*. Its doublet is loyaute, q. v. L6gat, sm. a legate ; from L. legatus. Its doublet is legue. L6gataire, adj. legatory; from L. legata- rius. Legation, sf. a legation ; from L. le gatio- nem. t Ldge, adj. light (of ships) ; of Dutch origin, with many other seafaring terms, Dutch leeg. L6gendaire, adj. legendary. See legende. L6gende, sf. a legend; pi. n. of the fut. pass. part, legendus from legere. — Der. legendllowing day; for- merly Vendemain, compd. of en (q. v.) and demain (q. v.). For the agglutination of the article and the subst. from Vendemain to lendemain, see lierre. li^nitif, adj.iM.tdi.) lenitive; from L. le- nitivus*, der. from lenitus. LENT, adj. slow; from L. lentus. — Der. tzlentxx, zlentix. LENTE, sf. a nit ; from L. lendem. For d = / see § 121. Lenteur, sf. slowness; from L. lentorem. Lenticulaire, arf^. lenticular ; from L. len- ticularis. — Der. lenticul^. LENTILLE, sf. a lentil, freckle; from L. lenticula. For -icula = -i7/e see § 257. Lentisque, sm. (Bot.) a lentiscus, mastic- tree; from L. lentiscus. Xi^onin, adj. leonine; from L. leoninus. Xi^opard, 5m. a leopard; from L. leopar- dus. Ldpre, sf. leprosy ; from L. lepra. L^preux, a^'. leprous ; from L. leprosus. For -osus = -««jf see § 229. — Der. U- ^roserie. LEROT, sm. a garden dormouse. See loir. LES, pers. pron. pi. the. See le. Iidse-, adj. treasonable, leze ; from L. laesus. We find this word in this sense in such phrases as 'laesa majestas,' in the Roman jurisconsults. — Der. Zeser. Ii^ser, va. to injure. See Tese. t Lysine, sf. meanness; from It. lesina. — Der. lesinex. Ii6siner, vn. to be mean, stingy. See lesine. — Der. lesineric. Ii^sion, sf (Med.) lesion, injury; from L. laesionem. LESSIVE, sf. a lye, wash ; from L. lixiva (so. cinis, in Pliny). Fori = « see mettre; for x=ss see aisselk. — Der. lessivev. tLest, sm. ballast; from Germ. last. — Der. /«/er. LESTE, adj. brisk, light. It. lesto, Sp. listo ; of Germ, origin, Germ, listig. Lester, va. to ballast. See lest. — Der. lest- eur /cs/age. Ij6thargie, /. a lethargy ; from L. lethar- gia. — Der. /e/Aflr^ique. LETTRE, 5/ a letter ; from L. littera, by regular contr. (see § 51) of littSra into litt'ra, whence lettre. For i = « see § 72. LETTRE, adj. lettered, literary; from L. litteratus. For regular contr. of littSr- dtus into litt'ratus see § 52, hence lettrS. For -atus = -e see ampoule ; for i = e see § 72. — Der. Ulettre. Xieude, sm. a leud, great vassal ; from Me- rov. L. leudes, a king's comrade ; of Germ, origin. Germ, leute. LEUR, adj. their. See le. LEURRE, sm. a lure, decoy ; of Germ, origin, M. G. luoder, which, contrd. into luod'r, becomes leurre. For dr = rr see § 168; for uo = o see § 97; for o = eu see § 76. — Der. leurrtx. LEVAIN, sm. leaven, yeast ; from L. leva- men. For -Bxaen.- -ain see § 226. LEVANT, sm. the East, Levant. See lever. — Der. levantin, levantine. LEVER, va. to raise ; from L. levare. — Der. Iev6e (partic. subst.), levnxe, leviex, levant, Clever, pielever. LEVIS, adj. {ox drawing up (in pont-levis). Prov. levadis. Port, levadico, from L. leva- ticius*, lit. that which one lifts, der. from levare) ; -aticius = -adis, a-Vs, e'is, is, form a succession of changes noticed under coidis. Ii6vite, sm. a Levite; from L. levites. LEVRAUT, sm. a leveret. See lievre.—Dex. levraudex. LEVRE, sf. a lip; from L. labmin. For a = e see § 54; for b = i/ see § 113. LEVRETTE, sm. a harrier, greyhound. See lievre. LEVRIER, sm. a greyhound. See lievre. LEVORE, 5/ yeast. See lever. Iiexique, sm. a lexicon ; from Gr. \4^ikov. — Der. Z^xtcographe, /e^jzcographie, lexi- cographique. LI)Z, adv. near ; from L. latus. In Low Lat. latus was used for juxta, near. • Plexi- tium latus Turonem,' i.e. Plessis-lhz- Tours, i. e. Plessis-near-Tours : so Passy- \hz-Paris, Champigny-lhz-Langres. The O. Fr. lez was a sm. Thus le rot est sur son trone, et sonfils a son lez, i. e. at his side. Latus becomes lez by -atus = -«s, see ampoule ; then es = ez, see nez. LEZARD, sm. a lizard; from L. lacertus. For & = e see § 54; for c = z see amitie; for e = a see amender; fox t = d see § II7- — Der. lezarde (properly a crack in a wall into which a lizard can creep), lezardex. LIAISON, sf. a junction, connection; from L. LIANE- -LIWRE. 213 ligationem, by loss of medial g and by -ationem = -a«o«, see § 232. tLiane, sf. (Bot.) a liane. Its doublet is lien, q. v. LIARD, sm. a very small coin worth ith of a penny. Origin unknown. LIASSE, sf. a bundle (of papers). See Her. Libation, sf. a libation; from L, liba- tionem. Libelle, sm. a libel; from L. libellus. — Der. libeller, libelliste. Liberal, adj. liberal; frOm L. liberal is. Lib6ralit6, sf liberality; from L. liber- alitatem. For -tatem = -/e see 230. Iiiberateur, sm. liberator ; from L. liber a- torem. Liberation, sf liberation; from L. li- berationem. Its doublet is livraison, q. v. Lib6rer, va. to liberate; fromL. liberare. Its doublet is livrer, q. v. Liberty, sf liberty; from L. libertatem. Libertin, adj. libertine, licentious ; sm. a libertine, lit. a freedman, hence one free from the duties of religion, common in 1 7th cent. ; then one who keeps no rule, disorderly. From L. libertinus. — Der. libertindLgQ. Libidineux, adj. lustful; from L. libi- dinosus. Libraire, sm. a bookseller; from L. libra- rius. Librairie, sf a library; from L. libraria, der. from liber. LICE, sf the weft, woof ; from L. licium. LICE, sf a tiltyard, lists. Origin unknown. LICE, sf a hound bitch ; formerly lisse, from L. lycisce. For loss of medial c (lycisce) see affouage, hence ly-isce, whence Prov. Uissa, Fr. lisse, then lice. Licence, sf. Hcence; from L. licentia. — Der. licencier, licencie. . Lieencieux, adj. licentious; from L. licen- tiosus. Lichen, sm. a lichen ; from Gr. Xeixvv. Licitation, sf sale by auction (of property belonging to co-proprietors); from L. lici- tationem. Licite, adj. Hcit, lawful ; from L. licitus. Liciter, va. to sell by auction (joint-pro- perty) ; from L. licitari. fLicorne, s/". an unicorn. It. licorno. LICOU, sm. a halter ; formerly licol, for lie- col ; see Her and cow. Licteur, sm. alictor; fromL. Hctorem. LIE, sf. lye (of wine), dregs. Origin unknown. LIE, ao?/. gay, merry, in the phrase faire chere lie, i.e. give glad welcome, lit. = wsa^e_/o>'eM^ (see chere). Lie is from L. laeta. For ae = c see § 104; for e = i see accomplir ; for loss of medial t see aigu LifiGE, sm. cork ; from L. levium, der. from levis. For consonification of vi into vj see abreger ; hence liege, by vj =g, see abreger, and e = ie, see § 56. LIEN, sm. a band, bond; formerly /zWn, Prov. Ham, Port, ligame, from L. ligamen. For loss of medial g see allier, hence liain ; for -amen = -am see § 226, = en see ancien : cp. chien which is for chiain. Lien is a doublet of liane, q. v. LIER, va. to bind ; from L. ligare. For ligare = /e^ see allier. Its doublet is li- gner, q. v. = Der. lieur. LIERRE, sm. ivy. O. Fr. ierre, hierre, in the loth cent, edre, from L. hedera. Hedera, following the law of the Lat. accent (see § 51), is contrd. into hedra, whence hierre. For e = /e see § 56; for dr = rr see § 168. Hierre next becomes ierre by dropping initial h, see atelier. In the middle ages people properly said I'ierre, and it was not till towards the 15th cent, that the article became absolutely joined to the subst., so as to form lierre. This noun is in its turn preceded by another article, le lierre. This was not decisively settled for a long time : Ronsard writes I'hierre, not le lierre ; and Dubellay says sometimes, Le chef environne de verdoyant lierre ; sometimes Les vieux murs, hideux de ronces et d'hierre. This corruption is found in several other words ; thus we find le lendemain, le loriot, la luette, lors : whilst in O. Fr. men said more correctly Vendemain, I'oriot, I'uette, I'ors ; see those words. LIESSE, sf. jollity ; formerly leesse, originally led£ce. It. letizia, from L^ laetitia. For ae = e see § 104. Letitia loses its medial t (see abbaye) and changes -itia into -esse (see § 245), whence leesse, whence Hesse. For e = i see accomplir. LIE\J, sm. a place; formerly liu, from L. locus. For loss of c see ami ; for o = eu see accueillir; for eu = m see abreger; whence the form liu, whence lieu, hyu — eu, see beugler. . LIEUE, sf. a league ; from L, leuca. For loss of medial c see ami ; for eu = ieu see lieu. LIEUTENANT, sm. a lieutenant. See tenant and lieu. — Der. lieutenance. LiFVRE, sm. a hare ; originally levre, from L. leporem. For regular contr. of l^po- rem into lep'rem see § 51, whence lebre, by changing p into b (see § III), then ai4 LIGAMENT — LINTEA U. levre, in the Chanson de Roland, by 6 = v (see § III), then lievre by « ■» le (see § 56). — Der. /«;raut, levrctte. Levrier represents L. leporarius *, properly a dog which courses the hare, in medieval writers. • Si quis per canes leporaxios feram fuga- verit ' is found in a I'Zth-cent. act. For contr, of lepdrarius into lep'rarius see § 5 2 ; for p = v see § 111 ; for -arius -ier see § 198. Ijigament, sm. a ligament; from L. liga- mentum. — Der. ligamenteux. Iiigature, sf. a ligature; from L. ligatura. Its doublet is liure. LIGE, adj. liege; a word of Germ, origin, Germ, ledig. Its doublet is lege. LIGNAGE, sm. lineage. Prov. lignatge, from L. lineaticum *, der. from linea. For linea = ligne see ligne ; for -aticum = -age see § 248, — Der. lignager. LIGNE, sf. a line ; from L. linea. For linea slinia see abreger, whence lig7ie ; for nia =gne see cigogne. — Der. ligjiee, a/Zg-wer, en- ligner. LIGNEE, sf. lineage. See ligne. LIGNEUL, sm. shoemaker's thread ; from L. lineolum *, der. from linea. For linea — ligne see ligne; for -dbxDX = -eul see aieul. Xiigneux, adj. woody, ligneous; from L. lignosus. For -o8Via = -eux see § 229. liigue, sf. a league. See ligtcer. Ijiguer, va. to league, band together ; from L. ligare — Der. ligue (verbal subst.), li- guem. Ligueur, sm. a leaguer. See liguer. fljilas, sm. (Bot.) a lilac; from It. lilac. Ijiliac6, adj. (Bot.) liliaceous; from L. lili- aceus, found in Palladius. LIMACE, sf. a slug, screw (mechanical) ; from. L. limacem. — Der. lima^on. LIMACON, sm. a snail. See limace. LIMAILLE, sf. filings. See limer. LIMANDE, sf. a mudfish, dab. See lime. liimbe, sm. a border; from L. limb us.' Xiimbes, sm. pi. (Theol.) limbo ; from L, limbo. Xiime, sf. a file; from L. lima. Limer, t/a. to file; from L-limare. — Der. /zmaille, limme. LIMIER, sm. a bloodhound, limehound ; for- merly liemier, from O. Fr, Hem, a leash, from L. ligamen, so meaning properly a dog held in leash. Prov. liamier is also der. from Ham. Ligamen becomes O. Fr. Hem by dropping medial g, see allier, and by a = e see § 54. Iiimitation, 5/: limitation; from L. limi- tationem. Xjimite, sf. a limit, boundary; from L. limitem. Ijiiniter, va. to limit; from L. limitare. — Der. Wlimiti, Hmiiatif, limits. Ijiinitrophe, adj. bordering, neighbouring ; from L. limitrophus. LIMON, sm. slime, clay ; from a root Hm *, which is found in L. limus. — Der. limon- eux. + Ijiinon, sm. a lemon; from It. Hmone. — Der. limonicr, litnom.de. LIMON, sm. shaft, thill (of a cart). Origin unknown. — Der. limoniere, limonier. Xiimonade, sf. lemonade. See limon 2. — Der. HmonadicT. LIMONEUX, adj. slimy, oozy. See limon i. Xjimpide, adj. limpid; from L. limpidus. Limpidity, ^. Hmpidity; from L. limpi- ditatem *. For -tateni = -/e see § 2,^0. LIN, sm. flax ; from L. linum. — Der. Zmon. LINCEUL, sm. a shroud. Prov. linsol, from L. linteolum. For regular change of lin- teolum into lintiolum see a®-er, whence linciolum, see agencer. We find linciolo in 7th cent, in the Glosses of Reichenau : ' Sindones linciolos.' Ijinciolo becomes linceul ; for ci = c see agencer ; for o = eu see § 79. Iiin^aire, adj. linear ; from L. linearis. Iiin6al, adj. lineal; from L. linealis. Iiin^ament, sm. a trace, rudiment, linea- ment; from L. lineamentum. LINGE, sm. linen ; originally linen cloth, linge being an adj. in O. Fr. The O. Fr. phrase was un drap linge = a linen cloth. Littge is der. regularly from adj. linetim. For lineum = linium and for iu = ju (lin- jum), whence Huge, see abreger. — Der. linger, linghre, lingerie. LINGOT, sm. an ingot. Origin unknown. — • Der. lingotiere. Xiingual, adj. lingual; from L. lingua lis*, der. from lingua. Iiinguiste, sm. a Hnguist ; der. from lingua. — Der. linguistiqae. Linguistique, adj. linguistic. See lin- guiste. Xjiniment, sm. a liniment; from L. lini- mentum. LINON, sm. lawn. See lin. LINOT, LINOTTE, sm. a linnet ; so called from feeding chiefly on flax. LINTEAU, sm. a lintel, headpiece (of a door) ; formerly lintel, from L. limi- LION — LIVRA ISON. 215 tellus *, der. from limitein. For regular contr. of limitellus into lim'tellus see §52; hence lintel by ra. — n, see changer, hence linteau by el — eau, see agneau. LION, sm. a lion; from L. leonem. For eo = io see abreger. LIPPE, sf. a pouting lip; of Germ, origin, Germ, lippe. — Der. lippie, lippn. LIPPEE, sf. a mouthful, meal. See lippe. LIPPU, adj. thick-lipped. See lippe. Liquation, sf. (Chem.) liquation ; from L. liquationem. Liquefaction, sf. liquefaction ; from L. liquefactionem *. Liqu6fier, 2/a. to liquefy; from L. lique- ficare*. Liqueur, sm. a liquor; from L. liquorem. — Der. liquor&uyi, liquoriste. Liquide, adj. liquid; from L. liquidus. — Der. liquidex, Liquider, va. to liquidate. See liquide. — Der. liquiddXxon, liquidnteur. Liquidity, s/". liquidity; from L. liquidi- tatem, used for purity, clearness, by Apu- leius. LIRE, va. to read; from L. legere. For regular contr. of legere into leg're see § 51, whence lire; for gr = r see ac- cueillir ; for e = i see § 60. — Der. /isant, Zfseur, Zisable. LIRON, sm. a garden dormouse. See loir. LIS, sm. (Bot.) a lily ; from L. lilius, from liliura, by regular contr. of lilius into Ill's (see § 51). For the continuance of the s see § 149. An orthographic variety of the word is lys. — Der. Z/seron. LISERE, sm. a piping, narrow bordering (of ribbon) ; partic. subst. of O. Fr. verb liserer, which is from lisiere. LISERON, sm. (Bot.) bindweed. See lis. LISIBLE, adj. legible. See lire. LISI£rE, sf. binding (of cloths), edge. See liste. — Der. lisere, q. v. fLisse, sf. a hand-railing; introd. in l6th cent, from It. liscio. — Der. lisser, lissoir. LISSE, sf. warp (of tapestry); from L. licium. ■ For ci = ss see agencer. LISTE, sf. a list, properly a strip on which is written a row of names ; originally a band, strip (so the word list is used in Engl, and liste in Fr. for a white band across a horse's forehead). Liste, meaning a band, is of Germ, origin, O. H. G. lista. — Der. /isiere (a little liste. Lisiere is from listiere ; for s^ = ss = s see § 168 and angoisse), listezu, ZzVeau, liston, listel. LISTEAU, sm. a blue strip (in table linen). See liste. — Der. ZzVeau (for listeau ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81). LISTON, sm. a scroll (heraldry). See liste. LIT, sm. a bed ; from L. lectum. For ect = it see attrait. — Der. liteiie, aliter, litean, litee. Litanies, sf. pi. litanies ; from Gr. \iTa' Vila. LITEAU, sm. a blue stripe. See liste. Litharge, sf. (Min.) litharge; from L. lithar gyrus. — Der. litharge, lithargyre. Lithographie, sf. lithography; from Gr. \i9os and ypdcpciv. — Der. lithographier, lithographique. Lithographier, va. to lithograph. See lithographie. — Der. lithographe (verbal subst.). Lithotomie, sf (Surg.) lithotomy; from Gr. \i6orofj.ia. — Der. lithotome, lithotomiste. Lithotritie, sf. (Surg.) lithotrity; formed from Gr. \i9os and L. tritus, p. p. of terere. — Der. lilhotriteMT. LITIERE, sf. a litter; from L. lectaria*, in medieval Lat. documents. ' Ita pro una lectaria' is a phrase found in a docu- ment of A. D. 1333. Lectaria is from lectus. For -aria = -tere see § 198; for ect = it see attrait. Litige, sm. Htigation; from L. litigium. Litigieux, adj. litigious; from L. litigi- osus. For -osvis = -eux see § 229. Litote, sf. (Rhet.) litotes, extenuation ; from Gr. \it6tijs. LITRE, sf. a band of black cloth (with the armorial bearings of a person deceased) ; formerly listre : for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 8 p. Listre, from Low L. listra, is der. from liste. See liste. Litre, sf. a litre (measure of capacity, 1*760 pint); from Gr. Xirpa. — Der. hectolitre, decalitre. Litt6raire, adj. literary; from L. litter- arius. Litt6ral, adj. literal; from L. litteralis. — > Der. litter alite. Litterateur, sm. a man of letters ; from L. litteratorem. Litt6rature, sf. literature; from L. litter- atura. Littoral, adj. littoral; from L. littoralis. Liturgie, sf. a liturgy; from Gr. \eiTOvpyia. — Der. liturgiqvLG, litzirgiste. Livide, adj. livid; from L. lividus.— Der. lividite. Livraison, sf. delivery (of goods), number, part (of a serial); from L. liberationem. For regular contr. of lib S ratio nam to 2l5 LIVRE — LONG. lib'rationem see § 52, hence livraison. For b = V see § 1 1 3 ; for -ationem = -aison see § 232. Livraison is a doublet of liberation. LIVRE, sm. a book; from L. librum. For b=v see § 113. — Der. livret. LIVRE, sf. a pound; from L. libra. For b = v see § 113. LIVREE, sf. a livery. Sec livrer. LIVRER, va. to deliver, abandon ; from L. liberare, found in this sense in Carol, documents : thus we read • Vel pro dona liberanda secum aliquantis diebus manere praecepit,' in the Capitularies of Charles the Bald. For letter-changes see delivrer. Livrer is a doablet of liberer. q. v. — Der. Iivr6e (partic. subst. ; originally a livree, or, as the phrase ran, habits de livree, were clothes distributed by the king yearly to the officers of the household), diUivrer. IiObe, sm. a lobe ; from Gr. \60os. — Der. lobi, lobnle. XjOcaL odj. local; from L. localis. — Der. localiser. XiOCalit^, sf. a locality; from L. locali- tatem. Locataire, sm. a tenant; from L. loca- tarius, which, however, means one who hires himself out, not one who rents from another. XjOcatif, adj. locative, tenantable ; from L. locativus *. — Der, locatis. Location, sf. a letting, hiring; from L. locationem. XiOCatis, sm. a sorry hack. See locatif. 'MiOCh, sm. a ship's log; from Engl^/og*. LOCHE, sf. (Ichth.) a loach. Origin un- known. LOCHER, va. to be loose (of horseshoes, etc.); of Germ, origin, M. H. G. lucke. For ck{ = cc) =ch see § 126. i" Locman, sm. a harbour pilot ; of Germ, origin, Neth. lootsman. Locomotion, sf. locomotion; from L. loco and motionem. — Der. locomoteur. tLocomotive, sf. a locomotive (pro- perly adj.); from Engl, locomotive, pro- perly locomotive engine. Locution, sf a form of speech ; from L. locutionem. Lods, sm. pi. a lord's dues on sales ; from L. laudes*, so used in Low Lat. 'Si quis emerit terram tenentur de tertio decimo denario, et non plus de laudibus,' occurs in a Chartulary of a. d. 1274. The origi- nal meaning doubtless was a promise, con- sent, in which sense we find laudare used in the middle ages. For au = o see § 106. tLof sm. (Naut.) luff; from Engl. luff. Logarithme, sm. a logarithm; from Gr. \6yos and dpi6n6s. — Der. logarithmiqae. LOGE, sf. a lodge, cell, kennel. It. loggia, Lomb. lobia, from L. laubia*, a lodge, in medieval documents. Thus we find in an Act of A. D. 904, ' In palatio quod est fun- datum juxta basilica beatissimi principis apostolorum, in laubia . . . ipsius palatii.' Also in the Polyptych of St. Remi : ' Habet mansum dominicatum, casam cum cellario, laubia, horrea 2.' jjaubia is of Germ, origin, O. H. G. laubja, a hut of Ipaves. Laubia, consonified regularly (see abre- ger) into laubja, becomes loge. For au = o see § 106; for bj=g' see abreger. — Der. loger, logis, logement, logette, logeahle. LOGER, va. to lodge. See loge. — Der, log' eur, d6loger. Logique, s/. logic ; from L. logica. — Der. logicien. LOGIS, sm, a habitation, house. See loger. Logogriphe, sm. a riddle ; from Gr. \6yos and ypi(l>os. Logomachie, sf. a logomachy, war of words ; from Gr. \oyofMixia. LOI, sf law; from L. legem: cp, regem, roi. For e = oi see § 62 ; for loss of g see allier. — Der. zloi. LOIN, adv. far; originally loing, from L. longg. For o = oi see § 87. — Der, eloigner (from O. Fr. loing, cp. poignet from poing, soigner from soin, temoigner from temoin). LOINTAIN, adj. distant. It. lontano, from L. longitanus*, der. from longe. For regular contr, of longitdnus into long'- tanus see § 52, whence lointain. For -anus = -ain see § 194 ; for ong = oin see loin, LOIR, sm. a dormouse. Prov. glire, from L. glirem. The reduction of gl to / is against the rule given. Hist. Gram. p. 71. For i = oi see § 68. — Der. liron, lerot. LOISIR, sm. leisure (an infinitive used for a sm,, cp. diner, sonper, etc). The verb loisir, = to have permission not to work, is from L. licere. For i = oi see § 68 ; for c = s see amitie; for e = i see accomplir, — Der, /oisible. Lombes, sm.pl. loins; from L, lumbus, — Der, /om6aire. LONG, adj. long; from L, longus. — Der, longd&MX, longe, longer, Monger, long- temps, longuet. LONG A mUlTt — LOVRD. %\y IiOnganiniit§, sf. longanimity, forbear- ance; from L. longanimitatem. LONGE, sf. a tether. See long. LONGE, sf. a loin; from L. lumbea, der. from lumbus. For lumbea = lumbia and for lunibia = luinbja see ahreger, whence longe. For u = o see annoncer ; for ra. — n see changer ; for bj =^ see abreger. LONGER, va. to go along. See long. Loilg6vit6, sf. longevity ; from L. longae- vitatem. Longitude, sf. longitude; from L. longi- tudinem. — Der. longitudina.\. LONGTEMPS, adv. long, a lon^ time. See long and temps. LONGUEUR, sf. length. See long. LOPIN, sm. a piece, bit. Origin unknown. Loquace, adj. loquacious; from L. loqua- cem. Loquacity, sf. loquacity; from L. loquaci- tatem. LOQUE, sf. a rag ; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. loc, something hanging, as, e.g. a ' lock ' of hair, thence a rag. LOQUET, sm. a latch ; dim. of O. Fr. loc : of Germ, origin, A. S. locan, to lock. LORGNER, va. to ogle, glance at ; in Norm, patois loriner: of Germ, origin, Swiss Germ, loren. — Der. lorgnon, lorgnette, lorgneuT. LORIOT, sm. (Ornith.) an oriole, goldfinch. O. Fr. loriol, originally oriol in 1 2th-cent. documents, Prov. auriol, from L. aure- olus, i. e. a yellow or gilded bird : similarly the Germans call this bird gold-amsel. Aureolus becomes auriolus (see ahre- ger), whence oriol, by au = o, see § 106. By the agglutination of the article (see lierre) Voriol became loriol, towards the end of the 13th cent. The change of final / to t is peculiar. Loriot is a doublet of aureole, q.v. LORS, adv. then; formerly lores, originally I'ores ; from L. hora. For the agglutina- tion of the article see lierre ; for etymology see le and or. — Der. /orsque, a/ors. LOS, sm. praise ; from L. laus. For au = see § 106. LOSANGE, sf. a lozenge. Origin unknown. LOT, sm. a lot, portion ; of Germ, origin, Engl, and Flem. lot. Its doublet is loto, q. V. — Der. lot'xx, loterie. I LOTERIE, sf. a lottery. See lot. [i Lotion, sf. a lotion; from L. lotionem. — Der. lotionner. LOTIR, va. to lot, portion. See lot. — Der. loti, lotissement. + Loto, sm. loto; from It. loto. LOTTE, sf. (Ichth.) lote. Origin unknown. f Lotus, sm. (Bot.) lotus; from L. lotus. LOUABLE, adj. praiseworthy. See louer 2. LOUAGE, sm. letting, hiring. See louer i. LOUANGE, sf praise; formerly lounge, from L. laudemia*, a form der. from laudein. For loss of medial d, and for au = o = o?/ see § 106; for -emia = -enija see abre- ger; for m = « see changer, whence -enja, whence -ange, see § 205. — Der. louangex, louangevx. LOUCHE, sm. ambiguity, equivocation ; for- merly lousche, Prov. lose, from L. luscus, prim, of lusciosus. Luscus is properly one-eyed. For u = om see accouder; for o — ch see § 126; for loss of s see Hist, Gram. p. 81. — Der. loucher. LOUCHET, sm. a grafting-tool. Origin un- known. LOUER, va. to let, hire, rent; from L. locare. For loss of medial c and for o = ok see affouage. — Der. lounge, loueur. LOUER, va. to praise; from L. laudare. For loss of medial d see accabler ; for au = o = OM see § 106. — Der. Zowange (q.v.), lou&hle. Lougre, sm. a lugger ; from Engl, lugger. Louis, sm. a louis (an old Fr. coin, value 19 shillings) ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from Louis XIII, who first issued this coin, A. D. 1640. The proper name Louis, O. Fr. Lois, originally Loois, is from L. Ludo- vicus, of Germ, origin, from Hluodowig, which is compd. of hluodo (illustrious) and wig (a battle). For suffix -icus=-i see § 212. Ludovicus then loses medial d (see accabler), and medial v (see a'ieul), then u = (see annoncer), whence O. Fr. Loots, afterwards contrd. to Lo'is (cp. rond from O, Fr. roond). Lo'is becomes Louis by softening to ou, see § 81. LOUP, sm. a wolf; from L. lupus. For u = OM see accouder. — Der. louve (from L. lupa : for u = ou see § 90 ; for p = v see § III), louvcLt, louvet, Zowt/eteau, louvetier, louvetene ; loupe (a tumour, cp. Germ. wolfgeschwulst, lit. a wolfs tumour). LOUP-CERVIER, sm. a lynx; from L. lupus-cervarius, in Pliny. For letter- changes see loup ; for -arius = -ier see § I9«. LOUPE, sf. a magnifying glass. See loup. LOUP-GAROU, sm. a were-wolf. See garou. LOURD, adj. heavy. It. lordo (dirty), from L. luridus, first dirty, then lazy, heavy ; original sense, yellowish). Luridus, ai8 LOURE — LUTH. contrd. regularly (see § 51), becomes lur'dus, whence lourd ; for u = om see § 90. — Der. lourdeuT, lourdiud, lourd- erie, zlonrdir. LOURE, sf. (Mus.) a loure (dance). Origin unknown. LOUTRE, sf. an otter ; from L. lutra. For u = o« see § 90. LOUVE, sf. a she-wolf. See loup. — Der. louvet, /owveteau, /owfeterie, louvetier. LOUVOYER, vtt. to tack ; formerly lovoyer, der. from Iqf. For relation of lof to lovoyer see achever; for o = om see § 81. For etymology of lof see that word. LOYAL, adj. loyal. It. leale, from L. legalis, sc. conformable to law, whence loyal = con- formable to the laws of honour. Legalis in this sense is very common in medieval documents, as e. g. ' legaliter custodire ' in an Act of a.d. 1355; so also we read in St. Bernard's Epistles, ' Neque enim et per- jurus esse, et legalis simul manere poterit.' An ilth-cent. act also has ' Ad quos missi sunt quatuor legales homines qui ex ore ipsorum . . . audierunt.' Legalis be- comes loyal by losing medial g (see oilier), and by e = oi (see § 61). For alis = aZ see § 191. Loyal is a doublet of legal, q. V. — Der. deloyal. LOYAUTE, sf. loyalty ; formerly loyalte, from L. legalitatem, deriv, of legalis. Legal- itfiitem, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to legal'tatem, becomes loyalte by legal = loyal. For -tateni = -/e' see § 230. Loyalte becomes loyaute by al = au, see agneau. Loyaute is a doublet of legalite, q. v. LOYER, sm. hire (of rooms, etc.) ; from L. locarium. For loss of medial c see affouage ; the y is intercalated for the sake of euphony. IjUbie, sf. capriciousness of will, a whim, crochet; from L. lubere. IiUbrifier, va. to lubricate; from L. lubri- ficare*; der. from lubricus. For loss of C see affouage. Lubrique, adj. lewd; from L. lubricus. — Der. lubrich^. IiUCanie, sf a dormer-window ; from L. lucarna *, found for lucerna in some late Lat. documents. Lucerna is properly a lamp, then in Fr. a light, window-light. XjUCide, adj. lucid; from L. lucidus. Lucidity, sf lucidity; from L. lucid- itatem, liUCratif, adj. lucrative; from L. lucrat- ivus. ljUCre, sm. lucre, gain; from L. lucrum. LUETTE, sf. the uvula ; in eariiest Fr. Vuette. Uette is dim. of root ve*, which answers to L. uva. For loss of v see a'ieul ; for diminutive suffix see § 281 ; for agglutina- tion of article {luette for Vuette) see lierre. LUEUR, sf a glimmer, light, gleam. Prov. lugor, from L, lucorem *, a hypothetical deriv. from lucem. For loss of medial e see affouage ; for o = eu see § 79. Lugubre, adj. lugubrious; from L. lugu- bris. LUI, pers. pron. mf. sing. him. See le. LUIRE, vn. to shine ; from L. lucere. By displacement of Lat. accent from lucere to liicere (see Hist. Gram. p. 133), and by loss of the then atonic § (§ 51), we have luc're, whence luire by CT = ir, see benir. — Der. luisant, xduire. tliUmbagO, sm. (Med.) lumbago; from L. lumbago. LUMIERE, sf. light. Prov. lumneira, from L. luminaria. Luminaria, regularly contrd. (see § 52) into lum'naria, be- comes lumiere. For -aria = -iere see § 198 ; for ran = m see allumer. LUMIGNON, sm. snufF of a candle ; from L. luminionem *, der. from lumen. For ni = ^« see cigogne. Luminaire, sm. a luminary ; from L. luminare. IiUmineux, adj. luminous; from L. lumi- nosus. liUnatique, adj. lunatic; from L. luna- ticus. LUNDI, sm. Monday. It. lunedi, from L. lunae dies, found in this sense in the Inscriptions. LUNE, sf. the moon ; from L. lima. — Der. Zwwaire, /wwaison, /w«ette (so called from] the round glasses), /wwule. LUNETTE, sf. a telescope, eyeglass, spec-^ tacles. See lune. — Der. lunettier. Lupin, sm. (Bot.) a lupine; from L. lupinus. LURON, sm. a jolly fellow. Origin unknown.] Lustral, adj. lustral; from L. lustralis. Lustration, sf. a lustration ; from L.1 lustrationem. Lustre, sm. lustre, splendour, also a ' lustrum^ (space of five years). See lustrer. Lustrer, va. to give gloss 'to, glaze; clean, then to brighten; from L. lustrar< — Der. histre (verbal subst.), lustr'mt. Lut, sm. (Chem.) lute, luting; from lutum. — Der. luter. fLuth, sm. a lute; introd. from It. liuto.- Der. luthxtx. LUTIN — MAgON, 219 LUTIN, sm. a goblin, elf. Origin unknown. — Der. lutinei. LUTRIN, sm. a lectern ; formerly lelrin, from L. lectrinum; der. from lectrum, used for a pulpit in Isidore of Seville. For ct = t see § 168; for e = M see jwneau. LUTTE, sf. a struggle ; from L. lucta. For letter-changes see lutter. LUTTER, vn. to wrestle, struggle ; from L. luctari. For ct = // see § 168. — Der. lutteViX. Luxation, sf. (Surg.) luxation, dislocation ; from L. luxationem. XiUxe, sm. luxury; from L. luxus. — Der. luxuevLX. Luxer, va. to dislocate; from L. luxare. Luxure, sf. lewdness; from L. luxuria. Luxurieux, adj. lewd ; from L. lux- uriosus. For -osvjlS =^ -eux see § -229. LUZERNE, sf. (Bot.) lucern. Origin un- known. — Der. luzermhxe. Lycanthropie, sf. lycanthropy ; from Gr. \vKav6pojnia. — Der. lycanthrope. Lycee, sm. a lyceum ; from Gr. KvKdov (the Lyceum at Athens). Lycopode, sm. (Bot.) lycopodium; from Gr. \vKos and irovs. Lymphatique, adj. lymphatic; from L. lymphaticus. Lymphe, sf lymph, sap; from L. lympha. Ljmx, sm. a lynx ; from L. lynx. Lyre, sf. a lyre; from L. lyra. Lyrique, adj. lyrical; from L. lyricus. LYS, sm. a lily. See lis. M. MA, poss. pron.f my. See mon. Macadam, sm. macadam ; of hist, origin (from Mr. Macadam, who introduced this method of laying roads), see § 33. — Der. macadamxset. + Macaque, sm. a macauco, dog-faced baboon ; from Port, macaco. •{"Macaron, sw. a macaroon, cake ; from It. maccarone. Its doublet is maccheroni, q.v. fMacaroni, sm. macaroni; from It. maccheroni (pi. of maccarone). tMacaronique, adj. macaronic; from It. macckeronico. Macedoine, sf. a medley. Origin un- known. Maceration, sf. maceration ; from L. macerationem. Mac§rer, va. to macerate; from L. mace- rare. MACHE, sf. a mash. Origin unknown. MACHEFER, sm. scales of iron. Origin unknown. MACHELIERE, sf. a jaw-tooth, grinder; from L. maxiUarius. For ■x. = ch see Idche ; for i = ^ see § 72 ; for -arius = -iere see § 198. MACHER, va. to masticate ; formerly mas- cher, Prov. masgar. It. masticare, from L. mastieare. For regular contr. of masti- cdre to mast'care see § 52 ; whence mas'care, see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ; hence mascher. For ca. = che see §§ 126 and 54; hence mdcher by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81 — Mdcher is a doublet of mastiquer, q. V. — Der. mdcAeur, machoixe, mhchonner. Machiavelisme, sm. Machiavelism ; from Machiavelli, the Florentine historian. For this historic word see § 33. — Der. ma- chiaveliqae, machiaveliste. Machicoulis, sm. machicolation. Origin unknown. Machinal, adj. mechanical ; from L. ma- chinalis. Machinateur, sm. a plotter; from L. machinatorem. Machination, sf. a machination ; from L. machinationem. Machine, s/. a machine ; from L. machina. Machiner, va. to plot ; from L, ma- chinari. — Der. machiniste. MACHOIRE, sf. a. jaw. See mdcher. MACHONNER, va. to mumble. See md- cher. MACHURER, va. to blacken ; formerly mas- churer, originally mascurer. Of Germ, origin, O.H.G. masca, a blot, spot. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81; for c = cA see § 126. Macis, sm. mace (a spice) ; from L. macis. Made, sf. (Bot.) caltrop, (Min.) made. Origin unknown. MA^ON, sm. a mason ; from L. macionem, in Isidore of Seville : another form is ma- ehionem. ch is softened to c in Latin tiroes. For -eionem- = po« see § 231. — Der. ma^onner, mafonnzge, mafonniqne, franc-wza^o/i, maf onnerie. 220 MA CRE USE — MA TLLET. MACREUSE, (Omith.) s/. the black diver. Origin unknown. Maoule, sf. a spot; from L. macula. Its doublet is maille, q. v. Macular, va. to spot, blemish; from L. maculare. — Der. mac?//ation, macuhtmt. MADAME, sf. Madam, Mistress. See ma and daine. Its doublet is madone, q, v. MADEMOISELLE, sf. Mademoiselle, Miss. See tna and demoiselle. t Madone, sf. a Madonna; from It. madona. Madras, sm. a Madras handkerchief; of hist, origin, see § 33 ; a fabric made origi- nally at Madras. MADRfi, adj. spotted, speckled (as in phrases bois madre, porcelaine madree), cunning, sly. Madre is derived from O. Fr. madre, mazdre ; of Germ, origin, Germ, maser, spotted wood. Maser, contrd. to mas'r, be- comes O.Fr. masdre, mazdre. For sr — sdr see anckre ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram, p. 81. From the sense of spotted, varied in colour or shade, the word takes the sense of ready in ruse and resources, sly. "t Madr6pore, sm. madrepore; from It. madrepora. MADRIER, sm. a joist ; from L. materia- rius*, der. from materia. For regular contr. of matSriarius to mat'riarius see § 52, hence madrier. For tr = (/r see aider; for -ariu8 = -i^ see § 198. + Madrigal, sm. a madrigal ; from It. ma- drigale. tMagasin, sm. a warehouse, shop, maga- zine; formerly ma^azm. Of Oriental origin, Ar. machdzin, properly stores of mer- chandise, then a shop. Mage, sm. a magian ; from L. magus. Magie, sf magic; from L. magia. — Der. ma^ique, m,agici€.n. + Magister, sm. a schoolmaster, pedant; from L. magister. Its doublet is maitre, q. V. MagistSre, sm. a Grandmastership ; from L. magisterium. Magistral, adj. magistral, magisterial ; from L. magistralis. Magistrat, sm. a magistrate; from L. ma- gistratus. — Der. magistratarc. Magnanime, adj. magnanimous; from L. magnanimus. Magnanimity, sf. magnanimity; from L. magnanimitatem. Magnat, sm. a magnate; from L. magna- tus (in this sense in St. Jerome). Magn^sie, sf (Chem.) magnesia ; from L. magnes, a magnet — magnesia having been assimilated by the magnet. Magn6tique, adj. magnetic ; from L. mag- neticus. — Der. tnagnetiser. Magn6tiser, va. to magnetise. See mag- nelique. — Der. magndliseur, magnMsme. Magnificence, sf magnificence; from L. magnificentia. Magniiique, sf magnificent; from L. magnificus, Magnolier, sm. (Bot.) a magnolia ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from Magnol, who died A.D. 1715. MAGOT, sm. a Barbary ape. Origin un- known. MAI, sm. May (month of) ; from L. madius, a form for xaaius found in medieval Lat. * Tunc etiam mensis xaadius florebat in herbis,' says a 1 2th-cent, poem. Again in an iith-cent document, ' Expeditionem movet comes mense madio.' For -adius = -ai, see bai. MAIE, sf a kind of dish ; from L. magida (found in Varro). For loss of medial g see allier, and of d (maida) see accahler. MAIGRE, adj. thin, lean ; from L. macrum. For a = az see § 54; for QT=gr see ad- juger. — Der. maigrelet, maigret, maigrir. MAIGREUR, sm. leanness ; from L. macro- rein. For & = ai see § 54; for CT=gr see adjuger ; for o = eu see § 79. MAIGRIR, sm. to grow lean. See maigre. MAIL, sm. a mall, hammer; from L. mal- leum which became mallium. For eu = iu see abreger, hence mail ; for alliiun. = ail see ail. — Der. maiRet. MAILLE, sf. a mesh ; from L. macula. For regular contr. of mdcula to m.ac'la see § 51, whence maille. For cl = «7 see abeille. Maille is a doublet of macule. — Der. maillot, mailUx. MAILLE, sf. a small coin, maille (worth •083 of a farthing), found in the phrase n' avoir ni sou ni maille ; formerly meaille, O. Port, mealha, answering to L. m.etallea, which became successively metallia (see abreger), and medallia (see aider). Me- dallia is found in sense of money in medieval documents : ' Thesaurus cum medaleis aureis inventus fuerit in horto' is found in an Act of a. d. 1 274 ; also in a Lat. glossary ' Obolus quod est medalia,' whence, by loss of medial d (see accahler), comes O. Fr. meaille, whence maaille (see amender), whence maille. For aa = a cp. age for aage. MAILLET, sm. a mallet. See mail. — Der. mailloche. MA ILLOT—MALFA ITEUR. 2,21 MAILLOT, sm. swaddling clothes. See maille (l). MAIN, sf. a hand ; from L. manus. For -anus = -am see § 194. — Der. main- d'oeuvre (see de and ceiivre). MAINT, adj. many. Origin unknown. MAINTENANT, adv. now. See maintenir. MAINTENIR, va. to maintain. See main and tenir. — Der. matntien (verbal subst.), tnaintenue, maintenant. MAINTIEN, sm. maintenance. See maintenir. MAIRE, sm. a mayor; from L. majorem, found in this sense in medieval documents ; properly the chief man of a city. The late Lat. misplaced the accent from majorem to majorem; then mdjorem, regularly • contrd. (see § 51) into maj'rem. becomes maire. For j = / see aider. Maire is a doublet of major, majeur. — Der. maine. MAIS, co?tj. but ; from L. magis. The ori- ginal sense ' more ' is still seen in the phrase n'en pouvoir mais. Magis loses its medial g (see Hist. Gram, p. 82) and so becomes mats, mais, t Mais, sm. maize; introd. from Sp. mahis. MAISON, sf. a house ; from L. mansionem. For ns = s see atne; for attraction of i, which changes a to ai, see aigle. — Der. Twa/sownette. MAITRE, sm. a master ; formerly maistre, originally maistre, from L. magistrum. For loss of medial g see Hist. Gram. p. 82, whence maistre, then maistre ; whence maitre by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 8r. Maitre is a doublet of magister, q. v. — Der. maiiresse, maitrise, maitrisQi, maitre-nute]. MAITRISER, va. to master, domineer. See maitre. — Der. maitrise (verbal subst.). Majest6, sf. majesty; from L. maj esta- te m. — Der. majestueux. MAJEUR, adj. greater, important ; from L. majorem. For o = eu see § 79. Its doublet is maire, q. v. Major, sffi. a major ; from L. majorem. Its doublet is maire, q. v. Majorat, sm. a majorat, a property which de- scends with a title ; from L. majoratum*. Majordorae, sm. a major-domo; from L. major and domus. Majority, sf. majority; from L. majori- tatem. j Majuscule, adj. capital (of letters) ; from L. majusculus. MAL, sm. evil, harm ; from L. malum. MAL, adv. amiss, ill, badly ; from L. male. — Der. ma/propre, wo/veillant, wo/adroit, mala.de. MAL, adj. bad ; from L. malus. This sense remains in the compd. substantives malgre, malheur, malaise, malencontre, malemort, malfa^ofi. Malachite, sf malachite ; from Gr. fjio\o- XiTT/s (sc. KiOos). Malacie, sf. (Med.) malacia ; from Gp. fiaXafcid. MALADE, adj. sick, ill; in the loth cent. malabde, Prov. malapte, from L, male- aptus, compd. of male and aptus, pro- perly ill-disposed, then indisposed, then sick, ill. For p = 6 see: § 1 1 1 ; for t = c? see aider. Malabde becomes malade by loss of b, just as dub'tare becomes douter. — Der. maladie, malad'iL MALADRESSE, sf unskilfulness. See adresse. MALADROIT, adj. maladroit, clumsy. See adroit. — Der. maladroitement. MALAISE, sm. uneasiness, adj. uneasy. See aise. — Der. malaise. t Malandrin, sm. a highwayman; from It. malandrino. MALART, sm. a mallard, wild drake. Origin unknown. MAL AVISER,T/a. to judge unwisely. Setaviser. Malaxer, t/a..(Eharm.) to work up; from L, malaxare. MALE, sm. male; formerly masle, in 12th cent, mascle, from L. m,asclus, a form of m.asculus, which is found in the Appendix ad Probum. For cl = / cp, musclus, moule; marc'linus*, merlin: for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 8 1. Malediction, sf. a malediction, curse ; from L. malediction em (so used in St. Jerome). MALEFAIM, sf cruel hunger. See mal (3) and faim. Mal6fice, sm. witchcraft; from L. malefi; cium. — Der. malefc'ie. Mal^fique, adj. malevolent; fromL. male- ficus. MALEMORT, sf. a tragic death. See mal (3) and mort. MALENCONTRE, sf. a mishap. See encon- tre and mal (3). — Der. malencontreux. MALENTENDU, sm. a misunderstanding. See mal (3) and entendre. MALEPESTE, interj. plague on! See mal (3) and peste. Mal6vole, adj. malevolent; from L. male- volus. MALFACON, sf. a trick, bad piece of work. See mal (3) and /afo«. MALE AIRE, vn. to do evil. See mal (2) and/azVe, — Der. malfaisdioi, malfaisunce. MALFAITEUR, sm. a malefactor ; from L. %22 MALFA Mt — MA NA NT. znalefactorem. For ot = jV see attrait; for o — eit see § 79. MALFAME, adj. ill-famed. See mal (2) and fame. MALGRACIEUX, adj. rude. See mal (2) and grqcieux. MALGKE, prep, in spite of; originally asm., a compd. of O. Fr. adj. mal (3) and gre (q. v.). MALHABILE, adj. unskilful. See mal (3) and habile. MALHEUR, sm. misfortune. See mal (3) and heiir. — Der. malheureux. MALHONNfiTE, adj. dishonest, uncivil. See mal (2) and honnete. MALHONNETETE, sf. incivility. See mal (3) and honnetete. MALICE, sf. malice ; from L. malitia. For tia = ce see agencer. MALICIEUX, adj. malicious ; from L. mali- tiosus. For -oawB = -eux see § 229. Malignity, sf. malignity; from L. malig- nitatem. For -tateni = -/e see § 230. MALIN, adj. malignant ; from L. malignus. For gn = « see assener and §131. iBIalines, sf. Mechlin lace ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from Malines, where this kind of lace was first made. MALINGRE, adj. ailing ; comp. of mal and of O. Fr. adj. hingre, heingre*, which from L. aegrum. Aegrum, reduced regularly to egrum (see § 104), intercalates an n (see concombre), whence eingre. For e = « before a nasal see § 61 ; for addition of h see envahir. Malintentionn^, adj. evil-intentioned. See mal (2) and intentionne. MALLE, sf. a trunk ; of Germ, origin, O. H.G. malha. — Der. malle-posie, malliet. Malleable, adj. malleable; from L. malle- abilis *. — Der. malleability. Mall^ole, sf. (Anat.) malleolus; from L. malleolus. MALMENER, va. to maltreat. See mal (2) and mener. MALOTRU, sm. a rude, ill-bred person ; formerly malostru, originally malestru, meaning unhappy. Prov. malastruc, opposed to benastruc, is from L, astrutus *, which signifies ' under the influence of a star,' good or bad (for utTis = tt see § 2or ; for a = o see dommage), from astruin, used in Petronius for chance, fortune. Malpropre, adj. dirty. See mal (2) and propre. — Der. malpropret6. MALSAIN, adj. unhealthy. See mal (2) and MALS6ANT, adj. unbecoming. See mal (2) and seant. MALSONNANT, adj. ill-sounding, offensive. See mal and sonner. i'Malt, sm. malt; of Germ, origin, Engl. malt.^ MALTOTE, sf. an exaction, impost ; formerly maltolte, compd. of mal, see mal (3), and tolte, which is from medieval L. tolta, a tax. ' NuUam toltam faciet eis in mer- cato suo, nisi monachi concesserint ' is found in a Chartulary of a.d. 1085. Tollta is contrd. from strong p. p. tollita, meaning properly that which is carried off. For this strong p. p. see § 188. From tolta and the adj. mala comes the compd. luala- tolta, found in medieval documents. ' Mer- catores . . . vcndebant sine toltis mails,' says Matthew Paris. In a Chartulary of a.d. 1 2 24 we find ' de malatolta quam Joannes rex Angliae et sui imposuerunt, sic erit.' — Der. maliotier. MALTRAITER, va. to maltreat. See trailer and mal (2). Malvac6e, adj. sf. (Bot.) malvaceous plant ; from L. malvaceus. MALVEILLANT, adj. malevolent. See bien- veillant. — Der. malveillanct. MALVERSER,v«. to be guilty of evil practices. See mal (2) znAverser. — Der. malversation. MAMAN, sf. mama (onomatopoetic). See § 34. MAMELLE, sf. a teat, breast ; from L. ma- milla. For i — e see § 52. — Der. ma- melon. MAMELON, sm. a teat. See mamelle. Mamillaire, adj. mamillary; from L, ma- millaris. Mammaire, adj. mammary; from L. mamma. Mammifdre, sf. mammiferous; from L. mamma and ferre. Mammouth., sm. a mammoth. Origin un- known. MANANT, sm. a peasant, clown; a term of feudal law, signifying inhabitant of a burgh or village, as in the phrase Les manantse^ habitants d'une paroisse. From this sense of villager comes later the sense of coarseness, clownishness. Manant is from L. m.anentem, cp. tenant from tenentem. Manentem (which properly means one who remains, is attached to the soil) means a peasant in medieval documents : thus we have ' Tradidit casam cum territorio suo et manentes xv cum colonis,' in a Dona- tion of A.D. 1080. MANCHE—MA NUFA CTURE. 223 MANCHE, sf. a sleeve ; from L. manica, by regular contr. (see § 51) of radnica to man'ca, whence manche. For ca — che see §§126 and 54. — Dei.manchette, manchon. MANCHE, sm. a handle, neck (of a fiddle, etc.) ; from L. manica. For letter-changes see above. Its doublet is mantque. — Der. emmancher, demancher. MANCHOT, sm. a one-handed person ; adj. one-armed ; dim. of O. Fr. mane: cp. bachot from bac. The O. Fr. mane is from L. mancus. f Mandarin, S7W. a Mandarin ; from Port. Tnandarin, a name given by the_ Portuguese to the upper officials of the Chinese Empire; a word not used by the Chinese themselves. Mandat, sm. a mandate; from L. man- datum. Its doublet is mande Der. man- rfa/aire. Mandement, sm. a mandate, charge (bi- shop's). See mander. Mander, va. to send (by message, etc); from L. man da re. — Der. mandement, de- mander, contremander. Mandibule, sf. a mandible, jaw ; from L. mandibula. + Mandoline, s/. a mandoline; from It. mandolino. f Mandore, sf. a mandura (lute); from It. mandora. Mandragore, sf. (Bot.) mandrake; from L. mandragora. MANDRIN, sf. a mandrel. Origin unknown. Manducation, sf. manducation, eating ; from L. manducationem. + Manage, sm. training (of horses); from It. maneggio. Manes, sm.pl. manes, shade; from L. manes. + Manganese, sm. manganese; from Germ, mangan. MANGER, va. to eat ; from L. manducare, by contr. (see § 52) of manducdre to mand'care, whence manger. For dc = c = g see adjuger. — Der. mangeoire, mange- aille, demanger, mangeable, mangexxx, mang- eure. Maniaque, adj. maniacal, sm. a maniac ; from L. maniacus. iManie, sf. a mania; from L. mania. MANIER, va. to touch, handle; from L. manicare, from manus. For loss of medial c see affouage. — Der. maniement, rtmanier, manidhXe. MANIERE, sf manner ; from Schol. L. ma- neria, found in Abelard = genere, kind, der. from L. manus. For e = ie see § 56. — Der. maniere. Manifestation, sf manifestation ; from L. manifestationem. Manifesto, adj. manifest, sm. a manifesto; from L. manifestus. Manifester, va. to manifest; from L. ma- nifestare, der. from manifestus. — Der. manifeste (verbal subst.). Manigance, sf a manceuvre ; from manus, through some unknown intermediary form. — Der. maniganeex. + Manille, sf manille (a term used in the game of ombre) ; from Sp. malilla. i* Manioc, sm. tapioca; introd. from Sp. American colonies. Manipule, sm. a handful, maniple ; from L. manipulus. — Der. manipulex, manipula- tion. MANIVELLE, sf. a crank, winch. Origin unknown. MANNE, sf. manna ; from L. manna. MANNE, sf. a hamper; of Germ, origin. Germ, manne (?) + Mannequin, sm. a mannikin ; of Germ, origin, Du. maneken, a little man. MANCEUVRE, sf. a manoeuvre, properly work of the hand ; from medieval L. manu- opera, contrd. to manopera. For letter- changes see oeuvre. — Der. mancBuvrex, ma- nouvriex, manceuvnex. MANOIR, sm. a manor; from L, mane- rium*, in medieval texts, = a residence, from manere, to reside. For e = oi see § 62. MANQUER, vn. to miss ; from L. mancare*, properly to mutilate, from adj. mancus — Der. manque (verbal subst.), manquement, immanquahle. Mansarde, sf. a garret window, garret ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from Mansard, who invented this kind of window. Mansu6tude, sf. gentleness; from L. mansuetudinem. MANTE, sf. a mantle ; from L. mantum, a short cloak, in Isidore of Seville. — Der. O. Fr. mantel *, softened into manteau (for el = eau see agneau), which has, however, survived in demanteler (q. v.) and in man- telet. MANTEAU, sm. a cloak. See mante. MANTELET, sm. a short cloak. See mante. t Mantille, s/". a mantilla; from Sp. man- tilla. Manuel, adj. manual; from L. manualis. Manufacture, sf. manufacture; a word formed from two Lat. words factura and manus, lit. a making by the hand. — Der. manufacturex, manufacturiex. 224 MANUSCRIT—MARE. Manuscrit, sm. a manuscript ; from L. manu scriptus. "Man utention, sf. maintenance. Before being thus restricted the word meant admi- nistration, originally action of managing. Manutention is from two Lat. words manus and tenere. Mappemonde, sf. a map of the world; from L. mappa mundi, lit. a cloth of the world. MAQUEREAU, sm. a mackerel. Origin un- known, t Maquette, s/; a sculptor's rough model ; from It. tnacchietta. MAQUIGNON, sm. a horse dealer ; of Germ, origin, Flem. macken, to traffic. — Der. ma- quignonnzge. MARAICHER, sm. a kitchen gardener. See marais. MARAIS, sm. a marsh, bog, kitchen garden (environs of Paris) ; formerly marois and maresc, from medieval L. mariscus. Ma- riscus is of Germ, origin, O. Flem. mae- rasch. Mariscus becomes marais by sc = c, see bois ; and by i = oi, see boire. For oi = ai see § 62. Ffom O. Fr. maresc comes O. Fr. marescage, now marecage (for loss of s see Hist, Gram. p. 81), O.Fr. ma- raischer now maraicher. For letter-changes see f rats znd/raiche. Marasme, sm. consumption ; from Gr. fia- pafffiSs, t Mar as quin, sw. maraschino; from It. marasca, a cherry, whence the liqueur is made. MARATRE, sf. a step-mother, a cruel mother; formerly marrastre, from L. matraster * (for restriction of meaning see § 13). Matraster, contrd. regularly to matrast'r (see § 50), becomes marrastre, then marastre by tr = rr = r (see § 168), then mardtre (see Hist, Gram. p. 81). MARAUD, sm. a knave, rascal. Origin un- known. — Der. marauder. MARAUDER, va. to go marauding, ravage. See maraud. — Der. maraude (verbal subst.), maraudem. fMarav6dis, sm. a maravedi (Sp. coin) ; from Sp. maravedi. MARBRE, sm. marble ; from L. marmorem, by regular contr. (see § 51) of m6rm6- rem to marm'rem, whence marbre. For mi = mbr see absoudre, and Hist. Gram. p. 73 ; for loss of m see Hist, Gram. p. 81. —Der. marbrier, marbrtr, marbmxe, mar- irerie, marfcrifere. MARC, sm. a mark (weight, 8 oz.) ; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. marc. MARC, sm. a residuum, dregs (of pressed fruits, etc.). Origin unknown, MARCASSIN, sm. a young wild boar. Origin unknown, fMarcassite, sf. (Min.) marcassite; from Ar, marcazat. MARCHAND, sm. a shopkeeper, dealer ; for- merly marck^and, marchedant. It. merca- dante, from L, mercatantem, pres, partic, of medieval Lat. mercatare, to sell ; as in 'Volunt dum vobis placeat pacifice et quiete cum vestri meroatando et negoti- ando conversari,' from an Act of the nth cent. Mercatare is a frequent, of mercari. Mercatantem loses medial t (see abbaye), changes ca, = che (see §§ 126 and 54), whence O.Fr. marcheant. For e = a see amender. — Der. marchandex, marchandlse. MARCHE, sf the march (military frontier) ; of Germ, origin, O, H. G. marcha. Its doublet is marque. MARCHE, sf. march, walk, gait. See marcher. MARCHE, sm. a market. Prov. mercat. It. mercato, from L, mercatum. For e = a see amender; for c = cA see § 126; for -ai;tuin = -e see § 201, MARCHEPIED, sm. a step (stair), footboard. See marcher and pied. MARCHER, vn. to walk, lit. to stamp about with one's feet, to beat down (so in brick- making the phrase les briquetiers marchent I'argile is used) ; from L. marcare *, der. from marcus, a hammer, properly to tread down. A Lat.-Fr. glossary of the 13th cent, has ' c a 1 c a r e = marcher.' For ca = che see §§ 126 and 54. — Der. marche (verbal subst,), marchem, demarche. MARCOTTE, sf. (Bot,) a layer; formerly margotte, der,, with dim. suffix otte, from L. mergus. For e = a see amender. — Der. marcotter. MARDI, sm. Tuesday ; formerly marsdi. It. martedi, from L. Martis dies, found in the Inscriptions ; properly Mars' day. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. MARE, sf. a pond, pool; from L. mara*, found in medieval Lat. texts. ' Maras potare lutosas,' says Guillaume the Breton in his Philippide. Mara is a corruption of mare, taken from water generally : from the 7th cent, mare signiiies sweet as well as salt water. * Mare est aquarum gene- ralis collectio. Omnis enim congregatio aquarum sive salsae sint, sive dulces sint, abusive majria nuncupantui',' says Isidore of Seville. MA RMCA GE — MA RMO T. 225 MARECAGE, sm. a marsh. See marais. — Der. juarecagtux. MARECHAL, sm. properly one who takes care of horses ; thus marechal ferrarit is the farrier who shoes them. The marechal de France^ and originally the marechal, was an officer set over the horses and stables of the king. Marechal, formerly mareschal, is from Merov. L. raariscalcus (an officer in charge of the king's horses). ' Si maris- calcus, qui super 12 caballos est, occidi- tur, II. solid, componatur,' says the Lex Alamanorum 7, 9. Mariscalcus is of Germ, origin, O. H. G. marahscalc. Ma- riscalcus becomes mareschal by i = e, see § 72; G = ch, see § 126; and loss of c, see bois. For later loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. marechalerie. MARECHAUSSEE, sf. properly a troop com- manded by a 'marshal.' Marechaussee is from medieval Lat. marescalciata, der. from mariscalcus, see marechal. Mar- escalciata becomes mareschaussee by -ata = -ee, see § 201; by i = e, see § 72 ; by c = ch, see §[ 126; by al=aM, see agneau; by ci = c = s, see agencer. For later loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. MAREE, sf. tide; from L, mare, der. by adding suffix ee (= ata, see § 201). Maree from mare answers to ondee from onde. MARELLE, sf. hopscotch. See merelle. MARGE, sf. margin ; from L, marginem. For loss of l^t two atonic syllables see §§ 5°? 51- — Der, marg'inal, emargex, marg- elle! MARGELLE, sf. kerb-stone (of a well). See marge. Marginal, adj. marginal. See marginer. Marginer, va. to margin ; from L. m.ar- ginare, — Der, margi?i2i\. Marguerite, */. (Bot,) a daisy, pearl; from L, margarita, MARGUILLIER, sm. a churchwarden ; for- merly marreglier, from L, matricularius, found in medieval documents for the officer who keeps the church registers. ' La ma- tricxile de I'eglise : Officium matricu- larii est illuminare et extinguere omnia lumina,' says an eccles. regulation, Ma- tricularius, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to m^atric'larius, becomes O. Fr. mar- reglier. For tr = rr see § 168; for i — e see § 72 ; for c\ = gl see aigle ; for -arius = -ier see § 198, Marreglier later becomes mareglier, whence mar'glier and marguillier. Marguillier is a doublet of matricidaire, q, v. MARI, sm. a husband ; from L, maritus. For -itus = -z see § 201. MARIAGE, 5/. marriage. Prov. maridatge. It. maritagio, from L. m.aritatiCTim, found in medieval Lat, texts, as e. g. a.d. 1062, in the Chartulary of Marmoutier : • Cum de medietate ipsius terrae movisset calumniam quidam Constantinus , . . asserens eam suae conjugi in maritaticum datam.' Maritaticum becomes mariage by loss of medial t, see abbaye and § 117; and by -aticum = -a^e, see age and § 248. MARIER, va. to marry, Prov, maridar, It, maritare, from L. m.aritare. For loss of medial t see abbaye. — Der, manable, mari- eur, xemarier, demarier. MARIN, adj. marine ; from L. marinus, — Der, marinxex, mariner, marine, marina.de. MARINGOUIN, sm. (Entom.) a mosquito. Origin unknown, Marionnette, sf. a puppet ; of hist, origin, see § 33, Mariojtnelte is for mariolette (for l—n see marne) ; mariolette is dim. of mariole, found in medieval Fr. documents in sense of puppet, doll, originally little figures of the Virgin Mary, whence dim. mariole. Marital, adj. marital; from L. maritalis. — Der. maritalement. Maritalement, arfz/, matrimonially. See marital. Maritime, adj. maritime ; from L. mari- timus, Maritorne, sf. a masculine woman ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from the name of the inn-servant in Don Quixote, Maritorna. Marivauder, va. to refine excessively ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from Marivaux, an l8th-cent. writer. — Der. marivaudnge. MARJOLAINE, sf. (Bot.) sweet marjoram. Origin unknown, MARJOLET, sm. a little coxcomb. Origin unknown, MARMAILLE, sf. a troop of little ones, little brats ; from It. marmaglia. See marmot. tMarmelade, */", marmalade; from Sp. mermelada. MARMENTEAU, adj. reserved (of timber). Origin unknown, MARMITE, sf. a pot, saucepan. Origin un- known. — Der, marmiteux (properly ' poor '), marmiton. MARMITON, sm. a scullion. See marmite. MARMONNER, va. to mutter. Origin un- known, MARMOT, sm. a marmoset, a child; der. with marmaille from a common root marm-, seen also in It. marmotto. Q 226 MA RMOTTE—MA SSE. fMarmotte, 5/: a marmot, a little girl; from It, marmotta. MARMOTTER, va. to mutter. Origin un- known. Marmouset, sm. a queer figure, 'little monkey.' Origin unknown. MARNAGE, sm. marling, claying (of ground). See tnarne. MARNE, sf. (Agric.) marl, clay and chalk. O. Fr. marie, still used in Normandy ; from L. margula (from znarga, in Pliny), Mdx- giila, contrd. regularly to mar'la (see §51), becomes O. Fr. marie, whence marne by / = «, for which cp. libella,mWaM; pess'la, phte (O. Fr, pesne, pesle); poster'la, po- terne; colucla*, quenouille (the form co- nucla for colucla is to be met with in Merov. documents). — Der. marmhct, marn- er, marnzge, marne\ix. Maroquin, sm, morocco ; of hist, origin, see § 33 ; from Morocco, where it was first made. Marotique, adj. Marotic ; of hist, origin, see § 33; from Marot, the well-known Fr. poet of the i6th cent. MAROTTE, sf. a fool's-cap, hobby-horse, pro- perly a puppet ; from Marie, see marion- nette. MAROUFLE, sf. lining-paste. Origin un- known. MARQUE, sf. a mark, sign, token; of Germ, origin, Germ. ' mark. Its doublet is marche, q. v. — Der. marqutx, marqua.nt. Marquer, va. to mark. See marque. Its doublet is marcher, q. v. — Der. marquem, Temarquer, demarquer. MARQUETER, va. to chequer ; frequent, of marquer. Cp, tacheter from tacher, voleter from voler, etc. — Der, marquetene. MARQUIS, sm. a marquis ; formerly marchis, from medieval L, marcliensis, properly a governor set over the marches or empire- frontiers from the time of Charlemagne. Marcliensis is from marcha ; see marche. Marcliensis, with ns = s (see aine) and e = / (see § 59), becomes marchis, then marquis (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). — Der. marquise, marquisat. MARRAINE, sf. a godmother, Prov. mai- rina. It. madrina, from L. matrina *, der. from mater. For tr = rr see § 168; for i = af cp. patrinus*, parrain; digno, daigne; glitea, glaise; dominum, do- maine; pullinus,/>OM/az«, Also see a/>am, MARRI, adj. or p.p. sad ; p.p. of O. Fr. verb marrir, to sadden ; of Germ, origin, Germ. marrjan. t Marron, sm. a chestnut; from It. mar- rone. — Der. »mrro«nier. + Marron, smf. a maroon (free West Indian negro) ; from Sp. cimarron. Marrube, sm. (Bot.) bugle weed ; from L. marrubjum. MARS, sm. Mars, March; from L. Mars. MARSOUIN, sm. (Ichth.) a porpoise; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. meri-suin, a mere- swine, sea-hog. MARTEAU, sm. a hammer ; formerly martel (for -el = -eau see agneau), from L, mar- tellus*, a form of martulus, dim. of L, martus, found in late Lat. texts. Its doublet is martel. — Der, marteler, martelet. MARTELER, va. to hammer, torment un- bearably. See marteau. — Der. martehgc, marteleuT. Martial, adj. martial ; from L. martial is. MARTINET, sm. a tilt-hammer, flat-candle- stick ; dim. of marteau. MARTINET, sm. (Ornith.) a martin; der. from Martin : cp. pierrot from Pierre, and sansonnet from Sanson. — Der. (from the proper name Martin) martin-picheur. Martingale, sf. a martingale, strap; of hist, origin (see § 33), from Martigues in Pro- vence ; the Martigaux, or Martingaux, having been the first to wear stockings a la martingale. MARTRE, sf. (Mamm,) a martin. It. mar- tora, from L, martalus *, found in some late Lat. texts, Martalus is from martes, found in Martial in this ^ense (Ep. x. 37), if the reading is correct. Martalus, regularly contrd. to mart'lus (see § 51), becomes martre by 1 = r, see apotre. Martjrr, sm. a martyr; from L. martyr. — Der. martyriser, martyre. Martyrologe, sm. martyrology ; from Gr. fidprvs and \6yos. + Mascarade, sf. a masquerade; from It. mascherata. f Mascaron, sm. a mask; from It, mas- cherone. Masculin, adj. masculine; from L. mascu- linus. t Masque, sm. a mask, visor; introd. in 16th cent, from It, maschera. — Der. masquer, d^masquer. MASSACRER, va. to massacre; of Germ, origin. Low Germ, matsken. — Der. maS' sacre (verbal subst,), massacrcnr. MASSAGE, sm. shampooing. Origin un- known. MASSE, sf. a mass; from L, massa. — Der, massii, masstx, z-masstx, massicot. MASSE — MA UDIRE. 227 MASSE, sf. a mace; from L. matea*, the lost primitive of mateola, a staff. Matea becomes matia (see abreger), whence masse, by -tia = -ise, see agencer. — Der. mass'ier. tMassepain, sm. marchpane; in Ron- sard marcepain, from It. marzapane. MASSUE, sf. a club; from L. maxuca*, found in medieval documents, as in ' Qui- dam enormis staturae ferens ingentem maxucam. super caput ejus ' (^Ordericus Vitalis). Maxuca is a deriv. of massa, see masse. Maxuca becomes masstie. For X = ss see aisselle ; for -u,ca = -tie see § 212. Mastic, sm. mastic; from L. mastiche. — Der. mastiquei. Mastication, sf. mastication ; from L. masticationem. Mastodonte, sm. a mastodon ; from Gr. obovs, oduVTOs, and fiaaros. MASURE, sf. a hovel, ruin ; from L. man- sura*, properly a residence, from man- ere : ' Anno vero sequenti dedit illis in puram et perpetuam eleemosynam suum dominium Marbodii et suam raansuram,' says a Charter of a.d. 1120. Mansuxa becomes masure by ns = s, see aine. Mat, sm. mate (in chess). See echec. — Der. maler. fMat, adj. heavy, dull; from Germ, mail, weary, weak, then dull. — Der. math, mat- he. MAT, sm. a mast ; formerly mast; of Germ, origin, Germ. mast. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. mdtei, demdter, mature, wa/ereau. + Matador, sm. a matador; from Sp. matador, properly a slayer. tMatamore, sm. a bully; from Sp. matamoros, properly a killer of Moors. i'Matassin, sm. a matachin, one who dances the Sp. matachin. MATELAS, sm. a mattress ; formerly ma- teras, Prov. almatrac, Sp. almadraque; of Oriental origin, see § 31 ; from Ar. al matrak. The O. Fr. materas. It. materasso, reproduce the Arabic subst. without the article al found in the Sp. almadraque and Prov. almatrac. — Der. matelassex, matelas- siere. MATELOT, sm. a sailor. Origin unknown. — Der. matelote. MATER, va. to checkmate. See mat. |Mat6rialiser, va. to materialise ; der. from materiel. — Der. materialisms, mate- rialiste. Materiality, sf. materiality; der. from 7nateriel. Materiaux, sm. pi. materials, pi. of a form material^ ; from materialis, from ma- teria, building-wood. Materiel, adj. material; from L. materi- alis. — Der. materiality. ' Maternel, adj. maternal; from L. mater- nalis, from maternus. Maternity, sf maternity; from L. mater- nitatem. from maternus. Math^matique, sf mathematics ; from L. mathematica (so found in Cicero). — Der. mnthematicien. Mati^re, sf matter; from L. materia. For e = ie see § 56. MATIN, sm. morning; from L. raatutinum. For regular contr. of matutmum into mat'tinum see § 52; whence It. tnal- tino, and Fr. matin. — Der. matinee, matinul, matineux, matines, matiniex. MATIN, sm. a great cur, mastiff, properly a watch dog. Matin, O. Fr. mastin. It. mas- tino, from L. mansatinus * (properly a dog which stays in the house), der. from mansum, found in medieval texts. Man- sum is the partic. subst. of manere. Mansatinus, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to mans'tinus, gives mastin (for ns = s see atne), thence matin, by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 8 1 . — Der. matinex, mdtineiu. MATINES, sf.pl. matins. See matin. MATIR, vn. to deaden (metals). See mat. MATOIS, adj. cunning, sly. Origin un- known. — Der. matoisexie. MATOU, sm. a tom-cat, ugly person. Origin unknown. Matras, sm. a mattress. Origin unknown. Matrice, sf the matrix, womb; from L. matricem. Matricule, sf matriculation; from L. ma- tricula. — IDer.matricuhixe (whose doublet is marguillier, q.v.). Matrimonial, adj. matrimonial; from L. matrimonialis. Matrone, sf a matron; from L. matrona. t Matte, sf (Met.) matt, a mass; from Germ, matte. Maturation, s/, ripening; from L. matu- rationem. MATURE, sf. masts, wood for masts. See mat. Maturity, sf maturity; from L. maturi- tatem. Matutinal, adj. matutinal; from L. matu- tinalis. MAUDIRE, va. to curse ; formerly maldire, Q2 328 MA UDISSON — M^DECINE. from L. maledicere (so used in St. Jerome). For mal = mau see agtieau ; for -dioere = -dire see dire. — Der. tnajddit. MAUDISSON, sm. a curse; formerly mal- disson, from L. maledictiouem. For -ctio = -sso see frisson ; for al ■= au see agneau^ ^ MAUGREER, vn. to rage, show one's ill-will, one's mal gre, as the medieval phrase ran, see malgr^. Malgre becomes inaugre by al = au, see agneau ; whence maugreer. Mausol6e, sm. a mausoleum ; from L. mausoleum (found in Pliny). MAUSSADE, adj. unpleasant, sour, awkward ; formerly malsade, of a bad taste ; a compd. of mal (see mal 2) and O. Fr. adj. sade, pleasant-tasting. Sade is from L. sapidus by regular contr. (see § 51) of sdpidus to sap'dus, whence sade by pd = c?, see hideux. Malsade becomes maussade by al = au, see agneau. — Der. maussaderie. MAUVAIS, adj. bad. Origin unknown. MAUVE, sf. (Bot.) a mallow; from L. malva. For al = a?/ see agneau. MAUVIETTE, sf. a lark. See mauvis. MAUVIS, sm. a mavis, thrush, redwing ; for- merly malvis, from L. malvitius *, found in medieval Lat. texts. Malvitius is a compd. of malixm and vitis, the thrush being very destructive to the vine. The Germans call the same bird iveingarts- vogel; in several parts of France the bird is called grive de vendange, thus confirming the etymology given (see § 15). Mal- vitius becomes mauvis by al—-ati, see agneau ; and ti = s see agencer. — Der. mau- viette. Maxillaire, adj. maxillary; from L. m ax- illaris. Its doublet is machelier, q. v. Maxime, sf. a maxim ; from Schol. L. maxima (sc. sententiarum, a greater proposition, one which is general and ab- solute). f Maximum, sm. a maximum; from L. maximtun. MAZETTE, sf a sorry beast (horse), feeble person. Origin unknown. ME, pers. pron. (accus.) me ; from L. me. Idl^andre, sm. a meander, winding course ; of hist, origin, see § 33 ; from the river Meander in Phrygia. M^at, sm. (Anat.) a meatus ; from L. meatus. M^canique, (i) sf mechanics; from L. mechanic a. — Der, mecanicien, mecanisme. (3) adj. mechanical. M^cdne, sm. a Maecenas, patron ; of hist, origin, see § 33 ; alluding to Maecenas, minister and friend of Augustus, patron of literature. M6cliancet6, sf wickedness. See mechant. MEG H ANT, adj. wicked ; formerly mes- chant, originally mescheant, meaning in O. Fr. unhappy, that which has bad chance, pres. partic. of mescheoir, to be unlucky. Mesch'oir is from L. minus cadere, lit. to fall amiss. For meaning see chance. For minus = mes = me see mes-; for co,- dere = cheoir see choir. — Der. mechancete (der. from O. Fr. mtchance, representing L. minuscadentia *. For letter-changes see m£s- and chance). MfiCHE, sf wick (of a candle) ; formerly mesche, from L, myxa, fem, form of myxus (for x = cs see lacher), whence mycsa, thence mysca. For ca, = che see §§ 126, 54; for i = « see § 72; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81.— Der. mecher. MECHEF, sm. mischief, misfortune, harm ; formerly meschef Prov. mescap, Sp. meno- scabo, lit. a misadventure. As may be seen from the form of words in other Romance languages meschef is compd. of mes- and chef {(\. v.). MECOMPTE, sm. a miscalculation. See me- comptex. MECOMPTER, vn. to count wrong, strike wrong (of clocks) ; formerly mescompter. For etymology see mes- and compter. — Der. mecompte (verbal subst.). MECONNAITRE, va. to fail to recognise, disown, deny ; formerly mesconnaitre. See mes- and connaitre. — Der. meconnaissunce, nieconnaissahle. MECONTENT, adj. discontented; formerly mescontent. See mes- and content. — Der. mecontenter, mecontentemeht. MECREANT, sm. unbeliever, miscreant, one who believes in some other religion, not the Christian, properly one who believes amiss. Mecreant, formerly mescreant. It. miscredente, is a compd. of mes- (q. v.) and creant, from L. credentem. For loss of medial d see accabler. MECROIRE, vn. to disbelieve ; formerly mes- croire. See mes- and croire. t M^daille, sf a medal ; from It. me- daglia. Its doublet is maille, q. v. — Der. medaillon, medailler, medailliste. M^ecin, sm. a physician ; from L. medi- cinus. For i= « see § 72. M^decine, sf. medicine; from L. medi- cina. For i=e see § 72. M^DIA N — MEMENTO. 329 Median, adj. (Anat.) median ; from L. medianus. Its doublet is moyen, q. v. Medianoche, sm. a meat supper ; from Sp. medianoche. Mediastin, sm. (Anat.) mediastine ; from L. mediastinus. 'M.^diat, adj. mediate; from L. mediatus. — Der. mediatiser, \mmediat. M^diateur, sm. a mediator; from L. me- diatorem *. Mediation, sf. mediation ; from L. media- tionem. Medical, adj. medical; from L. medicalis*, der. from medicus. Medicament, sm. a medicament, medi- cine; from L. medicamentum. — Der. medicamenter, medic ament&nx. Medicinal, adj. medicinal; from L, medi- cinalis. Mediocre, adj. middling, mediocre; from L. mediocrem. M^diocritCj s/. mediocrity ; from L. medio- critatem. For -tateni= -te see § 230. MEDIRE, vn. to speak ill (of); formerly viesdire. See mes- and dire. — Der, medi- sant, medisa.nce. Meditatif, adj. meditative ; from L. medi- tativus. Meditation,.?/, meditation; from L. medi- tationem. Mediter,z/fl.to meditate; from L.meditare. Mediterran§, adj. mediterranean ; from L. mediterraneus. Medium, sw. a medium; from L. medium. M6dullaire, adj. medullary; from L. me- dullaris. MEFAIRE, vn. to do harm ; formerly mes- faire. See mes- and /aire. — Der. me/ait (partic. subst.). MEFAIT, sm. a misdeed. See mefaire. MEFIANCE, sf. mistrust. See mefier. MEFIER (SE), vpr. to mistrust; formerly mesjier. See mes- and Jier. — Der, me/?ant, wtj/?ance, MEGARDE, sf. inadvertence ; verbal subst. of O. Fr. verb megarder, originally mes- garder, see mes- and garder. M6gdre, sf. a fury, vixen; from L. Me- ^aera, one of the Furies. MEGISSIER, sm. a leather-dressgr ; from O. Fr. megis, a compd. of ashes and alum used in leather-dressing. Origin unknown. — Der. megisserie. MEILLEUR, adj. better ; from L. meliorem. For li = // see ail : for o = eu see § 88, Melancolie, sf. melancholy; from L, me- lancholia. M6lancolique, adj. melancholy, dismal ; from L. melancholicus. MELANGE, sot, a mixture. See meler. — Der, melanger. t M6lasse, sf. molasses, treacle; from Sp, melaza. MELER, va. to mix ; formerly mesler. Port. mesclar, from L. misculare, found in medieval Lat. documents: as ' Per pluri- morum ora vulgatur, vos dicere, quoniam de istis rapinis atque depredationibus nihil vos debeatis misculare, unusquisque sua defendat ut potest,' from a letter by Hinc- mar, a.d. 859. Misculare is a frequent, of raiscere. Misculare, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to misc'lare, becomes mes- ler (for cl = / see male ; for i = ^ see § 72), thence meler (for loss of s see Hist. Gram, p. 81). — Der. melee (partic. subst.), me'/ange, gele-mt/^, emmeler, demeler. MELEZE, SOT. a larch. Origin unknown. M6lisse, ./. balm mint ; from Gr. fiiXtatxa, because the bee delights in this plant, Mellifdre, adj. meUiferous; from L. m el- lifer. M61odie, sf melody ; from Gr. jxe\oj8ia. — Der. melodienx. M61odrame, sm. a melodrama, properly acting with songs; from Gr. /ztAos and Spd/ixa. M61omanie, sf. music-madness ; from Gr. fXiKos and fiavia. — Der, melomane. Melon, sm. a melon; from L, melonem, — Der. OTe/o«niere. M61op6e, sf. melopoeia, laws of musical composition ; from Gr, fXfKoTToda. Membrane, sf. a membrane; from L. membrana. — Der, membraneux. Membre, sot. a limb, member ; from L, membrum, — Der. membre, membru, de- membrer. MfiME, adj. same ; formerly mesme, meesme, earlier me'isme, originally medisnie. Prov, metessme, It, medesimo, from L, metip- simus, contrd. from raetipsissimus, found in classical documents in the form ipsis- simusmet = altogether the same. Me- tipsimus, contrd. to metips'mus, becomes O. Fr. medisme. For ps = s see caisse ; for t = d see aider. This form is found in ilth cent, in the Poem of St. Alexis. Me- disme becomes first me'isme, by loss of medial d (see accabler), then meesme, by i — e (see mettre), then mesme, by ee = e, lastly meme, by loss of s (see Hist. Gram, p. 81). — Der. OTtOTement. t Memento, sot. a memento; from L. memento. 230 MSMOIRE — MER CREDI. MEMOIRE, sf. memory; from L. memoria. For attraction of i see chanoine. Memorable, «((/. memorable ; from L. nie- morabilis. For -abilia = ■ a6/fi see affable. Memorial, sm. a memorial; from L. me- morial is. — Der. immemorial. MENACE, sf. a menace, threat ; from L. minacia. Plautus uses pi. minaciae. For -oia = -ce see agencer ; for i = « see mettre. — Der. menacer, menagAtit. MANAGE, sm. housekeeping, household ; for- merly mesnage, originally maisnage, from L. mansionaticiun *, expenses of a house- hold, in Carol, documents. ' Nemo in villis nostris mansionaticum accipiat ' is a phrase in the Capitulary De Villis. Man- sionaticum is der. from mansionem, see maison. Mansion6.ticum, contrd. (see § 52) to nians'naticum, reduces ns to s (see atne\ whence masnaticum, whence maisnage by a = «i (see § 54), and by •aticum = -a^c (see age). Maisnage be- comes mesnage by ai = e (see §§ 103, 104), thence menage (see Hist, Gram. p. 81). — Der. menagex, menaghre, menagement, de- menagex, emmenager, menagerie (properly a place where the animals of a household are kept, then by extension a place in which are kept rare and foreign animals). iM^nagenient, sm. consideration, regard. See menage. Mendiciti, sf. mendicity, begging; from L. mendicitatem *. MENDIER, va. to beg ; from L. mendicare. For loss of medial c see affouage. — Der. mendidint. MENER, vn. to drive ; from L. minare, used of cattle or flocks. For i — e see mettre. Its doublet is miner, q. v. — Der. menee (partic. subst.), meneur, zmener, ra- mener, dC'mener, emmener, promener. MENESTREL, sm. a minstrel ; from L. mi- nistrale, in medieval Lat, properly a ser- vant. 'Una cum ministrale nostro Johanne et infantes suos ' is found in a charter of A.D. 805. For i^e see § 59. MENETRIER, sm. a fiddler; formerly me- nestrier, from L. ministerarius *, der. from minister. Ministerdrius, regu- larly contrd. (see § 52) to minist'rarius, becomes menestrier. For i = e see § 72; for -arius = -ier see § 198 ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram, p, 81, Meninge, sf. (Med.) coat of the brain; from Gr. /J-^viy^. — Der. meningite. M^nisque, sm. a meniscus ; from Gr. /xt]- vioKos. MENOTTE, sf. a little hand, handcufF; dim. of main, q. v. MENSONGE, sm. a lie. See mentir.—Der. mensongex. Mensuel, adj. mensual, monthly ; irregularly der. from L, mensis. Mental, adj. mental ; from L, mental is. Menthe, sf. (Bot), mint; from L. mentha. Mention, sf. mention; from L. mentio- nem. — Der. mentionnex. MENTIR, vn. to lie; from L. mentiri.— Der, menteux, mentexie, demendr, men>>onge (the exact relation between this word and mentir is unknown). MENTON, sm. the chin; from L, mento- nem *, from mentum. — Der. mentonxuhxe. Mentor, sm. a mentor ; of hist, origin, see § 33 ; allusion to Mentor the adviser of Telemachus. MENU, adj. slender, small ; from L. minu- tus. For i = e see § 72 ; for -utus = -7/ see § 201. Menu is a doublet of minute, q. V. — Der, menuet, menitisex (i, e, to cut small, then to carpenter), menuisiex, menu- iserie. MENUET, sm. a minuet. See menu. MENUISIER, sm. a carpenter. See menu. Mephitique, adj. mephitic; from L. me- phiticus. — Der, mephitisme. MEPLAT, s?n. flat part, adj. flat; formerly mesplat. See mes- and plat. MEPRENDRE, vpr. to be mistaken; for- merly mesprendre. See mcs- and prendre. — • Der. meprise (partic. subst, see absoute). MEPRIS, sm. contempt. See mepriser. MEPRISE, sf. mistake. See meprendre. MEPRISER, va. to despise ; formerly mes- priser. See mes- and priser. — Der. mepris (verbal subst.), meprisant, me/>r/sable. MER, sf. the sea; from L. mare. For & = e see § 54. + Mercantile, adj. mercantile; from It. mercantile. Mercenaire, adj. mercenary ; from L. mercenarius. MERCERIE, sf. mercery, haberdashery. See 7nercier. MERCI, sf. mercy, sm. thanks ; from L. mercedem. For loss of d see alouette; for e = / see § 59. — Der, xemerciex (compd. of O. Fr, mercier). MERCIER, sm. a mercer ; from L, merce- rius * : in Low Lat, documents mercerius is from mercem. Fore = «see § 56. — Der, mercexie. MERCREDI, sm. Wednesday ; from L. Mer- cnrii dies, so used in inscriptions ; pro- MERCURE — MESQUIN. 231 perly Mercury's day). Mercurii becomes Mercre by regular loss of u, see § 51. Mercure, sm. mercury; from L. mercu- rius Der. mercur\t\ (whose doublet is merciiriale). MERE, sf. mother; originally medre, It. madre, from L. matrem. For tr = r see § 168 ; for a = e see § 54. Mere, adj. pure, finest (of wool), in such phrases as mere goutte, mere laine ; from L, merus. MERELLE, sf. hopscotch ; from L. ma- trella *, der. from matara, a game which takes its name from the tile,, etc., with which it is played. For tr = r see § 168 ; for a = e see § 54. M6ridien, adj. meridian, sm. the meridian ; from L. meridianus. — Der. meridienne. Meridional, adj. meridional, southern; from L. meridionalis. Meringue, sf. a meringue. Origin un- known. t Merinos, sf. a merino sheep; introd. from Sp. merino, a flock which changes its pasturage. MERISE, sf. a wild cherry. Origin unknown. — Der. merisitr. M§rite, sm. merit; from L. meritum. — Der. mtriter, meritohe. MERLAN, sm. (Ichth.) a whiting. Origin unknown. MERLE, sm. (Ornith.) a blackbird ; from L. merula. For regular contr. of merula to mer'la see § 51. + Merlin, sm. a marline; from Eng. mar- line. MERLIN, sm. a hammer ; from L. marcu- linus*, from marculus by regular contr. (see § 52) of marculinus to marc'li- nus, whence merlin. For cl = / see male; for B, = e see § 54. MERLUCHE, sm. (Ichth.) hake; formerly merluce, Sp. merluza. Compd. of hice and mer { = luce de mer) ; hice is from L. lu- cius, properly a pike. For ciu = ce see agencer; for o = ck see § 126. MERRAIN, sm. a clapboard, properly wood for building, etc. ; from L. materiamen, found in Merov. texts : * Si quis Ripu- arius in silva communi materiamen vel ligna fissa abstulerit,' says the Ripuarian Code, 76. Materiamen is from m.ate- ria. Materidmen, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to mat'riamen becomes merrain. For -amen = -am see § 226; for tr = rr see § 16S ; for a = e see § 54. MERVEILLE, sf. a wonder. It. maraviglia. from L. mirabilia, properly marvels. Mirabilia, contrd. (see § 52) to mir'bi- lia, becomes merveille. For i = e see § 7 2 ; for li = f/ see ail; for h=v see § 113. — Der. merveilltux, emerveiller. MES-, prefix (me- by dropping s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81) gives a bad sense to the words with which it is compd. : priser and mepriser, dire and medire, fait and mi-fait, etc. Mt-, originally mes-, Prov. mens-, Sp. menos-, cor- responds to L. minus. To show how mi- nus becomes me, let us take as an example L. minusfacere, properly to do amiss (to,). Minusfacere, contrd. to min'sfacere (see § 52), has ns = s (see ai?ie) and becomes misfacere, found in Carol, documents : ' In hoc si frater mens meis fidelibus, qui contra ilium nihil misfecerunt, et me, quando mihi opus fuit, adjuverunt ' is found in a document of a.d. 825. Misfacere becomes mesfaire. For mis = mes see § 72; for facere=/ai>e see /aire. Mes- faire becomes mefaire by dropping s, see Hist. Gram. p. 8 1 . Thus we see how minus is reduced to min's, mis, mes, me-. This is also found in mechant, mechef, mecompte, meconnaitre, mecontent, mecreant, mecroire, medire, medisance, mefaire, mtfait, mefier, megarde, meplat, meprendre, meprise, me- priser, mepris, mesallier, mesavenir, mes- aventure, mesuser, etc. MES, poss. adj. my; from L. meos. For meos = mos see § 52; for mos = mes see je. MESAISE, sf. uneasiness. See mes- and aise. MESAILLIER, va. to make a misalliance. See mes- and allier. — Der. mesalliance. MESANGE, sf. (Ornith.) a titmouse; for- merly 7nasenge : of Germ, origin, A. S. mase. MESARRIVER, vn. to happen ill. See mes- and arriver. MESAVENIR, vn. to happen ill. See mes- and avenir. MESA VENTURE, sf. a misadventure. See mes- and aventure. M6sent§re, sm. (Anat.) mesentery; from Gr. fjieaevTfpiov. — Der. mesenterique. MESESTIMER, va. to undervalue. See mes- and estimer. M§sintelligence, sf. misunderstanding. See mes- and intelligence. MESOFFRIR, va. to underbid. See mes- and ofrir. tMesquin, adj. mean, shabby (properly poor); from Sp, mezquino (properly a slave). — Der. mesquineiit. 232 MESSA GE — MJSriS. MESSAGE, sm. a message ; from L. missati- oum*, in Carol, documents, as ' Si quis missum dominicum occiderit, quando in xnissatioum directus fuerit,' in a Capitu- lary of A. D, 813. ' Missaticuiu tulit ipsi summo pontifici ;* from another medieval document. Missatioum becomes message by i — f, see § 72; by -aticum = -a^«, see § 248. — Der. tnessager, messagcrie. MESSE, sf. the mass ; from L. missa (used by Christian writers of the 5th cent). Its doublets are mels, mis. MESSEANT, adj. indecorous. See messeoir. MESSEOIR, vn. to be unbecoming. See mes- and seoir. — Der. messeznt. Meesie, sm. the Messiah; fromL. Messias. MESSIER, sm. keeper of a standing crop ; from L. messarius*, deriv. of messis. For -arius = -/er see § 198. MESSIEURS, sm. pi. gentlemen. See mes and sieur. MESSIRE, sm. ' messire,' master ; compd. of O. Fr. mes (my) and sire, q. v. Mes is from L. mens. MESURABLE, adj. measurable; from L. mensurabilis. For iis = s see aine ; for -abilis = -a6Z^ see affable. MESURE, sf. measure; from L. mensura. For ns = s see aine. MESURER, va. to measure ; from L. men- surare. For ns = s see aine. — Der. we- swreur, mesursige, demesure. MESUSER, vn. to misuse. See mes- and user. M6tacarpe, sm. (Anat.) metacarpus ; from Gr. fxcTaKapiriov. METAIRIE, sf. metairie (land held on condi- tion that the lord receives the half of the produce) ; formerly metayerie. See metayer. M^tal, sm. metah, from L. met a Hum. — Der. metalWiex. M6talepse, sf. (Rhet.) metalepsis ; from Gr. lieraX-qipis. M6tallique, adj. metallic; from L. metal- licus. !B/E6talliser, va. to metallise. See metal. — Der. me'/aZ/zsation. M6tallurgie, sf. metallurgy ; from Gr. /jLcraWovpyia. — Der. me/aZ/wr^ique. Metamorphose, sf metamorphosis ; from Gr. fi€TafxupipQjais. — Der. metamorpho&ex. M6taphore, sf. a metaphor; from Gr. fiiTaipopd. — Der. metaphor'ique. M6taph.ysique, sf. metaphysics ; properly science of intellectual things, whose study was considered to follow after {h^toL) that of physical things {to, (pvoiKo) in Aristotle's system. M^taplasme, sm. a metaplasme ; from Gr. fxfTairKaafxos. M6ta8tase, sf (Med.) metastasis ; from Gr. fKraaraais. Metatarse, sm. (Anat.) metatarsus ; from Gr. niTOL and rapaos. Metathdse, sf metathesis ; from Gr. fitrA- Ofais. METAYER, sm. a ' metayer,' farmer (who pays the lord half the produce of his farm); from L. medietarius*, found in medieval Lat. documents, from medietatem. Me- dietarius becomes metayer by loss of medial t, see abbaye ; by -arius = -ier, see § 198; by d = /, which usually only occurs with final d, see §§ 120, 121. — Der. me- tairie. METEIL, sm. meslin (mixed wheat and rye) ; formerly mesteil, from L. mixtellum*, from mixtura. Forx = s see amitie ; for i = e see § 72 ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram, p. 81. M6tempsycose, sf metempsychosis ; from Gr. fj,fTffji.\(/vxo^(Tis. M6t6ore, sm. a meteor ; from Gr. ixfrewpos. — Der. meteorique. M6t6orologie, sf. meteorology; from Gr. fifTfcopos and A.o70s.'=— Der. meteorologique. M6th.ode, sf. method ; from Gr. fiidobos. — Der. methodique, methodisme, methodiste. M6ticuleilX, adj. fastidious; from L. meti- culosus. For -08VLa = -e7iX see § 229. METIER, sm. trade ; formerly mestier, in loth cent, mistier, in the poem of St. Legei ; from L. ministerium, an office, then employment, lastly, daily occupation, trade : so used in Carol, documents. We find in the Capitularies ' amittere ministerium,' for ' to lose one's employment' ; the Capitularies of Charles the Bald, il. 15, use minis- terium for ' trade ' : ' Ipsi monetarii jurent quod ipsum ministerium, quantum sci- erint et potuerint, fideliter faciant.' The heads of trades {chefs des metiers) are called in medieval documents the capita ministeriorum. Ministerium, contrd. (see § 52) to min'sterium, reduces ns to s (see aine), whence misterium, whence earliest O. Fr. mistier ; whence mestier by i = e (see § 72), whence metier by loss of s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). METIS, sm. and adj. mongrel ; formerly mestis, from L. mixtitius*, der. from mixtus. Mixtitius becomes mestis by i = e, see § 7 2 ; by X = 5, see amitie ; by -itius = -is, see § 214. Mestis becomes metis by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. ' Mt: TONYMIE — MIE. ^33 M^tonymie, sf. (Rhet.) metonymy; from Gr. ixiTOJVVfJua. Metope, sf. (Archit.) metope; from Gr. ftfTunrj. Mdtre, sm. a metre ; from Gr. fA.fTpov. — Der. metrex, tnetreuT. M6trique, adj. metrical ; from Gr. fxe- rpiKus. Metropole, sf. a metropolis ; from Gr. fxriTpoTToXis. — Der. metropoli\a.m. METS, sw. viand, dish of food ; formerly mes. It. messo, from L. missum*, lit. what is sent in to table : cp. ferculum, der. from ferre. For i = e see § 72.1 — Der. entre- mets. METTRE, va. to put, place, lay; from L. mittere, lit. to send, then to place, in medieval Lat. : ' Ut per omnia altaria lumi- naria mittantur * is a passage from a very old Rii.uale. Mittere, contrd. regularly (see § 51) to mitt're, becomes mettre by i = e, see § 72. — Der. mettahle, mettt\xr, en- Xrtmettre, demet/re, soumetire, admetlre. MEUBLE, sf. a piece of furniture, adj. move- able ; from L. mobilis, moveable, then subst. for furniture. Mobilis, contrd. regularly (see § 51) to mob'lis, becomes meiMe by o — eu, see § 79. Meuble is a doublet of mobile, q. v. — Der. meiibltr, meubhnt, ameublement (for ameubler), amenblir. MEUGLER, vn. to low, bellow; from L. mugtilare *, from mugire. Mugiildre, contrd, (see § 52 ) to mug'lare, becomes meugler by u = eu; see bengler. MEULE, sf. a millstone. It. viola, from L. mola. For o = eu see § 79. — Der. meid'xhxe.. MEULE, sf. a rick, stack (of hay); formerly meulle, from L. metula*, dim. of raeta, a rick, in Carolingian documents ; e. g. ' acceptisque clavibus metas annonae, quae aderant, elidit,' says Gregory of Tours (Hist. 4, 41). Meta is properly a cone. Metula, regularly contrd. (see § 51) to met'la, becomes meulle, then meule, by tl = // = /; see § 168, MEUNIER, sm. a miller ; formerly menlnier, Prov. molinier, from L. molinarius, by regular contr. (see § 52) of molinarius to mol'narius ; whence Tneulnier by -arius = -ier (see § 198), and o = eu (see § 79), then meunier by dropping /. — Der. meun- erie. MEURTRE, sm. murder; from L. mor- drum * ; found in Carolingian documents, e. g. ' Si mordruin totum quis fecerit,' Lex Saxonum, 2, 6; 'Si quis hominem in mordro occiderit,' in a Capitulary of a.d. 813. Mordrum is of Germ, origin, Goth. maitrthr; for au = o see § 106. Mor- drum becomes meurtre. For o — eu see § 79 ; for dr = tr, an altogether irregular change, see § 171. — V>tx.meurtr\Gt,meurtr\x, meurtrieve. MEURTRIR, va. to bruise, kill. See meurtre. Der. meurtrhsxixe. MEUTE, sf. a pack of hounds ; originally a troop generally ; e. g. we find in the Chan- son d'Antioche, a French poem, 13th cent., that Pierre VHermite vit perir toute la meute des croises. Meute is from L. mota*, properly a troop raised for an expedition, in medieval texts. Mota is partic. subst. of movere. Mota becomes meute by o = eu, see § 79. — Der. ameutex (to collect, form into a troop, then excite. From this use meute came, in O. Fr., to = emeute, a revolt, a sense which survives in the deriv. meudn, now mutin. For eu — u see puree). MI-, prefix or suffix to words, =:Engl. mid-', from L.medius. For loss ofd see aloteette ; for e = i see § 59. Mi is a doublet of medium. — Der. mmuit, wzpartie, xnijambe, mi-caxeme, midi, milieu, parm/. Miasma, sm. a miasma ; from Gr. fiiacTfia. MIAULER, vn. to mew, onomatopoetic ; see § .^4. — Der. miaulexnexit. fMica, sm. (Min.) mica; from L. mica, der. from micare. Its doublet is mie, q. v, MICHE, £/: a loaf; of Germ, origin, Flem. micke, wheaten bread. For c = ch see § 126. MICMAC, sm. an intrigue; of Germ, origin. Germ, mischmasch. Micocoulier, sf (Bot.) nettle-tree. Origin unknown. Mierocosme, sm. a microcosm; from Gr. HLKpOKOOflOS. Micrographie, sf. micrography ; from Gr. fxiKpos and ypdcpeiv. — Der. micrographiqae. Micrometre, sm. a micrometer ; from Gr, fxiKpos and fjierpov. — Der. micrometrique. Microscope, sm. a microscope; from Gr. fjiiKpos and aKoirfiv. — Der. microscopique. MIDI, sm. noon, south ; compd. of mi (me- dius) and di (diem.) : ' Ipsum meridiem, cur non raedidiem? Credo, quod erat insuavius,' says Cicero in the De Oratore. MIE, sf. a crumb; from L. mica. So Pe- tronius has ' mica panis ' for a crumb of bread, and a 7th-cent. formulary opposes m.ica to crusta : ' A foris turpis est crusta, ab intus miga nimis est fusca,' For loss of 234 MIE — MINIME. medial o see affnuage. Mie is a doublet of tmca, q.v. — Der. mitnc. MiE, adv. not ; from L. mioa. Je tCen at mie properly =i^> n'en at pas une parcelle, ' I have not a scrap.' The Lat. used mioa similarly, as in Martial's ' nullaque mica salis.' For loss of c see affouage. MIE, sf. a darling, love; abbreviation of amie. MIEL, sm. honey; from L. mel. For e = ie see § 56. — Der. mtWleux. MIEN, pron. adj. mine ; formerly men, soft- ened form of mon, q. v. For mon — men see je\ for men = mien see § 56. We find le mon for le mien in several llth- cent. documents ; this confirms the origin given. For the etymology see mon. MIETTE, sf. a little crumb. See mz>.— Der. ^miettct. MIEUX, adv. better; formerly mieus, origi- nally miels and mels, from L. m,elius, by regular contr. (see § 51) of melius to mel's ; whence O. Fr. mels, whence suc- cessively miels, see § 56 ; mieus, see agtieau ; and mieux, see deux. MIEVRE, adj. arch, roguish. Origin un- known. — Der. mievrtx'iQ, mievrete. MIGNARD, adj. delicate. See mignon. — Der. mignarder, mignardhe. MIGNON, MIGNARD, sm. a favourite, darling, minion ; from a common root mign-, of Germ origin, O.H.G. minnia. — Der. mignonette, mignoter. Migraine, sf. headache; from L. hemi- cranium, found in Marcellus Empiricus. For loss of first syllable see briller; for c=^ see adjuger. Migration, sf. migration; from L. migra- tion e m . MIJAUREE, 5/. an affected lady. Origin unknown. MIJOTER, va. to nurse up. Origin un- known. MIL, sm. (Bot.) millet ; from L. milivun. — Der. millet, mz71eraie. MIL, adj. thousand ; from L. m.ille. t Milan, sm. (Omith.) a kite ; from Sp. milano. Miliaire, adj. miliary; from L. miliar i us, from milium, millet. MILICE, sf. militia ; from L. militia. For -tia, = -ce see agencer. — Der. miliden. MILIEU, sm. middle. See mi and lieu. Militaire, adj. military ; from L. militaris. Militer, vn. to militate; from L. militare. — Der. militant. MILLE, adj. thousand; sm. a thousand; from L. millia, pi. of mille. — Der. milliard, million. • Mill6naire, adj. millenary; from L. mille- narius. Millesime, sm. date (of coins, books, etc.) ; from L. millesimus. Its doublets are millieme, millime. MILLET, sm. (Bot.) millet. See mil. Milliaire, adj. milliary ; sm. a milestone ; from L. milliarius. MILLIEME, adj. and sm. thousandth; for- merly milliesme, from L. millesimus. For -esimus = -ieme see huitieme. Its doublet is millesime. MILLIER, sm. thousand (of); from L. mil- liarium. For •Qxi\xxa = -ier see § 198. MILLION, sm. a million. See mille.— Dex. millionnaixe, millioniexne. t Milord, sm. a lord, rich man; from Engl, my lord. Mime, sm. a mime, mimic ; from L. mimus. Mimique, adj. mimic; from L. mimicus. + Minaret, sm. a minaret; of Oriental origin, Ar. minaret. MINAUDER, vn. to be lackadaisical. — Der. minaudexie, minaudiex. MINCE, adj. slender, slight. Origin un- known. — Der. amincer. t Mine, 5/. air, countenace; from It. mina. — Der. mmois, wzmaud, mzwauder. Mine, sf. a mine. See viiner. — Der. minenx. MINE, sf. a mine (a measure =78 litres), lit. the half of a setier ; from L. hemina, half a sextarius. For loss of he see migraine. Mine, s/". a mina (100 drachms); from L. mina. Miner, va. to mine, lead a gallery under- ground; from L. mina re. Its doublet is mener, q. v. — Der. mine (verbal subst.), minexal, minerai. Mineral, sm. mineral, ore. See miner. — Der. mineralisex, mineralisation, mineraU isateur, mineralogie (from mineral and Ka- yos). Min6ralogie, sf. mineralogy. See mineral. Der. miner alogisXe, mineralogique. MINET, sm. a cat, puss. Origin unknown. MINEUR, adj. under age, minor, sm. a minor ; from L. minorem. For -orem = -eMr see § 227. Its doublet is moindre, q. v. Miniature, sf a miniature; from L. mi- niatura, properly painting done with mi cium, the initials of MSS. being usualU drawn with vermillion. — Der. miniaturistej Mini me, adj. very small; from L. mini mus. MINIMUM— MODALITY. ^35 Minimum, sm. a minimum ; from L. m i- nimum. MinistSre, sm. a ministry; from L. niinis- terium. Its doublet is metier, q. v. — Der. mi?iisttrlel (whose doublet is mtnestral, q.v.). Ministre, sm. a minister; from L. mi- nister. Minium, sm. minium, red lead ; from L. minium. MINOIS, sm. a pretty face. See mine. Minorite, sf. a minority; from L. mino- ritatem*, from minor. MINUIT, nn. midnight. See 7ni and miit. Minuscule, adj. small (of letters) ; from L. minusculus. Minute, sf. a minute; from L. minuta, properly a small thing, whence a small space of time. Its doublet is m,e7iue, q. v. — Der. minuttx. Minutie, sf. a trifle; from L. minutia. — Der. 77iinu(ieux. tMirabelle,s/. a mirabelle (plum) ; from Sp. mirabel. Miracle, sm. a miracle; from L. mira- culum. For -aculum = -ac/e, see § 254. Miraculeux, adj. miraculous ; from L. miraculosus (so used in St. Augustine). MIRAGE, sm. a mirage. See mirer. MIRE, sf. aim, sight. See mirer. MIRER, va. to aim, aim at, properly to admire, look at. Origin unknown. — Der. mire (verbal subst,), mirok, mirzge. MIRLIFLORE, sw. a coxcomb. Origin un- known. MIRLITON, sm. a reed-pipe. Origin un- known. MIROIR, sm. a mirror. See mirer. — Der. miroiter, miroititr, MIROITERIE, sf looking-glass making. See miroir. i* Misaine, s/. a foresail ; from It. mezzana. Misanthropic, sf misanthropy ; from Gr. IMiaavOpcuiria. — Der. jnisanthrope, misan- thropique. Miscellanees, sf pi. a miscellany ; from L. miscellanea. MISE, sf. a putting, laying, setting. See mettre. Its doublet is messe, q. v. Miserable, adj. miserable; from L. mise- rabilis. Mis^re, sf misery; from L. miser ia. Misericorde, sf pity; from L. miseri- cordia. — Der. misericordieux . Missel, sm. a missal, i. e. a book containing the masses for special days ; der. from missa. For -alia = -el see § 191. Mission, sf a mission; from L. missio- nem. — Der. missionna.ire. Missive, sf a missive; from L. missiva, from missum, p. p. of mittere. t Mistral, sm. the mistral (north-west wind of Provence) ; from Prov. mistral, formerly maestral. It. maestrale, is the L. magistralis, i. e. the masterful wind. For loss of g see allier. Mistral is a doublet of magistral. MITAINE, MITON, sf. a mitten, properly a half glove ; from a root mit, of Germ, origin, O. H. G. mittamo, half. MITE, sf. a mite, tick; of Germ, origin, A. S. mite. Mitigation, sf mitigation; from L. miti- gationem. Mitiger, va. to mitigate; from L. miti- gare. MITON, sm. a mitten. See viitaine. MITONNER, va. to coddle up. Origin un- known. MITOYEN, adj. medial, middle; from me- dieval L. medietanus ♦. For loss of t see abbaye; for e = i see § 59; for -anus = -en see § 194 ; for e = oi see accroire and § 61 ; for the unusual passage back from d to / see § 121. — Der. mitoyennet^. MITRAILLE, sf old iron, small shot; for- merly mitaille; for addition of r see chanvre. Mitaille is dim. of O. Fr. mite, a mite, small copper coin, whence it means morsels of copper, the sense it had as late as the 17th cent. Mite is of Germ, origin, Flem. mijte. — Der. mitrailler, mitrailhde. Mitre, sf a mitre; from L. mitra. — Der. mitre, mitron. MITRON, sm. a baker's man, properly one who wears a paper mitre. See mitre. Mixte, adj. mixed; from L, mixtus. Mixtion, sf. mixtion, gold size ; from L. mixtionem. — Der. mixtiotmer. Mixture, sf a mixture; from L. mixtura. Mn6monique, adj. mnemonic; from Gr. fiVTj/jLoviKTj (sc. rix^rj, the art of helping the memory). Mn6niotechnie, sf mnemonics ; from Gr. {jLvqixocv and rix^l- Mobile, adj. mobile, moveable ; from L. mobilis. Its doublet is meuble, q.v. — Der. mobU'uLke, mobiher, mobiHser, immo- bile. Mobiliser, vfl. to liberate, mobilise (soldiers). See mobile. — Der. mobilissitlon, \mmobilisex. Mobilite, sf mobility; from L. mobili- tatem. For -tatera = -/e' see § 230. Modality, s/. modality; from L. modal i- 2^6 MODE — MOLLET. tatem*, from modalis, der. from mo- dus. Mode, $/. manner; from L. modus. — Der. modiste. + Module, sm. a model ; from It. modello. — Der. model tr, modelnge. Mod^rateur, sm. a moderator; from L. moderatorem. Moderation, sf. moderation; from L. mo- derationem. Moderer, va. to moderate; from L. mode- rari. Modeme, adj. modern; from L. moder- nus (in Priscian). Modeste, adj. modest; from L. modestus. Modestie, sf. modesty; from L. modestia. Modification, sf. modification ; from L. modificationem. Modifier, va. to modify; from L. modi- ficare. — Der. moofyJcatif. Modique, adj. moderate (in value); from L. modicus. Modicite, sf. smallness, moderateness ; from L, modicitatem. Module, sm. a measure, diameter (of coins) ; from L. modulus. Its doublet is moule, q.v. Modular, va. to modulate; from L. mo- dulari — Der. moduhX.\on. MOELLE, sf. marrow. Prov. meolla, Sp. meollo, from L. medulla, by loss of d (see accabler), whence meolle by u = o (see annoncer), whence moelle by. transposition of the vowels — Der. moelleux. MOELLON, sm. ashlar. Origin unknown. MCEUF, sm. mood (of verbs) ; so found as late as Rollin, from L. modus. For o = ceu see accueillir; for d=/see § 122. MCEURS, sm. pi. manners, morals ; from L. mores, by regular contr. (see § 51) of m.6res into mor's, whence moeurs. For o = eu see accueillir. MOI, pers.pron. (objective case), me, to me ; from L. rai, contr. of mihi. For i = o/ see boire. MOIGNON, sm. a stump (of an amputated limb). Origin unknown. MOINDRE, adj. (comp. and superl. oi petit), less, least; ioxmeAy mendre, from L. minor, by regular contr. (see § 51) of minor to min'r, whence O. Fr. mendre. For nr = ndr see absoudre ; for i = e see § 72. Mendre becomes moindre by e = oi, see § 72. Moindre is a doublet of mineur, q. V. — Der. amoindrk, MOINE, sm. a monk ; from a type monius*, from Gr. fiovos, by transposing i, see cha- noine and Hist. Gram. p. 77, Monius* has produced a deriv. monialis. found in a document, a. d. 649. — Der. womerie. MOINEAU, sm. a sparrow ; formerly moinel, moisnel, contr. of moissonel, dim. of O. Fr. moisson, from L. muscionem*, a little bird, from musca, i. e. properly a fly- catcher. Muscionem becomes moisson. For u = oi see § 100 ; for scio = sso see agencer. Moissonel, dim. of moisson, is regularly contr. (see § 52) to mois'nel, whence moinel (see Hist. Gram. p. 81), lastly moineau (see ngneati). MOINS, adv. less, lacking, too little; from L. minus. For contr. of minus to min's see § 51, whence moins; for i = o/ see boire. + Moire, sm. a waved or watered textile fabric ; from Engl, mohair. — Der. moirer. MOIS, sm. a month ; from L. mensis. For ns = s see aine; for e = oi see § 62. MOISE, sf. a couple, brace. Origin unknown. MOISIR, va. to make mouldy ; formerly muisir, from L. mucere. For u = ?/« see buis ; for ui = oi see angoisse ; for c = s see amitii', for e = i see § 59. — Der. moz'sis- sure, moisi (partic. subst.). MOISSON, sf. harvest ; from L. messionem (found in Varro). For e = oi see § 62. — Der. moi^sonntT, moissonnenr . MOITE, adj. damp, moist ; formerly moiste, from L.musteus*, der. from mustum. Musteus becomes regularly mustius (see abreger), whence moiste, by u==oi (see § 100), lastly moite by loss of s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). — Der. moiteur. MOITlfi, sf. half; from L. medietatem. For loss of medial d see accabler : for e — oi see § 62 ; for -atem = -fe see amitit. MOL, adj. soft ; from L. mollis. Its doublet is mou, q. v. — Der. 7«o/lasse, wo/lement, mo/let, moZeton. Molaire, adj. molar; from L. molaris.j Its doublet is meuliere. M61e, sm. a mole, pierhead ; from L. moles.] Molecule, sf a molecule, particle; from' Schol. Lat. molecula, dim. of moles. — ^1 Der. moUctddHxt. Molester, va. to molest; from L. moles- tare. MOLETTE, sf. a painter's grindstone, rowelj • dim. of mola. MOLASSE, adj. flabby. See mol. MOLLESSE, sf softness ; from L. molitia *, der. from mollis. For -itio. =^ -esse see § 245. MOLLET, sm. calf (of the leg). See mol. MOLLIR — MO NT A GNE. 237 MOLLIR, va. to soften ; from L, moUire. MoUusque, sm. a mollusc, shellfish ; from L. moUusca, Moment, sm. a moment; from L, momen- tum. Momentan^, adj. momentary ; from L, momentaneus (so used by St. Jerome). MOMEllIE, s/". mummery, masquerade ; from O. Fr. motner; of Germ, origin, Germ. mvmmen. + Momie, .«/. a mummy ; from It. mummia. MON, poss. adj. my, mine ; from L. meum. For meum^mum see § 102 (cp. sam = suam in Ennius). Mum becomes mon by u = o (see § 93) and m = « (see changer). Monacal, adj. monacal, monkish ; from L. monachalis. Monachisme, sm. monkery ; from L. monachismus. Monade, sf. a monad; from L, monadem, found in Isidore of Seville. Monadelphie, sf. (Bot.) monadelphy; from Gr. iiovos and d5eA<^o$. Monandrie, sf. (Bot.) monandria ; from Gr. fiovos and dv-qp. Monarchie, sf. monarchy ; from Gr. fjLovap- xia. — Der. wzowarcAique, monarchiste. Monarchique, adj. monarchical. See tnonarchie. Monarque, sm. a monarch; from Gr. ixovapxv^- Monastdre, sm. a monastery; from L. monasterium. Its doublet is moutier, q.v. Monastique, adj. monastic ; from L. monasticus *. Monaut, adj. one-eared ; from Gr. fiSvcoTos. MONCEAU, sm. a heap ; formerly moncel. For -el = -eau see agnean. Moncel is from L. monticelluni, a hill-shaped heap, der. from raontem by regular contr. (see § 52) of monticellum to mont'cellum. For to = c see adjuger. — Der. (from O. Fr. moncel) amonceler. MONDAIN, adj. mundane, worldly ; from L. mundanus. For u = o see § 93; for -anus = -am see § 194. — Der. motidamte. MONDE, sm. the world ; from L. mundus. For u=o see § 93. MONDE, adj. clean (of animals) ; from L. mundus. For u = o see § 93. — Der. im- monde. MONDER, va. to clean ; from L. mundare. For u = o see § 93, Mon^taire, adj. monetary ; from L. mone- tarius, properly a money-dealer. Moniteur, sm. a monitor ; from L. moni- torem. Monition, sf. an admonition; from L. monitionem. Monitoire, adj. and sm. a monitory ; from L. monitorium. — Der. mowzVorial. MONNAIE, sf. coin, money ; formerly mo?i- noie ; from L. moneta. For loss of t see aigu ; for n = nn see ennemi ; for e = of = at see § 62 Der. monnayer, tnonnayage, monnayem. Monochrome, adj. monochromatic ; from Gr. /JLovoxpoofxos. Monocorde, sm. a monochord ; from Gr. ^lov6xop5os. Monocotyledone, sf. (Bot.) a monocoty- ledon ; from Gr. fiovos and KorvXijddiv. Monoecie, sf (Bot.) monoecia ; from Gr. fiovos and o'lKia. Monogram m e, sm. a monogram; from Gr. fiovoypafifiuv. Monographie, sf a monograph ; from Gr. fxavoypacpia. Monoique, adj. (Bot.) androgynous; from Gr. fjLovos and oIkos. Monolithe, sm. a monolith; from Gr. fiovSKidos. Monologue, sm. a monologue ; from Gr, fxovo\oyia. Monomanie, sf a monomania: from Gr. fxovos and manie, q. v. — Der. monomane. Mondme, sm. (Algebra) monome; from Gr, fjLovoQ}. Monopetale, adj. (Bot.) monopetalous ; from Gr. /xovos and iriraXov. Monophylle, adj. (Bot.) monophyllous ; from Gr. fxovocpvWos. Monopole, sm. a monopoly; from Gr. IxovoirooXia. — Der. monopoleur, monopoliser. Monosyllabe, sm. a monosyllabe; from Gr. fxovoavWa^os. — Der. monosyllabique. Monotone, adj. monotonous, sf. monotony ; from Gr. fxovoTOvos. — Der. monotonie. MONS, sm. abbreviation of monsieur, q. v. MONSEIGNEUR, sm. my lord, your lordship. See mon and seigneur. — Der. monseigneur- iser. MONSIEUR, sm. sir. See mon and sieur. Monstre, sm. a monster; from L. mon- strum. Monstrueux, adj. monstrous; from L. monstruosus. For -osus = -eux see § 229. — Der, mo«s/r«osite. MONT, sm. a mountain, hill ; from L. mon- tem. — Der. monter, amont. MONTAGNE, sf. a mountain ; from L. mon- tanea *, der. from montem. For -anea = -agne see aragne. — Der. montagna.xd, montagneux. 238 MONTER — MOR TA ISE, MONTER, va. to ascend. See mont. — Der. monUgt, motitie (partic. subst.), wo«/ant, mo«/eiir, mo«/oir, montnxt, d^monter, re- monfer, smmonter. Monticule, sm. a hillock ; from L. monti- culus. MONTRE, sf. a sample, a watch. See mon- trer. MONTRER, va. to show, point out; for- merly monstrer; from L. monstrare. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81, — Der. tnontre (verbal subst., the dial-plate which shows the hours, thence by extension a watch), Montueux, adj. hilly; from L. montu- osus. For -OB\xs = -eux see § 229. Monument, sm. a monument ; from L. monumentum. — Der. monumenUX. MOQUER (SE), vpr. to mock. Origin un- known. — Der. moquerie, moquexir. MOQIJETTE, sf. a Wilton carpet. Origin unknown. MORAILLES, sf. horse-twitchers (in farriery). Origin unknown. — Der. moraillon. Moral, adj. moral; from L. moralis. — Der. moraliser. Morale, sf. ethics ; from L. moralis (used as a subst. in Ennodius). Moraliser, vn, to moralise. See moral. — Der. moralisewT, moraliste, dimoraliser. Morality, sf. morality; from L. morali- tatem. For -tatein = -/e see § 230. Morbide, adj. morbid ; from L. morbidus. t Morbidesse, sf. morbidity; from It. morbidezza. MORCEAU, sm. a morsel ; formerly morcel, originally morsel, It. morsello, from L. znorsellum *, found in late Lat. docu- ments; properly a thing bitten, mouthful, morsellum being a dim. of tnorsum, p.p. of mordere. Cp. Germ, bissen from beiszen. Morsellum becomes successively O. Fr. morsel, then morcel (see cercueil for s = c), lastly morceau (by el=eau, see agneau). Morceau is a doublet of museau, q. v. — Der. (from O. Fr. morcel) morcehx. MORCELER, vn. to parcel out. See mor- ceau. — Der. morce/lement. Mordicant, adj. corrosive ; from L. mor- dicantem, der. from mordere. fMordicus, adv. tenaciously, stoutly; from L. mordicus. MORDILLER, vn. to nibble. See mordre. MORDORE, sm. reddish brown ; formerly more dore, compd. of dore (q. v.) and more, which is from L. maurus, a Moor. For au = o see § 107. MORDRE, va. to bite ; from L. mordere. For mordere = mordSre see Hist. Gram. p. 133. MordSre becomes mordre b)' dropping 6, see § 51. — Der. demordre, re- mordre. MORE, sm. a Moor, blackamoor : from L. Maurus. For au = o see § 107. — Der. 7noresque, woreau (formerly morel, for el = eau see agneau), morelle, morillon, moricaud. MORFIL, sm. a wire edge (of razors, etc.). Seejil and mort. MORFONDRE, va. to chill, properly a veteri- nary term, meaning to strike a chill, with nasal catarrh in a horse. Morfondre is compd. of morve (a horse's disorder) and fondre. MORGELINE, sf. (Bot.) chickweed. It. mordigallina, a plant much liked by poultry, as is shown by its derivation from morsus gallinae, whence morsgeline, then morgeline. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ; for gallina=g"e7/«« see geline. MORGUE, {i) sf. gravity, cold pride.— Der. morgutx. {2) sf. a room at the entrance of a prison (used as a sort of depot), morgue. Origin unknown. Moribond, adj. in a dying state ; from L. moribundus. MORICAUD, sm. a blackamoor. See more. Morig6ner, va. to form the morals of, reprimand; from L. morigerari. MORILLE, sf. (Bot.) a morel; of Germ. origin, O. H. G. morhila. t Morion, sm. a morion, helmet ; from It. morione. MORNE, adj. dull, downcast; of Germ. origin, O. H. G. mornen, to mourn. fMorne, sm. a mountain ; introd. from the Antilles, Sp. morron. Morose, adj. morose; from L. morosus. Morosit6, sf. morosity; from L. morosi- tatem. Morph^e, sm. Morpheus ; from Gr. Mop- . born ; from L. natus. For -atus j=-e see § 201. NEANMOINS, adv. nevertheless ; formerly neantmoins, compd. of neant (q. v.) and inoins (q. v.). NEANT, adv. nought, properly non-being ; from Schol. L. necentem*, compd. of nega- tion nee, and entem*, partic. pres. of sum, by dropping c (see affouage) and by en = an (see andouille). — Der. fnineant (formerly fait neant), ineant'ir, we'awmoins; Nebuleux, adj. nebulous; from L. nebu- losus. Necessaire, ac^". necessary ; from L. neces- sarius. N^cessit^, sf. necessity ; from L. necessi- tate m. — Der. necessittr. Necessiter, va. to compel. See necessite. — Der. necessiteux, necessitznt. !N"6crologe, sm. an obituary; from Gr. veKpos and \6yos. — Der. necrologie, necro- logique. ISTecromaiicie, sf. necromancy; from Gr. V€KpoixavTeia. — Der. necromancien, necro- mant. Necrose, sf. (Med.) necrosis; from Gr. veKpwais. Nectaire, sm. (Bot.) a nectary ; from L. n e c- tarea (found in Pliny). For a, = ai see § 54. ITectar, sm. nectar; from L. nectar. NEF, sf. a ship, a nave (of churches) ; from L. navem. For a = tf see § 54; for v=/ see bceiif. N"6faste, adj. inauspicious (on which no business should be done); from L. nefastus. iNEFLE, sf. (Bot.) a medlar; from L. me- spilum, by regular contr. (see § 51) of m^spilum to mesplum, whence nesfle. For m = ra see changer ; for p =/ see chef; for nesfle — nefle see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. neflxtx. M"6gatif, adj. negative; from L. nega- tivus. — Der. negative. Negation, sf. a negation; from L. nega- ' tionem. — Der. denegation. 1^ ISr^gligence, sf negligence; from L. neg- lige n t i a . For -tia = -c^* see agencer. [' W6gliger, va. to neglect; from L, ne- glige re. — Der. neglige (partic. subst,), negligent. i* N"6gOce, sm. trade; from L. negotium. For tiu = ce see agencer. N'^gociant, sm. a merchant. See negocier. IsT^gociateur, sm. a negociator; from L. negotiatorem. !N"6gociation, sf. a negociation ; from L. negociationem. Negocier, va. to negociate; from L. nego- tiari. — Der. negoci-Ant, negocishle. fWdgre, sm. a negro; from Sp. negro. Its doublet is noir, q. v. — Der. negresse, negriev, negriWon. NEIGE, sf. snow, properly snowy; from L. nivea. For nivea = nivia see abreger; hence nivja by ia=ja, see abreger; hence neige. For i = ei see § 74; for vj=^ see abreger. — Der. neigei, neigeux. NENNI, adv. no ; formerly nennil, from L. non illud, lit. not that. For non = nen seeje; for illud = // see out; iox nennil = nenni see garou. tW^nufar, sm. a waterlily; in i6th cent. neufar ; of Oriental origin, Pers. noufer. Neographe, sm. a neographer; from Gr. vfos and ypacissure. NOISE, sf. a quarrel ; an O. Fr. word, from L. nausea, properly disgust, thence annoy- ance, then quarrel. Nausea becomes regularly nausia, see abreger ; then nosia, see § 106 ; thence noise by attraction of i, see chanoine. Noise is a doublet of nausee, q.v. NOISETTE, sf. a hazel-nut. See «o/;c.— Der. «o/se/ier. NOIX, sf. a nut, walnut; from L. nucem. For -ucem = -oix see croix. — Der. woisette. i| fWolis, sm. freight; a word used in Me- diterranean ports. See noliser. fNoliser, va. to charter (a ship); from It. noleggiare. — Der. nolis (verbal subst.). NOM, S7n. a name; from L. nomen. Womade, adj. nomad; from L. noma- dem. NOMBRE, sm. a number ; from L. numerus, by regular contr. (see § 51) of ntimerus to num'rus, whence nombre. For u = o see annoncer; for Tav=^mbr see absoudre. Nombre is a doublet of numero, q. v. NOMBRER, va. to number ; from L. nume- rare, by regular contr. (see § 52) of numerfire to num'rare, whence nombrer. For u = see annoncer ; for mr = mbr see absoudre. — Der. nombricr (whose doublet is numeraine, q. v.). NOMBREUX, arf/. numerous ; from L. nume- rosus, by regular contr. (see § 52) of numerdsus to num'rosus, whence nom breux. For u = o see § 97; for mr = mbr see absoudre; for -osus = -eux see § 229. NOMBRIL, sm. the navel. Prov. umbril, It. ombelico, from L. umbiliculus *, dim. of umbilicus, "by regular contr. of um- biliculus to umb'liculus, see § 52. TJmbliculus, by u = o (see § 97), and -iculus = -z7 (cp. peril from periculum, see abeille and § •257) gives omblil, whence ombril, by dissimilation, l = r, see § 169. Ombril becomes nombril (found in 12th cent.) by prefixing n, a thing difficult to explain. Nombril is a doublet of ombelic, q.v. Womenclateur, sm. a nomenclator ; from L. nomenclatorem. Nomenclature, sf nomenclature; from L. nomenclatura. Nominal, adj. nominal; from L. nomi- nalis. Nominatif, sm. and adj. nominative ; from L. nominativus, from nominare. Nomination, sf a nomination; from L. nominationem. NOMMER, va. to name. Prov. nomnar. It. nominare, from L. nominare, by regular contr. (see § 52) of nominare to nom'nare, whence nommer by mn = mm, see § 168. — Der. lenommer (whence re- nom, verbal subst., renommee, partic. subst.), snrnommer. NON, adv. no, not; from L. non. Its doublet is ne, q, v. Nonag6naire, adj. of ninety (years) ; from L. nonagenarius. Nonag§sime, adj. nonagesimal ; from L. nonagesimus. NONANTE, adj. ninety; from L. nona- ginta. For -aginta = -ante see cin- quante. f Nonce, sm. a nuncio; from It. nunzio. NONCHALANT, adj. nonchalant, careless, cool. See chaloir. — Der. rionchalance. f Nonciature, sf a nunciature; from It. nunziatura. None, if. none (in Roman Catholic liturgy), the ninth hour of the day; from L. nona. Nones, sf pi. the Nones, eighth day before the Ides; from L. nonae. NONNE, sf a nun ; from L. nonna, found in St. Jerome. — Der. nonnnin, nonnette. Nonobstant, prep, notwithstanding ; for- merly non obstant, from L. non obstante, pres. p. of obstare, properly without having regard to the thing, notwithstand- 248 NORD—NOFER. NORD, sm. the north ; of Germ, origin. Germ, ttord. Normal, adj. normal; from L, normalis. NORMAND, sm. a Norman; formerly Nor- man ; of Germ, origin, Engl. Northman. NOS, poss. pron. pi. we. See notre. Ifosologie, sf. nosology; from Gr. vSffos and \6yos. Nostalgie, sf. homesickness; from Gr. v6(TTOs and aXyos. tNTota, va. imper. observe; the L. nota, imper. of notare. Notable, adj. notable; sm. a notable, deputy ; from L. notabilis. For-abilis = -able see § 250. Notaire, sm. a notary; from h. notarius, used for a scribe in the Theodosian Code. — Der. notarht, noiarier. Notation, sf. notation; from L. nota- tionem. Note, sf. a note; from L. nota. Noter, va. to note, notice; from L. notare. — I>er. noteuT, denoter. Notice, sf. a notice; from L. notitia. For -tia = -ce, see agencer. Notification, sf. a notification; from L. notificationem. Notifier, va. to notify ; from L. notificare. Notion, sf a notion; from L. notionem. Notoire, adj. notorious; from L, notorius. ;;— Der. wo/ori^te. NOTRE, poss. pron. our; formerly nostre, from L. nostrum. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. Another form of nostre is nos, which is for nost; cp. propositum, propos; dispositum, dispos, which are for propost and dispost. NOUE, sf. pasture-land, marshy plain. Origin unknown. NOUE, sf a gutter-lead; from L. noca* a conduit in Low Lat. documents. Noca is of Germ, origin, O.H.G. noch. For loss of medial c see ami; for o = ou see § 81. NOUER, va. to knot, tie up; from L. nodare. For loss of medial d see accabler; for o = o« see § 81. — Der. d&touer, re- nouer, nouure, nouet. NOUEUX, adj. knotty ; from L. nodosus. For loss of medial d see accabler ; for o = ou see § 81; for -os\xa = -eux see § 229. + Nougat, sm. an almond cake; from Sp. nogado. NOUILLE, sf pastry, ' noules ' ; from Germ. nudel, by contr. of nudel to nud'l, whence nouille. For dl = ll see § 168; for « = oi see angoisse, and 01 = out see § 81. NOURRAIN, sm. small fry. Prov. tioirim, from L. nutrimen, properly nourishment, the act of bringing up young, then small fry. Nutrimen becomes nonrrain by u = OM, see § 97; tr =:rr, see § 168; and -imen = -flm, see § 226. NOURRICE, sf. a nurse ; from L. nutrioem. For u = o?/see § 97; for tr =rr see § 168. — Der. nourricieT. NOURRIR, va. to nourish ; from L. nutrire. For u = 07/ see § 97; for tr = rr see § 168. — Der. nottrrissant, wowrrisseur, «oj/rrissage. NOURRISSON, sm. a nursling; from L. nutritionem, which passes from sense of nourishment to that of the thing nourished ; similarly runs the phrzse faire une education (orfaire un eleve. Nutritionem becomes nourrisson. For u = om see § 97; for tr = rrsee § 168; for ti = ss see agencer. Nourrisson is a. doublet of nutrition, q. v. NOURRITURE, sf food, nourishment ; from L. nutritura. For u = om see § 97; for tr = rr see § 168. NOUS, pers. pron. pi. we, us, to us ; from L. nos. For o = o« see § 81. NOUVEAU, adj. new ; formerly nouvel, from L. novellus. For o = ou see § 81; for -ellus = -el = -eau see agneau. — Der. (from O.Fr. nouvel) renouvelev. NOUVEAUTE, sf. a novelty; formerly novelte, from L. novellitatem, by regular contr. (see § 52) of novellitatem to novel'tatem, whence novelte (for -tatem = -te see § 230) ; then nouvelte by = ou, see §81; lastly nouveaute by el = eau, see agneau. NOUVELLE, sf. news; from L. novella*, properly a new thing. For = 07/ see. § 81. Its doublet is novelle. — Der. nou- vellhte. Novateur, sm. an innovator; from L. novatorem. Novation, sf a substitution; from L. novationem. Novembre, sm. November; from L. no- vember. Novice, sm. a novice; from L. novicius, found in Juvenal. For ciu = ce see agencer. — Der. noviciit. NOYAU, sm. a fruitstone ; formerly noial. Prov. nogal, from L. nucalis, properly an almond. For loss of medial c see § 81 ; then noial by u = oi, see § 91; then noyau by al = au, see agneau. NOYER, sm. a walnut-tree. Prov. noguier, from L. nucarius *, der. from nucem. Nucarius becomes noyer by dropping the NOFER — OBIT. 349 medial o, see affotiage ; and by u = o, see annoncer; and -arius = -/er see § 198. NOYER, va. to drown ; formerly noier, Prov. negar. It. negare, from L, necare, pro- perly to put to death, then to drown ; for this restriction of sense see § 12. Ne- care is so used in Lat. writers of the decadence, as in ' Postremo Eliae jussu pro- fani sacerdotes comprehensi, deductique ad torrentem necati sunt,' says Sulpicius Sevcfus (Hist, i.); and Gregory of Tours har ' Matrem ejus lapide ad collum ligato n'jcare jussisti.' Necare becomes negare f'ly c = g (see adjuger) in Carolingian docu- /ments, e.g. ' Si quis alicujus piecus nega- verit vel famulus vel infans,' in the Lex Alamannorum. Negare loses medial g, see allier, whence noyer; for e = oi see § 61. — Der. woyade. NU, adj. naked ; from L. nudus. For loss of d see alouette. — Der. nt^ment (properly wMcment). NUAGE, sm. a cloud. See nue. — Der. nuageux. NUAISON,s/'. time of a steady breeze. See nue. NUANCE, sf. a shade. See nue. — Der. nuancev. USTubile, adj. marriageable; from L. nub ills. — Der. nubilite. !N"udit6,s/. nakedness; from L. nuditatem. [ NUE, sf. a cloud; from L. nubem. For loss of medial b see taon. — Der. nuer, nuznce, mizge, wwaison, «Mee. NUIRE, vn. to injure ; from L. nocere. The accent on the Lat. verb was shifted from nocere to nocere (see Hist. Gram. p. 133) ; then came the regular contr. of nocere to noc're, see § 51 ; hence nuire by ocre = uir, for which see cuire. NUISIBLE, adj. injurious; from L. noci- bilis, by regular contr. (see § 51) of nocibilis to nocib'lis, whence nuisible. For o = ui see cuider and § 84 ; for c = s see amitie. NUIT, sf. night ; formerly noil, from L. noctem. For oct = ok = uit see huit Der. nuitamment, nut tee. NUL, adj. no, null ; from L. nullus. — Der. nullite, nullement. NtJMENT, adv. nakedly. See nu. Numeraire, sm. specie, cash; from L. numerarius. Its doublet is nombrier. Numeral, adj. numeral; from L. nume- ralis. Num^rateur, sm. a numerator; from L. numeratorem. Numeration, sf. numeration; from L. numerationem. !N"lira6rique, adj. numerical ; from L. nu- mericus *, from numerus. t Num^ro, sm. a number ; introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. numero. Its doublet is nombre, q. v. — Der, numeroter, numerotage. Numismafe, sm. a numismatologist ; der. from Gr. vofiicfjia. Numismatique, adj. numismatic; from Gr. vofjLiafj.aTiK6s. Nummulaire, sf. (Bot.) moneywort; (Geol.) nummulite; from L. nummu- larius. ISTuncupatif, adj. nuncupative; from L. nuncupativus*, der. from nuncupatus. Nuptial, adj. nuptial; from L. nuptialis. NUQUE, sf. nape (of neck) ; of Germ, origin, Neth. nocke. Wutation, sf. nutation; from L. nuta- tionem. Wutritif, adj. nutritive; from L. nutri- tivus *, der. from nutritus. Nutrition, sf. nutrition ; from L. nutri- tion em. Its doublet is nourrisson, q.v. Nyctalope, smf. a nyctalops ; from Gr. vvKraXoixp. — Der. nyctalopit. Nymphe, sf a nymph ; from L. nymph a. Nyniph6e, sf. (Archit.) a nymphaeum ; from L. nymph eum. O. Oasis, sf an oasis; from Gr. oaais. Obedience, sf. obedience; from L. obedi- entia. For -tia = -ce see agencer. OBEIR, va. to obey ; from L. obedire. For loss of medial d see accabler. — Der. obe- issant, o6eissance, disoieVr, OBEISSANCE, sf obedience. See obeir. Pb61isque, sm. an obelisk ; from Gr. b^t- TdoKos. Ob6rer, va. to involve in debt; from L. obaerare. Ob6r6, p.p. involved, indebted; from L. obaeratus. For -atus = -e see § 201. Ob6sit6, sf. obesity, fatness; from L. obe- sitatem. For -tateni = -/6 see § 230. OBIER, sm. (Bot.) a guelder rose. See aubier. Obit, sm. an obit (Roman Catholic liturgy) ; from L. obitus. — Der. o6«Vuaire. 2S0 OBJECTER — OCCURRENT. Objeoter, t;a. to object ; from L. objectare. Objectif, odj. objective; from L. objec- tivus *, from objectus. Objection, sf. an objection ; from L. ob- jectionem. Objet, sm. an object; from L. objectus. For ot = /see § 168. Objurgation, sf. objurgation, chiding ; from L. ohjurgationera. Oblation, sf. oblation, offering; from L. oblationem. Obligation, sf. an obligation ; from L. obligationem. Obligatoire, adj. obligatory ; from L. ob- ligatorius. Obllgeance, sf. obligingness. See ohliger. Obliger, va. to oblige, compel ; from L. obligare. — Der. obligeant, obligeince, des- obliger. Oblique, adj. oblique; from L. obliquus. Obliquity, sf. obliquity; from L. obliqui- tatem. Oblit6ration, sf. obliteration ; from L. obliterationem. Oblit6rer, va. to obliterate; from L. obli- terare. Oblong, adj. oblong; from L. oblongus. Obole, sf. an obolus ; from Gr. b^oXos. Obombrer, va. to overshadow; firom L. obumbrare. Obscene, adj. obscene; from L. obscenus. Obsc6nit6, -/. obscenity; from L. obscen- itatem. Obscur, adj. obscure; from L. obscurus. — Der. obscurcix, oftscwrcissement. Obscurity, sf. obscurity; from L. obscu- ritatem. For -tatem = -/e see § 230. Obsecration, sf. obsecration ; from L. obsecrationem. Obs6der, va. to beset ; from L. obsidere. Obsdques, sf.pl. obsequies; from L. ob- sequiae (found in the Inscriptions). Obs6quieux, adj. obsequious; from L. obsequiosus. For -osus = -ew;x see § 229. — Der. obs^uioiit^. Observance, sf. observance; from L. ob- servantia. For -tia = -c« see agencer. Observateur, sm. an observer; from L. observator. Observation, sf. observation ; from L. observationem. Observatoire, sm. an observatory ; from L. observatus. Observer, va. to observe; from L. obser- vare. Obsession, sf. besetting; from L. obses- sionem. Obsidional, adj. belonging to a siege from L. obsidionalis. Obstacle, sm. an obstacle ; from L. obsta-'« culum. -aculuin=-ac/e is the learned form. , Obstination, sf. obstinacy; from L. ob*. stinationem. Obstin^, adj. obstinate; from L. obsti- natus. For -atus = -^ see § 201. Obstiner, va. to make obstinate ; from L. obstinare. Obstructif, adj. obstructive ; from L. ob- structivus *, der. from obstructus. Obstruction, sf. obstruction ; from L. obstructionem. Obstruer, va. to obstruct; from L. ob- struere. — Der. Aisobstruer. Obtenip6rer, vn. to obey; from L. ob- temperare. Obtenir, va. to obtain ; from L. obtinere. For i = e see § 72 ; for e = « see § 59. Obtention, sf obtaining; from L. obten- tionem, der. from obtentum, supine of obtinere. Obturateur, sm,(Anat.) an obturator; from L. obturatorem *, der. from obturare. Obtus, adj. obtuse; from L. obtusus. t Obus, sm. a shell (artillery); from Sp^ obuz. — 'Der. o6«sier. Obvier, vn. to obviate; from L. obviare. Occase, adj. occasive; from L. occasus. Occasion, sf. an opportunity, occasion ; from L. occasionem. — Der. occasionner, occa- s/onnel. Occident, sm. the west; from L. occi- dentem. Occidental, adj. western ; from L. occi- dentalis. Occipital, flf^". occipital; from L. occipi- talis, der. from occiput. t Occiput, sw. the occiput; from L. oc- ciput. OCCIRE, va. to kill ; from L. occidere, by re- gular contr. (see § 51) of occid5re to occi- d're; whence occire, by dr = r, see § 168. Occision, sf. slaughter; from L. occi- sionem (found in St. Jerome). Occultation, s/. occultation; from L. oc- cultationem. Occillte, adj. ocfult ; from L. occultus. Occupation, sf. occupation; from L. oc« cupationem. Occuper, va. to occupy; from L. occu- pare. — Der. occupznt. Occurrence, sf. an occurrence ; from L. occurrentia *. Occurrent, adj. occurring; from L. occuri rentem. OC^AN—OFFRIR. 351 Oc6an, sm. an ocean; from L. oceanus. — Der. oceant. Ocre, sf. ochre; from Gr.wxP"- — Der. ocreux. Oetaddre, sm. an octahedron; from Gr. OKTaihpOS. Octant, sm. (Astron.) an octant; from L. octantem. Octante, ac//". eighty; from L. octaginta, a form der. from octuaginta (and found in Vitruvius) by reduction of ua to a. For -aginta = -ante see cinquante. — Der. octant- ieme. Octave, sf. an octave; from L. octavus, Oetobre, sm. October; from L. October. Octogenaire, adj. octogenariaii ; from L. octogenarius. Octogone, adj. octagon; from Gr. 6kt6j and yuivos. OCTROI, sm. grant, concession, town-due. See octroyer. OCTROYER, va. to grant ; from L. aucto- ricare, der. from auctorare, to procure, then to grant, by contr. (see § 53) of auctoricare to auct'ricare. By loss of medial c (see affouage) and by i=oi (see boire) auctricare becomes auctroyer (cp. plicare, ployer). Atictroyer becomes oc- troyer by au = o (see § 106); lastly, by ct = t (§ 168), otroyer, the O. Fr. form. — Der. octroi (what one grants, a gift, and then a subsidy granted by the people to the sovereign). Octuple, adj. octuple, from L. octuplum. — Der. octuplev. Oculaire, adj. ocular; from L. ocularius. Oculiste, sm. an oculist ; der. from oculus. i*}- Odalisque, s/". anodalisk; of Oriental origin, Turk, odalik. Ode, sf. an ode ; from Gr. a/Sly. Odeur, sf an odour; from L. odorem. Odieux, adj. odious ; from L. odiosus. For -oswa = -eux see § 229. Odontalgie, sf toothache ; from Gr. bhov- Ta\yi^- — I^^r. odontalg'ique. Odontologie, sf odontology ; from Gr. odovs and \6yos, Odorant, adj. odorous; from L. odoran- tem. Odorat. sm. a smell; from L. odoratus. Odoriferant, adj. odoriferous; compd. of odorem and ferentem. Odyss6e, s/. the Odyssey; fromGr.'OSuortrfta. (Ecum^nique, adj. oecumenical ; from Gr. o'lKov/jLeviKos. — Der, oecumenicite. jCEddme, sm. (Med.) oedema, a tumour ; from Gr. o'ldTjfia. fElL, sm. an eye ; formerly oil, from L. 6cu- lus, by regular contr. (see § 51) of6cu- lus to oc'lus, found in popular Lat., as may be seen from the Appendix ad Pro- bum, *oc\ilus non oclus.' Oclus pro- duced O. Fr. oil (for cl = il see abeille) ; oil became ceuil then ceil (for o = ceu see § 79). The pi. yetix, is formed thus: O. Fr. euil became ieuil (for eu = ieu see lieu), whence ieul by dissimilation (see § 170) ; ieul being in pi. ieuls became ieus by losing / (cp. illos, eux) ; ieus, also written yens, became yeux by s = x (see deux). — Der. ce/Zlere, cezVlade, astVlet. CEILLET, sm. an eyelet. See te//.— Der. ceilleton. CEILLETTE, sf. oil (of poppy); in the 1 6th cent., oliette, der. from L. olium, a Low Lat. form of oleum. For eu = iu see § 84. CEnologie, s/. the art of wine-making; from Gr. oTvos and \6yos. CEjSOphage, sm. oesophagus, gullet ; from Gr. jolao(pdyos. GEJstre, sm. (Entom.) a gad-fly; from Gr. otarpos. CEUF, sm. an egg ; from L. ovum. For o = oeu see § 79 ; for v =/ see boeuf. Its doublet is ove. — Der. ceuv6. CEUVRE, sf. work ; from L. opera, pi. of opus, by regular contr. (see § 51) of 6pera to op'ra, whence ceuvre. For o = ceu see § 79; for p = 6 = v see § ill. CEuvre is a doublet of opera, q. v. — Der. desceuvre (partic. of O. Fr. desoeuvrer, compd. of O. Fr. ceuvrer, der. from ceuvre). Offenser, va. to offend ; from L. of fens a re. — Der offense (verbal subst.), offensa.nt, qffensewT, offensif, offensive. OFFERTOIRE, sm. an offertory. See o^ir. OflB.ce, sm. an office, duty, worship ; from L. officium. — Der. q^cier(vn.),q^cier(sm.). OflBcial, sm. an official ; from L. official is. Its doublet is off del, q. v. — Der. official'ixL OflRciel, adj. official; from L. officialis, der. from officium. OflBcier, vn. to officiate. See office. OflB-Cier, sm. an officer. See office. Oflftcine, s/. a laboratory; from L. officina. — Der. officinzL OFFRANDE, sf. an offering, present; from L. offerenda, by regular contr. (see § 52) of offerenda to ofiF'renda, whence offrande; for en = an see andouille. OFFRE, sf. an offer. See offrir. OFFRIR, va. to offer; from L. offerere*, der. from ofPerre. For this lengthened termination in re see etre. Oflferlre, re- gularly contrd. (see § 52) to off'rere. 2S2 OFFUSQUER — OMISSION, becomes offrir; for 6 = 1 sec § 59. — Der. offre (verbal subst.); offerte (strong partic. subst,, see nbsoute), qffertolre. Oflf\isquer, va. to obscure; from L. offus- care. OGIVE, sf. a pointed arch (also written augive in the 17th cent.) ; from L. augplva*, der. from augere, because the ogive goes on in- creasing, while at the same time the arch so formed increases the strength of the vault. And besides, we find the phrase arc ogif, which answers to L. arcus augivus, a decisive proof that this view is correct. Au- givus becomes ogif; for au = o see §§ 106, 107; for v^=fsec boeuf. — Der. ogival. OGRE, stn. an ogre, in medieval mythology a monster who feeds on human flesh. Ogre (It, orco) is from L.orcus (Orcus,God of the infernal regions). For orcus = ocrus see dprete. Ocrus becomes ogre, cp. acris, aigre ; for e=^ see adjuger. — Der. o^resse. OIE, sf. a goose. Prov. auca, It. oca,, from L. auca, a goose, in very ancient medieval Lat. texts. We find the phrase * Accipiter qui aucaiu mordet,' in the Lex Alamannorum ; and in the Formulae of Marculfus, ' Aucas tantas, fasianos tantos.' Auca is contrd. from avica., der. from avis. For avica=: auca cp. navifragium = naufragium, navita = nauta. Auca, losing its medial c (see affouage), becomes oie; for au = oz see § 108. — Der, o/son. OIGNON, sm. an onion ; from L. unionem, found in Columella. For ni =gn see cigogne; for u = 02 see § 91. Its doublet is m««o«, q.v. + Oille, s/". an olio ; from Sp. olla. OINDRE, va. to anoint ; from L. ungere, by regular contr. (see § 51) of Txngere to ung're, whence un're (for gr = r see § 168), whence oindre (for nx = ndr see absoudre; for u = oi see § 91). OING, sm. cart-grease ; from L, unguem. For u=oi see § 91. OINT, sm. the anointed (one) ; from L, uuc- tum. Forct = /see § 168; foru = o/ see§ 91. OISEAU, sm. a bird ; formerly oisel, Prov, aucel, from L, aucellus *, properly a little bird ; for the extension of meaning see § 13. Aucellus is a masc, form of aucella, found in Apicius ; aucella is contrd, from avicella, cp. nauta from navita, nau- fragium from navifragium, etc. Au- cellus becomes oisel: for au = oi see § 108 ; for c = s see amitie. Oisel becomes oiseau by el = eau, see agneau. — Der, (from O. Fr. oisel) oiselem, oiselitx, oisellon (now oisillon; for e = i see § 59). OISEUX, adj. idle. Prov. ocios, Sp. ocioso, from L, otiosus. For t = c see agencer. Ociosus becomes oiseux : for -osus — -eux see § 229 ; for o = s see amitii ; for o = a(, by attraction of i, see chanoine. OISIF, adj. idle ; der. from a root oise *, which answers to L. otium. For ti = s see agencer 'y for o = ot see § 84. — Der. o/sivete. OISILLON, sm. a little bird. See oiseau. OISON, sm. a gosHng ; der. directly from L. aucionem (der. from auca, see oie), a word found (7th cent.) in the Cassel Glosses, For letter-changes see alouette, aboyer, and agencer. 016agineux, adj. oleaginous, oily ; from L, oleaginosus *, der, from oleagina, pro- perly an olive-tree, Olfactif, adj. olfactory; from L, olfacti- vus. Oligarchie, sf. an oligarchy ; from Gr, oKiyapxia. — Der. oligarchiqne. t Olinde, sf. a sword blade (of Olinda) ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from the town of Olinda in Brazil. OLIVE, sf. an olive ; from L. oliva, — Der, olivktTe, olivier, o/ivaire. Olographe, see kolographe. Olympe, sm. Olympus; from L. Olympus, — Der. olympien. Olympiade, sf. an Olympiad; from L. olympiadem. Olympique, adj. Olympic; from L, olym- picus. Ombelle, adj. (Bot.) umbellar; from L. umbella. Ombilic, sm. the navel; from L. umbilicus. Its doublet is nombril, q, v, — Der, ombilicAl. OMBRAGE, sm. shade, umbrage; from L. umbraticum *, For u = see annoncer ; for -aticum = -age see age. — Der. ombrag- er, ombrageux (a horse which shies at its shadow). OMBRE, sf. a shadow ; from L. umbra. For u = o see annoncer. OMBRE, sm. a char (fish). Origin unknown, t Ombrelle.s/.aparasol; fromIt.om6re//n. OMBRER, va. to tint; from L. umbrare. For u = see annoncer. OMBREUX, adj. shady, . from L. umbrosus. For -osus = -eux see § 229 ; for u = o see annoncer. OMELETTE, sf. an omelette. Origin un- known. OMETTRE, va. to omit ; from L, omittere. For rmttere = mettre see § 72, Omission, sf. omission; from L. omis- sionem. OMNIB US — OPPORTUN. ^53 f Omnibus, s»i. an omnibus; from L. om- nibus. Omnipotence, sf. omnipotence; from L. omnipotentia. Omniscience, sf. omniscience; from L. omnis and scientia. Omoplate, sf. (Anat.) a scapula; from Gr, d)fiOTr\dTT]. ON, pron. smf. one, pi. people ; formerly om, horn : Ce sait h o m bien que, says the Chanson de Roland, i.e. 'On sait bien cela que.^ Horn is from L. hoxao, used in the sense of one, they, men, in late Lat., as ' Ut inter tabulas adspicere homo non posset,' in Gregory of Tours. Homo becomes first horn, then om (for loss of h see atelier), then on (for m, = « see changer). On is a doublet of homme, q.v, Onagre, sm. an onager, wild ass ; from L. onagrus. ONC, adv. ever. It. unque, from L. un- quanii^. For u = o see annoncer; for qu — c see car. ONCE, sf. an ounce ; from L. iincia. For u = o see annoncer; for -cia, = -ce see agencer. + Once, sf. an ounce (jaguar) ; of Oriental origin, Pers. youz. Oncial, adj. uncial; from L. uncialis. ONCLE, sm. an uncle. Prov. avoncle, from L. avunculus, by regular contr. (see § 51) of avTinculus to aAomc'lus, by loss of medial v see a'ieul. Avunclus becomes aunclus, whence oncle; for au = see § 107. Onction, sf. unction; from L. unctionem. For u = o see annoncer. Onctueux, adj. unctuous; from L. onctu- osus*, der. from L. unctus. — Der. onctu- osite. ONDE, sf. water, wave ; from L. unda. For u = o see annoncer, — Der. onde, ondee, ondin, ondine, ondoyer (der, from onde ; cp. larmoyer from larme, guerroyer from guerre, cotoyer from cote, nettoyer from net, coudoyer from coude). ONDOYER, vn. to undulate. See onde. — Der. ondoyant, ondoiement. Ondul6, adj. undulating; from L. undula- tus. — Der. onduUtion, onduhtoke. Onduler, vn. to undulate ; from L. undu- lare *. — Der. onduleux. Onereux, adj. onerous ; from L. onerosus. ONGLE, sf a nail (of hand, etc.) ; from L. ungula, by regular contr. (see § 51) of ungula to ung'la, whence angle. For u = o see annoncer. — Der. ongl6e, onglet, ongle (whose doublet is ongule, q. v.). Onguent, sm. an unguent ; from L. un- guentum. Onguicul6, adj. unguiculate ; from L. un- guiculus. Ongul6, adj. hoofed; from L. ungulatus. Its doublet is ongle, q. v. Onomatopee, sf an onomatopoeia ; from Gr. ovo/MTOTTOua. Ontologie, sf ontology ; from Gr. aiv ovtos, and Xoyos. — Der. ontologiqne. f Onyx, sm. (Min.) onyx ; from Gr. ovv^. ONZE, adj. eleven ; from L. undecim, by regular contr. (see § 51) of undecim to und'cim, whence onze. For dc = c see adjuger ; for c = z see amitie ; for u = see annoncer. —Der. o«zieme. Oolithe, sm. (Min.) oolite ; from Gr. uoy and \i0os. Opacity, sf opacity; from L. opacitatem. Opale, sf (Min.) an opal; from L. opalus. Opaque, adj. opaque; from L. opacus. + Op6ra, sf the opera; from It. opera. Its doublet is oeuvre, q. v. Op6rateur, sm. an operator ; from L. ope- ratorem. Operation, sf. an operation; from L. ope- rationem. Opercule, sm. a * coverlet, lid ; from L. operculum. Op6rer, vn. to operate; from L. operari. Its doublet is ouvrer, q. v. Ophicl6id.e, sm. an ophicleide; from Gr. 6UEST, sm. west. O. Fr. west ; of Germ, origin, Germ. west. >UI, adv. yes ; formerly o'il, from L. hoc illud. From L. hoc comes O. Fr. form o (for loss of initial h see atelier, and of final C see ami) ; in the 1 3th cent ne dire ni ni nan was = ne dire ni oui ni non. Just as hoc became 0, so the compd. hoc illud (it is that same thing) became oil, by loss of medial c (see affouage) and by dropping initial h (see atelier). This form oil (hoc illud) had answering to it the form nennil (non illud) ; and just as nennil lost /, and became nenni in modern Fr., so oil became 01, whence oui : for o = om see § 8 1 . 'UIE, sf. hearing. See ou'ir. — Der. oules. UIR, va, to hear ; formerly oir. It. udire, from L. audire. For loss of medial d see accabler; for au = o in O. Fr., then o = ou in modem Fr„ see § 107. — Der. ome (verbal subst.) Ouragan, sm. a hurricane; in the 17th cent. houraga?i, originally a sea-term, from Sp. huracan, a term brought originally from the Antilles. OURDIR, va. to warp, plot ; from L. ordiri, found in Pliny, For o = ou see § 81. — Der. owrrfissage, ourrfisseur, owrrfissoir. OURLER, va. to hem ; from L. orulare, der. from orula * ; see orle. Oriil^re, regularly contrd. to or'lare (see § 52), becomes ourler. For o = om see § 81. — Der. ourlet. OURS, sm. a bear; from L. ursus. Foru = ou see § 90. — Der. ourse (L. ursa), owrson. OURSIN, sm. (i) a hedgehog, (2) an echinus, sea-urchin, a corruption of herisson, q. v., as may be seen by the Port, ownpo, Walloon urefon, Engl, urchin. OUTARDE, sf. a bustard ; formerly oustarde, Prov. austarde, from L. avistarda, found in Pliny. For contr. of avistarda to av'starda see autruche, whence austarda. Austarda becomes oustarde (for au = ou see § 107), thence outarde (for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81). — Der, outarde&w. OUTIL, sm. a tool, implement ; formerly oustil, originally ustil, from L. usitel- lum* (any instrument used by work- people), der. from L. usitare, by regular contr. (see § 52) of usitellum to us- tellum, whence oustel* (for u = o« see § 90), then oustil ; cp. oisillon from oiseillon, q. V. — Der. outiller, outill&ge. OUTRAGE, sm. an outrage. See outrer. — Der. outrager, outrageux. outrageznt. OUTRANGE, sf. excess. See outrer. OUTRE, sf. a leather bottle ; from L. utrem. For u = 0M see § 90. OUTRE, adv. beyond ; formerly oltre, Prov. oltra, from L. ultra. For u = o see § 97, whence oltre, then outre; for ol = ou see agneau. — Der. outrer, ow/re-passer. OUTRECUIDANT, adj. overweening. See outre and cuider. — Der. outrecuidznce. OUTRER, va. to exaggerate. See outre. — Der. a Vojitnnce, outrage. OUVERTURE, sf. opening. See ouvrir. OUVRAGE, sm. work. See ouvrer. — Der. owiro^er. OUVRER, van. to work ; formerly ovrer, from L. operari, by regular contr. of operari to op'rari, whence ovrer (for p = t' see § III), then ouvrer (for o = o« see § 81). Its doublet is operer, q. v. — Der. OMi/rable, owzrage, ouvrolr, ouvreQ. OUVREUR, sm. an opener, boxkeeper. See ouvrir. OUVRIER, sm. a workman, mechanic ; for- merly ovrier, Prov. obrier, from L. ope- rarius, by regular contr. of oper4rius to S 458 OUVRIR — FAILLE. op'rariuB, whence ovrier (for p = i/ see § III ; for -arius = -tVr see § 198); lastly ouvrier (for o = ou see § 81). OUVRIR, va. to open; formerly ovrir and eevrir, Sp. abrir. It. aprire, from L. aperire, by regular contr. of apSrlre to ap'rire, whence O. Fr. avrir (for p = v see § 1 1 1 ), whence ovrir (for the unusual change a = o see taon). Ovrir later became ouvrir (for o = OM see § 81). — Der. Ottvert (from L. apertus ; for p = v see § iii), owverture, owvrant, owireur. Ovaire, sm. (Anat.) an ovary; der. from L. ovum. Ovale, adj. oval; from L. ovalis. Ovation, sf. an ovation, a lesser Roman triumph; from L. ovationem. Ove.sm. (Archit.) an ovolo ; der. from ovum. Its doublet is oeuf, q. v. — Der. ovoide. Ovipare, adj. oviparous; from L. ovi- parus. Ovoide, adj. ovoid. See ove. Oxalique, adj. oxalic; from Gr. ^a\it.— Der. oxo/ate. Oxycrat, sm. oxycrate; from Gr. v^v- Kparov. Oxyde, sm. an oxide ; a word invented by Lavoisier, a.d. 1787; from Gr. d^vs. — Der. o^iyrfer. Oxyder, va. (Chem.) to oxydate. See oxyde. — Der. oxyd6, oxyrfation, oxydzhle. Oxyg§ne, sm. (Chem.) oxygen ; a gas dis- covered in A.D. 1774 by Priestley, and named oxygene by Lavoisier, a.d. 1778; from Gr. u^vs and yivos. — Der. oxygcner. Oxyg6ner, va. (Chem.) to oxygenate. See oxygene. — Der. oxygemtion. Oxymel, sm. oxymel ; from Gr. d^vfieKi ; a mixture of vinegar and honey. OYANT, adj. hearing (a legal term) ; from L. audientem, see oulr. Audientem becomes oyanl by loss of medial d, see accabler. For au = o see § 107; for en = a» see amande. PACAGE, sm. pasture-land ; iormtrly pascage, from L. pascuaticum *, found in medieval Lat. documents, der. from pascuum by pascuaticum = pascaticuin, whence pas- cage (for -aticum = -a^e see age), then pacage by dropping s, see Hist. Gram, p. 81. t Pacha, sm. a Pasha; from Turk, pacha. — Der. pachaVi^i. Pachyderme, adj. pachydermatous; from Gr. Traxvs and Sipfia. Pacificateur, sm. a peacemaker ; from L. pacificatorem. Pacifieation, sf. a pacification ; from L. pacificationem. Pacifier, va. to pacify; from L. paci- ficare. Pacifique» cdj. pacific; from L. paci- ficus. PACOTILLE, sf. a venture (in commerce), quantity, stock (of goods). See paquet. Pacte, sm. a pact; from L. pactum. — Der. pactxsex. Paganisme, sm. paganism ; from L. paga- nismus*, der. from paganus. PAGE, ^. a page; from L. paginem. For loss of two final atonic vowels see §§ ."^o, 51. PAGE, sm. a page (servant). Origin un- known. Paginer, va. to page ; from L. paginare *, der. from pagina. fPagne, sw. cotton drawers; from Sp. pano. Its doublet is pan, q.v. fPagode, sf. apagoda; of Oriental origin. Pars, buthhoda, a house of idols. PAIEN, adj. and sm. pagan, heathen. Prov. pagan. It. pagano, from L. paganus, found in this sense in Tertullian and Jerome. For loss of medial g sec allier ; for -anus = -c« see § 198: the i is inter- calated for euphony. PAILLASSE, sf. straw mattress, palliasse. See paille. — Der. paillasson. PAILLASSE, sm. a clown. See paille. PAILLE, sf. straw; from L. palea. For ea = ia see abreger, whence paille; for li = j7 see ail. — Der. empailler, depailkr, paillasse (a sf. meaning ticking ; this word also becomes a sm. signifying a tumbler, juggler, one dressed in toile h paillasse), paillette, paillon, paillet. PAIN— PALME. 259 I*AIN, sm. bread; from L. panem. For a, = ai see § 54. — 'Dtx. pantx. PAIR, adj. similar, even. Sp. par, from L. par. For a = aj see § 54. — Der. paire (a pair, two things which are alike and go together). PAIR, sm. a peer, equal, fellow (see above). Peers are properly the chief vassals of a lord, having equal rights one with another, — Der paires&e, pairie. PAISIBLE, adj. peaceable. See paix. PAISSON, sf. pasturage (in forests) ; from L, pastionem. For stio = sso see agencer and angoisse ; for a = ai see § 54. PAITRE, vn. to graze, pasture; formerly pahtre, from L. pascere *, der. from pasci. For this lengthened form in re, and for -ascere = -aitre, see naitre. PAIX, sf. peace ; formerly pais, from L. pacem. For a = ai see § 54 ; (ox c=s = x see amide. — Der. paisihle, apaisex. Pal, sm. a pale (punishment) ; from L. pal us. Its doublet is pieu, q.v. — Der. empalex. t Paladin, sm. a paladine; from It. pala- dino.—lts doublet is palatin, q.v. PALAIS,' sm. a palace ; from L. palatium. For t = e see agencer, hence palais ; for a = ai by attraction of i see § 54 ; for c = s see amide. PALAIS, sm. (Anat.) the palate ; from L. palatum. As -atum regularly = -e (see ampoule), the French word ought to have become pale: palais, the existing form, arises from a confusion with palais above. f Pal an, sm. tackling; in 16th cent. palanc, from It. palanco. — Der. palam^on. t Palanquin, sm. a palanquin; of Hindu origin, Pali palangka, a litter. Palatal, adj. palatal ; from L. palatum. Palatin, adj. palatine; from L. palatinus, officer of the Palace. \ Palatine, sf. a fur tippet ; of hist. I origin, see § 33, alluding to the Princess Palatine, sister-in-law to Louis XIV, who brought this kind of dress into use a.d. ' 1676. i Pale, sf. blade of an oar; from L. pala. Its doublet is pelle, q. v. — Der. paleron, palee, palette, palet. PALE, adj. pale; from L. pallidus. For loss of last two atonic syllables see §§ 50, 5 1 . — Der. pdlix, palot. PALEFRENIER, sm. a groom. See palefroi. PALEFROI, sm. a palfrey. Prov. palafrei, from L. paraveredus, a posthorse, in Cassiodorus and in the Theodosian Code. Paraveredus is regularly contrd. (see § 52) to parav'redus, found in Caro- lingian documents : thus ' Aut paravreda dare nolunt' is found in one of the Capi- tularies of Charlemagne. Paravredus becomes parafredus (for v = f see § 140), found in the Germanic laws : ' Parafredos donent,' Lex Bajuwariorum, I. 5. Para- fredus, by r = 1 by dissimilation (see § 169), gives palafredus, found in a Lat. docu- ment, end of loth cent. Palafredus be- come palefroi : for loss of d see alouette ; for e — oi see § 61; for Q, = e see § 54. — Der. palefreniex (for palefredier ; cp. omiere for ordiere, q.v.) Pal6ographie, sf. palaeography ; from Gr. waXaios and ypdcpeiv. Pal6ontologie, sf. palaeontology ; from Gr. Trakaios, ovra and \6yos. PALERON, sm. the shoulder bone. See pale. Palestre, s/ a palaestra; from L. palestra. — Der. palestriqae. PALET, sm. a quoit. See pale. — Der. paletex. t Paletot, sm. a great coat; formerly paletoc ; of Germ, origin, Dutch pahrock. — Der. paletoquet. PALETTE, sf. a battledore, pallet. See palle. Pal6tuvier, sm. (Bot.) a mangrove. Origin unknown. PALEUR, sf. pallor, paleness ; from L. pal- lorem. For-orem = -e«r see § 227. PALIER, sm. a landing-place (on staircases) ; formerly paillier, der. from paille, because of the straw-mat (paillasson) placed there. Palimpseste, sm. a palimpsest ; from. Gr. iraXifiil/TjaTOS. Paling6n6sie, sf. palingenesia ; from Gr. iraKiyyfvfaia, Palinodie, sf a palinode, recantation; from Gr. iraXiuuSia. PALIS, sm. a pale, paled enclosure ; from L. palicium *, found in medieval Lat. docu- ments, der. from palus, a stake. For c = s see amitie. — Der. palissex. tPalissade, sf. a palisade; from it. palizzata. Palissandre, sm. rosewood. Origin un- known. 'j' Palladium, sm. a palladium; from L. palladium. Pallier, va. to palliate; from L. palliare. Der. palliation, palliztM. + Pallium, sm. a pall, mantle; from L. pallium. Palme, sf. a palm-branch ; from L. palma. Its doublet is patime, q. v. — Der, palm- ette, palmiex, palmiste, palmite. S 2 a6o PA LME — PA NTELER . Palme, sm. palm (measure) ; from L. pal- mus, a length measure. PALMETTE, sf. a palm-leaf. See palme. PALMIER, sm. a palm-tree ; from L. pal- marius. For -arius = -«r see § 198. Falmipdde, sm. a fin-footed bird ; from L. palniipedem. Palombe, sf. a ring-dove ; from L. pa- lumba. PALONNIER, sm. a swing-bar. Origin unknown. Palpable, adj. palpable; from L. palpa- bilis, found in St. Jerome. Palper, va. to feel about; from L. pal- pare. — Der. pcdpe (verbal subst.). Palpiter, vn. to palpitate, throb ; from L. palpi tare. — Der. palpiUnt, palpitation. PAMER, vn. to swoon ; formerly pasmer, O. Sp. espasmar. It. spasmare, from L. spasmare (der. from spasma) by un- usual aphaeresis of initial s, see Hist. Gram, p. 80, and loss of second s, see Hist. Gram, p. 81 Der. pamoison. t Pamphlet, sm. a pamphlet; from Engl. pamphlet. — Der. pamphUtzne. PAMPRE, sm. a vine-branch ; from L. pam- pinus, by regular contr. (see § 51) of pdmpmus to pamp'nus, whence pampre. For ii = r see coffre. PAN, sm. a skirt ; from L. pannus. For im = « see an. Its doublets are panne, pagne, q. v. Panac6e, sf. a panacea ; from L. panacea. + Panache, sm. a plume of feathers; from It. pennacchio. — Der. panacher, pan- achure, empanacher. fPanade, sf. a panade (culinary); from It. panata. Its doublet is panee. PANADER (SE), vpr. to strut. Origin un- known. PANAGE, sm. pannage ; formerly pasnage, from L. pastinaticum * (right of pastur- age, der. from pastionem, q. v.). Pas- tindticum, contrd. regularly (see § 52) to pas'naticum, becomes pasnage (for -aticum = -a^e see dge), lastly pasnage, by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. PANAIS, sm. (Bot.) a parsnip ; . from L. pa- nacem. For a = a/ see § 54; for c = s see amitie. Panaris, sm. (Med.) a whitlow; from L. panaricium (found in Apuleius). Pancarte, sf. a placard ; from medieval L. pancharta, a hybrid compd. of Gr. iray and L. charta. Pancreas, sm. the sweetbread ; from Gr. irayKpfos. — Der. /amreatique. Pandour, sm. a pandour ; of hist, origin (see § 33), a name given to irregular Hungarian troops. Pan6gyrique, sm. a panegyric ; from Gr. ■nayrj-^vpiKos (i. e. \6yos). Pan6gyTiste, sm. a panegyrist; from Gr. vavrjyvpKTT'qs. PANER, va. to crumb, cover with bread crumbs. See pain. — Der. pane. PANETIER, sm. a panller (officer in charge of bread) ; from O. Fr. paneter, which is formed from pain. — Der. panetiere, panet- erie. Panicule, sf. (Bot.) a panicle; from L. panicula. — Der. panicule. , PANIER, sm. a basket ; from L. panarium (a bread-basket, in Suetonius). For -arium = -iersee § 1 98. — T>ex. panerit. Panifier, va. to panify; from L. panifi- care *, from panem. — Der. panificztxon. Panique, adj. panic; from Gr. rraviKor (i. e. beif-ia). PANNE, sf. plush velvet ; from L. panna *, found in medieval Lat. documents. Pan- na is from penna ; for transition of sense (§ 13) from a feather to plush, cp. M.H.G. federe, which bears both senses also. For e = a see amender. Its doublets are pan, pagne, q. v. PANNE, sf. fat. Origin unknown. PANNE, sf. bit of stuff (a sea-term), as in phrase guipon de panne, a mop made of stuff; der. from pan, q. v. PANNE, sf. a paling, rafter (in carpentering). Origin unknown. PANNEAU, sm. a panel, properly a little pan, piece (of a wall) ; see pan. Panneau is used for a piece of textile stuff in several medieval Fr. documents. PANNETON, sm. bit (of keys). Origin un- unknown. PANONCEAU, sm. a scutcheon. See pennon. Panorama, sm. a panorama; from Gr. ■jrav and opapia. PANSE, sf. a paunch; from L. panticem, by regular contr, (see § 51) of p^nticem to pant'cem, whence panse. For tc-c see adjuger; for c = s see amitie. — Der. pansu. PANSER, va. to dress wounds (of horses) ; for- merly penser, Sp. pensar, from L. pensare, to think about, examine, then take care of, dress, groom. — Der. pansage, pansement. fPantalon, sm. trousers; from It. pan- talon. PANTELER, vn. to gasp for breath. See pantois. — Der. pantela.nt. PA NTHEISME — PA RA DE. 261 Pantheisme, sm. pantheism ; from Gr. ■nav and 6^6$. Pantheon, sm. a pantheon; from Gr. sf. a panther; from L, pan- Panthdre, thera. PANTIERE, sf. a draw-net; from L. pan- thera, fem. form of L. pantlierura, a net. For e = ie see § 56. Pantin, sm. a dancing puppet. Origin un- known. Pantographe, sm. a pantograph; from Gr. TTOLv and ypacpciv. PANTOIS, adj. out of breath ; PANTELER, vn. to gasp for breath, der. from a root pant, of Cehic origin, Kymr, pant. Pantomdtre, sm. a pantometer ; from Gr. trdv and fxerpov. Pantomime, sm. a pantomime ; from Lp pantomimus. f Pantoufle, sf. a slipper; from It. pan- tofola. PAON, sm. a pea-fowl. Sp. pavon, from L. pavonem, in form of paonem in the 7th cent, in the Glosses of Cassel. For loss of medial v see dieul. — Der. paotrnt, paon- neau. PAPA, sm^ papa ; onomatopoetic. L. pappa. PAPAUTE, sf. the papacy ; from L. pappa- litatera, der. from pappa, by regular contr. (see § 52) of pappalitdtem to pappal'tatem, whence papaute. For pp =p see chape; for al — au see agneau; for -tatem = -/e see § 230. PAPE, sm. a pope (father, title given to primi- tive bishops). For pp —p see chape. — Der. papa.], paplsme, papiste. fPapegai, sm. a popinjay. Sp. papa- gayo, of Oriental origin, Ar. balbaga, a parrot. PAPELARD, sm. a hypocrite. Origin un- known. PAPERASSE, sf waste paper. See papier. — Der. paperasser, paperassier. PAPETIER, sm. a stationer, paper-maker. See papier. — Der. papeterie. Papier, sm. paper; from L. papyrius *, from papyrus. Its doublet is papyrus. — Der. papetiei (a very irregularly formed word), papernsse. Papille, sf. (Anat.) papilla; from L. pap- illa. — Der. papilhire. Papillon, sm. a butterfly ; from L. papili- onem. Its doublet is pavilion, q. v, — Der. papillonntx, papillote. PapiUote, sf a curl-paper. See papillon. — Der. papillotei, papillotnge. t Papyrus, sm. papyrus; from L. papy- rus. — Der. papyrace. PAQUE, sf. passover, Easter ; formerly /asyt/^, Prov. pasca, from L. pascha. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. fPaquebot, sm. a packet, despatch-boat ; from Engl, packet-boat. PAQUERETTE, sf. the Easter daisy; for- merly pasquerette, from O.Fr. pasquier (i. e. the pasturage flower). Pasquier is der. from L. pascuum. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. PAQUET, sm. a packet, parcel ; formerly pacquet, derived (together with pacotille) from a common root pac, which is L. pac- cus *, found in a medieval Lat. charter : ' Non tamen licebit praefatis mercatoribus . . pannos suos scindere . . . nee aliter nisi per pacctun vel integrum pannum . . . vendere.' Paccus is of Celtic origin, answering to Gael. pac, a pack. — Der. paqueter, empaqueter. FAR, prep, hy, from L. per. Fore = asee amender and parachever. Par (de), prep, from ; originally de part in nth and 12th cent, documents. It. da parte, Sp. de parte, from L. de parte. De par le roi was in 12th cent, de part le rot (in the St. Thomas the Martyr) and signi- fies properly ' from the king's part ' or ' side.' Parabole, sf (Math.) a parabola ; from Gr. irapafioKT}. — Der. /»ara6o/ique. Parabole, sf a parable, allegory ; from L. parabola . — Der. /)ara6o/ique. PARACHEVER, va. to finish; compd. of achever (q. v.) and par. Par is from L. per (see par), and is found in such Lat. compds. as parfait (perfectus), parvenir (pervenire), parmi (permedio), etg. ; and in such Fr. compds. as parfumer, par- donner. The particle per was used in Lat. to mark the highest degree of intensity, as in perhorridus, pergratus, pergra- cilis, etc. Similarly in Fr. parachever, parfaire, etc. This particle par was separ- able in O.Fr.; thus O.Fr. parsage was divided thus, tant par est sage, a phrase found in the 1 2th cent, for tant il est par- sage. A relic of this construction survives in the phrase par trop, as in c'est par trop fort, a phrase which answers to c'est trop parfort. PARACHUTE, sm. a parachute. See parer, a, and chute. f Parade, s/". parade; originally a riding- school term, from Sp. parada, one of the figures in the Carrousel. Its doublet is paree, q. V. — Der. paradox. 262 PA RA DIGME — PA RENCHYME. Faradigme, &m. a paradigm; from Gr. Paradis, sm. paradise; from L. paradisus. Its doublet is parvis, q. v, Faradoxe, sm. and adj. paradox ; from Gr. •napAbo^os. — Der. paradoxal. PARAFE, sm. a flourish; from L. para- graphiis (found in Isidore of Seville, for a mark like a Greek y to distinguish the dif- ferent subjects of a book). Pardgraphus, regularly contrd. (see § 51) to paragr'- phus, become parar/e* (for gr = r see accueillir, for ph =/ see coffre) ; pararfe * becomes /arq^ by dissimilation, see § 169, Parafe is a doublet oi paragraphs q. v. PARAGE, sf. quarter (sea shore). Origin unknown. PARAGE, 5/. extraction, birth ; from L. pa- raticum *, der. from par. For -aticum — ■age see 6ge. Paragoge, sf. (Gram.) paragoge ; from Gr. va pay ouyq. — -Der. />ara^og"ique. Paragraphe, sm. a paragraph; from Gr. irapaypacprj. Its doublet is parafe, q. v. + Paragaunte, sf an acknowledgment (of a service) ; from Sp. paragaunte. PARAITRE, vn. to appear; formerly pa- raistre, from L. parescere, a popular Lat. form for parere. For - escere = -at/r^ see apparaitre. — Der, comparaitre. Parallaxe, sf parallax; from Gr. napaX- ka^is. — Der. parallactique. ParallMe, sm. a parallel ; from Gr. irapd\- \tj\os. — Der. parallelisme. Parall61ogramine, sm. a parallelogram; from Gr. TTapaWrjKoypapiixa. Paralogisme, sm. a paralogism (fallacy) ; from Gr. irapaXoyiafiSs. Paralysie, sf paralysis; from Gr. irapd- Kvffis. Paralytique, adj. paralytic; from Gr. TrapakvTiKos, f Parangon, sm. a paragon; from Sp. paragon. — Der. paratigonnev. + Parapet, sm. a parapet; from It. para- petto. Paraphernal, adj. paraphernal ; from Gr. rd. irapd. fPasquin, sm. pasquin; from It. pas- quino. t Pasquinade, sf. a pasquinade; from It. pasquinata. PASSABLE, adj. passable. See passer. fPassade, sf a passage; from It. />assa/a. PASSAGE, sm. a passage. See passer.— Der. passagex. PASSAVANT, sm. a permit. See passer and avant. PASSEMENT, sm. lace (of gold, etc.) Sec passer. — Der. passemetUer, passementier, passementerie. PASSE-PORT, sm. a passport. See passer and port. PASSER, va. to pass; from L. passare*, from passum, supine of pandere , to open. ' Pan- dere viam,' in Livy, = to make a way, a pas- sage. — Der. pas (verbal subst., remaining in such phrases as pas de vis, pas de parte. PASSEREA U—PA TRIMOINE. 265 pas de Calais), passe, passable, pass6. pass- ant, passage, passeur, passohe, passereWe, passement, passe-passe, pass3.tioa, compas- ser, depasser, outrepasser, xtpasser, sax- passer, tiepasser. PASSEREA U, sm. a sparrow ; from L. pas- serellus (dim. of passer). For -ellus = -eau see § 204. Passible, adj. liable; from L. passibilis. Der. passibilite, impassible. Passif, adj. passive; from L. passivus. Passion, sf. passion; from L. passionem. — Der. passionncT. t Pastel, sm. a pastel, crayon; from It. pastello. Its doublet is pastille, q. v. ■fPastdque, sf. a water-melon; from Port, pateca. PASTEUR, sm. a pastor, shepherd ; from L. pastorem. For o = eu see § 79. Its doublet is patre, q. v. + Pastiche, sm. imitation, pasticcio ; from It. pasticcio. Pastille, sf. a pastille ; from L. pa still a, fem. form of pastillus. Pastoral, adj. pastoral; from L. pastoralis. — Der. pastorale (adj. used substantively). PASTOUREAU, sm. a shepherd boy ;' for- merly pastourel, from L. pastorellus *, dim. of pastor. For o = om see § 81 ; for -ellus = -eau see § 204. — Der. (from O.Fr. pastourel), pastoureWe (pastoral poetry). i'Patach.e, sf. a 'patache' (kind of public coach), originally a little vessel, in Mon- taigne and Sully. From the sense of ' vessel ' it passed to that of * carriage,' just as some public vehicles are called gondolas. Patache is a Spanish word. t Pat ate, sf. a Spanish potato ; from Sp. patata. PATAU D, sm. properly a young dog with big paws. See patte. PAT AUGER, vn. to dabble, splash. See patte. PATE, sf. paste ; formerly paste, from L. pasta (in Marcellus Empiricus). For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. pate, patee, pdteux, paton, empdter. Patelin, sm. a wheedler ; of hist, origin (see § 33), the name of a celebrated cha- racter in a I5th-cent. comedy. — Der. pa- telinex, patelinage, patelineax. Patelle, sf. (Conch.) a limpet ; from L. patella. Pat^ne, sf. a paten ; from L. patena. PATENOTRE, sf. a paternoster, Lord's prayer ; formerly patenostre, originally pa- ternostre, from L. pater noster. For letter-changes see notre. Patent, adj. patent; from L. patent em. — Der. patents. Patdre, sf. a patera, a pin, peg; from L. patera. Paterne, adj. paternal; from L. paternus. Paternel, adj. paternal; from L. paterna- lis*, der. from paternus. Paternity, sf. paternity; from L. pater- nitatem. Path6tique, adj. pathetic ; from Gr. ira^i;- TIKOS. Pathologie, sf. pathology ; from Gr. rrd^os and A.070S. — Der. pathologique. t Pathos, sm. pathos; from Gr. TrdOos. Patibulaire, adj. of the gallows; der. from L. patibulum. Patience, sf patience; from L. patientia. For -cia, = -ce see § 244. Patience, sf (Bot.) herb-patience ; a cor- ruption of Low Germ, patich. Patient, adj. patient ; from L. patientem. — Der. patientex, impatient. PATIN, sm. a high-heeled shoe, skate. See patte. — Der. patinex, patineux. Patine, sf patina (fine rust on coins). Origin unknown. P&tir, vn. to suffer; from L. patiri*, der. from pati; cp. moriri from mori, see mourir. PATIS, sm. a pasture common ; formerly pastis, from L. pasticium, found in medie- val Lat. documents. Pasticium is from pastum, supine of pascere. Pasticium becomes pastis by c = s, see amitie, then patis by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. fP^tissier, smf a pastry cook; in l6th cent, pastissier, from It. pasticciere. — Der. patissex, patissexxe. Patois, S7n. a patois. Origin unknown. Patraque, sm. a glmcrack, trumpery. Origin unknown. PATRE, sm. a herdsman ; formerly pastre, from L. pastor, by regular contr. (see § 50) of past6r (for pastor) to past*r whence pastre, whence pdtre ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. Pdtre is a doublet of pasteur (q. v.). While /)as/cwr is regularly derived from the objective case pastorem, pdtre comes from the subjective case, with its final vowel shortened, see Hist. Gram. p. 95. Patriarche, sot. a patriarch; from Gr. TTarpiapxns. — Der. patriarcaX, patriarcaX. Patrice, SOT. apatrician; from L. patricius. — Der. patricizi, patricien. Patrie,s/.one'snativecountry;fromL.patria. Patrimoine, sm. a patrimony; from L. patrimonium. 266 PATRIOTE — PEC. Patriote, sm a patriot ; from Gr. mrpidj- Ti/s. = Der. palriotique, patriofismc. Patron, sm. a patron ; from L. patronus. — Dcr. pcUromgt, patronnc, patronntx, pa- trom\. tPatrouille, sf. a patrol; altered from patouille, the form used in i6th cent. Pa- touille is from It. pathiglia. PATTE, sf. a paw. Origin unknown. — Der. Paliud, paUuger, pat'in. PATURE, sf. food (of animals), pasture ; formerly pasture, from L. pastura. — Der. pdturex, /xl/wrage, paturon (der. from O. Fr. patvre, a cord to tether animals pasturing; hence comes the sense of the pastern, the part of the horse's leg to which the cord is fastened). PATURON, sm. a pastern. See pature. PAUME, sf, a palm ; formerly palme, from L. paliua. For al = au see agneau. Paume is a doublet of palme, q. v. — Der. paume (jeu de), tennis, hand-fives; so called because the ball is hit by the palm of the hand. PAUME (JEU DE), sf. tennis. See above.— Der. paumxer. PAUPIERE, s/. an eyelid; fromL.palpebra. For br = r see § i68 ; for e = ie see § 56; for al = au see agneau. Pause, sf a pause; from L. pausa. Its doublet is .pose, q. v. PAUVRE, adj. poor. Prov. pauhre. It. po- vero, from L. pauperus, an archaic form of pauper, by regular contr. (see § 51) of paupSrus to paup'rus, whence pauvre; for p = i' see § ill. — Der. pauvrcsse, ap- pauvrir, pauvret, pauvrette. PAUVRETE, sf. poverty ; from L. pauper- tatem. For -tatem = -te see abbe ; for p = v see § III ; for transposition of r see dprete. fPavane,s/.pavan,a solemn dance; brought in from Spain in 1 6th cent. Pavane is from Sp. pavana. — Der, pavantr. PAVE, sm^ a paving-stone, pavement. See paver. PAVER, va. to pave; from L. pavare*, from pavire. PAVILLON, sm. a pavilion, tent, Sp, pabeU lon, from L. papilionem, found in Pliny, TertuUian and Vegetius. For p=v see § III; for li = z7 see ceil. Pavilion is a doublet of papillon, q. v. fPavois, sw. a shield; from It, pavesse. Origin unknown, — Dtr . pavoisti (originally to set up emblazoned shields, whence later to unfurl a flag). PAVOT, sm. a poppy ; formerly paot, pao *, from L. papaver, by irregular loss of final r, whence papave, whence pao * by un- usual loss of medial p. For B,v = au see aurone ; for au = o see § 107; cp, cla- vus, which gives us O. Fr. do, whence clou. Pao, afterwards written paot, becomes very irregularly pavot by intercalating an euphonic v, see corvee. PAYER, va. to pay. Prov. pcigar. It. pagare, from L. pacare (properly to appease, satisfy, thence to pay). Pacare, signifying to pay, is found in several medieval Lat. documents, as ' Et si non pacaveirint, non tenentur plus commodare,' in the Leges Bur- gorum of Scotland, and in another passage of the same Scottish Ordinances : 'Pa- cabit mercatori a quo praedicta mercimo- nia emit, secundum forum prius statutum.* For loss of medial c, see affouage ; for a = ai see § 51. — Der. paye (verbal subst.) ; payemtnt, payem, payable, impaynhle. PAYS, sm. a country. It. paese, from L. pagensis * (in the phrase ' ager pagensis,' der. from pagus, a district, canton, pro- perly the territory of a canton). For ex- tension of meaning see § 12. Pagensis, regularly reduced (see aine and §§ 163, 206) to pagesis, becomes pais, then pays. For loss of medial g see allier; for e = t see § 59. — lyer, paysan, paysage, depayser. PAYSAGE, sm. a landscape. See pays. — Der. paysagiste. PEAGE, sm. a toll, Prov, pezatge, Ix.pedag- gio, from L. pedaticum *, found in me- dieval Lat. documents ; as in ' In peda- tico quod per aquam accipitur, duae partes erunt meae tertia monachorum,' from a Charter of a.d. 1164, Pedaticum is der, from pedem, Pedaticum becomes peage : for -aticum = -age see age ; for loss of medial d see accabler. — Der. peag- er. PEAU, sm. skin ; formerly pel, from L. pel- lem.. For el = eau see agneau. — Der. (from O. Fr. pel, to peel) peler. PEAUSSIER, sm. a skinner, Prov. pelicier. It. pelliciere, from L. pelliciarus *, der, from adi, pellicius, found in the Digest. Pellicidrius, contrd, regularly (see § 52) to pell'ciarius, becomes peaussier: for el = eau see agneau ; for ci = ss see agencer ; for -arius = -ler see § 198, — Der. peausstt'ie. \ "Pec, adj. newly salted (in the phrase ha- reng pec); introd. from Neth. pehl, pickled. PECCA BLE — PELERIN, 267 I Peccable, adj. peccable; from L. pecca- 1 bills. \ t Peccadille, sf. a peccadillo; from It. peccadiglio. PECHE, s/. fishing. See pecker. PECHE, sf. (Bot.) a peach ; formerly pesche. It. persica, from L. persicum (found in Pliny and Columella), by regular contr. (see § 51) of pirsicum to pers'cum, whence pesche. For rs = s see dos ; for c = ch see acharner; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. Peche is a doublet oi per- sique, q.v, — Der. pSchev. PECHER, vn. to sin ; from L, peccare. For cc = c/f see acharner; for a = e see § 54. — Der. peche (partic. subst., L. peccatum). PfiCHER, sm. a peach-tree. See peche. PECHER, va. to fish ; formerly pescher, Sp. pescar, from L. piscare. For i = e see § 71; for ca = che see acharner ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. peche (verbal subst.). PECHERESSE, sf. a sinner (female): Prov. peccairitz, It. peccatrice, from L. pecca- tricem (found in St. Jerome). For cca = che see acharner and § 54 ; for tr = r see § 168; for i = e see §71; for c = js see amide. PECHEUR, sm. a sinner ; formerly pe- ch'eur, originally pecheor, Sp. peccador. It. peccatore, from L. peccatorera. For coo, = che see acharner and § 54. For letter-changes of -atorem = -«^r see em- pereur. PfeCHEUR, sm. a fisherman ; formerly pes- cheiir, originally pescheor, Sp. pescador, It. pescatore, from L. piscatorem. For i = f see § 71; for c = cA see acharner. For details of -atorera = -«ir see etnpereur. — Der. pecherie. t P6core, sf an animal ; introd. in the 1 6th cent, from It. pecora. Pectoral, adj. pectoral; from L. pecto- ralis. P6culat, sw. peculation; from L, pecula- tus. P6cule, sm. a stock of money; from L. peculium. Pleune, sf cash ; from L. pecunia. — Der. pecuma.\Te. PedagOgie, sf pedagogism ; from Gr. irai- Saycoyia. — Der. pedagogique. Pedagogue, sm. a pedagogue; from L. paedagogus. Pedale, sf a pedal ; from L. pedalis, der. from pedem. t Pedant, sm. a pedant; from It. pe- dante. — Der. pedandsme, pedanlei, pedant' iser. + Pedanterie, /. pedantry; from It.pe- danteria. t P6dantes que, ac^'. pedantic; from It. pedantesco. Pedestre, adj. pedestrian ; from L. pedes- tris. P6diculaire, sf (Bot.) lousewort ; from L. pedicularius, from pediculus. PMicule, sm. (Bot.) a stipe; from L. pe- diculus, dim. of pedem. — Der. pedicule. Pedicure, sm. a comcutter ; a word formed from the two Lat. words cur a and pedis. Pedoncule, sm. (Bot.) a stalk ; from L. pedunculus. — Der. pedoncule. PEIGNE, sm. a comb. Sp. peine. It. petdtie, from L. pectinem, by regular contr. (see § 51) of p6ctinem to pect'nem, whence peine*. For ct = ?V see attrait. Peine* later htcomes peigne ; for n =gn see cligner. PEIGNER, va. to comb. Sp. peinar. It. pettinare, fr6m L. pectinare, by regular contr. (see § 52) of pectinare to pect'- nare, whence peiner*. For ct — it =i see attrait. Peiner * later becomes peigner; for n=gn see cligner. — Der. peignoir, peigneuT, peignier, peignure. PEINDRE, va. to paint ; from L. pingere. For -ingere = -eindre see ceindre. PEINE, sf. punishment, pain, trouble; from L. poena. For oe = ^ see § 105; for e = ei see § 59. — "Dex. peiner, pen\h\e. PEINTRE, sm. a painter ; from L. pictor, through pinctor* in rustic Lat., which intercalates n under influence of the p.p. pinctus, see concombre. Pinctor, contrd. regularly (see pdtre) to pinct'r, becomes peintre. For ct = ^ see § 168 ; for i = e see § 71 ; whence ei, see § 59. PEINTURE, sf painting; from L. pictura, which becomes pinctura, see psintre. For pinct- =peint- see peintre. PELAGE, sm. colour of the hair, coat (of animals) ; from L. pilaticum *, der. from pilus. Pilatictim becomes pelage. For -aticum = -age see age ; for i = ^ see § 7 1 . PELE-MfiLE, adv. pell-mell ; formerly pesle^ mesle, properly to move (meler) with a shovel (pelle). For etymology see pelle and meler. PELER, va. to hair, scald (pigs) ; from L. pilare. For i = € see § 71. — Der. pehde. PELER, va. to skin. See peau. — Der. pelure. PELERIN, sm. a pilgrim. Prov. pelegrin. It. pellegrino, Sp. peregrino, from L. pere- grinus *, a pilgrim in medieval Lat. docu- 26S PJ^LERINE-^PENTA METRE. ments; properly a traveller. For change of meaning see § 12. Feregrinus (by gr = r, see § 168) becomes ptlerin, for pererin, by dissimilation (see § 169) and by r = /, see autel. This origin is con- firmed by the fact that Sanctus Fere- grinus (Bishop of Auxerre, died A.D. 304) was called in Fr, Saint Pelerin. — Der. pelerinzge, pelerine. PELERINE, sf. a pilgrim's mantle. See pelerin. Pelican, sm. a pelican; from L. pelli- canus. PELISSE, sf. a pelisse; formerly pelice, It. pellicia, from L. pellicia. For -cia = -ce =^sse see § 273. PELLE, sf. a shovel. It. pala, from L. pala. For a = « see § 54. Its doublet is pale, q. V. — Der. pellet, pellet^t (from O. Fr. verb pelleter), pellet 6e. PELLETIER, sm. a furrier ; der. from O. Fr. pel, for whose origin see peau. — Der. pel- lettx'xt. Pellicule, sf. a pellicle; from L. pellicula. ■pELOTE, /. a ball ; formerly pilote. It. pil- lotta, der. from L. pila^ through a dim. pilotta. Pilotellus is found (7th cent.) in Isidore of Seville. For i = « see § 71. — Der. pelottx, peloton, peloionner. PELOTONNER, va. to wind into balls (of thread, etc.). See pelote. — Der. peloton (meaning a group of persons gathered together, a knot). fPelouse, s/. a lawn; from Prov. pelos, thick-set, close, pelouse being close turf. Pelos is from L. pilosus. PELU, adj. hairy. Prov. pelut, Sp. peludo, from L. pilutvi3 *, der. from pilum. For -utu8 = -« see § 201 ; for i = « see § 71. PELUCHE, sf. plush. It. peluccio, from L. piluccius*, der. from piltun. For i = e see § 71. — Der. pelucher, ^pluchcr. PELURE, sf peel, paring. See peler. P6nal, adj. penal; from L, poenalis. — Der. penality. tP6nates, sm.pl. penates, household gods; from L. penates. PENAUD, adj. sheepish, abashed. See peine. PENCHER, va. to stoop, incline; from L. pendicare *, der. from pendere, by re- gular contr. (see § 52) of pendicare to pend'care, whence pencher. For dc = c see adjuger ; for ca = che see acharner. — Der. pench3.nt. PENDANT, sm. a pendant, affair hanging, counterpart. See pendre. — Der. pendant (prep. : pendant l' affaire = ' pendente re '). PENDELOCiUE, sf. a pendant, drop. See pendre and loque. PENDRE, va. to hang ; from L. pendere, by contr. (see § 51) of pendSre to pen'- dire. — Der. pente (strong partic. subst., see absoute), pendint, pendente, penddoqae, pendiWer, pendMe, pendznx, pendzhon. Pendule, sm. a pendulum; from L. pen- dulus*. — Der. pendule (sf. a clock, pro- perly a clock with a pendulum). PfeNE, sm. a bolt (locksmiths') ; formerly pesne, originally pesle, from L. pessulum (found in Plautus). FessMum, regularly contrd. (see § 51) to pes'lum, becomes pesle (a form used by Villon) ; pesle be- comes pesne (for / = « see quenouille) ; pesne lastly becomes pene, by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. P6n6trable, adj. penetrable; from L. pe- netrabilis. — Der. penetrabilite, impene- trable. P6n6tration, sf penetration; from L. pe- netrationem. P6n6trer, va. to penetrate; from L. pene- ^trare. — Der. penetrant, penelratif, penetre. PENIBLE, adj. painful. See peine. t P 611 i che, sf. a pinnace; from Engl, pin- nace. P6nicill§, adj. (Bot). pencil-shaped; from L. penicillum. P6llinsule, sf. a peninsula; from L. penin- sula. Penitence, s/. penitence; from L. poeni- tentia. For -tia = -ce see § 244. — Der. penitencier, penitenceiie, impenitence. P6nitent, adj. penitent; from L. poeni- tentem. — Der. penitentizire, impenitent. Penne, sf a feather ; from L. penna. — Der. pennzgt. PENNON, sm. a pennon (properly the feather which steadies an arrow) ; from L. penna. P^nombre, sf. a penumbra; from L. paene and umbra. Penser, vn. to think; from L. pensare. Its doublet is pauser, q. v. — Der. pens&xr, pensee (verbal subst.), pensif. Pension, s/. a pension; from L. pensio- nem. — Der. pensionnzire, pensionnzt, pen- sionntx. tPenSum, sm. a task (school); from L. pensum. Its doublet is poids, q. v. Pentacorde, sm. (Mus.) a pentachord; from Gr. irevraxopSos. Pentagone, sm. a pentagon; from Gr. ■nevrdyajvos. Pentamdtre, sm. a pentameter ; from Gr. jrtvTafierpos, i. e. arixos. PENTANDRIE — PSRIPA T^TICIEN. 26g Pentandrie, sf. (Bot.) pentandria ; from Gr. ttcVtc and dvrip. it Pentapole, sf. a pentapolis ; from Gr. irev- raiToXis. Pentateuque, sm. the Pentateuch; from Gr. TTCvTOTeuxos (sc. ^i^Kos). PENTE, sf. a slope, descent. See pendre. Pentecdte, sf. Pentecost, Whitsuntide; from Gr. TTevTTjKoaTTi (sc. Tjfxepa). P6nultidine, adj. penultimate ; from Gr. penultimus. P§nurie, sf penury; from L. penuria. tP6otte, sf. a peotta, Adriatic gondola; from It. peotta. PEPIE, sf. the pip (disease of birds). Prov. pepida. It. pipita. Port, pevide, from L. pituita (found in Columella and Pliny). For consonification ofu see ^anwVr, whence pitvita, whence pivita; for tv = v see Hist. Gram. p. 8i. Pivita becomes pepie by dropping medial t, see aigu ; the change of V into p is unusual. Pepie is a doublet oi pituite, q. v. PEPIN, sm. a pip, kernel. Origin unknown. — Der. pepimere, pepinieriste. *)• P^plum, sm. a peplum, Greek robe; from L. peplum. PERCALE, sf a cambric muslin. Origin unknown, — Der. percal'me. Percepteur, sm. a collector (of taxes, etc.); from L. perceptorem. Perceptible, adj. perceptible ; from L. perceptibilis *, der. from perceptum, supine of percipere. — Der. perceptibillte. Perception, sf perception; from L. per- ceptionem. PERCER, va. to pierce. Origin unknown. — Der. percee (partic. subst.), perce (verbal subst.), percement, perce-ho\s, perce-feuxWe, perce-neige, perce-oreille, pergok, tTznspercer. PERCEVOIR, va. to collect (taxes, etc.); from L. percipere. For letter-changes see apercevoir. PERCHE, sf. a pole, perch ; from L. pertica, by regular contr. (see § 51) of p6rtica to pert'ca, whence per'ca (see adjuger), then perche (see acharner). — Der. perchtr, perchoir. PERCHE, sf. (Ichth.) a perch ; from L. perca. For ca = che see acharner and § 54. Perclus, adj. impotent; from L. per- clusus. Percussion, sf. percussion: from L. per- cussionem. Perdition, sf perdition; from L, perdi- tionem (found in St. Jerome). PERDRE, va. to lose ; from L. perdere, by regular contr. (see § 51) of perdere to perd're. — Der. perdzhle, perte (strong partic. subst., see absoute). PERDRIX, sf. a partridge; from L. per- dicem. For c = « see amiiie; for addi- tion of r see chanvre. — Der. perdrtzn. P6RE, sm. a father ; from L. patrem. For B. = e see § 54; for tr = r see § 168. — Der. compere. P§r§grination, sf. peregrination ; from L. peregrinationem. Peremption, sf. (Legal) the being barred by limitation; from L. peremptionem. P6reniptoire, adj. peremptory; from L. peremptorius. Perfectible, adj. perfectible; from L. per- fectibilis, der. from perfectus. Perfection, sf perfection ; from L. per- fectionem. — Der. perfectionntr. Perfide, adj. perfidious; from L. per- fidus. Perfidie, sf. perfidy; from L. perfidia. Perforer, va. to perforate; from L, per- forare. — Der. perford^lxon. P6riantlie, sm. (Bot.) perianthium ; from Gr. v€piav6r)s. P6ricarde, sm. (Anat.) the pericardium; from Gr. Trfpiicap^iov. P6ricarpe, sm. (Bot.) a pericarp ; from L. pericarpum. P6ricliter, vn. to be in danger ; from L. periclitari. P6ri6ciens, sm.pl. perioeci; from Gr.rrfpt- OIKOS. P6rig6e, sm. (Astron.) perigee ; from Gr. TTfpiyeios. P^rihelie, sm. (Astron.) a perihelion ; from Gr. TTfpi and ijKios. PERIL, sm. a peril, danger ; from L. peri- culum. For -iculum = -z7 see § 257. PERILLEUX, adj. perilous; from L. peri- culosus, by regular contr. (see § 52) of periculosus to peric'losus, whence perilleux. For cl = il see abeille ; for -osus = -eux see § 229. Perimer, vn. (Legal) to be barred by limi- tation ; from L. perimere. P6rimdtre, sm. (Geom.) perimeter; from Gr. irepifieTpos (sc. ypa/i/xri). P6riode, sf a. period; from L. perio- dus. P6riodique, adj. periodical; from L. peri- od icus. — Der. periodicite. P6rioste, sm. (Anat.) periostium ; from Gr. vepioaTfov. P6ripat6ticien, sm. a Peripatetician ; from Gr. TiepnraTqriKos. — Der. pt'ripateiismG. 270 pSripStie—perspica ce. P6rip6tie, sf. a revolution, catastrophe; from Gr. irfpiirirfia. P6riph6rie, sf. (Geom.) periphery; from Gr. vfptipipfia. P6riphrase, sf. a periphrasis; from Gr. ir(pi(ppae/isser. Petition, sf. a petition; from L. petitio- nem. — Der. petitionner, petitionnzire. PETON, sm. a little foot. See pied. P6toncle, sm. (Conch.) a scallop ; from L. pectunculus. P6tree, adj. stony; from L. petraeus. PETREL, sm. a petrel. Origin unknown. P6trifier, va. to petrify; from L. pet rifi- care *, der. from petra. — Der. petrificz- ^tion. PETRIN, sm. a kneading-trough ; formerly pestrin, from L, pistrinum. For i = e see ^§ 71 ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. PETRI R, va. to knead ; formerly /les/n'r, from L. pisturire *, der. from pistura, act of kneading corn for bread. Pisturire is contrd. (see § 52) to pist'rire, whence ' pestrir. For i = e see § 72 ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. petriss- age. P6trole, sm. petroleum, properly rock-oil; from L. petra and oleum. Petulance, sf petulance; from L. petu- lantia. P6tulant, adj. petulant; from L. petulan- tem. PEU, adv. little. Vrov. pauc, It. poco, from L. paucus. For loss of e see ami; for au = o see § 106 ; then for o = eu see § 79. PEUPLADE, sm. a people, colony, horde. See peupler. PEUPLE, sm. a people, nation ; from L. populus, by regular contr. (see § 51) of populus to pop'lus, whence peuple. For o = eu see § 79. — Der. peupltr, peuphde, d^peupler, repeupler. PEUPLIER, sm. a poplar-tree; from O. Fr. peuple. Peuple is from L. populus, by regular contr. (see § 51) of populus to pop'lus, whence peuple. For o = eu see §79- PEUR, sf fear ; formerly peiir, earlier peor, originally poor, Sp. pavor, from L. pavo- rem (for loss of medial v see a'ieul), hence O. Fr. paor, whence peor (for a = e see § 54), next peiir (for o = u see curee), lastly for peiir =peur see Hist. Gram. p. 53. — Der. peureux. PEUT-feTRE, adv. perhaps. See etre and potivoir. Pha6ton, stn. a phaeton ; from L. phaeton. Phalange, sf. a phalanx; from L. pha- langem. %"]% PHA RISIEN — PISDESTAL. Pharisien, sm. a Pharisee ; from L. phari- saeus. Pharmaceutique, adj. pharmaceutical; from Gr. (papfw.KfVTiie6s. Pharmacie, sf. pharmacy ; from Gr. pdicer*, then pincer) see concombre. — Der. pince (verbal subst.), pitted (partic. subst.), pinf on. PINCETTE, sf. tweezers, tongs ; dim. of pince. See pincer. tPingOuin, sm. a penguin; from Engl. penguin. Pinnule, sf. a pinule; from L. pinnula. PINSON, sf. (Ornith.) a finch ; formerly pin- fon, dim. of a root pine, of Celtic origin, Kymri pine. tPintade, sf. a pintado, guinea-fowl; from Sp. pintada. PINTE, sf. a pint ; of Germ, origin, Engl. pint. Germ, pinte. PIOCHE,* sf. a pickaxe; der. from pic (q. v.), by the suffix -oche ; whence picoehe, whence pioehe. For loss of c see affouage. — Der. piocher. PION, sm. a pawn, lit. a foot-soldier. Pion, used as late as the 17th cent, for a foot- soldier, is in Sp. peon. It. pedone, from L. pedonem * (a foot-passenger, in late Lat. documents, whence a foot-soldier.) Pedo- neiu becomes pion : for loss of medial d, see aecabler ; for e — i see § 59. Pion is a doublet of pedon, peon, q. v. — Der. pionner, pionmtx. PIONNIER, sm. a pioneer. See pion. PIPE, sf. a pipe ; properly a reed-pipe, then a metal-pipe, whence the sense of a liquid measure, then a barrel of wine. In its original sense of a tube, nozzle, (which is the sense of pipe in the oldest Fr. documents, and has remained in the deriv. pipeau, a shepherd's pipe,) it is the verbal subst. of the • verb piper, which is from L. pipare. — Der. pipesiU. PIPEAU, sm. a rural pipe, bird-call. See pipe. PIPER, va. properly to whistle, then to imi- tate birds in order to catch them, then to deceive, to cheat. For etymology see pipe. — Der.pipee (partic. subst.), pipeur, piperie. + Pique-nique, sm. a picnic; introd. from Engl, picnic. PIQUER, vn. to prick; der. from pic, q. v. — Der. pique (verbal subst.), piquunt, piqu- ier, piquette, piqueur, piqme, picoter (fre- quent, of piquer ; cp. trembloter of trem- bler), piquet (whence the sense of a troop of cavalry, whose horses are fastened to the sa me stake, piquet). Piquet, stn. piquet (cards). Origin unknown Pirate, sm. a pirate; from L. pirata.— Der. piratex, piratexxe. PIRE, adj. (conip. and superl.) worse from L. pejor, by regular contr. (se( § 50) of pej6r to pej'r, whence pire by assimilating j (see aider) and by e = (see § 59). — Der. empirex. t Pirogue, sf a pirogue (boat) ; from Sp piroga. PIROUETTE, sf a pirouette. Origin un known. — Der. pirouettex. PIS, adv. (comp. and superl.) worse from L. pejus, by regular contr. (se( § 50) of pejus to pej's, whence pis bj e = i (see § 59), and by assimilation of; (see aider). PIS, sm. worst. For the etymology of this word see above. Piscine, sf a piscina; from L. piscina. Pis6, sm. (Archit.) pise; partic. subst. ol piser, which is from L. pisare. PISSER, vn. to make water. Origin un^ known. — Der. pissoix, pissotex, pissotihxe pissenlit. Pistache, sf a pistachio nut ; from L. pis- tacium. — Der. pistachiex. Piste, sf. a trace ; from L. pistus. Pistil, sm. (Bot.) a pistil ; from L. pistillus Pistole, sf a pistole. Origin unknown, t Pistolet, sm. a pistol ; from It. pistola. Piston, sm. a piston; from L. pistonem *, der. from L. pistare. PITANCE, sf. pittance ; properly the portion given to a monk at each meal. Still used in this sense in the language of the mon- astery. Pitance, It. pietanza, is from L. pietantia, a monk's meal, in medieval Lat. documents ; as in 'Nos frater Johannes Abbas . . pietantiae modus et ordo sic conscripti . . observentur. . In primis vide- licet quod pietantiarius qui pro tempore fuerit . . tenebitur ministrare,' from a 13th- cent. charter. Watts, in his glossary on Matthew Paris, has 'Pietantiam alii scribunt ; nam dapes suas ad pietatem ducebant.' Pietantia is from pietatem, and signifies the product of the ' piety ' of the faithful. Similarly in the middle ages mis- ericordia was used for certain monastic meals. We read in Matthew Paris, ' Ut detestabiles ingurgitationes misericordia- rum in quibus profecto non erat miseri- cordia, prohiberentur.' Pietantia be- comes pitance, as pietatem becomes pitie : for tia = ce see agencer. PITEUX, adj. piteous. Prov. pitos, Sp. pia- TiTit — PLAISIR. 275 doso, It. pietoso, from L. pietosus *, piti- ful, which is the original sense of the Fr. word, afterwards ' worthy of pity', Pieto- sus, der. from pietas, is found in several medieval Lat. documents : as in one of the 13th cent, we have 'Et certe nunquam visum fuit in aliqua civitate tarn enorme nee pietosum infortunium' Pietosus he- comes piieux : {or -osvL8 = -eux see § 229; for ie = i, cp. pietantia, pitance ; pie- tat em, piete. PITIE, sf. pity, compassion. Sp. piedad. It. pieta, from L. pietatem (found in this sense in Suetonius). For pietatem =/>zV/e see pileux ; for -osus = -eiix see § 2 29. — Pitie is a doublet of piete, q, v. — Der. pi'oyer *, whence pitoyable, apitoyer. PITON, sm. a screw-ring. Origin unknown. PITOYABLE, adj. piteous. See pitie.— Der. impitoyahle. + Pittoresque,a^". picturesque; from It. pittoresco. Pituite, sf. phlegm, mucus; from L. pitu- ita. Its doublet is pepie, q. v. — Der. pituitzite, pitutteux. PIVERT, sm. the green woodpecker. See pic. PIVOINE, sm. a bullfinch ; formerly pioine, from L. paeonia. For ae = e see § 104, whence peonia, whence pioine; for e — i see § 59; for o = oi by attraction of i see chanoine. Pioine becomes pivoine by intercalating an euphonic v, see corvee. PIVOT, sm. a pivot. Origin unknown. — Der. pivoter, PLACAGE, sm. a plating (of metals). See plaquer. PLACARD, sm. a placard. See plaquer. — Der. placarder. PLACE, sf. a place ; from L. platea, by re- gular change of platea to platia (see abreger), whence place. For -tia = -ce see agencer. — Der. placer, placement, placiex, placet. PLACER, va. to place, put. See place. — Der. emplacer * (whence emplacement and remplacer). + Placet, sm. a petition; from L. placet. t Its doublet is plait. jPlacide, adj. placid; from L. placidus. — I Der. placidite. i PLAFOND, sm. a ceiling; properly fond plat. \ For etymology see plat and fond. — Der. i plafonner, plafonna.ge, plafonxieur. Plage, sf. sea-coast, coast ; from L. plaga. Plagiaire, sm. a plagiary; from L. plagi- arius (found in Martial). Plagiat, sm. plagiarism; from L. plagi- atus*, der. from plagium. PLAID, sm. a plea, court-sitting, originally a feudal assembly in which cases were tried, • then the hearing of a tribunal, then a counsel's speech. Plaid, for a court of law, is from L. placitiim * (so used in Caro- lingian documents : plaeitum is the last word of the proclamation for convocation of these courts, ' quia tale est nostrum pla- eitum.' Plaeitum, regularly contrd. (see § 51) to plac'tum, becomes O. Fr. plait. For ct = it see attrait ; for plait = plaid see § 117. Plaid is a doublet oi placite,q.v. — Der. plaider (whence O. Fr. plaidoyer, from plaider a.s flamboyer from flamher, totir- noyer from tourner, etc. Plaidoyer has dis- appeared as a verb, but remains as an infinitive used substantively : we have un plaidoyer like un diner, un dejeuner, etc.). PLAIDEUR, sm. a litigant, suitor; from plaider. See plaid. PLAIDOIRIE, sf. a pleading. See plaidoyer. PLAIDOYER, sm. a barrister's speech. See plaider. — Der. plaidoir'xe {for plaidoiere). PLAIE, sf. a wound ; from L. plaga. For loss of medial g see allier ; for a = ai see § 54- PLAIN, adj. even, level ; from L. planus. For -anus = -am see § 194. Its doublet is piano, q. v. — Der. plaine, plain-chznt, plain-pied. PLAINDRE, va. to pity, grudge; from L. plangere, by regular contr. (see § 51) of pl^ngere to plang're, whence plan're. Plan're becomes plaindre : for nr = ndr see absoudre; for a, = ai see § 54. — Der. plainte (strong partic. subst. ; L. plancta. For -ancta = -am/g see affete). PLAINE, sf. a plain. See plain. Its doublet is plane, q. v. PLAINTE, sf. a complaint. See plaindre Der. plaintif. PLAIRE, vn. to please ; from L. placere, by displacement of the Lat. accent (placere for placere), see Hist. Gram. p. 133. Pldc§re, regularly contrd. to plac're (see §51), becomes plaire. For cr = r see benir, for the weakening of a into ai, see § 54. Plaire is a doublet of plaisir, q. v. — Der. plaisznt, plaisznce. PLAISANT, adj. pleasant. See plaire.— Der. plaisanter, plaisanterie. PLAISIR, sm. pleasure, delight, an infinitive employed substantively of O. Fr. verb plaisir. Plaisir is from L. placere. For a = ai see § 54; for c = s see amitie; for I T 3 276 PLAN — PLIE. e = / see § 59. Plaisir is a doublet of plaire, q. v. Plan, adj. even, flat, plain; from L. planus. Its doublets are plain, plane, piano, q. v. — Der. plan (sm.), iplanir, planer. PLANCHE, sf. a plank; from L. planca. For ca. = che see §§ 126 and 54. — Der. planchex, plancMxex, planchette. PLANE, sm. a plane-tree ; from L. platanus. PldtSnus, regularly contrd. to plat'nus (see § 51), becomes plane; for tn = « cp. ret'na rene, abrot'num ajirone. A cor- responding reduction is found of tm = m in rhythma, rime. Plane is a doublet of platane, q. v. Planer, vn. to hover (of birds). See plan. PLANER, va. to plane, trim ; from L. pla- nare. — Der. plane (verbal subst., whose doublet is plaine, q. v.), planem, planme. Plandte, sf. a planet; from L. planeta. — Der. planeiAke. Planisphere, sm. (Geogr.) a planisphere. See plan and sphere. PLANTAIN, sm. (Bot.) a plantain ; from L. plantaginem, by regular contr. (see § 51) of plant%inem to plantag'nem, whence plantain. For gn = « see assener; for a = at see § 54. Plantation, ^. a plantation ; from L. plantationem. PLANTE, sf. a plant ; from L. planta. PLANTER, va. to plant ; from L. plantare. — Der. plant (verbal subst.), planta.ge, planteuT, planton, plantzrd, plan(;on, plant- on, d^planter, transplanter, replanter, im- planter. PLANTUREUX, arf/ fertile ; der. from O.Fr. plenture, which represents a fictitious Lat. plenitura, der. from plenus, by regular contr. (see § 52) of plenitura to plen*- tura. For en. = an see andouille. PLAQUE, sm. a plate (of metal); of Germ, origin, Flem. plache, Scottish plack. — Der. plaquer, plaque, plaquette, plaqueur, plac- age, plac3.Td. Plastique, adj. plastic; from Gr. nKacTi- Kus from n\d(To/ssonner. POITRAIL, sm. the chest, breast (of horses), a breastplate (of harness) ; from L. pecto- raciilum*, der, from pectorale, Pec- tSrdculum, contrd. regularly (see § 52) to pect'racoilum, becomes poitratl. For -aculiim = -arZ see § 255; for ect = oit see attrait. POITRINE, sf. the breast, chest; from L. pectorina*, der. from pectoris, by regu- lar contr. (see § 52) of pectorina to pect'rina, whence /'o//rm«. For ect = o// see attrait. — Der. poitrinzke. POIVRE, sm. pepper. Prov. pebre, from L. piperem, by regular contr. (see § 51) of piperem to pip'rem, whence poivre. For i = oi see boire; for 'p = v (through b) see § III. — Der, p0ivr2.de (from Vvov. pevra- da : its doublets are puree, poivree, q. v.), poivrer, poivrier, poivrihre. POIX, sf. pitch ; from L, picem. For i = oi see boire ; for c = s see amitie. — Der. /)otsser, ^oi'ssard, tmpoisitx, txnpois, em/)eser. Pdle, SOT, the pole; from L. polus. — Der. pohne, pohrite, pohriser, /10/arisation. Pol6inique, adj. polemical ; from Gr. ttoK- fpUKOS. Police, sf. police; fromL. politia (political organisation, government). For cia = ce see agencer. — Der. policer. t Police, sf. a policy (of assurance, etc) ; from It. polizza. fPolichinelle, sf. Punch; introd, from It, polecenella (Neapol. form of pjtlcinella). POLIR, va. to polish ; from L, polire. — Der. poliment, poli, polisscui, polissoh, polissurc, d6polir, repolir. POLISSON, SOT. a blackguard. Origin un- known Der. polissonner, polissonnerie. tPolitesse, sf. politeness; from It. poli- tezza. Politique, adj. political; from L. politi- cus. — Der, politique, politiqutr, \mpolitique. Pollen, SOT. pollen ; from L. pollen. + Poltron, SOT, a coward, poltroon ; from It, poltrone. — Der, poltronnene. Polyadelphie, sf. (Bot.) polyadelphia ; from Gr, iroXvs and d5(\((>6s. Polyddre, sot. (Geom.) a polyhedron ; from Gr, TToKvcdpos. Polygamie, sf. polygamy ; from Gr, ttoAv- ya/xia. — Der. polygame. POLYGLOTTE — PORCHE. 279 Polyglotte, sf. a polyglot ; from Gr. noXv- yKooTTos. Polygene, adj. polygonal ; sm. (Geom.) a polygon : from Gr. iroXvyojvos. Polygraphe, sm. a polygraph; from Gr. Tro\v'ypdcf>os. Polynome, sm. (Algeb.) a polynome ; from Gr. TToKvs and vofir}. Polype, sm.(Med.) a polypus; from L. poly- pus. Its doublet is poulpe, q. v. — Der. polyp'\tx, polypeux. Polyp6tale, adj. (Bot.) polypetalous ; from Gr. TToKvs and TreraKov. Polysyllabe, adj. polysyllabic; from Gr. iToXvav\\a0os. Polyteehnique, adj. polytechnic; from Gr. TToXvs and T6xi'ttf<5s. Polyth^isme, sm. polytheism; from Gr. voXvs and devs. — Der. polyihelste. tPommade, sf. pomatum ; from It. po- mata. Its doublet is pommee. — Der. pom- madtt. POMME, ./. an apple; from L. pomum. For restriction of meaning, see § 12. — Der. pommier, pommehr, pommelle, pommea.u, pommette, pommer. POMMIER, sm. an apple-tree. See pomme. — Der. pommemie. Pompe, sf. pomp ; from L. pompa. — Der. pompeux, pompon (which up to the end of the 1 8 th cent, signified any toilette orna- ment.) POMPE, sf. a pump. Origin unknown. — Der. pompier, pomptr. POMPON, sm. a trifling ornament. See pompe. — Der. pom.potmtx. PONCE, sf. pumice. It. pumice, from L, pumicem, by regular contr. (see § 51) of pumicem to pum'cem, whence ponce. For u = see annoncer ; for m = « see changer. — Der. ponctr, poncis, ponc'\i. PONCEAU, sm. a culvert, little bridge ; from L. ponticellus* (dim. of pontem), by regular contr. (see § 52) of pontic611ura to pont'cellum, whence poncel. For tc = c see § 168 ; for el=^eau see agneau. PONCEAU, adj. poppy-coloured; from L. punicellus (from puniceus), by regular contr. (see § 52) of punicellus to pun'cellus, whence poncel (for u = o see annoncer) ; thence ponceau by el = eau (see agneau. fPoncire, sm. a great lemon; from Sp. poncidre, Ponction, sf. a puncture ; from L. punc- tionem. Ponctuel, adj. punctual ; from L. punc- tualis*, der. from punctum, properly one who does his duty at the point of time. — Der. ponctuaRte. Ponctuer, va. to punctuate; from L. punc- tuare*. Its doublet is ^oz«/er, q. v. — Der. ponctu2.X\on. Ponderation, sf. poising, balancing ; from L. ponderationem. Ponderer, va. to poise, balance ; from L. ponderare. — Der. ponderMe. PONDRE, va. to lay eggs ; from L. ponere. ' Ponere ova ' is found in Pliny. For the restriction in meaning see § 1 2. Pdnere, contrd. regularly (see § 51) to pon're, be- comes pondre ; for nr = ndr see absoiidre. — Der. ponte (strong partic. subst., see absoute), pondeu&e. PONT, sm. a bridge ; from L. pontem. — Der. ponte, pontet. + Ponte, sm. a punter (gambling term); from Sp. punto. PONTE, sf. a laying (eggs). See pondre. Pontife, sm. a pontiff; from L. pontifex. Pontifical, adj. pontifical; from L. ponti- ficalis. Pontificat, sm. a pontificate ; from L. pontificatus. PONT-LEVIS, sm. a draw-bridge. See levis. PONTON, sm. a pontoon ; from L. ponto- nem.— Der. pontonnier, pontonzgt. PONTUSEAU, sm. a bridge. Origin un- known. t Populace, sf. the populace; from It. populazzo. — Der. populacier. Populaire, adj. popular ; from L. popu- laris. — Der. impopulaire, popularhtx. Popularity, sf. popularity; from L. popu- laritatem. Populariser, va. to popularise ; from po- pulaire, q. V. Population, sf. population; from L. po- pulationem. Populeux, adj. populous; from L. popu- losus. For -osxis — -eux see § 198. PORC, sm. a pig ; from L. porous. tPorcelaine, sf. porcelain; from It. /)or- cellana. PORC-EPIC, sm. a porcupine ; formerly /'orc- espic, comjifl. of pore (q. v.) and espic, which is from L. spicus (we find L. spicatus meaning prickly in Minucius Felix). For spicus = espic see esperer and Hist. Gram, p. 78 ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. PORCHE, sm. a porch; from L. porticus, properly a portico, then a church porch in Merov. documents : ' Sed Leudastes ... in- fra sanctum porticum deprehensus est ' 28o POR CHER — POSTILION. (Gregory of Tours, 5, 49). P6rt5ous is regularly contrd. (see § 51) to port'cus, whence /)orc/i^. For to = c see § 168 ; then lor o = ch see § ia6. Porche is a doublet of porlique, q. v. PORCHER, sm. a swine-herd ; from L. por- oarius. For o = ch see § 126; for & = e see § 54. Pore, sm. a pore ; from L. porus. — Der. poreux, porositi. Porphyre, sm. (Min.) porphyry ; from L, porphyrites . — Der. porphynser. PORREAU, sm. a leek. O. Fr. porrel, from L. porrellus *, dim. of porrus. For el = eau see agneau. Another form of por- reau is poireau ; for = oi see chanoine. PORT, sm. a harbour ; from L. portus. PORT, sm. postage (of letters), carriage. See porter. PORTAIL, sm. a portal ; from L. portacu- lum *, from porta. For -aculum = -ail see § 255. Portatif, adj. portable; from L. portati- vus*, from portatum, supine of portare. PORTE, sf. a gate, door ; from. L. porta. — Der. portxhxQ. PORTEFAIX, sm. a porter. See porter and faix. PORTEFEUILLE, sf. a portfolio. See porter and feuille. PORTER, t/a. to carry ; from L. portare. — Der. port (verbal subst.), portdt (partic. subst.), portige, portMe, porteui (whose doublet is porteux). PORTIER, sm. a door-porter ; from L. por- tarius. For -arius = -ier see § 198. — Der. ^orriere. PORTIERE, sf. a curtain. See parte. Portion, sf a portion; from L.portionem. Portioncule, sf a small portion ; from L. portiuncula. Portique, sm. a portico; from L. porti- cus. Its doublet is porche, q. v. PORTRAIRE, va. to pourtray, depict ; from L. protrahere, to draw, in medieval Lat. documents, as in ' Propter quasdam picturas devotas de passione Salvatoris in illam tabulam protractas,* from a document of the 1 2th cent. Protraliere becomes protraire *. For trahere = traire see traire. Protraire becomes portraire by metathesis of r, see Hist. Gram. p. 77. — Der. portrait (partic, subst.). PORTRAIT, sm. a portrait. See portraire. — Der. portraiture, portraitiste. t Portulan, sm. a list of ports; from It. portolano. POSE, sf. posture ; verbal subst. of poser q. v. Its doublet is pause, q. v. POSER, va. to place. Prov. pausar, from L. pausare, from pausus, a partic, of ponere. Pausare becomes poser by au = o, see § 106. — Der. pose (verbal subst.), postwT, possige, pose, upposer, composer, ddposer, disposer, imposer, inter- poser, juxtaposer, opposer, proposer, pro- poser, xeposer, superposer, sxipposer, trans- poser. Positif, adj. positive; from L. positi- vus. Position, sf position; from L. position- em. Poss6der, va. to possess; from L. possi- dere. For i = c see § 72. Possesseur, sm. a possessor; from L. pos- sessorem. Possessif, adj. possessive; from L. pos- sessivus. Possession, sf possession; from L. pos- sessionem. Possessoire, adj. (Legal) possessory ; from L. possessorius. Possibility, sf possibility; from L. pos- sibilitatem. Possible, adj. possible; from L. possi- bilis. Postdater, va. to afterdate ; compd. of dater (q. v.) and L. post. POSTE, sf a post, properly relays of horses, a station where horses are kept ; from L. posita*, properly 'put in a depot.' For restriction of meaning see § 12. Posita becomes poste by regular loss of the penult, atonic vowel 1, see § 51. — Der. postal. t Poste, sm. a post, guardhouse, berth; introd. in i6th cent, from It. posto. — Der. poster. Poster, va. to place. See above. — Der. a-poster. Post6rieur, adj. posterior; from L. poste- riorem. — Der. posteriority. Post6rit6, sf posterity; from L. posteri- tatem. Postface, sf an address to a reader at the end of a book, answering to preface; a word made up of the root face (cp. preface) and of L. post. Posthume, adj. posthumous ; from L. posthumus. tPostiehe, adj. artificial, false (teeth, etc.) ; from It. posticcio. t Postilion, sm. a postillion; introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. postiglione. POST'SCRIPTUM — POULAIN. 281 fPost-SCriptum, sm. a postscript; from L. postscriptum. Postulation, sf. a postulate; from L. pos- tulationem. Postuler, va. to postulate ; from L. postu- lare. — Der. postuhnt. POSTURE, sf. a posture ; from L. positura, by regular contr. (see § 52) of positura, to pos'tura. POT, sm. a pot ; from L. potus, found in 6th cent, in Fortunatus, Vita S. Radegund, 19 : ' Missorium, cochlearia, cultellos, can- nas, potum et calices.' — Der./>o/ier, potzgt, potQt, pot\c\\.e, empoter. Potable, adj. potable; from L,. potabilis. For -ilis = -/e see § 250, POTAGE, sm. soup. See pot. — Der. potagex, poiaghre. tPotasse, sf. (Chem.) potash; from Germ, pottasche. — Der. potassmm. POTE, adj. lame-handed. Origin unknown. — Der. pottle. POTEAU, sm,. a post ; formerly posteau, ori- ginally /)os/e/, from L. postellus*, dim. of postern. Postel becomes posteau (for el = eau see agneau), whence poteau by losing s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). — Der. (from O. Fr. potel) potelet. POTELE, adj. plump. See pote. Potence, sf. a gibbet, properly a crutch, in which sense it comes from L. potentia*. ' Per sex annos non poterat ire sine duabus potentiis/ says a medieval Lat. document. Potentia is the Class. Lat. potentia, power, whence a support. For -cia = -ce see agencer. Potentat, sm. a potentate; from L. poten- tatus*, Low Lat. word for a sovereign, from L. potentem. Potentiel, adj. potential; from L. poten- tialis. POTERIE, sf. pottery. See potier. POTERNE, sf. a postern ; formerly posterne, originally posterle, It. postierla, from L. postenila*, a private passage in Ammi- anus Marcellinus, a secret opening in medi- eval Lat. ; e. g. ' Quantalibet urbs sublimi- tate murorum et clausarum portarum firmi- tate muniatur, posterulae unius, quamvis parvissimae, proditione vastabitur ' (Cassian, lib. 5; De Institutione Coenob. cap. 11). Posterula, contrd. regularly (see § 51) to poster'la, becomes O.Fr./)os/er/e, whence posterne. For Z = « see qtienoidlle. Pos- terne becomes poterne by dropping s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. POTIER, sm. a potter. See pot. — Der. poterie. POTIN, (i) sm. pinchbeck ; (1) gossip. Origin unknown. Potion, s/. a potion; from L. potionem. Its doublet is poison, q. v. POTIRON, sm. a pumpkin. Origin unknown. POU, stn. a louse ; formerly pouil, originally peouil, Prov. pezolh. It, pidocchio, from L. peduculus, secondary form of pediculus. Peduculus, regularly contrd. (see § 51) to peduc'lus, becomes peouil. For -uclus = -ouil see § 258; for loss of medial d see accabler. Peouil is contrd. later (see § 52) to pouil, whence pou : cp. O. Fr. forms verrouil and genouil reduced to verrou and genou. — Der. (from O. Fr. pouil) pouillerle, pouiller, pouilles. POUACRE, sf. gout ; also written pouagre, from L. podagrum. For loss of medial d see accabler ; for o = ou see § 8 1 . Pouacre is a doublet of podagre, q. v. POUCE, sm. a thumb ; formerly polce. It. pollice, from L, pollicam, by regular contr, (see § 51) of poUicem to poU'- ceni, whence O, Fr. polce, whence pouce. For ol = ou see agneau. — Der. pouccttes, poucier. t Pou de sole, sm. paduasoy (a silk stuff) ; from Engl, paduasoy. t Poudingue, sm. a pudding ; from Engl. pudding. POUDRE, smf. powder; formerly poldre, originally puldre, from L. pulverem, by regular contr. (see § 51) of pulverem, to pulvrem, whence pul'reni, the v being semi -vocal, and so disappearing. Pul'rem becomes O. Ft. puldre: for lr = Idr see absoudre. Puldre becomes poldre (for u — o see annoncer), then poudre (for ol = ou see agneau). — Dev. pojjdrihre, pou- dreux, poudrtr, poudriei, sa.upoudreT. POUF, sm. a puff; an onomatopoetic word. See § 34. — Dei. pouffer. POUILLER, va. to abuse. See pou. — Der. pouille, whose doublet is polyptique, q. v. POUILLES, sf pi. abuse. See pou. POUILLEUX, adj. lousy. Prov. pezolhos. It. pidocchioso, from L. peduculosus *, der. from peduculus ; see pou. Peducu- losus, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to pedixc'losus, becomes O. Fr. peouilleux. For loss of medial d see accabler ; for ucl = ouil see pou ; for -osus = -eux see § 198 ; for the later contr. of peouil- leux to pouilleux, see pou. POULAILLER, sm. a poultry house; from poulaille, which from poule, q. v. POULAIN, sm. a colt ; from L. pullanus *, 282 PO ULA INE— POURS UIVRE. found in medieval Lat. documents ; e. g. • Expensae pro custodia puUanorum doni- ini regis,' in a I3th-cent. account. FuUanus is der, from pullus (so used in Virgil). FuUanus becomes poulain by u = ow, see § 97; by -anus a -am, see § 194. — Der. poulittcT, poulin'xhTe. Foulaine, sf. a figure-head. Origin un- known. POULE, sf. a hen; from L. pulla. in St. Augustine : ' Apud nos pullae appellantur gallinae cujuslibet aetatis,' For u — 07i see § 97. — Der. /)ow/arde, poulet, poulette, pouliiWe, pouh\\\eT. POULICHE, !f. a colt ; from a root poul-, which is from L. pullus. POULIE, sf. a pully ; of Germ, origin, A. S. pullian. For u = ou see § 97. POULIOT, sm. (Bot.) penny-royal, mint; dim. of a root poulie, It. poleggio, answer- ing to L. pulegium. Pulegium, becomes poulie : for loss of g see allier ; for u = o« see § 97 ; for e = i see § 59. POULPE, sm. a poulp, polypus; from L. polypus, by regular contr. (see § 51) of polypus to pol'pus, whence poulpe. For = ow see § 81. Poulpe is a doublet of polype, pieuvre, q. v. POULS, sm. pulse; from L, pulsus (found in Pliny). For u = ow see § 97. POUMON, sm. a lung ; formerly polmon, originally pulmon, in the Chanson de Ro- land ; from L. pulmonera (for u= see annoncer), whence polmon, which becomes poiimon by softening ol to ou, see agneau. Der. s'6poumonneT. POUPE, sf. stern (of a ship) ; from L. pup- pis.^ For u = OM see § 97. POUPEE, sf. a doll, puppet ; from L. pupa- ta *, der. from pupa (found in Varro). For XL = 07i see § 97; for -ata = -ee see § 201. POUPON, POUPIN, POUPARD, sm. a baby ; dim. of root poup-, which is L. pupa. For u = ou see accouder. POUR, prep, for ; formerly por, in 9th cent. pro in the Straszburg Oaths ; ftom L. pro by transposing r (see Hist. Gram. p. 78), whence por, whence pour. For o = ou see § 81. Pour (like L. pro. in progredi, propug- nare, procurrere, etc.) is used as a pre- fix in Fr. in pourchasser, pourparler, pour- lecher, pourpris, poursuivre, pourvoir, pour- tour, etc. POURBOIRE, sm. a gratuity, beer-money. See pour and boire. POURCEAU, sm. a pig; formerly pourcel, originally porcel, from L. porcellus. For o = o« see § 81 ; for -ellus » -rf = -eaw see agneau. POURCHASSER, va. to pursue eagerly ; compd. oi pour and chasser (q. v.). POURFENDRE, va. to cleave in twain ; compd. oi fendre (q. v.) and />o«r, which in form answers to L. pro (see pour), but in sense to L. per. It is an example of a confusion which exists between these two words. — Der. pourfendtMX. POURPARLER, sm. a parley; an infinitive of O. Fr. verb pourparler used substan- tively (compd. oi pour and parler, q. v.). POURPIER, sm. (Bot.) purslane; originally pourpied, from L. pullipedem, lit. chick- en's foot, which is the common Fr. name of the plant. Pullipedem. contrd. (see § 52) to pull'pedem, becomes poulpied: for pedem =pied see pied ; for u = ou see § 97. Poulpied becomes pourpied : for / = r see apotre. POURPOINT, sm. a doublet. Prov. per- poing, Sp. perpunte, partic subst. of O. Fr. pourpoindre. Pourpoindre is compd. of poindre (see poitidre), and pour which is in form from L. pro (see pour), and in sense from L. per. POURPRE, sf. purple ; formerly porpre. It. porpora, from L purpura, by regular contr. (see § 51) of purpura to purp'ra, whence O. Fr. porpre (for u = o see annoncer), lastly pourpre (for o = om see § 81). — Der. pourprd, empourpreT. POURPRIS, sm. an enclosure, partic. subst. (see absoute), of O. Fr. pourprendre. Pour- prendre (to take in a thing's circumference) is compd. of prendre (q. v.) and pottr, in form from L. pro (see pour), in sense from L. per. The Proven9al says rightly per- prendre. POURQUOI, adv. why. See pour and quoi. POURRIR, vn. to rot ; formerly porrir, ori- ginally /)wmr, Sp. podrir, from L. putrere. For u = o see annoncer; for o = om see § 81; for tT=^dr = rr see § 168. — Der. pourriture, pourrissAge, pourrissoir. POURRISSAGE, sm. rotting. See pourrir. POURSUITE, sf. pursuit. See poursuivre. POURSUIVRE, va. to pursue ; formerly por- suivre, originally pnrsivre, from L. prose- quere, for prosequi. We have already shown that in Fr. all Lat. deponents have been replaced by active verbs. Prosequere, by consonnifying u into v (see Janvier) be- comes proseqvere whence prosevere ; for qv = v (aq'va, eve) see eau. Prose- vere is not an imaginary form; it is found in POUR TANT — PRALINE. 283 the Formul. Andegav. (ed. Mabillon): 'Quia habeo quid apud acta prosevere debiam,' Pros^vere contrd. (see § 51) to prose- v're gives O. Fr. porsivre (found in Ville- hardouin). For pro =por see pour ; for e=i see § 59. O. Fr. porsivre becomes poursuivre. For ■poT=pour see pour; i also by an unusual change becomes ui. — Der. poursuite (strong partic. subst. ; see ahsoute). POURTANT, adv. nevertheless; before it meant malgre cela it meant pour tout cela. See for etymology pour and tant. POURTOUR, sm. a circumference. See pour and t07ir. POURVOI, sm. an application. See pourvoir. POUR VOIR, vn. to provide, Prov, provezir. It. prowidere, from L. providers. For pvo=pour see pour; for ■videre = voir see voir. — Der. pourvoyeur, pourvu, d6pour- vu, pourvoi. POUR VOYEUR, stn. a purveyor. See pour- voir. — Der. pourvoir'xe. POURVU QUE, conj. provided that; compd, oi pourvu (see pourvoir) and que (q. v.). POUSSE, sf. (Bot.) a sprout. See pousser. POUSSE, sf. asthma, broken-windedness (of horses). See pousser. — Der. poussif. POUSSE, sf. dust (in commercial language) ; formerly polce, Prov. pols, from L. pulvis, by regular contr. (see § 50) of pulvis to pulv's, whence pul's. For vs = s see § 167. Puis * becomes O. Fr. polce : for s = c see cercueil ; for u = see annoncer. Polce becomes pousse : (or el = ou see agneau ; for c = ss see agencer. — Der. poussier, pouss- ifere. POUSSER, i;a. to push, sprout; formerly /)o/ser, from L. pulsare (for u = see annoncer), whence O. Fr. polser, whence pousser (for ol = ou see agneau). — Der. pousse (act of sprouting,verbal subst.), ^oz^sse (horse-cough, verbal subst. of pousser in its sense of ' to cough,' a sense which also belonged to L. pulsare), poussee (partic. subst.), xepousser. POUSSIER, sm. coal-dross. See pousse. — Der. poussxexe. POUSSlfiRE, sf. dust. Seepoussier. POUSSIF, sm. a puffy, pursy man. See pousse (2). Its doublet is pidsatif, q. v. POUSSIN, sm. a young chicken ; formerly poucin, edjlier polcin. ongm^Wy pidcin, from L. pullicenus . Pullicenus, regular contrd. (see § 52) to ptill'cenus, becomes pul- cin (for Q = i see § 59); pulcin becomes successively polcin (by u = o, see annon- cer), Xhen poucin (by o\ = u, see agneau) ; hst]y poussin (by c — ss, see agencer). — Der. poussinihre. POUTRE, sm. a beam (of a house). This word properly means a mare {De toutes parts les poutres hennissantes, says Ronsard, 1 6th cent.), then later came to designate a piece of wood which supports the joists of a floor, by application of the common meta- phor which gives to pieces of wood which up- hold a weight the nameof beasts of burden: cp. chevalet from cheval and equuleus (a piece of wood) from equulea (a mare). Poutre is in O, Fr. pollre. It. poledro, from L. puUetrum*, a colt, in the Germanic laws: ' Si quis pvilletrum anniculum vel binum furaverit' (Lex Salica, tit. 40). PuUe- trum is from Class. Lat puUus. PuUe- trum, contrd. to puU'trum (see §51), be- comes pollre (for u = o see annoncer) ; pol- tre becomes poutre (for ol = ou see agneau). — Der. poutreWe. POUVOIR, vn. to be able ; formerly povoir, earlier pooir, originally podir, Sp. podir, It. potere, from L. potere *, found in Merov. acts, and the Germanic codes : for its forma- tion see etre. Potere, by regular change of t into d (see § 117), becomes podere, found in Merov. documents; e. g. ' Idio ipsa aucturetate mano propria non podebat subscribere,' from a Charter of Clotaire III, A.D. 657. Podere, which remains in Sp. poder, by e = i (see § 59) becomes podir, the oldest Fr. form of the word : In quant Deus savir et podir me dunat^ in the Oaths of a.d. 842. Regularly losing its medial d (see accabler), it becomes O. Fr. pooir (for i = oi see boire). By the interca- lation of an euphonic V (see corvee), pooir later becomes povoir, transformed to pou- voir (for o = ou see § 81). — Der. pouvoir (sm.). Pragmatique, adj. pragmatic ; from L. pragmaticus (in the Theodosian Code in the phrase 'pragmatica sanctio '). PRAIRIE, sf. a meadow ; formerly praerie, Prov. pradaria. It. prateria, from L. pra- taria*, found in Carolingian documents, e. g. • De prataria in insula arpennos duos,' from a Charter of a.d. 832. Prataria is from L. pratum. Prataria loses medial t (see abbaye) and changes a to e (see § 54), whence O. Fr. praerie, whence later prairie. — Der. prairia.]. Praline, sf a burnt almond ; of hist, origin (see § 33) ; from the name of Marshal Praslin, whose cook invented this sweet- meat in the 17th cent. — Der. pralinex. 284 FRAME — PRlEXISTER. tPraine, sf. (Naut.) a prame; from Engl. prame. Pratique, adj. practical; from L. prac- ticus (found in Fulgentius). For ot = / see § 168. — Der. pratique (sf,), pratiqutx, praticMe, pratic'ien, PRE, sm. a meadow ; formerly pred, Prov. prat. It. prato, from L. pratum. For -atuin = -e see ampoule. Pr6alable, adj. previously necessary; for pr callable, compd. of pre from L. prae, and allable from aller, q. v. Pr6ain.bule, sm. a preamble; from L. praeambulus. PREAU, sm. a little meadow, convent en- closure ; formerly pra'el, Prov. pradel. It. pratello, from L. pratellum*, dim. of L. pratum. For details of changes of meaning see § 13. Pratellum, by re- gularly dropping medial t (see abbaye), becomes O. Fr. prael ; by el = au (see agneau) becomes praau*, which is imme- diately softened to preau by dissimilation of the vowels, see § 169. For a = e see § 54- Pr6bend.e, sf. a prebendary ship ; from L. praebenda* (found in medieval Lat. documents), der. from praebere. Its doublet is provende, q. v. — Der. prebend^, prebendiei. Pr6caire, adj. precarious; from L, pre- carius. Its doublet is priere, q. v. Precaution, sf. a precaution ; from L. praecautionem . — Der. precautionner. Precedent, adj. precedent, sm. a precedent ; from L. praecedentem. Pr6c6der, va. to precede; from L. prae- cedere. Precepte, sm. a precept; from L. prae- ceptum. Pr6cepteur, sm. a preceptor; from L. pr acceptor em, — Der. preceptora], precept- orat. Precession, sf. precession ; from L. prae- cessionem, der. from praecessum, supine of praecedere. PRfiCHER, va. to preach. It. predicare, from L. praedicare, by regular contr. (see § 52) of praedicdre to praed'care, whence precher. For dc = c see adjtiger ; for c = ch see § 1 26; for ae — e see § 103. — Der. preche (verbal subst.), prech- eur (whose doublet is predicateur, q, v.). Pr^cieux, adj. precious; from L. preti- osus. — Der. precioshe, precieuse. Precipice, sm. a precipice; from L. prae- cipitium. For ti = ce see agencer. Precipitation, sf. precipitation, haste; from L, praecipitationem, Pr6cipiter, va. to precipitate; from L. praecipitare. — Der. precipitant, precip- it6 (partic. subst.). Pr6ciput, sm. (Legal) benefit given to one of several coheirs by will; from L. prae- cipuum. Pr6cis, adj. precise; from L, praecisus. — Der. precistr, precis (sm.). Precision, sf. precision; from L. prae- cisionem. Precite, adj. aforesaid ; from L. prae and cit(^\ See citer. Precoce, adj. precocious; from L. prae- cocem. — Der. precoc'iie. Preconiser, va. to extol; from L. prae- conisare (in writers of the latest Lat. age). — Der. />reco«/sation. Precurseur, sm. a precursor ; from L. praecursorem. Pr6d6cesseur, sm. a predecessor ; from L. praedecessorem. Predestination, sf. predestination; from L. praedestinationem. Predestiner, va. to predestine; from L. praedestinare. Predicant, sm. a preacher; from L. prae- dicantem. Predicateur, sm. a preacher ; from L. praedicatorem. Its doublet is precheur, q.v. Predication, sf preaching; from L. prae- dicationem. Prediction, sf prediction; from L, prae- dictionem. Predilection, sf. predilection ; compd. of dilecdon from L. dilectionem, and pre from L. prae. Predire, va. to foretell; from L. prae- dicere. For dicere = rfirc see dire. Predisposer, va. to predispose ; from dis- poser (q. V.) and L. prae. — Der. predispos- ition. Predominer, vn. to predominate (over); from dominer (q.v.) and L. prae. — Der. predominance. Preeminence, sf pre-eminence; from L. praeeminentia. Yor-ti&^-ce see agencer. Preeminent, adj. pre-eminent; from L. praeeminentem. Preetablir, va. to pre-establish ; from etablir (q.v.) and L. prae. Preexistence, sf. pre-existence ; from ex- istence (q.v.) and L. prae. Preexister, va. to pre-exist ; from exister (q. V.) and L. prae. PRSFA CE — PRSseANCE. 285 Preface, sf. a preface; from L. praefatio. For -tio = -ce see agencer. Prefecture, */". a prefecture ; from L. praefectura. Pr6f6rer, va. to prefer; from L. prae- ferre. — Der. /Titrable, preference. Pr6fet, sm. a prefect; from L. praefectus. For ct = / see § 168. Prefix, adj. prefixed; from L, praefixus. — Der. prefixe. Prehension, sf. a seizing, taking captive ; from L, prehensionem. Its doublet is prison, q.v. Prejudice, sm, injury, prejudice ; from L. praejudicium. — Der. prejudic'iMe. Prejudiciel, adj. prejudicial ; from L. praejudicialis. Pr6jug6, sm. a prejudice. See prejuger. Prejuger, va. to prejudge ; from juger (q.v.) and L. prae. — Der. prejuge (partic, subst.). Prelasser (Se), vpr. to strut. See prelat. Pr61at, sm. a prelate; from L. praelatus, one who is in front, in command, whence the sense of a dignitary in eccles. Lat. — Der. prelature. Prelation, sf. preference; from L. prae- lationem. Prele, sf. (Bot.) hairgrass, horsetail ; for- merly prelle, originally as/Tc//^, It. asperella, from L. asperella* ; dim. of asper, rough. Prelever, va. to deduct (from) ; from lever (q.v.) and L. prae. — Der. prelevement. Preliminaire, adj. preliminary ; from L. prae and liminaris. Pr61uder, va. to prelude; from L. prae- ludere. — Der. prelude (verbal subst.). Prematura, adj. premature ; from L. prae- maturatus *, der, from praematurus. — Der. prematurhe. Premeditation, sf. premeditation ; from L. praemeditationem, Pr6ni§diter, va. to premeditate; from L. praemeditari. Pr6mices, sf firstfruits; from L, primi- tiae. For -tiae = -ce see agencer. PREMIER, adj. first ; from L. primarius. For -arius = -z>r see § 198; for i = e see § 72. Its doublet is primaire, q.v. Premisses, sf pi. (Logic) premisses ; from L. praemissa. Premunir, va. to forewarn ; from L. prae- munire. PRENABLE, adj. that can be taken, corrup- tible (by bribes). — Der, \mprenable. PRENDRE, va. to take. It. prendere, from L. prendere, by regular contr. (see § 51) of prendere to prend're — Der. appre?idre, comprendre, reprendre, surprendre, dprendre, entr epre?idre, mepj'eftdre, preneur, prenMe. Pr^nom, sm. a Christian name ; from L. praenomen. Pr6notion, sf a prenotion; from L. prae- notionem. Preoccupation, sf preoccupation ; from L, preoccupationem. Preoccuper, va. to preoccupy ; from L, praeoccupare, Preopiner, sm. to give one's opinion first ; from opiner (q.v.) and L. prae. Preparation, sf. preparation ; from L, praeparationem. Pr6paratoire, adj. preparatory ; from L. praeparatorius. Preparer, va. to prepare; from L. prae- parare. — Der. preparatif. Preponderant, adj. preponderant; from L. preponderantem, — Der. preponder- ance. Preposer, va. to set over ; from poser (q. v.) and L. prae. Prepositif, adj. prepositional ; from L. praepositivus. Pr6position, sf a preposition ; from L. praepositionem. Prerogative, sf. prerogative; from L. praerogativa, PRES, prep, near. It. presso,{rom L, pressus, properly pressed close, hence near. — Der. zpres, presque. Presage, sm. a presage; from L, prae- sagium. — Der. preszger. Presbyte, adj. (Optics) presbyopical ; from Gr. vpfcr^vTTjs. Presbyt§re, sm. a parsonage; from Gr. TTpialivT€piov. — Der. preshyteraX, preshy' ter'ien. Prescience, sf prescience; from L. prae- scientia. For -tia = ce see agencer. Prescriptible, adj. prescriptible ; from prescription, q. v. — Der. imprescriptible. Prescription, sf. prescription; from L. praescriptionem, Prescrire, va. to prescribe ; from L, prae- scribere. For scribere = scrire see ecrire. PRESEANCE, sf. precedence ; from L. prae- sidentia*, der. from L, praesidere, to have the precedence, in Suetonius. Prae- sidentia becomes preseance. For loss of medial d see accabler ; for ae = e see § 103; for i — e see § 72; for &n = an see amender ; for -tia = -ce see agencer. Pre- seance is a doublet of /residence. 286 PRESENCE — PRiTRE, PRESENCE, s/. presence; from L. prae- sentia. For -tia = -ce see agencer. PRESENT, adj. present; from L. prae- sentem. — Der. prtsentex, present (sm.). PRESENT, sm. a present, gift. See pre- senter. PRESENTER, va. to present. See present. — Der. present (verbal subst.), prhentiiXxon, presentzteuTy presentable, prcsentement, re- prdsenter. Pr6server, va. to preserve; from L. prae- s e r V a r e . — Der . preservntevn, preservntif. Pr6sident, sm. a president ; from L. praesidentem, — Der. presidency (whose doublet \s preseance, q.v.), president'\e\. Pr6sider, va. to preside; from L. prae- sidere. + Pr6 sides, s/. presides; from Sp. pre- sidios (Sp. military and penal colonies). Pr6sidial, sm. a court of judicature, pre- sidial ; from L. praesidialis. Pr6somptif, adj. presumptive ; from L. praesumptivus. Pr6soinption, sf. presumption; from L. praesumptionem. Pr6soniptueux, adj. presumptuous; from L. praesumptuosus. For -oaMS = -eux see § 229. PRESQUE, adv. almost. See pres and que. PRESQU'ILE, sf. a peninsula. See presque and He. PRESSE, sf a press. See presser.—DeT. pressier. Pressentir, va. to have a presentiment ; from L. praesentire. — Der. pressentiment. PRESSER, va. to press ; from L. pressare. — Der. presse (verbal subst.), pressis. Pression, sf. pressure; from L. pressio- nem. PRESSOIR, sm. a press ; from L. pressoriiim. For transposition of i see chanoine. Pressure, sf. a pressure; from L, pres- sura. — Der. pressurer. Pressurer, va. to press (out). See pressure. Der. pressura.ge, pressureur. Prestance, sf. an imposing deportment ; from L. praestantia. Prestation, sf. the taking (an oath) ; from L. praestationem. tPreste, adj. agile; from It. presto. Its doublet is pret, q. v. + Prestesse, sf agility; from It. presleza. Prestige, sm. prestige; from L. praes- tigia. Prestigieux, adj. enchanting; from L. praestigiosus. For -osus = -eux see § 229- t Presto, adv. (Mus.) presto; from It. presto. Prestolet, stn, a hedge-priest. Origin un- known. Pr6sunier, va. to presume; from L. prae- sumere. — Der. presumMt. Pr6supposer, va. to presuppose; from supposer (q.v.) and L. prae. Pr6supposition, sf a presupposition ; from supposition (q.v.) and L. prae. f Pr6BUre, sf rennet; from It. presura. PRET, adj. ready ; formerly prest. It. presto, from L. praestus*, ready, in several inscrip- tions under the Empire. Praestus* is fre- quent in this sense in the Germanic Laws, as in ' Quando cum petitore causam finire sit praestus ' (Wisigothic Law ix. 2). Praestus becomes prest (for ae=^c see § 103) ; prest becomes pret by dropping s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). Pret is a doublet of preste, q. v. PRET, sm. a loan. See preter. Pretantaine, sf in the phrase courir la pretantaine, to run about uselessly, gadabout. Origin unknown. Pr6tendre, va. to claim, vn. to pretend; from L. praetendere. For tendere = tendre see tendre. — Der. pretendmt, pre- tendw. Pr^tentieux, adj. pretentious. See pre- tention. Pretention, sf. a pretention ; from L. prae- tentionem*, der. from praetentum, supine of praetendere. — Der. pretentitxw. PR£TER, va. to lend ; formerly prester, from L. praestare, properly to furnish ; the word signifies ' to lend ' as early as the Theo- dosian Code : ' Cum nisi peculiariter ut pecuniam praestet, a domino fuerit postu- latus.' Praestare becomes prester (for ae = e see § 103), lastly preter, by dropping s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). — Der. preteur, pret (verbal subst.). Pr6t§rit, sm. the preterite; from L. prae- teritum. Pr6t6rition, sf. pretermission; from L. praeteritionem. Pr§teur, sm. a lender ; from L. praetor. Pr6texte, sm. a pretext; from L. prae- textus. — Der. pretexter. Pretintaille, sf a trimming (of a dress). Origin unknown. Pr6toire, sm. a praetorium; from L, prae- tor i u m . For o = oi see chanoine. "PT^torieXi, adj. praetorian; from L. prae- torianus. PR£TRE, sm. a priest; formerly prestre. PRSTURE — PRINTEMPS. 287 from L. presbyter, found for a priest in Prudentius and Jerome. Presbyter, contrd. regularly (see § 51) to presb'ter, then to pres'ter (see poudre), becomes prestre, by dropping final e (see § 50), then pretre, by dropping s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). — Der. pretresse, prttr'ist, pretr^WXe. Preture, sf. the prajtorship; from L. prae- tura. PREUVE, ff. a proof. It. prova. Cat. proha, from L. proba, der. from probare. Proba becomes pretive. For \> = v see § 113; for o = £'M see § 79. PREUX, adj. gallant ; formerly preus, origi- nally pros. It. pro. Origin unknown. — Der. . (from O. Fr. pro) proesse * (now prouesse ; for o = ou see § 81). Pr6valoir, vn. to prevail; from L. prae- valere. For valere= valoir see valcir. Pr6varicateur, sm. a prevaricator ; from L. praevaricatorem. Prevarication, sf, prevarication ; from L. praevaricationem. Pr6variquer, vn. to prevaricate ; from L, praevaricari. Pr6venant, adj. prepossessing. See pre- venir. — Der. prevena.nce, Prevenir, va. to precede; from L, prae- v en ire. — Der. prevenant. Pr^ventif, adj. preventive. See prevention. Prevention, sf. prevention; from L. prae- ventionem, from praeventum, supine of praevenire. Pr6venu, sm. a prisoner ; partic. subst. of prevenir, q. v. Provision, sf. prevision; from vision (q.v.) and L. prae. Pr§voir, va. to foresee; from L. prae- videre. For videre = vozr see voir. — — Der. pr^voyant, prevoyznce. PREVOT, sm. a provost; formerly prevost, properly one put over by the king, from L. praepositus. Praepositus, contrd. regularly (see § 51) to praepos'tus, he- comes prevost. For ae = e see § 103; for p = t/see § III. Prevost becomes prevot by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. prev'ital, prevote, PREVOYANT, adj. provident. See prevoir. — Der. prevoyance. PRIE-DIEU, sm. a faldstool. See dieu and prier. PRIER, va. to pray ; from L. precare. For loss of medial c see affouage ; for e = i see PRIERE, sf. a prayer. Pro v. preguiera. Cat. pregaria, from L. precaria*, a prayer, in medieval Lat. documents. Precaria is from precor. Precaria becomes priere by loss of medial c, see affouage. For e = i see § f9; for a = (? see § 54. Priere is a doublet oi precaire, q. v. PRIEUR, &m. a prior ; from L. priorem. For o = eu see § 79- — Der. prieure, prieure. Primaire, adj. primary; from L. prima- rius. Its doublet is />r^/m>r, q. V. Primat, sm. a primate; from L. prima- tem. — Der. primalia}, primaiie. PRIMAUTfi, sf. a primacy ; from L. prima- litatem *, from primus. For -alitatem = -aute see communaute. Prime, adj. first; from L. primus. — Der. />rzwe-abord. Prime, sf. prime; from L. prima (so. hora). Prime, sf a pebble (jewellery) ; formerly prisme, from L. prisma. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. + Prime, s/. premium; from Engl. premium. Primer, vn. to lead (in play). See prime ( i). — Der. prims.ge. PRIME-SAUT, adv. suddenly, all at once. See saut and prime (l). — D ex. prime- saut\er. Primeur, sf the first part (of the season, for fruit, etc.). See pri/ne (i). Prim.ev§re, sf a primrose; from It. pri- mavera, used of flowers which come in early spring. Primicier, sm. a primicerius (church digni- tary) ; from L. primicerius. Primitif, adj. primitive ; from L. primi- tivus. t Primo, flcfv. firstly; from L. primo, abl. of primum. t Primogeniture, sf. primogeniture; from It. primogenitura. Primordial, adj. primordial; from L. pri- mordialis. PRINCE, sm. a prince. It, principe, from L. principem, by dropping the last two atonic syllables, see §§ 50, 51. — Der. princ- esse, princier. + Prineeps, arf/. first-printed (of editions); from L. princeps. Principal, adj. principal ; from L. princi- palis. Principaute, sf a principality; from L. princip alitatem, first the dignity, then the territory. For -alitatem = -aw/e see communaute. Principe, sm. a principle; from L. princi- pium. PRINTANIER, adj. vernal. See printemps. PRINTEMPS, sm. spring-time; from L. 288 PRIOR I^PR ODIGA LITS. primum tempus *, i. e. the first season of the year, beginning at Easter. Primum tempus, contrd. to prim'tempus, be- comes /rj«/fm/)s ; form. = M see changer. — Der. prinlanier. t Priori (a), adv. a priori ; from L. a and priori, Priorit6, sf. priority; from L. priorita- tem *, from prior. PRIS, p.p. o{ prendre, taken ; from L. pren- sus, Prensus, regularly reducing ns to s (see aine), becomes presus, whence pris (for e = t see § 59). — Der.^/me (verbal subst.), whence />r/ser. PRISER, va. to take snuff. See pris. — Der. priseuT. PRISER, va. to prize ; from L. pretiare, found in Cassiodorus. The word is common in the Germanic Codes : thus, ' Si quis alicui caballum involaverit et pretiet eum dominus ejus cum sacramento usque ad 6 solidos,' in the Lex Alamannorum, 71. Pre- tiare becomes priser. For e = « see § 59 ; for -tiare = -ser see § 264. — Der. com- missaire-/)r/seur, pris6e, mepriser. Prisme, sm. a prism ; from Gr. irpiafia. — Der. /»nswatique. PRISON, sf. a prison ; from L. prensionem, first, the act of seizing, thence prison, by passage from abstract to concrete. Pren- sionem, regularly reducing ns to s (see atne), becomes presionem, whence /rtsow. For e = t see § 59 ; for sio = so see agencer. Prison is a doublet of prehen- sion, q. V. — Der. prisonnier. Privatif, adj. privative; from L. priva- tivus. Privation, sf. a privation ; from L. priva- tionem.^ PRIVAUTE, sf. extreme familiarity; for- merly privalte, from L. privalitatem *, from privalis, der. from privus. For -alitatem. = -ante see communaute. PRIVE, adj. private ; from L. privatus. PRIVER, va. to deprive ; from L. privare. — Der. priver. Privilege, sm. a privilege; from L. privi- legium. — Der. privilegier, privilegie. PRIX, sm. ,a price ; formerly pris, from L. pre- tium. For e = i see § 59; for ti\i = s = ;)(; see agencer. Probability, sf probability; from L. pro- babilitatem. Probable, ao?/. probable ; from L. proba- bilis. Its doublet is prouvable, q. v. Probant, adj. probatory; from L. pro- bantem. Probation, sf probation; from L. proba- tionem. Probe, adj. honest, upright; from L. pro- bus. Probit6, sf probity; from L. probita- tem. Probl6matique, adj. problematical ; from Gr. npoP\T)tiariK6s. Probldme, sm. a problem ; from Gr. 3rp6- Proboscide, sm. a proboscis ; from L. p ro- boscidem. Proe6d.er, vn. to proceed; from L. pro- cede re. — Der. procede (partic. subst.), pro- cedure. Procedure, sf a procedure. See proceder. Procds, sm. a suit, lit. a process, onward movement; from L. processus. — Der. proces%\L Procession, sf a procession; from L. pro- cessionem . — Der. processionm\. Proc^S-verbal, sm. proceedings (of as- semblies). Ste proces and verbal. PROCHAIN, adj. near. See proche. PROCHE, adj. near; from L. propius. compd. of prope. For piu = cA« see abreger. — Der. prochsiin, ap^rocAer, npprochcT, re- procher. Prochronisme, sm. a prochronism ; from Gr. irpoxpovos. Proclamation, sf a proclamation ; from L. proclamationem. Proclamer, va. to proclaim ; from L. proclamare. Proconsul, sm. a proconsul; from L. pro- consul. Proconsulaire, adj. proconsular ; from L. proconsularis. Proconsulat, sm. proconsulate; from L. proconsulatus. Procreation, sf procreation ; from L. procreationem. Procr6er, i;a. to procreate; from L. pro- creare. Procurateur, sm. a procurator, proctor; from L. procuratorem. Its doublet is procureur. q. v. Procuration, sf a procuration, proxy; from L. procurationem. Procurer, va. to procure; from L. pro- curare. Procureur, sm. a proxy, agent ; from L. procuratorem. For -atorem = -fwr see empereur. Its doublet is procjirateur, q.v. Prodigality, sf prodigality ; from L. pro- digalitatem. PR ODIGE—PR OMISSION. 289 I Prodige, swi. a prodigy; from L. prodi- [ gium. i Prodigieux, adj. prodigious ; from L. prodigiosus, I Prodigue, adj. prodigal; from L. prodi- gus. — Der. prodiguei. ■ Prodrome, sm. an introduction ; from Gr. irpodpo/xos. i Producteur, sm. a producer ; from L. p ro- ductorem, from productum, supine of producere. Productif, arf;. productive ; from L. pro- ductivus *, from productum, supine of producere. Production, sf. production; from L, pro- ductionem, from productum,' supine of producere. I Produire, va. to produce ; from L. produ- cere. Forducere = duire see conduire. ' Produit, sm. a product ; from L. produc- tus. For ct = it see attrait. \ Pro^minent, adj. prominent ; from L. p r o- Ij eminentem. — Der. /roewfwence. Profanateur, sm, a profaner; from L. profanatorem. Profanation, sf. a profanation ; from L. profanationem. Profane, adj. profane; from L. profanus. Profaner, i/a. to profane ; from L. profa- nare. Proferer, va. to utter ; from L. proferre. Profds, Profegge, smf. and adj. professed (of religious orders); from L. professus. — Der. professer. Professer, va. to profess. See profes. Professeur, sm. a professor; from L. pro- fessorem. Profession, sf. a profession; from L. pro- fessionem. fProfesso (ex), at/v. professedly; fromL. ex and professus. Professoral, adj. professorial ; from L. professoralis*, from professor. Professorat, sm. professorship; from L. professoratus *, from professor. tProfil, sm. a profile; from It. proffilo. — Der. profiler. PROFIT, sm. profit; from L. profectus (so used in Ovid). For ect = ii see attrait. — Der. profiler, />ro/?/able. Profond, adj. deep ; from L. profundus. — I Der. profondeur, a.pprofond'ir. !Profus6nient, adv. profusely; from pro- fus, which is from L. profusus. Profusion, sf. profusion ; from L. profu- sionem. Prog6niture, sf. progeny; from L. pro- genitura *, from p rogenitum, supine of progignere. Programme, sm. a programme ; from Gr. TTpoypafifxa. Progrds, sm. progress; from L. progres- sus. — Der. progress.tr, progressif. Progression, sf. progression; from L. progressionem. Prohiber, va. to prohibit ; from L. pro- hibere. Prohibitif, adj. prohibitive; from L. pro- hibitivus*, from prohibitum, supine of prohibere. Prohibition, s/. prohibition; fromL. pro- hibitionem. PROIE, sf. prey, booty. It. preda, from L. praeda. For loss of d see alouette; for ae=e see § 104; and e = oi see § 62. Projectile, adj. sm. projectile; from L. projectilis*, from projectum, supine of projicere. Projection, sf. a projection ; from L. pro- jectionem. Projecture, sf. (Archit.) a projecture ; from L. projectura. Projet, sm. a project; from L. proj actus. — Der. projeter. Projeter, va. to project. See projet. Prol6gomdnes, sm./*/. prolegomena; from Gr. ira) irpoKfyoficva. Prolepse, sf. (Rhet.) prolepsis; from Gr TTp6\T]\plS. Prol§taire, adj. proletarian ; from L. pro letarius. Prolifique, adj. prolific; from L. prolifi cus. Prolixe, adj. prolix; from L. prolixus. Prolixity, sf. prolixity ; from L. p rolixita tern. Prologue, sm. a prologue; from Gr. irpS \oyos. Prolonger, va. to prolong; from L. prO' longare. — Der. prolonge (verbal subst.) />ro/on^ation, /iro/ora^ement. PROMENER, va. to lead out for a walk ^ from L. pronoinare (to lead, in Apuleius) For i = e see § 72. — Der. promenade, pro- meneur, promenoir. PROMESSE, s/. a promise; from L. pro- missa. For i = e see § 72. PROMETTRE, va. to promise. It. pro- mettere, from L. promittere. For i = e see § 72. Promiscuity, sf. promiscuousness ; from L. promiscuitatem*, from promiscuus. Promission, sf. promise; from L. pro- missionem. U 2^0 PR OMONTOIRE — PR OSOPOPSE. Promontoire, sm. a promontory ; from L. promontorium. Promoteur, sm. a promoter ; from L. pro- motorem*, from promotum, supine of promovere. Promotion, sf. promotion ; from L. p ro- motionem. Promouvoir, va. to promote ; from L. promovere. For movere= tnouvoir see mouvoir. — Der, promu. Prompt, adj. prompt; from L. promptus. Promptitude, sf. promptitude; from L. promptitudinem *. Prom.ulgation, sf. promulgation ; from L. promulgationem. Promulguer, va. to promulgate ; from L. promulgare. PRONE. sm. a sermon (before or after mass) ; from L. praeoonixun. For ae = e see § 103, hence preconium, whence prSne ; for loss of medial c, and for contr, of preone to pr6ne see § 102. — ^Der. prontr, proneuT. Pronom, sw. a pronoun ; from L. pro no- men. Pronominal, adj. pronominal; from L. p ronominalis. Prononcer, va. to pronounce ; from L. pronuntiare. For mintiax e = noncer see annoncer. Prononciation, sf. pronunciation ; from L. pronuntiationem. Pronostic, sm. a prognostic; from Gr. vpoyvcocTTiKSv. — Der. pronostiqutr. Pronostiquer, va, to prognosticate. See pronostic. Propagande, sf. the Propaganda ; of hist. origin (see § 33), 'from the Collegium de Fide Propaganda, at Rome. Propagateur, sm. a propagator; from L. propagatorem. Propagation, sf. propagation; from L. propagationem. Propager, va. to propagate; from L. pro- pagare.^ Propension, sf. a propensity; from L. pro- pensionem. Prophdte, sm. a prophet; from L. pro- pheta. Proph6tesse, sf. a prophetess; from L. prophetissa. Fori=«see § 72. Proph6tie, sf. prophecy; fromL. prophe- tia. Proph6tlqne, adj. prophetic; from L. propheticus. Proph6tlser, va. to prophesy; from L. prophetizare (in St. Jerome). Propice, adj. propitious ; from L.propitius. For tiu = ce see agencer. + Propolis, sf. propolis (substance with which bees stop holes in their hives) ; from L. propolis. Proportion, sf. proportion ; from L. p re- port ionem. — Der. proportionner, dispro- portion. Proportionnalit6, sf. proportionateness ; from L. proportionalitatem. Proportionnel, adj. proportional; from L. proportionalis. PROPOS, sm. a thing said in conversation, talk, purpose ; from L. propositum. For -osituin = -OS see §§ 50, 51. Proposer, va. to propose. See poser. Proposition, sf. a proposition; from L. propositionem. PROPRE, adj. proper ; from L. proprius. — Der. impropre, ap/>ro/>rier, proprct, pro- prt\L Propr6teur, sm. a propraetor; from L. propraetorem. Propri6taire, sm. an ovraer; from'L. proprietarius (found in Ulpian). Propri6t6, sf. propriety; from L. pro- prietatem. Propyl§es, sm.pl. propylaeum; from Gr. ■npo-nvXaios. f Prorata, sm. proportion; from L. pro and rata (sc. parte). Prorogation, sf. prorogation ; from L, prorogationem. Proroger, va. to prorogue; from L. pro- rogare. Prosaique, adj. prosaic; from L. pro- saic u s . — Der. />rosaisme. Prosateur, sm. a prose-writer. See prose. Proscripteur, sm. a proscriber; from L, proscriptorem. Proscription, sf a proscription ; from L, proscriptionem. Proscrire, va. to proscribe; from L. pro- se r i b e r e , For -ibere = -ire see ecrire. Proscrit, sm. an outlaw; from L. pro- scriptus. Forpt = ^see § 168. Prose, sf. prose; from L. prosa, — Der. /»rosateur. Prosecteur, sm. (Anat.) a preparator ; from L. prosector. Pros61yte, sm. a proselyte ; from L. prose- lytus (found in St. Jerome). — Der. prose- lytisme. Prosodie, sf. prosody ; from Gr. irpomlia. — Der. prosodiqae. Prosopop6e, sf. prosopopoeia; from Gr. irpor, q. v. PSAUME, sm, a psalm; from L. psalmus. For al = aM see agneau. The initial sound ps being strange to the Fr. language, O.Fr. rightly said saume for psaume, sautier for psautier. PSAUTIER, sm. a psalter ; formerly sautier, from L. psalterium. For Q\=ati see agneau ', for e = «fi see § 56. For expla- nation of O.Fr. form sautier see psaume. Its doublet is psalterion, q. v. Pseudonym e, adj. pseudonymous; from Gr. xpevSuvvfios. Psych6, sf. Psyche ; from Gr. ipvxv.—'DcT. psyche. Peychologie, sf. psychology ; from Gr. il/vx'h and \6yos. — Der. /'sycAo/o^ique, psy- chologiste, psychologue. PUANTEUR, sf. a stench. See puer. Pubdre, adj. pubescent; from L. pub e rem. Pubert6, */. puberty ; from L. pubertatem. Public, adj. public; from L. pub lie us. — Der. publiciste, publicite. Publicain, sm. a publican ; from L. publi- canus. Publication, sf. a publication; from L, publicationem. Publiciste, sm. a publicist. See public. Publicity, sf. publicity. See ptiblic. Publier, va. to publish; from L. publi- care. For loss of medial c see affouage. PUCE, sf. a flea ; formerly pulce. It. pulce, from L. pulicem, by regular contr. (see § 5O of ptilicem to pul'cem, whence O. Fr. pdce. — Der. pucevon, epucev. Pudeur, sf shame; from L. pudorem. — Der. impudeur. Pudibond, adj. modest, bashful ; from L. pudibundus. Pudicit§, sf. modesty; from L. pudicita- tem. Pudique, adj. modest ; from L. pudicus. PUER, vn. to stink. O. Fr. puir, Prov. pudir. It. pudire, from L. putere. For loss of medial t see Hist. Gram. p. 82; for e = i see § 59. — Der./>ttant, /ttanteur, em/>«anter. Pu^ril, adj. puerile; from L. puerilis. Pu6rilit6, sf puerility; from L. puerili- tatem. Pugilat, sm. pugilism; from L. pugilatus. PUINE, adj. younger ; formerly puisne, from L. postnatus *. ' Est consuetude in qui- busdam partibus, quod postnatus prae- fertur primogenito,* says a medieval docu- ment. Postnatus is compd. of natus and post. For post-natus =puis-ne see puis and tie; for puisne=puin4 see Hist. Gram, p. 81. PUIS, adv. afterwards ; from L. post. For loss of t see notre ', for o = ui see cuider. — Der. puisqne, depuis. PUISER, va. to dip, draw (from a well). See piits. — Der. puisage, epuiser. PUIS QUE, conj. since. See puis and que. PUISSANCE, /. power. See puissant. PUISSANT, adj. powerful ; from L. possen- tem *, a barbarous part. pr. of posse. For o = ui see cuider, — Der. puissance, impuis- sant. PUITS, sm. a well ; formerly puis, from L. puteus. For GU = iw see abreger, hence puis ; for u = wi see buis, and ti = s see agencer. From this O. Fr. puis come puiser, piiisard. The spelling puits is the work of i6th-cent. pedants, who inserted a /, thinking that they should thus bring the Fr. word nearer its Lat. original, not knowing that the Fr. s of puis already represented the Lat. te. Pulluler, vn, to multiply; from L. puUu- lare. Pulmonaire, adj. pulmonary; from L, pulmonarius. Pulpe, sf pulp; from L. pulp a. Pulpeux, adj. pulpy; from L. pulposus. Pulsation, sf. pulsation ; from L. pulsaj- tionem. tPulv^rin, sm. a priming-horn; from It. polverino. Pulveriser, va. to pulverise ; from L. pul- V e r i s a r e . — Der. pulveris&tion. Pulverulent, adj. pulverable; from L. pulverulentus. PUNAIS, adj. fetid. Prov. putnais, from O. Fr. put, by means of a suffix nais, from inais, which is from L. -inaceus. O. Fr. put is from L. putidus. For loss of last two atonic syllables see §§ 50, 51, — Der.punaise. PUNAISE, sf (Entom.) a bug. See punais. t Punch, sm. a punch ; from Engl, punch. Punction, sf a pointer; from L. puncti- onem. Its doublet is poinf on, q. v. Punique, adj. punic ; from L. punicus. PUNIR — QUADRI-. 293 Punir, va. to punish; from L. punire. — Der, ^wwissable, ^wwisseur. Punition, sf. punishment; from L, puniti- onem. Pupillaire, adj. pupillary; from L. pupil- laris. Pupille, sf. a pupil, ward; from L, pu- pilla. PUPITRE, sm. a desk ; from L. ptdpitum. By transposing 1 (see sangloter) pulpitum becomes pupitlum, whence pupitre. For 1 = r see apdtre. Pur, adj. pure ; from L. pur us. — Der. pur- iste, /jwrisme. PUREE, if. soup ; formerly peuree,, originally pevreejiom L.piperata* (properly peppered meat), by regular contr. (see § 52) of pipe- rata to pip'rata, whence pevree. For p — v see § III; for -ata = -e'e see § 201. Pevree becomes peuree by vocalising v to u, see aurone ; peuree later becomes puree by eu = u, see curee : cp. bu, mil, miire, mutin, bluet, etc., which were formerly beu, meu, meure, meutin, bleuet, etc. Purie is a doublet of poivree, poivrade, q. v. I Puret6, sf. purity; from L. puritatem. For i = e see § 72. [ Purgatif, adj. purgative; from L. purga- tirus. ! Purgation, sf. a purgation ; from L. pur- ! gationem. * ■ Purgatoire, sm. purgatory; from L. pur- i gatorius. I Purger, va. to purge; from L. purgare. — ; Der, purge (verbal subst.), expurger. Purification, sf. purification; from L. purificationem. Purifier, va. to purify; from L. puri- ficare. Purisme, sm. purism. See pur. Puriste, sm. a purist. See pur. i-Puritain, sm. a puritan; from Engl. puritan. — Der. puritanisme. Purpurin, adj. purplish; from L. pur- purinus. Purulence, sf. purulence; from L. puru- lentia. Purulent, adj. purulent; from L. puru- lentus. Pus, sm. (Med.) pus ; from L. pus, Pusillanime, adj. pusillanimous, cowardly ; from L. pusillanimis. Pusillanimity, sf. cowardice ; from L. pusillanimitatem. Pustule, sf. a pustule; from L. pustula. PustuleUX, a^/- pustulous; from L, pustu-^ losus. For -os\is = -eux see § 229. Putatif, adj. putative, supposed; from L. putativus. PUTOIS, sm. a polecat; properly = bete puante. Putois is from O. Fr. put, see punais. Putrefaction, sf. putrefaction ; from L. putrefactionem. Putr6fier, vn. to putrefy; from L.putrifi- care *, from putris. Putride, adj. putrid; from L. putridus. — Der. putridite. Pygra6e, sm. a pigmy ; from Gr. itvyjmios. Pyldne, sm. a portal ; from Gr. itvXwv. Pylore, sm. (Anat.) pylorus ; from Gr. TTvXcopvs. — Der. pyloriqae. Pyramide, sf. a pyramid; from L. pyra- midem. — Der. pyramidal, pyramidex. Pyrique, adj. pyrotechnic ; from Gr. ttvp. Pjrrite, sf. a pyrite; from Gr. vvpiTijs. — • Der. pyriteux. Pyroligneux, adj. pyroligneous ; from Gr. TTvp and ligneux, q. v. Pyromdtre, sm. a pyrometer; from Gr. TTvp and fX€Tpov. Pyrotechnie, adj. pyrotechnics ; from Gr. TTvp and rexvq. — Der. pyrotechniqat. Pyrrhique, adj. pyrrhic; from Gr. itvp- p'^XV- Pyrrhonisme, Pyrrhonien, sm. Pyr- rhonism ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from the Greek philosopher Pyrrho. Pythagoricien, adj. Pythagorean; from Gr. TTvOayopiKds, a disciple of Pythagoras. Pythie, adj. Pythic ; from Gr. irvOia. P3rthonisse, sf a Pythoness; from Gr. vvQajVKTCa. Q- Quadrag6naire, adj. of forty years of age; from L. quadragenarius. Quadrag6sim.e, sf. quadragesima ; from L. quadragesima (sc. dies}. Its doublet is carime, q. v. Quadrangle, sm. a quadrangle ; from L. quadrangulus Der. quadranguhke. Quadrature, sf quadrature; from L. quadratura. Its doublet is carrure, q. v. Quadri-, a prefix; from L. quadri-. 294 QUADRIGE^ QUESTEUR. Quadrige, sm. a quadriga; from L. quad- riga. Quadrilatdre, sm. a quadrilateral; from L. quadrilaterus. t Quadrille, 5/. a quadrille; from It. quadriglia. Quadrumane, adj. quadrumanous ; from L. quadrumanus. Quadnipdde, sm. a quadruped; from L. quadrupedem. Quadruple, adj. quadruple; from L. quad- ruplus. — Der. quadruphx. QUAI, 5m. a quay ; of Celtic origin, Breton hae. •j" Quaker, sm. a quaker; from Engl.,g«a^er. Qualificatif, arf/. qualifying ; from L. qua- lificativus *, from qualificare. See qualifier. Qualification, sf. a qualification ; from L. qualificationem *, from qualificare. See qualifier. Qualifier, va. to qualify; from L. quali- ficare *, from qualis. Its doublet is jauger, q. v. Quality, sf. quality; from L. qualitatem. QUAND, conj. though ; from L. quando. QUANT, adj. how many ; from L. quantus. — Der. quant'ihme. QUANT, adv. respecting ; from L. quantum. QUANTIEME, adj. what number. See quant. Quantity, §/". a quantity; from L. quanti- tatem. QUARANTE, adj. forty ; from L. quadra- ginta. For dr = r see § 168; for-aginta = -anle see cinquante. — Der. ywaran^aine, quarantihm^. QUARDERONNER, »a. to round off; from quart de rond. See quart, de and rond. QUART, adj. fourth; from L. quartus. — Der. quart (sm.), y«ar/ant, quart&mt. QUARTERON, sm. a quarter (of a pound). See quart. QUARTE, sf. a quart ; from L. quarta. QU ARTIER, sm. a quarter ; from L. quart- arius, fourth of a sextarius. For -arliis = -ier see § 198. — Der. quarteron. QUARTIER-MAiTRE, sm. a quarter-master. See maitre and quartier. + Quartz, sm. quartz; from Germ, quarz. — Der. quartzexix. + Quasi, adv. almost; from L. quasi. Quaternaire, adj. quaternary ; from L. quaternarius. Quaterne, sm. quaternary; from L. qua- ternus. Its doublets are cahier, caserne, q. V. — Der, quaternzke. QUATORZE, adj. fourteen. It. quattordici, from L. quatuordedm, by regular contr. (see § 51) of quatu6rd§cim to quatu- ord'oim, whence quatorze. For quatuor- = quator- see quatre ; for dc = z see amitie and adjuger. — Der. quatorzxhmc. QUATRE, sm. four ; from L. quatuor, by regular change of uo into o (see § 102), whence quator. We find the form cator in an inscription of the Empire. Quator becomes quatre by dropping final vowel, see § 50. Quatre is a doublet of quattor, q. V. — Der. quatrihme, quatnin. t Quatuor, sm. (Mus.) aquartett; from L. quatuor. Its doublet is quatre, q. v. QUE, pron. whom, that ; from L. quem. QUE, conj. that ; from L. quod. For loss of d see alouette. Also from L. quam, in the connection plus . . . que, which is L. plus . . . quam. For loss of m see ja. QUEL, adj. what; from L. qualis. For -a.li8 = -el see § 191. — Der. ywe/que. QUELCONQUE, adj. whatever; from L. quale cunque. For quale = quel see quel ; for cunque = conque see annoncer. QUELQUE, adj. some. See quel and que. — Der. quelqu'un, quelquelois. QU6MANDER, vn. to beg secretly. Origin unknown. — Der. quemand&ix. QUENOTTE, sf. a tooth (of a child) ; dim. of O. Fr. quenne ; of Germ, origin, Icel. kenna. QUENOUILLE, sf a distaff. It. conocchia, from L. coluoula, dim. of colus. For l = n see marne ; whence conucula, found in Carol, documents ; e. g. ' Si ingenua Ri- puaria servum Ripuarium secuta fuerit, et parentes ejus hoc contradicere voluerint, offeratur ei a rege spatha et conucula. Quod si spatham acceperit, servum interfi- ciat; si autem conuctdam, in servitio perseveret.' Lex Ripuaria, 59. 18. Oon- ■dciila, regularly contr. (see § 51) to con- uc'la, becomes quenouille. For o = ue see accueillir; for -\icl& = -ouiUe see § 258; for G — q see queue. QUERELLE, /. a quarrel; from L. querela. — Der. quereller, querelleur. QUERIR, va. to fetch ; from L. quaerere. For quaerere = quaerere see Hist. Gram. P- 133 ; whence querir : for e = i see § 59. Querir is a doublet of querre. — Der. quite (formerly queste, from L. quaesita, strong partic. subst., see asboute. For loss of i by displacement of accent from quaesita to quaesita see § 51 ; for loss of « see Hist. Gram. p. 81). Questeur, sm. a quaestor; from L. quaes- tor em. Its doublet is queteur. Q UESTION — QUITTE, 295 Question, sf. a question; from L. quaes- tionem. — Der. questiotmer, questionniLiie, qiiestionneur. Questure, sf. quaestorship ; from L. quaes- tura. QUETE, sf. a search. See querir. — Der. queieT, qutteuT (whose doublet is quesieur, q. v.), gwe^euse. QUEUE, sf. a tail ; from L. cauda. c here = q, cp. colucla*, quenouille; cotem, queux ; puscus,'^, paqueretle; mancare*, manquer ; coquus, queux; apotheca, boutique. For loss of medial d see alouette ; for a,\x. = ue = eu (which is the same sound) set accuetllir : cp. paucum, />««; Aucum, Eu. QUEUE, sf. a cask (holding l^ hogsheads). Origin unknown. QUEUX, sm. a hone. It. cote, from L. cotem. For loss of t see aigu ; for c = g see queue ; for o = eu see accueillir. QUEUX, sm. a cook, in O. Fr. It. cwoco, from L, coquus. Coquus, by reducing uu to u (see § 102), becomes cocus, found in Lat. writers. Coous becomes queux: for = eu see accueillir ; for initial = ^ see queue; for final o = s = x see amitie. Queux is a doublet of coq, a cook. QUI, rel. pron. who ; from L. qui. QUICONQUE, pron. whosoever; from L. quicumque. For in=» see changer; for u = see annoncer. t Quidam, 5/, a certain person (name unknown) ; from L. qviidain. Quiet, ac?/. quiet; from L. quietus. — Der. quieAsme, quietiste. Quietude, s/. quietude; from L. quietudi- nem, tQuille, sf. a keel; from Sp. quilla. — Der. quitlige. QUILLE, sf. a skittle ; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. kegil, by contr. of kegil to keg'l, and assimilation of gl to il, see caille, QUINA, sm. bark, quinine. See quinquina, — Der. quinine. QUINAUD, adj. abashed. Origin unknown. QUINCAILLE, sf. ironmongery (originally every kind of hardware) ; formerly clin- caille* or cliquaille in Marot, from cliquer (q. v.), signifying rightly that which clinks. Cliquaille becomes clinquaille by nasal- isation, see concombre ; then quincaille by dissimilation of cl to c, see able. — Der. quincaillier, quincaillene. Quinconce, sm. a quincunx ; from L. quincunx. Quine, sm. five winning numbers (lottery) ; from L. qui ni. Quinine, sf. quinine. See quina. Quinola, sm. the knave of hearts (cards). Origin unknown. Quinquag6naire, adj. of fifty years of age; from L. quinquagenarius. Quinquennal, adj. quinquennial ; from L. quinquennalis. Quinquet, sm, a lamp ; of hist, origin, see § 33. + Quinquina, sm. cinchona, bark-tree, Peruvian bark ; formerly quinaquina ; of American origin, Peruv. kinakina. An abbreviation of quinquina is quina, q. v. QUINT, sm. a fifth ; from L. quintus." QUINTAINE, sf. a quintain; from L. quintana (a little place, thence a place set aside for military exercises, then the exer- cises themselves). Quintaine is a doublet oi cantine, q. v. For a = ai see § 54. QUINTAL, sm. a hundredweight ; der. from quint, q.v. tQuinte, sf. a musical fifth; from It. quinta. Quinte, sf. a fit of coughing; from L. quinta, lit. coughing five times. — Der. quinteux. Quintessence, sf a quintessence ; formerly quinte essence, from L. quinta essentia; lit. the fifth essence, i.e. that substance in alchemists' language which is superior to the four elements. — Der. quintessenc'iex. Quinteux, adj. whimsical. See quinte. Quintuple, adj. quintuple; from L. quin- tuplex. — Der. quintupltr. QUINZE, adj. fifteen. It. quindici, from L. quindecim, by regular contr. (see § 51) of quindecim to quind'cim, whence quinze. For dc = c see adjuger ; for c = z see amitie. — Der. quinz^va, ywmzaine, quinz- ieme. t Quiproquo, sm. a quidproquo, in i6th cent; from L. qui pro quod, lit. to take a quid for a quod. QUITTANCE, sf. a receipt. It. quitanza, from L, quietantia*. * Qua praefatae camerae . . . solvere quomodo libet obligati erant, generalem qiiietantiam fecerit de- cernens eos ad illorum solutionem non teneri,* says a medieval document. Quie- tantia is from quietus, meaning quitte, see quitte. Quietantia becomes quittance, cp. pietantia,/'/Va«ce. For letter-changes see pitance. — Der. quittance!. QUITTE, sf free, discharged, clear ; from L. quietus. Qviietus is used in this sense in several Carolingian documents : ' Et si de una judiciaria fuerit ad dies XII, ante- ag6 QUITTER^RA CLER. quam eat ad exercitum sit quietus* (Lex Loneobardorum, 2. 14). For ie = i see piti^ Quitte is a doublet of cot, q, v. — Der. quitter (lit. to hold quit, then to yield, leave), zcquitter. QUITTER, va. to quit. See quitte. QUI-VIVE, sm. a challenge (military). See qui and vivre. QUOI, pron. which, that, what; from L. quid. For loss of d see alouette ; for i = oi see boire. — Der. quoique. fQuolibet, sm. a quibble, trivial pun; originally a scholastic thesis, proposed to exercise students' minds ; whence it conies to mean theses discussed for amusement, quibbles, as opposed to serious ones; from L. quod libet. Quote-part, sf. a quota, share ; compd. of part, and L. quota. Quotidien, adj. daily; from L. quotidi- anus. Quotient, sm. a quotient ; from L. quotiens. Quotit^, sf. quota, share; from L. quotus. R. RABACHER, vn. to repeat over and over. Origin unknown. — Der. rabdchage, rabdch- eur. RABAIS, sm. diminution (of price). See rabaisser. RABAISSER, va. to lower, underrate. See re- and abaisser. — Der. rabais (verbal subst.). RABAT, sm. a band (for the neck). See rabattre. RABATTRE, va. to beat down. See re- and abattre. — Der. rabat (verbal subst.), rabat- joie, rfl6a//ement. + Rabbin, sm. a rabbi; of Heb. origin, Heb. rabbi. — Der. ra66mique. RABLE, sm. back (of hares). Origin un- known. RABLE, sm. a rake, poker (used by bakers) ; formerly roable, from L. rutabulum (a baker's poker in Festus), by regular contr. (see § 51) of rutdbulum to rutab'lum, whence roable. For loss of medial t see abbaye; for u=«o see annoncer. RABOT, sm. a plane. See raboter. RABOTER, va. to plane ; properly to strike, in O. Fr., a sense which survives in raboteux, knotty, rough. Raboter is another form of rabouter. For etymology see re- and bouter. Raboter is a doublet of rebouter, q. v. — Der. rabot (verbal subst.), ra6o/eux. RABOUGRIR, vn. to be stunted. Origin unknown. RABROUER, va. to scout, snub. Origin unknown. RACAILLE, sf. rabble, mob ; dim. of a root rac *, which is of Germ, origin, Engl. rack. Racaille is formed like canaille, which comes indirectly from L. canis. RACCOMMODER, va. to mend, repair. See re- and accommoder. — Der. raccommod- eur, raccommodement. RACCORDER, va. to join, unite. See re- and accorder. — Der. raccord (verbal subst.), raccordemtnX.. RACCOURCIR, va. to shorten. See re- and accourcir. — Der. raccourci (partic. subst). RACCOUTRJER, va. to dress out. See re- and accoutrer. RACCOUTUMER (SE), vpr. to accustom. See re- and accoutumer. RACCROCHER, va. to hook on again. See re- and acerocher.-~-DeT. raccroc (verbal subst.). + Bace, sf. a race; from It. razza. RACHAT, sm. repurchase. See racketer. RACHETER, va. to repurchase, ransom; formerly rachater. See re- and acheter. — Der. r achat (verbal subst.). Rachitique, adj. rickety; from Gr. ^&x'^s. Der. rachitisTcit. RACINE, sf. a root. Prov. racina, from L. radicina*, from radicem, by regular contr. (see § 52) of radicma to rad*- cina, whence racine. For dc = c see ad- juger. — Der. d^racmer, enracmer, racing, raciner. RACLER, va. to sgrape off; formerly rascler, Cat. rasclar. It. raschiare, from L. rasi- culare *, der. from rasioare *, frequent, of radere. Rasicdre, contrd. regularly to ras'care (see § 52), gives the deriv. rasculare. Rasculire, regularly drop- ping u (see § 52), becomes ras'clare, whence rascler, whence, by loss of s (see RACOLER — RAIE. 397 Hist. Gram. p. 81), racier. — Der. raclem, racloir, racoire, racluve. RACOLER, va. to pick up, crimp (soldiers). See col. — Der. racoleur, racohge, RACONTER, va. to relate; from re- and aconter*, compd. of a and conter, q. v. — Der. raconteuT. RACORNIR (SE), va. to make homy; from re- and acornir *, compd. of a and come, q. V. — Der. racor«issement. RACQUITTER (SE), vpr. to win back. See re- and acquitter. fRade, sf. a road, roadstead (naval); from It. rada. — Der. rader. RADEAU, sm. a raft ; formerly radel (for el — eau see agneau), from L. radellus *. Radellus (found in medieval Lat. docu- ments) is a transformation of ratellus *. For t = rf see aider, Katellus* is a dim. of ratis. B-ader, va. to strike (a measure) ; from L. r ad ere. — Der. radtm. Kadial, adj. radial from L. radialis, der. from radius. Radiant, adj. radiant; from L. radi- antem. I Radiation, sf. radiation; from L. radi- ationem. Radical, adj. radical ; from L. radical is*, der. from radicem. Radicant, adj. (Bot.) radicant; from L. radicantem. Radicule, sf. (Bot.) a radicle, little root; from L, radicula. Radi§, adj. (Bot.) radiate; from L. radi- atus. For -atus = -e see § 201. Its doublet is raye, q. v. Radier, sm. an inverted arch. Origin unknown. Radieux, arf/. radiant; from L. radiosus. For -osus = -ew«! see § 229. 'I'Radis, sm. a turnip, radish; from Prov. raditz, which from L. radioem. ^Radius, sm. (Anat.) a radius; so used in Celsus. RADOTER, vn. to dote; formerly redoter, compd. of re- and the root doter*, of Germ, origin, Engl, dote, Flem. doten. — Der. radoieuT, radotiige, radotene. ■RADOUB, sm. a refitting, repair. See ra- douber. RADOUBER, va. (Naut.) to refit ; formerly redouber, compd. of re- and a theme dauber *, which, like many other sea- terms, is of Germ, origin, A. S. dubban, to strike, whence sense of preparing, repair- ing. — Der. radoub (verbal subst,). RADOUCIR, va. to soften. See re- and adoucir. — Der. racfowcissement. Rafale, sf. a squall. Origin unknown. RAFFERMIR, va. to harden. See re- and affermir. — Der. ra^rmissement. RAFFINER, va. to refine. See re- and affinir. — Der. rqffimgt, raffinemtnt, raffin- erie, raffinem. RAFFOLER, vn. to dote. See re- and affoler. RAFLER, va. to carry off; of Germ, origin, Dan. rafle. — Der. rafle (verbal subst.), RAFRAlCHIR, va. to cool, refresh. See re- and afraichir*, compd. of a and /ra/s, q.v. — Der. rafraichi%sznt, rafraichxssQmtnt. RAGAILLARDIR, va. to enliven, cheer up. See re- and agaillardir, compd. of a and gaillard, q. v. RAGE, sf. rage. Sp. rahia, from L. rabies. For bi = bj see abrSger ; then for bj =j see sujet; lastly for j=^ see abreger and genievre.—Dtx. enrager. RAGOT, adj. thickset, dumpy. Origin un- known. RAGOUT, sm. a stew. See ragoilter. RAGOOTER, va. to restore the appetite, stimulate; from re and agoilter*, compd. of a and gouter, q. v. — Der. ragoilt (verbal subst.), ragoHtznt. RAGRANDIR, va. to enlarge again. See re- and agrandir. RAGREER, va. to finish, restore. See re- and agreer. tRaia, sm. a raiah; from Turk, raia, properly ' a flock,' then ' dog of a Christian,' an insulting name given by the Mussulmans to the Christian inhabitants of Turkey. RAIDE, adj. stiff, rigid ; formerly roide, from L. rigidus, by regular contr. (see § 51) of rigidus to rig'dus, a contr. already made in popular Lat. : we find rigdus in the Appendix ad Probum. Rigdus becomes roide'. for gd = c? see amande; for i = oi see boire. Roide J)ecomes raide by oi = ai, see § 63. — Der. raider, raideur. RAIDEUR, sf stiffness. See above. RAIE, sf. a stroke, line; from L. radia*, fem. form of radius. For loss of medial d see alouette. RAIE, sf a furrow; formerly roie, Prov. rega, from L. riga *, a furrow in medieval Lat. documents ; e. g. ' Nee unam rigam de terra, nee ullum habebat mancipium pro- prium,' from an llth-cent. text; and in a somewhat earlier document, ' Coepit ter- ram fodere et in modum sulci rigam facere.' Biga is verbal subst. of rigare. Biga ^a RATE^RAMENBR» becomes roie by loss of medial g (see allier), then raie by oi = ai (see § 63). RAIE, sf. (Ichth.) a ray ; from L. raia. RAIFORT, stn. (Bot.) a radish; formerly raisfort, compd. of adj. fort (q. v.) and O. Fr. rai, rats, which is from L. radicem. Badioem becomes rais by regular contr. (see § 51) of rddicem (for radicem) to rad'oem. For do = c see adjuger ; for c = s see amitie. fRail, sm. a rail; from Engl. rail. — Der. d^rai7/er. RAILLER, va. to rally, jest at; from L, radiculare*, der. from radere ; cp. Germ. scherzen similarly der. from scheren. Hadi- culdre, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to radio'lare, becomes railler: for loss of medial d see accabler; for cl = z7 see abeille. — Der. raillerie, raillenr. RAINE, sf. a frog. It. rana, from L. rana. For a,=ai see § 54. — Der. ramette. RAINETTE, sf. a tree-frog. See raine. RAINETTE, sf. a reinette, or rennet, apple, pippin. See reine. RAINURE, sf. a grove. Origin unknown. + B.aiponce, s/". a rampion; from Sp.rai- ponce. RAIS, sm. spoke (of a wheel), ray (of light) ; from L. radius. For adiu = at see a- louette and bale ; for persistence of s see § 149. — Der. : from the obj. case rai comes the deriv. rayon and compd. enrayer. RAISIN, sm. a grape, raisin, plum. Prov. razim, Sp. racimo. It. racemo, from L. racemus. For a = ai see § 54 ; for o = s see amitie; for e = i see §59; forni=n see changer. — Der. raisine. RAISON, sf. reason; from L. rationem. For -ationem = -aiso« see fenaison. Its doublet is ration, q. v. — Der. raisonntx. RAISONNABLE, adj. reasonable; from L. rationabilis. For ration- = ra/son- see raison; for -abilis = -a6/e see affable. — Der. deraisonnable. RAISONNER, va. to reason. See raison. — Der. raisonn^, raisontiemtnt, raisonneur, deraisonner. RAJEUNIR, va. to restore to youth. See jeune. — Der. ra;ew«issement. RAJUSTER, va. to readjust. See ajusler.— per. rajustement. RALE, sm. (Ornith.) a rail (so called from its cry). See rdler. RALE, sm. (Med.) a rattle. See rdler. RALENTIR, va. to retard. See /e«^— Der. ra/e«^issement. RALER, vn. to have a rattling in the throat. Origin unknown. — Der. rdle (verbal subst.), ralement. RALINGUE, sf. a bolt-rope ; of Germ, origin. Germ, raleik. For intercalated n see con- comhre. — Der. ralingutx. RALLIER, va. to rally. See allier.—Dtx. ralliement. RALLONGER, va. to lengthen. See allonger. \ — Der. rallonge (verbal subst.), rallonge- j ment. i RALLUMER, va. to rekindle. See allumer. t Ramadan, sm. Ramadan ; from Ar. ra- madan. RAMAGE, sm. flowers, branches. Prov. ra- matge, from L. ramaticvuu, deriv. of ramus. For -aticum = -age see 6ge. Ramage still means ' branching ' in hunting, and is also used for. a kind of textile fabric on which are represented leaves and flowers. RAMAGE, sm. warbling (of birds) ; formerly chant ramage, i.e. song of birds in the branches. For origin of ramage see above, RAMAIGRIR, va. to make lean again. See amaigrir. RAMAS, sm. a collection, lot, heap. See ramasser. RAMASSER, va. to amass, collect. See a- masser. — Der, ramas (verbal subst.), ra- mass6, ramasseui, ramassis. Rambour, sm. a kind of apple; formerly rambor, originally rambure ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from Rambure, a village near Amiens. RAME, sf. a stick, branch, twig; from L. ram^a, fem. form of ramus. — Der. ramtx, ramier (a wild pigeon which roosts in the branches), ra/neux, ramilles, ramnxt, ramoxi (a broom of twigs). fRame, sf. an oar; introd. from Prov. rem, which is from L. remus. Jal (Archeo- logie Nautique) says "that rame was intro- duced into France by the sailors of Pro- vence and Languedoc. — Der. ramer, romeur. + Rame, sf. a ream ; formerly rayme, Sp. resma. It. risma ; of Oriental origin, Ar. rizma. For / = ai = a see balance ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. RAMEAU, sm. a twig, branch; formerly ramel, from L.ramellus*, dim. of ramus. For -eU.via = -el = -eau see § 282. RAMEE, sf branches with green leaves. Sp. ramada, from. L. ramata*, der. from ramTOB. RAMENDER, va. to lower the price (of pro- visions). See re- and amender. RAMENER, va. to recall, bring back. See re- and amener. RA MENTE VOIR — RAPPRENDRE. 399 RAMENTEVOIR, va. to recall, call to mind ; compd. of re- and O. Fr. ame?itevoir. A- mentevoir, also amentavoir. It. a mente avere, is compd. of the three words a ment avoir (ad mentem habere, to have in mind). For etymology see a and avoir. RAMER, va. to row. See rame (2). — Der. raweur. RAMIER, sm. a ringdove. See rame (l). — Der. rnmereau. Eamifier, vn. to ramify; from L. rami- ficare*, der. from ramus and the verbal suifix ficare. — Der. ramyf cation. RAMILLES, sf. pi. twigs, sprays. See rame. RAMOITIR, va. to make damp. See moite. RAMOLLIR, va. to soften. See amollir. — Der. rawzo/Zissant. RAMON, sm. a broom (of twigs). See rame (i). — Der. ramoner (to sweep with a ramon. In O. Fr. ramoner signiiied * to sweep ' generally ; in modern Fr. to sweep chimneys only : for such restricted significa- tions see § 12), RAMONER, va. to sweep (chimneys). See ramon. — Der. ramowage, ramoneui. RAMPEj sf. a flight of stairs. See ramper. RAM PER, vn. to creep, crawl; formerly meaning to climb by catching hold of another. Prov. rapar, of Germ, origin, Low Germ, rapen. For intercalated m see lambruche. — Der. rampe (verbal subst. : the sense of climbing, proper to the O. Fr. word, is still seen in this word, as also in the heraldic rampant), rampant, rampement. RAMURE, sf. branching, hunting attire. See rame (l). RANGE, adj. rancid; from L. raneidus. For regular loss of the last two atonic vowels see §§ 50, 51. — Der. ranch. RANCHER, sm. a rack-ladder ; from ranche. Ranche (a wooden pin) is from L. ramicem, by regular contr. (see § 51) of ramicem to ram.'cem, whence rauche. For va. = n see changer; for o = ch see § 126. Eancidit6, sf. rancidity; from L. ranci- ditatem. RANCIR, vn. to become rank. See ranee. — Der. ra«cissure. RANCON, sm. a ransom ; formerly raen^on, Prov. reemsos, It. redenzione, from L. re- demption^m., by regular loss of medial d (see Hist. Gram. p. 81), whence re-empti- .ouexa whence raen^on. For e = a see amender ; for m. = « see changer ; for pt = / see § 168; for -tionem. = -^o« see agencer. For contraction of raenpon to ranQon see § 103. Ranfon is a donhltt of redemption, q. v. — Der. rawf owner, rangofineur, ran' fownement. RANCUNE, sf. rancour, ill-will; an altered form of ranctire, which is from medieval Lat. rancura *, der. from the same root as the Class. Lat. rancor, and found in St. Jerome. — Der. rancunier. RANG, sm. a row, rank ; formerly reng ; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. hring, a ring. For in = en = an see andouille. Rang is a doublet of ranz, harangue, q. v. — Der. ranger, ranges (partic. subst.), deraw^er, nrranger. Ranimer, va. to restore to life, reanimate. See animer, tRanz, sm. ranz (des vaches) ; of Swiss origin, Germ.-Swiss ranz. Rapace, adj. rapacious; from L. rapacem. Rapacite, sf. rapacity; from L. rapaci- tatem. RAPATELLE, sf. horse-hair cloth (for sieves). Origin unknown. RAPATRIER.vn.to reconcile; compd. aire, a, and patrie. — Der. rapatriage, rapatriement. RAPE, sf. a rasp, giater. See rdper. fR&pe, sf. stem, stalk of grapes; from Germ, rappe. — Der. rape. RAPER, vn. to rasp, grate ; formerly rasper, of Germ, origin, O. H. G. raspon. — Der. rape (verbal subst.). Rapetasser, va. to patch, piece ; from re- and apetasser *, compd. of petas* , a frag- ment, piece. See piece. RAPETISSER, va. to lessen. See petit. Rapide, adj. rapid; from L. rapidus. Rapidity, sf. rapidity; from L. rapidita- tem. RAPIECER, va. to piece. See piece.— Der. rapiecettx, rapiecetage. RAPIECETAGE, sm. patching, patchwork. See rapiecer. RAPIERE, sf a rapier. Origin unknown. Rapine, sf. rapine ; from L. rapina. — Der. rapiner. RAPPAREILLER, va. to match. See re- and appareiller. RAPPARIER, va. to match, get the pair to; from re- and apparier, q. v. RAPPEL, sm. recall. See rappeler. RAPPELER, va. to recall. See re- and ap- peler. — Der. rappel (verbal subst.). RAPPORT, sm. bearing, produce, revenue, report, relation. See rapporter. RAPPORTER, va. to bring again. See re- and apporter. — Der. rapport (verbal subst.), rapportahlQ, rapporttwx. RAPPRENDRE, va. to relearn. See re- and apprendre. 300 RAPPROCHER — RA VELIN. RAPPROCHER, va. to place near again. See re- and approcher. — Der. rapprochement. Rapsode, sm. a rhapsodist ; from Gr, paipo)- bds. — Der. rapsodie. H>apt, sm. abduction ; from L. raptus. RApURE, s/. raspings. See rdper. RAQUETTE, sf. a racket, batUedore. Origin unknown. Rare, adj. rare; from L. rarus. — Der. rar^ment. Bar6fier, va. to rarify; from L. rarefi- care *, compd. of rarus and of suffix -ficare, which becomes ;;ffr by regular loss of medial c, see affouage. — Der. rare/fant. Raret^, sf. rarity, scarceness; from L. rari- tatem. For i = « see § 72. Rarissime, adj. superl. most rare ; from L. rarissimus. RAS, adj. close shaven ; from L. rasus. Its doublet is rez, q. v. — Der. raser, rasibus. + Ras, sm. the bore, race (of tide); a some- what modem Fr. word, introd. by sailors from Low Bret, raz, a swift current, race. RASADE, sf. a bumper. See raser. Its doublet is racee, q. v. RASER, va. to shave. Seeras. — Der. ras ant, rascment, rasoir, rasade. RASSASIER, va. to satiate ; compd. of re- and O. Fr. verb assasier. Assasier repre- sents a L. adsatiare *, compd. of ad and satiare. For ds = ss see § 168 ; for ti = s see agencer. — Der. rassasiant, rassasiement. RASSEMBLER, va. to reassemble. See re- and assembler Der. rassemblement. RASSEOIR, va. to reseat. See re- and as- seoir. RASSERENER, va. to make clear, render serene ; compd. of re- and asserener, der. from serein, q. v. RASSIS, sm. an old horse-shoe put on again. See re- and assis. RASSOTER, va. to infatuate ; compd. of re- and assoter *. See sot. RASSURER, va. to strengthen, tranquillise. See re- and assurer. — Der. rassur&nt. RAT, sm. a rat ; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. rato. — Der. rate, ra/ier, ro/iere, raton, rater (there was an old phrase prendre un rat, i.e. to take a fancy, as in ce pistolet a pris un rat, of a pistol missing fire, in l8th-cent. writers). RATAFIA, sm. ratafia. Origin unknown. RATATINER (SE), vpr. to shrivel up. Origin unknown. RATE, sf. milt, spleen ; of Germ, origin, Neth. rate, properly honeycomb, whence sense of spleen, from supposed likeness of -I the cellular tissue of the spleen to a honey- comb — Der. Tate\^e, rate\enx. RATEAU, sm. 3l rake; formerly ra/e/, origin- ally rastel, from L. rastelluiu (found in Suetonius, whence rastel, then ratel (by loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81), then rateax (for el = eau see agneau). — Der. (from O.Fr. ratel) rateler, ratel4e (partic. subst.), rdtel- eur, rdteliei. RATER, vn. to miss fire. See rat. Ratification, sf. ratification ; from L. rat i- ficationem *. Ratifier, va. to ratify ; from L. rati ficare der. from ratum. RATINE, sf. a ratteen. Origin unknown. — Der. ratinex. Ration, sf. a ration; from L. rationem. Its doublet is raison, q. v. Rational, sm. a breastplate (Jewish) ; from L, rationale (found in St. Jerome). Rationnel, adj. rational; from L. ration- alis. RATISSER, vn. to scrape off. See rature. Der. ratissnge, ratissohe, ratissuTC. RATON, sm. a racoon. See rat. RATTACHER, va. to fasten again. See attacker. RATTEINDRE, va. to overtake again. See atteindre. RATTRAPER, va. to catch again. See attraper. RATURE, sf an erasure ; der. from O. Fr. verb rater. Origin unknown. This verb rater gives another derivation ratisser. — ' Der. raturex. Raucit§, s/. hoarseness ; from L. raucita- tem. Rauque, adj. hoarse; from L. raucus. RAVAGE, sf. ravage. See ravir, — Der. rfl- vagex, ravageux. RAVALER, va. to lower, swallow again; compd. of re- and O. Fr. verb avaler. For etymology see aval. — Der. ravalement. RAVAUDER, va. to mend (old clothes), pro- perly to strengthen, fortify ; compd. of re- and a form avauder*, which is from L. advalidare *, compd. of Class. Lat. vali- dare. Advaliddxe, contrd. regularly (see § 52) to adval'dare, becomes avauder*. For dv = v see § 168; for al = aw see agneau. — Der. ravaudzge, ravaudeux, ra- vaudexie. RAVE, sf. a long radish. Sp. raba, It. rapa, from L. rapa. For p=v see § 11 1. — Der, ravitx, raviexe. f Ravelin, s?«. a ravelin; introd. in i6th cent, from It. rivellino. RA VIGOTER — REBOUTONNER. 301 RAVIGOTER (SE), vpr. to recover one's strength ; corruption of O. Fr. verb ravi- gorer, der. from L. vigorem. — Der. ravi- gote (verbal subst.), RAVILIR, vn. to debase. See re- and avilir. RAVIN, sm. a ravine, hollow road. See ravine. RAVINE, sf., properly a torrent rushing down, then ravine. Pro v. rabina, from L. rapina, act of carrying off, thence sense of a swift torrent which digs out a deep bed. For -p — v see § lil Der. ravin. RAVIR, va. to ravish. It. rapire, from L. rapere. For change of quantity, rap§re = rapere, see Hist. Gram. p. 133. Eapere becomes ravir : for p = i/ see § 1 1 1 ; for e = i see § 59 -^Der. rav/ssant, ravissement, ravisseuT, ravage (der. from ravir, cp. remplage from remplir). RAVISER (SE), vpr. to alter one's mind. See re- and aviser. RAVITAILLER, va. to revictual ; compd. of re- and avitailler. RAVIVER, va. to revive (a fire), rouse up. See re- and aviver. RAVOIR, va. to get back. See re- and avoir. RAYER. va. to scratch, erase. Prov. raiar, Sp. rtidiar. It. radiare, from L. radiare. For loss of medial d see accabler. — Der. ra_yure, RAYON, sm. a ray. See rais. — Der. rayon- ner. RAYONNER, vn. to radiate, irradiate. See rayon. — Der. rayonnunt, rayonne, rayonne- ment. RE-, prefixed particle, denoting repetition, re- newal, reciprocity, increase ; from L. re-. Before words beginning with a vowel re- usually loses the e {r-attacher, r-endormir, etc., for re-attacher, re-endormir, etc.). Before s re- is assimilated to res- (ressem- bler, ressusciter for resembler restisciter, etc.). E,6aetif, adj. reacting ; from L. reactivus *, from re-agere. See reagir. Reaction, sf. a reaction. See re- and action. Reaggraver, va. to censure by a reaggra- vation (canon law). See re- and aggraver. Beagir, vn, to react ; from L. reagere. For letter-changes see agir. REAJOURNER, va. to readjourn. See re- and ajourner. — Der. reajournement. + R6al, sm. a real (Spanish coin) ; from Sp. real, lit. royal. Its doublet is royal, q. v. t Realgar, sm. (Min.) realgar; from Sp. rejalgar. R6aliser, va. to realise ; from L. realis *. — Der. realisation, realisme, realiste. R6alit6, sf. reality; from L. realitatem *, from realis *. R6apparition, sf. reappearance. See re- ^and apparition. REAEPPLER, va. to call over the names again. See re- and appeler. — Der. reappel (verbal subst.). REAPPOSER, va. to reafBx. See re- and apposer. — Der. rea/'/>osition. R6assigner, va. to reassign. See re- and assigner. — Der, reassignation. REATTELER, va. to harness again. See re- and atteler. REBAISSER, va. to lower again. See re- and baisser. REBANDER, va. to bind again. See re- and bander. Rebaptiser, va. to rebaptize; from L. re- baptizare (found in St. Augustine and St. Jerome). REBARBATIF, adj. stern, dogged, cross; from rebarbe *, compd. of re- and barbe, q. v. REbATIR, va. to rebuild. See re- and hatir. REBATTRE, va. to beat again. See re- and battre.— Der. rebatta. + Rebec, sm. a rebeck; from It. ribeca. 'Rehelle, adj. rebellious; from L. rebellis. Rebeller (Se), vpr. to rebel, revolt ; from L. rebellare. R6bellion, sf. a rebellion; from L. rebel- lion e m . REBENIR, va. to bless again. See re- and benir. REBEQUER (SE), vpr. to be impertinent. See re- and bee. REBLANCHIR, va. to whiten again. See re- and blanchir. REBONDIR, vn. to rebound. See re- and bondir. — Der. rebondi, rebondissement. REBORDER, va. to border again. See re- and border.— Der. rebord (verbal subst.). REBOUCHER, va. to stop up again. See re- and boucher. REBOUILLIR, vn. to boil again. See re- and bouillir. REBOURS, sm. the wrong way (of a stuff) ; from L. rebuxrus *, rough, in late Lat. documents : we find, in the Glosses of Isidore, ' reburrus = hispidus.' Ilebur- rus, contrd. regularly (see § 50) to re- burr's, becomes rebours. For u = om see § 97. — Der. rebours (adj.). REBOUTEUR, sm. a bone-setter ; from re- bouter. See re- and bouter. Its doublet is raboter, q. v. REBOUTONNER, va. to rebutton. See re- and boutonner. 50« REDRIDER—RECL URE. REBRIDER, va. to bridle again. See re- and brider. REBROCHER, va. to restitch. See rt- and brocher. REBRODER, va. to reimbroider. See re- and broder. REBROUSSER, va. to turn back, to retrace (one's steps) ; formerly rebrosser. For ety- mology see brosse ; for o = ou see § 86. t Rebuffade, s/. a repulse, rebuff; from It. rabbuffo. t B,6bus, sm. a rebus, pun ; formerly rebus de Picardie ; of hist, origin (see § 33). The basoche-clerks of Picardy used yearly to compose a Latin satiric poem on the topics of the day • de rebus quae geruntur.' REBUTER, va. to repel. See re- and buter. — Der. rebut (verbal subst.), rebuUnt. RECACHETER, va. to reseal. See re- and cacheter. !R6calcitrant, adj. recalcitrant; from L. recalcitrantem. !R6calcitrer, va. to recalcitrate; from L. recalcitrare. R6capituler, va. to recapitulate ; from L. recapitulare (found in Tertullian). — Der. recapitulz\.\on. RECARDER, va. to card again. See re- and carder. RECASSER, va. to break again. See re- and casser. Rec6der, va. to recede ; from L. recedere. Receler, va. to conceal. See re- and celer. — Der. recele, receltwr, recelemcnt. Recenser, va. to recount ; from L. recen- sere. — Der. resencexatnt. Recent, adj. recent ; from L. recentem. — Der. rhemmcnt. RECEPER, va. to cut down (wood). See re- and cep. — Der. recepee (partic. subst.), re- ce/>age. tll6c6piss6, sm. a receipt; from L. recepisse. Receptacle, sm. a receptacle ; from L. re- ceptaculum. Reception, sf. reception; from L. recep- tionem.. RECERCLER, va. to hook again. See re- mind cercler. RECETTE, sf. a receipt. Prov, recepta. It. ricetta, from L. recepta*, a receipt in medieval Lat. texts, as in a I3th-cent. charter : ' Compotum et rationem legitimam de receptis et misiis ob hoc factis semel in anno reddere teneantur.* Recepta be- comes recette. For pt = W see § 168. RECEVOIR, va. to receive; from L, reci- pere. For -cipere = -c«/ojV see aperce- voir. — Der. recevibXe, recevtMX. Recez, sm. a recess ; from L. recessus. RECHANGE, sm. an exchange ; verbal subst. of rechanger * ; see changer. RECHAPPER, vn. to escape. See re- and ^chopper. RECHARGER, va. to reload. See re- and charger. — Der. rechargem^nt. RECHASSER, va. to drive back. See re- and chasser. RECHAUD, sm. a chafing-dish ; verbal subst. of r^chauder*, comp. of re- and echauder. See chaud. RfeCHAUFFER, va. to rewarm. See re- and Chauffer. — Der. rechauffement. RECHAUSSER, va. to put on again (shoes, stockings). See re- and chausser. RECHE, adj. rough (to the senses), then res- tive, indocile ; formerly resche, from Germ. resche. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. rechm, rechigntr. RECHERCHER, va. to seek again. See re- and chercher. — Der. recherche (verbal subst.), recherche. RECHIGNER, vn. to look cross, surly. See reche. RECHOIR, vn. to relapse. See re- and choir. — Der. rechute (see re- and chute.) RECHUTE, sf. a relapse. See rechoir. R6cidive, sf. (Legal) a second offence ; from L. recidivus. — Der. recidivtr. fR^cif, sm. a reef; from Port, recife. fR^cipe, sm. a prescription; from L. recipe. R6cipiendaire, sm. a new member (about to be received): from L. recipienda- rius. Recipient, sm. a recipient; from L. re- cipientem. Reciprocity, sf. reciprocity; from L. reci- procitatem. R6ciproque, adj. reciprocal ; from L. reci- procus. R6cit, sm. a recital. See reciter. R6citateur, sm. a reciter; from L. recita- torem. Recitation, sf. recitation; from L. recita- tionem. Reciter, va. to recite; from L. recitare. — Der. recitztif, recitznt, recit (verbal subst.). Reclamation, sf. a demand, opposition; from L. reclamationem. Redamer, va. to demand; from L. rec la- mare. — Der. reclame (verbal subst.). RECLOUER, va. to renail. See re- and clouer. RECLURE, va. to sequester, shut up ; from RECLUS — RECRUE. 3^3 L. recludere. For -cludere = -dure see exclure. RECLUS, sm. a recluse ; from L. reclusus. — Der. reclusion. RECOGNER, va. to knock in again. See re- and cogner. R6cognitlf, adj. (Legal) ratifying a liability; from L. recognitivus *, der. from recog- nitus. RECOIFFER, va. to redress (hair). See re- and coiffer. RECOIN, sm. a nook. See re- and coin. B.6coler, va. to read evidence to (a witness), verify; fromL, recolere. — Der. reco/ement. RECOLLER, va. to paste again. See re- and coller. Recollet, sm. Recollet (a religious order) ; from L. recollectus. For ct = / see § l68. Its doublet is recueille, q. v. + B.6colte, sf. a harvest ; from It. raccolta. — Der. recolttx. RECOMMANDER, va. to recommend. See re- and commander. — Der. recommand^hlt, recommanda.tion. RECOMMENCER, va. to begin anew. See re- and commencer. E^compenser, va. to recompense. See re- and compenser. — Der. recompense (verbal subst.). RECOMPOSER, va. to recompose. See re- and composer. — Der. recomposiiion. RECOMPTER, va. to recount. See re- and , compter. ileconciliateur, sm. a reconciler ; from L. reconciliatorem. B.6conciliation, sf. reconciliation ; from L. reconciliationem. R6concilier, va. to reconcile ; from L. re- conciliare. — Der. reconciliablt, irr^con- ciliahle. RECONDUIRE, va. to reconduct. See re- and conduire. RfiCONFORTER, va. to comfort, revive. See re- and conforter. — Der. reconfort (verbal subst.), re'con/or^ation. RECONNAITRE, va. to recognise. See re- and connattre. — Der. reconnaisszhXt, recon- issant, recowwaissance. RECONQUERIR, va. to reconquer. See re- and conquerir. Reconstitution, sf. reconstitution. See re- and constittition. Reconstruction, sf. reconstruction. See re- and construction. Reconstniire, va. to reconstruct. See re- and construire. Recopier, va. to recopy. See re- and copier. RECOQUILLER, va. to curl up, cockle up. See re- and coquille. — Der. recoquillement. Recorder, va. to remember ; from L. re- cordari. — Der. recors (formerly records, one who remembers, then a witness; in which sense it is found as a legal term in O. Fr. : it later came to mean an assistant, then an armed agent). Recors, sm. a bailiffs follower. See recorder. RECOUCHER, va. to lay flat again, put again to bed. See re- and concher. RECOUDRE, va. to sew again. See re- and coudre. RECOUPER, va. to cut again. See re- and couper. — Der. recoupe (verbal subst.), re- couptxxt. RECOURBER, va. to bend round. See re- and courbe. RECOURIR, vn, to run again, to have re- course to ; from L. rec\irrere. For change of accent see Hist. Gram. p. 133; for u = ow see § 97 ; for rr=r see § 168 ; for -6re = ir see § 59. — Der. recours (see cours). RECOUVRER, va. to recover. Sp. recobrar, It. recuperare, from L. recuperare, by regular contr. (see § 52) of recuperfire to recup'rare, whence recouvrer. For u = ou see § 97; for ■p = v see § 1 11. Re- couvrer is a doublet of recuperer, q. v. — Der. recouvrzhlc, recouvra.nce, recouvrement. RECOUVRIR, va. to cover again. See re- and couvrir. RECRACHER, va. to spit out again. See re- and cracker. R6cr6er, va. to recreate, create anew ; from L. recreare. — Der. recreation, recre&tif. RECREER, va. to recreate, amuse. See re- and creer. RECREPIR, va. to rough-coat, patch up. See re- and crepir. RECRIER, va. to cry out again. See re- and eerier. R6criniiner, va. to recriminate; from L. re and criminari. — Der. recrimination, recriminztoire. RECRIRE, va. to rewrite. See re- and ecrire. RECROITRE, vn. to spring again. See re- and croitre. — Der. recrue. RECROQyEVILLER (SE), vpr. to shrivel up. Origin unknown. RECRU, adj. tired out; p.p. of O. Fr. re- croire, from L. recredere se * (sc. to en- trust oneself to the conqueror, give oneself up, avow oneself to be helpless). For letter- changes see accroire. RECRUE, sf recruiting. See recroitre. — Der. recrut&x (from O. Fr. masc. recrut). 304 RECR UTER^RtDUIRE. RECRUTER, va. to recruit. See recrue.^ Der, recruttUT, recrutemtnt. t Recta, adv. punctually, right ; from L. recta. Rectangle, s/n. a rectangle; from L. rect- angulus, found in a 7th-cent. author. — Der. rectanguhixt. Recteur, sm. a rector; from L. rectorem. — Der. rectorzl, rector&t. Rectifier, va. to rectify; from L. rectifi- care. — Der. rec/j/fcation. Rectiligne, adj. rectilinear; from L. recti- lineus. For letter-changes see ligne. Rectitude, sf. rectitude; from L. recti- tudinem. "t* Recto, sm. the right-hand page (in a book) ; from L. recto, t Re ctum, sm. (Anat.) the rectum; from L. rectum. RE^U, sm. a receipt ; weak p.p. of recevoir (q. v.). RECUEILLIR, va. to gather, cull; from L. recolligere. For letter-changes see ac- cueillir. — Der. recueil (verbal subst.), re- ateillement. RECUIRE, va. to reheat, anneal. See re- and cuire. RECULER, va. to move back. See cul. — Der. recul (verbal subst.), recul^e (partic. subst.), reculade, reculement, recule, a reculons. R6cup6rer, va. to recover ; from L. recu- se rare. Its doublet is recouvrer, q. v. RECURER, va. to scour. See re- and ecurer. Recusable, adj. liable to challenge; from L. recusabilis. For -al)ilis= -able see affable. Recusation, sf. a challenge ; from L. re- cusationem. R^cuser, va. to challenge ; from L. recu- sare. Its doublet is ruser, q. v. R6dacteur, sm. a writer, editor ; from L. redactorem*, from redactum, supine of redigere. See rediger. Redaction, sf. the drawing up (of deeds, etc.); from L. redactionem *, from re- dactum, supine of redigere. See rediger. REDAN, sm. (Archit.) a skew-back, redan; in 17th cent, reden and redent, properly a toothed-work, as is clearly shown by the old spelling redent ; for the later change from reden to redan see andouille. For the etymology of redent, see re- and dent. R§darguer, va. to reprove; from L. re- darguere. Reddition, sf a giving in (of accounts) ; from L. redditionem. REdSfAIRE, va. to undo again. See re- and defaire. REDEMANDER, va. to ask again. See re- and demander. R6dempteur, sm. a redeemer; from L. redemptorem (found in St. Jerome). Redemption, sf redemption ; from L. re- demptionem (found in Prudentius). Its doublet is ronton, q. v. REDESCENDRE, vn. to descend again. See re- and descendre. REDEVABLE, adj. indebted. See redevoir. REDEVANCE, sf. a rent, service. See redevoir, REDEVENIR, vn. to become again. See re- and devenir. REDEVOIR, va. to remain in one's debt. See re- and devoir. — Der. redevMe, redev- ance. Redhibition, sf (Legal) an action to set aside a contract of sale; from L. redhibi- tionem. Redhibitoire, adj. setting aside a contract of sale; from L. redhibitorius. Rediger, i/a. to draw out; from L. redi- gere. Redimer (Se), vpr. to redeem oneself; from L. redimere. f Redingote, sf. a frock-coat ; from Engl. riding-coat. REDIRE, va. to repeat. See re and dire. — Der. redite (partic. subst.). REDITE, sf. a repetition. See redire. Redondance, sf. redundancy ; from L. re- dundantia. For -tia = -ce see agencer ; for u = o'sce § 97. Redonder, vn. to be redundant ; from L. redundare. REDONNER, va. to give back. See re- and donner. REDORER, va. to regild. See re- and dorer. REDOUBLER, va. to redouble. Sec re- and doubler. — Der. redoubleratnt. fRedoute, s/. a redoubt; introd. in l6th cent, from It. ridotto. Its doublet is re- duit, q. v. REDOUTER, va. to dread. See re- and douter. — Der. redoutzhXt. REDRESSER, va. to straighten. See re- and dresser.- — Der. redressemtnt, redressem. Reductible, adj. reducible ; from L. re- ductibilis*, der. from reductus, see reduire. Reductif, a^/. reductive; from L. reduc- tivus*, der. from reductus. Reduction, sf a reduction; from L. re- ductionem. REDUIRE, va. to reduce; from L. re- REDUPLICA TIF — REFUSER. 3^S *' ducere. For ducere = cfw/re see con- duire. — Der. reduit (partic. subst.). Reduplicatif, adj. reduplicative ; from L. reduplicativus *, der. from reduplica- tus. Reduplication, sf. reduplication ; from L. reduplicationem. R^edification, sf. rebuilding. See re- and edification. R6ediiier, va. to rebuild. See re- and edifier. Reel, adj. real ; from L. realis *, from rem. — Der. rtiV/lement. Reelection, sf. re-election. See re- and election. REELIRE, va. to re-elect. See re- and elire. Reexportation, &f. re-exportation. See re- and exportation. Reexporter, va. to re-exf ort. See re- and exporter. REFAIRE, va. to remake. See re- and /aire. — Der. refait (partic. subst.) I REFAUCHER, va. to mow again. See re- i zndfaucher. I Refection, sf. a refection; from L. refec- j tionem. Refectoire, sm. a refectory; from eccles. L. refectorium *, properly a place in which one refreshes oneself. REFENDRE, va. to cleave again. See re- Andfendre. — Der. re/end (verbal subst.). Refere, sm. an application to a judge in chambers. See re/erer. R6ferendaire, sm. a referendary (officer connected with the seals) ; from L. referen- darius. Ref6rer, va. to refer; from L. referre. — Der. refere (partic. subst.). REFERMER, va. to restrict. See re- and fermer. REFERRER, va. to shoe again. See re- and ferrer. REFLECHIR, vn. to reflect. It. riflettere, from L. reflectere. For ot = ch see al- lecher; for e = i see § 59. — Der. rejlechi, reflechxssement, itreflechi. Reflecteur, sm. a reflector; from L. re- flectorem. Refleter, va. to reflect (light, etc.) ; in 14th cent, reflecter, from L. reflectere. For loss of c see affete. — Der. reflet (verbal subst.) REFLEURIR, vn. to reflourish. See re- and fleurir. Reflexion, sf. a reflexion; from L. reflex- ionem. Its doublet is reflection. iRefluer, vn. to flow back; from L. re- fluere. Reflux, sm. a reflux. See re- zndflux. REFONDRE, va. tc^j^ recast. See re- and fondre. — Der. refonte (partic. subst., see absoute). R6forniateur, sm. a reformer; from L. reformatorem. Reformation, sf. reformation; from L. reformationem. Reformer, va. to reform; from L. refor- mare. — Der. reformahle, reforms (verbal subst.). Reformer, va. to form anew. See re- and former. REFOULER, va. to drive back. See re- and fouler. — Der. refoulement, refouloir. Refractaire, adj. refractory ; from L. re- fractarius. Refracter, va. to refract; from L. refrac- tare *, from refractum. Refractif, adj. refractive; from L. refrac- tivus. Refraction, sf refraction ; from L. refr ac- tionem. REFRAIN, sm. burden, refrain (of a song); verbal subst. of O. Fr. refraindre (to break, as the refrain breaks a song into equal parts). Refraindre is from L. refran- gere, Refrdngere loses its atonic e (see § 51) ; then loses g between two con- sonants (see Hist. Gram. p. 81) ; then an euphonic d is inserted (see Hist. Gram, p. 73); lastly a = af, see § 54. Refrangible, adj. refrangible ; from L. re- frangibilis *, from refrangere. — Der. refrangibilite. REFRAPPER, va. to strike again. See re- and f rapper. Refrener, va. to bridle ; from L.refrenare. Refrigerant, adj. refrigerant ; from L. re- frigerantem. Refrigeration, sf. refrigeration; from L. refrigerationem. Refringent, adj. refracting ; from L. re- fringentem. REFROGNER (SE), vpr. to frown ; compd. of frogner and a form the origin of which is unknown. — Der. renfrogner (the same word as refrogner ; for intercalated n see con- comhre). REFROIDIR, va. to chill, cool. See re- and froid. — Der. re/rozc?issement. Refuge, sm. a refuge, shelter ; from L. r e- fugium. — Der. (se) refug'iex. Refugier (Se), vpr. to take shelter. See refuge. — Der. refugw (partic. subst.). REFUSER, va. to refuse; from L. refu- tiare *, from refutare (to push back, X 3o6 rSfuta tion—rSimpression. whence to refuseV For ti = s see agencer. — Der. refus (verbaj|iubst.). Refutation, sf. a refutation; from L. re- futationem. B^futer, va. to refute; from L. refutare. REGAGNER, va. to regain. See re- and gagner. — Der. regain (verbal subst.) REGAIN, sm. return (of health). See re- gagner. REGAIN, sm. aftermath ; compd. of re- and O. Fr. gain, originally ga'ln, and wa'in (grass which grows in meadows that have been mown) ; It. guaime, of Germ, origin, from a form weidima *, der. from O. H. G. weida *, grass, pasture, and the Lat. suffix ime. Weidime, losing its medial d (see accabler), becomes gain. For wei=ga see gagner ; for ime = in see airain. B^gal, sm. a banquet, entertainment. See regaler. Regale, sf. the regale (right of the crown to receive revenues of vacant benefices) ; from L. regalis. Its doublet is royal, q.v. — Der. regalien. fR^g&ler, va. to regale; from Sp, re^a- lar. — Der. regal (verbal subst.), regahnt, regala.de, regalement. REGARDER, va, to look. See re^ and gar- den — Der. regard (verbal subst.), regard- ant. REGARNIR, va. to refurnish. See re- and garnir. t B,6gate, sf. a regatta; from Venetian regatta. !R6g6n6rateur, sm. a regenerator; fromL. regeneratorem *. !R6g6n6ration, sf. regeneration; from L. regenerationem. Il6g6n6rer, va. to regenerate ; from L. re- generare. Regent, sm. a regent ; from L. regentem. — Der. regence, regentex. R6gicide, sm. a regicide; from L. regi- ^ida. For termination cide, see parricide. REGIE, sf. a responsible administration, ex- cise-office. See regir. REGIMBER, vn. to kick. Origin unknown. Regime, sm. regimen, diet, government, system; from L. regimen. Regiment, sm. a regiment ; from L. regi- men tum. — Der. regimentahe. Region, sf a region; from L. regionem. REGIR, va. to govern ; from L. re g ere. For e = i see § 59. — Der. regie (partic. subst.), regnsgeur. REGISSEUR, sm. a manager. See regir. REGISTRE. See regitre.— Der. ewegistrer. REGITRE, sm. a register, also registre; fron L. registrum* (found in Papias) : 'Re gistrum liber qui rerum gestarum me^ moriam continet.' Registrum or reges- trum is an altered form of regestum, i journal, der. from regestus. Regis- trum becomes registre, then regitre b) loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. REGLE, sf a rule; from L. regtila.' Foi jegulai loss of u see § 51. REGLEMENT, sm. a regulation. See regler. — Der. rdglementcT, reglementzire. REGLER, va. to regulate ; from L. regu- lare, by regular contr. (see accointer) ol regiUare to reglare. — Der. r^'^/«nent, reglet, reglette, regleur (its doublet is regulateur, q. v.), ii6regl6. + R6glisse, sf. licorice; from Sp. regaliz. R^gne, 5m. a reign ; from L. r eg num. R6gner, va. to reign; from L. regnare. Regnicole, smf a native; from L. regni- cola. REGONFLER, va. to swell again, inflate See re- and gonfler. — Der. regonjlement. REGORGER, va. to gorge again. See re- and gorge. — Der. regorgement. REGRATTER, va. to scratch again, regrate, bargain. See re- and gratter. — Der. regrat, (verbal subst.), regrattier, regrattene. REGRETTER, va. to regret; formerly re- greter (meaning to pity), compd. of re- and the form greter * ; of Germ, origin, Goth, gretan, to greet. — Der. regret (verbal subst), regrettable. R6gulariser, va. to set in order; from L, r e g u 1 a r i s . See regulier. — Der. regularis- ation. R6gularit6, sf. regularity; from L. regu- laritatem *, der. from regularis. Regulateur, sm. a regulator; from L. regu- latorem *, der. from regulare. Its doublet is regleur, q. v. Regulier, arf/. regular; from L. regularis, R61iabiliter, va. to rehabilitate. See re- and hahiliter. — Der. rehabilitation. R6h.abituer, va. to habituate again. Sec re- and habituer. REHAUSSER, va. to raise higher. See re- and hausser. — Der. rehaussement. RMmporter, va. to re-import. See re- and importer. R6iinposer, va. to re-impose. See re- anc imposer. R6iinposition, sf a re-imposition. See re- and imposition. R6iinpression, sf re-imprcssion. See re- and impression. RSIMPRIMER — REMARQUER. 3^7 Reimprimer, va. to reprint. See re- and imprimer. REIN, sm. kidney, loins ; from L. ren. For e = ei see/rein and § 6l. — Der. emwter. REINE, sf. a queen ; formerly reine, from L. regina. For loss of medial g see accabler. — Der, reinette. REINETTE, sf. a pippin (apple). See reine. R6mstaller, va. to reinstall. See re- and installer. — Der. reV«s^a//ation. Il6int6gration, sf. reinstatement ; from L. reintegrationem. Reintegrer, va. to reinstate; from L. re- integrare. E.6it6ration, sf. reiteration; from L. re- iterationem. Il6it6rer, va. to reiterate; from L. reiter- are. fE-eitre, sm. a horseman; introd. in i6th cent, from Germ, reiter. REJAILLIR, vn, to gush out. See re- and jaillir. — Der. re/azV/issement. REJETER, va. to reject ; from L. rejectare. For ct = ^ see affete. — Der. rejet (verbal subst.), rejetaXAh, rejeton. REJOINDRE, va. to rejoin. See re- and joindre. REJOINTOYER, va. to rejoint. See re- and joint. REJOUER, va. to play again. See re- and jouer. REJOUIR, va. to delight, rejoice. See re- &ndjouir. — Der, re/owissant, re/'owissance. RELACHER, va. to slacken, relax ; from L. relaxare. For letter-changes see lacker. Its doublet is relaxer, q. v. — Der. relache (verbal subst,), relachsint, reldchement. RELAIS, sm. a relay. See relayex. RELANCER, va. to start anew (hunting term). See re- and lancer. Relaps, adj. relapsed; from L. relapsus. RELARGIR, va. to widen. See re- and elargir. Relater, va. to relate; from L. relatare*, der. from relatum, supine of referre. Relatif, adj. relative; from L, relativus. Relation, sf. a relation; from L. rela- tionem. * RELAVER, va. to wash again. See re- and laver. Relaxation, sf. relaxation; from L. re- laxationem. Relaxer, va. to release ; from L, relaxare. Its doublet is reldcher, q, v. RELAYER, va. to relieve (take place of) ; compd. of re- and O. Fr. layer, to discon- tinue, stop. Layer is of Germ, origin, Goth, latan. This word has given birth to a Low Lat. type latare *, whence layer (cp. dilatare, delayer) ; for loss of medial t see abbaye, hence layer; for a, = ai see § 54. — Der, relai (verbal subst. of relayer, to stop, properly a halt, rest. Relais, in the phrase lais et relais de mer, is the verbal subst. of relaisser, see laisser). Rel6guer, va. to banish; from L. rele- gare. — Der. re'Ze^ation. RELENT, sm. mouldiness; from L, redo- * lentem, by regular contr, (see § 52) of redolentem to red'I^ntem., whence re- lent. For dl = / see § 168. RELEVER, va. to raise anew ; from L. rele- vare. — Der. relief (verbal subst., from L. relevium, found in many medieval Lat. texts : ' Et ibi omnes barones concesserunt sibi relevium,' from an iith-cent. docu- ment. Relevium becomes very regularly relief; for e = ie see § 56; for v=/ see bceuf), relevaiWes, relevement, releve (partic, subst.), relev^t (partic. subst. fern.), re- leveuT. RELIEF, sm. a foil, set-ofF. See relever. RELIEF, sm. relief (in art). See relever. — Der. hzs-relief (sculpture raised on a level ground, lit. low relief, opposite to round, high relief). RELIEFS, sm. remains (from table), scraps. See relever. RELIER, va. to bind; from L. religare. For letter-changes see Her — Der. relifar, reliuve, reli&ge. Religieux, adj. rehgious; from L. religi- osus. Religion, sf. rehgion; from L. religionem. — Der. religionmixe, coreligionnn'ne. Reliquaire, sm. a reliquary. See relique. Reliquat, sm. balance (of an account); from L. reliquatum. — Der. reliqualniie. Relique, sf. a relic; from L. reliquiae. — Der. reliquahe. RELIRE, va. to read again. See re- and lire. Relouer, va. to let, hire, again. See re- and louer. RELUIRE, vn. to shine ; from L. relucere. For letter-changes see luire. — Der. relui- sant, REMANIER, va. to handle again. See re- and manier. — Der, remaniemeyx\.. REMARIER, va. to remarry. See re- and marier. REMARQUER, va. to remark. See re- and marquer. — Der, remarque (verbal subst.), remarqunhle. X a 3o8 remballer—rMmunSra toire. REMBALLER, va. to pack again. See re- and emballer. REMBARQUER, va, to re-embark. See re- and embarquer. — Der. renibarquemtnt. REMBARRER, va. to repel ; compd. of re- and embarrer *. See barrer. REMBLAYER, va. to embank; compd. of re- and emblayer. Emblayer is the opposite of deblayer, q. v. — Der. remblai (verbal subst.). REMBOITER, va. to clamp. See re- and emboiter. — Der. r^m6o?/cment. REMBOURRER, va. to stuff out. See bourre. — Der. r^mfeowrrement. REMBOURSER, va. to reimburse; compd. of re- and embourser. Embourser is the op- posite of debotirser. See bourse. — Der. rem- botirsement, remboursahle. REMBRUNIR, va. to make darker, sadden. — Der. r^mfenmissement, Bem^de, sm. a remedy; from L. reme- dium. Rein6d.ier, va. to remedy, cure; from L. remediare. REMfiLER, va. to mix again. See re- and meler. REMEMBRANCE, ./. remembrance; from O. Fr. verb remembrer, which from L. re- . memorare *. Rememordre *, regu- larly contrd. (see § 52) to remem'rare, becomes remembrer. For nor = m6r see absoudre. Rem^morer, va. to remind; from L. re- memorari. — Der. rememoraiii. REMERCIER, va. to thank. See merci. — Der. remercivatnt. REMETTRE, va. to remit, put back ; from L. remittere. For i = e see § 72. — Der. remise (partic. subst.). REMEUBLER, va. to refurnish. See re- and meubler. B^minisoence, «/. a reminiscence; from L. reminiscentia. For -tia = -ce see agencer. REMISE, sf. delivery, surrender, job-carriage. See remettre. — Der. remisev. Remissible, adj. pardonable: from L. remissibilis. H6niission, sf. pardon; from L. remis- sionem. Remittent, adj. remittant; from L. remit- tentem. REMMENER, va. to lead back. See re- and emmener. REMOLADE, sm. a charge (in farriery). See remoudre. REMONTER, va. to remount. See re- and monter. — Der. remonte (verbal subsi.), re- montage. REMONTRER, va. to remonstrate. See re- and montrer. — Der. remontrAnt, remon- /rance. tR6mora, sm. (Ichth.) an obstacle, hin- drance, remora ; from L. remora. REMORDRE, va. to bite again; from L. re- mo rdere. For letter-changes see mordre. — Der, remords (verbal subst.). REMORDS, sm. remorse. See remordre. REMORQUE, sf. towing ; formerly remolque, from L. remulcum. For u = o see an- noncer ; for 1 = r see apotre. — Der. remor- qutx, remorqueur. REMOUDRE, va. to grind again. See re- and motidre. — Der. remotis (formerly re- mols, verbal subst. of remoldre, primitive form of moudre; for ol = ou see agneau), remouhde, remouleur. REMOULEUR, sm. a grinder. See remoudre. REMOUS, sm. an eddy. See remoudre. REMPAILLER, va. to new-bottom (a chair with straw). See paille. REMPARER (SE), vpr. to Tortify oneself (for defence) ; compd. of re- and emparer. — Der. rempart (formerly rempar, a more correct form, rempar being a verbal subst. of rempar er). REMPART, sm. a rampart. See remparer. REMPLACER, va. to replace. See re- and emplacer. — Der. remplafa.nt, remplacement. REMPLAGE, sm. filling up (casks); der. from remplir, q. v. ; cp. ravage from ravir. REMPLIR, va. to fill up. See re- and em- plir. — Der. remplissage. REMPLOYER, va. to employ again. See re- and employer. — Der. remploi (verbal subst.). REMPLUMER, va. to feather again. See plume. REMPOCHER, va. to put into one's pocket again. See re- and empocher. REMPORTER, va. to carry back. See re- and emporier. REMPOTER, va. (Hortic.) to pot again. See pot. — Der. rempotzge. REMUE-MENAGE, sm. a rummage. See menage arid remuer. REMUER, va. to move, stir. See re- and muer. — Der, rewzwant, remuzge, remuement, remue-memge. R6miin6rateur, sm. a rewarder; from L. remuneratorem. R6m.un6ration, sf. remuneration ; from L. remunerationem. R6muneratoire, adj. remunerative; der. from remunerer, q. v. REMUNERER — RENTRER. 309 Remunerer, va. to remunerate; from L. remunerare. RENACLER, vn. to snort, snuff; formerly renaquer, originally renasquer. Origin un- known. RENAITRE, vn. to be born again, revive; from L. renascere*. For letter-changes see naitre. — Der. rewaissant (whence re- Mflissance). Renal, adj. (Anat.) renal ; from L. renal is. RENARD, sm. a fox ; formerly regnard, of hist, origin, see § 33. We have seen under goupillon that in O. Fr. the fox was called goupil, which name was supplanted by that of Regnard. Maistre Regnard is the sur- name of the fox in the Roman de Renard, a satirical work which had an unrivalled popularity in the middle ages. Maitre Reg- nard properly = Maitre Ruse. Regnard is of Germ, origin, Germ, reginhari. For regnard = renard see assener; for details of changes of sense see baudet. — Der. renarde, renarde^u, renardVere. RENCAISSER, va. (Hortic.) to put into a box again. See re- and encaisser Der. rencahszgQ. RENCHERIR, van. to outbid again, make dearer, make nice. See re- and encherir. — Der. rencheri (partic. subst.), rencherisse- ment. RENCHERISSEMENT, sm. rise of prices again. See rencherir. RENCONTRER, va. to meet ; compd. of re- and O. Fr. encotitrer (see encontre). — Der. rencontre (verbal subst.). RENDEZ-VOUS, sm. an appointment, rendez- vous. See rendre and vous. RENDORMIR, va. to lull to sleep again. See re- and endormir. RENDOUBLER, va. to turn in, make a tuck (in clothes). See doubler. RENDRE, va. to return, restore. It. rendere, from L. rendere *, in Carolingiad docu- ments. Rendere is a nasalised form of reddere : for intercalated n see concombre. Der. rewte (from L, rendita *, rent, in medi- eval Lat. documents, strong partic. subst. of rendere, see absoute^, renda.nt,rendem.ent. RENDURCIR, va. to harden again. See re- and endurcir. R^NE, sf. a rein. It. redina, from L. retina*, sf. of retinere, properly a leather strap used to stop, hold in, a horse, etc. Retina, contrd. regularly (see § 51) to ret'na, becomes rene : for tn = « see § 168. i'Renegat, sm. a renegade; from It. rin- Its doublet is renie. RENFERMER, va. to shut up. See re- and enfermer. RENFLER, vn. to swell. See re- and enfler. — Der. renflevacnt. RENFONCER, va. to pull down (over one's eyes). See re- and enfoncer. — Der. renfonce- ment. RENFORCER, va. to reinforce. See/orce.— Der. renfort (verbal subst.), rew/orcement. RENGAGER, va. to re-engage. See re- and engager. — Der. rengagem.tx\t. RENGAINER, va. to sheathe. See re- and engainer. RENGORGER (SE), vpr. to bridle up, carry the head high. See re- and engorger. RENGRAISSER, va. to fatten again. See re- and engraisser. RENTER, va. to deny again. See re- and nier. — Der. rem'able, renitur, renienient. RENIFLER, vn. to sniff at ; compd. of re- and O. Fr. nijier : of Germ, origin, Low Germ, nif, the nose. f Renne, sm. the reindeer ; from Swed. ren. RENOMMER, va. to name again. See re- and nommer. — Der. renom (verbal subst.), renommee (partic. subst.), renomme. RENONCER, va. to renounce ; from L. re- nixntiare. For -nuntiare = -woncer see annoncer. — Der. renonce (verbal subst.), re- noncement. Renonciation, sf. renunciation; from L. renuntiationem. For u. = osee annoncer', for ti = ci see agencer. RenonCTlle, s/. a ranunculus ; from L. ra- nunculus (found in Pliny). Its doublet is grenouille, q.v. RENOUEE, sf. (Bot.) polygonium, knot-berry. See renouer. RENOUER, va. to tie anew. See re- and nouer Der. renouQe. (partic. subst.) renou- eur, renouement. RENOUVEAU, sm. spring-time. See re- and nouveau, RENOUVELER, va. to renew ; from L. re- novellare (found in Columella). — Der. re- nouvellement. Renovation, sf. renovation ; from L. re- novationem. RENSEIGNER, va. to inform. See re- and enseigner. — Der. retiseignevatnt. RENTE, sf. income, revenue. See rendre. — Der. renter, rente, rentier. RENTOILER, va. to put fresh linen to. See toile. — Der. rentoihge. RENTRAIRE, va. to fine-draw. See iraire. — Der. rentraiture, renirayeur, RENTRER, va. to return, re-enter. See re- 310 RENVERSER — REPLET, and entrer. — Der. rentnnt, rentr6t (partic. subst.). RENVERSER, va. to reverse ; compd. of re- and O. Fr. ettverser, which is from envers, q. V. — Der. renvers6, renversement, renverse (verbal subst.). RENVIER, va. to place a farther sum on the game ; compd. of O.Fr. envier (a term used in gambling), from L. invitare, whence verbal sm. envi, a challenge, whence the phrase a Venvi. RENVOYER, va. to send again. See re- and envoyer. — Der. renvoi (verbal subst.). R6ordination, sf. reordination. See re- and ordination. R6ordoimer, va. to reordain. See re- and ordonner. R^organiser, va. to reorganise. See re- and organiser. — Der. re'org'amsation. B.6ouverture, sf. reopening. See re- and ouverture. REPAIRS, sm. a den, lair, originally dwelling (of any kind). For restriction of meaning in modern Fr. see § 13. Repaire is verbal subst. of O. Fr. repairer, to return home. Repairer is from L. repatriare, found in Isidore of Seville. Repatriarie becomes repairer by attraction of i, whence a = ai, see § 54; for tr = r see § 168. REPAITRE, va. to feed. See re- and paitre. Der. repw. {Paitre also in O.Fr. had a p.p. pu, which remains in the language of falconry, unfaucon qui a pu.) REP ANDRE, va. to pour out. See re- and epandre. E.§parable, acj?". reparable ; from L, repar- abilis.^ REPARAITRE, vn. to reappear. See re- and paraitre. Il6parateur, sm. a repairer; from L. re- paratorem. B.6paration, sf. a reparation; from L. reparationem. R6parer, va. to repair; from L. reparare. REPARLER, vn. to speak again. ' See re- and parler. REPARTIR, vn. to depart again, reply. See re- 3ind partir. — Der. reparde (partic. subst.). REPARTIR, vn. to divide, dispense. See partir. — Der. reparthtur, repartition. REP AS, sm. a repast ; from L. repastus * (found in Merov. documents) : ' Nullum ibi- dem praesumant exercere doniinatum.non ad mensionaticos aut repastos exigendo,' from a 7th-cent. formula. Repastus is an inten- sive compd. of pastus. Repastus becomes repas by st = s, found in post, puis, etc. REPASSER, va. to repass. See re- und passer. — Der. repasszge, repasseu^e. REPAVER, va. to repave. See re- and paver. REPECHER, va. to fish up again. See re- and ptcher. REPEINDRE, va. to repaint. See re- and peindre. — Der. repeint (partic. subst.). Repenser, vn. to think again. See re- and penser. REPENTANCE, sf repentance. See repentir. REPENTIR, vn. to repent ; comp. of re- and O. Fr. pentir. This old word represents L. poenitare (for oe = e see § 105), whence penitere, whence pentir, by regular contr. (see § 52) of penitere to pen'tere : for e = t see § 59 Der. repentir (subst.), re- pentant (whence repentance). REPERCER,i/a, to repierce. See re- and percer. Repercussion, sm. reverberation ; from L. repercussionem. B,6percuter, va. to reverberate; from L. repercutere. REPERDRE, va. to lose 'again. See re- and perdre. Repdre, sm. a bench-mark ; verbal subst. of L. reperire. Repertoire, sm. a repertory ; from L. re- pertorium. R6p6ter, va. to repeit; from L. repetere. — Der. repetaiWer. R6p6titeur, sm. (Naut.) a repeating ship, a tutor; from L. repetitorem, der. from repetere. Repetition, sf a repetition; from L. re- petitionem. REPEUPLER, va. to repeople. See re- and J>eupler. — Der. repeuplemeat. REPIT, sm. a respite; formerly respit, It. rispetto, from L. respectus, considera- tion, whence indulgence, whence delay, in which sense the word is found in Carol, texts : ' Et si comes infra supradictarum noctium ntimerum mallum suum non habu- erit, ipsum spatium usque ad mallum comi- tis extendatur, et deinde detur ei spatium ad respeettim ad septem noctes,' from a Capitulary of a.d. 819. Respectus be- comes respit (for act = it see attrait), then repit, by loss of s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81), Repit is a doublet of respect, q. v. REPLACER, va. to replace. See re- and placer. REPLANTER, va. to replant. See re- and planter. REPLATRER, va. to replaster. See re- and pldtre. — Der. repldtrage. Replet, adj. replete; from L. repletus. — Der. repletion. REPLIER — REQUETE. 311 REPLIER, va. to fold again. See re- and plier. Its doublets are reployer, repliqtier, q, V. — Der. repli (verbal subst.). R§pliquer, vn. to reply; from L. rep Il- ea re. Its doublets are replier, reployer. — Der. replique (verbal subst.). REPLONGER, va. to replunge. See re- and plo7iger. Repolir, va. to repolish. See re- and polir. REPONDRE, va. to reply; formerly re- spondre, from L. respondere, whence re- spondere (Hist. Gram. p. 135), whence by regular contr. (see § 51) respond're, whence repondre, by loss of s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). — Der. repond^nt, repons (for- merly respons, strong partic. subst. of L. responsus), reponse (fem. oi repons, L. responsa), repondnnt. REPONS, sm. a liturgical response. See re- ^ofidre. REPONSE, sf. an answer. See repondre. Reporter, va. to report ; from L. repor- tare. — Der. report (verbal subst.). REPOSER, vn. to rest, repose. See re- and poser. — Der. repos (verbal subst.), reposoh, repose. REPOUSSER, va. to thrust back. See re- and pousser. — Der. repoussant, repoussoir, repoiissement. Reprehensible, adj. reprehensible ; from L. reprehensibilis. Reprehension, sf. blame; from L. repre- hensionem. REPRENDRE, va. to take back. See re- and prendre. t Repr6sailles, sf.pl. reprisals; from It. ripresaglia. Repr§sentatif, adj. representative ; from L. repraesentativus *, from reprae- sentatus. Representation, sf. a representation ; from L. repraesentationem. Representer, va. to represent; from L. repraesentare. — Der. represenUxiX. Repressif, adj. repressive ; from L. re- pressivus *, from repressus. Repression, sf. repression ; from L. re- pressionem *. Reprimande, sf a reprimand ; from L. reprimenda. — Der. reprimandtr. Reprimer, va. to repress; from L. re pri- me re. — Der. reprimMe. REPRIS, sm. a person retaken. See re- and pris. REPRISE, sf. retaking, recovery. See re- and prise. R6probateur, sm. a reprover ; from L. re- probatorem. Reprobation, sf reprobation; from L. re- probationem. REPROCHER, va. to reproach. Prov. re- propchar, from L. repropiare *, der. from prope, near; cp. L. ob-jicere, which is both ' to place before ' and ' to reproach' ; also Germ, vor-riicken, which is both ' to approach' and ' to reproach.' Repropiare is ' to bring near the eyes,' ' lay before one's eyes,' 'to blame.' Repropiare becomes reprocher: for pia = c/te see ahreger. — Der. reproche (verbal subst.), reprochnhle, irreprochMe. Reproducteur, sm. a reproducer. See re- and prodticteur. Reproductible, adj. reproducible. See re- and productible. — Der. reproductibilite. Reproduction, sf reproduction. , See re- and production. REPRODUIRE, va. to reproduce. See re- and produire. REPROUVER, va. to prove anew. See re- and prouver. REPROUVER, va. to reprove ; from L. re- probare. For letter-changes see prouver. — Der. reprouve (partic. subst.). Reps, sm. ' reps ' (a textile fabric). Origin unknown. Reptile, sm. a reptile; from L. reptilis. Republique, sf a republic; formerly res- ptiblique, from L. respublica. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. republica.m, republicanisme. Repudiation, sf repudiation ; from L. re- pudiationem. Repudier, va. to repudiate; from L. re- pudiare. Repugner, vn. to be repugnant (to) ; from L. repugnare.— Der. repugna.nt (whence repugnance). Repulsif, adj. repulsive; from L. repulsi- vus * from repulsus. Repulsion, sf repulsion; from L. repul- sionem. Reputation, sf reputation ; from L. repu- tationem. Reputer, va. to repute, esteem ; from L. reputare. REQUERIR, va. to request, summon ; from L. requirere. For i = e see § 72; for e = i see § 59. — Der. requis (from L. re- quisitus, regularly contrd., after change of accent from requisitus to requisitus, see § 51, to requis'tus, whence requis: for st — s see repas). REQUETE, sf. a petition ; formerly reqveste. It. richiesia, from L. requisita, properly 3U REQUIEM — RESSA UTER. a thing required, asked for, whence sense of petition, request. In a Lat. charter (loth cent.) we find • requistam fccerunt ' for * they made a request.' Requisita (see under requerir) regularly coutrd. (see § 51) to requis'ta becomes reqneste by i = « (see § 72), then requete by loss of s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81), •f- Requiem, sm. a requiem; from L. reqmem.. Requin, sm. a shark. Origin unknown. REQUINQyER (SE), vpr. to spruce up one- self. Origin unknown. REQUIS, p.p. sm. a demand. See requirir. !R6quisition, s/. a requisition; from L. requisitionem. B^quisitoire, sm. a public prosecutor's address, speech ; from L. requisitorium*, der. from requirere. Hescinder, va. to rescind ; from L. rescin- dere. Hescision, sf. annulment (of deeds, etc.) ; from L. rescisionem. RESCOUSSE, sf. a leap back (in fencing). See escousse. Rescription, sf. an order, cheque ; from L. rescriptionem. Rescrit, sm. a rescript; from L. rescrip- Jum. For pt = / see ecrit. RESEAU, sm. network, wirework; formerly resel. It. reticello, from L. reticellum *, dim. of rete. Betic611um, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to ret'cellum, be- comes resel. For tc = c see adjuger ; for c = s see amide ; for el = eau see agneau. Reseau is a doublet of resille. 'j'R6s6da, sm. (Bot.) reseda, mignonette; from L. reseda. RESERVER, va. to reserve ; from L. reser- vare. — Der. reserve (verbal subst.), reserv- oir, reserve. Resident, sm. a resident ; from L. residen- tem. — Der. residence. R6sider, vn. to reside (at); from L. resi- dere. R6sidu, sm. a residuum ; from L. residuum. Resignation, sf. a resignation; from L. resignationem *, from resignatus. See resigner. R§signer, va. to resign, lay down (office) ; from L. re sign a re, — Der. resignznX.. RESILLE, sf. small net-work; either ahered form of O. Fr. resel, reseau, or a corrup- tion of O. Fr. reseiul, which answers to L. retiolum (a little net, in Apuleius). R^silier, va. to cancel ; from L. resilire. — Der. resiliement, resilintion. R^sine, sf. rosin ; from L. resin a. R6sineux,oc?/'. resinous; from L. resinosus. R^sipiscence, sf. repentance ; from L. resipiscentia. Resistance, sf resistance. See rdsisler. R^sister, vn. to resist; from L. resistere. — Der. rests/ant, resistance. R^solu, adj. resolute; from L. resolutus. See resoudre. For -utus = -w see § 201. — Der. iirdsolu. Resoluble, adj. resoluble ; from L, resolu- bilis. Resolution, sf resolution; from L. reso- lutionem (so used in Ulpian). — Der. irresolution. Resolutoire, adj. (Legal) subsequent ; from L. resolutorius. Resolvant, adj. resolvent; from L. resol- ventem. Resonnance, sf resonance; from L. re- sonantia. RESONNER, vn. to resound ; from L. reso- nare. For n = nn see ennemi. — Der. re- sonnznt, resonnemtnl. Resorption, sf resorption ; from L. re- sorptionem *. from resorbere. RESOUDRE, va. to solve, resolve ; from L. resolvere. For -solvere = -soudre see ab- soudre. — Der. resous (from resoudre, cp, absous from absoudre. The Academy uses this word still in the phrase brouillard resous en pluie). Respect, sm. respect; from L. res pectus. Its doublet is repit, q. v. — Der. respecter, respectable. Respectif, adj. respective ; from L. respec- tivus, from respectus. Respectueux, adj. respectful; from L. respectuosus *, from respectus — Der. irrespectueux. Respiration, sf. respiration ; from L. respirationem. Respirer, va. to respire; from L. respi- rare. — Der. respirMe, respir a.toirQ. Resplendir, vn. to shine brilliantly ; from L. resp lend ere. — Der. resplendissznt, re- splendissement. Responsable, adj. responsible; from L. responsabilis *, from responsa. Ressac, sm. surf Origin unknown. RESSAISIR, va. to seize again. See re- and saisir. RESSASSER, va. to sift again, examine closely, See re- and sasser. RESSAUTER, vn. to leap again, (Archit.) to stand out of line. See re- and sauter. — I Der. ressaut (verbal subst.). RESSEMBLER —RETONDRE. 3^3 A RESSEMBLER, vn. to be alike, resemble. See re- and semhler. — Der. ressembUnt (whence ressemblaiice). RESSEMBLER, va. to new sole (boots). See re- and semelle. — Der. ressemehge. RESSEMER, va. to sow again. See re- and semer. RESSENTIMENT, sm. a slight attack, touch, attack, resentment. See ressentir. RESSENTIR, va. to feel. See re- and sentir. — Der. ressentimtnt. RESSERRER, va. to tie again, tighten. See re- and serrer. — Der. resserremQut. RESSORT, sm. a spring, elasticity. See res- sortir. RESSORTIR, vn. to go out again. See re- 3-ad sortir. — Der. ressort (verbal subst., pro- perly that which goes out again, rebounds). RESSORTIR (A), vn. to be in the jurisdiction (of) ; formerly resortir, from L. resortiri, which in medieval Lat. signified ' to be in the jurisdiction of.' — Der. ressort (judicial), res- sor^issant. RESSOUDER, va. to resolder. See re- and souder. RESSOURCE, sf. a resource. See source. RESSOUVENIR (SE), vpr. to remember. See re- and souvenir. — Der. ressouvenir (verbal subst.). RESSUER, vn. to sweat (of metals). See re- and suer. — Der. resswage. Ressusciter, va. to bring to life again ; from L. resuscitare. RESSUYER, va. to dry again. See re- and ess7iyer. Restauration, sf. restoration ; from L. restaurationem. Restaurer, va. to restore, re-establish ; from L. restaur are. — Der. res/awrant, restaur- ateur. RESTER, VTi. to remain ; from L. restare. — Der. r^s^nt (partic. subst.), reste (verbal subst.). Restituer, va. to restore ; from L. resti- tuere. — Der. restituzhlQ. Restitution, 5/. restitution ; from L. resti- tutionem. RESTREINDRE, va. to restrict ; from L. restringere. For -stringere = -streindre see astreindre. Restrictif, adj. restrictive ; from L. re- strictivus *, from restrictus. See re- streindre. Restriction, sf. restriction; from L. re- strictionem. Restringent, adj. restringentem. restringent ; from L. R6sulter, v?i. to result ; from L. resultare. — Der. resulut, resuhznte. R^SUmer, va. to resume; from L. resu- me re. — Der. resume (partic. subst.). Resurrection, sf a resurrection ; from L. resurrectionem. RETABLE, sm. (Archit.) a reredos ; a contrd. Jorm of riere-tahle, see table and arriere. RETABLIR, va. to re-establish. See re- and etablir. — Der. re7a6/issement. RETAILLER, va. to cut anew, mend (pens). See re- and tailler. — Der. retaille (verbal subst.). RETAPER, va. to comb (hair) the wrong way. See re- and taper. RETARD, sm. delay. See retarder. RETARDER, va. to delay; from L. re- tardare. — Der. retard (verbal subst.), re/arJataire, retard2.X\on. RETEINDRE^x/a. to dye anew. See re- and teindre. RETENDRE, va. to stretch out again. See re- and tendre. RETENIR, va. to retain ; from L. retinere. For i = e see § 72; for e = / see § 59. — — Der. ri'tenwe. (verbal subst.). Retention, sf retention; from L. reten- tionem. — Der. rete7itionndi\re. RETENTIR, vn. to resound, re-echo ; compd. of re- and O. Fr. tentir, which from L. tinnitire * for tinnitare. Tinnitire, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to tinn*- tire, becomes O.Fr. tentir. For in = c« see § 72. — Der. retentissant, retentisse- ment. RETENUE, sf. reserve, prudence. See re- tenir. R6tiaire, sm. a retiarius (gladiator) ; from L. retiarius. Reticence, sf reticence ; from L. reti- centia. R6ticule, sm. a reticule, little net ; from L. reticulum. — Der. reticuhire, reticule. RETIF, adj. restive ; formerly restif, properly a horse which refuses to stir, which rests quiet. Restif It restivo, is from L. re- stivus *, deriv. of restare. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ; for v=/see bcejif R6tine, sf the retina ; from L. retina *, der. from rete, a net. Retine is properly a net- like membrane; cp. Germ, netz-haut. RETIRER, va. to withdraw, remove. See re- and tirer. — Der. retire, retirement. RETOMBER, vn. to fall again. See re- and tomber. — Der. retombee (partic. subst). RETONDRE, va. (Archit.) to clean off; from L. retundere. 3H RETORDRE — RiVER, RETORDRE, va. to retwist. See re- and tordrg. R^torquer, t/a. to retort; from L. retor- quere. RETORS, adj. twisted ; from L. retortus (found in Martial). For the continuance of s see §§142 and 149. Retorte, sf. a retort; from L. retorta, properly a vessel of distorted form. RETOUCHER, va. to retouch. See re- and toucher. — Der. retouche (verbal subst.). RETOUR, sm. a winding, return. See lour. RETOURNER, vn. to return. See re- and tourner. — Der. retourne (verbal subst.). RETRACER, va. to retrace. See re- and tracer. B^tractation, sf. a retractation ; from L. retractationem. B^tracter, va. to retract; from L. re- tractare. Its doublet is retraiter. B6tractile, adj. retractile; der. from re- tractus. Retraction, sf. (Med.) retraction ; from L. retractionem. RETRAIRE, va. to withdraw; from L. retrahere. For trahere = traire see traire — Der. retrait (from L. retractus ; for ct = it see attrait), retraite (act of re- tiring, from L. retracta). RETRAIT, sm. shrinkage, contraction (of metals). See retraire. RETRAITE, sf retreat. See retraire.— Der. retraite. RETRANCHER, vn. to cut off, retrench. See re- and trancher. — Der. retranchement. RETRAVAILLER, va. to work again. See re- and travailler. RETRECIR, va. to narrow, straiten. See re- and trecir. — Der. re/re'cissement. RETREMPER, va. to temper (iron) anew. See re- and tremper. R6tribuer, va. to reward; from L. re- tribuere. Retribution, sf. retribution ; from L. re- tributionem. Retroactif, adj. retroactive; from L. retro and Fr. actif, q.v. — Der. retroactivAe. Retroaction, sf retroaction; compd. of L. retro and action (q.v.). R6troceder, va. to reassign ; from L. retrocedere — Der, retrocession. Retrogradation, sf retrogression ; from L. retrogradationem. Retrograde, adj. retrograde ; from L. re- trogradem. Retrograder, vn. to retrograde; from L. retrogradare. RETROUSSER, va. to tie up, tuck up. See re- and trousser. — Der. retroussement, re- trouss'is. RETROUVER, va. to find again. See re- and trouver. RETS, sm. a net, snare ; from L. retls. For the continuance of s see §§ 142 and 149. Reunion, sf a reunion. See re- and union. Reunir, va. to reunite. See re- and unir. REUSSIR, vn. to succeed, thrive ; compd. of rS- (q.v.) and of O. Fr. ussir, which from L. exire. Exire, changing x to s (see aisselle) and e to i (see § 59), becomes O. Fr. isdr, whence ussir by i=u (see fumier and also jumeau). fReussite, sf success; from It. riuscila. REVALOIR, va. to return (good, evil). See re- and valoir. REVANCHE, sf retaliation, revenge. See revancher. REVANCHER, va. to defend (from attack); compd. of re- and L. vindicare, by regular contr. (see § 52) of vindicare to vind'care. For dc=c see adjuger; for o=ch see § 126; for in = cm = an see dimanche. — Der. revanche (verbal subst.). REVASSER, vn. to muse, dream. See rtve. ^ — Der. revasseur, revctsserie. REVE, sm. a dream. Origin unknown. Its doublet is rage, q. v. + Re V e C h e, arf;. sharp, harsh, cross; for- merly revesche, from It. revescio. Its doublet is revers, q. v. REVEILLER, va. to arouse. See re- and eveiller. — Der. reveil (verbal subst.), re- veiHon. Revelateur, sm. a revealer ; from L. reve- latorem. Revelation, sf a revelation ; from L. revelationem. Reveler, va. to reveal; from L. revelare. REVENANT, sm. a ghost, apparition. See revenir. REVENDEUR, sm. a retailer. See re- and vendeur. Revendication, sf a claiming; from L. re- and vindicationem. _ Revendiquer, va. to reclaim, demand;,! from L. re- and vindicare. | REVENDRE, va. to resell. See re- and vendre. REVENIR, vn. to return. See re- and venir. — Der. revenu (partic. subst. masc), revenxit J- partic. subst. fern.), rment. REVER, vn. to dream. See reve. — Der, rei/eur, reverie. RS VER BER E — RICIN. Z^5 B^verb^re, sm. a street-lamp. See rever- berer. R§verb§rer, vn. to reverberate; from L. reverberare. — Der. reverbere (verbal subst.), reverberation. REVERDIR, vn. to grow green again. See re- and verdir. R6v6rence, sf. reverence ; from L. reve- rent! a. — Der. reverencieWe, reverencieux. R6v6rend, adj. reverend ; from L. reve- re n d u s . — Der. reverendissime. R6verer, va. to revere; from L. revereri. REVERS, sm. back, a back-stroke, reverse (of coins). Its doublet is reveche, q. v. REVERSER, va. to decant, pour off. See re- and verser. — Der. reversement, revers- ible. i'Reversi, sm. reversis (a game of cards) ; from It. rovescino. REVERSIBLE, adj. reversible. See reverser. Reversion, sf. reversion; from L. rever- sionem. REV^TEMENT, sm. facing, coating (of buildings). See revetir. REVETIR, va. to clothe. See re- and vetir. — Der. rei»e/ement, REVIRER, vn. (Naut.) to tack. See re- and virer. — Der. reviremQnt. Reviser, va. to revise ; from L. revisere. — Der. reWseur. Revision, sf. revision; from L, revisi- onem. Revivifier, va. to revive, restore ; from L. revivificare. REVIVRE, vn. to rise from the dead ; from L. revivere, by loss of the atonic e, see §51. Revocable, adj. revocable; from L. re- vocabilis. Revocation, sf. revocation; from L. re- vocationem. R6vocatoire, adj. (Leg.) revocatory ; from L. revocatorius. REVOIR, va. to see again ; from L. revi- dere. For letter-changes see voir. — Der. revue (partic. subst.). + R6volte, sf. a revolt ; from It. rivoUa. — Der. revolttr, revolta.nt. R§VOlu, adj. revolved, accomplished ; from L. revolutus. For -utus = -M see § 201. Revolution, sf. a revolution; from L. revolutionem. — Der. revohidonn^iie. Revomir, va. to revomit; from L. revo- mere. R6voquer, va. to revoke, recall; from L. revocare. REVUE, sf. a review. See revoir. R6vulsif, adj. repellent. See revulsion. Revulsion, sf. a revulsion; from L. revul- sionem. — Der. revulsif. REZ, prep, on a level with, sm. level ; from L. rasus. Rez in the phrases rez pied, rez terre, rez de chaussee, signifies that part of a house which is on a level with the chaussee, the road. For rasus = rez see nez. Rez is a doublet of ras, q. v. REZ-DE-CHAUSSEE, sm. a ground-floor. See rez. RHABILLER, va. to dre?s again. See re- and habiller. — Der. rhabtllage. Rheteur, sm. a rhetorician ; from L. rheto- rem. v Rhetorique, sf. rhetoric; from L. rheto- rica. — Der. rhetoricien. Rhinoceros, sm. a rhinoceros; from L. rhinoceros. t Rhododendron, s?ra. a rhododendron; from L. rhododendron. Rhombe, sm. a rhombus, diamond; from L. rhombus. Rhomboide, sm. a rhomboid ; from L. rhomboides. — Der. rhombo'idal. RHUBARBE, sf. rhubarb ; from L. rheubar- barum (found in Isidore). Rheubdr- barum, losing regularly the penult, atonic vowel (see § 51), becomes rheubarb'rum, whence rkubarbe by dissimilation (see § 169). For eu = « ste puree. + Rhuni, sm. rum; from Engl, rum. Rhumatisme, sm. rheumatism ; from L. rheumatismus (found in Pliny). — Der. rhumatismal. RHUME, sm. cold ; from L. rheuma. For eu = M see puree. Rhythme, sm. rhythm ; from L. rhyth- mus. Its doublet is rime, q. v. Rh3rthmique, adj. rhythmical; from L. rhythmicus. RIANT, adj. smiling; from L. ridentem, by loss of medial d, see accabler ; for en = an cp. andouille. Ribambelle, sf. a string, host, number. Origin unknown. RIBOTE, sf. debauch, drunkenness. Origin unknown. — Der. ribottx, ribofeur. RICANER, vn. to sneer. Origin unknown. — Der. ricanerie, ricaneur, ricanement. RICHARD, sm. a married man. See riche. RICHE, adj. rich ; of Germ, origin, Germ. reich, Engl. rich. — Der. richesse, rich&rd, richement, enrichii. RICHESSE, sf riches. See riche. Ricin, sm. the castor-oil plant; from L. ri- cinus. 3i6 RTCOCHER — R2SS0LER. Bicocher, vn. to ricochet. Origin unknown. — Der. ricochet (verbal subst.). RIDE, sf. a wrinkle. See rider. RIDEAU, sm. a curtain, screen; formerly ridel. For el = eau see agneau. Ridel is dim. of ride (see rider), and rightly means a plaited stuff. RIDELLE, sf. the staff-side (of cards). Origin unknown RIDER, va. to wrinkle; of Germ, origin, M. H. G. riden. — Der. ride (verbal subst.). Hidicule, sm. a little bag; from L. reticu- lum (in Horace). IRidicule, sm. ridicule; from L. ridiculum. B.idicule, adj. ridiculous; from L. ridicu- lus. — Der. ridiculher, ridicul\\.6. RIEN, adv. nothing; from L. rem. For e = tV see § 56; for in = n see changer. Rien was a subst. in O. Fr., meaning * a thing.' La riens (res) qtiej'ai vue est fort belle. Une tres-belle riens (res). When joined with a negative it meant ' no thing ' (nihil), just as ne . . . personne = xvtmo. This use of rien is very proper, and it did not lose its natural meaning of ' thing ' to take that of nothing ' (as e. g. in the phrase On ma donne cela pour rien) till people became accustomed to take this subst. with ne so as to form a negative expression. By this account of the sense of rien we may explain the passage of Molifere, in which it is at once negative and positive : Dans le siecle ou nous sommes On ne donne rien pour rien. Ecole des Femmes, ii. 2. RIEUR, sm. a laugher. See rire. Rigide, adj. rigid; from L. rigidus. Its doublet is roide, q. v. Rigidity, sf. rigidity; from L. rigiditatem. Rigodon, sm. a rigadoon ; an onomato- poetic word. See § 34. t Rigole, sf. a trench ; from It. rigoro. Rigorisme, sm. austerity; from L. rigor. — Der. rzg-onste. Rigoureux, adj. rigorous; from L. rigo- rosus. For o = ou see § 81; for -osus = -eux see § 229. Rigueur, sm. rigour; from L. rigorem. For o — eu see § 79. RIMAILLER, vn. to rhyme. See rimer. — Der. rimailleuT. RIME, sf. rhyme; from L. rhythmus. Khythmus signified in the middle ages versification, based not on length of sylla- bles as in classical metres, but on the number of syllables ; a method of versification which characterises the Romance languages. To the verses thus formed was added what now call rhyme, i. e. the agreement in soi. of the last two accented syllables at the cm of the verses ; and so rhythmus, whicl first signified a manner of versification was restricted to rhyme, one only of thi conditions of this poetical system. Rhyth mus, or rather rhythma, becomes rime by loss of h (we find rjrthmus in Isidore of Seville), and by tin = m, see plane. Rime is a doublet of rhythme, q. v. — Der rimer. RIMER, vn. to rhyme. See rime. — Der, n'meur, rimziWer. RINCEAU, sm. foliage ; formerly rainceat (used in sense of a bough, foliage, in medi' eval documents), from L. ramicellus ♦ dim. of ramus. Ramicellus, contrd.' (see § 52) to ram.'cellus, becomes rain', eel : for m = « see changer ; for a = ai seei § 54. Raincel becomes rainceau by -e/ = i •eau, see agneau. RINCER, va. to rinse ; formerly rinser, rein- ser ; of Germ, origin, O. Scaiid. hreinsa, to rinse, clean out. For s = c see cercueil. — Der. rinpxtt. RIOTER, vn. to titter. Origin unknown. — Der. r/o/eur. Ripaille, sf. feasting, good cheer. Origin unknown. RIPER, va. to drag, scrape ; from Germ. rippefi, a popular form of rlben, answering to O. H. G. riban. — Der. ripe (verbal subst.). Ripop6e, sf. slop (mixed liquors). Origin unknown. t Riposte, sf. a repartee; from It. ri- posta. — Der. riposttx. RIRE, vn. to laugh ; from L. ridere. For mis- placement of accent, ridere for ridere, see Hist. Gram. p. 133; hence rid're, by regular contr. (see § 51), whence rire: for dr=r see § 168. — Der. neur, r/sible. RIS, sm. a laugh ; from L. risus. — Der. r«ee. RIS, sm. a sweetbread ; corruption of rides de veau. RISEE, sf. laughter. See ris. Risible, adj. risible; from L. risibilis, der. from ridere. See rire. t Risque, sm. a risk; from Sp. risco, properly a reef, then peril, risk. — Der. risguer. RISSOLER, va. to roast brown; dim. of a form risser*; of Germ, origin, Dan. riste, For st = ss seeangoisse. — Der. rissole (verbal subst.). RIT—ROGNE. 3-^1 Rit, sm. a rite; from L. ritus. tllitournelle, sm. (Mus.) a ritornello, refrain ; from It. ritornello. Rituel, sm. a ritual, prayer-book ; from L. ritualis (sc. liber, a book of rites). RIVAGE, sm. a bank, shore, beach ; from L. ripaticum*, der. from ripa, ' Bipati- cum quoddam . . . vendidit super fluvium ad faciendum molendinum,' says a Carol, text. Ripaticum, changing p successively to b and v (see § iii) becomes ribati- cum (found in a charter of a. d. 891), then rivaticum (in a text of a.d. 897), whence rivage by -aticum = -age, see age. Rival, adj. rival; from L, rivalis. — Der. rivaliser. Rivalit§, sf. rivalry; from L. rivalitateni. RIVE, sf. bank (of stream). Prov. riba, It. ripa, from L. ripa. For p = v see § III. RIVER, va. to rivet, clinch ; of Germ, origin, Dan. rive, properly to flatten down any pro- jection. — Der. nVet, ni/ure, rivoir. RIVERAIN, adj. situated on the river's bank. See riviere. RIVIERE, sf. a river. Sp. ribera, from L. riparia*, found in medieval Lat. documents : ' Nee villae, nee homo distringatur facere pontes ad riparias,' says a I2th-cent. docu- ment. Riparia is der. from ripa, used for a river in medieval Lat. Riparia be- comes riviere: for -axia. = -ih-e see §198; for p = i; see § III. — Der. rivera.\n. I f Rixdale, sf. a rix-dollar; from Germ. ' reichsthaler. j Rixe, sf. a scuffle ; from L. rixa. j tRiz, sm. rice; from It. rise. — Der. rjzi^re. '. + Rob, sm. a rubber (of whist) ; from Engl. rubber. + Rob, sm. (Pharm.) rob; of Oriental origin, Ar. robb, purified syrup of boiled fruit. ROBE, sf. a dress. We find in Lat. docu- ments after the 6th cent, a verb raubare, to rob : ' Si quis in via alterum adsalierit et eum raubaverit ' (Lex Salica Pact). This verb is of Germ, origin, Germ, rauben, to rob, which gives O. Fr. rober (for au = o see § 107), whose compd. derober is in use. This verb raubare had a verbal subst. rauba, the spoil of robbery ; whence, later, the sense of clothes : ' Quidquid super eum cum rauba vel arma tulit, omnia sicut fur- tiva componat' (Lex Alemann, tit. 49). Rauba, from its general sense, became specialised ; e. g. ' Apparatu raubarum Persicarum . . . deposito, vilem habitum sumsit ' (Acta S. Yvonis). Rauba becomes Prov. rauba, Fr. robe. The It. roba keeps the full sense of late Lat. rauba, and has three meanings, dress, merchandise, goods. — Der. robin (sm., a ' man of the robe,' lawyer). ROBINET, sm. a tap, cock, dim. of Robin ; of hist, origin, see § 33. In the mytho- logy of the middle ages Robin was the name of the sheep ; and as the first taps were made in the form of a sheep's head, they got the name of Robinet. Robinier, sm. robinia, acacia, locust-tree ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from Jean Robin, gardener to Henry IV, who first grew the tree in Europe from seed received from America, A. d. i6oi. Robuste, adj. robust; from L. robustus. ROC, sm. a rock ; from L. rupicus, der. from rupes, by contr. (see § 51) of ru- picus, to rup'cus, whence roc. For u = o see annoficer; for pc = c see § 1 68. — Der. rocaille, rocailleux. ROCHE, sf. a rock ; from L. rupea *, der. from rupes. Rupea, by ea = ia (see abreger), becomes rupia ; by ia = ja (see Hist. Gram. p. 65), becomes rupja ; whence rocke. Foru = osee annoncer; for -pja = -che see abreger. — Der. rocher, rocheux. ROCHET, sm. a rocket (surplice), ratchet (of a lock) ; dim. of a form roc *. Rochet is from roc, like cochet from coq, sachet from sac. Roc is from L. roccus*, an under garment, in Carol, documents : ' Roccus matrinus et utrinus,' says a Capitulary of Charlemagne, a. d. 808. Also in the Chron. of the Monk of St. Gall (ii. 27) we read ' Carolus habebat pellicium bombycinum,nou multum amplioris pretii, quam erat roccus ille S. Martini,' etc. Roccus is of Germ, origin, cp. Germ. rock. f R6der, vn. to ramble ; from Prov. radar. Prov. radar answers to It. rotare, from L. rotare. Roder is a doublet of rauer, q.v. fRodomont, sm. rhodomontade ; from It. rodomante Der. rodamantude. Rogation, sf (Eccles.) rogation ; from L, rogationem. Rogatoire, adj. belonging to an examina- tion ; from L. rogatorius *, from rogare. Rogaton, sm. broken meat. Origin un- known. ROGNE, sf the itch ; formerly roigne, from L. robiginem, rust, then scab, itch, by regular contr. (see § 51) of robiginem to robig'nem, whence roigne. For loss of medial d see aboyer. — Der. rogntMX. 3i8 R OGNER — R ONGER . ROGNER, va. to cut (off ends), pare, clip; formerly roogner, to cut hair all round, in nth-cent, documents. Prov. redonhar, from O. Fr. roond, primitive form of rotid (q. v.). Roond gives roonner*, cp. plafond, plafonner. Roonner becomes roogner, for n = gn see cligner; roogner gives rogner, for 00 — see rond. — Der. ro^neur, ro^wure. ROGNON, sm. a kidney; from L. renio- nem*, dim. of ren. For nio=^«o see cigogne; for e = o, cp. elephantem, olifant; petalum, poele ; vester, votre. We find voster for vester in the Inscrip- tions of the Empire. — Der. rognonner. Rogue, adj. proud ; of Germ, origin, Norse hrokr. ROI, sm. a king ; from L. regem. For -egeiu = -oi see lot. — Der. rottelet (dim. of O. Fr. roietel, a wren ; roietel is from roiet*, compd. of rot and dim. suffix et. For the change of sense from kinglet to wren see § 15. ROIDE, ROIDEUR, adj. stiff, rigid. See raide, raideur. Its doublet is rigide, q. v. — Der. roza?illon, roid'n. ROIDIR, va. to stiffen. See roide. ROITELET, sm. a wren. See rot. ROLE, sm. a roll. Prov. rode. It. rololo, from L. rotulus, by regular contr. (see § 51) of rotillus to rot'lus, whence rule. For tl = 11 = I see § 168. Role is a doublet of rotule, q. v. — Der. enrtJ/er, coiArole ^(\. v.), r6hx, roht. ROLET, sm. a character, part. See role. ROMAIN, adj. Roman ; from L. romanus. For -anus = -a/tt see § 194. Its doublet is roman, q. v. — Der. romaint. SrOniail, sm. a romance, novel ; adj. romantic, Romance. The Lat. phrase 'lingua ro- mana* in Carolingian times meant the growing Fr. language, the ' rustic Latin,' as opposed to the 'lingua latina,' which was the name for the Class. Lat. We read in the Life of St. Adalbert, Abbot of Corbie (a.d. 750), that he preached in the vulgar tongue ' with a sweet abundance' (' Quern si vulgo audisses, dulcifluus emanabat'); and his biographer distinguishes still more plainly between the learned Lat. and the Romance or vulgar tongue : ' Qui si vul- gari, id est romana lingua, loqueretur, omnium aliarum putaretur inscius ; si vero teutonica, enitebat perfectius ; si latina, in nulla omnino absolutius' (Acta Sanctorum, Januar. i. 416). From this form romana comes the adv. romanice*, in the phrase 'romanice loqui.' Romanice, contrd. regularly (see § 51) to roman'ce. gives boti the subject-case romance and the object-cas' romant. See Hist. Gram. pp. 89-96. Ro mance and romant meant properly the vulga tongue, as distinguished from the Lat. these words are applied to compositions ii the former, thence came to designate cer- tain classes of literary composition. Roman afterwards became roman, whence romaiv esgue. For the nominative form romance, ii the sense of a novel, comes romancier, lit a writer who uses the vulgar tongue. Ro^ mance and roman, which both originall] meant any kind of composition in the vulgai tongue, survive in modern Fr. in two ^ ferent senses. Roman is a doublet oiromm and romance. ROMANCE, sf. a ballad. See roman. ROMANCIER, sm. a novelist. See roman, 1 ROMANESQUE, sm. romantic. See roman.\ tB-omantique, sm. romantic; introd from Engl, romantic. — Der. roma«/isme. ROMARIN, sm. rosemary; from L. rosma' rinus. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ROMPRE, va. to break ; from L. rumperej by regular contr. (see § 51) of rtimpdx to rump're, whence rompre : for u = s< annoncer. — Der, rompn, romptmtnt. RONCE, sm. a blackberry-bush, bramble; from L. rumioem, lit. a sting, prickle, whence sense of a thorn-bush. Bumicem becomes ronce by -umicem = -o«ce. For letter-changes see ponce. ROND, adj. round; formerly roond. It. ro- tondo, from L. rotundus. Botundus, by losing medial t (see abhaye), by u = o (see annoncer), becomes O.Fr, roond, which later is contrd. to rond. — Der. rondt, rond" eau, rondeWt, rondkleX, rowJache, ronrfin, rondtVLX, zrrondit. RONDACHE, sf. a buckler, target. See rond. RONDE, sf. a round. See rond. Its doublet is rotonde, q. v. RONDEAU, sm. a rondeau (poem of thirteen verses). See rond. RONDELET, adj. plump. See rond. RONDELLE, sf. a round, washer, round- shield. See rond. RONDEUR, sf. roundness. See rond. RONDIN, sm. a round piece of wood, cudgel. See rond. — Der. rondiner. ROND-POINT, sm. (Archit.) an apse. See rond and point. RONFLER, vn. to snore. Origin unknown. — Der. ronflant, ronfltMX, ronjlement. RONGER, va. to gnaw, nibble. Prov, romiar, Sp. rumiar, from L. rumigare, found for RONGE UR — ROTURIER. 319 ' to niminate ' in Apuleius, a sense which sur- vived in the O. Fr. word, which had sense of ruminating as well as of gnawing: the former sense remains in the hunting phrase le cerffait le range. Kumigdre, regularly contrd, (see § 52) to ruin'gare, becomes ranger : for m = n see changer. — Der. rang- eur, RONGEUR, sm. a rodent. See ranger. Roquefort, sm. a Roquefort cheese ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from Raquefort, a village in the Department of Aveyron, where these cheeses are made. ROQUET, sm. a pug-dog ; of hist, origin (see § 33)' properly a dog of St. Roch, allud- ing to the legend which represents St. Roch accompanied by his dog St. Roquet. tRoquette, sf. (Bot.) rocket; from It. rucchetta. Rorif^re, sm. a sprinkler; from L. rotifer. Rosace, sf. a rose (window, etc.) ; from L. rosaceus. Rosac6e, sf. a rose-tree; from L. rosacea. Rosaire, sm. a rosar)"^; from L. rosarius, properly a garland of roses (see chapelet) to crown the image of the Virgin, then a gar- land or necklace of threaded beads, serving to mark off prayers. Its doublet is rosier, q. v. + Rosat, adj. of roses, rose; introd, in 1 6th cent, from It. rosato. Its doublet is rose, q. v. + Rosbif, sm. roast beef; from Engl, roast beef ROSE, sf. a rose ; from L. rosa. — Der. rose (adj.), rose, rosiere, rosette. ROSE, adj. rose-coloured, rosy. See rose. ROSE, adj. roseate. See rose. Its doublet is rosat, q. v. ROSEAU, sm. a reed ; formerly rosel : for -el = -eau see agneau. Rosel, Prov. rauzel, is the dim. of a root ros, of Germ, origin, Goth, raus, a reed. Goth, raus gives Prov. raus, Fr. ros*: for au = o see § 107. ROSEE, sf dew ; partic. subst. (see absoute) of O. Fr, roser *, which is from L, rorare. E-orare becomes roser, as adrorare be- comes arroser. For r = s see arroser. ROSETTE, sf. a rosette. See rose. ROSIER, sm. a rose-bush; from L. rosarium. For -arium = -2er see § 198. Its doublet is rosaire, q. v, — Der, roseraie. + Rosse, sf. a poor horse, jade ; from Germ. ross. ROSSER, va. to thrash; formerly roissier. Origin unknown. ROSSIGNOL, sm. a nightingale; formerly lossignol, It. rossignuolo, from L. lusci- niolus *, masc. form of lusciniola (found in Plautus). Lu^ciniolus becomes O. Fr. lossigfwl : for u = see annoncer ; for sc = ss see cresson ; for ni = gn see cigogne. Lossignol, by changing / to r (see apotre), becomes rossignol, by dissimilation (see § 169). — Der. rossignohx. Rossinante, sm. Rosinante ; of hist, origin (see § 33), from Sp. rocinante, name of Don Quixote's horse fRossolis, sm. sun-dew; from L. ros and solis. Rostral, adj. rostral; from L. rostralis. Rostres, sm.pl. rostra; from L. rostra. ROT, sm. roast. See rotir. ROT, sm. belching. It. rtitto, from L. ructus. For u = o see annoncer; for ct = / see § 168. Rotateur, sm. a rotator; from L. rotato- rem. Rotation, sf rotation; from L. rotatio- nem. f Rote, sf the rota (a Roman court) , from It. rota. Its doublet is roue, q. v. ROTER, vn. to belch : from L. ructare. For VL = o see annoncer; for ct^t see § 168. Rotin, sm. a rattan. Origin unknown. ROTIR, va. to roast; formerly rostir, of Germ, origin, O, H. G. rostjan. For loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 8i. — Der. rot (verbal subst,), roti, ro/ie, ro/isserie, ro/is$- eur, ro/issoire. ROTISSEUR, sm. master of a cookshop. See rijtir. fRotonde, sf a rotunda ; from It. roton- da. Its doublet is ronde, q. v, Rodondit6, s/. rotundity ; from L. rotundi- tatem. Rotule, sf. (Anat.) a patella ; from L. rotu- la. Its doublet isrole, q.v. ROTURE, sf. commonalty; from L, rup- tura, properly act of breaking (clods), whence of cultivating fields, found in me- dieval Lat. ; e, g, ' Decimas et primitias de novis rupturiis, quae facta sunt in alodio S. Felicis,' in an iith-cent. charter. From this sense the word passes to that of the land of a ' villein ' subject to rent, land not noble. Ruptura becomes rotura ; for pt = / see § 168; for u = see annoncer. Roture is a doublet of rupture, q. v. ROTURIER, sm. a plebeian, lit. peasant who holds a roture (q. v.) ; from L. ruptura- rius * (one who cultivates a ruptura, see roture). We find in an iith-cent. charter ' Concedimus quoque eidem decern sextarias terrae, si a rupturariis dono vel emptione ilias acquisierint.' Ruptvira- 320 ROUAGE — ROFAL. rius becomes roturier: for -ftrius ■=-/«- see § 198; for pt = / %ee § 168 ; for u = o see annoncer. ROUAGE, sm. wheelwork, machinery. See roue. t Rouan, sm. a roan horse; formerly roa», . from It. roano. Rouanne, sf. a brand-iron. Origin un- known. — Der. rouanner, rouannette. t Rouble, sm. a rouble (Russian coin), a Russian word. ROUCOULER, va. to warble plaintively ; an onomatopoetic word. See § 34. — Der. roucoulement. ROUE, sf. a wheel ; from L. rota. For loss of medial t see aig7i ; for o = ou see § 81. Its doublet is rofe, q. v. — Der. rower, rowage, rowet. ROUE, sm. a roue, lit. one broken on the wheel. See rouer. ROUELLE, sf. a slice, round (of beeQ. For letter-changes see roue. Rouennerie, sf. common printed cotton ; of hist, origin, see § 33, first fabricated at Rouen. ROUER, va. to break on the wheel. See rou. Its doublet is roder. — Der. rou^, rouerie. ROUERIE, sf. action of a roue. See rouer. ROUET, sm. a spinning-wheel. See roue. ROUGE, adj. red ; formerly rage, It. robbio, from L. rubeus (found in Isidore of Seville). Rubeus, regularly transformed (see abre- ger) to rubius, consonnifies iu to ju (see abreger), whence rubjus, whence O. Fr. rage: for 'bj=j see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ; for u = o see annoncer. Roge later becomes rouge : for o = ou see § 81. — Der. rougekUe, roK^^aud, rougeoXt, rouget, rougtxxr, rougir. ROUILLE, sf. mildew ; formerly roille, Prov. ro'ilh, from L. rubigula*, dim. of ru- bigo. Rubigula, regularly contrd. (see § 51) to rubig'la becomes ro-ille: for loss of medial b see aboyer ; for u = o see annoncer ; for gl = // see cailler. Roille becomes rouille : for o = ou see § 81. — Der. rouiller, rouillure, d^rouilhr, en- routlleT. ROUIR, va. to ret ; of Germ, origin, Dutch roien. For loss of medial t see abbaye; for o = o« see § 81. — Der. rowissage, rottissoir. ROULADE, /. a roll, collar (of meat). See rouler. Its doublet is roulee. ROULAGE, sm. a rolling, wagon-ofEce, wagon. See rouler. ROULEAU, sm. a roll; from L. rotulellum*, dim. of rotulus. Botulinum, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to rot'lellum, be- comes row/eoM : for tl = // see § 168; for ol = OM see §§ 81, 157; for -ellum = -fi/ = 'eau see § 282. ROULER, va. to roll, wheel ; formerly roller, Prov. rotlar. It. rotolare, from L. rotu- lare* (found in medieval Lat. texts), der. from rotulus, Botul^re, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to rot'lare, becomes O.Fr. roller by tl = // (see § 168), whence rouler by ol — ou, see §§ 81, 157.— Der. row/age, row/ade, row/ier, row/is, rou/ement, row/eur, row/euse, row/etle, row/oir, derow/- er, Gnrouler. ROULIER, sm. a carter. See rouler. ROULIS, sm. (Naut.) a rolling. See rouler. tRoupie, s/l a rupee. Origin unknown. ROUSSEUR, sf redness. See roux. ROUSSIN, sm. a cob, thickset stallion ; from O. Fr. rous, ros, of Germ, origin (M. H. G. ross). Foio = ou see § 81. ROUSSIR, vn. to redden. See roux. — Der. roussi (partic. subst.). + Rout, sm. a rout, great party; from Engl. rout. ROUTE, sf. a road ; formerly rote, from L. rupta*(sc. a cross-road, via). Bupta means a road in medieval Lat. texts : * De qui- bus cimaliis forestae de Gadabone, nec- non de ruptis ejusdem forestae,' in a 1 2th-cent. document. Cp. the phrase aller S7ir les bris^es de quelqu'un. Hupta becomes rote: for pt = / see § 168; for u = see annoncer. Rote becomes route ; for o = 0M see § 81. — Der. row/ier, rout- ine (act of following the route marked out). ROUTIER, sm. a stager. See route. ROUTINE, sf. routine. See route.— Der. routinitx. ROUVIEUX, adj. mangy; from rouffe. Rouffe is of Germ, origin, Dutch rofe. ROUVRE, sm. English oak. O.Fr. rovre, Prov. robre, from L. robur, by regular contr. (see § 50) of robur to rob'r, whence rovre (for b = v see § 113), then rouvre (for o = ow see § 81). ROUVRIR, va. to re-open. See re- and ou- vrir. ROUX, adj. red, russet. Prov. ros, It. rosso, from L. russus ; for u = om see § 97; for ss = s see ais, whence O. Fr. rows, after- wards roux ; for s = x see deux. — Der. (from O. Fr. rows) rowsse, rowssatre, rowsseau, roKsselet, rowsseur, rowssette, rowssir. ROYAL, adj. royal ; from L. regalis. For letter-changes of -egalis = -qya/, see loyal. ROYAUME—RUT. 321 Its doublets are real and rtgale, q, v. — Der. royalt, royalisme, royaliste, royalt- ment. ROYAUME, sm. a kingdom, realm ; formerly royalme. Pro v. reialme, Sp. realme, from L. regalimen *, der. from regalis. Regali- men is contrd, (see § 51) to regal'men, whence O. Fr. royalme ; for regal- 5= royal- see royal. Royalme becomes royaume by al = au, see agneau. ROYAUTE, sf. royalty; formerly roialte, from L. regalitatem *, from regalis, by regular contr. (see § 52) of regalitd,- tem to regal'tatem, whence royalte. For regal- = royal- see royal ; for -tatem = -te see § 230. RU, sm. a channel. O. Fr. rui, from L. ri- vus, or rather from rius, the popular form of rivus, for the Appendix ad Probum blames that form, and says 'rivus non rius.' For loss of medial v see a:ieul. RUBAN, sm. a ribbon. Origin unknown. — Der. riibantnt, rubanier, Rub6fier, va. to redden; from L. rubefi- care*, der. from rubeus. See rouge. — Der. rubefiant. Rubiacee, sf. (Bot.) madder-plant ; from L. rub i ace a *, der. from rubeus. Rubicond, adj. rubicund; from L. rubi- cundus. + Rub is, sm. a ruby ; introd. from Sp. rubi. Rubrique, sf. red chalk, a rubric ; from L. rubrica. RUCHE, sf. a hive ; formerly rusche, Prov. rusca ; of Celtic origin, Breton rusken. For c = ck see acharner ; for loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. rucher, ruchee. Rude, adj. rude ; from L. rudis. — Der. rud- esse, rudoytr. Rudiment, sm. a rudiment; from L. rudi- mentum. RUDOYER, va. to treat rudely. See rude. RUE, ./. (Bot.) rue. Sp. ruda. It. ruta, from L. ruta. For loss of medial t see aigu. RUE, sf. a street ; in O. It. ruga, from L. ruga, properly a furrow, then a path, street, in medieval Lat. documents. We find in a charter of a.d. hi I, 'Quorum rex operta expertus, ecclesiam, rugam, plateam et mensuras concessit'; and in a text of A.D. 1 165, 'Usque ad locum qui vocatur Tudella, in ruga ejusdem S. Ger- man!.' Buga becomes rue by dropping g, see allier. — Der. ruelle. RUELLE, sf. a lane. See rue. — Der. rueller. Ruer, va. to rush; from L, ruere. — Der, rwade, r?/eur. Rugir, v7i. to roar, bellow ; from L. rugire. — Der. n/^issant, rw^issement. RugOsit6, s/, roughness; from L. rugosi- tatem. For -tatem = -^ Sempiternel, adj. eternal ; from L. sempi- ternalis *, from sempiternus. Senat, sm. a senate ; from L. senatus. Senateur, sm. a senator ; from L. senator- em. — Der. senalonal. S6natus-COnsulte, sm. a senatus-consul- tum ; from L. senatus consultum. t S6nau, sm. a ' snow' (two-masted Dutch vessel) ; of Dutch origin, like many other naval terms, Dutch snaauw. f S6n§, sm. senna; of Oriental origin, like many other names of medicinal herbs, Ar. jana. SENECHAL, sm. a seneschal ; formerly se- neschal, Prov. senescal. It. siniscalco, from Merov. L, seniscalcus, an overseer': ' Si alicujus seniscalcus, qui servus est, et dominus ejus XII vassos infra domum habet, occisus fuerit ' (Lex Alamannorum, 79, 3). Seniscalcus is of Germ, origin, from a form siniscalc *, properly the oldest of the slaves or servants. Seniscalcus be- comes senechal by -iscalcus = -ecAa/. For letter-changes see marechal. — Der. sene- cAaussee (from senechal : cp. marechaussee from 7narechal. For letter-changes see marechaussee). SENECHAUSSEE, sf. a seneschal's court. See senechal, SENEgON, sm. (Bot.) groundsel ; from L. senecionem (found in Pliny). For -cio ^ = f see agencer. SENESTRE, adj. left, sinister ; from L. sinis- trum. For i = e see § 72. Its doublet is sinistre, q, v. SENEVE, sm. (Bot.) charlock. It. senapa, from L. sinapi. For i=e see § 72 ; for a-e see § 54; for p = v see § 11 r. Senile, adj. senile; from L. senilis. SENNE. See seine. SENS, sm. sense ; from L. sensus. — Der. sensitif, sensitive. Sensation, sf. sensation ; from L. sensati- on em *, der. from sensare *. See sense. Sens§, adj. sensible; from L. sensatus (found in Firmicus). For -atus=--e see § 201. — Der. se«sement. Sensibilit6, sf. sensibility ; from L. sensi- bilitatem, from sensibilis. See sensible. Sensible, adj. sensible ; from L. sensibilis. — Der. sensibleue. Sensitif, adj. sensitive. See sens. — Der. sensitive. Sensitive, sf. (Bot.) the sensitive plant. See sensitif. Sensuality, sf. sensuality; from L. sensu- alitatem. Sensuel, adj. sensual; from L. sensualis. SENTE, sf a path. Sp. senda, from L. s^mita, by regular contr. (see § 51) of semita to sem'ta, whence sente. For m = n see changer. Sentence, sf sentence; from L. sententia. For -tia = -ce see agencer. Sentencieux, adj. sententious ; from L. sententiosus. For -osus = -eM» see § 229. SENTEUR, sf. scent. See sentir. SENTIER, sm. a path. Sp. sendero, Prov. semdier, from L. semitarius, der. from semita, by regular contr. (see § 52) of semitarius to sem'tarius, whence sentier. For m = « see changer ; for -arius = -ier see § 198. Sentiment, sm. a sentiment. See sentir. — ■ Der. sentimenta.]. Sentine, sf. (Naut.) a well, sink, well-room ; from L. sentina, t Sentinelle, sf. a sentinel ; from It. senlinella. SENTIR, vn. to feel ; from L. sentire. — Der. sentiment, ressentir, senteur. SEOIR, vn. to become, suit. O. Fr. seder. It. sedere, from L. sedere. For loss of medial d see asseoir; for e = oi see § 62. S6parable, adj. separable; from L. sepa- rabilis. Separation, §/^. separation; from L. sepa- rationem. S§parer, va. to separate; from L. sepa- rare. Its doublet is sevrer, q. v. — Der. separement. t S6pia, s/". sepia : introd. in the i6th cent. from It, sepia, properly the cuttle-fish. Its doublet is seiche, q. v. SEPT, adj. seven ; from L. septem. — Der. septieme. SEPTANTE, adj. seventy; from L. septua- ginta. For ua = a see § 102 ; for -aginta = -ante see cinquanle. Septembre, sm. September; from L. Sep- tember. Sept6naire, adj. septenary; from L. sep- tenarius. Septentrion, sm. north, Ursa Minor ; from L. septentrionem. Septentrional, adj. northerly; from L. septentrionalis. SEPTIEME, adj. seventh. See sept. Septuag6naire, adj. septuagenary ; from L septuagenarius. Septuag6sime, adj. septuagesima ; from L. septuagesimus. Septuple, adj. sevenfold; from L. sep- tuplus. 33^ sSpulcral-^serrer. S6pulcral, adj. sepulchral ; from L. sepul- cralis. S6pulcre, sm. a sepulchre; from L. sepul- crum. S6piilture,s/. sepulture; fromL.sepultura. S6quelle, sf. a set, gang, following (of peo- ple) ; from L, sequela. S6questration, sf. sequestration ; from L. sequestrationem. S6questre, sm, a sequestrator, sequestra- tion ; from L. sequester. S6questrer, t/a. to sequester; from L. se- questrare. — Der. seqnestre (verb.il subst.). t Sequin, sm. a sequin (Levantine gold coin) ; introd. from It. zecchino. 'tS6rail, sm, a seraglio; introd. by tra- vellers from Turkey, Turk, serai, a palace. S6raphin, sm. a seraph. From the Hebrew, see § 30. — Der. seraphiqac, SEREIN, adj. serene; from L. serenvis. — Der. serein (sm.). SEREIN,sm. the night dew; from L. serenus, deriv. of senim, evening. P'or e = ei see §64. + S6r6nade, sf. a serenade ; from It. sere- nata. t S6renissiine, a<^". most serene; from It. serenissimo. Ser6ilit6, sf. serenity; from L. sereni- tatem. S6reux, adj. serous; from L. serosus. For -osus = -cw« see § 229. SERF, sm. a serf; adj. servile; from L. servus. For v =f see bcettf. — Der. serv&ge. SERFOUETTE, sf. a pronged hoe; from serfouir, q. v. SERFOUIR, va. to hoe. Origin unknown. — Der. serfo7iiss^ge, ser/ouette. SERGE, sf. serge. Prov. serga, from L. serica, silk stuff: ' Vestimentorum sunt omnia lanea, lineaque vel serica vel bom- bycina ' (Ulpian. Dig. 1. 23). Serica, regu- larly contrd. (see § 51) to ser*ca, becomes serge (for c=g see adjuger). — Der. serg- erie, sergex, sergier. SERGENT, sm. a sergeant. O. Fr. serjent : in medieval Fr. the word meant a servant, as in les sergents du Rot, les sergents de I'Eveque =serviteurs du Rot, de I'Sveque. In the 13th cent, the Roman de la Rose calls lovers sergens d'amour, i.e. servants of the god Love. In several O. Fr. docu- ments the phrase sergent de Dieu is found s=servitetir de Dieu. Sergent is from L. servientem (for i =j see abreger), whence eervjentem, whence serjentem, by re- gular loss of V (see alUger). We also find Servians in medieval Lat. texts = sergent, thus confirming the origin stated ; e. g. * De castrorum excubiis summe sollicitus, mili- tibus XX, servientibus Ix,' from a docu- ment dated a.d. 1191. S6rie, sf. a series; from L. seriem. S6rieux, ofl?/. serious; from L. seriosus*, der. from serius. SERIN, sm. a canary bird ; from L. citrinus, i. e. citron-coloured, in Pliny, whence sense of serin, a yellow bird. Citrinus becomes serin : for c = s see amitie ; for i = « see §72; fortr = rsee § 168. — Der. serincr, serinette. Seringat, sm. (Bot.) a seringa ; corruption of syringa, from L. syrinx. Seringue, sf. a syringe, squirt; from L. syringa (found in Vegetiusj. — Der. serin- guer. SERMENT, sm. an oath. O.Fr. sairment, originally sairement, Prov, sagramen. It. Sacramento, from L. sacramentum. For cr = ar see benir; for a = e see § 54, whence O. Fr. sairement, afterwards sair'- ment, by loss of e (see § 51), Sairment \ becomes serment by ai = e, see §§ 102, 103. Serment is a doublet of sacrement, q, v. — Der, sermente, zssermenter. Sermon, sm. a sermon; from L. sermo- nem. — Der. sermonner, sermonneuT, ser- Twownaire. S6rosit6, sf. serosity, wateriness ; from L. serositatem *, from serosus. See sereux. SERPE, sf. a hedge-bill, pruning-hook ; verbal subst. of L. sarpere, to cut, prune. For a = e see § 54. — Der. serpette. SERPENT, sm. a serpent ; from L, serpen- tem. — Der. serpentenu, serpent'm, serpentine, serpenter. Serpentaire, sf (Bot.) serpentaria; from L. serpentaria. SERPENTIN, sm. (Chem.) a worm. See serpent. SERPENTINE, sf serpentine (marble). See serpent. Serpillidre, sf a •sarplier,' packing-cloth. Origin unknown. SERPOLET, sm. wild thyme; dim. of root serpol *, answering to Sp. serpol, der. from L. serpulltun. For u = o see annoncer. SERRE, sf a greenhouse, talon (of bird), grasp. See serrer. SERRER, va. to press close, lock, squeeze. It. serrare, from L. serare, to lock, in Pris- cian, then to put under lock and key, the meaning in O. Fr. phrases, serrer les grains, serrer son argent, serrer des hordes, and in sf. SERR URE — SISGER, 333 sernire. The L. serare becomes serrare* in medieval Lat. texts, and takes sense of chaining up, then of binding strongly, press- ing. We find, in the Chron. Saxon, publ. in Mabillon, t. 4, Ann. p. 431, ' Fratri- cidas autem et parricidas , . . sive per ma- num et ventrem serratos de regno eji- ciant.' — Der. serre (verbal subst.), serres, serrement, serre, serre-file, s^rre- papiers, serre-tete, enserrer, resserrer, desserrer. SERRURE, sf. a lock. See serrer.— Der. serrurier, serrurerie. SERTIR, va. to set in a bezil; from L. ser- tire *, der. from sertum. — Der. serdssure. f S^ruin, sm. serum; from L. serum. SERVAGE, sm. serfage. See serf. SERVANT, sm. a gunner ; adj. serving. See servir. SERVANTE, sf. a maidservant. See servir. SERVIABLE, adj. serviceable. See servir. SERVICE, sm. service ; from L. servitium. For -tium = -ce see agencer. SERVIETTE, sf. a table-napkin. See servir. Servile, adj. servile; from L, servilis. — Der. servilxie. Servility, sf. servility. See servile. SERVIR, va. to serve; from L. servire Der. servant, seri^ante, serffable, serwette. Serviteur, sm. a servant; from L. ser- vitor em (found in some Inscriptions). Servitude, 5/. servitude; from L. servi- tudinem (found in Festus). SES, adj.pl.poss. his. Sp. sos, from L. sos. We find in Ennius sas for suas : 'Virgines nam sibi quisque domi Romanus habet sas.' For the relation of this archaic form SOS to the Class, suos see mow. For SOS = ses seeje. Sesame, sm. (Bot.) sesamum ; from L. se- samum. Sessile, adj. sessile, sitting; from L. ses- silis (found in Pliny). Session, sf a session; from L. sessionem. Sesterce, sm. a sestertius; from L. sester- tius. For -tins = -ce see agencer. SETIER, sm. a setier (a measure) ; formerly sestier. It. sesdere, from L, sextarius. For -arius = -ier see § 1 98 ; for x = s see amitie ; whence O. Fr. sestier, whence setier, by loss of s (see Hist. Gram. p. 81). t S6ton, sm. (Med.) a seton ; from It. setone SEUIL, sm. a threshold. Prov. sol, from L. soleum*, secondary form of solea, a threshold, in Festus. Soleum, regularly transformed (see abreger) into soliiun, becomes seuil: for o = ew see § 79; for transposition of i see § 84. SEUL, adj. alone ; from L. solus. For o = eu see § 79. — Der. sew/ement, seulet, essejile. SEULEMENT, adv. only. See seul. SEVE, sf. sap. Prov. saba. It. sapa, from L. sapa. For p — z/ see § 1 1 1 ; for a = e see § 54- S§vdre, adj. severe; from L. severus. Sev6rit6, sf. severity; from L. severita- tem. S6vices, sf.pl. cruelty; from L. saevitia. For -tisL = -ce see agencer. Sevir, vn. to treat severely; from L. sae- vire. SEVRER, va. to wean, lit. to separate from the mother ; from L. separare, by regular contr. (see § 52) of separare to sep'- rare, whence sevrer. For p = 6 = i/ see §111. Sevrer in O. Fr. meant ' to sepa- rate,' and was at a late period restricted (see § 13) to its special sense of weaning. Sevrer is a doublet of separer, q. v. Sepa- rare becomes sevre as L. Separis becomes Sevre, the name of two Fr. rivers. — Der. sei/rage, setreuse. Sexagenaire, adj. sexagenary; from L. sexagenarius. Sexagesime, sf. sexagesima ; from L. sexa- gesimus. Sexe, sm. sex ; from L. sexus. Sextant, sm. a sextant ; from L. sex- tantem. Sexte, sf. sixth canonical hour ; from L. sextus. Its doublets are sixte, sieste, q. v. Sextuple, adj. sixfold; from L. sextuplus*. — Der. sextuplex. Sexuel, adj. sexual; from L. sexualis. f Shako, sm. a shako; of historical origin (a Hungarian word), see § 33. SI, conj. if; from L. si. — Der. smon. SI, adv. so ; from L. sic. For loss of c see ami. — Der. ains/, aussz. Sibylle, sf. a sibyl ; from L. si by 11 a. Sibyllin, adj. sibylline; from L. sibyl- linus. Sicaire, sm. an assassin; from L. sicarius. Siccatif, ac?/. siccative ; from L. siccativus. Siccite, sf. dryness ; from L. siccitatem. Side. sm. a shekel; from L. siclus, Jewish silver money. Sideral, adj. sidereal ; from L. sideralis. SIECLE, sm. an age ; from L. saeclum. For ae = e see § 104, whence seclum (found in classical authors). Seclum be- comes siecle. For e = ie see § 56. SIEGE, sm. a seat. See sieger. SIEGER, vn. to sit ; from L. sediare *, from 334 SIEN — SINGE. sodium *, which from sedes. Sediare by ia=ja (see abriger) becomes sedjare, whence sieger. For dj =g see ajouter and abreger; for e =ie see § 56. — Der. siege (verbal subst.). SIEN, adj. his ; formerly sen, softened form of sow, q. V. Foro = e seeje; for e = ie see § 56 ; for change of sense see mien. i*Sieste, sf. a siesta, midday nap ; introd. from Sp. siesta. Its doublet is sexie, q. v. SIEUR, sm. Mr. ; a doublet of seigneur, q. v. SIFFLER, va. and n. to whistle ; from L, sifll- are (found in Nonius). Sifilare is certainly a popular Lat. form ; for we find in the Appendix ad Probum, ' Sibilus, non sifllus.' Sifildre, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to sif 'lare, becomes siffler. — Der. s/^ant, s/^able, sifflemenX, sifflet, siffltMX. SIFFLET, sm. a whistle, hiss. See siflet. Signal, SOT. a signal; from L. signale *, found in medieval Lat, documents, der. from signum. — Der. signaltx, signalement. Signataire, sm. a signatory, signer. See signer. Signature, sf. signature; from L. signa- tura (found in Suetonius). Signe, sm. a sign; from L. signum. Its doublet is seing, q. v. — Der. signet. Signer, va. to sign; from L. signare. — Der. sf^nataire. Significatif, adj. significative ; from L. significativus. Signification, sf. signification ; from L. significationem. Signifier, va. to signify; from L. signifi- care. For loss of c see affouage. Silence, sm. silence; from L. silentium. For -tium = -ce see agencer. Silencieux, adj. silent; from L. si lent i- osus. For -osu8 = -ew* see § 229. + Silex, sm. silex; from L. silex. Silhouette, sf. a silhouette ; of hist, origin (see § 33), alluding to De Silhouette, the Comptroller-General of Finance under Louis XV, who died a.d. 1767. Silhouette por- traits were so called simply because they came into fashion in the year in which M. de Silhouette was minister. Silice, sf. (Geol.) silex; from L. silicem. — Der. silicevx. Silique, sf (Bot.) siliqua ; from L. siliqua — Der. siliqueux. Sillage, SOT. (Naut.) steerage-way, head-way. See siller. SILLER, vn. to run ahead, cleave the seas ; of Germ, origin, Scand. sila. — Der. sj7/on, sill- age. Sillet, SOT. nut (of stringed instruments). Origin unknown. SILLON, SOT. a furrow. See siller. — Der. s«7/o«ner. SILLONNER, va. to trace. See siller. + Silo, SOT. a pit (to keep corn, etc.) ; from^ Sp. si7o. i Silure, sm. (Ichth.) a silurus; from L. si-| lurus. I Silves, sf. pi. • silvae,' a collection of pieces ; j from L. silva (so used by Statins and C^uin- ' tilian). ^ SIMAGREE, sf. a grimace ; corruption of old formula si m'agree, whence the sense of simagree, affected, obsequious attention. See si and agreer. + Si mar re, sf a gown; from It. zimarra. Similaire, a^". similar; from L. similaris*, from si mi lis. Similitude, sf similitude; from L. simili- tudinem. Similor, sm. similor ; a word fashioned out of L. similis and Fr. or. Simoniaque, adj. simoniacal. See simonie. Simonie, sf simony; from eccles. L. si- monia *, from the name of Simon Magus. — Der. stOTOwaque. Simple, adj. simple; from L. simplex. — Der. simplesse, simpli^er (L. simplifi- care*), szOT/>/ification (L. simplificati- onem *). Simplicity, sf simplicity; from L. sim- plicitatem. Simplification, sf. simplification. See simple. I Simplifier, va. to simplify. See simple^ I Simulacre, sm. an image, phantom ; from' L. simulacrum. Simulation, sf feigning ; from L, simula- tionem. Simuler, va. to feign; from L. simulare. Its doublet is sembler, q. v. Simultan6, adj. simultaneous; from L. simultaneus, a word found in medieval Lat. texts. — Der. simultaneity. Sinapisme, sm. a mustard-poultice; from L. sinapismus (found in Caelius Aureli- anus). Sincere, adj. sincere; from L. sincerus. Sinc6rit6, sf sincerity; from L. sinceri- tatem. t Sinciput, SOT. (Anat.) the sinciput; from L. sinciput. Sin6curej sf a sinecure; from L. sine cur a, that has no care, no work attached. SINGE, SOT. an ape ; from L. simius. For iu = ju see abreger, whence singe. For SING ULA RISER — SOL. 335 m = n see changer ; for j =^ see Hist. Gram. p. 63. — Der. singer, singerie. Singulariser, va. to render odd ; from L. singularis. Singularity, sf. singularity; from L. sin- gularitatem, from singularis. See singulier. Singulier, adj. singular; from L. singu- laris. For -aris = -zer see § 198. Its doublet is sanglier, q. v. Der. smguliere- ment. Sinistre, adj. sinister; from L. sinister. Its doublet is senes'.re, q. v. SINON, conj. otherwise. See si and non. Siliu6, adj. (Bot.) sinuate; from L. sinu- atus. For -atus = -e see § 201. Sinueux, adj. sinuous; from L. sinuosus. For -osvLa = -etix see § 229. Sinuosity, sf. sinuosity; from L. sinuosi- tatem, from sinuosus. Seesinueux. f Sinus, sm. a sinus,' curve ; from L. sinus. Its doublet is sein, q. v. Siphon, sm. a siphon ; from L. siphon em, a water pipe, in Seneca. SIRE, sm. sire. See its doublet seigneur. Sir§ne, sf. a siren ; from L. siren. fSirOCO, sm. a sirocco; introd. from It. scirocQO, south-east wind. + Sir op, sm. a syrup ; introd. from It. si- roppo. — Der. sirupeux. SIRO TER, va. to sip. Origin unknown. Sirupeux, adj. syrupy. See sirop. SIS, adj. (Legal) situate ; from L. situs. For the continuance of Lat. s see § 149. — Der. sise. Sistre, sm. a sistrum (Egyptian timbrel) ; from L. sistrum. Sisymbre, sm. (Bot.) sisymbrium ; from L. sisymbrium. ^Site, sf. site; introd. in i6th cent, from It. silo. — Der. situer, situation, situe. SI TOT, adv. so soon. See si and (6t. Situation, sf. situation. See site. Situer, va. to situate. See site. SIX, adj. six; from L. sex. For e = i see § 59. — Der. s/;cain, szxieme. SIXAIN, sm. a stanza. See six. SIXIEiME, adj. sixth. See six. ♦Sixte, sf. (Mus.) a sixth; from L. sextus. For e = i see § 59. Its doublets are sexte, siesle, q. v. + Sloop, sm. a sloop; introd. from Engl. sloop. Sobre, adj. sober ; from L. sobrius. Sobriete, sf. sobriety; from L. sobrieta- tem. SOBRIQUET, 5m. a soubriquet, nickname. Origin unknown. SOC, sm. sock, share (of a plough, etc.) ; from L. soccus (properly a shoe), whence of the ploughshare, because of the curved end of the plough : so used in Alexander Necham, ' Supponatur dentile, vel dentale, cui soccus vel vomis infigatur.' For 00 = c see bee. Soc is a doublet of socque, souche (?), q.v. Sociability, sf. sociability; from L, socia- bilitatem *, from sociabilis. See soci- able. Sociable, arf/. sociable; fromL. sociabilis. Social, adj. social; from L. socialis. Societaire, sm. a partner, member of a society. See socieie. Society, .'?/. society ; from L. societatem. — Der. soe/eVaire. + Socle, sm. a plinth, pedestal; from It. zoccolo. Socque, sm. a clog; from L. soccus. Sodium, sm. sodium, an alkaline metal, extracted from soda by Sir Humphrey Davy in 1807. SCEUR, sf. a sister; from L. soror (see Hist. Gram, p. 96). For loss of last atonic syllable see § 50, whence sor' ; for o = ceu see § 79 note 3. — Der. scewrette, t Sofa, sm. a sofa, ottoman; a word introd. from the East by travellers, Ar. foffah. fSoffite, sm. soffit; introd. from It. soffito. SOI, pr on. stU; from L. sibi. Fori = 02 see boire ; for loss of b see taon. SOI-DISANT, adj. self-styled. See soi and disant. SOIE, sf. silk. Sp. seda, It. seta, from L, seta. For loss of medial t see aigu ; for e = oi see § 61. — Der. sozerie, sojyeux, SOIF, sf. thirst. Prov. set. It. sete, from L. sitim. For 1 = oi see boire ; for t =/ see SOIGNER, va. to attend to. See soin. — Der. soigneux. SOIN, sm. care. Origin unknown. — Der. soigner. SOIR, sm. the evening. Prov. ser, from L. seram (found in Suetonius). For e = oi see § 61 Der. soiree. SOIT, adv. either; sub), of etre. Soif repre- sents L. sit. For i = oi see boire. SOIXANTAINE, sf sixty. See soixante. SOIXANTE, adj. sixty; from L. sexaginta. For e = or see § 61; for -aginta = -a«/« see cinquante. — Der. soixantihuie, soixant- aine. SOIXANTlfiME, adj. sixtieth. See soixante. SOL, sm. a penny. It. soldo, from L, sdli- 33^ SOL — SOMME, dus (gold coin, in Ulpian), by loss of the last two atonic vowels, see §§ 50. 51 ; cp. nitidus, net; pallidus, pule, etc. Its doublet is sou, q. v. Sol, sm. the soil ; from L. solum. Solacier, va. to solace; from L. solatiare*, from solatium. For ti = cz see agencer. Solaire, adj. solar; from L. solarius. Solan6e, sf. (Bot.) solanea; from L. sol- anea. Solanum, sm. (Bot.) nightshade; from L. solanum. tSoldat, sm. a soldier; introd. from It. soldato. Its doublets are soude, solde. + Soldatesque, adj. soldier-like; introd. from It. soldatesca. I" Solde, sm. balance (of an account) ; from It. soldo. t Solder, va. to pay, settle; from It. sol- dare. Its doublet is souder, q. v. SOLE, sf. a break ; from L. sola *, fern, form of solum. See sol. — Der. asso/er, assole- ment. SOLE, sf. (Ichth.) a sole ; from L. solea (in Pliny). Sol^cisme, sm. a solecism ; from L. soloe- cismus. SOLEIL, sm. the sun ; from L. soliculus *, der. of sol. For the use of this form see § 18. For -iculus = -«7 see § 257. Solen, sm. a solen, shell; from L. solen. Solennel, adj. solemn; from L. solen- nalis*, from solemnis. — Der. solenniser, solenniszUon. Solennellement, adv. solemnly. See solen- nel. Solennit^, sf. solemnity; from L. solen- nitatem. + Solfege, sm, solfeggio; introd. from It. solfeggio. t Solfier, va. to sol-fa; from It, solfa. Solidaire, adj. (Legal) jointly and severally liable. See solide. — Der. solidarity. Solidarity, sf joint and several liability. See solidaire. Solide, adj. sclid; from L. solidus. Its doublet is sow, q.v.— Der. solidaire, solid- ifier. Solidifier, va. to solidify. See solide. Solidit6, sf solidity ; from L. solidita- tem. Soliloque, sm. soliloquy; from L. solilo- quium, Solipdde, sm. soHped, one-footed ; from L. solum and pedem. Solitaire, adj. solitary; from L. solita- rius*, from solus. Solitude, sf. solitude; from L. solitude. SOLIVE, sf a joist ; formerly solieve, verbal subst. of sublevare : solive accordingly properly means a support. Subleva * be- comes solieve : for hi — I see semondre ; for u = o see annoncer; for e = ie see § 56. then =1. — Der. so//veau. Sollicitation, sf solicitation; from L, sol- licitationem. Solliciter, va. to solicit ; from L. sollici- t a r e . — Der. solliciteur. Sollicitude, sf solicitude ; from L. solli- citudinem. + Solo, sm. a solo ; introd. from It. solo. — Der. so/iste. Solstice, sm. a solstice; from L. solstitium. For -tium = -ce see agencer. Solsticial, adj. solstitial; from L. solsti- tialis. Solubility, sf solubility ; from L. solubili- tatem*, from solubilis. Soluble, adj. soluble; from L. solubilis. Solution, sf solution; from L. solutio- nem. Solvability, sf. solvency ; from L. solva- bilitatem, from solvabilis. See solv- able. Solvable, adj. solvent; from L. solva- bilis*, from solvere. For -abilis = -able see affable. i" Sombre, adj. sombre; introd. from Sp. sombra, properly a shade. From sombre comes the verb assombrir. SOMBRER, vn. to founder, lit. to cause to disappear, hide in the shade; from L. sub- umbrare*. For loss of medial b see taon ; for u = see annoncer, whence so- ombrer, whence afterwards sombrer. Sommaire, sm. a summary; from L. sum- mar ium (so used in Seneca). Its doublet is soummier. Sommation, sf a summons. See sommer. SOMME, sm. a nap; from L. somnus. For jxm. = mm see allumer. SOMME, sf a sum (total) ; from L. summa. For u ^ o see annoncer. Its doublet is sow, q. v. SOMME, sf a burden (for a beast to carry). It. sa/ma, from L. salma*, corruption of sagma, a pack-^ddle, then the pack on the saddle. ' Sagma, quae corrupte dicitur salma,* says Isidore of Seville. Salma (by al = au, see agneau) becomes sauma, found in an ilth-cent. Lat. text. Sauma becomes somme by au = o, see § 106. — Der. sommier (first a pack-horse, then a mattress, because it carries the sleeper), SOMMEIL — SORCIER. 337 assofnmer (properly to crush under a pack). I SOMMEIL, sm. sleep; from L. somniculus*, I deriv. of somnus : for this diminutive form see § 1 8. Somniculosus is in Martial, I and proves the existence of somniculus *, I as periculosus proves the existence of periculum. For -iculus = -«7 see § 257; for mn = mm see allumer. — Der. sommeil- ler. I SOMMEILLER, vn. to slumber. See som- meil. SOMMELIER, sm. a butler; originally an officer who had the care of provisions, from L. saumalerius *, der. from sauma * ; see somme (3). Saumalerius is found in a document of date a. D. 1285. Saum,alerius becomes sommelier : for au = see § 106; for a = e see § 54. — Der. sowme//erie. SOMMELLERIE, sf. a buttery. See somme- lier. SOMMER, va. to sum, add up, properly to sum up what has been said ; from L. sum.mare *, der. from sum.ma, a sum- mary. For u = o see annoncer. — Der. somm- ation. SOMMET, sm. summit ; dim. of O. Fr. som, which from L. summ.um.. For u = o see annoncer. SOMMIER, sm. a packhorse, mattress. See somme (t,). Sommit^, sf. a summit; from L. summi- tatem. For u = o see annoncer. Soninanibule, smf. a somnambulist; a word fashioned out of L. somnus and ambu- lare. — Der. somnambulisme. Somnifdre, adj. somniferous, narcotic; from L. somnifer. Somnolence, sf. somnolency ; from L. somnolentia. Somnolent, adj. somnolent; from L. som- nolentus. Somptuaire, adj. sumptuary ; from L. sumptuarius. Somptueux, adj. sumptuous ; from L. sumptuosus. Somptuosit6, sf. sumptuousness ; from L. sumptuositatem, SON, pass. pron. his ; from L. sum, som, in Ennius, for suum. For the relation be- tween sum. and suum see mon. Sum. becomes son : for u = o see annoncer ; for m = « see changer. SON, sm. bran. Sp. soma, from L. sum- miim, properly the top of the meal, then bran which is bolted to the surface after grinding. For u = o see annoncer; for m = w see changer. Son, sm. a sound; from L. sonus. tSonate, sf. a sonata; introd. from It. sonata. Its doublet is sonnee. SONDAGE, sm. sounding. See sender. SONDE, sf. a fathom-line, bore (mining). See sonder. SONDER, va. to sound, lit. to go under water ; from L. subundare, from unda. Subundare becomes sonder: for loss of medial b see taon ; for u = o see annoncer ; for 00 = cp. rond from roond, Louis from Loots, etc. — Der. sonde (verbal subst.), sondnge, sondeur. SONDEUR, sm. a leadsman. See sonder. SONGE, sm. a dream ; from L. som.nium. For iu = ju see abreger, whence somnjum, whence songe : for mn = n see colonne and changer ; for j =g- see Hist. Gram. p. 65. — Der. songer, songexir. SONNAILLER, vn. to keep ringing. See sonner. — Der. sonnaille (verbal subst.). SONNER, vn. to sound, ring; from L. so- nare. For n = «n see ennemi. — Der. sonn- ant, sowtterie, sonnelte, sowweur, so««ailler (cp. criailler from crier). t Sonnet, sm. a sonnet ; from It. sonnetto. SONNETTE, sf. a bell. See sonner. Sonore, adj. sonorous ; from L. sonorus. Sonorit6, sf. sonorousness; from L. sonor- itatem. Sopha. See sofa. Sophisme, sm. a sophism ; from L. so- phisma. Sophiste, sm. a sophist ; from L. sophista. Sophistique, adj. sophistic; from L. so- phisticus. — Der. sophistiquer. Sophistiquer, vn. to subtilise. See sophis- tique. — Der. sophistiqueuT, sophisticiition. Soporifdre, adj. soporiferous ; from L. so- porifer. Soporifique, adj. soporific; from L. sopo- rificus *. t Soprano, sm. soprano ; from It. soprano. It is a doublet of souverain, q. v. Sorbe, sf. (Bot.) a sorb-apple; from L. sor- bum. — Der. sorbier. t Sorbet, sm. a sorbet; introd. from It. sorbet to. — Der. sor6e^iere. SORCELLERIE, sf. sorcery. See sorcier. SORCIER, sm. a sorcerer; from L. sortia- rius *, a teller of fortunes by lot, from sortiare *, to tell fortunes. Sortiare * is from sortem, a lot, oracle. Sortiarius, sortiaria* are found for sorcerer and sorceress in Merov. texts ; e. g. ' Et quia 338 SOR DIDE — SO U DOVER . audivimus, quod malefici homines et sortia- riae, per plura loca in noslro regno insur- gunt,' Capitularies of Charles the Bald, t. 39, § 7 ; and Hincmar, De Divortio Lo- tharii, ' Alii potu, alii autem cibo a sor- tiariis dementati, alii vero tantum car- minibus a strygio fascinati.' Sortiarius gives sorcier : for ti = ci see agencer ; for -ariVLS =-ier see § 198. — Der. ensorcder (from O. Fr. ensorcerer by r = /, see autel). Sordide, adj. sordid; from L. sordidus. Sorite, sm. a sorites (in logic) ; from L. sorites. SORNETTE, .rematie. SOR, adj. sour; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. sur, acid, sour. SUR, prep, on, upon ; from L. super. Sti- per, regularly contr. (see § 50) to sup*r, becomes sur-. for pr = r cp. sup'rcilium *, sourcil; sup'rvenire *, survenir; sup'r-* vivere*, survivre, etc. The Lat. lan- guage used super in composition to express addition, elevation, etc., whence super- venire, supervivere, etc. The Fr. lan- guage in turn uses sur for new compds. ; e. g, surnager, surmonter, surcroit, suranne, etc. SOR, adj. sure ; formerly seur, originally senr, .Prov. segur, Sp. seguro, from L. securus. For regular loss of o see affouage ; for eu — eu see mtir; for eu = u ste jumeau. Surabondance, sf. superabundance. See sur 2 and abondance. Surabonder, va. to superabound. See sur 2 and abonder. SURAIGU, adj. (Mus.) extremely high, shrill. See stir 2 and aigu. SURAJOUTER, va. to superadd. See sur 2 and ajouter. SURANNER, vn. to expire, properly to have more than a year's standing ; from sur (see sur 2) and anner, der. from an, q. v. — Der. suranne.^ SURBAISSE, adj. surbased. See sur 2 and baisser. — Der. surhaissemenX.. SURCHARGE, sf. an additional burden. See surcharger. Its doublet is subrecargue, q. V. SURCHARGER, va. to surcharge. See sur 2 and charger. — Der. surcharge (verbal subst.). ^ SURCROIT, S7?i. increase. See surcroitre. SURCROITRE, vn. to grow out; va. to increase exceedingly. See sur 2 and croiire. — Der. surcroit (verbal subst.). SURDENT, sf. an irregular tooth. See sur 2 and dent. Surdity, sf. deafness; fromL. surditatem. StTRDORER — SURTAXE. 347 SURDORER, va. to double-gild. See sur 2 and dorer. SUREAU, SOT. an elder-tree; formerly sieu- reaii, originally se«re/, sei'ierel*. Lat. sa- bucus, losing its medial b (see aboyer), becomes Sp. sauco, Prov. saiic, O. Fr. seii. For-ucus =-7^ see § 237; for a = e see § 54, Towards the end of the middle ages the simple form seii is replaced by its dim. se'iierel*, compd. of root seii and suffix erel, which is from L, -arellus : for & — e see § 54. By el = eau (see agneau) O. Fr. seiierel* is contrd. euphonically to seiirel, then to seurel (see miir), whence the old form setireau. Thus O. Fr. seuereau is formed from O. Fr. seu, like poetereau from poete and mdtereau from mat. But though the Fr. language has only kept the derived form, and has dropped the primitive seu, this is not the case with the Fr. patois : in Picardy and Burgundy they still call the tree seyu ; in Languedoc sahuc, which is the L. sabucus closely followed. For eu = u see jutneau. SURENCHERE, sf. a higher bid. See sur and enchere. SURENCHERIR, va. to overbid. See sur and encherir. SURET, acf/. sourish. See sur i. SURETE, sf. safety, security ; formerly surete, Prov. segurtat, from L. securitatem. For secur- = stir- see silr ; for i = e see § 72; for -tatem = -^e' see § 230. Its doublet is 1, securite, q. v. j Surexcitation, sf. extreme excitement. See sur 2 and excitation. SURFACE, sf. surface ; from L. superfacies, for superficies. For super = sur see sur 2. SURFAIRE, vn. to overcharge. See sur 2 and faire. SURFAIX, sm. a surcingle. See sur 2 and faix. SURGEON, sm. a sucker, which springs up (surgil) from the foot of a tree. See surgir. Surgir, va. to spring up; from L. surgere. Its doublet is sozirdre, q.v. SURHAUSSER, va. to raise excessively. See sur 2 and hausser, — Der, surhaussement. Surhuraain, adj. superhuman. See sur 2 and humain. Surintendance, sf. superintendence. See sur 2 and intendance. Surintendant, sm. a superintendent. See sur 2 and intendant. SURJET, sm, a hem. See surjeter. SURJETER, va. to whip (with a needle). See sur 2 and jeter. — Der. surjet (verbal subst.). SURLENDEMAIN, sm. the third day (after). See sur 2 and lendemain. SURLONGE, ./. a sirloin. See sur 2 and longe. SURMENER, va. to overdrive. See sur 2 and mener. SURMONTER, va. to surmount. See sur and monter. — Der. surmontMe, insnrmont- able. SURMOUT, sm. new wort. See siir 2 and mout. SURMULET, sm. a grey mullet. See sur 2 and mulet. SURNAGER, va. to float on the surface. See sur 2 and nager. Surnaturel, adj. supernatural. See sur 2 and naturel. SURNOM, sm. a surname. See sur 2 and nom. — Der, surnommtx. SURNOMMER, va. to surname. See surnom. Sumumeraire, sm. a supernumerary; compd. of S2ir (see sur 2) and L.. nume- rarius. — Der. surnumeraria.t. SURPASSER, va. to surpass. See sur 2 and passer. SURPLIS, sm. a surplice. O. Fr. surpelis, Prov. sobrepelitz, Sp. sobrepeliz, from L. superpellicium, in medieval Lat. docu- ments ; e. g. ' Archiepiscopus sacerdotali superpellicio inductus,' says a chronicler of the 13th cent. Superpellicium, compd. of pellicium, fur (in the Digest), and of super, means properly an over- garment. Superpellicium becomes O. Fr. surpelis. For super- = sur- see sur 2 ; for ci = s see agencer. For contr. of O. Fr. surpelis to surplis see § 51. SURPLOMBER, vn. to overhang. See sur 2 and plomber. — Der. surplomb (verbal subst.) SURPLUS, 5m. a surplus. See sur 2 and phts, SURPRENDRE, va. to surprise. See sur 2 and prendre, properly to take beyond all expression. — Der. surpr'is, surprise, sur- prena.nt. SURPRISE, sf. a surprise, deceit. See sur- prendre. SURSAUT, sm. a start. See sur 2 and satit Its doublet is soubresaut, q. v. SURSEOIR, vn. to supersede, suspend ; from L. supersedere. For letter-changes see sur 2 and seoir. — Der. sursh (partic. subst. : surseoir gives sursis as asseoir gives assis). SURSIS, sm. a delay. See surseoir. 348 SUR TOUT—SYNTAXE. Surtaxe, sf. a surcharge. See sur 2 and taxe. — Der. surtaxer. SURTOUT, sm. a surtout, coat. Sp. sobretodo, from L. supertotus *, found in medieval Lat. texts for a garment put on over all others ; ' Illas quidem vestes, quae vulgo supertoti vocantur' (Statuta Ordinis S. Bcnedicti, A.D. 1226, cap. 16). For letter- changes see stir 2 and tout. SURTOUT, adv. above all. See sur 2 and tout. SURVEILLANCE, sf. surveillance, super- vision. See survetller. SURVEILLANT, sm. an overseer. See sur- veiller. SURVEILLE, sf. two days before. See sur 2 and veille. SURVEILLER,va. to superintend. See sur 2 and veiller. — Der. surveilhnt, surveillance. SURVENIR, vn. to arrive unexpectedly ; from L. supervenire. For super- = swr- see sur 2. SURVIE, sf. survival. See sur and vie. SURVIVANCE, /. reversion. See survivre. SURVIVANT, sm. a survivor. See survivre. SURVIVRE, vn. to survive ; from L. super- vivere. For super- = sur- see sur 2 ; for "Vivere = i/zvre see vivre. — Der. survivznt, swmvance, SUS, prep, upon ; interj. come ! cheer up ! from L. susum (in Tertullian and St. Augustine). — Der. dessws, en sus, swsdit. Susceptible, adj. susceptible; from L. susceptibilis *, from susceptus, p.p. of suscipere. — Der. susceptibtlite (L. suscep- tibilitatem*). Susciter, va. to excite; from L. susci- tare. Suscription, sf. a superscription ; from L subscriptionem. SUSDIT, adj. aforesaid. See sus and dit. Suspect, adj. suspected; from L. suspectus Suspecter, va. to suspect; from L. sus- pectare. Suspendre, va. to hang; from L. sus- pendere. For loss of penult, e see § 51 — Der. suspens (L. suspensus), en sus- pens (in suspenso), suspensok (suspen- sorium *). Suspension, sf. suspension; from L. sus- pensionem. Suspensoir, sm. a suspensory bandage See suspens. Suspicion, sf. a suspicion; from L. sus- picion em. Its doublet is soupfon, q. v. Sustenter, va. to sustain; from L. sus- tentare. Suture, sf. (Anat.) a suture; from L. su- tura. Suzerain, sm. a suzerain, sovereign ; a word framed by means of sms and the termination -erain, imitating the word souverain. 1 f Svelte, adj. slender; introd. in l6th cent, from It. svelto. Sycomore, sm. a sycamore; from L. sy co- rn orus (found in St. Jerome). Sycophante, &m. a knave; from L. syco- phanta. Syllabaire, sm. a spelling-book. See syllabe. Syllabe, sf a syllable ; from L. syllaba. — Der. 5y//a6aire, s_y//a6ique. Syllepse, sf. (Gram.) syllepsis (found in Donatus). Syllogisme, sm. a syllogism ; from L., syllogismus (found in Seneca). I SyUogistique, adj. syllogistic; from L.| syllogisticus (found in Quinctilian). Sylphe, sf. a sylph; from L. sylph i, genii, among the Gauls, a word found in more than one Inscription). Symbole, sm. a symbol, creed ; from Gr. ovfi^oKou. — Der. symboliqae, symboliser. Syni6trie, sf symmetry ; from L. symetria (found in Vitruvius). — Der. symetrique, symetriscT. Sympathie, sf sympathy ; from Gr. avfi- iradfia. — Der. sympath\(\\\t, sympath'isem. Sympathiser, va. to sympathise. See sympathie. Symphonie, sf a symphony ; from L. symphonia. — Der. symphonkte. Symptdme, sm. a symptom; from Gr. GvfxtrrojfJLa. Synagogue, sf a synagogue; from L. synagoga (found in Tertullian). Synallagmatique, adj. reciprocal ; from Gr. avvaWayfuiTiKos. Synchronisme, sm. a synchronism ; from Gr. av7xpoj/iO'^os. Sjrncope, sf syncope ; from Gr. avyKovq. Syndic, sm. a syndic ; from L. syndicus. — Der. syndics], syndic^t. S3niecd.OCh,e, sf. (Rhet.) synecdoche ; from Gr. avv€K5oxV' Syn6r6se, sf. (Gram.) synaeresis ; from Gr, awaip(cis. Synode, sm. a synod ; from Gr. aiVoSos. — Der. synodal. Synonyme, sm. a synonym ; from Gr cvvdjvvfios. — Der. synonymic, synonymique Synoptique, adj. synoptic ; from Gr. ctw- OTTTIKOS. SjTHtaxe, sf syntax ; from Gr. GvvTa^is.-^ Der. s^n^a^ique. SYNTHASE— TA IRE. 349 Synthase, sf. synthesis ; from Gr. avvde- ais. Synthetique, adj. synthetic; from Gr. avvOiTiKus. Systdme, sm.a. system; from Gr. avarrjua. — Der. sy5/(/matique. Syzygie, sf. (Astron.) a syzygy, conjunction; from Gr. = che see §§126 and 54; and for i = e = a see § 72 and note 4 TANDIS QUE, at/v. while; coimpd. of tandii and que. Tandis is from tan-, from L. tarn j for m = n see changer ; for -rf/s ste jadis. TANGAGE, sm. pitching (of a ship at sea). See tanguer. Tangence, sf. tangency ; from L. tangen- tia*, from tangentem. See tangente. Tangente, sf. a tangent; from L. tangen- tem. Tangible, adj. tangible; from L. tangi bi- lls. TANGUER, va. to pitch (of a ship at sea). Origin unknown. — Der. tangzgc. TANIERE, sf. a lair. See taisson. TANIN, sm. tannin. See tan. TANNER, va. to tan. See tan. — Der. tann- age, tannem, tannene. TANT, adv. so much ; from L. tantum. — Der. tanteX, tantVavne, tantoX. TANTE, sf. an aunt ; formerly ante, Prov. amda, Lomb. amida, from L. amita. Amita regularly losing i (see § 51) be- comes am'ta, whence O. Fr. ante : for ra = n see changer. Ante means an aunt in O.Fr,, and it is not till the end of the 13th cent, that the word tante appears frequently. No account can be given of this strange formation. TANTOT, adv. presently, = tellement tdl, si tot, tant tot ; compd. of tant and tut (see those words). TAON, sm. a breeze-fly, horse-fly; from L. tabanus, by loss of medial b (see aboyer)y and by a = o (cp. phai»tasme, fantume; patella, poele, etc.). TAPAGE, sm. an uproar ; der. from taper. Cp. assemblage from assembler. — Der, ta- pagexiT. TAPE, sf. a slap, tap. See taper. TAPER, va. to strike, tap. Origin unknown. — Der. tape (verbal subst.), tapzge. TAPINOIS (EN), adv. stealthily. See tapir. + Tapioca, sm. tapioca; of American origin, see § 32. TAPIR (SE), vpr. to crouch. Origin un- known. — Der. tapinei (en), tapinois. Tapis, sm. a carpet; from L. tapete. For e = i see § 60. — Der. tapissex, tapissier, tapisserie. TAPON, sm. a bundle. Tapon is dim. of O. Fr. tape, a bundle, of Germ, origin, A. S. tape. A nasal form of tapon is its doublet tampon. For addition of m see lambruche. — Der. taponnex. TAPOTER, va. to slap; frequent, of m/m TAQUIN — TECHNOLOGIE. 35^ \ Cp. clignotcr of digner, picoter of piquer, cracholer of cracker, trembloter of trem- bler, etc. tTaquin, sm. a torment, tease; introd. in 1 6th cent, from Sp. iacano, — Der. (aqimier, taqnintnt. TARABUSTER, va. to pester. Origin un- known. TARAUD, sm. a tap-borer, tap ; der. from a hypothetical verb tarer"^, which would answer to a Lat. verb tarare *, traces of which are seen in the deriv. form tara- trum, see tariere. — Der. tarauder. TARD, adj. slow, late; from L. tardus. — Der. tarder, zUard&x, letarder, tardxi, tardivement. f Tare, sf. loss, waste; introd. in i6th cent, from It. tara. — Der. tar&r. t Tarentelle, sf. a tarantella; introd. from It. tarantella. f Tarentule,s/".(Entom.)atarantula;from tarentole in Menage, introd. from It. taran- tola. TARGE, sf. a target (shield); of Germ, origin, O. Scand. targa. — Der. target, targ- ette (a target having the form of a little shield), (se) targuer (to cover oneself with something as with a target). TARIERE, sf an auger, (Entom.) terebra. Prov. taraire, from L, taratrum (found in Isidore of Seville). A medieval Lat. docu- ment has ' Terebrum, instrumentum perfo- randi quod dicitur aliter taratrura.' For Sk = ie see § 54 ; for tv-r see § 168. + Tarif, sm. a tariflf; from Sp. tariffa.— Der. tariftr. TARIR, vn. to dry up ; of Germ, origin, O. H. G. tharrjan. — Der. /arissable, /arisse- ment, intorissable. f Tarot, sm. spotted cards; introd. in i6th cent, from It. tarocchi. — Der. tarote. TAROUPE, sf hair between the eyebrows. Origin unknown. Tarse, sm. the tarsus, sole of foot ; from Gr. rapaos. f Tartan, sm. tartan ; from Scottish tartan. tTartane, sf (Naut.) tartan; from It. tartana. TARTE, sf a tart. Origin unknown. — Der. tartine, tarteWette. Tartre, sm. (Chem.) tartar; der. from alchemist's Lat. tartarum. Origin un- known. — Der. tartrsite, tartrique. Tartufe, sm. a hypocrite; of hist, origin (see § 33) from a well-known character in Moliere. — Der. tartuferie. TAS, sm. a heap ; of Germ, origin, Neth. tas, originally a heap of corn, then a heap generally. — Der. tasser (en/asser), tasse- ment. t Tasse, sf a cup ; from It. tazza. TASSEAU, sm. (Archit.) . a hammer-beam ; formerly tassel, from L. taxellus, secon- dary form of taxillus. For x = ss see § 150; for -ellus = -e/ see § 282. TASSEMENT, sm. a subsidence, sinking (of a building). See tas. TASSER, vn. to subside. See tas. TATER, va. to feel (by touch). O. Fr. taster, It, tastare, from L. taxitare*, frequent, of taxare, to touch often. Taxitdre', regularly contrd. (see § 52) to tax'- tare, becomes taster (for x = s see § 150), then tdter by loss of s, see Hist. Gram, p. 81. — Der. tdtonner (o idtofis), tatiWon ^tatillonner). tAtONNER, vn. to grope. See tdter.— Der. tdtonnement. fTatOUer, va. to tattoo; from Engl. tattoo. — Der. tatouage. TAUDIS, sm. a dog-hole, wretched hole ; der. from O. Fr. verb taudir. Taudir is from O. Fr. taude, cloth. Tande (which must originally have been tolde) is of Germ, origin, Flem. telde. Germ. zelt. For al = au see agneau. TAUPE, sf. a mole; from L. talpa. For al = au see agneau. — Der. taupier, taupiere, taupin, taup'miiiTe. TAUPINIERE, sf a mole-hill. See taupe. TAUREAU, sm. a bull ; from L. tavirellus*, dim.oftaurus. For ellus — eau see § 282. Tautologie, sf. tautology ; from Gr. ravTO- \oyia. TAUX, sm. price, assessment ; verbal subst. of O. Fr. verb tauxer (given in Palsgrave), which is from L. taxare. TAVELER, va. to spot, speckle (like the colours of a chequer-board). Taveler is from O. Fr. tavelle, which represents L. tabella *, a secondary form of tabtila. For b=i; see § 113. — Der. tavelme. (introd. in loth cent.). T A VERNE, sf. a tavern; from L. tabema. For b = i' see § 113. — Der. tavermtr. Taxer, va. to tax : from L. taxare (found in Suetonius). Its doublet is tdcher, q. v. — Der. taxe (verbal subst.), /a;«ateur, tax- ation. TE, pers. pron. obj. case, thee ; from L. te. Technique, adj. technical ; from Gr. rex- VIKOS. Technologie, sf technology; from Gr. rexvq and A070S, ^35 tSgument— tenir . T6guinent, sm. a tegument; from L. tegumentum. TEIGNE, s/. scurf, (Entom.) moth ; from L. tinea. For i = « sec § 74; for -nea = 'gne see cigogne. — Der. teigntwx, teignzsse. TEILLE, s/. lime-bast, bast; another form of tille. For i = ei see § 74 Der. /«7/er, TEINDRE, va. to tinge ; from L. tingere. For letter-changes sec ceindre. — Der. teint (partic. subst. : teint represents L. tinctus ; for letter-changes see ceintiire. The fem. p. p. also gives us the partic. sf. teinte). TEINT, sm. a dye, complexion. See teindre. TEINTE, sf. tint, tinge. See teindre.— Der. teintei. TEINTURE, sf. a dye, thicture; from L. tinctura. For letter-changes see ceinture. — Der. teinturier, teinturerie. TEL, adj. such ; from L. talis. For -alis = -el see § 191. — Der. tellement. T616graph.e, sm. a telegraph ; a word framed from two Gr. words, ypacpos and trjKe. — Der. telegraphic, telegraphique. Telescope, sm. a telescope ; from Gr. rtjXe- OKOITOS. T6ni§raire, adj. rash; from L. temera- rius. Tein§rit6, sf. temerity; from L. temeri- Jtatem. TEMOIGNER, vn. to bear witness, va. to testify. See temoin. — Der. temoignzge. TEMOIN, sm. a witness ; from L. testimo- nium, used for testimony in Class. Lat., for witness in Carol. Lat. : ' De mancipiis quae venduntur, ut in praesentia episcopi vel comitis sit, aut ante bene nota testi- m.onia/ says a Capitulary of A. d. 779. Testim.6nium, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to test'monium, then to tes'mo- nium (by tm = m, see plane), becomes temoin. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81; for o = oi see § 83 Der. te- moignei (from temoin, like soigner from sain and eloigner from loin, etc.). TEMPE, sf. a temple (of the head) ; formerly temple, from L. tempora. T^mpora, regularly contrd. (see § 51) to temp'ra, becomes O. Fr. temple. For T = l see autel. Temple is reduced to tempe in modern Fr., like O. Fr. angle from L. ang'lus to ange. Temperament, sm. a temperament ; from L. temperamentum. Temp6rant, adj. temperate. See temperer. — Der. temperance. Tem.p6rature, sf. a temperature ; from L. temperatura (found in Varro). Temp6rer, va. to temper; from L. tem- per are. Its doublet is tremper, q, v.— Der. temperL Temp^te, s/ a tempest ; from L. tempes- tat em. For loss of s see Hist. Gram, p 81. — Der. tempcttr, tempitcux. Temple, sm. a temple; from L. templum — Der, femplicT. Temporaire, adj. temporary; from L temporarius. Temiporal, adj. (Anat.) temporal ; from L temporalis. Tem.porel, adj. temporal; from L. tempo- ralis, first = perishable, then secular. Foi -alis = -e/ see § J91. Tem.poriser, vn. to temporise, procrasti- nate; from L. tempus, temporis. — Der temporisztion, temporimitwr. TEMPS, sm. time; from L. tempus. Foi loss of u see § 50 ; for continuance of £ see Hist. Gram. p. 162. TENABLE, adj. tenable. See tenir. Tenace, adj. tenacious ; from L. tena' cem. T6nacit6, sf. tenacity; from L. tenacita- tem. TENAILLE, sf. a tenaille (fortification), pi pincers ; from L. tenacula : the Class. Lat form is tenaculum. For -acula = -a///< see § 255. — Der. tenailler. TENANCIER, sm. a holder, tenant-farmer See tenant. TENANT, sm. a challenger, supporter. Se< tenir. — Der. tenance * (whence tenancier). TENDANCE, sf. tendency. See tendre. i" Tender, sm. a tender (railway); from Engl, tender. TENDON, sm. (Anat.) a tendon. See tendre. TENDRE, adj. tender; from L. tenerum, by regular contr. (see § 51) of tenerum to ten'rum, whence tendre. For nr = ndt see absoudre. — Der. tendrts%t, tendret6, tendron, attendrii. TENDRE, vn. to lead, conduce; from L tendere, by regular contr. (see § 51) oi t^ndere to tendre. — Der. tendant (whence tendance), tendon. (A similar metaphor ii found in Germ, tehne, der. from tehnen.) T6ndbres, sf.pl. darkness; from L. tene- brae. T6n6breux, adj. gloomy ; from L. tene^ brosus. For -osus = -eux see § 229. Teneur, sm. tenor, purport; fromL. teno- rem (found in the Digest). For o = eu se« § 79. Its doublet is tenor, q. v. T6nia, sm. taenia ; from Gr. raivia. TENIR, va. to hold ; from L. tenere, whicf is found in the form tenire in a 4th-cent TENOR — T&TE. ?^S?, document. For Q — i see § 59, — Der. /ewable, /ewant, tenxie (partic. subst.)» tenon. tT6nor, sm. a tenor (voice); from It. tetiore. Its doublet is teneur, q. v. Tension, sf. tension ; from L. tensionem. Tentacule, sf. a tentacle; from L. tenta- cula *, from tentare. Tentation, sf. a temptation; from L. ten- tationem. Tentative, sf. an attempt; from L. tenta- tiva *, der. from tentatus. TENTE, sf. a tent ; from medieval Lat. tenta, lit. cloth stretched, partic. subst. of tentus. TENTER, va. to tempt, attempt; from L, ten- tare. — Der. tentaX&MX (L. tentatorem). TENTURE, sf. tapestry ; from L. tentura*, from tentus. Tenu, adj. tenuous ; from L. tenuis. TENUE, sf. a holding, session, bearing. See tenir. Tenuite, sf. tenuity ; from L. tenuitatem. Tepide, adj. tepid; from L. tepidus. Its doublet is tiede, q. v. TERCER, va. to give a third dressing (to vines); from L. tertiare (found in Colu- mella). For -tiaxe = -cer see agencer. TERCET, sm. a tiercet, couplet of three verses ; from L. tertius, with dim. suffix et, see § 281. ¥ ox tia = ce s&e agencer. Terebenthine, sf. turpentine ; der. from terebinthe, which from L. terebinthus. Tergiverser, vn. to evade, shift ; from L. tergiversare. — Der. tergiversdAxon, ter- giversdiXtur. TERME, sm. a term ; from L. terminus, by regular contr. (see § 51) of terminus to term'nus, whence terme. For mn = m see § 168. — Der. ztermoyex. Terminaison, sf a termination ; from L. terminationem. For -ationem = -a/sow see § 232. Terminer, va. to terminate ; from L. ter- minare. — Der. terminable, interminable. Ternaire, adj. ternary ; from L. ternarius. Terne, sm. two threes (in dice) ; from L. ternus. TERNE, adj. (Bot.) ternal ; of Germ, origin, O.H.G. tarni, veiled, then ternal Der. tern\x, /erwissure. TERRAIN, sm. ground, soil. It. terreno, from L. terrenum (found in Columella). For e=ei = at see § 61. Terraqu6, adj. terraqueous; compd. of L. terra and aqua. + Terrasse, s/. a terrace ; introd. from It. terrazzo. — Der. terrassement, ierrassiex, terrassei. Terrasser, va. to fill in with earthwork, to throw to earth, cast down, dismay. See terrasse. TERRE, sf. earth; from L. terra. — Der. terre-i)lein,terre2.\i, ierrex {enterrex,deterrex), terrien, terrine, terrix (ztterrix), terriex. Terrestre, adj. terrestrial; from L. ter- restris. Terreur, sm. terror; from L. terrorem. TERREUX, adj. earthy, dirty ; from L. ter- rosus. For -osvL8 = -eux see § 229. Terrible, adj. terrible ; from L. terribilis. TERRIEN, adj. of land. See terre. TERRIER, sm. a terrier (hole, dog, and land- roll). See terre. TERRINE, sf an earthen pan. See terre. TERRIR, vn. to bury eggs in ground (of tor- toises). See terre. Territoire, sm. a territory ; from L. terri- torium. Its doublet is terroir, q. v. Territorial, adj. territorial ; from L. terri- torialis. TERROIR, sm. soil (for agriculture) ; from L. territorium. Territorium, losing medial t (see abbaye), is contrd. to a form terreoir *, which has not survived, but is re- duced to terroir. Its doublet is territoire, q.v. TERTRE, sm. a hillock. Origin unknown. TES, poss. pron. pi. thy ; from L. tuos. For reduction of tuos to tos see mon and ses ; for o = e seeje. TESSON, sm. fragment of broken glass ; from L. testonem *, dim. of testtim, clay, then clay vessel, then fragment. For st = ss see angoisse. Test, sm. a shell; from L. testa. — Der. testice (L. testaceus). Testament, sm. a will ; from L. testa- mentum. — Der. testamenta.ixe. Testateur, sm. a testator; from L. test a- torem. Tester, vn. to make a will ; from L. tes- tare. Testimonial, adj. testimonial; from L. testimonialis. TESTON, sm. a teston (old coin). See teie. TET, sm. a shell, skull ; formerly test, from L. testum. For loss of s see Hist. Gram, p. 81. Its doublet is tete, q. v. t T6 tanos, sm. tetanus ; from Gr. riravos. TETARD, sm. a pole-socket, a tadpole. See tete. TfeTE, sf. a head; formerly teste, from L. testa (found in this sense in Ausonius). * Abjecta in triviis inhumati glabra jacebat Testa hominis, nudum jam cute calvitium.' Aa 354 TETER — TILLAC, See also § 14. For later loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81. O. Fr. teste remains in the derived teston, coin with the head {teste) of the king on it. Tete is a doublet of tet, q. V. — Der. /^/u, /«;/ard, tnteti, tttikxt. TETER, va. to suck (milk). See tette, TI;TIN, sm. a nipple. See tette. TETINE. sf. an udder. See tette. TETON, sm. a teat. See telle. T6tracorde, sm. a tetrachord ; from Gr. T€Tp(t yopSos. T6tra§dre, sm. a tetrahedron; from Gr. T(TTap(s and (Spa. T6tragone, adj. four-cornered; from Gr. T(Tp6ygl. top. For o = ou see § 81. TOUR, sm. a turn, tour. See tourner Der. touret, tourihre. TOUR, sf. a tower ; from L. turrim. For u = ou see § 90. — Der. toureWe. TOURBE, sf. turf, peat; of Germ, origin. Germ, torf EngL turf. For o = ou see § 81. — Der. tourbeux, tourbihre. Tourbe, sf the vulgar herd ; from L. turba*. For u,= om see § 90. TOURBILLON, sm. a whirlwind, dim. of primitive tourbille *, which from L. ttirbi- cula, der. from Class. L. turbo. For -icula = -///e see § 257; for u = om see § 90. — Der. tourbillonner. TOURD, sm. (Ornith.) a fieldfare ; from L. turdus. For u = ou see § 90. — Der. tourdeWe. TOURELLE, sf a turret. See tour.— Der. tour'iWon. TOURET, sm. a wheel. See tour. TOURIERE, sf an attendant (at the revolv- ing box in convents). See tour. TOURILLON, sm. a bearing-neck, axle-tree. See tourelle. TOURMENT, sm. a torment, plague ; from L. tormentum. For o = om see § 81. — Der. tourmentex (its verbal subst. is tourmente). TOURMENTE, sf stormy weather. See tojirment. TOURNER, va. to turn. It. tornare, from L. tornare. For = 07/ see § 81. — Der. /o?^r(verbalsubst.masc., whence the compds. entour, entourex, a Vewtour, z\ex\tGurs), au- tour, tourne (verbal subst. fem.), tournee (partic. subst.), tourna.vit, tournuie, tourneMx, 35^ TO URNESOL — TRA IRE. contoumer, d6tourner, xttovrner, pour/oj/r- ner*, ztovrner* (which verbs only remain in verbal substantives pourtour, atour). TOURNESOL, sm. (Bot.) a girasol, sunflower ; comp. of tourner (q. v.) and sol, which is L. sol. TOURNIQUET, sm. a turnstile. See tour- noyer. TOURNOI, sm. a tournament, tourney. See tournoyer. TOURNOIEMENT, sm. a turning round and round. See tournoyer, TOURNOIS, adj. of Tours (so. money) ; from L. Turonensis, by regular contr. (see § 52) of turdnensis to tur'nensis, whence txirnesis ; for ns = s see aine. Turnesis becomes tournois : for u = o« see § 90 ; for e = oi see § 62. TOURNOYER, vn. to turn round and round ; from L. tomicaa'e *, from tornare. Tournoyer is from tornicare, like ployer from plica re. For letter-changes of-icare = -oyer see ployer; for = 0?/ see § 81. — Der. tournoi (verbal subst. Tournoi is from tournoyer, cp. emploi from employer), tot/rnoiement. From tornicare comes also tourniquet, q. v. TOURTE, sf. a tart, cake ; from medieval L. torta, der. from L. torta, a rolled cake. ' Torta unde tortula diminutivum, genus cibi est vel panis, quod vulgo dioitur ita,' is found in an lith-cent. document. For = 07/ see § 81. — Der. tojtriVext, tourtenu. TOURTEAU, sm. a cake. See tourfe. TOURTEREAU, sm. turtle dove ; formerly tourterel, from L. turterellus*, dim. of turtur. For u = e see chapeler ; for 11 = ou see § 90. — Der. tourtereWe. TOUSSAINT, sf. All Haltews. See tous and saint. TOUSSER, vn. to cough. See toux. TOUT, atf/, all ; from L. totus. Foro = ow see § 8r. — Der. tout k coup, tout a fait, /o?//efois. TOUTEFOIS, adv. nevertheless. See tout and fois. TOUX, sf. a cough ; from L. tussis. For u = ou see § 90 ; for ss = «; see deux. Toxique, sm. poison ; from Gr. to^ikos (properly poison for tipping arrows). — Der. toxico\o^\e (compd. of toxique and Gr. A.070S). TRAC, sm. a track. See traquer. TRACASSER, va. to torment. See traquer. — Der. tracas (verbal subst.), tracass\tT, tracassene. TRACE, sf. a trace. See tracer. TRACER, va. to trace. It. tracctare, from L. tractiare *. der. from traotus, p.p. of trahere (to draw lines, trace). For ct = / see affete; for -tidcre = -cer, see § 264. — Der. trace (verbal subst.), tracd (partic. subst.); tracemtnt. Trach6e, sf. a windpipe; from L. trachia (found in Macrobius). Traction, sf. traction; from L. tr acti- onem. Tradition, s/; tradition ; from L. traditi- onem. Its doublet is trahisson, q. v. Traducteur, sm. a translator; from L. traductorem. Traduction, s/. translation ; from L. tra- ductionem. TRADUIRE, va. to translate ; from L. tra- ducere. For -dnoere = -duire see con- d74ire.— DtT. traduisihle. t Trail C, sm. traffic; from It. traffico. t Trafiquer, vn. to traffic; from It. traf- ficare. Trag6die, sf. tragedy; from L. tragoedia. — Der. tragedien. Tragique, adj. tragic; from L, tragicus. TRAHIR, va. to betray ; originally tra'ir. It. tradire, from L, tradere. For -adere = -ahir see envahir. — Der. trahison (from L. traditionem : for ti = s see agencer. Its doublet is tradition, q. v.). TRAIN, sm. pace, retinue, train. See traire. TRAINER, va. to drag. See /ram.— Der. traine (verbal su'bst.),/ra?72^e (partic. subst.), trainezu, traina.ge, trainaid, traineur, en- trainer. TRAIRE, va. to milk, lit. to draw; from ■which O. Fr. signification it has slowly been restricted to special sense of drawing milk (cp. miier, from 'to change' to 'to moult'). For such narrowing of sense see § 13. Trahere becomes traire as distrahere becomes distraire, or extrahere, extraire. Trahere was early changed to tragere (we find subtragendo for subtrahend© in Merov. texts). Trjigere, regularly contrd. (see § 51) to trag're, becomes traire : for gr = r see accueiller ; for a = ai see § 54. — Der. trait (partic. subst. masc), traite (partic. subst. fern. Traite is properly * drawn,' and keeps its original sense, as a traite is properly a letter of change drawn on some one). From tragere comes deriv. tragimen *, act of moving, march, whence sense of train. Tragimen becomes train as sagimen, sa/« : for letter-changes see saiti. As a confirmation of this origin, note that O. Fr. had train while Sp. had tragin. TRAIT— TRANSSUBSTANTIER. 359 TRAIT, sm. an arrow, shaft ; from L. tractus. For letter-changes see attrait. TRAITE, 5/. a stage, journey. See traire. TRAITJE, sm. a treaty ; from L. tractatus. For -atu3 = -e see § 201; for ot = it see attrait. TRAITER, va. to treat ; from L. traotare. For ct = it see attrait. — Der. traiieur, traite- ment, /rct//able. TRAITRE, sm. a traitor; formerly traitre, from L. traditor. For regular loss of o see § 50, whence tradit'r, which loses medial d (see accahler) and becomes O. Fr. traitre. — Der. /raZ/reusement, traitresse. Trajectoire, 5/. a trajectory ; from L. tra- jectoria *. Trajet, sm. passage; from L. trajectus. For ct = ^ see affete. TRAMAIL, sm. a trammel, net; formerly tremail, from L. tremaculura, in the Loi Salique, 29, 32 ; 'Si quis . . . tremaculum aut vertevolum de flumine furaverit.' For e = a see amender ; for -aculuin = -ai7 see § 255. Tremaculum, lit. of three meshes, is compd. of L. tres and m.acvila. Trame, sf. weft, course ; from L. trama. — Der. tramtx. t Tramontane, sf. the north wind; from It. tramontana. TRANCHER, va. to cut. Origin unknown. — Der. tranche (verbal subst.), tranchznt, iranchee (partic. subst.), tranchet, tranchoir, retrancher. Tranquille, adj. tranquil ; from L. tran- quillus. — Der. tranquilizer. Tranquillite, sf. tranquillity; from L. tranquillitatem. Transaction, sf. a transaction; from L. transactionem. Transborder, va. to trans-ship ; compd. of L. trans and Fr. border, q. v. — Der. tra?ishorden\en\., transbordMe. Transcendant, adj. transcendent; from L. transcendentem. — Der. transcend- ance. Transcription, sf. a transcription ; from L. transcriptionem. Transcrire, va. to transcribe ; from L. transcribere. For - scrib ere = -scr/re see ecrire. TRANSE, sf affright. See transir. Transferer, va. to transfer ; from L. trans- ferre. Transfert, sm. a transfer; from L. trans- fertus, barbarous p.p. of transferre. Transfigurer, va. to transfigure ; from L. transfigurare. — Der. transfiguriiiioii. Transformer, va. to transform; from L. trans formare. — Der. transform^ition. Transfuge, sm. a deserter; from L. trans- fuga. Transfuser, va. to transfuse; from L. transfusare*, frequent, of transfun- dere. — Der. transfusion. Transgressor, va. to transgress : from L. transgressare *, frequent, of trans- gredi. — Der. transgresseuv, transgression. Transiger, va. to transact ; from L. transi- gere. Transir, va. to chill, vn. to be chilled ; from L. transire * ( = to die in medieval Lat. texts), compd. of trans and ire. From sense of dying it passes to that of being chilled with cold, sorrow, etc. — Der. transe (verbal subst.), transi, /rawsissement. Transit, sm. a transit; from L. transitus. Transitif, adj. transitive ; from L. transi- tivus. Transition, sf a transition ; from L. tran- sitionem. Transitoire, adj. transitory ; from L. transitorius. Translator, va. to translate ; from L. translatare *, from translatus. Translation, sf a translation ; from L. translationem. Transmettre, va. to transmit ; from L. transmittere. For i = e see § 72. — Der. transmis, transmissible. Transmission, sf. transmission ; from L. transmissionem. Transmuer, va. to transmute ; from L, transmutare. For mutare = wwer see mi/er. — Der. transm7iMe. Transmutation, sf transmutation; from L. transmutationem. Transparent, adj. transparent ; from L. transparentem *. — Der, transparence. Transpercer, va. to transfix ; compd. of L. trans and Fr.percer, q. v, Transpirer, vn. to transpire; from L, trans and spirare. — Der. /ra«s/>i>ation. Transplanter, va. to transplant ; from L, transplantare. — Der. tratisplantation. Transporter, va. to transport ; from L. transportare. — Der. transport (verbal subst.), transportable. Transposer, va. to transpose ; compd. of L. trans and Fr. poser. — Der. iranspos- ition. Transsubstantier,t;a. to transubstantiate; compd. of L. trans and substantiare *, der.from substantia. — Der. transsubstanti- ation. 3^0 TRA NSVA SER—TRSMO USSER . Transvaaer, va. to decant ; compd. of L. trans and Fr. vase, q. v. Transverse, adj. transverse ; from L. transversus. — Der. tramversa], transvers- alement. Trapeze, sm. a trapezium ; from Gr. rp6.- TRAPPE, sf. a trap, trapdoor ; from medieval L. trappa, a snare, in the Lex Salica, 7, 9 : ' Si quis turturem de trappa furaverit,' Trappa is of Germ, origin, like most hunt- ing terms, O. H. G. trapo, a trap, snare. — Der. AttrappcT (lit. to trap. For this word see § 20). TRAPU, adj. stubby, squat. Origin unknown. TRAQUENARD, sm. a racking-pace, *traque- nard * (dance). See traquer. TRAQUER.vfl. to beat (a wood), hunt; then to enclose, surround. Traquer is properly to draw a net round a wood to catch the game in it ; and is of Germ, origin, Neth. trekken. — Der. trac (verbal subst. masc.), traque (verbal subst. fem.), /rag'?^eur, iraquet, traquen&rd, /racasser. TRAVAIL, sm. a horsebreaker's break. It. , travaglio, Sp. trabajo, Prov. trahahl, pro- perly a break for vicious horses ; and in this sense is from L, trabaculum *, der. from trabem. For b = v see § 113; for -aculvim = -ai7 see § 255. From sense of a machine for restraining horses, the word comes to mean constraint, drudgery, trouble, whence the verb travailler, to vex oneself, exert oneself, work hard. TRAVAIL, sm. labour. See travailler. TRAVAILLER, vn. to labour. See travail. —Der. travail. TRAVEE, sf. a bay, arch ; from L. trabata *, der. from trabem. For b=v see § 113 ; for -ata = -e« see § 201. TRA VERS, sm. breadth ; from L. traversus, for transversus. — Der. traverser, traversin. TRAVERSER, va. to cross, traverse. See travers. — Der. traverse (verbal subst.), tra- verser (partic. subst.). TRAVERSIN, sm. a bolster. See travers. fTravestir, va. to travesty; introd. in 1 6th cent, from It. travestire. — Der. tra- vesrissement. TRE-, TRES-, prefix = across, beyond. It. tra-, tras-, from L. trans, which, by ns = s (see aine), becomes tras, whence tres : for a = e see § 54. Thus transsalire be- comes tressaillir; trans pass are, trans- buccare*, trans filare*, transtellum *, were in O. Fr. trespasser, tresbucher, tres- fiUr, tresteau, which in mod. Fr. are reduced to tripasser, trebucher, tr^filer, treleau, by regular loss of s, see Hist. Gram. p. 81. TREBUCHER, vn. to stumble; formerly tresbucher, answering to a Lat. form trans- buccare *, compd. of trans ^for trans = tres see tre-) and buccare, der. from buccus *, a word found in O. Fr. hue, the human trunk, which is A.S. buc. Tri'bucher is therefore properly to overthrow the body, fall over ; and this etymology is confirmed by the It. transbustare, which is compd. of the Lat. prefix trans and busto, the human bust. For cc = cA see § 126; for es = e see Hist. Gram. p. 81. — Der. trebuchet*. TREFILER, va. to wiredraw; formerly tresfiler, from L. transfilare, der. from filum, properly to pass thread through the drawing-frame. For trans = tres — tre see tri". — Der. tre/ileur, trefilerit. TREFLE, sm. trefoil ; from L. trifolium, by contr. of trifolinm to triflium, (§ 51), whence trejle. For i = c see § 72. TREILLE, sf. a vine-arbour, trellis-arbour; from L. tricliila (found in Coluniella and in the Copa). TricMla, regularly contrd. (see § 51) to trich'la, becomes tricla by cli = c, whence treille by -icla, = -eille (see § 257). — Der. treilhge, treillis. TREILLIS, sm. a trellis. See treille. TREIZE, adj. thirteen ; from L. tredecim, by regular contr. (see § 51) of tr^decira to tred'cim, whence treize. For dc = e see adjuger ; for e = ei see § 61 ; for c = z see amitie. Trema, sm. (Gram.) diaeresis; from Gr. rprjixa. TREMBLE, sm. (Bot.) an aspen-tree. It. tremula, from L. tremula (lit. that which trembles), by regular contr. (see § 51) of tremula to tremla, whence tremble. For nil = m6/ see Hist. Gram. 73. TREMBLER, vn. to tremble. It. tremolare, from L. tremulare*, deriv. of tremxilus. * Nimio frigore horribiliter cum fletu ac stridore dentium tremnlantes,' says Flo- doard(iii. 3). Tremulsire, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to trem'Iare, becomes trembler. For mi = mbl see Hist. Gram. p. 73. — Der. trembloier, tremblem, tremblement. TREMIE, sf. a mill-hopper ; corruption of O. Fr. tremuie, compd. of tre, which is from L. tres, and muie, which is the L. mo- dia, lit. a trough to hold three bushels. For loss of d see alouette ; for o = ui see § 84. TREMIS;RE, sf. hollyhock. Origin un- known. TREMOUSSER (SE), vpr, to flutter; from TREMPE — TRICTRA C, 36, L. transmotiare *, to move rapidly, der. from transmotus, p. p. of transmovere. Transmotiare becomes tremousser : for trans = ^re see tre-; for o = ou see § 81; for -tiare = -sser see § 264, TREMPE, sf. temper (of steel). See tremper. TREMPER, va. to steep, dip, temper ; from L. temperare, lit. to temper steel, also to mix : so we find in Gregory of Tours, ' vinum temperatum ' = vhi trempe d' eau. Temperare, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to temp'rare, becomes O. Fr. temprer, later tremper, by transposition, see aprete. Tremper is a doublet of temperer, q. V. — Der, trempe (verbal subst.), de- tremper. + Tremplin, sw. a spring-board; introd. in 16th cent, from It. trampellino. TRENTE, adj. thirty. Sp. treinta, from L. triginta, by regular loss of medial g, see allier. For i=e see § 72. — Der. trent- ieme, /r^M/aine, + Trepan, sm. a trepan; introd. from It. trapano. — Der. trepaner. TREPASSER, vn. to die. O.Fr. trespasser, It. trapasiare, from L. transpassare, properly to pass across, then to die : it is almost the exact rendering of the popular phrase /aire le saut. For trans = tres - tre see tre-. — Der. trepas (verbal subst.). Trepidation, sf. trepidation; from L. tre- pjdationem. TREPIED, s7n. a tripod ; from L. tripedera. For tri = /re see § 72; for pedem = pied see pied. TREPIGNER, vn. to stamp one's feet; der. from O. Fr. treper, as egratigner is from gratter. Treper is of Germ, origin, Neth. trippen. — Der. trepignemQn^. TRfiS, adv. very; from L. trans, lit. beyond, then later 'very.' By ns = s (see aine) trans becomes tras, whence tres. For a = esee § 54. TRESOR, sm. a treasure. It. tesoro, from L. thesaurus. By th. = /, and by au = o (see § 106) thesaurus becomes tesor, whence, by intercalating r, tresor (see chanvre). — Der. tresorier, tresorerie. TRESSAILLIR, vn. to start, shudder; from L. transsalire *. For trans = tres see tre- ; for salire = saillir see saillir. — Der, ^ressaz7/ement. TRESSER, va. to plait ; originally trecer. It. trecciare, from L. tricciare *, der. from triccia *, a later form of trichea, which from Gr. rpixo., tripartite, whence sense of a tress, three-plaited. For tricciare = trecer = tresser see § 264; for i = e see §72 — Der. tresse (verbal subst.). TRETEAU, sm. a mountebank's stage ; for- merly tresteau, originally trestel, from L. transtellum *, dim. from transtrum, a bench, beam, platform. Transtellum, by trans = tres (see tre-), becomes O. Fr. tres- tel, whence later treteau. For loss of s see Hist. Gram. p. 81 ; for -ellum = -eaM see* § 282, TREUIL, sm. a wheel and axle. It. torcolo, from L. torculum, a press, which was the meaning of tretiil in very O. Fr. Torcu- lum, regularly contrd. (see § 51), be- comes torclum, whence, by transposing r (see aprete), troclum, whence treuil. For o = ew see § 79 ; for cl = il see aheille. TREVE, sf. a truce ; originally trive, lit. security, peace, whence truce. Trive is of Germ, origin, Goth, triggua. Triggua, consonnifying u to v {c^. Janvier from j anu- •arius, q. v.), becomes trigva, whence O. Fr. trive, by gv-v. For i = e see Triangle, sm. a trivet, triangle ; from L. triangulum. For loss of penult, u see §51. Triangulaire, adj. triangular; from L. triangularis. Triangulation, sf. triangulation ; from L. triangulationem*, from triangulus. Tribord, sm. starboard. O, Fr, estribord, of Germ, origin, Engl, starboard. Tribu, sm. a tribe; from L. tribus. Tribulation, sf tribulation; from L. tri- bulationem. Tribun, sm. a tribune; from L. tribunus. — Der. tribunit (from L, tribunatus). Tribunal, sm. a tribunal; from L. tri- bunal, t Tribune, sf a tribune (speaker's desk), gallery ; from It. tribufia. Tribut, sm. tribute; from L. tributum. Tributaire, adj. tributary; from L. tribu- tarius. TRICHER, va. to trick, cheat. O. Fr. tre- cher, of Germ, origin, M. H. G. trechen, to launch a shot, thence to play a trick. For e = i see § 59. — Der. tricheur, trich- erie. Tricolore, adj. tricoloured; from L. tri- color. TRICOTER, va. to knit. Origin unknown. — Der, tricot (verbal subsr.), tricoteui, tri- coteuse, iricotngQ. TRICTRAC, sm. backgammon ; formerly 35a TRIENNA L — TR UBLE, tictac. Ticlac is an onomatopoetic word, from the noise of the rattling dice, see § 34. Triennal. adj. triennial; from L. trien- nalis *, from triennis. TRIER, va. to sort, cull. It. tritare, from L. tritare, der. from tritus, p. p. of terere. The actual sense comes from the phrase ♦granum terere,' to beat the corn from • the chaff, trier le grain, whence the mean- ing of trier. The It. tritare, which keeps both senses, to grind and to sort, confirms this etymology. For loss of medial t see abbaye. — Der. trizge. Trigonoin6trie, sf. trigonometry; from Gr, rpiyonfov and fiirpov. t Trille, sm. a trill ; from It. trillo. TRIMBALER, va. to drag about. Origin un- known. TRIMER, vn. to run about. Origin un- known. Trimestre, sm. a quarter of a year ; from L. trimestris. — Der. /r/mes/riel. TRINGLE, sf. a curtain-rod. Origin imi- known. — Der. tringler, tringlette. Trinit6, sf. the Trinity; from L. trini- tatem. — Der. trinitsihe. t Trinquer, vn. to touch glasses ; of Germ, origin (see § 27), from Germ. trinken. t Trio, sm. a trio ; introd. from It. trio. Triolet, sm. a triplet; from L. tres. Triomphal, adj. triumphal ; from L. triumphalis. Triomphateur, sm. a triumpher; from L. triumphatorem. Triomphe, sm. a triumph; from L. t r i u m p h u s .— Der. triompher . TRIPE, sf tripe. Origin unknown. — Der. trip2.i\\e, tripette, tripiei, tripihre. TRIPLE, adj. triple ; from L. triplus.— Der. triplet. TRIPOTER, va. to make a medley, intrigue. Origin unknown. — Der. /r/^o/ (verbal subst.), tripot-dge, tripoter. TRIQUE, sf a cudgel. Origin unknown. Trirdme, sm. a trireme; from L. tri- remis. TRISTE, adj. sad; from L. tristis.— Der. at/Ws/er. TRISTESSE, sf sadness ; from L. tristitia. For -itia = -fsse see § 245. Triturer, va. to triturate ; from L. tritu- rare. — Der. trituration. Trivial, fl(^'. trivial ; from L. trivialis. — Der. trivialite. TROC, sm. barter (of old goods), truck. See tro^uer. TROGNE, sf. a full face. Origin unknown. TROGNON, sm. a core (of fruit). Origin unknown. T RO IS, ar^'. three; from L. tres. Fore = o/ see § 61. — Der. trois'xhme. TROLER, vn. to drag about, gad, lounge about ; of Germ, origin, Germ, trollen. TROMBE, sf a waterspout ; from L. turbo, by transposing r (see dprete) and by inter- calating m (see lambruche). t Trombone, sw. a trombone; from It. trombone. TROMPE, sf. a horn, trumpet. Origin un- known. — Der. tromptx (properly to play the horn, alluding to quacks and mounte- banks, who attracted the public by blowing a horn, and then cheated them into buying ; thence to cheat). TROMPER, va. to deceive. See trompe.— — Der. trompeuT, tromperie, detromper. TROMPETTE, sf. a trumpet. See trompe. — Der. trompettr. TRONC, sm. a trunk; from L. truncus. For u = see annoncer. — Der. tronche (fem. form of ironc, whence dim. troncket), tron^on. TRONCON, sm. a fragment. See tronc. — Der. tronfonner. TRONE, sm. a throne ; from L. thronus. — Der. trontr, detrdner. Tronquer, va. to mutilate; from L. trun- care. TROP, adv. too much. From Low Lat. troppus *, which from O. H. G. drupo ; see Hist. Gram. p. 160. — Der, par trop (see par). Trope, sm. a trope, rhetorical figure ; from L. tropus. Troph.6e, sm. a trophy ; from L. tropaeum. Tropique. acf/. tropical; from L. tropicus. — Der. tropical. t Troquer, va. to exchange, truck ; from Sp. trocar. — Der. troc (verbal subst.) TROTTER, va. to trot ; from L. tolutare * (we find tolutarius, a trotter, in Seneca ; ' ire tolutim,,' to go at a trot, in Pliny), by contr. of tolutare to tlutare, whence trotter. For tl = ^r cp. titlum, titre ; capit- lum, chapitre. — Der. trot (verbal subst.), trotteuT, trotto'iT. TROU, sm. a hole. See trouer. t Troubadour, sm. a troubadour; from Prov. trobador, der. from verb trobar = trouver, to find, invent. For etymology of trobar see trouver. Its doublet is trouveur, q.v. TROUBLE, adj. turbid, muddy; from L. TROUBLER — TVER. 3^3 turbulus*, by contr, (see § 51) of tiir- bulus to turb'lus, whence trouble, by transposition of r, see dprete. TROUBLER, va. to troubl-e, disturb, thicken (liquids) ; from L. turbulare *, der. from turbula, found in Ammianus Marcellinus. Turbuldre, regularly contrd. (see § 52) to turb'lare, becomes troubler : for trans- position of r see aprete; for u = om see § 97. — Der. trojible (verbal subst.), trouble. TROUER, va. to perforate. The barbarous Lat. traugus, found in the Ripuarian Law, tit. 43 (' Si quis in clausura aliena traiigum ad transeundum fecerit'), whose origin is unknown, has produced Prov. trauc, O. Fr. trou. For loss of g see allier ; for au = ou see alouette. From trou comes the verb trouer, whence trouee. TROUPE, sf. a troop; der. from barbarous L. troppus *. ' Si enim in troppo de jumeutis illam ductricem aliquis involaverit ' (Lex Alamannorum, 7, 9). Origin unknown. Troupe is from troppus *, or rather from the fem. form troppa*: for o = ou see § 86. — Der. troiipe^u, troupier, zUrouptx. TROUPEAU, sm. a flock. See troupe. TROUPIER, sm. a trooper. See troupe. TROUSSE, 5/. a bundle, breeches. See trorisser. — Der. /ro?«seau,de^roMsser (properly to take off the breeches), trotisse(\\\m. TROUSSEAU, sm. a small bundle, outfit. See trousse, TROUSSER, va. to tuck up, turn up; for- merly trosser, originally torser, from L. tortiare *, to bind together, der. from tortus, p.p. of torquere. Tortiare, by -tiare = -ser (see § 264), becomes torser, whence trosser, by transposing r, see aprete. For later change of to ou see § .•86. — Der. trousse (a bundle of things bound together, a verbal subst.), trouss'is, re- trousser. TROUVER, va. to find; formerly trover, torver in an I ith-cent. document ; Prov. trobar, from L. turbare, to move, seek for, then lastly find. For h=v see § 113; ■for u = see annoticer (whence O. Fr. torver, whence trover) ; for transposition of r see aprete; for later change of o to ou see § 86. This etymology is confirmed by O. Port, trovar, which = both trouver and remuer, like the L. turbare. Just as turbare becomes trouver, so conturbare becomes controuver. — Der. trouvMWe, trouv- eur (whose doublets are trouvere, trou- badour, q. v.). i TROUVERE, sm. a poet, lit. one who finds, invents. Trotwere would answer to a Low Lat. form trovator *, which, by regularly losing its final vowel (see § 50), becomes trovat'r, whence trovere (for a = e see § 54; for tr = r see § 168), then trou- vere (for o = ou see § 86). Trouvere is a doublet of troubadour, q. v. TRUAND, sm. a vagrant, truant ; from me- dieval Lat. trutannus : ' Praecipimus ut semper pauperes magis indigentes (et mi- nime trutanni) ad ipsam oeieemosynam admittantur,' from a document of a.d. 1340. Trutannus is of Celtic origin, Kymr. tru. For loss of medial t see abbaye Der. triianderie. t Truchement, sm. an interpreter; from Sp. trucheman, a dragoman Its doublet is drngman, q. v. TRUELLE, sf. a trowel, fish-slice; dim. of a form true *, which from L. trua. TRUFFE, sf. (Bot.) a truffle. Origin un- known. — Der. truffxex, truffer. TRUIE, s/.a sow. It. iroja, from L. troja, a sow in common Lat. We know that the Romans called a roast pig a ' porcus troianus,' in the stomach of which were put birds and other animals, in allusion to the Trojan horse. Thence, by assimilation, people called the sow troia. A writer under the Empire, Messala Corvinus, tells us that in his day the Romans called the sow troia : ' Troia namque vulgo Latine scrofa dicitur.' We read in a legal document, * Troias omnes meas do, lego.' Troia becomes truie by o = ou, see § 86. For relation of j to i see aider. TRUITE, sf. a trout ; from L. tructa (found in Pliny). For ct = it see attrait. TRUMEAU, sm. a leg of beef. Origin un- known. TU, pers. pron. thou ; from L. tu. — Der. tu- toyer (see toi). Tube, sm. a tube; from L. tubus Der. tubwXtwx, tuhwXMXt. Tubercule, sm. a tubercule; from L. tuberculum. — Der. tubercuhnx. Tub^reuse, sf (Bot.) a tuberose ; from L. tuberosa. TUER, va. to kill, a tolerably recent word in this sense: in O. Fr. 'to kill' was not tuer but occire (from oocidere). In O. Fr. tt4er meant to stifle, as in Prov. tudar, O. It. tutare. Tuer is from L. tutari, to defend, then cover for defence, then stifle; e. g. tuer le feu was originally to bank up a fire, then to stifle, then, generalised (§ 12), to kill. By losing medial t (see abbaye) 3<54 TVF — UNIQUE. tntari gives tuer, as commutare gives commuer, remutare, sternutare, salu- tare, niutare, become remuer, eternuer, faluer, muer. — Der. tuer'xt, /weur. Tuf. sm. tufa ; from L. tophus. For ph=/ see coffre ; for o = ou see curee. Tuile, sf. a tile; from L. tegula, by regular contr. (see § 51) of K'-gtila to teg'la, whence tuile. For gl = // see cailler ; for e = w seejumeau. — Der. tuilier, tuileve. fTulipe, sf. a tulip; from Sp. lulipa. — Der. tulipier. Tulle, sm. press-point, tulle ; of hist, origin (see § 33), tulle being a textile fabric woven first at Tulle, just as Valenciennes lace was first made at that place. Tumefaction, sf. tumefaction; from L. tumefactionem *, from tumefactus. Tura6fier, i/a. to tumefy; from L. tume- ficare *. Tumeur, sm. a tumor; from L. tumor em. Tumulaire, adj. tumular, pertaining to a grave; from L. tumularis*, from tu- mulus. Tumulte, sm. a tumult ; from L tumultus. Tumultueux, adj. tumultuous; from L. tumultuosus. Tunique, sf. a tunic; from L. tunica. •f Tunnel, sm. a tunnel; introd. from Engl, tunnel. Its doublet is tonneau, q. v. t Turban, sm. a turban; introd. from It. turbante. TURBOT, sm. a turbot ; der., by help of dim. suffix ot (§ 281), from a primitive form turbe*, which from L. ttirbo, properly a top, then a turbot, from the likeness of the fish to the shape of a top. The Gr. pofjL^os. which signifies a top and a turbot, confirms this derivation. Turbulent, adj. turbulent ; from L. turbu- lentus. Its doublet is troublant. — Der. turbulence. tTurf, sm. turf; introd. from Engl. turf Turgescent. arf/. turgid ; from L. turges- centem. — Der. turgescence. Turlupin, sm. a maker of conundrums ; of hist, origin (see § 33), alluding to Tur- lupin, an actor of the time of Louis XIII. — Der. turlupinex. turlupinz.de. Turpitude, sf. turpitude; from L. tur- pitudinem. Tut61aire, adj. tutelary; from L. tute- laris. Tutelle, ff. tutelage, guardianship ; from L. tutela. Tuteur, sm. a guardian; from L. tutorem. TUTOYER, va. to say ' thou and thee ' to, treat intimately. See tu and toi. — Der, tutoiemtnt. Tutrice, sf a female guardian ; from L. tutricem. TUYAU, sm. a pipe, tube; formerly tuyel, from L. tubellus, dim. of tubus, by loss of medial b, see aboyer; for el = au see agneau. Tympan, sm. a typanum (of the ear), drum. Its doublet is timbale, q. v. — Der. tympanlser, tympanite. Type, sm. a type; from L. typus. — Der. typ'ique. Typhoide, adj. typhoid ; from Gr. TvcpdiSrjs, der. from rvcpos. See typhus. Typhus, sm. typhus ; from Gr. rvcpos. Typographie, sf typography; from Gr. rvTTos and ypd(pQ}. — Der. typographique. TjO'an, sm. a tyrant ; from L. tyr annus. — Der. tyrannic, tyranniser. u. TJbiquiste, sm. an Ubiquitarian ; from L. ubique. Ubiquit§, sf ubiquity; from L. ubique. Ulcere, sm. an ulcer; from L. ulcerus. — Der. ulcertx, 7//ceVation. Ult^rieur, adj. ulterior; from L. ulteri- orem. •]- Ultimatum, sm. an ultimatum; from L. ultimatum *, p. p. of ultimare *, from ultimus. t Ultramontain, adj. ultramontane; introd. from It. oltramontano. UMBLE, sm. (Ichth.) an umber, char ; from L. um.bra (found in Ovid). For r = / see autel. UN, adj. one ; from L. unus. — Der. wwieme. Unanime, adj. unanimous; from L. una- nimus. — Der, unanim\te. Uniforme, ao?;. uniform ; from L. unifor- mis. — Der. uniformiie. Union, sf union; from L. unionem Its doublet is oignon, q, v. Unique, adj. unique; from L. unicus. UNIR — VAIN. 3^5 Unir, va. to unite; from L. unire. — Der. desnnir, rez/nzV. Unisson, ^m. unison; from L. unisonus*. Unite, sf. unity; from L. unitatem. Univers, sm. the universe; from L. uni- versum (found in Cicero). Universality, sf. universality ; from L. universalitatem, Universel, adj. universal; from L, uni- versalis. University, 5/. a university ; from L. uni- versitatem, a college, corporation, com- munity, in Marcianus (6th cent.).— Der. 7iniversita.\Te. Uranoscope, sm. (Ichth.) the uranoscopus ; from L. uranoscopus (found in Pliny). Urethra, sm. (Med.)ureter ; from Gr. ovp-qT-qp. Ur^tre, sm. (Med.) urethra; from Gr. ov- prjOpa. Urgent, adj. urgent; from L. urgentem. — Der. urgency. Urine, sf. urine; from L. urina. Urique, adj. (Chem.) uric; derived, with urate and uree from Gr. ov^ov. Urne, sf. an urn ; from L. urn a. Urticaire, sf. (Med.) urticaria, nettle-rash ; from L. urtica. US, sm.. usage ; from L. usus. USER, vn. to use ; from L. usare *, der. from usus, p. p. of uti. — Der. wsage, Msance. (A deriv. of usare * is usinare *, to have the use of, in several medieval Lat. documents, whence verbal subst. usina, which signifies use of water-power, in an lith-cent. text; whence it comes to mean, later, any factory driven by water, then a factory generally.) USINE, sf. a manufactory, factory. See user. Usit6, adj. in use, used ; p. p. oUisiter, which is from L. usitari. Ustensile, sm. an utensil; from L. uten- silia (found in Varro and Livy). Ustion, sf. ustion (Roman Law), act of burning; from L. ustionem. Usuel, adj. usual ; from L. usualis. Usufruit, sm. usufruct; from L. usufruc- tus. Usure, sf. usury; from L. usura. — Der. 7^s7/rier, j/swraire. Usurper, va. to usurp; from L. usurpare. — Der. Mswrpateur, wswrpation. Uterin, adj. uterine; from L. uterinus. Utile, adj. useful; from L. utilis. — Der. 7{{Hhe, udliser, utilituxre. Utopie, sf. Utopia, plan of government of an imaginary and perfect country; from Gr. ov Toiros, lit. no-place, land of nowhere. — Der. utopiste. V. Vacant, adj. vacant; from L. vacantem. — Der. vacance. VACARME, sm. a hubbub, uproar ; of Germ. origin, Neth. wacharmer, woe to thee ! Vacarme in medieval Fr. was an exclama- tion, and came later to signify a noise. Vacation, sf a vacation; from L. vacati- onem. Vacein, sm. vaccine-matter; from L. vac- cinus. — Der. vaccinal (whence vaccine). VAC HE, sf a cow ; from L. vacea. For cc = ch see § 1 26. — Der. vachtr, vacherie. Vacillant, adj. vacillating. See vaciller. Vaciller, vn. to vacillate; from L. vacil- lare — Der. vacillement, vacilla.tion. Vacuity, sf. vacuity ; from L, vacuitatem. t Vade-mecum, sm. a vade-mecum; from L. vade mecum. Vagabond, adj. vagrant, sm. a vagabond ; from L. vagabundus. — Der, vagabondei, vagabondzge. Vagir, vn. to wail ; from L. vagire. — Der. t/ag-issement. t Vagon, sm. a wagon ; from Engl, wagon. VAGUE^ sf. a wave; of Germ origin, O.H.G. uiac. Vague, adj. vague; from L. vagus. t Vaguemestre, sw. an officer in charge of the baggage ; a word introd. in the 1 6th cent, by the German horsemen : it is the Germ, wagen-meister. In a.d. 1650 Menage defined vaguemestre as un officier qui a le soin de faire charger et atteler les bagages d'une armee. Vaguer, vn. to wander ; from L. vagari. VAILLANCE, sf. valour ; from L. valentia. For -tia = -ce see agencer ; for en = an see andouille. VAILLANT, adj. valiant; from L. valen- tem. VAIN, adj. vain ; from L. vanus. For -anus = -at« see § 194. 366 VAINCRE—VA UDEVILLE. VAINCRE, va. to conquer ; from L. vincere, by regular contr. (see § 51) of vinofire to vinc're. — Der. vainqueur. VAIR, sm. vair (furriery) ; from L. varius. For attraction of i see aigle. — Der. vairon. VAISSEAU, sm. a ship, vessel ; formerly vaissel. It. vascello, from L. vascellum, der. from vas. Vascellum becomes vaissel: for a, = ai see § 54; for so = ss see cresson ; for el = eau see agneau. The fem. form of vaissel is vaisselle. VAISSELLE, sf. plate (gold and silver). See vaisseau. VAL, sm. a valley ; from L. vallis. Val also follows the usual rule of softening / to 7/ (see agneau), and thus becomes vau, in a vau I'eau, vaudeville, etc. — Der. 7/a/lee, val\ov., Sival, avahr. VALABLE, adj. valid. See valoir. VALET, sm. a valet, servant ; formerly va!fon ; crescionem*, cresson, etc. Thenceforward ti, which (when followed by an a, o, or u) is identical with ci (as is shown above), must, like ci, drop the i and become f, hard s, ss: denuntiare becomes denoncer ; cantionem, chan- son; scutionem*, e'cusson. A like change takes place with -tea, which becomes -tia (ea, eo, eu, becoming ia, io, iu, as may be seen under abreger ; cp. also the forms Dius, for Deus, mius for meus, in very ancient Lat. inscriptions) : then such words as platea, matea, linteolus, becoming platia, matia, lintiolus, are rendered according to rule into place, masse, linceuL The following are the cases of change of tia, tio, tiu, into g, ss, s hard : — 1. c soft in antianus, ancien; caden- tia, chance, etc. 2. ss, as in captiare, chasser, etc. 3. s hard, as in cantionem, chanson, etc. See Hist. Gram. p. 61. The change of ti into soft s, as in acu- tiare, aigtmer, is uncommon. See Hist. Gram. p. 192. AGENOUILLER, (S), vpr. to kneel ; from L. adgeniculari, as in Tertullian, 'Presby- teris advolvi et caris Dei adgeniculari.' Aggloin6rer, va. to agglomerate, collect; from L. agglomerare. — Der. agglomer- ation. Agglutiner, va, to glue together, unite ; from L. agglutinare. — Der. agglutin- ation. Aggraver, va. to aggravate, make worse ; -ation, sf. aggravation, increase. See grave. I Agile, adj. agile; from L. agilis. — Der. agilM (§ 230). t Agio, sm. rate of exchange ; an It. word introd. towards the end of the 17th cent., from aggio (§ 25).— Der. agioXtx (§ 263), -age (§ 248), -eur (§ 227). AGIR, va. to act, do; from L. agere. For e = i see § 59. — Der. agtnt, from agentem; but fagenda, a Lat. word imported bodily into Fr., is not to be reckoned as a deriv. Ag^ter, va. to agitate, stir; from L. agi- tare. Der. agitz\.ion, -ateur. Aguat, sm. an agnate, collateral relation on the father's side; from L. agnatus. AGNEAU, sm. a lamb ; from O. F. agnel, and this from L. agnellus. 1 preceded by a vowel (al, el, il, ol, ul) remains un- changed in Fr. in the early period of the language (mollis, mol; malva, malve; porcellus, pour eel) ; then was softened into u {mou, mauve, pourceau) towards the middle of the 12th cent. See § 157. 1. Lat. al became au, eau ; as in alba, aube, etc. 2. Lat. el became au, eau, as in el'- mosyna*, aumone, etc.; ieu in melius, mieux ; similarly with dim. suffixes in -ellus, in O. Fr. el ; then softened for the most part into -eau, -au, as agnellus, agneau, etc. 3. Lat. il became eu in capillus, cheveu, etc. ; -eau in sigillum, O. Fr. seel, sceau; 0, ou, in basil'ca, basoehe, and fil'caria, foiigere, which was written more correctly feugere in O. Fr. 4. Lat. ol became ow in coHs ( = caulis), chou, etc.; eu in mol'narius, meunier, etc.; au in voltulare*, vautrer. 5. Lat. ul became ou in buHcare, houger, etc.; au in vulturius, vautour; o in remorque (O. Fr. remolque) from re- mulcum. Agonie, sf. agony, struggle against death; from Gr. ayoivia. — Der. a^owiser. AGRAFE, sf. a hook, clasp ; 0. Fr. agrape. Low L. agrappa, compd. of ad and Low L. grappa, a word found in documents of the 7th cent. Grappa again comes from O. H. G. h-apfo (§ 20).— Der. agraftr. Agraire, arf;. agrarian ; from L. agrarius. Agraire is a doublet of O. Fr. agrier. AGGRANDIR, va. to enlarge ; -ISSEMENT, sm. increase, aggrandisement. See grand. AGREABLE, adj. agreeable ; der. from agreer, like gueable from gueer. — Der. desagreable (Hist. Gram. p. 1 78). AGRSER — AIEUL, 15 AGREER, va, to receive favourably, accept (lit. = prendre a gre). See gre. — Der. agremtnt. desa^rement. Agr6ger, va. to admit, incorporate (into a public body); from L, aggregare — Der. agrege (of which agregat is a doublet), agrega.U.on. AGREMENT, sm. consent, approbation. See agreer. AGRES, sm. pi. rigging, tackling. See greer. Agresseur, sm. an aggressor ; from L. aggressorem. — Der. agression, -if, Agreste, adj. rustic; from L. agrestis. Agricole, adj. agricultural; from L. agri- cola. The Lat. subst. has become a Fr. adj. Agriculteur, sm. a farmer, agriculturist; from L. agricultorem, — Der, agriculture. Agronome, sm. an agriculturist ; from Gr. dypovofios (which from dypos and vofios) (§ 21). AGUERRIR, va. to accustom to war. See guerre. AGUETS, sm. pi. a word used only in the pi. in mod, Fr. {etre aux aguets, to be on the look out, to be lying in wait) ; but in O, Fr. it had a sing. also. It is used as late as Malherbe, Quand Z'aguet d'un pirate arreta leur voyage. Aguet is the verbal sm. (§ 184) of the old verb aguetter, compd. of guetter, q. v. AHEURTER (S'), vpr. to be bent on, ob- stinate. See heurter. AHURIR, va. to amaze. The word hure, originally meaning hair standing on end, produced ahuri (la gent barbue et ahuri, ' a folk bearded and of up-standing locks,' is a phrase of the 13th cent.). Ahuri later received the sense of ' standing on end from fright,' then ' terrified ' ; lastly, the modern sense, which is nothing but a di- minution of the old signification (§ 13). AIDER, va. to aid, help ; from L. adjutare (Varro and Terence), later ajutare, which must be written aiutare, as the Latins pronounced j between two vowels as i. For this cause raja, boja, major, baju- lare, have become in Fr. raie, bouee (O. Fr. boie), maire, bailler, as they were proncd. raia, boia, ma'ior, baiulare. To pass from aiutare to aider we find two philological changes: (1) the fall of the u, aiutare becoming aitare (§ 52) ; (2) the change of t into d, aiitaxe = aidar, then aider (§117). I. Fall of the u. We have seen (§ 52) that every vowel immediately preceding the tonic vowel (like the i of sanitatem), dis- appears in Fr, if short (san-!l!-tatem = sante), remains if long (caem-e-terium = cim-e-tiere). This continuance of a long atonic vowel has only a few exceptions : the atonic vowel which directly precedes the tonic syllable disappears, when long, in mirabilia, merveille, etc, § 52. There are about twenty of these exceptions to the rule of the continuance of the long atonic vowel, which are to be explained by two facts : (1) that in many of these words the con- traction is quite modern, and the long atonic vowel remained inO.Fr.; — courtier, serment, soup^on, larcin, were in O. Fr., more regu- larly, couretier, serement, soupe^on, larecen : (2) that in the common Lat. many of these words had already lost this long atonic vowel, and the Fr. simply reproduced this irregularity, and could do nothing else ; thus in the 7th cent, we find cosinus for consobrinus, costuma for consuetu- dinem, matinum for matutinum, el- mosna for eleemosyna, vercundia for verecundia, 2, The softening of the t into d. Aiu- tare having become aitare changes into a'idare. This softening had already taken place in common Lat., in which it was very frequent, especially when the t lay between two vowels: iradam is found for iratam in an inscription of A, D. 142; limides, sidus, terridoriam, mercadum, stradu, for limites, litus, territorium, mer- catum, strata, in 5th cent, documents, and in the Salic Law ; thus again. Classical Lat. said quadraginta, quadratus, from quatuor, which, regularly, should have been quatraginta, quatratus. For the full history of the Lat. t see aigu and §§ 117, 118. Der, aide, verbal subst. of aider, aidant^ which is a doublet of adjudant, q. v. AIEUL, sm. a grandfather ; from L. aviolus. By the side of the class, form avus, the popular Lat, had a form avius, which is to be found in certain 5th-cent. documents. (Such double forms as avius and avus are not rare in Lat.; witness luscinius and luscinus, etc.) From this form avius the Romans made the derivative aviolus, by adding the dim. suffix -olus (cp. gladi- olus, filiolus, lusciniolus, etc.). Avi- olus, properly ' a little grandfather,' soon supplanted avius, in accordance with the Roman tendency to use diminutives. See §13. l6 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Whltelock's Memorials of English Affairs from 1625 to 1660. 4 vols. 1853. 8vo. cloth, il. los. Enactments in Parliament, specially concerning the Universi- ties of Oxford and Cambridge. Collected and arranged by J. Griffiths, M.A. 1869. 8vo. cloth, I2S. 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