^"~V THE RHETORICAL READER, CONSISTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGULATING THE VOICE, WITH A . RHETORICAL NOTATION, ILLUSTRATING INFLECTION, EMPHASIS AND MODULATION ; AND A COURSE OF RHETORICAL EXERCISES. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF ACADEMIES AND HIGH-SCHOOLS. BY EBENEZER PORTER, D.D., LA.TK PRESIDENT OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, ANDOVKR. NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY MARK H. NEWMAN & CO., No. 199 BROADWAY 1848. \ > N * '/' -V EJCTIRID, accordiog to Act of Coagmw, la tb year 183S, by PLAGO k. GOULD, ! the Clerk's Ofllee of the Diitrlct Court of Manachaiettt. BmEBD, ecnrdm to Ace of Conpen la the yew IMS, by MARK II. MEWMA.V i In Ibe Clerk 1 . Office for Ibe Sotuteni Diitrlcl of New York. x ' 'V REFACE THOUGH for many years after I began to investigate the principles of rhetorical delivery, I had no intention of writing any thing on the subject for publication, I was at last drawn into this measure, gradually and almost unavoidably. The bad habits in elocution, acquired by many educated young men, and confirmed with little regard to consequences, as they passed from one stage of education to another, it was easy to see must become at once equally conspicuous and injurious, so soon as they should pass from academical life into a public profession in which good speaking is a prime in- strument of usefulness. The last Seminary too which had them in charge, would, by a misapprehension not very un- natural, be made responsible, not merely for its own propor- tion, but for the whole of these defects. The only remedy for habits thus firmly established, obviously must lie in a patient, elementary process, adapted to form new habits. After a sufficient experiment to satisfy me that Walker's elements, as a text-book, could pot answer this purpose, I prepared a course of Lectures on the subject. One of these, " on Vocal Inflections," I consented to print at the request and for the use of the Theological Students, to whom it had been read ; but without any intention that it should be pub- lished. The pamphlet, however, went abroad, and led to applications from respectable gentlemen, connected with col- leges and other literary institutions, that I would prepare a book of the same description, to be used in this department of a liberal education. Accordingly I did prepare the " ANAL- YSIS OF RHETORICAL DELIVERY." The preparation of that work, my own use of it as a Teacher, and the testimony of others, who had used it, con- IT PREFACE. vinced me, soon after its publication, that t the chief princi- ples it contains may be understood and applied by pupils much younfffr than those I had originally contemplated. Teachers of Academies and High Schools, who professed to hare derived much assistance from the ANALYSIS, urged me to prepare a cheaper book, on the same plan, adapted to the use of their pupils. This I promised to do, should health and engagements permit; but the execution has been delayed, as involving a sacrifice of the time which I earnestly wished to devote to the more appropriate and sacred duties of my of- fice ; and had not one branch of these duties rendered me necessarily familiar with the general subject of this volume, the purpose must have been relinquished. I have been the more cheerful, however, in this under, taking, from a full conviction that whatever is accomplished on this subject in classical schools, is a clear gain to profes- sional education for the pulpit. To no possible case, more than to this, is the maxim applicable, " Prevention is easier than cure." Faults which almost defy correction, might easily have been avoided by skill and pains in forming the early habits. I am aware that there is already an ample supply of books, furnish excellent reading lessons, without professing to give any instruction in the art of reading. But the want of an elementary book for common use, in which the principle* of this art should be laid down, with Rhetorical Exercises, selected expressly to illustrate these principles, has been ex- tensively felt as a great deficiency. The RHETORICAL READ- ER is intended to supply this deficiency. The first third of its matter, is an abridgment of the ANALYSIS, though with new discussion and elucidation of some important principles, which will be found chiefly under the articles, Rrwi Emphatic Inflection, Quantity, and Compost of Voice. In respect to about two-thirds of its contents, the book is new ; including thp original matter just mentioned, and a PREFACE. V new selection of exercises for Part II. This selection has been made with much care and from an extensive range of writers, British and American. In making it, regard has been paid, first to the moral sentiment of the pieces, as suit- ed to make a safe and useful impression on the young ; next to that rhetorical execution which may elevate their taste ; and finally to such variety and vivacity, in the subjects and kinds of composition, as may sustain an undiminished interest throughout. To attain brevity in each Exercise, the connection of the writer has sometimes been broken by omissions longer or shorter, without notice ; the mention of which fact in this manner, I hope may be sufficient, without further apology. A word of explanation is necessary on another point. It was my intention to include in the Exercises, Part II., a great- er proportion of extracts from the Bible, than I have done in Part I. ; both because I think it furnishes many of the best lessons for rhetorical reading ; and because the book which, more than all others, is adapted to promote the sanctification and salvation of the young, has been too much neglected in all departments of education. But as I wished to make this selection, not for the young merely, but also with a special view to those who are called to read the Bible as heads of families, or still more publicly as preachers of the Gospel, sufficient room for it could not be found in the present vol- ume. I therefore concluded to defer this part of my plan, with the hope that I may compile a separate collection of BIBLICAL EXERCISES, of perhaps 150 pages, to which a rhe- torical notation will be applied, and which may be a proper sequel both to the ANALYSIS, and RHETORICAL READER. Should this little book be found useful in advancing the interests of Christian Education the best wishes of its author will be answered. E. PORTER. Theological Seminary, Andover, May, 1831. REMARKS TO TEACHERS. To those who may use this book, I have thought it proper to make the following preparatory suggestions. 1. In a large number of those who are to be taught read- ing and speaking, the first difficulty to be encountered arises from bad habits previously contracted. The most ready way to overcome these, is to go directly into the analysis of vocal sounds, as they occur in conversation. But to change a settled habit, even in trifles, often requires perseverance for a long time ; of course it is not the work of a moment, to transform a heavy, uniform movement of voice, into one that is easy, discriminating, and forcible. This is to be accom- plished, not by a few irresolute, partial attempts, but by a steadiness of purpose, and of effort, corresponding with the importance of the end to be achieved. Nor should it seem strange if, in this process of transformation, the subject of it should at first appear somewhat artificial and constrained in manner. More or less of this inconvenience is unavoidable, in all important changes of habit. The young pupil in cliimir- raphy never can become an elegant penman, till his bad hahit of holding the pen is broken up ; though for a time the change may have made him write worse than before. In respect to Elocution, as well as every other art, the case may be in some measure similar. But let the new manner become so familiar as to have in its favor the advantages of habit, and the difficulty ceases. 2. The pupil should learn the distinction of inflections, by reading the familiar examples under one rule, occasionally turning to the Exercises, when more examples are necessary ; iiiid the Teacher's voice should set him right whenever he aakes a mistake. In the same manner, he should go !i ;ill the rules successively. If he acquires th. ; o great or too little extent to his slides of ho should be carefully corrected, according to the sugges- tions gn<'n. p '-'" and 110. After getting the command of the voice, the great point to be steadily kept in view, is to apply the principles of emphasis and inflection, just as nature DIRECTIONS TO TKACHERS. Vll and sentiment demand. In respect to those principles of modulation, in which the power of the voice so essentially consists, we should always remember too, that, as no theory of the passions can teach one to be pathetic, so no descrip- tion that can be given of the inflection, emphasis, and tones, which accompany emotion, can impart this emotion, or be a substitute for it. No adequate description indeed can be given of the nameless and ever varying shades of expression, which real pathos gives to the voice. Precepts here are only subsidiary helps to genius and sensibility. 3. Before any example or exercise is read to the Teach- er, it should be studied by the pupil. At the time of reading, he should generally go through, without interruption; and then the Teacher should explain any fault, and correct it by the example of his own voice, requiring the parts to be repeated. It would be useful often to inquire why such a modification of voice occurs, in such a place, and how a change of struc- ture would vary the inflection, stress, &c. ; in other words, to accustom the pupil to paraphrase the meaning conveyed by different expressions of voice ; as in the example, p. 32, at the close of Rule IV., and p. 43, bottom. When the exam- ples are short, as in all the former part of the work, reference may easily be made to any sentence ; and in the long exam- ples, the lines are numbered on the left hand of the page, to facilitate the reference, after a passage has been read. If an Exercise is read by a class in turn, it would be useful, at least occasionally, to call on two or more of the number to remark on the manner of the reader, proposing corrections, with reasons, before the remarks of the Teacher are made. This will render them vigilant and intelligent, in the constant, practical application of theoretic principles; thus leading them to regard a proper management of voice as both an art and a science. 4. When any portion of the Exercises is about to be committed to memory for declamation, the pupil should first study the sentiment carefully, entering as far as possible, into the spirit of the author ; then transcribe it in a fair hand ; then mark with pencil, the inflections, emphasis, &c., required on different words ; then read it rhetorically to his Teacher, changing his pencil marks as the case may require ; and then commit it to memory perfectly, before it is spoken ; as any labor of recollection is certainly fatal to freedom, and variety, and force in speaking. In general it were well that the same viii i.iKKt-nuNs TO TEACHERS. piece should be subsequently mi'-e more repeated, with a view to adopt the suggestions of the Instructor. Fur the pur- pose of improvement in elocution, a piece of four or five minutes, is better than one of fiftem ; and more advance may be made, in managing the voice and countenance, by speaking several limit, a short speech, though an old one, (if it is done with due care each time to con ret what was amiss,) than in speaking ni.-iny l<>n^ pieces, however spirited <>r nr\r, which are but half committed, and in the delivery of which all scope of feeling and adaptation of manner, are frustrated by labor of memory. The attempt to speak with this indolent halting preparation, is in all respects worse than nothing. ^ ' { . ft. KEY OF RHETORI KEY OF INFLECTION. - denotes monotone. CAL NOTATION. ( ) low. ( 00 ) low and loud. ( ) slow. ( ) quick. c ' 4 KEY OF MODULATION. () high. () high and loud. ( jj ) rhetorical pause. (<) increase. ~^~-^-^'^-^-^-^-^-^------ CONTENTS. Page CHAP. I. READING : its connection with good education . . 13 Grammatical reading .... 21 Rhetorical Reading . . . . 21 CHAP. II. ARTICULATION ..... 22 Causes of defective articulation . . .22 Difficulty of many consonant sounds . ' . 23 Immediate succession of similar sounds * .24 Influence of accent ..... 25 Tendency to slide over unaccented vowels . . 25 Cautions ...... 26 CHAP III. INFLECTIONS ...... 27 Description of Inflections .... 27 Classification of Inflections . . . .28 RULE I. Influence of disjunctive or on Inflection . . 29 RULE II. Of the Direct Question and its answer . . .29 RULE III. Of Negation opposed to Affirmation . . 30 RULE IV. Rising Inflection. Of the pause of Suspension . 31 RULE V. Of the influence of Tender Emotion on the voice . 32 RULE VI. Of the Penultimate Pause . . . .33 Falling Inflection ..... RULE VII. Of the indirect Question and its Answer . . 33 RULE VIII. The language of Authority. Of surprise, &c. . 34 RULE IX. Emphatic succession of particulars . . .35 RULE X. Emphatic repetition .... 36 RULE XI. Final Pause . .... 36 RULE XII. The Circumflex ..... 37 CHAP. IV. ACCENT ...... 38 CHAP. V. EMPHASIS 39 SECT. I. Emphatic Stress . . . . .39 Absolute Emphatic Stress .... 41 Antithetic or Relative Emphatic Stress . . 42 SECT. 2. Emphatic Inflection .... 43 Emphatic Clause . . . . .45 Double Emphasis ..... 46 CHAP. VI. MODULATION . . . . . .47 SECT. 1. Faults of Modulation . . . . 47 Monotony . . . . . .47 Mechanical Variety .... 48 SECT. 2. Remedies . . . . . .48 The spirit of Emphasis to he cultivated . . 48 A habit of discrimination as to Tones and Inflection . 51 SECT. 3. Pitch of voice ..... 51 SECT. 4. Quantity . . . . . .52 Rotundity and Fullness .... 52 Loudness . . . . . .54 Time ...... 54 Strength of voice depends on good organs of speech. &c. X CONTENTS. Direction* for preserving and strengthening them . M Rale of utterance . ECT. 5. Compa of Voice SECT. 6. Rhetorical Pause SECT. 7. Transition ...... SECT. 8. Expression SECT. 9. Rhetorical Dialogue ..... SECT. 10. The Reading of Poetry .... CHAP. VII. GESTURE . jj? Kxj.ression of countenance Altitude ...... FaulU of Rhetorical Action Gesture may want appropriateness and discrimination May be too constant, or violent, or complex, or uniform 7t Mechanical variety . Use of right hand and left . EXERCISES. PART I. Preparatory Remark* EXERCISES ON ARTICULATION. Exercise 1. ... I AERCISES ON INFLECTION. Exercise '2. Disjunctive or . . . 3. Direct Question, &c. . . Conjunctive or . ... 4. Negation opposed to Affirmation . Comparison and Contrast . . . .82 5. Pause of Suspension 6. Tender Emotion ..... 7. Indirect Question, &c. . . 8. Language of Authority, Surprise, dur. 9. Emphatic Succession, &c. 10. Emphatic Repetition . . .99 EXERCISES ON EMPHASIS. Exercise 1117. Absolute and Relative Stress, and Emphatic ) ]AI Inflection . . . . J 18. Difference between common and Intensive Inflection lit ; [8Bfl ON MODULATION. Ex< rcise 19. COMPASS of VOICE ... .1 TRANSITION ..... 90. The power of Eloquence JI. lloh'-iiliii.li-n ..... 23. Battle of Waterloo D'J vTl N. fitft 1) .|i|.!.uiit ..... 94. Marco Bonaris . . . - ' 95. Extract from Paradise Lost EXPRESSION . . . . > .!-'-> 96. Jodah's Speech to Joseph .... 97. Joseph disclosing himself .... !-'' . Burial of Sir John Moore . . .1 nirnting the loss of Psradiss . . 129 CONTENTS. XI Page Exercise 31. Soliloquy of Hamlet's Uncle . . . .129 RHETORICAL DIALOGUE .... l3i 32. Examples from the Bible . . . . I3t . EXERCISES. PART II. Exercise 33. Character of Columbus .... Irving. 136 34. The Victim .... Philadelphia Casket. 138 35. Conflagration at Rome of an Amphitheatre . Croly. 138 36. The African Chief ..... Bryant. 14i 37. Riches of a poor Barber . . . Edinburgh, Paper. 142 38. Burning of the Fame N. Y.Atlas. 144 39. Hour of Prayer .... Mrs. Hcmans. 147 40. My Mother's Grave ..... Anonym. 148 41. A Tale of Waterloo .... Anonym. 15t 42. The righteous never forsaken . . . N. Y. Spectator. 152 43. To Printers ..... Fisher Ames. 154 44. Washington ..... Pierpont. 156 45. Miserable case of a Weaver . . Bell's Messenger. 157 46. Tomb of Washington ...... 159 47. Destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem by fire . MUlman. 162 48. The Charnel Ship . . . Charleston Courier. 165 49. Life a Spanish Poem ' . . . Edinburgh Review. 167 50. Death and the Drunkard . . . . .168 51. The Plague in London .... Rothelan. 17t 52. The Battle of Borodino . . . . .172 53. Shipwreck . . . Frcdericksburg Arena. 173 54. The Bucket a Cold Water Song . . Wood-worth. 175 55. Anecdote of Judge Marshall . Winchester Republican. 176 56. The First and Last Ticket . Manuscript of a Criminal. 178 57. Death at the Toilet . From the Diary of a Physician. 184 58. Sabbath Schools .... Frelinghuysen. 186 59. The folly and wickedness of War . . . Knox. 188 60. The Warrior .... ff.if ringer of Peace. 190 61. Death of Ashmun . . . Mrs. Sigourney. 191 62. Love of Applause ..... Hawes. 192 63. Christian Integrity .... Hawes. 193 64. Watch . . . , . J. Mason Good. 194 65. New social order in America . . . Douglas, 19G 66. Voluntary association .... Douglas. 197 67. Bible Societies ..... Douglas. 198 68. Christ's entry into Jerusalem . . . Cunningham. 199 69. Evening Hymn . . . Monthly Visitor. 200 70. Universal Peace . . . Chalmers, 201 71. The Elder's Death Bed . . Prof. Wilson. 202 72. Benevolence of God .... Chalmers. 207 73. Death of Princess Charlotte . . Robert Hall. 208 74. Remarkable preservation from death at Sea . Prof. Wilson. 210 75. The Bible the best Classic .... Grimke. 214 76. Fathers of New England . . . Spragiie. 215 77. Duty of Literary men to their Country . . Grimke. 218 78. Eulogy on Adams and Jefferson . . . Wirt. 219 79. The Greek Revolution . Webster. 221 XI! 80. Triumph of the Gospel 81. Duties and Prospects of New England . 89. The Sabbath School Teacher 83. Motives of the Gospel . 84. Character "i RHianl Reynolds 86. Address of the Bible Society 1816. 86. Roman Si.Mi. r ; Last days of llcrculancum 87. The Orphan Boy 88. Chrwtiuu Consolation 89. Cruelty to Animals '.XI CliriMi niity ..... 91. Character of Mrs. Graham 93. Living to God 93. Plea for Africa . y I. Abolition of the Slave Trade 95. Eliza 96. Character of Mr. Brougham 97. Character of Mr. WUberforce 98. Eulorium on Mr. Fox 99. Death of Shfrid.m 100. The last family of Eastern Greenland 1LM. Tli, < 'ny aii.l thf Country ^uinmary Punishment t ..I his Mother's Picture . I'M. I [tract lYoni The Grave" . Defence of Johnson ; of Warsaw .... 107. Lord < tiatham .... 108. Mr. Fox, ami Mr Pitt 109. i : .t h. ii n . no. i :!(! . 111. Provhlrnliitl Distinction* 11- l.liMjucnce of Bossuet of P.nurilnloae 114. Eloquence of Brulaine 1 !.">. I.! iqui .: i't' Wtuti fit-lil . - I.-iiii' nt.ition. 117. . -j.mt of the American Revolution . :a . 190. Patriotism of 1775 . Pendulum t..ry Hymn . nc from Pizarro . 196. The Dead Sea . n ,.*haphat , - Hnltle . 199. Niagara 130. On a very old Wedding Ring ' hristmas Hymn 133. Thou art gone to the Grave Arrrvntx I',r<. James. 237 DttigU. -^ Tkorpe. 930 AlMmtone. 939 Mm. Oj,ie. iJ35 236 Cmrpcr. '237 Maun. 238 Mason. 240 Griffin, 241 Christian it . . Strrirf'. ^ ! ."! M l> ' . .. 'JVi Oeot Montpomr Can- . Campi* Butler. 263 / Per Percy. 269 Pol . Butler. V73 . Bui;. Gill . J. i Pk>Uipt. P. Henry. Jane Taylor. Dtrzkan, . Ckattavbnnnil. Gforge W. Doom L I.I' 984 286 989 293 301 309 304 ::d7 307 308 MD THE RHETIRICAL READER, CHAPTER I. READING. ITS .CONNECTION WITH GOOD EDUCATION. THE art of reading well is indispensable to one who ex- pects to be a public speaker ; because the principles on which it depends are the same as those which belong to rhetorical delivery in general, and because nearly all bad speakers were prepared to be so, by early mismanagement of the voice in reading. But the subject is one of common interest to all, who aim at a good education. Every intelligent father, who would have his son or daughter qualified to hold a respect- able rank in well-bred society, will regard it as among the very first of polite accomplishments, that .they should be able to read well. But beyond this, the talent may be ap- plied to many important purposes of business, of rational entertainment, and of religious duty. Of the multitudes who are not called to speak in public, including the whole of one sex, and all but comparatively a few of the other, there is no one to whom the ability to read in a graceful" and impressive manner, may not be of great value. In this country, then, where the advantages of education are open to all, and where it is a primary object with parents of all classes, to have their children well instructed, it would seem reasonable to presume that nearly all our youth, of botli sexes, must be good readers. Yet the number who can 1 1 READING. properly be so called, is comparatively small. No defect of vocal organs, nor of intelligence and sensibility, which may be supposed to exist among the pupils of our schools, is suf- ficient to account for the wretched habits of reading, which ire so prevalent. The fact must be ascribed to causes more unquestionable and radical in their operation; and these causes, in my opinion, are to be found chiefly, in the inadequate views of the subject, entertained by those to whom the interests of early education are committed. Notwithstanding the manifest advances in public sen- timent respecting this matter, which we have witnessed within a few years, there are still many Teachers, and pub- lishers of reading lessons, who maintain that no precepts as to management of voice can be useful to the young ; but that every thing of this sort tends to embarrass rather than aid the attainment of a good elocution. But if it is enough to put a book into the hands of a pupil, and require him to read, without giving him any instructions how to read, then I ask, among the past generations, who have been treated just in this manner, why have not all, or nearly all, become good readers ? Teachers have been sufficiently sparing of rules ; and if a boy was only careful to speak his words distinctly and fluently, and " mind the stops," nothing more was required. Elementary books too have been, till of late, nearly silent as to precepts for regulating the manner in reading. Some of these did formerly give the three follow- ing directions : that the parenthesis require* a quick and weak pronunciation ; that the voice should be raised at the end of a question; and dropped into a cadence, at the end of all other sentence*. The first direction, as' to the paren- thesis, is proper in all cases. The second is proper in all questions answered by yes or no, and improper in all others. Hence the teacher found (!>< instincts of every child to re- bel against the rule, in reading such questions as, " \Vlx> art thou '.'" " Where is boast; and just so, as to READING. 15 the last rule, respecting cadence, when a sentence ends with an antithetic, negative clause ; as, " You were paid to fight against Alexander, not to rail at him." But because very defective precepts are useless or per- nicious, does it follow that this interesting subject must be left to accident ; so that if any one becomes a good reader, it shall be only because it happens to be so ? Then it will doubtless happen, in time to come, as it has in time past, that the number of good readers will be few, very few. In answer to this question, some who discard all theory in elocution, would probably say, we would by no means leave the learner to chance ; we would have him imitate his Teacher, who should be qualified to correct his faults of manner, by exemplifying himself what'is right, and what is wrong, in any given case. Doubtless the Teacher should watch every opportunity to aid his pupil in this manner. But when he reads a sentence well, as an example to his pu- pil, is this done by accident ? Is there no reason why his emphasis is laid on one word rather than another ? why it is strong or weak ? why his pauses are long or short ? why he makes a difference between a parenthetic clause and another ? why his voice turns upward on one word, and downward on another ? why he ends a sentence with a small cadence, or a great one, or with no cadence, as cases vary ? Is all this mere chance ? If so, the pupil may as well be left to chance without, as with a Teacher. If not ; if the Teacher has a reason why he reads so, and not otherwise, cannot lie tell that reason ? This is what com- mon sense requires of him, to teach by precept and exam- ple both. Besides ; what if that Teacher reads badly, himself; just because they who were his patterns, during the formation of his early habits, were bad readers ? Must we go on still at the same rate, and insist on it that the proper remedy for bad reading, is the imitation of bad ex- amples? Then we have no remedy. But common sense, 16 I ay again, would combine practice with theory; so that the Teacher, knowing the conformity between thought and vocal language, may not only express this conformity by his own voice, but explain it to his pupils. There are others, who would discard any systematic in- struction on this subject, and yet allow that one important direction ought to be given and incessantly repeated, name- ly, BE WATCKAL. But what is it to be natural ? The pupil will understand, probably, that he is to read in the manner that is most easy to himself, or that gives him the least trouble ; that is, the manner to which he is accustomed. Bad as that manner may be, the direction has no tendency to mend it ; because he supposes that any new manner would be unnatural to hirat But you correct him again, and tell him to be natural. The direction is just, is simple, is easily repeated ; but the infelicity is, that it has been repeated a thousand times, without any practical advantage. You tln-n become more particular, and tell him that to be natural, he must enter into the spirit of what he utters, and read it BO as feeling requires. He tries again, and fails, because he attempts to do what feeling requires, without feeling ; and because he has no conception what it is in his voice that is wrong. You tell him perhaps, lhat he must drop his read- ing tone, and he natural ; but he understands nothing what you mean ; and while his manner becomes more rapid or more loud, for this admonition, he goes on with his i still. He is under the influence of an inv. ihit, which he acquired from bein^ early accustomed to reed that which he did not understand, and in which he felt no interest. To break up unseemly tones, thus deeply fixed l.y y teacher of reading or speaking finds to be the first and hardest task in his employment. I ; ger theie habits hare been chn-Mir.!. the rnon- .stuM>orn they ne ; and measures that might be sufficient to prevent READING. 17 them, are by no means sufficient for their cure. To do what is right, with unperverted faculties, is ten times easier than to undo what is wrong. How often do we see men of fine understanding and delicate sensibility, who utter their thoughts in conversation, with all the varied intonations which sentiment requires ; but the moment they come to read or speak in a formal manner, adopt a set of artificial tones utterly repugnant to the spirit of a just elocution. Shall we say that such men do not understand what they speak in public, as well as what they speak in conversation ? Plainly the difference arises from a perverse habit, which prevails over them in one case, and not in the other. Many instances of this sort I have known, where a man has been fully sensible of something very wrong in his tones, but has not been able to see exactly what the fault is ; and after a few indefinite and unsuccessful efforts at amendment, has quietly concluded to go on in the old way. So he must conclude, so long as good sense and emotion are not an equal match for bad habits, without a knowledge of those elementary principles, by which the needed reme- dy is to be applied. These habits he acquired in childhood, just as he learned to speak at all, or to speak Engljsh rather than French, by imitation. His tones both of passion aud of articulation, are derived from an instinctive correspond- ence between the ear and voice. If he had been born deaf, he would have possessed neither. Now in what way shall he break up his bad habits, without so much attention to the analysis of speaking sounds, that he can in some good degree distinguish those which differ, and imitate those which he would wish to adopt or avoid ? How shall he correct a tone, while he cannot understand why it needs correction, because he chooses to remain ignorant of the only language in which the fault can possibly be described ? Let him study and accustom himself to apply a few elemen- tary principles, and then he may at least be able to un- IB dentand what are the defects of his intonations. I do not say that this attainment may be made with equal facility, or to an equal extent, by all men. Bat to an important extent it may be made by every one ; and that with a moderate share of the effort demanded by most other valuable acqui- sitions ; I might say with one half the time and attention that are requisite to attain skill in music. Should some still doubt whether any theory of vocal in- flections can be adopted, which shall not be perplexing and on the whole injurious, especially to the young, I answer that the same doubt may as well be extended to every de- partment of practical knowledge. To think of the rules of syntax, every sentence we speak, or of the rules of orthogra- phy and style, every time we take up our pen to write, would indeed be perplexing. The remedy prescribed by common sense in all such cases, is, not to discard correct theories, but to make them so familiar as to govern our practice sponta- neously, and without reflection. The benefit of analysis and precept is, to aid the teacher in making the pupil conscious of his own faults, as a pre- requisite to thfir correction. The object is to unfetter the soul, and set it free to act. In doing this a notation for the eye, designed to regulate the voice in a few obvious partic- ulars, may be of much advantage : otherwise why shall we not dismiss punctuation too from books, and depend wholly on the teacher for pauses, as well as tones ? The reasonable prejudice which some intelligent have felt against any system of notation, arises from tin- preposterous extent to which it has been carried, by n f < w popular teachers, and especially by their humble imitators. A judicious medium is what we want. Five characters in music, nnd six vowels in writing, nt-r into an infinituil- of combinations in melody and language. So the element- ary m . > of voice in speaking, are few and easily understood ; and to mark them, so far as distinction is use- 19 ful, does not require a tenth part of the rules, which some have thought necessary. I have made these last remarks, because, while I think it a mere prejudice, and a very mischievous one, to maintain that there are no elementary rules of good reading, there is another extreme, which would carry theoretic directions beyond all bounds of common sense and practical utility. I refer to the theory which maintains that, while musical notes are uttered without any slide, the sounds of articulate language are always spoken with a perceptible slide of the voice, either upward or downward. This, in my opinion, is carrying a useful, general theory, to an improper extreme. In the notes of a tune as given from a stringed instrument, or from the human voice, there certainly is no inflection. But no man of accurate ear will say that there is any neces- sary distinction between the notes sol, fa, as uttered in mu- sic, and the same sounds in speech, where they occur in examples like the following : My soul, how lovely is the place, .Pother of all, in every age, in every clime ador'd. Though it is possible to speak the open vowels, o and a, in the Italic syllables, with inflections, it is not requisite, nor natural ; and if any think it to be so, I must suppose that they have not been accustomed to distinguish between a slide of the voice, and that transition of note to higher or lower, in which consecutive syllables are uttered. If how- ever, the position that every syllable has a slide, is held as an occult theory, it is harmless, and needs not a moment's discussion; but if practical importance is attached ^ to it, so that the learner must try to distinguish what slide he must give to each syllable, in the simplest language, the theory becomes positively injurious in influence. It frustrates all just discrimination, by aiming at that which is needless and endless in minuteness. It operates much as it would to re- quire, by the Italic character, or other notation, every word in a sentence to be spoken with emphatic force. -'<) RKAHl\'. Now the most general principle of a good elocution that can be laid down is the voice mutt conform to sentimnU. Where the thought is simple, and without emotion, as, i. -in m;iv put off the law of God ;" to insist on any iike marked strew or inflection i.- m useless. But call the pupil to read : Virtue, not rolling suns, the mind matures :" or " Arm, warriors ! Ann for f and it is quite another case. Here stress and inflection are Diadod on the emphatic words. Why ? Because sense and emotion require it. Let these few words be. right, and no matter for the rest ; they will be right, or nearly so, of course. But if you require the pupil to give stress and in- flection to all the words, you teach him to sacrifice the senee, and aim at conformity to some arbitrary standard of excel- lence, which he may imagine that he understands, but which will ruin all significant variety in his intonations. There is one great law of mind, and of language, which Teachers of youth should well understand, namely, t/uit emotion speaks with its own appropriate mode* of expression. Where a sentence contains a simple thought, without emo- tion of any sort, it requires nothing but proper words, in grammatical order. No principle of rhetoric is concerned in forming such a sentence, and none in uttering it, except distinctness. But the moment that passion speaks, gram- mar is subordinate, and rhetoric becomes ascendant. A groan, a shriek of distress, thrills the heart, without the help of syntax ; and the same principle exists as to all the lower degrees of passion, till we come down again to the mere province of words, and grammar. Now passion and discriminating sentiment demand an appropriate expression of voice, not in the mere utterance of words, but in the manner of uttering them. On this principle, rest all the law* of inflection, emphasis, A-c . which can be given to any valuable purpose. These laws, as I have said, are few ; and an be stated and reduced to practice, with as much ease as any other laws of language. READING. 21 I shall finish these general remarks, by laying down a plain distinction between the two sorts of reading, the gram- matical, and the rhetorical. Grammatical reading, as I have just intimated, respects merely the sense of what is read. When performed audibly, for the benefit of others, it is still only the same sort of process which one performs silently, for his- own benefit, when he casts his eye along the page, to ascertain the meaning of its author. The chief purpose of the correct reader is to be intelligible ; and this requires an accurate perception of grammatical relation in the structure of sen- tences ; a due regard to accent and pauses, to strength of voice, and clearness of utterance. This manner is gener- ally adopted in reading plain, unimpassioned style. The character and purpose of a composition may be such that it would be as preposterous to read it with tones of emotion, as it would to announce a proposition in grammar or geom- etry, in the language of metaphor. But though merely the correct manner, suits many purposes of reading, it is dry and inanimate, and is the lowest department in the province of delivery. Still the great majority, not to say of respectable men, but of bookish men, go nothing beyond this in their at- tainments or attempts. Rhetorical reading has a higher object, and calls into action higher powers. It is not applicable to a composi- tion destitute of emotion, for it supposes feeling. It does not barely express the thoughts of an author, but expresses them with the force, variety, and beauty, which feeling demands. To this latter sort of reading would I bend all my efforts in forming the habits of the young. To this, almost ex- clusively, would I apply precepts respecting management of the voice. And with a view to prevent the formation of bad habits, or to cure them before they become established, I would take off children, just so soon as they can read with ARTICULATION. 22 tolerable readiness, from lessons which belong to the gram- matical class, and put thi-in upon those which contain some rhetorical principles. These lessons should, at first, be chiefly narrative ; or narrative and colloquial combined ; by which I mean dialogue proper, or rhetorical dialogue; in which the same voice must represent two speakers, or more. CHAPTER II. ARTICULATION. IT has been well said, that a good articulation is to the ear, what a fair handwriting, or a fair type is to the eye. Who has not felt the perplexity of supplying a word, torn away by the seal of a letter; or a dozen syllables of a book, in as many lines, cut off by the carelessness of a binder ? The same inconvenience is felt from a similar omission in spoken language ; with this additional disadvan- tage, that we are not at liberty to stop, and spell out the meaning by construction. A man of indistinct utterance reads this sentence: " The magistrates ought to prove a declaration so publicly made." When I perceive that his habit is to strike only the accented syllable clearly, sliding over others. I do not know whether it is meant, that they ought to prove the declaration, or to approve it, or rrprove it, for in either case he would speak only the syllable proiy the t/' cnrrenee of a hamh . ound, bat the breath, is entinK u mute. Jn -;. i.-, any syllable whii-h (lulu with /',//, d, or I, all the sound IIP preceding towel ; for when the organs come to the proper position for speaking the mute, the voice instantly ceases. 'I plains what sometimes has been thought a mystery, that stammering persons find little ilitfirulty in rending poetry, and none in singing;* whereas they stop at once in speaking, when they come to certain con- sonants. Any one who would* practically understand this subject, should recollect that the distinction between human speech, and the in- articulate sounds of brutes, lies not in the vowels, but in the consonants. ,- and that in a defective utterance of these, ba'd articulation primarily consists. A second difficulty arises from the immediate twxtuum of the tame or similar sounds : as in the recurrence of the aspirates; Up the Aigh Afll Ae Aeaves a Auge round stone : or the collision of open vowels ; Tbo' oft the far th open vowels tire. But a greater difficulty still is occasioned by the im- mediate recurrence of the same consonant sound, without the intervention of a vowel or a pause. . The following are ex- amples : " For Chris/'* ake." " The hosfc arill /ood." " The battle lasts still" The illustration will be more intelli- gible from examples in which bad articulation affects the Wastes and deserts ; Waste sand deserts. To obtain either ; To obtain neither. Hb cry moved me ; His crime moved me. He could pay nobody ; He could pain nobody. Two successive sounds are to be formed here, with the organs in the same position ; so that, without a pause be- tween, only one of the single sounds is spoken ; and the dif- ficulty is much increased when sense or grammatical relation forbids such a pause. This is partly owing also tn a ARTICULATION. 25 A third difficulty arises from the influence of accent. The importance which this stress attaches to syllables on which it falls, requires them to be spoken in a more full and deliberate manner than others. Hence, if the recurrence of this stress is too close, it occasions heaviness in utterance ; if too re- mote, indistinctness. In the example, And ten low words oft creep in one dull line, the poet compels us, in spite 'of metrical harmony, to lay an accent on each syllable. But the remoteness of accent in other cases involves a greater difficulty still ; because the intervening syllables are liable to be spoken Avith a rapidity inconsistent with distinctness, especially if they abound with jarring conso- nants. Combinations of this kind, we have in the words communicatively, authoritatively, terrestrial, reasonableness, disinterestedness. And the case is worse still where we pre- posterously throw back the accent so as to be followed by four or five syllables, as Walker directs in these words, receptacle, peremptorily, acceptableness. While these com- binations almost defy the best organs of speech, no one finds any difficulty in uttering words combined with a due propor- tion of liquids, and a happy arrangement of vowels and ac- cents. Not so when swift Camilla scours the plain, Flies o'er the unbending corn, and skims along the main. A fourth difficulty arises from a tendency of the organs to slide over unaccented vowels. There is a large class of words beginning with pre, and pro, in which this ^seldom fails to appear. In prevent, prevail, predict, a bad articu- lation sinks e of the first syllable so as to make pr-vent, pr-vail, pr-dict. The case is the same with o in proceed, profane, promote ; spoken pr-ceed, &c. So is e confounded with short u in event, omit, &c., spoken uvvcnt> ummit. In the same manner u is transformed into e, as in jiopulows, 2 \KT1 I I.ATI'i.S. regular, singular, educate, to-day. " The\ tell its to be moderate ; but tiny, /////, are to revel in profusion." On the words marked in these examples, there is a significant twist- ing of the voice downwards, and then upwards, without which the sense is not expressed. Besides these absolute modifications of voice, there are others which may be called relative, and which may be classed under the four lii.tds of pitch, quantity, rate, and quality. .These may be presented thus: As those relative modifications of voice assume almost an endless variety, according to sentiment and emotion in a speaker, they belong to the chapter on Modulation. t f Inflection*. In order to render the new classification which I have given intelligible, I have chosen examples chiefly from col- loquial language ; because the tones of conversation ought to be the basis of deliver}', and (because these only are at once recognized by the ear. Being conformed to nature, they arc instinctively right; so that sr.-m-ely a man in a million uses artificial tones in conversation. And this one fact. I remark in passing, furnishes a standing canon to the learner in elocu- tion. In contending with any bad habit let him break up the sentence on which the dilVx -ulty occurs, and throw it, if possible, into the colloquial form. Let l.im serve in himself and others, the t< r in speaking, familiarly and on comni As the difficulty of the learner at firvt. in t<> distinguish tli.- two chief inflection*, and as the Ixnrt n -:n_' thnn the in th- a - to ease* in which they are used sep.' in rontinued series of rules, fr INFLECTIONS. 29 Both Inflections together. RULE I. When the disjunctive or connects words or clauses, it has the rising inflection before, and the falling after it. EXAMPLES. Shall I come to you with a rod or in love 1 The baptism of John, was it from heaven or of men 1 Will you go or stay 1 Will you ride or walk 1 Will you go to-day or to-morrow 1 Did he travel for health or for pleasure ? Did he resemble his father or his mother 1 Is this book yours or mine 1 RULE II. The direct question, or that which admits the answer of yes or no, has the rising inflection, and the answer has the falling. EXAMPLES. Are they Hebrews 1 So am i. Are they Israelites 1 So am f . Are they the seed of Abraham 1 So am I. Are they ministers of Christ 1 I am more. [Paul.] Did you not speak to it 1 My lord, I did. Hold you the watch to-night 1 ' We do, my lord. Arm'd, say you ? Armed, my lord. From top to toe 1 My lord, from head to foot. Then saw you not his face 7 O yes, my lord. What, looked he frowningly 1 A countenance more in sorrow than in anger. Pale 1 Nay, very pale. Shak. Hamlet. Note 1. If I wish to know whether my friend will go on a journey within two days, I say perhaps, " Will you go to-day, or to-morrow 1" He may answer, " yes," because my rising inflection on both words implies that I used the or between them conjunctively. But if I had used it disjunctively, it must have had the rising slide before it, and the falling after ; and then the question is, not whether he will go within two days, but on which of the two ; thus, " Will you go to-day or to-mor- row?" The whole question, in this case, cannot admit the answer yes or no, and of course cannot end with the rising slide. Note 2. When Exclamation becomes a question, it demands the rising slide ; as, " How, you say, are we to accomplish it 7 How accomplish it ! Certainly not by fearing to attempt it." 30 INFLECTION*. ROLE III. When ntyation is opposed to affirmation, the former has the rising, and the latter the falling inflection I did not say a bitter soldier, but an Uder. Study not Tor &miatmeni, but for improvemftU. He was esteemed, not for wealtk, but for wisdom. He will not come to-day, but to-mdrrme. He did not act irisflu. but unicisely. He dkl not call me, but yd*. He did not say pride, but pride. Note 1. Negation alone, not opposed to affirmation, generally inclines the voice to the rising slide, but not aJicaiif, as some respectable Tearbera have maintained. " Thou shall not kill;" "Thou shall not rteal ;" are negative precepts, in which the falling slide must be used ; and the simple particle no, wilh ihe intensive falling slide, is one of the strung"** monosyllables in the language. Note 2. The reader should be apprised here, that the falling slide, being often connected with strong emphasis, and beginning on a high and spir- ited note, is liable to be mistaken, by those little acquainted with the sub- ject, for the rising slide. If one is in doubt which of the two be has em- ployed, on a particular word, let him repeat both together, by forming a question thus, " Did I say gt, or so?" or a question and answ< "Will you gd, orttdy? 1 shall go." \\ill you ride, or valJc? I shall riJt." This will give the contrary slides on the some word. But as some may be unable still to distinguish the falling, confound- ing it, as just mentioned, wilh the risin_' mf]..-ti,>n, or, on the other h;in does the SUM, in the answer to the question. In the second example, the case is entirely similar. But the difficulty with the inexpert reader is, that he strike* the downward slide, not above the key, but on k, INFLECTIONS. SI and then slides downward, just as in a cadence. The faulty manner may be represented thus : .^ji Will yo go to- or to- ,. I shall go to- ^ X, V The other part of the difficulty, in distinguishing the falling inflection from the opposite, arises from its want of sufficient extent. Sometimes, indeed, the voice is merely dropped to a low note, without any slide at all. The best remedy is, to take a sentence with some emphatic word, on which the intensive falling slide is proper, and plfetract that slide, in a drawling manner, from a high note to a low ont This will make iu distinction from the rising slide very obvious. Rising Inflection. RULE IV. The pause of suspension, denoting that the sense is unfinished, requires the rising inflection. This rule embraces several particulars, more especially ap- plying to sentences of the periodic structure, which consist of several members, but form no complete sense before the close. It is the first principle of articulate language, that in such a case, the voice should be kept suspended, to denote continuation of sense. The following are some of the cases to which the rule applies. 1. Sentences beginning with a conditional particle or clause ; as, " If some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree ; boast not against the branches." " A face answereth to face in water, so the heart of man to man." 2. The case absolute ; as, " His father dying, and no heir being left except himself, he succeeded to the estate." " The question having been fully discussed, and all ob- jections completely refuted, the decision was unanimous." 3. The infinitive mood with its adjuncts, used as a nominative case ; as, " To smile on those whom we should censure, and to countenance those who are guilty of bad actions, is to be guilty ourselves." " To be pure in heart, to be pious and benevolent, constitutes human hap- pinew." 4. The rornlirr* r.nse without strong emphasis, when it is a lespecUU mil to at (. nil' in \;.r-s*t's no sense completed, and comes under the inflection of the suspending pause ; as, - ; l>n thr-n, OIK! fathers, licark- Is, Romans, coun- trymen ! lend me your ears." 5. The;*/ mionly requires the same inflection at its close, while the rest of it is often to be spoken in the monotone ; as, /. ic v not, brethren, (far I apeak to them thai knmo tkelaic.)tkat the bnr kaiJi dominion orer a man as long as he lircth 7" An exception may apply to the general principle of this rule, whenever one voice is to represent two persons, thus : If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye wanned and filled ; notwith- standing ye give them not those things which are needful to the body ; what doth it profit"? 1!' r< thn sense is entirely suspended to the close, ami yet the clause introduced as the language of another, requires the fnllin-j slide. Anot' Son, resting on still stronger groand, eoeon where an antithetic rlausr r qiiin s th. int.*ii-i\'- falling slid.- <>n >ni.- <-\w( word, to denote the true meaning : as in the following example, '-The man who N in th> dailv us.- of ardent spirit, it" he docs not become a drunkard, M in danger of losing his health and character." In this periodic sen- tence. I i-i not form' d till the close; and yet the fnllr of the second member, or th> sense is subverted ; tor the rising slidi on drunkard would imply that his becoming such, is the onlv way to preserve health and character. Hi I.K V. Tender emotion prm-rally inclines the voice t-> -iidc. : compassion, and delicate affection, soften the soul, and nrp uttorod in words, invariably with corresponding qual- ;i it expresses either aft or d<-Ii "!' li^in^ slid** ; as, "Jesus saith ui. 1 ry." "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas.' 1 " Sir, I " art a proj irs, what murt I do to b MVC though an angel ^N from ^sjs should declare the truth of it, I could not believe it. * All rules of inflection as to a series of single wards, when unem- phatic, are, in my opinion, worse than useless. No rule of harmonic inflection, that is indepndent of sentiment, can be established with- 36 IM I.E.-. The rising Mr, on the contrary, ns it oocara in an emphatic series of direct question*, rises higher on each particular, at it proceeds. X. Emphatic repetition requires the falling slide. Whatever inflection is given to a word, in the first instance, when that word is repeated with stress, it demands the fall- ing slide. Thus in Julius Caesar, Cassius says: You wrong me every way, yon wrung me, Brutus. The worrf wrong is slightly emphatic, with the falling slide, in the first clause ; but in the second, it requires a double or triple force of voice, with the same slide on the higher note, to express the meaning strongly. But the principle of this rule is more apparent still, when the repeated word changes its inflection. Thus I ask one at a distance, Are you going to Boston ? If he tells me that he did not hear my question, I repeat it with the other slide, Are you going to Boston ?* KII.K XI. The final pause requires the falling slide. That dropping of the voice which denotes the sense to be finUlnd, is so commonly expected by the car, that the worst readers make a cadence of some sort, at the close of a sentence. In respect to this, some general faults may be guarded against, though it is not possible to tell in ab- solute terms what a good cadence is, because, in diftVn-nt circumstances, it is modified by different principles of elo- cution. The most common fault in the cadence of bad speakers, c> dropping the voice too uniformly to the out too much rink of nn artificial hnbit, unless it be this onr, that the voice should rioe at the last .pause before the cadence ; and even thin may be superseded by emphasis. In rollnqtii.il language. the point I m illustrating i quite familiar to every ear. The ! .i< In r r.xlN n pupil by name in tin- ri-in^ inflection, and not tiring heard, rrpenU the rail in the falling. The an such a c.ill.if it i- a ni'-ri ri-|H>n; RU. The two. the ame, thnt it i ! wlii.-h is us, d ; \vhil. m otln-r ";>- fTii-r of tli-- rirciiiiiflcx i o pwulinr n to mnk<- ii <|iiil" : lo an ear of any dicrimini>ti"ii I tli (M-iinn iHtwrrn the flint and wr>fi! n 'rf orrurs. in tli- fullnv J'>lm. wn it and they s:> : "ill ""> ft- he w in.- rmphnflu, \ relation i* exprewed or uneoled, U, Uie t' affirmation, or enunciation >f n tboant -_ r v : thr riming rrmuct negation, or qualified and cttuMifinl amrmtioo. la EMPHATIC INFLECTION. 45 the latter case the antithetic object, if there is one, may be suggested ironically, or hypothetically, or comparatively ; thus, Ironically : They tell us to be moderate ; but they, they are to revel in profusion. HypotheticdUy ; If men see our faults, they will talk among themselves, though we re- fuse to let them talk to us. Comparatively ; . The beggar was blind as well as lame. He is more knave than fool. In such a connection of two correlate words, whether in contrast or comparison, the most prominent of the two in sense, that in which the essence of the thought lies, commonly has the strong, falling emphasis ; and that which expresses something subordinate or circumstantial, has the rising. The same rising or circumflex emphasis prevails where the thought is conditional, or something is implied or insinuated^, rather than strongly expressed. The amount is, that generally the weaker emphasis, where there is tender, or conditional, or partial enunciation of thought, requires the voice to rise : while the strong emphasis, where the thought is bold, and the language positive, adopts the falling slide, except where some coun- teracting principle occurs, as in the interrogative inflection. In all such cases, explanation becomes obscurity, if carried out of its proper limits. Beyond these, I can no more tell why sorrow or supplication incline the voice to the rising slide, while indignation or command incline it to the falling, that I can tell why one emotion flashes in the eye, and another vents itself in tears. Nor is it reasonable to demand such explanations on this subject, as are not expected on any other. The logician rests in his consciousness and his experience as the basis of argument ; and philosophy no more requires or allows us to push our inquiries beyond first principles or facts, in elocution, than in logic. Emphatit Clause. It will be readily perceived that the stress proper to be laid on any single word, depends much on the comparative stress with which other words in the same sentence are pro- nounced. A whisper, if it is soft or strong, according to sense, may be as truly discriminating as the loudest tones. The voice should be disciplined to this distinction, in order to avoid the common fault, which confounds vociferation with emphatic expression. K.MPIIA Tic ARTICULATION. Bat there are cases in which more than common stress be- longs to several words in succession, forming an emphatic clause. In some cases of this sort, the several syllables have nearly equal stress ; thus : Heaven and earth will witness, IP ROME MDT FILL, that we are innocent Again; Could we but climb where Mooes stood And view the landscape o'er, Not Jordan's stream, nor DEATH'S COLD FLOOD Should fright us from the shore. In uttering the emphatic clause, in these cases, the voice drops its pitch, and proceeds nearly in a grave, deliberate monotone. In other cases, such a clause is to be distinguished from the rest of the sentence, by a general increase of force ; and yet its words retain a relative difference among themselves, in quantity, stress, and inflection. One example may make this last remark still plainer. Suppose Paul to have said merely, " I came not to* baptize, but to preach" The contrast ex- pressed, limits the emphasis to two words. But take the whole sentence, as it is in Paul's language, " I came not to baptize, but to preach the, GOSPEL ;" and you have a contrast between an emphatic word, and an emphatic clause. And though the sense is just as before, you must change the stress in this clause from preach to gospel, or you utter nonsense. If you retain the stress on preach, the paraphrase is, " I came not to baptize the gospel, but to preach the gospel." Double Emphasis. This is always grounded on antithetic relation, expressed in pairs of contrasted objects. It will be sufficiently illustrated by a very few examples. " The WN*f arc slave* to wttwttjr, MODULATION. 47 " And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but con- tiderest not the beam that is in thine own eye 1" There is but one remark, which is important to be made in this case. In attempting to give the utmost significance to each of the terms, stand- ing in close succession, we are in danger of diminishing the amount of meaning, expressed by the whole. The only rule that can be adopted is, so to adjust the stress and inflection of voice, on the different terms, as shall most clearly, and yet most agreeably convey the sense of the entire passage. There is still another kind of sentences, in which there occurs what I would call CUMULATIVE EMPHASIS. This consists of a complex thought, made up of particulars, expressed in a succession of emphatic words. A striking example of this we have in Paul's indig- nant reply to the message from the magistrates, that he and his asso- ciates, unjustly imprisoned, might be released, and go quietly away. " But Paul said, they have beaten us, openly, uncondemned, being Romans, and have cast us into prison ; and now do they thrust us out privily ? nay, verily ; but let them come themselves, and fetch us out." Here there is no difficulty from that antithetic mixing of terms just now alluded to. CHAPTER VI. MODULATION. THIS includes a number of distinct topics, which may per- haps with sufficient exactness be brought together in one chapter. % Sect. I. -Faults of Modulation. 1. Monotony. The monotone, employed with skill, in pro- nouncing a simile or occasionally an elevated or forcible thought, may have great rhetorical effect; just as other movements of the voice, are felt to be proper, when they are prompted by genius and emotion. But the thing I mean to condemn, is that dull repetition of sounds, on the same pitch, and with the same quantity, which the hearers ascribe to want of spirit in the speaker. Want of variety is fatal to vivacity and interest in delivery, on the same prin- ciple that it is so in all other cases. In music, a succession MIM \.\ of perfect conc'nl>, -specially on the same note, would be intolerable. /ACTION, WITHOUT BEING TIRED OR SATIATED WITH ITS PROPER ENJOYMENTS. THE SENSE OF FEELING CAN INDEED GIVE US A NOTION OF EXTENSION, SHAPE, AND ALL OTHER IDEAS THAT*ENTER AT THE EYE, EXCEPT COLORS. * AT THE SAME TIME, IT is VERY MUCH CONFINED IN rrg OPERATIONS, TO THE NUMBER, BULK, AND DISTANCE OF ITS PARTICULAR OBJECTS. If you succeed in understanding the above illustration, then vary the trial on the same example, with a view to another fault, the periodic stress and tone. Take care to speak the words, printed in small capitals, with a note sensibly higher and stronger than the rest, dropping the voice immediately after these elevated words, into an undulating tone, on the following syllables, thus : Our sight is the MOST perfect, and MOST delightful, of all our sense*. It fills the mind with the largest VARIETY of ideas, converses with its object at the GREATEST distance, and continues the longest in action, without being TIRED or satiated with its proper enjoyments. The sense of feeling can indeed GIVE us a notion of extension, shape, and all other ideas that ENTER at the eye, except colors. At the same time, it is very much CON- * No. 411. 3 60 MODULATION. FINED in its operation*, to the number, BCLK, and distance of its partfeo- Ur object*.* It is necessary now to give this same passage once more, BO dWngVMhing the chief words, by the Italic character, as to exhibit the true pronunciation. Our sight is the most perfect, and most delightful, of all our It fills the mind with the largest variety of ideas ; converses with its ob- jects at the greatest distance , and continues the longest in action with- out being tired or satiated with its proper enjoyments. The sense of feeling can indeed give us a notion of extension, shape, and all other ideas that enter at the eye, except colors. At the same time, it is very much confined in its operations, to the number, bulk, and distance of it* particular objects. But as no word in the foregoing passage, is strongly emphatir. my meaning may be more evident from an example or two, where a discrim- inating stress on a single word, determines the manner in which the fol lowing words are to be spoken. Take this couplet from Pope, and read, it first with the metrical accent and tone ; thus, What the weak head, with strongest bias rules, Is pride, the never failing vice of fool*. Now let it be observed that in these lines there is really but one em- phatic word, n.imrly, jrridc. If we mark this with the strong emphasis, and the falling infWtinn. the following words will of necessity be spoken as they should l>v dropping a note or two below the key note of the sentcnce,f and proceeding nearly on a monotone to the end ; thus, What the weak head, with strongest bias rules, ' the never failing vice of fools. Walker's ear, though in cases of emphatic inflection, very discrim- inating, seems in other rae to have been perverted by hi* i!. knrmirnif infleriion, as appear* from his manner of pronouncing the following couplet, which nearly coincide* with the tone I am con- demning : A brave man struggling in the storms of fts, And greatly falling, with a falling stole. f By key noU, I mean the prnailini; note, that which TOO bear when man rr.-ult nloud in another room, while you cannot distinguish any word* that he utters. PITCH OF VOICE. 51 Another example may help to render this more intelligible. Qifli Must we the author of the public cdlam ^ Or must we des &. . < the author of the pxiblic calamities. In pronouncing these examples, if the proper sound is given to the emphatic words, all the rest must be spoken essentially as here described. It follows that the most direct means of curing artificial tones, is to ac- quire a correct emphasis. But, 2. In order to this, another attainment seems indispen- sable, namely, some good degree of discrimination as to vocal tones and inflections. Some, who can imitate a sound, immediately after hearing it from an- other voice ^ suppose this to be the only way in which it can be done. But let a thousand persons, who understand the English language, repeat the* familiar question, "Do you expect to go, or sidy?" And will not every one of the thousand give the same turn of voice on the words in Italics 1 Where is the difficulty then of placing such a mark on these turns of voice, that they may be transferred to any other word 1 This simple principle suggested to Walker his notation of sounds for the eye ; and incomplete as it is, something of the kind is so necessary to the stu- dent of elocution, that, without it, the aid of a living teacher cannot sup- ply the defect. And in most cases, nothing is wanting to derive advan- tage from such a theory but a little patience and perseverance in its ap- plication. SECT. 3. Pitch of Voice. This is a relative modification of voice ; by which we mean that high or low note, which prevails in speaking, and which has a governing influence upon the whole scale of notes employed. In every one's voice, this governing note varies with circumstances, but it is sufficiently exact to consider it as threefold ; the upper pitch, used in call- ing to one at a distance ; the middle, used in conversation ; and the lower, used in cadence, or in a grave, emphatic un- der key. Exertion of voice on the first, exposes it to break ; *nd on the last, renders articulation thick and difficult, and 52 UL AMITY. leaves no room for compass below the pitch. The middle key, or that which we spontaneously adopt in earnest con- versation, allows the greatest variety and energy in speak- ing. Whether this is high or low, compared with that of another man, is not essential, provided it be not in extreme. Among the first secular orator* of Britain, some have spoken on the grave, bass key ; while Pitt'* voice, it is said, was a full tenor, and Pox's a treble. The voice that is on the bass-key, if clear and well-toned, has some ad- vantages in point of dignity. But a high tone, uttered with the same effort of lungs, is more audible than a low one. Without referring to other proofs of this, the fart now mentioned is sufficient, that we spon- taneously raise our key, in culling to one at a distance ; for the simple reason, that we instinctively know he will be more likely to hear us, in a high note than a low one. So universal is this instinct, that we may observe it in very little children, and even in the call and response of the parent bird and her young, and in most brute animals that have voice. The influence of emotion on the voice, is also among the pliilosopbical cmiMcli-rntions pertaining to this subject. A man under strong intellec- tual r xrii>-mrnt. walks with a firmer and quicker step than when he is cool ; and the same exciicnx nt which braces the muscles, and gives energy to the movements of the body, has a correspondent effect on the movements of the voice. Earnestness in common conversation assumes it tiijii.T note, as it proceeds, though the person addressed is at no greater distance than before. A practical corollary from these tngffltinnt is, that the speaker or reader should avoid a Muk pticA, at the beginning, lest he rise, with the increase of interest, to painful and unmanageable elevation. The proper means of avoiding extremes, is to learn the distinction be- tween farce and elevation ; and to acquire the power of swelling the voic on a low note. This introduces our next topic of consideration. SECT. 4. Quantity. This term I use, not in the restricted sense of grammarians and prosodists, but as including rotundity tuid Julltiest of tone, loudness, and time. Rotundity and Fullne**. As to inflection, emphasis, and the varied adaptation of tones to sentiment, the only laws of voice, in deliberate speaking and reading, that can be considered as natural, are derived from conversation. But in another respect, the habits acquired from this source, occasion tome of the most stubborn difficulties, which the QUANTITY. 53 learner in elocution has to surmount. For, to what purpose has he been accustomed to use his voice ? Almost exclusively in a hurried utterance of a sentence or two at once, to an indi- vidual, or a small number of persons, so near him, or so well acquainted with what he is saying, as to understand him, though it be but half spoken. Thus, by using his voice only in conversation, (excepting occasionally, when he has opened his organs to a fuller note, in speaking a word or two, to some one at a distance,) he has become confirmed in a rapid, indis- tinct, feeble enunciation of the chief elementary sounds. But when he comes to train his organs, in exercises of elocution ; that is, when he comes to read or speak any thing, so that it may be audible and interesting to a considerable number of hearers, a new task is imposed on his vocal powers. Cost what it may, he must exchange the clipping, slurring, jerking sounds of fireside-talk, for a clear, open articulation, or he cannot speak nor read well. Dignity and force in delivery, depend much on the power of filling, and swelling, and pro- tracting an open vowel sound ; but no one attains this power, without pains and care ; and without a process different from any thing that is ordinarily acquired in conversation. It requires very little skill in sounds, to perceive that a in hat, is shorter than a in hate ; that is, in the former case, the organs pass quickly over the vowel to the consonant, in the latter there is more continuance on the vowel. Now this con- tinuance may be protracted, more or less, at pleasure ; for it requires only that we begin the sound of a in hate, and keep- ing the organs in exactly the same position, let the stream of sound proceed ; thus, ha . . . . te, ha te. Just so, if you bring the organs to the proper position, and begin the sound of a in hat, you may protract it through the whole stream of breath, if you please, before the t is spoken, ha ....%.. But as every experiment of this kind implies a longer note on the vowel sound, and tends almost of course to a louder and hiyhrr note, it will lx- tatter illustrated in connection with the following articles. Loudness. In theory, perhaps, every one can easily und>r- stand, that a sound may be either loud or soft, on the same note. The only difference, for example, betwixt the sound produced by a heavy stroke, and a gentle one, on the same bell, is in the quantity or momentum. This distinction as ap- plied to music, is perfectly familiar to all acquainted with that art. As applied to elocution, however, it is not so easily made ; for it is a common thing for speakers to confound high sounds with loud, and low with snft, Hene we often hear it remarked of one, that he speaks in a low voice, when the meaning is, a feeble one ; and perhaps if he were told that he is not loud enough, he would instantly raise his key, instead of merely increasing his quantity on the same note. If any one, who has given no attention to this point, thinks it too easy to demand attmtion, he may be better satisfied by a single exper- iment. Let him take this line of Shakspeare O, you hard hearts, you cruel men of Rome ! and read it first in ;i voico barely audible. Then let him read it again and again, on the same pitch, doubling his quantity or impulse of sound. at each r-|>< -tition. and he will find that it p ijuirrs ureat care and man-' agement to do this without raising hi? voice to a higher note. depend* on the possession of perfect vocal ergons, and on the due exercise of these. The hmfs, trachea, larynx, glntti*, and epiglottis, are organs of mend, but not of other*, nnm-K lips, if which are also organs of artiml. these organ* are all JUMM!. the voice of a speaker has sometimes been trained to such power as to be distinctly heard by twenty thousand people. To strengthen tin- voice by exercise, obscnre these (\\ U ,',. >,. >.. r \i>ii use your M>i<->- .M common occasions, use as mucA T-,.;0 ,M ;",, ' ' , ' ,.'l /.'<,/ ,>!,, ,i n< /J f!,l'nl i r,v. (3) Avoid nl. >^, especially in eases of kaanenat. (4) Avoid habits " 'it. that cramp the vital functions ; stimulating food tr drinla, in caanect spea>ing ; and sudden exposure U> coltl atr t when the lungs are kcated, Time. The reader i* denired here tn turn back to the QUANTITY. 55 remarks which I made, p. 53, on the words hat and hate, exemplifying the protraction of sound in a long vowel. That he may the better understand my meaning, let him suppose himself listening to a military officer, at the head of a brigade, giving the word of command, march. The only way in which he can possibly utter this word, so as to be heard by several thousand men, is so to manage the only vowel in it, as to expend upon it the full power of his voice. To do this, he must not clip off the a, as he might in con- versation, but must strike it on that key note where his voice has most strength, and then protract this broad, open sound, perhaps for two seconds, before he touches the con- sonants which follow ; thus, MA RCH. The case is just the same with the still broader vowel sound, in the word halt, as uttered in military command. That there is no impossibility in acquiring this power of protracting and swelling any open sound, is evident from the fact, that it is constantly done in music, when a pointed sem- ibreve holds the voice to one continuous note, perhaps for three seconds. But as discipline of the voice on unmeaning, elementary sounds, seems an arbitrary, and somewhat forbidding exer- cise, I shall set down a few brief examples, in which senti- ment and emotion demand the above distinctions to be made, as to fullness, loudness, and time. These are intended as mere specimens, from which the reader will easily understand how to select others of similar character, from the EXERCISES, under different heads, especially Transition. These it will also be observed are taken from cases of exclamation, or other strong emotion, and addressed for the most part to persons supposed to be at a distance, requiring a full, loud note, on the emphatic words. He woke to hear his sentry's shriek, To ARMS ! they come ! the GREEK ! the GREEK ! ">(5 eo.MPAss 01 voiur. -Farewell, happy field*, Where joy forever dwells. HAIL, horrors ! HAIL, Infernal world I He shook the fragment of his blade, And shouted Victory 1 CHARGE ! Chester, CHARGE ! 6x, Stanley, 6n ! Zophiel, in mid nir, aloud thus cried, ARM, warriors! ARM, for FIOHT. Satan was heard commanding loud ; VANGUARD ! to right and left the front unfold.* But the reader must now be reminded, that while it is often indispensable to prolong, and fill out the sound of a word, under strong emphasis, it would be preposterous to speak common words in this manner. No variety of tones could produce the thrilling effects of music if every note were a semibreve. So in elocution, if every word and syllable were uttered with the same length, the uniformity would be as intoler- able as the worst monotony. The easy flow of delivery, requires that particles and subordinate syl- lables, should be touched as lightly as is consistent with di-m while both sentiment and harmony demand, that the voice should throw an increase of quantity upon important words by resting on thrin. or by swell and protraction of sound, or both. He whose voice habitually prolongs short syllables, and such words as and, from, to, the, &c., must be a heavy speaker. But time in elocution, has a larger application than that which re- specU words and clauses, I mean that which respects the general rate of ili livery. In this case, it is not practicable, as in music, nor perhaps desirable, to establish a fixed standard, to which every re.ider or sneaker shall conform. The habits of different men may differ considerably in rate of uttterance, without beinjr ch.-irgedble with limit. Hut I refer rnthrr to the difference which cmM will prcxluce, in the rate of the same individual. I have said before, that those passions which qui< -k- -\ or retard a man's step in walking, will produce a simil.ir effect on his voice in speaking. Narration ; uid flowing . \< hemencr, firm and accelerated ; anger and joy, rapid. \\ uthority. sub- limity, awe, assume deeper tones, and a slow inply we sometimes hear a good r. :ul. r or speaker, when there is some QOOea ttarn of thought, check him*- If in the full current of nttrrnncr, nmi (jive indescribable power to a sentence, or part of a sentence, by dropping his voice, and adopting a slow, full pronunciation. Sect. 5. Compau of Voice. In this I refer to the range of notes, above and below See ArrrtOKX for more examples, under this bead. COMPASS OF VOICE. 57 the governing or natural key, which are required by a spir- ited and diversified delivery. Sometimes from inveterate habit, and sometimes from incapacity of the organs, the voice has a strong, clear bot- tom, without any compass upwards. In other cases, it has a good top, but no compass below its key. Extreme in- stances to the contrary there may be, but commonly, I have no doubt that when a speaker uses only a note or two, above and below the key, it arises from habit, and not from organic defect. Directions on this subject would be comparatively easy, if all who need them were acquainted with music. But experience taught me long ago, that no theories in elocution, which pre-suppose learners in this art to possess skill in musical sounds, can be generally useful. Multitudes must be taught reading and speaking, who cannot accurately distinguish musical intervals of notes. Those who can do it, will find great facility in cultivating quantity and compass of voice. To such I recommend a course of experiments on different vowel sounds, such as occur in the ex- amples of emphatic words under the last head. Thus, begin with hail, and speak it rather feebly on the lowest note of your voice. Then repeat it, a note higher, and so on through the octave, but still in a small voice. Then do the same tking with increase of- strength, as you raise the note, that is, growing louder as you proceed. Finally, do the same thing with a view to prolongation of sound, uttering the word hail, with one beat, then with two, three, &c. If you attempt to combine it in one exper- iment, compass, Itmdness, and length of sound, the trial of voice will be severe, and should be continued but a short time at once. When this experiment is finished, it may be renewed on other words, as arm, charge, hope ; the ultimate aim being in each case, to accustom the voice to notes high and low, laud and long. When the student has ascertained his compass, by such experiments on single words, he may then practice reading passages of some length, on that part of his voice which he especially wishes to improve; taking care, in this more protracted exercise, not to pitch on the extreme note of his voice, either way, so far as to preclude some variety above or below, to correspond with natural delivery. I would advise him next to read passages where the sentiment and style are specially adapted to the purpose he has in view. If he wishes to cultivate the bottom of his voice, he may take passages of poetry, in which the simile occurs, a figure that generally requires a low and equable movement of voice. If he wishes to increase his compass on the higher notes, let him choose passages in which spirited emotion prevails ; especially such as have a succession of interrogative sentences. Instead of giving exam- ples here, I refer the reader to EXERCISES on Compass of Voice. 3* 58 RHETORICAL FAUIL. Sect. 6. Rh> Rhetorical punctuation has a few marks of its own, as the point of interrogation, and of admiration, the parenthesis, and the hyphen, all of which denote no grammatical relation, and have no established length. And there is no good reason, if such marks are used at all, why they should not be ren- dered more adequate to their purpose. The interrogative mark, for example, is used to denote, not length of pause, but appropriate modi6cation of voice, at the end of a question. But it happens that this one mark, as now used, represents two things, that are exactly contrary to each other. When the child is taught, as he still many schools, always to raise his voice in finishing a ques- tion, he finds it easy to do so in a ca\v.-n-d by yes or no, his inMim-t, as I have said before, rebels ngain-t the rule, and he spon- taneously reads with the falling slid', " H7/y are you silent f do you ]>revaricatc ?" Now, in this latter case, if the marks of interrogation were inverted, (^) when its office is to turn the voice downward, it would be discriminating, and significant of its design. Supposing the student to be already familiar with the com- mon doctrine of punctuation, it is not my design to discuss it here ; nor ev.-n to dwell upon the distinction between gram- matical and rhetorical pau--s. All that is necessan remark distinctly, that visible punctuation cannot be re guide to quantity, any more than to injl< Often the voice must rest, where no pause is allowed ii; mar; especially does this happen, when the speaker would fix attention on a si 1, that stai .inin:i- tive to a verb. As, Prosperity gains friend*, tulrersilv trie* them. Some place the bli in action, somt in cne ; it p!*nuj-r ':nrnt the. RHETORICAL PAUSE. 59 Here the words in Italic take no visible pause after them, without violence to grammatical relation. But the ear de- mands a pause after each of these words, which no good reader will fail to observe. The same principle extends to the length of pauses. The ., comma, when it simply marks grammatical relation, is very short, as, " He took with him Peter, and James, and John, his disciples." But when the comma is used in language of emotion, though it is the same pause to the eye, it may sus- pend the voice much longer than in the former case ; as in the solemn and deliberate call to attention ; " Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken."* This leads me to the chief point, which I had in view under this head, the emphatic pause. It occurs sometimes before, but commonly after a striking thought is uttered, which the speaker thus presents to his hearers, as worthy to command assent, and be fixed in the memory, by a moment of uninter- rupted reflection. There is still another pause, so important in delivery, as to deserve a brief notice ; I mean that with which a good speaker or reader marks the close of a paragraph, or division of a dis- course. When he has finished one topic, he will enter on a new one, with a more familiar tone of voice, and after such a pause, as prepares the hearers to accompany him with re- newed satisfaction. When the voice has outrun itself, and reached too high * The rhetorical pause is as appropriate in music as in elocution. In this respect a skillful composer always conforms to sentiment, in a set piece. In metrical psalmody, though this adaptation cannot be made by the writer of the tune, it ought to he made in some good degree, by the performers. Instead of a tame subserviency to arbitrary quantity, they may often, with powerful effect, insert or omit a pause, as sentiment demands. I have scarcely ever felt the influence of music more, than in one or two cases where the stanzas, being highly rhetorical, were di- vided only by a comma, and the choir spontaneously rushed over the musical pause at the end of the tune, and began it anew, from the im- pulse of emotion. See example, Watts. Book I., Hymn 3, 6, and 7 8 and 9 stanzas. a pitch, one of these paragraph-rests affords the best oppor- tunity to resume the proper 1 Sect. 7. 7Y By this. I mean those sudden chancres of voice which often occur in delivery. To designate these changes, besides the rhetorical marks already employed to denote inflections, it will be necessary to adopt several new ones ; and the following may answer the purpose ; signifying that the voice is to be modified, in reading what follows the marks respectively, thus : ( )high. ( )sluw. ( ) high and loud. ( = ) quick. ( ) low. ( ) plaintive. ( 00 ) low and loud. ( || ) rhetorical pause. (<) increase. Jn respect to these marks, except the last, I observe that, when one of them occurs, it must be left to the rentier's taste to determine how fur its inflence extends in what follows. In ivsp'-et to this mark ( ), it may be used to signify a con- siderable protraction of sound on that syllable, which pre- cedes it, and then it will he inserted in the course of the line, without brackets ; As, Heaven and earth will witness, IF. Mf8T-. F.U.L --that we are innocent. When tli> irk is designed to signify that n jxixsage is t-i !. uttert-d with a si we ruff, it will be inserted tluis ( ), where tin- passage begins, the extent of its influence being left to the reader's taste; or it may l>e (-.unbilled with another mark, thus (jj); which would signify f. or ( ? ) Iji^li ;md plain* EXPRESSION. 61 EXAMPLES. ( Q ) And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God ; and the books were opened. Gabriel to his next in power thus spake : () Uzziel ! II half these draw off, and coast the south, With strictest watch ; these other, II wheel the north. ( ) He scarce had ceas'd, when the superior fiend Was moving tow'rd the shore ; He call'd so loud that all the hollow deep Of hell resounded. () Princes, Potentates, WARRIORS ! II the flower of heaven, once yours, now lost, If such astonishment as this can seize Eternal spirits. In the following example, we see Satan lamenting his loss of heaven, and then in the dignity of a fell despair, invoking the infernal world. In reading this, when the apostrophe changes, the voice should drop from the tones of lamenta- tion, which are high and soft, to those which are deep and strong, on the words, " Hail, horrors," &c. () Is this the region, this the soil, the clime, Said then the lost archangel, this the seat, That we must change for heaven 1 This mournful gloom ! For that celestial light ? Farewell, happy fields, Where joy forever dwells. ( 00 ) HAiL, horrors .' HAIL, Infernal world! And thou, profoundest hell, Receive thy new possessor ! Sect. 8. Expression. This term I use, in rather a limited sense, to denote the proper influence of reverential and pathetic sentiment on the voice. There is a modification of voice, which accompanies awakened sensibility of soul, that is more easily felt than de- scribed ; and this constitutes the unction of delivery. With- out this, thoughts that should impress, attract, or soothe the mind, often become repulsive. 6*2 REPRESENTATION. The fact cannot have escaped common observation, that sorrow, and its kindred pa^imis, \vhf>n carried to a high pitch, suspend the voice entirely. In a lower degree, they give it a slender and tremulous utterance. Thus Aaron, when in- formed that his two sons were smitten dead, by a stroke of divine vengeace, " held his peace." The emotions of his heart were too deep to find utterance in words. The highest passion of this sort, is expressed by silence ; and when so far moderated, as to admit of words, it speaks only in abrupt fragments of sentences. Hence it is, that all artificial imita- tion, in this case, is commonly so unlike the reality. It leads to metaphors, to amplification and embellishment, in lan- guage, and to either vociferation or whining in utterance. Whereas the real passion intended to be imitated, if it speaks at all, speaks without ornament, in few words, and in tones that are a perfect contrast to those of declamation. This dis- tinction arises from those laws of the human mind. In- which internal emotion is connected with its external signs. The heart, thftt is bursting with grief, feds the sympathy that speak* in a silent grasp of the hand, i . i_"'"tle tunes of voice: while it i shocked nt thf cold . , in that utters itsi-lf in many words, firmly and formally pronounced. ' Passion has its own appropriat* ami this, so far as the voice is concerned, is whnt I n. fsnon. That thin may be cul- tivated by the efforts of art, to some extent, in evident from the skill whi'-h acton have sometimes attained, in dramntii- exhibition; a skill to wliidi one of the fraternity alluded in hi* remark to a dignitary of the church, the cutting severity of wlii<-h consist* in the /ru/A it contains ; ak of ll.-tions ait if they were realities; you speak of realitir* a* if they wen- fictions." The fact, however, is, that thr indescribable power communicated to by a delicate s (X'cially a Christian ue.iifci^ vond the reach of art to in. Sect. 9. Rlulori-nl /fiuliyitr. personates two individ- uals or more. It s-. *sary to dwell a little <>n this branch of modulation, which has scarcely been noticed by writers on oratory K\ must have obvrv philosophy f style, has a very , v ilrjmrtment of dairrry. The man who ! I- (!. n i true eloquence, will find some of hi* happiest rcsour.-. s in thu kind of rrprr^ He can break through the trammel* of a tame, inanimate address. He can ask ques- tion*, and answer tti. in : ran pcntonate an nrru-'-r and a respondent ; ran suppose himself accused or interrogated, ami <:i vr hi replies. He can call up the absent or the dead, and make them speak through his lips. The skill of representing two or more , management of language and voice, is properly en I lone. It was thus that the great orators of antiquity, and thus that ('hrysostom and Massillon helJ their hearers in Sect. 1C. The Reading of Poetry. The genius of verse requires that it be pronounced with a fuller swell of the open vowels, and in a manner more me- lodious and flowing than prose. As the peculiar charms of poetry consist very much in delicacy of sentiment, and beauty of language, it would be absurd to read it without regard to these characteristics. But on the other hand, to preset metrical flow of versification, and yet not impair the sense, is no easy attainment. The following general principles may be of use to the student. 1. In proportion as the sentiment of a passage is ele- vated, inspiring emotions of .dignity or reverence, tin has less variety of inflection, and is more inclined to the monotone. j. When the sentiment of a passage is delicate and gen- tle, especially when it is plaintive, it inclines the voice to the rising inflection; and for this reason, p< }uin-s llu: rising inflection than pn :;. '1'ii.- ritn <>f rmphtui* must be rtspected in poetry. i he language of a passage Is strong Mid discriminating; iiiaily descriptive, or collixjuiul, the same modifica- tions of voice arc required as in prose. The fmpkatic itrrst and i*flection, that must be iJi/mwW, in prose, to express a thought forcibly, are equally necessary in poetry. THE READING OF POETRY. 65 As, Say first, of God above, or man below, What can we reason, but from what we know ? Is the great chain, that draws all to agree, And drawn supports, upheld by God or tfiee ? But sometimes virtue starves, while vice is fed : What then ? is the reward of virtue bread ? 4. The metrical accent of poetry is subordinate to sense, and to established usage in pronunciation. That is a child- ish conformity to poetic measure, which we sometimes hear, as marked in the following examples : False eloquence, like Ike prismatic glass, Its gaudy colors spreads on every place. Their praise is still, the style is excellent ; The sense they humbly take upon content. Where the metrical accent would do violence to every ear of any re- finement, the best way of obviating the difficulty, is to give both the me- trical and the customary accent ; at least so far, that neither shall be very conspicuous; thus Our supreme foe, in time may much relent. / cf Encamp their legions, or with obscure wing I think of only two exceptions to these remarks on accent. The first is, where a distinguished poet has purposely violated harmony, to make the harshness of nis line correspond with that of the thought. As, On a sudden open fly, With impetuous recoil, and jarring sound, The infernal doors ; and on their hinges grate, Harsh thunder. The other is where a poet of the same order, without any apparent reason, has so deranged the customary accent, that, to restore it in read- ing, would be a violation of euphony not to be endured ; thus With glory attributed to Ahe high Creator. Only to shine, yet scarce to contribute > 5. The pauses of verse should be so managed, if pos- sible, as most fully to exhibit the sense, without sacrificing the harmony of the composition. No good reader can fail THE KK \l.l\<; OF POETBY. to observe the ccxurat pause, occurring after the fourth syl- laMe, in tin-si- tin wing lines n in the tun li refreshes in the breeze, Glows in the start II and bloMoms in the tree*. Yet no good reader would introduce the same pause from regard to melody, where the sense- utterly forbids it, as in this line I sit, with sail II civility I read. There is another poetical pause, occurring at the end of the line. In blank verse, even when the sense of one line runs closely into the next, the reader may generally, not al- ways, mark the end of the line, by a proper protraction and suspension of voice, on the closing syllable, as in the fol- lowing notation : Thus with the year Seasons return, but not to me returns Day II or the sweet approach of even or Ihorn. YVnd over them triumphant Death his dart Shook I! but delay'd to strike. " The affectation," says Walker, " which most writers of blank verse have of extending thr sense 1 y.>m! the linr, is followed l>y a sin D in ill' 1 printer, who will often omit a pause at thr rnd of a line in vcrsr. when he would have inserted one in prosr ; and this affectation is still carried farther by tin: reader, who will run the sense of one line into another, when; iln-n- i- the 1< a.st opportunity fur doing it, in order to show that he is too sagacious, to suppose that there is any conclusion in the sense, because the line com -lades." In regard to rhyme, there c;i : -nhl that it should be so read, as to make the end of tin- line quiti- pfn-cptihl'- t" tin- '\\ivr th- correspondent smuid <>f thr final nvllabl'N in wliirh rhyme consists, would be entirely lost. 1 'In- vowels e and o when apostrophized, in poetry, should be preserved in pronunciation, lint they should be spoken in a manner so - ted, as easily to coalesce with \ liable. As, Hut of thn two, lew dang'nxu is th' oflenoe. Who durs* defy th' rtmni|iotrnt to arms. GESTURE, 67 CHAPTER VII. GESTURE. THOUGH the chief object of this book, is to regulate the voice, in reading and speaking, a few remarks on gesture, may be useful to those members of academies and higher schools, who wish to acquire proper habits in exercises of declamation. These remarks I shall introduce, with a very brief view of some faults, not uncommon, as to management of countenance and attitude, in a speaker. The eye is the only part of the face, that it falls within my design to notice here, both because this is the chief seat of expression, and because its significance is especially liable to be frustrated by mismanagement. The intercourse of soul, between speaker and hearers, is carried on more unequivo- cally through the eye, than in any other way. But if he neglects to look at them, and they in return neglect, (as they commonly will,) to look at him ; the mutual reaction of feel- ing through the countenance is lost ; and vocal language is all the medium of intercourse that remains. The eye " bent on vacuity," as the artists call it, is the next most common defect, of this sort. The glass eye of a wax figure at once tells its own character. There may be, in other respects, the proportion and complexion of a human face ; but that eye, the moment it is examined, you perceive is nothing more, and, at best, it can be no- thing more, than a bungling counterfeit. So the eye of a speaker may be open, and yet not see ; at least there may be no discrimination, no meaning in its look. It does not look at any thing. There is in its expression, a generality, a vacuity, so to speak, that expresses nothing. To the same class belongs that indefinite sweep of the eye, which 'S SESTLRE. panes from one side to another of an assembly, resting no- where ; and that tremulous, waving cast of the eye, and winking of the eyelid, which is in direct contrast to an open, collected, manly expression of the face. So fatal are these faults to the impression of delivery, that too much care cannot be taken to avoid them. Altitude, I use, not iu the theatrical sense of the word, (for this has no concern with oratory,) but as denoting the general positions of the body, which Are becoming or other- wise, in a speaker. In some few instances, I have observed the head to be kept so erect, as to give the air of haughti- ness. In others, it is dropped so low, that the man seems to be carelessly surveying his own person. In others, it is re- clined towards one shoulder, so as to give the appearance of languor or indolence. As to the degree of motion that is proper for {he body, it may be safely said, that while the fixedness of a post is an extreme, all violent tossing of the body from side to side, rising on the toes, or writhing of the shoulders and limbs, are not less unseemly. The remarks which come next to be made on ytslure, are more various. One principal fault which I have noticed in this, is want of appropriateness. By this I mean that it is not sufficiently adapted to circumstances. An address to an assembly of common men, admits a boldness of action that would be un- seemly in one deliwml to a prince. More vivacity and variety is admissible. in the action of a young speaker, than of one who is aged ; and the same boldness of manner which is proper when the orator is kindled to a glowing fervor, in the close of a disc would be out of place at its commencem the same <1 by some speakers, in the exordium, as in the conclusion; in cool aryunn-nt to tlu- umi. -\ Man.lni^. as in appeal* to the henrt. Gnorl rn<> will Imd n GESTURE. 00 man, as Quintilian says, " To act as well as to speak in a dif- ferent manner, to different persons, at different times, and on different subjects." Nearly of the same class is another kind of faults, arising from want of discrimination. Of this sort is that puerile imitation which consists in acting words, instead of thoughts. The declaimer can never utter the word heart, without lay- ing his hand on his breast ; nor speak of God or heaven, in the most incidental manner, without directing his eye, and his gesture upwards. Let the same principle be carried out, in repeating the prophet's description of true fasting : "It is not for a man to bow down his head as a bulrush, &c," and every one would see that, to conform the gesture to the words, is but childish mimicry. There is no case in which this want of discrimination oftener occurs, than in a class of words denoting sometimes numerical, and sometimes local extent, accompanied by the spreading of both hands ; the significance of this gesture being destroyed by misapplication. The following examples may illustrate my meaning. Exam,. 1 . " The goodness of God is the source of all our blessings." The declaimer, when he-utters the word God, raises his eye and his right hand ; and when he utters the word all, extends both hands. Now the latter action con- founds two things, that are very distinct, number and space. When I recount all the blessings of my life, they are very many, but why should I spread my hands, to denote a mul- tiplicity that is merely numerical and successive ? when the thought has no concern with local dimensions, any more than in this case : " All the days -of Methusaleh were nine hun- dred and sixty-nine years." Exam. 2. All the actions of our lives, will be brought into judgment." Here again, the thought is that of arithmetical succession, not of local extent ; and if any gesture is de- manded, it is not the spreading of both hands. 70 Exam. 3. " I brin_' -A tidings of great joy, which shall be to nil peopl-." H-tv the ln-al <-.\t-nt which be- longs to the thought, i- properly expressed by action of both hands. If there is language in action, it requires propriety and >n. The indiscriminate movement of the hands sig- nifies nothing. Want of emphasis in tins language is a great, but common fault. When the speaker, however, has an emphatic stroke of the hand, its effect is lost, if that stroke does not accompany the emphasis of the voice ; that is, if it falls one syllable after the stress of voice, or if it is disproportionate in force to that stress, in the same de- gree, its meaning is impaired. The direction of the hand, too, in which the emphatic stroke terminates, is significant. The elevated termination suits high passion ; the horison- tal, decision; the downward, disapprobation. And any of these may denote definitive designation of particular ob- jects. Another fault of action is excess. In some cases it is too constant. To enter on a discourse with passionate exclama- iiid high-wrought figures, while the speaker and audi- dience are both cool, is not more absurd than to begin with continual gesticulation. No man probably e\-r carried the language of action to so high a pi: nioft Yet Dr. Gregory says of this great dramatic speaker, " He us.-d lr-s action than any performer I ever saw ; but his action always had meaning ; it always spoke. By being less than that of other a-tors. it had (he greater force." But if constant ac- tion has too much ! :i for the stage, what shall wo , say of that man's taste, who, in speaking on a sub serious importance, can scarcely utter a sentence without extending his hands ? '*."* Kenelon says, " Som-' tiini- ;ico, I happened to fall -asleep at a ermun ; and when I awaked, the preacher wan in a agitation, BO that I funnel at first, he wa prewing ome important GESTURE. 71 But gesture may be not merely too much ; it may be too violent. Such are the habits of some men, that they can never raise the hand, without stretching the arm at full length above the head, or in a horizontal sweep ; or drawing it back, as if in the attitude of prostrating some giant at a stroke. But such a man seems to forget that gentleness, and tranquillity, and dignity, are attributes that prevail more than violence, in real oratory. The full stroke of the hand, with extended arm, should be reserved for its own appropriate occasions. For common purposes, a smaller movement is sufficient, and even more expressive. The meaning of a gesture depends not on its compass. The tap of Caesar's finger, was enough to awe a Senate. Gesture is often too complex. When there is want of pre- cision, in the intellectual habits of the speaker, he adopts perhaps two or three gestures for one thought. ' In this way all simplicity is sacrificed ; for though the idea is complex, an attempt to exhibit each shade of meaning, by the hand, is ridiculous. After one principal stroke, every appendage to this, commonly weakens its effect. Another fault is too great uniformity. Like periodic tones and stress of voice, the same gesture recurring constantly, shows want of discriminating taste. " In all things," says Cicero, " repetition is the parent of satiety." This barren sameness usually prevails, in a man's manner, just in proportion as it is ungraceful. Suppose, for example, that he is "accustomed to raise his arm by a motion from the shoulder, without bending the elbow ; or that the elbow is bent to a right angle, and thrust outward ; or that it is point of morality. But he was only giving notice, that on the Sunday following, he would preach upon repentance. I was extremely sur- prised to hear so indifferent a thing uttered with so much vehemence. The motion of the arm is proper, when the orator is very vehement ; but he ought not to move his arm in order to appear vehement. Nay, there are many things that ought to be pronounced calmly, and without any motion." 72 OMTUEB. drawn close to the side, so that the action is confined to the lower part of the arm and hand ; or that the hand is drawn to the left, by bending the wrist so far as to give the ap- pearance of constraint, or backwards so far as to contract the thumb and fingers ; in nil these cases, the motion is at once stiff and unvaried. The same thing is commonly true of all short, abrupt, and jerking movements. These remind you of the dry limb of a tree forced into short and rigid vibrations by the wind ; and not of the luxuriant branch of the willow, gently and vari- ously waving before the breeze. The action of the graceful speaker is easy and flowing, as well as forcible. His hand describes curve lines, rather than right or acute angles ; and when its office is finished, in any case, it drops gently down at his side, instead of being snatched away, as from the bite of a reptile. The action of young children is never deficient in grace or variety ; because it is not vitiated by diffidence, affectation, or habit. There is one more class of faults, which seems to arise from an attempt to shun such as I have just described, and which I cannot better designate, than by the phrase me- chanical variety. This is analogous to that variety of tones, which is pro- duced by an effort to be various, without regard to sense. The diversity of notes, like those of the chiming clock, re- turns periodically, but is always the same diversity. So a speaker may have several gestures, which he repeats al- ways in the same successive order. The most common form of this artificial variety consists, in the alternate use of the right hand and the left. I, have seen a preacher, who aimed to avoid sameness of action, in the course of a few sentences, extend first his right hand, then 1. and then both. This order was continued through the discourse ; so that these three gestures, whatever might CE3TURE. 73 be the sentiment, returned, with nearly periodical exactness. Now whatever variety is attained in this way, is at best but a uniform variety ; and is the more disgusting, in proportion as it is the more studied and artificial. But the question arises, does thi& charge always lie against the use of the left hand alone? I answer, by no means. The almost universal precepts, however, in the institutes of oratory, giving precedence to the right hand, are not without reason. It has been said, indeed, that the confinement of the left hand in holding up the robe, was originally the ground of this preference ; and that this is a reason which does not exist in modern times. But how did it happen that this service, denoting inferiority, came to be assigned to the left, rather than the right hand ? Doubtless because this accords with a general usage of men, through all time. When Joseph brought his two sons to be blessed by Jacob, the patriarch signified which was the object of special bene- diction, by placing the right hand on his head, and the left on the head of the other. As a token of respect to his mother, Solomon gave her a seat on the right hand of his throne. In the same manner the righteous will- be distinguish- ed from the wicked, in the final judgment. Throughout the Bible, the right hand is spoken of as the emblem of honor, strength, authority, or victory. The common act of salutation is expressed by the right hand ; and hence its name dextra, from SB %O[MI to take, that is, by the hand ; and hence, by figure, the English word dex- trous, denoting skill and agility. General custom has always given preference to the right hand, when only one is used, in the common offices of life. The sword of the warrior, the knife of the surgical operator, the pen of the author, belong to this hand. With us, to call a man left handed is to call him awkwardj and it is a curious fact that the Sandwich Islanders use the same phrase to denote ignorance or unskill- fulness. To give the left hand in salutation, de/ tes a fainil- 4 74 UEriTUHK. iarity and levity, never offered to a superior. To employ this in taking an oath, or in giving what is called the " riyht hand of fellowship," as a religious act, would be deemed rusticity or irreverent trifling. Now so long as this general usage exists, without inquir- ing here into its origin, it is manifest that the left hand can never, without incongruity, assume precedence over the right, so as to perform alone the principal gesture, with th few exceptions mentioned below. To raise this hand, for example, as expressing authority ; or to lay it on the breast, in an appeal to conscience, would be likely to excite a smile. Though it often acts with great significance, in conjunction with the right hand, the only cases, that I recollect, where it can with propriety act alone, in the principal gesture. ;ire these: First, when the left hand is spoken of in contradistinction from the right ; " He shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left." Secondly, when there is local allusion to some object on the left of the speaker. For ex- ample, if his face is to the north, and he points to the setting sun, it is better perhaps to do it with his left hand, than to turn his body, so as to make it convenient to do it with his right. Thirdly, when two things are contrasted, though without local allusion, if the case requires, that the one be marked by the action of the right hand, it is often best to mark the antithetic object with the left. But I would not magnify, by dwelling on it, a question of so small moment. It would have been dispatched in a sen- tence or two, had it not seemed proper to show, that what some are disposed to call an arbitrary and ground ( ain-ient rhetoric, has its foundation in a general and ;< live feeling of propriety. Still I would say, that when a departure from this precept results, not from affectation, but from emotion, it is far better than any minute observ- ance of propriety, which arise* from a coldly correct and artificial habit. GESTURE. 75 In finishing this chapter, the general remark may be made, as applying to action, and indeed to the whole sub- ject of delivery, that many smaller blemishes are scarcely observed in a speaker, who is deeply interested in his sub- ject; while the affectation of excellence, is never excused by judicious hearers. To be a first rate orator, requires a combination of powers which few men possess : and no means of cultivation can ever confer these highest requisites for eloquence, on public speakers generally. But neither is it necessary to eminent usefulness, that these > requisites should be possessed by all. Any man, who has good sense, and a warm heart, if his faculties for elocution are not essentially defective, and if he is patient and faithful in the discipline of these faculties, may render himself an agreeable and impressive speaker. EXERCISES PART I. PREPARATORY REMARKS. THE selections in Part I., of these Exercises, are designed especially to exemplify the principles of rhetorical delivery, as laid down in the foregoing pages. These principles are the same as those contained in my ANALYSIS, only thrown into a more brief and simple form, for a younger class of readers, than were contemplated in that work. I see no reason to change the original plan, of giving one series of exercises, with a rhetorical notation, throughout ; and another series of miscellaneous pieces in which such a nota- tion is but partially applied. These Exercises of the first part, are much the same as those of the ANALYSIS, chiefly because the examples were selected, with great expense of time, from the whole com- pass of English literature ; and because it is not easy to make another selection, so well adapted to the various prin- ciples to be illustrated. In using the Exercises of Part I., the student may be as- listed by the following remarks. 1. At the head of each exercise, on the left hand, the page is noted, where the prinriplt; is contained, which the exam- ples are intended to illustrate. 2. Under the several heads, a r/n'i>-tr n-<|uir<- that we should depart from the country. As no alternative was left us, we prepared to obey this arbitrary manda EXERCISES ON IM-l.KCTION. Page 29. The i ring inflection before, and t/ r 1. Then said Jesus unto thorn, I will nsk you one thing. Ex. 2.] EXERCISES ON INFLECTION. 79 Is it lawful on the sabbath-days to do good, or to do evil ? to save life or to destroy it ? 2. Whether we are hurt by a mad or a blind man,' the pain is still the same. And with regard to those who are undone, it avails little whether it be by a man who deceives them, or by one who is himself deceived. 3. Has God forsaken the works of his own hands ? or does he always graciously preserve, and keep, and guide them ? 4. Therefore, O ye judges ! you are now to consider, whether it is more probable that the deceased was murder- ed by the man who inherits his estate, or by him, who in- herits nothing but beggary by the same death. By the man who was raised from penury to plenty, or by him who was brought from happiness to misery. By him whom the lust of lucre has indamed with the most inveterate hatred against his own relations ; or by him whose life was such, that he never knew what gain was, but from the product of his own labors. By him, who of all dealers in the trade of blood, was the most audacious ; or by him who was so little ac- customed to the forum and trials, that he dreads not only the benches of a court, but the very town. In short, ye judges, what I think most to this point is, you are to con- sider whether it is most likely that an enemy, or a son, would be guilty of this murder. 5. As for the particular occasion of these (charity) schools, there cannot any offer, more worthy a generous mind. Would you do a handsome thing without return ? do it for an infant that is not sensible of the obligation.* Would you do it for the public good ? do it for one who will be an honest artificer. Would you do it for the sake of heaven ? give it for one who shall be instructed in the worship of Him, for whose sake you gave it. EXERCISE 3 Page 29. The direct question, or that which admits the answers yes or no, has the rising inflection, and the answer has the falling. 1. Will 'the Lord cast off forever, and will he be fa- vorable no more ? Is his mercy clean gone forever ? doth * Disjunctive or is understood. *' [Hx. 3. his promise fail for ' Hath God forgotten to be gracious? Iiath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? J. Is n<>t this the carjient' is not his n: called y -tlip-n, James, and Ju>- mon, and Judas ? and hi- .re they not all with :i. Are we intended for actors in the grand drama of eternity? Are we candidates for the plaudit of the rational creation ? formed to participate the supreme be- atitude in communicating happiness? Are we destined to co-operate with God in advancing the order and perfect his works ? How sublime a creature then is man ! The following art ixamples of both question and answer. 4. Who are the persons that are most apt to fall into peevishness and dejection that are continually complain- ing of the world, and see nothing but wretchedness around them ? Are they those whom want compels to toil for their daily bread ? who have no treasure but the labor of their who rise, with the rising sun, to expose thorn to all the rigors of the seasons, unsheltered from the win- ter's cold, and unshaded from the summer's heat ? Nd. The labors of such are the very blessings of their condition. 5. What, then, what was Caesar's object ? Do we se- lect extortioners, to enforce the laws of equity ? Do we make choice of profligates, to guard the morals of s<> Do we depute atheists, to preside over the rites of relfgion ? I will not press the answer : 1 need not press the answer ; the premises of my argument render it unnecessary. - would content you? Talent? No! Knierpr Coiinr. .tiim? Nd ! Virtue? No! The men whom you would select, should possess, not one, hut all, of these. 6. Can the truth be discovered when the slaves of prosecutor are brought as witnesses against the person accused? L-t us hear now what kind of an examination this was. Call in RUM-JO : Call in Casca. Did Clodius wayla; lie did: I)r.iL,' them instantly to execution. He did not : Let them have their liberty. What can be mor. .<-iioti> that your t - may i-lv (o Ex.3, 4.] EXERCISES ON INFLECTION. 81 es might excite ? Let them not minister to pride, but adorn them with humility. 'There is not an evil incident to hu- man nature for which the Gospel doth not provide a remedy. Are you ignorant of many things which it highly concerns you to know ? The Gospel offers you instruction. Have you deviated from the path of duty ? The Gospel offers you forgiveness. Do temptations surround you ? The Gospel offers you the *aid of heaven. Are you exposed to misery ? It consoles you. Are you subject to death ? It offers you immortality. Page 29, Note 1. When (or) is used conjunctively, it has the same inflection before and after it. In some sentences the disjunctive and the conjunctive use of or are so intermingled as to require careful attention to distinguish them. 1. Canst thou bind the unicorn with his .band in the furrow ? or will he harrow the valleys after thee ? Wilt thou trust him because his strength is great ? or wilt thou leave thy labor to him ? Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks ? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich ? Canst thou draw out leviathan with a hook ? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down ? Canst thou put a hook into his nose ? or bore his jaw through with a thorn ? Wilt thou play with him as with a bird ? or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens ? Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons ? or his head with fish spears ? 2. But should these credulous infidels after all be in the right, and this pretended revelation be all a fable ; from believing it what harm could ensue ? would it render princes more tyrannical, or subjects more ungovernable, the rich more insolent, or the poor more disorderly ? Would it make worse parents or children, husbands, or wives ; masters, or servants, friends, or neighbors ? or* would it not make men more virtuous, and r consequently, more happy, in every situation ? EXERCISE 4. Page 30. Negation opposed to affirmation. 1. True charity is not a meteor, which occasionally * The last or is disjunctive. 4* 82 I.XERCIHE9 ON INFLECTION. [K\. 4, 5. glares ; but a luminary, which, in its orderly and regular .-us''- :i benignant influence. _'. 'I'liink nut. that the influence of devotion is confined to tiif r,-iii,-:ii--nt of the closet, and the assemblies of the saints. Imagine not, that, unconnected with the duties of life, it is suited only to those emaptun d -mils, whose feelings, per- haps, yii deride as romantic and visionary. It is the guar- dian of innocence it is the instrument of \irtue it is a means by which every good affection may be formed and im- proved. ' 8. Caesar, who would not wait the conclusion of the con- sul's speech, generously replied, that he came into Italy not to injure the liberties of Rome and its citi/ens, but to restore them. 4. If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and lie is the propitiation for our sins ; and^ not for 6urx only, but also for tl : the whole wdrld. 5. These things I say now, not to insult one who is fallen, but to render more secure those who stand ; not to ir- ritate the hearts of the wounded, but to preserve those, who are not yet wounded, in sound health ; not to submerge him who is tossed on the billows, but to instruct those sailing be- fore a propitious bn-e/.e, that they may not be plunged be- neath the waves. G.' Hut this is np time for a tribunal of justice, but for showing mercy; not for accusation, but for philanthropy; not for trial, but for pardon ; not for sentence, and execution, but compassion and kindness. Comparison and contrast belong to the tame head. 1. By honor and dishonor, by evil report and good re- port; as i }'? true ; a- unknown, and yet well known ; as dv'ing, and behold we live; as cb.i-ten.-d and not killed ; as sorrowful. \<- snak- ing many rich: as having nothing, and \et p..>-es>ing all things. Be y<' not unequally yoked together \\ith unbelievers; for what -ip hath righteousness with unrighteousneM? and what communion hath light with darkness '.' and what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believclh with an infidel ? lix. 5.] EXERCISES ON INFLECTION. 83 A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil ; but the fool rageth, and is confident. The wicked is driven away in his wickedness ; but the righteous hath hope in his death. Righteousness exalteth a nation ; but sin is a re- proach to any people. The king's favor is toward a wise servant ; but his wrath is against him that causeth shame. 2. Between fame and true honor a distinction is to be made. The former is a blind and noisy applause : the lat- ter a more silent and internal homage. Fame floats on the breath of the multitude : honor rests on the judgment of the thinking. Fame may gire praise, while it withholds esteem ; true honor implies esteem, mingled with respect. The one regards particular distinguished talents : the other looks up- on the whole character. 3. Europe was one great field of battle, where the weak struggled for freedom, and the strong for dominion. The king was without power, and the nobles without principle. They were tyrants at home, and robbers abroad. Nothing remained to be a check upon ferocity and violence. 4. The power of delicacy is chiefly seen in discerning the true merit of a work ; the power of correctness, in re- jecting false pretensions to merit. Delicacy leans more to feeling ; correctness more to reason and judgment. The former is more the gift of nature ; the latter, more the prod- uct of culture and art. Among the ancient critics, Lon- ginus possessed most delicacy ; Aristotle, most correctness. Among the moderns, Mr. Addison is a high example of delicate taste ; Dean Swift, had he written on the subject of criticism, would perhaps have afforded the example of a cor- rect one. 5. Homer was the greater genius ; Virgil, the better artist ; in the one, we most admire the man ; in the other, the work. Homer hurries us with a commanding im- petuosity ; Virgil leads us with an attractive majesty. Ho- mer scatters with a generous profusion ; Virgil bestows with a careful magnificence. Homer, like the Nile, pours out his riches with a sudden overflow ; Virgil, like a river in its banks, with a constant stream. And when we look upon their machines, Homer seems, like his own Jupiter in his terrors, shaking Olympus, scattering tho. lightnings, and firing the heavens ; Virgil, like the same power in his be- nevolence, counseling with the gods, laying plans for em- pires, and ordering his whole creation. KXCBCI8E8 ON INFLECTION. [llx. 4, 5. '>. Uryden kn< n in his Lr.-nend nature. and Pope in his local manners. The in>ti>n> <-t I>ryden formed by comprehci. n. tli>,. of Pope by mi- 101]. is and \ uried ; that of Pope is cautious and uniform. l>rydn ol..-ys tin- motions own mind ; Pope constrains his mind t his own rules of composition. l>rvdn is sometimes vehement and rapid ; Pope is always smooth, uniform, and gentle. Dry- page is a natural field, rising into inequalities, and diversified by the varied exuberance of abundant vegtt Pope's is a \elvet l.iwn. .-hav.-n liy tli.- .-\th-. and leveled by the roller. If the flights of Dryden are higher. Tope continues longer on the wing. If of Dryd.-n'> tin-, the blaze is r; of Pope's the heat is more regu; i stank Dryden often surpasses expectation, and Pope never falls beldw it. Drydrn is read with frequent astonishment, and Pope with perpetual delight. 7. .\i-\i-r before were so many opposing interests, pas- sions, and principles, committed to such a decision. On 'ie an attachment to the ancient ord--r of things, on iier a passionate desire of change; a wish in some to in others to i!'--tn>v <-\. TV thing ; every abuse sacred in t :ner, every foundation attempt- ed to be demolished by tli- t j-;ilou.y of power skrinking IV nnovation, pretensions to free- dom | madness and anarchy; superstition in all its dotage, impiety in all its fury. ' of iitxjiension r! if (Jod s; the angels that sinned, but, cast them down to hell, and d. in into chain- darkness, to l>e reserveil unt<- !. but sa^ i^lith person, a pn- er of .Mie.ss. biiiiL'ini; in tljp flod ujmn the world of the ungodly: and turning ; - "dom and (iomor- rah into nshw. condemned them with an overthrow. m.;> Ex. 5.] KXERCISE3 ON INFLECTION. 85 them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly ; And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked : (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds ;) The Lord knoweth how to de- liver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished. 2. If reason teaches the learned, necessity the barbarian, common custom all nations in general ; and if even nature itself instructs the brutes to defend their bodies, limbs, and lives, when attacked, by all possible methods ; you cannot pronounce this action criminal, without determining at the same time that whoever falls into the hands of a highway- man, must of necessity perish either by his sword or your decisions. Had Milo been of this opinion, he would cer- tainly have chosen to fall by the hands of Clodius, who had more than once, before this, made an attempt upon his life, rather than be executed by your order, because he had not tamely yielded himself a viclim to his rage. But if none of you are of this opinion, the proper question is not whether Clodius was killed ? for that we grant : but whether justly or unjustly ? an inquiry of which many precedents are to be found. 3. Seeing then that the soul has many different faculties, or, in other words, many different ways of acting ; that it can be intensely pleased or made happy by all these differ- ent faculties, or ways of acting ; that it may be endowed with several latent faculties, which it is not at present in a condition to exert ; that we cannot believe the soul is en- dowed with any faculty which is of no use to it ; that when- ever any one of these faculties is transcend ently pleased, the soul is in a state of happiness ; and in the last place, considering that the happiness of another world is to be the happiness of the whole man ; who can question but that there is an infinite variety in those pleasures we are speak- ing of; and that this fullness of joy will be made up of all those pleasures which the nature of the soul is capable of receiving ? 4. When the gay and smiling aspect of things has be- gun to leave the passages to a man's heart thus thoughtlessly unguarded ; when kind and caressing looks of every object without, that can flatter his senses, has conspired with the enemy within, to betray him and put him off' his defense: M5 K\J.I: I- i .- "\ i\n.i:cTio\. [E when music like\\i>e hath lent her aid, and tried her power upon tin- passions; when il ,f sinking men, and the ing women, with the sound of the viol and lute. ha\e broken in upon his soul, and in some U-: notes have touched the sen - i rapture, that ment let us dissect and look into his In-art; see how % how weak, how empty a tiling it i> '. 5. Besides the ignorance of masters who teach th-- rudiments of reading, and the want of skill, or negligence in that article, of those who teach the learned languages; be- sides the erroneous manner, which the untutored pupils fall into, through the want of early attention in masters, to cor- rect small faults in the beginning, which increase and gain strength with years; besides bad habits contracted from imi- tation of particular persons, or the contagion of exan. from a general prevalence of a certain tone or chant in read- ing or reciting, peculiar to each school, and regularly trans- mitted, from one generation of boys to another : besides all the>e, which are fruitful sources of vicious elocution, there is one fundamental error, in the method universally used in teaching to read, which at tir>t ijives a wrong bias, and leads us ever after blindfold from the ri^ht path, under the guid- ance of a false rule. 6. A guilty or a discontented mind, a mind, ruffled by ill fortune, disconcerted by its own passions, soured In I or fretting at disappointments, hath not I attend to tin- or reasonableness of a kindness sfred, or a taste for those pleasures which wait <>n U-m-ti- cence, which demand a calm and unpolluted heart to relish tlH-tll. 7. " 1 p. rfe.-tly remember, that when Calidius prose- cuted Q. (iallius for at. him, and pretend- ed that he had (1 many letters, witues.se-;, in; \idence to put the truth of l.eyon.i many sensible and - remarks .n the nature of tin.- crime; I remember," says i that when it came to my turn to reply to him, after ui .imeiit wi suggested, I ii. <:\ it a.s a -Lance in favor of .r, while iiarg-d him with a de-i^n a_ life, and us that he had the in llun in his 1 ;ted Ins >>toiv v.itli - ise. and Ex. 5.] EXERCISES ON INFLECTION. 87 calmness and indifference, as if nothing had happened." " Would it have been possible," exclaimed Cicero, (ad- dressing himself to Calidius,) " that you should speak with this air of unconcern, unless the charge was purely an in- vention of your own ? and, above all, that you, whose elo- quence has often vindicated the wrongs of other people with so much spirit, should speak so coolly of a crime which threatened your life '?" 8. To acquire a thorough knowledge of our own hearts and characters, to restrain every irregular inclination, to subdue every rebellious passion, to purify the motives of our conduct, to form ourselves to that temperance which no pleasure can seduce, to that meekness which no prov- ocation can ruffle, to that patience which no affliction can overwhelm, and that integrity which no interest can shake ; this is the task which is assigned to us, a task which cannot be performed without the utmost diligence and care. 9. The beauty of a plain, the greatness of a mountain, the ornaments of a building, the expression of a picture, the composition of a discourse, the conduct of a third person, the proportion of different quantities and numbers, the va- rious appearances which the great machine of the universe is perpetually exhibiting, the secret wheels and springs which produce them, all the general subjects of science and taste, are what we and our companions regard as having no pecul- iar relation-to either of us. 10. Should such a man, too fond to rule alone, Bear, like the Turk, no brother near the throne, View him with scornful, yet with jealous eyes, And hate for arts that caus'd himself to rise ; 5 Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, And, without sneering, teach the rest to sneer ; Willing to wound, and yet afraid to strike, Just hint a fault, and hesitate dislike ; Alike reserv'd to blame, or to commend, 10 A tim'rous foe, and a suspicious friend ; Dreading even fools, by Flatterers besieg'd, And so obliging, that he ne'er oblig'd ; Like Cato, give his little senate laws, And sit attentive to his own applause ; 15 While Wits and Templars every sentence raise, And wonder with a foolish face of prafse KCI8E9 ON INFLECTION. [Ex. 5, 0. Who but imM laugh, if such a man there be? would not weep, if ATTICTS were he! 1 1 . For these reasons, the senate and people of Athens, (with due veneration to the gods and heroes, and guardians >f tin- Athenian city and territory, whose aid they now im- plore ; and with due attention to the virtue of their ances- tors, to whom the general liberty of Greece was ever dearer than the particular interest of their own state, ) have resolved that a fleet of two hundred vessels shall be sent to sea, the admiral to cruise within the straits of Thermopylae. As to my own abilities in speaking, (for I shall admit this charge, although experience hath convinced me, that what is called the power of eloquence depends for th- part upon the hearers, and that the characters of public speakers are determined by that degree of favor whi \ourhsafe to each,) if long practice, I say, hath given iw any proBciency in speaking, you have ever found it devoted i my country.* Of the various exceptions which fall under the rule of suspending injlection, the only one which needs additional exemplification, j* that, where emphasis requir -. th-- mt' n*i\<- fil!m_' *}\.\>-. t,. the true sense, s !! -13. Irksome cases of this sort, tin omission of the fulling slide only weakens the meaning; in other* it 1. If the population of this country were to remain sta- tionary, a great increase of effort would be necessary to supply each family with a Bible ; how much more when this population is increasing every day. J. The man who a strong ambition for prefer- ment, if he does not fall int- n and servilid/, i-> in danger of losing all manly independence. 3. For if tin- mi^htv wm-ks which have been done in thee had been done in 6Wom,f it would i 1 unto this day. KXIWISE 6. Page 32. Tender emotion inrlinr* th? r> isiny ilidt. 1. And when Joseph came home they brought him the I have not thought it necessary to give examples of the cases in which emphasis requires the fulling slide at the close of a parenthesis. t Kren in Sod^m, is the paraphrase of this emphasis, and so in the two preceding examples Ex. 6.] EXERCISES ON INFLECTION. 89 present which was in their hand, into the house, and bowed themselves to him, to the earth. And lie asked them of their welfare, and said, Is your father well, the old man of whom ye spake ? Is he yet alive ? And they answered, Thy servant Qur father is in good health, he is yet alive : and they bowed down thejr heads, and made obeisance.- And he lifted up his eyes, and saw his brother Benjamin, his mother's son, and said, Is this your younger brother, of whom ye spake unto me ? And he said, God be gracious unto thee, my son. And Joseph made haste ; for his bowels did yearn upon his brother : and he sought where to weep ; and he entered into his chamber, and wept there. 2. Methinks I see a fair and lovely child, Sitting compos'd upon his mother's knee, And reading with a low and lisping voice Some passage from the Sabbath ;* while the tears 5 Stand in his little eye so softly blue, Till, quite o'ercome with pity, his white arms He twines around her neck, and hides his sighs Most infantine, within her gladden'd breast, Like a sweet lamb, half sportive, half afraid, 10 Nestling one moment 'neath its bleating dam. And now the happy mother kisses oft The tender-hearted child, lays down the book, And asks him if he doth remember still A stranger, who once gave"liim, long ago, 1 5 A parting kiss, and blest his laughing eyes ! His sobs speak fond remembrance, and he weeps To think so kind and good a man should die. 3. Ye who have anxiously and fondly watched Beside_a fading friend, xinconscious that The cheek's bright crimson, lovely to the view, Like nightshade with unwholesome beauty bloomed, 5 And that the sufferer's bright dilated eye, Like mouldering wood, owes to decay alone Its wondrous lustre : ye who still have hoped, Even in death's dread presence, but at length Have heard the summons, (O heart-freezing call !) * Sabbath, a poem. 90 KXEBCIsr.b ON IV FLECTION. [Ej. 0, 7. 10 To pay th- Uities, and to ; ;i tin- silent dwelling's narrow lid Th<- tir.-t earth thrown, Nound deadliest to the Boul ! r, strange delur-ion ! then, and then al<>: Iliijn- -e.-ms fi'ivv.T tied, and tin: dread pang i linal separation to begin) It all thi> O pay my verse The mournful in. -i-d of -\mpathy, and ..wn, Own with a sigh, the sombre picture's just. Page 33. The ind and its answer have the falliu'i it The interrogative mark is h /. to n-ml'-r it significant of iU office, in ilwtinction from the direct question, which turns the voice upward. 1. The governor ans\vi-n-d and said unto them, Whether of the twain will y- that 1 n-leas.- unto yi.u ,. Tlicy said, I.ar.dilias. Pilate said untu tlu-rn, ^'hat shall 1 do then with Jesus, which is calk-d C'hrist^ Th-y all say unto him, Let him be crucified. And the governor said, Why ,-, what evil hath he done ^ But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crOciti.-d. J. Wh'-n- n<.\v i-; th-- splendid robe of the cdnsu Wh.-n' an- the brilliant torches ;. When- an- the aj.; and dunces, the feasts and entert&inments i When nc the coronets and canopies^ Where the huxzns of the city, tin- compliments of tin- circn<, and the flattering acclamations of itore^, All the-e ha\c {.erished. 3. 1 hold it to be an unquestionable position, that they who duly appreciate the blessings of liberty, revolt as much from the iii i^in^, as fn-in that of enduring, oppn- sion. How far this was the case with the Romans, you may inquire of th"se nations that surrounded them. Ask them, What iiiMilent guard pai ites, and i ed their strong-holds,,' They will im^\\er. 'A Unman le gionary.' I -What -,n :tioner fat- tened by ti 1 r!othe ml right-hand to pl.i^ue u^ '.' what if all Her stores were open'd, and this firmament Of Hell should snout her cataracts of tin-, Impendent horrors, threat'ning hideous fall 20 One day upon our heads ; while we perhaps, Designing or exhorting glorious war, Caught in a fiery tempest, shall be hurl'd, Each on his rock transfix'd, the sport and prey Of wracking whirlwinds; or forever sunk 25 Under yon boiling ocean, wrapt in chains; There to converse with everlasting groans, Unrespited, unpitied, unreprfev'd, Ages of hopeless end ! This would be worse. Milton. 6. But, first, whom shall we send In search of the new world ~ b whom shall we find Sufficient i who shall tempt with wand'ring feet The dark unbottom'd infinite abyss, 5 And through the palpable obscure find out His uncouth way, and spread his airy flight, Upborne with indefatigable wings, Over the vast abrupt, ere he arrive The happy isle what strength, what art can then 10 Suffice, or what evasion bear him safe Through the strict senteries and stations thick Of Angels watching round ^ Here he had need All circumspection, and we now no less Choice in our suffrage ; for on whom we send, 15 The weight of all, and our last hope, relies. Milton. FAI'RCISE 8. Page 34. Language of u> of surprise, and of du- trett, common ? the fulling inflection. Denun- ciation, reprehension, of a people, who now surround your throne \\ith reproaches and complaints. Do justice to yourself. Banish from your mind those un- worthy opinions, with which some intere.-ted persons have labored to posse-s \u. intrust the nn-n who tell you that the Knulish are naturally li^lit and inconstant ; that mplain without a cadse. Withdraw your confidence equally from all parties ; from ministers, favorites, and rela- tions ; and let there be one moment in your life, in which you have consulted your own understanding. 0. You have dune that, you should be sorry for. There is no terror, Ca~iu>. in your threats ;_ For I am arm'd so strong in lion. That they pass by me as the idle wind, 'uich I respect not. 1 did send to }<>u For certain sum> of gold, which you denied me For I can raise no money by \ile inc.. 1 had rather coin my 1.- And drop my blood for drachmas, than to wring 10 From the hard hands of peasants their vile trasn By any indirection. I did send To you for gold to pay my legions, "Which you denied m- : : done like Cassiut* Should / have answered C'aius Cassius so? 15 When Marcus Brutus grows so covetous, To lock such rascal counters from his friends, * p. _"ds, with^ill your thunderb<~ Dash him to pie< yxare. 7. The war, that for a spare did fail, Now trebly thundering swell'd the gale, And Stanley .' was the cry; . A light on Marmion's visage spread, And fired his glazing eye : The reader will otacrvr, thnt the notation U more various, as the rxamples become longer, including man variety of rhetorical Ex. 8.] EXERCISES OX INFLECTION. 95 With dying hand, above his head, . He shook the fragment of his blade, And shouted " Victory ! Charge, Chester, charge! on, Stanley, onf" Were the last words of Marmion ! 8. So judge thou still, presumptuous ! till the wrath Which thou incurr'st by flying, meet thy flight, Sev'nfold, and scourge that wisdom back to Hell, Which taught thee yet no better, that no pain 5 Can equal anger infinite provok'd. But wherefore thou alone ? wherefore with thee Came not all ffdll broke loose ? is pain to them Less pain, less to be fled ? or thou than they Less hardy to endure ? Courageous Chief ! 10 The first in flight from pain t hadst thou alleged To thy deserted host this cause of flight, Thou surely hadst not come sole fugitive. Milton. 9. To whom the warrior Angel soon replied. To say, and straight unsay, pretending first Wise to fly pain, professing next the spy, Argues no leader, but a liar, trac'd, 5 Satan ! and couldst thou faithful add ? name, O sacred name of faithfulness profan'd ! Faithful to whom ? to thy rebellious crew ? Army of Fiends ! fit body to fit head ! Was this your discipline and faith engag'd, 10 Your military obedience, to dissolve Allegiance to th' acknowledg'd Pow'r supreme ? And thou, sly hypocrite, who now wouldst seem Patron of liberty, who more than thou Once fawn'd, and cring'd, and servilely ador'd 15 Heav'n's awful Monarch? wherefore, but in hope To dispossess him, and thyself to reign. But mark what I areed thee now ; A vaunt : Fly thither whence thou fled'st : if from this hour, Within these hallow'd limits thou appear, 20 Back to th' infernal pit I drag thee chained. And seal thee so, as henceforth not to scorn The facile gates of Hell, too slightly barr'd. Milton. 96 KXKRCltJE* ON IN: [Ex.8. Apostrophe and exclamation, an well a* the imperative mode when accompanied by emphauia, incline the voice to the falling inflection. 10. Oh ! deep-enchanting prelude to repose, The dawn of bliss, the twilight of our woes ! Yet half I hear the panting spirit sigh, It is a dread and awful thing to die ! 5 Mysterious worlds ! untravel'd by the sun, Where Time's far wandering tide hits never run, From your unfathom'd shades, and viewless spheres, A warning comes, unheard by other ears 'Tis heaven's commanding trumpet, long and loud, 10 Like Sinai's thunder, pealing frum the cloud ! Daughter of Faith, awake ! arise ' illume The dread unknown, the i-h.t->s >f the tomb ! Melt, and dispel, ye spectre doubts, that roll Cimmerian darkness on the parting soul ! 15 Fty, like the moon-e\ rn melody; Wild ;LS the hallow'd anthem sent to hail Bethlehem's shepherds in the lonely > 25 When Jordan hush'd lu> waves, anil midnight still Watch'd on the holv towers uf Ziame import as the former, to the inferior clergy. 4. It pleases me to think that I, who know so small a portion of the works of the Creator, and with .slow and painful steps, creep up and down on the surface of this globe, shall, ere long, shoot away with the swiftness of im- agination ; trace out the hidden springs of nature's opera- tions ; be able to keep pace with tin- heavenly bodies in the rapidity of their career ; be a spectator of the long chain of events in the, natural and moral worlds; visit the several apartments of creation; know how they are furm-hed and how inhabited ; comprehend (he order and measure, the magnitude and di>tain-e- of tl.o-e orbs, which, to us, seem disposed without any refill; md set all in the same circle; observe the dependeOM !' the pan* <( each system; and (if our minds are |,j_r riiou;.: ihe theory of the several system^ upon , in whence results the : the Unix- 6. He who cannot perv.iade himself to withdraw from society, must be content to pay a tribute of his time to a Ex. 9, 10.] EXERCISES ON INFLECTION. 99 multitude of tyrants ; to the loiterer, who makes appoint- ments he never keeps to the consulter, who asks advice he never takes to the boaster, who blusters only to be praised to the complainer, who whines only to be pitied to the projector, whose happiness is only to entertain his friends with expectations, which all but himself know to be vain to the economist, who tells of bargains and settle- ments to the politician, who predicts the fate of battles and breach of alliances to the usurer, who compares the differ- ent funds and to the talker, who talks only because he loves talking. 6. That a man, to whom he was, in great measure, be- holden for his crown, and even for his life ! a man to whom, by every honor and favor, he had endeavored to express his gratitude ; whose brother, the earl of Derby, Avas his own father-in-law ; to whom he had even committed the trust of his person, by creating him lord chamberlain ; that a man enjoying his full confidence and affection ; not actuated by any motive of discontent or apprehension ; that this man should engage in a conspiracy against him, he deemed abso- lutely false and incredible. 7. I would fain ask one of those bigoted infidels, suppos- ing all the great points of atheism, as the casual or eternal formation of the world, the materiality of a thinking sub- stance, the mortality of the soul, the fortuitous organization of the body, the motion and gravitation of matter, with the like particulars, were laid together, and formed into a kind of creed, according to the opinions of the most celebrated atheists ; I say, supposing such a creed as this were formed and imposed upon any one people in the world, whether it would not require an infinitely greater measure of faith, than any set of articles tthich they so violently oppose. EXERCISE 7. Page 36. Emphatic repetition requires the falling inflection, ; though the principle of the suspending slide, or of it& interrogative, may form an exception. 1. And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, ABRAHAM. And he said, Here am I. 100 EXERCISES ON IMI.Kc [F,X. 10. 2. And the kin:: was much moved, and went up to th chamber over the gate, and wept : and as he went, thus he Raid, O my son Absalom! my Mm, my son Absalom! would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son! 3. O Jerusalem, Jerutalem ! thou that kille.st the pro- phets and stonest thrin wliicli are sent unto thee 1 how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and yu would not? 4. But the subject is too awful for irony. I will speak plainly and directly. Newton was a Christian ! Newton, whose mind burst forth from the fetters cast by nature upon our finite conceptions. Ntwton, whose science was truth, and the foundation of whose knowledge of it was philoso- phy : not those vi.-ionary and arrogant presumptions, which too often usurp its name, but philosophy resting upon the basis of mathematics, which, like figures, cannot lie. N^to- ton, who carried the line and rule to the utmost barriers of creation, and explored the principles by which, no doubt, all created matter is held together and exists. 5. To die, they say, is noble as a soldier But with such guides, to point th' unerring road, Such able guides, such arms and discipline As I have had, my soul would sorely feel ~> The dreadful pang which keen reflect Should she it) death's dark porch, while life was ebbing, Receive the judgment, and this vile reproach :- - " Long bast thou wander'd in a si md. A stranger to tin .-elf and to thy God ; 10 The heavenly hills were oft within tUy view, And oft the shepherd call'd thee to his flock, And call'd in vain. A thousand monitors Bade thee retOrn, and walk in wisdom's ways. The seasons, as they roll'd, bade thee return ; 15 The glorious sun, in his diurnal round, I Vh, -Id thy wand'ring. and bade rn ; i emblem of the night of death, Bade thee return ; the ri-ing mounds, Which told tl. re the dead repose 20 In tenemcnU of clay, bade thee return . And at thy father's grave, the filial t< Ex. 10, 11.] EXERCISES OIV EMPHASIS. 101 Which dear remembrance gave, bade thee return, And dwell in Virtue's tents, on Zion's hill ! Here thy career be stay'd, rebellious man ! 25 Long hast thou liv'd a cumberer of the ground. Millions are shipwreck'd on life's stormy coast, With all their charts on board, and powerful aid, Because their lofty pride disdain'd to learn Th' instructions of a pilot, and a God." On Cadence, Circumflex, and Accent, no additional illustra- tions seem to be required in tlie Exercises. EXERCISES ON EMPHASIS. It was necessary in the rules to examine and exemplify the difference between emphatic stress, and emphatic inflection, and also between absolute and relative stress. The exam- ples, however, illustrating these distinctions, must generally be taken from single sentences and clauses. But as I wish here to introduce such passages as have considerable length, I have concluded to arrange t/tem all under the general head of EMPHASIS, leaving the reader to class particular instances of stress, and inflection, according to the princi- ples laid down page 39 to 47. EXERCISE 11. 1. He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not sie? he that chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct? he that teacheth man knowl- edge, shall not he know ? 2. The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them : for she came from the utmost parts of the earth, to hear the wisdom of Solomon ; and behold, a greater than Solomon is here. The men of Nineveh shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it ; for they repented at the preaching of Jonas ; and behold, a greater than Jonas is here. 3. But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Bedhebub, the prince of the devils. 2. And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself, is brought to desolation ; and every city or hduse divided against iteSlf 102 EXERCIM M.MIVSIS. [Ex. 11. shall not stand. 3. And; ; an, ht is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, Jiy whom do your children cast them out? therefore they BMU be your judges. But if least out d'-vi!- liy the Sjiir;- 'iirn tin- kingdom of God i- u. 4. < >i else how ' ;m one enter into ;i iiul -|...|! !<; In- first bind the strong man ? and then he will spoil his house. 4. And behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying. M i-;. r. ui.it -luili I do to inherit eternal life? 2. He said unto him. What is written in the law? how readest thou? 3. And he answering said, Thou shalt he Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind ; and thy neighbor as thyself. 4. And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right : this do, and thou shalt live. But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who it my neighbor? 5. And Jesus answering, said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 6. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way ; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Li- vite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. 7. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was ; and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, and >i?i>t to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 8. And on the morrow, when he departed, he took out two pence, and ^ave them to the host, and said unto him, Take rare of him : and whatsoever thou spendest when I come again, I will repay thee. 9. \ now of tl;' thinkest thrtu, was ileiyhbor unto him that fell among the thieve-'.' And he vnd. He ;h.v. showed mtrcy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do th'-u likewise. 5. For if you now pnn. :t. as my publir conduct h;it Is i -iphon must stand condemi nin^t he thought th.v ^resent state i-, the <-;ipti.-,- <>t~ fortune. Hut it cannot W. Jfd, my countrymen f It cannot h hare acted wrong, in encountering danger bravely, for tin- Ex. 11, 12.] EXERCISES ON EMPHASIS. 103 liberty and safety of all Greece. No ! By those generous souls of ancient times, who were exposed at Marathon ! By those who stood arrayed at Platea ! By those who en- countered the Persian fleet at Sdlamis ! who fought at Ar- temisium! By all those illustrious sons of Athens whose remains lie deposited in the public monuments ! All of whom received the same honorable interment from their country : Not those only who prevailed, not those only who were victorious. And with reason. What was the part of gallant men they all performed ; their success was such as the Supreme Director of the world dispensed to each. EXERCISE 12. Like other tyrants, death delights to smite, What, smitten, most proclaims the pride of p6w'r, And arbitrary nod. His joy supreme, To bid the wretch survive the fortunate ; 5 The feeble wrap the athletic in his shroud ; And weeping fathers build their children's tomb : Mt, thine, NARCISSA ! What though short thy date ? Virtue, not rolling suns, the mind matures. That life is long, which answers life's great &nd. 10 The tree that bears no fruit, deserves no name : The man of wisdom, is the man of years. NARCISSA'S youth has lectur'd me thus far. And can her gayety give counsel too ? That, like the Jew's fam'd oracle of gems, 15 Sparkles instruction ; such as throws new light, And opens more the character of death ; 111 known to thee, LORENZO : This thy vaunt ; " Give death his due, the wretched, and the old ; " Let him not violate kind nature's laws, 20 " But own man born to live as well as die." Wretched and old thou givest him ; young and gay He takes ; and plunder is a tyrant's joy. * Fortune, with youth and gayety conspir'd To weave a triple wreath of happiness, 25 (If happiness on earth,) to crown her brow, And could death charge through such a shining shield ? That shining shield invites the tyrant's spear ; As if to damp our elevated aims, * In this place, and in many others, the connection of the author ia broken in the selections, without notice. 104 KIKRUSK* ON IkMrHASJB. [Ex. 12, 13. And strongly preach humility to man. how portentous is prospei How, comet-likf, it ilr iiile it shines! Few years hut yield us proof of death's ambition. 6 To cull his victims from the fairest fold, And sheath his shafts in all the pride of life. When llooded with abundance, and purpled o'er With recent honors, bloom'd with every bliss, Set up in ostentation, made the gaze, 10 The gaudy center, of the pur When fortune thus has toss'd her child in air, Snatch'd from the covert of an humble state, How often have I seen him drdpp'd at once, Our morning's 6nvy ! and our ev'ning's sigh ! 16 Death loves a shining mark, a signal blow ; A blow, which, while i: . alarms; And startles thousands with a single fall. ( ) As when some st&tely growth of oak or pine, Which nods aloft and proudly spreads her si 20 The sun's defiance, and the flock s defense ; By the strong strdkes of lab'rinrr hinds subdu'd Loud groans ner last, and rushing from her height, In cumb'rous ruin, thunder to the ground : The conscious forest trembles at the shock, ii5 And hill, and stream, and distant dale resound.* EXERCISE 13. Genius and art, ambition's boasted wings, Our boast but ill deserve. - -If these alone Assist our flight, fame s fight is glory's fall. 80 j&arl-merit wanting, mount we ne'er so high, Our Illicit is hut tin- gibbet of our name. I behold, Win n 1 behold a genius, bright, and base, Of towVin^ talfiits, amH'Trotrial aims; 35 Methinks :hr>\v*n from her high Bph-r<\ us fra^ni' -"ill immortal. With rubhi-.li mi.xt, and glittering in the dust. Struck at the splendid, mela ;ht, In the following Kxerriatc. thr mnrk* of modulation r* ally VIM*! Ex. 13.] EXERCISES ON EMPHASIS. 105 At once compassion soft, and envy rise But wherefore envy ? Talents angel-bright, If wanting worth, are shining instruments In false ambition's hand, to finish faults 6 Illustrious, and give infamy renown. Great ill is an achievement of great pdw'rs. Plain sense but rarely leads us far astray. Means have no merit, if our 2nd amiss. Hearts are proprietors of all applause. 10 Right ends, and means, make wisdom : Worldly-wise Is but hdlf-vtitied, at its highest praise. Let genius then despair to make thee great ; Nor flatter station : What Is station high ? Tis a proud mendicant ; it boasts and begs ; 15 It begs an alms of homage from the throng, And oft the throng denies its charity. Monarchs and ministers, are awful names ; Whoever wear them, challenge our devoir. Religion, public order, both exact 20 External homage, and a supple knee, To beings pompously set up, to serve The meanest slave ; all more is merit's due, Her sacred and inviolable right, Nor ever paid the monarch, but the man, 25 Our hearts ne'er bow but to superior worth: Nor ever fail of their allegiance there. Fools, indeed, drop the man in their account, And vote the mantle into majesty. Let the small savage boast his silver fur ; 30 His royal robe unborrow'd and unbought, His dwn, descending fairly from his sires. Shall man be proud to wear his livery, And souls in ermine scorn a soul without ? Can place or lessen us, or aggrandize ? 35 Pigmies are pigmies still, though perch'd on Xlps ; And pyramids are pyramids in vales. Each man makes his ozw8tatue, builds himself, Virtue alone outbuilds the pyramids : Her monuments shall last when Egypt's fall. 40 Thy bosom burns for pow'r ; What station charms thee ? I'll install thee there ; 'Tis thine. And art thou greater than before ? 106 EXERCISES ON EMPHASIS. [Ev 13, 14. Then thou before was s 'egg than man. Has thv new post betray'd thee into pride? That treach'rous pride betrays thy dignity ; That pride defames human: ills 5 The being mean, which stitjf'x or stnn : i* ran raise. High icdrth is elevated place >re ; It makes the post stand candidate for ; Makes more than munarchs, makes an honett mdn ; Though no exchequer it commands, 'tis wealth ; 19 And though it wears no ribin, 'tis renown : Renown, that would not quit thee, though disgrac'd, Nor leave thee pendent on a master's smile. Other ambition nature inten: Nature proclaims it most a I. Mini in man, 15 Hy pointing at his origin, and end ; Milk, and a swathe, at first his whole demand ; His whole domain, at last, a turf, or stone; To whom, between, a world may seem too small. Young. K\I:KCISK \.\. Ambition ! pow'rful source of good and ill ! 20 Thy strength in man, like length of wing in birds, When dbengag'd from earth, with greater ease And swifter flight transports u* to the skies ; By toys entangled, or in guilt bemir'd. It turns a citrte ; it is our chain, and sc.mn 25 In this dark dungeon, where confined we lie, Close grated by the sordid bars of sense ; All prospect of eternity shut out ; !. but for execution, ne'er set free. In spite i if all the truths the muse has sung, 30 Ne'er to be pri/'d enough ! enough re\<.l\\l ' there who wraji the \\.-rld .-< .lit them, They see no farther than the clouds ? and dance On heedless vanity's fantastic toe? Till, stumbling at a straw, in th- i 35 Headlong they piling, where end both dance and song. \r<- then- on earth, ! call them men,) Who lodge a soul immortal n. asts ; Conscious as the mountain of its ore ; Or rock, of its inestimable gem? 40 When rocks shall melt, and mountains vanish, these Ex. 14, 15.] EXERCISES ON EMPHASIS. 107 Shall know their treasure ; treasure, then, no more. Are there, (still more amazing !) who resist The rising thought ? Who smother, in its birth, The" glorious truth ? Who struggle to be brutes ? 5 Who through this bosom-barrier burst their way, And, with revers'd ambition, strive to sink? Who labor downwards, through th' opposing pow'r Of instinct, reason, and the world against them, To dismal hopes, and shelter in the shock 10 Of endless night? night darker than the graVe's ! Who fight the proofs of immortality ? With horrid zeal, and execrable arts, Work all their energies, level their black fires, To blot from man this attribute divine, 15 (Than vital blood far dearer to the wise,) Blasphemers, and rank atheists to themselves ? Young. EXERCISE 15. He ceas'd ; and next him Moloch, scepter'd king, Stood up ; the strongest and fiercest spirit That fought in Heav'n, now fiercer by despair : 20 His trust was with th' Eternal to be deem'd Equal in strength, and rather than be less, Cared not to be at all ; with that care lost Went all his fear : of God, or Hell, or worse, He reck'd not, and these words thereafter spake. 25 " My sentence is for open war ; of wiles, More unexpert, / boast not ; them let those Contrive who need, or when they need not now ; For, while they sit contriving, shall the rest, Millions that stand in arms, and, longing, wait 30 The signal to ascend, sit lingering here, Heav'n's fugitives, and for their dwelling place Accept this dark opprobrious den of shame, The prison of his tyranny who reigns By our delay ? No, let us rather choose, 35 Arm'd with Hell-flames and fury, all at once, O'er Heav'n's high tow'rs to force resistless way, Turning our tortures into horrid arms, Against the Torturer ; when, to meet the noise Of his almighty engine, he shall hear 40 Infernal thunder, and for lightning see 108 EXERCISER ox EMPHASIS. [Ex. 15 If. Black fin and horror, shot with equal rage Among lu> Angels anil his throne itself, Mix'd wiili Tartan-an sulphur, and strange fire, His o\vn invented torments. ( ) But perhaps S The way seems difficult and >: )>, to scale With upright wing again>l a higher I Let them bethink them, it" the sleepy drench Of that forgetful lake la-numb not still, That in our proper in- it ion we ascend 10 Up to our native seat : descent and /(ill To us is adverse. Who but felt of late, When the fierce foe hung on our broken rear, Insulting, and pursued us through the deep, With what compulsion and laborious lli^lit 15 We sunk thus low ? Th' ascent is easy then. Th' iri-/it i> i'ear'd : should we again provoke Our stronger, some worse way his wrath may find To our destruction, if there be in Hell Fear to be worse destroy'd. What can be worse 20 Than to dw indeed d: And cannot cease to be, we are at w< 35 On this .-ide nothing; and b\ feel Our pow'r sufficient to disturb his Heaven, And with perpetual inroads to alarm, Though iri;i.-re-,>ih! 40 Which if not \ .;e." '<>n. EXERCISI; I should be much fur npn war, O peer* ! Ex. 16, 17.] EXERCISES ON EMPIIASIS. 109 As not behind in hate, if what was urg'd, Main reason to persuade immediate war, Di^knot rfzssuade me most, and seem to cast Ominous conjecture on the whole success, 5 When he, who most excels in feat of arms, In what he counsels, and in what excels, Mistrustful, grounds his courage on despair, And utter dissolution as the scope Of all his aim, after some dire revenge. 10 First, what revenge? The tow'rs of Heav'n are fill'd With armed watch, that render all access Impregnable ; oft on the bord'ring deep Encamp their legions, or, with obscure wing, Scout far and wide into the realm of night, 15 Scorning surprise. Or could we break our way "By force, and at our heels all hell should rise, With blackest insurrection, to confound Heav'n's purest light, yet our great enemy, All incorruptible, would on his throne 20 Sit unpolluted, and th' ethereal mould, Incapable of stain, would soon expel Her mischief, and purge off the baser fire, Victorious. Thus repuls'd our final hope Is flat despair : we must exasperate 25 Th' almighty Victor to spend all his rage, And that must end us, that must be our cure, To be no more : sad cure ; for who would lose, Though full of pain, this intellectual being, Those thoughts that wander through eternity, 30 To perish rather, svvallow'd up and lost In the wide womb of uncreated night, Devoid of sense and motion ? and who knows, Let this be good, whether our angry foe Can give it, or will ever ? how he can 35 Is doubtful ; that he never will is sure. Milton. EXERCISE 17. Aside the Devil turn'd For envy, yet with jealous leer malign Ey'd them askance, and to himself thus plain'd. " Sight hateful, sight tormenting ! thus these two 40 Imparadis'd in one another's arms, The happier Eden, shall enjoy their fill 110 EXERCISES ON EMPHASIS. [Ex. 17, 18. Of bliss on bliss ; while I to I It'll am thn. \\ii--if ii. i'ii.-r j"\ nor \--\<\ I ait fierce den t tin- least,) ^ Still unfultill'd, with pain of lon^im: \- 5 Yet let me not forget what 1 have gain'd From their own mouths : all is not theirs it seems; One fatal tree then : knowledge call'd, Forbidden them to taste. Knowledge forbidden V 10 Suspicious, JIM Why should their Lord Knvy them that .' Can it be sin to know ? Can it bo death ? and do they only stand By ignorance? is that their happy state, The pr<>of of their obedience and their faith ? 15 O fair foundation laid whereon to build Their ruin ! Hem-.- I will excite their minds With more de.-ire to know, and to reject Envious commands, invented with design To keep them low, whom knowledge might exalt 20 Equal with Gods : aspirin*.: to he such, They taste and die ; w hat likelier can ensue ? But fir>t with narrow search 1 must walk round This garden, and no corner lea\e un>py'd ; A chance, hut chance, may lead where 1 may r 25 Some wand'ring spirit of" Heav'n, by fountain side, Or in thick shade retir'd, from him to draw What further would be learn'd. Live while ye may, Yet happy pair : enjoy, till I return, Short ]>'. .r i. ON., WOES . . are to succeed." 30 () So saying, his proud step he scornful turn'd, But with sly circumspection, and began, Through wood, through w hill, o'er dale his mam. Milton. KXKKMSK 18. Page 27, bottom. 1)1 lare ; his pa\i!i.>n n\iml about him were dark waters, and thirk c]. lU d> "l" tin- -kies. At the brightness that was before him, his thick clouds passed, hailstones and coals of fire. The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the highest gave his voice ; hailstones and coals of fire. 2. ( ) And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven ; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of :. with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels, with a threat sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 3. ( ) And the heaven departed as a scroll, when it is rolled together ; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 2. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains ; and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb : For the great rfcryof his ura/A is come ; and who shall be able to stand ? 4. And I saw a great white thrf>ne, and him that sat upon it, from whose face the earth and the heaven tied away; and there was found no place for them. .",. And I saw the dead, small an' -tand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their \\ork-v i. And the sea gave up the dead whirh were in it ; and death and hell delivered up the dead whirh were in them : and they were judged every man according to their works. listening Fear and dumb Amazement all : When t" the .startled rye. the sudden glance Appears far south, eruptive through the cloud: And following slower, in explosion fast, Ex. 19.] EXERCISES ON MODULATION'. 113 The Thunder raises his tremendous voice. At first heard solemn o'er the verge of heaven, The tempest growls ; ( ) but as it nearer comes, And rolls its awful burthen on the wind ; 5 The lightnings flash a larger curve, and more The noise astounds : till over head a sheet Of livid flame discloses wide; then shuts And opens wider ; shuts and opens, still Expansive, wrapping ether in a blaze. 10 Follows the loosen'd aggravated roar, Enlarging, deep'ning, mingling peal on peal Crush'd horrible, convulsing heaven and earth. 6. 'Twas then great Marlb'rough's mighty soul was prov'd, 15 That in the shock of charging hosts unmov'd, Amidst confusion, horror, and despair, Examin'd all the dreadful scenes 1Jf war ; In peaceful thought the field of death survey'd, To fainting squadrons sent the timely aid ; 20 Inspir'd repuls'd battalions to engage, And taught the doubtful battle where to rage. ( ) So when an angel, by divine command, With rising tempests shakes a guilty land, (Such as of late o'er pale Brittania past,) 25 Calm and serene he drives the furious blast ; And pleas'd th' Almighty's orders to perform, Rides on the whirlwind, and directs the storm. 7. Rous'd from his trance, he mounts with eyes aghast, When o'er the ship, in undulation vast, 30 A giant surge down rushes from on high, And fore and aft dissever'd ruins lie ; ( ) As when Britannia's empire to maintain, Great Hawke descends in thunder on the main, Around, the brazen voice of battle roarsf, 35 And fatal lightnings blast the hostile shores ; Beneath the storm their shatter'd navies groan, The trembling deep recoils from zone to zone ; Thus the torn vessel felt the enormous stroke, The beams beneath the thund'ring deluge broke. Ill K3 ON M'.MI.ATION. [Ex. 19. 8. To whom, in brief, thus Alxliel stern replied. Reign thuu in //unded ; and had Earth been then, all Earth 30 Had to her center shook. Long time in e\. battle hung : till Satan, who that day Prodigious pow'r had shown, and ui> -t in arms No equal, ranging through the dire attack 35 Of fighting Seraphim at length Saw where the sword of Michael smote, and fell'd Squa< with huge two-handed sway I'.randish'd aloft, the horrid edge came down 40 \\ ";!< wasting; such d n to withstand Ib- halted, mid oppos'd tlie ro.-k\ Of tenfold adamant, his ample shield, A vast circumference. At hi- approach The great Archangel from his warlike toil Ex. 19.] EXERCISES ON MODULATION. 115 Surceas'd, and glad, as hoping here to end Intestine war in Heav'n, th' arch-foe subdu'd. Now wav'd their fiery swords, and in the air Made horrid circles ; two broad suns their shields 5 Blaz'd opposite, while expectation stood In horror ; from each hand with speed retired, Where erst was thickest fight, the angelic throng, And left large field, unsafe within the wind Of such commotion ; such as, to set forth 10 Great things by small, if nature's concord broke, Among the constellations war were sprung, Two planets rushing from aspect malign Of fiercest opposition, in mid-sky, Should combat, and their jarring spheres confound. Milton, The following examples are selected as a specimen of those passages which are most favorable to the cultivation of a top to the voice. In pronouncing these, the reader should aim to get up his voice to the high- est note on which he can articulate with freedom and distinctness. See remarks, page 57, bottom. If the student wishes for more examples of this kind, he is referred to EXERCISE 5, p. 84. 9. Has a wise and good God furnished us with desires which have no correspondent objects, and raised expecta- tions in our breasts, with no other view but to disappoint them ? Are we to be forever in search of happiness, with- out arriving at it, either in this world or the next ? Are we formed with a passionate longing for immortality, and yet destined to perish, after this short period of existence ? Are we prompted to the noblest actions, and supported through life, under the severest hardships and most powerful temptations, by the hopes of a reward which is visionary and chimerical, by the expectation of praises, of which* it is utterly impossible for us ever to have the least knowledge or enjoyment ? 10. () " Whence and what art thou, execrable shape, That dar'st, though grim and terrible, advance Thy miscreated front athwart my way To yonder gates ? through them I mean to pass, 5 That be assured, without leave ask'd of thee : Retire, or taste thy folly ; and learn by proof, Hell-born, not to contend with spirits of Heav'n." 116 EXERCISE* ON MODULATION. [Ex. 10, 20. To whom the goblin full of wrath replied ; () "Art thou that traitor Angel? art tliou he, 10 Who first brok iv'n and faith, till then Unbroken, and in proud rebellious arm- Drew after him the third part of H--;i\ u s sons, Conjur'd against tin- II r which both thou And they, outcast from (MM!, an- hrre eondemn'd 15 To waste eternal days in woe and pain ? And reckon'st thou thyself with spirits of Hiav'n, Hell-doom 'd, and breath'st detian ...m. Where /reign kin^, and, to enrage thee more, Thy king and lord? Back to tliv j/nnishment, 20 False fugitive, and to thy speed add wings, Lest with a whip of scorpions I pursue Thy ling'ring, or with one stroke of this dart, Strange horrors seize thee, and pangs unfelt before."* TRANSITION. Page 60. EXERCISE 20. The Exercises of the foregoing head were designed to accostom tha voice to exertion on tlir i xtn m<- notes of its compass, high nnd low. The following Exercises under this head are intmdi -d to accustom the voice to those suddm transitions which smtimciit oiVn r> quires, not only as to pilch, but also as to quantity. The Power of Eloquence. AX ODE. 1 HEARD ye those loud contending w.i That shook ( Ycrj>ia's pillar'd st.v Saw ye tin- mi^htv frm their graves Look up, and tn-nihl- at her fate? Who shall calm the an^ry storm '.' Who the nullity task (n-rlorm, And bid the racing tumult ccn> See the son of Hermes i With siren tongue, and speaking Hush the noiM- and hoothe to pe.. 2 Lo ! from the regions of the North, The reddening storm of battle pours ; Rolls along the trembling earth, Fastens on the Olynthian towers. The two prrrrding an goal rxnmplm of thr inlfxfirr, in dikUnrtion from the cam** Ex. 20.] EXERCISES ON MODULATION. 117 3 () " Where rests the sword ? where sleep the brave ? Awake ! Cecropia's ally save From the fury of the blast ; Burst the storm on Phocis' walls ; Rise I or Greece forever falls. Up ! or Freedom breathes her last !" 4 ( ) The jarring States, obsequious now, View the Patriot's hand on high ; Thunder gathering on his brow, Lightning flashing from his eye. 5 Borne by the tide of words along, One voice, one mind, inspire the throng : () " To arms ! to arms ! to arms !" they cry, " Grasp the shield and draw the sword, Lead us to Philippi's lord, Let us conquer him or die!" 6 ( ) Ah, Eloquence ! thou wast undone ; Wast from thy native country driven, When Tyranny eclipsed the sun, And blotted out the stars of heaven. 7 When Liberty from Greece withdrew, And o'er the Adriatic flew, To where the Tiber pours his urn, She struck the rude Tarpeian rock ; Sparks were kindled by the shock Again thy fires began to burn ! 8 Now, shining forth, thou mad'st compliant The Conscript Fathers to thy charms ; Rous'd the world-bestriding giant, Sinking fast in Slavery's arms ! 9 1 see thee stand by Freedom's fane, Pouring the persuasive strain, Giving vast conceptions birth : Hark ! I hear thy thunder's sound, Shake the Forum round and round Shake the pillars of the earth ! 10 First-born of Liberty divine ! Put on Religion s bright array ; 118 ITI.ATION. [Ex. 20, 21 Sptn lurid sun Can pierce tin- war-cloud-, rolling dun, While furious Frank and fiery Hun Shout in their sulph'roiis canopy. 7 The combat deepens: () On, ye brave, Who rush to glory, or the grave ! 21, 22.] EXERCISES ON MODULATION. 119 Wave, Munich, all thy banners wave ! And charge with all thy chivalry ! 8 ( ) Ah ! few shall part where many meet ! The snow shall be their winding sheet, And every turf beneath their feet Shall be a soldier's sepulchre. Campbell. EXERCISE 22. Battle of Waterloo. 1 There was a sound of revelry by night, And Belgium's capital had gather'd then Her beauty and her chivalry, and bright The lamps shone o'er fair women and brave men : A thousand hearts beat happily ; and when Music arose with its voluptuous swell, Soft eyes look'd love to eyes which spake again, And all went merry as a marriage-bell ; ( ) But hush ! hark ! a deep sound strikes like a ris- ing knell ! 2 Did ye not hear it ? No ; 'twas but the wind, Or the car rattling o'er the stony street : () On with the dance ! let joy be unconfined ; No sleep till morn, when youth and pleasure meet To chase the glowing hours with flying feet ( ) But, hark ! That heavy sound breaks in once more, As if the clouds its echo would repeat. And nearer, clearer, deadlier than before! () Arm ! arm ! it is it is the cannon's opening roar ! 3 ( ) Ah ! then and there was hurrying to and fro, And gathering tears, and tremblings of distress, And cheeks all pale, which but an hour ago Blush 'd at the praise of their own loveliness : And there were sudden partings, such as press The life from out young hearts, and choking sighs Which ne'er might be repeated who could guess If ever more should meet, those mutual eyes, Since upon night so sweet, such awful morn could rise ? 4 (=) And there was mounting, in hot haste ; the steed, The mustering squadron, and the clattering car 120 KXEBCI8ES ON MODULATION. [Ex. 22, 23. Went pouring f>ruanl with impetuous sp< And swiftly forming in the rank* i war, And the deep thunder, peal on peal afar ; And near, the beat of the alarming drum Roused up the soldier ere the morning star ; While throng'd the citizens with terror dumb Or whispering with white lips " The foe! They come. They come !" 5 (- ) And Ardennes* waves above them her green leaves, Dewey with nature's tear-drops, as they pass, Grieving, if aught inanimate e'er grieves, Over the unreturning brave, alas ! Ere evening to be trodden like the grass, Which now beneath them, but above shall grow In its next verdure, when the fiery maw Of living valor, rolling on the foe, And burning with high hope, shall moulder cold and low. 6 Last noon beheld them full of lusty life, Last eve in beaut proudly gay, The midnight brought the signal-sound of strife, The morn, the marshaling in arms, the day, Battle's magnificently-stern array ! The thunder-clouds closed o'er it, which when rent, The earth is cover'd thick with other clay, Which her own clay shall cover, ln-ap'd and pent, Rider and horse, friend, foe, in one red burial blent ! Byron. I.XERCISE 23. Negro 's Complaint. 1 ( ) Forced from home and all its pleasures, Afric's coast I left forlorn ; To increa- O'er the raging billows borne. Men from England bought and sold me, Paid my price in paltry gold ; But though slave tin -y have enroll'd me, Mindt are never to be sold. 2 Still in thought as free as What are England's rights I ask, Me from my delights to sever, Me to lortnrr. me to t<> PronmincH in rro wlIMe. Ex. 23.] EXERCISES ON MODULATION. 121 Fleecy locks, and black complexion, Cannot forfeit Nature's claim ; Skins may differ, but affection Dwells in white and black the same. 3 Why did all-creating nature Make the plant for which we toil ? Sighs must fan it, tears must water. Sweat of ours must dress the soil. Think, ye masters iron-hearted, Lolling at your jovial boards ; Think how many backs have smarted For the sweets your cane affords. 4 (8) Is there, as ye sometimes tell us, Is there One who reigns on high ? Has he bid you buy and sell us, Speaking from his throne the sky ? Ask him, if your knotted scourges, Matches, blood-extorting screws, Are the means that duty urges Agents of his will to use ? 5 ( ) Hark ! he answers ; wild tornadoes, Strewing yonder sea with wrecks ; Wasting towns, plantations, meadows, Are the voice with which he speaks. He, foreseeing what vexations Afric's sons should undergo, Fix'd their tyrants' habitations Where his WHIRLWINDS answer NO. 6 By our blood in Afric wasted, Ere our necks received the chain ; By the miseries that we tasted, Crossing in your barks the main ; By our sufferings since ye brought us To the man-degrading mart ; All, sustain'd by patience, taught us Only by a broken heart ; 7 *Deem our nation brutes no longer, Till some reason ye shall find * Firm voice. 6 122 iM'IBEB ON MODULATION. [Kx. iM V.' I. Worthier of regard, and stronger Than the color of our kind. Slaves of t wing, Came fly'ng, and in mid air aloud thus cried. () ' ARM, Warriors, arm for fight the foe at hand 15 Whom fled we thought, will save us long pursuit This day; fear not his flight: so thick a cloud He comes, and settled in his face I see Sad resolution and MM ach Hi* adamantine coat gird well, and CO Fit well his helm, gripe fast his orbed shield, rne ev'n or high : i'r this day will pour down, If I conjecture aught, no drizzling sho\ But rattling storm of arrows, barb'd with fire.' ( ) So warn'd he them, aware themselves, and soon 25 In order, quit of all impediment; Instant, without disturb, they took alarm, And onward move, embattled : when behold, Not distant far, with heavy pace the foe Approaching, gross and huge, in hollow cube, 30 Training Li- devilish enginery, impal'd On every side with shadowing squadrons deep, To hide the fraud. At interview both stood A while ; but suddenly at head appear 'd Satan, and thus was heard commanding loud. 35 () ' VAXi;fAiii> ! to right and left the front unfold, That all may see who hate us, how we Peace and composure, and with open breast Stand ready to receive them, if they like Our overture, and turn not back perverse.' Milton. Ex. 26.J EXERCISED ON MODULATION. 125 EXPRESSION. Page 61. The Exercises arranged in this class, belong to the general head of the pathetic and delicate. As this has been partly anticipated under an- other head of the Exercises, and as the manner of execution in this case depends wholly on emotion, there can be little assistance rendered by a notation. Before reading the pieces in this class, the remarks, p. 61 and 62 should be reviewed ; and the mind should be prepared to feel the spirit of each piece, by entering fully into the circumstances of the case. EXERCISE 26. GENESIS XLIV. Judalis Speech to Joseph. 18. * Then Judah came near unto him and said, my lord, let thy servant, I pray thee, speak a word in my lord's ears, and let not thine anger burn against thy servant : for thou art even as Pharaoh. 19. My lord asked his servants, saying, Have ye a father, or a brother ? 20. And we said unto my lord, We have a father, an old man, and a child of his old age, a little one : and his brother is dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loveth him. 21. And thou saidst unto thy servants, Bring him down unto me, that I may set mine eyes upon him. 22. And we said unto my lord, The lad cannot leave his father : for if he should leave his father, his father would die. 23. And thou saidst unto thy servants, Except your youngest brother come down with you, ye shall see my face no more. 24. And it came to pass, when we came up unto thy servant my father, we told him the words of my lord. 25. And our father said, Go again and buy us a little food. 26. And we said, We cannot go down : if our youngest brother be with us, then we will go down ; for we may not see the man's face, except our youngest brother be with us. 27. And thy servant my father said unto us, Ye know that my wife bare me two sons : 28. And the one went out from me, and I said, Surely he is torn in pieces; and I saw him not since: 29. And if ye take this also from me, and mischief befall him, ye shall bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave ( ) 30. Now, therefore, when I come to thy servant my father, and the lad be not with us ; (seeing that his life is bound up in the lad's life:) 31. It shall come to pass, when he seeth. * The reader is again desired to bear in mind, that in extracts from the Bible, as well as other books, Italic words denote emphasis. 1,1 i. A i ION. [Ex. 26, 27. that th<- lad is imt \Mth us, that IK- will die : and thy servants shall bring down the gray hairs of thy servant our father with sorrow to the gra\-. ;<-. For thy srnant became surety for the lad unto my father, sa\ m^. It 1 brin^ him not unto ihen I shall bear the blame to my i ver. 38. Now therefore, I pray t !). let thy M-rvant abide intttod of the lad, a bondman to my lord ; and l--t the lad go up with his brethren. 34. For how shall I go up to my father, and the lad be not with me ? lest peradventure 1 see the evil that shall come on my father. i:\ERCISE 27. GENESIS XLV. Joseph disclosing himself. 1. Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him ; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him while Jo- seph made himself known unto his brethren. 2. And he wept aloud ; and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard. 3. And Joseph said unto his brethren, I AM JOSEPH: doth my FATHER yet live ? And his brethren could not an- swer him, f<>r they were troubled at hid presence.^-4. And Joseph said unto his brethren. Come near to me, 1 pray you; and they came near. And he said, I am JOSKI-H, your brother, whom ye sold into Iv^ypt. 5. Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither : for God did send me before you to preserve life. 6. For these two years hath the famine been in the land : and yet there are five years, in the which there shall be neither earing nor harvest. 7. And God sent me before you, to pre- serve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. 8. So now H v<" that sent me hither, but God : and he hath made me a father to Plm- md lord of all his h..u>r. ;md a ruler throughout nil the land of Egypt.- and n> up t.> nn lather, and say unto him. Thus saith thy son Joseph, (iod hath mode me lord of all I -nr. tarry not. 1" And thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen, and thou shalt be n. sir uiiin me, thon. and thy children, and thy chil- dren's children, and thy flocks and thy herds, nnd all that thou haul: 11. And th.-re will I noun- 1 \ rt there are five years <: 1-st thou, and thy household, and nil that -t, romp i 1'J. And behold, your Ex. 27, 28.] EXERCISES ON MODULATION. 127 eyes ste, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, that it is my mouth that speaketh unto you. 13. and ye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that ye have seen ; and ye shall haste, and bring down my father hither. 14. And he fell upon his brother Benjamin's neck, and wept ; and Benjamin wept upon his neck. 15. Moreover he kissed all his brethren, and wept upon them : and after that his brethren talked with him. 25. And they went up out of Egypt, and came into the land of Canaan unto Jacob their father, 26. And told him, saying, JOSEPH is yet ALIVE ! and he is GOVERNOR over all the land of Egypt. And Jacob's heart fainted, for he be- lieved them not. 27. And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto them : and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived : 28. And Israel said, it is enough ; Joseph my son is yet alive : I will go and see him before I die. EXERCISE 28. The Death of a Friend. 1 I fain would sing : but ah ! I strive in vain. Sighs from a breaking heart my voice confound. With trembling step, to join yon weeping train, I haste, where gleams funereal glare around, And, mix'd with shrieks of woe, the knells of death re- sound. 2 Adieu, ye lays, that Fancy's flowers adorn, The soft amusement of the vacant mind ; He sleeps in dust, and all the Muses mourn, He, whom each virtue fired, each grace refined, Friend, teacher, pattern, darling of mankind ! He sleeps in dust. Ah, how shall I pursue My theme ! To heart-consuming grief resign'd Here on his recent grave I fix my view, And pour my bitter tears. Ye flowery lays, adieu ! 3 Art thou, my GREGORY, forever fled? And am I left to unavailing woe ! When fortune's storms assail this weary head, Where cares long since have shed untimely snow ? 128 BXBBCIBKS ON MUDUJ..VTIOX. [Ex. 28, 20. Ah, now for comfort whither shall I go! No more thy soothing voice my anguish cheers : Thy plarid -v-s witli smi!'--; tm linger glow, My hopes to cherish, and allay ray fears. Tit meet that I should mourn : flow forth afresh my tear*. Btattie. EXERCISE 29. The Burial of Sir John Moort. 1 ( ) Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note, As his corse to the ramparts we hurried ; Not a soldier discharged hi> fan-well shot O'er the grave, where our Hero we buried. 2 We buried him darkly ; at dead of night ; The sods with our bayonets turning, By the struggling moon-beams' misty light, And the lantern dimly burning. 3 No useless coffin inclosed his breast. Nor in sheet nor in shroud we wound him ; But he lay like a warrior taking his rest With his martial cloak around him ! 4 F&w and shdrt were the prayers we said, And we spoke not a wdrd of sorrow ; But we steadfastly nnzed on the face of the dead, And we bitterly thought of the morrow 5 We thought as we hollow'd his narrow bed, And smoothed down his lonely pillow How the/t* and the stran /< / w.mld tr.a-1 <'er his bead. And tec far nway on the billow ! 6 Lightly they'll '.ilk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er hi-; 'iplir.iid him ; Hut little he'll n-ck. it" they let him sleep on In the grave where a Hrit>n h:is laid him. 7 But half of our heavy task was <1 Wli.'ti the rl(M-k toll'ti the hour fT retiring, \nd we heard the distant and random Thnt th foe waa unHenly firing Ex. 30, 31.] EXERCISES ON MODULATION. 129 8 ( 3 ) Slowly and sadly we laid him down, From the field of his fame fresh and gory ! We carved not a line, we raised not a stone, But left him alone with his glory ! Wolfe. EXERCISE 30. Eve lamenting the loss of Paradise. ( ) " unexpected stroke, worse than of Death ! Must I thus leave thee, Paradise ? thus leave Thee, native soil, these happy walks and shades, Fit haunt of gods ? where I had hope to spend, 5 Quiet though sad, the respite of that day That must be mortal to us both. O flowers, That never will in other climate grow, My early visitation, and my last At ev'n, which I bred up with tender hand, 10 From the first opening bud, and gave ye names, Who now shall rear you to the sun, or rank Your tribes, and water from the ambrosial fount ? Thee lastly, nuptial bow'r, by me adorn'd With what to sight or smell was sweet, from thee 15 How shall I part, and whither wander down Into a lower world, to this obscure And wild ? how shall we breathe in other air Less pure, accustom'd to immortal fruits ? EXERCISE 31. Soliloquy of Hamlet's Uncle. ( y ) Oh ! my offence is rank, it smells to heaven ; It hath the primal, eldest curse upon 't, A brother's murder ! Pray I cannot, Though inclination be as sharp as will, 5 My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent : And like a man to double business bound, I stand in pause where I shall first begin, And both neglect. ( ) What if this cursed hand Were thicker than itself with brother's blood ; 10 Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens, To wash it white as snow ? Whereto serves mercy, But to confront the visage of offence ? And what's in prayer, but this twofold force, 130 EXERCISE* ON MODULATION. [Kx. 31, S'J. To be forestall' > fall, 15 Or pardon'd being down '.' Tln-n I'll look HJ> ; My fault is past. But oh, what form of prayer . rvi- in ij turn ? " Forgive me my foul murder!" That cannot be ; sim-r 1 am Mill possess'd Of those effects for which I >ll the munl.T. 20 My crown, mine own ambition, and my <|U< cii : . one be pardon'd, and retain the offence ? In the corrupted currents of thin world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice, And oft 'tis seen, the wicked prize itself 25 Buys out the law ; but 'tis not so above : There, is no shuffling ; there, the action lies In his true nature; and we om-.-lves compell'd, n to the teeth and forehead of our faults, To give in evidence. What then ? what rests? 30 Try what repentance can : what can it i Yet what can it, when one cannot rep.-nt ? ( ) wretched state ! oh, bosom, black as death ! Oh, limed soul ; tl ;ng to be free, Art more engag'd ! Help, an^rls! make assay! 35 Bow, stubborn knees; and, heart, with strings of steel, Be soft as sinews of the new-born babe ! All may be well. RHETORICAL DIALOGUE. Page 62. EXERCISE 32. 1. MATT. xiv. 22. And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to '' t int a ship, and to go b-for<; him unto the other side, w nt the multitudes -.-. Arvl when he had sent tin- nmltii up int<> a mountain apart t pray : and when the evening wo* he was there alon- .1. I';;' thfl >hip was now HI tlx- midst of the sea, tossed with \\ tin- wind was contrary. 25. And in the fourth watch of the ni^ht. .1. M;N \M-nt unto mg on the sea. 26. And wln-u the d. him walking on the sea. ir. -J7. I! htway .I,-;i- -pak.- onto them, saying, I'-- ;' good cheer; it i> / ; be not afraid. 28. And l'< UT answered him and said, if it t*> tln'-ii. Kid me cdm> in .n the wa- Ex. 32.] EXERCISES ON MODULATION. . 131 ter. 29. And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. 30. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid ; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. 31. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? 32. And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased. 33. Then they that were in the ship came and worshiped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God. 2. MATT. xvn. 14. And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man kneeling down to him, and saying, 15. Lord, have mercy on my son; for he is lunatic and sore vexed : for ofttimes he falleth into theatre, and oft into the water. 16. And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him. 17. Then Jesus answered and said, faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you ? how long shall I suffer you ? Bring him hither to m&. 18. And Jesus rebuked the devil, and he departed out of him : and the child was cured from that very hour. 19. Then came the disciples ta Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out ? 20. And Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustai'd-seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place ; and it shall remove ; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. 3. MATT. xvm. Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants. 24. And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him which owed him ten thousand talents. 25. But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. 26. The servant therefore fell down and worshiped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. 27. Then the lord of that ser- vant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and for- gave him the debt. 28. But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellow-servants, which owed him an hun- UN Mul)Ll.ATIO\. [E\ dred pence; and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying. I'm/ me thai tliou . '. And his fellow-servant fell l<>nl, after that lie had called him, .said unt. him, O thou tricked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me: 33. Shouldst not thu al><> have had compassion on thy fellow-servant even as I had pity on thee ? 4. MATT. xx. 25. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise do- minion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 26. But it shall not be so among you : hut whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minis- ter; 27. And whosoever will bo chief among you, let him be your servant : 28. Even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. 20. And as they d-j.arti'd from Jericho, a great multitude followed him. 30. And behold, two blind men sitting by the way-side, when they heard that Jisus passed by, cried out, saying. Have mtrcy on u-. o Lord. thou son of David. 31. And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cried the more, saying, Have mtrcy on us, L6rd, thou son of David. 32. And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said. What will ye that I shall do unto you? 33. They Ray unto him. Lord, that our tyet may be 1 compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eye- t. and they follonrd him. MATT. xzi. 23. And when he was com,- into the temple, th- I* and the elders of the people eome unto him, u he was tearhii>L r . and said. i:\ \\hat mm&ority doeut thou these things? and who /' t""k me nut //< : naked, and \>- clothed in not: sick, and in prison, ami \- visited me not. 1 1. Then shall : mswer liiin. saying. Lord, whin saw we tbee an hungered, or athir.it, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister nut'* ilu-e ! 4;> shall he answer them, saying. Yi-rily I say unto you, Inas- much as ye did it not to one of the least of thtat, ye did it not to me. 46. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment : but the righteous into life eternal. 7. ACTS xn. 5. Peter therefore was kept in prison ; but, prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. 6. And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night IVter was sleeping between two sol- diers, bound with two chains; and the keepers before tin- door kept the prison. 7. And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison ; and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands. 8. And the angel said unto him, d'tnl thy-clf, and bind on tin dais; and so he did. And he saith unto him, Ca>t thy gar- ment about thee, and follow me. 0. And he went out, and followed him, and wist not that it was true which was done by the angel ; but thought he saw a vision. 10. When they were past the first and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate that leadeth unto the city ; which opened unto them of his own accord: and they went out, and passed on through one street: and forthwith the angel departed from him. 11. And when Peter \\a> cmne to himself, h. Now I know of a surety, that tin- Lord hath sent lii- and hath de!i\ered me out of the hand of Ilen-d, ;iiid from all the expeet.ition of tin- people of the .lew-. 1.'. And \\hen he had considered the lliing. he came to the house of Mary ti i of .lolm. whose surname was Murk, aliered together, praying. 1 kiiock.-d at the door of the gate, a damsel cam.- to : Kh'dii. 14. And when she km u i she opened, not the gate for gladness, but ran in, and told how Piter stood before the gate, i., And tht.-y laid unto her, Thou art mad. Dut she constantly affirmed that it was Then said they. It i> his angel. 1(5. But Ex. 32.] EXERCISES ON MODULATION. 135 Peter continued knocking. And when they had opened the door, and saw him, they were astonished. 17. But he beck- oning unto them with the hand to hold their peace, declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, Go, show these things unto James and to the brethren. 9 And he departed, and went into another place. EXERCISES. PART XX. % The reader will obaerve that rhetorical notation ie but partially applied in the following Exerciser EXERCISE 33. Character of Columbia. "* IRVIMO. " A peculiar trait in his rich and varied character, remains to be noticed; that ardent and enthusiasti&tim- agination, which threw a magniBcence over his whole style of thinking. Herrera intimates, that he hadfta 5 talent for poetry, and some slight traces of it are on %p- ord in the book of prophecies, which he prc-rnted to the Catholic sovereigns. But his poetical temperament is discernible throughout all his writings, and in all his ac- tions. It spread a golden and glorious world around him, 10 and tinu rt 'd every thin^ with its own gorgeous colors. It betrayed him into visionary speculations, which sub- jected him to the sneers and carilings of men of cooler and safer, but more groveling minds. Such were the conjectures formed on the coast of Paria, about the form 15 of the earth, and t! rial para-i about the mines of Ophir, in Hispaniola, and of the Au- rea Chersonesus, in Veragua; and such was tin- heroic scheme of the en tin- reco\.-r\ -f the holy sepulchre. It mingled with his religion, and filled his mind with solemn and meditations, on m\ passages of the Scriptures, and the hado\v\ portents of the : nflice in and made him c nfent sent forth upon a sublime and awful mission. impulses and su- 25 pernatural visions from the ! h as the voice he imagined spok to him in comfort, amidst th troubles Ex.38.] EXERCISES. PART II. 137 of Hispaniola, and in the silence of the night, on the dis- astrous coast of Veragua. " He was decidedly a visionary, but a visionary of an uncommon and successful kind. The manner in which 5 his ardent imagination and mercurial nature were con- trolled by a powerful judgment, and directed by an acute sagacity, is the most extraordinary feature in his charac- ter. Thus governed, his imagination, instead of wasting itself in idle soarings, lent wings to his judgment, and 10 bore it away to conclusions at which common minds could never have arrived ; nay, which they could not perceive when pointed out. " To his intellectual vision it was given, to read in the signs of the times, and the reveries of past ages, the 15 indications of an unknown world, as soothsayers were said to read predictions in the stars, and to foretell events from the visions of the night. ' His soul,' observes a Spanish writer, ' was superior to the age in which he lived. For him was reserved the great enterprise to 20 plow a sea, which had given rise to so many fables, and to decipher the mystery of his time.' " With all the visionary fervor of his imagination, its fondest dreams fell short of the reality. He died in ignorance of the real grandeur of his discovery. Until 25 his last breath, he entertained the idea, that he had merely opened a new way to the old resorts of opulent com- merce, and had discovered some of the wild regions of the East. He supposed Hispaniola to be the ancient Ophir which had been visited by the ships of Solomon, 30 and that Cuba and Terra Firma, were but remote parts of Asia. What visions of glory would have broke upon his mind, could he have known that he had indeed discovered a new continent, equal to the whole of the old world in magnitude, and separated by two vast oceans 35 from all the earth hitherto known by civilized man ; and how would his magnanimous spirit have been consoled, amidst the chills of age, and cares of penury, the neg- lect of a fickle public, and the injustice of an ungrateful king, could he have anticipated the splendid empires 40 which were to spread over the beautiful world he had discovered, and the nations and tongues and languages which were to fill its lands with his renown, and to revere and bless his name to the latest posterity ! 138 KcisEs. f ART ii. [Ex. 84, 85. 31. The Victim. 1'nii.ADKi.iMiiA CA-- 1 " Hand me the bowl, ye jovial hand," I ! said " 'twill rouse mv mini) ;" But conscience sei/ed liis trembling hand And dash'd the cup to earth. J He look'd around, lie blush'd, la- laugh'd, He sij>p'd the sparkling \v, In it he read " who drinks this draught, Shall dig a ;/iim/: wolves, whole herds of the monsters of India and Africa, were inclosed in an impassable barrier of fire. They bounded, they fought, they screamed, they ton- ; they ran howling round and 50 round the circle ; they made desperate leaps upwards through the blaze ; they were flung back, and fell only to fasten their fangs in each other, and, with their parch- ing jaws bathed in blood, die r I looked anx- iously to see whether any human being was involved 65 in this fearful catastrophe. To my gn-at n-lief, I could see none. The keepers and attendants had obvi escaped. As I expressed my gladness, I was startled by a loud cry from my guide, the first sound that I had heard him utter. He pointed to the opposite side of the 60 amphitheatre. There indeed sat an object of melancholy interest ; a man who had been either unable to e- or had determined to die. Escape was now impossible. He sat in desperate calmness on his funeral pile. He was a gigantic Ethiopian slave, entirely naked. He 65 had chosen his place, as if in mockery, on the imperial throne ; the fire was above him and around him ; and under this tremendous canopy he gazed, without the movement of a muscle, on the combat of the wild beasts below; a solitary sovereign, with the whole tremendous 70 game played for himself, and inaccessible to the power of man." EXERCISE 36. Tlf ' ' ' ST. 1 f'hain'd in the market place he stood, .me, Amid the gathering multitude That shrunk to hi-ar his name, All stern of look and strong of limb, Hi dark eye on the ground, EX. 36.] EXERCISES. PART II. 141 And silently they gazed on him, As on a lion bound. 2 Vainly, but well, that chief had fought, He was a captive now ; Yet pride, that fortune humbles not, Was written on his brow. The scars his dark broad bosom wore, Show'd warrior true and brave ; A prince among his tribe befgre, He could not be a slave. 3 Then to his conqueror he spake ( o ) " My brother is a king ; Undo this necklace from my neck, And take this bracelet ring. And send me where my brother reigns, And I will fill thy hands With store of ivory from the plains, And gold dust from the sands." 4 (=:) " Not for thy ivory nor thy gold Will I unbind thy chain; That bloody hand shall never hold The battle spear again. A price thy nation never gave Shall yet be paid for thee ; For thou shalt be the Christian's slave, In lands beyond the sea." 5 (") Then wept the warrior chief, and bade To shred his locks away ; And, one by one, each heavy braid Before the victor lay. Thick were the plaited locks, and long, And deftly hidden there, Shone many a wedge of gold among The dark and crisped hair. 6 (<) "Look, feast thy greedy eye with gold, Long kept for sorest need ; Take it (thou askest sums untold ) And say that I am freed. 14* } PART ii. [Ex. :<< Take it ( ) my wife, the long, long day Weeps by the cocoa tree. And my young children leave their play, And ask in vain for me." 7 " I take thy gold but I have made Thy fetter- fast and strong, And mean that by the cocoa shade. Thy wife shall wait thee long." Strong was the agony that shook The captive s frame to hear, And the proud meaning of his look Was changed to mortal fear. 8 His heart was broken crazed his brain, At once his eye grew wild, He struggled fiercely with his chain, per'd, and wept, and smil'd ; Yet wore not long those fatal bands, For once, at shut of d They drew him forth upon the sands, The foul hyena's prey. I:\KKCISI; 37. Riches of a Poor Barber. EDINBURGH PAPER. Coosclenlioai regard to the P*bbalh, providentially rcwanlMk In the city of Bath, during the last century, lived .1 barber, who in:id- a prartice of following his ordinary occupation on the Lord'- day. As he was pursuing his morning's employment, ho happened to look into some 5 place of w>r>hip, ju-t as the mitn-ter \\ . >ut his text, " Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it h>ly." He listened IOTILT etxm^h to he n.nvinccd that he was constantly breaking the laws of (Jod and man, by shav- ing and dn ord's dny lie 10 lx.vanu-unea.-y. and went with a heavy heart t<> his Sab bath task. At length he l.xik murage, and opened his mind to the minister, who ad\ised him t> ^ive up Sab- bath dressing. an" Yes, sir; one after whom I was named; but he went to the Indies, and as we never heard from him we supposed him to be dead." " Come along, follow me," said the stranger, " I am going to see a person who says his name is William Reed, of Kingston, near Taun- 5 ton. Come and confront him. If you prove to be in- deed he who you say you are, I have glorious news for you. Your uncle is dead, and has left an immense fortune, which I will put you in possession of when all legal debts are removed." 1H IAI K. ISM. PART II [Ex. 87, 38 60 They went by the coach saw the pretended William Reed, and proved him to be an impostor. Tin stran- ger, who was a pious attorney, was soon legally sa 1 of t: 's identity, and told him that he had ad- vertise,! him in vain. Providence had now thrown him happy; for in the evening came a sad reverse. Sophia had just gone to bed, and I had thrown off half my clothes, when of fire ! fire! roused us from our calm content, and in 10 five minutes the whole ship was in flame> ! 1 ran to ex- amine whence the flames principally issued, and found that the fire had its origin immediately under our rahin. (JL) Down with the boats! Where is- Sophia? Here. The children? Hrre. A rope to the side! I 13 Lady Raffles. Give her to me, says one. 1 'II tai, says the captain. Throw the '/'////x)t/ we did so, the fhmes hurst out of our cabin window, and the whole af Ex. 38.] EXERCISES. PART II. 145 was in flames, The masts and sails not taking fire, we moved to a distance sufficient to avoid tlie immediate explosion ; but the flames were coming out of the main hatchway ; and seeing the rest of the crew, with the 25 captain, still on board, we pulled back to her under the bows, so as to be more distant from the powder. As we approached, we perceived that the people on board were getting into another boat on the opposite side. She pushed off ; we hailed her ; have you all on board ? 30 Yes, all, save one. Who is he ? Johnson, sick in his cot. Can we save him ? No, impossible. The flames were issuing from the hatchway. At this moment, the poor fellow, scorched, I imagine, by the flames, roared out most lustily, having run upon the deck. I will go 35 for him, says the captain. The two boats then came to- gether, and we took out some of the persons from the captain's boat, which was overladen. He then pulled under the bowsprit of the ship, and picked the poor fellow up. Are you all safe ? Yes, we have got the 40 man : all lives safe. Pull off from the ship. Keep your eye on the star, Sir Stamford. There's one scarcely visible. We then hauled close 'to each other, and found the captain fortunately had a compass, but we had 'no light 45 except from the ship. Our distance from Bencoolen, we estimated to be about fifty miles, in a southwest direc- tion. There being no landing place to the southward of Bencoolen, our only chance was to regain that port. The captain then undertook to lead, and we to follow, 50 in a N. N. E. course, as well as we could : no chance, no possibility being left, that we could again approach the ship ; for she was now one splendid flame, fore and aft, and aloft, her masts and sails in a blaze, and rocking to and fro, threatening to fall in an instant. 55 There goes -her mizen-mast ; pull away, my boys ; there goes the gunpowder. Thank God ! thank God ! You may judge of our situation without further par- ticulars. The alarm was given at about twenty minutes past eight, and in less than ten minutes she was in 60 flames. There was not a soul on board at half-past eight, and in less than ten minutes afterwards she was one grand mass of fire. My only apprehension was the want of boats to hold 7 140 EXERCISES. PART II. [Ex. 38. the people, as there was not time to have got out the long-boat, or to make a raft. All we had lo rely upon were two small quarter-boats, which fortunately lowered without accident; and in these two small, open 65 boats, without a drop of water or grain of food, or a rag of covering, except what we happened at the moment to have on our backs, we embarked on the ocean, thank- ful to God for his mercies ! Poor Sophia, having been taken. out of her bed, had nothing on but ln-r wrapper; 70 neither shoes nor stockings. The children just as taken out of bed, whence one had been snatched after the flames had attacked it. In short, there was not time for any one to think of more than two things. Can the ship be saved ? No. Let us save ourselves then. All 75 else was swallowed up in one grand ruin. To make the best of our misfortune, we availed our- selves of the light from the ship to steer a tolerably good course towards the shore. She continued to burn till about midnight, when the saltpetre, which she had 80 on board, took fire, and sent up one of the most splen- did and brilliant flames that ever was seen, illuminating the horizon in every direction, to an extent not less than fifty miles, and casting that kind of blue light over us, which is of all others most horrible. She burnt and con- 85 tinued in flame, in this style, for about an hour or two, when w( of the object in clouds of smoke. Neither Nilson nor Mr. Bell, our medical friend, who had accompanied us, had saved their coats ; but the tail of mine, with a pocket-handkerchief, served to 00 keep Sophia's feet warm, and we made breeches for the children with our neck-cloths. Rain now came on, but fortunately it was not of long continuance, and we got dry again. The night became serene and starlight. We were now certain of our course, and the ni- 95 haved manfully; they rowed incessantly, Ihd with heart and spirit ; and never did poor mortals look out more for daylight and for land, than we did. Not that our sufferings or grounds of complaint were any thing to what In "'fallen others ; but from So^- 100 phia's delicate health, as well as my own, and the stormy natur- I felt perfectly convinced that we were unable t ; on, and exposure to sun and weather many days ; nnd aware of the rapidity Ex. 38, 39.] EXERCISES PART ii. 147 of the currents, I feared we might fall to the southward of the port. At daylight, we recognized the coast, and Rat Island, which gave us great spirits ; and though we found our- 105 selves much to the southward of the port, we considered ourselves almost at home. Sophia had gone through the night better than could have been expected, and we continued to pull on with all our strength. About eight or nine, we saw a ship standing to us from the Roads. 110 They had seen the flames on shore, and sent out ves- sels to our relief; and here certainly came a minister of Providence in the character of a minister of the Gos- pel ; for the first person I recognized was one of the missionaries. They gave us a bucket of water, and we 115 took the captain on board as a pilot. The wind, how- ever, was adverse, and we could not reach the shore, and took to the ship, where we got some refreshment, and shelter from the sun. By this time Sophia was quite exhausted, fainting continually. About two o'clock, 120 we landed safe and sound: and no words of mine can do justice to the expressions of feeling, sympathy, and kindness, by which we were hailed by every one. If any proof had been wanting, that my administration had been satisfactory here, we had it unequivocally from 125 all. There was not a dry eye; and as we drove back to our former home, loud was the cry of " God be praised." EXERCISE 39. The Hour of Prayer. MRS. HEMANS. 1 Child, amidst the flowers at play, While the red light fades away ; Mother, with thine earnest eye, Ever following silently ; Father, by the breeze at eve Call'd thy harvest-work to leave, Pray ! Ere yet the dark hours be, Lift the heart, and bend the knee. 2 Traveller, in the stranger's land, Far from thine own household band ; 148 EXI i ,-\KT ii. [Ex. 39, 10. Mourner, haunted by the tone Of a Mil.-.- iV.iin tliis world gone; Captive, in whose narrow cell Sunshine hath not leave, to dwell, r on the darkening sea, Lift the heart, and bend the knee. ' .trrior, that from battle won, at set of sun ; in. <'([- the lowly slain, Weeping on his burial-plain ; Ye that triumph, yC that sigh, Kindred by one holy tie ! -n's tir>t ."-tar alike ye see r't the heart, and bend the knee! i:\ERCISE 40. My Mother 8 Grave. AXO.VYMOUB. It was thirteen years since my mother's death, when after a long absence fmrn my native village, I stood be- side the sacred mound beneath which I had seen her buried. Since that mournful period, a great change had 5 come over me. My childish years had passed away, and with them my youthful character. The world was altered too; and as I stood at my mother's grave, I could hardly realize that I was the same thoughtless, happy creature, whose cheeks she so often kissed in an 10 excess of tenderness. But the varied events of thirteen years had not effaced the remembrance of that mother's .-mile. It seemed as if I had seen her but yesterday as if the blessed sound of her well-remembered voice was in my ear. The gay dreams of my infancy and 15 childhood were brought I my mind, that had it not been for one bitter n ;, the tears I shed would have been gentle and icfimliiay. Ti cumstance may seem a trifling one but the thought of it now pains my heart, and : . that those children 20 who have parents to love them, may learn to value them as they ought. My mother had been ill a long time, and I had be- Ex. 40.] EXERCISES PART II. 149 come so accustomed to her pale face and weak voice, that I was not frightened at them, as children usually are. At first, it is true, I sobbed violently ; but when, day after day, I returned from school, and found her the 25 same, I began to believe she would always be spared to me ; but they told me she would die. One day when I had lost my place in the class, and done my work wrong side outward, I came home discour- aged, and fretful ; I went to my mother's chamber. She SO was paler than usual, but she met me with the same af- fectionate smile that always welcomed my return. Alas ! when I look back, through the lapse of thirteen years, I think my heart must have been stone, not to have been melted by it. She requested me to go down stairs, and 35 bring her a glass of water ; I pettishly asked why she did not call a domestic to do it. With a look of mild reproach which I shall never forget if I live to be a hun- dred years old, she said, ' And will not my daughter bring a glass of water, for her poor sick mother ?' 40 I went and brought her the water, but I did not do it kindly. Instead of smiling and kissing her, as I was wont to do, I set the glass down very quickly and left the room. After playing a short time, I went to bed without bidding my mother good night ; but when alone 45 in my room, in darkness and silence, I remembered how pale she looked, and how her voice trembled when she said, ' Will not my daughter bring a glass of water for her poor sick mother ?' I couldn't sleep. I stole into her chamber to ask forgiveness. She had sunk into an easy 50 slumber, and they told me I must not waken her. I did not tell any one what troubled me, but stole back to my bed, resolved to rise early in the morning, and tell her how sorry I was for my conduct. The sun was shining brightly when I awoke, and hur- 55 rying on my clothes, I hastened to my mother's cham- ber. She was dead ! she never spoke more never smiled upon me again and when I touched the hand that used to rest upon my head in blessing, it was so cold that it made me start. I bowed down by her side, and sob- 60 bed in the bitterness of my heart. I thought then I wished I might die, and be buried with her ; and old as I now am, I would give worlds were they mine to give, could my mother but have lived to tell me she forgave 150 EXERCI3KH. PART II. [Ex. 40, 41. my childish ingratitude. But I cannot call her back; 65 and when 1 st.-nnl I* 1 , i whenever I think of her manifold kindness, the memory of that reproachful look she gave me, will bite like a serpent, and sting like an adder. J:\KKCISI-: 41. A Tale of Waterloo. ANONYMOUS. About the middle of the night I received a visit from a young man, with whom I had formed an intimate ac- quaintance. He was the only son of a gentleman of large property in the South of Ireland ; but ha\iii'_ r formed 5 an attachment to a beautiful girl in humble life, and married her against the will of his father, he had been disinherited and turned out of doors.***** Depressed as I was in spirit myself, I was struck with the melancholy tone in which that night he accosted me. 10 He felt a presentiment, he said, that he would n< vive the battle of the ensuing day. HP wi>hed to bid me farewell, and to intrust to my care his por which, with his farewell i was all he had to bequeath to his wife and child. Absence had renewed, 16 or rather doubled, all his fondness for the former, and portrayed her in all the wit. : had won his boyish affection. He talked of her while tin- ran down his cheeks, and conjured me, if e\er I reached England, to find her out, and make known her case 20 to his father. In vain, while I pledged my word to the fulfilment of his wishes, I endeavored to cheer him with better hopes. He listened in mournful silence to all I could suggest ; flung his arms round my neck ; wrung my hand, and we I saw him I 25 It was during the hottest part of the next and terrible day, when with a noise that drowned even tin- T-* the artillery, Sir William I'onsonby's brigade dashed past our hollow square, bearing' in in t tremendous charge, the flower of Napoleon's chr. 30 Far ahead even of his national regiment, I saw the manly figure of my friend. It was but for a nmn: next instant he was fighting in the centre of the enemy's squadrons ; and the clouds of smoke, that closed in masses Ex. 41.] EXERCISES. PART II. 151 round friend and foe, hid him from my view. When 35 the battle was over, and all was hushed but the groans of the wounded, and the triumphant shouts and rolling drums of the victorious Prussians, who continued the pursuit during the entire of the night, I quitted the shattered re- mains of the gallant regiment in whose ranks I had that 40 day the honor of standing. The moon was wading through scattered masses of dark and heavy clouds, when I commenced my search for my friend. The light was doubtful and uncertain ; yet it was easy to keep along the track that marked the last career of Ponsonby. 45 Shuddering, lest in every face I should recognize my friend, I passed by, and sometimes trod upon the cold and motionless heaps, which now looked so unlike the " fiery masses of living valor" that a few hours before, had commingled, with a concussion more dreadful than 50 the earthquake's shock. Although I at first felt a certain conviction of his fate, I afterwards began to hope that the object of my search had, Contrary to his prediction, survived the terrible encounter. I was about to retire, when a heap of slain, in a ploughed field, on which the 55 moon was now shining clearly, attracted my notice. Literally piled on each other, were the bodies of five cuirassiers; and lying beneath his horse was the dead body of my friend. You may form some idea of my as- tonishment, on finding, by a nearer inspection, that his 60 head was supported and his neck intwined by the arms of a female, from whom also the spirit had taken its de- parture ; but you can form no conception of the horror I felt at beholding, in this scene of carnage and desola- tion, in the very arms of death, and on the bosom of a 65 corpse, a living infant, sleeping calmly, with the moon- beam resting on its lovely features, and a smile playing on its lips, as if angels were guarding its slumbers, and inspiring its dreams ! And who knows but perhaps they were ? The conviction now flashed on my mind, that 70 these were the wife and child of my unfortunate friend ; and the letters we afterwards found on the person of the former, proved that I was right in my conjecture. Driv- en aside by the gale of pleasure or ambition, or by the storms of life, the affections of man may veer ; but un- 75 changeable and unchanging is a true heart in woman, " She loves, and loves forever." This faithful wife had 132 I-ART u. [Ex. 41 followed h'T husband through a land of strangers, and over the pathless sea; through tin- crowded city and the hustling camp, till sin- found him stretcli.-d <,n the 80 battle field. Perhaps M in time to i parting sigh, and her spirit, (juitting its uorn-out tene- ment of clay, winded Him \v ho gave them being. With the assistance' of smne of my com- rades, I consigned this hapless pair to the earth, wrapped 85 in the same military cloak ; and enveloping the infant, this dear child of my adoption, in my plaid, I returned t.. the spot where our regiment lay. 42. The Righteous never forsaken. NEW YORK SPECTATOR. It was Saturday night, and the widow of the Pine Cottage sat by her blazing fagots, with her five ta children at her side, mg, by listening to the artlessness of their prattle, to dissipate the heavy gloom that pressed upon her mind. For a year, her own hands had provided for her helpless family, for she had no supporter: she thought of no friend in all the wide, unfriendly world around. Hut that mysterious Provi- dence, the wisdom of whose ways are above human com- 10 prehension, had visited her with wasting sickness, and her little means had become 1. It was now, too, mid-winter, and the snow lay heavy and deep through all the surroundii . while storms Mill seemed gathering in the heavens, and the driving wind roared 15 amidst the hounding pines and rocked her puny man- sion. The last lu-rri: 1 up<-n t her ; it was the only at 1 she possessed, and no won- der her forlorn. d< brought up in her lone bo- 20 som all the hen shr 1. Hiked upon her children . vr, forlorn as she \\ suffered tin- vspairtori i.ough she knew tii.. is lo the widow and to the word. Providence had 25 many years . her her eldest son, who went from hi- hi> fortune on the high sea- hich sh heard no note or tidings of him ; Ex. 42.] EXERCISES. PART II. 153 and in later time, had, by the hand of death, deprived her of the companion and staff of her earthly pilgrimage, 30 in the person of her husband. Yet to this hour she had been upborne : she had not only been able to provide for her little flock, but had never lost an opportunity of ministering to the wants of the miserable and destitute. The indolent may well bear with poverty, while the 35 ability to gain sustenance remains. The individual who has but his own wants to supply, may suffer with forti- tude the winter, of want ; his affections are not wounded, his heart not wrung. The most desolate in populous cities may hope, for charity has not quite closed her hand 40 and heart, and shut her eyes on misery. But the indus- trious mother of helpless and depending children far from the reach of human charity, has none of these to console her. And such an one was the widow of the Pine Cottage ; but as she bent over the fire, and took 45 up the last scanty remnant of food, to spread before her children, her spirits seemed to brighten up, as by some sudden and mysterious impulse, and Cowper's beautiful lines came uncalled across her mind Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace ; Behind a frowning Providence He hides a smiling face. The smoked herring was scarcely laid upon the table, when a gentle rap at the door, and loud barking of a 55 dog, attracted the attention of the family. The children flew to open it, and a weary traveler, in tattered gar- ments, and apparently indifferent health, entered, and begged a lodging, and a mouthfnl of food ; said he, " it is now twenty-four hours since I tasted bread." The 60 widow's heart bled anew as under a fresh complication of distresses ; for her sympathies lingered not round her fireside. She hesitated not even now ; rest and share of all she had she proffered to the stranger. " We shall not be forsaken ;" said she, " or suffer deeper for an act of 65 charity." The traveler drew near the board but when he saw the scanty fare, he raised his eyes towards Heaven with astonishment " and is this all your store ?" said he " and a share of this do you offer to one you know not ? 70 then never saw I charity before ! But, madam," said he, 154 XlKtClSBd. PART II. [Ex. 42, 43. continuing, "do you n<>t wroo^jumr '-.' - ) a part of your last mouthful the poor widow, and the tear drops gu.>hed into her eyes as she said it, " 1 have a boy, a 76 on the face of the wide world. . has taken him away, and I only act i I would that others should act towards him. (iod, who sent manna from heaven, can pn>\ did fur Israel and how should I this night oilVnd him, if inv son >houl: 80 wanderer, destitute a* y-u, and he should have provided for him-Jl home, <\-n p-..ir as this turn you unrelie\ed away." :i, u with her dutiful son, in the 95 enjoyment of worldly plenty, and in the delightful em- ployments of virtue ; and at this day the passer by is pointed to the willow that spreads its branches above her gravr. To Printers. FIRHRR AMES. n<-w>p:i| market, as much a.s any othT. Th- den ! the tV| fi multiply upon us surprint to lie feared. Will not ! is not loathsome or short A to be very lean and < prodigies or i 10 bi: Ex. 43.] EXERCISES. PART II. 155 Some of these tales excite horror, and others disgust ; yet the fashion reigns, like a tyrant, to relish wonders, and almost to relish nothing else. Is this a reasonable taste ; or is it monstrous and worthy of ridicule ? Is the 15 history of Newgate the only one worth reading? Are oddities only to be hunted ? Pray tell us, men of ink, if our free presses are to diffuse information, and we, the poor ignorant people, can get it no other way than by newspapers, what knowledge we are to glean from the 20 blundering lies, or the tiresome truths about thunder storms, that, strange to tell ! kill oxen or burn barns ! The crowing of a hen is supposed to forebode cuck- oldom ; and the ticking of a little bug in the wall threatens yellow fever. It seems really as if our news- 25 papers were busy to spread superstition. Omens, and dreams, and prodigies, are recorded, as if they were worth minding. One would think our gazettes were intended for Roman readers, who were silly enough to make account of such things. We ridicule the papists 30 for their credulity ; yet, if all the trumpery of our papers is believed, we have little right to laugh at any set of people on earth ; and if it is not believed, why is it printed ? Surely, extraordinary events have not the best title to 35 our studious attention. To study nature or man, we ought to know things that are in the ordinary course, not the unaccountable things that happen out of it. This country is said to measure seven hundred mill- ions of acres, and it is inhabited by almost six millions 40 of people. Who can doubt, then, that a great many crimes will be committed, and a great many strange things will happen every seven years ? There will be thunder showers, that will split tough white-oak trees ; and hail storms, that will cost some farmers the full 45 amount of twenty shillings to mend their glass windows ; there will be taverns, and boxing matches, and elections, and gouging, and drinking, and love, and murder, and running in debt, and running away, and suicide. Now, if a man supposes eight, or ten, or twenty dozen of these 50 amusing events will happen in a single year, is he not just as wise as another man, who reads fifty columns of amazing particulars, and, of course, knows that they have happened ? 156 I-AKT if. [Ex. 43, 44. This state has almost one hundred thousand dwelling 55 houses ; it would be strange, if all of them should escape fire for twelve months. Vet is it very |irotilable for a man to UT..HH- ;i deep student of all the accidents, by which they are c< i^ood care of his chimney corner, and put a fender before the back- log belore lie goes to bed. Ha\ing done this, he may let hi-. aunt or grandmother read by day, or meditate by night, the terrible newspaper articles of fires. Some of the shocking articles in the papers raise sim- ple, and very simple, wonder ; some, terror ; and some, 65 horror and disgust. Now what instruction is there in these endless wonders? Who is the wiser or hafpitr for reading the account n? On the contrary, do they not shock tender minds, and addle shallow brains? nan this happens; for some e<-<-mii.- minds are 70 turned to mischief by sucli account-, a.s they receive, of troops of incendiaries burning our cities: the spirit of imitation is contagious ; and boys are found unaccount- abl\ do as men do. \\'hen the man flew from the steeple of the North church fifty years ago, every 76 unlucky boy thought of nothing but flying from a sign- post. EXERCISE 44. Washington. PIERPOXT. (The following original hymn was sung at the celebration on the 22ml of February, in th- <>I,1 South Charch. Boston.] To thee, beneath whose eye, ;i circling century Obedient : Our nation, in it- prime, Look'd with a faith sublime, And n ii-ied in " the time That tried men's souls " When, from this t^itr of heaven,* People and ] ri< -; were drr. (1 sword, Thr OM South ( 'linrrh waa taken powMBon of by the Hritisli. whiU 1.1 Boston, and converted into barracks for the cavalry, the pew being cut up for fuel, or used in constructing lUlIt for the hone*. Ex. 44, 45.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 157 And, where thy saints had pray'd, The harness'd war-horse neigh'd, And horsemen's trumpet bray'd In harsh accord. Nor was our father's trust, Thou Mighty One and Just. Then put to shame : " Up to the hills" for light, Look'd they in peril's night, And, from yon guardian height,* Deliverance came. There, like an angel form, Sent down to still the storm, Stood WASHINGTON ! Clouds broke and roll'd away ; Foes fled in pale dismay ; Wreath'd were his brows with bay. When war was done. God of our sires and sons, Let other Washingtons Our country bless, And, like the brave and wise Of by-gone centuries, Show that true greatness lies In righteousness. EXERCISE 45. Miserable case of a Weaver. BELL'S MESSENGER. A very worthy poor weaver applied to his master about three weeks since, begging earnestly for work, stating that he was in great want, and Avould thankfully do any thing for the means .of supporting his existence. 5 His master assured him he did not want any more goods, his stock being very heavy, without any sale, and that he could not give out more work to any one. The man pressed very much, and at length his master said, * From his position on " Dorchester Heights," that overlook the town, General Washington succeeded in compelling the British forces to evacu- ate Boston. 158 EXERCISES. IMKT II. [E\ " W.-li, .Jonathan, if it is absolutely necessary for you 10 to wea to prevent y>u from starving, I will let you have it. hut cannot -jive you more than 1*. for it, ('Ji. is the regular price,) for I really do not want any more goods made up for a long time to come." " Let m- have it, master. I he:,'," said the poor man, 15 " whatever you pay me for it, pray let me have it." The piece was given to him to weave, and at the end of two days he brought it home, and on carrying it to his master begged of him to give him 1*. 6te till JnnntJmn has had some. .her of us hive Irid anv tiling within our lips but - for the tv.'n davs we v. ing your piece : and I thought it . anv thi: - so long since we ' food ; le. : firxt." The up to hor busbar. finding that he could not prevail on her to touch the gruel, was obliged to tell her that her hushand WE* dead. nan set d" ~:n of gruel, sunk on the f0 floor, and in. red. 159 EXERCISES. PART II. [Ex. 46. EXERCISE 46. The Tomb of Washington. ANONYMOUS. PART I. We thought to gallop to Mount Vernon, but the chance of missing the way, and the tiresomeness of a gig, induced us to take a hackney coach. Accordingly we took possession, and ordered it on with all convenient 6 dispatch. But haste was out of the question ; for never was worse road than that to Mount Vernon. Still, in the season of foliage, it may be a romantic route. As it was, we saw nothing to attract the eye, save a few seats, scattered among the hills, and occupying some pictu- 10 resk eminences. On we went and yet onward through all variety of riding ; hill and vale, meadow and woodland, until a sheet of water began to glimmer through the dim trees, and announce our approach again to the Potomac. In a few moments, a turn in the wild and un- 15 even road brought us in view of the old mansion-house of Washington. We drove to the entrance of the old gateway, and alighted in the midst of what appeared to be a little village, so numerous and scattered were the buildings. About those which we first came upon, there 20 was an air of dilapidation and neglect that was rather unpromising. They were of brick, and devoted to the lower menial purposes of the place. As we advanced, the houses that covered the grounds had a neater ap- pearance ; and when we came in view of the edifice, of 25 which all these were the outworks or appendages, we were at once struck with the simple beauty of the struc- ture, and the quiet and secluded loveliness of its situa- tion. The roof is crowned with a little cupola or steeple, a common thing upon the old seats of rich pro- 30 prietors of Virginia, and the building itself is two stories in hight. The portion nearest the river, and which is fronted with a light piazza, is an addition which was made to the mansion by the general. By this arrange- ment the beauty of the whole must have been much in- 35 creased. The style of the work, and the painting, have the effect of a freestone front ; and though there is noth- ing imposing or grand in the appearance of the house, still there is an air of substance and comfort about it, that after all is far more satisfying than magnificence. Send- 40 ing in our cards, bv an old servant, we were soon in- 160 EXRKCUEd FART II. [Ex. 46. vited to enter. Not having letters to Mr. W. the present proprietor, who is n>w \. TV ill, we did not expect to aee any of the family. A servant accordingly, at our re- quest, merely accompanied us through the rooms made 45 interesting by the hallowed associations that can. :i us as we traveled them. In tin- hall orentiv, hangs, in a glass case, the key of the I .. in. h every body has heard of. It was presented to Wa-h- iiiLTton by La: l'nd-r it is a picture .l" ti, , 50 nowned fortress. This key i> by no means formidable for its size, being about as large as a bank key, and of a shape by no means mysterious enough fur a disserta- tion. The only curious portion of it, is that grasped by the hand in turning. It is solid and of an oval shape, 55 and appeared to me, for I always love to be curious in these matters. to have been broken, on a time, and then soldered or 1 fin. It probably had some hard wrenches in its day. On the whole it appeared to be a very amiable key, and by no means equal to all the turns 60 it must have seen in the Revolution. We ^ hown into a small room, which was set apart as the study of Washington. Here lie was wont to transact all his business of his retirement. It was hung with pictures and en^ravini^ of revolutionary 05 events ; and among the miniatures was one of himself, said to be the best likeness ever taken. Another room was shown us, which had nothing remarkable about it, and we then passed into a larger one, finished with great taste, and containing a portrait of .lud^e \\ 70 A beautiful organ stood in the corner, and the fireplace was adorned by a mantel of m..st splendid workmanship. in bass-relief. It is of Italian marble, and was presented to Washington \>\ . Th p.irt <>f <>ur \, -it was soon over. There was little to see in the house, and 75 the portions referred to weir- all to which we were admit- ted. I could not help admiring, however, the neatness and air of antiquity i which distinguished the several rooms through whi<-h we passed. Ti.. re was something, ;iKo, fanciful in their at raii'jemi lit, that \\ as 80 quite pleasing to my uore so than the mathe- ical exactness of modern and mor< Passing from the house. .-id m ^lectcd path- way, and then over a little broken, but alread ground, we came to an open space, nnd found ourselves Ex. 46.] EXERCISES. PART II. 161 85 standing before the humble tomb of*Greorge Washington. It was a happy moment to visit the spot. There was something in the time, fortunate for the feelings. The very elements seemed in accordance with the season. The day was beautiful the sunlight was streaming full 90 upon the trees round about, and glowing witli a mellow beam upon the grave ; the place was quiet and imbo- somed, and the only sound that we heard, save that of our own hearts, was the voice of the wind through the pines, or of the waters as they broke upon the shore be- 95 low us. Who can analyze his feelings as he stands before that sepulchre ! Who can tell the story of his associa- tions, or do any justice by his tongue or his pen to the emotions which the memories of the past awaken there ! The history of a whole country is overpowering him at 100 once. Its struggle its darkness its despair its vic- tory rush upon him. Its gratitude, its glory, and its loss, pass before him and in a few moments he lives through an age of interest and wonder. Strange power of human mind ! What an intimation does this rapid communion 105 with the past, and with the spirits of the past, give, at once, of their immortality and our own ! But it is vain to follow out these feelings here. They would fill volumes. PART II. There is no inscription upon the tomb. The simple words "WASHINGTON FAMILY," chiseled in granite, sur- mount the plain brick work. The masonry was originally wretched, and the plaster is now falling from it. The 5 door is well secured, and of iron. There is a total ab- sence of every thing like parade or circumstance about the resting-place of the Hero. He sleeps there in the midst of the very simplicities of mrture. Laurel trees wave over his dust, on every side, and the pilgrim who goes to 10 stand by his grave, finds no careful inclosure to forbid his too near approach. In short, Washington rests in an obscurity just that obscurity which he would have chosen, but which seems hardly compatible with the vast gratitude and deep reverence of a great country. 15 As we were standing upon this spot, a couple of span- iels came bounding along, and following close, was an old servant of the family, and formerly a slave of Wash- ington. On examining him, we found he was born on the place, and recollected his master, and all he said; 162 EXEECISE*. PART II. [Ex. 46, 47 20 with great dibtiactn- M Jit- was a very aged negro, and quite gi I found then- was sometlii ;athered from ancient of the family and acconlin: ing upon the broken LT.II-, which swun^ In-fore the door of the old tomb, put him in the train, " In front of the new grave-place, yonder," said he, " lie buried a hundred people of color." These, it seenx -d, were slaves of the plantation, who from time to time had died here. He spok- of the ^reut kindness of Washing- 30 ton, and his emancipating a hundred of his people. His wife did the same," added he. There were now, he said, but about fifteen attached to the establishment. Passing from one thing to another without much connec- tion, he went on to-.- .M_' t<- Washington "I 35 never see that man lau^h to t-ho.. !i he done all hi$ laughing inside." This I thought worth a page of description. We then recurred to Lafr -it in 1825. " We were obliged to tote him all about," sai.l he by which I understood that the general was so over- 40 come, that he was literally supported by the arms of at- U-ndants. I inquired how h- appeared at the tomb. "He cried like a little infant." "Did he go in?" I asked. " yes he went in, sir alone and he made a in'njhty long talk tficre but I don't know what it was 45 about." All these little things were jewels. I loved to hear such simple narrations, from such a source, and it was with reluctance I turned awav, after gathering a relic or two, and followed our old guide up to the house again. But we had seen all that we could see, and after 60 glancing at the garden and greenhouse, which appeared in all the coming beauty "f spring, and turning one more ni.-lanrholy gaze upon the Cluster of buildings, which had once been improved \,\ tin- icn-nt One who now slept in their shadow, we entered our carriage, and rode slowly .y from Mount Vernon. r.xr.unsK -n. Dtttruction of t - of Jerusalem, by fire, under Titus. Mm lli i.f August, the day already darkened in the Jewish calendar by the destruction of the former Ex. 47.] EXERCISES. PART II. . 163 temple, by the King of Babylon : it was almost passed. Titus withdrew again into Antonia; intending the next 5 morning to make a general assault. The quiet summer evening came on ; the setting sun shone for the last time on the snow-white walls, and glistening pinnacles of the temple roof. Titus had retired to rest ; when suddenly a wild and terrible cry was heard, and a man came 10 rushing in, announcing that the temple was on fire. Some of the besieged, notwithstanding the repulse in the morning, had sallied out to attack the men who were busily employed in extinguishing the fires about the cloisters. The Romans not merely drove them back, 15 but entering the sacred space with them, forced their way to the temple. A soldier, without orders, mounted on the shoulders of one of his comrades, threw a blazing brand into a gilded small door, on the north side of the chambers, in the outer building or porch. The flames 20 sprung up at once. The Jews uttered one simultaneous shriek, and grasped their swords with a furious determi- nation of revenging and perishing in the ruins of the temple. Titus rushed down with the utmost speed ; he shouted, he made signs to his soldiers to quench the 25 fires ; his voice was drowned, and his signs unnoticed, in the blind confusion. The legionaries either could not, or would not hear ; they rushed on, trampling each other down in their furious haste, or stumbling over the crumb- ling ruins, perished with the enemy. Each exhorted the 30 other, and each hurled his blazing brand into the inner part of the edifice ; and then hurried to the work of car- nage. The unarmed and defenceless people were slain in, thousands ; they lay heaped, like sacrifices, round the altar ; the steps of the temple ran with streams of blood, 35 which washed down the bodies that lay about. Titus found it impossible to check the rage of the sol- diery ; he entered with his officers, and surveyed the in- terior of the sacred edifice. The splendor filled them with wonder; and as the flames had not yet penetrated 40 to the holy place, he made a last effort to save it, and springing forth, again exhorted the soldiers to stay the progress of the conflagration. The centurion Liberalis endeavored to enforce obedience with his staff of office ; but even respect for the Emperor gave way to the furi- 45 ous animosity against the Jews, to the fierce excitement 164 KXEKCI8E9 PAET II. [Ex. 47. of battle, and to tin- insatiable hope <,f plunder. Tin- soldiers saw every tiling around them radiant with gold, which .shone da/./.lingly in tin- wild light of tin- llanio : they supposed that incalculable treas-. laid up in 60 the sanctuary. A soldier, unp-p-i-i\.-d. thrust a lighted torcli between the hinges of tin- door; (he whole build- ing was in Humes in an instant. The blinding - fire forced the oflicers to retreat ; ami the liable edifice was left to its fate. PART II. It was an appalling spectacle to the Roman what was it to the Jew? The whole summit of the hill, which commanded the city, blazed like a volcano. One after another the buildings fell in, with a tn-niem! 5 and were swallowed up in the fiery aby>-. The r cedar were like sheets of flame ; the gilded pinnacles shone like spikes of red light; the gate towers sent up tall columns of flame and smoke. Tl. Ting hills were lighted up; and dark group* of people were 10 seen watching in horrible, anxiety tin- progress of the destruction : the walls and heights of the upper city were crowded with face-,, some pale with the agony of de- others scowling unavailing vengeance. The shouts of the Roman soldiery, as they ran to and fro, and the bowlings 15 of the insurgent:, who were perishing in the l lames, mingled with the roaring of the conflagration and the thundering sound of falling timbers. The echoes of the mountains replied, or brought back the shrieks of the people on the bights: all along the walls, resound, d 20 screams and -men, who were with famine, rallied their remaining strength to utter a cry of anguish and desolation. liter within v, .idful than from without. Men and women, old and 25 youii nts and who fought and those who eiiirv.-ued jiieiv\. wire hewn down in indis- criminate carnage. 'H that of the id to cla: 30 tion. John, al iris troop- way through, first into the outer court of tl. afterwards into th< . v. Some of the priesta Ex. 47, 48.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 165 upon the roof wrenched off the gilded spikes, with their sockets of lead, and used them as missiles against the 35 Romans below. Afterwards they fled to a part of the wall, about fourteen feet wide : they were summoned to surrender ; but two of them, Mair, son of Belgo, and Joseph, son of Dalia, plunged headlong into the flames. No part escaped the fury of the Romans. The treas- 40 uries, with all their wealth of money, jewels, and costly robes the plunder which the zealots had laid up were totally destroyed. Nothing remained but a small part of the outer cloister, in which 6000 unarmed and defence- less people, with women and children, had taken refuge. . These poor wretches, like multitudes of others, had been led up to the temple by a false prophet, who had pro- claimed that God commanded all the Jews to go up to the temple, where he Avould display his Almighty power to save his people. The soldiers set fire to the building, 50 and every soul perished. EXERCISE 48. The Charnel Ship. CHARLESTON COURIER. 1 The night the long dark night at last Pass'd fearfully away. 'Mid crashing ice, and howling blast, They hail'd the dawn of day, Which broke to cheer the whaler's crew, And wide around its gray light threw. 2 The storm had ceased its wrath had rent The icy wall asunder And many a piercing glance they sent Around in awe and wonder And sailor hearts their rude praise gave, To God, that morn, from o'er the wave. 3 The breeze blew freshly, and the Sun Pour'd his full radiance far, On heaps of icy fragments won Sad trophies in the past night's war Of winds and waters and in piles, Now drifted by, bright shining Isles. 4 But lo ! still farther off appears A form more dim and dark ; 106 RCISE3 I'AKT 11. El. 48.] And anxious eyes, and hopes, and fears, Its slow, strange progress mark ; As it moves tow'rds them by tlie breeze Borne onward from more Northern Seas. 5 Near, and more near and can it be, (More vent'ruus than their uwn.) A Ship, whose seeming glm>t they see, Among those Icebergs thruwn ; With broken masts, dismantled all, And dark sails, like a funeral pall ? 6 ( ) " God of the Mariner ! protect Her inmates as she moves along, Through perils which, ere now, had wreck'd But that thine arm is strong." () Ha ! she has struck she grounds she stands Still as if held by giant hands. 1 " Quick, man the boat /" away they sprang, The stranger ship to aid ; And loud their hailing voices rang, And rapid speed they made : But all in silence, deep, unbroke, The vessel stood none answering spoke. g 'Twas fearful not a sound arose No moving thing was there, To interrupt the dread repose Which fill'd each heart with fear ; On deck they silent stepp'd, and sought, 'Till one, a man, their sad sight caught. f He was alone the damp, chill mould Of years hung on his cl. A pen in his hand had meekly told The tale n<> iWtv might speak : " Seventy days," the record stood, Had they been in the ice, and wanted food." 10 They took his book, and turn'd away, But soon discover'd where The wife, in her death-sleep, gently lay, ir him, in life most dear rt's pride. Long years before had calmly died. Ex. 48, 49.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 167 11 Oh, wedded love ! how beautiful, How pure a thing thou art : Whose influence even in death can rule, And triumph o'er the heart ; Can cheer life's roughest walk, and shed A holy light around the dead. 12 There was a solemn, sacred feeling Kindled in every breast ; And softly from the cabin stealing, They left" them to their rest The fair, the young, the constant pair, They left them with a blessing there : 13 And to their boat returning, each With thoughtful brows and haste, And o'ercharged hearts, too full for speech, Left 'midst the frozen waste, That Charnel Ship, which years before, Had sail'd from distant Albion's shore. 14 They left her in the icebergs, where Few venture to intrude ; A monument of death and fear, 'Mid Ocean's solitude ! And, grateful for their own release, Thank'd God, and sought their homes in peace. EXERCISE 49. Life. A Spanish Poem. EDINBURGH REVIEW. 1 Oh ! while we eye the rolling tide, Down which our flowing minutes glide Away so fast ; Let us the present hour employ, And deem each future dream a joy Already past. 2 Let no vain hope deceive the mind No happier let us hope to find, To-morrow than to-day ; Our golden dreams of yore were bright, Like them the present shall delight Like them decay. 108 r AKT ii. [Ex. 40, 60. 3 Our lives like ha.-ling streams must be, That into one ingulfing sea, An- doom'd to fall The sea of death, wlio>e waves roll on, O'er king and kingdom, crown and throne, And swallow all. 4 Alike the river's lordly I Alike the humble riv'lets glide To that sad v.i Death levels poverty and pride, And rich and poor sleep side by side Within tl 5 Our birth is but a starting place ; Life is the running of tin- i. And death the. goal ; There all those glittering toys are brought, That path alone, of all unsought, Is found of nil. 6 Say then, how poor and little worth Are all those glittering toys of earth, That lure us here ? Dreams of a sleep that death must break, Alas ! before it bids us wake, Ye disappear ! EXERCISE 60. Death and the Drunkard. ANONYMOUS. His form was fair, his check was health ; His word a bond, his pur ilth ; With wheat his field was cover'd o'er, 1'lcnty sat smiling at his door. His wile the fount of ceaseless j"V ; How laugh'd his daughter, play'd his boy ', His library, though i Till half its coi At morn 'twas health, wealth, pure delight, 'Twas health, \\ealdi, p.-a. s at night; I wish'd not to disturb liis bliw Tis gone ! but all the fault WM hi*. 50. J EXERCISES. PART II. 169 2 The social glass I saw him seize, The more with festive wit to please, Daily increase his love of cheer Ah, little thought he / was near ! Gradual indulgence on him stole, Frequent became the midnight bowl. I in that bowl the licadache placed, Which, with the juice, his lips embraced. Shame next I mingled with the draught ; Indignantly he drank and laugh'd. 3 In the bowl's bottom bankruptcy I placed he drank with tears and glee. Remorse did I into it pour ; He only sought the bowl the more. I mingled next joint torturing pain Little the less did he refrain. The dropsy in the cup I mix'd ; Still to his mouth the cup was fix'd. My emissaries thus in vain I sent the mad wretch to restrain. 4 On the bowl's bottom then myself I threw ; the most abhorrent elf Of all that mortals hate or dread ; And thus in Sorrid whispers said " Successless ministers I've sent, Thy hastening ruin to prevent ; Their lessons nought then here am I ; Think not my threat'nings to defy. Swallow this, this thy last 'twill be, For with it thou must swallow me" 5 Haggard his eyes, upright his hair, Remorse his lips, his cheeks despair, With shaking hand the bowl he clasp'd, My meatless limbs his carcass grasp'd And bore it to the church-yard where Thousands, ere I would call, repair. 6 Death speaks ah, reader, dost thou hear ? Hast thou no lurking cause to fear ? Has not o'er thee the sparkling bowl Constant, commanding, sly control 1 170 EXKRCI8KS. PAET II. [Ex. 50, 51. Betimes reflect, betimes beware Though ruddy, lit althful now and fair, Before slow reason lose the sway, Reform postponed another day, Too soon may mix with comi; KXKKCISi: 51. Tht Playue in Lomlon. KOIUKI In its malignancy, it engrossed the ill of all other mala- dies, and made doctors despicable. Of a potency equal to death, it possessed itself of all his armories, Mid was itself the death of every other mortal distemper. The 5 touch, yea, the \ of the infected, was deadly; and its signs were so sudden, that families seated in hap- piness at their meals, have seen th<- plague spot begin to redden, and have wildly scattered themselves forever. The cement of society was dissolved by it. Mothers, 10 when they saw the sign- of the infection on the babes at their bosom, cast them from them with abhorrence. Wild places were sought for shelter ; some went into ships and anchored themselves afar off on the waters. But the angel that was pouring the vi^l had a foot on the 15 sea, as well as on the dry land. No place was so wild, that the plague did not visit none so secret, that the quick-sighted pestilence did not discover, none could fly that it did not overtake. It was as if Heaven had, repented the making of man- 20 kind, and was shoveling them all into the sepulchre. Justice was forgotten.^and her courts deserted. The terrified jailers fled from the felons that Were in fetters the innocent and the guilty leagued themselves together, and kept within t! .Trass grew 25 in the mark Me went moaning up and down tl of their ;>e,rs; the rooks and the ravens came into the towns, and built th'-ir nests in the mute belfries ; silence was universal, save when s<>me infected wretch was seen 30 clamoring at a window. Fora time all commerce was in coffins and shrouds; Ex. 51.] KXERCISKS. PART II. 171 but even that ended. Shrift there was none; churches and chapels were open, but neither priest nor peni- tent entered ; all went to the charnel house. The sex- 85 ton and the physician were cast into the same deep and wide grdve ; the testator and his heirs and executors were hurled from the same cart into the same hole to- gether. Fire became extinguished, as if it* element too had expired : the seams of the sailorless ship yawn- 40 ed to the sun. Though doors were open, and coffers unwatched, there was no theft; all offences ceased, and no calamity but the universal woe of the pestilence was heard among men. The wells overflowed, and the con- duits ran to waste ; the dogs banded themselves together, 45 having lost their masters, and ran howling over all the land ; horses perished of famine in their stalls ; old friends but looked at one another when they met, keeping them- selves far aloof ; creditors claimed no debts, and courtiers performed their promises ; little children went wander- 50 ing up and down, and numbers were seen dead in all corners. Nor was it only in England that the plague so raged : it traveled over a third part of -the whole earth, like the shadow of an eclipse, as if some dreadful thing had been interposed between the world and the sun- 55 source of life. * * * At that epoch, for a short time, there was a silence, and every person in the street, for a moment stood still ; London was as dumb as a church-yard. Again the sound of a bell was heard ; for it was that sound, so 60 long unheard, which arrested the fugitive multitude, and caused their silence. At the third toll a universal shout arose, as when the herald proclaims the tidings of a great battle won, and then there was a second silence. The people fell on their knees, and with anthems of 65 thankfulness rejoiced in the dismal sound of that tolling death-bell ; for it was a signal of the plague being so abated that men might again mourn for their friends, and hallow their remains with the solemnities of burial. i.*. - FAT 11 [E.t. M. sa. Battle of Borodino. A .\osvnots. The niu'ht passed slowly over the wakeful heads of the impatient combatants. The- morning of the 7th of September at length broke. and thousands beheld the dawn for the last time. The moment was arrived, when 5 the dreadful discharge of two thousand cannon was to break th- of expectation, and arouse at once all the horrors of war. General as the attack seemed, the corps of rrintv Narration had to sustain the accumulat id weight of nearly half the Krem-h array; and the de- 10 termination shown by its cavalry was BO desperate, that they charged up to the mouth of the Russian guns. Whole regiments of them, both horses and men, were swept down by the cannon shot; and all along the front of Bagration's line, arose a breast-work of dead and dy- 15 ing. Napoleon ordered up 6fty additional pieces of ar- tillery, and a fresh division of infantry, with several reg- iments of dragooi new force rushed on, over the bodies of their fallen countrymen, and did not allow themselves to be cheeked until they reached the para- 20 pets of the Russian works. Their vigorous onset over- turned with 6erce sla that opposed them, and obliged ri to fall back nearer to the second lin-' ! the army. The rage < :t this cri- sis i- f>od. The thunder of a thousand _25 pieces of artillery was answered by the discharge of an eqnal number on the part of the Russians. A veil of smoke shut out the c s from the sun, and left them no other light t work of death than the flashes of musketry, which blazed in every 30 The sabres of 40,000 dragoons met each other, and clashed in the horrid gloom ; and the bristling poi: countless bay the rolling vapor, strewed the earth with heaps of si Such was the scene for an extent of many wersts, aad 85 the dreadful con : without cessation until the darkness of the night. This closed that memorable day, and with it terminated thousand human beings. The horses which lay on the ground, from right to left, numbered full 25,000. Ex. 93, 98,] EXERtSE3. PART II. 178 40 The next day, says Labaume, very early in the room- ing, we returned to the field of battle. In the space of a square league, almost every spot was covered with the killed and wounded. On many places, the bursting of the shells had promiscuously heaped together men and 45 horses. But the most horrid spectacle was the interior of the ravines , almost all the wounded, who were able to drag themselves along, had taken refuge there, to avoid the shot. These miserable wretches, heaped one upon an- 50 other, and almost suffocated with blood, uttering the most dreadful groans, and invoking death with piercing cries, eagerly besought us to put an end to their tor- ments. EXERCISE 53. Shipwreck. FREDERICKSBURG ARENA. In the winter of 1825 Lieutenant G , of the United States Navy, with his beautiful wife (the most lovely female my eyes- ever beheld) and infant child, embarked in a packet at Norfolk, bound to South Caro- 5 lina. 'Tis true the weather was extremely cold, but as the wind was favorable, this mode of getting to their friends was not considered more hazardous, than the same trip by stages through the swamps and sands of the Carolinas. Besides, the vessel in which they sailed 10 was a well known and popular trader, and had never encountered an accident in making her numerous voy- ages. For the first day and night after their departure, the wind continued fair, and the weather clear ; but on the evening of the second day, they being then in sight 15 of the coast of North Carolina, a severe gale sprung up from the northward and westward, and towards mid- night, the Captain judging himself much farther from the land than he really was, and dreading the Gulf stream, hauled in for the coast ; but with the intention, it is 20 presumed, of lying to, when he supposed himself clear of the Gulf. Lieut. G did not approve of the Captain's determination to stand in for the land, and the result proved that his objections were well founded ; for about four A. M. the vessel grounded. Vain would it be 174 BXBHC13ES. PART II. E.X. 53. 25 to attempt a description of the horror which was depict- ed : .wt'ul shock, occa- sioned by tli fssel's bottom, was first rienced. The known only to those \\h 30 wrecked. None others can have a toforabfo ]<: what passed in the mi; <'r. whu were the un- d upon him for who were . louder than ti .id which no human j could afford them? Hi- "it" and child! <>' 1 60 rending agony! But why attempt to describe what few- can imagine! Tl. amplification. In a word, then, th- hich rr>uld be got at was n Mrs. (i and child, and its nuix-.w. into it 65 it was the thought The too much. Mr. G saw thk and knew that tho addition of himself would diminish the chances Ex. 58, 54.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 175 of the boat reaching the shore "in safety ; and much as he deplored the necessity horrible as was the alterna- 70 tive he himself gave the order ; " Push off, and make for the land, my brave lads !" the lost words which ever passed his lips ! The order was obeyed ; but ere the little boat had proceeded fifty yards, (about half the - distance to the beach,) it was struck on the quarter by a 75 roller, capsized, and boat, passengers, and all, enveloped, for a time, in the angry surge ! The wretched husband saw but too distinctly what seemed to be the destruc- tion of all that he held dear ! But here, alas, and for- ever, were shut out from him all sublunary prospects ! 80 He fell upon the deck powerless senseless A CORPSE ! the victim of a sublime sensibility ! But what became of the unhappy wife and child ? The answer shall be brief ; Mrs. G was borne through the breakers to the shore, by one of the brave sailors ; the nurse was 85 thrown upon the beach, with the drowned infant grasped in her arms. The nurse survived. Mrs. G was taken to a hut senseless continued delirious many days, but finally recovered her senses, and with them a con- sciousness of the awful catastrophe which in a moment 90 made her A CHILDLESS WIDOW. EXERCISE 54. The Bucket. A Cold Water Song. WOODWORTH. 1 How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood ! When fond recollection presents them to view ; The orchard, the meadow, the deep tangled wild-wood, And every loved spot which my infancy knew : The wide-spreading pond, and the mill that stood by it, The bridge, and the rock where the cataract fell ; The cot of my father, the dairy-house nigh it, And e'en the rude bucket which hung in the well : The old oaken bucket the iron-bound bucket The moss-cover'd bucket which hung in the well. 2 That moss-covcr'd vessel I hail as a treasure For often at noon, when return'd from the field, I found it the source of an exquisite pleasure, The purest and sweetest that nature can yield. 176 t \LRCISK3. fABT II. [Kx. 1 How ardent I seized it with hands that were glowing, And (juii-k t-> th<- white pebbled lxtt<>rn it : Then .soon, with tin- -mblena of truth overflowing, And dripping with coolness, it r -U : The old oaken bucket th- imn-U.mnd bucket The-moss cover'd bucket arose from the well. 3 How sweet from the green mossy brim to receive it, As poised on .1 to my 1: Not a full, blushing g- I tempt me to leave il, Though fill'd with the nectar that Jupiter sips. And now, far removed from that loved situation, The tear of regret will intrusively swell, As fancy reverts to my father's plantation, And sighs for the bucket which hangs in the well : The old oaken bucket the iron-bound bucket The moss-cover'd bucket, which bangs in the well. EXERCISE 55. Anecdote of Judge Marshall. WINCHESTER REPFBLICAN. It is not long since a gentleman was traveling in one of the counties of Virginia, and about the close of the day stopped at a public' house, to obtain refreshment and spend the night, lie had been there but a short time, 5 before an old man alighted from his gig, with the apparent intention of becoming his fellow- he same house. As the old mun drove up, he observed that both the shafts of bis gig were broken, and that they were held to^< by withes formed from the bark of a hickory sapling. 10 Our traveler observed further, that he was plainly clad, that his kn .uid that something lik^ negligence pervaded his dress. Con ..into be one of the \\\. \r land, the court sies of strangers passe.; them, ami tl 15 the tavern. It was about the same time that an addition of t 5 made to their num- ber mo --m, of tli- 1- As soon as they the OOttYeiMtioa was turned bv on.- of the latter upon 20 an eloquent harangue which ha i<> view the glittering prize, and exciting my obtaining it. i was not disappointi-d -nil of my pur ii although a curse involuntarily luirst from my lip- i h'r.-t learned it. 1 hardly thought of drawing a high pri/c, yet the possibili: _( .-o fortunate kept my mind iu a constant, bin nt. I was a \ man then, and could ill afford to lose the cost <>; 1Q tickn. Howevi-r, I comforted myself with the reflec- tion, that experience must be paid for. I also made a d ! rmination that I would not be so foolish again. I kept it unbroken for >i\ months : yet all that time - was a whispering in my ear " try . ' J'irtHiuttt .' 1; ms and I obeyed it. I Ixai-iit part of a ticket and v live hundred. J had pre\i-iu*ly to this, being in a good situation, and with every i "f doing well in the world, engaged myself : ,. rti-n, a young lady 20 who liad long possessed my She was one no, 1 >\ill not, I ran not speak of her as she was. Well, shortly after my --..>d fortum I should .-ay mi.yvrtunr 1 married her. I was considerably d with my lii-'k, and Heated ~ freely. 1'j no( urg. t ,-, I ueii; O1 ding to return in tl .n hour. Un house, I passed a ! 30 uj'. and in the wr schemes of chance, and im pun base. 1 had tried my lurk siiu-e my maniage. and had Ljiven up it [ p i>-ed by the \siin! office my lollowing, in illuminated letters 35 and figures "$10,0' trill be heard from this Ex. 56.] EXERCISES. PART IF. 179' night. Tickets $5." I hesitated a moment, then walked on " Who knows but what I may get it ?" I said to myself. I stopped turned about still hesitat- ing "Try again," I heard, and retracing my steps, I 40 went into the office. A number of my acquaintances were sitting there smoking. The vender gave me a cigar, and after a while asked me if I should not like to try my luck in the lottery, which he was expecting every moment to hear from ; his clerk having gone out 45 to await the opening of the mail. So saying, he handed me out a package of quarters, which lie prevailed on me to take, and pay twenty-five dollars ; the price he sold them at. The clerk soon after came in with the list of the drawing ; and I left the office that evening, one 50 thousand dollars better off than when I entered. But where for ? For home ? No for the tavern ; all went for a treat. At midnight, I went home to my anxious, sleepless wife, in a fit of intoxication, This was her first experience. * * * 55 A week went by, and Eliza began to smile again. The excitement I was in that night, she admitted as an ex- cuse for my conduct. But she tenderly advised me, nay, on her knees, in the stillness of our chamber, every night she implored God to have me in his keeping, to pre- 60 serve me from temptation. I was ashamed of myself; and I solemnly swore to abstain altogether from tickets. - My wife was herself again. Months passed away ; a charge was intrusted to my keeping a holy charge. I was presented with a son. He took his father's name. 65 Thank God ! he will not bear his sorrows his shame ! I was happy as man need be for a year. Business pros- pered I enjoyed good health, and Avas blessed with a happy home, where all was peace. PART II. I said I was happy I was at times ; but there was a secret thirst within me for riches and yet I was not avaricious nor was I parsimonious. But the desire had been awakened the -hope had been encouraged, that, by 5 venturing little, much might be had : and although by lottery gambling, yet a burning thought of gain of gain by lotteries agitated me day and night. In the day time, when about my business, the thought that by ven- 180 BBRi-l^U". - f AB1 II. [El. 50. turning a few dollars 1 might draw enough to make me 10 independent -to allow me to live at ease, was uppermost in my mind; uud cu-ry night I received a large MUM -t" pri/.- n>n.-y. I strove to banish such desires from my mind ; but they haunted me like an e\il spirit. 15 About eighteen months after taking my oath, a grand tcheme was advertised to be drawn on a certain day in ray own town. 1 felt a strong propensity to try my luck attain. I was importuned by friends t> buy tickets the sche;- the- chance of success 20 was so great; but I thought <>t" the <>;ith I had taken, and was firm in my denial. The day of drawing drew nigh. \enderwho sold me the prize urged me t" take ;i few tickets I was also urgi'd ly 11 in tho presence of my wife, i'.ut 1 re>i>t<_-d it. She, tn, 25 me, said not a word she knew my oath was ]>' she knew that 1 remembered it, and she had o.nii denee in my keeping it sacred. She only gave a glance of pleasure, it may be triumph. ml me : my friend's invitation. That night 1 nat a par 30 ticular number would b- a fortunate out that I purchas- ed it, and it eame uj< the highest pri/.e. When I arose in the morning mv tirmne-,s was a little shaken it was tin- day of < : A friend came into my store in the forenoon, and me a parcel . . amongst 35 them 1 saw tlie numher of my m that day her : A.JS ,i curse to me; not that I 1 ; had < iianged but how could I stand before her. pcrjiir.-d as I was, and she tin- \vh; 'iiUing my iiinocenct hyw 45 could I without feeling my unhol. \ thousand times that forenoon did I resolve to seek my friend and .in him ; did I luvak them. heavily. Hut the prize, thought I, will chc-> to think paltry gold would reconcile bQ nn olfended (iod would buy oil' p:i. The lotler\ w.u drawn that afternoon. i ,;ng I sat Ex. 56.] EXERCfSES. PART II. 181 alone with my wife in her room. She was talking of the folly of some men, in not being contented with what they possessed, and for being ever on the search for more. 55 " How many hearts have been agitated wound up to the highest pitch, this afternoon, in hopes of drawing a prize," said she. What could I do ? I was there, and had to listen to her, although each word seemed like a burning coal at my heart. She continued , 60 "And how many have spent that, which should have gone for bread and clothing for their families and for what ? For a vain hope of obtaining more ! for a piece of mere colored paper! And think you, my husband, there have been no vows violated, no oaths broken this 65 afternoon ?" I made no answer, and she went on " If there are any such, and if they have been unfortunate, how bitter must be their disappointment, and how doubly keen their remorse ! Are you not, David, better pleased with yourself this evening for not buying tickets 70 allowing you had not pledged your oath not to med- dle with them than you would have been, had you pur- chased them and made money by it?" Thus did the woman talk to me, as though I were as pure and guilt- less as herself. She knew not that at the moment her 75 words were like daggers to my heart that at every mo- tion of her lips my soul writhed in agony ; she knew not that my pocket-book was crammed with the accursed tickets Hank tickets! And when she poured out her soul in prayer that night, she knew not that he, for 80 whom she prayed, dared not listen to her words, but stopped his ears. So it was. * * . * "Do, my dear husband, stay at home, one evening this week ! You shall read to me, or I will read to you ! come, keep me company this evening." Thus said my 85 wife one evening, as she took me affectionately by the arm, a tear at the same time filling her eye. Brute that I was ! I shook her off repulsively, scarcely deigning her a reply as I went out. I was an altered man my innocence had departed from me I had perjured my- 90 self. My oath once broken, I still continued to break it. Not a lottery was drawn but that I had some chance in it. Ill luck attended me. Blanks blanks were my portion. Still I kept on. Most of my hours were spent in lottery offices. I neglected my business debts ac- 168 EXERCISES PART II. [F.V. 56. ;:nulated wants cam- up.n me : and I had nothing to satisfy them witli but a hope a hope, that at th- drawing I should ! hi, ky. As cares increased I went to a tavern for relief. K :,awcd at my heart like a worm. It had drank up all my happiness. When 100 I first broke my oath I thought gold would still m science. Gold I had none, so 1 attempted to ease it by strong drink. Hum burnt up my tender feelings my better nature ; but it only added to the quenchless fire that was raging at my heart. I uncommon for 105 me at this stage, to get int< a^ht. Oft have I staggered home to my patient, dying Kliza for my conduct was making sad inroads on a constitution natu- rally delicate; and without a shadow of cause fell to abusing her. What insult and misery has not that 110 woman endured ! and all brought on by me, her husband, her protector! About this time our child died. 1 dare not think of his death how it was brought on. poor child miiht have lived limber perhaps he might but he complained of 1 i sometimes, of wanting 115 clothes; and sometime* his cry for bread was vain. It was a great shock to im \\ii-- ; and her gnidual failing, day by day sobered me, and made me thoughtful. But what had 1 to do with r< faction? The past was made up of sharp points, and when 1 turned to it, I was 120 pierced! and the future what could 1 nntirijMte ? what was there in store for me ? So I closed my ears shut my heart to the starving condition of Kliza, and became, a brute again. ****** PAK, III. It was in the evening of a wet, cloudy day, that I sal- lied forth from my Ixmrdiri;,' hovel, to shame and sin, in learn tin- fate of my /> n it. 1 had to dispose of a Bible, which belonged to my late wife my 5 dead Kliza and which was tin- d\ r mo- ther. It was the lat tiling that I held that had belonged to her. One by I disposed of what litt feet* she left, to reality my pas.sion for drinking and ..bling. 1 had lost all leeling of shame. My wife 10 li >vo yean. ick't I now had was to seal my fate. I had fasted more than one dav to obtain means to Ex. 56.] KXERCISES. PART If. 183 it ; I had even stinted my drink for means, so strong was my passion for gambling. Well, I went into the 15 office and called for the prize list. At a glance, I saw my hopes were frustrated ; and crushing the list con- vulsively in my hand, I muttered a deep oath and stalked out of the office. That ticket indeed sealed my fate. " The world owes me a living, and a living I will have !" 20 I said to myself, as I turned away with a despairing heart, and walked up the street. My mind was suddenly made up to a strong purpose. " There is money !" I said between my teeth, as I sauntered along meditating some desperate deed. I knew not the time of night ; 25 it was late however, for the stores were all closed, when a man brushed by me. As he passed I saw it was the vender of tickets the man who had sold me the first and last ticket ! the man to whom I had paid dollar after dollar, until all was gone. He had a trunk in his 30 hand, and was probably going home. " This man," thought I, " has received from me even to the last far- thing ; shall not I be justified in compelling him to re- turn a part ? at least ought he not to be made to give me something to relieve my misery to keep me from starv- 35 ing ?" Such was my reasoning, as I buttoned my jacket and slowly followed him. Before reaching his house, he had to pass over a lonely space, Avhere there were no houses, and at that time of the night but little pass- ing. He had gone over half this space, when I stepped 40 quickly and Avarily behind him ; and grasping with one hand his collar and with the other his trunk, -in a gruff voice demanded his money. The words were barely uttered before I was grappled by the throat. He was a strong man, and he had a dangerous hold. I put forth 45 all my strength to shake off his grasp, striking him at the same time in the face and breast, but without avail he still kept his hold. Finding that something decisive must be done, for I could with difficulty breathe, I clasped him round the middle, and giving him a sudden 50 jerk, we both fell to the ground. I fell underneath, and he had me in his power. I struggled in vain to free myself. He still held me by the throat, and he began to cry for assistance. What was to be done ? I had a jack-knife in my pocket there was no time for 55 reflection my left hand was free it was the work of a moment the hot blood spirted from his heart full in 184 KXKRWIBEH. I-AET II. [Ex. 5ti, 57. my face. His hold relaxed, and giving a terrible groan, he rolled on tin- Around in agony. 1 sprang upon mv . and snatched the trunk; as I moved away in tin* 60 darkness, the death rattle in tin- throat uf my victim came :'ully upon my ears. What followed until I found myself chained in this dungeon, I know not. 1 have a faint re-collection of fly- ing from the spot where lay the dying man ; of being 65 aroused in the morning by the officers of justice : of a court-room, where were displayed the trunk found in my possession, and a knife taken from the brea-t of the corpse with my name on the handle. I have a more distinct recollection of an after trial and of a condemnation ; and 70 to-morrow the jailer tells me I am to die to be publicly uted. I acknowledge the j . :uy punishment I deserve death ; and may God show mercy to him who showed no niercv ! EXERCISE 57. Death at the Toiltt. DIARY OF A PIIVSICIVN. "Why, what in the world can Charlotte be doing all this while?" inquired hej- mother. She listened "I have not heard her moving for the last three-quarters of an hour! I'll call the in:. id. and a.-k." She rung the 5 bell, and the servant app<, "Betty. Miss J is not g< "Go up to her ro . and see if she wants any thing, and tell her it's half p.i-t i,;ne o'clock." said Mrv .1 . The servant accordingly went n; .ml knocked nt in tli.- bi-droorn door. onc\ t u !<., timer, but \er. Tii \shen the wind >hook the window. < -, J have fallen asle- She kn<-ki-d a-^ain. but un- 15 Rti'l ':c-d the door and en Th- .1 sitting at the glass. ma'am '." coinim-n J.king i[i to 1, , I.een knocking for these ti\e nu'nutes, and ' i;..rror struck ' 20 bed i ;. 'i 1 shri'-k, alarmed Mrs. J , who instantly tott< red up stairs, almost palsied with fright. Mi** .1 wns d Ex. 58.] KXERCISES. PART II. 185 I was there within a fc\v minutes, for my house was not more than two streets distant. It was a stormy 25 night in March : and the desolate aspect of things with- out deserted streets the dreary howling of the wind, and the incessant pattering of the rain contributed to cast a gloom over my mind, when connected with the intelligence of the awful event tfiat had summoned me 30 out, which was deepened into horror by the spectacle I was doomed to witness. On reaching the house, I found Mrs. J in violent hysterics, surrounded by several of her .neighbors, who had been called to her as- sistance. I repaired to the scene of death, and beheld 35 what I never shall forget. The room was occupied by a white-curtained bed. There was but one window, and before it was a table, on which stood a looking- glass, hung with a little white drapery ; and various paraphernalia of the toilet lay scattered about pins, 40 brooches, curling-papers, ribins, gloves, &c. An arm- chair was drawn to this table, and in it sat Miss J , stone dead. Her head rested upon her right hand, her elbow supported by the table ; while her left hung down by her side, grasping a pair of curling-irons. Each of 45 her wrists was encircled by a showy gilt bracelet. She was dressed in a white muslin frock, with a little bor- dering of blonde. Her face was turned towards the glass, which by the light of the expiring candle, reflect- ed with frightful fidelity the clammy, fixed features, 50 daubed with rouge and carmine the fallen lower jaw and the eyes directed full into the glass, with a cold stare, that was appalling. On examining the counte- nance more narrowly, I thought I detected the traces of a smirk of conceit and self-complacency, which not even 55 the palsying hand of death could wholly obliterate. The hair of the corpse, all smooth and glossy, was curled with elaborate precision ; and the skinny sallow neck was encircled with a string of glistening pearls. The ghastly visage of death thus leering through the GO tinselry of fashion the " vain show" of artificial joy was a horrible mockery of the fooleries of life ! Indeed it was a most humiliating and shocking spec- tacle. Poor creature ! struck dead in the very act of sacrificing at the shrine of female vanity ! 65 On examination of the body, we found that death had 180 EXERCISES. PART II. [El. 57, 58. - been occasioned by disease of the heart. Her life might have been protracted, possibly fur years, had she but taken my advice, and that of her mother. I have many hundreds of corpses, as well in the calm compo- ire of natural death, as mangled and distorted by vio- lence ; but never Jiave I seen so startling a satire upon human vanity, so repulsive, so unsightly, and loathsome a spectacle, as a corpse dn .v.v< ( / fur a ball ! KXKRCISE 68. Salbath Schools. FREU NG 11 r VSKH. We have witnessed, with grateful interest, the progress of Sabbath School instruction. I ^r has furnished some fresh proofs of its substantial benefits. Take a single illustration in your city ; a recent investigation 5 ascertained that, of twelve thousand children who had shared in the blessings of this institution, not one had ever been arraigned for crime. This is a volume of commendation; but, sir, it is only the beginning of good. The next age will witness some of the fulness of its mer- 10 cies, when these children shall take our places, and as- sume upon them the duties of men and citi. I hasten to the appropriate business of this evening. A noble impulse has been given to this sacred cause in a neighboring city ; it has reached the friends of truth 15 and awakened a kindred spirit here. The moral condi- tion and prospects of the West the influence which it will very soon exert in the public councils of our coun- try, and its own distinct claims, as an important part of ourselves, combined a weight of interest in its behalf, a has attracted general concern and distinguished liberality. I advert to the share, that will soon be taken by the Valley of the Mississippi, in our -national concerns. Sir, the children will, after a few more yean, give the law to the mother. This infant \V- 25 attaining to a giant's dimension-; and its power will be tremendous, unless controlled by principle. Washing- ton, who had studied the human : under many di\.-r-ities, came to the full <"on\iction, that no prin- ciple could bo safely trusted, which did not flow from a 30 sense of religious obligation; and an infinitely greater Ex. 58.] EXEUCISE3. PART II. 187 than Washington had ages before proclaimed the same truth. In this Valley of the West, upwards of four mill- ions of freemen have, with astonishing rapidity, peopled the fairest regions of our republic ; and the eventful 35 question to be resolved is, how we shall most happily fashion the elements of these rising communities ; whether by our benignant regards, they shall aid to strengthen the cords of our union ; whether they shall cherish the principles of private and public virtue ; or whether 40 by our neglect, they shall be left to exhibit the melan- choly spectacle of universal degeneracy of manners, among a people, but yesterday born into political exist- ence. Sir, this is the true, honest question. We can- not, and we ought not to evade it. It is put to us as 45 Christians and as American citizens. These sister states of the West possess capacities for good or evil, that can- not be trifled with or disregarded. Rightly influenced, immense blessings will reward our philanthropy but should we suffer them to grow on, with no moral culture, 50 floods of wickedness will by and by come over upon us, that will sweep away the last vestiges of hope and freedom. I lately heard from a distinguished citizen of that section of the Union, the evil, and the antidote in one short sentence. While deploring the frequent oc- 55 currence of street murders sometimes by men high in official stations, he remarked, that the terrors of law in- terposed no check, and that his hope rested in the ref- ormation of public sentiment : there, said he, the mis- chief receives its countenance, and there we must look 60 for its corrective. This was the language of truth and soberness. When the late movement in Philadelphia was announced, it was hailed as the harbinger of incal- culable blessings. A fountain was to be opened, whose healthful streams would send forth richer benefits to the 65 Valley of the Mississippi, than all their majestic rivers. The Sunday schools will reform that perverted public opinion, that sanctions the deeds of the transgressor. They will purify the elements of society ; they will arrest the torrent of corruption ; erect the standard of 70 sound principles, and, by the blessing of Heaven, save the country and perpetuate her liberties. A cause, thus exalted in its aims, this evening addresses itself to the philanthropy of a generous people. It becomes 1S6 .itcisBs. PART n. [Ex. 56, ID. not a stranger ti> press tliis suit. It befits the 75 h<. of it. that a nobler diarity could not well engage . compared with such a vision? And in the just hope that it may shonly be realized, who can longer gra-p hi- ^oM .' Where or 1 .\ealth accomplish for us, more substantial 90 or sublime pleasures. Patriotism in its boldest concep- tions, cannot aspire to a purer bliss than this To elevate an extensive body of enterprising men, to secure them from the wasteful inlluence of irreligion and crime; and bring up millions of our fellow-men. airily of a 95 virtuous community. Sir. failure in Midi an entrrpri>e, would U- no common calamity. Hut we need not fail. The faithful consecration of our best efforts, is doMined to demolish the throne of the prince of darkness honored will be the humblest man, permitted to raise a 100 finger in the work. I XERCISE 69. The follij ami wickedness of War. K- Ywo poor mortals. devat-d with the di.-tinction of a golden bauble oil their he;td>, i"dled .1 at each other, without any reason, or with the \cry bad one of wishing for an opportunity of aggrandizing tln-m- 5 selve, by making reciprocal d.-pi. tun > of the court, and the leading men of i who are usually under the influence of the court, r- (for it U their interest) to support their royal master, and are never at a loss to invent some colorable 10 teiire !>r engaging the nation in war. Taxes of the Ex. 59.] EXERCISES. PART II. 189 most burdensome kind are levied, soldiers are collected, so as to leave a paucity of husbandmen ; reviews and encampments succeed ; and at last fifteen or twenty thousand men meet on a plain, and coolly shed each 15 other's blood, without the smallest personal animosity, or the shadow of a provocation. The kings, in the meantime, and the grandees, who have employed these poor innocent victims to shoot bullets at each other's heads, remain quietly at home, and amuse themselves, in 20 the intervals of balls, hunting schemes, and pleasures of every species, with reading at the fireside, and over a cup of chocolate, the dispatches from the army, and the news in the Extraordinary Gazette. If the King of Prussia were not at the head of some of the best troops 25 in the world, he would be judged more worthy of being tried, and condemned, at the Old Bailey, than any shedder of blood who ever died by a halter. But he is a king ; but he is a hero ; those names fascinate us, and we enroll the butcher of mankind among their 30 benefactors. When one -considers the dreadful circumstances that attend even victories, one cannot help being a little shocked at the exultation which they occasion. I have often thought it would be a laughable scene, if there 35 were not too much of the melancholy in it, when a circle of eager politicians have met to congratulate each other on a piece of good news just arrived. Every eye sparkles with delight ; every voice is raised in announcing the happy event. And what is the cause of all this joy ? 40 and for what are our windows illuminated, bonfires kindled, bells rung, and feasts celebrated ? We have had a successful engagement. We have left a thousand of the enemy dead on the field of battle, and only nine hundred of our countrymen. Charming news ! it was a 45 glorious battle ! But before you give a loose to your raptures, pause awhile ; and consider, that to every one of these nineteen hundred, life was no less sweet than it is to you; that to the far greater part of them there probably were wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, 50 sisters, brothers, and friends, all of whom are at this mo- ment bewailing that event which occasions your foolish and brutal triumph* I.XKRCI8B8. PART II. [Ex. 00. EXERCISE 60. The Warrior. HAKIIINCJKK OF PEACE. 1 A gallant form is passing by, The plume bends oVr hi* lordly hrow ; A thousand tongues have raised on high His song of triumph now. Young knrrs are ln-nding round his way, And age makes ban- his lucks of gray. 2 Fair forms have lent their gladdest smile, White hands h 1 the conqueror >n, And flowers have di-ck'd his path the while, By gentle tin \ n. Soft tones have cheer'd him. and the brow Of beauty beams, uncover'd now. 3 The bard hath waked the song for him, And pour'd his boldest numbers forth ; The wine cup, sparkling to the brim, Adds fren/y to the mirth ; And every tongue, and every rye, - Does homage to the passer by. 4 (<) The gallant steed tu-ads proudly on; His foot falls firmly now, as when In strife that iron heel went down Upon the hearts of nn u ; And foremost in the ranks of strife, Trod out the last, dim spark of 1 5 Dream they of these tin- glad and gay, That bend around the conqueror's path? The horrors of thi- conflict day The gloomy field of death The ghastly slain the M-VI -r'd head Th' Doping o'er the dead '.' 6 Diirk thoughts and fearful ' yet they bring No terrors to the triumph hour. Nor stay the reckless worshiping Of blended crime and p The fair of form, the mild of mood, Do honor to flio nun of blood. Ex. 60, 61.] EXERCISES. PART II. 191 7 Men Christians ! pause the air ye breathe Is poison' d by your idol now ; And will ye turn to him, and wreathe Your chaplets round his brow ? Nay, call his darkest deeds sublime ? And smile assent to giant crime ? EXERCISE 61. Death of Ashmun. MRS. SIGOURNEY. 1 ( ) Whose is yon sable bier ? Why move the throng so slow ? v Why doth that lonely mother's tear \ In sudden anguish flow ? Why is that sleeper laid To rest in manhood's gride ? How gain'd his cheeks such pallid shade ? I spake, but none replied. 2 ( ) The hoarse wave murmur'd low, The distant surges roar'd ; And o'er the sea in tones of woe A deep response was pour'd ; t I heard sad Africk mourn Upon her billowy strand ; &. shield was from her bosom torn, An anchor from her hand. 8 ( ) Ah ! well I know thee now, Though foreign suns would trace Deep lines of death upon thy brow, Thou friend of misery's race ; Their leader when the blast ' Of ruthless war swept by, Their teacher when the storm was past, Their guide to worlds on high. 4 Spirit of Power, pass on ! Thy homeward wing is free ; Earth may not claim thee for her son, She hath no chain for thee : - PART 11. [ down, . \>in thy birthright crown, Gd to thy 6*1. i \ce. \:\\:\K [si: Lore <>f Afifilunnf. H v To be insen-ilile- tu public opinion, or to r lion in which NM- ai iiiy thing, nithcr than a good and gi-nerous spirit. It is indeed the mark of a low and worthle>- -T ; devoid of 5 principle, and therefore devoid of man is n-t far irorn ruin, wln-n ]}< can sav, without blushing, / ' 'hat otkerj thin But to Imv.- a pp'; aion is one thing; to make that opinion our rul<- of (juite 10 another. The one we m. >:)>istently witli the purest virtue, and the most unhcndint; rectitude^; the other we cannot adopt, \sithoiit an utter abandon- ment of principle and disn-irard of dntv. The young man whose threat aim i^ to p!-a*-, \vlio mak-s the opin- 15 ion and favor of others ln-> rule and motive of action; \ ivady to adopt any sentiments, or pursue any course of cor and criminal, provided only, that it t- popular. In <. . liis first qur>tion jv i \\liit will my companions, what will the 20 world think and say of me, if 1 adopt this, or th%t course of conduct ? Duty, the eternal lav. ;tude, are not thought of. Custom, fashion, popular favor; are tin- things, that till his entire usion, and in- t mind, tude. !! i- at th-- in- ' ry casual impulse, and change of popular opinion, an no more toll wK h- will ]>< riLjht or wronvr t pr-- 30 diet the con < what si clouds will then assir And wli.r ik and foolish n il the end of thus acting in cowpltan- :~tom in 35 to one's own convictions of d(v " It is to lose the e- Ex. 62, 63.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 193 teem and respect of the very man whom you thus attempt to please. Your defect of principle and hollow-hearted- ness are easily perceived ; and though the persons to whom you thus sacrifice your conscience, may affect to 40 commend your complaisance, you may be assured, that, inwardly, they despise you for it. Young men can hardly commit a greater mistake, than to think of gaining the esteem of others, by yielding to their wishes, contrary to their own sense of duty. Such conduct is always morally 45 wrong, and rarely fails to deprive one both of self-respect, and of the respect of others. EXERCISE 63. Christian Integrity. HAWKS. It is very common, I know, for young men just com- mencing business, to imagine that, if they would advance their secular interests, they must not be very scrupulous in binding themselves down to the strict rules of recti- 5 tude. They must conform to custom ; and if in buying and selling they sometimes say the things that are not true, and do the things that are not honest ; why, their neighbors do the same ; and, verily, there is no getting along without it. There is so much competition and 10 rivalry, that to be strictly honest, and yet succeed in busi- ness, is out of the question. Now if it were indeed so, I would say to a young man ; Then quit your business. Better dig, and beg too, than to tamper with conscience, sin against God, and lose your 15 soul. But is it so ? is it necessary in order to succeed in business, that you should adopt a standard of morals, more lax and pliable, than the one placed before you in the Bible ? Perhaps, for a time, a rigid adherence to 20 rectitude might bear hard upon you ; but how would it be in the end ? Possibly, your neighbor, by being less scrupulous than yourself, may invent a more expeditious way of acquiring a fortune. If he is willing to violate the dictates of conscience ; to lie, and cheat, and tram- 25 pie on the rules of justice and honesty, he may, indeed, get the start of you, and rise suddenly to wealth and distinction. But would you envy him his riches, or be 9 194 KXKRnaiw. PART n. [Ex. 63, 64. willing to place yourself in his situation ? Sudden wealth, especially when obtained by dishonest means, rarely fails 30 of bringing with it sudden ruin. Those who acquire it, are of course beggared in their morals, and are often, very soon, beggared in property. Their riches are cor- rupted ; and while they bring the curse of Ood on their immediate possessors, they usually entail misery and ruin 35 upon their lain; If it be admitted, then, that strict integrity is not al- ways the shortest way to success ; is it not the surest, the happiest, and the best ? A young man of thorough integrity may, it is true, find it difficult, in the midst of 40 dishonest competitors and rivals, to start in his business or profession ; but how long, ere he will surmount every difficulty ; draw around him patrons and friends, and rise in the confidence and support of all who know him? 45 What if, in pursuing this course, you should not, at the close of life, have so much money by a few hundred dol- lars ? Will not a fair character, an approving conscience, and an approving Ood, be an abundant compensation for this little deficiency of pelf? 50 Oh, there is an hour coming, when one whisper of an approving mind, one smile of an approving God, will be accounted of more value than the wealth of a thousand worlds like this. In that hour, my youn^ friends, nothing will sustain you, but the consciousness of having been 55 governed in life by worthy and good principles. EXERCISE 64. Watch. J. MASON GOOD. 1 Life is a sea, how fair its t How smooth its dimpling waters' pace, Its canopy how pure f Hut rocks below, and ttmptstt sleep Insidious, o'er the glassy deep, Nor leave an hour secure. 2 Life is a wilderness, beset With tangling thorns, and treach'rons net, And prowl d by beasts of prey. El 64.} EXERCISES. PART II. 195 One path alone conducts aright, One narrow path, with little light ; A thousand lead astray. 3 Life is a warfare, and alike Prepared to parley, or to strike, The practiced foe draws nigh. 0, hold no truce ! less dangerous far To stand, and all his phalanx dare, Than trust his specious lie. 4 Whate'er its form, whate'er its flow, While life is lent to man below, One duty stands confest, To watch incessant, firm of mind, And watch where'er the post assign'd, And leave to God the rest. 5 'Twas while they watch'd, the shepherd swains ' Heard angels strike to angel-strains The song of heavenly love : ' Blest harmony ! that far excels All music else on earth that dwells, Or e'er was tuned above. 6 'Twas while they watch'd, the sages traced The star that every star effaced With new and nobler shine : They follow'd, and it led the way To where the infant Savior lay, * And gave them light divine. 7 'Twas while they watch'd, with lamp in hand, And oil well stored, the virgin band The bridal pomp descried ; They join'd it, and the heavenly gate, That oped to them its glorious state, Was closed on all beside. 8 Watch ! watch and pray ! in suffering hour Thus He exclaim'd who felt its power, And triumph'd hi the strife. Victor of Death ! thy voice I hear : Fain would I watch with holy fear, Would watch and pray through life's career, And only cease with life. 196 EXERCISES PART II. [Ex. 05. '.5. New Social Order in America. DOUGLAS. America is to modern Europe, what its western colo- nies were to Greece, the land of aspirations and dreams, the country of daring enterprise, and the asylum of mis- fortune, which receives alike the exile and the adventurer, 5 the discontented and the aspiring, and promises to all a freer life, and a fresher nature. The European emigrant might believe himself as one transported to a new world, governed by new laws, and finds himself at once raised in the scale of being the 10 pauper is maintained by his own labor, the hired la- borer works on his own account, and the tenant is changed into a proprietor, while the depressed vassal of the old continent becomes co-legislator, and co-ruler in a government where all power is from the people, 15 and in the people, and for the people. The world has not witnessed an emigration like that taking place to America; so extensive in its range, so immeasurable in its consequences, since the dispersion of mankind ; hordes of emigrants are continually swarming off, as 20 ceaseless in their passage, and crowded, and unreturn- ing, as the travelers to eternity. Even those who are forced to remain behind, feel a melancholy restlessness, like a bird whose wing is crippled, at the season of mi- >* gration, and look forward to America, as to the land of 25 the departed, where every one has some near relative, or dear friend gone before him A voice like that heard before the final ruin of Jerusalem, seems to whisper to those who have ears to hear, " Let us depart hence." Every change in America has occasioned a corres- 30 pondent change in Europe ; the discovery of it over- turned the systems of the ancients, and gave a new face to adventure and to knowledge ; the opening of its mines produced a revolution in property ; and the independ- ence of the United States overturned the monarchy of 85 France, and set fire to a train which has not yet fully exploded. In every thing, its progress is interwoven with the fates of Europe. At every expansion of Ameri- can influence, the older countries are destined to un- dergo new change*, nnd to receive a second character Ex. 65, 66.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 197 40 from the colonies which they have planted, whose great- ness is on so much larger a scale than that of the parent countries, and which will exhibit those improvements which exist in miniature in Europe, unfettered by ancient prejudices, and dilated over another continent. EXERCISE 66. \ Voluntary Association. DOUGLAS. A new influence is arising, which is sufficiently able to supply the deficiencies of Governments, in attaining ends which they cannot reach, and in affording aids over which they have no control the power of voluntary 5 association. There is no object to which this power cannot adapt itself; no resources which* it may not ul- timately command ; and a few individuals, if the public mind is gradually prepared to favor them, can lay the foundations of undertakings which would have baffled 10 the might of those who reared the pyramids; and the few who can divine the tendency of the age before it is obvious to others, and perceive in which direction the tide of public opinion is setting, may avail themselves of the current, and concentrate every breath that is fa- 15 vorable to their course. The exertions of a scanty number of individuals may swell into the resources of a large party, which, collecting at last all the national en- ergies unto its aid, and availing itself of the human sym- pathies that are in its favor, may make the field of its 20 labor and its triumph as wide as humanity itself. The elements being favorably disposed, a speck of cloud col- lects vapors from the four winds which overshadow the heavens ; and all the varying and conflicting events of life, and the no less jarring and discordant passions of the 25 human breast, when once the channel is sufficiently deep- ened, will rush into one accelerating torrent, and be borne towards their destined end. The power of voluntary association, though scarcely tried as yet, is of largest promise for the future ; and when extended upon a great 30 scale, is the influence most removed from the shock of accidents and the decay of earthly things, renewing its youth with renewed generations, and becoming immortal through the perpetuity of the kind. 198 PAHT ii. [Ex. M, 87. The favorable result of all undertakings depend* upon 36 the previous state and preparation of the world, BO less than the vegetation of the seed does upon the soil into which it is oast ; those who have proceeded farthest in their attempts, and gained the point at which they aimed, had the stream in their favor, and were more indebted 40 to the strength of the current than to their own individual efforts ; their superiority to others consisted chiefly in their superior discernment; and they seemed to lead their contemporaries, merely because they themselves were moot led by the spirit of the age, and took a favor- 45 able situation for being borne forward by the tide, which they had the sagacity to see was upon the turn. The Greeks would have conquered the Persians without Alex- ander ; the Romans would have been enslaved had Caesar never been born, and the Arabians would have POM de- 50 ceived by other impostors had Mahomet never professed himself a prophet. EXERCISE 67. Bible Societies DOUGLAS. Modem writers have discovered that words are more plentiful than thoughts ; and that therefore the true econo- my of writing consists in being sparing of the latter, and profuse of the former ; the reports of different societies 6 carry this even too far, and one may rend through a long report, and reach the conclusion \vithout meeting a single new fact, or new observation by the way. This ought to be amended, and a series of publications which would extend the knowledge, and deepen the interest which 10 the subscribers take in the progress of religion, are strongly required, before that interest can become more general and abiding. Witi ts tin- Bible Society continues the most perfect in.>titutn>n <>f its kind, and the finest example of the power of \<>hintary asoocia- 16 tion. It has merited the thanks of its bitterest ene- mies as well as of its warmest friends ; for, while it has done religion one service, by uniting all its friends in one great cause, it has done it a second service, by unit- ing all its eoemiea, however hostile to each other, 20 against it ; thus ranging each aide front to front, and FiX. 67, 68.] EXERCISES. PAET II. preparing them for one decisive and final struggle. It leaves every one without excuse, who does not co-operate with it ; it combines all classes and all creeds, the poor may contribute their mite, and the rich may pour in 25 their abundance ; and those who build precious things, and those who heap up stubble upon the foundation of the Scriptures, have here one point of agreement in the foundation for which they both earnestly contend. It has done more^good than all the theological discussions 30 for the last hundred years; and though it has confuted no heresy, it has done still better, for it has made many be neglected and forgotten. It oversteps the boundaries of kingdoms, and the separation of national jealousies, and presents a field wide enough for men of all nations 35 and languages to enter, without conflicting or jarring with each other ; its field is truly the world ; it embraces di- rectly or indirectly, all the interests of humanity ; and it is ever profusely distributing the benefits of time, while its ultimate results are lost in the glories of eternity. EXERCISE 68. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem. CUNNINGHAM. 1 From Olivet's sequester'd seats, What sounds of transport spread ? What concourse moves through Salem's streets To Zion's holy head ? Behold him there in lowliest guise ! The Savior of mankind ! Triumphal shouts before him rise, And shouts reply behind ! And " strike," they cry, your loudest string ; He comes ! Hosanna to our King !" 2 He came to earth : from eldest years, A long and bright array, Of Prophet-bards and Patriarch-seers, Proclaim'd the glorious day : The light of heaven in every breast, Its fire on every lip, - In tuneful chorus on they press'd, A goodly fellowship : KXtKClBEd. rAKT II. [Ex. 06, 09. And on the pealing anthem ran, Hotanna to the Son of Man !" 3 He came to earth : tlin.u^h life he pass'd A man of griefs : and, lo, A noble army following fast His track of pain and woe: All deck'd with palms, and strangely bright, That suffering host appears ; And stainless are their robes of white, Though steep'd in Wood and tears ; And sweet their martyr-anthem flows, " Hosanna to the Man of Woes !" 4 From ages past descends the lay, To ages yet to be, Till far its echoes roll away Into eternity. But ! while saints and angels high, Thy final triumph share, Amidst thy followers, Lord, would I, Though last and meanest there, Receive a place, and joyful raise A loud Hosanna to thy praise ! i:\i;urisi: 69. Evening Hymn. MONTHLY VISITOR. 1 Departing day fades in the west, The busy world is still ; Be human passion hush'd to rest, Be tranquil, human will. 2 Father in Heaven, to thee I bend, To thee I lift my prayer ; Vouchsafe, Divine, Almighty Friend, Thy suppliant's voice to bear. 3 If lured by pleasure's specious wiles, By shadowy hopes or fears, If earthly joys have waken'd smiles, Or earthly sorrows, tears ; 4 If fall'n from Thee, and Thy command, (And fallen I must appear,) Ex. 69, 70.] EXERCISES. PART If. 201 Before Thee, Lord, thy creature stands, A suppliant sincere. 5 Oh, be this day's offence forgiven, This night with slumbers blest ; And pious trust in pardoning Heaven, The pillow of my rest. EXERCISE 70. Universal Peace. CHALMERS. The first great obstacle to the extinction of war, is the way in which the heart of man is carried off from its barbarities and its horrors, by the splendor of its deceitful accompaniments. There is a feeling of the 5 sublime in contemplating the shock of armies, just as there is in contemplating the devouring energy of a tem- pest ; and this so elevates and engrosses the whole man, that his eye is blind to the tears of bereaved parents, and his ear is deaf to the piteous moan of the dying, and 10 the shriek of their desolated families. There is a grace- fulness in the picture of a youthful warrior, burning for distinction on the field, and lured by this generous aspi- ration to the deepest of the animated throng, where, in the fell work of death, the opposing sons of valor strug- 15 gle for a remembrance and a name ; and this side of the picture is so much the exclusive object of our regard, as to disguise from our view the mangled carcasses of the fallen, and the writhing agonies of the hundreds and the hundreds more, who have been laid on the cold ground, 20 where they are left to languish and to die. There no eye pities them. No sister is there to weep over them. There no gentle hand is present to ease the dying pos- ture, or bind up the wounds, which, in the maddening, fury of the combat, have been given and received, by the 25 children of one common Father. There death spreads its pale ensigns over every countenance, and when night comes on, and darkness is around them, how many a de- spairing wretch must take up with the bloody field as the untended bed of his last sufferings, without one friend to 30 bear the message of tenderness to his distant home, with- out one companion to close his eyes. I avow it. On every side of me I see causes at work 9* r..-<. PAKT 11. [Kx 70. 71. which go to spread a most delusive coloring over war, and to remove its shocking barbarities i" tin.- back-ground 35 of our contemplations altogether. 1 > . it in tin- history, which tells me of the superb appearance t the troops, and the brilliancy of their successive charges. I see u in the poetry, which lends the magi* "i its numbers to the nar- rative of blood, and transports its many admirers ; as by 40 its images, and its figures, and its nodding plumes of chivalry, it throws its treacherous embellishments over a scene of legalized slaughter. 1 see it in the music, which represents the progress of the battle ; and where, after being inspired by the trumpet-notes of preparation, 45 the whole beauty and tenderness of ;i drawing room are seen to bead over the sentimental entertainment ; nor do I hear the utterance of a single sigh to interrupt the death-tones of the thickening contest, and the moans of the wounded men, .is they fade away upon the ear, and 50 sink into lifeless silence. All, all goes to prove what strange and half-sighted creatures we are. Were it not so, war could never have been seen in any other -aspect than that of unrninglcd hateful m->s ; and I can look to nothing but to the progress of Christian sentiment upon 55 earth, to arrest the strong current of its popular and pre- vailing partiality for war. Then only will an imperious sense of duty lay the check of severe principle, on all the subordinate tastes and faculties of our nature. Then will glory be reduced to its right estimate, and the wake. 60 ful benevolence of the Gospel, chafing away even* spell, will he turned by the treachery of no delusion whatever, from its sublime enterprises for the good of the sp- Then th. : truth and ijuirtncss will be ushered into the world, and \?ar cruel, atrocious, unrelenting ii, will be stripped of its many and its hewilden: filiations I:\KKCISI-: 71. The Elder's Death Bed. PROF. Wiusov. , I. Fur six years' Sabbaths I i ;lie KI.WCK in las accustomed place beneath the pulpit and, with a sort of solemn fear, had looked on his steadfast ountenance Ex. 71.] EXERCISES. PART II. 203 during sermon, psalm, and prayer. On returning to the 5 scenes of my infancy, I met the Pastor, going to pray by his death-bed and, with the privilege which nature gives us to behold, even in their last extremity, the loving and beloved, I turned to accompany him to the house of sor- row, of resignation, and of death. 10 And now, for the first time, I observed, walking close to the feet of his horse, a little boy about ten years of age, who kept frequently looking up in the Pastor's face, with his blue eyes bathed in tears. A changeful ex- pression of grief, hope, and despair, made almost pale, 15 cheeks, which otherwise were blooming in health and beauty ; and I recognized, in the small features and smooth forehead of childhood, a resemblance to the aged man whom we understood was now lying on his death- bed. " They had to send his grandson for me through 20 the snow, mere child as he is," said the Minister, look- ing tenderly on the boy ; " but love makes the young heart bold and there is One who tempers the wind to- the shorn lamb." As we slowly approached the cottage; through a deep 25 snow-drift, which the distress within had prevented the inmates from removing, we saw, peeping out from the door, brothers and sisters of our little guide, who quickly disappeared ; and then their mother showed herself in their stead, expressing, by her raised eyes, and arms SO folded across her breast, how thankful she was to see, at last, the Pastor, beloved in joy, and trusted in trou- ble. A few words sufficed to say who was the stranger and the dying man, blessing me by name, held out to me 35 his cold, shriveled hand in token of recognition. I took mv seat at a small distance from the bedside, and left a closer station for those who were more dear. " If the storm do not abate," said the sick man, after a pause, "it will be hard for my friends to carry me over 40 the drifts to the kirk-yard." This sudden approach to the grave, struck, as with a bar of ice, the heart of the loving boy and, with a long deep sigh, he fell down, with his face like ashes, on the bed, while the old man's palsied right hand had just strength to lay itself upon 45 his head. " God has been gracious to me a sinner," said the 204 MBHCI8KS. FAT II. [Ex 71. dying man. " During thirty years that I have been an elder in your kirk, never have I misled sitting there one Subbath. When the mother of my children was taken 50 from me it was on a Tn- died and on a Sat- urday she was buried. We blood together when nu Alice was let down into the nanw hou&e made for all living. On the Sabbath 1 joined in the public worship of God she commanded me to do so the night before 65 she went away. I could not join in tin- psalm tha bath, for her voice was not in the throng. Her grave was covered up, and grass and flowers grew there." The old man ceased speaking and his grandchild, now able to endure the scene, for strong passion it its 60 own support, glided softly to a little table, and bringing a cup in which a cordial had Ix-en mixed, held it in his small, soft hands to his grandfather's lips. He drank, and then said, " Come closer to me, Jamie, and kiss me for thine own and thy father's sake ;" and as the child 65 fondly pressed his rosy lips on those of his grandfather, so white and withered, the tears fell over all the old man's face, and then trickled down on the golden head of the child, sobbing in his bosom. "Jamie, thy own father has forgotten thee in thy in- 70 fancy, and me in my old a^e ; hut, Jamie, forget not tkou, thy father, nor thy mother ; for that, thou knowest and feelest, is the commandment of God." The broken-hearted boy could give no reply. He had gradually stolen closer and closer unto the loving old 75 man, and now was lying, worn out with sorrow, drenched and dissolved in tears, in his grandfather's bosom. His mother had sunk down on her knees, and bid her face with her hand. " Oh ! if my husband knew but of this he would never, never desert his dying father !" And 80 I now knew that the Elder was praying on his death-bed for a disobedient and wicked son. PART II. At this affecting time the Minister took the Family Bible on his knees, and said, " Let us sing to the praise of God, part of the fifteenth Psalm." Ere the Psalm was yet over, the door was opened, and a tall, fine-look - 5 ing man entered, hut with a lowering and dark MKm tenancy, seemingly in sorrow, in misery, and remorse. Ex. 71.] EXKRC1SES. PART II. 205 Agitated, confounded, and awe-struck by the melancholy and dirge-like music, he sat down on a chair, and looked with a ghastly face towards his father's death-bed. 10 When the psalm ceased, the Elder said, with a solemn voice, " My son thou art come in time to receive thy father's blessing. May the remembrance of what will happen in this room, before the morning again shines over the Hazel-glen, win thee from the error of thy ways ! 15 Thou art here to witness the mercy of thy God and thy Savior, whom thou hast forgotten." The Minister looked, if not with a stern, yet with an upbraiding countenance, on the young man, who had not recovered his speech, and said, " William ! for three 20 years past, your shadow has not darkened the door of the house of God. They who fear not the thunder, may tremble at the still, small voice now is the hour for re- pentance that your fatlier's spirit may carry up to Heaven, tidings of a contrite soul, saved from the com- 25 pany of sinners !" The young man, with much effort, advanced to the bedside, and at last found voice to say, " Father I am not without the affections of nature and I hurried home the moment I heard that the minister had been seen 30 riding towards our house. I hope that you will yet re- cover, and, if I have ever made you unhappy, I ask your forgiveness ; for though I may not think as you do on matters of religion, I have a human heart. Father ! I may have been unkind, but I am not cruel. I ask your 35 forgiveness." " Come near to me, William ; kneel down by the bed- side, and let my hand feel the head of my beloved son for blindness is coming fast upon me. Thou wert my first born, and thou art my only living son. All thy 40 brothers and sisters are lying in the church-yard, beside her whose sweet face thine own, William, did once so much resemble. Long wert thou the joy, the pride of my soul, aye, too much the pride, for there was not in all the parish, such a man, such a son, as my own Will- 45 iam. If thy heart has since been changed, God may inspire it again with right thoughts. I have sorely wept for thee aye, William, when there was none near me even as David wept for Absalom for thee, my son, ray son !" 206 EXBtCltES. PART II. [F'x. 71- 50 A Ion*/, deep 'jran. was the only reply; hut the whole body of the kneeling man was convulsed ; and it was easy to see lii* suhYrii:. utrition, his remorse, and It-pair. Tin- Pastor said, with a sterner voice, and austerer c..unt-nance th;in were natural to him, " Know 11 whose hand is now lyin^ on \ our rebellious head? Hut what signifies the u> him who has denied f *'*/, the Katlvr of us all?" "Oh ! press him n..t too hardly," said hi< w.-i-pin^ \\-ifi-. coming forward from a dark corner of the room, where sin- tri-d to conceal 60 herself in grief, fear, and shame. "Span-. .h' spare my husband he has ever ln-.-n kind t me ;" and with that she knelt down l>eside him, with her long, soft, white arms, mournfully and affectionately laid across his ne.-k. "Go lh>u, likewise, my sweet little Jamie." said the 65 Elder, " -40 even out of my bosom, and kn-.-l down beside thy father and thy mother, so that I may you all at once, and with one yearning praver." The child did as the solemn voice commanded, and knelt down, somewhat timidly, by his father's side; nor did 70 the unhappy man decline encircling with his arm, the child too much neglected, but still dear to him as his own blood, in spite of the deadening and debasing influ- ence of infidelity. " Put the Word of God into the hands of my son, and 7f> let him read aloud to his riving father the 'JAth. 'Jh'th, and ith chapter of tin- Gospel accord- ing to Si. John." The 1'astor went up to the kneetert, and, with a voice of pity, condolence, and pardon, said, "Them irnit a time whe:i none. William, could read HO the Scriptures l>etter than couldst tf""i can it he that the son of my friend hath furynW'n the leMOTO of his youili V" lie had ">/ f-ir-^otten them there WUB no i of the repentant sinner to lift un his eyes from tin- h''/itr 1 helieve thou art 90 the Christ, tho Son of (Jod, which shoul.i to the :ld." " That is not an unbeliever'* voice," said the dyin ; Ex. 71, 72.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 207 man triumphantly ; " nor, William, hast thou an unbe - liever's heart. Say that thou lelievest in what thou 95 hast now read, and thy father will die happy !" " I do believe ; and as thou forgivest me, so may I be forgiven by my Father who is heaven." The Elder seemed like a man suddenly inspired with a new life. His faded eyes kindled his pale cheeks glowed his palsied 100 hands seemed to wax strong and his voice was clear as that of manhood in its prime. ( ) Into thy hands, God ! I commit my spirit ;" and so saying, he gently sunk back on his pillow ; and I thought I heard a sigh. There was then a long, deep silence, and 105 the father, the mother, and the child, rose from their knees. The eyes of us all were turned towards the white, placid face of the figure now stretched in ever- lasting rest ; and without lamentations, save the silent lamentations of the resigned soul, we stood around the 1 10 DEATH-BED OF THE ELDER. . EXERCISE 72. Benevolence of God. 'CHALMERS. It is saying much for the benevolence of God, to say, that a single world, or a single system, is not enough for it that it must have the spread of a mightier region, on which it may pour forth a tide of exuberancy through- 6 out all its provinces that, as far as our vision can carry us, it has strewed immensity with the floating recepta- cles of life, and has stretched over each of them the gar- niture of such a sky, as mantles our own habitation and that, even from distances which are far beyond the 10 reach of human eye, the songs of gratitude and praise may now be arising to the one God, who sits surrounded by the regards of his one great and universal family. Now it is saying much for the benevolence of God, to say, that it sends forth these wide and distant emana- 15 tions over the surface of a territory so ample that the world we inhabit, lying imbedded as it does, amidst so much surrounding greatness, shrinks into a point that to the universal eye might appear to be almost imper- ceptible. But does it not add to the power and to the 20 perfeetion of this universal eye, that at the very moment K\I:K( IHI-.<. PART n. [Ex. 72, 73. it is taking a comprehensive MIM. \ of tin- vast, it can fasten a steady and undistracted attention on each mi- nute and separate portion of it ; that at the very mo- nicni ii i* looking at all m look most point- !'.v ami most intelligently to each of them ; that at the v moment it sweeps the tield of immensity, it can settle all the earnestness of its regards upon .wry dis- tinct handhreath of that field; that at the very mo- ment at which it embraces the totality of existence, it 30 can send a most thorough and penetrating insj into each of its details, and into every one of its endless diversities? You cannot fail to perceive how much this adds to the power of the all seeing eye. Tell me, then, if it do not add as much perfection to the benevolence 35 of God, that while it is expatiating over the vast field of created things, there is not one portion of the field overlooked by it ; that while it scatters blessings over the whole of an infinite range, it causes them to de- scend in a shower of plenty on ever}' separate habita- 40 tion ; that while his arm is underneath and round about all worlds, he enters within the precincts of every one of them, and gives a care and a tenderness to each in- dividual of their teeming population. Oh! does not the God, who is said to le lo\e, shed over this attribute 45 of his, its finest illustration! when, while he sits in the highest heaven, and pours out his fullness on the whole subordinate domain of nature and of ProvideoMjBhe bows a pitying regard on the very humblest of his chil dren, and sends his reviving Spirit into e\ery heart, and 60 cheers by his presence everv home, and pro\idr> for the wants of everv family, and watches . . bed, and listens to the romplar nd while, In his wondrous mind, the weight of universal <; utter a groan too deep, or a cry too piercing, to express the magnitude 70 and extent of such a catastrophe ? i:\Kitrisi: 7i. Rf mark-able Preservation from Death at Sea. PHOK. WILSON. You have often asked me to describe to you on paper aa event in my life, which at th<- HiMnncr of thirty years, I cannot look back to without horror. No words can give an adequate image of the miseries I suffered daring 6 that fearful night ; but I shall try to give you something Kke a faint shadow of them, th.tt from it your soul may conceive what I must have suffer I was, you know, on my voyage back to my native country, after an absence of five years spent in uninvr- 10 mittim; toil, in ;, :;tnd, to which I had been driv- i-n hy .1 singular fatality Our ^"yitge had been most cheerful and properous; and, on Christmas day, we were within fifty league of port. Passengers and crew Ex. 74.] tXERCISES. PART II. 211 were all in the highest spirits, and the ship was alive 15 with mirth and jollity. About eight o'clock in the evening, I went on deck. The ship was sailing upon a wind, at the rate of seven knots an hour, and there was a wild grandeur in the night. A strong snow-storm blew, but steadily, and 20 without danger ; and, now and then, when the strug- gling moonlight overcame the sleety and misty dark- ness, we saw, for some distance round us, the agitated sea all tumbling with foam. There were no shoals to fear, and the ship kept boldly on her course, close reef- 25 ed, and mistress of the storm. I leaned over the gun- wale, admiring the water rushing past like a foaming cataract, when, by some unaccountable accident, I lost my balance, and in an instant fell overboard into the sea. I remember a convulsive shuddering all over my body, 30 and a hurried leaping of my heart, as I felt myself about to lose hold of the vessel, and afterwards a sensation of the most icy chillness, from immersion into the waves, but nothing resembling a fall or precipitation. When below the water, I think that a momentary belief rushed across 35 my mind, that the ship had suddenly sunk, and that I was but one of a perishing crew. I imagined that I felt a hand with long fingers clutching at my legs, and made violent efforts to escape, dragging after me, as I thought, the body of some drowning wretch. On rising to the 40 surface, I recollected in a moment what had befallen me, and uttered a cry of horror, which is in my ears to this day, and often makes me shudder, as if it were the mad shriek of another person ' in extremity of perilous agony. Often have I dreamed over again that dire mo- 45 ment, and the cry I utter in my sleep is said to be some- thing more horrible than a human voice. No ship was to be seen. She was gone forever. The little happy world to which, a moment before, I had belonged, had swept by, and I felt that God had flung me at once from 50 the heart of joy, delight, and happiness, into the utter- most abyss of mortal misery and despair. Yes! I felt that the Almighty God had done this, that there was an act, a fearful act of Providence ; and miserable worm that I was, I thought that the act was cruel, and a sort 65 of wild, indefinite, objectless rage and wrath assailed me, and took for awhile the place of that first shrieking ter- 213 XECISES. PART 11. [Ex. 74. ror. I gnashed my teeth, and cursed myself, and* with bitter tears and yells, blasphemed the name of God. It, i> trur. ii. \ friend, that 1 did so. God forgave that 00 wickedness. Tin- He. ing, whom 1 then cursed, was, in his tender mercy, not unmindful of me, of me, a- poor, blind, miserable, mistaken worm. But the waves dash- ed on me, and struck me on the face, and howled at me; and the winds yelled, and the. snow beat like drift - 65 ing sand into my eyes. and the .ship, the ihip was gone, and there was I left to struggle, and bullet, and gasp, and sink, and perish ; alone, unseen, and unpitied by man, and, as I thought too, by the everlasting God. 1 tried to penetrate the surrounding darkness \\uli my 70 glaring eyes, that felt leaping from their sockets; and saw, as if by miraculous power, to a great distance through the night; but no shiji, nothing but white- crested waves, and the dismal noise of thunder. 1 shout- ed, shrieked, and yelled, that I might be heard by the 75 crew, till my voice was gone, and that too, when I knew that there were none to hear me. At last I be- came utterly speechless, and, when I tried to call aloud, there was nothing but a silent gasp and convulsion, while the waves came upon me like stunning blows, re- 80 iterated, and drove me along, like a log of wood, or a dead animal. PART II. All this time I was not conscious of any act of swim- ming ; but I soon found that I had instinctively been exerting all my power and skill, and both were requisite to keep me alive in the tumultuous wake of the ship. 5 Something struck me harder than a wave. What it was I knew not ; but I grasped it with a passionate vio- lence, for the hope of salvation came suddenly over me, and with a sudden transition from despair, 1 felt that I was rescued. 1 had the same thought as if I had been 10 suddenly heaved on shore by a wave. The crew had thrown overboard every thing they thought could afford me the slightest chance of escape from death, and a hen-coop had drifted towards me. At once all the sto- ries I had ever read of mariners miraculously saved at 16 sea, rushed across my recollection. I had an object to cling to, which I knew would enable me to prolong my Ex. 74.] EXERCISES. PART II. 213 existence. I was no longer helpless on the cold, welter- ing world of waters ; and, the thought that my friends were thinking of me, and doing all they could for me, 20 gave to me a wonderful courage. I may yet pass the night in the ship, I thought ; and I looked round eagerly to hear the rush of her prow, or to see through the snow- drift the gleaming of her sails. This was but a momentary gladness. The ship I knew 25 could not be far off, but, for any good she could do me, she might have been in the heart of the Atlantic Ocean. Ere she could have altered her course, I must have drifted a long way to leewai'd ; and in that dim snowy night, how was such a speck to be seen ? I saw a flash 30 of lightning, and then there was thunder. It was the ship firing a gun, to let me know, if still alive, that she was somewhere lying to. But wherefore ? I was sepa- rated from her by a dire necessity, by many thousand fierce waves, that would not let my shrieks be heard. 35 Each succeeding gun was heard fainter and fainter, till at last I cursed the sound, that, scarcely heard above the hollow rumbling of the tempestuous sea, told me, that the ship was farther and farther off, till she and her heartless crew had left me to my fate. Why did they 40 not send out all their boats to row round and round all the night through, for the sake of one whom they pre- tended to love so well ? I blamed, blessed, and cursed them by fits, till every emotion of my soul was exhausted, and I clung in sullen despair to the wretched piece of 45 wood, that still kept me from eternity. Every thing was now seen in its absolute, dreadful reality. I was a Castaway no hope of rescue. It was broad daylight, and the storm had ceased ; but clouds lay round the horizon, and no land was to be seen. 50 What dreadful clouds ! Some black as pitch and charged with thunder ; others like cliffs of fire ; and here and there all streamered over with blood. It was indeed a sullen, wrathful, and despairing sky. The sun itself was a dull brazen orb, cold, dead, and beamless. I beheld 65 three ships afar off, but all their heads were turned away from me. For whole hours they would adhere motionless to the sea, while I drifted away from them ; and then a rushing wind would spring up, and carry them, one by one, into the darkness of the stormy dis- 214 EXEBCUE8. TAET II. [El. 74, 75. CO tance. Many birds came close to me, as if to flap me with their large spreading wings, screamed round and round me, and then flew away in their strength, and beauty, and happiness. 1 now felt myself indi-rd dying. A calm came over 65 me. 1 prayed devoutly for forgiveness of my sins, and for all my friends on earth. A ringing was in my Mrs, and I remember only the hollow fluctuations of the sea, with which 1 seemed to be l>!< n rudest frown; Hut e,,lder, ruder was the hand, That drove tin-in lii'iii their <>\\i\ fair land, Tin ir own fair land Refinement's chosen seal, Art's trophied dwelling, Learning's green retreat ; By valor guarded, and hy victory crown'd, For all, but gentle charity, n-nown'd. With streaming eye, yet steadfast heart, Even from that land they dared to part, And burst each tender tie ; Haunts, where their sunny youth was pass'd, Homes, where they fondly hoped at last In peaceful age to die ; Friends, kindred, comfort, all they spurn'd Their fathers' hallow'd graves ; And to a world of darkness turn'd, Beyond a world of waves. 2 When Israel's race from bondage fled, . Signs from on high the wanderers led ; But here Heaven hung no symbol 1 Tlicir steps to guide, their souls to ch' They saw, through sorrow's lengthening night Nought but the fagot's guilty light ; The cloud they gazed at was the smoke, That round their murder'd brethren broke ; Nor power above, nor power below, Sustain'd them in their hour of woe ; A fearful path they trod, And dared a fearful doom, To build an altar to their God, And find a quiet tomb. 3 Yet, strong in weakness, there they stand, On yonder ice-bound rock, Stern and resolved, that faithful band, To meet fate's rudest shock. Though ati<,'ui>li rends the father's bread, For them, his dearest and his best With him the waste who trod Though tears that freeze, the mother sheds Upon her children's houseless heads The Christian turns to Ood ! Ex. 76.] EXBRCISEB PART II. 217 4 In grateful adoration now, Upon the barren sands they bow. What tongue of joy e'er woke such prayer, As bursts in desolation there? What arm of strength e'er wkmght such power, As waits to crown that feeble hour ? There into life an infant empire springs ! There falls the iron from the soul ; There Liberty's young accents roll, Up to the King of kings ! To fair creation's farthest bound, That thrilling summons yet shall sound ; The dreaming nations shall awake, And to their centre earth's old kingdoms shake. Pontiff and prince, your sway Must crumble from that day ; Before the loftier throne of Heaven, The hand is raised, the pledge is given One monarch to obey, one creed to own, That monarch, God, that creed, His word alone. 5 Spread out earth's holiest records here Of days and deeds to virtue dear ; A zeal like this what pious legends tell ? On kingdoms built In blood and guilt, The worshipers of vulgar triumph dwell But what exploit with theirs shall page, Who rose to bless their kind ; Who left their nation and their age, Man's spirit to unbind ? Who boundless seas passed o'er, And boldly met in every path, Famine and frost, and heathen wrath, To dedicate a shore, Where Piety's meek train might breathe their vow, And seek their Maker with an unshamed brow ; Where Liberty's glad race might proudly come, And set up there an everlasting home ? 10 218 F.XERCISE8. PART II. [Ex. 77 KXKIiriSE 77. Duty of Literary Men to their Country. GKIMKE. We cannot honor our country with too deep a rever- ence ; we cannot love her with an affection too pure and fervent ; we cannot serve her with an energy of purpose or a faithfulness of zeal too steadfast and ar- 5 dent. And what is our country ? It is not the East, with her hills and her valleys, with her countless sails, and the rocky ramparts of her shores. It is not the North, with her thousand villages, and her harvest-home, with her frontiers of the lake and the ocean. It is not the 10 West with her forest-sea and her inland-isles, with her luxuriant expanses, clothed in the verdant corn, with her beautiful Ohio and her majestic Missouri. Nor is it yet the South, opulent in the mimic snow of the cot- ton, in the rich plantations of the rustling cane, and 15 in the golden robes of the rice-field. What are these but the sister families of one greater, better, holier family, ouu COUNTRY ? I come not here to speak the dialect, or to give the counsels of the patriot-states- man. But I come, a patriot-scholar, to vindicate the 20 rights and to plead for the interests of the American Lit- erature. And be assured, that we cannot, as patriot- scholars, think too highly of that country, or sacrifice too much for her. And let us never forget, let us rather remember, with a religious awe, that the union 25 of these States is indispensable to our Literature, as it is to our national independence and civil liberties, to our prosperity, happiness, and improvement. If, in- deed, we desire to behold a Literature like that, which has sculptured with such energy of expression, which 30 has paint. '1 M faithfully and vividly, the crim< vices, the follies of ancient and modern Europe : if we desire that our land should furnish for the ora- tor and the no\tli>t. for the painter and the poet, age after age, the wild and romantic scenery of war . 35 glittering march of armies, and the revelry of the camp ; the .-hri.-k- ami U.isphemies, and all the horrors of the battle-field ; the desolation of the harvest, and the Ex. 77, 78.] EXKKCISES. PART ii. 219 burning cottage ; the storm, the sack, and the ruin of 40 cities ; if we desire to unchain the furious passions of jealousy and selfishness, of hatred, revenge, and ambition, those lions? that now sleep harmless in their den ; if we desire, that the lake, the river, the ocean, should blush with the blood of brothers ; that the winds should waft 45 from the laud to the sea, from the sea to the land, the roar and the smoke of battle ; that the very mountain- tops should become altars for the sacrifice of brothers ; if we desire that these, and such as these the elements to an incredible extent, of the Literature of the old 50 world should be the elements of our Literature ; then, but then only, let us hurl from its pedestal the majestic statue of our Union, and scatter its fragments over ail our land. But, if we covet for our country the noblest, purest, loveliest Literature the world has ever seen, such 65 a Literature as shall honor God, and bless mankind ; a Literature, whose smiles might play upon an angel's face, whose tears "would not stain an angel's cheek;" then let us cling to the union of these States, with a patriot's love, with a scholar's enthusiasm, with a Chris- 60 tian's hope. In her heavenly character, as a holocaust self-sacrificed to God ; at the hight of her glory, as the ornament of a free, educated, peaceful, Christian people, American Literature will find that THE INTELLECTUAL SPIRIT IS HER VERY TREE OF LIFE, AND THAT UNION, HER 65 GARDEN OF PARADISE. EXERCISE 78. Eulogy on Adams and Jefferson. WIRT. Such was the state of things under which the Congress of 1776 assembled, when Adams and Jefferson again met. It was, as you know, in this Congress, that the question of American Independence came, for the first 6 time, to be discussed ; and never, certainly, has a more momentous question been discussed in any age or in any country ; for, it was fraught, not only with the destinies of this wide extended continent, but as the event has shown, and is still showing, with the destinies of man all 10 over the world. v.",0 KXKK i.-i . i \KI a. [Ex.78. Amid tliis appalling array that surrounded them, the first to enter the breach, sword in hand, was John Adams the vision of his youth at hi* heart, and his country in every nerve. On the sixth of May, he offered, in com- 15 mittee of the whole, the significant resolution, that the colonies should form ^<>\. nuin-nts irnle|M-nilent of the AH. This was the harbinger of more important measures, and seems to have U-. n put forward to feel the pulse of the House. The resolution, after a severe 20 struggle, was adopted on the 15th of May following. On the 7th of June, by previous concert, Richard Henry Lee moved the great resolution of Independence, and was seconded by John Adams ; and " then came the tug of war." The debate upon it was continued from the 25 7th to the 10th, when the further consideration of it was postponed to the 1st of July, and at the same time a committee of five was appointed to prepare, provis- ionally, the draught of a Declaration of Independence. At the head of this important committee, Inch was then 30 appointed by a vote of the House, although he was prob- ably the youngest member, and one of the youngest men in the House, for he had served only part of the former session, and was but thirty-two years of age, stands the name of Thomas Jefferson Mr. Adams's stands next. 35 And these two gentlemen, having been deputed a sub- committee to prepare the draught, that draught, at Mr. Adams's earnest importunity, was prepared by his more youthful friend. Of this transaction Mr. Adams is him- self the historian, and the authorship of the Declaration, 40 though once disputed, is thus placed forever beyond the reach of question. The final debate on the resolution was postponed, as we have seen, for nearly a month. In toe meantime, all who are conversant with th- , .f action of all 45 deliberative bodies, know how much is done by conver- sation among the members. It is not often, indeed, that proselytes are made on great questions by public debate. On such questions, opinions are far more frequently formed in ]>rivate, and so formed, that debate is seldom 60 known to change them. Hence the value of t In- door talent of chamlxr consultation, where objections, candidly stated, are candidly, calmly, and mildly dis- cussed ; where neither pride, not shame, nor anger, take Ex. 78, 79.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 221 part in the discussion, nor stand in the way of a correct 55 conclusion ; but where every thing being conducted frankly, delicately, respectfully, and kindly, the better cause and the better reasoner are almost always sure of success. In this kind of service, as well as in all that depended on the power of composition, Mr. Jefferson 60 was as much a master-magician, as his eloquent friend Adams was in debate. They were, in truth, hemis- pheres of the same golden globe, and required only to be brought and put together, to prove that they were parts of the same heaven-formed whole. 65 On the present occasion, however, much still remain- ed to be effected by debate. The first of July came, and the great debate on the resolution for Independence was resumed with fresh spirit. The discussion was again protracted for two days, which, in addition to the 70 former three, were sufficient, in that age, to call out all the speaking talent of the House. * * * * Mr. Jefferson has told us, that " the Colossus of that . Congress the great pillar of support to the Declaration of Independence, and its ablest advocate and champion 75 on the floor of the House, was John Adams." ********* The resolution having been carried, the draught of the Declaration came to be examined in detail ; and, so faultless had it issued from the hands of its author, that 80 it was adopted as he had prepared it, pruned only of a few of its brightest inherent beauties, through a prudent deference to some of the States. It was adopted about noon of the Fourth, and proclaimed to an exulting nation, on the evening of the same day. 85 That brave and animated band who signed it where are they now ? What heart does not sink at the ques- tion? One only survives: CHARLES CARROLL, of Car- rollton a noble specimen of the age that has gone by, and now the single object of that age, on whom the vene- 90 ration and prayers of his country are concentrated. EXERCISE 79. The Greek Revolution. WEBSTER. The end and scope of this amalgamated policy is neither more nor less than this ; to interfere, by force, 2*29 BZBIOIBE8. PART II. [Kx.7fl. for any government, against any people who may resist it. Be the state of the people what it may, they shall 5 not rise; be the government what it will, it shall not be opposed. The practical commentary has correspond- ed with the plain language of the text. Look at Spain and at Greece. If men may not resist the Spanish inquisition, and the Turkish cimiter, what is there to 10 which humanity must not submit? Stronger cases can m-ver arise. Is it not proper for us, at all times Is it not our duty, at this time, to come forth, and deny, and condemn, these monstrous principles ? Where, but here and in one other place, are they likely to be resisted ? 15 They are advancing with equal coolness and boldness ; and they are supported by immense power. The timid will shrink and give way and many of the brave may be compelled to yield to force. Human liberty may yet, perhaps, be obliged to repose its principal hopes on the 20 intelligence and the vigor of the Saxon race. As far as depends on us, at least, I trust those hopes will not be disappointed ; and that, to the extent which may con- sist with our own settled, pacific policy, our opinions and sentiments may be brought to act on the right side, and 25 to the right end, on an occasion which is, in truth, nothing less than a momentous question between an in- telligent age, full of knowledge, thirsting for improve- ment, and quickened by a thousand impulses, and t In- most arbitrary pretensions, sustained by unprecedented 30 power. In four days, the fire and the sword of the Turk, ren- dered the beautiful Scio a clotted mass of blood and ashes. The details are too shocking to be recited. Forty thousand women and children, unhappily saved from the 35 general destruction, were afterwards sold in the market of Smyrna, and sent off into distant and hopeless servi- tude. Even on the wharves of our own cities, it has been said, have been sold the utensils of those hearths which now exist no longer. Of the whole population 40 which I have mentioned, not above 900 persons were left living upon the island. I will only repeat, sir, that these tragical scenes were as fully known at the Con- gress of Vienna, as th> ' known to us; and it is . not too much to call on the powers that constituted that 46 Congress, in the name of conscience, and in the name *, Ex. 79, 80.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 223 of humanity, to tell us if there be nothing even in these unparalleled excesses of Turkish barbarity, to excite a sen- timent of compassion ; nothing which they regard as so objectionable as even the very idea of popular resistance 50 to arbitrary power. * * * I close, then, sir, with repeating, that the object of this resolution is, to avail ourselves of the interesting occasion of the Greek revolution, to make our protest against the doctrines of the Allied Powers ; both as they 55 are laid down in principle, and as they are applied in practice. I think it right, too, sir, not to be unseasonable in the expression of our regard, and, as far as that goes, in a ministration of our consolation to a long oppressed and 60 now struggling people. I am not of those who would in the hour of utmost peril, withhold such encouragement as might be properly and lawfully given, and when the crisis should be passed, overwhelm the rescued sufferer with kindness and caresses. The Greeks address the 65 civilized world with a pathos not easy to be resisted. They invoke our favor by more moving considerations than can well belong to the condition of any other people. They stretch out their arms to the Christian communities of the earth, beseeching them, by a generous recollection 70 of their ancestors; by the consideration of their own desolated and ruined cities and villages ; by their wives and children, sold into an accursed slavery ; by their own blood, which they seem willing to pour out like water ; by the common faith, and in the Name which unites all *I5 Christians, that they would extend to them, at least some token of compassionate regard. EXERCISE 80. Triumph of the Gospel. PHILLIP. Whatever may be said scoffingly, or in earnest, about the march of intellect, the age in which we live is more distinguished than perhaps any other, by the march and triumph of enlightened, religious, and moral prin- ciple. Even the world itself seems to have forebodings of an approaching change ; all creatures sigh to be re- newed ; the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in XXJBRCUKS. fAT II. [Ex. 8O pain together. There is at present a restlessne** and an apprehension uu the public mind, in relation to com- 10 in^ something resembling the uneasiness and anxiety occasioned by the atmosphere, which is some- times tin- forerunner of an earthquake; like Jerusalem, when Christ entered it on his way to Calvary the whole world seems to be moved in short, all nature 15 sec' upathize with us, who have the tirst fruits of the Spirit, while we groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit. the redemption of our be have every reason to believe that we are at this moment standing on the brink of a great moral revolution. The 20 Angel of the Apocalypse, having the everlasting Gospel to preach to them that dwell in the uttermost parts of the earth, is now on the wing; the shadow of dealt) is in many parts turned into the morning ; the dawn of that day which is to renovate the dominions of darkness 25 has arisen upon us ; the delightful anticipations of for- mer ages begin to be realized ; the splendid visions of prophecy are now embodying before our eyes ; and from the altar of God a fire has been kindled, which, like the last conflagration, will continue to burn, till the SO elements of corruption shall burn with fervent heat till the earth, or political 1 which are unfavorable t<> the progress of divine truth, shall be purified, or shall pass away with a great noise till every idol in the hea- then world shall be consumed till the present system 85 of things shall give place to the new heavens and the new earth till the celestial voice shall salute our ears, " Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and thry shall In- his people, and he will be their God." 40 Were yonder sun turned into darkness and the moon into blood ; were the whole frame of nature dissolved, God would n-niain. <;.rd shall cover the earth, as the waters cover the channels of the groat deep, it is enough for me that the mouth <>f th.- Lord hath spoken it. I take my stand upon the high table-land of promise, and look ard with certainty to the period, when all the pro- 50 miseg, which respect th future grandeur of .Christ's Ex. 80, 81.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 225 kingdom, shall be accomplished. Arise and shine, for thy light is come ; let the Directors of this Society arise and shine ; let the churches of London arise and shine ; let the ministers of London arise and shine ; let the rich 55 professors of religion arise and shine. Zion, the joy of the whole earth, shall arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord has arisen upon her; her palaces shall be adorned by the just and good of all ages. Multitudes who live in regions far remote, and myriads yet to come, 60 will arise to call her blessed : the barbarous nations shall attend at her gates, the numerous tribes of Africa, the millions of Madagascar, and the teeming population of India, and of China, shall be seen pressing forward to her hallowed courts, bending in her sanctuary, and offer- 65 ing unto God the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving The wealth of the nations shall be brought into her treasury, the martial trumpet shall be suspended on her battlements, and the temple of peace shall exhibit the sword and spear, to remind us of the triumph of the 70 Gospel. Kings' daughters shall be among her honorable women, the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift, the gold of Sheba and Seba shall be offered unto her, and the rich among the people shall entreat her favor ; the light himself shall shine revealed from Heaven, and 75 one tide of glory, one unclouded blaze, shall overflow her courts.- EXERCISE 81. Duties and Prospects of New England. PRES. QUINCY. And now, standing at this hour on the dividing line which separates the ages that are past, from those which are to come, ho\v solemn is the thought that not one of this vast assembly not one of that great multitude who 5 now throng our streets, rejoice in our fields, and make our hills echo with their gratulations, shall live to witness the next return of the era we this day celebrate ! The dark veil of futurity conceals from human sight the fate of cities and nations, as well as of individuals. Man 10 passes away ; generations are but shadows ; there is nothing stable but truth ; principles only are immortal. What, then, in conclusion of this great topic, are the elements of the liberty, prosperity, and safety, which the 10* EXEECIBEB. - FART II. ( K\ inhabitants of New England at i :ijoy? In what 15 language, ami concerning what comprehensive truths, doe the wisdom of former times address the inexperience of t he future ? Those elements are simple, obvious, and familiar. Every civil and religious blessing of New England, all 20 that here gives happiness to human life, or security t<> human virtue, is alone to be perpetuated in the forms and under the auspices of a free commonwealth. The commonwealth itself lias no other strength or hope, than the intelligence and virtue of the individuals that 25 compose it For the intelligence and virtue of individuals, there is no other human assurance than laws, providing for the (duration <(" the whole people. These laws themselves have no strength, or efficient 30 sanction, except in the moral and accountable nature of man, disclosed in the records of the Christian's faith, the right to read, to construe, and to judge concerning which, belongs to no class or caste of men, but exclusively to the individual, who must stand or fall by his own acts and his 85 own faith, and not by those of another. The great comprehensive truths, written in letters of living light on every page of our history, the language addressed by every past age of New England to all future ages is this : Human happiness has no perfect xecurily 40 but freedom; -freedom none but virtue ; virtue none but knowledge ; and neither freedom, nor virtue, nor knowledge has any vigor, or immortal hope, except in the principles of the C hristian faith, and in the sanctions of the Christian lion. 45 Men of Massachusetts ! Citizens of Boston ! Descend- ants of the i arly emigrants! Consider your bles^; murder your duties. You have an inlieritani-e ji.-.juii'-d i)\- the labors ami sulierings of six successive generations of ancestors. They founded the fabric of your prosper- 50 ity, in a severe and ma.s.'uline morality; having intdli- < e for its cement, and religion for its groundwork. Continue to build on the same foundation, and by the same principles; let the extending temple of your coun- freedom rise, iii the spirit of ancient times, in pro- 55 portions of intellectual ana moral architecture, just, MID pie. and sublime. As from the first to this day. let Ex. 81, 82.] EXERCISES. PART II. New England continue to be an example to the world, of the blessings of a free government, and of the means and capacity of man to maintain it. And, in all times to 60 come, as in all times past, may Boston be among the fore- most and boldest to exemplify and uphold whatever con- stitutes the prosperity, the happiness, and the glory of New England. EXERCISE 82. The Sabbath School Teacher. JAMES. My fancy has sometimes presented me with this picture of a faithful Sabbath school teacher's enirance to the state of her everlasting rest. The agony of dissolution is closed, the triumph of faith completed, and the conquering spirit 5 hastens to her crown. Upon the confines of the heavenly world, a form divinely fair awaits her arrival. Wrapt in astonishment at the dazzling glory of this celestial inhabitant, and as yet a stranger in the world of spirits, she inquires, " Is this 10 Gabriel, chief of all the heavenly hosts, and am I honored with his aid to guide me to the throne of God ?" s With a smile of ineffable delight, such as gives fresh beauty to an angel's countenance, the mystic form replies, Dost thou remember little Elizabeth, who was in yonder 15 world a Sunday scholar in thy class ? Dost thou recollect the child who wept as thou talkedst to her of sin, and directed her to the cross of the dying Redeemer ? God smiled with approbation upon thy effort, and by his own Spirit sealed the impression upon her heart in characters 20 never to be effaced. Providence removed her from beneath thy care, before the fruit of thy labor was visible. The seed, however, had taken root, and it was the business of another to water what thou didst sow. Cherished by the influence 25 of Heaven, the plant of religion flourished in her heart and shed its fragrance upon her character. Piety, after guarding her from the snares of youth, cheered her amidst the accumulated trials of an afflicted life, supported her amidst the agonies of her last conflict, 80 and elevated her to the mansions of immortality : and now behold before thee the glorified spirit of that poor 228 KXEftCJBEB. PAX T II [Ex. 89, 88. child, who, under God, owes the eternal lift- on which she has lately entered, to thy faithful labors in the Sunday School; and who is now sent by our Redeemer to intm 35 duce thee to tin- world of ^Imy, as thy first and least re- ward for guiding the om-e t In. ii-jlu !<>>, ignorant, wicked Elizabeth to the world of grace. Hail, happy spirit ' Hail, favored of the Lord ! Hail, deliverer of my soul ! Hail, to the world of eternal glory ! 40 I can trace the scene BO farther. I cannot paint the raptures produced in the honored tia. h, r's bosom by this unexpected interview. I cannot depict the mutual grati- tude and love of two such spirits meeting on the confines of heaven ; much less can I follow them to their overlast- 45 ing man>in and disclose the bliss which they shall enjoy before the throne of God. All this, and a thousand times more, is attendant upon the salvation of one single soul. Teachers, what a motive to diligence ! EXERCISE 83. Motivet of tkf Gotpel. D WIGHT. To this divine, this indispensable employment, every motive calls you, which ran reach the heart of virtue, or wisdom. The terms, on which these blessings of the Gospel arc offered, are of all terms the most reasonable. 5 You are summoned to no sacrifice but of sin, and shame. and wretchedness. No service is demanded of you, but services of gain, and glory. " My son, give me thine heart," is the requisition which involves them all. Remember how vast, how multiplied, how noble, these 10 blessings are! Remember that tin- happiness of heaven is not only unmingled and consummate ; not only uninter- rupted and immortal : but > << r j>rogrf*rive. To this scene of glory, all things continually urge you. The seasons roll on their soli-run course. The earth yields 15 its increase, to furnish blessings to support you. Mercies charm you to their Author. Afflictions warn you of ap- proaching ruin ; and drive you to the ark of safety. Mag- istrates uphold order and peace, that you may consecrate your labors to the divine attainment. 20 Ministers proclaim to you the glad iidingt of great joy ; and point out to you the path to heaven. The Sabbath fix. 83.] . EXERCISES. PART II. 229 faithfully returns its mild and sweet season of grace, that earthly objects may not engross your thoughts, and pre- vent your attention to immortality. The sanctuary un- 25 folds its doors ; and invites you to enter in and be saved. The Gospel still shines to direct your feet, and to quicken your pursuit of the inestimable prize. Saints wait, with fervent hope of renewing their joy over your repentance. Angels spread their wings to con- 30 duct you home. The Father holds out the golden scepter of forgiveness, that you may touch, and live. The Son died on the cross, ascended to heaven, and intercedes be- fore the throne of mercy, that you may be accepted. The Spirit of grace and truth descends with his benevo- 35 lent influence, to allure and persuade you. While all things, and God at the head of all things, are thus kindly, and solemnly employed, to encourage you in the pursuit of this inestimable good, will you forget, that you have souls, which must be saved, or lost ? Will you 40 forget, that the only time of salvation is the present ? that beyond the grave there is no Gospel to be preached ? that there no offers of life are to be made ? that no Redeemer will there expiate your sins ; and no forgiving God receive your souls ? 45 Of what immense moment, then, is the present life ! How invaluable every Sabbath ; every mean of salvation ! Think how soon your last Sabbath will set in darkness ; and the last sound of mercy die upon your ears ! How painful, how melancholy an object, to a compassionate 50 eye, is a blind, unfeeling, unrepenting immortal ! See the gates of life already unfolding to admit you. The first-born open their arms to welcome you to their divine assembly. The Saviour, who is gone before to prepare a place for your reception, informs you, that all 55 things are ready. With triumph, then, with ecstacy, hasten to enjoy the reward of his infinite labors in a universe of good, and in the glory, which he had with t/ie Father before ever the world was. AT ii. V,\. 84. !:\r.ucisi: 84. Character of Richard Reynolds. TIIURPK. Ixx>k at mighty Athens, and you will everywhere perceive monuments of taste, and genius, and elegance ! Look at imperial, Pagan Rome in all her glory ! You will behold all the grandeur of the human intellect un- it folded in her temples, her palaces, and her amphitheatres. You will find no hospital or infirmary ; no asylum for the aged and the infirm, the fatherless and the widow; the blind, the dumb, the deaf; the outcast and the desti- tute. 10 How vastly superior in this respect is Bristol to Ath- ene, is London to Rome. These, Christianity, are thy triumphs ! These are thy lovely offspring ! they all bear the lineaments of their common parent. Their family 15 likeness proves the sameness of their origin. Mercy con- joined with purity is the darling attribute of our holy re- ligion. Its great Founder was mercy embodied in a human form. Those virtues which shone in him shone in Rey- 20 nolds also ; though with a diminished lustre, when com- pared with his great original : yet in a brighter lustre than in the rest of mankind. But whence, it may be demanded, came it to pass that this man rose so high above the great mass of professed 26 Christians ? The answer is obvious. The great mass of professed Christians are Christians only by profession. Reynolds was a Christian in reality. His Christianity was cordial ardent energetic. v empty name n I) -fie.-ulation ; but a vital principle. 80 Vital C'hri>fianity is not so much a solitary beauty, as UtY. It '< ".\\\> mi < the wi<>a, it was a rosy boy/ A little faithful copy of his sire In face and gesture, l-'nua infancy the child Had been his father's solace and his care. 10 Kvery sport The father shared and heighten'd. But at length The rigorous law had grasp'd him, and comlemn'd To fetters and to darkness. Tlie captive's lot 15 He felt in all its bitterness: the walls Of his deep dungeon answer'd many a sigh And heai t-heaved groan. His tale was known, and touch 'd Hi.- jail-r \\ith compassion ; and the boy, 20 Thenceforth u frequent visitor, beguiled His father's lingering hours, and brought a balm With his lo\ed pri-x-iice, that in every wound Dropt healing. But in tln> terrific hour, II.- was a poison i day of dink:;. - and amaze, I !,.< I,. ;> d "ir w;is closed, for them r to open more! The day, tin- ni^ht, 30 Dragg'd slowly by ; nor did they know the fate Impending o'ei Well they heard The pent-up tlniiuler> in tin* earth beneath, And felt ius 1 the air Grew li I'Ut in Ins straw 35 Tlie boy was sleeping: and the father hoped Ex. 80.] KXEHCISES. PART ii. 233 The earthquake might pass by; nor would he wake From his sound rest the unfearing child, nor tell The dangers of their state. ( ) On his low couch The fetter'd soldier sunk and with deep awe 40 Listen'd the fearful sounds : with upturn'd eye To the great gods he breathed a prayer ; then strove To calm himself, and lose in sleep awhile His useless terrors. But he could not sleep : His body burned with feverish heat ; his chains 45 Clank'd loud although he moved not : deep in earth Groan'd unimaginable thunders : sounds, Fearful and ominous, arose and died, Like the sad moanings of November's wind, In the blank midnight. ( * ) Deepest horror chill'd 50 His blood that burn'd before ; cold clammy swSats Came o'er him : ( ) then anon a fiery thrill Shot through his veins. Now on his couch he shrunk, And shiver'd as in fear : now upright leap'd, As though he heard the battle-trumpet sound, 55 And long'd to cope with death. He slept at last, A troubled, dreamy sleep. Well, had he slept Never to waken more ! His hours are few, But terrible his agony. PART II. Soon the storm Burst forth : the lightnings glanced : the air Shook with the thunders. They awoke ; they sprung Amazed upon their feet. The dungeon glow'd 5 A moment as in sunshine, and was dark: Again a flood of white flame fills the cell ; Dying away upon the dazzled eye In darkening, quivering tints, as stunning sound Dies throbbing, ringing in the ear. Silence, 10 And blackest darkness. With intensest awe The soldier's frame was fill'd.; and many a thought Of strange foreboding hurried through his mind, As underneath he felt the fever'd earth Jarring and lifting and the massive walls 15 Heard harshly grate and strain : yet knew he not, While evils undefined and yet to come BXKBCIBES. PART II. [Ex. 86. Glanced through his thoughts, what deep and cureless wound Fate had already given. Where, man of woe ! 20 Where, wretched father ! is thy boy ? Thou call'st His name in vain : he cannot answer thee Loudly the father call'd upon hU child : No voice replied. Trembling and anxiously He search'd their couch of straw : with headlong haste 25 Trod round his stinted limits, and, low bent, Groped darkling on the irtii : no child was there. Again he call'd : again, at farthest stretch Of his accursed fetters, till the blood Seem'd bursting from his ears, and from his eyes SO Fire flash'd, he strained with arm extended far. And fingers widely >pr-a\, For with my father* lift 'twas bought And made u a poor orphan boy ! 3 The people's shouts were long and loud ! My mother, shuddering, closed her ears ; " Rejoice ! rejoice !" still cried the crowd My mother an&wer'd wiih her tears! "Oh ! why do tears steal down your cheeks," Cried I, " while others shout for j-y V" She kiss'd me, and in accents weak, She call'd me her poor orphan boy. 4 " What is an orphan boy ?" I said ; Wlirii suddenly she gasp'd for breath, And her eyes closed ; 1 sJiriek'd for aid : But, ah ! her eyes were closed in death ! My hardships since I will not tell : But now no more a parent's joy ; Ah ! lady, I have learn 'd too well What 'tis to be an orphan boy. EXERCISE 88. Christian Consolation. ANONYMOUS. [The annexed feeline and beautiful lines, are said to have been written by a young English lady, who had experienced much affliction.] 1 Jesus I my cross have taken, All to leave, and follow thee, Naked, poor, despised, forsaken Thou, from hence, my all shall be ! Perish erery fond ambition All I've sought, or hoped, or known, V' t how rich is my condition God and Heaven arc all my own ! 2 Go, thru, earthly fame and treasure Come disaster, scorn, and pai ; In thy service, pain is plea.- i thy favor, loss is gain ; I have call'd thee Abba Father I have set my heart on thee ; Ex. 88, 89.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 237 Storms may howl, and clouds may gather All must work for good to me ! 3 Soul ! then know thy full salvation Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care ; Joy to find in every station Something still to do or bear ! Think, what spirit dwells within thee Think what heavenly bliss is thine ; Think that Jesus died to save thee Child of Heaven canst thou repine ? 4 Haste thee on, from grace to glory, Arm'd by faith, and wing'd by prayer Heaven's eternal day's before thee God's own hand shall guide thee there. Soon shall close thy earthly mission ! Soon shall pass thy pilgrim-days, Hope shall change to glad fruition Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. EXERCISE 89. Cruelty to Animals. COWPER. I would not enter on my list of friends, (Though graced with polished manners and fine sense, Yet wanting sensibility,} the man Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm. 5 An inadvertent step may crush the snail, That crawls at evening in the public path ; But he that has humanity, forewarn'd, Will tread aside, and let the reptile live. The creeping vermin, loathsome to the sight, "10 And charged perhaps with venom, that intrudes A visitor unwelcome into scenes Sacred to neatness and repose, th' alcove, The chamber, or refectory, may die. A necessary act incurs no blame. 15 Not so, when held within their proper bounds And guiltless of offence they range the air, Or take their pastime in the spacious field. XKRCISKS. PABT II. [Ex. 80, !<. There they are pri\ \nd he that hurts Or harms them th-n-. i-.^uilty nf a wrong; 20 Disturbs the economy of nature's realm, Who when she form'd, di-si^ni-d them an abod* The sum is this : if man's convenience, health, Or safety interfere, his rights and claims Are paramount, nnd must extinguish theirs. 25 Else they are all the meanest things that are, As free to live and to enjoy that life, As God was free to form them at the first, Who in his sovereign wisdom made them all. Ye, therefore, who love mercy, teach your som 30 To love it too. The spring-time of our years Is soon dishonor'd and dcfil'd, in most By budding ills, that ask a prudent hand To check them. But alas ! none sooner shoots, If unrestrain'd, into luxuriant growth, 35 Than cruelty, most devilish of them all. Mercy to him that shows it, is the rule And righteous limitation of its act, By which Heav'n moves, in pard'ning guilty man: And he that shows none, being ripe in years, 40 And conscious of the outrage he commits, Shall seek it, and not find it in his turn ! EXERCISE 90. Christianity. MASOX. The cardinal fact of Christianity, without which all her other facts lose their importance, is the resurrection, from the dead, of a crucified Saviour, as the {include, the pat- tern, and the pledge of the resurrection of his followers 5 to eternal life. A ie "children <>f disobedience," have leveled their batteries. One MMlb it* proof; another its reasonableness ; all. its truth. Wh u Paul asserted it before nn audienee of Athenian phi !-..- phere, "some mocked" a short method of refuting the 10 Gospel ; and likely, from its convenience, to continue in favor and in fashion. Yet with such doctrines and facts did the religion of Jesus make her way through the world. Against the Ex. 90.] EXERCISES. PART II. 239 superstition of the multitude against the interest, in- 15 fluence, and craft of their priesthood against the ridi- cule of wits, the reasoning of sages, the policy of cabi- nets, and the prowess of armies against the axe, the cross, and the stake, she extended her conquests from Jordan to the Thames. She gathered her laurels alike 20 upon the snows of Scythia, the green fields of Europe, and the sands of Africa. The altars of impiety crum- bled before her march the glimmer of the schools dis- appeared in her light Power felt his arm wither at her glance ; and, in a short time, she who went, forlorn and 25 insulted, from the hill of Calvary to the tomb of Joseph, ascended the Imperial throne, and waved her banner over the palace of the Ceesars. Her victories were not less benign than decisive. They were victories over all that pollutes, degrades, and ruins man ; in behalf of all 30 that purifies, exalts, and saves him. They subdued his understanding to truth, his habits to rectitude, his heart to happiness. The disregard which^some of old affected to whatever goes by the name of evil ; the insensibility of others, 35 who yield up their souls to the power of fatalism ; and the artificial gayety which has, occasionally, played the comedian about the dying bed of " philosophy, falsely so called," are outrages upon decency and nature. Death destroys both action and enjoyment mocks at 40 wisdom, strength, and beauty disarranges our plans robs us of our treasures desolates our bosoms breaks our heart-strings blasts our hope. Death extinguishes the glow of kindness abolishes the most tender rela- tions of man severs him from all that he knows and 45 loves subjects him to an ordeal which thousands of mil- lions have passed, but none can explain ; and which will be as new to the last who gives up the ghost, as it was to murdered Abel flings him, in fine, without any avail from the experience of others, into a state of un- 50 tried being. No wonder that nature trembles before it. Reason justifies the fear. Religion never makes light of it : and he who does, instead of ranking with heroes, can hardly deserve to rank with a brute. What have unbelievers to gild their evening hour, to 55 bind up their aching head, to soothe their laboring heart ? What living hope descends from heaven to EXKRCI0BS. PART II |_K\. iMJ. !H. smile on the sinking features, whisper peace to the re- tiring spirit, and announce to the sad surrounding rela- tives that all is well .' '1 here is none I AstoMSMMnt, 60 dismay, melancholy boding, are the " portion of their cap." Sit down, ye unhappy, in the desolation of grief. Consolation heard the voice of your weeping : she hast- ened to yur door, but started back affrighted ; her com- mission extends not to your house of mourning ; ye have 65 no hope ! EXERCISE 91. Character of Mrs. Graham. MASOX. Recall the example of Mrs. Graham. Here was a woman a widow a stranger in a strange land with- out fortune wall no friends but such as her letters of introduction and her worth should acquire and with a 5 family of daughters dependent upon h--r for their sub- sistence. Surely if any one has a clear title of immunity from the obligation to carry her cares beyond the domes- tic circle, it is this widow ; it is this stranger. Yet within a few yeans this htranger, this widow, with no 10 means but 1 < DSC, l..-r beaevolent heart, and her perttvcrin'j will to do good, awakens the charities of a populous city, and gives to them an impulse, a direc- tion, and an efficacy, unknown before ! What might not be done by tntm ; by men of talent, of standing, of 16 wealth, of leisure? How speedily, under their well-di- rected beneficence, might a whole country change its physical, intellectual, and moral aspect ; and assume, comparatively speaking, the face of another Eden a second garden of God .' Why then do they not diffuse, 20 thus extensively, the seeds of knowledge, of virtue, and of bliss ? I ask not for their j>retenees ; they are as old as the lust of lucre ; and are refuted by the example which we have been contemplating I ask for the true reason, for the inspiring principle ot their conduct. It is 25 this let them look to it when God shall call them to ac- count for the abuse of their time, their talents, their sta- -tkm, their " unrighteous mammon." It is this : They believe not " the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It if more bleued to give Utan to receive." They labor 30 under no want but one they want tAe heart ! Kx. 91, 05i.J EXERCISER. PAKX II. 1^41 That venerable mother in Israel, who has exchanged the service of God on earth for his service in heaven, has left a legacy to her sisters she has left the example of her faith and patience ; she has left her prayers ; she 35 has left the monument of her Christian deeds : and by these, she "being dead yet speaketh." Matrons! has she left her mantle also ? Are there none among you to hear her voice from the tomb, " Go, and do thou like- wise ?" None whom affluence permits, endowments 40 qualify, and piety prompts, to aim at her distinction by treading in her steps ? Maidens ! Are there none among you, who would wish to array yourselves hereafter in the honors of this " virtuous woman ?" Your hearts have dismissed their wonted warmth and generosity, if they do 45 not throb as the revered vision rises before you then prepare yourselves now, by seeking and serving the God of her youth. Yea, let me press upon all who hear me this evening, the transcendent excellence of Christian character, and 50 the victorious power of Christian hope. The former bears the image of God ; the latter is as imperishable as his throne. We fasten our eyes with more real respect, and more heart-felt approbation, upon the moral majesty displayed in " walking as Christ also walked," than 55 upon all the pomps of the monarch, or decorations of the military hero. More touching to the sense, and more grateful to high heaven, is the soft melancholy with which we look after our departed friend, and the tear which embalms her memory, than the thundering plau- 60 dits which rend the air with the name of a conqueror. She has obtained a triumph over that Foe who shall break the arm of valor, and strike off the crown of kings. > EXERCISE 92. Living to God. GRIFFIN. The heart-breaking necessities of a. world ought to rouse us from our selfish stupor. To say nothing of the multitudes who are swarming the way to death in the most favored regions ; to say nothing of whole nations 5 in the Romish and Greek Churches who, though they 11 243 EXKKC1SKH. PART II. [Ex. WX. bear the Christian name, are apparently living without God in the world ; to say nothing of hundreds of thou- sands of nominal Christians, scattered through Asia and Africa, who scarcely retain any thing of Christianity but 10 the name ; to say nothing of three millions of Jews; it is a distressing truth, that more than two tkirdt of the population of the globe are 'still buried under Pagan or Mahometan darkness, and are as abominably wicked as sin can make them. 15 While I am speaking they are bursting forth to meet their doom. It certainly has become the duty of every person in a Gospel land to rack his invention, to devise eans, and to strain the lust nerve of bis strength, to rescue those perishing nations, as he would to deliver 20 his family from a burning house. O, if we loved those heathen as we do our children ! but we ought to love them as we 'love ourselves. Heretofore we knew not how it was possible to reach them ; but now a way is opened by which we may operate upon them, with as 25 much ease as though they lived at our door. If we drop a dollar into the American Bible Society, it will turn to a Bible, and find its way to India, and will travel while we sleep. If we deposit another, it will become a Bible and make its way to South America, without post- 90 age or risk. Thus God has opened a door by which we may pour upon the heathen the blessings of the Gospel as fast as we please, and need not be bounded by any other limit than our ability and inclination. One Bible will shed upon a benighted family a light which will ra- 35 diate through a neighborhood, and descend from gene- ration to generation. And who is too poor to give a Bible ? It has been computed by those who have passed through our country, to. search out its wants, that no less than five hundred thousand Bibles are wanted in 40 the United States, to furnish each family with one, that each man may have a Bible to lay upon his dying pil- low. Do we hear this, and shall we sleep ? There ought to be two Bible Societies, one of males and the tli- il, formed in every town, and village, and 45 hamlet in America. And into one of these every person but actual paupers ought to come. Kvcry hand in Christendom, but those which are stretched out for alms, ought to give one Bible a year, till the wants of a Ex. 92. 93.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 243 world are supplied. It is a tax which the God of 50 heaven has laid upon the whole population of Christian countries. Let the laboring poor work an hour longer each day, and retrench some unnecessary expenses, and they need not be excluded from this glorious work of regenerating a world. But the coffers of the rich 55 What has sealed the coffers of the rich ? that they should roll in luxury and pave the way to their thea- tres with gold, when six or seven hundred millions of sinners are without a Bible ! There is superfluous wealth enough in a few of our cities and larger towns to 60 convey the Gospel in a short time to every family on earth. God Almighty open their hearts, that they may pour out their treasures by hundreds and by thousands, till the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. 65 My brethren, let us no longer live to ourselves. Let us arise and put our hands to the great work in which the nations are now moving. Wondrous things are taking place in the four quarters of the globe. The world is waking up after a long sleep, and is teeming with 70 projects and efforts to extend the empire of truth and happiness. This is the day of which the prophets sung. Let us not sleep while all others are rousing themselves to action. Let every soul come up to the help of the Lord. Let not one be left behind. He that has abso- 75 lutely nothing to give, let him pray. Let no one be idle. This is a great day, and the Lord requires every hand in the work. EXERCISE 93. Plea for Africa. GRIFEIN. It can no longer be made a question whether the ele- vation of the African race is a part of the new order of things. The providence of God has declared it. The Almighty Deliverer is already on his march to relieve the woes of Africa. Her resurrection is already stamped with the broad seal of heaven. Let all the nations behold the sign, and bow to the mandate of God. Ethiopia shall stretch out her hands to God. Let 244 KXKRC18KK. FART li. [Ex cruel and unbelieving minds raise up as many jeers and 10 objections as they may, the thing will proceed, " fur the mouth uf the Lord hath spoken it." \Vr liave now arrived at the c..n liisi-m that a brighter day is arising on Africa. Already I seem to nee her chains dissolved, her desert plains turned into a fruitful field, 15 her Congo and her Senegal the seats of science and relig- ion, reflecting the glory of the rising sun from the spires of their churches and uni\ i-r.Mties. her Gambia and Niger whitened with her floating commerce, her crowded cities sending forth the hum of business, her poets and orators 20 standing on the same shelf with Milton and Burke, and all her sons employed in the songs of salvation. And when that day shall come, 1 am sure posterity will see the names of Clarkson, Sharp, Wilberforce, Thornton, and Oregoire, recorded on the cities and monuments of a 25 grateful continent. We come to you this evening with our hands stretched out in supplication for Africa, which, though dark her skin, is one of our own mother's children. We beseech you by that mercy which you hope to find, that you SO do not reject our suit. We beseech you by the tear* which were once shed for you, that you aid us in wiping the tears of an oppressed race. 1 have no intention to practise on your feelings. I know too well the piety and liberality of this metropolis. I only wish to spread 35 the object before you in its own native forms, to lay open every wounded and aching part. I am sorry that I have not been able to do this with more success. Your goodness will supply the rest. You will furnish the Synod with means to prosecute their benevolent de- 40 signs. Beloved brethren, to live in such a world and age as this, brings with it immense obligations; the world of all others which tin- Son nf God redeemed with blood; the age selected from all ages to be the season of his 45 highest uiumph and reward ; the spot and time, among all worhjp and J>eriod, most interesting to the eyes of heaven. JHflKftt '" such a day, is a j>n\ !!_' which kings and prophets desired, but were not permitted to er the servants of God were "a flame of 50 fire, this is the time to exhibit themselves such. You stand, my beloved brethren, under an opening heaven. Ex. 93, 94.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 245 You stand by the tomb of a world rising from death. Be not stupid in such a day. Be ftot half awake. Let your soul stand erect, looking out for the approaching 55 God. Let every nerve be strung to action. Great is the human effort which the day calls for ; great will be the triumph which faith and patience will achieve. It is but " a little while, and he that shall come, will come and will not tarry." For my part, I would rather be one to 60 follow the wheels of his victorious chariot, than to enjoy the triumphs of a Caesar. Let a prostrate world prepare to sing, " Hosanna to the Son of David ! blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord : hosanna in the highest!" EXERCISE 94. Abolition of the Slave Trade. CHRISTIAN OBSERVER. 1 Woe to the land, whose wealth proclaims Another land's undoing ; Whose trophied column rises high, On robbery and ruin. Britannia saw, with deep disdain, The foul reproach, the coward stain. The characters of blood ; She saw, and swept her shame away, While shouting round, in thick array, Her patriot champions stood. 2 Proud was the morn whose early beams Saw Pitt and Fox uniting, And side by side, in holy band, Their country's battle fighting. Oh ! if their spirits hover nigh, How shall they hail with rapture high, This day's revolving sun ; And hear our songs of triumph tell, The prize, for which they fought so well, The virtuous prize, is won! 3 Let France of prostrate Europe tell, Exulting in her story ; The usurper shall unenvied stretch The reign of guilty glory. 240 ME*CI8Ea. FART II. [E*. 94. 95. Hit be the chaplet dropping gdre, And his the rod plume, waving o'er A bleeding people's woe. Scourge of the North, the South, the West! The World, that bows at thy behest, The World is still thy foe. 4 But thte, fair Daughter of the Seas, Are brighter days attending, And olive wreaths, with myrtle twined, Around thy scepter blending. Though doom'd perchance awhile to bear Thy blazing aegis high in air; Beneath that ample shade, Shall Europe's exiled virtue throng, And Africa, redeem'd from wrong, Adore thy guardian aid. 5 So shalt thou rest, through rolling years, Secure in Heaven's alliance, And to a thousand circling foes Breathe out a bold defiance. Her eagle wing shall Victory wave, Around the arm that strikes to save ; And Earth applauding, see The friend of every friendless name, Foremost in blfss, and strength, and fame, The Friend of Freedom, free ! EXERCISE 95. Eliza, DARWIN . Now stood Eliza, on the wood-crown'd hight, O'er Minden's plain, spi>rt:itrf-s of the fight. Sought, with bold eye, amid the bloody strife. Her dearer self, th<- partner of IHT life ; 5 From hill to hill th<* ni>hiny host pursued. And view'd his banner, or, believed she view'd. Pleased with the distant roar, with quicker tread Fast by his hand, one lisping boy she led ; And one fair girl, amid the loud alarm, 10 Slept on her kerchief, cradled by her arm ; Ex. 95.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 247 While round her brows bright beams of honor dart, And love's warm eddies circle round her heart. Near, and more near, the intrepid beauty press'd, Saw, through the driving smoke, his dancing crest ; 1 5 Heard the exulting shout, " They run ! they run /" " Great God !" she cried, " he's safe ! the battle's won. A ball now hisses through the airy tides, (Some Fury speeds it, and some demon guides !) Parts the tine locks, her graceful head that deck, 20 Wounds her fair ear, and sinks into her neck ; The red stream issuing from her azure veins, Dyes her white veil, her ivory bosom stains. " Ah, me !" she cried, (and, sinking on the ground, " Kiss'd her dear babes, regardless of the wound ;) 25 " Oh, cease not yet to beat, thou vital uvn ! " Wait, gushing life, oh, wait my love's return ! " Hoarse barks the wolf, the vulture screams from far ! " The angel, Pity, shuns the walks of war ! " Oh, spare, ye war-hounds, spare their tender age ! 30 " On me, on me," she cried, " exhaust your rage !" Then with weak arms, her weeping babes caress'd, And, sighing, hid them in her blood-stain'd vest. From tent to tent the impatient warrior flies, (Fear in his heart, and frenzy in his eyes :) 35 Eliza's name along the camp he calls, Eliza ! echoes through the canvas walls ; Quick through the murmuring gloom, his footsteps tread O'er groaning heaps, the dying and the dead, Vault o'er the plain, and, in the tangled wood, 40 Lo ! dead Eliza, weltering in her blood ! Soon hears his listening son the welcome sounds, With open arms and sparkling eyes he bounds. " Speak low," he cries, and gives his little hand, " Eliza sleeps, upon the dew-cold sand." 45 Poor weeping babe, with bloody fingers press'd, And tried, with pouting lips, her milkless breast. " Alas ! we both with cold and hunger quake " Why do you weep ? Mamma will soon awake." " She'll wake no more !" the hopeless mourner cried, 50 Upturn'd his eyes, and clasp'd his hands, and sigh'd : Stretch'd on the ground awhile entranced he lay, And press'd warm kisses on the lifeless clay ; 248 KXtiftCJSKS. PART II. [.T. (Mfc And then upspruiw, with wild, convulsive start, 1 all \.\\f father kiiid!-d in his heart: S5 " < >. IK ;i\ens !" he cri-d. my first rash vow forgive ! " These bind to earth, for thete I pray to live !" Round his chill babes he wrapp'd his rrimson vest, And clasp'd them, sobbing, to his aching breast. i:\ERCISE 9. Character of Mr. Brougham. ANONYMOUS. Brougham is a thunderbolt. He may come in the dark, he may come at random, his path may be in the viewless and graspless air ; but still, give him something solid, let him come in contact with the earth, and, be it 5 beautiful or barren, it feels the power of his terrible visi- tation. You see not, or rather you heed not, the agent which works ; but, just as when the arch-giant of physical destroyers rends his way, you see the kingdoms of nature yielding at his approach, and the mightiest of their pro- 10 due tions brushed aside as though they were dust, or torn as though they were gossamer. While he raises his voice in the House while he builds firmly and broadly the bases of his own proposi- tions, and snatches from every science a beam to enlarge 10 and strengthen his work; and while he indignantly beats down and tramples upon all that has been reared by his antagonist, you feel as if the wind of annihilation were in his hand, and the power of destruction in his possession. 20 There cannot be a greater treat than to hear Brougham upon one of those questions which give scope for the mighty swell of his mind, and which permit him to launch the bolts of that tremendous sarcasm, for which he has not now, and perhaps never had, an equal in the 25 lions.-. \\Ix-n his display i- a reply. y<>u see his long and lathy figure drawn aside from others, and coiled up within itself like a snake, and his eyes glancing from under the sloi v and as fatal as those of the has i mark the twin demons of irony and con- 30 tempt, playing about the tense and compressed line of his mouth. Up rises the orator, slowly and clumsily. His body, swttng into an attitude which is none rf the most grace- EX. 96.] EXERCISES. PART II. 249 ful. His long and sallow visage seems lenthened and 35 deepened in its hue. His eyes, his nose, and mouth seem huddled together, as if, while he presses every illustration into his speech, he were at the same time condensing all his senses into one. There is a lowering sublimity in his brows, which one seldom sees equalled ; 40 and the obliquity of the light shows the organization of the upper and lateral parts of his forehead, proud and palpable as the hills of his native north. His left hand is extended with the palm, prepared as an anvil, upon, which he is ever and anon to hammer, with the forefin- 45 ger of his right, as the preparation to that full swing whioh is to give life to every muscle, and motion to every limb. He speaks ! In the most powerful and sustained, and at the same time, the most close, clear and logical manner, does he demolish the castle which his oppo- 50 nent had built for himself. You hear the sounds, you see the flash, you look for the castle, and it is not. Stone after stone, turret after turret, battlement after battlement, and wing after wing, are melted away, and nothing left, save the sure foundation, upon which the 55 orator himself may build. There are no political bowels in him. He gives no quarter, and no sooner has he razed the fort, than he turns him to torture the garrison. It is now that his mock solemnity is something more terrible than the satire of Canning, the glow of Burdett, 60 or the glory of Mackintosh. His features (which are always grave) assume the very depth of solemnity ; acd his voice (which is always solemn) falls into that under soprano, (that visionary tone between speech and whis- per,) which men employ when they speak of their own 65 graves, and coffins. You would imagine it not audible, and yet its lowest syllable runs through the House like wild-fire. You would think it meant only for the ear of him who is the subject of it, yet it comes immediately, and powerfully, and without the possibility of being for- 70 gotten, to every one within the walls. You would think it the fond admonition of a sainted father to the errors of a beloved son ; and yet, it has in reality more of that feeling which the Devil is said to exercise, when he acts as the accuser of the brethren. You may push aside 75 the bright thing which raises a laugh ; you may find a cover from the wit which ambles to you on antithesis, 11* 250 BXE1CISB8. PAtT II. [El. 96, 97. or quotation ; but, against the home reproof of Brougham there U no defence ; ita course it so firm thnt you cannot dash it aside. EXERCISE 97. Character of Mr. Wilbcrforc*. The speeches of Mr. Wilberforce, are among the very few good things now remaining in ih- IJritish Parliament: bis diction is elegant, rich, and spirited ; his tones are so distinct and so melodious, that the most hostile ear 5 hangs on them delighted. Then his address is so insin- uating, that if he talked nonsense, you would feel yourself obliged to hear him. 1 recollect when the House had been tired night after night, with discussing the end- less questions relating to Indian Policy, when the com- 10 merce and finances and resources of our oriental empire had exhausted the lungs of ail the speakers, and the patience of all the auditors at that period, Mr. Wilber- force, with a just confidence in his powers, ventured to broach the hackneyed subject of Hindoo conversion. 15 He spoke three hours, but nobody seemed fatigued : all, indeed, were pleased ; some with the ingenious artifices of his manner, but most with the glowing language of his heart. Much as I differed from him in opinion, it was impossible not to be delighted with his 20 eloquence : and though I wish most heartily that the Hindoos might be left to their own trinity, yet I felt disposed to agree with him, that some good must arise to the human mind, by being engaged in a controversy which will exercise most of its faculties. Mr. Wilber- 25 force is now verging towards age,* and speaks but sel- dom ; he, however, never speaks without exciting a wish that he would say more ; he maintains, like Mr. tt rattan, great respectability of character, by disdaining to mix in the daily paltry squabbles of party : he is no hunter ift\ 35 as 1 did. I felt within myself, that while the slightest aspirations might still quiver on those lips, that were the copious channels of eloquence, wisdom, and benevo- lence that while one drop . At that hour when the sad so- lemnity shall take place, in a privat<- way, as more suited to the simple dignity <>t his rhnracter, than the splendid 50 gaudiness of public pageantry ; when you, all of you, shall be self-marshaled in reverential sorrow mute, and reflecting on your mighty loss at that moment shall the disgusting contest of an election-wrangle break the so- lemnity of such a scene ? Is it fitting that any man 06 should overlook the crisis, and risk the monstrous and disgusting contest? Is it fitting that I should be that urn? EXERCISE 99. Death of Sheridan. Brno*. flash of wit the bright intelligence, The beam of song the maze of eloquence, Bet with their sun but still have left behind The enduring produce of immortal mind ; Kruita of a genial mom, and glorious noon, A deathless part nf him wh" died too soon. Ex. 99.] EXERCISES. PART II. 253 But small that portion of the wondrous whole, These sparkling segments of that circling soul, Which all embraced and lighteu'd over all, 10 To cheer to pierce to please or to appal: From the charm'd council to the festive board, Of human feelings the unbounded lord ; In whose acclaim the loftiest voices vied, The praised the proud who made his praise their pride. 15 When the loud cry of trampled Hindostan Arose to Heaven in her appeal from man, His was the thunder his the avenging rod, The wrath the delegated voice of God ! Which shook the nations through his lips and blazed 20 Till vanquished senates trembled as they praised. And here, oh ! here, where yet all young and warm, The gay creations of his spirit charm, The matchless dialogue the deathless wit, Which knew not what it was to intermit ; 25 The glowing portraits, fresh from life, that bring Home to our hearts the truth from which they spring ; These wondrous beings of his fancy, wrought To fullness by the fiat of his thought, Here in their first abode, you still may meet, 30 Bright with the hues of his Promethean heat ; A halo of the light of other days, Which still the splendor of its orb betrays. Ye orators ! whom yet our councils yield, Mourn for the veteran hero of your field ! 35 The worthy rival of the wondrous three !* Whose words were sparks of immortality ! Ye Bards, to whom the Drama's Muse is dear, He was your master emulate him here ! Ye men of wit and social eloquence ! 40 He was your brother bear his ashes hence ! While powers of mind almost of boundless range, Complete in kind as various in their change ; While eloquence wit poesy and mirth, (That humbler harmonist of care on earth,) 45 Survive within our souls while lives our sense Of pride in merit's proud pre-eminence, * Pitt, Fox, and Burke. 254 KXEHC1SKX. PABT II. [Ex. 99, 100. Long shall we > -k Ls likeness long in vain, And turn to all of him which may remain. Sighing that nature foriard Imt one such man, 50 And broke the die in moulding SHERIDAN ! BXERI 18E 100. The last family of Eastern Greenland. MONTGOMERY. In the cold sunshine of yon narrow dell, Affection lingers ; there two lovers dwell, Greenland's whole family ; nor long forlorn, There comes a visitant ; a babe is born. 6 O'er his meek helplessness the parents smiled ; Twas hope : for hope is every mother's child. Then seemed they in that world of solitude, The Eve and Adam of :i race renew'd. Brief happiness ! too perilous to last ; 10 The moon hath wax'd and waned, and all is pact. Itt-hnld the end ! oat- morn athwart the wall, They marked the shadow of a reindeer fall, Bounding in tameless freedom o'er the snow ; The father track'd him, and with fatal bow 15 Smote down the victim ; but, before his eyes, A rabid she-bear pounced upon the prize ; A shaft into the spoiler's flank he seat, She turn'd in wrath, and limb from limb had rent The hunter ; but his dagger's plunging steel, 20 With riven bosom made the monster reel ; Unvanquish'd, both to closer combat flew, Assailants each, till each the other slew ; Mm.;!.;,.: tlicjr blood from mutual wound* they lay, ! on the carcass of their antler'd prey. 25 Meanwhile his partner waits, her heart at rest, inir-l'-a hut her iut'.uit <>n her breast; With him she slumbers, or with him she plays, And tells him all her iln-nns of future days, Asks him a thousand ijue.stiooft, feigns replies, \nd reads whate'er she wishes in his eyes. Red evening comes ; BO kmthauTt shadow falls Where fell the reindeer's, o'er the latticed walls ; 'Tn night ! no footstep sounds towards her door : Ex. 100, 101.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 255 The day returns but he returns no more. 35 In frenzy forth she sallies, and with cries, To which no voice except her own replies, In frightful echoes, startling all around, Where human voice again shall never sound, She seeks him, finds him not ; some angel guide 40 In mercy turns her from the corpse aside ; Perhaps his own freed spirit, lingering near, Who waits to waft her to a happier sphere, But leads her first, at evening to their cot, Where lies the little one, all day forgot ; 45 Imparadised in sleep, she finds him there, Kisses his cheek, and breathes a mother's prayer. Three days she languishes, nor can she shed One tear between the living and the dead ; When her lost spouse comes o'er the widow's thought, 50 The pangs of memory are to madness wrought ; But, when her suckling's eager lips are felt, Her heart would fain but oh ! it cannot melt ; At length it breaks, while on her lap he lies, With baby wonder gazing in her eyes. 55 Poor orphan ! mine is not a hand to trace Thy little story, last of all thy race ! Not long thy sufferings ; cold and colder grown, The arms that clasp thee, chill thy limbs to stone. 'Tis done : from Greenland's coast the latest sigh 60 Bore infant innocence beyond the sky. EXERCISE 101. The City and the Country. M'DONNOUGH. The arrival of the two mountaineers was not long in being known to the whole household in May Fair. Lit- tle Mary had hoisted the tartan in less time than the ordinary tribe of ladies' maids could easily comprehend, 5 and having hoisted that, she descended the stairs with more rapidity than is customary with even that light- footed tribe. The shakings by the hand, the "good graciouses ! and are you there ?" the uninterrupted inqui- ries, the questions answered by a look, and the ques- 10 tions so rapid as not to admit of that brief response, '25ft XEKCteEfl. AKT II. [Ex. 101. passed like the shadow of a cloud upon a Highland glen like the ruffling of the wind upon a Highland lake. The castle, the loch, the river, the cliff every field, every hill, every spot, and almost every hush, hml its note of 1 "> recollection, and its tribute of praise. Tnere is something exquisite in this something which the inhabitants of thronged cities, cannot appreciate. But in the patriarchal land of the north, there is or there was, ere avarice laid it waste, or the Jove of money 20 made it a desolation a love of every thing that was, as well as of every thing that is. The same ancient stone which sheltered the sire, shelters the son : agninst the tree which his father planted, no man will lift up an axe ; and ihe resting-place of the departed is sacred as 25 long as life warms a heart, which wms present when they were laid in the dust. In R great city, man, de- pendent on his own exertions, following the bent of his own passions or appetites, and reckless of every gratification but those of him*df\ is disjointed from man. 30 The tenants of the same roof, know mt the names of each other, and to be parted by one paltry brick, makes a separation as complete, as though they dwelt at the an- tipodes. Not only is man disjointed from man, but age is disjointed from age. The people \\\\n inhabit a street 85 or a square, now know nothing and car, nothing about those who inhabited it immediately before; mnd their brief memorial will be as quickly blotted out by the per- sons whom chance may afterwards place in the same situation. Thus, while the great city brings the bodies 40 of men together, it scatters their minds, breaks all the ties and links of Bympathetir society, and piles up its tens and hundreds of thousands, (to all intents and pur- poses of deep feeling and delightful intercourse,) like the cold. hard, unadherini: and mu-nnnected particl- 45 a mountain <>f sand, which the wind of whim, or chance, mmerce, may whisk about just as the sand parti- cles by the Red Sea are whisked about on the wings of the deadly sarniel. lu the retirement of the country, and especially in that country from which our humble 50 visitors have come, and to which our lovely heroine is looking, it is not so. There man !> united to man, and ge i* linked with age. in the closest ties of friendship. the moat delightful bonds of sympathy, the most touching Ex. 101, 102.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 257 reminiscences of sorrow, and the fondest anticipations 60 of hope. If a man would eat, drink, die, and be forgot- ten, let his dwelling-place be in the city : if he would live, love, and be remembered, let him speed him to the glens of the mountains. EXERCISE 102. Summary Punishment. WALTER SCOTT. It was under the burning influence of revenge that the wife of MacGregor commanded that the hostage ex- changed for her husband's safety should be brought into her presence. I believe her sons had kept this unfortu- 5 nate wretch out of her sight, for fear of the consequences ; but if it was so, their humane precaution only postponed his fate. They dragged forward at her summons a wretch already half dead with terror, in whose agonized features I recognized, to my horror and astonishment, my old ac- 10 quaint ance Morris. He fell prostrate before the female chief, with an ef- fort to clasp her knees, from which she drew back, as if his touch had been pollution, so that all he could do in token of the extremity of his humiliation, was to kiss 15 the hem of her plaid. I never heard entreaties for life poured forth with such agony of spirit. The ecstasy of fear was such, that instead of paralyzing his tongue, as on ordinary occasions, it even rendered him eloquent ; and, with cheeks as pale as ashes, hands compressed in 20 agony, eyes that seemed to be taking their last look of all mortal objects, he prayed but for life for life he 'would give all he had in the world : it was but life he asked life, if it were to be prolonged under tortures and privations : he asked only breath, though it should be 25 drawn in the depths of the lowest caverns of their hills. It is impossible to describe the scorn, the loathing, and contempt, with which the wife of MacGregor re- garded this wretched petitioner for the poor boon of ex- istence. 30 She gave a brief command in Gaelic to her attendants, two of whom seized upon the prostrate suppliant, and hurried him to the brink of a cliff which overhung the flood. He set up the most piercing and dreadful cries, 258 ExnctBRS. PART n. [Ex. 102, KKJ. that fear ever uttered I may well term them dreadful, 35 for they haunted my sleep for years afterwards. I was so much moved by this horrid spectacle, that although in momentary expectation of sharing his fate, I did attempt to speak in his behalf, but, as might have been expected, my interference was sternly disregarded. 40 The victim was held fast by some, while others, binding a large heavy stone in a plaid, tied it ruund his neck, and others again, eagerly stripped him of some part of his dress. Half-naked and thus manacled, they hurried him into the lake, there about twelve feet deep, drowning 46 his last death-shriek with a loud halloo of vindictive triumph, over which, however, the yell of mortal agony was distinctly heard. The heavy burden splashed in the dark blue waters of the lake, and the Highlanders, with their pole-axes and swords, watched an instant, 50 to guard, lest extricating himself from the load to which he was attached, he might have struggled to re- gain the shore. But the knot had been securely bound ; the victim sunk without effort ; the waters which his fall had disturbed, settled calmly over him ; and the 55 unit of that life for which be had pleaded so strongly, was forever withdrawn from the sum of human ex- EXERCISE 103. On the receipt of hit Mother $ Picture. COWPMU Could Time, his flight reverse, restore the hours, When, playing with thy vesture's tissued flowers, The violet, the pink, the jessamine, I prick'd them into paper with a pin, 5 (And thou wast happier than myself the while, \N .midst softly speak, and str"k<- my head and smile,) ild those few pleasant days again appear, Might one irish bring them, would I wish them here ? I would not trtut my heart the dear delight 10 Seems so to be desired, perhaps T might. But, no what here we call our life is such, So little to be loved, and thou so much, That I should ill requite thee to constrain Thy unbound spirit into bonds Ex. 103, 104.] EXERCISES. PART IL 259 15 Thou, as a gallant bark from Albion's coast, (The storms all weather'd, and the ocean cross'd,) Shoots into port at some well-haven'd isle, Where spices breathe, and brighter seasons smile, There sits quiescent on the floods, that show 20 Her beauteous form reflected clear below, While airs impregnated with incense play Around her fanning light her streamers gay ; So thou, with sails how swift ! hast reach'd the shore " Where tempests never beat, nor billows roar " 25 And thy loved consort on the dangerous tide Of life long since has anchor 'd by thy side. But me, scarce hoping to attain that rest, Always from port withheld, always distress'd Me howling blasts drive devious, tempest-toss'd, 30 Sails ripp'd, seams opening wide, and compass lost, And day by day some current's thwarting force, Sets me more distant from a prosperous course. Yet, the thought, that thou art safe, and he ! That thought is joy, arrive what may to me. 35 My boast is not, that I deduce my birth From loins enthroned, and rulers of the Earth ; But higher far my proud pretensions rise The son of parents, passed into the skies. EXERCISE 104. Extract from " The Grave." MONTGOMERY. 1 There is a calm for those who weep ; A rest for weary pilgrims found : They softly lie, and sweetly sleep, Low in the ground ! 2 The storm that wrecks the winter sky No more disturbs their deep repose, Than summer-evening's latest sigh, That shuts the rose. 3 I long to lay this painful head, And aching heart, beneath the soil ; To slumber in that dreamless bed, From all my toil. i:xeiciBs. PART n. [Ex. 104, 4 Art thou a wanderer ? hast them seen OVrw helming tempests drown thy bark? A shipwreck'd sufferer bast thou been, Misfortune's mark ? 5 Though long of winds and waves the sport, Condemn d in wretchedness to roam, Lave ! thou shall reach a sheltering port, A ijuiet home ! 6 There i* a calm for those who weep ! A rest for weary pilgrims found : And while the mouldering ashes sleep Low in the ground ; 7 The soul, of origin Divine, God's glorious image, freed from clay, In Heaven's eternal sphere shall shine A star of day ! 8 The mn, is bat a spark offirt, A transient meteor in the sky ; The Mttl, immortal as its Sire, Shall never die ! EXERCISE 106. Defense of Johnson. CCURAN. Even if it should be my client's fate to be surrender- ed to his keepers to be torn from his family to have his obsequies performed by torch light to be carried to a foreign land, and to a strange tribunal, where no 5 witness can attest has innocence, where no voice that he ever heard can be raised in his defense, where he must stand mute, not of his own malice, but the malice of his enemies yes, even so, I see nothing for him to fear ; that all-irrodous Being, that shields the feeble from the 10 oppressor, will fill his heart with hope, and confidence, and courage; his *ufl~> irmor, and his weakness will be his strength. He will find himself in the hands of a brave, a just, and a generous nation he will find that the bright examples of her Russels and 15 her Sydneys have not been lost to her children. They Jbix. 105.] liiERCWKsS. PAET II. Xitfl will behold him with sympathy and respeit, and his persecutors with shame and abhorrence they will feel too, that what is then his situation, may to-morrow be their own but their first tear will be shed for him, 20 and the second only for themselves. Their hearts will melt in his acquittal ; they will convey him kindly and fondly to their shore ; and he will return in triumph to his country ; to the threshhold of his sacred home, and to the weeping welcome of his delighted family. He will 25 find that the darkness of a weary and lingering night hath at length passed away, and that joy cometh in the morning. No, my lords, I have no fear for the ultimate safety of my client. Even in these very acts of brutal violence that have been committed against him, do I 30 hail the flattering hope of final advantage to him and not only of final advantage to him, but of better days and more prosperous fortune for this afflicted country that country of which I have so often abandoned all hope, and which I have been so often determined to quit for- 35 ever. I have repented I have staid and I am at once re- buked and rewarded by the happier hopes that I now entertain. In the anxious sympathy of the public in the anxious sympathy of my learned brethren, do I catch 40 the happy presage of a brighter fate for Ireland. They see, that within these sacred walls, the cause of liberty and of man may be pleaded with boldness and heard with favor. I am satisfied they will never forget the great trust, of which they alone are now the remaining 45 depositaries. While they continue to cultivate a sound philosophy a mild and tolerating Christianity and to make both the sources of a just and liberal, and consti- tutional jurisprudence, I see every thing for us to hope ; into their hands, therefore, with the most affectionate 50 confidence in their virtue, do I commit these precious hopes. Even / may live long enough yet to see the approaching completion, if not the perfect accomplish- ment of them. Pleased shall I then resign the scene to fitter actors pleased shall I lay down my wearied head 55 to rest, and say, " Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation." 263 EXERCISES. FART II. [Ex. 106. I:\I-.RCISK io. Taking of Warsaw. CAMPBELL. 1 When leagued Oppression pour'd to northern wars Her whisker'd pandours and her fierce hussars. Waved her dread standard to the breeze of mom, Peal'd her loud drum, and twang'd her trumpet horn ; Tumultuous horror brooded o'er her van, Presaging wrath to Poland and to man ! 2 Warsaw's last champion, from her hight surrey'd, Wide o'er the fields, a waste of ruin laid, () Oh ! Heaven ! he cried, my bleeding country save ; Is there no hand on high to shield the brave ? Yet, though destruction sweep these lovely plains, Rise, fellow men ! our country yet remains ! By that dread name, we wave the sword on high, And swear for her to live ! with her to die! He said, and on the rampart-hights array M is trusty-warriors, few, but undismay'd ! Firm-paced and slow, a horrid front they form, Still as the breeze, but dreadful as the storm ; Low, murmuring sounds along their banners fly, Revenye or death, the watchword and reply ; (<) Then peal'd the notes, omnipotent to charm, And the loud tocsin toll'd their last alarm ! 4 ( ) In vain, alas! in vain, ye gallant few! From rank to rank your volley 'd thunder flew: Oh ! bloodiest picture in the hook of Time, Sarmatia fell, unwept, without a crime ; Found not a generous friend, a pitying foe, Strength in her arms, nor merry in her woe! Dropp'd from her nerveless grasp the shatter'd spear. Closed her I'right eye, and curh'd her high career! Hope, for a season, hade the world farewell, And Freedom shriek'd as Kotriuskn fell. 6 The sun went down, nor ceased the carnage there, Tumultuous murder shook the midnight air- On Prague's proud arch the 6res of ruin glow, His blood-dyed waters murmuring far below; Ex. 106, 107.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 263 The storm prevails, the ramparts yield away, Bursts the wild cry of horror and dismay; Hark ! as the smouldering piles with thunder fall, A thousand shrieks for hopeless mercy call ! Earth shook red meteors flash'd along the sky, And conscious Nature shudder'd at the cry ! 6 Departed spirits of the mighty dead ! Ye that at Marathon and Leuctra bled ! Friends of the world ! restore your swords to man, Fight in his sacred cause, and lead the van ! Yet for Samartia's tears of blood atone, And make her arm puissant as your own ! Oh ! once again to Freedom's cause return The patriot Tell the Bruce of Bannockburn EXERCISE 107. Lord Chatham. BUTLER. Of those, by whom Lord North was preceded, none probably, except Lord Chatham, will be remembered by posterity ; but the nature of the eloquence of this extra- ordinary man, it is extremely difficult to describe. 5 No person in his external appearance was ever more bountifully gifted by nature for an orator. In his look and his gesture, grace and dignity were combined, but dignity presided; the "terrors of his beak, the light- nings of his eye," were insufferable. His voice was both 10 full and clear ; his lowest whisper was distinctly heard, his middle tones were sweet, rich, and beautifully varied ; when he elevated his voice to its highest pitch, the House was completely filled with the volume of the sound. The effect was awful, except when he wished 15 to cheer or animate; he then had spirit-stirring notes, which were perfectly irresistible. He frequently rose, on a sudden, from a very low to a very high key, but it seemed to be without effort. His diction was remark- ably simple, but words were never chosen with greater 20 care; he mentioned to a friend, thsfc he had perused some of Dr. Barrow's Sermons so often as to know them by heart. [Ex. lu7. His sentMaenU too, were apparently simple ; but senti- 25 ments were never adopted or uttered with greater skill ; he was often familiar and even playful, but it was the fa- miliarity .-UK! pl.iyluliH-vs of condescension the lion that dandled with the kid. The trrnbic, however, was his pe- culiar power Then the whole House suok before him. 30 Still he was dignified ; and wonderful as was his eloquence, it was attended with this m-.-t important effect, that it impressed every hearer with a conviction, that there was something in him even finer than his words ; that the man was infinitely greater than the orator. No impres- 35 sion of this kind was made by the eloquence of his son, or his son's anta^oi:: Still, with the great man, for great he certainly was, manner did much. One of the fairest specimens which we possess of his lordship's oratory, is his speech, in 40 1776, for the repeal of the stamp act. Most, perhaps, who read the. report of this speech in Almon's Register, will wonder at the effect, which it is known to have produced on the hearers ; yet the report is tolerably exact, and exhibits, although faintly, its lead- 45 ing features. But they should have seen the look of in- effable contempt, with which he surveyed the late Mr. Orenville, who sat within one of him, and should have heard him say with that look, " As to the late minis- try, every capital measure they have taken, has been 50 entirely wrong." They should also have beheld him, when addressing himself to Mr. Grenville's successors, he said, " As to the present gentlemen, those, at least, whom 1 have in my eye," -(lacking at the bench on which Mr. Conway sat,) " I htiwe no objection ; I 55 have never been made a sacrifice by any of them. Some of them have done me the honor to ask my poor opinion, before they would engage to repeal the act : they will do me the justice, to own, I did advise them to .'.ge to do it, hut notwithstanding (for I love to be 60 explicit,) I cannot give them ray confidence. Pardon me, gentlemen," (bowing to them,) " confaUnc* is a plant of ,v/o/r .rrowth." Those, who remember the air of condescending protection, with which the bow was made and the look given, when he spoke these words, 65 will recollect how much they themselves, at the moment, were both delighted and awed, and what they them- Ex. 107, 108.] iiXERCISBS. PART U. selves then conceived of the immeasurable superiority of the orator over every human being that surrounded him. In the passages which we have cited, there is 70 nothing which an ordinary speaker might not have said ; it was the manner, and the manner only, which produced the effect. EXERCISE 108. v Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt. BUTLER. On his first separation from the ministry, Mr. Fox as- sumed the character of a whig. Almost the whole of his political life was spent in op- position to his majesty's ministers. In vehemence and 5 power of argument he resembled Demosthenes ; but there the resemblance ended. He possessed a strain of ridicule and wit, which nature denied to the Athenian ; and it was the more powerful, as it always appeared to be blended with argument, and to result from it. To 10 the perfect composition which so eminently distinguishes the speeches of Demosthenes, he had no pretence. He was heedless of method : having the complete command of good words, he never sought for better: if those, which occurred, expressed his meaning clearly and for- 15 cibly, he paid little attention to their arrangement or harmony. The moment of his grandeur was, when, after he had stated the argument of his adversary, with much greater strength than his adversary had done, and with much 20 greater than any of his hearers thought possible, he seized it with the strength of a giant, and tore and trampled on it to destruction. If, at this moment, he had possessed the power of the Athenian over the pas- sions or the imaginations of his hearers, he might have 25 disposed of the House at his pleasure ; but this was de- nied to him ; and, on this account, his speeches fell very short of the effect, which otherwise they must have pro- duced. It is difficult to decide on the comparative merit of 30 him and Mr. Pitt; the latter had not the vehement reasoning, or argumentative ridicule, of Mr. Fox : but 12 EXEKMB9. fAMT II. [Hx. 106, 100. he had more kplendor, more imagery, and much more method and discretion. His long, lofty, and reverential paaegyrio* of the British constitution, his eloquent vitu- 35 ptrrtsBM of those, whom he described as advocating the democratic spirit, then let loose on the inhabitants of the earth, and his solemn adjuration of the Houae to de- fend and to assist him, in defending their all again.-t it, were, in the highest degree, both imposing and concili- 40 ating. In addition, he had the command of bitter, con- temptuous sarcasm, which tortured to madness. This he could expand or compress at pleasure : even in one member of a sentence, he could inflict a wound that was never healed. 45 Mr. Fox had a captivating irnextnt of tone and manner; Mr. Pitt was more dignified than earnest. The action of Mr. Fox was easy and graceful ; Mr. Pitt's cannot be praised. It was an observation of the reporters in the gallery, that it required great exertion to follow 50 Mr. Fox while he was speaking; none to remember what he had said; that it was easy and delightful to follow Mr. Pitt ; not so easy to recollect what bad delighted them. It may be added, that, in all Mr. Fox s speeches, even when he was most violent, there 55 was an unquestionable indication of good humor, which attracted every heart. When- there was such a seeming equipoise of merit, the two last circumstances might be thought to turn the scale; but Mr. Pitt's undeviating circumspection, sometimes concealed, sometimes osten- 60 tatiously displayed, tended to obtain for him, from the considerate and the grave, a confidence which they denied to his rival. r.xr.urisi: 109. Dtalh of Is>rd Chatham. PKRCT. Chatham enu-rnl th. House .f Ix>rds for the but tine on the 7th of April, 1778, leaning upon two friends. He was wrapped up in flannel, and looked pale and ema- ciated. His eye was still penetrating ; ana though with 5 the evident appearance of a dying man, there M*er was ceo a figure of more dignity ; he appeared like a beimg Ex. 109.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 267 of superior species. He rose from his seat slowly, and with difficulty, leaning on his crutches, and supported under each arm by two of his friends. He took one 10 hand from his crutch, and raised it, casting his eyes toward heaven, and said, " I thank God that I have been enabled to come here this day to perform my duty, and to speak on a subject which has so deeply impressed my mind. I am old and infirm ; have one foot, more than 15 one foot, in the grave. I am risen from my bed, to stand up in the cause of my country ! perhaps never again to speak in this House !" At first he spoke in a very low and feeble tone ; but as he grew warm, his voice rose, and was as harmonious as ever, perhaps more oratorical 20 and affecting than at any former period ; both from his own situation, and from the importance of the subject on which he spoke. He gave the whole history of the Ameri- can war ; of all the measures to which he had objected ; and all the evils which he had prophesied would be the 25 consequence of them ; adding, at the end of each, " And so it proved." In one part of his speech he ridiculed the apprehen- sion of an invasion ; and then recalled the remembran- ces of former invasions. " Of a Spanish invasion, of a 30 French invasion, of a Dutch invasion, many noble lords -may have read in history ; and some lords (looking keenly at one who sat near him,) may perhaps remember a Scotch invasion !" When the Duke of Richmond was speaking, he looked 35 at him with attention and composure ; but when he rose to answer, his strength failed him, and he fell backward. He was instantly supported by those who were near him. He was then carried to Mr. Serjent's house in Downing- street ; and from thence conveyed home to Hayes, and 40 put to bed, from which he never rose. Such was the glorious end of the great Lord Chatham, who died in the discharge of a great political duty, a duty which he came in a dying state to perform. 268 SjyUOMBS. PART 11. [Ex. 110. EXERCISE 110. Lord Mansfield. PERCY. It is yet the traditionary tale of the country that gave this ere it orator and lawyer birth, that almost in infancy he was accustomed to dtvlairn upon his native mountains, and repeat to the winds the most celebrated speeches of 5 Demosthenes and Cicero, not only in their original text, but in his o\\n translations of them. Mansfield advanced to the dignities of the state by rapid strides. They were not bestowed by the caprice of party favor or affection : they were (as was said of 10 Pliny) liberal dispensations of power, upon an object that knew how to add new lustre to that powi r, by the rational exertion of his own. As a Speaker in the House of Lords, he was without a competitor. His language was elegant and perspicu- 15 ous, arranged with the happiest method, and applied with the utmost extent of human ingenuity ; his images were often bold, and always just; but the more prevail- ing character of his eloquence, was that of being flowing, soft, delightful, and averting. Among his more rare 20 qualifications, may be ranked the external graces <.f his n : the fire and vivacity of his looks; the delicious harmony of his voice ; and that habitual fitness in all he said, which gave to his speeches more than the effect of the most labored compositions. He was modest and un- 25 assuming; n ending to personal altercation, or even replying to personal reflections, except when they went to affect the integrity of his public character. When instances of the latter occurred, he evinced that he was not without a spirit to repel them; of this he tr 30 memorable proof, in the debate on Wilke's outlawry, when, In-ing accused nf braving the popular opinion. In- replied in the following noble strain of e!o \i>is Henrietta. He chose fur his text the verse astes, so suitable to the occasion, "Vanity o! vanities! All is vanity !" Having pronounced these words, he re- mained for some time in silence, evidently overpowered 35 by his feelings. " It was to be my lot," he then ex- claimed, "to perform this melancholy duty to the memory of this illustrious princess ! She, whom I had obf" so attentive, while I performed the same duty to her royal mother, was herself so soon to become the theme 40 of a similar discourse ! And my voice was so soon to be exerted in discharging the like melancholy duty to her ! vanity ! O nothing ! O mortals ! ever igno- rant of what awaits you ! But a month ago would she have thought it V You. \\h then beheld her drown. -d 45 in tears for her mother's loss, would you have thought it ? Would you have thought, that you were so soon to meet again to bewail her own fate? O vanity of vani- ties! All U vanity! These are the only words! the only reflection, which, in such an event, my sorrow 50 leaves me !" After this eloquent exordium, Bossuet pursues his dis- mal theme. He describes, in strains, always eloquent, ij. r .; but always mournful, the short but brilliant career of the princess; so highly stationed, so greatly gifted, so 55 widely admired, and so generally loved ! The idol of the world ! The pride of her august family ! The de- light of all who approached her ! " Yet what," he ex- claimed, "is all this, which we, so much below it, so greatly admire! While we tremble in the view of the 60 greai iltes them, that they may serve as warn- does he consider these great in otten serve as mere materials for our in-tnictioii ' We have always sufficient reason to lie convinced of our nothingness; bat if, to wean our 05 hearts from the fascination of the world, the wonderful and the astonishing is necessary, what we now behold is sutticientlv terrible. O ni^ht of woe ! O night of hor- iki- a peal of thunder, t! 1 words, !! / Henrietta is dead bant upon us! YO Nothing rnld be heard but cries; nothing was discern- y at ible but grief, despair, and the image of death !" The wri* * timr mentioned that <^net pro Ex. 112, 113.] EXERCISES. rPART II. 273 - nounced these words, the whole audience arose from their seats ; that terror was visible in every countenance, f 5 and that, for some moments, Bossuet himself was unable to proceed. **' EXERCISE 113. Eloquence of Bourdaloue, BUTLER. In delivering his sermons, Bourdaloue used no action ; Bossuet and Massillon used much ; the action of the last was particularly admired. It produced an extraordinary effect, when he pronounced his funeral oration upon 5 Louis the Fourteenth. The church was hung with black, a magnificent mausoleum was raised over the bier ; the edifice was filled with trophies and other memorials of the monarch's past glories ; daylight was excluded, but in- numerable tapers supplied its place, and the ceremony 10 was attended by the most illustrious persons in the king- dom. Massillon ascended the pulpit, contemplated, for some moments, the scene before him, then raised his arms to heaven, looked down on the scene beneath, and, after a short pause, slowly said, in a solemn, subdued 15 tone, " GOD ONLY is GREAT !" With one impulse, all the auditory rose from their seats, turned to the altar, and slowly and reverently bowed. - Those who read sermons merely for their literary merit, will generally prefer the sermons of Massillon to 20 those of Bourdaloue and Bossuet. But those who read sermons for" -instruction, and whose chief object in the perusal of them, is to be excited to virtue or confirmed in her paths, will generally consider Bourdaloue as the first of preachers, and every time they peruse him, will 25 feel new delight. When we recollect before whom Bourdaloue preached ; that he had, for his auditors, the most luxurious court in Europe, and a monarch abandoned to ambition and pleasure, we shall find it impossible not to honor the 30 preacher, for the dignified simplicity with which he uniformly held up to his audience the severity of the Gospel, and the scandal of the cross. Now and then, and ever with a very bad grace, he makes an unmean- ing compliment to the monarch. On these occasions, 35 his genius appears to desert him ; but he never disguises 1 '2* BXHCISES. PART II. [Ex. 113. the morality of the Gospel, or withholds its threat*. In one of the serin. -ns winch In- preached before the mon- arch, he described, with matchless eloquence, the horrors of an adulterous life, its abomination in the eje of God, 40 its scandal to man, and the public and private evils which attend it : but he managed his discourse with BO -much address, that he kept tin- king from suspecting that the thunder ot tin- pn-arher was ultimately to fait upon him. In general, Bourdaloue spoke in a level tone 46 ot voice, and with his eyes almost shut. On this occa- sion, having wound up the attention of the mqnarch and the audience to the highest pitch, he paused. The audience expected something terrible, and seemed to fear the next word. The pause continued for some time: 50 at length, the preacher, fixing his eyes directly on his royal hearer, and in a tone of voice equally expressive of horror and concern, said, in the words of the prophet, " Thou art the man!" thru, leaving thc-c words to their effect, he concluded with a mild and general prayer to 55 Heaven for the conversion of all sinners. A miserable courtier observed, in a \\hi.-per. to the monarch, that the boldness of the pr< ceded all bounds, and should be checked. " No, sir," replied the monarch, " the preacher has done his duty, let us do mm." When 60 the service was concluded, the monarch walked slowly from the church, and ordered Bourdaloue into his pres- ence. He remarked to him, his general protection of religion, the. kindness winch he had ever shown to the Society of Jesus, his particular attention* to Bourdaloue 65 and his friends. He then reproached him with the strong language of the sermon, and asked him, what could be his motive for insulting him, tim- publicly, before his subjects ? Bourdaloue fell on his knees : >d is my witness, that it was not my wish to insult 70 your majesty ; but I am a minister of God, and must not disguise his truths. What 1 said in my sermon is my morning and evening prayer: May God, in his infinite mercy, grant me to see the day, when the greatest of kind's shall be the holiest." The monarch was affected, 75 and silently dismissed the preacher: but, from this tame, the court began to observe that change which afterward, and at no distant period, led Louis to a life of regularity and virtue. Ex. 114.] EXERCISES. PART II. 275 EXERCISE 114. * Eloquence of Bridainc. BUTLER. " The missionary orator, most renowned in our days," says Maury, " was M. Bridaine. Highly gifted with popular eloquence, full of animation, abounding in figures and pathos, no one possessed, in an equal degree, the 5 rare talent of commanding an assembled multitude. The organ of his voice was so powerful and happy, as to render credible what ancient history relates of the de- clamation of the ancients ; he made himself as well heard in open air, to an assembly of 10,000 persons, as 10 if he spoke under the vault of the most sonorous temple. In all he said, there might be discovered that natural eloquence, which originates from genius ; that bound of natural vigor, which is superior to any imitation. His bold metaphors ; his quick and vivid turns of thought 15 and expression, equally surprised, affected, and delighted. His eloquence was always simple, but it was always noble in its simplicity. With these endowments, he never failed to raise and preserve the attention of the people ; they were never tired of listening to him." 20 In 1751, he preached in the church of St. Sulpice, at Paris. His renown had prece'ded him ; and the temple was filled with the highest dignitaries of the church and state, decorated with the various insignia of their ranks and orders. The venerable man ascended the pulpit, 25 cast a look of indignation and pity on his audience, re- mained in silence for some moments, and then began his sermon in these words : " In the presence of an audience of a kind so new to me, it might, my brethren, be thought, that I should not open my mouth, without 30 entreating your indulgence to a poor missionary, who does not possess any one of the talents, which you are "pleased to require from those, who address you on the salvation of your souls. My feelings are very different. May God forbid, that any minister of the Gospel shall 35 ever think he owes an apology for preaching Gospel truths to you; for, whoever you are, you, like myself, are sinners in the judgment of God. Till this day, I have published the judgments of the Most High in the temples roofed with straw : I have preached the rigors 370 XBRCMES. FART II. [Ex. 114, 40 of penance to an audience, most, of whom wanted bread. I have proclaimed, to tin- simple inhabitants of the vil- lages, thr most terrible truths of religion. Unhappy man! what have I done? I have afflicted the poor, iht- U-i frit-mis of my (iod. 1 have carried consterna- 45 (ion and woe into simple and honest bosoms, which I ought rather to have soothed and comforted. "But here! where my eyes fall on the great, on the rick, on the oppressors of suffering humanity, or on bold and hardened sinners ; it is here, in the midst of these 60 scandals, that I ou^ht to make tin- ln-ly word resound in all its thunders, and place on one side of roe, death, that threatens you. and the great God, who is to judge us all. Tremble, ye proud, disdainful men, who li.Mt n to nit- ! Trt-mble ! for the abuse of favors of every kind, 55 which God has heaped on you ! Think on the certainty of death: the unorrtainty of its hour: how terrible it will be to you ! Think on final impenitence, on the last judgment, on the small number of the elect, and, above all, think on eternity! These are the subjects upon which 1 shall discourse to you, and which, with tin- feelings I have mentioned, I ought to unfold to \ou all in all their tern "Who." exclaims Cardinal Maury, "does not feel, both while he reads, and after he has read such an ex- 65 ordium, how much this eloquence of the soul is beyond the cold pretensions of the elegant men, with which our pulpits are now filled ? Ye orators, who attend only to your own reputation, atkr here your m; Fall at the feet of this apostolic man, and learn, from a 70 missionary priest, what is true eloquence." EXKUUSK 115. Eloquence of Whitffield. GILLTM. The eloquence of Whitt -field was indeed very great, and of tin- truest kind, lie was utterly devoid of all ap- pearance of affectation. He seemed to be quite uncon- scious i : nts he possessed. The importance of ft. and the regard due to his hearers engrossed all his concern. He spoke like one who did not seek their applause, but was concerned for th.-ir best interests; Ex. 115.] EXERCISES. PART II. 277 and who, from a principle of unfeigned love, earnestly endeavored to lead them in the right way. And the 10 effect, in some measure, corresponded to the design. They did not amuse themselves with commending his discourses ; but being moved and persuaded by what he said, entered into his views, felt his passions, and were willing for a time, at least, to comply with all his requests. 15 The charm, however, was nothing else but the power of his irresistible eloquence ; in which respect it is not easy to say, whether he was ever excelled either in ancient or modern times. He had a strong and musical voice, and a wonderful 20 command of it. His pronunciation was not only proper, but manly and graceful. Nor was he ever at a loss for the most natural and strong expressions. Yet, these in him were but lower qualities. The grand sources of his eloquence were an exceeding 25 lively imagination, which made people think they saw what he described ; an action still more lively, if possible, by which, while every accent of his voice spoke to the ear, every feature of his face, every motion of his hands, and every gesture spoke to the eye. 30 An intimate friend of the infidel Hume, asked him what he thought of Mr. Whitefield's preaching; for he had listened to the latter part of one of his sermons at Edinburgh. " He is, sir," said Mr. Hume, " the most ingenious preacher I ever heard. It is worth while to go 35 twenty miles to hear him." He then repeated the fol- lowing passage which he heard, towards the close of that discourse : " After a solemn pause, Mr. Whitefield thus addressed his numerous audience ; ' The attendant an- gel is just about to leave the threshhold, and ascend to 40 heaven. And shall he ascend and not bear with him the news of one sinner, among all this multitude, reclaimed from the error of his ways ?' To give the greater effect to this exclamation, he stamped with his foot, lifted up his hands and eyes to heaven, and with gushing tears, 45 cried aloud, ' Stop, Gabriel! Stop, Gabriel! Stop, ere you enter the sacred portals, and yet carry with you the news of one sinner converted to God.' He then, in the most simple, but energetic language, described a Sav- ior's dying love to sinful man ; so that almost the whole 50 assembly melted into tears. This address was accom- 278 EXEBCISES. PART II. [Ex. 115, panied with such animated, yet natural action, that it surpassed any thing 1 ever saw or heard in any other preacher." Happy had it been for poor Hume, had he received 65 what he then heard, " as the word of God, and not as the word of man !" Dr. Franklin, in his memoirs, bears witness to the extraordinary effect which was produced by Mr. White- field's preaching in America ; and relates an anecdote 60 equally characteristic of the preacher and of himself. " I happened," says the doctor, " to attend one of his sermons, in the course of which I perceived he intended to finish with a collection, and I silently resolved he should get nothing from me. I had in my pocket a 65 handful of copper money, three or four silver dollars, and five pistoles in gold. As he proceeded, 1 began to soften, and concluded to give the copper. Another stroke of his oratory made me ashamed of that, and de- termined me to give the silver ; and he finished so adrai- 70 rably, that I emptied my pocket wholly into the col- lector's dish, gold and all. At this sermon there was also one of our club ; who, being of my sentiment* re- specting the building in Georgia, and suspecting a col- lection might be intended, had by precaution emptied 75 his pockets before he came from home ; towards the conclusion of the discourse, however, he felt a strong inclination to give, and applied to a neighbor who stood near him, to lend him "some money for the purpose. The request was fortunately made to perhaps the only 80 man in the company who had the firmness not to be affected by tlu- pn-nrher. His answer was, 'At any othfr time, friend Hodgkinson, I would lend to thee y ; hut not now, for thee seems to be out of thy right senses.' " BCHH 116. Satan t Lamentation. MILTON. O had his pow'rful destiny ordain'd Mi- some infirior angrl. I had stood Then happy ; no unbounded hope had raised Ambition. Yet why not ? Some other power Ex. 116.] EXERCISES. PART II. 279 5 As great might have aspired, and me, though mean, Drawn to his part ; but other pow'rs as great Fell not, but stand unshaken, from within Or from without, to all temptations arm'd. Hadst thou the same free will and pow'r to stand ? 10 Thou hadst : Whom hast thou then, or what, t' accuse, But heaven's free love dealt equally to all ? Me miserable ! which way shall I fly * Infinite wrath, and infinite despair ? Which way I fly is hell ; myself am hell ; 15 And, in the lowest deep, a lower deep Still threat'ning to devour me, opens wide, To which the hell I suffer seems a heaven. O then at last relent : Is there no place Left for repentance, none for pardon left ? 20 None left but by submission ; and that word Disdain forbids me, and my dread of shame Among the sp'rits beneath, whom I seduced With other promises and other vaunts Than to submit, boasting I could subdue 25 Th' Omnipotent. Ah, me ! they little know How dearly I abide that boast so vain ! Under what torments inwardly I groan, While they adore me on the throne of hell ! With diadem and scepter high advanced 30 The lower still I fall, only supreme In misery : Such joy ambition finds. But say I could repent, and could obtain, By act of grace, my former state ; how soon Would hight recall high thoughts, how soon unsay 35 What feign'd submission swore ? ease would recant Vows 'made in pain, as violent and void. This knows my punisher : therefore as far From granting he, as I from begging peace : All hope excluded thus, behold instead 40 Of us outcast, exiled, his new delight, Mankind created, and for him this world. So farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear, Farewell remorse : All good to me is lost. IIEECISIU. PART M. [Ex. 117. BXKIU'ISi: 117. Eloquence of Sher, Public curiosity was scarcely ever so sirm ested us (in the day when Mr. Sheridan \\as to speak on the Begum charge on the impeachment of Mr. Hastings. , The avenues leading to the hall were filled with persons of 6 the first distinction, many of them peeresses in full dress, who waited in the open air for upwards of an hour and a half, before the gates were opened, \vhen the crowd pressed so eagerly forward, that many persons had nearly perished. No extract can do justice to this speech ; the 10 following is a partial specimen of its power : " When we hear the description of the paroxysm, fe- ver, and delirium, into which despair hud thrown the na- tives, when on the banks of the polluted Ganges, panting for death, they tore more widely open the lips of their 15 gaping wounds, to accelerate their dissolution, and while their blood was issuing, presented their ghastly eyes to Heaven, breathing their last and fervent prayer, that the dry earth might not be >ull'>-ivd to drink their blood, but that it might rise up to the throne of God, and rouse the 20 eternal Providence to avenge the wrongs of tl.i-ir coun- try'; what motive, could ha\e such inlluence in their bo- som ? what motive! That which n common parent, plants in the bottom of man, and which, though it may be less active in the Indian than in the Englishman, 25 is still congenial with. ;.n to be re- sumed ; that principle wl-.irh tells him that resistance to 85 power usui; n-ly a duty which he owes to himself and to Iris neighbor, but a duty which he owes to his God, in asserting and maintaining tin 4 rank which he gave him in the creation ! to that common God, who, where he gives the form of man, whatever may be the Ex. 117.] EXERCISES. PART II. 281 40 complexion, gives also the feelings and the rights of man, -tthat principle, which neither the rudeness of ignorance can stifle, nor the enervation of refinement extinguish ! that principle, which makes it base for a man to suffer when he ought to act, which tending to preserve to the 45 species the original designations of Providence, spurns at the arrogant distinctions of man, and vindicates the inde- pendent quality of his race. " The Majesty of Justice, in the eyes of Mr. Hastings, is a being of terrific horror a dreadful idol, placed in 50 the gloom of graves, accessible only to cringing suppli- cation, and which must be approached with offerings, and worshiped by sacrifice. The Majesty of Mr. Has- tings is a being, whose decrees are written with blood, and whose oracles are at once secure and terrible. From 55 such an idol I turn mine eyes with horror I turn them here to this dignified and high tribunal, where the Maj- esty of Justice really sits enthroned. Here I perceive the Majesty of Justice in her proper robes of truth and mercy chaste and simple accessible and patient aw- 60 ful without severity, inquisitive, without meanness. I see her enthroned and sitting in judgment on a great and momentous cause, in which the happiness of millions is involved. Pardon me, my lords, if I presume to say, that in the decision of this great cause, you are to be en- 65 vied, as well as venerated. You possess the highest dis- tinction of the human character ; for when you render your ultimate voice on this cause, illustrating the dignity of the ancestors from whom -you spring justifying the solemn asseveration which you make vindicating the 70 people of whom you are a part and manifesting the in- telligence of the times in which you live you will do such an act of mercy, and blessing to man, as no men but yourselves are able to grant." On the conclusion of Mr. Sheridan's speech, the whole "75 assembly, members, peers, and strangers, involuntarily joined in a tumult of applause, and adopted a mode of expressing their approbation new and irregular in that House, by loudly and repeatedly clapping their hands. A motion was immediately made and carried for an ad- 80 journment, that the members, who were in a state of de- lirious insensibility, from the talismanic influence of such powerful eloquence, might have time to collect their EXERCISE*. PART II. [Ex. 117, 118 scattered senses for the exercises of a sober judgment. Tliis motion was made by Mr. Pitt, who dcehpcd that 85 this speech " surpassed all the eloquence of ancient and modern times, and possesses every tiling that genius <>r art could furnish, to agitate and control the human mind." He has this day," said Mr. Burke, "surprised the 90 thousands who hung with iiiptvip <>n Ins accents, by surh an array of talents, such an exhibition of capacity, such a display of powers, as are unparalleled in tin* annals of oratory ! a display that reflects the highest honor upon himself lustre upon letters renown upon parliament 95 glory upon the country. Of all species of rhetoric, of every kind of eloquence that has been witnessed or re- corded, either iu ancient or modem times : whatever the acuteness of the bar, the dignity of the senate, the so- lidity of the judgment seat, and the sacred morality of 100 the pulpit, have hitherto furnished, nothing has sur- passed, nothing has equalled, what we have this day heard in Westminister hall. No holy seer of religion, no sage, no statesman, no orator, no man of any literary description whatever, has come up in the one instance, 105 to the pure sentiments of morality ; or, in the other, to that variety of knowledge, force of imagination, propriety and vivacity of allusion, beauty and elegance of diction, strength and copiousness of style, pathos and sublimity of conception, to which we have this day listened with 110 ardor and admiration. From poetry up to eloquence, there is not a species of composition, of which a com- plete and perfect specimen might not from that single speech be culled and collet ' r.xr.unsK us. . Spirit of the American Revolution. JOSIAH Qt INCT, JK. Be not deceived, my countrymen. Believe not these venal hirelings, when they would cajole you by their Hubtilties into submission, or frighten you 1>\ their vapor- ings into compliance. When they strive to flatter you 6 by the terms " moderation and prudence." tell them that calmness and deliberation are to guide the judg- nt ; courage and intrepidity command the action. When they endeavor to make us " perceive our inabil- Ex. 118.] EXERCISES. PART II. 283 ity to oppose our mother country," let us boldly answer ; 10 In defence of our civil and religious rights, we dare oppose the world ; with the God of armies on our side, even the God who fought our fathers' battles, we fear not the hour of trial, though the hosts of our enemies should cover the field like locusts. If this be enthusiasm, we 15 will live and die enthusiasts. Blandishments will not fascinate us, nor will threats of a "halter" intimidate. For, under God, we are de- termined, that wheresoever, whensoever, or howsoever we shall be called to make our exit, we will die freemen. 20 Well do we know, that all the regalia of this world can- not dignify the death of a villain, nor diminish the igno- miny with which a slave shall quit existence. Neither can it taint the unblemished honor of a son of freedom, though he should make his departure on the already pre- 25 pared gibbet, or be dragged to the newly erected scaffold for execution. With the plaudits of his country, and what is more, the plaudits of his conscience, he will go off the stage. The history of his life his children shall venerate. The virtues of their sire shall excite their 30 emulation. Who has the front to ask, Wherefore do you com- plain ? Who dares assert that every thing worth living for is not lost when a nation is enslaved ? Are not pen- sioners, stipendiaries, and salary-men, unknown before, 35 hourly multiplying upon us, to riot in the spoils of miser- able America ? Does not every eastern gale waft us some new insect, even of that devouring kind, which eat up every green thing ? Is not the bread taken out of the children's mouths and given unto the dogs ? Are not our 40 estates given to corrupt sycophants, without a design, or even a pretence of soliciting our assent ; and our lives put into the hands of those whose tender mercies are cruelties ? Has not an authority in a distant land, in the most public manner, proclaimed a right of disposing of 45 the all of Americans ? In short, what have we to lose ? What have we to fear ? Are not our distresses more than we can bear ? And, to finish all, are not our cities in a time of profound peace, filled with standing armies, to preclude from us that last solace of the wretched to 60 open their mouths in complaint, and send forth their cries in bitterness of heart ? KXERC18E8. PART II. [Ex. 118, 119. But is there no ray of hope? Is not Great Britain in- habited by the children of those ren.'W.-d barons, who waded through seas of crimson gore to establish their 55 liberty ? and will they not allow us, their fellow-men, to enjoy that freedom which we claim from nature, which is confirmed by our constitution, and which they pretend ( so highly to value '.' Were n tyrant to conquer us, the chains of slavery, when opposition should become use- 60 less, might be supportable, but to be shackled t>\ lishmen, by our equals, is not to be borne. By the sweat of our brow we earn the little we possess ; from nature we derive the common rights of man ; and by charter we claim the liberties of Britons. Shall we. dare 65 we, pusillanimously surrender our birthright? Is the obligation to our fathers discharged ? Is the debt we owe posterity paid '.' Answer me, thou coward, who hidest thyself in the hour of trial ! If there is no reward in this life, no pri/.e of glorv in the next, capable of animat- 70 ing thy dastard soul, think and tremble, thou miscreant ! at the whips and stripes thy master shall lash thee with on earth, and the flames and scorpions thy second mas- ter shall torment thee with hereafter ! Oh, my countrymen ! what will our children say, 75 when th< y read the history of these times, should they find thai we tamely gave away, without one noble strug- gle, the most invaluable of earthly blessings ! As they drag the galling chain will they not execrate us? If we have any respect for things sacred, any regard to the 80 dearest treasure on earth ; if we have one tender sentiment for posterity; if we would not \te despised by the whole world ; let us, in the most opi-u, solemn manner, and with determined fortitude, swear We will die, if we cannot live freemen. 85 While we have equity, justice, nnd God on our side, tyranny, spiritual, or temporal, shall never ride triumph- ant in a land inhabit. -d by Knglishmen. HXKKCISK 119. .-/>. PHILIPS. I appeal to History' Tell me, thou reverrnd chroni- cler of the grave, can all the illusions of ambition n -il ized, can all the wealth of n universal commerce, can all Ex. 119.] EXERCISES. PART II. 285 the achievements of successful heroism, or all the estab- 5 lishments of this world's wisdom, secure to empire the permanency of its possessions '? Alas ! Troy thought so once ; yet the land of Priam lives only in song ! Thebes thought so once ; yet her hundred gates have crumbled, and her very tombs are but as the dust they 10 were vainly intended to commemorate ! So thought Palmyra where is she ? So thought the countries of Demosthenes and the Spartan ; yet Leonidas is tram- pled by the timid slave, and Athens insulted by the ser- vile, mindless, and enervate Ottoman ! In his hurried 1> march, Time has but looked at their imagined immor- tality ; and all its vanities, from the palace to the tomb, have, with their ruins, erased the very impression of his footsteps ! The days of their glbry are as if they had never been ; and the island, that was then a speck, rude 20 and neglected in the barren ocean, now rivals the ubi- quity of their commerce, the glory of their arms, the fame of their philosophy, the eloquence of their senate, and the inspiration of their bards ! Who shall say, then, contemplating the past, that England, proud and potent 25 as she appears, may not, one day, be what Athens is, and the young America yet soar to be what Athens was ! Who shall say, that, when the European column shall have mouldered, and the night of barbarism ob- scured its very ruins, that mighty continent may not 30 emerge from the horizon, to rule, for its time, sovereign of the ascendant \ * * * Sir, it matters very little what immediate spot may have been the birthplace of such a man as WASHING- TON. No people can claim, no country can appropriate 35 him. The boon of Providence to the human race, his fame is eternity, and his residence creation. Though it was the defeat of our arms, and the disgrace of our policy, I almost bless the convulsion in which he had his origin. If the heavens thundered, and the earth 40 rocked, yet, when the storm had past, how pure was the climate that it cleared ! how bright, in the brow of the firmament, was the planet which it revealed to us ! In the production of Washington it does really appear as if nature was endeavoring to improve upon herself, 45 and that all the virtues of the ancient world were but so many studies preparatory to the patriot of the new. In- KXKKC1SE8. - PART II. [Ex. dividual instances, n-> do-,t!>t, then- were. splendid exem- plifications of SMI)).- MM^ul.-ir qualification: Onesar was merciful, Scipio was o.niinent, Hannibal was patient ; 50 but it was reserved for Washington to Mend them all in one, and, lik- the lovely masterpiece of the Grecian artist, to exhibit, in one glow of associated beauty, the pride of every model, and the perfection of every mas- ter. As a general, he marshaled the peasant into a 55 veteran, and supplied by discipline the absence of ex- perience ; as a statesman, he enlarged the policy of the cabinet into the most comprehensive system of general advantage ; and such was the wisdom of his views, and the philosophy of his counsels, that, to the soldier and 60 the statesman, he almost added the character of the sage! A conquero'r, he was untainted with the crime of blood ; a revolutionist, he was free from any stain of treason ; for aggression commenced the contest, and his country called him to the command. Liberty un- 6.5 sheathed his sword, necessity stained, victory returned it. If he had paused here, history might have doubted what station to assign him ; whether at the head of her citizrns, or her soldiers, her heroes, or her patriots. But the last glorious act crowns his career, and banishes all hesitation. 70 Who, like Washington, after having emancipated a hem- isphere, resigned its crown, and preferred the retirement of domestic life to the adoration of a land he might be almost said to have created. Happy, proud America! The lightnings of heaven 75 yielded to your philosophy ! The temptations of earth could not seduce your patriotism ! FAT. WISH 1-JO. <>/ 177."). PATRICK II Mr. ilenrv r'M- with a majesty unusual to him in an '(limn, and with all that self-possession by which he was so invariably distinguiflhod. " No man," he said, "thought more highly than he did <>f th" patriotism, as 5 well as abilities, of t! 'lliy i;entl i nien who had just addn-sv.-d the Hous.-. Hut dilf.-n-nt men often saw the same Mihject in ditl'.-rcnt lights ; and, therefore, he hoped it would not be thought disrespectful to those gen- Ex. 120.] EXERCISES. -PART II. 287 tleraen, if, entertaining as he did, opinions of a character 10 very opposite to theirs, he should speak forth his senti- ments freely, and without reserve. This was no time for ceremony. The question before the House was one of awful moment to this country." He proceeded thus : " MR. PRESIDENT It is natural for man to indulge in 15 the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth ; and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty ? Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who, hav- 20 ing eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation ? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth ; to know the worst, and to provide for it. 25 I have but one lamp, by which my feet are guided ; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And, judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry, for the last ten years, to 30 justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the House ? Is it that insidious smile, with which our petition has been lately received ? Trust it not, sir ; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a 35 kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations, which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled, 40 that force must be called in to win back our love ? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to sub- 4 5 mission ? Can gentlemen assign any other possible mo- tive for it ? Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quar- ter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies ? No, sir, she has none. They are meant for us : they can be meant for no other. They 50 are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains, which the British ministry have been so long forging. KCJSLS. - PAET II. And what have w e to oj.yxc to them? Shall wo try rj; - trying that for the last ted \\, an\ upon the 55 sui> Nothing. We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capalile ; but it has been all in vain. Shall we r> .treaty and humble supplica- tion? What ttrms shall we find, which have not been already uclt ) avert the storm which is now- coming on. We ha\e petitioned; we h.. ed ; we have supplicated; we lia\c pr-i-irated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to 65 an , raiimcal hands of the ministry and parlia- ment. Our petition^ ha\- been .-hinted; our reiuon- .ares have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded ; ( ) and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the 70 throne. In vain, after these thin tn indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any r<#im for hope. If we wish to !> free ; if we mean to preserve inviolate those in- privileges, for which we have been so long contending; if we mean 75 not basely to abandon the noble sr i which we have been so long engaged, and whieh we have pledged ourselves never to abandon, until the -bject of our contest shall be obtained ( ) we must jiyht. I repent it! Sir, we must fiyl. ,1 to arms 80 and to the God of hosts, is all ti ft us. They tell us, sir, that we are weak unal-le to cbpe with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be Will it be the next next year? Will it be when we are tot and 85 when a I>riti>h t, r >urd shall be Bl Shall we gat: 'ih by irresolution and m.\- !1 we acquire the '.stance by Iving supinelv <-:i our h:n k-, and hugging the delu-ive phantom of hope, until our IKMUH! us 00 hand and foot? Sir, we make a proper use of those means which the God of i hath placed in our power. Three millions of pe,j,le. armed in the hoiv cause of liberty, and i: try as that which we possess, are invincible by any EX. 120, 121.] EXERCISES. PART II. 289 95 which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God, who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone ; it is to the vigilant, the 100 active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat, but in submission and slavery ! Our chains are forged. Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston ! ( ) The 105 war is inevitable and let it come ! I repeat it, sir, let it come ! It is vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun ! 110 The next gale that sweeps from the north, will bring- to our ears the clash of resounding arms ! Our brethren are already in the field ! Why stand we here idle ! What is it that gentlemen wish ? what would they have ? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the 115 price of chains and slavery? ( ) Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death /" He took his seat. No murmur of applause was heard. The effect was too deep. After the trance of a moment, 120 several members started from their seats. The cry, "to arms," seemed to quiver on every lip, and gleam from every eye ! Richard H. Lee arose and supported Mr. Henry, with his usual spirit and elegance. But his mel- ody was lost amidst the agitations of that ocean, which 125 the master spirit of the storm had lifted up on high. That supernatural voice still sounded in their ears and shivered along their arteries. They heard, in every pause, the cry of liberty or death. They became im- patient of speech their souls were on fire for action. EXERCISE 121. The discontented Pendulum. JANE TAYLOR. An old clock that had stood for fifty years in a farm- er's kitchen, without giving its owner any cause of complaint, early one summer's morning, before the fam- rt 20 KXBKC1SK8. PART II. [H\. 1 VJ 1 ily was stirring, suddenly stopped. I'pon this, the dial- 5 plate (if w> lit tin- fable), changed countenance with alarm ; the hands made a vain cti'ort to continue their course ; the wheels remained motionless with sur- prise; the weights hung sj .. member Ml disposed to lay the blame on the others. At length the 10 dial instituted a formal inquiry as to the cause of nation, when hands, wheels, weights, with one voice, pro- tested their innocence. But now a faint tick was heard below frum the pendu- lum, who thus spoke: "I confess myself to be the sole 15 cause of the stoppage ! and I am willing, for the general satisfaction, to assign n The truth is, that I am tired of ticking." Upon hearing this, the. old clock be- came so enraged, that it was on the very point of striking. "Lazy win- |" . vliiinied the dial-plate, holding up its 20 hands. "Very good!" replied the pendulum, "it is ly easy for you, Mistress Dial, who have always, as every body knows, set yourself up above me, it is vastly easy for you, I say, to accuse other people of h/.iness! You, who have had nothing to do all the days of your 25 life, but to stare people in th< ' d to amuse your- self with watching all that goes on in the kitchen ! Think, I beseech you, how you would like to be shut up for life in this dark closet, and to wag backwards and forwards, year after year, as [ do." 30 " As to that/' said the dial, " is there not a window in your house, on purpose for you to look through ?" " For all that," resumed the pendulum, "it is very dark here ; and, although there is a window, I dare not for an instant, to look out at i 68,1 am really 36 tired of my way of life; and if you wish, I'll tell how I took this di>gu->t at my employment. I hap: this morning to be calculating how many times I should have to tick in the course of only the next twenty-four hours ; perhaps some of you, above there, can give me the 40 exact sum." The minute-hand, br-ing quick at figures, presently re- plied, " Eighty-six thousand four hundred times." "Ex- actly so," replied the pendulum. " Well, 1 appeal to you all, if tin .light of this was not enough to 45 fatigue one ; and when 1 bc^an to multiply the strokes of one day, by those of months and years, really it is no Ex. 121.] EXERCISES. PART II. 291 wonder if I felt discouraged at the prospect ; so, after a great deal of reasoning and hesitation, thinks I to myself, 50 I'll stop." The dial could scarcely keep its countenance during this harangue ; but resuming its gravity, thus replied : " Dear Mr. Pendulum, I am really astonished that such a useful, industrious person as yourself, should have been 55 overcome by this sudden action. It is true, you have done a great deal of work in your time ; so have we all, and are likely to do ; which although it may fatigue us to think of, the question is, whether it will fatigue us to do. Would you now do me the favor to give about half a 60 dozen strokes to illustrate my argument ?" The pendulum complied, and ticked six times in its usual pace. " Now," resumed the dial, " may I be al- lowed to inquire, if that exertion was at all fatiguing or disagreeable to you ?" " Not in the least," replied the 65 pendulum ; "it is not of six strokes that I complain, nor of sixty, but of millions." " Very good," replied the dial ; " but recollect that though you may think of a mil- lion strokes in an instant, you are required to execute but one ; and that however often you may hereafter have to 70 swing, a moment will always be given you to swing in." " That consideration staggers me, I confess," said the pendulum." " Then I hope," resumed the dial-plate, "we shall all immediately return to our duty; for the maids will lie in bed if we stand idling thus." 75 Upon this the weights, who had never been accused of light conduct, used all their influence in urging him to proceed ; when, as with one consent, the wheels began to turn, the hands began to move, the pendulum began to swing, and to its credit, ticked as loud as ever ; while a 80 red beam of the rising sun that streamed through a hole in the kitchen, shining full upon the dial-plate, it bright- ened up, as if nothing had been the matter. When the farmer came down to breakfast that morning, upon looking at the clock, he declared that his watch had 85 gained half an hour in the night. MORAL. A celebrated modern writer says, " Take care of the minutes, and the hours will take care of themselves." ii. [Ex. 121, This is an admirable remark, and might be very season- abl ''! hen we begin to be "weary in well- 90 doing," from the thought of having much to do. The present moment is all . with in any sense ; the j>;i>t i- irrecoverable, tin- future is uncertain; nor is it fair to buni .incut with tin? weight of the next. Sufficient unto the //.< trouble thereof. If we 95 had to walk a hundred in mid still have to set but one step at .1 tune, and this process continued, would infallibly bring us to our journey's end. Fatigue gCtte- rally begins, and is always increased, by calculating in a ininir< 100 Thus, in looking forward to future life, let us recollect that we ha\e n.t to sustain all its toil, to endure all its unter all its crosses at once. One mo- ment comes laden with its own little burdens, then flies, and is succeeded by another no heavier than the last : 105 if one could be borne, so can another and another. It seems easier to do right to-morrow than to-day, merely becau 'hat when to-morrow comes, then will be now. Thus life passes with many, in reso- lutions for the future, which the pi -r fulfills. 110 It is not thus with those, who, " by patient continuance in well-doing, seek for glory, honor, and immortality." Day by day, minute by minute, they execute the appoint- ed task, to which the requisite measure ,,f time and strength is proportioned ; and thus, having worked while 116 it was called day, they at length rest from their labors, and their works us then, "whatever our hands find to do, do it with all our might, recollect- ing that now is the proper and accepted time." .ItCISF. 1-,-J. Valedictory Hymn. N. ADAMS. i by the Senior Cla, t iht rln- <>f thr \nnlven*ry Bxetcbei la the Theo- logical Seiiiimuy. Andovrr. .Sept 189B. 1 Beautiful upon the mountains Are the messengers of peace, Publishing the news of pardon, Through a Savior's righteousness; il tidings Of a Savior's righteousness ; Ex. 122, 123.] KXERCISES. PART ii. 293 2 Hark ! the voice of Jesus, calling, " Heralds of my Cross, arise ! Go, and publish news of pardon, See ! a world in ruin lies. Preach salvation, Till I call you to the skies." 3 Jesus, we obey thy summons, See thy servants waiting stand ; When our song of praise is ended, We will go at thy command. Great Redeemer ! Guide us by thine own right hand. 4 Scenes of love and sacred friendship, We will bid you all farewell ; O'er the earth's wide face we wander, News of Jesus' love to tell. We forever Now must part, and say, Farewell. 5 Often have we join'd these voices, In our songs of social praise, And around our altar bending, Prayer at morn and evening raised. We shall never Here again unite in praise. 6 Brethren, may we meet together On the mount of God above ; Then our rapturous hosannas Will be full of Jesus' love. Savior, bring us Safely to thy home above. EXERCISE 123. Scene from Pizarro Pizarro and Gomez. KOTZEBUS. Piz. How now, Gomez, what bringest thou ? Gom. On yonder hill, among the palm trees, we have sur- prised an old Peruvian. Escape by flight he could not, and we seized him unresisting. U91 EXERCISES. PART II. [Hx. 128 Pi:. Drag him before us. \Qomez leads in Orozfmbo.] Who art thou, stranger '.' Oro. First tell me who is the captain of this band of robbers. Audacious! This insolence has lealed thy doom. Die thou shalt, gray-headed ruffian. But first confess what thou knowest. Oro. I know that which thou hast just assured me of, that 1 shall die. Piz. Less audacity might have preserved thy life. Oro. My life is as a withered tree, nut worth presening. Piz. Hear me, old man. Even nown-e march against the Peruvian army. We know there is a sei-n-t path that leads to your stronghold among the rocks. Guide us to that, and name thy reward. If wealth be thy wUh Oro. Ha, ha, ha! Piz. Dost thou despise my offer? Oro. Yes, thee and thy offer ! Wealth ! I have the wealth of two gallant sons. I have stored in heaven the riches which repay good actions here ! and still mychiefest treasure do I wear about me. Piz. What is that? Inform me. Oro. I will, for thou canst in \<:", si>ik'e lo-t in words. This e I tore from the dead liody of ;i friar, as I passed our field of battle. It has gained me entrance to thy dungeon ; DOW take it thou. and tly. \nd Holla - Will remain here in thy | Aln,,. And pj/ . and thy arm m:iy soon deh\er me from i Or, should it lie otherv. i-e. 1 :iin ti the . notliii)L r : ait a hus band nd a fall. infant depend upon thy 1, > sav thyself, but ("'orn. nd thv rhilrl Ex. 123, 124.] EXERCISES. PART IF. 297 Alon. Urge me not thus, my friend I am prepared to die in peace. Rolla. To die in peace ! devoting her you have sworn to live for, to madness, misery, and death ! Alon. Merciful heavens ! Holla. If thou art yet irresolute, Alonzo now mark me well. Thou knowest that Rolla never pledged his word and shrunk from its fulfillment. Know then, if thou art proudly obstinate, thou shalt have the desperate triumph of seeing Rolla perish by thy side. Alon. Rolla ! you distract me ! Wear you the robe, and though dreadful the necessity, we will strike down the guard, and force our passage. JRolla. What, the soldier on duty here ? Alon. Yes, else seeing two, the alarm will be instant death. Rolla. For my nation's safety, I would not harm him. That soldier, mark me, is a man ! All are not men that wear the human form. He refused my prayers, refused my gold, denying to admit till his own feelings bribed him. I will not risk a hair of that man's head, to save my heart-strings from consuming fire. But haste ! A moment's further pause and all is lost. Alon. Rolla, I fear thy friendship drives me from honor 'and from right. Rolla. Did Rolla ever counsel dishonor to his friend? [Throwing the friar s garment over his shoulders.] There, conceal thy face Now God be with thee. EXERCISE 124. God. Translated from a Russian Ode by DKRZHANIR. L O Thou Eternal One ! whose presence bright, All space doth occupy, all motion guide ; Unchanged through time's all devastating flight, Thou only God ! There is no God beside. Being above all beings ! Mighty One ! Whom none can comprehend, and none explore, Who fill'st existence with thyself alone ; Embracing all supporting ruling o'er Being whom we call God and know no more ! IS* 8 BXHRCISE8. FART II. [Ex. 124. 2 A million torches lighted by thy hand, Wander unwearied through the blue abyss; own thy power, accomplish thy command, All gay with lite, all eloquent with bliss: What shall we call them? Piles of crystal light ? glorious company of golden streams ? I .mips of celestial ether, burning bright ? Suns lighting systems with their joyous beams ? l)ui thou to these art as the noon to night. ;} Yes ! as a drop of water in the sea, All this magnificence is lost in thee : What are ten thousand worlds compared to Thee ? And what am J, then ? Heaven's unnumber'd host, Though multiplied l>y myriads, and array'd In all the glory of sublimest thought, Is but an atom in the balance weigh'd Against thy greatness Is a cipher brought Against infinity ! what am / then ? Nought ! 4 Nought ? But the effluence of thy light divine, Pervading worlds, hath reach'd my bosom too; > t es, in my spirit doth thy Spirit shine, As shines tin- sunbeam in a drop of dew. Nought ? But I live, and on hope's pinions 8y Eager towards thy presence ; for in thee I live, and breathe, and dwell ; aspiring high, Even to the throne of thy Divinity. I am, O God, and surely thou must be ! 5 Thou art ! directing, guiding, all. Thou art ! Direct my understanding then to thee ; Control my spiiit, ;;uide my wandering heart; Though but an atom 'midst immensity. Still 1 am something I'ashion'd by thy hand ' I hold a middle rank. 'I\M\I heaven and earth, On the last veri,'e of bein^ >tand, Tic--, f the realm where angels have their birth, Just on the boundary of the spirit land ' Ex. 125.] EXERCISES. PART II. 299 EXERCISE 125. The Dead Sea. CROLY. 1 The wind blows chill across those gloomy waves ; Oh ! how unlike the green and dancing main ! The surge is foul, as if it roll'd o'er graves ; Stranger, here lie the cities of the plain. 2 Yes, on that plain, by wild waves cover'd now, Rose palace once, and sparkling pinnacle ; On pomp and spectacle beam'd morning's glow, On pomp and festival the twilight fell. 3 Lovely and splendid all, but Sodom's soul Was stain'd with blood, and pride, and perjury ; Long warn'd, long spared, till her whole heart was foul, And fiery vengeance on its clouds came nigh. 4 And still she mock'd, and danced, and, taunting spoke Her sportive blasphemies against the Throne ; It came ! the thunder on her slumber broke : God spake the word of wrath ! Her dream was done. 5 Yet, in her final night, amid her stood Immortal messengers ; and pausing Heaven, Pleaded with man, but she was quite imbued, Her last hour waned, she scorn'd to be forgiven ! 6 'Twas done ! Down pour'd at once the sulph'rous show'r, Down stoop'd, in flame, the heaven's red canopy. Oh ! for the arm of God, in that fierce hour ! 'Twas vain, nor help of God or man was nigh. 7 They rush, they bound, they howl, the men of sin ; Still stoop'd the cloud, still burst the thicker blaze ; The earthquake heaved ! Then sank the hideous din : Yon wave of darkness o'er their ashes strays. 8 PARIS ! thy soul is deeper dyed with blood, And long, and blasphemous, has been thy day ; And PARIS ! it were well for thee that flood, Or fire, could cleanse thy damning stains away- 300 KXXBCUK0. FA*T II. [Ex. r.xr.urisr: 126. New Missionary Hymn. S.F SMITH. Tbologkl Stodaat, Aatom. 1 Yes, my native land, I love thee. All thy scenes I love them well ; rids, connections, happy country : Can I bid you all farewell ? Can I leave you Far in heathen lands to dwell ? 2 Home ! thy joys are passing lovely ; Joys no stranger-heart can tell f Happy home ! indeed I love thee. Can I can I say Farewell? Can I leave thee Far in heathen lands to dwell ? 3 Scenes of sacred peace and pleasure. Holy days and Sabbath bell, Richest, brightest, sweetest treasure ! Can I say a last farewell ? Can I leave you Far in heathen lands to dwell '.' 4 Yes ! I hasten from you gladly, From the scenes I loved so well ! Far away, ye billows, bear me ; Lovely native land, farewell ! Pleased I leave thee Far in heathen lands to dwell. A In the deserts let me labor. On the mountains let me tell, How he died the blessed Savior To redeem a world from hell ' Let me hasten, Far in heathen lands to dwell. Bear me on, thou restless ocean, Let the winds the canvas swell Heaves my heart with warm emotion, \Vhilc 1 go far hence to dwell. Glad f bid thee, Vative land ' FANKWBU. Ex. 127.] EXERCISES. PART II. 801 EXERCISE 127. Tlie Valley of Jehoshaphat. CHATEAUBRIAND. The Valley of Jehoshaphat has in all ages served as the burying-place to Jerusalem : you meet there, side by side, monuments of the most distant times and of the present century. The Jews still come there to die, from 5 all the corners of the earth. A stranger sells to them, for almost its weight in gold, the land which contains the bones of their fathers. Solomon planted that valley : the shadow of the Temple by which it was overhung the torrent, called after grief, which traversed it the Psalms 10 which David there composed the Lamentations of Jere- miah, which its rocks re-echoed, render it the fitting abode of the tomb. Jesus Christ commenced his Passion in the same place : that innocent David there shed, for the expiation of our sins, those tears which the guilty 15 David let fall for his own transgressions. Few names awaken in our minds recollections so solemn as the Valley of Jehoshaphat. It is so full of mysteries, that, according to the Prophet Joel, all mankind will be assembled there before the Eternal Judge. 20 The aspect of this celebrated valley is desolate ; the western side is bounded by a ridge of lofty rocks which support the walls of Jerusalem, above which the towers of the city appear. The eastern is formed by the Mount of Olives, and another eminence called the Mount of Scan- 25 dal, from the idolatry of Solomon. These two moun- tains, which adjoin each other, are almost bare, and of a red and sombre hue ; on their desert side you see here and there some black and withered vineyards, some wild olives, some ploughed land, covered with hyssop, and a 30 few ruined chapels. At the bottom of the valley, you perceive a torrent, traversed by a single arch, which appears of great antiquity. The stones of the Jewish cemetery appear like a mass of ruins at the foot of the mountain of Scandal, under the village of Siloam. You 35 can hardly distinguish the buildings of the village from the ruins with which they are surrounded. Three ancient monuments are particularly conspicuous ; those of Zacha- riah, Josaphat, and Absalom. The sadness of Jerusalem, from which no smoke ascends, and in which no sound is 302 EXERCISES. PART II. [Ex. 127, 12S. 40 to be heard ; the solitude of the surrounding mountains, where not a living creature is to be seen ; the disorder of those tombs, ruim-d, ransacked, and half exposed to view, would almost induce one to believe that the last trump had been heard, and that the dead were about to 45 rise in the Valley of Jchoshaphut. EXERCISE 128. Roderick in Battle. SOUTHEY. Count Julian's soldiers and the Austrian host Set up a shout, a joyful shout,' which rung Wide through the welkin. Their exulting cry With louder acclamation was renew'd, 5 When from the expiring miscreant's neck they saw That Roderick took the shield, and round his own Hung it, and vaulted in the seat. My horse ! My noble horse ! he cried, with flattering hand Patting his high-arch'd neck ! the renegade 10 I thank him for't hath kept thee daintily ! Orelio, thou art in thy beauty still, Thy pride and strength ! Orelio, my good horse, Once more thou bearest to the field thy lord, He who so oft hath fed and cherish'd thee, 15 He for whose sake, wherever thou wert seen, Thou wert by all men honor'd. Once again Thou hast thy proper master ! Do thy part As thou wert wont ; and bear him gloriously, My beautiful Orelio, to the last 20 The happiest cf his lir'ds ! Then he drew forth The cimiter, and, waving it aloft, Rode toward tin* troops ; its unaccustomed shape Disliked him. Rem-gadi- in all things! cried The Goth, and <-ast h from him ; to the chiefs 25 Then said, If I havi- done yc sen-ice here, Help me, I pray you. to a Spanish sword! The trustiest blade that t-Vr in Hilhilis Was dipp'd, would not to-day be nu>l>fstowed On this right hand ! (Jo, some one, (iunderick cried, 30 And bring Count Julian's sword. Whoe'er thou art, Tin- worth which thou hast shown him Entitles thee to wear it. But thou goest For buttle nnequipp'd haste there, and strip Ex. 128.] EXERCISES. PART II. 303 Yon villain of his armor ! Late he spake, 35 So fast the Moors came on. It matters not, Replied the Goth ; there's many a mountaineer, Who in no beter armor cased this day Than his wonted leathern gipion, will be found In the hottest battle, yet bring off untouch'd 40 The unguarded life he ventures. Taking then Count Julian's sword, he fitted round his wrist The chain, and eyeing the elaborate steel With stern regard of joy The African Under unhappy stars was born, he cried, 45 Who tastes thy edge ! Make ready for the charge ! They come they come ! On, brethren, to the field ! The word is, Vengeance ! Vengeance was the word ; From man to man, and rank to rank it pass'd, 50 By every heart enforced, by every voice Sent forth in loud defiance of the foe. The enemy in shriller sounds return'd Their Akbar and the prophet's trusted name. The horsemen lower'd their spears, the infantry, 55 Deliberately, with slow and steady step, Advanced ; the bow-strings twang'd, and arrows hiss'd, And javelins hurtled by. Anon the hosts Met in the shock of battle, horse and man Conflicting ; shield struck shield, and sword and mace, 60 And curtle-axe on helm and buckler rung ; Armor was riven, and wounds were interchanged, And many a spirit from its mortal hold Hurried to bliss or bale. Well did the chiefs Of Julian's army in that hour support 65 Their old esteem ; and Avell Count Pedro there Enhanced his former praise ; and by his side, Rejoicing like a bridegroom in the strife, Alphonso through the host of infidels Bore on his bloody lance dismay and death. 70 But there was worst confusion and uproar, There widest slaughter and dismay, where, proud Of his recover'd lord, Orelio plunged Through thickest ranks, trampling beneath his feet The living and the dead. Where'er he turns, 75 The Moors divide and fly. What man is this, Appall'd they say, who to the front of war 304 EXERCISES. PART II. [Ex. 1*28, 120. Bareheaded offers thus his naked life ? Replete with power he is, and terrible, Like some destroying angel ! Sure his lips 80 Have drunk of Kaf's dark fountain, and he comet Strong ia his immortality ! Fly ! Hv ! They said ; thi.s i.s no human toe ! Nor less Of wonder fill'd the Spaniards when they saw How flight and terror went before his way, 85 And slaughter in his path. Behold, cries one, With what command and knightly ease he sits The intrepid steed, and deals from side to side His dreudful bl<>\\>! \t Roderick in his power Bestrode with such command and majesty 90 That noble war-horse. His loose robe this day Is death's bluck banner, shaking from its folds Dismay and ruin. Of no mortal mold Is he who in that garb of peace affronts Whole hosts, and sees them scatter where he turns ! 95 Auspicious Heaven beholds us, and some saint Revisits earth ! EXERCISE 129. Niagara. SIOOURSKV. Flow on, forever, in thy glorious robe Of terror and of beauty. Yea, flow on Unfathom'd and resistless. God hath set \l\-~ rainbow on thy forehead : and the cloud 6 Mantled around thy feet. And he doth give Thy voice of thunder, power to speak of Him Eternally bidding the lip of man Keep silence and upon ihy rooky altar pour Incense of awe-struck prat-..'. Ah! who can dare 10 To lift lh<- insert trump of earthly hope, Or love, or sorrow 'mid the peal sublime Of thy tremendous hymn .' Kven ocean shrinks Hack from thy brotherhood : and all his waves Retire aba-h'd. For he doth sometimes seem 15 To sleep like a spent laborer and recall ili> v.. u led billows from their vexing play, And lull them to a cradle calm : but thou. With .-verlaslinif. underaviiiir '"''' Ex. 129, 130.J KXLRCISKS. PART II. 305 Dost rest not, night or day. The morning stars, 20 When first they sang o'er young creation's birth, Heard thy deep anthem ; and those wrecking fires, That wait the archangel's signal to dissolve This solid earth, shall find JKHOVAH'S name Graven, as with a thousand diamond spears, 25 Of thine unending volume. Every leaf, That lifts itself within thy wide domain, Doth gather greenness from thy living spray, Yet trembles at the baptism. Lo ! you birds Do boldly venture near, and bathe their wing 30 Amid thy mist and foam. 'Tis meet for them To toucli thy garment's hem, and lightly stir The snowy leaflets of thy vapor-wreath, For they may sport unharm'd amid the cloud, Or listen at the echoing gate of heaven, 35 Without reproof. But as for us, it seems Scarce lawful, with our broken tones, to speak Familiarly of thee. Methinks, to tint Thy glorious features with our pencil's point, Or woo thee to the tablet of a song, 40 Were profanation. Thou dost make the soul A wondering witness of thy majesty, But as it presses with delirious joy To pierce thy vestibule, dost chain its step, And tame its rapture, with the humbling view 45 Of its own nothingness, bidding it stand In the dread presence of the Invisible, As if to answer to its GOD through thee. EXERCISE 130. On a very old Wedding Ring. GEORGE W. DOANE, L. L. D. 1 I like that ring that ancient, ring, Of massive form, and virgin gold, As firm, as free from base alloy, As were the sterling hearts of old. I like it for it wafts me back, Far, far along the stream of time, To other men, and other days, The men and days of deeds sublime. MOO RCMSE8. PART II. [Ex. l.'JO 2 But most I like it, a> it tolls. The tale of well-re^uit How youthful forulne. And youthful ; ..n'd t-i ive How warmly he hi> suit proferr'd. Though she, unpityinLf, lung denied, Till, soften'd and subdued, at last, He won his "lair and blooming bride." 3 How, till the appointed hour arrived, They blamed the lazy-footed hours How, then, the white-robed maiden train Strew'd their glad way with freshest flowers And how, before tin- holy man, They stood, in all their youthful pride, And spoke those words, and vow'd those vowa, Which bind the husband to his bride: 4 All this it tells; the plighted troth The gift of every earthly thing The hand in hand the heart in heart For this I like that ancient ring. I like its old and quaint device; Two bli-iiiied hearN" though time may wear them, No mortal change, no mortal chance, " Till death," shall e'er in sunder tear them. 5 Year after year, 'neath sun and storm, Their hopes in heaven, their trust in GOD, In cl. holy love, e two the world's rough pathway trod. Age might impair their youthful fires, Their Mrength might fail, 'mid life's bleak weather, Still, hand in hand, they travel'd on Kind souls, they slutnher now together. 6 I like its simple poesy too : "Mine own dear love this heart is thine!" Thine, when the dark storm howls al- As when the cloudless sunbeams s. " This heart is thine, mine own dear love !" Thine, and thin* onlv, nnd forever; Ex. 181, 132.] EXERCISES. PART ii. 307 Thine, till the springs of life shall fail, Thine, till the cords of life shall sever." 7 Remnant of days departed long, Emblem of plighted troth unbroken, Pledge of devoted faithfulness, Of heartfelt holy love the token ; What varied feelings round it cling ! For these I like that ancient ring. EXERCISE 131. The Nativity. TAPPAN. 1 Judea's plains in silence sleep Beneath the cloudless midnight sky, And o'er their flocks the shepherds keep Kind watch, to David's city nigh : That royal city ! nobler Guest Is she awhile to entertain, Than proudest monarch, whose behest It is o'er earthly realms to reign. By Him salvation is to mortals given, On Earth is shed the peerless noon of Heaven. 2 For see ! along the deep blue arch A glory breaks ; and now a throng From where the sparkling planets march, Comes trooping down with shout and song ; And o'er those pastures, bathed in light, The sacred legions stay their wing, While on the wakeful ear of night Steals the rich hymn that Seraphs sing. And sweetly thus the mellow accents ran, " Glory to God, Good Will and Peace to Man !" EXERCISE 132. Christmas Hymn. HEBER. 1 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning ! Dawn on our darkness and lend us Thine aid ! Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide whore mir infant Redeemer is laid ' EXEKCI9JCS. - FART II. [El. I'M. 1S3. 2 Cold on I i -tuning, Low lies his head with the beasts of the stall ; Angels adore Hiin in Clumber reclining, Maker and Monarch and Suvior of all ! 3 Say, shall we yield Him. Odors of Edoni, ami offering di\ Gems of the mountain and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from tlu- fon-j-t ur gold from tlie in; 4. Vainly we offer each ample oblation; Vainly with gifts would His favor secure : Richer by far is the In-,.. ;on ; Deai I are the prayer* of the poor. 5 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning ! Dawn on our darkness and lend us Thine Star of the Ea-st, the horizon adorning, (Juide where our infant Redeemer is laid. 133. Thou art gone to the Grave. HEBER. 1 Thou art gone to the grave ! but we will not deplore thee. Though sorrows and darkne>s nirompass the tomb ; Thy Savior has pa-s'd through its portals In-fore tin-.-. 1 the lamp of His ! aid- ihrou^h the gloom ! 2 Thou :u Ix-hold thee, Nor tread tin- pm-h path of the World by thy side; But the wid- am. spread to infold thee, And sinners may il 3 Thou ar - mansion forsaking, ari'-r thy weak ^|>irit in fear lin^er'd ! iild rays of I'.r .-n'd on thy \v,i And the sound which thoii ln-ard-t wa^ the-. song ! \\- will not deplor> Who.se ' rdian and \r\mlc ; He $: And death has no t-tin:;. f'-r ihe Sa\ior has died ! APPENDIX, THE reader, that he may understand the design of this Appendix, is requested to turn back to page 52, and review with care all the remarks that are made under the head of Quantity. Few persons are aware to what extent the power of any tolerable voice may be increased, by the habit of a slow, clear, distinct enunciation To acquire this habit, the pupil must accustom himself, by efforts often repeated, to fill, and swell, and prolong the open vowels. This may be done by uttering the simple elementary sounds, a, c, &c., with great stress. But as vocal sounds are intended to convey thoughts, and these single elements signify nothing of themselves, the pupil is reluctant to exert his voice upon them, with suf- ficient strength to answer the purpose. The different sounds of a as heard in fate, far, war, he can utter, but to do it with his voice at full stretch is unnatural ; it seems to him more like barking, or bleating, than like elo- cution. Whereas, let the sound to be made, be part of a word, and that word, part of a sentence, meaning something that ought to be uttered, in a loud,fuU note, and the difficulty is surmounted with comparative ease. To accomplish this, is the purpose of the following examples. In pro- nouncing them, the reader will remember that they are generally taken from the language of military command ; and from other cases in which the persons addressed are supposed to be at some distance from the speaker. The words printed in Italic, contain the vowel sounds on which the stress and quantity are to be laid. Imagine yourself to be speaking these words to those who are five or ten rods from you, and you will unavoidably acquire the habit of dwelling on the vowel with a slow, strong note. The sounds most favorable to the object of this exercise are those of a in fate a in hark a in fall a or ai in fair or air e in me. e in men i in rise o in go o in move o in for u in tube u in turn ffi in noise mi in loud. The selections are arranged promiscuously, several of the vowel sound* sometimes occurring in the same example. 310 MTKNDIX. 1 : X A M P L E S . 1. Then take defiance, death, and mortal tear. 2. Haste f to his ear the glad report convey. 3. Stretch to the race! A wit;/ .' Away. 4. Let what I will, be fate. 5. Sdlyman f regardless chief! Airake. 6. Come, mighty Monarch, haste! the fortress gain. 7. Wherefore, O Warrior*! make your promise vain? 8. Conquest awaits you. Stizt the glorious prize. 9. "Haste ! let us storm the gates,'' he said, and flew. 10. The cry was" Tidings f from the hfat, " Of weight A messenger comes post." 11. Arm, valiant chief! F<>r/i//A< prepare. 12. " To arms! To arms!" a thousand voices cried. 13. " Fortear! The field is mj;w," he cries. 14. " Who dares to fly from yonder swords," he cries. " Who dares to tremble, by this weapon dies" 15. Stand Bayard ! Stand! the steed obey'd. 16. To arms! The foemen storm the wall. 17. Wbr! War! aloud with general voice they cry. 18. Haste f Pass the sias. Thy flying sails employ ; Fly hence ! Begdne ! 19. Tis death I siek ; but ere I yield to f . I trust to crush thee with my falling weight. 20. Him by his arms Rambaldo knows, and cries, " What seek'st thou here, or whither wouldst thou bead? 21. cruel Tancred ! ctase! at last relfnt. 22. " Speed, Malise ! spied /" he loudly cried, " The mustering place is Lanrick mead ; Spied forth the signal, Norman ! Spied f" 23. Peace! Peace! To other than to me. Thy words are ivil augury. APPENDIX. 311 24. Warriors, attend ! survey this bloody sword. 25. Wde to the traitor ! woe ! 26. On Bertram, then, he laid his hand, "Should every fiend to whom thou'rt sold Rise in thine aid, I keep my hold. Arouse there ! ffd ! take spar and sword ; Attack the murderer of your lord." 27. " Ye Warriors brave ! attend my words," he said. 28. With monarch's voice, " Go! and rep&nt" he cried. 29. Rise ! Rise ! ye Citizens, your gates defend ; Behold the foe at hand. 30. " Return, ye Warriors !" thus aloud he cried. 31. Fly Argillan ! behold the mdrning nigh. 32. " What bring'st thou here ?" she cried. " Lo, war and d&ath I bring," the chief replied. 33. Oh ! burst the bridge, and me" alone expose. 34. Still, still he breathes ; Our Tancred still survives. 35. H&nce ! home, you idle creatures ! get you hdme. You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things. 36. Woe to the wretch who fails to rear, At this dread sign, his ready spear. 37. " Up ! comrades, up ! in Rokeby's halls, Ne'er be it said our courage falls." 38. Back ! on your lives, ye menial pack. 39. Boldly she spake, " Sdldiers, attend ! My father was the soldier's friend." 40. " Revenge! Revenge!" the Saxons cried. 41. Malcolm ! comefdrth ! and forth he came. 42. " On! On!" was still his stern exclaim, " Confrbnt the battery's jaws of flame ! Rush on the level gun ! My steel-clad Cuirassiers ! advance ! Each Hulan, foricard /with his lance ! AJM'KVWX. My Guard! my chosen, -charge for France, France, and Xapdleon" 43. " 6 ' stand /irwi." exclaim'd the British chief, 1 England shall tell the fight." 44. The combat deepens, " On, ye brave! Who ru>h to ylory or t: 45. Biirst^ the storm on Phocis' walls ! Rite /or Greece forever falls. 46. Yet, though destructi -\\>--r- lovi-lv p Rite! Fellow men ! our country yet remains. 47. Where was thine arm, O vengeance ? and thy rod, That smote the foes of Zion and of God ? 48. Angels ! and ministers of Grdcf f defend us ; Save me, and hover o'er me with your u \>- heavenly (iitardt! 49. " And do you now put on your best attire ? And do you now cull out a holid And do you now Bl r.y in his way That chinos in triumph ,p< -y 's 1,1" Begdnt ! 50. Av'dunt f Fly thither whence thou fledd'st ; if from this hour, Within these hallow'd limits thou appear, Back to the infernal pit I drag 51. And I heard an an^f-1, flying through tin- midst <>f 1 saying with a loud vo ' \\'f i! 53. And he cried and said, " Father Abraham ! Have mtrey upon me." SANDERS' SERIES OF SCHOOL BOOKS, CONSISTING OF SANDERS' PRIMARY SCHOOL PRIMER; SANDERS' PICTORIAL PRIMER; SANDERS' SPELLING BOOK, 168 pages. SANDERS' SCHOOL READER, 1st Book; 120 pages. SANDERS' SCHOOL READER, 2d Book; 180 " SANDERS' SCHOOL READER, 3d Book; 250 " SANDERS' SCHOOL READER, 4th Book; 364 " SANDERS' SCHOOL READER, 5th Book ; (in press.) These books constitute the most valuable series ever published a fact fully evinced by the generous patronage which they have received from the Friends of Education throughout the country. More than two mil- lions have been sold, and the demand is increasing. Their leading ad- vantages are as follows: 1st. The child is taught to read by the use of INTELLIGIBLE WORDS ONLY beginning with the least, as those of two letters, and eradually advan- cing to those of greater length. 2d. All the words in the first book, or Primer, are learned by the scholar in the spelling lessons, before they meet with them in 'the reading lessons. Also, the difficult words of each reading lesson, in all the Read- ers, are previously formed into spelling lessons. 3d. In the 3d and 4th Readers, the difficult words are DEFINED in a general and literal sense. 4th. The Primary books contain more lessons of easy reading than other works there being about NINETY PACKS made up of MONOSYLABLES. 5th. The PROGRESSION from one book to another, is more regular, grad- ual, and philosophical than usually found. 6th. The lessons are adapted to INTEREST as well as INSTRUCT. 7th. The practical and judicious use of PICTURES is calculated to ASSIST, and not retard, the efforts of the teacher. 8th. The PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS in the Rhetorical principles of read- ing and speaking, contained in the 4th Reader, constitute a distinguishing characteristic of the work. 9th At the end of each lesson for reading, questions are asked, with reference to the proper inflections, emphasis, &c., which should be adopted in reading the lesson with propriety. 10th. In connection with the questions, are references to the instruc- tions in other parts of the work. llth. The PRINT is large and distinct, gradually diminishing from the SANDERS' SERIES OF SCHOOL BOOKS. large print of the Primer to that of the ordinary size, contained in the 4th Kc.idir T.'th A greater VARIETY, both in style and subject, is found in this riea than is usual in lunik* of the kind*. 13th v throughout the series are uni- formly in accordance with those of Dr. Webster. I Ith. The IS.SIKI i ::.-.- in the s..i M,V and POWER of letters, as well as the "liKNKRM. KILLS ron ' arc more clearly presented in " Sanders' Spelling Book," than any other work of the kind. The Convention of State and County Superintendent* of School* in Vermont, lii-ld pursuant to adjournment i:. .'|M-lii-r. (Vt. 1 1, lNl(i. unanimously ncOQUMOdtd BOOK*, consisting of Sander*' spelling i:.M>k, IVton.d <>r I'rimary >chi*>l Primer, and 5 : the uniform adop- tion in tin Common Schools of the Slate. Of (hi.- 11 - D. M. CAMP was 1'iv ;.l, M. From A. S. Lorell, Princijxil of City Ifi^h School, Middleiown , Conn. Having carefully examined > in r Si ir>"i. BKS, I most cheerfully recommend their general adoption, as I In-lievc them to excel in several respects any scries at present before the public. July, !"!.">. A. S. Lov Extract from a letter from Rev. Stephen Martindale and Dr. \athaniel he*, the CuuTity Committee on Reading Book* fur Rutland Co., \ t To Mr. C. W. Sanders: Sir Co:ii[>;irative|y il is but light prawe to say that the lesson* are admirably arranged to give the necessary healthful excrriM- t tin- opening and expanding intellect of the pupil; gradually increasing from <>!' ideas to those that are complex, and by easy grada- progressing to even the initiatory forms of profound rati.* IM.I- tln. all in a elc-;ir. pure, .ui-l .it times even an elevated Style, ill it c.miiot fail to be of essential 84-rvice to | u; d- < grand crowning excellmce of this MTI. ~ i- (lie rn-h vein of sound philosophy and truly Christian mor.ility, th.il pervades the whole; unconlaminateJ .i- nt th.it McUv p-i lido imit.ition nf < 'hr.ftiani which we ha\e found WHIM- work* of this cl.i*s to U- mil,. and which, under i mask of an outward r< pies of our holy nligion. artfully incnlcite the i :i d l>y divine i;racr. Is (M-rlictly able to render lilui>e|f all that CIH! mjinres; and that, as a necessary . i,^. .|u. ;, . the i ':. unnecessary, it, in truth, but a usflcus and burdensoiue form of supen>tj. In conclusion, allow us to BUS lire you that it will afford us unalloyed the PublMhen believe that the whole book is superior to anrthiaf ret given to the Musical public. THE SOCIAL SINGING BOOK. A Collection of Olee*, or Part Song*, Round*, Madrigal*, &c., chiefly from Eu- ropean Composer*, with an Introductory Courne of Elementary Exercise* and Sol- ftffhM, designed lor Singing Classes and School* of Ladle* andOentlemen. .y WM. B. BRADBUKT. 60 evnt*. PSALM AND HYMN BOOK FOR CHURCHES. THE CHURCH PSALMIST, Or Ptalm* and Hymn* for the Public, Social, and Prlrat* UM of Erangelleftl Chris- tian*. Three ilae* 12mo die, in large type, for the Pulpit and for the aged. 1 00. Thi* ropy con- tain", in addition to the flrat lines of Psalm* and Hymns, a ropkm* Index, con- talnlng the flnt tine* of stanxas, and a complete Key to music*! lpr*s1pa, 18mo, or middle *|M. 67 cent*. SZroo, or email eta*. 66 ttHtt. A Uberal discount, from UMM price*, to mad* to Charehx, making the Church PsalmUt the cheapert Book of the kind in the market. two of the OMwral AMevoUr of the Presbyterian Church at their Msete* la IN*. aacatasB in i hjx WJM^ttLigJ^ -* Oflhr IT.-.l,,l,n... .n.-IChurrl..-!. wtuitmtr ..l.,|.|r.l tl.r l...k The Hrnueare bound In a *r ( *rate *olume under the title of " The Social Thsj beak i* pecvuarl/ adapuJto UM Cw*r*wae MW& MARK H. NEWMAN dt CO S. PUBLICATIONS. " 1 have examined with some care the ' Manual of Orthography and Definition," prepared by .Mr J. N. McElligott, of this city, and take pleasure in commending it to the t'uvorable consideration of ihe friends of education. " There is a fund of good sense, practical wisdom, and useful arrangement in this work, not often combined within the same limits. It will, I am persuaded, greatly facilitate the study of our language ; and teachers, as well as learners, will find cause for thankfulness tn the meritorious author." Hon 'I'/ieo Frelinghuysen, CliancMor qf the. New York Uni varsity. " ' Manual, Analytical and Synthetical, of Orthography and Definition,' by J. N. McElli- BOtt, Principal of the Mechanics' Society School, New York Having been for many yean personally acquainted with the author of this book, we were prepared to expect the evi- dences of sedulous industry, sound judgment, and practical skill which its pages exhibit. In his volume will be found not only the completion of the object aimed at, but most im- perfectly reached in Oswald's Etymological Dictionary. To* n's Analysis, and several other works of the kind, but also, such modifications, additions and improvements of the de- sign itself, as cannot fail to render it a far better substitute than any of these, for a knowl- edge of Greek and Latin in the study of English orthography and definition, and a much more serviceable Manual for the teacher in the business of instruction One of the most valuable additions consists in tracing, in a systematic way, the connection between the pri- mary and metaphorical meanings of words, a design hitherto scarcely attempted in school books. The scholar who faithfully studies it, will become critically versed in the formation and comparison of words, and will seldom be in danger of misspelling a deriva- tive, or misunderstanding its proper meaning." Baptist Advocate. NEWMAN'S PRACTICAL SYSTEM OF RHETORIC, Or the Rules and Principles of Style, inferred from examples of writing, to which is added a Historical Dissertation ou English Style. By SAMUEL P. NEWMAN, Pro- fessor of Rhetoric in Bowdoin College. 312 pages, 12mo, Sheep. 63 cents. This Book has been extensively introduced irj{o the schools of this country ; it has also been republished in England, and is in general use in the schools of that country. The Plan of the Book is Philosophical and Practical. NEWMAN'S ELEMENTS OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. 324 pages, 12uio. 63 cents. The undersigned is happy to express his high opinion of the elements of Political Econ- omy prepared by the late Prof. Samuel P. Newman. I think it has all the plainness and simplicity which characterizes the treatise on Rhetoric by the same author, and which are so indispensable in a text book for schools ; while a scientific arrangement and the many technical terms have been preserved, the style is so perspicuous, and the illustra- tions are so pertinent, as to render the book attractive to the young scholar. Another ex- cellence of the work is its adaptation to the habits and institutions of our countrymen. On this point the author bestowed special pains, and. as it is believed, his success was cor- responding. It is not a compilation from an European work, based on usages and a state of society which have no existence here, but it is throughout "an American produc- tion. " The great principles of the science are stated with as much fulness and detail as is con- distent with the size of the book and its adaptation to its contemplated topics. The .au- thor has exhibited great liberality of views the interests of one class are not represented as hostile to those of another, but a measure which is really promotive of the prosperity of one part of the country must exert a favorable influence upon other parts. The work is cordially commended as an excellent text book to teachers and all who are interested in the great cause of education. B. B. Edwards, Pro/, in Andover Theological Seminary, PACKARD'S XENOPHON'S MEMORABILIA. The Memorabilia of Socrates by Xenophon, with English Notes by ALPHEUS S. PACKARD, Professor of Rhetoric, Oratory, and Classical Literature in Bowdoin Col- lege. Third edition. 256 pages, 12mo, Muslin. $1 00. As affording an introduction to the Greek Philosophy and Morals, no one of the Greek Classics is more valuable to the student than the Memorabilia of Xenophon ; while at the same time, on account of the matchless simplicity and elegance of its style, and the vari- ety and spirit of its matter, no one is more attractive. In the grammatical Notes and comments by Professor Packard, he has sought to excite the pupil to observe and to in- quire for himself, rather than to relieve him from the necessity of labor. PARLEY'S UNIVERSAL HISTORY. PARLEY'S YOUNG AMERICAN. MARK H. NKYVMAN * CO 8. PUBLICATIONS. PORTER'S RHETORICAL READER. Tl- llhetorical Re I if <( I tutroetfons tat regulating the rote*, with Rhetorical NoUtion, illiutrafing Inflection, EmphaaU and Modulation, MX! a OOWM of Rhetorical KxercUea drfgned for the OK of AeaOemiei and High Rrhoota. By Ki*ExtR PORTER, D D., PnaUrat of the Theological Seminary, Andow. 804 pag**, HMO. 63c*mu. to rar anything, by wv of introduction, to tab piiiialai and * than I ha* already paacrd throufh mure than thrre i ...Ir .p.. a k. lor !_... II ,. to the mrri. u! tht- WILLSON'S HISTORICAL SERIES. \V1I.I. MI.K AMKKICAN HIST"KY. \VIU.SO.VS HISToltV i)K TIIK t'MTKI) STATK uiux.vs \\iri:n-\\ III the pnMent d*> dHBctihr h* fteen encountiT.-.l in intradneint the nin.lv of Hiitorr into School*, from the marked .I.-- . ,1 l.ir urn- in juvenile chucni.u wt>ll in i>ini of t adaptedueu lo Ihc wanU of the youni. Mr Willion ha* I-OMII il.-.| lhi< ork "illi !h. l.lnti.!i-r n! l.n |nr.!n . .-..r. In f.irr hnrn and h.i . \\- dealhr done what nun can .; baa failhfadjr collated and Tented hi* bet* and date*, and a* a natural roniK-i| M>i.- rv,-, M.-no- hi. nurrurivr i t u,-n in .1 rlr.iv .mil-!'- !> If. r..n,;,r, h.-ri, il.lt- lo Ihr >. ry ui of Wuhinfton. or Franklin. an- in Knfiuce forcible an * form no unimpon.> tli u Hi.- hi "Many of the Idioa* are armmpantod IT JvdWoM aiHaiial illiMtration*. and to the de -moriai derir. part* deMribtd : hi re- Tilled in a marginal map.thiu aMoriatinf the eent with IN N> .lily, aiid more deeplr imprw*u>f both oa the mind of the ""- 80 to M HiMotied trwUl wOpen^t. UM author ha* exetaded that aoaattwl att*an to .-. ,( l,l..l.n-,l. ... ir.-...T,,IK .,,.1 tlmt l..i in Urn.. ..I i..!n,,- n ii,.... l.ii.l l,-l..r,- ihr rr.i.l.-r. of H,4t.,rr th,. rh.r -i ..,.-k .h.MiH al- r,-r,i,m.-nd it .-urh.ir .,.,-!,... ran (, I-.,,) to Mt.iilr the In,.. ( th. . I, 1,1 H,. ,- m,nl t-rTrrl I. .url, II, ,1 :.., i I ,--. .houl.l !.. .,,;.,,: . n, n, ..... .. i .-.I N.,k . nn '.-.. il U- in -.; -,,-. ,..:. .,1 II., m A* a mean-, put ni*tonr. we have *>rnnoeal Note*, exhibiting to the eye, and describing all Important locallUeo referred to. 4th. Marginal Arrangement of th* Question*. 858 page*, 12mo MARK H. NEWMAN v illson's History of the United States, would hereby recommend it as a suitable book for the use of the Common Schols of the city. We would suggest that hereafter it should be used in the place of Mrs Willard's Abridgment. The work now recommended is one of great accuracy, clear, and forcible style, embracing a period from 1492, the dis- covery of the country, to 1845, the opening of the administration of James K. Polk. This History, we think, is well adapted to the use of Schools The miniature Chart of American History shows at a glance. l>y means of light anil shade, the progress of civilization and the settlement of the Anglo-Saxon race upon this continent. The arrangement of the work '. into four several parts is natural, and renders the^prk easily remembered Period 1. Em- braces the History of Voyages and Discoveries till 1607, the first settlement at Jam'.i- town, Virginia, a period of 115 years, reriod II Extends from the settlement of Jamjs- town to the American Revolution in 1775. 168 years Period III From the commence- ment of the American Revolution to the administration of George Washington in 1789. a period of U years. Period I V From George Washington's administration in 1789 to James K Polk in 1845. a period of 56 years The marginal dates, (new style,) as here arranged, we consider of great importance to a school book, when dates are taught as a part of Common School instruction All which is respectfully submitted "Cftai. &. Bryant, John A Warder, Wm Phillips, Jr., Text Book Committee. 'I concur in the recommendation of Willson's History as a Text Book." Peyton S. Symme* Jan. 18, 1847. On ihe 29d Feb , 1847, the Board of Trustees and Visitors of the Common Schools of Cincinnati, unanimously adopted the following resolution: " Resolved, That the United States History, by Marcius Willson be, and the same is hereby adopted by the Board of Trustees and Visitors, as the Text Book to be used ic the Common Schools of Cincinnati, in place of the Abridgment by Mrs. Willard " NO. 3. WILLSON'S AMERICAN HISTORY. School Edition and. Library Edition, comprising BOOK I. Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes, with a Description of American Antiquities, and an Inquiry Into their origin, and the Origin of the Indian Tribes. BOOK II. History of the United States, (same as the above,) with Appendices additional, showing, 1st, Our relations with European History during our Colonial existence an Account of the Reforma- tionHistory of the Puritan sects, &c. ; 2d, An Account of Parties in England du- ring our Revolution, and the European wars in which England was involved by that Contest ; 3d, An Examin.itien of the Character, Tendency, and Influences of our National Government, and an Historical Sketch of the Parties that divided the Country from the close of the Revolution to the termination of the Second War with England BOOK III. Part 1. History of the present British Provinces, from their Early Settlement by the French to the present time comprising : History of the Canadas of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Prince Edward's Island New Bruns- wick and Newfoundland. Also, the Early History of Louisiana. Part 2. History of Mexico from the Conquest by Cortez, to the commencement of the War with the United States in 1846. Part 3. History of Texas, from the time of its discovery by La Salle in 1684, to the time cf its admission into the American Union in 1845. One rol. large octavo, 672 pages. MARK H. NEWMAN A COS. PfBLICA . The follow mr from l**_tHHttHtlt* Journal f- EagU o( Majr 5. 1847. U a jiut (rib- Ma lo n.. ; -toooal Work* "Tbew vi.Iual.l* production*. noaiitin of Juvrmlr Huiorjr. Hiirorr of ih Doited will r. a.iil) eoottDrnd frrut n .loin uiij in vrumc IhoM fale iruentXhns which ..ur-r. mul Ihcy 'i as correct ia UM oonMUMM HHtoDoca in wwcli M (linen from hu coo~ > Mime of otir or<. rokec* belonx lo ttao .Molnliau Ijuiily . lht I'oM I(orl WM . h.in.lrr.) i>d fty r- r in- .1 lielher teacher* we not bound immc.lni. l> u> rr. found oa ordinmry map*, ii a valnnl.le ifaproremenl. The learner will low all uMMHI M onr for SefaooU hMaUoreoixd the Daylifled mmnnniiiUtu. . wvk. Albonr. Bocartf. BuflUo. CineiaMti and .St. IXMUI NO. 4. WILLSON'S COMPREHENSIVE CHART OF AMERICAN II IS TOKY. On Hollers and VarMirJ. " an elrrant Chart oi our d n t 'ountrv' Hintonr, nrntlr cnfraTed, colored, rar- tae ami a half II a ar- rnnrrd oil a plan ' any intelligent rhild can n ailil\ urulenlarMl it - ery an .iicaiiffiri-ai i of it* value The folio wine wUv.tH from n umerom fommendatory notice* of the Chan, are uter and >'j An exarii .her *rhoolii : Itrrrtt acreuKxi .'. and PrtfUtnl qflltt Sett> York Slat Ttmefitrf nr(rib>l -Thm a (.lon.lid Chart. root *dmiral4y adapted to I be purpose, for lceof lb Piii.li.- P - P N . ' V V i> '//,;..'>..-;/ >.,^-r,n.vn,i nrraphr ; ami \> ilh tin- ux- n NO. --.WILLSON'S "OUTLINES OF GENERAL HISTORY," irrnwl Hi-'. >nttion. and will, whrn ramplrted. be the mo* pwfcrt book of thr kin ! -k will be on U> aaja* Ocnenl 1'lnn and Amngement with Mr. WIIUoo'n other HittorU* MARK H. NEWMAN & CO 8. PUBLICATIONS. MUSIC BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS. FLORA'S FESTIVAL. A Musical Recreation for Schools, Juvenile Choirs, Classes, &c., together with Songs Duetts and Trios, Solfeggios, Scales, and Plain Tunes for singing by Note, in thir- teen keys, for the advancement of youth who have acquired some knowledge of the elements, as taught in the Young Choir and Young Melodist. Edited by WK. B BRADBURY. 144 pages. 25 cents. The leading music in thia book was performed by Eight Hundred Children in the Broad- way Tabernacle three successive evenings, in the Spring of 1847 ; and hundreds were nol able to fain admittance No Teacher or Composer has ever been so successful in adapt- ing music tor Children as Mr. Bradbury. THE YOUNG MELODIST. A New and Rare Collection of Social, Moral, and Patriotic Songs, designed for Schools and Academies composed and arranged for one, two, or three voices. By WM. B. BRADBURY. Eighth edition. 144 pages. 25 cents. This is a most charming book for little Singers : its adoption and use 411 Schools has, in numberless cases, by its benevolent influence, done away with the use of the cruel rod Let Teachers try the effects of such pieces as the following: " Come Sweetly Sing," " Wel- come to School," " The Golden Rule," " Our Native Land," and many others of the one hundred and twenty in the book, and they will be charmed with it. THE YOUNG CHOIR, Or School Singing Book, original and selected. By WM. B. BRADBURT and C. W. SANDERS. Twenty-fifth edition. 144 pages. 25 cents. More than 50,000 copies of this little book have been sold, since its publication in 1842. THE SCHOOL SINGER, Or Young Choir's Companion a Choice Crllection of Music, original and selected, for Juvenile Singing Schools, Sabbath Schools, Public Schools, Academies, Select Classes, &c., including some of the most popular German Melodies, with English words adapted, or Poetry translated from the German expressly for this work ; also, a Complete Course of Instruction in the Elements of Vocal Music, founded on the German system of Kubler. By WM. B. BRADBURY and C. W. SANDERS. Tenth edition, 204 pages. 37& cents. This book has also been extensively introduced into Schools, and is in very general use to the entire satisfaction of both Teachers and Scholars. THE CRYSTAL FOUNT. A New Temperance Song Book, beautifully arranged with Hymns, Songs, and Music entirely new. By THOMAS HASTINGS. This book is admirably adapted for Temper- ance Choirs, Meetings and Celebrations being arranged in parts for Bass and Treble voice. 112 pages. 25 cents. This Temperance Song Book will commend itself to all friends of Temperance : it con- tains upwards of fifty pieces of Music, new and appropriate, for Temperance meetings. The price is fixed very low, in order to give it a wide circulation. MRS. DANA'S NORTHERN HARP! Consisting of Sacred and Moral Songs, adapted to the most popular Melodies, for the Piano Forte and Guitar, half bound. $1 00 THE CHRISTIAN LYRE. A Collection of Hymn* and Tunes adapted for Social worship, Prayer meetings, and Revivals of Religion. Twenty-sixth edition. THE TEMPERANCE LYRE BY MRS. DANA: Consisting of Songs and Glees for Temperance meetings, set to popular alr. 12| MARK U. NEWMAN * COS. PUBLICA DAY AND THOMSON'S SERIES : CINQ A NEW AND COMPLETE COURSE OP MATHEMATICS FOR SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES, BY JKREM1AH DAY, Lt.D., LATK PRESIDENT OF TALE COU.KCJE, AND JAMES B. THOMSON, A.M. The following U cummary of thr General PUn : 1. The aerie* U praetieal in the fullest MUM of the term. 2. Unity o/'/'iV ruu through UM whol eerie* ; while It embrace* all the fubjeeto noceeeary for a thorough matkrmnltral education. 8- Great care U taken never to anticipate a principle, and never to o*e one principle in the explanation of another, until if ha* Itself been trptatntd or demonstrate*. 4. It abound* hi example* for practice. Without muck pructie* It I* impovible to make the application of the rule* if fit tnuttriUod and Ttmtmbrrtd. 6. The drfinltiom are deeigned to be ample and exact, yet free from redundancies of 6 The arrangement of labjecU U lyttrmatic and natural. 7. The mode of reasoning U tnJuctiet, clear, and logical. 8. The rule* are ptain and brief. 9. Every principle U carefully analyzed, and the reason of the rale* folly explained. 10. One principle U explained at a time, and a sufficient number of example* I* given under it, to make it* application U'll umleritood. 11. When a principle or term ha been defined in one part of the eerie*, if that prin- ciple or term occur* in a didbvrat part, the same definition to iiaed. 12. The explanation* are nmplt, direct, and clear ; and the example* for illustration, are practical and appoint. NO. I. MENTAL ARITHMETIC, Or Vint LeMon* in Nuniben for < hit Jren, by JAMS* n TBOMSOX, A. M. Kew edi- tion, rerited and enlarged. ISmo, 108 page*, half bound. 15 cent*. Thu work comm.-nro with the fimplet ronilmiation* of namben. and fraduallu ad- raocee, a* the utintl of the learner expand*, and u prepared to comprehend more dimcult "Thonuon't ' Mental Arithmetic' I think i much the beat I hare ever examined. U Mem* to me to be the very thine needed by the youthful mind, when fnt entering upon the eoence of number*." Jame* tt'tilfftrt. A M., Sup'l OMM. ScJtutU, Greeny tie York. late fr^f. Mathfnatia. city <.' " I take pleaiure in ttatinc that theplan and any with which I am acquainted The d piece ol apperetui. the contribute (really to lU UMfulneei and ralue. awl are tumcieat to co*aied very teacher of Cocnmoo School*."- W F Pmttp*. J9w.. FrUtdful /> H He*** mttacJud to the NM* York 8UU Kormmi Bditl. NO. a^-PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC, Uniting the Inductive with the Synthetic mode* of Instraetfon, aUo illwtrating the principle* of OaoeelaOoo, for SebooU sad Aa4essis. By JAHSS B. TIOMSOV, A.M. New edition, rrrUed and enlarged. UBM>, MI |NM, telf boond. Wee.* The deeicn of lh work U lo lead the papd to a knowledce of Anthmetjc by tnjvction. to anai*zt errrj pnnctple wparatelr. and to make him Ihoroocfclr scqsstnUi w reocon of every orieraUaQ which be M reqwed to periona. It aboaadi 10 exaaapk*,aod it tminiMry wetKML - ThoeMon't Practical AHth*etk will eotssMnd Itaolf lo TMtfceri far Ux Clfmnm mmt rrectHim with -hirh ibinilrtaad pn net plea are ataled. lor the Dumber and vane' y o( ex amplee rt rornnhe* aa esereiiea for the papil. anH eipectaOy for tb* or* whir* t>* author ha* taken to pi**jl a|ia*or>naie tpiMUeo* and okwrralMMM whatever Uwf are neoikd. to dear up any d**eRMe that are Hub to emhamM the learner la raoaMMMMlfcs work w a elae* book for pwOa.il te not nimportant lo atale. that the author haa him MARK H. NEWMAN 4a^jMK|B^comprehension of the pupil, with, or in the absence of ^H ^^ki prelnble rai^^P^BRs on the same subject, which have come under their (Roii.''^!! illin>mL. Walters, William Tyler Anderson, Charles D. Field. (Oneiitjimtoj in the. Board ) NO. 3. KEY TO PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC Containing tke Answers to all the Examples ; with many suggestions, and the solu- tion of the most difficult questions. 12mo. ,38 cents. ** The Mental Arithmetic has been published about a year, and the Practical Arith- metic about a year and a half. They have been adopted by the State of Rhode Island ; Ontario, Livingston, Onondara, Greene, and Oswego counties, N. Y. ; the City of New Haven, Connecticut ; Springfield, Mass ; Buffalo. N Y , and a large number of Acade- mies and Schools. No chool books have given more entire satisfaction than these Arith- metics. Their success, it is believed, has been unparalleled. NO. *H HIGHER ARITHMETIC, Or the Theory and Application of Numbers, combining the Analytic and Synthetic modes of Instruction, adapted to Scientific and Commercial purposes. By JAMKS B. THOMSOS, A M. Large 12mo, full bound in leather. 75 cents. Just published. This work is complete in itself, commencing with the fundamental rules, and extending to the highest department of the Science. It is constructed on the principle, that in Arithmetic, " there is a place for everything, and that every- thing should be in its proper place ;" that there is a reason for every operation, and the learner should understand it. It is designed for advanced classes in Schools and Academies, who are preparing for the important office of Teaching, or extended mercantile pursuits. NO. 5. KEY TO THE HIGHER ARITHMETIC: Containing the Answers to all the Examples, with many suggestions, &c NO. 6. ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA, Being a School Edition of Day's Large Algebra. 75 cents. (Durrie & Peck.) This work is designed to be an ea*y and luciil transition from the study of Arithmetic to the higher brunches of Mathematics It is highly recommended by Prof. Olmsted. and the Faculty of Yale College ; also by Bishop Potter, Presidents Nott, Waylaud, Hopkins North, and others. NO. 7. KEY TO THE ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. Containing all the Answers, with numerous suggestions. 75 cents. (Durrie & Peck ) NO. 8 ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY, Being an Abridgement of Lcgendre's Geometry, with Practical Notes and Illustra- tions. Bound in leather. 75 cents. (Durrie & Peck.) This work has received the warmest approbation of many of the most eminent Teach- ers and practical Educators NO. 9. ELEMENTS OF TRIGONOMETRY, MENSURATION, AND LOGARITHMS. In press. NO. 10. ELEMENTS OF SURVEYING; Adapted both to the wants of the Learner and the Practical Surveyor. (Pub. Soon ) University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. McELLIGOTTS YOUNG ANALYZER: Being an eiy outline of tb eoane of inntrortlrm In the "fgllrti UnfiMft pr*. Mated in M eKIUfott'i Analytical Manual, MfiMd to MTV* UM doubU purpoa* of 8plUn( Book and Diotionary, in the youn(er clam* In Seboolf. By J. N M< Eui- BOTT. The ilmicn and value of UMM booki will b tuftcirnilf ibown 10 UM fooowinf ream- A rin n c ""iiiiii alii nil an -