SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY SOURCES OF THE HISTORY OF THE ,-, KAPPA SIGMA FRATERNITY BY BOUTWELL DUNLAP FORMER NATIONAL HISTORIAN OF KAPPA SIGMA CINCINNATI PUBLISHED BY THE FRATERNITY 1922 COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY THE KAPPA SIGMA FRATERNITY Press of M on fort & Co., Cincinnati SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY The object of this publication is to give a list of citations to material for all the paragraphs or topics which should be set out in writing a history of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity from its foundation in America in December, 1869, to the establishment of the Fraternity's magazine in October, 1885, when the printed history of the Fraternity begins. It also directs a seeker for information to an authoritative account of any event of the Fraternity's American history up to October, 1885. Citations are to the Kappa Sigma Quarterly (magazine), The Caduceus of Kappa Sigma (magazine), The Star and Crescent of Kappa Sigma (periodical), the first and second editions of the Kappa Sigma Book, Early Letters and Papers of Kappa Sigma, Kappa Sigma Records. The first edition of the Kappa Sigma Book, Early Letters and Papers of Kappa Sigma and the Kappa Sigma Records, the last being four volumes in MSS., are compilations of Boutwell Dunlap. The second edition of the Kappa Sigma Book was compiled by Finis King Farr. In order to preserve for historical record the origin of statements, it is mentioned that the compiler, Boutwell Dunlap, is the author or collector of all citations that are not followed by a star (*). The authorship of other citations is sometimes stated in the article cited. Annals of 1869-1871 Founding of Kappa Sigma, the mother Chapter, Zeta, at the University of Virginia, with incidents of its first two n __ 475861 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY years (first meeting places, first minutes, first badges, first initiate, first Kappa Sigma house, first fraternity house in the South, student types, the "Defense of Miles Arnold," etc.). Data. Quarterly, II, 45-49*, VI, 15-16*; Caditccus, XIX, 300- 301*, 349-352, 369*, 395*, 401-402, 501*, 556-557*, 650, XXI, 341, XXII, 221*, 647-648*, XXVII, 89-90*, XXIX, 336, 604*, XXX, 209- 217*; Star and Crescent, X, 27-27; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 11-27, 107, 2nd ed., 11-25*, 131*; Early Letters and Papers, 33, 34; Records, I, 69, IV, 16. Illustrations. East Lawn and Rotunda, showing location of 46, East Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Caduceus, XIX, 341; Exterior of 46, East Lawn, University of Vir- ginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Caduceus, XIX, 342 ; Inte- rior of 46, East Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Caduceus, XIX, 343; Faculty of the University of Virginia, 1869-'70, when Kappa Sigma was founded Caduceus, XIX, 345; Contemporary photograph (I870-'7l) of first Kappa Sigma house, first fraternity house in the South, University of Virginia Caduceus, XIX, op. 349; First Kappa Sigma house, first fraternity house in the South, University of Virginia Caduceus, XIX, 350; Replica of original badge of Founder William Grigsby McCormick, on Kappa Sigma gavel Caduceus, XXVII, 88*; "McCormick Hall," University of Virginia Caduceus, XXVII, 2*; Stairway in "McCor- mick Hall," University of Virginia Caduceus, XXVIL 5*; Kappa Sigma groups with Founder William Grigsby McCormick, at ''Mc- Cormick Hall," University of Virginia Caduceus, XXVIL 568*; "McCormick Hall," University of Virginia Caducetts, XXIX, 212*; Founder and Mrs. William Grigsby McCormick and party at "Mc- Cormick Hall," University of Virginia Caduceus, XXXI, 672*; Founders William Grigsby McCormick and John Covert Boyd on University of Virginia campus Caduceus, XXXII, 666*; "McCor- mick Hall," University of Virginia Caduceus, XXXII, 671*; "Mc- Cormick Hall," University of Virginia Caduceus, XXXII, 672*; Founders William Grigsby McCormick and John Covert Boyd, and Walter Boyd, in a group photograph with Zeta Chapter Caduceus, XXXII, 677*; Founders William Grigsby McCormick and John 8 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Covert Boyd at door of 46, East Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Caduceus, XXXII, 678*; Founder Wil- liam Grigsby McCormick, in group Caduceus, XXXV, op. 1* ; Found- ers William Grigsby McCormick and John Covert Boyd among a group of Worthy Grand Masters at University of Virginia Cadit- ceus, XXXV, 5* ; "McCormick Hall," front and rear views, Univer- sity of Virginia Caduceus, XXX!V, 9*; Founders William Grigsby McCormick and John Covert Boyd, with newly made initiate, Uni- versity of Virginia Caduceus, XXXV, 11*; Facsimile of memorial tablet of Kappa Sigma at 46, East Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Caduceus, XXXV, 15* ; A Kappa Sigma group at 46, East Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Caduceus, XXXV, 18* ; Founders William Grigsby McCormick and John Covert Boyd, on the Lawn, at Semi- centennial Grand Conclave, University of Virginia Caduceus, XXXV, 319* ; Facsimile of an acknowledgment card, signed by Founders Wil- liam Grigsby McCormick and John Covert Boyd Caduceus, XXXV, 321* ; East Lawn and Rotunda, showing location of 46, East Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 14; Exterior of 46, East Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 15 ; Interior of 46, East Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 16 ; Faculty of the University of Virginia, 1869-'70, when Kappa Sigma was founded Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 25 ; Contemporary photograph (1870-'71) of first Kappa Sigma house, first fraternity house in the South, University of Virginia Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 23; Rotunda and the Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 13*; Founders John Covert Boyd and William Grigsby McCormick at the door of 46, East Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 14* ; Unveiling the memorial tablet at 46, East Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded, July 24, 1919 Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 15* ; Facsimile of memo- rial tablet of Kappa Sigma at 46, East Lawn, University of Virginia, where Kappa Sigma was founded Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 17* ; "McCormick Hall," University of Virginia, front and rear views 9 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 21* ; Contemporary photograph (1870-'71) of first Kappa Sigma house, first fraternity house in the South, University of Virginia Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 23* ; Founders William Grigsby McCormick and John Covert Boyd among a group of Worthy Grand Masters of Kappa Sigma, University of Virginia, 1919 Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 66*; Founders William Grigsby McCormick and John Covert Boyd, with newly made initiate, 1919, University of Virginia Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 71*; Semi- centennial Grand Conclave group at University of Virginia, showing Founders William Grigsby McCormick and John Covert Boyd, in group Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed. (164-165)*. The Founders of Kappa Sigma: William Grigsby McCormick, George Miles Arnold, Edmund Law Rogers, Frank Courtney Nicodemus, John Covert Boyd. Data. Quarterly, IV, 183*; Caduceus, XIX, 353-368, 432, XX, 92, 188, 191, 207-209, XXI, 339*, 658, XXII, 303-304, XXIII, 137*, 278-280*, XXIV, 478*, XXVIII, 33-35*, XXIX, 604*, XXX, 491-492, XXXI, 778-779*, XXXII, 7*, 84-86*, 100*, 112*, 673-679*, XXXIII, 132*, 148*, 294*, XXXIV, 649-650*, XXXV, 2-3*. 8*, 12*, 19-21*, 26-28*, 30-31*, 320-321*, 348*, 646*; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 29-48, 2nd ed., 27-40*, 65-79*. Illustrations. Founder William Grigsby McCormick Caduceus, XIX, op. 339 ; Founder William Grigsby McCormick in 1869 Cadu- ceus, XIX, 354 ; Founder William Grigsby McCormick in chapter group Caduceus, XIX, op. 466*; Founder William Grigsby McCor- mick at the University of Bologna Caduceus, XXIV, op. 1 ; Founder William Grigsby McCormick Caduceus, XXVII, 568* ; "Brookland," Baltimore home of Founder William Grigsby McCormick Caduceus, XXII, 78; Founder George Miles Arnold in 1870 Cad uceus, XIX, 357; Founder George Miles Arnold in 1871 Caduceus, XX, 207; Founder George Miles Arnold in 1876 Caduceus, XX, 208 ; Founder George Miles Arnold and Samuel Isham North, early initiate Cadu- ceus, XIX, 351; Grave of Founder George Miles Arnold, Woodlawn Cemetery, New York City Caduceus, XXVII, 156*; Stationery of 10 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Founder George Miles Arnold Caduceus, XXX, 215* ; Founder Edmund Law Rogers Caduceus, XIX, 358; Founder Edmund Law Rogers, in character Caduceus, XIX, 359; Founder Frank Courtney Nicodemus Caduceus, XIX, 360; Founder Frank Courtney Nico- demus Caduceus, XXXIV, 649*; Founder John Covert Boyd Caduceus, XIX, 363 ; Founder John Covert Boyd Caduceus, XXXII, 5* ; John Edward Semmes, first initiate of the Founders Caduceus, XIX, 364; Samuel Isham North, early initiate of the Founders Caduceus, XIX, 6* ; Samuel Isham North, early initiate of the Found- ers Caduceus, XIX, 365 ; Samuel Isham North, early initiate of the Founders Caduceus, XXIX, 568*; George Leiper Thomas, early initiate of the Founders Caduceus, XIX, 366 ; George Leiper Thomas, early initiate of the Founders Caduceus, XXVIII, op. 1*; George Leiper Thomas, early initiate of the Founders, in 1870 Caduceus, XXVIII, 33* ; George Leiper Thomas, in chapter group Caduceus, XIX, op. 466* ; Founder William Grigsby McCormick Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 28; Founder William Grigsby McCormick in 1869 Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 30; Founder George Miles Arnold in 1870 Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 35 ; Founder George Miles Arnold in 1871 Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 34; Founder George Miles Arnold in 1876 Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 36; Founder George Miles Arnold and Samuel Isham North, early initiate of the Found- ers Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 20 ; Founder Edmund Law Rogers Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 38; Founder Edmund Law Rogers, in character Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 39 ; Founder Frank Courtney Nicodemus Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 41; Founder John Covert Boyd Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 43 ; John Edward Semmes, first initiate of the Founders Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 45; Samuel Isham North, early initiate of the Founders Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 46; George Leiper Thomas, early initiate of the Founders Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 48 ; Founder William Grigsby McCor- mick Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 26*; Founder William Grigsby McCormick in 1869 Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 28*; Founder George Miles Arnold about 1870 'Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 32* ; Founder George Miles Arnold about 1871 Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 33*; Founder Edmund Law Rogers about 1883 Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 35*; Founder Frank Courtney Nicodemus 11 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 37*; Founder John Covert Boyd Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 37*. Proposed Chapters in 1870-71 at the University of Mary- land, Bellevue Medical College, University of Alabama and University of California. Data. Caduccus, XIX, 348, XX, 27, 878-879, XXII, 216, 553-534 ; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 21-22, 60-62, 2nd ed., 20*, 41-42*; Early Letters and Papers, 5, 31 ; Records, I, 79-81. Illustrations. Henry Seeley Welch, first Kappa Sigma on the Pacific Coast Caduccus, XXII, 7; George Miles Arnold and Samuel Isham North, first Kappa Sigmas in New York see ante; William Grigsby McCormick, Edmund Law Rogers, Frank Courtney Nico- demus, John Edward Semmes, George Leiper Thomas, first Kappa Sigmas in Baltimore see ante. Annals of 1872 Zeta Chapter in 1872; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, the "second founder" ; university life and chapter life at the University of Virginia. (Although not confined to the year, 1872, at Virginia, but connected with it, there are here cited references to detailed history of the mother Chapter from 1871 to 1875.) Data. Caduceits, VII, 404-406*, X, 211-212*, XIX, 369*, XX, 601*, XXI, 335-336, 495-502, 657-658, XXII, 236-241, 394-395, XXIV, 320*, 471, XXVI, 731-732*, XXVII, 173-174*, XXVIII, 326*, 559-560* ; Star and Crescent, VII, 96; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 66, 2nd ed., 45-46* ; Early Letters and Papers, 6-7, 31 ; Records, I, 16, 63, 67. Illustrations. Stephen Alonzo Jackson, "second founder" Quar- terly, II, op. 1*; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, "second founder" Cadu- ceus, XXX, 213*; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, "second founder," stu- dent at the University of Virginia 1872-'73 Caduceus, XXI, op. 487; 12 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Thomas Wright Strange, proposer for Kappa Sigma membership of Stephen Alonzo Jackson, "second founder" Caduceus, XXVI, 318; Group photograph of Zeta Chapter, 1872-'73 (first Kappa Sigma group photograph) Caduceus, XXI, 497; First Kappa Sigma coat of arms, 1873 Caduceus, XXI, 497; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, "second founder" Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 66; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, "second founder" Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 45*. Annals of 1873 Founding of Eta Prime Chapter at Trinity College, North Carolina. . Quarterly, TIT. 107*; Caduceus, XX, 104-105, 875, XXI, 529-535*, XXTT, 485, XXITI, 6*, 126, XXX, 77*; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 62, 2nd ed., 42*; Early Letters and Papers, 5; Records, I, 71. Illustrations. Facsimile of charter of Eta Prime Chapter, first Kappa Sigma charter Caduceus, XXI, 501; James Henry Durham, the student in 1872-'73, founder of Eta Prime Chapter Caduceus, XXT. 407; James Henry Durham, founder of Eta Prime Chapter Caduceus, XXII, 73; Founder James Henry Durham, and charter members, Thomas Taylor, Adolphus Richard Wortham and Ned. H. Tucker, of Eta Prime Chapter, in group Caduceus, XXXIII, 9. Names of Eta Prime Chapter and other early Chapters. Data. Caduceus, XXI, 177; Early Letters and Papers, 51. Founding of Mu Chapter at Washington and Lee Uni- versity. Data.Caducens, VII, 63-65*, XIX, 558-559, XX, 83, 99, 545-547, 598; 'Early Letters and Papers. 32; Records, I, 75, II, 52. Illustrations. John Nathaniel Prather. first Grand Master of Mu Chapter Caduceus, XXII, 73; William Templeton Durrett, active early member of Mu Chapter Caduceus, XXII, 7. 13 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Annals of 1874 Founding of Xi Chapter at the Virginia Military In- stitute. Data. Caduceus, XIX, 558-559, XX, 83, 192-193, 545-547, XXII, 40, XXVI, 21*, 386 ; Star and Crescent, X, 30-31 ; Early Letters and Papers, 32; Records, I, 53. Illustrations. First three generations of Kappa Sigmas Presi- dent Jefferson Davis, Jefferson Davis, Jr., in cadet uniform and with Kappa Sigma badge (obscure) during early days of Xi Chapter, and William Davis Hayes Caduceus, XXI, 521; Records, I, 151; Frazor Titus Edmondson, boyhood friend and fraternity chapter mate of Jefferson Davis, Jr., at Virginia Military Institute Caduceus. XXVI, op. 21. Founding of Nu Chapter at the Virginia Military In- stitute. Data. Caduceus, XX, 109, XXIII, 43-44, XXXIII, 492*; Early Letters and Papers, 5-6. Illustrations. Contemporary photograph of first fourteen initi- ates of Nu Chapter at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (first Kappa Sigma group photograph outside of Zeta Chapter) Caduceus, XXII, op. 1 ; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, founder of Nu Chapter see ante. Founding of Omicron Chapter at Emory and Henry College. Data. Quarterly, III, 96-98*; Caduceus, XX, 108-109; Star and Crescent, IX, 30-31; Records, I, 25. Illustrations. Stephen Alonzo Jackson, founder of Omicron Chapter see ante; Samuel Beattie Ryburn Dunn, first initiate of Omicron Chapter Caduceus, XXIII, 90; Park Phipps, early active member of Omicron Chapter Caduceus, XXXIII, 338*. 14 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Founding of Alpha-Alpha Chapter at the University of Maryland. Data. Caduceus, XX, 93, XXI, 656, XXVII, 201; Records, I, 63, II, 115. Illustrations. Arthur Cowton Heffenger, founder of Alpha- Alpha Chapter Quarterly, I, op. 169*; Arthur Cowton Heffenger, founder of Alpha-Alpha Chapter Caduceus, XXIII, 5. Annals of 1875 Founding of Alpha-Beta Chapter at Mercer University. Data. Caduceus, XX, 106, 873, XXIV, 293-294, 598-599*, XXVIII, 555-560*; Records, I, 11, 33-37, IV, 30. Illustrations. William Anderson Thomas, founder of Alpha- Beta Chapter Caduceus, XXIII, 5; Facsimile of first minutes of Alpha-Beta Chapter Caduccus, XXVIII, 558; Founder William Anderson Thomas and charter members, Charles Haddon Spurgeon Jackson, Charles Hyatt Richardson, Chovine Clegg Richardson, and Seaborn Wright, of Alpha-Beta Chapter Caduceus, XXVIII, 554. Cessation of Alpha-Alpha Chapter at the University of Maryland. Data. Caduceus, XXI, 656; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 75; 2nd ed., 57-58*; Records, I, 115. First printed publication of Kappa Sigma. Data. Caduceus, XX, 877; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., Ill, 2nd ed., 134*. Illustrations. Charles Edward Wingo, who, with William Fre- neau Page, compiled and printed the first Kappa Sigma publica- tion Caduceus, XXII, 7 ; William Freneau Page, who, with Charles Edward Wingo, compiled and printed the first Kappa Sigma publi- cation Caduceus, XXIX, 724. 15 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Supposed suppression by faculty of Omicron Chapter. Data. Star and Crescent, IX, 31; Records, I, 23. Annals of 1876 Government of the Fraternity, 1869-76. (Although not entirely of the annals of 1876, the government for the early period is cited here as a background to the changes instituted by the Grand Conclave of this year.) Data. Records, I, 9. First Grand Conclave (at Baltimore). Data. Quarterly, I, 35-41*; Caduceus, XX, 98, 540-545, XXII, 241, XXVI, 731*, XXVIII, 67; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 91, 2nd ed., 121*; Records, I, 29, II, 42. Illustrations. Eutaw House, Baltimore, where first Grand Con- clave met Caduceus, XX, 541 ; Facsimile of first page of minutes of Grand Conclave Caduceus, XXVIII, 68; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, elected Worthy Grand Master by Grand Conclave see ante; William Freneau Page, elected Worthy Grand Scribe and Worthy Grand Treasurer by first Grand Conclave see ante; Eutaw House, Balti- more, where first Grand Conclave met Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 92. First Alumni Chapter of Kappa Sigma (at Baltimore). Data. Caduceus, XXI, 179, XXII, 238; Records, I, 43. Annals of 1877 Founding of Kappa Chapter at Vanderbilt University Data. Quarterly, I, 28-29*; Caduceus, XX. 421, XXI, 236-237, 278-279; Early Letters and Papers, 39; Records. I, 28-29. 10 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Illustration. David Rankin Stubblefield, one of the two found- ers of Kappa Chapter Caduceus, XXII, 73. First membership certificate of Kappa Sigma. Data. Cad uccus, XXI, 499; Early Letters and Papers, 14. Illustration. Facsimile of first membership certificate of Kappa Sigma Caduceus, XXI, 499. Annals of 1878 Cessation of Alpha-Beta Chapter at Mercer University. Data. Caduceus, XXII, 241, XXVIII, 560* ; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 76, 2nd ed., 59*; Records, I, 125. Second Grand Conclave (at Richmond). Data. Quarterly, I, 35-41*; Caduceus, XX, 707-708, XXI, 340; Early Letters and Papers, 8-9, 14-15; Records, I, 111-113. Illustrations. Exchange hotel, Richmond, where Grand Con- clave met Records, I, 113 ; Facsimile of printed program of Grand Conclave Caduceus, XXX, 215*; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, elected Worthy Grand Master by Grand Conclave see ante; William Fre- neau Page, elected Worthy Grand Scribe and Worthy Grand Treas- urer by Grand Conclave see ante. Constitution of 1878, establishing the Supreme Executive Committee. Data. Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 91, 2nd ed., 121*; Early Letters and Papers, 14; Records, I, 61. Illustrations. Lyon Gardiner Tyler, named Worthy Grand Pro- curator under Constitution of 1878 Quarterly, V, op. 105*; Lyon Gardiner Tyler, named Worthy Grand Procurator under Constitution of 1878 Caduceus, XXII, 451. 17 4- SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Annals of 1879 Admission of members of Phi Mu Omicron into Kappa 1 Sigma. Data. Caduceus, XX, 87,186,874, XXI, 279, XXVII, 104, XXX, 808*, XXXI, 477-478, XXXII, 88-90, H21* ; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 73, 2nd ed., 56*; Records, I, 97-98. Illustrations. Badge of Phi Mu Omicron Caduceus, XXX, VT "SOS* ; Badge of "old" Southern Kappa Alpha, whose history is con- / Nlnected with that of Phi Mu Omicron Caduceus, XXXII, 90. Cessation of Eta Prime Chapter at Trinity College, North Carolina. Data. Caduceus, XX, 879-880, XXIII, 6-8*; Star and Crescent, IX, 41-42; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 75, 2nd ed., 58* ; Records, I, 71. Cessation of Mu Chapter at Washington and Lee Uni- versity, and of Xi Chapter at the Virginia Military Institute. Data. Early Letters and Papers, 10; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 74-75, 2nd ed., 57*; Records, I, 71. Status of Kappa Sigma at the end of its first ten years' history. Data. Caduceus, XXI, H36-338, 659; Star and Crescent, VII, 99. Annals of 1880 Cessation of Kappa Chapter at Vamlerbilt University. Data. Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 74, 2nd ed., 57*; Records, T, 5. Secret history of the year, 1880. Data, Records, I, 83. SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Sigma Alumni Chapter at Norfolk, Virginia. Data. Caduceus, XXI, 179-180, XXII, 105, XXVII, 23, 363; Records, I, 21. Founding of Lambda Chapter at the University of Ten- nessee. Data. Quarterly, I, 154-155*, II, 105-110* ; Caduceus, XXII, 355*, 468-470, XXIII, 43, XXVII, 197-198, XXX, 707-708*; Star and Cres- cent, IX, 28-30. Illustrations. Price Thomas, who with Stephen Alonzo Jackson -'founded Lambda Chapter Caduceus, XXVI, 321; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, who with Price Thomas founded Lambda Chapter see ante, Third Grand Conclave (at Abingdon, Virginia). Data. Caduccus, XX, 708-710, XXI, 340; Early Letters and Papers, 14-15, 31; Records, I, 113, III, 56. Illustrations. Facsimile of printed program of Grand Con- c\ Caduceus, XX, 709; Henry Marston Smith, elected Worthy Grand Master by Grand Conclave Caduceus, XIX, 390*; Henry Marston Smith, Worthy Grand Master, in group Caduceus, XXXV, 5*; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, elected Worthy Grand Procurator by Grand Conclave see ante. Founding of Alpha-Chi Chapter at Lake Forest Uni- versity. Data. Caduceus, XX, 27-29, 876, XXVII, 246-247* ; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 66-68, 2nd ed., 46*. Illustrations. Alexander Chalmers McNeill, founder of Alpha- Chi Chapter Caduceus, XXIII, 90; Charles Alexander Evans, first initiate of Alpha-Chi Chapter and first initiate of Kappa Sigma in the North Caduceus, XX, 27 ; Charles Alexander Evans, first initiate of 19 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Kappa Sigma in North Caduceus, XXXV, op. 1*; Charles Alex- ander Evans, first initiate of Kappa Sigma in North, in group Caduceus, XXXV, 7*; Charles Alexander Evans, first initiate of Kappa Sigma in North Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 73*. Entrance of members of Beta Theta Pi at Virginia Poly- technic Institute into Kappa Sigma. Data. Star and Crescent, VII, 96; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 77, 2nd ed., 59-60*; Records, I, 73. Annals of 1881 Conferring of honorary membership upon President Jefferson Davis, Kappa Sigma's sole honorary member. Data. Caduceus, XIX, 558-559, XX, 93*, 550-551, XXIV, 71, 294, XXVIII, 71-72, XXIX, 793*; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 88, 2nd ed., 84*; Records, I, 27-28. Illustrations. President Jefferson Davis Quarterly, I, op. 1*; President Jefferson Davis Caduceus, XXI, 521; President Jefferson Davis in 1861 and in 1886 (on facsimile of President Davis Kappa Sigma souvenir) Caduceus, XXVIII, 72; Facsimile of a Kappa Sigma letter to President Jefferson Davis Caduceus, XXVIII, 71; President Jefferson Davis Kappa Sigma Book, 89. Cessation of Alpha-Chi Chapter at Lake Forest Uni- versity. Data. Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 68, 2nd ed., 46* ; Records, I, 89. The Catalogue of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity (first Kappa Sigma Catalogue, first Kappa Sigma college annual insert). Data. Caduceus, XXVIII, 67-69; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 112, 2nd ed., 137*; Records, I, 18-19, 108. 20 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Illustrations. Facsimile of page from Catalogue of Kappa Sigma Fraternity (1881) Caduceus, XXVIII, 70; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, compiler of Catalogue see ante. Annals of 1882 Founding of Alpha-Iota Chapter at Grant University. Data. Caduceus, XXI, 263-264, 659-660. Illustrations. Stephen Alonzo Jackson, founder of Alpha-Iota Chapter see ante. Founding of Phi Chapter at Southwestern Presbyterian University. Data. Quarterly, I, 103-105*; Caduceus, XXVI, 614*, 617-621*, 625*; Star and Crescent, IX, 31-32; Early Letters and Papers, 18; Records, I, 75, 131-132. Illustrations. Stephen Alonzo Jackson, founder of Phi Chap- ter see ante; Henry Craft, first initiate of Phi Chapter Caduceus, XXVI, 614. Founding of Omega Chapter at the University of the South. . Quarterly, I, 23-25*, III, 103-104*; Caduceus, XXI, 341, XXII, 177 ; Star and Crescent, IX, 36-41 ; Early Letters and Papers, 12-13, 21; Records, II, 53-56. Illustrations. Stephen Alonzo Jackson, founder of Omega Chapter see ante. William Gibbs McAdoo named to fill the unexpired term of Walter Taylor Page as Worthy Grand Scribe. Data. Early Letters and Papers, 13. 21 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Illustrations. William Gibbs McAdoo, Worthy Grand Scribe Caduceus, XXI, 182* ; William Gibbs McAdoo, Worthy Grand Scribe Caduceus, XXVIII, 66*; William Gibbs McAdoo, Worthy Grand Scribe- Caduceus, XXX, 544* ; William Gibbs McAdoo, Worthy Grand Scribe Caduceus, XXXIII, 290*; William Gibbs McAdoo, Worthy Grand Scribe Caduceus, XXXIII, 470*; William Gibbs McAdoo, Worthy Grand Scribe Caduceus, XXXV, 212*; William Gibbs McAdoo, Worthy Grand Scribe Kappa Sigma Book, 2nd ed., 91*. Annals of 1883 Expulsion of the Worthy Grand Treasurer and appoint- ment of Alfred Maynard Moulton to fill his office (William Gibbs McAdoo acting as Worthy Grand Treasurer ad interim). Data. Early Letters and Papers, 15; Records, I, 137. Cessation of Alpha-Iota Chapter at Grant University. Data. Cad uceus, XXI, 660; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 75, 2nd ed., 58* ; Early Letters and Papers, 12. The Inter-fraternity Conference of 1883. Data. Caduceus, XX, 683-684; Early Letters and Papers, 23; Records, I, 87-88. First ownership by Kappa Sigma of a chapter house (at the University of the South ) . Data. Quarterly, I, 23-25*, III, 103-105*; Caduceus, XIX, 501*, 050, XXIX, 332-337; Early Letters and Papers, 11. Illustrations. First house owned by Kappa Sigma at the Uni- versity of the South Caduceus. XXIX. :;:;::; site in 1913 of the first house owned by Kappa Sigma at the University of the South Caduceus, XXIX, 337. 22 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Founding of Pi Chapter at the University of West Virginia. Data. Qarterly, I, 161-162- ; Caduceus, XX, 89, XXI, 442; Star and Crescent, IX, 33; Records, I, 127. Illustrations. Stephen Alonzo Jackson, founder of Pi Chap- ter see ante; John Goodloe Jackson, first initiate of Pi Chapter Caduceus, XXVI, 322. Founding of Upsilon Chapter at Hampden-Sidney Col- lege. Data. Quarterly, II, 110-113*; Caduceus, XX, 190, XXIII, 43, XXVI, 834, XXXI, 873*, XXXIII, 129; Early Letters and Papers, 29; Records, I, 77. Illustrations. Stephen Alonzo Jackson, founder of Upsilon Chapter see ante; Alexander Lee Bondurant, first initiate of Upsilon Chapter Caduceus, XXIII, 90; William Taylor Thayer, prominent member of Chapter during its first year Caduceus, XXII, 7. Fourth Grand Conclave (at Knoxville, Tennessee). Date. Caduceus, XXIII, 115, XXVII, 201-202; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 107, 2nd ed., 131* ; Early Letters and Papers, 16-17, 18, 31-32; Records, I, 135-136. Illustrations. Facsimile of printed program of Grand Con- clave Records, II, 49; William Gibbs McAdoo, elected Worthy Grand Master by Grand Conclave see ante; Stephen Alonzo Jack- son, elected Worthy Grand Procurator by Grand Conclave see ante; William Henry Inglesby, elected Worthy Grand Scribe by Grand Conclave Quarterly, I, opp. 198*; Edward Walter Hughes, elected Worthy Grand Treasurer by Grand Conclave Caduceus, XXII, 73. Annals of 1884 Relations with Pi Kappa Alpha in reference to admission of its Theta Chapter into Kappa Sigma. Data. Star and Crescent, VII. 97-98; Records, I, 38-39. 23 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY First "house-building plan" of fraternities, inaugurated by Kappa Sigma. Data. Caduceus, XX, 684-685 ; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 107, 2nd ed., 131*; Early Letters and Papers, 18. Resignation of William Gibbs McAdoo as Worthy Grand Master, appointment to his term of William Henry Inglesby, Worthy Grand Scribe, and appointment to the term of William Henry Inglesby as Worthy Grand Scribe of Eugene Allen Snowden. Data. Early Letters and Papers, 19, 21, 22, 23 ; Records, I, 19. Illustrations. Eugene Allen Snowden, named Worthy Grand Scribe Caduceus, XXII, 363; Eugene Allen Snowden, named Worthy Grand Scribe Caduceus, XXVI, 618. Proposal of Vanderbilt Chapter of Rainbow, or W. W. W.," to join Kappa Sigma. Data. Star and Crescent, VII, 99, VIII, 109-112. Omega Chapter made Executive Chapter by edict of Supreme Executive Committee. Data. Early Letters and Papers, 19, 19-21, 22-23, 24-25, 26-27 ; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., 91, 2nd ed., 121* ; Records, I, 57. Illustration. Facsimile example of an early printed edict of the Supreme Executive Committee Caduceus, XXVIII, 69. Founding of Tau Chapter at the University of Texas. Data. Quarterly, II, 65*, IV, 53*; Caduceus, XX, 93, XXVII r 104; Records, I, 119-121. Illustrations. Walter Lee Robertson, founder of Tau Chap- ter Caduceus, XXXlll, 90; Frederick Charles von Rosenberg, promi- nent in the organization of Tau Chapter Caduceus, XXIII, 261. 24 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY Rejection of petition from students of South Carolina College for Kappa Sigma charter. Data. -Caduceus, XX, 678; Records, I, 67. Annals of 1885 Adoption of "badge of new design." (There is also here, at a convenient point, cited material on other earty badges, colors and insignia.) Data. Caduceus, XXII, 72, XXX, 209-217*, 311-313*; Star and Crescent, X, 29; Records, I, 90-91, 117, II, 28. Illustrations. ''Badge of new design" Caduceus, XXX, 211; Kappa Sigma insignia on stationery used in "seventies" and "eighties" Caduceus, XXX, 213; First "badge of new design" Records, II, 28, Revival of Kappa Chapter at Vanderbilt University. Data. Early Letters and Papers, 39-40; Records, I, 7. Founding of Rho Chapter at North Georgia Agricultural College. Data. Quarterly, I, 30-31*, 160-161* ; Caduceus, XX, 108, XXIV, 797-798*, XXVI, 1-2*; Star and Crescent, VIII, 122; Records, I, 65-66, IV, 32-34. Illustrations. Edward Lee Sutton, founder of Rho Chapter Caduceus, XXIV, 799* ; Edward Lee Sutton, founder of Rho Chap- ter Caduceus, XXVI, 3*; Edward Lee Sutton, founder of Rha Chapter, in group Caduceus, XXXII, 610* ; Edward Lee Sutton, founder of Rho Chapter, in group Caduceus, XXXV, op. 1*. Proposal of "Sigma Boys" (formerly Sigma Chapter of Delta Tau Delta, and later, Ohio Sigma Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon) to join Kappa Sigma. Data. Star and Crescent, VII, 99, VIII, 118-124. 25 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA H [ S T O R Y Founding of Chi Chapter at Purdue University. Data. Caduceus, XX, 275; Star and Crescent, IX, 33-35; Records, I, 85. Illustrations. Augustus Ruffner, who with William Taylor Thayer founded Chi Chapter Caduceus, XXII, 363; William Taylor Thayer, who with Augustus Ruffner founded Chi Chapter see ante; Contemporary group photograph of first initiates of Chi Chapter, first permanent Chapter in the North Caduceus, XXII, 358-359. Suspension of Nu Chapter at Virginia Polytechnic In- stitute. Data. Early Letters and Papers, 48. Fifth Grand Conclave (at Lynchburg, Virginia). Data. Quarterly. I, 9-16*; Caduceus, XXVI, 3-5*; Star and Crescent, X, 28-29, X, 30; Kappa Sigma Book, 1st ed., Ill, 2nd ed., 134*; Early Letters and Papers, 29; Records, I, 19-20, II, 43. Illustrations. Lynch House, Lynchburg, where Grand Conclave met Caduceus, XXVI, 9*; William Minor Lile, who delivered the address of welcome at Grand Conclave Caduceus, XIX, 388*; Fac- simile of report of committee at Grand Conclave on establishing the Fraternity's magazine Caducens, XXVI, op. 4; Stephen Alonzo Jackson, elected Worthy Grand Master by Grand Conclave see ante ; William Henry Inglesby, elected Worthy Grand Procurator by Grand Conclave see ante; Edward Walter Hughes, elected Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies by Grand Conclave see ante; Eugene Allen Snowden, elected Worthy Grand Scribe by Grand Conclave see ante; John Irby Hurt, elected Worthy Grand Treasurer by Grand Con- clave Caduceus, XXII. 363; Frank Hanson Terry, elected to the board of first three editors of the Kappa Sigma Quarterly by Grand Conclave Caduceus, XXII, 363; Frank Hanson Terry, elected to the board of first three editors of the Kappa Sigma Quarterly by Grand Conclave Caduceus, XXVI, 420*; Robert Taylor Gleaves, elected 20 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY to the board of first three editors of the Kappa Sigma Quarterly by Grand Conclave Caduceus, XXIII, 261; Robert Taylor Gleaves, elected to the board of first three editors of the Kappa Sigma Quar- terly by Grand Conclave ^Caduceus, XXIV, 249; Richard Thomas Brownrigg, elected to the board of first three editors of the Kappa Sigma Quarterly by Grand Conclave Caduceus, XXVI, 2. During twenty years the compiler, Bout well Dunlap, has published in The Caduceus biographies of and biographical notes on, it is estimated, at least 4,000 of the initiates of the Fraternity especially, those of the first part of its history. Among the latter are biographies of members not par- ticularly mentioned in the above syllabus of the period, 1869-1885, as connected with its strictly "historical" events, as well as those of the same period connected with such events. References in the foregoing citations to the biographies of either of these last two classes would obscure the con- tinuity and confuse the reader of the historical narrative. They are more properly to be used as material for a Fraternity catalogue or biographical collection. Besides, biographies become obsolete with new facts in careers. Therefore, except in the case of the Founders at Virginia, or where some biography contains a historical statement, they have been omitted in the references. It is believed that no other fraternity has in its possession so many photographs of its early historical members as those listed above. Some alumni, whose likenesses are missing, have pleaded, through modesty, that their publication by Kappa Sigma be omitted. In addition to these, the Fra- 27 SOURCES OF KAPPA SIGMA HISTORY ternity has printed photographs of a number of its collegians of this period who became distinguished, but are not cited. While interjection of biographies of these is not pertinent to a history, still, if a history of the Fraternity be published, an attractive addition to the volume would be the inter- spersion through the text for 1869-1885 of photographs of the following initiates of those years. They like a number of those with references in the foregoing have become distinguished men in either their states or the nation : George Tully Vaughan Caduceus, XI, 198*, XXXII, 12*; Lee Brock Caduceus, XXIII, 3*; Samuel Macon Smith Caduceus, XXIV, 249, op. 299; Samuel Cecil Graham Caduceus, XXVI, 319; John Dudley Pope Caduceus, XXVI, 319; Stephen Olin Richey Caduceus, XXVI, 320; Thomas Neal Ivey Caduceus, XXVI, 320; William Thomas Jenkins Caduceus, XXVI, 373, XXXV, op. 1*, XXXV, 9; John Bell Turner Caduceus, XXVI, 712*; Francis Irvin Osborne Caduceus, XXVI, 945 ; William Reynolds Allen Caduceus, XXVII, 92*; Joseph Luther Ke\\y Caduceus, XXIX, 390*; Francis Nelson Barksdale Caduceus, XXXI, 500*; Henry Davidson Fry Caduceus, XXXII, 12*; DeWitt Coffman Caduceus, XXXII, 14*, XXXIV, 374*; Robert Henry Watkins Caduceus, XXXIV, 630*. The ana of the Fraternity contains a large number of photographs of the buildings and campus scenes of the various colleges and universities where Kappa Sigma Chap- ters were established, 1869-85. These, if it be desired, might be used to illustrate a historical narrative of these years. 28 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6233 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW APR ? 5 1997 U. & BERKELEY JUN 1 3 U, C. BERKELEY SENT ON ILL SEP 2 t995 U. C. BERKELEY _ _ :Y ruK/v\ P*W. ULA;, lorn, z/ o^ DCKNCLCT, ^t\ w/ zu VC 61399 UNIVERSITY QF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY