UC-NRLF in" 3M 4DS 1907. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. A CATALOGUE OF 420 STANDARD STABS, MOSTLY BETWEEN 81 & 41 SOUTH DECLINATION, FOR THE EQUINOX 1 9 O 5'Oi FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE ^PERTH OBSERVATORY, WESTEEN AUSTBALIA, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF W. ERNEST COOKE, M.A., F.R.A.S., GOVERNMENT ASTRONOMER OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. PERTH: BY AUTHORITY ; FRJJD, WM. SIMPSON, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, 1907. ASTRONOMY LIBRARY JNOMY LIBRARY PERTH GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1905'0. INTRODUCTION. To the Perth Observatory, as one of the co-operating Observatories of the International Photo-Durchmusterung, have been assigned the zones 32 40. Owing to the absence of suitable well-determined positions which might be used as standards in the plate reductions, it has been found necessary to select some 10 or 12 stars in each plate area and observe these with the transit circle. A list has been prepared containing three stars per square degree, wherever practicable, and observations of these were commenced on 1901, October 6, with the six-inch Troughton and Simms Transit Circle. At first the clock error was determined from the equatorial and zenith stars of the Nautical Almanac, and the nadir point from reflections of the middle thread over mercury. This method was eventually discarded as unsatisfactory, for several reasons, and it was determined to use Auwer's " Fundamental Catalog fur Zonenbeobachtungen am Siidhimmel " as the basis of reduction. Since, however, there was not a sufficient number of fundamental stars between 31 and 41 C , the stars of the present catalogue were selected, to be used as secondary standards. It was resolved to set aside at least a year in order to obtain 1 good observations of each of these stars. The list has been constructed so that there are three or four stars per hour for each 2, and also so that there are generally four of Auwer's Fundamentals per hour in the whole 10. In a few instances it was found necessary to extend the limits in order to obtain the requisite number of Fundamentals. Instrumental constants (level, azimuth, mire, and nadir point) were taken before and after each two hours' catalogue work. The clock error and equator point were determined from the Fundamentals, of which from 6 to 10 have generally been taken. The nadir point observations have been used only as a check upon the steadiness of the instrument, and occasionally it was found necessary to consider the equator point as a function of the time. This catalogue will be vised in the reduction of the stars of the larger one in the same manner as Auwer's Fundamental Catalog has been used in the preparation of the M777436 present one. That is, the stars will be observed in zones of 2, probably two hours at a sitting. Each evening's observations will include from 6 to 10 of these Secondary Standards, from which the clock error and equator point will be computed. An attempt will also be made to reduce the observations already taken to the same system, but it is feared that the requisite number of Standards will not always have been taken. It is the present policy of this Observatory that both this catalogue and the larger one shall be re-observed every 10 or 12 years, taking 10 observations of each of the Standards and three of each star in larger catalogue. A rough attempt has been made to correct the observations for magnitude equation, and to reduce them to the standard of an 8th magnitude star. Transits have been taken over 7 vertical wires, and four microscopes have been used in the circle readings. Corrections for runs and errors of division have been applied, but no corrections have been made for proper motion. In the case of Fundamental Stars two quantities are given, those marked A being taken from Auwer's Catalog. It should be remembered that these are reduced to the fourth magnitude. A few alterations in the working list were made during the year, and therefore the numbers are not quite regularly consecutive. It has been thought advisable to retain the same numbers as occur in the star ledgers. The magnitudes are taken either from Auwer's Catalog or the C.P.D., but in a few instances have been altered where the figure given in the C.P.D. was obviously inappropriate. They are not intended to be photometrically accurate. The remarks are intended to help identify the star. The letters p. and f. (preceding and following), whrn in small type, refer to spaces of the order of 10 or 15 seconds of time, or less, but when printed in large type to spaces of the order of one minute of time. The observers were Messrs. W. E. Cooke, H. M. Joscelyne, and H. B. Curlewis. The work of reducing the observations and preparing the catalogue was per- formed by the latter officer, assisted by Mr. C. Nossiter. The probable errors of a single observation, deduced from the first hundred stars, are 8 .083 and 0".30. PERTH CATALOGUE, 1905'0. No. Mag. Mean Date. 1900+ No. of Obs. Mean R. A . 1905-0. Annual Precession. 1905-0. Secular Variation. 1905-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean Date. 1900 + No. of Obs. Mean De lin ! ition. 1905-0. Annual Precession. 190SO. Secular Variation. 1905-0. Annual Proper Motion. Reinnrks. 1 7'6 5-98 10 h. m. s. 2 17-137 S. + ::-u645 S. 010 8. 5-97 11 o / // 31 5 26-51 // + 20-045 01 " la 9-0 6-06 11 4 18-855 + 3-0522 022 6-05 12 38 49 0-67 + 20-042 02 2 5-6 6-04 13 6 54-260 + 3-0436 019 +0100 6-03 14 35 39 53-69 + 20-037 - -02 + -119 A 265 95 3 7'8 5-88 11 10 5-485 + 3'03-tS -016 5-88 12 32 40 48-40 + 20-026 03 4 8-0 5-98 10 11 8-139 + 3-0173 017 5-98 10 33 51 8-60 + 20-008 -04 5 8'2 5-88 11 16 46-984 + 3-0048 017 5-88 11 34 41 46-92 + 19-992 04 6 8-0 6-43 9 19 35-807 + 2-9891 -017 6-43 9 36 9 59-25 + 19-973 05 nF 7 2-3 6-17 16 21 35 369 + 2-9561 022 + 0165 6-16 18 42 49 19 76 + 19-957 05 414 A 352 15 8 5-4 6-03 14 26 50-096 + 2-8908 027 +0120 6-03 14 49 19 43 77 + 19-909 06 + -007 A 073 44-20 9 8-0 5-98 11 30 56-615 + 2-9201 019 5-97 13 40 15 55 25 + 19-864 07 10 8'5 5-90 9 34 13-334 + 2 9228 016 5-90 10 36 58 43-65 + 19-823 -07 lOa 90 6-06 10 36 17-603 + 2 9342 -014 6-05 12 33 16 21-69 + 19-795 07 11 6-0 6-10 18 39 36-527 + 2-8868 017 + 0175 6-14 20 38 56 41-82 + 19-748 08 + -109 A 513 42-43 12 8-5 U-15 11 43 15-205 + 2-8646 017 6-14 12 39 40 29-72 + 19-090 09 13 8'5 6-35 9 47 0-332 + 2 9057 on 6'35 9 31 30 8-71 + 19-026 10 sp 14 7'8 5-90 10 49 29-884 + 2-8876 on 5-90 10 32 51 0-93 + 19-580 10 15 9-0 6-38 10 54 6-550 4 2-8542 012 6-33 11 34 50 13-55 + 19-490 -11 16 8-0 5-90 11 56 51-493 + 2-8523 012 5-90 12 33 52 18-78 + 19-432 11 17 8-0 5-90 11 59 31-307 + 2-8306 012 5-90 12 35 11 12-10 + 19-374 -11 L7a 7-5 6-12 10 1 1 50-040 + 2-8202 012 6-12 10 35 18 2221 + 19-321 11 18 8'5 592 10 1 4 43-389 + 2-7951 013 5-92 11 36 38 52-96 + 19-252 12 19 6-0 6-17 15 1 8 22-844 + 2 7616 012 +0036 6-16 16 38 21 36-03 + 19-160 13 032 A 792 35-52 20 7-5 6-00 12 1 13 1-325 + 2-7482 012 5'99 13 37 40 15-25 + 19 037 13 20a 8-0 5-92 10 1 15 19-147 + 2-7792 010 5-92 11 34 13 12 23 + 18-973 14 21 6'0 6-22 16 1 19 5-690 + 2-7961 -008 0050 6-20 17 31 26 26-50 + 18-864 15 070 A 675 53 22 8-0 6-28 11 1 23 27-191 + 2-6783 -on 6-25 10 39 38 3-83 + 18-732 14 23 8-4 6-32 10 1 27 38-100 + 2-7374 008 6-32 10 33 54 19-15 + 18-598 -16 24 8-3 6-31 10 1 29 29709 + 2-6396 010 6-31 10 40 23 53-76 + 18-537 15 25 7-6 5-94 10 1 34 19-219 + 2-7300 007 5-94 10 32 39 7-20 + 18-372 -17 23 o-o 6-14 14 1 37 51-695 + 2-6507 008 0060 6-14 14 37 18 41-33 + 18-246 -17 028 A 693 12 27 6-8 6-02 13 1 40 22-548 + 2 6772 007 6-02 13 34 53 58-20 + 18-154 -17 27a 8-5 5-95 9 1 42 36-090 + 2-5799 008 5-95 10 40 25 8-99 + 18-070 -17 28 8-5 5-95 11 1 45 48-035 + 2-6399 007 5-95 11 36 34-29 + 17-948 18 f 29 5-0 5-95 12 1 49 50-223 + 2-4171 009 0097 5-95 12 46 46 3-63 + 17-788 17 106 A 271 4-52 30 8-5 6-12 U 1 53 47-339 + 2-6172 006 6-12 11 35 34 23-40 + 17-626 19 31 8'3 5-95 11 1 57 51-066 + 2-5354 006 5-95 10 39 15 17-00 + 17-454 19 32 7-5 596 11 2 2 16-845 + 2-5024 006 5-96 11 39 59 30-38 + 17-260 19 33 8-8 5-96 9 2 5 31-890 + 2 5238 005 5-96 10 38 15 7-51 + 17-113 20 34 5-5 6-10 13 2 8 43-449 + 2-6420 003 0007 6-10 13 31 10 9-61 + 16-967 21 Oil A 439 ... 79 35 8-0 6-13 11 2 11 25-647 + 2 5796 004 6-13 11 34 12 23-21 + 16-839 21 36 8-0 6-13 11 2 15 38-772 + 2-5962 003 6-13 11 32 34 12-73 + 10-636 22 PERTH CATALOGUE, 1905'0. No. May. Mean Date. 1900+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1905-0. Annual I'i vressiou 1905-11. Secular Variation. 1905-0. Ammul l'ni|nT Motion. Mean I'ate. liM + No. of Obs. Mean Annual Declination. Precession. 1W5-0. 1905-0. Secular Variation. 1905-0. . Annual Proper Motion. Remarks. h. in. s. S. 8. S. , // it H 37 8-0 5-96 10 2 18 10-423 + 2'5728 003 590 10 33 23 6-15 + 16-507 22 38 8-3 596 10 2 21 50-484 + 2-4728 004 5-96 10 37 13 26-47 + 16-328 21 sf 39 7-5 5-96 10 2 25 25-600 + 2 4892 003 5-96 10 36 21 52-07 + 16-144 22 40 6-0 596 10 2 29 9 311 + 2-5042 002 00-15 5-96 10 35 4 3-88 + 15-949 23 036 A 289 84 41 8-0 5-97 10 2 32 30-811 + 2-4009 003 5-97 10 39 8 36-82 + 15-769 22 42 4-0 5-98 11 2 36 55-069 + 2-3567 002 + 0075 598 11 40 15 42-08 + 15-528 22 030 A 54-982 23 41* 7-7 5-98 9 2 39 28-144 + 2-4839 002 5-98 8 34 29 40-40 + 15-386 24 43 7 "> 5-98 10 2 41 53-304 + 2 3810 002 5-98 10 38 33 53 60 + 15-250 23 44 4'5 598 10 2 45 6-805 + 2-5042 000 + 0060 5-98 10 32 48 16-69 + 15-065 25 + 155 A 858 82 45 6-9 598 9 2 47 54-851 + 2 5310 000 5-98 9 31 12 27-62 + 14-902 25 40 7-1 598 10 2 50 55-440 + 2-4630 001 5-98 10 33 54 39 09 + 14-725 -25 47 30 5-99 10 2 54 39-510 + 2-2793 000 -0069 599 10 40 41 6-38 + 14-501 24 + 024 A ... 479 28 47a 9-0 5-99 10 2 57 50 106 + 2-3280 000 599 10 38 30 2-11 + 14-308 25 49 8'8 6-00 10 3 4 2-501 + 2-3704 000 600 9 36 8 22-50 + 13 923 25 50 85 6-00 10 3 7 43 158 + 2 2894 000 6-00 10 38 22 38-71 + 13-689 25 51 6-5 6-00 10 3 10 55-926 + 2-3564 + -001 + 0016 6-00 10 35 54 38-49 + 13-483 26 + '025 A ... ... 921 ... 53 52 8-0 6-00 11 3 14 6298 + 2 2527 + 001 6-00 11 39 18 31-25 + 13-276 25 53 7-5 6-00 9 3 17 21-490 + 2-2864 + 001 600 11 37 47 28-58 + 13-062 26 54 7-5 600 11 3 20 30-871 + 2-4448 + 002 600 11 31 27 56-55 + 12-851 27 55 7-6 6-00 10 3 25 9-073 + 2-3696 + 001 6-00 10 33 58 57-58 + 12-537 27 56 8-8 6-00 11 3 28 36-731 + 2-3655 + 002 6-00 11 33 49 14-62 + 12 299 -27 nf 66a 7-0 6-00 10 3 30 49-046 + 2-3240 + 002 o-oo 10 35 8 54-48 + 12-146 27 sf 57 50 6-00 11 3 33 41-044 + 2-1531 + 002 0018 6-00 11 40 35 9-68 + 11-946 26 027 A 096 75 58 50 600 12 3 38 28-192 + 2 3853 + 002 _ -0007 6-00 12 32 14 29-41 + 11-608 29 + 004 A ... 167 94 59 8-8 601 9 3 41 16-610 + 2-1925 + 002 6-01 9 38 41 16-88 + 11-407 -27 sfof3 60 4-0 6-02 11 3 45 53-876 + 2-2485 + 003 0041 6-02 12 36 29 15-74 + 11-071 '28 055 A ... 937 ... 82 61 5-2 6-02 10 3 50 1-717 + 2-2828 + 002 6-02 11 35 4676 + 10-768 30 ... 62 7-5 602 9 3 53 5-257 + 2-1443 + 003 6-02 10 39 14 13-75 + 10 542 -27 63 90 6-02 9 3 56 16452 + 2-1053 + 003 602 10 40 9 19-15 + 10 304 27 64 8'5 6-02 9 3 59 9-538 + 2-1490 + 003 6-02 10 38 39 4-28 + 10-087 28 65 8'4 603 9 4 2 59-854 + 2 3676 + 003 603 10 31 10 27-40 + 9-795 30 ... 66 8-4 6-03 9 4 5 55766 + 2-3034 + 003 6-03 9 33 13 22-01 + 9-570 29 67 4-0 603 10 4 10 51-145 + 1 9831 + 004 + -0020 6-03 11 42 31 42-67 + 9-190 -26 221 A ... 141 31 68 3-4 6-04 11 4 14 17-943 + 2-2644 + 003 0035 6-04 12 34 1 48-15 + 8-934 30 014 \ 897 21 ... t;< KT> 6-03 11 4 17 26-018 + 2-3366 + 033 6-03 11 31 25 5-98 + 8-675 31 ... ... 70 40 6-04 12 4 20 28-040 + 2-2475 + 003 + 0037 604 12 34 14 14-04 + 8-435 30 + 060 \ ... ... 059 ... ... ... 13-76 71 9-0 6-0 1 10 4 23 47-663 + 2-1254 + 003 6-04 10 37 48 51-37 + 8-169 28 72 8-0 604 10 4 27 47-862 + 8-17M + 003 6-04 10 35 58 38-14 + 7-849 29 sf 7.: 7-5 8-04 10 4 31 12-ir.M + 2-1776 + 003 6-04 10 35 52 5376 + 7-574 30 sp PERTH CATALOGUE, 1905'0. No. Mag. Mean Date. 1900 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1905-0. Annual Precession. 1905-0. Secular Variation. 1905-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mean Date. 1900 + No. of Ob B . Mean Declination. 1905-0. Annual Precessiou. 19050. Secular Variation. 1805-0. Annual Proper Motion. Rerunrks. h. m. s. 8. 8. s. o , // // a 74 9-0 6-04 10 4 34 33-960 + 2-0229 + 004 6.04 10 40 8 30-29 + 7-299 '28 75 5-4 6-04 11 4 37 29-983 + 1-9445 + 004 -0146 6-04 11 42 2 4150 + 7-061 27 083 A 987 66 76 7-5 6-05 10 4 43 2-428 + 2-0766 + 003 6-05 10 38 17 4-'. 9 + 6-606 29 77 8'6 6-05 9 4 47 16-803 + 2-0198 + 004 6-05 10 39 39 47-55 + 6-254 28 78 8-8 6-06 11 4 50 27-057 + 2-2708 + 003 6-06 11 32 9 21-91 + 5-990 32 79 8-6 6-06 10 4 54 36-149 + 2-2988 + 003 6-06 10 31 6 16-56 + 5-643 32 ... 80 8-6 6-06 11 4 59 12-246 + 2-2260 + 003 6-06 11 33 16 51-17 + 5-256 31 up 81 8-7 6-07 10 5 4 9-326 + 2-1939 + 003 6-07 10 34 7 5-05 + 4-837 31 82 7'3 6-07 11 5 7 33-526 + 2-1605 + 003 6-07 11 35 1 12-96 + 4-546 30 83 6-0 6-07 10 5 11 7-170 + 2-1206 + 003 6-07 10 36 5 7-66 + 4-243 30 84 5-0 6-08 11 5 14 3-461 + 2-1559 + 003 + -0062 608 11 34 59 16-88 + 3 992 31 329 A 455 15-99 85 8-0 6-08 10 5 16 48-060 + 2-0700 + -003 6-08 10 37 21 55-80 + 3756 29 86 6-0 6-08 10 5 20 15-839 + 1-9771 + -003 6-08 10 39 45 58-69 + 3-458 '28 87 7'5 6-08 11 5 25 48-633 + 2-0030 + 003 608 11 38 59 3-31 + 2-979 29 88 4-0 6-08 12 5 27 50-359 + 2-1273 + '003 + 0019 6-08 12 35 32 23-64 + 2-804 -31 048 A 383 81 89 6-8 6-09 9 5 31 21-517 + 2-2518 + -002 6-09 10 31 45 23-13 + 2-494 33 90 2-3 6-10 6 5 36 12-493 + 2-1718 + -003 - -0003 6-10 6 34 7 28-00 + 2 078 32 -038 A 489 33 91 8'6 6-09 9 5 40 4-011 + 1-9472 + -003 6-09 9 40 12 16-86 + 1-741 28 92 4-6 6-09 9 5 42 28-022 + 2-2288 + 002 6-09 10 32 20 32-01 + 1-532 33 93 30 609 10 5 47 36-638 + 2-1100 + 003 + 0031 6-09 10 35 48 13-13 + 1-083 31 + 403 A 599 ... 47 94 8-6 6-09 11 5 50 51-886 + 2-1753 + -002 6-09 10 33 53 47-55 + 0-799 32 95 9-0 6-09 10 5 53 30-208 + 2-0890 + 002 6-09 10 36 21 44-49 + 0-568 31 96 8-6 6-09 11 5 56 41-937 + 1-9125 + -002 6-09 11 40 57 42-06 + 289 28 97 8-5 6-09 : 10 6 11-603 + 1-9951 + 002 6-09 10 38 52 27-01 0-018 29 98 8-6 6-09 11 6 4 0-562 + 1-9810 + -002 6-09 11 39 14 38-42 0'351 29 99 8-6 6-09 11 6 7 28-237 + 2-2459 + -002 6-09 11 31 45 8-53 0-653 33 100 8-4 6-08 11 6 10 34-874 + 2-2001 -- -002 6-08 11 33 9 54-42 0-925 32 101 50 6-09 12 6 13 10-285 + 2-1345 + -002 0008 6-09 12 35 6 31-04 1-151 31 + -074 A 324 17 102 6-2 6-09 11 6 16 15-549 + 2-1613 + -002 6-09 11 34 21 18-89 1-420 32 103 7-0 6-09 11 6 20 28-468 + 2-0708 + 002 6-09 11 36 57 49-30 -1-788 - 31 sp.of3 104 5-4 609 11 6 24 38-823 + 2 2254 + 002 0049 6-09 11 32 31 11;62 2-152 32 + 021 A 770 12-10 105 5-0 6-09 10 6 29 5-974 + 2-0507 + .002 6-09 10 37 37 2656 2-538 30 106 7-2 6-09 10 6 32 10-869 + 2-0112 + 001 6-09 10 38 43 53-18 2-806 29 107 3-4 6-10 11 6 34 51-227 + 1-8358 + 001 0005 6-10 10 43 6 45-11 3-036 26 019 A 247 4494 ... 108 6-5 6-10 10 6 38 8-317 -r 1-9564 + -001 6-09 9 40 15 31-87 3-320 - -28 sp. 109 8-6 6-11 9 6 41 9-154 + 1-9744 + 001 6-11 9 39 51 59-87 3-580 28 sf. 110 4-0 6-12 12 6 46 17-518 + 2-2417 + 001 0017 6-12 12 32 23 54-53 4-022 32 + '018 mf .of 3 A 525 53-96 111 8'4 6-12 10 6 49 11-427 + 2 2194 + -001 6-12 10 33 9 39-26 4-269 32 sf. 112 6'4 e-ia 10 6 52 19-212 + 2-2696 + 001 6-12 10 31 39 59-82 4 536 '32 113 8-0 6-12 11 6 55 15-701 + 2-1676 + -001 6-12 11 34 53 16-37 4-787 31 114 7-0 6-12 10 6 58 22-736 + 2-1531 + -001 6-12 10 35 24 39-44 5052 30 PERTH CATALOGUE, 1905'0. No. May. Mean Date. 15)00 + No. of Obs. Meau R.A. 1905-0. Anmi il I'rci-t'ssi'-n, 19J50. Secular Variation. 19U5-J. Anmml Proper Motion. Meun Date. 1UOO + No. of Obs. Meau Declination. 19050. Annual Precession. 1905U Secular Variation. 1905-0. Annual Proper Motion. Kamarks. h. IB. 8. S. 8. o / // / 115 VO 6-12 10 7 1 33-3SU + 1 7 8-6 6-26 10 9 29 3-591 + 2-5485 + -006 626 10 32 38 49-40 15-854 22 sp 158 50 020 11 9 33 25-512 -f 2-1572 + 007 0120 6-26 10 48 55 44-70 16-084 18 + '030 A 503 58 168 8'8 6-27 10 9 36 9 360 + 2-5457 + -007 6-27 10 33 52 2065 16-225 20 nf 100 85 0-27 10 9 39 58-878 + 2-5426 + -007 6-27 9 34 39 7'58 16-420 20 sp 101 8-0 6-27 10 9 42 54-560 + 2-4657 + -008 6-27 10 38 53 1'96 16-566 20 162 8-0 627 10 9 45 27-335 + 2-4901 + -008 6-27 10 37 54 25-05 16-689 -19 at 103 8'5 6-27 10 9 49 14-178 + 2 5290 + -008 6-27 10 30 58 49-51 16-870 19 sf 164 8'0 0-27 10 9 51 34-757 + 2-4709 + -009 627 10 39 59 3-23 16-981 19 ... ; nf 16 8-0 027 11 9 54 50-029 + 2-4711 + 009 6-27 11 40 54 18-87 17-130 19 166 86 0-27 10 9 58 31-631 + 2-6583 + -008 627 10 31 30 41-83 17-296 19 sf 107 7'4 6-28 11 10 1 21-882 + 2-6442 + '008 6-28 11 32 55 46-97 17-420 19 108 87 6-29 8 10 4 46-178 + 2-6383 + -009 6-29 8 33 59 28-77 - 17-565 -17 sf 10'J 7'0 6-28 12 10 7 43-073 + 2-6346 + -010 628 12 34 51 2065 17-688 17 170 4-0 6-29 11 10 10 44 805 + 2-5271 + -012 0150 6-29 12 41 39 3-74 - 17-811 16 + '049 A 760 76 171 8-0 0-28 11 10 14 22-679 + 2-6520 + 010 6-28 11 35 18 11-27 17-955 16 172 6-5 029 14 10 19 19-576 + 2-6360 + -012 0150 6-29 14 37 31 39-52 18-143 16 054 A 622 42 173 4-5 629 14 10 22 48-199 + 2-7475 + -010 0079 6-29 14 30 35 2-07 18-270 16 + 010 A 170 02 174 8-5 6-30 10 10 25 55-829 + 2-6822 + -012 6-30 10 36 12 15-40 18-381 15 sF 175 7-5 6-30 11. 10 29 19-050 + 2-0442 + '014 6-30 11 39 44 51-40 18-497 14 170 7'5 6-30 10 10 32 40-269 + 2-6432 + '014 6-30 10 40 50 52-88 18-611 14 177 8'5 630 10 10 37 53-679 + 2-6949 + '014 6-30 10 38 52 6-96 18-774 13 178 8'2 6-30 10 10 40 28-396 + 2-7561 + '013 6-30 10 34 50 42-52 18 851 12 179 6-2 6-29 10 10 43 46-957 + 2-8084 + -012 6-29 10 31 11 10-45 18 948 13 sf 180 8-5 6-30 11 10 48 1-704 + 2-8029 + -013 6-30 11 33 9 1-16 19-066 12 sF 181 5-0 630 12 10 52 17-299 + 2-7832 + '016 + 0059 6-30 12 36 37 36-31 - 19-177 11 132 A 338 37-03 182 80 6-32 10 10 55 3-822 + 2-8339 + -013 6-32 10 32 33 57-69 19-247 11 183 9-0 6-32 10 10 58 42-279 + 2-8223 + "016 6-32 10 35 18 33-93 19-333 10 184 8-0 6-34 10 11 1 24-147 + 2-8139 + -017 6-34 10 37 24 58-54 - 19-394 10 185 7-0 6-34 10 11 4 11-662 + 2-8120 + -018 0-34 10 38 57 28-17 19-455 10 nf 186 8-8 635 10 11 7 20-116 + 2-8208 + -019 635 10 39 35 10-15 19-519 09 187 7-5 6-35 10 11 10 59-519 + 2-8299 + -020 6-35 9 40 32 21'51 19-589 08 188 8-8 6-35 9 11 14 21-431 + 2-8998 + -016 6-35 9 33 8 58' 36 19-650 08 nf 189 8-5 6-35 10 11 17 14-150 + 2-9129 + -016 6'35 9 32 46 51-38 19-698 07 190 6-5 6-34 10 11 20 52-903 + 2-9104 + '018 0111 6'34 10 35 32 29-02 19-755 06 + -on nF A 939 15 101 74 6-34 10 11 23 30-677 + 2-9154 + -019 6-34 8 36 33 44-96 - 19-792 '06 192 40 6-35 10 11 28 19-614 + 2-9598 + -017 0174 6-35 9 31 19 55-00 - 19-855 05 038 A 645 54-70 1< 7-0 6-35 10 11 32 17-423 + 2-9446 + -021 6-35 9 38 26 1-42 -19-900 04 np 194 5-0 6-36 10 11 35 29-507 + 2-9755 + '019 0034 6-36 10 34 13 5-60 19-932 04 + '006 A 566 21 8 PERTH CATALOGUE, 1905'0. No. M. Menu Date. 1900+ No. cf OlH. Mean R.A. 1905-0. Animal Precession. 1905-0. Secular Annual Variation. Proper 1905-0. Motion. Mean Dat. 1900 + No. of Obs. Mean Declination. 1905-0. Annual Precession. 1905-0. Secular Vartiition. 1905-U. Ammat Proper Motion. Remarks.) 195 8-0 6-35 10 h. m. s. 11 38 8782 8. + 2-9740 + -022 s. 6-35 9 / // 37 45 40-31 - 19-955 03 it nf 196 5-0 6-36 10 11 41 58-985 + 2-9845 + -024 133 6-36 9 39 58 58-04 19-984 -02 + 390 nF 197 8-0 6-36 11 11 44 56-051 + 3-0178 + -019 6-36 10 31 54 5954 20003 02 198 8-5 6-36 10 11 48 13-883 + 3-0131 + -026 6-36 9 40 53 35-29 20-020 01 sfof 3 199 6-5 636 10 11 52 14-051 + 3-0434 + -020 6-36 9 32 47 11-52 20-034 00 200 7'5 6-36 10 11 55 26-132 + 3-0534 + -023 6-36 9 35 45 20-13 20-042 oo 201 6-5 6-36 10 11 68 44-216 + 3-0669 + '028 +0262 6-36 8 41 54 7-72 20-040 + -01 -117 A ... 133 53 202 9-0 6-37 10 12 1 23-235 + 3-0780 + -022 ... 6-37 9 33 56 37-52 20-046 + 01 203 6'5 6-40 9 12 5 7-991 + 3-0928 f -022 6-40 9 34 10 33-60 20-041 + 02 204 7-5 6-39 9 12 7 51-556 + 3-1071 + 026 6-39 9 36 59 54-71 20-034 + 02 nf 205 9-2 6-39 10 12 11 14-121 + 3-1274 + 028 6-39 9 39 58 38-55 20-022 + 04 sf 206 7-8 6-39 10 12 15 6-474 + 3-1395 + 026 6-39 9 37 16 22-66 20002 + 04 207 7-2 6-39 10 12 17 42-372 + 3-1650 + -027 6-39 9 38 38 49-29 - 19-986 + 05 8f 208 6-0 6-39 10 12 20 21-197 + 3-1545 + -025 013 6-39 9 34 39 35-69 19-967 + 06 021 A ... 083 36-03 209 210 8-0 7-0 6-41 6-41 10 10 12 24 43-857 12 27 32-788 + 3-1971 + 3-1724 + '030 + 023 6-41 6-41 8 9 40 52 38-21 31 56 23-41 19-929 - 19-901 + 07 + 07 sF nf 211 8-8 6-41 10 12 30 32-824 + 3-1983 + 025 6-41 9 35 18 4-78 19-808 + 07 P 212 90 6-41 10 12 34 11-224 -t- 3-1976 + 023 6-41 9 32 12 7-77 - 19-823 + 08 213 80 642 10 12 37 23-654 + 3-2384 + 029 6-42 9 37 22 55-25 - 19-780 + 08 nf of 3 214 6-0 6-42 10 12 40 16-363 + 3-2482 + -028 6-42 9 36 55 45-91 19-737 + 09 215 5-6 6-42 9 12 46 31-711 + 3-2470 + 026 0036 6-42 9 33 28 53-28 - 19-652 + 10 034 A 746 31 216 4-5 6-42 10 12 48 10-270 + 3-3037 + 032 + '0041 6-42 9 39 39 44-27 19-605 + 11 032 A ... 275 49 217 8-5 6-42 10 12 60 44-635 + 3-3230 + 034 6-42 8 40 28 55-36 19-656 + 12 nf 218 8'5 643 9 12 55 27-261 + 3-3298 + -031 ... 6-43 9' 38 46 57-36 19-402 + 12 219 8-2 6-43 10 12 69 37-149 + 3-2926 + -026 6-43 9 32 37 39-21 - 19-372 + 13 sf 220 8-5 6-46 10 13 2 20-592 + 3-2962 + 025 fi-46 10 31 55 11-74 - 19-309 + 13 221 7-0 li't.S 9 13 6 12-382 + 3-3354 + 028 6-48 10 34 37 29-52 19-216 + 14 nf 222 8-5 6-48 10 13 9 9-446 + 3-3346 + 027 6-48 10 33 25 36-10 19-140 + 15 223 6-6 6-48 11 13 11 36-360 + 3-3194 + 025 + '0028 6-48 11 31 13-18 - 19-076 + 16 060 A 389 ... 12-70 224 30 6-48 11 13 16 16-171 + 3-3881 + 030 0298 6-48 10 36 12 41-08 18-975 + 16 087 A 176 40-85 225 8-5 648 10 13 19 29-072 + 3-3941 + 029 6-48 10 35 17 36-61 - 18-852 + 17 226 8-7 6-48 10 13 22 21-240 + 3-4654 + 035 6-48 10 39 54 2-46 - 18-766 + 19 227 4-6 6-47 10 13 25 31-929 + 3-4659 + 034 0041 6-47 10 38 56 0-43 18 666 + 19 013 A ... 856 ... 48 228 8-5 6-47 10 13 28 14-651 + 3-4615 + 032 6-47 10 37 45 13-76 18-578 + 20 n 229 8-0 6-47 10 13 31 42335 + 3-5168 + 036 6-47 10 40 24 4o-42 18-463 + 21 ... 230 7'5 6-47 10 13 35 3-203 -f 3-4341 + 029 6-47 10 33 52 36-01 18-346 + 21 231 4-6 6-48 12 13 40 17-156 + 3-4342 + '028 0375 6-48 12 32 33 48 89 - 18-157 + 22 151 A 162 ... 48 232 6-7 6-48 10 13 43 26-702 + 3-4842 + '030 ... 6-48 10 35 13 34-71 18-038 + -a 233 8-0 648 10 13 47 41-205 + 3-4397 + 026 ... 6-48 10 31 15 8-64 - 17-874 + 23 nf 234 7'5 ti-48 10 13 61 34-662 + 3-6013 + 030 6-48 10 34 26 20-92 17-717 +.24 ... 235 76 6-49 10 13 54 42-751 + 3-5547 + 033 6-49 10 36 56 11-72 17-587 + 26 inc.f:t 236 8-6 6-49 11 13 58 19-362 + 3-5880 + '034 6-49 11 38 1031 17-434 + 27 PERTH CATALOGUE, 1905'0. Ho. Mag. Mt'an No. Mate. of UICO+ i Obs. Mean R.A. 1905-0. Annual Precession. 1W05-CI. Secular Variation. 19 5-0. Aunual Proper Motion. Mean Date. 1900 + No. of Oba. Mean Declination. 19050. Annual Precession. 1908-0. Secular Variation. 1905-0. Annual 1'rojier Motion. Remarks. 237 2-3 6-50 11 h. in. a. 14 5-256 8. +3-5566 +'032 1. 0444 6-50 11 Of H 35 54 10-52 it 17-357 // + 26 n 525 A 278 13 238 9-0 (i-51 10 14 5 5-934 +3-6291 + 035 6-51 10 38 44 13-37 17-133 +28 2;) 8-0 0-51 10 14 8 20-380 + 3-5092 +028 6-51 10 31 36 6-85 16-984 +27 240 8-0 651 10 14 11 46-969 +3-6915 + 038 6-51 10 40 25 15-89 16-822 +30 241 9-0 651 10 14 14 23-393 + 3-5621 +029 6-51 10 33 30 26-li 16-698 + 29 > 242 5-0 6-51 10 14 17 10-789 + 3-6840 + 036 0054 6-51 10 39 04 41-38 16-561 +31 040 nf A 760 41 243 7-3 6-51 10 14 20 47-162 +3-5693 + 028 6'51 10 32 49 18-51 16-381 + 30 24 1 8-0 6-51 10 14 23 44-756 +3-G553 + 032 6-51 10 36 36 51-62 16-230 + 32 245 90 6-51 9 14 27 54-234 +3-6533 + 031 6-51 10 35 51 1-36 16-015 +33 246 6-0 6-51 10 14 30 46-071 +3-7532 +036 6-51 10 39 47 47-89 15-863 +34 247 8'5 6-51 10 14 33 55-102 +3-7255 + 033 6.51 10 38 08 29-74 15-993 +34 F 248 4-5 6-51 10 14 37 50-632 +36621 +030 -0067 6'51 10 34 45 53-70 15-476 +35 194 A 605 63 219 6-5 6-52 10 14 41 7-372 + 3-7449 + 033 6-52 10 37 53 22-62 15-293 +36 250 9'2 6-52 10 14 43 57-484 + 3-8144 + .036 6-52 10 40 14 43-91 15-132 + 36 251 8'5 6'52 10 14 46 45-906 +4-6198 +026 6-52 10 31 37 9-85 14-969 +35 252 6-0 6-52 10 14 49 54-667 +3-6092 +028 +0017 6-52 10 33 28 13-01 14-784 +36 012 A 676 16 253 8'8 6-52 10 14 53 18-413 +3-6490 +026 6-52 10 32 09 33-02 14-583 +37 254 9-0 6-53 10 14 57 26-841 +3-7108 +028 6-53 10 34 20 16-22 14-331 +39 nf 255 8-5 6-53 11 15 21-815 + 3-7362 +029 6-53 11 35 2 13-84 14-152 +39 256 8'5 6-53 11 15 4 10-070 + 3-7765 +030 6-53 11 36 11 41-09 13-915 +40 257 8-8 6-36 10 15 7 16-702 + 3-7046 +027 6-36 10 32 58 5-91 13-717 +39 258 8-0 6-36 10 15 11 13-690 +3-7461 +027 6-36 10 34 13 35-59 13-463 +41 259 4-3 6-36 10 15 15 46-486 + 3-8024 +029 0088 6-36 10 35 55 1-13 13-167 +42 091 A 485 42 ... ... 260 7'8 6-36 10 15 19 10-386 + 3-7058 +024 6-36 10 31 49 10-36 12-941 +41 261 7'8 6-29 11 15 22 5-245 + 3-7479 +026 6-29 11 33 12 47-97 12-745 + 43 263 3-0 6-29 11 15 28 48-405 +3-9855 + 033 0032 6-29 11 40 50 51-30 12286 + 46 036 A 365 89 ... 264 8-0 627 10 15 33 56-055 +3-9238 +029 6-27 10 38 24 0-39 11-928 +46 265 8-8 6-27 10 15 37 36 648 +3-8918 +027 6-27 10 37 46-85 11-668 +46 26G 7-0 6-27 10 15 41 6-248 +3-9908 + 029 6-27 10 39 53 51-95 11-419 +48 267 5-4 6-30 11 15 44 55-139 +3-8033 + 024 0021 6-30 11 33 20 17-24 11-143 +46 027 A 136 01 268 6'5 6-30 11 15 50 15-069 + 3-7639 + 022 6-30 11 31 30 29-68 10-752 + 46 269 7-0 6-30 11 15 53 17-935 f 3-8038 + -022 6-30 11 32 44 23-61 10-526 + 47 270 8-7 6-30 10 15 56 34-429 + 3 8741 + -023 6-30 10 34 56 29-39 10-282 + '49 nfof3 271 5-0 6-30 10 1(- 21-071 + 3-9311 + 024 - -0035 6-27 11 36 32 38-69 - 9-996 + '50 038 A 044 44 272 7-5 6-22 11 16 3 48-518 + 3-9025 + 024 6-22 11 35 23 24-50 - 9734 + "50 273 8-0 6-19 10 16 8 13-197 + 4-0404 + 026 6-19 10 39 20 41-61 - 9-394 + '52 ... np 274 7'5 6-28 10 16 11 25954 + 3-9856 + 024 6-28 10 37 31 2-66 - 9-145 + -52 275 8-5 6-38 10 16 15 5-110 + 3-8082 + 019 6-38 10 31 32 5-76 - 8-860 + -50 276 6-0 6-31 11 16 17 35-028 + 4-0474 + 024 + '0042 6-31 11 38 58 16-54 - 8-663 + '54 019 A 046 ... 58 ... 277 90 631 10 16 22 19-587 + 4-1066 + '023 6-31 10 40 21 33-14 8-288 + 54 ... 278 5-4 6-31 10 16 25 10-302 + 3-9134 + -019 0049 6-31 10 34 29 52-03 - 8-060 + '53 026 10 PERTH CATALOGUE, 190/H). No. May. Mcau Date. 19004- No. of Oba. M SS A - '-'"? 60 - 1!K>.VO. Secular Variation. 1905-0. Annual Proj>er Motion. Mean Date 1900 + No. of Ot>8. HMO I'ecliii;it iuii. IMO-0. Aunual Precession. 1906-0. Secular Variiition. 1905-0. Annual Proper Motion. Remarks. 278A 5-4 6-31 10 h. ill. s. 16 25 10-242 8. + 3-9134 8. 4- -019 8. 0049 6-31 10 34 29 52-10 - 8-060 + -53 026 279 8-0 6-31 10 16 29 12-663 + 3-8922 + 018 6-31 10 33 37 2 16 - 7-736 + -52 280 88 6-31 10 Hi 32 14-036 + 3-8514 4- "016 631 10 32 8 33-01 - 7-490 + -52 281 7-0 6-20 10 16 36 7-478 + 4-0093 4- -019 6-20 10 36 53 40-68 - 7-174 + -54 282 8-8 6-10 10 16 40 19-255 + 3-9727 4- -017 6-10 10 35 37 12-24 - 6830 + "55 nF 1383 4-0 5-80 li 16 45 53-910 + 4-0574 4- -018 0030 5-80 6 37 51 21-1)8 - iViiti!) + -56 033 nf A ... 9*3 44 ... 284 7-5 5-92 10 16 48 38-139 4- 4-0757 4- -017 5-92 10 38 15 29-08 0-H2 + 57 285 78 5-95 9 16 52 23-934 + 4-1088 + -017 5-97 11 3!) 1 1945 - 5-827 + -58 286 6-5 6-03 12 16 55 43-930 + 3-8751 4- -013 0037 603 12 32 9-73 - 5-548 + 073 A 888 10-35 287 8-0 5-98 10 16 58 41-077 + 4-1918 + 017 5-98 11 40 58 20-SMi - 5-299 + -59 288 8-8 5-92 10 17 1 49-762 + 3-8762 + -012 5-92 10 31 51 1 SO 5-033 + -55 nf 289 8-0 5-83 10 17 6 33-555 + 3-9248 + -012 5-83 10 33 li 41-72 - 4-633 + -50 290 6-0 5-88 12 17 10 52-736 + 3-9062 + -on 0091 5'88 12 32 33 21-38 - 4-263 + -oti - -C'50 A ... 763 20 291 8-5 573 10 17 15 26-522 4- 3-9993 + -on 5-73 10 35 15 8-86 - 3-874 + -56 292 6-5 573 10 17 18 44-081 4- 3-9798 + 010 5-73 10 34 3(i 2!)-2l - 3-590 4 -57 nf 293 3-4 573 10 17 24 18-203 + 4-0754 + -009 0030 5-73 10 37 13 13-42 - 3-110 4 -59 038 A 137 17 294 8-5 5-73 11 17 27 54-768 4- 4-0572 + '008 5-73 11 3(i 39 681 - 2-797 + -58 295 8-0 573 10 17 30 20-930 + 4-1708 + -008 5-73 10 39 30 27-87 - 2-586 + -oo 296 3-2 575 9 17 35 54-85] 4-4-1480 + -007 0022 5-75 9 38 58 52-75 - 2-103 + -60 026 A 861 88 297 3-4 5-89 12 17 40 56-353 4- 4-1936 + -006 0017 5-89 12 4O 5 25-91 - 1-666 + 01 002 A 329 82 298 8-0 600 11 17 44 48-910 H- 3-9372 + -005 5-94 10 32 57 42-38 - 1-327 + '57 sF 299 8-0 5-84 10 17 49 23-179 4- 3-9047 + -003 584 10 31 56 20-39 0-928 f'W nfof 3 300 8-0 5-91 11 17 53 40-605 4- 3-9534 + -003 5-88 10 33 24 3-48 0552 + '58 301 8-3 6-01 11 17 57 6-896 4- 4-0029 + -002 604 10 34 50 48-91 0-252 + -58 302 8-0 595 10 18 1-954 4- 3-9860 + -002 5-95 10 34 19 21-16 + 0-003 + -58 303 8-0 5-92 11 18 4 0-445 4- 4-0882 + -001 5-92 11 37 14 24-09 + 0-350 + -59 304 7-3 595 10 18 7 34-256 4- 4-1326 000 5-95 10 38 26 1 1 95 + 0-062 + -oo sf 305 3-4 6-01 14 18 11 11-881 + 4-0707 001 0124 601 14 36 47 26-23 + 0-!7i) + -59 163 A ... 904 01 306 7-2 5-84 11 18 14 39-777 + 4-1549 001 ... 6-84 11 39 3 45 53 + 1-282 + -60 307 2-3 6-02 14 18 17 51-952 4- 3-9858 002 0037 5-97 13 34 25 47-38 + 1-561 + -i8 -127 sf A 975 ... 41 308 7-5 6-03 11 18 20 54-675 4- 3-8858 003 ... 6-03 11 31 25 :i'.i r,7 + 1-827 + -.-><; 309 9-0 5-94 11 18 24 45-190 4-4-1994 005 5-99 12 40 18 7-56 + 2-161 + -60 ef 310 5-8 5-99 12 18 27 43-805 4- 3-9369 004 5-99 12 33 5 13-62 + 2-420 + -50 sp 311 8-5 5-99 9 18 31 3-837 4- 3-9221 004 5-99 9 32 41 7-77 + 2-709 + -50 sP 312 7-0 5-89 9 18 33 57-806 4-4-0064 005 5-89 9 35 14 38-01 + 2-960 + 57 sp 313 5-6 6-10 14 18 37 15-924 4-4-1183 007 0029 6-07 13 38 24 54-07 + 3-245 + '59 053 A 886 ... 45 314 67 5-94 11 18 41 6-094 4- 4-1959 - 009 5-94 11 40 30 27-16 + 3-576 + -59 316 M 6-02 11 18 44 5-098 4- 4-0583 007 6-02 11 36 55 23-71! + 3-832 + 57 316 8-0 6-15 10 18 48 3-627 4- 4-1569 010 6-15 10 39 40 45-28 + 4-174 + -59 at 317 5-6 6-12 13 18 52 18-893 + 4-0617 010 -0154 6-12 13 37 13 53-84 + 4-536 + 58 -102 A 862 88 11 PERTH CATALOGUE, 1905'0. No. Mag. Mean Date. 1900 + No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1905-0. Annual Precession. 1905-0. Secular Variation. 1905-0. Annual Proper Motiou. Mean Date. 1900 + No. of Oba. Mean Declination. 1905-0. Annual Precession. 1905-0. j Secular Annual Variation. 1 Proper 1905-0. , Motion. Remarks. h. in. S. S. 3. S. o ' // // // 318 8-0 6-05 10 18 56 16-817 + 3-8537 -008 6-05 10 31 4 22-87 + 4-874 + '54 319 8-2 5-94 11 18 59 13-634 + 3-8972 ; -009 5-94 11 32 32 58-87 + 5-123 + -54 320 4-0 6-09 12 19 3 0-603 + 4-0793 012 + -0053 6-09 12 38 3 10-28 + 5-443 + '57 111 A 580 18 321 8-0 5-98 10 19 6 14-213 + 3-9114 on 5-98 10 33 13 14-14 + 5-713 + '54 322 8-0 6-12 9 19 9 2-331 + 3-9180 012 6-09 10 34 27 2-41 + 5-947 + -54 sp 323 6-0 6-02 9 19 13 22-316 + 3-9805 013 599 10 35 35 40-33 + 6-308 + 55 324 4-0 6-11 14 19 17 18-311 + 4-1609 017 + -0011 6-09 15 40 47 42-19 + 6-634 + '57 120 A 315 41-97 325 9-0 6-04 9 19 21 13-721 + 3-9919 014 6-04 9 36 15 41-02 4- 6-957 4- -54 nf 326 8'5 5-91 10 19 24 16-364 + 4-0540 -016 5-91 10 38 12 11-33 4- 7-206 + -54 sf 327 8-5 6-04 9 19 27 34-170 + 4-0093 016 6-01 10 37 4 6-03 4- 7-474 + -53 328 8-0 5-94 Q 19 30 42-634 + 4-1055 019 5-92 10 39 57 11-17 + 7-729 + 54 329 7-7 5-94 9 19 33 59781 -f 3-8332 014 5-92 10 31 49 33-54 + 7-993 + -50 npof i 330 7-0 5-94 9 19 37 13-027 + 3-8900 015 5'92 10 33 52 12-91 4- 8-250 4 -51 331 5-6 6-04 12 19 39 57-593 + 3-8335 015 0029 6-02 13 32 8 17-33 4-8-469 + '50 035 A 588 60 332 8-8 6-02 10 19 44 6-162 + 3-9103 -017 6-02 10 34 54 8-26 + 8-795 + -50 333 8-0 5-92 10 19 47 54-869 + 3-9452 019 5-92 10 36 13 56-42 + 9-094 + -50 334 7'9 5-92 10 19 50 27-404 + 3-9766 021 5-92 10 37 21 28-13 + 9-291 + 51 335 4-5 6-00 11 19 53 33-248 + 3-9122 020 0018 6-06 12 35 32 0-95 + 9-530 + -50 038 A 252 61 336 5-0 5-82 10 19 57 14-853 + 3-9896 023 5-83 9 38 12 13-93 4- 9-814 + 50 337 8-6 6-04 10 20 55-442 + 4-0286 025 6-04 10 39 37 31-03 + 10-092 + 51 np 338 8-0 6-14 10 20 4 14-411 + 3-7725 - '018 6-14 10 31 26 38-54 + 10-342 + 46 339 8-7 6-08 9 20 6 59-027 + 3-8114 019 6-18 9 33 1 39-23 + 10-547 + 46 340 7-8 6-07 9 20 10 51-317 + 3-7999 -019 6-07 9 32 54 1'07 + 10-837 + 46 nP 341 6'8 5-96 9 20 14 9-306 + 3-8491 021 5-94 10 34 52 55-98 + 11-075 + '46 .342 7-0 5-86 8 20 16 53-691 + 3-8660 023 5-84 10 35 40 49-43 4- 11-275 + 46 343 7'5 575 9 20 20 58'517 + 3 8673 023 5-75 10 36 3 36-66 4- 11-567 + 46 344 8-8 575 7 20 23 35-040 + 4-0034 029 5-75 9 40 41 25-51 + 11-753 + 46 345 8-5 5-85 9 20 26 17-201 + 3-8864 024 5-84 10 37 10 30-13 + 11-944 + 45 346