r Aomc, urn, AGRIC. DEPT, UNITED STATES IRRIGATION SURVEY ABSTRACT OF FIRST ANNUAL REPORT 1888-1889. The area of the arid region is about 1,300,000 square miles one- third of the entire country. I judge that of this area there can be economically reclaimed, by irrigation, within the present generation, at least 150,000 square miles an empire one-half as large as the entire area now cultivated in the United States. Irrigated, this land would be worth not less than $30 an acre, adding $2,880,000,000 to the wealth of the nation. In expending the $100,000 appropriated by Congress on October 2, 1888, and a portion of the $250,000 appropriated on March 2, 1889, I have interpreted the law not as authorizing the construction of works of irrigation, but only as directing a comprehensive investi- gation of prevailing conditions: the whereabouts of irrigable land most eligible for redemption and its segregation for homestead settle- ment; the amount of available water; the location of reservoir sites and canal sites; the seepage; the evaporation; the vested rights, and how to maintain them; and, generally, the most economical method of bringing the land and the water together. To this end I have proceeded to expend the money in such a way as to obtain the information required in the shortest time. The topographic work for making the necessary maps was placed in charge of Prof. A. H. Thompson ; the engineering and hydraulic work in charge of Capt. C. E. Dutton. Work was begun in October, 1888, and carried on during 1888 and 1889 in Montana, Idaho, Nevada, California, Utah, New Mexico, and Colorado. The topographic work consisted of surveys delineating the topo- graphic features of the country; the areas of all drainage basins; the courses of streams; the situation of lakes, springs, and other bodies of water; the positions of possible reservoir sites; the location of dams and canal lines, and the altitude, position, and general charac- ter of all irrigable lands. The hydraulic and engineering work consisted of the measurement of rain-fall and the study of general meteorology; measurement of river flow, evaporation, and matter carried in suspension by water; the ascertainment of the duty of water, and the determination of the VII 31031 VIII UNITED STATES IRRIGATION SURVEY. mode and cost of construction of dams and canals, and of the areas and contents of reservoirs. Following is a tabular summary of work done during the fiscal year: Table of work during the fiscal year. States. Area mapped. Area surveyed. 1888. 1889. Total. Scale field work. Contour interval. Square miles sur- veyed. California Sq. miles. 1,580 13,000 Sq. miles. 3,268 10,200 1,900 1,670 2,570 1,642 Sq. miles. 4,848 23,200 1,900 5,270 6,370 1,892 1 inch to 1 mile . . ....do Feet. 100 (50 120 1,466 12,650 Colorado . Idaho Montana . . 3,600 3,800 250 1 inch to 2 miles. 1 inch to 1 mile. .. ....do 200 J100 1 50 100 3.60C 3,800 250 New Mexico Nevada Total 22,230 21,250 43,480 21,766 Expenditures from October 3, 1888, to June 30, 1889 $172, 171. 83 Cost per square mile 3.95 Reservoir sites and canal sites located. Reservoir sites. Canal sites. Selected for segre- gation. Sur- veyed. Sur- veyed. Number. Area in sq. miles. Montana 61 16 25 10 15 1,762 252+ 185* 75+ 399+ 10 12 10 3 i California Colorado . Utah New Mexico ... 1 1 Nevada Total 127 2,673} 34 4 Total segregations of irrigable lands. Acres. Snake River Basin n, 057, 360 Bear Eiver 2, 085, 320 Upper Missouri and Yellowstone 11, 133, 440 Owens River Valley 519, 000 Rio Grande Valley 5, 760, 000 Total 30, 565, 120 The maps referred to in this report are borne in Part I the Annual Report of the U. S. Geological Survey. J. W. POWELL, Director. IRRIGATION SURVEY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. BY J. W. POWELL, DIRECTOR. ORIGIN OF THE IRRIGATION SURVEY. In making this the first report of the operations of the Irri- gation Survey it seems proper to give a brief history of its origin by Congressional enactment. In response to Senate resolution of February 13, 1888, re- lating to the segregation of lands of the public domain capable of irrigation in sections of the United States where irrigation is required, and to places to be reserved for reservoirs and rights of way for ditches and canals, the following letters were transmitted : DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Washington, March 31, 1888. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of a resolution of the Senate passed on the 13th of February, 1888, of which the following is a copy: Resolved, That the Secretary of the Interior be requested to inform the Senate if, in his opinion, it is desirable to authorize the organization in his Department known as the Geological Survey to segregate lands of the public domain capable of irriga- tion in the sections of the United States where irrigation is required from other lands, and to lay out suitable places to be reserved for reservoirs, and rights of way for ditches and canals, for the purposes of irrigation. And in response thereto to transmit a copy of a communication from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under date of February 20, to whom the matter was referred, and a copy of a com- munication from the Director of the Geological Survey, under date of March 13, to whom the matter was also referred, expressing the views of those officers upon the subject. And, further, to say that it has been hitherto impossible for me to secure a sufficient opportunity for examination and study to authorize me to comply with the direction of the resolution for an expression of opinion beyond what is here submitted, although, in obedience to 10 GEOL., PT. 2 1 1 Z IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. that direction, I have sought to qualify myself in some measure, how- ever imperfectly, to comply with it. It appears from the communi- cation of the Director, as, indeed, must readily occur to intelligent reflection, that the subject involves vast areas of territory, manifold public and private interests, and far-reaching considerations touch- ing results and costs; and also that each separate instance of contem- plated action involves peculiar and special inquiries and determina- tions, so that, although the general desirability of so comprehensive and effective a system of irrigation as Government alone can insti- tute and carry to completion may be readily affirmed, a particular designation of what lands may be segregated and what means may be employed to accomplish any result must be the fruit of distinct and particular inquiry in each case. It is believed to be possible, by an undertaking on a scale of ade- quate grandeur, to seize the waters of the Missouri and its tributa- ries at a proper distance from their sources, and not only to apply them to the reclamation of arid lands in the upper region, but there- by also to benefit the agricultural territories adjacent to its lower currents, and even to mitigate the severity of the effects of the floods of the Mississippi upon the agricultural lands of its borders. Or some lesser river may be restrained of its natural flow and its waters applied only to the advantage of the desert wastes lying in the par- ticular valley through which it runs. Since the adoption of the fore- going resolution, and probably from a contemplation of these con- siderations, a joint resolution has been passed and approved, directing this Department, "by means of the Director of the Geological Sur- vey " to make an examination of that portion of the arid regions of the United States where agriculture is carried on by means of irrigation, as to the natural advantages for the storage of water for irrigating purposes, with the practicability of construct- ing reservoirs, together with the capacity of the streams and the cost of construc- tion and capacity of reservoirs, and such other facts as bear on the question of stor- age of water for irrigating purposes. And another resolution has been adopted by the Senate directing this Department to report what appropriation may be necessary to enable the examination so directed to be made, and also to classify the public lands and furnish a map or maps showing the various divis- ions of the public domain suitable for agricultural, mineral and other purposes, and particularly to s?gregate the lands susceptible of irrigation, where irrigation is required, from other lands, and designating places for reservoirs, canals and other hydraulic works. In accordance with the latter . resolution a careful estimation of the appropriation which may be deemed necessary is in progress, and will be submitted at the earliest practicable date to the Senate in obedience thereto. When the products of this inquiry shall be at command, it may be anticipated that there will be disclosed a proper opportunity for an ORIGIN OF THE IRRIGATION SURVEY. experimental attempt to establish in some region of the country such a system of storage of water supply and of canals and other con- duits for irrigation as shall afford a practical solution of the merits and advantages of governmental interposition of this nature. With- out such particular information it seems to be obvious that nothing can be advantageously ventured in the way of opinion, tit least in any useful detail; and I respectfully request the acceptance of the accompanying communications as a discharge of the obligation of the resolution of the Senate. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, WM. F. VILAS, Secretary. Hon. JOHN J. INGALLS, President pro tempore of the Senate. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Washington, D. C., February 20, 1888. SIR : I am in receipt of Senate resolution of February 13, 1888, re- questing the honorable Secretary of the Interior to inform the Senate if, in his opinion, it is desirable to authorize the organization in his Department known as the Geological Survey to segregate lands of the public domain capable of irrigation in the sections of the United States where irrigation is required, from other lands, and to lay out suitable places to be reserved for reservoirs and rights of way for ditches and canals, for the purposes of irrigation. Said resolution was, on February 14, 1888, referred to this office, for report in dupli- cate arid return of papers, by Hon. D. L. Hawkins, Assistant Secre- tary. At present I am not fully informed as to the extent and exact loca- tions of all lands the survey and segregation of which is contemplated by the resolution, nor have I definite means of ascertaining the ex- pense attendant on such work, nor do I suppose that accurate infor- mation could be obtained as to these matters in time for the action of Congress at the present session. Whilst it may be desirable that legislation of the character contemplated by the resolution should be had in the future, at the present I am unable to see any urgent neces- sity for it. Very respectfully, S. M. STOCKSLAGER, Acting Commissioner. Hon. WM. F. VILAS, Secretary of the Interior, 4 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Washington, D. C., March 13, 1888. SIR : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, by reference of the Hon. D. L. Hawkins, Assistant Secretary, of the following reso- lution : IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, February 13, 1888. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Interior be requested to inform the Senate if, in his opinion, it is desirable to authorize the organization in his Department known as the Geological Survey to segregate lands of the public domain capable of irriga- tion in the sections of the United States where irrigation is required, from other lands, and to lay out suitable places to be reserved for reservoirs, and rights of way for ditches and canals, for the purposes of irrigation. Attest : ANSON G. McCooK, Secretary. * The above resolution was indorsed as follows : Respectfully referred to Director of Geological Survey for early report, in dupli- cate, with such information as is in possession of his Bureau, and return of the papers. In compliance with these instructions, I have the honor to submit the following statement : Ten years ago a " Report on the Lands of the Arid Region " was submitted to the Commissioner of Public Lands by myself, which report was illustrated by specific data in regard to the lands of Utah. The conclusions therein set forth have not been materially modified by the developments of the last ten years, although during this time agriculture has been greatly extended in the arid region, and the industrial problems involved have been seriously attacked by the State governments of Colorado and California. The region in which agriculture depends on irrigation includes about four-tenths of the entire area of the United States, not includ- ing Alaska. Much of this region is mountainous, and there are ex- tensive districts through which streams flow only in deep gorges, whence they can not be raised for purposes of agriculture. In the more level districts the supply of water is so limited that only a small percentage of the land can be irrigated ; and it is in general true that there is a wide range for choice as to the particular tract or tracts of land to which the waters of the several streams may be delivered. At the present time the greater number of the small streams are utilized for irrigation, so far as is possible, without the storage of water ; that is to say, the ordinary flow of water of the smaller streams during the season of growing crops is diverted by canals from the natural channels and served to the land. The future development of irrigation chiefly depends : First. On the utilization of the larger streams. These have here- ORIGIN OF THE IRRIGATION SURVEY. 5 tofore been largely unused from the fact that great capital or exten- sive cooperative industry is required. Second. On the construction of storage basins. In most portions of the United States the season of growing crops is short compared with the entire year, and the greater part of the irrigation works heretofore constructed utilize the water only through the growing season, and the extra-seasonal water is allowed to run to waste. Third. On the construction of storm- water reservoirs. Throughout the irrigable area of the arid region there are great numbers of small catchment basins through which no perennial waters flow, but within which the storm-waters may be gathered and stored in reservoirs, to be utilized in the season of growing crops. Fourth. On controlling the entire flow of the smaller streams through the irrigating season. A portion of these waters now runs to waste. The increase of irrigation by the fourth method depends upon a better selection of sites for head works, and on better methods of con- struction, and on better canal systems, and the subject needs no further mention here. In the third method of increasing the area of irrigation, by the use of storm-water reservoirs, it must be noticed that every catchment area must necessarily be small and the reservoir comparatively small. The area drained must be correspondingly small. These enterprises, therefore, are severally of no great magnitude ; they require the ownership or joint control of but small areas of land. The works to be constructed are comparatively inexpensive, and they may there- fore be relegated to individual enterprise, cooperative enterprise, or corporate enterprise. The utilization of the extra-seasonal water of perennial streams can be effected only by the aid of storage reservoirs, and it will be found economic to construct such in great numbers throughout the region, and the acreage of farming land will be vastly increased thereby. There are a few favored valleys lying at the foot of very high mount- ains which receive water from the melting snows on the mountains at a season when it can be utilized for agriculture, but in most localities the snows melt too arly, and their unstored water flows by as waste. In such cases the waste water is many times greater than the water flowing during the farming season, and its storage will corre- spondingly increase the amount available for agriculture. A great development of irrigation will come from the use of the large streams, and for this cooperative labor or capital is necessary. Such streams can be economically controlled only for the irrigation of large bodies of land, and their handling has been retarded by the fact that the statutes do not provide for large holdings. It is recognized as important that the title to water shall vest in that land to which under the most economical distribution for agri- 6 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. cultural purposes it belongs. It is necessary that the holders of the land shall combine for the construction of headworks and canals. But the individual can not afford to secure title to a small holding without the assurance of ability to irrigate it, and he can not irrigate but by combining with others. Hence it is that the utilization of the large streams by owners of small tracts must wait until large num- bers of the holders of small tracts can be induced to settle simulta- neously upon the lands to be irrigated, and be further induced to engage in the corporate or cooperative enterprise necessary to con- struct great headworks a*nd canals. In view of these difficulties, special provisions appear to-be necessary. The determination of the particular tracts of land to be irrigated, either from great reservoirs or by the utilization of great streams, is controlled by several important considerations. Within the range of country to which it is physically possible to convey the water of a stream, some tracts are more favored in respect to climate, others in respect to soil, others in respect to economy in the construction and maintenance of headworks and canals, others in the conserva- tion of water from evaporation and from seepage in canals, and others in respect to facilities of transportation. It is also necessary, in order to preserve the proper amount of land for irrigation, to determine in each case the maximum amount of water which can be economically served by the aid of storage reser- voirs and the utilization of great streams, and the minimum allow- ance which, with the particular climate and soil, will serve a unit of land. The selection of tracts, therefore, demands wise discrimina- tion, and can not be advantageously accomplished under the system of contract surveys. It is undoubtedly true that the greater the delay in the selection of areas for irrigation and of sites for irrigation headworks the greater will be the knowledge which can be brought to bear in making wise selections ; but it is also true that the greater the delay the more complex becomes the practical problem by reason of the inter- ference of vested rights. The difficulties arising from vested rights far outweigh, in my judgment, all considerations in favor of delay, and there is even ground for regret that such surveys and selections as are now proposed were not instituted at an earlier stage in the de- velopment of the arid region. The obstructing vested rigltts may be considered as agricultural and non-agricultural. Obstructing agricultural rights arise in con- nection with irrigation by the water of small streams. It frequently occurs that a comprehensive system of irrigation in the basin of a river a system adjusted to the utilization of the water to its greatest extent will spread the water of the main stream over lower land and the water of smaller tributaries over higher land; but as in the unsystematic development of irrigation the small streams are first ORIGIN OF THE IRRIGATION SURVEY. 7 utilized, their water is often applied to the lower land, and the water rights and land rights thus established obstruct the institution of the best general system. Obstructing non-agricultural vested rights are largely those of pasturage, mining and transportation ; and these obstruct chiefly the sites for reservoirs and other headworks, including trunk canals. The range of choice for the selection of irrigation areas is usually so great that such preoccupation as arises in connection with mining and transportation industries does not occasion serious interference. Preoccupation of arable land for purposes of pasturage does not ob- struct the development of irrigation, because the bringing of land under irrigation canals so greatly enhances its value that pasturage yields at once to agriculture. Obstruction through the industry of pasturage arises chiefly from the location of stock ranges on sites suitable for storage reservoirs. The development of the agriculture of the arid region is of national importance in itself. From the fact that the area in which irrigation is necessary is so great, the total area to be irrigated will be great ; again, the gold and silver product of the region will increase when mining ceases to be handicapped by expensive subsistence. The development of irrigation along the base of the Rocky Mount- ains is of double importance because of its influence on the agricult- ure of the Lower Mississippi. To store up the water of the Missouri and its main affluents for the purpose of irrigation is to diminish the volume of that flood of the Lower Mississippi which is most destruc- tive by reason of its occurring in the heart of the farming season. Moreover, the great difficulty of the problem of the Lower Missis- sippi arises from the fact that the river normally makes a deposit there, thus clogging its course and giving to its channel an unstable position. The principal source of the sediment is the Missouri River, and it is carried forward chiefly during flood. With abolition of great Missouri floods the sedimentary load of the Lower Mississippi would be diminished, and the scouring power of the less-loaded floods from the Ohio and the Upper Mississippi would establish for the Lower Mississippi a lower grade and a deeper channel. For every acre reclaimed to agriculture in Montana another acre will be re- claimed in Louisiana ; and, in general, all lands redeemed by irriga- tion on the Great Plains will be equaled by the lands redeemed from floods in the great valley of the Lower Mississippi. The topographic work of the Geological Survey in the arid regions has from the first been executed with a view to the problems of irri- gation, and if such authority as is contemplated by the resolution shall be given to the Survey, the maps now completed and in prep- aration will serve as a basis for the special work required in respect to irrigation. It will be necessary in addition to make local surveys for the selection of sites for reservoirs, canals, etc., and of irrigation 8 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. areas. It will be necessary also to gauge a certain number of repre- sentative streams at all seasons of the year, so as to ascertain their total discharge and its seasonal distribution, and also to gauge a greater number of streams at certain seasons determined to be critical. The district for which the fundamental topographic work has already been accomplished amounts to 120,000 square miles, about 10 per cent, of the entire arid region. The geographic surveys by earlier organizations, covering 405,000 square miles, were made with less detail and less reference to the problems of irrigation, but they will serve the purpose of a reconnaissance. In extending the geographic work of the Geological Survey over the portion of the arid region not yet covered by it, it will be eco- nomical to give to the topographic work a special adjustment in the 'interest of irrigation. The Senate resolution and other papers are returned herewith. I am, with great respect, your obedient servant, J. W. POWELL, Director. The SECRETARY OP THE INTERIOR. In response to Senate resolution of March 27, 1888, relative to reservoirs for the storage of water in the arid region of the United States, the following letters were transmitted : DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, Washington, May 11, 1888. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a resolution of the Senate dated March 27, 1888, as follows: Resolved, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to report to the Senate what appropriation is necessary to enable the United States Geological Sur- vey to carry into effect the joint resolution " Directing the Secretary of the Interior, by means of the Geological Survey, to investigate the practicability of construct- ing reservoirs for the storage of water in the arid region of the United States, and to report to Congress," approved March 20, 1888, and the several acts of Congress requiring such Geological Survey, under the direction of the Secretary of the In- terior, to classify the public lands and furnish a map or maps showing the various divisions of the public domain suitable for agricultural, mineral and other purposes; and particularly to segregate the lands susceptible of irrigation, where irrigation is required, from other lands, and designating places for reservoirs, canals, and other hydraulic works. In response thereto I transmit herewith a report from the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey embodying his views as to the method of conducting the required investigation, and recommending that an appropriation of $250,000 be made for the purpose. I have no ORGANIZATION OF THE IRRIGATION SURVEY. 9 means to make any estimate other than the considerations presented by the Director. The examinations and study made by him have necessarily caused a delay in making- response to the resolution, which has been due to no other reason. Very respectfully, WM. F. VILAS, Secretary. The PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Washington, D. C., May 3, 1888. SIR: On the 27th of March, 1888, the following resolution of the United States Senate was transmitted by Anson G. McCook, Secre- tary of the Senate, to the Secretary of the Interior: IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, March 27, 1888. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to report to the Senate what appropriation is necessary to enable the United States Geological Sur- vey to carry into effect the joint resolution " Directing the Secretary of the Interior by means of the Geological Survey to investigate the practicability of constructing reservoirs for the storage of water in the arid region of the United States and to re- port to Congress," approved March 20, 1888, and the several acts of Congress requir- ing such Geological Survey, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to classify the public lands and furnish a map or maps showing the various divisions of the public domain suitable for agricultural, mineral and other purposes: and particularly to segregate the lands susceptible of irrigation, where irrigation is re- quired, from other lands, and designating places for reservoirs, canals, and other hydraulic works. Attest: ANSON G. McCooK, Secretary. On the 29th day of March this resolution was referred to the Direc- tor of the Geological Survey with the following indorsement: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, March 29, 1888. Respectfully referred to the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey for report. WM. F. VILAS, Secretary. In reply I have the honor to submit the following statement: The portion of the United States in which agriculture will be car- ried on only by the aid of irrigation may be broadly designated as that portion lying west of the one-hundredth meridian. Certain lands contiguous to rivers can be advantageously irrigated several degrees east of that line; and somewhat west of that line there are high plain lands to which it will not be economic to convey water, 10 IREIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. lout which, will nevertheless afford a moderate return to cultivation. In the western part of Oregon and the greater part of Washington agricultural lands do not require irrigation, and there are a few other exceptional spots. The extent of the region in which agricult- ure depends on irrigation is about 1,300,000 square miles. In the same region there are also great areas of mineral lands, tim- ber lands and pasturage lands still belonging to the public domain. The general survey, topographic and geologic, to serve as a basis for the classification of these lands, is being made by the Geolog- ical Survey with such rate of progress as appropriations permit, due consideration being had for the interests and requirements of the remaining portion of the United States to which the work of the organization has been extended by statute. The topographic work includes the indication of forested areas, and the geologic work includes the indication of mineral lands, but the discrimina- tion of irrigable from pasturage lands requires such careful con- sideration of details that special local surveys are needed for this purpose. There are certain streams which furnish more water than is needed by the lands to which they can be made tributary, and these offer relatively simple problems. Those of a second class can supply with irrigation water only a fraction of the available land, and the par- ticular land must be selected through the weighing of considera- tions somewhat numerous and varied. In the third class, by far the most numerous and important, part of the land available for one stream is also available for other streams, so that a wise selection can be made only by considering a group of streams conjointly. To determine for a given stream, or for a given group of streams treated collectively, first, the maximum area of farming land and its most advantageous selection; second, the best selection of sites for reservoirs and their proper size; and, third, the best system of head- works and canals, there are three general requisites, as follows: (a) The construction of an accurate topographic map, with grade curves at such intervals as will properly represent the configuration of the ground. (6) The determination of the total annual discharge of water from the catchment basin, or where there are more than one from each catchment basin, and the distribution through the year of that dis- charge. (c) An examination of the soils in the area from which, under existing topographic conditions, the selection of land for irrigation must be made. For the solution of the practical problems that must arise in the progress of the work thus indicated, a large body of general knowl- edge is necessary, a part of which is contained in existing records. Irrigation has been practiced for many centuries in Europe, Asia, ORGANIZATION OF THE IRRIGATION SURVEY. 11 Africa and America, and has been made the subject of elaborate scientific investigation, so that the literature of the subject consti- tutes a large library. A second body of knowledge must be derived by the collation of the experience of irrigators and irrigation engi- neers in our own arid region, an experience for the most part not recorded in print. A third body of information, local as compared with foreign data, but general when considered with reference to individual streams, must be derived by direct observation and experimentation in various parts of our arid region. Some of the categories of this general knowledge may be indicated in the follow- ing manner: (1) The rate of evaporation from the surface of water in reservoirs, canals, etc. , should be determined for the different districts of the arid region and for different months. (2) The rate of seepage from reservoirs and canals must be investi- gated, as well as the means by which and the extent to which it can be diminished. These factors vary greatly with different soils and with water from different sources, and can be best determined by the collation of experience, with some supplementary experimenta- tion on existing irrigation works. (3) The clogging of reservoirs with detritus by the streams must be investigated. It is already known that the most diverse results have been experienced with different streams, and the laws of stream action on which this diversity depends need to be developed, so as to permit their general application to the problem of the selection of reservoir sites. (4) Experience must be collated with reference to the agricultural results obtained with irrigation from the various soils and with crops of different kinds. (5) The " duty of water," or the area of land which maybe served by a unit of water, must be determined for the various soils and crops and for the various climates involved. Under this head must be considered also the subterranean return of part of the irrigation water to the drainage channel, and its redi version at lower levels. (6) Consideration must be given to the washing of surplus salts from alkaline lands, as well as to the tendency to the injurious accu- mulation of salts in irrigated lands and the means for its preven- tion. (7) In the case of long streams flowing past bodies of arable land affected by different climates, the peculiarities of climate, with especial reference to frost, must be determined. (8) Experience must be collated with reference to the cost of con- struction and maintenance of reservoirs and other head-works and of canals. The experience of other lands is but partially applicable, because the cost in every case must depend upon the value of labor and the nature of the available materials. 12 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. (9) Statistics must be gathered as to the value of irrigation lands and the changes in such value depending on progressive increase in population, transportation facilities, etc. (10) Vested rights must be considered. Thus it is that in the selection of sites and locations for the dams, reservoirs, canals and irrigation areas, constituting together an irri- gation system, account must be taken of the total volume of water susceptible of storage, of the loss through evaporation and seepage in reservoirs and canals, of the local duty of water, of the value of the redeemed land for the growth of the crops adapted to the climate and soil, of the expense for construction of irrigation works and the interest on the same, of the expense of their maintenance, of the de- terioration of reservoirs by clogging with debris, and of vested rights if any exist; and all these must be considered in connection with the topographic configuration. In view of these various considerations, and also of the importance to the agriculture of the arid region of immediate results, it is deemed desirable to organize the work, first, by undertaking immediately the local investigation of a number of drainage districts in different parts of the country where different conditions prevail; and second, by in- stituting a general inquiry and a general system of observations for the acquirement of the information demanded by the practical prob- lems. The local work for each irrigation district will consist, first, of the preparation of a topographic map with the necessary detail; second, of the examination of physical features in reference to the storage of water, and the estimation of cost and capacity of reservoirs at one or more sites; third, of the classification of the soils within the area to which the water may be diverted; and fourth, of the measurement of the water supply. The most important of these, and the one which will involve the greater part of the expense, is the construction of the map; but the measurement of the water should be begun as early as possible for the reason that the observations of at least two years are needed as groundwork for determining the extent of irrigable land and the general magnitude of the irrigation system. After the first year, gauging stations should be established in advance of other ele- ments of local survey. At each station the rate of discharge for various water stages should be determined by measurement, and the stage of water observed daily or at short intervals during the year. To acquire the necessary general knowledge a study should be made of the existing irrigation of the various districts of the country, atten- tion being given to methods, costs, values, and agricultural results; and there should also be instituted at various selected points series of ob- servations on evaporations. With reference to the amount of money that should be appropriated to the proposed work, it is proper to take account of the magnitude ORGANIZATION OF THE IRRIGATION SURVEY. 13 and national importance of the agricultural industry to be based on irrigation, and also of the economic loss entailed by delay. As estimated above, the area of the arid region is about 1,300,000 square miles. Of this, about one-fifth is too rugged or too elevated to admit of cultivation under any condition of agriculture likely to arise for a century to come. A smaller fraction consists of playas, or drainless desert plains, so flat that it is impossible to wash the salts from their soils. There remain about 1,000,000 square miles of land which need only water to be rendered productive. At the minimum price of public land, $1.25 per acre, a price greater than its value for pasturage, this land has a valuation of $800,000,000 ; at $30 per acre, a moderate estimate of its value when irrigated, it would be worth $19,200,000,000. For the irrigation of this area we have the annual precipitation on 1,300, 000 square miles of mountain, valley, and plain. This ranges from 5 inches or less on the dryest plains to 30 inches on the mountains, and even 75 or 100 inches on the highest peaks, and the average for the whole region is not far from 15 inches. If all this could be applied to the land suited by configuration for cultivation, it would afford about 20 inches of water annually for the whole area, or nearly double the amount which need be applied to crops during the growing season. The water which falls in the arid region would there- fore fully meet the agricultural needs if only it could be stored until the proper season and then conveyed to the proper land. Unfortu- nately, many causes conspire to render impossible the full realiza- tion of so desirable a result. Of the precipitation, which has the form of snow, a large fraction is returned to the air by evaporation without going through the process of melting. Of that which falls as rain a large part is received by the soil and evaporated from it without gathering in streams, and the only portion of such unconcentrated rain-fall serviceable for agriculture is that which falls on the farming land during the growing season. Of the water from rain and melted snow which gathers in channels and forms streams, only a portion has such relation to arable land that it can be utilized; the remainder flows too low, or at such distance from the land as to be beyond the economic limits of conveyance. Moreover, a comparatively small portion of the stream water is furnished during the farming season, and that which must be stored in reservoirs in order to utilize it necessarily suffers material loss by evaporation. Under such adverse conditions it is manifest that only a small por- tion of the rain-fall of the region can be made to serve the farmer, and that there is no solid foundation for the opinion sometimes expressed that the greater part of our arid West will ultimately be reclaimed. In 1880 less than 1 per cent, of its arable portion had been supplied with irrigation water, and it is believed that with the most elaborate irrigation works this can not be increased to more than 20 per cent. On the other hand, an estimate based on such data as are available 14 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. leads to the anticipation that when all the larger streams have been brought under control and the storage of water has been carried as far as it may be economically there will be redeemed about 15 per cent of the region, or 150,000 square miles, comprising an area which exceeds one-half of the land now cultivated in the United States. At $30 per acre this will add $2,880,000,000 to the wealth of the nation. The establishment of a general system of irrigation on a compre- hensive plan is of immediate importance, because the agriculture of the arid region, now in its infancy, is rapidly developing, and its de- velopment without suitable regulation constantly involves the use of temporary plans which interfere with and obstruct the adoption of those necessary to the fullest utilization of resources. The most im- portant cases of interference are those in which a large stream trav- ersing the center of a valley receives small affluents from the lateral slopes. It is matter of experience that when irrigation is commenced without regulation the small streams, being most readily controlled, are first utilized, and their water is conveyed to low-lying land ad- jacent to the stream. In a comprehensive system this land is served by the water of the large stream, and the water of the small streams is used on higher-lying land, to which that of the large can not economically be conveyed. But the utilization of the small streams in connection with the low lands creates vested rights which stand in the way of subsequent regulation in the interest of the entire district. In view of the magnitude of the interests involved, and of the great loss entailed By delay, the surveys necessary as a basis for the establishment of a comprehensive system of irrigation should be pushed with all the rapidity consistent with economy in their con- duct. The Geological Survey is prepared by its organization and equipments, and by the special training of many of its engineers, to begin this work efficiently on a limited scale; but if the scale were made too great for the first year due economy could not be secured. Impelled by these considerations I respectfully recommend that an appropriation of $250,000 be made for the first year's work, and would suggest the following clause for the appropriation bill: For the purpose of investigating the extent to which the arid region of the United States can be redeemed by irrigation, and the segregation of the irrigable lands in such arid region, and for the selection of sites for reservoirs and other hydraulic works necessary for the storage and utilization of water for irrigation, and to make the necessary maps, including the pay of employes in field and in office, the cost of all instruments, apparatus and materials, and all other necessary expenses con- nected therewith, the work to be performed by the Geological Survey, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, the sum of two hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars-. I am, with great respect, your obedient servant, J. W. POWELL, Director. The SECRETARY OP THE INTERIOR., PRELIMINARY EEPOET. 15 In pursuance of law the following preliminary report of the Director of the Geological Survey on the subject of irri- gation was transmitted to Congress : DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Washington, January 2, 1889. SIR : In pursuance of the requirements of the act making appro- priations ' ' for the sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1889, and for other purposes," approved October 2, 1888, I have the honor herewith to transmit, to be laid before Congress, a report of the Director of the Geological Survey on the organization and prosecution of the survey of the arid lands for purposes of irrigation, and also his letter of transmittal, in which is submitted an estimate for the continuance of the work, which, with my approval, has been duly transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury, as required by law. In the last annual report of this Department to the President, which has already been laid before the Congress, I had the honor to submit briefly the expression of my opinion of the desirability and impor- tance of prosecuting the investigating surveys begun under the ap- propriation in the act referred to, and I think the facts exhibited by the report now presented lend additional sanction to the suggestions then made. I beg leave to earnestly recommend favorable action, with a view to the early development of a scientific system of irri- gation and wise legislation for the utilization of the desert lands. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, WM. F. VILAS, Secretary. The PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE SENATE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Washington, D. C., December 31, 1888. SIR: In compliance with instructions I have the honor to submit herewith a report of the progress made in organizing and prosecut- ing the survey of the arid lands provided for by the act of Congress approved October 2, 1888. The work has now been developed to such an extent by operations in the field that an intelligent estimate can be made of the appropria- tions which can be used with economy and efficiency in the prosecu- tion of the work for another fiscal year. In this connection it may be proper to consider the vast importance of the work to the development of the agricultural industries of the West. It will be remembered that about two-fifths of the whole area 16 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. of the United States, exclusive of Alaska, is dependent upon irriga- tion for its agricultural operations; that in the main it is upon these lands that the future settlers upon the public domain are to make their homes, and that already there are many thousands of people in the arid lands engaged as laborers on great farms and ranches and in mining industries and in roaming about the country prospecting for gold, silver and other minerals, and also congregated in the towns and cities that are rapidly growing throughout that country all anxious for opportunity to settle upon the public lands and make homes for themselves. In view of these facts and of many others of equal importance, it is desirable that these irrigation surveys should be prosecuted with all the dispatch compatible with economy and accuracy. If the work under the appropriation to be made should be com- menced early in the spring and carried forward during the season of agricultural operations it would be highly advantageous. I have therefore asked that the appropriation be made immediately available. I respectfully submit the request to the honorable the Secretary of the Interior that the following estimates for this work be transmitted to the Congress with his approval, and with it the brief preliminary report appended: For the purpose of investigating the extent to which the arid region of the United States can be redeemed by irrigation and the segregation of the irrigable lands in such arid region, and for the selection of sites for reservoirs and other hydraulic works necessary for the storage and utilization of water for irrigation and the pre- vention of floods and overflows, and to make the necessary maps, including the pay of employes in field and office, the cost of all instruments, apparatus, and materials, and all other necessary expenses connected therewith, the work to be performed by the Geological Survey, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, the sum of $350,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be immediately available. I am, with respect, your obedient servant, J. W. POWELL, Director. The SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE ORGANIZATION AND PROSECU- TION OF THE SURVEY OF THE ARID LANDS FOR PURPOSES OF IRRIGATION. In the act making "appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1889, and for other purposes," approved October 2, 1888, provision was made for the survey of the arid lands, for the purpose of redeeming the same by irrigation. The following is the text of that portion of the statute : For the purpose of investigating the extent to which the arid region of the United States can be redeemed by irrigation and the segregation of the irrigable lands in such arid region, and for the selection of sites for reservoirs and other hydraulic PRELIMINARY REPORT. 17 works necessary for the storage and utilization of water for irrigation and the pre- vention of floods and overflows, and to make the necessary maps, including the pay of employes in field and in office, the cost of all instruments, apparatus, and mate- rials, and all other necessary expenses connected therewith, the work to be per- formed by the Geological Survey, under the direction of the Secretary of the Inte- rior, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. And the Director of the Geological Survey, under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, shall make a report to Congress, on the first Monday in December of each year, showing in detail how the said money has been expended, the amount used for actual survey and engineer work in the field in locating sites for reservoirs, and an itemized account of the expenditures under this appropriation. And all the lands which may hereafter be designated or selected by such United States surveys for sites for reservoirs, ditches, or canals for irrigation purposes, and all the lands made susceptible of irrigation by such reservoirs, ditches, or canals are from this time henceforth hereby reserved from sale as the property of the United States, and shall not be subject, after the passage of this act, to entry, settlement or occupation until further provided by law: Provided, That the President may at any time, in his discretion, by proclamation open any portion or all of the lands re- served by this provision to settlement under the homestead laws. In obedience to the provisions of the above statute steps were immediately taken to commence the work'of an irrigation survey of the arid region of the United States. Before the passage of the act Congress had called upon the honorable the Secretary of the Interior for general plans and estimates, and under the instruction of the Secretary the Director of the Geological Survey had outlined the scope of the work and delineated in brief the results that might be expected to follow. He further made an estimate of the total cost and of the amount which it was thought co.uld be wisely expended during the first year's operations. These reports were published by Congress, and constitute Senate Executive Documents Nos. 134 and 163, Fiftieth Congress, first session. The plan therein outlined has been followed. TOPOGRAPHIC WORK. The necessary topographic work was placed under the charge of A. H. Thompson. A number of topographers already employed in the Geological Survey were selected as his chief assistants, and the force was largely increased by the employment of temporary field assistants, but no increase of the permanent corps was made. Under the direction of Prof. Thompson the following-described work has been done : WORK IN MONTANA. Work was commenced on the Continental Divide at the head- waters of the Columbia and Missouri Rivers early in October, one party surveying on the Columbia River side and another on the Missouri River side. The whole was under the immediate charge of Mr. E. M. Douglas. An area of 2,200 square miles has been sur- veyed. The topographic features of this country were delineated, 10 GEOL, PT 2 2 18 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL KEPOKT. the courses of the streams and the sites of all considerable bodies of water were ascertained, and the altitude, position, and general character of irrigable lands were determined. This is a region of abundant perennial streams, and many sites favorable for the estab- lishment of storage reservoirs have been discovered. WORK IN NEVADA. Early in November Mr. H. M. Wilson, with the parties under his immediate charge, previously engaged on topographic work in the gold-belt region of central California, was transferred to Nevada, near the headwaters of the Truckee, Carson and Walker Rivers, and immediately began the work of an irrigation survey. This is a region where mountain waters are in great abundance, but where lands to which they can be economically conveyed are limited in extent. Up to the present time the survey of an area of about 800 square miles has been completed. Work will be continued as late into the winter as the season will permit and resumed early in the spring of 1889. WORK IN COLORADO. In the latter part of October, and immediately on the passage of the act, a party in charge of Mr. Anton Karl commenced work on the South Platte River. The season was too far advanced to enter the mountain region, so the survey was confined to the foot-hills and the plains ex- tending eastward, embracing the city of Denver and a portion of the great agricultural district of Colorado. About 1,400 square miles have been surveyed. In this region the waters of the South Platte are already employed in the irrigation of many districts, and the entire volume of the river during the irrigating season is utilized in serving the lands for agri- cultural purposes. The future development of agriculture in this country is dependent partly upon such an improved construction of irrigating works as will prevent waste and loss, but chiefly upon the construction of reservoirs to hold the waters which through the re- mainder of the year now flow to the sea without performing their duty to agriculture. The topographic work in this region is now sus- pended, as it can not be economically carried on in the winter, but it will be resumed in the spring. Early in October a large party, under charge of Mr. W. D. Johnson, was sent to Colorado to operate in the valley of the Arkansas, and work is being prosecuted with vigor. An area of about 1,500 square miles has been surveyed. It embraces some regions which have already been redeemed by irrigation, but which can be further de- veloped by better utilization of the great flow of the Upper Arkansas and by the storage of waters in the higher mountains and the foot- hills. The upper portion of the Arkansas, unlike that of the South Platte, is well adapted to this purpose,, as there are many valleys, mo- PRELIMINARY REPORT. 19 raiiial lakes and basins that can be economically utilized for storage basins. On the South Platte much.of the stored waters must be held in lakes created in the foot-hills and on the plains, while the waters of the Upper Arkansas can be held high in the mountain lands, where in many ways the conditions are more favorable and the engineering problems less difficult. WORK IN NEW MEXICO. At the time of the passage of the act above mentioned, parties under Mr. A. P. Davis were at work in New Mexico making topo- graphic surveys of certain mountain regions. These surveys were on methods adapted to the purposes of the irrigation investigation, an i Fort Selden to irrigate the Mesilla Valley, and another starting at El Paso to irrigate the valley below that town. It is also proposed to study the Jemez subdivision in full detail, and, if practicable, the East Puerco, which is one of the most promising fields. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES. Salary of engineer $8, 000 Field assistants 2, 000 Hired men -. 1, 800 Field supplies, instruments, animals, forage, incidentals 3, 200 Total 10, 000 IDAHO DIVISION. It is proposed to place this work under the charge of Mr. A. D. Foote. The projected work is the study of the capabilities of this valley above the Payette and the development of plans for utilizing a vast area amounting to nearly 4,000,000 acres, or over 6,000 square miles. This field is so extensive that probably most of the work the present year will be of a reconnaissance character, though the Bois<^ River drainage is now well known and the Payette to some extent. ' r OF THE COLLEGE OP DETAILS OF THE PLAN. 47 In general the plans of work and their details will be more fully matured after an opportunity to confer with the division and super- vising engineers is presented. ESTIMATE OP EXPENSES. Salary of engineer ; $3, 000 Field assistants 2, 000 Hired men 2,000 Field supplies, instruments, animals, forage, and incidentals 4, 000 Total : 11 , 000 LAHONTAN DIVISION. This division embraces Nevada and that portion of California that drains eastward into Nevada. It is proposed to place this work under the charge of Mr. Lyman Bridges. For this division the work projected includes the development of a plan for utilizing the waters of the Truckee and Carson basins by canals and reservoirs; also a reconnaissance of the Humboldt, Walker River, and Honey Lake basins. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES. Salary of engineer $3, 000 Field assistants 3, 000 Hired men 3, 000 Field supplies, instruments, animals, forage, and incidentals 6, 500 Total 15,500 CALIFORNIA DIVISION. In the drainage basins of the Sierra Nevada north of the Cosumne or Mokelumne there is but little demand for irrigation, and what- ever demand exists is more than met by the old mining ditches and reservoirs, whose waters are no longer permitted to be used in wash- ing gravels. In the valleys immediately south of the Mokelumne there is some demand for water, and this demand steadily increases southward until it becomes very great in the valley of the Kern. On the western sides of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, i. e. , upon the eastern slopes of the Coast Ranges, the scarcity of water is extreme, while the extent of arable land is very great. It is believed that important areas of this land may be irrigated by the develop- ment of a system of reservoirs. Many situations for reservoir sites are known to exist in these ranges, and the rain-fall on the mountains is probably sufficient to fill many of them. Some map work has also been accomplished on a suitable scale, and it is therefore proposed to begin work upon the eastern slope of the Coast Range. Maps are already in process of construction for some of the drainage basins of 48 IRRIGATION SUKVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, where the demand for in- creased areas of irrigation is great. As this work proceeds the Stanislaus and more southern rivers will engage the attention of the engineering corps. One of the most important problems in irriga- tion to be solved in California relates to the use of the Colorado River in the southeastern part of the State. Already much is known in the Survey in relation to this subject, but for climatic reasons the work can best be prosecuted during the winter months. It is there- fore proposed to enter upon this investigation later in the year, and to place it in the hands of Mr. William Hammond Hall. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES. Salary of supervising engineer, also in charge of division $4, 000 Field assistants 2, 500 Hired men 2, 000 Field supplies, instruments, animals, forage and incidentals 3, 500 Total 12, 000 RECAPITULATION. Montana Division . 1 $8, 000 Colorado Division 19, 500 New Mexico Division 10, 000 Idaho Division 11, 000 Lahontan Division 15, 500 California Division 12, 000 Total 76, 000 Total appropriation $250, 000 For topographic work $120, 000 For hydraulic work 32, 200 For engineering work 76, 000 228,200 To be used for contingent purposes 21, 800 The above report is submitted to the Secretary for his examination and consideration, and his approval of the same is requested. I am, with great respect, your obedient servant, J. W. POWELL, Director. INSTRUCTIONS. 49 INSTRUCTIONS. In pursuance of the above plan, the following instructions were issued : DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Washington, D. .C., May 25, 1889. Prof. A. H. THOMPSON, Chief Topographer, Irrigation Survey: SIR: You are hereby continued in charge of the topographic work of the Irrigation Survey. The sum of $120,000, from the appropri- ation for an irrigation survey for the fiscal year 1890, is allotted to your work. From this are to be paid the salaries of all assistants assigned you, and all field expenses of every kind. You are also authorized to employ such laborers as may be neces- sary to the proper conduct of your work, having due regard for econ- omy. You will employ such persons by the month or day, as circum- stances require, but will not pay a greater monthly salary than $60 without special permission from this office. You are also authorized to make such purchases of field supplies and material, either in person or by your assistants, as may be nec- essary for your work. You will make a monthly report of progress, which should be sub- mitted at the earliest possible date after the close of each month. The following instructions have been prepared for your guidance in the prosecution of the survey under your charge: MAPS. All field work for the general map should be done on a scale of 1 inch to 1 mile, and in contours having a vertical interval of 100 feet in high mountain country, 50 feet in the lower and less rough coun- try, and 20 feet in all areas of possible irrigable lands or sites of pos- sible reservoirs. A larger scale and less contour interval may be used for special maps. HORIZONTAL CONTROL. Horizontal control should be secured by primary triangulation, secondary triangulation, plane-table intersections and sketches, and plane-table traverses between located points. Primary triangulation should be done with accurate instruments, and at least two stations should be located on each atlas-sheet. Sec- ondary triangulation may be done with less refinement, but must be accurate within the limits of the scale, and locate a sufficient number 10 GEOL., PT. 2 4 50 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. of stations on each plane-table sheet for topographic work. Plane- table stations must be made on secondary triangulation and other convenient points so chosen that the whole country can be seen, and intersections made to locate all principal topographic features. In favorable country the secondary triangulation may often be done over limited areas by- the plane-table. All contouring and location of topographic features between the intersected points must be done from plane-table stations. Primary and secondary triangulation should precede plane-table work. All roads and important topographic features must be traversed and sketched by plane-table methods courses being determined by the magnetic needle, and distances measured by instrumentation. All streams must be traversed, and special attention paid to accurate connection of their courses with the secondary triangulation and the topographic features of their immediate valleys. The outlines of all valleys in the mountains and foot-hills, as well as the plains, broader valleys, terraces and benches of the lower country, must be accurately located by plane-table intersections or traverses. Instruments. Theodolites of approved construction should be used in the primary triangulation; gradienters and plane-tables in second- ary triangulation; traverse plane-tables for traverse work; odome- ters, chains and stadia rods for the distances in traverses, and com- passes for courses. VERTICAL CONTROL. One or more points on each atlas-sheet must be accurately deter- mined in altitude and used as primary reference or bench-marks for that sheet. All secondary triangulation and other plane-table sta- tions, as well as other convenient points, must be connected with the primary bench-mark by leveling, either angular or spirit. This work should precede the contouring of plane-table sheets or traversing. All plane-table intersections must be located in altitude by angu- lation. All traverses must be located in altitude by angulation, spirit-level or barometer, as the special case requires. In the use of either method frequent reference must be had to the primary and secondary bench-marks. The slope of all possible irrigable lands must be determined by level lines frequently crossing them. The gradients of all streams must be determined with great care as high as any possible reservoir sites, and the grade-curves of their immediate valleys and of reservoir sites located frequently by instrumentation. Contours indicating the outlines of valleys, plains, terraces and benches must be accu- rately located by frequent instrumental determinations. Instruments. The Y spirit-level should be often used in deter- mining the gradients of streams, reservoir sites, etc. Gradienters INSTRUCTIONS. 51 and telescopic alidades may be used in angular leveling; aneroid and mercurial barometers in traversing. Herewith you will find the general plan of work as approved by the honorable the Secretary of the Interior. Yours, with respect, J. W. POWELL, Director. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Washington, D. C., May 25, 1889. Capt. C. E. BUTTON, Chief Engineer, Irrigation Surrey: SIR: I desire herewith to place before you certain governing con- siderations of a general character with reference to the surveys you are expected to make and the results you are expected to accomplish through the employment of the engineering corps. In each hydrographic basin it is desired to attack these problems: What are the available sources of water supply ? and by what means may the water be most fully utilized? A hydrographic basin may mean the water-shed of a large stream or of a small one of a great river or of one of its tributaries. But whether it means a trunk stream or a branch of it a question to be decided by the engineer it is assumed that there is some form of development and construc- tion of works which may be adjudged to be the best that the engi- neer can devise. The engineers should take no account of works which are already constructed; nor should their judgment be swayed by any opinion on their part as to what works private enterprise and capital are likely to undertake in the next few years. They should rather address themselves to the question already propounded: What is the best system; the one which will utilize the greatest amount of water and produce the greatest amount of irrigation? It is not forgotten that as a practical matter irrigation development in each district starts with a small beginning, and with works proportional to that beginning, involving great waste of water and great cost for maintenance ; that it advances through successive stages by more costly works superseding the primitive ones. But of these the en- gineer should take no account. His project should embrace what is in his judgment the best system, irrespective of what is or actually may be constructed. At the same time his project should be a prac- tical one, involving no extravagance of engineering, not transcend- ing the possibilities of attainment and maintenance after attainment. The plan should have also a certain unity, and should contemplate a single system of works for each irrigation district. If both reser- voirs and canals are required the reservoirs should, if possible, be 52 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. projected as adjuncts of the canals. No doubt it will happen some- times that the rivers alone are more than sufficient for the available land, as in some valleys of the northernmost States and Territories; or that reservoirs alone are possible, as in parts of the southernmost Territories. Still, even in such cases unity of plan should be kept in view so far as practicable. Engineers should seek to devise plans to serve the greatest amount of irrigation with the least expense. When the land is in excess of the water the plans should be made to utilize all available water. When the water is in excess of the land the plans should be made to utilize all the available land. Engineers should seek to minimize the distributive works by which water is taken from canals and reservoirs and put upon the land. With a given high-line canal it will generally be possible to propose many ways of distributing its water. But the distributive system will in other cases probably be of a distinctive character, forming a vital part of the entire project, and its employment in the project will then be necessary. In carrying out the actual survey work in the field it will not be necessary, it is believed, to actually run the canal lines by transit and level with cumbrous and expensive parties of rodmen, chainmen, axmen, cooks and teamsters and mark the lines by stakes on the ground. For the lawful purposes of the survey a simpler, far less expensive, and more generally useful method is contemplated. It is to be borne in mind that this survey is not primarily designed for the benefit of private parties who may contemplate the construction of works, though if they should incidentally derive benefit therefrom it would be a matter for congratulation. Its first object, as expressed in the statute directing that the survey be made, is for the information of the Congress and of the State and Territorial legislatures and the guidance of future legislation with respect to the arid lands and the use of the natural waters. The second object of the survey is to se- lect sites for reservoirs and other hydraulic works necessary for irri- gation, and to reserve the same for public purposes, that they may not fall into the possession of individuals or corporations. The third purpose is to select and reserve the irrigable lands until the Congress shall decide upon the best method for their disposition to actual set- tlers. There is a fourth object, of equal importance to the others, namely, to guide the agriculturists of each great hydrographic basin to the most economic method of utilizing the waters for irrigation in such a manner that the greatest area may be cultivated thereby. Hence it is designed to spread upon good maps and set forth in printed reports and records the facts as they exist, and the possibili- ties which may be hoped for in their entirety. This should be done with sufficient but not excessive detail. It should comprise not merely delineations of the routes of canals and the locations of reservoirs, INSTRUCTIONS. 53 but all the essential accessory facts inherent in the country itself. The basis of work, then, is, in the view of the Director, a topographic map. Such maps have already been begun by the topographic survey in those districts where work is contemplated in the present year, and upon some of them large progress has been made For the general topographic maps the field-work is all done on a scale of 1 inch to the mile and in contours having a vertical interval of 100 feet in high mountain country, 50 feet in the lower and less rough country, and 20 feet in all areas of possible irrigable lands or sites of possible reser- voirs. Larger scale maps with less contour intervals are contem- plated for special maps. In the construction of these maps the hori- zontal control is secured by primary and secondary triangulation, by plane-table intersections, and by plane-table tracing between located points. Points in abundance are located on each plane-table sheet, and they will be located with an accuracy which is well within the limits of the scale on which the map is projected. On each atlas- sheet one or more points has its altitude accurately determined and is used as a primary reference or bench-mark for that sheet, and all secondary triangulation and plane-table stations, as well as other points, are connected with these bench-marks by actual leveling. The slopes of all possible irrigable lands are determined by lines of level frequently crossing them. The gradients of streams are deter- mined with great care by leveling as high as all possible reservoir sites, and the grade curves of their immediate valleys and of reservoir sites are frequently located by instrumentation. When these maps are placed in the hands of the engineer, it is believed that he can locate upon them by a simple reconnaissance the line of a canal, without the necessity for a large field party and its expensive equipment, and that the result will answer the prac- tical purposes contemplated in the law. It may happen, however, that actual leveling will have to be done sometimes, and whenever it is necessary it is expected, though the effort should be to avoid as much of such work as practicable. Information as to the location of all determinate points on the map can always be obtained from the note-books of the topographic parties. Few of the maps are yet engraved; but photographs of the original drawings and of the plane-table sheets, as rapidly as the latter are finished, can be made in this office and placed in the hands of the engineers. The exigencies of the service demand that the work of the engi- neers shall be commenced at an early date, in order that complete systems of irrigation can be projected and the plans reported to Con- gress at its next session. The engineers engaged in planning works will realize that could they be supplied with maps already con- structed and with the results of a hydraulic survey, giving them 54 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. the facts relating to the volume, evaporation, sedimentation, etc., of the several streams they are investigating, it would be highly advan- tageous to their work; and in the prosecution of plans hereafter it is hoped that such data can be furnished the engineers when they take the field; but it is impossible to do this for the present season, and it therefore becomes necessary for them to adjust themselves some- what to the imperfect conditions and to consult the field sketches and notes of the topographer, and to obtain from the hydrographers pre- liminary and incomplete statements of the facts collected by them. It is hoped that they will adapt themselves to the circumstances by the wisest methods, and work with such fragmental and incomplete data as may be on hand, leaving it to a later day to complete all the topographic and hydraulic data necessary for final reports. Each project of a canal will have some special features which can not properly be expressed upon the general topographic sheets, such as headworks, dams, water-falls, and special distributive works which may form an integral part of the system. In so far as these call for topographic representation upon a much larger scale, special maps can be estimated for and requisition made for them upon this office. In so far as they call for representation in engineering plats and conventions, the engineers will be expected to make the neces- sary surveys and delineations. Reservoirs which constitute an essential part of any unified project, will in most cases demand special plats for their representation, and more or less survey by the engineer to cross-section their basins, properly estimate their capacities, and define the characters and pro- portions of the dams. It should be remembered that the ends in view are not actual constructions by the Government, but plans and esti- mates for the use of the people, and reports should be prepared in the simplest manner possible. The selection of reservoir sites involves their withdrawal from occupation and entry by settlers under the various land acts. This should be one of the first subjects to engage the engineer's attention. He should first reconnoiter such localities as seem to offer facilities for good reservoir sites, and form a preliminary judgment of their possible areas of water surface without entering into detailed sur- veys. To this surface should be added for each site an ample mar- gin of safety around it. He should identify its situation upon the Land Office plats in the local land office having jurisdiction over it, and make report to this office that a practicable site has been selected, specifying the ranges, townships, and sections. No subdivision smaller than a section should be taken, and if the boundary of the reservation cuts through any section, the whole section should be embraced in the reservation. So far as this specification is con- cerned, it is immaterial if a part of , the land has already been filed upon or patented. INSTRUCTIONS. 55 In case the site is upon land which is unsurveyed by the Land Office, a monument should be erected at a point having a height such that a line of level running around the basin and through the base of the monument will embrace" all the land which it is desired to withdraw. It will be sufficient for the purpose of a preliminary withdrawal to describe the position of such monument in terms which will enable its situation to be subsequently identified, to specify the township or townships within which the site is located, when it can be done, and to declare that all land within such basin lying below a level-line through the base of the described monument is withdrawn as a reservoir site. The preliminary withdrawal of reservoir sites is an operation which should be conducted with secrecy and dispatch, and every effort made to avoid being anticipated by jumpers and speculators. For properly "investigating the extent to which the arid region can be redeemed by irrigation," it is necessary for the engineer to know as much as possible of the available water supply, how much of it he can secure in his canals and reservoirs, and how much he is likely to lose by evaporation and by other causes which he can not control. It is therefore necessary to determine the amount of water flowing in the streams, the variation of flow throughout the year, the rain-fall, and the evaporation. For these investigations a corps of hydrographers has been organized during the past winter, and they have been experimenting and practicing with a view to ascertaining the best instruments and methods of work. In this branch of the work the gauging of streams is for the pres- ent the most urgent. The hydrographers will be stationed in the several divisions to organize and prosecute the work of stream-gaug- ing under the eye of the engineer, who will select those streams which demand the first gauging, and which are the subjects of their immediate wants. Evaporation measurements will also be under- taken with special reference to determining the amount of evapora- tion from water surfaces. Monthly reports will be required setting forth the operations of the engineer in full. Yours, with respect, J. W. POWELL, Director. 56 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. [General instructions for hydrographers.] DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Washington, D. C., May 25, 1889. Capt. C. E. DUTTON, Chief Engineer of the Irrigation Survey: SIR: The duties which devolve upon the hydrographers will be at once of a highly scientific and practical character, and will consist in ascertaining by systematic observations and measurements the values of numerous factors or qualities which must be known in order to fully carry out the purpose of the law which requires an investigation of the extent to which the arid lands can be redeemed by irrigation. They may be mentioned in the following order : (1) Measurements of water supply. (2) Measurements of the loss of water by evaporation. (3) The investigation of the climatology of the arid region with reference to agriculture by irrigation. (4) Measurements of sediments transported by streams (5) The duty of water. (6) Collection of general information. (1) The measurement of water supply will consist primarily in the gauging of streams. To this end the methods developed at Embudo will be followed for the present, but with time and experi- ence it is hoped that improvement will come. For this purpose stations will be established on streams to be gauged at points selected and a systematic record will be kept of the rise and fall of the streams by means of inclined graduated rods, and the stations will be visited by the hydrographers so as to gauge repeatedly at different stages of the water until a sufficient number of stages have been gauged to admit of a formula for the stream and the station. The stream beds will be plotted and the slopes ascertained by leveling. Full records will be kept by the hydrographers of all their gauging work and the results reported monthly to this office. (2) The evaporation will also be measured by the general methods employed at Embudo. The quantity to be ascertained is the evapo- ration from water surfaces. Wherever practicable it is desirable to combine station work by placing evaporometers at the same stations as river gauges ; but this must be influenced by considerations of economy and the intelligence of the observers. (3) The study of the climatology of the West will be mainly the work of the central office, as the data upon which it depends are of regional extent, and most of them are collated by the Signal Service, whose records are accessible only in Washington. But hydrographers are expected to furnish some accessory data, and to cultivate in their divisions the interest of volunteer observers and to promote the INSTRUCTIONS. 57 organization of meteorological societies. They are cautioned, how- ever, not to duplicate the work of the Signal Service, but to maintain a most cordial and cooperative attitude towards the observers of that Bureau and to conform to its methods. Rain gauges will be placed at stations not occupied by Signal Service observers, and for the present localities at higher altitudes especially need investigating as to the amount of precipitations, and as a general though not invariable rule preference should be given to higher altitudes in choosing rain-gauge stations. It is deemed unadvisable to use the sling psychrometer, except in cases where the observer is known to be a man of exceptional intelligence and skilled in the use of meteorological instruments. (4) The measurements of sediments transported is a subject which must await future development, and no instructions can be given for the present with reference to it. (5) Care should be taken, whenever opportunity occurs, to ascer- tain the duty of water in all localities where irrigation is practiced. The subject should be investigated personally, and too much reli- ance should not be placed on the mere statements of farmers unsup- ported by careful measurement. As the duty will vary, much in- quiry is necessary to ascertain upon what causes such variations depend. The following factors seem to be of prime importance: (1) Method of flooding lands; (2) climate; (3) character of soil and sub- soil; (4) kind of crop raised. (6) The central office will be frequently called upon to furnish in- formation not only to Congress, but to thousands of individuals throughout the country upon the subject of irrigation. In short, it must constitute itself a bureau of information. The hydrographers are expected to have their eyes open to all facts relating to irriga- tion, and to keep the central office advised of everything of interest. Reports must be made monthly, embracing a full account of all operations during the month. Records of guagings, with the plates of the section at the station, and records of soundings and leveling must be kept by the hydrographers and copies of them furnished to this office at such times as will hereafter be stated and upon such forms as shall be prescribed. They will also collate the reports of the rain-gauge and other observers and consolidate them, forward- ing the consolidated report to this office. Yours, with respect, J. W. POWELL, Director. With the above general instructions, common to all operat- ing- in like branches of the work, the parties were sent to the field with specific orders to carry on the survey in designated areas. A detailed account of the progress of the survey for the 58 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. fiscal year ending June 30, 1889, is contained in the reports of Professor Thompson and Captain Button appended hereunto. AREAS SURVEYED. The following statement exhibits in tabular form the areas covered by the topographic survey in the several States and Territories wherein it was prosecuted, the reservoir sites and canal sites that have been surveyed in each State and Terri- tory, the additional reservoir sites selected for segregation, and the total selection of irrigable lands for segregation. The table does not include a great number of reservoir sites and canal sites that have been discovered and from which selections are to be made hereafter: Areas mapped by the Topographic Branch, Irrigation Survey. States. 1888. 1889. Total. California So. miles. 1,580 Sq. miles. 3,268 So. miles. 4,848 Colorado 13,000 10,200 23,200 Idaho . . . . . . . .... 1,900 1,900 Montana .. 3,600 1,670 5,270 New Mexico 3,800 2,570 6,370 Nv s . . I; ; i i i i i ii : i ; ; : : i : ; i : ; i ; : ; ; ; : :::::::::> :::::.::::::::::::: fc >>L*t>>>t>>CB ! "-djx ' b & 5 5 5 5 H s5 s 3 ::::::: :.5 .S.E.E-S.5.S.S.5 ^Sr^'i^^^gls 35 ^ III: : 3Sa3i|2|s|^g"|| " ;~ ^Illlll^^^"^^^ g^s rH Ot 00 "^ 1C CO l> QO OS O TH O< CC ^ lO ?D t* 00 OO5JO 62 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. Remarks. ' 000>0~(NTO^,0 5 S S 10 2 KESERVOJR SITES SELECTED. 63 1 All lands situate within 2 statute miles of lake at high water. Do. * t- 10^- g m j TI< oo 10 jj rn e g Six-mile Creek, Arkansas River Eight-mile Creek, Arkansas River . . . Clear Creek, Arkansas River Little Cottonwocd River UTAH. Jordan River, Salt Lake San Pitch River Bear River, Salt Lake Sevier River Cottonwood Creek East Fork, Sevier River do West Fork, Sevier River Sevier River East Fork, Sevier River -t- o> :'::::: 3 :::::: 1 i IV t> OSPnSccO ... . .... ! illl.1' .... a ... Six-mile Creek Reservoir Eight-mile Creek Reservoir . . Upper Clear Creek Reservoir Cottonwood Lake Reservoir. . Tnt.nl Utah Lake Gunnison Reservoir Bear Lake Reservoir Deseret Reservoir Cottonwood Creek Reservoir. Panquitch Hayfleld, Upper Re Plateau Valley Reservoir Panquitch Lake Reservoir . . . Marysvale Reservoir Otter Creek Reservoir Tr>t,nl SISSS 1-1 d CO Tl" O D t> 00 O O I a to -f f oo _> 3 41 3^ _f 3 a B Sais Js 8 SSS gO 2 S 2 9- 2 cj c3 c3 c3 p^ 64 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. t- 00 Group of small ret five, T. 9 and 10 N, Blue water cafion . . Southwest corner T Northern part of T. San Jose River in L BEPORT OF PROF. A. H. THOMPSON. 65 Total segregations of irrigable lands. Acres. Snake River Basin 11, 057, 360 Bear River 2, 085, 320 Upper Missouri and Yellowstone 11, 133, 440 Owens River Valley 519, 000 Rio Grande Valley 5, 760, 000 Total.. '. .. 30,555,120 REPORT OF PROF. A. H. THOMPSON. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Washington, D. C., July 1, 1889. SIR : I have the honor to submit the following report of the work of the topographic branch of the Irrigation Survey during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1889. TIME AND LOCATION OF WORK. Under the appropriation made by Congress for an " Irrigation survey of the arid regions of the United States " funds became available October 3, 1888, and from that date work, either field or office, has been carried on under my direction, and according to plans submitted to and approved by you, in the States of California, Colo- rado, and Nevada, and the Territories of Montana and New Mexico. GENERAL ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL. In California, Montana, and New Mexico parties of the U. S. Geo- logical Survey were already engaged in topographic work. These parties were transferred intact to the Irrigation Survey, and addi- tional new parties organized in Colorado and Nevada. Four divis- ions for the prosecution of work were thus formed, California and Nevada constituting the first, Colorado the second, Montana the third, and New Mexico the fourth. The charge of work in the Division of California and Nevada was assigned to Mr. H. M. Wilson, assisted by Messrs. A. F. Dunning- ton, R. H. McKee, Josiah Pierce, jr., and George E. Verrill, as assistants in charge of parties. Charge of the division of Colorado was given to Mr. Willard D. Johnson, with Mr. John W. Hays as assistant. In addition Mr. Anton Karl was given charge of a third party for special work. Mr. E. M. Douglas was given charge of the Division of Montana, with Mr. Frank Tweedy as chief of a party, and Mr. Arthur P. Davis that of New Mexico, with Messrs. R. Henry Phillips and R. H. Chapman as assistants in charge of parties. In all of these divisions work proceeded by atlas sheets bounded by de- 10 GEOL., PT. 2 5 66 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. gree, quarter, or half -degree lines of latitude and longitude and con- forming in scale and area to the system adopted by the Geological Survey, viz, atlas sheets when on the scale of e^ioo- ^ represent fifteen minutes of latitude and longitude each way ; when on the scale of T2~sVo o to represent thirty minutes, and on the scale of aroVo o one degree. The field work was usually done on twice the scale intended for publication, the relief being represented by contour lines having equal vertical intervals. The following table shows the locality of work, scale, contour interval, areas surveyed, and present condition of office work for the fiscal year : Locality. Scale field work. Contour interval. Square miles sur- veyed. Condition of office work. California 1 inch to 1 mile. . . Feet. 100 1,466 Completed Colorado ....do (50 12,650 One-twelfth com- Montana 1 inch to 2 miles )25 200 3 600 pleted. Completed New Mexico Nevada 1 inch to 1 mile. . . ....do J100 | 50 100 3,800 250 Two-thirds com- pleted. Not worked Total 21 766 DETAILED REPORT BY DIVISIONS. CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. At the time of the organization of the Irrigation Survey topo- graphic work was being carried 011 in central California under the charge of Mr. H. M. Wilson, with an organization consisting of one triangulation and topographic party under his own immediate direc- tion, and two topographic parties under charge of Mr. A. F. Dun- nington and Redick H. McKee, respectively. These parties were transferred intact as previously mentioned. To Mr. Dunnington had been assigned work on what are known as the Jackson and Lodi sheets in California, and to Mr. McKee work on the Chico, Bidwell Bar and Downieville sheets in the same State. It was decided to continue the work of the parties of Messrs. Dunnington and McKee in the areas assigned them. Mr. Wilson was ordered to proceed with his own party to Nevada, assume charge of the work there in addition to that of California, and directed to organize two additional topographic parties, under charge of Mr. Josiah Pierce, jr., and Mr. Geo. E. Verrill, respect- ively, and commence work in the areas known as the Carson and Wabuska sheets. Mr. Wilson successfully accomplished the organ- ization and equipment of these parties, and on November 1, 1888, commenced work on the Mount Como range east of Carson City, assuming charge of the triangulation party himself, but at the same REPORT OF PROF. A. II. THOMPSON. 67 time instructing and directing the topographic parties of Messrs. Pierce and Verrill. Messrs. Dunnington. and McKee completed on November 20 the areas assigned them and were ordered to proceed to Washington, D. C., for office work. Messrs. Wilson, Pierce, and Verrill completed the survey of 250 square miles on the Carson and Wabuska sheets by December 31. Their parties were then disbanded, and they were directed to proceed to Washington, D. C., for office work. Early in May, 1889, field work was again resumed in California and Nevada, Mr. Wilson being still in charge with Messrs. Dunning- ton, McKee, Verrill, and R. H. Chapman as assistants, the latter being transferred from the New Mexico Division. One triangula- tion and four topographic parties were organized, and work com- menced on the Pyramid Peak, Truckee, and Markleville sheets in California, and Carson sheet in Nevada. Early in June Mr. Wilson was transferred to the engineering branch of the Irrigation Survey and Mr. E. M. Douglas transferred from the Montana Division and placed in charge of that of California and Nevada. Under Mr. Douglas's direction the work is progressing satisfactorily. This division had completed the survey of 1,716 square miles up to June 1, 1889, on the field scale of 1 inch to 1 mile and in con- tours having a vertical interval of 100 feet. Topography. The topography of the area surveyed by the division has varied from the level plains of the Sacramento Valley through the foot-hills region to the crest line of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. i The maps produced will show the details of topography, the situa- tion of possible reservoir sites, the approximate location of canal lines, and approximate areas of irrigable lands. The Chico and Bid- well Bar sheets are traversed by streams flowing in deep canyons too far below the general surface of the country to be used for irrigat- ing more than their immediate valleys. Only few sites for reser- voirs are here found, and these of limited area. The Downieville sheet presents broad valleys, wooded ridges and . high mountains. On this sheet are many lakes which could be con- verted into reservoirs, and others could be constructed in many of the valleys. It is thought all the precipitation of this area can be thus stored. The Jackson sheet is mostly within the foot-hills region ; is trav- ersed by streams running far below the general level of the country, and water to irrigate the uplands must be brought from long dis- tances. Not many sites for reservoirs were discovered in this area. The Lodi sheet is mostly level or gently rolling country, and lying in the Sacramento Valley can easily be irrigated from the streams traversing it and from storage reservoirs. The topography of the Pyramid Peak, Truckee, Markleville and 68 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. Carson sheets is rugged in the extreme, being largely composed of high, bare mountains, and narrow intervening valleys, but the work has not progressed far enough to make it possible to speak of the topography of these sheets with much detail. A considerable num- ber of reservoir sites have been found, but the irrigable lands are mostly confined to the Carson and Truckee sheets. COLORADO. It was decided to commence work in this State at two points, viz. , on the South Platte River, near Denver, and on the Arkansas River, near Pueblo. The work in the former area was assigned to the special party under Mr. Anton Karl, and the latter to Mr. Willard D. Johnson, with Mr. John W. Hays as assistant in charge of a party. Both organizations proceeded to their field of work early in October, but such was the labor in organizing and outfitting, that it was late in the month before actual field work could be com- menced. The work assigned Mr. Karl was practically the revision of previ- ously constructed maps of the Denver, and a portion of the Golden atlas sheets. He completed the field work 1,250 square miles early in December, and was instructed to transfer his field assistants and material to Mr. Johnson, and proceed himself to Washington, D. C., for office work connected with the reduction of his field data. Mr. Johnson organized two parties, one under his own personal direction, and another under charge of his assistant, Mr. Hays, both for topographic work. The organization and outfitting were com- pleted on October 25, and both parties took the field and, reinforced on the disbandment of Mr. Karl's party by his field assistants, continued work in the plains region of the drainage basin of the Arkansas the entire winter, and until May 1, 1889, without material change. On May 1, Mr. C. H. Fitch and Mr. Morris Bien were assigned to Mr. Johnson's division as assistants, and he was instructed to organ- ize two additional parties for work under their direction in the moun- tain region of the Arkansas drainage basin. Mr. Johnson completed the organization and outfitting of his new parties and placed them in the field June 1. At this time he also reorganized the remainder of his force, forming more and smaller parties, in charge of field assistants, and on June 30, 1889, had completed the field work of 11,400 square miles, lying mostly between the eastern base of the mountains and longitude 102 30', and latitude 37 and 39. This area, together with the 1,250 square miles of revision work on the Denver and Golden sheets, makes 12,650 square miles of origiDal and revision work for this division done on the field scale of 1 inch to 1 mile, and in contours having a vertical interval of 25 feet in the plains and 50 feet in the foot-hills regions. REPORT OF PROF. A. H. THOMPSON. 69 Topography. The topography of the area surveyed by this divis- ion may be classed as of the Plains type throughout. On the Den- ver and Golden atlas sheets, the valley of the South Platte River forms the most conspicuous feature, traversing, as it does, almost the middle line of this area from south to north, and occupying the low- est altitude. On the west of the river the country gradually rises to the foot-hills of the mountains. The surface of this sloping plain is quite undulating, and sometimes presents broken mesas and narrow valleys. It is drained by Turkey, Bear, Clear, and Rock Creeks. Broad areas of cultivable lands are found, and the irrigator has al- ready appropriated the waters of the traversing streams. A few sites for reservoirs of limited area were discovered. In some cases these might be filled by the storm-waters of the adjacent region ; in others, by conducting the stream-waters to them during the non-irrigat- ing season. To the east of the Platte River Valley the surface of the country rises by gentle undulations to the divide between the river and Box Elder Creek. It also gradually increases in altitude from the northern edge of the Denver atlas sheet to its southern limit, thus forming a segment of a bowl-shaped depression, having Denver near its lowest point. This area is drained by Cherry and Coal Creeks and smaller tributaries of the Platte. Large areas of irrigable lands exist, and sites for small reservoirs are quite frequent. A consider- able portion of this area is now irrigated by the waters of the South Platte River and Cherry Creek, but many reservoir sites, especially those where storm waters could be stored, were found above the lines possible to be reached from these sources. The valley of Box Elder Creek, a tributary of the South Platte River, occupies the eastern portion of the Denver atlas sheet. It contains large areas of good irrigable lands. The creek carries but little water except during the winter and spring months. Reservoirs might be constructed in this valley near the southern line of the sheet, but it is thought better opportunities are presented further south and nearer its head. The immediate valley of the Arkansas River traverses from west to east nearly the central portion of the area mapped within its drain- age basin, and forms a dividing line between two areas quite distinct in topographic details. The altitude of the valley is 5,000 feet at the western limit of the work, and 3,750 at the eastern. It is for the most part a narrow plain bounded by well defined bluffs on either side and, lying but a few feet above the surface of the water in the river, can be easily irrigated from that source. North of the Arkan- sas Valley the country gradually rises from the bluff line to the divide between the Arkansas and the South Platte and Republican Rivers. This slope has its greatest altitude at its western edge, where the front range of the Rocky Mountains rises abruptly from its sur- face, and decreases to the eastern limit of our work, thus giving a 70 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. general slope of the whole area towards the southeast; and this is also the usual course of its drainage lines. The Fountain, Chico, Black Squirrel, Horse, Adobe, Rush and Big Sandy Creeks are names of the principal water-ways, but only the first is a permanent stream, though the others usually carry water during the early spring months and after the storms of the rainy summer season are often raging torrents. These water-ways have wide valleys with short lateral branches, thus leaving broad gently undulating mesa-like areas between every considerable drain- age line. Quite frequently these undulating plateaus do not drain into the adjacent valleys, but into depressions on their surface, form- ing natural basins or reservoirs. These are most numerous on the Nepesta, Catlin and Las Animas sheets. Some are of large extent. One near Meredith, Colo. , having a drainage basin of 40 square miles, has a lake of about 2 square miles in area at its lowest point. Two were noted on the Nepesta sheet nearly circular, about a mile in di- ameter and at the lowest point 50 feet in depth. Other depressions with outlets need only slight embankments to make reservoirs. There are two sources of water supply : First, the storm water of the region ; this is often enormous in quantity, over limited areas a fall of 6 inches in as many hours having been noted by Mr. Hay's party; secondly, from the waters of the Arkansas River, conducted by a high line canal near the crest of the water shed. Almost the whole of this area possesses a deep fertile soil lying at slopes suita- ble for irrigation. South of the Arkansas Valley the topography is more broken, but still presents the general features of a great plain sloping toward the north and east, and cut diagonally across by drainage lines hav- ing a generally northeasterly course. The extreme western portion .of this area reaches well up on the flanks of the Greenhorn Mount- ains and presents the steep slopes and cliffs and half mesas of the foot-hills region. Farther to the east the central portion of the plain rises in a long gentle swell parallel to, but at some distance from, the Arkansas River. This swell is cut by the southern tribu- taries of the Arkansas, in canyons sometimes having walls 1,500 to 2,000 feet in height, and bears on its crest a line of mesa-like buttes. The eastern portion gradually decreases in altitude and roughness, slopes more toward the east and merges its mesa-like aspect into the true plains type. There are quite a number of permanent streams in this region, the St. Charles, Huerfano, Apishapa, Timpas, Las Animas and Two Buttes being the principal. These streams are all subject to sudden floods during the rainy season. Throughout the whole area surveyed south of the Arkansas the topography presents many favorable locations for the construction of reservoirs to store both stream and storm waters. In the areas included by the Pueblo, Waisenburg, Apishapa, El Moro, Timpas and Higbee sheets the REFOBT OF PROF. A. II. THOMPSON. 71 streams often cut through, the ridges and mesas in narrow canyons, where dams controlling basins of considerable areas could be easily and cheaply constructed. Sometimes these stream reservoirs can be used as settling basins and the waters after depositing their sedi- ment conducted to other basins for storage until used, thus iu a great measure preventing the rapid destruction of reservoirs by silting up ; a danger of no small magnitude in this region, where in some streams 10 per cent, of the volume of a summer flood may be com- posed of sediment. The less rugged topography of the Two Buttes and Springfield sheets also furnishes many opportunities for storm-water reservoirs. Broad areas of irrigable lands are found everywhere within the lim- its surveyed by this division. North of the dividing Arkansas Val- ley the areas are greater in extent and the soil more easily cultivated than south. Only a small portion of the area surveyed is covered by forests. These are mostly on the El Moro, Walsenburg and Pueblo sheets, and the forest growth is mostly composed of cedar and pinon pine. A limited growth of cotton wood also occurs along the streams in other portions, but the uplands bear hardly a forest tree. MONTANA. At the time of the organization of the Irrigation Survey topograph- ic work was being carried on in Montana in charge of Mr. Doug- las, with Mr. Frank Tweedy as assistant. Two parties were em- ployed: a topographic and triangulation party under Mr. Douglas's personal direction, and a topographic party under Mr. Tweedy. These organizations were transferred to the Irrigation Survey and directed to continue the work already begun on the Dillon, Helena and Phillipsburg sheets. By November 15 an area of 3,600 square miles had been surveyed, completing the two sheets first named and 1,000 square miles on the last, all on the scale of 1 inch=2 miles, and in contours having the vertical interval of 200 feet. Mr. Douglas was then directed to disband his parties and report with his assistant to Washington for office work on the completed sheets. Topography. The topography of the area surveyed in Montana is of the mountain type, the whole region being composed of rugged ranges and intervening valleys. The Continental or main Rocky Mountain divide, separating the waters flowing to the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing to the Pacific, passes from north to south through nearly the middle of the Helena atlas sheet, then trends more to the west, leaving the Phillipsburgh sheet on the Pacific slope and the Dillon on the Atlantic. The principal Streams on the western slope are Flint Creek in the Phillipsburgh and the Deer Lodge and Black- foot Creeks in the Helena sheets. These streams flow through con- siderable valleys, that of the Deer Lodge being about 50 miles long and from 5 to 8 miles wide, while the Flint and Blackfoot, though 72 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. smaller, are of considerable magnitude. From these valleys the country rapidly rises in grass-covered foot-hills to the highest mount- ains. On the eastern slope in the Helena sheet are many small streams flowing from the divide into the Jefferson and Missouri Rivers. The valleys along these streams are generally narrow, with but limited areas of level lands, though the lower valley of Prickly Pear Creek is an exception. The Dillon sheet is drained by the Jef- ferson River and its upper branches, the Big Hole, Beaver Head and Stinking Water. Along the courses of these rivers and those of their larger tribu- taries the level valley lands vary from half a mile to 3 miles in width, and are generally free from forest growth. From these valleys the country rises by broken grassy slopes usually free from timber, and gradually increasing in steepness to the mountains. The mount- ain ranges throughout the area surveyed generally present steep rocky slopes, bare near the high summits but lower down covered with forests of pine, spruce and fir, and on the still lower slopes grass clad. The highest summits are between 10,000 and 11,000 feet above sea level, and the melting snows usually furnish to the draining streams an abundant supply of water for the valleys below, the most notable exception to this being in the northeastern portion of the Helena sheet. In the upper courses of the streams a few sites suitable for reservoirs were found, but lower down, where the average fall is not more than 30 feet to the mile, numer- ous parks occur. These might easily be converted into reservoirs. There are also lakes of considerable areas on the Phillipsburgh and Dillon sheets which could easily be converted into storage basins ; but where the storage of water is most needed on the Atlantic slope of the Helena sheet but few reservoir sites, and these of very lim- ited drainage area, were found. The valley lands are usually level, easily irrigated from the traversing streams, and, when at not too great an altitude, produce abundant crops. NEW MEXICO. In New Mexico the topographic work of the Geological Survey was under charge of Mr. Arthur P. Davis, assisted by Mr. Robert H. Chapman. Two parties were engaged. These were transferred, October 3, to the Irrigation Survey, and a third party, under Mr. R. Henry Phillips, was organized. With some changes of scale and of matters of detail the work already begun was continued on the Santa Clara, Jemez, Albuquerque and San Pedro sheets till January 15, 1889, when all except the San Pedro sheet were completed, work here being suspended on account of the prevalence of small-pox in the towns and the consequent quarantine enforced against all persons coming from the infected districts. On January 15 the parties of Mr. Davis and Mr. Chapman were disbanded, Messrs. Davis and REPORT OF PROF. A. H. THOMPSON. 73 Chapman being directed to proceed to Washington for office work. Mr. Phillips with his party was directed to proceed to El Paso, Tex., and, commencing in the valley of the Rio Grande near that place, to extend work by atlas sheets northward. Mr. Phillips reached El Paso February 1, and by May 1 had completed the El Paso andLas Cruces sheets. He was then directed to proceed to the San Pedro sheet and complete the unfinished work on that area. He success- fully accomplished this June 30, 1889. This division surveyed an an area of 3,800 square miles on the field scale of 1 inch=l mile and in contours having a vertical interval of 100 feet in the mountain region and 50 feet in the valleys. Topography. The topography of three-fourths of the northern portion of the area surveyed may be classed as mountainous ; the remaining fourth and the southern area as of the plains type. The northern area comprises the contiguous atlas sheets of Jemez, Santa Clara, Albuquerque and San Pedro. The Rio Grande flows through this area from northeast to south, having for its principal tributaries the Puerco and Jemez Rivers on the west and Santa F6* and Galisteo Creeks on the east. Through the northern third of its course it flows in a deep, narrow, almost impassable canyon, and through the south- ern portion in a broad, sandy plain, having a general elevation of 5,000 feet. The Jemez is formed by streams draining the high valleys of Tewan Mountains. In its upper course it flows through narrow canyons, but lower down in a broad sandy plain. Only the lower portions of the Santa F6 and Galisteo Creeks are in the area surveyed, and both here flow across broad plains. The Tewan Mountains occupy the northern portion of the area west of the Rio Grande, their mesa-like summits ranging from 8,000 to 12,000 feet in altitude. Between these sum- mits are broad valleys, having narrow canyon outlets. The draining streams flowing eastward join the Rio Grande, those flowing west- ward unite and form the Jemez River. The southwestern or Albuquerque sheet area comprises the broad valley of the Rio Grande and the lava-capped mesas between that stream and the Rio Puerco. East of the Rio Grande the southern portion of the Santa Clara sheet is occupied by the arid Cerrillos hills, low in altitude and irregular in distribution. The northern part of the San Pedro sheet is occupied by the Ortiz Mountains and the Galisteo Valley. The Sandia Mountain, an im- mense block, 10,400 feet in altitude, with a nearly vertical western face and a long sloping terrace towards the east, occupies the western portion. Between it and the Ortiz Mountains is the rough, broken San Pedro Valley, extending in the southeastern corner of the atlas sheet onto the Pecos plains. In the high valleys of that portion of the Tewan Mountains drained by the Jemez River are many sites for reservoirs of some considerable area. Along the Rio Puerco, in the 74 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. western part of the Albuquerque sheet, are also sites where reservoirs of limited area might be constructed. The Galisteo and Santa F Creeks also afford sites, but it is thought that better opportunities oc- cur near the headwaters of these streams. Smaller reservoir sites for the storage of storm waters are frequently found, especially on the San Pedro and Albuquerque sheets and on the southwestern part of the Santa Clara. Indeed, on the sheets named outside of the immediate valleys of the Rio Grande, Puerco and Galisteo, irrigation must be dependent on the storage of storm waters. There are considerable areas of good irrigable lands throughout the whole area, but by far the largest body is within the valley of the Rio Grande, from the In- dian puebio of Cochiti to the southern limit of the work, an area approximately 50 miles in length and from 1 to 4 miles in breadth. The next large bodies are along the Rio Puerco and Jemez River, on the Albuquerque sheet, and on the Pecos plains, in the San Pedro. FIELD METHODS. CHARACTER OF WORK. In the construction of maps for the use of the Irrigation Survey, accurate representation of certain topographic features, within the limits of the scales adopted, was deemed absolutely essential. First, the correct determination of the drainage areas of all streams ; sec- ond, the correct location of all drainage lines > third, the correct rep- resentation of all hypsometric features by means of contour lines representing equal vertical intervals and showing absolute and rela- tive altitudes as well as the angle of slope of all surfaces. Maps so constructed upon proper horizontal and vertical scales show the sit- uation of all reservoir sites of any considerable area, approximate location of possible dams and canal lines, and, with the necessary notes upon the character of the soil, the situation of all irrigable lands, thus giving the construction engineer necessary information upon which to base the details of his plans and estimates for irriga- tion works. METHODS OF CONTROL. The work in all the divisions was conducted by essentially the same methods varying in details only when influenced by local con- siderations. These comprised a method of determining linear dis- tances or horizontal control, a method of determining altitudes or vertical control, and a method of representing topographic forms. HORIZONTAL CONTROL. The determination of the linear distances between points on the surface of the regions mapped was based primarily on the extension of a system of triangulation having sides of considerable length over EEPORT OF PROF. A. H. THOMPSON. 75 the whole area, the length, geographic position, and azimuth of one side of the initial triangle in each system being determined with the utmost accuracy. All the angles of each triangle were repeatedly measured by instruments of precision and the apices or stations per- manently marked. If possible at least two stations of this primary triangulation were located 011 each atlas sheet. Within this system of primary triangles, and depending upon it, a secondary system, either mathematical or graphic, and having sides of lesser length, was developed, and, if necessary, within this second a third system of like character, thus determining the position and distances between a great number of points over the whole area surveyed. In the differ- ent divisions the triangulation depends upon different bases. In California and Nevada it was derived from the primary stations of the Transcontinental Triangulation of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. In Colorado, it rests both upon the primary stations of the Transcontinental Triangulation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and upon stations determined by the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, under charge of Dr. F. V. Hayden. In Montana, upon stations of the United States Geological Survey derived from a base line measured at Bozemaii, and in New Mexico upon stations of the United States Geological Survey de- rived from a base line measured at Fort Wingate. From points thus determined in the triangulation all the principal topographic features of the country capable of being repersented on the scales adopted were located on the field-sheet by plane-table methods. In addition a great many horizontal distances and directions were measured by plane-table traverse methods, using the compass for di- rections and some form of odometer for distances. These measure- ments were corrected and adjusted by the accurately determined po- sitions of the triangulation stations. All public roads, all the streams, many drainage lines, cliff edges, valleys, and frequent lines across the country were thus measured, and a complete net-work of ac- curately determined distances extended over the whole area. VERTICAL CONTROL. The altitudes of points in the area mapped were determined by horizontal leveling, angulation, and the use of both mercurial and aneroid barometers. In the use of mercurial barometers stations on the railroad lines running through the country were assumed as bench-marks, and level lines were run from these to places occupied for base barometer stations, and these points were then used as secondary bench or reference marks to which all the barometer and angular leveling of the adjacent atlas sheets was referred. In areas where mercurial barometers were not used, points for secondary bench or reference marks were located by level lines or by angu- lation, and to these were referred all the angular and aneroid baro- 76 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. metric observations. Several of these secondary bench-marks were located on each atlas sheet. When aneroid barometers were used they were compared several times daily with altitudes of known points determined by other methods, and thus a check kept on their errors. The altitudes of all points located by plane-table intersec- tions were determined by angulation. CONTROL OF REPRESENTATION. The outlines and details of topographic forms were secured by plane-table work on stations occupied, and by sketches from the stations in the plane-table traverses. This work was done in contours closely located and having a prescribed vertical interval. In some cases, the topographer performed his computations and located his contour lines with precision in the field. In others the contours were located approximately, their final position being determined by the reduction of field observations. Special attention was paid to the correct location of the courses of streams,the outlines of valleys, cliffs, benches and terraces, and the slopes of all irrigable lands. OFFICE WORK. Immediately on the disbandment of parties in the field the per- sons belonging to the permanent force were directed to report to the office of the Geological Survey in Washington for office work in the reduction of their observations and the final plotting and draw- ing of the maps. ORGANIZATION. The office force was organized by giving each chief of a division charge of the office work of that division, and assigning the heads of parties and assistants having charge of separate branches of the work to conduct and assist in the work on that particular area, thus securing in the construction of the maps all the knowledge gained by personal observations in the field. CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. Office work on the California atlas sheets commenced December 1, and continued, under charge of Mr. H. M. Wilson, till May 30, 1889, completing the Chico, Bidwell Bar, Downeeville and Jackson sheets, and part of the Lodi sheet, ready for engraving. The area surveyed in Nevada being small it was thought best to defer the final plotting of the work until another season ; however, all the data depending upon personal reduction for accuracy were carefully prepared and with the other field-notes filed for use when necessary. On the completion of the office work of this division all persons engaged were directed to proceed to California and Nevada for field work. REPORT OF PROF. A. H. THOMPSON. 7V COLORADO. On return of Mr. Anton Karl from the field he immediately com- menced the reduction of his observations and the final drawing of the Denver and a portion of the Golden atlas sheets. He completed the work ready for engraving early in April and was then trans- ferred to work in the Geological Survey. No office work has been done by the parties under charge of Mr. W. D. Johnson. MONTANA. Office work on the Montana atlas sheets was commenced, under charge of Mr. E. M. Douglas, December 1, 1888, and continued until May 15, 1889, completing the Helena and Dillon sheets and 1,000 square miles on the Phillipsburg sheet ready for engraving. On the completion of the office work Mr. Douglas was transferred to the charge of the California and Nevada Division, and Mr. Tweedy di- rected to proceed to Montana for field work. NEW MEXICO. Office work on the New Mexico atlas sheets was commenced Feb- ruary 1, 1889, and continued under charge of Mr. Davis till June 15, 1889, when the Jemez, Albuquerque and Santa Clara sheets were com- pleted ready for engraving. On account of the incomplete condition of the field work on the San Pedro sheet it was decided not to at- tempt its final drawing, but the data was finally revised and filed for future use. On May 1, Mr. Robert H. Chapman completed the draw- ing of the maps upon which he had conducted field work. He was then transferred to the California and Nevada Division and directed to proceed to Nevada for field duty. On June 15, Mr. Davis was di- rected to proceed to New Mexico and again assume charge of field work, leaving no office force at present engaged in Washington. I herewith transmit maps of California, Colorado, Montana, Ne- vada and New Mexico, showing areas surveyed by the difierent di- visions during the fiscal year. I also transmit a detailed statement, (Appendix A) of the amount expended in the prosecution of the work under my charge for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1889. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, A. H. THOMPSON, Geographer in charge, Hon. J. W. POWELL, Director U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. 78 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. DUTTON. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Washington, D. C., Nov. 1, 1889. SIR: The passage of the sundry civil bill on October 2, 1888, appro- priating $100,000 for surveys relating to irrigation, devolved upon this bureau a new kind of work and one full of difficulties. The first step was a determination of the character of the work which would be required to carry out the law, and the second was to organize it. In order to ascertain the extent to which the arid lands of the West are capable of being redeemed by irrigation, to select reservoir sites, and to segregate irrigable lands four inquiries are necessary : First, what is the available water supply ; second, what lands are cultiva- ble ; third, in what practical way can water be brought to the culti- vable lands ; and, fourth, where are the reservoir sites, and what is their character and capacity ? The inquiry as to the available water supply seemed to you sepa- rable from the other inquiries and for this investigation it was de- cided to employ a special class of men. The selection of irrigable lands, the investigation of methods of irrigating them, and the selection of reservoir sites required the services of men skilled in the special branch of engineering which deals with works for irrigation. Thus two lines of inquiry were suggested, one being of a hydro- graphic, the other of an engineering character. The organization contemplated by you, therefore, embraced a corps of hydrographers and a corps of irrigation engineers. Of the topographic work deemed an essential part of the inquiry, I do not speak, as it is under the charge of another division officer. HYDROGRAPHIC WORK. The investigation of the amount of water available involves sev- eral subordinate inquiries : First, the amount of water flowing in the streams, and the variation throughout the year ; second, the probable amount available for catchment in storage reservoirs ; third, the probable amount of loss from reservoirs by evaporation ; fourth, the duty of water, i. e., the amount of land which a given quantity may be made to irrigate. The measurement of water flowing in a stream is not an easy mat- ter. It requires skill and rather costly instruments. While the general method has been the subject of much inquiry by a few men, and has been practiced to a small extent, there is a wide variation in details and considerable uncertainty or discordance in results. At the beginning of the organization there were no men available who possessed the requisite experience arid skill except two or three men REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. BUTTON. 79 who were occupying responsible positions, and it was doubtful if they could be induced to relinquish them. Neither were any instru- ments to be found in the market as articles in regular supply, and such as were needed must be made to special order. The investigation of the amount of water available for catchment required the opening up of an entirely new field of research. The measurement of the loss by evaporation was an equally novel subject and full of difficulties. The duty of water has been investigated carefully in other countries and to a very limited extent in our own, and much valuable informa- tion was accessible on this subject in printed form. But unfor- tunately the results in one locality are not available except in a very rough and unsatisfactory way in the effort to infer the duty of water elsewhere. Every region is a law to itself in this matter, and the duty varies largely in localities which seem to be similarly circum- stanced. In view of the novelty of the work thus devolved upon the survey, of the impossibility of finding men skilled in the work required, of want of instruments adapted to the work, and in further view of the fact that the winter was near at hand, during which the field work would, in most portions of the West, be impracticable, it was deemed best to select a small body of young men of good education and high general intelligence and establish them at some advan- tageous station where they could, in the course of the winter months, acquire a knowledge of the methods and instruments they would have to employ. Fourteen young men were carefully selected and were placed in a camp of instruction, situated at Embudo, on the Rio Grande River, about 50 miles north of Santa F6, in New Mexico, where they passed the winter in practicing with the various instru- ments selected for trial and in becoming familiar with the theory and practical application of the methods. In the month of April the camp was broken up and the men distributed to their respective fields of work. The camp of instruction at Embudo was placed in charge of Mr. F. H. Newell, and the work required of the men consisted in practic- ing stream gauging by various methods, measuring the-rise and fall of the stream from day to day, measuring the daily evaporation, and making observations with meteorological instruments. STREAM GAUGING. In measuring the flow of streams, it is to be remembered that the flow varies from time to time. The measurement made on any given day while the river keeps a steady flow for an hour or two, is good only for that day and hour, and for times when the river is at the same stage. A small rise in the stream is accompanied by a large increase in the flow, and a small fall by a large decrease in the flow. To as- certain the flow during a considerable period of time and thus obtain an average for varying stages, two distinct classes of measurement 80 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. are necessary : First, the amount of flow corresponding to each and every stage ; second, a continuous record of the rise and fall. (1) Measurement of flow. There are four methods of gauging the flow of a stream : (a) by weirs ; (6) by floats ; (c) by formula ; (d) by meters. Weirs are practicable and economical only in the case of small streams at low water, and in such cases the system is preferable to all others. When the depth of the water passing over the weir much ex- ceeds a foot it becomes sometimes uncertain. In streams not exceeding 25 to 30 feet in width, and carrying not more than 40 or 50 cubic feet of water per second, a weir may be constructed quickly and cheaply. It is almost certain to be swept away by high water, but if small and in shallow water it can be easily replaced. It is desirable, however, to select stations where the water above the weir has no sensible " velocity of approach" other than that produced by the constant movement of water over the weir, as it is difficult to make proper allowance for it. Gauging by floats is the crudest and most unreliable of all methods. It consists in throwing floating objects into the water and noting the length of time occupied by the float in moving through a measured distance down the stream. The distance divided by the time is the mean velocity of the motion of the float. But this velocity of the float is not the mean velocity of the stream, which varies in different parts of the width and at different depths. As a rough and ready rule the mean velocity of the stream is taken to be about four-fifths the velocity of the float. This is no doubt a fair approximation where the cross-section of the- stream is symmetrical, the current smooth, regular and free from eddies, and its course free from ob- structions. But in small or medium-sized rivers such conditions are rare and the whole method of measurement is liable to great uncer- tainties and it is impracticable in large rivers. Gauging by formula is based upon the assumption that with a given cross-section the mean velocity of flow bears a certain ratio to the declivity down which the water moves. The declivity may be accurately ascertained by the spirit level. With a given declivity the flow will vary with the cross-section, being greater when the latter is narrow and deep than when it is broad and shallow. The effect of the form of the cross-section has been experimentally inves- tigated by several hydrographers and an empirical formula has been devised for it which seems to give very fair results when the cross- section is not of very irregular form and when the bottom is not in- cumbered with large stones and other obstacles. In general, how- ever, it is of very limited utility. Gauging by meters is the most satisfactory and complete method of all. The ordinary current meter is a small wheel which is caused by the current to revolve when immersed. It may be of propeller, REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. BUTTON. 81 windmill or anemometer form. The axis of the wheel is attached to some device for recording automatically the number of revolu- tions. It is necessary to know the number of revolutions in a unit of time which corresponds to any given velocity ; in other words, every meter must be "rated." In all good meters the number of revolutions bears a simple ratio to the velocity of the stream unless the velocity is very small. At very low velocities, say less than a foot per second, even the best known form of meters become irregu- lar and uncertain. They are also inferior to weirs for very small or very shallow streams. In gauging with a meter, the cross-section of the stream is subdivided into portions 5 feet wide in ordinary streams and 10 feet wide in very broad ones. The form of the bottom and areas of subdivisional cross-sections are ascertained by sound- ings, and the mean velocity of each is measured with the meter. Each subdivision is therefore treated as a separate stream and the flow of the entire stream is the sum of the flows of its constituent parts. In order to compute the flow of a river through a considerable period of time during which its volume of flow varies, it is necessary to gauge it at its extreme stages, both high and low, and also at in- termediate stages. Gaugings at five or six stages will be sufficient for a river between well-defined banks which it does not overflow. A very close approximation can then be made to the flow at any in- termediate stage which has not been gauged. It is further necessary to keep a continuous record of the rise and fall of the stream through- out the entire period for which the flow is to be estimated. With this record and with the gaugings at the proper stages, we shall have all the data necessary for computing the flow through the entire period while the record is maintained, and for ascertaining how the flow varies from day to day and from month to month. (2) Record of fluctuations. There are two methods of conducting these observations. The first of the methods is as old as civiliz- ation. Herodotus mentions the scale by which the ancient Egypt- ians measured and recorded the rise and fall of the Nile. He called it the nilometer. I have not thought it worth while to change so good and so old a name for an identical device for an identical serv- ice. The nilometer scale is simply a strip of board painted white with feet and inches graduated upon it. The lower end is placed in the stream so as to be immersed at low water. It may be vertical, or, still more conveniently, inclined; in which latter position it can be more easily secured with firmness to the bank of the river. One thing more is quite essential. The position of the zero mark of the scale must be accurately determined with reference to some perma- nent point or bench-mark in the close vicinity, so that the scale may be relocated when disturbed by the floods, as it is sure to be. This scale may be visited twice or thrice daily by an observer and record made of the height of the water on the scale. 10 GEOL., PT. 2 6 82 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. The second method of observation is by means of an instrument which records the fluctuation automatically. A chronograph drum is revolved by clockwork, making one revolution a week. A sheet of profile paper is wrapped around the drum. A pencil or glycerine pen has its point resting on the paper. The frame which holds the pencil runs on a slide parallel to the axis of the drum. The pencil frame has a fine wire attached to it, which goes over a pulley and down into a well, where its end is attached to a float. The water in the well is connected with the water in the river by an open pipe, and rises and falls with it. Thus the motion of the float up and down is transferred to the pencil which traces a curve on the paper correspond] ngly . In such a country as the West the conditions are favorable to a very high rate of evaporation. The summer heat is intense and the dryness of the air extreme. In estimating the efficiency of a storage reservoir the loss of water by evaporation is always important, and in some cases is so serious a matter as to render valueless contem- plated reservoirs which otherwise might have been of the greatest value. There are many instances in which the question whether a site be advantageous or not for reservoir purposes depends upon the probable loss by evaporation. This is always the case in large lakes whose inflow is relatively small, like Clear Lake and Tahoe, in Cali- fornia, Utah Lake, Flathead Lake, and many others. If the annual evaporation exceeds a certain limit, and one which is not very im- probable, the lake is of no value as a reservoir. If it falls below that limit, every inch below means water enough to irrigate several thousand acres of land. Many other considerations might be brought forward to illustrate the high importance of the subject. It is a very serious matter in canals and rivers, and in the distribu- tive systems by which water is carried from main canals to the lands. It is, moreover, a subject on which there is great uncertainty. It is not easy to measure the rate of evaporation from water surfaces as they exist in nature. To fill a vessel with water, place it upon the ground or upon a table arid measure the daily loss, is far from meet- ing the requirement, for the evaporation from such a vessel is not comparable with that from a lake or reservoir. There are four fac- tors which enter into the problem. The rate of evaporation depends (1) upon the temperature of the water, (2) the temperature of the air, (3) the relative humidity of the air, and (4) upon the wind. If a vessel is used it will also depend upon the form and size of the vessel and the depth to which it is filled. In order to approximate the conditions of observation as near as possible to those of the body of water whose rate of evaporation is to be measured, it is necessary in the first place to keep its tempera- ture as nearly even with it as possible. No better way has ever been suggested than to float a thin metallic evaporating pan in the water REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. BUTTON. 83 and keep it as nearly full as may be without danger of water slop- ping in or out. The difficulty, however, is that the portion of the vessel's rim above water prevents the full action of the wind. Ex- periments with similar vessels unequally filled show a much greater loss from the fuller vessel ; the conditions being otherwise identical. Moreover, on large bodies of water there are waves which must af- fect the rate of evaporation, while within the vessel waves are not considerable. They would be fatal to the experiment if they were. As soon as notice was received that the appropriation was avail- able measures were taken to secure competent men for the hydro- graphic work and to determine the instruments to be employed, methods of use, and forms of reports to be made. Two or three weeks were thus occupied and early in November Mr. F. H. Newell and Mr. J. B. Williams were sent to New Mexico to select a place for a camp of experiment and instruction. They decided upon Em- budo, on the Rio Grande, about 40 miles above Santa Fe, and as soon as preparations were made for a reasonably comfortable winter camp the hydrographers were all sent there. Mr. F. H. Newell was placed in charge of the camp and proved to be a highly efficient officer. As the hydrologic work is closely interwoven with facts dependent upon meteorologic data it was deemed necessary that the men should 'be- come proficient in observations of that class. A large amount of such data would require treatment and investigation in this office and a skilled meteorologist was required for that purpose. Prof. George E. Curtis, of Washburn College, Topeka, formerly in the United States Signal Service, was selected for this purpose and for the time being was sent to Embudo, where he proved himself a most intelligent and capable instructor. The object of this camp was to train the new members of the hy- drographic division for active and independent field work for the succeeding seasons. The principle under which the operations at the camp were conducted was to attempt all those investigations which seemed pertinent to the future work of the Survey, modifying from time to time the methods and instruments as experience de- veloped obstacles or objections. A regular routine of observations was begun and carried on by which each man in turn became familiar with the details of each investigation ; but beyond this the fullest possible scope was left for individual development, and opportunity for original work in such lines of research or study as each should choose. The work was classified into : Measurement of river flow. Measurement of rain-fall and general meteorology. Measurement of evaporation. Measurement of matter carried in suspension by water. Topographic details of river courses. 84 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. These operations were continued through the winter with the fol- lowing results : MEASUREMENT OF RIVER FLOW. A small rope ferry was established near the camp across a suitable part of the river and various forms of meter used for obtaining the velocity. Changes and improvements in the meters were suggested while experience was being acquired. From the results obtained by the meters the velocities in various parts of the river's cross-section were determined and both horizontal and vertical curves of velocity were plotted, making a comparative study under various conditions. While meters were being used at one part of the river, other methods of stream measurement were tried at suitable points, i. e., by surface floats, subsurface floats, and vertical rods. Comparisons were made between the results obtained in these various ways as well as by the formula for river flow given by Kiitter. Records of the river height were kept continuously and a study made of the relation between river height and discharge. These records were kept both by observation and by an automatic recorder or "nilometer" which was installed and tested as to the suitability for this work. After sufficient practice was had at stream gauging in the vicinity of camp, small parties were sent out to measure the river and tribu- taries both above and below, a distance of 50 miles or more, each party being gone for several days or a week at a time. This gave the men practice not only in the actual work of stream measurement, but also in outfitting a field party for this purpose and in establish- ing gauging stations under difficulties. METEOROLOGY. The camp was fully equipped with meteorological instruments, including barometers, maximum and minimum thermometers, psy- chrometers, rain gauges, thermograph, and sunshine recorder. These instruments were under the charge of Prof. Curtis, a skilled meteor- ologist. The men were detailed by daily or weekly turns to observe and keep the records of these various instruments and received the nec- essary instruction supplemented by general lectures by Prof. Curtis on the care and use of instruments, so that each should be able to establish observing stations and direct the ordinary observers. An attempt was made to predict the probable flow of the river for the succeeding summer, by obtaining through volunteer observers the amount of snow in the mountains. REPORT OF CAFT. C. E. BUTTON. 85 EVAPORATION. The measurement of the amount of evaporation from water sur- faces, as in rivers and lakes, was undertaken by means of floating metallic pans. These were kept nearly full of water and the amount evaporated noted at regular intervals by a small inclined brass scale, suspended in the center of the pan. Various substitutes for this scale were tried and rejected in favor of the simpler though more crude device. Comparisons between pans in different localities and under various conditions were begun and some valuable experience acquired, especially in the details of locating and managing the pan. SUSPENDED MATTER. Several series of experiments were made as to the most practicable method of attacking this subject, the limitations set being that the apparatus should be simple, strong and portable. The method followed was to collect a sample from the river in a small vessel of known capacity, allow the earthy matter to settle, decant the clear water, filter the sediment dry, and weigh. The two matters of prime importance were: First, taking the sample; second, drying the filtrate. First. For obtaining the sample from flowing water a horizontal sediment trap, with vertical doors at each end, was tried and com- parisons were made between the samples taken by that method and by means of bottles. The bottles were so arranged that the stoppers could be withdrawn and replaced under water. The conclusion reached by a study of the results obtained in these comparisons was that the bottle was preferable if properly used, i. e., the stopper being drawn and immediately replaced when the bottle filled; the reason being that with no transfer of the sample there is no change of loss, and the bottles, moreover, can be packed up or put away until the sediment comes down or to await the convenience of the operator. Second. Drying the sample to a constant weight was a difficult operation in camp. Water-baths were tried and various devices, all being discarded in favor of a carefully closed sand-bath, with sep- arate compartments for filter papers in various stages of moisture and heated to a constant temperature by a small oil stove. Comparative tests were begun between the sedimentary load in different parts of the river's cross-section to determine if possible at what portion the best representative samples could be taken. TOPOGRAPHY OF RIVER CHANNEL. This included a general study of the whole river in a broad way as to its habits and peculiarities and also a more particular ex- 86 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. amination of the places at which river gauging should be under- taken. Practice was had in making small contoured maps and cross- sections of river bottom and sides, and comparisons were made of the changes occurring from time to time, throwing much light on the difficulties encountered in calculating stream discharges. After the close of winter the camp of instruction at Embudo was broken up and the hydrographers were assigned as follows : Arkansas River Robert Robinson. Rio Grande in New Mexico Geo. T. Quinby. Rio Grande at El Paso H. M. Dyar. Gila and Salt Rivers W. A. Farish. Sacramento Valley W. P. Trowbridge, jr. Carson and Truckee Rivers Frank Harrison. Utah Territory F. H. Newell. Do T. M. Bannon. Snake River Basin J. B. Williams. Do L. D. Hopson. Upper Missouri R. S. Tarr. SUMMARY OP WORK. The following summary of the work begun and carried forward in the several districts is submitted: ARKANSAS RIVER. Mr. Robertson began operations for measuring the flow of this stream. A good station was found at Canyon City where the river emerges from the mountains and was speedily established. A nilo- meter scale was placed and an observer secured to record twice daily the fluctuations of the river. Gauging was also begun, though the annual rise had not taken place. It was thought desirable to estab- lish similar stations lower down the stream at intervals of 30 or 40 miles, but good sections for observing stations were not easy to find. Soon after leaving the mountains the Arkansas becomes a broad and shallow stream with a loose sandy bottom which changes much from time to time and is liable to great changes after any storm or heavy shower. These are comparatively frequent in the summer months. Three stations, however, were selected one just above Pueblo, another near La Junta, and one near Lamar. The total length of river between Canyon City and Lamar is about 165 miles. Stations were also established on the Huerfano at Hermosilla and on the Purgatoire at Las Animas. These are two tributaries of the plains entering the Arkansas from the south. At times they carry large bodies of water, though at ordinary stages they are small streams. From the gaugings and nilometer records made at all these stations tables of daily mean discharge have been constructed and graphically plotted. REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. BUTTON. 87 RIO GRANDE RIVER. The observations begun at Embudo in December and continued through the winter by the camp of instruction were maintained after the camp was broken up. Another station was established 011 this river at Del Norte, in the San Luis Valley, which gives the amount of water entering at that point. A station was also estab- lished on the Jemez River, which enters the Rio Grande from the west near Bernalillo. At El Paso a first-class station was established for carrying on gauging, nilometer records, the measurement of evaporation and of the sediment brought down by the river. Mr. Quinby placed about forty rain-gauges with carefully selected ob- servers with a view of obtaining information of the rain-fall of par- ticular localities when such information was specially needed. GILA AND SALT RIVERS. These rivers offer the greatest difficulties to hydrographic study of any which have been attempted during the year. While the same difficulties are present to some extent in others they are else- where less formidable. They arise from the peculiar character of the stream beds which afford no good cross-sections for measure- ments, and also from the absence of facilities for carrying out any work that may be attempted. The latter difficulty is due to the scarcity of settlers and the great distance of the stations from sources of supply. It is not easy to secure men who are willing to banish themselves for months at a time from all human intercourse and remain alone in one of the most cruel deserts in the world merely to watch the rise and fall of a river. The state of the appropriation would not warrant the employment of relays of men at high wages for this purpose. Self-recording instruments are not practicable at any place thus far found to be available for gauging, owing to the shallowness of the streams and the unstable character of their chan- nels. Mr. Farish, however, with rare energy and devotion has done much in grappling with these difficulties. Three stations have been established by him: on the Gila about 14 miles above Florence, on the Salt a little above the junction of the Verde, and on the Verde near the latter locality. Continuous records have been maintained and repeated gaugings made. About forty rain-gauges have been placed in various localities in Arizona whence observations are specially desired and needed. An evaporation station has been located at Tempe, where the correlated meteorologic observations are maintained. TRUCKEE AND CARSON RIVERS. Mr. Harrison began work in these rivers in April by a preliminary reconnoissance for the purpose of selecting stations and gaining the knowledge of the basins necessary for attacking the problems. Great 88 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. difficulty was experienced in finding suitable cross-sections owing to the torrential character of the streams and to many obstructions pre- sented by dams and other obstacles caused by the use of these rivers for floating logs, lumber, fire-wood and railroad ties. The season also was unfavorable. An exceptional storm in May caused the river to rise prematurely and before that event was expected and before the stations had been fully established. With the exception of this storm the season was almost unprecedentedly dry and after it was over the river quickly fell, so that in some of them the record of river heights became unsatisfactory because there was so little water to measure. Stations, however, were established at Essex, Nev., and a record kept by which the daily mean discharge has been calculated from May 21. The flows of the tributaries were also gauged repeatedly in Prosser, Juniper, Grey, Bronco Martis, Squaw, Coldstream, and Dog Creeks, and on the Little Truckee. The Carson River was examined and gauging begun in June near Genoa, and on the west fork of the Carson below Hope Valley. HYDROGRAPHIC WORK IN UTAH. In April Mr. Newell was sent to Utah to make certain examina- tions of Utah Lake with reference to its capacity for a reservoir site and to furnish the specifications for its withdrawal as such under the law, so far as the lands covered or overflowed by it or the lands bordering upon it were still public lands. Having completed this work it became evident that his services for hydrographic investiga- tion were so urgently demanded and so greatly needed that it seemed as if no more useful station could be selected. He was therefore in- structed to begin the gauging of the principal streams arid to carry on systematic hydrographic work in those portions of the territory which were readily accessible. Beginning with the Bear River, a station was located at the lower end of the canyon where it enters Malade Valley, and one has since been placed above Cache Valley at Battle Creek. At all of the principal streams which flow from the Wasatch into the Salt Lake basin observations and gaugings have been begun, including Provo River, American and Spanish Forks. Stations were established and gauged in the fertile Sevier Valley at Joseph City and at Leamington. An evaporation station has also been well maintained at Fort Douglas. Mr. Newell has also collected a large amount of statistical information concerning the water- supply, canals and irrigation of Utah, and accomplished the segrega- tion of the irrigable lands in Bear River valley. SNAKE RIVER. Mr. J. B. Williams was assigned to the hydrographic work in Idaho, with Mr. L. D. Hopson as an assistant. Prior to this assignment he had been sent to El Paso to establish the important station there, and REPORT OF CAW. C. E. DtfTTOtf. 89 did not reach Idaho until the middle of June. For gauging the Snake a station was selected at Eagle Rock, on the Utah and Northern Rail- road. The river, channel is here 510 feet in width. A wire cable was stretched, across it and a large flat-boat constructed. The first gaug- ing was accomplished July 19, showing a flow of about 4,660 second feet, the river being then past the flood-time and rapidly approach- ing its lowest stage. Numerous gaugings at successively lower stages were made here. Much water was being taken out above Eagle Rock and Mr. Williams visited all the canals in active use, estimating by careful measurement the water diverted, which amounted to about 1,100 second feet. He also gauged the forks and tributaries of the river, six in number, to estimate their separate flows. Earlier in the season Mr. Hopson visited the Wood River, establishing two gauging stations. Continuous observations of the rise and fall are kept on the Snake and on Wood River. YELLOWSTONE AND UPPER MISSOURI. Mr. Williams, after establishing his stations in Idaho, went to Montana to take the place of Mr. Tarr who had resigned. He lo- cated two stations on the Yellowstone one at Springdale and the other at Horr one on the Missouri at Canyon Ferry, one on the Gal- latin near Bozeman, one on the Madison 20 miles above the forks of the Missouri, one on the Jefferson 15 miles above the forks, one on the Sun River 18 miles above Augusta, one on the Tdton River near Choteau, and one on the Dearborn near the town of the same name. Repeated gaugings were made at most of these- stations and observa- tions begun on the rise and fall of the rivers. Evaporation pans were established at Springdale, Hogan, Great Falls, Bozeman and Livingston. The year was most exceptionally dry and the rivers correspondingly low. The Yellowstone in August carried at Horr 1,553 second feet on the 26th of August, and at Springdale 2,111 sec- ond feet, which is about as low as it may be expected to fall in any season. The Missouri at Canyon Ferry carried 1,643 second feet on the 29th of August, and the Madison 1,104 feet on the 17th. GENERAL REMARKS ON HYDROGRAPHIC WORK. The observations made on the rise and fall of rivers and the gaug- ings at various stages have not all been reduced to final results as yet, but at the present time this is being done with as much rapidity as possible. During the field season and the opening of the work the hydrographers were fully occupied in establishing their stations and getting them in order. As these stations are generally far apart much time was required to " make the rounds." The gauging work is tedious and laborious; skilled men are not to be had, and almost every detail of drudgery, both physical and mental, falls wholly upon 90 IRRIC4ATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. the hydrographer. All things considered, the result of the first season's work is quite as good as could be expected. About one-half the rivers of the arid region are now under surveillance, and with the experience gained the other half can be put in the same way much more readily and expeditiously. Some of the difficulties in the way of hydrographic work have been proved to be even more serious than was anticipated though the an- ticipations of them were serious enough. By far the worst is the difficulty of getting observers to record the rise and fall of the streams. In nine cases out of ten it will happen that the cross-section at which it is practicable to make good records is situated at a considerable distance often many miles from any human habitation. As the cross-section can not be brought to the observer tke observer must go to the cross-section. He must go twice daily on foot or on horse- back. He can be paid for his trouble but there is no guaranty that he will do the work. It is a simple matter to write down on the printed form the same river height to-day that was read yesterday without taking the trouble to go to the station and the false entry may escape detection. It is gratifying, however, to be able to say that very few cases have been found in which this trick has been suspected, and the skilled hydrographer soon acquires the faculty of detecting it when the falsified reports come in. Even with conscien- tious observers the routine soon becomes tiresome and many of them discontinue their records without sufficient notice of their intentions. Several records which would have been good if continuous, have been interrupted from this cause at critical stages, to the great vex- ation of this office. This want of a reliable corps of observers and the difficulty of find- ing them on the ground brings into view the necessity of some self- recording device. Such an instrument has been in use in Colorado for several years and the results obtained are understood to be fair. One of the troubles is that the instruments are liable to be meddled with by the curious and destroyed or stolen by the malicious. They are also liable to derangement of their working, especially at high water, the time when their records are most important. If some device could be obtained by which the rise and fall could be trans- mitted electrically to the observer's house the expense of maintenance would be minimized, and the record would quickly indicate any de- rangement of the apparatus, which might be remedied in an hour or two. A mere mechanical device might fail to work an hour after it was left and the failure remain unknown. for a week. Serious atten- tion will be given to the problem of finding some electrical device for such records, as well as to the improvement of self-recording mechanical devices. REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. BUTTON. 91 MONTANA DIVISION. It was decided that the work in this State should be chiefly of a reconnoissance character. Although irrigation is as necessary here as in other States the progress made has been comparatively small, for settlement upon a considerable scale is very recent. The water supply of Montana was known to be large and the northeastern and eastern part was known to possess very great areas of arable land. Some of the rivers traverse the plain portion of the State in rather deep troughs which would render necessary costly works to divert the waters ; but to what extent this might be the case was not fore- seen. The waters in the rivers must certainly be insufficient in their present condition to irrigate the great areas of good bench lands and the question arose as to the part which storage reservoirs must play in the highest and best development of the future. On these sub- jects little was known. Mr. Wilson, who was assigned to this divi- sion, took the field about the 1st of June. After a brief reconnois- sance he was of the opinion that among the most interesting problems in the State would be the utilization of the waters of the Yellowstone and Sun Rivers. Both of them after leaving the mountains run in deep troughs through the plains with very little bottom land, so that their utility, if realized at all, must be obtained by bringing them upon the bench lands. Both of them had facilities for storage and a study of them would throw more light upon the possibility of a high development than that of any other stream. He was author- ized to make a detailed examination of the Sun River drainage; not merely for ascertaining the capacity of the river itself, but also as a typical example of a stream which requires for its development a long diversion line. A field party was therefore outfitted and placed in charge of Mr. J. B. Rogers, an assistant, who at the close of the fiscal year was just beginning the survey of the Sun River basin. Mr. Wilson proposed to occupy the greater part of the summer in continuing his reconnoissance, in searching for reservoir sites and for data upon which to segregate irrigable lands. At the time of writing this report the field season has closed and the retained men are engaged in the office work, preparing their results for record and action. These results are very satisfactory, but as they are not as yet sufficiently worked out in the office for formal presentation in detail, nothing beyond a brief summary will here be given. A preliminary survey of the Sun River basin has been completed, resulting in the definite location of nine reservoir sites along the course of the river, whose united capacity will be about 143,000 acre feet. The dam sites of these reservoirs have been surveyed in suffi- cient detail to enable an estimate to be made of the quantity of mate- rial required to construct them and to assign the proportions of the dams whenever the materials and methods of construction are deter- 92 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. mined. The flow of the river during the summer season has .been gauged. The last summer was one of very low water throughout almost the entire West and may be taken as representing the mini- mum flow for any year. The gaugings showed a mean flow of the Sun River during the months of July, August, and September of about 200 second feet. The winter and spring flow of the river is believed to be more than sufficient to fill all the reservoirs. A line of level and traverse has been carefully run along the bluff on the north side of the river from the lower dam site a dis- tance of 80 miles, the diversion line being about 41 miles long, and emerges upon the bench lands above where it can be made to command more than 300,000 acres of the best agricultural land. This area is probably much greater than the entire summer flow and storage can irrigate. Approximate estimates of costs can be made from this survey. Undoubtedly the cost would be consider- able and in the present condition of settlement and of land value it is doubtful if it would be warranted. But with time and increasing population water rapidly rises in value, and in the new West the cost of construction greatly diminishes, and in the course of a very few years all such doubts may resolve themselves into an affirmative answer. Mr. Wilson also examined in a preliminary way the practicability of diverting the Missouri River in the Missouri Valley which has a large amount of good agricultural land. Near Toston, about 40 miles this side of Helena on the Northern Pacific road, a very short diver- sion line would carry the waters of this river to the lands, and no serious difficulties presented themselves. A survey of this locality seems desirable. Further up the stream, at the foot of Gallatin Valley, the Missouri breaks into three forks the Gallatin on the east, the Madison in the middle, and the Jefferson on the west. The Gallatin and its branches have for some years been used for irrigation, and the important town of Bozeman has owed its prosperity in a large measure to the result- ing agriculture. It is, however, a rather small stream at low stages and the use made of it is attributable to the ease with which it could be diverted. The Madison is a very much larger stream, carrying at low stages over 1,100 cubic feet per second, while the Jefferson at low water has only about 200 feet. Along the courses of these rivers there is a considerable amount of agricultural land, and near their sources Mr. Wilson found many basins which seemed capable of being converted into reservoirs The forks of the Missouri offer a problem worthy of investigation. It would appear, however, even at the present stage of the inquiry, that whatever uses are made of the upper Missouri must be accomplished by diversions above Great Palls. Here the river cascades at once into a deep gorge with abrupt rocky walls from which it could not be taken by canals, and the trough REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. BUTTON. 93 of the river maintains that character for an indefinite distance below. In the Missouri Valley above Great Falls the river carries at the lowest stages 1,600 to 1,800 feet of water, an amount which is not sufficient to serve all the good lands which could be brought under canals. But this supply can be greatly augmented by storage. Careful attention was given by Mr. Wilson to the subject of water storage. The facilities for it were found to be considerable. The most extensive basins he found were in the Yellowstone Park, the largest of all being the lake itself. Yellowstone Lake in fact is the most effective reservoir site of which we have any knowledge at present. It is also one of cheap construction. Its probable delivery will exceed considerably a million acre-feet of water, sufficing to irri- gate more than a thousand square miles of land. How to utilize such a vast body of water would be one of the noblest of engineer- ing problems. Still other basins of large capacity, though collec- tively but a moderate fraction of that of the lake, occur in the Yel- lowstone drainage most of them in the Park. In the Madison drainage also numerous large reservoirs were found whose collection capacity will probably exceed 800,000 acre-feet, and in the Jefferson Valley storage capacity of quite equal and perhaps somewhat greater amount was found. Mr. Wilson has reported for withdrawal about sixty reservoir sites of a thousand acre feet capacity or more, of which twenty-seven have each a probable capacity exceeding 9,000 acre-feet, eleven exceeding 45,000 acre-feet, seven exceeding 90,000 acre-feet, and four exceeding 200, 000 acre-feet. The first rough esti- mate of capacity of all those thus far reconnoitered is not far from 4,000.000 acre-feet. Doubtless many others remain to be discovered as Mr. Wilson's examination covered less than one-third of the State. ARKANSAS DIVISION. Mr. Bodfish, who was assigned to the engineering survey of this river basin, did not take the field until about the middle of June, and his work commenced about the close of the fiscal year. The reasons for selecting this basin for special surveys were as follows: While irrigation has made great progress in the valley of the South Platte it has been comparatively backward in the Arkansas Valley, which seems to offer as much advantage. The river, emerg- ing from the mountains at Canyon City, flows due eastward out into the great plains. These plains are of such vast extent and so pro- ductive when watered, and their situation is so favorable in all respects, that it seemed as if some special effort should be made to devise a plan for irrigating a portion of them. The Arkansas is a decidedly spasmodic river near the mountains, carrying a large body of water in flood time, and shrinking to a small stream of about 250 to 500 second feet during the summer and autumn. If any consider- able portion of its floods could be stored up, and let out upon the 94 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. plains during the irrigating season, a large body of extremely valu- able land could be redeemed. The river, however, runs for a long distance in a depressed trough, and as a general rule, would require a long diversion line. In view of the great value of irrigated land in this part of Colorado, this would be no obstacle if the end in view were well secured. It was believed that there were several local- ities at which the diversion could be made with advantage, provided the amount of available water was sufficient to justify the undertak- ing. The water supply, in a great measure, turned upon the possi- bilities of storage. It was currently believed that these possibilities were large. The localities in which it was supposed that reservoir sites could be found, and where many were asserted to occur, may be classified into three groups : First, those in the high mountain valleys and parks near the sources of the streams; second, those in the foot-hills, or " hog-backs" as they are termed, and third, those out upon the great plains. In the mountainous portions of Colorado lakes occasionally occur, and when their outlets have a topography suitable for dam construc- tion they may make good reservoirs, and a few of these are well known in the upper tributaries of the Arkansas. In many of these valleys lakes with flat bottoms of grassy or swampy land are also found, and these may also be turned into reservoirs whenever it is practicable to dam their outlets. These meadows, as they are termed, sometimes occur in the mountains. Being at a high altitude and near the melting snows, they are supplied with little loss, and the evapo- ration from the surface of such a reservoir is comparatively small by reason of the lower temperature and greater humidity of the situation. It was further believed that in the foot-hills numerous sites might be found into which the water might be diverted from the river dur- ing the spring floods and taken out during the irrigating season. The peculiar construction of the hog-backs along the eastern front of the Rockies in Colorado might seem, at first, favorable to the occurrence of long, narrow valleys parallel to the trend of the range. Much greater hope, however, was entertained of the possibility of storing large bodies of water in natural depressions in the plains. A considerable number of these were known to exist, some of them being of great magnitude and capable of holding large bodies of water. The engineering difficulties would be the length of canals required to take the floods of the river and carry them to these places, and to take the water out after it was once gotten in. Long lines of canal, however, when not prohibited by the expense, are objectionable by reason of the loss of water by evaporation and leakage. The problem laid out for Mr. Bodfish in this valley was to ascer- tain, first, the possibilities of storage; second, the character of the work which would be required to divert the waters of the river either REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. BUTTON. 95 for direct irrigation or for any possible reservoirs on the plains. There was still another question which seemed worthy of investiga- tion. The ground in the valleys of the South Platte and in the Ar- kansas is favorable to the return of water to the stream bed by under- ground nitration. The percentage of irrigating water used in the South Platte which finds its way back to the river bed is known to be quite large; indeed, experiments recently made on or near the Cache la Poudre River indicate that it is even larger than was supposed. The ground in the Arkansas Valley near the mountains is apparently identical in this respect, and thus the possibility of using water over again becomes a question of importance. It is especially so in these two valleys in view of the fact that the lands in western Kansas and Nebraska require irrigation as much as those of Colorado, and the question is likely to arise at any time as to the respective demands of the two States upon the resources of the same rivers. While this report is in preparation, Mr. Bodfish's parties are still in the field. Until the surveys are worked out in the office it is im- practicable to give the precise results. Some general statements, subject to qualification when the office work shall have been com- pleted, may be mentioned. A very thorough examination has been made in the region about the Tennessee Fork of the Arkansas. One large reservoir is the Twin Lakes, which are admirably adapted to the purpose. At a very moderate expense a dam can be constructed at the outlet which will create a holding capacity of 75,000 acre-feet. There is reason to believe, however, that this capacity is beyond the water supply to fill it. The entire water-shed which drains into the Twin Lakes is about 103 square miles, and it would be unsafe to esti- mate the run off at more than one foot over the entire area. Even this amount can not be relied upon with certainty, though it is slightly exceeded as shown by careful measurement in the drainage basin of the Cache la Poudre. On the whole it may be hoped that about 60,000 acre-feet of water will be available for catchment in the Twin Lakes. A second reservoir has been discovered in the neighborhood of the Twin Lakes in what is termed Haydeii Valley or Park. Owing to the slope of its bottom it will require a high dam, say 110 feet, in order to fully develop its holding capacity. Two railroads which traverse it lengthwise will have to be relocated at considerable expense. Its holding capacity with a 110-foot dam would be about 60,000 acre-feet and its water-shed is somewhat larger than that of Twin Lakes. This would be a much more expen- sive work, not only by reason of the larger dam; but by the cost of removing the railroads. Still, at no very distant day the value of water will be great enough to justify it. Several small reservoirs on the Tennessee Fork have also been discovered, but they will not add largely to the total catchment. Surveys have been made of these reservoirs to determine their capacities and also of the dam 96 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. sites with sufficient details to enable estimates to be made of costs of construction and relocation of railroads. All of the northern ^orks of tfc^ Arkansas River have been care- fully examined for reservoir sites, both in the mountains and in the foot-hills or hog-backs. With the foregoing exceptions nothing more than some doubtful cases have been found. The southern forks remain to be examined, but no great hopes are entertained of better success in those quarters, unless possibly in the Wet Mountain Val- ley. Search has also been made on the plains for available sites, but none have so far been found which promise any satisfactory results. There are several large basins, but in every case so far examined some fatal objection arises. It would be possible to fill some (at least partially) by means of long diversion lines, but there is no practical way of getting the water out again. Others are dispropor- tionately large in comparison with the quantity of water which could be gotten into them. The water sheet so formed would be so thin that the great bulk of it would evaporate. Still others are too far away from any source of supply. The search, however, is not yet complete and has hitherto been made chiefly north of the Arkansas River. The topography of the south side is somewhat different and may yield more encouragement. The results, then, so far obtained in respect to storage here are not large. The reservoirs on the Tennessee are the only definite additions to the available water supply, and they are of importance. Otherwise the prospects are not, at present, very extensive, but until an examination of the entire basin has been completed in a thorough and careful manner it would be premature to venture any confident or final opinion. The addition which may be made to the available supply of the Arkansas by the few reservoirs already found would be sufficient to double and perhaps to nearly treble it at the time when the water is most needed. The irrigation season in this part of Colorado lasts, roughly speaking, about 150 days or nearly five months. During this season the flood time occurs in which the river carries more water than is likely to be used. In the flood time the reservoirs would naturally be shut. It may be estimated that they would be called upon to deliver water for about 110 days in varying quantities, sufficient to make good the deficiency of the river. This deficiency varies, of course, within wide limits. We may estimate that the reservoirs would be called on to deliver an amount equal to the average deficiency of about 82 days. Allowing 120,000 acre feet as the net storage, the mean delivery for 82 days would be 1,460 acre feet per day. This is equivalent to a flow of 725 cubic feet per sec- ond. The mean flow of the Arkansas outside of the flood season and during the remainder of the irrigating season may be taken in an average year as about 425 feet per second. With the reservoirs REPORT OF CAPT. 0. E. DUTTON. 97 it would be necessary to deduct about 100 second feet to avoid reck, oning twice over the amount captured in the reservoirs during the summer flow. Thus about 1,050 cubic feet per second might be maintained throughout the irrigating season by the use of these reservoirs as against 425 feet per second mean flow during the low stages with the river in its present condition. The reservoirs fur- thermore would give the incomparable advantage of enabling the distribution of water throughout the irrigating season according to the varying demand for it. Mr. Bodfish has also made surveys of diversion lines along the Arkansas below Garden City, but they have not yet been worked out in this office. The work in the Arkansas basin has been extensive and varied. The water supply furnished by the Arkansas River after the flood season is over is comparatively small. During the past season it ranged from 250 to 350 cubic feet per second, augmented occasionally by spasmodic floods. The amount of land in the Arkansas basin which could be reached by canals and irrigated with good effect if water were abundant is, we may say, indefinitely great. It was hoped that means might be found for greatly augmenting its supply by reason of the very large and high mountain regions in which its various tributaries take their rise. A large amount of reconnais- sance work was performed for the purpose of ascertaining what promising sites for reservoirs might exist, and if any very promising ones were found it was determined to make surveys of them. A systematic search was instituted 'in all small creeks and tributaries which feed the Arkansas River above Canyon City and in its vicinity, each valley and branch being visited in turn by a competent engineer. Some success attended this investigation and we are in a position to say that the amount of water furnished by this river during the dry season can be very considerably increased by storage reservoirs, which can be constructed at a remunerative cost. But on the other hand the amount of storage capacity thus far found is considerably less than was hoped, and not at all commensurate with the wants of the immense areas of good, smooth, fertile lands spreading out upon the great plains immediately east of the front range of the Rockies. The most important reservoir sites thus far discovered are upon the Tennessee Fork of the Arkansas above Leadville, of which the largest and best is at Twin Lakes. A careful survey has been made of this basin and of its dam site. A dam at no point exceeding 35 feet in height, with some excavation back of it to enlarge and deepen the outlet, will give a storage of about 100,000 acre-feet. These lakes have a water-shed whose area is 103 square miles, and it is esti- mated that this water-shed will have a run of probably not much exceeding fifty or sixty thousand acre-feet in an average season, but the available catchment can be very considerably increased by a 10 GEOL. , PT. 2 7 98 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. supplementary work, which will be spoken of presently. A little further up the Tennessee Fork is a second basin which could be converted into a reservoir of large capacity, but the expense of doing so would be very large, probably $1,000,000 or thereabout. It would require a dam 120 feet in height and five or six hundred feet long on top. It would, moreover, require the relocation of two railroads, the Colorado Midland and the Denver and Rio Grrande, which run through the floor of the basin. And this relocation would be expen- sive and more or less detrimental to the railways. It has, however, been found practicable to tap the Tennessee Fork near the upper end of this reservoir, and by means of a canal carry its water around a mountain spur which separates the basin from that of Twin Lakes, and thus divert its waters into the Twin Lakes basin. The length of this canal would have to be about 12 miles and would involve some heavy work. By adding this water supply to that which is furnished by the water-shed of Twin Lakes it is believed that fully 100,000 acre- feet of water could be secured at a remunerative cost. A few other small basins have been discovered and surveyed in the Tennessee Park near Leadville and vicinity, and their united storage would probably be 40,000 acre-feet. The office work upon these reservoirs is not yet complete, but when it is completed we shall be in a position to state in full, detailed projects for storing water and all essential information concerning the nature of the dam sites, and to furnish the necessary data for approximate estimates of cost of construction. RIO GRANDE DIVISION. The Rio Grande is usually esteemed one of the larger rivers in the West. In flood time it usually carries a large volume of water, but at other stages the flow is small. During the last summer the . river below Albuquerque was dry for nearly two months. This is no doubt due in part to the diversion of all the water in its upper portion into the San Luis Valley, the water supplied by lower afflu- ents being insufficient to carry the stream much below Albuquerque. Before irrigation was inaugurated in the San Luis Valley the river always shrunk to a small volume in summer at El Paso, and in some years was dry at that place for a few weeks. There is, however, an unmistakable effect upon the lower courses by the diversion of the higher ones. The greater portion of the course of this river in New Mexico lies between rocky canyons. Its trough deepens in the lower part of the San Luis Valley, and does not widen to any important extent till it opens in the Espanola Valley, about 20 miles north of Santa Fe*. This valley is about 20 miles in length and 4 or 5 in width. It is well situated for irrigation, and has long been cultivated by the Mexican residents and Pueblo Indians in their usual fashion. Some of the tributaries, notably the Taos, and especially the Chama, have REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. BUTTON. 99 some agriculture, and might have much more. At the foot of the Espanola Valley the river again enters the canyon and emerges near Bernalillo. Here the valley widens out and contains for a distance of nearly a hundred miles a border of land, which might be irri- gated if water could be brought upon it. At San Marcial the river once more enters a long rocky gorge leading along the western bor- ders of the Jornado del Muerto. At Fort Selden it enters the Me- silla Valley, which is nearly 60 miles in length and of considerable width. At the southern end of this valley is El Paso, where the river breaks through a low rocky pass 3 miles in length, and enters a wide valley, which extends as far as Fort Hancock, 60 miles below El Paso. From Bernalillo to Fort Hancock there is but little agriculture, and such as exists is practiced mostly by the Mexican residents and is of a primitive kind. In fact, no other is practicable without ex- tensive and costly works to control the water. All this portion of the Rio Grande is in the highest degree spasmodic, with immense floods during a few weeks of the year and a small stream during the remainder of it. Under such circumstances the extent of possible agriculture is measured by the smaller almost by the smallest flow. The possibility of utilizing a goodly portion of the flood waters is a problem worthy of the most earnest consideration. No climate could be more advantageous for profitable agriculture. To arrest so large a body of water as the Rio Grande in flood would require very large reservoirs, and to utilize them would also require a very favorable location of their basins. The belief has been held for some years by residents of El Paso that both of these conditions are fulfilled at the lower part of the Mesilla Valley. At the pass near El Paso, where the river traverses a narrow gorge, it seems as if it might be possible to build, at moderate cost, a reservoir which would hold back the whole of the flood waters of the river. Immediately below the pass are the wide bottom lands, where 300,000 acres could be watered and where the climate is sub-tropical. A matter of special importance attaches to this project, for it involves international interests. Be- ginning at El Paso the Rio Grande is the Mexican boundary, and the land which such a reservoir would command is about half in Texas and half in Mexico. For more than a century the Mexicans have used the water for irrigation, and their interests are as deeply con- cerned as our own. The impoverishment of the river by the exten- sive diversions in Colorado have wrought great injury to the Mexican farms, and if priority of right can be claimed as between citizens of adjoining countries the priority is certainly vested in the citizens of Mexico. Although the value of property involved is of no great amount, the principle involved is a highly important one. Further- more, serious questions have arisen, growing out of the shifting of the bed of the river, whose channel is made by treaty the boundary 100 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNTAL REPORT. of the two nations, and these have been the subject of much com- plaint by the Government and people of Texas and of diplomatic discussion with the Government of Mexico. It is apparent that if the floods of the Rio Grande were, caught above the pass these shift- ings of the channel would be wholly prevented, for the changes are in- cident to the uncontrolled action of the floods, which would be wholly stopped unless they were so copious as to more than fill the reservoir, and even then they would be so mitigated as to be harmless. The project of a dam at El Paso has for some years been a subject of interest to Major Anson Mills, of the Army, who, from a disinter- ested standpoint, has given it a great deal of study. Being stationed at Fort Bliss on military duty, he was ordered by the Secretary of War to render such assistance as was in his power to the Geological Survey, and mak3 an examination of the project. Mr. W. W. Follett was sent to El Paso to make the necessary surveys. His work did not begin until after the fiscal year. In July, August, and September the work was completed, and his report was made in October. Mr. Follett finds it practicable to construct a masonry dam at the pass 65 feet above the river bottom, with an adequate waste-weir, which will create a lake 14 miles in length and 4 miles maximum width, with a surface of about 26,000 acres, and an average depth of 23.6 feet. Its cubical contents will be 537,000 acre-feet. There were two sites about If miles apart, which presented themselves in the pass for making a dam. The upper one, giving a considerably shorter length of dam, was chosen for survey and estimate. Some difficulties not of an insurmountable nature were peculiar to both places. The river bed is occupied with quicksand in both localities, but it is from 30 to 50 feet in depth at the upper and narrower one, and only 8 to 22 feet in depth at the lower one. At the lower site one end of the dam would be in Mexican territory; at the upper site both ends would be in United States territory. In both of them two railroads the South- ern Pacific and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa F* 5 would require to be relocated, at great expense; but at the upper site the relocated grades of the Atchison and Topeka could be made to conform readily to the ruling gradient of that division of the road, while at the lower one it could not be without changing their depot and terminal facil- ities in El Paso. On the other hand, the lower site would compel the Southern Pacific road to enter Mexican territory, in which case the cost of relocation would be great. The upper site would afford facilities for building the dam higher if it should be called for, while in the lower one this would be far more difficult. The dam at the upper site would be of much more expensive construction than at the lower one on account of the greater depth of the quicksand. In either case, if the construction of a dam were all, the lower site would, on the whole, be preferable, but the railroad complications appear to incline the balance in favor of the upper one. The question as be- REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. BUTTON. 101 tween the two, however, may be regarded as an open one, worthy of still further consideration. Mr. Follett's surveys and estimates were made in detail at the upper site. The uncertain element of cost is the keeping open of the excavation in quicksand. The Poetch process of freezing the wet sand by pipes and refrigerating machinery has in many cases proved highly effective, but its application has hitherto been, so far as known, upon a smaller scale than would be necessary here, and under cir- cumstances of a somewhat different nature. It would, however, naturally receive very careful consideration in this connection. Mr. Follett's estimate, however, is based upon the use of crib work and wooden caissons. His estimate of the cost of the dam is a little over $300,000. The cost of removing the railroads is estimated by him at $205,000 for the Southern Pacific, and $385,000 for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe. Both of these relocations would involve a considerable amount of heavy rock work. Some land in the Mesilla Valley which would be overflowed by the reservoir would have to be condemned, but land now occupied in the lower part of the valley is of small value. He estimates the cost of the site at about $69,000. His total estimate for the entire work, including 10 per cent, for administra- tion and incidentals, is $1,059,695, This cost is very moderate in comparison with the value of the stored water. An acre-foot of water in such a locality may be esti- mated as worth at a minimum $1.50 per annum, and this valuation should increase with the lapse of time. What proportion of the stored water would be available for irrigation would depend upon the nature and distribution of the canal lines below and the amount of land which they could be made to command. At least 200,000 acre- feet would be availabe for high-line canals. To secure such a body of stored water, an expenditure of considerably more than $2,000,000 would probably be ultimately justified and would be remunerative. A question of grave importance arises in connection with the sedi- ment which the Rio Grande carries. Like all spasmodic rivers in dry climates, the amount of it in flood time is very large. Some investigation has been made on this point with a view of as- certaining how long it would require the river to deposit sediment enough in the reservoir to seriously impair its utility. The sedi- ment of the river during the last high-water stage was frequently sampled, and was found to range from about one-fourth to one-half of 1 per cent, of the volume of the flow, averaging by 118 samples .345 of 1 per cent. This represents only the suspended sediments, and does not include the grosser material swept along on the bottom, whose quantity has not yet been estimated. On the whole it seems probable that a life of more than one hundred years before the reser- voir is seriously impaired by the sediment may be counted upon. 102 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. This might be greatly prolonged by the use of settling reservoirs along the course of the river through the Jornado del Muerto. There are several large basins, termed locally rincons, in that portion of the river, which could be used for that purpose, a settling basin being constructed whenever an older one is filled up. CALIFORNIA DIVISION. In this State irrigation has made greater advances than in any other. The chief developments however have been in the southern half of the State. In the northern half the necessity of irrigation has not until within the last ten years been felt to be so absolute as it is in the southern half. In most seasons some of the grosser staple crops were found to mature in the Sacramento Valley without irrigation. But with the increase of fruit culture it became prac- tically necessary. The large affluents of the Sacramento, the Feather, and Yuba rivers, as well as the Sacramento itself, are not as yet fully utilized. In the San Joaquin Valley, on the other hand, the rivers in their natural condition have been wholly diverted during the lower stages. Irrigation in that valley has from the beginning of settlement been absolutely indispensable. There is a marked dif- ference between the east and the west sides of both valleys in respect to climate and a still more striking one in respect to water supply. The west side is the more arid in climate, and has only a few spasmodic streams which are dry during the greater part, if not the whole, of the irrigating season. The eastern side is more humid and has many considerable streams descending from the Sierra Nevada. These, however, have been found insufficient in the San Joaquin Valley to irrigate more than a rather small fraction of the land. The necessity for more water here is a pressing one, and the only method of obtaining it is by storage. The problems, however, on opposite sides of the great valley of California are totally distinct. On the eastern side the reservoirs would be only supplementary, and in most cases subsidiary to the rivers. On the western side they would be the sole reliance. In the Sacramento Valley, moreover, the reservoir problem, on the eastern side at least, is a question rather of future than of present necessity, while on both sides of the San Joaquin it is an instant one. In beginning the work in this State Mr. Hall was instructed to make an examination of the central part of the Sierra Nevada around the headwaters of the Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and Merced Rivers for the purpose of locating reservoir sites. It was expected that this search would be continued as the funds appropriated might permit as far south as the headwaters of the Kern River. North of the Mokelumne or Cosumnes River the Sierra Nevada range has the general configuration of a slightly inclined plateau, sloping westward, REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. BUTTON. 103 with deeply incised valleys and many irregularities, but also with many broad and flat table-lands between. In this portion many places known to be suitable for reservoirs exist and some of them have already been utilized to store water for hydraulic mining. They drain chiefly into the Yuba and American Rivers and it was not deemed pressing at the present stage of the inquiry to investigate them. The country around the headwaters of the Stanislaus and Tuolumne is much more rugged and affords fewer tracts in which reservoirs may be looked for. Around the sources of the Merced it is equally rugged. South of this river the Sierra platform becomes much less irregular and the possible or hopeful localities for reser- voir sites are more numerous and extensive. Mr. Hall's field work was not started until July. He placed a party in the field around the headwaters of the Stanislaus under the immediate charge of Mr. Luther P. Wagoner, who successively ex- plored this tract and those around the sources of the Tuolumne and Merced. The results of this work are not yet to hand and have not been completed in the office. But, in a general way, it may be said that a few sites have been located as capable of being converted into reservoirs and a larger number, which belong to the doubtful class, whose capabilities can not be decided upon until after a thorough investigation. It is to be noted, however, that this region is the least hopeful of any portion of the Sierra, and more gratifying results may be anticipated when the survey shall have reached the headwaters of San Joaquin, King's, and Kern Rivers. Indeed, one admirable reser- voir site of grand proportions is known to exist near the sources of Kern River. In the hope of discovering something which might be of prospect- ive value to the western side of the valley Mr. Hall was instructed to make an examination of Clear Lake in the coast range. This large sheet of water must receive a very considerable inflow, but during the year the outflow is small. The difference is accounted for by evaporation. There are numerous lakes throughout the West which present no difficulties of an engineering character which could prevent turning them into great reservoirs. They also receive large rivers. But the broad surfaces they offer to evaporation render them of inferior value for this purpose. In some cases it is possible to contract the surface, still leaving sufficient capacity to store the in- flow, thus diminishing the loss. In other cases this is impracticable. Clear Lake was regarded as an example which was worthy of special investigation. If it could be made to yield any considerably in- creased outflow the water would have exceptionally high value. The lands which it might irrigate are among the most valuable in the country for fruit culture. A second party was therefore organ- ized, in charge of Mr. C. G. Rockwood, to make a thorough survey of the lake and its outlet. This survey was completed early in Octo- 104 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. her and the field notes are now being worked up in the office. At the present time the results of the survey are not to hand. In the northern part of the State, east of the Sierras, in Modoc and Lassen Counties, there is a large amount of fine land needing water. Although the precipitation upon the mountains is quite large, and is not inconsiderable even upon the adjoining lowlands, there are very few streams which are available. The country, on the whole, is favorable to the occurrence of reservoir sites. It was therefore decided to make a reconnaissance in search of them. Two men were sent upon this errand in the month of July and found several sites, two of them of large capacity. Further work is contemplated during the winter in the southern part of the State, but its details are not yet decided upon. LAHONTAN DIVISION IN NEVADA. It was believed that in the State of Nevada better results might be hoped for in the basins of the Truckee and Carson Rivers than else- where. These streams head immediately under or upon the crest of the Sierra and where the snow-fall is heavy and where the water passes through lakes, or basins which may have once been lakes but are'now empty and can be converted into lakes again. The Truckee drainage is exceptionally favorable for storage. The main fork of the river issues from Lake Tahoe and a dam could be built across the outlet at an insignificant cost. Tahoe, however, is one of those lakes which is too large for a good reservoir. Its surface is about 190 square miles in extent while its entire water-shed does not ex- ceed 500 square miles. Its inflow must be quite abundant, however, as the feeders rise under the very eaves of the Sierra Nevada when the precipitation is large. But the great surface exposed to evapo- ration returns much the larger portion of the inflow to the atmos- phere. Nor can this surface be diminished, for Tahoe is a very deep lake, in fact one of the deepest in the world, and the slopes of its basin descend into the depths with great abruptness. Even if it were possible public sentiment would justly regard such a change as van- dalism, destroying or marring one of the most beautiful sheets of water on the globe. No degree of utility for irrigation purposes would compensate such an injury. A single foot of water, however, over this large surface would suffice to irrigate 50,000 acres of land, and the question arises whether such a supply may not be obtained. The question is a meterologic rather than an engineering one. All the construction which could be of any avail would cost less than $5,000. The best method of reaching a solution may be prescribed at once. It is to build a dam and try it. The cost would be trifling and the result incontrovertible. Even if it proved a failure the ad- vantage of setting the question at rest would be worth far more than the cost. REPORT OF CAPT. C. E. BUTTON. 105 Immediately above the town of Truckee is Donner Lake, a beau- tiful sheet of water about 2i miles long and half a mile wide, with a surface of about 900 acres. It is well adapted for a moderate-sized reservoir. Its immediate watershed is only 13 square miles. But just- below its outlet a second valley the Coldstream opens into its lower basin, with 15 or 16 square miles of watershed. Both valleys are immediately under the crest of the Sierra and receive a large annual precipitation, Its precise average is unknown, but is conject- ured to be nearly 33 inches per annum. The run-off is also unknown, and an estimate would at present be hazardous. But if like situa- tions and conditions may be used as the basis of a preliminary esti- mate, an annual run-off of a foot over the entire area may be a mod- erate one, giving about 18,000 acre-feet available for storage. A few miles further north lies Independence Lake, of about the same size as Donner Lake. Its available catchment is uncertain, but the indications now are that it will be equal to that of Donner Lake, if not larger, as a stream of about 35 feet per second was flowing out of it late in August. Still further north is Weber Lake. This is less than half the size of either of the other two and its watershed is small; but it is at the summit of the Sierra and its tribute must be considerable. Both Weber and Independence Lakes drain through the Little Truckee, which enters the main river near the village of Boca. There is still a fourth basin between Donner and Independ- ence which is probably capable of being converted into a good res- ervoir, but it contains no lakes. The indications now are that 50,000 or 60,000 acre feet of water may be stored in the four basins at a reasonable cost. To this may be added the unknown amount obtainable from Tahoe. The Carson River is a much larger stream than the Truckee, car- rying at rather low stages not far from 1,000 cubic feet per second. There is the possibility of storage near its sources, but it will be less in amount and more expensive to attain than in the Truckee Basin. At the head of the west fork of the river in Hope Valley there is a considerable basin which might be converted into a reservoir, but the dam would have to be large and costly. The watershed is ample and being situated upon the summit of the Sierra platform, a very large supply of water would be available for catchment. A second site of smaller proportions occurs between the east and west forks in Long Valley. It might be filled by a diversion from the east fork, but this would involve a tunnel or deep rock cut. Moreover, there is no good material of which to build it in the immediate neigh- borhood and the abutments for the dam are not satisfactory. It would be a somewhat costly undertaking. Another possible site is near Markleeville, on the east fork, but, as no survey has been made of it, its capabilities are unknown. Mr. Lyman Bridges, who was assigned to the charge of this divis- 106 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. ion, took the field in June, and made surveys of Donner, Independ- ence, and Weber Lakes, in the Truckee Basin, and of Hope Val- ley and Long Valley, in the Carson Basin. The results of this sur- vey are yet to be worked out in the office, and it is not practicable at present to give more definite accounts of them than those already stated. He also examined the trough of the Truckee, near Wads- worth, with a view to ascertaining the best methods of taking water from the river and carrying it to the lands lying southeast of that town, which are well situated for receiving it and of more than suf- ficient extent to utilize it. SNAKE RIVER DIVISION. The Snake is one of the large rivers of the West, carrying at the lowest stages more than 3,000 second feet of water. Its sources in Yellowstone Park arid in the Teton and Wind River ranges are regions of large precipitation, which yield many perpetual streams. Emerging from th' 1 mountains the Snake flows out into an immense plain 250 miles in ..ength and from 50 to 100 miles in width. A large portion of this plain has been overflowed, in comparatively recent geological times, by extravasations of basaltic lava, much of which is still an expanse of black barren rock, while some of it is imper- fectly buried in drifted sand and soil. But there are also some millions of acres of land of excellent quality and as favorably situated for an extensive irrigation as any in the West. Indeed, it may be said that the eastern portion of the Snake River plains offers about the best opportunity for a splendid irrigation development of any portion of the West whose capabilities are at present understood. Settlement, however, has until within the last two or three years, almost wholly avoided it. The reason is not far to seek. There is little opportunity for the pioneer stage of development. This stage requires small streams which can be attacked by the resources of a few settlers without capital. Outside of the mountains the Snake has exceed- ingly few small tributaries. Whatever is done must require the resources of more or less capital. With very slight qualification the development must in the ordinary course begin at the second stage, that of multiple ditches. Until very recently there has been no sufficient demand for land to cause the development to leap over the first stage and begin with the second. It has, however, begun now, and for two years has been proceeding with a rapidity that may well be regarded as formidable. This great river and the large extent of land adjoining it capable of being irrigated by its waters, offered a problem of the highest interest, and it was determined to make a thorough examination of their capabilities. Mr. A. D. Foote was assigned to this division and began his field work in June. A field party was equipped in charge of assistant A. W. Wiley, and at once began the survey of a REPORT OF CAPT. 0. E. BUTTON. 107 high-line canal route, taking water at Eagle Rock on the Utah and Northern Railroad and extending southward to Pocatello. At Eagle Rock the banks of the river are very low and a natural dam site is found. There is practically no diversion-line necessary. The canal can leave the river bed at once, coursing directly for the foot-hills to the southeastward, and having good agricultural land under it almost from the very beginning. It would command all the land between the foot-hills of the Snake River range and the river ; and more favorably situated or better land can not be found. There is hardly an acre of waste ground in the entire tract of more than 200,000 acres. The examination of the lands on the right bank was post- poned until the early spring owing to the total absence of water, which may be looked for only after the early rains. While Mr. Wiley was surveying the canal route, Mr. Foote him- self undertook a reconnoissance of the main fork of the river in search of reservoir sites. The result of his search was most gratifying. At the head of the main fork of the Snake are Shoshone and Lewis Lakes, both of which might make reservoirs, but only of very limited utility. Much better resources were found. At Jackson's Lake, between the Teton and Wind River ranges, it is possible to construct, at relatively small cost, a reservoir which will hold a far greater body of water than the entire annual flow of the river above the lake's outlet. The present area of the lake is not far from 40 square miles, while its water-shed is between 750 and 800 square miles. The pre- cipitation over this area is, for the Western country, a maximum. In estimating the resources of grand reservoirs it is to be borne in mind that their utility is in most cases greatly impaired by loss from evaporation. But when the ratio of inflow to surface exposed is large, the perc ntage of loss is greatly reduced and the value of the reservoir is vastly increased. This is the case with Jackson's Lake. The indications now are that, after a reasonable allowance for evap- oration, an available output of stored water may be obtained from Jackson's Lake of at least 500,000 acre-feet, and possibly much more. Farther down the fork at Swan Valley is another reservoir site of the grandest proportions, with a narrow outlet where a dam can be constructed at moderate cost. A little above it is another basin of somewhat larger proportions, but in a hasty reconnoissance it was impracticable to form a confident opinion upon the dam site. On the Falls River fork of the Snake, which is the second branch in respect to size, a reservoir site has been discovered which is of almost indefinite capacity. The available catchment will be insuf- ficient to fill it. An apparently good dam site exists. All these basins remain to be surveyed with a view of ascertaining more definitely their capacities, available catchments, and cost of construction. But enough is known to warrant the statement that the possibil ties of storage are vast, far exceeding that of any other 108 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. known river in the West, and that the cost, though absolutely con- siderable, will be small relatively to the value of the stored water. The larger portion of the upper tributaries of the Snake remains to be reconnoitered for reservoir sites. Many others are reported and the topography of the country is favorable to their occurrence. Mr. Foote has also made an examination of the question of taking out the water of the Snake at American Falls, on the south side, with a view of reaching some good lands below that place. The scheme was found to be impracticable by reason of prohibitory cost. Very respectfully, C. E. BUTTON, Captain, etc. EXPENDITURES. Classification of expenditures of $100,000 for irrigation, 1889. A. Services B. Traveling expenses C. Transportation of property D. Field subsistence E. Field supplies and expenses F. Field material G. Instruments K. Books and maps L. Stationery and drawing material O. Office furniture P. Office supplies and repairs Q. Storage R. Correspondence Bonded railroad accounts settled at Treasury, viz: Transportation of assistants $1, 280. 35 Freight 519. 34 Unexpended balance. $40, 628. 37 9, 959. 97 1,705.72 6,333.57 8, 940. 53 17,756.74 11,420.12 28.60 727. 08 97.25 100. 85 105. 00 264. 97 1,799.69 131.54 Total 100, 000. 00 Abstract of disbursements made by Jno. D. McChesney, chief disbursing clerk, U. S. Geological Survey, during the second quarter of 1889. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1888. Oct. 23 83 C. E. Button gl5 70 24 88 S. J. Haislett Field expenses 32 00 31 123 Pay-roll of employes Services, October 1888 188 22 31 128 do do... 37 10 Nov. 2 138 do do ... 158 86 2 140 Q. E. Verrill 39 15 2 141 Josiah Pierce, jr do 39 25 2 142 H. M. Wilson . . do .... 16 25 2 143 do do 12 75 5 146 Robert Robertson do 19 51 6 152 Baltimore and Ohio R. R Transportation of assistants 570 35 14 174 Sparks Bros 18 horses 2 358 00 14 175 Asken Bros -.'<> horse blankets 105 00 15 178 Quartermaster's Department U. S. Tents 302 91 Army. ABSTRACT OF DISBURSEMENTS. 109 Abstracts of disbursements made by Jno. D. McChesney, etc. Continued. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1888. 188 E R Rail Field material $616.11 20 189 do 441.65 20 190 Subsistence supplies 67.05 20 191 G T Davis . . .do 109.05 20 194 H M Wilson Miscellaneous field supplies 96.05 20 20 195 196 ...'...do do Field material Traveling expenses 387.f>0 20.00 20 197 Services, October, 1888 20.79 22 203 R S Tarr Traveling expenses 17.90 22 204 Geo T Quinby .... do 17.35 22 210 Instruments and repairs 217.35 22 211 Transportation of assistants 46.65 23 217 Traveling expenses 9.25 23 318 do , do 24.33 23 219 G T Davis Field subsistence, etc 52.97 23 220 Field expenses 24.79 23 221 Field material 134.00 23 222 G E Verrill Field expenses, etc 32.90 24 223 H M Wilson do 185.08 30 244 R S Swift 18 mules 2,421.00 30 259 Salary, November, 1888 110.00 30 262 W D Castle Supplies 14.00 30 2(53 Services, October 30 to 31, 1888 3.87 291 Instruments 83.00 10 305 Fred A Schmidt Topographic supplies 16.50 10 340 .25 20 357 C H Pond Irrigation supplies 14.00 27 370 Western Union Telegraph Co Telegrams 34.32 27 371 Letter-file case 77.00 27 378 S J Haislett Tents 40.00 31 421 Services, December. 1888 156. 13 31 430 Transportation of assistants . . . 6.65 Total 9, 392. 04 Abstract of disbursements made by Mark B. Kerr, disbursing agent, U. S. Geologi- cal Survey, during the second quarter of 1889. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1888. Oct 13 26 H M Wilson Field expenses <26 25 13 50 do 49 50 13 51 R H McKee . .... ....do 57.81 13 52 Dan D Calkins ....do... 8.50 15 54 Paul Holmau do... 1.40 16 57 A F Dunnington do 58.65 58 R H McKee do 60.19 17 59 . do do 30.77 18 60 Arthur P Davis do .... 54.81 21 62 R Henry Phillips Traveling expenses 22 25 22 63 Dan D Calkius Field expenses 43.25 25 65 W L Tremble & Co Forage 27.00 25 68 H M Wilson Field expenses 116 86 27 69 F G Pratt & Co Field subsistence 22 21 27 70 A E Laudenslager do 21.84 27 71 G W Bond & Co Field supplies 10 45 27 72 Arthur P Davis Field expenses ... 49 35 27 73 \ F Dunnington do 69.80 31 75 Paul Holman . . . Services, October, 1888 66 23 31 78 Pay-roll (McKee) do 265 25 31 80 H M Wilson . . . . Field expenses .. 74 50 31 81 do Services. October, 1888 . . 92 39 31 82 Pay-roll (Davis) do 753. 59 89 Pay-roll (Chapman) do 342 30 g 90 Field expenses 35 76 g 91 Pay-roll (Tweedy) ... Services, October 1888 326 55 g 92 Pay-roll (Dunnington) do 236.44 g 04 Redick H McKee . . Field expenses 31 25 g 95 A F Dunnington do .... 44.55 98 I Karker & Co Field repairs etc 19 50 g 99 Field subsistence 86 43 R inn Harrv H. Hackett . Services. October 30. 1888. . . 3.23 110 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. Abstract of disbursemente made by Mark B. Kerr, etc. Continued. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1888. Oct 8 102 Dan D. Calkins Field expenses $20. 50 g 103 Arthur Bishoff Field material 8 98 8 105 Reaser Bros Field subsistence 143.28 8 106 W. H. McKenzie Field supplies 38.15 8 107 Redick H. McKee Field expenses. 40 95 8 108 A. F. Dunnington ... ... do 34.00 5 111 Mark B. Kerr Services, October, 1888 141.82 13 112 A. F. Dunnington .... Field expenses . 29 90 15 116 Philip S. Levflls Traveling expenses 25.25 15 118 R. H. Chapman Field expenses 4.50 15 119 Arthur P. Davis do 85.15 15 120 VanArsdell & Co.. . Forage . . 19.30 16 121 A. F. Dunnington Field expenses 63.60 21 125 Sparks Bros Forage ... 14 50 21 126 A. Holmes Services, November 1 to 10 1888 15.00 22 129 Redick H. McKee Field expenses 42.00 22 130 Arthur P. Davis do 57.20 28 131 A.H.Thompson Traveling expenses 191 50 28 134 Josiah Pierce, jr Field expenses 73.06 28 135 G.E. Verrill... do.. . 67.17 28 136 H. M. Wilson do 51.89 28 138 Redick H. McKee do 78.25 30 140 Arthur P Davis Services, November 1888 163 00 30 142 Redick H McKee Field expenses ..... 21.00 30 143 Pay-roll (McKee) Services, November, 1888 177. 40 30 144 Frank Senn do 6.67 30 145 Harry H Hackett do 50.00 30 146 J. H. Boring Services, October, 1888 45.16 30 150 Pay-roll (Wilson) Services, November. 1888. 809.20 30 151 William L. Maxwell Traveling expenses 6.00 30 152 Dan D Calkins do 33.75 30 153 William L. Maxwell ... ... Services, October, 1888 20.32 30 155 Pay-roll (McKee) . Services, November, 1888 140.00 30 156 S. P. Johnson Services, December. 1888 27.09 30 157 R H Chapman Services, November, 1888 97.80 30 158 Alice M. Prouty Services, December, 1888 5.16 Dec 15 161 Pay-roll (Davis) Services November 1888 220.00 15 162 Pay-roll (Douglas) do 384.96 15 163 Frank Tweedy .... Traveling expenses 115.20 15 164 H M Wilson Field expenses 72.12 15 165 do Field supplies 5.00 15 168 C S. Swift Services, November, 1888 39.00 15 169 Charles W. Friend do 19.00 15 171 R H Chapman Services, October, 1888 9.27 15 172 E M Douglas Field expenses 44,54 15 15 176 177 Pay-roll (Davis) Mark B Kerr Services, November, 1888 Field expenses 763. 10 19.94 Nov 30 179 ... do Services, November, 1888 146.80 Dec 15 180 Redick H McKee Field expenses 110.72 15 181 Harry A Hackett Services, December, 1888 4.84 15 183 Forage 12.00 15 187 H M Wilson Field expenses 39.67 15 188 G T Davis Field subsistence 99.14 15 189 Field expenses 2 50 15 190 do Traveling expenses 129.75 15 191 H M Wilson Field expenses 80.86 15 192 G E Verrill do 36.00 15 193 .... do 51.53 15 194 ....do 95.15 15 195 do 40.31 17 199 Telegrams . . 14.85 17 201 do do 9.22 17 205 Arthur P Davis Services, October, 1888 9.27 17 206 Paul Holman Services, November, 1888 . . . . 68.40 17 208 G E Verrill Field expenses . 32.35 17 209 A. H Thompson Traveling expenses 180.00 20 210 Henry Gannett do 132.90 23 211 Field expenses 37.93 23 212 Arthur P Davis do 76.02 23 .213 R. H. Chapman . do 32.20 23 214 Thomas Clement 12.50 23 215 W. S Montgomery Pasturage . 67.00 23 216 C. S. Swift Services, December 1 to 10, 1888 16.00 23 217 Mark B Kerr Services December, 1888 151.60 31 224 R. H. Chapman do 101.10 31 225 122.00 31 233 Pay-roll (Kerr) Services December, 1888 460.30 Total . . . 10,021.40 A15STRACT OF DISBURSEMENTS. Ill Abstract of disbursements made by Anton Karl, disbursing agent, U. S. Geological Survey, during the second quarter of 1889. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1888. Oct. 17 16 17 16 16 16 16 19 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 24 24 24 27 Z* 30 30 30 30 30 Nov. 3 6 7 7 14 15 15 16 16 12 15 19 19 19 21 23 23 26 29 29 28 29 29 30 30 30 Dec. 1 4 3 3 7 18 8 7 9 10 13 14 18 16 17 17 17 20 24 31 31 19 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 88 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 J C McGuire Traveling expenses $19.50 19.00 19.25 6.00 125.75 405.00 254.50 do Louis William Mohun ....do W H Hyatt Horse-shoeing . do Field material do do do do . F Morgan Services, October 17 and 18, 1888 Traveling expenses 5.00 24.25 19.25 18.50 45.35 18.00 18.00 1.75 680.10 63.00 25.00 6.60 189. 14 188.87 10.50 9.00 18.85 487.68 101.59, 21.10 242.75 34.00 390. 93 28.50 24.25 382.00 5.00 10.60 162. 98 30.50 22.00 8.50 28.12 23.25 6.00 22.00 1.75 6.25 6.17 8.25 1.70 2.25 2.50 41.16 150.00 99.26 117. 15 723.09 40.80 14.70 9.00 25.00 5.40 221.01 1.50 1.90 1.25 21.00 1.00 44.25 19.85 5.00 5,45 14. 10 12.00 5.96 William S Post . ...do . W B Corse do Alexander C Barclay. do do. do W C Wertman Services, October 22, 1888 Camp equipment W C Furst Subsistence W. H. Hyatt \ E Finn Transportation Subsistence . Camp equipment do Subsistence and camp equipment. . . ... do Transportation Robert \ Farmer Traveling expenses Pay-roll October, 1888 do ... do . J W Hays Traveling expenses W H Hyatt Field material A E Finn D C CrawfoVd John T. Williams Willard D Johnson Transportation . . . .do . A E Finn Field material Field expenses Willard D Johnson Camp equipment Annie Campbell Subsistence John Taylor Anton Karl Transportation Traveling expenses . . Mrs. James Kennedy Subsistence . J.B.McNeal Transportation Subsistence and transportation Subsistence Clay Bell S. A. Snyder Transportation and field material. . . . .do . . . .. Telegrams S A. Snyder Field expenses F Bradley H S Stansbury Services November 26 1888 John Fisher .... . .do Edward Elgenfritz 'Pay-roll November 1888 Willard D. Johnson . . . do Field material Subsistence Pay-roll November 1888 Charles P. Abdell Noah Cann S. Montrose Subsistence . ...do John Boyd do J. W. Dobbins Traveling expenses Willard D. Johnson Subsistence and field material do E. Forster Noah*Cann Transportation John Boyd W. H. Lithgran . . ... Subsistence do H. F. Comstock Expressage J. S. Parker A. E. Finn Edward Rollandet .... Lodging and transportation Subsistence Field material Anton Karl Traveling expenses do .. ... do Clay Bell Subsistence Pay-roll December, 1S88 833.20 20.75 68.50 52.31 Anton Karl W H Hyatt Traveling expenses Transportation J C McGuire do Total 6,805.37 112 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. Abstract of disbursements made by P. H. Christie, special disbursing agent, U. S. Geological Survey, during the second quarter of 1889. Date of pay- ' ment. sl 1 fcg To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1888. Nov. 30 30 i 2 Pay-roll P. H. Christie Services, November, 1888 Services November 16 to 30 1888 $467. 50 73 37 Dec. 10 3 Geo. T . Quinby Traveling expenses 28 05 10 4 Fred'k H. Newell do 92 10 10 5 J. B. Williams do 111 65 11 6 Palace Hotel Subsistence 90 00 11 7 Gerard D. Koch Field supplies 112 94 12 8 H. B. Cartwright do 95 08 12 9 W. A. McKenzie do 144 43 13 10 R. S. Tarr. .\ Traveling expenses 42 83 13 11 P. H. Christie do . 157 15 14 12 Geo. T. Quinby 101 33 19 13 R. S. Tarr . . do 13 95 19 14 Album Lopez Subsistence 34 37 19 15 F. H. Newell 35 60 20 16 C. E. Dutton 72 85 20 17 Philo, Ttnmsfty Subsistence 53 38 20 18 W. A. McKenzie Field supplies 49 06 22 19 Gurasfeld, Lindheim & Co do 21 47 22 20 Gerard D.Koch do 30 32 22 21 W. A. McKenzie do 52 75 22 22 H. B. Cartwright do ... 168 72 26 23 Palace Hotel 37 00 31 24 Pay-roll, December, 1888 825 62 31 25 George E . Curtis Traveling expenses 18 78 31 26 Alf red C. Lane do 90 60 31 27 P. H. Christie 94 52 31 31 28 29 Pay roll of employes . . . F.H. Newell Services, December, 1888 Field expenses 97.57 46 93 31 30 George E. Curtis Services, December 20 to 31 1888 45 15 Total 3 295 06 Abstract of disbursements made by Jno. D. McChesney, chief disbursing clerk, U. S. Geological Survey, during the third quarter of 1889. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. '1889. Jan 10 5 J W Powell Traveling expenses $58 55 10 6 do do 46. 55 18 16 J Karr Irrigation instruments 30.00 21 36 Robt. Boyd Office supplies . 1.60 21 38 Freight charges. . . ... 113 00 21 40 W & L E Gurley Instruments 319.05 22 41 Pennsylvania R R . . Transportation of assistants 93.30 22 45 Baltimore and Ohio R. R do 760.50 25 72 M W Beveridge Material 1.35 25 73 Adams Express Co Freight charges 30.05 25 31 74 82 Geo. W. Davis Traveling expenses Services January, 1889 .... 32.60 165. 00 31 85 Charles D Poston Services, Dec. 29, 1888, to Jan. 31, 1889. 50.00 Feb. 2 101 C E Dutton Traveling expenses 82. 15 4 4 11 113 118 144 Chicago, Santa F6 and California Rwy Western Union Telegraph Co Quartermaster's Dep't U S Army Transportation of assistants Telegrams Fisld material 10.25 6.70 834.72 18 165 E. S Ritchie & Sons Instruments 150. 00 18 168 Herman Baumgarten Supplies 3.00 28 193 William Ham Hall Services, Jan. 7 to Feb. 16, 1889 425. 00 28 195 Atchison Topeka and Santa F6 R. R Transportation of assistants 159. 15 Mar 1 204 25.90 Feb. 28 Mar. 6 217 236 Pay-roll of employes Denver and Rio Grande R R Services, February. 1 889 Transportation of assistants 165.00 18.00 7 240 United Lines Telegraph Co Telegrams .68 7 248 Western Union Telegraph Co do 7.34 13 257 Baltimore and Ohio R R Transportation of assistants 68.00 13 263 Henry J. Green Instruments 960.40 13 265 William Ballantyne & Son 6.40 13 267 Missouri Pacific Rwy Transportation of assistants 55.50 13 269 Adams Express Co ... Freieht . . 47.35 ABSTRACT OF DISBURSEMENTS. 113 Abstract of disbursements made by Jno. D. McChesney. etc. Continued. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1889. Mar 22 270 Wash B Williams Miscellaneous supplies $12.00 23 280 109.95 23 281 Geo W Knox 30 303 Services March 25 to 31 , 1889 .33. 87 30 313 Pay-roll of employed Services, March, 1889 220.32 Total 5,109.41 Abstract of disbursements made by P. H. Christie, special disbursing agent, U. S. Geological Survey, during the third quarter of 1889. Date of pay- ment. *J 3 fcg To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1889. Jan. 7 7 14 14 14 18 18 18 18 21 26 26 26 26 26 26 28 31 31 Feb. 1 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 12 13 13 13 18 18 21 21 22 25 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Mar. 13 13 13 21 31 31 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Frank Harrison . Traveling expenses $51.75 148.00 100.30 15.90 63.47 16.45 12.45 35.10 34.30 28.70 50.30 79.00 40.71 66.13 372.00 275.00 56.50 1,380.84 15.00 26.75 27.48 6.37 55.00 46.00 33.00 9.00 51.30 8.37 53.63 99.10 14.40 22.45 86.84 150.81 50.00 90.00 60.00 20.20 52.82 140.00 125.00 956.66 125.00 109.55 18.50 11.30 83.07 130.16 3.00 75.56 2.25 177.59 1,308. 11 30.00 12 90 Nettlelon & Campbell C. E. Dutton . Traveling expenses W. A. Farish do Robert Robinson do Frank P. Fisher . ... do P. H. Christie do .... do. ... W. A. McKenzie Miscellaneous field supplies G. W. Bond & Bro Forage Wm. Malboeuf Field material A. C Schmidt ..do .. .. R. C. Stewart Field supplies Jas. W. Queen & Co Instruments, etc. W. & L. E. Gurley do Hugh Loudon Mules Plaza Hotel Subsistence . ... Pay-roll Services January 1889 C. W. Taylor Office supplies L. C. Rice Field supplies The Denver Fire Clay Co do Mequillett & Macrum do Hermann H. Heiser Field material W. E. Scott & Co do R. W. Stuart & Co do Hermann H. Heiser do The Scbiff-Carlston Grocery Co Mequillett & Macrum Subsistence supplies Field supplies Chas. H. Smith Subsistence Geo. T. Quinby Field expenses J. B. Williams Traveling expenses P. H. Christie do P. H. Christie F. H. Newell do W. & L. E. Gurley Instruments Wall & Pursel Hermann H. Heiser Field material do Geo. T. Quinby Traveling expenses Geo T Quinby P. H. Christie Services February 1889 Pay-roll do do do do do H. B. Cartwright & Co Subsistence supplies Palace Hotel R. S. Tarr Subsistence W. A. McKenzie R. S. Tarr P. H. Christie do do Gore, Janney & Co F. H. Newell Field expenses Pay-roll Services, March, 1889 Draper Manufacturing Co Harold M. Dyar Services March 1889 Total 7,114.07 10 GEOL., PT. 2 8 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. Abstract of disbursements made by Mark B. Kerr, disbursing agent, U. S. Geolog- ical Survey, during the third quarter of 1889. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1889. Jan. 3 1 R H Chapman $43 94 4 2 L. G. Stepnenson . . do 54 00 4 3 Robt. Muldrow do. .. . 152 25 4 4 E. M. Douglas do. ... 87 40 5 6 Redick H. McKee . do 131 25 7 12 Josiah Pierce, jr do 107 75 15 13 do Field expenses 19 87 15 14 H. M. Wilson Traveling expenses 107 75 15 15 15 16 G.E.Verrffl H. D. Bushnell Field expenses Traveling expenses 37.61 21 75 15 18 Mark B. Kerr .... do .... 69 20 28 19 Pay-roll 823 20 82 21 Western Union Telegraph Co Telegrams 6 28 28 23 H. M. Wilson Field expenses 298 00 28 24 Philip Sawyer Traveling expenses 18 50 28 25 do . . .... 6 85 28 27 G.E.Verrill. 98 50 28 29 Arthur P. Davis . . Field expenses 82 76 28 30 do do . . . 19. a") 28 31 do.. .. .... 18 50 28 32 R. Henry Phillips Services December 1888 84 20 28 33 Pay-roll ... do 839.95 29 38 W. A. McKenzie Field material 53.70 29 39 Isador Ferron Forage 20.00 29 40 D. T,, Snmimiss do 23 66 29 43 Amos Snott . . . . . . . , , Services December 1888 60 00 29 44 Reaser Bros Forage 18.50 29 45 Geo. Chase Repairs etc . . M. 75 29 46 Kauzenbach & Habuland Subsistence, etc . 23.58 29 47 Arthur Bishoff Field subsistence 9.70 31 54 Pay-roll (office) Services January 1889 1,311.40 31 55 do do. . .'.' 258.30 31 56 Pay-roll (Davis) do 394. 16 31 57 Pay-roll (Johnson) do 950.00 Feb. 15 63 A. H. Thompson . . . . ... Traveling expenses 195. 95 26 70 R. H. Chapman Field expenses 3.00 26 71 Henry Vilas Traveling expenses 11.70 26 72 do do 66.70 27 73 Willard D Johnson . . . Field expenses 275.15 27 76 Reaser Bros Subsistence etc 107.08 27 77 F. G. Pratt & Co ,lo 18.62 27 78 Stuart & McNair ....do... 33.22 27 79 McClutcheon, Payne & Co Forage 38.03 27 80 Adolph Lea do 9.00 27 81 Isaac N. Hoger Pasturage, January 1889 26.88 27 82 do Pasturage, February, 188'J 52.50 28 86 Pay-roll (Phillips) Services February 1889 277.80 28 87 Pay-roll < office) . ..do 1,386.60 28 89 do ... do . . . 233.40 Mar. 5 91 Amos Scott 60.00 5 92 ... do . . Services February 188!) 60.00 5 93 A. J. Newman Pasturage 14.20 5 94 Willard D. Johnson Traveling expenses. 16.70 5 95 Pay-roll (Johnson . . . Services February 1889 875.40 5 1)6 R. Henry Phillips . . Field expenses 19.80 9 102 W. & L. E. Gurley Instruments 26.95 9 103 R. Henry Phillips Field expenses 26.17 9 104 John W. Hayes . do 468.62 9 105 do 5 85 19 106 Willard D. Johnson Field expenses 30.08 19 107 Isaiah Prendell Forage 67. 50 19 108 J. & J Raycraf t 50.00 19 110 John W. Hayes Field expenses 24.25 23 112 Marchey Kelley . . Services January 23-30 1889 20.00 23 113 McClutcheon Payne & Co Forage 32. 14 23 114 do . . . . do 7.49 23 115 Stuart & McNair Subsistence 24.62 23 116 C. V Mead do ... 18.45 23 117 Eugene Moreno Forage 13.50 23 118 R Henry Phillips 37.53 31 122 Pay-roll (office) 1,767.50 31 124 do .do 58. 07 31 125 Pay-roll (Phillips) do 286.10 31 126 Amos Scott do . . 60.00 31 128 H. C'. Daugberg .... Pasturage 198. 00 31 129 Jacob Klein 15.00 31 130 Thomas Clements 15.00 31 131 102 00 Tutal . . 13,409.06 ABSTRACT OF DISBURSEMENTS. 115 Abstract of disbursements made by Anton Karl, special disbursing agent, U. S. Geological Survey, during the third quarter of 1889. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1889. Jan 18 1 Arthur P Davis .... Transportation and subsistence .... SR-) 89 3 2 John Parker do 4.00 X!3 3 Willard D Johnson .. .do ... 291 06 xT> 4 J W Hays Field supplies .... 297.05 25 5 do Subsistence . .... 113 57 Mar 30 7 Field material 5 76 Feb 2 g Win Noedel . . Subsistence 132. 53 2 9 A E Laudenslager do 59.67 2 10 VanArsdell & Co Field material 47.19 2 U Geo W Bond & Bro 19 16 2 12 j \v Miller Field material .... 51 02 2 13 Mauley L Hart . . . Services December 1-24, 1888 38.71 2 14 F Geo Pratt & Co 28 18 2 15 L B Putney Field material 21.49 2 16 J J Shumway Services January 21 to 31 , 1889 17.74 2 17 G W Bond & Bro 14 53 Mar 30 18 Field expenses . . 270 00 30 19 Samuel A Foot Services 4.73 30 20 W N Eminert Subsistence 20.65 Total . . . . 1,522.93 Abstract of disbursements made by John D. McOhesney, chief disbursing clerk, U. S. Geological Survey, during the fourth quarter of 1889. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1889. April 11 11 22 22 22 29 29 29 30 May 4 4 18 18 18 18 18 21 21 23 29 31 31 June 4 4 5 5 12 17 21 22 27 27 29 29 29 9 11 24 26 28 46 52 61 78 95 105 143 144 147 149 155 161 162 181 190 217 226 239 242 246 248 292 316 327 328 341 342 364 374 384 J. Schultzbach Supplies $474.00 3.87 163.90 35.60 27.75 57.30 30.00 24.65 320.00 30.00 6.43 166.00 3.00 136.85 24.96 79.00 17.80 92.70 380.00 140.11 5.85 372. 50 22.65 9.96 101). 00 269.32 18.15 14.50 45.10 36.00 15.00 8.25 100.00 69.20 572.50 Western Union Telegraph Co Telegrams February 1889 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R. Denver and Rio Grande R. R Transportation of assistants do Chicago and Alton R R do Geo Ryneal, jr Supplies ... Crane & Co Irrigation supplies Adams Express Co Freight charges Pay-roll of employSs Services. April, 1889 . . J. S. Topham Field Material Western Union Telegraph Co Telegrams Geo Ryneal jr Topographic supplies E W Woodruff Irrigation supplies Alvah Bushnell Irrigation supplies Fred A Schmidt Supplies Denver and Rio Grande R. R Transportation of assistants United States Express Co Lyman Bridges Services, April 2 to May 14, 1889. . . . Services, May 15 to May 31, 1889. . . . dp Montana Central Rwy. Pay-roll of employes Services, May, 1889 Western Union Telegraph Co Columbia Phonograph Co Telegrams, April, 1889 Irrigation supplies Josiah Pierce, jr Salary, May, 1889 Quartermaster's Department, U. S. Army. Burlington and Missouri River R. R. . Castle & Henshaw Freight charges Irrigation material . . Pennsylvania R. R Transportation of assistants S. J. Haislett Z. D Gilman Field material Supplies Josiah Pierce, jr Paul Holman Services, June, 1889 do Pay-roll of employes do Total 3,872.90 116 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. Abstract of disbursements made by P. H. Christie, disbursing agent, U, S. Geolog- ical Survey, during the fourth quarter of 1889. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid Amount. 1889. April 18 1 L. I). Hopson Traveling expenses %->9 HO 18 2 J B Williams do 36 80 19 3 William P. Trowbridge, jr do 47 22 19 4 do " .'.". Field expenses 11. 35 19 5 W. & L E. Gurley Instruments 197 20 19 6 F. H. Newell Field expenses 106 16 30 W. & L. E. Gurley Instruments . . . .... 195. 00 29 8 R. W. Stewart & Co Field supplies 88.67 29 9 Lallie & Bailey Instruments 100 00 29 10 E. S. Ritchie & Sons do 250 00 30 11 Pay-roll, April, 1889 Services 125 00 May 3 12 Robert Robertson Traveling expeLses 63 40 3 13 do 127 92 6 14 J. B. Williams Traveling expenses 93 00 April 30 15 Pay-roll, April, 1889 Services . . . 731 32 May 6 April 30 SO 16 17 18 Harold M. Dyar R. S. Tarr, April, 1889 P. H. Christie Traveling expenses Services ... do 67.70 75.00 148 30 May 7 19 The Schiff-Carleton Grocery Co Subsistence supplies 35.20 8 20 G.W. Bond & Bro ' Field supplies 42.32 8 21 George E. Curtis Field expenses 286 62 10 22 Cartwright & Griswold Field supplies ... 8.50 8 23 Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Co Transportation 121.54 10 24 W. A. McKenzie Field supplies. . 40.91 10 25 F. C. Ductscher do 8 50 10 26 George T. Quinby Traveling expenses 14.22 10 27 do 73 66 April 30 28 Frank Harrison, April, 1889 Services 75.00 30 29 Frederick H. Newell, April, 1889 . . do 125 00 30 30 T. M. Bannon, April, 1889 do 50.00 May 13 31 Palace Hotel 15 63 14 32 J. W. Mitchell Traveling expenses 13 75 15 33 Lallie & Bailey Instruments 300.00 20 34 R. S. Tarr Subsistence . . 35.00 24 24 35 36 F. H. Newell do Traveling expenses Field expenses 34.50 164.60 24 37 F. M. Bannon Traveling expenses .... 55. 75 June 30 110 Lyman Bridges . . . do 125.75 30 111 Frank Harrison Field expenses 219 37 30 112 B. J. Briggs Field material . .... 125.00 30 113 J. B. Williams, June, 1889 Services 100.00 30 114 R S Tan- Field expenses 8 62 30 115 Pay-roll, June, 1889 Services 466. 66 30 116 Douglas Taylor ... do 34. 50 30 11? William M Welch do 34 50 30 118 H M Wilson do 197.80 30 11') P H Christie 19 55 30 120 William P Trowbridge, jr Field expenses 37.00 30 121 Pay-roll [Foote], June, 1889 Services 281.75 30 122 do do 161.99 30 123 William Gilbert do 50 00 30 124 Harold M Dyar do 50.00 30 125 Lallie & Bailey Instruments .... 212.00 30 126 P H Christie Field expenses 93 69 30 127 William Ham Hall. May, 1889 Services 186.81 30 128 William Ham Hall, June, 1889 ....do . 329.70 30 129 30 95 30 130 Curt W Miller, June, 1889 ... Services . . 20.00 30 131 H M Wilson . T. . . Field expenses 46.62 30 132 do .... do 8.60 30 133 do Traveling expenses 43 <50 30 134 do Field expenses 100.15 30 135 L D Hopson do . . 33.84 30 136 George T. Quinby do 237. 05 30 137 J. B.Williams do 48.49 30 138 Rich Shumway, June, 1889 . ... Services 50.00 30 139 Goldman & Co Field supplies 27.97 30 140 Field expenses 4.00 30 141 R S TaiT ... do 5.25 30 142 A J.Wiley ....do . 39. 33 30 143 George T. Quinby do 8.60 30 144 W A Farish . . do 119.71 30 145 F H Newell Traveling expenses 58. 115 30 146 do 44.12 30 147 Robert Robertson Services, June, 1889 " 75. 00 30 148 R P Irwin . ..do . 50.00 30 30 149 150 W. A. McKenzie . .- L II Shortt Field supplies Field expenses 7.00 4.75 30 151 do 75. 97 30 152 E. S. Nettleton. Mav. IKS'.) . . . Services. . . 186.81 ABSTRACT OF DISBURSEMENTS. 117 Abstract of disbursements made by P. H. Christie, etc. Continued. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1889. June 30 153 J.J.Rogers Field material . . $22 75 30 154 E. S. Nettleton, June, 1889 Services 329.70 30 155 Joseph Werlin Forage . . . 12 00 30 156 S.H.Bodflsh Field expenses 45.98 30 157 Wall & Pursel Field material 230 00 30 158 Edward F Vincent, June, 1889 Services 10 00 30 159 E. S. Nettleton ' '. Traveling expenses 21 15 30 160 W W Sargeant June 1889 . ... Services 16 00 30 161 W. L. Wilson do 20 00 30 162 J A Green do 5 00 30 163 J W Nelson ..do 4 50 30 164 L. H. Friend do 5 00 30 165 A. W. Ralston do 2.33 30 166 S H Bodflsh . . . Traveling expenses 83 25 30 167 E S. Nettleton Field expenses ... ... 63 20 30 168 W W Montague & Co Field material 72 14 30 169 R W Neil do 82 25 30 170 James Smiford Field supplies .... 17 45 Total . . 18.004.92 Abstract of disbursements made by Mark B. Kerr, disbursing agent, U. S. Geolog- ical Survey, during the fourth quarter of 1890. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1889. Apr. [10 15 15 15 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 24 24 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 May 1 11 11 11 13 16 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 29 31 31 31 31 31 31 June 29 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 31 32 33 34 35 40 41 43 44 45 46 57 58 59 61 64 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 78 79 87 89 90 91 94 John W Hayes Field expenses 1463.44 3.80 4.15 93.95 917. 60 755.00 180.00 250.00 125.00 7.58 22.22 30.58 52.50 23.20 413. 99 200.33 20.35 300.00 90.00 1,868.35 60.00 19.15 282.40 19.00 537.60 33.55 14.00 69.10 455.40 135. 85 24.05 33.90 18.25 39.70 41.98 54.75 94.60 102.25 164.08 7.25 25.00 1,024.60 170.40 102.20 255 50 J W Dobbins Traveling expenses S S. Mitchell do Willard D. Johnson Field expenses Pay-roll of employes Services March 1889 M Studjuski Field material W. H. Hyde do William H. Anderson do F. E. M. Jayne do do do ... Martin Tolman . . Forage Isaac N. Hogan E M Douglas Pasturage Willard D. Johnson Field expenses do do R. Henry Phillips do J B Hamilton . . Two horses W H Hyde One wagon Services April 18811 Amos Scott do ... Pay-roll of employes Services, April, 1889 C H Fitch Pay-roll of employes Services April 1889 McCutcheon, Payne & Co Forage ... ... Stuart & McNair . . . R. H. Chapman . . . Traveling expenses E. M Douglas Traveling expenses Daniel M Adams ... do C H Fitch do Robert J Breckenridge ..do P. V. S Bartlett Field expenses R H Phillips do H. M Wilson do . .. . R. C. McKinney Traveling expenses ... .... G. E. Verrill do. ". . . .*. Mark B. Kerr do .... do Field expenses Services May 1889 do do H M Wilson do R H Chapman ...do... do .. .. do ... 153.40 233.85 William H Hyde Field material Total . . 9, 993. 90 118 IRRIGATION SURVEY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. SUPPLEMENTAL, JUNE 30, 1889. Abstract of disbursements made by Jno. D, McChesney, chief disbursing clerk, U. S. Geological Survey, during the first quarter of 1890. Date of pay- ment. M3 o,3 *I To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1889. July 10 13 John C. Parker Supplies, etc $5 90 11 20 Fauth & Co Irrigation instruments 2 900 00 18 66 Denver and Rio Grande R. R Transportation of assistants 34 25 18 67 Atlantic and Pacific R. R ... do 28 05 20 95 Maricopa and Phoenix R. R Freight .52 22 100 John T<\ Pqrftt Supplies 23 55 22 121 Quartermaster's Department, U. S. Material 91.21 31 129 Army. Northern Pacific R. R . . Transportation of assistants 19 45 31 130 Baltimore and Ohio R. R do 28.00 Aug. 1 146 Robert Boyd Supplies 3 83 147 TRiomas Riggs .... Services 7 50 3 150 Royce & Marean Supplies 1 80 3 157 Western Union Telegraph Co Telegrams 4 12 3 163 do do 3.01 6 165 Utah Central Rwy Transportation of assistants 1 50 6 168 Idaho Central R. R Freight 8 27 7 7 171 177 George Ryneal, jr Adq,ms Kxprpss C<"> Material and supplies Freight April 1889 . 318.99 10 70 7 178 do ..." Freight, March 1889 7 25 10 182 Northern Pacific R. R Transportation of assistants 41.70 15 187 Denver and Rio Grande R. R do 139. 85 15 191 Arthur Watts Field supplies 49 00 15 192 Sparks Bros Forage 59.60 19 195 Adams Express Co Expressage May 1889 70 95 19 198 Idaho Central R. R Transportation of assistants 1 00 19 201 Denver and Rio Grande R. R . . do . 51.90 19 204 do Freight 1 20 20 207 Western Union Telegraph Co Telegrams May and June, 1889 51 47 21 215 Columbia Phonograph Co Rent, April 1 to June 30 1889 10.00 21 21 216 217 Alvah Bushnell < !olora o Midland Rwy Irrigation supplies Transportation of assistants 24.90 8.00 22 220 E. Morrison .... Supplies 3 50 22 221 John Roach Repairs to field material 15.50 Sept. 12 13 246 248 Colorado Midland Rwy Baltimore and Ohio Rwy Transportat.on of assistants do 7.05 413 40 14 249 Adams Express Co . . . Freight charges, June, 1889 184.80 16 250 Fred. A. Schmidt Irrigation supplies 12.00 19 252 Daniel M. Adams Services, May 1 to 15, 1889 24.19 26 254 Willard D. Johnson Field expenses 225.4? 30 255 John W. Hayes do 342.02 30 257 J W Powell Traveling expenses 66 75 30 258 Atchison, Topeka and Santa F6 R. R Transportation of assistants 57.50 30 259 W & L E Gurley 2 158 00 Total 7, 518. 31 Abstract of disbursements made by Jno. D. McChesney, chief disbursing clerk, U. S. Geological Survey, during the second quarter of 1890. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1889. Oct. 23 7 Henry J Green Instruments . . $60 62 31 8 C. J. Jones Traveling expenses 4.50 Nov. 8 23 Atchison, Topeka and Santa F6 R. R Transportation of assistants 126. 31 11 12 24 25 Adams Express Co Paul Holman Freight Traveling expenses 6.80 39.00 19 30 Baltimore and Ohio R R Freight 8.58 Dec. 7 34 (JO 10.95 14 38 Willard D Johnson Field expenses 129.99 14 39 ...do ... do 1C3.85 14 40 do do 83.65 ir 42 Chesapeake and Ohio R. R Transportation of assistants 69.95 Total 644.20 ABSTRACT OF DISBURSEMENTS. 119 Abstract of disbursements made by Mark B. Kerr, disbursing agent, U. S. Geolog- ical Survey, during the first and second quarters of 1890. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1889. July 30 1 Wells Fargo & Co Expressage $50 70 Oct 26 2 Services May, 1889 25 81 Nov 1 4 A T Kyle jr Pasturage 10 84 Total 87.35 Abstract of disbursements made by P. H. Christie, special disbursing agent, U. S. Geological Survey, during the first quarter of 1890. Date of pay- ment. No. of voucher. To whom paid. For what paid. Amount. 1889. July 20 1 Robert Robertson Traveling expenses $43 95 20 2 ... do Field expenses 257 87 24 26 3 4 T.E. Parish A.J.Wiley Services, June, 1889 .- Field expenses 100.00 13 38 26 5 J W Mitchell do 19 34 31 6 S W Pomeroy Hire of transportation 15 50 31 7 Field expenses 35 35 Aug 10 a Royce and Mareau ... Instruments 75 00 10 9 W & L E Gurley do 394 33 10 10 H M Wilson 53 55 10 U Bach Cory & Co Field supplies 87 21 Sept 13 12 L H Shoitt Field expenses 10 75 19 13 George E. Curtis Traveling expenses. 9 90 19 14 do do 143 05 30 15 C H Treat. Instruments 18 07 Total 1 277 25 Amount expended as per foregoing statement $98, 068. 77 Amount of bonded railroad accounts for freight and passenger transportation settled through the Treasury Department 1 , 799. 69 Balance on hand 131. 54 Total 100, 000. 00 INDEX. Page. Abstract of total disbursements 108-119 Ahern, Jeremiah, work of 40 American River, work on 42 Appropriation recommended for irrigation survey, first year's work 14 Areas surveyed 58-60 Arid lands, mode of acquirement of 28 Arid region, area and character of 4,9,10,13 Area surveyed to March, 1888 8 Characteristics of rivers of 25 Arkansas River, work on 18, 19, 24, 40, 43, 45,69,86,93,98 Arkansas River Division, reservoir sites sur- veyed in 58 Canal lines surveyed in 58 Work of. 93 Bannon.T. M., work of 86 Bear River, irrigable land selected for segre- gation 65 Bien, Morris, work of 40, 68 Bodfish.S. H., work of 93,94,95,97 Box Elder Creek, work on 69 Brodie, A. O., work of 46 Bridges, Lyman, work of 47, 105 California, work in 42, 66, 68, 76, 102, 104 Reservoir sites selected in 61-62 California Division, work of 47, 102, 104 Canal lines surveyed 46,58,60 Canal sites, discovery of 34 Carson River, Nevada, work on 18,42,43,47, 87,88,104,105 Chama River, New Mexico, work on 19,41,43 Chapman, R. H. , work of 42, 65, 67, 72, 77 Christie, P. H., disbursements by 112, 113, 116,117,119 Clear Lake, California, work at 103, 104 Climatology ' 56 Colorado appropriates money for stream- gauging 43 Colorado, work in 18, 40, 62, 66, 68-71 , 77, 93-98 Reservoir sites selected in 62 Colorado Division, work of 45-46 Columbia River, Montana, work on. 17 Commissioner of General Land Office, letter 3 Congress authorizes irrigation survey ; res- olution 2 Congress inquires concerning segregation of lands, etc 4 Cosumne River, work on 42, 102 Curtis, G. E., work of 44,83,84 Davis, A. P., work of 19,41,65,72,77 Page. Director of the Geological Survey, letters . . 4, 9, 15,38 Disbursements, abstract of 108-119 Donner Lake, Nevada 105, 106 Douglas, E. M., work of 17,42,65,67,71,77 Dunnington, A. F., work of 42,65,66,67 Dutton, C. E., chief engineer of irrigation survey, work of 20,43,45 Letter of instructions to 51-55 Report of 78-108 Duty of water 11,20,57,79 Dyar, H. M., work of 86 El Paso, dam at 46, 100 Engineering problems stated 51 Engineering survey, work of 87, 45-48 Engineering work, irrigation survey, report of 78-108 Espafiola Valley, work in 46 Evaporation 11,21,56,82,85 Farish, W. A., work of 43,86,87 Field work, methods of 74-76 Fitch, C.H., work of 40,68 Follett, W. W., work of 100, 101 Foote, A. D., work of 46, 106, 107, 108 Gallatin River, work on 45, 92 Gila River, work on 43,87 Griswold, W.T., work of 41 Hall, W. H., work of 48, 102, 103 Harrison, Frank, work of 43; 86, 87 Hayden Valley Park a reservoir site 95 Hays, John W., work of 40,65,68 Honey Lake basin, work in 47 Hope Valley, Nevada 105 Hopson.L. D., work of 43,86,88 Huerfano River, work on 45, 86 Humboldt River, work on : 47 Hydraulic work 19-22,48-45 Hydrographers, instructions for 56 Hydrographic observations, stations 86 Hydrographic survey, work of 36 Hydrographic work 78-108 Idaho, work in 41,88-89 Idaho Division, work of 46,47 Independence Lake, Nevada 105, 106 Instructions issued to chief topographer and chief engineer irrigation survey 49-57 Instructions for hydrographers 56 Instruments used in irrigation survey . . 44, 50, 80-85 Irrigable area, extent of 14 Irrigable land present and prospective values 13 121 122 INDEX. Page. Irrigable land considerations governing selection of 24, 25 Disposal of 27,28 Segregations 65 Irrigation, conditions of future develop- ment . 4-6 Requisites of survey for 10-12 Rainfall available for 13 Information needed concerning 83 Expenditures for 1889 classified 108 Irrigation survey, purpose of 29-33, 52 Plan of 3-3-38 Law establishing 38,39 Details of plan of operations . . 38-48 Irrigation work, instructions 49-57 Jackson's Lake, Wyoming, availability as a reservoir 107 Jefferson River, work on 45 Jemez River, New Mexico, work on 19, 43, 46, 73 Johnson, W.D., work of 18,40,65,68 Jornado del Muerto, work on 46 Karl, Anton, work of 18,65,68,77 Disbursements by Ill, 115 Kern River, work on 47 Kerr, M . B. , disbursements by .. 109, 110, 1 14, 1 17, 1 19 Lands capable of irrigation, present and prospective values 13, 15 Areas 14,32 Selection of 24,25 Disposal of 27,28 Total segregations 65 Land of the arid region, legislation needed concerning 28 Laws authorizing irrigation survey 1, 2, 38, 39 Laws for land tenure, proposed modifica- tions of 28 Lewis Lake 107 Land-laws, proposed modifications of 28 Lake Tahoe, capacity as a reservoir 22, 23 Lahontan Division, work of 47, 104-106 Madison River, work on 45, 92 Maps', scale and contour intervals 49 Use by -irrigation engineers. 53 McChesney, J. D. , disbursements by 108, 112 115,118 McKinney, R. C., work of 40 McKee, R.H., work of 42,65,66,67 Mercer River, work on 102, 103 Mesilla Valley, work in 46 Meteorology, work in 84 Milk River, work on 45 Mills, Anson (Major, U. S. Army), work of. . . 100 Mississippi River, effect of storage of water of Missouri River floods on 7 Missouri (Upper) Division, work of 45 Missouri River, work on 17,45,89,92 Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers, irrigable land selected for segregation C5 Mokelumne River, work on 42, 102 Montana, work in 17, 40, 66, 71 , 72, 77, 89, 91 Reservoir sites selected in 61 Mount Como range, Nevada, work on . 66 Nettleton, E.S.,workof 45 Nevada, work in 18, 66, 104-106 Nevada and Calif ornia, work in 42, 66-68, 76 Page. Newell, F. H.,work of. 44,79,83,86,88 New Mexico, work in 19, 41, 66, 72-74, 77 Reservoir sites selected in 63, 64 New Mexico Division, estimated expenses. . 46 Nilometer described 81 North Platte River, storage of waters of 24 Origin of the irrigation survey 1 Owens River Valley, irrigable land selected forirrigation 65 Payette River, work on 46 Perkins, E.T., work of 41 Phillips, R.H., work of 41,65,72,73 Pierce, Josiah, jr. , work of 65, 66, 67 Plane table, use of 50 Provo River, work on 88 Puerco River, New Mexico, work on 19, 73, 74 Preliminary report of the Director on the survey of arid lands for purposes of irri- gation 16-29 Quinby, G. T., work of 43, 86, 87 Rainfall, amount available for irrigation . . 13, 14 Determination of 21 Regions of 29 Rain gauging 21, 22 Reservoir sites, considerations governing se- lection 22-24 Appropriation of 26, 27 Discovery of 34 Selection of 54, 55 Tables 58,59,60,61-64 Resolution of Congress authorizing irriga- tionsurvey 2 Rio Grande, work on 41,43,46,87,98-102 Rio Grande Division, work of 98-102 Rio Grande Valley, reservoir site surveyed near El Paso 60 Irrigable lands selected for irrigation. . . 65 Rio Puerco, work on 19,73,74 Rivers of arid region, characteristics of 25 River flow, methods of measurement 84 Robertson, Robert, work of 43, 86 Rockwood, C. G., work of 103 Rogers, J.B., work of 91 Sacramento River, work on 47, 86 Salt River, work on 43, 87 San Joaquin River, work on 47 San Luis Valley, work in 4ti, 98 Secretary of the Interior, letters 1, 8, 15 Sediment in rivers, measurement of 1 1 , 20, 21 , 56,85 Segregation work 22 Senate resolution inquiring as to practica- bility of irrigation survey . . . . 1 Shoshone Lake 107 Snake River Basin, irrigable land selected for segregation 65 Snake River Division, work of. 106-108 Snake River, work on 41,44.88,106-108 South Platte River, Colorado, work on. . . 18, 111, 24, 43,69 Stanislaus and Tuolumne Basins, reservoir sites surveyed in -. 59 Stanislaus River, work on 42, 102 Stream gauging 19, 22, 43, 55, 56, 79-82 Sun River, work on 91, 92 INDEX. 123 Sun River Basin, Montana, reservoir sites surveyed in 59 Canal line surveyed in 60 Survey for irrigation, information required . 11 Specific purposes of 32, 33 Swan Valley, reservoir site in 107 Tahoe Lake 104 Taos Valley, work on 46 Tarr, R. S., work of 43, 86 Tennessee Fork of Arkansas River, reser- voir sites on 95,97,98 Thompson, A. H. , chief topographer, work of 17, 40 Letter of instructions to 49-51 Report of 65-77 Topographic operations 40^3 Topographic survey, work of 36, 76, 77 Topographic work 17-19, 36, 40-43, 65-77 Recapitulation of expenses 43 Field methods 74-76 Topography of river channels 85, 86 Triangulation methods 49, 50 Trowbridge, W.P., work of 43,86 Truckee River, work on 18, 23-23, 42, 43, 47, 87, 88,104 Tuolumne River, work on 102 Tuolumne and Stanislaus Basins, reservoir sites surveyed hi 59 Page. Tweedy, Frank, work of 40, 65, 71, 77 Twin Lakes, Colorado, as a reservoir 95, 97, 98 Upper Missouri Division, work of 45 Utah, reservoir sites selected in 63 Hydrographic work in 88 Utah Lake, examinations of 88 Value of irrigable lands, irrigated and unir- rigated 13, 14 Verde River, work on 43 Verrill, George E., work of 42,65,66,67 Wagoner, L. P., work of 103 Walker River, Nevada, work on 18, 47 Water rights 11, 12,28,30-32 Water supply, measurement of 34-36, 56 Weber Lake 106 Wiley, A. W., work of 106, 107 Williams, J.B.,work of 43,83,86,88,89 Wilson, H. M. , work of .. 18, 45, 65, 66, 67, 76, 91 , 92, 93 Wood River, work on 89 Wyoming, work in 43 Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers, irrigable land selected for segregation 65 Yellowstone Lake as a reservoir 93 Yellowstone Park, work in 93 Yellowstone River, work on 40, 45, 89 Yuba River, work on 42 9 Mar 5 5V l APR 2 9)195519 LD 21 _lOO,n-l,'54(1887sl6)476 YE 10877 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY