860 01 THE Philippine Exposition Board UC-NRLF 1 1 1 Hi I! 1 1 1 'hi 1 1 'hi B 3 507 DID Louisiana Purchase Exposition AND OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS GRANTED BY THE Philippine International Jury At the Philippine Government Exposition WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. ST. Louis, Mo., U. S. A. 1904 OF THE Philippine Exposition Board TO THE Louisiana Purchase Exposition AND OFFICIAL LIST. OF AWARDS GRANTED BY THE Philippine International Jury At the Philippine Government Exposition WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. ST. Louis, Mo., U. S. A. 1904 PNINTEKY OF ST. LOUIt iERNARD MOSES ; u REPORT OF THE PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION BOARD TO THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION The Philippine Exposition Board was created by Act 514 of the Philip- pine Commission, passed for the purpose of collecting and installing a disj tinctively Philippine exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition of 1904, at St. Louis, Mo. The original act carried an appropriation of $125,000, which was made immediately available, and authorized the Board to incur additional obliga- tions to the amount of $250,000 apart from such sum as might be set aside by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company as aid to the Philippine exhibit. The amount of such aid was $200,000, from the appropriation made by congress. Several amendments to Act 514 were made, notably Acts .765-827-1055, and other acts carrying additional appropriations. The Exposition Board, as originally appointed, consisted of Dr. W. P. Wilson, Director of the Philadelphia Commercial Museum; Dr. Gustavo Nie- derlein, Chief of the Scientific Department of the Philadelphia Museums, and Mr. Pedro A. Paterno, of Manila, as members, and Dr. Leon M. Guerrero, also of Manila, secretary. Mr. Carson Taylor was appointed disbursing officer. Several changes in the authorized official organization have occurred. Mr. Pedro A. Paterno, member, whose work had been confined to the Philippine Islands, resigned in August, 1904, and was succeeded by Mr. A. L. Lawshe, auditor for the Philippine Islands, who was appointed to serve during a leave of absence from the Philippines. Dr. W. P. Wilson resigned the chairmanship in October, 1904, the resignation to take effect November ist following. Mr. Lawshe was appointed to the chairmanship to succeed Dr. Wilson, and Mr. Herbert S. Stone, previously connected with the Board as Chief of Publicity, was appointed to the vacant membership on the Board. The present chairman of the Board, not having participated in any man- ner in organizing or installing the Philippine exhibit, is in a position to dis- M144140 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. cbs-s : without 'indelicacy or impropriety the great work done by the Board under its former organization. The task of collecting the material for the exhibit devolved upon Dr. Niederlein, who, as Director of Exhibits, was given sole charge of this work. He arrived in the islands for the purpose in October, 1902. The exhibit as completed is of itself a magnificent testimonial to his intelligence, zeal and energy, and is conceded by all to be the one surpassing feature of the World's Fair of 1904. Chairman Wilson made a brief visit to the Philippine Islands in May,. 1903, to arrange plans for the work, and upon his return undertook the construction of the buildings and the beautifying of the grounds. Forty- seven acres of rolling country, lying for the most part, on an ele- vation of the southwestern section of the World's Fair grounds were assigned to the Philippine exhibit. The work of construction consisted in building a miniature city with streets and parks and complete sewerage, water and electric light and fire alarm systems. The ground plan included a central park or plaza, beautifully ornamented by the landscape gardener's art, the sides of the quadrangle being occupied respectively by the Cathedral, or Educational building, the typical Manila house, the Commerce building and the Government or Administration building, each of these beautiful struc- tures being filled with appropriate exhibits. In addition, there are separate exhibit buildings devoted to forestry, to mines and metallurgy, to agri- culture and horticulture, to fish and game and to ethnology, all artistically placed. A reproduction of the ancient walls of Manila commands the main approach to the Philippine grounds. After crossing a miniature reproduc- tion of the Bridge of Spain which spans the Pasig river at Manila, the visitors enters the Philippine reservation through the Real gate, villages typical of Philippine life from the lowest grade to the better class surround the main buildings, while on the south side are the quarters, camps and parade grounds of the Philippines constabulary and the Philippine scouts. The "Manila Observatory," with a large out-door relief map on the east, and a hospital and office building in a convenient space on the west part of the grounds, and the usual complement buildings occupied by concessionaires, as restaurants, places of entertainment, and booths, complete the scheme. Each and every building constructed under Philippine auspices is typical of the islands. Vast quantities of bamboo and nipa brought from the archi- pelago were used in the construction of the native villages, as well as in the Forestry, Mines, Agricultural and Fish and Game buildings. The visitor familiar with Philippine scenes is struck with the accuracy of the reproduc- tions which he beholds. REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. While the expenditure for the exhibit has far exceeded the amount orig- inally contemplated by the Philippine Commission, due to many causes and conditions not necessary to discuss here the concensus of opinion as gathered from visitors is that it is worth all it has cost and more, in giving to the people of the United States a more intimate knowledge of the resources and possibilities of the Philippine Islands than they could acquire except by an actual and extended visit. The exhibit is, moreover, an honest one. While all of the seventy or more groups of people in the archipelago could not be represented, we have the least civilized in the Negritos and the^Igorots; the semi-civilized in the Bagobos and the Moros, and the civilized and cultured in the Visayans, as well as in the constabulary and scout organizations. In all other respects, commercially, industrially, and socially, the exhibit is a faithful portrayal. The official staff of the board was as follows : Dr. Wm. P. Wilson, chairman. Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, member and director of exhibits. Mr. Pedro A. Paterno, member. Dr. Leon M. Guerrero, secretary. Mr. Edmund A. Felder, executive officer. Mr. Carson Taylor, disbursing officer. Mr. H. C. Lewis, cashier. Rev. Jose Algue, S. J., director of the Philippine Weather Bureau and director of the Philippine Exposition Observatory. Captain M. C. Butler, U. S. A., director of supplies. Captain Llewellyn P. Williamson, medical department, U. S. A., medical director. Mr. Chas. L. Hall, chief, Department of Agriculture. Mr. Chas. P. Fenner, chief, Department of Commerce and Manufactures and representative of the American Chamber of Commerce of Manila. Mr. A. R. Hager, chief, Department of Education. Dr. Albert E. Jenks, chief, Ethnological Survey for the Philippine Is- lands and chief, Department of Ethnology, Philippine Exposition. Mr. Roy Hopping, chief, Department of Mines and Metallurgy. Mr. Herbert S. Stone, .chief, Department of Publicity. Mr. Alfred C. Newell, chief, Department of Exploitation. Mr. Wm. N. Swarthout, editor of the Manila Times, on special duty. Mr. Geo. P. Linden, curator of exhibits, in charge of Forestry. Captain F. E. Cofren, P. C., chief of war exhibit Mr. Antonio G. Escamilla, assistant secretary. Captain Geo. S. Clark, purchasing agent. PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Mr. A. E. Anderson, architect. Mr. Jas. D. Lalor, chief engineer. Miss Pilar Zamora, superintendent of Model School. Mr. Jose Quadras, chief of Fish and Game. In addition to this official staff, there was a large force of laborers, clerks, etc., employed in installing and maintaining the exhibits. In spite of the hard rains, the Philippine Exposition was formally opened to the public on June i8th, and Colonel Edwards as representative of the secretary of war, transferred the exhibits to President Francis. In the presence of a large crowd, the parade of eleven hundred natives, ranging from the uniformed Scouts to the simply-garbed Igorot, passed in review before the secretary of the_treasury, Honorable Leslie M. Shaw, President Fran- cis, General John C. Bates, commanding the Northern Division of the United States army, Colonel Edwards, and other distinguished visitors. The stand was decorated with American flags and the arms of the Philippines with the devices of the different provinces. The exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. Jose Algue, S. J., director of the Philippine Weather Bureau. Dr. Wilson, chairman of the board, then spoke of the collection of exhibits and the preparation of the Exposition. He was followed by Colonel Edwards who read a number of congratulatory telegrams from President Roosevelt, Secre- tary Taft and others. Addresses were also made by Mayor Wells, President Francis and Dr. Niederlein, director of exhibits. August 1 3th, the anniversary of the fall of Manila was set aside by the Exposition authorities as "Philippine Day" and for a week or more before that date was widely advertised. At 10:30 in the morning-, over 6,000 soldiers of the United States formed at the parade entrance, escorted the guest of honor, the secretary of war, and other distinguished guests, through the grounds of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition to the Philippine reserva- tion. In the grandstand many veterans of the Philippine campaigns were gathered : General Humphrey, General Merritt, General Chas. King, Gen- eral Bell, General Smith, General Bates, General Hale, General Wheaton, Col- onel Edwards and others, together with President Francis, Mayor Wells, the officials of the Philippine Exposition and many of the honorary Filipino commissioners. Secretary Taft made a memorable speech on the opportunities in the Philippines and the proper legislation to secure the best results. Hon. Benito Legarda, president of the honorary commission, spoke of the feeling of the Filipinos toward America and American government of the islands and the gratification of the members of the commission over the representation at St. Louis. Dr. Wilson, Congressman John Allen and others also spoke. REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. THE FORESTRY EXHIBIT. MR. GEORGE P. LINDEN, CHIEF. This exhibit is installed in a handsome and characteristic bamboo and nipa structure of the bungalow type. The exhibit itself is the wonder and admiration of visitors, those in a position to know asserting that it is the most complete and elaborate of its kind ever gotten together. Certainly no other forestry exhibit at the Louisiana 'Purchase Exposition equals it in variety or splendor. The installation of the Forestry exhibit was completed by the opening day. The interior of the building is divided into four parts, of which two are utilized to show the woods in the rough, and planed and polished states ; a third being used to display the forestry by-products, and the la-st to con- tain the finished products made into furniture. This display shows the skill of the Filipino workmen in cabinet-making, carving, inlaid-woodwork- etc., and demonstrates the possibilities of the various woods. THE WOOD EXHIBIT. Directly in the central aisle are two pieces of Calantas, or "Philippine cedar,'' 36x5 feet in size. One is highly polished, and the other is in the rough state, showing the daily work of cutting with an ordinary frame saw by Chinese workmen. On the left side of the Calantas wood, the timber testing laboratory of the Manila Bureau of Forestry has exhibited some of the commercially known woods, given all known data relating to same, the vulgar and scientific names, locality, distribution, uses and prices on beach and market in Manila. On the right side of the Calantas woods, sections of trees eight feet high are shown in pairs, one in the rough and one in the polished state. Above both exhibits some very fine specimens of boards one inch thick, from eighteen to thirty inches wide and twelve to eighteen feet long are dis- played. On either side of these columns smaller samples of woods are shown in pyramids. Directly in the center of the building in the rotunda, is a column of woods twenty feet high made of the respective varieties, Narra, Supa, Tindalo and Guijo, all highly polished. The entire wall space of the building is covered with planks sixteen feet high, shown in pairs, planed and varnished. In the southeast and southwest parts of the building, extremely large sam- ples of Narra, Calantas and Tindalo are displayed, each being fourteen to sixteen feet long, not less than three to four feet wide and ranging from six to eight inches in thickness. There is also a Narra table top nine feet seven inches in diameter. 10 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. THE BY-PRODUCTS. This section of the building is lined with show cases in which are principally displayed gums, rosins, medicinal plants, seeds, fruits, oil seeds, oils and perfumes. In the interior are pyramids of Brea and Gum Almaciga (Dammar) and torches made of resin and palm leaves, and some cocoanuts. In the corner of the northeast end of the building a pyramid of gutta percha and sections of gutta percha trees may be seen. In a wall case are rubber samples of different qualities, and manufactured articles of calabash and cocoanuts. Directly above this show case textile fibers, basts and the gogo or soap- bark are displayed. Manufactured articles in the fourth section consist of tables, chiffoniers, sideboards, wardrobes, desks, trunks, bedsteads, all highly polished, while some are artistically carved and inlaid with mother of pearl. The Bureau of Forestry, Manila, exhibits specimens of tested timber, models showing transportation of logs, and a large collection of photographs. The Government Laboratories present a large herbarium of the Philippine flora. Through the entire building suspended from the rafters, are basts, fibers, hammocks, raincoats, and woodenware mounted on shields. On the veranda, rattans, bamboo timber in the rough, tan and dye barks, fruits of timber trees, rattan chairs, and benches are displayed. The total number of exhibitors in this department is twelve hundred and ninety- four. The Superior jury approved the following awards : Grand prizes, three; gold medals, twenty-four; silver medals, thirty-nine; bronze medals, thirty-two ; honorable mentions, two hundred and seven ; total number awards granted, three hundred and five. On August 5th, the Filipino students arrived, and eight were detailed to the Forestry building to explain 'the different exhibits to visitors. COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURERS. CHARLES P. FENNER, CHIEF. While in the Philippines, Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, of the Philippine Ex- position board, conceived the idea of making a commercial exhibit, showing the articles of importation, their cost, method of packing, etc. This was carried to a most successful conclusion, and has awakened much interest in Philippine commercial matters, which can but result in benefit to both American and Philippine business men. Exhibitors of samples of imports in REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 11 this department have been awarded suitable medals and diplomas for their collaboration and the wisdom of the scheme has been fully demonstrated. The work of installation began February 2Oth and was concluded on June 1 6th, since which date the Commerce building has been open to the public. This work was accomplished by the building of nineteen wall cases, placing of thirty smaller cases, setting up and finishing three large private cases for cigars and cigarettes, and building a platform and setting up five large private cases for liquors, building a platform for a large exhibit of rope and hemp and installing nearly eight thousand exhibits. Most of the exhibits went in the cases, but some of the larger articles were installed without enclosure. The jury work was taken up on the arrival of the honorary commis- sioners and the number of awards recommended by the jury in the Commerce building was as follows: For actual exhibitors : Grand prizes, eleven ; gold medals, twenty- eight ; silver medals, eighteen ; bronze medals, forty ; honorable mentions, two hundred and seventy-one ; special gold medal, one. For collaborators : Grand prizes, seven ; gold medals, one ; special gold medal, one ; silver medals, twenty-one ; bronze medals, twelve ; honorable mentions, eight. It is difficult to make the installation of a commercial exhibit attractive but with the material and facilities at hand a creditable showing has been made. The most successful installation in the building is that of the liquors of Ynchausti & Company of Manila, who were awarded a gold medal for the exhibit and a special gold medal for the superiority of the installation over all others in the department. The grand prize was also awarded this com- pany for its exhibit of rope which is most attractively installed and has elicited very favorable comment as to its appearance and superior quality. Their hemp, which was used largely for decorative purposes, was awarded a gold medal and they received also a gold medal for their exhibit of sugar. The exhibits of the Germinal and Insular Cigar factories each received a grand prize and are very well displayed in beautiful native Philippine hard- wood cases. The display of "El Sport" also received a grand prize and is one of the most creditable in the building. Gold medals were awarded for the exhibits of hemp to Warner, Barnes & Company, McLeod & Company, and Smith, Bell & Company, the latter company receiving also a grand prize for its exhibit of Copra. The San Miguel Brewery was awarded a grand prize for the excellence 12 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. and reputation of its product. The Ylang-Ylang industry is represented by Stahl & Rumcker, Legarda & Tuason, and H. G. Lane, the first two of whom received gold medals and the latter a silver medal. Legarda & Tuason were also awarded a gold medal for their exhibit of distilled liquors. For the small but excellent exhibit of rope of B. Valenzuela, a gold medal was awarded. The Commercial Library, consisting of the Philippine tariff and customs administrative act, public laws and resolutions passed by the civil commis- sion, and other books of interest, have served excellently as works of reference. The department has been in receipt of many inquiries as to commercial matters in the islands and has disseminated much valuable information among American business men, intending investors, and others interested. DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS AND FINE ARTS. DR. LEON M. GUERRERO, CHIEF. LIBERAL, ARTS. The objects belonging to the department are installed in the two wings on the ground floor of the Government building, while the fine art exhibit is placed in the art gallery formed by the rear wing of the building. Taking advantage of the available facilities, they were arranged so as to give unity to the whole, notwithstanding their variety, thus making the general effect pleasing to the eye. A collection of mollusks of great scientific value belonging to Mr. Quad- ras, and a collection of insects prepared by Charles S. Banks, were placed, respectively in the right and left wings of the building. Although not really belonging to the department they have proved to be a great attraction to the intelligent public. The large collection of books, pamphlets, newspapers, photographs, etc., relating to the Philippines, the maps, the public and private house models, the different exhibits of the Insular Government, bureaus, have also been ex- hibited in the places above mentioned. The needle work in silk cloth, pina and cotton, together with work in leather, silver and gold, and musical in- struments noteworthy on account of perfect workmanship, as shown in the piano of Mr. Trinidad, are equally well displayed for public inspection. Among the musical productions should be specially mentioned, the Tonopsis Mecanica of Mr. Canseco, an apparatus which, by purely mechanical means, gives the chords of any melody. REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 13 After the review of the Superior jury, the prizes awarded to this de- partment were as follows : Grand prizes, fourteen ; gold medals, fifty-five ; silver medals, sixty- four; bronze medals, forty-five; honorable mentions, one hundred and twen- ty-three. FINE ARTS. The main installation was made in the reception hall of the Government building, both for paintings and sculpture. Of the first mentioned there were sixty-one, selected for special merit, and of the second twenty- eight, notable for their artistic inception and execution. The remainder were divided between the Educational building and the Manila house, there being eighty-five oil paintings aside from water colors and some drawings in crayon, thirty-five pieces of sculpture and eight wood-carvings. Among the pieces of sculpture there were included certain ancient pieces which, in cer- tain respects, illustrate the history of this branch of fine arts cultivated by the Filipinos with special application to religious inconography. The artists of many of these works have been recognized in other com- petitions as real masters in the world of art, notably: Luna, Resureccion- Hidalgo, Zaragoza, De la Rosa, Rivera, Espiritu, Antillon and Santos among the painters and Pardo de Tavera, Tampinco, Teotico, Gaudinez, Garcia and others in sculpture and wood-carving. In July the paintings and sculptures were examined, and the following awards were unanimously made : Grand prizes, four; gold medals, fifteen; silver medals, thirty-one; bronze medals, thirty-eight; honorable mentions, forty-two. A large number of people visited and admired these exhibits daily. THE PHILIPPINE WEATHER BUREAU. DR. RAMON LACSON, CHTKF. The Manila observatory has taken a special interest in the St. Lou?s Ex- position and has exhibited a model of a first-class metereological-seismic station equipped with the very latest instruments. This model, unlike the others on exhibition at the World's Fair, is in working order, and all the recording instruments are continually kept in motion by the head mechanic of the Manila Central observatory, Mr. Roman Trinidad. The work in this meterological station consists principally in taking two daily observations of Green's mercurial barometer, of the maximum and mini- 14 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. mum temperature of the psychrometer, of the direction of the winds and of the clouds, and also when it rains the amount of rain that has fallen before the time of the observation. Besides these direct observations, the following- phenomena are automatically recorded the velocity and direction of the wind with Richard's Anemograph and Anemo-cinemograph, with Friez' Quadruple Register and with an Anemograph invention of the observatory; the rainfall with Richard's pluviograph ; the atmospheric pressure with the ordinary Rich- ard's barograph; the electric disturbances with both Odenbach's and Fenyi's ceraunographs. The universal miscroseismograph, invention of Vicentini, but modified by Father Algue and built by the mechanics of the Manila observatory is also carefully set each day. As is well known, the Manila observatory exhibits also a set of relief maps, each of which is an original map, having been built by the mechanics of the Manila observatory under the direction of Rev. Jose Algue, S. J. The most important of these maps and the one that evokes the general admiration of visitors, is the huge out-door map of the Philippine Islands, as defined by the Paris treaty in 1896 and the subsequent treaty with Spain in 1899. This map measures no feet from north to south and 75 feet from east to west, the horizontal scale being 36 to 50 kilometers, and the vertical scale in the proportion of twenty-eight inches to every five kilometers. In order that the climate of the Philippines may be more universally known, the pamphlet, "The Climate of the Philippine Islands," by Rev. Jose Algue, published by the Department of Commerce and Labor, is distributed among inquiring visitors. The installation of the Philippine Weather Bureau exhibit was complete at the formal opening of the Philippine Exposition grounds on June 18, 1904. The exhibit is divided into two sections; the meterologico-seismical, and the geographical. The Metereologico-seismical section is represented by a model first-class Metereologico-seismical station, which has been awarded the grand prize by the Philippine International jury of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The station is provided not only with instruments that are generally to be found in first-class metereologico-seismical stations, such as thermometers, barometers and barographs, anemometers and anemographs, pluviometers and pluvio- graph s, psychrometers and psychrographs, sunshine recorder, vaporimeter and peismographs, but also with instruments that have been recently invented, and which are to be found only in a few well appointed observatories. First in importance among these instruments is the baro-cyclone-meter of Rev. Jose Algue, S. J. This instrument, tog-ether with the Refraction Nephoscope of the same inventor, has been awarded the "Grand Prize." The others are the REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 15 universal microseismograph of the Vicentini type, built by Mr. Roman Trini- dad and other mechanics of the Manila observatory, under the direction of Rev. Jose Algue, S. J., who also modified the vertical part of the apparatus, which was awarded a "Gold Medal ;" the Seismographic Pedulum of Fr. Suarez, S. J., built by the same mechanics, also merited a "Gold Medal;" the two types of ceratmographs, the Odenbach's and the Fenyi's; the first named one is a duplicate of the only ceraunograph existing in the new continent, while the other is the first ceraunograph built according to the plans of the inventor, who is the only one that has experimented extensively in this line in the old con- tinent. All of these instruments have been in working order since the begin- ning of the Exposition, and two daily observations have been taken by Mr. Roman Trinidad. The geographical section consists principally of the big outdoor relief map of the Philippine Islands already described. This map is supplemented by eight other relief maps showing the rainfall and wind direction in the islands, both during the dry and wet seasons, the mines and mineral springs, the political and religious divisions, the ethnography, the earthquake frequency, the forestry and agriculture. There are also exhibited several maps of less importance, such as the relief map of Manila bay, the map of Manila and surrounding towns, used by General Otis, early maps of the Philippines, etc. This collection of maps was awarded a grand prize. There are also two maps of Mindanao made by Filipino draughtsmen, exhibited by the Society of Jesus of the Philippines that have been given a "Gold Medal." The two books, "El Archipelago Filipino," and "Labor Evangelica," exhibited by the Society of Jesus of the Philippines, and by Rev. Pablo Pasttells, S. J., respectively, were each awarded a "Gold Medal." This building has been honored by the presence of many intelligent visitors who have admired not only the complete- ness of the Metereological-seismical station, but also the skill shown. by the Filipinos in preparing the maps. THE EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT. A. R. HAGER, CHIEF. The educational exhibit is installed in a large well lighted building which is a diminished model of the Manila cathedral. Central walls and alcoves, cov- ered with green burlap, were erected to give wall space, and two hundred and twenty square meters of space were thus provided. In preparing the exhibit the first step was to enlist the co-operation of the American and Filipino teach- ers in the Government schools, about two thousand in number, and as many 16 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. as possible of the teachers of private schools. To this end, circulars were sent to every American teacher, and visits were made ,to the school divisions near Manila. Supplies of school materials, uniform paper for written work, etc., were sent by the Bureau of Education, which gave every assistance possible to schools that requested such material. Letters were written to a number of educators in America requesting personal expressions as to what they would find most interesting in a Philipine educational exhibit. In response, many helpful suggestions were received. The educational exhibit, known as ''Department A" of the 'Philippine Exposition board, contains collections sent by four hundred and thirty-eight exhibitors and consists of eight thousand five hundred and forty-two exhibits. Labels of various sizes have been freely used throughout the collection to give visitors information regarding collections and conditions of school work in the Philippines, particularly where these conditions differ from those of the United States. Written work has been displayed in flat top wall cases arranged accord- ing to school divisions, some of the typical work being shown open under glass. These cases are so arranged that they may be opened without disturb- ing this displayed work to give access to other written work of the division. Notices are printed on each case as follows: "Teachers or students who wish to examine for reference the work con- tained in this case may obtain access to it by applying at the office in this building." The industrial exhibits and photographs fill thirty glazed show cases and the wall space around these cases, and are arranged by school divisions. These show cases vary in size from 1-2 to 7 cubic meters. The photographs were placed in glazed frames screwed to the walls, and bear exhibit numbers and descriptive labels. The Philippine jury of Department "A," after careful examination of the exhibits submitted their list of awards to the Superior jury. The revised list of awards contains eight grand prizes, as follows : The secretary of Public In- struction, and the general superintendent of education, on the exhibit as a whole ; the Philippine Model School ; Laguna High School ; Liceo de Manila, secondary school ; the Philippine Nautical School ; the Philippine Normal School and the University of Santo Tomas. Thirty gold medals, seventy-one silver medals, one hundred and ten bronze medals, and three hundred and twenty-three honorable mentions were also awarded. The Model School has been in session since July igth in a typical nipa .and bamboo school house especially arranged for exhibition purposes. It is in REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 17 charge of Miss Pilar Zamora, a Tagalog, who is a teacher in the Philip- pine Normal School. Two sessions are held daily, except Monday, the first from 9 to 10:30 for children from the Visayan village, and from 10:30 to n :3O for children from the villages of the non-christian tribes. The latter includes children of the Bontoc Igorot, Stiyoc Igorot, Negrito, Bagobo, Tinguian, Samal Moro and Lanao Moro tribes. The number of visitors to the Educational building and Model School has been large, the number visiting the school during the two and one-half hours' session by actual count often exceeding two thousand. At the annual meeting of the National Educational Association, papers on Philippine education were read by Dr. E. B. Bryan, former general superin- tendent of education, Miss Pilar Zamora, superintendent of the Model School, and A. R. Hager. Miss Pilar Zamora also delivered an address on 'Philippine education at H Chautauqua, New York, on the afternoon of August nth. A register of visiting teachers has been kept since the opening day and now contains some thirteen thousand names. Many of the schools which sent exhibits included letters from the pupils to American boys and girls. These letters have been distributed to teachers who were interested and who have agreed to see that they are answered. This promises to result in an interesting correspondence between school children in the Philippines and those in all parts of the United States. An interesting feature of the exhibit is a record, with data, of each Fili- pino student in America. The records of students sent to America at the expense of the Insular government were furnished by Mr. W. A. Sutherland. Those of other students were obtained by writing to- the directors of schools and universities concerned. In some cases these are accompanied by photo- graphs. The visits of American teachers from the Philippines have made it possible to give interested visitors information with regard to school conditions in the archipelago. Assistance has been given in this way to teachers desiring to go to the Philippines, to publishers in the preparation of special text-books, to correspondents, lecturers and others. While the Filipino students were visiting the Exposition a number of A them were on duty at all times in the Educational building. They were in- structed as to the location of the various exhibits and points of particular in- terest and their services in explaining these points to visitors were valuable. They made an admirable impression. The following literature has been distributed to interested visitors at the Educational exhibit: Philippine Exposition Folder No. I, sent early in the year to some eighty thousand teachers in the States, nearest to St. Louis. 18 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Catalogue of "El Liceo de Manila"; circular letter to Philippine teachers used in giving directions for work in collecting exhibits ; bulletins of the Philippine Bureau of Education; the Philippine Normal School Prospectus for 1903-04; prospectus of the Philippine School of Arts and Trades for 1904-05; prospectus of the 'Philippine Nautical School for the y^ar 1904-05; industrial exhibits of Philippine schools at the Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion ; courses of instruction for the Public Schools of the Philippine Islands and a special folder "Education in the Philippines," prepared by Mr. Hager. THE AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBIT. CHARLES L. HALL, CHIEF. The Agricultural building was sufficiently completed by March I5th to permit the installation of the thousands of exhibits, classified, so that it could have been opened to the public on April 3Oth. This, however, was not al- lowed, as the board decided not to open any building until all were ready. The exhibits in this department are included in groups from Nos. 78 to 104, as per the official classification of the Exhibit department. The ex- hibits represent agriculture, horticulture and land transportation. The ma- terial on exhibition consists of all raw and manufactured product of the soil, together with crude native implements employed in the cultivation of land, as well as native machinery for the preparation of such products for the mar- ket, illustrating in as complete a manner as possible the old processes of raising the various f crops of the islands. Among the cereals are to be found large and interesting collections of rice, both hulled and in the hull, representing hundreds of varieties and sub- varieties grown in the different islands of the archipelago. These varieties are divided into two groups, namely ; palay de secano or mountain rice, which is cultivated without irrigation, and palay de regadio, or valley rice, which is cultivated in rice paddies and by irrigation. There will also be seen samples of wheat grown at some of the experiment stations established by the Insular Bureau of Agriculture. Samples of corn or maize, millet, sor- ghum, peas, beans and lentils are also exhibited. There is also a large collection of all kinds of tropical and European vegetable seeds, together with seeds of various kinds of pumpkins, squash, calabash and cucumbers grown in the islands. The collection of oils and oil producing seeds consists of samples of seasame, peanut, castor, pili, palo maria, tangan-tangan, tuba-tuba, copra or dried cocoanut, etc. REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 19 The delicately scented Ylang-ylang extract is also included in the above group, being extensively used as a base for the best Parisian perfumes. Flours and starches of various kinds, such as are produced from rice, manioc, sweet potatoes, palms, etc., are represented. Samples of all kinds of condiments and peppers, also achuete and indigo, are extensively exhibited. The collection of wild and cultivated fruits, vegetables and tubers preserved in formaldehyde is a very interesting one and undoubtedly the first collection of its kind seen in America. Samples of unrefined sugar of different grades, together with the pre- served cane are also displayed, with the crude native machinery used in the extraction of the sugar. Samples of alcohol, wines- and vinegar produced from various palm saps or grain and sugar are well represented. The collection of fibers and textiles is a very complete one. It consists of several varieties of shrub cotton in white, yellow and brown varieties, together with the cloth made of this cotton by natives on crude hand looms, and the tree cotton variety, which is principally used by the natives for filling pillows. In the fiber exhibit are samples of hemp, maguey, pina and textile barks of all kinds, to- gether with samples of cloth and rope manufactured from them. The honey and beeswax exhibited are largely produced by wild bees. Church tapers manufactured from this wax are also a part of this group. The large collection of tobacco exhibited in this building is of a very high grade, the best qualities coming from the provinces of Isabela, Cagayan and Abra. The native agricultural tools and implements, sugar cane mills, wagons, sleds, and all kinds of native crude machinery are illustrated both in natural sizes and models. There is also a good display of the soils best adapted to the raising of the different crops of agricultural products. There is also exhibited a very fine collection of models and natural size conveyances representing land transportation. A large collection of native hats and baskets in endless variety is scat- tered throughout the building. The conservatory built in the center of the building on the south side contains a very interesting collection of orchids, cycas and some tree ferns from the Philippines. Owing to the unusually large amount of material, every available space has been occupied, leaving barely enough room for visitors to circulate through the building. Some of the larger agricultural implements are displayed on the lawn 20 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. in front and in the rear of the building as no available space could be ob- tained inside. Exhibits are cared for in ninety-three show cases, forty inches wide, seven feet high and one foot deep; six show cases forty feet wide, seven feet high and two feet deep ; four show cases six feet wide, seven feet high, two feet deep; five square show cases six feet wide, seven feet high and six feet deep. Other exhibits too large to be placed in show cases are cared for on four hundred and twenty feet of double shelv- ing and on tables eighty feet long by twelve feet wide. The exhibits in this building number over twenty thousand individual pieces, the duplicates being exhibited under the same number. The work of labeling the exhibits in the Agricultural building was accomplished by July loth. In making decisions as to the proper awards to be given exhibitors, the Agricultural jury was very careful in its selections for high awards and comparatively few were allowed. The following number of awards were granted in the Department of Agriculture : Nine grand prizes, fifty-four gold medals, one hundred and seventy- nine silver medals, one hundred and forty-five bronze medals, four hundred and sixty-three honorable mentions. In the division of land transportation, the following awards were granted : Five gold medals, six silver medals, eight bronze medals, three honorable mentions. The live stock department was represented in a very small way, and the few exhibits consisted in publications on animal diseases. Only three awards were granted. In the Department of Horticulture, the exhibits are all in very good or- der and have proved to be exceedingly interesting to the general public who day after day fill the building to its utmost capacity. The original intention of bringing before the American public and the world at large all the. natural resources of the Philippine Islands has been well carried out in this exhibit and beneficient results will follow. FISH AND GAME AND WATER TRANSPORTATION. JOSE QUADRAS, CHIEF. The Fish and Game building is situated in the extreme northern part of the Exposition grounds, and overlooks Arrowhead lake. The material used REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 21 in its construction, with the exception of the floor, is entirely Philippine, consisting of nipa, palm-leaf thatch, bamboo, rattan and palm stems. The structure is in the shape of the letter "T," has a floor space of forty-four hun- dred square feet, and represents a "Camarin" or Philippine warehouse. The building is divided into two sections ; the first containing a floor space of seventeen hundred square feet, is devoted to the game exhibit, while the second, containing a floor space of thirty-two hundred square feet is devoted to fish, fishing apparatus, shells, etc. The exhibits of this department are displayed in show cases and are all worthy of critical inspection. At the entrance is a fine specimen of the Tamarao, a species of wild buffalo (Bubalus mindorensis, Heude) ; to the left quite a complete collec- tion of birds, well mounted and scientifically labeled, and to the right a fine collection of the enormous fruit bats, and some of the skins of these bats which are of great commercial value. Large collections of birds' eggs, at- tractively displayed; numerous specimens of deer and boar; carabao heads; tusks, and a few specimens of stuffed wild boars and deer; fine specimen of python, twenty-one feet long and one foot in diameter, and a collection of crocodiles, large iguanas and lizards, are prominent features in the collec- tion of reptiles. A numerous collection of nets for fishing and for the hunting of deer and wild boar, with some of the snares, game traps, bows and arrows com- pletely cover and festoon the ceiling and walls. A large and complete col- lection of fish, including some very rare species, are contained in jars and preserved by formaldehyde. An exceedingly fine collection of shells of the Philippines occupying a space of forty-eight square yards, was installed in the Government building for want of space in the Fish and Game building. This collection was awarded a grand prize, and a collaborator gold medal was given to Mr. Quadras, the owner and collector. There is also a collection of corals, gorgonias or sponge-corals, having a spread of about five feet. The collection of fishing nets, fish traps, and other apparatus contains samples of every conceivable variety used in the Philippine Islands, includ- ing a full-sized fish run in the middle of Arrowhead lake, made of bamboo and installed under the direction of Mr. Quadras, the chief, by members of the Philippines constabulary. The water transportation exhibit is represented by numerous boats and smaller craft, from the primitive "dug-out" to the large Moro pirate junk, including also a large casco or lighter with its characteristic suali curved cover- 22 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. ing, used in the Philippines for transporting goods from the vessels in the har- bor to the docks. The large specimens form a floating exhibit on Arrowhead lake and are a sample of the successful efforts of the Philippine Exposition Board in Manila, with Dr. Gustavo Niederlein in charge, while in the building may be seen models of the highest types of modern steamships used in the Philippines. The awards in the department, as- approved by the Superior jury were as follows : Fish and game: Grand prizes, two; gold medals, five; silver - medals, ten; bronze medals, thirty-eight; honorable mentions, two hundred and one. Water transportation : Grand prizes, two ; gold medals, three ; silver med- als, three; bronze medals, two; honorable mentions, thirty-three. THE MINES AND MINING EXHIBIT. ROY HOPPING, A most interesting exhibit of the numerous mineral resources of the archi- pelago was displayed for the inspection of the public. The most important exhibits are, first, the cases of iron ores, those from Bulacan, Luzon, receiving a grand prize, three silver medals and two bronze medals. Second, a complete coal exhibit, that from Cebu and Bataan Island each receiving a gold medal. Third, an exhibit of gold and gold quartz, which fills five wall cases and two small table cases, and which received three gold medals, six silver medals and four bronze medals. Gold medals were also given the exhibit of basalt for heavy foundations and heavy construction, marble from Romblon Island, a geological and mineral- ogical collection exhibited by the Mining Bureau and Isuan mineral water from Los Banos, Laguna, Luzon. The exhibits which attract popular attention are the stone water filters, some of which are installed in bamboo racks, made by Filipinos, and are kept in operation continually; the Bagobo blasksmith shop, set up by a Fili- pino, complete in every particular; the model of an Angat iron foundry, and the complete outfit showing the Igorot method of crushing, panning and smelt- ing gold, with the wooden "pan" and palm leaf draining buckets used, and the gold "buttons" produced. The fossil elephant brought by Juan de Juan from the Cagayan valley in REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 23 Luzon, was kindly determined by Prof. Henry F. Osborn, of the American Museum of Natural History, to be -the Stegodon, an extinct type and ancestor of the present elephant of Asia, proving that the Philippine Islands were formerly connected with Asia by land. ETHNOLOGICAL EXHIBIT. DR. ALBERT E. JENKS, CHIEF. The ethnological collection is displayed in the Ethnology building con- structed around three sides of a square open court; the building is one hun- dred and nineteen feet long and eighty-eight feet wide. It consists of two long halls, one eighty-eight feet by thirty-seven, and one eighty-eight by thirty-nine feet, and a shorter connecting hall thirty feet wide and fifty-three feet long. Over one of these long halls there are two chambers about thirty feet square each. The building contains about forty-five hundred square feet of surface behind glass cases, and about ninety-four hundred square feet of open wall and ceiling space covered with museum specimens, or a total of about thirteen hundred square feet where about eighteen hundred specimens are displayed. - Case one consists of Bontoc Igorot head-axes. Case two contains an exhaustive collection of Bontoc Isrorot basket- o work utensils used in domestic and field activities; also Benguet and Banawi Igorot carved wooden food bowls and spoons. Case three consists of Benguet Igorot baskets ; wooden, clay and metal pipes from the entire Igorot area of northern Luzon; and a collection of Benguet Igorot copper pots and copper mining outfit. Case four consists of Bontoc Igorot spears, shields and carved wooden human figures. Case five contains Bontoc Igorot material as follows: Men's basket- hats, women's head-dress beads, men's boar-tusk armlets and the ear rings and ear plugs worn by both men and women. Case six is also of Bontoc Igorot material consisting of bark garments of both the men and the women ; some garments are of whole bark, flayed from a tree, and soft like buckskin ; others are woven of spun bark. The ceilings and walls of the hall in which cases one to six are located are covered with bark and cotton clothing, made by the various Igorot people, such clothing as women's skirts and jackets, men's breech cloths and shirts and the various burial garments used upon both men and women. There is 24 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. also a very large collection of shields and spears of the various Igorot people. Case seven holds a very exhaustive collection of Negrito materials ; also some excellent Kalinga, Ibilao, Tinguian, and Mangiyan materials. Case eight contains a fine collection of Bagobo, Manobo and Mandaya materials; it also has a collection of materials from the Tagakola, the Bilan, the Tiruray and the Suba.no. Case nine contains a very complete collection of beautiful knives from the same people as are mentioned under the heading of case eight. There is also a large collection of Visayan war knives. Case ten contains a good collection of material from the little known Tagbanua people of the island of Paragua. Case eleven contains almost entirely Moro garments. Case twelve contains looms filled with cloths in process of weaving; they are from a half dozen different tribes of people in the archipelago. The walls and ceilings of the hall in which cases seven to twelve are located are covered with abaca or "hemp" garments of the people whose ma- terials are displayed in case eight. These garments consist of pantaloons, jackets and head-cloths worn by both men and women. The third hall contains almost exclusively, materials from the various Mohammedanized people of the archipelago, commonly called "Moros." Case thirteen contains Moro mats, various personal ornaments. Case fourteen contains saddles and bridles made and used by the Moros. Case fifteen contains a collection of crude string and wind instruments gathered from many places in the archipelago; a rather complete set of Moro wooden musical instruments; also a set of bronze gongs used by the Moros as musical instruments and for beating sound messages from place to place. Case sixteen contains brass and bronze food bowls and jars, trays used by the Moros as tables, and a very perfect collection of brass, bronze, copper and silver betel-nut boxes. Case seventeen contains Moro knives called "kampilan" used almost ex- clusively by the Manguindanao and Lanao Moros of Mindanao. Case eighteen contains beautiful specimens of Moro armor made of brass and carabao horn ; it also contains a small collection of a unique knife called the "pira," and used exclusively by the Yakan Moros of Basilan. Case nineteen contains a very rare collection of knives called the "kris" ; they have a wavy blade and are used by the Samal, Manguindanao and Lanao Moros of Mindanao. Case twenty contains Moro knives called the "barong" used almost ex- clusively by the Sulu or Jolo archipelago. REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 25 Case twenty-one contains Moro knives called the "kris" ; they have a straight blade and are used by the Samal, Manguindanao and Lanao people. In this hall about twenty brass cannons made and used by the Moros are displayed on floor racks. The walls and ceiling of the hall are covered with brilliant clothing woven and worn by the Moros, consisting of cotton and silk pantaloons, jackets, skirts, and head-dresses worn by both the men and the women ; they contain also a fine collection of Moro shields, spears and hats. On the second floor, in chamber four, there are displayed ten dozen frames of photographic enlargements and transparencies of various wild peo- ple in the archipelago. In room five, also on the second floor, cases twenty-two to thirty-three in- clusive contain plaster-cast masks, busts, hands and feet made of men in Bilibid prison ; two large revolving standards contain about a thousand photo- graphs of men in Bilibid prison. Cases thirty-four and thirty-five contain skulls and other parts of skele- tons of various Filipino people. All of these specimens are displayed with the group labels of collection in place. The Department of Anthropology received four grand prizes, fourteen gold medals, eighteen silver medals, twenty-nine bronze medals and nineteen hon- orable mentions. THE TYPICAL MANILA HOUSE. VICTOR J. HALL IN CHARGE. The building represents a typical Manila house, for the wealthy class, with shell windows. The exhibits contained therein are much admired, consisting in the main of handsome hand-woven fabrics and embroideries, prominent among which are the famed jusi and pina cloths and sinamay fabrics. There are besides many pieces of hand-carved furniture and works of art. The exhibits in detail comprise the bulk of the material classed under department "D," or manufactures, a small number of textiles and embroid- eries being located elsewhere in the Government building, and consist of about forty-two hundred exhibits displayed in ninety-five show cases. There are two hundred and twelve artificial flowers ; eleven hundred and 26 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. seventy pieces of cotton goods; two hundred and eighty-one pieces of fancy goods'; thirty-two pieces of embroidery; one hundred and thirty-three pieces of jusi cloth'; three hundred and sixty-two pieces sinamay cloth; one hundred and ninety-one pieces of pina cloth and forty-two pieces of silks. Besides the above, the walls, ceilings and show cases are decorated with seven hundred and forty-eight hats ; one hundred and sixty-three baskets ; five hundred and seventeen mattings, and two hundred and thirty pieces of pot- tery, and in the rooms are fifty pieces of carved furniture. A number of the less important paintings are also on exhibition here. Following is the list of awards in the Manufactures department, as ap- proved by the Superior jury: Grand prizes, one; gold medals, sixteen; silver medals, sixty-two; bronze medals, two hundred and thirteen; honorable mentions, twelve hundred; total number of awards, fourteen hundred and ninety-two. THE BATTALION OF PHILIPPINE SCOUTS. MAJOR WM. H. JOHNSTON, COMMANDING. The battalion reached St. Louis April I7th, under the command of Major Frank de L. Carrington, ist U. S. infantry, and Major Johnston as- sumed command that date in compliance with orders of the war department. It went into camp, previously prepared by Major Johnston, near the Philip- pine reservation, the men in conical wall tents floored, and the officers in hos- pital and wall tents floored. A- mess hall and kitchen equipped with army range, tables, etc., and a latrine containing eight seats and two urinals (sanitary trap plumbing con- nected with city sewer system), had been built for each company; six hospital, two wall and one conical wall tent, floored, besides bath room and latrine, were used as field hospital of twelve beds. Two store tents floored were equipped for officers' mess. A frame building of three rooms, one story, was built for use as subsistence and quartermaster store house. Subsequently, a stable of nipa roof, no walls, was built, and accommodated four horses and two mules, the transportation given the camp by the quartermaster depart- ment. Plank walks were laid through camp and a road built to connect all mess halls with the store house at the edge of the Philippine reservation. By REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 27 the labor of troops the camp site was cleared of brush and stumps, and a wire fence built to enclose the camp and its parade. About July ist, a pavilion was built, 40x75 feet, surrounded by a porch ten feet wide. The supports and floor are of pine and roof and walls of bamboo and nipa. This building has been used for religious services, school, band practice, several entertainments and the reception of Exposition visitors. Its expense was provided for by appropriation of the Philippine Commission. From April I7th to July 2nd, by order of the secretary of war, a detail of men varying from one hundred and eighty at first to ninety later, was placed at work under the Philippine Government Board erecting buildings of native construction in the Philippine reservation, being paid for this extra duty by the Board. During the entire time of its station here the battalion has had a daily parade and exhibition drill each evening about sunset, and one hour drill in the morning for instruction, besides a half hour drill during the day for exhibition. Besides, the regular camp guard, the battalion since June 22nd has placed sentinels daily (except Sunday) over seven of the government buildings in the Philippine reservation. At the request of the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and in compliance with orders from headquarters, northern division, the battalion has participated in many street parades within the Exposition grounds. For several weeks, in compliance with request from the same source, parade and drill was had each Wednesday evening at Plaza St. Louis. This was discon- tinued September I4th under orders of the secretary of war. The health of the command has been excellent, the average monthly sick report being as follows : April- -2 T V% July 3f*% May- ._!}% August - June - 1 T %% September No deaths have occurred at the camp. At Caloocan, P. L, each man was weighed in February, 1904, and at this camp each man was weighed in similar clothes in September, 1904. The result showed the following gain per man: 4th company 3<41 pou nds 24th _ 402 30th - - 377 " 47th -.l.^ Average 3.06 By order of the war department the enlisted men of this battalion have been paid at the rate of pay for American soldiers without increase for length of service, and have received the same rations and clothing allowance as 28 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. American soldiers since their departure from Manila, P. I., in February, 1904. The fact that they have gained flesh in a strange climate while rendering more than usual military service and fatigue, indicates that the Filipino would gain in stature and strength if fed upon the American ration. On September 3Oth, the period of enlistment of three hundred and one men of the command expired, By order of the war department, all men (one hundred and thirty-seven) who declined to re-enlist were sent to Manila, P. I., September 25th, to be discharged there. The remainder (one hundred and six- ty-four), were re-enlisted here for a period of three years. On October 22nd, eight men were discharged and all re-enlisted. Twenty men will complete their period of enlistment before December 3ist, but almost all promise to re-enlist. The loss of one hundred and thirty-seven men reduced the strength for exhibition drills and parades and increased the guard and fatigue duty of those who remained. Discipline has been excellent, very few being tried by court martial, or confined, and the general good behavior in and out of camp has been repeatedly the subject of favorable comment by visitors to the Exposition. The parades and drills have been attended by thousands of visitors, who generally applauded the proficiency of the men. It is believed that the service of this battalion here has won for Filipinos generally the favorable opinion of the million of visitors who have seen them,, and inspected their well-kept camp. The battalion is composed of the following companies : 4th company, Macabebes strength 104 24th Ilocanosl " 104 30th Tagalos " 104 47th Visayans " 104 These were organized into a battalion of infantry by G. O. No. 59, war de- partment, 1904. The band of battalion, numbering forty-five musicians and composed of men detailed from the companies, has under the direction of Ernest G. Fisher attained remarkable efficiency and has materially assisted the battalion at pa- rades and ceremonies. The band has also played concerts for the entertain- ment of visitors at the request of the Philippine Exposition Board. The following officers have been on duty with the battalion since its arrival at this camp : Major Frank de L. Carrington, ist U. S. infantry. Major W. H. Johnston, Philippine scouts. Chaplain J. C. Granville, I4th U. S. cavalry. REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 29 First Lieutenant W. C. Johnson, 26th U. S. infantry First Lieut. T. B. Taylor, nth U. S. cavalry. First Lieutenant J. C. Brady, 4th U. S. infantry. First Lieutenant C. D. Buck, assistant surgeon, U. S. army. First Lieutenant Boss Reese, Philippine scouts. First Lieutenant Wesley King, Philippine scouts. First Lieutenant J. A. Paegelow, Philippine scouts. *" First Lieutenant J. De Court, Philippine scouts. First Lieutenant C. Dority, Philippine scouts. First Lieutenant F. L. Frisbie, Philippine scouts. First Lieutenant E. Dworak, Philippine scouts. First Lieutenant R. Hoover, Philippine scouts. Second Lieutenant R. Dickson, 'Philippine scouts. Second Lieutenant G. McCue, Philippine scouts. Second Lieutenant A. Sfiea, Philippine scouts. Second Lieutenant C. Patajo, Philippine scouts. Second Lieutenant, C. Platt, Philippine scouts. THE PHILIPPINES CONSTABULARY BATTALION. MAJOR AMOS D. HASKEU,, COMMANDING. Upon arrival of the constabulary at St. Louis, April 2Oth, the organization consisted of twelve officers and two hundred and eighty enlisted men. On the 2 ist of April the organization was assigned to barracks in the building known as the Constabulary Cuartel. From the time of the arrival until the various nipa buildings of the Philippine Exposition were completed, about seventy men were detailed daily from the battalion to participate in the con- struction of same. In addition to the regular drills of instruction, a dress parade, followed by an exhibition rifle and calisthenics drill has been given daily, except Sundays, usually in the afternoon. During a greater part of the time since the opening of the exhibit build- ings, a force of eight men has been detailed daily as watchmen in the same. These men form a part of the regular guard, but do not carry arms, nor are they authorized to make arrests, being posted in the buildings to prevent the violation of rules of the Exposition Board. Since arriving in St. Louis the band has performed regular military duties, playing for all parades and exhibition drills. It has also furnished music for 30 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. the opening ceremonies and other official functions at many of the state build- ings. Since June i8th, it has played daily evening concerts and tri-weekly day concerts in the band stand of the Philippine reservation. It made a two days' trip to Louisville, Kentucky, and a three days' trip to Chicago and Milwaukee, playing at the former place at the conclave of Knights of Pythias, and at the latter, at the Wisconsin State fair; both trips being for the purpose of adver- tising the Philippine Exposition. In connection with the duties performed as herein stated, the battalion and band participated in the following parades : May 3Oth, 1904, Memorial Day at St. Louis; June 8th, Liberty Bell pa- rade; July 4th, Independence Day; August I3th, 'Philippine Day; August 2Oth, Pennsylvania Day; September ist, Indiana Day; September I2th, Maryland Day; September I4th, Louisiana Day; September I5th, St. Louis Day; Septem- ber 1 7th, Massachusetts Day; September 22nd, Arkansas Day; September 3Oth, Kansas Day. The Hospital corps, consisting of Lieutenant Cameron and two enlisted men, has been on permanent duty at the Philippine reservation hospital since its opening July iQth. Previous to that date a hospital was maintained in the Constabulary Cuartel. Captain Laurence E. Ross and Lieutenant Charles H. Mcllvaine were re- lieved on July ist and August 28th, respectively, and returned to the Philippine Islands. Captain Ira Keithley deserted the service September 2nd. The organization on September 3Oth consisted of the following: Major Amos D. Haskell, commanding; First Lieutenant N. S. Gilpin, adjutant; Sec- ond Lieutenant J. S. Manning, supply officer; First Lieutenant A. A. Cameron, medical inspector ; Captain Ralph W. Jones, commanding company B ; First Lieutenant Lucien R. Sweet, commanding company A ; First Lieutenants Felix Llorente, C. E. Bennett, C. M. Pendleton and Modesto Colmenares and Third Lieutenant James L. Wood were on duty with the battalion. First Lieutenant Walter H. Loving, commanding band; Captain F. E. Cofren, in charge of Constabulary exhibit. The enlisted force of the organization was divided as follows : Non-commissioned staff, two; hospital corps, two; company A, ninety- eight ; company B, ninety-eight ; band, eighty. Three enlisted men have died since the arrival in St. Louis ; one of pneu- monia, one of suicide, and one from acute cardiac dilatation. On September 397 6 -9 2 > local currency 53,643.66 Disbursed in Manila appropriation under Act 595, $4,689, local currency 1,800.00 Disbursed in Manila during period from July ist to December 31, 1903, $225,741.05, local currency 112,870.52 Disbursements in St. Louis January ist to Sept. 30, 1904 .... 805,772.85 - Total disbursements to September 30, 1904 974,087.03 Unexpended balance refunded to Insular treasurer, June 30. 1903, local currency, $8,223.08 3,356-33 Refund to Insular treasurer, June, 1904, $1,660.00 P. C 830.00 Taken up to balance on account of reduction from one currency to another .01 Balance on hand September 30, 1904 25,868.21 Total 1,004.141.58 The work of the disbursing office is now current. All old bills are paid with the exception of a few claims the validity of which is disputed. The ex- penditures at this time, November n, 1904, are on a fixed charge basis, and amount approximately to $1,250.00 per day, including Sundays, while the daily average receipts approximate four times this amount. 48 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. THE CASHIER'S DEPARTMENT. A. T. RUAN. CASHIER. The receipts of the cashier's department, by months, from the date of opening to and including September 30, were as follows : MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT. TOTAL Admissions $5,170.75 $33,436.20 $44,507.01 $67,993.48 $108,672.55 $259,779.99 Sales 30.27 1,438.90 2,496.68 4,273.41 6,333,92 14,573.18 Restaurants 2,374.06 4,116.76 5,097.44 5,780.37 7,695.64 25,064.27 Rents 310.33 290.00 210.00 601.00 337.50 -1,748.83 Reimbursements- 609.98 890.55 3,361.00 714.11 5,269.26 10,844.90 Misc . Collections _ 8.68 .__ 8.68 Total $8,495.39 $40,181.09 $55,672.13 $79,362.37 $128,308.87 $312,019.85 The receipts from sales and admissions may be segragated as follows: IGOROT VILLAGE MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT. TOTAL Admissions $4,702.75 $25,809.40 $25,013.06 $33,115.50 $ 47,235.46 $135,876.17 Sales 603.70 241.15 233.65 193.25 1,271.75 Total $4,702.75 $26,413.10 $25,254.21 $33,349.15 $ 47,428.71 $137,147.92 VISAYAN VILLAGE Admissions $ 1,379.60 $ 5,362.01 $ 8,745.25 $ 14,924.82 $ 30,411.68 Sales 67.25 483.10 819.75 1,972.70 3,342.80 Total . ___ $ 1,446,85 $ 5,845.11 $ 9,565.00 $ 16,897.52 $ 33,754.48 MORO VILLAGE Admissions $ 3,217,50 $ 7,229.16 $11,795.05 $ 18,350.66 $ 40,592.37 Sales _^______ 9.00 23.00 32.00 Total $ 3,217.50 $ 7,229.16 $11,804.05 $ 18,373.66 $ 40,624.37 NEGRITO VILLAGE Admissions $ 1,326.55 $ 5,081.47 $ 9,961.45 $ 20,060.02 $ 36,429.49 gales 6.15 12.80 18.95 Total $ 1,326.55 $ 5,081.47 $ 9,967.60 $ 20,072.82 $ 36,448.44 BAGOBO VILLAGE Admissions $ 2,266.17 $ 2,266.17 OTHER SOURCES Admissions.: $ 468.00 $1,703.15 $1,821,31 $4,376.23 $ 5,835.42 $14,204.11 Sales 30.27 767.95 1,772.43 3,204.86 4.132.17 9,907.68 Total $ 498.27 $ 2,471.10 $ 3,593.74 $ 7,581.09 $ 9,967.59 $ 24,111.29 It will be noted from the foregoing statement that the bulk of the revenue of the Board was derived from admissions to the five native villages. REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 49 All of these villages were financed and operated by the Board and their gross receipts were collected by the cashier through ticket sellers stationed at the entrance gates. The gross receipts of the Igorot village were subject to a de- duction of 5 per cent, on account of commission paid T. K. Hunt, manager, under the terms of his contract, which payment was made through the disburs- ing officer of the Board. Of the gross receipts of the Visayan village, 25 per cent, accrued to the Board as revenue, and 75 per cent was received as a reimbursement for expenses incurred on account of this village including its return to the Philippines. After the Board has been thus reimbursed, the net profits of the village are to be equally divided with its manager, Mr. M. R. Healy. The gross receipts of the Moro, Negrito and Bagobo villages are revenue to the Board without deduction. Next in importance to admissions, as a source of revenue, are restaur- ants. Four are now in operation ; two where meals are served, and two where light lunches, etc., may be obtained. The board received 25 per cent, of the gross receipts of all restaurants, except on sales of manufactured tobacco, the percentage on which is 12^ per cent. The receipts from miscellaneous concessions are shown under the head- ing "sales" and "rents," the latter classification also including ground rents and space sold for the period of the Exposition. Reimbursements to expenses represent re-payments made to the board for material, labor, etc., furnished concessionaires or others. In addition to the receipts, which have been deposited to the credit of the treasurer of the Philippine Islands and revert to the credit of the appropriation made for the Philippine Exposition, the cashier has sold one thousand two hundred and ten sets of Philippine coins for $2420. These coins were sent here by the war department for sale, the amount real- ized being deposited to the credit of the "Gold Standard" account of the Philippine government, and are not treated as a revenue of the board. The personnel of the cashier's department comprises the following em- ployes : One cashier, one chief clerk, four other clerks, fifteen ticket sellers, four cash clerks. The total monthly payroll of the cashier's department amounts to $1,705. The salaries of six of these employes, aggregating $430.00 per month are reimbursable by concessionaires, or others. 50 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. GEORGE S. CLARK, PURCHASING AGENT. In order that purchases might be made as economically and expeditiously as possible, a purchasing agent was appointed January 15, 1904. From that date to September 3Oth there were issued from his office on various mercan- tile firms for supplies and materials, twenty-one hundred requisitions, which were approved for purchase by the chairman of the Board, or by the executive officer. During the construction period, the chief items of expense were lumber, hardware and other materials necessary for the completion of build- ings, mill work, etc. A considerable quantity of office furniture, such as desks, tables and necessary ^office supplies was also purchased. For roads and walks, approximately two hundred and twenty-five cars of cinders were necessary. The cinders were purchased from the St. Louis Transit Com- pany as a rule, although the Laclede Gaslight Company furnished gratis, with the exception of freight charges, about one hundred cars, which would have cost on a former basis about $1,500. Invariably everything requested, for construction or otherwse, was for immediate use and the office was being continually called upon to "rush," which was done in every matter, with generally satisfactory results, al- though on account of the unnatural business conditions existing at the time it was necessary to persistently pursue the business houses to get re- sults. It was the policy of the office in buying goods which covered any amount of expense, to secure two or more bids, and the records will show that the lowest bidder secured the business. On a few occasions, orders were placed direct, but the circumstances in every case warranted the proceedings. Triplicate bills have been retained for every purchase, with dray tickets attached, showing delivery, together with copies of bids. Correspondence on the various subjects is filed in regular order for immediate reference now or in the future. The amount of purchases in money value is indicated by the payments made by the disbursing officer in St. Louis. REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 51 THE COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT. CAPT. M. C. BUTLKR. U. S. A., COMMISSARY OFFICER. A commissary department was organized at an early date for the pur- pose of furnishing subsistence to the Filipinos and others on the reservation entitled to subsistence at the expense of th'e government by law or by con- tract. No separate record was kept of these subsistence supplies at the out- set, but on May loth, when an officer of the United States army was detailed as commissary officer, proper accounts and returns were made, and the privileges of the commissary were extended so as to permit certain employes, and especially the constabulary band and battalion to purchase subsistence. The following statement shows the total purchases and the total and average cost of the subsistence of the various villages, persons, .etc., during the period from May loth to September 3Oth, inclusive: PERSONS TOTAL Negrito Village 38 $ 684.21 Constabulary 280 5,065.20 Visayan Village -- 95 1,757.96 Igorot Village - 111 2,279.87 Lanao Village (Moro)-- 38 746.01 Samal Village (Moro)-- 40 772.59 Bagobo Village-- 30 246.44 Philippine Students-- 100 702.24 Hospital 672.92 Constabulary Officer Mess 399.48 Igorot Manager Mess 109.18 Negrito Manager Mess- - -- 45.03 Miscellaneous - 532.45 PER PERSON 3.12932 Daily .13019 '" .13573 " .11439 " .14116 " .14698 " .19712 " .22652 "* The total amount of purchases was $13,946.66. The total amount of is- sues $14,155.34. The average cost per person per day, $0.14721. The issues exceed the purchases because of bills outstanding and unpaid on Sept. 3oth. The commissary and purchasing department were consolidated under the purchasing agent October nth, N on which date Captain Butler's ac- countability closed. PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The following statement shows, in detail, the disbursements made by the Board to September 30, 1904, from funds derived fr.om all sources, in- cluding the appropriation made by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Com- pany of $200,000. From this latter source there is yet due the Board a balance approximating $12,000: Labor Lumber Hardware Painting Sundries Totals Cuartel __ $11,424 39 9,965 16 10,636 33 7,470 63 7,675 14 22,380 59 5,906 20 3,491 17 11,205 75 5,227 59 3,595 87 4,841 52 9,970 15 84095 11,931 46 10,995 98 51426 $13,514 53 10,610 81 5,309 79 2,438 86 4,515 22 9,014 65 3,443 80 2,466 52 6,875 27 3,882 27 1,479 24 2,227 03 2,092 38 876 65 9494 $ 1,387 08 43204 543 04 161 88 65540 781 70 26609 87 54 373 50 231 17 143 56 5805 3322 2242 279 17 34 50 7352 $ 778 50 794 58 684 35 492 50 1,296 00 549 85 235 20 317 60 605 65 144 85 378 40 201 20 293 30 62 00 $11,232 38 2,31424 2,537 64 1,729 62 1,935 13 4,091 40 315 77 110 00 2,495 83 1,797 39 590 65 1,224 20 5,902 77 924 61 4,028 15 21,292 16 440 00 3,354 77 $38,336 88 24,116 83 19,711 15 12,293 49 16,076 89 36,818 19 10,167 06 6,472 83 . 21,556 00 11,283 27 6,187 72 8,552 00 18,291 82 2,726 63 16,333 72 32,322 64 1,240 57 3,354 77 225 78 15,493 00 127,749 45 4,538 96 4,407 02 41 51 15,999 14 8,435 94 619 50 1,711 08 78989 110 82 19,764 77 1,363 77 118 05 54 75 1,975 60 122 85 8,769 80 1,458 91 1,091 19 592 80 1,781 28 416 79 52,336 30 23,315 79 Government Education _ Commerce Woman's War Forestry _ Agriculture Restaurant No. 1 Ethnology _ __ Restaurant No. 3 Bridge No. 1 Observatory Public Comfort Staff Work Roads and Sewers Greenhouse 212 79 Water Service Bridge No. 2 171 02 4,139 15 70,553 61 2,537 56 2,794 89 41 51 8,209 28 2,380 20 225 75 892 78 47675 - 110 82 7,057 70 966 60 118 05 5475 640 75 12285 1,721 11 60295 453 55 36438 858 36 40 66 4,220 91 8,759 27 1,198 41 1,529 62 14 10 194 50 Scouts' Camp _ _ 56488 3,438 64 34 57 82 51 6,373 56 44,997 93 702 77 Electric Plant Photograph 65 65 Fisheries Stock Room Hospitals 2,897 84 2,815 36 393 75 753 10 95 23 30400 439 41 380 00 93 20 4,208 02 2,707 77 Igorot Village Bridge No 3 Bridges Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7__ Monuments 6520 48 30 16961 American Concession Co. Visayan Village* 3,020 42 31300 45633 1875 510 45 65 42 3,424 49 School Klump's Booth J B Socci Booth Band Stand 1,142 25 , 30 00 162 60 Evans & Smith Moro Village 1,152 94 795 96 438 75 120 70 670 23 4739 295 10 3999 143 15 25 82 27 70 2 40 5,600 65 2001 55 74 81 90 22499 367 00 12,965 78 3,171 75 Mines Negrito Village Barber Shop Bagobo Village Reviewing Stand Grounds and Buildings _ Landscape Gardening Totals 39,370 52 20,14404 $303,082 07 $99,460 54 $11,550 63 $8,187 30 $151,551 28 $579,127 20 *$5,295.38 U. S. Customs. REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 53 Labor for Buildings, as per foregoing statement $303,082 07 Lumber for Buildings, as per foregoing statement 99,460 54 Hardware for Buildings, as per foregoing statement 11,550 63 Painting for Buildings, as per foregoing statement 8,187 30 U. 3. Customs for Buildings, as per foregoing statement 5,295 38 Sundries for Buildings, as per foregoing statement 151,551 28 $579,127 20 Salaries and operating expense 131,028 21 Expense, administrative and incidental 47,250 10 Fire protection implements 805 00 Insurance .. 6,273 40 Heating 3,962 41 Exhibit installation 31,155 41 Contractors' commissions 11,781 62 Freight 96,874 91 Subsistence 19,107 89 Filipino carpenters' salaries 7,659 10 Commissary fixtures 3,094 96 Office fixtures 3,609 55 Exhibit fixtures 185 20 Expenditures for exhibits _ 8,145 41 Salaries of natives 21,922 64 Salaries of Visayans 8,406 42 Expense Visayan Village 5,606 36 John Krieder 175 00 Percentage to concessionaire 5,396 26 Total expenditures $991,567 05 Additional disbursements not included in this statement were made by Carson Taylor, D. O., at Manila, P. I., of $166,514.18, the whole amount being administrative expenses and cost of exhibits purchased. Disbursements were also made by J. G. Jester, Philippine disbursing agent at Washington, and by other disbursing officers in the Philippine Is- lands, whose accounts were rendered direct to the auditor at Manila, no full reports having been received as yet by the Board, but as shown by partial reports and indicated by net withdrawals, such amounts were $162,404.27. It is therefore apparent that the total official disbursements, from funds derived from all sources, for the Philippine exhibit September 30, 1904, amounted to $1,320,485.50, crediting the receipts to September 30, amounting to $312,- 019.85, and deducting $189,423.18, furnished by the Louisiana Purchase Ex- position Company, leaves a difference of $819,042.47? as the net cost of the exhibit to the Philippine treasury to September 30, 1904. This statement will be affected and probably materially reduced by the receipts and ex- penditures since that date. 54 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. RETRENCHMENTS. On account of the unexpectedly large outlay in installing the Exposition and the disappointing receipts in reimbursement, it was deemed wise early in July to adopt radical steps toward retrenchment. This was begun under the advice and direction of Colonel Clarence R. Edwards, Chief of the Bureau of Insuiar Affairs of the War Department, through which bureau the Ex- position Board is responsible to the Philippine Government. Due to Colonel Edwards' intelligent and energetic efforts, much was accomplished in this direction. As rapidly as practicable without impairment to the service, depart- ments were consolidated, and in complete furtherance of these measures of economy, a new scheme of organization was adopted August I5th, under which the offices of Executive Officer and Chief of Exploitation were abolished, the positions of engineer of grounds and landscape gardener were con- solidated, and the force of clerks, laborers and guards was reduced. Later the offices of purchasing agent and commissary officer were consolidated. The organization since August I5th has remained substantially the same, except for the abolishment of certain minor positions, as rapidly as their services could be spared, and the addition of lecturers or "spielers" for the purpose of attracting visitors to the various villages. With the promotion of Mr. Herbert S. Stone from chief of publicity to membership on the Board, this office was abolished, the work of publicity being practically ended. The official organization at this time is as follows : Honorable A. L. Lawshe, chairman. Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, member. Herbert S. Stone, member. Dr. Leon M. Guerrero, secretary. Carson Taylor, disbursing officer. A. T. Ruan, cashier. Under the present organization of the Board, to the chairman, in addi- tion to his general executive functions, is assigned jurisdiction over revenues and disbursements ; Dr. Gustavo Niederlein continues as director of exhibits, and Mr. Herbert S. Stone, as member and executive officer, has supervision over administrative matters on the grounds and in the villages. The foregoing is the organization provided for in the various laws of the Philippine Commission governing the Philippine exhibit. In the performance of its work the Board has a corps of assistants not specifically named in the statutes, but appointed by the Board under the general authority conferred REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 55 upon it, such as a purchasing agent and commissary officer, a property clerk, a chief of concessions and an officer in charge of each exhibit building, as indicated elsewhere in this report, and a general clerical, police and labor force. The authorized personnel on November ist was in detail as follows: Office of chairman: Chairman, one stenographer, one employe, total monthly pay roll, in- cluding per diem for expenses to the chairman, $841.66. Office of director of exhibits : One member, one stenographer; total monthly pay roll including per diem for expenses to the director of exhibits, $733.33. Office of member and executive officer : One member, one pass clerk and stenographer ; total monthly pay roll, in- cluding per diem of member and executive officer, $698.33. Office of secretary: Secretary of the board, one clerk and typewriter at $100.00, one clerk and typewriter at $65.00; total monthly pay roll including per diem of secretary, $583.33. General force: One reporter at $125.00, one stenographer at $75.00, one clerk and ste- nographer at $65.00, two stenographers at $60.00, one superintendent of build- ings and, janitors at $100.00, one head janitor at $2.00 per day, 16 janitors at $1.60 per day each, six messengers at $20.00 per month, one chief spieler at $5.00 per day, ten spielers at $3.50 per day; total monthly pay roll $2,393.00. Office of disbursing officer: Disbursing officer, one clerk at $116.66, one clerk at $100, one steno- grapher at $75.00; total monthly pay roll $441.66. Timekeepers : One in charge at $65.00, two at $60.00 each ; monthly pay roll $185.00. Cashier's office: Cashier, one clerk at $125.00, two clerks at $75.00, one clerk at $60.00, one employe at $60.00, twelve ticket sellers at $60.00, three ticket sellers (to be reimbursed by concessionaires), two cash clerks at $60.00 (one, to be re- imbursed by concessionaire), one employe (to be reimbursed by Gold Coin Fund) at $50.00, three employes for relief ticket sellers and others at $60.00, one cash clerk at $40.00 (to be reimbursed by concessionaire) ; total monthly pay roll $1,705.00. Office of concessions : One chief clerk, one clerk and accountant at $116.66, two clerks at 56 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. $60.00, eleven ticket takers at $60.00, (one to be reimbursed by concession- aire), one checker at $60.00 (to be reimbursed by concessionaire), one check- er at $25 per week (to be reimbursed by concessionaire), additional ticket taker at $60.00, one checker at $60.00 (to be reimbursed by concessionaire), one inspector at $100, one inspector at $75, four employes for all relief pur- poses at $60.00, one ticket counter at $40.00; total monthly pay roll, $1,756.66. Property division: One clerk in charge, one clerk at $65.00, one clerk at $60.00, one customs house clerk at $60.00; total monthly pay roll $318.33. Office of purchasing agent and commissary officer: Purchasing agent, one clerk and stenographer at $100.00, one clerk at $75.00, one storekeeper at $60.00, one laborer at $60.00; total monthly pay roll including per diem of purchasing agent, $535.00. Hospital : Two officers, one from the regulary army and one from the constabu- lary, detailed without pay from the Exposition Board; one dispensing officer, one head nurse at $45.00, two nurses at $40.00, one cook, one employe, one messenger; total monthly pay roll $310.00; all employes connected with hospital being entitled to subsistence. War exhibit: Constabulary, one employe at $75.00, scouts, one employe at $75.00; total monthly pay roll $150.00. Agricultural building: One employe in charge, $150.00. The Cuartel : Constabulary officer in charge, one employe, one fireman at $2.25 per day, one fireman at $2.00 per day; total monthly pay roll, $202.50. Forestry building: One employe in charge, two laborers for cleaning exhibits; total monthly pay roll, $270.00. Manila building: One employe in charge at $75.00. Fish and Game building : One employe in charge at $100.00. Mine's building: One employe in charge at $100.00. Commerce building: One employe in charge at $125.00. Educational building: One officer of the Philippine Educationad de- partment on detail without pay from the Exposition board; one teacher, one employe; total monthly pay roll $160.00. Ethnology building: One officer on detail from the Philippine Islands REPORT OF EXPOSITION BOARD. 57 without pay from the Exposition board ; one employe ; total monthly pay roll $60.00. Moro villages : One manager, two employes at $100.00 per month ; pay roll of Samal Moros, $325.00; pay roll of Lanao Moros, $380.00; total monthly pay roll, $1,055.00. Igorot village : One manager, one assistant manager; pay roll of Igorot per month, $1,185.00; pay roll of Tinguianes, $140.00; pay roll of Suyocs, $320.00; Bontocs, $725,00; total pay roll of village monthly, $1,451.66. Under the arrangement at this village, the manager is to receive his percentage weekly and to assume all other salary charges except the pay of the Igorot and the necessary gate keepers and ticket sellers. Negrito village : Manager, assistant manager, three assistants at $30.00 per month each; pay roll of natives in Negrito village, Negritos and Manguianes, $320.00; total pay roll, $660.00. Visayan village : One clerk at $125.00, one theater manager at $125.00, one clerk at $60.00, one market clerk at $40.00, one messenger at $20.00, two speilers at $3.50 per day, one watchman at $2.00 per day, three laundresses at $1.50 per day; monthly pay roll of Visayans, $1,130.00; total monthly pay roll of village, $1,854.00. Bagobo village: , Manager, $100.00; estimated pay roll of village, $380.00. Guards : One inspector in charge, $100.00; three assistant inspectors at $2.25 per day each, thirty-seven guards at $2.00 per day; total monthly pay roll, $2.522.50. Music : One band leader, $75.00; one cornetist, $45.00; total, $f 20.00. Power house : One superintendent, one foreman steam fitters, one clerk, one store keeper, one stenographer; as to the remainder of the employes at the power house, their time is computed by the hour at different rates, all de- pending on the nature of the work; at times, the pay roll has been as high as $4,000 for the latter named ; the total monthly pay roll of the power house is estimated at $3,185.00. 58 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Superintendent of grounds and laborers : One superintendent at $125.00 per month, one foreman at $2.75 per day, one assistant foreman at $2.25 per day, two laborers at 22^ cents per hour, thirty laborers at 20 cents per hour, one water boy at 12^ cents per hour, two teams at $5.00 per day, four carpenters at 55 cents per hour, one employe at $2.50 per day, two employes at $3.20 per day; total monthly pay roll $3,330.90. This force will be greatly reduced after December I, when the Exposition closes, but there must be a very large increase in the force of laborers to be employed in packing, and necessary clearing of the grounds. A considerable sum will be derived from the sale of merchandise ex- hibits, and other property, to say nothing of the amount to be derived from wreckage. The Board therefore confidently expects to be able to pay all future expenses, close the business of the Exposition, and have remaining a consider- able sum to be turned back into the general funds of the Philippine treasury. Before concluding this report, the Board should make due acknowledg- ment of the valuable services rendered by the exhibitors and collaborators who have worked for the success of the Exposition and the assistance in the compilation of this report of each chief of department or branch of the service as indicated. A. L. LAWSHE, Chairman. GUSTAVO NIEDERLEIN, Member and Director of Exhibits. HERBERT S. STONE, Member and Executive Officer. LEON M. GUERRERO, Secretary. St. Louis, December I, 1904. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. GRANTED BY THE PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL JURY AT THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT EXPOSITION WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, JWO. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. GRANTED BY THE PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL JURY AT THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT EXPOSITION WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. The Philippine International Jury of Awards was agreed upon, together with its jury system, which includes the "Honorable Mention," by the Philippine Exposition Board, after consultation with the Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department, Washington, D. C. , the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition Company and the National Commission. It was organized with the help of the forty Filipino Honorary Commissioners especially selected from the very best elements of the country, namely, Members of U. S. Philippine Commission, Provincial Governors, Magistrates, Municipal Presidents, Planters, Importers, Exporters, etc., sent by the Insular Government to this country to become thoroughly acquainted with the United States and the World's Fair. The object of the Philippine International Jury of Awards was, in granting prizes, to give well based encouragements of special educa- tional value. The composition of this jury was as follows: SUPERIOR JURY. President Hon. Wm. H. Taft, Secretary of War. First Vice-President Dr. Wm. P. Wilson, Chairman Philippine Exposition Board. Second Vice-President Hon. Wm. Lindsay, Member National Commission. Third Vice-PresidentMr. Frederick J. V. Skiff, Director of Exhibits, World's Fair, St. Louis. Secretary Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, Member of Philippine Exposition Board, Director of Exhibits. Assistant Secretary Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero, Secretary Philippine Exposition Board. MEMBERS. Hon. David R. Francis, President Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Hon. Thomas H. Carter, President National Commission. Hon. A. L. Lawshe, Member Philippine Exposition Board. Hon. John M. Allen, Member National Commission. Hon. Frederick A. Betts, Member National Commission. Hon. Martin H. Glynn, Member National Commission. Hon. Lawrence H. Grahame, Secretary National Commission. Hon. John F. Miller, Member National Commission. Hon. George McBride, Member of National Commission. Hon. Philip D. Scott, Member National Commission. Hon. John M. Thurston, Member National Commission. -64- JURY OF REVISION. DIRECTORS BX-OFFICIO. Dr. Wm. P. Wilson, Chairman of the Philippine Exposition Board. Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, Member and Director of Exhibits in charge of the jury work. Mr. A. L- Lawshe, Member of the Philippine Exposition Board, in charge of Finances. MEMBERS. Charles P. Fenner, Chief Department of Commerce and Manufactures, Phil- ippine Exposition Board, President of Jury of Manufactures, and Member of Jury of Agriculture. Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero, Secretary Philippine Exposition Board, Chief Departments of Fine Art and Liberal Arts, and President Juries of Fine Art and Liberal Arts. A. R. Hager, Chief Department of Education, Philippine Exposition Board, President of Jury of Education. Charles L. Hall, Chief Departments of Agriculture, Horticulture and Land Transportation, Philippine Exposition Board, President of Juries of Agriculture and Transportation, and Member of Juries of Horticulture and Live Stock. Victor J. Hall, Assistant Chief of Departments of Fine Arts and Liberal Arts, Philippine Exposition Board, President of Jury of Machinery, Member of Juries of Manufactures and Liberal Arts. Roy Hopping, Chief Department of Mines and Metallurgy, Philippine Ex- position Board, President of Jury of Mines and Metallurgy. George P. Linden, Chief Department of Forestry, Philippine Exposition Board and President Jury of Forestry. Jose Quadras, Chief Department of Fish and Game, Philippine Exposition Board, President Juries of Fish and Game and Water Transportation. Miss Pilar Zamora, Director of Model School, Philippine Exposition Board, Member and Secretary of Juries of Manufactures and Education. -65- GROUP AND DEPARTMENT JURY. Director of the Jury Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, Member of the Exposition Board and Director of Exhibits. Secretary of the Jury Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero, Secretary of the Exposition Board. Chairman of the Jury of Education A. R. Hager; Secretary Miss Pilar Zamora. Chairman of the Jury of Fine Art Leon Ma. Guerrero; Secretary A. Fuster. Chairman of the Jury of Liberal Arts Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero; Secretary Dr. Roman Lacson. Chairman of the Jury of Commerce and Manufactures Hon. Benito Legarda; Vice-Chairnian Charles P. Fenner; Secretary Miss Pilar Zamora. Chairman of the Jury of Machinery Victor J. Hall. Chairman of the Jury of Water Transportation Jose Quadras. Chairman of the Jury of Land Transportation Charles L. Hall. Chairman of. the Jury of Agriculture Charles L. Hall. Chairman of the Jury of Horticulture John Hetherington. Chairman of the Jury of Forestry George P. Linden. Chairman of the Jury of Mines and Metallurgy Roy Hopping. Chairman of the Jury of Fish and Game Jose Quadras. Chairman of the Jury of Anthropology Dr. Albert E. Jenks. Chairman of the Jury of War Exhibits Major William H. Johnston ; Sec- retary Capt. F. E. Cofren. MEMBERS. Hon. Julio Agcaoili, Juror for Manufactures. Dr. Alejandro Albert, Juror for Liberal Arts. A. E. Anderson, Juror for Liberal Arts. Juan Araneta, Juror for Agriculture. Tomas Arguelles, Juror for Transportation. Charles S. Banks, Juror for Agriculture and Fish and Game. 66 Marcial Calleja, Juror for Agriculture. Alfredo de Castro, Juror for Forestry. H. D. Deputy, Juror for Liberal Arts. Antonio G. Escamilla, Juror for Transportation. Ramon B. Genato, Juror for Art. Guillermo Gomez, Juror for Fish and Game. Manuel de Iriarte, Juror for Art and Horticulture. Ceferino de Leon, Juror for Mining and Metallurgy. Juan de Leon, Juror for Manufactures. Hon. Potenciano Lesaca, Juror for Fish and Game. Leoncio G. Liquete, Juror for Education. Vincente Llamas, Juror for Fish and Game. First Lieut. W. H. Loving, Liberal Arts. Jose de Loyzaga y Ageo, Juror for Education. Hon. Simon Luz, Juror for Machinery. Eusebio Luzuriaga, Juror for Agriculture. Dr. Manuel Gomez Martinez, Juror for Education and Anthropology. Alejandro R. Mendoza, Juror for Manufactures. Hon. Benito Monreal, Juror for Agriculture. Vicente Nepomuceno, Juror for Transportation. Vicente Noel, Juror for Live Stock. Leon Novenario, Juror for War. Hon. Joaquin Ortega, Juror for Forestry. C. A. Pettit, Juror for Mining. Hon. Juan Pimentel, Juror for Mining. Marino M. Ramirez, Juror for Agriculture. Hon. Alfonso Ramos, Juror for Agriculture. Rafael O. Ramos, Juror for Forestry. Hilarion Raymundo, Juror for Horticulture. Jose Rivera, Juror for Transportation. Alejandro Roces, Juror for Manufactures. Hon. Tomas del Rosario, Juror for Education, and Fish and Game. Dr. Baldomero Roxas, Juror for Liberal Arts. Hon. Epifanio de los Santos, Juror for Mining and Anthropology. Vicente Singson, Juror for Agriculture. Juan Sumulung, Juror for Agriculture. W. N. Swarthout, Juror for Liberal Arts. -67- Hon. T. H. Pardo de Tavera, Juror for Anthropology. Hon. Mariano Trias, Juror for War. Gervasio Unson, Juror for Live Stock. Hon. Juan Villamor, Juror for Manufactures, War, Mining and Anthropology. The work of the last named Group and Department Jury, appointed July 27, 1904, was done under the direction of the Director of Exhibits, Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, beginning July 28th and ending September 15th, when the Jury of Revision commenced its task of reviewing, which was finished October 13th. On the following day the Superior Jury was convened and* adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, that the report presented by the Director of the Department Jury be accepted, and that a committee consisting of the First Vice-Presi- dent, the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary of this Jury, be authorized to publish the awards as embraced in this report, and that they be constituted a committee to receive any expressions of dissatisfaction and to remedy the same, as well as any omissions, and that one week after such publication this committee may promulgate the awards as found, unless important changes make it proper for the convening of the Superior Jury, which the First- Vice- President is authorized to call." It was also agreed and resolved that ' ' there may be voted to certain meritorious individuals, government officials, chiefs, commanding and other officers, soldiers, musicians, etc., a special medal of honor, in gold, silver or bronze, to be hereafter determined, and that the Secretary of the Superior Jury be instructed to re-arrange his reports in accordance with the action of the Superior Jury." In conformity with the above resolution the following design and regu- lations for the Medal of Honor was decided upon, with the approval of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. : The Medal of Honor awarded by the Philippine Government is of gold, silver or bronze, of one inch and three-eighths diameter, pendant, according to classes as described below, from a watered silk ribbon, one inch and a half wide, of white, red and blue (the colors of the Philippines), the red in the center being half of the width of the ribbon. It is surrounded by an annulet and of the following design: Obverse. Within the annulet the words, " Medal of HONOR," and the date " 1904," surrounding an open wreath of laurel and oak, within which is a shield of American design bearing the arms of the Philippine Islands surmounted by the American eagle, being the official badge of the Philip- pine International Jury of Awards. Reverse. Within the annulet above described a circular inscription, -68- containing the words, ''Government of the Philippine Islands," within which are the words " To " (name of recipient), " For merit, World's Fair, St. Louis, U. S. A." To distinguish the class awarded, the Medal of Honor will be worn as follows : FIRST CLASS GRAND PRIZE. A combination of the designs of the official badges of the International Jury of Awards of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and the Philippine International Jury of Awards, as follows : The medal above described, of gold, within a Maltese Cross, of white enamel with gold edge, between the points of which are four gold fleur-de-lys, being the design of the official badge of the International Jury of Awards of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition ; the whole pendant by a wreath of laurel and oak, enameled green, from the regulation ribbon, upon which is placed a rosette of the same colors. SECOND CLASS GOLD MEDAL. The same combination as first class, but without the rosette upon the ribbon. THIRD CLASS SILVER MEDAL. The same combination as second class, except that the medal within is of silver. FOURTH CLASS BRONZE MEDAL. The medal alone of bronze, pendant from the ribbon by a wreath of bronze. FIFTH CLASS HONORABLE MENTION. The same as fourth class, but pendant by a ring. The Medal of Honor is accompanied by the following Diploma: THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS with the approval of THE SECRETARY OF WAR confers upon A MEDAL OF HONOR of the___class. As recommended by' the Superior Jury of the Philippine International Jury of Awards for services in furthering the ^welfare and progress of the Philippine Islands. THE PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION BOARD, For the Government of the Philippine Islands. A. L. LAWSHE, Chairman. GUSTAVO NIEDERLEIN, Director of Exhibits- Attest: HERBERT S. STONE, Executive Officer. LEON M. GUERRERO, Secretary. Approved by direction of the Secretary of War, at Washington, D. C., this first day of December nineteen hundred and four. [Seal.] CLARENCE R. EDWARDS, Colonel U. S. A. Chief Bureau of Insular Affairs . Any recipient of the Medal of Honor, who, at any time, may, by mis- conduct or felony, prove unworthy of this distinction of honor, shall be de- prived of the privilege of wearing it. The following tables give a resume of the number and different kinds of awards granted by the Philippine International Jury of Awards: 69 AWARDS. Grand Prize Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal Hon. Mention COLLECTIVE EXHIBITS Government- 2 11 13 Provincial Committees 23 42 3 18 30 16 56 16 1 5 54 1 3 24 10 5 14 7 81 1 18 71 30 64 62 3 10 179 1 2 39 34 10 18 10 2 Municipal Committees 177 289 Ladies' Committees Collectors, A to N 3 8 4 14 1 EXHIBITS 'A' Education 110 38 45 213 1 15 145 1 2 32 25 38 29 10 323 42 123 1,200 6 57 462 'B' Fine Arts_ *C' Liberal Arts 'D' Manufactures *E' Machinery *G' Transportation 3 9 *H' Agriculture 4 R' Livestock ' J ' Horticulture - 1 3 2 2 4 61 207 96 201 19 56 49 'K' Forestry 'L' Mines and Metallurgy *M" Fish and Game 'N'' Anthropology Foreign Imports War Exhibit 5 11 Total Awards 85 332 79 27 642 881 3,191 COMMEMORATIVE AWARDS. COLLABORATORS . Jury Collaborators, Exposition Board _ _ 8 37 28 55 22 Newspapers Railroads and Steamship Lines 19 16 Power House 1 Total Awards 9 21 20 3 7 141 3 25 22 79 3 1 65 8 55 22 MEDALS OF HONOR. Government Collaborators Governors Insular Chiefs of Departments 8 58 14 17 4 Collaborators, Philippine Expo. Board, Philippine Constabulary 13 67 74 38 212 341 Philippine Scouts Exposition Guard X Filipino Students 101 Visayan Village 3 2 6 1 4 2 96 5 6 Samal Moros 1 34 24 29 108 28 4 Lake Lonao Moros Bagobo Village Igorot Village 1 2 4 Negritos - Mangyanes Visayan Midgets 2 Total Awards _ T 51 135 127 307 881 Grand Total 145 608 834 1,243 4,094 Grand Total Awards 6,924 -70- AWARDS Continued PROVINCES Grand Prize Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal Hon. Mention Total Awards Women Abra 2 1 1 1 3 6 6 2 4 7 1 3 8 5 3 5 13 7 11 6 5 4 9 8 6 3 2 4 2 7 17 1 4 2 4 9 5 11 3 8 8 1 6 5 3 205 7 22 126 9 8 4 19 12 10 9 12 7 9 6 11 23 7 11 22 27 17 19 41 14 11 14 23 13 2 15 13 23 16 16 25 30 30 107 4 15 9 12 34 6 7 6 7 24 59 8 11 2 30 22 6 10 2 55 40 8 18 18 12 322 1 8 89 192 34 39 33 80 43 17 69 82 81 42 54 83 121 100 136 4 66 35 140 206 18 35 31 21 130 265 24 13 3 132 49 24 57 16 210 199 18 82 67 28 866 1 10 133 2 3 257 67 67 59 119 71 29 93 116 134 68 87 145 190 161 272 14 98 64 171 258 35 52 45 38 181 379 35 34 9 181 100 40 81 23 296 270 30 125 98 53 1671 14 77 465 23 25 4 69 7 1 6 4 .7 1 22 15 5 2 17 28 60 73 45 Albay \mbos Carnarines Antique Bataan _ - - -- Batanga 1 Benguets Bohol Bulacan - 2 2 Cagayan Capiz Cavite 1 2 5 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 Cebu Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur Iloilo L/a L/aguna 12 10 9 11 8 8 3 8 18 35 1 ' ? 14 18 5 3 2 20 19 3 17 6 9 237 1 21 98 7 3 4 1 2 142 2 8 10 L/a Union Lepanto Bontoc _ _ Levte Marinduque Masbate Mindoro _ 1 Misamis Moro Province 2 3 1 1 3 48 7 Negros Occidental Negros Oriental Nueva Eciia Nueva Viscaya Pampanga 1 2 23 16 Pangasinan Paragua Rizal - _- 14 Romblon Samar _ 3 4 128 91 3 9 7 11 56 Sorsogon Surisrao Tarlac _ 2 2 1 41 4 16 19 5 6 Tayabas Zambales Manila Military Gove nment Civil Government American Exhibitors 2 Foreign Exhibitors Philippine Exposition Board L& 5 Total. _ 145 608 834 1243 4094 6924 949 -71 AWARDS. General Collective Exhibits. GOVERNMENT. GRAND PRIZE. Civil Government of the Philippines. Military Government, Division of the Philippines. PROVINCIAL COMMITTEES. GRAND PRIZE. Abra, Capital, Bangued. Ambos Camarines, Capital, Nueva Ca- ceres. Cagayan, Capital, Tuguegarao. Ilocos Norte, Capital, Laoag. Ilocos Sur, Capital, Vigan. Leyte, Capital, Tacloban. Negros Occ., Capital, Bacolod. Pangasinan, Capital, Lingayen. Samar, Capital, Catbalogan. Tarlac, Capital, Tarlac. Union, Capital, San Fernando. GOLD MEDAL. Antique, Capital, San Jose de Buenavista. Batangas, Capital, Batangas. Bohol, Capital, Tagbilaran. Bulacan, Capital, Malolos. Cavite, Capital, Cavite. Cebu, Capital, Cebu. Iloilo, Capital, Iloilo. Isabela, Capital, Ilagan. Lepanto Bontoc, Capital, Cervantes. Marinduque, Capital, Boac. Masbate, Capital, Masbate. Mindoro, Capital, Calapan. Moro Province, Capital, Zamboanga. Negros Oriental, Capital, Dumaguete. Nueva Ecija, Capital, Sail Isidro. Nueva Vizcaya, Capital, Bayombong. Pampanga, Capital, Bacolcr. Paragua, Capital, Cuyo. Rizal, Capital, Pasig. Romblon, Capital, Romblon. Sorsogon, Capital, Sorsogon. Tayabas, Capital, Lucena. Zambales, Capital, Iba. SILVER MEDAL. Albay, Capital, Albay. Bataan, Capital, Balanga. Benguet, Capital, Baguio. Capiz, Capital, Capiz. La Laguna, Capital, Santa Cruz. Misamis, Capital, Cagayan. Surigao, Capital, Surigao. MUNICIPAL COMMITTEES. GRAND PRIZE. Argao, Cebu. Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. Balamban, Cebu. Batac, Ilocos Norte. Bugason, Antique. Candon, Ilocos Sur. Casiguran, Sorsogon. Cottabato, Mindanao. Paraga, Albay. Iloilo, Iloilo. Jaro, Iloilo. Juban, Sorsogon. Piddig, Ilocos Norte. GOLD MEDAL. Agno, Zambales. Atimonan, Tayabas. Balangiga, Samar. Bangar, Union. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 73 Bangui, Ilocos Norte. Bantay, Ilocos Sur. Basey, Samar. Binmaley, Pangasinan. Calapan, Mindoro. Cebu, Cebu. Cuyo, Calamianes (Paragua). Dagupan, Pangasinan. Dalaguete, Cebu. Gandara, Samar. Gerona, Tarlac. Ilagan, Isabela. Irosin, Sorsogon. Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Laoang, Samar. Lemery, Batangas. Leyte, Leyte. Lingayen, Pangasinan. Malolos, Bulacan. Mangaldan, Pangasinan. Molo, Iloilo. Mondragon, Samar. Naval, Leyte. Oquendo, Samar. Palapag, Samar. Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte. Piat, Cagayan. Poro, Cebu. Salcedo, Ilocos Sur. San Carlos, tangasinan. San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Santa Cruz, Marindque. Silay, Negros Occ. Sogod, Cebu. Tagudin, Ilocos Sur. Vintar, Ilocos Norte. Weyler, Samar. SILVER MEDAL. Albay, Albay. Alcala, Cagayan de Luzon. Anao, Tarlac. Aparri, Cagayan de Luzon. Arayat, Pampanga. Bacacay, Albay. Bacolod, Negros Occidental. Badoc, Ilocos Norte. Baguio, Benguet. Banna, Ilocos Norte. Boac, Marinduque. Bolinao, Zambales. Botolan, Zambales. Bucay, Abra. Bulusan, Sorsogon. Cabangan, Zambales. Capas, Tarlac. Catubig, Samar. Cavite, Cavite. Cervantes, Lepanto. Coron, Paragua. Davao, Mindanao. Dumangas, Iloilo. Gasan, Marinduque. Gubat, Sorsogon. Iba, Zambales. Imus, Cavite. Infanta, Zambales. Jagna, Bohol. Jaro, Leyte. Lapog, Ilocos Sur. Laua-an, Antique. Lezo, Capiz. Libacao, Capiz. Ligao, Albay. Lipa, Batangas. Lumbang, Laguna. Maao, Negros Occidental. Maasin, Leyte. Magallanes, Sorsogon. Majayjay, Laguna. Malcampo, Paragua. Mangatarem, Pangasinan. Manila, Manila. Maragondon, Cavite. Mauauan, Cagavan. Mexico, Pampanga. Mogpog, Marinduque. Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. Naujan, Mindoro. Oras, Samar. Pandan, Antique. Paracale, Ambos Camarines. Pasig, Rizal. Pinabagdao, Samar. Pitogo, Tayabas. Pozorrubio, Pangasinan. Puerto Princesa, Palauan (Paragua). San Antonio, Samar. San Fernando, Union. San Isidro, Zambales. San Jacinto, Pangasinan. San Juan, Batangas. San Miguel or Serrat, Ilocos Norte. San Pablo, Laguna. San Pedro, Antique. San Remigio, Antique. San Sebastian, Cebu. Santa, Ilocos Sur. Santa Cruz, Ilocos Sur. Santa Lucia, Ilocos Sur. Santa Magdalena, Sorsogon. Santa Margarita, Samar. Santa Rita, Samar. Suyoc, Lepanto. Tagbilaran, Bohol. Tayabas, Tayabas. Tolon, Negros Oriental. Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Zarnboanga, Mindanao. PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. BRONZE MEDAL. Alang-Alang, Leyte. Alimodian, Iloilo. Almagro, Samar. Almeria, Leyte. Anda, Bohol. i Angat, Bulacan. Aringay, Union. Baao, Ambos Camarines. Babatungon, Leyte. Bacon, Sorsogon. Bagjao, Cagayan. Balanga, Bataan. Balason, Iloilo. Balilijan, Bohol. Balincaguing, Zambales. Baliuag, Bulacan. Banani, Nueva-Vizcaya. Bangued, Abra. Bantayan, Cebu. Baras, Rizal (Morong). Barbaza, Antique. Bayangbang, Pangasinan. Beilen, Mindanao. Bilar, Bohol. Bonobono, Paragua. Buena Vista, Iloilo. Buhi, Ambos Camarines. Bulalacao, ivlindoro. Bulan, Sorsogon. Cabalantian, Tayabas. Cabalian, Leyte. Cabanoalan, Negros Occidental. Cabugao, ilocos Sur. Cadiz Nueva, Negros Occidental. Cagayan, Misamis. Calbayog, Samar. Caibiga, Samar. Calibo, Capiz. Camalaniugan, Cagayan de Luzon. Candelaria, Zambales. Capiz, Capiz. Capul, Samar. Carcar, Cebu. Carigara, Leyte. Castilla Sorsogon. Catarman, Samar. Catbalogan, Samar. Cava, Union. Claveria, Cagayan de Luzon. Culaba, Leyte. Cuyapo, Nueva-Ecija. Daet, Ambos Camarines. Dasol, Zambales. Dimao, Bohol. Dingle, Iloilo. Dingras, Ilocos Norte. Dolores, Abra. Dumalag, Capiz. Dumarao, Capiz. Echague, Isabela. Escalante, Negros Occidental. Gattaran, Cagayan. Guiguinto, Bulacan. Guimaras, Iloilo. Guisijan, Antique. Guiuan, Samar. Hernani, Samar. Hinunangan, Leyte. Infanta, Tayabas. Jagnaya, Capiz. Jiabong, Samar. Jimenez, Misamis. Jolo, Jolo. Jovellar, Albay. Lacy, Negros Oriental. Lagonoy, Ambos Camarines. Lauang, Samar. La Paz, Iloilo. Lavezares, Samar. Legaspi, Albay. Liloan, Leyte. Loctugan, Capiz. Lopez, Tayabas. Los Banos, Laguna. Louisiana, Laguna. Luluno, Abra. Macabebe, Pampanga. Madalag, Capiz. Magbajao, Misamis. Malabon, Rizal. Malasiqui, Pangasinan. Manitao, Albay. Mansanilla, Cebu. Maribojoc, Mohol. Mariquina, Rizal. Masinloc, Zambales. Matnog, Sorsogon. Mauban, Tayabas. Mercedes, Samar. Merida, Leyte. Minalin, Pampanga. Misamis, Misamis. Moncada, Tarlac. Montufar, Sorsogon. Motiong, Samar. Murcia, Negros Occidental. Naga, Cebu. Nampicuan, Nueva Ecija. Nangca, Tayabas. Noveleta, Cavite. Nueva Coveta, Ilocos Sur. Oas, Albay. O'Donell, Tarlac. Olongapo, Zambales. * Orani, Bataan. Ormoc, Leyte. Pagbilao, Tayabas. Palompon, Leyte. Pambujan, Samar. Pangil, Laguna. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 75 Paoay, Ilocos Norte. Paranas, Samar. Paric or Dolores, Samar. Patnongan, Antique. Pavia, Iloilo. Pinamalayan, Mindoro. Polo, Bulacan. Porac, Pampanga. Quinapundan, Samar. Resales, Pangasinan. Rosario, Cavite. Salasa, Pangasinan. San Estevan, Ilocos Sur. San Fabian, Pangasinan. San Felipe, Zambales. San Fernando, Pampanga. San Ildefonso, Ilocos Sur. San Jose, Ilocos Sur. San Julian, Samar. San Marcelino, Ilocos Norte. San Marcelino, Zambales. San Miguel, Iloilo. San Miguel de Mayumo, Bulacan. San Narciso, Zambales. San Rafael, Bulacan. Santa Catalina, Ilocos Sur. Santa Cruz, Davao Mindanao. Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur. Santo Nino, Cagayan. Santo Tomas, Pampanga. Santo Tomas, Pangasinan. Saravia, Negros Occidental. Sevilla, Ilocos Sun Sigma, Antique. Sinait, Ilocos Sur. Solsona, Ilocos Norte. Sual, Pangasinan. Sulat, Samar. Taal, Batangas. Tabogon, Cebu. Tacloban, Leyte. Talavera, Nueva Ecija. Talisayan, Misamis. Talong, Negros Occidental. Tandag, Surigao. Tarangunan, Samar. Tarlac, Tarlac. Tayug, Pangasinan. Tibiae, Antique. Tigbauan, lloiio. Torrijos, Marinduque. Tuao, Cagayan. Tubao, Union. Tuy, Batangas. Urdaneta, Pangasinan. Victoria, Tarlac. Villareal, Samar. HONORABLE MENTION. Abucay, Bataan Agoo, Union. Alamiros, Laguna. Alaminos, Zambales. Albuquerque, Bohol. Alos, Zambales. Alupay, Tayabas. Amblan, Negros Oriental. Anao, Tayabas. Anda, Zambales. Angeles, Pampanga. Anilao, Iloilo. Aniniy, Antique. Antique, Antique (Panay). Apalit, Pampanga. Arevalo, Iloilo. Asingan, Pangasinan. Babuyan, Zambales. Bacolor, Pampanga. Bacon, Negros Oriental. Bacoor, Cavite. Bacuit, Palawan (Paragua). Badajoz, Romblon. Bagay, Ambos Camarines. Bagnotpji, Union. Bamban, Tarlac. Banate, Iloilo. Banlao, Paragua. Baras, Albay. Barcelona, Sorsogon. Barotac, Sorsogon. Barugo, Leyte. Batangas, Batangas. Bato, Ambos Camarines. Batu, Pampanga. Bauan, Batangas. Bauang, Union. Betis, Pampanga. Binalbagan, Negros Occidental. Binalonan, Pangasinan. Binangonan, Rizal (Morong). Binangonan de Lampon, Tayabas. Bobon, Samar. Bombon, Ambos Camarines. Bonate, Iloilo. oondoc, Tayabas Bucal, Tayabas. Bucaue, Bulacan. Buruanga, Capiz. Cabuyo, Isabela. Cadiz, Marinduque. Cagayancillo, Antique. Cajidiocan, Romblon. Calaca, Batangas. Calamba, Lag-ma. Calape, Bohol. Calasiao, Pangasinan. Calinog, Iloilo. Calolbong, Albay. ' 76 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Calumpang, Tayabas. Calumpit, Bulacan. Camayas, Tayabas. Camiling, Tarlac. Canaan, Negros Occidental. Candaba, Pampanga. Caritan, Antique. Carmona, Cavite. Casuray, Mindoro. Cauayan, Ilocos Sur Concepcion, Iloilo. Concepcion, Tarlac. Cordoba, Cagayan. Cordoba, Cebu. Cordoba, Iloilo. Corregidor, Corregidor, Manila. Cortes, Bohol. Cortes, Surigao. Costa, Samar. Cuartero, Cari^. Culasi, Antique. Culion, Calamianes, Paragua. Danao, Cebu. Dao, Antique. Daolig, Palauan (Paragua). Despujol, Romblon. Domuit, Tayabas. Dumaguete, Negros Oriental. Dumanjug, Cebu. Bstanzuela, Cavite. Fidilizan, Bontoc. Florida Blanca, Pampanga. Gamu, Isabela. Garcia Hernandez, Bohol. Gibanga, Tayabas. Ginatilan, Cebu. Ginatuan, Surigao. Ginigaran, Negros Occidental. Granada, Negros Occidental. Guimbal, Iloilo. Guimbas, Antique. Guinobatan, Albay. Hainatuan, Sorsogon. tiilongos, Leyte. Hindang, Leyte. Ibas, Tayabas. Iguig, Cagayan. Iligan, Misamis. Hog, Negros Occidental. Inupacan, Leyte. Iriga, Ambos Camarines. Isabang, Tayabas. Isio, Negros Occidental. Ivisan, Capiz. Janiuay, Iloilo. Kavinti, Laguna. Labao, Pampanga. Lacanan, Tayabas. La Caridad, Cavite. La Carlota, Negros Occidental. La Granja, Samar. Laguan, Samar.- Lambunao, Iloilo. Lauique, Tayabas. Langiden, Abra. La Paz, Tarlac. Leganes, Iloilo. Libog, Albay. Lilio, Laguna. Lobo, Batangas. Loboc, liohol. Longos, Laguna. Loreto, Surigao. Lubao, Pampanga. Lucban, Tayabas. Maasin, Iloilo. Mabatan, Bataan. Magalang, Pampanga. Magallanes, Romblon. JViasdalena, Ambos Camarines. Magdalena, Masbate Magsingal, Ilocos Sur. Mainit, Bontoc. Malabang, Mindanao. Malibago, Leyte. Malilipot, Albay. Malinao, Albay; Malinao, Capiz. Mambajao, Misamis. Mananan, Cagayan. Manaoag, Pangasinan. Manapl::, Negros Occidental. Mandaue, Cebu. Marilao, Bulacan. Masbate, Masbate. Masingal, Ilocos Sur. Mataragan, Abra. Maycuyan, Ilocos Sur. Meycauayan, Bulacan. Milaor, Ambos Camarines Montalban, Rizal. Moriones, Tarlac. Muntinlupa, Rizal. Nabua, Ambos Camarines. Nacalang, Negros Occidental. Nagava, Iloilo. Nagcarlan, Laguna. Nagsiping, Cagayan. Naguilian, Isabela. Namacpacan, Union. Nueva C'aceres, Ambos Camarines. Nueva Caceres, Cebu. Nueva Valencia, Negros Oriental. Numancia, Capiz. Navales, Iloilo. Navarra, Leyte. Obando, Bulacan. Oton, Iloilo. Paete, Laguna. Pagsanjan, Laguna. Pakil, Laguna. Palanan, Isabela. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 77 Palauig, Zambales. Palo, Leyte. Pancal, Paragua. Paniqui, Tarlac. Paombong, Bulacan. Paquil, Laguna. Parangparang, Mindanao. Pardo, Cebu. Passi, Iloilo. Penablanca, Cagayan. Penaranda, Nueva Ecija. Penarrubia Abra. Pidigan, Abra. Pilar, Bataan. Pilar, Sorsogon. Pulilan, Bulacan. Pola, Mindoro. Polangui, Albay. Pontevedra, Capiz. Pototan, Iloilo. Puerto Galera, Mindoro. Quagajuan, Paragua. Quingua, Bulacan. Resales, Nueva Ecija. Sagada, Bontoc. Sagay, Negros Occidental. Saguay, Ambos Camarines. Salcedo, Samar. San Augustin, Masbate. San Antonio, Laguna. San Emilio, Lepanto Bontoc. San Enrique, Iloilo. San Enrique, Samar. San Fernando, Masbate. San Fernando, Romblon. San Francisco, Cavite. San Ildefonso, Bulacan. San Isidro, Pangasinan. San Jose, Ambos Camarines. San Jose, Batangas. San Jose de Buenavista, Antique. San Jose de Tico, Masbate. San Juan, Union. San Luis, Batangas. San Luis, Negros Occidental. San Mateo, Rizal. San Miguel, Antique. San Pedro Macati, Rizal. San Roque, Cavite. San Sebastian, Ilocos Sur. San Sebastian, Samar. San Vicente, Ilocos Sur. Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Santa Cruz Laguna. Santa Cruz Zambales. \ Santa Cruz de Malabon, Cavite. Santa Fe, Cebu. Santa Isabel, Bulacan. Santa Maria, Davao, Mindanao. Santa Maria, Samar. Santa Maria de Caboan, Laguna. Santa Monica, Pampanga. Santa Rita, Pampanga. Santiago, Ilocos Sur. Santo Domingo, Ilocos Sur. Santo Nino, Samar. Santo Tomas Union. Sapao, Quiangan, Nueva Vizcaya. Sibalon, Antique. Sibulan, Negros Occidental Sibuyan, Romblon. Silang, Cavite. Siniloan, Laguna. Siquijor, Negros Oriental. Solan-, Cagayan. Soledad, Negros Occidental. Surigao, Surigao. Tabaco, Albay. Tagbanan, Batangas. Tagua, Bohol. Talisa, Cebu. Talisay, Negros Occidental. Tambubo (Bago), Negros Occidental. Tamontaca, Cottabato, Mindanao. Tanr.uan, Batangas. Tanay, Rizal. Tapas, Capiz. Taysan, Batangas. Tayasan, Negros Occidental. Taytay, Paragua. Taytay, Rizal. Tayum, Abra. Teresa, Rizal. Tiabong, Samar. Tigao Surigao. Tinambac, Ambos Camarines. Tinitian, Paragua. Tiui or Tivi, Albay. Tolosa, Leyte. Tubigon, Bohol. Uacas, Tayabas. Valderrama, Antique. Valladolid, Negros Occidental. Vilar, Bohol. Villasis, Pangasinan. Villavieja, Abra. Virac, Cat'anduanes, Albay. Zumarraga, Samar. LADIES COMMITTEE. GOLD MEDAL. SILVER MEDAL. Leyte, Leyte. 78 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. GENERAL COLLABORATORS. Collectors, Departments A to N. GRAND PRIZE. Dr. Leon M. Guerrero, Manila. Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, Philadelphia. Hon. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila. GOLD MEDAL. Dr. David P. Barrows, Manila, P. I. Capt. F. E. Cofren, Manila, P. I. H. T. Edwards, Manila, P. I. Mark H. Evans, St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Daniel Folkmar, Bontoc. A. R. Hager, Manila, P. I. Charles L. Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Albert E. Jenks, Manila, P. I. Juan de Juan, Manila. Joaquin Luna, San Fernando, Union. William S. Lyon, Manila, P. I. Elmer B. Merrill, Manila, P. I. Dr. Merton Miller, Manila, P. I. C. J. Pierson, Guinobatan Albay. William A. Reed, Cervantes, Lepanto, Bontcc. Dr. T. R. Sherman, Manila, P. I. Valentin Wilson, Paracal, Ambos Cam- arines. Albert P. Wright, Manila, P. I. SILVER MEDAL. A. A. Anderson, Manila, P. I. Moray L. Applegate, Portland, Ore. Charles S. Banks, Manila, P. I. Braulio B~rbaza, Manila, P. I. Capt. Bernhard Radtke, Masbate. George D'Erf Browne St. Louis, Mo. Carson Calhoun, Greenwich, N. Y. Charles P. Fenner, Manila, P. I. Walter Gerbrich, Manila, P. L John S. Gillies Jolo. Dr. H. Hallier, Hamburg, Germany. Bruce E. Ingersoll, Manila, P. I. E. H. Karlson, Sweden. Homer Knight, Manila, P. I. Charles Martin, Manila, P. I. S. B. Shiley, Manila, P. I. Frank R. White, Manila, P. I. Orville A. Wood, Santa Cruz, Davao, Min- danao. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 79 Department A Education DEPARTMENT A GROUP 1. GRAND PRIZE. Bureau of Education, Manila. Department of Public Instruction, Ma- nila. Philippine Exposition Board, Model School, St. Louis. GOLD MEDAL. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Baliuag, Bulacan. tfago, Occidental Negros. Bangar, Union Cava, Union. Cebu, Cebu. Dagupan, Pangasinan. Dalaguete, Cebu. Lipa, Batangas. Maao, Occidental Negros. Malabon, Rizal. Mexico, Pampanga. Pasay, Rizal. Rosario, Cavite. San Fernando Union. San Mateo, Rizal. San Miguel de Mayumo, Bulacan. Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur. SILVER MEDAL. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Abulug, Cagayan. Alaminos, Zamuales. Argao, Cebu. Bacnotan, Union. Bacok d, Occidental Negros. Balaoan, Union. Batangas, Batangas. Binmaley, Pangasinan. Bua, Benguet. Calumpit, Bulacan. Capiz, Capiz. Daet, Ambos Camarines. Gagalanfin, Manila. Hagoi oy, Bulacan. Iloilo, Iloilo. Laguan, Saniar. Lopez, Tayabas. Macabebe, Pampanga. Namacpr' Unior. Opon >Mactan) Cebu. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. Paco (Boys' school), Manila. Palo, Leyte. Porac, Pampanga. San Carlos, Pangasinan. San Fernando, Masbate. San Francisco de Malabon, Cavite. Santa Ana, Pampanga. Santa Cruz, Cavite. Sa ta Cruz, Laguna. Tabaco, Albay. Tagbilaran, Bohol. Tarlac, Tar.ac. Tayabas, Tayabas. Tondo, Grammar School, Manila. Trinidad, Benguet. Tuguegarao, Cagayan. KINDERGARTENS Ermita, Manila. Quiapo, Manila. Sampalo3, Manila. San Nicolas, Manila. PRIVATE SCHOOL Liceo de Manila, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Alimodian, Iloilo. Apalit, Pampanga. Arayat, Pampanga. Bacolor, Pampanga. Bacoor, Cavite. Badajoz, Romblon. Balanga, Bataan. Bangued, Abra. Barili, Cebu. Bauang, Batangas. Bigaa, Bulacan. Bmalonan, Pangasinan. Binan, Laguna. Binangonan, Rizal. Binondo (2nd Boys' school), Manila. Binondo (2nd Girls' school), Manila. Boac, Tayabas. Bulacan, Bulacan. Cabancalan, Occidental Negros. Caouyao, Laguna. Cadiz Nuevo, Occidental Negros. Cagayan, Misamis. 80 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Candava, Pampanga. Castillejos, zambales. Colasi (Antique), Panay. Concepcion, Tarlac. Corregidor, Cavite. Cuyapo, .Nueva Ecija. Cuyo, Paragua Dtuis, Bohol. Davao, Mindanao. Dumaguete, Oriental Negros. Ermita (American school), Manila. Ermita (Girls' school), Manila. Floridablanca, Pampanga. Gigaquit, Surigao. Ginatilan, Cebu. Ginigaran, Occidental Negros. Ignig, Cagayan. Hog, Occidental Negros. Indan, Camarines. Indang, Cavite. Intramuros (Boys' school), Manila. Intramuros (Girls' school), Manila. Isabela, Occidental Negros. Isabela de Basilan, Mindanao. Liloan, Cebu. Looc, Romblon. Lubang, Mindoro. Lucban, Tayabas. Lucena, Tayabas. Magdalena, Laguna. Malate, Manila. Maribojoc, Bohol. Mauban, Tayabas. Meycauayan, Bulacan. Misamis, Misamis. Moncada, Tarlac. Montalban, Rizal. Nabua, Camarines. Noveleta, Cavite. Nueva Caceres, Camarines. Orani, Bataan. Pagbilao, Tayabas. Paombona, Bulacan. Paquil, Laguna. Penaranda, Nueva Ecija. Pila, Laguna. Pililla, Rizal. Poio, Bulacan. Pontevedra, Occidental Negros. Pototan, Iloilo. Quiapo, (Girls' School), Manila. San Fernando, Pampanga. Sen Jose, Nueva Ecija. San Jose, Zamboanga, Mindanao. San Juan, Union. San Miguel (Boys' school), Manila. San Miguel (Girls' school), Manila. San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. San Nicolas (Girls' school), Manila. Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Singalong (Boys' school), Manila. Singalong (Girls' school), Manila. Surigao, Surigao. Tacloban, Leyte. Tanay, Rizal. Tanjay, Oriental Negros. HONORABLE MENTION. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Abucay, Bataan. Agoo, Union. Agutaya, Paragua. Alabat, Tayabas. Alaminos, Laguna. Albay, Albay. Amadeo, Cavite. Angeles, Pampanga. Angono, Rizal. Antipolo, Rizal. Aparri, Cagayan. Aringay, Union. Asingan, Pangasinan. Atimonan, Tayabas. Bacon, Sorsogon. Badoc, Ilocos Norte. Bais, Oriental Negros. Barasoain, Bulacan. Basud, Camarines. Bauang, Union. Bayambang, Pangasinan. Bayan-bpyanan de Malabon, Rizal. Betis, Pampanga. Binondo (1st Boys' School), Manila. Binondo (1st Girls' school), Manila. Bocaue, Bulacan. Bohol, Bohol. Bolong, Mindanao. Buena Vista de Zamboanga, Mindanao. Bustos, Bulacan. Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija. Cabatuan Iloilo. Cagayancillo, Paragua. . Calamba, Laguna. Calapan, Mindoro. Calasiao, Pangasinan. Caloocan, Rizal. Camiling, Tarlac. Caramoan, Camarines. Carcar, Cebu. Cataingan, Masbate. Cavinti, Laguna. Cavite, fcavite. Cavite Vie jo, Cavite. Cebu (Central School), Cebu. Concepcion, Iloilo. Concepcion (Boys' school), Manila. Concepcion (Girls' school), Manila. Cottabato, Mindanao. Danao, Cebu. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 81 Dingle, Iloilo. Dumanhug, Cebu. Ermita, Cebu. Ermita (Boys' school), Manila. Gapan, Nueva Ecija. Gerona, Tarlac. Goa, Camarines. Guagua, Pampanga. Gubat, Sorsogon. Guiguinto, Bulacan. Gumaca, Tayabas. Iba, Zambales. Imus, Cavite. Infanta, Tayabas. Iriga, Camarines. Jaro, Iloilo. Juban, Sorsogcn. Laoag, Iljcos Norte. La Paz, Tarlac. Lingayen, Pangasman. Longos, Laguna. Los Banos, Laguna. Lumbang, Laguna, Mabalacat, Pampanga. Mabitac, Laguna. Magalang, Pampanga. Magarao, Camarines. Malolos, Bulacan. Malate (Boys' school), Manila. Mambaling, Cebu. Manaoag, Pangasinan. Manapla, Accidental Negros. Mandaue, Cebu. Mangaldan, Pangasinan. Maragondon, Cavite. Mariveles, Bataan. Masbate, Masbate. Mercedes de Zamboanga, Mindanao. Miranda, Occidental Negros. Mogpoc, Tayabas. Naguilian, Union. Naic, Cavite. Navotas, Rizal. Norzagaray, Bulacan. Obando, Buiacan. Oroquietn, Mindanao. Paco (Girls' school), Manila. Paete, Laguna. Pagsanjan, Laguna. Palipandan, Occidental Negros. Pandacan, Manila. Paniqui, Tarlac Pasig, Rizal. Pateros, Rizal. Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Placer, Surigao. Puerto Princesa, Paragua. Pulilr. -, Bulacan. Quiapo, Manila (Boys' school). Quingua, Bulacan. Recoletos Cebu, Cebu. Romblon Romblon. Rosario, Union. Saniralcc (Boys' school), Manila. Sampaloc (Girls' school), Manila. San Ildefonso, Bulacan. San Isidro, Tarlac. San Jose, Camarines. San Juan del Monte, Rizal. San Luis, Pampanga. San Miguel, Iloilo. San Nicolas, Cebu. San Pedro, Laguna. San Pedro Macati, Rizal. San Roque, Cavite. Santa Cruz (Boys' school), Manila. Santa Cruz (Girl's School), Manila. Santa Cruz, Tayaoas. Santa Isabel, Bulacan. Santa Mesa (Boy's School), Manila. Santa Mesa (Girl's School), Manila. Sariaya, Tayabas. Silang, Cavite. Silay, Occidental Negros. Siniloan, Laguna. Subic, Zambales. Sumag, Occidental Negros. Tagaloan, Misamis. Talisay, Camarines. Talisay, Cebu. Talisay, Occidental Negros. Tanauan, Leyte. Tayug, PaLgasinan. Tetuan, Mindanao. Toledo, Cebu. Tondo (1st Boys' school), Manila. Tondo (1st Girls' school), Manila. Tondo (2nd Boys' school), Manila. Tondo .(2nd Girls' school), Manila. Trozo (Boys' school), Manila. Trozo (Girlc' school), Manila. Tubao, Union. Victoria, Tarlac. Vigan, Ilocos Sur. PRIVATE SCHOOLS Colegio de la Inmaculada, Iloilo, Iloilo. Colegio de Laoag, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. COLLABORATORS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS Otho Atkin, Iba, Zambales. H. E. Bard, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. B. G. Bleasdale, Pasig, Rizal. George N. Briggs, Surigao, Surigao. G. N. Brink, Iloilo, Iloilo. H. H. Buck, Cavite, Cavite. S. A. Campbell, Tarlac, Tarlac. E. A. Coddington, Capiz, Capiz. M. A. Colton, Batangas, Batangas. E. E. Fisher, Albay, Albay. 82 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. W B. Freer, Nueva Caceres, Cam- arines. L. T. Gibbens, Tagbilaran, Bohol. J. M. Kniseley, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. H. G. Lamson, Masbate, Masbate. S. T. Lee, Dumaguete, Oriental Negros. W. E. Lutz Santa Cruz, Laguna. Samuel McClintock, Cebu, Cebu. C. H. Magee, San Fernando, Union. Gov. B. Y. Miller, Cuyo, Paragua. J. C. Muerman, Lucena, Tayabas. S. 0. Newsom, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Gov. R. S. Offley, Calapan, Mindoro, G. A. O'Reilly, Manila. W. A. Pruitt, San Fernando, Pampan- ga. C. E. Putnam, Bacolod, Occidental Ne- gros. W. W. Rodwell, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Dr. N. N. Saleeby, Zamboanga, Min- danao. T. W. Thomson, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. H. S. Townsend, Zamboanga, Minda- nao. E. G. Turner, Baliuag, bulacan. Guy Van Schaick, Cagayan, Misamis. Geo. E. Walk, Romblon, Romblon. SUPERVISORS Miss Kate Bassett, Manila. W. H. Hnis, Manila. TEACHERS Juan Abellera, Cava, Union. C. J. Anderson Indang, Cavite. Luis A. Bacho, Manila. I. O. Bakken, Castillejos, Zambales. Mr.s L. L. Balfe, Manila. R. B. Blackman, Dagupan, Pangasi- nan. Mrs. L. M. H. Bowler, Daet, Camarines. Wm. L. Bowler, Capiz, Capiz. F. E. Braucht, Mexico, Pampanga. Miss K. L. Buckley, Silay, Occidental Negros. J. H. M. Butler, Alaminos, Zambales. P. E. Burns, Abulug, Cagayan. N. W. Cameron, Tagbilaran, Bohol. Miss B. E. Campbell, Manila. W. I. Chapman, Bago, Occidental Ne- gros Miss J. N. Childs, Manila. J. A. Christensen, Iloilo, Iloilo. H. N. Cole, Palo, Leyte. J. Connolly, Hagonoy, Bulacan Miss A. L. Crocker, Dagupan, Pan- gasinan. Macario Cruz, Angeles, Pampanga. Miss E. Donaldson, Dagupan, Pangasi- nan. A. "Iph Eastman, Tabaco, Albay. Miss Emma Evans, Calumpit, Bulacan. John H. Finnigan, Tayabas, Tayabas. Mrs. Minnie H. Gale, Manila. J. M. Gambill, Macabebe, Pampanga. Allen Gard, Batangas, Batangas. Mrs. Jesse George, Manila. M. G. Gholson, Gagalangin, Manila. E. J. Gibbons, San Fernando, Union. Mrs. N. M. Gleason, Manila. L. R. Gonzales, Manila. Mrs. C. M. Graham, Manila. Mrs. P. Guevarra, Baliuag, Bulacan. Miss Anna E. Hahn, San Francisco de Malabon, Cavite. C. I. Halsey, Santa Cruz, Marinduque. E. H. Hammond Bauan, Batangas. C. H. Hanlin, San Fernando (Ticao), Masbate. E. R. Hay, Santa Cruz, Cavite. C. E. Hoye, San Mateo, Rizal. Miss E. A. Hoyles, Malabon, Rizal. J. W. Johnson, Bangar, Union. T. H. Kenworthy, Manila. Mrs. A. M. Kelly, Bua, Benguet. Edwin S. Kerr, Namacpacan, Union. F. T. Lawrence, San Miguel de Mayu- mo, Bulacan. Mariano Lucero, Argao, Cebu. H. M. Manning, Cebu, Cebu. L. G. McConachie, Magdalena, Laguna. H. H. McKee, Bacolod, Occidental Ne- gros. John M. Miller, Manila. Miss Nina H. Paddock, Manila. W. Parsons Tarlac Tarlac. T. B. Pascual, San Juan del Monte, Rizal. Miss Abby Pearson, San Carlos, Pan- gasinan. Tomas de la Pena, Bangar, Union. Agapito de Peralta, Bangar, Union. Mrs. Grace P. Reed, Manila. W. N. Risdon, Opon (Mactan), Cebu. Jose Ronquillo, Namacpacan, Union. C. H. Simpson, Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur. N. C. Smith, Maao, Occidental Negros. R. Stockton, Binmaley, Pangasinan. Magdalena Veiasco, Bangar, Union. J. C. Vickers Manila. J. G. Wirtner, Liloan, Cebu. J. H. Webb, Pasay, Rizal. F. F. Welch, Delaguete, Cebu. Geo. Vilson, Cava, Union. R. Wiser, Baliuag, Bulacan. Henry Wise, Bacnotan, Union. Geo. B. Whiting, Rosario, Cavite. H. Wogan, Santa Cruz, Laguna. Orville V. Wood, Santa Cruz, Davao. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 83 PHOTOGRAPHKR Dr. P. R. Sherman, Manila. PUPILS Jose Arboleda, Guinobatan, Albay. Gregorio Dimanao, Baliuag, Bulacan. GROUP 2. SECONDARY EDUCATION. GRAND PRIZE. SECONDARY SCHOOLS Laguna High School, Santa Cruz, La- guna. Liceo de Manila, Manila. The Philippine Nautical School, Ma- nila. The Philippine Normal School, Manila GOLD MEDAL. PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS Batangas High School, Lipa, Batangas. Bulacan xligh School, Baliuag, Bulacan. Cebu High School, Cebu, Cebu. Ilocos Sur High School, Vigan, Ilocos our. Iloilo High School, Iloilo, Iloilo. Occidental Negros Hign School, Baco- lod, Occidental Negros. Pangasinan High School, Lingayen, Pangasinan. PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOL Instituto de Mujeres, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS Albay High School, Guinobatan, Albay. Batangas High School, Bauan, Batan- gas. Batangas High School, Taal, Batangas. Batangas High School, Tanauan, Ba- tangas. Bohol High School, Tagbilaran, Bohol. Capiz High School, Capiz, Capiz. Manila High School, Tondo, Manila. Oriental Negros High School, Duma- guete, Oriental Negros. Pampanga High School, San Fernando, Pampanga. Surigao High School, Surigao, Surigao Tayabas High School, Lucena, Taya- bas. Union High School, San Fernando, Union. PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS Ma- Colegio de San Francisco Javier, late, Manila. Colegio de San Jose, Tacloban, Leyte. Colegio Filipino, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS Batangas High School, Batangas, Ba- tangas. Cagayan High School, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Camannes High School, Nueva Ca- ceres, Gamarines. ocos Norte High School, Laoag, Ilo- cos Norte. Manila High School, Sampaloc, Ma- nila. Masbate High School, Masbate, Mas- bate. Nueva Ecija High School, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. Rizal High School, Pasig, Rizal. Zambales High School, Iba, Zambales. HONORABLE MENTION. PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS Cavite High School, Cavite, Cavite. Dominican Fathers' College, Tuguega- rao, Cagayan. Manila High School (American), Ma- nila. Misamis High School, Cagayan, Misa- mis. Tarlac High School, Tarlac, Tarlac. Tayabas High School, Boac, Tayabas. PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS College of the Dominican Friars, Dagu- an, Pangasinan. Malabanan College, Lucena, Tayabas. Molo Institute, Molo Iloilo. 84 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. COLLABORATORS PRINCIPALS OF PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS T. D. Anglemeyer, Lingayen, Pangasi- nan. G. W. Beattie, Manila. H. E. Bell, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Ch. K. Bliss, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. J. J. Coleman, Iba, Zambales. W. J. Colbert, Trozo, Manila. C. H. Covell, Iloilo, Iloilo. Frank L. Crone, Nueva Caceres, Cama- rines. W. Edmunds, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. E. H. Hammond, Batangas, Batangas. L. C. Higley, Lipa, Batangas. Ray Howell, Bacolod, Occidental Ne- gros. Stewart Laughlin, Pasig, Rizal. F. R. Lutz, Sampaloc, Manila. Samuel MacClintock, Cebu, Cebu. R. H. Neely, Santa Cruz, Laguna. O. S. Reimold, Tarlac, Tarlas. T. H. Rhodes, Ermita, Manila. C. D. Schell, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. H. H. Sherrard, Lipa, Batangas. H. C. Theobald, Batangas, Batangas. Ella K. Vogel, Baliuag, Bulacan. DIRECTORS OF PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS Enrique Mendiola, Manila. Rev. Fidel Mir (S. J.), Manila. Pablo Trinidad, Manila. TEACHERS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Mrs. Katherine B. Allen, Manila. Mrs. Sarah A. Bobbitt, Manila. Miss Mary Ji!. Coleman, Manila. Miss A. Clendenin, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. HONORABLE MENTION. TEACHERS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Leon M. Guerrero Manila. Pablo Majia de Guzman, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Maximo Kabigtin, Manila. John W. Ritchie, Iloilo, Iloilo. PUPIL Francisco Trinidad, Baliuag, Bulacan. GROUP 3. HIGHER EDUCATION. GRAND PRIZE. University of Santo Tomas, Manila. GOLD MEDAL. Fernando Ferrer, Yigan, Ilocos Sur. HONORABLE MENTION. Angel Rebucca, Catubig, Samar. COLLABORATOR Fr. Dr. Raymundo Velasquez, Manila. GROUP 6. SPECIAL, EDUCATION IN COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY. GOLD MEDAL. Moro Industrial School, Zamboanga, Mindanao. SILVER MEDAL. Colegio Mercantil, Manila. The Philippine School of Arts and Trades, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Industrial School, Buz Buz, Jolo. Sr. Juan Carballo y Cartel, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Emerson B. Christie, Zamboanga, Min- danao. Joseph J. Eaton, Manila. R. P. Gleason, Manila. M. P. Jhocson, Manila. Miss Estella M. Murdoch, Zamboanga, Mindanao. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 85 GROUP 8. SPECIAL FORMS OF EDUCATION TEXT BOOKS, SCHOOL FURNITURE AND SCHOOL APPLIANCES. GOLD MEDAL. Dr. Manuel S. Guerrero, Manila. International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Penna. Manila Medical Society, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. AUTHORS Guy V. Clinton, Manila. Dr. John Gaylord Coulter, Manila. A. E. Frye, Boston Mass. David Gibbs, Division Superintendent, Boston, Mass. W. H. Hilts, Manila. Prescott T. Jernegan, Manila. Miss Adelene Knapp, New York, N. Y. M. A. Lane, Manila. Samuel ,MacClintock, Cebu, Cebu. D. O. McGovney, Manila. John Maurice Miller, Manila. John T. Miller, Manila. G. U. Yonce, Manila. PUBLISHERS ET AI, American Book Co., New York, N. Y. Manuel G. D'Arce, Manila. Antonio Esludillo, Manila. Ginn & ^o., Boston Mass. Medical and Pharmaceutical Society of the Philippine Islands, Manila. Silver, Burdett & Co., Boston Mass. BRONZE MEDAL. D. C. Heath & Co., Boston, Mass. Educational Publishing Company, New York, N.'Y. Henry W. Peabody & Co., New York, N. Y. Milton Bradley Company, Springfield, Mass. Municipality of Laoag, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. HONORABLE MENTION. Lupo Azurin y Perez, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Thomas J. Foster, Scranton, Penna. Gilbert L. Hall, Goliano, Benguet. "The Monday Moon," Ermita, Manila. Dr. W- E. Musgrave, Manila. Pedro Serrano, Manila. 86 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Department B--Art GROUP 9. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS. GRAND PRIZE. Manuel de Iriarte, Manila, "A Violinist," by Hidalgo. Dr. Jose Losada, Batangas, Batangas, "Spoliarium," by Juan Luna. GOLD MEDAL. Ateneo de Manila, Manila Portrait of Fr. Jose I. Guerrico, by M. Zaragoza. City Government, Manila Portrait of Legaspi, by Juan Luna. City Government, Manila Portrait of Gov. Gen. Ramon Blanco y Erenas, by Luna. City Government, Manila The Blood Compact, by Juan Luna. Civil Government, Manila A Roman Philosopher, by Hidalgo. Manuel de Iriarte, Manila Oedipus and Antigone, by Hidalgo. Manuel de Iriarte, Manila Christian Virgins Exposed to the Popu- lace, by Hidalgo. Mariano Lin- Jap, Manila Rice Planting, by F. de la Rosa. Jose Luna, Manila Miss Juliana Garricho, by Luna Phil. Exp. Board, Manila- Rural Scene, by Ramon Martinez. Phil. Exp. Board, Manila "Per Pacem and Libertas," by Hidalgo. SILVER MEDAL. Ateneo de Manila, Manila Portrait of Fr. Federico Faura. Felipe Calderon, Manila The Seamstresses, by Espiritu. City Government, Manila Reading Don Quixote, by Eulogio San- tos. City Government, Manila Signing the Contract, by Hidalgo. Civil Government, Manila Sculptor at Work (Fidias), by Zara- goza. Augusto Fuster, Manila Collection of Types and Landscapes on mother of pearl. Rafael Gil, Pampanga Lady Playing Guitar, by Hidalgo. Rafael Gil, Pampanga Portrait of Felino Gil, by Hidalgo. Rafael Gil, Pampanga A Warrior, by Hidalgo. Dr. Bautista Lim, Manila. Parisian Life, by Juan Luna. Mariano Lin- Jap, Manila A Flower Girl "Spring," by Hidalgo. Jose Luna, Manila Study From the Nude, by Juan Luna. Jose Luna, Manila Study from Nature, by Juan Luna. Alfonso Panopio, Batangas Incident of the Franco-Prussian War, by Juan Luna. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila Evening Song, by Hidalgo. Phil. Exp. Board, Manila Return of the Fishermen, by Vicente Rivera y Mir. Mrs. Rizal Manila- Peasant Girl Smoking, by Juan Luna. Mrs. Rizal. Manila Bachante, by Juan Luna. Fabian de la Rosa, Manila An Important Problem, by E. de la Rosa. Hon. William H. Taft, Washington, D. C. Portrait of Gov. Taft, by F. de la Rosa. Miguel Zaragoza, Manila Old Man playing the Violincello, by Zaragoza. BRONZE MEDAL. Ateneo, de Manila, Manila Portrait of Pope Leo XIII, by Juan Luna. City Government, Manila "Padre Capitan," by E. Santos. City Government, Manila Corpse of a Moro Datto Guarded by His Men, by Hidalgo. Arthur W. Fergusson, Manila- Portrait of Hon. Fergusson, by F. de la Rosa. Eulogio Garcia, Manila, Luzon An Old Woman, by Martinez. Eulogio Garcia, Manila Study of a Head, by Peralta. Rafael Gil, Pampanga Poi trait of Rafael Gil, by Hidalgo. Maria Infante del Rosario, Manila- Two Mestizo Women. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 87 Dr. Bautista Li:', Manila- Scene by Moonlight, by Hidalgo. Mariano, Lim-Jap, Manila Marina, by Hidalgo. Joaquin Luna, San Fernando de la Union Portrait of Juan Luna, by O'Farrell. Ramon Martinez, Manila * Ironing, by Martinez. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila Disenchantment, by Hidalgo. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila Landscape, by Juan Luna. Phil. Exp. Board, Manila Women Sewing, by Antillon. Phil. Exp. Board, Manila- The Weavers, by de la Rosa. Jorge Pineda, Manila A Filipino Girl, by Pineda. Fabian de la Rosa, Manila The Death of Gen. Lawton, by F. de la Rosa. HONORABLE MENTION. Isidro G. Ancheta, Manila A Victim of War, by Ancheta. Juan Arellano, Manila Woman Descending Stairway. Ateneo de Manila, Manila Portrait of Fr. Ramon, by Martinez. Anselmo Espiritu, Manila Taking tue Oath of the Katipunan So- ciety, by Espiritu. h Anselmo Espiritu, Manila Harvest Time in the Philippines, by Espiritu, Simeon Flores, Bacolor, Pampanga Oil Paintings (religious composition). Rafael Gil, Pampanga Portrait of Miss Pilar Gil, by Hidalgo. Rafael Gil, Pampanga Portrait of Miss Pilar Gil, by Hidalgo. Mariano Liin-Jap, Manila Holy Water Fountain, by F. Martiner. Mariano Lim-Jap, Manila- Manila Bay, by Martinez. Ramon Martinez, Manila Coming From Market, by Martinez. Phil. Exp. Board, St. Louis, Mo. A Filipino, by Villanueva. Phil. Expo Board, St. Louis, Mo. A Filipino Woman, by Villanueva. Phil. Exp. Board, Manila Returning from the Market, by Zara- goza. Jorge Pineda, Manila Preparing Betel Nuts. Pedro Raspall, Iloilo, Panay Returning Fishermen. Mrs. Rizal, Manila- Female Head Bust, by Hidalgo. Fabian de la Rosa, Manila Playing Soldier. Victoriana Sanchez, Balamban, Cebu Head of Girl, crayon drawing. GROUP 11. SCULPTURE. GRAND PRIZE. Felix Pardo de Tavera, Buenos Ayres, Argentine Bust of Woman in high relief, by Ta- vera. GOLD MEDAL. Rev. Jose Algue, Manila Bust of Jbr. Guerrico, by Dr. Rizal. Isabelo Tampinco, Manila Shrine with wooden crucifix, by Tam- pinco. SILVER MEDAL. Bonifacio Arevalo, Manila Filipino Soldier. City Government, Manila "Hernando de Magallanes," by F. P. de Tavera. Civil Government, Manila- Portrait Medallions. Manuel de Iriarte, Manila Ivory Crucifix. Mariano Limjap, Manila Carved table by Domingo Teotico. Eugenio Llerena, Manila A Woman with Two Children Fleeing from Fire. Municipality of Manila, Manila Four carved Armchairs. BRONZE MEDAL. Rufino Afungol, Paete, Laguna Hunter Returning with Game. Jose Alejo, Manila Bust of Archbishop Pedro Payo. Bonifacio Arevalo, Manila Carved Wood Cabinet. Ciriaco Guidinez Manila "Moses.". 88 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Manuel de Iriarte, Manila Vase with carving of the "Descent from the Cross." Vase with carving of the "Saviour on the Cross." Rosendo Martinez, Manila Bust of Columbus. Rosendo Martinez, Manila Models of Houses. Rosendo Martinez, Manila Collection of Medallions. Leon Masyan, Manila Rural scene in silver relief. A. Mercado, Manila A Filipino Farmer. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila Girl Traveling. Martinez Rosendo, Manila The Glory of Labor. Isabalo Tampinco, Manila Palm Leaves and Fruit. Isabelo Tampinco, Manila St. Ignatius of Loyola. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, Manila Collection of 15 ancient Philippine Sculptures. HONORABLE MENTION. Rufino Afungol, Paete, Laguna Collection of Sculptures, Wood Carv- ings and Bas Reliefs. Bonifacio Arevalo, Manila Carved Wood Frame. Pablo Bagui, Paete, Laguna Wood Carvings. Felipe Calderon, Manila Statue of the Infant Jesus. Vicente D. Fernandez, Manila Ivory Crucifix. Eulogio Garcia, Manila A Lottery Agent, wood carving. Juan Gochanco, Manila Wooden Pedestal with carved Flowers, by D. Murriel. Dr. Bautista Lim, Manila Carved Cabinet (17th century). Mariano Madrinan, Paete, Laguna Bust of Kizal. Mun. Committee, Iloilo, Panay Carved Ebony Bolo Handle. Mun. Committee, San Miguel, Bulacan Toothpick Stand. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila Episode in the Philippine Revolution, oy R. Martinez. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila Wood Carving by Luiz Reyes Pedro A. Patjrno, Manila Wood Carving. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila Episode in the Philippine Revolution, by R. Martinez. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila Milk Maid. Prov. Committee, Laguna Two Mythological Figures. Isabelo Tampinco, Manila Collections of landscapes carved by the exhibitor. Isabelo Tampinco, Manila Malayan Genius. Carved in wood by exhibitor. Isabelo Tampinco, Manila Wreath, wood carving by native work- ers. Lucas Yunco, Casanayan, Capiz (Panay.) Picture carved in wood. GROUP 14. ORIGINAL OBJECTS OF ART WORKMANSHIP. SILVER M.DAL. Juliana Guevara, Manila One altar, carved. HONORABLE MENTION. Aguedo Velarde, Manila, P. I. Fan carved from wood. COLLABORATORS ARTISTS. GRAND PRIZE. Felix Resureccion Hidalgo, Paris. GOLD MEDAL. Ramon Martinez, Manila. Fabian de la Rosa, Manila. Miguel Zaragoza, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Anselmo Espiritu, Manila. Vicente Rivera Mir, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Torioio Antillon, Manila. Felix Martinez, Manila. Senor Peralta, Manila. Eusebio Santos Gonzalez, Manila. Domingo Teotico, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Esteban Villanueva^ Madrid, Spain. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 89 Department C- -Liberal Arts. GROUP 15. TYPOGRAPHY VARIOUS PRINTING PROCESSES. GRAND PRIZE. Bureau of Public Printing, Manila. GOLD MEDAL. Bureau of Posts, Manila. E. C. McCullough & Co., Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Ethnological Survey, Manila. Dolores Fabera, Bato, Leyte. Jose Francia, Magdalena, Laguna. Fernando Madamba, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Bato, Leyte. Estanislao Reyes, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Lucas Yumo, Casauayan, Capiz. GROUP 16. PHOTOGRAPHY. GRAND PRIZE. Board of Health, Manila. Philippine Photograph Co., St. Louis. GOLD MEDAL. Bureau of Coast Guard and Transporta- tion, Manila. Dr. Daniel Folkmar, Suyoc, Bontoc. H. L. Knight, Manila. Charles Martin, Manila. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. A. A. Anderson, Manila. Bilibid Prison, Manila. Bureau of Government Laboratories. Civil Hospital, Manila. Charles L. Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Gil Lopez, Occidental Negros. Manila Fire Department, Manila. Governor E. Santos, Nueva Ecija. Gustavo Schoenichen, Manila. Dr. F. Lamson Scribner, Washington, D.C. V. Wilson, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Capt. Morton, U. S. A., Manila. Municipal Committee , Santa Cruz, La- guna. Provincial Committee, Occidental Ne- gros. Provincial Committee, Pangasinan. HONORABLE MENTION. Baer & Co., San Miguel, Manila. M. R. Borja, Valladolid, Negros Occi- dental. Gov. Mena Crisologo, Ilocos Sur. Gov. Arturo Dancel, Pasig, Rizal. H. T. Hiduarte, Manila. D. Encinas, St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. H. W. Harnish, Zamboanga, Min- danao. B. E. Ingersoll, Manila. Juan de Juan, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Jose Anastasio Neri, Cagayan, Misamis. Provincial Committee, Abra. Provincial Committee, Batangas. Provincial Committee, Romblon. Estanislao Reyes, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Young Men's Christian Association, Ma- nila. Lucio Zabellas, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. GROUP 17. BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS BOOK BINDING. GRAND PRIZE. Sra. Vda. de Canseco, Manila. Civil Government, Manila. Jose A. Estella, Manila. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. "El Renacimiento," Manila. Dr. Semper, Cassel, Germany. 90 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. GOLD MEDAL. Augustin Monastery, Manila. Baltasar. M. E. Beall, Washington. Emma Helen Blair. Fernando Blmentritt,Leitmeritz, Austria. Bulletin Publishing Company, Manila. Arthur H. Clark Company, Cleveland, O. Office of "El Comercio," Manila. Office of "La Democracia," Manila. Fr. Casto de Elera. Antonio G. Escamilla, Manila. John Foreman, London, England. "Freedom," Manila. F. Jagor. Jesuits' College, Manila. Jesuits of the Philippine Mission, Ma- nila. First Lieut. W. H. Loving, Manila. "Manila Review of Trade and Price Cur- rent," Manila. "The Manila Times/' Manila. Office of "El Mercantil," Manila. "La Patria," Manila. Rev. Pablo Pastells, S. J., Manila. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila. Fr. D. C. Perez, Manila. Office of "El Progreso," Manila. Jose Rizal. James Alexander Robertson. E. C. Smith, Manila. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, Manila. Sra. Vda. de Ramon V aides, Manila. Sebastian Vidal. G. T. Witton, Manila. Dean C. Worcester, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Jose Abuel y Perez, Lucban, Tayabas. Bureau of Coast Guard and' Transporta- tion, Manila. Pedro Castaneda Manila. Court of Land Registration, Manila. Franciscan Monastery, Manila. Edward Gaylord Bourne. Julio Hernandez, Iloilo, Panay. John H. Leech, Manila. Proceso Martinez, Bangued, Abra. Municipal Committee, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Julio Nakpil, Manila. Francisco Orayem, Manila. "La Paz," Nueva Caceres, Ambos Cama- rines. Fr. Angel Perez, Manila. San Augustin Monastery, Manila. "El Pueblo," Cebu, Cebu. Recoletos Monastery, Manila. Isabelo cie los Reyes y Florentine, Ma- nila. D. W. Riley, Manila. Francisco P. Ruiz, Agao, Union. P. Salvador Pons, Manila. Graciano Sangsiangco y Gozon, Manila. Office of "El Tiempo," Iloilo. BRONZE MEDAL. Bureau of Engineering, Manila. Leocadio Calero, Cabatuan, Iloilo. Fernando Fantasia, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Tranquilino Gonzales, Iloilo, Panay. Adriana Hernandez, Silay, Occidental Negros. Civil Hospital, Manila. Alberto Morales, Alcala, Cagayan. Severino Reyes, Manila. Evaristo Yupangco, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. "El Adelanto," Manila. Simplicio Benesa, Bangued, Abra. Gregorio Bernardo, Libog, Albay. Isidro Castro, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. City Council, Manila. Basilio B. Decena, Bacolor, Pampanga. Julian Felipe, Cavite. Fernando Ferrer, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Ceferino M. Fontbueno, Iloilo, Panay. Gabriel Beato Francisco, Manila. Domingo Gaerlan, San Narciso, Zambales. Ciriaco Gaudinez, Manila. A. E. Henday, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Irineo Javier y Pietad, Manila. Cipriano Lagasca, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. Andres Laza, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. Hernando Madamba, San Nicolas, Ilocos, Norte. Francisco Malupeta, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Alejandro Manera, Balanban, Cebu. Manila-Siam Mining Co., Manila. Joaquin Martinez, Bangued, Abra. Proceso Martinez, Bangued, ^bra. Municipal Committee, Naval Leyte. Municipal Committee, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. J. Nieva, Manila. Javier Pablo, Manila. C. Peralta, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Ignacio Racimo, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Estanislao Reyes, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Francisco Roodriguez, Manila. Juan Sales, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. Victoriana Sanchez, Balamban, Cebu. Juan Santa Maria, Bangued, Abra. Vicente Servana, Navales, Inopacan, Leyte. Juan Silos, Manila. Carmen Soriano, Manila. Daniel F. Torrent, Manila. A. D. White, Fort Wm. McKinley, Manila. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 91 GROUP 18. MAPS AND APPARATUS FOR GEOGRAPHY, COSMOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY. GRAND PRIZE. Rev. Father Jose Algue, Manila. U. S. Coast Geodetic Survey, Manila. GOLD MEDAL. Board of Health, Manila. Mining Bureau, Manila. Society of Jesus, Manila. Pardo de Tavera, Manila. U. S. Ordnance Department, Manila. Weather Bureau, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Florentine Angeles, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Bureau of Coast Guard and Transporta- tion. G. T. Gardiner, Manila. Provincial Committee, Ilocos Norte. Provincial Committee, Masbate. Mr. Schultz, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Oscar Halverson, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Hilarion Samonte, San Roque, Cavite. Jose Versoza, Bangued, Abra. COLLABORATORS. SILVER MEDAL. Roman Trinidad, Manila. Gervasio de Guia, Manila. Ramon Navarro, Manila. GROUP 19. INSTRUMENTS OF PRECISION, PHYSICAL APPARATUS, ETC. COINS AND &EDALS. GRAND PRIZE. Rev. Fr. Jose Algue, S. J., Manila. Observatorio de Manila, Central Station of the Philippine Weather Bureau. GOLD MEDAL. Ciriaco Gaudinez, Manila. Rev. Fr. Mariano Suarez, S. J., Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Juan Mencarini, Shanghai, China. Fernando Zamora, Manila. Tomas Zamora, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. C. W. Fifer, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Policarpio Lacuna, Manila. GROUP 21. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. GRAND PRIZE. Pio Trinidad, Manila. GOLD MEDAL. Lucio Gatus, Manila. Paulino Jabenis, Tambubo, Occidental Negros. , SILVER MEDAL. Guillermo Fernandez, Bangued, Abra. A. R. Hager, Manila. Andres de Jesus, Bacolor, Pampanga. Municipal Committee, Pozorrubio, Pan- gasinan. Municipal Committee, Vigan. Ilocos Sur. Inocencio V. Pinzon, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. 92 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Felipa de la Vera, Bangued, Abra. Joaquim Villadelgado, Ginigaran, Occi- dental Negros. BRONZE MEDAL. Charles L. Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Diosdado Hidalgo, Maao, Occidental Ne- gros. Esteban Meno, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Municipal Committee, Balamban, Cebu. Municipal Committee, Carigara, Leyte. Municipal Committee, Gandara, Samar. Municipal Committee, Ginatilan, Cebu. Municipal Committee, Iloilo, Panay. Municipal Committee, Leyte, Leyte. Municipal Committee, Naval, Leyte. Municipal Committee, Piat, Cagayan. Municipal Committee, Poro, Cebu. Municipal Committee, Samal,. Bataan. Municipal Committee, Sapian, Capiz. Municipal Committee, Vlntar, Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Weyler, Samar. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. Severo Pontevedra, Occidental Negros. Provincial Committee, Abra. Provincial Committee, Cebu. Provincial Committee, Masbate. Provincial Committee, Union. Jose Torres, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Pedro Vicente, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. G d'Erf Browne, St. Louis. Juan de la Cruz, Tarlac, Tarlac. \ icente A. Cueto, Arayat, Pampanga. Macario Dimakilmg, Calbayog, Samar. Mariano Dres, Tarlac, Tarlac. Rosalio Eduarte, Dolores, Abra. Wm. D. Eyre, Manila. Pedro Flores, Tarlac, Tarlac. Vicente Flores, Tarlac, Tarlac. Bias Gamurot, Tarlac, Tarlac. Pedro Gonzalez, Bucay, Abra. Esteban de Guzman, Manila. G. L. Hall, Teacher, Trinidad, Benguet. Hernandez y Duposet, Silay, Occidental Negros. Percy A. Hill, Calbiga, Samar. Hillsman, Montesea, Occidental Negros. Carlos Inzon, Valladolid, Occidental Ne- gros. Andres Jocoyo, Leyte. Esteban Lagone, Tarlac. Pedro Lasan, Leyte. Vincente Lacson, "La Carlota," Occident- al Negros. Antonio Malana, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Moro Industrial School, Zamboanga, Min- danao. Domingo Perez, Tarlac. Pedro Peria, Tarlac. irublic School, Argao, Cebu. Public School, Baloan, Union. Public School, Namacpacan, Union. Public School, San Nicolas, Cebu. Felipe Olvidoso, Nakalang, Occidental Negros. Felipe Ornopia, Tabagon, Cebu. Pedro Rago, Mambajao, Misamis. Estanislao Reyes, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Valentino Tello, Tandag, Surigao. Andres Toroyo, Leyte, Leyte. Paulino Vasquez, Bangued, Abra. Sotero Viray, Tarlac. Joaquin Villadelgado, Ginigaran, Occi- dental Negros. GROUP 23. CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL ARTS. GOLD MEDAL. Legarda, Tuason & Co.. Manila. Stahl & Rumcker, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Baer Senior & Co.'s Successors, Manila. Mariano Carreon, Imus, Cavite. La Estrella, Manila. H. G. Lane, Manila. E. Tabuena, Sorsogon. GROUP 25. CIVIL AND MILITARY ENGINEERING. SILVER MEDAL. HONORABLE MENTION. Division of Light House Construction of Sergeant Edgar N. Hitch, U. S. A., Manila the Bureau of Coast Guard and Trans- Provincial Committee, Occidental Negros portation, Manila. W. A. Smith, Bacolod, Occidental Negros. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 93 COLLABORATORS. BRONZE MEDAL. Capt. Spencer Cosby, U. S. A., Manila. Jose Fernandez Porras, Manila. GROUP 27. ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING. GOLD MEDAL. A. E. Anderson, St. Louis, Mo. J. H. Mahurin. Manila. R. de la Rosa, Manila. Roman de la Rosa, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Guillermo Gardiner, Manila. Isabelo Tampinco, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Dr. Andres Acero y Perez, Manila. Bureau of Forestry, Manila. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. Emma R. Ross, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Bias Balaran, Manauan, Cagayan. Calixto Diaz, Bacon, Sorsogon. C. L. Hall, St. Louis. Luis Hiyangan, Ormoc, Leyte. P. G. Latorre, Villareal, Rizal. Andres de Leon, Siniloan, Laguna. Gov. E. Y. Miller, Paragua. Faustino Mirasol, San Fernando, Mas- bate. Graciano Pineda, Manila. Angel Rebdulla, Samar. Felix Rodolfo, Albay. Alberto San Miguel, Tarlac, Tarlac. Adolfo Suarez, San Fernando, Pampanga. Juan Tabauan, Guiun, Samar. Valentin Tello, Tandag, Surigao. Bruno Vigalason, Catarman, Samar. Juan Villegas, Manila. 94 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Department D Manufactures. COLLECTIVE EXHIBITS. GOLD MEDAL. Bilibid Prison, Manila. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. Sisterhood of Society of Jesus, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Bureau of Agriculture, Manila. Bureau of Forestry, Manila. Ethnological Survey, Manila. GROUP 28. STATIONERY. t SILVER MEDAL. M. Infante, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Feliciano E. Ehajar, Lucban, Tayabas. Jacinto Larrago, Carigara, Leyte. Carlos Yuson, Valladolid, Occidental Ne- gros. GROUP 29. CUTLERY. BRONZE MEDAL. HONORABLE MENTION. Tito Herrera Lucban, Tayabas F - Gardaqui, Bacolod, Occidental Negros, Dr. Salome Padua y Ello, Lucban, Taya- Alejandro Lugui, Apalit, Pampanga. bas. The "Sport,." Manila. GROUP 30. SILVERSMITH'S AND GOLDSMITH'S WARE. GOLD MEDAL. Ciriaco Gaudinez, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Alvarez Guerra, Manila, GROUP 31. JEWELRY. GOLD MEDAL. Natalia Barredo, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Maria Capispipisan, Dauis, Bohol. Domingo Gile, Matnog, Sorsogon. Pedro Samillano, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. HONORABLE MENTION. Eulogio Causing, Manila. Gregorio Escario, Bantayan, Cebu. GROUP 32. CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING. BRONZE MEDAL. Augustin Ayes, Antequera, Bohol. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 95 GROUP 33. PRODUCTION IN MARBLE, BRONZE, CAST IRON AND WROUGHT IRON. HONORABLE MENTION. Juan Vazquez, Binalbagan, Occidental Negros. Pedro Yalo, Binalbagan, Occidental Ne- gros. GROUP 34. BRUSHES, FINE LEATHER ARTICLES, FANCY ARTICLES AND BASKET WORK. BRONZE MEDAL. Manuel Balmoria, Talibon, Bohol. Severe Barber, Bangued, Abra. Miss E. Donaldson, Dagupan, Panga- sinan. Jose Francia, Magdalena, Laguna. Antonio Habana, Capiz, Panay. Manuel de Iriarte, Manila. Governor C. Joven, Bacolor, Pampanga. Mariano Lopez, Silay, Occidental Negros. Mercantile Society, Tayabas, Tayabas. Juan Zamora, Silay, Occidental Negros. HONORABLE MENTION. Mercedes Abaya, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Dolores Abella, Leyte. Severe Abeto, Binalbayan, Occidental Negros. Timeteo Abiera, Dao, Antique. Rosalio Abra, Dolores, Abra. Julia Acuesta, Masbate. Juan Aguillo, Claveria, Cagayan. Eugenia Alday, Guiuan, Samar. Modesta Aldecoa, Manila. Lucia Alondy, Nakalang, Oriental Ne- gros. Isidro Ambig, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Maria Soledad Angco, Vigan, Ilocos, Sur. Juan de los Angeles, Angat, Bulacan. Felix Arceo, Victoria, Occidental Negros. Pedro Ardena, Capiz, Capiz. Carmen Arrechea, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Dolores Matondo y Avila, Leyte, Leyte. E. Zobel de Ayala, Manila. Guillermo Azzena, Saravia, Occidental Negros. Agustin Baasa, S. Emilio, Lepanto-Bon- toc. Cornelia Bacoctoy, Dalaguete, Cebu. Martin Basa, Malolos, Bulacan. Josefa Bartolme, Pasig, Rizal. Pedro Bereber, Pontevedea, Capiz. Juan Bermese, Bucay, Abra. Francisco Bernaldo, Manila. Longino Bersamin, Bangued, Abra. Benito Bingolado, Leyte. G. d'E. Browne, St. Louis. P. E. Burns, Abulog, Cagayan. Bonifacio Cabiling, Leyte, Leyte. Asuncion Lucero Callido, Argao, Cebu. Concepcion Calvo, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Benigno Canson, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Justo Capistrano, Pasig, Rizal. Vicenta Casten, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, Hermenegildo Castillos, Leyte. Pilar de Castro, Ilocos Norte. Pablo Celo, Catbalogan, Samar. Concordia College, Manila. Zacarias Conjotan, Calbayog, Samar. Aguedo Crisologo, Bangued, Abra. Geronima Cruz, Pasig, Rizal. Victor uruz, Balanga, Bataan. Bartolome de la Cruz, Tarlac, Tarlac. Engracia de la Cruz, Baliuag, Bulacan. Maria de la Cruz, Manila. Pablo Cui, Catbalogan, Samar. Dolores Dalisay, Malolos, Bulacan. Lionisio Dario, Claveria, Cagayan. Florentina Demate, Almeria, Leyte. Narciso Dizon, Orani, Bataan. Juan Domagco, Santa Magdalena, Sor- sogon. Domingo Espigol, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Luisa Feraren, Bangued, Abra. Silvestre Figueroa, Calbiga, Samar. Apolonio Filomena, Catarman, Samar. Feliciana Flordelis, Leyte (Hilongos). Pilar Florendo, \igan, Ilocos Sur. Eusebia Flores, Manila. Lucio Flores, Angat, Bulacan. Toribia Flores, Manila. Trinidad Frani, Casiguran, Leyte. Calixto Fulleros, Bulusan, So sogon. Raymundo Gabriel, Angat, Bulacan. Sofronia Galenzoga, Baybay, Leyte. Teodoro Gallego, Maao, Occidental Ne- gros. 96 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Placido Gallo, Lucban, Tayabas. Gil Gamos, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Esteban Garcia, Misamis, Mindanao. Antonio Garcia, Balilijan, Bohol. Saturnina Garvida, Bangui, Ilocos Norte. Domingo Gile, Matnog, Sorsogon. Domingo Geli, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Juan Gochanco, Manila. Pedro Gonzalez, Bucay, Abia. Guillermo Guzman, Bangued, Abra. Charles L. Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Hilario Harga, Balilijan, Bohol. Maria Hizon, San Fernando, Pampanga. Leoncia Iba, Catbalogan, Samar. Adela Infante, Laoang, Samar Carlos Infante, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Jose Infante, Valladolid, Occidental Ne- gros. Rodolfo Infante, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Miss Paz Infante, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Andres Inson, Occidental Negros. Simon Jahnog, Basey, Samar. Eulogio Jarito, Pambujan, Samar. Petronila Joaquin, Batac, Ilocos Norte. J. E. Kirkland, Penaranda, Nueva Ecija. Hilaria Labajo, Leyte. Antonio Laca, Balilijan, Bohol. Hilaria Laoguianco, Alangalang, Leyte. Ladies' Committee, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Ladies' Committee, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. Ladies' Committee, Biliran, Leyte. Jose Ponce de Leon, Cuyo, Paragua. E. Leonor, Cagayan. Juanita Lepada, Hinunangan, Leyte. Juan Lopez, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Baltazar Lupe, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Rosendo Luzernas, Hog, Occidental Ne- gros. Isaac Macapagal, Malolos, Bulacan. Inocencio Marcelino, Tarlac. Marcelo Magallon, Cabatuan, Iloilo. Eugenia Malinao, Hinunangan, Leyte. Anastasio Malunes, Masbate. F. Maros, Zamboanga, Mindanao. Rufino Martinez, Libog, Albay. Miss Martinez, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Maria Medrel, Tacloban, Leyte. Claudia Mendiola, Tacloban, Leyte. Crisostomo Mendiola, Catarman, Samar. Ciriaco Mendoza, Macalang, Maao, Occi- dental Negros. . Mercantile Society of Batac, Ilocos Norte. Catalina Miraflor, Leyte, Leyte. Gov. Ed. Y. Miller, Cuyo, Paragua. Recoletos Monasterio, Manila. Jose Mondejar, Iloilo, Panay. Gov. B. Monreal, I rosin, Sorsogon. Paulino Monotan, Bangued, Abra. Felix Montinola, Silay, Occidental Ne- gros. Matias Montinola, Silay, Occidental Ne- gros. Beatriz Morandante, Tacloban, Leyte. Jose Munoz, Tanjay, Oriental Negros. Paz Musne, Pasig, Rizal. Leoncio Naranjo, Occidental Negros. Bartolome Nebao, Claveria, Cagayan. Gustavo Niederlein, Philadelphia. Alejandro Ruiz Ocampo, Argao, Cebu. Basilio Ocaya, Calbiga, Samar. Captain Offley, Calapan, Mindoro. Ong Oh Siong, Manila. Vicente Olmos, Batangas. \ictor H. Olmstead, Manila. P. S. O'Reilly, Bangued, Abra. Brigido Osena, Lopez, Tayabas. Agapito Pacaonsis, San Enrique, Iloilo. Pelagia Pacoli, Paranas, Samar. Rafael Paghilan, San Emilio, Lepanto- Bontoc. Ceferino Palabrica, Pototan, Iloilo. M. Palon, Ormoc, Leyte. Pedro Perea, Tarlac, Tarlac. Simeon Perez, Capiz. Provincial Prison, Occidental Negros. S. Pulido, Mina, Cagayan. Maria Ramirez, Leyte, Leyte. Raymundo Real, Tangay, Occidental Ne- gros. Julian Rebate, Catubig, Samar. Francisco Remaldo, Angat, Bulacan. Miss Maria Remegio Ramirez, Tagbil- aran, Bohol. Estanislao Reyes, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Manuel S. Reyes, San Miguel, Manila. Maximino Reyes, Manila. Santiago Reyes, Saravia, Occidental Ne- gros. Severe Reyes, Candaba, Pampanga. Benito Rinasin, Makalang, Maao, Occi- dental Negros. Emeterio Rio, Claveria, Cagayan. Mariano Riosa, Tabaco, Albay. Fausta Rivera, Tacloban, Leyte. Consuelo Rivera Regio, Bato, Leyte. Doroteo Rodriguez, Calamianes, Paragua. Santiago Roque, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Buenaventura Rosales, Calbayog, Samar. Alejandro Sagon, Tarlac, Tarlac. Quintina Salazar, Leyte. Prudencio Saludares, Sta. Barbara, Ilo- ilo. Pedro Samillano, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Martin Santillo, Pambujan, Samar. Jose Santos, Malolos, Bulacan. Tomas Sarmiento, Barcelona, Sorsogon. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 97 Jacinta Sembrano, Bato, Leyte. Valentin Semilla Guevara, Mariveles, Bataan. Manuel Soriano, Pontevedra, Capiz. The "Sport," Manila. Dr. L. A. Jtf. Street, Cervantes, Bontoc. Dolores Tabera, Bato, Leyte. Cristina Tarcela, Tacloban, Leyte. Valentin Tello, Surigao, Mindanao. Andres Titot, Albuquerque, Bohol. Mercedes Torrijos, Bangued, Abra. Francisco Tribaldo, Sta. Magdalena, Sor- sogon. Mrs. Townsend, Zamboanga, Mindanao. Francisco Ugda, Hinunangan, Leyte. Eudosia Valera, Bangued, Abra. Faustina Valera, Bangued, Abra. Santos Valera, Bangued, Abra. Beatriz Vazquez, Ormoc, Leyte. Juan Vazquez, Binalbagan, Occidental Negros. Maria Velazquez, Pasig, Rizal. Maria Villanueva, Tarlr-c. Florentino Villejo, Leyte. Valentin Wilson, Paracale, Ambos Cama- rines. Leon Yabag, Tarlac, Tarlac. Paulo Yalo, Malolos, Bulacan. C. Yampanto, Malolos, Bulacan. Laureana Yrasga, Pane, Samar. Pedro Yulo, Binalbagan, Occidental Ne- gros. GROUP 35. ARTICLES FOR TRAVELING AND FOR CAMPING, INDIA RUBBER AND GUTTA P^RCHA INDUSTRIES. GOLD MEDAL. The "Sport," Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Luisa Alvear, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. "La Perla" Biscuit Factory, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Jose Ali, Manila. Dalmacio Castillo, Bangued, Abra. Mateo Encinas, Bacon, Sorsogon. Cristino Estrella, Pasig, Rizal. Sixto Marcelo, Pasig, Rizal. Juan Villasol, Mabatan, Bataan. A. D. White, Ft. William McKinley, Ma- nila. COLLABORATORS. SILVER MEDAL. Rafael Aglehan y Sabio, Manila. COLLABORATORS. BRONZE MEDAL. Jose Almario y Clemente, Manila. Enrique de la Cruz, Manila. Sergio Santos, Manila Cenon Suarez y Duran, Manila. Basilio Tolentino, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Victor Baluyod y Mendoza, Manila. Jose Buenaventura y Natividad, Manila. Valeriano del Castillo y Arcangel, Man- ila. Cecilio de la Cruz y Leon, Manila. Pedro Eustaquio y Arcola, Manila. Gregorio Gonzalez y Enrlquez, Manila. Pablo Naire y Valentin, Manila. Lorenzo Reyes, Manila. GROUP 36. TOYS. BRONZE MEDAL. Rufino Afungol, Paete, Lacuna HONORABLE MENTION. Tomas Arguelles, Manila 98 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. GROUP 37. DECORATION AND FIXED FURNITURE OF BUILDINGS AND DWELLINGS. SILVER MEDAL. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Boic & Schadenberg, Manila. Anselmo Singson, Ilocos Sur. GROUP 38. OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. BRONZE MEDAL. Fortunate Lopez, Lmgayen, Pangasinan. Ildefonso Tambunting, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Segunda Aguilar, Candaba, Pampanga. Julia Cillo, Bato, Leyte. Juan Feraren, Bangued, Abra. Gregorio Flor Mata, Lingayen, Panga- sinan. GROUP 40. MORTUARY MONUMENTS AND UNDER- TAKERS' FURNISHINGS. BRONZE MEDAL. Carlos Infante, Negros. Valladolid, Occidental HONORABLE MENTION. Gregorio de Campo, Bacolor, Pampanga. Jose Singian, San Fernando, Pampanga. GROUP 41. HARDWARE. HONORABLE MENTION. Nicolas Balunday, Pambujan, Samar. Tomas Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Joaquin M. Bayot & Bros., Masbate. H. B. Bernald, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Cornelio Briones, Tarlac, Tarlac. Pedro Canero, Pambujan, Samar. Paula Corong, Pambujan, Samar. Victor Cruz, Balanga, Bataan. Nicolas de la Cruz, Angat, Bulacan. Dolores Danisay, Malolos, Bulacan. Justo Diaz, Cavite. Mariano Dres, Tarlac, Tarlac. Raymundo Gabriel, Angat, Bulacan. F. Gardagin, Bacolor, Occidental Negros. Pedro Lagne, Apalit, Pampanga. Florentine Magalona, Valladolid, Occi- dental Negros. Alberto Ponce, Manila. Simon Puno, Tarlac, Tarlac. Gregorio Rodriguez, Molo, Iloilo. Pascual Sagen, Apalit, Pampanga. Guillermo Santiago, La Mesa, Bulacan. Justo Santos, Manila. Procopio Umadjay, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Sotero Viray, Tarlac, Tarlac. GROUP 43. CARPETS, TAPESTRIES AND FABRICS FOR UPHOLSTERY. SILVER MEDAL.' BRONZE MEDAL. C. S. Nash, Romblon, Romblon. Mariana Calinares, Basey, Samar. Anastasio Neri, San Jose, Cagayan, Mis- Ladies' Committee, Leyte, Leyte. amis, Mindanao. Ladies' Committee, Biliran, Leyte. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 99 Ladies' Committee, Hinunangan, Leyte. Isabela Enija, Gubat, Sorsogon. Vicenta Froilan, Basey, Samar. Mrs. Hardeman, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Bernardo y Felipe Octaviano, Basey, Sa- mar. HONORABLE MENTION. Saturnina Acado, Sulat, Samar. Claudio Asuncion, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Pablo Bagui, Paete, Laguna. Jose Baisaz, Paete, Laguna. Filomena Balayot, Mabatan, Bataan. Miguel Balyarea, Talibong, Bohol. Juan Bautista, Cavite. Saturnina Bertulfo, Culabo, Leyte. P. E. Burns, Abulug, Cagayan. Isabel Cajelog, Valencia, Bohol. Barbara Castillote, Palo, Leyte. Thomas M. Coverton, Matabang, Min- danao. Victor Cruz, Balanga, Bataan. Miguel Dalmoria, Talibon, Bohol. Eduarda Dublome, Tacloban, Leyte. Gavina Dunbrique, Badoc, Ilocos Norte. Simeona Dunbrique, Badoc, Ilocos Norte. Marcelino Esguerra, Tarlac. Maria Formanes, Matnog, Samar. Lucio Flores, Norzagaray, Bulacan. Marta and Vicente Froilan, Basey, Sa- mar. Timoteo Gaelo, Paete, Laguna. Serapia Garrido, Almeria, Leyte. Saturnino Ginez, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. I. Gironella, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Francisca Gironella, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Miss Paz Infante, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Vicente Javier, Zambales. Anastasio Jose, Cagayan de Misamis. Bernardo Lacson, Talisay, Occidental Negros. Juliano Lapolapo, Carigara, Leyte. Cirilo Lazo, San Vicente, Ilocos Sur. Felix H. Llorente. Tarlac. Isidora Luged, Apalit, Pampanga. Maria Malinao, Boac, Tayabas. Asuncion Martinez, Pasig, Rizal. Valencio Naranja, Murcia, Occidental Negros. Augustin Pacardo, San Enrique, Iloilo. Generoso Quintero, Tacloban, Leyte. Carmen Sacambra, Santa Rita, Samar. Olivia Salamanca, San Roque, Cavite. Rosa Sanchez, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Valentin Semilla, Mariveles, Bataan. Nieves Singson, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Dr. Lionel A. B. Street, Cervantes, Le- panto-Bontoc. Benilda Xerez de Tagle, Almeria, Leyte. Ildefonso Tambunting, Manila. Nemesio Trisari, Murcia, Occidental Negros. Esperanza Tronqued, Bangued, Abra. Isabela Villareal, Iloilo. Mariano Villamor, San Narciso, Zamba- les. Maria Villanueva, Tarlac, Tarlac. Sotero Viray, Tarlac, Tarlac. Juanita Zapeda, Hinunangan, Leyte. GROUP 44. UPHOLSTERERS' DECORATIONS. SILVER MEDAL. The Misses Peralta Dingras, Ilocos Norte. Mariano Trias, Cavite, Cavite. BRONZE MEDAL. Rufino Afungol, Paete, Laguna. Angeles Rosario Clarasol, Ilagan, Isa-_ bela. Young Ladies' Committee, Pampanga. Maria Malindo, Boac, Marinduque. Nemesia Rubiato, -Catubig, Samar. GROUP 45. BRONZE MEDAL. Eusebio Juto, Apalit, Pampanga. Luis Villadelgado, Sibalon, Antique, Pa- nay. Santiago J. Reyes, Saravia, Occidental Negros. Nieve Singson, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. HONORABLE MENTION. Eufemia Gironella de Abaya, Candon, Il- ocos Sur. Francisco Bautista, Union. L. Camila Abaya de Gironella, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Teresa Mendoza, Candon, ilocos Sur. Miss Alivia Salamanca, San Roque, Ca- vite. CERAMICS. HONORABLE MENTION. Severo Alberto, Binalbagan, Occidental Negros. Silvino Astudillo, Bangued, Abra. 100 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Nicolas de la Cruz, Angat, Bulacan. E. E. Schneider, San Jose, Ambos Cam- Jacinto Faustino, Malolos, Bulacan. arines. Juan Imus, Tarlac, Tarlac. Candida Sta. Ana, Pasig, Rizal. H. de Jalandoni, Iloilo. Guadalupe San Augustin, Calapan, Min- Eulalio Jarrito, Tarangunan, Samar. doro. Gov. Ceferino Joven, Bacolor, Pampanga. Genoveva Tarcela, Tacloban, Leyte. Mrs. H. W. Newman, Calamba, Laguna. Pardo de Tavera, Manila. Andres Parreno, San Enrique, Iloilo. Guillermo P. Timbol, Apalit, Pampanga. Adriano Raymundo, Pasig, Rizal. Ynchausti & Company, Iloilo, Iloilo. Mariano Riosa, Tabaco, Aibay. Fidela Oliveros, Pasig, Rizal. Bernardino Robles, Caridad, Occidental Francisco Vergel de Dios, Angat, Bula- Negros. can. GROUP 47. GLASS AND CRYSTAL- HONORABLE MENTION. Matias Adona, Basey, Samar. GROUP 48. APPARATUS AND PROCESSES FOR HEATING AND VENTILATION. BRONZE MEDAL. Narciso Dizon, Orani, Bataan. Andrea Frani, Carigara, Leyte. Honoria Espiritu, Pasig, Rizal Rita Palon Ormoc Leyte Bernardino Robles, Candan, Occidental Negros. Isidro Torres, Bacolor, Pampanga. HONORABLE MENTION. Dolores Vale ; a> B angued, Abra. Zenona Cruz, Pasig, Rizal. Eusebio Yuto, Apalit, Pampanga. GROUP 49. APPARATUS AND METHODS, NOT ELECTRICAL, FOR LIGHTING. HONORABLE MENTION. Cayetano Jandao, Pasig, Rizal. Venancio Lucas, Pasig, Rizal. Manuela Diaz de Pomperado, Barugo, Cristina Pedrosa, Tacloban, Leyte Leyte. Santiago San Juan, Pasig, Rizal. Jose Francia, Laguna. Otilia Solidor, Ormoc, Leyte. GROUP 50. MATERIALS AND PROCESSES FOR SPINNING AND ROPE MAKING. SILVER MEDAL. Hilarion Borgona, Bangued, Abra. Daniel Bosque, Pilar, Abra. Antonio Bagos, Abra. Rosalio Eduarte, Dolores, ^bra. Augustin Elpa, San Gregorio, Abra. Victoria Gandionco, Daan, Bantayan, HONORABLE MENTION. Cebu. Maria Lizarda, Bangued, Abra. Francisco Bautista, Union. Hacienda Luisiana, Maao, Occidental Roque Bayquen, Bangued, Abra. Negros. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 101 Celestino Madamba, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Capt. Offley, Mindoro. Mateo Palma, Maao, Occidental Negros. Domingo Pioquinto, Nueva-Caceres, Am- bos-Camarines. Bernardino Panis, Iloilo, Honorata Ricafort, Oquendo, Samar. Mariano Saldana, Samal, Bataan. Mariano Trias, Cavite. Inocencio Valdicia, Paete, Laguna. Romana Valera, Bangued, Abra. GROUP 51. EQUIPMENTS AND PROCESSES USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF TEXTILE FABRICS. SILVER MEDAL. Matias Alcazar, Calbjga, Samar. Juana Alijada, Masbate. Fabiana Arrimado, Sorsogon. Pedro Basaten, San Emilio, Lepanto- Bonton. Margarita Elumba, Dapitan, Pangasinan. Honorata Ricafort, Oquendo, Samar. BRONZE MEDAL. Jose Cordoncillo, San Quintin, Abra. Rosalia Eduarte, Dolores, Abra. Luis Feraren, Bangued, Abra. Geronima Guia, Catarman, Samar. Capt. Offley, U. S. A., Mindoro. Filomena Pioquia, Pambujan, Samar. Aurelia Reyes, Naic, Cavite. HONORABLE MENTION. Ulpina Aragon, Occidental Negros. Juan A. Araneta, Maao, Occ. Negros. Juan Baguial, Sevilla, Bohol. Daniel Busque, Pilar, Abra. Romana Camacho, Samar. Luis Consings, Occidental Negros. Pedro and Leona Duca, Bacon, Sorsogon. Nicolasa Eleazar, Hinunangan,Leyte. Victoria Gandionco, Daan Bantaya, Cebu. Ruperto Garfin, Matnog, Sorsogon. Percy A. Hill, Calbiga, Samar. Francisco Japson, Villareal, Samar. Paula Lacambra, Santa Rita, Samar. Engracia de Majer, Castilla, Sorsogon. Leon Malate, Tacloban, Leyte. Cornelio Minosa, Argao, Cebu. Municipal Secretary, Montero, Bangued, Abra. Severe Parinas, Pidigan, Abra. Domingo Pioquinto, Nva. Caceres, Cebu. Maria Planer, Masbate. President Provincial Committee, Occiden- tal Negros. Mariano Riesa, Tabaco, Albay. Colomea Serera, Leyte. Valentin Tello, Tandag, Surigao. Hon. Mariano Trias, Cavite. Josefina Villamor, Bangued, Abra. GROUP 53. EQUIPMENT AND PROCESSES USED IN SEWING AND MAKING WEARING APPAREL. BRONZE MEDAL. HONORABLE MENTION. Eusebio Ezpeleta, Ilolio, Panay. Pablo Ramirez, 128 Calle Madrid, Binon- do, Manila. GROUP 54. THREADS AND FABRICS OF COTTON. GOLD MEDAL. Abaya, Candon, Eufemia Gironella de Ilocos Sur. BRONZE MEDAL. Apolinaria Alcid, San Narciso, Zambeles. Fabiana Alikpala, San Luis, Batangas. Estanislao Almagro, Dalaquete, Cebu. Asuncion Balading, Palapag, Samar. Casimira Bustamente, San Enrique, Occi- dental Negros. Vicente Gella, San Jose, Antique. Francisca Gironella, Candon, Ilocos Sur, Engracia Gironella, Ilocos Sur. Isiguen Presidente of Manabo, Abra. Angelica Pachec o and Sisters, San Jose, Buena Vista, Antique. L 02 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Ladies' Committee, Lingayen, Pangasi- nan. Ladies Committee, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Mac Leod & Co., Manila. Petra Navarra, Bangued, Abra. Pedro G. Vazquez, Himamaylan, Occ. Negros. HONORABLE MENTION. Petrona Gray de Abaya, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Natividad Gray de Abaya, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Martina Gray de Abaya, Candon, Ilocos Sur. adina Abaya, Candon, Ilocos, Sur. Cornelia Abaya, Candon, Ilocos, Sur. Aguila Abaya, Candon, Ilocos, Sur. G. P. Pampasadi Abaya, Candon, Ilocos. Sur. Albina Marcela Abeto, Binalbagan, Occ. Negros. Fortunate Abiera, Dao, Antique. Mariano Abundo, Virac, Albay. Micaela Alas, Hinunangan, Leyte. Apolinaria Alcid, San Narciso, Zambales. Carmen Arrechea, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Natalia Araneta, Maao, Occ. Negros. Luisa M. Araneta, Maao, Occidental Ne- gros. Lorenzo Baile, Bangued, Abra. Honoria Bajarias, Dalaquete, Cebu. Tomas Banson, Balanga, Bataan. A. Balbina, Catubig, Samar. Carmen de Barbara, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Francisco Bautista, Bangar, Union. Daniel Busque, Pilar, Abra. Eufrosina Benaro, Pilar, Abra. Eulalia Benedito, San Jose, Abra. Regina Cadena, Candon, Ilocos, Sur. Padre Bartolome del Carmen, Argao, Cebu. Sr. de Carpio, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Anastasio de Castro, Bangar, Union. Luis Catriz, Lan Jose, Abra. Bernardo Cleope, Panglao, Bohol. Faustina Coronel, Dalaguete, Cebu. Felicidad Damasco, Candon, Ilocos, Sur. Felipe Dimelao, Pacay, Ilocos Norte. Honorato Encarnacion, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Anatalia Eligio, Iloilo, Panay. Bias Monteclaro Fanega, Nigas, Iloilo. Bruna Farrales, San Felipe, Zambales. Anacleta Fermin, San Narciso, Zam- bales. Carmen Fiel, Leyte. Pedro M. Firmeza, Miagao, Iloilo. Asuncion Flordelis, Ilongos, Leyte. Maxima Fuentecilla, San Felipe, Zam- bales. Lopez Garilago, Soledad, Occ. Negros. Inez Gimpes, Santa Magdalena, Sorsogon. Ana Gironella, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Sra. Gironella/ Candon, Ilocos Sur. Margarita Gironella, Candon, Ilocos, Sur. Nansi Gironella, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Inocencia Gonga, Boljon, Cebu. Lucia Abaya Gray, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Sr. Guatetan, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Maria Hermenegilda and Melchora Gir- onella, Candon, Ilocos, Sur. Felisa Hernaez, Piddig, Ilocos Sur. Romana Infante Cavite. Ladies' Committee, Irosin, Sorsogon. Crispina Leonor, Leyte, Letye. Mariano Llaneza, San Juan, Abra. Cecilia Lutao, Fambujan, Samar. Faustina Mir, Boljon, Cebu. Andrea Monteclara, Miagao, Iloilo. Consuelo de Monteclara, Miagao, Iloilo. Pedro A. Monteclara, Miagao, Iloilo. Emerenciana Nici, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Isabel Olea, Hinunangan, Leyte. Guadalupe Oliver, Catbatuan, Iloilo. Natalia Omilio, Boljoon, Cebu. Paula Osorio, Dalaguete, Cebu. Simeona Pablo, Bacay, Ilocos, Norte. Angelina Pacheco, San Jose, Antique. Engracia Pechon, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Pontina Pepino, Joljon, Cebu. Senoritas of Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Fernando Quiaoit, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Josefa Singson de Quiaoit, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Silvina Quimbo, Calbiga, Samar. Apolonio Ramirez, Bangued, Abra. Teresa Reyes, Penablanca, Aparri, Gag- ay an. Doroteo Rodriguez & Sons, Calamianes, Paragua. Crisanta Romeral, Boljon, Cebu. Josefa Singson, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Angelina Valdez, San Nicolas, Ilocos Sur. Ursula Valle, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Pedro G. Vazquez, Himamaylan, Occ. Ne- gros. Socorro Caridad Versosa, Bangued, Abra. Aquilina Villanueva, Boljon, Cebu. Teodorica Zaragoza, Calapan, Mindoro. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 103 GROUP 55. THREADS AND FABRICS OF VEGETABLE FIBRES, OTHER THAN COTTON. GRAND PRIZE. Ynchausti & Co., Manila. GOLD MEDAL. John Acaly, Manila. Felix Arguelles, Santa Cruz, Marinduque. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. Succesores de Valenzuela, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Ramon and Baylon Guisay, Silay, Occi- dental Negros. Jose de Buenavista, Antique, Panay. Honorato Encarnacion, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Domingo Homillano, Castilla, Sorsogon. Ladies Committee, Burauen, Leyte. Ladies Committee, Gubat, Sorsogon. Ladies Committee, Leyte, Leyte. Li Kim Sui, Manila. Catalina Llamado, Cavite. Susana Paredes, Bangued, Abra. Miguel Parines, Pidigan, Abra. Teresa Reyes, Aparri, Cagayan. Perfecta Sucub, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Juana Sulinap, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Remigia Villamor, Bangued, Abra. Francisco Villanueva, Molo, Iloilo. BRONZE MEDAL. Patricia Abad, Quinapundan, Samar. Hilaria D Alindogan, Juban, Sorsogon. A. Balbina, Laoang, Samar. Timotea Barrios, Libog, Albay. Antonia Bernabe, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Rosalia Bernardez, Bucay, Abra. Lorenzo Blaya, San Gregorio, Abra. Daniel Busque, San Gregorio, Abra. Lucia Cabanas, Samar. Melchora de Castro, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Andres Dolongabon, Carigara, Leyte. Ambrosia Dorteza, Paric, Samar. Pilar Florondo, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Antonio Flores, Bangued, Abra. Sixto Gocoyo, Bulan, oorsogon. Agapita Guijit, Bulan, Sorsogon. Silvina Guimba, Calbiga, Samar. Sotero Gusay, Molo, Iloilo. Maria Heredia, Silay, Occ. Negros. Eusebio Joaquin, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Ladies Committee, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Ladies Committee, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Ladies Committee, Castilla, Sorsogon. Ladies Committee, Irocin, Sorsogon. Felipa Giray, Laoang, Samar. Rufina Lanchod, Bagacay, Oriental Ne- gros. Edilberta Lasaro, Molo, Iloilo. Andres Lazo, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. Rita Lecares, Boac, Tayabas. Eustaquia Magno, Quinapundan, Samar. Cecilia Mancilla, Bulusan Sorsogon. Albina Maranon, Binaibagan, Occ. Negros. Flora Martinez, Bangued Abra. Maxima B. Martinez, Libog, Albay. Municipal Committee, Ilason, Tayabas. Natividad Olmos, Batangas. Ong J. K. Siong, Manila. Jose Paredes, Bangued, Abra. Casimiro Prevendido, G'abatuan, Iloilo, Panay. Placida Pulgar & Co., Magdalena, Sorso- gon. Marcela Purugganan, Bangued, Abra. Ignacia Racimo, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Adriana de la Rama, Silay, Occ. Negros. Barbara Repes, Paric, Samar. Mariano Riosa, Tabaco, Albay. Nemesia, Rubdiato, Catubig, Samar. Leandro, Sorriano, Cabugao, Ilocos Sur. Elisa Tomas, Daraga, Albay. Aiejandra Valera, Bangued, Abra. Consolacion Vazquez, Himamaylan, Occ. Negros. Isidro Yabon, Quinapundan, Samar. HONORABLE MENTION. Prisca Abad, Naval, Leyte. Fortunate Abiera, Daao, Antique. Matilde Abiera, San Jose, Antique, Panay. Matilde Abilana, San Jose, Antique. Consolacion Abilar, Leyte, Leyte. Quintana Abilar, Leyte, Leyte. Ines Abra, Jagna, Bohol. Petra Acedera, Catubig, Samar . Sinforosa Acuesta, Masbate. Jargonia Aincola, Santa, Ilocos Sur. P. M. Agcara, Balanga, Bataan. Delina Aguilar, Quinapundan, Samar. Paula Aguilar, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Gregorio Aguiling, Capiz, Panay. Eugenio Akday, Guinan, Samar. Liceria Alabera, Naval, Leyte. Ana Albeyra, Calapan, Mindoro. Eugenia Alday, Guiuan, Samar. Esperanza Alejandro, Bangued, Abra. Anatalia Alvear, Culaba, Leyte. Fortunata Amacua, San Felipe, Zambales. 104 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Marciana Amistad, Dumaguete, Oriental Negros. Asuncion Angco, Dolores, Abra. Mercedes Angeles, Cavite. Silvina Animboy, Calbiga, Samar. Luisa M. Araneta, Maao, occidental Ne- gros. Maria Araneta de Salas, Maao, Occiden- tal Negros. Maxima Arguelles, Leyte Demetria Ariescado, Daan Bantayan, Ce- bu. Cesarea Arnesta, Masbate. Bernabe Arroga, Bohol. Josefa Arsoline, Catubig, Samar. Pablo Astronomo, Jagna, Bohol. Bernabela, Atizada, Castilla, Sorsogon. Nemesia Rubdiato, Catubig, Samar. Ana Bago, Guiuan, Samar. Candida Balagat, Valencia, Bohol. Adolfina Bantilo, Catubig, Samar. Tomas Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Basilia Barlungay, Paric, Samar. Perpetua Basco, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Angela Bello, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Bulalia Bello, Bucay, Abra. Alberta Beltran, Hinunangan, Leyte. Agueda Benedicto, Vallodolid, Occidental Negros. Florentine G. Benedicto, Soledad, Occi- dental Negros. Anselma Bergal, banto Nino, Samar. Miss Antonia Bernabe, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Melchora Bersamin, Bangued, Abra. Alberta Bertens, Leyte. Estefania Bitay, Jagna, Bohol. Lorenza Blaya, San Gregorio, Abra. Lazaro Bolaldola, Dumaguete, Oriental Negros. Arcadia and Narcisa Buenaventura, Paric, Samar. Pelagia Bugabong, Jagna, Bohol. P. B. Burns, Abulug, Cagayan. Octaviana Cabreros, Paric, Samar. Marcela uajepe, Santa Rita, Samar. Luciana Capapas, Hinunangan, Leyte. Cirila Chavez, Gubat, Sorsogon. Andrea, Cinco, Catbalogan, Samar. Marcelo Comedero, Cabatuan, Iloilo. Candida Comenel, Catubig, Samar. Candida Comertat, Catubig, Samar. Benigna Consing, Molo, Iloilo. A. Consuela, Naujan, MIndoro. Jose Cornico, Catarman, Samar. Maxima Costa, Taloto Tagbilaran, Bohol. Trinidad Coual, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Felicidad de la Cruz, Valladolid, Occiden- tal Negros. Hilarion de la Cruz, Libog, Albay. Nicolas de la Cruz, Angat, Bulacan. Severina Dalsoiral, Montufar, Sorsogon. Juana de Damasig, Montufar, Sorsogon. Julian Delutao, Alangalang, Leyte. Emeteria Destura, Montufar, Sorsogon. Fermina, Destura, Montufar, Sorsogon. Paula de Destura, Montufar, Sorsogon. Petrona Desuasido, Puerto Diaz, Sorso- gon. Matea Dilema, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Mateo Dino, Montufar, Sorsogon. Estanislao Diongson, Murcia, Occidental Negros. Dorotea Dollantes, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Raymundo Dollantes, Montufar, Sorsogon. Juana Dollomia, Guoat, Sorsogon. Paula Domdon, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Fausta Domil, Gubat, Sorsogon. Ladislao Donate, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Cipriaca Dones, Montufar, Sorsogon. Emeteria Donor, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon Feliciana Donor, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon Damiana Doyog, Montufar, Sorsogon. Maria Ebuana, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Augustin Elpa, San Gregorio, Abra. Isabel Emas, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Juana Endaya, Gubat, Sorsogon. Bernardino Enrique, Himonan, Tayabas. Teodora Escalderol, Gubat, Sorsogon. Basilica Escamilla, Gubat, Sorsogon. Juana Escanlar, Iloilo, Panay. Teresa Escarcha, Gubat, Sorsogon. Maria Escartin, San Pedro, Antique. Ramona Espelita, Iloilo. Panta Espera, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Flora Esparas, Laoang, Samar. Quintina Esperas de Salazar, Leyte. Manuela Esperno, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Aniceta Espina, Pambayan, Samar. Florencia Espinocilla, Gubat, Sorsogon. Regina Espinoza, Palapag, Samar. Matilde Esresa, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Bartolomea Estrellado, Gubat, Sorsogon. Filomena de Estrellado, Montufar, Sor- sogon. Olipala de Fabian, San Luis Batangas. Gregorio Fajardo, Gubat, Sorsogon. Concepcion Federico, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Pantaliona Federico, Barcelona, Sorso- gon. Gregoria Floral, Bangued, Abra. Fluta Floren, Jagna, Bohol. Leonarda J. Flores, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Gregoria Florida, Leyte, Leyte. Pascuala Fo'rmanes, Maternog, Sorsogon. Andres Fornier, Dao, Antique. Maria Fragio, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Margarita Fulli. Buluson, Sorsogon. Vicente Gallanuza, Matnog, Sorsogon. Cirila Galora, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Concordia Gamban, Paria, iloilo, Panay. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 105 Hermenegilda Gamban, Paria, Iloilo, Pa- nay. Angela Cruz Garcia, Galapan, Mindoro. Isabela Goles, Lopez, Tayabas. Bonifacio Garduque, Matnog, Sorsogon. Ruperto Garfin, Matnog, Sorsogon. Felipe Gatillo, Jagna, Bohol. Gervasia Gazos, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Aguedo Gefes, Tibiao, Antique. Antonia Generia, Matnog, Sorsogon. Teresa Generosa, Dumaguete, Oriental Negros. Eugenio Geneveza, Piat, Cagayan. Anselmo Gengos, Soledad, Occidental Ne- gros. Eusebio Geralde, Matnog, Sorsogon. Augustin Gertrudis, Culaba, Leyte. Ana, Gilon, Paric, Samar. Matilda Ginete, Valladolid, Occidental Ne- gros. Margarita Gironelia, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Diego Gloria, Bauan, Batangas. Isabela B. Goles Occidental Negros. Paula Goncola, Soledad, Occidental Ne- gros. Clotilde Gonzalez, Pilar, Sorsogon. Isidra Gonzalez, Quinapundan, Samar. Quintina Gonzalez, Naval, Leyte. Basiliso Gorres y Lopez, Jaro, Iloilo. Simeona Grate, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Raymunda Gravaso, Barcelona, Sorsogon Maria G. Grecia, Juban, Sorsogon. A. Gregoria, Laoang, Samar. Damasa H. Guarin, Juban, Sorsogon. Augustina Gugetes, Pavia, Iloilo. Geronima de Guia, Catarman, Samar. Casimira Guinto, Quinapundan, Samar. Felipe de Guzman, Malolos, Bulacan. Filomena Guzman, Hinunangan, Leyte. Helena Guzman, Leyte, Leyte. Maria Habalia, Boac, Marinduque. Mrs. Halongas, Leyte, Leyte. Felisa Hermaes, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Inocencia Herrera, Gubat, Sorsogon. Basilia Himalag, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Aniceta Hinco, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. C'onsolacion Hinco, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Luciana Huit, Bulan, Sorsogon. Agustin Ilagan, San Carlos, Occidental Negros. Damasa Ilicarte, Juban, Sorsogon. Carlos Infante, Valladolid, Occ. Negros. Viviana Infante de Tiongco, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Nemesio Inisari, Murcia, Occidental Ne- gros. Eugenia Iruma, Catubig, Samar. Fernanda Iruma, Catubig, Samar. Manobo Isiguen, Bangued, Abra. Irene Jaboli, Jiabong, Samar. Marcelina Jaboli, Jiabong, Samar. Francisca Jabson, Villa-Real, Samar. Ciriaca Janes, Paria, Iloilo, Panay. Conegunda Janes, Paria, Iloilo, Panay. Benita Jarra, Silay, Occidental Negros. Damaso Jesus, Malolos, Bulacan. Cipriano Jimenez, Saravia, Occidental Negros. Rafael Jocsom, Himaymaylan, Occidental Negros. Gregoria Jocuya, Paric, Samar. A. Jones, Maao, Occidental Negros. Hermogena Josur, Sorsogon. Margarita Judas, Castilla, Sorsogon. H. E. Karlsson, Fleu, Sweden. Antonio Kilay Ko, Talisay Occidental Ne- gros. Rufina Kilay Ko, Talisay, Occidental Ne- gros. Teresa Labadlabad, Mercedes, Samar. Bonifacia Labayane, Gubat, Sorsogon. Carmen Lacambra, Santa Rita, Samar. Teresa Lacandola, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Ladies' Committee, Leyte, Leyte. Ladies' Committee, Garcia Hernandez, Bohol. Ladies' Committee, Naval, Leyte. Ladies' Committee, Tacloban, Leyte. Daniela Lagintan, Laoang, Samar. Consolacion Lagos, San Pablo, Antique. Vicenta Lagrimas, Laoang, Samar. Valentina Lanaga, Carigara, Leyte. Dominga Latorre, Castilla, Sorsogon. Segundina Laude, Naval, Leyte. Leoteria Laude, Naval, Leyte. Vicenta Lavaleta, Castilla, Sorsogon. Emilia Lazaro, Molo, Iloilo, Panay. Paula Lazaro, Molo, Iloilo. Laserina de Leon, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Dominga de Lepanta, Sorsogon, Sorsogon. Inez Linares, Dalaguete, Cebu. Catalina Listilla, Castilla, Sorsogon. Maria Salome Lizardo, Bangued, Abra. Laurina Liviano, Castilla, Sorsogon. Maria Lobas, Pambayan, Samar. Carmen Locandra, Sta. Rita, Samar. Juanita Lopodo, Leyte, Leyte. Pilar Lorendo, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Gregoria Losmagbas, Quinapundan, Sa- mar. Petra Lutao, Pambayan, Samar. Maria Lutao, Pambayan, Samar. Vicente y Infante Lutgarda, Cavite. Florencia Macarat, Inopacan, Leyte. Pascual Magno, Maao, Occidental Negros. Juan Manalili, Rosario, Pampanga. Nicolas Maningan, Hinunangan, Leyte. Nicolas Manungas, Hinunangan, Leyte. Tranquilina Marcellano, Sta. Rita, Samar. Dorotea Marcellano Sta. Rita, Samar. Catalina B. Martinez, Libog, Albay. 106 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION.- Filomena, Martu, Vallodolid, Occidental Negros. Saturnina Marzon, Castilla, Sorsogon. Ramona Masing, Hinun.angan, Leyte. Graciana Maslog, Jagna, Bohol. Tarcila Mastub, Maribojoc, Bohol. Conrado Mendiola, Catubig, Samar. Angela Mijares, Daraga, Albay. Concordia Mijares, Mandurriao, % Iloilo, Panay. Ladislao Mina, Mabacan, Bataan. Magdalena Mongozen, Molo, Iloilo, Panay. Enriqueta Monroy, Sorsogon. R. B. Montragon, Samar. Eulalia Morales, Alang Alang, Leyte. Sinisia Moro, Guiuan, Samar. Felicita Naujan, Mindoro. Basilio Ocaya, Calbiga, Samar. Cesarea Ocuesta, Masbate. Sinforosa Ocuesta, Masbate. Justina Odong, Guiuan, Samar. Felipe' Olarte, Catubig, Samar. Fabiana Olikjala, San Luis, Batangas. O'Reilly, Bangued, Abra. A. Orliso y Patencio, Catubig, Samar. Monica Ortegiza, Catubig, Samar. Magdalena Ozea, Oriental Negros. Aniceto Pabilona, San Enrique, Iloilo. Fermina Pagos, Inopacan, Leyte. Leocadio Paglumatase, Hog, Occidental Negros. Maxima Pajante, CatuDig, Samar. F. Palmes, Maao, Occidental Ne^gros. Severe Parinas, Pidigan, Abra. Santiago Mateo Patero, Manila. Enrique Panan, Patnongon, Antique, Pan- ay. Isidro Paredes, Bangued, Abra. Severa Paredes, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Sotera Patricio, Matnog, Sorsogon. J. Pedemonte, Catubig, Samar. Isidora Pedregue, Alang Alang, Leyte. Winisia Pedregue, Alang Alang, Leyte. Adela, Petra y Benedicta pabadulla, Catu- big, Samar. Faustina Pianeo, Leyte, Leyte. Provincial Prison, Occidental Negros. Maxima Pujante, Catubig, Samar. Marcela Pula, Laoang, Samar. Juana Puna, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Catalina Puriscal, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Casimira Quinto, Quinapundan, Samar. Felisa Quiron y Gertos, Bato, Leyte. Adriana de la Rama, Silay, Occidental Negros. Siberia Ramos, Calape, Bohol. Laonarda Razo, Catubig, Samar. Julia Rebudilla, Catubig, Samar. Andrea Reyes, Palapag, Samar. Asuncion Reyes, Vallodolid, Occidental Negros. Ruperta Reyes, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Santiago Reyes, Claveria, Cagayan. Honorata Ricafort, Oquendo, Samar. Catalina Riego, Cavite. Bernardino Rivera, Bato, Leyte. Diego Rivera, Occidental Negros. Zosimo Roa, Cagayan, Misamis. Esteban Rojas, Manila. Pablo del Rosario, Manila. Francisco Rubin, Abuyog, Leyte. Maria Sabas, Santa Rita, Samar. Manuel Salac, Tarlac, Tarlac. Magdalena Salas, Maao, Occidental Ne- gros. Juliana Saldevilla, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Vicente de Sales, Matnog, Sorsogon. Valeria Sambuan, Castilla, Sorsogon. Godofredo Sandalo, Dalaguete, Cebu. Maria de Santa, San Fernando, Pampan- ga. Turnino de los Santos, Malolos, Bulacan, Cristina Sarmiento, Gubat, Sorsogon. Matilde Sarmiento, Gubat, Sorsogon. Gertrude Searco, Bangued, Abra. Jovita Sembrano, Bato, Leyte. Bruna Semira, Santa Rita, Samar. Juanita Sepeda, Hinunangan, Leyte. Teofila Servando, Molo, Iloilo, Panay. Petra Sierno, Pambujan, Samar. Moncada Silvestre, Gubat, Sorsogon. S. Simbako, Mambajo, Misamis. Gabriela Sinay, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Dorotea Singson, Calbiga, Samar. Fortunato Singson, Loza, Calbiga, Samar, Nieves Singson, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Francisca Siolabrica, Santa Barbara, Ilo- ilo. Eulalia Sobrejuanete, Lucena, Tayabas. Eulalia Sobrejuanete, Lucena, Iloilo. Simona Sobuza, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Vicente V. Socorro, Manila. Ysidoro Somonte, San Roque, Cavite. Sotera, iviindoro. Ambrosia Sousa, Lucena, Tayabas. Paula Suarez, Hilongos, Leyte. Cecilia Sudela, Iloilo, Panay. Macaria Sulesta, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Juana Sulinap, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Nemesio Suman, Murcia, Occidental Negros. Timotea Tabera, Bato, Leyte. Luisa Tafilia, Catubig, Samar. Vicente Tagsagon, Tubungan, Iloilo. Gregoria Tajardo, Gubat, Sorsogon. Jose Talento, Tubungan, Iloilo. Vicente Taling, San Pedro, Antique. Marta, Tandagan, Tubungan, Iloilo. Cecilio Tanedo, Tarlac, Tarlac. Santiago Maseo Tartero, Manila. Aguedo Tefeo, Tibiao, Antique. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 107 Valentin Tello, Cortez, Surigao, Min- danao. Valentin Tello, Tandag, Surigao. Paulino Tenedro, Catubig, Samar. Pantaleona Tetalbo, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Luis Tomas, Daraga, Albay. Marcela Toralba, Tagbilaran, Bohol. Tarcila Torrijos, Bangued Abra. Marcela Trineo, Laoang, Samar. Margarita Ucat, Valencia, Bohol. Vicente Ungson, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Paula Urgel, Hilongas, Leyte. Isabel Vael, Capoocan, Leyte. Claudia Valera, Bangued, Abra. Gabina Valera, Banguecr, Abra. Felipa de la Vega, Bangued, Abra. Juan C. Verzosa, Occidental Negros. Melecia B. de Vicera, Naval, Leyte. Sabino Viernes, Claveria, Cagayan. Dolores Villalobos, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Filomena Villanueva, Alang-alang, Leyte. Josefa Villareal, Bucay, Abra. A. D. White, Ft. Wm. McKinley, Manila. Gervasia Yacos, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Juana Yalan, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Pilar Yales, Paric, Samar. Helena Yanvan, Leyte, Leyte. Lista Yarcia, Naval, Leyte. Floreiicio Yarra, Matnog, Sorsogon. Isabela Yoles, Lopez, Tayabas. Teodorica Zaragoza, Calapan, Mindoro. Inocencia Zeta, Jiabong, Samar. GROUP 56. YARNS AND FABRICS OF ANIMAL, FIBRES. HONORABLE MENTION. Feliciana Albano, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Concepcion Basa, Calapan, Mindoro. Carmen Torrijos, Bangued, Abra. A. D. White, Ft. Wm. McKinley, Manila. GROUP 57. SILK AND FABRICS OF SILK. BRONZE MEDAL. Miss Exequiela Abaya, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Adelina Balbin, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Florentina Carnival, Candaba, Pampanga. Maria Carnival, Candaba, Pampanga. Ladies' Committee, Binmaley, Pangasi- nan. Ladies' Committee, Irosin, Sorsogon. Honorata Encarnacion, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Lorenza Escano, Cabalian, Leyte. Pilar Florendo, Vigan Ilocos Sur. Miss Pilar Florendo, Vigan Ilocos Sur. Matilde Ginete, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Bruna Balidag y Loncio, Bulusan, Sorso- gon. Ruperto M de Reyes, Occidental Negros. Escolastica Sembrano, Bulusan, Sorso- gon. HONORABLE MENTION. Paula Aguilar, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Maria Amon, San Narciso, Zambales. Felipe Bongois, Bulusan, Sorsogon. . Maria Camara, Gubat, Sorsogon. Leonardo J. Flores, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Felisa Fortaleza, San Narciso, Zama- bales. Isabel Fulleros, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Francisca, Gironella, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Filotea Guerrero, Lapo, Ilocos Sur. Ladies' Committee, Sorsogon, Sorsogon. Lorenza Rosa, Cabalian, Leyte. Rafael Romero, Manila, P. I. Francisca Resales, San Narciso, Zam- bales. Matilda Ygnote, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. GROUP 58. LACES, EMBROIDERIES AND TRIMMINGS. GOLD MEDAL. Father Jose Algue, Manila, P. I. SILVER MEDAL. Luisa M. Araneta, Maao, Occidental Negros. Cristina Centeno, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. Exposition Committee, Capiz, Panay. P. Felipe Espina, Calibo Lipa, Batangas. Flora Formosa, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Mrs. Hardeman, President Ladies' Com- mittee, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Bernardo Lacson, Talisay, Occidental Negros. Felicitas Ortiz, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Catalina Puentabella, Pilar, Sorsogon. 108 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. BRONZE MEDAL. Asuncion Balading, Palapag, Samar. Antonio Barnabe, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Monica Bungbung, Taguan, Bohol. Casimira Bustamente, San Enrique, Occidental Negros. Felipe Calderon, Manila. Felipa Fajardo, Manila. Enredina Froilan, Calbiga, Samar. Enriqueta Galenzoga, Baybay, Leyte. Sofronia Galenzoga, Baybay, Leyte. Juliana Garcia, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Felipe Giray, Laoang, Samar. Maria Llamas, Pagsanjan, Laguna. Rita Marveas, Cavite. Estela Navarro, Bangued, Abra. Dorotea Paruganan, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila. Cristina Pintado, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Martina Restituto, Ormoc, Leyte. Vicente Socorro, Manila. Pardo de Tavera, Manila. Maria Verano, Palapag, Samar. Juana Vibanan, Palapag, Samar. Ladies' Committee, Binmaley, Pangasi- nan. HONORABLE MENTION. Paula Abaya, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Visitacion Paz Acosta, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Rita Aexrera, Bangued, Abra. Irene Agcaoili, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Jacinto Alcazar, Tarangunan, Samar. Serapia Apeles, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Maria Aquino, Concepcion, Tarlac. Isabelo Artacho, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Juliana Avila, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Ceferina Bacunda, Palapag, Samar. A. Balbina, Laoang, Samar. Fausta Barmoan, San Nicolas, Ilocos Sur. Rosario, Barmoan, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Concepcion Basa, Calapan, Mindoro. Mariano Bello, Santa, Ilocos Sur. Guillerma C'abanos, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Cresenciana Castaineda, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. Francisco Castro, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Melchora Castro, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Pilar Gales, Paric, Samar. Librada Centeno, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Cristina Centeno, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. Bonifacia Cullian, Catbalogan, Samar. Mrs. Prima Dahuit, Paranas, Samar. Nicolasa Ellazor, Hinunangan, Leyte. Lorenza Concepcion de Escano, Cabalian, Leyte. Pilar Esperas, Tacloban, Leyte. Lutgarda Estudillo, Bangued, Abra. Veronica Fabian, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Luisa Ferraren, Bangued, Abra. Carmen Fiel, Culaba, Leyte. Mrs. de Flor, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Asuncion Flordeliz, Leyte. Natividad de Flordeliz, Hilongos, Leyte. Pacita Flordeliz, Hilongos, Leyte. Endeina Froilan, Calbiga, Samar. Tita Frondoso, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Juana Gabinaan, Palapag, Samar. Regina Gabanin, Palapag, Samar. Maximina, Garcin, Matnog, Sorsogon. Salome Genina, Paric, Samar. Maria Gindilla, San Narcisco, Zambales. Eufemia Gironella de Abaya, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Juan Gochangco, Manila. Anita Gomez, Guagua, Pampanga. Basilica Gomez, Jaro, Iloilo. Aniceta Hermando, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Felisa Hernaez, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Julio Hernandez, Iloilo, Agripina Hesido, Paric, Samar. Graciana Ingales, Jagna, Bohol. Maria Jerez, Laoag, Ilucos Norte. Crispina Josep, Inopacan, Leyte. Esperanza Josue, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Fidelisa Kabiling, Carigara, Leyte. Misses Lampitoc, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Ladies' Committee, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Ladies' Committee, Gubat, Sorsogon. Ladies' Committee, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Asuncion Leyte, Hilongos, Leyte. Heresvita Lizardo, Bangued, Abra. Agaton Llamas, Carigara, Leyte. Petra Lubiano, Palapag, Samar. Catalino Madarang, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Estefania Madarang, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Calixta Maga, Laoang, Samar. Misses Martinez, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Fecunda Medina, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Maxima Mirae, Ormoc, Leyte. Justina Oldang, Guiuan, Samar. Pablo D. Ora Rosario, Manila. Clemente Ordabe, Masingao, Ilocos Sur. Escolastica Pacoli, Samar. Pelagic Pacoli, Paranas, Samar. Francisco Ponfenado, Paranas, Samar. Josefa Singson de Quiaoit, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Regis, Bato, Leyte. Estanislao Reyes, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Ruperta M. de Reyes, Occidental Negros. Laurana de Reyes, Naval, Leyte. Consuelo Ribera, Bato, Leyte. Felicissima Riego, Cavite. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 109 Filomena Riego, Cavite. Fausta Rioera, Tacloban, Leyte. Rafael Romero, Manila. Francisca Resales, San Narciso, Zam- bales. Sra. Rubia, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Valentina Ruiz, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Margarita Rubiano, Palapag, Samar . Agripina Sacramento, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Magdalena Salas, Hacienda Prudencia, Maao, Occidental Negros. Maura Salazar, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Primitiva Salvador, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Vicente Salvante, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Encarnacion San Augustin, Calapan, Min- doro. Leona Sembrano, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Fidela Sebastian, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Placida Sizon, Paranas, Samar. Nicomedisa Sibera y Eulogia Snares, Hilongos, Leyte. Magdalena Tejuo, Jaro, Iloilo, Panay. Tarcila Torrijos, Bangued, Abra. Regina Vabina, Palapag, Samar. Lucia Valera, Bangued, Abra. Dolores Valera, Bangued, Abra. Tarbola Valera, Bangued, Abra. Mrs. de Valdez, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Socorro Versosa, Bangued, Abra. Juan Villamil, Dagupan, Pangasinan. Graciana Yugoles, Jagna, Bohol. Epifania Zabala, Paranas, Samar. Fermina Zalazar, Leyte. E. Zobel, Manila. GROUP 59. INDUSTRIES PRODUCING WEARING APPAREL FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. SILVER MEDAL. Guadalupe de Abaya, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Ladies' Committee, Leyte, Leyte. Dolores Ramirez, Tagbiliran, Bohol. Adolfo Richter & Son, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Romualda Camilon, Calbayog, Samar. Leonor Crisologo, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Andrea Dolongabon, Carigara, Leyte. Pio Drosa, Taal, Batangas. Aniceta Espina, Pambuyan, Samar. Asuncion Flordeliz, Hilongos, Leyte. Gilda Geronella, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Melchora Geronella, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Geronima de Gyna, Catarman, Samar. Paz Infante, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Felix Llorente, Tarlac, Tarlac. Angela Mijares, Daraga, Albay. Matilde Montinolo, Iloilo, Panay. Alejandro Ruiz y Ocampo, Argao, C'ebu. Claudia Valera, Bangued, Abra. Victoria Yandiongco, Daan-Bantayan, Cebu. HONORABLE MENTION. Socorro Pilar Acuna, Capiz, Panay. Feliguna Albano, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Juan Bautista, Silay, Occidental Negros. Luis Bayguen, Bangued, Abra. Eufrosina Benamo, Pilar, Abra. Felipe Bungabong, Jagna, Bohol. Segundina T. Federico, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Pilar Florcento, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Lope Garliago, Soledad, Occidental Negros. Quintina Gonzales, Naval, Leyte. Vicente Lagrimas, Laoang, Samar. Agaton Lagrimas, Carigara, Leyte. Fausto Lascano, Castilla, Sorsogon. Rita Lecaros, Boac, Mindoro. Felicidad Locsin, Silay, Occidental Negros. Rosalia Lorensana, Cervantes, Lepanto- Bontoc. Flora Martinez, Bangued, Abra. Isidra Paredes, Bangued, Abra. Josefa Paredes, Bangued, Abra. Domingo Pioquinto, Nueva Caceres, Am- bos Camarines. Ildefonsa Ramirez, Tagbilaran, Bohol. Catalina Relente, Inopacan, Leyte. Maria Rido, Calbayog, Samar. Doroteo Rodriguez & Sons, Calamianes, Paragua. Nicolasa P. Souja, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Luis Tomas, Daraga, Albay. Juana Torrijos, Bangued, Abra. Alejandro Valera, Bangued, Abra. Matilda Valera, Bangued, Abra. Olimpia Valera, Bangued, Abra. Francisco Villanueva, Molo, Iloilo, Panay. 110 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. GROUP 60. LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES, FURS AND SKINS, FUR CLOTHING. SILVER MEDAL. Benito Legarda, San Sebastian, 210, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Juan Coronel, San Fernando, Ambos Camarines. Amalia Custodia, Manila. Eustaquia Eduarda, Manila. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Mrs. Amor, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Jose Bello, Santa, Ilocos Sur. Rufo Cerante, Leyte. Segundo Cinco, Cebu. Eligio de la Cruz, Angeles, Pampanga. Raymunda Eduarda, Manila. H. B. Fernald, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Miss Julian Garcia, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Charles L. Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Vicente Jocson, Bacolod, Occidental Ne- gros. Zozimo Maga, Catbalogan, Samar. Filemon Navarro, Bangued, Abra. Sebastian Navarro, Bangued, Abra. Bartolome Nebat, Claveria, Cagayan. Graciana Orquisa, Manila. D. Pangau, Halong, Pampanga. Alberta Perea, Manila. Eugenia Plaza, Pasig, Rizal. Catalino Ponce, Apalit, Pampanga. Mariano Raymundo, Morong, Rizal. Alberta de los Reyes, Manila. Epifania Sacramento, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Maria de Santa, San Fernando, Pam- panga. "El Adelanto del Siglo," Manila. National Slipper Store, Manila. The Sport, Manila. Dr. Lionel Street, Cervantes, Lepanto- Bontoc. Ciriaco Tuscano, Dolores, Abra. Juan Villamor, Bangued, Abra. GROUP 61. VARIOUS INDUSTRIES CONNECTED WITH CLOTHING. GOLD MEDAL. Commercial Museum, Manila. Pedro Ferrer, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Benito Legarda, Manila. Mercantile Committee, Lucban, Tayabas. SILVER MEDAL. Baer Senior & Co., Successors, Manila. Felipa Bello, Bangued, Abra. P. E. Burns, Abulug, Cagayan. Jose Figuera, Juban ,Sorsogon. Ciriaco Gaudinez, Manila. Carlos Gsell, Manila. Alvarez Guerra Collection, Manila.* The Manila Fashion, Manila. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. Juan Seiboth, Manila. Eber C. Smith, Manila. The Sport Escolta, Manila. Ysidro Sanchez, Manila. Juan Villamor, Banguecr, Abra. BRONZE MEDAL. Socorro and Pilar Acuna, Capiz, Panay. M. Agcara, Balanga, Bataan. Genoveva Angeles, Cavite, Luzon. Fausta Bajarias, Dalaguete, Cebu. Elias Bersamin, Bangued, Abra. Bilibid Prison, Manila, P. I. Lorenzo Gran Cairo, Pambujan, Samar. Benigna Clarin, Dauis, Bohol. Esteban Cruz, Pasiz, Rizal. Ruiz Diaz & Co., Manila. Lutgarda Estudillo, Bangued, Abra. Luisa Feraren, Bangued, Abra. Felipa Florentina, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Major Edward F. Glenn, Platsburg, N. Y. Juan Gochangco, Dulumbayan, Manila. Rafael Jocson, Himamaylan, Occidental Negros. W. J. Kibby, Richfield Springs, N. Y. Juanita Lasala, Dalaguete, Cebu. Tomas Lasan, Solana, Cagayan. Ladies' Committee, Binmaley, Panga- sinan. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. Ill Andrea Lopez, Calape, Bohol. Simeona Manog, Basey, Samar. Bibiana Mora, Palo, Leyte. Vicente Olmos, Batangas. Marcelina Pablo, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Espiritu Paraiso, Bangued, Abra. Mariano Riosa, Tabaco, Albay. Rosalia Liap de Rivera, Hilongos, Leyte. Dr. L. A. B. Street, Manila. Maxima Tarcela, Tacloban, Leyte. Carmen Torrijos, Bangued, Abra. Dionisia Tuason, Malasiqui, Pangasinan. Ladies' Committee, Casiguran, Sorso- gon. Ladies' Committee, Cebu, Cebu. HONORABLE MENTION. Severo Abeto, Binalbagan, Occidental Negros. J. Abiera, Antique, Panay. Severo Acosta, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Rufino Afungol, Paete, Laguna. Segundo Aguilar, Candaba, Pampanga. Paula Alarcon, Cavite. Vicente Alfuerto, Tayabas. V. Alvarez, Zamboanga, Mindanao. Regino Andoy, Calape, Bohol. Juan de los Angeles, Angat, Bulacan. Gonzalo Angeles, Angat, Bulacan. Carmen Armanday, Janiuay, Iloilo. Carmen Arroyo, Candaba, Pampanga. Tranquilino Arroyo, Candaba Pampanga. Paco Arumfante, Cagayan, Luzon. Petra Astorga, Barugo, Leyte. Roque Baguen, Bangued, Abra. Patricio Bajay, Leyte, Leyte. Jose Baisaz, Paete, Laguna. Lorenzo Ballera, Bucay, Abra. Luciano Bandarail, Bangued, Abra. Chas. S. Banks, Liijaioy, Occidental Negros. Jacinta de Barbudo, Bacon, Sorsogon. Maria Batactoy, Dalaguete, Cebu. Mrs. Bautista, Pambujan, Samar. Pablo Bermales, Bucay, Abra. Pedro Bersamira, Bangued, Abra. Gilas Bersamin, Bangued, Abra. Dionisia Bomediano, Calape, Bohol. Candelario Borja, Tagbilaran, Bohol. Juanita Buenconsejo, Dalaguete, Cebu. Victor Carbides, Mercedes, Samar. Victor Cabides, Mercedes, Samar. Gabino Cabrera, Apalit, Pampanga. C. Everett Connant, Barili, Cebu. Marcela Conui, Ormoc, Leyte. Jose Cornico, Catarman, Samar. Jorge de la Cruz, Catarman, Samar. Rafael de la Cruz, Guiuan, Samar. Rufino Custono, Catarman, Samar. Procopio Dacudag, Dingle, Iloilo. Dolores Danisay, Malolos, Bulacan. Marcela Diaz, Leyte, Leyte. Justo Diaz, Cavite. I. Dormes, Sampaloc, Tayabas. Isabela Duenas, Leyte, Leyte. Simeona Dumbrique, Batac, Ilocos Nor- te. Gabina Dumbrique, Batac, Ilocos Nor- te. Augustin Elpa, San Gregorio, Abra. Dinas Empleo, Bacon, Sorsogon. Paula Alarcon de Ermitano, Silang, Ca- vite. Eladia and Francisco Lucero, Argao, Cebu. Angela Flordeliz, Hilongos, Leyte. Eutropia Flordeliz, Hilongos, Leyte. Francisco Floroal, Bangued, Abra. Ceferino Fontebuena, Tabuan, Iloilo. Lorenza Foresta, San Domingo, Ilocos Sur. Petra Frani, Carigara, Leyte. Tita Frondosa, Ilocos Sur Higino Fulgueras, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Leocadio Cabilaquin, Soledad, Occidental Negros. Regino Garcia, Manila. Julita Monton de Gatsulao, Himamay- lan, Occidental Negros. Manuel Gil, Virac, Tayabas. Felipa Giray, Laoang, Samar. Sixto Gonzales, Inopacan, Leyte. Gracio Gonzaga, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Guillermo Guzman, Bangued, Abra. C. L. Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Adriano Hernandez, Silay, Occidental Negros. A. Ilagan, San Carlos, Occidental Ne- gros. Arcadio Imperial, San Emilio, Lepanto- Bontoc. Roberta R. de Infante, Valladolid, Occi- dental Negros. R. E. Janes, Cebu, Cebu. 3artolome Japson, Catbalogan, Samar. Ladies' Committee, Santa Rita, Pampan- ga. Leoncia Lecaros, Maasin, Leyte. Miss Leon, Naval, Leyte. .Juana de Leon, Cavite. Flora Leones, Tayum, Abra. Eleuteria Lleses, Cavite, Cavite. Domingo Locsin, Silay, Occidental Ne- gros. Severino Lucero, Taranguman, Samar. Fulgencio Lucero, Argao, Cebu. Mercedes Lucero, Argao, Cebu. Victoria Madamba, Dingras, Ilocos Nor- te. Leonardo Madrilejos, Badajoz, Romblon. Nicolas M.aningan, Hinunangan, Leyte. Zosimo Mapa, Catbalogan, Samar. Marcelo Margallon, Cabatman, Iloilo. 112 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Paz Masne, Pasig, Rizal. Julia Matias, Pilar, Sorsogon. Pacita Matonda, Maasin, Leyte. Maria Menendez, San Fernando, Pam- panga. Gov. Edward Miller, Cuyo, Paragua. Gov. Monreal, Sorsogon, Sorsogon. Eugenio Montante, Bangued, Abra. Estella Navarro, Bangued, Abra. Juanita Neyra, Babatingan, Leyte. Captain Offley, Calapan, Mindoro. Victor H. Olmstead, Manila. Gov. Pack, Baguio, Benguet. Rafael Pacson, Pototan, Iloilo. Andres Paglumutan, Hog, Occidental Ne- gros. Anacleto Paguio, Pilar, Bataan. Ceferino Palabrinca, Pototan, Iloilo. Hugo Palo, San Enrique, Iloilo, Panay. Severo Parinas, Pidigan, Abra. Sebastian Pernia, Calape, Bohol. Antonio Prudente, San Enrique, Iloilo, Panay. Teogenes Quiaoit, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Dolores Quiaoit, Crisostomo, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Esteban Quinto, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Benito Resurreccion, Iloilo, Panay. Francisco J. Reyes, Occidental Negros. Baltazara Reynoso, Cavite. Honorata Ricafort, Oquendo, Samar. Elisidora Rivera y Regis, Bato, Leyte. C. Rocamora, Barili, Cebu. Mateo Roldan, Malolos, Bulacan. Santiago Roque, Sorsogon. Maria de la Rosa, Calbayog, Samar. Buenaventura Resales, Calabayog, Sa- mar. Rueda Bros., Zamboanga, Mindanao. Maria de Santa, San Fernando, Pam- panga. Baldomero Santiago, Capas, Tarlac. Tomas Sarmiento, Barcelona, Sorso- gon. Luciano Severino, Silay, Occidental Ne- ' gros. Clotilde Sumel, San Nicolas, Ilocos Nor- te. Trinidad P. de Tavera, Manila. Narciso Torres, Bucay, Abra. Geo. Taylor, Balan, Tayabas. Magdalena Tejico, Jaro, Iloilo, Panay. Conchita Trullens, Bangued, Abra. Bernardino Valdez, Batac, Ilocos Nor- te. Pedro Valenzuela, Naic, Cavite. Consuelo Valera, Bangued, Abra. Alexandra Valera, Bangued, Abra. Faustino Velasco, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. Sedacia Venito, Quinapundan, Samar. Pedro Veral y Vito, Romblon. Francisco Vigente, Lopez, Tayabas. Josefina Villamor, Bangued, Abra. Remegia Villamor, Bangued, Abra. Flordelis Villaflor, Uindang, Leyte. A. D. White, Fort Wm. McKinley, Ma- nila. Aniceto Yamson, Santo Nino, Samar. Francisco Yosal, Calape, Bohol. Juan Zamora, Silay, Occidental Negros. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 113 Department E. Machinery. GROUP 65. MACHINE TOOLS. GOLD MEDAL. HONORABLE MENTION. Salome Padua, Lucban, Tayabas. Francisco Ambrosio, Cavite. Juan Cunel, Lilio, Laguna. GTT \TW A/nrrAT Casiano Diaz. Cavite. Antonio Munoz, Catbalogan, Samar. Tomas Avancena, Corregidor, Manila. Feliciano Samutan, Malolos, Bulacan. Bilibid Prison, Manila. Guillermo Santiago, Angat, Bulacan. Benito Soriano, Tarlac. BRONZE MEDAL. Justo Dias, Cavite. 114 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Department G- -Transportation COLLECTIVE EXHIBIT. GOLD MEDAL. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Bureau of Agriculture, Manila. GROUP 72. CARRIAGES AND WHEELWRIGHTS' WORK. SILVER MEDAL. Rufino Afungol, Paete, Laguna. Timoteo Dado, Paete, Laguna. Calixto Pellaban, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Provincial Committee, Occidental Ne- gros. BRONZE MEDAL. Raymundo Guay, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Municipal Committee, Ilagan, Isabela. Municipal Committee, Maragondon, Ca- vite. Municipal Committee, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. Rafael Nepis, Louisiana Estate, Occi- dental Negros. Provincial Committee, Nueva Ecija. Sr. Pulnido, Sta. Maria, Cagayan. HONORABLE MENTION. Severe Alejano, Occidental Negros. Cirilo Balaos, Casanayan, Capiz. Eusebio Barona, Bangued, Abra. Narciso Dison, Orani, Bataan. Ignacio and J. A. Gicana, Catarman, Sa- mar. Nicolas Lagradilla, Hacienda Prudencia, Occidental Negros. Fulgencio Matias, Santa Ana, Pampanga. Municipal Committee, Malalipot, Albay. Eduardo Samson, Santa Ana, Pampanga. Florentine Tambo, Iloilo, Panay. Calixto Tellaban, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Guillermo P. Timboc, Apalit, Pampanga. Liberate Tupino, Penablanca, Cagayan. Basilica Vela, Calapan, Mindoro. Daniel and Palacio Villanueva, Bago, Occidental Negros. GROUP 73. SADDLERY AND HARNESS. GRAND PRIZE. "The Sport," Manila. GOLD MEDAL. Municipal Committee, Mariquina, Rizal. SILVER MEDAL. Domingo Espigol, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Pascual Palatto, Penablanca, Cagayan. BRONZE MEDAL. Bilibid Prison, Manila. Hipolito Elvena, Tatum, Abra. Municipal Committee, Dalaguete, Cebu. Municipal Committee, Iloilo, Panay. Municipal Committee, Tabaco, Albay. Provincial Committee, Batangas, Lu- zon. HONORABLE MENTION. Pedro Bersamino, Bangued, Abra. Hipolito Elvena, Tayum, Abra. H. B. Fernald, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Lope Garnica, Manila. Tiburcio Lizardo, Bangued, Abra. A. Moro, Dinas, Mindanao. Esteban Quinto, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Pio Robila, Bangued, Abra. Francisco Tongoy, Murcia, Occidental Negros. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 115 GROUP 75. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT USED IN THE MERCANTILE MARINE. GRAND PRIZE. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. Juan Rodriguez, Manila. GOLD MEDAL. Bureau of Coast Guard and Transporta- tion, Manila. S. C. Farnham, Boyd & Co., Ltd., Shang- hai, China. Manila Ship Co., Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Bureau of Forestry, Manila. Compania Maritima, Manila. Leonardo Osorio, Cavite. BRONZE MEDAL. Leon Legaspi, Hacienda La Luisiana. Occidental Negros. Governor Monreal, Yrosin, Sorsogon. HONORABLE MENTION. Alfred Arnold, Apalit, Pampanga. Jose Arrioa y Dionisio Batonis, Catar- man, Samar. Domingo Bono, Masbate, Masbate. Esteban Butson, Sorsogon. Basilic Corson, Lampana, Leyte. Jose Crisostomo, Iba, Zambales. Agapito Cuberto, Leyte. Ciriaco Dael, Tanjay, Oriental Negros. Narciso Dizon, Orani, Bataan. Jose Fernandez, Manila. Leon Fernandez, Buenavista, Iloilo. Marciano Galdana, Samal, Bataan. Nepomuceno Gallego, Masbate. Macelino Gaylan, Buenavista, Iloilo. Lorenzo de Gran Cairo, Pambujan, Sa- mar. Simeon Harris, Manila. Aurelio Isaac, Occidental Negros. Santilio Martinez, Pambujan, Samar. Jose Medina, Masbate. Gov. Edward Y. Miller, Paragua. Manuel Obsequio, Calbiga, Samar. Policarpo Omero, Occidental Negros. Antonio Panyon, Hog, Occidental Ne- gros. Ceridinio Paraiso, Nakalang, Maao, Oc- cidental Negros. Juan Paredes, Abra. Simeon Perez, Capiz. Juan Ramirez, Aparri, Cagayan. Augustin Sembrando, Paric, Samar. Valentin Semilla, Mariveles, Bataan. Manuel Soriano, Pontevedra, Capiz. Dr. Lionel A. B. Street, Cervantes, Le- panto. Valentin Tello Tandag, Surigao, Minda- nao. Ruperto de Venturanza, Lemery, tangas. Ea- 116 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Department H Agriculture. GENERAL COLLECTIVE EXHIBIT. GRAND PRIZE. Bureau of Agriculture, Manila. GROUP 78. FARM EQUIPMENT METHODS OF IMPROVING LANDS. SILVER MEDAL. X Mariano Trias, Cavite, Luzon. GROUP 79. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND FARM MA- CHINERY. GOLD MEDAL. Juan Rodriguez, San Nicolas Dry Dock Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Municipal Committee, Bocane, Bulacan. Rafael Nepis, Louisiana Estate, 'Occi- dental Negros. BRONZE MEDAL. Municipal Committee, Cuyo, Paragua. Municipal Committee, Iloilo, Panay. Provincial Committee, Bacolor, Pam- panga. Provincial Committee, Pasig, Rizal. ^Mariano Trias, Cavite, Luzon. HONORABLE MENTION. Lucas Acelajado, Siniloan, Laguna. Mariano Alvarez, Noveleta, Cavite. Bruno Andrade, Oquendo, Samar. Jose Arriola, Catarman, Samar. Juan Baile, Sorsogon. Bonifacio Balbaloza, Siniloan, Laguna. Mauro Baligod, Malaneg, Cagayan. Bonifacio Baraoain, Bulacan. Eusebia Barona, Bangued, Abra. Arcadio Bautista, Oriental Negros. Hugo Buenvenida, Pilar, Capiz, Panay. P. E. Burns, Abulug, Cagayan. Feliciano Cagunoa, Pangasinan. Eugenio Canlas, Santo Tomas, Pampan- Francisco Crisostomo, Batac, Ilocos Nor- te. Dolores Damsay, Malolos, Bulacan. Tito Danao, San Enrique, Occidental Ne- gros. Santos Delfin, Abucay, Bataan. Narciso Dizon, Orani, Bataan. Miguel Dollentas, Sorsogon. Lucio Flores, Angat, Bulacan. Baltazar Gallo, Buenavista, Iloilo, Pa- nay. Jacinto Gauciem, Candaba, Pampanga. Alipio Gernalin, Binalbagan, Occidental Negros. Mr. Guerrero, Mexico, Pampanga. Benito Gundan, Malaneg, Cagayan. V. M. Hansen, Bohol. Simeon Harris, Manila. Garcia Hernandez, Bohol. Pedro de Jesus, Mexico, Pampanga. J. E. Kirtland, Penaranda, Nueva Ecija. Pedro Lagne, Apalit, Pampanga. Remigio Limciaco, Himamaylan, Occi- dental Negros. Pascual Lugui, Apalit, Pampanga. Felipe Mangapit, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Hilarion Manapol, Pampanga. Espiridion Maristela, Masbate. Martin Mercurio, Occidental Negros. Cornello Minoza, Argao, Cebu. Basilio Pabutaran, Occidental Negros. Ignacio Y. J. Pagdato, Pinaldo, Occiden- tal Negros. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila. Catalina Pulido, Santa Maria, Cagayan. Feliz Puno, Tarlac, Tarlac. Lucila Reyes, Lipa, Batangas. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 117 Tomas C. Reyes, Candaba, Pampanga. Santiago T. Reyes, Sarvia, Occidental Negros. Jose Rivera, Louisiana Estate, Maao Oc- cidental Negros. Gregorio Rodriguez, Molo, Iloilo, Panay. J. Romero, Torrijos, Tayabas. Marcos Rosera, Masbate. Manuel Soriano, Pontevedra, Capiz, Pan- ay. Carson Taylor, St. Louis, Mo. Antonio Tonacao, Leyte, Leyte. Abraham Torrecarion, Maao, Occidental Negros. Emeterio Valera, Bangued, Abra. Fermin Vedera, Lopez, Tayabas. Daniel Villanueva, Bago, Occidental Ne- gros. GROUP 80. FERTILIZERS. HONORABLE MENTION. Ramon Meri Abejuela, Cagayan, Misa- mis. Lino Adance, Valencia, Bohol. Benito Legarda, Manila, Luzon. GROUP 81. TOBACCO. GRAND PRIZE. "Germinal," Manila. La Insular, Manila. Manuel Nieto, Isabela. GOLD MEDAL. Compania General de Tabacos de Filipi- ans.San Antonio, Cagayan. La Paz y Buen Viaje, Manila. La Yebana, Manila. Municipal Committee, Naguilian, Isabela. Prov. Committee, Cagayan. Prov. Committee, Isabela de Luzon. SILVER MEDAL. Hermogenes Arrizabal, Salana, Cagayan. Hermogenes Dattung, Salana, Cagayan. La Alhambra, Manila. Honorio Lasan, Penablanca, Cagayan. Mercantile Society, Batac, \Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Municipal Committee, Cottabato, Min- danao. Municipal Committee, Davao, Mindanao. Municipal Committee, Mondragon, Samar. Municipal Committee, Piat, Cagayan. Municipal Committee, San Juan, Union. Municipal Committee, Taboyan, Cebu. Wenseslao McChan Genco, Lumaba, Ilo- cos Sur. McChan Genco, Wenceslao, Manila. Luis Pernilla, Passi, Iloiio, Panay. Phil. Expo. Board, Manila. Phil. Tobacco Trust Co., Manila. Prov. Committee, Cebu. Santiago Rensandero, Baggao, Cagayan. Jose R. Rivera, Cordoba, Cagayan. Alejandro Ruiz y Ocampo, Argao, Cebu. Francisco Saez, Manila. Sprungli & Co., Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Eduardo F. Albal, Ilocos Norte. Rosalio Eduarte, Dolores, Abra. Raymundo Guay, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Augustin Ilagan, San Carlos, Occidental Negros. Cristobal Isidore, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. La Industrial, Manila. La Libertad, Manila. La Lucrecia, Manila. La Oceania Tobacco Co., Manila. La Puerta del Sol, Manila. La Union Ilocana, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Municipal Committee, Balincaguin, Zam- bales. Municipal Committee, Dumanbag, Cebu. Municipal Committee, Passi, Iloilo, Panay. Basilia Nocum, Manila. Prov. Committee, Ilocos Sur. Jose Simpson, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Juan Villamor, Bangued, Abra. Yap Tesicug, Manila. Yong Heng, Manila. 118 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. HONORABLE MENTION. Consolacion Araneta, Bago, Occidental Negros. Antonio Brillante, San Emilio, Lepanto- Bontoc. Francisco Buto, Iguig, Cagayan, Luzon. P. P. Teodorico Cobarrubias, Manila. Teodoro Cristobal, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. El Lucero, Manila. Augustin Javier, Cadiz, Occidental Ne- gros. La Batalla, Manila. La Bulaquena, Manila. La Rizal, Manila. La Tagala, Manila. Crispina Leonor, Inocapan, Leyte. Fausto Lim, Santa Cruz, Manila. Lourdes Cigar Factory, Manila. Juan Mercado, Naga, Cebu. Serapio Montague, Manila. Raymunda Paciente, San Enrique, Iloilo. Benigno Padilla, Sual, Pangasinan. Rafael Pagtehilan, San Emilio, Lepanto Bontoc. Mado Panis, Murcia, Occidental Negros. Rice Cigar and Cigarette Factory, Man- ila. Juan Socano, Poro, Cebu. Yo Suco, Manila. Juan Tanedo, Poro, Cebu. Cecilio Tanedo, Tarlac. E. Tupas, Occidental Negros. Vicente Velez, Manila. Cirila Villaflor, Hindang, Leyte. Lagarda Villarama, Angat, Bulacan. Sotero Viray, Tarlac. COLLABORATORS. GOLD MEDAL. Ariston Bautista y Lim, Manila. Justo Guido, Manila. Maun> Prieto y Gorricho, Manila. Joaquin Sta. Marina, Manila. GROUP 82. APPLIANCES AND METHODS USED IN AGRICUL- TURAL INDUSTRIES. HONORABLE MENTION. Bias Baloran, Malaneg, Cagayan. Carlos Corrales, Manibajos, Misamis. Rafael Enero, Pambujan, Samar. Aniceto Garilao, Ginigaran, Occidental Negros. Bibiano Gelosa, Ginigaran, Occidental Negros. Percy A. Hill, Calbiga, Samar. Juan Lazay, Castilla, Sorsogon. Vicente Lozano, Manila. Florencio Magdaraog, Albay. Fulgencio Matias, Santa Ana, Pampanga. Lucio Meijos, Pambujan, Samar. Antonio Munoz, Catbalogan, Bohol. Guillermo P. Tambal, Apalit, Pampanga. Guillermo Tirona, Imus, Cavite. GROUP 84. VEGETABLE FOOD PRODUCTS AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. COLLECTIVE EXHIBIT OF SEEDS. SILVER MEDAL. Pedro Valera, Bangued, Abra. CLEAN RICE. GOLD MEDAL. Juan Araneta, Maao, Occidental Negros. Francisco Gonzalez, Pangasinan. SILVER MEDAL. Luciano Almeida, San Fernando, Union. Hermogenes Arizabal, Solano, Cagayan. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 119 Francisco Banzon, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Pantaleon Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. F. Cavite, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Municipal Committee, Anao, Tarlac. Municipal Committee, Banban, Tarlac. Municipal Committee, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Casiguran, Sorso- gon. Municipal Committee, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Dolores, Abra. Municipal Committee, Laoag, Ilocos Nor- te. Municipal Committee, Moncada, Tarlac. Municipal Committee, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Polo, Bulacan. Municipal Committee, San Isidro, Zam- bales. Municipal Committee, San Miguel de Camiling, Tarlac. Municipal Committee, Tayug, Pangasi- nan. Ignacio Naval, Balanga, Bataan. Augustin Pagima, Balanga, Bataan. Felipe Pazis, Claveria, C'agayan. Provincial Committee, Abra. Provincial Committee, Ilocos Norte. Provincial Committee, Occidental Negros. Governor E. Santos, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. Smith, Bell & Co., Manila. Macaria Tanedo, Tarlac. Mariano Torralva, Badoc, Ilocos Norte. Jose Villanueva, Calasiao, Pangasinan. BRONZE MEDAL. Martin Arzadon, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Tomas Ladera, Badoc, Ilocos Norte. Ramon Mortera, Manila. Jose Magallanes, Badoc, Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Capas, Tarlac. Municipal Committee, Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte. Machete Pagima, Pilar, Bataan. Alejandro Rosario, Bangued, Abra. Maximino Rosario, Bangued, Abra. Maximino Rubio, Badoc, Ilocos Norte. HONORABLE MENTION. Pablo Ardly, San Juan, Batangas. Meliton Argosino, Lopez, Tabayas. Maxima Boholst, Merida, Leyte. Camilo Butardo, Paoay, Ilocos Norte. Luis Cobrilla, Merida, Leyte. Vicente Corpus, Calape, Bohol. Joaquin Delgado, Occidental Negros. Manuel Diamante, San Mateo, Rizal. G. Din, Bacon, Sorsogon. Gregoria Espinosa, Capas, Tarlac. Rufina Estremos, Merida, Leyte. Enrique Garcia, Guiguinto, Bulacan. Gabriel Garcia, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Lorenzo Gerfaldeo, Juban, Sorsogon. Domingo Gili, Matnog, Sorsogon. Andres Ginate, Valladolid, Occidental Ne- gros. Juan Habelito, Casiguran-, Sorsogon. Tomas Ladera, Badoc, Ilocos Norte. Cosme Lingayan, Cordoba, Cagayan. Luis Luna, San Jose, Batangas. Juan Manese, Arayat, Pampanga. ! Juan Mateo, Santa Cruz, Laguna. Angelina Oleoa, Himamaylan, Occidental Negros. Simeon Perez, Calibo, Capiz. Vidal Perez, Pototan, Iloilo, Panay. Eugenio Permejo, Torrijos, Marinduque. Crisanto Rosell, Daan, Batangas. Dionisio'Roy, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Mariano Serrano, Bacon, Sorsogon. Santiago Sambajon, San Pascual, Burias Islands, Masbate. Justo Tanedo, Victoria, Tarlac. Juan Torres, Capas, Tarlac. Augustin Yatung, Solana, Cagayan. RICE IN GOLD MEDAL. Luciano Almeida, San Fernando, Union. E. Alvarez, Capiz, Capiz. Juan A. Araneta, Maao, Occidental Ne- gros. Pedro Ardenas, Capiz. Maria Calunag, Malolos, Bulacan. Gregorio Escuadra, Baybay, Leyte. Governor C. Joven, Bacolor, Pampanga. Basilio Lim, Antipolo, Rizal. Municipal Committee, Lipa, Batangas. Captain Offley, U. S. A., Calapan, Min- doro. Provincial Committee, Tarlac. R. Simcaco, Himamaylan, Occidental Ne- gros. SILVER MEDAL. Francisco Abelarde, Cadiz, Occidental Ne- gros. 120 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Atanasio Abquilan, Himamaylan, Occi- dental Negros. P. Arcenas, Capiz, Capiz. Pedro Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Cirilo Briones, Torrijos, Tayabas. Candido Cordero, Pototan, Iloilo. Justo Cuagcong, Saravia, Occidental Ne- gros. Serapion Dones, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Sancho Eguia, Dao, Antique. Santiago Facultad, Pototan, Iloilo. J. Habelit, Casiguran, Sorsogon. V. Holasca, Barugo, Leyte. D. Huertas, San Pascual, Burias, Mas- bate. Carlos Infante, Valladolid, Occidental Ne- gros. Peregrin Iboa, Catbalogan, Samar. Eladio Hate, Casiguran, Sorsogon. P. Ledesma, Pototan, Iloilo. Silvestre Malong, Binalonan, Pangasinan. Governor Monreal, Irocin, Sorsogon. Municipal Committee, Jovellar, Albay. Municipal Committee, Tuy, Batangas. Municipal Committee, Cuyo, Paragua. Municipal Committee, Piat, Cagayan. Mariano Padilla, Penaranda, Nueva Ecija. Ceferino Palabrica, Pototan, Iloilo. Julio Peregrin, Torrijos, Tayabas. Provincial Committee, Pampanga. Agripino de la Rama, Bacolod, Occidental Negros. Alejandro Ruiz, Argao, Cebu.' Laureano Santiago, Bugason, Antique. Juan Zamora, Silay, Occidental Negros. BRONZE MEDAL. Alipio y Kalina, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Miguel P. Araneta, Pototan, Iloilo. Juan Aras, Bacon, Sorsogon. Juan H. Aviles, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Francisco Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Silvino Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Roque Bayguen, Bangued, Abra. Ramon Bayle, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. A. Diaz, Bacon, Sorsogon. Juan Dino, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Pedro Duca, Bacon, Sorsogon. Pedro Espano, Dinalupijan, Bataan. M. Godoy, San Pascual, Burias Islands, Masbate. S. Granada, Talisay, Occidental Negros. Cirilo Gredona, Juban, Sorsogon. Antonio Groyon, Juban, Sorsogon. Celidonio Guarin, Juban, Sorsogon. Juan Guifaldon, Juban, Sorsogon. Atanasio Laeza, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Domiciano Layoc, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Florencina Magdoroag, Albay, Albay. M. Mercano, San Jose, Batangas. Alejandro Montelibano, Silay, Occidental Negros. Municipal Committee, Buhi, Ambos Cam- arines. Municipal Committee, Cebu, Cebu. Municipal Committee, Irocin, Sorsogon. Municipal Committee, Lemery, Batangas. Municipal Committee, Pitogo, Tayabas. Anacleto Pagima, Pilar, Bataan. Leoncia Purugganan, Bangued, Abra. Domingo Locsin Rama, Silay, Occidental Negros. Baldomero de la Rama, Bacolod, Occiden- tal Negros. R. Salas, Maao, Occidental Negros. Valentin Tello, Tandag, Surigao, Min- danao. G. Tumanan, Calasiao, Pangasinan. L. Villadelgado, Libalon, Antique. Santiago Zamboyon, San Pascual, Burias Islands, Masbate. HONORABLE MENTION. Isidro Agapon, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Juan M. Agcaoili, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. Vicente Aglim, Capas, Tarlac. Rupefto Aguila, San Jose, Batangas. Agripino Atienza, Capas, Tarlac. Marcelo Ayo, Bacon, Sorsogon. Ignacio Baja, Capas, Tarlac. Flaviano Beltran, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Isidore Biag, Capas, Tarlac. Felipe Bustos, San Miguel, Pampanga. Jose Crisanto, Capas, Tarlac. Justo Cuarcong, Silay, Occidental Negros. Ceferino Delute, Himmangan, Leyte. Pedro Descalso, Capas, Tarlac. Gervasio Destura, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Cipriano Diticio, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Arcadio Domanais, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Romualdo Dominguez, Capas, Tarlac. Maria Ebnega, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Manuel Garcia, Binalonan, Pangasinan. Manuel Gomora,- Torrijos, Marinduque. Gregoria Grajo, Juban, Sorsogon. Severino Habitan, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Luis Jesalva, Castillo, Sorsogon. Atanasio Laoza, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Froylan Lapus, Capas, Tarlac. Doroteo Liborios, Hinunangan, Leyte. Melchor Librantino, Juban, Sorsogon. C. Lubiaga, Bonate, Iloilo. Salvador Martin, Antipole, Rizal. Quintin Marz, Castilla, Sorsogon. Manuel Palmares, Bonate, Iloilo. Pedro Peralta, Torrijos, Tayabas. Eleno Porras, Pototan, Iloilo. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 121 Domingo Pioquinto, Nueva Caceres, Am- bos Camarines. Pablo Puig, Pototan, Iloilo. Andres Suangco, Pototan, Iloilo. Fernando Suasil, Calape, Bohol. Valentin Sumulung, Antipole, Rizal. Escola'stica Teves, Tanjay, Oriental Ne- gros. Gabriel Villalobos, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. CORN. SILVER MEDAL. E. Amero, Arayat, Pampanga. Juan A. Araneta, Maao, Occidental Ne- gros. Municipal Committee, Piat, C'agayan. Roman Novella, Silay, Occidental Negros. Provincial Committee, Cagayan de Lu- zon. Provincial Committee, Nueva Viscaya. Juan N. Pasaporte, Pototan, Iloilo. Alejandro Ruiz, Argao, Cebu. BRONZE MEDAL. Pablo Astronomo, Calape, Bohol. Cecilia Aurelio, Silay, Occidental Negros. Hilarion Dominguez, Masbate, Masbate. Antonio Groyon, Juban, Sorsogon. Pedro Manalo, Pasig, Rizal. Leon Manilagod, Cordoba, Cagayan. Municipal Committee, Alimodian, Iloilo. Municipal Committee, Anao, Tarlac. Municipal Committee, Bacolod, Occiden- tal Negros. Municipal Committee, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Ilagan, Isabela. Municipal Committee, Lazi, Oriental Ne- gros. Municipal Committee, Santo Nino, Caga- yan de Luzon. Municipal Committee, Tuao, Cagayan. Provincial Committee, Ilocos Norte. Fabian Suga, Arayat, Pampanga. HONORABLE MENTION. Eulogio Adona, Arayat, Pampanga. Lucas Apita, Juban, Sorsogon. Severino Basarino, Arayat, Pampanga. Demetria Boholst, Merida, Leyte. Reiriigio Cananan, Arayat, Pampanga. Antonio Cayetano, Arayat, Pampanga. Zenona Cruz, Pasig, Rizal. Pedro Domasig, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Anacleto Flores, Arayat, Pampanga. Serafin Gatuslao, Guimamaylan, Occiden- tal Negros. Alejandro Guardian, Juban, Sorsogon. Potenciana Guardian, Juban, Sorsogon. Teodoro Guarin, Arayat, Pampanga. Evaristo Guerrero, Juban, Sorsogon. Tomas Guevara, Juban, Sorsogon. Gregorio de Ibanas, Cadiz Nuevo, Occi- dental Negros. Damasa de Icarte, Juban, Sorsogon. Silvino Isidro, Arayat, Pampanga. Mariano Lapus, Arayat, Pampanga. Manuel Lasarte, Castillo, Sorsogon. Victoriano Lasgala, Castillo, Sorsogon. Hilarion Lasona, Castillo, Sorsogon. Bastilio Lazar, Castillo, Sorsogon. Francisco Lupan, Arayat, Pampanga. Juan Manlapig, Capas, Tarlac. Martin Mercado, Arayat, Pampanga. Alejandro Navarro, Arayat, Pampanga. Francisco Ortiz, Arayat, Pampanga. Toribio Patron, Cordoba, Cagayan. Narciso Manabo, Negros Oriental. Angel Puey Sagay, Bacolod, Occidental Negros. Luciano Sarce, Castilla, Sorsogon. Lazaro Segovia, Mabalacat, Pampanga. Damaso Sotogan, Castilla, Sorsogon. Cirilo Talavera, Arayat, Pampanga. Julian Valbuena, Badoc, Ilocos Norte. Sisenandro Valera, Bangued, Abra! VEGETABLES AND VEGETABLE SEEDS. BRONZE MEDAL. Victor Cruz, Balanga, Bataan. Andres Lazo, Bacana, Ilocos Norte. Leonardo Layosa, Castilla, Sorsogon. Felipe Mangupil, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Severo Parinas, Pidigan, Abra. Simeon Perez, Capiz, Capiz. Alejandro Ruiz, Argao, Cebu. HONORABLE MENTION. Filemon Albay, Murcia, Occidental Ne- gros. Teodoro Arias, Bucay, Abra. Roberto Arvela, Iloilo, Panay., Antonio Asino, Iloilo, Panay. Cenon Balbuena, Bangued, Abra. Pilar Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. 122 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Calixto Benedicto, Bangued, Abra. Bartolome Bersamira, Bangued, Attra. Romualdo Boholst, Merida, Leyte. Cirilo Briones, Torrijos, Tayabas. Pablo Cabay, San Gregorio, Abra. Irene Ganlas, Angeles, Pampanga. Daniel Carbayosa, Calatrava, Occidental Negros. Tomasina Carro, Daan, Bantayan, Cebu. Jose M. Cervantes, San Carlos, Occidental Negros. Juan Detablan, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Cecilio Dofello, Juban, Sorsogon. Domingo Dollete, Dao, Antique, Panay. Emilio Dominguez, Mabulacat, Pampanga. Marcos Espinola, Castilla, Sorsogon. Macario Fulteras, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Pedro Gonzales, Bucay, Abra. Fruto Lascana, Castillo, Sorsogon. Luis Lima, San Jose, Batangas. Daniel Luna, San Jose, Batangas. Carlos Magalona, Silay, Negros Occiden- tal. Gregorio Malines, San Emilio, Lepanto.. Maria M. de Mapo, Valladolid, Occiden- tal Negros. Juan A. Mitra, San Juan, Batangas. Mateo Mosana, Oquendo, Samar. Pedro Navarro, Bangued, Abra. Manuel Obsequio, Calbiga, Samar. Isabel Olavides, Merida, Leyte. Juan Palacios, Batangas. Isidoro Quijano, Naval, Leyte. Rafaela Ramos Santos, Mabalacat, Pam- pagna. Benito Reboredo, Baggao, Cagayan. Urbano de los Reyes, Pilar, Bataan. Manuel Salac, Tarlac, Tarlac. Luis Salvacion, San Pascual, Burias Islands, Masbate. Simplicio Santa Ana, Castilla, Sorsogon. Alberto Santo Espiritu, Tarlac, Tarlac. Severo Scala, La Paz, Abra. Matias Taggabao, Baggao, Cagayan. Nicolas Tamayo, Victoria, Tarlac. Juan Tampulao, Baggao, Cagayan. Cecilio Tanedo, Tarlac, Tarlac. Maria Tinging, Talisay, Occidental Ne- gros. Agaton Tongay, Concepcion, Talisay, Oc- cidental Negros. Narciso Torres, Bucay, Abra. Conchita Trullens, Bangued, Abra. Damian Tuano, Talisay, Occidental Ne- gros. Jose Valenzuela, Mangataren, Pangasi- nan. Remigia Villamor, Bangued, Abra. Felipe Villanueva, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Angel Yabson, Pasig, Rizal. Tomas Ysulat, Daao, Antique. TUBERS. HONORABLE MENTION. ' Santiago Alejandro, Bangued, Abra. Teodoro Balagtas, Calumpit, Bulacan. Victorio Ferrarit, Manapla, Occidental Negros. Isidro Ignacia, Merida, Leyte. Juan Imus, Tarlac, Tarlac. Santiago Reyes, Silay, Occidental Negros. Albino Villarosa, Manila. CACAO. GRAND PRIZE. Juan Araneta, Maao, Occidental Negros. SILVER MEDAL. Valeriano Climaco, Cebu, Cebu. C. Garcia, Sulipan, Apalit, Pampanga. Teogenes Quiaoit, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Alejandro Ruiz, Argao, Cebu. BRONZE MEDAL. Municipal Committee, San Remigio, An- tique, Panay. HONORABLE MENTION. Bernabe Agotibante, Calatrava, Occiden- tal Negros. Severino Agravante, Calatrava, Occiden- tal Negros. Alejo Coloso, Cabancalan, Occidental Ne- gros. Antonio Diestro, Calatrava, Occidental Negros. Jose Trullens, Bangued, Abra. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 123 COFFEE. GOLD MEDAL. Isaias Benjamin, Silang, Cavite. SILVER MEDAL. Juan A. Araneta, Maao, Occidental Ne- gros. Provincial Committee, Nueva Viscaya. Rueda Bros. "La Mariana," Manila. Alejandro Ruiz, Argao, C'ebu. Schuck Bros, Jolo, Sulu. BRONZE MEDAL. Ignacio Ambalada, Silang, Cavite. Luisa Ambalada, Silang, Cavite. Anselmo Bringas, Bangued, Abra. Valentin Tello, Tandug, Surigao, Min- danao. Mariano Torralva, Badoc, Ilocos Norte. COPRAX, 011,8 AND OIL SEEDS. GRAND PRIZE. Smith, Bell & Co., Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Buenaventura Bunaguilida, Lilio, Laguna. Jose Villanueva, Lilio, Laguna. BRONZE MEDAL. Alipio Ikolina, Negros. Valladolid, Occidental HONORABLE MENTION. Severa Arriegado, Daan, Bantayan, Cebu. Juan Baguial, Sevilla, Bohol. Nicolas Blanco, Paoay, Ilocos Norte. Temistocles Boholst, Merida, Leyte. Juan Cabanas, Guinan, Samar. Cristeta Carro, Daan, Bantayan, Cebu. Francisco Coyoca, Daan, Bantayan, Cebu. Buenaventura Dimaguilla, Lilio, Laguna. Basilic Ocaya, C'albiga, Samar. Leocadio Paglomutan, Ilocos Norte. Jaoquin Villadelgado, Ginigaran, Occiden- tal Negros. COLLABORATOR Department H, Group 84 and 95. Department J, Group 107 and 110. BRONZE MEDAL. Dr. Leon M. Guerrero, Manila. GROUP 87. FARINACEOUS PRODUCTS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. HONORABLE MENTION. Jose Arquiza, Laguna. Pedro Bernes, Pilar, C'apiz. Tomas Carino, Tayum, Abra. Augustin Elpa, San Gregorio, Abra. Exzequiel Ferrel, Banton, Romblon. Cipriano Jimenez, Saravia, Occidental Negros. Mariano Llanez, San Juan, Abra. GROUP 89. PRESERVED MEAT, FISH, VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. GOLD MEDAL. HONORABLE MENTION. Bonifas & Gonzales, Manila. Jose Andres, Batac, Ilocos Norte. 124 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. GROUP 90. SUGAR AND CONFECTIONERY CONDIMENTS AND RELISHES. GOLD MEDAL. Alipio Akalina, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Juan A. Araneta, Louisiana Estate, Maao, Occidental Negros. Agripino Atienzo, Capaz, Tarlac. Mariano V. Henson, Angeles, Pampanga. Inchausti & Co., Iloilo. Smith, Bell & Co., Cebu. SILVER MEDAL. Go Ke Company, Manila. Go Tong, Manila. Pedro Jesus, Potrero, Pampanga. La Marina, Manila, Luzon. Manuel Martinez, Tarlac, Tarlac. Ignacio Naval, Balanga, Bataan. Augustin Pagnio, Pilar, Bataan. Nicolas Paragas, Dagupan, Pangasinan. Teodorico Tecson, Jimamaylan, Occiden- tal Negros. Pedro Yulo, Binalbagan, Occidental Ne- gros. Estanislao Yusay, Occidental Negros. BRONZE MEDAL. Jose Chrisanto, Capaz, Tarlac. Fausto Brigido, Manila. Vicente Feliciano, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Fin del Siglo, Manila. Cosmo Garcia, Apalit, Pampanga. E. R. Lopez, Manila. Provincial Committee, Cagayan. Francisco Reyes, Arayat, Pampanga. Antonio Rosario, Balanga, Bataan. HONORABLE MENTION. Francisco Gray Abaya, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Fabiana Alikpala, San Luis, Batangas. Serafina Angeles, Mabalacat, Pampanga. Jose Arguelles, Batangas. Latina Banaria, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo. Jose Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Justa de Castro, Mabalacat, Pampanga. Maria Guadalupe Castro, Mabalacat, Pampanga. Juan Ceniza, Mandaue, Cebu. Tuco Chuna, Manila. Meliton Ciraycong, Murcia, Occidental Negros. Eustaquio Cortez, Mandaue, Cebu. Mariano Cortez, Concepcion, Tarlac. Juan Feraren, Bangued, Abra. Luis Fesalva, Castilla, Sorsogon. Gregoria Gloria, Balanga, Bataan. Go Ke Co. Manila. Baldomero Gonzaga, Angeles, Pampanga. Engracio Gonzales, Angeles, Pampanga. Maria Garcia Grullay, Juban, Sorsogon. Juan Guifuldon, Juban, Sorsogon. Carlota C. Henson, Angeles, Pampanga. J. P. Henson, Angeles, Pampanga. Lizarraga Hermanos, Manila. Juanario Lacson, Angeles, Pampanga. Magdalena Lacson, Angeles, Pampanga. Rosenda Lucerna, Hog, Occidental Ne- gros. Evaristo Maneja, Tovrijos, Tayabas. Felipe Mangupil, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Marcia y Palon, Ormoc, Leyte. Macario Mariano, Castilla, Sorsogon. M. Martinez, Tarlac, Tarlac. Francisco Maravilla, Saravia, Negros Oc- cidental. *Martin Melavo, Tambubo Bago, Occiden- tal Negros. Isabel Mercado, Angeles, Pampanga. Atanacia Rivera de Mercedes, Mabalacat, Pampanga. Zoila y Marcelino Nepomuceno, Angeles, Pampanga. Jose Maria Palacios, Maao, Occidental Negros. Amado Panis, Murcia, Occidental Negros. Paula Pedmilla, Merida, Leyte. Fernando Quiaoit, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Rafael Ramos, Mabalacat, Pampanga. Santos Florencio Ramos, Mabalacat, Pam- panga. Jose Salamanca, San Roque, Cavite. E. E. Schneider, San Roque, Ambos Cam- arines. Fabiana Suye, Mandaue, Cebu. Teodosio Tecson, Himamaylan, Occiden- tal Negros. Pedro Tiopaco, San Fernando, Pampanga. Roberto Toledo, Florida Blanca, Pam- panga. Aurelia Torres, Angeles, Pampanga. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 125 GROUP 92. WINKS AND BRANDIES. BRONZE MEDAL. Jose Abuel y Ragelio, Calape, Lucban. Tayabas. HONORABLE MENTION. Jose Abuel y Ragelio, Calape, Lucban. Tayabas. Eustaquio Agusin, Lopez, Tayabas. Buenaventura Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Fabian Benedicto, San Jose, Abra. Norberto Hidalgo, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. Ntfmeriano Macasieb, Lingayen, Pangasi- nan. Francisco del Mundo, Torrijos, Marin- duque. Pedro Reyes, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Jose M. Valero, Balanga, Bataan. GROUP 93. SYRUPS AND LIQUORS DISTILLED SPIRITS COM- MERCIAL ALCOHOL. GOLD MEDAL. Ayala & Co., Manila. Tuason, Legarda & Co., Manila. Patricio Ubeda, Manila. Ynchausti & Co., Manila. SILVER MEDAL. A. Zialcita, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Melchor Dumlao, Paoay, Ilocos Norte. Apolonio Garcia, San Enrique, Negros Occidental. Enrique Oducayan, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Fernando Quiaoit, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Florencio Sears, Bangued, Abra. A. Zialcita, Manila. BEST INSTALLATION. GOLD MEDAL. Ynchausti & Co., Manila. GROUP 94. FERMENTED BEVERAGES. COLLECTIVE EXHIBIT. GRAND PRIZE. San Miguel Brewery, Manila. GROUP 95. INEDIBLE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. FIBRES. GRAND PRIZE. Gov. B. Monreal, .Sorsogon. GOLD MEDAL. Juan A. Araneta, Maao, Negros Occiden- tal. R. Cabionsa, Sorsogon. C'atalino Cascuas, Jagna, Bohol. Mariano Moreno Ramirez, Daet, Ambos Camarines. Municipal Committee, Daraga, Albay. Municipal Committee, Juban, Sorsogon. J. Mac Cleod & Co., Manila. Provincial Committee, Sorsogon. V. Singsong Encarnacion, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. 126 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Smith, Bell & Co., Manila. Warner, Barnes & Co., Leyte, Bohol and Cebu. Warner, Barnes & Co., Legaspi, Albay. Ynchausty & Co., Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Roman Antonio, Alang-Alang, Leyte. Felix Aranas, Mambajao, Misamis, Min- . danao. Eleuterio Bumagat, Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. Manuel Canete, Pastrana, Leyte. Telesforo Crisanto, Manila. Hilaria de la Cruz, Libog, Albay. Ensayo Mercantil, Jagua, Bohol. Nieves Damaraog, Maao, Occidental Ne- gros. Carlos Delanter, Leyte, Leyte. Potenciano Diestra, Occidental Negros. Eugenia Genoveza, Piat, Cagayan. Lorenzo Gran Cairo, Pambujan, Samar. Gregorio Ibanez, Cadiz, Occidental Ne- gros. Eusebia Joaquin, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Rufina de Kilayko, Talisay, Occidental Negros. Alejo Maga, Catbalogan, Samar. Florencio Magdaraog, Albay, Albay. Pedro Maravilla, Sarabia, Occidental Ne- gros. Mercantile Society, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Bacacay, Albay. Municipal Committee, Boac, Marinduque. Municipal Committee, Buhi, Ambos Cam- arines. Municipal Committee, Canag, Samar. Municipal Committee, Casiguran, Sorso- gon. Municipal Committee, Catarman, Samar. Municipal Committee, Culasi, Antique. Municipal Committee, Gasan, Marin- duque. Municipal Committee, Jagna, Bohol. Municipal Committee, Jaro, Iloilo. Municipal Committee, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Municipal Committee, Lavezares, Samar. Municipal Committee, Madalag, Capiz, Panay. Municipal Committee, Pagsajan, Laguna. Municipal Committee, Paranas, Samar. Municipal Committee, Silay, Occidental Negros. Municipal Committee, Tolon, Oriental Negros. Juan Nerzosa, Batac, Ilocos., Norte. Provincial Committee, Ambos Camarines. Provincial Committee, Cebu. Provincial Committee, Masbate. Provincial Committee, Romblon. Provincial Committee, Occidental Negros. Ignacio Racimo, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Severino Reyes, Cagayan, Misamis, Min- danao. Buenaventura Resales, Calbayog, Samar. Emeterio Serrano, Sorsogon. Valentin Tello, Tandag, Surigao, Min- danao. Silvina Quimbo, Calbiga, Samar. Augustin Villaflor, Hindang, Leyte. Juan Villamor, Bangued, Abra. BRONZE MEDAL. Juan Aguilar, Tanjay, Oriental Negros. Severo Alejano, Occidental Negros. Valentin Balandra, Capiz, Occidental Ne- gros. Charles S. Banks, Maao, Occidental Ne- gros. Pio Cubel, Cabatuan, Iloilo, Panay. Pedro Gella, Pandan, Antique, Panay. Mateo Iranes, Manapla, Occidental Ne- gros. Rafael Lete, San Fernando, Union. Eulalio Marianas, Torrijos, Tayabas, Municipal Committee, Bolinao, Zambales. Municipal Committee, Bugason, Antique. Municipal Committee, Dumalog, Capiz. Municipal Committee, Dumangas, Iloilo. Municipal Committee, Murcia, Oriental Negros. Municipal Committee, Sta. Cruz de Mar- induque. Municipal Committee, Tarlac, Tarlac. Municipal Committee, Zamboanga, Min- danao. * Hilaria Palermo, Maao, Occidental Ne- gros. Ceferino M. Pontebueno, Iloilo. Antonio Sans, Puerto Galera, Mindoro. HONORABLE MENTION. Roman Antonio, Alang-Alang, Leyte. Santos Abe-Abe, Mambajao, Mindanao. Adriano Acosta, San Antonio, Rio Grande, Mindanao. Crisostomo Agaza, Barugo, Leyte. Anastasio Austero, Abuyog, Leyte. Juan Arzao, Bacon, Sorsogon. Gregorio Aran, Mambajao, Misamis. Bernabe Ararao, Calape, Bohol. Felix Aranas, Mambajao, Misamis. Teleforo Crisanto, Manila. Pio Cubel, Cabatuan, Iloilo. Eusebia Dajugong, Hinuan, Leyte. Faustina Dafon, Ormos, Leyte. Florentino Cajelsot, Hinunangan, Leyte. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 127 Valentin Cananan, Ibay, Capiz. Manuel Carete, Pastranam, Leyte. Catalino Casenas, Jagua, Bonol. Ramona Comacho, Mondragon, Samar. Vicente Flores, Hilongos, Leyte. Ceferino M. Fontbuena, Iloilo, Panay. Mateo Franco, Manpla, Occidental Ne- gros. Nicolasa Franco, Paoay, Ilocos Norte. Antonio Gatuslao, Murcia, Occidental Ne- gros. Lorenza Gran Cairo, Pambujan, Samar. B. Kabguin, Mambajao, Misamis. Cipriano Lagoscay, Lazo, Occidental Ne- gros. Apolonio Macamay, Mambajao, Cagayan. Alejo Maga, Catbalogan, Samar. Jacinto Mandia, Albuyog, Leyte. Eulalio Maranus, Torrijos, Marinduque. Pedro Maravilla, Saravia, Occidental Ne- gros. Segunda Martinez, Bacacay, Oriental Ne- gros. Maria Montilla, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Isidore Mora, Pambujan, Samar. Formosa Palmes, Maao, Occidental Ne- gros. Enrique Panan, Patnongon, Antique. Hilaria Paterno, Maao, Occidental Negros. Rufino de Paz, Abuyog, Leyte. Amacia Pedres, Valladolid, Occidental Negros. Emeterio Serrano, Sorsogon, Luzon. Sofronio Tarulbu, Valencia, Bohol. Ramon Tinsay, Baylon, Silay, Occidental Negros. Eusebia Torres, Maao, Occidental Negros. Francisco Tuig, Tanjay, Oriental Negros. Juan Verzoza, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Basilio Villaflor, Murcia, Occidental Ne- gros. INDIGO AND MEDICINAL PLANTS. GOLD MEDAL. John T. McLeod, Manila. Enrique Quema, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. SILVER MEDAL. Juan Segovia, .Himamaylan, Occidental Negros. BRONZE MEDAL. Francisco Abelarde, Cadiz, Occidental Negros. Remigio Villamor, Bangued, Abra. Pedro Yulo, Binalbagan, Occidental Ne- gros. HONORABLE MENTION. Vidal Horn, Casiguran, Sorsogon. H. Inson, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Liberio de Jesus, San Fernando, Pam- panga. Tomas Ledesma, Cabansulan, Occidental Negros. Lino Locson, Cadiz, Occidental Negros. B. Pais, Iloilo. Roberto Villabos, Torrijos, Marinduque. OILS AND OIL SEEDS. SILVER MEDAL. Pedro Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Ladies' Committee, Gerona, Tarlac. Rafael Lete, San Fernando, Union. Pasiano Peruche, Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. Ricardo Reyes, Mambajao, Misamis, Min- danao. BRONZE MEDAL. Jose M. Cervantes, San Carlos, Occiden- tal Negros. Pascual Raymundo, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija. Juan Tanedo, Tarlac, Tarlac. Pedro Valera, Bangued, Abra, Luzon. HONORABLE MENTION. Maximiano Acantilado, Paoay, Ilocos Norte. Timotea Acosta, Bangued, Abra. Valeria Andres, Merida, Leyte. Lorenzo Baile, Bangued, Abra. Manuel Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Francisco Bautista, Bangar, Union. Juan Bello, Magdalena, Laguna. Mariano D. Bello, Santa, Ilocos Sur. Alejo Calaza, Cabancalan, Occidental Ne- gros. 128 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Gregoria Canosa, Almeria, Leyte. Eduardo Castellanos, Calatrava, Occiden- tal Negros. Felipe Claros, Paoay, Ilocos Norte. Casimira Empas, Almeria, Leyte. M. Fernandez, Gerona, Tarlac. Ramon Galindez, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Hernandez Garcia, Bohol. Diego Gloria, Banan, Batangas. Lucio Manzanares, Daan, Bantayan, Cebti. Celedonio Mastrado, Valencia, Bohol. Jose Olmos, Batangas. Agapito Pacaoinsis, San Enrique, Iloilo, Panay. Benigno Padilla, Sual, Pangasinan. Juan Rallonoza, Paoay, Ilocos Norte. Ventura Rogillo, San Pascual, Burias Islands, Masbate. Rev. Felipe Romero, Tarlac, Tarlac. Angel Santos, Capas, Tarlac. Nicolas Tamayo, Victoria, Tarlac. GROUP 96. USEFUL INSECTS AND THEIR PRODUCTS. PLANT DISEASES. GRAND PRIZE. Division of Entomology (Bureau of Gov- ernment Laboratories), Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Charles S. Banks, Government Entomolo- gist, Manila. Division of Entomology (Bureau of Gov- ernment Laboratories), Manila. Division of Entomology (Bureau of Gov- ernment Laboratories), Manila. Ramon Murga, Puerto Princesa, Paragua. BRONZE MEDAL. Beiiito Alberto, Santo Nino, Cagayan, Lu- zon. Division of Entomology (Bureau of Gov- ernment Laboratories), Manila. Lucena Tanguilina, Tarlac, Tarlac. HONORABLE MENTION. Balabac Light House, Balabac, Paragua. David Genes, Castila, Sorsogon. Gabriela Crisostomo, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Division of Entomology (Bureau of Gov- ernment Laboratories), Manila. Escarrila Drug Store, Jaro, Iloiio. A. Florentino, Plaza Penzon, Manila. Eustasio Gonzaga, Leyte, Leyte. Rafael Jocson, Himamaylan, Occidental Negros. J. Ortega, San Fernando, Union. Valentin Semilla Guevara, Mariveles, Ba- taan. Moros Tiruray, Tamantaca, Mindanao. Pedro G. Vasquez, Himalayan, Negros Occidental. George Williamson, Zamboanga, Min- danao. Dr. William M. Walton, Aparri, Cagayan. GOLD MEDAL. Charles S. Banks, Government Entomolo- gist, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Mateo Fernandez, Pura, Tarlac. BRONZE MEDAL. Teodoro Espinosa, Artist, Bureau of Government Laboratories, Manila. Willie C. M. Schultz, Assistant Entomolo- gist, Manila. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 129 Department J Horticulture. GROUP 109. PLANTS OF THE CONSERVATORY. GRAND PRIZE. Manuel de Iriarte, Manila, Luzon. GOLD MEDAL. Bureau of Agriculture, Manila. Governor Monreal, Sorsogon, Luzon. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Municipal Committee, Siniloan, Laguna. Senor Cardenas, Candaba, Pampanga. BRONZE MEDAL. Dr. Stafford, Manila. Jose Valenzuelo, Mangataren, Pangasi- nan. HONORABLE MENTION. Andres Acero, Siniloan, Laguna. Timotea Acosta, Bangued, Abra. Rafaela Ramos Angeles, Mabalacat, Pam- panga. Petronilo Arivaldo, San Rafael, Sorsogon. Juan H. Abiles, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Cenon Balbuena, Bangued, Abra. Ignacia Barcenias, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Ramon Bionogracia, Bulusan, Sorsogon. C'ecilio Briones, Torrijos, Tayabas. Municipal Committee, Cabangan, Zam- bales. Roman Canete, Mambajao, Mindanao. Jose M. Cervantes, San Carlos, Occiden- tal Negros. Severe del Corro, Daau, Batangas. Justo Cuaycong, Saravia, Occidental Ne- gros. C. Daguillo, Tacloban, Sorsogon. Maria David, Tarlac, Tarlac. Candida Domingo, Malolos, Bulacan. Emilio Dominguez, Mabalacat, Pampanga. Hermenegildo Domino, Bulusan, Sorso- gon. Leona Doniquil, Pto, Diaz, Sorsogon. Pedro Espanola, Dinalupijan, Bataan. Tomas Fragua, Magdalena, Sorsogon. Telesforo Francisco, San Vicente, Bulu- san, Sorsogon. Calixto Fullerd, San Vicente, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Pedro Funesto, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Julian Fungo, San Isidro, Magdalena, Sorsogon. Severe Galarosa, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Manuel Galeza, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Felix Gapas, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Ruperto Garote, Sta. Magdalena, Sorso- gon. Marcelo Habulan, Casiguran, SorSogon. Juan Habilito, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Telesforo Irago, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Manuel de Iriarte, Manila. Dionisio Leyba, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Mariano Llanesa, San Juan, Abra. Florencio Magdaraoag, Albay, Albay. Evaristo Maneja, Torrijos, Tayabas. Isidro Manganaan, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur. Simona Manog, Basey, Samar. Telesforo Naga, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Capt. Offley, .U. S. A., Calapan, Mindoro. Domingo Pioquinto, Nueva Caceres, Cebu. Angel Puey, Sagay, Occidental Negros. Tomas Rago, Mambajao, Mindanao. Pascual Raymundo, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija. Urbano de los Reyes, Pilar, Bataan. Ricardo Reyes, Mambajao, Mindanao. Victoriano Rodriguez, San Enrique, Occi- dental Negros. Mariano Rosa, Tabaco, Albay. Mamerto Rubirta, Dao, Antique. Telesforo Santiago, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Ruperto Sarmiento, Dalaguete, Cebu. Genoveva Tarcilla y Rubillos, Tacloban, Leyte. Valentin Tello, Tandag, Surigao. Luis Tomas, Daraga, Albay. Cassinao Torres, San Isidro, Pangasinan. Januario Torres, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Petronilo Ubaldo, Magdalena, Sorsogon. V. Valdehueza, Mambajao, Mindanao. Albino Villarosa, Tondo, Manila. 130 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Department K- -Forestry. GROUPS 112, 113, 114. APPLIANCES AND PROCESSES USED IN FORESTRY. PRODUCTS OF THE CULTIVATION OF FORESTS AND FOREST INDUSTRIES. APPLIANCES FOR GATHERING WILD CROPS AND PRODUCTS OBTAINED. WOODS. GRAND PRIZE. Forestry Bureau, Manila. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. GOLD MEDAL. , Bureau of Government Laboratories. Timber Testing Laboratory. SILVER MEDAL. Rev. Fr. Jose Algue, Manila. Tomas Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Juan Castel Caballero, Manila. B. W. Cadwallader & Co., Manila. Claro L. Evangelista, Guinayangan, Taya- bas. Gracio Gonzaga, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Juan Alvarez Guerra, Madrid, Spain. Ex-Gov. Julio Llorente, cebu. Rueda Hermanos, Manila. Gabriel Tavora, Agao, Union. BRONZE MEDAL. Joaquin M. Bayot, Masbate. Eugenio Genoveva, Piat, Cagayan. Gov. C. Joven, Bacolor, Pampanga. Juan de Juan, Manila. John T. McLeod, Manila. Antonio Minozo, Argao, Cebu. Gov. Monreal, Sorsogon. Lucio Ramos, Bangued, Abra. Gov. Santos, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. FURNITURE. GOLD MEDAL. Judge B. S. Ambler, Manila. City Government, Manila. Mena Crisologo, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Maximo Cruz, Manila. t Arsenio Cruz Herrera* Manila. Manuel de Iriarte, Manila. Judge W. F. Johnson, Manila. Florencio Jurado, Manila. Ramon Martinez, Manila. Luis Reyes, Manila. Juan Rodriguez, Manila. Mrs. Wm. H. Taft, Washington, D. C. Miss Mary Wolfson, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Capt. Geo. P. Ahern, Manila. Rev. Fr. Jose Algue, Manila. American Book and News Co., Manila. Bureau of Forestry, Manila. Edgar O. Johnson, Manila. Eulalio Lacson, Talisay, Negros Occiden- tal. D. M. McChesney, Manila. Provincial Committee, Malolos, Bulacan. Clinton Smith, Washington, D. C. Supervisor Pangasinan Province. BRONZE MiSDAL. Dr. Jose Alemany, Manila. Lieut. John M. Flemister, Manila. C. Golden, Manila. Municipal Committee, Legaspi, Albay. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 131 COLLECTION OF CANES. GOLD MEDAL. Juan Villamor, Abra. SILVER MEDAL. Juan Coronel, San Fernando, Ambos Camarines. Gov. Monreal, Matnog, Sorsogon. Eber C. Smith, Manila. Narciso Torres, Bucay, Abra. BRONZE MEDAL. Justo Diaz, Cavite. Regino Garcia, Manila. Provincial Committee, Negros Occiden- tal. Provincial Committee, Paragua. GUTTAPERCHA, RESINS, RUBBERS, GUMS. GOLD MEDAL. Juan A. Araneta Maao, Negros Occi- dental. SILVER MEDAL. Bureau of Forestry, Manila. Municipal Committee, San Miguel, Bula- can. Bureau of Government Laboratories, Municipal Committee, Talisayan, Gaga- Manila. Municipal Committee, Cottabato, Min- danao. Ramon Murga, Puerto Princesa, Paragua. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. yan, Misamis. Captain Offley, Calapan, Mindora. BRONZE MEDAL. Municipal Committee, Sibalom, Antique, Panay. MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. Woods, Canes, Rattan, Basts, Resins, Medicinal Plants, Fruits, Seeds, Barks Herbariums, Tannings, Dyeing, Etc. SILVER MEDAL. Tomas Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Bureau of Agriculture, Manila. Bureau of Forestry, Manila. Municipal Committee, Bucay, Abra. Municipal Committee, Guimares, Iloilo, Panay. Rueda Hermanos, Manila. Antonio Sans, Puerto Galera, Marin- duque. BRONZE MEDAL. Felix Araguella, Santa Cruz, Marinduque. Tomas Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Board of Health, Bacoor, Cavite. Juan Habilito, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Antonio Minoza, Argao, Cebu. Vicente Lapres, Candaba, Pampanga. Rafael Lete, San Fernando, Union. Laureano Lubayan, Tanjay, Negros Oc- cidental. Liang Malecio, Catbalogan, Samar. Pascual Raymundo, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija. HONORABLE MENTION. Lucas Acelejado, Laguna. Rufino Afungol, Paete, Laguna. M. Agcara, Balanga, Bataan. Adriano D. Agot, Baras, Riza'l. Juan Aguillo, Claveria, Cagayan. Mariano Ahunda, Virac, Catanduanes, Al- bay. Eduardo F. Albal, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. Eugenia Alday, Guinan, Samar. Severo Alejano, Hog, Negros Occidental. Vicente Alfuerto, Altimonan, Tayabas. Vicente Allerto, Antimonan, Tayabas. Gabriel Aluga, Masbate, Masbate. Luis Alvarez, Baras, Rizal. Rufino Amper, Anda, Bohol. Benito Ampong, Anda, Bohol. Jose Andres, Batac, Ilocos Norte. 132 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Siniloan Andres, Acero, Laguna. Candida Antonio, Malolos, Bulacan. Guijano Antonio, Pilar, Capiz. Santiago Apostal, San Quintin, Abra. Indalecio Arcangel, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Pedro Ardena, Capiz, Capiz. F. Arguelles, Santa Cruz, Marinduque. Jose Arquiza, Laguna. Rosario A. Aviles, Binangonan, Pam- panga. Roque Baguen, Bangued, Abra. Pablo Bagui, Paete, Laguna. Jose Baisaz, Paete, Laguna. Presidente Balanay, Villaviciosa, Abra. Sr. Balaoag, Danglas, Tayum, Abra. Cirilo Balaos, Casanayan, Capiz. Bonifacio Balbalosa, Siniloan, Laguna. Juan Banauro, Pilar, Abra. P. T. Barnes, Masbate, Masbate. Mariano Barranedas, Lopez, Tayabas. Dr. Jose Bastida, Davao, Mindanao. Ladies' Committee, Batac, Ilocos Sur. Francisco Bautista, Bangar, Union. Agustin Belisario, Bangued, Abra. Mariano Bello, Bucay, Abra. Pablo Bereber, Pontevedra, Capiz, Panay. Pablo Bermales, Bucay, Abra. Adriano Bermudez, Bucay, Abra. Cipriano Bernido, Anda, Bohol. Eugenic Blanco, Maao, Negros Occiden- tal. Bonifacio Borromeo, Pamplona, Cagayan. Adriano Borja, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Bonifacio Borromeo Pamplona, Cagayan. Bourns & Edelmeir, Quinobatan, Mas- bate. P. E. Burns, Abulug, Cagayan. Manabo Busque, Bangued, Abra. Rosenda Cabionsa, Irosin, Sorsogon. Felipe Calderon, Manila. Francisco Cana, Isio, Negros Occidental. Felix Capas, Bulusan, Sorsogon. Martin Castrudes, Anda, Bohol. Sabino Celis, Batangas. Jose M. Cervantes, San Carlos, Negros Occidental. Maria Cinco, Angat, Bulacan. Epifanio Consing, Cadiz, Negros Occi- dental. Marcos Constantino, Torrijos, Marin- duque. Mariano Corroon, Imus, Cavite. Zenona Cruz, Pasig, Rizal. Victor Cruz, Balanga, Bataan. Isidoro Cuchay, San Quintin, Abra. Municipal Committee, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija. Dioniso Dario, Claveria, Cagayan. Gregorio Deloso, Anda, Bohol. Villamore Deloy, Anda, Bohol, Manuel Diamante, San Mateo, Rizal. Potenciano Diguanco, Mariquina, Rizal. Amio Domia, Montular, Sorsogon. Hermenegilda Domino, Bulusan, Sorso- gon. Deogracias Dumoal, Bangued, Abra. Rosalio Eduarte, Dolores, Abra. Augustin Elpa, San Gregorio, Abra. Gregorio Escuarda, Baybay, Leyte. Gregorio Evangelista, Nakalang, Maao, Negros Occidental. Genaro Evaristo, Dupax, Nueva Viscaya. Silverstre Figuerea, Calbiga, Samar. Santiago Figueroa, Villareal, Samar. Francisco Flores, Mabatan, Bataan. Ceferino Fontebuena, Tabucan, Iloilo. Feliciana Frani, Leyte, Leyte. Antonio Garis, Oriental Negros. Subig S. Garcia, Zambales. Catalino Garingalas, Guimpal, Capiz. Eugenia Genovea, Piat, Cagayan. Maj. E. F. Glenn, Plattsburg. Severe Goltiano, Anda, Bohol. Antonio Gonzaga, Ginigaran, Negros Oc- cidental. Gonsalo Granados, Laguna. Lorenzo de Gran Cairo, Pambujan, Sa- mar. Hilarion Guillemo, Pavia, Iloilo. Guillermo Guzman, Bangued, Abra. Alfred Henert, Manila. Jose P. Henson, Angeles, Pampanga. E. H. Hereford, Bongabon, Mindoro. Percy A. Hill, Calbiga, Samar. Sarafin Himanaglan, Satuslao, Negros Oc- cidental. Geronimo Hugo, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Peregrin Iboa, Catbalogan, Samar. Juan Ignacio, Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. Domingo Ikasan, San Emilio, Lepanto- Bontoc. Arcadio Imperial, San Emilio, Lepanto- Bontoc. Severe Jamera, Loreto, Surigao. Leocadio Javier, Baggao, Cagayan. Pedro de Jesus, Potrero, Pampanga. Rafael Jocson, Jimaylan, Negros Occi- dental. R. E. Jones, Cebu. J. E. Kirtland, Penaranda, Nueva Ecija. Capt. Henry Knauber, Balanga, Bataan. Mr. Korozki, Zamboanga, Mindanao. Cipriano Lagazca, Oriental Negros. Pascual Lagne, Apalit, Pampanga. Juan Lapradillo, Tambubo, Bago, Negros Occidental. Cipriano Lazo, Lagazcay, Negros Orien- tal. Leon Legaspi, Maao, Negros Occidental. Manuel Letrasa, Nacalang, Negros Occi- dental. Li Kim Sui, Manila. Mariano Llama, San Juan, Abra. Melecio Llama, Catbalogan, Samar. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 133 San Juan Liana, San Juan, Abra. Juan Lopez, Calasiao, Pangasinan. Bustaquio Maguinano, Anda, Bohol. Municipal Committee, Mangatarem, Pan- gasinan. Felipe Mangupil, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Gregorio Flor Mata, Lingayen, Pangasi- nan. Juan Mendoza, Catbalogan, Samar. Agaton Molina, Laguna, Abra. Ildefonso Monfort, Murcia, Negros Occi- dental. Patricio Mora, Palo, Leyte. Francisco del Mundo, Torrijos, Marin duque. Ramon Murga, Puerto Princesa, Paragua. Doroteo Nepomuceno, Bacon, Sorsogon. Anastacio Neri, Cagayan, Misamis. Tirso Neri Roa, Cagayan, Cagayan. Mateo Nosano, Oquendo, Samar. Cererino Nuestro, Iloilo, Laguna. Manuel Obsequio, Calbiga, Samar. Basilio Ocayo, Calbiga, Samar. Jose Olmos, Lobo, Batangas. Brigide Osena, Lopez, Tayabas. Benigno Padilla, Sual, Pangasinan. Anaclete Paguio, Pilar, Bataan. Ceferino Palabrica, Pototan, Iloilo, Panay. Juan Palacios, Batangas. Santiago Palmos, Isio, Negros Occidental. Espiritu Paraiso, Bangued, Abra. Severe Parinas, Pidigan, Abra. Zacarias de la Paz, Bucay, Abra. Ruiz Pedro, Guyabamo, Ilocos Norte. Mamerto Penaflor, Torrijos, Marinduque. Abraham Peralta, Dingras, Ilocos Norte. Domingo Petropez, San Pascual, Burias, Masbate. A. J. Pfaffenbauer, Manila, P. I. Domingo Pioquinto, Nueva Caceres, Ce- bu. Angel Puey Sagay, Bocolod, Negros Occi- dental. Manuel Quinora, Torrijos, Marinduque. Ciriao Quinto, Torrijos, Marinduque. Rosalio Quinto, Torrijos, Marinduque. Proceso Racho, Balilijan, Anda, Bohol. Maxima Ramirez Hilongos, Leyte. Vicente Ramos, Bangued, Abra. Eugenic Realeza, Siniloan, Laguna. Estaban Reyes, Apalit, Pampanga. Francisco Reyes, Arayat, Pampanga. Ricardo Reyes, Mambajao, Misamis. Santiago Reyes, Saravia, Negros Occiden- tal. Tomas Reyes, Lilio, Laguna. Urbano de los Reyes, Pilar, Bataan. Gregorio Ricamata, Torrijos, Marinduque. Emeterio Rico, Claveria, Cagayan. Leon Rigonan, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Mariano Riosa, Tabaco, Albay. Bernardino Robles, Caridad Bago, Ne- gros Occidental. Victorino Rondima, Torrijos, Marin- duque. Maria de la Rosa, Marilao, Bulacan. Buenaventura Resales, Calbayog, Samar. A. Rosario, Binanganan, Infanta, Taya- bas. Francisco Rubin, Abuyog, Leyte. M. Saktao, Mambajao, Misamis. Julian Samson, Makakato, Negros Occi- dental. Ruperto Sarmiento, Dalaguete, Cebu. Florencio Sears, Bangued, Abra. Valentin Semilla, Mariveles, Bataan. Hilarion Simasio, Anda, Bohol. G. Sividal, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Dr. L. A. B. Street, Manila. Valentin Tello, Tandag, Surigao. Ismael Tason, La Paz, Abra. Trinidad P. de Tavera, Manila. Tomas Torres, Apalit, Pampanga. Garces Torres, Ormoc, Leyte. Bernardino Valdez, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Jose Valensuela, Mangatarem, Pangasi- nan. Dolores Valera, Bangued, Abra. Ruperto Vallereis, Casamayan, Capiz. Fermin Verdera, Lopez, Tayabas. Francisco Vergel de Dios, Angat, Bula- can. Saquin Vicente, Penablanca, Cagayan. Mariano Vico, Lubo, Batangas. Francisco Vigente, Lopez, Tayabas. Luis Villadelgado, Sibalon, Antique. Gregorio Villaflor, Calatrava, Negros Oc- cidental. Ruperto Vilareis, Casangan, Capiz. Santiago S. Villanueva, Llana-Hermosa, Bataan. A. D. White, Fort McKinley, Manila, Lu- zon. , Pablo Yamson, Vallaclolid, Negros Occi- dental. 134 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. COLLABORATORS. GRAND PRIZE. Bureau of Forestry, Manila. GOLD MEDAL. Berry Bros., Detroit, Mich. (Varnishes.) Ralph C. Bryant, Manila. Dr. Leon M. Guerrero, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. D. Rafael Lete, San Fernando, Union. Elmer D. Merrill, Manila. A. Schwartz, Manila. Jose Villapol, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. W. W. Clark, Manila. B. F. DeVore, Manila. C. L. Hoover, Tarlac, Tarlac. T. J. Pifford, Manila. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 135 Department L Mines and Metallurgy. GROUPS 115 AND 116. WORKING OF MINES, ORB BEDS AND STONE QUARRIES. MINERALS AND STONES, AND THEIR UTILIZATION. GRAND PRIZE. Mr. Balbas, Mancayan, Lepanto. Bulacan Province. GOLD MEDAL. Maria Altesa Fernando, Angat, Bu- lacan. Batan Coal Mines, Liguan, Batan Islands, Albay. Los Banos Improvement Co., Los Banos, Laguna. Municipality Binangonan, Rizal. The Mining Bureau, Manila. Mariano Moreno Ramirez, Paracale, Am- bos, Camarines. Municipal Committee, C'ompostela, Cebu. Policarpio Lacuna, Penaranda, Nueva Ecija. C. A. Pettit, Suyoc, Lepanto, Bontoc. Francisco Sanz, Romblon. SILVER MEDAL. Antique Province. Bias Mine, Paracale, Ambos, Camarines. Bourns & Edelmeier, Tokbo, Masbate. Mateo Cadapan, Paete, Laguna. Sisto Calapin, Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. Galena King Mine, Cebu. John Hansen, Baguio, Benguet. L. L. Hill, Cebu. James J. Kelly, Gold Creek, Benguet. Urbano Lacuna, Penaranda, Nueva Ecija. Gov. Leandro Locsin, Bacolod, Negros Occidental. Mabtung Mine, Gold Creek, Benguet. Meade, Fuster & Maryott, Bued River, Benguet. Misamis Province. Municipality Mangatarem, Pangasinan. Municipal Com., Paracale, Ambos, Cama- rines. Municipality San Miguel, Bulacan. T. E. Newcomb, Suyoc, Lepanto-Bontoc. Pedro Otayco, Angat, Bulacan. K. W. Paschke, Cagayan, Misamis. Nels Peterson, Bued River, Benguet. Provincial Committee, Union. Rizal Province. C. Rocamora, Boloc, Barili, Cebu. Royal Mine, Suyoc, Lepanto-Bontoc. San Augustin, Cebu. San Estaban, Ilocos Sur. Mariano Santiago, Angat, Bulacan. Mariano Suares, Angat, Bulacan. Surigao Province. The Suyoc Igorrotes, Lepanto-Bontoc. Pedro Valera, Angat, Bulacan. BRONZE MEDAL. Anaconda Mine, Suyoc, Lepanto-Bontoc. Barrio Bato-Belani, Paracale, Ambos, Camarines. J. E. Caffney, Suyoc, Lepanto. Carlos & Bros., San Miguel, Bulacan. F. Cochran, Guinobatan, Albay. Concha & Bros., San Miguel, Bulacan. Eureka Mine, Suyoc, Lepanto. Gray Horse Mine, Bued River, Benguet. Edward Grimn, Batnong, Benguet. Adriano Hernandez, Silay, Occidental Ne- gros. Geo. M. Icard, Mancayan, Lepanto. Estanislao Jusay, Silay, Occidental Ne- gros. H. Leonard, Mancayan, Lepanto. Masbate Province. Municipality Dumalog, Capiz. Municipal Committee, Laoang, Samar. Municipality Suyoc, Lepanto. Antonio M. Pabalan, Manila. Pangasinan Province. Alfonso Ramos, Tarlac, Tarlac. Santa Catalina, Ilocos Sur. Sotero Viray, Tarlac. Valentin Wilson, Paracale, Camarines. Albert P. Wright, Suyoc, Lepanto. Capt. R. Yanguas, Suyoc, Lepanto. HONORABLE MENTION. Hilarion Alegrado, Lobo, Batangas. Julio Alit, Murcia, Occidental Negros. Alejandro Angeles,. Ibajay, Capiz. Vicente Atienza, Paracale, Ambos Cam- arines. Balmeria Mine, Batnong, Benguet. Fructuoso Belleza, Villavieja, Abra. M. Broderick, Gold Creek, Benguet. 136 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Sala Bunnigas, Pandan, Abra. Bureau of Government Laboratories, Manila. Pancracio Calilan, Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. Juan Camillac, Baggao, Cagayan. Mr. C'ayalo, Danglas, Abra. R. Cebegudo, Leo Taxil Mines, Paracale, Ambos, Camarines. T. C. Chase, Salasy, Antique. H. C. Clyde, Antomok, Benguet. J. J. Collins, Manaog, Paracale, Ambos Camarines. Pedro Cuaton, Calape, Bohol. Don Feliz David, Bacolor, Pampanga. Day Dawn Mine, Masbate. Miguel Dollentes, Sorsogon. Leocadio Domasig, Puerto Diaz, Sorso- gon. Serapio Dones, Puerto Diaz, Sorsogon. Anastacio Rmeris, Placer, Masbate. J. Fernandez, Peracale, Ambos Cama- rines. Pedro Ferrer, Milagro, Masbate. Lucio Flores, Angat, Bulacan. Manuel Friarse, Angat, Bulacan. J. E. Gaffney, Copper Edge Mine, Man- cuyan, Lepanto. Alejandro Gannaban Cordoba, Cagayan. Telesforo Garalde, Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. Alvaro Garcia, Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. Esteben Garcia, Misamis, Mindanao. Carlos Gernora, Hog, Occidental Negros. Eugenio Genovesa, Piat, Cagayan. J. S. Gillies, Paracale, Ambos Camarines. John S. Gillies, Zamboanga, Mindanao. N. F. Hale, Bagtangan, Benguet. J. D. Hartwell, Acupan, Benguet. Percy A. Hill, Calbiga, Samar. J. G. Holcomb, Manila. T. K. Hunt, Suyoc, Lepanto. Juan Ignacio, Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. Perry James, Antomok, Benguet. Juno Mine, Mancayan, Lepanto. Lantad Barrio, Lantad, Malonit, Ambos Camarines. Faustino Laprades, San Antonio, Laguna. Palometan Leocadio, Escalante, Occi- dental Negros. Cosme Lingayen, Cagayan. Mabato Barrio, Mabato, Ambos Cama- rines. J. C. McDonald, Batnog, Benguet. Juan Magallanes, Aroroy, Masbate. Malate Mine, Batnog, Benguet. Gabriel Manangod, Cordoba, Cagayan. Leon Manangod, Cordoba, Cagayan. Pedro Maravilla, Occidental Negros. J. E. Margott, Bued River, Benguet. Leon Medina, Calatrava, Occidental Ne- gros. Juan Meliton, Ibajay, Capiz, Panay. Mr. Michael, Wabash Mine, Mancayan, Lepanto. Modesto Moos, Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. John Muller, Baldel Mine, Mancuyan, Lepanto. Jose Munoz, Negros Oriental. J. J. Murphy, Buel River, Benguet. Charles Nathurst, Suyoc, Lepanto. J. Nepomuceno & Co., Angeles, Pampan- ga. Manuel Obsequio, Cavilga, Samar. Basilio Ocaya, G'abilga, Samar. Captain Offley, Mindoro. Ohio & North Pole Mine, Mancuyan, Le- panto. Governor Ortega, Union. K. W. Paschke, Cagayan. Philippine Mining Syndicate, Paracale, Camarines. Diogenes Quiaoit, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Rosalio Quinto, Torrijos, Tayabas. John Henry Reader, Suyoc, Lepanto. J. F. Reavis, Antamok, Benguet. Doroteo Rodriguez, Paragua. E. T. Roper, Batnog, Benguet. Clemente Roque, San Miguel, Bulacan. Eduarte Rosalia, Dolores, Abra. Angel Santiago, Angat, Bulacan. Pasquel Servera, Paracale, Camarines. Valentin Semilla Gueverra, Mariveles, Bataan. G. W. C. Sharp, Antique, Panay. Smith, Bell & Co., Toledo, Cebu. Sociedad Minera, Paracale, Camarines. Don P. Somoza, Paracale, Camarines. Manuel Soriano, Pontevedra, Cagayan. Cecilia Sudela, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Juan Tabisaura, Cordoba, Cagayan. Tecson & Bros., San Miguel, Bulacan. Valentino Tello, Tandag, Surigao. Narciso Torres, Bucay, Abra. Joe Turrell, Acupan, Benguet. J. Unson, Pagsahan, Laguna. Apolinario Villarioz, Calasgas, Occi- dental Negros. COIvIv ABOR ATORS . SILVER MEDAL. Oscar Halvorsen, Batan Coal Mines, Al- bay. Lt. H. L. Wigmore, Batan Coal Mines, Albay. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 137 Department M Fish and Game. GROUP 120 AND 121. HUNTING EQUIPMENT PRODUCTS OF HUNTING. GOLD MEDAL. Trinidad de Ayala, Manila. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. Mariano Raymundo, Morong, Rizal. SILVER MEDAL. Mateo Fernandez, Tarlac. Charles L. Hall, St. Louis. Simon Harris, Manila. Geo. P. Linden, Philadelphia. BRONZE MEDAL. Jose Bello, Santa, Ilocos Sur. P. E. Burns, Abulung, Cagayan. Gov. Juan Cailles, Laguna. Victor Cruz, Bataan. Escarilla Drug Store, Jaro, Iloilo. C. B. Etsler, Gasan, Marinduque. Percy A. Hill, Calbiga, Samar. Ladies' Committee, Leyte. Ladies' Committee, Sta. Rita, Pampan- ga. Lt. G. R. Madden, U. S. N., San Fran- cisco. Gustavo Niederlein, Philadelphia. W. O. Owen, Manila. Quartermaster Depot, Manila. D. Rodriguez & Sons, Calamianes, Par- agua. Benito Soriano, Tarlac. L. A. B. Street, Manila. Valentin Tello, Tandag, Surigao. HONORABLE MENTION. Catalino Abueg, Rosario, C'avite. Pedro Ardenas, Capiz. Antonio Aurora, Baggao, Cagayan. Agustin Baoa, San Emilio, Lepanto. Romualdo Boholts, Merida, Leyte. D. E. A. Bullon, Manila. Manuel Xerez Burgos, Manila. F. Carruthers, Jolo. S. S. Carruthers, Pasig, Rizal. Esteben Cruz, Pasig, Rizal. Tomas de la Cruz, Casanayan, Capiz. Arturo Dancel, Pasig, Rizal. Amador Delfin, Naval, Leyte. Posidio Delgado, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Rosalio Eduarte, Dolores, Abra. F. Gardoqui, Bacolor, Negros Occidental. A. R. Hager, Manila. Arcadio Imperial, San Emilio, Lepanto. Juan Imus, Tarlac. Agsano de Kahming, San Emilio, Lepanto. Henry Kleinwoth, Manila. Matea Laplagio, Bato, Leyte. Pedro Lasan, Solana, Cagayan. Marcelo Ledesma, Valladolid, Negros Oc- cidental. Ceferino de Leon, Manila. Gregorio Malines, San Emilio, Lepanto. Observatory of Manila, Manila. Capt. Offley, U. S. A., Calapan, Mindoro. Feliz Puno, Tarlac. Estanislao Reyes, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Sabas Rigonan, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Filoteo Rivera, Escalante, Negros Ori- ental. Manuel Salac, Tarlac. R. Schneidewind, Manila. H. R. Spencer, Manila. Ildefonso Tambunting, Manila. Cecilio Tanedo, Tarlac. Genaro Tanjoco, Manila. Valentin Tello, Tandag, Surigao, Min- danao. Narciso Torres, Bucay, Abra. Van Nenys, Canabanatuan, Nueva Ecija. Eristero Varela, Bangued, Abra. Geo. W. Vilain, Manila. Juan Villamor, Bangued, Abra. Sorero Viray, Tarlac. A. D. White, Ft. Wm. McKinley, Manila. COLLABORATORS. Mateo Fernandez, Tarlac. SILVER MEDAL. Julius Hurter, St. Louis. 138 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. GROUP 122 AND 123. FISHING EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCTS- PRODUCTS OF FISHERIES. GRAND PRIZE. Jose F. Quadras, Manila. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. GOLD MEDAL. Permanent Museum, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Eufemia de Abaya, Candon, Ilocos Sur. C. B. Etsler, Gasan, Marinduque. Mateo Fernandez, Gerona, Tarlac. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Rev. Fr. Jose Algue, Manila. Bureau of Agriculture, Manila. Narciso Dison, Orani, Bataan. Gregorio Escario, Batayan, Cebu. Ambrosio Evangelista, Candaba, Pam- panga. Bernardino Jalandoni, Negros Occidental. Fulgencio Matias, Santa Ana, Pampanga. Gov. Edw. I. Miller, Paragua. Gov. Monreal, Barcelona, Sorsogon. Gustavo Niederlein, Philadelphia, Pa. Manuel Obsequio, Calbiga, Samar. Gov. Offley, Calapan, Mindoro. Gregorio Pablo, Gasan, Marinduque. Gregorio P. D. Pablo, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Esteban Quinto, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Diego Reyes, Candaba, Pampanga. Marciano Saldana, Samal, Bataan. Manuel Soriano, Pontevedra, Capiz. Macaria Tanedo, Tarlac. Valentin Tello, Tandag, Surigao. Ruperto Villasies, Casanayan, Capiz. HONORABLE MENTION. Catalino Abeto, Binalbagan, Negros Occi- dental. D. L. Adam, Culasi, Antique, Panay. Severe Alejano, Negros Occidental. Justo Almucera, Sta Fe, Cebu. Mariano Alvarez, Noveleta, Cavite. Vicente Alvarez, Zamboanga, Mindanao. Inocente Andrade, Oquendo, Samar. Gervacio Anibe, Leyte. Alfred Arnold, Apalit, Pampanga. Epifanio Arreo, Apalit, Pampanga. Isaac Aurelio, Binalbagan, Negros Occi- dental. Bernardino Avellana, Negros Occidental. Rosario A. Aviles, Bingangan, Tayabas. Jose Baisar, Paete, Laguna. Tomas Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Braulio Barbasa, Manila. Fruto Barbon, Cadiz Viejo, Negros Oc- cidental. Francisco Bautista, Union. Jose Bello, Santa, Ilocos Sur. Adriano Bermudez, Abra. Antonio Bernal, Santa Rita, Samar. Patricio Braulio, Pilar, Capiz. Felipe Bravo, Casanayan, Capiz. Geromino N. Caino, Badajoz, Romblon. Medeo Captacio, Pampanga. Tomas Carsino, Tayum, Abra. Lucas Catalan, Iloilo, Panay. Eugenio Caulas, Santo Tomas, Pampan- ga. Filomena Cruz, Hinongos, Leyte. Tomas de la Cruz, Casanayan, Capiz. Lazaro Danao, San Enrique, Negros, Oc- cidental. Pio Daria, Bucay, Abra. Celestino Delantar, Leyte, Leyte. Roman Delgado, Valladolid, Negros Oc- cidental. Candida Domingo, Malolos, Bulacan. Candida Doris, Candon, Ilocos Sur. Pascual Drez, Pangasinan. Ciriaco Duel, Tanjay, Negros Occidental, Daniel Dumalao, Paoay, Ilocos Norte. Rosario Eduarte, Dolores, Abra. Agustin Elpa, San Gregorio, Abra. Genaro Evaristo, Dupax, Nueva Vizcaya. Alvaro Fegantura, Guimbal, Iloilo. H. B. Fernald, Tuguegarao, Catrayan. Pascual Firmeza, Binalbagan, Negros Oc- cidental. Maria Gabriel, Angat, Bulacan. Raymundo Gabriel, Angat, Bulacan. Elias Garcia, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. Esteban Garcia, Cagayan, Misamis. Lino Garcia, Santo Rosario, Pampanga. Catalino Garingalac, Guimbal, Iloilo. Graciano Gonzaga, Manila. Juan Gumalaoi, Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. te. Manuel Guimora, Torrijos, Tayabas. Gil Guirante, Torrijos, Tayabas. N. de Guzman, Malolos, Bulacan. Juan Ignacio, Nagpartian, Ilocos Norte. Pascual Lagan, San Vicente, Apalit, Pam- panga. Andres Lagman, Minalin, Pampanga. Pedro Lague, Apalit, Pampanga. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 139 M. Laktaw, Mambajao, Misamis. Martin Ledesma, Pilar, Capiz. Jacinto de Leon, Apalit, Pampanga. Manuel Letreso, Nakalang, Maao, Negros Occidental. Melencio Liana, Catbalogan, Samar. Mariano Llanesa, San Juan, Abra. Buenaventura Lola, Villareal, Samar. Mariano Lozano, Buenavista, Iloilo. Mateo Lozana, Oquendo, Samar. Pascual Lugui, San Vicente, Pampanga. John T. McLeod, Manila. Bonifacio Madrilejos, Romblon. Thos. J. Mair, Pampanga. Pedro Malingas, Badajoz, Romblon. Evaristo Maneja, Torrijos, Tayabas. Cornelia Martin, Malolos, Bulacan. Rufino Martinez, Libog, Albay. Hilarion Martir, Tambubo, Bago, Negros Occidental. Jose Medina, Masbate. Gov. Monreal, Irosin, Sorsogon. Feliciano del Mundo, Tayabas. Antonio Munoz, Catba\ogan, Samar. Ariston Muro, Guiuan, Samar. Mariano Nuguit, Liana- Hermosa, Bataan. Basilio Ocaya, Calbiga, Samar. Hipolito Ocena, Tagua, Bohol. Geronimo Odang, Samar. Ramona Olmos, Batangas. Camila Padilla, Sual, Pangasinan. Melecio Padilla, Torrijos, Tayabas. Pedro Padilla, Apalit, Pampanga. Santiago Palmos, Isib, Negros Occidental. Rita Pangan, Porac, Pampanga. Pedro Pania, La Paz, Tarlac. Antonio Panyon, Hog, Negros Occidental. Severe Parinas, Pidigan, Abra. Francisco de Pasion, Paric, Samar. Jose Payson, Manapla, Negros Occiden- tal. Felipe Pazio, Claveria, C'agayan. Bugenio Penzon, San Miguel, Manila. Vicente Perolles, Tambubo, Bago, Negros Occidental. Lucas Perras, Bucay, Abra. Cesario Pingat, Malaneg, Cagayan. Domingo Pioquinto, Nueva Caceres, Cebu. Eugenio Plata, San Miguel, Manila. Provincial Prison, Negros Occidental. C. Pulido, Santa Maria, Cagayan. Vicente Quinanpit, Bauan, Union. Paulino Quisumling, Capiz. Ruperto R. Ragas, Maasin, Leyte. Juan Rapal, Cajidiocan, Subulan, Negros Oriental. Paulino Raya, Balanga, Bataan. Macelo Raygudo, Bucal, Tayabas. Doroteo Realeza, Siniloan, Laguna. Baldomero Regino, Torrijos, Tayabas. Praxedes Regis, Hilongos, Leyte. Dalmacia Reyes, Galamba, Laguna, Diego Reyes, Candaba, Pampanga. Estanislao Reyes, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Felipe Reynoso, Torrijos, Tayabas. Mariano Riosa, Tabaco, Albay. Gregorio Rivasimonte, Torrijos, Tayabas. Doroteo Rodriguez, Calamianes, Min- doro. S. Rodriguez, Binalbagan, Negros Occi- dental. Lorenzo Roque, Bulan, Sorsogon. Emma R. Ross, Manila. Gregorio Sabana, Cabalian, Leyte. Jose Salamanca, San Roque, Cavite. Aniceto Salinas, Hinunangan, Leyte. Samal Moros, Zamboanga, Mindanao. Rev. P. Sanchez, S. J., Manila. Martin Santilo, Pambujan, Samar. Teodoro de los Santos, Sto. Tomas, Pam- panga. Valentin Semilla, Mariveles, Bataan. Tomas Solidrem, Ibajay, Capiz. Lionel A. B. Street, Lepanto-Bontoc. Pedro P. Suerte, Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Romuldo Sulla, Leyte. Leon Talunit, Badajoz, Romblon. Carson Taylor, Manila. Domingo Tollas, Bucay, Abra. Jose Tonosier, Cagayan. Mateo Torres, Apalit, Pampanga. Agaton Tortusion, Hog, Negros Occiden- tal. Escolastica Tuason, Balanga, Bataan. Pedro Valdehueza, Mambajao, Misamis, Mindanao. Juan Vasquez, Ginigaran, Negros Occi- dental. Leoncio Velasco, Naic, Cavite. Eugenio de Villa, San Luis, Batangas. Eduardo Villanueva, Leyte, Leyte. Ruperto Villareis, Casamayan, Capiz. Pantaleon Villesa, Maao, Negros Occi- dental. Lieut. J. W. Wakeley, Tarlac, Tarlac. Valentine Wilson, Paracale, Ambos, Cam- arines. COLLABORATOR . GOLD MEDAL. Jose F. Quadras, Manila. 140 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Department N Anthropology. GROUP 125. LITERATURE. SILVER MEDAL. Manila Observatory, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Robert P. Hughes, Manila. Teogenes Quiaoit, Batac, Ilocos Norte. Gov. Juan Villamor, Bangued, Abra. GROUP 126. SOMATOLOGY. BRONZE MEDAL. HONORABLE MENTION. Valentin Semilla Guevara, Mariveles, Ba- Fernando Ferrer, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. taan. GROUP 128. ETHNOGRAPHY. VILLAGES. GRAND PRIZE. Igorrote Village. Visayan Village. GOLD MEDAL. Samal Moro Village. Lake Lanao Moro Village. SILVER MEDAL. Bagobo Village. Negrito Village. EXHIBITS GRAND PRIZE. Ethnological Survey, Manila. Philippine Exposition Board, Manila. GOLD MEDAL. Anastasio Neri, C'agayan, Misamis. Dr. D. Folkmar, Manila. Juan Alvarez Guerra, Madrid, Spain. Simon Harris, Manila. Captain Heavey, Zamboanga, Mindanao. C. A. Howland, Blackington, Mass. Dr. Albert Ernest Jenks, Manila. Capt. Offley, U. S. A., Calapan, Mindoro. Hon. Epifanio de los Santos, Nueva Ecija. Dr. L. A. B. Street, Manila. Dr. T. Pardo de Tavera. Governor Juan Villamor, Bangued, Abra. SILVER MEDAL. Capt. P. D. Brown, U. S. A., Asst. Sur- geon, Manila. Thos. W. Covertson, Malabang, Mindanao. R. E. Jones, Cebu. A. Korczki, Zamboanga, Mindanao. Captain Krooster, 15th U. S. Cavalry, Manila. John McLeod, Manila. Rajah Muda Mandi, Magay, Zamboanga. Antonio Munos, Catbalogan, Samar. National Society Army of the Philippines, Filemon Navarro, Bangued, Abra. Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, Philidalphia. George Seavers, Manila. Valentin Semilla Guevara, Mariveles, Ba- taan. Visayan Orchestra. BRONZE MEDAL. Vicente Alvarez, Zamboanga, Mindanao. Augustin Baasa, San Emilio, Lepantoc- Bontoc. Balabac Light House, Balabac, Balabac. Balanay, Villaviciosa, Abra. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 141 Pedro Bersamira, Bangued, Abra. Lieut. L. B. Dannemiller, Zamboanga, Mindanao. Genaro Evarista, Dupax, Nueva Viscaya. Lieut. J. W. Furlow, llth U. S. Infantry, Jolo. Eugenio Geneoveza, Piat, Cagayan. J. S. Gillies, Jolo. Gracio Gonzaga, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Juan de Guzman, Tuao, Cagayan. Charles L.. Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Percy A. Hill, Calbiga, Samar. J. L. Irwin, St. Louis, Mo. Isinguen, Manabo, Abra. Severinus Javier, Manila. W. J. Kibby, Richfield Springs, N. Y. Geo. P. Linden, Philadelphia, Pa. P. B. McConville, Manila. Captain Medio, Sina Bagbawan, Pam- panga. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila. Captain Batu Tallos, Litang, Pampanga. Lieut. C. L. Turner, St. Louis, Mo. A. D. White, Ft. McKinley, Manila. Domingo Ybason, San Emilio, Lepanto- Bontoc. Lieut. J. W. Yinlow, llth U. S. Infantry, Jolo. HONORABLE MENTION. Antonio Brillante, San Emilio, Lepanto- Bontoc. Bumugas, Sal-Lapandan, Abra. P. E. Burns, Abulug, Cagayan. Santos Delfin, Balanga, Bataan. C. H. Leadbetter, Portland, Oregon. Rosalia Lorenzana, Cervantes, Lepanto- Bontoc. Teodoro Medoso, Nakalang, Occidental Negros. Severe Parinas, Pidigan, Abra. Benito Soriano, Tarlac, Tarlac. Francisco Tacardon, Tubungan, Iloilo. Valentin Tello, Tandag, Surigao. Jose Villapol, Manila. Lieut. Thomas F. Rogers, 28th Infantry, Mindanao. COLLABORATORS. GOLD MEDAL. Ramon Francisco, Manila. SILVER MEDAL. Esteban de Guzman, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Espiritu Peralta, Manila. HONORABLE MENTION. Adriano Acosta, Cottabato, Mindanao. H. Harlow, Zamboanga, Mindanao. 142 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Department R Live Stock. GROUP 97. HORSES AND MULES. GOLD MEDAL. SILVER MEDAL. Dr. W. E. Musgrave, Manila. Moses T. Clegg, Manila. GROUP 104. POULTRY AND BIRDS. BRONZE MEDAL. Ildefonso Tambunting, Manila. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 143 Samples of Foreign Imports. COLLECTIVE EXHIBITS. SILVER MEDALS. Name. Groups. Bazar Filipino, 19,^ 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34,* 35, 36, 38, 41, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 71. H. C. Genato, 35, 60, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 107. The Sport, 29, 34, 35, 41, 55, 57, 59, 72, 73, 95, 120. Bazar de Velasco. 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 55, 72, 73. BRONZE MEDALS. Behn. Meyer & Co., 15, 41, 54, 56, 60. Choa Tek Hee, 49, 54, 56, 57, 58. Ed. A,. Keller & Co., 37, 54, 55, 56, 58. Ker & Co., 15, 54, 55, 56, 57. Phil. Exposition Board, 24', 43, 49, 54, 56, 57. Pio Barretto & Co., 19, 23, 29, 34, 41, 47, 49, 120. Sprungli & Co., 43, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58. Mariano Uy-Chaco, 29, 41, 49, 73, 75. HONORABLE MENTION. Name. No. of Groups. H. J. Andrews & Co 54 E. Brammer 54 Bureau of Agriculture 83 Castle Bros. Wolf & Sons 84 Ceriolo Hermanos 56 Chan Chin San 54 Danon Bros 54, 56, 57 Sam Tan Erg 54 John Erks & Son 79 Abdool Tyeb Esmaigir 54 Findley & Co 54 La Flor de Cataluna 24 Civil Service Board 129 Philippine Custom Service 129 Edwards Bros. 57 Executive Bureau of the Philippine Insular Government 129 Forbes, Munn & Co 54, 57, 60 Forestry Bureau . . . 112 Froelich & Kuttner 49, 54, 56, 60 Fuente & Co 89 German & Co 15, 54, 58, 60 Carlos Gsell 54 Heinzen & Co 54, 58, 60 August Gusberg 54 F. Gutierrez 54, 56, 57 Gutierrez Hermanos 89 Hie Cayi 58 Holliday, Wise & Co 28, 43, 54, 56 Hollman & Co 54 Bureau of Insular Affairs 129 Kuenzel & Streiff 54, 56, 58 Juan Landahl ' 56 Lutz, Moll & Co 57 P. Millet & Co 54, 55, 56 Municipal Board of Manila 141 T. Pansan 54 J. Parsons 55 Philippine Mining Bureau 119 Philippine Trading Co 54 J. Pingsan 58 Felix Pla e Hijos 54 T. F. Ramirez 54, 58 Jose Reull 54 Aclolph Richter 56 Rubert & Guamis 58 Senor Sackerman 54 Bazar Siglo XX 54 Juan Soler 54, 55, 56, 57 Enrique Spitz 85 Struckman & Co 41, 54 G. Tanjaco 54, 56 Union Truck Co 84 Mariano Velasco 55, 56 E. Viegelman & Co 54, 56 Philippine Weather Bureau 18 Luis R. Yangco 54, 55 SILVER MEDAL. COI,!, ABOR ATORS . Wm. E. Black, Manila. J. E. Malloy, Manila. D. Samson, merchant, Manila. Harry H. Sebree, Manila. Ed. R. Sizer, Jr., Manila. J. S. Stanley, Additional Deputy Collec- tor Customs, Manila. BRONZE MEDAL. Frank B. Coyne, Philippine Customs Ser- vice. J. S. Waddington, Philippine Customs Service. 144 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. War Exhibit. GRAND PRIZE. Col. H. H. Bandholtz, Asst. Chief Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Constabulary Band, Manila. Philippine Constabulary Battalion, Man- ila. Philippine Scouts Battalion, Manila. Office of Chief of Ordnance, Division of the Philippines, Manila. GOLD MEDAL. Brig. Gen. Henry T. Allen, P. C., Manila. Lieut. A. A. Cameron, Philippine Con- stabulary Medical Officer, Manila. Civil Supply Store, Philippine Constabu- lary, Manila, P. I. Lieut. Modesto Colmenares, P. C., care Adjt. General, Philippine Constabulary, Manila. Office of the Chief Engineer Officer, Di- .vision of the Philippines, Manila. Capt John W. Greene, care Adjt. General Philippine Constabulary, Manila. R. R. Jones, Cebu. Office of Chief of Ordnance, Philippine Constabulary, Manila. Depot Quartermaster U. S. A., Manila. Philippine Scouts Band, St. Louis. SILVER MEDAL. Gov. Juan Villamor, Bangued, Abra (Plans). Gov. Juan Villamor, Bangued Abra (Arms). HONORABLE MENTION. Sub. Inspector Lucas Babiera, care of Adjt. General Philippine Constabulary, Manila, P. I. Major Peter Barseth, Philippine Con- stabulary, Tacloban, Leyte. Sub. Inspector Basilic Baya, Philippine Constabulary, care of Adjt. General Philippine Constabulary, Manila, P. I. Mr. Charles N. Bean, Aparri, Cagayan. Jose Bello, Santa, Ilocos Sur. First Sergt. Julian Cadiz, Bulacan, Mal- olos, care of Senior Inspector Philip- pine Constabulary of Bulacan. Captain Harry J. Castles, Philippine Con- stabulary, Manila. Sub. Inspector Marcelino Cavestany, Phil- ippine Constabulary, care of Adjt. Gen- eral Philippine Constabulary, Manila. Captain Z. F. Collett, Philippine Constab- ulary, care Adjt. General Philippine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Edward Collins, Philippine Con- stabulary, Manila. Sub. Inspector Higuio Concepcion, Phil- ippine Constabulary, care of Adjt. Gen- eral Philippine Constabulary, Manila. Captain Carey I. Crockett, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Phil- ippine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Frank S. DeWitt, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Elmer A. Eckman, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Phil- ippine Constabulary, Manila. Mr. H. B. Fernald, Tuguegarao, Cagayan. Captain W. O. Fletcher, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain E. W. Griffith, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Wm. F. Gwyme, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Mr. John C. Hawley (Supervisor of Ilo- cos Sur.), Vigan, Ilocos Sur. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 145 Captain A. E. Hendryx, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Percy A. Hill, .Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain H. J. Hunt, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Vicente Javier, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain R. B. Kavanaugh, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain Frank Knoll, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain Henry Knauber, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Felix Llorente, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain George D. Long, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Major Thomas J. Mair, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. First Glass Inspector L. B. Manchester, Telegraph Division Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Supt. Telegraph Di- vision Philippine Constabulary, Manila. Captain Otto Marshall, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Edward Y. Miller, 29th U. S. In- fantry, care of Governor, Province of Paragua. Captain Charles E. Nathurst, Philippine Constabulary, care of Adjt. General Philippine Constabulary, Manila. Major H. B. Orwig, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain Robert N. Page, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain R. A. Preston, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Sub. Inspector Dionicio Reyes, Philippine Constabulary, care of Adjt. General Philippine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Jose de los Reyes, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Herbert N. Shobe, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Third Class Inspector Chas. M. Sides, Telegraph Division Philippine Con- stabulary, Manila, care of Supt, Tele- graph Division Philippine Constabulary, Manila. Captain B. L. Smith, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain Chas. C. Smith, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain August O. Sorenson, Philippine Constabulary, care of Adjt. General Philippine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Lorenzo Tanos, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain W. E. Thompson, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain J. W. Wakeley, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Lieut. Floie A. Walker, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain N. N. Warren, Philippine Con- stabulary, care of Adjt. General Philip- pine Constabulary, Manila. Captain Waldo B. Williams, Philippine Constabulary, care of Adjt. General Philippine Constabulary, Manila. 146 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Collaborators Philippine Exposition. COMMEMORATIVE DIPLOMA OF GRATEFUL RECOGNITION, WITH GOLD MEDAL. PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL JURY OF AWARDS. Hon. William H. Taft, Secretary of War, President Superior Jury, Washing- ton, D. C. Dr. William P.Wilson, First Vice-President Superior Jury, Philadelphia. Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, Secretary Superior Jury, Director of Group and Department Jury, Philadelphia. Hon. A. L- Lawshe, Member of Superior Jury, Manila, P. I. Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero, Secretary of Group and Department Jury, and Assistant Secretary of Superior Jury, Juror for Fine and Liberal Arts, Manila, P. I. Hon. David R. Francis, President Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Member Superior Jury, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Frederick V. Skiff, Director of Exhibits Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Third Vice-President Superior Jury, Chicago, 111. Hon. Thomas H. Carter, President National Commission, Member of Superior Jury, Washington, D. C. Mr. Julio Agcaoili, Juror for Manufactures, Laoag, Ilocos, Norte. Dr. Alejandro Albert, Juror for Liberal Arts, Manila, P. I. Hon. John M. Allen, Member Superior Jury, Washington, D. C. Mr. A. E. Anderson, Juror for Liberal Arts and Machinery, St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Juan A. Araneta, Juror for Agriculture, Maao, Negros Occ. Mr. Tomas Arguelles, Juror for Transportation, Manila, P. I. Mr. Charles S. Banks, Juror for Agriculture and Fish and Game, Manila, P. I Hon. Frederick A. Betts, Member Superior Jury, Washington, D. C. Mr. Macial Calleja, Juror for Agriculture, Manila, P. I. Mr. Alfredo de Castro, Juror for Forestry, Manila, P. I. Capt. F. E. Cofren, P. C., Juror for War, Manila, P. I. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 147 Mr. H. D. Deputy, Juror for Liberal Arts, St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Antonio G. Escamilla, Juror for Transportation, Manila, P. I. Mr. Charles P. Fenner, Juror for Manufactures, Commerce and Agriculture, St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Augusto Fuster, Juror for Art, Manila, P. I. Mr. Ramon B. Genato, Juror for Art, Manila, P. I. Hon. Martin H. Glynn, Member Superior Jury. Hon. Laurence H. Grahame, Member Superior Jury. Mr. Guillermo Gomez, Juror for Fish and Game, Manila, P. I. Mr. A. R. Hager, Juror for Education, Manila, P. I. Mr. Charles L. Hall, Juror for Transportation, Live Stock and Agriculture, St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Victor J. Hall, Juror for Liberal Arts, Manufactures and Machinery, St. Louis, Mo. Mr. John Hetherington, Juror for Horticulture, St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Roy Hopping, Juror for Mining and Metallurgy, St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Manuel de Iriarte, Juror for Fine Arts and Horticulture, Manila. Dr. Albert E. Jenks, Juror for Anthropology, Manila, P. I. Major William H. Johnston, P. S., Juror for War, St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Roman Lacson, Juror for Liberal Arts, Manila, P. I. Hon. Benito Legarda, Juror for Manufactures, Manila, P. I. Mr. Ceferino de Leon, Juror for Mining and Metallurgy, Manila, P. I. Mr. Juan de Leon, Juror for Manufactures, Manila, P. I. Hon. Potenciano Lesaca, Juror for Fish and Game, Iba, Zambales. Mr. Geo. P. Linden, Juror for Forestry, Philadelphia, Pa. Hon. William Lindsay, Second Vice-President Superior Jury. Mr. Leoncio G. Liquete, Juror for Education, Manila, P. I. Mr. Vicente Llamas, Juror for Fish and Game, Manila, P. I. First Lieut. W. H. Loving, Juror for Liberal Arts, Manila, P. I. Mr. Jose de Loyzaga y Ageo, Juror for Education, Manila, P. I. Hon. Simeon Luz, Juror for Machinery, Lipa, Batangas. Mr. Eusebio Luzuriaga, Juror for Agriculture, Manila, P. I. 143 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Dr. Manuel Gomez Martinez, Juror for Education and Anthropology, Manila. Mr. Alejandro R. Mendoza, Juror for Manufactures, Manila. Hon. John F. Miller, Member Superior Jury. Hon. Bernardino Monreal, Juror for Agriculture, Sorsogon, Sorsogon. Hon. George W. McBride, Member Superior Jury. Mr. Vicente Nepomuceno, Juror for Transportation, Manila, P. I. Mr. Vicente Noel, Juror for Live Stock, Manila, P. I. Mr. Leon Novenario, Juror for War, Manila, P. I. Hon. Joaquin Ortega, Juror for Forestry, Manila, P. I. Mr. C. A. Pettit, Juror for Mining and Metallurgy, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Juan Pimentel, Juror for Mining and Metallurgy, Manila, P. I. Mr. Jose Quadras, Juror for Transportation and Fish and Game, Manila, P. I. Mr. Mariano M. Ramirez, Juror for Agriculture, Manila, P. I. Hon. Alfonso Ramos, Juror for Agriculture, Tarlac. Mr. Rafael O. Ramos, Juror for Forestry, Manila, P. I. Mr. Hilarion Raymundo, Juror for Transportation, Manila, P. I. Mr. Jose Rivera, Juror for Horticulture, Manila, P. I. Mr. Alejandro Roces, Juror for Manufactures, Paete, Laguna. Hon. Tomas del Rosario, Juror for Education, Fish and Game, Manila. Dr. Baldomero Roxas, Juror for liberal Arts, Manila. Hon. Epifanio de los Santos, Juror for Mining and Metallurgy, and Anthro- pology, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. Hon. Philip D. Scott, Member Superior Jury. Mr. Vicente Singson, Juror for Agriculture, Manila, P. I. Mr. Juan Sumulung, Juror for Agriculture, Manila, P. I. Mr. W. N. Swarthout, Juror for Liberal Arts, Manila, P. I. Hon. T. H. Pardo de Tavera, Juror for Anthropology, Manila, P. I. Hon. John M. Thurston, Member Superior Jury, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Mariano Trias, Juror for War, Cavite. Mr. Gervasio Unson, Juror for Live Stock, Manila, P. I. Hon. Juan Villamor, Juror for Manufactures, War, Mining and Metallurgy, and Anthropology, Bangued, Abra. Miss Pilar Zamora, Juror for Manufactures and Education, Manila. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 149 Collaborators Philippine Exposition Board. COMMEMORATIVE DIPLOMA OP GRATEFUL RECOGNITION WITH GRAND PRIZE. Dr. William P. Wilson, Chairman, Phila- delphia, Pa. Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, Philadelphia, Pa. Hon. Pedro A. Paterno, Manila, P. I. Hon. A. L. Lawshe, Manila, P. I. Herbert S. Stone, St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Leon Ma Guerrero, Secretary, Manila, P. I. Civil Government of the Philippine Isl- ands, Manila. Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. WITH GOLD MEDAL. American Chamber of Commerce, Manila. Attorney General, Manila, P. I. Auditor for the Philippine Archipelago, Manila, P. I. Bureau of Engineering, Manila, P. I. Bureau of Internal Revenue, Manila, P. I. Bureau of Public Lands. Manila, P. I. Bureau of Public Health, Manila, P. I. Chief Quartermaster, Manila, P. I. Chief Signal Officer, Manila, P. I. Civil Service Board, Manila, P. I. Court of Land Registration, Manila, P. I. Mr. Edmund A. Felder, Philadelphia, Pa. Manila Fire Department, Manila, P.I. Otto Mathi, St. Louis. Mo. Ordnance Department, Manila, P. I. Philippine Chamber of Commerce, Ma- nila, P. I. Capt. F. E. Cofren, Philippine Constab- ulary, Manila, P. I. Charles P. Fenner, Chief Department of Commerce and Manufactures, St. Louis, Mo. A. R. Hager. Chief Department of Educa- tion, Manila, P. I. Charles L. Hall, Chief Department of Ag- riculture, St. Louis, Mo. A. E. Jenks, Chief Department of Eth- nology, Manila. P. I. H. F. Kendall, Property Clerk, Manila, P. I. George P. Linden, Chief Department of Forestry, Philadelphia, Pa. Carson Taylor, Disbursing Officer, Manila, P. I. Captain Llewellyn P.Williamson, Medical Director, St. Louis, Mo. COMMEMORATIVE DIPLOMA OF GRATEFUL RECOGNITION, WITH SILVER MEDAL. Frank Aaron, Philadelphia, Pa. Alfred Arnold, Manila, P. I. Assistant to Chief Quartermaster, Manila, P. I. Tomas Banzon, Balanga, Bataan. Braulio Barbaza, Manila, P. I. F. M. Brinker, St. Louis, Mo. Albert Brady, St. Louis, Mo. Charles E. Brown, Milwaukee Museum. Felipe Canillas, Manila, P, I. Thorington C. Chase, Santa Barbara, Cal. A. B. Edmonds, Algona, Iowa. Eduardo Flores, Manila, P. I. Jose S. Galvez, Manila, P. I. Alfredo Guerrero, Manila. P. I. John Hetherineton, St. Louis, Mo. Miss Effie A. Hickman, St. Louis, Mo. E. Insencio, Board of Health, Cavite. Insular Cold Storage & Ice Plant, Manila. J. L. Irwin, St. Louis, Mo. Claude B. Janes, St. Louis, Mo. E. Lacayo, Manila, P. I. H. D. Lawshe, St. Louis, Mo. Seth Loomis, Manila, P. I. Ordnance Officer, Philippine Constabu- lary, Manila, P. I. L. Osorio, Cavite. Benigno Padilla, Sual, Pangasinan. J. N. Patterson, St. Louis, Mo. C. A. Pettit, St. Louis, Mo. Charles R. Toothaker, Philadelphia, Pa. Sotero Viray, Tarlac, Tarlac. William E. Weigel, St. Louis, Mo. Miss Alice Pilsbury, St. Louis, Mo. E. Saguil, Manila, P. I. Damiano Santos, Angat, Bulacan. Eber C. Smith, Manila, P. I. COMMEMORATIVE DIPLOMA OF GRATEFUL RECOGNITION, WITH BRONZE MEDAL. Jose Alejandrino, Manila, P. I. Tomas Arguelles, Manila, P. I. Jose Ma. Arroyo, Washington, D. C. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. Jose Benegas, Manila, P. I. E. R. Brown, St. Louis, Mo. W. G. Burke, St. Louis, Mo. 150 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Claude B. Burson, Wickenburg, Arizona. Ben Dickeraon, St. Louis, Mo. Tan Diong, Tacloban, Leyte. Julius Dossche, St. Louis, Mo. George Fox, St. Louis, Mo. Pedro Francisco, Manila, P. I. Gustavus Charles Frank, St. Louis Post Office. Corporal Garcia, P. C., Manila, P. I. Pablo Granados, Manila, P. I. N. de Gusman, P. C., Manila, P. I. E. de las Heras, Manila, P. I. Ramon Irureta Goyena, Manila, P. I. Maximo Kabigting, Manila, P. I. J. H. Ker, St. Louis, Mo. Henry Kleinworth, Manila, P. I. Jose M. Lacalle, Manila, P. I. Abelardo Lafuente, Manila, P. I. B. S. Lovejoy, St. Louis, Mo. F. F. Ludolph, St. Louis, Mo. F. Maravillas, Manila, P. I. v Eduardo Mariano, Manila, P. I. Max Paffrath, St. Louis, Mo. Rev. Tomas Palmes, Iloilo. Enrique Penson, Manila, P. I. Basilio Perfecto, Manila, P. I. R. M. Purcell, St. Louis, Mo. Isabelo de los Reyes, Manila, P. I. Isaac Rius, Manila, P. I. Rafael Romero, Manila, P. I. Fernando Salas, Manila, P. I. Lope R. Santos, Manila, P. I. Melecio Severino, Bacolod, Negros Occi- dental. Joseph Schwartz, St. Louis, Mo ; Pedro Siojo, Manila, P. I. Senor Severa, Taxidermist, Manila, P. I. G. H. Trout, St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Laureano Viado, Manila, P. I. Harry Warner, St. Louis. Florentine Zacarias, Manila, P. I. COMMEMORATIVE DIPLOMA OF GRATEFUL RECOGNITION, WITH HONORABLE MENTION. Mrs. E. Anderson, St. Louis, Mo. Henry Bergfeld, St. Louis, Mo. Miss Isabel Bogard, St. Louis, Mo. Miss M. E. Buckles, St. Louis, Mo. Frank Fuller, St. Louis, Mo. James Griffin, St. Louis, Mo. Brosie 0. Hagan, St. Louis, Mo. Miss Mary Hays, St Louis, Mo. Juan Imus, Banaba, Tarlac, Tarlac. Marius Johns, St. Louis, Mo. Miss A. E. Johnson, St. Louis, Mo. Miss Grace Kingston, St. Louis, Mo. Miss Elza McBride, St. Louis, Mo. Miss E. Mahon, St. Louis, Mo. E, G. Meyer, St. Louis, Mo. Luke G. Orr, St. Louis, Mo. H. B. Patterson, St. Louis, Mo. Ed Ruwart, St. Louis, Mo. T. Shannon, St. Louis, Mo. Herman Sievers, St. Louis, Mo. Otto Sievers, St. Louis, Mo. Benito Soriano, Tarlac, Tarlac. COMMEMORATIVE DIPLOMA C GRATEFUL RECOGNITION WITH GOLD MEDAL. Hon. Charles F. Gallenkamp, St. Louis. Mr. John J. Mueller, St. Louis, Mo. WITH SILVER MEDAL. Mr. J. E. Lysaght, St. Louis, Mo. Mr. J. W. McGuire, St. Louis, Mo. WITH BRONZE MEDAL. W. H. Banks, St. Louis, Mo. James W. Chawning, St. Louis, Mo. W. M. Christie, St. Louis, Mo. Robert W. Haynie, St. Louis, Mo. D. W. Hutchens, St. Louis, Mo. T. C. Mann, St. Louis, Mo. G. H. Q. Nelson, St Louis, Mo Nelson Pryor, St Louis, Mo. H. F. Woodhead, St. Louis, Mo. NEWSPAPERS. COMMEMORATIVE DIPLOMA GRATEFUL RECOGNITION WITH SILVER MEDAL. Ang Kalayaan, Manila, P. I. Ang Suga, Cebu. Daily Bulletin, Manila, P. I. OF El Comercio, Manila, P. I. El Eco de Albay, Albay. El Grito del Pueblo, Manila, P. I. El Mercantil, Manila, P. I. El Noticiero, Manila, P. I. El Progreso, Manila, P. I. El Pueblo, Cebu. El Renacimiento, Manila, P. I. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 151 El Tiempo, Iloilo. Freedom, Manila, P. I. Iloilo Times, Iloilo. Justicia, Manila, P. I. La Democracia, Manila, P. I. La Fraternidad, Manila, P. I. La Igualdad, Bacolod, Negros Occidental. Libertas, Manila, P. I. Los Obreros, Manila, P. I. La Patria, Manila, P. I. La Paz, Nueva Caceres, Ambos Camarlnes. La Verdad, Manila, P. I. Manila Cablenews, Manila, P. I. Manila Review of Trade and Price Cur- rent, Manila, P. I. Manila Times, Manila, P. I. Sunday Sun, Manila, P. I. The Manila American, Manila, P. I. RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. COMMEMORATIVE DIPLOMA OF GRATEFUL RECOGNITION WITH GOLD MEDAL. Armstrong & Mackay, Manila, P. I. Cobarrubias & Co., Manila, P. I. Compania General de Tabacos de Fili- pinas, Manila, P. I. Compania Maritima, Manila, P. I. Compania Naviera Mercantil Filipina, Manila, P. I. Gutierrez Hermanos, Manila, P. I. Luis Hidalgo & Co., Manila, P. I. Horace L. Higgins, General Manager Ma- nila and Dagupan Railroad, Manila. Lizarraga Hermanos, Manila, P. I. John T. MacLeod, Manila, P. I. i Manila and Dagupan Railroad, Manila. Angel Ortiz, Manila, P. I. Luis Rafael Yanco, Manila, P. I. Smith, Bell & Co., Manila, P.. I. Sygiang, Manila, P. I. Viuda de Tan-Auco, Manila, P. I. J. Verches, Manila, P. I. Warner Barnes & Co., Manila, P. I. Ynchausti & Co., Manila, P. I. POWER HOUSE. COMMEMORATIVE DIPLOMA WITH GRAND PRIZE. Franklin Boiler Works, Troy, N. Y. WITH GOLD MEDAL. Barr Pump Co., Philadelphia, Pa. William Bayley & Sons Company, Mil- waukee, Wis. The Bristol Company, Waterbury, Conn. Consolidated Engine Stop Company, New York, N. Y. Crane Company, Chicago, 111. De Laval Steam Turbine Co., Trenton, N. J. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Chicago, 111. Walter L. Flower & Co., St. Louis, Mo. General Electric Company, Syracuse, N. Y. Harrison Boiler Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Jackson Filter Co., St. Louis, Mo. Phoenix Iron Works Co., Meadville, Pa. Shepherd Engineering Co., Franklin, Pa. Stanley Electric Co., Pittsfleld. Mass. Watson & McDaniels Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Special Government Medals of Honor. GOVERNMENT COLLABORATORS. GOLD MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DI- PLOMA OF GRAND PRIZE OR FIRST CLASS. President Theodore Roosevelt, White House, Washington. Ex-Secretary of War Elihu Root, New York. Secretary of War William H. Taft, War Department, Washington. Hon. Luke E. Wright, Civil Governor Philippine Islands, Manila, P. I. Col. Clarence R. Edwards, War Depart- ment, Washington. Hon. Henry C. Ide, Vice-Governor, Secre- tary of Finance and Justice. 152 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Hon. Dean C. Worcester, Commissioner, Secretary of Interior. Hon. James F. Smith, Commissioner, Sec- retary of Public Instruction. Hon. H. C. Forbes, Commissioner, Secre- tary of Commerce and Police. Hon. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, 'Com- missioner. Hon. Benito Legarda, Commissioner. Hdn. Jose R. Luzuriaga, Commissioner. Hon. Bernard Moses, Berkeley Univer- sity, San Francisco, Cal. Dr. William P. Wilson, Chairman Philip- pine Exposition Bjoard, Philadelphia. Dr. Gustavo Niederlein, member Philip- pine Exposition Board, Philadelphia. Hon. Pedro A. Paterno, member Philip-- pine Exposition Board, Manila, P. I. Hon. A. L. Lawshe, member Philippine Exposition Board, Manila, P. I. Herbert S. Stone, Member Philippine Exposition Board. Dr. Leon M. Guerrero, Secretary Philip- pine Exposition Board, Manila, P. I. Hon. A. W. Ferguson, Executive Secre- tary, Manila, P. I. Hon. Beekman Winthrop, former acting executive Secretary, Governor of Porto Rico. MEDAL, OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF GOLD MEDAL. OR SECOND CLASS. Judge D. R. Williams, former Secretary of the United States Philippine Commis- sion, Manila, P. I. Frank Carpenter, Assistant Executive Secretary, Manila, P. I. Fred Carpenter, Private Secretary to the Secretary of War. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL OR THIRD CLASS. Mr. Lawrence W. Manning, Private Secre- tary to Governor Wright. Mr. Edgar O. Johnson, Private Secretary to Commissioner Worcester. Mr. Jackson L. Due, Private Secretary to Commissioner Ide. Mr. William H. Donovan, Private Secre- tary to Commissioner Smith. Mr. Fermin Zacarias, Private Secretary to Commissioner Legarda, Mr. C. A. Sobral, Private Secretary to Commissioner Pardo de Tavera. Capt. Robert H. Noble, Third United States Infantry, aid-de-camp. Dr. Thomas R. Marshal, Chief Health In- spector. GOVERNORS. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF GRAND PRIZE OR FIRST CLASS. Hon. Juan Villamor, Bangued, Governor of Abra. Hoc, Pablo Tecson, Malolos, Governor of Bulacan. Hon. Gracio Gonzaga, Tuguegarao, Gov- ernor of Cagayan. Hon. Mariano Trias, Cavite, Ex-Governor of Cavite. Hon. Julio Agcaoili, Laoag, Governor of Ilocos Norte. Hon. Mena Crisologo, Vigan, Governor of Ilocos Sur. Hon. Martin Delgado, Iloilo, Governor of Iloilo. Gapt. Robert S. Offley, U. S. A., Calapan, Governor of Mindoro. Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood, Zamboanga, Governor of Moro Province. Hon. Leandro Locsin, Bacolod, Governor of Negros Occidental. Hon. Demetrio Larena, Dumaguete, Gov- ernor of Negros Oriental. Hon. Epifanio de los Santos, San Isidro, Governor of Nueva Ecija. Hon. Ceferino Joven, Bacolor, Governor of Pampanga. Hon. Macario Favila. Lingayen, Gov- ernor of Pangasinan. Hon. Segimdo Singson, Catbalogan, Gov- ernor of Samar. Hon. Julio Llorente, Manila, Ex-Governor of Samar. Hon. Bernardino Monreal, Sorsogon, Gov- ernor of Sorsogon. Hon. Alfonso Ramos, Tarlac, Governor of Tarlac. Hon. Ricardo Paras, Lucena, Governor of Tayabas. Hon. Potenciano Lesaca, Iba, Governor of Zambales. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 153 MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF GOLD MEDAL OR SECOND CLASS. Hon. Arlington U. Betts, Albay, Gov- ernor of Albay. Hon. James Ross, Nueva Caceres, Gov- ernor of Ambos Camarines. Hon. Leandro Fullon, San Jose de Buena- vista, Governor of Antique. Hon. Thomas G. del Rosario, Balanga, Governor of Bataan. Hon. John H. Goldman, Balanga, Ex- Governor of Bataan. Hon. Simeon Luz, Batangas, Governor of Batangas. Hon. William F. Pack, Bagnio, Governor of Benguet. Hon. Aniceto Clarin, Tagbilaran, Gov- ernor of Bohol. Hon. Jugo Vidal, Capiz, Governor of Capiz. Capt. David C. Shanks, U. S. A., Cavite, Governor of Cavite. Hon. Juan Climaco, Cebu, Governor of Cebu. Hon. Francisco Dichose, Ilagan, Gov- ernor of Isabela. Hon. Juan Cailles, Santa Cruz, Governor of La Laguna. Hon. Joaquin Ortega, San Fernando, Gov- ernor of La Union. Hon. William Dinwidie, Cervantes, Gov- ernor of Lepanto-Bontoc. Hon. Peter Borseth, Taclohan, Governor of Leyte. Hon. Bonifacio Serrano, Masbate, Gov- ernor of Masbate. Hon. Manuel Corrales, Cagayan, Governor of Misamis. Hon. Lawrence M. Bennett, Bayonbong, Governor of Nueva Viscaya. Hon. Edward J. Miller, Cuyo, Governor of Paragua. Capt. William H. Phillips, U. S. A., Wash- ington, Ex-Governor of Paragna. Hon. Arturo Dancel, Pasig, Governor of Rizal. Hon. Francisco Sans, Romblon, Governor of Romblon. Manuel V. del Rosario, Secretary and Acting Governor of Sorsogon. Hon. Hugo Salazar, Surigao, Governor of Surigao. INSULAR CHIEFS OF DEPARTMENTS. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF GRAND PRIZE OR FIRST CLASS. Capt. George P. Ahern, U. S. A., Chief Forestry Bureau, Manila, P. I. Brig.-Gen. Henry T. Allen, Chief Bureau Philippine Constabulary, Manila, P. I. Dr. David P. ^Barrows, Chief Bureau of Education, Manila, P. I. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA! OF GOLD MEDAL OR SECOND CLASS. Col. David J. Baker, Jr., First Assistant Chief Philippine Constabulary, Manila. Mr. Edgar K. Bourne, Chief Bureau of Architecture, Manila, P. I. Mr. Frank A. Branagan, Insular Treas- urer, Manila, P. I. Maj. E. C. Carter, U. S. A., Commissioner of Public Health. Mr. C. M. Cotterman, Director Bureau of Posts, Manila, P. I. Dr. Paul C. Freer, Superintendent Bureau of Government Laboratories, Manila. Capt. John E. Harding, Chief of Police, Manila, P. I. Lieut. Commander J. M. Helm, U. S. N., Chief Bureau Coast Guard and Trans- portation, Manila, P. I. Mr. A. Cruz Herrera, President Municipal Board, Manila, P. I. Mr. Edwin C. Jones, Superintendent of Instruction, Bureau of Public Printing, Manila, P. I. Mr. John S. Leech, Chief Bureau of Pub- lic Printing, Manila. P. I. Mr. H. B. McCoy, Deputy Collector of Customs for the Philippine Islands, Manila, P. I. Mr. William T. Nolting, Postmaster, Ma- nila, P. I. Mr. G. R. Putnam, in charge Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, Manila, P. I. Colonel Scott, Assistant Chief Philippine Constabulary, Manila, P. I. Dr. F. Lamson Scribner, Chief Insular Bureau of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Mr. E. G. Shields, Insular Purchasing Agent. Manila. P. I. Mr. W. Morgan Shuster. Chief Bureau of Customs and Immigration, Manila, P. I. 154 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Dr. Eugene H. Stafford, Chief Philippine Civil Hospital, Manila, P. I. Dr. Richard P. Strong, Director Biologi- cal Laboratory, Manila, P. I. Frank R. White, Assistant Superinten- dent of Public Instruction, Manila. Capt. George N. Wolfe, Warden, Depart- ment of Prisons, Manila, P. I. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL OR THIRD CLASS. Mr. A. L. B. Davies, Local Purchasing Agent, Manila, P. I. Maj. Frank Greene, U. S. A., Signal Offi- cer Department of Luzon, Manila, P. I. Mr. James W. Jobling, Director Serum Laboratory, Manila, P. I. Mr. Max L. McCollough, Editor of the Official Gazette, Manila, P. I. Mr. J. C. Mehan, Manila, P. I. Mr. M. L. Stuart, Manila, P. I. Mr. C. R. Trowbridge, Chief of Detective Bureau, Manila, P. I. Mr. W. C. Welborn, Assistant Chief Bu- reau of Agriculture, Manila, P. I. COLLABORATORS OF WAR DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF INSULAR AFFAIRS AND PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION BOARD. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF GRAND PRIZE OR FIRST CLASS. Hon. Governor George R. Carter, Hono- lulu, Hawaii. Hon. Thomas H. Carter, President National Commission. Hon. David R. Francis, President Louis- iana Purchase Exposition. His Excellency Minister Baron Komura, Tokio, Japan. Hon. Governor Geo. C. Pardee, Sacra- mento, Cal. Hon. Frederik J. V. Skiff, Director of Exhibits, World's Fair, St. Louis. Walter B. Stevens, Secretary Louisiana Purchase Exposition. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF GOLD MEDAL OR SECOND CLASS. Maj. J. B. Aleshire, U. S. A., Washington, D. C. Rev. Dr. Jose Algue, Director Manila Observatory, Manila, P. I. Arthur E. Anderson, Architect, Manila, P. I. Hon. A. L. C. Atkinson, Honolulu, Hawaii. Hon. R. A. Ballinger, Mayor, Seattle, Wash. William Bard, Chief Division Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. M. E. Beall, Chief Division Bureau of In- sular Affairs, Washington, D. C. Brigadier General James Franklin Bell, U. S. A ., Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Frank I. Bennett, Chicago, 111. Dr. E. B. Bryan, ex-General Superinten- dent of Education, California. A. J. Cassatt, Philadelphia, Pa., President Pennsylvania R. R. Capt. George S. Clark, Purchasing Agent, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. George W. Davis, U. S. A., Washing- ton, D. C. Charles Deering, Chicago, 111. Major C. A. Devol, San Francisco, Cal. Hon. Henry W. Eastham, Mayor, Lynn, Mass. % Edmund A. Felder, St. Louis, Mo. Charles P. Fenner, Chief of Commerce and Manufactures; St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Julius Fleischmann, Mayor, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Augusto Fuster, Manila, P. I. Hon. George Grime, Mayor, Fall River, Mass. Alvarez Guerra, Marcos 3, Madrid. A. R. Hager, Chief of Education, Manila, P. I. Charles L. Hall, Chief of Agriculture, St. Louis, Mo. Victor J. Hall, Assistant Chief Fine and Liberal Arts, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Carter H. Harrison, Mayor, Chicago, 111. E. H. Harriman, President S. P. R. R., New York City. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 155 Hon. Wm. B.Hays, Mayor, Pittsburg, Pa. M. R. Healy, Manager Visayan Village, St. Louis, Mo. Col. H. O. S. Heistand, U. S. A., Wash- ington. Roy Hopping, Chief of Mines and Metal- lurgy, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Charles F. Humphrey, U. S. A., Washington, D. C. Dr. T. K. Hunt, Manager Igorrote Vil- lage, St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Albert E. Jenks, Chief of Anthropol- ogy, Manila, P. I. Morris K. Jessup, New York City. J. G. Jester, Disbursing Officer Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. Hon. Tom Johnson, Mayor, Cleveland, Ohio. H. F. Kendall, Property Clerk, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Erastus C. Knight, Mayor, Buffalo, N. Y. Frederick Lewis, Manager Moro Villages, St. Louis, Mo. Harry C. Lewis, Chief Division War Department, Washington, D. C. George P. Linden, Chief of Forestry, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. George D. McClellan, Mayor, New York City, N. Y. Hon. Henry B. F. MacFarland, Washing- ton, D. C. John H. McGibbons, Sec'y of Awards, Louisiana Purchase Exposition , St. Louis. Amos B. McNairy, Cleveland, Ohio. Hon. Charles E. Magoon, Bureau of In- sular Affairs, Washington, D. C. Hon. Wm. C. Maybury, Mayor, Detroit, Mich. Gen. A. L. Mills, West Point, N. Y. Oscar G. Murray, President B. & O. R. R., Baltimore, Md. Enrique M. Nelson, Argentine Commis- sioner, St. Louis, Mo. Albert A. Norris, Philadelphia, Pa. Daniel C. Nugent, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Kaho Otani, Yokohama, Japan. W. R. Pedigo, Private Sec'y Chief Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. W. Leon Pepperman, War Department, Washington, D. C. R. E. Preston, Philadelphia, Pa. Hon. Whitelaw Reid, New York City, N. Y. A. T. Ruan, Cashier, Washington, D. C. Hon. E. E. Schmitz, Mayor, San Fran- cisco, Cal. R. P. Schwerin, San Francisco, Cal. Valentin Semilla Guevara, Manager Ne- grito Village, Mariveles, Bataan. George F. Seward, New York City, N. Y. George B. Stevens, President C. & O. R. R., Richmond, Va. Hon. A. von Stibral, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati, Ohio. Carson Taylor, Disbursing Officer, Manila, P. I. Capt. J. R. M. Taylor, Chief Division Bu- reau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. Wm. H. Thompson, Treasurer Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. C. P. Walbridge, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. John Weaver, Mayor, Philadelphia, Pa. Hon. Rolla Wells, Mayor, St. Louis, Mo. Charles H. West, Pittsburg, Pa. Henry H. Wernse, St. Louis, l^Io. A. D. Wilcox, Chief Division Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. Hon. George H. Williams, Mayor, Port- land, Oregon. Capt. Llewellyn P. Williamson, Medical Director. St. Louis, Mo. N. M. Woodson, Chief Division Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. Miss Pilar Zamora, Director of Model School, Manila, P. I. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL OR THIRD CLASS. Capt. Jesse M. Baker, Portland, Oregon. August Boette, St. Louis, Mo. C. C. Bolton, Cleveland, Ohio. James A. Brown, Pittsburg, Pa. Capt. M. C. Butler, Jr., U. S. A., Chief Commissary Department. Barry Bulkley, Washington, D. C. H. P. Bunney, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Anna Sneed Cairns, St. Louis, Mo. J. W. Clise, Seattle, Washington. F. Ernst Cramer, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Harrison H. Dodge, Superintendent Mount Vernon. A. B. Edmonds, St. Louis, Mo. Fred Enos, Bridgeport, Conn. Antonio Escamilla, Assistant Secretary, Manila, P. I. E. B. Filsinger, St. Louis, Mo. 156 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Emil S. Fischer, St. Louis, Mo. Jose S. Galvez, Manila. Lt. Commander John Gibbons, U. S. N., U. S. Cruiser Dolphin, Washington. Capt. F. A. Grant, Seattle, Wash. Frederick Greeley, Chicago, 111. Hon. James M. W. Hall, Boston,, Mass. George B. Harris, Chicago, 111. T. L. Hopkins, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. M. E. Ingalls, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Joanini, Bureau of Ineular Affairs, Washington, D. C. Dr. Roman Lascon, St. Louis, Mo. H. D. Lawshe, Manila. H. B. Ledyard, Detroit, Mich- F. Howard Mason, Buffalo, N. Y. Joseph Medill McCormick, Chicago, 111. W. C. McMillan, Detroit, Mich. Charles S. Mellen, New Haven, Conn. Capt. William M. Meredith, Washington, D. C. Charles A. Moore, 85 Liberty Street, New York. Alfred C. Newell, Chief of Exploitation, New York. W. H. Newman, New York. L. H. Nutting, 349 Broadway, New York City. Paul Oeker, St. Louis, Mo. Henry W. Peabody, Boston, Mass. Dr. Janet Perkins, Botanist, Berlin. Hon. E. G. Preston, Boston, Mass. Jose Quadras, Chief of Fish and Game, Manila, P. I. Tom Richardson, Portland, Oregon. Miss Emma Ross, Stenographer, Manila, Richard Schneidewind, Manila, P. I. E. Scott, Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco, Cal. F. A. Scott, Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Seymour, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. W. M. Shuster, Washington, D. C. Wm. Speel, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. Thomas J. Sullivan, Washington, D. C. W. A. Sutherland, Educational Agent of Filipino Students, Washington, D. C. Hon. Frank J. Bynames, San Francisco, Cal. Capt. Parker W. West, llth Cavalry, San Francisco, Cal. Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley, St. Louis, Mo. Joseph Wilby, Cincinnati, Ohio. George Wilson, New York. M. R. Williams, St. Louis, Mo. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL OR FOURTH CLASS. Mr. Carrnack, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. John J. Connor, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Fergusson, Bureau of Insular Affairs Washington, D. C. Alfredo Guerrero, Manila. James S. Lawshe, St. Louis, Mo. Enrique Lopez Ortiz, Manila. Mr. Manning, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. Lt. C. O. Pierson, Washington, D. C. D. J. Ryan, Philadelphia, Pa. 4 John H. Starin, Pier 13, North River, New York. Lt. Daniel Van Voorhis, Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas. Lt. Howard G. Young, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Miss Nancy Sumner King, care of Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington D. C. First American white legitimate child of American parents, born in the Phil- ippine Islands, under American occupa- tion. PHILIPPINE CONSTABULARY. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF GOLD MEDAL OR SECOND CLASS. Maj. Amos D. Haskell, commanding Ex- position Constabulary Battalion. Capt. F. E. Cofren, Philippine Constab- ulary, in charge of Philippine Constab- ulary exhibit. Lieut. W. H. Loving, Director Constab- ulary Band. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 157 MEDALS OP HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL OR THIRD CLASS. Captain H. J. Castles. Capt. E. A. Eckman. First Lieut. N. S. Gilpin, Adjutant. Second Lieut. J. S. Manning, Supply Officer. First Lieut. A. A. Cameron, Medical Offi- cer. Capt. Ralph W. Jones, commanding Com- pany "B." First Lieut. Lucien R. Sweet, command- ing Company "A." First Lieut. Felix Llorente, Company "B." First Lieut. C. M. Pendelton, Company "A." Second Lieut. Modesto Colmenares, Com- pany "B." First Lieut. C. E. Bennett. Third Lieut. James L. Wood. Sub Inspector Antonio Maximo. CONSTABULARY BAND. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL OR THIRD CLASS. Pedro A. Cruz, Chief Musician. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL OR FOURTH CLASS. Mack Onofre, First Sergeant. Ignacio M. Acierto, Principal Musician. Pedro B. Navarro, Principal Musician. Juan A. Hernandez, Drum Major. SERGEANTS. Bonifacio Trinidad. Augustin Santos. Francisco Soter. Victoriano Flores. Fermin Noguit. Valentin de Ocampo. Francisco Estrada. Baldy St. John. Bernardino Asinas. CORPORALS. Nicacio Gaspar. Engracio Mariano. Dionisio Francisco. Honorio Quirol. Marciano Cristobal. Gregorio San Jose. Venancio Zamudio. Alejandro Malana. Cirilo de la Cruz. Antonio Cruz. Justo Damian. Pedro Gabriel. Pedro Diaz. Cesario Alcantara. Simeon Garcia. Benito Salonga. Mariano Bernal. Sergt.-Maj. Vincente Domingo. Quartermaster-Sergeant Bartholome Sole- dad. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF HONORABLE MENTION OR FIFTH CLASS. PRIVATES. Sabas Agbunag. Lorenzo Afable. Eugenio Alano. Sabas Alcid. Flaviano Alegra. Gregorio Alverto. Francisco Arceo. Braullo Baello. 158 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Patricio Caballero. Severino Cadiz. Vicente Cadiz. Felix Canlas. Donate Carmen. Jose Castro. Juaquin Castueras. Vicente Chan. Dionisio de la Cruz. Hipolito de la Cruz. Patricio de la Cruz. Ponciano Cubarrubias. Cristobal Dacanay. Tomas de Guia. Geronimo Guillen. Julian Guiterrez. Filemon Lardisabal. Doroteo Larion. Florentine Licerio. Bonifacio Liera. Estanislao Martin. Estanislao Mauricio. Augustin Medrano. Ansverto Mendoza. Basilio Mendoza. Segundo del Mundo. Alex Nipales. Domingo Pangilinan. Juan Mendoza. Segundo Perfecto. Rafael Principe. Melecio Rosario. Basilio Rubio. Roman Salita. Macario San Miguel. Esteban Sapaula. Roman Tayac. Apolinio Tendilla. Epifanio Valenzuela. Rufino Villanueva. Zacarias Villanueva. Catalino Yguico. Private Nicador de Guzman, Medical Di- vision. Private Ricardo de la Cruz, Medical Di- vision. CONSTABULARY. COMPANY "A." MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA Miguel Lopez. OF BRONZE MEDAL OR FOURTH CLASS. First Sergeant Bernardo Gonzales. SERGEANTS. Urbano Alvarez. Arcadio Lizaso. Gavino Yasay. Juan Aguilar. Enrique Martin. Natalio Santos. Eduardo Cavas. Mariano Dalisay. Gregorio Hombrebueno. Isaac Molina. Irineo Monson. Simeon Ygloria. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA HONORABLE MENTION OR FIFTH CLASS. CORPORALS. German Alido. Ramon Chico. Jose Gayoso. MUSICIANS. Sixto Almares. Pedro San Esteban. Quiterio Ruidera. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 159 PRIVATES. Gavino Alido. Guillermo Abilong. Cayetano Amar. Daniel Apacible. Eustaquio Bayaua. Ignacio Bersamina. Honorio Bonifacio. Reinaldo Buenaventura. Magno Cabiting. Jose Calayag. Florentino Constantino. Teodoro Datun. Antonio Alejandro. Andres Addun. Joaquin Amayo. Cipriano Atienza. Antonio Bacal. Geronimo Bangues. Emeterio Bolivar. Elias Bunaning. Vicente Cabiting. Tomas Cesista. Venancio Chaves. Mariano Estoria. Teodoro Escalante. Alipio Eustaquio. Augustin Flaviano. Jose Fernandez. Miguel Galang. Fernando Galvez. Ibrahim. Kabalu. Kamang. Isaac Laczon. Silverio Lascano. Mamerto Limos. Eduadro Marzo. Mulud. Esteban Nueda. Mariano Ongoco. Ciriaco Palomares. Pangasinan. Geronimo Prez. Eleno Puspos. Matias Quintana. Juan Rubio. Jose Saavedra. Francisco Santillana. Santiago Tarroza. Eustaquio Tuason. Jose Villamil. Tomas Esguerra. Francisco Famatiga. Pedro Fernando. Clemente Flojo. Hilario Gallardo. Atilano Guzon. Jalan. Miguel Jacobo. Santiago Mosquera. Demetrio Lara. Pedro Latumbo. Lorenzo Magalad. Felix Mateo. Nasa. Nicanor Olivar. Agapito Octavo. Pantalam. Apolinario Pascual. Filemon Pingol. Felicisimo Ravina. Placidio Rosin. Tiburcio Salvador. Epifanio Samante. Magno Taclub. Mariano Tiangco. Francisco Verdeflor. COMPANY "B.' MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL OR FOURTH CLASS. First Sergeant Juan Balajadia. Marcelo Torres. Jose Casado. Maximo Meiban. CORPORALS. SERGEANTS. Domingo Manalastas. Simeon Babasa. Sostenes del Castillo. Ciriaco Espanola. 160 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Fernando Paular. Facundo Penaflor. Pablo Sonza. Agaton Bacal. Eugenio Luna. Meliton Orasca. Manuel Sanchez. Rosalio Sendon. Agapito Suarez. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA HONORABLE MENTION OR FIFTH CLASS. PRIVATES. Vicente Acosta. Marcelo Agustin. Lorenzo Aljibe. Monico Anazarias. Tomas Arriola. Felipe Aurilio. Santiago Banaac. Brigido Barrera. Marcelino Bedis. Antonio Casanova. Carlos Castaneda. Sixto Casuguis. Marcos Cumarat. Casimiro de Jesus. Nicolas Denosta. Moises Dulay. Cornelio Adzuara. Bernabe Alejandrino. German Amante. Miguel Antonio. Felipe Artacho. Constancio Balao. Tomas Vargas. Pedro Barrillo. Ambrosio Cabacungan. Enrique Casbadillo. Antonio Cruz. Longino de la Cruz. Agapito de la Pena. Benito Espejo. Sebero Eco. Santiago Funtanilla. Juan Guerrero. Julio Jovellanos. Segundo Lazaro. Domingo Leonor. Alejandro Lobo. Vicente Ludan. Gregorio Macalalad. Ambrosio Malapit. Marcelo Miranda. Honorato Morada. Basilio Navarro. Bonifacio Honato. Marcelo Palla. Justo Pasion. Maximiano Percha. Maximiano Pungla. Manuel Quinagoran. Ignacio Rojo. Ramon Samson. Augustin Serrano. Leonardo Tesoro. Santiago Tristeza. Francisco Ventura. Doroteo Yasay. Mariano Fernandez. Alberto Itilong. Victor Kapunan. Felix Leonardo. Casimiro Lopez. Urbano Losande. Teodoro Lleva. Eugenio Madrigal. Damasio Mojica. Buenaventura Morada. Faustino Natnat. Andres Oliva. Esteban Oridiana. Roberto Padre. Nasario Palamos. Augustin Policarpio. Esteban Epifanio. Fausto Reyes. Silverio Resales. Anselmo Sarnate. Leonardo Sison. Pacifico Tolentino. Nicomedes Tubig. Aurelio Yabut. Juan Isip. PHILIPPINE SCOUTS. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF GOLD MEDAL OR SECOND CLASS. Maj. William H. Johnston commanding Exposition Scouts Battalion. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL OR THIRD CLASS. Chaplain John C. Granville, Fourteenth Cavalry. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 161 First Lieut. T. B. Taylor, Eleventh Cav- alry. First Lieut. J. C. Brady, Fourth Infantry, Adjutant Battalion Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. C. D. Buck, Assistant Sur- geon U. S. Army. First Lieut. Boss Reese, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. Wesley King, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. John A. Paegelow, Philip- pine Scouts. First Lieut. Julian De Court, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. Floyd L. Frissbie, Philip- pine Scouts. First Lieut. Charles E. Dority, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. Edward Dworak, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. Ray Hoover, Philippine Scouts. Second Lieut. Robert Dickson, Philippine Scouts. Second Lieut. George McCue, Philippine Scouts. Second Lieut. Crispulo Patajo, Philippine Scouts. Secon'd Lieut. Clay Platt, Philippine Scouts. Mr. Ernest G. Fisher, Director Philippine Scouts Band, St. Louis. 30TH COMPANY PHILIPPINE SCOUTS. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL OR FOURTH CLASS. First Sergt. Valeriano Aquino. Quartermaster Sergeant Bernardo Ramos. SERGEANTS. Guillermo Bernaldo. Fautino Ventura. Santiago Haberia. Felipe Berroya. Fermin Manzanilla. Norberto Sarmiento. CORPORALS. Pedro Abeabe. Lorenzo Alaba. Doroteo Mateo. Damacio Sanguyo. Cornello Aragonez. Julian Dizon. Brigido Velando. Gavino Callejas. Patricio Lapina. Felix Palma. Lance Corporal Marciano Bautista. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF HONORABLE MENTION OR FIFTH CLASS. ARTIFICER. Gervacio Ymson. COOKS. Santiago Tambiao. En gen io Jola. MUSICIANS. Gregorio Bandajon. Moises Flauria. Artificer Gervacio Ymson. PRIVATES. Elino Abelino. Mariano Albaris. Juan Alvarez. Juan Angeles. Mateo Aquino. Ricardo Aragon. Tiburcio Apolinar. Calistro Atencio. Crispulo Bal. Albino Balingit. Modesto Balingit. Felix Banta. Felix Biron. Estanislao Cansanay. Roman Carrillo. Santo de la Cruz. Juan Cube. Manuel Chantengco. Dionisio Diocno. Miguel Domingo. Julio Ferril. Crispolo Flores. Remdgio Frami. Camilo Gabriel. Francisco Garcia. Victor Garcia. 162 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Vicente Gelbes. Andres Quinto. Santiago Gonzales. Maximo Quinto. Filimon Gregorio. Sutero Ramirez. Pantaleon Guevara. Pascual Raymundo. Leoncio Guevara. Crisogono Reantillo. Aguedo Guevara. Geronimo Remerata. Francisco Guevara. . Punciano Revera. Pedro Guituriano. Pedro Reyes. Mateo Hastiva. Simplicio Ribera. Benito Laloses. Gil. Saballero. Santiago de Lara. Sotero Sacramento. Mauricio Largodisin. Severino Salazar. Pedro Lope. Regino Sanguyo. Melencio Luesale. Macario Silvero. Patricio Magany. Severino de los Santos. Daniel Marcilan. Sylvestre de los Santos. Eusebio Mataluti. Tito Simbulan. Rufino Mendoza. Paulino Soliman. Pedro Mercado. Pablo Taala. Simon Mercado. Pedro Tiamson. Jose Munsayac. Vicente Torres. Mamerto Molimbe. Eusebio Tumibay. Pedro Natividad. Marcelo Vergara. Nicolas Pablo. Mariano Ylao. Feliciano Pajardo. Alejandro Ylao. Tomas Perez. Regino Lopez. Isaac Ponce. Dionicio Luna. 47TH COMPANY PHILIPPINE SCOUTS. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA Lucio Requintina. OF BRONZE MEDAL OR FOURTH Sesto Lama. CLASS. Marcelo Barcelona. ENLISTED MEN. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA First Sergeant Gabino Gasataya. Quatermaster Sergeant Juan Fernando. OF HONORABLE MENTION OR SERGEANTS. FIF CLASS ' Marcelino de la Cruz. Cayetano Caolian. COOKS. Lucas Cabarang. Emilio Gerona. Mariano Libao. Angel Calaspra. Alejandro Labanpa. Teodorico Gayatin. MUSICIANS. CORPORALS. Felipe Catagui. Esmael Ninos. Hilario Calantuan. Primo Robles. Modesto Gargaritano. Cornelio Gusman. ARTIFICER. Manuel Gelsana. Pomposo Pagharion. Bartolome Cambronero. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 163 PRIVATES. Vicente Alvarez. Jose Armintia. Basilio Verdeblanco. Bernaldo Beroncal. Arcadio Cabarles. Eusebio Cabalfin. Bonifacio Cabalfin. Gelacio Cabangbang. Juan Cabusbusan. Paulo Cadiz. Ponciano Caldito. Eugenio Calayco. Antonio Caluag. Catalino Calibjo. Maximo Caniban. Apolonio Cambare. Marcelo Camposano. Martin Cambronero. Patricio Canabal. Januario Celestial. Bartolome Dioso. Catalino Doronila. Donate Israel. Miguel Etchenagocia. Bacilio Francisco. Pastor Gacurra. Santiago Gentelizo. Timoteo Hingco. Guillermo Magabilen. Carlos Maravilla. Augustin Mondejar. Anselmo Mondolado. Mauricio Morales. Santiago Ortega. Paulino Ricardo. Marcelino Resardo. Celedonio Salde. Roman Suplico. Arcadio Torina. Mamerto Villanueva. Justo Tumayao. Valentin Arcenio. Juan Bartolome. Antonio Bernal. Mariano Buaya. Felipe Cabarles. Cesario Cabangbang. Raymundo Cabillon. Severino Caelian. Silvestre Calad Santiago Calasajan. Lucas Calisura. Meliton Calumno. Feliciano Calumpiano. Ignacio Altura. Antonio Camarinas. Demetrio Camposano. Cleto Camina. Lucas Capaque. Prospero del Rosario. Juan Dominguez. Raymundo Ducado. Bernardino Esmaquilan. Policarpo Fernandez. Felix Flores. Venancio Genoni. Domingo Gonzales. Saturnine Jaro. Alejandro Manlapas. Ponciano Matzan. Ramon Monton. Estevan Nobleza. Antallo Palasaga. Eusebio Refe. Calixto Salcedo. Alejandro Sarmiento. Mateo Tengocia. Jacinto Trompita. Alejo Vansule. Hilario Ygnacio. 24TH COMPANY PHILIPPINE SCOUTS. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL OR FOURTH CLASS. First Sergeant Pascual Manrique. Quartermaster Sergeant Casciano Galano. SERGEANTS. Martin Aduan. Feliciano Arcangel. Emeliano Vasquez. Emeterio Asis. Roque Tomase. Agapito Padilla. CORPORALS. Pascual Dacanay. Matias Suyot. Alejandro Loyola. Miguel Mangibin. Gregorio Soliven. Baltazar Andrada. Eduardo Catudan. Regino Matias. Sebastian Bernabe. Nicomedes de la Cruz. 164 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF HONORABLE MENTION OR FIFTH CLASS. COOKS. Sixto Catudan. Feliciano Roguian. MUSICIANS. Felix Gusman. Domingo Ynigo. ARTIFICER. Ciriaco Fernandez. PRIVATES. Marcos Acosta. Santiago Agunat. Mariano Alambra. Tomas Andrada. Antonio Arguelles. Felipe Ascueta. Dionicio Abuan. Victoriano Aginaldo. Ambrosio Apostol. Vidal Bariento. Soterio Bernabe. Santiago Bollalayao. Fernando Baklid. Bonifacio Cacho. Brigido Cabansag. - Fermin Cabanatan. Matias Cabato. Domingo Cadatal. Ysidoro Cardinoza. Francisco Casanova. Timoteo Casanova. Norberto Castolo. Cirilo Dacanay. Rufino Daus. Valentin Daquigan. Gregorio Dumbrigue. Cesario Domingo. Gervacio Domingo. Vidal Domingo. Pedro Ferrer. Jose Franco. Augustin Garcia. Dionicio Garcia. Domingo Huerto. Estanislao Joven. Nicomedes Layotan. Benito Layaoen. Bernardo Layaoen. German Legaspi. Lorenzo Legaspi. Julian Macabeo. Pascual Malabac. Vicente Mamaba. Pedro Mendoza. Marcelo Chico. Agapito Cruz. Cesario de la Cruz. Policarpo Macadangdang. Alejandro Olmo. Teodolfo Paliso. Julian Pulpolaan. Eugenio Ranada. Filomeno Reyes. Pedro Rodriguez. Clemente Rondero. Honorato Salinas. Daniel Sigay. Rafael Salvador. Vicente Tadeo. Gregorio Tamase. Felix Valencia. Timoteo Vidal. Raymundo Miranda. Benito Morla. Sulpicio Manrique. Pedro Mueses. Torcuato Pacquing. Apolinario Pascua. Catalino Ramos. Guillermo Real. Ygnacio Reyes. Veronico Rofisan. Perfecto Rosero. Mariano Santos. Andres Soriano. Teodorico Sibucao. Silvestre Tamase. Leon Valdez. Alejandro Velasquez. Alejandro Visaya. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 165 4TH COMPANY PHILIPPINE SCOUTS, MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL, OR FOURTH CLASS. First Sergeant Cornelio Ramos. Quartermaster Sergeant Martin Lugtu. SERGEANTS. Moises Sunga. Mateo Pabalate. Francisco Bautista. Enrique Palad. Pedro Panganiban. Ciriaco Bonifacio. CORPORALS. Mamerto Garcia. Gregorio Lagman. Cornelio Reyes. Benito Yumang. Juan Garcia. Juan Sunga. Leon Trono. Marcelo Mendoza. Bonifacio Sunga. Pablo del Prado. MEDAL OF HONOR, WITH DIPLOMA OF HONORABLE MENTION, OR FIFTH CLASS. COOKS. Francisco Lugtu. Maximino Salangsang. MUSICIANS. Juan Reyes. Julian Laquindanum. ARTIFICER. Cornelio Manansala. PRIVATES. Alfonzo, Pedro. Anastacio, Timoteo. Anicete, Juan. Bautista, Alejandro. Bautista, Andres. Bautista, Eleuterio. Bautista, Felipe. Bernaldo, Apolonio. Bernalte, Fausto. Bueno, Manuel. Busbus, Rufino. Cabaltera, Policarpio. Cabrera, Mariano. Carlos, Roman. Cabrera, Bernabe. Cabrera, Simproso. Caylao, Juan, de Ocampo, Alfonzo. de Ocampo, Francisco, de los Reyes, Pelagio. Dison, Damaso. Dison, Lorenso. Ducut, Apolonio. Evangelista, Manuel. Flores, Ambrosio. Flores, Mariano. Guevara, Benito. Guinto, Eugenio. Guinto, Marcos. Lacanlale, Rufino. Lagman, Victorio. Laquindanum, Tomas. Laxamana, Pablo. Lobo, Alberto. Lobo, Matias. Macalino, Graciano. Macalino, Hugo. Magat, Apolonio. Magat, Juan. Maglalang, Tomas. Magtutu, Cipriano. Mallari, Engracio. Mallari, Eugenio. Mallari, Juan No. 2. Manansala, Andres. Manansala, Cornelio. Manansala, Diego. Manansala, Dionicio, Manansala, Eulogio. Manansala, Mateo. Manlapas, Teodoro. Meneses, Cayetano. Montano, Simon. Musni, Juan. Palo, Camilo. Palo, Severino. Pangan, Andres. Ramos, Ypolito. Salalac, Mateo. Salalac, Victor. Sicat, Ypolito. Sicat, Policarpio. 166 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Sonza, Casimiro. Suing, Donate. Suing, Prudencio. Suing, Silverio. Sunga, Ciriaco. Sunga, Natalio. Sunga, Quintin. Tolentino, Fulgencio. Torno, Julian. Tubig, Faustino. Tubig, Mamerto. Tuman, Victor. Viray, Apolonio. Viray, Fortunate. , Gabriel. Viray, Luis. Yabut, Engracio. Yambao, Felipe. Yumang, Simon. BATTALION NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL, OR FOURTH CLASS. Sergeant Major Ygnacio Abelino. PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION GUARDS. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL, OR THIRD CLASS. Stanley M. Riggs, Chief Inspector. Wesley Mader, Asst. Insp. C. H. Rosborough, Asst. Insp. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL, OR FOURTH CLASS. James Dent, Asst. Insp. C. A. Ballance. E. J. Biby. J. Brandon. R. S. Brooks. C. B. Cahusac. E. R. Callahan. Guy Cox. Ed Darley. W. Dickinson. H. Flore. J. C. French. C. E. Grinstead. H. Hake. C. M. Hess. M. L. Highsmith. A. C. Johnston. E. M. Lake. H. Lang. J. Lawrence. R. V. Lewis. F. H. Lockheart. A. Lyons. D. H. Magaw. M. S. Mallory. J. Maxwell. K. McKanse. J. McKee. R. McKee. A. Neldosa. J. R. Philips. J. C. Piper. M. G. Smith. D. J. Sullivan. C. W. Waldren. T. P. Walsh. O. Weger. R. A. West. FILIPINO STUDENTS. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF HONORABLE MENTION, OR FIFTH CLASS. Timoteo Abaya. Juan R. Abelino. Rafael Acosta. Bernardo Agana. Romarico Agcaoili. Andres Aguilar. Digno Alba. Candido M. Alcazar. Orencio Aligada. Ramon J. Alvarez. Silverio Apostol. Jose A. Arboleda. Apolinario Baltazar. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 167 Carlos Barretto. Jose Batungbacal. Mariano Belledo. George Bocobo. Firmo S. Borja. Pablo Bueno. Jose X. Burgos. Joseph F. Cabrera. Mariano B. Carbonell. Mariano M. Cruz. Francisco Delgado. Anastacio Donate. Gregorio Espinola. Jose Espiritu. Asterio Favis. Vicente Fernandez. Gabriel P. Flores. Arsenio Formoso. Vicente Fragante. Silvino Gallarde. Arturo Garcia, Jose Gomez. Liborio Gomez. Isaias P. Gonzaga. Jose Gonzalez. Potenciano Guazon. Segundo Hipilito. Hipolito Hernando. Marceliano Hidalgo. Ludovico Hidrosollo. Estevan Ibalio. Eustacio S. Ilustre. Delfin Jaranilla. Mariano de Joy a. Marshal Kasilag. Fidel Larracas. Pacifico Laygo. Francisco Llamado. Roque Lomibao. Carlos Lopez. Saturnine Lopez. Vicente G. Manalo. Gregorio Manuel. Canon Monasterial. Mariano Mondoviedo. Rafael Montenegro. Ciriaco Morada. Jose Munoz. Pablo Nacion. Ramon Nakpil. Domingo Natividad. Leon J. Nava. Antonio Nera. Miguel Nicdao. Jose M. Nieva. Ramon Ochoa. Florentine Oliver. Lorenzo Onrubia. Balbino Palmarez. Gregorio Paredes. Ildefonso Patdu. Ernesto R. Quirino. Emilia Quisumbing. Eduardo Ramirez. Gregorio Ramirez. Joaquin Ramos. Justo Ramos. Francisco Reyes. Jose A. Reyna. Jose Rivera. Mateo Roco. Ignacio del Rosario. Pelagio Ruiz. Domingo San Jose. Alejandro Santos. Jose G. Sanvictores. Pedro Serrano. Andres Sevilla. Antonio Sison. Benito Sunga. Alfonso Tuason. Hilarion L. Valderas. Jose Valdez. Felix Valencia. Vicente Varela. Natalio Velez. Martin P. de Veyra. Emilio Villaneuva. VISAYAN VILLAGE. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL, OR THIRD CLASS. W. C. Ayer, Manager Visayan Village Theatre. J. F. Bromfield, Manager Visayan Village Market. Juan Deloso, Director of Orchestra, Iloilo. Rev. Fr. Manul Peypoch, S. J., St. Louis. OF BRONZE MEDAL, OR FOURTH CLASS. Consolacion Agudo. Carlos Arana., Melencio Arana. Consuelo Asuncion. Dionisio Asuncion. Aurelio Avellar. 168 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. Guillermo Baylen. Feliciana Belarmino. Daniel Belvis. Francisco Berlin. Macario Candelaria. Agapito Castro. Juan Conjugacion. Emilio Constantino. Pedro Coronel. Emiliana Dayro. Juan Deloso, Jr. Leon Dolor. Maria Dolores. Rosa Estores. Escolastica Flores. Fortunato Franco. Jose Franco. Luisa Franco. Salud Franco. Salud Funcion. Silvestre Gordoncillo. Sisto Granf el. Fortunata Gregorio. Graciana Gregorio. Vicente Gregorio. Marciana Huerbana. Ignacio Jardinico. Baldomera Javier. Fructuoso Jimenez. Andres Ponce de Leon. Andrea Linqueco. Eleuteria Linqueco. Maria de la Paz Linqueco. Teresa Lopez. Sinforosa Lumugdan. Felipe Macabinta. Filemon Magbanua. Josefina Maquiling. Ceferino Maranon. Quintin Maranon. Ruperto Martinez. Francisca Marsan. Benedicta Maying. Saturnina Maysing. Crispina Molinae. Eufemia Montana. Arcadia Montero. Jose Monteyro. Albina Mosquera. Rita Obseman. Epifanio Octaviano. Pantaloon Octaviano. Aurelia Ormas. Francisca Ormas. Clothilde Jiz de Ortega. Natividad Jiz de Ortega. Vicente Jiz de Ortega. Ignacia Osano. Genoveva Palma. Sisto Palma. Maria de la Paz. Mansueto Perez. Apolonio Quesada. Fernando Ramirez. Marina Ramirez. Teresa Ramirez. Sofia Secreto. Romualdo Sejub. Pablo Sequito. Silvestre Sigre. Fernando Silva. Louis Francis Silva. Procesa Silva. Ruperto Silva. Saturnina Silva. Gervacio Simeras. Ignacio Sindico. Rufino Siuagan. Leoncio Sobo. Jose Sobremesana. Emilio Sornillo. Vivencio Sossa. Ciriaca Sultania. Tomas Superio. Maria Tiquin. Tomas Torres. Rosendo Velasquez. Julian Villanueva. Elias Yosay. Encarnacion Yulo. SAMAL MORO VILLAGE. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA " OF GOLD MEDAL, OR SECOND CLASS. Datto Facundo. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL, OR THIRD CLASS. W. A. Long, Asst. Manager. Ralph McFie, Asst. Manager. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL, OR FOURTH CLASS. Baja. Dabat. Danga. Facdac. Tapsin. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 169 MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA Lapuchi. Leoc. OF HONORABLE MENTION, OR Maldani. FIFTH CLASS. Mandan. Manjane. Acong. Melasig. Momma. Amil. Ormo. Anis. Sala. Arsenio. Salalia. Arum. Sampili. Badin. Samsia. Balila. Sarangban. Bulang. Sardini. Dauami. Sumlia. Ebid. Tabac. Galo. Tandua. Iman Ylali. Tingi. Juli. Uby. Kiedahom. Ucat. LAKE LANAO MORO VILLAGE. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL, OR THIRD CLASS. Datto Asirtne. Mandae Cochero. Sultan Demasanki. Fabiano. Priest Lumbayanagi. Sultan Pitilan. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL, OR FOURTH CLASS. Sultan Ambuli. Sultan Ambulong. Datto Marahui. Sultan Songhalli. Sumdude. Sultan Sungud. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF HONORABLE MENTION, OR FIFTH CLASS. Anac. Batingolo. Calunang. Decol. Didi. Guerguy. Lelang. Lemigas. Lucsumama. Lugian. Macetoian. Maguman. Mariano. Ominen. Oracco. Pagunyan. Panero. Pedro. Sagumbar. Saledoain. Samper. Talib. Temon. Toker. 170 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. BAGOBO VISAGE. MEDAL OP HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL, OR THIRD CLASS. Domingo Claver. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF HONORABLE MENTION, OR FIFTH CLASS. Abe. Akil. Juan Alang. Bulan Amboc. Simeon Auti. Anget Ayang. Modesto Barrera. Uilano Ele. Lorenzo Eqmanon. Juan Ida. Ubal Ido. Dausa Inaba. Laurino Lasiban. Domingo Leal. Daniel Matote. Santiago Palad. Tomafi Talima. Julian Tamayo. Maximo Torreno. Antonio Ulano. Ramon Untas. WOMEN. Amayan. Josefa Catmog. Tomasa Dugoy. Dominga Duman. Ginang Gonzalez. Hermojena Idanan. Filomena Mandian. Paula Unsay. IGOROT VILLAGE. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF GOLD MEDAL, OR SECOND CLASS. Antonio, Chief Bontoc Igorots. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL, OR THIRD CLASS. A. M. Pettit, Asst. Manager. Mrs. Adele G. Wilkius, Vienna. Bayungasin, Chief, Suyoc Igorots. Ysiguan, Presidente of the Tinguianes. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL, OR FOURTH CLASS. Julio Balanaug, Assistant. Lazardo Bibit. Assistant. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF HONORABLE MENTION, OR FIFTH CLASS. BONTOC IGOROTS. Aggos. Francisca Alejio. Alonney. Angay. Angpeo. Petra Antonio. Aongay. Apagquat. Petra Arranz. Asil. Aspil. Attao. Maria Belanaug. Ballicas. Benigna. Bomatang. Pedro Bonito. Caboyas. Antero Cabrara. Caplaan. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 171 Caplis. SUYOC IGOROTS. Chainen. Chonegma. Aponen. Congo. Bacosen. Cortapia. Basgnuid. Dagumay. Bilig. Domingo. Caluten. Faclamgan. Cuytop. Falagsay. Dangusan. Falingao. Domona. Fangove. Lagney. Fattane. Lubuc. Fongging. Madenis. Ladoy. Maura. Langilang. Obleka. Lape. Paguin. Limangan. Pedro. Liney. Pig. Liney. Polican. Locogan. Sadipan. Logindot. Sagued. Loiod. Saperono. Lomioes. Singwa. Losnoy. Sudong. Maiyoc. Tugmena. Mangenteo. Utingni. Mariano. Ngole. Ogoy. TINGUIANES. Ossey. Padagueg. Aonen. Pangamy. Apaling. Pelo. Balanay. Pinmaing. Balog. Ponchad. Beitado. Puiasen. Bungay. Rsacla. Cadalig. Rufina. Catilano. Sabyan. Danangan. Semey. Lagban. Soecag. Latacan. Soy am. Paloay. Soyan. Pangao. Tidioy. Taguiay. Isidore Tuason. Ulasim. Ynis. Valen. Ytitan. Yblogan. NEGRITO VILLAGE. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF SILVER MEDAL, OR THIRD CLASS. G. W. Fairley, Asst. Manager, lamot, Capitan of the Tribe. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL, OR FOURTH CLASS. Ibag. Quintero Mendoza. Pedro Semilla. Valeriano Mendoza Soriano. 172 PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA Luisa. Marisa. OF HONORABLE MENTION, OR Miliong. FIFTH CLASS. Ninoy. Onda. Andang. Polonia. Andia. Rufino. Basilio. Sebia. Bihinang. Teresa. Carmen. Tiberio. Claro. Tili. Filomena. Toyang. Humalin. Zayas. Jorge. Jose. MANGYANES. Juan. Kamahlan. Dalionan. Kario. Kario. Kika. Sabong. Kiko. Sinhigan. VISAYAN MIDGETS. MEDAL OF HONOR WITH DIPLOMA OF BRONZE MEDAL, OR FOURTH CLASS. Juan de la Cruz, Iloilo. Martina de la Cruz, Iloilo. Sanctioned and Promulgated in conformity with the Resolution of the Superior Jury of the Philippine International Jury of Awards of October 14th, by the committee appointed by the same. [Signed] WILLIAM P. WILSON, First Vice-President. GUSTAVO NIKDKRLEIN, Secretary. LEON M. GUERRERO, Assistant Secretary. St. Louis, Mo., December 1, 1904. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. 173 ADDITIONAL LIST OF MEDALS OF HONOR. GOLD MEDAL OR SECOND CLASS. Dr. Alejandro Albert, Manila, P. -I. Hon. John M. Allen, Washington, D. C. Gregorio Araneta, Solicitor General, Manila, P. I. Juan A. Araneta, Maao, Negros Occ. Cay etano Arellano, Chief Justice, Manila, P. I. Tomas Arguelles, Manila, P. I. Dr. Fred Atkinson, care of Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. Charles S. Banks, Manila, P. I. Hon. Frederick A. Betts, Member Su- perior Jury. Marcial Calleja, Manila, P. I. Alfredo de Castro, Manila, P. I. Felipe Calderon, Manila, P. I. M. 0. Chance, care of Secretary of War, Washington, D. C. Ramon B. Genato, Manila, P. I. Hon. Martin H. Glynn, Member Superior Jury. Hon. Laurence H. Grahame, Member Superior Jury. Guillermo Gomez, Manila, P. I. Manuel de Iriarte, Manila, P. I. John H. Landis, Superintendent U. S. Mint, Philadelphia. Ceferino de Leon, Manila, P. I. Juan de Leon, Manila, P. I. Hon. William Lindsay, Second Vice-Presi- dent Superior Jury. Leoncio G. Liquete, Manila, P. I. Vicente Llamas, Manila, P. I. Jose de Loyzaga y Ageo, Manila, P. I. Eusebio Luzuriaga, Manila, P. I. Dr. Manuel Gomez Martinez, Manila, P. I. Alejandro R. Mendoza, Manila. P. I. Enrique Mendiola, Manila, P. I. Hon. John F. Miller, Member Superior Jury. Hon. George W. McBride, Member Superior Jury. Vicente Nepomuceno, Manila, P. I. Vicente Noel, Manila, P. I. Leon Novenario, Manila, P. I. Hon. Juan Pimentel, Manila, P. I. John Biddle Porter, care of Bureau Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C. Jose Quadras, Sr., Manila, P. I. Mariano M. Ramirez, Manila, P. I. Rafael 0. Ramos, Manila, P. I. Jose Rivera, Manila, P. I. Alejandro Roces, Paete, Laguna. Dr. Baldomero Roxas, Manila, P. I. Gen. Jos. P. Sanger, Director Philippine Census. John C. Scofield, War Dept., Washington, D. C. Hon. Philip D. Scott, Member Superior Jury. Vincente Singson, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Manuel Sityar, Manila, P. I. Juan Sumulung, Manila, P. I. Hon. John M. Thurston, Member Superior Jury. W. C. Tipton, Manila, P. I. Isabelo Tampinco, Manila, P. I. Gervasio Unson, Manila, P. I. Fr. Raymundo Velazquez, Manila, P. I. Dr. W." S. Washburn, Manila, P. I. L. R. Wilfley, Attorney Gen. Manila, P.I. Sanctioned and promulgated in conformity with the Resolution of the Superior Jury of the Philippine International Jury of Awards of October 14th, by the committee appointed by the same. [Signed] WILLIAM P. WILSON, First Vice-President. GUSTAVO NIEDERLEIN, Secretary. LEON M. GUERRERO, Assistant Secretary. ST. Louis, Mo., December 11, 1904. 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