^^EESE LIBRARY i ; ^- " *' [^ j (A OP THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Received. Accessions No.__<^'+/_&^> Shelf No. LIGHTNING ROD CONFERENCE. REPORT OF THE DELEGATES FROM THE FOLLOWING SOCIETIES, VIZ, METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. C. BROOKE, F.E.S., Past President [THE LATE]. E. E. DYMOND, F.M.S., Vice-President. Gr. J. SYMOJSTS, E.E.S., President. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. PROF. LEWIS, F.S.A., Vice-President. J. WHICHCORD, F.S.A., Past President. SOCIETY OF TELEGRAPH ENGINEERS AND OF ELECTRICIANS. LATIMER CLARK, M. INST. C.E., Past President. W. H. PREECE, E.E.S., M. INST. C.E., Past President. PHYSICAL SOCIETY. PROF. W. Gr. ADAMS, E.E.S., Past President. PROF. Gr. CAREY FOSTER, F.E.S., Past President. CO-OPTED MEMBERS. PROF. W. E. AYRTON, F.E.S. PROF. D. E. HUGHES, F.E.S. With a Code of Rules for the Erection of Lightning Conductors , and various Appendices. EDITED BY THE SECEETAEY, G. J. SYMONS, F.E.S. LONDON : E. & F. N. SPON, 16, CHAEING CEOSS. NEW YOEK : 446, BEOOME STEEET. 1882. KENNY & CO., PBINTEBS, 25, CAMDEN ROAD, N.W 2-^ v u- i, f PROF. LEWIS. F.S.A. Royallnstituteof British j WH ICHCORD, F.S.A., Vice Pre- Architects. j Society of Telegraph Engmeeis and of w ^ p K FJLg ^ L I C.E., Vice President. ( PROF. W. G. ADAMS. F.R.S., -n, . T o x President. Physical Society. p KOp _ G _ CAEEY FQ ^^ p R g ^ Past President. The steps taken by the delegates will be best explained by a short narrative chiefly formed of extracts from the minute book of the Conference, PREFACE. vii The first meeting was held at the rooms of the Meteorological Society, on November 14th, 1878, when all the delegates were present. Mr. C. Brooke, F.R.S., was appointed President of the Conference, and Mr. G. J. Symons, F.R.S., Secretary. Professor W. E. Ayrton was elected a member. A circular, which will be found in Appendix A, was drafted for issue to manufacturers of lightning conductors. This was sent to sixty-five firms, but only eight replied, and their answers are printed verbatim in the same Appendix. An analysis of the replies forms Appendix B. Appendix C is a reply received too late for insertion in Appendix A, and after Mr. Preece had compiled Appendix B. Another reply from an American firm will be found in Appendix I, p. (192), making ten in all. At a subsequent meeting, the delegates from the Royal In- stitute of British Architects were requested to ask the Council of that body to issue a circular to their members inviting them to furnish information respecting buildings injured by lightning. This circular, together with abstracts of the replies, and a brief Introductory Summary, by Messrs. Lewis and Whichcord, will be found in Appendix D. Mr. Symons submitted to the meeting a mass of statistics respecting accidents by lightning which he had collected in the years 1857-59 ; they were referred to Professor Ayrton, and his note upon them constitutes Appendix E. At the meeting on August 5th, 1879, the Secretary an- nounced the death of the President of the Conference, Mr. C. Brooke, F.R.S., a vote of condolence was passed unanimously, and ordered to be forwarded to Mrs. Brooke. The Conference then proceeded to elect a new Chairman, and it was unanimously resolved that Professor W. G. Adams, F.R.S., be requested to accept the office. The following circular was approved and ordered to be for- warded to a large number of the most important newspapers and periodicals throughout the United Kingdom. VI 11 PKEFACE. LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. To the Editor of SIR, In the summer of 1878 delegates were nominated by the fol- lowing Societies, viz., the Royal Institute of British Architects, the Society of Telegraph Engineers, the Physical Society, and the Meteorological Society, for the following purpose : " To consider the possibility of formulating the existing knowledge on the subject of the protection of property from damage by electricity, and the advisability of preparing and issuing a general code of rules for the erection of Lightning Conductors." The delegates have held several meetings, and have already collected, firstly, from the manufacturers of Lightning Conductors, and secondly, from the Members of the Royal Institute of British Architects, a large amount of thoroughly practical information. Several of their number are also engaged in forming abstracts of the salient features of the literature of the subject. The Members of the Conference are, however, most anxious that their Report should be as trustworthy and as exhaustive as possible, and they have, therefore, instructed me to ask you to assist them by publishing this epitome of their proceedings, and allowing them to in- vite correspondence upon the points mentioned below. I am, Sir, Tour obedient servant, G. J. SYMONS, F.R.S., Secretary to the Conference. LIGHTNING ROD CONFERENCE, 30, GREAT GEORGE STREET, S.~W. CLASS OF FACTS MOST REQUIRED. Full details of accidents by lightning, stating especially whether the building struck had a conductor or not. If there was a conductor, state its dimensions construction mode of attachment to building whether its top was pointed distance of its upper terminal from the place struck nature and extent of the connection between the con- ductor and the earth, and whether the earth was dry or moist whether the conductor was itself injured and whether the conductor or the point struck was the most salient object in the vicinity. In- formation is also desired, either verbally or by sketches, as to the position of metal spouting and lead roofing relatively to the point struck, and to the conductor. Details of the thickest piece of metal melted by a flash of lightning are much needed. Unimpeachable evidence of the failure of conductors is much desired, as such failures would be extremely instructive. PREFACE. IX The replies were by no means as numerous as was expected : the most important will be found in Appendix I. At the meeting, October 27th, 1879, it was resolved "That the members of the Conference will undertake to prepare ab- stracts of the principal English and Foreign books upon Light- ning Conductors." This work became extremely heavy, and occupied much time, as will be seen from Appendix F, which contains abstracts of sixty separate treatises, of which 26 are from English, 17 from French, 6 from Belgian, 5 from American, and 5 from German authors, and one is from the Norwegian. In order to guard against omitting important works, it was resolved "That application be made to the Society of Tele- graph Engineers for advance sheets of the Ronalds Catalogue." From it, supplemented by Mr. Latimer Clark's and other lists, the Secretary compiled Appendix G., which contains the full titles of no fewer than 704 separate works upon lightning conductors, or on subjects intimately connected therewith. At the same meeting it was resolved that efforts be made to obtain a set of the official instructions issued in all foreign countries. The circular issued, and an abstract of the infor- mation collected, including replies from America, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Holland, India, Italy, and Norway, will be found in Appendix H. Full details respecting the practice in France will be found in Appendices F, K, and L, and a notice of Zenger's Austrian system, on p. (104). At the meeting, Nov. 20th, 1879, the Secretary was unani- mously requested to act as Editor of the Report. At the meeting, Jan. 22nd, 1880, a letter was received from Mr. R. H. Scott, F.R.S., Secretary to the Meteorological Council, enclosing a report respecting the injury to the " Southern Queen," it was resolved, "That some of .the delegates visit the ship." The report and a note of the results of the visit will be found in Appendix I page (205). At the meeting, April 15th, 1880, Prof. D. E. Hughes was unanimously elected member of the Conference. X PREFACE. At the meeting, July 6th, 1880, the Secretary handed in a sketch of a house with various parts of the lightning conductor marked upon it, and obtained from the delegates definite names for each portion, in order that in framing the report there might be no uncertainty as to what was meant by any special term, great con- fusion in this respect having previously existed. The terms adopted have been : Conductor. The whole ar- rangement for the protection of a building. Point. The upper termination of the conductor, whether blunt or sharp, single or bifurcated. Upper terminal. That portion of the conductor which is between the top of the edifice and the point. Joint. Any connection between any two parts of the conductor. Rod. The main portion of the conductor, whether it consist of rope, tape, tube or solid rod. Circuit des Faites. A rod running round the eaves of a house, the battlements of a tower, &c. Earth plate. The termination of the conductor in the ground, the pattern being indicated by special terms. The accompanying lithograph will, it is hoped, supply all additional necessary particulars. It is desirable to state that the illustrations in this Keport have been prepared by Mr. E. White Wallis, F.M.S., so as to bring out the various features distinctly, and as nearly as possible in true proportion, but without any attempt at artistic finish. The meetings during the latter part of 1880, and the early part of 1881, were devoted chiefly to the discussion of various questions as bases for the report. Much time was also occupied in perfecting the various appendices, and in compiling an exhaustive index to them. In May, 1881, Messrs. Preece and Symons, being in Paris, made careful enquiries as to the existing practice in France respecting lightning conductors. Their notes form Appendix K. At the meeting held on May 27th, 1881, the Secretary was instructed to draw up a draft report, and this having been put in type was sent to all the delegates; carefully considered, revised, and amended at various subsequent meetings, and finally adopted. INDEX SKETCH OF LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR, ILLUSTRATING THE TERMS EMPLOYED IN THE REPORT. TERMS APPLIED TO THE VARIOUS PARTS OF A CONDUCTOR . s^ y Crutch, A Point- F Circuit aes fatfes ^^ Strap B Upper TerTniriaJ- G, Earth Plates n Staple c Joint G 1 ;; Sanderson, V Wallfye o ^^ G 2 , ; ;; Eorrdl E Ridge Itod & Spang REPORT. THE Delegates are of opinion that it will conduce to clear- ness of statement if their Report be divided into three sections (1) The purpose which a lightning conductor is intended to serve. (2) A statement of those features in the construction and erection of lightning conductors respecting which there has been, or is, a difference of opinion, and the final decision of the Conference thereupon. (3) Code of rules for the erection of lightning conductors. SECTION I. The purpose which a Lightning Conductor is in- tended to serve. A flash of lightning is the passage of an electric spark be- tween two bodies oppositely or unequally electrified, and be- tween which the difference of electric pressure or potential is sufficiently strong to break across the air space which separates them, and to produce what is known as a disruptive dis- charge. A flash may pass either between one cloud and an- other, or between a cloud and the earth. In the former case damage is not likely to be done, in the latter damage is or is not done, according to the point at or from which the lightning strikes. The more any object projects above the general level, the less is the distance between it and the cloud, and as the less the distance the less the resistance offered to the discharge, Z REPORT. high objects are, cceteris paribus, most frequently struck. Some substances, such as copper or iron, can conduct a large quantity of electricity with facility, and are called good conductors. Other substances, such as living vegetable or animal matter, offer much obstruction, and form only partial conductors ; while dry earth, stone, and wood almost entirely prevent the passage of electricity, and are very bad conductors in fact, insulators. For instance, a man may with perfect impunity clasp a copper rod an inch in diameter, the bottom of which is well connected with moist earth, while the top of it receives a violent flash of lightning. But if the electricity does not find a path prepared for it, it will utilise such partial conductors as may be reason- ably near, for example the heated air from a kitchen chimney, the soot inside, and then the metal range at the bottom ; here, however, stone or dry material is generally found, which will not conduct it, and then it dashes across the kitchen at some gas or water pipe, or some pump or drain leading to damp earth, doing serious damage on the way : or it may meet some tree in its course and rend it from top to bottom, and if the human body intervene life may be destroyed. Mechanical injury is in- flicted only where the conduction for the discharge is imperfect. A lightning conductor fulfils two functions : it facilitates the discharge of the electricity to the earth, so as to carry it off harmlessly, and it tends to prevent disruptive discharge by silently neutralising the conditions which determine such dis- charge in the neighbourhood of the conductor. To effect the first object a lightning conductor should offer a line of discharge more nearly perfect, and more accessible, than any other offered by the materials or contents of the edifice we wish to protect. To effect the second object the con- ductor should be surmounted by a point or points. Fine points and flames have the property of slowly and silently dissipating the electrical charges ; they, in fact, act as safety valves. If all these conditions be fulfilled; if the points be high enough to be the most salient features of the building no matter from what direction the storm cloud may come, be of ample REPORT. 3 dimensions and in thoroughly perfect electrical connection with the earth, the edifice with all that it contains will be safe, and the conductor might even be surrounded by gunpowder in the heaviest storm without risk or danger. All accidents may be said to be due to a neglect of these simple elementary principles. The most frequent sources of failure are conductors deficient either in number, height, or conductivity, bad joints, or bad earth connections. There is no authentic case on record where a properly-constructed conductor failed to do its duty. SECTION II. A Statement of those features in the construc- tion and erection of Lightning Conductors, respecting which there has been, or is, a difference of opinion, and the final decision of the Conference thereupon. Points. Material for Conductor. Size of Rod. Shape of Rod. (Rods, Tubes, Tape,Rope, Plait.) Joints. Protection of Rod. Attachment to Building. Earth Plates. Space Protected. Height of Upper Ter- minal. Testing Conductors. Internal Masses of Metal . External Masses of Metal. POINTS. Starting with the extreme top, we have first to deal with the question of points. The utility of points was hotly contested rather more than a century since, and an abstract of the discussion will be found in Appendix F, page (79), and difference of opinion still exists as to their precise functions and value. The decision as to the best form of points is compli- cated by two opposing requirements (1), the sharper the point the more rapid the silent discharge of electricity, and, therefore, the more effective the conductor; but (2) the sharper the point the. more easily is it destroyed by oxidation, or fused, should a heavy disruptive discharge fall upon it. Attempts have been made by the use of gold, silver, and platinum, to obtain a sharp point which should not only be 4 REPORT. durable, but, owing to its high melting point, resist fusion by a disruptive discharge. But such metals are very expensive, and the statements in Appendix F, pages (67, 69, 73, 103, 123, 1 28, and 139) prove that even platinum points are often damaged. Copper points whose sectional area is less than *05 of a square inch are very liable to be melted. Lightning has even fused a copper rod '10 sq. in. in sectional area, i.e.) 0*35 in. in diameter, and there are many rods still standing of which the extremity has been melted into a button or knob. For these reasons it seems best to separate the double functions of the point, prolonging the upper terminal to the very summit, and merely bevelling it off, so that, if a disruptive discharge does take place, the full conducting power of the rod may be ready to receive it, and, therefore, that there may be no risk of melted particles of metal setting fire to the build- ing, as has occurred. [Appendix F, p. (93).] At the same time, having regard to the importance of silent discharge from sharp points, we suggest that at one foot below the extreme top of the upper terminal there be firmly attached, by screws and solder, a copper ring, bearing three or four copper needles, each 6 inches long and tapering from inch diameter to as fine a point as can be made; and with the object of rendering the sharpness as permanent as possible, we advise that they be platinized, gilded, or nickel plated. Vanes, finials, and ornamental ironwork so frequently form the upper portion of edifices, that it is essential to consider their relation to the conductor. They should always be in perfect metallic connection with the conductor. The possibility of such metal work inducing the charge to desert the conductor for some other path is sometimes suggested, but it could not happen unless the conductor were out of order, e.g., of inadequate conducting power, or had an imperfect earth-contact. With respect to factory chimneys, a different practice pre- vails in England from that which is nearly universal on the Continent. In this country one straight rod is usually carried up on one side of the chimney to a height above the top about REPORT. 5 equal to the diameter of the chimney. On the Continent two arches of iron are put crosswise over the aperture of the chimney, and a vertical rod is carried up from the intersection. In both systems the upper terminal suffers from the corroding effect of the fumes from the chimney. Dr. Mann thought, Appendix F, p. (132), that considering the ready path for light- ning afforded by the heated smoke discharged from chimneys, a coronal conductor should be placed upon them, as well as a multiple point. Messrs. Gray say, p. (9) : "For high chimney shafts we fit a copper band round the top, and four points thereon connected to main down rod." The Edinburgh Gas Works chimney, 341 feet high and 14 feet across at the top, was fitted with a conductor under the advice of Faraday, Appendix F, p. (89). It had an iron plate on the top ; Faraday directed that the rod should be connected with this plate, and the upper terminal should rise vertically 6 feet above it. We are of opinion that a coronal or copper band, with stout copper points, each about 1 ft. long, at intervals of 2 or 3 ft. throughout the circumference, will make the most durable and generally useful protector for a factory chimney, but these points should be gilded or otherwise protected against corrosion. MATERIAL FOE CONDUCTOR Iron and copper are practically the only two metals which need consideration ; brass, which has sometimes been used is so perishable that its employ- ment is a self-evident error. We will assume the conductivity of equal lengths and weights of iron to be, in the case of steady currents of electricity, Jth that of copper, and the cost of iron to be - 9 th that of copper, this would make the cost of copper for equal conducting power -J ths, or 50 per cent, dearer than iron. But there are other matters to be considered : (1) the great weight and bulk of iron rods ; (2) their deterioration by rust; C3) the serious obstruction offered by a rusty joint; (4) the sud- denness of lightning discharge which modifies the conductivity ; and lastly, that iron is so much more rigid than copper that (except in the form of iron wire rope, of which we shall speak () REPORT. hereafter) it can rarely be used in greater lengths than 20 feet, and thus numerous joints become necessary, whereas every needless joint should be avoided. As regards galvanizing, we think it scarcely judicious to trust entirely to it for protection against oxidation, for many instances of imperfect galvanizing have come to our knowledge. On the other hand copper becomes brittle, not only when exposed to the air, but also by the passage through it of power- ful charges of atmospheric electricity. Franklin used iron, and it is employed in America and on the Continent much more generally than copper, and it is less tempting to the thief. Nevertheless, as the cost of erection bears a considerable ratio to the cost of the rod itself, and as iron possesses the disad- vantages above stated, we think that in all ordinary cases a copper rod will iii the end prove the cheapest, as it will cer- tainly be the most durable. SIZE OF EOD. This is perhaps the most difficult subject which has to be determined. We greatly regret the shortness of Table I. in Appendix K ; but we think that it must be assumed *from it that lightning has fused a copper rod *10 in. (f^th) in area, i.e., weighing 6 ounces to the foot. We have also the Caterham case, Appendix I, p. (214), where a copper tube weighing 5J ounces per foot was heated to redness. The saving of cost which might be effected by using, for very low buildings, rather slighter rods than for ordinary edifices is not worth considering. In a 30 feet rod it could hardly amount to 10s. We therefore recommend as the minimum to be used : Sectional Area Weight Material. Pattern. Diameter. of Metal. per foot. in. sq. in. Copper ... Rope ^ ... '10 ... 6 oz. ... Round Rod ... I ... '11 ... 7 ... Tape f xj- ... -09 ... 6 Iron ... Round Rod ... T 9 o ... *64 ... 35 REPORT. 7 SHAPE OF ROD. This depends upon a subject which until lately was warmly discussed, viz., upon the relative impor- tance of the sectional area, and of the superficial area of a conductor ; a matter which has been the subject of active dis- cussion among electrical authorities. Faraday and Sir W. Snow Harris, for example, held diametrically opposite views respecting it. [Appendix F, p. (89), and I, p. (195).] There is abundant and conclusive evidence that in the case of steady electric currents, conductivity depends upon sectional area alone, and not at all upon extent of surface, and experiments by Mr. Preece and Dr. Warren De la Rue tend to show that, in the case of sudden discharges from condensers, to which light- ning discharges are probably analogous, the influence of form is not considerable. On the other hand, there is equally con- clusive evidence that the facility with which currents of short duration pass through conductors is affected by the form and arrangement, as well as by the sectional area of the conductors. Upon the whole we agree with the opinion quoted below, from a writer recognized in the United States as a high authority on lightning conductors, who, after describing and engraving more than fifty patterns of rods, says*: " The alleged improvements in the said conductors are, in nearly all cases, worthless, or of a trifling and unimportant character. The fact is, the said conductors are quite inferior, and contain no essential improvement upon the ordinary round iron rod used during the days of Franklin." In Europe the only forms at all generally employed are : Rods (round or square) ; Tubes ; Tape ; Ropes (wire, or wire with hemp centres) ; Plait. Rods (round or square). The advantages and disadvant- ages of rods are easily stated. The advantages are their dura- bility and their rigidity, the latter being of importance for long upper terminals. The disadvantages are the necessity for numerous joints, and the difficulty of avoiding serious disfigure- ment to the building to which they are attached. * Spang, " A Practical Treatise oil Lightning Protection," p. 121. 3 REPORT. Tubes have much the same merits and demerits, with the additional objection that they are necessarily of larger diameter than solid rods, and therefore more conspicuous. They have also an additional disadvantage in that they are generally joined to- gether by screw collars. The cutting of the thread in the tube seriously diminishes the sectional area, and the joint so made is electrically defective. If tubes are used, the joints should be made as directed in the code of rules under the head of joints. Tape is a form of rod which is of comparatively recent intro- duction, and possesses many advantages. Foremost among these is the length which can be supplied in a single piece. Where, as at the junction with an upper terminal, a joint is needed, it is easily made by clamping or rivetting the two sur- faces together and then imbedding the whole in a mass of solder. No kind of coupling known to us is, in our opinion, equal to this very simple one. Owing to the flexibility of the tape it can be made to follow closely the outlines of a building, or may be counter- sunk in it, and painted over, but, as stated further on, abrupt bends should be avoided, and the precautions and instruction set forth on page 18 should be followed. The objections to tape, Appendix A, pages (5) and (16) will be found to be objec- tions, not to tape per se, but to bad practice on the part of some persons who have fitted it ap and availed themselves unduly of its flexibility. Ropes. For many years past rope constructed of twisted strands of copper or of iron wires has been largely employed for lightning rods. There is on record a very remarkable case of the complete destruction of a brass wire rope, an event which, if it had been repeated, might justly have been regarded as a serious objection to the use of ropes. This case is fully reported in Appendix F, pages (62-63); and from it some French electricians have concluded that lightning may single out some wires from a rope and travel along them in preference to the rest, even when the whole of them are hardly sufficient to give it a free passage. Whatever may have been the expla- nation, this accident seems to be unique, and even if we REPORT. 9 accept the explanation given, the only extra precaution which it calls for, is the soldering of each extremity of the several wires forming the rod, and at every joint, into a single mass. We agree with M. Borrel in thinking that serious evil arises from using wire of too small diameter, which involves an additional number of interstices for the lodgement of dirt, smoke, and water, and at the same time renders the wires too thin effectually to resist oxidation. We have had before us rope f in. in diameter, composed of 49 strands of a copper wire about No. 19 B. W.G., say 0*04 in. in diameter. On the contrary, one firm speaks of employing No. 10 B.W.G., i.e. 0*14 in. diameter, and in special cases Nos. 8 and even 7, which would be about 0-17 in. and 0'19 in. diameter respectively: these would not be open to the objection we have raised. The objection to thin wires is necessarily greater with iron ropes, even if galvanized, than with copper, for irrespective of the doubt as to the perfect galvanizing of every part, there is the greater brittleness, and consequent risk of damage from defective continuity. Ropes with. Hemp Centres. One English firm sent us a specimen of 6-strand copper rope with a hemp core, and we understand that the same pattern is occasionally used both in iron and copper in France. We do not know the precise object aimed at probably flexibility but considering the perishable- ness of such a core, its variation in length with the hygrometric state of the air, and its invariability when the copper is varying with temperature, we cannot regard it as a wise construction. Plait. This form of rod was probably designed in the belief that the essential element in a lightning rod was plenty of surface. It is made in two sizes, with copper wire, about No. 16 B.W.G., plaited into a sort of ribbon. It invites oxidation as much as is possible, and is in our opinion neither durable nor trustworthy. The original form of this rod was ridiculously bad; for it consisted of 13 copper wires and 1 zinc one. Every time that it became wet, feeble electric B2 10 REPORT. action was set up, and the zinc wire was gradually destroyed, without the slightest benefit to anybody. JOINTS. The most fruitful sources of danger in rods are lad joints, not necessarily those that are mechanically bad, but those that are so electrically. A joint is said to be electrically bad when it offers resistance to the passage of electri- city through it. There should be no resistance whatever. A careful inspection by Capt. Bucknill, R.E. (Appendix M, p. 243), has proved that bad joints in lightning rods are very abundant, though they appear perfectly sound; and everyone who has measured the electrical condition of conductors confirms this fact. Bad joints have the same effect as lengthening the con- ductor; and, in one case, one bad joint was found to have the same effect on a discharge of electricity as a conductor 1,900 miles long. It is evident that such rods may be worse than useless, for other parts of the building may offer easier paths for the discharge to the earth. If the joint be imperfect, and the rod convey a charge to earth, heat will be generated at the joint, the rod may be fused, and the discharge be diverted to the building. Screwed, scarfed, and rivetted joints, however welJ they may be made mechanically, are certain to rust and corrode in time, owing to the expansions and contractions due to changes of temperature admitting moisture, and thus causing corrosion and resistance. No joint can possibly be electrically perfect that is not metallically continuous, and careful soldering, in addition to screwing, scarfing, or rivetting, is the only certain mode of securing this. Soldering is a method that has borne the test of experience, and its success as a means of securing perfect joints leaves no excuse for its omission. The fewer joints the better, but where there are joints they can only be made electrically secure by careful soldering. PROTECTION OF ROD. The lower part of copper rods is sometimes stolen for the sake of the metal. This can be guarded against by putting it inside a length of iron gas-barrel, extending from some distance below ground to 10 ft. above it. REPORT. 11 PAINTING. Iron conductors, even if they are galvanized, should be painted throughout, except at the points, which should be gilded or nickel-plated. In France and Belgium painting is resorted to to a con- siderable extent, and the practice was recommended by the late Professor Joseph Henuy, and followed very largely in America. [Appendix F, pages (99) and (113).] ATTACHMENT TO BUILDINGS. The evidence against the use of glass or other material in order to insulate the con- ductor, is overwhelming, and insulation may be regarded as un- necessary and mischievous. The essentials are (1) that the rod be attached to the building by fastenings of the same metal as itself, (2) that the fastenings be of adequate strength, (3) that they be of such form as not to compress or distort the rod, (4) that they allow play for its expansion and contraction, (5) that they hold it firmly enough to prevent all the weight falling on any one bearing. Where practicable it is well to take the rod down that face of the house which is most exposed to rain. EAETH PLATES. This portion of the lightning conduc- tor is of the utmost importance, but has hitherto been the most neglected. The majority of cases in which lightning has caused injury very near to or upon conductors are traceable to those conductors having imperfect earth terminals. We know of many cases in which the earth terminals have been miserably imperfect, or entirely neglected, when the above-ground portion has been perfectly satisfactory. In fact, though it may be admitted that the case found by Dr. Mann,* of the lightning rod of a church tower, the lower end of which was thrust into an empty glass bottle, is an exceptionally bad one ; yet there are sadly too many, of which the Middlesboro' case, Appendix I, page (217) is a perfectly fair type. A convenient earth connection is often afforded in towns by the iron mains for gas and water arguments both for and against * Quarterly Journ. Met. Soc., Vol. II., p. 420. 12 REPORT. the utilisation of both water and gas mains will be found in the Appendix we, therefore, need only state our opinion in favour of connection with both. But no connection should ever be made with soft metal pipes, because of the risk of their fusion ; and the conductor should be kept as far as possible from internal gas pipes on account of the risk of lighting the gas at an imper- fect joint. As a general rule we advise the soldering of a plate of metal, copper to copper, iron to iron, to the lower end of the conductor. The earth plate should always be of the same metal as the rod, otherwise destructive galvanic action sets in. This plate, which may be flat or cylindrical, must not have less surface than 18 square feet, i.e., 9 square feet on each face ; there is no advan- tage in notching or pointing it. A hole must be dug, or well sunk, to receive this plate, and the hole must be so deep that the earth surrounding the plate shall never be dry. Any avail- able drain or other water should be allowed to soak into the earth, over the site of the plate. After the hole has been dug, and the plate lowered into position, it should be filled with cinders, or coke. In extremely dry rocky localities, it is some- times impossible to fulfil these conditions : then the best thing to do is to bury three or four hundredweight of iron at the foot of the conductor, still using the earth plate and the coke, and taking especial care that the rain-water and sink pipes dis- charge over it. All drains, water-courses, in fact, everything which will assist in distributing the charge over a large extent of moist earth should be utilized by leading branches from the earth plate to them, or a long length of the rod may be laid in a drain if it be one which will be constantly wet. SPACE PROTECTED. The question as to the extent of the space which will probably be protected by a lightning rod is one which is of very great practical importance, because it governs the number and height of the upper terminals which are required for the protection of any given building. The index to the Appendix shows that " Protection, Area of," is discussed REPORT. 13 upon twenty-nine pages in different parts of the Appendix. It has been laid down that the space protected was a cone, having the point for its apex, and a base whose radius was equal to twice the height of the point, while the latest French official instructions, Appendix F, p. (67), state that a point will " effectively protect a cone having the point for its apex, and a base whose radius is T75 of its height." The English War Department instructions considerably reduce this space by as- serting, Appendix F, p. (71), that "no precise limit can be fixed to the protecting power of conductors. In England the base of the protected cone is usually assumed to have a radius equal to the height from the ground ; but though this may be suffi- ciently correct for practical purposes, it cannot always be relied upon."* According to this rule, the church of Ste. Croix (see Appendix F, p. (141)), would require four upper terminals, one on steeple, one on chancel, and one in the middle of each half of the transept. From theoretical considerations stated by Mr. Preece, Appen- dix F, p. (137), he arrives at the conclusion that " A lightning rod protects a conic space whose height is the length of the rod, whose base is a circle having its radius equal to the height of the * On page (96) two instances are recorded in which, if the evidence can be trusted, the stroke fell within a radius equal to the height, but it is only right to say that the facts are not very clearly recorded. 14 REPORT. rod, and whose side is the quadrant of a circle, whose radius is equal to the height of the rod." At present we have not sufficient data to enable us theo- retically to calculate the space protected by a lightning rod, and therefore we are compelled to draw up our rules upon the question entirely from experience, and here we find, that with the doubtful exceptions already mentioned, there is no recorded instance of a building being struck by lightning within a conical space, the radius of whose base was equal to its height, and we think that the adoption of this rule may reasonably be expected to yield that security in the future, which as far as we know, it has done in the past. HEIGHT OF UPPER TERMINAL This matter is one which may be left entirely to the option of individual architects and engineers, subject, of course, to the opinions expressed under the heading u Space Protected." In France extremely long tiges, or upper terminals, generally 33 feet long, are used ; but it is obvious that they are necessarily very strong and heavy, and both by their weight and by the great leverage which they exert when there is any wind, they must produce serious vibrations in the roof. In England hitherto the opposite error is almost universal, and we seldom see a conductor carried high enough to protect all the building to which it is attached. The question of appearance comes in here, but concerning it we need only remark that while in England care seems generally taken to conceal the conductors, in France they are, to a certain extent, made features of the edifice. With a proper exercise of taste, the terminals of the lightning conductors can be made to assist the ornamentation of the building, as has been done in many cases. TESTING CONDUCTORS. Periodical examination and careful testing of the lightning conductor are requisite to main- tain the system in efficient order. Points will corrode from oxi- dation and fusion ; joints will get loose and bad through the action of weather and workmen ; connections will decay both above and below ground ; imperfections will develope themselves ; alter a- REPORT. 1 5 tions will be made by landlords and tenants ; and, in spite of every precaution during erection, the conductor will thus lose its efficiency if it be not maintained in thorough order. For this purpose inspection should be both visual and electrical. In order to facilitate the electrical examination of the conductor, some firms have erected a double rod, connected with one upper ter- minal, one on each side of a chimney or shaft ; this is a very efficient arrangement, for it provides a means for testing from the ground. It has also been proposed to carry an insulated wire alongside or even within the rod, connected to the terminal at the top, and to the testing apparatus at the bottom. A testing apparatus has been devised by Mr. Anderson (Light- ning Conductors, p. 60). M. Borrell, Appendix K, p. (22(5), Captain Bucknill, R.E., Appendix M, p. (244), and Mr. Vyle, Appendix M, p. (244), have also introduced apparatus for the purpose. The system in use in Paris^ Appendix K, p. (225), and M, p. (245), is perhaps the simplest and cheapest, and is effective as regards testing the efficiency of the conductor, but not that of the earth connection. The efficiency both of the conductor and of its earth ter- minal should be annually tested. As this testing involves some skill and familiarity with electrical apparatus it would be advantageous if some competent person were officially ap- pointed, either by the government or by some recognised authority, to perform this duty. INTERNAL MASSES OF METAL.-A11 large and long masses of metal, such as beams, girders, pipes, hot water systems, and large ventilators fixed in the interior of buildings, should be electrically connected with the earth, or with the con- ductor ; but the soft metal gas pipes should never be used as conductors. The inlet and outlet pipes of large meters should always be, independently of the meter, electrically connected with each other, for two remarkable cases of the explosion of a meter have occurred through the presence of a joint in the pipe electrically bad owing to the use of India-rubber packing. Ap- pendix M, p. (239). 16 REPORT. EXTERNAL MASSES OF METAL. Large constructive and decorative ironwork, such as guttering, flashings, railings, finials, vanes, &c., and all masses of metals used in building, should be connected to each other, and to the earth direct, or to the conductor. In fact, the gutters and water pipes are already frequently utilized as a partially protective system. The venti- lators of soil pipes may also be employed in this way, and even made sightly by the addition of an ornamental finial fitted with points, but care must be taken that the joints are metallic and not made with red lead or putty ; and it must not be forgotten that the conductivity of lead is very small, so that undue re- liance must not be placed upon pipes made of that metal. SECTION III. Code of Rules for the Erection of Lightning Conductors. The following Code of Rules should be carefully attended to in drawing out a specification for a Lightning Conductor, the reasons for each being given in the previous Sections and in the Appendix : Points. The point of the upper terminal should not be sharp, not sharper than a cone of which the height is equal to the radius of its base. But a foot lower down a copper ring should be screwed and soldered on to the upper ter- minal, in which ring should be fixed three or four sharp copper points, each about 6 in. long. It is desirable that these points be so platinized, gilded, or nickel plated as to resist oxidation. Upper Terminals. The number of conductors or points to be specified will depend upon the size of the building, the material of which it is constructed, and the comparative height of the several parts. No general rule can be given for this ; but the- architect must be guided by the direc- tions given at pp. 12 to 14. He must, however, bear in REPORT. 17 mind that even ordinary chimney stacks, when exposed, should be protected by short terminals connected to the nearest rod, inasmuch as accidents often occur owing to the good conducting power of the heated air and soot in a chimney (p. 2). Insulators. The rod is not to be kept from the building by glass or other insulators, but attached to it by metal fast- enings. (See p. 11.) Fixing 1 . Kods should preferentially be taken down the side of the building which is most exposed to rain. They should be held firmly, but the holdfasts should not be driven in so tightly as to pinch the rod, or prevent the contraction and expansion produced by changes of temperature. Factory Chimneys. These should have a copper band round the top, and stout, sharp, copper points, each about 1 ft. long, at intervals of two or three feet throughout the circum- ference, and the rod should be connected with all bands and metallic masses in or near the chimney. (See p. 5.) Oxidation of the points must be carefully guarded against. Ornamental Ironwork. All vanes, finials, ridge ironwork, &c., should be connected with the conductor, and it is not absolutely necessary to use any other point than that afforded by such ornamental ironwork, provided the con- nection be perfect and the mass of ironwork considerable. As, however, there is risk of derangement through repairs, it is safer to have an independent upper terminal. (See p. 4.) Material for Rod. Copper, weighing not less than 6 oz. per foot run, and the conductivity of which is not less than 90 per cent, of that of pure copper, either in the form of tape or rope of stout wires no individual wire being less than No. 12 B. W. G. Iron may be used, but should not weigh less than 2 Ibs. per foot run. (See pp. 5 to 10.) 18 REPORT. Joints. Although electricity of high tension will jump acros 8 bad joints, they diminish the efficacy of the conductor; therefore every joint, besides being well cleaned, screwed, scarfed, or ri vetted, should be thoroughly soldered. (See p. 10.) Protection. Copper rods to the height of 10 feet above the ground should be protected from injury and theft, by being enclosed in an iron pipe reaching some distance into the ground. Painting". Iron rods, whether galvanized or not, should be painted ; copper ones may be painted or not according to architectural requirements. Curvature. The rod should not be bent abruptly round sharp corners. In no case should the length of the rod between two points be more than half as long again as the straight line joining them. Where a string course or other pro- jecting stone work will admit of it, the rod may be carried straight through, instead of round the projection. In such a case the hole should be large enough to allow the con- ductor to pass freely, and allow for expansion, &c. Extensive Masses of Metal. As far as practicable it is desirable that the conductor be connected to extensive masses of metal, such as hot-water pipes, &c., both internal and external ; but it should be kept away from all soft metal pipes, and from internal gas-pipes of every kind, respecting which see page 15. Church Bells inside well protected spires need not be connected. Earth Connection. It is essential that the lower extremity of the conductor be buried in permanently damp soil ; hence proximity to rain-water pipes, and to drains, is desirable. It is a very good plan to make the conductor bifurcate close below the surface of the ground, and adopt two of the following methods for securing the escape of the light- REPORT. 1 9 ning into the earth. A strip of copper tape may be led from the bottom of the rod to the nearest gas or water main not merely to a lead pipe and be soldered to it ; or a tape may be soldered to a sheet of copper 3 ft. x 3 ft. and T V in. thick, buried in permanently wet earth, and sur- rounded by cinders or coke ; or many yards of the tape may be laid in a trench filled with coke, taking care that the surfaces of copper are, as in the previous cases, not less than 18 square feet. Where iron is used for the rod, a galvanized iron plate of similar dimensions should be em- ployed. Inspection. Before giving his final certificate, .the architect should have the conductor satisfactorily examined and tested by a qualified person, as injury to it often occurs up to the latest period of the works from accidental causes, and often from the carelessness of workmen. (See p. 14.) Collieries. Undoubted evidence exists of the explosion of fire- damp in collieries through sparks from atmospheric elec- tricity being led into the mine by the wire ropes of the shaft and the iron rails of the galleries. Hence the head- gear of all shafts should be protected by proper lightning conductors. (Signed) W. GRYLLS ADAMS. W. E. AYRTON. LATIMER CLARK. E. E. DYMOND. G. CAREY FOSTER. D. E. HUGHES. T. HAYTER LEWIS. W. H. PREECE. G. J. SYMONS. JOHN WHICHCORD. December 14ih, 1881. UNIVERSITY /* A APPENDIX A. CIKCULAR AND QUESTIONS ISSUED TO AND THEIE EEPLTES THEEETO. NOTE. There are only two points requiring mention respecting the following replies. First, that in order to avoid useless repetition of the questions, the answers are numbered, and the corresponding question will be found in the following circular. Secondly, that the replies are verbatim, as received from the manufacturers, except that frequent entries will be found in square brackets, e.g. [A OH in.] These represent approximately the sectional area of the conductors, and are given to facilitate the comparison of the conducting capaci- ties of the very various patterns submitted to the Conference. CIRCULAR. LIGHTNING ROD CONFERENCE. 30, GREAT GEORGE STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. November 14th, 187 S. At the invitation of the Meteorological Society delegates have been nonri- irited by the following Societies : Eoyal Institute of British Architects, Society of Telegraph Engineers, Physical Society, Meteorological Society, to consider the present modes of erecting Lightning conductors, and improve- ments therein. At a largely attended meeting held this day I was instructed to forward to you the questions stated below, and to request you to forward with your replies any remarks which you may wish to lay before the Conference. If you desire any specimens to accompany your remarks, I shall be glad if, whenever possible, they do not exceed five inches in length. *Iam, Your obedient Servant, G. J. SYMOKS, Secretary to the Conference. QUESTIONS. (It is requested that the replies be written on foolscap paper, on one side only, and that they be numbered in accordance with the questions.) J. Form, dimensions, and material usually adopted by you for upper ter- minals. "2. Material and dimensions of conductor. o. Is any definite proportion between the length and sectional area of the conductor observed, and if any, what ? 4. Joints, how made. ft. Attachment to building, how made. ('. Ground connection, how formed, and of what extent. 7. Extent of area supposed to be protected. 8. If there is more than one terminal, is the size of the conductor increased? EEPLIES. 39, WAPPING, LONDON, E. 1. The upper terminals are made of a copper tube f inches in diameter and T V inches thick [A. 0*11 in.] In the upper end of the tube is fitted 15 inches of copper rod tapered to a point at the top, into which is fixed 3 or more smaller rods about J inch in diameter [A. 0*05 in.] each tapered to a point, and brought into the parent rod in a curve (not at an angle). The next part of the tube, down to about 9 inches from the bottom, is filled with a stiff iron rod to strengthen it, the lower end of the tube being left open to receive the rope. This constitutes what is called " the point." These points vary in length from 2 or 3 to 8 or 10 feet when used for buildings. A square-topped tower would require a much higher point than would be necessary for the top of a spire. Sometimes the points are tipped with platinum, which we consider to be altogether superfluous. 2. The conductor is simply a wire rope, varying in size, and mostly either |, |, or inches in diameter [A. 0*11, O20, or 0-31 in.] These ropes are made in two different forms : the one | inch diameter [A. OH in.], most suitable for ships' use, is composed of 49 No. 18 guage copper wires, each wire having a circumferencial measurement of -157 inches [A. O002 in.] ; the circumferencial or surface measure- ment of the whole of the 49 wires is equal to 5-693 inches [A. OH in.], or say, equal to the surface of a copper band 2-846 inches wide ?'.., measuring both sides of the band. The other make, say | inch diameter [A. 0-20 in.], much used for lofty buildings, is composed of 7 No. 7 guage copper wires, each wire having a circumferencial measurement o| -581 inches [A. 0-027 in.] ; the circumferencial or surface measurement of the 7 wires is equal to 4-067 inches [A. 0*19 in.], or say equal to the surface of a copper band 2-033 inches wide. 3. There is no definite proportion observed between the length and sectional area of the conductor. We take it that the sectional area should be the same, irrespective of length, as we do not trace that lightning varies in intensity while passing through a conductor of greater or less length. The rather prevalent idea that a smaller con- ductor is sufficient for a low building is, we think, erroneous, as we do not find any data to show that lightning in its descent loses any portion of its force until it actually enters the earth. 4. The copper rope is joined to the upper terminal by passing the end of the rope into the tube at the lower end of the terminal for the space of about 9 inches, and fixing it with 3 copper rivets. There is no other join in the conductor whatever a feature of much greater importance than is sometimes admitted. 5. The upper terminal is passed through two strong earthenware insulators which are usually fixed to the building by t^vo strong galvanized iron staples. Other modes of fixing the terminal must sometimes be resorted to, as some factory chimneys are capped with iron, and buildings of varied forms must be treated with according to circumstances. Having fixed the terminal, the rope may then be led down the building on the most convenient side for the purpose, and fixed at intervals of 6 or 8 ft., according to circumstances, with glass ( 5 ) insulators supported by copper brackets. The rope should be given the straightest course practicable from the upper point down to the earth, carefully avoiding all angles, specially an acute angle, as much as possible, and in its passage it should be kept clear from any other metal in the building. There are three matters to which we would call special attention, viz.: Insulators, Angles and Joints, Metal in Building. Insulators. When copper rope lightning conductors were first in- troduced, about the year 1837, a circumstance occurred which at once proved the efficiency of the conductor, and suggested the use of insula- tors. The late Mr. Andrew Smith, C.E., had fitted a factory chimney in the East of London with a rope conductor, which was fixed to the chimney by iron staples. In a violent storm which occurred soon afterwards, the lightning was seen to pass down the conductor, which remained unaltered in any way ; but on examining the chimney it- was found that the brickwork had received a concussion at most, if not all, of the staples, showing that the lightning in passing had expended part of its force on the iron staples. It is probable that, if the staples had been made of thicker iron, and had been so placed as to lead off from the conductor with easy curves inwards, instead of being driven into the wall at right angles with the conductor, the concussions would have been much more violent than was the case. Angles and Joints. It must be obvious to any one that lightning, as well as any other matter or thing which travels at high speed, would be greatly obstructed in having to turn corners. It must also be borne in mind that lightning is of intense heat, and while passing in a straight line the effect of its heat is lost in the velocity of its motion ; but in passing an angle its momentary pause (much too brief to be calculated) is sometimes enough to create sufficient heat to fuse the conductor at the angle. For this reason all angles must be avoided, and easy curves having a downward tendency substituted. The angles in copper tube conductors are doubly objectionable, for, having joins as well as angles, they are liable, by the effect of heat, to become disjointed. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to fit a tubular conductor, except in a straight line from end to end, without this double objection. Similar objections apply also, in a greater or less extent, to the copper band conductors, as they are made with joins, and, when fixed up, are usually carried into and over as many angles as come in their way. They do not so readily follow all the sinuosities of a building as a rope does on the curve principle. The flat band conductors, which are composed of a number of galvanized iron and copper wires combined, are simply a frivolity. Metal in Buildings. Taking the conductivity of copper as from 7 to 10 times greater than that of iron, it would probably follow, that if two rods, the one of copper the other of iron, in these proportionate sizes, were brought together in one common terminal or point, and led by the same course to the earth, as much of the fluid would possibly pass down the one as the other. On this principle, we avoid contiguity with any metal in a building, especially if in large masses, such as machinery, &c. ( 6 ) Ships' Conductors. In fitting the rope conductor to a ship's rigging it is only necessary to pass it through a hole in the truck, so that the end may stand about 6 inches above the truck. It may be held up by a pin or key passed through the rope close over the truck, and then carried down the topgallant backstay (to which it should be tied at intervals with yarn) to the gunwale, where a sufficient length of the conductor should be kept in a coil to reach well down into the sea in any position of the ship. In stormy weather the coil may be untied, and by its own weight the end will drop down into the sea as required. Sometimes the rope is shackled at the gunwale to a strip of sheet copper about 3 inches wide, which is nailed down the ship's side till it meets the sheathing at the bottom. The strip of copper should overlay the sheathing for a few inches. It may be noticed that this kind of conductor, fitted with a coil at the gunwale, is with- out any join whatever, and that it takes almost a straight course direct from the truck into the water. The copper band conductors let into the mast and carried through the hull of the ship are objectionable and unsafe, as, in passing from each portion of the mast, they require moveable joints, so as to admit the several parts of the mast being run up or down as required. These joints present angular interruptions which may become out of order, and, in passing through the hull, any rupture of the band in that part, or the contiguity of other metals, may cause serious conse- quences. Certainly, there can be 110 necessity for carrying the lightning through the ship' when, by a safer and much more simple method, it may be kept altogether outside. In the smaller vessels, where the mainmast is well above the other masts, it may be sufficient for that mast only to be fitted with a conduc- tor, but in larger ships, particularly long steam-ships, where the masts are a considerable distance apart, each mast should have a conductor. We do not, either in theory or in practice, know any necessity for protecting the yards with conductors, though it is not altogether improbable that,* in the absence of conductors on the masts, the yards might get damaged while the masts remain uninjured. 6. The end of the rope should be buried in moist earth, and carried in a curve to 5 or 6 feet from the foundation. In clay ground and on the shady side of a building about 3 feet below the surface would be deep enough ; but in lighter ground, and particularly on the sunny side, it should be buried 6 or 7 feet deep, to ensure sufficient moisture at all times of the year. 7. As the course by which lightning approaches the earth is very devious, it would be difficult to determine with certainty ttfe extent of area protected ; but, viewing the absence of damage to the most remote parts of the roofs of buildings which have been properly fitted with conductors within the last 40 years, we should think the area protected may be taken as equal to from 3 to 5 or 6 times the height of the conductor. 8. When two or more terminals are used, the main rope should be somewhat enlarged ; otherwise, the collective quantity of fluid received on the several points may be too great for the common channel. WILKINS & WEATHEEBY. ( 7 ) DORA STREET, LIMEHOUSE, E. We have to own receipt of your valued communication of the 14th ult., and with great pleasure to submit for the consideration of the Conference the following replies to their questions. We have endeavoured to make them as explicit as possible, but it is difficult adequately to describe our system on paper, and we suggest for the consideration of the Conference the advisability of showing any Committee they may appoint one or two of the numerous public buildings fitted by us. Any further particulars or drawings you may require we shall be glad to send you ; and it is with great pleasure that we add that any services \ve can render you in your valuable investigations are at your disposal. 1. A five-pointed copper spindle, the sharp points of which are silvered, and single points on high chimney shafts to the number of four or five. 2. Copper solid bands, or tubes, " as samples sent," being simple, durable, cheap, and the most capacious form for the safe conduction of a heavy stroke of lightning, the bands being from 1 inch to 3 inches in width and g inch thick [A. 0'12 to 0'37 in.], and the tubes from | to 1| inches in diameter and ^ inch thick [A. 0-24 'to 0-54 in.]. 3. Yes ; experience has proved that nothing less than 1| inch bands [A. O18 in.] should be used for the main conductor to ordinary houses, with f [A. 0*09 in.] to 1 inch [A. O12 in.] bands for branches, and from 2 to 3 inchs [A. 0-24 to O37 in.] bands as main conductor to buildings of large area, with 1 to lg inch [A. O12 to 0*18 in.] for branches ; or, in the case of chimney shafts, | inch to 1| inch tube [A. 0*24 to 0*54 in.] for main conductor, and 2 to 3 inches flat band [A. 0-24 to 0-37 in.] for tops of same. 4. The bands are in long lengths, are lapped, closely rivetted and soldered, to form a continuous band ; while the tubes have patent insertion joints, the upper end being turned and fitted into the lower end, which is bored, and the tube then forms a continuous line externally and internally. 5. Copper holdfasts to suit shape and size of conductor. 6. Not less than 30 feet of 1| inch to 2 inch copper bands [A. 0*18 to O24 in.] in two or three branches, with forks at end of each band, and, if water is not near, the trenches half filled with carbon- aceous materials and well watered, as this material will readily absorb the least moisture and retain it, while being in itself the best con- ductor. But much will depend upon the nature of the ground ; for if chalk" or rock foundation and water cannot be got at, the ground branches must be at least doubled, and the trenches deeper and made up of carbonaceous materials and earth. 7. Our experience is that no appreciable extent is protected by a single rod conductor in the presence of other influences. The chimney-stacks, lined with carbon in the shape of soot, with the heated gases, cause a rarefaction in the atmosphere, and form an easier passage for the electric fluid. Eoofs and buildings having large masses of metals will be more likely to influence lightning than the single line of copper rod generally fitted. Many cases have occurred of chimney-stacks 4 feet to 9 feet across being struck opposite the conductor, and lead roofs, gutters, lead ridges, &c., from 10 feet to 20 feet from the rod conductor. 8. No ; the system of conduction used by us does away with this,, the lines of conduction being ample. EEMAEKS. From our close connection with the late Sir William Snow Harris, adviser to the Crown for upwards of twenty-five years in regard to lightning conductors for the navy, and having made lightning con- ductors our especial practical study for thirty-five years, we may be pardoned for making a few remarks on the protection of buildings from lightning. We would, firstly, say that the system of conductors now fitted by us is based upon these past years of experience, and upon facts collected during this period, of accidents to buildings having the ordinary single line of conduction, as also from the practical success of the conductors in the navy. The form of conductors used by us has been adopted after con- siderable experience, as being the most simple, solid, durable, and capacious form of conductor for the safe conduction of heavy strokes of lightning. In place of insulators as fastenings, we use copper holdfasts, as we found the former dangerous and useless, as the glass, being non-con- ductive, the expansion and heat of the electric fluid, being confined, broke them, and caused an unsafe concussion ; and it is also a disad- vantage for a conductor to be away from the building, as nearly every material in nature assists, without detracting from, the safe discharge of the electric fluid through a good copper conductor. We find that the copper wire rope conductor, usually applied, is seldom more than |ths of an inch in diameter ; but we did once remove, from the tower of St. Mary's Church, Taunton, a copper wire rope conductor of |ths of an inch in diameter [A. 0*60 in.], said to be- especially made to order certainly the largest we ever came across ; but it failed to give the necessary protection in a lightning storm, which did much damage to the tower and roof of the church. As capacity or weight of copper is the most important for safe conduc- tion, copper wire rope is very deceptive in this respect, as will be seen by the following comparisons, viz. : A copper wire rope con- ductor of | inch diameter [A. 0-11 in.] weighs 2| ounces per foot, not- equal to a plain solid band inch wide and g inch thick [A. 0*046 in.],, which weighs 2-907 ounces per foot. A copper wire rope conductor of j inch diameter [A. 0-20 in.] weighs 5 ounces per foot, not equal, to a solid band off inch wide and inch thick [A. 0-092 in.], which weighs 5-814 ounces per foot. A copper wire rope conductor of inch [A. 0-31 in.] weighs 9| ounces per foot, not equal to a solid band of 1| inch and J inch thick [A. 0-153 in.], which weighs 9-690 ounces per foot. This is the largest size of wire rope conductor made or used. From the above will be seen what protection can be given by con- ( 9 ) ductors of such small capacities ; and we may add that solid band conductors of the same weight, and superior in every way, can be fixed at less than half the cost of the wire rope, foot for foot. Copper chains and copper wire bands, as conductors, answer in so uncertain a manner with the galvanometer, that they should never be used. Iron in any form should be avoided, from its lower conducting power, and its utter uselessness when in a rusty and decayed state. With regard to testing with the galvanometer, the mere testing of the conductors is no proof of the security of the building itself. We not only test the conductors, but also the building, to prove that it is under safe conduction in lightning storms. In conclusion, we beg to state that our patent system of protection is the application of one or more main down and ground copper con- ductors and sizes, according to the height and area of the building, the fitting of the copper bands to each chimney-stack, and connecting the same, and the connecting of all the metals on the roofs thereto and to the main conductor, so that there shall be no circuit by which the lightning fluid would be likely to attack without having its exit to the main conductor. For high working chimney-shafts we fit a copper band round the top, and four points thereon connected to main down conductor. FOT further information, we earnestly solicit the careful perusal of our pamphlet and papers herewith. J. W. GRAY & SON. CHIPPENDALE MEWS, HARROW ROAD. 1. Upper terminals pointed with one or more points, according to the nature of the building to be protected. Dimensions' vary in like manner. Material copper or brass, with electro-gilded points. 2. Conductor composed of copper or galvanized rope, according to height, &c., of building, &c., dimensions varying with resistance of the circuit. 3. The sectional area varies with the length. 4. Joints made, as far as possible metallically ; where solder cannot be used, screw joints are made use of. 5. Attachment to building direct by metallic ties of requisite form. 6. Ground connection When practicable, the end of conductor is metallically connected with gas or water main, otherwise a hole is dug deep enough to meet always moist earth. The end of conductor is either attached to an earth plate, or coiled up in a bundle and sur- rounded by coke. 7. The area protected is supposed to be a radius equal to the height of conductor. 8. If more than one terminal is attached to one conductor, the size of the latter is increased, except under certain conditions. E. RUSSELL & CO. 137, PRINCESS STREET, MANCHESTER. 1. A copper tube 1| inch diameter or 1 inch diameter, finished at the upper end, with a forged copper point or cone, connected with the tube by a cast copper (or gun-metal) coupling, into which coupling are also screwed three or more smaller points round the larger central one. At the lower end the tube is screwed into a somewhat similar coupling, to receive also the brazed and screwed end o the conductor. Or a solid copper rod k inch diameter [A. O20 in.], or wrought iron rod 1 inch diameter [A. 0-79 in.] (where iron conductors are used) the rod in either case forged to a blunt point, and screwed at the lower end, like the tube first described, to fit the coupling. 2. (a}. Copper wire rope o 7 strands each, No. 10 Birmingham wire gauge, or in specified cases of No. 8 or 7 wire gauge, making, when spun, a rope with a sectional area varying from xV to Is-- (6). Solid copper rods J inch diameter [A. 0*20 in.]. Solid iron rods 1 inch diameter [A. 0-79 in.], (c). Copper band or "tape" of sizes from. |xj to 2 or 3Xi 3 e inches [A. 0-09 to 0'38 or 0-56 in.]. (d). Copper tube f| inch diameter outside, and J inch thick [A. 0.20 in.] 3. Although no definite rule exists for the proportional sizes of the conductor, it is usual and prudent in a large building to employ for the main conductors, which should come from the highest and most exposed points to the earth in the most direct way, a larger con- ductor than would be required for a small building, and the branches or connections to this main conductor may be smaller in sectional area than the principal one. Thus, a church tower with four angle pinnacles may be protected by four finials or points, one to each pinnacle, and these four parts fitted to rope of 7 wires No. 10 gauge [A. O'lO in.], to be united to a continuous band round the parapet, from whence a rope of 7 wires No. 8 gauge [A. 0-15 in.] should descend into the earth ; or an infirmary or workhouse built with wings would have, perhaps, three direct rod conductors, one to each chimney stack, and connections with the water spouts, or lead flashing made of small copper tape f Xj [A. 0*09 in.] soldered to the lead and worked round the rods. 4. The fewer joints the safer, and for this reason the copper rope or tape is better than the rod or tube, as the former is made con- veniently any required length, and the danger of a fault or break in the continuity is avoided. Of the necessary joints the rope requires one at its junction with the top rod or tube ; this is made by brazing a small ring of brass (or copper) round the rope ; the solid end thus formed being chased with a deep male thread, which fits the prepared base of the rod. The branch conductors or connections, with adjacent constructive or decorative iron work as beams, girders ; cresting, vanes, &c., are made by threading a bead with a similar ring to receive the branch, as that already described. Where the branch reaches its object a ring or solid coupling should be " tapped " into the girder or cresting, to ensure thorough metallic connection, if the destination of ( 11 ) the branch be the lead flashing, the seven wires must be opened like a fan, and eacli wire strongly soldered with common plumbers' solder to the lead (6). Copper or iron rods are made continuous by couplings of either metal, as the case may be, which should exceed the diameter of the rods by enough metal to allow of a good thread. These couplings should be hexagonal or octagonal in plan, to allow the workman a certain grip ; and the thread should be of the kind called right and left, so that while screwing one length he may not unscrew the other. These conductors require very careful, steady workmen, as a great element of danger exists in these numerous joints. 5. The various natures of the buildings provided with conductors require separate, and often different treatment : but the principle in all cases is the same, viz., to attach the conductor closely to the fabric, and the more the conductor is made an integral part, as it were, the more efficacious it will be. Any attempts at so called isolation are opposed to the theory of protection by conductors. The mechanical means of fixing are best illustrated by diagrams, the chief objects to be considered are (e}. Permanence or strength and durability. (/). E-oom for expansion of the conductor. (g). Facility in fixing without cutting or breaking the conductor. (h). Neatness in appearance. These objects are gained by a careful consideration of the materials to which the conductors are fixed by-" holdfasts/' for stone, slate or tiles, wood, and iron. It. is important that sharp bends be avoided. A string course, for instance, should be drilled, and the rod or rope passed straight through. Also, that any metal bodies in the line of the conductor should be connected with it by staples screwed into such bodies. It is most necessary that the ends of vane bolts or rods should be joined to the conductor, or, where this is impossible, should be fitted with an independent wire or rod to the earth. 6. The connection with the ground is of special importance, as the object of the conductor is to provide a free passage between the two currents, and if this be not done, a lateral discharge is pretty sure to result. A building provided with suitable conductors, properly fixed, should at all conditions of the atmosphere, allow a free course to the electricity, and be in all its parts electrically equivalent, and with this intention the several parts (as mentioned in answer to question 3) are brought into connection with each other or with the ground. The actual length of the ground conductor is fixed by the nature of the subsoil, as it is obvious that dry sandy soil is unsuitable for a ter- mination. "We therefore continue the rope or tape until a good damp earth is reached, if possible, a spring or open water generally speak- ing, about 5 to 10 yards will be sufficient in most localities. The conductor is then buried 5 to 10 feet, or upwards, in the damp earth or water. If a rope, the several strands are unravelled and opened out : if a rod or tape, a discharging fork is usually attached to the ( 12 ) end to promote the easy discharge, for \vhich purpose it is also usual to fill the trench Avith charcoal. The trench must be dug with a slight fall from the building downward. 7. The extent of area supposed to be protected by the conductor is estimated by many as included in a radius of double the height of the conductor from the base line; but the immunity from accident enjoyed by many buildings situated at a greater distance from a number of tall factory chimneys ; or to take an opposite example, in a city where there are many lofty spires or towers, would go to show that a number of conductors attached to tail objects, serve to obviate the dangers arising from lightning by providing, at many different points, a direct communication between the positive and negative currents which exist in the clouds and earth We have never known a church spire, when the conductor was fixed in accordance with ordinary skill, injured by lightning ; and the tall factory chimneys of' our manufacturing towns afford strong corroborative evidence of the value of conductors, and this in two ways first, because those to which conductors are fixed, do not get struck ; and, second, because those unprovided with conductors, do get destroyed from time to time. 8. A reference to the answer to No. 3 question, will show that we consider that when several terminals are used, an increased diameter is advisable in the main or principal conductor : but it must be re- membered that either of the conductors referred to in the answer to question 2, is greatly in excess of what many eminent electricians consider necessary. A single wire being thought sufficient of /? inch diameter (A. 0*06 in.) for any ordinary current of electricity. But both the English and French Governments have thought it prudent to specify a copper body, with a sectional area of | inch in English, or 1 centimetre in French (0*40 in.) partly to provide against corrosion, which would rapidly deteriorate a thin wire, and partly to obviate the danger of the melting of the smaller conductor under the continued force of an unusually strong shock of lightning. We, therefore, respectfully follow the decision of such experts as have, by careful experiment and considerable diligence, acquired the know- ledge they possess both as to the substance, the form, and the treatment of this subject ; and have only to add the fact, that any small experience we have practically had, goes to support the con- clusions already arrived at by these authorities. FBEEMAN & COLLIEE. ( 13 ) 24 & 26, LEYEE STREET, MANCHESTER. 1. Our upper terminals are made of copper or brass, plain spike or ball with spike at top, and three radiating from it, or four or five spikes radiating from the ball. Attached to the ball (screwed into it) is a solid rod of copper, to which the conductor is fastened, as explained below. 2. Conductor is made of good quality copper wire strand 7 ply : | inch [A. 0*11 in.] to yV inch [A. O15 in.] diameter. 4. Joints of the strand not usually permitted, as we spin it any reasonable length. The end of the conductor is knotted and drawn through a cup- shaped ring of metal one end, the top of which is screwed into the bottom of the solid rod of the terminal. This makes a good connection. 5. Copper holdfasts fasten the rod to the building. 6. Ground end is coiled loosely in damp earth or a well. KICHAKD JOHNSON, CLAPHAM, & MOKBIS. 180, BOTTEMORE, GLASGOW. We beg to reply to your queries on the material, system, and fitting of lightning conductors, as practiced by us for over 25 years, during which time we have never had a building injured in which we have been engaged, and have fitted from 15,000 to 20,000 feet a year, without advertisement. 1. Uniformly solid copper, consisting of 1 centre concave point, about 14 inches long, presenting 8 sharp angles=3| inch surface : this is surrounded by 4 smaller points of same construction. These all terminate or spring out of a hollow copper ball, which is screwed on a copper tube | inch diameter inside, and from 4 inches to 5 inches long, according to requirement. The copper cable is passed through this tube, is knotted inside of the ball, and the points are all screwed against it, which forms the point of contact, and thoroughly fixes the cable at the top ; but the fixing of the top or terminal rod is fashioned in accordance with the requirements of the building or material to be fixed to. 2. Uniformly copper cable constructed of 49 strands, Jiard drawn square copper wire Nos. 17, 18, or 19 W.G. 3. "We never use less than 6-inch surface, i.e., measuring the circumference of each wire, we contending that surface is the only power of the conductor. Up to 150 ft. we use No. 19 (= inch diam.) [A. 0*20 in.], f inch for a longer length of cable (i.e., 17 or 18) [A. 0-44 in.]. 4. Usually with a gun-metal screwed coupler. 5. With brass holdfasts, lined with porcelain, glass, or gutta- percha. 6. Spread out end of strands of cable like a fan, and bury it in the moist earth a few feet deep, in an oblique way tending from building. 7. 30 to 40 yards. 8. We invariably run one cable from each terminal or top rod : but in spires we commonly take a connection from the bottom of the vane rod, and connect it to the main conductor, which goes to the highest point of vane or final : if the former, we fix a copper bush or disc to the vane rod at foot of vane, which is fast to cable, and a corresponding one on vane, with cable at highest point, when the cable is fringed out, presenting its 49 points, and by these discs the vane revolves with that portion of the conductor attached, and the point of contact is given by the discs. C. H. PEXXYCOOK & CO ALL SAIXTS' WOBKS, DEBBY. 1. Form for upper terminals : A straight copper tube, J inch diameter; thickness of metal, 15 B.W.Gr. [A. O15 in.], with solid copper point (no branches) ; the point is soldered and rivetted into the tube ; or a solid copper rod, \ inch diameter [A. 0-20 in.], tapering towards the top. 2. Material and dimensions of conductor : Either a copper band of 2| inches wide and No. 16 B.W.Gr. thickness [A. 0-16 in.]; or a copper wire rope, \ inch diameter, of 6 strands, each strand containing 6 wires [A. 0-20 in.]. 3. Proportion between length and sectional area of conductor : The i inch copper rope [A. 0-20 in.], or 2^x16 B.W.Gr. band [A. 0-16 in.], is used for heights not over 120 feet ; for higher buildings, a | inch rope [A. 0-44 in.] or band, 2=jxl2 B.W.Gr. [A. 0-27 in.] should be used. 4. Joint, how made : Joint is made between band and copper rod with a brass screwed socket, the rod is soldered and rivetted into socket, and the band is soldered round socket, then soldered and rivetted. When the copper rope is used, a hole is drilled into socket, same diameter as rope, at the lower end, and turned out conical shape ; the rope is then passed through the socket, the ends spread out,' and the spaces filled up with solder. 5. Attachment to building : The conductor is fixed close to build- ing without insulators, and is brought into close contact with the spouting; is closely attached to chimney and walls by means of copper straps and copper nails driven into the masonry. 6. Ground connection : Should a good, permanent drain be near, the conductor is brought to it and bound round and firmly fixed. If there should be an open drain or brook, the conductor is brought under it at sufficient depth that if the stream be dry at any time there will be sufficient moisture to carry away the charge without disrup- tion. Should there be neither drain pipes nor brook sufficiently near, the conductor is taken from 12 to 20 feet below the surface to the clay, where it is certain to be always damp, even in seasons of the greatest drought ever known. ( 15 ) In no case should the earth connection be taken into a closed tank or well. If a band be used, it should be cut into strips about 18 inches long and laid in different directions ; rope should be unwrapped and spread in a similar manner. 7. Supposed area protected : It is impossible to determine exactly the area the conductor protects. It is erroneously supposed that the rod will protect buildings within its radius, but experience will not bear out this axiom. Many instances may be related of buildings being struck much within the radius of well-protected churches or chimneys. The protection a conductor affords depends to a great extent on the relative positions of the electric discharge and the objects that it may meet in its course. As a general rule, a church with a high spire with a proper conductor may be considered to protect the remainder of the edifice; but a low, straggling building should have several conductors at the outside highest points. 1 8. If there is more than one terminal is the size of conductor increased ? JSfo ; as sufficient material should always be used to carry off without disruption the heaviest known charge, it is un- necessary to increase the size of conductor. Should two or more upper terminals be connected with the main conductor, the size of material need not be increased ; for if two or more terminals receive the charge simultaneously it necessarily follows that it is sub-divided ; therefore the conductor will have no more work than if one point only had been struck. Note. "We quite agree with Snow Harris regarding insulators, that if there be anything in insulators they are a disadvantage, for if the building be struck in any other part than the conductor, the current cannot easily find its way to the conductor. The current will take the line of least resistance; therefore it is reasonable to assume that the building is more certain to escape the disruptive force of lighting when the conductor is in close proximity with the building. JOHN DAVIS & SON. BIGG MAEKET, NEWCASTLE-ON-TTNE. 1. Eor upper terminals I generally use J inch diameter solid copper rod [A. O20 in.], or f inch diameter tube [A. 0-24] with four points, and I fix them 4 or 6 feet above the building they are intended to protect. I always endeavour to get the upper terminal as near the size of the conductor as is consistent with strength. I make my points of the best copper tipped with platinum. 2. For the conductor I use ^ inch diameter copper wire rope [A. 0-20 in.], which is (in my opinion) the best and most applicable conductor used, as it appears to be an open question, at present, whether it is surface or mass which conducts. If it is mass, then a ( 16 ) tube conductor is insufficient. If it is surface, then a solid rod is superfluous. The copper tape conductor I consider the worst form of any, as it bends too easily round sharp corners, projections, &c., of buildings, which is a thing to be avoided as much as possible. A conductor should be brought to earth as direct as possible, and with no bends if they can be avoided. The copper wire rope conductor has both surface and mass conduction, and can be led about roofs and other difficult places better than any other form of conductor that I know of. 3. None ; I imagine it is not necessary. 4. I avoid joints as much as possible : but, when they must be made, I scrape the ends of my wire bright, and then splice or inter- lace them together, covering the whole with thin sheet lead I object to solder, as I think it must interfere with surface conduction : the wire is fastened to the upper terminal, with a Matthew Walker knot let into a hollow cup, and the terminal screwed down on it. 5. I attach my wire to the building with a brass or gun-metal hold- fast 4 inches long, having a hole, the inner edge being flush with the wall of the building, so as to allow the conductor* to touch the wall of the building all the way up, and still allow plenty of room for the free passage of the electric fluid. I do not approve of insula- tors, nor yet of that kind of holdfast that is driven in tight on to the wire, for I think that must interfere with the clear passage of the electric fluid. 6. I cut a trench some 15 or 20 feet long, gradually deepening from 1 foot at the commencement to 4 ft. at the termination, which I fill with pounded charcoal and bury the wire in it. Earth-plates are not necessary when this is done. 7. It is calculated that a conductor will protect a surface in the shape of a cone, the diameter of the base of which is equal to the height of the conductor. Thus, if a conductor were 100 feet high, the space protected would be represented by a straight line drawn from a radius of 50 feet from the base of conductor, to a radius of 8 or 10 feet from its highest point. 8. I consider, if there are two terminals, there should also be two wires, or the wire should be of sufficient capacity to carry off a double charge, in case both terminals should be struck at one time. I think the conductors should certainly be of sufficient capacity to carry off any charge that might be received by the terminals, be they few or many. T. MASSINGHAM. ( 17 ) APPENDIX B. ANALYSIS OF, AND REMARKS UPON, THE VIEWS OF MANUFACTURERS. On Nov. 14th, 1878, a circular was issued to the principal lightning-rod manufacturers in this country, inviting their replies to various questions that were submitted to them, and also any remarks that they might wish to lay before the Conference. Eeplies have been received from Messrs. WILKINS & WEATHERBY, of London. ,, GRAY & SON, of London. F. RUSSELL & Co., of London. JOHNSON, CLAPHAM, & MORRIS, of Manchester. FREEMAN & COLLIER, of Manchester. PENNYCOOK & Co., of Glasgow. DAVIS & SON, of Derby. MASSINGHAM, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. All well-known firms, who have written fully and freely, and whose experience is very extensive. It is impossible to read these replies without feeling the abso- lute need of such a Conference as that which has been formed, to collect facts, to digest opinions, and to endeavour to formulate some guiding principles for uniformity in practice for here we have the most diverse modes of execution detailed, the most oppo- site views expressed, and the most varied experience narrated. In fact, some ideas enunciated are quite opposed to the teachings of science. Where practice is so opposite, error must abound : and, therefore, there must be great need for an effort to reduce the system of constructing lightning conductors in this countiy to some uniform basis. On no one single point, except in the use of copper and the necessity for reaching damp earth, do any two manufacturers agree in adopting similar measures. I will take each question submitted seriatim. 1. Form, dimensions, and material usually adopted for upper terminals. There are single points and branching points, fine points and blunt points, cones, spikes, balls with spikes on top, and balls with radiating spikes. ( 18 ) The dimensions vary with each form, and they are made of solid copper and copper tube, of brass, of iron, and of gun-metal. The ends are sometimes silvered, sometimes gilt, and sometimes tipped with platinum. But there is no rule or uniformity ; and one manufacturer acknowledges that, while he sometimes tips the points with platinum, he considers the practice to be alto- gether superfluous. Now it is clear that if there be any electrical efficacy in points as points, they should be made in such a form, and of such a material, as to maintain their efficiency permanently. The writer is very strongly of opinion that the efficiency of lightning con- ductors is due principally to the peculiar electrical action of their points. He sees no advantage whatever in multiplying these points. In his opinion each conductor should end in one fine platinum point. It would thus act as a dissipator of the electric charge in its immediate neighbourhood, and would then prevent, and not favour discharge. Moreover, points demand frequent inspection, attention, and renewal. He thinks that one function of the Conference should be to examine some of these points in situ, if possible. At present they are erected and left to their fate. 2. The Material and Dimensions of the Conductor. The use of copper is almost universal, but two manufacturers occasionally use iron. The form varies. The majority use wire rope, but some use rods, others bands or tapes, others tubes. One firm uses a cable "constructed of 49 strands of hard-drawn square copper wire." Another firm uses a wire rope, simply because 11 it appears to be an open question, at present, whether it is surface or mass which conducts." The dimensions are as varied as the form, from a wire rope fths of an inch in diameter to a copper band 3 inches wide and ^th thick. The only point worthy of note is, that no one uses a smaller conductor than a copper rope fths in diameter (i.e. 4 oz. of copper per foot run). Leaving the dimensions as a question for future investigation, the points submitted for the consideration of the Conference under this head are 1. Is conduction a question of surface or of mass ? 2. Is copper alone to be used? 3. Is the conductor to be in the form of a rope, a rod, a tube, or a band ? Now, on the first point the writer entertains no doubt what- ever that the conduction of atmospheric electricity is simply a question of mass, and thai, the lightning protector acts simply as a conductor obeying the laws of Ohm. ( 19 ) On the second point he sees no objection whatever to the use of iron, when properly galvanized, in situations free from chemical impurities. The reasons urged against its adoption are extremely weak. First, it is said to decay rapidly ; and, secondly, it is said to be a very much worse conductor than copper. The rusting of iron is almost entirely checked, in pure air, by galvanising or coating with zinc. It is used for nearly every other purpose in connection with building, and it is difficult to understand why it should be discarded on account of its liability to decay for this particular purpose, where it is always under supervision. Again, pure copper conducts about six times better than pure iron : but we never get pure copper in lightning conductors. Moreover, the manufacture of iron wire for telegraphic purposes has increased so enormously during the last two or three years, that the wire now supplied conducts 50 per cent, better than it used to. Hence the difference between the two in this respect is not so great as theory indicates ; and it would be well for the Conference to satisfy itself on this point by having similar sized wires made of the two materials, and having them measured electrically for their resistance. But it has been pointed out by the late Mr. Brough (Phil. Mag., May, 1879), that by regarding (1) the influence of the rise of temperature, (2) the difference between the specific heats, and (3) the relative dimensions, iron conductors can be made much smaller than was formerly supposed : and, that as iron is so much cheaper, iron rods can be made equally efficient for a much less sum than copper. Moreover, the use of iron enables the architect to use one kind of metal throughout his structure, and thus avoid anywhere the contact of dissimilar metals, which always results in decay. On the third point, the writer is clearly of opinion that u galvanized iron rope is amply sufficient for country residences and buildings free from chemical actions. In such places, and in towns, copper should be used. A rope, whether of iron or copper, is easily handled, it can be made of any size, it can be led in any direction without bends or angles, it is neat and easily jointed, diverted, or lengthened. The writer refrains from expressing any opinion on its dimen- sions here, for this is a point that will require most careful examination by the Conference. 3. Is there any definite proportion between the length and sectional area of the conductor ? The majority of the manufacturers increase the size of the ( 20 ) conductors for high buildings one making the limit 120 feet, another 150 feet, while a third " varies the sectional area with the length." One firm does not consider any difference necessary, while another takes it that the sectional area should be the same irrespective of length, for " lightning does not vary in intensity while passing through a conductor of greater or less length." Now, the laws of electricity clearly show that to maintain equal efficiency we must vary the sectional area as we increase the length of the conductor ; but it is a question for the Con- ference to decide whether we should not recommend a rope of uniform dimensions that would be equally applicable for high and low buildings. Within ordinary limits the necessity for in- creased thickness for increased height is scarcely evident, but the remedy of an increased sectional area, with the number of separate points erected, is very clear. Indeed, each point should be the terminal of a conductor, whose sectional area should be uniform to the earth. For if it be not so, and each conductor be fully charged with electricity, then when the sectional area diminishes there will be congestion, resulting in heat and discharge to the building. Hence the thickness of the main conductor must increase with the number of separate points erected. 4. Joints, how made. Some are rivetted, others are screwed, others are coupled by right and left-handed screws. Tubes are socketed into each other. In one case u the end of the conductor is knotted and drawn through a cup-shaped ring of metal." There can be no doubt that joints are the greatest source of danger in lightning conductors. If a joint be imperfect, and the conductor be conveying a charge to earth, heat will be generated there, the conductor may be fused and rendered useless, and the discharge will be diverted to the building. Or the joint may be so bad that is, its resistance may be so great that it renders the conductor practically useless, for other parts of the building will offer easier paths to the earth. Though the use of solder is pretty general, it is not universal. Indeed, one manu- facturer objects to it because "it must interfere with surface conduction ! " It certainly should be imperatively used. No joint can possibly be perfect that is not metallically continuous. Careful soldering is the only certain mode of securing this, and that this is practicable is evident from the millions of perfect joints in telegraph wires. To scrape the ends of wire bright, and cover the whole with thin sheet lead, as is done by one firm, is simply to court danger. The absence of joints in wire rope is one great element in its favour. ( 21 ) 5. Attachment to building, how made. Some attach the conductor to the building by copper straps and nails ; some use holdfasts, either of copper wire or gun metal ; others use staples ; one uses metallic ties. Several pass the conductor through insulators of glass, porcelain, or earthen- ware. But the majority discard insulators as useless. In the opinion of the writer they are quite right, for it is difficult to understand what useful function the insulator per- forms. One fact that occurred in 1837 is given as a reason for their use, but the fact militates against the efficiency of the conductor rather than the absence of insulators. If the conductor were perfect there could have been no concussion at the point of attachment. If it were imperfect there may have been, for the discharge would seek other paths to earth. Some manufacturers use holdfasts of a different metal to that of the conductor. This is wrong, for where different metals are used galvanic action sets in, tending to decay and rupture. The attachments for this reason should always be of the same metal as the conductor. 6. Ground connection, how formed, and of what extent. The necessity for reaching moist ground is generally recog- nised, but various curious ways for making earth connection sire suggested. One firm considers that a band cut into strips 18 inches long would suffice, while another says that not less than 30 feet, in two or three branches, with fork at the end of each band, should be used. One firm is very brief : " Ground end is coiled loosely in damp earth or a well." The use of coke, powdered charcoal, or carbonaceous materials, is insisted upon by others. It is questionable whether the difficulty of fitting a good connection with the earth is fully realized. None but tele- graphists know the great difficulty there is in doing this. The first object to be secured is a good damp soil, ana the next as large a conducting surface as possible. Metal pumps, iron, gas, or water pipes, wells in which plates of metal 2 or 3 feet square are placed, or smilar plates may be buried in perpetually damp ground, or in holes well filled with powdered coke. Moisture in some form is essential, and without it a lightning protector is of small service. 7. Extent of area supposed to be protected. The majority of the firms consider that the area protected has a radius equal to the height of the conductor ; but one firm considers that this should be multiplied by five or six times ; while another asserts, " that no appreciable extent is protected ( 22 ) by a single rod conductor ;" and another, that a many instances may be related of buildings being struck much within the radius of well protected churches or chimneys." We have no experience at present to enable us to form a definite opinion on this point. The Committee of the French Academy, gave the radius as equal to twice the height of the conductor from the ground, but buildings have undoubtedly been injured within this limit. The writer does not think that a greater radius than the height should be taken : but thinks that this is one of the most important questions that the Con- ference could determine. Calculation might, to a certain extent, settle the point : but it is more a case for experience. 8. If there is more than one terminal, is the size of the conductor increased ? This question has been partially considered. (See No. 3.) Some firms do not consider any increase necessary : others think that when two or more terminals are used, the main rope should be somewhat enlarged ; while others run one cable from each terminal, or make the conductor of sufficient capacity to carry off the double charge. The writer considers that every conductor should be complete in itself : or, if this is inconvenient, then the size of the main conductor should be enlarged in proportion. It does not at all follow, as one firm implies, that if two or more terminals receive the charge simultaneously, it is necessarily subdivided. Each charge may be full and complete in itself, and be sufficient to fill the wire ; and, therefore, if the main conductor be not increased,: accident may result. There is no doubt whatever that great consideration should always be given to the lessons of experience, and the opinions of those who have made the erection of lightning conductors for 35 years their especial practical study, are much entitled to weight ; but such practice may have originally been based on error, and the teachings may not have been guided by science. Where such variety of practice abounds, there must be fallacy somewhere, and, therefore, danger ; and not the least of the beneficial labours of the Conference will be to point out to these different practical men, where their faults and their departures from truth exist. W. IL PREECE. August 8th, 1879. APPENDIX C. EEPLY FEOM MANUFACTUEEES, EECEIVED AFTEE THE COMPLETION OF THE ANALYSIS WHICH FOEMS APPENDIX B. SlE, FAKADAY STEAM WORKS, ST. JOHN'S EOAD, HUDDERSFIELD. llth November, 1879. Enclosed we have pleasure in handing you our replies to the eight questions which you ask lightning rod manufacturers and erectors, together with three tracings, showing our system of protec- tion under different conditions. In the case of Nottingham Castle we considered it necessary, on account of the rock on which the castle was built, to adopt an extensive system of lateral points in earth termination, by running all the main conductors from the building down the shrubbery into the moat, where we formed the flat copper band into the form of gridirons, in which several hundred feet of the copper band has been used, and the termini of the ribs pointed, and the whole being sunk eight feet, and two cart-loads of gas carbon laid over each grid. Yours obediently, SANDEESON & CO. EEPLIES TO THE QUESTIONS OF THE LIGHTNING-EOD CONFEEENCE. I. Usually a length of copper tube 5 feet long 1 inch diameter X No. 8 B.W.Gr., which is termed the elevation rod, surmounted by a solid copper point, forged from Jths of an inch round bar, wrought three parts of its length to a square tapering point, the said elevation rod and point are screwed together by a copper ball-shaped union, into which are screwed four smaller points at an angle of 45 degrees. When fixing lightning conductors on church spires and turrets we usually run the copper tape a few inches above the vane or finial, having previously prepared and pointed the tape ; by this system all joints are avoided. II. We, the sole inventors, manufacture the solid copper tape lightning conductors of the following sizes : Nos. 1 in. X T 05 09 3 in. ixi 13 4 in. 1 v ?X- 19 5 in. 2X1 25 21 in. 06 22 in. 09 23 in. 1*]'* and in continuous lengths up to 500 and 600 feat. ( 24 ) III. Yes. For heights of say 50 feet we recommend our No. 2 (| in. X g in.) size ; for 100 feet our No. 3 (1 in. X g in.) size; and for 200 feet or over, our No. 4 (1J in. X in.) size; or our Nos. 21 (1 in. X A in.), 22 (1 J in. X TS in.), or 23 (2 in. X T V in.) according to position and circumstances. IV. In the case of church spire or turret conductors we have no joints whatever, as described in Answer I., but where elevation rods and points are used we make a copper coupling, screwed at one end to receive the elevation rod, and at the other end to receive the copper tape, which is firmly rivetted into the coupling, and thence soldered or brazed. But when a complete system is employed with branches or tributaries, running from several points on to the main conductors, we make the joint by means of copper rivets, and then solder. V. By means of gun metal clips, or holdfasts, let into the building, which secures the copper tape in close contact with the face of the building. Under no circumstances do we use glass, ebonite, or other insulators. VI. In good moist earth 5 feet or 6 feet deep we simply run the copper tape out from the building some 20 feet, and then rivet a copper earth plate on to same, or sometimes employ a large gridiron made of copper tape, using as much as 200 lineal feet in its construction. Wherever we make earth terminations in rocky, dry, or gravelly soil, we always fill in with a load of small coke, charcoal, or other carbonaceous matter, and also divert the rain fall-pipe system over the termination so formed ; also, wherever possible, we connect the conductor with the gas and water systems outside the building. In all cases of earth terminations, the size of earth-plate is in proportion to the size of conductor employed, and other circumstances. VII. We are unable to come to any conclusion as to any definite area which one lightning conductor will effectively protect, and no two writers appear to agree on the subject ; but from actual practical experience of 30 years, combined with the closest observance and research, we are in the position to say, emphatically, that a conductor on one prominent elevation for example, a turret will not protect a similar elevation, be it only 1 yard, or 50 yards distant ; but that providing that two prominent features be provided with a conductor point on each, then on the same foundation, we say that both of them would be effectively protected. But for the purpose of simplifying and practically illustrating our views on this subject, we enclose you tracings and particulars of several buildings for which we have designed the system of lightning conductors, and which we believe to be perfect. VIII. Tes, always, and in proportion to the number of extra terminals adopted. SANDEESON & CO. ( 25 ) DETAILS OF LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS APPLIED TO NOTTINGHAM CASTLE. The following three engravings render very few verbal details necessary. Fig. 1 gives the east elevation of the castle, it shows part of a flagstaff 115 feet high, which has a conductor, also three of the principal terminals, and twenty-six minor points upon the building, and by two dotted lines the position of two of the main conductors to earth. The principal terminals are tapered iron tubes, 13 feet long, carrying copper tapes 1 inch X ^th and terminating with copper points tipped with platinum ; the minor points are of solid copper 9 inches long. The main conductors to earth are copper tapes 2| in. Xftth. FIG. 1. Fig. 2 give a plan of the roof, much of which is of glass with wooden rafters. The twelve principal terminals are shown by small rings, the ninety-four minor points by round dots, the horizontal copper tape (2 inches X igth), uniting all the upper terminals, by a pecked line, and the position of the main conductors to earth by dotted crosses. All the gutters are metallically connected with the conductors. Fm. 2. ( 26 ) Fig. 3 gives a general plan (for which \ve are indebted to the architects, Messrs. T. C. Hine & Sons) of the castle and grounds, and also a little section indicative of the precipitous eminence on which the castle stands. From these it will be seen that two of the main con- ductors to earth are carried underground at a depth of about 4 feet, under the terrace and down the slope and terminate in trellis- work, about 14 feet square, of 2| inches X T ^th copper tape rivetted at every intersection. The other earth contact is obtained by bolting the terminal on to the town water-main. The total length of tape used in the earth connections was about 500 feet. SANDERSON & CO. PIG. 3. ( 27 ; APPENDIX D. REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS TO THE LIGHTNING ROD CONFERENCE. The Council of the Royal Institute of British Architects sent out upwards of 600 circulars (a copy of which follows this Report) to their Architectural Members requesting information as to injury by lightning to any buildings known to them. The Council also requested the same information from their Honorary Associates (upwards of 100 in number), who are chiefly men eminent in the Scientific, Literary, and Artistic world. The Council have received up to this date only 35 answers from Architects, and 1 from the Honorary Associates. Of these answers many are to the effect that no case of injury has arisen to works under their direction. The remainder give 33 instances of damage, and enter, in many cases, very fully into the details of them. The instances given may be roughly classified thus : There are 26 of buildings injured where there were no con- ductors. In 9 of these the lightning did some injury to the chimneys and other exposed parts, and was then conducted safely to the ground through the metal gutters and rain water pipes. In three other instances the lightning appears, from the statement of persons in the building struck, to have dispersed and passed out by open doors, &c. We give no opinion as to this, but the facts are distinctly stated. In several other cases the lightning passed off in several distinct directions and currents. There are 6 cases of buildings being injured although pro- tected by lightning conductors. In one of them (No. 14) the failure is clearly explained by the fact that the lower part of the conductor had been stolen, leaving only two or three feet of ( 28 ) it in the ground. The lightning in this case broke through a wall 4 feet 6 inches thick, at a height of 6 feet from the floor to a gas pipe. In another case (No. 3) a gable was struck, although close to a spire and turret which had a lightning conductor. In another (No. 7) the part struck (a chimney) was 64 feet away from a tower, in the same building having a lightning conductor. In No. 24 the conductor was sufficient protection until it passed at a sharp bend round some mouldings ; these it injured, out did no further damage. In two cases (Nos. 21 and 23) the discharge injured some gas tubing near it, and set fire to the gas, and by its means to the building. We beg finally to call attention to the drawings attached to No. 7 (Mr. Colson, of Winchester), showing the injury to trees 130 feet away in a direct line from a spire which was destroyed, it having no conductor. T. HAYTER LEWIS, V.P. JOHN WHICHCORD, V.P. CIRCULAR. LIGHTNING ROD CONFERENCE. SIE, I beg leave to inform you that the Council have appointed two of their members to meet delegates from several scientific societies in order to confer as to the best methods of protecting buildings from lightning ; and in accordance with a resolution of that conference I have the honour to forward to you, by the desire of the Council, the questions appended below. I shall be much obliged if you will return me this paper, with any answer you may be in a position to make to the questions, on or before Monday the 20th of January, 1879 ; and I remain, Sir, Your faithful servant, WILLIAM H. WHITE, Secretary. 9, CONDUIT STREET, HANOVER STREET, W. 19//i December, 1878. QUESTIONS. 1. Have any buildings, in the construction of which you have been professionally engaged, or which are otherwise well known to you, been struck by lightning ? ( 29 ) 2. If so, state briefly the damage done to them, describing their general plan and construction by sketches or otherwise, particularly noting the position of any metal work to roofs, pipes, &c. 3. Were the buildings furnished with lightning conductors ? If so, describe them in relation to the following heads : (a). Their materials and dimensions. (b). Their attachment to building. (c). Their connection with the ground. (d). Their upper terminals. (e). The height of conductor above chimney or other adjacent part of the building. (Y). If there existed more than one conductor state the distance from one another. 4. What was the distance of the point struck, horizontally and vertically from the conductor ? 5. Was any damage done, and if so how much, to the con- ductor, and in what manner ? 6. Give particulars as to any trees within a short distance of the building struck. The replies received to this Circular are too long to be printed in full, they have therefore had to be epitomised in the following list, and consequently cannot be given as separate answers to each ques- tion. The replies were all numbered consecutively, so that the numbers omitted in the list refer to circulars returned by members who had no information to give on the subject. REPLIES TO CIRCULAR. 2. St. Aubyn, J. P. Week St. Mary, North Cornwall. The tower of this church stands on very elevated ground, and has lofty pinnacles, three of which have been struck at different times, on each occasion one of these pinnacles was shattered, and had to be taken down and rebuilt. Some of the stones are held by iron cramps, but no iron or other metal spindles. The roof of the tower, as well as that of the church, is slate, without spouts, and there are no lightning con- ductors to the building. There is open country all round the church, and no tree ef any size within a mile of the tower ( 30 ) The following detailed report was received direct from the Rev. G. H. Hopkins, the rector of the parish : An Account of the position of the Church of Week St. Mary, in the County of Cornwall, and the effect of Lightning upon the Pinnacle and Toiver when struck for the fourth time this century on November 8th, 1878. Situation of the building. The situation of the church is at the northern angle of an extensive triangular plateau, which towards the south is much broken by small valleys and low hills, while the high land is for the most part moor, broken in places by cultivated ground and small plantations. Within a quarter of a mile from the church, on three sides, the ground commences to fall very rapidly to a depth of 200 or 250 feet ; it is three miles from, and nearly 500 feet above, the sea; to the N.W. lies Widemouth Bay, one of the very few breaks in the cliff along the coast of North Cornwall; the entire extent of this break is quite a mile-and-a-haif ; between the Bay and the extremity of the plateau, at which the church is built, the surface is broken by low hills, only one of which exceeds 250 feet above the sea level, and this exception is separated by one valley from the church hill ; half a mile south of the church is the highest ground in the parish, but neither this nor any hill for several miles exceeds in height the pinnacles of the tower. The elevation of the building above the surrounding country can be better understood from a local rumour that 28 churches are visible from the battlements of the tower, and the average size of a parish attached to each church is 6000 acres. The highest point of the pinnacle is 90 feet above the ground. No mines or spring of water beneath it. There is no evidence of the existence of any metalliferous lode in the parish, and certainly no such attractor of electricity lies beneath the church, nor is there any spring of water near the foundations ; but as the surface soil is clay, the rain water has no means of flowing away, except over the surface, and a few hours of moist weather make the soil like a wet sponge. Circumstances. The tower was struck at 6.45 a.m. on November 8th, 1878, the weather having previously been gusty, with sudden storms of hail and rain as each heavy cloud came up from the sea : many times during the night the downfall of hail was yery violent, and it was during one of these storms that the single electrical discharge took place ; the hailstones were considerable, both in number and size, when the flash occurred, and they certainly com- menced falling before the shock took place. Brightness of the flash. The brightness of the lightning was intense, and I have been at some trouble to inquire into the effect which it had upon those who saw it. I was awake, and the lightning illu- minated the room through double chintz curtains and dark-green blinds, the windows looking away from the church, and being more than a quarter of a mile from it : during the storm a farmer took refuge in a closed cattle shed, 200 yards from the church, and he spoke afterwards of his impression that he was surrounded by fire ; two farmers going to Camelford fair, were at the time waiting on the ( 31 ) road, a mile-and-a-half from the church, and their impression was that they were enveloped in flame, and the flame came between them ; these experiences were given to me at different times, and were inde- pendent evidences of individual opinion. At Holsworthy, eight miles away, in a direct line, two ladies were attending their sick mother, and the vividness of the lightning obscured the brightness of the light of two candles and a paraffin lamp. The loudness of the thunder. The loudness of the clap of thunder was very great ; of course it shook my house ; and a neighbouring rector, who lives three miles away, in an adjoining parish, felt the effect of the clap to an extent which was very unusual ; at Camelford, lying W.S.W., and distant about twelve miles, with a considerable range of hills between, the thunder was not heard ; but two miles nearer, and in the same line, it was just heard : this latter station being on the summit of the range : at Holsworthy, lying E.N.E., it was heard as an awful peal ; at Kilkhampton, which lies directly JST., and separated by a broad broken valley, the thunder was blamed with causing colts to break through a fence from terror, and the distance is ten miles. I am unable to give any further account either of the distance the thunder was heard, or of the intensity of the light of the flash. As the wind was blowing from the west, with a slight bearing towards north, the effect of the wind upon the sound is evident. Effect upon the pinnacle. The S.W. pinnacle (A) was struck, and apparently the effect of the lightning was not felt upon the two uppermost stones, namely a small cross and a truncated cone, which supports it at the summit, both of granite. It may be remarked that the entire facing of the tower is granite, the interior masonry being made up of small stories of different kinds, which exceeds 3 feet in thickness, while the blocks of granite which face the tower vary from 10 to 12 inches in thickness, and in some cases are of immense size and weight. As soon as the current could reach that part of the pinnacle which is made up of courses of separate stones, the mischief commenced, and the effect was to force the stones out all round the axis of the pinnacle, so that in the same course many of the stones were separated by intervals of from 1 to 5 inches ; one great block, measuring 2 feet in length, was thrown right out, but fortunately fell outside the tower walls, and left a gap in the pinnacle opening to- wards that quarter from which the storm came. The entire pinnacle was shattered, and all the courses of stones which make it up dis- located, as well as the two courses of stones which lie beneath it. The fierce rain storms had long ago washed away all the mortar from between the stones which compose the outside of the tower, and probably every shower wets the interior of the masonry ; and this was especially the case at one part where there is a considerable leak of drainage from the roof of the tower. Effect upon the tower The course of action of the current was from the pinnacle to this leakage, where a stream of water was running down the wall and between the granite facing and interior masonry ; the downward course of the water was arrested by the belfry light, and then has to fall to the masonry below the window ; just above ( 32 ) the window a large block of granite C (outside measurement 2 feet by 14 inches), was thrown out in such a way that it hangs like a half- open door, the projecting edge being that which lies just below the leakage, and standing out about 10 inches from the wall ; across the belfry window runs an horizonal iron bar, and at the bottom of the window lies an old iron bar ; the stone-work beneath this bar was much knocked about. From that spot the effect of the lightning dis- appears, until it reached an immense carved granite block D, which lies on the south side of the tower, and very near its south-east corner; and a few feet below this the leaden gutter E (through which part of the roof drainage is poured to the ground), runs some feet down the wall towards the earth, but does not reach the earth by 12 feet. The immense carved granite block is broken into two almost equal parts by a line parallel to its vertical edges, and the two parts are separated by quite half an inch ; the fracture of the stone is not quite straight nor clean, and the parts of the stone do not project beyond the surface of the tower. I have been unable to trace the course farther ; it may have passed along 70 feet of leaden gutter, between the nave and south aisle (F) to the east end of the church, or gone to ground at the base of the tower. Three or four days later, during a very high wind, a second stone fell from the pinnacle ; this same stone had been partially thrust out on a previous occasion in 1865. Upon ( 33 } examination the pinnacle was found to be in such a precarious con- dition that a single blow with a hammer on one small stone would have endangered the whole. Previous injuries. On October 19th, 1843, at 10 p.m., the S.E. pinnacle (B) was completely torn down, and two courses of stones just beneath it were greatly damaged. The line of action of the current was to the north-east edge of the tower, towards the leaden gutter, between the nave and north aisle, over this it threw out a great block of granite ; from that point it passed along the leaden gutter and across the roof at the north aisle, to a strong iron bar running vertically down the third out of the four north windows ; this window was considerably damaged, and still bears marks of rough usage ; how it happened that two other windows near the tower, and similarly fitted up with iron bars, were passed untouched is a mystery ; to some extent all the windows in the church were somewhat damaged, the frame- work being of wood they were much shaken, and partially separated from the masonry. This was probably caused by the effect of the cur- rent upon the air in the building : the direction of the damage being due to the outward pressure. In 1812 the north-east pinnacle was struck, and also some little time before 1638, as there is a stone engraved with that date upon it, and the date of the tower is the close of the fifteenth century. The dates of these misfortunes have been as follows : About 1688 N.E. pinnacle. 1812 N.E. pinnacle. 1843 S.E. pinnacle. 1865 S.W. pinnacle. 1878 S.W. pinnacle. The north-wes pinnacle appears to have escaped, and it stands just over the tower stairs. The south-east pinnacle, which was struck in 1843, was at that time surmounted by a weathercock. There never has been a lightning conductor to any part of the church. One word further. I have been the holder of the benefice since the autumn of 1876 ; last summer the specifications for the complete restoration of the church, at a cost of 2000, were sent to me by the architect ; before forwarding the same to the Bishop of the Diocese I supplied the omission of a lightning rod in the specification. Meteorological Notes. It is a noteworthy fact that on each occasion during this century when a pinnacle has been struck, the season has been between November and March, with one electrical discharge during the storm. It is also remarkable (an experience founded certainly on only two summers, but during that time the rule has been invariable) that all round the neighbourhood summer thunder- storms may be passing in their usual fitful manner of storm and sun- shine, but immediately a summer thunder-storm passes over this village there is a complete break in the weather for eight or ten days. Rainfall. 1877 : 49-11 in., 213 wet days ; 1878 : 48-03 in., 212 wet days. C ( 34 ) 3. Baker, A. J. Rosherville Church, near Gravesend. The west gable of the south aisle was struck by lightning, although close to the tower and spire which were provided with a lightning conductor, and received no injury. 5. D. Brandon. St. Ann's Hotel, Button. In 1875 a chimney- stack was shattered by lightning, the concussion in the flue drove fire and smoke into the drawing-room, displaced the mantle-piece, and broke many panes of glass. The hotel occupies half a crescent, the stack being in the middle of the crescent. The building had no lightning conductor, and there were no trees nearer than five or six hundred feet. 7. J. Colson. Twyford Moors, near Winchester. Struck by lightning in June, 1878. This building (of which a plan is given) was provided with one lightning conductor fixed to the tower. The upper terminal branched into five points, about four feet above tower roof; the conductor, which was |-inch copper wire-rope, was attached to the upper part of the tower, with glass insulators, and in the middle nailed to the wall through lead flashing, then carried down rain-water pipe into cesspit. The point of the building struck by the light- ning was distant about sixty-four feet horizontally and sixteen feet vertically from the upper terminal of the conductor. Damage done was very slight, tiles and laths being knocked off, but no sign of scorching. The conductor was not injured ; there are no trees near the building. C Conductor. * Point struck. P Rain-water pipes attached to iron gutters. 7a. St. James' Church, West End, Hants. Struck by lightning at 5 p.m., on June 12th, 1875. The church stands on the top of a hill with many trees near, it is built of brick with a lead ridge to roof, iron and lead gutters, iron rain-water pipes P, and two iron chimneys. The spire is of brick, with stone angles fixed by iron cramps ; the spire was finished by an iron bar at the top, but was not provided with a lightning conductor. The damage done to the spire was considerable, as shewn in the engraving, making it necessary to pull it down, but the tower was not injured. Stones from the spire were thrown through the trees at B, which are 126 feet distant ( 35 && a vo\J c 2 ( 37 ) from the church, cutting off some of the boughs. The tree at A was untouched. 12. T. Hawksley. Several Steam Chimneys not provided with lightning conductors ; upper portions knocked down, chimney split or often skinned by the lightning, i.e., the four and a half inches of brickwork taken off ; details not given. Now uses Gray's system of lightning conductors for such buildings, which is found successful. 13. A. Hill. In South Africa houses are generally roofed with corrugated iron, and protected from lightning by planting a circle of high trees round them. 14. G. J. Hine. All Saints' Church, Nottingham. Struck about twelve years ago ; tower and spire 150 feet high, with one conductor of half-inch copper wire-rope, with platinum terminal, and secured by insulated brackets, but earth contact only two feet long at time of accident the rest having been stolen. The lightning passed down the conductor till within six feet from the ground, where it passed through a wall of solid masonry four feet six inches thick, displacing some of the stones, to an inch-iron gas pipe inside the church. In passing off along the gas pipes under the floor, it so far disarranged them as to cause a considerable leakage of gas, which was set fire to by a candle some hours after the accident and exploded. There were no trees, only a few shrubs near. 16. J. Jerman. Alphington Church, near Exeter. Tower struck about March, 1828 ; the church had no lightning conductor. The tower was rent through the masonry vertically, damaging parapet and ungearing and injuring bells, which were being rung at the time ; one ringer was killed, and some of the others had the heel-plates melted off their boots. There are few trees of any size near the tower, which surmounts all adjacent buildings ; it had pinnacles and a weather- cock on the top, and a lead roof with spouts, no down pipe. Very few casualties from lightning occur in Devonshire. 18. E. J. Law. The tower, surmounted by a cast iron vane, of a house built under my superintendence, was struck ; the slates stripped from the roof, and the charge apparently escaped down the rain- water pipe ; it divided, however, and passed to an adjoining ridge, chipped a piece off the iron cresting and hurled it some twenty yards from the building. Lightning conductor ordered, but not erected ; cast iron ridges to all the roofs. Large infirmary within two hundred yards and high church tower within three hundred yards, and houses nearer, of equal height to the one struck, and with cast iron crestings, none of these were injured. 18a. St. Sepulchre's Church, Northampton. Vane on top of spire struck by lightning, passed down the rod, then to frame of one of the spire windows, and thence to clock face, from clock face it passed down the gas pipe, leaving no further trace. 19. T. Hayter Lewis. Lewisham, 1872. Zinc chimney of house struck ; lightning went down flue A, thence to a gasalier (glass) B, broke it to pieces and passed harmlessly to the other end of the house ( 38 ) where the pipe ended at C, broke through a partition there and the window D, and passed down the rain-water pipe E to the earth. 19a. Wandsworih, 1875. Chimney of house struck and damaged as shown in sketch, lightning then passed along eaves gutter F, and down the iron water-pipe Gr, doing no farther injury. PLAN AAD .ELEVATION. PLAN. 196. Addiscombe, 1878. Chimney struck above H, the lightning passed down flue, slightly injured the chimney-pieces, and apparently passed through the two open doors to the road, as the tenant stand- ing at J distinctly felt a shock. 19c. Forest Hill. Chimney (K) struck, lightning followed gutters shown by dotted line in sketch, part no doubt escaped by pipe L, but some passed along gutter to M doing slight injury to brickwork there, the window N was broken, and the gilt bead under cornice in rooms K and was blackened. PLAN AND ELEVATION. IQd. University College, London. A chimney has been struck on two occasions, but little damage done ; the lightning passed off by gutters and rain pipes which enter the drains ; the top of the dome, which is of stone, has escaped. 21. J. Murgatroyd. St. Mary's, Crumpsall, near Manchester. A lightning conductor from spire touched the eaves gutter, and a gas pipe touched the end of this gutter. The lightning passed from the conductor along the gutter to the gas pipe, melted it, and set the church on fire by igniting the gas. 22. T. Oliver. Never had a building damaged during thirty years practice ; uses | inch copper rope for lightning conductors, in contact with any iron work near, and buried 8 feet in ground in ashes. 23. Wyatt Papworth.Tatl spire struck. The church stands in an open position with 110 large trees near. It was provided with an iron lightning conductor f in. diam., fixed with iron holdfasts, and carried down inside the spire and tower into ground ; the top of it was said to be attached to a bold copper finial on the spire about 150 feet from the ground, and 50 feet above ridge of roof ; the lightning is supposed to have first struck the finial, it slightly deranged some beds of masonry in upper part of spire, then descended by iron rod to belfry, melted a gas tube in the floor, and set fire to the belfry by igniting the gas. 23a. House in country road. The lightning struck chimney-pot, descended flue to fire-grate and there divided, one part passed to fire-grate below and damaged the gasalier, another part destroyed a box of clothes near grate, then passed out of door into another room, struck the grate and passed into room below doing no further damage. 236. Another house situated at the corner of country road with high trees near, lightning followed bell wires, stripping paper, &c. 23c. At a third house, chimney pot struck, shaft and eaves gutters damaged. 24. J. L. Pearson. Weathercock of a tall spire in an exposed situation struck. There was a wire rope conductor attached to the bar carrying the vane and passing down inside the spire and out at the belfry window, the bells being connected with it ; it was attached to the tower by ordinary metal hooks, and was carried 6 or 8 feet into the ground, and about 10 feet from the base of the tower, the strands being spread out. The conductor was bent about very awkwardly under copings, and in some places, at right angles, the damage was very slight, and was limited to projections of mouldings close to a bend in the conductor about 20 feet above ground. The conductor itself was uninjured. Some insignificant trees 100 yards distant. 26. E. C. EoUns. St. Matthias's Church, Brixton. No conductor, although the church had previously been struck. I have now put one up, leading its lower end into a cistern of water. The portland stone terminal cross was shattered, and the stones of the cornice of the two topmost stages were displaced. 28 H. S. Snell. The Holborn Union Infirmary, Upper Holloway, in course of erection. Conductor not fixed. Apex of tower roof, 160 feet from ground, having only roof timbers, some lead-work A at apex, and vane (gilded iron) fixed. The damage commenced just below lead- ( 40 ) work on apex, and three out of four hips were much torn and shattered, necessitating taking down and rebuilding ; the hips were each framed in three sections, bolted together with iron bolts, and in nearly every case the bolts seem to have specially attracted the fluid causing slight charring. One of the dormer windows B was also separated from the spire. The fluid appeared eventually to have been attracted by the water-pipes, which rise to top story of building, and so passed away. It will be noted as peculiar that the iron vane was not touched, and that the damage commenced immediately below it. [The damage evidently occurred only where the conducting materials were absent, the iron vane and the lead would naturally bear no trace of injury. ED.] No trees nearer than 150 feet, and these much below the top of tower. 32. J. B. M. Withers. Detached house, near Sheffield, in course of construction. No conductor ; the top of a chimney fifty-two feet six inches above the ground was struck and deranged but not thrown down. The nearest ironwork was an ordinary cast gutter, twenty feet from the top of the chimney. No trees within sixty yards of the building. 34. 6?. Wrottesley (Col E.E.). Chimney shaft of a laundry at the Barracks at Gravesend. No conductor. The chimney shaft, forty feet high, was entirely destroyed by a heavy charge of electricity as low down as the eaves of the building at this point iron gutters ( 41 ) went round the building and outside the chimney shaft, aud the charge passed harmlessly away to the earth by the rain water pipes P. Not a brick was left in place above and not one disturbed below the gutter ; the shaft appeared as if cut off by a knife at this point. No trees within 100 or 150 yards. The disruptive force was so great that the bricks were scattered over a radius of 200 feet, and the slate roof was riddled like a colander by the brickbats. ELEVATION AND PLAN. 36. E. N. Clifton. Beihnal Green A four-roomed house, one ot a row, with a V shaped roof, was cut in two by lightning ; a fissure was made in the front and back walls, and also in the middle plaster partition. The fluid entered the house between the front windows and passed through the partition and back wall, rather to the side of an iron pipe at the back which was the only metal near. No trees in the neighbourhood. APPENDIX E. PAETICULAES OF ACCIDENTS BY LIGHTNING COL- LECTED IN THE YEARS 1857, 1858 AND 1859 BY ME. SYMONS, AND EEPOET UPON THE SAME BY PEOF. W. E. AYETON. Selected accidents. I. About a quarter past ten p.m. on Aug. 14, 1857, an occurrence took place at the Brick-lane station of the Chartered Gas Company, St. Luke's, which caused some alarm. It appears that the lightning struck one of the iron columns which supported one side of a gasometer, or gas holder, situate on the right hand side of the yard. Owing to the column having been thus struck by lightning, the gas, comprising many hundred thousand feet, became ignited. Fortunately, the services of the firemen were not required, for, owing to the admirable directions given by Mr. 'Upward, the superintendent of the works, and the exertions of the men under him, the flames were subdued in a comparatively short period. Fortunately no person was injured, and no damage was done to any of the surrounding property. II. At half-past eleven on Aug. 14, 1857. there was a terrific discharge of lightning, by which the south-east pinnacle of St. Michael's Church, Stamford, was instantaneously struck down. The Church of St. Michael is a modern structure, erected in 1832. It is situate in the centre of the town. The south-east pinnacle, which received the electric fluid, was composed of a mass of masonry, weighing about fifteen hundred weight ; the iron clamps or ties by which the work was bound together served as partial conductors. At every break in their arrangement a series of disruptive discharges of the electric fluid took place in lateral directions, driving out large masses of the stone- work, spreading them over the roof of the nave and churchyard, doing considerable damage to the roofing and tombstones. The effect of the fluid when it reached the base of the pinnacle, from not meeting with a ready conducting medium, was to uplift the whole mass imparting to it at the same time a kind of circular motion to the southward, the apex of the pinnacle falling in a line with its original base ; and the base having traversed about the eighth part of the circle, fell into the roof of the tower. Immediately at the base of the pinnacle there is a three-inch iron spout or tube erected to convey the water from the tower roof. This iron tube the electric fluid entered, and, finding through it an unopposed channel, passed down the tower, and finally ( 44 ) into the earth, without doing more damage. The iron tube or spouting in this instance, and by mere accident, acted the part of a lightning conductor, and served to protect the other parts of the tower from most serious injury, if not entire destruction. ni. At Walthamstow, at 7.30 a.m., on June 5th, 1858, the flag staff' of the church was shivered, the gutters were torn up, the robing room and various parts of the exterior injured, and the gas pipes torn open. TY. Effects of lightning on a chimney stalk 240 feet high. Facts collected by Alexander Cruickshank, 28th June, 1859 : During the thunder storm at Aberdeen, between 8 and 9 a.m., 26th June, 1859, the lightning struck Messrs. Eichard & Go's chimney, 240 feet high, at E-ubislaw, Bleachfield, one mile west of the city. At the height of 120 to 140 feet three patches of surface bricks were torn off. By the aid of a telescope and knowing the size of the bricks and the thickness of the mortar between them, the two largest patches of denuded bricks were 7 feet by 3 feet and 4| feet by 3 feet the longest measurements are vertical. These patches were visible to the naked eye at least two miles off. The parts denuded were 4| inches thick, or the breadth of a brick when placed with its largest surface horizontal and its sides external and internal. Every fourth layer, however, of the bricks have their ends placed external and internal with repect to the axis of the chimney, and these bricks are broken across at the depth of 4| inches, or midway between their internal and external ends, the latter being at the surface of the chimney. Thus three-fourths of the bricks of the denuded patches were torn off through the lime seam parallel to the surface of the chimney, while a fourth of the number has been broken across in the same vertical plane. Another portion of the surface bricks, 10 feet (vertical) by 3 feet, has not been entirely detached from the side of the chimney but forms a bulging of 1 foot at its greatest projection, and is visible in profile half a mile off. The lightning on striking the chimney appeared like a cricket ball, of the brightness of iron at a white heat. This instantaneously passed into a bluish flame a little darker than that of common salt when thrown on the fire. A momentary flicker and a hard crack were perceived. The lightning seems to have struck the chimney 20 feet above the uttermost denuded patch at a small abraded spot occupying a few bricks, and reddish when seen from the ground. The chimney has no lightning conductor and the damage done has not affected its stability and draught. Additional remarks, by Alexander D. Milne, chemist, of Eubislaw Works. 6th December, 1859. Half the lower bulging part, where the force of the electric fluid seems to have become diffused or spent, fell during the gale of 3rd and 4th December. The 3rd inst. had been frosty, followed by thaw, rain, and wind from S,W. The part newly exposed is 10 feet in vertical height and 2 feet across, and the first mortar joint forms also the plane of separation, the radial bricks ( 45 ) being cut right across. The lower edge of the patch is 100 feet from the ground, and the four patches extend upwards in an irregular line for 40 feet, not vertically, but in a spiral of about one-third round the circumference of the chimney. The abraded spot through which the fluid seems to have penetrated is 20 feet farther up in the same oblique direction. It seems to be about 6 inches in diameter, and the part appears as if broken by a hammer from the outside, instead of being forced out from within, as in the denuded parts below. We may form a conception of the immense disruptive force exercised, thus : 105 bricks are torn off, area of each 14|ths square inches ; total area, 1562 square inches. Force or dead weight required to tear asunder : 1 square inch of brick has been found to be 300 Ibs. Total disruptive force 468,600 Ibs., or 209 tons, and this on the bricks cut across alone. In addition we have a mortar joint three times the above area, which at a moderate estimate of one-third the strength, or 100 Ibs. per square inch, gives 209 tons more, or 418 tons in all, the approximate dead weight required to tear off what has fallen. Allowing for what is damaged but has not fallen, the electric fluid must have had a momentary disruptive force of 500 tons. T. Gloucester, July 2nd, 1859. Two clumps of objects were struck, two elm trees in the Spa walks and E/ycroft Chapel with the adjoining elm. This shows the lightning to have been forked t as they were both struck at the same time, and there was a double explosion of thunder ; the extremities of the fork were 1480 feet from each other. The trees in the Spa standing close to each other were stripped from a great height, of six or seven inches width of bark, which, with the branches, was strewed to the distance of several yards. The elm at California had a large bough struck off ; the lightning then ran along another branch, struck the stone edging of the roof of the chapel, scorching the end of the bough and chipping great pieces off the stone ; it then ran along the metallic gutter to the end of the roof near the school- room, where it descended the iron spouting to the ground, bursting the spouting at the joints, where it was a quarter of an inch thick, and in one place knocked a hole in the wall ten inches deep, as if some superior conductor had attracted it inside. VI. I delayed answering your note until I could give you a correct description of the damage done to the chimney by examination from the scaffolding (which we were erecting at the time of its receipt.) The chimney is a portion of some additions made to my manure works only last November. It was struck during a fearful thunder- storm on Tuesday the 19th of July, about three o'clock in the after- noon. The electric fluid detached about one-third of the topmost stonework, which fell with great violence through the roof of the buildings below ; it then displaced and passed through the joints of the remainder of the stonework to the brick shaft. This octagonal brick shaft it split and shattered in all directions on three of its sides, for a space of about twenty-five feet, completely detaching portions of ( 46 ) the brickwork several feet in length, both inside and out; after which it split the remainder of the shaft asunder in a straight line through a further space of about fifteen feet to the stone base. This stone base it also displaced (passing through the joinings,) and through seven feet more solid brickwork, to an open ventilator placed under the roof of a building at the foot of the chimney. Through the ventilator a portion of the electric fluid seems to have escaped from the chimney into the interior of a large warehouse, some of the main timbers of the roof of which it has split and shattered very much. A portion only of the fluid seems to have escaped in this way, as the chimney is split below the ventilator for a further space of about ten feet. Several persons were at work in the warehouse at the time, none of whom were injured in any way (although they felt benumbed.) Two strong horses standing in a cart were, however, struck down by the lightning on its escape from the warehouse. The greater portion of the chimney must come down ; in fact, we are now taking it down. JOHN STEEEIKEE. Driffield, August 8th, 1859. P.S. In the construction of the chimney, hoop iron was imbedded in the body of the brickwork every five or six courses, to bind it together ; and this, I think, prevented the whole of the upper shaft from being thrown down, although in many places the iron has been completely fused. The total height of the chimney was 85 feet. Extract from Mr. Symonss report on Thunderstorms in 1857-58 and 1859. [Eead at the Oxford Meeting of the British Association, I860.] Lightning Conductors. No building provided with a conductor is recorded to have been injured during the three years ; in a few cases bars or pipes of metal acted as such, so far as they extended. The first instance was at Wibsey School, where the charge, which killed one boy and injured eight others, had passed safely down an iron pendant from the roof in fact, an iron rod of, I believe, small dia- meter. In the case of a house in Camden Square, the charge which over- turned one end of a stack of chimneys, passed safely down the iron waterpipe at the back of the house. The flash which injured Eyecroft Chapel, Gloucester, first struck an elm-tree close to the chapel and broke off a large bough, it then darted to the roof, ran along the metallic gutter to the end of the roof, where it descended the iron spouting to the ground, bursting the spouting at the joints, where it was a quarter of an inch thick, and in one place knocked a hole in the wall ten inches deep, as if some superior conductor had attracted it inside. I presume few persons will now oppose the results obtained by the elaborate investigations of Sir W. Snow Harris, either as to the utility of conductors, or their best form and distribution. These points being admitted, it remains to ascertain why they are not more generally used why, in short, the accidents I have enumerated (with, perhaps, as many more of which I have not heard) are allowed to occur that they are preventible there is no reasonable doubt. I believe that the reason that conductors are so comparatively seldom used may be expressed by one word expense ; a remark made by Professor W. Thomson, at the Aberdeen meeting, was a strong illustration of this point, " If I urge our manufacturers to put up lightning conductors they say, ' It is cheaper to insure than to put up conductors/" But as no insurance nor ought else can compensate for loss of life, it becomes important to consider if any cheap and effectual substitute for a regular conductor can be found. One plan for effecting this, as far as private dwellings are con- cerned, is that of connecting the lead gutters of the roof with the rain water pipe, and with a rod projecting a few feet above the chimneys ; it is obvious that both gutters and pipe would derive additional con- ducting power from the water which (at such times as the conductor is required) is usually flowing along them. I am not sufficiently acquainted with the laws of electric action to offer an opinion on this plan ; as far as my own limited experience goes, I think it would be decidedly better than the entire neglect which now so largely prevails, for it would probably induce the shock to pass down the outside of the house instead of down the chimney inside, which has hitherto been its most frequent course. I much wish that those who have turned their attention to electric action would express a decided opinion on the matter. In one of the foregoing cases the iron pipe was perfectly competent and effectual in conveying the charge ; and in the other the damage (limited, be it remembered, to bursting the joints) doubtless arose from the inter- vention of the lead between the two lengths of pipe considering the somewhat low conducting power of the lead, such a result might almost have been anticipated. Kind of Trees Struck. In sixteen cases the class of tree struck has been mentioned ; of these one-third were elms. The next in order of this unenviable distinction are the oak, ash, and poplar ; instances also occurred of the crab, the lime, and the willow being injured by lightning. It is satisfactory to find that as far as so short a series is competent, it corroborates previous opinions on the subject. I may perhaps be permitted to quote one of the earliest with which I am acquainted. In the year 1787 Mr. Hugh Maxwell wrote to the American Academy that he thought he might state from his own experience that the elm, chesnut, oak, and pine, are often ; ash rarely ; and beech, birch, and maple never struck. A communication with which I have been favoured by Mr. Ingram, of Belvoir Castle, bears closely on this subject, and is, I think, worthy of consideration. He says, " I filed your letter, resolving to keep a sharp look out in my rides about the neighbourhood for all the thunder-blasted trees. It is of course difficult to obtain perfectly ( 48 ) accurate information, because trees are taken away after their destruc- tion ; but I have ascertained that within the area of Croxton Park, twenty per cent, of the trees (oaks) have been struck by lightning, The park is situated on high ground : the substratum is rock (lime- stone), which has more or less iron in it. The oaks, where the soil is strongly ferruginous, are useless as timber trees ; the wood, when sawn, splits and rives in every direction, possibly from the quantity of iron." The accounts given in the notes supplied to me by Mr, Symons are of great interest, but as the ma- jority of the buildings struck had no lightning rods the details of the destructions do not bear immediately on the object of our Conference. There are, however, some few facts which may probably be of interest. 1. Damp air although not a conductor for ordinary electricity (see the writings of Sir Wm. Thomson) may be a conductor for lightning : For there are many instances of sheep and horses being killed in open fields. This may have been due to the sheep collecting together in a flock, and the air above them becoming moist from the perspiration arising from the flock. 2. Certain coincidences of earthquake waves and atmospheric electrical storms have been observed. The following may, perhaps, be one : June 5th, 1858. During thunderstorm at Pegwell Bay the water in the Bay, the tide being then about two hours past flood, suddenly receded about 200 yards, and returned to its former position within the space of about twenty minutes. 3. Open doors allow lightning to pass through. August 12th, 1858, Bedford. The lightning passed through five open doors in its way from a chimney, which was originally struck, to an open window, by which it went out, all the doors being on the ground floor. 4. Difficulty of making lightning conductors to protect buildings. August 18th, 1858. Neighbourhood of Norwich A boy riding on a pony escaped unhurt, while the pony was killed by lightning. St. Peter's Church, Brighton. The tower was provided with a lightning conductor, but it was only carried up one of the pinnacles, hence one of the other pinnacles of the tower was struck the distance between the pinnacles being scarcely ten feet. ( 49 ) Sometimes trees are struck in the middle, and not at the top. New Kent Road. While a man was sawing wood, the light- ning entered by the window, struck the blade of the saw, burnt the handle, but did not injure the man. 5. A small body perfectly insulated from the ground is not safe from lightning. October llth, 1858. Kilham, Yorkshire. Two sea gulls, while flying, were killed by lightning. 6. Advantages of lightning conductors. During 1857,-58,-59 almost the whole of the buildings re- ported as damaged by lightning were unprovided with lightning conductors. Among those struck but not damaged were build- ings on which metal bars or pipes acted as conductors as far as they went, proved by the lightning having burst the metallic spouting at the joints. 7. Expense of Conductors. Sir W. Snow Harris' rule : Copper solid 0*5 in. in diameter tube 1*5 in. thick. Iron solid 0*75 tube 2-00 Minimum cost one shilling per foot, not including cost of car- riage and fixing. Sir William Thomson, at the meeting of the British Associa- tion at Aberdeen, said " If I urge on Glasgow manufacturers to put up lightning conductors they say it is cheaper to insure than to ao so." This shows the importance of economy in the construction of conductors, and consequently of the determination of the least expensive conductor, which will be safe for any special building. One of the most important points to determine, it appears to me, is whether an electric current, when the electro motive force is very high, passes along the surface or through the body of a conductor, since on the result of this must depend whether we give a lightning conductor large surface, or large sectional area in fact, whether a tube of large diameter, but with com- Saratively thin walls, is better than a solid rod of much smaller iameter. In the May number for this year of the Philosophical Maga- zine, there appeared an interesting article, by the late Mr. Brough, "On the proper Relative Sectional Areas for Copper and Iron Lightning Rods," in which Mr. Brough arrived at the D ( 50 ) resnlt that the sectional area of an iron rod conductor should he to the sectional area of a copper rod in the ratio of 8 to 3 ; from which he concludes that an iron rod will he the cheaper con- ductor. But this result is obtained on the assumption that the resistance of rods of the same length, and of the same material for lightning, are inversely as their sectional areas, a result about which I think there may well be doubt. W. E. AYRTON. APPENDIX F. ABSTRACTS OF PRINTED DOCUMENTS. FRENCH OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS. Preliminary Note. In 1784, the attention of the French Government having been directed to the desirability of protecting the powder maga- zines of the kingdom from damage by lightning by the employ- ment of conductors, a system of construction was proposed by two officers of the Engineers and Artillery. This system was referred by the Minister of War to the Academy of Sciences for consideration and report. From time to time subsequently other proposals of a like nature, and other inventions and improve- ments in the construction of lightning rods were considered by the Academy, and reported upon by various Committees. At the request of the Conference, I have endeavoured, in the following pages, to give in as condensed a form as possible an accurate abstract of their contents, and to avoid, in all cases, the expression of any opinion, either adverse or concurrent, upon, the principles or suggestions contained in them. E. E. DYMOND. EEPOET made to the ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, ly FRANKLIN,. LEEOT, COULOMB, DE LA PLACE, and E.OCHON. 24tffc April, 1784. Certain proposals for erecting lightning rods for protecting the powder magazines at Marseilles having been submitted to the Academy for their opinion, a committee, consisting of the above-named, was appointed to examine and report. They begin by enunciating the theory which should regulate the erection of conductors, and they lay down the following rules : 1. The extent of the building should first be ascertained to decide whether one or more conductors should be used. Electrical experi- ments had not yet made known anything of the extent to which the action of the point of the conductor reached. But since buildings had been supplied with conductors many observations had shown that those parts of them which were more than 45 feet French (48 English) from the point of the conductor had been struck by lightning. 2. When there are many points or arrows on the building they should be connected together and also connected with all parts of the roof which are covered with lead, and also connected with the D 2 ( 52 ) weathercocks or ornamental metal points so as to form one metallic system with the conducting bars. 3. It is not less important that these bars should be thoroughly joined together ; for a solution of continuity in them produces a resist- ance to the passage of the electricity according to the extent of their separation. 4. It is necessary that the bars should communicate thoroughly with moist earth or, better still, with water. As to the height of the points they should be at least 12 or 15 feet (13 to 16 feet English), or even more if the building is a large one. It is certain that the higher they are the wider the extent of their action. They should be 2 inches (2-2 English) square at the base and greater in proportion as their height exceeds 15 feet (16 English). If the conducting bars are 8 or 10 lines (or, say 1 inch) square, it will be more than enough. No case had occurred in which iron bars of this size had been in any way damaged or altered by the passage of lightning. The reporters then proceed to examine the two proposals for pro- tecting the powder magazines at Marseilles, sent in by M. Havel de Puy Contal and M. Pierron. They were both for the same building which was 31 toises long and 8 toises wide (about 198 by 51 English feet). The first provided for the erection of three points on the ridge of the roof, and of four others, one at each angle of the building ; the second had also three points on the ridge, but the other four were alternated on the two sides of the roof, and iron bars were carried all along and connected with all the points. The manner in which the terminals were fastened to the roof and the conducting bars fastened together and led to the water was the same in each proposal, The reporters remark concerning the second that the conducting bars laid horizontally along the roof would involve a great and un- necessary expense, but the points should be retained, only instead of placing them alternately they should be set up so that each of them" was half way between the middle and the end of the roof, and instead of connecting these points by bars along the length of the roof, they should be connected with 'the one connecting the three points on the ridge by bars joining it perpendicularly. As to the method proposed for joining the several parts together the reporters cannot help thinking that in their desire to make thoroughly good connections MM. Pierron and de Ravel had pro-- posed a plan involving too much difficulty and superfluous expense [It seems to have been proposed to screw the bars into each other],' and they recommend instead of this to make at the base of each point, immediately above its insertion into the roof, a circular flange about 2 inches in diameter and 2 lines thick, with a hole half an inch in diameter in the middle and at the ends of each conducting bar to make a similar flange and to bolt the flanges together with a sheet of lead between them. Crutches should be fixed on the roof to carry the con- ducting bars. The points should be fixed three on the ridge and two on each side of the roof half way between the point in the middle and that at each end. These four should be connected with the conduct- ing rods running along the ridge and should overtop the ridge by at ( 53 ) least 6 feet (6 feet 5 inches English). By this arrangement all parts of the roof would be well protected. The reporters highly approve of the way in which the conducting bars are connected with water by being led into the sea, but if at the other end of the building there is sufficient earth on the surface, and the soil is not entirely rock the conductor from the point placed at that end might be led into it. It is recommended that the points of copper should be screwed to the terminals for convenience of removal when necessary. EEPOET made to the NATIONAL INSTITUTE, by LEROT, LA PLACE, and COULOMB, on a Lightning Rod for Powder Magazines proposed by REGSTIER. 6 Nivose, Tear 8 (23rd December, 1789.) The reporters think it desirable to make some general observations on lightning rods, the rather that it appears that some persons have had fears as to the certainty of their effect. It is impossible to reject the theory upon which Franklin had proceeded in providing lightning rods for the purpose of protecting buildings from damage by lightning. Still, as the theory needed to- be confirmed by facts, it might at first have been doubted whether the lightning rods were really effectual ; but now that observation, and experiment had proved the truth of the theory there was no longer any room to question their utility. It may even be remarked that observations had not only proved that they were effective when well constructed, but that they conducted the lightning down without accidents, even when they had some defects, which might have caused one to doubt their efficacy. The defects alluded to were a blunted point and a break in the continuity of the conductor. With reference to these two cases observations have shown 1st. That although the points have been blunted, they still attract the lightning from the clouds to themselves in preference to the surrounding objects. 2nd. That al- though the several parts of the conductor are not thoroughly joined together, the lightning will still, if the break be not too considerable, pass along the conductor without accident. In support of the first proposition they quote the observations of Doctor Eittenhouse, of Philadelphia, who had examined several of the points in that city, and had found them melted, showing clearly that they had been struck by lightning, and probably more than once, as it had been shown by many observations that where, from local circumstances (not then fully ascertained,) lightning had struck in certain places or on certain buildings, it was not uncommon to see it strike again; and a number of observations of a different sort had shown that lightning was attracted by metals on buildings even when they were but slightly pointed, such as tin weather-cocks, or iron crosses, and even plain sheets of iron. One of the most striking examples in support of the second pro- position, was the case of an American ship, reported in the Phil. Trans, for 1770. During the night, in the midst of a storm, the crew ( 54 ) reported that there was a stream of fire in the rigging, just above the middle of the lightning conductor. The captain saw a stream of fire, sometimes in sparks, and sometimes only a steady light ; and on examining the conductor next morning, found that one of the links of its chain was broken. Fortunately the two pieces, being kept in place by the fastening to the shrouds, were only about three quarters of an inch apart. These two broken ends formed a sort of points, and on its passage between them the lightning had become visible. But this was all ; no shock was felt, nor anything which caused any suspicion that the fracture of the conductor had in any way hindered the passage of the lightning. Franklin also had shown by experiment that in a lightning rod where the upper end was only connected with the part entering the ground by a very fine brass wire, although the wire was melted by the passage of the lightning, it still was con- ducted from top to bottom without any damage to the house ; and in other instances metallic wires, though partly melted by the lightning, had still served as conductors. But it is not contended from these examples that a very exact and continuous connection of all the different parts should be dispensed with. The lightning rod proposed by Regnier consisted of a piece of wood, coated with resin, rising 2 metres (6 feet 7 inches) above the roof, and having fixed on its top a sort of inverted funnel of copper, at the upper end of which was fixed the point. To the lower edge of the funnel were fastened ropes formed of twenty-seven annealed iron wires well bound together, which were, at a suitable distance, connected with iron bars, fastened to masts, and leading to moist earth. The point had a small piece of platinum at its upper end. The reporters observe that the wooden support may be employed by way of extra precaution, though there was no known instance of lightning leaving metal for wood ; but it should be strong enough to resist the wind. They approve of the method proposed for connecting /W [(UNIVERSITY , . SIFORC \ the point with the metal bars, metallic ropes being very suitable for this purpose, and keeping them well away from the building was quite right ; but they add that the metallic bars should not only communi- cate with moist earth, but also with water in wells or otherwise. INSTEUCTIONS FOR ERECTING LIGHTNING BODS FOB POWDER MAGAZINES, adopted by the FORTIFICATIONS COMMITTEE. 25th August, 1807. A lightning rod is an electrical conductor terminating in a point and carried down to the common receiver. It may be regarded as a metallic tree, and divided into (1) the upper terminal, (2) the trunk, and (3) the roots. 1. The upper terminal is a very pointed, conical or pyramidal spike of metal having a base 3 or 4 centimetres (1| inches) in radius. The point is of gold or platinum, soldered to a copper rod 1 or 2 metres long (3 feet 8 inches to 6 feet 7 inches). This rod is joined to the rest of the upper terminal, which is of iron, either by solder, a screw, or a pin. It is important that all the parts of the upper terminal should be joined with care so as to prevent fracture ; at the bottom of the terminal are several feet by which it can be leaded to the vault or bolted to the framing of the roof. Several devices for giving some play to the terminal so as to diminish the effect of vibra- tion have been proposed, but it is better to make the terminal strong enough to resist. At the bottom of the terminal is joined the piece connecting with the conductor ; this ought to be very complete and continuous, especially at the point of junction with the terminal. Frequently the terminal is enlarged at this point to facilitate the passage of the lightning. To preserve the terminal from rust it is sometimes gilded it has been proposed to tin it more frequently it is merely painted; experience shows that this is sufficient. Instead of making the whole terminal conical or pyramidal, a square bar of iron, finished with a point of copper tipped with gold or platinum, is sometimes used. This plan may usually be adopted without danger, but they are more liable to be broken or bent by vibration. FIG: i. FIG: nc: 2. JL nc: 2. The trunk or conductor is made of iron bars 13 to 20 milli- metres square (| to inch) notched at the ends and bolted together ( 56 ) with a plate of lead between the two (Fig. 1). For powder magazines a bar of 27 millimetres (1 inch) square is recommended. They follow the outline of the roof, cornice, and wall, and each bar is fixed by a half collar (Fig. 2) or cramp placed in the middle of the bar or as far as possible from the junction of two bars. Instead of the iron bars ropes of copper or iron wire, or even of hemp, may be used ; these last may be used provisionally, but for permanent conductors they have no advan- tage either in economy or conductivity. The copper rope conducts the lightning better, but its smaller size and cylindrical form, by diminishing its absolute and relative surface, counterbalances its superior conductivity. The great and real advantage of metallic, and especially of copper ropes, is in their continuity and their flexibility. The conductor is led down to the surface of the ground where it is bent and led parallel to the surface towards a pit full of water, or deep enough to allow the end of the conductor to rest in damp earth ; from 2 metres (6 feet 6 inches) above the ground to the pits the con- ductor is enclosed in a channel or trough like the fuse of a mine, the object of this is to protect the conductor from the dampness of the soil and from contacts. These would be unimportant so long as there is a perfect connection between the point of the conductor and the common reservoir, but this continuity may be destroyed by de- gradation of the conductor, and it is chiefly at the joints that this dis- continuity is to be feared. When the conductor has to be buried it should be in an oaken trough, well put together and tarred or charred or surrounded by powdered charcoal so that the metal cannot be rusted by infiltrations or humidity ; in some soils it is better to make the subterranean part of the conductor of lead, taking care by increasing the surface to make up for its inferior conductivity. Sometimes water pipes may be made use of, but only when they serve to lead water away and when they terminate in an isolated reservoir. It is important to lead the conductor far away from water pipes carrying water to public fountains or into the interior of houses. 3. If the conductor leads to a well full of water the roots (Fig. 3) need not be more than a few spindles terminated in points and long enough to be always immersed. When the conductor only leads to a l?ed of earth it is supplied with a system of roots (Fig. 4), having for its object the multiplication of the points for the escape of the lightning, and these are increased in number according as the soil is a less good conductor. The pits should be some distance from the founda- tions of the building, so that the lightning may not damage them, and it is important, by all possible means, to increase the natural humidity of the soil. When the wells cannot be closed it is necessary that the conductor should be insulated and plunged deeply in the water for fear that the communication of the electricity to the well- chains or pump-rods might cause accidents or alarm. After some other instructions it is added that the dispersal of the electricity in the common reservoir is, next to the continuity of the conductor, that which most deserves the attention of the physicist and the engineer. It has been remarked that a point extended its sphere of activity as far as 10 metres (32 feet 9 inches), that beyond this distance its effect became less sensible, and that when the points were too near together ( 57 ) they neutralised one another. So upon a building of a given size it is necessary to set up so many that all parts shall be covered by their spheres of attraction, which should meet and not overlap each other. Lightning in passing from a claud to the earth does not always take a vertical direction, it sometimes follows the path of the rain drops, which is inclined by the wind, so when a magazine is very lofty, or on an elevated spot it is not useless to fix horizontal or inclined points on the gables or angles. In some places the magazines are domi- nated by other buildings ; in these cases the neighbouring build- ings should be protected, or the magazines should have horizontal points towards them. If the ramparts dominate the magazine it will be prudent to set upon them a lightning rod on a mast. Trees are only struck by lightning because their tops serve as points but their trunks are bad conductors, hence it is prudent not to have plantations, especially of lofty trees near magazines. However many points may be set up on a magazine they should all be connected together, and all joined to the principal conductor, and it would be well to have more than one principal conductor so that if one loses its continuity the lightning may have a path by the other. Stone, wood, and gun- powder are bad conductors, and pieces of metal may without danger be used in the inside of magazines, provided they are connected with with the principal conductor by branch conductors of suitable size : still it is prudent to keep the metal outside. Reference is then made to " Eegnier's System of Lightning B-ods," Appendix F., p. 53, which is thought to be much too expensive. E.EPOET on the foregoing Instructions made fry LA PLACE, ROCHON, CHAELES, MONTGOLFIER, and G-AT LUSSAC to the NATIONAL INSTITUTE. 2nd November, 1807. The reporters say that experience has taught that the point of a lightning rod 4 or 5 metres( 13 to 16^ feet) does not effectually pro- tect a space round it greater than one having a radius of 10 to 12 metres (32| to 39| feet). That when there are points or considerable masses of metal on a building having a lightning rod it is absolutely ( 58 ) necessary to connect them by branches with the principal conductor. That it is not less important that the metallic bars should be thoroughly well connected together so that the electricity may find no resistance in its path from the point to the common receiver. And lastly, that it is necessary that the conductor should have a perfect communication with moist earth, or better, with water. They then proceed to discuss the instructions, or that part of them which relates to the construction of the lightning rods. They recommend the use of gilded copper points, notwithstanding the doubt concerning them which had been raised in consequence of their deterioration by oxidation, and their being blunted by light- ning. They say that experience has shown that an iron rod 20 millimetres (-8 inch) square is more than sufficient to carry the most violent discharge of lightning, and that it is consequently need- less to make them larger, as recommended in the Instructions; that it is only at the joints that there is any cause for fear because, in spite of the insertion of the piece of lead, the contact is not perfect ; that it would be easy by enlarging the bars at their junctions to increase the number of points of contact, and by lengthening the bars to make fewer joints. That in this respect the use of iron wire ropes would be very advantageous, but they fear that the ropes would be easily destroyed, and that the use of copper wire rope instead of iron would be too expensive. When the conductor reaches the ground too much care cannot be exercised in making a free communication between it and the soil. It is upon this that its good effect principally depends, for houses have been struck although provided with a conductor, because it only communicated with a very dry soil. M. Patterson, of Phila- delphia, in the fourth volume of the American Phil. Trans., has published a means of making a good contact which seems useful. He proposes to lay the conductor in a bed of galena worked into a paste with melted sulphur. The galena is a good conductor, and would have the advantage of protecting the iron from the damp. He has also proposed a simple means of providing for the easy dispersion of the electric fluid in cases where the soil is not very damp, which consists in making a hole in the ground and filling it with charcoal, into which the conductor is plunged. But M. G-uyton used the conducting power of charcoal for this purpose more than thirty years ago, and it has been applied in many ways. Charcoal, like galena, is a good conductor, and this property renders its employment desir- able in cases where the soil is dry. Upon the proposal to fix inclined or horizontal points they think that vertical points will suffice ; and with reference to the E-egnier system, they remark that it would certainly be very expensive, and that it would not be necessary to adopt it until the usual system had been found insufficient. ( 59 ) INSTKUCTIONS about LIGHTNING EODS adopted by the ACADEMY or SCIENCES. First Part, 23rd April, 1823. PBEPAEED BY A COMMITTEE CONSISTING or MM. POISSON, LEFEYRE- GlNEAU, GlRARD, DlJLONG, FRESNEL, AND GAY LUSSAC. After some theoretical remarks the Committee describe the con- ductor they recommend, giving the name of tige (upper terminal) to the part rising into the air above the roof, and that of conductor to that part extending from the upper terminal to the ground. The upper terminal is a square or round bar of iron tapering from base to summit. If from 7 to 9 metres (23 feet to 29 feet 6 inches) high, which is the smallest height to be used on large buildings, it should be 54 to 60 millimetres (2*1 to 2*3 inches) square or diameter at the base, if 10 metres (32 feet 9 inches) high, it should be 63 millimetres (2-5 inches). About fifty-five centimetres (1 foot 9| inches) of the upper end is cut off and replaced by a point of .copper either gilded at the end or tipped with a little piece of platinum. At the lower end of the terminal (A), 8 centimetres (3'15 inches) above the roof, is fixed a base (B) to throw off the rain which would run down the ter- minal, and above this base the terminal is clasped by a collar (C), as shown in the drawing, to which is bolted the conductor (D). The engraving shows the modification of the arrangement as adapted to both round and square terminals. The conductor is a bar of iron 15 to 20 millimetres (-59 to *79 inches) square, joined firmly to the upper terminal by bolting it tightly between the two ears of the collar. The best way of joining the bars together is shown in figure 1, p. 55. It is to be held up at a distance of 12 to 15 centimetres (4-7 to 5-9 inches) from the roof by crutches, and to be kept at a like distance from the walls of the building. At 50 or 55 centimetres (19*6 to 21 '6 inches) below the surface it is turned away perpendicularly from the wall for a distance of 4 or 5 metres (13 feet 1 inch to 16 ( 60 ) feet 5 inches) if it does not sooner meet with water. To avoid rust- ing the rod is carried in a trench filled with charcoal, and then turned down a well so as to have at least 65 centimetres (25'7 inches) in the water when at its lowest level, where it terminates in three or four branches to facilitate the exit of the electricity from the con- ductor. If there is no well convenient, a pit should be made 13 to 16 centi- metres (5*1 to 6*3 inches) in diameter, and 3 to 5 metres (9 feet 10 inches to 16 feet 4 inches) deep, down the middle of which the con- ductor should be led and the hole filled with charcoal tightly rammed. As the iron bars forming the conductor are not easily bent to follow the lines of the building a metallic rope may be used. It is made of four strands, each composed of 15 iron wires, and forming a rope of 16 or 18 millimetres (-62 to ? inches) in diameter. Each strand is tarred separately, and the whole also well tarred when put together. It is attached to the upper terminal in the same way as the bars by pinching between the ears of the collar (c). At 2 metres (6 feet 7 inches) above the ground it is joined to the bars which form the earth connection by being pinned into a socket formed at the end of the first bar. Ropes of copper or brass wire may be used, and they need not be more than 16 millimetres (-62 inches) in diameter. It is necessary to connect any considerable metallic masses (lead roofs, metal gutters, or tie rods) with the conductor, because if this be not done, and the conductor be broken, or have a bad earth con- nection, the lightning may leave the conductor for the metallic mass. Modifications of this form of conductor for use on churches, ships, and powder magazines (for the latter carrying the conductors on masts is recommended) are then described. The report says that the terminal of a conductor protects efficiently a circular space round its base, having a radius equal to 'twice its height ; but that it is prudent to estimate that a conductor on a church spire only protects a circle having a radius equal to the height of the conductor. The conductor should go the shortest way to earth. It should be on the side most exposed to the weather, especially on spires. Second Part, 18th December, 1854. PREPARED BY A COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF MM. BECQTTEREL, BABINET, DUHAMEL, DESPRETZ, CAGNARD DE LATOUR, AND POUILLET. Notwithstanding the considerable advance in knowledge since 1823, the instructions of that date have no need to be altered, at least in their essential principles ; but the methods of construction of buildings having materially altered, and metal having largely replaced wood and stone, buildings had, so to speak, become metallic masses, which would have incomparably greater attraction for thunder clouds. The Palais d'Industrie in the Champs Ely sees, for example, nearly 3 hectares (7'4 acres) in extent, and 40 metres (131 feet) in height had every- where enormous masses of iron, brass, and zinc. The company undertaking the building had sought the advice of the ( 61 ) Academy as to the 'means to be employed to protect it from lightning, and it had been found necessary to revise the instructions of 1823, in order to introduce such modifications as were necessary. Quoting the passage referring to the connecting of metallic masses with the conductor, the Committee think that the time had come to enter into fuller details on this point. Formerly the use of metal was almost restricted to ridges, gutters, and tie rods ; now metal was used everywhere, and what is important, in large surfaces and great masses ; and this new system realised on a large scale the first objection to lightning rods it attracts the lightning. When this objection was applied to lightning rods, it had only the appearance of truth, but when applied to the masses of metal then used in buildings, it was not only specious, but true, and founded upon well established laws ; these buildings do attract the lightning, and render its effects more disastrous. In the case of two buildings alike in size and shape, situated on the same soil, one made of wood and stone as formerly, the other with much metal as now, and both without lightning rods if the conditions are such that the lightning must discharge itself, it will always strike the latter, and never the former ; in the same way as on bringing to the conductor of an electrical machine a ball of wood or stone, and one of metal, it is always the latter which will receive the spark. Lightning rods, therefore, are so much the more indispensable as the buildings contain greater surfaces and greater masses of metal. The nature of the soil must be taken into account, as well as the buildings and other objects upon it. A dry soil, with a subsoil of dry sand, chalk, or granite, does not attract the lightning, because it is a bad conductor. Unless when accidentally wetted the buildings on it participate to some extent in this immunity, at least if they are not built in the modern style, and are not very large. But if there are at a moderate depth underneath this dry ground, large metallic veins, vast caverns, sheets of water, or only abundant springs these will attract the lightning, which will destroy everything in its path unless pro- tected. If the wet or metallic strata are very deep, the danger of an explosion is diminished by the difficulty of passing the intervening envelope, and by the weakening of the action of the cloud by the increase of distance. On the 19th April, 1827, the packet boat New York was twice struck by lightning. On the first occasion, having no conductor, it received considerable damage ; on the second, the conductor was fixed ; it was made of a pointed bar of iron, 1*2 metre (about 4 feet) long, and 11 millimetres ('43 inch) diameter at the base, and a surveyor's chain about 40 metres (131 feet) long, forming a connec- tion between the foot of the rod and the sea ; the chain was made of iron wire 6 millimetres (*24 inch) in diameter ; the links were 45 centimetres (17*7 inches) long, ending in loops, and joined together by two round rings. "When struck the chain was dispersed in burn- ing fragments and globules, which set the deck on fire in many places, notwithstanding the hail upon it and the rain which fell heavily ; the bar at the top was melted for a length of 30 centimetres (11-8 inches) ( 62 ) from the point, and down to a diameter of 6 millimetres (-2 inches). The rest of the rod remained with about 8 centimetres (3*1 inches) of the chain attached to it, the longest piece of chain found was less than 1 metre (3 feet 3 inches) long, and was blistered as by fire. On the 13th June, 1854, the Jupiter was struck by lightning. The conductors were in place ; that of the mainmast which was struck went 2 metres (6 feet 6 inches) into the sea, and had at its end a ball 2 kilos in weight. After being struck the conductor had disappeared and the pieces of it were scattered everywhere. The conductor, about 70 metres (230 feet) long, was a cable of three strands formed of sixty brass wires, each one half or two-thirds of a millimetre (-019 or 026 inches) thick. The cable was mostly in bits no bigger than pins, but there were some pieces a few decimetres long, these had been turned violet colour as by fire, and those first touched were still burning hot. These two examples show that a conductor may be destroyed, but they also show that it is not useless even then, since it will have received the discharge and directed it, and so prevented greater mis- chief. The Jupiter received no damage ; whilst not far off, a Turkish vessel, which also had a conductor (but the chain of which did not reach the water) having been struck by lightning in the same storm, had a hole more than 30 centimetres (11*8 inches) deep, and almost such as would have been made by a cannon ball, in her side just above the copper, and near the water line. The question is, are such accidents to conductors inevitable, or are they the result of faulty construction ? All the facts established in the accounts of lightning and its phenomena, leave no doubt on this point. All the lightning rods which have been destroyed were of bad materials, insufficient, badly constructed, not in accordance with the principles which theory has deduced from experience. The conductor of the New York had several faults; its upper terminal was too small, and too much drawn out ; its conductor had much too small a sectional area; and the use of a chain in such cases should be strictly excluded. There is no example known in which lightning has been able to melt iron rods 2 centimetres (-78 inch) in diameter, or 3 square centimetres (1/18 inch) in section ; and copper may be used in still smaller sizes. The conductor of the Jupiter, although better than the former, had also a radical defect. The fragments of the conductor which were examined bore but few traces of. fusion, and none of these traces extended to the entire thickness of the cable ; they were also limited to a group of some of the sixty wires of which it was composed. This seemed to show that the discharge was not carried equally by all the wires, and that those wires which it followed being insufficient to carry it, were the ones melted, and the others were broken or volatilised with explosion. Hence the breaking of the cable and dispersion of fragments of some decimetres in length, which, though too hot to be touched, were not hot enough to set wood on fire. This explanation, however, raises a singular question, whether, in a cable of similar wires twisted and bound together, the lightning can choose ( 63 ) some wires in preference to the rest, even when the whole of them are hardly sufficient to give it a free passage. Undoubtedly, yes ; at any rate under certain conditions. No doubt if at both ends of the cable, for the length of a decimetre, the wires first tinned separately are afterwards soldered together, so as to make a sort of metallic cylinder, electricity, whether natural or artificial, having to pass along the cable, will not show a preference for one wire over another ; but where this is not done if at the two ends, or, more generally, at the two points of junction with other conductors, the wires are isolated by layers of dust or oxide if, in addition, the cable only touches the terminals by its outside wires, then things happen very differently. The electricity takes those wires that are in contact with the terminal ; these reduced to few in number become incapable of carrying it ; and the whole cable broken by the explosion exhibits the phenomena shown in the case of the Jupiter. The deficiency in each case was due to one cause insufficiency of sectional area. In the first case the insufficiency is apparent, the iron wires 6 millimetres ('24 inch) thick were nine or ten times too small ; in the second, the insufficiency is more hidden, it results from badly made junctions. The two most fundamental rules for the construction of the rod and conductors are 1st. That they shall have a sufficient sectional area. 2nd. That they shall be continuous and without a break from the point of the upper terminal to the common receiver (the earth). But this continuity may in strictness be interpreted in two ways : it may be said that two pieces of metal in contact form a sufficiently contin- uous connection ; and it may be said, on the other hand, that most frequently this simple contact is no more than a break in consequence of oxidation and the interposition of foreign bodies. The instruction of 1823, without adopting the first interpretation, does not appear to have sufficiently recommended the second, which should exclusively regulate all construction of lightning rods. No doubt it is possible, by taking great care, to join and bolt together two pieces of iron or copper closely enough to make a practically continuous conductor, but when there are many joints we fear that evil might arise from the negligence of workmen, and still more from the chemical alteration of the surfaces, the deposition of foreign matter, and the mechanical dislocation produced by time and repeated shocks. Hence, the three following practical rules should always be observed : 1. To reduce as much as possible the number of the joints. 2. To make all the joints with hard solder, and they should be upon surfaces of at least 10 centimetres (3*9 inches) square, and further strengthened by straps and bolts. 3. Not to make the upper terminal so gradually pointed as usual. The upper terminal of iron should be not less than 2 centimetres ('78 inch) diameter, the end should be filed down and a screw tapped 1 centimetre (-39 inch) high and 1 centimetre diameter, and to this a cone of platinum 2 centimetres diameter and 4 centimetres (1-5 inch) high, and consequently having an angle at the point of 28 or 30 should be fitted, screwed, and carefully soldered. ( 64 ) In other respects the instructions of 1823 should be followed ; no fact which leads to a modification of the general rules there pror- posed 1, for the sectional area of the conductors ; 2, for the method of fastening to buildings ; 3, for the method of making the earth con- nection, has since come to light. , The subject, however, is not exhausted, there still remains the im- portant and difficult question : what is the circle of protection afforded by a well constructed lightning rod ? The opinion generally received at the end of the last century was that the circle of protection had a radius of twice the height of the terminal, and the instruction of 1823 adopted this opinion, but with some restrictions as in the case of spires. It is important to remember that these rules rest upon a more or less arbitrary basis, and this is said not to condemn them, but only to prevent there being attached to them a value which they do not possess. More observations are required, and it is only with reserve that these rules are admitted. They are neither general nor absolute, they depend upon a variety of circumstances, and especially on the materials of the buildings. For example, the radius of the circle of protection, which would be sufficient for a building having only wood tiles or slate on its upper portion, would not be sufficient for a building in which the covering or the framing of the roof was of metal. In the former case the active portion of the thunder cloud, although further from the lightning rod than from the roof, would exert a greater action on the rod, whilst in the latter the action on the rod and on the roof would be almost equal at an equal distance. A special note upon ships, and another on the Palais de 1'Exposi- tion close the report. SPECIAL EEPOET FOB, THE NEW BUILDINGS OF THE LOUYBE, 18 DECEMBER, 1854, BY THE SAME COMMITTEE. Beferring to the subject of the earth connection the Committee say ; in the earliest instructions, it is said that the conductors should communicate with the water in a river, a pond, or wells, or at least with moist earth. This rule, although quite correct in itself, fre- quently leads to erroneous practice. It is sometimes thought that lightning is extinguished by water, as fire is ; and when water is scarce the conductors are plunged into a well-cemented cistern. This is a most dangerous mistake ; the conductor should be in con- nection with the common receiver, that is, the great water-bearing strata (nappes d'eau,) of much greater extent than the thunder cloud. At other times where wells are possible but costly, advantage is taken of the alternative allowed by the instructions. Instead of wells the conductors are put in connection with the earth, without being careful to see that it preserves sufficient moisture in times of drought when storms are most to be expected, and without being careful to see that the moist connection is sufficiently large. They specially note this latter error, as it appears to be still more common than the former. They do not hesitate to say that recourse should never be had to this method of connection with the common receiver. They ( 65 ) recommend that in default of rivers or very large ponds, the con- ductor should always be connected by large surfaces with the inex- haustible subterranean water-bearing strata. Secondly, where these strata are at a moderate depth below the surface, the Committee consider it necessary to make use of a conductor with two branches, the principal to descend to the subterranean water; the secondary, leaving it at the ground level, is put in connection with the surface. And for this reason ; after great droughts thunder clouds exert but a feeble influence upon a dry, badly conducting soil. All their energy is felt by the subterranean waters ; and the electricity will be carried by the principal branch. On the other hand, after a summer shower, when the surface soil gets moist, it is at once made a good conductor. It is that which is affected by the th under cloud : while, at the same time, it screens the subterranean water from electrical influence. In such a case it is indispensable that the surface of the ground should be in direct connection with the conductor ; and this the secondary branch supplies. There is a final question how the conductors should be connected with the various metallic portions of the building. The ridges are throughout of iron ; but the interior arrangements require that, in some portions of the building, there should be, properly speaking, only one floor, whilst in other parts there are six. Each floor may be regarded as a great metallic network, composed of several strong plate girders, crossed by numerous joists analagous to rails, while these are, in their turn, crossed by a multitude of smaller iron rods; and the meshes of this network are filled with tiles. In enquiring into the effect of a thunder storm upon those portions where there are six such floors one above the other, it is easy to see that if the roof were a great continuous sheet of metal, it would take up the whole electrical energy of the cloud, at any rate, as far as the floors underneath it are concerned. In this case it would be amply sufficient if the covering were well connected with the lightning rods. But in this case the roof is metallic, only in a very small portion ; it may be said that the ridges only form a network with very large meshes, and, consequently, is an insufficient shield, through which the upper floor may still receive a considerable shock. Therefore the Committee propose the following arrangements : 1st. The principal pieces of each floor should be put in connection with the conductor. 2nd. It is very desirable that all the joists of the upper floors should be connected together by a rod bolted, and, if possible, soldered to each, which rod should be con- nected with the conductors. 3rd. It seems probable that, in general, the roof frames are in good connection with each other, and, con- sequently, it would suffice if all the upper terminals are connected with them. If, however, it happens either by changes of level in the gutters, or from other causes that the connections become doubtful special iron connections must be made. 4th. The zinc gutters and ridges should be connected with the lightning rods. ( 66 ) EEPOET on the points of upper terminals made by Messrs. Delieul, by a Committee consisting of MM. BECQUEEEL, BABINET, DUHAMEL, DESPEETZ, CAGNIAED DE LATOUB, EEGNATTLT, DE SENAEMONT, and POTJILLET. 5th March, 1855. The committee examined the points presented by Messrs. Delieul, one of platinum, made exactly as described in the report of the previous 18th December; the other, a cone similar in form, size, and external appearance, but rather less costly, being made of a cap of platinum, iixed with hard solder upon the conical end of the iron rod. It was thought that this second arrangement would not practically be inferior to the other ; but it must be made by a skilful workman, who knows how to insure that the solder should take to the whole of the surfaces brought together. They see no objection to the substitution of palladium, or gold or silver of a standard of '950 for the platinum. But all these metals are costly ; few workmen know how to work in them, or at least to employ that precision, and take that minute care, which are indispensable to success. These reasons have raised again a proposition that was discussed in the former commission, which consists in making the points of copper. The copper point is 2 centi- metres (-78 inch) in diameter, like the upper part of the iron rod, to which it is screwed and brazed; its length is about 20 centimetres (7'87 inches), and it terminates in a cone 3 or 4 centimetres (1*1 or 1*5 inches) high. They see no reason why this should not be used with almost the same confidence as the preceding forms. If there is ground to fear that it may undergo changes from atmospheric influences, this is counter- balanced by certain advantages. 1st, copper is with palladium, gold, and silver, among the best conductors of heat and electricity; and the point of the cone will be much less heated than the platinum point ; and 2nd, the terminal, with a copper point, is much less expensive, and can be made everywhere. On the report being put to the vote M. Despretz could not approve the proposal to employ copper points, fearing that the deposition of carbonate or some other badly conducting matter would diminish the efficacy of the lightning rod. INSTRUCTIONS upon LIGHTNING BODS /or POWDEE MAG- AZINES, by a Committee consisting of MM. BECQTJEEEL, BABINET, DUHAMEL, FlZEATJ, EDM BECQTJEEEL, BEGNATJLT, U Marshal VAIL- LANT, and POUILLET. 14th January, 1867. After referring to some general principles, and to the construction of lightning rods recommended in the reports of the earlier Com- mittees: the Committee recommend, that the upper terminal including the copper point should be from 3 to 5 metres (9 feet 10 inches to 16 feet 5 inches) high ; that the junction of the conductor and the upper terminal, and also the several joints of the conductor, should be ( 67 ) covered with solder, and insist very strongly upon the necessity of communication with the nappe d'eau souterraine, which they define as " the water level in neighbouring wells which never dry up, and which retain at least 50 centimetres (19-68 inches) in depth of water in the most unfavourable seasons." The special arrangements to be adopted in setting up lightning rods for powder magazines are : not to fix them on the building itself but outside the surrounding walls. For each large sized magazine (27'89 metres, by 20 metres, and 11 metres high, equal to 91 feet 6 inches by 65 feet 7 inches, and 36 feet high) there should be three conductors two near the ends of the long side of the enclosing wall most exposed to storms, and the third in the middle of the opposite side. The upper terminals should be only 5 metres (16 feet 5 inches) high, and should be raised on a pier, a mast, or other support 15 metres (49 feet 2 inches) high, down which the conductor should be led to the ground. There should be a circuit which the Committee call circuit de ceinture carried entirely round the enclosing wall to which each conductor should be joined, and a conductor should be carried from the most convenient point of this circuit to the underground water. For middle sized magazines two terminals and supports, and for small magazines one terminal and support will suffice ; but in all cases there should be a circuit de ceintut-e. This need not be deep below the surface, nor covered over ; it may even be in an open gutter, but a conductor must be led from it to the underground water, even if in order to do this it is necessary to carry the conductor several hundred metres or several kilometres. It need not, however, be made of bars and carried all the way in a trench, but it may be made of six wires 6 or 7 millimetres (about '25 inches) in diameter, and carried on posts like telegraph wires, except that they need not be insulated. INSTRUCTIONS by the Committee consisting of MM. ALPHAND, BELGEAND, FIZEAU, Comte du MONCEL, ED. BECQUEEEL, DESAINS, CH. SAINTE CLAIBE-DEVILLE, Due, BALLTJ, MAGNE, DAVIOUD, FELIX LUCAS, and R,. FEANCISQUE MICHEL, appointed to inspect the LIGHTNING RODS on the MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS of PARIS. 20th May, 1875. The Committee find that platinum tips are useless, and recommend instead that the point of the terminal should be made of pure copper, 50 centimetres (19*7 inches) long, and terminating in a cone, forming an angle of 30. This should be scarfed, pinned, and soldered to the end of the terminal. The terminal should be of wrought iron in one length, and where possible galvanized ; but on no account painted. The connection with the conductor should be by a piece fitted and bolted ; and, lastly, the whole joint should be well covered with solder. The Committee consider that on an ordinary building a terminal will effectively protect a cone, having the point for its apex, and a base whose radius is 1*75 of its height. But in practice the terminals H 2 ( 68 ) may be much farther apart, if there is a circuit des faites. This is defined as a metallic conductor, which extends without break over the ridges of all the buildings which it is intended to protect, and which is joined by metallic contact to all the upper terminals and to the conductor, and consequently to the underground water which alone forms the common reservoir. All pieces of metal of any con- siderable size should be connected with the conductor. If the conductor is made of iron bars, they should be galvanized if possible, and the joints should be fitted, bolted, and finally covered with solder. If the bars cannot be galvanized, they should be well painted. The Committee recommend the employment, especially in the circuit des faites, of an arrangement for compensating for the lengthening and shortening of the bars by the variations of tempera- ture. This is made by inserting in the circuit a curved band of copper which will yield to the movement of the rods. If the con- ductor is made of galvanized iron wire rope, each wire should be 2*5 or 3 millimetres ('09 to !! inch) in diameter, and there should be such a number of them that the sum of their sectional areas shall be equal to one-fifth more than that of a bar of iron 20 millimetres (78 inch) square. The rope should be all in one piece, and the joints with the terminal and earth connection should be covered with solder. The supports should not be insulated, and there should be as few as possible of them. At the underground end of the conductor should be fixed a large sheet or hollow cylinder of metal, and this should be always, even in the greatest droughts, plunged at least 1 metre (3 feet 3 inches) into the subterranean water. If from any cause this water cannot be reached, the conductor may be joined to one of the main water-pipes of the city ; but if the conductor cannot be led either to the subterranean water or to a main water-pipe, no lightning-rod should be erected. It would do more harm than good. In the case of buildings of any importance, two or more con- ductors leading to the subterranean water should be employed. It should be so arranged that the underground part and the earth connection may be easily inspected and cleaned from rust, and the whole should be inspected and cleaned at least once a year, at the end of the autumn. The Committee is of opinion that it would be better to put all the lightning-rod work in the hands of special workmen, under the control of an agent appointed by the adminis- tration, and not to trust it to the blacksmiths and locksmiths usually employed. The Committee lastly recommend that they should be permanently appointed, and meet every year after the inspection, to report and decide upon the steps to be taken to remedy any defects that may be discovered. EEPOET by the joint Secretary (FRANCISQUE MICHEL) of the Lightning Rod Committee to the Prefect of the Department of the Seine. This report gives a detailed description of the state of the lightning rods attached to the public buildings of Paris. In most cases the upper terminals were of great length, some of them as much as 9 metres (nearly 30 feet) in height; the conductors ( 69 ) were in almost all cases of iron, either in bars or wire rope ; the earth connections were of various kinds and extent. The report frequently states that the points were blunted; that the upper terminals and the conducting rods were deeply rusted ; that especially at the joints the conductors were seriously deficient ; and that the underground portion was greatly deteriorated by rust. A description is given of an accident from lightning to the church of St. Sulpice ; but this building had no lightning rod. In the case of the church of St. Clotilde there are five upper terminals, two on the two spires, the remaining three along the ridge of the main roof. The building was amply protected as far as its length was concerned, but the transept was not so thoroughly protected. The five terminals were joined to a conductor which went round the building, and was connected with the ground. A second conductor led from one of the terminals to the ground, where it terminated in a second pit. The conductors were made of iron rods 18 millimetres (*71 inch) in diameter, joined by collars and pinned and the whole covered with paint. They terminated in distributors plunged in the underground water in walled pits. They were supported by insulated collars. The building has an iron roof. The church had been struck by lightning at least four times since the lightning rods had been erected. The first time, twelve years ago, the lightning struck the rod placed on the transept, and carried away the platinum tip of the copper point. Since then the rod has received another discharge, and the copper point is bent to the S.W. In Jannary, 187^ or 1873, the lightning struck the western tower, and shattered one of the stones above one of the windows of the staircase. " One of the platinum tips is gone, and many are blunted. The conductivity of the conductor is very bad, and the joints are very much damaged : hence the accident to the tower. The greater number of the glass insulators are broken, or gone altogether." In the case of the church of St. Eloi, which had one terminal on the spire, one conductor, formed of iron wire rope 2 centimetres (78 inch) in diameter, joined at 3 metres (9 feet 10 inches) above the ground to an iron rod 25 millimetres (-97 inch) in diameter, which entered the ground and ended without branches in a pit filled with charcoal. The soil was dry and calcareous. The conductor was made up of many lengths of rope, old pieces apparently having been used : the joints were in bad condition, and needed soldering. The underground part was deeply rusted. " In September, 1874, lightning struck the spire, twisted the con- ductor, broke the terminal, threw down the part above the cross, and made great cracks in the apse." During the building of the Mairie of the 20th Arrondissement, the lightning struck a fir-pole in the scaffolding. It did not do any damage, being carried away by the chain attached to the pole, from which it took all the rust, and being thence conducted by some pieces of iron roof framing lying on the ground. There are several other accounts of accidents, but they are mostly represented by the foregoing examples. .( 70 ) INSTRUCTIONS as to the application of LIGHTNING CONDUC- TORS for protection of POWDER MAGAZINES, ETC. Issued with Army Circulars, dated May 1st, 1875. (Abstracted by Prof. T. Hayter Lewis, F.S.A.) 1. The principles adopted by Sir W. S. Harris, as shown in the Appendices A and B, to this paper, still held to be sound. 2. The terminating plane of action of lightning is sometimes beneath the surface of rarth, which, if moist, forms good medium for diffusion of electricity. 3. Dry soil is to be regarded as non-conducting matter. 4. Therefore conductor to be taken into soil permanently damp. 5-6. Underground magazines are usually in dry soil, and should therefore be fitted with conductors as in the case of similar magazines above ground. 8-9. Casemated batteries of modern construction, with magazines in basement should have conductors on the parapet or terreplein from end to end of battery, attached to vertical conductor into earth. Flag- staff should have conductor. In large works there should be several points 5 feet above top of building. Iron verandahs and railings are good conductors when with good earth connections. 10. Iron buildings are good conductors. But if covered with asphalte, concrete, &c., rods or points must be provided projecting above asphalte, &c., and with good earth connections. Iron shields should be connected with conductors. 11. Copper is recommended as best conductor ; it is not liable to corrosion, and very durable. 12. But if exposed to injury, or likely to be stolen or corroded, copper may be replaced by iron, provision being made for its smaller conductivity viz., ^th that of copper. 13. Copper rods to be -^ inch diameter ; copper tubes to be X J inch thick ; copper bands to be 1| X J inch thick. 14. If the conductor be of iron, solid rods to be 1 inch diameter ; solid bands to be 2 inches wide X f inch. 15-16. The fusing temperature of copper is 1994 Faht. ; whereas that of iron is 2786 Faht. So far there is a marked advantage over copper. But it rusts easily, and then the electrical resistance is im- mensely increased. Roughly speaking, an equal conducting power may be obtained either in iron or copper for the same cost, the number of iron conductors being greater in proportion to the less cost, and the more conductors being the better. 17-19. Expansion and contraction are to be carefully provided against ; e.g. by suitable bends at intervals in long lines of horizontal conductors and by bearing collars, allowing of slip in vertical lines. 20. Soldered or welded joints are desirable, but not absolutely necessary. 21. Gives engravings of connections recommended by Sir W. S. Harris, where soldered joints cannot be used, and which fulfil the conditions specified in sections 17-19. 22. Soldered or welded joints to be used where discharge is pos- sible with unsoldered joints, and likely to ignite dust or inflammable substances near. 23. Iron may be connected by similar joints as for copper, or by screw joints as for gas pipes. No white lead to be used, it being a bad conductor. 24. Iron flat bands may be connected by rivets or screws, working in slots, to provide for expansion, each surface in contact being at least six times the sectional area of band. 25. Copper bands to be similarly connected. Joints between dif- ferent metals may be soldered, screwed, or rivetted, the extent of surface in contact being regulated by the dimensions of the metal of the least conducting power. Access of moisture to surfaces in contact must be prevented, on account of local galvanic action and decomposition. 26. No precise limit can be fixed to protecting power of con- ductors. In England the limit is usually assumed as being the radius of the height from ground. It may be sufficiently correct for practical purposes, but cannot always be relied upon. 27. Conductors do not attract lightning ; they only diminish the resistance due to the air. Even a change in the nature of the soil over which a cloud passes may produce a discharge. 28. One angle of a building may receive a discharge, though another angle have a conductor. So every prominent part of a building containing explosive material should have a conductor. 29. In buildings of uniform height, provide a solid rod 5 feet above it at each end, and at each 45 feet in length ; if the conductor be of iron the top should be gilt. 30. Buildings not over 20 feet long to have one vertical conductor at end, and a horizontal conductor on ridge. 31. If 20 to 40 feet long to have one vertical conductor in centre, and one along ridge, as last. 32. If 40 feet long to have two vertical conductors ; if 100 feet long three conductors ; in both cases with conductor along ridge. 33. Similar principles to be adopted in larger and more complicated buildings. 34. Each prominent part should have a conductor. The value of three or four points to terminals is not apparent unless the points are widely separated. 35. Conductors are to be connected horizontally, e.g., by ridge or eaves, which, when of metal, should be invariably connected with con- ductor. All metal surfaces whatever to be also so connected. 36. Sir W. S. Harris considers the relative conductivity of the several metals as being of lead 1, tin 2, iron 2|, zinc 4, copper 12. So lead cannot be altogether depended on. 37. Avoid long lengths of horizontal conductors without earth contacts, as the currents might leave the conductor, and pass to earth, causing danger. Avoid sharp angles. 38. Good earth connections most important. Conductors are to be led into springs or wells or earth permanently wet. Not into water- tight tanks. Shingle, dry sand, or dry mould are not sufficient. ( 72 ) Provide several earth connections in all large systems of conductors as a precaution. 39. Lead conductors into ground in trenches 18 inches deep. Not less than 30 feet of metal to be in contact with moist earth. 40. Lead a flow of water over trenches if possible, e.g., from rain water pipes. 41. Trenches in rocky or dry soil to be 30 to 120 feet long, so as to> obtain all moisture possible. 42. Connections in trenches may be of old iron, forming continuous metallic surface, the trenches to be filled with cinders or coal ashes. Water pipes form excellent earth connections, but gas pipes are dangerous. 43-44. Frequently inspect conductors, especially as to joints con- necting different metals and defects in iron from rust. 45-46. Galvanize iron, care being taken that the coating is good. 47. Great care to be taken in case of contact of zinc coating with other metals, especially copper. April 8th, 1875. ERED. E. CHAPMAN. Inspector General of Fortifications. APPENDIX A. BY THE LATE SIB W. SNOW HAEEIS, E.R.S. 1. The earth's surface and clouds are the terminating surfaces of electric actions, and buildings, &c., are only points, as it were, of earth's surface in which the whole action vanishes. 2. Electricity when confined to substances resisting its progress, as air, glass, dry wood, stones, &c., exerts a terribly explosive power. 3. But when confined to bodies, such as metals, offering small resistance, its violent expansion or disruptive action is greatly re- duced or avoided altogether, and becomes a continuous current com- paratively quiescent. But if body be small, as wire, it may be heated or fused. B/esistance is so small that a shock has traversed copper wire at the rate of 576,000 miles a second ; resistance increases with length and diminishes with area of section of conductor. 4. So a building metallic in all its parts, or a man in armour is safe. 5. So endeavour to bring buildings into the same passive or non- resisting state as if of metal. 6. So conducting channels of copper should be systematically applied to walls, either in plates united in series one over another, not less than 3^ inches wide and T Vth and Jth of an inch thick, or of stout copper pipe not less than ^ths of an inch thick, and 1 J to 2 inches diameter, fixed to building by braces or copper nails or clamps. Terminals to be solid metal rods, projecting above to a moderate and convenient height. Earth connections to be by one or two branches, leading out about a foot below ground if possible into moist ground, but if dry, use old iron or other metallic chains so as to expose a large metallic surface. 7. All metals in roof, &c., of building to be connected with main conductors ; any prominent chimney to have a pointed conductor taken along it to metals of roof. 8. An electrical discharge never leaves a perfect conductor to pass ( 73 ) to a very bad one, so the apprehension of lateral discharge is absurd. Furious discharges have fallen on the conductors to the masts of H.M. ships, and passed through copper bolts in bottom without injury even to persons leaning against the conductors. 9. Metallic bodies have no specific attraction for electricity more than wood or stone have ; all matter is indifferent so far as regards a specific attraction. Lightning falls indiscriminately upon trees, rocks and buildings, whether with metals about them or not ; e.g., at Plymouth Dockyard in May, 1841, a granite chimney, 120 feet high, without any metal in it, was struck, and yet it was within 300 feet of a clock-tower of equal height, having metal weathercock, a dome covered with metal and large conductor along it to ground. The damage ceased where the chimney passed through a massive metallic roof, having a conductor from it to the ground. Here the lightning fell on a building, which, according to the popular idea, held no " invitation " in preference to a structure which did hold such " invitation." 10. If efficient conductors provide free and uninterrupted course for electrical discharge, it will follow that course without danger ta general structure ; if not, then this irresistible agency will find a course for itself and shake all imperfect conducting matter in pieces in doing so. The great object is to provide a line or lines of small resistance in given directions, less than the resistance in any other line of the building. The conductor no more attracts lightning than a gutter or water pipe attracts a flow of water. 11. It follows that a magazine if of metal would be safer than if built in the usual way. Metallic gutters and ridges, with continuous metallic communications to earth, are unobjectionable. NOTE. It is as wrong to isolate conductors from buildings by glass or resin, as it would be to place rain water pipes 10 feet from the building from which they should carry off the water. An instance is given of an iron conductor which was placed 10 feet from a house, the latter being, notwithstanding, struck at the point nearest to the conductor, which was untouched. 12. Pointed -terminations tend to break the force of lightning when it falls on them. Before explosion a large amount of discharge passes off through pointed conductors. Pointed conductors should be solid copper rods, about J inch diameter, and a foot long, united by brazing to the conducting tube. It is not necessary to gild the points, or form them of platinum. Sometimes even, this would be detrimental, as platinum has only half the con- ducting power of copper. The oxidations of the surface of conductor is of little moment : and in case of copper very trifling. In any case the conducting surface is better than the bad or non-conducting air. The electric telegraph wires work well, though enclosed by gutta percha or other non-conducting matter. It is sufficient if the terminal solid rod be even roughly pointed. But even a ball, a foot diameter, would be a point as opposed to 1,000 acres of charged clouds. NOTE. Experience contradicts the idea that the conductor protects a certain area. The foremast of a ship has been struck, though the mainmast has been protected by conductor. 13. Copper linings to doors and windows of magazines, are not objectionable, but useless for keeping out lightning. They should be connected with the general system of conductors. APPENDIX B. As TO SOLID OR HOLLOW CONDUCTORS. BY SIB W. SNOW HARRIS, F.E.S. 1. A given quantity of electricity melts the same quantity of metal, whether in a solid or hollow form. So far it is immaterial which form the conductor has. But supposing the mass of metal to be so large that the heating effect may be neglected. It is proved that the greater the surface, the less is its intensity or power at any point, the intensity approaching the second power or square of the surface inversely. It is important to give the charge free room of expansion by increasing the surface of conductor, so as to reduce the mechanical activity of shock to the least possible. Rectangular flat bars may be employed. 2. A rain water pipe communicating with main conductor, should have earth connection. All imperfect substances, as masonry, and ship masts, transmit a certain portion of electricity without explosive action. One great use of the conductor is to relieve the wood or masonry of the quantity it cannot discharge without explosion. 3. Conductors of small iron rod or wire are very objectionable. They commonly rust at the joints, and have fallen to pieces, and often been knocked to pieces by lightning. Iron may, certainly, be employed with advantage, but should be galvanized. Zinc is an even better conductor than iron : and being spread over the surface is not open to the objection of making a conductor of two metals of unequal conducting power. A good and efficient conductor might be formed of galvanized iron. It should be of wrought iron, galvanized, of 2 inches diameter, with screwed joints of extra thickness. Copper tubing is, however, always to be preferred. 4. In dry or rocky soil, complete the conductor by leading old iron chains out from the walls in several directions, or by leading a flow of water over tnem. Fortunately a thunder storm is usually attended by heavy rains. The iron chains should extend 30 to 50 feet, and be a foot or 18 inches under ground. The termination in a large surface of moist earth would be preferable to that in a well, as the action is a superficial one of expansion in all directions. In the tin leaf coatings of the electrical jar, the charge is not influenced by the thickness of metal. W. SNOW HAERIS. EEPOET ON THE DESTRUCTION BY LIGHTNING OP A GUNPOWDEE STOEE AT BEUNTCLIEFE, YOEK- SHIEE. BY MAJOR V. D. MAJENDIE, E.A. (Abstracted ly G. J. Symons, F.R.S.) The Gunpowder exploded at 4.30 p.m. on August 6th, 1878, during the greatest intensity of a violent thunderstorm. The building, was brick, with brick arched roof, length 9 feet, width 5 feet, height ( 75 ) 6 feet (internal dimensions). The store had a uniform thickness of three bricks, and was furnished at the one end with an iron door, at the other end with a lightning conductor. The conductor con- sisted of a copper wire rope, 10 gauge copper wire, the rope being iV inch thick, having four points at the top (one large one in the centre, and three smaller ones round it), it extended to about 13 feet above the top of the building, and about the same length was carried into the ground and terminated in a drain. The conductor had been erected in 1876, by Mr. John Bisby, of Leeds, and was fixed to a pole distant about 2 inches from the end of the building opposite to that ui which the iron door was fixed, it was not connected with the iron door in any way. No one was near the store when the powder exploded, and it seems probable that the earth connection of the con- ductor was bad, that the mass of iron in the door offered at least an equally good path and that the gunpowder was ignited by a flash passing between the two imnprf^ct conductors. " The only structural damage effected was produced by the impinge- ment of bricks, which striking with great force, had in a few instances, partially penetrated or displaced brick work in the dwelling-houses and buildings, and a portion of the iron of an iron church was broken by a piece of projected debris. A brick was driven through a window in one of the houses at three hundred yards, and broke a bedstead. As far as I have been able to discover no other structural injury was occasioned. ( 76 ) This accident appears to suggest several conclusions : " In the first place it appears to me to afford a striking confirmation of the principle which has been repeatedly and emphatically enun- ciated by Sir William Snow Harris and other authorities on the subject of lightning conductors, that in order to secure an efficient protection for a given building, all the metal of the building, and as far as possible the whole of the structure itself, should be brought into actual connection with the system of conduction; in other words,, that the general conducting power of the mass of the edifice should be completed, and all attractive and prominent parts allied in one pro- tective combination, so as to " bring the whole v (as it has been expressed by ISir William Snow Harris) " as nearly as may be into- that passive or non-resisting state which " it would assume, supposing the whole were a mass of metal." In the present case, assuming the conductor itself to have been efficient, a point which there seems no sufficient reason for doubting, the system of conduction was ob- viously defective. Not only was the whole length of the building left unprotected, the conductor having been on a pole at one end, and carefully insulated from the building, but the iron door which was at the opposite end, was absolutely unconnected therewith, and was not itself supplied with any earth connection." " It appears clear, therefore, that even what may be deemed per se an efficient lightning conductor, i.e. a conductor, which considered alone, offers a path of little or no resistance even to a powerful electric current, does not afford a reliable protection to a building unless it be scientifically applied, and with due regard to those prin- ciples upon which the more eminent authorities on electrical science are agreed. To a disregard of these principles, especially in respect of the iron door being left out of the system of conduction, and un- connected therewith, I believe the present accident may be attributed." EEPOETS OF COMMITTEES ON THE POWDEE MAGA- ZINES AT PUBFLEET. (Phil. Trans., 1773, p. 42, and 1778, Part I., p. 232.) (Abstracted bij Prof. W. G. Adams, F.R.S.} Report of a Committee consisting of the Hon. Henry Cavendish r Dr. Watson, Dr. Franklin, Mr. J. Eobertson, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Delaval, appointed by the Royal Society, " to consider of a method for securing the powder magazine at Purfleet." A powder mill at Brescia having blown up in consequence of being struck by lightning, the Board of Ordnance applied to Mr. B. Wilson to know in what way the powder magazine could be protected. He recommended that a blunt conductor should be employed, whereas Dr. Franklin recommended a pointed conductor. The Committee met and Dr. Franklin read a paper on the subject, and the report of the Committee was in conformity with Dr. Franklin's views. The Committee went to Purfleet and examined the buildings. They found that the barrels of powder, when the magazines were full, ( 77 ) lay piled on each other up to the spring of the arches ; on each barrel were four copper hoops, which with vertical iron bars formed broken conductors within the building. These iron bars were ordered to be removed. The Committee advised that at each end of each magazine a well should be dug in or through the chalk, so deep as to have in it at least four feet of standing water. From the bottom of this water should arise a piece of leaden pipe to or near to the surface of the ground, where it should be strongly joined to the end of an upright iron bar, an inch and a half in diameter, fastened to the wall by leaden straps, and extending ten feet above the ridge of the building, tapering from the ridge upwards to a sharp point, the upper twelve inches of copper, the iron to be painted. Lead was mentioned for the underground part as less liable to rust, in the form of a pipe as giving greater stiffness for the substance, and iron for the part above ground as stronger, and less likely to be cut away. The pieces of which the bar may be composed should be screwed strongly into each other by a close joint with a thin plate of lead between the shoulders. Each rod in passing above the ridge should be strongly and closely connected by iron or lead, or both, with the leaden coping of the roof, so making metallic communication between the two bars of each building. It was also advised that two wells be dug within twelve feet of the doors, one to the north of the north building and the other to the south of the south building, and that metallic communications be made between the water in them and the leaden coping of the roof. The Board house stood 150 yards from the magazines, on elevated ground, and was a "lofty building with a pointed hip-roof, the copings of lead down to the gutters, from which leaden pipes descend at each end of the building into the water of wells of forty feet deep, for the purpose of conveying water forced up by engines to a cistern in the roof." As to the Board-house, they thought it already well furnished with conductors by the several leaden communications above-mentioned from the point of the roof down into the water, and that by its height and proximity it may be some security to the building below it ; they therefore proposed no other conductor for that building, and only advised erecting a pointed iron rod on the summit, similar to those before described and communicating with those conductors. Mr. Wilson dissented from that part of the Report which recom- mended that each conductor should be pointed, because, he says, " by points we solicit the lightning, and may promote the mischief by draw- ing the charges from charged clouds, which would not discharge at all on the building if there were no points on the conductors/' By experi- ments made and appealed to at the Committee the difference in the effects between pointed and blunted conductors is as twelve to one. Mr. Wilson states that, "A thunder cloud, therefore, if it acted at 1200 yards distance upon a point, would require a blunted end to be brought within the distance of 100 yards, and beyond those limits would pass over it without affecting it at all/' He also says, "The longer the conductors are above the building, the more danger is to be ( 78 ) apprehended from them. I have always considered pointed con- ductors as being unsafe by their great readiness to collect the light- ning in too powerful a manner." Mr. Wilson adds an account of an accident to St. Paul's Church, and some curious reasoning on it in support of his own views. (See Phil. Trans. 1773, p. 5961.) On the 15th of May, 1777, the Board House at Purfleet was struck by lightning, and some of the brickwork damaged (See Phil. Tran., 1778, Pt. I., p. 232). About 6 p.m., after heavy rain through the day, a heavy cloud hung over the house for some time, and Mr. Nickson, who watched it from the house and gives the account, says he suspected that some of the conductors might find employment from it. He had not been long at the window before a violent flash of lightning and clap of thunder, came together. The lightning struck one of the iron cramps that hold the coping, and made a dent in the lead of the cramp and the stone adjoining it, throwing some stone down and slightly disturbing about a cubic foot of brickwork at A. The iron cramp was situated over a plate of lead, and the ends of it, inserted in the stone, came within 7 inches of that plate, which com- municated with the gutter, and served as a fillet to it ; this gutter was part of the main conductor of the building. The lightning struck through the stone, &c., to the corner of the plate, fusing a very small portion of it. i'rom this point no farther effect of the lightning could be traced. At the distance of seven feet and a-half from the place struck, a large leaden pipe went down from the gutter to a cistern of water in the yard. It is remarkable that the surface of one of the hip-rafters, four inches and a-half in diameter, covered with lead (communicating with the gutter), and reaching within twenty-eight inches of the place struck, seems not to have been at all affected. The distance from the point of the conductor on the house to the part struck was forty-six feet. A fresh Committee of the Royal Society, consisting of Mr. Henly, ( 79 ) Mr. Lane, Mr. Nairne, and Mr. Planta, recommended a channel to be made from cramp to cramp round the parapet, filled with lead, and connected in four places with the main conductor on the roof of the building. Mr. Wilson again dissented from their report, and attributed the hanging of a heavy cloud over the house (it being calm at the time) to the presence of the pointed lightning conductor. An account of Mr. Wilson's elaborate series of experiments at the Pantheon on a long cylinder to illustrate the effects of pointed and rounded conductors occupies seventy pages of the Philosophical Transactions ; and another Committee of the Eoyal Society, consist- ing of Sir John Pringle, Dr. Watson, Henry Cavendish, W. Henly, Bishop Horsley, T. Lane, Lord Mahon, E. Nairne, and Dr. Priestley, report in favour of having additional conductors ten feet high, with copper eighteen inches Jong, finely tapered and acutely pointed placed upon the magazines. They conclude that " elevated rods are prefer- able to low conductors terminated in rounded ends, knobs, or balls of metal," conceiving that, the experiments and reasons, made and alleged to the contrary by Mr. Wilson, are inconclusive. Mr. Wilson's objections are again urged by Dr. Musgrave, but called in question by Mr. Nairne (see Phil. Trans., 1778, Pt. 2, p. 823), who makes a series of experiments to illustrate the advantage of pointed conductors. Both Mr. Wilson's and Mr. Nairne's experiments agree in showing that " pointed conductors draw off the electricity from a cloud at a much greater distance than those which are blunted." Mr. Wilson objecting that this draws the charged cloud from a greater distance ; and Mr. Nairne concluding that " a charged body is exhausted of more of the fluid by a pointed than by a blunted conductor," and so is not likely to cause so much damage since it discharges itself more gradually. EXPERIMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS ON ELECTETCITY. BY BENJAMIN FBANKLIN. Fifth edition. London, 1774. (Abstracted by Prof. T. Hayter Lewis, F.S.A.) The author shows that pointed bodies draw off electricity much more effectually than blunt ones. When the land is hot, " the lower air is rarified and rises ; the cooler, denser air above, descends." The clouds meet over the heated place, " and if some are electrified and others not, lightning and thunder succeed, and showers fall." " As electrified clouds pass over a country, high hills and trees, towers, spires, masts, chimneys, &c., as so many points, draw the electrical fire and the whole cloud discharges there. Therefore it is dangerous to take shelter under a tree. It is safer to be in the open fields, especially if the clothes are wet. Metals are fused, possibly without heat ; the lightning creating a violent repulsion of the particles of the metal it passes through. [He afterwards admits this opinion to be erroneous.] ( so ; Describes experiments with sharp-pointed metallic bodies, and says : " May not the knowledge of this power of points be of use to mankind in preserving houses, churches, ships, &c., from the stroke of lightning, by fixing on their highest parts upright rods of iron, made sharp as a needle, and gilt, to prevent rusting ; and from the feet of these rods lead iron wire down the outside of the building into the ground ; or down one of the shrouds of a ship and her side till it reaches the water." " Would not pointed rods probably draw the electrical fire silently out of a cloud before it came nigh enough to strike, and thereby secure us from that most sudden and terrible mischief ?" He mentions the case of the topmast heads of a ship being struck, but having flames upon them like very large torches before the stroke. He thinks that if there had been a good wire conductor from the heads to the sea there would have been no stroke or damage. He records the experiments on the 10th of May, 1752, at Marly, of M. D'Alibard, who placed upon an electrical body a pointed bar of iron 40 feet high. In a thunder storm sparks of fire were attracted from it. Again, at Paris, on the 18th of May, with the same result, by M. de Lor, with a bar of iron 99 feet high upon a cake of resin 3 inches thick and 2 feet square. Similarly in London in July, 1752, by Mr. Canton. He refers to other experiments. He experimented in 1752 with a kite of thin silk (as being able to bear the wet), having a very sharp-pointed wire fixed to its top, above which it rose about a foot. The kite was raised by twine, the part in the hand being made of silk and kept quite dry. The pointed wire will draw the electric fire from thunder clouds, and when the rain has wet (sic) the kite and twine, so that it con- ducts the electric fire freely, they will be electrified, and the electric fire will stream out plentifully on the approach of the knuckle. " Spirits may be kindled, &c., as with a rubbed glass or tube, and thereby the sameness of the electric matter with that of the lightning be completely demonstrated." September, 1752. He erected " an iron rod to draw the light- ning into his house in order to experiment on it." After many experiments, he concluded that " the clouds of a thunderstorm are most commonly in a negative state of electricity, but sometimes in a positive state." The latter, he believed, rare. " So that, for the most part, in thunderstrokes, it is the earth that strikes into the clouds, and not the clouds into the earth." In the contrary (rare) case the cloud was, "1 conjecture, compressed by the driving winds or some other means, so that part of what it had absorbed was forced out, and formed an electric atmosphere round it in its denser state, so communicated positive electricity to my rod." " The electric fluid, moving to restore the equilibrium between the cloud and the earth," takes, in its way, all the conductors it can find (v. page 132 of Franklin's book) as metals, damp walls, moist ( 81 ) wood, &c. and will go considerably out of a direct course for the sake of the assistance of a good conductor." " Explosions only happen when the conductors cannot discharge it as fast as they receive it, by reason of their being incomplete, dis- united, or too small, or not of the best materials for conducting." He supposes that a wire | inch diameter will conduct the electricity of any one stroke of lightning ever known. Iron is the best material, as least liable to fuse. " Pointed rods erected on buildings and communicating with moist earth would either prevent a stroke, or, if not prevented, would con- duct it so that the building should suffer no damage. He gives instances of a small wire acting as conductor and saving the building, though the wire, being too small, was utterly destroyed. His theory as to the crooked course of lightning is as follows : " Who knows but that there may be, as the ancients thought, a region of this fire (electric) above our atmosphere, prevented by our air and its own too great distance of attraction from joining our earth. Yet some of it be low enough to attach itself to our highest clouds," which thence become electrified, &c. " I am still at a loss about the manner in which clouds become charged with electricity, no hypothesis I have yet formed perfectly satisfying me." He describes how he and others have been struck down by electric shocks without feeling pain or sustaining permanent injury. For protecting powder magazines, erect a mast not far from it, and 15 or 20 feet above the top of it, with a thick iron rod fastened to it, reaching down till it comes to water. " In buildings the rod may be fastened to the walls, chimneys, &c., with staples of iron. The lightning will not leave the rod (a good conductor) to pass into the wall (a bad conductor) through these staples. It would rather, if anywhere in the wall, pass out of it into the rod to get more readily into the earth." If the building be very extensive, two or more rods may be placed at different parts for greater security. It is well not to sit near the chimney, or gilt objects, during a thunderstorm. AN ESSAY ON THE CAUSE OF LIGHTNING-, and the manner by which the thunder clouds become possessed of their electricity, deduced from known facts and properties of that matter, to which are added plain directions for constructing and erecting safe conductors. By JOHN SIMMONS. 8vo. 1775. (Abstracted by Prof. T. Hayter Lewis, F.S.A.) "As on the earth the operation necessary for the excitation and collection of the electric fluid is attrition." . . . " So we may ration- ally conclude that attrition is the means of excitation and collection of electric matter in the clouds as well as on the earth." By metallic conductors buildings may be preserved from the effects of lightning F ( 82 ) Electricity ascends from the earth to the clouds by means of moist air. " A conductor is a continuation of metal from a certain height above the highest part of a building to moist earth or water "... " for easy and safe passage of lightning." Metal is the best of all conductors. The author quotes from Franklin " buildings that have their roofs covered with lead and spouts of lead continued from roof into ground to carry off the water, are never hurt by lightning when it falls on such a building." The conductor may be made of any metal, and flat or round. But nowhere less than f inch diameter except at terminal. But iron rusts, so copper or lead should be used. Lead is best, used in strips 4 inches wide and -^th inch thick. G-ood earth contact required in moist earth (going therein at least 5 feet) or water. The several lengths of the conductor must be well in contact by being screwed, if of iron ; soldered, if of lead. The upper terminal to be iron or copper rod 9 or 10 feet long, | inch diameter, and 2 to 5 feet above top of highest chimney or other part of building. It should be pointed as this attracts electricity better. Lead roofs to be connected with conductor. (Examples given of house and ship struck.) No building or object is known to have been struck by lightning within 50 feet of a proper conductor. But a tree has been shivered within 52 feet, so we may conclude that protecting influence extends to 50 feet horizontally in every direction from the point of conductor. In gunpowder stores, conductors are not to be fixed to the build- ings, but at (say) 12 feet away, fastened to a standard, the top being as high above the building as it can be conveniently. No metal on sides or roof of the building is to be exposed to the lightning so as to attract it. A TEEATISE ON ATMOSPHEEIC ELECTEICITT. BY JOHN MURRAY. 1830. (Abstracted by Prof. W. G. Adams, F.R.S.) In Chapter V., on lightning identified with electricity, the author speaks of fireballs and the Aurora Borealis, and ascribes the formation of shooting stars to electrical action. He does not believe they come from distant space into our atmosphere, but regards them as con- cretions formed by a flash of lightning darting through gaseous media and atmospheric air expanded by heat, carrying metallic dust and earthy particles ejected from volcanoes, or carried up by evapora- tion or other causes, and diffused over an immense surface in the upper regions of the air. " The lightning carries, like a ploughshare, the accumulated matter in its progress, and, by the powerful ( 83 ) electrical attraction thus excited, these particles will be drawn into the vortex of the lightning instantaneously ; for, the lightning finally encountering an electricity of an opposite kind, an explosion ensues, and the collected mass is instantaneously fused and agglutinated,, while the meteorite thus formed tumbles to the ground. . . . We therefore do not see the necessity of considering meteoric stones extra atmospheric." In this way John Murray goes on page after page, but the above will probably be sufficient notice of his work. The following are the conditions he lays down for a good con- ductor : 1. A finely pointed summit to oifer an unresisting entrance. 2. A sufficient length to anticipate, as it were, the descending electricity, and receive it on its summit before it could reach any part of the building. 3. A superior conducting power in the material of the rod to facilitate its passage to the earth. 4. A sufficient thickness to prevent its fusion, which, however, will greatly depend on the resistance it has encountered in entering the conductor. And, finally 5. A safe conduction to a well or moist surface below ground. He says : " Let the wires below ground in contact with moisture pass through a cylinder of zinc before they diverge to form the root, the copper wires will in this case always remain free from any oxida- tion." HABBIS'S LIGHTNING CONDUCTOBS. REPOBT to the Com- mittee upon ME. SNOW HAEEIS'S and other LIGHTNING CONDUCTOES. (February llth, 1840. Parliamentary Paper. Pcap. folio). (Abstracted by Professor W. E. Ayrton). Instances are given of ships not provided with lightning conductors being struck and damaged, whilst others lying near, and provided with conductors, were not injured. The question of lightning con- ductors attracting lightning considered, and evidence shown to the contrary. Lateral discharge from a lightning conductor considered. Evidence against it, if only the conductor were continuous and of sufficient size. Faraday considered that a man leaning against one of Harris's conductors when the electricity descended would not be hurt. Proposition to place a globe of glass on the head of the mast in place of a lightning conductor considered, and the conclusion arrived at that it would do harm. Wheatstone stated that " in the Eeport of the Committee of the Academy of Sciences of Paris, appointed to investigate the utility of lightning conductors, there is no instance on record of an iron rod of | inch in diameter being fused or even made red-hot by a flash." Mechanical objections to lightning conductors on ships considered and discussed. Decided that the application of Mr. Harris's conductor tended rather to strengthen than weaken the mast and spars. Then F 2 ( 84 ) follows a large number of letters, giving accounts of -accidents from lightning to ships, &c. Decision arrived at that on the whole Mr. Harris's conductor is the best of those examined. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LEYDEN DISCHARGES AND LIGHTNING FLASHES. BY C. V. WALKER, Hon. Sec. Lon. Electrical Soc. London. 1842. (Abstracted by Prof. T. Hayter Lewis, F.S.A.) The author alludes to the experiments of Franklin, &c. The distance to the lower surface of clouds, observed by Le G-entil and others, shows an average of 1000 to 2000 feet, whereas the greatest length of spark with a large machine is 3 to 4 feet. The inductive action bears some inverse ratio to the distance. Leaves of trees have a remarkable property of silently drawing off electricity. He gives the particulars of a large number of experiments, with arguments thereon, to prove the theory of the difference between Leyden discharges and lightning. Quotes examples of lightning on conductors and buildings to show that the conductor takes part only of the charge, the remainder taking other paths. Contiguous semi-insulated bodies must not be left unconnected with the lightning rod. He quotes, with approval, the advice of Faraday, viz., to tie together with a metallic connection all contiguous readily-conducting bodies. Cites numerous other opinions to the same effect, viz., that all metallic parts of a building should be connected with the conductor. He sums up by stating " that the Leyden charge differs consider- ably not so much in nature as in degree from that of the cloud, inas- much as the proximity of the coatings in the one case is infinitely small compared with the distance in the other," &c. He expresses great confidence in Sir W. S. Harris's system for pro- tecting ships. THE EFFECT OF A LIGHTNING FLASH ON THE STEEPLE OF BRIXTON CHURCH, AND OBSERVATIONS ON LIGHT- NING CONDUCTORS GENERALLY. BY C. V. WALKEB. London. 1842. (Abstracted by Prof. T. Hayter Lewis, F.S.A.) The author refers to Faraday's experiments, as shewing instances of lateral discharge, and says, " unless precautions are taken to prevent its proceeding from a lightning conductor, that instrument literally invites the enemy within doors." He gives detail of the accident at Brixton, there being no lightning conductor. ( 85 ) The stroke did much damage to the steeple and then passed off harmlessly by the metal gutters and rain-water pipes. One side of the steeple was drenched with wet and carried off part of the stroke. He quotes examples of the apparently protective action of high trees. Lofty trees near lofty buildings would materially mitigate, if not prevent, the violence of the stroke. The accident at Brixton shows that the lightning takes not simply the shortest, but, in addition, the largest path. Had the steeple been provided with a lightning conductor outside, passing near the clock face or the bells, or water pipe, it is more than probable that a flash would pass from it to these vicinal conductors. If outside the tower the danger would be greater. He recommends that the metal cross on the steeple be replaced by a stone one, and that the present iron rain water-pipes be connected by copper rods or plates, which are also to be connected with the lead work of roof. The bells are also to be connected with each other and with the conductor. Every bolt-clamp or other piece of metal within " striking distance " of the conductor, unless in direct communication with it, is liable to cause lateral discharge. The odour developed by lightning was, at Brixton, decidedly sulphurous, as a piece of stone which was shattered, by the stroke retained the odour of sulphur distinctly for several hours. ON THE NATURE OF THUNDERSTORMS ; AND ON THE MEANS OF PROTECTING BUILDINGS AND SHIPPING AGAINST THE DESTRUCTIVE EFFECTS OF LIGHTNING, B W. SNOW HARRIS, F.R.S. 1843. (Abstracted by Prof. Ayrton.) The backstroke may do injury, that is, a person may be killed in consequence of a flash of lightning passing between the clouds and the earth at some distance from the person. In the Phil. Trans, for 1787, Mr. Brydone writes to the President of the Royal Society, and mentions the case of two men riding in two carts, the front one drawn by two horses, these horses and the man driving them were killed; the man on the hinder cart and a shepherd at a distance, saw the occurrence and heard a report but observed no lightning. A metallic screen appears to protect the interior from the action of a current, as well as from static induction. Dr. Franklin found he could not destroy a wet rat by artificial electricity, although he could a dry one. The first lightning conductor was erected in England at Payneshill, by Dr. Watson, in 1762. The lightning conductor should expose a large surface, and should be united with all the great masses of metal in its vicinity. For stationary elevations the conductor should consist of solid or tubular rods or flat plates of metal. We must consider the mechanical action ( 86 ) the lightning may produce on the conductor, as well as any possible heating action. Sir W. Snow Harris mentions that there were no signs of fusion in the fragments of the linked brass rod, at Charles Church, Plymouth, torn to pieces in 1824, or in the small pieces of the conductor at the Hotel des Invalides, at Paris, consisting of a strand of twenty iron wires, and which was smashed in 1839. He says the benefical eifect of superficial conductors appears to depend on the removal of the electrical particles further out of the sphere of each other's influences. " Thus we find,"' says Sir W. Snow Harris, " in a variety of cases of damage by lightning that the passing charge, in striking on large expanded sheets of metal has become comparatively tranquil, and has been traced no further, whilst in striking on large masses of metal exposing but a small surface, it has assumed an intensely active state." He goes on to state that the resistance of the conductor must be kept as low as possible, and as neither the resistance nor the heat developed is increased by rolling the wire out into a flat surface, he argues that " there is, consequently, no disadvantage in giving a light- ning rod as much superficial capacity as possible, as regards conduc- ting power, whilst, on the contrary, the diminished intensity attendant on it is very advantageous : this eifect of superficial conductors appears to depend on the removal of the electrical particles further out of the sphere of each other's influence," What quantity of metal is requisite far a Ughtning rod? He con- cludes from the results of a number of accidents that " a copper rod | inch diameter, or an equal quantity of copper under any other form, would withstand the heating effect of any discharge of lightning which has yet come within the experience of mankind," Practical deductions. "From the various enquiries contained in the first 123 pages of this book, we arrive at the following deductions : " 1st. Copper is the best kind of metal for a conductor. " 2nd. The quantity of metal should not be less than that repre- sented by the section of a solid cylinder ^ inch diameter. " 3rd. The metal should be placed under as great an extent of surface as is consistent with strength, and should be perfectly continuous. "4th. The conductor should involve in its course the principal detached masses of metal in the building. " 5th. It should be placed as close as possible to the walls which are to be defended, and not at a distance from them, and be carried at once directly into the ground. "6th. It should be attached to the most prominent points of the building, and if the length be very considerable its dimensions should be increased. " Lastly. In extensive ranges of buildings, all the most prominent parts should have long pointed rods projecting freely into the air, and the greater the range of building the higher they should be. " In particular cases, in which expense must necessarily be con- sidered, wrought iron tubing may be employed ; it should not, however, be less than 2 inches in diameter, and T 3 oths of an inch in thickness." Insulating the lightning conductor from the building is quite valueless. ( 87 ) The method of fixing lightning conductors to ships is explained at considerable length. Range over which the protecting power of the lightning rod extends. Great doubts exists as to the answer to this question, since in many cases one portion of a building has been struck while a lightning rod in good condition existed close by. For example, the powder magazine at Bayonne was 56 feet long, 36 feet wide, covered with thick vaulted masonry and a sloping roof with gable ends, protected by plates of lead ; the gutters were also of lead, and there were the usual spouts for discharging the rain. The lightning rod projected about 20 feet above the building, and was attached to the lead of the roof by a metallic socket through which it passed, and which was soldered to one of the lead coverings. Instead of being carried, however, directly into the earth at the foot of the wall, it was turned outward at about 2 feet from the ground, and being bent at right angles, was continued on semi-insulating posts of wood into a trench filled with charcoal, distant 33 feet from the wall. On the 23rd of February, 1829, the building was struck, the point of the conductor melted, and the leaden plates by which it was attached to the wood posts at the foot of the wall, were more or less torn and perforated by holes. No damage, however, ensued to the building in the course of the conductor. At the south-west corner, a sheet of lead covering the gable end was torn out immediately over a point where two stones of the cornice were united -by an iron cramp. Sir W. Snow Harris considers the possibility of this damage having arisen " from the conductor (in consequence of being continued at so great a distance from the building) not offering a sufficiently easy line of transit for the discharge to the earth," but he rejects this explana- tion and concludes that the damage arose from the lightning striking the building in two points. Again, the Heckingham poorhouse, although armed with eight pointed lightning rods, was struck, in 1787, at a point m, 70 feet from the nearest conductor c. The squares at a, 6, c, d, e, /, g, h, indicate chimneys to which light- ning conductors were attached. The centre range was 108 feet long, the flanks each about 1 60 feet long ; the details of the lightning conductors are not given. One portion of the lightning discharge struck one of the conductors and was carried off by it without damage to the building, one portion struck the building at the point m and and also the shed at s, doing some damage, and a third portion struck the ground immediately in front of the building near a gate, G. The ship ^Etna was struck in 1830 by several heavy electrical discharges when at Corfu. These for the most part passed down a chain conductor attached to the mainmast. One of the discharges, however, struck the ship near the bow, and exploded about 12 feet above the forecastle close to the foremast, knocking people down, &c. The Board-house at Purfleet was a lofty building with a pointed roof, well leaded and connected by lead gutters and pipes with the earth, and with wells 40 feet deep for the purpose of conveying water forced up to a cistern on the roof. It was, therefore, only thought necessary to add an iron spike about 10 feet long to the middle of the highest part of the roof. The building, however, in 1777, was struck and slightly damaged at a point 46 feet from the conductor. Several other examples illustrating how small an area a lightning rod protects follow. Sir "W. Snow Harris further concludes that experience shows that lightning will not leap from a lightning rod to a piece of insulated or semi-insulated metal near it, although a discharge may take place between the rod and a distant metallic mass in connection with the earth, but not otherwise in connection with the rod. He lastly considers the question, formerly much debated as to whether a lightning rod attached to a house will attract to the house a discharge that otherwise would not have struck it, and he concludes that there is no foundation for the erroneous impression that the existence of a lightning conductor can ever cause damage. AN ACCOUNT or THE CHIMNEY OF THE EDINBURGH GAS WORKS. BY G. BUCHANAN, C.E., F.R.S.E. [Proceedings of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 1850-51.] (Abstracted ly G. J. Symons, F.R.S.) This chimney has a total height of 341 feet (329 feet above ground), it is circular; at the top the internal diameter is 11 feet 4 inches, and the external 13 feet 10 inches ; and at the bottom, internal diameter 20 feet, external 26 feet 3 inches. Respecting the conductor .Faraday was consulted, and replied as follows : " The conductor should be of | inch copper rod, and should rise above the top of the chimney by a quantity equal to the width of the chimney at the top. The lengths of rod should be well joined metallically to each other, and this is perhaps best done by screwing the ends into a copper socket. The connection at the bottom should be good ; if there are any pump pipes at hand going into a well they would be useful in that respect. As respects electrical conduction, no advantage is gained by expanding the rod horizontally into a strap or tube surface does nothing, the solid section is the essential element.* There is no occasion for insulation (of the conductor) for this reason. A flash of lightning has an intensity that enables it to break through many hundred yards (perhaps miles) of air, and therefore an insula- tion of six inches or one foot in length could have no power in preventing its leap to the brickwork, supposing that the conductor were not able to carry it away. Again, six inches or .one foot is so little that it is equivalent almost to nothing. A very feeble elec- tricity could break through that barrier, and a flash that could not break through five or ten feet could do no harm to the chimney. " A very great point is to have no insulated masses of metal. If, therefore, hoops are put round the chimney, each should be connected metallically with the conductor, otherwise a flash might strike a hoop at a corner on the opposite side to the conductor, and then on the other side on passing to the conductor, from the nearest part of the hoop there might be an explosion, and the chimney injured there or even broken through. Again, no rods or ties of metal should be wrought into the chimney parallel to its length, and therefore to the conductor, and then be left unconnected with it." In answer to some further inquiry, Professor Faraday again wrote : " The rod may be close along the brick or stone, it makes no difference. There will be no need of rod on each side of the building, but let the cast-iron hoop and the others you speak of be connected with the rod, and it will be in those places at least, as if there were rods on every side of the chimney. " | rod is no doubt better than | inch, and except for expense I like it better. But | inch has never yet failed. A rod at Coutt's * The very reverse of what was formerly held by high authorities. [Note by Editor of Proc. Roy. Scot. Soc, of Arts.] ( 90 ) brewery has been put up at 1| inch diameter but they did not mind expense. The Nelson column in London has ^ inch rod, f is better. " I do not know of any case of harm from hoop-iron inclosed in the building, but if not in connection with the conductor, I should not like it ; even then it might cause harm if the lightning took the end furthest from the conductor." The following paragraph states what was done : " The electric conductor stands 6 feet above the iron top-plate, | -inch round copper, made fast to stone and brick-work with 7|-inch copper holdfasts let 4 inches into the masonry or brick-work, with a head on the inside and an eye on the outside to receive the rod as it was carried up. By these holdfasts an ascent can easily be made to the top by a small tackle suspended to the holdfasts. The conductor is metallically connected to all the iron-work on the stalk the plate on the top, projecting cope, malleable iron hoops, bolts on the top of stone pedestal, and also the ascending chain. The rod descends into a well about 10 feet from the foundation, and is immersed about 8 feet deep in water, and the end turned up 2 feet in a horizontal direction, and flattened." PAPEES relative to SHIPWEECKS BY LIGHTNING, as pre- pared by SIR SNOW HARRIS, and presented by him to the Admiralty. August 5th, 1854. Parliamentary Paper. Ecap. folio). '(Abstracted by Professor W. E. Ayrton). Number of merchant ships destroyed by lightning, loss to the country. Application of lightning conductors to ships in 1820. Mode of applying them. Mechanical difficulties ; how overcome. The saving to the Exchequer which has resulted. Long account of various ships in the Eoyal Navy not provided with lightning conductors, struck by lightning and damaged. Loss of life and injury that has resulted. Long account of ships provided with lightning conductors, and so preserved. Sir Snow Harris states that "although his system of lightning con- ductors ought to guard against all those violent and regular shocks of lightning falling within the ordinary experience of mankind, it is not to be expected that the system could, guard against every possible kind of atmospheric electrical discharge, be the circumstances what they may, such as thunderbolts, fire-balls ; nor is it expected that it should guard against meteorolites, or against sweeping electrical action mixed up with convulsions of nature ; nor can it quiet those minor electrical effects producting electric glow : nor can it always obviate that tre- mendous concussion and expansion of the atmosphere in cases in which a thunder-cloud discharges its lightning in a dense explosion on the masts, and which may rupture, or mechanically tear to pieces, frangible matter." ( 91 ) STATISTICS OF BUILDINGS AND SHIPS STEUCK BY LIGHTNING. BY F. DUPKEZ, MEMBER or THE ACADEMY. [Academic Royale de Belgique, Extrait du Tome 31 des Memoires, 5th December, 1857.] (Abstracted by Professor T. Hayter Leivis, F.S.A.) M. Duprez refers to the Report of a Committee of the Institute of France. (Vide Comptes rendus, 1852-6.) He divides the subject into the following heads : 1. The frequency with which lightning rods are struck. 2. Their terminal points and the effects of the stroke on them. 3. The conductors and their ground connections. 4. The protective power of the lightning rods. 1. Concerning the frequency with which lightning conductors are struck by lightning. The author cites 144 cases of lightning rods having been struck. Of these seventeen were struck two or three times, so that the total number of electric discharges on them was 168, as far as recorded. But very many cases are not recorded at all, e.g., from 1793 to 1813 only two cases were noted. The great number of lightning rods struck would seem at first to support the idea that they attract lightning. But we must compare the number of rods struck with those fixed, and we find from a communication made in 1777 to the Academy of Berlin, that, even then, a large number were fixed to the most important edifices of N. Italy and England. The same in 1784 to those in the ports of France and to the ships in the said ports. In 1794 the fortresses of Russia were ordered to be so protected. In 1769 there were 166 edifices in Hamburg alone, and 104 in its environs, with conductors. If the number of conductors were so great in the last century, we must conclude that the number of those struck must be very incon- siderable as compared with those fixed. In Hamburg, e.g., not one rod is recorded as having been struck. In 1785, Ingen-Housz reports that of all the lightning rods placed by his direction on the Austrian powder magazines and other build- ings only one had been struck. In 1772, Franklin wrote, that during the twenty years in the course of % which lightning rods had been fixed in America he knew of five cases only in which these rods had been struck. Sir W. S. Harris reports in 1854, as the results of twenty-two years' experience, that the number of vessels struck unprotected by lightning rods, as compared with that of vessels protected by his plan, was as three to two. The above show that the idea of danger from lightning rods is not well founded. Besides which it must be remembered that they are frequently placed in the most exposed positions, e.g., of the 144 rods struck, ( 92 ) seventy-four were on ships, and fifteen others on buildings which had been struck before. One would think that the number of terminals placed on a building would diminish the chances of their being struck, but it does not seem to be so; 0.7., twelve buildings in the first list had many terminals communicating with a common conductor or different con- ductors. Yet the lightning struck, with explosive effect, one or other of the rods of these buildings. And in each of two cases the lightning struck at once the three rods fixed to a building. Of the 144 cases above cited : 74 were to lightning rods fixed on ships 30 towers 9 powder magazines 31 ordinary buildings. 144 In forty-four cases where one of Sir W. S. Harris' conductors was fixed to each mast of a ship, the mainmast was struck twenty-seven times ; the foremast was struck fourteen times ; the mizen was struck twice ; both the main and foremast twice. 2. As to the points of the lightning rods struck, and the effect pro- duced, on them. (Sir "W. Snow Harris's system as adopted in the British Eoyal Navy since 1830 is described. They are formed of bands of copper let into the masts. They have no upper terminals or points, and fifty-five are included in the list already quoted of 144 lightning rods struck.) Of the eighty-nine cases remaining in the list, only fifty-one are recorded as having their upper terminals ended with points. Of these, thirty had their points melted to a greater or less extent ; six of them were of copper or brass ; five were of copper gilt or iron gilt ; one was of brass silvered ; and four were of platinum. The others are not distinctly described, and the sizes seldom given. One of brass was 25*4 centimetres (c. 10 inches) long, and 5 milli- metres (ith inch) diameter at its base, and was melted for |th of its length. One of copper was 24 centimetres (c. 9| inches) long, and 9 milli- metres (c. ^rd inch) diameter at base, and was almost all melted. One of platinum was 8 centimetres (c. 3 inches) long, and 1 centimetre (c. ^rd inch) diameter at base. This was melted for a length of 5 or 6 millimetres (c. ith inch.) It results from the above facts that the points of the lightning rods have been much too slender. The Institute of France recommends, therefore, for the points 2 centimetres diameter (c. |th inch) at base, and only 4 centimetres (c. 1| inches) high, with an angle of opening of 28 to 30 degrees. It has been urged, especially in Germany, against the employ- ment of pointed upper terminals that these points are fused by the ( 93 > lightning, this fusion being regarded as dangerous on account of its action on inflammable substances near. As to this, the author cites three cases of buildings set on fire, though protected by lightning rods. But the precise cause of the fire was not ascertained. Several observations show that the melted metal trickled down the side of the lightning rod. At Strasbourg the metal was pressed down on one side, and had bent like wax softened by heat. At other times the lightning dis- perses the melted metal in all directions. (Examples quoted.) With these facts before us we cannot altogether deny that some danger may arise from the fusion of the metal at the point of the terminal. But this danger can be much lessened, if not removed, by adopting the size, etc., of the lightning rods recommended by the Institute of France. Besides fusion, the points sometimes show distinct traces of me- chanical action caused by lightning. The author quotes six examples of this where the points had been curved. This shows the necessity of strengthening the points of the upper terminals. The curvature arises, probably, from the points being much heated by the lightning, and acted on by the wind. One case is noted of a point which had the appearance of having been struck violently by a hammer. Also of one in which the base of a point, where it was screwed to the rest of the upper terminal, was split for a length of 11 milli- metres (c. | inch). Also of a platinum point screwed on the upper terminal (copper), and retained by a pin, where the stroke tore away the pin, the point falling intact at the foot of the lightning rod. 3. Of Conductors of liyhtniny rods struck, and their contact with the ground. The author refers to forty-one cases of lightning rods struck when not on Harris's principle. Of these, 5 were of copper bands soldered together ; 5 were of copper wire either as rope or chain ; 1 was made of bands of sheet iron; 11 were of bars of iron joined by screws or by solder; 3 had pieces of lead between the parts where they were screwed together ; 3 were of simple iron wire, or of rope or chain of iron wire ; 3 were of iron joined together by hooks ; 12 are described as chains (metal not specified) ; 1 is described merely as a conductor. The dimensions of the above are seldom given. The largest bands reported are 16 centimetres (c. 6| inches) in width. The largest bars reported are 55 centimetres (c. 2J inches) in width and 15 centimetres (c. | inch) in thickness. The description of the earth connection is also imperfect. Of eighty-nine lightning rods described as struck, only twelve are noted as having their ends in running water or wells, and one in damp soil. Fifteen simply entered the ground, it being noted expressly of six of these that it was dry. ( 94 ) In three cases were the lightning rods were struck the author found that the part at the base and in the damp earth had terminated in a plate of lead, protected above the ground by a wooden enclosure. Three conductors of ships did not communicate with the sea. Twenty-three cases are noted of ordinary conductors (not on Sir W. S. Harris's principle). The lightning melted, or reduced almost to powder, three. The first was on a house, and was of copper wire, the diameter not known, ending with a chain of iron buried in the earth. The second was on a ship's mainmast,.and was of iron wire 6 milli- metres (c. 5 inch), diameter, 46 centimetres (c. 18 inches) long, folded at their extremities, and united by rings. The third (also to a ship) was a rope of three strands formed in the whole of 60 brass wires, each being one half to two-thirds of a millimetre thick. The two last conductors had their ends in the sea. The parts of these conductors, in place of being soldered or screwed together, were joined merely by hooks and rings like a surveyor's chain. Evidently a bad form as their contact is imperfect. In three other conductors, whose different parts were screwed together with lead between them, the stroke melted the lead. This shows the danger of lead from its fusibility, in addition to its less conducting power. The author gives examples of this, wherein a leaden pipe, 8 centi- metres (c. 3 inches) external diameter, and 13 millimetres (c. k inch) thick, was melted. He quotes Arago as calling attention to the importance of the form of the bends in conductors, abrupt bends being dangerous. Two examples are quoted to prove this, the conductors having been broken by the lightning stroke at a sudden bend. To provide lest the lightning, after having struck the lightning rods, should abandon them for larger masses of metal near them, these masses should be made to communicate with the conductors. Cases are cited where the lightning quitted the conductor and struck metallic bodies near. Also, in respect of painting conductors, the author quotes a case where part of a bell wire adjoined a lead pipe which communicated with the conductor. Part of the wire was painted in oil colour, the other part not. The latter was melted, the first not, but the paint (though otherwise uninjured) had ceased to adhere to it. Three examples are cited of danger from conductors ending in water-tight tanks. In one case the stroke broke the conductor. In another it left the conductor and injured the building. In the third it merely melted the point of the upper terminal. Nevertheless, it often happens that the lightning, in spite of imperfect communication with the earth, disperses itself inoffen- sively. Out of fifteen cases of lightning rods struck, in which the con- ductors were simply buried, more or less, in the soil, they carried off the stroke in eleven without the buildings being injured, or any trace ( 95 ) being left of it, except that the ground was upheaved where the latter was too dry. The French Institute, in their report on the protection of the Louvre, considered it necessary to employ, under certain circum- stances, a conductor with two branches, the one descending into a subterranean source of water, the other communicating simply with the surface of the earth. On the other hand, Arago thought that conductors need not enter the ground, but communicate only with a metallic surface lying on the ground. This view is confirmed by the cases which the author mentions where the surface of the earth being wetted by rain formed a con- ductor. Nevertheless, the two branches are desirable, in case one should fail. Fifty-five conductors on Sir W. S. Harris's system are recorded as having been struck, but the damage was quite trivial. Two electrical phenomena are to be noted as sometimes occurring when a lightning rod is struck. First, when a conductor is formed of metallic plates a peculiar noise is heard like water pouring on a fire. Second (independently of the form of the conductor), electric sparks are emitted from bodies near. The author cites example at Berne, 1815. 4. Protective agency of lightning rods. Out of 168 cases of lightning rods struck (vide page 91) there are only twenty-seven (c. *th) in which the buildings or ships have not been preserved, and of this sixth many of the conductors were im- perfect ; e.g., four terminated in earth which was unusually dry, and two of them were of insufficient size. Another was formed of pieces having their ends hooked. Two conductors ended in watertight tanks. Another was in the form of a surveyor's chain, the parts not being, consequently, in close contact. Others were badly jointed, or had imperfect communication with the ground or with the sea. In two cases the stroke broke the conductor at points where its direction was abruptly changed. In two other cases the lightning Left the conductors struck, and fell upon buildings near without causing damage to those on which the rods were fixed. In the instance of a lightning rod fixed to the mainmast of the Jupiter (1854), the conductor was made of sixty brass wires, one half to two-thirds of a millimetre (0*02 inch) thick, and was broken by the stroke into thousands of pieces. The Institute Committee concluded that the lightning was not conducted by all the wires of the con- ductor. Those which it followed were insufficient to transmit it ; some were melted, some broken. The Committee recommended, therefore, that each metallic wire be tinned separately at the ex- tremity of the conductor, and soldered thereto for a . length of about a decimeter (c. 0*4 inch), so as to form a metallic cylinder. ( 96 ) In the last six cases the particulars of the lightning rods are not given sufficiently to show the cause of their failure, but five are des- cribed as being of chain or ropes of metal wire. It results from the above facts that when the lightning rods have proved insufficient protection, their failure has been owing to defects in their construction ; it is rather surprising to find how well build- ings and ships have been protected, even when the lightning rods have not been well constructed. In, every one of the fifty-five cases where Sir W. 8. Harris's rods were fixed they have protected the ships, except that not having points some slight damage has sometimes occurred to the tops of the masts. This shows their superiority over ropes or chains. Arago thought that lightning rods were protection against ordinary lightning, but not when it assumed the form of fire-balls. The author cites several examples to show that this opinion was not well founded. He considers a perfectly constructed lightning rod to be a perfect safeguard. But he adds that the lightning stroke produces electric disturbances in its vicinity, although the building be intact. He cites an example of this in respect of a prison whose inmates (300) experienced a great enfeebling of their muscular power during some seconds. Very few records exist relating to the area of action of lightning rods, and the elements for determining their protective power are slight. The author gives a table showing the heights of points, horizontal distances, &c., in certain cases, and cites four instances of ships whose foremasts were struck although the mainmasts had light- ning rods, and one where the mizen was struck though the fore and mainmasts were protected. TABLE GIVEN BY M. DUPREZ. Length of upper terminal, or height"! of point above that portion of the p building on which the upper ter- F minal was fixed J IN METRES. IN ENGLISH FEET. 3 1-5 1-5 15-2 a c 3-4 7'6 7'3 1 4th Case. 1st Case. a a 8 232 197 1-5 67 17-4 23 71-2 59-9 5 5 50 Vertical height of point above the 1 place struck .... I Horizontal distance of place struck | ' from the base of upper terminal. J These instances show that we should be misled in considering, as being protected, a circular space whose radius was double the height of the lightning rod. The protected radius appears to be only equal to double the simple height of the upper terminal above any required point, and reckoned horizontally from a point vertically under the conductor. ( 97 ) [It will be observed that M. Duprez here contradicts himself in two consecutive sentences, and in a subsequent part of his work (p. 30) of the Memoir, he again says : " Aucun des cas indiques dans le nume'ro prece'dent n'infirme la regie generalement admise, savoir que la sphere d'action d'un paratormerre s'etend, dans toutes lea circonstances, a un espace circulaire d'un rayon egal au double de la longeur de la tige, c'est-a-dire de la hauteur de la pointe au-dessus de la partie du batiment sur laquelle la tige est fixee." But the table given by M. Duprez gives two instances in which the stroke fell within the radius of once the height. Ed.] RESUME. In the paragraphs which the author numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, he refers to former statements as to the proportion of lightning rods struck, ena, 1777 Mem. sul conduttore Elettrico collocate nella torre della Piazza di Siena. 4to. 36 pp. 1 plate. (Atti dell' Accad. di Siena, vi. 253.) Siena, 1781 Relazione sopra un supposto Fulmine caduto nella Cappella della Piazza di Siena il di 7 Giugno dell' Anno 1784. 4to. 8 pp. (Atti dell' Accad. di Siena, vii. 61.) Siena, 1794 Bartholomei (Glanvilla). Opus de rerum proprietatibus inscrip- tum : ad comunem studioso utilitatem, f ol. (Liber xix.) 1519 Baudisius, A. De lapide Fulminari. 4to. Wittebergce, 1668 Beaufort, Dr. A. de. Notice sur les Paratonneres. 8vo. Chateauroux, 1875 Beccaria, G. B. Lettere dell' Elettricismo. Fol. Bologna, 1758 Delia elettricita terrestra atmosferica. 4to. Turin, 1775 A Treatise upon artificial electricity. 8vo. London, 1776 Beck, D. Fassliche Unterredung, Gebaude vor dem Einschlagen dea Blitzes zu bewahren. 8vo. (Heinsius, i. 210.) Salzburg, 1786 Becquerel, A. C. & E. Traite" de 1'Electricite". 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855-56 (See Official Instructions, France.) Bennet, A. New experiments on Electricity, Thunder, and Light- ning. 8vo. Derby, 1789 Bergman, T. Tal om mojeligheten at forexomma askans skadeliga werkningar. 4to. Stockholm, 1764 Rede von der Moglichkeit des Donners schadlichen Wirkungen vorzukommen. 4to. Stockholm, 1764 Zusatz zu Vorhergehenden, i.e. Wilcke, Bemerkungen bei einern den 30 May, 1769. . . . Donnerschlage. 8vo. 5 pp. (K. Akad. Schwed. Abh. xxxii. 128.) . Leipzig, 177O Bertholon, de St. Lazare. Me"moire sur un nouveau moyen de se preserver contre la Foudre. 4to. Montpellier, 1777 Lettre a M. de la Tourette, sur les Paratonnerres ascendants et descendants de la Ville de Lyon. (Samml. zu Phys. xix. Mai 1782, p. 382.) 1782 Nouvelles Preuves de 1'efficacitd des Paratonnerres. 4to. 28 pp. 3 pjates. Montpellier, 1783 De rElectricit^ des M^t^ores. 2 vols. 8yo. Paris, 1787 Die Electricitat d. Lufterscheinungen. 2 vols. 8vo. Leignitz, 1792 Beyer. On Lightning-conductors, &c. 8vo. 2 editions. Paris, 1806-9 Bianchini, G. An Extract by Rolli, P., of an Italian Treatise, written by Bianchini, J., upon the Death of the Countess Cornelia Zangari ne' Bandi, of Cesena. To which are sub- joined Accounts of the Death of Hitchell, J. (see Hilliard, J.), who was burned to death by Lightning, and Grace Pitt at Ipswich, whose body was consumed to a coal. 4to. 19 pp. (Phil. Trans, xliii. 447.) London, 1744-45 Bianchini, G. F. On the Vertical Rod on the Chateau di Duino in the Friuli. 4to. (Memoir es de I' Acad.pour 1764, edit. orig. p. 44.) Paris, 1764 Bigot, P. Anweisung zur Anlegung, Construction und Veranschla- gung der Blitzableiter. 8vo. Glogau, 1834 Biot. (See Official Instructions, France.) x 2 ( 148 B A B R A R A B It S B R B R R Bladth, P. J. Bericht von zwei Blitz-Schlagen, welche das Schwedische Schiff Stockholms-Schloss in Ost-Indien, 1777, getroffen haben. 8vo. 14 p.p. (Neue Schwedische Akademie Abhandlung, i. 1780, p. 97) Translation. Leipzig, 178O Blagden & Nairne. Proceedings relative to the Accident by Lightning at Heckingham. Keport to Koyal Society. (Phil. Trans.} London, 1782 Blesson. Verbesserung an Blitzableitern. Verhandl. des Vereins zur Beforderung des Gewerbefleisses in Preussen. Jahrg. 1831, 250. 1831 Bockmann, J. L, Ueber Blitzableiter. Eine Abhandlung auf hochsten Befehl bearbeitet. Neue Auflage von Wucherer. Carlsruhe, 1830 Ueber Blitzableiter. 3 Auflage von G. F. Wucherer. 8vo. Carlsruhe, 1839 Bodde, J. B. Grundziige zur Theorie der Blitzableiter. 8vo. 84 p.p. Munster, 1809 (Anderson says also " Munster. 1804.") Boddingtqn. An accurate Statement of Facts relative to a Stroke of Lightning which happened on the 13th April, 1832. 8vo. London, 1832 Bodino, J. Universae naturae theatrum in quo rerum omnium Effectrices cause et fines quinques libris discutiuntur. 8vo. 633 pp. Lugduni, 1596 Boeckmann, J. L. Ueber die Blitzableiter. Eine Abhand. auf hochsten Befehl des Fiirsten. 8vo. 80 pp. Carlsruhe, 1791 Bona e Corner. Eelazione dell' andamento ed effetti del Fulmine che colpi il Campanile . . . di S. Francesco della Vigna (in Venezia), 1'anno, 1780, 24 Maggio. 4to. 8 pp. Venezia, 178O (This title is abridged from that of an official report made by Bona and Corner, officers of Artillery.) Bonjean, J. Met6orologie ; effets produits par un coup de foudre. 8^0. Chambery, 1848 Bottis, G. Breve relazione degli effetti di un Fulmine che cadde in Napoli il mese di Giugno del presente anno 1 774 ; e alcune ^considerazioni sopra i medesimi. 4to. 27 pp. Napoli, 1774 Boildin, M. Histoire physique et Medicale de la Foudre, et de sea effets sur 1'homme, les animaux, les plantes, les edifices, lea navires. 8vo. 31 pp. (Ext. Annales d' Hygiene, #c.) Paris, 1854 De la Foudre considered au point de vue de 1'Histoire, de la Medecine legale, et de THygiene publique. 8vo. 50 pp. Paris, 1855 Histoire de la Foudre et des Paratonnerres. 8vo. 57 pp. cuts. (Ext. Annales d' Hygiene.} Paris, 1855 Bourges. Rapport sur les travaux de 1'Acade'mie, Seance 1837, 22 Sept. 8vo. (Seances de VAcad'emie de Bordeaux pour 1837, p. 83.) Bordeaux, 1837 Note. Contains notices of two memoirs, as replies to a prize question on Lightning-conductors. The first is an anonymous one, which. speaks of the forms of roofs and of metallic masses spread over the edifice, &c. The second is by Mermet, of Pau, who received a gold medal, but not the prize.. Bragadin (or Anonymous). Dubbii sulP efficacia de' Conduttori elett. 8vo. 122 pp. 1 plate. Venezia, 1795 Eisposta delP autore dei Dubbii sull' efficacia dei Conduttori, alia giunta al Giornale Astrometeorologico del . . . Toaldo. 8vo. 31 pp. Braun, A. A. Ueber zwei am 26 Juli bei Berlin v. Blitz getroff . Eichen. Berlin, 1869 Breitinger, D. Reflexionen ob es wohl gerathen ware, Strahlen- ableiter in unserer Stadt Zurich einzufiihren. Zurich, 1776 Nachricht iiber das Eiuschlagen des Blitzes in einen Wetter- ableiter, nebst Berichtigung einiger Begriff e iiber die Wirkung der Ableiter. Zurich, 1786 ( 149 ) R A B A B S C A (117) S (132) S C (89) S B S B B AS (128) S B A B A CAS (103) Breitinger, D. Ragguaglio d'un Fulmine caduto in un Conduttore. 4to. 3 pp. (Opuscoli Scelti, ix. 210.) Milano, 1786 Instruction fiir die jenigen, welche sich mit der Verf ertigung und Visitation der Blitzableiter beschaftigen Zurich, 1825 Instruction liber Blitzableiter im Canton Zurich. 4to. Zurich, 1830 Brewster, Sir D. On the Life Boat, the Lightning-conductor, and the Light-house. 8vo. (North British Review, xxxii. 492, November, 1859.) 1859 Bright, E. B. Lightning Conductors, (Mech. Mag., lix. 246.) 1853 Brook, A. Miscellaneous experiments and remarks on Electricity 4to. Norwich, 1789 Brooks, D. Facts and inferences relating to Lightning and Light- ning Eods. 8vo. 16 pp. Philadelphia, 1872 Lightning and Lightning Rods. (Journal of the Franklin Institute.) Ixvi. 4. 1873 Atmospheric electricity. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878 Brough. R. S. Protection of Buildings from lightning. 4to. (Lithographed.} Mustoorie, 1878 Brown, R. Disputatio Philosophiea De Fulmine. 4to. 16pp. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1692 Buchanan, G. An account of the chimney of the Edinburgh Gas Works. 8vo. (Proc. Roy. Scot. Soc. Arts.} Edinburgh,\S5\ Buchenail, F. Mittheilungeu liber einen interressanten Blitzschlag in mehreren Stieleichen. 4to. 15 pp. Dresden, 1867 Bucher. Einige gegen die Gewitterableiter gemachte Einwiirfe beantwortet. 8vo. Frankfort, 1790 Buchner, 0. Die Construction und Anlegung der Blitzableiter. zum Schutze aller Arten von Gebauden, Seeschiffen, and Tele- grafenstationen ; nebst Kostenvoranschlagen. 8vo. 152 pp. mit einem Atlas von 6 Foliotafeln. Weimar, 1867 De blikseinafleiders, door C. J. v. Doom. 8vo. Haarlem, 1867 , Die Construction. 8vo. 2nd Ed. 8vo. Weimar, 1876 iJuissart. Memoire sur les divers Avantages qu'pn pourroit retirer de la Multiplicity des Conducteurs Electriques, ou Paraton- nerres. Lu a 1'Acad. d'Arras. 24 Avril, 1781. (Saumlez, Phys. Supplem. 1782. xxi. pp. 140-48) 1782 Mdmoire juridique sur les Conducteurs Electriques. (From Van Swinden, p. 137 ; Van Troostwyk and Krayenhoff, p. 241.) Bunsen, J. Versuch, wie die Meteora des Donners und Blitzes des Aufsteigens der Dlinste, inch des Nordscheins, aus elektr. Versuchen. herzuleiten und zu erklaren. 8vo. Lemgo, 1753 Burnaby, A. Voyages dans l'Ame*rique Septentrionale, Traduit de 1' Anglais. (Conductors melted by Lightning.) . Lausanne, 1778 Burt. Miscellaneous Scientific papers. 1861-65 Busse, F. G. von. Beruhigung liber die neuen Wetterableiter. 8vo. 62 pp. Leipzig, 1791 Beschreibung einer wohlfeilen und sichern Blitzableitung, mit neuen Griinden und Erfahrungen. 8vo. 1 plate. Leipzig, 1811 Butschany, M. Dissertatio de Fulgure et Tonitru ex PhaBno- menis Electrieis. 4to. pp. 1 et 2. (Poggendorff, i. 353.) Gottingen, 1757 Der Blitz entsteht nicht durch Entziindung einiger brennbaren Theilehen die in der Luft schweben, und ist auch kein Feuer. (Beitrage zu Hannov. Magazin, 1761.) Hanover, 1761 Eine Unvollkommenheit d'er Blitzableiter, nebst ihrer Ver- beaserung. 8vo. (From Poggendorff, i. 353.) Hamburg, 1787 Cagniard de Latonr. (See Official Instructions, France.} Callaud, A'. Trait^ des Paratonnerres. Large 8vo. Paris, 1874 ( 150 ) B A B B A B (70) B B B B B B BC B B (117) B B Camerer, J. W. Uber das Einsehlagen des Gewitters auf zwei mit Blitzableitern versehenen Hausern. (Tubing. - Blatter, 1815, Bd. ii.) Tubing, 1815 Cardanus, G. De fulgure. Liber untis. Fol. (Cardani Geronimo Opera omnia. 10 vols. folio, vol. ii.) Lugd. 1663 Castelll, C. Dissertazione sull' origine delle straordinarie meteore dell' anno 1783, e sulla maniera d' impedire i fulmini e le grandini. 8vo. (From MS. Catalogue, Padua Academy.} Milano Cavallp, T. A complete Treatise on Electricity. 8vo. (Many edi- tions.} London, 1777, &C. Cerini. G. Impossibility fisico-chimica del paragrandine. Milano, 1821 Chamberlayne, J. On the effect of Thunder and Lightning at Stampford Courtney, in Devonshire. 4to. (Phil. Trans. 1712.) London,, 1712 Chantrel. Ueber Blitzableiter. (Polyt. Journ., Ixxxvi. 179.) 1842 Chapman, Sir F. E. Instructions as to the application of Light- ning Conductors. 8vo. (Army Circulars.) 1875 Chappe, D'Auteroche. Observations sur Forage du 6 Aout, 1767, et d'un coup de foudre qui s'est eleve de la terrasse de 1'Observatoire. 4to. (Mem. de Paris, 1767, Mem. p. 344.) Paris, 1767 Voyage en Calif ornie pour 1'Observation de Ve*nus sur le disque du Soleil le 3 Juin, 1767. . . . Redige' et publi<3 par M. Cassini fils. 4to. 170 pp. 4 plates. (On Lightning (as ascending), p. 31, and reference to the same subject in his^ Voyage en Siberie). Paris, 1772 Voyage en Siberie. (Pogg. i. 420, says 3 vols. 4to.) Paris, 1763 Chevallier, J . G. Instruction sur les paratonnerres. Paris, 1823 Chigi, A. Lettera ad un amico sopra il Fulmine caduta, 18 Aprile, 1777, nella spranga. . . . torre del Palazzo. . . . di Siena. Siena, 1844 Cliiminello, V. Risposta . . . al commento . . . nel Gior- nale Astrometeorologico, 1806, del Sig. G. Scaguller, 12mo. 24 pp. (On Lightning Conductors.) Venezia, 1806 Precauzione d'applicare il secondo conduttore oyvero rEnris- sario per preservare gli edifizii dai Fulmini. (Giornale Astro-meteorologico, 1806.) Padova, 1806 Cllinale e Compa. Paragrandine. Istruzione. 8vo. 25 pp. 1 plate. (Estratti del Propagatore.) Torino, 1828 Clark, Latimer. On the Storms experienced by the Submarine Cable Expedition in the Persian Gulf, 1869. (Jour. Met. Soc.) 8vo. London, 1873 Clerc. Compte-rendu. ler Se'mestre de 1819. 8vo. (Lyon'$ Acad. Compfes-rendus.) Lyon, 1819 Note. Mention of a work received from le Comte de Lezai-Marnesia, . . . sur les Paratonnerres et ls Paragreles N. D. Close, D. Passage d'une lettre . . . sur les effets de la Foudre sur la chaine du paratonnerre d'un vaisseau. 8vo. 2 pp. (Toulouse Acad. 4e se"rie, tome iv. p. 483.) Toulouse, 1854 Cohn, F. Ein interessanter Blitzsehlag beschrieben. 4to. 2 plates. Acad. Leap. 1856, vol. xxvi. part i. p. 177.) 1856 Die Einwirkung des Blitzes auf Baume. 4to. (Acad. Leap, f) Colladon, D Memoire sur les effets de la Foudre sur les arbres et les plantes ligneuses, et 1'emploi des arbres comnie parraton- nenes. 4to. Geneve, 1872 Collin et Fils. Paratonnerres. (Extract from Catalogue.} 4to. Collinder. De fulguribus. 4to. (From Watts.} Upsal,I686 Contessi, M. Disquisizione sui paragrandini. 4to. 26 pp. Treviso, 1826 B B B B B S B B B A B B B B A B B B 8 & Costantini, GK A. (?) Difesa della . . . Sentenza che i Ful- mini discendono dalle nuvole . . . Eiflessioni. 4to. 184 and 12 pp. Venezia, 1749. Cowper. (Poet.) Letter to Tilloch, from J. S. S., containing an Extract from the 3rd vol. p. 178, in a letter to the Rev. John Newton, of Cowper's Correspondence as published by Hayley. This extract contains an account of two Fireballs which burst " on the steeple, or close to it," at Olney. 8vo. (Phil. Mag. xix- 296.) London, 1804 Crause (Krause), R. W. De fulmine tactis. Jena, 1694 Creese, GK De Fuimine. 4to. (From Watte.) Amtterdam, 1659 Crosse, A. Memorials of the late. 8vo. London, 1857 D'Abbadie. (See Abbadie, D'.) Dalibard, M. Histoire abre'gee de FElectricite". 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1766 D'Allteroche. (See Chappe D'Auteroche.) Davies, E. An account of what happened from Thunder in Car- marthenshire ; partly from the woman's mouth that suffered by it, partly from what was observed by others ; communi- cated to the Royal .Society by Eames J., as he received it in a letter from Davies E., dated Pencarreg, Saturday, Dec. 6, 1729-30. 4to. 5 pp. (Phil Trans, xxxvi. 444.) London, 1729-30 Daviet de Foncenex, F. R^cit d'une foudre ascendante e"clate"e sur la tour du fanal de Villefranche. (JSiblioteca oltramontana, 1789.) 1789 Davy, Sir H. Preservation from Lightning.. {Portable conductor.} 8vo. 1 p. (Phil. Mag. lix. 468.) London, 1822 De Fonvielle. (See Fonwelle, De.) De Fremery. (See Fremery, De.) De La Pylaie. (See La Pylaie, De.) De La Rive. (See La Rive, De.) Delaval, E. H. An account of the effects of Lightning, &c. 4to. (Phil. Trans. 1764.) London, 1764 Delia Bella, G. Trattato sopra 1'utilita dei conduttori elettrici. (Pogg. i.139.) Noticias historicas, e praticas a circa do modo de defender os edificios dos outrages dos raios. 8vo. Lisboa, 1773 Dell'Acqua, C. Norme pratiche per ben costruire ed. applicare i Parafulinini. 4to. 37 pp. 1 plate (lith.) Milano, 1859. Dempp, K. W. Vollstandiger Unterricht in der Technik der Blitzableitersetzung. 8vo. Munchen, 1842 De Romas. (See Romas, De.) Des Cartes Renati. Principia philosophise. 4to. 316 pp.. Amstelodami, 1650 Despretz. (See Official Instructions, France.) De St. Lazare. (See Bertholon de St. Lazare.} D'Hombre Firmas, L. A. Effets de la Foudre. (Resume des travaux de I'Academie de Toulouse pendant 1839-40-41.) Toulouse, 1843 Dietrich, P. F. von. Sur les conducteurs des Edifices anciens. 4to. (Schrift. Gesellsch. naturf. Fr. in Berlin, xxv. 1784.) Berlin, 1784 Dingley, R. Vox Coeli, or Observations of Thunder. Sm. 8vo. Divisch, P. "Erfand einen Wetterableiter. Beschrieben in Pelzel's Abbild, bohm u. mahr. Gelehrt. Bd. Hi." (Front Poggendorf, i. 580.) Dove, H. W. Ueber Electricitat. 8vo. Berlin, 1848 Dralet. On a Trombe, with thunder, &c. Toulouse, 1830 ( 152 ) B It B B S B B A S B A B A 8 8 A B B B S Drefrble, C. Einkurtzer Tractat von der Natur. Der Elementen und wie sie den Wind Regen Blitz und Donner verorfachen. 12mo. 25 pp. Franckfurt, 1628 Duhamel. (See Official Instructions, France) Dujardin, C. Trait6 e'le'mentaire de 1'Electricite' extrait en partie du grand ouvrage de M. Becquerel, et renfermant un Article pratique sur les Paratonnerres par M. Gay-Lussac. S.A. 12mo. Paris. Dnlong. (See Official Instructions, France.} Du Moncel, T. The'orie des eclairs. 8vo. 46 pp. Cherbourg, 1854 Notice historique et th6orique sur le tonnerre et les eclairs. 8vo. 54 pp. Paris, 1857 Expose" des applications de 1'Electricite'. 5 vols. 1872-78 Dupin, C. Observation s ^au sujet du Rapport sur 1' Etablissement de Paratonnerres a bords des Vaisseaux. (Compt. Rend., xxxix, 1159.) 1854 Du Prez, F. Memoire en re"ponse .... sur 1'electricite" de 1'air. 4to. Bruxelles, 1843 Statistique des coups de foudre qui ont frappe des paraton- nerres. 4to. Bruxelles, 1859 Du Tour, E. F. Memoires sur les effets electriques du tonnerre tombe* pres de Bioin en Auvergne. 4to. (Mem. de Paris, an, 1766, Hist. p. 37.) Paris, 1766 Eberhard, J. P. Vorschlage zur bequemern und sicheren Anlegung der Pulvermagazin. 8vo. Halle, 1771 Edmonds, R. On the two great thunderstorms, with extraordinary agitations of the sea in 1846. 8vo. Eeles. H. Letter concerning the cause of Thunder. 4to. (Phil. Trans. 1752, p. 524.) London, 1752 Eisenlohr, W. Anleitung z. Ausfiihrung u. Visitation d. Blitz- ableiter. 8vo. Carkruhe, 1848 Second edition, with 3 plates. Carlsruhe, 1867 Eitelwein, J. A. Kurze Anleitung auf welche Art Blitzableiter an den Gebauden anzulegen sind. 8vo. Berlin, 1802 Elice, F. Lettera sulla niuna influenza del suono delle campane per attrarre il fulmine. Genova, 1817 Influenza delle campane sul fulmine. 8vo. 3 pp. Bibl Ital. xxxii. 423.) Milano, 1823 Osservazioni sull' Istruzione di Parafulmini approvata dalla R. Acad. delle Scienze di Parigi il di 23 Aprile 1823 e pubblicata nel 1824. 8vo. 8 pp. Genova, 1826 -Lettera del . . . F. Elice . . . al sig. C.F. 8vo. 3 pp. (Bibl. Ital. xlv. 136.) Milano, 1827 Note. On the 'effects of lightning on the tower of the lighthouse at Genoa, Jan. 4th, 1827. Istruzione sui Parafulmini. Lettera . , . al P. C. Dentone. 8vo. 24pp. <7era>vrt, 1839 .,, Istruzione sui Parafulmini ; lettera . . indirizzata al Pittore C. Dentone. Seconda Edizione con aggiunte dell' autore. 8vo. 32 pp. Genova, 1841 Osservazioni sui Parafulmini. Luglio 1843 e Nota sulla con- ducibilita -di parecchi metalli per 1'elettrico, e proposta di fare le punte dei parafulmini di palladio. 1 Agosto 1843. 8vo. 11 pp. Genova, 1843 Ellinger, A. Beitrage zur Erlauterung d. Vorstellung von Wetter- wolken und Blitzen. (Munchen Denkschr. 1803-6.) Munchen, 1803-6. Englefield, Sir H. C. Some particulars respecting the Thunder- storm at London and in its vicinity on the 31st of August, 1810. 8vo. 4 pp. (Phil. Mag. xxxvi. 349.) London, 181O Esefoecius, J. S. De fulmine et tonitru. 4to. 1659 ( 153 ) B R R B C s A 8 A B B Be S (79) Esser, Ferd. Abhandl. iib. Blitzableiter. 8vo. Munster, 1785 Fait, E. Mac. (See Macfait.) Falconer, "W. Observations on the knowledge of the ancients respecting Electricity (Memoirs of the Literary and Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. iii. p. 278.) 8vo. Warrington, 179O Felbiger, J. I. von. Die Kunst Thuerme, oder andere Gebaude, vor den schadlichen Wirkungen des Blitzes, durch Ableitung zu bewahren (angebracht an einem Thurm). 8vo. 110 pp. 1 plate. Breslau, 1771 Wie weit gewahren wohl Gewitterableiter, Sicherheit fiir um- stehende Gebaude ? Pressburg, 1787 Felkel, A. Wahre Beschaffenheit des Donners. Wien, 1780 Ferguson, J. An introduction to electricity. (3rd ed.) 8vo. London, 1778 Ferguson, R. M. Electricity. 12mo. 1871 Ferri, P. Riflessioni sopra gli Argomenti addotti dal . . . Maffei . . . intorno la Formazione del Fulmine. 4to. 52 pp. Vicenza, 1748 Fiedler. K. G. Merkwiirdige Blitzschlaege. 8vo. (Gilb. Ann. Ixviii.) 1846 Fiedler, K, W. Ueber Blitzrohren in Deutschland und Ungarn. Fischer, D, Relatio de fulgure tonitru et fulmine. De insolito quodam phsenomeno Kesmarkiui die 10 Aug. 1717. Breslau Fischer, J. B. De foeno sub combustione per fulminis ignem in massam seu scoriam calcariam redacto. 4to. (Nov. Act. Acad. Nat Cur. iii. 1733.) . Breslau, 1733 Follini, GL Sul passaggio del fulmiue . . . delli 6 Agosto, 1795, nel Tempio di S. Andrea in Vercelli. 8vo. 49pp. 1 plate. Vercelli, 1795 Fonda. Sopra la maniera di preservare gli edifizii dal Fulmine. Roma, 1770 Fonveille, W. de. Eclairs et Tonnere. 12mo. Paris, 1867 Thunder and Lightning (translated by Phipson). 8vo. London, 1868 Eclairs et Tonnerres. 8vo. Paris, 1869 De FUtilite, des Paratonnerres. 8vo. Pans, 1874 (See Official Instructions, France.} Forbes, Eli. An account of the effects of Lightning on a large rock in Gloucester, in a letter . . . to . . . M. Cutler, (dated July 3, 1783). 4to. 4 pp. (Mems. of the American Acad., Old Series, i. 253, part ii.) Boston, 1785 Forster, B. Description of an electrical instrument called " The Thunder-storm Alarum." 8vo. 2 pp. 1 plate. (Phil. Mag. xlvii. 344.) London, 1816 Forster, T. On simultaneous Thunder-storms. 8vo. 2 pp. (Phil. Mag. Ix. 195.) London, 1822 Fournet, J. Sur la distribution des coups de foudre a Lyon. 8vo. Lyon, 1852 Fowler, T. A remarkable cas o*f the morbid effects of Lightning successfully treated. (Medical and Philosophical Commentary by a Society of Physicians in Edinburgh, vol. vi.) Edinburgh. Franklin, B. Experiments and Observations in Electricity made at Philadelphia, in America. 8vo. London, 1751 Experiences et Observations. 12mo. 1752 Letter from Dr< B. Franklin to D. Hume, Esq., on the method of securing houses from the effects of Lightning. 8vo. 15 pp. Edinburgh, 1771 Experiments and Observations. (5th edition.) 4to. London, 1774 ( 154 ) B B, C S Franklin, B. Experiments on the Utility of long-pointed Rods for securing Buildings from damage by Strokes of Lightning. London, 1779 Me'moire sur la maniere d'armer d'un conducteur la cathe"drale de Strasbourg et sa tour. 8vo. 1780 Entered in the Eouald's Catalogue, under Barbiere de Tinan, but is signed by Franklin. (See Official Instructions, France.) Frecksel. Bemerkungen iiber Blitzschlage. 1819 Frost, A. J. Catalogue of books and papers relating to Electricity, &c., compiled by Sir Francis Eonalds, F.R.S. 8vo. xxvii. 564 pp. London, 1880 Fremery, N. CDe. Dissertatio philos. inauguralis de Fulmiue. 4to. Lugd. Batav., 1790 Fresnel. (See Official Instructions, France) Fuchs, J- C. Von einem merkwiirdigen Wetterschlage in Potsdam. (Allemeueste Mannigfaltigkeiten, 1782.) 1782 Zusatze und Erganzungen der Nachricht von einem merkwiir- digen Wetterschlage in Potsdam. . . . (Allerneueste Mannigfaltigkeiten, J. ii. Th. iii.) Gallitzin, D. A. F. Observations sur les conducteurs. Addressee al'Acad. de Bruxelles; July 6, 1778. 4to. 10 pp. 1 plate. La Haye, 1778 Garipuy. Me*moire sur un coup de Tonnerre arrive* pres la ville de Castres . . . Reflexions sur les conducteurs electriques. (Lu 1 1 Avril, 1782.) 4to. (Toulouse Acad. Ire aerie, torn. ii. p. 188. Toulouse, 1784 Gattoni, GK C. Lettera all editore sui Fulmini di Ritorno. (Data Como, 15 Luglio, 1808.) 4to. 14 pp. 1 plate (lith.). (Nuova Scelt. d'Opusc. ii. 289 & 310. Milano, 1807 Gavarret, J. Traits' d'Electricite. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1857-58 Lehrbuch d. Electricitat. ( Translated by Arendt.) 2 bde. Leipzig, 1859-60 Gay-LllSSac. (See Official Instructions, France.) Gersdorf. v. Ueber die atmospharische Electricitat. Gorlitz, 1802 Gilbert^ I. A method of affording relief to persons injured by Lightning. In a letter from Mr. Isaiah Gilbert to the Rev. Mr. Steele. 8vo. 2 pp. (Phil. Mag. xvii. 306.) London, 1803 Gilii, F. L. Memoria fisica sopra il Fulmine Caduto in Roma sulla casa dei P. P. Filippini di S. Maria in Vallicella, detta comunemente la chiesa nuova nel di 26 Novembre, 1781. 12mo. 28 pp. Roma, 1782 Breve ragionamento sopra il conduttore . . . inualzato sulla Basilica di Sta. Maria degli Angioli. 8vo. 22 pp. Roma, 1793 Gilly und Eytelwein. Kurze Anleitung, auf welche Art Blitz- ableiter an d. Gebauden anzubringen sind. 8vo. 3 plates. Berlin, 1798 Kurze Anleit. &c. (Blitzableiter). 8vo. 3 plates. erlin,l802 Kurze Anleit, &c. 3e Ann. 8vo. Berlin, 1819 Gineau. (See Official Instructions, France.) Giorgi, E. Ueber Blitzableiter. ( Vide Majocchi Annali, viii. 178. Grav J- W. & Son. Lightning, its destructive action on buildings. J 8vo. London, 1875 ? Green, W. P. Selection of papers on the subject of fixed Lightning Conductors to the masts of H.M.'s Navy, constructed so as to pass from the truck to the keelson . . . illustrated by en- gravings, &c. 8vo. London, 1824 On Lightning Conductors for Ships. 1828 , Precautions to avoid accidents by Lightning. 8vo. 1837 ( 155 ) B R A R R B A R R A B B R R R S S Greimble. Dissertatio physica de genu progressu et effectibtis fulminis. 12mo. Agust. Vind. 1759 Grenet, E. Construction des Paratonnerres. 8vo. Pans, 1873 Grimm, J. Uber die Namen des Donners. Eine academische Ab- handlung vorgelesen am 12 Mai, 1853. 4to. 28pp. erlin,I855 Gross, J' F. Grundsatze der Blitzableitungskunst gepriift, und durch einen merkerwiirdigen Fall erlautert. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben von J. F. W. Widenmann. 8vo. 228 pp. 1 plate. Leipzig, 1796 Guazzi, A. Transunto del Ragguaglio d'un Fulmine caduto presso Casalmaggiore con danno di tre persone 4to. 3 pp. (Opusc. Scelt. xiv. 301.) Milano, 1791 Guden. P. P. Von der Sicherheit wider die Donnerstrahlen. 8vo. 200 pp. Gottingen, 1774 Gutle und Luz. Unterricht vom Blitz und den Blitz-und-Wetter Ableitern, zur Errinerung und Beruhigung sonderlich der ungelehrten, und des gemeineu Mannes von F. Luz neu bear- beitet von J. K. Gutle. Erster Theil. 8vo. 222 pp. 1 plate. Nurnberg, 1804 Gutle, J.C. Lehrbuch der praktischen Blitzableitungskunst . . . als Fortsetzung der " Theoretischen Blitzableitungslehre." 8vo. 446 pp. 16 plates. Numbery, 1804 Algemeine Sicherheitsregeln fur Jederman bey Gewitter. 8vo. Numberg, 1805 Fasslicher Unterricht wie man sich bei Gewittern yor den . . . Wirkungen des Blitzes ohne Blitzableiter sicher . . . verwahren kann. 8vo. 140 pp. Nurnberg, 1805 Neue Erfahrungen iiber die beste Art Blitzableiter anzulegen. 8vo. Nurnberg, 1812 Neue wissenschaf tliche Erfahrungen, Entdeckungen und Verbes- serungen, &c. 8vo. 272 pp. 4 plates. Munchen, 1826 Hachette. J. N. P. Sur la formation des tubes fulminaires. 8vo. (Ann. de Chim. xxxvii. 1828.) Paris, 1828 Haidinger, W. Bitter Von. Niedrigste Hohen von Gewitterwolken (Zwei Falle in Erinnerung gebracht.) 8vo. 10 pp. (Aus den Sitzungsberichten 1 852, der k. Akad. der Wissenschaf ten abge- druckt. Vol. ix. ii. Heft.) Wien, 1853 Die siidwestlichen Blitzkugeln am 20 Octbr, 1868. Nachtrag zu der Mittheilg. am 5 Novbr. 8vo. 2 pp. (Sitzb d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Dec. Heft. 1868 Iviii. Bde.) Wien, 1868 Ein kugelformiger Blitz am 30 Aug. 1865, gesehen zu Feistritz bei Peggau in Stiermark. 8vo. 4 pp. (Sitzb. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Dec. Heft. 1868, Iviii. Bde.) Wien, 1868 Hajingi,B. KEPATNOAOriA $TSIKH. Seu Disquisitio de Fulmine Naturalis. 4to. Giesses Hassorum, 1660 Hallencreutz, D. Beobachtung an Gewitterwolken welche Blitze gegen einander geben zu Pello innerhalb des Polarkreisea. 8vo. 3 pp. 1 plate. (K. Schwed. Akad. Abh. xxxv. 85.) Leipzig, 1773 Halley. E. Observation sur les coups de Tonnerre multiplies et extraordinaires. 4to. (Mem. de Paris, 1731. Hist. p. 19.) Pam,1731 Hamberg, H. E. Om den s. k. luftelektriciteten. 8vo. Hannemann, J. L. De fulminis effectu miro. (Miscell. Acad. Nat. Cur.} 1685 Hare. R. Ueber die Ursachen, warum Wetterableiter in einigen Fallen nicht schiitzen, und die Mittel dieselben vollkommen schiitzend zu machen nebst einer Widerlegung der herrschen- den Idee dass Metalle die Elektricitat vorziiglich anziehen. Aus. Gill's Technological Repository, Nov., 1827, im Polyt. Journ., xxvii. 268. 1828 ( 156 ) It C A S B A B B 8 B A B 8 C 8 B A B S (83) B B BOAS (85) Harris (afterwards Sir), William Snow. Electrical Conductors for Ships. Experiment in Plymouth Harbour. 8vo. 7 pp. (Phil. Mag. Ix. 231.) London, 1822 Observations on the effects of Lightning on floating bodies, &c., with an account of a new method of applying fixed and con- tinuous Conductors of Electricity to the Masts of Ships. Letter to Sir T. B. Martin. 4to. 89 pp. 5 plates. London, 1823 Note. The illustration accompanies plate i. The lines on the paper originally consisted of gold leaf. ... A discharge has been paused over the gold leaf to show by its deflagration the course of the electric matter. On the relative powers of various metallic substances as Con- ductors of Electricity. Read Dec. 14, 182(5. 4to. 7 pp. 1 plate. (Phil. Trans.} London, 1827 On the utility of fixing Lightning Conductors on Ships. 8vo. 23 pp. Plymouth, 183O A series of papers on the defence of Ships and Buildings from Lightning. 8vo. 46 pp. (Nautical Magazine, xxv.) London, 1835 Inquiries concerning the elementary laws of electricity. 4to. London, 1836 A series of three Papers, termed Illustrations of cases of dcimage .by Lightning in the British Navy. (Nautical Magazine for 1838.) London, 1838 On the Protection of Ships from Lightning. (Annals of Electricity, ii. 81.) 1838 State of the question relating to the protection of the British Navy from Lightning, by the method of fixed Conductors of Electricity, as proposed by Mr. Snow Harris. With appendix. 8vo. Plymouth, 1838 History of 220 ships struck by Lightning. 1839 On Lightning Conductors, and on certain principles in Electrical science; being an investigation of Mr. Sturgeon's experi- mental and theoretical researches in Electricity, published by him in the Annals of Electricity, &c. 8vo. 12 pp. 1 plate. (Phil. Mag. for Dec., 1839, p. 463.) London, 1839 Copy of the report and evidence from the Commission ap- pointed to inquire into the plan of W. S. Harris, relating to the protection of Ships from the effects of Lightning. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, llth Feb., 1840. Folio. 96 pp. 12 plates. London, 1840 State of the question relating to the protection of the British Navy. 8vo. 1840 On the course of the Electrical discharge, and on the effects of Lightning on certain ships of the British Navy. 8vo. (Edinb. and Lond. Phil. Mag., Feb. and March, 1840.) London, 1840 On Lightning Conductors, and the effects of Lightning on H.M.'s ship " Rodney " and certain other ships of the British Navy ; being a further examination of Mr. Sturgeon's Memoir on Marine Lightning Conductors. 8vo. 12 pp. I plate. (Annals of Electricity, iv. 484.) London, 1840 On the supposed Electro-magnetical effects of Marine Lightnin g Conductors. (Nautical Magazine, Enlarged Series, No. 2, vol. for 1841) 1841 Observations on the action of Lightning Conductors. (Proc. London Elec. Soc. for 1842.) London, 1842 On the effects of Lightning on the British ship " Underwood' 1 8vo. 8 pp. (Nautical Mag. for June, 1842.) London, 1842 On the nature of Thunderstorms, and the means of protecting Buildings and Shipping against ... Lightning. 8vo. London, 1843 ( 157 ) B B 8 B 8 R B B B B B B B B 3 (90) Harris, W. S. A theoretical and practical view of Thunderstorms, and the protection of Buildings and Ships from Lightning. London, 1843 On Damage by Lightning in the British Navy. 8vo. 66 pp. {Extract from the Nautical Magazine, 1843.) London, 1843 Brief history of 220 Ships. 8vo. 1844 Meteorology of Thunderstorms at Sea, with analytical deduc- tions ; and a history of the effects of Lightning on 210 ships of the Royal Navy. 8vo. London, 1844 Note. The first part was printed in the " Nautical Magazine " after the second part, containing the history of cases, had been completed. The first part has 1 8 pp. ; the second part is entitled, " Damage by Lightning in the British Navy," and has 66 pp. Remarkable instances of the protection of certain Ships of H.M.'s Navy from the destructive effects of Lightning; collected from various authorities. 8vo. 18 pp. Plymouth, 1844 Remarkable instances of defence of certain Ships of the Royal Navy from the destructive agency of Lightning, with practical and theoretical deductions. London, 1846 Letter to the Secretary of the Incorporated Society for Building Churches, &c., on the Preservation of Public Buildings from Lightning. 8vo. Plymouth, 1847 A Public Official Letter to the India Board, dated June 21, 1847, relative to a Board Order requiring all Transports to be fitted with his Conductors. 1847 History of 220 ships of the Royal Navy. 8vo. 1847 Remarkable instances of the protection of certain Ships . . . from the destructive effects of Lightning. 8vo. 61 pp. 2 plates. London, 1847 Instructions for the application of permanently fixed Con- ductors in H.M.'s ships, drawn up for the use of H.M.'s dock- yards. Printed by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. . London, 1848 Letter to the Earl of Wilton on returns . . . relative to ... fixed Metallic Conductors employed in H.M.'s Navy. 8vo. 35 pp. Plymouth, 1849 Letter on the Preservation of Public Buildings from . . . Lightning (revised) addressed to the . . . Society for building Churches, &c., dated December, 1847. 8vo. 12 pp. London, 1850 On the relative Cost and Efficiency of permanent and temporary forms of Lightning Conductors as applicable to the defence of the Royal Navy. 8vo. 27 pp. Plymouth, 1850 Remarkable instances of the Preservation of certain Ships of the Royal Navy from Lightning. Abridged from Official and other authenticated Reports. 8vo. 19 pp. Plymouth, 1850 Destruction of Merchant Ships. Shipwreck by Lightning. 8vo. 6 pp. (Nautical Magazine for November, 1852.) London, 1852 Papers relating to Harris's Lightning Conductors and the de- structive effects of Lightning on Ships. Fol. 11 pp. 2 plates. London, 1852 Papers relative to Harris's Lightning Conductors, Appendix, with Addendum of 1 sheet. Fol. 37 pp. London, 1852 , Review of the History and Progress of the general system of Lightning Conductors ... in the Royal Navy. 8vo. 10 pp. (Reprinted from the Nautical Magazine for March. 1853.) 1853 , Shipwrecks by Lightning. Copies of papers relative to Ship- wrecks by Lightning as prepared by Sir Snow Harris, and presented by him to the Admiralty. Fol. 82 pp. 5 plates. London, 1854 ( 158 ) A B B S Harris, W. S. On the relative cost and efficiency of Lightning Conductors. 8vo. 1859 A treatise on Frictional Electricity. (Edited by C. Tomlinson.) ,8vo. London, 1867 Harting, P. Notice sur un cas de formation de fulgurites et sur la presence d'autres fulgurites dans le sol de la Neerlande, 4to. Amsterdam, 1874 Hartmann, J. F. Verbesserter Versuch seines kiinstl. elektr. Blitzes. 8vo. (Hamb. Mag. xxiv. 1759.) Hamburg, 1759 Gedanken iiber den Ursprunz der Luftelektricitat bei Gewittern. 1763 N"ewen Erklarung der Entstehungsart der Donnerwetter. ( Gb't- tingischen gemein, Abhandl. von J. 1775.) Gottingen, 1775 Harward, S. A Discourse of the several Kinds and Causes of Lightnings, written by occasion of a fearefull Lightning which, on the 17th day of Nouember, Anno Dora. 1606, did in a very short time, burne vp the spire steeple of Bletchingley, in Surrey, and in the same melt into fragments a Goodly Ring of Bells. 4to. London, 1607 Hassencamp, J. M. Wie ein Ort durch Wetterableiter su sichern. Rinteln. 1782 Von den grossen Platzen d. Strahlableiter, u. ihrer vortheil- haftesten Einrichtung zur Beschiitzung ganzer Stadte. Rinteln, 1784 Hauch, A. W. von. Von der Luftelekt. besonders mit Anwendung auf Gewitterableiter. 8vo. Kopenhagen, 180O Helll. Anleitung zur Errichtung und Untersuchung der Blitz- ableiter fur Bauverstandige, Bau- und Feuerbeschauer und Gebaude-Inhaber. 8vo. 54 pp. Stuttgart, 1827 Heinrich, P. Ueber die Wirkung des Geschiitzes auf Gewitter- wolken. 4to. Neue Abhandl. der JBaierischen Akad. Philos. v. p. i.) Miinchen, 1789 Helfenzreider, J. E. Verbesserung der Blitzableiter. 8vo. EiMadt, 1783 Vorschlag . . . die Blitzableiter zu verbessern. 8vo. 15 pp. Salzburg, 1785 A new invention in Lightning Conductors. 8vo. (Abhand. eine Privat-Geselkchaft, vol. i. No. 12.) Miinchen, 1792 Handgriffe bey Errichtung eines Blitzableiters von verbesserter Art. 8vo. (Abhand. einer Privat-Ges. in Ober-Deutschland, Th. i. p. 193.) Miinchen, 1792 Helmuth, J. H. Von d. wohlthatig. Erfindung d. Blitzableiters. (Braunschw. Anzeig, 17 . 7, S. 55.) 1777 Helvig, C. G. Bemerkungen iiber Blitz und Donner, nebst Ver- muthungen iiber das Entstehen der Luft-Erscheinungen. 8vo. 32 pp. 1 plate. (Gilbert's Ann. d. Physik. li. S. 2, S. 10.) Leipsig, 1815 Hemmer, J. J. Beschreibung einiger merkwiirdiger Wetterschlage. 4to. (Commentat. Acad. Theodoro-Palatince iv. Phys. p. 87.) Mannheim, 1780 Zergliederung des bestandigen Elektrizitats-Tragers. 4to. Commentat. Acad. Theodoro-Palatince iv. Phys. p. 94.) Mannheim, 1780 Kurzer Begriff u. Nutzen d. Wetterableiter, u. s. w. 8vo. Dusseldorf, 1782 Kurzer Begrifl und Nutzen der Blitzableiter. 8vo. Mannheim, 1783 Kurze und deutliche Anweisung wie man, durch einen in jedem Orte wohnenden Schmied, oder andere in Metall arbeitende Handwerker, eine sichere Wetterableitung mit sehr geringen Kosten in allerhand Gebauden anlegen lassen kann. 8vo. Friedrichstadt,n83 ( 159 A S B B B S B B A B B s B s BOAS B A [emmer, J. J. De fulminis ictibus in campanas, quse pulsantur, ubi electricitas nubium ac fulininis theoria, nova et uberiore luce perfunduntur. 4to. (Commentat. Acad. Theodoro- Palatince v. Phys. p. 237.) Mannheim, 1784 Uber d. Glockenlauten bey Gewittern. 4to. (Commentat. Acad. Theodoro-Palatince v. 1784.) Mannheim, 1784 Anleitung Wasserableiter an alien Gattungen von Gebauden auf die sicherste Art anzulegen. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1786 Anleitung Wetterableiter . . . anzulegen. 8vo. Offenbach, 1786 Anleitung Wetterleiter . . . anzulegen. 2nd edition. 8vo. 232 pp. Mannheim, 1788 Verhaltungsregeln wenn man sich zur gewitterzeit in keinem bewaffneten gebaude befindet. Mannheim, 1789 Unterr. z. sicherst Anleg. d. Wetterableiter. (99) 8vo. Mannheim, 1808 in unbewaffneten Mannheim, 1809 Kathgeber wie man sich vor Gewittern Gebauden verwahren soil. 8vo. 1 plate. Conductorum fulmineorum vim egregiam tribus recentioribus exemplis docet. 4to. (Commentat. Acad. Theodoro-Pala- tince vi. Phys. 516.) Marinheim, 1790 Nachricht von den in Kurpfalz angelegtern Wetterleiten. 4to. (Commentat. Acad. Theodoro-Palatince iv. Phys. p. 21.) Mannheim Enarrationes conductorum fulminis superiorequinquennio variis in locis a se positorum. 4to. {Commentat. Acad. Theodoro- Palatince v. Phys. p. 295.) Mannheim, 1784 lenley, W. An account of the death of a person destroyed by Lightning in the Chapel in Tottenham Court Road, and its effects on the building; as observed by Mr. Wm. Henley, Mr. Edward Nairne, and Mr. Wm. Jones. 4to. 8 pp. 1 plate. (Phil. Trans. Ixii. 133.) London, 1773 Experiments concerning the different efficacy of pointed and blunted rods in securing buildings against the stroke of Lightning. 4to. (Phil. Trans., 1774, p. 133.) London, 1774 Eenry, J. Method of protecting from Lightning buildings covered with metallic roofs. 8vo. (Proc. of Amer. Phil. Soc. iv. 179.) 1845 Eeport concerning a letter of S. D. Ingram to K. Patterson re- lative to the effect of Thunder on Telegraphic wires. 8vo. 9 pp. 1846 Directions for constructing Lightning Rods. 8vo. Washington, 1871 Instructions for observations of thunderstorms. 1 p. (Smithsonian Institution.) Hepburn, J. S. Should Lightning Conductors terminate in a point or in a ball ? (Proc. Roy. Scot. Soc. Arts.) 8vo. Edinburgh, 1855 Hericard de Thury. De 1'influence des arbres sur la foudre et ses effets. 8vo. 1838 Herlicius D. (Herlich, &c.) Tractatus de f ulmine et aliis impres- sionibus, prodigiis et miraculis. Vom Blitz, Donner und allerlei Feurzeichen, u.s.w. 4to. Starg, 1604 Hervieu, . Essai sur 1'e'le'ctricite' Atmospherique. 8vo. 1835 Highton, E. Effects of Atmospheric Electricity. 8vo. 1847 Hilliard, J. Account of Fire from Heaven burning the body of J. Hitchell, of Christchurch, and fearfully burning the town of Dorchester. 4to. London, 1613 Holtz W. Uber die Theorie, die Anlage, und die Priifung der Blitzableiter. 8vo. Grief swald, 1878 ( 160 ) (99) S B A B A S (111) S (115) S (117) S (114) S S (119) S 3 B B S C 8 Hooke, R. The Posthumous works of, containing his Cutlerian Lectures, and other discoveries. Published by Kichard Waller^R.S. Sec. Fol. 572pp. 1 plate. London, 1705 Hoppe.M. Uber das Gewitter. 4to. 18pp. (Program des Furst- Lich. Hedwigschen Gymnasium, in Neustettin ... 10 und 1 1 April 1 865.) Neustettin, 1865 Homer, J. K. Bemerkungiiber Blitzableiter u.s.w. Zurich, 1816 Hugueny, F. Le coup de foudre de File du Ehin. 4to. Strasbourg, 1869 Imliof, M. Uber das Schiessen gegen heranziehende Donner- und Hagel-Gewitter. (Read 28th March, 1811.) 4to. 24 pp. Miinchen, 1811 Theoretisch prakt. Anweisung zur Anlegung der Blitzableitern. 8vo. Miinchen, 1816 James, J. O. N". Memorandum on the Thunderstorm which passed over Calcutta 8th June, 1871 (Proc. Asiatic Sue. Bengal.) 8vo. Calcutta, 1871 Jarriant. Nouveau Paratonnerre accept^ par 1'Academie des Sciences. 8vo. Paris, 1877 Etude sur les Paratonnerres. 8vo. Paris, 1878 Johnston, W. P. Report on the Lightning Conductors at Dum Bum, Calcutta. 4to. Calcutta, 1878 Jungnitz, L. A. Uber d. Erfolg. d. Blitzfeuer auf d. Schneekoppe. 8vo. Breslau, 1805 Darstell. d. Erfolgs d. auf d. Schneekoppe v. H. v. Lindener 1805 augestellten u. an mehreren Orten beobachteten Blitz- feuer. 8vo. Breslau, 1806 Karsten, Gr. Ueber Blitzableiter und Blitzschlage in Gebaude welche mit Blitzableitern versehen waren. 8vo. Kiel, 1877 Gemeinfatzliche Bemerkungen ueber die Elektricitat des Gewitters und die Wirkung der Blitzableiter. 1st edition. 8vo. Kiel, 1879 2nd Edition. 8vo. Kiel, 1879 3rd Edition. 8vo. Kiel, 1880 Kirchhoff, N. A. J. Zuriistung, die Wirkung der Gewitterwolken darzustellen. 8vo. (Gott. Mag. J. i. 1780, St. ii. pp. 322-26). Gb'ttingen, 1780 Beschreibung einer Zuriistung, welche die anziehende Kraft der Erde gegen die Gewitterwolke, &c. . . . beweiset . . . nebst e. Beschreib. versch. . . . Maschin. 8vo. 56 pp. 1 plate. Berlin, Nicolai, and Hamburg,, 1781 Kirchmaier, G. 0. De fulmine et tonitru. Viteberg, 1659 Kirchvogl, A. B. Dejiaturaelectr. aereae. 8vo. 1767 Klasen, L. Die Blitzableiter in ihrer Construction und Anlage. 8vo. 74pp. Leipzig, 1879 Klein, H. J. Das Gewitter und die dasselbe begleitenden Ers- cheinungen. 8vo. Gratz, 1871 Klllgel, G. S. Beschreib. d. Wirkung. ein. heftig. Gewitters d. 12 Juli 1789 zu Halle, nebst Erklarung d. Entstehung d. Ge- witters. 8vo. 64 pp. Halle, 1789 Koenig, J. G. De Fulmine, Fulgure, ac Tonitru Hiemali. 4to. Norica, 1706 Krayenhoff, Baron. Handleiding tot het stellen van Bliksem- afleiders. 8vo. Nijmegen, 1836 Krull J. G. Versuche zur Bestatigung der Meinung, dass die elek- trische Materie mit der Materie des Donners und Blitzes eine gross Aehnlichkeit habe. Hannover, 1752 Kllhn K. G. Ueber Blitzableiter. " In d. Gelehrt Anzeigen d. konigl. bayer Acad. von. 1851 u. 1852;" or in "Astronom Kalender 1850-52. 1851-2 Note. It seems uncertain to which this entry belongs. (134) S Kuhn, K. G. Handbuch der angewandten Elektricitatslehre. Part I. Ueber Blitzableiter. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866 Bemerkungen ueber Blitzschlage. 8vo. Munchen, 1867 lib. d. Anordnung v. Blitzableitern, f. Pulvermagazine. Munck,, 1867 Kyper (Kieper), A. Disp. de fulmine quod a. 1636 . . . turrim nitrariam aulicam Regiomonti percussit. 1637 Lampadius, W. A. Ueber die Electricitat der Atmosphare. Berlin, 1793 Versuche und Beobachtungen iiber Elektricitat und Warme der Atmosphare. 8vo. Leipzig, 1805 Bin Schneegewitter und ein Vorschlag zur Vervollkommung der Blitzableiter. (Gilberts Ann. der Physik, xxix. 58.) 1805 Lamy, F. Conjectures physiques sur deux colomnes (sic} de Nue qui ont parus depuis quelques anne"es ; et sur les plus extra- ordinaires effets du Tonnerre ; avec une explication de ce qui s'est dit jusqu'icy des Trombes de mer ; et uue nouvelle ad- dition, ou Ton verra de quelle maniere le Tonnerre tomb4 nouvellement sur une Eglise de Lagni a imprimS sur une nappe d'autel une partie considerable du Canon de la Messe. I2mo. 241 pp, 3 plates. Paris, 1689 A German account of the extraordinary effects of Lightning at the Church of Lagni, printed in the Hamburg Mag. iii. 226, and taken from Lamy's French work, "Conjectures Phys.', . . . dated 169fr, 12mo. is. given in Bauer, Abhandl. 1770, p. 161. Note. This German, account contains a copy of " la partie considerable du Canon de la Messe," which was found printed by lightning upon the altar-cloth, and also of certain parts in red ink not thus reprinted. Lacoine, E. Establissement de la formule relative au rayon Jl 5 A -J.' J J ._/'"? TTT7_ J _*> /"v _ J_ _ 1 -I nr\/\ \ d' Action des paratonnerres (L'Electricite, October, 1880.) Paris, 1880 Landriani, M. Gli effetti del Fulmine caduto la sera del 25 Agosto, 1780, nel campanile e Monastero di S. Vincenzo al Castello in Milano. ^ 4to. 6 pp. (Opus. Scelti, iii. 328.) Milano, 1780 Dell' utilita dei Conduttori elettrici. 8vo. 304 pp. 1 plate. Milano, 1784. Abhandlung vom Nutzen der Blitzableiter. Auf Befehl der Guberniss herattsgegeben. Aus dem Italianischen von G. Muller. 8vo. Wien, 1786 Altra ricaduta del propagatore . . . ossia ultima risposta contro la difesa dei Paragrandini. Lettera all' Ateneo di Veueeia. 8vo. 60 pp. Milano, 1826 Langenblicher, J. Richtige Begriffe vom Blitz und von Blitz- ableitern. 8vo. Augsburg, 1783 Langlois, E. H. Notice sur 1'incendie de la Cathe"drale de Rouen occasioiine par la foudre, le 15 Septernbre, 1822. 8vo. Rouen, 1823 (This Cathedral is reported to have been struck by Lightning in 1110 1117, 1284, 1351, 1625, 1627, 1642, 1768 and 1822.) Lanteires, J. Essai sur le Tonnerre conside"re dans ses effets moraux sur les hommes,et sur un coup de foudre remarquable; suivis des notes communiquees a 1'auteur par M. le Pro- fesseur Saussure, a Geneve. 8vo. Lausanne, 1789 La Place. (See Official Instructions, France.) S ! Lapostolle. Trait^ des Parafoudres et des Paragreles en cordes de paille. 8vo. 320 pp. &c., also 3 supplements. Amiens, 1820 Trattato sul modo di preservare le abitazioni dal Fulmine e le campagne dalla Grandiue. Opera volgarizzata da Bodei. 8vo. 189pp. 1 table. Milano, 1821 Ueber Blitz-und hagelableiter an Stroh-Seilen. 8vo. 54 pp. Wiln. u. Prag, 1825 L ( 162 ) S B S B s B B B B S c s B 8 B B B A La Pylaie, De. Effets extraordinaires de la foudre. 8vo. 1849 La Rive, De. TraitS de 1'Electricite*. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-58 Treatise on Electricity (translated by Walker.) 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1853-58 Laroque. Note sur des Eclairs de forme inusitee, observes a Toulouse pendant Forage du 16 Juillet, 1850. 8vo. 3 pp. (Toulouse Acad. 3e Serie, vi. 349.) Toulouse, 185O Lathrop, Dr. J. Fatal effects of Lightning. In a letter to ... Joseph Willard. 4to. 7 pp. (Mem. Amer. Acad. Old Series, ii. pt. ii. p. 85.) Charleston, 1804 An account of the effects of Lightning on the house of Jn. Mason, in Boston, in a letter to Joseph Willard. 4to. 4pp. (Mem. Amer. Acad., Old Series, ii. pt. ii. p. 91.) Charlestown, 1804 Effects of Lightning on several persons in the house of Samuel Cary, of Chelsea, August 2, 1799, in a letter to John Davis. 4to. 4 pp. (Mem. Amer. Acad. Old Series, iii. pt. i. p. 82.) Cambridge, U.S., 1809 Effects of Lightning on the house of Capt. D. Merry, >and several other houses in the vicinity, on the evening of the llth May, 1805, in a letter to John Davis. 4to. 6 pp. (Mem. Amer. Acad. Old Series, iii. pt. i. p. 86. Cambridge, U.S., 1809 Lane, J. GK De telo fulmineo. 4to. Lipsice, 1706 Lee, A. An Account of the effect of Lightning on Two Houses in the city of Philadelphia, in a letter from A. Lee to James Bowdoin (dated July 29, 1781). 4to. 6 pp. (Mem. Amer. ^Acad. Old Series, i. 247, part ii.) Boston, U.S., 1785 Lehaitre. Une instruction the"or. et prat, sur les Paragreles. Bourg, 1825 Leigh, J. Directions for ensuring personal safety during storms, and for the right application of Lightning Conductors. 6th Edition. 12mo. London, 1835 ? Leithead, W. Electricity, its nature, operation, and importance. 12mo. London, 1837 Le Normand, L. S. Sull' utilita dei Parafulmini e Paragrandini per ragricoltura. Seconda edizione. 8vo. 19 pp. Milano, 1823 Lenz. Sur Combien de pieds Carre's de la surface de la toiture doit- on, en construisant un Paratonnerre, e'tablir un Conducteur a terre ? Bullet, de la Classe phisico-mathematique de VAcad. Imperiale de St. Petersbourg, xv. 63. 1856 Le Roy, J' B. Lettera al Rozier su i Parafulmini. 4to. 2 pp. (Scelta d'Opuscoli, Nuova ed. ii. 222. Translated by Fro- mond. It was printed in the 12th in ed. 1776, vol. xviii. The original French version in the Journ. de Phys, vol. ii.) Milano. 1782 (See Official Instructions, France) Leschevin. Memoir upon a process employed in the ci-devant Maconnais of France, to avert showers of Hail and to dissi- pate Storms. By M. Leschevin, Chief Commissary for Gun- powder and Saltpetre at Dijon. (From Millin's Magazin Encyclopediquefor 1806, torn. ii. p. 5). 8vo. 7 pp. (In Phil. Mag. xxvi. 212.) London, 1807 Leslie, Sir J. On the Inefficacy of Lightning Conductors. (From Arella, who says that this statement appears in Fernsac, Scienzejisiche matemat. 1829, p. 130.) 1829 Lezay - Marnezia, C. F. A., Marquis de. Sur les paratonnerres et les paragreles. ( Vide Clerc.) Lichtenberg, G. C. Verhaltungsregeln bey nahen Donnerwettern. Gottingen, 1778 Uber Gewitterfurcht und Blitzableitung. 8vo. Gottingen, 1802 Neueste Geschichte der Blitzableiter. 8vo. Gottingen, 1803 ( 163 ) B A B A B A A 8 B B B S A B B R B A B A B A c s (106) ichtenberg, G. C. Vorschlag den Donner auf Noten zu se tzen 8vo. (Lichtenberg's Mathem. und Phys. Schriften, fyc., i. 478.) Versuche zur Bestimmung der zweckmassigsten Form der Gewitterstangeo. 8vo. Gdttingen, 1803 Litchtenberg, L. C. Verhaltungsmaass regeln bey nahen Donner- wetter nebst d. Mitteln sich gegen d. schadl Wirkungen d. Blitzes in Sicherheit zu setzen. 1 Aufl. 8vo. 1 plate. Gotha, 1774 Verhaltungsregel bey nahen Donnerwetter; nebst d. Mitteln, sich gegen d. schadl. Wirkungen d. Blitzes in Sicherheit zu setzen. 2e Aufl. 1775. 8vo. 78 pp. 1 plate. Gotha, 1775 Limmer, C. P. De Tonitru. Lining, Dr. Letter concerning his experiments of electricity with a kite. 4to. London, 1754 Linnaea, E. C. Vom Blitzen der indianischen Kresse. 8vo. 3 pp. (Signed by C. Linnaeus.) Hamburg and Leipzig, 1762 Litta, A. A. Riflessioni sulla capacita de' Conduttori elettrici esposte in una lettera al Volta. 4to. 3 pp. (Onus. Scelti, i. 340.) Milano, 1778 Lohmeier, P. De fulmine. 4to. Hint, 1676 Loomis, E. On the proper height of Lightning Rods. (Sillimans' Journ. (2), x. 320.) 1851 Lorgna, A. M. Sopra una Fulminazione di terra. Lettera al Volta. (Verona, 15 Mag. 1781.) 4to. 7 pp. (Opus. Scelti, iv. 235.) Milano, 1781 Lettera (al Toaldo) sui Parafulmini. Verona, 14 Mag. 1778. (On an insulated Conductor for safety and for observations.) 2 pp. Risposta (to the above, with the notice " 19 Mag. rec." 2 pp.) (Toaldo, G.) Padua, 184O (The above two articles are bound together with an Address to some friends (or Dedication), and signed G-aetano dott. Sorgata e Jacopo Prof. Cecconi (of 1 page . The whole forms a brochure, without any proper title-page. It is said in the Dedication that the two letters were found (in MS.) in the Biblioteca del Seminario.) LOSS, P. De fulmine in genere cum auctario. (Pogg. i. 1500.) Gedani, 1636 Lozeran du Pech, L. A. Dissertation sur la cause et la nature du Tonnerre et des Eclairs. Et Lettre de 1'Auteur a M. Sarrau, Sec. de 1'Acad. viii. pp. 12mo. 100 pp. (Accad. de Bordeaux) Bordeaux, 1726 Luc, J' A. De. Bemerkungen iiber elektrische Bewegungen und deren Wirkung auf Spitzen ; desgleichen iiber Blitz, Donner und die sogenannten Wetter- Ableiter. (Neue Schriften der Gesellsch. Naturf. Freunde,i\. 137.) 8vo. Berlin. Lucan. On conducting Lightning. (From Becquerel, Hist) Luz, J. F. Unterricht vom Blitze u. v. Blitz u. Wetter Ableitern. 8vo. 1 plate. (From Kuhn of 1866, p. 279.) Nuremberg, 1783 Lehrbuch d. theor. prakt. Blitz ableitungslehre neu bearbeitet von Gutle, Ite Theil. 8vo. 1804 Unterricht vom Blitz und den Blitz-und Wetter Ableitern . . . neu bearbeitet von Gutle. 1st Theil. 8vo. 220 pp. 1 plate. Numberg, 1804 Lyon, J. Account of several new and interesting phenomena dis- covered in examining the bodies of a man and four horses killed by Lightning near Dover. 8vo. London, 1796 Macfait. E. Observations on Thunder and Electricity (Essays and Obs. Phys. and Lit. Vol. 1, p. 189. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1754 McGregor, W. Protection of Life and Property from Lightning. 8vo. Bedford, 1875 Maffei, F S. Delle formazione dei Fulmini. 4to. Verona, 1747 Maffioli di Udine. On Lightning Conductors. (Giornale d' Italia, 25 Agosto, 1770.) 1770 L2 ( 164 ) R B R B c s (74) B B A S CA S (108) (131) S C S B A R B Magnin, A. Le feu du ciel, histoire de Mectricite' et de ses principales applications. Ide'es des anciens, premieres obser- vations, machine 61ectrique, bouteille de Leide, paraton- nerre, &c. 3e Edition. 8vo. 240 pp. Tours, 1866 Magrini. L. Sopra un metodo di togliere alle nubi maggiore copia di elettricita che coll ordinario parafulmine. Nota letta 25 Agost, 1859. 4to. 3 pp. Milano, 1860 Sulla meteora che nella sera del 4 Marzo, 1861, colpiva la cattedrale di Milano ; e sulla riforma de' suoi Parafulmini. Memoria. 4to. 11 p. Milano, 1861 Sulla, elettricita atmosferica. 4to. Milan, 1863 Mahon, Viscount. Principles of Electricity. 4to. 1779 Mairan, J. J. d'O. de. Sur les effets de la chute du Tonnerre sur un arbre. 4to. (Mem. Par. 1724.) Paris, 1724 Majendie, V. D. Eeport on the destruction by Lightning of a Gunpowder store, fcp. fol. (Official Keport unpublished.) London Majocchi, G. A. Jstruzione teorica e pratica sui Parafulmini. 8vo. 114 pp. 1 plate. Milano, 1826 Majoli Simonis. Hoc est colloquia physica noua et admiranda turn lectu incunda et supra fidem recreabilia turn cognitu, insignia et penitus necessaria. Fol. 1428 pp. and Index. Moguntice, 1625 Mako (von Kerek Gede), P. Dissertatio physica de natura, et remediis Fulminum. 8vo. 100 pp. Goritia, 1773 Mako, P. und Retzer. PhysikalischeAbhandlungvon den Eigen- schaften des Donners, und den Mitteln wider das Einschlagen. Verfaszt yon P. Mako und von J. E. von Retzer in das Deutsche iibersetzt. Isted. 8vo. 125pp. 1 plate. Wien, 1772 Physikalische Abhandlung von den Eigenschaften des Donners, u. d. Mitteln wider das Einschlagen. Verfaszt von P. Mako, und von J. E. Retzer, in das Deutsch. iibersetzt. 2te Aufl. ( Von Retzer aus d. latein Oriq. das erst. 1773 erschien.) Wien, 1775 Mann, R. J.. M.D. The Protection of Buildings from Lightning. (Journal of Society of Arts.) 8vo. London, 187 '5 Remarks on some practical points connected with the construc- tion of Lightning Conductors. (Quarterly Journal of the Meteorological Society) 8vo. London, 1875 Marini, P. Relazione Memoria sul Fulmine caduto in Brescia nella torre della Paletta 1803, e Sul Parafulmine costrutto sopra al palazzo della Loggia da lui 1805. 8vo. (Comment, dell' Accad. . . . del Dipartimento del Mella, torn. i. Elenco delle Memorie.) Brescia, 1808 Marsault, J. P. L. Electro-calorique, ou les Paratonnerres reformes . . ou 1'on trouve un nouveau plan de paraton- ^nerre, etc. 18mo. 76 pp. Niort,I88% Martin. Me"moire sur un coup de Tonnerre qui a delate dans 1'Eglise de St. Nicolas de Toulouse . . 17 March, 1787. 4to. 9 pp. (Toulouse Acad. Ire se*rie, iv. 100.) Toulouse, 1790 Martin, T. H. La foudre, I'electricite" et le magne*tisme chez les anciens. 12mo. Paris, 1866 Marum, M. van. Verhandeling over het Electrizeeren. 8vo. Groningen, 1776 Sur lesparatonnerres. 4to. (Jour. Phys. 1787, xxxi.) Paris, 1787 Marzari, G. On Conductors for Lightning. Account of his Admonitions, &c. (Treviso Athenaum, vol. ii. p. 73) Padova, (1832 ?) (or Anon.) Maniera pratica di fare li conduttori ai campanili, alle chiese, ed alle case, descritta per uso dei fabbri, faleg- nami, e muratori, &c. . stampata per ordine del Magistrate Excell. Alia Sanita. 4to. 37pp. ' Venezia, 1787 ( 165 ) R R C S (109) A S (140) A S (13 ?s (1 38) g I C 8 R R A R S (106) S S Mawgridge, R. A . . relation of the ... effects of an unusual clap of Thunder and Lightning. 4to. 2 pp. (Phil. Trans. xix. for 1695-6-7, p. 782.) ' London, 1698 Maxwell, H. Observations on Trees as Conductors of Lightning. Communication dated June 21, 1787. 4to. 2 pp. (Mem. Amer. Acad. old series, ii. part i. p. 143.) Boston, U.S., 1793 Maxwell, Prof. J. Clerk. On the protection of buildings from Lightning. 8vo. (British Association Report ) London, 1877 May, W. Verhall der uitwerkinge van eenen enkelden blixemslag, voorgevallen op een van's lands oorlogscheepen, in het jaar 1749. ( Verhandel. van het Maatsch. te Haarlem, xii. 391.) Haarlem Mayr, G. Abhandlung lib. Elektricitat und sichernde Blitz- Ableiter fiir jedes Gebaude fiir Reise-u. Frachtwagen, Schiffe, Baume u. Denkmaler. Nebst e. Anh. iiber Hagel-Ableiter. Gepriift (2 Aufl.) neu. u. verbess. 12mo. Miinchen, 1839 Melandri, G. Disquisizione sui Paragrandini. Letta nell' Ateneo di Treviso il 15 Dec. 1825. 4to. 26 pp. (Inserita nel vol. x, del Gle. sulle Scienze . . delle provincie Venete.) Treviso, 1826 Considerazioni critiche sopra 1'efficacia del Paragrandine metallico. . . 8vo. 37 pp. Firenze, 1827 Melsens, L. F. H. Notes sur les Paratonnerres (Nos. 15). 8vo. Bruxelles, 186578 Notice sur le coup de foudre de la gare d'Anvers. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1875 Des paratonnerres a pointes, a conducteurs et a raccordements terrestres multiples. Large 8vo. Bruxelles, 1877 Communication verbale. 8vo. (See Bourses). Bruxelles, 1877 Meredith. Considerations on the utility of Conductors . . 8vo. 1 plate. London, 1789 Mermet, A. C. Memoir on Lightning Conductors. Prize question, Bordeaux Academy. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1837 Metterkamp, D. C. Uber Blitzableitungen, gegen Busse's Theorie. 8vo. Leipsig, 1812 Meurer, H. Abhandl. v. d. Blitze u. d. Verwahrungsmitteln dag. 4to. Trier, 1791 Michaelis. Briefwechsel zwischen Michaelis und Lichtenberg iiber die Absicht oder Folgen der Spitzen auf Salomon's Tempel. 8vo. (Gcetingischer Mag. 3e anne"e.) Gcettingen, 1783 Note. Martin says that this is also in GK C. Lichtenberg's Physi- kalische und Mathem. Schriften, torn. iii. p. 251-301. Gcettingen, 18u3. in 12mo., (Vermischte Schriften, 1800-1805. 9 vols. 12mo. Gotha.) Michaelis und Lichtenburg. Briefwechsel iiber die Absicht oder Folgen der Spitzen auf Salomon's Tempel, 1783. 8vo. (Lichtenberq's Math, und Phys. Schriften iii. 251, and in Gott. Mag.' I iii., (1873), St. v.p. 735-68.) Gb'ttingen, 1804 Michel, F. (See Official Instructions, France}. Mittelstrass. Die Blitzableiter nach den neuesten Erfahrungen zweckmassigster Construction. 8vo. Magdeburg, 1871 Mohn, H. Lynildens farlighed i Norge. 4to. Kristiania, 1875 Monnet, P. A. Nouveau proc^d^ pour etudier 1'dlectricit^ atmos- phdrique. 8vo. Lyon, 1865 Mountaine, W. An account of some extraordinary effects of Lightning, July 16, 1759, with some remarks by Gowin Knight. 4to. (Phil. Trans, an. 1759, p. 294.) London, 1759 Mllller, C. H. Uber Lapostolle's Blitzableiter. 8vo. (Gilb. Ann. Ixviii 1821.) Leipzig, 1821 ( 166 ) C (82) B B A C A B A B A B A A B A B B B Murray, J. On a singular effect produced by Lightning. 8vo. 2 pp. (Phil. Mag. Ix. 61.) London, 1822 A Treatise on Atmospherical Electricity. 8vo. London, 183O The Description of a new Lightning Conductor. 8vo. 1 plate. 63 pp. London, 1833 Lightning Conductors. 8vo. 2pp. (Annals of Electricity, vii. 82.) London, 1841 Murray, J. Electricite atmospherique comprenant les instructions necessaire pour etablir les paratonnerres et les paragreles. Traduit de 1' Anglais. Sm. 8vo. 264 pp. Paris, 1877 Murray, N. Treatise on Atmospheric Electricity, iD eluding obser- vations on Lightning Rods. 8vo. London, 1828 Mylius, C. Nachrichten und Gedanken von der Elektricitat des Donners. 8vo. Berlin, 1752 Nairne, E. Experiments on Electricity, being an attempt to show the advantage of elevated pointed Conductors. Read at the Royal Society, June 18th and 25th, 1778. 4to. 40 pp. 4 plates. (Phil Trans. 1778, p. 823.) London, 1779 An account of the effect of Electricity in shortening Wires. 4to. (Phil. Trans. 1780, p. 334.) London, 178O Letter containing an account of Wire being shortened by Lightning. 4to. (Phil. Trans. 1783, p. 223.) London, 1783 Nauwerck, C. L. Versuche neuer Erklarung u. Folge der jetzigen Witterung auf Oekonomie anwendbar, mit meteorolog. Bemerkk. die Gewitterableiter betreffend. 8vo. Dresden u. Leipzig, 1787 Needham. J. T. Recherches sur la question si le son des cloches pendant les orages fait eclater la foudre en la faisant de- scendre sur le clocher, etc. (Mem. de Brux. iv., 1783.) Bruxdles, 1783 Neeff, C. E. Beschreib. u. Anwend. d. Blitzrades. 8vo. (Poggend. Ann. xxxvi., 1835.) Leipzig, 1835 Newall, R. S. Lightning Conductors : their use as protectors of buildings, and how to apply them. 8vo. London, 1876 Nippoldt, Dr. Dimensions of Lightning Rods. (Telegraphic Journal, vi. 78.) 1878 Nollet, J. A. Memoire sur les effets du Tonnerre compares a ceux de 1'Electricite avec quelques considerations sur les moyens de se garantir des premiers. 4to. (Mem. de Paris, an. 1764, Hist. p. 1, Mem. p. 408.) Paris, 1764 Vergleichung der Wiirkungen des Douners mit dem Wiirkungen der Electricitat. (Mem. de Paris, 1764.) 8vo. Prag, 1769 Oliver, A. (Salem). A Theory of Lightning and Thunder Storms. 4to. 28 pp. ( Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Old Series, ii. p. 74.) Philadelphia, 1786 Essai sur le paratonnerre et le paragrele. 8vo. Limoges et Paris, 1865 Prgrm. von d. Blitzableitern. 4to. (From Pogg. Regensburg, 1781 Observations sur les effets de la foudre dans une maison de Paris. 1784 Patterson, R- An improvement on Metallic Conductors, or Light- ning Rods : in a letter to D. Rittenhouse, honoured with the Magallanic Premium . . . Dec., 1792. Read Nov. 5 1790. 4to. 4pp. (Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., Old Series, vol. iii. 321.) Philadelphia, 1793 Peck, F. Desiderata Curiosa, vol. ii., folio (contains, " Surprizing effect of Lightning at Barton, Notts.") 1735 Pelison Blitzfanger. (Abhandl. d. naturforsch. Gesells. zu Berlin v Jahr 1792, x.) Orliaguet, M. 19pp. Ostertag, J. P. ii. 337.) Pasumot, Fra. ( 167 ) S (98) S C AS (102) 8 B B B AS S B c S BC S Be A S C Peltier, J. C. A. Recherches sur la cause des phe"nomenes e"lec- trique de I'atmosphere, etc. 8vo. 49 pp. (Annales de Chimie.} Paris, 1842 An enquiry into the cause of the Electric phenomena of the atmosphere, etc. 8vo. 38pp. (Taylor's Scientific Memoirs, vol. iii.) London, 1842 Sur le trombe de Monville (clivage des arbres par la foudre). 4to. Rouen, 1845 Notice sur la Foudre. 8vo. Paris, 1845 PeregO, A. Relazione sul Fulmine caduto in Iseo, il 17 Mag. 1833. (Comment. Ateneo Brescia, vol. printed in 1834 pro 1833.) Brescia, 1834 Descrizione dei danni cagionati dalla caduta di un fulmine in Mompiano provincia di Brescia. Perrin, P. Etude sur les Eclairs. 8vo. Paris, 1873 Pfaff, C. H. liber Blitz und Blitzableiter. 8vo. (Gehler's Phys. Worterbuch neu bearb.) Leipzig, 1825 Phillips, R. On atmospheric electricity. 8vo. London, 1863 Phin, J. Plain directions for the construction and erection of Lightning Rods. 2nd Edition. 12mo. New York, 1873 Phipson, T. L. Familiar Lectures Lightning Points. 8vo. Pickel, G. Abhandl. iiber Blitzableiter, u.s.w. From Poggendorff, ii. 444.) 1821 Pilatre de Rozier. Sur la cause de la Foudre. (Journ. Phys. xvi. 1780.) Paris, 1780 Pilkington, J. (Bishop of Durham). The Burning of St. Paul's Church in London in 1561, on the 4th June, by Lightning. 8vo. London, 1561? Plieninger, Dr. tiber die Blitzableiter, ihre Vereinfachung und die Verminderung ihrer Kosten. Nebst einem Anhang iiber das Verhalten der Menschen bei Gewittern. Eine gemeinfassliche Belehrung f iir die Verfertiger der Blitzableiter, sowie fiir die Hausbesitzer. 1m Auftrage der k. Centralstelle des land- wirthschaftlichen Vereins in Wiirttemberg. 8vo. 114 pp. 3 plates. Stuttgart, 1835 Pliny, C. The historic of the World, commonly called the Naturall Historic of C. Plinius secundus. Translated into English by Philemon Holland. Fol. London, 1634 Poe'y, A. Sur les tempetes electriques et la quantity de victimes que la foudre fait annuelleinent aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique et a 1'ile de Cuba. 8vo. Versailles, 1855 Des caracteres physiques des eclairs en boules. 8vo. Paris, 1855 Analyse des hypotheses . . . Eclairs sans tonnerre. Large 8vo. Versailles, 1856 Sur les nornbres de personnes tue"es par la foudre dans le Royaurne de Grande-Bretagne, de 1852 a 1856, compare aux deces par fulguration en France et dans d'autres parties du globe. 4to. Paris, 1858 Sur les eclairs sans tonnerre observes a la Havanne, pendant TannS 1859. 8vo. Paris, I860 Relation Historique ettheorie des images Photo-Electriques de la Foudre. 2nd Ed. 12mo. Paris, 1861 Poisson. (See Official Instructions, France.) Pollini. Sul passaggio del Fulmine che nel . . . 6 Agosto, 1795 . . . scoppio nel ... Tempio di S. Andrea in Vercelli, e sugli effetti. 8vo. Vercelli,YJQQ Poncelet. M. La Nature dans la formation du Tonnerre. 8vo. Parts, 17 66 Pontano, J. J. Liber de meteoris. Sm. 8vo. 225 pp. 1545 ( 168 ) R A S AS (100) (132) S (135) S R B A It S R R R S S R S C K R A R S R A S R Poppe, Job. H. M. Gewitterbiichlein zum Schutz und zur Sicher- heit gegen d. Gefahren der Gewitter, besond. aucb iib. d. Kunst, Blitzableiter auf d. beste Art anzulegen. 8vo. Tubingen, 1830 Porro. Substitution d'un Tube de Plomb a la Corde metallique communement employe comme Couducteur pour lea Paron- tonnerres. ( Compt. Rend. xxx. 86.) 1850 Pouillet, C. S. M. Elements de Physique experimentale. 7th Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856 (See Official Instructions, France.) Preece, "W. H. On Lightning and Lightning Conductors. Jour. Soc. Tel. Eng.) 8vo. London, 1873 On the proper form of Lightning Conductors. (Brit. Ass. Rep., 1880.) London, 1880 On the space protected by a Lightning Conductor. (Phil. Mag., Dec. 1880.) 8vo. 4 pp. 1 plate, London, 188O Preibsch, C. liber Blitzstrahlableiter. 32 pp. 1 plate. Leipzig, 1825 tiber Blitzstrahlableiter, deren Nutzbarkeit und Anlegung. 2nd Edition enlarged, &c. (3 B.) 8vo. 46 pp. Leipzig, 1830 Priestley, J. History of the present state of Electricity. 2nd Ed. 4to. London, 1769 Putnam, A. Kemarks on L. Baldwin's proposed improvement in Lightning Kods, in a letter to Jed. Morse. Article dated January 12, 1799. 4to. 6 pp. (Mems. Amer. Acad. Old Series, ii. part ii. p. 99.) Charlestown, 1804 duatrefages. A. de. Action de la Foudre sur des etres organises. 8vof Toulouse, 1837 Ctuinquet. Observations sur les Paratonnerres. (Journal de la Societe des Pharmaciens de Paris, torn. i. p. i. 100.) Racagni, G. M. Sopra alcuni conduttori elettrici che sono stati percossi dal fulmine. Memoria. Ricevuta 13 Luglio, 1818. 4to. 14 pp. (Mem. detta Soc. Ital. xviii. 139.) Modena, 182O . Sopra alcuni edifizii muniti di Parafulmini Frankliniani stati dal Fulmine danneggiati. Memoria. Ricevuta 10 Nov. 1821. 4to. 26 pp. 1 plate. (Ital. Soc. Mem. xix. p. 1.) Modena, 1823 Raven, Account from Carolina of the effects of Lightning on two of the rods affixed to. houses for securing them against Light- ning. Read, J. A summary view of the spontaneous electricity of the earth and atmosphere. 8vo. London, 1793 Redares, C. Histoire abregee du tonnerre. 4to. Avignon 1853 R(edares), C. Nouveaux appareils contre les dangers de la foudre. 8vo. Paris, 1846 Philosophia Naturalis. Editio secunda. 4to. 442 pp. Amstelodami, 1654 Uber d. Wirk. einiger Blitzschlage in Freiberger Gruben. (Pogg. Ann. Ixv. 1845.) Leipsig, 1845 Reimams, J. A. H. Die Ursache des Einschlagens vom Blitze u. dessen natiirl. Abwend. von unseren Gebauden, aus zuver- lassigen Erfahrungen von Wetterschlagen vor Augen gelegt. 8vo. 128 pp. Langensalsa, 1769 Ursache v. Einschlagen des Blitzes. 8vo. Leipzig, 1774 Vorschriften zur Anlegung einer Blitz-Ableitung an allerley Gebauden nach zuverlassigen Erfahrungen. 8vo. 24 pp. Hamburg, 1778 Vom Blitze : i. Dessen Bahn u. Wirk. auf versch. Korper, &c. 8vo. 678 pp. Hamburg, 1778 Nachricht von einer Zuriistung, welche die Wirkung der Gewit- terwolke sinnlich darstelt. (Deutsch. Mus.Qct. 1779, p. 329. f.) 1779 Regii, H. Reich, F. 8vo. ( 169 ) B B S B A B B A C S 8 B S B B A B s B C 8 B B B A Reimarus, J. A. H. Einige gegen d. Blitzableitung gemachte Einwiirfe beantwortet. 8vo. Frankf.-a.~M., 179O Neuere Bemerkungen vom Blitze dessen Bahn,Wirkung, sichera und bequemen Ableitung, &c. 8vo. 386 pp. 9 plates. Hamburg, 1794 Ausfuhrliche Vorschriften, &c. 8vo. Hamburg, 1794 Ausfuhrliche Vorschr. z. Blitzableitung an allerley Gebauden. 8vo. 46 pp. 2 plates. Hamburg, 1797 tiber Blitzschlage u. Blitzableiter. 8vo. (Gilb. Ann. vi. ix. u. xxxvi.) Leipzig Ueber die Sicherung durch Blitzableiter. (Gilberts Ann. xxxvi. 113.) 181O Reinzer, F. Meteorologia Philosophico-politica in duodecim dis- sertationes, &c. Fol. 297 pp. Augusta Vindelicorum, 1709 Reussius, J. A. De Fulmine. 4to. Rinthelii, 1676 Ribbentrop, H. G. F. Uber die Blitzrohren oder Fulguriten und besonders u'ber das Vorkommen ders. am Regensteiue bei Blankenburg. 8vo. 46 pp. 1 plate. (Schweigger, Journ. Ivii. 1829.) Braunschweig, 183O Richardot, C. Nouveaux appareils centre le danger de la Foudre et le fleau de la Grele. 8yo. 44 pp. Paris, 1825 Nuovo sistema di apparecchi contro i pericoli de Fulmine ed il flagello della Gran dine. Trad, dal Francese. 8vo. 45 pp. Indice e Lettera. MHano, 1827 Rittenhouse and Hopkinson. An account of the effects of a Stroke of Lightning on a house furnished with Two Con- ductors ; in a letter ... to Mr. R. Patterson. Read Oct. 15, 1790. 4to. 4 pp. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Old Series, vol. iii.) Philadelphia, 1793 Rittenhouse and Jones. Account of several Houses in Phila- delphia struck by lightning, June 7th, 1789. Read July 17, 1789. 4to. 4pp. 1 plate. (Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Old Series, vol. iii. p. 119.) Philadelphia, 1793 Roberts, M. On Lightning Conductors, particularly as applied to vessels. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837 Robespierre. Un Plaidoyer prononce dans une cause relative u un Paratonnerre. 8vo. (From Marget, Etude sur les travaux de Romas, page 80 not the exact title.) 1783 ? Romas. J. de. Neuer elektr. Versuch mit dem fliegenden Drachen am, 14 Nov., 1753 1753 M^moire sur les moyens de se garantir de la Foudre dans les maisons ; suivi d'une Lettre sur 1'invention du Cerf volant electrique, avec les pieces justificatives de cette meme lettre. 12rno. 156 pp. 2 plates. Bordeaux, 1776 The Pieces Justicatives contain testimonials, a certiflc-ite of the Bor- deaux Acad., &c., which prove that he had invented (imagine") (but had not used) the Electrical Kite on the 12th July, 1752. Merget, Etude sur les travaux de Romas, imputes to Franklin (by implica- tion) the possibility of having derived the idea from Romas : without foundation, I think. F.R. Ronalds, Sir F. Catalogue of books and papers relating to Elec- tricity, &c. Compiled by Sir F. Ronalds, F.R.S., and pulK lished by the Society of Telegraph Engineers. 8vo. xxvii. 564 pp. London, 1880 Runnels. J. Specimen inaugurale de causa fulminis et tonitru. 4to. Leyde, 1759 Sage, B. G. Observations sur les Paratonnerres. 8vo. Paris, 1808 Recueil historic ue d'Effets Fulminaires. 8vo. 21 pp. Pa St. Lazare. (See JSartholon de St. Lazare.) Saussure, H. B. de. Manifesto, ou exposition abreg^e, de ITJtilite' des Conducteurs electriques. 8vo. Geneve, 1771 aris, 1822 B S B B B S C C B B s B A B C S CAS (112) A (130) B B A 8 8 8 ( 170 ) Scaramelli, II Paragrandinatore istruito sulF arte e sugli usi del paragrandini e parafulmini alia Tholard. 8vo. 20 pp. 2 plates. Venezia, 1824 Schaffrath, L. De electricitate coelesti. 4to. Pestini, 1778 Scheibel, G. E. D. d. Blitz in Pulverthurm verungliickte Breslau. 4to. (From Heinsius.} Breslau, 175O Scheibel, J. E. Einige Progr. lib. den a. d. Elisabetkirche zu Breslau erricht. BJitzableiter. 1793-4 Schieck, Dr. Ueber atmospharische Electricitat. 8vo. Oldenburg, 1870 Schonbein, C. F. On some secondary physiological effects pro- duced by Atmospheric Electricity. 8vo. London, 1851 Schwartz, F. Wolken und Wind, Blitz und Donner. 8yo. 307 pp. Berlin, 1879 Scoresby, Dr. W. On the singular effects of Two Strokes of Light- ning upon a Vessel. 8vo. (firewater's Journal of Science, viii. 1828.) 1828 Scudery, D. J. Fernglas d. Artzney wissenschaft. nebst Abhdl. Schiffe und Ilauser y. d. Blitz zu verwahren a. d. Italian en. 8vo. Munster, 1774 or 1775 Secchi, A. Di alcuni fenomeni accadute nella scarica di un ful- mine in Alatri. 4to. Rome, 1872 Sestier, F. et Mehu, C. De la Foudre, de ses formes et de sea effets sur l'homme, les aniuiaux, les vegetaux et les corps bruts ; des moyens de s'en preserver, et des paratonnerres par F. Sestier. Re'dige sur les documents laisses . . . et com- ple'te' par C. Mehu. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1866 Sidney, E. Electricity, its phenomena and results. 16mo. London, 1843 Sigaud de la Fond, M. Precis historique et experimental dea Phenomenes electriques. 2nd ed. 8vo. Paris, 1785 Simmons, J. An essay on the cause of lightning. 8vo. Rochester, 1775 Spallanzani, L. Lettera al Barletti . . . sopra un fulmine ascendente. 4to. 5 pp. (Opusc. Scelti. xiv. 296.) MUano, 1791 Spang, H. W. A Practical Treatise on Lightning Protection. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877 Spr ague, J. F. Electricity : its Theory, Sources and Applications. 8vo. London, 1875 Steinberg, Joachim Graf von. Beobachtungen iiber die Bildung der Donner-Wolken und Entstehung der Donner- Wetter. (Mayer's Samml. Phys. Aufs. des Bohmischen Naturf. iii. p. 1.) Prag, 1792 Stoifcowich, A. Scbutzmittel wider d. Blitz. Petersburg? 181O Uber Blitzableiter. Petersburg ? 1826 Stoll, J. J. Beleuchtung einiger Vorurtheile in Ansehung der Donnerwetter und Blitzableiter. 8vo. Lindau, 1790 Stotherd, Col. Earth connections of Lightning Conductors. 8vo. London, 1875 Strieker. Ueber Anwendung des Galvanismus zur Priifung der Blitzableiter. (Pogg. Ann., Ixix. 554. Polyt. Journ. ciii. 265. 1846 Strieker, W. Der Blitz und seine Wirkungen. 8vo. Berlin, 1872 Sturgeon. Annals of Electricity. 10vols.8vo. 18363-4 Eecent Experimental researches on Electricity. 8vo. London, 1830 Sturgeon, W. On Lightning and Lightning Conductors. (Mem. of the Manch. Soc. (2), ix. 56.) Manchester, 1851 Tavernier, A. de. Blitzableiter, genannt Antijupiter oder Taver- nier's gewitter-ableitende Saule. 8vo. Leipzig, 1833 S B AS 8 B B B B B B B B A B B Tedeschi, A. Grundl. u. auf mehrfahr. beruh. Anleit z. Verfert. u. Erricht. d. Tholardschen Blitz- u. Hagel-Ableiter u.s.w. nach d. Ital. m. e. Anh. 8vo. 30 pp. 1 plate. Prag, 1825 Tessier. Observation sur 1'effet du tonnerre a Kambouillet. 4to. Paris, 1785 Tetens, J. N. Ub. d. beste Sicherung einer Person bey einem Gewitter. 8vo. Biitzow and Wismar, 1774 Another Edition. Wismar, 1784 Thollard de Tarbes. Moyens pre"servatifs de la Foudre et de la Grele. Thoresby. R. An Account of a Young Man slain with Thunder and Lightning, Dec. 22, 1698. 4to. 2pp. (Phil, Trans, xxi for 1699, p. 51.) London, 1700 Tieenk, J. Bericht wegena de miswyzing van het coinpas, door den donders. (Verhandel. van het Genootschte Vlissingen.. iii. 615.) Tietz, J. Die Erfindung und erste Verbreitung d. Blitzableiters. 4to. 17 pp. (Jahrsbericht iiber das Kon. Kath. Gymnasium zu Braunsberg, 1850-59.) Braunsberg, 1859 Tilas, D. Von einem Donnerschlage in Oesterwahla. Kirchspiele und Waszmannlands Hauptmannschaft, im. J. 1740. 8vo. 6 pp. (K. Schwed. Akad. Abh. iv. 43.) Hamburg, 1742 TilesillS von Tilenau, W. G. Die Wirkung des Blitzes auf den menschlichen Korper durch einen inerkwiirdigen Fall er- lautert. 8vo. 13 pp. 1 plate. (Journ. f. Chem. N.K. ix. 129.) Toaldo, Gr. Delia Maniera di defendere gli Edifizii dal Fulmine. 8vo. Firenze, 1770 Dell' uso dei Conduttoii metallici. . . . Apologia colla Des- crizione del Conduttore . . . di Padova. 4to. 32 pp. 1 plate. Venezia, 1774 Del Conduttore elettrico posto nel Campanile di S. Marco in Venezia . . . (la ed.) 4to. 37 pp. 1 plate. Venezia,lT76 Relazione del fulmine caduto nel Conduttore della Specola di Padova. (1st ed.) 4to. Padova, 1777 Dei Conduttori per preservare gli edifizj . . . Memorie, in questa nuova ed. ritoccate ed accresciute di un' Appendice . . . 4to. 104 pp. 2 plates. Venezia, 1778 Note This work contains his li lnformazidne al popolo" of 1772, including his translation of Saussure's " Manifesto." His ",Dell. uso dei Conduttori . . . Apologia ... of 1774, colla Descriz. del Cond. di Padova.' His "Del Condutt . . . di S. Marco," &c. of 1776. His " Relazione del Fulmine caduto nel Condutt. della Specola, Padova," of 1777. His "Notizia del Fulmine . . . nella Torre dell' universita, Padova." His "Appendice sui fatti . . . recenti," 1778; new matter. It also contains an Italian translation of Barbier's "Considerations en general," . . . which is a memoir appended to Barbier's French translation of this work of Toaldo. This Italian transla- tion is by a printer, and not dated. Note. In his "Qiornale Astro-Meteorologico," for or of 1784, "Dei principal! accident! dell' anno 1783." The first division is headed " Della Nebbia. e della Influenza de' Fulmini," and in which he refers to much writing on these subjects by himself and others in the " Giornale enciclopedico di Vicenza. Fenomeno singolare d'un Fulmine descritto, e proposto all' esame de' fisici. 4to. 4 pp. {Opus Scelti, vii. 35.) Milano, 1784 Appendice : Eiflessioni sopra i colpi di Fulmine (alia Memoria del Marzari, " Descrizione d'una tempesta di fulmini.") . Letta 8 Feb., 1787. 4to. ( Vide Marzari.) Saqqi dell' Accad. di Padova, iii. 212, pt. i. Padova, 1794 (or Anonym. ) and Saussure. Delia maniera di preservare gli edifizi dal Fulmine : Inf ormazione al popolo. 4to. 19 pp. 1st edition. Venezia, 1772 Note. Annexed is his translation of Saussure's Exposition under the title "Manifesto ossia Breve esposizione ; " the paging being con- tinued from 20 to 38. The date of Saussure's work is Geneva, 1771. (See also BarbLr de Tinan.) ( 172 ) B AS S c B s B S (84) BC S (84) Tomlinson, C. The Thunder Storm. An Account of the Properties of Lightning, and of Atmospheric Electricity in various parts of the World. 8vo. 348 pp. London, 1859 On Lightning Figures. (Ed. New Phil Jour.} 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861 Further Eemarks on Lightning Figures. (Ed. Neiv Phil Jour.} 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862 The Thunder Storm. 12mo. London, 1864 Toiird.es, G. Eelation rne'dicale de 1'accident occasionne par la foudre, le 13 Juillet, 1869, au pont du Rhin, pres de Stras- bourg. 8vo. 32 pp. Paris, 1869 Trechsel, F. Bemerkungen iiber Blitzableiter und Blitzschlage, veranlasst durch einige Ereignisse im Sommer, 1819. Gil- bert's Ann., Ixiv. 227. 182O Unterberger, L. F. von. Nutzl. Begriffe von d. Gewittermaterie, nebst Beobachtungen lib. die beste Art, Blitzableiter anzu- legen. 8vo. (See next.} Wien, 1811 Niitzliche Anmerkungen von den Wirkungen der Electricitat und Gewittermaterie. 8vo. Wien, 1811 Vaillant. (See Official Instructions, France} Vallemont [L. L. de] Description de 1'aimant qui s'est forme a la pointe du Clocher neuf de N. Dame de Chartres. 12mo. 215 pp. Paris, 1692 Vassalli-Eandi, A. M. Conghietture sopra 1'arte di tirare i Fulmini appo gli Antichi. 8vo. (Opuscoli Scelti diMilano in 4to. torn, xiv.) 1791? Nota sopra un mezzo facile di preservare le case rustiche dal Fulmine. (Ctfend. Georg. 1814.) 1810 Vauquelin, C. On Stones supposed to have fallen from the Clouds, (and discussion thereon) in the French National Institut. 8vo. 2 pp. (Phil Mag. xv. 187.) London, 1803 Memoir on the Stones said to have fallen from the Heavens. Read in the French National Institute. 8vo. 8 pp. (Phil Mag. xv. 346.) London, 1803 Vauquelin. L. N. Memoire sur les pierres dites tombees du ciel. 8vo. (Journ. des Mines, xiii. 1802-3.) Paris, 1802-3 Verrati, J. Dissertatione de Electricitati coelesti. 8vo. Bologna, 1755 Viacinna, C. Del fulmine e della sicura maniera di evitarne gli effetti. Dialoghi Tre. 8vo. 156 pp. MUano, 1766 Vismara, G. Dei fulmini che hanno colpito il torrazzo di Cremona. Memoria. 8yo. 24 pp. (Extr. del fascicolo di Feb. 1841, dealt Ann. di Fisica, fyc} MUano, 1841. Volpicelli, P. Sulla necessita di proteggere dal fulmine le masse metalliche, stabilite nella cima degli edifici. Nota. 4to. 5 pp. (AttidelV Accad. Pontif. del Nuovi Lincei, sess. i. del 3 Dicem. 1865, torn. xix. pp. 2226.) Roma, 1865 Walder E. Ueber wirkungsweise und Construction der Blitz- ableiter. Nordlingen, 1863 Walker, C. V. Transac. and Proc. of the London Electrical Soc. Edited by C. V. W. 4to. London, 1841 The effects of a Lightning-Flash on the Steeple of Brixton Church, and observations on Lightning Conductors generally. Large 8vo. 18 pp. 1 plate. (Proceed. Lond. Elect. Soc.} London, 1842 On the Action of Lightning Conductors. La. 8vo. 15 pp. 1 plate. (Proceed. London Elect. Soc.} London, 1842 Memoir on the difference between Leyden Discharges and Lightning Flashes, &c. La. 8vo. 42 pp. (Proceed. Lon. Elect. Soc.} London, 1842 Proc. of the London Electrical Soc. 8vo. London, 1843 ( 173 ) S 8 B s R A B A (127) S 8 R A R RCA B R B A AS (110) A A B Walker, C. V. The Electrical Magazine. Vols. i. & ii. London, 1845-46 Waltsgott, J. F. De Fulgure, Tonitru ac Fulnrine. 4to. 1734 Watson, W. Experiments on Electricity. 8vo. London, 1746 Weber. F. A. Abhandlung von Gewittern u. Gewitterableitern. ovo. Zurich und Leipzig, 1792 Weber, J. Die SicherungunsererGebaude durchBlitzstrahlableiter theoretisch und praktisch beleuchtet und bewahrt, samt einer Beurtheilung der Ableiter aus Stroh von Lapostolle. Eine Vorlesung. 8vo. 46 pp. Landshut, 1822. Weber, L. Berichte ueber Blitzschlage in der Provinz Schleswig- Holstein. 8vo. 25pp. 2 plates. 188O Berichte ueber Blitschlage in der Provinz Schleswig-Holstein. Zweite Folge. 8vo. 70 pp. 2 plates. Kiel, 1880 Wenzel, C. A. W. Adhandlung iiber die Blitzableiter aus d. Franz. 8vo. Wesel, 1818 Adhandlung iiber die Blitzableiter ; aus d. Franz, f rei iibers. f . angeh. Ingenieur-Officire. 2 Abtheil. 8vo. Berlin, 1823-4 Wharton, W. L. The effect of a Lightning Stroke. 8vo. London, 1841 Wilcke, J. K. Die Meynungen der Naturforscher von den Ursachen des Donners. 8vo. 19 pp. (Schwedische Akad. Abhandl. an. 1759, pp. 81 and 155.) Hamburg und Leipzig, 1759 Von den Versuchen mit den eisernen Strangen, den Don- nerschlag abzuwenden, und dem dabei beobachteten Merk- wiirdigoten. 1759 Bemerkungen bey einem d. 30 May in Stockholm geschehenen Donner-Schlage. 8vo. 11 pp. 1 plate. (Schwedische Akad. Abhandl. an. 1770, vol. xxxii., p. 115.) Leipzig, 1770 Wilson, B. Observations on Lightning, and the method of secur- ing Buildings from its Effects. In a letter to Sir Charles Frederick. 4to. 68 pp. (Phil. Trans, an. 1773, p. 49.) London, 1773 Further Observations on Lightning. 4to. 26 pp. London, 1774 New Experiments and Observations on the nature and use of Conductors. 4to. (Phil. Trans., pt. i. p. 245.) London, 1777 An account of Experiments made at the Pantheon, on the nature and use of Conductors ; to which are added some new Experiments with the Leyden Phial. Read at the meetings of the Royal Society. 4to. 100 pp. 4 plates. London, 1778 Wilson, R. Boiler and Factory Chimneys, and on Lightning Con- ductors. 8vo. London, 1877 Winkler, J. H. Abhandlung von dem elektrischen Ursprung des Wetterleuchtens. 1746 De avertendi Fulminis Artificio secundum Electricitatis doctri- nam Commentatio. 4to. Lipsice, 1753 Wittiber. Uber atmosphar. Electricitat und Gewitter, insbesondere die Gewitter der Grafschaft. 4to. 23 pp. Glatz, 1860 Wolff. Versuche iiber Blitzableiter. 1801 Woodcroft, B. Patents for Inventions. Abridgments of Specifi- cations relating to Electricity and Magnetism ; their Genera- tion and Applications. Printed by Order of the Commissioners of Patents. 8vo. 769 pp. London, 1859 Patents for Inventions. Abridgments of Specifications relating to Electricity and Magnetism ; their Generation and Applica- tions. Part ii. A.D. 1858-1866. Printed by Order of the Commissioners of Patents. 8vo. 863 pp. London, 1870 ( 174 ) B A C S (104) A Wucherer, G. F. Von Anlegung d. Blitzableiter auf Kirchen u. anderen Hochgebauden. 8vo. Carlsruke, 1839 Yelin, J. K.v. Uber d. Blitzableiter aus Messingstricken u. iib. d. am 30 Ap. 1822, erfolgt. merkwiird. Blitzschlag auf d. Kirch- ^ thurm zu Rosstall. 8vo. Miinchen, 1823 Uber die Blitzableiter aus Messingdrahtstricken. 2e Aufl. 8vo. Miinchen, 1824 Zenger, Prof. Symmetrische Blitzableiter. 4to. Ziegler. Blitzableiter von Platina. Allgem. Handlungszeit. v. Leuchs 175. Ann. de I'Indust. nation, et etrang., etc. xviii. 320. 1824 ( 175 ) APPENDIX H. APPLICATION TO AND EEPLIES FROM THE LOCAL HONORARY SECRETARIES OF THE SOCIETY OF TELE- GRAPH ENGINEERS AND CERTAIN OTHER DISTIN- GUISHED FOREIGN AUTHORITIES. In accordance with a resolution passed by the delegates at the meeting on October 27, 1879, the following circular was prepared by the Secretary, and issued to the gentlemen named in the appended table. 30, GREAT GEORGE STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. October 3Ist, 1879 Dear Sir, At the invitation of the Meteorological Society, delegates have been nominated by the following societies : Royal Institute of British Architects, Society of Telegraph Engineers, Physical Society, Meteorological Society, to consider the present modes of erecting lightning conductors, and improvements therein. At the last meeting I was instructed to ask you to have the kind- ness to furnish the conference with copies of such papers or reports as may be convenient, and as are generally accepted as authoritative in your country. Yours very truly, G. J. SYMONS. NAME. COUNTRY. DATE OF REPLY. Allen, J Argentine Republic Aparicio Don Jose" Spain Aylmer, J France Burton, C Bolivia Cantoni, J Italy . Collette, J. M. Netherlands Nov. 7th. Cracknell, E. C New South Wales Dakers, J Canada D'Ainico, E Italy Nov. 16, Dec. 8. Delarge, F ... . . Belgium .. . . .. Field, S. D W. America Jamieson A M editerran ea>n Karsten, G Schleswig-IIolstein .... Nov. 13. Madsen, C L Denmark Nov 5, Dec. 7. Melsens,F Belgium... Nov. 6, Dec. 4. Michel, F France Morris, J Japan . . Myers, Gen. United States Dec. 13. Nielsen, C Norway Dec. 1. Preece, J. B. Persia Siemens, W Teale, F. G India . Dec 12 Todd, C South Australia Ward, G. G. . United States . Dec. 9. ( 176 ) The following are abstracts of the replies received : Nov. 5th, Copenhagen. Mr. C. L. Madsen acknowledging receipt of letter and promising further reply. Nov. 6th, Belgium. M. Melsens acknowledging receipt, and promising full reply. Nov. 7th, La Haye. Mr. J. M. Collette acknowledging receipt of circular and stating that lightning conductors are not in common use in Holland, that there are no official and scarcely any other publica- tions upon the subject. Those who have to erect conductors upon public buildings usually rely upon the rules adopted in countries where the use of lightning conductors is more general. Nov. 13th, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein. Dr. Karsten forwarding copy of the latest edition of his work on lightning conductors (See Abstracts of Printed Documents, pages (114) and (119). Nov. 16th, Home. Sig. E. D'Amico acknowledged receipt. Dec. 1st, Christiana. M. C. Nielsen acknowledging receipt, and forwarding copy of paper by Prof. Mohn on " Lynildens Farlighed i Norgi." (See Abstracts, page (106) which he states is the only paper on the subject printed in Norway. Dec 4th, Belgium. Letter from M. Melsens, sending series of his works. (See Appendix G. ; Catalogue and Appendix F. pages (137) to (141). Dec. 7th, Copenhagen. Mr. C. L. Madsen writes : " In continuation of my letter of 5th ult, I have great pleasure in for- warding a copy (enclosed) of ' Regulations for the Arrangement and Construction of Lightning Conductors for Military and Public Build- ings in Denmark, as adopted by the Royal Engineers, 1869,' which I hava translated from the Danish original, and obtained the permission to place at the disposal of the Conference. The rules laid down in this paper are generally accepted as authoritative in Denmark, and have been followed in the erection of Lightning Conductors on the new Royal Theatre in Copenhagen. " I beg to add that in case a printed report is to be published by the Conference, I shall feel much obliged by having a few copies sent to me, and that I shall have great pleasure in continuing to have my attention directed to the subject." REG-ULATIONS FOB THE ABRANGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION or LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS FOB MILITARY AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN DENMARK, AS ADOPTED BY THE ROYAL ENGINEEBS, 1869. (Translated from Danish.} To obtain a perfect system of lightning conductors it is necessary to observe: 1. That the lightning conductor must be more exposed to the stroke of lightning than the building itself. ( 177 ) 2. That the lightning, after having struck the conductor, shall traverse the conducting wire to the earth more readily than through any other neighbouring object. 3. That the lightning conductor is not destroyed by the stroke of lightning. A. Arrangement. On the highest points of the building are placed iron rods, of such a length and number that no part of the building lies farther from the perpendicular line through the point of the rod, than twice the height of the point above the place of the rod. The lower ends of the rods are connected to a metallic conductor, top conductor, which follows the upper line of the building. From the top conductor, or from the rods, and at least from each three of these, conducting wires are led down the roof and outer wall (best on the weather-side), and thence one foot under the earth, until about ten feet from the building. Here the wires are connected to the earth plate in a well, the bottom of which well must reach a couple of feet under the lowest standing of the ground water. Each well, with its plate, ought at the utmost to serve three conducting wires. If necessary to employ more wells than one, the plates of these are joined up through a special con- ductor, the earth conductor, one foot under the surface of the earth. Great care must be taken that the earth plate is properly placed in ground water, that more or less communicates with the ocean a condition which, in our country, will hardly present insurmountable difficulties. Figure 1 shows a system of lightning conductors for a building 100 feet long, with gable roof. NOTE 1. If the roof is covered with metal, the conductors ought in several places to be connected to it ; but, on the other hand, they must be kept, electrically, as distant from all other parts of the build- ing as possible, especially from the metallic parts of it. NOTE 2. If ground water is found at a considerable depth, under a dry layer of sand, a second plate, besides the general earth plate, ought to be placed just beneath the surface of the earth, the latter being made temporarily conductive by rain. NOTE 3. As to powder magazines, which ot course must be con- siructed of bricks or wood, the lightning conductors must not, without inevitable necessity, be placed on the building itself, but, retaining the the above-mentioned dispositions in the main points (the top con- ductor excepted), they ought to be placed on masts, about ten feet from the magazine. Eigure 2 shows a system of lightning conductor for a powder magazine, a hundred feet in length, with gable roof. J^nu auu oiue elevation. B. Construction. The point ought to consist of a solid copper cylinder, | inch diameter, 6 inches high, conically pointed, the top angle being about 30 degrees, and with gilt top. At the lower end a nut is applied, by which the point is screwed and afterwards soldered to the end of the rod. Most conveniently the rod is formed of round iron, which, like the rest of the conductor above earth, if constructed of iron, is painted over or galvanized. Under earth only galvanized iron is suitable. The upper diameter of the rod is J inch ; 12 feet farther down, 1| inch. The length is properly varying between 10 and 1 6 feet. It is to be preferred to use a greater number of low rods rather than fewer high ones. The conductor, as also the top and earth .nan. conductors, may consist of an iron bar, of 3 square inch section, con- sequently T \ inch in the square side, or inch in diameter. Only for very great lengths will it be necessary, on account of the increased resistance of the conductor, to use thicker bars. In place of iron, copper may be used, the section of which need only to be ^ square inch. The conductors must be of as short a length, and with as few bends as possible; and the latter must be rounded at their angle points. They ought not to be bolted or spiked to the building, but, in view of changes of form occasioned by temperature or other ( 179 ) reasons, they must rest in hooks, or be kept up by cramps that are fastened in wood or brick, far from the metallic parts of the building. It is of the utmost necessity that the conductor be continuous in its whole extent, from the point to the earth plate. Links of chains or cables are to be rejected. For this reason the number of joints must be limited, and a constant contact of the respective ends, extending over one or two square inches, procured by bolts or rivets and solder- ing. The metal should be filed on the contact sides, so as to clear it from oxide, this being an insulator, and the soldering made with tin. r Fhe earth plate may consist of galvanized iron or copper. It ought to have at least a surface of 10 square feet in water, or 5 square feet area, if to serve one conductor ; for each conductor in addition 50 per cent, must be added to the area. To diminish the circumference of the well, the plate may be given a cruciform transverse section; if then, for instance, the plate reaches 2| feet down into the water, the wings need only have the length of 6 inches. The ivell is constructed in the usual manner by digging or boring. In order to preserve the conductor from breaking, as the plate might press deeper into the ground, a beam is placed across the well's upper part on which the horizontal part of the conductor rests. Inspection of the lightning conductor must be effected once a year, and, besides, when circum- stances demand it, for instance, after a stroke of lightning. The inspection must especially have the purpose : 1 . To examine whether the metallic continuity remains perfect ; to verify this a galvanometer is inserted, and a galvanic current led through the conductor ; and 2. To examine whether the conductivity to ground water is in order. The earth plate being placed in a well, instead of being buried in the ground, will greatly facilitate this examination. Dee. 8th, Borne. Sig. D'Amico sent a copy of a letter received from Professor Tacchini, Director of the Central Meteorological Office, in answer to the communication made to him of the circular dated October 31st. The following translation has been kindly made by Professor T. Hayter Lewis : METEOROLOGICAL CENTRAL OFFICE, ROME. November 27th, 1879. LIGHTNING EODS IN USE IN ITALY. Although I have not sufficient material for giving a complete answer to the request made in your letter, as noted in the margin, yet I think that the accompanying notice as to the system in use in Rome for fixing lightning rods maybe useful to the Director General. 1. The conductor of the lightning rod is constructed of iron, 17 millimetres (c. |rds. inch) diameter. The upper terminal or receiver is 4-5 metres (14 feet 9 inches) high, with a copper point 0-50 (c. 1 foot 8 inches), gilt from 0*25 (c. 10 inches), fixed on a pilaster of masonry 2 metres (c. 6 feet 6 inches) high, and 60 centimetres (c. 2 ( 180 ) feet) wide. Each terminal is intended to protect a horizontal super- ficies of radius double its height. 2. In order to obtain a conductor as long as required, pieces of 5J metres (c. 18 feet) are united by a holdfast of brass. The fastening of the con- ductor to the walls and roofs is made by little pieces of marble of the annexed form, connected with the fabric. A Wall or roof. B Little piece of marble. C Hole through which the conductor passes. 3. It is the custom to connect the conductor with masses of iron, and other metals in the building to be protected, avoiding the water pipes. (Referring probably to Terra Gotta pipes. T. H. Lewis.) 4. In addition to the upper terminal and chief receiver, it is usual to fix secondary points according to the form of the building. 5. The discharger or lower terminal (in contact with the earth) is made of copper rod, 12 millimetres (c. | inch) square, at least 6 metres (c. 20 feet) long, in 3 strips with points of copper arranged in the manner shown A XT x T X D Conductor. E Lower terminal or discharger with points of copper. 6. The discharger is introduced into a ditch or well excavated in moist ground, vertically or horizontally, according to the circum- stances of the locality. The diameter of the well should be 0-80 metres (c. 2 feet 8 inches), filled with carbon, and covered with earth. 7. In an ordinary building we employ a discharger to each 3 points. 8. In this manner were made all the lightning rods of P. Secchi, by Signor Lerigi Morea, maker of them in Eome. 9. In some cases P. Secchi has made use, for the conductor, of the thicker wire used for the Telegraph. 10. We may observe that, in other Italian cities, the same rules are adopted for the construction of lightning rods, as I myself have verified. Only, in some localities, in place of putting points of copper to the lower terminal the latter is terminated by a copper band. P. TACGHINI, The Director. ( 181 ) Dec. 9th, New York. Mr. Gr. Gr. Ward acknowledges receipt, states that the only papers of any value upon lightning conductors, published in America and known to him are : (A) a paper by Prof. Henry : (B) a treatise by Prof. Phin ; (C) a pamphlet by David Brooks ; (D) a practical treatise by H. Spang. The writer furnished copies of Nos. B and D, and all four will be found noticed in the Abstracts of Printed Documents. See pages (99) (102; (117) and (112.) Dec. 12th, Calcutta. Mr. P. Gr. Teale acknowledging receipt of circular and forwarding copies of two papers accepted as authoritative in India, viz : (1) B.. S. Brough on Protection of Buildings from Lightning, and (2) W. P. Johnston on the Lightning Conductors at Dum Dum. (See Abstracts, pages (117) and (132). Dec. 13th, Washington, U.S.A. Lieut. Kilbourne acknowledges receipt on behalf of Gen. Myers, enclosing copy of paper by Prol Henry, and stating that the works of Spang and Phin are considered authoritative. ( 183 ) APPENDIX I. GENERAL COEEESPONDENCE. TRINITY HOUSE, LONDON, E.G., 6th February, 1880. SIR, I am directed by the board to transmit to you herewith, for the information of the Lightning Eod Conference, copies of reports made by Professor Faraday to this Corporation, one respecting a remarkable stroke of lightning which occurred at the Eddystone Lighthouse in January, 1853, and the other upon a similar accident experienced at the Nash Lights in August, 1852. The case to which Admiral Sullivan directed the attention of the Conference, as stated in your letter of the 30th October last, was probably one of these two. Should you desire any further details in connection with this sub- ject, the Corporation desire me to assure you of the pleasure with which they will afford any information at their command. I am, Sir, Tour obedient servant, EOBIN ALLEN. G. J. SYMONS, Esq. [We have been favoured with copies of three separate reports by' Professor Faraday, and think that it is better to give them in chrono- logical order. There is only one other point in the correspondence from the Trinity House which it seems necessary to mention, viz., that the sections of the copper rods now used are as under. ED.] MAIN CONDUCTOR. CONNECTING BRANCHES. n. EEPOET ON THE LIGHTNING EODS OP LIGHTHOUSES, 1843, DUNGENESS. Dungeness Lighthouse stands about 14 feet above the sea and measures 97 feet to the top of the lantern. The tower is of brick with wood floors ; the roof and frame of the lantern are of metal seated upon a stone pedestal, to which it is secured. There is no conductor to the building. The weathercock is fitted with a ( 184 ) glass repeller, and a rod similarly fitted is attached to the two copper flues which rise by the side of the lantern. EDDTSTONE. The height of the top of the lantern of the Eddy- stone above the sea is about 95 feet. The roof and framing of the lantern are of metal, secured through a stone plinth to the gallery of the tower by metal fastenings. A conductor of copper rod, | inch diameter, is attached to the outside of the building ; the rod rises 3 feet above the top of the lantern and terminates in the sea at low water ; it is fixed to the tower and lantern by metal stays and fasten- ings and is isolated by glass ferules. To give stability to the building eight wrought iron ties are fixed in the interior of the house, extend- ing downwards from the underside of the lantern floor through the next two stories, terminating by inserting the ends into the stone floor, the upper ends are riveted into an iron ring round the manhole in the ceiling and further secured by iron bolts passing through the stonework and communicating indirectly with the metal work of the lantern. Eddystone. Spurn Point High Light. SPURN POINT HIGH LIGHT. The Spurn High Light stands about 16 feet above the level of the sea, and measures 100 feet to the top of the lantern. The tower is of brick with wood floors ; the roof and ( 185 ) framing of the lantern are of metal, seated upon a stone plinth to which it is secured ; the weathercock is surmounted by a glass repeller. An isolated conductor of copper rod, | inch diameter, is attached to the outside of the tower rising some feet above the lantern and passing down the side of the tower below the surface of the ground. SOUTH FORELAND. The South Foreland High Light stands above 300 feet above the sea, and measures from the. ground to the top of the lantern 67 feet. The tower is of brick, the lantern roof and framing are of metal with a cast iron pedestal ; the weathercock is fitted with a glass repeller. A conductor of copper rod, | inch diameter, is attached to the outside of the tower, of the same height as the weathercock. The rod is fastened to the lantern and tower with metal stays and fastenings, and passes into the ground, turning off at right angles to the tower a little below the surface. A copper flue connected with a stove in the base of the tower, passes up the centre of the tower through the roof of the lantern, to the lower end of which a copper rod has been attached, which is carried to the outside of the building into the ground. South Foreland High Light. The undersigned have, according to their instructions, met and considered the circumstances under which lighthouses are placed as respects lightning, and have arrived at the following conclusions : That lighthouses should be well defended from the top to the bottom. ( 186 ) That as respects the top, the metal of the lantern, and upwards, is sufficient to meet every need, and satisfy every desire and fear. That for the rest of the course down the tower, a copper rod | of an inch in diameter is quite, and more than, sufficient. That at the bottom, where the rod enters the earth, it is desirable at its termination to connect it metallically with a sheet of copper 3 or 4 feet long by 2 feet or more wide ; the latter to be buried in the earth, so as to give extensive contact with it. That glass repellers are in every case useless. That glass thimbles are not needed, but do no harm. That if the repeller be removed, and the point on the vane be terminated as the lightning rods usually are, and then the metal of the lantern be strongly attached to, and connected with, the upper end of the copper rod, and the rod continued down the tower to the earth, and the sheet of copper buried in it, such a system will be an effectual and perfectly safe lightning conductor. That then there need be no rod end rising by the side of, and above the lantern. That the rod may (if required on other accounts) come down on the inside of the building, or in a groove in the wall ; but should not be unnecessarily removed from observation aud inspection. That all large metallic arrangements in the stonework, or other non- metallic parts of the tower of the lighthouse, such as tying bars, metal flues, &c., should be well connected, by copper, with the conductor. That the vicinity of two metallic masses without contact, or metallic communication, is to be avoided. That, as to the South Foreland High Light, the lantern, the central stove, and the copper rod proceeding from it to the earth, connected as they now are, form a perfect lightning conductor, even without the rod that is there erected ; but That it is important casual arrangements should never be depended upon for lightning conductors ; but a copper rod be established for the especial purpose : for, if the former be trusted to, the carelessness or ignorance of workmen may, at after periods, upon occasions of repair or cleansing, cause the necessary metallic connection to be left imperfect or incomplete, and then the arrangement is not merely useless but dangerous. That, as to the Eddystone, it is desirable to connect the system of wrought iron ties in it with the lightning conductor, by joining the lower part of that iron rod which is nearest to the conductor with the latter, by a copper rod or strap, equivalent to the conductor in sectional area. That the Dungeness Lighthouse is in a very anomalous condition ; to rectify which the two repeilers should be removed, and also the representative of the top of a lightning rod attached to the flue, and that then a good copper conductor should be attached to the metal of the lantern, upon the principles already expressed. (Signed.) M. FAEADAY. 25th September, 1843. ( 187 ) 23, G-T. GEORGE STREET, 25th September, 1843. SIR, The reference, on the important subject of lightning conductors, is to Mr. Faraday and to me. On receiving it I prepared drawings of the buildings to which our immediate attention was required, with an explanation of their present conductors. These were considered at a meeting with Mr. Faraday, when he explained the principles and their application to the several cases, deduced from his copious experiments and scientific observations. I have since received from him the accompanying Report for my signature along with his, but the report is altogether Mr. Faraday's and therefore I prefer adding niy approval of all it contains in this separate sheet, and recommending that authority be given to me to act upon it. 1 am, Sir, &c, (Signed) J, WALKER. JACOB HERBERT, Esq, Trinity House. ROYAL INSTITUTION", 27th September, 1852. MY DEAR SIR, I fortunately reached the Nash Low Lighthouse last Thurs- day, before any repairs were made of the injury caused by the discharge of lightning there, and found everything as it had been left : the repairs were to be commenced on the morrow. The night of Monday, 30th August, was exceedingly stormy, with thunder and lightning ; the discharge upon the lighthouse was at six o'clock in the morning of the 31st, just after the keeper had gone to bed. At the same time, or at least in the same storm, the flagstaff between the upper and lower lights was struck, and some corn stacks were struck and fired in the neighbourhood. It is manifest that the discharge upon the tower was exceedingly powerful, but the lightning conductor has done duty well has, I have no doubt, saved the build- ing ; and the injury is comparatively slight, and is referable almost entirely to circumstances which are guarded against in the report made by myself and Mr. Walker 22nd September, 1843. The conductor is made fast to the metal of the lantern, descends on the inside of the tower to the level of the ground, and passes through the wall and under the flag pavement which surrounds the tower. It is undisturbed everywhere, but there are signs of oxidation on the metal and the wall at a place where two lengths of copper are rivetted together, which show how great an amount of electricity it has carried. A water-butt stands in the gallery outside the lantern. A small ( 188 ) copper pipe, 1 inch in diameter, brings the water from the roof of the lantern into this butt ; it does not reach it, but terminates 10 or 12 inches above it. A similar copper pipe conducts the surplus water from the butt to the ground, but it is not connected metallically with the other pipe, or with the metal of the conductor, or the lantern. Hence a part of the lightning which has fallen upon the lantern has passed as a flash, or, as we express it, by disruptive discharge from the outside of the lantern to this tub of water, throwing off a portion of the cement at the place, and has used this pipe as a lightning con- ductor in the rest of its course to the ground. The pipe has holes made in it in three places, but these are at the three joints, where, it being in different lengths, it is put together with tow and white lead, and where of course the metallic contact is again absent ; and thus the injury there (which is very small) is accounted for. The pipe ends below at the level of the ground in a small drain, and at this end a disruptive discharge has (naturally) occurred, which has blown up a little of the cement that covered the place. Some earth is thrown up at the outer edge of the pavement round the tower over the same small drain, which tends to show how intense the discharge must have been over the whole of the place. Inside of the lantern there are traces of the lightning, occurring at places where pieces of metal came near together but did not touch, thus at the platform where a covering copper plate came near to the top of the stair railing, but the effects are very slight. All the lamps, ventilating tubes, &c., remained perfectly undisturbed, and there was no trace of injury or effect where the conductor and the lantern were united. Inside of the tower and the rooms through which the conductor passes there were and are no signs of anything (except at the rivetting above mentioned) until we reach the kitchen or living-room which is on a level with the ground, and here the chair was broken and the carpet and oil-cloth fired and torn. To understand this, it must be known that the separation between this room and the oil-cellar beneath is made by masonry consisting of large stones, the vertical joints of which are leaded throughout, so that the lead appears as a network upon the surface, both of the kitchen floor above, and the roof of the oil cellar beneath, varying in thickness in different places up to 5 or more of an inch, as in a piece that was thrown out. The nearest part of this lead to the conductor is about 9 inches or a little more distant, and it was here that the skirting was thrown off, and the chair broken ; here also that the fender was upset and the little cupboard against the skirting emptied of its articles. If this lead had been connected metallically with the conductor, these effects would not have happened. The electricity which in its tendency to pass to the earth took this course, naturally appeared in the oil-cellar beneath, and though the greater portion of it was dissipated through the building itself, yet a part appeared in its effects to have been directed by the oil cans, for though they were not at all injured or disturbed, the wash or colour in the wall above four or five of them was disturbed, showing that slight disruptive connections or sparks had occurred there. ( 189 ) At the time of the shock, rain was descending in floods, and the side of the tower and the pavement was covered with a coat of water, This being a good conductor of electricity has shown its effects in connection with the intense force of the discharge. A part of the electricity leaving the conductor at the edge of the pavement and the tower, broke up the cement there, in its way to the water on the surface, which for the time acted to it as the sheet of copper which I conclude is at the end of the conductor does, i.e., as a final dis- charge to the earth. Also on different parts of the external surface of the tower near the ground, portions of cement, the size of half a hand, have been thrown off by the disruptive discharges from the body of the tower to this coat of water : all testifying to the intensity of the shock. I should state that the keeper says he was thrown out of bed by the shock. However, no trace of lightning appears in the bedroom, still there are evidences that powerful discharges passing at a distance, and on the other side of thick walls may affect bodies and living systems, especially by spasmodic action, and something of the kind may have occurred here. It may loa as well for me to state that the upper floors are leaded together like that of the kitchen. The reason why they did not produce like effect is evident in that they from their posi- tion could not serve as conductors to the earth as the lower course could. The keeper said he had told the coppersmith to make the necessary repairs in the pipe, and I instructed him to connect the waste pipe and the upper pipe by a flat strap of copper plate. I would recom- mend that the lead of the lower floor be connected metallically with the conductor to a plate of copper in the earth. I could not see the end of the present conductor, not being able by any tools at the light- house to raise the stonework, but I left instructions with the keeper to have it done, and report to me the state of matters. I am, &c., THE SECRETARY, (Signed; M. FARADAY. Trinity House. EDDYSTONE LIGHT. REPORT of PROFESSOR FARADAY on Electrical Phenomenon which occurred thereat on the llth January, 1853. ROYAL INSTITUTION, MY DEAR SIR, 24th January, 1853. In reference to the remarkable stroke of lightning which occurred at the Eddystone Lighthouse, at midday on llth January of this year, and made itself manifest by a partial flash discharge in the living rooms, I have to call your attention to the drawing herewith returned, and to the circum stances which appear (from it) to have accompanied and conduced to the discharge. In the body of the stone work above the store-room exist eight rings of metal ; each going round the building, and each being four inches square of solid iron and lead. Also, latterly the bed-room and sitting-room have been lined with a framework of iron bars, situated vertically, and pinned by long bolts into the stonework. ( 190 ) The part of the tower above the floor of the living-room is, there- fore, filled with a metallic system, which, with the metal lantern, gives a very marked character to the upper half of the structure. The recent metallic arrangements (but not the rings) are connected with the lightning rod ; and the copper part of this rod, beginning at the floor of the living-room, then proceeds downwards by the course which can be followed in the drawing, and terminates on the outside of the rock between high and low water marks. Considering all these circumstances, I was led to conclude that the conductor was in a very imperfect condition at the time of low water ; and I had little doubt that I should find that the discharge had taken place when it was in this state, and very probably with a spring tide. The day of the stroke was the llth January a new moon occurred on the 9th, so that it was at a time of spring tide. The occurrence took place at midday ; and, according to the tide tables, that was close upon the time of low water at Devonport. The end of the conductor would then be 6 feet from the water, if the latter were quiescent, and I cannot doubt that this circumstance gave rise to that diverted discharge which became so manifest to the keepers. Mr. Surges, with whom I have conversed about the matter, thinks it probable that, through the violence of the waves, the con- ductor does not now descend so much as is represented in the drawing. I think it essential that the lower end of the conductor be made more perfect in its action ; and I should prefer this being done on the outside of the tower and rock, if the rod can be rendered permanent in such a situation. If it be impossible to prolong and fix the lower end of the conduc- tor where it now is, so that it shall have large contact with the sea at low water, then I would suggest, whether or no, on the more sloping part of the rock, about midway between high and low water, three or four holes could not be sunk to the depth of 3 feet, and about 3 or 4 feet apart, and that copper rods being placed in these, they should be connected together, and the lightning rod continued to them. If this cannot be done, then it might be right to consider the pro- priety of the making a hole through the centre of the building and rock, about 2 or more inches in diameter, and 30 feet deep, and con- tinuing the conductor to the bottom. A conversation with Mr. Burges regarding the present state of the Bishop's Rock Lighthouse, now in course of construction, induces me also to suggest the propriety of making provision for the lightning conductor as the work proceeds. It would be easy now to fix terminal rods of copper, and to com- bine them upwards with the work. Considering the isolated and peculiarly exposed condition of a lighthouse on this site, I would pro- pose that there be two conducting rods from the lantern, down the out- side on opposite sides of the tower, each terminating below in two or three prolongations, entering as proposed into the rock, or into fissures below low water mark, so as to be well and permanently fixed. I am, &c., THE SECRETARY, (Signed) M. FARADAY. Trinity Bouse. ( 191 ) [The present Eddystone Lighthouse, that is the stone one erected in 1757-59 from Smeaton's designs, has a total height from low water level to the top of the vane of 107 feet. The annexed engra- ving shows two conductors, the old arid defective one passing down the left hand side and terminating half way between high and low water level, and the proposed new one on the right terminating in holes in the rock. ED.] EBDYSTONE. ( 192 ) [The following letter would have been placed in Appendix A. along with the replies from British Manufacturers of Lightning Conductors : but it did not arrive until long after they had been printed off. ED.] Please find enclosed answer to your questions. In addition to manufacturing rods, we have been protecting buildings with these rods for thirty years. We sell in this way at retail from five to six hundred thousand feet each year. We also issue a guarantee of $500 (,100) on each building that we protect, which we hold ourselves ready to make good in case of failure. Now, in this extensive business, we have only had to pay one dollar damage done by light- ning. We regard this as a practical demonstration that our method of protecting buildings with iron rods is as near perfect as it can be. There is more profit to be made out of the copper rod, as it is made cheaply out of sheet copper, and can be sold much higher than the iron rod. But knowing that iron for all practical purposes is the best material for lightning rods, we feel it to be our duty to do all we can to introduce it. We would most respectfully ask the Conference to investigate this question as to what kind of metal is best for rods for practical use, iron or copper. Our own late Professor Joseph Henry pronounced in favour of iron. We have many facts in rela- tion to buildings being struck by lightning which we could give at some future time if desired. We have gathered up a large number of points that have been melted by lightning strokes. They are melted down about inch. They all look as if the same amount of heat had been applied to each, showing very clearly that the quantity of electricity in lightning strokes is quite uniform. We have never in any instance known of the rod being melted, showing that the rod which we use is of sufficient size. 1 & 2. We make spiral twisted iron rods weighing 45 Ibs. to the hundred feet [7J oz. per footj. The rod is of the same sized material throughout its length, except that a copper point, plated with silver and tipped with platinum, is screwed on the upper terminal. 3. No proportion is observed between the length and sectional area. 4. Joints are made by means of copper nuts. 5. Attached to building by means of zinc strips, or a casting that fits closely to the rod, which is screwed down. 6. The rod extends from 9 to 10 feet in the ground. 7. A circle twice the diameter of height of rod above roof. 8. All terminals on the roof are connected. There are never less than two ground rods, and these are increased as the number of upper terminals are increased. We also manufacture copper rods, but do not use them where we protect buildings, nor do we recommend them to other dealers from the fact that our experience of thirty years has demonstrated that iron is the best material for lightning rods. COLE BEOTHEES. MOUNT PLEASANT, IOWA, UNITED STATES. ( 193 ) A colliery chimney near Sunderland, 180 feet high, was struck by Lightning, November 13th, 1878, and I was sent for to repair it. Upon getting to the top, which was about 15 feet diameter, I found a great many of the bricks displaced, and the upper terminal of the conductor (which was a tube 0-50 in. internal, and about 0*62 in. external diameter, and which had stood about 1 foot above the top of the chimney) had been fused and was lying on the top of the chimney, it was quite brittle, and easily broken by the hand. The upper lO feet of | inch wire rope was in a similar state ; it seemed as if it had been passed through an exceedingly hot furnace, and I rubbed it to dust in my hands. This 10 feet length was above the first holdfast, below the holdfast the wire rope was perfectly good. The holdfast was one of those which are driven into a wooden plug let into the wall and pinned tightly down on the rope, which had been badly bruised in the fixing in fact, knocked almost flat. I believe that this was the cause of the accident, and that the lightning travelled down as far as this holdfast, and there meeting obstruction, returned destroying the wire and rod and shattering the brickwork. The earth connection was good, the end was buried in a trench 2 feet deep and 15 feet long. T. MASSINGHAM. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. I have been in communication with several of the principal brick builders here by whom the great majority of the chimney stalks in Glasgow and the west of Scotland are erected, and I believe the following statements may be taken as correct : (1) Very few stalks under ninety feet in height have lightning conductors, but, as a rule, the higher stalks have conductors. One of my correspondents says that " this rule holds good in four cases out of five." (2) A chimney being struck by lightning is an extremely rare occurrence in this district. One builder of long experience (Mr. McDonald) says, " I have known of se-veral stalks that were struck by lightning, that had no conductors. I cannot point to one that was struck by lightning and had a conductor." Another firm of old standing (Allan and Mann) say "In our experience we have not known of a chimney stalk, with lightning conductor fixed, damaged by lightning." Another firm (Bell, Hornsby and Co.) say " In our experience we have not known an ordinary stalk with or without a conductor struck by lightning," and Mr. Goldie says " During the last twenty years I can remember only one such case," and he is not sure whether the stalk had a conductor or not. There are three cases known to have occurred in Glasgow, but I never heard of any others among the hundreds I may say thousands of chimneys which are here. The great stalk at St. Eollox was struck shortly after its erection. A stalk at the works of Messrs. Alexander Paul and Co., was struck about nine years ago. Mr. Goldie makes the N ( 194 ) remark and I think it is well worthy of notice that in all these cases the accident happened shortly after the completion of the stalk. In these circumstances the stalk would still, no doubt, contain a large amount of moisture. I think the St. Eollox stalk had a conductor fixed before it was struck, but I am not aware whether either of the others had. Mr. Higginbotham (Todd and Higginbotham) tells me that the stalk at their works was struck before it was quite completed. It was very slightly injured. It was afterwards struck as mentioned in my letter. On that occasion it had a lightning conductor. The damage done was not very serious, but necessitated the binding of the stalk with numerous iron hoops as thus strengthened it still stands. Mr. Higginbotham says that the opinion at the time was that the conductor saved the stalk from complete destruction, but that it was too small. They, therefore, had it replaced by a much heavier one copper rope fths of an inch diameter, kept 1| inches from the brickwork by glass insulators which still remains. J. HONEYMAN. 140, BATH STEEET, GLASGOW. There was no lightning conductor of any kind at Wells Church. The electric fluid struck the east side of the Tower just above the ridge of the nave roof. The tower stands, or stood, at the west end. I enclose an account of the fire from a local paper : WELLS. TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE CHUECH.-^" Near mid- night of Saturday last, August 2nd, 1879, a terrific thunderstorm burst over this town and a large district around, causing most intense alarm and unfortunately ending in sad disaster. The storm raged throughout the night, and was accompanied in many places by a perfect deluge of rain. Between three and four a.m. of Sunday, the 3rd, it appeared to reach its height, the lightning being of a most vivid and alarming nature, and the thunder reverber- ating in continuous peals. A lull then occurred, but between five and six a.m. the storm again burst out with great fury, and at 5.50 the electric fluid struck the church on the eastern face of the tower immediately above the apex of the roof, driving out a large portion of the stone work, the flints flying hundreds of feet around. One large stone fell upon the roof of a house, near the east window, and penetrated to the room below, which was fortunately unoccupied ; but the tenant, Mr. E. Wharf, who slept in the next room, was aroused, and one or two persons in the road seeing what had occurred, and observing smoke directly aftsr issuing from the roof of the church, raised an alarm of fire, which quickly awakened the whole town. E. M. PHIPSON. NOEWICH. ( 195 ) The first visible injury to "Wells Church was the " skinning" of a portion of the tower (about 10 feet high by 5 feet broad) extending downwards from the east window of the tower (i.e., the window which looked over the roof of the nave,) to the point at which the lead- covered nave joined the tower. The lightning is believed to have set fire to the roof at this point, and also to have travelled along the lead roof to the chancel, and in crossing the vestry to have ignited the surplices, as the church was seen to be on fire at both ends before the middle was touched. The "skinning" was accompanied by great disruptive force, as the stones from the tower were not only shot the full length of the church, but one large one fell on the roof of a house 60 feet beyond the east end of the church. WELLS, NOEFOLK. F. LONG. As your questions in the Times of to-day allude only to protection to buildings from lightning, I need not say anything on the perfect protection afforded to Her Majesty's ships by the conductors of Sir Snow Harris, from the time they were used in every ship in the service. H.M.S. " Beagle," Commander FitzEoy, was one of the first ships fitted with them. At Monte Video a heavy shock of lightning passed down the mainmast and through the ship without doing the slightest injury ; but as the vane staff which tapered to a fine point, was fused at the point, it enables me to answer one of your questions. The copper was melted till the diameter was about one eighth of an inch, but below that point the conductor was not injured in any way. You will like to know a case in which a copper wire acted as a perfect conductor, though fused throughout its length. It was at Monte Video, in the house of the English Consul, a flag-staff was struck, and conducted the lightning through a flat roof, near the bell wire of a suite of rooms (the wire ran in sight near the cornice) through a hole in each dividing wall, and then down to the bell in the base- ment ; the wire was melted into drops like shot, which burnt a row of small holes in the carpet of each room. A dark mark, on the cornice above, showed where the wire had been. At the bell there was a slight explosion, and some little damage, but I do not recollect whether anything acted partially as a conductor from that point, and so carried off that part of the charge. This, I think, shows that even an ordinary bell wire will act as a conductor for a rather strong stroke of lightning, as the large flag- staff was shattered. I am anxious to call the attention of your conference to a point that it will be interesting to clear up. That is, whether a conductor should be a solid rod, or in a shape to give the largest amount of surface in the section ? When I tell you that Faraday and Harris each told me that the other " knew nothing about it," because they differed entirely on this point, I think you will see the importance of it. I had at the time to approve of the conductors for lighthouses. I will, if you wish it, give you more particulars on this point, as I N2 ( 196 ) believe it has never yet been settled : lighthouses having been fitted with Faraday's, and ships and public buildings with Harris* con- ductors. The one being a solid bolt, the other a hollow tube or double thin plates. If Harris was right there is an unnecessary amount of copper in Faraday's solid conductors ; if Faraday is right, there is an unneces- sary outlay in putting a given amount of copper into the shape of a tube, instead of using it as a solid rod. B. J. SULIVAN, Admiral. p.g. You should get from the Trinity House particulars of a case in which, with a good solid conductor, the iron floor of a lighthouse, aided by some lead in the wall, diverted the lightning from the con- ductor, and caused damage inside. I think it was a Portland light- house, but it is so many years since that I may not be right. TREGEN, BOURNEMOUTH. Three or four years since, I was looking out of my office window in Finsbury, when a flash of lightning struck the tower of the church of St. Giles', Cripplegate, towards which my sight happened at the time to be directed. As a portion only of the flag-staff, placed at one corner of the tower, was destroyed, I obtained permission to ascend the tower and discover the reason. I found a substantial copper rope conductor fixed in a somewhat careless fashion to the back of the tower, and passing some distance into the earth. This copper rope was about an inch in diameter, and was carried upwards, under and over several projections and cornices, and across the roof of the tower to its centre where it stood erect, and evidently did its assigned work admirably. Clumsy and unsatisfactory as the fixing of this bent copper rope seemed to me to be, it is quite certain that it was most efficient ; and had it not been for the flag-staff, capped with lead, which was carried up considerably higher than the copper rope, no evidence whatever of the lightning's path would have been revealed. As it was, the discharge of lightning struck the leaden cap of the flag-staff, and descended down the wet, wooden pole, until the summit of the copper-rope conductor in the centre of the tower was reached, when the discharge flew across to the metallic earth con- ductor, leaving the lower part of the flag-staff unhurt, but shattering to splinters that portion which was higher than the summit of the copper rope. EICHAED HEEEINGK 27, ST. MARY'S EOAD, HIGHBURY. A small public-house of mine (the " Wheatsheaf ") stands at Trolley Bottom, in the parish of Flamstead, between St. Albans and D unstable. On Wednesday, August 6th, 1879, about 2 p.m., during a storm, not otherwise very severe, my tenant was seated by the tap-room window (A on the plan) his wife being seated opposite to him, and having the window on her left, whilst she held her child ( 197 ) with her right hand ; there were at the same time in the room about five men besides. A sharp flash of lightning occurred, and the poor woman (when the smoke cleared away) was observed to have fallen backwards. She gasped twice, never spoke, and died immediately, and bore no further mark of injury, I understand, than a slight mark as of scorching on her neck, below the left ear. I fail to recollect whether her clothing was scorched or not, the child's shoe and sock were both burnt, but she, herself, was unharmed. All present were sensible of an atmosphere heavily laden with sulphurous fumes ; but, excepting as above, were absolutely unhurt. On visiting the house about a week afterwards, with a view to its repair, I found a small round hole as if made with a bullet in a pane of the window (A) close to which the woman was sitting, but could discover no further injury either to the other panes, the window- frame, the floor, or anything in the room. In the parlour, B, the window-frame was violently wrenched outwards two or three inches, several of the panes were broken, one sash-line being scorched, as also the frame and linings in places, especially in the neighbourhood of the sash-weights (iron). The wooden chimney-piece E, was slightly moved from its position, the various articles upon it were scattered, and a bottle of ink which stood there, was thrown with some violence to the ceiling. The upper part of the chimney to that room, Gr, and a portion of the wall, of which it was a part, forming the gable end to the house were shattered, and at H a stout post, contiguous to the house wall, and supporting the roof of a lean-to, was split and wrenched from its position. The windows and frames upstairs, C D, were in the same state as that at B. The chimney, K, to the tap- room, was quite uninjured, and no harm was done to any part of the back of the house. ELEVATION. PLAN. Flamstead is about four miles from Luton, and six from St. Albans, and stands on high land. Trolley Bottom is a hamlet half-a- mile distant, and is, as its name implies, low-lying. My house is, perhaps, the lowest in position there. It faces the North-West. I fear that my experiences will be found to have but little bearing upon the main point you have in view, viz., the comparative merits of different descriptions of Lightning Conductors. I venture to think, however, that they are not altogether without interest as illustrating the effects of lightning in a by no means exposed situation. ( 198 ) I am writing only from memory what was told me at the time, and should you desire further information on any points, shall be happy to endeavour to obtain it for you. It would interest me very much to know how it is to be accounted for that, whilst in the room in which the poor woman was struck, no further damage was done, other parts of the house were, comparatively speaking, wrecked. JOHN EDWAED GEOOME. KING'S LANGLEY. I was in a house at Cannes (France) belonging to my late father on the occasion of its being struck by lightning about five or six years ago. The storm in which it occurred was a very short one, consisting of only four explosions, every one of which took effect on some building in Cannes. The rain was falling in torrents, and to this I consider we owed our safety as the shoots and stack-pipes being full of water acted as conductors. The villa stood high, but another building very much higher, and on higher ground, was within 100 yards. The lightning struck the metal cowl of a brick chimney, which, being an addition, was led down outside the walls of the house. In the explosion the front of the grate of the room to which this chimney belonged, together with fire-irons, &c., were all projected across the room (a large one), about 30 feet ; but no marks of lightning having entered the room were apparent. In fact the light- ning after blowing up this chimney, together with much of the roof and wall of the house (great portions of the solid masonry of which I found 50 and 60 yards off !) appears to have left the chimney and, taking the course- of the iron shoot round the house, to have divided into three streams, each of which ultimately found its way down a separate stack-pipe, melting in its way all the soldering of the joints, but otherwise leaving them uninjured. One stream passed thus into a well, the door of which (locked the night before) was burst open, I presume by the sudden expansion of the air, another stream of the electric fluid passed into an under- ground drain, which it burst up, hurling into the air the trees planted above it, the third passing across a level asphalt roof, which it melted in spite of the water lying on it, descended into the earth harmlessly. You will see by this that the amount of electric fluid must have been very great to require all these modes of dispersion, and it sug- gests the question whether the diameter of the ordinary conductors would be sufficient to carry off so great a stream. Of course, in this case, there was no conductor, and therefore no means of testing it. H. EADCLIEEE DTTGMOEE. THE LODGE, PARKSTONE, DOBSET. ( 199 ) Thank you very much for the Pamphlet, which I have read with great interest. Messrs. W. & "W. (page 6) state that conductors in masts (like Harris's) are "most objectionable." The best answer to that is : that while ships were struck in the Navy, and lives lost every year before they were introduced, no ship fitted with them ever received the slightest damage ; and since all ships were ordered to be fitted now about 30 to 35 years I have never heard of the slightest damage, or the loss of one life that fact upsets all theories on the subject ! Then connections between the higher and lower masts, and especially at right angles, are objected to on the ground that at a bend the conductor may be fused ; such a thing was never heard of in the thousands of conductors that must have been fitted in the navy. Even if the movable plate were turned back the lightning following the longest conductor would leave one mast for the other, as the conductor went right over the mastheads, and the two conductors nearly touched each other. At Spring Grove, near Isleworth, the church had a high spire which was fitted with a conductor, but the Vicarage was struck and some damage done to it, though, I think, much nearer to the tower than its height. I believe many are contented with one or two conductors to a building that should have many more. My small house here is about 70 feet long by 38 feet wide, and I have seven conductors one to each chimney. If it is once decided beyond despute, that copper conducts in propor- tion to its volume ; then a rod, or flat-plate, of about the proportions of one to four or five, for the purpose of fitting closer round projections, would be the cheapest and simplest form ; but if it conducts in pro- portion to surface then of course a tube r double plate, or wire rope, would give the greatest protection at a given cost. I firmly believe in the surface theory of Harris. I had been with him often when he made experiments nearly fifty years since, and witnessed a strip of tin foil of the thinnest kind, and about J inch wide, protect a model mast of about six inches in diameter from electric shock, that without it split the mast to pieces, aided by a small hole through its centre filled with gunpowder. And I always thought that the surface-conducting theory of Harris was indisputable. But about 20 years since, having to approve a proposal of the Trinity House for a new conductor of a Lighthouse, which, like previous ones, was an inch in diameter copper rod called "Faraday's Plan," I thought 1 would go up to the Royal Institution and ask him why he did not use a copper tube instead, giving much greater conducting power with less copper. I did so, and he asserted positively that the conducting power depended entirely on the volume of copper in the section of the conductor, no matter whether it was in a bolt, plates, or tube ; and that if Harris said differently, " He knows nothing whatever about it ; " of course, I approved the rod conductor. But singularly enough, though I had not seen Harris for years, he came to town a few days after, and came to the Board of Trade to see me, and bring me a piece of his large tube conductor, with a connection, that he was fitting to the Houses of Parliament. When I told him what ( 200 ) Faraday's opinion was, he answered, " Then he knows nothing about it." I was still inclined to believe in Harris ; but a few years after, a young Indian E.E. Officer Lieut.-Col. Stewart whose death not long after was a serious loss to the service, was sent home to procure the electric cables for connecting different Indian ports. I was asked by the Secretary of the Indian Office to give him all the help I could. One day he came to me with a piece of the cable he proposed using. Inside the iron wires was a single stout copper wire about T V of an inch in diameter. I asked him why he had not the central wire of several strands as usual, as I believed it would greatly increase the conductive power. He said that he had carried out a number of ex- periments on this point before deciding ; and that he was satisfied the conducting power depended on the amount of copper in the conductor, and consequently a solid wire was better than one of the same size made up by twisting small wires together. This of course shook my confidence in Harris' theory ; but it is a point that can be easily decided by experiments on a larger scale ; and I hope your Committee will be able to decide it finally. Messrs. W. & ~W. prefer to a conductor on the masts a wire rope carried down from the truck, stopped to a back stay. The following fact will show its danger : A French frigate, some fifty years since, had one so fitted as an experiment ; while striking T.Gr. masts the conductor formed a large bight as the mast was lowered; a man standing on cap or cross-trees I forget which formed a shorter conductor between two parts of the wire rope and was killed without any other damage being done. B. J. SULIYAN. BOURNEMOUTH. With reference to your recent letter in the " Times," I shall be glad if you will inform me whether there has come under the con- sideration of the Conference the question of lightning conductors on board iron ships with iron masts ; for my part they would seem to be useless, and that if the iron mast have sufficient metallic communi- cation, through the bottom, with the outside of the ship either by means of the screw shaft or in some other way ; no additional con- ductor, copper ribbon, or strip, down the masts and along the decks over the ships side, or copper tube down the shrouds and over the ship's side could be of the slightest benefit. In some ships one or other of these arrangements has been adopted, and in others both have been applied at same time. C. M. L. McHAEDY. FEEN HILL COTTAGE, WIKOSOS FOEEST. I have observed your letter in " The Architect " of Saturday last. With reference to the subject on which it treats, I chance to have noticed since my residence here (a period of eight years) what I suppose to be an unusual frequency of lightning striking objects immediately round this spot, and the neighbourhood generally. ( 201 ) This inference is suggested by the fact that within the period mentioned lightning has fallen within fifty yards of the same spot three times that this summer (one of those occasions) two other houses, both (say) within 500 yards in a direct line from this spot, were also struck and generally, I believe, more objects are struck in this neighbourhood than usually happens to be the case. My idea may be a fallacy, for I have no sort of statistics by which to test it ; but if you suppose it is not so, and if such points come within the scope of your inquiry, I should be glad to send you a map marked with the spots where, and the dates when, lightning has fallen in or near this town. The only local peculiarities I notice are : 1. An unusual number of houses close to this have lightning conductors (a mere coincidence, and not placed there on any impression like my own). 2. We are at the bottom of a deep bay of parabolic plan which may influence the movements of electrical disturbance. 3. A soil of sand and gravel containing much oxide of iron. A. BALDET. ATHELNEY, BOURNEMOUTH, HANTS. [Mr. Baldry kindly supplied the map, and we find that a half circle of half a mile radius struck from the cliff-edge half a mile west of Bournemouth Pier includes the churches of St. Peter, with one con- ductor, and Holy Trinity with three ; eight private houses with con- ductors, of which four houses have one each, and the other four have two, five, six and seven respectively, and within this area six objects are known to have been struck three in the year 1879, two in 1871, and one in 1870. We do not know of any English locality where there are so many houses with conductors ; but there are many more remarkable cases of repeated injury within small areas e.g., in one storm in June, 1878, there were at least eight separate buildings injured within a circle of half a mile radius struck from the Metro- polian Cattle Market in the north of London. ED.] It occurs to me that it is worth while for the delegates of the Royal Institute of British Architects to raise the question, and, if possible settle, whether or not the gas pipes which permeate many buildings might or might not be utilized as lightning conductors ; and whether any risk of gas explosion would be incurred thereby. In my own practice there occurred the case of a lofty building, with a domed roof, and a sun-burner with a 1| inch gaspipe to supply it, rising to the summit of the dome, and a large iron cowl over the sun-burner. The same circumstance occurs in most modern theatres. If the cowl were struck by lightning there was perfect metallic connection thence to the street gas mains and one of larger sectional and super- ficial area than an ordinary lightning conductor would give. H. D. DAVIS. 2, FlNSBUBY ClECUS, ClTT, E.G. ( 202 ) Lightning conductors have been a great hobby with me for many years, and I have induced a great number of clergymen and others to fix them to their towers and houses. During my time in the navy and merchant service I witnessed many fearful effects of lightning, and for the last thirty years I have been striving to per- suade my friends to secure their houses from these terrific visitations. On the 24th December, 1699, the upper half of the fine steeple of this town was hurled to the ground, and a large portion of the church broken in. Pinnacles were then substituted for the upper portion of the steeple, to which I have had an efficient conductor attached. As far as I can gather from records, and from the abortions so fre- quently substituted for the original pinnacles of towers, I have come to the conclusion that nearly every tower in 1his country has been struck by lightning during the last 400 years, when nearly all the towers were built. Many years since, the Illustrated News gave a sketch of a beautiful steeple (in Norfolk, I believe) destroyed by lightning. It was stated that this was the second steeple which had met with so sad a fate. After the destruction of the first, a second steeple was built by subscription, at a cost of .1,000, and the scaffolding had been removed only ten days when, during a terrific thunderstorm, this second steeple was entirely destroyed ! I wrote immediately to the incumbent to ask about the conductor, and his answer was that none had been fixed, but that it was quite decided that an efficient one should be attached to the third steeple ! This would almost appear incredible, and I regret that I did not dot down the name of the Parish and other data, but I think it was about 20 years since. The conductors I recommend are simply copper rods of | inch diameter, attached to the highest chimney, and brought to the ground two or three feet under the surface. When buildings are longer than they are high, I always advise a conductor at each end. I generally place the conductor four or five feet above the chimney, and bring it out from the base of the building. Where a steeple or pinnacle has a vane it is only necessary to fix the conductor to the base of the spindle. Sir W. Snow Harris recommended much heavier copper conductors, but their great expense has prevented their adoption. The old conductors in men-of-war were composed of long copper links, of which nine feet went to the lb., and these were always efficient when in place. Now of J inch copper rod there are only five feet to a lb., so that I give a larger margin for security. JAMES LIDDELL. I observed your notice that you required information in reference to lightning and lightning conductors. A case was brought to my attention last year which occurred in Middlesborough. I enclose you particulars of the same extracted from my report, together with a tracing shewing the elevation and plan of the chimney shaft which was struck with lightning. BALDWIN LATHAM. 7, WESTMINSTEB CHAMBEBS, VICTORIA STBEET, S.W. ( 203 ) A. Wooden cover over boiler. B. Boiler. c. Iron disinfecting apparatus. D. Iron flue into chimney. E. Conductor. * Position of fracture. Extract from a Letter from Mr. E. 7>. "Latham, C.E., Borough Surveyor of Middlesborough, dated October llzA, 1878, with reference to the striking by lightning of the chimney in connection with the washhouse at the Middlesborough Fever Hospital at Linthorpe : " The chimney, which is a brick one, is about 50 feet high and 5 feet square at the base and stands at the north end of the wash- house, as shown on the accompanying sketch. The conductor, a |ths inch copper rope, is fixed on the south side of the chimney with holdfasts, no insulators, and finishes in the usual manner, about 2 feet above the top. The conductor is- carried under the ground for a dis- tance of about 9 feet from the chimney, and terminates at a depth of about 4 feet in hard, rather dry clay, the end being wrapped about three times round a common brick buried in the ground. At a distance of about 9 feet above the ground at the same side as the conductor, and only about one foot from it there is a fracture in the brickwork where the electric fluid appears to have penetrated the chimney and gone a short distance down the inside, to the flue connected with the iron dis- ( 204 ) infecting apparatus, which stands at the side of the clothes boiler, as shown on the plan. The stone work of the top of the boiler was broken and other damage done." Extract from the reply of Mr. Baldwin Latham, C.E., to the above communication : " It is no uncommon thing for buildings provided with what are called lightning conductors to be damaged by lightning, and the cause is due to the inadequacy of the conductor to carry the electric fluid, which will leave the conductor for a better or a larger conductor. Wire ropes are found to be one of the worst forms, the same amount of metal when applied in a solid rod or ribbon is far more efficient, as it offers less resistance than the strands of a rope. You say your conductor is perfect, but by examination of the drawings it will be seen that the lightning descended the conductor to a certain point. At this point the iron flue enters the shaft, but some distance from the conductor ; the mass of metal located there was a better conductor than the rope, so that in leaving the rope for the better conductor, the electric fluid passed through the brickwork and caused the damage. If the boiler and flues did not join in metallic communication, damage would arise from the fluid passing from the flue to the boiler, and if the boiler were not in metallic communication with the earth, farther damage would arise when the fluid left the boiler for the earth. It is well known that electricity of high tension will leave small conductors for large ones, and the knowledge of this fact is made use of in pro- tecting the telegraph system throughout the country. Many build- ings and chimneys have been struck that have been fitted with so-called lightning conductors. A perfect system of protection against lightning consists in linking together all the conductors about the buildings. Such was the system introduced by Sir W. Snow Harris and adopted by the Government." Reply of Dec. 12th, 1878, acknowledging receipt of Mr. Baldwin Latham's Letter. " I am directed by the Town Council to tender you their thanks for the trouble you have taken, and the valuable information you have given with reference to the lightning conductor at the Middles- borough Fever Hospital. GEOKGE BAMBEIDGE. Town Clerk. COEPOBATION HALL, MIDDLESBOEOTJQH. Subsequent action. At the suggestion of the Engineers of the Telegraphs in the dis- trict, the earth portion of the rope has been imbedded in a mass of coke, and a quantity of old iron has been placed at the bottom of it, to counteract the influence of the boiler and disinfecting apparatus. ( 205 ) 1 beg to report an incident which occurred on board the barque " Southern Queen," from Pensacola, while coming up Channel on the morning of the 30th of December, 1879, the Eddystone Lights house bearing about north, dist. 20 miles. At 6 a.m. of the above date, saw a terrific squall rising in the W.N.W. point of the horizon, with vivid Lightning in it. "We immediately reduced sails down to lower topsails and foresail, and about 7 a.m. the squall of wind and hailstones overtook us : it blew furiously for about twenty minutes, and in the height of the squall a thunderbolt broke on the ship, shattering the main royal mast-head, thence the Lightning ran down the main royal stay to the fore topmast head, and shattering that also. Thence it ran down the chain of the fore-topsail haulyard and shattered about a fathom of the chain in bits. When the bolt struck the ship it made a report like a hundred ton gun fired off. The concussion on the ship threw every man off his feet. It filled the cabin with smoke, and also the hold : the smoke had a sulphury smell ; also all the compasses in the ship were so magnetized that they were flying right round. And on arrival into the Commercial Docks we observed that a plank on each side of the ship, in the wake of the main chains, had been blown out by the Lightning. On the port side the oakum has been blown out of the seams, and the edges of the planks shattered. Since the ship has lightened up out of the water, we have discovered that the electric fluid has passed out by a copper bolt, cut the copper sheathing in the shape of a star, and turned it back. Any further particulars I will be most happy to supply if required. D. MOEQAN, Master, " Southern Queen." 17, LIME STREET, LONDON. [Two of the delegates visited the ship, but with the exception ot learning from the mate that he saw " a ball of fire descend from the mizen and go over the port side " they had not been able to obtain any additional particulars. They obtained some fragments of the broken chain, a much rusted iron one, weighing however about two pounds per foot. ED.] The patterns of lightning conductors obtained from Messrs. Hart, as requested, are an improvement on the first " Spratt's Patent " purchased by the above-named firm ; the original was a mixture of copper and zinc wire, which, when it was exposed to a wet and smoky atmosphere, a galvanic action took place and soon destroyed it. About two months ago I engaged Messrs. Davis, of Derby and Newgate Street, to test a rope of the above construction that had been fixed about ten years at No. 1, Aberdeen Terrace, Blackheath, and I was present at the time, and though we had a very powerful battery we could not get a current through any part of it, as both the copper and zinc had decayed : the copper wire is not stout enough to allow for corrosion in this climate. St. Michael's Church, Blackheath Park, with the needle spire, as we call it built just fifty years ago had a | inch iron rod ; and as ( 206 ) it now runs through the new vestry just built I have advised the churchwardens to have it tested, and they are going to have it done in the course of a week or so. St. Alphege Church, Greenwich, has a ribbon of copper about 1| inches wide by J inch thick, and that has been up many years, and is as sound as when it was fixed, for I examined it about two months ago. I have advised the owner of No. 1 Aberdeen Terrace, to have a ribbon of copper, as I am certain that wire ropes are not to be depended on in this climate. Hoping these few remarks will not be deemed out of place, CHAELES J. HERTET. 95, BLACKHEATH HILL, GREENWICH, S.E. I have the honor to forward notes of an accident from lightning, which I lately witnessed, having been informed that your Committee desires such information. The very rough sketch which I attach is, I believe, accurate ; but I was only allowed to look in at the door while a strong light was held within, and to view the outside of the building. A native draughts- man belonging to the office, however, was allowed to make some measurements, which he communicated to me. It seemed to me that the case was worthy of record, because the building was so little injured. JOHN ASTED, Lieut.-Col. E.E. MASTJLIPATAM, MADRAS PRESIDENCY, 17ft May, 1878. May &th, 1878. Camped at Pedda Kondur, a village on the west bank of the Kistna river, about 10 miles below Bezoarah anicut. All the morning there was a southerly wind blowing unsteadily ; by noon it fell calm, and was very hot, clouds gathering in the east. Soon after mid-day thunder was heard to the east, and a storm was evi- dently approaching. About 3 p.m. wind began to blow from the east, and 'soon rose to a gale, bringing thick clouds of dust, and the thunder sounded very near. It rained rather heavily, which laid the dust, and black clouds could then be seen overhead, and nearly all round : the thunder, which was very loud, sometimes sounding quite over- head. By half-past four the rain had slackened, but thunder was almost incessant, and very loud. Just at this time a stream of light- ning descended within 80 yards of the tent, and was accompanied by a tremendous explosion. The lightning struck a small pagoda near the village, and some of the natives said that they observed smoke rise from the summit when the lightning descended. The accompanying rough sketch will show what the building is like. The main part of it is a square pyramid, each side of the square, out- side measurement, being about 18 feet ; height of apex above ground, ( 207 ) 32 feet. Built on to one side of the pyramid is an entrance chamber, with flat roof, about 10 feet square, and the same in height. The apex of the pyramid is surmounted by a metal (probably copper) finial, about 1 foot in height ; the ordinary attachment of such a finial to masonry is by means of a small stake built into the masonry, on which the finial which is cast hollow is fixed, and round which it is plastered with mortar. The interior of the pyramid forms one room, about 10 feet square, with a domed ceiling, the thickness of the dome at crown being 2| feet. In the centre of this room is placed the idol, in this case a lingam, or cylindrical stone pillar, 1 foot 4 inches high, and about 9 inches in diameter, which stands on a square hollow stone tray (not cut out of one stone, but fitted in two or more pieces) in which the offerings of ghee, &c. are placed. This tray has a small spout on each face to carry off the liquid ghee and water with which the priests' ablutions are made. The tray is raised on masonry, so that the height of the top of the lingam is 3 feet 4 inches from the floor. The floor of the room is 1 foot above the surrounding ground ; there is only one doorway leading from the porch or entrance room above men- tioned ; and the sacred edifice is closed by a substantial wooden door, with iron hinges and lock, on the outer face of the entrance chamber. The whole building is of brick in mortar, unplastered, and presents the appearance of being weather worn. The pagoda is at a distance of about 20 yards from some low native houses, and stands in an open space, on two sides of which is the native village ; round the houses are some trees, mostly of small size, but within 50 yards of the pagocla are two separate trees, which certainly exceed it in height. The village is situated on the margin of the Kistna river, and the surface of water in wells is at least 10 feet below the surface of the ground. The lightning struck the metal finial on the top of the pagoda, and passed vertically through the dome, travelled along the east side of the lingam without leaving any mark, and bored a small round hole in the stone tray beneath it, passing into the ground below without ( 208 ) disturbing the idol or its foundation. The hole in the tray was not quite large enough to admit the point of a little finger, and it was situated on a joint of the stone, a place where moisture would pro- bably linger. The finial appeared undisturbed, but the masonry im- mediately round its base was shattered, and a shower of pieces of brick and mortar was sent from the top of the pyramid and scattered over the ground on the east side to a distance of about 20 feet from the base. The masonry of the apex of the pyramid was cracked in three places, and a small hole was bored in it, on the east side of the finial, apparently about the same size as that in the stone tray ; but otherwise the masonry of the building appeared totally uninjured not a crack could be found anywhere. The soil at this place is a clayey loam, rather lighter than the ordinary delta alluvial soiL When the building was struck a sulphurous smell was noticed. JOHN ASTED, Lieut.-Col. K.E. MASULIPATAM, llth May, 1878. IBISH LIGHTS OFFICE, DUBLIN, 13th March, 1880. SIB, Adverting to your letter of the 13th ultimo, I have now the honour to forward herewith for the information of the Lightning Eod Conference copies of two Reports relating to the lighthouse at Bere- haven being struck by lightning, in 1877, which, no doubt, is the Station alluded to by Professor Tyndall in his conversation with Mr. Inglis, of the Trinity House. I am, Sir, Tour obedient Servant, W. LEES, Secretary. IRISH LIGHTS OFFICE, DUBLIN, February, 1877. SIB, I most respectfully beg leave to state that, in accordance with your instructions I proceeded to Berehaven Lighthouse, and on my arrival at that station I made a very careful examination and found that the lightning was conveyed into the lantern by the iron stay bars that were connected to the lightning conductor at a collar about 5 feet over the gutter on the outside of the dome for the purpose of securing it, and bolted to the dome of lantern by iron bolts. After bursting off the several coats of paint at the heads of the bolts, it put out the lights, breaking the glasses, and knocking down both light keepers insensible ; it having twisted off the lead voice-tube where it was secured to the side of the lightroom by a holdfast, bursting out the stone sheeting between the iron pillars supporting the marble top ; it then passed through the voice tube to the principal keeper's bedroom, ( 209 ) where it burst out the studding and lath and plaster, and tearing away the voice-tube, the foot-board of the bed, and destroying the pictures that were hanging on the walls. It would appear that the current was interrupted in its course by the sudden bend of the voice- tube; for, after having dealt destruction in this apartment it was attracted by the iron holdfasts and spikes that secured the voice- tube and studding to the walls, and passed out through the external walls of dwelling to the out offices, where it passed along: the eave gutters to the end of them ; it then followed one of the iron hold- fasts, and entered the wall, destroying it, and bursting out the cut- stone kneeler and barge course, it then passed down through the roof of the low buildings, destroying the slating, passing through the walls of the pantry, &c., tearing up portions of the 3 inch Yorkshire flagging of the floor and yard, dealing destruction to the shelving, doors, door frames, brickwork, glass, &c., and bursting up the seat of principal keeper's w.c., it passed along the sewer to the assistant keeper's w.c., breaking up the flags and seat and then passed out through the roof. Another current was attracted by the eave gutters at the east angle of the dwelling near the tower, and passed along them to the north east angle, splitting them through the centre. At this point its course was changed to the west, and passed into the assistant keeper's yard and down the rain water pipe to the water tank, splintering it and the slating and brick wall, &c. ; it also appears that the lightning struck the south-east side of the tower and entered it in several places at the base and near the lightning conductor, and apparently glanced off it where it was secured by hold-fasts to the tower, rooting up the solid rock, but giving no indication that it had been conveyed to earth by the conductor as intended : the lightning also entered the assistant keeper's kitchen through the chimney, knocking down a portion of the brickwork, &c. I may remark that the lightning conductor is formed by a copper rod, which stands about 10 feet over the gutter on the outside of the lantern, and is secured by three iron stays to the dome, as before described, and passes down through the centre of the gutter to the under side, where it is connected to a |-inch copper-wire rope, which continues down the outside of the lantern close to the glass to the floor of the balcony, passing through the stone floor by means of a hole, jumped through it, then continues down the face of the tower closely pressed to it by the iron holdfasts and copper bands, which secure it until it reaches the rock at the base of the tower, where it terminates in a small hole 3 inches by 3 inches, jumped out of the rock about 6 inches under the surface. After having made a careful survey of the damage done, I deemed it advisable, and at the solicitation of the principal keeper, who seems to have been greatly shaken and nervous, to have the iron stay-bars disconnected from the dome of the lantern and the bolt-holes plugged up with timber, fearing a recurrence of the accident, as the weather was very stormy, and should lightning come on no person on the rock would enter the lantern. I also considered it prudent to have the loose gutters and cut-stone, also a part of the gable of the out offices, taken down, as it was in danger of falling into the narrow yard, which might cause a sad accident. o ( 210 ) Having provided workmen and materials and scaffolding for doing this work I again landed on the rock on Saturday last, with great difficulty, having been detained a day by the storm, and pointed out the temporary repairs that were necessary to be done for the pro- tection of the people on the rock. The probable cost of repairing the damage done the buildings, independent of the lightning conductor, and which require to be done without delay, will be .120. Hoping the action I have taken in this matter will meet with your kind approval, I have the honour to be Tour most obedient Servant, (Signed) A. J. BERGIM. [The other report is to the same effect as the above, and is there- fore omitted. Ed.] ACCIDENT BY LIGHTNING at Upwood Gorse, Caterham, the residence of J. TOMES, Esq., E.B.S. 28 May, 1879. As I happened to be visiting Mr. Tomes, in the autumn of 1879, I took the opportunity of obtaining all the particulars I could with reference to the accident which occurred on the night of the 28th May, 1879, when his house was struck by lightning. The house, a sketch plan and elevation of which are annexed, stands upon a hill upwards of 700 feet above sea level, and is some- what higher than any other object in the vicinity. It is covered by a steep tiled roof, that of the principal portion of the house being some- what higher than the rest, and upon the ridge of this roof stand two brick chimney stacks of equal height. Upon the eastern stack, at its southern end, was fixed a lightning conductor (shown by the line, A. B. C., on the south elevation), the upper part consisting of a point and a length of copper tube | an inch external and | inch internal diameter, which was screwed into a collar connected to a woven band of one zinc and thirteen copper wires carried through glass insulating rings along the slope of the roof, over the rainwater gutters and down the side of the house into the ground, going only 12 inches into dry chalk. The electric fluid struck the lightning conductor, hurled the rod down and shattered the chimney pots and some of the brickwork. The rod was broken at the point marked A on the south elevation, where the sectional area of the copper rod was reduced by the screw being cut into it for the collar, which connected the rod with the woven band. This junction and a portion of the band are forwarded for inspection, from which it will be seen there are no rough broken surfaces, but that the thread of the screw was partly melted. The copper wires composing the band were bright and nodulated here and there throughout their length, showing that it had been heated up to a sweating temperature. The zinc wire was not continuous, having been wasted by oxidization. It showed no indication of having been hot. ( 211 ) ( 213 ) Having broken the conductor, the discharge appears to have divided at the ridge of the roof, a portion passing down the southern and a portion down the northern slope of the roof. That portion which passed down the southern slope apparently followed the course of the conductor band as far as the iron rainwater gutter, which it cracked, and perforated two holes, about half an inch diameter, in two panes of glass at B. Here the current apparently again divided, as shown by the dotted line from D to E on the south elevation, some passing westwards and some eastwards along the rainwater gutter round the eaves of the house, as traced by the broken joints of the gutter. Westwards these joints (which were made of red lead) were only broken from B to D, but eastwards they were broken from B to E, and right round the eastern side of the house to F, and along the northern side as far as Or. What seemed to be the greater portion of the discharge, however, passed down the northern slope of the roof and along the course shown by the dotted lines on the Plan and north elevation. The lightning first followed the lead flashing H of the chimney stack, next broke some tiles at I, and then without disturbing any of the rest of the tiling, leapt across the roof, a distance of some 15 feet, to two galvanised iron water cisterns in the roof at K, perforating a hole through the 9-inch brick wall of the house in its course. This hole, which was circular, was large enough to admit one's finger easily and was blackened on its interior ; when first examined, eight or ten minutes after the occurrence, it was still quite hot. One edge of the lead flashing outside the wall was fused at Gr, close to the rainwater gutter, from which it would seem that the current again divided at the wall of the house. There are two galvanised iron cisterns at K, connected by a pipe underneath (see adjoining sketch plan), and the discharge appears to have passed from one cistern to the other and then along the 1| inch iron barrel rising main, from pumps, to the point L 1 in the back kitchen, where the iron pipe separated into two branches leading to the two pumps L 2 and M. Probably a portion of the discharge passed down the iron suction pipe from the pump L 2 into the rainwater tank P, but however this may have been, a considerable portion passed from point L 1 along the 1| inch iron pipe LM to the pump M in the scullery, and thence along a | inch iron pipe to a water tap fixed over the iron sink N, but not in metallic connection with it. Here the lightning broke the slate at the back of the sink and sent it showering across the scullery, breaking the things on the opposite side of the room. The iron sink was set on brick piers and connected, by means of a 1J inch iron pipe, with the self-acting syphon "Flush Tank" O in the yard. This "Flush Tank " consisted of a cylindrical cast-iron tank about 26 inches in diameter and 26 inches deep, buried two-thirds in the ground, so that it formed a fair earth connection. There is an account of the accident in a letter by Mr. Charles S. Tomes in Nature, of 12 June, 1879 (which has been made use of in the present description), and there is also a letter about the accident by Mr. Newall on the next page of Nature to Mr. Tomes' letter. The description in this latter letter is, however, erroneous in several ( 214 ) particulars, especially where it speaks of the lightning passing round the iron gutters to the iron water cisterns. EOGEES FIELD, B.A. Lond., M. Inst. C. E., F.M.S. CANNON Bow, WESTMINSTER. [NOTE. Mr. Tomes has most kindly sent the whole of the upper parts of the conductor ; and as the accident appears a very instructive one we give full details, together with engravings of the more impor- tant portions of the conductor. ED.] This conductor was of the pattern known as Spratt's patent. The upper terminal was what the vendors call a " reproducing point," which they say is " formed of two or more metals : the inner or core being steel, and the outer of silver alloy, tipped with platinum ;" the idea of the inventor is said to have been that " should the outer coat- ing become fused by an extraordinary charge of electricity, the core will remain intact to receive any further discharge." In the present case the top is broken and the iron centre is rusted and bent, but there is no indication on the remaining portion of heat or fusion. This point A was well screwed into a stout copper collar B. Into the same collar was screwed the upper end of a copper tube C, 5 ft. 1 in. long, external diameter, 0*5 in., and internal diameter about 0*36 in., giving a thickness of only O07 in., or but little more than a sixteenth of an inch. The mass of copper was therefore about equal to a tape IJXiV* r |Xg, or to a rod one-third of an inch in diameter the area being as nearly as possible 0*09 in. The tube weighs 29^ ounces, which corroborates the above measurements and shows that it weighs rather less than 6 ounces per foot. This part of the conductor was evidently greatly heated, as there are distinct marks of sweating in several places. The lower part of this tube was screwed into the collar D (which is drawn of its actual size in the annexed sketch) in order to make connection with the short length of copper D ( 215 ) tube F, a portion of which is also engraved, oi its actual size. It was at E that the rupture occurred. The charge passed the point A, then the top collar B, and although it greatly heated the 5 ft. copper tube C. still no damage was done, and so it passed into the second collar. Here, however, there seem to have been two faults : the short copper tube F, was very slight, weighing but little over 3J ozs. to the foot, and this, which represents but a very slight conductor, was greatly lessened by a deeply- cut thread to the upper end, whereby the area was reduced to less than ^th of an inch. As this was not screwed home, the total sectional area at E immediately below the collar was reduced to the above small amount, rupture and fusion occurred, and much of the charge left the conductor. This short length of tube was, however, raised to a sweating temperature in two places. The conductor consisted of 14 wires made into a flat plait, the wires seem to have been of the following dimensions : Each of No. Total area. 12 copper wires, 15 B.W.G., dia. of each '072 in.: 0-048 in. 1 wire, 18 '049 in. : O'OOl in. 1 zinc '049 in. : O'OOl in. Thus the total sectional area of the plait G- would be about 0*050 in., or rather more than that of the short copper tube into the lower end of which it was roughly thrust and rivetted but the joint was bad, there was no solder at all, and the metallic contact was very imperfect. As to the state of this plait (which was less than an inch wide, and less than T V in. thick), and as to the ridiculously imperfect earth terminal, details are given in Mr. Field's letter. It may be well to recapitulate the dimensions : DESCRIPTION. LKNGTH. DIMENSIONS. SEC- TIONAL AREA. HEAT EFFECTS. "Reproducing point" Collar 9 in. IJin 0-45 X 0-45. in. 0'75 in. diam. 0-20 0-24 None visible. Copper tube 5 ft. lin. J External 0'5 in. dia. 0'09 f Sweated in Collar liin \ Internal 0'36 in. f External 075 in. 0-24 [ places. None visible Short tube 7 in. [Internal 0-50 in. f External 0-50 in. 0-09 f Sweated in where 1 threaded . J fin. 1 Internal 0'375 in. { External 0'438in.,, \ Internal 0'375 in , 0-04 1 places. Fused. Plait 53 ft. ? 0'7 X 0-072 in. 0-05 f Sweated in 1 places. G. J. S. ( 216 ) We herewith hand you our circular, setting forth our ideas as to lightning conductors. We claim that if one or more sharp edges or points is so essential on the most elevated part or parts of a con- ductor, why not establish this principle the entire length of the con- ductor ? or why not leave these most elevated part or parts blunt, or erect a small gilt ball? DAVID MUNSON & Co. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, TJ.S.A. [The engravings are not drawn to scale, but are here reproduced ; the shaded parts are galvanized iron, the lighter parts copper. ED.] I think that it would be very valuable if the Conference considered how far iron ventilating pipes to drains will safely act as lightning conductors. These pipes generally consist of iron jointed with red lead or putty. Will not these joints interfere ? Very often also a portion of the pipe is wholly of lead. So many of these pipes are now carried up to a very high level that the question is important. BOGEBS FIELD, MJnst.C.E. CANNON Eow, S.W. Our opinion is that the drain to our Powder Magazine at Brunt- cliffe (see ante page 74) had no water in it at the time of the occurrence. JOHJST HAIGH & SONS. VICTORIA COLLIERIES, GlLDERSOME. We have the pleasure to send you a plated model of our new Con- ductor Coupling, and hope you will be pleased with it. When screwed up, the contact between the rod and the copper tape is perfect. It is, of course, a very simple thing, but it overcomes the difficulty of soldering, which is always more or less uncertain, and rivetting up aloft is apt to be scamped. And as to soldered connections, apart from the uncertainty of permanent contact, it is very important to keep the soldering iron ( 217 ) away from roofs, it often damages the lead, and (as at Canterbury) the fire-pot is a source of great danger to buildings. FIG. 1. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. A is the copper tape conductor. B is a screw plug, having two slots, a a (see fig. 3), and an intervening division 6, all cast in one piece. The tape or rope A is passed through one of the slots a, and bent over the division piece 6, the bent portion Al is then returned through the other slot. A screw socket forming the coupling C, bearing a collar to rest in a ring bolt built into the structure to be protected, is then screwed on to the plug B, and into this socket the rod or tube D is screwed, it being suitably tapped for its reception, until the lower end of the rod or tube is in firm contact with the tape or rope. These latter are then firmly held together, and cannot by any possibility come apart. NOTE. In fig. 2 the rod and tape are not shown in actual contact, the drawing being intended to exhibit the separate parts. R. C. CUTTING & Co. 147, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET. I have the pleasure of furnishing details of the recent damage to Christ Church, at Carmarthen. The circumstances are these : At the Eastern end of the church stands an ordinary square tower, covered with a sloping slated roof ; this roof is capped by an ornamental open ironwork ridging, terminating at each end in a ( 218 ) light open iron pinnacle, and having in the centre another pinnacle similar to those at the extremities. A is a view of this ironwork from the east end of the church. The conductor consisted of seven copper ropes stranded together, each rope consisting of seven strands of No. 18 wire, the whole having a diameter of about % an inch. It was fixed to the build- ing by ordinary copper staples ; it ran up, and was attached to the southern portion of the ornamental railing, and it terminated in a single point. There was no special connection between the conductor and the iron guttering of the church. I could not ascertain in what manner the earth was made, but it was an imperfect one, giving a resistance of 115 ohms, and this resis- tance would have been greater but for an accidental circumstance mentioned further on. The lightning struck the central iron pinnacle of the ornamental ridge and broke it off. In falling to the ground it was shattered into about twenty pieces ; but on the upper extremity, which was a solid cast-iron spike, about J inch square, there were marks of fusion across the whole of the top to the depth of th of an inch. I could not observe other marks of fusion at the point where the pinnacle was broken off, but the lightning made its way to the con- ductor, and on reaching the ground, at a distance of 4 feet from the point where it entered, it burst out with explosive violence, blowing a circular hole in the ground 2 feet in diameter and 8 inches deep (marked B in plan). The earth from this hole was blown into the air, and fell in a fine shower on objects standing 3 or 4 feet high and 14 or 15 feet from the hole. CHBIST CHUBCH, CABMABTHEN. A second flash struck the iron guttering at the south-western extremity of the church (C), broke off a 2 feet length, and ran down the water-spouts (D D). Opposite one of these a second hole, 9 inches deep and a foot in diameter, was blown out of the ground, some 3 feet from the base of the spout. ( 219 ) On examining more closely the surroundings of the lightning con- ductor, I observed that the church gas-pipe, an iron one, about 1-J inches in diameter, passed through the wall of the building about 6 feet from the conductor, and was carried in a direction correspond- ing with the hole caused by the explosion (see plan). I immediately concluded that this explosion was due to the current breaking across from the conductor to the gas-pipe, and on opening up the hole I found this to be the fact. The conductor crossed the gas-pipe at nearly a right angle, being about a foot above it. The under portion of the conductor bore evident marks of fusion, and, more interesting still, the gas-pipe was slightly coated with a very thin deposit of copper, so thin that it perished in my attempt to remove it ; but still there was an undoubted coating at one spot. But for the proximity of the conductor to the gas-pipe, the earth resistance of the former would doubtless have been greater than it was, and the damage would pro- bably have been increased. I was sorry that no means existed for examining the ornamental ridge, but doubtless the metallic contact between the sections was very imperfect, and to this cause was due the rupture of the pinnacle. The fact, too, that the protector did not prevent the south-western portion of the building being struck bears on the question of the area made safe by a protector. The tower stood 89 feet above the ground, the top of the iron pinnacle 99 feet, and the protector extended 1 foot 6 inches above the latter, thus reaching a total height of 100 feet 6 inches. The total length of the church was 123 feet. The point where the gutter was struck was 84 feet in a direct line from the conductor, and stood 24 feet above the ground. This gives a vertical height of the conductor of 76 feet 6 inches above the point struck, the distance of the latter being a radius 8 feet greater than the height of the former. J. GAVET. CARDIFF, January IQth, 1880. ACCIDENT AT BOOTHAM BAE, YOEK, COMPILED FROM NOTES AND MEASTJBEMENTS TAKEN BY J. EDMUND CLAEK. The discharge occurred about 3 a.m., 22nd June, 1876. The principal injury occurred to the bracket lamp at A. This lamp, which was an ordinary street one, was supported by an iron bracket 2 ft. 6 in. long, and 11 ft. 6 in. above the pavement. The gas was con- veyed to it by 11 ft. 6 in. of vertical iron gas barrel, and thence to the burner by about 3 ft. of ordinary J in. composition pipe. The glass of the lamp was not broken, but about 18 inches of the composition piping was twisted and split open as with a sharp knife, and the other 18 inches was melted; the gas was ignited and burning from the top of the iron barrel, thus producing a large flame which ignited the house to which it was fixed. That part of the lead ( 220 ) pipe which was inside the lamp was uninjured, whence it would appear that the point struck was at or near to the top of the iron gas barrel ; and this is supported by the fact that the lead over the shop window and close to the bracket was turned up off the wood- work. The lamp, as will be seen by the plan, is attached to the corner of a house, the eaves of which were 20 ft. above the lamp, while the ridge, with a little lead flashing, was 24 ft., and the chimney pots were 31 ft. above the lamp, and not 15 ft. distant horizontally. This house was slated and had wood gutters, and an iron rain-water pipe, but the latter was 33 ft. horizontally from the point struck. The wooden gutters were very old and rotten, and one of them was very slightly shifted ; it is not certain that this was done by the lightning, and there was no other indication of its presence. C is a lamp bracket extending 4 ft. from the wall of the house, and at D are two old iron brackets. At the distance of only 8 ft. from the lamp in the opposite direc- tion (N.W. of the lamp) rises Bootham Bar, a massive stone structure, of which the four turrets rise to 44 ft. 3 in. above the pavement, and therefore 33 ft. above the lamp. The whole roof, about 750 square feet, is covered with thick sheet lead, and the building also contains the old portcullis B heavily shod with iron. The noteworthy feature of the case appears to be, that the only injury is found at a spot surrounded by objects close to it, and greatly exceeding it in height ; in fact, that the lightning dipped into a sort of cavity, instead of striking at the higher objects. It is evident that in this case, although the composition pipe was melted, the iron one aiforded ample conduction, and the city gas mains a perfectly safe earth terminal. i D D f SOUTH-EAST YIEW OF BOOTHAM BAR. ( 221 ) ACCIDENT AT BOOTHAM BAE, YORK. 1 Q DD DD .E. VIEW OF HOUSE AND SECTION OF BAE. N.W. N.W. GROUND PLAN OF HOUSES AND OF BAE. REFERENCES. A Gas bracket struck. | c Old gas bracket. B Iron sheathed portcullis. D Old Iron brackets. 7SRSITT) TTT^^T^ VH ( 223 ) APPENDIX J. DATA EESPECT1NG THE SECTIONAL AEEA OF METAL EEQUISITE EOE LIGHTOTTO CONDUCTOES. (N.B. In order to avoid confusion, all areas of iron have been reduced to Jth of their actual sizes, so that virtually tables 1. and II. may be regarded as giving all details for copper but the metal is specified in each case.) TABLE I. LIST OF METALS MELTED. Material Form Size EEMARKS Diameter Area of Copper. COPPER Rod Rope Rod in. 35 31 20 13? in. 10 075 07 03 03 01? Duprez, App., p. 92 At Nantes, Callaud's Tratie, p. 89 At Carcassone, Harris on Thunderstorms, p. 109 Duprez, App., p. 92 Sullivan, App., p. 195 *Not Specified ... IRON BRASS COPPER * Assumed to have been Iron, the dimension given is " 18 mm." = -70 in. diam., or -38 in. area TABLE II REMARKS RESPECTING DIMENSIONS. Material Form Size REMARKS , Area of Diameter Copper COPPER Rod n in. 75 50 38 39 25 20 in. 61 44 20 20 19 16 11 11 11 09 08 08 06 06 06 05 04 03 02 01 Trinity House smallest, App., p. 183 Will carry any flash, Harris on Thunder- storms, p. 115 Never yet failed, Faraday, App., p. 89 War Office smallest, App., p. 70 Gray & Son's smallest, App., p. 7 Never affected, Franklin, App., p. 52 Recommended by Phin, App., p. 103 More than sufficient, Gay Lussac, App., p. 58 Recommended by Callaud, App., p. 104 Freeman & Collier's smallest, App., p. 10 Never known to be melted, Pouillet, App., p. 62 Should not be less, Henry, App., p. 99 Carried off heavy discharge, Callaud Traite, p. 89 Recommended by Callaud, App., p. 104 Recommended by Mohn, App., p. 107 Recommended by Mohn, App., p. 107 Recommended by Phin, App., p. 103 Recommended by Zenger, App., p. 106 Recommended by Mann, App., p. 108 Sufficient for any house, Preece, App., p. 101 Tube Tape Rod Any form Rod Rope Tape Rod Rope Rod H Rope Wire IRON COPPER IRON . . .. COPPER IRON COPPER IRON COPPER IRON COPPER IRON ( 224 ) DIMENSIONS OF LIGHTNING EODS COPPEE. Partly extracted from the Appendix at the pages quoted, and partly compiled from specimens collected by the Conference, and from trade circulars. Pattern Diameter Breadth Thick- ness Super- ficies Area Weight per foot Bemarks, and References to Appendices. TUBE 4 Inches Ext. 1 Inches Inch Inches Ext. 471 Inch oz. HEMICYLINDEB > TAPE Int. 1 I] M 3 i T 3 7T Int. 3'14 3-86 3-21 6'38 98 88 61 56 60 54 37 34 Sir W. Snow Harris (49) Trinity House,Mams(183) Branches (183) Freeman & Collier's lar- TUBE ... 4 Ext. li Ext. 4-71 gest (10) ROD Int. l| ... * Int. 3'93 2-35 *54 44 33 27 Faraday preferred this to TAPE 3 1 6'25 37 23 smaller (89) Gray & Son's largest (7) TUBE 4 Ext.l Ext. 3-14 TAPE . . Int. | 2 f Int. 2*36 4-25 34 25 21 15 Sanderson's largest (23) U 15 3-30 23 14 ROD 1-57 20 12 (War Office (70) TAPE u i 3-25 19 '12 (Sir W. Snow Harris (49) (War Office (70) -j " Smallest desirable " TUBE . 4 Ext. $ 8 Ext. 1-96 ( Gray & Son (7) TAPE Int.f 2*i * i Int. 1-18 5-12 20 15 12 9 War Office (70) J. Davis & Son (14) ROPE (49 square wires) 4 "2 TTT 1078 15 9 Pennycook & Co. TAPE 2 4-12 13 8 1 2-25 13 8 Phin, of New York (103) ROPE (49 wires) TAPE * 14 8-00? 3-12 10 09 6 6 (Massingham (15) (Newall's Hope 1 1-75 09 6 Freeman & Collier's TUBE 4 Ext.! Ext. 275 smallest (10) ROPE (36 wires & hemp centre) SPRATT'S PATENT PL AIT (20 wires) TAPE Int. T $ TV TT A Int. 2'55 5-00? 4-52 2-12 08 08 08 06 5 5 5 4 J. Davis & Son (14) ROPE (49 wires) TAPE I ? TV 6-00? 1-42 06 05 4 3 Newall's Eope Sanderson's smallest (23) SPRATT'S PATENT PLAIT (14 wires) HABT'S PLAIT (13 copper wires and 1 zinc one). ... 1 3-16 3*08 05- 05 3 3 ( 225 ) APPENDIX K NOTES EESPECTING LIGHTNING- CONDUCTOBS, COLLECTED IN PAEIS IN MAY, 1881, BY MESSES. PEEECE & SYMONS. The information which we obtained may perhaps be most conve- niently grouped under the names, arranged in alphabetical order, of the authorities whose opinions or whose practice we quote. These gentlemen are M. Androuet, who, under the direction of M. Alphand, the City Engineer, has charge of all the lightning conductors attached to the municipal buildings of Paris, M. Borrel, of 47, rue des Petits Champs, who has been making lightning conductors nearly all his life, M. le Comte du Moncel, who is well known as perhaps the highest authority in Trance upon the practical application of electricity, and lastly M. Jarriant who is manufacturer to the municipality, and also, we believe, to the War Department, besides having a large connec- tion among architects and engineers. M. ANDEOUET accompanied us in a thorough examination of the conductors as they are now fixed upon the south gallery of the Louvre, temporarily occupied as the Hotel de Ville de Paris. They were stated to be only temporarily fixed, because the offices of the Prefet of the Seine will be removed to the new Hotel de Ville as soon as it is rebuilt, but they were said nevertheless to be in almost all respects conformable to the instructions issued by the municipality. The tiges were iron rods, 10 m. (33 feet) high, with rather blunt ter- minals of gilded copper; they were 35m. (115ft.) apart. All were united by a horizontal copper rope, | inch diameter (used instead of iron bars 0'8 in. square, because of the temporary nature of the work), which was led along the roof through iron holdfasts or crutches, which were carefully soldered to the metal roof. All joints in the rope were spliced and heavily soldered. For aesthetic reasons the main conductor is carried down inside the building, through various closets, &c., and finally, after a rather circuitous course, it finds its earth terminal in a plate of copper 1m. (3 ft. 3 in.) square, immersed in the Seine. Although the roof is well covered with metal no separate connections with earth are made. M. Androuet tests the conductivity from every tige in the spring of each year, using a very portable apparatus, consisting of two Leclanche's cells and a trembling bell. ( 226 ) M. BORKEL showed us various specimens of conductors, of earth terminals, and also his portable testing apparatus. He also gave us a copy of the Instruction sur les Paratonnerres, which he issues, and from which we make a few extracts, especially as in several respects M. Borrel's views are expressed with unusual clearness, and although in holding some of them he stands alone : " A lightning conductor is a preventive agent destined to convey to moist earth, or preferably to water, the electricity contained in a cloud. When strong earth tension is produced by the passage of an oppositely electrified cloud, the beneficial action of the conductor is indicated by the luminous brush discharge from the top of the con- ductor. " It is generally considered that a conductor protects a cone of revolution, having for its base the height of the point above the roof multiplied by 1'75, and for its summit the point. If, therefore, the point be 6 m. (20 ft.) above the roof, it will protect a base 10 J m. (35ft.) radius. M. Borrel supplies round upper terminals of galvanised wrought iron about 10 m. (33 ft. high), and tapering from a diameter of 4 inches at the base to | inch at the top. " Having found that long exposure to the weather destroys iron wire ropes, and even copper ones, if made of many small wires, he has adopted where ropes are necessary, four or five rods nearly 0*20 in. diameter, so slightly twisted as not to strain the metal. By this means the numerous interstices of the ordinary ropes are avoided, and much greater durability is insured. " Where iron bars are used he employs galvanised wrought iron in square bars, the sides ranging from 0'63 in. to 0'90 in. " To allow for variations of length produced by changes of tem- perature, he always inserts, in long roof conductors, a compensator, which is merely a loop of copper tape. " M. Borrel says that it is especially upon the earth connection that the efficacy of a conductor largely depends ; there must be a metallic mass, with a large surface, and he describes his pattern, of ' perdflui.de! It is composed of two sheets of galvanised wrought iron 3 ft. long, 6^ in. wide, and | an inch thick, hacked into sharp points in order to facilitate the discharge of the electricity. He alludes to Callaud's basket of coke, but says that. its efficiency has not been absolutely demonstrated. M. Borrel insists upon the perdfluide being immersed in the water of a well, and one preferably not less than 2 ft. in diameter. He strongly objects to insulators, and says that he always makes metallic connection between the gutters, rain- water pipes, &c. and his conductors. From the surface of the earth to 6 ft. above it, he encloses his conductor in a wooden case in order that no one may touch it during a storm." We had a long conversation with M. LE COMTE Du MONCEL, of whose remarks the following is a precis : He objects to square iron bars because their angles have a tendency to facilitate lateral discharge. ( 227 ) He objects to conductors being painted, because he believes that the surface of a conductor acts electro-statically. He knows that the brass wire rope occasionally used for lighthouses is often destroyed, but thinks that the theory enunciated in the Report of the Academie des Sciences, 18th December, 1854 (see Appendix F., p. (62), can hardly be maintained, and believes it to be more probable that the rope was in a very bad state of oxidation. Thinks that conductors should possess loth sectional area and surface. Does not attach much importance to extremely sharp points, but thinks that the suggestion of one stout central one to receive a disruptive discharge, surrounded by three or four needles to facilitate silent discharge, would be good. The following statement was quoted from the Eeport of 20th May, 1875 (see Appendix F., page 68), that, "if a conductor cannot be led either to the subterranean water or to a main water-pipe, no lightning rod should be erected. It would do more harm than good." Count du Moncel said that the paragraph referred chiefly to buildings on large solid rocks, but that obviously there is every degree of quality in the earth contact which can be obtained ; and that although it is easy to decide at the two extremes, it is difficult to say how bad the earth must be in order to render the erection of a conductor inadvisable. M. JAEEIAISTT, who is the manufacturer employed upon the Mun- cipal buildings of Paris (and author of two pamphlets, of which abstracts are given in Appendix F, pages (111) and (115), accom- panied us through his works, and afforded us all the information which we could desire. He showed us a large collection of platinum points of various patterns, ranging in cost from 12s. to 60s. each ; he also showed us some which had been employed by other makers, which were merely hollow sheaths of platinum filled in with soft metal in order to reduce the cost. He had also a large variety of upper terminals, including the patterns used by the City of Paris, by the War Department for its military establishments, and by civil engineers and architects. We saw specimens of the ropes, rods, &c., usually supplied. The iron ropes were galvanized and f in. diameter, The copper ropes were made of six twisted strands of copper wire enclosing a central core of hemp, the total diameter being | an inch. The iron bars were square galvanized wrought iron 0'80 in. square, in lengths of 16 \ feet, rabbetted at the ends with two holes for bolts. To make a joint a strip of foil is laid between the two faces, the bolts are screwed up, and then the whole joint is very heavily soldered. Among various works in progress, we saw a highly decorated wrought iron cross for the roof of a church, which cross would become the summit of the conductor, its top and the extremity of each arm being furnished with a short copper terminal tipped with a platinum point. We were much struck by the fact that in France, where so much attention has been given to lightning protection, there should be p 2 ( 228 ) so much diversity of practice. The Municipality adopt one system, the State another, the War Department a third, and each individual manufacturer has, as in England, his hobby. "We desire to record our thanks to Mr. J. Aylmer, C.E., for making the various arrangements, by which we were able to see so much in the comparatively short time at our disposal, and also for accompany- ing us throughout. W. H. PEEECE. G. J. SYMONS. p.g. A very convenient form of a rough testing apparatus has been made, by the Silvertown Co., for one of the writers ; it consists of one Leclanche cell, a trembling bell, a key, and a pair of terminals to attach insulated wires to the top and bottom of the lightning rod, all fixed in a neat portable mahogany box, and with its aid any one can readily examine the conductivity of his lightning rod. ( 229 ) APPENDIX L. ON THE LIGHTNING CONDUCTOKS AT THE PAEIS INTEIt- NATIONAL ELECTEICAL EXHIBITION, BY MESSES. AND SYMONS. It was hoped that at the Paris Electrical Exhibition would be found examples of the various styles and patterns of lightning rods used in the several countries of Europe and in the United States, and we accordingly visited the Exhibition and inspected all the exhibits in any way relating to the subject. Those from Erance were naturally the most numerous (15), but there were some very elaborate specimens of the system adopted in Belgium, in accordance with the recommendations of M. Melsens; and there was also sent by Dr. Weber, of Kiel, a very interesting collec- tion of 12 points which had been struck by lightning, all more or less fused and damaged. The Erench exhibitors showed a great variety of points, but they were for the most part referable to two or three types or classes, and only varied in size. The favourite form appeared to be that shown by Eig. 1, a rather finely tapering brass rod terminated by an acorn- shaped piece, from the upper end of which projected a small needle. They were constructed to be screwed to the top of the iron tige. They varied in size from 1 ft. long and | in. diameter at the base, tapering to | in. at the acorn, to 2 ft. 6 in. long and 1| in. diameter, tapering to 5 in. The acorns were generally about twice the diameter of the point to which they were joined, and were about 1 \ diameter long. The needles were always made of platinum about 1| in. long and *1 in. diameter. Some exhibitors showed a very similar pattern, but made in copper instead of brass. There were also several speci- mens of blunt points in copper the Point Municipal, Eig. 2, tapering from 1 in. to \ in. diameter and 1 ft. 8 in. long ; tapering brass and iron rods, some of them having platinum cones, were also exhibited. All these points were intended to be mounted on exceedingly long upper terminals. The conductors were generally made of wire rope, copper, brass, or galvanized iron, and in the majority of cases composed of strands of ( 230 ) small wires, though there were a few specimens of ropes made of large wires (say) ! in. in diameter ; and there were also some speci- mens of conductors made of iron bars with copper expansion bands. These last specimens were about *8 in. square, but almost all the ropes seemed to us too small, generally about '4 in. diameter, and we were suprised to see that the iron ropes were no larger than the copper or brass ones. The methods adopted for joining them to the upper terminals were either to push the end into a socket and pin them across, or more frequently to tie them more or less loosely round the base. The practice as to insulation seemed to vary, some makers supplying insulators and others not, but they almost all provided for carrying the conductor from 6 to 9 in. away from the face of the building. ( 231 ) There were but few specimens of earth plates, they were in the form of grapnels, and seemed very inadequate ; not one would afford 3 superficial feet of earth contact. Some models and drawings showed that the French electricians assumed a cone of protection whose radius was at least 1*75 of its height. (See -ante page (67).) Excepting France the most numerous series of exhibits was that from Belgium, which also contained a complete model of the monu- ment erected at Lacken in memory of Leopold I., showing the manner in which it had been fitted with conductors under the superintendence, or according to the system, of M. Melsens. The monument referred to is a ten-sided Grothic building, with pinnacles on two storeys and a spire. On the top of the spire, but below the figure, is a considerable number of radiating points, and there is a similar frill round the top of each of twenty pinnacles. Each aigrette consists of seven copper points, each about 0*4 in. in diameter and 2 ft. long, tapering to a very sharp point ; they are all leaded into a collar or band encircling the stone work; and from them go the rods about 0*4 in. in diameter, which are first taken into a cast iron box about 8 in. X 5 in. X 2 in. ; into this box are also taken rods which lead to connections with (1) a well, (2) the water mains, and (3) the gas mains. When these two series of rods are all in position in the box it is filled with melted lead, and thus per- fect connection is secured. There were specimens of the aigrette, and also of the manner of joining the rod to the gas and the water mains, and to the large iron pipe which is sunk in the well. This is effected by bringing all the rods parallel with the main, and arrang- ing them, at equal distances from each other, around it. They are then held tightly to it by two semicircular clamps bolted together, and melted lead is poured in and caulked. The main, and probably the inside of the clamps, was filed bright when the joint was made. The other exhibits patterns of points and conductors do not call for any special mention, but we may notice that the Belgian makers were generally much more careful than the French to make good electric contact at the joints, and some conductors were exhibited cut through the joints to show the care bestowed in this particular. From Germany were sent some specimens of wire rope for con- ductors, made of the usual strands of small wires. The iron ropes were slightly larger and of slightly larger wires than the copper, but the former were not more than 0*6 in. in diameter. Dr. WEBEB, of Kiel, exhibited a collection of 12 points, all which have been struck by lightning their length varies from 4 in. to 7 in., they are of gilded copper, about 1 in. in diameter at the thickest point, and vary in the acuteness of their extremities some have platinum needles, about 0*08 in. diameter, screwed into their points; these needles have, in most cases, been wholly fused. In some cases the platinum is somewhat thimble-shaped, and fitted over the copper in these cases the platinum is generally wholly melted, and the copper uninjured. Platinum of 0*12 in. diameter has been melted, but there is not one of these points of which copper of that size has ( 232 ) been fused. There is no indication that these points have been fixed to tiges on the contrary, they are all hollow at the base, and have had soldered into them copper ropes, none exceeding 0-33 in. dia- meter, and most of them consisting of three strands of six wires each (=18 wires), the wires being about No. 18 B.W.Gr. There were a few specimens of gilded copper points, sent from Austria, such as Fig. 3 ; and our English makers also sent a few ex- amples of points, the crow foot, Fig. 4, for instance, of upper ter- minals, and of rope and tape conductors. E. E. DTMOND. GK J. STMONS. ( 233 ) APPENDIX M. MISCELLANEOUS. MEANS TO BE ADOPTED FOE ENSURING PEKSONAL SAFETY FEOM THE EFFECTS OF LIGHTNING. (Abstracted ly Prof. G. Carey Foster, F.E.S.) AVOEKS CONSULTED : Correspondence addressed to Lightning Eod Con-^ ference. | Received from Directions for Insuring Personal Safety during I ^e ^JH Storms of Thunder and Lightning ; and for f R O( J Confer- * * * By John Leigh, pp. 60. London | ence. (no date) J Benjamin Franklin. Complete Works. 3vols. 8vo. London, 1806. Gehler. PhysikalischesWorterbuch. Article "Blitz" Leipzig, 1825. Francois Arago. Meteorological Essays, from the French by Sabine. London, 1855. C. Kuhn. Handb. d. angewandten Elektricitatslehre. Leipzig, 1866. The danger to men and animals from the effects of lightning arises from the fact that the bodies of living animals form comparatively good conductors of electricity, better, that is, than rain-water (pro- bably better even than sea-water), or than trees, walls of brick or stone, hay-stacks, or in fact than almost any common objects consist- ing of non-metallic materials. It may be assumed that the path of a lightning-discharge striking the eartli is determined by the line of least inductive resistance between the thunder-cloud and the earth.* Hence, a man standing on an open plain, or walking, or riding on horseback, or in an open vehicle, across it, is liable to be struck by lightning. There is no evidence that the motion of walking or riding makes the liability either greater or less than it would be if he were at rest. The danger is increased, other conditions being the same, by nearness to water, or to large masses of metal, or other conducting material, lying flat on the ground or rising only a little way from it. An umbrella held over-head is probably dangerous, but I do not find direct *The apparently capricious way in which lightning often strikes is not inconsistent with this statement. It proves, however, that the line of least inductive resistance is partly determined by atmospheric or terrestrial condi- tions which are not perceived by the eye. ( 234 ) evidence that it is so among recorded cases.* Such small metallic articles money, keys, &c., as may be commonly carried in the pocket, have probably no perceptible effect. In the open country, beyond the reach of shelter, low-lying positions, if dry, are safer than those which are more elevated and exposed ; but, on the other hand, water-courses are to be avoided. It is also safer to lie flat on the ground than to stand or sit. If shelter is within reach, care should be taken to get completely under cover. There is often much more danger in standing under the lee of a house, or wall, or hay-stack, or thicket of trees, than in remaining quite exposed. There is but little danger, however, inside a barn or outhouse, as far as possible from the walls, or underneath a wagon or the arch of a bridge. The inside of a wood is also a tolerably safe situation if we keep clear of the branches of the trees and as far as may be from their trunks. If isolated trees afford the only shelter within reach, it is advisable to go near them (within two or three yards of their projecting branches) but not under them. Leaning against the trunk of an isolated tree during a thunder-storm is very dangerous. In this case the danger arises from the fact that the tree is a much better conductor than the air surrounding it, though a worse conductor than the human body. Hence, if a man stands against a tree, a line of least inductive resis- tance is likely to be determined through his body and continued upwards through the tree. Like considerations apply in the case of a person standing against a wall, or other high object, consisting of very imperfectly conducting materials and unprovided with efficient lightning conductors. As to people indoors, we need only consider the case of those who are in buildings which are either not at all or only imperfectly protected by conductors ; for, if a building is thoroughly protected, whatever is inside it is protected also. Indoors, as out of doors, we have to avoid forming part of a line of least inductive resistance. This consideration leads to such rules as the following : Keep to the lower rooms of a house, rather than to the upper rooms ; also keep as much as possible in the middle of the room you are in, but avoid being under a metal chandelier, or a lamp, or other object hung by a metal chain or wire ; keep away from a stove or fire-place, especially when afire is burning in it; keep away from large metallic objects which are not in electrical connection with the ground, especially if they are above the level of the head (as mirrors, or pictures with gilt frames, hung against the wall), or below the feet (as an iron pillar or beam supporting the floor, or an iron staircase leading to a lower storey but not continued to one above). Franklin recommends " sit- ting in one chair and laying the feet up in another," or as a further precaution " to bring two or three mattresses or beds into the middle of the room, and, folding them up double, [to] place the chair upon * Is there any evidence to show that soldiers wearing spiked helmets, or marching with fixed bayonets, are specially liable to be struck by lightning? Various ancient writers Caesar, Seneca, Livy, Pliny, and others mention luminous appearances (" Fire of St. Elmo ") presented by the javelins or pikes of soldiers during thunder-storms at night. ( 235 ) them." But best of all he says is, " where it can be had, a hammock, or swinging bed suspended by silk cords equally distant from the walls on every side, and from the ceiling and floor above and below." Doors and windows are better shut than open, but it does not seem that this condition is of much importance. It may be added for the comfort of the timid that Arago concludes that the danger of being struck by lightning in a town (Paris) " is less than the danger of being killed in passing along the street by the fall of a chimney, or flower-pot, or of a workman engaged upon a roof ; this latter danger being [he imagines] one which occasions very little uneasiness." Also it seems to be the universal testimony of those who have been restored after being struck by lightning that they had not been conscious of either thunder or lightning. We may accordingly conclude that all danger from a given discharge is over, not merely by the time we hear the thunder, but as soon as ever we see the flash. G. C. F. INJUKY TO GAS AND WATEB-PIPES BY LIGHTNING. The city gas company of Berlin, having expressed the tear that gas-pipes may be injured by lightning passing down a rod that is con- nected with the pipes, Professor Kirchhoff has published the following reply: " As the erection of lightning-rods is older than the system of gas and water-pipes as they now exist in nearly all large cities, we find scarcely anything in early literature in regard to connecting the earth end of lightning-rods with these metallic pipes, and in modern times most manufacturers of lightning-rods, when putting them up, pay no attention to pipes in or near the building that is to be protected." Kirchhoff is of the opinion, supported by the views of a series of pro- fessional authorities, that the frequent recent cases of injury from lightning to buildings that had been protected for years by their rods, are due to a neglect of these large masses of metal. The Nicolai Church, in Griefswald, has been frequently struck by lightning, but was protected from injury by its rods. In 1876, however, lightning struck the tower and set it on fire. A few weeks before, the church had had gas-pipes put in it. No one seems to have thought that the new masses of metal which had been brought into the church could have any effect on the course of the lightning, otherwise the lightning- rods would have been connected with the gas-pipes, or the earth con- nection been prolonged to proximity with the pipe. A similar circumstance occurred in the Nicolai Church in Stralsund. The lightning destroyed the rod in many places, although it received several strokes in 1856, and conducted them safely to the earth. Here, too, the cause of injury was in the neglect of the gas-pipes, which were first laid in the neighbourhood of the church in 1856, shortly before the lightning struck it. The injury done to the school- ( 236 ) house in Elmshorn, in 1876, and to the St. Lawrence* Church, at Itzehoe, in 1877, both buildings being provided with rods, could have been avoided if the rods had been connected with the adjacent gas- pipes. "If it were possible," says Kirchhoff, "to make the earth connection so large that the resistance which the electric current meets with when it leases the metallic conducting surface of the rod to enter the moist earth, or earth water, would be zero, then it would be unneces- sary to connect the rods with the gas and water-pipes. We are not able, even at immense expense, to make -the earth connections so large as to compete with the conducting power of metallic gas and water- pipes, the total length of which is frequently many miles, and the surface in contact with the moist earth is thousands of square miles. Hence the electric current prefers for its discharge the extensive net of the system of pipes to that of the earth connection of the rods, and this alone is the cause of the lightning leaving its own conductor." Regarding the fear that gas and water-pipes could be injured, the author says : " I know of no case where lightning has destroyed a gas or water-pipe which was connected with the lightning-rod, but I do know cases already in which the pipes were destroyed by lightning because they were not connected with it. In May, 1809, lightning struck the rod on Count Yon Seefeld's castle, and sprang from it to a small water-pipe, which was about 80 metres from the end of the rod, and burst it. Another case happened in Basel, July 9, 1849. In a violent shower one stroke of lightniug followed the rod on a house down into the earth, then jumped from it to a city water-pipe, a metre distant, made of cast iron. It destroyed several lengths of pipe, which were packed at the joints with pitch and hemp. A third case, which was related to me by Professor Helmholtz, occured last year in Grratz. Then, too, the lightning left the rod and sprang over to the city gas- pipes ; even a gas explosion is said to have resulted. In all three cases the rods were not connected with the pipes. If they had been connected the mechanical effect of lightning on the metallic pipes would have been null in the first and third cases, and in the second the damage would have been slight. If the water-pipes in Basel had been joined with lead instead of pitch, no mechanical effect could have been produced. The mechanical effect of an electrical discharge is greatest where the electric fluid springs from one body to another. The wider this jump the more powerful is the mechanical effect. The electrical discharge of a thunder cloud upon the point of a lightning rod may melt or bend it, while the rod itself remains uninjured. If the conductor, however, is insufficient to receive and carry off the charge of electricity, it will leap from the conductor to another body. Where the lightning leaves the conductor its mechanical effect is again exerted, so that the rod is torn, melted, or bent. So, too, is that spot of the body on which it leaps. In the examples above given it was a lead pipe in the first place, a gas-pipe in the last place, to which the lightning leaped when it left the rod, and which were destroyed. Such injuries to water and gas-pipes near lightning-rods must certainly be quite frequent. It would be desirable to bring them to light, so as to ( 237 ) obtain proof that it is more advantageous, both for the rods and the building which it protects, as well as for the gas and water-pipes, to have both intimately connected. Finally, I would mention two cases of lightning striking rods closely united with the gas and water-pipes. The first happened in Dusseldorf, July 23rd, 1878, on the new Art Academy ; the other August 19th, last year, at Steglitz. In both cases the lightning-rod, the buildings, and the pipes were uninjured." Deutschen Bauzeitung. Quoted in The Building Neivs, Sept. 10, 1880. COLLIEEY WOEKINGS STEUCK BY LIGHTNING. THE INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS. A meeting of the members of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers took place in the Wood Memorial Hall on Saturday, Mr. G-. C. Greenwell in the chair, when the secre- tary read an account of an investigation which had been made into a statement that lightning had entered Tanfield Moor Colliery on the 12th of July last, and traversed the workings in several directions. Mr. Wm. Joicey kindly gave permission to examine the witnesses of the occurrence, and the workings of the colliery, so that a complete and accurate report could be drawn up of the circumstance ; and on the 30th of July, Mr. C. Berkley, Mr. J. B. Simpson, Mr. W. H. Hedley, and the secretary went out to the colliery, and were met by Mr. W. Joicey, one of the owners ; Mr. Pringle, the viewer ; and Mr. Arkless, the resident viewer. The top of the working shaft at the colliery is 34 fathoms from the Shield Eow seam. An incline bank leads northwards from the working shaft and ultimately reaches the day by a drift, and a little to the south is an up-cast shaft. The engine way leads south from the working shaft, and goes in-bye to a goaf. Between the goaf and the working shaft are two down-cast shafts. From what can be gathered the lightning passed down the working shaft and struck the flat sheets, and then divided itself into two parts, one of which went north up the incline way and probably passed out to the day by the drift, where it was supposed to have left traces of its exit in marks upon a bank near by. The other part went south along the engine way ; but after passing a point where it was noticed its further course was not known. The thill of the seam is composed of soft sagger, and the roof of strong post, both of which would offer great obstruction to the absorption of the electric fluid ; and the probability was that this portion of the fluid had been dissi- pated in the goaf, or had forced an exit by way of the down-cast shaft. The evidence taken was appended. Joseph Kirtley, back-overman, said a light, distinct but not very bright, fell and struck the flat sheets, and split up into several lights like a lot of lighted matches. He could only see the light for a moment among the tub wheels. It ( 238 ) struck the puller-out, "Win. "Watson, on the arm, and he complained that his 'arm was numb, and when he got home it was yellow from the wrist to the elbow. A heavy peal of thunder was heard very distinctly almost at the same moment. No injury was done either in the shaft or on the road where the lightning was said to have passed. He could liken it to nothing better than a box- of matches all struck at once. James Offord, onsetter, said he heard a crack like the report of a small pistol, and saw a light close to his feet. William "Watson, puller-out at the bottom of the pit, said he saw a flash of light come down and heard a noise like a gun : it struck on the plate or flat sheet. He saw the light divide when it struck. The light when it struck was very bright, but did not brighten up the place to any dis- tance. Thomas Chrisp, a deputy, said he saw something like a lot of fire flying, and thought the tram had cut the point. It was as though a person had trodden upon matches and they had gone off. The fire seemed a little larger than the light of a candle, and to the best of his judgment came along the metals. John Greener saw a light on the rail about the size of a candle flickering, not steady. It appeared to travel along the rail, and as it passed the tram made a noise like the crack of a pistol, and he thought it was matches or something on the way that was cracking. John Hagan, a putter, said he saw the lightning come along the plates. It caught him as it passed and gave him a queer feeling in the legs. It made a sharp, cracking noise in the plates like a gun. George Chrisp, a siding minder, said he was about 50 yards from the shaft, and heard a cracking noise, and saw a bright light and flash of fire against the big winding sheave, two feet diameter, like five or six matches going off at once. There were no tubs running by at the time. Matthew Hardy, an engine flatter, who was about 100 yards along the shaft siding, said he saw a light like a spark from a lamp, and there was a noise like a match being struck by a tub passing over it. The light appeared to be close to him on the rope, which was running. It further appeared that the rails were fished ; that it was not noticed whether the lightning came down the rails or the rope ; that it was a self-acting incline ; that a noise as of a pistol or gun shot was heard when the light came to the tram ; that a similar noise was heard as the light left the tram ; and that the metallic contact might have been broken here by a fish-plate being off. The gentlemen who conducted the inquiry had every reason to believe that the information thus obtained forms a valuable record of the occurrence, and places beyond doubt the possibility of lightning penetrating into the workings of collieries. In the course of the dis- cussion which followed the reading of the paper, Mr. A. L. Stevenson mentioned the occurrence of a similar circumstance at Page Bank, about 10 years ago. Professor Herschell said that in order to produce an explosion the electric fluid must come in contact with a highly explosive mixture; and the occurence in question showed the de- sirability of lightning conductors at collieries, and of the subject being investigated by mining and electrical engineers. Cordial votes of thanks were given to the authors of the papers. Newcastle Daily Journal. October 5th, 1880. ( 239 ) ACCIDENTS BY LIGHTNING AT THE SWAN COTTON MILL, CHADDERTON, OLDHAM. REPOET BY J. DOHEETY, A.S.T.E. [On July 13th, 1880, during a thunderstorm, the large 400 light gas meter of this mill, though locked up in a cellar, and with no light near it, exploded, and the gas, which is supplied through a 4-inch main, was ignited. This was repaired, but on July 5th, 1881, during another thunderstorm, precisely the same accident occurred. At the request of Mr. Preece, F.R.S., Mr. Doherty, of H. M. Postal Telegraph Service, went and inspected the works, and forwarded the following report. ED.] 21s* July, 1881. A very careful investigation of the Swan Mill premises has been made, with a view of arriving at some explanation of the recent injury to the gas meter, which was undoubtedly caused by lightning. The building is a large one, having for its internal supports a number of' cast iron columns running from floor to basement, and on the top of the building, I am told, there are numerous iron gutters ; round the various rooms are carried large iron gas pipes, and in numerous instances this gas piping is dead against the iron caps of the columns, thus the lightning may have struck any portion of the building, and the current have been conveyed, safely, by the gas piping to the large gas meter, where an imperfect joint (electrically imperfect) existed, viz., an india-rubber ring placed between the faces of the iron joint. It is to be regretted that the connecting pipes were not on the premises at the time of my visit, otherwise I could have spoken with a greater degree of certainty, but I have not the slightest doubt in my own mind as to the insulating ring between the joints being the cause of rupture. Tests were made, showing that the continuity of the present pipe is lessened by the existence of another india-rubber ring, and the oxida- tion of the connecting screws at another joint. I advised the Directors of the Spinning Company to connect the out-let and in-let main pipes by iron or copper wire straps. I feel convinced that if this had been done prior to 5th July the accident would not have occurred. J. DOHEETY. ESSAY ON THE EFFECTS OF HEAVY DISCHARGES OF ATMOS- PHERIC ELECTRICITY, AS EXEMPLIFIED IN THE STOEMS OP THE SUMMEE OF 1846 * * * * AND B/EHAEKS ON THE USE AND APPLICATION OF LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. BY E. HIGHTON, ESQ., C.E. (Transactions of the Society of Arts for 1846-47. London. Sm. 4to). (Abstracted ly G. J. Symons, F.R.S.) The author's primary object in studying the subject was the dis- covery of a method of protecting telegraphic apparatus from injury and danger. That has long been accomplished, but some remarks in the Paper seem worthy of extraction. ( 240 ) Mr. Highton went over St. George's Church, Leicester, a few days after it was wrecked by the lightning. He says that the sexton told him that three minutes before the flash he had been tolling the curfew bell, and, " while in the belfry, he noticed a kind of light on the clapper of the bell, and heard also, as it were, a sort of hissing noise." [This seems to prove two things (1) The fallacy of the old notion that ringing the church bells sent away thunderstorms (see also ante, p. (37);) and (2) that even very imperfect conductors, such as this conductorless steeple, carry off much electricity by the silent or brush discharge. Gr. J. S.j Mr. Highton found that the leaden flashings were frequently burst up, the lead being sometimes forced up somewhat like a miniature volcano. This he attributes to the explosion of confined atmospheric air, but obviously water converted into superheated steam would yield a greater expansive force. The author quotes a case at Water Newton, "Wansford, Northamp- tonshire, where, although the Church had tower and spire, and the whole roof was covered with lead, a tree 90 feet from the spire, and not one-third the height of the spire, was struck, but the Church was not. This the author attributes partly to the action of the leaves of the trees, and partly to there being no iron or other vertical spouting to the Church. Mr. Highton's " Practical Eules " are literatim et verbatim : 1st. Where a building has any quantity of vertical metallic work, it is quite necessary, for its protection against Lightning, that it should have an artificial Lightning Conductor, (unless the materials of themselves form a natural one). 2ndly. It is very desirable, that all metallic circuits, especially those in a vertical direction, should be metallically connected with the system of Light- ning Conductors. Srdly. That, in many instances, a single insulated Lightning Conductor attached to a building may become positively injurious and dangerous ;, as it may cause many a cloud to discharge its electric force at that point, which would otherwise have passed over, and poured its power in some other channel. 4thly. That, where Lightning Conductors are employed, they ought to be thoroughly well erected, and every course or channel that the Electric fluid has open to it carefully considered, and a division of the charge in those quarters provided against. 5thly. That a Lightning Conductor, or a system of Lightning Conductors, where properly and scientifically erected, are perfect safeguards against the effects of heavy discharges of Atmospheric Electricity. But, if improperly applied, they may become a most dangerous addition to a building. Gthly. That it is essentially necessary for the safety of the public, that all public buildings, and especially churches, should, if naturally deficient in safe and secure Lightning Conduction, have artificial Lightning Conductors erected for their protection. The above are given as a few general rules. It is difficult, however, and almost impossible, to lay down any fixed and definite rules for the erection of Lightning Conductors, to be applicable to every building ; as the very form, shape, and position of the building, and the relative position of buildings in the immediate neighbourhood, so materially affect the data for the formation of those rules. In all cases, therefore, I consider it much better and safer for an Architect to call in a person of knowledge and experience in this branch of science, for directions for the proper erection of Lightning Conductors, than to trust to any printed rules whatever on the subject. ( 241 ) That, as it is better in cases of illness where life is in danger to call in a medical man than to apply oneself the remedies set forth in works on medicine, so is it better, in the protection of buildings from the disastrous effects of Lightning, to trust only to the opinions and directions of those who have given to this difficult branch of science their study and attention. THUNDEESTOEMS. BY PROFESSOB TAIT, F.E.S. [Delivered in the City Hall, Glasgow. Nature Aug. 12th, 19th, Sept. 2nd, 9th, 1880.] (Abstracted by W. H. Preece, Esq., G.E., F.E.S.) While a few years ago no qualified physicist would have ven- tured an opinion as to the nature of electricity, now, thanks to Clerk-Maxwell, electric and magnetic phenomena are regarded as mere stresses and motions of the ether, and are brought within the resources of mathematical analysis. Thunderstorms are accompanied by darkness, the result of the in- tense shadow of peculiar thick clouds charged with electricity, whose height varies from 30 yards to 3 miles. The air is never free from electricity. Snow, sleet, hail, and " luminous rain " are frequently indications of great electrification. The atmospheric electric charge is usually positive, and is probably the result of evaporation, but clouds themselves are more generally negative. Lightning, as a source of light, is very brilliant, comparable even with the sun, but its duration is extremely short, hence its intensity is about equal to that of full moon. The motion o a flash cannot be detected ; hence when people say they saw a flash going upwards or downwards, they must be mistaken. It is an optical illusion. The peculiar zigzag form, occasionally bifurcated, is that of a very large electric spark, varied by local electrification and heat. The motion of electricity is due to a difference of potential or electrical pressure. The power of a machine is measured by the ut- most potential it can give to a conductor, and the time required to charge the conductor depends on its capacity. The damage which can be done by a discharge is proportional to the square of the charge, and inversely to the capacity of the receiver. Doubling a charge gives fourfold a shock. Electricity is entirely distributed on the surface of conductors. The quantity per square inch o surface is the density, and the density varies with the form of the conductor. On a very elongated body, terminating in a point, the density becomes so exceedingly great that the outward pressure of the electricity tending to escape forces a passage through the surrounding air. Proper lightning rods must be surrounded with a number of sharp points, lest one should be injured. The proper function o a lightning rod is not to parry a dangerous flash of lightning : it ought rather, by silent but continuous draining to prevent any serious accumulation of electricity in a cloud near it. Hence it must be thoroughly connected with the earth. At Pieter- Q ( 242 ) maritzburgh, which is well covered with lightning conductors, thun- derstorms are frequent, but they cease to give lightning flashes whenever they reach the town, and they begin to do so as soon as they have passed over it. The violent disruptive effects produced by lightning are principally due to the sudden vaporization of moisture. Heated air conducts better than cold air. Hence the killing of flocks and herds. There is little or no danger inside a thunder-cloud. Thunder-bolts (so called) are due to the vitrification of sand through which a dis- charge has passed. The smell that accompanies lightning is due to ozone. Sheet lightning and summer lightning are due to the lighting up of the clouds by flashes of forked lightning not directly visible to the spectator, sometimes even beneath the horizon. Thunder corresponds to the snap of the electric spark, intensified and re-echoed from clouds and surfaces. A longer zigzag flash acts successively and intermittently from portions farther and farther from the listener. Hence the crash, clap, rolling and pealing of thunder. The extreme distance that it is heard is about ten miles, although guns have been heard fifty miles. Fireball or globe lightning undoubtedly exists and is probably due to a species of natural Leyden jar, very highly charged, which no light- ning rod can destroy, except, perhaps, a close net work of stout copper wires. Water is the chief agent in thunderstorms. Copious rain and hail always accompany them. Hot moist air precipitating its moisture as clouds as it ascends, cooling by expansion but warmed by the latent heat of the condensed vapour is the main spring. The condensation of aqueous vapour is accompanied by an enormous development of energy. A fall of one-tenth of an inch of rain over the whole of Britain gives heat equivalent to the work of a million millions of horses for half an hour. The mere contact of particles of aqueous vapour with those of air produces a separation of the two electricities. Aqueous vapour condenses into cloud particles, and the agglomeration of cloud particles into rain drops would enormously increase the original potential of the electrified vapour. The column of smoke and vapour discharged by an active volcano gives out flashes of lightning. Cloud caps on mountains frequently do the same. Ascending currents of air mean change of density, difference of pressure, heat condensation, and all the conditions re- quired to produce a thunderstorm, with its effects forming " one of the most exquisite of the magnificent spectacles which nature from time to time so lavishly provides." ON THE PKOTECTION OF BUILDINGS FROM LIGHTNING. BY CAPTAIN J. P. BUCKNTLL, E.E. (Abstracted by W. H. Preece, O.E., F.B.S.) In the first part of his paper the author popularly explains his own views of electricity, the causes of thunderstorms, and the purpose ( 243 ) served by a lightning conductor. He urges the theory that light- ning is mostly to be feared by those who live on well conducting areas ; and that nonconducting areas, such as chalk hills, suffer the least, because their inductive influence on charged clouds is less than in the former case, even though they be on low ground. Points act as leaks, warding off lightning by neutralising harmlessly the oppo- site electricities. The trees of a forest act as a mass of points, silently discharging thunder clouds. The potential of a thunder cloud is often a million and a-half volts. The function of a lightning conductor is " (first) to attract the lightning to another spot if possi- ble, and (second) to arrange that even if the building be struck, the work shall be given out at other portions of the path of the stroke." He advocates strange views as to the space protected by a light- ning conductor, which, if true, would tend to show that there is no safety in lightning conductors at all, for according to him, the safe area rule may be upset in practice by all sorts of accidental circum- stances. He has, however, not grasped the meaning of the rule. He advocates the use of iron as the best metal to use, specifying a weight of 2 Ibs. per foot. He thinks wire ropes are more easily applied than rods, ribbons, or tubes, and prefers a rope 1'2 in. diam. of six strands of seven No. 11 B.W.Gr. wire, each round a hemp core costing about 5d. per foot. Conductors should be specified in terms of electrical units, viz. : -3 ohms per 1000 yards, and be continuous. Every unavoidable joint should be soldered. He has found in practice many bad joints, especially in copper conductors. At Tipner one gave 10,000 ohms, and one in the Isle of Wight 700 ohms. Each joint was apparently quite sound. He considers that lofty conductors require no ad- ditional conductivity per unit of length, and that high lightning rods are only required in exceptional situations. Several points are preferable to a single point, because the " gathering power" is increased therebj^, and the chance of lightning striking other things in the immediate vicinity of the conductor is proportionately diminished ; the top of the rod is less likely to be fused when struck, the stroke being divided between the various points ; and also because the brush discharge is thereby facilitated. He dwells with much emphasis on the importance of the earth con- nection, which he regards as a joint, and advocates greater surface than is usual at present. He illustrates an excellent deep earth con- nection formed by a galvanised cast-iron pipe, 10 feet long and 1 foot in diameter, sunk in a well below the water level in the dryest season. He insists that both deep and shallow surface earths are required. Lastly he insists on periodical inspection, and the careful applica- tion of electrical tests. In an appendix he describes his own testing arrangements, with the results of nearly 500 tests made by him for the War Department, from which he concludes " that with the light- ning conductors erected as they are at present by the War Department, electrical testing is of small value." Nevertheless, in spite of this strong condemnation he asserts that the conductors now existing on our magazines and fortifications have never yet failed. ( 244 ) SPECIFICATION (No. 3925. September, 1880) of SAMUEL VTLE. LIGHTNING CONDUCTOES. (Abstracted by G. J. Symons, FM.S.) The invention may be divided into two parts. In the first place, the inventor proposes that in lieu, for instance, of the central strand of a seven-strand copper wire rope, there shall be a central wire in- sulated from the others, and only connected to them at the junction with the upper terminal, while at the bottom this insulated wire is led up from the earth to some place where it is easy of access. Secondly, there is a differential galvanometer, resistance coil, and other apparatus, which being connected with the conductor and with the insulated wire, will enable the efficacy of the conductor to be read off at any time. ON THE PAETIAL PROTECTION OF BUILDINGS. (By Prof. T. Hayter Lewis F.S.A.) The following are suggestions whereby the ordinary materials used in building may, to some extent, be utilised as protectors against lightning : (1) When the roofs and sides of a building are covered with gal- vanized sheet iron on a framework of wood, if these coverings have good earth contacts, either by themselves or through the ordinary iron rain-water pipe, the building may be considered safe. (2) Cottages and small houses have usually iron eaves gutters, slate or tile hips and ridges, cement flashings, and iron rain-water pipes. If the joints be sound, and the earth at the foot of the rain- water pipes be moist, the houses will, to a considerable extent, be protected from the level of the eaves gutters downwards. But as they will be quite unprotected about that level, a wire rope or metal tape from the top of the highest chimney to the gutters, which will very much dimmish the risk, is desirable. (3) In larger buildings the gutters, rain-water pipes, hips, ridges, and flashings of the roof are often made of lead. If the pipes have good earth contacts, and conductors be fixed from the chimneys or other projections to the leadwork, the buildings will be to some extent protected, (4) When the hips and ridges of roofs are of slate, terra cotta, or other non-conducting materials, conductors along the ridges, con- nected with the rain-water pipes, and with points along the ridge, and to the chimneys, will be required. But all the buildings above described would be exposed to the risk of imperfect joints, bad workmanship, &c. ; so that no structure can be considered as secure unless it be protected by one or more con- ductors of approved size and metal, and with carefully constructed connections and earth contacts. ( 245 ) INDEX TO THE APPENDICES NOTE. It must be distinctly understood that no responsibility for the statements or views indicated by this index or set forth in the appendices is assumed either by the delegates collectively or by the Editor. Abel, Prof., on Mr. Preece's Paper 102 Academy of Sciences, Eeport made to ... ... ... 51 et seq. Accident at Athelney, Bourne- mouth 201 at Carmarthen ... 217 at Caterham 210 Masulipatam ... 206 Trolley Bottom,Herts 196 in Belgium 129 in England ... 38, 129 in low-lying parts of France 129 in mountainous parts of France 129 to a French frigate ... 200 various 126 within small areas ...201 Action, Mechanical, of lightning 85 Adams, Prof. W. G., Abstracts by 76, 82 Addiscombe, chimney of house struck 38 " ^Etna," Ship, struck at Corfu ... 88 Aigrettes or brushes of points ... 139 (See POINTS MULTIPLE). Air in electric field in state of strain 135 terminals (See POINTS). Alatri, Cathedral of 126 Allen, E., Letter from 183 All Saints' Church, Nottingham, struck ... ... ... ... 37 Alphand, M., his Eeport 67 Alphington Church, near Exeter, struck 37 America, gutters and water pipes used Analysis of Manufacturers' Ee- marks, &c Anderson, E., on Lightning Con- ductors on testing Androuet, M., his assistance Angle iron conductors, ad vantages of . .. Ill 125 17 120 111, 127 .. 225 Angles, Sharp, to be avoided 11, 16, 28, 71, 94, 99, 178 useful for discharging elec- tricity Ill Arago, on bends in conductors ... 94 ,, earth terminals ... 95 Architects, Eoyal Institute of British, Eeport of 27 Area protected (See PROTECTION, AREA OF). Sectional... 15, 18, 22 49, 110, 131 132, 195, 223 insufficiency of ... 63 varied with length 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 24, 131 not varied with length ...4,16,243 Asted, Col., Eeport of Accident... 206 Atmospheric Electricity ... 112, 119 byD. Brooks 117 by E.Phillips 98 origin of ... 117 Attachment should always be of same metal as con- ductor 21 to building 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 21, 24, 31, 39, 81, 99, 103, 115, 125, 130, 193 Attraction, Conductors do not attract lightning ... 71 Specific, equal in all bodies 73 Attractive points 127 Austria, Accidents in, from Light- ning ... ... ... ... 126 Aylmer, J., his assistance ... 228 Ayrton, Prof ..Abstracts by 43, 83, 85, 90 on Clerk Maxwell's Lightning Conduc- tors 132 on Indian telegraphs 102 Babinet, M., his Eeport ... 60, 66 Backstroke of lightning dangerous 85 ( 246 ) INDEX. Baker, A. J., his Report 34 Ball, Hollow, with small points (See POINTS MULTIPLE) 13, 23 is a point when compared to a cloud 73 lightning, (See LIGHTNING BALL.) Ballu, M., his Report 67 Band (See TAPE and PLAIT). Barns full of new hay likely to be struck ... 125 Barque " Southern Queen " struck 205 Bar of iron, bad joints in ... 1 16 Melted by lightning ... 61 Rectangular flat 74 ,. Small, become heated ... 116 Base of conductor should bifurcate 65, 243 Batteries, Casemated 70 Bayonne, Powder magazine at ... 87 " Beagle," H.M.S., struck by light- ning ... ... ... ... 195 Beams, how connected 10 Becquerel, M., his Report 60, 66 on discharge of lightning ... 131 on conducting power of metals 124 Belgrand, M., his Report 67 Bell, Hornsby & Co.'s experience 193 Bells in church steeple 85 Bell wire acts as a conductor 39, 195 Bends, Sharp, to be avoided. (See ANGLES). Berehaven lighthouse struck by lightning 208 Bisby, Mr., of Leeds, his conductor 75 Bishop's Rock Lighthouse ...190 Blitzableiter, Von G. Karsten ... 114 Blunt conductor (See BALL and POINTS). Boat, Packet, struck (See SHIPS) 61 Bolts, Iron, attracted lightning 40 to be connected with con- ductor ... .. ... 11 Books on Lightning Conductors, Catalogue of 143 Bootham Bar, York 219 Borrel, M., his views 226 Boy on pony, pony killed, boy escaped 48 Branches, Connecting 183 Brandon, D., his Report ... ... 34 Brass not a reliable metal 62, 124, 227 wire rope used in Bavaria 124 Break in conductor not fatal ... 53 to be avoided 63 Brescia powder magazine blown up 76 British Association Report, 1860 46 Brixton Church struck 84 Broek, R. Van der, Abstracts by 114, 119, 137, 138, 140, 141 Brook, Conductor to be carried to it 14 Brooks, D 103,181 Brough, Mr., on Lightning Rods 19, 49, 181 Bruntcliffe, Yorkshire, Gunpowder store destroyed ... ... 74, 216 Brussels, Town Hall at, Lightning protector at ... ... ... 138 Brydone, Mr., Report of an acci- dent 85 Buchanan, G., on gas works chimney ... ... ... ... 89 Bucknill, Capt., on the protection of buildings 243 Building, containing masses of metal 61 continually under attacks 123 injured, though pro- tected ... 27,128 Long, to have several conductors... 125,202 Metallic, safe ... ... 72 protected by cage of wires ... ... 132 struck from 1589 to 1879 126 Burges, Mr. 190 Cable conductors (See ROPE). Cagniard de Latour, M., his Re- port on Points 60,66 Calcutta, Report on conductors at 117 Callaud, A., his Treatise 103 his grapnel in basket of coke 131 Canton, Mr., his experiments in London ... ... ... ... 80 Capacity of conductors 127 Caps, Cast-iron, to chimneys ... 103 Carbon in well 180 Carmarthen, Accident at ...217 Casing of lead or wood for iron earth terminals 125 Catalogue of works upon light- ning conductors 143 Caterham, accident at 210 Cathedral of Alatri 126 Cavendish, Hon. H., his Report 76, 79 Cemented water tank, iron con- ductor in it ... 130 Chain conductors melted ... 61 , 62 though broken, still useful 54 objectionable ... 9, 61, 62, 88, 123 Early use of , as conductors 122 Old iron, for earth terminals 74, 204 Chapel, Ry croft, struck ... 45,46 Chapman, Gen. Sir F. E., his Re- port 72 Charcoal for earth terminals 12, 16, 58, 125, 126 INDEX. ( 247 ) Charles, M.,his Report on Instruc- tions for erecting conductors ... 57 Cheapness of galvanized iron ... 132 Chimney, Accidents to, soon after erection 194 Granite, in Plymouth Dockyard, struck... 73 Metal Caps to be joined to Conductors ... 125 New, contain much moisture ... ... 194 not struck that had conductors... ... 193 of Edinburgh Gas- works 89 ,, over 90 feet have con- ductors 193 rod to be on ... ... 100 rope on, liable to corro- sion 125 Shafts, copper band round top of ... 9 Stacks are Conductors.. 7 struck ... 27,28,40,45, 193, 194 struck because of heated air 113 , struck before comple- tion 194 ,, struck that had no con- ductors ... 38, 193 very rarely struck at Glasgow 193 with soot dangerous conductors 106 Zinc, struck ... ... 37 Church, Brixton, struck 84 Charles, at Plymouth ... 86 Christ, Carmarthen ...217 Rosenberg, in Carinthia, destroyed 1730 ... 123 St. Bride, Fleet Street, damaged ... ... 126 Ste. Croix, Ixelles, struck by lightning ... ... 140 St. George, Leicester, damage to ... 126,240 St. Giles, Cripplegate, struck 196 St. Mary, Genoa 126 Southampton, damage to 126 Steeple at Bodmin, de- struction of 202 struck ... 29,37,106,126, 137, 199 struck near Isleworth ... 199 tower, with pinnacles 10, 29, 137 towers struck in past 400 years 202 with lightning conductor 128 without lightning rods damaged 126 Cinders with grating (See EARTH TERMINALS). Circuit to be tested by galvano- meter 130,244 Cistern dangerous for base of conductor 64 Claire-Deville, M , his Report ... 67 Clamps, Iron, acted as conductors 43 Clark, J. E., Accident at Boo- tham Bar, York 219 Latimer, Abstracts by ...103, 106 Clay, Conductor to betaken below surface of 14 Clevedon Church struck... ... 12(J Clifton, E. N., his Report ... 41 Clips, Gun-metal ... ... ... 24 Clouds are not perfect conductors 101 Cluster of points (See POINTS MULTIPLE). Coke, broken, better than char- coal 116 prevents action of sulphur 120 round conductors... ' 9,116, 118, 126,131 (See EARTH TERMINALS). Cole Brothers 192 Colliery Chimney near Sunder- land struck ... ... 193 Workings, Lightning in... 237 Colson, J., his Report ... 28,34 Commission on damage by light- ning 127 Comparative resistance to fusion 141 rupture 141 Conducting power depends on amount of copper in conductor ../200 of metals 74, 124,131, 139 of wires 177 Conduction, is it a question of surface or of mass? 15, 18, 49, 132, Conductive capacity deficient in trees 127 Conductor at ends of buildings has radius of protection lessened 134 Construction of 63, 107, 178, 179 Cost of, for Houses of Parliament, =2314 ... 122 damaged by holdfasts 115, 193 destroyed at ground line 131 partly destroyed, yet useful 62 deteriorate 127 dimensions of (See SIZE or). do not attract lightning 88 K 2 ( 248 ) INDEX. Conductor, every, should be com- plete in itself ... 22 Examination of ... 9, 72, 102, 111, 124, 127, 130, 131, 132, 179, 244 Expansion of ... 11, 70, 125, 128, 226 First 121 in England 85, 121 in Europe ... 122, 129 for lighthouses 195, 199 for iron ships ... 122,200 for wooden ships, Snow Harris's ... 19n, 199 for steeples, with hori- zontal bands . . . 125 how to be connected with metal portions of buildings 65, 125, 126, 128 imperfect, Effect of 21,209 in contact with metal in chimney Ill influenced by new water and gas mains ... 127 influenced by trees ... 127 is it to be a rope, rod, tube, or band P 18,132, 195 joints in (See JOINTS). laid in underground water 128 led into cemented water tank 130 water butt ... 107 Main ... 183 f ,, must protect ridge, gable ends, and eaves 112 not to be insulated (See INSULATION). not to rise less than 15ft. above chimney 122 now same as Frank- lin's 124 number necessary, how determined 51 of copper ... 107, 130 and zinc wire 205 tape 206 rope 196, 203, the best ... 125 of hollow tube ... 122, 196 of Hotel de Ville, Brus- sels 126 of iron ...55,107,125,131, 139, 140 of large surface better than rod 113 of links of copper ... 202 of numerous thin wires 139 of solid bolt 196 of zinc wire melted ... 107 Conductor on buildings, to be linked together ... 204 on churches at Torquay defective 130 on ridge of roof 125 outside 60, 126 Points of (See POINTS.) properly made, and pro- perly fixed, insures safety 12 protects conical space (See PROTECTION, AREA OF). reached water without earth plate 128 Ridge 68, 177 should extend above building ... 106, 202 should it present a large surf ace section ? (See AREA SECTIONAL). size of, 10, 12, 18, 19, 22, 86, 119,125, 126, 129,131, 192, 194, 202, 214, 223, 225, 243 spirally coiled up ... 128 struck by lightning ... 128 supposed perfect, proved defective 131 theory and action of... 106 to be close to wall of building... ... 11, 15, 86 to be continuous ... 179 to be fixed by iron staples ... ... 125 to be 4 inches from walls and roofs ... 118 , to be inside ... 126,225 to be on side most ex- posed to weather ... 60 to be of metal of high conductivity ... 131 to be symmetrically arranged 105 , to earth by shortest route 126 to gas and water mains (See EARTH TERMINALS). to Middlesboro' Hos- pital 204 to rest in hooks ... 179 to St. Alphage Church, Greenwich 206 to St. Michael's Church, Blackheath 205 Cone of platinum (See PLATI- NUM). Conic Terminals (See POINTS). Conference Circulars by the Light- ning Eod 3, 175 INDEX. ( 249 ) Conic Space, protected (See PRO- TECTION, AREA OF). Connection (See EARTH TERMI- NALS, and also JOINTS). of metallic masses 9, 10, 76, 77, 186 not necessary 126 Contact between iron and copper to be avoided Ill Continuity between point and earth contact 129 Contraction to be provided for 70, 125, 128 Copper and iron form best con- ductors 119 and iron soldered ... 107 and zinc wire bad.for con- ductors ... 205 Australian 124 better than silver 139 conducting power of 19, 124, 131, 139 conductors 18,70,86,117, 119, 125, 126, 130 conductor too small ... 126 earth plate in dry sand ... 128 is it alone to be used P ... 18 less liable to oxidise ... 131 not to be in contact with galvanized iron... ... 102 nuts 192 or iron conductors 70, 192 plates, bent 125 plate ending for con- ductors 128 plates to provide for ex- pansion 125 points (See POINTS). preferred to iron 131 purity of 19,124 rarely used 125 tape recommended 206 rod conductor ... 185, 186, 202 rod, f in. diam. has never been fused 125 rod on Eddystone Light- house 184 rope conductor carelessly fixed 196 rope conductor insulated 194 rope to be used ... 125,131 of thick wires Russian ... ... ... 124 Spanish 124 tubing 74, 122 wire fused throughout its length 195 wires, deterioration of ... 114 wire rope applied to St. Paul's Cathedral ... 131 wire rope, dimensions of 8,223 Corn stacks fired by lightning ... 187 Coronal to be placed on chimneys 132 Corrosion of joints of rod ... 126 Cotton Mill, Explosion at ... 239 Coulomb, M., his Report ... 51, 53 Couplings, form of (See JOINTS). Coutts' Brewery, a rod at ... 89 Cramps, iron, stones held by ... 29 Cross, Metal 53,85,227 Croxton Park, trees struck ... 48 Cruickshank, A., his Report ... 44 Crutches on roof to carry rod 52, 227 Current, what it is 100 Cutting and Co., their conductor coupling 216 Cylinder in water (See EARTH TERMINALS). Cylindrical rod or wire rope the best 134 D'Alibard, M., his experiments at Marly 80 Damage to building by alteration of position of safe 127 D'Ainico, Sig 179 Damp air, a conductor 48 Dampness of new chimneys cause of being struck 194 Danger of explosion from use of gas pipes 201 Davioud, M., his report 67 Davis, H. D., suggestion about gas pipes 201 Juo. & Son, their answer 14, 15, 17 Davy on conducting power of metals 124 Deaths from lightning ... 100, 126 De la Place, M., his Report to French Academy 51 De la Rive says blunt points or balls equally effective... ... 106 De la Rue's (Dr. Warren) experi- ments 133, 135 Delaval, M., his Report 76 Delieul, Messrs., points made by C6 De Lor, M., his experiments in Paris 80 Denmark, lightning conductors in 176 Desains, M., his Report ... ... 67 De Saussure's neighbours fright- ened at his conductors ... 122 De Senarrnont, M., his Report on points 66 Designs for protecting private houses 125 Despretz,M., his Report on points 66 Destruction of conductors by use of iron wall eyes 131 Dimensions of conductors (See CONDUCTORS, SIZES OF). ( 250 ) INDEX. Dimensions of upper terminals 17, 18 Discharge diverted from conduc- tor by an anchor ... 1 28 from thunder cl oud over plane surface would be vertical 127 ., of electricity by trees lessens energy of lightning 127 ,, of electricity of high potential obeys laws of Ohm 134 of lightning Earth contact 131 passes through con- ductor, Faraday ... 132 Discharging fork to be attached to lower end of conductor 11, 231 Doherty, J., on explosion at Swan Cotton Mill 239 Doors, copper, to magazines ... 74 iron, to powder store ... 76 lightning passed out of 27, 48 Drain, conductor to be led into... 14 Due, M., his Report 67 Dugmore, Mr., his evidence ... 198 Duhamel, M., his Report 60, 66 Dulong, M.,his joint instructions 59 Dum Durn, accident at ... ..181 Du Moncel, Comte ... 67,226 Dungeness Lighthouse ... 183, 186 Duprez, M., his statistics of build- ings and ships struck 91 on height of points... 96 Dymond, E. E., Abstracts by 51, 108 Earth, "bad" 110, U7, 126, 127, 209, 210, 218 moist, better than a well for end of conductor ... 74 plate, pipe, or tube 9, 24, 100, 114,115, 118, 120, 128, 177, 179 186, 231 plates at Torquay carried out to sea ... 130 unnecessary ... 16 Terminals 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 56, 95, 102, 106, 109, 116, 126, 131 140, 180 at base of rain water pipe... 132 bad ... 110, 117, 126, 127, 209, 210, 218 Borrell's ... 226 Callaud's 104,125, 131 destroyed in moist earth ... 116 Discussion on ... 131 Duplicate ... 65 important 11, 71, 126, 131,243 Earth Terminals of conductors in iron box 126,231 of conductors Stothard, Lt.- Col 130 in wells 15, 56, 60, 74, 77, 100, 118, 126, 139 179, 180, 231, 243 iron should be galvanised ... 120 length of ... 11 multiple 139,243 Oxidation of 125, 131 Rules for 64, 72, 132 ,, to be accessible 68 to be carried away from building ... 107 to be connected 120 to be deep and wet 107 to be good 126, 130 to be in moist ground 21, 52, 55, 56,58,74, 113, 118, 123, 124, 125, 126, 131 to be tested 111, 131 with charcoal cinders or coke 9, 12, 16, 23, 24, 58, 104, 116, 120, 125, 126, 131 with coil of con- ductor ... 9 with galena, &c. 58 ,, with gas pipes (See GAS). with iron forks or harrows 11, 131 with old iron 74, 204 with water, 52, 53, 67, 68, 126, 130, 140 pipes 9, 26, 46, 55,56,68,118, 125, 126, 127, 128, 132,231, 235, 243 Eddystone Lighthouse 183, 184, 186, 189, 191 Effects of climate on copper and zinc wire ropes 205 Electric current checked ... 193 discharge takes path with best conduction 127 fire not diverted from its path by rod 125 Electricity a terribly explosive power 72 Atmospheric 98, 112, 117, 119 INDEX. (251) Electricity, frictional and atmos- pheric the same 82, 112 carried off by water pipe 126 for telegraphic pur- poses follows Ohm's laws 133 is force, not matter ... 100 of earth negative at- mosphere positive . 112 Static, laws of ... 132 will leave small con- ductors for large ones 204 Electrodes 110 Elevated rods preferable to low conductors 79 End of conductor, lower, to be coiled up 9 Energy of lightning lessened by trees 127 Eugland,accidents from lightning 120 Escurial, no conductor on ... 100 Examination of Conductors (See CONDUCTORS, EXAMINATION OF). Expansion of conductor to be allowed for 11, 70, 125, 128, 226, 229 Experiment on wire across Thames 121 on plait of copper and zinc wire at Blackheath ... 205 with a very thin strip of tinfoil ... 199 with glass rods ... 121 Explosion of a gas meter ... 239 Explosions, electrical, their cause 81 Extent of surface does not favour lightning discharges 134 Eyes for fastening conductors 99, 1 15 (See ATTACHMENT^). Faraday on conductors 83, 84,89, 102, 132, 183, 186. 187, 189, 190, 195, 196, 199. Field, Kogers, C.E., on accident at Caterham ... 210 on ventilating pipes 216 Fire of inflammable materials . . . 127 First conductor erected in Eng- land 85, 121 First conductor fixed in Europe at Hamburg 122 129 Fixing conductors to ships .. 87 Fizeau, M., his report on powder magazines ... ... 66, 67 Flagstaff should have a con- ductor 70 struck ... 44, 187, 196 Flashing, Lead, how to connect wire rope with 10, 11, 34 Flash, lightning, effects of, ... 84 Flow of electricity through con- ductors -... 133 Flues copper 183, 185 lightning passed down, 38, 39 warm, and an iron grate, a dangerous conductor ... 101 Forest Hill, chimney of house struck 38 Forms of upper terminals (See POINT), Formula for determining area protected (See PBOTECTION, AREA OF). Foster, Prof. G. Carey, on Per- sonal safety 233 Fountains, Public, conductor lead away from ... 56 Franklin, Dr., and wet rat ... 85 discovered pointed metal best conductor 121 erected lightning rod to his house ... 121 experiments ... 79, 84 repeated by Buffon & Dalibar... 115 first conductor was melted 116 his report to French Academy 51 on cold fusion ... 102 on connection of light- ning rod ... ... 54 report on Purfleet 76, 126 round rod best ... 114 success in pushing use of conductors ... 121 tried his kite success- fully 121 Freeman & Collier, their answer, 10,17 French instructions 51 on area protected.. 22 Fresnel, M., his instructions ... 59 Frost, A. J., Abstracts by, 99, 118 Fusion, metals which resist, only to be used 139 of defective conductor ... 215 of rod, Wheatstoneon ... 83 Gable near conductor struck by lightning 28 Galena, and melted sulphur, Bed of for end of conductor ... 58 Galvanic action between iron and copper ... Ill, 130 of wet and smoke on con- ductors 205 Galvanised conductor painted ... 139 iron 19, 67, 68, 72, 101, 120, 124, 125, 132, 139 not to be in con- tact with copper 102 ( 252 ) INDEX. Galvanised iron best material for earth contact 130 Galvanometer for testing earth currents 131 Gas and water mains 113 utilisation of 9, 28, 37, 39, 44, 72, 100, 102, 103,108,114,117,125, 126,128,138,201,231, 235 Gas coke for earth terminal 23, 24 Gases from chimney injure con- ductors Ill Gas ignited 219 meter exploded 239 Gasometer struck ... ... 43 Gas-pipes, Soft metal, not to be used as conductors ... ... 108 Gavarret's, M., experiments ... 139 Gavey, J., on accident at Car- marthen 217 Gay Lussac's iron conductor re- commended 104 German " reception rod " of iron 125 Geneva cathedral.. 103 Genoa, St. Mary's Church ... 126 Gilbert, Dr. (1600) magnetic and galvanic action one force ... 120 Gilt point (See POINT GILDED.) Girard, M., his instructions ... 59 Girders, how connected 10 Glass, foundation of house in- sulated 118 insulators (See INSULATOBS.) repeller ... 83, 185, 186 Globular Lightning (See LIGHT- NING, BALL). Goldie's, Mr., experience ... 193 Governments, French and Eng- lish, size of rod sanctioned by 12 Grapnels and gratings for earth plates 125, 126, 131 Gray, J. W. and Son, their answer 7-9, 17 "Gridiron," Termini of ribs pointed 23, 24 Groome's, J.E., evidence 196, 197, 198 Ground connection (See EARTH TERMINALS). containing ironstone ... 48 Guillemin's, M., opinion 132 Gunpowder stores, conductor, how to be fixed 82 Gutters, Metallic 40, 41, 45, 46, 47, 60, 125, 213 must be connected with conductor 60 utilization of 47,125,244 Guyton, M., his practice with charcoal 58 Haigh & Son's Colliery ... 74, 216 Harris, Sir William Snow, Crown adviser 8 combated the idea that rods attracted lightning 122 conductors to ships and buildings 83, 122, 130, 196 in conflict with Faraday 195, 196, 200 on Sectional Area ... 110 on copper conductors ... 202 on expense of conductors 49 on fusion ... ... ... 86 on hollow or solid conduc- tors 74 on relative conductivity of metals ... ... 71 on shipwrecks by light- ning ... on thunderstorms Principles adopted by 70, ulf 90 85 101 15 regarding insulators ,, report on safety of con- ductors ... 72, 110 says discharges pass over surface 132 suggestions issued in army circulars ... ... 122 Hauksbee, F., F.R.S., similarity of electric flash and lightning. . . 121 Hawksley, T., his report ... 37 Hay a bad conductor 127 Hay newly gathered, inflammable 127 Heated smoke from chimney, a conductor 132 Heckingham poor-house struck .. 87 Height of rods 120, 124, 125, 139, 177 Hemispheres of brass, experi- ments with ... 105 Henly,W., his report ... 78, 79 Henry, Prof. Joseph, on construc- tion of lightning rods 99, 181 Herring's, Mr., evidence 1 96 Heryet, Chas. J., his opinion ... 206 Higginbptham's, Mr., evidence ... 194 High buildings a source of safety to lower ones near ... ... 12 Highton, E., on lightning con- ductors 239 Hill, A., his Report 37 Hine, G. J., his Report 37 Hine, T. C., and Sons, Architects, ground plan of Nottingham Castle 26 Holborn Union Infirmary, Upper Holloway, struck 39 Holdfast, brass 16 copper 7, 8, 13, 16, 21,24, 39 driven in too tight 16, 193 (See ATTACHMENT.) Hole in ship's side, made by light- ning 62 Honeyman's, J., evidence ... 194 INDEX. ( 253 ) Hook and rings used as joints ... 94 Hoop iron in brickwork of chim- neys struck ... 46 Hoops round chimney 89 Hopkins, Eev. G. H., his Keport 30 Horizontal conductor 71 conductors for steeples 125 Horsley, Bishop, his Report ... 79 Hotel des Invalides, Paris, con- ductor on 86 Hotel de Ville, Brussels, conduc- tors of 126 House at Bethnal Green cut in two by lightning ... 41 at Bournemouth with 7 conductors 199 at Cannes (France) struck 198 near trees struck ... 127 of Parliament protected by Harris's conductors 122 with two separate con- ductors 128 Hugueny, M. F., on " Le coup de f oudre de 1'ile du Rhin " ... 99 Ignition depends on retardation of discharge 127 Infirmary, how to be protected 10 Ingenhousz's, Dr., experiments... 122 Ingram, Mr., of Belvoir Castle, on trees struck 47 Inspection of conductors, 9, 72, 102, 111,124,127,130,131, 132, 179, 244 Instructions ... 63,99,176,181,240 British Army Cir- cular 70 French Official ... 59 for formation of good earth 64, 72, 132 Instrument hut at Valencia, how protected 105 Insulation, shock decreased by 118 Insulators 34, 37, 76,99, 184, 186, 194 approved 13, 118 objected to 8,11,13,14,16, 21,24,68,69,73,86,89,103, 111, 118, 126, 139, 186,226 Iron a better conductor than for- merly 19 and copper form best con- ductors 119 as a conductor, not objected to if galvanised 19 bar 131,226 melted 61 bars on ridge for metallic connection ... ... 125 better than copper... 192, 243 box for earth contact of conductors 126 Iron buildings covered with as- phalte 70 built ship, metal-rigged, if protected 122,200 cables, galvanized, some- times used ... ... 125 conductors... 18, 69, 74, 116, 125 bad .. 9, 39, 192 good ... 81, 243 cost of, 19, 70, 124, 132 should weigh 13 to 37oz. per foot 119 galvanized for conductor 74,116, 132,139 ,, has greater specific heat than copper ... ... 132 its high temperature at fu- sion 132 in coke undergoes no change 116 Joints in defective ... ... 116 not to be used for rods ... 123 points 88,138 pumps reaching to water act as attractive points ... 127 rain water pipes, good con- ductors 102, 113 "reception rod" used in Germany ... ... ... 125 rods on all sides best pro- tection ... 124 safe in altered position caused damage to building 127 staples and wall eyes 125, 130 terminal rods ... 124, 125 underground, destruction of prevented 125 wires surrounding copper wire 200 Isolators (See INSULATORS). Italy, Lightning rods used there 179 Jarriant, M., his books ab- stracted ... Ill, 115 ,, his manufactory ... 227 Jenkin, Professor, says point pre- vents discharge ... ... 106 Jerman, J., his report 37 Johnson, Clapham & Morris, their answer 13 Johnston, W.P 181 Joints, avoided in wire cables ... 132 Cutting & Co 216 damaged 69,110,126 how avoided in upper terminals 23 how made 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14,16, 20, 24, 52, 55, 59, 63, 70, 71, 103, 179, 192, 243 must be perfect ... 58,131 of bars always defective... 116 of extra thickness ... 74 of rain water pipes ... 132 ( 254 ) INDEX. Joints should be metallically con- tinuous ... ... ... 20 soldered 9, 24, 66, 68, 70, 71, 102, 123, 125, 139, 140, 141, 243 to be avoided 10, 11, 16, 20, 63 Journal of Society of Telegraph Engineers, May 12, 1875 ... 130 ** _7m^i4"OT ?> oViv* o f Tn /"b- AO Q\ Jupiter" ship struck 62, 95 Karsten, Prof. D. G., lightning conductors, by 119 Kew, experiments at, on atmos- pheric electricity 112 Kilbourne, Lieut. ... ... ... 181 Kirch off, Prof., on connection with gas mains... ... ... 235 Kite, Silk, Franklin's experi- ments with ... 80 Korte's, Messrs., Paper 105 Lacoine, M., on area protected 134 Lane, T., his Eeport 79 Lantern on lighthouse ... 184, 186 La Place, M., his Eeports 53, 57 Lateral discharge ... 73, 83, 84, 85 Latham, Baldwin, on conductors 202 Law, E. J., his Keport 37 Laws of Static electricity ... 132 Lead a bad conductor 123 at joints 94,125 casing for upper terminals.. 131 floors 188, 189 liked because of fitting sharp curves 123 pipe for earth connection... 77 roofs and spouts ...51,82,102 thin sheet of, covering ends of wire, very dangerous .. 20 Leaves of trees draw off electri- city 84 Lefevre-Gineau, M., his instruc- tions 59 Le Gen til, M., his observations... 84 Length and sectional areas, pro- portion between... ... 14 of conductor above top hold- fast destroyed 193 of conductor determines amount of resistance ... 131 Lenz, M., on conducting power of metals ... 124 Leroy, M., his Keport ... 51, 53 Lewis, Prof. T. Hayter, Abstracts by 70, 79, 81, 84, 100, 110, 112, 117, 120, 179 his joint Report... 28,37 Leyden discharges and lightning flashes 84 Jar 121 Lichtenberg of Gottingen, his opinion ... ... 129 Liddell, J., on lightning conduc- ductors 232 Lighthouses and exposed build- dings protected did not suffer .. 106 Lighthouse at Berehaven struck by lightning ... 208 damaged by lightning 196 lightning rods on 183, 190 Lightning an immense electric spark 123 Ball. ..99, 101, 102, 108, 205, 242 Bifurcated ... ... 45 conductor (See CONDUCTOR) diffused ... ... 108 does it pass inside or outside conductor? 15, 18, 49, 132 Flash 108 follows line of least re- sistance ... ... 108 Force of, exemplified... 45 Globular (See supra BALL). going to earth without conductor ... ... 128 identical with elec- tricity 82 incandescent matter ... 100 in colliery workings ... 237 leaves conductor and enters chimney ... 203 passed down mainmast and through ship ... 195 passed to iron supports 128 passing out of a ship by a copper bolt ... 205 Personal safety from 233 protectors (See CONDUC- TORS). ran along a bell wire... 195 thatched roof of house... 128 Rod Conference, their Circular 28 Rods (See CONDUCTORS). Sheet 108 the cause of 81 various forms of ... 108 Lime, 'to prevent oxidation of cylinder 140 Line, conductor should run round building 134 Linked system of conductors in- troduced by Sir W. S. Harris... 204 Links of chains ... ... ... 179 Llandaff Cathedral, conductor on 102 Lofty buildings require larger rods (See AREA, SECTIONAL). Long conductors above buildings, their effect 77 Long's, F., account of injury to Wells Church ... ,.195 INDEX. (255 ) Louvre, New Buildings of the, Special Report for ... 64 slightly injured by light- ning 123 Low straggling buildings should have several conductors ... 15 Lucas, Mr., his Report 67 Lussac, Gay, M., his Report 57, 59 McDonald's, Mr., experience ... 193 McGregor, W., protection from Lightning 106 Magazine, copper doors and win- dows to ... 74,216 of metal, the safest ... 73 underground 70 well at each end of ... 126 (See also POWDER MAGAZINES). Magne, Mr., his Report 67 Mahon, Lord, his Report 79 Mairie, of 20th Arrondissement struck 69 Majendie, Major V. D., his Report 74, 216 Malcolm, Major, R. E., discussion on lightning conductors ... 131 Mann, Dr. R. J ., Lecture at Society of Arts 108 discussion on earth connections ... 131 discussion on light- ning conductors.. 131 Man might touch conductor in thunderstorm 126 Marseilles, Powder Magazine at, how to be protected ... 51, 52 Massingham, T., evidence and letter 15, 16, 17, 193 Masses, metallic must be con- nected with conductor 60, 94, 104, 126, 132, 240 Mass or surface, which conducts P 13, 15, 18, 49, 74, 132, 227 Masts of large vessels, each to have a conductor ... ... 6 Masulipatam, accident near ...206 Materials, inflammable, not ig- nited 127 Maxwell, Hugh, on kind of trees struck 47 Maxwell's, Clerk, Theoryl09, 126, 132 133 Mechanical action of lightning... 85 Meiszner's improvement ...130 Mel sens says discharge passes over surface 132 ,, System of protection as applied to monument at Lacken 230 various works by 124, 138, 140, 141 Men-of-war, old conductors in ... 202 Merton College, Oxford, damaged 126 Metallic cap may assist protec- tion of house ... 132 circuit 126 connection must be per- fect 130 connections on ridge by by iron bars ... ... 125 joints 89 Metals, contact of dissimilar, re- sults in decay 19, 21 Metal cowl of chimney struck ... 198 for points must be good conductor 139 immaterial if sectional area be large 131 in buildings, contiguity with to be avoided ... 5 inside or out, to be connec- ted with conductor 125, 126 melted, dimensions of 61, 83, 223, 231 of high conductivity for conductors 131 stays and fastenings 184, 185 Michel, M., Papers by 67, 68, 111, 131 on galvanised wire rope 131 Milne, D., his Report 44 Mining Engineers, Enquiry by... 237 Mohn's, H., Lynildens Farlighed I Norge 106 Moist earth destroys terminal ... 116 for lower terminal, essential 21, 52, 56, 58, 125, 126 (See EARTH TERMINALS). Moisture, Access of, to surfaces in contact ... ... ... 71 Moncel, Comte du, his Report ... 67 his opinions . 226 Monte Video, English Consul's house struck ... ... ... 195 Montgolfier, M., his Report ... 57 Monument, London, its immunity from injury by lightning ... 103 Morea, Signer Lerigi 180 Miiller's, Prof., conditions for lightning conductors 129 Miiller's, Dr. Hugo, experiments . 135 Municipal buildings in Paris, lightning rods for ... 67.225 Munson, D., & Co., their rods ... 216 Murgatroyd, J., his report ... 39 Murray, J., on Atmospheric Elec- tricity 8J Musgrave, Dr., his report ... 79 Myers, Gen 181 Nails, copper, used in attaching conductor to building 14 (See also ATTACHMENT). (256 ) INDEX. Nairne, E., his report ... ... 79 Nash lights 183, 187 National Institute (of France) report made to ... 53 Nelson column 90 Newton, Sir I., machine of glass 120 " New York," packet boat, struck 61, 62 Nickson, Mr., his report 78 Nottingham, Castle, how pro- tected 23, 24 Nuts, copper 192 (See JOINTS). Number of persons killed by one discharge 129 Objects on plains attract light- ning 127 Odour, sulphurous, of lightning.. 85 Official instructions : Denmark ... 176 England 70-74 France 51-69 India ... 181 Italy 179 Norway 106, 176 United States 181 Ohm, his laws 18, 133 on conducting power of metals 124 Oldham, Explosion at 239 Oliver, T., his report ... ... 39 Oxidation, how to be avoided ... 83 of copper less than that of iron 131 of cylinder 140 earth terminals ... 131 surface of conductor unimportant ... 73 terminals leads to failures of condnc- tors 131 Painted conductor 69, 94, 99, 103, 113, 117, galvanized conductor ... 139 Paint ob j ected to 67, 227 Palais de 1'Industrie, Paris, its construction 61 Paratonnerres, Traite des ... 103 A Collin et Fils, Paris 1 17 Nouveau par Jarriant 111 ,, par Jarriant 115 Partial protection ... 194,244 Passage of electricity of tension in bad conductors 141 Patterson, Mr., of Philadelphia, on good contact 58 Payneshill, site of first conductor 85 Pearson, J. L., his report ... 39 Pegwell Bay, tide receded ... 48 Pennycook & Co., their answer 13,14, 17 Perfect lightning conductor 131, 186 Perforated iron pipe as earth terminal 114 Perrott's, M., experiments ... 139 remarks on earth con- tacts 140 Perry, Prof., on conductors ... 132 Personal safety from Lightning . 233 Persons killed by lightning in France 129 Perspiration from flock of sheep, a conductor ... ... ... 48 Phillips, R., on atmospherical electricity ... ... ... 98 Phin, John, on lightning rods 102, 181 Phipson, E.M., account of destruc- tion of Wells Church 194 Pidgeon, Mr., discussion on earth connections ... ... ... 131 Pierron, M., his proposal ... 52 Pinnacles on church towers 10, 29, 137 Pipes, gas, (See GAS, WATEE, and EARTH TERMINALS). hard metal, as conductors 108 iron, easily made into pro- tectors 102 of terracotta 180 rain-water ... ... 34, 74 as earth terminal 114 Plait of copper wire ... 5, 9, 205, 210, 215 Plan ta, Mr., his report ... ... 79 Plate, Earth (See EARTH PLATE). Platinum points ... 37, 115, 140, 227 approved of 15, 54, 55, 59, 63, 66, 99, 104, 116, 120 objected to 67, 73, 103, 123, 139 only half the con- ducting power of copper 73 blunted 69 fused ... 128,231 Plymouth, Charles Church at ... 86 Point Aigrettes (See infra MUL- TIPLE). attracts electricity ... 82 blunted 53, 69 breaks the force of light- ning ... 73 coronal (See infra MUL- TIPLE). dimensions of 17, 18, 120, 130, 178 Duhamel upon 66 Engravings of some mo- dern ones 230 facilitate discharge ... 131 INDEX. ( 257 ) Point generally... 9, 17, 18, 76, 79, 81, 86,92, 122,125, 131,139 gilded 9, 55, 59, 71, 120, 138 needless 73, 103, 113 height of 52,138 how to be fixed 14, 52, 53, 55, 58, 130 in situ, examination of necessary 18 melted 53, 87, 92, 192, 195, 231 multiple 34.231 recommended 10, 13, 14, 15, 23, 104, 108, 125, 132, 139, 243 objected to 18, 71 not to be fusible ... 93, 120 of attraction 127 copper 10, 13, 23, 66, 67, 107, 111, 117, 120, 123, 132, 139 iron 88, 138 brass ... 13 pinnacles to be united to main conductors . 118 platinum (See PLATINUM). silver ... 7, 120, 130, 139 three kinds 138 vane 186 (See VANES). or blunt conductors 77, 79, 106 render lateral discharges less probable 131 ,. Report upon ... 60, 66 sharp 129, 130, 132, 138, 139 not too 92, 123, 129, 242 experiments with 51,80 should be kept clean 130, 132 of good con- ducting metal 139 should it be painted ? (See PAINTED). space protected by (See PROTECTION, AREA OF). square tapering 23 used in Germany, fire gilded copper cone or sphere ... 105, 111, 130 useful 102, ] 22 useless ... 77, 103, 113 vertical, horizontal, or perpendicular ... ... 58 Poisson, M., his joint instruc- tions 59 Polarity of ship's compass re- versed by lightning 121 Poles, Telegraphic, how protected 101 Pouillet, M., his joint Report 60, 66 on Conducting Powers of Metals 124 Discharge of Light- ning 131 Powder magazines 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 66, 67, 70, 73, 74, 76, 81, 87, 109, 118, 123, 126, 130, 177, 178, 216 Preece's, Mr. W. H., Abstract of Replies of Manufac- turers 22 Discussion on Lightning Conductors 131 Discussion on Earth Con- nection ... ... 131 Abstracts by 98, 102, 117, 130, 132, 241, 243 ,. on Conductors 100 Ball Lightning 101, 102 Paper Discussion on ... 102 Proper Form of Light- ning Conductors ... 1S2 Space protected ... 135 Priestly, Dr., his Report ... 79 Priugle, Sir John, his Report ... 79 advocated use of points 122 Protector (See CONDUCTOR). Protection, Area of 6, 9, 13, 15, 16, 21, 22, 24, 57, 60, 64, 67, 71, 73, 82, 87, 96, 102, 106, 111, 112, 117, 123, 125, 134, 135, 137, 180, 192, 226, 230, 243 of buildings from lightning 195 buildings from lightning, R. S. Brough 132 iron from decay by galvanizing ... 132 telegraph wires by lightning conduc- tor 130 ,, partial ... 194, 244 Prussia, accidents from lightning 126 Purfleet, Board House struck, 76, 78, 88, 122, 126 Purity of copper essential ... 124 Quadrangular iron bar for con- ductor (See IRON, BAR OF). Questions respecting damage by lightning 28, 29 Radius of Protection(eePROTECTiON, AREA OF). Railings to be joined to conductor 125 Railway Terminus at Antwerp struck 137 track makes capital earth 117 Rain-water pipe as conductor 37, 38, 41, 132, 213 Rat, Wet, indestructible by elec- tricity ... ... 85 Ravel, M. de Puy Cental, his proposal ... 52 ( 258 ) INDEX. " Reception rod " of iron used in Germany 125 Regnault, M., his reports ... 66 Regnier's system of lightning rods 54, 57 Regulations for lightning con- ductors in Denmark ... ... 176 Repellers, Glass 186 Resistance of conductor varies with its length (See AREA, SECTIONAL). Retarding influence of electro- static capacity ... 133 Return shock mechanical in effect 129 Ribbons and tubes still in use ... 133 or rods offer less resis- tance than ropes 204 (See also TAPE.) Richard & Co., their tall chimney struck 44 Richman, Prof.,killed 1753,whilst experimenting ... 121 Ridges, metallic conductor cover- ing 68,177 Rittenhouse, Dr., of Philadelphia, his observations ... ... 53 Rivets, copper, used for joints ... 24 Robins, E. C., his report 39 Robertson, J., his report ... 76 Rochon, M., his report ... 51, 57 Rods better than ropes or chains 96, 204 solid copper 10, 13, 14, 15, 73, 89, 117, 123, 184, 195 copper not fusible 125 copper, their size ... 70, 180 Earth terminals of (ivhich elevation, how coupled ... 24 horizontal, on roof 52, 118 how to be fastened to buildings (See ATTACH- MENT). iron, conductor 10, 46, 47, 77,99, 117,177 tarred or galvanized ... 104 the size of 52,58,70,74, 330 Joints in (See JOINTS). Lightning, and how to con- struct them 102 Munson's ... 216 must be thoroughly joined 52 not to be inside chimney... Ill of greatest length gives most protection ... 137 of spirally twisted iron ... 192 Points of (See POINTS). should be painted (See PAINTED). Rods, size of (See CONDUCTOR, Size of). Tie,must be connected with conductor 60 to be diameter of chimney above top Ill to be made of conical form 129 will not divert electric fire from its path ... ... 125 Rome, system of rods used there 179 Roof, all metals in, to be con- nected 60,72 covered with metal 37, 69, 177 lead, easily made into pro- tector 102 of wood or slate has con- ductor on ridge ... ... 125 with masses of metal, diffi- cult to protect 7 Rope better than rod 5, 10,60, 111, 113, 131, 243 brass wire ... ... 60, 124 conductor, how to fit to ship's rigging ... 6 lower end of to be to be opened 11, 15 copper and zinc wire de- cayed 205 copper better than iron for towns ... ... ... 19 copper, its advantages and disadvantages 8, 56, 63, 131, 134 copper wire 10, 13, 14, 34, 37, 39, 60, 75, 103, 125, 131, 225, 226, 227 dimensions of 8, 9, 223 has both sur- face and mass 16 too expensive 58 easily bent without angles 19 joined, diverted, or lengthened ... 19 hemp, for conductors ... 56 Iron wire ... 19, 58, 68, 125, 227, 243 smashed ... ... 86 liable to corrosion on factory chimneys ... 125 of thick copper wire 226, 229 or cable, fringed out at upper terminal 14 metallic, disadvantages of 62, 63, 95, 204 for connecting points with metal bars ... ... 55 with hemp strand in middle 116, 227 Wire, conductor, badly erec- ted 39 damaged 193 INDEX. ( 259 ) Rosher ville Church struck though provided with a conductor ... 34 Rounded and pointed conductors 79 (See POINT.) Route to earth for conductor ... 126 Royal Society, Committee of ... 76,78, 79 Rules for erecting Conductors (See INSTRUCTION'S). Russell, F. & Co., their answers 9, 17 Rust increases electrical resist- ance 70, 107 Sacre's, M. E., system 140 Safety from Lightning, Personal 233 St. Ann's Hotel, Buxton, struck . 34 St. Aubyn, J. P 29 St. Clotllde Church, Paris, struck 69 St. Eloi Church, Paris, struck ... 69 St. George's, Leicester ... 126, 240 St. James' Church, West-End, Hants, struck 34 St. Mary's, Crumpsall, near Man- chester, struck 39 St. Mark's, Venice 103 St. Matthias's Church, Brixton, struck 39 St. Michael's Church, Stamford, struck ... ... ... ... 43 St. Paul's Cathedral, Accident to 78 fitted with cop- per wire rope 131 its immunity from inj ury by lightning ... 103 St. Peter's Church, Brighton, pin- nacle struck ... 48 St. Sepulchre's Church, North- ampton, struck ... 37 St. Sulpice Church, Paris, struck. 69 Sanderson & Co., their answers 23, 24 " Scientific American," 118 Screen, metallic, a protection ... 85 Secchi, P 180 Sectional Area (See AREA, SEC- TIONAL). Sharp Points (See POINTS). Sheets, Iron, struck ... ... 53 Sheet lightning is the reflection of forked 101,242 Ships struck ... 53, 61, 62, 88, 95, 195, 205 conductors 6, 90, 121, 122, 195, 199, 200 Short terminal points to chim- neys 125 Siemens, A., abstract by 127 Silver Points (See POINTS OF SILVER). Simmons, J., his Essay 81 Size of conductor (See CON- DUCTOR, SIZE OF). Small conductor replaced by heavier one ......... 194 Smoke discharged from chimney a conductor ........ 132 Smoke often destroys brass ... 124 Snell, H. S., his report ...... 39 Soil, change in nature of, its effect 71 dry, a non-conductor ... 70 metallic veins beneath ... 61 water beneath will attract lightning ......... red joints (See JOINTS). 61 Solder Solder, objectionable ...... 16 the use of , imperative ... 20 not universal... 20 with copper ...... 103 Solid rods superseded by ropes of wire (See ROPES) ...... 131 South Foreland Lighthouse 185, 186 Spagnoletti, Mr., discussion on lightning conductors ... ... 131 Spang, H. W., Treatise on Light- ning Conductors ... 112, 181 Sparks from Holtz's machine ... 141 Ruhmkorff's coil ... 141 Space protected (See PROTECTION, AREA OF). Specific attraction, equal in all bodies ......... 73 ,. heat of iron greater than copper ............ 132 Sphere, Metal, on top of con- ductors ...... ... ... Ill Spike of iron (See POINT). Spiral twisted iron rods ... ... 192 Spires, Church, conductor for,how fixed ............ 23 Spire, Church, conductors for without joints ... ... ... 24 Spires, connection from bottom of vane rod ...... ... 14 Spout, Iron, entered by lightning 43 Spout split at joints 45, 46, 47, 49 Spratt's patent conductors... 205, 210, 215 Spurn Point High Light ...... 184 Square building to have terminal at each end ...... 125 wire ......... 13,216 Staples for attaching conductor (See ATTACHMENT). Static discharges from conductors 133 electricity, laws of ... 132 Stays, Metal ...... 184, 185 Steeple of Jacobi Church, at Ham- burg ............ 129 Steeples to have horizontal con- ductors ...... 113, 125 Steeple with lightning rod in- jured ......... 124, 125 Steinheil's lightning protector ... 130 Sterriker, John, his report 45, 46 ( 260 ) INDEX. Straps and nails (See ATTACHMENT). Strasburg, accident at 99 Straw conductors for country use 104 Strata, water bearing, connection to be made with (See EARTH TERMINAL). Stream of fire in rigging of ship 54 Striking distance 650 to 6500 feet 108 Stroke, lightning, 9 or 10 miles... 108 Sullivan, Adml 183, 195, 199 Sulphur Paste made of galena and melted, for end of conductor .. 58 Sulphurous fumes destructive to terminals 131 odour of lightning ... 85 Sun burner to lofty building ... 201 Superficial conductors, advan- tages of 86 Supports of protector soldered with zinc 140 Supposed perfect conductor ... 131 Surface exposed to air consider- able 139 , or mass, which conducts? 13, 15, 18, 49, 74, 89, 132 Swan Cotton Mill 239 Sweden, accidents from lightning 126 Symons, G. J., 43, 46, 183 abstracts by 74, 89, 99, 102, 104, 111, 115, 131, 132, 134, 135 Tacchini, Prof 179,180 Tait, Prof., on thunderstorms ... 241 Tanks ... 15,71,94,107,130 Tape, joints, if any, should be rivetted and soldered ... 7 copper better than rope 8, 204 objections to 5,6, 16 let into masts ... 92 lower end to have a dis- charging fork ... ... 11 Phin, upon 103 to be cut in strips for earth terminal ... ... 15, 23 copper, the sizes and lengths made 7, 10, 14, 23, 70, 133 cheaper than rope ... 8, 9 Tarred casing of wood to enclose iron 125 metallic rope 60 Taunton Church, large copper rope conductor 8 Teale, F. G., of Calcutta 181 Telegraph instruments in j ured ... 1 00 poles, how- protected 101 wires affected under- ground ... 101 Temperature, variations of, affect- ing length of conductor 68, 125, Terkelsen, C., abstract by .. 106 Terminal area protected by (See PRO- TECTION, AREA OF). Terminals (See POINTS). Terminal, earth (See EARTH TERMI- NAL). Terminal for every 20 ft. of roof.. 125 how fastened to roof ... 52 if numerous, should have proportionately thicker conductor (See AREA, SECTIONAL). long upper. . . 68, 77, 225, 229 jar roof by vibration by wind 116, 127 not always pointed 92, 125 painted or tinned ... 55 rods 17, 55, 66, 67, 72, 124 to branch out at top (See POINTS). Upper, how attached to conductor 60 fused 193 should be cased in lead to pro- tect from sul- phurous fumes 131 to be a round rod 125 to be iron or copper 82 ,. too small ... 62 what it is ... 59 what made of ... 13 Terra Cotta water pipes 180 Testing apparatus ... 111,225,228, 243, 244 of building as well as of conductor 9 of conductors with gal- vanometer ... 9, 131 to be periodical... 132,244 Theory of protection (See PROTEC- TION AREA OF). Thimbles, glass ..186 Thomson, Prof. Sir W., on con- ductors ... 47, 48, 49, 102, 133 Thunder-storms dangerous where no woods are... 119 in France, 1822 . 123 nature of ... 85 Ties, Metallic (See ATTACHMENT). Tin and lead conductors tried ... 123 Tinfoil, experiments with ... 199 Tinned metallic wire 95 Tips (See POINTS). Tomes, J., F.R.S,, accident to his house 210 Top conductor (See CONDUCTOR RIDGE). Torquay, no good earth there ... 130 Tower of church struck 29 of house struck 37 Trees bad conductors 127 INDEX. (261 ) Trees, High, their protective action ... 85,127,243 injured while passinglight- ning to better conductor 127 on plains attract lightning 127 struck 45,47,49 Trenches, Connections in ... 72 filled with carbonace- ous materials 7, 12, 100, 125 in rocky or dry soil ... 72 (See also EARTH' TERMINALS). Trough, Oaken, for lower ter- minals to pass through ... 56 Trinity House 183 Tube conductor for Houses of Parliament ... ... 199 Copper, 7, 10, 14, 70, 74, 133 having copper cable passing through it 13 patent insertion joints ... 7 Iron 86, 117 conductors, why objec- tionable ... 5 Turrets,eonductors f or,howfixed 23, 24 Twyford Moors, near Winchester 34 Underground connection (See EARTH TERMINAL). United States, accidents from lightning 126 University Coll., Chimney struck 38 University of Padua protected by conductors ... ... ... 122 Upper terminal (See TERMINAL UPPER and POINTS). Upwood Gorse, Caterham, acci- dent at 210 Vaillant, Le Marshal, his Report 66 Vanes, how connected, &c. 10, 11, 14, 23, 39, 40, 52, 53, 104, 183, 185, 186, 202 Varley, C., quoted 101 Venetians decreed to use light- ning rods in Kepub lie... ... 122 Ventilating pipes 216 Vitreous tubes (Fulgurites) formed by electricity 112 Vyle's, S., rod & testing apparatus 244 Walker, C. V., on conductors ... 84 on Leyden discharges 84 J ... 187 Matthew, His knot .. 16 Wall eyes of iron 130 (See also ATTACHMENT). Wandsworth, chimney of house struck 38 Ward, G. G., of New York ... 181 Water mains and underground water generally (See EARTH TERMINALS). Water spouts to be connected 10 226 Watson's, Dr., conductor at Payneshill 85 for ships... 121 report ... 76,79 Weathercock (See VANES). Weber, Dr. L., on lightning dis- charges in Schleswig Holstein 127,231 Week, St. Mary, the Church of 29, 30 Weight of conductors (See CON- DUCTORS, SIZE OF). Wells (See EARTH TERMINALS). Wells Church, Norfolk, destruc- of, by lightning 194 West side of house, rod to be on 100 Wheatstone quoted, on fusion of rod 83 Whichcord, J., his joint Report... 28 White, W. H., Secretary R.I.B.A., circular signed by him 28 Wilkins & Weatherby, their answer ... ... ... 4-6, 17 Wilson, Mr., his report and views 76, 79 Wilson, R., on conductors on chimneys ... ... ... 110 Wind, action of on conductors 116, 127 Windmill with conductor struck 128 Windows, copper, to magazines ... 74 Winkler, Prof. J. H. (1746), elec- tricity cause of thunderstorm . 129 Wire cables (See ROPE). cage as protection without use of earth ... ... 132 melted into drops like shot 195 of zinc, melted 107 rusted in earth and was use- less 107 square 13, 216 Withers, J. B. M., his report ... 40 Wood to be creosoted to form case for iron 125 coated with resin, as a conductor 54 Workhouse, how to be protected 10 Wrexham Church struck ... 126 Wrottesley, Col. G., R.E., his report ... ... ... ... 40 Wrought iron (See IRON). Wyatt Papworth Church struck 39 Yo^k, accident at 219 Zenger's, Prof. C., Symmetrische Blitzableiter 104 Zinc better conductor than iron 74 coating 72 chimney of house struck ... 37 cylinder, wire to pass through 83 strips 192 ., wire melted 107 S RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the 22!T2 R B. R K EGIONAL LIBR ARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 2 L MAY BE RECAL LED AFTER 7 DAYS " llln books DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SENT ON ILL DEC 9 1999 C. BERKELEY T.L UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY