J&. 7c) a,- tc-li t'-iii A TREATISE PHYSICAL OPTICS PK1NTKD BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AND SONS, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. A'TEEATISE ON PHYSICAL OPTICS BY A. B. BASSET, M.A., F.KS., TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. OFTHE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE : DEIGHTON, BELL AND CO. LONDON: GEOEGE BELL AND SONS. 1892 [All Eights reserved.] Oo V ^ PREFACE. THE Science of Optics embraces so large a class of phenomena, that any treatise which attempted to give a comprehensive account of all the various practical applications of Optics, in addition to the experimental and theoretical portions of the subject, would necessarily be of an exceedingly voluminous charac- ter. I have accordingly limited the present work to one special branch of Optics, and have endeavoured to place before the reader as concise a treatise upon the Mathematical Theory of Light, and such experimental phenomena as are immediately connected therewith, as the nature of the case will admit. Those who are acquainted with the Mathematical Theories of Hydrodynamics, Sound and Elasticity on the one hand, and of Electricity and Light on the other, cannot fail to have been struck with the difference, which exists between the two classes of subjects. In the former class, certain equations are obtained, which approximately, though not quite accurately, specify in a mathematical form, the physical state of fluids and solids as they exist in Nature ; and the subsequent investigation of these branches of Science, is thereby in great measure reduced to a question of mathematics. As soon as the fundamental equations \ are established, the subject is brought within the dominion of mathematical analysis, and mathematicians are enabled to exercise their ingenuity and analytical skill, in elaborating and developing the results which flow from them. But in the Theory of Light, we are confronted with a totally different state of things. Although the existence of the lumi- niferous ether may, at the present day, be regarded as a scientific axiom, which is as firmly established as any "other scientific law, yet the properties of the ether are almost entirely unknown to us. VI PREFACE. We are therefore unable to start with certain definite equations, of whose approximate correctness we can feel assured ; but are compelled to formulate certain hypotheses concerning the physical constitution of the ether, which are capable of being expressed in a mathematical form, and then to trace the consequences to which they lead us. The only means at our disposal for testing the correctness of any hypothesis, which forms the foundation of any dynamical theory of light, is to compare the results furnished by theory, with known experimental facts ; accordingly a know- ledge of the facts, which it is the object of theory to explain, is of the utmost importance. Under these circumstances, it has been necessary to describe at length, a variety of phenomena of an experimental character ; but as the object of this work is to investigate the dynamical theory of light in relation to experimental phenomena, I have abstained from entering into many details respecting the methods of performing optical experiments, or the description of the necessary instrumental appliances. Those who desire a fuller acquaintance with the experimental portions of the subject, are recommended to consult Verdet's Lemons d'Optique Physique, Mascart's Traite d'Optique, and Preston's Theory of Light, where ample information concerning these matters will be found. The first ten chapters are devoted to the consideration of Interference, Colours of Thick and Thin Plates, Diffraction, Double Refraction, Rotatory Polarization, and Reflection and Refraction of Polarized Light ; and in these chapters, dynamical theories are as far as possible dispensed with. The remaining ten chapters are of a more speculative character, and contain an account of some of the dynamical theories, which have been proposed to explain optical phenomena. The investigations of numerous physicists upon the theories of Reflection and Refraction at the Surfaces of Isotropic and Crystalline Media, upon Double Re- fraction, Absorption, Anomalous Dispersion and Metallic Reflection are considered ; and a description of a variety of experimental results, which require a dynamical theory to account for them, is given. The last two chapters are devoted to Maxwell's Electro- magnetic Theory, together with the additions made to it since the death of its author. The last chapter of all, contains a description of the experimental results of Faraday, Kerr and Kundt on the action of electromagnetism on light ; together with a development of Maxwell's theory, which is believed to be capable of accounting PREFACE. Vll for the action of a magnetic field, when light is propagated through a transparent medium. It must be admitted, that some of the theories discussed in the later Chapters are of a somewhat speculative character, and will require reconsideration as our knowledge of the properties of matter increases ; but at the same time, it is a great assistance to the imagination to be able to construct a mechanical model of a medium, which represents, even imperfectly, the action of ponderable matter upon ethereal waves. A full and complete investigation, by the aid of rigorous mathematical analysis, of the peculiar action of a medium, which is assumed to possess certain definite properties, enables us to understand the reason why certain effects are produced, and cannot fail to impress upon the mind the conviction, that the dynamical theory of light is a reality, rather than a scientific speculation. I have a profound distrust of vague and obscure arguments, based upon general reasoning instead of upon rigorous mathematical analysis. In- vestigations founded upon such considerations are always difficult to follow, are frequently misleading, and are sometimes erroneous. When the conditions of a dynamical problem are completely specified, all the circumstances connected with the motion can be expressed in mathematical language, and equations obtained, which are sufficient for the solution of every conceivable problem ; and if the number of equations obtained is insufficient, the specification is incomplete, or some necessary condition has been overlooked. I consider it most important to the interests of mathematical physics, that the solutions of the various problems which present themselves, should be properly worked out by rigorous analysis, whenever it is possible to do so, and that definite mathematical results should be obtained and interpreted. At the end of some of the earlier Chapters, examples and problems have been inserted, which have been derived from the examination papers set in the University of Cambridge. During recent years, there has been a disposition in certain quarters to question the educational value of examples ; and a little sarcasm has occasionally been indulged in, with reference to so-called mathematical conundrums. One of the difficulties, which the Examiners for the Mathematical Tripos have to contend against, is the tendency on the part of Candidates to devote their time to learning certain pieces of book-work, which are likely to be set, instead of endeavouring to acquire an accurate and thorough Vlll PREFACE. knowledge of the fundamental facts and principles of the subjects, which they take up; and well-selected examples and problems illustrating the book-work are of great assistance to an examiner, in enabling him to discriminate between candidates, who have acquired a perfunctory knowledge of a subject, and those who have endeavoured to master it. But it would be a fallacy to imagine, that the utility of examples and problems is exclusively confined to the particular examination in which they are set ; or that the practical value of a problem is to be estimated solely by the scientific value of the result, which it embodies. The existence of a large collection of examples and problems, is of great assistance to future generations of students, in enabling them to grasp the fundamental principles of a subject, and to acquire facility in the application of mathematical analysis to physics ; and the severe course of training, which the University of Cambridge exacts from students of the higher branches of Mathematics, is of inestimable benefit to Science, in producing a body of men, who are thoroughly conversant with dynamical principles, and are able to employ with ease the more recondite processes of mathematical analysis. That the scientific discoveries of the present century have been of incalculable benefit to mankind, will be admitted by all ; but it is also a distinct advantage to Science, when any discovery in abstract Science turns out to be of practical utility. The optical properties of chemical compounds have already been applied as a test of their purity ; and it is probable, that further investigations of this character will be found to place a powerful .weapon in the hands of Chemists. I have to acknowledge the great assistance, which I have received from Verdet's Legons d'Optique Physique, as well as from the original papers of the eminent mathematicians and experi- mentalists, which are referred to in the body of this treatise. I am also much indebted to Mr J. Larrnor for having read the proof sheets, and for having made numerous valuable suggestions during the progress of the work. April, 1892. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. ART. PAGE 1. The Science of Optics comprises Geometrical, Experimental, Physical and Physiological Optics 1 2. The Corpuscular and Undulatory Theories of Light .... 1 3. The Luminiferous Ether 2 4. Green's dynamical theory 3 5. Theories based upon the mutual reaction of ether and matter . . 4 6. Clerk-Maxwell's electromagnetic theory 5 7. Plan of this treatise 5 8. Plane waves 5 9. Phase, velocity and wave-length of a plane wave of light ... 6 10. Intensity of light 7 11. Polarization and double refraction 9 12. Composition of two waves polarized in the same plane ... 10 13. Elliptically and circularly polarized light 11 14. The Principle of Huygens 13 15. Law of the reflection of light . . 14 16. Law of the refraction of light 15 CHAPTER II. INTERFERENCE. 17. Description of the phenomenon of interference 17 18. Fresnel's mirrors 18 19. Production of interference fringes by a bi-prism 20 20. do. do. bi-plate 21 21. Fresnel's experiment with three mirrors 22 22. Displacement of fringes by the interposition of a plate ... 23 23. Abnormal displacement of the central band. Airy's explanation . 24 24. Lloyd's experiment 25 Examples 26 B. O. b CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. COLOURS OF THIN AND THICK PLATES. ART. PAGE 25. Description of the phenomenon of the Colours of Thin Plates . . 28 26. Stokes' Principle of Keversion 28 27. Calculation of the intensity of light reflected and refracted by a thin plate 29 28. Newton's Kings 31 29. Colours of Thick Plates 33 30. Stokes' fundamental hypothesis 34 31. Coloured rings produced by a plane mirror 34 32. Proof of Stokes' hypothesis 38 33. Colours of Mixed Plates 39 34. Coloured rings produced by froth composed of a mixture of air and water 39 Examples 41 CHAPTER IV. DIFFRACTION. 35 36. Description of the phenomenon of Diffraction .... 42 37. Stokes' theorem for the displacement produced by an element of a plane wave 44 38. Huygens' zones . 45 39. Displacement produced by an element of a cylindrical wave . . 47 40. Diffraction through a slit 48 41. Conditions for the formation of shadows 50 42. Expression for the intensity when the aperture is of any form, and the waves are plane, or are converging to a focus .... 51 43. Rectangular aperture 52 44. Aperture an isosceles triangle 52 45. Circular aperture 53 46. Elliptic aperture 56 : 47 49. Talbot's bands. Stokes' investigation 56 i 50 51. Comparison of the results furnished by theory and experiment . 01 52. Resolving power of optical instruments 63 53. Resolving power of a telescope whose aperture is rectangular . .64 54. do. do. when the aperture is circular . .66 55. Theory of gratings. Spectra produced by a grating 67 1 56. A fine grating produces broad bands. Overlapping of spectra . .70 57. Resolving power of gratings. Conditions for the resolution of a double line 70^;j 58. Reflection gratings 72 i 59. Rowland's concave gratings. Advantages of this instrument . . 72 " 60 61. Michelson's investigations. Application of the principle of inter- ference to the measurement of the angular magnitudes of small sources of light 74 j 62. Resolution of double stars 77 Examples 78 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER V. DIFFRACTION CONTINUED. ART. PAGE 63. Diffraction arising from light diverging from a focus. Expression for the intej^ity, when the problem is one of two dimensions . 80 64. Fresnel's integrals. Knockenhauer's series 81 65. do. Cauchy's series 82 66. do. x Gilbert's method 82 67. Diffraction by a straight edge . . . . . . . . 83 68. Diffraction by a circular aperture or disc 85 69. Intensity at the centre of the aperture or disc. Poisson's theorem, and Arago's experiment 86 70. Lommel's method. Evaluation of two definite integrals ... 87 7173. Lommel's expressions for the intensity in the form of certain series, when diffraction is produced by a circular disc or aperture . . . . . ...... . . . 88 74. Application of the results, to the case of diffraction by a circular aperture 90 75. Diffraction by a circular disc 91 76. On the BessePs function J n+v where n is zero or any positive integer 93 77. Value of J n+i , where n is any negative integer 94 78. Other expressions for J , , . . . 95 79. Lommel's method, when the light diverges from a linear source . 95 80. Diffraction by a long rectangular slit or obstacle .... 96 81. Evaluation of two definite integrals 96 8283. Lommel's expressions for the intensity in the form of certain series involving Bessel's functions 97 84. Diffraction through a slit 98 85. Diffraction by a narrow obstacle . . 100 86. Diffraction by a straight edge . 101 CHAPTER VI. DOUBLE REFRACTION. 87. Double refraction produced by certain crystals ..... 103 88. Uniaxal crystals 104 89. Definition of the ordinary and extraordinary indices of refraction . 104 90. Huygens' construction for determining the refraction of the extra- ordinary ray in uniaxal crystals 105 91. The wave surface in uniaxal crystals, consists of a sphere and a spheroid 105 9294. Polarization by double refraction. Directions of vibration in the two rays 106 1 95. Positive and negative uniaxal crystals. Principal indices of refrac- tion for Iceland spar and quartz 108 b 2 xii CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 96. Biaxal crystals. Equation of Fresnel's wave-surface .... 109 97. Principal indices of refraction for aragonite and topaz . . .110 98. Photogyric properties of quartz 110 99. Transparent media, when subjected to stress, exhibit double refraction 111 CHAPTER VII. FRESNEL'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. 100. Laws of double refraction, produced by biaxal crystals, discovered by Fresnel 112 101. Fresnel's four hypotheses 112 |j 102. Discussion of the hypothesis, that the vibrations of polarized light are perpendicular to the plane of polarization .... 113 103. Discussion of the second and third hypotheses 113 104. Equation determining the velocity of propagation in a biaxal crystal 115 105. The optic axes are perpendicular to the circular sections of the ellipsoid of elasticity 116 106. Construction for determining the planes of polarization, correspond- ing to plane wave-front , 116 107 108. Values of the two velocities in terms of the angles, which the normal to the wave-front makes with the optic axes . . . 117 109. Determination of the equation of Fresnel's wave-surface . . . 118 110. Traces of the wave-surface on the coordinate planes . . . 119 111. Singular points. Bay axes 120 112. Geometrical construction, determining the direction of vibration in a plane wave 121 113. The ray and the direction of the resultant force are at right angles 121 114. The tangent planes at the extremities of the optic axes, touch the wave-surface along a circle 121 115. Equations of the tangent and normal cones at the singular points . 122 116. Equation of the cone whose vertex is the origin, and whose gene- rators pass through the circle of contact of the tangent plane at the extremity of an optic axis 123 : 117. Uniaxal crystals. Proof of Huygens' construction . . . .. 124 \ 118. Discovery of conical refraction by Sir W. Hamilton . . . 125 119. External conical refraction 125 120. Internal conical refraction 126 121. Experiments of Lloyd, proving that both kinds of conical refraction exist 126 122. Stokes' criticisms on the evidential value of conical refraction in support of Fresnel's theory 126 123. Criticisms on Fresnel's theory 126 124. On the methods of producing polarized light 127 125 126. Theory and construction of Nicol's prism 128 127. Polarization by a plate of tourmaline 129 128. Polarization by a pile of plates 130 Examples 130 CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER VIII. COLOURS OF CRYSTALLINE PLATES. ART. PAGE 129. Colours of crystalline plates discovered by Arago. General explana- tion of the formation of coloured rings 137 130. Mathematical Theory. General expression for the intensity . . 138 131. Expression for the retardation . 139 132. Uniaxal crystals 140 133 134. Eings and brushes produced by a plate of uniaxal crystal, cut perpendicularly to the axis 141 135. Eings produced when the plate is cut parallel to the axis . . 143 136. When the axis is neither parallel nor perpendicular to the plate, the isochromatic curves are curves of the fourth degree . . 145 137. Eings produced by two plates cut parallel to the axis, which are superposed 145 138. Biaxal crystals. The brushes produced by a plate of nitre or aragonite are hyperbolas 147 139. The rings produced by the same crystals are lemniscates . . 148 140. Eings produced by a plate of biaxal crystal, whose axes form an angle which is nearly equal to 180, are hyperbolas . . . 149 141. When a biaxal crystal is cut perpendicularly to one of the optic axes, the rings are ellipses 151 142. Circularly polarized light 152 143. May be produced by a Fresnel's rhomb, or a quarter undulation plate. '. 152 144. Eings produced when the incident light is circularly polarized, and is analysed by a Nicol's prism 152 145. Eings produced by light, which is circularly polarized and circularly analysed 153 Examples 154 CHAPTER IX. ROTATOEY POLARIZATION. 146. Eotatory polarization discovered by Arago. Biot's laws. Eight- handed and left-handed quartz 157 147. Values of the rotation for the principal lines of the spectrum pro- duced by a plate of quartz one millimeter in thickness . . 158 148. Eotation will be large, unless the thickness of the plate be small . 159 149. Photogyric properties of quartz, turpentine &c 159 150. Photogyric properties of a magnetic field. Faraday's discovery. . 159 151. Distinction between the photogyric properties of quartz and turpen- tine, and those of a magnetic field 159 152. Fresnel's geometrical explanation of the photogyric properties of quartz 160 153. Difference between the velocities of the two oppositely circularly polarized waves 161 154. Eings and brushes produced by quartz. Airy's theory . . . 162 155. Description of the rings and brushes 164 XIV CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 156. Expression for the intensity, when a plate of quartz is cut perpen- dicularly to the axis 164 157. Discussion of the results, when the Nicols are crossed . . . 167 158. do. do. when the planes of polarization and ana- lysation are parallel 169 159. Discussion of the results, when these planes are inclined at any angle 169 160. Expression for the intensity, when the incident light is circularly polarized 170 161. Discussion of the results 172 162. Two plates superposed, one of which is right-handed, and the other left-handed 173 163. Discussion of the results. Airy's spirals 174 CHAPTER X. FRESNEL'S THEORY OF REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 164. Reflection of common light and polarized light .... 176 165. Brewster's law 176 166. Verification of Brewster's law by Sir J. Conroy .... 177 167. Crystals have a polarizing angle 177 168. Metals have a quasi-polarizing angle 177 169. Fresnel's theory 178 170. Rate at which energy flows across a surface . . . . . 178 171. Reflection and refraction of light polarized in the plane of incidence . 178 172. Values of the intensities 179 173. Total reflection is accompanied by a change of phase . . . 180 174. The refracted wave is a superficial wave 181 175. Reflection and refraction of light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence 182 176. Proof of Brewster's law 183 177. Experiments of Airy, Jamin and Rood 183 178. Total reflection is accompanied by a change of phase . . . 183 179. Experimental verification of the change of phase, which accom- panies total reflection. Fresnel's rhomb 184 180. Theories of Neumann and MacCullagh 185 181. Objections to these theories 187 Examples 187 CHAPTER XL GREEN'S THEORY OF ISOTROPIC MEDIA. 182. Dynamical theories of light may be divided into three classes . 189 183. Green's theory of elastic media ........ 189 184. The internal stresses 190 185. The equations of motion of an elastic medium. The stresses are completely specified by six quantities 191 186. Media which possess gyrostatic momentum 192 CONTENTS. XV ART. PAGE 187. Theory of isotropic media. The equations of motion, and the values of the potential energy and the stresses in terms of the displacements 192- 188. The final equations of motion. . . . . . . . 194 189. The waves consist of two distinct types ; viz. dilatational and distor- tional waves 195 190191. Criticisms on Green's Theory 196 CHAPTER XII. APPLICATIONS OF GREEN'S THEORY. 192. Potential and kinetic energies of wave motion are equal . . . 198 193. Reflection and refraction. Light polarized in the plane of in- cidence . . . . . . ...... 199 194. Change of phase ........... 201 195. Light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. Pressural or surface waves .......... 203 196. Green's formulas show, that too much light is reflected at the polarizing angle ........ . . 206 197. Change of phase ........... 207 198. Proof that the theories of Neumann and MacCullagh lead to two polarizing angles .......... 208 199. Theory of Newton's rings, when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle .... ....... 210 200. Calculation of the intensity of the reflected light .... 210 201202. Distinction between light polarized in, and light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence ..... 211 203. Intensity of the transmitted light ....... 212 204. Black spot at the centre ......... 213 205. Variation of the intensity with the colour ..... 213 206. Dependence of the size of the spot upon the nature of the polari- zation ............. 213 207. Intensity of light reflected from a pile of plates .... 214 208. Intensity of light reflected and refracted by a single plate . . 215 209. do. do. do. by a pile of plates . . 215 210. Quasi-geometrical construction for the intensities of the reflected and transmitted lights ......... 217 211. Finely divided substances exhibit colour, or are white . . . 218 212. Tables . ....... ..... 218 213. Discussion of the tables ......... 219 214. Perfectly transparent plates ........ 220 CHAPTER XIII. DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. 215. The equations of motion of the ether ...... 223 216. Propagation of an arbitrary disturbance ...... 224 217. Poisson's solution of the equation a 2 v 2 # ..... ^5 XVI CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 218. Character of the disturbance represented by this solution . . 226 219. Complete solution of the equations of motion of the ether . . 226 220. The initial velocities and displacements 227 221. Determination of that portion, of the displacement, which depends on the initial rate of dilatation 227 222. Determination of that portion of the displacement, which depends on the initial velocities of rotation 229 223. Determination of that portion of the displacement, which depends on the initial displacements 231 224. Stokes' application of the preceding results 232 225. Disturbance produced by a given force acting at a point . . . 232 226. Discussion of the result. Expressions for the displacements when the force is periodic 234 227 228. Determination of the disturbance produced by an element of a plane wave of light 236 229. Statement of Stokes' law 238 230. Vibrations of polarized light are perpendicular to the plane of polarization 239 231. Besolution of plane waves. Expression for the disturbance produced by an element of a plane wave of sound 242 232. General expressions for the displacements produced by a multiple source of light 243 233. Simple source of light . . 244 234. Double source of light. Stokes' expression for the effect of an element of a plane wave, is equivalent to the combination of a simple and a double source 245 235. Scattering of light by small particles 246 236. Lord Bayleigh's theory 247 237. The direction of maximum polarization of the scattered light is perpendicular to that of the primary beam 248 238. The theory of scattered light shows, that the vibrations of polarized light are perpendicular to the plane of polarization . . . 248 239. The scattered light is blue, when the particles of foreign matter are sufficiently fine 249 240. Common light . . 250 241. Interference cannot be produced by two streams of light emitted by different sources 251 Examples 251 CHAPTER XIV. GREEN'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. 242. Propagation of waves in an aBolotropic elastic medium . . . 252 243. General expression for the potential energy of an aeolotropic elastic medium 253 244. The potential energy reduces to nine terms, when the medium is a crystalline one, having three rectangular planes of symmetry . 254 245. Longitudinal and transversal waves in an isotropic medium . 254 CONTENTS. XV11 ART. PAGE 246. A crystalline medium cannot propagate transversal waves unaccom- panied by longitudinal waves, unless the constants reduce to four 255 247. The equations of motion of the special kind of medium considered by Green; and the expressions for the potential energy and the strains 255 248. Green's medium propagates longitudinal waves in the same manner as an isotropic medium 256 249. Additional properties of Green's medium 257 250. Velocity of propagation of the distortional waves is determined by the same quadratic as in Fresnel's theory 258 251252. Directions of vibration and rotation. Green's theory renders it necessary to suppose, that the vibrations of polarized light are parallel to the plane of polarization 259 253. Crystalline reflection and refraction. Failure of Green's theory to satisfactorily explain this phenomenon ...... 260 254. Criticisms on Green's theory 262 255. Suggestion of a theory, which would account for double refraction produced by stress 263 CHAPTER XV. THEORY OF LORD RAYLEIGH AND SIR W. THOMSON. 256. This theory supposes, that the ether in a doubly refracting medium behaves as if its density were seolotropic 265 257. Dynamical illustration of a system, which behaves in this manner 265 258. The equations of motion 266 259. The solution of the equations of motion, and the determination of the velocity of propagation 266 260. This theory does not lead to Fresnel's wave-surface, when the re- sistance to compression is large in comparison with the rigidity . 267 261262. Sir W. Thomson's modification of the theory . ... 268 263 264. Consequences of supposing, that the resistance to compression is a negative quantity, whose numerical value is slightly less than |rds of the rigidity 270 265. According to this theory, the vibrations of polarized light on emerging from a crystal are perpendicular to the plane of polari- zation 271 266267. Additional formulae 272 268. The conditions of continuity require, that the rigidity should be the same in all media 272 269. Expression for the mean energy per unit of volume . . . 272 270. Crystalline reflection and refraction 273 271. When the medium is isotropic, the expressions for the intensity are the same as those furnished by Fresnel's theory . . . 277 272. Criticisms on this theory 278 273. Extension of this theory to rotatory polarization .... 278 274. Application to quartz and turpentine 279 275. Theory of quartz 280 XV111 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVI. MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTAL PHENOMENA. AUT. PAGE 276. This Chapter describes a variety of experimental phenomena . . 282 277. DISPERSION 282 278. The colour of light depends upon the period 283 279. Transparency and opacity 283 280. The visible portion of the spectrum extends to rather less than an octave 283 281. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS 284 282. Frauenhofer's lines. Table of wave-lengths 284 283. Bunsen and Kirchhoff 's discovery, that every substance, when incan- descent, produces its own particular spectrum .... 285 284. Spectrum analysis furnishes a means of detecting the presence or absence of a chemical element ; and has also led to the discovery of new elements 285 285. The infra-red and ultra-violet waves ........ 286 286. The infra-red waves are waves of dark heat 286 287. The ultra-violet waves are noted for their chemical effects . . 287 288. Distinction between the spectra produced by a prism and a dif- fraction grating 287 289. Actinic effects of infra-red waves 287 290. The portion of the solar spectrum hitherto examined, extends to about four octaves 287 291. Spectrum analysis enables the presence of elements to be detected in the sun and fixed stars 288 292. Stokes' dynamical explanation of the cause of Frauenhofer's lines . 288 293. Kirchhoff 's laws of absorption 289 294. Investigations of Angstrom, Thalen and Norman Lockyer -. . 289 295. Stokes' theory, coupled with Kirchhoff 's experiments, completely explains the cause of Frauenhofer's lines 289 296. Spectrum analysis enables the relative motions of the sun and fixed stars to be determined, in cases where astronomical methods fail 290 297. Doppler's principle 290 298 299. Huggins' investigations on the proper motions of the stars . 291 300. Norman Lockyer's investigations on the velocity of sun-storms . 291 301. SELECTIVE ABSORPTION 292 302 303. Dynamical illustrations of media, which produce selective absorption 292 304. COLOURS OF NATURAL BODIES 294 305. DICHROMATISM . . 295 306. Explanation of Sir J. Herschel 295 307308. Produced by cobalt glass and by chlorophyll . . . .295 309. ANOMALOUS DISPERSION 296 310. First observed by Fox-Talbot, and afterwards by Leroux . . . 296 311. Subsequently studied by Christiansen . . . . . . 297 312. The experiments of Kundt show, that anomalous dispersion is pro- duced by most of the aniline dyes 297 313. Kundt's law . 298 CONTENTS. XIX ART. PAGE 314. SELECTIVE REFLECTION . . . 298 315. First observed by Haidinger, and afterwards studied by Stokes . 298 316. Laws of selective reflection 299 317. Selective reflection resembles metallic reflection, on account of the reflected light being elliptically polarized 299 318. Selective reflection differs from metallic reflection, since the former produces strong chromatic effects 300 319. Stokes' experiments on permanganate of potash .... 300 320. Experiments on carthamine and herapathite 300 321. Chromatic effects of selective reflection are increased, by bringing the reflector into optical contact with a substance having nearly the same refractive index 301 322. Kundt's experiments . . . 301 323. FLUORESCENCE 301 324. Stokes' experiments on quinine 302 325 326. Explanation of the fluorescence produced by quinine . . 302 327. Fluorescence is produced by a number of other substances besides quinine 303 328. Stokes' law 303 329330. Dynamical explanation of fluorescence 303 331. Dynamical illustration of a medium which produces fluorescence . 304 332. CALORESCENCE 305 333. Dynamical illustration of calorescence 305 334. PHOSPHORESCENCE . . . . . . . . . . 306 335. Dynamical illustration of phosphorescence . . . . . 306 CHAPTER XVII. THEORIES BASED ON THE MUTUAL REACTION BETWEEN ETHER AND MATTER. 336. Description of these theories 308 337. Small oscillations of a sphere attached to a spring, which is vibrating under the influence of waves of sound 309 338 339. Discussion of the results, and their application to phosphor- escence . 310 340341. Application to absorption .311 342. Molecular theory of Lord Kelvin (Sir W. Thomson) . . . .312 343344. The equations of motion of the molecule, and their integration 313 345 346. Discussion of the critical cases of vibration .... 315 347. Expression for the amplitude of the outermost shell, in terms of the forced and free periods 316 348. The equations of motion of the ether ...... 317 349. Expression for the index of refraction 318 350. Application to ordinary dispersion. Formula? of Cauchy and Ketteler 318 351. Application to anomalous dispersion . 319 352. Discussion of the value of the index of refraction .... 319 353. The theory explains the anomalous dispersion produced by fuchsine and permanganate of potash ....... . . . 320 XX CONTENTS. AKT. PAGE 354. Von Helmholtz' theory of anomalous dispersion . . . .321 355. The equations of motion of the ether and the matter . . . 322 356. Necessity of introducing a viscous term into the equations of motion of the matter .... 322 357. Integration of the equations of motion 323 358. Expression for the index of refraction 324 359. Application of the theory to anomalous dispersion .... 325 360. Application to ordinary dispersion. Cauchy's formula . . . 325 361. The theory may be extended, so as to apply to a medium Laving several absorption bands 326 362. Selective reflection 326 363. Values of the changes of phase 327 364. Eeflection from fuchsine 327 365. Colour of the reflected light depends upon its state of polarization . 328 CHAPTER XVIII. METALLIC REFLECTION. 366. Experimental laws of metallic" reflection 329 367. Principal incidence and principal azimuth defined .... 329 368. The principal incidence and azimuth depend upon the medium in contact with a metallic reflector 330 36 f J. Transmission of light through thin metallic films . . . .330 370. The pseudo-index of refraction is a complex quantity . . . 330 371. Theories of metallic reflection 332 372. Cauchy's theory. Intensity of light polarized in the plane of incidence 332 373. Expression for the quasi-refracted wave 334 374. Intensity of light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence 334 375. Expressions for the ratio of the amplitudes, and the difference of the changes of phase 335 376. The constants R and a can be calculated from experiment . . 336 377. Jamin's experiments on the intensity of the reflected light . . 337 378. Jamin's experimental laws concerning the changes of phase . . 339 379. Jamin's experiments on the difference between the changes of phase . 339 380. Sir John Conroy's experiments 339 381. Kundt's experiments 341 382. Kundt's discovery, that a relation exists between the velocity of light in many metals, and their electrical conductivities . . 341 383. Eisenlohr's calculations. For many metals, the real part of /u, 2 must be negative 342 384. Metallic reflection cannot be explained by the introduction of a viscous term 342 385. A similar objection lies against the electromagnetic theory . . 343 386. Explanation of metallic reflection by means of von Helmholtz' theory 343 387. Discussion of the results to which this theory leads . . . 344 388389. Criticisms on the theories relating to the mutual reaction of ether and matter . . 345 CONTENTS. XXI CHAPTER XIX. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. ART. PAGE 390. Maxwell's hypothesis 347 391 393. Equations of the electromagnetic field 348 394. General equations of electric displacement for a doubly-refracting medium 349 395. Equations of magnetic induction 350 396. The disturbance which produces light, is represented by the electric displacement 351 397. Integration of the equations of electric displacement. Fresnel's wave-surface 351 398. Determination of the magnetic force in terms of the electric dis- placement 352 399. Magnitude and direction of the electromotive force . . . . 353 400. Summary of the results 354 401. Isotropic media 355 402. Ratio of electric units is approximately the same as the velocity of light in vacuo 355 403. The index of refraction of paraffin is approximately equal to the square root of its dielectric capacity 355 404. Maxwell's concluding remarks on the theory 356 405406. Hopkinson's experiments 356 407. Experiments on Iceland sp&r &c 357 408409. Hertz's experiments 358 410. Experimental verification of Fresnel's hypothesis with regard to the vibrations of polarized light 360 411. Intensity of light 361 412. The boundary conditions 361 413. These conditions reduce to four equations . . . . . .362 414. A pressural wave does not exist 362 415. Reflection and refraction at the surface of an isotropic medium and a uniaxal crystal 363 416417. When both media are isotropic, the intensities are determined by Fresnel's formulae 363 418. The polarizing angle for a uniaxal crystal cut perpendicularly to the axis 365 419. Value of the change of phase, when light is internally reflected at the surface of a uniaxal crystal in contact with air . . 365 420. Crystalline reflection and refraction 366 421. The intensities satisfy the same equations, as those furnished by various other theories . ' 368 422. MacCullagh's investigations. Uniradial directions .... 368 423. MacCullagh's theorem 369 424. Polarizing angle 370 425. Polarizing angle in the case of a uniaxal crystal, whose axis lies in the plane of incidence 371 426. Reflection at a twin plane. Stokes' experiments .... 372 XX11 CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 427 Lord Eayleigh's theory 372 428 Definition of a twin crystal 373 429431. When the plane of incidence contains the axes of the twin, no light is reflected at the twin plane 373 432 434. Plane of incidence perpendicular to the plane of symmetry . 375 435 436. In this case, the direction of polarization is reversed by reflection, when the angle of incidence is small 377 437. Metallic reflection 379 Note to 402 379 CHAPTER XX. ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. 438. Fundamental hypothesis of the electromagnetic theory . . . 380 439. Faraday's discovery 380 440. Faraday's experiments .381 441. Faraday's law 381 442. Verdet's discovery concerning ferromagnetic media .... 381 443. Kerr's experiments . . . 381 444. Kerr's experiments on the effect of electrostatic force . . . 381 445. Glass, when under the action of electrostatic force, behaves like a negative uniaxal crystal . . . . . '. . ' . . 382 446. Resin behaves like a positive uniaxal crystal 383 447. Quartz behaves like glass . , . . 383 448. Experiments on benzol, paraffin and other liquids .... 383 449. Kerr's law 383 450. Kerr's experiments on reflection from a magnet . . . . 384 451. Description of the appliances employed 384 452. Experiments upon, from a magnetic pole 385 453. Description of the arrangements employed, when the incidence is normal 385 454. Experimental results in this case 386 455. Kerr's law 386 456. Experiments when the lines of magnetic force are parallel to the reflector 386 457. Description of the arrangements employed . . . . . 387 458. Experimental results 387 459. Summary of the experimental results 388 460. Further experiments, giving negative results 388 461. Hall's experiments on nickel and cobalt . . . . . 389 462. Experiments on reflection from an electrified conductor are needed 389 463 464. Kundt's experiments on reflection from nickel and cobalt . 389 465 466. Experiments on the transmission of light through thin films of these metals 389 467. Kundt's experiments on magnetized glass . . . . . 390 468. Summary of results . . 391 469471. Hall's effect 391 CONTENTS. xxiii ART. PAGE 472. Table of the values of Hall's effect for different metals . . . 392 473. Theory of magnetic action on light 393 474. Equations of motion 394 475. Equations of magnetic force 395 476. Propagation of light 396 477. Eotatory polarization 398 478. The theory explains Faraday's experiments 399 479. The boundary conditions 400 480. The electrostatic and the electrokinetic energy ..... 401 481. The final boundary conditions 404 482. Reflection and refraction from glass, which is magnetized normally 404 483. Discussion of the results 406 484. Reflection and refraction, when the magnetization is parallel to the reflector 408 485. Theoretical explanation of Kundt's experiments on reflection from glass 408 486. Concluding remarks . 411 ERRATA. Page 33 lines 7 and 8, read " it will be found that the rings disappear, but that the Central spot is black." 37 9, read Rjt for R. 41 10, read flint for fluid. 94 5, read (30) for (29) ; line 16, read (29) for (26). 95 9, read (29) for (26). 102 14, read c- b * /a * for e~ b/a \ 139 5, read sin a sin (a - /S) for sin a sin (a - 0. 144 12, read sin 4 i for sin 2 *. 242 17, read K for k. 284 16, read in for is. 294 2, dele, "of light." CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. 1. THE Science of Optics may be divided into the following four distinct branches : (i) Geometrical Optics, whose object is to investigate the laws relating to the reflection and refraction of light, and the theory of optical instruments ; (ii) Experimental Optics, whose object is to discover the optical properties of transparent and other substances, which are capable of affecting light ; (iii) Physical Optics, whose aim is to explain optical phenomena by means of a dynamical theory ; (iv) Physiological Optics, which deals with the sensation produced by light upon the retina of the eye. The present treatise will be principally confined to the third branch of the subject ; but inasmuch as the fundamental object of every theory of light is to explain experi- mental facts by means of dynamical principles, it will be necessary to describe and discuss a variety of experimental phenomena, in order that we may be in a position to compare the results furnished by theory, with those established by experiment. 2. Two theories of light have been proposed, which are of a totally different character ; viz. the Corpuscular Theory and the Undulatory Theory. The corpuscular theory was proposed by Newton, and it assumes that a luminous body emits material particles in all directions, which, by their impact upon the retina, produce the sensation of light. By the aid of this theory, Newton I succeeded in explaining the linear propagation, and also the re- flection of light ; but amongst other imperfections, the theory leads to the conclusion, that the velocity of light in highly refracting substances is greater than in substances of less refrac- tive power, whereas it can be proved by experiment that the exact B.O. 2 INTRODUCTION. converse is the case. The theory is also incapable of accounting for the polarization of light, and is now universally condemned as untenable. The undulatory theory was first proposed by Huygens in 1678, and in the hands of Young, Fresnel and others, has been found capable of furnishing so satisfactory an explanation of ex- perimental results, that it is now universally accepted as the true theory of light. The undulatory theory assumes, that all space is filled with a medium called the luminiferous ether, which is capable of being thrown into a state of vibration or wave motion, and of transmitting such vibrations with a definite velocity. Whenever any substance, which is capable of exciting periodic motion in the ether, exists in any portion of space, it is supposed that waves consisting of periodic vibrations are continually propa- gated in all directions. When the waves reach the retina of the eye, the ether in contact with it is set in motion, and a certain effect is produced upon the retina, which is transmitted to the brain by means of the optic nerve, and gives rise to the sensation of light. 3. It must not however be supposed, that all vibrations which the ether is capable of. executing, necessarily affect the eye. In the Theory of Sound, which presents many points of analogy with the Theory of Light, it is well known that it is extremely easy to produce a disturbance in the air, which possesses all the physical properties of a wave of sound, but which nevertheless is incapable of producing any impression upon the ear. In fact the ear is only capable of taking cognizance of waves of sound, whose periods lie within certain definite limits. Similarly the eye is only capable of being affected by ethereal waves, whose periods lie between certain limits, w r hich are far narrower than the corresponding limits in the case of Sound, and which in acoustical language may be described as lying within an octave. At the same time it is certain that ethereal waves exist, whose periods lie outside the limits of the extreme red and violet rays of the spectrum, which possess all the physical properties of waves of light, but whose existence can only be discovered by the thermal or chemical effects which they produce. The luminiferous ether is supposed to exist not only in air, liquids, and ultraterrestrial space, but also in solid bodies. Mole- cular theories furnish strong grounds for the conclusion, that the THE LUMINIFEROUS ETHER. 3 molecules of even the densest and hardest bodies do not form an absolutely compact mass, but that interstices exist between them, which are filled with ether; and it is owing to this cause, that hard transparent substances like glass and diamond are capable of transmitting light. If therefore we assume that a hard and dense substance, such as glass, contains interstices which are filled with ether, it would be somewhat inconsistent to suppose, that the opacity of a soft substance, like tallow, is due to the fact, that it does not contain ether. We must therefore look for an explanation of the opacity of tallow or wax, as being due to some peculiar action of the molecular structure of such materials, which prevents the ether contained in them from transmitting vibrations. If we were fully acquainted with the physical properties of the ether and its relation to ponderable matter, the explanation of optical phenomena would become a mere question of mathematical analysis. We should simply have to translate the physical proper- ties of the ether into mathematical language, and should thereby obtain the equations of motion and the boundary conditions ; and the solution of these equations would furnish a complete theoretical explanation of every experimental result. But although there are abundant grounds for justifying our belief in the existence of the ether, we are almost completely in the dark respecting its proper- ties. Accordingly, the only means at our disposal for obtaining any information upon this question, is to adopt the inductive method of making some hypothesis which is dynamically sound and physically possible, and which is capable of being expressed in a mathematical form, and then to compare the results to which theory leads us with known experimental facts. If the results of our theory are wholly inconsistent with experiment, the theory must be abandoned; but if our theoretical results are wholly or partially in accordance with experiment, we shall be justified in concluding that our theory, if not absolutely true, may at any rate contain a germ of truth. 4. The first rigorous dynamical theory of light was proposed by Green in 1837. He supposed that the ether is a medium which is capable of resisting compression and distortion ; and he showed that when the medium is isotropic, the equations of motion are the same as those of an isotropic elastic solid, and contain two independent constants, one of which measures the resistance to compression, and the other the resistance to distortion. Green 12 4 INTRODUCTION. was also led to assume from physical considerations, that the first constant is very large in comparison with the second. This has sometimes been interpreted to mean that the ether is almost incompressible, but an assumption of this kind is not an essential part of Green's theory. The theory would be satisfied, if the ether were more compressible than the most highly compressible gas; all that is necessary is, that the ratio of the resistance to compression to the resistance to distortion should be very large. Green's theory explains fairly well the propagation of light in isotropic media, but it fails to furnish a satisfactory theory of double refraction, and takes no account of rotatory polarization and dis- persion. 5. The second class of theories, are theories based upon the mutual reaction of ether and matter. When a wave of light impinges upon a transparent or opaque substance, it is supposed that the vibrations of the ether set the molecules of the matter composing the substance into a state of vibration, and that these vibrations modify the motion of the ether. If the ether be regarded as a substance possessing a density, which is finite though excessively small compared with the densities of substances ordinarily met with, the action of the matter will produce certain forces which affect the ether. It has been proved experimentally, that if the light which is emitted from certain substances when incandescent (such as burning sodium), be transmitted through the vapour of those substances, light will be absorbed. The explanation of this phenomenon, which was first suggested by Stokes 1 , depends upon a theorem due to Sir J. Herschel, that when a dynamical system is acted upon by a periodic force, whose period is equal, or nearly so, to one of the periods of the free vibrations of the system, the corresponding forced vibration will be large. Now sodium vapour when incandescent, emits light of a certain definite period, which is consequently one of the free periods of the vibrations of sodium vapour. Accordingly, when light from a sodium flame passes through sodium vapour, the molecules of the vapour are thrown into a violent state of vibra- tion; and as the energy required for the maintenance of these vibrations must be supplied by the waves of light, it follows that a comparatively small portion of the energy which enters the vapour emerges from it, and therefore light is absorbed. The 1 Phil Mag. March, 1860, p. 196. DIFFERENT THEORIES OF LIGHT. 5 foregoing illustration will give some idea of the way in which the vibrations of ether are affected by the presence of matter. 6. The third theory, is the electromagnetic theory due to the late Professor J. Clerk-Maxwell, which supposes that light is the effect of an electromagnetic disturbance. This theory not only explains the propagation of light in isotropic media, but furnishes the most satisfactory theory of double refraction which has yet been proposed. The early death of Maxwell at the age of forty-nine prevented him from elaborating and completing this theory, which as it left his hands, took no account of dispersion, nor of rotatory polari- zation produced by quartz or turpentine ; but several important additions to the theory have been made during recent years, which will be considered in the concluding chapters of this work. 7. To commence this treatise with a discussion of the various theories of light, which have been briefly touched upon in the foregoing paragraphs, would throw a considerable strain upon the mathematical resources of the reader; but inasmuch as there are a variety of optical phenomena, which are capable of being explained upon the hypothesis of a medium which is capable of propagating waves, without entering into any speculations concerning the physical properties of the medium, I think that the best course to adopt will be to dispense as far as possible with dynamical theories for the present, and to endeavour to explain the phenomena which present themselves by means of the geometrical properties of wave motion. We shall thus be able to explain Interference, Colours of Thick and Thin Plates, Diffraction, and Polarization. Double Re- fraction cannot be satisfactorily discussed without a theory of some kind ; but having given an account of Fresnel's theory, which although dynamically unsound, is of great historical interest, we shall be able to investigate the geometrical properties of Fresnel's wave surface, and the production of coloured rings by thin crystalline plates; and we shall then be in a better position to understand the more theoretical portions of the subject. 8. When a source of light exists in an isotropic medium, spherical waves concentric with the source are propagated through- out the medium ; and if the effect, which these waves produce at some portion of space, whose greatest linear dimension is small in 6 INTRODUCTION. comparison with its distance from the source, be observed, the waves may be regarded as approximately plane. We are thus led in the first instance to study plane waves. Let us therefore suppose, that a train of plane waves is propagated in some given direction, which we shall choose as the axis of x ; then if v be the displacement of the medium, we may write 04ooB^(- Vt-e) .................. (1). X A discussion of the kinematical properties of wave motion is given in my Elementary Treatise on Hydrodynamics and Sound, 76, to which the reader is referred. It will be observed, that the right-hand side of (1) contains four constants A, V, X, e ; we may also if we please introduce the period r in the place of V or X, because FT = X ; accordingly (1) may be written in the forms fx e t\ 2?r (x-e f --- j = J.CQS (~~y ~ ~ v = A cos2?r which are often useful. 9. We must now enquire, how these four constants are related to the physical properties of a wave. The quantity e is called the phase of the wave, and fixes its position with respect to the point assumed as the origin. This constant is therefore a purely geometrical one. The quantity V is called the velocity of propagation of the wave, and measures the velocity with which light is travelling in the medium. In isotropic media, F is independent of the direction of the wave, but in seolotropic media, F is a function of the direction. That light travels with a finite velocity, was first established in 16*76 by the Danish astronomer Olaus Homer, who observed that when the planet Jupiter was nearest to the Earth, the eclipses of Jupiter's moons happened earlier than they ought to have done according to the astronomical tables; whilst when Jupiter was farthest from the Earth, they happened later. He therefore concluded that the difference between the observed and calculated times was due to the fact, that light occupies a finite time in travelling from one point to another, and he calculated that the velocity of light in vacuo was 3023 x 10 5 metres per second. WAVE MOTION. 7 More accurate measurements show that the velocity of light in vacuo is about 299,860,000 metres per second. The velocity of light in vacuo, and in media which do not produce dispersion, is practically the same for all colours, and appears from theoretical considerations to depend upon the properties of the medium in which the light is being propagated. Both theory and experiment agree in showing that the colour of light depends upon the period of vibration ; or, since the velocity is approximately independent of the colour, the colour may also be considered to depend on the wave-length. The periods of the Tfif^wfwps are the longest, whilst those of the violet are the shortest ; accordingly the wave-lengths of the red waves are longer than those of the violet waves. The imagination may be assisted by considering the analogous problem of waves of sound; for it is known that the velocity of different notes is very approximately the same, and that the pitch of a note is determined either by its period or its wave-length, notes of low pitch corresponding to waves of long period or large wave-length. There is however an important distinction between sound and light ; for if the period of one note is double that of another, the notes stand to Dne another in the relation of octaves. Nothing corresponds to this in the case of light, and one reason of this is, that the sensitiveness of the ear extends over several octaves, whereas the sensitiveness of the eye is limited to less than an octave. A table of the wave-lengths of the principal lines of the spectrum will hereafter be given ; but it will be well to mention, that the wave-lengths, in tenth-metres, of the extreme red and violet rays are about 7604 and 3933 respectively. A tenth-metre is 10~ 10 of a metre. 10. The intensity of light has usually been considered to be proportional to the square of the amplitude. This may be seen as follows. Let be a source of light, and let dS, dS' be elements of the surfaces of two spheres, whose common centre is 0, which are cut off by a cone whose vertex is 0. Let r, r be the radii of the spheres, /, T the intensities at dS, dS'. Since the total quantity of light which falls on the two elements is equal, whence /r 2 = 7V 3 . 8 INTRODUCTION. Now if A, A' be the amplitudes of the spherical waves at dS, dS', every dynamical theory of light shows, that A and A' are inversely proportional to r and / ; whence from which we infer that the intensity is proportional to the square of the amplitude. The undulatory theory supposes that a state of vibration is propagated through the ether; hence every element of volume possesses energy, which travels through space with the velocity of the wave. Modern writers have thus been led to the conclusion that an intimate connection exists between energy and intensity, but as regards the mathematical form of the connection between the two, opinions are not altogether uniform. Lord Rayleigh measures the intensity of light, by the rate at which energy is propagated across a given area parallel to the waves 1 ; on the other hand, writers on the electromagnetic theory measure the intensity, by the average energy per unit of volume. Now so long as we are considering the propagation of light in a single isotropic medium, it is not of much consequence which definition we adopt, since the ratio of the intensities of two lights is proportional to the ratio of the squares of their amplitudes ; but when we are considering the refraction of light, the ratio of the intensities of the incident and the refracted light will not be proportional to the squares of their amplitudes, but will contain a factor, whose value will depend upon which definition we adopt. It will be advantageous to adopt a definition, which will make the ratio of the intensities of the incident to the refracted light the same in the various dynamical theories which we shall hereafter consider, and I shall therefore define the intensity of light to be measured by the average energy per unit of volume. It is well known, that when the medium is a gas or an elastic solid, the total energy due to wave motion is half kinetic and half potential ; it can also be shown in the case of electro- magnetic waves, that the total energy is half electrostatic and half electrokinetic. If therefore we assume that a similar proposition is true in the case of the ether, with regard to whose physical properties we have not at present made any 1 " Wave Theory," Encyclop&dia Britannica. DIRECTION OF VIBRATION. hypothesis, it follows from (2) that the total energy E per unit of volume is E = ^^cof^(c,-e-Vt) 4-7T , /0 v (3). We therefore see that E consists of a non-periodic and a .odic term, the latter of which fluctuates in value. The former term represents what we have called the average energy per unit of volume, and accordingly the intensity is measured by the quantity 27T 2 A 2 p/T 2 , and is directly proportional to the product of the density and the square of the amplitude, and inversely proportional to the square of the period. 11. Up to the present time we have been considering the propagation of waves in an elastic medium, and have not made any supposition as to the direction of vibration. We now come to a point of capital importance, which constitutes one of the fun- damental distinctions between waves of sound and waves of light. It is well known that in a plane wave of sound, the displacement is perpendicular to the wave front; but in the case of plane waves of light, the displacement lies in the front of the wave. This is established experimentally in the following manner. There are certain crystals, of which Iceland spar is a good example, which possess the power of dividing a given incident ray into two refracted rays, and from this property such substances are called doubly refracting crystals. Iceland spar is called a uniaxal crystal, owing to the fact that there is a certain direction, called the optic axis of the crystal, with respect to which the properties of the crystal are symmetrical. The symmetry of uniaxal crystals is therefore of the same kind as that of a solid of revolution. There is a second class of doubly refracting crystals, called biaxal crystals, which possess two optic axes, with respect to neither of which the properties of the crystal are symmetrical. Now if either of the two refracted rays, which are produced by a single ray incident upon a plate of Iceland spar, be transmitted through a second plate cut parallel to the axis, it will be found that although this ray is usually divided into two refracted rays, there are four positions, at right angles to one another, in which one or other of the two refracted rays is absent. If the second plate be placed in one of these four 10 INTRODUCTION. positions, and then be turned round an axis perpendicular to its faces, the absent ray immediately appears, and its intensity in- creases, whilst that of the original ray diminishes; when the plate has been turned through a right angle, the intensity of the ray which was absent is a maximum, whilst the original ray has altogether disappeared ; and when the second plate has been turned through two right angles, the original state of things is restored. Now if the vibrations were perpendicular to the wave front, and therefore in an isotropic medium parallel to the ray, the properties of a ray would be the same on every side of it ; if however the vibrations were parallel to the wave front, and therefore perpendi- cular to the ray, we should anticipate that the properties of a ray would be different on different sides of it. We are thus led to the conclusion that the vibrations of light are parallel to the front of the wave, and this conclusion is amply justified by theory and ex- periment. 12. . Let us now suppose, that the axis of x is the direction of propagation, and that the axis of y is parallel to the direction of vibration ; then if v be the displacement, it follows from (1) that (4). Equation (4) represents what is called a wave of plane polarized light, and the plane of xz, which is the plane to which the vibra- tions are perpendicular, is called the plane of polarization. It was for many years a disputed point, whether the vibrations of polarized light were in or perpendicular to the plane of polari- zation, but modern investigations have shown that the latter supposition is the true one. We shall discuss this point in detail in subsequent chapters. We shall now show how two trains of waves, whose wave- lengths are equal, and whose planes of polarization are the same, may be compounded. Let the first wave be given by (4), and let the second wave be v' = A'GQ^(x-Vt-e')' ) A, then if < = (2w/X) (x -Vt- e), 8 = (2w/X) (e - e) ; COMPOSITION OF WAVES. 11 we obtain v + v = A cos < + A' cos ($ + 8) = (A + A' cos 8) cos

cos 8 sin sin 8). Eliminating $, we obtain v 2 w 2 2vw cos 8 From equation (7), we see that the elements of ether describe Llipses, whose planes are at right angles to the direction of 12 INTRODUCTION. propagation. The resultant light in this case is said to elliptically polarized. It therefore follows, that elliptically polarized light may b produced by the composition of two waves of plane polarized lighl whose amplitudes and phases are different, and whose planes o polarization are at right angles ; and conversely, a wave of ellipti cally polarized light can always be resolved into two waves of plan polarized light, whose planes of polarization are at right angles. If A = + A, and 8 = (n + J) TT, or e = e' -f (fyi + J)X, equation (7 becomes v" + w* = A 2 . Here the phases differ by an odd multiple of a quarter of wave-length; in this case the elements of ether describe circles and the light is said to be circularly polarized. A circularly polarized wave may therefore be regarded compounded of the two plane polarized waves v = A eos (x-Vt - e) A, 2l7T / TT \ w= A sin (# Vte) A, (8). Let us now suppose, that the observer is looking along the axis of x in the direction in which the light is being propagated, and let us take the upper sign in (8). If P be any element of the ether, POy = (2w/X) (x-Vt-e) = $\ dv %7rA . dw -T.= sinci, -= dt T r ' dt accordingly, -=- = o y whence the resultant velocity along OP is zero ; and if U be the resultant velocity perpendicular to OP, measured in the direction in which decreases, U = v sin (f> w cos $ = %7rA/T. POLARIZED LIGHT. 13 Since J7 is positive, the direction of vibration is from the left-hand ;o the right-hand of the observer ; and a wave of this kind is called right-handed circularly polarized wave 1 . We see that it may be compounded of the two plane polarized waves v = A cos <, w = A sin <. If the lower sign be taken, the angle POy = TT ; whence if U f be the velocity perpendicular to OP', measured in the same direction as before, U' v sin + w cos < = 27rA/T. Since U' is negative, the direction of vibration is from right to left; and a wave of this kind is called a left-handed circularly polarized wave. It may be compounded of the two plane polarized waves v = A cos ,w = A sin <>. Conversely, any plane polarized wave may be regarded as being compounded of a right- handed and a left-handed circularly polarized wave, whose amplitudes, phases and velocities of propagation are equal. If S = UTT, or e = e' + ^n\, (7) reduces to v/A = w/A', which represents a plane polarized wave. From this result, we see that two plane polarized waves cannot compound into another plane polarized wave, unless their phases differ by a multiple of half a wave-length. The methods by which plane, circularly, and elliptically polarized light can be produced, will be described in a subsequent chapter. 14. We must now consider a proposition, known as the Prin- ciple of Huygens. Let PQ be the front, at time t, of a wave of any form which is travelling outwards ; and let P'Q' be the front of the wave at time t'. To fix our ideas we may suppose that the wave is spherical, and the medium isotropic, but the argument will apply to waves of any form, which are propagated in an aeolotropic medium. At time t, the ether in the neighbourhood of P will be in a state of vibration ; hence P may be regarded as a centre of disturb- 1 According to the definition adopted, the directions of propagation and vibration are the same as those of translation and rotation of a right-handed screw ; they are also related in the same manner, as the magnetic force produced by an electric current circulating round the ray. 14 INTRODUCTION. ance, which propagates a spherical wave. Draw OPP' to meet | the front of the wave at time t' ; then at the end of an interval \ t' t after the wave has passed over P, the secondary wave Q Q' produced by the element P will have reached P', and the ether in the neighbourhood of P' will be thrown into vibration. Similarly if Q be any other point on the wave front at time t, and OQQ' be drawn to meet the wave front at time t', it follows that at time t' < the ether at Q f will be set in motion, owing to the secondary wave \\ propagated by Q. We therefore see, that the wave front at time t' is the envelop of the secondary waves, which may be conceived to , diverge from the different points of the wave front at time t. We are thus led to the following proposition, which was first ( enunciated by Huygens, and which may be stated as follows : The effect of a primary wave upon any given point in the region beyond the wave, may be obtained by dividing the primary wave into an indefinite number of small elements, which are to be regarded as centres of disturbance, and finding by integration over the front of the primary wave, the sum of the disturbances produced at the given point by each of the secondary waves. 15. It is a well-known law of Geometrical Optics, that when light is reflected at a given surface, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. We shall now prove this law by means of the undulatory theory. j Let AB be any portion of the front of a plane wave, which is reflected at AC, M any point upon it; and draw MP, BG perpendicular to the wave front. Draw AD, CD such that the REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 15 angles DAG and DC A are respectively equal to the angles BCA if and BAG] and draw PN perpendicular to CD. Let t t T be the times which the wave occupies in travelling to P and C. Then PM=Vt, BC=VT, also since the triangles ABC. and CD A are equal in every respect, and the angle D is therefore a right angle, PN_PC GB-PM AD~AC CB hence since AD = CB, PN=CB-PM = V(T-t\ Now when the original wave reaches P, this point will become a centre of disturbance, and spherical waves will be propagated ; at the end* of an interval T t the wave has reached (7, and the secondary wave which diverges from P has reached N, since we have shown that PN = V(T t). Hence all the secondary waves which diverge from points between A and C will touch A C, which is accordingly the front of the reflected wave at the instant the incident wave has reached C. Since we have shown that the triangles ABC and CD A are equal in every respect, the angle BCA = DAG ; whence the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. 16. In order to prove the law of refraction, let V be the velocity of light in the second medium ; and with A as centre describe a sphere of radius V'T, and let CE be the tangent drawn from C to this sphere ; draw PN' perpendicular to CE. Then PN' _PC _CB-PM _T-t AE ~ AC~ CB T ' whence PN' = V (T- t); which shows when the incident wave has reached (7, the secondary wave which diverges from P in the second medium, will have reached N'. Hence CE is the front of the refracted wave. If i, r be the angles of incidence and refraction, ACsmi=CB=VT and ACsmr = AE=V'T, sin i V whence - = -=> , sin r V which is the law of sines. 16 INTRODUCTION. When the second medium is more highly refracting than the first, i > r, whence V > V ; accordingly the velocity of light is greater in a less refracting medium such as air, than in a more highly refracting medium such as glass. It also follows that the index of refraction is equal to the ratio of the velocities of light in the two media. The direction of the refracted ray may be found by the following geometrical construction, which as we shall hereafter show may be generalized in the case of crystalline media, in which the wave surface is not spherical. Let AB be the surface of separation of the two media, A the point of incidence. With A as a centre describe two spheres whose radii AB, AC are proportional to the velocities F, V of light in the two media. Let the incident ray AP be produced to meet the first sphere in P, and let the tangent at P meet the plane AB in T. Then if TQ be the tangent from T to the second sphere, AQ is the refracted ray. Since the angle PTA = PAX, and QTA = QAX, F _ 4? = sin PAX V'~~ AQ~ s'mQAX' But PAX = i, whence QAX = r. , CHAPTER II. INTERFERENCE. 0^' 17. WE stated in the preceding Chapter, that we shall assume that the sensation of light is produced by the vibrations of the ether, without enquiring for the present into the physical constitu- tion of the latter. We simply suppose that a medium exists which is capable of propagating waves, and that when the waves are plane, the direction of vibration is parallel to the wave front. We shall now proceed to examine how far this hypothesis is capable of explaining the interference of light. We have shown in 12, that the superposition of two waves of light whose directions, wave-lengths, velocities of propagation and planes of polarization are the same, but whose amplitudes and phases are different, may either intensify or diminish the resultant light. Let us now suppose, that natural light is proceeding from two sources very close to one another. At a point whose distance from the two sources is large in comparison with the distance between them, the waves may be regarded as approximately plane and parallel to one another, and the displacements may be resolved into two components at right angles to one another in the front of the wave. Hence if v, v' be any two components whose directions are parallel, we may take v = A cos (x Vt), v' = A' cos (x Vt e) , A X the origin being suitably chosen ; accordingly the resultant of these two vibrations is B. O. 2 1 8 INTERFERENCE. cos(x-Vt-S) ....... (1), A, where &* = A* + A'* + 2AA'coa 27re/\ ............... (2), _ ... and tan27rS/X = T - rr - K ........................... 3). A + A cos 2?re/X If the amplitudes of the two waves are equal, then (2) and (3) become gl = 2A cos ?n?/X, S = Je .................. (4), accordingly the intensity of the resultant light will be zero when e = (n + J) X, and a maximum when e = n\. It therefore follows that when the phases of the two waves differ by an odd multiple of half a wave-length, the superposition of the two waves produces darkness, and the waves are said to interfere. In order to produce interference, it is essential that the two sources of light should arise from a common origin, otherwise it would be impossible to insure that the amplitudes of the two waves should be equal, or that the difference of phase should remain invariable ; accordingly if the light from two different candles were made to pass through two pin-holes in a card, which are very close together, interference would not take place 1 ; but if light from a single candle were passed through a pin-hole, and the resulting light were then passed through the two pin-holes, interference would take place if the two pin-holes were sufficiently close together. The phenomenon of interference was regarded as a crucial test of the truth of the Undulatory Theory, before that theory was so firmly established as it is at present ; inasmuch as it is impossible to satisfactorily explain on the Corpuscular Theory, how two lights can produce darkness. 18. We shall now explain several methods, due to Fresnel, by means of which interference fringes can be produced. Let AB, AC be two mirrors 2 inclined at an angle TT a, where a is very small ; let be a luminous point 3 , and let S, H be the images of formed by the mirrors AB, AC\ also let P be any point on a screen PN, which is parallel to the line of intersection of the mirrors, and to SH. 1 The effect of diffraction is not considered. 2 (Euvres Completes, vol. i. pp. 159, 186, 268. 3 In practice the source usually consists of light admitted through a narrow slit. FRESNEL'S MIRRORS. 19 Since AO = AS = AH, the difference of phase of the two HAS = OAE - OAB + a = 2a ; SH = 2a sin a. SP 2 <=d* + (x+a sin a) 2 , streams of light which come from S and H is SP - HP. Let AO = a, NP x, d the distance of the screen from SH. Then whence accord ingly Now and since the distance of the screen is large compared with x and ! a sin a, we obtain SP-HP = 2axsma./d = SH.x/d. Since the two images are produced by the same source, their^.^ _ _. amplitudes will be equal, whence the intensity is equal to Jt- I -^ 44 2 cos 5 'Z'irax sin a 1.4 /+ c+ Since a is a very small angle, we may write a for sin a, and from (5) we see that the intensity is a maximum when x = and a minimum when w = J (2rc + 1) \d/aa, where n is an integer. If homogeneous light is employed, a bright band will be observed at the centre N of the screen, and on either side of this bright band and at a distance %\d/aa, there will be two dark 'bands ; accordingly the screen will be covered by a series of bright and dark bands succeeding one another in regular order ; the distance between two bright bands or two dark bands being equal 22 20 INTERFERENCE. to ^\d/aa. From this result we see the necessity of a being very small, for otherwise on account of the smallness of X, the bands would be so close together as to be incapable of being observed. If perfectly homogeneous light could be obtained, the number of bands would be theoretically unlimited, and with light from a sodium flame, which possesses a high degree of homogeneity, Michelson has observed as many as 200000 bands, but in practice it is not possible to obtain absolutely homogeneous light, conse- quently the number of fringes is necessarily limited. Since the distance between two bands is equal to %\d/aa, it follows that the breadths of the bands depend upon the wave- length, and therefore upon the colour ; hence if sunlight be employed, a certain number of brilliantly coloured bands will be observed. At the centre of the system, where x = 0, the difference of phase of waves of all lengths is zero, and the central band is therefore white, but its edges are red. The inner edge of the next bright band will be violet, and its edge of a reddish colour ; but as we proceed from the centre, the maximum intensity of one colour will coincide with the minimum of another, and the dark bands will altogether disappear, and will be replaced by coloured bands At a still further distance, the colours will become mixed to such an extent, that no bands will be distinguishable. 19. In Fresnel's second experiment 1 , the light was refracted by means of a prism having a very obtuse angle, which is callec a biprism. Let be the luminous point, and let L be the focus of th rays refracted at the first face ; let S and $' be the foci of the ray I refracted at the second faces, and draw LG, LH perpendicular t 1 (Euvres Completes, vol. i. p. 330. BI-PLATES. 21 these faces. Let OA = a, and let p be the index of refraction. Then LA=pa, LG = fj,SG. Hence if N be the point where SS f cuts A 0, SN = LS sin a = LG (1 - fjr 1 ) sin a = (T + fjbo) (1 fjr 1 ) sin a cos a, where 3T is the thickness of the prism at A. The light may now be conceived to diverge from the two points S and $', and therefore if d be the distance of the screen from SS', the retardation will be equal to OL* c -1)0; sin 2a, which is of the same form as in the last experiment. The breadths of the bands are accordingly equal to fi\d which involves /z, as well as X. Now the index of refraction depends not only upon the material of which the prism is made, but also on the colour of the light; hence the breadths of the bands are affected by the dispersive power of the prism, but are otherwise the same as in the last experiment. 20. A third mode of producing interference fringes is by means of bi-plates. Let CQ, Cq be two thin plates of thickness T inclined at a very obtuse angle TT - 2a. If be a luminous origin situated on the axis CA of the bi-plates, a small pencil of light after passing through the plates CQ, Cq will appear to diverge from two foci S, H, such that SH is perpendicular to OC. 22 INTERFERENCE. Let OQRT be any ray, draw QM parallel to SH ; then if i, r be the angles of incidence and refraction whence therefore OS sin (i r) S - r -- = - )-. - r; Tsec r cos (i - a) (sin i - tan r cos i). x cos (* - ) Since i = a very nearly, and a is small, this may be approxi mately written Having obtained the value of SH, the calculation proceeds as before. 21. A fourth method, which was also employed by Fresnel 1 , J consists of three mirrors, L, Jlf, JV, placed so that L and N intersect j at a point on Jlf . The light proceeds from a source S, and is reflected at the first mirror L, and is then reflected from the third mirror N. After reflection from N, the light will appear to diverge from a focus A such that where 6 is the inclination of SO to L ; and o>, a/ are the angles which L and JV make with M. The light reflected at M appears to diverge from a focus B, such that whence AB = SA -SB = 20 + S'A -SB = 2(a>'-0). 1 (Euvres Completes, vol. i. p. 703. DISPLACEMENT OF FRINGES. 23 Hence if &>' 6 is small, the distance AB will be small, and the two pencils proceeding from A, B will be in a condition to interfere. 22. When interference fringes are viewed through a prism, or through a plate of glass held obliquely to the screen, the fringes will be displaced, and we shall now calculate the displacement. Let T be the thickness of the plate, //, its index of refraction, its inclination to the screen; also let SQRP be any ray, and } draw EM parallel to CP. Let R^ be the retardation, and let | OP = x y OS = c ; then E, = SQ + pQE + EP. In calculating R 1} we shall consider /3, and i the angle of j incidence, to be small quantities, and we shall neglect cubes and i higher powers. RM sm(i-r) R M - ' Now whence Also whence Now d 2 -f (a) c + whence SQ + RP=ld* + L /"ID / * /O\ ' (JJtl COS (I p) T P ** QM cos (/3 r) ~'cos(i-)' cos r cos (i /3)' = S0> = (SQ + QM + RPy, Tcos(ff-r) cos r cos (i /3 la * i^r -o '* 24 - ' 'P We must now find in terms of #. We have a; + .R^f - c = d tan (i - /3), or /A (x - c) + TO* -l)i = fid(i - IB), . /iiBd + u, (x c) whence ^-/fr-ir* approximately, accordingly The value of J2 2 , the retardation of a ray proceeding from H to P, is obtained by changing c into c ; whence 8 s The original central band was x = 0, and the central band which is determined by S = is now given by which shows that it is shifted through a distance 23. When interference fringes are examined through a prism, the displacement of the central band is different from the theore- tical result given by (6). This difficulty was first explained by Airy 1 , who drew attention to the fact that when no prism is used, the central band is the locus of the points for which all colours of the light composing the two pencils have travelled over equal paths. Now from (6) it appears, that the displacement of the points which formerly constituted the central band, depends upon p the index of refraction of the prism ; and this quantity is different for different colours, being greatest for violet and least for red light. Since the original central band consists of a mixture of light of every colour, it follows from (6) that the displacement of the red portion of the band will be less than that of the violet, and consequently the portion of the central band which is nearest G will be red, whilst the farthest portion will be violet. This band i Phil. Mag. 1833, p, 161. LLOYD S EXPERIMENT. 25 can therefore no longer be considered the central or achromatic band. The actual achromatic band is determined from the con- sideration, that if the bands of all colours coincide at any particular part of the spectrum, they will coincide at no other part ; hence if v be the displacement, measured in the direction CP, of the original central band, the distance x n of the nth band after , displacement will be x n = v + &'XcZ/2c. The achromatic band occurs when x n is as nearly as possible independent of X, that is when dx n fd\ = 0, in which case n must be the integer nearest to tf?^ ^j^- % ^ <^ <^ &Ls Since the width h of a band is equal to \d/2c, this may be written dv n so that the apparent displacement of the achromatic band is 1 , dv 24. The following method of producing interference fringes was devised by Lloyd 2 . A luminous point A is reflected from a plane mirror CD at nearly grazing incidence. The reflected rays accordingly emerge from a virtual focus B, and the arrangement is therefore equi- valent to two small sources of light very close together. Let BO, 1 See also Cornu, Jour, de Phys. vol. i. p. 293 (1882). Lord Eayleigh, achromatic interference bands," Phil. Mag. (5), vol. xxvni. pp. 77 and 189. 2 Trans. Roy. Jr. Acad. vol. xvn. On 26 INTERFERENCE. ED meet the screen in Q, g; then since interference is due to the mixture of the two streams of light, the bands will only exist between the points Q, q. Moreover since the difference of path is never zero, there can be no achromatic band. The achromatic band may however be rendered visible by placing a thin plate of glass in the path of the direct pencil. Putting AB=2c the retardation at x is whence and x n = and consequently the position of the achromatic band, which is determined by dx n jd\ 0, will be given by n, where n is the integer nearest to One peculiarity must be, noticed, and that is that the band, which corresponds to a zero difference of path, is not white but black. Now when we consider the dynamical theory of reflection and refraction, it will be found that at grazing incidence, the amplitude of the reflected light is very nearly equal to that of the incident light, but is negative. From (2) we see that when A' A, the intensity of the mixture is proportional to 4J. 2 sin 2 Tre/X, which vanishes when e = 0. The adjoining bright band is given by e = JX, or EXAMPLES. 1. A small pencil of light is reflected at three mirrors, so that the images form a small triangle ABC, of which G is a right angle. Prove that the intensity at any point (x, y) on a parallel screen at a distance d, is proportional to 7T , 7TCIX 7TC?/ 1 + 8 cos j (ax cy) cos -y- cos j ; \CU \(t> A-Ct- where AC=a, BG=c\ and the projection of G on the screen is the origin, and GA is the axis of x. EXAMPLES. 27 2. A small source of homogeneous light is reflected in three mirrors, in such a manner that the images are equally bright and form an equilateral triangle abc, whose centre of gravity is o. A, B, C, are the projections of a, b, c, o upon a screen which is parallel to the plane a, b, c. Show that the intensity at any point P in the line OA, is to that at 0, in the ratio 1 -f 8in*37r/3d/2X& : 1, where h is the distance of the screen, and PO = p, oa= d. CHAPTER III. COLOURS OF THIN AND THICK PLATES. 25. WHEN light is incident upon a thin film of a transparent substance, such as a soap-bubble, brilliant colours are observed. The explanation of this phenomenon is, that the light upon incidence upon the outer surface of the film, is separated into two portions, the first of which is reflected by the outer surface, whilst the second portion is refracted. The refracted portion is reflected from the second surface of the film, and afterwards refracted by the outer surface ; and since the thickness of the film is very small, the difference of the paths of the two portions is comparable with the wave-length, and the two streams are therefore in a condition to interfere. Accordingly if sunlight is employed, a series of brilliantly coloured bands is observed. In order to obtain a mathematical theory of these bands, we shall suppose that two plates of glass cut from the same piece, are placed parallel to one another with a thin stratum of air between them ; and we shall investigate the intensity of the reflected light. 26. It will be proved in a future Chapter, that when light is reflected or refracted at the surface of a transparent medium, the intensities of .the reflected and refracted light are altered in a manner, which depends upon the angle of incidence and the index of refraction. The mathematical formulae, which determine the intensities in these two cases, depend partly upon the particular dynamical theory which we adopt, and partly upon the state of polarization of the light. If however the angle of incidence of the light, which is refracted from the plate into the stratum of air, is less than the critical angle, we can achieve our object PRINCIPLE OF REVERSION. 29 without the assistance of any dynamical theories, by the aid of a principle due to Stokes 1 , called the Principle of Reversion. Let 8 be the surface of separation of two un crystallized media; let A be the point of incidence of a ray travelling along I A in the first medium, and let AR, AF be the reflected and refracted rays ; also let AR' be the direction of the reflected ray for a ray inci- dent along FA in the second medium. Then the principle asserts, that if the two rays AR, AF be reversed, so that RA and FA are reflected and refracted at A, they will give rise to the incident ray AI. Let A be the amplitude of the incident light; and let Ab, Ac be the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted light, when the first medium is glass and the second is air ; also let Ae, Af be the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted light, when light of amplitude A is refracted from air into glass. Then if AR be reversed, it will give rise to Ab z reflected along A I, Abe refracted along AR'. Similarly if AF be reversed, it will give rise to Ace reflected along AR' } Acf refracted along AI. Since the two rays superposed along AR' must destroy one another, whilst the two rays superposed along A I must be equivalent to the incident ray, we obtain b + e = 0, 6 2 + c/=l , (1). 27. We are now in a position to calculate the intensity. Let y = A sin ^Trt/r be the incident vibration at A ; let i be the angle of incidence, r that of refraction, D the thickness of the stratum of air. 1 Canil). and Dublin Math. Jonrn. vol. iv. p. 1 ; and Math, and Phys. Papers, vol. ii. p. 89. 30 COLOURS OF THIN AND THICK PLATES. The light which is incident at A l is reflected and refracted, and a portion of the latter is reflected at B lt and the reflected B l B 2 portion is again reflected and refracted at A, and so on ad infinitum. It therefore follows, that the light refracted at A which is due to light incident at A lt is represented by Acefsin ZTT + (2). ,T A, / Also if X' be the wave-length in glass, the vibration at A due to the light which is reflected at A^ is 'ft AM' ft \ ^.6sm27r -+ ) . VT X / t AM\ 2AB AM\ Writing (2) may be written Acef sin (ft + 8), where 8 is the retardation of the light which was refracted at A lf Taking account of (1), and also of the infinite series of reflections refractions at A z , A 3 ...... etc., we obtain for the resulting = 46 [sin ^ - (1 - 6 2 ) [sin (^ + S) + 6 2 sin ( + 28) + 6 4 sin (

2 sin ($ + S) + e 4 sin (< + 28)+ ...... }. Summing this series, and taking account of (1), we shall find that the intensity is A 2 (I b z Y /* = - - v 1 _ _L^_ /\ 22 2 2 Adding (4) and (5^ we see that #+//=4 ........................ (7) or the sum of the intensities of the reflected and transmitted lights is equal to that of the incident light. This result is sometimes expressed by saying, that the reflected and transmitted lights are complementary to one another. It must however be borne in mind, that (7) is not strictly accurate for ordinary transparent media, inasmuch as a portion of the light is always absorbed in transmis- sion through the plate ; it only becomes true in the limit for perfectly transparent substances. Newton s Rings. 28. The coloured rings produced by thin plates were first investigated experimentally by Newton, who produced them by pressing a convex lens down upon a flat piece of glass ; the experi- ment may also be performed by pressing a prism upon the face of a convex lens. Since the curvature of the lens is exceedingly small in comparison with the wave-length of light, the two surfaces 32 COLOURS OF THIN AND THICK PLATES. may be regarded as approximately parallel, and the preceding investigation will apply. Let R be the radius of the lens, the point of contact, and let OM = p. Then PM = D, and whence neglecting D 2 , we have D = p*/ZR, accordingly .cosr ......... ^. '*/... . and the reflected light vanishes when ^ *"* ' -//? A ' At 0, p = and therefore 8 = 0; whence the central spot is. black. If homogeneous light is employed, the central spot will be surrounded by a series of dark rings, whose diameters are pro- portional to the square roots of the natural numbers. The intensity will be a maximum, when 8=(2w+l)worp a = (w + i)jRXsecr (10); accordingly there will be a series of bright rings whose diameters l| are proportional to Vi> Vf Vf e ^c. >"" Since the diameters of the rings are also proportional to (sec r)*, it follows that the rings increase as the angle of incidence increases. For light of different colours, the diameters of the rings vary as X* ; consequently when sunlight is employed, a number of coloured rings are observed. The inner edge of the first ring is dark blue, and its outer edge red ; and the order of succession of the colours of the first seven if rings was found by Newton to be as follows : (1) black, blue, white, yellow, red ; (2) violet, blue, green, yellow, red ; (3) purple, blue, green, yellow, red ; (4) green, red ; (5) greenish-blue, red ; i (6) greenish-blue, pale red; (7) greenish-blue, reddish-white. This COLOURS OF THICK PLATES. 33 j list is usually known as Newton's scale of colours ; and the ex- pression " red or blue of the third order," refers to the colour of that name seen in the third ring. In the preceding discussion of Newton's rings, we have sup- posed that a thin stratum of air constitutes the thin plate ; conse- quently it is possible to increase the angle of incidence until it exceeds the critical angle. Under these circumstances, ij; will be found that *fckoro io dfo^l -a.^ system of coloured rings A a2aTtfeythe central spot is black ; but the consideration of this question must be deferred, until we have discussed the dynamical theory of reflection and refraction. The system of transmitted rings is complementary to the reflected system, but is less distinct Colours of Thick Plates. 29. The phenomenon known as the colours of thick plates was first observed by Newton 1 , who allowed sunlight, proceeding into a darkened room through a -hole in the window-shutter, to fall perpendicularly upon a concave mirror formed of glass quicksilvered at the back. A white opaque card pierced with a small hole was placed at the centre of curvature of the mirror, so that the regularly reflected light returned through the small hole, and a set of coloured rings was observed on the card surrounding the hole. The Due de Chaulnes 2 on repeating this experiment, observed that the brilliancy of the rings was much increased by spreading over the surface of the mirror a mixture of milk and water, which was allowed to dry, and thus produced a permanent tarnish. The colours of thick plates were first explained on the undulatory theory by Young, who attributed them to the interfer- ence of two streams of light, one of which is scattered on entering the glass, and then regularly reflected and refracted, whilst the other is regularly reflected and refracted, and then scattered on emerging from the first surface ; but the complete explanation is due to Stokes 3 , which we shall now consider. 1 Optics, Book ii. part 4. 2 Mem. de V Academic, 1755, p. 136. 3 " On the Colours of Thick Plates," Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. ix. p. 147. B. O. 3 34 COLOURS OF THIN AND THICK PLATES. 30. Stokes' investigation is based on the following hypo- thesis : In order that two streams of scattered light may be capable of interfering, it is necessary that they should be scattered, in passing and repassing, by the same set of particles. Two streams, which are scattered by different sets of particles, although they may have come originally from the same source, behave with respect to each other like two streams coming from different sources. It will hereafter be proved, that if this law were not true, it would follow, that if a luminous point were viewed through a plate of glass, both of whose surfaces were tarnished with milk and water, coloured rings would be seen ; but on performing the experiment no rings were observed. Moreover Stokes calculated the retarda- tion of the stream scattered on emergence relatively to that scattered at entrance, and found that the dimensions of the rings were such that they could not possibly have escaped notice had they been formed. This experiment is decisive, but the truth of the law is also apparent from- theoretical considerations; for the dimensions of particles of dust, although small compared with the standards of ordinary measurement, are not small in comparison with the wave-length of light, so that the light scattered at entrance taken' as a whole is most irregular ; and the only reason why regular interference is possible at all is, that each particle acts twice in a similar manner, once when the wave enters and again when it emerges. 31. We shall now work out the problem when the mirror is plane. T V Let L be the luminous point, E the eye of the observer ; let L Q , E be the feet of^the perpendiculars let fall from L and E on to the dimmed face of the mirror. PLANE MIRROR. 35 Let LSTPE be the course of the ray, which is regularly refracted and reflected at S and T, and scattered on emergence at P; and let LPVQE be the course of the ray, which is scattered entering the glass and is then regularly reflected and refracted. Let L Q P = s, E P-u, LL = c, EE = h; also let t be the thickness of the p]ate, JJL its index of refraction, i, r the angles of incidence and refraction at $; R 19 R 2 the retardations of the rays LSTPE and LP VQE. Then = c sec i + 2fit sec r + (Ti 2 + u^ ...... (11), and c tan i + 22 tan ? = s, smi = fj,sinr ............ (12). Now experiment shows, that in order to see the rings distinctly the angle of incidence must be small, whence i, r, s and u are small quantities. We may therefore, as a sufficient approximation, neglect powers of small quantities above the second. Expanding in powers of i, r and u, we obtain from (11) *<* E l = c+2frf + A + i(c + 2/rir a -f u?/h) ............ (13). f . t ' + 4 l>. 1 ~- -3 But (12) gives whence ^ Again, if i 7 , r' be the angles of incidence and refraction at Q, = (c 2 + s 2 / + 2//, sec r' + $ sec i, ^ t c *'*'**'(' ^fV * r^-j"' "^ ' ~ c and ht&ni' + 22 tan r =, sini =a sinr'. Accordingly we obtain as before *^ ** fr -( 15 )' whence R = R 1 -Rt = t . ^ 7-7x ( 16 > h The intensity of the light entering the eye is therefore pro- portional to cos 2 7rR/\. *K %- c^ u - ^-^- <**> - 32 Xr . ' a- . \ i A ? /? 36 COLOURS OF THIN AND THICK PLATES. I Let E Q be the origin, and let E E be the axis of z, and let the plane xz pass through L. Let x, y be the coordinates of P, and let E L = a. ,-r Then Also let the thickness of the plate be supposed to be so small, that its square may be neglected. Then substituting in (16), we obtain ^ * . . J 1 _.*!- * -HC *" 4 .*2.*- { ==t_ For a given fringe R is constant; hence the fringes form a" system of concentric circles, whose common centre lies on the axis * of x. Hence if a be the abscissa of the centre ah ah _*A, Now ah/(h + c) and ah/(h c) are the abscissae of the points, in j which the plane of the mirror is cut by two lines drawn from the I eye to the luminous point and its image respectively. We thus j obtain the following construction for finding the centre of the system : Join the eye with the luminous point and its image, and produce the former line to meet the mirror ; then the middle point of the line joining the two points, in which the mirror, is cut by the two 1 lines joining the eye, will be the centre of the system. Hence if the luminous point be placed to the right of the perpendicular let fall from the eye on to the plane of the mirror, j and between the mirror and the eye, the concavity of the fringes will be turned to the right. If the luminous point, still lying on the right, be now moved backwards, so as to come beside the eye \ and ultimately fall behind it, the curvature will decrease until the fringes become straight, after which it will increase in the PLANE MIRROR. 37 contrary direction, the convexity being now turned towards the right. The circle R = may be called an achromatic line, since at every point of it the intensity is independent of the wave-length. \ It evidently passes through the two points mentioned in the last i paragraph but one. When the luminous point is situated in the line drawn through the eye perpendicularly to the mirror, a = 0, and (18) becomes In this case the achromatic line is reduced to a point ; for the bright ring of the first order R = X, and therefore the radius of the ring is equal to ch which becomes infinite when c = h. Hence if the luminous point be at first situated in front of the eye, and be then conceived to move backwards through the eye till it passes behind it, the rings will expand indefinitely and then disappear, and will reappear again when the luminous point has passed the eye. This result cannot be directly compared with experiment ; but an analogous experiment was performed by Stokes in the following manner. Instead of a luminous point, he used the image of the sun in a small concave mirror, and placed a piece of plate-glass between the concave mirror and a plane mirror, the surface of which had been prepared with milk and water. The plate of glass was situated at a distance of some feet from the plane mirror, and was inclined at an angle of about 45. The greater part of the light coming from the image of the sun, was transmitted through the plate of glass ; and on returning from the large mirror, a portion of this light was reflected sideways, so that the rings could be seen by reflection in the plate of glass without obstructing the incident light. The system of rings thus seen was very beautiful ; and Stokes found that on moving back the head, the rings expanded until the bright central patch surrounding the image filled the whole field of view, and on continuing to move back the head the rings reappeared again. In the position in which the central patch filled the whole field of view, the least motion of the eye sideways was sufficient to bring into the field of view ex- cessively broad coloured bands. 38 COLOURS OF THIN AND THICK PLATES. 32. We stated in 30, that experiment showed that no rings could be produced, unless the scattering was caused by the same set of particles. To prove this, let LE, the line joining the luminous point and the eye, be perpendicular to the plate; and let LPpE be a ray which is regularly refracted at P, and scattered at emergence and let LQpE be a ray which is scattered at entrance at Q, and regularly refracted at p. Then = c sec i + /jit sec r + Ep ~k+lti+Bp +${<# + where i, r are the angles of incidence and refraction at P. Now if p = Mp p = c tan i + t tan r, ^ c I + 7-/ .- c t ** \ whence i = u/r = ^ . fJLC Accordingly 0' Again, if i', r be the angles of incidence and refraction at p, But LQ*=c whence jR 2 = whence 7 r + /u 1 1 / 4- IS OF MIXED PLATES. If therefore it were possible for light scattered by different particles to interfere, it would follow that there would be a series of rings whose radii are determined by means of (20). No such rings are however found to exist; and Stokes has shown, by substituting numerical values in (20), that the dimensions of the rings were such that they could not possibly have escaped notice had they been formed; hence the fundamental hypothesis enun- ciated in | 30 is proved to be true. Colours of Mixed Plates. 33. The colours of mixed plates were first discovered by Young 1 , and are produced by interposing between two plates of glass pressed together, a mixture composed of two different materials, such as water and air ; and it was found on viewing a luminous point through the plates, that a system of coloured rings was produced, which were considerably larger than the rings produced, when the intervening medium was air. Further experiments were made by Brewster 2 , who employed various materials, such as transparent soap and whipped cream; but he obtained the best results by using the white of an egg beaten up into froth. To obtain a proper film of this substance, he placed a small quantity between two glass plates, and after having pressed it out into a film, he separated the glasses, and held them for a short time near the fire so as to drive off some of the superfluous moisture. The two glasses were then placed in contact and pressed together. Young attributed the colours of mixed plates to the fact, that owing to the liquid being divided into an immense number of separate globules, some of the rays are transmitted through air, whilst others are transmitted through the liquid ; and since the velocity of light is less in a liquid than in air, a difference of phase is produced, and thus the emergent light is in a condition to interfere. 34. The following theoretical investigation is due to Verdet 3 . Let SI, S'l' be two parallel rays incident upon the surface of a mixed plate at an angle i, and let the refracted ray IR be sup- posed to pass through air, and the ray I'R through the liquid. 1 Phil. Trans. 1802. 2 Ibid. 1838. 3 Lemons d'Optiquc Physique, voh i. p. 155. 40 COLOURS OF THIN AND THICK PLATES. Also let fi t jju be the indices of refraction of the glass and liquid referred to air. Then if IK be perpendicular to /'', and ^ be the retardation R t = iiI'K + plk - IE. Let r, r be the angles of refraction at /, /'; t the thickness of the space between the glass plates ; then TK = t (tan r tan r') sin i, R 1 = t [fju (tan r tan r') sin i sec r + // sec r'j. _ sin r p _ sin / ^, / _j : sin i ' //,' sin i ' whence ^* R^ t (/// cos r' cos r), which may be written in the form - i* sin 2 i) J - (1 - // 2 sin 2 ; The intensity will therefore be a maximum or minimum, according as R 1 is equal to n\ or (n -f J) \, where \ is the wave- length in air. At normal incidence, the intensity will be a maximum when R 1 =n\=t( fJ ,'-l). t-^TT-' Now if Newton's rings be formed by a prism and a lens, the radii of the rings will be equal to (2tR) ; whence if p be the radii of the bright rings seen by transmission when a mixture of air and liquid is employed p*" 5 If />' be the radii of the bright rings seen by transmission when the thin plate is composed of air alone, it follows from (5) and (6), that at normal incidence 2D=n\ EXAMPLES. 41 where D is the thickness ; and since p' 2 = 2DE, this becomes whence p* If the mixed plate consists of froth composed of air and water, p = f , whence p = />V6. The radii of the rings are therefore increased in the ratio *J6 to 1. This result has been found to agree with observation. EXAMPLES. 1. Two plates of crown and fluid glass, whose refractive indices are /A, /*', form four parallel plane reflecting and refracting surfaces. Light of wave-length X in air could pass through each plate in the same time. A beam of parallel rays, proceeding from an origin between the two plates, and incident at an angle i on the front of the crown-glass, is partly reflected once from the front and partly once from the back, and these two reflected beams are after- wards reflected once from the back and front of the fluid glass respectively. Prove that the two beams in their parallel air courses will differ finally by wave-lengths, where T is the thickness of the crown-glass, and sin 4 i is to be neglected. 2. If the eye be placed in the perpendicular from a luminous point on to a dimmed plane mirror, and the thickness of the glass be small, prove that the retardation which gives rise to the rings will be where e and u are the distances from the eye and luminous point to the mirror, and x that of the point of scattering from the foot of the perpendicular. 3. If a plate of glass be pressed down in contact with the origin, upon a piece of glass the equation to whose bounding surface is z = o# 2 ?/ 2 , where a is a very small quantity, describe the appearance presented by the reflected light. CHAPTER IV. DIFFRACTION. 35. WHEN light after passing through an aperture, whose dimensions are comparable with the ordinary standards of measure- ment, is received upon a screen, the boundary of the luminous area is well defined ; similarly if an obstacle of sufficient size is placed in the path of the incident light, a well-defined shadow of the obstacle is cast upon the screen. It thus appears that, as long as the apertures or obstacles with which we are dealing are of moderate dimensions, light travels in straight lines. Now it is well known that sound does not in all cases travel in straight lines ; for if a band is playing a piece of music out of doors, a person seated in a room with an open window can hear the music distinctly, even though his position may be such as to prevent him seeing any of the musicians. The objection was therefore raised against the undulatory theory in its infancy, that inasmuch as sound is known to be due to aerial waves, and that such waves are able to bend round corners, a theory which seeks to explain optical phenomena by means of the vibrations of a medium, ought to lead to the conclusion that light as well as sound is capable of bending round corners, which is contrary to ordinary experience. The reason of this apparent discrepancy between observation, and what was at first supposed to be the result of the undulatory theory, arises from the fact that the wave-length of light is exceedingly small compared with the linear dimensions of such apertures and obstacles as are ordinarily met with, whilst the wave-lengths of audible sounds are not small compared with them 1 . In fact it requires as extreme conditions to produce a shadow in the case of sound, as it does to avoid producing one in the case of 1 The wave-length of the middle c of a pianoforte is about 4*2 feet, DIFFRACTION. 43 light. At the same time it is quite possible for a sound-shadow to be produced. Thus : " Some few years ago a powder-hulk ex- ploded on the river Mersey. Just opposite the spot, there is an opening of some size in the high ground which forms the watershed between the Mersey and the Dee. The noise of the explosion was heard through this opening for many miles, and great damage was done. Places quite close to the hulk, but behind the low hills through which the opening passes, were completely protected, the noise was hardly heard, and no damage to glass and such like happened. The opening was large compared with the wave-length of the sound 1 " On the other hand it is not difficult to produce a sound- shadow with an obstacle of small dimensions, by means of a sensitive flame and a tuning-fork, which yields a note whose wave- length is so short as to be inaudible ; for although the vibrations of the air produced by the tuning-fork are incapable of affecting the ear, yet they are capable of producing a well-marked dis- turbance of the sensitive flame, by means of which the existence or non-existence of the sound is made manifest. And if an obstacle be held between the tuning-fork and the flame, it is observed that the oscillations of the latter either cease altogether or appreciably diminish, which shows that a sound-shadow has been produced 2 . 36. When light passes through an aperture, such as a narrow slit, whose dimensions are comparable with the wave-length of light, and is received on a screen, it is found that a well-defined shadow of the boundary of the aperture is no longer produced. If homogeneous light be employed, a series of bright and dark bands is observed on those portions of the screen, which are quite dark when the dimensions of the aperture are large in comparison with the wave-length of light ; and if white light be employed, a series of coloured bands is produced. Experiments with small apertures thus show, that light is capable of bending round corners under precisely the same conditions as sound; and thus the objections which were formerly advanced against the undula- tory theory fall to the ground. These phenomena are usually known by the name of Diffraction, the object of the present 1 Glazebrook, Physical Optics, p. 149. 2 For further information on the Diffraction of Sound, see Lord Bayleigh's Theory of Sound,, ch. xiv. and Proc. Roy. Inst. Jan. 20, 1888. 44 DIFFRACTION. chapter is to show, that they are capable of being accounted for by means of the undulatory theory. 37. Let us suppose that plane waves of light are passing through an aperture in a screen, whose plane is parallel to that of the wave-fronts. Each wave upon its arrival at the aperture may be conceived to be divided into small elements dS. If be any point at a distance from the screen, it is clear that every element dS must contribute something to the disturbance which exists at 0. When we consider the dynamical theory of diffraction 1 , it will be shown that, if we suppose 'that the disturbance existing in that portion of the wave which passes through the aperture, is the same as if the screen in which the aperture exists were not present, or that the wave passed on undisturbed; the vibration at produced by an element dS of the primary wave, would be represented by the expression (1), where r is the distance of from dS, 6 and c/> are the angles - which r makes with the normal to dS drawn outwards and with the direction of vibration respectively, and c sin 2?rF^/X is the I displacement of the primary wave at the plane of resolution. In all cases of diffraction, the illumination is insensible unless 1 the inclination of r to the screen is small, which requires that 9 i should be small and (/> nearly equal to JTT ; we may therefore as a | sufficient approximation put cos = sin < = 1, and the formula | becomes cdS 2?r , Tr . cos (Vt-r) ..................... (2), and the resultant vibration at will be obtained by integrating ;| this expression over the area of the aperture. The formula (1), which is due to Stokes, will be hereafter rigorously deduced by means of a mathematical investigation, which is based on the assumption that the equations of motion of the luminiferous ether are of the same form as those of an elastic solid, whose power of resisting compression is very large in comparison with its power of resisting distortion. It will not 1 Stokes, " On the Dynamical Theory of Diffraction ; " Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. ix. p. 1 ; and Math. and Pliys. Papers, vol. n. p. 243. HUYGEN S ZONES. 45 however be necessary at present to enter upon any investigations of this character, since all the leading phenomena of diffraction may be explained by means of the Principle of Huygens 1 . 38. Let be any point towards which a plane wave is | advancing; draw OP = r perpendicular to the front of the wave, and with as a centre describe a series of concentric spheres whose radii are r + JX, . . . r + ^n\. These spheres will divide the wave-front into a series of circular annuli, which are called Huygens' zones. Now PM n * =(r + JnX) 2 r 2 , and therefore, if X 2 be neglected, PM n * = nr\, and the area of each zone is equal to 7TT\. Let cos K ( Vt r), where K = 2?r/X, be the displacement at due to the original wave. Then it might be thought, that the displacement at due to an element at M n would be A n cos K ( Vt r JftX) ; this however is not the case, inasmuch, as we shall presently see, that it is necessary to suppose the phases of successive elements to be different from that of the primary wave. Let e be this difference of phase ; then since the amplitude of the zone is proportional to its area, the displacement produced by the nth zone will be irr\A n cos K ( Vt r %n\ + e) = TTT\ (ty l A n cos ic(Vt r-l-e). Accordingly the total displacement at is 7rr\{A Q -A l -\-A z - ... + (-) n A n ] cos K (Vt - r + e). Now the amplitude of the vibration produced at by any 1 The so-called Principle of Huygens is not a very satisfactory or rigorous method of dealing with the question of the resolution of waves. The reader may therefore, if he pleases, assume for the present the truth of Stokes' law. See Ch. xin. and also, Proc. Lond, Math, Soc. vol. xxn. p. 317, 46 DIFFKACTION. zone, is inversely proportional to its distance from 0; we may therefore write A n = B n /(r + fyi\), and the series becomes + . . . - cos K ( Vt - r + e). ' n + j) X) . 7^7-^V also since B 2n , B m+l , B 2n+2 are very nearly equal r + n\ r + (n + I)\ -* r j x.. - - r A i, whence every term ot the series is approximately neutralized by half the sum of the terms which immediately precede and succeed it ; accordingly the effect of the wave upon a distant point is almost entirely confined to half that of the central portion PM, which remains over uncompensated. It therefore follows that the displacement at is equal to sin ( Vt - r + e). * ffc i ^ ' O a a- \ ^ > v f - y 4- 1\ t f. -* ^- ' *" '^ v ^r ( y^"^ -{*+*) + <-, ^ Since this expression must be equal to the displacement^ produced at by the primary wave, we must have B \ = 1, e = J\. J We thus obtain the important theorem that the displacement produced at by any element dS of the primary wave V is equal to - sin (Vt r) (3). A/9" A/ This result may also be obtained, as was done by Archibald Smith 1 , by integrating over the whole wave-front, for provided we suppose that cos oo 0, an assumption which is justified by the result. 1 Camb. Math. Journ. vol. in. p. 46. r fi~ ^ a c - V " r^ CYLINDRICAL^ A VE7 39. We must now investigate the corresponding result in the /case of a cylindrical wave. /? ^ /v *- x-=o^z. *a If in (3) we write R = (r 2 -f 2 2 )^ for r, and integrate with respect ^ = / to s between the limits x and - x , we shall obtain the effect produced by an infinite linear source at a point 0, whose distance -&F^. from the source is r ; whence the effect of the source is equal to the real part of - Ai. ^K(Vt^) ^Ji'W /' " Ifu = R-r, the integral becomes .00 e -"< u u n -*du = 2 e~ Jo ^o Also Hence if KT is large, which is always the case at a great distance from the source, all the terms of the series after the first may be neglect ed^and the integral will be equal to accordingly the effect of the source at a distance r, is the real part of We can now prove by integration, that this expression reproduces the original wave. Writing x^ + y* for r 2 , we have ydy=rdr, 6 ~ t Putting r x = u, this becomes > tr"*- (u + a$ du o v /, 48 DIFFRACTION. whence expanding in powers of ufx, and supposing K\ to be large, the integral is approximately equal to Accordingly the total effect, which is the real part of 2* i - oVw ,(^1 = cos KX _ V Diffraction through a Slit. 40. Before we discuss the general problem of diffraction, we shall consider the case in which plane waves are diffracted by a narrow slit in a screen, which is parallel to the wave-fronts. Let A be the middle point of the slit, P any point on it, any point on a screen on which the phenomena are observed. Let A0 = r, PO = R, AP = x, PAO=$ir-6. If the vibration at due to the element at A be A cos 2-7TX- 1 (r - Vt), the vibration due to an element dx at P will be and therefore if a be the breadth of the aperture, the total disturbance at will be f* a = A' J -i DIFFRACTION THROUGH A SLIT. 49 Now R 2 = r 2 + a? 2rx sin 0, and since # is small compared with r, we have to a sufficient - approximation Also the difference between A' and A may be neglected, whence f = A I cos -(r x sin 6 Vt) dx J -Ja A JlX 2-7T , Tr N TTO, sin = -. cos (r Ff) sin _- , and therefore the intensity is proportional to . Tra sin 6 2 niv%2 Q \ \ / 7T" bill U A, When = 0, P = A*a?, and consequently the projection of the central line of the slit is bright. The intensity is zero when sin 6 = mX/a, where m is any integer, and consequently the central bright band is surrounded by a series of dark bands. Putting TraX" 1 sin 6 = u, it follows that the intensity is proportional to u~* sin 2 u, and the positions of the bright bands will be found by obtaining the maxima values of this expression. Equating the value of dI 2 /du to zero, we shall obtain sin u u cos u sin u _ u U* The first factor corresponds to the minima, and gives u = m7r, the second gives tan u = u (7). The roots of (7), as Lord Rayleigh has shown 1 , may be calculated in the following manner. Assume u = (m-\-^)7r y = U y, where y is a positive quantity, which is small when u is large. Substituting in (7), we obtain l!s*>)!^ r 1 / y if- \ ' r " whence tan y = j=. 1 1 + ;+ ^-- + 1. Expanding tan y in powers of y t we obtain 3 15 315" 1 Theory of Sound, vol. i. 207. B. O. 50 Dirte ACTION. This equation is to be solved by successive approximation, from which it will be found that The values of U/TT will thus be found to be 1-4303, 2'4590, 3-4709, 4-4747, 5'4818, 6'4844, &c. They were first obtained by a different method by Schwerd 1 . Since the maxima occur when u is nearly equal to (in -f J) TT } it follows that the ratio of the intensities of successive bands to . the central band is approximately equal to -A -1- JL &C 9-7T 2 ' 257T 2 ' 497T We therefore see that the image formed by a slit does not consist of a bright band bounded by the edges of the geometrical j shadow, but of a central bright band, surrounded by a number of alternately dark and bright bands. Since the minima are determined by the equation sin 6 = m\/a, where 6 is very small, it follows that the angular distance between j two dark bands is X/a. The bands are therefore broadest for red j light and narrowest for violet light. Hence when sunlight is j employed, a series of brilliantly coloured bands will be observed, which will however be necessarily limited in number, owing to the overlapping of the spectra of different colours. V 41. It has already been stated, that one of the objections brought against the undulatory theory in its infancy was, that inasmuch as sound is known to be produced by aerial waves, it ought to follow that light should be able' to bend round corners as sound is known to do, and that an obstacle ought not to be able to produce a distinct shadow. The results of the last article \ furnish an explanation of this apparent difficulty ; for if X be large compared with a, as is usually the case with sound, (6) i becomes P = AW, which is independent of 0, and consequently the intensity will be approximately constant for a considerable distance beyond the limits of the geometrical shadow. If on the other hand a is 1 Die Beugungserschcinungen, Mannheim, 1835. APERTURE OF ANY FORM. 51 comparable with X, the intensity will be insensible unless is small, and diffraction will take place. The more general problem of diffraction through a large number of slits, will be discussed under the Theory of Gratings. 42. We shall now proceed to consider the general problem when the form of the aperture is given. When light proceeding from a source, passes through a small aperture of any form, there are three possible cases to consider ; according as the waves are (i) converging towards a focus in front of the aperture, (ii) are plane, (iii) are diverging from a focus behind the aperture; and as the analytical treatment of these three cases is different, we shall consider the first two cases in the present chapter, reserving the discussion of the third case for the succeeding one. In the first case, let the screen upon which the phenomena are observed, pass through 0, the focus towards which the light is converging ; and let it be parallel to the plane of the aperture. Let f , T; be the coordinates of any point P on the screen referred to rectangular axes, through 0, and let x, y, z be any point Q of the aperture ; also let f be the radius of the spherical wave at the aperture. Then QP 2 = (x - % ) 2 -f (y - T?) 2 -f z* Since , 77 are very small compared with f t we may omit f 8 , rf, whence Now if cos/cVt be the vibration at the aperture, the vibration produced at P by an element dS at Q will be equal to /,*LLi ^ s<^ fi/r-f)A~~*t^ /( ) * J&&(& m~W* **^ * ^ ^r-fj^^y Integrating this oveVthe area of the aperture, we shall find that the intensity at P is proportional to 2-7T, /2 _ J 1 ( [ [ 2?T "I 2 ^"^ 2 )] \f } 42 Exactly the same result may- ber~proved to hold good in the ij H~plane waves, provided / denotes the distance of the aperture Ij from the screen ; for in this case # 2 + y z may be neglected, and We shall now discuss several cases. - 43. Let the aperture be a rectangle, whose sides are the lines | # = i a J V i& > tnen ^7 integrating (9), we shall find that o 2 ^ S in 2 7rag/X/.sin 2 7r67;/X/ * 22 ' Each of these factors is of the form w" 1 sin ?/, whence the minima values of the intensity are given by u = WTT, where m is any i positive or negative integer, and accordiDgly the field is crossed! by a series of dark lines whose equations are % = m\f/a, rj = m\f/b .................. (11). The intensity is evidently a maximum when f= 0,77 = 0, in which case 7 2 = (a6/X/) 2 . To find the other maxima values, we observe that 7 2 is the product of two factors of the form u~ 2 sin 2 u ; accordingly the maxima values are the roots of the equation tan u u, which has already been discussed in 40. The diffraction pattern accordingly consists of a central bright I spot, surrounded by a series of dark lines whose equations are f = m\f/a, t] = m\f/b ; and within the rectangle formed by consecutive dark lines, the I intensity rises to a maximum; but these secondary maxima are] far less bright than the centre of the pattern. | An Isosceles Triangle. 44. Let the vertex of the triangle be the origin, and let the axis of x be perpendicular to the base ; also let e be the length of the perpendicular drawn from the vertex to the base, and let the APERTURE AN ISOSCELES 53 equations of the sides of the triangle /be y = mas. Then if C = 27T0/X/, _ X 2 / 2 (sin (f ra??) c sin (f -f m?;) c| m?? . 27T , . sin -, (of 4- ^accordingly the intensity cos mr)C (cos m?;c cos f c) ~<>:v^; the axis of ?/, f = 0, and the intensity becomes sin 4 which at the origin is equal to The intensity at any point on the axis of x may be found either by evaluating (12) when ?7 = 0, or directly from (9); we shall thus obtain ? The case of an equilateral triangle may be worked out in a similar manner ; but it will be more convenient to suppose that the origin is the centre of gravity of the triangle, so that the diffraction pattern is symmetrical with respect to the angular points of the triangle. The pattern exhibits a star-shaped ap- pearance, which has been described by Sir J. Herschel 1 . Circular Aperture*. 45. Let the aperture be a circle of radius c ; also let Then by (9) 1 Encyclop. Metrop. Art. Light, 172. a Airy, Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. 1834. 54 DIFFRACTION. where $ = // sin (px 4 qy ) dx dy, C = //cos (px 4 qy) dxdy, the integration extending over the area of the circle. To evaluate these integrals, we shall employ the theorem 1 , that JJF (px 4 qy) dxdy = 2 f (c 2 - x 2 y F {(p* 4 qrfx] dx, or ... (14), J -c according as F is an even or an odd function, where the double integral is taken over a circle of radius c. Let r be the distance of any point of the screen from the projection of the centre of the aperture ; then 27rr/X/= (p 2 4 == ........................ < 15 )> where ^ is Bessel's function of order unity. The properties of Bessel's functions have been discussed by the various writers referred to below 2 . The function J l (x) may be expressed in either of the forms x [ n J l (x) = ~ \ cos (x cos 6) sin 2 d>d ............ (16), ' <->=- *r It is also known that /,'=-/, From (15) and (17) we see that when / = (), 1 The theorem may be proved by turning the axes through an angle tan" 1 ^.^ 2 Lommel, BesseVsche Functionen. Lord Eayleigh, Theory of Sound. Tod- hunter, Functions of Laplace, Lame and Bessel. Heine, Kugelfunctionen. CIRCULAR APERTURE. 55 the origin is therefore a bright spot, whose intensity is proportional to the fourth power of the radius of the aperture. Writing x for 2-Trcr/X/', it follows that the minima are deter- mined by the equation J 1 (x) = 0. The roots of the equation J 1 (/?r) = have been calculated by Stokes 1 , and are equal to 1-2197, 2-2330, 3'2383, 4*2411, 5'2428, 6'2439, &c. ; from which it appears that the first dark ring occurs when r/f= 1-2197 x X/2c. Since X is very small, it is necessary that the radius of the aperture should be small in order that this ring should be seen distinctly. The maxima are determined by the equation = . ...(19); whence by the last two of (18), the maxima are determined by the roots of the equation J 2 (x) = 0. The value of the intensity in this case is 7T 2 C 4 * , The following table, which has been calculated by Lommel, gives the values of x for which J 2 (x) = 0, and the corresponding values of / 2 (a?). X J*(x) 00000 1-00000 5-13563 01750 841724 00416 11-61986 00160 14-79594 00078 From this table, it appears that the maximum intensity of the first bright ring is only about -g^th of that of the central spot. The diffraction pattern therefore consists of a central bright spot, surrounded by a series of dark and bright rings; moreover the central spot is the brightest, and by far the greater portion of the whole illumination is concentrated in it. 1 Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc, vol. ix. p. 166. 56 DIFFRACTION. Elliptic Aperture. 46. The corresponding results for an elliptic aperture can be obtained in a similar manner. Let the equation of the ellipse be a?/a* + y*/fc = 1, and let x' = x/a, y' y/b, p =pa, q f = qb. Then the values of 8 and C will be S = oh //sin (p'x' + q'tf} dx'dy' C = ab Jj cos (p'x' 4- q'y') dx'dy', where the integration extends over the circle a;' 3 + y' 2 = 1. Whence S=0and C = 2a6 j _ x (1 - a; 9 )* cos (jp' + 9 / where It therefore follows that the curves of constant intensity are similar to the reciprocal ellipse a?x* 47. These bands were first observed by Fox Talbot 1 , and are produced when a tolerably pure spectrum is viewed by a telescope, half the aperture of which is covered by a thin plate of glass or mica. The theory of these bands was first given by Airy 2 , but we shall follow the investigation of Stokes 3 . We shall suppose, that the object-glass of a telescope is limited by a screen, in which there is a rectangular aperture, the lengths of whose sides are 21 and h + 2g+k. Let k be the width of the thin plate, h that of the unretarded stream ; we shall also suppose 1 Phil. Mag. vol. x. p. 364, 1837. Brewster, Eep. of 1th Meeting of Brit. Assoc. ' 2 " On the Theoretical Explanation of an apparent new Polarity of Light," Phil. Trans. 1840 and 1841. 3 " On the Theory of certain Bands seen in the Spectrum," Phil. Trans. 1848, p. 227 ; Math, and Phy. Papers, vol. n. p. 14. TALBOTS BANDS. 57 that there is an opaque interval of width 2g between the two streams, and that the axis of the telescope passes through the centre of the opaque interval. Let G be the centre of the opaque plate, the projection of C on the focal plane of the object-glass ; let be the origin, and let the axes of x and y be respectively parallel to the sides h+2g+k and 21 of the aperture. We shall first consider the light which emanates from any point of a spectrum whose plane is parallel to the plane xy. After passing through the object-glass of the telescope, the light emanating from this point will consis't of a spherical wave, whose radius is equal to 0(7, which converges to a point 0' as focus. Let P be any point on this wave, Q any point on the plane xy ; let- (x, y, z) be the coordinates of P ; (p, q) those of 0' ; (f , T?) those of Q; also let OG=f. The displacement at Q due to an element at P is equal to cdS 2-7T Now PQa = (f-aj) -(x-pf-(y- if f 2 + rf - p 3 - (f be neglected. Whence if the displacement at Q becomes approximately (20). 58 DIFFRACTION. Since the thin plate of glass or mica occupies the space bounded by the lines x = g + Jc, x = g, y = I, y = I ; it follows that in order to obtain the resultant displacement at Q due to the whole wave produced by the point, we must change dS into dxdy,firitof+Ii, where R the retardation due to the plate is a small quantity whose square may be neglected, and integrate over the area of the thin plate, that is from y = I to - 1, and x = g + k to g ; whence performing the integration, we shall obtain 2cl \f 2*V . irk? . 27r/ T7 Vg = -=>. ~-f-, sin - J- sm ? sin I Vt - R - f+ *f + 7r% 27T/77 \f \f \ \ / ......... (21). To obtain the displacement at Q due to the unretarded stream, we must put R = 0, and integrate (20) from y I to I, and x = g to g h', accordingly we obtain . irk? . 2-7r/ h\ m sm The total displacement at Q due to the two streams of light is equal to v + v' ; accordingly if we put cos - V ........ (23), the intensity 7 2 will be given by the equation A-2/2 This is the expression for the intensity due to a point of light whose geometrical focus is 0'. 48. To obtain the intensity of a line of homogeneous light which is parallel to the axis of y, we must write Af~ l dq for c 2 , and integrate from a large positive to a large negative value of g, the largeness being estimated in comparison with \f/l. Now the angle Zirrj'l/Xf changes by TT when q changes by \f/2l, which is therefore the breadth, in the direction of y, of one of the diffraction bands which would be seen with a luminous point. Since I is not supposed to be extremely small, but on the contrary moderately large, the whole system of diffraction bands would occupy but a very small portion of the field of view in the direction of y, so that TALBOT'S BANDS. 59 we may without sensible error suppose the limits of q to be - oo and oo . Since P does not contain g, it follows from (24) that the resultant intensity due to a luminous line is (25) 49. To find the total intensity at Q due to a plane area of homogeneous light, it would be necessary to change A into Bf~ l dp, and integrate with respect to p between the limits oo and oo ; but since the bands which we are investigating are produced by a spectrum, the colour, and therefore B and p, vary from point to point. The variations of B and \ may however be neglected in the integration, except in the term p or %7rR/\ because a small variation of X produces a comparatively large change of phase. Since p depends upon the position of 0', we shall have p=f(p)', whence if p and -tar denote the values of p and dp/dj; at Q, we shall have approximately. Let irk/\f=h', also let u = p f = - f '. Since du = dp, it follows from (23) and (25) that the intensity is determined by the equation f rf / 2 = -^ I {si n2 M* + sin 2 &'w + 2 sin A'w sin k'u cos (/c/ - g'u)} - TTj J -QO W" ............ (27). ,00 Now I u^sitftiudu^Trh' '; 7 05 also if we write cos (// #'w) = cos p cos ^'^ + sin p sin according as 5 is positive or negative. If therefore we use F(s) to denote the discontinuous function which is represented by the above integral, and which is equal to TT or TT according as s is positive or negative, we get dw/dg' = JTT (^ + h' + k') + F(g'- h' - k) -F(g' + h' - k) This equation gives dw/dg' = 0, from g' = - oo to g' = - (h' + k') ; = i-TT, from g' = - (h' + k') to #' = - (A/ - &') ; = 0, from g' = - (# - #) to g' = + (/*' ~ &') ; = - JTT, from g' = K ~ k' to / = h' + k' ; = 0, from g' = h' + k' to $r = oo : the sign ~ being used to denote the difference between h' and k' when h' > k' ; if A' < A/, the expression h' ~ A/ denotes k' h'. Now w vanishes when g' = + oo , on account of the fluctuations of the factor cos g'u under the integral sign ; whence integrating the value of dwjdg' given above, and determining the constant of integration, so that w = when g' = oo , we obtain w = 0, from g' = - oo to g' = - (h f + k') ; w = ITT (h' + &' + #')> from ^ = - (h' + k') to g' = - (h' ~ k'} ; w = irk' or irh' (according as h' > k' or h' < k') from g' = - (h' ~ k') to g' = + (h' ~ k') ; w = ITT (tf + tf -/), from g' = h' ~ k' to # x = h f + #; w = 0, from (/' = 7t x + k' to ' = oo . TALBOT'S BANDS. 61 Substituting, in (28), and putting g' = -rrg/X/in the last of (26), so that Q _ ^-^fi^ _ 40 _ /f _ & (29) we get the following three expressions for the intensity (i) When the numerical value of g exceeds h + k (ii) When the numerical value of g lies between h + k and h-k J 2 = 2Blf~ 2 [h + k + (h + k- Vg 2 ) cos p 1 } (31). (iii) When the numerical value of g is less than h ~ k, / 2 = 2Blf~- (h + k + 2/t cos p') or 2^/~ 2 (h + k + 2k cos p). . .(32) according as h or k is the smaller of the two. 50. In discussing these results, Sir G. Stokes says : " Let the axis of x be always reckoned positive in the direction in which the blue end of the spectrum is seen, so that in the image formed at the focus of the object-glass or on the retina, according as the retarding plate is placed in front of the object- glass or in front of the eye, the blue is on the negative side of the red. Although the plate has been supposed at the positive side, there will be no loss of generality, for should the plate be at the negative side it will only be requisite to change the sign of p. " First, suppose p to decrease algebraically in passing from the red to the blue. This will be the case when the retarding plate is held at the side on which the red is seen. In this case TO- is negative, and therefore g < (h -f k), and therefore (30) is the expression for the intensity. This expression indicates a uniform intensity, so that there are no bands at all. " Secondly, suppose p to increase algebraically in passing from the red to the blue, This will be the case when the retarding plate is held at the side on which the blue is seen. In this case TO is positive ; and since TO- varies as the thickness of the plate, g may be made to assume any value from (4 or < k. As T in- creases to 2T jP lf the vividness of the bands remains unchanged; and as T increases from 2T - T to 2T - T z , the vividness decreases by the same steps as it increased. When T 2T T*,, the bands cease to exist, and no bands are formed for a greater value of T. "The particular thickness T may be conveniently called the best thickness. This term is to a certain extent conventional, since when h and k are unequal the thickness may range from T l to 2T T! without any change being produced in the vividness of the bands. The best thickness is determined by the equation RESOLVING POWER OF OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 63 Now in passing from one band to its consecutive, p changes by 2-Tr, and p by e, if e be the linear breadth of a band ; and for this small change of p we may suppose the changes in p and f proportional, or put dp/dp = 27T/0. Hence the best aperture for a given thickness is that for which 4# + h + k = 2X//0. If g = 0, and k = h, this equation becomes h - \ffe. n The theory of Talbot's bands with a half covered circular aperture has been discussed by H. Struve 1 . Resolving Power of Optical Instruments. 52. When a distant object is viewed through a telescope, an image of the object is formed at the focus of the object-glass which is magnified by the eye-glass ; and in order that the object should appear well denned, it is necessary that each point of it should form a sharp image. The indefiniteness which is- some- times observed in images is partly due to aberration ; this however can in great measure be got rid of by proper optical appliances, but there is another cause, - viz. diffraction, which also produces indefiniteness, as we shall proceed to show. If we suppose that the aperture of the telescope is a rectangle, it appears from 43, that the intensity at the focal point is equal to (ab/\fY, and therefore increases as the dimensions of the aperture increase ; on the other hand the distances between the dark lines parallel to x and y are respectively equal to \f/a and X//6, and therefore diminish as a and b increase ; accordingly the diffraction pattern becomes almost invisible as the aperture in- creases, and the bright central spot alone remains. The effect of a large aperture is consequently to diminish the effect of diffrac- tion, and to increase the definition of an image. When two very distant objects, such as a double star, are viewed by the naked eye, the two objects are undistinguishable from one another, and only one object appears to be visible. If however the two objects are viewed through a telescope, it frequently happens that both objects are seen, owing to the fact that the telescope is able to separate or resolve them; and it 1 St Petersburg Trans, vol. xxxi. No. 1, 1883. 64 DIFFRACTION. might at first sight appear, that a telescope of sufficient power would be capable of resolving two objects however distant they might be. This however is not the case, owing to the fact that the finiteness of the wave-length of light, coupled with the impossibility of constructing telescopes of indefinitely large dimen- sions, impose a limit to the resolving powers of the latter. According to geometrical optics, an image of each double star will be formed at two points which very nearly coincide with the principal focus of the object-glass ; but physical optics shows that two diffraction patterns will be formed, whose centres are the geometrical images of each star. If the two diffraction patterns I overlap to such an extent, that the appearance consists of a patch of light of variable intensity in which the two central bright spots are undistinguishable, the double star will not be resolved ; but if the two patterns do not overlap to such an extent as to make the central spots undistinguishable, the double star will be resolved j into its two components. 53. In order to investigate this question mathematically, and , at the same time to simplify the analysis as much as possible, we shall suppose that the light from each star consists of plane waves " which make an angle with the plane xy\ and we shall investi- j gate the intensity at points on the axis of x. If -(Xr)- 1 sin K (Vt-r)dS denote the displacement produced at P, by the element of the A C \ K i *vf V wave which is situated at the centre C of the aperture, the displacement produced by any other element will be dxdy . 2-7T , Tr ~ J sm \ Vt - R - x sin 6} . AT A, RESOLUTION OF A DOUBLE STAR. Nowif00=/, ~- ^- 1* whence the total displacement at P is [* a sin \Vt-f and consequently the intensity will be > / /i\ft * 7T 2 (f /sin 0) 2 X \^ / The greatest maximum value of this expression occurs when f=/sin0 (34), which gives the position of the central bright spot ; and the first minimum, which occurs on the negative side of this point, is given by f =/(sin0-X/a) (35). The intensity due to the other component of the double star will be obtained by changing f into ; accordingly, the greatest maximum will occur when f = f ', where f" = -/sin0 (36). Let us now suppose that .the first minimum of the diffraction pattern due to the left-hand component of the double star, coin- cides with the greatest maximum of the right-hand component ; then f ' = f ", whence by (35) and (36) 9 01 n A "\ In ( S 3. ]> 7\ or since 6 is very small, 2<9 = X/a (38). By (33), the value of the intensity at either of the bright points is a 2 6 2 /X 2 /" 2 ; and the intensity of either component at = is by (37) ; whence the ratio of the intensity at the middle point to that of either of the bright points is equal to 8/7T 2 = '8106. It thus appears that the brightness midway between the two geometrical images, is about f ths of the brightness of the images themselves ; and from experiment it appears that this is about the limit at which there could be any decided appearance of resolution. Now 20 is the angle which the components of the double star subtend at the place of observation; and since by (38) 20 = X/a, B. O. 5 66 DIFFRACTION. we see that an object cannot be resolved, unless its components subtend at the place of observation, an angle which exceeds that subtended by the wave-length of light, at a distance equal to the breadth of the aperture. If the distance of the object be such that = X/a, it appears from (35) that f ' = ; there is accordingly a dark band at the middle point of the two images, which is more than sufficient for resolution. 54. We shall now consider the resolving power of a telescope having a circular aperture. Let the axis of be drawn perpendicularly to the line of in- tersection of the fronts of the waves with the plane of the aperture. Then at points on the axis of f, the intensity due to that component j of a double star, which lies on the left-hand side will be where C = -> 1 1 cos -~^ (f -/sin 0) dx dy, S = ^jj sin ~ (? -/sin 6) dxdy, and the integration extends over the area of the aperture. From these expressions we see that S = 0, and where p = 2-7r(f /sin 0)/\f, and c is the radius of the aperture. The greatest maximum occurs when p = 0, or f =/sin 0, which gives the central spot ; and the intensity at this point is equal to The first dark band to the left of the central spot occurs when Jj (pc) = 0, or pcj IT = 1*2197 ; in which case f -/sin 0-(/X/c)x *6098. If f" be the distance of the central spot due to the right-ham component, accordingly if f ' = ", x '6098 = - nearly ............ (39). THEORY OF GRATINGS. 67 and if is given by (39) 1 f)^2 f& C = ^J, (1-8849) = -- x 1-937 ; 3J A, /A, whence the ratio 'of the intensity at the middle point, to that of either bright spot is about 7 '5 -H 7r 2 . The corresponding number for a rectangular aperture was found to be 8/Tr 2 , and 20 was equal to \/a; whereas in the present case 2# = \/fc. If therefore the components of a double star subtend at the place of observation an angle, which is somewhat greater than the angle subtended by the wave-length of light, at a distance equal to the diameter 2c of the circular aperture, the telescope will resolve the star. Hence the resolving power of a telescope having a circular aperture, is less than one whose aperture is rectangular. The resolution of a double line is discussed in Lord Rayleigh's article on Wave Theory 1 . \f Theory of Gratings 12 . 55. A diffraction grating consists of a thin plate of glass, m which a very large number of fine lines have been ruled rith a diamond very close together; and gratings have been mstructed, which contain as many as 40000 lines to the inch. r hen light is incident upon the grating, the lines of the latter the part of approximately opaque obstacles, and a diffraction itrum is produced. For the purpose of presenting the theory in its simplest form, re shall suppose that plane waves of light, whose fronts are parallel the grating, fall upon the latter, and are then refracted by a mvex lens, which is likewise parallel to the grating; and we ^hall examine the appearance on a screen which passes through :he principal focus of the lens. If we consider the system of parallel rays, which falls upon the is and is perpendicular to any plane A$, which makes an angle with the grating, these rays will be brought to a focus by the at a point P, which is near the principal focus; and con- luently each ray will occupy the same time in travelling from 1 Encyc. Brit. 2 Lord Kayleigh, Art. Wave Theory, 14, Encyc. Brit. p. 437. 52 68 DIFFRACTION. Afj to P. Let ft, Q 2 ... be points on the transparent parts of the grating, whose distances from A lt A... are equal to x\ let // Then the resultant displacement at P is proportional to +sin 2,r -* -I- ? + sin 27r T sin J -K )J where n is the number of opaque lines of the grating. Integrating s .,j\ sin 6 *' x ~J x r t 2-7T/ U * **^** /1 7 _ cos 2?r f - + sin j cos t 2a + d . n \ ft - H sm or cos ZTT - + T X / VT . J f* ?i(a + d) .. Jl m0> cos27H- H ^-r --- I m0\ J IT X )J ...... (42). If 6 be chosen so that where m is a positive integer, each of the n + 1 pairs of tern become equal to one another, and the series is equal to ( 2?r ft ma \] .... z ]cos cos2?r - + 3)} (44). 2-7T sm ( r VT a + d } (n + I) X *' /I OX1J. I/ I \ J W I \.*J / I It therefore appears, that for the directions which are dete mined by (43), the disturbances produced at P by the transpare; THEORY OF GRATINGS." 69 portions of the different elements of the grating reinforce" one another, and that the intensity is a maximum for these directions- Accordingly when homogeneous light is employed, the diffraction spectrum consists of a number of bright and dark lines, and the bright lines occur when the position of A-fl is such that the pro- jection of the element a + d upon it is equal to any multiple of a wave-length. The central band is bright, and its intensity J 2 is equal to (n + l) 2 a 2 , as can at once be seen from (41) by putting = 0, and then performing the integration. If I m 2 be the intensity of the mth bright band, it follows from (43) and (44) that m . whence -y- = - - sin 2 (45). / 2 \am7rj a + d If the whole space occupied by the grating were transparent, the disturbance at P would be sin 2-7T f - -f - sin J dx, ^ - and the intensity would be proportional to i sn accordingly the intensity in the direction = 0, is _____ V and therefore *i ' a + d jp/J ^T^V^ sin2 .^L (46), ~^/ * ^ Jtf^ m ^ a + a I .. j*stf ^ if the number^oMmes is so large that ft may be treated as infinite. Since the sine of an angle can never be greater than unity, it follows that the amount of light in the mth spectrum can never be greater than l/raV 2 of the original light. Hence in a grating composed of alternately opaque and transparent parts, whose breadths are equal, so that d = a, the central image is the brightest, and the first lateral spectrum is brighter than any of the succeeding ones. 70 DIFFRACTION. 56. In practical applications the angle 6 is so small, that 6 may be written for sin 6 ; whence the angular distance between the centres of two bright bands is equal to \/(a + d). The breadths of the bands are therefore inversely proportional to a + d, and will therefore be broad when a 4- d is very small ; accordingly a fine grating having a very large number of lines, produces broader bands than one having a smaller number. Since the breadths of the bands are directly proportional to X, the bands will be broader for red light than for violet light; accordingly when sunlight is employed, the outer edges of the central band will be red, and the inner edges of the two adjacent lateral bands will be violet. If the values of the quantities for red and violet light be denoted by the suffixes r and v, O r = m\ r /(a + d), O v = m\ l ,/(a + d) ; whence 6 r v = m (\ r \ v )/(a + d), which gives the angular value of the dispersion for the two extreme colours in the mth spectrum. This result shows the-] importance of having the lines ruled very close together, so that the dispersion may be as large as possible. In order that the spectra may not overlap, it is necessary that the value of 6 V for the (m + l)th spectrum should be greater than the values of 6 r for the mth ; which requires that Since \ r is nearly equal to 2X W , overlapping will take place in the spectra of higher orders than the first. k ; (^ *- - ^JjJ^J i ' '^c^J* Resolving Power of Gratings^ 57. We must now consider the* resolving power of gratings? .' and shall first sum the series (42). Let <, 2-Tra/X . sin 6 = a, 2?r (a + d)/\ . sin = % ; then the first vertical line of (42) becomes [cos (< + a -f n%) cos ( + a %) - cos [$ + a + (n +!)%} + cos ( + a)]/4 sin 3 *>y* RESOLVING POWER OF GRATINGS. ~ffL&3j- ^^ which reduces to * -if ^ whence the resultant displacement at P becomes $% (cos (6 + A-rcv) - cos (cf> + c We have already shown, that the intensity will be a maximum when ___ i x^xt/c^L^u-c- '-*--- *--*' t (a + d) sin ^ = m\, or % = 2m-7r. We shall now show, that the intensity will be zero when (a + d) sin (9 = ( ra 4- ~ ) X \ ^i ~T" -L/ -OU^u^ - where 5 = 1, 2...n. For in this case whence sin J (n 4- 1) % = 0. Now n is the number of opaque lines, and n + 1 is the number of transparent lines on the grating ; consequently between the directions determined by (43), which may be called the principal maxima, there will be a series of dark lines equal to the number of opaque lines of the grating, which will be separated by bright lines, which may be called secondary maxima. The principal maxima are however far the most distinct, and the secondary maxima are so faint that they may be left out of consideration. Let us now suppose, that the incident light consists of a double line of light of wave-lengths X and X + SX. On account of the difference of wave-length, the maxima and minima of the two superimposed spectra will not coincide ; but the want of coin- cidence will not be capable of being detected, unless the principal maximum of the mth spectrum light of wave-length X + SX, coincides with the first minimum succeeding the mth principal maximum of light of wave-length X. Whence by (43) and (47) we must have (a + d) sin 6 = m (X + 8X) = ( m + -- - ) X, \ n + I/ which gives = 7 N ........................ (48). X m (n + 1) This equation gives the smallest difference of wave-lengths in a double line which can just be resolved ; consequently the resolving power of a grating depends solely upon the total number 72 DIFFRACTION. of lines and the order of the spectrum. In the case of the D lines in the spectrum of sodium vapour, B\/\ = lOOO" 1 , so that to resolve this line in the first spectrum requires a grating having 1000 (transparent) lines upon it; and in the second spectrum 500 lines, and so on. It is of course assumed in (48) that n + 1 transparent lines are really utilized. Reflection Gratings. 58. The gratings hitherto considered act by refraction ; but it is possible to form a diffraction spectrum by means of a re- flecting surface, on which a large number of fine lines are ruled. The fine lines act the part of the opaque obstacles in a refraction grating. If YP be the incident and PZ the diffracted ray, and if i, (/> be the angles which the incident and diffracted rays make with the normal to the grating, the disturbance at any point Q may be obtained by writing sini+sin^> for sin in (41). Hence the position of the rath spectrum is determined by (a + d) (sin i + sin $) = raX. A similar formula holds good when light is incident obliquely upon a refraction grating. Rowland's Concave Gratings 1 . 59. In these gratings lines are ruled upon a concave spherical mirror made of speculum metal, and are the intersections of parallel planes one of which passes through the centre of the sphere. 1 Amer. Jour, of Science; 3rd series, vol. xxvi. p. 87. Glazebrook, Phil. 1/ar/, June and Nov. 1883, ROWLANDS CONCAVE GRATINGS. 73 In the figure let be the centre of the mirror, Q a source of light, and let us for simplicity consider the state of things in the ^0/u.^xUv* i^?

, and therefore Q' also lies on the same circle. The point Q' gives the position of the central diffraction band J! formed by the grating, but there will also be a series of lateral spectra arranged along this circle on either side of Q', which we shall now consider. \ Let P be any point on the grating, let PR be the diffracted i ray ; also let RAO = <', POA = t&. The retardation is QP + PR\QA - AR, which we must proceed to Calculate. We have sin 2 Aco 4tau sin i-co sin L (u u cos sn = (u + a sin cj> sin ft)) 2 a 2 sin 2 < sin 5 Now ft) is usually a small quantity, whence if' we neglect powers of sin co higher than the fourth, we may write 4 sin 3 Jft) = sin 3 w + J sin 4 co, QP 2 = (w + a sin < sin to) 2 + a cos < sin 2 a/a cos (f> - u) + J a (a ^ cos $) sin 4 a> ; accordingly if Q lie on the circle whose diameter is OA, so that u a cos , the term involving sin 2 o> vanishes, and we obtain ~^ cos $) s i n4 ^1 - , Ar ^>, 8 (^N- a sin <^> sin &)) 2 j >* r- ^\ -*< or QP QA = a sin < sin a> + Ja^sin tan <^)sm 4 w. If E also lie on the same circle, the value of PR - AR will be \ obtained by writing ' for 0, whence QP + PR-QA-AR = a (sin sin ') sin o> + |a (sin tan + sin $ tan <^') sin 4 o>. -jj The advantage of this arrangement is, that the second term ji involves sin 4 o>, and is therefore exceedingly small ; the accuracy of \ the instrument is therefore far greater than one in which terms I involving sin 2 o> and sin 3 o> occurred. Neglecting the second ' term, it follows, from what has gone j before, that the bright bands are given by the equation a- (sin < - sin ')= m\. where cr is the distance between two lines of the grating. In order that a large part of the field of view may be in focus, I the eye-piece is placed at 0, whence ' = and a- sin (x)dx at e, is proportional to The total intensity I 2 is obtained by integrating over the whole area of the source, whence (52). We shall now consider the case in which the source is a uniformly illuminated rectangle of width a, whose centre is in the axis of the telescope, and whose sides are parallel to SS'. Putting $(x) = l, and integrating (52) between the limits Ja and |a, we obtain - 2 ~x ~\ ............ ^ )' If /! 2 , 7 2 2 be the intensities at the centres of the bright and dark fringes respectively, Michelson assumes that the visibility V of the fringes is The values of I lt / 2 are obtained by putting y = n\/y and (n + J) X/7 respectively, whence F _sin(7r/9a/\) ~~ We have shown in 40, that the maxima values of this expression occur, when 0al\ = 1-4303, 2-4590, 3'4709, &c. and the minima when Since fta = 6a, it follows that if a = \/6, which is the limit of the resolving power, the fringes will be invisible; but if b, and consequently fi, gradually increase, the fringes will become visible, and will again disappear when /3 = 2X/a. The fringes will therefore alternately appear and disappear as the distance between the slits increases. A similar result takes place, when the width of the source increases, whilst the distance between the slits remains constant. These results were experimentally verified by Michelson. FKINGES PRODUCED BY A DOUBLE STAB. 77 62. We shall now consider the case in which there are two identical sources of equal breadths, which are equidistant from B. Let s be the distance of the centre of either source from B, 2r its breadth. Then the intensity due to the source whose centre is x = s, will be obtained by integrating (52) between the limits s + r and s r ; and is therefore equal to X 2?r / v . 2-TT^r *! cos ~x~ ^ y ^ sm ~\~ ' The intensity due to the other source is obtained by changing the sign of s, whence adding these two results, the total intensity is 2X Ziryy 2?r/3s . / 2 = 4 r _j_ cos __^7 cos __^_ sm TTp A A T;r sin (27r/3r/X) cos whence F= Let a be the angle subtended at A by the line joining the centres of the sources, then Zs/d = a, whence 27r/3s/\ = ?ra/a , where a = \/b. Also let 2r/d = a lf then 27rySr/X = TTOL^OLQ ; hence (56) becomes By (54), the visibility due to a single source of breadth 2s, is F = S jn^/,)_ Tra/oto From these results we see that if a telescope is focused upon a double star, the fringes will be different from those produced by a single star ; and the preceding investigation furnishes a method by means of which the double stars may be detected, which are incapable of being resolved by telescopes of the largest aperture in existence. Further information, together with the application of the theory to spectroscopic measurements, will be found in the papers by Michelson referred to below 1 . 1 "Measurement of Light Waves," Amer. Jour, of Science, vol. xxxix. Feb. 1890. " Visibility of Interference Fringes in the Focus of a Telescope," Phil. Mag. March 1891, p. 256. "Application of Interference Methods to Spectroscopic Measure- ments," Ibid. April 1891, p. 338. 78 DIFFRACTION. EXAMPLES. 1. Parallel homogeneous light from a source, is intercepted at right angles by a screen pierced with an aperture in the shape of a cross, consisting of two equal rectangles of sides 4a, 2a superposed with their longest sides at right angles, and their centres coincident. Investigate the phenomena upon a distant screen. 2. A small luminous body is placed before a convex iens. A screen pierced with orifices of any form, stands between the luminous body and the lens. Show that the intensity of the image on a screen, placed at right angles to the axis of the lens, at the position where the image is formed, will be proportional to the sum of the areas of the orifices. 3. Plane waves of homogeneous light of wave-length X impinge normally on a diaphragm, and are diffracted through an aperture in the diaphragm, and received on a parallel screen at a distance d. If the aperture be an annulus of radii a, A t prove that the intensity of light at a point on the screen, will be proportional to the square of Ar- 1 ^ (27rAr/\d) - ar~ l J^ (2?rar/Xd) ; where r is the distance of the point from the projection of the centre of the annulus on the screen. 4. Homogeneous light of wave-length X emanates from a point, and falls on a screen at a distance a from the point, in which there is a circular hole of radius r; the line joining the point to the centre of the hole being perpendicular to the screen. After passing through the hole, the light falls on a parallel screen at a distance b from the former. A circular ring of glass of thickness T, and refractive index JJL and outer and inner radii r, r' is now placed in the hole. Find the change in the intensity of the illumination at the point on the screen opposite the centre of the hole, and show that this point will be black, provided r = and (//, - 1) T= JX(2w + 1) - J (a + b)r*/ab. EXAMPLES. 79 5. A screen is placed perpendicularly to the axis of a convex lens, and the image of a bright point Q on the axis is formed on the screen at q. If the light is allowed to pass through a small aperture, whose form is given by y a cos 7r#/2c from x = c to so = c, the origin being the centre G of the lens, examine the position of the dark points on the line through q parallel to Cx. 6. A, C, B, D are the middle points of the bounding edges of a rectangular diffraction grating, AB being parallel to the ruled lines, and being the central line of an opaque interval. The grating is blackened over except within the area ACBD. Find the system of fringes along the line which is the projection of AB upon the screen, and show how to find them for the projection of CD. 7. A plane vertical screen is one boundary of a semi- cylindrical dark chamber. A series of waves of light of given colour, the fronts of which are parallel to the screen, pass through it by a very narrow horizontal and rather short slit, of given length and equidistant from its vertical edges, and illuminate the opposite wall. Compare the brightness at different points of the wall in the horizontal plane through the slit, and prove that there is in this plane a succession of points of perfect darkness. Prove that there is on the surface of the concave wall a series of dark bands, the projections of which on the screen are approxi- mately a series of hyperbolas. Supposing the colour of the slit to be changed, what alteration must be made in the length of the slit, in order that the position of the dark bands may not vary ? CHAPTER V. DIFFRACTION CONTINUED. rr- 63. WE have hitherto supposed that the waves are plane, or that they are converging to a focus ; we shall now investigate the j diffraction of light which is diverging from a focus. We shall first suppose that the problem is one of two di- mensions. Let be the focus, AQ the circle 1 representing the wave-front at the points of resolution ; B any point at which the intensity is required. Let Q be any point on the wave-front, and let OA=a, AB = b, AQ = s. The vibration at B, produced by an element at Q may be taken to be proportional to COS 27T ( where S=QB- AB. Now QB 2 = a? + (a + 6) 2 - 2a (a + b) cos s/a, 1 For the lowest in the figure, read Q. FRESNEL'S INTEGRALS. 81 whence QB = b + (a + b) s 2 /2ab, whence the vibration at P is f / J t cos 2-7T (r 2Xa6 I" and the intensity I 2 is proportional to I 2 = (/cos I vrv 2 dv) 2 + (/sin %7rv 2 dv) 2 .'..;. . .(1), where v 2 = 2 (a + b) s 2 /ab\. These integrals taken from to v are called Fresnel's integrals, and we shall now discuss their properties. Fresnel's Integrals. 64. The two definite integrals, [v rv I cos7rv 2 dv and I sm^irv^v, Jo Jo cannot be evaluated in finite terms except in the single case in which v = GO , when they are each equal to %. We shall denote them by C and S, and shall show how their values may be expressed in the form of a series. By integration by parts, it follows that f"u /7j2w+l . a?v z 2^/ 2 C v I l)^'f~^'^dv ^ i j accordingly Putting a = J(l + *)9r*, so that a 2 = ^t7r, and equating the real and imaginary parts, Ave obtain where = cos 7r ............... ' * 1.3.5 , /QN .(6). N = ' - 4- 1.3 i.sis.rT"' These two series are easily shown to be convergent, and are adapted for numerical calculation when v is small ; they are due to Knockenhauer 1 . 1 Die Undulationstheorie des Lichtes, Berlin 1839, p. 36. B. O. 6 82 DIFFRACTION CONTINUED. 65. When v is large, the integrals may be expressed by means of certain semi-convergent series due to Cauchy 1 . We have r e -<**dv = ^ Jo 2a r e-^dv _ 6~^ 2 _ 2n + l p e- J v "v^~ "laV^- 1 2a 2 J v v whence r 6 -^_ 6 -.wA_ L_+iii-L3i + \ j v e \Wv 2W + 2 W 2W ' ' ') ' Putting a = J(l-M)?r* as before, and equating the real and imaginary parts, we obtain cos J 7rv 2 dv = P sin -| TTV* + Q cos J ?rv 2 , r 00 I sin \irtPdv P cos ^?rfl 2 + Q sin , D 1 1.3 where P = ---- - + m; 1 1.5.5 1^ 2^,3 ^-4^,7 ' The first few terms of the series for P and Q converge rapidly when v is at all large, but the series ultimately become divergent, j Such series are called semi-convergent series, and it is a known I theorem that the sum of any number of terms of such a series I differs from the true value of the function which the series j represents, by a quantity less than the value of the last term included ; we may therefore employ these series when v is large. Accordingly we find C = i + P sin \-irtf - Q cos i? 2 ) S = J - P cos iTTfl 2 - Q sin 2 ' ' 66. Another method has been employed by Gilbert 2 . Put u = ^7rv' 2 ) then cos u , C = vi r du. 1 [ u cos ^ sp-k~V* 1 1 r e~ ux dx |\y mu ~ / ' / / ' V^ V7TJQ *JX I r r whence = /0 da? I e~ wa; cos u du. TryZ 'o Jo 1 C. E. vol. xv. 534, 573. 2 Mem. conronnes de VAcad, de Bruxelles, vol. xxxi. 1, STRAIGHT EDGE. 83 The integration with respect to u can be effected, whence ~ Iff 00 x^dx f 00 e~ ux c$dx . f e~ ux dx ) = 79 1 I i ^2 ~" cos u I 1 ~~2~ + smu I -T-T > . Putting # 2 = y, the first integral by a known formula 1 is ^Tj-cosec f TT = equal to we thus obtain where = _ r 00 I I .(6), .(7). By proceeding in a similar way, it can be shown that $ = i 6rsinw Hcosu (8). When u = 0, it follows that Now u, which is equal to ^Try 2 , is necessarily positive, and consequently the factor e~ ux decreases rapidly as u increases. It therefore follows that the values of G and H are never greater than J, and converge towards zero as u increases indefinitely. This property constitutes the superiority of Gilbert's method. Straight Edge. 67. The first problem we shall consider will be that of diffraction by a straight edge. B' First let the point P lie within the geometrical shadow. Let BA G be the front of the wave, and let BA = h ; then the Jo i + y sin kir ' where 1 > 7c > 0. 62 84 DIFFRACTION CONTINUED. intensity at P is obtained by integrating from s = h to s = x , whence if the intensity will be proportional to P=(l cos ^7rv*dv J + ( I sin At the edge of the geometrical shadow, h = 0, in which case C = S=Q, and 7 2 = J ; but when V is large, which will always be the case unless h is so small as to be comparable with \*, it follows from (4) that the most important term in / 2 is equal to 1/7T 2 F 2 . Whence the intensity at the edge of the geometrical shadow is proportional to J, and rapidly diminishes as P proceeds inwards. For a point Q outside the shadow, we must integrate from s = h to s = oo , where h is now equal to AC, whence *> The maxima and minima values of this expression are deter- mined by the equation or When F = this expression is equal to J and is therefore positive, and the corresponding value of the intensity is equal to . Using the series (2) and (3), we see that when F= 1, the value of this expression is equal to ^ + 8 r or J + M, which is also j positive ; but if F 2 = f , the expression is equal to G v + 8 V which in this case is equal to 2N if we employ (2) and (3), or equal to 2Q if we employ (4) and (5). The expression in question is therefore negative when F 2 = f , and therefore vanishes and changes sign for some value of F 2 lying between 1 and f . This root corresponds to a maximum value of the intensity. The first maximum according to Verdet 1 occurs when and the first minimum when 1F 2 = | 1 Lemons d'Optique Physique, vol. i. 90. CIRCULAR APERTURE OR DISC. 85 The maxima and minima values have also been calculated by Fresnel, and are shown in the following table : V I 2 1st max. 1-2172 2-7413 min. 1*8726 1-5570 2nd max. 2-3449 2-3990 min. 2-7392 1-6867 3rd max. 3-0820 2-3022 min. 3-3913 1-7440 The effect of the screen is therefore to produce a series of bright bands outside the geometrical shadow of the source ; whilst inside the shadow, there are no bands, but the intensity diminishes rapidly to zero. Circular Aperture or Disc. 68. We have already considered the case of diffraction through a circular aperture, when light is converging to a focus ; we shall now discuss the corresponding problem when light is diverging from a focus. In the figure to 63, let B be the projection of the centre of the aperture, AQ the wave-front at the aperture, Q any point on it; and let P be any point on the second screen, which is supposed to be parallel to the first screen in which the aperture exists. Let OA = a, AB = b, BP = r, the angle which the plane OAQ makes with the plane OBP ; also let c be the radius of the aperture. Then PQ2 = (> - a sin cos $) 2 + a? sin 2 sin 2 $ + (a + b - a cos 0) 2 = 6 2 + r 2 - 2ra sin 6 cos $ 4- 4a (a + b) sin 2 ^0. Putting p = a sin 6, and treating p as small, we obtain , ' 86 DIFFRACTION CONTINUED. If therefore the vibration at A be denoted by or 1 cos 27r/r, the vibration at P will be expressed by Now dS = pdpd very approximately ; if therefore we put v(a + b)_ "cffixT -*"' we shall find that the intensity is where (7 = // cos (^tcp^ lp cos ) pdpd\ , . S = //sin (i*/> 2 - fy> cos ' ' The above expression for the intensity is of a perfectly general character, and the limits of integration must be chosen so as to include the whole of the aperture. When the aperture is a circle whose centre is A, the limits are from (f> = to 2?r, and from p = to c; if on the other hand; we are investigating diffraction pro- duced by a circular disc, the limits of p will be c and GO . 69. Before discussing the general formulas (10) and (11), we j shall consider two special cases. (i) Let the diffraction be produced by an aperture of radius ] c; then at the projection of its centre upon the screen, r I = 0, and ( i i 2?r = 2-7T cos $Kp- . pdp = sin JO K S = (1 -cos^/ec 2 ), /C 4 whence / 2 = ^- sin 2 J /cc 2 . (ii) Let the diffraction be produced by a disc, then whence if p J IK, L %7T . ,f r* >2/-/ //i ^ ^^ c i TI _ ACO/ UjlLr bill C & 00 Q x sin J Kx^dx = cos \ whence / 3 = =?-- LOMMEL'S METHOD. 87 and therefore the intensity is the same as if the wave had passed on undisturbed. In the middle of the eighteenth century, Delisle 1 had observed the existence of a bright spot at the centre of the shadow of a small circular disc ; but this experiment had been so completely forgotten, that Poisson 2 brought forward the objection to Fresnel's theory, that it required the intensity at the centre of the shadow to be the same as if the wave had passed on undisturbed. The experiment was accordingly repeated by Arago 3 , with a small disc whose diameter was one millimetre, and the required phenomenon was immediately observed. 70. The preceding results, which are of a fairly elementary character, are applicable only to the centre of the projection of the disc or aperture. The intensity at excentric points forms the subject of a very elaborate investigation by Lommel 4 , which we shall proceed to consider. In the case of a circular aperture or disc = 2 I cos (i/ep 2 - Ip cos 0) pdpdd> JQJ cos (^ /cp 2 ) cos (Ip cos (/>) pdpdcf) = 211 J QJ (12). Similarly S = 2TrfJ (lp)sin(/cp*)pdp ............... (13). Except in the special case of I = 0, the integrals (12) and (13) cannot be evaluated unless the limits are infinity and zero. We shall therefore first obtain their values in this case. ,00 Let u= sce~ a ^J (bx) dx\ Jo then by a known formula 5 2 r 00 Jo (bx) = - I sin (bx cosh <) d$. 1 Mem. de Vane. Acad. des Sciences, 1715, p. 166. 2 Verdet, Lecons d'Opt. Phys. vol. i. 66. 3 (Euvres Completes, vol. vu. p. 1. 4 Abh. der II. Gl. der Ron. Bayer. Akad. der Wiss. vol. xv. p. 233. In this paper, and also in another by the same author in the same volume, a large amount of interesting information concerning Bessel's functions will be found. 5 A proof will be found in Proc. Gamb. Phil. Soc. vol. v. p. 431. 88 DIFFRACTION CONTINUED. But / Te -a?x- , J2 ' Ol Tl A^/ 1 /r'> 1 f 4a 3 whence =*rr TT./O Jo #e~ aV! sin (bx cosh <) c?c?^ b .[ f: nnsVi fhd.fh ' Putting a (1 + 1)/2* for a, equating the real and imaginary parts, and then writing b = I, a 2 = J/c, we obtain 2-7T . I 2 27T Z 2 71. We shall next show, how series may be obtained by which the integrals G and S may be calculated, when the limits are c and 0. It is known that 2 J n ' = J n ^ J n +i, from which we deduce j (15), ,, fi ^ Using (15) and integrating by parts, we obtain e ftn+i . re =- J n+1 (lc) e & - - J w (Ip) ei"P= dp. Accordingly 2?rc Writing c 2 =y, Zc=2 ..................... (17), and equating the real and imaginary parts, we obtain jj LOMMELS METHOD. 89 where (19). These series for U^ U 2 are convenient for numerical calculation when yjz or rcc/l is small. 72. Series which are suitable for calculation when y\z is large may be obtained as follows. By (16) we obtain r J A L p n whence I accordingly equating the real and imaginary parts, we obtain cos A y . C = 2 . z 2 sin - sin =- + - .(20), where (21). By (9) and (17) it follows that when y = z t (a + b)/a = r/c ; this value of r corresponds to the edge of the geometrical shadow. Under these circumstances we have 1 From (18) and (20) we also find _2?rc 2 _27rc 2 y 1 ~ y U iJ 27TC 2 _ 27TC 2 y y - F therefore --(22), (23). See Todhunter's Functions of Laplace, p. 320. 90 DIFFRACTION CONTINUED. 73. The functions U lt U z , V 0} V lf although expressed in the form of infinite series, are of course finite quantities. In fact since the greatest values of Jo, cos J/ep 2 , and sin ^Kp 2 are unity, it follows that G and S cannot be greater than ?rc 2 ; and from (22) we see at once that U 1} U 2 cannot exceed certain limiting values; hence in calculating the values of these quantities, we may use whichever of the pairs of series (19) or (21) is most convenient. If we employ the series (21) we shall obtain the values of F , V ly and the values of U l} U z can then be found from (23). Since y = 2?r (a + b) c*/ab\, z = ^7rrc/\b, Lt follows that z depends upon the position of the point at which the intensity is to be examined, but y does not. We must accordingly assign a definite value or series of values to y, and then calculate the values of U lt U 2 corresponding to each of these definite values, for different values of r or z. This has been done by Lommel for a series of values from y = 7r to y = 10?r, for the functions 2Ui/y and 2U a /y t and from these tables the values of the intensity can be calculated in the different cases which arise. 74. We shall now show how the intensity may be calculated in the case of diffraction through a circular aperture. Since y\z = (a + b) c/ar, it follows that yjz is > or < 1, ac- cording as the point lies in the bright part of the screen or in the geometrical shadow ; at points on the edge of the shadow, y = z. By (18) the intensity is The points of maxima and minima intensity are given by the j equation From (15) and (19) we see that z TT 2 T z TT = -- I/*, -y = I/I + - U 2 , j *, I dz y dz y whence (24) reduces to ^ = 0. The values of the roots of the equation J^Z/TT) = have been calculated by Stokes 1 , and the values of the roots of the equation 1 Trans. Carnb* PliiL Soc. vol. ix. p. 166; see ante, p. 55. CIRCULAR APERTURE. 91 U = for y TT, 27r,...107r have been calculated by Lommel. The following table gives the results for y = TT and y = 5?r. /! *w I 2 3-8317 + 1062 0263 min. 4-7154 0320 max. 7-0156 - -0406 0018 min. t>6 which are what (27) and (28) become, when n \ is written for 11, it is at once seen that they are satisfied. 78. It also follows from {32) and (35), that (2 \2 / 2 N ^ -) sin a), J_i=(--) cos x ......... (36). irx) \7rxJ If in (30) we write y = # 2 , it can be shown that dy ,. ! /I dY 1 accordingly ty n = M-fel 1.8...(8n + l) /2\i 1 . 3...(2w 1) / 1 d\ n cosx from which we see that /_ n -j is zero when x oo , and infinite when # = 0. 79. We are now in a position to explain Lommel's method 1 . The light is supposed to diverge from a linear source 0, and to be received on a screen. Let B be the projection of on the 1 Abh. der II. Cl. der Ron. Bayer. Akad. der Wiss. vol. xv. p. 531. 96 DIFFRACTION CONTINUED. screen, then if in the figure to 63, we put = 0, BP = x, AQ = p, we may prove in precisely the same manner, that 1 26 6 2a6 whence the intensity is proportional to 7 2 = G 1 4- S' 2 , where C = fc< and the origin of p is the intersection of the line OB with the i wave-front at the point A. The integration extends over the effective portion of the wave. 80. The two principal problems, which we shall have to consider, are diffraction through a slit, and diffraction by a long j narrow rectangular obstacle. When the slit or obstacle, whose breadth is supposed to be equal to 2c, is parallel to tbe screen, and is symmetrically placed, so that its middle line is the intersection of the plane passing \ through the source and B, the integration will be from c to c in ; the case of a slit, and from oo to c, and -co to c in the case of an obstacle. 81. When the integration is from c to c, the odd parts of the integrals disappear, and we thus obtain re (7 = 21 cos ^/cp z cos Ipdp 7. . S = 2 I sin ^icp 2 cos Ipdp Jo (39). The integrals (39) cannot be evaluated in finite terms unless ; c = oo ; in this case, it may be shown by writing a a (1 + t)/2* in the integral cos that I cos ^tcp* cos Ipdp == (5-) cos [~ J Jo \**/ \Z / , sn * cos = - c - sn - where LOMMEL'S METHOD. 97 82. We shall now show how to express the values of C and S in series. Since (2 \^ -- ) COS X. TTX] it follows that G = 27r* l J_ l cos c = (27T)* (Zp)* J_i (Zp) sin % K p*dp J o / Now by (32) t/" n+ j vanishes when #=0, provided n is zero or any positive integer, whence integrating by parts, and using (15), we find * dp = J n+t _ (lp) ei' whence Equating the real and imaginary parts, and using (41), we obtain /27r u = (y / p where 0.= 2 (-) J n+2J ,(^) ............ (44). 8 = u sin ~ u cos 83. To obtain a series in descending powers of z/y, we must recollect that J-n-\ is zero when x oo , and infinite when a? = 0. We must therefore write C + 18 = 2 [ e* 1 "" 2 cos Zpd/5 - (27r)^ f (^)* J. (Zp) e^ 2 ^ . . .(45). ^0 Jc By integration by parts, and by (15), we can show that B. O. 98 DIFFRACTION CONTINUED, where n is zero or any positive integer ; whence whence equating the real and imaginary parts, we obtain COS ) c sin sn cos (46). where V n = (47). If therefore we denote the right-hand sides of (46) by C', $C| respectively, we have by (40) and (45), .(48). , Diffraction through a Slit. 84. We are now prepared to investigate the case of diffraction through a slit. Since the intensity is proportional to it follows from (43) that ~ and the maxima and minima values are given by U *~dz + U $~dz =0 .(49). DIFFRACTION THROUGH A SLIT. From (16) and (44) we obtain 99 * ^ 5- * TJ- dz y f dz y "f also from (44) whence (49) reduces to -(? Is Now sfrj = (2/7r)* sin z, which vanishes when z nir, where n is zero or any positive negative integer ; accordingly there is a series of bands parallel to the edges of the slit, whose distances apart are equal to \b\jc. Another system of bands is given by the roots of the equation U s = 0. u Tables have been constructed by Lommel, which give the values of these roots, when 2/=3, 6, 9... 30, and the following table gives the results when y = 3 and y = 15. z '| (-Wi^ I' 2 o 7652 8163 max. 7T 1749 0822 min. _ 3 J4-0127 ... 0949 max. ^ ] 2?r - -0829 0075 min. 7-6130 0223 max. V STT + -0366 0014 min. 2012 1244 max. 7T 1546 . -081 3 min. 27T 3955 1608 max. y " 15 8-7546 1132 min. STT 0* -1739 1157 max. 47T -0610 0498 min. Since yjz = (a + b) cfax, it follows that when y > z, the point x lies within the luminous area; and since 7r = 3.1416, it follows that when y = 3, the first minimum, and all subsequent maxima and minima lie in the geometrical shadow. On the other hand when y= 15, under which circumstances the slit is broader than .when y 3, there are a succession of maxima and minima within the luminous area. 72 100 DIFFRACTION CONTINUED. Diffraction by a Narrow Obstacle. 85. We shall now suppose, that diffraction is produced by a long narrow rectangular obstacle of breadth 2c. In this case the intensity is proportional to where by (46) V = - c V (Fj sin Jy + F cos whence /*=_"." (F^+F^ 2 ), y and the maxima and minima are determined by the equation By (15) and (47) we obtain and also by (47) F. t + F f = whence (50) reduces to In this case also there are a series of maxima or minima value* corresponding to ^ = 0, TT, 2-Tr... ; whilst another set are given the roots of the equation Fj = 0. The results are shown in th* following table. DIFFRACTION BY A STRAIGHT EDGE. 101 t . w>S j 2 + 2910 0891 max. 1-35,50 0118 min. 7T - -3350 1942 max. 2/ " 3 13-7710 1769 min. 57037 6413 max. V 27T -6961 6130 min. + 0819 0067 max. 1-5426 ... 0001 min. 7T - -0866 0076 max. y I*- 1 14-6103 ... 0011 min. 2. + 1024 0108 max. 17-6163 0045 min. When y = 3, so that the obstacle is narrow, there is a central bright band, on either side of which are two bands of minimum intensity, which lie within the shadow; but when y = 12, so that the obstacle is broader, there are several. Diffraction . by a Straight Edge. 86. The last problem, which we shall consider, is that of diffraction by an indefinitely large straight screen, which extends from the origin to infinity in the negative direction. In this case C .(51). ,00 = I cos (^tf/o 2 Ip) dp Jo f* S = sin (^tcp 2 - Ip) dp Jo At the projection of the diffracting edge on the screen, I = 0, and and / 2 = \TT\K. If the diffracting edge were absent, the limits would be oo and X) , and we should have at any point of the screen (7 =1 cos cos Ipdp = 2 r^-J sin ( +- ^TTJ , 102 DIFFRACTION CONTINUED. Whence if I' 2 be the intensity, /' 2 =27T/K, and therefore I 2 = J/' 2 ; or the intensity at the edge of the geo- metrical shadow, is one quarter what it would be if the obstacle were removed. When I is riot zero, the integrals (51) cannot be evaluated in finite terms; they may however be reduced to Fresnel's integrals. We have r 00 C = I (cos Jtf/r cos lp + sin \xcr sin lp) dp Jo sn + + sn Let u = I e-" 2 * 2 sin Zbxdx, du r -77 = 2 x< db J then = 2 | xe' ^ cos o 1 ^2bu a? a 2 ' whence u = e - * e a * dx. o Writing a = c (1 + 0/2*, we obtain f i r 6 6 3 I sin c 2 ^ 2 sin %bxdx = I cos Jo C" J o f 00 1 [ I cos c 2 ^' 2 sin %bxdx = - Jo C 2 .' CVo The integrals on the right-hand side depend upon Fresnel's integrals, and accordingly C and S can be expressed by these quantities. II CHAPTER VI. DOUBLE REFRACTION. S7. WE have already drawn attention to the fact, that there are certain crystalline substances, called doubly refracting crystals, which possess the property of separating a single ray of light into two rays. We shall now consider the experimental facts connected with this class of bodies. One of the best examples of a doubly refracting crystal is a crystallized form of carbonate of lime called Iceland spar. Crystals of Iceland spar can easily be split into rhombohedra, the acute and obtuse angles of the faces of which, are equal to 14? 55' 35" and 105 4' 25" respectively. The line joining the two opposite corners, where the obtuse angles meet, is called the optic axis of the crystal, and is a line with respect to which the properties of the crystal are symmetrical. Iceland spar therefore possesses the same kind of symmetry as an ellipsoid of revolution, and crystals of this class are called uniaxal crystals. There are certain other kinds of doubly refracting crystals, which have two optic axes, and which possess three rectangular planes of symmetry. Such crystals are called biaxal crystals. 104 DOUBLE REFRACTION. Uniaxal Crystals. 88. When a small pencil of light is incident upon a plate of uniaxal crystal, it is found that in general there are two refracted rays. One of these rays is refracted according to the i ordinary law of refraction, and is consequently termed the ordinary ray ; whilst the other is refracted according to a totally different ; law, and is called the extraordinary ray. There are however two j cases in which there is only one refracted ray, viz. (i) when the direction of propagation coincides with the optic axis of the s crystal, (ii) when the face of the crystal contains the axis, and the pencil is incident normally upon the surface. In both these cases the ordinary and extraordinary rays coincide, and only one j refracted ray is consequently observed. Let us now suppose, that a ray of light is refracted through \ a rhomb of Iceland spar, and that the plane of incidence contains the axis ; and let the two refracted rays be transmitted through i a second rhomb. When the two rhombs are similarly situated, it will be found that there are only two rays after refraction - through the second rhomb, and that the ordinary ray in the | first rhomb, gives rise to an ordinary ray in the second, whilst the extraordinary ray E in the first rhomb, gives rise to an extraordinary ray E E in the second. If now the second rhomb be turned through any angle which is less than 90, it will be found that there are four refracted rays, and that and E each give I rise to an ordinary and an extraordinary ray 0) E) and E , E E respectively. When the angle is small, E and E are very faint, but become brighter as the angle increases, whilst and E E dimmish in brightness ; and when the second rhomb has been turned through an angle of 90, and E E will have disappeared, leaving E and E in possession of the field. These experimental results show, that doubly refracting crystals, in addition to dividing an incident ray into two refracted rays, I also produce an essential modification in the constitution of the j refracted light. 89. The index of refraction of the ordinary ray is the ratio i of the sine of the angle of incidence to the angle of refraction, which as we have already seen is constant for all angles. The I extraordinary index of refraction is defined as follows. Let the | HUYGEN'S CONSTRUCTION. 105 plane of incidence contain the axis, and let a pencil of light be incident at such an angle, that the extraordinary ray is perpen- dicular to the axis; then the ratio of the angle of incidence to I the angle of refraction of the extraordinary ray under these circumstances, is called the extraordinary index of refraction. The reason of this definition will appear hereafter; it can be proved at once by geometry, that this ratio is entirely independent of the inclination of the optic axis to the face of the crystal. 90. The law which determines the refraction of the extra- ordinary ray in uniaxal crystals was first discovered experimentally by Huygens 1 , who gave the following construction. Let A be the point of incidence, AB the direction of the optic axis; draw AC perpendicular to AB. Let B and D be points on AB, such that AD JAB is equal to the ordinary index of refraction, and let C be a point on AC such that AD/ AC is equal to the extraordinary index. With A as a centre, describe two spheres whose radii are AB, AD', and describe also an ellipsoid of revolution, whose polar axis is equal to and coincident with AB, and whose equatorial axis is AC. Produce the incident ray to meet the second sphere in /, and let the tangent plane at / cut the surface of the crystal in a line T. Through T draw two tangent planes TO, TE to the first sphere and the ellipsoid respectively, meeting them in and E\ join AO, AE. Then AO, AE will be the directions of the ordinary and extraordinary rays respectively. This construction was discovered by Huygens by a process of induction, but was afterwards verified by careful measurements. 91. The preceding construction suggests, that the wave- surface in a uniaxal crystal consists of two sheets, viz. a sphere 1 Traite de la Lumiere. 106 DOUBLE REFRACTION. and an ellipsoid of revolution, which touch one another at the extremities of the optic axis; and we shall hereafter see that this conclusion is borne out both by theory and experiment. When > the disturbance producing light is communicated to any point of | the medium, two waves are generated, one of which is spherical and travels with the same velocity in all directions, whilst the other is spheroidal, and its velocity is different in different directions. When a plane wave is incident upon the surface of the crystal, each point of the surface may by Huygen's Principle, 14, be regarded as the origin of secondary waves, and the envelop of these secondary waves will consist of two planes TO, TE, which are the fronts of the ordinary and extraordinary waves in the crystal. If the equations of the sphere and the ellipsoid j of revolution, referred to A as origin, and AB as the axis of ; z t be We 2 + (^ + 2/ 2 )/a 2 = 1, ji then c will be the velocity of the ordinary wave, whilst the velocity of the extraordinary wave will be equal to the perpen- j dicular drawn from A on to the wave-front TE. Since the extraordinary wave-front touches the ellipsoid, it follows that if 6 be the angle which the direction of the wave makes with the optic axis, and V be its velocity of propagation, F 2 = c 2 cos 2 + a 2 sin 2 6. ' i i - v ^(f*ar or s ^*y We therefore see that the directions of the two waves coincide, whenever they are parallel to the optic axis, or to an equatorial | in the former case V= c, and in the latter Va. The i*^^-^ (quantities a and c are therefore called the principal wave ,^****'-^ velocities, and the ratios F/c, F/a are called the ordinary and ' ^ j~k*"~ L extraordinary indices of refraction. *"~ V ~ \! kMttf ' I 4a0- ^ 1%T 92. We have already pointed out, that when common light is "^C incident upon a crystal, two refracted rays are always produced ; j ^j^ C^JL on the other hand we have shown, that when the incident light j - 4* vvv consists of the ordinary or extraordinary ray, which is produced by | ^T^ Aji^refracting common light through another crystal, there are always -4 s *"two positions of the second crystal, in which one of the two rays \_0is absent. L*f^ V^' h- We shall now explain how this phenomenon may be accounted I 'i / j^ r for. K , f^w,w?& ^ * <&*fr A Jtw* fr'^-N ,.^er ^^^ I* . . * , . /x POLARIZATION BY DOUBLE REFRACTION. 107 93. We have stated in Chapter I., that light is said to be polarized, when the elements of ether composing the wave are vibrating perpendicularly to a fixed plane, which is called the plane of polarization. Now when common light is refracted through a crystalline plate, it is supposed that the two refracted rays are polarized in perpendicular planes ; and that the vibrations of the ordinary ray are perpendicular to the plane, which passes through the optic axis and the normal to the ordinary wave- front ; whilst the vibrations of the extraordinary ray lie in the plane passing through the optic axis and the normal to the extra- ordinary wave-front. The plane which passes through the optic axis and the normal to the wave-front is called the principal plane for that wave ; we may therefore say, that the ordinary wave is polarized in the principal plane, whilst the extraordinary wave is polarized perpendicularly to the principal plane. 94. We are now able to explain why it is, that in certain positions of the crystal one of the two rays in certain cases disappears. For simplicity, let the surface of the crystal be perpendicular to the optic axis AB ; let xy be the plane of incidence, TO, TE be the ordinary and extraordinary wave-fronts, and AO, AE the ordinary and extraordinary rays. When the incident light is polarized in the plane xy, the vibrations are parallel to Az. But since we have assumed, that the vibrations in the extraordinary wave are executed in the plane xy, it follows that an incident wave, whose vibrations are perpendicular to this plane, cannot give rise to an extraordinary wave, but only to an ordinary wave. When, on the other hand, the incident light is polarized perpetidicularly to the plane xy, so that the vibrations are executed in that plane, the incident light gives rise to an extraordinary wave, but riot to an ordinary wave. If the incident light were polarized in any other plane, the incident vibrations could be resolved into two components 108 DOUBLE REFRACTION. respectively in and perpendicularly to the plane of incidence xy, the first of which would give rise to an extraordinary wave, whilst the latter would give rise to an ordinary wave. Since the wave-surface of the ordinary wave is a sphere, the directions of the ordinary wave and the ordinary ray coincide ; but since the wave-surface of the extraordinary wave is an ellipsoid of revolution, the directions of the extraordinary wave and the extraordinary ray do not coincide within the crystal, unless the i direction of propagation is parallel or perpendicular to the axis. | The question whether the vibrations of the extraordinary wave are |j perpendicular to the ray or the wave-normal is one, which cannot jj be discussed without the aid of theoretical considerations, but it || may be stated that according to Fresnel's theory, the direction s| of vibration in the extraordinary wave is parallel to EY, that is, ji perpendicular to the wave-normal. 95. We have thus far given a description of the principal I; phenomena connected with uniaxal crystals, and of the theoretical !< explanation by which it is 'proposed to account for them, and in j; the next chapter we shall show how these phenomena may be jj explained by means of a dynamical theory. There are however | certain other experimental facts which demand attention. In all uniaxal crystals, the radius of the spherical sheet of the j wave-surface is equal to the semi-polar axis of the ellipsoidal ! sheet; but in Iceland spar, the extraordinary index of refraction is |j less than the ordinary index, and therefore the ellipsoidal sheet || of the wave-surface is a planetary ellipsoid. Such crystals are j called negative crystals. There are however certain other crystals ; in which the ellipsoidal sheet is an ovary ellipsoid ; and crystals 1 of this kind are called positive crystals. It therefore follows, that ' * -* * for negative crystals the ellipsoidal sheet of the wave-surface lies outside the spherical sheet, whilst the converse is the case for j positive crystals. The following is a list of some of the principal uniaxal crystals. Positive. Negative. Ice. Beryl. Lead hyposulphate. Cinnabar. Magnesium hydrate. Emerald. Quartz. Iceland spar. The red silver ores. Ruby. Sapphire. Tourmaline. DOUBLE REFRACTION BY BIAXIAL CRYSTALS. 109 The principal indices of refraction for Iceland spar and quartz have been determined by Eudberg, for the principal lines of the spectrum, and are as follows. Iceland spar Quartz B Mo * * 1-65308 1-43891 1-54090 1-54990 C 1-65452 1-48455 1-54181 1-55085 D 1-65850 48635 1-54418 1-55328 E 1-66360 48868 1-54711 1-55631 F 1-66802 49075 1-54965 1-55894 G 1-67617 49453 1-55425 1-56365 H 1-68330 49780 1.55817 1-56772 Biaxal Crystals. 96. The investigations of Brewster and Biot showed the existence of a certain class of doubly refracting crystals, in which neither ray is refracted according to the ordinary law. Such crystals have two optic axes, and are therefore called biaxal crystals. The form of the wave-surface for biaxal crystals was discovered by Fresnel, and is known by his name ; its equation is where ?- 2 = # 2 + y 2 - + z*. The quantities a, b, c are called the principal wave velocities in the crystal. This surface will be discussed in the next chapter, but it is easy to see that if any two of the three constants a, b, c are equal, the surface splits up into a sphere and an ellipsoid of revolution. The following is a list of some of the principal biaxal crystals. Aragonite. Selenite. Borax. Sulphur. Cerceosite (Lead carbonate). Topaz. Mica. Nitre. 110 DOUBLE REFRACTION. 97. The next table gives the values found by Rudberg forji the three principal indices of refraction, of aragonite and topaz,!, for the principal rays of the spectrum, where p a denotes the ;. ratio of the velocity of light in air, to that of the principal wave | velocity a. Kays Aragonite Topaz * Mb Me M a Mb M c B 1-52749 1-67631 1-68061 1-60840 1-61049 61791 C 1-52820 1-67779 1-68203 160935 1-61144 61880 D 1-53013 1-68157 1-68589 1-61161 1-61375 62109 E 1-53264 1-68634 1-69084 1-61452 1-61668 62408 F 1-53479 1-69053 1-69515 1-61701 1-61914 62652 G 1-53882 1-69836 1-70318 1-62154 1-62365 63123 H 1-54226 1-70509 1-71011 1-62539 1-62745 63506 It will be hereafter shown, that the angle between the optic : axes depends upon the values of the three principal indices of | refraction; and since these are slightly different for different | colours, the positions of the optic axes for different colours will not coincide. This is called dispersion of the optic axes. Quartz. 98. When plane polarized light is incident normally on a plate of Iceland spar, which is cut perpendicularly to the axis, it is found that the emergent light is polarized in the same plane as the incident light. There are however certain uniaxal crystals, of which quartz is the most conspicuous example, which possess the power of rotating the plane of polarization ; that is to say, the plane of polarization of the emergent light is inclined at a certain angle to that of the incident light, which is found by experiment to be proportional to the thickness of the plate. The construction of Huygens and the theory of Fresnel do not apply to such crystals. Crystals of this class require a special theory of their own, which will be considered in the chapter on rotatory polari- zation. DOUBLE REFRACTION BY STRAINED GLASS. Ill 99. Most isotropic transparent media, when subjected to stress, exhibit double refraction. For example, compressed glass acts like a negative uniaxal crystal, whose axis is parallel to the direction of compression ; whilst stretched glass acts like a positive uniaxal crystal, whose axis is parallel to the axis of extension 1 . There are also certain crystals, in which the relative position of the optic axes for different colours varies with the temperature 2 . 1 Brewster, Phil. Trans., 1815, p. 60. 2 Ibid, Phil. Trans., 1815, p. 1 ; Phil. Mag. (3) vol. i. p. 417. CHAPTER VII. FRESNEL'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. 100. WHEN the disturbance which produces light is excited at any point of an isotropic medium, a spherical wave is propagated I from the centre of disturbance with constant velocity ; but we I have pointed out in the preceding chapter, that when the dis- I turbance is excited in a doubly refracting medium, two waves are I propagated with different velocities, and that when the medium is I a biaxal crystal, the velocity in any given direction is a function of the inclination of this direction to the optic axes of the crystal. The laws regulating the propagation of light in crystals, were I first investigated mathematically by Fresnel, who showed that the I wave-surface in biaxal crystals, is a certain quartic surface, which I reduces to a sphere and an ellipsoid of revolution in the case of I uniaxal crystals. The theory by means of which Fresnel arrived I at this result, cannot be considered to be a strict dynamical theory; I but on account of its historical interest, and also owing to the fact that experiment has proved that Fresnel's wave-surface is a I very close approximation to the true form of the wave-surface in biaxal crystals, we shall proceed to explain its leading features, and afterwards discuss the geometry of this surface. 101. The theory of Fresnel depends upon the following four hypotheses, which are thus summarized by Verde t 1 . (i) The vibrations of polarized light are perpendicular to the plane of polarization. (ii) The elastic forces which are produced by the propagation of a train of plane waves, whose vibrations are transversal and I 1 Lemons d'Optique Physique. Vol. i. p. 465. FUNDAMENTAL ASSUMPTIONS. 113 rectilinear, are equal to the product of the elastic forces produced by | the displacement of a single molecule of that wave, into a constant factor, which is independent of the direction of the wave. (iii) When a wave is propagated in a homogeneous medium, the component of the elastic forces parallel to the wave-front, is alone operative. (iv) The velocity of propagation of a plane-wave, which is propagated in a homogeneolis medium without change of type, is proportional to the square root of the effective component of the elastic forces developed by the vibrations of that wave. 102. We have stated in the preceding chapter, that according to the generally received opinion, the vibrations of the ordinary wave in a uniaxal crystal are perpendicular to the plane containing the direction of propagation and the optic axis, whilst the vibra- tions of the extraordinary wave are executed in the corresponding plane. Up to the present time no experiments have been described which prove that this is the case, and consequently for all we know to the contrary, the vibrations of the ordinary wave might take place in the principal plane, whilst those of the extraordinary wave might be perpendicular to that plane. We shall hereafter show, that there are strong grounds for supposing, that the vibrations of polarized light are perpendicular to the plane of polarization ; but for the present FresnePs first hypothesis must be regarded as an assumption. 103. The second and third hypotheses require careful con- sideration, and it will be convenient to discuss them together. Since the motions of the ether which constitute light are of a vibratory character, it follows that the ether when undisturbed, must be in stable equilibrium. Hence if F (x, y, z) = V be its potential energy at any point x, y, z ; and if a particle situated at this point be displaced to the point x + u, y -f v, z + w, it follows that dVldx dVjdy = dVjdz = 0; and therefore expanding by Taylor's theorem, V = F + (A i? + Btf + Cw* + ZA'vw + 2&wu + ZC'uv\ where F is the constant potential energy when in equilibrium, and A, B... are positive constants. By properly choosing the axes, the products may be made to disappear ; whence omitting the B. O. 8 114 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. constant term V , which contributes nothing to the forces, the value of V may be written i ! V = ^(a?u < * + 6V + c-w-) (1), and therefore the forces of restitution are 'f X = o?u y Y=bv, Z = c-w (2). Hence if we construct the ellipsoid ,, I/" xVT^K < A " _- < 3 > "" * ' whose centre is 0, and if we draw a radius OP parallel to the | 3 Z direction of displacement and meeting the ellipsoid in P, and OF I; L i%r, * lit ^be the perpendicular from on to the tangent plane at P, then! ^ ^_ OF will be the direction of the resultant force. W ^ The ellipsoid (3) is called the ellipsoid of elasticity ; and it I from the preceding construction, that the resultant force | not be in the direction of displacement, unless the displace- a ment is parallel to one of the principal axes of this ellipsoid. < C*Z2 /r/ If I, m, n be the direction cosines of the normal to the wave- a front ; X, //,, v those of the direction of displacement, it follows that | resultant force of restitution will not be in the plane of the! ^ wave-front. This force may however be resolved into two com- 1 , ponents, one of which is in the plane of the wave, and the other is > perpendicular to it. The latter component according to the third | hypothesis will not give rise to vibrations which produce light,! and therefore need not be considered. The former component) will give rise to vibrations which produce light ; but it will not coincide with the direction of displacement, unless the latter coincides with that of one or other of the principal axes of the section of the ellipsoid of elasticity by the plane lx -f- my + nz = 0. For the direction cosines of the force are proportional to a-\, 6 2 // C 2 v ; and the condition that this line, the direction of the displace ment, and the normal to the wave-front should lie in the same plane, is Z, 77i, n = 0, or (fr-tf) + -(c*-a*) + - v (tf-b*) = () (4) which is the condition, that the line X, //,, v should be a principal axis of the section of the ellipsoid of elasticity by the wave-front. VELOCITY OF PROPAGATION. 115 Let us now suppose, that plane waves of polarized light are incident normally upon a crystalline plate, the direction cosines of whose face, with respect to the principal axes, are I, m, n. Let OA, OB be the directions of the axes of the section of the ellipsoid of elasticity made by the surface of the plate, and OP the direction of vibration of the incident light. If the second medium were isotropic instead of crystalline, a single refracted wave would be propagated, consisting of light polarized in a plane perpendicular to OP and the surface of the plate ; but if the second medium is a crystal, a single wave whose vibrations are parallel to OP is incapable of being propagated, and it is necessary to suppose that the incident vibrations are resolved into two sets of vibrations, which are respectively parallel to OA, OB. These two sets of vibrations are propagated through the crystal with different velocities (unless the normal to the surface of the plate is parallel to one of the optic axes), and thus give rise to two waves of polarized light, whose planes of polarization are at right angles to one another. 104. If q be the displacement of a particle of ether in either of the waves, the' equation of motion of that particle will be and therefore if r be the time of oscillation, I ^p- +*] ~ ^ (d* 2-7T/T = (a 2 X 2 + b 2 /j? +cV)-* = 27rv/X' , fij c ^^^ where v is the velocity of propagation, and X' is the wave length. <*&=-* ^ Hence if we write 2 ( 7ra/X / &c. for a, 6, c, where a, b, c now denoted the three principal wave velocities, we obtain From (5) it appears, that the force of restitution a 2 X, fr 2 //,, c 2 v corresponding to a displacement unity, is equal to a force v 2 along the direction of displacement, together with some force P along I, ra, n, the normal ah^ the wave-front ; whence resolving parallel to the axes, we obtain IP = (a 2 - v 2 ) X, mP = (b 2 - v 2 ) p, nP = (c 2 - accordingly since l\ + mjj, + nv = Q, A ~ '' it follows that *- h 116 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. 105. Before proceeding to discuss Fresnel's wave-surface, it will be convenient to consider some preliminary propositions. We have shown that when polarized light is incident normally upon a crystal, the incident vibration must be conceived to be ji resolved into two components, which are parallel to the principal axes of that section of the ellipsoid of elasticity, which is parallel to the surface of the crystal ; and that these two sets of vibrations give rise to two waves within the crystal. Now if the surface of the crystal is parallel to either of the circular sections of the ellipsoid of elasticity, every direction will be a principal axis, and therefore the component force parallel to the wave-front will be in the direction of displacement ; hence only one wave will be pro- pagated through the crystal. These two directions are the optic I axes of the crystal, and therefore the optic axes are perpendicular jl to the two planes of circular section of the ellipsoid of elasticity. 106. We can now prove the following propositions : The planes of polarization of the two waves corresponding to the ' same wave-front, bisect the angles between the two planes passing J through the normal to the wave-front and the optic axes. Let BAB' be the section of the ellipsoid of elasticity by the wave-front, ON the wave normal, and OS the intersection of one of the planes of circular section with the wave-front. The optic axis corresponding to the circular section through OS is perpeii- I dicular to OS, and therefore the plane through it and ON cuts the I plane BAB' in a line OQ, which is perpendicular to OS. Similarly, if OS' be the intersection of the other plane of circular section with BAB', and OQ be the projection of the other optic axis, OQ' VELOCITIES OF EACH WAVE. 117 is perpendicular to OS'. Since 08= OS', the angle SOA = S'OA, and therefore the angle QOA = Q'OA ; hence the planes of polari- zation AON and BON bisect the angles between the planes QON } and Q'ON, which are the planes containing the normal to the \ wave-front and the optic axes. 107. The difference between the squares of the velocities corre- sponding to the same wave-front, is proportional to the product of the sines of the angles, which the normal to the wave-front makes with the optic axes. Let OP, OP' be the optic axes ; 6, 6' the angles which they make with ON] also let X, p, v be the direction cosines of OA. The equation of the two planes of circular section are a ~ , A1D - and therefore cos AP = - ( , . _, X(a a -6 3 and COB4P Since the optic axis OP lies in the plane QON, cos A P = cos A Q sin 6, n X (a 2 - 6 2 )^ + v (6 2 - whence cos ^ sin (9 = Similarly, since AQ = AQ' cos AQ sin 0' = and therefore (a 2 - c 2 ) cos 2 AQ sin 6 sin 0' = X 2 (a 2 - 6 2 ) - v 2 (6 2 - c 2 ), Similarly if v' be the velocity of the other wave, - (a 2 - c 2 ) sin 2 A Q sin sin 0' = v' 2 - 6 2 , whence v 2 - v' 2 = (a 2 - c 2 ) sin sin 0' (7). 108. Another somewhat similar formula may be obtained as follows. We have cos = cos PON = - - (a? c 2 )* and therefore (a 2 - c 2 ) cos 6 cos & = P (a? - 6 2 ) - ri> (6 2 - c 3 ) (8). *-M 118 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. c^ 6'.= , ^v~ ^ jX*A -* .-~*-* .^^V*^^ *^ * Now v and w' are the two roots of (6), whence ) + m 2 (c 3 + a 2 ) + n~ (a 2 + 6 2 ), ^*c ^, =a 2 +c 2 -(a 2 -c 2 )cos(9cos6l / ............... (9), by (8), and therefore from (7) and (9) we obtain cos 2 b > c, is shewn in the figure. 111. Since the wave-surface is symmetrical with respect to the coordinate planes, it appears that it consists of an outer and an inner sheet, which intersect at four points in the plane xz. These four points are singular points, and it will hereafter be shown, that there is a tangent and normal cone at each of them. If QR be the common tangent in the plane xz, to the ellipse and circle, and if xOQ = 6, it follows that = 6 2 = c 2 cos 2 + a? sin 2 0, , Hence OQ is perpendicular to one of the planes of circular section of the ellipsoid of elasticity, and is therefore one of the optic axes. The other optic axis lies in the plane of xz, and makes an angle TT 6 with the axis of x. +^ DIRECTION OF VIBRATION. ^ f - 121 c ^ V The line OP is called the ray axis, and its equation isc^r^^ ^ r _ ax (6 2 - c 2 )* = c* (a 2 - 6 2 )* ; ^ 7 '- ^ ^J " * ^' the ray axes are therefore perpendicular to the circular sections of c< ** - > M the reciprocal ellipsoid 112. We shall now prove, that the direction of vibration in any wave may be determined by the following simple construction. Draw a tangent plane to the wave-surface parallel to the wave- front, touching the surface in P ; then if Y be the foot of the perpendicular from the centre of the wave-surface on to this tangent plane, PY is the direction of displacement; in other words, the direction of vibration coincides with the projection of the ray on the wave- front. *= *&**-< We have incidentally proved in 104 that ^^C (v* - a 2 ) \/l = O 2 - 6 2 ) fju/m = O 2 -c 2 )v/n ......... (23). Combining these equations with (19) of 109, we see that (r 2 - a 2 ) \/x = (r 2 - 6 2 ) p/y = (r 2 - c^vjz = k (say). . .(24), where x, y, z are the coordinates of P. Since the equation of the tangent plane at P is Ix + my + nz = v, it follows that if L, M, N are the direction cosines of PY, then (x - lv)/L = (y- mv)/M =(z- nv)/N. But by (19) r 2 a 2 k ^ whence \/L = fi/M = v/N. 113. The ray and the direction of the resultant force are at right angles to one another. For the direction cosines of the ray are proportional to x, y, z ; and those of the resultant force to a 2 \, b-p, c' 2 v ; and = k 114. The tangent planes to the wave-surface at the extremities of the optic axes touch the wave-surface along a circle. 122 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. At the extremity of the optic axis OQ, v = b, m = ; and therefore by (19) The values of I and n are given by (22), whence by substitution these equations become b (r 2 - a 2 ) + x (a 2 - V$ (a? - c 2 )* = 0, b (r 3 - c 2 ) - z (a 2 - c 2 )* (6 2 - c 2 )* = 0. These equations are satisfied by the coordinates of the points of contact of the tangent plane at the extremity of the optic axis with the wave surface, and since they represent two spheres, it follows that this tangent plane touches the wave along a circle. The diameter of this circle is equal to QR (see fig. 110). To find its value, let OD be that diameter of the elliptic section OCA, which is conjugate to OR. Then OJ).OQ = ac, or OD = ac/b. Also OjR 2 +OI> 2 = a 2 +c 2 , whence Q&=OR>-OQ 2 = a- + c 2 - a 2 c 2 /6 2 - 6 2 , 115. To find the equations of the tangent and normal cones at the singular points. The coordinates of P (see fig. 110) are, i^V^.%*^. x = c ^ 2 _ ^/(tf - c 2 ) 1 , s = a (6 - - c 2 )*/(a 3 - c 2 )*. f V yjp-*J Substituting in (19), we obtain c kVS ^ _ ^ ^2 + ^ ( a a _ 52)1 ( a a _ C 2^ c _ a 2 = 0) tf nV (^2 _ C 2) ^2 _ C 8)i/ a _ C 2 _ Q Now ^, m, w are the direction cosines of any normal through P; whence eliminating v, we obtain ^ , whence the equation of the normal cone, referred to P as origin is c ^/ ac (25). TANGENT CONE. 123 Let X, /j,, v be the direction cosines of any generator of the tangent cone ; then since this generator is parallel to the normal at some point of the normal cone, it follows that if F \x, y, z) be the equation of the normal cone, dFfdat dF/dy dF/dz' and therefore since I, m, n are proportional to x, y, z in (25), we obtain _ X _ _ _ _ 21 (6 2 - c 2 ) - n (a 2 + c 2 ) (a 2 - 6 2 )* (6 2 - c^/ac 2m (a 2 - c 2 ) v ~ 2n (a 2 - 6 2 ) - I (a 2 + c 2 ) (oT and therefore ^ _ 2Xa 2 c 2 (a 2 - 6 2 )* + me (a 2 + c 2 ) (6 2 - c 2 )* 2m ~ 2 (a 2 - c 2 ) (6 2 - c 2 ) (a 2 - &*)* = 2ra 2 c 2 (6 2 - c 2 )^ + Xac (a 2 + c 2 ) (a 2 - 6 2 )* 7i (a 2 - c 2 ) (a 2 - 6 2 ) (6 2 - c 2 )* But ZX + m/t + nv 0, whence _ 6 2 - c 2 4a 2 c 2 a 2 - 6 2 ac (a 2 - & 2 )* (6 2 - and therefore the equation of the tangent cone is - 2 a c^ _ a 2 - 6 2 ac (a 2 - 6 2 )* (6 2 - c 2 )^ 116. There is a third cone which is also of importance, viz. the cone whose vertex is the origin, and whose generators pass through the circle of contact of the tangent plane at the extremity of the optic axes. We have shown in 114, that the circle of contact is the curve of intersection of the two spheres c 2 ) = ............ (27), c 2 )^ = ............ (28). Hence if X, fju, v be any generator of the required cone, r 2 -a 2 _ __ X(a 2 -fry - r 2 - c 2 ~ v (b 2 - c 2 )* ' therefore r 2 = 124 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. Also ~ whence eliminating r, we obtain c 2 (a 2 - b 2 ) X 2 + a 2 (b 2 - c 2 ) v 2 + (a 2 + c 2 )(a 2 - 6 2 )* (b 2 - c^\v =(a 2 - and therefore the equation of the cone is a 2 (b 2 - c 2 ) # 2 + b 2 (a? - c 2 ) # 2 + c 2 (a 2 - 6 2 ) z 2 - (a 2 + c 2 ) (a 2 - 6 2 )* (6 2 - c 2 )* xz = ......... (29). Uniaxal Crystals. 117. If in equation (21) we put 6 = c, it becomes (r 2 - c 2 ) {a 2 ^ 2 + c 2 (i/ 2 -I- z 2 ) - a 2 c 2 } = 0, which is the form of the wave-surface for a uniaxal crystal. Hence the wave-surface consists of the sphere x 2 + f + z 2 = c 2 , and the ellipsoid a?a? + c 2 (y 2 -f -s 2 ) = a 2 c 2 , the axis of x being the axis of revolution. Also from (22) we see that when 6 = c, 6 ; whence the two optic axes coincide with the axis of x, which is therefore the axis of the crystal. The ellipsoid is ovary or planetary, according as c > or < a. In the former case the crystal is positive, and in the latter case negative. If a pencil of light be incident upon a uniaxal crystal, the ray corresponding to the spherical sheet of the wave-surface, will coincide with the wave normal, and refraction will take place according to the ordinary law discovered by Snell. Also if X, //,, v be the direction cosines of the direction of vibration, we obtain from (5), c 2 = aTK 1 + c 2 (p 2 -f v 2 ) = a 2 X 2 + c 2 (1 - X 2 ) ; whence X = 0, which shows that the direction of vibration is perpendicular to the plane containing the normal to the wave- front and the optic axis. The extraordinary ray is in the direction of the radius vector of the ellipsoidal sheet of the wave-surface, drawn to the point of contact of the tangent plane, which is perpendicular to the wave CONICAL REFRACTION. 125 normal; and by 112 the direction of vibration is the projection ot' the ray on the wave-front. Hence the direction of vibration in the extraordinary wave, lies in the plane containing the optic axis and the extraordinary wave-normal, and is perpendicular to the latter. We have thus established the laws of the propagation of light in uniaxal crystals, which were discovered experimentally by Huygens. Conical Refraction. 118. The existence of the tangent cone at the extremity of the ray axis was first demonstrated by Sir W. Hamilton, and this led to the discovery of two remarkable phenomena, known as external and internal conical refraction. 119. In order to explain external conical refraction, let us suppose that a small pencil of light is incident upon a plate of biaxal crystal, cut perpendicularly to the line bisecting the acute angle between the optic axes; and let the angle of incidence be such, that the direction of. the refracted ray within the crystal coincides with the ray axis. Let 10 be the ray axis within the crystal, / being the point of incidence, and the point of exit. At draw the wave-surface for the crystal, and also the equivalent sphere in air. Produce 10 to meet the crystalline wave-surface in P; then OP will be the ray axis. To obtain the directions of the refracted rays, draw tangent planes at P. These tangent planes will meet the face of the crystal in a series of straight lines T lf T 2 ... ; through each of these straight lines T lt T z ... draw a tangent plane to the sphere, 126 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. and draw OP 1} OP 2 ... joining the points of contact with 0. The points of contact of the infinite number of tangent planes to the sphere will lie on a certain spherical curve, and therefore the refracted rays on emerging from the crystal, will form a conical pencil whose vertex is 0, and whose generators are the lines OP,, OP,..., 120. In order to explain internal conical refraction, we must suppose that the angle of incidence is such, that the direction of the refracted wave coincides with the optic axis. Since the tangent plane at the extremity of the optic axis touches the wave- surface along a circle, the refracted pencil within the crystal, will consist of a cone of rays, whose vertex is the point of incidence, and all of whose generators pass through the above-mentioned circle. The equation of this cone is given by (29). On emerging from the crystal, each emergent ray will be parallel to the incident ray, and will form an emergent cylinder of rays. 121. The phenomena of external and internal conical refrac- tion had never been observed nor even suspected, previously to the theoretical investigations of Sir W. Hamilton on the geometry of the singular points of the wave-surface ; and at his suggestion, Dr Humphrey Lloyd 1 examined the subject experimentally, and found that both kinds of conical refraction actually existed. 122. The investigations of Sir W. Hamilton, coupled with the experiments of Dr Lloyd, are undoubtedly a striking confirmation | of the accuracy of Fresnel's wave-surface ; but it has been subse- ' quently pointed out by Sir G-. Stokes 2 , that almost any theory which could be constructed, would lead to a wave surface having conical points, and would therefore account for the phenomenon of conical refraction. Also a series of very elaborate experiments by Glazebrook 3 upon uniaxal and biaxal crystals, have shown that Fresnel's wave-surface does not quite accurately represent the true i form of the wave-surface in such crystals, but is only a very close i approximation. 123. The dynamical objections to Fresnel's theory may be classed under three heads. 1 Trans. Roy. Ir. Acad. vol. xvii. p. 145. 2 Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862. 3 Phil. Trans. 1879, p. 287 ; 1880, p. 421. CRITICISMS ON FRESNEL'S THEORY. 127 (i) It is assumed that the potential energy of an elastic medium, which is displaced from its position of equilibrium, is a quadratic function of the component displacements ; whereas it will be shown in a subsequent chapter, that the potential energy of an elastic medium, which is symmetrical with respect to three rectangular planes, is a certain quadratic function which involves the space variations of the displacements, and not the displace- ments themselves. (ii) The component of the force of restitution, perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave, is altogether neglected. And although attempts may be made to justify this by arguing, that the effect of this force, whatever it may be, cannot give rise to vibrations which affect the eye, yet the argument is fallacious ; inasmuch as if such forces existed, they would produce waves of longitudinal vibrations, which would give rise to transversal vibra- tions, when light passes from a crystalline medium into another medium, and thus the sensation of light would be produced by something which is not light. (iii) It is not a legitimate way of dealing with the motion of an elastic medium, to treat a wave as if it were composed of a number of distinct particles, each of which is acted upon by a force depending on its displacement. The rigorous theory of seolotropic elastic media is due to Green, and will be considered in a subsequent chapter ; but although this theory is rigorous as far as its dynamics are concerned, it does not offer a satisfactory explanation of double refraction. On the Methods of producing Polarized Light. 124. When light falls upon a plate of Iceland spar, it is divided into two rays within the crystal, which are polarized in perpendicular planes, and on emerging from the plate, two streams of plane polarized light are obtained, which are parallel to the incident rays ; but unless the thickness of the plate is considerable, these two streams overlap. Since the velocities of the two streams within the crystal are unequal, their phases on emergence are different, and consequently the emergent beam is elliptically polarized, unless the difference of phase amounts to a quarter of a wave-length, in which case it is circularly polarized. 128 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. 125. A very convenient method of producing plane polarized light consists in passing common light through a Nicol's prism, so called after the name of its inventor, the construction of which we shall proceed to explain. There is a transparent substance called Canada balsam, whose index of refraction is intermediate between the ordinary and extraordinary indices of refraction of Iceland spar. If therefore two rhombs of Iceland spar are cemented together with this substance, it is possible for the ordinary ray to be totally reflected at the surface of the balsam, so that the extraordinary ray is alone transmitted. 5 Let AC be the optic axis, ACOF, AC EH the spherical and spheroidal sheets of the wave-surface; and let the plane of the<; paper be the plane of incidence, which is supposed to contain the is optic axis. Let AO, AE be the ordinary and extraordinary rays, corresponding to a ray incident at A. Let ABG be the wave-surface of the balsam; then since theji index of refraction of the latter is intermediate between the I ordinary and extraordinary indices of the spar, ABG will be a sphere, whose radius is intermediate between the polar and ! equatorial axes of the spheroid. In order to obtain the directions within the balsam of the ray< ' corresponding to the ordinary ray, draw a tangent at meeting the face of the spar in T, and from T draw a tangent to ABG, and join the point of contact with A ; if however T lies between F and G, it will be impossible to draw this tangent, and thej ordinary ray will be totally reflected. NICOLS PRISM. 129 To obtain the directions within the balsam of the extraordinary ray, draw a tangent at E meeting the face of the crystal in S, from $ draw a tangent to ABG meeting it in P, and join A P. If S lie beyond Q y it will be possible to draw this tangent, and AP will be the ray corresponding to the extraordinary ray within the balsam. If this ray is not totally reflected at the second rhomb, it will be transmitted, and the emergent beam will be plane polarized. 126. In order to construct a Nicol's prism, a rhomb of Iceland spar is taken, whose length is about double its thickness, and is cut in two by a plane PE, and the two parts are then cemented together with Canada balsam. The plane A BCD contains the optic axis, and is therefore a principal plane; and the plane of section is inclined to EG at such an angle, that when a ray is incident at / parallel to BC, the ordinary ray is totally reflected by the balsam. The extraordinary ray IE is therefore alone transmitted, and emerges at M parallel to its original direction. The vibrations of the emergent light accordingly lie in the plane A BCD, which is called the principal section of the Nicol. 127. A second method of producing plane polarized light is by means of a plate of tourmaline. Tourmaline is a negative uniaxal crystal, which possesses the property of absorbing the ordinary ray, even when the thickness of the crystal is small. If therefore we take a plate of tourmaline cut parallel to the axis, B. O. 9 130 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. and pass common light through it, the emergent light will be completely polarized perpendicularly to the principal section of the plate. 128. A third method consists in using a pile of plates. When common light is incident upon a plate of glass at an angle equal to tan" 1 /*, where yu, is the index of refraction, it appears both from theory and experiment, that the reflected light is nearly, but not entirely, polarized in the plane of incidence ; and by employing a pile of plates so as to cause the light to undergo successive reflections, the component vibrations in the plane of incidence may be entirely got rid of, and the resulting light becomes plane polarized. EXAMPLES. 1. In a biaxal crystal, prove that the cosine of the angle between the ray axis and the optic axis is ac + 6 2 b(a+c)' 2. In a biaxal crystal, prove that if v be the velocity of wave propagation, a, 6, c the principal wave velocities in descending order of magnitude, A|T, ijr' the angles which the direction of vibration makes with the two optic axes, fl 2 = J 2 (a 2 C 2 ) COS ijr COS ^Jr'. X 3. Prove that the velocity of propagation of the wave in a biaxal crystal may be expressed in the form e (a 2 6 2 c 2 - V/i (0 - a 2 ) (0 - 6 2 ) (0 - c 2 ) + a 2 6 2 c 2 - <9 ' where a, b, c are the principal wave velocities, and = #2 _j_ yl _j_ ^ ^ _ a 2,p2 _j. 2^2 ^. C 2^2^ a;, 2/, z being the components of the ray velocity parallel to the axes of the crystal. 4. Light falls normally through a very small hole on a plate of > biaxal crystal, of which the parallel faces are perpendicular to one of the circular sections of the surface of elasticity ; show that if t be ; :j the thickness of the plate, and the semi-axes of the surface of ; EXAMPLES. 131 elasticity are proportional to \, 1, X' respectively, the area of the transverse section of the emergent cylinder of rays will be 5. If v lt v 2 be the velocities of -propagation through a biaxal ; ^ crystal, of the two waves corresponding to a plane wave-front, whose direction cosines are l,m,n\ prove that _ ~ (a 2 - 6 2 ) (a 2 - c 2 ) ' (6 2 - c 2 ) (6 2 - a 2 ) ' ~ (c 2 - a 2 )(c 2 - 6 2 ) ' 6. If one of the directions of vibration in a plane wave inside a biaxal crystal, make angles a, /?, with the two optic axes, and the other make angles 7, & ; prove that cos a cos S + cos @ cos 7 = 0. 7. If a ray be incident on the face of a biaxal crystal in a plane passing through one of the optic axes, prove that the directions of vibration within the crystal will be either perpen- dicular to this axis, or will lie on the surface of a cone of the second degree. 8. A prism of angle i is cut from a biaxal crystal, whose principal wave velocities a, -b, c are known. Prove that the position of either face of the prism relatively to the principal axes of elasticity of the crystal, may be ascertained thus ; let a pencil of rays be incident normally on the face, and measure the deviations 1? 2 of the two rays emergent from the prism, then will / 1* ., ' * where X, p, v are the direction cosines of the face referred to the iprincipal axes. 9. If a biaxal crystal be cut in the form of a right-angled jprism, two of whose faces are principal planes, find how a ray must DC incident at one face, so that the extraordinary ray may emerge it right angles to the other face. Show also that the minimum leviation of the extraordinary ray is Adhere a, 6 are the principal wave velocities in the plane of incidence, jand u is the wave velocity in the medium surrounding the crystal. 92 132 FRESNEL'S THEORY or DOUBLE REFRACTION. k 10. A prism is formed of biaxal crystal, the edge being parallel to a principal axis of the crystal. Show that no extraordinary ray refracted in a plane perpendicular to the edge of the prism will get through, if the angle of the prism exceed 2 sin" 1 a/u, where u is the velocity of light in air, and a the greatest wave- velocity for rays refracted perpendicularly to the edge of the prism. 11. A system of extraordinary wave normals in a uniaxal crystal, lies on the surface of a cone of semi-vertical angle yS, whose axis makes an angle a with the optic axis. Show th?.t if the optic axis be the axis of a, and the axis of the cone lie in the plane xy, the planes of polarization will be normal to the cone (a 2 + y* + z z ) (y* + z*) cos 2 /3 = {(y* + z*) cos a - xy sin a) 2 . 12. A plate of biaxal crystal is cut parallel to the line bisect- \ ing the acute angle between the optic axes, and a ray of light is j incident on the plate perpendicularly to its surface. Find the. I inclination of the face of the crystal to the plane containing the optic axes, in order that the angle between the two rays within the j crystal may be a maximum, and prove that the cosine of the angle is then equal to 13. Show that the locus of the feet of the perpendiculars, let I fall from the centre of an ellipsoid upon all chords which subtend I a right angle at the centre, is the solid space between the two I sheets of a wave surface. 14. The measure of curvature at the extremities of the optic axes is 15. Prove that the planes through a radius vector of the wave surface, and the corresponding directions of vibration, bisect the angles contained by the planes through the same radius vector, and the two axes of external conical refraction. 16. A prism whose refracting angle is JTT, is cut from a biaxal crystal with its edge parallel to the axis a. The two rays corre- EXAMPLES. 133 spending to a ray incident perpendicularly on one of the faces of i the prism, emerge with deviations S 1} S 2 ; and those perpendicular to the other face, with deviations B 1} S 3 . Prove that a (sin B 1 + cos 8j) = 1 - 2(sinS 2 +cos 8 2 )~ 2 } 2 + {6 2 + c 2 -2(sin S 3 + cosS 3 )- 2 } 2 17. If the wave surface be cut by the plane Ix + my + nz = 0, prove that the radius vector whose equations are a = y_ - a 2 ) + n?b 2 (c 2 - a 2 )) m {^ 2 a 2 ( c 2 - 6 2 ) + Z 2 c 2 (a 2 - 6 2 )} z ~ n } W (a 2 - c 2 ) + ra 2 a 2 (6 2 - c 2 )} will be a maximum or minimum ; and that its length is equal to 18. A thin lens is cut from a uniaxal crystal, the axis of the lens coinciding with that of the crystal. A pencil diverging from a luminous point on the axis is refracted directly through it. Show that after the first refraction, the ordinary and extraordinary rays converge to a focus, and that the position of this focus for the extraordinary rays can be found in the same way as for the ordi- nary rays, by supposing that the curvature of the surface and the index of refraction, altered by quantities depending solely on the crystal. Show that after emerging from the lens, the foci of both sets of rays coincide. 19. Show that when a line of light is placed before a plate of biaxal crystal, parallel to the plane containing the optic axes, and the emergent pencil is observed through a small hole, the luminous line will be seen in the form of a conchoid. 20. A small pencil of light is incident on a plate of biaxal crystal, so as to be internally conically refracted. If the ring be a circle, when the screen is placed parallel to the surface of the plate, prove that the crystal has been cut by a plane, whose inclination to the axis of least elasticity is either r tan 134 FRESNEL'S THEORY or DOUBLE REFRACTION. 21. If 0, & be the angles between the optic axes and either of the ray axes, prove that 1 ni ab b c tan i where ' are the angles between the surface of the crystal, j and the wave fronts outside and inside the crystal, and If there be only one position of the screen in which the ring is a circle, prove that the diameter of the ring will be ' where T is the thickness of the plate. \ 23. In a prism of uniaxal crystal of angle JTT, the axis is perpendicular to the edge, and bisects the angle between the faces. Show that such a prism may be used, like a Nicol's prism, to extinguish one ray, and obtain formula for the range of incidence, within which one and only one ray will emerge. If the reciprocals of the squares of the (oblate) spheroid of the wave surface be 1*8 and 1-4, show that the range is approximately sin- 1 (-894) -sin- 1 (-644). 24. In Fresnel's theory, the planes of polarization of all rays proceeding in the direction of the circular ridge of the wave surface, but belonging to the inner sheet, pass through a straight line. EXAMPLES. 135 25. A plate of biaxal crystal is cut, so that the normal to the surface makes angles whose cosines are X, p, v with the principal axes of the crystal. Show that in order to produce the pheno- menon of internal conical refraction, the sine of the angle of incidence must be proportional to F [{X (6 2 - c 2 )* - v (a 2 - 6 2 )*} 2 + p? (a 2 - c 2 )]* 6(a 2 -c 2 )* where V is the velocity of light in air. 26. If the boundary planes of a plate of biaxal crystal are perpendicular to the axis c, show that in the case of internal conical refraction, the area of a cross section normal to the generators of the emergent cylinder is where d is the radius of the equivalent sphere in air, and T the thickness of the plate. 27. If 0, & are the angles between the direction of a ray and the two ray axes, and v, v' are the two ray velocities corresponding to this direction, show that 1 __ j. _ a 2 -c 2 . . & v* v' z ~ a?c 2 l where a, c are the greatest and least optical constants. 28. If the two faces of a prism formed of a biaxal crystal be perpendicular to one another, and one contain the two axes of elasticity a, c and the other 6, c; and if /j, a , ^ be the two refractive indices for the ordinary ray, when the planes of refraction are perpendicular to the axes a and b respectively; show that 8, the minimum deviation of the extraordinary ray is given by 29. If A, JJL, v be the direction cosines of one of the two lines of vibration of the plane front of a wave in a biaxal crystal, and X', fi', v those of either of the two lines of vibration of a plane front, intersecting the former plane front at right angles, and passing through the line X, fi, v, prove that ^ (ft* - c 2 ) + ^ (c 2 - a 2 ) + V - (a 2 - b 2 ) = 0, (c- - a 2 )- 136 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. 30. A plate of uniaxal crystal is bounded by planes inclined at a small angle a to the axis, and a pencil of rays is incident in the direction of the axis ; prove that the difference of retardation is where n and /// are the principal refractive indices for the ordinary and extraordinary rays, and T the thickness of the plate. CHAPTER VIII. COLOURS OF CRYSTALLINE PLATES. 129. IN the present chapter, we shall discuss one of the most striking and beautiful phenomena in the whole science of Optics, viz. the production of coloured rings by thin crystalline plates. These rings were discovered by Arago 1 in 1811, and we shall first give a general explanation of their formation. When plane polarized light is incident upon a crystalline plate, the incident vibrations, upon entering the plate, are resolved into two components, which are polarized in perpendicular planes, and travel through the plate with different velocities; hence the phases of the two components upon emergence are different. If the angle of incidence is small and the crystal is thin, the two emergent rays are sensibly superposed ; but since they are polar- ized in different planes, they are not in a condition to interfere. If however the emergent rays are passed through a Nicol's prism, each ray on entering the prism is again resolved into two components, which are respectively parallel and perpendicular to the principal section of the Nicol; the two latter components cannot get through the Nicol, whilst the two former components being brought into the same plane of polarization by the Nicol, and being already through the action of the crystalline plate in different phases, are in a condition to interfere. We thus perceive, how it is that coloured rings are produced by the action of a thin crystal- line plate. The apparatus (frequently a Nicol's prism), which is used to polarize the light which falls upon the crystal, is called the 1 (Euvres Completes, vol. x. p. 36. 138 COLOURS OF CRYSTALLINE PLATES. polarizer, and the second Nicol is called the analyser. The planes of polarization of the light, which emerges from the polarizer and the analyser, are respectively called the planes of polarization and analysation. 130. We are now prepared to consider the mathematical theory of these .rings. Let OA, OB be the principal planes of the crystal at any point 0, the former of which corresponds to the ordinary ray, and the latter to the extraordinary ray. Let OP be the direction of vibration of the incident light, so that if the light is polarized by a Nicol, OP is its principal section ; and let OS be the principal section of the analyser. Let PO A = a, POS /3 ; also let the vibration which is incident upon the crystal be represented by sin 27r/T. B On entering the crystal, the incident vibration is resolved into cos a sin 2?r^/T along OA, which constitutes the extraordinary ray, and sin a sin %7rt/r along OB, which constitutes the ordinary ray. The waves corre- sponding to these rays travel through the crystal with different velocities, and therefore on emergence, the two vibrations may be written ^oA ~->$3 W^.- fi.6 ***,,, cos a sin 2?r (t/r Ej\) t and sin a sin 2?r (t/r 0/\) where X is the wave length in air, and and E are the thicknesses of two laminae of air, such that light would occupy the same times in traversing them, as are occupied by the ordinary and extra- ordinary waves in traversing the crystalline plate. On entering the analyser, only those vibrations can pass through which are parallel to OS] whence resolving the two vibrations in INTENSITY OF EMERGENT LIGHT. this direction and putting = t/r 0/\, the resultant vibration on emerging from the analyser is represented by cos a cos (a /3) sin 2?r { + (0 E)/\] + sin a sin (a j3) sin 27r<. The intensity of the emergent light is therefore represented by I 2 = {cos a cos (a - /3) cos 2?r (0 - E)/\ + sin a sin (a - $} 2 + cos 2 a cos 2 (a - ft) sin 2 2?r (0 - E)/\ * ^ = cos 2 ft- sin 2asin2(a-/3)sin 2 7r(0-jE r )/X If in this expression we write ^TT + ft for /3, which amoul turning the analyser through an angle of 90, we obtain / /a = sin 2 ft + sin 2a sin 2 (a -ft) sin 2 TT (0 - #)/\. . . (2), whence / 3 + / /2 =l. We therefore see, that the effect of turning the analyser through an angle of 90, is to transform each colour into ii complementary one. 131. Let us now suppose, that the incident light consists small pencil of rays converging to a focus, every fay of whjfch* makes a small angle with the normal to the crystalline plate. Let P be the point of incidence, i the angle of incidence; PQ 5 5 the front of the incident wave. At the end of time t, let Til TO, ^ ' v \ s ^ TE be the fronts of the incident, ordinary and extraordinary waves \ and let v, u, 114 be their velocities of propagation. Draw PO, PE\ ^ perpendicular to TO, TE ; and let r, r' be the angles which these/ ^ ' perpendiculars make with the normal to the plate. Then ) ' I v (3), 'hence sim v sin T u sin r' u .(4). 140 COLOURS OF CRYSTALLINE PLATES. If the thickness of the crystal and the angle of incidence are small, the ordinary and extraordinary rays will be superposed on emergence. Hence if OM be the wave-front on emergence corre- spending to the incident wave PQ, the difference between the times which the ordinary and extraordinary waves occupy in travelling from P to OM, is equal to ' __ *>T *..Wy PO/u-PE/u'-EM/v, T2I1 ^J'_ ich is equal to (0 E)/v ; whence = JJL^^u - E = (v/u) PO - (v/u) PE - EM. * "j~^_ - Accordingly if T be the thickness of the plate, ~ V^^ A Vv V "^ c-o'T/i, c&tm 0s/u=aU^ v^ -V^T" ^TTT^ "*"^ / ^Jl TV? / ^il Tl 7 -s . T ', - jT(tan r-tan r) sin i sm r cos r sin r cos r ^^-^^ (5). We thus see that the mathematical solution of the problem is reduced to the determination of the angles r, r', in terms of the angle of incidence and the optical constants of the crystal. Their values depend upon the particular kind of crystal under considera- tion, and the inclination of the face of the plate to the directions of the principal wave velocities in the crystal. Uniaocal Crystals. 132. We shall now consider the coloured rings produced, when the crystalline plate consists of any uniaxal crystal, except crystals of the class to which quartz belongs. PLATE PERPENDICULAR TO THE AXIS. 141 Plate cut perpendicularly to the Axis. 133. Let the axis of x be perpendicular to the faces of the plate ; then in the present case, the wave surface in the crystal consists of the sphere x 2 + f + z* = b 2 and the ellipsoid aW + b 2 (f + z 2 ) = a 2 b 2 . In negative crystals such as Iceland spar, the velocity of the ordinary wave is less than that of the extraordinary, and therefore a > b ; hence the ellipsoidal sheet of the wave-surface lies outside the spherical sheet, and is planetary. The reverse is the case with positive crystals, for which the ellipsoidal sheet is ovary. In the figure, P is the point of incidence, PB the axis of the crystal ; let PQ be the front of the incident wave, and let TO, TE be the fronts of the ordinary and extraordinary waves at the end of unit of time. Then if p be the length of the perpendicular drawn from P on to TE, a 2 sin 2 r' + b 2 cos 2 r' =p 2 = PT 2 sin 2 / = v 2 sin 2 r'/sin 2 i by (3) and (4) ; therefore cot r 1 = (v 2 a 2 sin 2 i)$/b SIIML Similarly b = PO = PT sin r = v sin r/sin i, whence cot r = (v 2 b 2 sin 2 )*/& sin i ; /^ ^7 accordingly we obtain from (5) 0-E = Tb~ l [(v 2 - b 2 sin 2 *)* - (> 2 - a 2 sin 2 t)*} (6)7 e of inciteiCeTFa small quantity ; if therefore expand the right-hand side of (6), and neglect sin 4 1, we obtain - E = i (T/fo;) (a 2 - 6 2 ) sin 2 i r/i) j. 9 XI 142 COLOURS OF CRYSTALLINE PLATES. 134. Let us suppose, that the polarized light previously to being refracted by the crystal, consists of a small conical pencil proceeding from a focus, whose distance from the plate is d, and let p be the distance of the points of incidence of any ray from the projection of the focus on the plate ; then approximately. Whence ^IXl/VV The intensity of the light on emerging from the analyser is given by (1) ; hence the equation of the isochromatic curves, (or curves of equal intensity if monochromatic light be used), is sin 2a sin 2 (a - ft) sin 2 ^ Pxi u' 2 = a 2 cos 2 r' + b 2 cos 2 EPB + a 2 cos 2 but cos EPB = sin r' cos 4- a 2 sin 2 a ^ ^X,*^ ' , o*^*/ , Also by the second of (4) *< u' = v sin r' cosec i, V i}*/a sin i \ whence cot r' = {?j 2 (a 2 sin 2 to + 6 2 cos 2 ) sin 2 an( ^ T/?i^ / 0E=T [b~* (v 2 - b 2 sin 2 1)* - or 1 fv 2 - (a 2 sin 2 w 4- b 2 cos 2 /to) sin 2 i}*]. Expanding and omitting sinVi, we obtain ^ - E = T (a b) {v 2 + 4& sin 2 i (a sin 2 o> - 6 cos 2 a>)}/abv.. .(9). -, v ,-n the present case, the angles a and /3 are the same for all rays incident upon the crystal ; whence if a = \nir, so that the axis is either parallel or perpendicular to the plane of polarization of the incident light, the intensity of the emergent light is constant and equal to cos 2 /3; consequently if the planes of polarization and analysation are parallel, so that ft = 0, the intensity of the field is the same as that of the incident light ; but if these planes are perpendicular, so that /3 = ^TT, the field is perfectly dark. A precisely similar effect is produced when a-j3 = ^n7r, in which case the axis is parallel or perpendicular to the plane of analysa- tiou. It therefore follows that brushes, which are produced by the dependance of the factor sin 2a sin 2 (a - /3) upon the position of the incident rays, do not exist in this case. The conditions most favourable for the production of rings are when a = JTT, and fi has either of the values or JTT. When a = JTT, /3 = 0, the intensity is equal to cos 2 TT (0 E)j\ ; and therefore the dark rings are given by the equation and the bright rings by Now if #, y be a point on one of the rings referred to the direction of the optic axis as axis of x, we have tan to = yjx, tan i (a? TWO PLATES SUPERPOSED. 145 whence to a sufficient approximation, sin a) sin i = y/d, cos &> sin i = as/d t and therefore the equation of the isochromatic curves is and are therefore hyperbolas, whose asymptotes are the straight lines y (b fa/fa Since the right-hand side of (10) does not in general vanish, the asymptotes do not usually form part of the system of iso- chromatic curves. If a = JTT, /3 = JTT, the intensity is equal to sin 2 TT (0 E)j\ ; whence the dark rings are given by the equation E = n\, and are therefore complementary to the bright rings in the preceding case. 136. When the axis is neither parallel nor perpendicular to the surface of the plate, the calculation becomes more complicated. The isochromatic curves are of the fourth degree, which ap- proximate to circles when the axis is nearly perpendicular to the plate, and to hyperbolas when the axis is nearly parallel to the plate. For the mathematical investigation, the reader is referred to Verdet's Lemons d'Optique Physique, vol. II. p. 161. Two Plates Superposed. 137. We shall now suppose, that light passes through two )lates cut parallel to the axis, which are of the same thickness and are cut from the same piece of crystal, and that their principal planes are at right angles. In the figure to 130, let OA, OB be the principal planes of the first and second plates respectively; then we have shown in 130, that on emergence from the first plate, the vibrations may be represented by cos a sin 2?r (t/r E/X) along OA, and sin a sin 2-rr (t/r - 0/\) along OB. B. O. 10 146 COLOURS OF CRYSTALLINE PLATES. The first of these waves, which is the extraordinary wave in the first plate, becomes the ordinary wave in the second plate ; whilst the second becomes the extraordinary wave. Hence if 0', E' denote the retardations produced by the second plate measured by their equivalent paths in air, the vibrations on emergence will be represented by cos a sin STT [t/r - (0' + E)j\] along OA, and sin a sin 2?r {t/r - (0 + E')/\} along OB. Since the crystals are of the same thickness and of the same material, we must have = 0'; whence if < = t/r (0 4- E)/\, these become cos a sin 27r, and sin a sin 2-jr }< + (E E')/\], and therefore on emerging from the analyser, the resultant vibra- tion is cos a cos (a - /3) sin 27r + sin a sin (a - ft) sin 2?r {<]> + (E - E')l\] ; accordingly the intensity is equal to I 2 = cos 2 /3 - sin 2a sin 2 (a - /3) sin 2 TT (E - E')/\. The value of the quantity E' is obtained from (9) by putting \TT a for o>, whence E - E' = JT(a 2 - 6 2 ) sin 2 * (cos 2 a> - sin 2 a>)/av. The appearance presented on a screen can be discussed in this case in the same manner as in the preceding. The most favourable cases for the production of the rings are when a = JTT, and ft = or JTT. In the first case the intensity is equal to cos 2 TT (E E')l\ whence the bright rings are given by the equation E - E' = n\ or a? - f = 2n\avd 2 / (a 2 - 6 2 ) T where n is zero or any positive or negative integer. The iso- chromatic curves therefore consist of the two systems of rectangular hyperbolas, which are included in the equation a? 2 y- = A; 2 , together with their asymptotes y=%. -BIAXAL CRYSTAL^/* ^ y ft*--7-^*- i-^^V^ay Biaxal Crysfats.r 138. We shall first consider the rings and brushes produced^ by a plate of biaxal crystal, such as nitre or aragonite, whose optic axes make a small angle with one another, and which is cut perpendicularly to the axis of least elasticity. We shall first find the form of the brushes. 4 n r +* f^'-t-t l\ ^ / In the figure, let be the point of incidence for any ray ; let OQ be either of the wave normals within the crystal corresponding ^ to this ray. Let the plane of the paper be any plane parallel to the face of the crystal, and let A, B and C be the points where the - u'~ l (v 2 - it* sin 2 i)} which is equal to u u Since i, and the difference between u and u' are small, we may neglect the terms in sin 2 i t whence (5) becomes ---) (13). u u J 1 Lemons d'Optique Physique, vol. u. p. 170; see also Berlin, Ann.de Chim.et de j Phtjs. vol. LXIII. p. 57 (1861). PLATE OF NITRE OR ARAGONITE. 149 Since the angle between the optic axes, and also the angle of incidence are very small, the two rays, and also the two wave normals corresponding to any incident ray, may be approximately supposed to coincide with OQ ; hence in the formulae (10), of 108, 2u* = cf + c 2 - (a 2 - c 2 ) cos (d + 0'\ 2u' 2 = a? + c 2 - (a 2 - c 2 ) cos (6 - 6'), we may suppose that 6, 9' denote the angles QOA and QOB respectively. Since 0, & are small, we have u'* = c 2 + J (a 2 - c 2 ) (6 - 0')\ 11 (a 2 - c 2 ) 66' whence --- / = ~s-V u u 2c 3 (a*-*)QA.QB 2c 3 OA* The isochromatic curves are determined by the condition that 0-E = n\\ and consequently by (13) and (14), they consist of a family of lemniscates, whose foci are the extremities of the optic axes. The form of the rings and brushes when a = ^7r, f3 = ^7r are shown in figure 3 ; and when a = JTT, $ = JTT in figure 4, of the plate at the end of Chapter IX. It may be worth while to point out, that the rings and brushes are both included in the equation in which the curves f = const, are lemniscates, and y = const, are rectangular hyperbolas. 140. When the optic axes form an angle which is very nearly equal to 180, the crystal approximates to a uniaxal crystal, which is cut parallel to the axis, and it may be anticipated that the rings are hyperbolas. This we shall show to be the case. The velocity of propagation corresponding to the wave-front I, m, n is determined by the equation 72 nv)2 2 F^ + wb + Wb= (15) - 150 COLOURS OF CRYSTALLINE PLATES. In the figure, let G> be the angle which the plane of incidence corresponding to any ray makes with the plane containing the optic axes ; i, r the angle of incidence and refraction. Then I = cos o> sin r, ra = sin &> sin r, n = cos r ; also V=v sin r cosec i. Writing (15) in the form , V 4 - F 2 {P (6 2 + c 2 ) + m 2 (c 2 + a 2 ) + ri 2 (a? + 6 2 )} + We 2 + ra 2 c 2 a 2 4- n 2 a 2 6 2 = 0, and then substituting the above values of I, m, n, V, we shall finally obtain after reduction a 2 Z> 2 cot 4 r sin 4 i + [{a 2 6 2 + c 2 (6 2 cos 2 a> + a 2 sin 2 a>)} sin 2 1 v 2 (a 2 + 6 2 )] cot 2 r sin 2 1 + c 2 sin 4 i (6 2 cos 2 a> + a 2 sin 2 w) - v 2 sin 2 1 (6 2 cos 2 w + a 2 sin 2 w + c 2 ) + v 4 = (16). This is a quadratic equation for determining the two values of cot 2 r sin 2 i, corresponding to a given angle of incidence i. Let h? = 6 2 cos 2 a> + a 2 sin 2 a>. Then 2a 2 6 2 cot 2 r sin 2 i = tf (a 2 + 6 2 ) - (a 2 6 2 + c 2 ^ 2 ) sin 2 \ H . . . (1 7), where H* = {v 2 (a 2 + 6 2 ) - (a 2 6 2 + c 2 /t 2 ) sin 2 i} 2 - 4a 2 6 2 (c 2 /i 2 sin 4 *-^ 2 sin 2 i = (a 2 6 2 - c 2 ^ 22 sin 4 - 2 a 2 sin 2 ia 2 = }6 2 (a 2 - c 2 ) cos 2 &> + a 2 (b 2 - c 2 ) sin 2 w) 2 sin 4 i - 2(a 2 -6 2 ) { (a 2 -c 2 ) cos 2 w+a 2 (b 2 - c 2 ) sin 2 ft)} v 2 sin 2 i + ?; 4 (a 2 - 6 2 ) 2 + 4aV (a 2 - 6 2 ) (6 2 - c 2 ) sin 2 co sin 2 i = [> 2 (a 2 - 6 2 ) - {6 2 (a 2 - c 2 ) cos 2 &> -f a 2 (6 2 - c 2 ) sin 2 w} sin 2 i] 2 (a 2 - b 2 ) (b 2 - c 2 ) sin 2 w sin 2 i (18). INCLINATION OF THE OPTIC AXES LARGE. 151 We have shown in 111^ that if 2 A be the angle between the optic axes, cos A = (6 2 - c 2 )V( 2 c 2 )* ; hence if A be nearly equal to 90, b c will be very small, and we may therefore neglect the term (6 2 c 2 ) sin 2 i ; accordingly (18) may be written H = v 2 (a 2 6 2 ) 6 2 (a 2 c 2 ) cos 2 co sin 2 i. Now 2 6 2 + c 2 & 2 = 6 2 (a 2 + c 2 ) cos 2 &> + 2a 2 c 2 sin 2 co + a 2 (6 2 - c 2 ) sin 2 ; the last term may be omitted when multiplied by sin 2 i t whence by (17) we obtain b 2 cot 2 n sin 2 i = v" - (6 2 cos 2 co + c 2 sin 2 co) sin 2 z, 2 6 2 cot 2 r 2 sin 2 * = v*~b" c 2 (6 2 cos 2 co + a 2 sin 2 a>) sin 2 1 ; whence (cot i\ cot r 2 ) sin % = 7 (a 6) v 2 \ a (b 2 cos 2 a> + c 2 sin 2 a>) T- (6 2 cos 2 w + a 2 sin 2 a>) I sin 2 i . To find the isochromatic curves, we must write ocfd = cos co sin i, y/d = sin o> sin i, and we shall find that these curves are determined by the equation 6 2 (c 2 ab) a? + ac 2 (a b)y z = const. In the preceding investigation, we have tacitly supposed that the axis of least elasticity is perpendicular to the plate, in which case a > b > c ; accordingly ab > c 2 , and the curves are hyperbolas. Also since the constant on the right-hand side may be either positive or negative, we see that there are two systems of hyper- bolas. The investigation would however equally apply to a crystal such as nitre or aragonite, whose optic axes make a small angle with one another, and which is cut perpendicularly to the greatest axis of elasticity. In this case, we must suppose that c is the greatest and a is the least principal wave velocity ; whence c 2 > ab, but a < b, so that the curves are still hyperbolas. 141. When a biaxal crystal is cut perpendicularly to either of the optic axes, the isochromatic curves are, as might be expected, approximately ellipses, which are symmetrical with respect to this axis. The equation to these curves can be shown to be (6 2 (a 2 - c 2 ) - (a 2 - 6 2 )} # 2 + a 2 (6 2 - c 2 ) f = const., the velocity of light in air being taken as unity (see Verdet, vol, II. p. 179). 152 COLOURS OF CRYSTALLINE PLATES. Circularly polarized Light. 142. We have hitherto supposed that the incident light is plane polarized, and that it is analysed by an instrument which could plane polarize common light. If however the light which has passed through the polarizer, or the light which emerges from the crystal, is passed through an apparatus which could circularly polarize plane polarized light, the rings and brushes undergo certain modifications, which we shall proceed to consider. 143. Circularly polarized light may be either produced by passing plane polarized light through a Fresnel's rhomb, which is an instrument which will be explained in a subsequent chapter; or by passing it through a quarter undulation plate, which consists of a thin plate of uniaxal crystal cut parallel to the axis, of such a thickness, that it produces a difference between the retardations of the ordinary and extraordinary waves, which is equal to a quarter of a wave-length. Let 7 be the angle which the principal section of the quarter undulation plate makes with the plane of polarization of the incident light. Then since E = V, the vibrations on emergence parallel and perpendicular to the principal section of the quarter undula- tion plate, are sin 7 cos 2-7T (tjr 0/X), and cos 7 sin 2?r (t/r 0/X). We therefore see that the effect of the plate is to convert plane polarized light into elliptically polarized light ; if however 7 = JTT, the emergent light is circularly polarized. 144. We shall first suppose, that the quarter undulation plate (or the Fresnel's rhomb) is placed between the polarizer and the crystal, so that the light incident upon the latter is circularly polarized. The vibrations incident upon the crystal may be taken to be cos 27r/T in the principal plane, and sin ^Trt/r perpendicularly to the principal plane ; hence if = 2-rr (t/r 0/X), the vibration on emerging from the analyser is cos {(/> + 2?r (0 E)/\] cos a + sin sin , where a is the angle which the principal section of the analyser makes with the principal plane of the incident ray. Whence the intensity of the emergent light, is proportional to 7 2 =l-sin2sin27r(0-#)/X (19). CIRCULARLY POLARIZED LIGHT. 153 From this expression we see, that P can never vanish unless dn 2a sin 2?r (0 E)j\ = 1 ; hence there are no brushes. When the crystal is a plate of Iceland spar, cut perpendicularly the axis, E varies as r 2 , whence (19) may be written 7 2 =l-sin2asin&r 2 (20), diere & is a constant. K we assign any constant value to r, say r 2 = (2n -f J)TT/&, the intensity along this circle is zero at the points a = JTT, or JTT, and a maximum when a = f TT, or JTT. When r 2 = mr/k, P is constant, and equal to 1; and when r 2 = (2n 4- f ) TT/&, the intensity is a maximum when a = ITT or JTT, and a minimum when a = |7r or |TT. Hence the general appearance of the pattern is, that the brushes are absent, whilst the rings in the first and third quadrants are pulled out, whilst those in the second and fourth are pushed in. Any other case can be discussed in a similar manner ; and the appearance is of an analogous character, when the incident light is plane polarized and circularly analysed. 145. We shall lastly consider the case in which the light is circularly polarized and circularly analysed. In order to accom- plish this, we must place another quarter undulation plate between the crystal and the analyser, with its principal plane inclined at an angle of 45 to the principal plane of the latter. Let 7 be the angle between the principal section of the quarter undulation plate, and that of the crystal. Then on emerging from the plate, the vibrations parallel and perpendicular to the principal section are of the form cos x sin 7 sin (^ + 2?r (0 E)/\] cos 7, and sin ^ cos 7 cos {^ + 2?r (0 E)j\\ sin 7 ; whence on emerging from the analyser, the vibration is sin (% + 7) -sin { % -f 7 + 2-rr (0 - E)/\] ; accordingly J 2 = 4 sin 2 TT (0 - E)/\. It therefore follows that the rings are of the same form as when the light is plane polarized and analysed, but that there are no brushes. 154 COLOURS OF CRYSTALLINE PLATES. EXAMPLES. 1. If a horizontal ray is first polarized in a vertical plane, then passed through a plate of crystal with its axis inclined at an angle JTT to the vertical, then through a film which retards by a quarter undulation, light polarized in a vertical plane ; show that the emergent light is polarized in a plane inclined to the vertical, at an angle equal to half the retardation of phase due to the plate of crystal. 2. Plane polarized light is incident normally on a plate of uniaxal crystal cut parallel to its axis, and is then passed through a parallel plate of crystal, which could circularly polarize plane polarized light. Prove that the emergent light will be plane polarized if tan a = tan /9 sin 2-7T&/X tan 7 cos %7rk/\ ; where a is the angle between the principal plane of the first plate and the plane of polarization of the incident light, /3 is the angle between the principal plane of the second plate and the plane of polarization of the emergent light, 7 is the angle between the principal planes of the first and second plates, and k is the equivalent in air to the relative retardation of the ordinary and extraordinary rays caused by the first plate. 3. A small beam of circularly polarized light is incident on one of the parallel faces of a plate of uniaxal crystal, which is cut parallel to its axis, the angle of incidence being small ; and the crystal is then made to revolve round a common normal to its plane faces, whilst the direction of the incident pencil remains unchanged. It is found, that when the axis of the crystal lies in the plane of incidence, the emergent light is circularly polarized in the opposite direction to the incident light ; and when the axis of the crystal is at right angles to the plane of incidence, the emergent light is circularly polarized in the same direction as the incident light. Prove that if the axis of the crystal were inclined at an angle JTT to the plane of incidence, the emergent light would be polarized either in or perpendicularly to that plane. 4. If n equal and similar plates of a crystal be laid upon each other, with their principal directions arranged like steps of a uni- EXAMPLES. 155 form spiral staircase, and a polarized ray pass normally through them ; prove that the component vibrations of the emergent ordinary and extraordinary rays are of the form X cos 27r/T + Fsin 27rZ/r, where X and F are of the form A cos ny + B sin ny, where cos 7 = cos B cos a ; a being the angle between the principal directions of two consecutive plates, and 2S the difference of phase between the ordinary and extraordinary rays in passing through one plate. Determine also the condition, that a ray originally plane polarized may emerge plane polarized. 5. The extraordinary wave normal OQ in a uniaxal crystal, whose optic axis is OA, makes a constant direction with a given direction OP. Show that the mean of the displacements irre- spective of sign, which are parallel to the plane POA as the position of OQ varies, will be a minimum, when OA and OP are at right angles to one another. 6. If a biaxal crystal is bounded by two parallel planes per- pendicular to the axis of greatest elasticity, and if 0, be the angles of inclination to this axis of the two emergent rays, situated in the plane containing the optic axes at the point of emergence, prove that 6 2 c 2 cosec 2 6 = a? (a 2 cot 2 + c 2 ). 7. A pencil passing through a feebly doubly refracting plate, is denned by two small holes through which it has to pass, the holes being situated in a line perpendicular to the plate, and on opposite sides of it ; show that whatever be the law of double refraction, when the thickness of the plate and the distances of the holes vary, the angle in air between the two pencils which can pass, varies as h + fj, (k + A?') where h is the thickness of the plate, and k, k' the distances of the holes from the surfaces respectively next them. 8. The surfaces of a plate of uniaxal crystal are nearly per- dicular to the axis of the crystal ; show that if polarized light be incident nearly perpendicularly to the faces, and afterwards analysed and received on a screen, the rings will be sensibly the same as 156 COLOURS OF CRYSTALLINE PLATES. would have been formed if the surfaces had been perpendicular to the axis, but shifted in the direction of the projection of the axis through a distance proportional to fia, where fj, is the refractive index for the ordinary ray, and a the angle between the axis of the crystal and a normal to the surfaces of the plate. 9. Plane polarized light of amplitude c passes in succession through two plates of crystal cut parallel to the axis, and is then analysed by a Nicol's prism. The inclinations of the principal planes of the two crystals, and of the Nicol's prism to the plane of polarization of the incident light, are a, a -f /3, and a + -f 7 ; p and q are the retardations of phase due to the two crystals respectively. Prove that if AO be drawn equal to c cos a cos $ cos 7, AB = c sin a sin ft cos 7, BG = c cos a sin /9 sin 7, and CD = c sin a cos ft sin 7 ; and if AB, BG, CD make with AO angles respectively equal to p, q and p + q ; then OD will be the amplitude, and the supplement of CDO will be the retardation of phase of the emergent ray. 10. The end of a Nicol's prism, in which air is substituted for balsam, is a rhombic face inclined at an angle JTT to the axis of the crystal, and the prism is sawn so that the layer of air contains that axis. If the axes of the ellipsoid in the wave-surface cor- responding to a sphere of unit radius in air be (2'3)~^, (2'6)~^, the cosines of the angles of incidence for the extinction of the ordinary and extraordinary rays are respectively equal to A * A 7 46 * V5 V2' 8 V 65~V2' CHAPTER IX. ROTATORY POLARIZATION. 146. WHEN plane polarized light is transmitted at normal incidence through a plate of Iceland spar, which is cut perpen- dicularly to the axis, the plane of polarization of the emergent light coincides with that of the incident light. It was however discovered by Arago 1 in 1811, that there are certain uniaxal crystals, of which quartz is the most notable example, which possess the power of rotating the plane of polarization. It thus appears, that crystals of the. class to which quartz belongs possess certain peculiarities, which distinguish them from ordinary uniaxal crystals, such as Iceland spar. The subject of the rotation of the plane of polarization by crystals was afterwards studied experimentally by Biot 2 , who established the following laws. I. The rotation of the plane of polarization produced by a plate of quartz cut perpendicularly to the axis, is directly propor- tional to the thickness of the plate, and inversely proportional to the square of the wave-length of the particular light employed. II. If an observer looks along the direction in which the light is travelling, there are certain varieties of quartz which rotate the plane of polarization towards his right hand, whilst there are others which rotate it towards his left hand. The former class of crystals are called right-handed, arid the latter left-handed. 1 Mem. de la prem. classe de VInst. vol. xn. p. 93 ; see also (Euvres Completes x., p. 36. 2 Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences, vol. n. p. 41. 158 ROTATORY POLARIZATION. From this definition it follows, that if an observer, who is looking through a Nicol's prism at a ray of plane polarized light, places the Nicol in the position of extinction, and then inserts a plate of right-handed quartz, he must turn the Nicol towards his left-hand in order to bring it into the position of extinction ; whilst if the plate of quartz is left-handed, he must turn the Nicol towards his right. Many continental writers adopt a definition, according to which, a plate of quartz is considered right-handed, when the observer has to turn his Nicol towards the right, in order to bring it into the position of extinction ; but I have decided after much consideration, to adopt a definition, in which the directions of propagation and rotation are related in the same manner, as the magnetic force produced by an electric current circulating round the ray. 147. Since the rotation varies inversely as the square of the wave-length, the position of the plane of polarization will be different for different colours. If sunlight be employed, the different colours will be superposed on emergence, and the emergent light will be white ; but if the emergent light be examined by a Nicol's prism, placed so that its principal section is parallel to the plane of polarization of any particular colour, that colour will be extinguished, and the light on emergence from the Nicol will appear coloured. The following table gives the values found by Broch 1 , for the rotations of the principal lines of the spectrum, produced by a plate of quartz one millimetre in thickness. Kays Eotations Product of rotation multiplied by X 2 B 15 18' 7238 C 17 15' 7429 D 21 40' 7511 E 27 28' 7596 F 32 30' 7622 G 42 12' 7842 From this table it appears that the law, that the rotation is inversely proportional to the square of the wave-length, is only approximate. 1 Ann. de Chim. de la Pliys. (3), xxxiv. p. 119. QUARTZ AND MAGNETIZED MEDIA. 159 148. On account of the smallness of the wave-length of all visible parts of the spectrum, it follows from the first law, that the rotation will amount to a large number of right angles, if the thickness of the plate is considerable. Unless therefore the plate is sufficiently thin for the rotation to amount to less than 180, the observer is liable to be mistaken as to whether the direction of rotation is to the right or to the left. In fact it appears from the table, that for the line G of the spectrum, a plate of quartz only one millimetre in thickness produces a rotation of 42 12'. By employing plates of different thicknesses all cut from the same specimen of crystal, or by employing light of different colours, all chances of error can be eliminated. 149. The photogyric properties of quartz depend upon the angle which the ray traversing the crystal makes with the axis ; they are most marked when the ray is parallel, and disappear when the ray is perpendicular to the axis ; for the latter direction, quartz behaves in the same manner as Iceland spar. There are also certain liquids, such as oil of turpentine, essence of lemon, common syrup &c., which possess the power of rotating the plane of polarization of light ; and this property is independent of the direction of the transmitted light. 150. Faraday * discovered, that when plane polarized light is transmitted through a transparent diamagnetic medium, which is placed in a field of magnetic force, whose direction is parallel to that of the ray, a rotation of the plane of polarization takes place ; and the direction of rotation is the same as that in which a positive electric current must circulate round the ray, in order to produce a magnetic force in the same direction as that which actually exists in the medium. It was afterwards discovered by Verdet 2 , that certain ferro- magnetic media, such as a strong solution of perchloride of iron in wood spirit, produce a rotation in the opposite direction to that of the current which would give rise to the magnetic force. 151. There is an important distinction between the rotation produced by quartz, turpentine &c., and that produced by a magnetic field. If, when a ray is transmitted through quartz in a given direction, the rotation is from left to right, it is found that 1 Experimental Researches, xixth series, 21462242. 2 C. E. vol. LVI. p. 630 ; vol. LVII. p. G70 ; Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. (3), vol. LXIX. 415 ; Mem. de VInst. vol. xxxi. pp. 106, 341. 160 ROTATORY POLARIZATION. when the ray is transmitted in the opposite direction, the rotation is from right to left. If therefore the ray after passing through a plate of quartz, be reflected at perpendicular incidence by a mirror, and thus be made to return through the plate in the same direction, the rotation will be reversed, so that on emerging a second time from the plate, the plane of polarization will be restored to its original position. But when the ray is transmitted through a magnetic field, the direction of rotation in space is | always the same, whether the ray is propagated along the positive | or negative direction of the magnetic force ; if therefore the ray | be reflected, and be made to return through the magnetic field, the rotation will be doubled. The photogyric properties of a magnetic field will be more fully considered, when we discuss the electromagnetic theory of light. 152. The dynamical theories which have been proposed to account for rotatory polarization will be considered later on. At present we shall show how these phenomena can be explained by geometrical considerations. Fresnel assumed, that the only kind of waves, which media of this class are capable of propagating without change of type, are circularly polarized waves. If light polarized in any other manner is incident upon the medium, Fresnel supposed that the wave is immediately split up, on entering the medium, into two waves which are circularly polarized in opposite directions, and are transmitted with different velocities. Let us therefore suppose, that a plane polarized wave is incident normally at a point upon a plate of quartz cut per- pendicularly to the axis. Let the incident displacement be parallel to y and equal to a sin , where = 27rt/r ; and let the axis of z be the axis of the quartz. The incident wave may be conceived to be made up of the four displacements u = ^a cos <, u = ^ a cos $, v = J a sin , v' = ^ a sin c/>. By 13, the displacements (u, v) represent a right-handed circularly polarized wave, while the displacements (uf, v') repre- sent a left-handed wave. Their combination is equivalent to a single plane polarized wave. FRESNEL'S INVESTIGATION. 161 Let d be the thickness of the plate; V l} Fa the velocities of propagation of the two waves. Then on emergence, the two waves are represented by d\ . 27r/ d %= fa cos 2-7T/ d\ . 2-7T T accordingly the displacement on emergence becomes 2-7T f 7 / 1 IV) -rrd / 1 1 \ u = HI + u 2 = a sin -j \d ( -p- + ^ } \ sm I -=- ^.- 1 , T { \r i ^2/J T V "i K 2 / 2?r whence - = tan ^ 77(^/1 - = n u v 7(^/1 1 \ u = . T \V t VJ We therefore see that the emergent light is plane polarized, and that the plane of polarization is rotated through an angle m Hence according as V z > or < "Pi, the rotation will be towards the right-hand or the left-hand of a person who is looking along the positive direction of the axis of #, which is the direction in which the wave is supposed to be travelling. From this result, coupled with the definition in 146, it follows that in right-handed quartz, the velocity of the left-handed circularly polarized wave is greater than that of the right-handed wave ; whilst the converse is the case with left-handed quartz. Equation (1) is in accordance with the experimental fact, that the rotation is proportional to the thickness, but it does not give any information respecting the dependance of the rotation upon the wave-length, inasmuch as the relation between F l5 F 2 and T is unknown. Experiment however shows that "Pi F 2 must be a function of the period. 153. From the table on page 158, it follows that a plate of quartz one millimetre in thickness rotates the plane of polarization of the mean yellow rays (that is the rays midway between the lines D and E), through an angle of about 24. Hence a plate B. O. 11 162 ROTATORY POLARIZATION. whose thickness is 15 mm. produces a rotation equal to 360 ; and therefore for a plate of quartz of this thickness where V is the velocity and X is the wave-length in air. If the plate is right-handed, F 2 > V 1 ; also since the difference between the velocities is small, we may put where h is a small quantity, and therefore F_ V__Vh F 7 ~ ~V "F* ' v 2 V i r.\ approximately. Accordingly (2) becomes The ratio V/V 1 is sensibly equal to the ordinary index of refraction of quartz, which is 1*555 or about f ; whence For the mean yellow rays, X = ^ x 10~ 3 mm. ; whence from which it appears, that the difference between the two velocities is less than the twenty thousandth part of one of the velocities of the two circularly polarized waves; and that the difference between the two indices of refraction is less than 1*00005, which is less than the index of refraction of the least refrangible Theory of Coloured Rings. 154. Fresnel confined his attention to the case of plane] polarized light transmitted through a plate of quartz in a direction parallel to the axis. The refraction of polarized light, transmitted in an oblique direction, was first studied by Airy 1 , whose investi- gations we shall proceed to consider. When a plate of quartz is cut parallel to the axis, and the plane of incidence is perpendicular to the latter, Airy found thatf no appreciable difference existed between the action of quartz, and| y 1 Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc., Vol. n. pp. 79, 198; see also Verdet, Lecons d'Optiqvm Physique, Vol. u. pp. 237265. AIRY'S THEORY OF COLOURED RINGS. 163 that of any other uniaxal crystal ; but when the plate is cut perpendicularly to the axis, and the incident rays are inclined at a small angle to the axis, he found that the two refracted rays were elliptically polarized in opposite directions. Quartz is a positive crystal ; and if the plate is right-handed, it follows from 13, and also from the definition in 146, that the left-handed elliptically polarized ray corresponds to the ordinary ray, and the right-handed one to the extraordinary ray. The converse is the case when the plate is left-handed. The elliptic polarization is only sensible, provided the angle of incidence does not much exceed 10 ; if it is considerably greater, the refracted light appears to be plane polarized, and the position of the planes of polarization is the same as in the case of ordinary uniaxal crystals. It therefore follows, that the ratio of the major and minor axes of the two ellipses, which is equal to unity at perpendicular incidence, increases rapidly with the angle of incidence ; so that when the latter ceases to be small, the two ellipses do not sensibly differ from two straight lines at right angles to one another. It also follows, that the major axis of the elliptic vibrations of the ordinary ray, is perpendicular to the plane containing the optic axis and the ordinary wave normal, whilst in the case of the extraordinary ray, the major axis lies in the plane containing the optic axis and the extraordinary wave normal. We have already shown, that the difference between the ordinary and extraordinary indices of refraction is very small ; it was therefore assumed by Airy, that the two ellipses corresponding to the same incident ray are always similar. When light is transmitted parallel to the axis through an ordinary uniaxal crystal, the velocity of propagation of the two waves is the same ; this arises from the fact that the wave surface consists of a sphere and a spheroid, the former of which touches the latter at the extremities of its polar axis. But this result does not hold good in the case of quartz. Airy therefore assumed, that , the wave surface in quartz consists of a sphere and a spheroid, [which do not touch one another; and since quartz is a positive crystal, the spheroid is prolate, and consequently the spherical heet lies wholly outside the spheroidal sheet. From this hypo- thesis, it follows that the difference of path of the two elliptically ijoolarized waves is equal to the corresponding expression for 112 164 ROTATORY POLARIZATION. ordinary uniaxal crystals, together with a certain quantity, which is independent of the angle of incidence, but which is a function of the period. 155. By the aid of the foregoing hypotheses, Airy succeeded in giving a mathematical explanation of the rings and brushes which are produced, when polarized light is passed through a plate of quartz ; but before we consider his investigations, it will be desirable to give a description of the peculiarities of these rings. I. When the planes of polarization and analysation are per- pendicular, and a thin plate of quartz is placed between them, a set of circular coloured rings is observed. The centre of the pattern consists of a coloured circular area, and the colour depends upon the thickness of the plate. If the thickness is '48 of an inch, the central tint is pale pink ; with thicknesses of '38, "26 and '17 of an inch, the colours of the central spot are a bright yellowish green, a rich red plum colour, and a rich yellow. The colours of the successive rings, beginning from the centre, appear to be nearly the same as in Newton's -scale, commencing with the colour of the i central spot. At a considerable distance from the centre, four, faint brushes commence, which intersect the rings in the same directions as the black cross in Iceland spar. II. When the polarizer and analyser are initially crossed, and the latter is made to rotate, a blueish short-armed cross appears j in the centre, which on continuing to turn the analyser becomes yellow, and the rings become enlarged. When the inclination of the planes of polarization and analysation is 45, the rings are nearly square, and the diagonals of the square bisect the angles between these planes. III. When incident light is circularly polarized, the rings consist of two spirals mutually intertwining one another. IV. When two plates of quartz of equal thickness, one of which is right-handed and the other left-handed, are attached together, and placed between the polarizer and analyser, four spirals proceeding from the black cross to the centre make their appearance. These curves are usually known as Ahy's spirals. 156. We shall now proceed to give the mathematical investi- gation of these phenomena. We shall suppose, that a small pencil of convergent light i& incident upon the crystal at a small angle. Let be the point oi VALUE OF THE INTENSITY. 165 incidence of any one of the rays, OA the intersection of the plane passing through the ray and the optic axis, at the point where the central ray of the pencil meets the crystal ; also let OP, OS be the principal sections of the polarizing and analysing Nicols. B Let . If we suppose the crystal right-handed, the incident wave will be resolved into a right-handed elliptically polarized wave, which corresponds to the extraordinary wave, and a left-handed ellip- tically polarized wave, which corresponds to the ordinary wave; also since the two ellipses of vibration are similar, and their major axes are at right angles, it follows that if (u, v) and (u', v f ) respec- tively denote the displacements parallel to OA, OB in the two waves, and & is a quantity lying between zero and unity, we may put u = mk cos (< +f*>), v = m sin (< + //,)) u' = nk~ l cos ( 4- v), v' = n sin (< + 1>) } ' The resultant of these four displacements must be equal to sin <, and must be parallel to OP, whence (u + u') cos a + (v + v') sin a = sin (u + u') sin a (v + v') cos a = 0. These equations must hold good for all values of t and therefore of $ ; whence equating the coefficients of sin < and cos (/>, we obtain (m cos fju + n cos v ) sin a (mk sin p nk~ l sin v) cos a = 1, (m sin //, + n sin v) sin a + (mk cos fju nk~ l cos v) cos a = 0, (m cos fji + n cos v) cos a + (mk sin //, nk~ l sin v) sin a = 0, (m sin fi + n sin v) cos a + (ra& cos /* 71&" 1 cos ^) sin a = 0. From these equations we find, that m cos p + n cos v = sin a, mk cos /A wAr 1 cos v 0, m sin fjb + n sin i> = 0, w& sin //, W&" 1 sin i/ = cos a ; 166 ROTATORY POLARIZATION. accordingly sin a . &cosa m cos ^ = sin a . & cos a Substituting in (3), we obtain k u = ^ - r 2 (sin a cos + k cos a sin ), I "T~ A/ v = - - ^ (sin a sin k cos a cos ), u' = ^ - j- (k sin a cos cos a sin <), 1 + K k v' = n , (A; sin a sin + cos a cos <). JL -\- K The first pair of these equations represents the extraordinary wave, and the second pair the ordinary wave. If D and G are the equivalent paths in air for the ordinary and the extraordinary waves, and if we put B = 27rD/X, 7 = 2wG7X ; it follows, that on emerging from the crystal, we must replace by 8 for the ordinary wave, and by 7 for the extraordinary. Hence on emerging from the analyser, the displacements become (u + u') cos (a 0) + (v + v) sin (a - ft), or (1 + k' 2 )- 1 [{k sin a cos ($ 7) + k? cos a sin ((f> 7) k sin a cos ( 8) + cos a sin ( B)} cos (a ft) 4- {sin a sin (

8)} sin (a )]. Writing (/> 7 + 7 5 for $ S, picking out the coefficients of cos ($ 7) and sin (c/> 7), and then squaring and adding, and writing for brevity ty and ^ for a ft and 7 S, the intensity / 2 is determined by the equation (1 + A; 2 ) 2 / 2 = {(k sin a k sin a cos % + cos a sin ^) cos ^ + ( k cos a + k 2 sin a sin % + k cos a cos ^) sin i/r} 2 + {(& 2 cos a + & sin a sin ^ + cos a cos ^) cos ^ + (sin a + k 2 sin a cos ^ k cos a sin ^) sin T/r} 2 = { sin ^ (cos a cos ^r + & 2 sin a sin ty) & cos % sin /3 + & sin /3)' J VALUE OF THE INTENSITY. 167 + [cos % (cos a cos i/r 4- k 2 sin a sin i/r) + & sin ^ sin /3 + sin a sin ijr + Jo 2 cos a cos -^r) 2 = (cos a cos -fy + & 2 sin a sin -^) 2 + 2& 2 sin 2 ft + (sin a sin ->|r + & 2 cos a cos -^) 2 + 2 (cos a cos i/r + k* sin a sin ty) x {cos % (sin a sini/r + & cos a cos ty) +k sin ^ sin /3} + 2k sin % sin ft (sin a sin -\|r + & 2 cos a cos -\Jr) - 2& 2 cos % sin 2 fi. Replacing cos ^ by 1 2 sin 2 ^ ^, this becomes = (1 + & 2 ) 2 cos 2 j3 + A? (1 4- & 2 ) sin 2/3 sin % + 4A; 2 sin 2 J x sin 2 y8 4 sin 2 J% (cos a cos i/r + k 2 sin a sin -^r) (sin a sin -^r + & cos a cos ifr) - (1 + & 2 ) 2 cos 2 + k (1 + & 2 ) sin 2/3 sin % - 4& 2 cos 2/3 sin 2 fa - (1 - & 2 ) 2 sin 2a sin 2-^ sin 2 J%, whence dividing by (1 + & 2 ) 2 , the value of P may be put into the form (2k cos /3 cos fa + j-j-^ sin ^ si (J _ y.2\ 2 ^ - r , ) ( I + & / sn 2 cos 2 3 sin 2a sin 2ir sin 2 Restoring the values of ^ and %, this finally becomes f 2k ) 2 7 2 = jcos j3 cos i(S 7) ^- ,- ^ 2 sin j3 sin J (8 - cos2 2a - sin2 - ...... 157. Returning to 155, we see that the first case which has to be examined, arises when the Nicols are crossed, so that ft = ^TT ; in this case (4) becomes In the neighbourhood of the centre of the field of view, k is nearly equal to unity, and the preceding expression shows, that 7 2 is very nearly independent of a ; hence the centre of the field consists of a bright patch. As we proceed from the centre, k rapidly diminishes to zero, and therefore at some distance from the centre, the intensity is approximately equal to sin 2 2a sin 2 1(7 -8), and therefore vanishes when a = \nnr. It therefore follows, that at a certain distance from the centre, four dark brushes make their 168 ROTATORY POLARIZATION. appearance, which divide the field into quadrants, but which do not extend right up to the centre ; also since the intensity is not absolutely, but only approximately, zero when a. = ^UTT, the brushes are much fainter than in the case of Iceland spar. We shall now ascertain the form of the rings, which are deter- mined from the condition that S 7 = 2n7r, or D-G = n\. If the plate were an ordinary uniaxal crystal, it follows from 133 that we should have where T is the thickness of the plate ; and therefore the retardation vanishes at the centre. We know that this is not the case with quartz, and Airy therefore assumed, that the retardation is equal to the sum of this expression, together with a quantity, which is directly proportional to the thickness of the plate and inversely proportional to the wave-length in air. We therefore put (6), where H is a constant. In the neighbourhood of the centre, the intensity is very nearly equal to Bin f ir(D-0)/X, and since this expression does not vanish when r = 0, the centre can never be black ; also since TT (D - G)/\ is of the form (A/\ + 5/X 2 ) T, it follows that the colour of the central spot will vary with the thickness of the plate. At some distance from the centre, k will be small ; whence the intensity of the rings will be a maximum or minimum according as D-G = (n + %)\ or n\', accordingly the isochromatic curves are circles. The pattern therefore consists of a bright coloured circular spot in the centre of the field, surrounded by coloured circular rings ; and the rings are interrupted by four faint brushes at right angles to one another, which commence at the circumference of the circular spot. PLATE PERPENDICULAR TO THE AXIS. 169 158. If /3 = 0, so that the planes of polarization and analysa- tion are parallel, the expression for the intensity becomes from which it appears that the rings are interrupted by two white brushes, and that the colours are complementary to those in the former case. The forms of the curves are shown in figures 5 and 6 of the plate at the end of this Chapter. 159. When the planes of polarization and analysation are neither parallel nor perpendicular to one another, the isochromatic curves are of a more complicated character. In order to get an approximate idea of their form, let 2/Han/3 TT^ :=tan *' Substituting the values of sin /3, cos/3 deduced from this equa- tion in the first term of (4), it becomes * (S - ?> - cos 2 /3 + sin 2 [ cos 2 J (3 - 7 + If we suppose that a small variation of 8 7 does not produce any sensible alteration in the value of k, the maximum or minimum value of the intensity for given values of a and /3 will be found by differentiating / 2 with respect to 8 7, on the supposition that k is constant ; we thus obtain tan (8 7 + i|r) (1 + 2 ) 2 cos 2 /3 + 4 2 sin 2 /3 + (1 - 2 ) 2 cos 2 (2a - ft) , Q Y (i + py cos 2 ^ + 4A; 2 sin 2 yS - (1 - kj cos 2 (2a - yS) ' ' = tan H (say). Let Q be any point of the coloured image, QP the direction of vibration of the incident light, QS the principal section of the analyser ; then if is the centre of the field, OQ is the principal 170 ROTATORY POLARIZATION. section corresponding to the ray Q. Now as we proceed along OQ, the intensity depends upon the value of S 7 ; and we see from (8), that the points of maximum and minimum brightness occur, when S 7 has a value which depends upon a and k. Now if OQ = r, it follows from (6), that where A and B are constants. Hence as OQ revolves around the origin, the points of maximum and minimum brightness will not be equidistant from 0, but will lie on a sort of square curve. The equation of these curves is Now fl is a maximum when a = |/3 + Jw7r, and a minimum when a = J/3 + (^n + J) TT ; and therefore H is a maximum when OQ bisects the interior and exterior angles between the planes of polarization and analysation, and is a minimum when OQ makes an angle \TT with its four preceding positions. The best position of the analyser for viewing these curves is when /3 = JTT, in which case the isochromatic curves form a sort of square, whose diagonals bisect the angles between the planes of polarization and analysa- tion. In the central portions of the field, k is very nearly equal to unity, and from (7) it appears, that the intensity will be least when 8 7 + 2-^r = (2n + 1) TT ; consequently there will be a dark spot in the central portion. Now for points equidistant from the centre, 8 7 has the same value ; and we see from (7), that for all points which are near the centre, the intensity is approximately greatest when a = %/3 + JWTT, and least when a = J/3 + (-J-n + J) TT ; hence in the centre of the field there is a dark cross, whose arms coincide with the diagonals of the square curves. 160. We shall in the next place investigate the rings and brushes which are produced when the incident light is circularly polarized, and we shall suppose that the plate and the polarization are right-handed. Let the incident light be u = cos , v = sin (f> ; where < = 27rt/r. On entering the quartz at oblique incidence, the incident light is resolved into two elliptically polarized waves, one of which is CIRCULARLY POLARIZED LIGHT. 171 right-handed and the other left-handed ; and therefore within the crystal we may put u = mk cos (< + //,), v 1 = m sin (< -f- //,), u 2 = nk~ l cos ($ + v), V 2 = n sin (< + v). Since these two sets of vibrations are equivalent to the incident vibrations, we must have u = U! + u 2 , v = v + v 2 ; whence equating coefficients of cos <, sin <, we get mk cos fj, nk~* cos v =1, mk sin //, nAr" 1 sin z> = 0, m sin /u- + n sin z> = 0, m cos /ji-\-n cos v = 1, from which we deduce fi = 0, * = 0. _ 1 + & - ' Hence, on emerging from the crystal, the two rays are repre- sented by the equations k(l+k) 1+k . Ul = cos ^ ~ ^' Vl = sm ( ~ 7) ' If a be the angle which the plane analysation makes with the principal section of the crystal, the light on emerging from the crystal is represented by (M! + u 3 ) cos a + (v + v a ) sin a ; that is ^| 2 {*(! + k) cos ( - 7 ) + (1 - 4) cos (< -8)), sma + 1 + J 2 K! + *) sm ((/> - 7) - k (1 - A;) sin(< - 8)}. Replacing 0-8 by < - 7 + 7-8, and putting ^ for 7 - 8, the intensity is determined by the equation (1 + #)* / 2 = [{1 + k - & (1 - k) cos % } sin a - (1 - k) sin % cos a] 2 , + [{(1 - k) cos x + & (1 + &)} cos a & (1 - k) sin % sin a] 2 = {(1 + &) 2 - 2k (1 - k 2 ) cos x + ^ (1 - &) 2 } sin 2 a + {(1 - kf + 2A? (1 - & 2 ) cos x + # (1 + &) 2 } cos 2 a (1 &*) sin 2a sin ^, 172 ROTATORY POLARIZATION. whence 1 =l - + #y cos 2a CQS x ~ ITI 2 sin 2a sin * ........ (9)> 161. If in this expression we put (1 + & 2 ) tan 2a = 2k tan 2^ and restore the value of %, we obtain 2fe(l-fr) 2fr(l-& 2 )cos(8- 7 -2^) 22 r2222 22 "' Let us now draw a line from the centre making an angle a with the principal section of the analyser. Then if we consider a series of points on this line, which are not very distant from one another, we may suppose that k is approximately constant for such points. From (10) we see that 7 2 is a maximum or minimum according as 8 _ 7 _ 2^/r = 2ft7r or (2n + 1) TT ; and since S 7 = -4r 2 -f- B, the points of maximum intensity are determined by ^lr 2 + = 2w7r + 2^ ..................... (11). In the neighbourhood of the centre, k does not differ much from unity, and we may therefore as a first approximation put ijr = a ; whence writing 6 for a, the equation of the isochromatic curves becomes Ar* = 2mr + 20-B. This equation represents a spiral curve which commences ati the origin. The form of the curve when n = l is shown in the! figure ; if we put n = 2, we obtain a second spiral which is derived | AIRY'S SPIRALS. 173 from the former by turning it through two right angles. For values of n greater than two, the two spirals will be found to be reproduced. 162. The fourth case which we shall consider, arises when plane polarized light is incident upon two plates of quartz of equal thickness, one of which is right-handed, and the other left-handed ; and the planes of polarization and analysation are parallel. The displacements in the two elliptically polarized waves on emergence from the first plate are given in 156 ; and we must recollect that on emergence, we must write 4- % for (/> in the values of (u', v'}. Since the second plate of quartz is left-handed, the sign of k must be reversed, and therefore on entering the second plate we must write U = mk cos ( + yu,), V = m sin (0 + //,) for the ordinary wave, and U' = nk~ l cos (>|r + v), V = n sin (^ + v ) for the extraordinary wave where i|r = < + %. The four quantities m, n, ft, v must be determined by equating the coefficients of sin \jr, cos ^r in the equation u + u'=U+U', v + v'=V + V. Having obtained the values of m, n, //-, v, we must write ^ + % for.^r in the expressions for U', V. Since the planes of polarization and analysation are supposed to be perpendicular, the displacement on emergence from the analyser will be ( U+ U') cos a + ( V+ V) sin a ; we must therefore form this expression, and then write down the sum of the squares of the coefficients of sin , cos $, which will give the intensity. The actual calculations are somewhat tedious, but on performing the above operations, it will be found that 4fk ) 2 ~ -^ cos 2a sin J (8 - 7 ) - 2 sin 2a cos J (8 - 7 )| . 174 ROTATORY POLARIZATION. 163. This expression can vanish in two ways. In the first case sin l (8 7) = 0, which requires that 8 7 = 2n7r, which represents a series of circular rings, which are black if homogeneous light be employed, but coloured if white light be used. In the second case the intensity will vanish when In the neighbourhood of the centre, k does not differ much from unity, and we may therefore take as a first approximation & 7 = 4a 4- 2n7r ; whence writing 6 for a, the equation of the isochromatic curves are Ar 2 + B = 40 + 2/iTT, which is the equation of a spiral curve. Let us first suppose that n = ; then it follows that when 6 = ^B, r = ; so that the spiral commences at the origin, and the distances of successive points from the origin increase with 6. When 6 = ITT, r 2 = (2ir - B)/A. Next let n = 1, then r = 0, when 6 = \B ^TT ; and when 6 = IB, r 2 = (27r - B)/A. We therefore see that the spiral corre- sponding to n = 1 is equivalent to the spiral corresponding to n = 0, turned from left to right through a right angle. B. 0. [To face page 174. OFTHE UNIVERSITY OF AIRY'S SPIRALS. 175 Similarly for n = 2, n = 3 there are two other spirals, whose positions can be obtained by turning the spiral for which n = backwards through two right angles, and three right angles respectively. When n = 4, the original spiral is reproduced. The forms of these spirals, which after their discoverer are usually known as Airy's Spirals, are shown in the figure on the last page, and also in figures 7 and 8 of the plate. At a con- siderable distance from the centre, a faint black cross makes its appearance, whose four arms are parallel and perpendicular to the plane of polarization of the incident light ; also the spirals disappear and are replaced by circular rings. Now at a distance from the centre, k is nearly equal to zero ; whence the intensity becomes 7 2 = sin 2 2a sin 2 (8 - 7), which vanishes when 7 8 = nir or a = ^mr. The first equation gives the circular rings, whilst the latter equation gives the brushes. CHAPTER X. FRESNELS THEORY OF REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 164. WHEN common light is incident upon the surface of a transparent medium, such as glass, it can be proved experimentally, that the proportion of the incident light which is reflected or refracted, depends upon the angle of incidence ; and that the amount of light reflected is greater when the angle of incidence is large, than when it is small. It is also known, that when light proceeding from a denser medium, such as glass, is incident upon a rarer medium, such as air, at an angle greater than the critical angle, the intensity of the reflected light is very nearly equal to that of the incident light, and the reflection is said to be total. When the incident light is polarized in the plane of incidence, the effect produced by a reflecting medium is not very different from that produced upon common light; but when the light is polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, it is found that the intensity gradually diminishes from grazing incidence, and very nearly vanishes, when the angle of incidence is equal to tan" 1 //,, where yu- is the index of refraction of the reflecting substance ; as the angle of incidence still further increases, the intensity of the reflected light increases to normal incidence. 165, That the intensity of light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence is zero for a certain angle of incidence, was first discovered by Malus, who while examining with a prism of Iceland spar the light reflected from one of the windows of the Luxembourg palace at Paris, observed that for a certain position of the prism, one of the two images of the sun disappeared. On turning the prism round the line of sight, this image reappeared ; and when the prism was turned through 90, the second image BREWSTER'S LAW. 177 reappeared. More accurate experiments were afterwards made by Brewster 1 , who discovered that when the reflector is an isotropic transparent substance, and the incident light is polarized per- pendicularly to the plane of incidence, the intensity of the reflected light is zero, or very nearly so, when the angle of incidence is equal to tan -1 /x. This discovery is known as Brewster's law, and the angle tan" 1 //, is called the polarizing angle. 166. Brewster's law has been tested by Sir John Conroy 2 for transparent bodies in contact with media other than air, in the following manner. A glass prism was placed in contact with water and with carbon tetrachloride respectively, and the polariz- ing angles were determined. Their values, as found by experi- ment, were as follows : Polarizing angle in air 57 14' in water 49 41' in carbon tetrachloride 46 32'. The polarizing angles were then determined experimentally for water and carbon tetrachloride in contact with air, and the values of the polarizing angles for glass in contact with these substances were then calculated. The results were as follows : Polarizing angle in air observed 57 14' calculated from observations in water 57 28' in carbon tetrachloride 57 | 01'. These results show, that within the limits of experimental error, Brewster's law holds good for glass in contact with water and carbon tetrachloride, as well as air; and that in all probability, it is true for most transparent bodies. 167. Crystalline substances, such as Iceland spar, also possess a polarizing angle as well as a critical angle. In isotropic media, the critical angle is equal to sin" 1 //, ; but in doubly refracting media, the values of the polarizing and critical angles cannot be so simply expressed. 168. Metallic substances, such as polished silver, possess a quasi-polarizing angle, since there is a particular angle of incidence at which the intensity of light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence is a minimum. 1 Phil. Trans. 1815, p. 125. See also Lord Eayleigh, "On Reflection from Liquid Surfaces in the Neighbourhood of the Polarizing Angle," Phil. Mag. Jan. 1892. 2 Proc. Roy. Soc. vol. xxxi. p. 487. B. O. 12 178 FRESNEL S THEORY OF REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 169. In order to explain these experimental facts, it is necessary to determine the intensities of the reflected and refracted lights. This was first effected by Fresnel ; and although his theory is not rigorous, it will be desirable to give an account of it in the present Chapter. Other theories based upon speculations respecting the physical constitution of the ether, which are developed according to strict dynamical principles, will be con- sidered in subsequent chapters ; and it will be found that most of them give results, which are substantially in accordance with those obtained by Fresnel. 170. We shall first calculate the rate at which energy flows across the reflecting surface. Let the incident vibration be w = A cos (x Vt), A, and let us consider the energy contained within a small cylinder i whose cross section is dS, and whose sides coincide with the direc- tion of propagation. If T denote the amount of kinetic energy per wave-length X Since this amount of kinetic energy flows across dS in time r, the rate at which kinetic energy flows across dS is T^A^pdS/Xr. Let dS' be any oblique section of the cylinder, which makes an angle e with dS, then if we assume that the energy of the wave is half kinetic and half potential, the rate at which energy flows across dS' is 27rA*V 2 pcosedS'l\T (1). The mean energy for unit of volume is 27rU 2 F 2 / >/V (2), as has already been shown in 10. 171. We are now prepared to consider the problem of reflec- tion and refraction. Let the axis of x be normal to the reflecting surface, and let the axis of z be perpendicular to the plane of incidence. POLARIZATION IN THE PLANE OF INCIDENCE. 179 Let the incident light be polarized in the plane of incidence, X hen the incident, reflected and refracted waves may be taken to be the real parts of w, w', w lf where ) \ Vt) ( ..................... 3 Since the reflected and refracted waves are forced vibrations produced and maintained by the incident wave, it follows that the ; periods of the three waves must be the same ; whence K V=K 1 V 1 , or F/X = FJ/X! (4). Since the traces of all three waves on the plane x = move together, it follows that the coefficients of y must be the same in all three waves, whence /em = Km! = tfjWi. (5). If i, i', r be the angles of incidence, reflection and refraction, I = cos i, I' = cos i', I-L = cos r, m sin i, m' = sin i' y m l = sin r, and therefore from (5), i = i' t sin i KI F sin r K Fj m which is the law of sines. 172. We now require two equations connecting the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted waves. In order to effect this, Fresnel i assumed, (i) that the displacements at the surface of separation are the same in the two media, (ii) that the rate at which energy flows ] across this surface is continuous. 122 180 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. The first condition gives -A, (6), and by (1) the second condition gives Vt_ ^2 Y 2 p\~ l cos i A /2 V 2 p\~ l cos i = A x 2 F^Xr" 1 cos r T * N , -rr /H7X or (^ 2 -^. /2 ) Fpcosi = ^l 1 2 F 1 /3 1 cosr (7). Fresnel's third assumption was, i/ta Ae product of the velocity ! wo tf&e s^ware roof o/^e density is constant for all media; whicj/l ! - ^ Accordingly (7) becomes fr .(8). v Splying (6) and (7), we obtain ""N ~\ , _ A sin (i r) / ^*? " rr^vi? i /v.\ /^ 2^1. sin r cos i' I -^"^ ^BulTif /, /', /i denote the square roots of the intensities, it ^ /iollows from (3) of 10, that A-^i'A ...do). ^1|02 ^. p* Aipi* ,. T/ Accordingly / = sin (t + r) / V iJL > sin (i + r) These formulae give the ratios of the intensities of the reflected and refracted light to that of the incident light. 173. When the second medium is more highly refracting than the first, as is the case when light proceeding from air is reflected at the surface of glass, r is always real ; but in the converse case, r is imaginary when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle. For if fju be the index of refraction from air to glass, and light is internally reflected and refracted at the surface of glass in contact with air, sin i = fjb~ l sin r, cos r = (1 frf sin 2 1)*. Since fj, > 1, it follows that cos r is imaginary when i > Under these circumstances, the expressions for the amplitudes oi CHANGE OF PHASE. 181 the reflected and refracted waves become complex, and their inter- pretation in former times was supposed to be a matter of con- siderable difficulty. The true explanation is this. The incident, reflected and refracted waves are the real parts of the right-hand sides of (3) ; if therefore A' and A l are real, the reflected and refracted waves are w' = A' cos K ( Ix + my Vt) w l = A 1 cos ! (Ijjos + m$ - Vjt) ; but if A' and A l are complex, we must write A' = a + t/3, A I = OL I + ifti, and the reflected wave is w r = a cos (# + m?/ F) /3 sin K ( Ix + my = (a 2 + /3 2 )* cos {* (- Ix+my- Vt) + tan" 1 ft /a] which shows that there is a change of phase. To find a, ft, we have from the first of (9) , cos i i (/u, 2 sin 2 i 1)*} ~ ^ ^ h whence if we obtain where X is the wave-length in glass ; whence tan~V3/a = 2-Tre/X. Also (a 2 + ft' 2 )% = A, so that the reflected wave becomes w = A cos (x cos i + y sin i Vt e) which shows that the reflection is total, and is accompanied by a change of phase whose value is given by (12). 174. To find what the refracted wave becomes, we have from (9) whence Also #.* COS * COS 2 i /* cos o ^! = IK^ cos 7" = (ft 2 sin' 2 i 1)^, 182 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. whence the refracted wave is CQS 27T g . n . _ ^ _ ...... (JL* - 1)* A, Since a; is negative in the second medium, it follows that the wave penetrates only a very short distance, and becomes insensible j at a distance of a few wave-lengths 1 . 175. The preceding theory is rigorous from a dynamical point . of view ; but when we consider the corresponding problem in which the incident light is polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, we shall find that a difficulty arises, which will be considered in 180. The displacements in the three waves are given by (3), and they lie in the plane of xy and are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the waves. The condition that the displacements parallel to y should be continuous gives (A A') cosi = AI cosr .................. (14). Combining this with (8) we get A tan (i r) . , _ ' 2 A cos i sin r <' sin (i + r) cos (i r\ * -f, J. tan (i V) whence I = ^ tan ( + r) sin (i + r) cos (i r) The first of these formulae shows, that the intensity of the reflected light vanishes when 7r or tan i = t. 1 Another explanation, differing only in form, is as follows. The hypothesis that the reflected wave, corresponding to the incident wave A cos 27TX- 1 ( - x cos i + y sin i - Vt), is A' cos 27TA- 1 (x cosi + y sin i - Vt), tacitly involves the assumption, that reflection is unaccompanied by a change of phase. The fact that the amplitude becomes complex when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle shows, that this assumption is erroneous in this particular case. We ought therefore to assume that a change of phase takes place, both in the reflected and refracted wave ; and we shall find, that the changes of phase are zero, when the angle of incidence is less than the critical angle, and have the above values when it exceeds it. POLARIZING ANGLE. 183 176. When light of any kind is incident upon a transparent reflecting surface, the vibrations may be resolved into two com- ponents respectively in and perpendicular to the plane of incidence; and the first of (16) shows, that the component of the reflected vibration in the plane of incidence vanishes, when the angle of incidence is equal to tan" 1 p. It therefore follows, that if common light be incident at this angle, the reflected light will be polarized in the plane of incidence. This is the law which was established experimentally by Brews ter. 177. Airy observed, that certain highly refracting substances, such as diamond, never completely polarize common light at any angle of incidence, but the proportion of polarized light is a maximum at the polarizing angle. The subject has been further investigated experimentally by Jamin 1 , who found that for most transparent substances, Brewster's law is true as a first approxi- mation only. It is therefore not possible to completely polarize light by a single reflection, but this may be accomplished by successive reflections from a pile of plates. Jamin also found, that when light which is plane polarized in any azimuth, is re- flected from a transparent substance, the reflected light frequently exhibits slight traces of elliptic polarization ; this shows, that reflection produces a difference of phase in one or both of the components of the reflected light 2 . The reflection and refraction of light incident perpendicularly upon a glass plate have been experimentally investigated by Rood 3 , and his results show that Fresnel's formulae are very approximately correct. 178. When light proceeding from glass, is reflected at the surface of a rarer medium such as air, at an angle greater than the critical angle, it will be found that the values of A', A given by (15) become complex; and it can be shown in the same manner 1 Ann. de Chimie et de Phys. (3), xxix. pp. 31 and 263; Ibid. (3), xxx. p. 257. 2 Owing to the extreme smallness of the wave-length of light, compared with the ordinary standards of measurement, it is probable that if the surface of a polished reflector were magnified to such an extent, that the wave-length of light were represented by one inch, the surface of the reflector would appear to be exceedingly rough and uneven. It is therefore by no means improbable, that the secondary effects observed by Jamin, may be due to the fact, that our mathematical machinery is too coarse-grained to take into account inequalities of the reflecting surface, which though excessively minute, are not small compared with the wave- length of light. 3 Amer. Jour, of Science, vol. i. July 1870. ! 184 FRESNEL'S THEORY OF REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. that the reflection is total, and is accompanied by a change of phase. In fact the reflected wave is w f = A cos (cc cos i + y sin i Vt e A/ where and the refracted wave is _ tan ~ ' ~ \ COS I .(17), [cos 2 i + (J? O 2 sin 2 i - 1)}* i-i)ia. 2-7T, . . Tra cos - (y sin i Vt -, 179. The change of phase which accompanies total reflection, was experimentally verified by Fresnel in the following manner. Let ABCD be a rhomb of glass, of which the angles at B and D are greater than the critical angle ; and let light polarized in a plane which makes an angle of 45 with the plane of incidence (that is the plane of the paper), be incident normally upon the face AB, and after undergoing two reflections emerge at the face DC. The vibrations in and perpendicular to the plane of incidence after emergence, will be represented by \ If therefore e l e = J\, the emergent light will be circularly polarized. Now if TT (e l - e)/\ = S, FRESNEL S RHOMB. ' we obtain from (12) and (17) tan 8 = whence cos 28 = Hence if 8 = JTT, this becomes 4//, 2 sin 4 i (2 This equation gives a real value of sin i for value&of p between 1/4 and 1*6. Fresnel employed a rhomb of St Gobain glass, for ^ = 1-51, which gives * = 48 37' 3" or 54 37' 20". Now the angles at B and D of the rhomb are each equal to the angle of incidence ; if therefore a rhomb of glass, whose index of re- fraction is 1*51, and whose acute angles are equal to 54 37' 20" be employed, and light polarized as described above is incident normally on the face AB and is reflected twice, the emergent light ought to be circularly polarized. This result was found to agree with experiment. If the incident light is polarized in any other plane, the ! emergent light will be elliptically polarized. If a be the azimuth of the plane of polarization, and the ! emergent elliptically polarized light be passed through a second rhomb, the reflected light will be plane polarized, and the plane of polarization will be rotated through an angle 2a. Theories of Neumann and MacCullagh 1 . 180. We must now consider the difficulty alluded to at the commencement of 175. The surface conditions assumed by Fresnel are, (i) continuity of the rate at which energy flows across the reflecting surface, (ii) continuity of the components of displacement parallel to this surface. Now when the incident light is polarized in the plane of incidence, there is no component displacement perpendicular to this surface; but when the light is polarized perpendicularly to 1 Neumann, Abhand. Berlin AJcad. 1835. MacCullagh, "On Crystalline ^Reflection and Kefraction." Trans. Boy. Irish i Acad. vols. xvni. p. 31, and xxi. p. 17. 186 FRESNEL'S' THEORY OF REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. the plane of incidence, it is impossible to evade the conclusion, that the components perpendicular to the surface ought also to be continuous. In fact a discontinuity in the normal displacement, would involve something analogous to an area source in Hydro- dynamics, and there are no grounds for supposing that anything of the kind occurs. The condition that the normal displacements should be con- tinuous, is ( A + A') sin i = A l sin r. Multiplying this by (14) we obtain (A 2 A'' 2 ) sin i cos i = A-? sin r cos r (18). From (7) the condition of continuity of energy may be written ( A 2 A'' 2 ) p sin i cos i = A^ p 1 sin r cos r, and in order that this may be consistent with (18), we must have p = pi. Accordingly Neumann and MacCullagh assumed this condition in their theories of reflection and refraction; and we shall now trace the consequences of this hypothesis. When the vibrations are perpendicular to the plane of inci- dence, the equations are (A 2 - A 2 ) sin 2i = Af sin 2r, whence A > = 4*Q^> } '1,2* [ ( 19 >- sin (i + r) cos (i r)) When the vibrations are in the plane of incidence .(20). . A. sin z't ' "i = ~~- 7"^, \ sin (t + r) It follows from (2), that on this theory, the intensity of light in all transparent media is proportional to the square of the amplitude, and accordingly (19) and (20) give the intensities of the reflected and refracted light. Neumann and MacCullagh further supposed, that the vibrations of polarized light are in instead of perpendicular to the plane of polarization, and on this supposition the formulae (19) and (20) are in complete agreement with (16) and (11) given by the theory of Fresnel. EXAMPLES. 187 181. The two hypotheses of Neumann and MacCullagh are singularly seductive, inasmuch as it will hereafter be shown, that they enable the laws of the propagation of light in crystals, and also the reflection and refraction of light from crystalline surfaces, to be determined in accordance with Green's rigorous theory of elastic media ; whereas the contrary assumption, that the density of the ether is different in different media, leads to a variety of difficulties in the application of this theory. There are however grave objections to these hypotheses ; for in the first place, there are strong grounds for supposing, that the vibrations of polarized light are perpendicular to the plane of polarization ; and in the second place, Lorenz and Lord Rayleigh have shown, as will be explained in Chapter XII., that the hypothesis of equal density, leads to the conclusion that there are two polarizing angles, which is contrary to experiment. EXAMPLES. 1. A thin layer of fluid of thickness T } floats on the surface of a second fluid of infinitesimally greater refractive power. Light is incident perpendicularly on the layer; show that the intensity of the reflected light is yU, where //, and p 4 Sp are the refractive indices of the layer and of the fluid which supports it respectively, and a, A are the amplitude and wave-length of the incident vibration. " 2. If in the separating surface of two media, there be a straight groove ^of small depth c, inclined at an angle a to the plane of incidence, prove that there will be a groove in the re- fracted wave of depth c sin (i r) cosec i, inclined at an angle tan" 1 (tan a cosec r) to the plane of refraction, where i and r are the angles of incidence and refraction. What is the corresponding quantity for the reflected wave ? Explain why the image of a candle from rough glass becomes red, as the angle of incidence is diminished. 188 FRESNEL'S THEORY or REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 3. A ray polarized at right angles to the plane of incidence falls on a refracting surface ; if the intensities of the reflected and refracted rays are equal, and the tangent of the polarizing angle lies between 1 and 3, prove that the corresponding angle of incidence is least, when the refracting medium is such that its polarizing angle is JTT. 4. Circularly polarized light is incident in the usual manner upon a Fresnel's rhomb, so cut that after one reflection in the rhomb, the incident ray emerges from it perpendicularly to the cut face. A uniaxal crystal cut parallel to the optic axis is placed in the path of the emergent ray, with its faces normal to it, and with its principal plane inclined at an angle JTT to the plane of incidence and reflection in the rhomb. Show that the intensities of the refracted rays are as */2 1 : \/2 4- 1. 5. If light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, falls on a thin plate of air between two plates of different kinds of glass, prove that there are 'two angles at which the colours will disappear, and that between the two angles a change takes place in the order of the colours. 6. A ray of circularly polarized light is incident at the plane surface of separation of two media. If e and e are the excentricities of the elliptically polarized light reflected and refracted, and i and r the angles of incidence and refraction, show that (1 - e 2 ) (1 - e*) = cos 2 (i + r). CHAPTEE XL GREEN'S THEORY OF ISOTROPIC MEDIA. 182. THE various dynamical theories of the ether, which have been proposed to explain optical phenomena, may be classed under three heads ; (i) theories which suppose that the ether possesses the properties of an elastic medium, which is capable of resisting compression and distortion; (ii) theories based upon the mutual reaction of ether and matter; (iii) the electromagnetic theory advanced by the late Prof. Clerk-Maxwell, which assumes that light is the result of an electromagnetic disturbance. We shall now proceed to consider the first class of theories. 183. The dynamical theory proposed by Green 1 , assumes that the ether is an elastic medium, which is capable of resisting compression and distortion. It therefore follows, that if the ether is in equilibrium, and any element is displaced from its position of equilibrium or is set in motion, the ether will be thrown into a state of strain, and will thereby acquire potential energy. Now the potential energy of any element of the ether, must necessarily depend upon the particular kind of displacement to which it is subjected ; hence the potential energy per unit of volume must be a function of the displacements, or their differential coefficients, or of both. If therefore we can determine the form of this function, the equations of motion can be at once obtained by known dy- namical methods. According to the views held by" Cauchy, the ether is to be regarded as a system of material particles acting upon one an- other by mutually attractive and repulsive forces, such that the 1 Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. 1838 ; and Math. Papers, p. 245. 190 GREEN'S THEORY OF ISOTROPIC MEDIA. mutual action between any two particles is along the line joining them; but inasmuch as the law of force is entirely a matter of speculation, Green discarded the hypothesis of mutually attracting particles, and based his theory upon the assumption that; In whatever way the elements of any material system may act upon one another, if all the internal forces be multiplied by the elements of their respective distances, the total sum for any assigned portion of the medium will be an exact differential of some function. This function is what is now known as the potential energy of the portion of the medium considered ; and Green showed that in its most general form, it is a homogeneous quadratic function of what, in the language of the Theory of Elasticity, are called the six components of strain, and therefore contains twenty-one terms, whose coefficients are constant quantities. For a medium which is symmetrical with respect to three rectangular planes, the expression for the potential energy involves nine independent constants ; whilst for an isotropic medium it involves only two ; one of which depends upon the resistance which the medium offers to compression, or change of volume unaccompanied by change of shape, whilst the other depends upon the resistance which the medium offers to distortion or shearing stress, unac- companied by change of volume. 184. The general theory of media, which are capable of resisting compression and distortion, is given in treatises on Elasticity ; and it will therefore be unnecessary to reproduce investigations, which are to be found in such works. There are however one or two points, which require consideration ; and we shall commence by examining the stresses, which act upon an element of such a medium. EQUATIONS OF MOTION OF THE ETHER. 191 Let the figure represent a small parallelepiped of the medium. The stresses which act on the face AD are, (i) A normal traction X x parallel to Ox ; (ii) A tangential stress or shear T x parallel to Oy ; (iii) A tangential stress or shear Z x parallel to Oz. Similarly the stresses which act upon the faces ED and CD, are Y y , Z y) X y and Z Zt X z , Y z . These are the stresses exerted on the faces AD, BD, CD of the element by the surrounding medium ; the stresses exerted by the medium on the three opposite faces will be in the opposite directions. 185. In order to find the equations of motion, let u, v, w be the displacements parallel to the axes, of any point x, y, z ; p the density, and X, Y, Z the components of the impressed forces per unit of mass. Then resolving parallel to the axes, we obtain the equations (1). These equations express the fact, that the rates of change of the components of the linear momentum of an element of the medium, are equal to the components of the forces which act upon the element. It is however also necessary, that the rates of change of the components of the angular momentum of the element about the axes, should be equal to the components of the couples which act upon the element. Whence taking moments about the axis of x, we obtain d? " z 3! {y (IZ X + mZ y + nZ z ) - z (IY X + mY y + nY z )} dS. . .(2), where dS is an element of the surface of the portion of the medium considered, and /, m, n are the direction cosines of the normal at dS. d z u nY 0- dX x \ ^ , dX z P dt* pA T oY-\- dx dy dz P dt* P 1 n7 4- dx dZ x dy dZy dz { dZ, p dp dx dy dz 192 GREEN'S THEORY or ISOTROPIC MEDIA. Transforming the surface integral into a volume integral 1 , and taking account of (1); (2) reduces to Jff(Z y -Y t )da;dydz = (3), which requires that Z y = Y g . It can similarly be shown, that X Z = Z X> and Y x = X y . These results show, that the component stresses are completely specified by the six quantities X Xj Y y) Z z , Y Z) Z X) X y> which we shall denote by the letters P, Q, R, 8 f T, U. Equations (1) may now be written .(4). propagation is seen from (13) to be equal to (m + w)*/p* ; whilst ' the other involves rotation and distortion, without change of volume, and whose velocity of propagation is (n/p)%. The first type of waves depends partly on the rigidity and partly on the elasticity of volume ; whilst the second type depends solely on the rigidity, and is therefore incapable of being propagated in a medium devoid of rigidity, such as a perfect gas. Hence if any disturbance, which involves change of volume and distortion, be communicated to a portion of the medium, two distinct trains of waves will be produced ; one of which consists of a condensation DILATATIONAL AND DISTOKTIONAL WAVES. 195 and rarefaction, which is propagated with a velocity (m whilst the other consists of a distortion or change of shape, which is propagated with a velocity (n/p)%. 189. Let us now suppose that a train of plane waves is propagated through the medium, the direction cosines of whose fronts are I, m, n. Since equations of the form (13) and (14) are satisfied by the function where F is the velocity of propagation, we may suppose that the resultant displacement S is $ = F(lx + my + nz Vt) ; hence if X, /z, v be the direction cosines of the direction of displace- ment, we shall have u = S\, v = S/JL, w = Sv. Whence S = (l\ + ra/z + nv) S', If the direction of displacement is in the front of the wave, so that the vibrations are transversal, 4 /^ ^ t ^^i v <^ l\ 4- m/j, + nv = 0, whence S = 0. If on the other hand the displacement is perpendicular to the front of the wave, so that the vibrations are longitudinal, l = \ )m = /ji) n = v " <^t-~^ whence f = 0, 77 = 0, ?= 0, S = S'. It therefore follows that when the vibrations are longitudinal, dilatational waves unaccompanied by rotation or distortion are alone propagated; whilst if the vibrations are transversal, distor- tional waves unaccompanied by condensation or rarefaction are alone propagated. Since the phenomenon of polarization compels us to adopt the hypothesis, that the vibrations which constitute light are trans- versal and not longitudinal, we must suppose that the portion of the disturbance, which consists of distortional vibrations, is alone capable of affecting the eye. 132 196 GREEN'S THEORY or ISOTROPIC MEDIA. 190. Let us now suppose, that a wave of light consisting of transversal vibrations in the plane of incidence, is refracted through a prism. Then it is not difficult to show, that the incident wave will give rise to two refracted waves, which respectively consist of transversal and longitudinal vibrations; and since the velocities of propagation of these two waves are different, their indices of refraction will be different, and thus the two refracted rays will not coincide. The refracted wave, whose vibrations are normal to the wave-front, will be divided on emergence at the second face of the prism into two more refracted waves, one of which will consist of transversal and the other of normal vibrations. Thus, even though we assumed that waves jj consisting of normal vibrations are incapable of affecting the eye ; it would follow, in the first place, that a wave of normal vibrations might give rise to a wave of transversal vibrations, and consequently the sensation of light might be produced by something which is not light ; and in the second place, that whenever light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence is refracted through a prism, there ought to be two refracted rays. This is altogether contrary to experience, hence our theory of the ether without some further modification is defective. When we discuss the hi reflection and refraction of light, it will be proved that the refracted i wave whose vibrations are normal, will become insensible in the t i second medium, at a distance from the face of the prism which is equal to a few wave-lengths, provided the ratio of the velocity of propagation of the normal wave to that of the transversal wave, \ is either very great or very small ; that is whenever (m + n)[n is very large or very small. Now (m + n)/n = (k + $ri)/n, hence this ratio will be large, if k is large compared with n. But if a uniform ] hydrostatic pressure be applied to every point of the surface of a spherical portion of the medium, k is the ratio of the pressure to the compression produced. If therefore k is large compared with n, the power which the medium possesses of resisting compression, must be very great in comparison with its power of resisting distortion. On the other hand, if the ratio (k + %ri)/n were positive and very small, it would be necessary for A; to be a negative quantity, whose numerical value is equal to or slightly less than $n. But inasmuch as in this case, an increase of pressure would produce an increase of volume, and as no known substance possesses this property, Green concluded that k is very large compared with n. The difficulty of satisfactorily accounting CRITICISMS ON GREENS THEORY. 197 for waves of normal vibrations, whose existence we are forced to admit, is thus to a great extent, though not entirely, overcome. For since the velocity of light in vacuo is about 299,860 kilometres per second, the velocity of propagation of the condensational waves would be enormously greater than those of the distortional waves ; and it is therefore not unreasonable to suppose, that they are incapable of affecting our eyes. At the same time, the amount of energy existing in the universe, which is due to these waves, must be very large ; and the assumption, that this large ; amount of energy is incapable of producing any effect of which our senses are capable of taking cognizance, is not very satis- factory. Sir W. Thomson has lately proposed a theory, in which it is assumed that & is a negative quantity, which is numerically equal to, or slightly less than f n. This theory will be considered when we discuss double refraction; for the present we shall confine our attention to Green's theory, in which k is supposed to be large compared with n. 191. Green's hypothesis has sometimes been supposed to , involve the assumption, that the ether is very nearly incompressible. This however is an altogether erroneous view, for as a matter i of fact the ether might be more compressible than the most highly compressible gas; all that is necessary is, that the ratio of the resistance to compression to the resistance to distortion should be very large. Moreover since the velocity of light in vacuo is about 299,860 kilometres per second, p must be very small in comparison with n. That k, n and p must all be exceedingly small quantities compared with ordinary standards, is proved from the fact, that the most delicate astronomical observa- tions have not succeeded in detecting with any certainty, that any resistance is offered by the ether to the motions of the planets; although it has been suggested that the irregularities, which are observed in the motions of some of the comets, may be referred to this cause. But whether this be so or not, Green's hypothesis requires us to suppose, that p, n and k are exceedingly small j quantities in ascending order of magnitude, such that n is large in comparison with p, and k is large compared with n. CHAPTER XII. APPLICATIONS OF GREEN'S THEORY. 192. IN the present chapter, we shall apply Green's theory to investigate the reflection and refraction of light at the surface of two isotropic media, the theory of Newton's rings, and the reflection of light from a pile of plates. We have stated in 10, that the intensity of light is measured by the mean energy per unit of volume. Hence if T and W denote the kinetic and potential energies of a plane wave per ; unit of volume, which is being propagated parallel to x, we have Hence if w = A cos (x Vt), A/ then ^sin'^-FO; and since n = V 2 p, it follows that the kinetic and potential energies are equal. Accordingly the mean energy per unit of volume is which measures the intensity. POLARIZATION IN THE PLANE OF INCIDENCE. 199 Reflection and Refraction 1 . 193. We are now prepared to consider the problem of reflection id refraction. Let the axis of x be perpendicular to the reflecting surface, and let the axis of z be parallel to the intersections of the wave-fronts with the same surface ; and let us first suppose, that the incident light is polarized in the plane of incidence. x Since u and v are zero, it follows from (12) of 187, that the equations of motion are d 2 w TTo / dtf df) in the first medium and (2) .(3) dt* J tf 2 df in the second, where V 2 = n/p, V-? n^p-^. The conditions to be satisfied at the surface of separation are, that the displacements and stresses must be the same in both media. These conditions will often be referred to, as the con- ditions of continuity of displacement and stress. The first condition gives w = Wj_ (4), and the second dw _ dw l dx dx .(5). 1 Green, Math. Papers, pp. 245, 283. Hon. J. W. Strutt (Lord Kayleigh), Phil. Mag. Aug. 1871. Kurz, Pocjg. Ann. vol. cvni. p. 396. 200 APPLICATIONS OF GREEN'S THEORY. Let A } A', A! be the amplitudes of the incident, reflected and refracted waves, then we may write where K = 2-7T/A,, /q = The vibration in the second medium is a forced vibration produced and maintained by the incident waves, hence the coefficients of t must be the same in all three waves. Also the . coefficients of y must be the same, since the traces of all three waves on the plane oc move together. Hence But l = cos i, K i Vi ) Km/ = A jiT/ii . . (8). V = cos i, I i = cos r \ (9). m' = sini, m a = sinrj From these equations we see that V sin i \ .(10). i snr j The first of these equations is the well-known law of sines, whilst the second expresses the condition, that the period of the refracted wave must be equal to that of the incident. Substituting from (6) and (7) in (4) and (5), we obtain A+A =A l} (A A') ntc cos i = A^n^ cos r, the last of which may be written A A , AM tan i A. A = ; n tan r whence ^, = _4 (n. tan '-n tour) n-L tan i + n tan r . 2An tan r H! tan i + n tan r If /, /'.. 7j be the square roots of the intensities, it follows from (1) that Up to the present time, we have not assumed that any relation exists between n and n v . If however we assume with Green, that the rigidities are the same in all isotropic media, and HYPOTHESIS OF NEUMANN AND MAC OULLAGH. 201 that refraction is consequently due to a difference of density, we must put n = HI and we obtain Jsinff-r) ' sm (i + r) rhich are the same as Fresnel's formulae. If on the other hand we adopt the hypothesis of Neumann and MacCullagh, that the density of the ether is the same in all media, and that refraction is consequently due to a difference of rigidity, it follows that n _ V' 2 _ sin 2 i n 1 ~Vf~ sin 2 ~r ' and we obtain /' = - '" V '/ (15), tan (i + r) T _ * SID- *& (~\R\ sin (i + r) cos (i r)' These expressions are the same as Fresnel's formulas for the intensity of light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. 194. The preceding formulae do not enable us to decide the question, whether the vibrations of polarized light are in or perpendicular to the plane of polarization ; or whether the hypothesis of Green on the one hand, or of Neumann and MacCullagh on the other, is the best representative of the facts. For the present we shall adopt Green's view, and shall proceed to calculate the change of phase which occurs, when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle. If ju is the index of refraction hence if p : > p. /JL >1, and r is always real ; but if p 1 < p, p < 1, and the angle of refraction becomes imaginary, when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle. When p 1 < p, we shall write //T 1 for //,, so that jt denotes the index of refraction from the rarer into the denser medium, and ft sin i sin r. 202 APPLICATIONS OF GREENS THEORY. Since tbe expressions for the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted waves become complex, we must write ........................ (18), in which a, ]3, a 1} &, are real. Now j = cos r = i (/A 2 sin 2 i 1)* *i = *//*> whence ticjh = (2-TT/XyLt) (^ sin 2 i - 1)* = KC^ (say), the lower sign being taken, because x is negative in the second medium. The boundary conditions give - a - 1 cos * = , Equating the real and imaginary parts, we obtain ^. cos ^ - o 2 A cos 2 1 ' ire ^ (p? sin 2 1 - Let tan-- ==- . = - : '- ............... (19), , \ cos i then a + ^ = ^e"^, a x + i& = 2^e' lJre cos TT^/X ; whence the reflected wave is 2_ w = ^1 cos (x cos * + y sin i Vt e) A* and the refracted wave is ZAu, cos i rit!n*-n*fl 2?r . T ,, , x ^ " O* 8 -!)* 6V C S "X" (2/ Sm * " ~ ie)< ' <( )v From these equations we see, that when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle, the reflection is total and is accompanied by a change of phase, whose value is given by (19). Since the refracted wave involves an exponential term in the amplitude, it becomes insensible at a distance from the surface which is equal to a few wave-lengths. All the foregoing results are in agreement with Fresnel's formulas. VIBRATIONS IN THE PLANE OF INCIDENCE. 203 195. The investigation of the problem, when the light is polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence is more difficult. In this case w = Q, and by (12) of 187, the equations of motion in the upper medium are 6?u ^ d fdu dv^ d?v . . d du dv ith similar equations for the lower medium. In these equations k is the resistance to compression, which Green supposes to be very large compared with n. The boundary conditions are U=U L , v = v, (22), 4 \du . /, 2 \dv / 7 .4 \du l . /, 2 du dv\ _ t dx) of which the first two express the conditions of continuity of displacement, and the last two the conditions of continuity of stress. We have therefore four equations to determine two unknown quantities. Now we have already shown, that elastic media are capable of propagating waves of two distinct types ; viz. dilatational waves, which involve condensation and rarefaction, and distortional waves, which involve change of shape without change of volume. When the vibrations of the incident wave are not parallel to the reflecting surface, there will be a dilatational as well as a distortional reflected and refracted wave, whose amplitudes must be determined by (22) and (23); accordingly we have four unknown quantities and four equations to determine them. When the resistance to compression is very large, 8 or dujdx + dvjdy is very small, but we are not at liberty to treat the latter quantity as zero, because k8 is finite ; we must therefore introduce the dilatational waves. T dd> d^lr d(f> d^lr /n4\ Let u = -5 K-TT-J V -J =- v/"*/ dx dy dy dx jj^ /T, I 4 \/ 1^2 / ^9^ 204 APPLICATIONS OF GREEN'S THEORY. so that U and V are the velocities of the dilatational and distor- tional waves respectively. Then ^ + ^ = V 2 , - = V 2 >|r, dec dy dy dx where, by (21), < and ^ respectively satisfy the equations (26} dty_ dt*~ with similar equations for the lower medium. Let us now assume that in the first medium = K (lx+my- Vt) '( - Ix+my - Vt) and in the second medium In these equations the coefficients of y and must be the same in all the waves, whence K m = /CjT/ij, /cV=K l V l .................. (29), also since the dilatational wave is propagated with velocity U, it follows that its wave-length is equal to U\/V which is therefore very large compared with \. Substituting from the second of (27) in the first of (26), we obtain F 2 = (a 2 + m 2 )^ ........................ (30), and since V/U is very small, we shall have to a sufficient approximation ia = ra ; the lower sign being taken, because x is positive in the upper medium. Similarly from the second of (28) and (26), we shall obtain *i 2 V? = K? (of + m*) U? = (tfa^ + * 2 O U, 2 ...... (31). Whence approximately #!&! = /cm ; because x is negative in the lower medium. v - * - VIBRATIONS "i THE* PLANE OF INCIDENCE. 205 *~\ (3 uc my- t J We may therefore write i _ rtf (32). From (22) and (24) we obtain B / m-(A-A')l = B l m-A lKl l 1 / f c\ ( " We shall now assume with Green, that n = n l ; whence, since the continuity of u involves the continuity of dujdy, the last of (23) reduces to dvjdx = dv l /dx, or - B'm* -(A + A') iP = Ejtf - A^lf/ii* .(34). The first of (23) may be written ^ A which, through the continuity of v and dv/dy, becomes Substituting in this from the second of (27) and (28), we obtain R'Q V*#* - /] a Y t *. B'p U Z K* (a 2 + m 2 ) = B IPI Ufic? (of + mf) ; &* *> = fy ^[ m by (30) and (31) ; since F 2 /o = V l 2 p l = n, and K = 2?r/X. Introducing the index of refraction /t, which is equal to (35) may be written -//"* *~ U. 1/J -I t * A From this equation, (34), and the lSstT6f (33), we obtain * ( B'= L - ^a^ 1 ^i = ^ 1 2^ + i ( 36 )- Using these in (33), we obtain (tan ^-^ = H"a^~" Xr: '^~ tanih and therefore = A , 1 /A 2 4- an -^ - ' .(37). tan r 206 APPLICATIONS OF GREENS THEORY. In order to realize these formulae, let 2A = A.Re^ 2A' = A,R'e-' ; then A' I A = (RjR) e- <*+>, A, = ZA/Re" ; whence if M = (fj? - 1)/O 2 + 1), M (uP 1) tan i tan r tan e = ^- T yu, 2 tan r 4- tan i = Mtan(i-r) ........................ (38), since //, = sin I'/sin r. Similarly tan e' = - Jf tan (i + r) ..................... (39), whence cos {* (- ^ + y - Vt ) - e ~ cos /ci ^ + m - Fx - e These expressions show, that when light is polarized per- pendicularly to the plane of incidence, the reflected and refracted waves experience a change of phase, which is determined by (38) and (39). The amplitudes of the reflected and refracted waves are determined by the equations R' 2 _ (^ cot i - cot r) 2 + M 2 (^ - 1) 2 R* ~ (fj? cot i + cot r) 2 + M* (tf - 1) 2 - and _4_ _ _ 4 sin 2 r cos 2 i , . R 2 ~ sin 2 1 sin 2 (i + r) (cos 2 (i - r) +M sin 2 (i - r) cosec 2 r} ""' 196. These equations do not agree with the results furnished by Fresnel's theory unless M=0. According to Fresnel's formula, when light polarized per- pendicularly to the plane of incidence is incident at the polarizing angle, the intensity of the reflected light is zero; experiment however shows that this result is not rigorously correct, inasmuch as the intensity of the reflected light does not absolutely vanish, but attains a minimum value. On the other hand Green's formula deviates too much the other way, and shows that too much light is reflected at the polarizing angle. CHANGE OF PHASE. 207 197. To calculate the change of phase, when light is re- flected at the surface of a rarer medium at an angle greater than the critical angle, we shall denote as before the index of refraction from the rarer to the denser medium by /u- ; we must therefore write /JT I for //, in (37). Now, sin r = //. sin i, p sin i tan r = + sn * -!)*' Kill tan i i (u? sin 2 i 1 )* and ~~r = i - = - - Ki tan r fi cos i also since iK-h is a real positive quantity, and I = cos i, the upper sign must be taken ; accordingly (37) become yL6 2 //, COS I /A COS I (JL These equations may be written in the form 2A = A,Re el \ 2A' = AiRr 1 ^ ; from which we get A' = ^e~ 2t7reA , where tan ^- = //, (p 2 tan 2 1 - sec 2 *)* - ^ ^ tan t . . . . (43). A< fJf + 1 Accordingly the reflected wave is 2_ i// = A cos ( Ix + my T 7 ^ e), A, which shows that the reflection is total, and is accompanied by a change of phase, whose value is given by (43). The first term of the change of phase agrees with that which we have already obtained from Fresnel's theory, whilst the second is small unless the medium is highly refracting, or the angle of incidence is large. When the incident light is plane polarized in any azimuth, the incident vibrations may be resolved into two components, which are respectively in and perpendicular to the plane of incidence; and from (19) and (43), we see that when the light is totally reflected, total reflection is accompanied by a change of phase, whose value is not the same for the two components. 208 APPLICATIONS OF GREEN'S THEORY. Accordingly the reflected light under these circumstances is elliptically polarized. This remark will be found to be of import- ance, when we consider the selective reflection, which is produced by certain of the aniline dyes. 198. We have already pointed out, that in the theories of Neumann and MacCullagh, it is assumed that p = pi, in which case reflection and refraction would be due to a difference of rigidity. We have also seen, that in Fresnel's theory the con- ditions of continuity of displacement violate the condition of continuity of energy, unless p = p^ It therefore becomes important to enquire what results would be furnished by Green's theory, qn the supposition that the density of the ether is the same in all media. This point has been examined by Lorenz 1 and Lord Rayleigh 2 , and the results are decisive against the hypo- thesis in question. In this case, the boundary conditions (33), which express continuity of displacement, remain the same as before; whilst (23) become ,, dy) dy \dx dy I dy From the first equation, we obtain & DV (a 2 + m 2 ) - 2 FVm {B' ............. .'.(53), A! L q~ and is equal to or 6', according as the light is polarized in or perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. 203. The corresponding formulae for the transmitted light can be obtained in a similar manner. When the superficial wave arrives at the second surface, its amplitude is equal to cq ; the amplitude of the refracted portion is cqf, and that of the reflectec portion is cqe ; whence after one reflection at the first plate, anc one refraction at the second plate, the portion refracted at the latter becomes cfePf. Hence the amplitude of the refractec portion is Substituting the value of b, this becomes __ 2tq sin 20 (1 - g 2 ) cos 20 + 4 (1 + f) sin 20 _ 2q sin 2(9 {(1 + (f) sin 20 + * (1 - g 2 ) cos (1 - 2 ) 2 + 4# 2 sin 2 20 Whence the intensity of the transmitted light is and the transmitted wave is Pi c s ^ (x cos i y sin i + Vj where tan = - cot 20 . . . . (55). A! 1 + q 2 sin 2 20' ' (56) - Now the distinctness of the black spot, which is produced by reflection, depends upon s being large; and since in the neigh- bourhood of the critical angle, we have from (56), s. 2 = s l /jt, 4 , it follows that the spot is much more conspicuous for light polarized 2L4 APPLICATIONS OF GREEN'S THEORY. perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, than for light polarized in that plane. As i increases, the spots seen in the two cases become more and more nearly equal, and become exactly alike when i = i' t where cosec a i'= J(l +/* 2 ). When i becomes greater than i', the order of magnitude is reversed, and when i ^TT, s l = s. 2 fj,*, so that the inequality becomes large. It must however be recollected, that this statement refers to the relative magnitudes of the spots, for when the angle of incidence is nearly equal to |TT, the absolute magnitudes of the spots become very small. All the conclusions deduced by the above theory have been verified experimentally by Stokes, and he has also discussed the case in which the incident light is polarized in a plane, making a given angle with the plane of incidence. The Intensity of Light reflected from a Pile of Plates. POLARIZATION BY A PILE OF PLATES. 215 208. Let p be the fraction of tlie light, which is reflected at the first surface of a plate ; then 1 p is the fraction of the light which is transmitted. Since the light reflected by a plate is made up of that which is reflected at the first surface, and that which has suffered an odd number of internal reflections, it follows that if the intensity of the incident light be taken as unity, the intensity of these various portions will be p, (1 - p} 2 pg' 2 , (1 - p)*py, etc. Hence if R be the intensity of the reflected light, R = p + (i - pypf- (i + />y + PY +) Similarly if T be the intensity of the transmitted light, .(59). 209. The value of p depends upon the particular theory of light which we adopt, but in any case it may be supposed to be a known function of i the angle of incidence and fju the index of refraction ; the value of g depends upon i and p, and also upon q, which may be supposed to have been determined by experiment. To complete the solution, we have therefore to solve the following problem : There are m parallel plates, each of which reflects and transmits given fractions R and T of the light incident upon it ; light of intensity unity being incident upon the system, it is required to find the intensities of the reflected and refracted light. Let these be denoted by (m), ty (m) ; and consider a system of m-rn plates, and imagine them grouped into two systems of m and n plates respectively. Since the incident light is repre- sented by unity, < (m) will be the intensity of the light reflected from the first group, whilst -fy (m) will be transmitted. A fraction (ri) of the latter will be reflected by the second group, whilst a portion \jr (n) will be transmitted ; and the fraction (f> (m) of the light reflected by the second group will be reflected by the first group, whilst the fraction yfr (m) will be transmitted, and so on. It therefore follows, that the intensity of the light reflected by the whole system will be < (m) + (^mY (/> (n 216 APPLICATIONS OF GREEN'S THEORY. and the intensity of the light transmitted will be ty (m) n)~ (0ra) J ^ (n) 4- ... The first of these expressions is equal to (m + ii\ whilst the second is equal to ty (m + w) ; whence summing the two geometrical series, we obtain .......... (60) - In the special problem under consideration, m and n are positive integers; but we shall now show how to obtain the solution of these two functional equations, when m and n have any values whatever. From (60) we obtain (m + n) (1 - (m) (n)} = (m) + (n) {(^m)* - (*)-] . - .(63). In order that (60) and (61) may hold good for a zero value of one of the variables, say n, we must have (0) = 0, ^ (0) = 1. If however we put n = in (63), the equation reduces to an identity ; we must therefore differentiate (63) with respect to n, and then put n = 0. Accordingly we find 0' (0) (m) {1 - 20 (m) cos a + (0m) 2 { + 0' (m) cos a - (m) $ (m) = (1 - 20 (m) cos a + (0m) 2 } 0' (0) cos a. Dividing out by (m) cos a, since the solution (m) = cos a would lead to ty (m) = (7, we obtain $ (m) = 7 (0) {1 - 20 (m) cos a + (0m) 2 ] (64). POLARIZATION BY A PILE OF PLATES. 217 Integrating this equation, and determining the arbitrary constant from the condition that 0(0) = 0, and writing ft for '(0)sin a, we obtain A ( \- ^ m P (t'fC\ v* sin (a + mft) Substituting in (61) and reducing, we find sin a , , xjr(w)= . , ~ (66). Equations (65) and (66) may be written in the form 0?0_ _ ty( m ) _ 1 / QtJ\ sin mft sin a sin (a + mft) When in = 1, $ (?tt) = R, ^ (m) = T, where the values of R and T are given by (58) and (59) ; and therefore to determine the arbitrary constants, we have the equations R T 1 sin ft sin a sin (a + ft) (68). 210. Equations (67) and (68) give the following quasi- | geometrical construction for solving the problem : Construct a triangle, in which the sides represent in magnitude the intensities \ of the incident, reflected and transmitted light in the case of a : single plate; then leaving the first side and the angle opposite to the third unchanged, multiply the angle opposite the second, by the number of plates ; then the sides of the new triangle will ;. represent the corresponding intensities in tlie case of a system of plates. This construction cannot however be actually effected, inasmuch as the first side of the triangle is greater than the 1 1 sum of the two others, and the angles are therefore imaginary. To adapt the formula to numerical calculation, it will be \ convenient to get rid of the imaginary quantities. Putting we have by ordinary Trigonometry whence putting (1 + R>- T* + &)/2R = a .................. (70), we have e ta = cos a + i sin a = a Tl . 218 APPLICATIONS OF GREENS THEORY. Choosing the lower signs, we have 2R sin a = - tA, t ta = a ; 1 + ^-12* flsina * also cos p = -- -- , sin p = / - Whence if (1 + T*- & + A)/2r=6 ............... (71), we shall have e^ = &, arid (67) becomes b m - b~ m a - a' 1 ab m - or 1 b~ m 211, From this equation we see, that the intensity of the light reflected from an infinite number of plates is or 1 ; and I since a is changed into a" 1 , by changing the sign of a or A, we have a- 1 = (!.+ .#+ a** -A)/2jR ............... (73), which is equal to unity in the case of perfect transparency, -j Accordingly substances, such as snow and colourless compounds ^ thrown down as chemical precipitates, which are finely divided so as to present numerous reflecting surfaces, and which are transparent in mass, are brilliantly white by reflected, light. 212. The following tables, taken from Stokes' paper, give the i intensity of the light reflected from, or transmitted through, a pile of m plates for the values 1, 2, 4 and oo of ra for three degrees of transparency, and for certain selected angles of in- cidence. The refractive index is taken to be equal to 1'52 ; 8 = 1 e~ qT is the loss by absorption in a single transit through a plate at perpendicular incidence, so that 8 = corresponds to perfect transparency ; also the value of p is supposed to be calculated from Fresnel's formulae, so that sin 2 (i - r) tan 2 (i r) /t _ . , p = ~ ;. ; or ;. ; ............... (74), sm 2 (i + r) tan 2 (i + r) according as the light is polarized in or perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. The angle OT is the polarizing angle tan" 1 /JL ; (f> and -v/r denote the intensities of the reflected and transmitted light, the intensity of the incident light being taken as 1000. For oblique incidences, it is necessary to distinguish between DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS. 219 light polarized in and perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, and the suffixes 1 and 2 refer to these two kinds respectively. 5=0 in 1.1 i=* < = + *> * 0i * 0i * 02 +* *^. 1 82 918 271 729 300 700 1 999 701 2 151 849 426 574 459 541 2 998 542 4 262 738 598 402 628 372 4 996 373 8 416 584 749 251 771 229 8 992 231 16 587 413 856 144 870 130 16 984 132 32 740 260 922 78 931 69 32 968 071 00 1000 1000 1000 1000 000 II. 5 =-02 5='l m <=0 i = v i = torn * 0i i Mfc 4 0i *, t'i ' tllt'2 I 80 900 265 711 \ 976 728 74 826 245 639 881 725 2 i 145 815 410 544 ! 953 571 125 686 351 435 777 559 4 244 679 555 355 ! 908 391 185 479 427 215 604 357 8 ' 364 490 656 182 824 221 \ 229 ! 237 451 57 365 156 16 464 276 695 58 679 086 243 59 453 4 133 030 32 509 97 699 7 461 014 244 4 453 18 001 GC 1000 699 000 244 453 000 213. In discussing these tables Sir G. Stokes says : "The intensity of the light reflected from a pile consisting of an infinite number of similar plates, falls off rapidly with the transparency of the material of which the plates are composed, especially at small incidence. Thus at a perpendicular incidence, we see from the above table that the reflected light is reduced to little more than one half, when 2 per cent, is absorbed in a single transit ; and to less than a quarter, when 10 per cent, is absorbed. " With imperfectly transparent plates, little is gained by multiplying the plates beyond a very limited number, if the object be to obtain light, as bright as may be, polarized by reflection. Thus the table shows, that 4 plates of the less 220 APPLICATIONS OF GREENS THEORY. defective kind (for which 8 '02) reflect 79 per cent. ; and 4 plates of the more defective kind (for which = '!) reflect as much as 94 per cent, of the light, that could be reflected by a greater number; whereas 4 plates of the perfectly transparent kind reflect only 60 per cent. " The table also shows, that while the amount of light transmitted at the polarizing angle by a pile of a considerable number of plates is materially reduced by a defect of transparency, its state of polarization is somewhat improved. This result might be seen without calculation. For while no part of the transmitted light which is polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence underwent reflection, a large part of the transmitted light polarized the other way was reflected an even number of times ; and since the length of path of the light within the absorbing medium is necessarily increased by reflection, it follows that a defect of transparency must operate more powerfully in reducing the intensity of light polarized in, than of light polarized perpen- dicularly to the plane of polarization. But the table also shows, that a far better result can be obtained, as to the perfection of the polarization of the transmitted light, without any greater loss of illumination, by employing a larger number of plates of the more transparent kind." 214. We shall now confine our attention to perfectly trans- parent plates, and consider the manner in which the degree of polarization of the transmitted light varies with the angle of incidence. The degree of polarization is expressed by the ratio which we shall denote by %. When % = 1, there is no polarization ; and when ^ = 0, the polarization is perfect in a plane perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Now when <7 = 1, it follows from (58) and (59) that 20 1-0 P *P rn_ *- P *~~ 1 > """" T 9 whence R + T=l; accordingly from (70) and (71), a and b are each equal to unity, and (72) becomes indeterminate. Now when a and 6 are nearly equal to unity, a and ft become indefinitely small, whence (67) becomes < (m) _ ^ (m) _ 1 mft a a + mft ' PERFECTLY TRANSPARENT PLATES. 221 Also from (68), @ = Ea/T, whence __ l- -" p Let i r = 0, i-t-r = o-, //, sin r = sin i then cfo' dr dO da- tan i - tan r tan i + tan r whence d0 = sin 0d ; and since cos (and there- fore i) decreases, or as m increases. For m = 1, i = JTT, and %i = A 6 " 2 5 f r m = > cos ; we may therefore put dd> dd) dd) u i= j v i = j > w i = j ( 2 )' dx dy dz where < is some function of cc, y, z and t. Since the displacements u?,, v 2 , W 2 do not involve dilatation, it follows that - -\ r-^ -j =-^ = (3). dx dy dz 224 DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. From (1) we see that also putting u = d/dx + u 2 in (1), and taking account of (4), we l (5), with two similar equations for v 2 , w. 2 . It therefore follows that the most general solution of (1) is d(p d dx dy dz where is any function of x, y, z and t which satisfies (4), and u 2 , v 2 , w 2 are similar functions, which satisfy equations of the form (5), subject to equation (3). Propagation of an Arbitrary Disturbance. 216. We shall now apply equations (1) to obtain the solution of a problem which was first investigated by Sir G. Stokes, viz. - the propagation of an arbitrary disturbance in an elastic medium 1 . Let us suppose that the medium is initially at rest, and that a disturbance is excited throughout a certain volume T of the medium. The subsequent character of the disturbance is com- pletely determined, when the initial displacement and the initial velocity of every element within T is known. Let P be any point within T, the point at which the disturbance is sought, and let us first consider that portion of the disturbance which depends upon the dilatation 8. By equations (3) and (6), it follows that 8 = V 2 , where < satisfies (4); and it will be more convenient to consider the function than 8, for when the former function is known, the portions of the displacements which depend upon the dilatation can be immediately obtained by differentiation. If .r, y, z be the coordinates of 0, the initial values of c/> and <, will depend entirely upon the position of 0, and we must therefore have 1 Trans. Camb. PMl. Soc. Vol. ix. p. 1, and Math, and Pnys. Papers, Vol. n. p. 243. POISSONS SOLUTION. 225 where / and F are given functions. We therefore require the solution of (4) subject to (7). 217. The solution of (4), which was first obtained by Poisson, may be effected as follows. The symbolic solution is (f> = cosh (atV) x + sinh (atV) ty, where ^ and ty are functions of x, y, z\ we therefore obtain from (7) and J T = = Accordingly the solution becomes * = co,h (*)/+ *-. .............. (8). We must now show how the operations denoted by the symbolic operators may be performed. With the point as a centre, describe a sphere of radius r, and let a, ft, 7 be the coordinates of any point P on this sphere relatively to ; also let us temporarily denote d/dsc, djdy, d/dz by \, [Jb, V. Consider the integral where the integration extends over the surface of the sphere. If through the point a, /3, 7, a plane be drawn, whose direction cosines are proportional to X, //,, v, and if p be the perpendicular from on to this plane, it is known that \cL + fJt,l3 + vy = (X 2 + i# + v^ p = Vp. Also if be the angle, which the radius drawn from to the point P makes with p, then p = r cos 6, dS = 27rr 2 sin Odd', whence f the integral r cos . r\ tl But if dl be the elementary solid angle subtended by dS at 0, dS = r~dl ; whence putting r = at, and restoring the values of X, ft, v, we obtain B. O. 15 226 DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. Now the operation denoted by the exponential factor on the right-hand side of the last equation, can be performed by means of the symbolic form of Taylor's theorem ; we thus obtain I rr tL+pA+y *_ (x, y, z) = -r 1 1 e dx d v dz F(x, y : If I, m, n be the direction cosines of OP, we shall have a = lat, ft = mat, 7 = nat ; and therefore the portion of which depends upon the initial velocities is lat, y + mat, z -f nat) dfl. From the form of (8) it is at once seen, that the portion of < depending on the initial displacements may be obtained by changing Pinto/, and differentiating with respect to t\ we thus obtain 1 1 F (x '+ lat, y + mat, z + nat) dl, 4?rJJ (9). This equation determines the value of at time t, at any point of the medium whose coordinates are x, y, z> in terms of the initial values of and <. The portions of the displacements which depend upon the dilatation are obtained by differentiating (9) with respect to x, y, z. 218. If the initial disturbance is confined to a portion T of the medium, the double integrals in (9) will vanish, unless the sphere whose centre is and whose radius is at cuts a portion of the space T. Hence if be outside T, and if r lt r 2 be respectively the least and greatest values of the radius vector of any element of that space, there will be no dilatation at until at = r 1 . The dilatation at will then commence, and will last during an interval (r 2 r^/a, and will then cease for ever. 219. If /i, /a, ft denote the initial values of u 2 , v 2 , w 2 , which are the portions of the displacements which depend upon the distortion; and if F lt P 2 , F 3 denote the initial values of u 2 , v s , iu 2 , then since u 2 , v 2 , w 2 each satisfy equations of the same form as (4) with b written for a, it follows that the values of these quantities PROPAGATION OF AN ARBITRARY DISTURBANCE. 227 at time t are determined by equations of the same form as (9). It must also be recollected that/!,/ a ,/ 8 and also F 1} F 2 , F 3 satisfy (3). If therefore we write for brevity F(at) for F(x + lat, y + mat, z + nat), the complete value of u will be with similar expressions for v and w. 220. The initial velocities are determined by the equations dF dF ' where F 19 F 2 , F 3 satisfy (3) ; and since our object is to find the values of u, v, w at any subsequent time in terms of the values of the initial displacements and velocities, we must proceed to eliminate the F's and /'s from (10). It will however be sufficient to perform this operation for those parts of u, v, w which depend upon the initial velocities, for when this is done, the portions depending upon the initial displacements can be obtained by differentiating with respect to t and changing u Qt v , w into ( o, Vo, W . 221. Let a, /3, 7 denote the coordinates of any point P relatively to ; let OP = r, and let I, m, n be the direction cosines of OP ; then at points on the surface of the sphere r = at, we have a = lat, &c. ; also if I the first term of (10) becomes 152 228 DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. By Green's Theorem, where V 2 = d' 2 jda? + d?\df& 4- d*/dy-, dv is an element of the normal to the sphere r = at, and the upper or lower sign is to be taken, according as the volume integrals extend throughout the space external or internal to the sphere. Putting = #, ^ = r" 1 , and applying the theorem to the space outside the sphere r = at, we obtain Putting = %, "^ = 1, and applying the theorem to the space e the sphere r - at, we obtain ing d%/dr between (13) and (14), we obtain (r < at) - -~ 11) and (12). f U Q , v , W Q be the initial velocities, V V (16) x '" Now the function ^, and consequently the functions u , v , w , ] when they occur in a triple integral, are functions of the position | of the point whose coordinates are x+ a, y + ft, ^ + 7; whence d/dx = d/doL, and accordingly we may write d/da, &c. for d/dx, &c. j Hence substituting the value of ^ from (16) in (15), integrating ; by parts, and observing that the two surface integrals which appear ik the integration cancel one another, we obtain r>at.} Integrating the right-hand side again by parts, it follows that PROPAGATION OF AN ARBITRARY DISTURBANCE. 229 if if*' be the portion of u which depends upon the initial velocity ^- ' v I "7 * # V of dilatation, ^^ ? X^^/J ^ ^ "* ^ ^^ *' /Y/y. d . d . d y\ 7 1Q , + 7- K> i H v T- ^ + ^o -y- -^ I dadSdy. 4<7rJJJ\ dar 8 da r 3 da. r 3 ] \ x^^ ^ ~ ^/ Let qo be the initial velocity along OP, so that V + ftWo, and let (qo) at denote the value of q at a distance a^ from 0, then ^~ the surface integral also the triple integral can easily be shown to be equal to ^ **, ~~A< ^ , - 3lq) r-' dad/Sdy ; whence we finally obtain for the portion of u depending upon tfre^/ ^ ^ initial rate of dilatation t rrr + -T (w 3%) r~ 3 dadftdy, (r>at) (17). - - ^^i wJJJ __ ' xu^ 222. We must now find the portion of u due to the initial, tr * velocities of rotation. . r d fl ^ i-^: Applying Green's theorem to the space outside the sphere **. t, by writing ^ for ^ in (13), we obtain - ..* / 4 ^-! , (r>60 ...(18). o- \ . z 3 Since ^- ' + -T-5 + -r^ = 0, rfa d/3 7 by (3), we have 1 . 2 =+ DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. L J a ' ' Adding this to (18), we obtain , (r>bt) ...... (19). ~? ^ Now if ^ OJ ^o> So be the initial velocities of rotation, From the last article it follows, that the first triple integral = -jjl fe)w dO, - jjj (u - 3%) r~ 3 dadfa, (r > bt). Since dadfldy = c?rc?bt) ............ (20). To obtain the portion of u due to the initial velocities, we must add the right-hand sides of (17) and (20), and must recollect, that in (17) the limits of r are oo and at, and in (20) the limits are oo and bt ; we thus finally obtain w/ = ' (? )a! dn + , (bt t it) * ai i~ It therefore follows that 5 The triple integral is taken throughout the space bounded by the two spheres whose common centre is 0, and whose radii are respectively equal to at and bt. If therefore we write r*drdl for an element of volume, the triple integral may be written /Y JJJbt ~fi-jj and therefore its differential coefficient with respect to t, is + r ^ /Y * /Y j ^ ^ -f r 1 JJ (3^ - Uo ) at da - -' JJ (3^ - Hence the portion of u which depends upon the initial placements is ^//_T ((( / \ <** ir)j (* * -*?o). . J-CL ^', + ^iJfo, >^ * -1 H( 2 + btp- p, - ibt ^) da \_ %< ^TT JJ \ ar ar/bt The complete value of the displacement u, due to the initial displacements and velocities, is obtained by adding the values of u, u" given by (21) and (22). The values of v and w can be written down from symmetry. 232 DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. 224. Sir G. Stokes has applied these results to the solution of two important problems, viz. (i) the determination of the disturbance produced by a given variable force acting in a given direction at a given point of the medium ; (ii) the determination of the law of disturbance in a secondary wave of light. We shall now proceed to consider the first problem. , i Disturbance produced by a given Force. 225. Let P be the point at which the force acts ; and let T be a small space described about P, which will ultimately be supposed to vanish, and let be a point outside T at which the value of the disturbance is sought ; also let D be the density of the medium. Let t be the time of observation, measured from some previous epoch ; and let t r be the time, which the dilatational wave occupies in travelling from P to 0. Let f(t) be the given force, and F(t) the velocity at P pro- duced by the force during a very small interval of time dt', then the usual equation of motion gives ,dv Now if we consider the state of things which was going on at P at a time t 1 ago, we must in this equation write t t' for t, and dt f for dt ; also $v = F(t- 1'), whence This equation gives the value of the velocity communicated during the interval Stf in terms of the force. Let be the origin, OP = r ; also let I, m, n be the Direction cosines of OP, and l' t m, n' those of the force ; and let & be the angle between OP and the direction of the force, so that k = IV + mm' + nri. Since the disturbance may by virtue of (23) be regarded as one which is produced by a given initial velocity, the resulting disturbance at is determined by (21) ; also since ?o = kF, DISTURBANCE PRODUCED BY A GIVEN FORCE. 233 ; it follows that the first term of (21) becomes da ^ <* snce r = ' -, & Since the force is supposed to have commenced to act an infinitely long time ago, we must integrate this expression with respect to t' between the limits r/a and oo ; but since the force is confined to the indefinitely small volume T, f(t t') will be insensible except for values of tf comprised between the narrow limits r-Ja and r 2 /a, where r 1} r 2 are the least and greatest values of the radius vector drawn from to T. We may therefore omit the integral signs, and replace SrdS by T, and we thus obtain for the value of the first term of (21), **/({-*} ...(24). 4t7rDa 2 r J \ aJ If we denote by t", the time which a distortional wave occupies in travelling from P to 0, and treat the second term of (21) in a similar manner, we shall obtain In order to find what the triple integral in (21) becomes, we see from (17) and (20) that it may be written T- (i - %o) r~ 3 dad/3dy (r > at') The first term of this accordingly becomes t' (r > bt"\ I' - Slk)f(t - t') dt'r~ s dad/3dy. Since f(t t') is insensible except throughout the space T, we may write T for dctdfidy, and omit the integral signs ; we thus obtain and this has to be integrated with respect to t' between the limits r/a and oo . This term thus becomes /: -** = 234 DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. Treating the second term in the same manner, and remembering that the limits of t" are r/b and - oo , and adding we obtain Hence collecting all the terms we obtain U == ~~, i^ ~ / I t ~~~ ) ~P ~ TTv7 / I V T (26) - The values of v and w are obtained by putting m, m' ; n, n' respectively for I, l f . If therefore we take OP for the axis of x, and the plane passing through OP and the direction of the force as the plane nz, and put for the inclination of the force to PO, we shall have , ra = 0, ft = 0; l' = k = ra' = 0, n' = sin c/>. Whence cos ..(27). 226. In discussing this result Sir G. Stokes says : "The first term in u represents a disturbance which is pro- pagated from P with a velocity a. Since there is no corresponding term in v or w, the displacement, as far as relates to this dis- turbance, is strictly^ normal to the front of the wave. The first term in w represents a disturbance which is propagated from P with a velocity b, and as far as relates to this disturbance, the displacement takes place strictly in the front of the wave. The remaining terms in u and w represent a disturbance of the same kind as that which takes place in an incompressible fluid, in consequence of the motion of solid bodies in it. If / (t) represent a force which acts for a short time, and then ceases, / (t t') will DISTURBANCE PRODUCED BY A GIVEN FORCE. 235 differ from zero only between certain narrow limits of t, and the integral contained in the last terms of u and w will be of the order r, and therefore the terms themselves will be of the order r~ 2 , whereas the leading terms are of the order r~ l . Hence in this case the former terms will not be sensible beyond the immediate neighbourhood of P. The same will be true if / (t) represent a periodic force, the mean value of which is zero. But if f (t) represent a force always acting one way, as for example a constant force, the last terms in u and w will be of the same order, when r is large, as the first terms. "It has been remarked, that there is strong reason for believing that in the case of the luminiferous ether, the ratio of a/b is extremely large if not infinite. Consequently the first term of u\ which relates to normal vibrations, will be insensible, if not absolutely evanescent. In fact, if the ratio a/b were no greater than 100, the denominator in this term would be 10000 times as great as the denominator of the first term of w. Now the molecules of a solid or gas in the act of combustion are probably thrown into a state of violent vibration, and may be regarded, at least very approximately, as centres of disturbing forces. We may thus see why transversal vibrations should be alone produced, unaccompanied by normal vibrations, or at least by any which are of sufficient magnitude to be sensible. If we could be sure that the ether was strictly incompressible, we should of course be justified in asserting that normal vibrations are impossible. "If we suppose that a = oo , and /()== F sin 27r&/\, we shall obtain from (27) F sin 6 . 2-7T /L . F\ sin 2?r W= - sn ^(28), and we see that the most important term of u is of the order \/irr compared with the leading term of w, which represents transversal vibrations properly so called. Hence u aod the second and third terms of w, will be insensible, except at a distance from P comparable with X, and may be neglected ; but the existence of 236 DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. terms of this nature, in the case of a spherical wave whose radius is not regarded as infinite, must be borne in mind, in order to understand in what manner transversal vibrations are compatible with the absence of dilatation or condensation." Determination of the Law of Disturbance in a Secondary Wave of Light. 227. Let us suppose, that plane waves of light are travelling through an elastic medium. Let the axis of x be parallel to the direction of propagation of the waves, whilst the axis of z is parallel to the direction of vibration; then the displacement at any point of the medium may be denoted by w=f(bt-x). Let P be a fixed point, which we shall choose as the origin ; a point whose coordinates are x, y, z ; dS a small element of the plane yz, which contains P. We require to find that portion of the total disturbance at 0, which is due to the element dS at P. The disturbance at dS consists of a displacement f(bt) and a velocity bf (bt). In order to find the disturbance at due to the velocity, let t' be the time which the disturbance occupies in travelling from P to ; then if PO = r, we shall have r = bt'; also let I, m, n be the direction cosines of OP measured from 0, so that I, m y n are the direction cosines of OP measured from P. We shall thus have also since the dilatational terms are to be omitted on account of the largeness of a, the displacement corresponding to that part of the disturbance which is due to the velocity, which existed at P at time t' ago, is given by (20). Since the volume integral varies as r~ 3 , it must be omitted ; whence recollecting that the signs of l y m, n in (22) must be reversed, we obtain for the portion de- pending on dS, In order to find dl in terms of dS, let us consider a thin film comprised between dS and a parallel surface, whose thickness is bdt'. Then the volume of this slice is bdt'dS; but this volume is SECONDARY WAVES OF LIGHT. 237 also equal to r^dQdr ; and since r = bt', it follows that r*dl = dS ; whence Treating v and w in a similar manner, we obtain mndS Equations (29) and (30) show that lu + mv + nw = 0, from which we see that the displacement takes place in a plane through 0, perpendicular to PO ; also since u/v = l/m, it takes place in a plane through PO and the axis of z t which is the direction of vibration of the primary wave. Putting n = cos <, so that < is the angle between PO and the axis of z, the magnitude of this displacement is ' since the signs of I, m, n in (22) have to be changed. In order to determine this differential coefficient, let x r , y f , z' be the coordinates of P referred to any origin, then p = nw Q = nf (bt bt' #'), and ^ = -l^, = -lnf(U-U f -x')', d/T QjOC where the accent in /' denotes differentiation with respect to bt. Transferring the origin to P, and recollecting that btf = r, we obtain , PndS /./,,. x whence u = ~~i / (^ r ) 238 DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. Treating v and w in the same manner, we obtain ImndS jf .(33). This is the portion of the displacement at 0, which depends upon the displacement at P. If we denote it by f 2 > and put Z = cos 0, we see that its direction is the same as that of , and its magnitude is (34). 229. By combining the results of (31) and (34) we obtain the important theorem, which was enunciated in 37. Let u = Q, v = Q, w f(bt sc) be the displacements correspond- ing to the primary wave ; let P be any point in the plane yz, dS an element of that plane adjacent to P ; and consider the disturbance due to that portion only of the incident disturbance, which passes continually across dS. Let be any point of the medium situated at a distance from P, which is large in comparison with the wave-length of light ; let PO = r, and let this line respectively make angles 6 and. with the direction of propagation of the incident light, and with the direction of vibration. Then the displacement at will take place in a direction perpendicular to PO and lying in the plane zPO, and if f be the displacement at reckoned positive in the direction nearest to that in which the incident vibrations are reckoned positive, r) (35). In particular if f(bt x) = c sin - (bt x) A. we shall have /v7., we obtain * * QjOLii CO COS \J , c. *v toT _H = t 4 .. dt 1 sin 2 sin 2 o) ' ^ ' ^rom this equation we observe, that as t increases from to ^~ 7r/2o), dot-ci/dt increases /n value. It therefore follows that as a t - increases, the planes 01 vibration of the diffracted rays will not be 2** - distributed uniformly, but will be crowded towards the plane '.perpendicular to Jthe plane of diffraction, according to the law ^expressed by th/ above equation. angles which the planes of polarization of the diffracted rays, (if the diffracted rays prove to be really polarized), make with planes perpendicular to the plane of diffraction, can be measured by means of a pair of graduated instruments furnished with Nicol's prisms; and the readings of ^Ifj'*. U VIBRATIONS OF POLARIZED LIGHT. 241 the instrument, which is used as the analyser, will show whether the planes of polarization of the diffracted rays are crowded towards the plane of diffraction, or towards the plane perpendicular to the plane of diffraction. Let tzr, a be the azimuths of the planes of polarization of the incident and diffracted rays, both measured from planes perpen- dicular to the plane of diffraction. Then if the vibrations of polarized light are in the plane of polarization, the planes ZOA and ZOD will respectively be the planes of polarization of the incident and diffracted rays; accordingly on this hypothesis we should have r = -, a = a d and therefore by (37) tan a = cos 6 tan r ; and we have already shown that in this case, the planes of polarization will be crowded towards the plane perpendicular to the plane of diffraction. But if the vibrations of polarized light are perpendicular to the plane of polarization, we shall have r = JTT + t -, a = \TT + a d , in which case ^ r *C - ^ /i A = cos-(a*-*) is the real part of n P n + (w + l)f n+1 P B+1 }...(38), where n is zero or any positive integer, P n is a zonal harmonic, *T= 27T/X, and .(39), Since the function tynPn is the velocity potential of a multiple source of sound of the ?ith order, it follows that the effect of the element may be represented by three multiple sources of orders n 1, n, n + 1. If in (38) we put n = 0, and realize, the result is dS ,. , 2-7T , dScosO 2?r / ~ (1 +C S ^ Sm ~\ ( at ~ r) + where r is the distance of the element from a point P, and 6 is the angle which the direction of r makes with that of propagation. If X is small compared with r, as is always the case in optical problems, the first term is the most important. 1 Encycl. Brit. Art. "Wave Theory," pp. 452454. 2 Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. vol. xxn. p. 317. RESOLUTION OF PLANE WAVES. 243 232. From the preceding result, it might be anticipated, that Stokes' formula is equivalent to the combination of a simple and a double source of light ; and we shall now show that this is the case. We have shown in 215, equation (6), that the most general solution of the equations of motion of an elastic solid is given by the equations u = d(f)/dx + tt'e l(cW , v = d(f>/dy + v'e LKbt , w = d^jdz + w'e lltbt , where < is the function which determines the longitudinal wave ; and u' t v', w each satisfy an equation of the form (V 2 + 2 K = (41), subject to the condition ;r - + ^r +^= =0 (42). dx dy dz It is well known *, that (41) are satisfied by where X n , Y n , Z n are three solid harmonics of positive degree n, and ty n is the function defined by (39) and (40). The function ^ can also be shown to satisfy the following equations, viz. /vt * /n A f** ,/.. f** ...(44), (2 71 + 1) ^r w = t*T (^ n . which are frequently useful. Let (f> n , % n , be any positive solid harmonics of degree n ; then by means of a process similar to that employed by Lamb 2 , it can be shown that d = r- \ dx ' y dz " dy) ' n + 2 dx (45) with symmetrical expressions for v', w'. The simplest way of verifying this result is to recollect, that a solid harmonic is a homogeneous function of x, y, z of degree n ; 1 Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, Ch. xvii. ; Stokes, On the communication of * vibrations from a vibrating body to the atmosphere, Phil. Trans. 1868. 2 Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. vol. xm. p. 51 ; see also, Basset, Hydrodynamics, \ vol. n. pp. 316318. 162 244 DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. we thus see that the first term of u' is of the form r n , whilst the second is of the form r~ n ~ 2 i|r 7l+ JT n+2 . The above expression therefore satisfies (41). Also if we differentiate the expressions for u' t v', w' with respect to cc, y, z, and take account of (44), it will be found that (42) is satisfied. 233. The simplest solution is obtained by putting n = 0, in which case whence = const. Ae~ iier U = '~r~ + V j 1 + ^ + (wrr- .(46). This expression may be regarded as giving the value of u for a simple source of light, and it corresponds to a source in hydro- dynamics, or to an electrified point. The expression is, however, more analogous to a doublet or a magnet, inasmuch as a simple source of light has direction as well as magnitude. The direction cosines of the axis of the source are proportional to A, B, C ; anu r if we suppose that its axis is parallel to z, we shall have A=B=(). Also, in optical problems, \ is usually so small in comparison with r, that at a considerable distance from the source, powers of (ar)" 1 may be neglected ; whence, writing F=&C, we shall obtain Fxz In the figure, let P be the point x, y, z : also let 6 = POx, <> INTERPRETATION OF STOKES' THEOREM. 245 draw PT perpendicular to OP in the plane POz. Then the preceding equations show, that the direction of vibration is along PT, and its magnitude is equal to rr sn <>. r Restoring the time factor e iKbt and realizing, this becomes F %TT - sin (f> cos - (U - r) .................. (48). V A/ This is the expression for the disturbance produced by a simple source of light at a point r, whose distance from the source is large compared with the wave-length. The motion is, as might be expected, symmetrical with respect to the axis of z, and vanishes on that axis where <> = or TT ; and it is a maximum on the plane xy where = %TT. 234. In order to obtain the most general expression for a singular point of the second order, we must put n = 1 ; whence & = (B- G) x- + (C - A) if + (A-B)& + ZA'yz + VBzx + arid The expression for a singular point of the second order accord- ingly contains eight constants, and is therefore a function of considerable generality. Let us now suppose, as a particular case, that then, if we confine our attention to points at a considerable dis- tance from the origin, we may put 'hence .(50). 246 DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. It therefore follows, that the magnitude of the displacement represented by (50) is - e~ lKr sin cos (51), and that its direction is along PT. Restoring the time factor, adding (48) and (51), and writing cdS/2\ for F, we obtain CClO ,- /i\ i -"T /i i \ ^ (1 -f cos 6) sin cos - (bt r), &W1P A* which is Stokes' result. We therefore see that Stokes' expression for the disturbance produced by an element of a plane wave of light is equivalent to the combination of a simple and a double source. At the same time, if we were to carry out the investigation on the same lines as I have done in the case of sound in the paper referred to, there can, I think, be little doubt, that we should find that there is an infinite- number of combinations of multiple sources which would produce the required effect, and consequently Stokes' law although the simplest, is only one out of an infinite number. The question is not, however, of very much importance in the case of light, inasmuch as, in problems relating to diffraction, we may with sufficient accuracy take sin = cos 0=1, in which case the disturbance due to the element will be c^f cos 27r \r \ '* corresponding to the wave w = c sin (bt x). A, ' ' Scattering of Light by Small Particles. 235. The physical explanation of the intensely blue colour of the sky, which cannot fail to have attracted the attention of those who have resided in warm countries, has formed the subject of various speculations. It has also been found by experiment, that a beam of light which is emitted by a bright cloud, exhibits decided traces of polarization, and that the direction of maximum polarization is perpendicular to that of the beam. The experi- SCATTERING OF LIGHT. 247 merits of Tyndall 1 on precipitated clouds, point to the conclusion, that both these phenomena are due to the existence of small particles of solid matter suspended in the atmosphere, which modify the waves of light in their course; and we shall now proceed to give an account of a theory due to Lord Rayleigh 2 , by means of which these phenomena may be explained. 236. The theory of Lord Rayleigh in its original form, was an elastic solid theory; but it is equally applicable to the electro- magnetic theory of light 3 , since we shall hereafter see, that the equations, which are satisfied by the electric displacement, are of the same form as those which are satisfied by those portions of the displacements of an elastic solid, upon which distortion unaccompanied by dilatation depends. If we suppose that the particles are spherical, it follows that when a plane wave of light impinges upon a particle, the latter will be thrown into a state of vibration ; and the only possible motion which the particle can have, will consist of a motion of translation in the plane containing the directions of propagation and vibration of the impinging wave, and a motion of rotation about an axis perpendicular to this plane. If the ether be regarded as a medium, which possesses the properties of an elastic solid, the motion of the particles will give rise to two scattered waves, one of which will be a longitudinal wave, and therefore produces no optical effects, whilst the other will be a distortional wave, which will give rise to the sensation of light. If on the other hand, the ether be regarded as an electromagnetic medium, only one wave, viz. an optical wave, will be propagated. In order to obtain a complete mathematical solution, it would be necessary to introduce the boundary conditions 4 , and to proceed on 1 Phil. Mag. May 1869, p. 384. 2 Ibid. Feb., April and June 1871 ; Aug. 1881. 3 See Phil. Mag. Aug. 1881. 4 If the ether be regarded as a medium which possesses the properties of an elastic solid, three suppositions may be made respecting the boundary conditions. (i) We may suppose that no slipping takes place, which requires that the velocity of the ether in contact with the sphere should be equal to that of the sphere itself ; but, inasmuch as there are reasons for thinking that the amplitudes of the vibrations of the matter are very much smaller than those of the ether in contact with it, except in the extreme case in which one of the free periods of the matter is equal to the period of the ethereal wave, this hypothesis is improbable. (ii) We may suppose that partial slipping takes place. This hypothesis is 248 DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. the same principles as in the corresponding acoustical problem 1 . It will not however be necessary to enter into any considerations of this kind, if we assume that the principal effect of the incident wave is to cause the particle to perform vibrations parallel to the direction of vibration of this wave. 237. To fix our ideas, let us suppose that the direction of propagation of the primary wave is vertical, and that the plane of vibration is the meridian. The particle will accordingly vibrate north and south, and its effect will be the same as that of a simple source of light, whose axis is in this direction. Accordingly if < be the angle which any scattered ray makes with the line running north and south, it follows from (48), that the displace- ment will be of the form F . ' 27T/ 7 , \ - sin (f> cos ( bt r J, and is therefore a maximum for rays, which lie in the vertical plane running east and west, .for which (/> = JTT; whilst there is no scattered ray along the north and south line for which = 0. If the primary wave is unpolarized, the light scattered north and south is entirely due to that component which vibrates east and west. Similarly any other ray scattered horizontally is perfectly polarized, and the vibration is performed in a horizontal plane. In other directions, the polarization becomes less and less com- plete as we approach the vertical, and in the vertical direction altogether disappears. 238. The preceding argument also shows, that the vibrations of polarized light must be perpendicular to the plane of polariza- tion. For if the light scattered in a direction perpendicular to that of a primary wave be viewed through a Nicol's prism, it will be found that no light is transmitted, when the principal section is open to the objection that the law of slipping is unknown, and would therefore involve an additional assumption; and also that it would introduce frictional resistance. (iii) We may suppose that perfect slipping takes place. In this case the boundary conditions are continuity of normal motion, and zero tangential stress. This hypothesis has much to commend it on the ground of simplicity, since the action of the ether on the matter consists of a hydrostatic pressure, and in the case of a sphere is consequently reducible to a force ; whereas, if no slipping or partial slipping took place, the action would (except in special cases) consist of a couple as well as a force. 1 Lord Kayleigh, Theory of Sound, vol. n. 334. SCATTERING OF LIGHT. 249 parallel to the direction of the primary wave. Hence the vibrations of the extraordinary wave in a uniaxal crystal, lie in the principal plane. 239. We must now consider the colour of the scattered light. The experiments of Tyndall showed, that when the particles of foreign matter were sufficiently fine, the colour of the scattered light is blue. The simplest way of obtaining a theoretical explanation of this phenomenon, is by means of the method of dimensions. The ratio I of the amplitudes of the scattered and the primary light, is a simple number, and is therefore of no dimensions. This ratio must however be a function of T the volume of the disturbing particle, p its density, r the distance of the point under consideration from it, b the velocity of propaga- tion of light, and p the density of the ether. Since / is of no dimensions in mass, it follows that p and p' can only occur under the form p[p', which is a number and may be omitted ; we have therefore to find out how / varies with T, r, \ and b. Of these quantities b is the only one depending on the time ; and therefore since / is of no dimensions in time, b cannot occur. We are therefore left with T, r and X. Now it is quite clear from dynamical considerations, that / varies directly as T and inversely as r, and must therefore be proportional to T/X 2 r, T being of three dimensions in space. In passing from one part of the spectrum to another, X is the only quantity which varies, and we thus obtain the important law : When light is scattered by particles, whose dimensions are small compared ivith the wave-length of light, the ratio of the amplitudes of ike vibrations of the scattered and incident light, varies inversely as the square of the wave-length, and the ratio of the intensities, as the inverse fourth power. From this law we see, that the intensity of the blue light is the greatest. Hence the blue colour of the sky may be accounted for on the supposition, that it is due to the action of minute particles of vapour, and also probably to the molecules of air, which scatter the waves proceeding from the sun. 250 DYNAMICAL THEORY OF DIFFRACTION. Common Light. 240. The distinguishing feature of common light is, that it exhibits no trace of polarization ; and the theory of sources of light given in 232 furnishes an explanation of the reason why it is, that the light emitted from an incandescent substance is unpolarized. The molecules of an incandescent body are in a violent state of vibration; each molecule may therefore be regarded as a centre of disturbance, which produces ethereal waves. The most general form of the waves produced by any molecule is given by (45), but for simplicity, we shall confine our attention to the first term of this series for which n = 0. It therefore follows from (46), that at a distance from the molecule, which is large compared with the wave-length of light, the displacements would be represented by the equation - + ^Ur 2 -3 (Ax + B-U + Cz} x\ cos =f (bt-r) \ cos "V ^ ~ with symmetrical expressions for v and w, where A, B, G are proportional to the direction cosines of the direction of vibration of the molecule. This expression represents a spherical wave of light, whose direction of vibration lies in the plane passing through the line of vibration of the molecule, and the line joining the latter with the eye of the observer. But owing to a variety of causes, amongst which may be mentioned collisions, which are continually taking place between the molecules, the line of vibration of any particular molecule is perpetually changing, so that the angular motion of this line is most irregular. These changes take place in all probability with a rapidity, which is comparable with the period of waves of light, so that it is impossible for the eye to take cognizance of any particular direction. Moreover the light which is received from an incandescent body, is due to the superposition of the waves produced by an enormous number of vibrating molecules, the lines of vibration of each of which are different, and are continually changing. Hence the actual path which any particle of ether describes during a complete period is an irregular curve, whose form changes many million times in a second. We thus see why it is that common light is unpolarized. COMMON LIGHT. 251 241. We can now understand why interference fringes cannot be produced by means of light coming from two different sources. For the production of these fringes requires, that there should be a fixed relation between the phases of the two streams; but inasmuch as the two streams are affected by two distinct sets of irregularities, no fixed phase relation between them is possible. If however the two streams come from the same source, the irregularities by which the two streams are affected are identical, and consequently a fixed phase relation will exist between them. EXAMPLES. 1. A luminous point is surrounded by an atmosphere containing a number of small equal particles of dust, the density of whose distribution varies inversely as the nth power of the distance from the point, and which scatter the light incident upon them. Show that except in the immediate vicinity of the luminous point, the (n + I)/(n + 3)th part of the whole light scattered by the dust will be polarized. 2. Establish the truth of Stokes' expression for the effect of a.n element of an infinite plane wave at a point Q, by integration over the whole wave-front. If the wave be finite, and all points of its boundary be at the same distance a from Q, prove that the displacement at Q will be jsin ~ (vt #) T~i (a + x) (a? + x 2 ) sin where x is the distance of Q from the wave at the plane of resolution. 3. In a biaxal crystal the ratios of the axes of the ellipsoid of elasticity are slightly different for different colours, so that the angles between the optic axes for yellow and violet are a, a + . The normal to a wave-front of white light in such a crystal makes angles lt 6 2 with the mean optic axis, and the planes through the normal and the optic axes make an angle o> with one another. Show that the directions of polarization lie within a small angle /sin #! sin 2 \ sin \sin 0. 2 sin O sin a CHAPTER XIV. GREENS THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. 242. THE theory of double refraction proposed by Green 1 , is the theory of the propagation of waves in an sBolotropic elastic medium. We have stated in Chapter XI., that the potential energy of such a medium is a homogeneous quadratic function of the six components of strain ; and we shall now proceed to examine this statement. Let be any point of the medium, and let OA, OB, OG be the sides of an elementary parallelepiped of the medium when unstrained. Then any strain which acts upon the medium, will produce the following effects upon the element. (i) Every point of the element will experience a bodily displacement. (ii) The three sides OA, OB, OC will be elongated or contracted. (iii) The element will be distorted into an oblique parallele- piped. Let u, v, 10 be the component displacements at 0; e, f, g the extensions of OA, OB, 0(7; a, b, c the angles which the faces OCA, OAB, OBG make with their original positions. Since a bodily displacement of the medium as a whole, cannot produce any strain, it follows that the potential energy due to strain cannot be a function of u, v, w ; but since any displacement, which 1 Tram. Camb. Phil. Soc. 1839 ; Math. Papers, p. 291. POTENTIAL ENERGY. 253 produces an alteration of the forms (ii) or (iii) must necessarily endow the medium with potential energy, it follows that the potential energy due to strain, must be a function of the six strains e,f, g, a, b, c. 243. The most general form of the potential energy W, is given by the equation W=W 1 +W Z +W, + ..., where W n is a homogeneous n-tic function of the strains. It is evident that W cannot contain a constant term of the form W Q) for when the medium is unstrained, the potential energy is zero, The most general expression for Wi is where E, F ... are constants. Now Green supposed, that if the medium were subjected to external pressure, the first three terms of W l might come in ; but it appears to me that this hypothesis is untenable. For if P be the stress of type e, then de de accordingly if W contained a term W l} stresses would exist, when the medium is free from strain. If the medium were absolutely incompressible, the stresses might undoubtedly contain terms independent of the strains. For if a portion of such a medium were enclosed in a rectangular box, and stresses E, F, G, A, B, C were applied to the sides of the box, of such magnitude as to preserve its rectangular form, no displacement, and consequently no strain would be produced, on account of the incompressibility of the medium ; but the internal stresses would contain terms depending on the values of the surface stresses. These surface stresses could not however give rise to any terms in the potential energy, inasmuch as they do no work. If on the other hand, the medium were compressible, the effect of the surface stresses would be to produce displacements, and consequently strains depending upon them, in the interior of the medium ; hence the internal stresses P, Q, ... could not contain any terms independent of the strains, and the term W 1 could not exist. We have already pointed out, that in order to get rid of the pressural or dilatational wave, it is unnecessary to make the extravagant assumption, that the medium is incompressible ; all that it is necessary to assume is, that the constants upon which compressibility depends, are very 254 GREEN'S THEORY or DOUBLE REFRACTION, large in comparison with those upon which distortion depends. Under these circumstances, we conclude that W l is zero, and that the internal stresses do not contain any terms independent of the strains. Also since the terms W 3) TT 4 ... would introduce quadratic and cubic terms into the equations of motion, they will be neglected. 244. The potential energy is therefore a homogeneous quad- ratic function of the six strains, and accordingly contains twenty- one terms. Biaxal crystals, however, have three rectangular planes of symmetry; and as Green's object was to construct a theory which would explain double refraction, he assumed that the medium possessed this property. Whence the expression for W reduces to the following nine terms, and may be written 2 W = E& + Ff 2 + Of + 2E'fg + 2Fge + Wef + Aar+ Bb~ + Cc* (1), where e, f, g, a, 6, c are the six strains. The coefficients in the expression for W are all constants, depending on the physical properties of the medium. The first three, E, F, G are called by Rankine 1 coefficients of longitudinal elasticity ; the second three, E', F', G' are called coefficients of lateral elasticity ; whilst the last three, A, B, C are the three principal rigidities. 245. The waves which are capable of being propagated in an isotropic medium, have already been shown to consist of two distinct types, which are propagated with different velocities ; viz. longitudinal waves, which involve dilatation unaccompanied by distortion ; and transversal waves, which involve distortion un- accompanied by dilatation. Waves of the first type depend upon the dilatation S, and do not involve rotation ; hence the rotations 97, f are zero, and the displacements are the differential coefficients of a single function <. Waves of the second type depend upon the rotations f, 77, f, and do not involve dilatation ; hence 8 is zero, and the displacements must therefore satisfy the equation du dv dw ~^ I 7 r ~T~ U) dx dy dz which is the condition, that the displacement should be perpen- dicular to the direction of propagation. 1 Miscellaneous Scientific Papers, p. 107. EQUATIONS OF MOTION. 255 246. Let us now consider a portion of a crystalline medium, which is bounded by a plane ; and let plane waves whose vibrations are transversal, be incident normally upon the medium. The incident wave will produce a train of waves within the medium, which, as will presently be shown, will involve dilatation and distortion, unless certain relations exist between the coefficients. But since the disturbance which constitutes light, consists of a vector quantity, whose direction is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave, it follows that the medium must be one, which is capable of propagating waves of transversal vibrations unaccompanied by waves of longitudinal vibrations. Green there- fore assumed that the medium possessed this property, and investigated the relations which must exist between the coefficients, in order that this might be possible. 247. The equations of motion of the medium are d?udP dU dT with two similar equations, where P=dW/de &c. Substituting the values of P, Q ..., the equations of motion become d?u F d*u d*u d*u , d*v ,/ F /, m ^^ P ~HZ & ~T~~ + v T~T + & TT + (Or + O) ^ i f-(J? + x>) ; =- r dtf dx- dy- dz 2 ' dxdy J dxdz d 2 v n d 2 v ^d 2 v A d 2 v ,, A . d 2 w P -ji = C j~ + F j + -4 -T- O + (E ' + A ) -3-3- r dp da? dy dz- ' dydz ,. (3). v d 2 w _ Differentiate with respect to x, y, z and add, and we obtain v d 2 c - ' dxdy If in this equation we put v-r-^j W ' it becomes p -^ = jj% 2 8 (5). Hence the relations between the coefficients which are given by (4), are the conditions that a longitudinal wave may be capable of being propagated through the medium, unaccompanied by 256 GREEN'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. transversal waves; and therefore if these conditions are satisfied, longitudinal waves will be propagated through the medium with a velocity (p/p)*. By means of (4), the equations of motion may now be written d-v from which we deduce, .(7), where dx dy dz" and the expression for the potential energy becomes 2W=p(e +f+g)* + A (a 2 - 4fg) + B( - 4ge) + C(c?- The stresses are given by the equations (8), ...(9). ,(10). 2 (Be + Af) T=Bb, U=Cc 248. Equations (6) and (7) show, that the special kind of seolotropic medium considered by Green, is capable of propagating two distinct types of waves, viz. dilatational waves, whose velocity of propagation has been shown to be equal to (/V/o)*, an d dis- tortional waves, whose velocity of propagation is determined by (7). We shall presently show, that the velocity of propagation of the distortional waves, is determined by the same quadratic equation as in Fresnel's theory ; but previously to doing this, it will be desirable to consider a little more closely the properties of the medium. PROPERTIES OF THE MEDIUM. 257 249. In a crystalline medium, which possesses three rectangular planes of symmetry, the shearing stress across any plane which is not a principal plane, will in general be a function of the exten- sions as well as of the shearing strain parallel to that plane. It is however possible for a medium to be symmetrical, as regards rigidity, with respect to each of the three principal axes: in other words, the medium may be such, that if any plane be drawn parallel to one of the principal axes (say x), and Si, di be the shearing stress and strain parallel to that plane and perpendicular to the axis of as, then Si = Aa^ We shall now show, that when a medium possesses this property, the relations (4) must exist between the coefficients. Let Ox, Oy, Oz be the axes of crystalline symmetry; and let BC be the intersection of any plane parallel to Ox with the plane yz ; and consider a portion of the medium, which is bounded by the plane BO and two fixed rigid planes perpendicular to Ox. Draw Oy lt Ozi respectively perpendicular and parallel to BC, and A j 4 let the suffixed letters denote the values of corresponding quantities referred to Ox, Oy l} Oz as axes. -z. If be the angle which Oyi makes with Oy, then . Si = S cos 20 + 1 (R - Q) sin 20. Oj = A3 CUS ZiC7 -f 2 \H ~ V/ S1U ^ U " / ^T^ / Also, since the medium is supposed to be boundmHby two rigid planes perpendicular to Ox, there can be no extension nor contraction parallel to Ox, whence Q^Ff+E'f,, R = E'f+Og; accordingly, But, if m = cos 6, n = sin 0, $ *t e - f= = m 2 /, also g = n?fi + m 2 gi + Again, dw dv a = , + -=-- dy dz f d d\ , /d d\ , = ( m -j- - n , (nvj. + mw^) + In - -, -4- m ^ (mv l - n \ dy^ dzj \ dy dzj = a,i cos 26 + (/ - gi) sin 20. B. O. 17 258 GREEN'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. Substituting in (11), we obtain 8 1 = {a^A cos 2 20 + J (G + F- 2E') sin 2 2<9j + H/i - ffi) [A-i(G + F- 2^1 sin 40 It therefore follows that if we shall have S l = Aa l . In a similar way it can be shown, that in order that T^ = and U l = Cc^ we must have which are equivalent to (4). If therefore a portion of the medium considered by Green, which is bounded by two fixed planes perpendicular to any one of the principal axes, be subjected to a shearing stress whose direction is perpendicular to that axis, and which lies in any plane parallel to that axis, the ratio of the shearing stress to the shearing strain is equal to the principal rigidity corresponding to that axis. Moreover a crystalline medium which possesses this property, also possesses the property of being able to transmit waves of trans- versal vibrations unaccompanied by waves of longitudinal vibrations. Hence the relations which Green supposed to exist between the nine constants, are not mere adventitious relations, which were assumed for the purpose of obtaining a particular analytical result, but correspond to and specify a particular physical property of the medium. 250. We shall now show, that the velocity of propagation of the distortional waves is determined by Fresnel's law. To satisfy (7) let u, v, w be those portions of the displacements upon which distortion depends ; let /, m, n be the direction cosines of the wave-front, and X, /A, v those of the direction of vibration. Then we may assume that u S\, v = SJA, w = Sv, when S = 6 t/c (fo+ wj 2/+ n2r - vt) , From these equations combined with (7) of 187, we obtain + % = ilc ( mv ~ 7? ELOCITY OF PROPAGATION. 259 If we put \' = mv-nfj,, fi=n\ lv, v' = l/ji-m\ ...... (12), so that X', //, v are the direction cosines of the rotation, and thei substitute the values of , 97, f in (7), we obtain (p V s -A)\' + (Al\' + Snip! + Gnv') I = (13), (p F 2 - C) v' + (AIM + BnifA + CW) n = P m 2 . n J) F 2 2. /oF 2 - u From (12) we at once deduce whence It follows from (14), that the velocities of propagation waves within the crystal are determined by the same quadratic as in Fresnel's theory, and that the wave surface is Fresnel's. \ . ^ ^-s**j y a^ erj t rr ^+ <*-^ 4*? t *X* - st****. ** - ***V*L &&**** 251. From (12) it follows, that the direction of displacement ^ and rotation are in the front of the wave, and also that these ^ directions are at right angles to one another. / / _/ - Multiplying (13) by X', //, v and adding, we obtain V^ & ~ (,{ which shows that the velocity of propagation of either wave, is inversely proportional to the length of that radius vector of the ellipsoid which is parallel to the direction of rotation. We also obtain from (13) C r'triAJi'a' ^C ='(/i^ -6V> ...... (17). 252. Writing a* = A/p, b* = B/p, c*=C/p, we see from (19) of 109, that if oc, y, z be the coordinates of the point of contact of the tangent plane to the wave surface, which is parallel to the wave- /> ^ (pY-^0* , i > a! = IV (r 2 - A/p)/(V* - A/p), front, then and therefore by (17) (r*-A/p)\'/x = (r*-B/p) 2 - C/p) v'jz ...... (18), 172 260 GREEN'S THEORY or DOUBLE REFRACTION. from which it follows, as in 112, that the direction of rotation in any wave, coincides with that of the projection of the ray on the tangent plane to the wave surface, which is parallel to the wave. Now the direction of displacement is perpendicular to that of rotation, and therefore Green's theory requires us to suppose, that the vibrations of polarized light are parallel to the plane of polarization. From (11) we deduce I- 1 (pV*-A) (mv - ??/0 = m- 1 (p F 2 - B) (n\ - Iv) = n and since l\ + rnp + nv=Q we obtain .(B - C) + -(C-A) + -(A - B) = ..... (19), A, // V which detei mines the direction of vibration. 253. The theory of Green, although dynamically sound, renders it necessary to suppose that the vibrations of polarized light are parallel to the plane of polarization, which is one objection ; also if we disregard this difficulty, another difficulty crops up in applying the theory to crystalline reflection and refraction, owing to the necessity of making some assumption, involving relations between the physical constants of isotropic and crystalline media. To investigate this point, let us consider the reflection and refraction of light at the surface of a uniaxal crystal, whose face is perpendicular to the axis. In order that the incident light should give rise to an extraordinary wave, it is necessary on this theory, to suppose that the incident vibrations are perpendicular to the plane of incidence. In the first medium, the equation of motion is and in the crystal, ' where we have written a 2 , c 2 for A and C. Let W =- 4 l " where K sin i = /^ sin r, xV=K l V l (22). REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 261 From (20) we obtain V 2 = n/p, and from (21) Ff = (a 2 sin 2 r + c 2 cos 2 r)//^ . The surface conditions for continuity of displacement and stress give dw _ 3 di^ dx dx ' when # = ; whence A + J.' = A 1 , Kii (A A') cos i = ^.xC'^i cos r, the last of which, by (22), becomes A ' A ^ ^ an * 1 ?i tan r ' ., . n tan r c 2 tan i whence A = A- - (23), n tan r + c 2 tan i ^ = 24ntanr /t tan r + c 2 tan i ' We have hitherto avoided assuming, that any relations exist between the physical constants of the two media; but, in order that these results should be consistent with those which the theory furnishes for isotropic media, it would be necessary to suppose that n = c 2 , and the formulae then show that the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted light would be the same as if the crystal were an isotropic medium. Since the wave whose velocity is c is refracted according to the ordinary law, the assumption that n = c 2 might at first sight appear to be a plausible one in the case of uniaxal crystal ; but, if we attempt to apply the theory to biaxal crystals, there is no valid reason why n should be assumed to be equal to one of the three principal rigidities, rather than to either of the other two. If we adopt the assumption of MacCullagh and Neumann, that p=pi, the intensities will be proportional to the square roots of the amplitudes, and we shall obtain (a 2 sin 2 r + c 2 cos 8 r) sin 2i + c 2 sin 2r ' . 2 A (a. 2 sin 2 r + c 2 cos 2 r) sin 2i (a 2 sin 2 r -f c 2 cos 2 r) sin 2i + c- sin 2r ' The formulas, as will be shown hereafter, agree with the expressions found for the intensity on the electromagnetic theory ; 262 GREEN'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. but Lord Rayleigh has shown, that the assumption that the densities are equal is not a legitimate one in the case of two isotropic media, since it leads to two polarizing angles, and there can be little doubt that, in the case of crystalline media, the same assumption would lead to a similar result, and would therefore be one which it is not permissible to make. It thus appears that Green's theory fails to furnish a satisfactory explanation of crystalline reflection and refraction. To work out a rigorous theory of the reflection and refraction of waves, at the surface of separation of an isotropic medium, and an a3olotropic medium such as Green's, on the supposition that the velocities of propagation of the dilatational or pressural waves in both media, are very great in comparison with the velocities of propagation of the distortional waves, would be a mere question of mathematics, and could be effected without difficulty on the lines of Green's and Lord Rayleigh's investigations, when both media are isotropic. But the only physical interest of such investigations lies in their ability (or inability) to explain optical phenomena ; and therefore, having regard to the failure of Green's theory to furnish satisfactory results in the case of crystalline reflection and refraction, it seems scarcely worth while to pursue such in- vestigations. 254. The theory of Green stands on a perfectly sound dynamical basis, and the various suppositions which he has made with regard to the relations between the constants, are not adventitious assumptions made for the purpose of deducing Fresnel's wave surface, but correspond to definite physical pro- perties of the medium. The assumption, that the medium possesses three rectangular planes of symmetry, is necessary, in order to account for the fact, that in biaxal crystals, there are three perpendicular directions, in which a ray of light can be transmitted without division. Also since the phenomenon of polarization can only be explained on the supposition, that the disturbance which produces optical effects is a vector, whose direction is perpendicular to that of the propagation of the wave, it is necessary to suppose, that the medium is one which is capable of transmitting distortional vibrations independently of dilatational vibrations; and the conditions for this require, that certain relations should exist between the constants, which are given by equations (4), and CRITICISMS ON GREEN'S THEORY. 263 which reduce the expression for the potential energy to four terms. It is no doubt the case, that when waves of light whose vibrations lie in the plane of incidence, are reflected and refracted by a crystal, waves of longitudinal vibrations would be excited; but this difficulty might be evaded, by supposing that //, is very large compared with A, B and G. The theory accordingly at first sight appears to be a very promising one ; but, as we have already shown, there are strong grounds for believing, that the vibrations of polarized light are perpendicular instead of parallel to the plane of polarization ; and the circumstance, that Green's theory requires us to adopt the latter hypothesis, is one of the principal reasons which has prevented it from being accepted as the true theory. 255. Attention has been called to the fact, that the potential energy contains cubic and higher terms, which have been neglected. Glass, however, and most transparent isotropic media exhibit double refraction, when under the influence of stress ; and this fact shows, that the propagation of ethereal waves is modified, when the medium is subjected to stress. A theory which would take into account the effect of these external stresses, and might also throw light on double refraction, could be constructed as follows. The quantity e is the extension parallel to x, and to a first approximation its value is du/dx] if however the approximation were carried a stage further, it would be found that the strains contain quadratic terms. Accordingly if the more complete values of the strains were substituted in (I), they would give rise to cubic terms in W z . Moreover in this case, it would be necessary to take W 3 into account ; but in forming the expression for this quantity, it would be sufficient to take e = dii/da, f= dvjdy, &c. The final equations of motion would accordingly contain quadratic as well as linear terms. The solution of these equations would then have to be conducted on the same principles, as the well-known problem of the propagation of waves in a liquid, which has a motion independent of the wave motion. In the first place, let u lt v l} iu l be the statical portions of the displacements, which depend upon the external stresses ; and let these quantities be found from the complete equations of equilibrium. Next let u 2 , V 2) tv> 2 be the portions of the displacements due to the wave motion, so that M! + a,, v l + v. 2) Wi + Wt are the total displacements of the medium 264 GREEN'S THEORY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. when in motion ; and let these quantities be substituted in the equations of motion, neglecting quadratic terms of the form w 2 2 &c. We should thus obtain three linear equations for determining u. 2 , v 2 , w 2 , into which the external stresses would have been introduced. So far as I am aware, a theory of this kind has not been worked out, but it would be interesting to examine the results to which it leads in some simple case. CHAPTER XV. THEORY OF LORD RAYLEIUH AND SIR W. THOMSON. 256. THE theory which we shall now consider, was first suggested by Rankine, but was subsequently proposed and developed independently by Lord Rayleigh 1 . The theory might be regarded as one, which depends upon the mutual reaction of ether and matter; but inasmuch as it is capable of explaining several important phenomena, it will be desirable to consider it at once. We have already pointed out the unsatisfactory character of Green's theory, when applied to double refraction. We have moreover seen, that there are strong grounds for supposing, that the rigidity of the ether is the same in all isotropic media, and that reflection and refraction are due to a difference of density. The properties of an isotropic medium are the same in all directions, but those of a crystal in any direction depend upon the inclination of that direction to the axes of symmetry of the crystal. Lord Rayleigh therefore assumed, that the two elastic constants of the ether are the same in crystalline as in isotropic media ; but that owing to the, peculiar structure of the matter composing the crystal, the ether behaves as if its density were seolotropic. 257. Since the density of every medium is a scalar function, it might appear that this assumption involves a physical im- possibility ; but it is easy to give an example of a system which behaves in this manner. Let an ellipsoid, suspended by a fine wire, perform small oscillations without rotation in an infinite liquid. If U, V, W be the velocities of the ellipsoid parallel to 1 Hon. J. W. Strutt, Phil. Mag., June, 1871. 266 THEORY OF LORD RAYLEIGH AND SIR W. THOMSON. its axes, its kinetic energy will be equal to ^M(U-+ V- 4- W~)\ the kinetic energy of the liquid is equal to \(P'U- + Q'V- + RW*) ; and therefore the kinetic energy of the solid and liquid will be of the form %(PU 2 + QV 2 + RW' 2 ). Hence the effect of the liquid is to cause the ellipsoid to oscillate in the same manner as a particle, whose density is a function of its direction of motion. We thus have an example of a system, which behaves as if its density were sbolotropic. The point may also be considered from a somewhat different aspect. In the hydrodynamical problem, the resultant pressure exerted by the liquid, consists of three components P'U, Q'V, RW. Lord Rayleigh's hypothesis is therefore equivalent to the assumption, that the effect of matter upon ether, is re- presented by a force whose components are p x il, p v v, p z w parallel to the axes of crystalline symmetry, where u, v, w denote the displacements of the ether; in other words, these forces are proportional to the component accelerations of the ether. In a biaxal crystal, p x , p y , p z are all different; but in an isotropic medium they are equal. 258. The kinetic energy of the ether may accordingly be taken to be equal to %fff(pxtf + pyV~ + pzW*) dxdydz ; whilst the potential energy is the same as in an isotropic medium. And by employing the Principle of Least Action, or the Principle of Virtual Work, the equations of motion will be found to be d-u ^ d where A B = in = k + ^n, B = n, in and n being the elastic constants in Thomson and Tait's notation. 259. Before entering into any further discussion respecting this theory, it will be desirable to solve these equations, in order to find out what they lead us to. We shall accordingly proceed to determine the velocity of propagation *. 1 Glazebrook, Phil. May. (5), Vol. xxvi. p. 521. cr ' v *a J i/" /) f .. -=- f ^ - / " ^ /* ~ ^LL'i^ ^VELOCITY OF PROPAGATION. . rf*J26 Substituting in (1), we obtain 2 / \ Transposing the terms BX &c. in (3) to the left-hand side, ! multiplying by I, m, n, dividing by F 2 a 2 &c., and adding, we ^ obtain Ji (V\* x - /3 7\ \ 71 :l\ mil nv\ B ( ; + "IT- + ! (^ - B) (IX + ^ 4 nv) - + -f y . . .(6), and therefore by (5), This is a cubic equation for determining the velocity of propagation, and shows that corresponding to a given direction, the medium is capable of propagating three waves. By means of (4), equations (3) may be written in the form V 2 - a 2 = (A-B) (l\ + nifi + nv) a-l/\B, |l with two similar equations ; whence we readily obtain a ? (b 2 - c 2 ) + b ~ m (c 2 - a 2 ) + C - (a 2 - b 2 } = (8). A, Lb V = 0. 1 1 /^ 1 . / 268 THEORY OF LORD RAYLEIGH AND SIR W. THOMSON. This equation determines the velocity of propagation of the two optical waves. The velocity of propagation of the longitudinal wave is infinite. The direction of vibration is determined by (8) together with the equation l\ + mp + nv = Q (10). Equation (9) does not lead to Fresnel's wave surface ; and inasmuch as the experiments of Glazebrook 1 have shown, that Fresnel's wave surface is a very close approximation to the truth, the theory in its present form is unsatisfactory. We shall there- fore proceed to consider a modification of this theory which has been proposed by Sir W. Thomson 2 , by means of which Fresnel's wave surface can be obtained. 261. When a disturbance is communicated to a homogeneous isotropic elastic medium, two waves are propagated from the centre of disturbance with different velocities ; one of which is a wave of dilatation, whose vibrations are perpendicular to the wave-front, and whose velocity of propagation is equal to (k + Jft)Vf>* ; whilst the other is a distortion al wave, which does not involve dilata- tion, and whose velocity of propagation is equal to n*/p*. In applying the theory of elastic media to explain optical pheno- mena, it is necessary to get rid of the difficulty which arises from the fact, that such media are capable of propagating dilatational waves. This may be done by supposing that the ratio (k + $n)*/n*, of the velocity of propagation of the dilatational wave to that of the distortional wave, is either very large or very small; which requires either that k should be very large compared with n, or should be very nearly equal to f ft. Green adopted the former supposition, on the ground that, if the latter were true, the medium would-be unstable. Sir W. Thomson, however, has pointed out that, if & is negative and numerically less than f/i, the medium will be stable, provided we either suppose the medium to extend all through boundless space, or give it a fixed containing vessel as a boundary. Putting U = (k + fri)*/p*, V = w */p*, it is obvious, that if a small disturbance be communicated to the medium, U will be real, provided k + ^n be positive, and therefore 1 Phil. Trans. 1879, p. 287 ; 1880, p. 421. 2 Phil Hag. (5), Vol. xxvi. p. 414. SIR w. THOMSON'S HYPOTHESIS. 209 the motion will not increase indefinitely with the time, but will be periodic ; but, if k + n be negative, V will be imaginary, in which case the disturbance will either increase or diminish indefinitely with the time, and the medium will either explode or collapse, and will therefore be thoroughly unstable. If k = fw, U will be zero, and therefore the medium will be incapable of propagating a dilatational wave. The principal difficulty in adopting this hypothesis appears to me to arise from the fact, that it requires us to suppose that the compressibility is negative : in other words, that an increase of pressure produces an increase of volume. So far as I am aware, no medium with which we are acquainted possesses this property ; and it is very difficult to form a mental representation of such a medium. On the other hand, there does not appear to be any a priori reason for supposing, that a medium possessing this property does not exist ; if, therefore, we adopt Sir W. Thomson's hypothesis, it follows that elastic media may be classed under the following three categories : (i) media which contract under pressure, for which k may have any positive value ; (ii) media which expand but do not explode or collapse under pressure, for which k may have any negative value which is numerically less than fw; (iii) media which explode or collapse under pressure, for which k may have any negative value which is numerically greater than %n. 262. In order to explain more clearly the necessity of sup- posing, that the medium extends through infinite space, or is contained with rigid boundary, we observe that the potential energy is equal to i/// K m + *>) & + n ( 2 + V + c 2 ) - 4?? (ef+fg + ge)} dxdydz. Integrating the last term by parts, it becomes If the boundary is fixed, or at an infinite distance, u y v, w must be zero at the boundary, whence the surface integral vanishes; accordingly W = i/// {(m + n) & + n (p + tf + f 2 )1 dxdydz. The value of W is positive when m + n is positive, i.e. when k > _ i w ; in other words, work will have to be done in order to bring the medium into its strained condition. 270 THEORY OF LOUD RAYLEIGH AND SIR W. THOMSON. 263. We shall now develop the consequences of supposing that m + n or A is so exceedingly small, that it may be treated as zero. In the first place, the right-hand side of (7) is zero, and therefore the velocity of propagation is determined by Fresnel's equation, and accordingly the wave surface is Fresnel's. Since B is not zero, equations (6) and (7) show that Equations (3) may be written (12). v ( F 2 /c 2 - 1) = - (l\ + m/jL + nv) n } Multiplying these equations by X/a 2 , /Lt/6 2 , i//c 2 , adding, and taking account of (11), we obtain F 2 (X 2 /a 4 + /A 2 /6 4 + ^ 2 /c 4 ) = X-/a 2 + /i 2 /6 2 + *> 2 /c 2 (13), which gives F in terms of the direction of vibration. Again from (12), we obtain (V* - a-) \/a*l = ( V- - 6 2 ) fji/tfm = ( F- - c 2 ) v/c*n = H (say). . .(14), which determine the direction (X, /-t, v) of the vibrations corre- sponding to a given wave-front. Equation (7) with A very small, but not zero, shows that a quasi-dilatational wave will be propagated, whose velocity is very small ; if therefore in (14), F denote the velocity of this wave, V will be very nearly zero, and consequently the direction of vibration will be approximately determined by the equations \/l = f jL/m=v/'n (15), which shows that the direction of vibration in this wave is sensibly perpendicular to the wave-front. 264. We have also shown, (19) of 109, that in Fresnel's wave surface i by (14), with two similar equations, accordingly ' whence the direction of vibration is perpendicular to the ray. DIRECTION OF VIBRATION. 271 265. Since the equation IX + m/j, + nv = is not satisfied, the direction of vibration does not lie in the wave-front. We shall now show, that it is determined by the following construction. Let P be the point where a ray proceeding from a point within the crystal, meets the wave surface whose centre is ; let PY be the tangent plane to the wave-surface at P, OF the n. - OR perpendicular on it from 0, and draw YR perpendicular to OP. Then RY is the direction of vibration. To prove this, let Z, M, N be the direction cosines of R Y, then But OY= V, and OE = OF 2 /OP = F 2 /r; whence L. - A\A^-~ */> - < -^ y(y'**y. /* A f5vS";v* ' ,..(18). x* by (14), whence In Fresnel's theory, PF is the direction of vibration ; but although on this theory the direction of vibration is not the same as in Fresnel's theory, yet it lies in the plane containing the ray and the wave normal, and therefore the vibrations of polarized light on emerging from the crystal, are perpendicular to the plane of polarization. 272 THEORY OF LORD RAYLEIGH AND SIR W. THOMSON 266. If L', M' } N' are the direction cosines of PY, then -L 1 .PY=X-IV -ti.n F 2 - a 2 = \ by (14); whence 267. The following expression for cos% is also useful. We have cos x = cos PYR = LL'+ MM' + NN' X 2 /(/: J -(X 2 /a 4 by (18) and (19). But L )V( ; r r J-sr^+jr 2 ?!? ( 2o )- 268. Another point of importance is, that according to this theory, it is necessary to suppose that the rigidity is the same in crystalline as in isotropic media ; and therefore that refraction is due to a difference of density. For if we consider two different media bounded by the plane x = 0, the displacements u, v, w must be continuous. Now the continuity of v and w when x = 0, involves the continuity of dv/dy + dwjdz ; but if k + f n = 0, the continuity of the normal stress P requires that fdv , dw\ ,(dv' dw'\ T- + -T = 2n ( j- + -T- . \dy dzl \dy dz ]' -T j dy dzl \dy when a; = ; and this requires that n = T?/. 269. We must now find an expression for the mean energy per unit of volume. The component displacements are u = S\, v Sfji, w Sv, 2_ where 8 = & cos ,_.- (Ix -f my + nz - Vt). Hence cos 2 -y^r- (lac + my -f nz Vt). CRYSTALLINE REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 273 Since p x = B/a?, &c., where B denotes the rigidity; the mean kinetic energy per unit of volume is r 2 U 2 6 2 c 2 by (20). The mean potential energy per unit of volume is {(mv - nrf + (n\ - Iv? + (If* - mX) 2 }. The quantity in brackets is equal to the square of the sine of the angle between the directions of propagation and vibration, and is therefore equal to cos 2 ^ ; whence the mean potential energy is and is therefore equal to the mean kinetic energy. The mean energy is therefore cos^ F 2 T 2 Crystalline Reflection and Refraction. 270. Having discussed the preceding theory, which is due to the combined efforts of Lord Rayleigh, Sir W. Thomson and Glaze brook, we shall now consider its application to the problem of reflection and refraction at the surface of a crystal 1 . Let i be the angle of incidence; r lt r 2 the angles which the directions of the two refracted waves make with the normal to the reflecting surface ; %i, % 2 the angles between the two refracted rays, and the corresponding wave normals. The conditions at the surface of separation are u=u l} v = v lt w = w 1 (21), * , vVi/M / \ / \AJ\J w M/ \ / / \ \AJ M/i ( + '0^ + (-)(^-+^J = <"' +n ^ B> * (22), Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. xx. p. 351. 18 274 THEORY OF LORD RAYLEIGH AND SIR W. THOMSON. fo dn_d/v 1 dui dx dy ~ dx dy " du dw dih dw l -j- + j = -= + -j dz dx dz dx in which m + n and m' + n are ultimately zero. If, therefore, we disregarded the dilatational waves altogether, we should have six equations to determine four unknown quantities. We must therefore introduce a dilatational reflected and a quasi-dilatational refracted wave, which must be eliminated, and we shall thus obtain the correct equations for determining the amplitudes of the reflected and the two refracted optical waves, and the deviation of the plane of polarization of the former. Let the displacements in the four optical waves be and let the displacements in the dilatational reflected and quasi- dilatational refracted waves be (g ^^ also, let / and R be the angles which the normals to these waves make with the axis of x. Let 0, 6' be the angles which the directions of vibration in the incident and reflected optical waves make with the axis of z\ lt # 2 the angles which the projections upon their respective wave-fronts of the directions of vibration in the two refracted waves, make with this axis. NiS ! I Then, omitting the common exponential factor, and also all terms involving 2 2 , which are of the same form as those involving 2i, and can therefore be supplied at the end of the investigation, we have at the surface u = A cos AP + A' cos AP' + B cos /] v =A cos BP + .^cos BP' + B sin/[ ......... (25) w = A cos GP + A' cos GF for the firstmedium & (^^^ ' ^ , ^ (^v^vJ p v A -<, <^^v^l~ A . ^^ X a~-V^C4 i-v^ f^wo - / 7-v-^>-v- CRYSTALLINE REFLECTl6N AND REFRACTION. 275 For the second medium U-L = A-L (cos ^ cos AP 1 sin ^ cos r^) B : cos v 1 = l cos x\ cos j + sn ^ sn w x = A 1 cos ^ cos OP l sn ^<5 ...(26)? Since du/dy = dujdy when # = 0, and rfw/^ = du-^jdz = ! (23) and (24) give . (A cos BP - A' cos BP) d + B/cy sin / = ~^ s -^ A l (cos ^ cos BP l + sin ^ sin r-^ich + A7i si n -B (27), Since m + n and m' + ?i are ultimately zero, and dv/dy = dv^dy, both sides of (22) ultimately become identically equal, and this equation need not therefore be considered. Now, if A, AX be the wave-lengths of the waves @, ^ ; U, U l their velocities of propagation, %TT T ZTT D /^7 = T- COS 7 . /C'Vi = . COS -ft, A A! 27T . , 27T . D 27T . . /^T^ = -_ sin /as -7- sm .fi = sin i = c., A Ai X , and therefore, since CT, CTj are ultimately zero, A, Aj are also ultimately zero; whence / = 0, jR=0, and therefore 7, 7! are ultimately infinite. Also, 7 sin / = - cos / sin / = /cm cos /. 182 /f/3 276 THEORY OF LORD RAYLEIGH AND SIR W. THOMSON. Writing out the equation u = u l in full, multiplying by /cm, and subtracting from (27), we obtain (A cos BP A' cos BP') id (A cos AP + A' cos AP') Kin = A-L (cos %, cos .BPj + sin ft sin ?'j) /^i AI (cos ^ cos ^.Pi sin ^ sin TJ) #771 (29). From the preceding investigation we see, that B and B, are not zero, but finite, and therefore the existence of the waves @, >i cannot be entirely ignored ; but, since / = R the terms involving B, B, disappear from the equation v = v', which gives A cos BP + A' cos BP' = A 1 (cos ^ cos BP, 4- sin ^ sin r^. . . (30), and the equation w = w' gives A cos CP + A' cos CP' = A,cos Xl cos CP, (31). Equations (28), (29), (30), and (31) contain the complete solution of the problem. . ^ ^ _ _x ccr? ftp = -^^ * =- ^. " -Ai* 2/2. ^ NOW i s x % . *. . * cos J.P = sin i sin 0, cos #P = cos i sin 0, cos CP = cos 0, "}r y^ with similar expressions for cos AP lf &c. ; also, ^ cos ^4P' = sin i sin X , cos BP' = cos i sin 6', cosCP / = cos( 1 '^whence (28), (29), (30) and (31) become (A cosO A' cos 0') cot i = A, cot r x cos ^ cos 0! (A sin + -<4/ sin 0') cosec i = A, cosec r*! cos ^ sin 0^) (^1 sin A' sin X ) cos i = A, (cos r x cos %, sin 0j + sin rj sin ^ J. cos + A f cos 0' = ^lj cos %, cos a (32), in which equations we are to recollect, that we are to add to the right-hand sides terms in A a similar to those involving A,. The preceding equations may also be obtained by a process which does not involve the introduction of the dilatational waves. Since the continuity of u, v, w involves the continuity of theii differential coefficients with respect to y and z^ the first of (21 together with (23) and (24) involve the continuity of the rotation: f and 77 ; also, since m m = n, both sides of (22) are identically equal, and therefore this equation disappears; we are thus lef with the last two of (21). The surface conditions are therefore v=v l} ww,; ISOTROPIC MEDIA. 277 which furnish four equations to determine the four unknown quantities. Equations (32) determine the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted waves, but according to 10, the intensity is to be measured by the mean energy per unit of volume. Accordingly by 209, if /, /', /i, / 2 denote the square roots of the intensities of the four waves A A' ^cos ! / sin i T sin i I I sin r x / 2 sin r 2 whence (32) become (/ cos + r cos 6') sin i = / x cos l sin r x + / 2 cos 2 (/ cos 6 1' cos 6'} cos i = 1^ cos 1 cos TI 4- / 2 cos 2 cos r 2 / sin + T sin 6' = I t sin B 1 + / 2 sin 2 (/sin - /' sin 0') sin 2 = J 1 (sin0 1 sin2r 1 +2sm 2 + / 2 (sin 2 sin 2r 2 + 2 sin 2 r 2 tan ^ 2 ) .(33). 271. We shall hereafter show, that these equations are exactly the same as those**furnished by the electromagnetic theory, and we shall postpone the complete discussion of them, until we deal with that theory ; but it will be desirable to consider the results to which they lead, when both media are isotropic. 1st. Let the light be polarized in the plane of incidence ; then = 0' = 0! = ; %i = % 2 = 0, and J 2 = 0, whence (/ -f /') sin i = I I sin r, (I /') cos i = /! cos r, from which we deduce sin (i - r) ' /,= which are the same formulae as those obtained by Fresnel. 2nd. Let the light be polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence ; then = 6' = X = ^TT, and (/ I') sin 2i = /! sin 2r, T . T tam(i r) whence 1=1- ;. r , tan (i + r) / i = sin (i + r) cos (i - r) ' 278 THEORY OF LORD RAYLEIGH AND SIR W. THOMSON- which are Fresnel's formulae for light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. See 172 and 175. 272. The principal results of this theory are, (i) that it leads to a wave-surface, which is approximately though not accurately Fresnel's wave-surface, unless k is absolutely and not approxi- mately equal to $n; (ii) that although the direction of vibration within the crystal is not the same as in Fresnel's theory (being perpendicular to the ray instead of to the wave-normal), yet it makes the vibrations of polarized light on emerging from the crystal, perpendicular to the plane of polarization ; (iii) the equations, which determine the intensities in the case of crystal- line reflection and refraction are, as we shall hereafter see, identical with those which are furnished by the electromagnetic theory ; and when both media are isotropic, the results agree with those obtained by Fresnel. Also, as soon as the assumptions have been made, that k is equal, or nearly so to n, and that double refraction arises from the circumstance, that crystalline media behave as if they were seolotropic as regards density; results which can be proved to be very approximately true, are capable of being deduced without the aid of any of those additional assumptions, which in many cases are indispensable in order to obtain a particular analytical result. Theory of Rotatory Polarization. 273. When bodily forces act upon the ether, the equations of motion will be of the form p x d ^ 2 =(A-B)^B^u^X (34). &c. &c. Now the photogyric properties of quartz and turpentine must be due to the peculiar molecular structure of such substances ; and we may endeavour to construct a theory of rotatory polarization, by supposing that the effect of the mutual reaction of ether and matter modifies the motion of ethereal waves in a peculiar manner, which may be represented by the introduction of certain bodily forces. The mathematical form of these forces is a question of speculation, but we shall now, following MacCullagh 1 , show that 1 Trans. Roy. Irish Acad> Vol. xvn. p. 461. THEORY OF ROTATORY POLARIZATION. 279 rotatory polarization may be accounted for by supposing that these forces are of the form d?v d?w ^ d 3 w d?u d?u d?v 274. For an isotropic medium such as syrup or turpentine, p x =zp y = p z - ) p l = p. 2 = p s . If therefore the axis of z be taken as the direction of propagation, u and v will be functions of z alone ; whence (34) combined with (35) reduce to dhi d*u d 3 v (d To solve these equations, assume *?(*-f\ *?(*-- A u = Le^ v ', v = Me^ v ' ............ (37), where L and M may be complex constants, r is the period, and V the velocity of propagation. Substituting in (36), and putting U = n/p, p 3 /p = p, we obtain ( F a - 6 72 ) L - (Znrp/ FT) M = 0, ( F 2 - U*) M (Znrp/Vr) L = 0. Now the rotatory effect, which depends on p, is very small, whence in the terms involving p, V may be written for F; we accordingly obtain ..... . ............... (38). If the incident light be represented by u L cos STT^/T, v = 0, arid if F 1} F 2 denote the greater and lesser values of F, we shall obtain in real quantities - , 2-7T / Z \ ., 2-7T / Z \ u = \L cos ( Y ~ t) + \L cos I Y ~ t) , 1 , 2-j-r z \ 2-n- v = ^Lsm Accordingly 27T U- Lcos v 2 7 r 280 THEORY OF LORD RAYLEIGH AND SIR W. THOMSON. Whence if i/r be the angle through which the plane of polari- zation is rotated, measured towards the right hand of a person ivho is looking along the ray TTZ ( 1 1 \ tan -fy = v/u = tan ( -^ -^ \ . T \ y 2 y\t Substituting the values of F^Fj from (38) we obtain approxi- mately ' which is the expression for Biot's law. The sign of p is positive or negative, according as the medium is right-handed or left- handed. If the wave were travelling in the opposite direction, the sign of t would have to be reversed in (37) ; this would not make any alteration in the form of (39), but since in this case z would be negative, the rotation would be in the opposite direction. This agrees with experiment. 275. We must now consider the theory of quartz. Taking the axis of the crystal as the axis of z, we must put whence writing njp x = a 2 , n/p g = c 2 , q = pjn, and recollecting that A B = n, the equations of motion become d*u 2 /_ 2 d8\ -j~ = a 2 V 2 u j- + b/a. When r = b/a, //, = oo and F=0; and when r< b/a, fj? is negative and F is imaginary. The medium is therefore incapable of propagating waves, whose period is less than b/a; and an equation of the form (1) might therefore be employed to illustrate the action of a medium, which is opaque to the ultra-violet waves. 303. The theoretical explanation of the absorption of certain colours, depends upon the dynamical theorem to which allusion has been made. The molecules of all substances are capable of vibrating in certain definite periods, which are the free periods of the substance. The number of different free periods depends upon the molecular structure of the substance ; and in all proba- bility, the more complex the substa/ice is, the more numerous are the free periods of the molecules. If therefore any of the free periods lie within the limits of the periods of the visible spectrum, absorption will take place. Suppose, for example, that the velocity of light in an absorbing medium were given by an equation of the form A 1 1 .f 2 ,, 2 _ = __J_ 1 K 2 K! ,n\ F 2 /^-r 2 K 2 2 -r 2 (T'-'-A^HT 2 -/^ 2 ) where A is a positive constant, K I} K 2 are the free periods of the matter, and K Z >K I . When r > K,, V is real; but when r lies between ^ and K.,, F will be imaginary; and when Tq r . Since the glass appears to be blue when the thickness is small, it follows that A b > A r . This must be interpreted to mean, that out of the rays of different colours which fall upon the glass, a far greater number of blue rays are capable of being transmitted than of red. In other words, cobalt glass transmits a very large portion of blue extremity of the spectrum and very little of the red, but the coefficient of absorption of the blue rays is greater than that of the red. 308. In the case of chlorophyll, the coefficient of absorption is very large for all rays but green and red, and is greater for green than red ; but this substance is capable of transmitting a larger portion of the green part of the spectrum, than of the red. Anomalous Dispersion. 309. We have already pointed out, that the order of the colours in the solar spectrum is violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red ; and that the violet is the most refracted, and the red is the least. There are however certain substances, in which the order of the colours in the spectrum produced by refracting sun- light through them, is different from that produced by glass, and the majority of transparent media. The dispersion produced by such substances is called anomalous dispersion. 310. Anomalous dispersion appears to have been first observed by Fox Talbot 1 about 1840, but the discovery excited no attention. It was next observed by Leroux 2 in 1862, who found that vapour of iodine refracted red light more powerfully than violet. This substance absorbs all colours except red and violet, and it was observed that the order of the colours in the spectrum, beginning at the top, was red, then an absorption band, and then violet. The indices of refraction, as determined by Hurion 3 , are /*. = 1-0205, ^=1-019. 1 See Proc. R. S. E. 1870; and Tait, Art. Light, Encycl. Brit. 2 C. R. 1862; and Phil. Mag. Sept. 1862. 3 Journ. de Phys. 1st Series, Vol. vii. p. 181. ANOMALOUS DISPERSION. 297 311. Anomalous dispersion is most strongly marked in solu- tions of the aniline dyes in alcohol. Christiansen 1 discovered in 1870, that it was produced by fuchsine, which is one of the rose aniline dyes; for when sunlight was passed through a prism containing a solution of this substance, it was found that the order of the colours was 2 indigo, green, red and yellow, the indigo being the least deviated. The amount of anomalous dispersion increases with the concentration of the solution, as is shown in the following table of the indices of refraction. Fuchsine solution B C D V G H 18 '8 per cent. 1-450 1-502 1-561 1-312 1-285 1-312 2-5 per cent. . 1-384 1-419 1-373 1-367 1-373 From this table, we see that the line D is more refracted than any of the others, and that the violet is less refracted than the red. 312. Kundt 3 afterwards showed, that blue, violet and green aniline, indigo, indigo-carmine, cyanine, carmine, permanganate of potash, chlorophyll and a variety of other substances exhibited anomalous dispersion. The following table gives some of the indices of refraction found by him 4 . Cyanine 1-22 per cent, solution A 1-3666 B 1-3691 C 1-3714 D E 1-3666 F 1-3713 G 1-3757 H 1-3793 Do. a stronger solution 1-3732 1-3781 1-3831 1-3658 1-3705 1-3779 1-3821 Fuchsine 1-3818 1-3873 1-3918 1-3982 1-3668 1-3759 Permanganate of Potash 1-3377 1-3397 1-3408 1-3442 1-3477 1-3521 1 Pogg. Ann. Vol. CXLI. p. 479; and Phil. Mag. March, 1871, p. 244. 2 Ibid. Vol. CXLIII. p. 250. See also Wiedermann, Ber. der Sticks. Gesell. math.- phys. Cl. Vol. i. 872 ; G. Lundquist, Nova acta reg. Soc. Sc. Upsaliensis [3] Vol. ix. Part n. (1874) ; Jour, de Physique, Vol. in. p. 352 (1874). 3 Pogg. Ann. Vols. CXLII. p. 163; CXLIII. pp. 149, 259; CXLIV. p. 128; CXLV. p. 164. 4 Pogg. Ann. Vol. CXLV. p. 67. 298 MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTAL PHENOMENA. The preceding table gives a general idea of the condition of the spectrum, and shows that for cyanine the line E is the least refracted. In the case of cyanine and fuchsine. the lower end of the spectrum is blue, then comes an absorption band, and afterwards red and orange ; so that the blue is least refracted, the green and some of the yellow are absorbed, and the orange is the most re- fracted. In the spectrum produced by permanganate of potash, there is a slight amount of anomalous dispersion between D and ; for Kundt found, that the indices of refraction for green and blue were 1'3452 and 1*3420 respectively, showing that the blue is less refracted, than the green in the neighbourhood of D. In the region between D and G there are also several absorption bands. 313. By means of his experiments, Kundt deduced the follow- ing law : On the lower or less refrangible side of an absorption band, the refractive index is abnormally increased; whilst on the upper or more refrangible side, it is abnormally diminished. In order to clearly understand this law, let us revert to the spectrum produced by fuchsine. In this substance the absorption is very strong between D and F, that is in the green portion of the spectrum ; and on looking at the table, we see that the red and orange rays, which lie below the green in the spectrum produced by a glass prism, lie above it in the case of fuchsine ; whilst the violet rays lie below the green. The refrangibility of the red and orange rays is therefore abnormally increased, whilst that of the violet is abnormally diminished. Selective Reflection. 314. We have already pointed out, that the colours of natural bodies arise from the fact that they absorb certain kinds of light ; there is however another class of substances, which strongly reflect light of certain colours, whilst they very slightly reflect light of other colours. The phenomenon exhibited by these substances is called selective reflection 315. Selective reflection appears to have been first discovered SELECTIVE REFLECTION. 299 by Haidinger 1 . It was subsequently studied by Stokes 2 ; and the experiments of Kundt, which have already been referred to 3 , show, that it is exhibited by most substances which produce anomalous dispersion. In fact absorption, anomalous dispersion and selective reflection are so closely connected together, that they must be re- garded as different effects of the same cause, and consequently ought to be capable of being explained by the same theoretical considerations. 316. The properties of substances, which exhibit selective reflection, may be classified under the following three laws : I. Those rays which are most strongly reflected, when light is incident upon the substance, are most strongly absorbed, when light is transmitted through the substance. II. When the incident light is plane polarized in any azimuth, the reflected light exhibits decided traces of elliptic polarization. III. When sunlight is reflected, and the reflected light is viewed through a Nicol's prism, whose principal section is parallel to the plane of incidence, the colour of the reflected light is different from what it is, when viewed by the naked eye. Since the reflected light is ellipticaliy polarized, it follows that selective reflection is accompanied by a change of phase of one or both the components of the incident light. 317. The properties of substances, which exhibit selective reflection, resemble those of metals, as will be explained in the Chapter on Metallic Keflection. For in the first place, metals strongly absorb light, and powerfully reflect it; and in the second place light reflected by a metallic surface is always ellipticaliy polarized, unless the plane of polarization of the incident light is parallel or perpendicular to the"plane of incidence. The optical properties of these substances appear to occupy a position, inter- mediate between ordinary transparent media and metals ; and on this account, selective reflection is sometimes called quasi-metallic reflection. 1 Ueber den Zusammenhang der Korperfarben, oder des farbig durchgelassenen, und der Oberflachenfarben, oder des zuruckgeworfenen Lichtes gewisser Korper. Proc. Math, and Phys. Class of the Acad. of Sciences at Vienna 1852, and the papers there cited. 2 Phil. Mag. (4) vi. p. 393. 3 Ante, p. 297. *"" OF THE UNIVERSITY 300 MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTAL PHENOMENA. 318. On the other hand, metallic reflection produces very little chromatic effect, whilst the peculiarities of substances which produce selective reflection principally consist in chromatic effects. Moreover reflection from ordinary transparent substances, is con- siderably weakened by bringing them into optical contact with another having nearly the same refractive index ; but in the case of quasi-metallic substances, the colours which they reflect, are brought out more strongly by placing them in optical contact with glass or water. 319. That there are certain substances, which strongly reflect light of the same periods as those which they absorb, is strikingly exemplified in the case of permanganate of potash. Stokes found 1 , that when the light transmitted by a weak solution is analysed by a prism, there are five absorption bands, which are nearly equi- distant, and lie between D and F. The first band, which lies a little above D, is less conspicuous than the second and third, which are the strongest of the set. If however light incident at the polarizing angle is reflected from permanganate of potash, and is then passed through a Nicol, placed so as to extinguish the light polarized in the plane of incidence, the residual light is green ; and when it is analysed by a prism, it shows bright bands where the absorption spectrum shows dark ones. 320. Safflower-red or carthamine is another example of a substance which exhibits selective reflection. Stokes found, that this substance powerfully absorbed green light, but reflected a yellowish green light; and that when red light polarized at an azimuth of 45 was incident upon this substance, the reflected light was sensibly plane polarized, but when green or blue light, polarized in the same azimuth, was substituted, the reflected light was elliptically polarized. It further appeared, that the chro- matic effects of this substance were different, according as the incident light was polarized in or perpendicularly to the plane of incidence ; for when the incident light was polarized perpendi- cularly to the plane of incidence, the reflected light was of a very rich green colour, but when it was unpolarized the reflected light was yellowish-green. Similar results were obtained by using a compound of iodine and quinine called herapathite, which was discovered by Dr Herapath of Bristol, and which strongly absorbs green light. 1 Phil Mag. Vol. vi. (18) p. 293. SELECTIVE REFLECTION. 301 321. The effect of bringing a transparent medium into optical contact with a quasi-metallic substance, may be illustrated by depositing a little safflower-red upon a glass plate, and allowing it to dry ; when it will be found that the surface of the film which is in contact with air, is of a yellowish-green colour; whilst the surface in contact with glass, reflects light of a very fine green inclining to blue. Similar effects are produced with herapathite and platino-cyanide of magnesium. The latter crystal is one of a class of special optical interest, since it is doubly refracting, doubly absorbing, doubly metallic and doubly fluorescent. 322. Further experiments upon selective reflection have been made by Kundt 1 , who found that it was strongly exhibited by the aniline dyes and other substances, which produce anomalous dispersion. The following table 2 shows the colour of the trans- mitted and reflected light, when the latter is viewed with the naked eye and through a Nicol's prism, adjusted so as to ex- tinguish the component polarized in the plane of incidence. Substance. Transmitted. Reflected. Reflected & passed through a Nicol. Rose aniline or fuchsine Rose Green Peacock blue Mauve aniline Mauve Apple green Emerald green Malachite green Deep green Plum colour Orange gold Blue aniline Blue Bronze Olive green Fluorescence. 323. When common light -is incident upon a solution of sulphate of quinine in water, it is found that the surface of the liquid exhibits a pale blue colour, which extends a short distance into the liquid; if however the light which is refracted by the substance, and has therefore passed through the thin coloured stratum, is allowed to fall upon the surface of a second solution of sulphate of quinine, the effect is no longer produced. The peculiar action which sulphate of quinine, as well as 1 Ante, p. 297, footnote. 2 Glazebrook's Physical Optics, p. 273. 302 MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTAL PHENOMENA. certain other substances, produces upon light, is called fluorescence. It was first discovered by Sir David Brewster 1 in 1833, who observed that it was produced by chlorophyll, and also by fluor spar. Sir J. Herschel 2 found that fluorescence was produced by quinine, but the subject was not fully investigated, until it was taken up by Sir G. Stokes 3 in 1852. 324. To examine the nature of fluorescence produced by quinine, Stokes formed a spectrum b^ means of a slit and a prism, and filled a test tube with the solution, and placed it a little beyond the red extremity of the spectrum. The test tube was then gradually moved up the spectrum, and no traces of fluorescence were observed, as long as the tube remained in the more luminous portion ; but on arriving at the violet extremity, a ghost-like gleam of pale blue light shot right across the tube. On continuing to move the tube, the light at first increased in intensity, and afterwards died away, but not until the tube had been moved a considerable distance into the invisible ultra-violet rays. When the blue gleam of light first made its appearance, it ex- tended right across the tube, but just before disappearing, it was observed to be confined to an excessively thin stratum, adjacent to the surface at which the light entered. 325. This experiment shows that in the case of quinine, fluorescence is produced by violet and ultra-violet light, and also that it is due to a change in the refrangibility of the incident light. Stokes also found, that quinine was exceedingly opaque to those rays of the spectrum which lie above the line H } that is to those rays by which fluorescence is produced. This explains why light, which has been passed through a solution of quinine, is incapable of producing fluorescence, for the solution absorbs the rays which give rise to this phenomenon. 326. The effect may accordingly be summarized as follows. Quinine is transparent to the -rays constituting the lower or more luminous portion of the spectrum, but it strongly absorbs the ultra-violet rays, and gives them out again as rays of lower refrangibility. The latter circumstance enables the eye to take cognizance of the invisible ultra-violet rays ; for if this portion of 1 Trans. R. S. E. Vol. xii. p. 542. 2 Phil. Trans. 1845. 3 Ibid. 1852, p. 463. FLUORESCENCE. STOKES' LAW. 303 the spectrum is passed through a fluorescent substance, it is converted into luminous rays, which are visible, and can be examined by the eye. By this method Stokes was able to make a map of the fixed lines in the ultra-violet region. 327. Fluorescence is also produced by a number of other substances, among which may be mentioned decoction of the bark of the horse-chestnut, green fluor spar, solution of guaiacum in alcohol, tincture of turmeric, chlorophyll, yellow glass coloured with oxide of uranium &c. It must not however be supposed, that the light produced by fluorescence is of the same colour for all substances, since as a matter of fact, it varies for different substances. Thus the fluorescence produced by chlorophyll con- sists of red light, showing that this substance converts green and blue light into red light. 328. As the result of his experiments, Stokes was led to the following law, viz. ; When the refrangibility of light is changed by fluorescence, it is always lowered and never raised. Whether this law is absolutely general has lately been doubted; and there appears to be some evidence, that excep- tions to it exist. 329. We have already called attention to the fact, that the phenomena of dispersion, absorption and the like, are caused by the molecules of matter being set in motion by the vibrations of the ether. Now if the molecular forces depended upon the first power of the displacements, it would follow from Herschel's theorem, that the period of the forced vibrations would be equal to that of the force ; if however the molecular forces depended upon the squares or higher powers of the displacements, Her- schel's theorem would be no longer true, and under these circum- stances Stokes suggested, that fluorescence arises from the fact, that the forces are such, that powers of the displacements higher than the first cannot be neglected. We have already pointed out, that ultra-violet light produces strong chemical effects. Now the molecules of most organic substances consist of a number of chemical atoms connected together, and forming a system of more or less complexity, which is stable for some disturbances but unstable for others. For instance, an ordinary photographic plate is fairly stable for disturbances produced by sodium light, but unstable for those produced by violet light. It is therefore not 304 MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTAL PHENOMENA. unreasonable to suppose, that the amplitudes of the vibrations communicated by ultra-violet light to the molecules, and to the atoms composing them, of a substance like quinine, should be of such far greater magnitude, than those communicated by light of less refrangibility, that the molecular forces produced under the former circumstances cannot be properly represented by forces proportional to the displacements. If this be the case, the period of the forced vibrations will no longer be equal to that of the force. 330. When a molecule is set into vibration by ethereal waves, the vibrations of the molecule will give rise to secondary waves in the ether. The periods of these secondary waves must necessarily be the same as those of the molecules by which they are produced ; for Herschel's theorem applies to vibrations communicated to the ether, although it does not necessarily apply to vibrations com- municated to the molecules. And if the periods of the secondary waves are longer than those of the waves impinging on the mole- cules, these waves will be capable of producing the sensation of light, provided their periods lie within the limits of sight, even though the periods of the impinging waves are too short to be visible. We can thus obtain a mechanical explanation of the way in which fluorescence is produced, but at the same time the following illustration will make the matter clearer. 331. The equation of motion of a molecule, which is under the action of molecular forces, which are proportional to the cube of the displacement, and which is also under the action of a periodic force, is The particular solution gives the forced vibration, whilst the complementary function gives the free vibration. The deter- mination of the particular solution when F=Ae tpt , where A is an arbitrary constant, would be difficult ; but as the above equation is given as an illustration, and not for the purpose of constructing a theory, we shall suppose that the force is represented by 5^7o cos 3pt. 6n*J6 The particular solution will then be found to be 2 CALORESCENCE. 305 From this result we see, that the period of the forced vibration is three times that of the force ; accordingly the secondary waves will be of longer period, and consequently less refrangible, than the impinging waves. Calorescence. 332. This phenomenon is the reverse of fluorescence, and consists in the conversion of waves of long period into waves of shorter period. Calorescence is well exhibited by the experiment of Tyndall already described under the head of spectrum analysis 1 , in which the light from an electric lamp is sifted of the luminous rays, by passing it through a solution of iodine in disulphide of carbon, which only allows the infra-red rays to pass through. 333. In order to obtain a mechanical model which will illustrate Calorescence, we may revert to the differential equation (1). It can be verified by trial, that the complementary function is y = aciL(afit + a), & = 2~* (2), where a and a are the constants of integration. From this result it follows, that the amplitude of the free vibration is a, and its period is ^Kj^a, which is inversely proportional to the amplitude. ; Hence the period diminishes as the amplitude increases. Equation (2) may still be regarded as the complete solution of 1(1), provided we suppose that a and a, instead of being constants, are functions of the time, and their values might be found by the I method of variation of parameters. If now, we suppose that the molecular forces are such, that a increases slowly with the time, [we may illustrate the conversion of waves of dark heat into waves of light. When the waves of dark heat first fall on the substance and the forces begin to act, the amplitude is very small, and Consequently the period r is very large. On both these grounds ^therefore, the vibrations are incapable of affecting the senses. As |;bhe forces continue to act, the amplitude increases, whilst the period i Jiminishes, and the vibrations become sensible as heat ; in other vords the substance begins to get hot. As this process continues, .he substance becomes red hot, and then intensely luminous. As /he amplitudes cannot go on increasing indefinitely with the time, ve must suppose that after the expiration of a certain period, the 1 Ante, p. 286. B. o. 20 306 MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTAL PHENOMENA. condition of the substance changes owing to liquefaction or vapour- ization, and that the equation by means of which the original state of things was represented, no longer holds good. Phosphorescen ce. 334. When light is incident upon certain substances, such as the compounds of sulphur with barium, calcium or strontium, it is found that they continue to shine, after the light has been removed. This phenomena is called phosphorescence. Phosphorescence is closely allied to fluorescence, inasmuch as it is usually produced by rays of high refrangibility, and the refrangi- bility of the phosphorescent light is generally less than that of the light by which it is produced. The principal distinction between the two phenomena is, that fluorescence lasts only as long as the exciting cause continues, whilst phosphorescence lasts some time after it has been removed. 335. In order to give a mechanical explanation of phosphores- cence, we shall employ an acoustical analogue, which will frequently be made use of, and which will be fully worked out in 337. Let plane waves of sound be incident upon a sphere, whose radius is small in comparison with the lengths of the waves of sound ; and let the sphere be attached to a spring, so as to be capable of vibrating parallel to the direction of propagation of the waves. Then it is known 1 , and will hereafter be proved, that the effect of the waves of sound will be to cause the sphere to vibrate. If the strength of the spring is such, that the force due to it is propor- tional to the displacement of the sphere, the forced period of the latter will be equal to that of the impinging waves of sound ; if the law of force depends upon some power of the displacement, the forced period of the sphere will be different ; but in either case secondary waves will be thrown off. These secondary waves will travel away into space carrying energy with them, which has been in the first instance communicated to the sphere by the incident waves, and then communicated back again to the air in the form of secondary waves. If the cause which produces the incident waves be removed, the sphere will still continue to vibrate, but it 1 Lord Kayleigh, Theory of Sound, Ch. xvu. PHOSPHORESCENCE. 307 cannot go on vibrating indefinitely, because the energy which it possessed at the instant at which the incident waves were stopped, will gradually be used up in generating secondary waves, and will be carried away into space by them ; hence the sphere will ulti- mately come to rest, and no more secondary waves will be produced. Now although the molecules of a non-phosphorescent substance cannot be supposed to come to rest immediately the exciting cause is removed, yet the time during which they continue to be in motion is too short to be observed; but owing to the peculiar molecular structure of phosphorescent substances, the molecules remain in motion for a longer period. Hence a luminous glimmer exists for some time after the incident light has been cut off. 202 CHAPTER XVII. THEORIES BASED ON THE MUTUAL REACTION BETWEEN ETHER AND MATTER. 336. IN the present Chapter, we shall give an account of some of the attempts which have been made to explain on dynamical grounds the phenomena described in the previous Chapter. It may be regarded as an axiom, that when ethereal waves impinge upon a material substance, the molecules of the matter of which the substance is composed, are thrown into a state of vibration. This proposition is quite independent of any hypo- thesis, which may be made respecting the constitution of the ether, the molecular forces called into action by the displacements of the molecules of matter, or the forces arising from the action of ether upon matter. It may therefore be employed as the basis of a theory, in which the ether is regarded, either as a medium possessing the properties of an elastic solid, or as one which is capable of propagating electromagnetic disturbances as well as luminous waves. The difficulties of constructing theories of this description arise, not only from the fact that the properties of the ether are a question of speculation, but also because the forces due to the action of matter upon matter, and of ether upon matter, are unknown. During the last five and twenty years, numerous attempts have been made by continental writers to develop theories of this description, and an account of them will be found in Glazebrook's j Report 071 Optical Theories 1 . It cannot, I think, be said that any of these theories are entirely satisfactory ; but at the same time> 1 Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1886. VIBRATIONS OF A SPHERE IN AIR. 309 they clearly indicate the direction, in which we must look for an explanation of the phenomena, which they attempt to account for. 337. As an introduction to the subject, we shall work out and discuss the problem of the sphere vibrating under the action of plane waves of sound, which has been referred to in the last Chapter. The problem itself was first solved by Lord Rayleigh 1 , and has been reproduced by myself 2 in an approximate form ; but there are several additional points which require consideration. Let c be the radius of the sphere; let K = 2-Tr/X, where \ is the wave-length ; and let a be the velocity of sound. Then the velocity potential of the incident waves may be taken to be '? Kat , where ' = e iKX . Now if //, = cos 6, 6 = 2 "^(c)P(/0, where P n is the zonal harmonic of degree n, and 3 F(c}= (""O n [i ^ v 1.3.. .(2w -1)( 2 2w + 3 "*" 2 . 4 . 2n + 3 . 2n + 5 ' If (f>e LKat be the velocity potential of the secondary waves, we may assume 4 < = S-M^nPn, g MBT where ijr n = f n (ucr\ and/ n is the function defined by (40) of 231. If X be the resistance due to the pressure of the air, X = - 27T/9C 2 I* ((// + <) i/cae tKat cos sin 0d0 Jo r J -i ^ ^c) + ^i^i(c)} ** ............ (2), where M' is the mass of the fluid displaced. If y e at \) Q the velocity of the sphere, the boundary condition gives dp + ^=F. dc dc 1 Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. vol. iv. p. 253. 2 Elementary Hydrodynamics and Sound, 167. 3 Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, Ch. xvn. 4 Stokes, On the communication of vibrations from a vibrating body to the atmosphere. Phil. Trans. 1868. 310 DYNAMICAL THEORIES OF DISPERSION. ETC. Now fa dc C \K 2 C 2 IKC ) ' whence ^.1^1 = - z _ ( v ~ dF ^l dc ) ( 2 + K * c * - IKZ c s c + =p (f - + ^f = ...... (4). To integrate this equation, assume f = Ae 2< - ntlT , then _ _ _ ~ M (r /2 - r 2 ) + M' ( % + i* 2 c 2 ) r' 2 - 2 ' * ' 338. From these results we draw the following conclusions. Equation (4), which is the equation of motion, contains a viscous term, that is a term proportional to the velocity. This term arises from the circumstance, that the sphere is continually losing the energy which it receives from incident waves, by generating secondary waves, which travel away into space carrying energy with them. If therefore the supply of energy be stopped, OPTICAL APPLICATIONS. 311 by removing the cause which produces the impinging waves, the sphere will" gradually get rid of all its energy, and will ultimately come to rest. The time which elapses before the sphere comes to rest, will depend upon the value of the modulus of decay ; if this quantity is small, the vibrations will die away almost instanta- neously ; but if the modulus of decay is larger, the vibrations will continue for a sufficient time to enable our senses to take cog- nizance of them. 339. Now whatever supposition we make concerning the mutual reaction between ether and matter, it is practically certain that the motion of a molecule of matter will be repre- sented by an equation, whose leading features are the same as (4), although the equation itself may be of far greater complexity. We therefore infer, that the molecular structure of non-phos- phorescent substances is such, that the modulus of decay is so small as to be inappreciable; whilst the molecular structure of phosphorescent substances is such, that the modulus of decay is considerably larger. 340. We must now consider the amplitude of the vibrations of the sphere, which is given by (5). The density of all gases is exceedingly small, compared with the densities of substances in the solid or liquid state ; consequently M f is very small compared with M. Hence the amplitude of the sphere is exceedingly small in comparison with that of the incident waves (which has been taken as unity), unless r and T' are nearly equal. When T = T', the large term in the denominator disappears, and A is approxi- mately equal to 3/a. Under these circumstances, the amount of energy communicated by the incident waves to the sphere, is very much greater than what it would have 'Been, if the difference between T and T were considerable. 341. Let us now consider a medium, such as a stratum of sodium vapour. We may conceive the molecules of the medium to be represented by a very large number of small spheres, and the molecular forces to be represented by springs. The medium will therefore have one or more free periods of vibration. The interstices between the molecules are filled with ether, which is represented by the atmosphere. When waves of light pass through the medium, the molecules will be set into vibration, and a certain amount of energy will be absorbed by them ; but since the mass of 312 DYNAMICAL THEORIES OF DISPERSION, ETC. a molecule is exceedingly large compared with the mass of the ether which it displaces, the amplitudes of the vibrations of the molecules will be very small, and very little energy will be absorbed, unless the period of the waves is equal, or nearly so, to one of the free periods of the system. But in the case of equality of the free and forced periods, the amplitudes will be so large, that a great deal of energy will be taken up by the mole- cules, and of the energy which entered the stratum of vapour, very little will emerge. Light will therefore be absorbed. The absorption bands produced by sodium vapour may therefore be explained, by supposing that sodium vapour has two free periods, which are very nearly equal to one another, and accordingly produce the double line D in its absorption spectrum. Hydrogen, on the other hand, has three principal free periods, which are separated from one another by considerable intervals. The occurrence of an imaginary term in the denominator of A shows, that A can never become infinite for any real value of r. This remark will be found of importance later on. Lord Kelvins Molecular Theory. 342. We shall now consider a theory, which was developed by Sir W. Thomson, now Lord Kelvin, in his lectures on Molecular Dynamics, delivered at Baltimore in 1884. The molecules of matter are represented by a number of hollow spherical shells, connected together by zig-zag massless springs; and the outermost shell is connected by springs to a massless spherical envelop, which is rigidly connected with the ether. The space between any two shells is supposed to be a vacuum, and transparent and other substances are supposed to consist of a great number of such shells, which may be imagined to represent the molecules. The degree of complexity of the molecule will depend upon the number of shells which it contains ; and we can by this means represent chemical compounds of every degree of complexity. We shall first of all investigate the motion of a single molecule, on the supposition that the centres of all the spherical shells are vibrating along a fixed straight line. We shall also suppose, that the force exerted by the springs joining two consecutive shells is proportional to their relative displacements; and that the force LORD KELVIN S MOLECULAR THEORY. 313 exerted by the ether on the envelop is proportional to x ; where x l is the displacement of the outermost shell, and f may be regarded indifferently, either as the displacement of the envelop, or of the ether in contact with it. 343. Let mi/47r 3 be the mass of the i th shell, Xi its displace- ment, Ci the strength of the spring connecting the i tl * and (i l) th shells. Then the equations of motion of the system of shells will be X. 2 = (7 2 #1 - # 2 ) ~ ^3 (#a - If r be the period, and if we put a i = m i /T*-Ci-C i+1 the equations of motion will reduce to the form (7), (8). The first equation of the form (8) is -03=0^ + C& ..................... (9), so that we may regard # , as equal to f the displacement of the ether. If we suppose that the / h shell is attached to a fixed point, the j tb equation of motion will be whence C^Cj_! = o^- ........................ (10). Although it is scarcely admissible to suppose, that the / h shell is attached to a fixed point, yet if we suppose that the (j + l) th shell consists of a solid nucleus, whose mass is large compared with that of the other shells, its motion will be sufficiently small to be neglected. There are j 2 equations of the form (8), which are obtained by putting i = 2, 3, . . . j - 1 ; and these equations together with (9) and (10) furnish altogether j equations, from which the j 1 quantities # 2 , x s ... Xj can be eliminated, and we shall thus obtain a relation between x^ and f. 314 DYNAMICAL THEORIES OF DISPERSION, ETC. 344. To perform the elimination, let JSL ........................ (ii). Then (9), (8) and (10) become (13). Also since Xj +l = ; Uj +1 = oo , and therefore ,-=; .............................. (14). From these equations we see, that u^ can be expressed in the form of the continued fraction Putting for a moment & for d/dr~ z , it follows from (7) that Sa,i = mi ; and therefore by (13) and (14), (7 2 - whence ^ (16). \ ,+!+. C*, . - . . But from 11) i & 1 l*CW also out = - %T 3 -= , dui 2 , whence -T- = (m^ + m i+1 a; 2 i +1 -I- ... m^) (17). From this equation we see, that dui/dr is always negative; and therefore Ui diminishes as T increases. I DISCUSSION OF THE CRITICAL CASES. 315 345. When r is sufficiently small, all the us are exceedingly large positive quantities ; for since Uj +1 = GO , it follows from (7) and (14) that so that Uj can always be made as large a positive quantity as we please, by taking T small enough ; whence it follows from (7) and (13), that all the u's can be made positive, provided r is small enough. But if HI is positive, we see from (11), that the signs of Xi and Xi-i must be different ; accordingly when r is very small, each shell is moving in the opposite direction to the two adjacent ones ; also when Ui is large, the numerical value of x^ must be very much greater than that of #$. These considerations show, that when the period is exceedingly small, the vibrations of each shell, and also those of the outer mass- less envelop, which is supposed to be rigidly connected with the ether, are executed in opposite directions ; and that the ampli- tudes of the vibrations of successive shells diminish with great rapidity, as we proceed inwards into the molecule. It follows from (7) and (13) that as r increases, ai diminishes, whilst C 2 i+1 /Ui +l increases; accordingly when T has sufficiently increased, u^ will be zero. Now when Ui is zero, Ui_^ = oo ; and will therefore have passed through zero, and have changed sign for some value of r, less than that for which ui became zero. It therefore follows, that as T increases from a value for which all the us are positive, u^ will be the first quantity which vanishes and changes sign, and that u 2 will be the next and so on. 346. In the problem we are considering, the motion is sup- posed to be produced by means of a forced vibration of amplitude f, and therefore when x = oo , Ui = ; but u will also vanish when f = 0, hence the critical period for which u vanishes is the least period of the free vibrations of the system, when the massless envelop is motionless. As soon as T exceeds the first critical period, y^ will become negative ; and consequently the first shell and the massless envelop, will be moving in the same directions, whilst all the other shells will be moving in opposite directions. If now T be supposed to still further increase, u 2 will diminish and finally vanish, in which case u : = oo , x = 0. This is the second critical case ; and the period of vibration is equal to the period of the free vibrations of the system when m x is fixed, and all the 316 DYNAMICAL THEORIES OF DISPERSION, ETC. other shells are vibrating in opposite directions ; and this period is the least period of the possible free vibrations of the system under these conditions. The remaining critical cases can be discussed in a similar manner. 347. From (13) and (14), we have From this equation we see, that I/u>j-i is a fraction, whose numerator is a linear function, and whose denominator is a quadratic function of r~ 2 . It therefore follows that 1/X, or QhJQ-J;* is a fraction whose numerator is a (j l) th , and whose denominator is a j ih function of r~ 2 . Since z^ is zero, when r is equal to any one of the j periods of the free vibrations of the system, when the envelop is held fixed, it follows that the denomi- nator of 1/M,. is expressible as the product of factors of the form K\ r 2 , where K I} K 2 ... KJ are the above mentioned free periods. The value of 1/X may therefore be resolved into partial fractions, and may accordingly be expressed in the form 1 X, _ gl ?2 ^~ " C " ^ 2 /T 2 - 1 + K 2 2 /T 2 - 1 + where q ly q 2 ... are constants. Writing for a moment Di for ^/r 2 - 1, (18) becomes , du, whence Now Xi is the amplitude of the i th shell ; if therefore we denote the actual displacement by #';, we shall have x'i = Xi sin 27r/r, provided t be measured from the epoch at which each shell passes through its mean position. The energy in this particular con- figuration will be wholly kinetic; whence remembering that the mass of each shell is equal to ra^Tr 2 , it follows that if E be the total energy, MOTION OF ETHER AND MATTER. 317 by (17). Let R~ l so that R~ l denotes the ratio of the whole energy of the molecule to that of the first shell; then (19) becomes Hence if RI denote the value of R when r KI, we obtain qi and (18) becomes - r 348. Let us now imagine a medium, whose structure is represented by a very large number of molecules of the kind we have been considering ; and let us suppose, that the interstices between the molecules are filled with ether, which is assumed to be a medium, whose motion is governed by the same equations as those of an elastic solid. Then if we confine our attention to a small element of the medium, which contains molecules and ether surrounding them, and for simplicity consider the propagation of waves parallel to the axis of x, the equation of motion of a particle of ether will be Integrating this equation throughout the volume of the ele- ment, we obtain - n The first surface integral on the right-hand side is to be taken over the outer boundary of the element, whilst the second is to be taken over the boundaries of each of the molecules. Let w be the mean value of w' within the element ; then the values of w' at the points x + ^Sx and x J&c will be , dw ~ , , dw ~ w + \ -j- ox and w * ^- ox, ax ax so that the first integral reduces to 318 DYNAMICAL THEORIES OF DISPERSION, ETC. The second integral represents the resultant of the forces, which each molecule exerts upon the ether ; arid if we represent the force due to a single molecule by 4m z C (' w') dx f dy' dz' , it follows that we may represent the resultant force due to all the molecules within the element by 4<7r 2 C(w)SxSy&z, where f is the mean value of the displacements of all the molecules. The equation of motion therefore becomes 349. To solve (23) assume w== g 2nr/T =a , i6 2t7r/T Substituting in (23), we obtain P ? Now (n/p)% is the velocity of light in vacuo, whence the left- hand side is equal to p 2 , where //, is the index of refraction. Hence if we substitute the value of # x /f from (21), and write q L for C-iR-^K-^/mu we shall finally obtain 350. This equation determines the index of refraction in terms of the period. To apply it to ordinary dispersion, we shall write it in the form From the manner in which this result has been obtained, it follows that K I} K Z ... are in ascending order of magnitude. Now in the case of ordinary dispersion, //, increases as the period diminishes, whence we must have T > ^ and < K 2 ; also the quantities q 2) q 3 must be inappreciable, and q l must be very slightly less than unity. Under these circumstances, we approxi- mately obtain If we omit the term (1 q t ) r 2 , this expression is the same as Cauchy's dispersion formula, which agrees fairly well with experiment; Ketteler has however shown that for certain sub- stances, the term (1 ^ ; then when T is excessively small, yu, 2 will be less than unity ; as T increases, /i 2 will diminish to zero, and will then become a negative quantity. When p* is negative, the velocity of the waves will be imaginary, and conse- quently waves whose periods produce this result, are incapable of being propagated in the medium, and absorption will take place. When r = tf 1 , /A 2 = QO ; and as soon as T>K I , //, 2 becomes a very large positive quantity, and regular refraction begins to take place. As T further increases, ^ diminishes, until it vanishes and changes sign. A second absorption band accordingly commences, and continues until r>/c 2 , when regular refraction begins again, and so continues until T = oo . 352. The following figure will serve to give the reader a general idea of the value of /t a . The abscissa represent the values of r 2 , and the ordi nates the values of /t 2 . The dotted lines AC, ED, EF are the lines T = /C I , T = tc 2 , yu, = l, and the upper parts of the curves Pp, Qq represent the visible portion of the spectrum produced by a prism filled with a substance, which produces anomalous dispersion, and has an absorption band in the green. The portion Ee may be supposed to consist of waves whose periods are too short to be observed, then comes an absorption band, and beyond A a region of highly refrangible ultra-violet light commences. The line H in the spectrum may be supposed to commence at P; and a band of light accordingly becomes visible, which continues through the indigo to the blue, and in 320 DYNAMICAL THEORIES OF DISPERSION, ETC. which the violet is the most refracted and the blue the least. According to the figure, this ought to be followed by a region of blue-green light, for which the index of refraction is less than unity; and we must therefore suppose, that on account of the narrowness of the region, or the faintness of the ligbt, this region has either escaped observation, or is incapable of being detected without more powerful instruments. An absorption band then follows, and is succeeded by another band of more highly refracted light, corresponding to Qq, in which the red is the least, and the orange is the most refracted. Since the value of /x, when r is slightly greater than /e 2 , is large, it follows that the dispersion is anomalous; and we thus see why it is, that when there is an absorption band in the green, orange and red are more refracted than blue light. 353. If we compare these results with the table on p. 297, it will be seen, that they give a fairly satisfactory explanation of the anomalous dispersion produced by fuchsine and cyanine. The five absorption bands produced by permanganate of potash, could be explained by taking into account some of the terms in the value of /u- 2 , which have been omitted. VON HELMHOLTZ' THEORY. 321 Von Helmholtz Theory of Anomalous Dispersion. 354. The theory proposed by Von Helmholtz 1 , is a theory relating to the mutual action of ether and matter, of somewhat the same character as Lord Rayleigh's theory of double refraction ; but instead of following Von Helmholtz' method, we shall give the theory in a somewhat extended form 2 . Let u, v, w be the component displacements of the ether, and u 1} # 15 w l those of the matter. We shall suppose, that in vacuo the ether is a medium, whose motion is governed by the same equations as those of an elastic solid. When ethereal waves pass through a material substance, the molecules of the matter will be displaced, and the matter will acquire potential energy. The proper form of the mathematical expression for this potential energy is a question of speculation ; and the first hypothesis we shall make will be, that the molecular forces are proportional to the displacements of the matter, and consequently the potential energy W 3 of the matter will be of the form where ^,33 ... are constants. The second hypothesis is, that the potential energy of the system contains a term, which depends upon the relative displace- ments of ether and matter. This portion of the potential energy, which we shall denote by W 2 , is supposed to arise from the mutual reaction of ether upon matter ; and if we assume tfeat the corres- ponding forces are linear functions of the relative displacements, Tfa will be a homogeneous quadratic function of the relative displacements, so that (u u-tf + B (v Vj) 2 + C (w w^f + 2A' (v Vi) (w - w^ The third part of the potential energy, which we shall denote by Wi^ is the potential energy of the ether alone, and is of the same j form as that of an elastic solid. The total potential energy W of | the system will therefore be W^W.+ W.+ W, (3). 1 Pogg. Ann. vol. CLIV. p. 582; Wissen. Abhand. vol. u. p. 213. 2 Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. vol. xxm. p. 4. B. O. 21 322 DYNAMICAL THEORIES OF DISPERSION, ETC. If p! be the density of the matter, its kinetic energy will be In order to introduce Lord Rayleigh's theory, we shall suppose that the effect of the matter upon the ether, is to cause the latter to behave as if its density were seolotropic, and the third hypothesis will therefore be, that the kinetic energy T of the ether is (5). 355. The equations of motion of the system may now be deduced by the Principle of Least Action, viz. JIP (7\ + ^ - W l - W 2 - W 3 ) dxdydzdt = ; and will be found to be p d?u_ d$ V2 dW. dt 2 ~ dx du with two similar equations, and __,_, pl dt?~ du, dii," with two similar equations. When the medium is isotropic, P = Q = R = P) A = B = C = a 2 ; A' = B' = C" = 0, , and the equations of motion accordingly become &c. &c. Pl d ^= , Q = a whence dp?ld-r* is negative; it therefore follows that p? decreases as r 2 increases. Since p is the density of ether when loaded with matter, it follows that p>po\ hence when T = 0, /A > 1. As r increases, p? diminishes to unity; it then becomes less than unity, until T attains a value T 3 , which makes /-t = 0. When T > r 3 , p? is negative; and consequently at this point an absorption band commences, which continues until T = T 2 , where r 2 is the value of r which makes the denominator vanish. When T = r 2 , ft 2 = oo ; and when T>r 2 , /u, 2 is a very large positive quantity, and regular refraction begins again. As T still further increases, p? continues to diminish, until T attains a value T I? such that p? is again zero ; when T>T!, p? becomes negative, and remains so for all greater values of T. The medium is therefore absolutely opaque to waves whose periods are greater than T X ; it is transparent for waves whose periods are less than r x and greater than r 2 ; it is ogaque for waves whose periods lie between r 2 and r 3 , and is transparent for waves of shorter period. If we now suppose that r 2 corresponds to the double sodium line D, whilst r 3 corresponds to the hydrogen line F, we shall obtain a mechanical representation of a medium, which has an absorption band in the green ; also the dispersion is anomalous, since the value of p? when r is a little greater than r 2 , is greater than it is when T is a little less than r s . A medium of this kind accordingly represents a substance such as fuchsine, which has an absorption band in the green, and produces anomalous dispersion. 360. To explain ordinary dispersion, we shall suppose that T is greater than K ; then if we put 326 DYNAMICAL THEORIES OF DISPERSION, ETC. (19) may be written With the exception of the term involving r 2 , this value of is of the same form as Cauchy's formula Ketteler 1 has however shown that the term P&V//e 2 is required to explain the dispersion produced by certain substances. 361. When there are several absorption bands, a molecule of a more complicated character is required ; and it has been sug- gested by Von Helmholtz, that a theory might be constructed by a hypothesis, which practically amounts to assuming that TF 2 and W 3 consist of a series of terms of the form {(u - u Selective Reflection. 362. We must now consider the reflection of light at the surface of a medium, which produces anomalous dispersion. In forming the equations of motion by means of the Principle of Least Action, we observe that there are no surface integral terms, which arise from W z and W s ; it therefore follows, that the boundary conditions at the common surface of two different media, are unaffected by the presence of the terms depending on the action of the matter. These conditions will therefore be, con- tinuity of the displacements and stresses arising from the action of the ether. With regard to the physical properties of the ether, I shall provisionally adopt the hypothesis of Lord Kelvin, that the latter is to be treated as an elastic medium, whose resistance to compression is a negative quantity, the numerical value of which is slightly less than Jrds of the rigidity. Under these circumstances, the intensities of the reflected and refracted light will be given by Fresnel's formulae, and so long as /j, > 1, the reflection takes place in the same manner as from glas?. If however the incident light is white, and K lies within the visible spectrum, say between D and F, it follows that for certain rays of the spectrum fju 1, which is regularly reflected, and constitutes the remaining portion of the spectrum. The first portion is by far the most intense, since the reflection is total ; the third portion is the least intense ; whilst of the second, for which p < 1, those rays for which the critical angle is less than the angle of incidence, will be totally reflected, and those for which it is greater, will be regularly reflected. Now if the angle of incidence is nearly equal to the polarizing angle, it follows that the yellow portion of the incident light, most of which is regularly reflected, will be polarized in the plane of incidence by reflection, and will therefore be unable to get through the Nicol ; but the green, and also a portion of the blue in the neighbourhood of F, will get through. The colour of the light, when viewed through a Nicol, will accordingly change from a green to a greenish blue, owing to the absence of the yellow light. CHAPTER XVIII. METALLIC REFLECTION. 366. THE leading experimental facts connected with metallic reflection may be classified as follows. (i) Metals are exceedingly opaque to light, but at the same time reflect a very large proportion of the incident light. (ii) When plane polarized light is incident upon a polished metallic surface, the reflected light is always elliptically polarized, unless the incident light is polarized in or perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, in which case the reflected light is plane polarized. (iii) Metals do not possess a polarizing angle, but there is a certain angle of incidence, for which the intensity of light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence is a minimum. (iv) When the incident light is circularly polarized, there is a certain angle of incidence, for which the reflected light is plane polarized. Whatever the character of the incident light may be, it can always be resolved into two components, which are respectively in and perpendicular to the plane of incidence ; and the above experimental results show, that metallic reflection produces a change of phase in one or both of these components. 367. The angle of incidence, for which circularly polarized light is converted into plane polarized light, is called the principal incidence; and the azimuth of the plane of polarization of the reflected light, is called the principal azimuth. The principal azimuth is usually measured from the plane of incidence 330 METALLIC REFLECTION. towards the right hand of an observer, who is looking at the point of incidence along the reflected ray. Since the course of a ray may be supposed to be reversed, it follows that if light polarized in the principal azimuth, is reflected at the principal incidence, the reflected light will be circularly polarized. 368. The values of the principal incidence and azimuth depend not only upon the particular metal of which the reflector consists, but also upon the transparent medium in contact with it ; and it has been found by experiment, that the principal incidence diminishes, whilst the principal azimuth increases with the increase of the index of refraction of the medium in contact with the metallic reflector. 369. Although a plate of metal of sensible thickness is opaque, yet a very thin film of metal is semi-transparent ; and if white light be incident upon the film, the transmitted light is frequently coloured. Thus, if sunlight is passed through a piece of gold leaf, the transmitted light is green. The experiments of Quincke 1 show, that the phases of both components of the refracted light are accelerated by transmission ; and Sir John Conroy 2 has shown, that when light is reflected from a thin metallic film, the principal incidence and azimuth both increase with the thickness of the film. That a thin film should reflect light differently from a thick plate is to be expected. For since thin films are semi-transparent, the wave penetrates a sufficient distance to be reflected from the posterior surface ; whilst when the plate is thick, no second reflection takes place, owing to the refracted wave being extin- guished before arriving at the posterior surface. If a perfectly satisfactory theory of metallic reflection existed, there would be no theoretical difficulty in explaining the peculiarities connected with reflection from, and transmission through, thin metallic films ; all that would be necessary would be, to take into account the successive reflections and refractions from both surfaces of the film, in the same way as is done in the ordinary theory of the Colours of Thin Transparent Plates. 370. The opacity of metals can be partially explained by supposing, that the index of refraction is a complex quantity ; but 1 Pogg. Ann. vol. cxxix. 2 Proc. Roy. Soc. vol. xxxi. p. 500. THE PSEUDO-REFK ACTIVE INDEX IS COMPLEX. 331 as this statement is ambiguous, we shall proceed to consider it carefully. Let the axis of x be the normal to a metallic reflector in contact with air; and let the displacements of the incident and refracted waves be Since the coefficients of y must be the same in the two waves, we must have V sin i If the second medium were transparent, V 1 would be a real quantity, and consequently //, would be real ; but in a metal, there is properly speaking no refracted wave, and therefore F 1? and consequently p, cannot be real. We must therefore suppose, that fju is complex. For these reasons it is often said, that the index of refraction of metals is a complex quantity. The expression is not however very happily chosen, since there is no such thing as an index of refraction in the case of metals. If however we regard the index of refraction as a convenient name for the mathematical quantity, which is defined by (2), there will be no danger of any ambiguity. Putting fjL = Re ia , we obtain V Fj = -^ (cos a - i sin a), and therefore, when the incidence is normal, so that I = ^ = 1, w : = A e 27r/A ** 8in a cos -^ ( Rx cos a + Vt), A, where X is the wave-length in the first medium, which is supposed to be transparent. Now x is negative in the second medium ; accordingly sin a must be positive, otherwise the amplitude would increase as x increases. Hence the amplitude diminishes very rapidly as the distance from the surface of separation increases, and at a distance of a few wave-lengths in air, the refracted wave becomes insen- sible. * 332 METALLIC REFLECTION. Since /* 2 = # 2 (cos 2a + t sin 2a), and sin a must be positive, it follows that a must lie between and TT. Hence ft 2 must be a complex quantity, whose imaginary part must be positive, but whose real part may be either positive or negative. We shall presently show, that there are reasons for thinking that for certain metals the real part of jj? must be nega- tive, in which case a must lie between JTT and JTT. 371. Theories of metallic reflection have been proposed by MacCullagh 1 , Cauchy 2 and others ; and although these theories in their original form cannot be said to stand on a satisfactory physical basis, yet the formula of Cauchy furnish results, which agree fairly well with experiment, and may therefore be regarded as an empirical representation of the facts. We have shown in the previous chapter, that it is possible to construct a dynamical theory, such that for certain rays of the spectrum, /-t 2 shall be a real negative quantity ; but from 370, it follows that in the case of a metal, yu, 2 must be a complex quantity, whose imaginary part must be positive. Following Eisenlohr 3 , we shall first show how Cauchy's formulse may be deduced by transforming Fresnel's formulae for transparent media; and shall afterwards discuss a dynamical theory, by means of which this transformation may be justified. Cauchy's Theory. 372. When the incident light is polarized in the plane of incidence, Fresnel's formulas for the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted light are sin (i + r) 2 sin r cos i in which the amplitude of the incident light is taken as unity. We have now to transform these formulas, by supposing that //, is a complex quantity of the form Re ia . 1 Proc. Eoy. Ir. Acad. vol. i. p. 2. 2 C. E. 1838 and 1839. 3 Pogg. Ann. vol. civ. p. 368. CAUCHY'S THEORY. 333 Equation (3) may be written A' _ /* t> o ($\ cos i + fi cos r ' ' where cos r = (1 /jr 2 sinH')* (6). Since //- is complex, it follows that cos r is complex, and we shall therefore put it equal to ce tw ; whence we obtain from (6) c 2 cos 2u = 1 R~ 2 cos 2a sin 2 i ) ,^. which determine c and ^ in terms of R, a and i. Equation (5) now becomes ,_ cos i- Rc^ a+u ^ A. r~ R 2 c 2 co$ 2 i + ZiRc cos i sin (a + u) ' + 2Rc cos i cos (a + ?^) where (8), C S ' C S # 2 c 2 + cos 2 i + 2Ec cos i cos (a + M) 2?re 2J?c cos * sin (a + u) : whence the reflected wave, which is the real part of is & cos ( cos i + y sin i Vt + e), A. which shows that reflection is accompanied by a change of phase, whose value is given by (10). If we introduce a new angle f, such that ,_ 2Rc cos i cos (a + u) /= ^ 2 c 2 + cos 2 i = cos (a + u) sin 2 ftan" 1 -^ J ......... (11), (9) and (10) become & 2 = tan(/-i7r) ........................... (12), tan = sin (a + u) tan 2 1 ......... (13). Equations (11), (12) and (13) are Cauchy's formulae for light polarized in the plane of incidence. 334 METALLIC REFLECTION. 373. To find what the refracted wave becomes, we have from (4) 2 cos i cos i + fj, cos r 2 cos i [Re cos (a 4- u) + cos i iRc sin (a + u)} R?c 2 + cos 2 i + 2jRc cos i cos (a + u) + sin 2 i _ B .R 2 c 2 cos 2 1 sin 4 i + 2iRc cos i sin 2 i sin (a + w) ~~ A ' R*c 2 cos 2 i + sin 4 1 + 2 Re cos i sin 2 1 cos (a + u) ' whence A* ' R 2 c 2 cos 2 i + sin 4 i + 2.fic cos i sin 2 i cos (a + ) 2?r , , x 2.fic cos i sin 2 1 sin (a 4- u) tan - (e e) = ^^ ^ ; ~V^ A, v /t 2 c 2 cos 2 1 sm 4 i If the incident light is circularly polarized, A = B ; also if the angle of incidence is such that .fie cos i* = sin 2 i (23), it follows from (22), that whence the reflected light is plane polarized. If ft be the azimuth of the plane of polarization, we obtain from (21) and (23) tan 2 ft = = 7 { = tan 2 i (a + u), 1 + cos (a + u) whence ft = ^(r ji + u) (24). We have therefore established the fourth experimental law, which is enunciated in 366, by means of Cauchy's theory. Accordingly (23) and (24) combined with (7) determine the principal incidence, and the principal azimuth. It also follows from the formulae, that if light which is plane polarized in the principal azimuth be incident at the principal incidence, the ; reflected light will be circularly polarized. We shall denote the principal incidence by /. 376. These results enable us to calculate the constants R ; and a. Let the azimuth of the plane of polarization be defined to be { the angle, which this plane makes with the plane of incidence, i measured to the right hand of an observer who is looking at the j reflected light through an analyser. Let the light polarized at an azimuth JTT undergo two reflections at two parallel plates of JAMINS EXPERIMENTS. 337 metal ; and let the angle of incidence be equal to the principal incidence. After undergoing two reflections, the component displacements perpendicular to and in the plane of incidence will be |V2 = & 2 cos -^ (x sin / + y sin I- Vt + 20), A/ 77 V2 = 3 2 cos -^ (a; sin / + y sin /- Ftf + 2e + JX) ; A, whence the light which has been twice reflected, will be plane polarized at an azimuth %, where tan x = 77/f = -i3 2 /^' 2 = - tan2 /3 (25). Now the principal incidence /, and the azimuth ^, can be determined experimentally, whence by (23) and (25) the values of Re and ft can be found; accordingly from (24) and (7) the values of R and a can be calculated. 377. Jamin 1 has tested Cauchy's formula for the intensities of light polarized in and perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, and has found that they agree fairly well with experiment. His method of procedure was as follows. The quantities R and a were first determined by experiment, and the amplitudes gfc and i3 were then calculated for different angles of incidence by means of (9) and (15). This process gives the theoretical values of the ratio of the intensities of the incident and reflected light. To obtain the values of the intensities by experiment, a plate of glass and metal were placed side by side, so as t^be accurately in the same plane. A pencil of light was then allowed to fall on the compound reflecting surface, so that part was reflected by the glass, and part by the metal ; and the two portions of the reflected light were passed through a doubly refracting prism, whose principal section was inclined at an angle 7 to the plane of incidence. The light on emerging from the prism, thus consisted of four images, two of which were produced by reflection from the metal, and the other two by reflection from the glass. Let ^ 2 , gl' 2 be the intensities of the light reflected from the metal and the glass, when the incident light is polarized in the plane of incidence ; 1 Ann. de Chimie et de Physique, Vol. xix. p. 206. B. o. 22 338 METALLIC REFLECTION. then on emerging from the doubly refracting prism, the intensities of the ordinary and extraordinary images will be Metal Glass I '2 cos 4 7 ; E & 2 sin 2 7, a /2 sin 2 7. For a certain value of 7, the intensity of the ordinary image of the metal, will be equal to the extraordinary image of the glass. For this value, whence remembering the value of &', we obtain sin 2 (i - r) = tan 2 7 .(26). The value of 7 is determined, by observing the angle at which the intensities of the two images become equal, and thence ^ 2 can be found by (2(j). If the incident light had been polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, we should have had but inasmuch as the intensity of the light reflected from the glass, is exceedingly small in the neighbourhood of the polarizing angle, accurate results cannot be obtained, when i is nearly equal to this angle. The following table for steel, which is taken from Jamin's paper, shows how far theory and experiment agree. Steel. Principal incidence 76. 9 33 Angle of Incidence i Observed Calculated Observed Calculated 85 951 977 719 709 75 946 932 566 563 65 898 892 627 599 55 869 856 ... 45 818 827 689 701 35 800 804 741 717 25 791 787 769 751 JAMINS EXPERIMENTS. 339 378. Jamin also made experiments upon the difference of the changes of phase of the two components ; and arrived at the fol- lowing laws. (i) The wave which is polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, is more retarded than that which is polarized in the plane of incidence. (ii) The difference of phase is zero at normal incidence, and increases up to grazing incidence. From (22), we see that | when i 0, e' e = ; when i = I, e' e = JX ; when i = JTT, e' e = ^X ; so that e f > e, and their difference gradually increases from i = to i = JTT. 379. Experiments on the difference between the changes of phase were made by Jamin by the method of multiple reflections. When light polarized in any azimuth is reflected m times from two parallel metallic reflectors, the difference of phase of the resulting light is m (e r e) ; and if this quantity is equal to a multiple of JX, the resulting light will be plane polarized. This will be the case, when the angle of incidence is such that e'-e = n\/2m (28), where n is equal to 1, 2, ... m 1. The least angle of incidence at which this can happen, is given by e e = X/2m ; and the greatest by e' e = (m 1) X/2m. Hence there are altogether 1 angles of incidence. Now these angles of incidence can be |i>bserved, and the resulting differences between the changes of ohase calculated from (22), and compared with (28), and the two esults ought to agree. For example, let three reflections take )lace, and let i 1} i. 2 , the least and greatest angles, at which )olarization is re-established, be observed; then if we substitute he values of i lt i 2 in (22), the resulting values of e' e corre- )onding to i lt i 2 ought to be JX and ^X. We have thus a method testing the formulae for the difference between the changes of base experimentally; and the experiments of Jamin show, that lere is a fair agreement between experiment and theory. 380. It has been stated in 368, that the principal incidence jnd principal azimuth, depend not only upon the nature of the Iietal, but also upon the medium in contact with it. The values 222 340 METALLIC REFLECTION. of these angles have been determined experimentally by Quincke 1 for silver, and by Sir John Conroy 2 for gold and silver, when certain other media are substituted for air. The following table shows the results obtained by the latter, when the incident light was red. Medium Principal Incidence Principal Azimuth Silver in air in water in turpentine 74 19' 71 28' 69 16' 43 48' 44 03' 43 21' Gold in air ,, in water in carbon disulphide 76 0' 72 46' 70 03' 35 27' 36 23' 36 48' In a second series of experiments, Sir J. Conroy 3 found th following values. Medium Bed Yellow Blue P.I. P.A. P.I. P.A. P.I. P.A. Gold in air do. water do. carbon disulphide 73 57' 70 24' 69 24' 41 52' 42 27' 42 33' 71 43' 67 39' 66 36' 41 14' 41 15' 41 41' 67 10' 63 20' 60 05' 35 40' 36 11'; 3657'i Silver in air do. water do. carbon tetrachloride 76 29' 73 55' 72 39' 43 51' 44 02' 44 20' 74 37' 72 15' 71 39' 43 22' 44 09' 43 40' 71 33' 67 26' 66 58' 43 00' 43 26' 44 31' The following table shows the percentage of light reflected different angles of incidence from the following mirrors 4 . Angle of incidence Silver Steel Tin Speculum metal 10 70-05 54-38 39-76 66-13 20 70-06 55-39 40-28 66-88 30 71-35 54-93 44-38 66-87 40 70-87 55-62 44-11 67-26 50 72-49 56-74 47-48 67-26 60 74-19 57-63 50-60 66-32 65 73-58 58-37 52-32 66-53 70 74-63 58-09 54-97 67-65 75 77-25 58-69 58-85 67-43 80 81-19 63-56 65-08 70-17 1 Pogg. Ann. Vol. cxxvin. p. 541. 2 Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. xxvin. p. 242 ; Ibid. pp. 248 and 250. 3 Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. xxxi. pp. 490, 496. 4 Proc. Roy. Soc. Vol. xxxv. pp. 31, 32; and Vol. xxxvi. p. 187, KUNDT'S EXPERIMENTS. 341 381. The ratio of the velocity of light in air to that in metals, has been investigated experimentally by Quincke, Wer- nicke, Voigt 1 and Kundt 2 . The values which Kundt has obtained for this ratio are given in the following table for red, white and blue light. Bed White Blue Silver 0-27 Gold 0-38 0-58 1-00 Copper Platinum 045 1-76 0-65 1-64 0-95 1-44 Iron 1-81 1-73 1-52 Nickel 2-17 2-01 1-85 Bismuth 2-61 2-26 2-13 From this table it appears, that the velocity of light in silver is nearly four times as great as in vacuo ; but the dispersion was so small, that it could not be measured. Also in gold and copper, the velocity is greater than in vacuo, and the dispersion is normal ; but in the other four metals it is anomalous. Beer 3 has calculated the above ratio according to Cauchy's theory, from Jamin's observations on reflection. He found, that silver exhibited no marked dispersion, and that the mean ratio of the velocities was 0'25. Copper showed strong normal dispersion, and for the red rays the ratio was less than unity; iron, on the contrary, showed anomalous dispersion, giving //, red = 2'54, iolet = l'47, where //, is the ratio of the velocity of light in air to that in the metal. 382. Kundt also found, that there is a close relation between the velocity of light in metals, and their electrical conductivities. In the accompanying table, the velocity of light and the electrical conductivity of silver are both taken to be 100, and the con- ductivities are taken from Everett's Units and Physical Constants, p. 159. 1 Wied. Ann. Vol. xxm. pp. 104147; Vol. xxv. pp. 95114. 2 Sitz. der Kon. Preuss. Akad. der Wissen., 1888; translated Phil. Mag. July 1888. 3 Pogg. Ann. Vol. xcn. p. 417. 342 METALLIC REFLECTION. Metal Conductivity Velocity of Light Silver 100 100 Gold 71 71 Copper 94 60 Platinum 16-6 15-3 Iron 15-4 14-9 Nickel 12-0 12-4 Bismuth 1-1 10-3 With the exception of copper and bismuth, it appears that there is a fair agreement between the two sets of numbers. 383. Eisenlohr in the paper referred to in 371, has applied Jamin's experimental results to calculate the quantities R and a by means of Cauchy's formulas, and some of the values found by him are given in the following table. Extreme Bed Yellow Blue Metal a log 7? a log R a logR Copper 53 37' 4395 39 45' 3962 29 45' 3698 Silver 82 46' 5676 79 31' 4516 77 58' 3374 Speculum metal 57 37' 6111 51 55' 5078 51 33' 4605 Steel 31 29' 6621 32 10' 6102 36 28' ! -5782 Zinc 30 04' 5882 37 38' 5207 44 05' 4589 Now the value of /u, 2 is .# 2 (cos2a-Msin2a), from which we see that for silver and speculum metal, jj? must a complex quantity, whose real part is negative. For steel, the real part of fj? is positive ; for copper it is negative for red light, and positive for yellow and blue ; whilst for zinc it is positive for red, yellow and blue, but is negative for the remainder of the spectrum, since Eisenlohr found that for indigo a = 46 23', and for the extreme violet a = 49 08'. 384. The circumstance that Cauchy's formulae lead to the conclusion, that for certain metals the real part of yu, 2 must be negative, has led to an important criticism by Lord Rayleigh 1 , which we shall now consider. If we suppose that the opacity of metals can be represented mathematically by a term proportional to the velocity, the equa- 1 Hon. J. W. Strutt, Phil. Mag. May, 1872. LORD RAYLEIGH'S CRITICISM. 343 tion of motion within the metal, upon the elastic solid theory, may be written , , dw l where h is necessarily a positive constant. The equation of motion outside the metal, will be d 2 w _ fd*w d 2 w\ To solve these equations assume ^- (-xcosr+ysinr-Vj) W l = A 1 V ^ T Substituting in (29), we shall obtain pi ihr p + 27rp- Under these circumstances, it follows that y? is a complex quantity, whose real part is positive ; hence a must lie between and JTT. Lord Rayleigh's investigation accordingly shows, that for silver and all metals for which OO^TT, reflection cannot be accounted for on the elastic solid theory, by the introduction of a viscous term. 385. When we consider the electromagnetic theory of light, it will be shown, that if we attempt to explain metallic reflection by taking into account the conductivity of the metal, we shall be led to equations of the same form. Hence metallic reflection cannot be completely explained, upon the electromagnetic theory, by means of this hypothesis. 386. We shall now show, that the circumstance of the square of the pseudo-refractive index being a complex quantity, whose real part is negative, may be explained by Von Helmholtz' theory. Measuring the axis of z in the direction of propagation, and the axis of x in the direction of vibration, the equations of motion (11) and (10) of 357 and 356, are d*u d 2 u 344 METALLIC REFLECTION. Since we require a solution in which y? is a complex quantity, we must not neglect the viscous term, and we shall find it convenient to conduct the integration of these equations, in a manner some- what different from that of 357. Assume u = A e 2t7r / T ^ v ~ *>, 1\ K -- 2 --- 2 K 2 J l whence 47T 2 If po be the density of the ether, and U the velocity of light in free space, n/p U 2 ; also since the pseudo-index of refraction of a metal is defined to be the ratio of U/V, we obtain from (30) 2 _p_ ctV [ _ a 2 T 2 K 2 _ } ( . * " fr 4^T { * 47r 2 ^ (* 2 - T 2 ) - (A 2 //?! + a') K 2 T 2 + 467T/^ 2 TJ ( ' Rationalizing the denominator, we see that the imaginary part of y? is positive, whilst the real part is equal to {47T 2 /)! (/C 2 - T 2 ) - 387. In order to apply this result to metallic reflection, we shall suppose that h is a small quantity, whose square may be neglected, under which circumstances, the real part of yP which we shall denote by v 2 , becomes equal to 2 p v =- This expression is the same as the square of the refractive index of a substance, which produces anomalous dispersion, and has a single absorption band ; and it follows from 359, that it may be negative in two distinct ways. In the first place, if TJ is the least value of r for which z/ 2 and r 2 is the value of r, which makes the denominator of the third term zero, the real part of /t 2 will be negative for values of T lying between TJ and r 2 . In the second place, there is another value T S of T, which is greater than r 2 , for which z/ 2 = 0; and for all values of r > r 3 , v 2 is negative. We may therefore explain A\JL ' o, APPLICATION OF VON HELMHOLTz' THEORY. 345 reflection from silver in two distinct ways. In the first place we may suppose, that the period of the free vibrations is such, that throughout the luminous portion of the spectrum, and some distance beyond it and on either side, T lies between TJ and r 2 ; or in the second place we may suppose, that throughout this range r > T S . Now metals reflect rays of dark heat 1 in much the same way as they reflect light; accordingly if we adopted the first hypothesis, it would be necessary to suppose, that K the free period of the matter vibrations, lies below the infra-red portion of the spectrum ; if on the other hand, we adopted the second hypothesis, it would be necessary to suppose, that K corre- sponds to a point in or above the ultra-violet portion of the spectrum. To explain reflection from steel, we must suppose that K is such, that throughout the luminous portion of the spectrum and some distance beyond, r is less than TJ, or lies between T 2 and T S . To explain reflection from copper, we must suppose that either r x or r 3 corresponds to a point of the spectrum intermediate between the red and yellow, since in going up the spectrum, the real part of fj? passes through zero, from a negative to a positive value. But in the case of zinc, the real part of yu, 2 begins by being positive, and then passes through zero to a negative value at a point between the blue and violet. The theory in its present form is therefore not applicable to zinc. It is however neces- sary to point out, that the theory which has been developed, only applies to a medium having a single absorption band; whereas there is no a priori reason why metals should not possess several. A theory such as von H-elmholtz' could be extended, so as to apply to a medium having a number of absorption, bands ; and there can be little doubt, that the real part of jj? would be given by an expression of much the same form, as that furnished by Lord Kelvin's theory. 388. The investigations of the last two Chapters, will give the reader some idea of the various theories relating to the mutual reaction between ether and matter, which have been proposed to explain dispersion and metallic reflection. Further information upon this subject, will be found in Glazebrook's Report on Optical Theories' 2 , where a variety of theories due to Lommel, Yoigt, Ketteler and others are considered. It must however be con- 1 Magnus, Pogg. Ann. Vol. cxxxix. 2 Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1886. 346 METALLIC REFLECTION. fessed, that most of these theories are of a somewhat tentative and unsatisfactory character ; and depend to a great extent upon unproved hypotheses and assumptions made during the progress of the work, for the purpose of obtaining certain analytical results. The fundamental hypothesis, first suggested by Stokes 1 , and after- wards more fully developed by Sellmeier 2 , that these phenomena are due to the fact, that some of the free periods of the vibrations of the molecules of matter fall within the limits of the periods of the visible spectrum, is deserving of attentive consideration and development. This hypothesis is quite independent of any suppo- sitions, which may be made respecting the physical constitution of the ether ; since any medium, which is capable of propagating waves, would produce vibrations of the molecules of the matter embedded in it, of the same kind as those we have been dis- cussing. 389. We shall see in the next Chapter, that the electro- magnetic theory of light presupposes the existence of a medium or ether; and that the general equations of the electromagnetic field show, that the motion of this medium is governed by equations, which are nearly identical with those furnished by the elastic solid theory. When electromagnetic waves impinge upon the molecules of a material substance, the latter are thrown into a state of vibra- tion, and by making additional assumptions respecting the mutual reaction of ether and matter, we may translate many of the inves- tigations based upon the elastic solid theory, into the language of the electromagnetic theory. Moreover most transparent bodies are dielectrics, whilst metals are conductors of electricity ; and certain metals such as iron, cobalt and nickel are strongly magnetic. We should therefore be led to expect, that there would be a marked difference between the propagation of electromagnetic waves in dielectrics on the one hand, and in metals on the other hand. Unfortunately the electromagnetic theory, in the form in which it has hitherto been developed, does not readily lend itself to an explanation of dispersion and metallic reflection ; and it must be admitted these phenomena have not as yet been satisfactorily accounted for. 1 Phil. Mag., March 1860, p. 196. 2 Pogg. Ann. Vols. CXLII. p. 272 ; CXLV. pp 399, 520 ; CXLVII. pp. 386, 525. CHAPTER XIX. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. 390. THE electromagnetic theory of light, which was first proposed by the late Prof. Clerk-Maxwell, supposes that the sensation of light is produced by means of an electromagnetic disturbance, which is propagated in a medium ; and we cannot do better than to give the fundamental idea of this theory in Maxwell's own words 1 : "To fill all space with a new medium, whenever any new phenomenon is to be explained, is by no means philosophical, but if the study of two different branches of science has independently suggested the idea of a medium, and if the properties which must be attributed to the medium in order to account for electro- magnetic phenomena, are of the same kind as those which we attribute to the luminiferous medium in order to^account for the phenomena of light, the evidence of the physical existence of the medium will be considerably strengthened. "But the properties of bodies are capable of quantitative measurement. We therefore obtain the numerical value of some property of the medium, such as the velocity with which a disturbance is propagated through it, which can be calculated from electromagnetic experiments, and observed directly in the case of light. If it should be found that the velocity of propa- gation of electromagnetic disturbances is the same as the velocity of light, and this not only in air, but in other transparent media, we shall have strong reasons for believing that light is an electromagnetic phenomenon, and that a combination of the 1 Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. n. p. 383. 348 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. optical with the electrical evidence will produce a conviction of the reality of the medium, similar to that which we obtain, in the case of other kinds of matter, from the combined evidence of the senses. 391. We shall now proceed to apply the general equations of the electromagnetic field, to obtain the velocity of propagation of an electromagnetic disturbance. The equations of electromotive force are 1 ^_ dt dx _ dt dy -p "dt 'dz} The equations of magnetic induction are, _dH dG\ dy dz b _dF_dH dz dx (2). (3)- dx dy The equations of the currents are, dy_d{3} dy dz da dy 47TV = -j- - -j 1 dz dx d/3 da 4i7TW = -j- - -j- dx dy\ Maxwell's notation being employed. 392. If the medium is magnetically isotropic, the magnetic force and the magnetic induction will be connected together by the equations a = pa, b = /i/3, c = py (4), where p is the magnetic permeability of the medium. 1 Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. n. Chapter ix. EQUATIONS OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD. 349 393. If the medium were electrostatically isotropic, the electromotive force in any direction, would be proportional to the electric displacement in the same direction ; but if the medium is aeolotropic, the relation between electromotive force and electric displacement will depend upon the peculiar consti- tution of the medium. We have already pointed out, that all doubly-refracting media possess three rectangular planes of sym- metry ; and we shall now show, that double refraction can be explained by supposing, that the medium is electrostatically seolotropic. If the axes of symmetry are the axes of coordinates, the equations connecting the electromotive force and electric dis- placement may be written P = 4flr//i, Q = 4,7rg/K,, R = 4>7rh/K 3 ......... (5), where K l} K^, K z are the three principal electrostatic capacities. If the medium were a conductor, the equations between the electromotive force and the conduction current would be p = C 1 P, q = C,Q, r = C 3 R ............... (6), where C l} C 2 , C 3 are the three principal conductivities. If we suppose the medium isotropic as regards conduction, the three C's will be equal. The equations connecting the true current, with the electric displacement and conduction current, are u =f+P> v=9 + w = h + r ............... (7). *. Since most transparent media are good insulators, we shall suppose that the conduction current is zero, which requires that 394. We can now obtain the equations of electric displace- ment. From (1) and (2) we obtain dt dy dz db dP dR dt dz dx dt ~ dx dy (8). 350 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. From (3) and (7), we obtain dc_db with two similar equations. Eliminating a, b, c from (9) by means of (8) and putting we shall obtain &n ^a (ii). In proving these equations, we have not as yet made any assumption respecting the relation between electromotive force and electric displacement. Let us now substitute the values of P, Q, R from (5), also let n _ A* d f , z? 2 d 9 , n* dh n ox **> -a. -= h Jj 7 r L> -j- (Ao), dx dy dz then (11) become 2 + CV .................. (21). Also from the same equations it can be shown, that (#-#) + -(C*-4*)+*(4 a -.B 8 ) = ...... (22), and ( F 2 - A*) \/l = ( F 2 - &) fi/m = ( 7 2 - O 2 ) v/n ...... (23). Let P be the point of contact of the tangent plane to the wave surface, and let I, m, n be its direction cosines ; also let F be the foot of the perpendicular from the origin on to this tangent plane. Then if L, M, N be the direction cosines of PT, it is known from the geometry of the wave surface, see (19) of 109 and 112, that (F 2 - A*)L/l = (F 2 - &)M/m = (F 2 - C*)N/n, accordingly by (23) we have which shows that the electric displacement is perpendicular to the plane of polarization. By treating equations (15) in the same way as (14), it can be shown that the magnetic induction lies in the plane of the wave- front, and that it is propagated at the same rate as the electric displacement. 398. We must now determine the magnetic force in terms of the electric displacement. Substituting the values P, Q, R from (5) in (8), and taking account of (12), we obtain at \ dz dy MAGNETIC FORCE, 353 dq dF nadF A But ---- - whence a = 4?r ((7 2 mz> - 5 V ) 8/ V \ )8/V\ ............... (24). I y = 4-7T (BHtJL - A*m\)S/V Multiplying these equations by I, m, n and adding, we obtain la + m/3 + 717 = 0, which shows that the magnetic force, and therefore the magnetic induction, lies in the plane of the wave-front. Multiplying by X, fj,, v and taking account of (22) we obtain which shows that the magnetic force is perpendicular to the electric displacement. Let X', fi ', v be the direction cosines of the magnetic force, then I = fjbv' fjiVy m = v\' v'\, n = A// V//-. Substituting in the first of (24), and taking account of (21), we obtain a = 47T { F 2 X' - X (A*\\' + &w' + C7W)} S/V; but X' = mv n/j, &c. ; whence it follows from (22) that A*Mf + &pfi' + <7W = 0, accordingly a = 4<7rVS\' ........................ (25), and therefore the magnetic force, corresponding to an electric displacement S, is equal to 47rF In (24) put 1=1, ra = n = 0; ft = 1, X = z> = ; then it follows, that when a wave is propagated along the positive direction of the axis of x, and the electric displacement is parallel to the axis of y } the magnetic force will be parallel to the axis of z. 399. We shall now find the direction of the electromotive force. From (5) and (12) we have P = 47ryM 2 /; Q = ^irfi^g f R = *TrfrC*h, where /^ temporarily denotes the magnetic permeability, to distin- guish it from fju the ^/-direction cosine of the electric displacement. Let % be the angle between the radius vector and the normal to the tangent plane at its extremity, then cos x = V/r, cos (J-7T 4- %) = - sin % = (Xa? + py + vz)jr. . .(26), B. o. 23 354 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. where x, y, z are the coordinates of the point of contact. Now by the geometry of the wave surface - (r 2 - A 2 ) \jx = (r 2 - 2 ) fi/y = (r 2 - (7 2 ) v\z = - - -- = - r sin % , /C by (21) and (26) ; whence (r 2 - A*} \jVx = (r 2 - &) fJL/Vy = (r 2 - tf 2 ) v/Vz = - tan x . , . But = V*-A* ' whence (7 2 -^ 2 )X/^ = (F 2 -^ 2 )/ A / m = ( F2 -^)^ = - F2tan %' and therefore by (19) AH\ + ^m/Lt + 2 ni; = F 2 tan % . The component of the electromotive force along the wave normal is therefore PI + Qm + En = 4-Tr^ (AH\ + Wm^ + &nv) 8 = 4^^! F 2 S tan x and the component along the direction of displacement is PX + Q/i + J?z/ = 4 7 r / i 1 F 2 >Sf ............... (28). From (27) and (28) we see, that the resultant electromotive force is equal to 4^^ F 2 $ sec %, and that its direction is perpen- dicular to the ray. 400. The preceding analysis contains a complete investigation of the propagation of electric and magnetic disturbances in an electrostatically seolotropic medium; and we have shown, that both disturbances are propagated with a velocity, which satisfies the same mathematical conditions as the velocity of propagation of light in a biaxal crystal, according to Fresnel's theory; but that the electric disturbance is perpendicular to what in optical language is known as the plane of polarization, whilst the magnetic disturbance lies in the plane of polarization. If therefore the sensation of light is the result of electromagnetic waves, we must conclude, that light is the effect of the electric displace- ment and not of the magnetic displacement (or magnetic induction). Before however we can decide whether light is an electromagnetic phenomenon, it is necessary to ascertain whether the electric and magnetic disturbances are propagated with a velocity, which is equal to or comparable with that of light. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATIONS. 401. In an isotropic medium, K! = K?> = whence (14) become 355 and fl is zero; From these equations we see, that the velocity of propagation V is equal to (//JT)~*. If the medium is air, and we adopt the electrostatic system of units, K=l, and /j, = v~*, where v is the number of electrostatic units in one electromagnetic unit, whence V = v; or the velocity of propagation of light is equal to the number of electrostatic units in one electromagnetic unit. If on the other hand we adopt the electromagnetic system, K = v~ 2 , and //, = 1, so that the equation Vv is still true. 402. The methods of determining v are explained in Maxwell's Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. n. Ch. xix., and are quite inde- pendent of the methods for determining the velocity of light; hence the agreement or disagreement of the values of V and v furnishes a test of the electromagnetic theory of light, The following table, taken from Maxwell, gives the values of V and v in c. G. s. units. Velocity of Light. Eizeau 31400 x 10 6 Aberration &c., and Sun's parallax 30800 x 10 6 Foucault 29836 x 10 6 Ratio of Electric Units. Weber 31074 x 10 6 Maxwell 28800 x 10 Lord Kelvin 28200 x 10 6 From these results we see, that the velocity of light, and the ratio of units are quantities of the same order ; but none of them can be considered to be determined with such a degree of accuracy as to enable us to assert, that one is greater than the other 1 . 403. In all transparent media the magnetic permeability is very nearly equal to that of air, hence refraction must depend principally upon differences of specific inductive capacity. Ac- cording to the electromagnetic theory, the dielectric capacity of a transparent medium is equal to the square of its index of refrac- tion. But the index of refraction of light is different for different colours, being greater for light of short period; we must therefore select the index of refraction, which corresponds to waves of longest period, since these are the only waves whose motion can 1 See also the note, p. 379. 232 356 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. be compared to the slow processes, by which the capacity of a dielectric can be determined. The square root of the value of K for paraffin 1 is T405 ; whilst the index of refraction for waves of infinite period is about 1/422. 404. In discussing these experimental results Maxwell concludes as follows :- " The difference between these numbers is greater than can be accounted for by errors of observation, and shows that our theories of the structure of bodies must be much j improved, before we can deduce their optical from their electrical properties. At the same time, I think, that the agreement between | the numbers is such, that if no greater discrepancy were found i between the numbers derived from the optical and the electrical properties of a considerable number of substances, we should be I warranted in concluding that the square root of K, although it j may not be the complete expression for the index of refraction, is | at least the most important term in it." 405. In 1873, which was the date of publication of the first edition of Maxwell's treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, paraffin was the only transparent dielectric, whose electrostatic capacity had been determined. Since that date, the capacity of a variety of other media have been determined, and it has been found that for many substances, the square of the refractive index differs considerably from the value of the electrostatic capacity. The experiments of Hopkinson 2 give the following results forfi the electrostatic capacity of Chance's glasses. p K Kjp M Light flint 3-2 6-85 2-14 1-574 Double extra-dense 4-5 10-1 2-25 1-710 Dense flint 3-66 7-4 2-02 1-622 Very light flint 2-87 6-57 2-29 1-541 In this table, p is the density, K is the electrostatic capacity and IJL is the index of refraction of the double line D of th spectrum. 1 Gibson and Barclay, Phil. Trans. 1871, p. 573. 2 Phil. Trans. 1878, p. 17. HOPKINSON S EXPEKIMENTS. 357 A further series of experiments was made by Hopkinson 1 , which gave the following results. P K Double extra-dense \ flint glass J 4-5 9-896 Dense flint 3-66 7-376 Light flint 3-2 6-72 Very light flint 2-87 6-61 Hard crown 2-485 6-96 Plate glass 8-45 Paraffin 2-29 406. In the last paper an account is given of experiments made upon certain liquids; and the results are shown in the following table. The value of /u 2 ^ is calculated by means of Cauchy's formula * K Petroleum spirit (Field's) do. oil (Field's) do. common 1-922 2-075 2-078 1-92 2-07 2-10 Ozokerit lubricating oil (Field's) Turpentine (commercial) Castor oil 2-086 2-128 2-153 2-13 2-23 4-78 Sperm oil Olive oil 2-135 2-131 3-02 3-16 Neats' foot oil 2-125 3-07 From these tables it appears, that the vegetable and animal oils do not agree with Maxwell's theory, but the hydrocarbon oils do. But in the electrical experiments, the determination was effected by the charge and discharge of a condenser ; and it must be recollected, that even when the time of charge and discharge is only 5 x 10~ 5 of a second, this period is many million times longer than the period of the waves of any portion of the visible spectrum, 407. The capacities of Iceland spar, fluor spar and quartz have been examined by Romich and Nowak 2 , and give results which 1 Phil. Trans. 1881, p. 355. 2 Wiener. Sitzb. vol. LXX. part ii. p. 380. 358 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. are much in excess of the square of the refractive index. On the other hand, the same observers, and also Boltzmann, obtain for crystallized sulphur, a value of the capacity in reasonable accord with theory. The experimental determinations of electrostatic capacities, made by Boltzmann for paraffin, colophonium and sulphur 1 , and also for various gases 2 ; by Silow for turpentine and petroleum 3 ; by Schiller 4 and Wullner 5 for plate glass, will be found in the papers referred to below. Hertz s Experiments*. 408. The rapidity of the propagation of electrical effects across space or any insulating medium, which has until recently eluded all attempts at measurement, early suggested to natural philo- sophers, that it might be connected with the mode of propagation of light across space. For all kinds of mechanical tremors in the matter of bodies are propagated comparatively slowly, in the manner of sound waves ; while the propagation of free gravitation was shown long ago by Laplace, to be extremely rapid, even compared with that of light itself. This suggested connection was enormously strengthened when Maxwell, who was the first to try to express the known equations of electrodynamic action in a form, which suggested and implied propagation across a medium, found that his system gave rise to electric waves of the same transverse character as waves of light, whose velocity of propagation is an electric constant, which on measurement turns out to be for a vacuum the same as the velocity of light. Nor is the fact that, except for media of simple and homogeneous chemical constitution, this agreement in velo- cities is not very generally observed, a serious drawback to the theory, when we consider the great difficulty of unravelling the complex effect of the molecules of matter on the propagation of light, and on the character of electric actions. 1 Pogg. Ann. (1874), vol. CLI. pp. 482 and 531; vol. CLIII. p. 525. 2 Ibid. (1875), vol. CLV. p. 403. 3 Ibid. (1875), vol. CLVI. p. 389; (1876), vol. CLVIII. p. 306. 4 Ibid. (1874), vol. CLII. p. 535. 5 Ibid. New Series, vol. i. pp. 247 and 361. 6 I am indebted to Mr Larmor for 3 408409. HERTZ'S EXPERIMENTS. 359 409. There remained however another side of the subject to explore, in the detection and systematic examination of actual electric vibrations propagated across space. The difficulties in the way were (i) to obtain a vibrating electric system, with periods high enough to give waves of manageable length ; (ii) to obtain some method of detecting their propagation. These difficulties have been successfully surmounted within the last few years by Hertz 1 . The vibrations were set up by the snap of an electric discharge between two conductors, whose capacity and self-induc- tion were so arranged as to give a wave-length of the order of magnitude of ordinary waves of sound, or even down to a few inches. The detector in one form consists of a wire circuit, with a minute spark-gap in it. When placed in a field across which waves are travelling, whose period is the same as that of the free electric oscillations of the circuit itself, the latter acts as a reso- nator, and reveals the presence of the waves by sparking. It was found by Hertz, that such a resonator was excited at equidistant positions in front of the vibrator, corresponding to half a wave- length ; and that the circumstances corresponded in all respects to the mode of propagation of the transverse electric waves of Maxwell's theory. It is now pretty certain, that the radiation from the vibrator contains a wide spectrum of wave-lengths. The vibrator being worked by a rapid torrent of sparks from an induction coil, each spark sets up an electric vibration swaying in it, which is very rapidly damped by radiation, even in a very few swings. The succession of sparks thus sends out a succession of disturbances, which have no single definite period, but are capable of being decomposed in Fourier's manner into a whole spectrum of simple waves travelling out into the medium. Of these the resonator takes up the appropriate one, and reinforces it ; thus the observed wave-length corresponds to the period of the reso- nator, and is in fact different for different resonators. This mode of explanation appears to require, that when an electric vibration is started in a resonator, it persists sensibly over the period between two successive sparks of the primary; and therefore that the resonator should present a small surface for radiation. At any rate, Hertz's experiments have firmly established that electric radiation does exist; and that its properties are exactly on the lines indicated by the appropriate a priori electric theories. 1 Wied. Ann. vols. xxxi. to xxxvi. 360 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. Thus we can experiment with electrical waves of sensible length, and thereby check theoretical developments ; and we can push on the correspondence in properties between such waves and the waves of light, which are of very minute length. And it hardly admits of doubt, that in the case of a vacuum, where the compli- cation of ponderable molecules with their disturbing free periods does not come in, absolute continuity will be found to exist in the transition from the one class to the other. But in the case of ponderable media, the two classes of waves will be influenced by free molecular periods of wholly different orders; so that any minute numerical correspondence is perhaps not to be anticipated. 410. By means of his experiments, Hertz proved the inter- ference, reflection and polarization of electromagnetic waves; arid from certain calculations based upon the results of his experi- ments, he has shown that the velocity of electromagnetic waves is approximately the same as that of light. Trouton 1 has further proved experimentally, that if electromagnetic waves are incident at the polarizing angle upon a bad conductor, the waves are not reflected when the direction of magnetic force is perpendicular to the plane of incidence ; but when the direction of the former is parallel to the latter, reflection takes place at all angles of inci- dence. This experiment confirms Fresnel's hypothesis, that the vibrations of polarized light are perpendicular to the plane of polarization ; and that upon Maxwell's theory, the disturbance which gives rise to optical effects is represented by the electric displacement. A complete discussion of the experiments of Hertz, and of the various other theories on the connection between light and electricity, belongs rather to a treatise on electromagnetism than to one on light. The reader, who desires further information upon these matters, is recommended to consult the original memoirs, and also Poincare's Electricite et Optique, Part II., in which a very full account of Hertz's experiments is given. 1 Nature, 22nd Aug. 1889 ; see also Fitzgerald, Proc. Eoy. Inst. March 21st, 1890. INTENSITY OF LIGHT. 361 Intensity of Light. 411. The intensity of light is usually measured on the electro- magnetic theory, by the average energy per unit of volume. In a doubly refracting medium, the electrostatic energy per unit of volume is i (Pf+ Qg + M) = 2ir/*i (AW + by (21). The electrokinetic energy is by (25). It therefore follows that in any medium, the electrostatic and electrokinetic energies are equal. Let E be the total energy, and let S= & cos -^ (Ix + my + nz Vi), A E = ^TrpffiV* jl + cos ~ (las + my + nz- Vt)\ . ( A, ) then The energy therefore consists of two parts, one of which is a constant term, and the other is a periodic term. The first term is the average energy per unit of volume ; and consequently the intensity of light on the electromagnetic theory, is proportional to the product of the magnetic permeability of the medium, the square of the amplitude, and the square of the velocity of propa- gation in the direction in which the wave is travelling. Conditions to be satisfied at the Surface of Separation of Two Media. 412. The conditions of continuity of force require, that the electric and magnetic forces parallel to the surface of separation should be the same in both media. These conditions furnish four equations. As regards the conditions to be satisfied perpendicular to the surface of separation, Maxwell has shown, Vol. I. 83, that if P, P' be the normal components of the electromotive force at the surface 362 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. of separation of two media, whose specific inductive capacities are K, K', then whence the components of the electric displacement perpendicular to the surface of separation must be the same in both media. Again, if fju, // be the magnetic permeabilities of the two media, and a, a! the normal components of the magnetic force, Maxwell has shown Vol. 11. 428, that fjia. p!a! = ; whence the components of the magnetic induction perpendicular to the surface of separation must be the same in both media 1 . 413. These conditions furnish altogether six equations, but we shall presently show that they reduce to only four; inasmuch as it will be proved later on, that the condition, that the electric displacement perpendicular to the surface of separation should be continuous, is analytically equivalent to the condition, that the magnetic force parallel to the line of intersection of the wave-front with the surface of separation should be the same in both media ; and that the condition, that the magnetic induction perpendicular to the surface of separation should be continuous, is analytically equivalent to the condition, that the electric force parallel to the line of intersection of the wave-front with the surface of separation should be the same in both media. 414. The equations of motion (29) of an isotropic medium are of the same form, as those furnished by the elastic solid theory when 8 is absolutely zero; for since there is no accumulation of free electricity df/dx 4- dg/dy 4- dhjdz is always zero. We may therefore explain a variety of optical phenomena relating to isotropic media, by means of the electromagnetic theory just as well as by the elastic solid theory. There is however one impor- tant distinction between the two theories, viz. that the supposition that 8 = 0, requires that m = oo , and accordingly w8 may be finite; and in studying Green's theory of the reflection and refraction of light, we saw that under these circumstances it was necessary to 1 The continuity of electric displacement and magnetic induction can be at once deduced from the condition, that these quantities both satisfy an equation of the same form as the equation of continuity of an incompressible fluid. This equation is likewise the condition, that the directions of these quantities should be parallel to the wave-front. REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 363 introduce a pressural wave. Nothing of the kind occurs in the electromagnetic theory, and accordingly we are relieved from one of the difficulties of the elastic solid theory. We shall now proceed to consider the reflection and refraction of light at the common surface of two isotropic media. Reflection and Refraction 1 . 415. Instead of beginning with the case of an isotropic medium, we shall suppose that the reflecting surface consists of a plate of Iceland spar, which is cut perpendicularly to its axis ; so that we can pass to the case of an isotropic medium by putting a = c. The wave surface consists of the sphere and the planetary ellipsoid 416. Let A, A', A-^ be the amplitudes of the incident, reflected and refracted waves ; and let us first suppose that the incident light is polarized in the plane of incidence, so that the refracted ray is the ordinary ray. The condition that the electric forces parallel to the plane of incidence should be continuous, gives V 2 (A + A')=c'*A l ..................... (30). The condition that the corresponding components of magnetic induction should be continuous, gives (A -A') Vcosi = A^cosr ................. (31). But if /, /', /! be the square roots of the intensities, it follows from 411, that 1 JL Ji AV~ A'V~ A^ whence (30) and (31) become (/ + /') sin i = I l sin r, (/ I') cos i = /! cos r ; 1 J. J. Thomson, Phil. Mag. Ap. 1880 ; Lorentz, Schlomilch Zeitschrift, vol. xxn. ; Fitzgerald, Phil. Trans. 1880 ; Lord Eayleigh, Phil. Mag. Aug. 1881. 364 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. /sin(i-r) , accordingly / = - /sin which are the same as Fresnel's formulae. Since the light is refracted according to the ordinary law, these formulae are true in the case of two isotropic media. 417. In the next place, let the light be polarized perpen- dicularly to the plane of incidence, so that the refracted ray is an extraordinary ray. The conditions that the electric displacement perpendicular to the reflecting surface should be continuous, gives (A +4 / )sini = 4 1 sinr (33). The condition that the electric forces parallel to this surface should be continuous, gives (34). Now if F! be the velocity of the extraordinary wave / /' /! AV~ A'V~ AJfS al so F/ F! = sin I'/sin r, and Fi 2 = c 2 cos 2 r + o? sin 2 r =p 2 , where p is the perpendicular from the point of incidence, on to the tangent plane to the ellipsoid, at the extremity of the extra- ordinary ray. Equations (33) and (34) accordingly become /+/=/ j- j, _/ 1 c 2 sin2r T/ I ( p 1 sin 2i - c 2 sin 2r) ) whence / = , : p 2 sin 2i + c 2 sin 2r The formulae are the same as those furnished by MacCullagh's theory ; see 253. CRYSTALLINE REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 365 When the second medium is isotropic, a = c=p, whence (35) become tan (i + r*) /sin ti I ............... < 36 >> sin (i + r) cos (i r) which are the same as Fresnel's formulae for light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. 418. Returning to (35), we observe that the intensity of the reflected light vanishes, when p 2 sin 2i = c 2 sin 2r, and since p sin i = Fsin r, this becomes F 2 cot i = c 2 cot r, whence eliminating r, we obtain which determines the polarizing angle. 419. Let us now suppose, that light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, is internally reflected at the surface of the crystal in contact with air. Then a 2 sin 2 i + c 2 cos 2 i = F 2 sin 2 i cosec 2 r, c 2 cos 2 i ( F 2 a 2 ) sin 2 i whence cos 2 r = . \ . , a 2 sin 2 1 + c 2 cos 2 1 and therefore since V>a, cosr will become imaginary, when The right-hand side of this inequality determines the tangent of the critical angle, for light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. Under these circumstances, the right-hand sides of (35) become complex, and it can be shown by the same methods as have already been employed, that the reflection is total, and is accom- panied by a change of phase e, whose value is determined by the equation tan Tre/X = F{(F 2 - a 2 ) tan 2 ; - c'f/c 2 .......... (38). 366 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. When the second medium is isotropic, so that a = c, we fall back on Fresnel's formulae. The corresponding results for a uniaxal crystal cut parallel to the axis, may be obtained by interchanging a and c. Crystalline Reflection and Refraction 1 . 420. We shall now pass on to the general case in which the first medium is isotropic, whilst the second medium is a biaxal crystal. Let be the point of incidence, and let the axis of x be the normal to the reflecting surface, and let the axis of z coincide with the. trace of the waves. Let COP be the front of the incident wave, OP, OQ the directions of the electric and magnetic dis- placements ; also let COP = 0, so that COQ = \TT + 0. Let COP', (70P 1} COP 2 (not drawn in the figure) be the fronts of the reflected and the two refracted waves ; i, r l} r 2 the angles which the normals to the incident and two refracted waves make with the normal to the reflecting surface ; also let OP', OP l , OP 2 be the directions of the electric, and OQ', OQ ly OQ 2 be those of the magnetic displacements in these waves. Since the terms involving the suffix 2 are of the same form as those involving the suffix 1, they may be omitted during the work, and can be supplied at the end of the investigation. 1 Glazebrook, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vol. iv. p. 155. CRYSTALLINE REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 367 The continuity of electric displacement along OA, gives A cos AP + A' cos AP' = A 1 cos AP 1 (39). The continuity of electric force parallel to OB and 00, give V*A cos BP + V 2 A' cos BP' = V l *A l cos BP l + F 2 Aj tan ^ sin n (40), and i ^ * i \ /' where % : is the angle between the refracted ray and the wave normal. The continuity of magnetic induction along OA, gives VA cosAQ + VA' cos AQ' = Fj^cos AQ l (42). The continuity of magnetic force, parallel to OB and 0(7, give VAcosBQ + VA'cosBQ' = V.A^osBQ, (43), and VA cos CQ + VA' cos CQ' = V,A, cos CQ l (44). V V Now -, = -. also cos AP = sin i sin ft cos CQ = sin 6 ; whence (39) and (44) reduce to (A sin + A' sin 6') sin i = A sin ^ sin ft (45), which proves the equivalence of (39) arid (44). \ Again cos OP = cos ft cos AQ =sin i cos 6 ; whence (41) and (42) reduce to (A cos d 4- A' cos 0') sin 2 1 = ^1 1 cos ft sin 2 ^ (46). Since cos BP = cos i sin ft cos BQ = cos i cos ft (40) and (43) become, ( A sin # A' sin #') sin 2 i cos i = A l (cos r x sin ft + sin 2 r x tan ^) sin 2 r (47), (A cos A' cos 0') sin i cos i = A t sin ^ cos n (48). Recollecting that if /, /', 7 a are the square roots of the intensities, / /' = /. A sin i A' sin i A l sin r x ' 368 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. and restoring the terms in A^ we finally obtain from (46), (48), (45) and (47) (7 cos + 1' cos 0') sin i 7 X cos ft sin r x + 7 2 cos ft sin r 2 (7 cos I' cos 0') cos % = 7j cos ft cos r + 7 2 cos ft cos r 2 7 sin + I' sin 0' = ^ sin ft + 7 2 sin ft \ (49). (7 sin 7 sin 6') sin 2i = 7 t (sin ft sin 2^ 4- 2 sin 2 ^ tan ^, + 7 2 (sin ft sin 2r 2 + 2 sin 2 r 2 tan ^ When the angle of incidence is given, ft, ft, r 1} r 2 , ^ 1? ^ 2 are known from the properties of the wave surface, hence these equations are sufficient to determine the unknown quantities 7', /!, 7 2 and &. 421. Equations (49) are the same as those obtained by means of Lord Kelvin's modification of Lord Rayleigh's theory see (33) of 270 ; and it is also remarkable, that they are the same as those obtained in 1835 by MacCullagh 1 by means of an erroneous theory. MacCullagh discussed these equations, and compared the results obtained from them with the experiments of Brewster 2 , and found that they agreed fairly well. Accordingly, although we cannot at the present time accept the assumptions, upon which MacCullagh based his theory, as sound, yet most of the results of his first paper, with certain modifications necessitated by his having supposed that the vibrations of polarized light are parallel to the plane of polarization, are applicable to the electro- magnetic theory ; and thus MacCullagh's investigations regain their interest. 422. The discussion of (49) may be facilitated by a device invented by MacCullagh 3 . When polarized light is incident upon a crystalline reflecting surface at a given angle, it is known both from experiment and theory, that it is always possible by properly choosing the plane of polarization of the incident light, to make one or other of the two refracted rays disappear. The two directions of vibration for which this is possible, are called by MacCullagh uniradial di- 1 Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. vols. xvm. p. 31 and xxi. p. 17. 2 Phil. Trans. 1819, p. 145 ; Seebeck, Pogg. Ann. vol. xxi. p. 290; xxn. p. 126; xxxvm. p. 230; Glazebrook, Phil. Trans. 1879, p. 287; 1880, p. 421. 3 Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. vol. xvin. p. 31. UNIBADIAL DIRECTIONS. 369 rections. In the figure, let CA be the line of intersection of the plane of incidence with the plane of the paper, and let CO be the direction of vibration of the incident light, when the ordinary ray alone exists, and CE the corresponding direction when the extra- ordinary ray alone exists ; also let CO', CE' be the directions of the vibrations in the reflected waves corresponding to CO and CE. Now whatever may be the character of the incident light, the vibrations may always be conceived to be resolved altihg the two uniradial directions CO, CE ; and these two vibrations will give rise to the vibrations CO', CE' in the reflected wave. If the incident light is plane polarized, the vibrations GO, CE, and also the vibrations CO', CE' will be in the same phase, and therefore the reflected light will be plane polarized, although its plane of polarization will not usually coincide with that of the incident light. If however the incident light be not plane polarized, the phases of the vibrations CO, CE, and therefore of CO', CE' will be different ; hence the reflected light will not usually be plane polarized. It is however usually possible by properly choosing the angle of incidence, to make the two reflected vibrations CO', CE' coincide ; and whenever this is possible, the reflected light will be plane polarized, and the angle of incidence at which this takes place is therefore the polarizing angle. These considerations, as we shall presently show, greatly simplify the problem of finding the polarizing angle. 423. The four vibrations CO, CE, CO', CE' do not usually lie in the same plane ; we can however show, that when one of the refracted rays is absent, the lines of intersection of the planes of polarization of the three waves with their respective wave-fronts lie in a plane. B. o. 24 370 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. Let CP, OP, CP l be the lines of intersection of the three planes of polarization with their respective wave-fronts ; X, //,, v ; X', fjf, v ; \, fii t vi the direction cosines of CP, CP, CP^ Then X = cos 6 sin i, /x = cos 6 cos i, v = sin 0, X' = cos 0' sin i, /JL = cos 6' cos i, i/ = sin 0', Xj = cos 0! sin n , /*! = cos a cos r lt *>i = - sin X . Putting 7 2 = in the first three of (49) and substituting, we obtain whence \ V A,, A, , /A, /*', = 0, which is the condition that CP, CP', CP^ should lie in the same plane. The preceding theorem is a modification of one due to MacCullagh. 424. Let us now suppose, that the reflecting surface is a uniaxal crystal, and let the suffixes 1 and 2 refer to the ordinary and extraordinary rays respectively; then %i = 0. If we suppose that the ordinary ray alone exists, 7 2 = 0, and we easily obtain from (49) the equations tan = cos (i r^ tan 0^ tan 6' = - cos (i + n) tan 0J Since the angle of incidence is supposed to be given, r^ and O l are known; and therefore (50) determine 0, 6' which give the directions of vibration in the incident and reflected waves. Again, suppose that the extraordinary ray alone exists ; putting /! = 0, and writing , ' for 0, 7 , we obtain tane= cos (I- r^tan ft + si ^ tan X cos 2 sin (i + r,) - cos 2 sin (i - f 2 ) which determine B and '. POLARIZING ANGLE. 371 Now we have shown that in order that the reflected light should be plane polarized, it is necessary that the two directions CO', CE' should coincide, in which case & ' ; we thus obtain from (50) and (51), cos (i + r a ) tan 6, - cos (i + r,) tan (9 2 -f ^ 2 _ = (52), cos 2 sm (i r 2 ) which determines the polarizing angle i. 425. A very elegant formula is given by MacCullagh for the polarizing angle, when the plane of incidence contains the axis of a uniaxal crystal, which is most simply obtained directly from (49), by determining the angle of incidence at which the intensity of the reflected light vanishes, when the incident light is polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. Wehave /' = I, = 0, 6 = 0'= 0. 2 = JTT; also if &> is the angle which the extraordinary wave normal makes with the axis of the crystal _ (a 2 c 2 ) sin &> cos a> _ (a 2 c 2 ) sin &> cos a> sin 2 i Jnx2 ~ 2 ~ 2 2 ~ F 2 sin 2 r d)j where c and V are the velocities of propagation of the ordinary wave within the crystal, and in the medium surrounding the crystal, and r = r 2 . From the third of (49) we obtain / = I 2 , and from the last sin 2i sin 2r = 2 sin 2 r tan ^ 2 = F~ 2 (a? -c 2 ) sin 2&> sin 2 i ..... ....(54), by (53). If X be the angle which the optic axis makes with the re- flecting surface, &> + \ = %TT - r; whence multiplying (54) by tan r, we obtain sin 2 r = sin i cos i tan r - F~ 2 (a 2 c 2 ) sin (r + X) cos (r + \) siu 2 i tan r. But sin 2 r = F~ 2 sin 2 i {c 2 + (a 2 - c 2 ) cos 2 (r + X)}. Equating these two values of sin 2 r, and reducing we shall obtain a 2 cos 2 X + c 2 sin 2 X _ (a 2 -c 2 )sinXcosX' Substituting in (54), and reducing, we finally obtain F 2 (F 2 - a 2 cos 2 X - c 2 sin 2 X) which is the formula in question, which determines the polarizing angle i. 242 372 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. Reflection at a Twin Plane. 426. We shall conclude this Chapter by giving an account of a peculiar kind of reflection, which is produced by iridescent crystals of chlorate of potash. The phenomena exhibited by the crystals in question were first examined by Sir G. Stokes 1 , and the experimental results at which he arrived may be summed up as follows : (i) If one of the crystalline plates be turned round in its own plane, without altering the angle of incidence, the peculiar re- flection vanishes twice in a revolution, viz. when the plane of incidence coincides with the plane of symmetry of the crystal. (ii) As the angle of incidence increases, the reflected light becomes brighter, and rises in refrangibility. (iii) The colours are not due to absorption, the refracted light | being strictly complementary to the reflected. (iv) The coloured light is not polarized. It is produced indifferently, whether the incident light be common light, or light | polarized in any plane ; and is seen, whether the reflected light be viewed directly, or through a Nicol's prism turned in any way. (v) The spectrum of the reflected light is frequently found to consist almost entirely of a comparatively narrow band. When the angle of incidence is increased, the band moves in the direction of increasing refrangibility, and at the same time increases rapidly in width. In many cases the reflection appears to be almost total. 427. Sir G. Stokes has shown that the seat of the colour is a narrow layer about a thousandth of an inch in thickness, and he suggested that this layer consists of a twin stratum. The subject was subsequently taken up by Lord Rayleigh, who attributed the phenomena to the existence of a number of twin planes in contact with one another; and he has accounted for most of the phenomena by means of the electromagnetic theory of light. He has also shown, both from theory and experiment, that when the angle of incidence is sufficiently small, and the planes of incidence 1 On a remarkable Phenomenon of Crystalline Keflection, Proc. Roy. Soc., Feb. 26, 1885; see also Lord Eayleigh, Phil. Mag. Sep. 1888, p. 256; Proc. Roy. Insti- tution, 1889. REFLECTION AT A TWIN PLANE. 373 and symmetry are perpendicular, reflection at a twin plane reverses the polarization ; that is to say, if the incident light is polarized in the plane of incidence, the reflected light is polarized in the perpendicular plane and vice versa. This very peculiar law was not even suspected, until it had been obtained by theoretical considerations. 428. The easiest way of understanding what is meant by a twin- crystal, is to suppose that a crystal of Iceland spar is divided into two portions by a plane, which is inclined at any angle a to the optic axis, and that one portion is turned through two right angles. The optic axes of the two portions will still lie in the same plane, but instead of being coincident, they will be inclined to one another at an angle 2a. Crystals whose structure is of this character, are called twin-crystals ; and it is evident, that a crystal may possess more than one twin layer. 429. We shall now consider Lord Rayieigh's theory 1 . When the plane of incidence contains the optic axes of .the two portions, and the light is polarized in the plane of incidence, the wave surfaces in both crystals are spheres of equal radii ; and therefore the crystal will act like two isotropic media, whose optical properties are identical. Hence no reflection can take place, and the wave will pass on undisturbed. 430. We shall in the next place suppose, that the light is polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence. Let the axis of x be normal to the twin plane, and let the plane xy contain the optic axes of the two portions. Let Oy' be the axis of the upper portion, and let Ox be perpendicular to Oy' in the plane xy. Let x'Ox = a ; let /', g' be the electric displace- ments along Ox, Oy' ; and let /, g, h be the displacements along Ox, Oy, Oz. In the upper portion, the wave surface for the extraordinary ray consists of the planetary ellipsoid #^c 2 + (y' 2 -M 2 )/a 2 = 1. Accordingly by (5) we have P = 47TC 2 /' cos a + 4>7ra?g' sin a) Q = - 47TC 2 / sin a + 4?ray cosa> ............ (56). E = ^Trtfh 1 Phil. Mag. Sep. 1888, p. 241. 374 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. But /' =/cosa-<7sina, g' =/sin a + ^cosa, whence if A = (a 2 sin 2 a + c 2 cos 2 a), C = (a 2 cos 2 a 4- c 2 sin 2 a), B = (a 2 c 2 ) sin a cos a, D = a 2 , (56) become P = 4-7T (4/4- %), Q = 4-7T (JB/ + CV/), U = 4nrDh . . . (57). The equations of electric force for the lower medium are obtained by changing the sign of a, whence Since none of the quantities are functions of s, it follows that if we substitute these values in (11), and put ^= 1, and recollect that h = h l = 0, we obtain (59) Let the displacements in the incident, reflected, and refracted waves be /=?, ff = -p8 f = qA'8 t g' = -p'A'S'[ ............... (60) where S = and ^S' and $ x are obtained by changing p into p' and p l respect- ively. Since p and q are proportional to the direction cosines of the incident wave, these equations satisfy the conditions that the displacement lies in the front of the wave. Substituting from the first of (60) in (59), we find that both equations lead to s* = Aq 2 -2Bpq+Cp' 2 .................. (61), which is a quadratic equation for determining the two values of p corresponding to a given value of s. Changing the sign of B, we find for the second medium s^Aqt + ZBpy + Cp* .................. (62). Equating the two values of s, we obtain (63). REFLECTION AT A TWIN PLANE. 375 We have now to express the boundary conditions. The condition of continuity of electric displacement perpendi- cular to the twin surface gives l + A' = A,. The condition that the electric forces are continuous gives Bq-0p + A' (Bq - Cp') = -A, (Bq + %) Eliminating A lf we obtain by (63); whence -4' = 0. 431. This result shows, that when the light is polarized per- pendicularly to the plane of incidence, the amplitude of the reflected light is zero. Accordingly when light of any kind is incident upon the crystal, the light reflected at the twin-plane vanishes, when the plane of incidence is a plane of symmetry. Accordingly under these circumstances, the reflected light is entirely produced by the outer surface of the crystal, and is unaffected by the existence of the twin plane. 432. We shall next consider the case ; in which the plane of incidence is perpendicular to the plane of symmetry. In this case, none of the quantities are functions of y, and we may accordingly write for the incident wave f=S\, g = Sit, h=Sv, where 8=? ( **+r*-*t). 9 but since \p + vr = 0, these may be written f,g, h = (r, p,-p)S. By (5) and (57), the equations of motion for the upper medium are Substituting the above values of/, g, h, the first and third give s* = r(Ar + Bfju)+p 2 D .................. (64), whilst the second gives (65). 376 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. 433. These equations determine p and /x, when r and s, which are the same for all the waves, are given; accordingly if we eliminate //, from (64) and (65) we shall obtain a quadratic in > 2 , the roots of which may be written p lt p 2 , where p lt p 2 are positive quantities. If therefore a wave polarized in any azimuth be incident from an isotropic medium upon the upper face of the first twin, the two refracted waves will be determined by the values of p l} p. 2) and their direction cosines by the equations II/PI = n i/ r , k/pz = n z /r. These two waves, when incident on the twin plane, will give rise to two reflected waves in the first twin, and two refracted waves in the second ; and the directions of the two former are given by l ] ^/p l = njr and Z 2 /p 2 = n.Jr. If the azimuth of the plane of polarization is such, that there is only one refracted wave, say p lt in the first twin, there would still be two reflected waves, whose directions are determined by the preceding equations ; and it is worthy of notice that the angle of reflection of one of these waves is not equal to the angle of incidence, but is equal to the angle of incidence of the other wave p.,. We shall also denote the values of p corresponding to p lt p. 2 by ft, /n 2 . With regard to the two refracted waves in the second twin, we see from (57) and (58), that the sign of B must be changed. This will make no difference in the values of p lt p. 2 , but will change the signs of /*!, y^ 2 ; so that in the second twin, the values of fju corre- sponding to p lt p 2 are - ft, - ft. 434. We are now in a position to find the intensities of the light reflected at the surface of separation. Let the incident wave be f,g,h = (r, ft, - Pl ) l * K = (r, ft,pj 4V<-ft* + and the refracted waves fi,ffi, h = (r,-ft,-pi) A l *te0+'"*-* + (r, - ft, -p. 2 The continuity of/ at the twin plane requires that 1 + 2 + 4 / + 4" = 4 1 + 4. (66). The continuity of electric force parallel to z and y give p^+p, 2 -p 1 A / -p. 2 A' / =p 1 A 1 +p,A, (67), and REFLECTION AT A TWIN PLANE. 377 Since dc/dt dQ/dx, the continuity of magnetic force parallel Jto z requires, that dQ/da should be continuous ; whence p l (Br +CX) (! -A' + A^ +p. 2 (Br +(7/* 2 ) ( 2 A" + A. 2 ) = 0. . .(69). If V be the velocity of any wave, and therefore by (65) F> = Br + Writing p,fp l = vr, fji, F 2 2 /^ F x 2 = a equations (66) to (69) become ! -f OT 2 - ^l 7 + A' Solving these equations we obtain A "= These equations are perfectly general, but when the doubly- refracting power of the twin is small, they may be simplified. In this case p lt p. 2 , V 1 , F 2 are very nearly equal, and we may write iff = 1, or = fa/Pi, and (70) and (71) become (72), 435. We shall now suppose, that the amplitudes of the two components of the light incident upon the first face of the crystal are M, perpendicular to, and N in the plane of incidence. Then since the doubly-refracting power is supposed to be small, it follows, that as the right-hand sides of (72) and (73) involve the factor pi p-2, we may neglect the slight loss of light due to refraction, and take 378 THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. Similarly if M', N' be the amplitudes of the emergent vibra- tions, we may take M' = frA + ^A" \ ,,_ . N' = (p* + r 2 )* (A -f .4")) ' If the twin stratum is thin, we may, as a first approximation, substitute the values of A, A" from (72) and (73) in (75), and we shall obtain and N , = _,- l .............. Eliminating 5 between (64) and (65), we obtain Br^ + {(A - C)r* + (D- from which we obtain From (64) we also obtain whence Accordingly (76) and (77) become M= 2 2 ^f t (78) - N == ~~ ^ These equations show, that the intensity of the light which emerges from the upper surface, after having been reflected at the twin plane, is proportional to that of the incident light, without regard to the polarization of the latter. If the incident light is unpolarized, which occurs when M and N are equal, and without any permanent phase relation, so is also the emergent light ; also if the incident light is polarized in or perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, the emergent light is polarized in the opposite manner. 436. The preceding results are true only as a first approxi- mation, when the double refracting power is small, and the twin stratum is thin; and by proceeding to a higher degree of approxi- METALLIC REFLECTION. 379 mation, Lord Rayleigh has shown, that the reversal of the polari- zation will only take place, when the angle of incidence is small. This agrees with experiment. Metallic Reflection. 437. We stated in Chapter XVIII., 385, that metallic re- flection could not be satisfactorily accounted for on the electro- magnetic theory, by taking into account the conductivity. When the conductivity is introduced, we obtain from (6), (7) and (5) u=f+CP =/+ faCf/K ; accordingly for an isotropic medium, the general equations of electric displacement become .__ dt* "*' K dt~ J ' These equations are of a very similar form to the equations of motion of an elastic medium, into which a viscous term has been introduced, and by integrating them in the usual manner, it can be shown that the square of the pseudo-refractive index (that is sin 2 1'/sin 2 r) must be a complex quantity, whose real part must be positive. NOTE TO 402. Mr Larnior has pointed out the following additional results : Velocity of Light. Ratio of Electric Units. Cornu (1878) 29985 x 10 6 Hioistedt (1888) 30076 x 10 6 Michelson (1882) 29986 x 10 6 Klemengic (1887) 30150 x 10 6 Newcomb (1882) 30040 x 10 6 Lord Kelvin (1889) 30040 x 10 6 See also J. J. Thomson, Proc. Roy. Soc. 1890. CHAPTER XX. ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. 438. THE electromagiietic theory of light, so far as it has been developed in the preceding chapter, depends upon the hypothesis that a medium exists, whose special function is to propagate electro- static and electromagnetic effects ; and that when electromagnetic waves, whose periods lie between certain limits, are transmitted through the medium, the sensation of light is produced. If there- fore light is the effect of an electromagnetic disturbance, the natural inference is, that an intimate connection exists between electricity and light ; and that when a wave of light -passes through an electromagnetic field, it ought to experience certain modifica- tions during its passage, and to emerge from the field in a different condition from that in which it entered. 439. The conviction that a direct relation exists between electricity and light, led Faraday to attempt many experiments for the purpose of discovering some mutual action between the two classes of phenomena; but it was not until 1845, that he made the important discovery, that a field of magnetic force possesses the power of rotating the plane of polarization of light. During recent years, much attention has been devoted to this subject, and numerous experiments have been made by Kerr, Kundt and others, which have greatly extended our knowledge. We shall therefore commence by giving an account of the principal experimental results, and then proceed to enquire, how far they may be explained by theoretical considerations. FARAD AYS DISCOVERY. 381 Faraday s Experiments. 440. The first experiment described by Faraday 1 , consisted in placing a plate composed of a variety of heavy glass, called silicated borate of lead, between the poles of an electromagnetic ; and he found that when a ray of plane polarized light was transmitted through the glass in the direction of the lines of magnetic force, the plane of polarization was rotated in the same direction as that of the amperean current which would produce the force. 441. Further experiments upon a variety of other transparent media led to the following law: In diamagnetic substances the direction of rotation of the plane of polarization is positive ; that is to say, it is in the same direction as a positive current must circulate round the ray, in order to produce a magnetic force in the same direction, as that which actually exists in the medium. The amount of rotation depends upon the nature of the medium and the strength of the magnetic force. No rotation has been observed, when the magnetic force is perpendicular to the direction of the ray. 442. Verdet 2 however discovered, that certain ferromagnetic media, such as a strong solution of perchloride of iron in wood spirit or ether, produced a rotation in the opposite direction to that of the current, which would give rise to the magnetic force. Kerr's Experiments. 443. Between the years 1875 and 1880, two very important series of experiments were made by Dr Kerr of Glasgow, upon the connection between light and electricity. The first series relate to the effect of electrostatic force, and the second to magnetic force. Experiments on the Effect of Electrostatic Force. 444. In these experiments 3 , a transparent dielectric was subjected to the action of electrostatic force, and the effect of the latter upon light was observed. 1 Phil. Trans. 1845, p. 1 ; Exp. Res. XlXth series 21462242. 2 Ante, p. 159. 3 Phil. Mag. Nov. 1875, p. 339. 382 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. We shall first consider the case in which the dielectric is a plate of glass placed in a vertical plane, and shall suppose that the electrostatic force is horizontal. Polarized light was transmitted at normal incidence through the plate of glass, and the analyser was placed in the position of extinction ; and it was found, that when an electrostatic force was made to act upon the dielectric, the light reappeared, and dis- appeared after the force was removed. The effect was most marked, when the plane of polarization of the incident light was inclined at an angle of about 45 to the force ; but when the incident light was polarized in or perpendicularly to the direction of the force, no effect was observed. The light restored by electrostatic action was elliptically polarized, and could not therefore be extinguished by any rotation of the analyser. It was also found that the optical effect was independent of the direction of the force ; that is to say, its intensity remained un- changed when the direction of the force was reversed. The optical effect did not acquire its maximum intensity at the instant the force commenced to act, but gradually increased during a period of about thirty seconds, at the end of which it attained its full effect. Also when the force was removed, the effect did not immediately disappear, but faded away at first rapidly, and then more gradually to perfect extinction. 445. It is known that compressed glass acts like a negative uniaxal crystal, whose axis is parallel to the direction of compres- sion ; whilst stretched glass acts like a positive uniaxal crystal, whose axis is parallel to the direction of extension. Accordingly Kerr introduced a slip of glass, called a compensator, and found that when the slip was compressed in a direction parallel to the lines of electrostatic force, the optical effect produced by the latter was strengthened, but when the slip was stretched in that direction, the effect was weakened. From these experiments Kerr concluded, that the effect of electrostatic stress on glass is to transform it into a medium, which possesses the optical properties of a negative uniaxal crystal, whose axis is parallel to the direction of the force. Under these circumstances, it ought to follow, that glass, when under the action of electrostatic force, should be capable of producing the KERRS EXPERIMENTS. 383 rings and brushes of nniaxal crystals, but no experiments elucidat- ing this point appear to have been performed. 446. From experiments made on resin, it appeared that the effect of electrostatic force upon this substance was to convert it into a medium, which is optically equivalent to a positive uniaxal crystal. 447. A few experiments were made on a plate of quartz, whose axis was perpendicular to the direction of the force ; and these experiments indicated, that the optical effects were of a similar kind to those produced upon glass. It is to be hoped, that more elaborate experiments upon quartz will be attempted ; for if the optical effects are of a similar kind to those produced upon glass, it would follow that the effect of electrostatic force would be to convert a plate of quartz, whose axis is perpendicular to the force, into a biaxal crystal, which is capable of producing rotatory polari- zation. Since the principal wave velocity in the direction of the force, is capable of being varied at pleasure by increasing or diminishing the force, we should anticipate that some very curious phenomena would be observed in connection with coloured rings, and also possibly in connection with conical refraction. 448. Experiments made on liquids 1 showed, that disulphide of carbon, benzol, paraffin and kerosin oils, and spirits of turpentine act, when subjected to electrostatic force, like a positive uniaxal crystal, whose axis is parallel to the direction of the force ; whilst olive oil acts like a negative uniaxal crystal. Turpentine, as is known, produces rotatory polarization, some specimens being right-handed and others left-handed; and therefore in experiment- ing upon this liquid, two samples of contrary photogyric power were mixed together, in such proportions as to destroy the rotatory properties of the mixture. 449. Further experiments 2 led to the following law : The effect of electrostatic force upon an isotropic transparent dielectric, is to render it optically equivalent to a uniaxal crystal, whose axis is parallel to the direction of the force ; and the difference between the retardations of the ordinary and extraordinary rays, is pro- portional to the product of the thickness of the dielectric, and the square of the resultant electric force. 1 Phil. Mag. December, 1875, p. 446. 2 Ibid. March, 1880, p. 157. 384 ACTION or MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. Kerr's Experiments on Reflection from a Magnet. 450. Shortly after the experiments described in the preceding sections had been made, Kerr commenced a series of experiments upon light reflected from an electromagnet. In the first series of experiments, the light was reflected from the pole of the magnet; whilst in the second series, a bar of soft iron was laid across the poles of an electromagnet, so that the lines of magnetic force were parallel to the reflecting surface. 451. We shall now describe the first series of experiments, and the apparatus employed 1 . An electromagnet M, consisting of a solid core of soft iron surrounded by a wire making 400 turns, was worked by a Grove's battery of six cells ; and the poles of the magnet were carefully polished, so as to form a good reflecting surface. The source of light was a narrow paraffin flame L, which was polarized by a Nicol N t and the reflected light was analysed by a second Nicol N'. A wedged-shape piece of soft iron B with a well-rounded edge, called a submagnet, was placed in close proximity to the reflecting surface, with its rounded edge perpendicular to the plane of incidence, so as to leave a space of about ^th of an inch between the two. The object of the submagnet was to intensify the magnetic force in the neighbourhood of the mirror, when the circuit was closed ; and Kerr found that without it, he never obtained any optical effect. The preceding arrangement was employed, when the angle of incidence lay between 60 and 80 ; but when the incidence was perpendicular, a different arrangement was adopted, which will be explained later on. 1 PUl. Mag. May, 1887. KERRS EXPERIMENTS. 385 452. Experiment I. Light polarized in or perpendicularly to the plane of incidence is allowed to fall on the pole of the electro- magnet, and the analyser is placed in the position of extinction. When the circuit is closed, so that the reflector becomes magnet- ized, the light immediately reappears ; when the circuit is broken, the light disappears, and again reappears when the current is reversed. The light reflected whilst the circuit is closed is elliptically polarized, since it cannot be extinguished by rotating the analyser. Experiment II. The arrangements are the same as in the last experiment, and the analyser is turned from the position of ex- tinction, through a small angle towards the right hand of an observer, who is looking through it at the point of incidence, giving a faint restoration of light. When the circuit is closed, so that the reflector becomes a negative pole, the intensity is in- creased ; but when the current is reversed, so that the reflector becomes a positive pole, the intensity is diminished. The weaken- ing effect of the second operation is always less than the strengthen- ing effect of the first, and its effect diminishes as the angle through which the analyser is turned is diminished. In these two experiments the angle of incidence lay between 60 and 80 ; and Kerr does not appear to have observed the effect produced, when the angle of incidence lay between 80 and 90. See 463. 453. We must now describe the arrangements, when the incidence is perpendicular. Al' M B. O. 25 386 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. Instead of employing a wedge for the submagnet, Kerr sub- stituted a block of soft iron BB, rounded at one end into the frustum of a cone. A small boring was drilled through the block, narrowing towards the conical ends, and the block was placed next the magnet M. The surface of the boring was well coated with lampblack. Above the block, a thin sheet of glass C was placed at an angle of 45 to the horizon, which received the horizontal beam from the first Nicol N, and reflected it downwards through the boring, perpendicularly to the surface of the reflector. The reflected beam then proceeded back again through the thin sheet of glass and the second Nicol N', which served as the analyser. 454. Experiment III. The polarizer and analyser are first placed in the position of extinction, and the analyser is then turned through a small angle, towards the right hand of a person who is looking through it at the point of incidence, giving a faint restora- tion of light. The circuit is now closed ; and it is found, that when the reflector is negatively magnetized, the intensity is increased ; and that when it is positively magnetized, the intensity is diminished. When the analyser is turned towards the left, the results are the same, provided the operations of positive and negative magnetization are reversed. 455. As the result of his experiments, Kerr deduced the following general law, viz. ; When plane polarized light is reflected from the pole of an electromagnet, the plane of polarization of the reflected light is turned through a sensible angle, in a direction contrary to that of the amperean current, which would produce the magnetic force ; so that a positive pole of polished iron acting as a reflector, turns the plane of polarization towards the right hand of an observer, looking at the point of incidence along the reflected ray. 456. In the preceding experiments, the reflector was supposed to be magnetized perpendicularly to its surface. We shall now describe the second series of experiments made by Kerr, for the ! purpose of investigating the effect of a reflector, which is magnet- \ ized parallel to its surface 1 . 1 Phil. Mag. March, 1878, KERBS EXPERIMENTS. 387 457. The electromagnet stands upright upon a table, and a rectangular prism of soft iron, one of whose faces is carefully planed and polished, lies. upon the poles of the magnet, with its polished face vertical. The two Nicols N, N', and the lamp L, stand upon the same table as the magnet, and at the same height as the mirror. ' A \ v_y (V V S y f The arrangement is shown in the figure ; AB is the reflector, E is the eye of the observer, and the dotted lines represent the poles of the magnet. P is a metallic screen, containing a slit Jth of an inch wi-de, placed between the first Nicol and the lamp. In the above arrangement, the magnetic force is very nearly parallel to the reflector, and may be conceived to be produced by currents circulating spirally round the prism AB from one pole to the other. Such a current will be considered right-handed, when its direction is towards the right hand of an observer viewing it from F\ and a rotation of the analyser N' t which is in the direction of the hands of a watch, when viewed from E, will be considered right-handed. 458. In the following two experiments the plane of incidence is parallel to the direction of magnetization. Experiment IV. The incident light is polarized in the plane of incidence, and the analyser is initially placed in the position of extinction, and is then turned through a small angle. The circuit is now closed ; and it is found, that the light restored from ex- tinction by a small right-handed rotation of the analyser, is always strengthened by a right-handed magnetizing current, and always weakened by a left-handed current. Conversely the light restored by a small left-handed rotation, is always weakened by a right- handed current, and strengthened by a left-handed one. The intensity of these optical effects of magnetization varies with the angle of incidence. At an incidence of 85 the effects 252 388 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. are very faint; at 75 they are stronger; at incidences from 65 to 60, they are clear and strong; at 45 they are fairly strong, though fainter than at 60 ; at 30 they are again very faint, and much the same as at 85. Experiment V. The incident light is polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, and the arrangements are the same as in the last experiment. At an incidence of 85, the light restored by a right-handed rotation of the analyser is strengthened by a ri^ht-handed current, and weakened by a left-handed one ; and the effects are undistinguishable from those of the fourth experiment, except that they are considerably weaker. At 80, the effects are of the same kind, but a good deal fainter; and at 75 they dis- appear. At 70, they reappear faintly, but the phenomena are now of a contrary character; for the light restored by a right- handed rotation, is now weakened by a right-handed current, and strengthened by a left-handed one. At incidences of 65, 60, 45, 30, the effects are of the same kind as at 70; and at 60 they are comparatively clear and strong, though sensibly fainter than those obtained in the last experiment at the same incidence. At 30 they are faint, but stronger than the contrary effects obtained at 85. 459. The results of the last two experiments may be summed up as follows : (i) When the incident light is polarized in the plane of in- cidence, the plane of polarization of the reflected light is always rotated in the opposite direction to that of the amperean current, which would produce the magnetic force. (ii) When the incident light is polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, the rotation of the plane of polarization of the reflected light is in the opposite direction to that of the current, so long as the angle of incidence lies between 90 and 75 ; and in the same direction, when it lies between 75 and 0. 460. Experiment VI. In this experiment, the plane of inci- dence was perpendicular to the direction of magnetization ; and it was found that no optical effect was produced by magnetization. Experiment VII. In this experiment, the incidence was- normal, and the inclination of the plane of polarization to the direction of magnetization was varied from to 90 ; and it was found, that no optical effect was produced by magnetization. KUNDT'S EXPERIMENTS. 389 461. Dr E. H. Hall 1 of Baltimore has examined the effects pro- duced, when the electromagnet is composed of nickel and of cobalt ; and he found that in both metals, the sign of Kerr's effect was the same as in iron. 462. The experiments of Kerr would lead us to anticipate, that when light is reflected from a conductor, which is strongly charged with electricity, the reflected light would experience certain modifications ; but no experiments of this character appear to have been performed. Kundt's Experiments. 463. The experiments of Kerr were repeated by Kundt 2 , and were completely confirmed by the latter with one exception, viz. that when light polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence is reflected at the pole of an iron electromagnet, the direction of rotation is reversed at an incidence of about 82 ; that is to say, the rotation is in the contrary direction to that of the current so long as the angle of incidence lies between and 82, and in the same direction when it lies between 82 and 90. 464. When light was reflected from the pole of a nickel electromagnet, it was found that the rotation was more feeble than that produced by iron. When the light was polarized in the plane of incidence, the rotation was always negative (that is in the contrary direction to that of the current) ; but when the light was polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, the rotation was negative from to 50, and changed sign between 50 and 60. 465. Kundt also made experiments upon the rotation pro- duced, when light is transmitted through films of iron, cobalt and nickel, which were so thin as to be semi-transparent ; and he found, that all these metals, when magnetized perpendicularly to the surface of the film, produced a powerful rotation of the plane of polarization of the transmitted light; and that the rotation takes place in the direction of the magnetizing current. The rotation produced by iron upon the mean rays of the spectrum, is 1 Phil. Mag. Sep. 1881, p. 171. 2 Berlin Sitzungsberichte, July 10th, 1884 ; translated Phil. Mag. Oct. 1884, p. 308. 390 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. more than 30,000 times as great as that produced by glass of equal thickness ; that produced by cobalt is nearly the same ; whilst that produced by nickel is decidedly weaker, being only about 14,000 times greater than that produced by glass. 466. All these metals exhibited rotatory dispersion. The dispersion produced by cobalt and nickel was feeble, whilst that produced by iron was much more powerful, and was anomalous ; for iron was found to rotate red light to a greater extent than blue. 467. Kundt also made the following experiments upon magnetized glass, which are of some importance, inasmuch as they afford an experimental test of the theory, which will after- wards be proposed. The poles of a large electromagnet were adjusted at a distance of about 3 cms. apart. A glass plate, the sides of which were not quite accurately parallel, so that the rays reflected from the posterior surface were well separated from those reflected at the anterior surface, was laid upon the poles of an electromagnet. The lines of magnetic force were accordingly parallel to the re- flecting surface ; also the plane of incidence was parallel to the lines of magnetic force, and the polarizing angle of the glass was 66*tf. The light which had been twice refracted at the anterior surface and once reflected at the posterior surface, was examined on emergence ; and it was found, that when the incident light was polarized in the plane of incidence, the plane of polarization of the emergent light was always rotated in the positive direction ; but that when the light was polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, the rotation was negative from normal incidence up to the polarizing angle, and positive from the polarizing angle to grazing incidence. When the glass plate was magnetized perpendicularly to the reflecting surface, it was found that when the incident light was polarized in the plane of incidence, the rotation was always positive; but that when it was polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, the rotation was positive from normal incidence to the polarizing angle, and negative from the polarizing angle to grazing incidence. HALL'S EFFECT. 391 It thus appears, that with regard to the reflected light, the glass plate behaves in an opposite manner to that of iron, nickel and cobalt. With respect however to the transmitted light, glass behaves in the same manner as these metals. 468. Kundt sums up the facts connected with the electro- magnetic rotation of the plane of polarization of light as follows. (i) Most isotropic solid bodies, fluids and those gases, which have been examined, rotate the plane of polarization of the trans- mitted light in the positive direction. (ii) A concentrated solution of perchloride of iron produces a negative rotation. (iii) Oxygen, which is comparatively powerfully magnetic, produces positive rotation. (iv) When light is transmitted through a thin film of iron, cobalt or nickel, the rotation is positive. (v) When light is reflected at normal incidence from a mag- netic pole of iron, cobalt or nickel, the rotation is negative. (vi) Upon passing through, as well as upon reflection from, iron, the rotatory dispersion of the light is anomalous ; the red rays being rotated more powerfully than the blue. Hall's Effect. 469. Before we proceed to the theoretical explanation of these phenomena, we must refer to a very important experimental fact, which was discovered by Dr E. H. Hall 1 of Baltimore. He found that, when an electric current passes through a conductor, which is placed in a strong field of magnetic force, an electromotive force is produced, whose intensity is proportional to the product of the current and the magnetic force, and whose direction is at right angles to the plane containing the current and the magnetic force. Hence if a, 0, 7 be the components of the external magnetic force, u, v, w those of the current, and P, Q', E', those of the additional electromotive force, we shall have -j3w), Q'=-C(aw-yu), R'= 1 Phil. Mag. March, 1880. 392 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. 470. The constant G is a quantity, which depends upon the physical constitution of the medium through which the current is flowing. We shall refer to it as Hall's constant, and to the additional electromotive force as Hall's effect. 471. Let the conductor consist of a plane plate, which will be chosen as the plane of xy ; let the magnetic force be in the positive direction of the axis of z, and let the primary current flow along the positive direction of the axis of y. Then The additional electromotive force will therefore act in the positive or negative direction of the axis of x, according as C is negative or positive. We may express this by saying, that Hall's effect is positive, when Hall's constant is negative. 472. Various experiments have been made for the purpose of determining the magnitude and sign of Hall's effect, the de- scription of which more properly belongs to a treatise on Electro- magnetism than to one on Optics 1 . It will however be desirable to call attention to the experiments of Von Ettinghausen and Nernst 2 , who found the following values for Hall's effect, its value for tin being taken as unity. Copper -13 Nickel -605 Silver -21 Antimony + 4800 Gold -28 Carbon -4400 Cobalt 4-115 Bismuth -252,5000 Iron + 285 Tellurium + 13,250,000 They found in addition, that the effect was positive in steel, lead, zinc, and cadmium ; but negative in all the other metals which they examined. 1 Phil. Mag. Sept. 1881, p. 157 ; Ibid. (5) xvn. pp. 80, 249, 400. 3 Amer. Journ. of Science, (3rd Series), xxxiv. p. 151 ; and Nature, 1887, p. 185. THEORY OF MAGNETIC ACTION ON LIGHT. 393 Theory of Magnetic Action on Light. 473. In the experiments of Kerr and Kundt, on reflection from magnets, and transmission through thin magnetized films, the substance experimented upon was a metal. It is therefore hopeless to attempt to construct a theory, which will furnish a complete explanation of these phenomena, until a satisfactory theory of metallic reflection has been obtained. The theory of magnetic action on light, which we shall now consider 1 , only applies to transparent media, and depends upon the experimental result discovered by Hall, which has been discussed in the preceding sections. Now Professor Rowland 2 has assumed, that this result holds good in a dielectric, which is under the action of a strong magnetic force ; if, therefore, we adopt this hypothesis, we must substitute the time variations of the electric displacement for the current, and the equations of electromotive force become where a, /3, 7 are the components of the total magnetic force. When the magnetic field is disturbed by the passage of a wave of light, a, @, 7 may be supposed to have the same values as before disturbance, since their variations when multiplied by f, g, h are terms of the second order, which may be neglected. Since we shall confine our attention to the propagation of light in a uniform magnetic field, a, & 7 may be regarded as constant quantities. We shall therefore assume, that when light is transmitted through a medium, which, when under the action of a strong magnetic force, is capable of magnetically affecting light, the 1 Phil. Trans. 1891, p. 371. For other theories, see Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, vol. n. ch. xxi.; Fitzgerald, Phil. Trans. 1880, p. 691. 2 Phil. Mag., April, 1881, p. 254. 394 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. equations of electromotive force are represented by (1), where C is Hall's constant. Since we shall require to use the letters a, ft, 7 to denote that portion of the magnetic force which is due to optical causes, we shall write these equations in the form dG -di dH where p 1 = GoL, &c. All the other equations of the field are the same as Maxwell's, with the exception that we do not suppose that dFldx+dG/dy s zero. 474. In order to obtain the equations of electric displacement, let us consider a medium which is magnetically isotropic but electrostatically seolotropic. Let k be the magnetic permeability; K 1} K Z) K 3 the three principal electrostatic capacities ; also let i 1 ^ ^i -= -4- jy = -4- C/ ~~^ . ( o ) dx dy dz d d d d -7- =P! -j- + PS -y- + Ps -j (*) ao> aa? flty tt* From the last two of (2) we obtain da df d/_ d^_ dh_dQ_dR dt dy dz dy dz dz dy Substituting the values of P, Q, R from the equations = IrnflKi, &c., and recollecting that weobtai, with two similar equations. EQUATIONS OF MOTION. Now 4t7rkf= ^irkii = -^- ( ^- dt \dy dz substituting the values of d, b, c from (6) we obtain V _ A 0772 f d>Q 1 d fdg dh\ > '<& J dx 4<7rk dco \dz dy) df 395 (7), V*/***rf _. VV * \AJtV \ dy 4f7rk dco \d% dz - dz .(8). These are the equations satisfied by the components of electric displacement. 475. We shall now confine our attention to isotropic media. In this case A=B = C= U, where U~ 2 = kK; hence (6) becomes Let = ,, then -5- = whence i-Vt) . , a = - (iifju mv) >S -=- >SX, a = 47TZ7 2 - mv) S . np s ) Accordingly if |^ denote the component of the external mag- netic force perpendicular to the wave-front, the equations of magnetic force become 7 = where C is Hall's constant. , - Iff) ~ (9), 396 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. Propagation of Light. 476. We are now prepared to consider the propagation of light in a magnetized medium. Let us suppose that plane waves of light are incident upon the surface of separation of air and a magnetized medium. Let the axis of x be the normal, and be drawn into the first medium, and let the axis of z be perpendicular to the plane of incidence ; also let the direction of magnetization be parallel to the axis of x. Then j9 2 =^> 3 = 0, and none of the quantities are functions of z\ whence the equations of motion become p d z h dxdy d*h _ mfw _ ^ dx \dv dx where p is written for p t . Let f=A'S, g = A"S, h = Substituting in (10), we obtain From these equations we deduce 172 _ 772 j. J?: J Wr whence A' = imA, A" = + dA. Hence, if F l5 F 2 denote the two values of V corresponding to the upper and lower signs, we see that two waves are propagated with velocities V lf V 2 . It is important to notice, that the directions of the two refracted waves corresponding to an incident wave are in general different. PROPAGATION OF LIGHT. 397 To see this, let the suffixes 1 and 2 refer to the two refracted waves, and let the incident wave be ^ _ 6 2i7r/ FT . (lx +my- Vt) then the displacements in one of the refracted waves will be where & = e 2l7r / F and the displacements in the other wave will be obtained by changing the suffix from 1 to 2, and changing the signs of f lt g^. Now, if r lt r 2 be the angles of refraction, m : = sin rv, m 2 = sin r 2 ; and, since the coefficient of y must be the same in all three waves, we must have v = v, _ v, sin i sin r^ sin r 2 ' which shows that r\ is different from r 2 . cc Let 23j, 33 2 be the component displacements in the plane z = 0, then since 1 1 = cos r lt it follows that 33 X =/! sin n + ^ cos n = IA&. Similarly 33 2 = ^ 2 fif 2 . The component displacements perpendicular to the wave-fronts are evidently zero ; whence, in real quantities, the displacements in the two waves are 9 /ij = A l cos ^FF- (l V iT i = - A l sin and = cos 27T = sn 398 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. and, consequently, the two waves are circularly polarized in opposite directions. 477. The results of the last article will enable us to explain the rotation of the plane polarization, when light is propagated through a magnetic field parallel to the direction of the lines of magnetic force. In this case Jj = 1 2 = 1, m 1 =m z = 0, whence putting k = 1, since the field is a transparent dielectric, we obtain from (11), accordingly if the waves are travelling along the negative direction of the axis of x, ^ = 4! cos &+*]-, <7i = % = ^2 sin -^ (w-M T \ r i / T \ r 2 = 4 a cos -M 2 = 23 2 = - A sin - + tj . We shall hereafter show, that the amplitudes are not quite equal to one another, but are of the form P + Q and P Q re- spectively, where Q is a quantity which depends upon the magnetic force. Since the magnetic effect is very small in transparent dielectrics, we may as a first approximation neglect the difference between A 1 and A 2) whence dropping the suffixes, the vibrations in question become 2?r / x \ g = Asw U^ + n- T \r i / 2-rr I x sm T \^2 / 1 1 Whence if >|r be the angle through which the plane of polari- zation is rotated, measured towards the right hand of an observer who is looking along the direction of propagation of the ray, TTX / 1 1 \ (-~\ i \ r 2 * V ROTATORY POLARIZATION. 399 Expanding Fj" 1 and V~ l in powers of p, and putting p = Cat, we obtain JL 1 c * F 2 F!~ 20V accordingly ^ = 7rxCa/2 U 3 r 2 (12). Since the wave is travelling in the negative direction of the axis of a?, it follows that, if T be the thickness of the medium traversed by the wave, x = T\ whence (12) becomes ^ = 7rTCa/2U*T* (13), which shows that the plane of polarization of the emergent light is rotated, and that the direction of rotation depends upon that of the magnetic force. 478. It appears from Faraday's experiments, that the direction of rotation is the same as that of the amperean current, which would produce the magnetic force. Now a is measured along the positive direction of the axis of so, whence the amperean current circulates from the right hand to the left hand of an observer who is looking along the direction of propagation ; accordingly C must be negative for glass, whilst for a medium such as perchloride of iron C must be positive. From these results we draw the following conclusions. (i) The magnitude of the rotation is directly proportional to the magnetic force, and also to the thickness of the medium traversed ; and it is inversely proportional to the square of the period of the light. Hence the rotation is greater for violet light than for red light. (ii) The direction of rotation is the same as that of the amperean current which would produce the magnetic force, for media for which Hall's constant is negative ; and in the opposite direction for media for which Hall's constant is positive. (iii) When the direction of propagation is perpendicular to that of the magnetic force, it follows from (8), that the magnetic terms are zero ; hence the magnetic force produces no optical effect. These results are in accordance with experiment ; subject to the limitation, that the effect of rotatory dispersion is only approximately expressed by the first statement. 400 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. The Boundary Conditions. 479. When light is reflected and refracted at the surface of separation of two isotropic or crystalline media, the boundary conditions are, (i) that the components of the electromotive and magnetic forces parallel to the surface of separation must be continuous ; (ii) that the components of electric displacement and magnetic induction perpendicular to the surface of separation must likewise be continuous. We have, therefore, six equations to determine four unknown quantities; but inasmuch as two pairs of these equations are identical, the total number reduces to four, which is just sufficient to determine the four unknown quantities. If, however, we were to assume these six conditions in the case of a magnetized medium, we should find that we should be led to inconsistent results, and we shall, therefore, proceed to prove the boundary conditions. Since the electric displacement and the magnetic induction both satisfy the equation df dg ,dh_ dx + dy* dz~ U) which is an equation of the same form as the equation of continuity of an incompressible fluid in Hydrodynamics ; it follows that the components of the electric displacement and magnetic induction perpendicular to the surface of separation must be continuous. To obtain the other conditions, let us suppose, as before, that the plane # = is the surface of separation, and that the plane z = contains the direction of propagation. Then, since the coefficients of y and t in the exponential factor must be the same in all four waves, djdy and d/dt of any continuous function will also be continuous, and conversely. Since none of the quantities are functions of z _ which shows that 7 is continuous. Since the continuity of 7 follows from that of /, the conditions of continuity of both these quantities will be expressed by the same equation. Q . dH Since a = - T - , dy* THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. 401 it follows that H is continuous, whence if the accents refer to the second medium, we obtain from (2) This equation shows that the electromotive force parallel to z is discontinuous. This circumstance may, at first sight, appear somewhat strange, and may perhaps be regarded as an objection to the theory ; but since the p's are exceedingly small quantities, the discontinuity is also very small. We have, moreover, assumed that the transition from one medium to the other is abrupt, whereas, if we were better acquainted with the conditions at the confines of two different media, we should probably find that this was not the case ; but that there would be a rapid but continuous change in the component of the electromotive force parallel to the boundary, in passing from one medium to the other. We have, therefore, as yet, only obtained two independent boundary equations. Now, we shall presently see that when plane polarized light is reflected and refracted at the surface of a mag- netized medium, the reflected light is elliptically polarized ; whilst, as we have already shown, the two refracted waves are circularly polarized in opposite directions. We have, therefore, four unknown quantities to determine, viz., the amplitudes of the two components of the reflected vibration, and the amplitudes of the two refracted waves. We, therefore, require two more equations. To find a third equation, we shall assume, that the component of magnetic force parallel to the axis of y is continuous. A fourth equation will be obtained from the condition of continuity of energy ; for since there is no conversion of energy into heat, or any form of energy other than the electrical kind, it follows that the rate of increase of the electrostatic and electrokinetic energies within any closed surface must be equal to the rate at which energy flows in across the boundary. 480. We must now obtain an expression for the energy. It is a general principle of Dynamics, that if equations are given which are sufficient to completely determine the motion of a system, the Principle of Energy can be deduced from these equations. The proper form of the Principle of Energy in the case of a dielectric medium is this : Describe any closed surface in the medium, then the rate at which energy increases within the surface, is equal to the rate at which energy flows in across the boundary. B. o. 26 402 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. If E be the electric energy per unit of volume, the rate at which energy increases within the surface is fff Edxdydf, and, conse- quently, this quantity must be capable of being expressed as a surface integral taken over the boundary ; and any form of E which is not capable of being so expressed must certainly be wrong. If the medium were a conductor, in which there is a conversion of energy into he&t, fff Edxdydz would not be expressible in the form of a surface integral 1 , but this case need not be con- sidered, since we are dealing with a transparent dielectric. Since P = 4*7rf/K l = 4>7rkA*f, equations (6) may be written in the form da^dQ_dR_df_ dt dz dy dw' Multiply this equation and the two corresponding ones by a, /3, 7 ; then add and integrate throughout any closed surface, and we shall obtain dg c Let W = 2irk llJ(A 2 f 2 + y + C-h?) dxdydz . . .(16), then -=- = 47T& I (I (A 2 ff+ B 2 gg -f &hh) dxdydz Cut J J J rrr = (Pf+ Qg + Rh) dxdydz. Jjj Substituting the values of /, g, h in terms of a, fi, 7, and integrating by parts, we obtain dW _ 1 [[ (Jtv \r77" / J dy See Poynt.ing, Phil. Trans., 1884, p. 343. dP\ fdP dQ\\ , EXPRESSION FOR THE ENERGY. 403 If in the identity + 9 (M ~ PJ) + h (P*f-Pti) = 0, we substitute the values off, g, h from the equations of 47r/= dy/dy - dj3/dz, &c., in the coefficients of the terms in brackets, and integrate by parts, we shall find that the last volume integral in (15) is equal to - // P {(pj- Pig) ^ - (pJi - Psf) 7} + m {(p# -pji) 7 - (p,f- pj) a] + n {(pji -p 3 f) a - (ptf -pji) {3}] dS . . .(18). Accordingly (15) becomes on substitution from (16), (17) and (18) HI fes (a2 + m{(P+ p.ff -pi) y-(R +p-p$) a] + n {(Q + pji -pj)a- (P+p,g-pji)j3}} dS ...(19). The physical interpretation of this equation is, that the rate at which something increases within the closed surface must be equal to the rate at which something flows into the surface. This cannot be anything else but energy; we are therefore led to identify the expression as representing the energy of the electric field per unit of volume. The first term represents the electrokinetic energy, and the second term the electrostatic energy. The above expressions are the same as those obtained by Maxwell by a different method, and it thus appears that the expressions for each species of energy are not altered by the additional terms, which have been introduced into the general equations of electromotive force. The right-hand side of (19) represents the rate at which work is done by the electric and magnetic forces, which act upon the surface of 8. 404 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. 481. In the optical problem which we are considering, the bounding surface is the plane x = ; whence if the quantities in the magnetized medium be denoted by accented letters, the condition of continuity of energy becomes R/3-Qy = (R'+pj 1 - p,ff') 0' - (Q' +M' -K/') /. Since /3 = fi' and 7 = 7', it follows from (14) that this equation reduces to Q = C'+M'-W" (20), which shows that the component of the electromotive force in the plane of incidence is also discontinuous. The boundary conditions are therefore the following; (i) continuity of electric displacement perpendicular to the reflecting surface, which is equivalent to continuit}' of magnetic force parallel to z\ (ii) continuity of magnetic induction perpendicular to the reflecting surface, which is also equivalent to equation (14) ; (iii) continuity of magnetic force parallel to y ; (iv) equation (20), which follows partly from (i), (ii) and (iii), and partly from the condition that the flow of energy must be continuous. We have therefore four equations, and no more, to determine the four unknown quantities. Reflection and Refraction. 482. We shall now calculate the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted waves, when light is reflected and refracted at the surface of a transparent medium which is magnetized normally, so Let A t B be the amplitudes of the two components of the incident light perpendicular to, and in the plane of incidence; then the displacements in the four waves may be written h = AS, 33 ==-#$, incident wave ; h' = A '', 3&' = &&, reflected wave ; h 1 = A 1 S 1 , 33j = lAA, 1st refracted wave ; h 2 = A, t S 2) 23 2 = iA 2 S 2 , 2nd refracted wave. Also I 1 = cosr 1 , 2 = cosr 2 , REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 405 The boundary conditions (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), of 481, furnish the following equations : (B + R)V=i(A 1 V 1 -A,V t ) ............... (21), (A + A') V* = U*k (A, + A,) - j- r (A, cos r, - A 2 cos r a ) (22), (A - A') Fcos i = U* (4- 1 cos r, + 4? cos r a Vri "2 (B - B') V* cos i = iU'k (A cos r, - A, cos n) - ^ (A, + A,) (24), ZT where p is written for p l . We shall now simplify these equations by introducing an auxiliary angle R, such that (25). . sin i sin r x sin r 2 sin R Hence, R is the angle of refraction when the second medium is unmagnetized ; and accordingly r and i\ will differ from R by a small quantity which depends upon p. Since the magnetic effects are small, we shall neglect squares and higher powers of p, and we may, therefore, in the terms multiplied by p, put r x = r 2 = R. Let q=pl&kr, then from (11) ii and also from (25) and (26) we obtain ^ D / __. cos r x = cos ./ + ~ a , cos r 2 = cos /t -* ,.. a . . .(27). Substituting these values in equations (21) to (24) and reducing, they finally become (B - B'} V 2 cos i = i U 2 k (A l - AJ cos R + iqk (sin 2 ^ - 2) (^ + J 2 (A + A') F = U''k (A, + A 2 ) - 2qk (A^A,) cos R (28). These equations determine the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted waves, when the magnetization is perpendicular to the reflecting surface. 406 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. From the first two of (28) we get + B'V{ Uk (2 - sin 2 R) + Fcos i cos R}. Substituting in the last two, we obtain (A A')cosi ( uk cos - F cos i) L 9* - q C R [Uk(2- sin 2 R)-V cos i cos R} 1 _ ,' f^cosE ( TO cos R + F cos A L qkAVcosi TOcos R + Vcos i U(UkcosR+Vcosi)(Ukcosi+VcosR) (32). ' 483. We shall now discuss these results. Equations (31) and (32) give the amplitudes of the two com- ponents of the reflected light, and we see that the magnetic terms vanish at grazing incidence, but do not vanish for any other incidence. REFLECTION AND REFRACTION. 407 The equations may be written in the form A' = Aa (33). .(34), In the figure let / be the point of incidence, 10 the normal to the reflected wave, and let be the observer; also let OA, OB be drawn at right angles to 01, perpendicular to and in the plane of incidence respectively. Let f, 77 be the displacements along OA, OB ; also let (/> = (2?r/X) (x cos i + y sin i - Vt). Then by (33) f = AOL cos (f) qB{3 sin 77 = By cos qAfi sin which shows that the reflected light is elliptically polarized. Let us first suppose that the incident light is polarized in the plane of incidence, so that B = 0, and let the principal section of the analyser coincide with OB. Then the intensity of the reflected light after it has passed through the analyser is proportional to A^fi^cf, and is therefore independent of the direction of the magnetizing current, and vanishes when the current is cut off. Secondly, let the analyser be turned through a small angle 6 towards the right hand of the observer. From (34) we see that the intensity of the reflected light after emerging from the analyser is proportional to from which it appears that the effect of the current is always to increase the intensity, and that the intensity is independent of the direction of the current. The first result is in accordance with the first of Kerr's experi- ments, but the second is not ; since he found under these cir- cumstances, that if a current in one direction strengthened the reflected light, a current in the opposite direction weakened it. We must however recollect, that in Kerr's experiments a polished plate of soft iron was employed, and consequently his results were 408 ACTION OF MAGNETISM ON LIGHT. affected by the influence of metallic reflection ; it is therefore hopeless to attempt to construct a theory which will furnish a theoretical explanation of Kerr's experiments, until a satisfactory electromagnetic theory of metallic reflection has been obtained. 484. When light is reflected or refracted at the surface of a transparent medium, which is magnetized parallel to the reflecting surface, the problem can be worked out in a similar manner to that employed in 482 ; but for this the reader is referred to my ori- ginal paper 1 . It will be found that in this case also, the intensity of the reflected light is independent of the direction of the magnetic force ; whereas Kerr's experiments show, that the reverse is the case when the reflector is a metal. When however the plane of incidence is perpendicular to the lines of magnetic force, or when the incidence is normal, magnetization produces no optical effect. This result follows from equations (8), and agrees with the ex- periments of Faraday, Kerr and Kundt. 485. The experiments of Kundt described in 467, in which light was incident upon a magnetized plate of glass, furnish a means of subjecting this theory to an experimental test ; and we shall therefore consider the case in which the lines of magnetic force are perpendicular to the faces of the plate, and the incidence is sensibly normal, and shall calculate the intensity of the light which has undergone two refractions at the anterior surface, and one reflection at the posterior. Let the incident vibration be/=0, # = 0, h = 2Ae- 2t7T * /r ; we shall find it convenient to resolve this into the two circularly polarized waves, (35), (36), where S = 6~ 2int/T . Since we are dealing with glass, we may put k = 1 ; conse- quently for normal incidence we obtain from (31), (32), and (35) A' = A(a-q/3), B' = -iA' where = ^, /^ T ^ F)2 ............... (37). 1 Phil Trans., 1891, 1214. KUNDT'S EXPERIMENTS. 409 If, however, the incident wave is polarized in the opposite direction, and is therefore represented by (36), we shall obtain in which the sign of q is reversed. In order to calculate the intensity of the refracted light, let us first confine our attention to the incident wave given by (35). Then if we put i = R = in (28), we shall obtain A 2 = 0, A ^2AV^ I g(2ET+7)l If, however, we considered the other wave (36), we should obtain A l = 0, u \u+v u* in which the sign of q is again reversed. In order to calculate the intensities, when light propagated in glass is reflected at the surface in contact with air, we may use Stokes's Principle of Reversion 1 , and apply it separately to each of the two circularly polarized waves, into which the incident wave may be conceived to be resolved. Let Ab, Ac be the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted waves, when the wave (35) passes from air into glass ; and let Ae, Af be the amplitudes when the wave passes from glass into air, then Also if we denote by accented letters the corresponding quan- tities for the other wave (36), the values of b', c', e',f will be obtained from those of 6, c, e,fby writing q for q. By (37) and (38), the values of b, c, e,/are U-V 2V* +imm + 77) sin 77 g = 2^X cos (