UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES ^*»-^ /rUp^A^^* AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK AUGUSTIN DALY COLLECTION PART I AUGUSTIN DALY COLLECTION BRIC-A-BRAC, ARMS AND ARMOR RELICS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS FRAMED ENGRAVINGS, AND OTHER OBJECTS SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE AFTERNOONS OF MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19th, 20th and 21st AT 2.;o O'CLOCK AND ON MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 19th AT 8 O'CLOCK PART I. Art Objects Relics V^A 1 ALUUUC Flimitui c *^ Oil Paintings Water Colors OF THE and Framed F.ngiavings VALUABLE LITERARY AND ART PROPERTY GATHERED BY THE LATE AUGUSTIN DALY TO BE DISPOSED OF AT ABSOLUTE PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS ON MONDAY. MARCH iqth, AND FOLLOWING DAYS AT 2.:!o AND 8 O'CLOCK, P.M. AT THE AMHRICAN ART GALLERIES MADLSON SQUARE SOUTH Where the entire (.ulleclion will be on View Day :\nd Evening from Wednesdiiv, Marcli I4tli, until date of Sale inclusive (Sunday excepted) Thoma.s E. KiKBY AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION Aluiionlir Managers NEW YORK 1900 / o v,l--3 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if imy dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and, therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required^ in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of tJie Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be abso- lutely paid, or otherwise settled for to tb.e satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 5. The undersigned ivill not hold themselves 7-esponsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and make no Warranty whatever. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. Thomas E. Kirbv, Auctioneer. 198': ORDER OF SALE MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH iqth, at 2.^0 o'clock AT THH AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BRIC-A-BRAC, BRONZES. RELICS AND OTHER OBJECTS CATALOGUE Nos. i to 25Q INCLUSIVE MONDAY EVENING, MARCH iqth, at 8 o'clock OIL PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS, DRAWINGS AND FRAMED ENGRAVINGS CATALOGUE Nos. 008 to 802 INCLUSIVE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 20TH, at 2.30 o'clock ARMS AND ARMOR, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FURNITURE AND MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS CATALOGUE Nos. 200 to 484 INCLUSIVE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 21ST, 2.30 o'clock ANTIQUE AND MODERN FURNITURE, DRAPERIES RUGS AND CARPETS CATALOGUE Nos. 48=; to 007 INCLUSIVE AUGUSTIN DALY Was born in Plymouth, N. C, July 20, 1838, the eldest son of Denis Daly and Elizabeth Therese Duffey. His father, when a young man, received an appoint- ment as purser's clerk in the British navy, but resigned and came to America, where he built and sailed his own vessels, ultimately settling in Plymouth, estab- lishing himself in the lumber trade. He died in 1841, leaving two children, Augustin and Joseph F. Daly. He had married, in 1S34, the daughter of J-ieut. John Duffey, of Montego Bay, Jamaica, \V. I., who, at this date (1900), still survives. After a brief residence in Plymouth, N. C, and Norfolk, Va., Augustin Daly, then a boy eleven years of age, removed with his mother and brother to the city of New York, where he always afterward resided. A common school education fitted him for the business career for which he was originally des- tined, and in which he was most actively engaged until his twenty-first year, when he commenced the literary pursuits which were to bring him fame and fortune. Having been, from his earliest years, fond of the drama, he began while yet a boy to essay dramatic writing. The first play he ever saw was '' Kookwood," played at the old theatre in Norfolk, Xn., by James E. Murdoch and Mrs. Rus- sell, afterward Mrs. John Hoey, and a travelling company. This was in 1848, and the youthful devotee of the drama immediately began private theatricals with his infantile companions in the barn on the maternal premises. These amusements were continued in New York, where he joined two amateur compa- nies, whose members amused themselves, after business hours, in presenting the masterpieces of Shakespeare, Bulwer, and Knowles to their admiring friends. Several original plays, never destined to see the light, were offered by the young writer to various managers while he was a writer for the press, until, in December, 1862, his play of " Leah the Forsaken," an adaptation from the " Deborah " of Rosenthal of Vienna, was accepted by the late H. L. Bateman for his daughter Kate, and was produced first in Boston and, subsequently, March, 1863, at Niblo's (iarden in New York, with J. \V. Wallack, Jr., Edwin Adams, Mrs. Chanfrau, Iv Lamb, and other well-known actors in the cast. From this time until August, 18C9, Mr. Daly continuously produced plays, orig- inal and adapted, in the New York theatres : '• Taming a Butterfly " at Mrs. John Woods Olympic ; -Judith" and others for Avonia Jones at the Winter Garden; "(iriffith Gaunt," " Under the Gaslight," ''Norwood," and "Pick- wick " at the New York, and "Flash of Lightning " at the Broadway, formerly \\allack's, at Hroome Street. In the production of these plays, which required the greatest skill in stage management, Mr. Daly, without any training or experience whatever in that line, developed immense aptitude and inexhaust- ible resources as stage director, and every qualification for the managerial career upon which he soon entered, besides, in undertaking the management of a Southern tour for Miss Avonia Jones, acquiring the experience necessary to handle a company. In June, 1869, Mr. Daly took from James Fisk, Jr., a lease for two years, at $25,obo per year, of the small but beautiful Fifth Avenue Theatre, on the site of the present Madison Square Theatre in Twenty-fourth Street, and here he introduced that brilliant list of favorite performers with whom he revolu- tionized dramatic art in America. Clara Morris, Fanny Davenport, Agnes Ethel, Kate Claxton, Sara Jewett, Mrs. G. II. Gilbert, Mrs. Scott-Siddons, James Lewis, Louis James. George Clarke, D. H. Harkins, are some of the prominent names found in his play-bills from August 16, 1869, when the theatre opened, to Janu- uary i, 1873, when it was destroyed by fire. After that calamity, his marvellous work of reproducing in three weeks the atmosphere of the brilliant Fifth Avenue in the dingy edifice known as the New York Theatre, 728 Broadway, was the town talk. Here the enterprising manager remained until December 3, 1873, when he opened his new Fifth Avenue Theatre in Twenty-eighth Street. His next and final move was to the present Daly's Theatre in Broadway, near Thirtieth Street, which he opened in 1879, and where he produced the series of fine old and new comedies which were the delight of a generation of playgoers as interpreted by the brilliant Ada Rehan and the polished John Drew, the favorite James Lewis, and the ever young Mrs. Gilbert, and where a host of well-known players made their debut. From Daly's Theatre in New York the manager took his company to play an engagement in England in 1884 — the first attempt on so large a scale to pre- sent American histrionic talent to our transatlantic friends. This experiment was so successful that it was repeated in 1886 and annually thereafter, culmi- nating in the building of Daly's Theatre in London in 1893. The- company made visits to Paris and Berlin, and the fame of Mr. Daly and of his company and plays was established in two continents. From this brief account it maybe justly inferred that Mr. Daly's life was one of unceasing activity. He was, indeed, one of the most industrious of mor- tals. It was his habit to rise early, although the last person to leave his theatre at night. He personally inspected every foot of his premises at stated periods, and was present at every performance, day or night. He superintended every detail of every production as to rehearsals, music, scenery, and costumes. He had no heads of departments— all were assistants. Besides thus accomplishing perfectly the work of half a dozen men, he put forth scores of plays, a vast number of manuscripts in his own hand being preserved. His busy and event- ful life was brought to a sudden close on June 7, 1899, during a brief visit to Paris. He left New York on May 13th for a trip abroad — not for health, but for the mixed purpose of vacation and business, as was his wont. Although he had been ailing for a few days before his departure, it was thought to be a malarial attack. A severe cold and fever developed on the voyage over, and although he seemed to rally for a time afterward, heart failure ensued and he expired peacefully, his last words being, '• If I fall asleep do not wake me. '• The grief of the whole profession and the regret of the whole community were the tribute to the unselfish devotion and high and unfaltering purpose he brought to his art. The personal enjoyment of Mr. Daly was the collection of rare books, prints, autographs, and manuscripts. His; well-known taste and liberality in fur- nishing his stage with veritable treasures in draperies, carpets, bric-a-brac, and furniture might well lead one to suppose that he would surround himself at home with even more choice collections. It was well known that he possessed a library of the first importance, gathered with the greatest discrimination and an utter disregard of cost, as a few instances will suffice to show : First Editions. Shakespeare's Comedies, 1623 (and the second, third, and fourth folios) ; Spenser's Faerie Queene, 1590-6 ; Milton's Paradise Lost ; Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, 1621 ; the works of W. H. Ainsworth, Sir Edwin Arnold, Alfred Austin, Charles Lever, Tennyson, Longfellow, etc.; and the unsurpassable collections of Charles Dickens, \\'illiam Makepeace Thackeray, and Sir Walter Scott. The Uniquk Illustrated Books, led by the finest known copy of Ire- land's New York Stage, in 51 folio volumes, with 8,000 illustrations, include a Douai Bible, in 42 volumes, with over 8,000 inserted plates and drawings ; Lives of Edmund Kean, John Philip Kemble, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Lord Byron, Charles Dickens, Dora Jordan, James Sheridan Knowles, the Booth, Wallack, and Colman families, Collcy Cibber, David Ciarrick, Samuel Johnson, Charles Mathews, Ada Rohan, Edwin Forrest, etc., extravagantly illustrated, and copies of Geneste's History of the English Stage, Matthews and Mutton's Actors and Actresses, and Doran's History of the Stage and Calt's Lives of the Players, full of portrait treasures. The more strictly American portion of this group is led by Sanderson's Signers, a copy which, for many reasons, is now historic, even though the famous Lynch letter is now reunited to its earlier companions. In original manuscripts and autogra[)h letters the richest side of this collec- tion is much in evidence ; yet so much is known of the matchless grouj") of Lamb, Dickens, and Thackeray correspondence that the story will not need telling at this place Sheridan's MS. of the School for Scandal, the eight Scott manuscripts, and valuable examples from the pen of Hazlitt, Coldsmith, Samuel Johnson, etc., will be more of a surprise to the readers of the book catalogue, and the wealth of material in the famous collection of autographs, etc., gathered by William L'pcott, with additions by Mr. Daly, would lend distinction to any library. Any further details should be sought not only by the printed descriptions, but by a critical examination of the greatest collection of book treasures ever offered at auction in the United States; yet this sketch must not be closed without a special reference to the illustrated Nell Gwyn (and the original Title- deeds to her Pall Mall house), as well as the lavish decoration bestowed on several copies of Mr. Daly's tribute to the memory of Margaret Wofifington. Famous mezzotint.s, spirited drawings, rare play-bills, and the scarcest portraits known to the collector have come and gone in the public marts for some years and left little trace of their new abiding places. The amateur who examines the illustrated books here exploited will no longer wonder where these rarities are to be found. As they have crossed the Atlantic, it is to be hoped they will remain here. What one American has accomplished, others can retain, if they will. SPECIAL NOTICE. This heinof an Executor's sale to close the estate, a cash deposit will be required from ever}' purchaser without exception. Intending purchasers wishing to avoid the trouble and confusion of making a deposit during the sale, can make arrangements pre- vious to day of sale, with the undersigned, at their office, 6 East Twenty-third Street. In compiling this catalogue Mr. J. O. Wright has endeavored to make descriptions thoroughly accurate, but we guarantee neither description nor condition, sufficient time being allowed for a care- ful examination of the books and other objects to be sold. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. Thomas E. Kirbv, Auctioneer^ CATALOGUE FIRST AFTERNOON'S SALE Monday, March 1 9th AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:30 o'CLOCK BRIC-A-BRAC 1 Banko Teapot. Incised and relief ornamentation. 2 Delft Incense-Jar. Blue decoration. 3 Statuette. Seated figure of Japanese. Glazed and decorated. 4 Miniature Bust. Shakespeare. " Copied from the monument erected by Shakespeare's family in the church at Stratford-on-Avon. Published by William Pearce, Stratford-on-Avon." 5 Sake-Kettle and Lotus Stand. Carved bamboo. 2 pieces. 6 Japanese Repouss6 Tray. . 7 Plated Cigar-Holder and Ash-Receiver. 8 Set of Five Antique Chinese Trays. Brown lacquer. Legendary subject encrusted in mother-of-pearl 9 Two Japanese Bamboo Paper-Cutters. Carved ornamentation. 10 Two Japanese Trays. C'arviil and inlaiil with ivory 11 Bronze Sake-Kettle. Silver lined. 12 Old Indian Silver Incense-Box. Heart-shaped, pierced desij^n. Fourteenth century. 13 Old Japanese Iron Jewelry-Box. Relief ornamentation of peony and birds, in gold, Shakudo, and other metals. Silver, gilt lined. 14 Antique Bronze Roman Lamp. 15 Antique Silver Punch-Ladle. I'.aiiy luiglish. Ebony handle. 16 Antique Snuff-Box. Carved ivory. 17 Antique Snuff-Box. Tortoise shell. Carved and inlaid with silver. 18 Ant que Snuff-Box. i'ortoise shell, encrusted with silver. 19 Antique Ring-Box. Dome-shaped. Wrought in silver. 20 Brass Mounted Paper-Cutter and Scissors. in wrought brass case. 21 Brass Bell. Reproduction of old Florentine bell. Ivory handle. 22 Ancient Papier-Mache Tray. Hand-painted decoration. 23 Pair Hand Screens. (Jarved wood. Decorated panels, by G. Burtons. 24 Ceremonial Baton. Used by Special Reception Committeemen of the Guild Hall of Strat- ford, on the occasion of the Shakespeare Jubilee. 25 Antique Official Baton. Engraved coat-of-arms, St. George and the Dragon, and date 1760. 26 Goblet. Made from the wood of Shakespeare's house (gathered during altera- tion). Presented by Richard Savage to Augustin Daly, 1888. 27 Covered Box. Made from the wood of Shakespeare's Mulberry Tree. Presented by Richard Savage to Augustin Daly, 1888. 28 Antique Silver Oblong Box, Repousse ornamentation, " The Village Dance." Presented, to Au- gustin Daly by Mr. John Drew. 29 Old Corean Pottery Bowl. With syphon attachment. Gray glaze, incised ornamentation. 30 Pair Cylindrical Vases. Carved bamboo, pierced design. 31 Pair Cylindrical Vases. Tortoise shell and lacquer. 32 Olive Wood Cigarette-Box. 33 Japanese Lacquer Perfume-Box. 34 Lacquered Snuff-Box. Encrusted with mother-of-pearl. 35 Carved Soochow Lacquer Perfume-Box. 36 Two Delft Candlesticks. One, griffin design. 37 Delft Plaque. Fishing scene in blue. 38 Delft Tray. Decorated in blue. Holland scenes. 39 Onyx Chalice. 40 Pair Bronze Stork Candlesticks. 41 Japanese Pottery Statuette. " The Frightened Servant." 42 Pair Kyoto Faience Tall Candlesticks. Dragon in relief, and decorated. 43 Pair Bronze Groups. " Tlie Jugglers." 44 Pair Delft Candlesticks. Decorated in blue. 45 Ancient Carved Wood Statuette. Priest. Gold enamel decoration. 3 46 Delft Octagonal Jar. Decoration of figures and flowers in blue. 47 Pair Satsuma Faience Tall Candlesticks. Incised and gilt decoration. 48 Italian Faience Plate. Decoration of birds and flowers. 49 Crown Derby Statuette. Mary Anderson. 50 Pair Royal Dresden Statuettes. _ .Morning and Night. Richly decorated. 51 Beer Set. Cierman Faience. 52 Pair Japanese Faience Vases. Apple-green crackle glaze. 53 Italian Faience Globular Vase. Decoration of warrior heads and bold floral designs in rich colors. 54 Antique Italian Majolica Globular Vase. Decoration of heads and floral designs in bright enamels. 55 Decorated Faience Group. The Young Fishermen. 56 Italian Faience Centre Piece. Rich decoration of birds and flowers in natural colors. 57 Decorated Faience Flower-Holder. Young Bacchus. 58 Repousse Copper Kettle and Stand. 59 Japanese Bronze Mask. Silver, bronze, and gilt. 60 Antique Inlaid Woodwork Basket. Metal handle. 61 Ancient Japanese Carved Wood Buddha. C;ilded. 62 Antique Repouss6 Copper Tankard, Tall form. 63 Antique Bootleg Tankard. Dated 1646. Metal mountings. 64 Plated Tankard. To commemorate "the first performance of the Taming of the Shrew in America, at Daly's Theatre, January 18, 1887." 4 65 Ancient Venetian Ecclesiastic Coffer. Carved and decorated. 66 Louis XV. Ormolu Double Candlestick. With embroidered sliding screen. 67 Plaster Mask. Washington. Mounted on oak panel. 68 Plaster Mask. Ludwig von Beethoven. 69 Plaster Mask. Shakespeare. From the Stratford bust. 70 Plaster Mask. Goethe. 71 Plaster Mask. Frederick Schiller. 72 Plaster Mask. David Garrick. 73 Plaster Mask. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 74 Plaster Mask. Maria F. Malibran. 75 Plaster Mask. Ludwig von Beethoven. 76 Pair Plaster Figures. Burton as " Captain Cuttle " and " Aminadab Sleek." By C. Muller, New York. 77 Plaster Bas-relief. A wood nymph. From " A Midsummer Night's Dream." 78 Pair Bohemian Covered Vases. Chalice-shaped. Cut and gold enamelled ornamentation. 79 Pair Richly Cut Glass Claret-Jugs. Heavy texture. 80 Pair Antique Cut Glass Decanters. Heavy texture. Quarts. 81 Venetian Glass Flagon. Ruby and turquoise. 82 Pair Ruby and White Glass Candelabras. Five lights each. S 83 Venetian Ruby and White Glass Wine-Bottle. 84 Three Venetian Glass Flagons. \'ari(ius colors. 85 Bohemian Glass Flagon. Enamelled decoration of equestrian figure and coat of arms. 86 Two Venetian Glass Wine-Bottles. Eii^M-avcd. 87 Venetian Glass Wine-Bottle. Barrel design. 88 Bohemian Green Glass Tankard. lOnanielled coat of arms. 89 Bohemian Green Glass Vase. Enamelled coat of arms. 90 Bohemian Green Glass Large Tumbler. I'-iiamcllcd coat of arms and inscriptions. 91 Bohemian Wine Glass. Enamelled coat of arms. 92 Bohemian Wine Glass. iMiamellcd ornamentation. 93 Venetian Glass Ornament. Dragon holding ruby vase. 94 Six Venetian Wine Glasses. X'arious patterns. 95 Six Combination Wine Glasses. Cut, and gold enamelled. 96 Pair Carved Wood and Gilt Sconces. I'Y-male figures. 97 Old Staffordshire Blue Plate. The old Park Theatre. Plush frame. 98 Oak Cigar-Chest. Mcial Hned. 99 Pair Bronze Bas-reliefs. Mythological subjects. Carved wood frame. 100 Pair Bronze Medallion Heads. Corncillc and .Molicre. Plush frames. loi Pair French Porcelain Vases. Decoration of girl with parrot, flowers, and other designs. 6 102 Limoge Faience Vase. Bottle-shaped. Floral decoration modelled in relief. 103 Bottle Vase. Chinese porcelain. Flowers, birds, and butterflies in natural colors. 104 Large Ivory Tankard. Artistically carved, in bold relief, dolphins, Tritons, sea-nymphs, and Cupids. Elaborate repouss6 silver mountings, 105 Ruby Glass Syphon. Metal mountings and marble base. 106 Pair Old Sheffield Silver-Plated Candelabras. Five lights each. 107 Onyx Mantel Clock. With gilt-bronze bas-reliefs of classical figures. Surmounted by a bronze and gilt figure, The Bather. 108 Bronze and Red Marble Inkstand. With green bronze Etruscan vase. 109 Fine Bronze Group. Diana. By Clesinger. Rome, i860. no Bronze and Gilt Bust. Egyptian priest. 111 Spelter Bronze Figure. Hamlet. 112 Pair Spelter Bronze Busts on Columns. Black marble bases. 113 Large Bronze Figure. Mercury. Golden brown patina, black marble base. 114 Large Bronze Group. Maternal Love. Golden brown patina, red marble base. 115 Elaborate Bronze Bust. Empress of Austria. By Lebosse. Onyx base. 116 Elaborate Bronze Group. Equestrian figure of Arab. By Edouard Letourneau. Enamelled. 117 Heroic Bronze Bust. Hermes. 118 Pair Decorated French Porcelains and Gilt Bronze Candelabras. Six lights each. 119 Two Japanese Lacquered Panels. Carved wood frames. 7 120 Large Kyoto Faience Cylindrical Vase. Figures of Japanese warriors, and landscape, in brilliant colors and gold. 121 Plaster Head of Sphinx. lironzc patina. 122 Wrought Brass Sconce. Openwork design. 123 Two Japanese Carved Wood Figures. The long-legged and long-armed men. 124 Two Illuminated Glass Panels. (ierman female heads. 125 Two Stained Glass Panels. Centre medallions taken from the Shakespeare Church, Stratford- upon-Avon. Presented to Mr. Daly by the Rev. B. F. DaCosta. 126 Eleven Ruby Rhine Wine Glasses. 127 Ten Amber Rhine Wine Glasses. 128 Ten Tumblers. Flcjral designs embossed in blue enamel. 129 Nineteen Wine Glasses. To match the preceding. 130 Tv/elve Bohemian Champagne Glasses. Green and gold. Funnel-shaped bowls. 131 Eleven Tall Champagne Glasses, To match the preceding. 132 Ten Rhine Wine Glasses. To match the preceding. 133 Sixteen Wine Glasses. To match the preceding. Two sizes. 134 Five Champagne Bowls. Stem and leaf supports. 135 Sixteen Venetian Glass Tall Champagnes. Twisted stems. 136 Six Claret Glasses. Engraved lilies-of-the-valley. 137 Five Tall Champagnes. Embossed in gold. Two patterns. 138 Seven Assorted Wine Glasses. 8 139 Twelve Baccarat Liqueur Glasses. 140 Twelve Spun Glass Ice-Cream Dishes. 141 Twelve Spun Glass Ice-Cream Dishes. Deep form. 142 Venetian Glass Decanter. Enamelled floral decoration. 143 Punch Set. Consisting of ruby glass punch-bowl, amber glass tray, and 12 ruby and amber glass punch-mugs, ornamented with enamelled flowers. 144 Twelve Faience Leaf-shaped Trays. 145 Twelve Porcelain Dessert Plates. Decoration of cherubs. Gilt edges. 146 Twelve Ice-Cream Saucers. To match the preceding. 147 Four Dresden China Plates. Decoration of pastoral subjects and sprays of flowers in panels. 148 Nine Dessert Plates. Redon Limoge. Decoration in gold enamel. 149 Three Fruit Trays. Haviland's I.imoge. Figure decoration. 150 Twelve Dinner Plates. Stoke-upon-Trent. Sprays of flowers in blue and gold. 151 Twelve Dessert Plates. To match the preceding. 152 Twelve Dinner Plates. Haviland's Limoge. Sprays of flowers and lace pattern. Medallions in gold and green enamel. 153 Twelve Soup Plates. Minton's. Chinese willow pattern in cobalt blue. Basket-pattern borders. 154 Fruit Basket. Fischer and Meigs, Carlsbad. Openwork design. Gilt decoration. 155 Compote. Redon Limoge. Gilt decoration. 156 Twelve Bouillon Cups and Saucers. Cauldon ware. Flowers in cobalt blue and gold. 9 157 Five Tea Cups and Saucers. To match the preceding. 158 Seven After-Dinner Coffee Cups and Saucers. French porcelain. Blossoms in gold enamel. 159 Twelve After-Dinner Coffee Cups and Saucers. Japanese eggshell porcelain. Floral, landscape, and figure subjects. 160 Old English Cup and Saucer. Floral and other designs in pink, green, and gold. 161 Cup and Saucer. Limoge. Sprays of flowers, ferns, and butterflies in gold enamel. 162 Twelve Roman Punch Cups. riower and leaf designs. 163 Three Specimens of Dresden China. Small tray and saucers. Figures and flowers in various colors. 164 Twelve Assorted Plates and Saucers. 165 Seven Faience Ornaments for Table Decoration. Mower designs. 166 Seven Faience Ornaments for Table Decoration. Branches of roses. 167 Four Small Faience Ornaments for Table Decoration. Branches of blossoms. 168 Limoge Dinner Ware. Ciilt decoration. Comprising fifty-seven pieces. 169 Twelve Sterling Silver Teaspoons. Rococo pattern. Mark initial " D." 170 Twelve Dessert Spoons. To match the preceding. 171 Twelve Soup Spoons. To match the ])receding. 172 Twelve Table Forks. To match the preceding. 173 Twelve Dessert Forks. To match the preceding. 174 Twelve Sterling Silver Oyster Forks. King's pattern, 175 Twelve Sterling Silver After-Dinner Coffee Spoons. Leaf pattern. 176 Four Plated Punch Spoons. 177 Thirteen Assorted Spoons. Marked "Daly." 178 Five Assorted Forks. Marked " Daly." 179 Eighteen Table Knives. Repousse silver handles. 180 Eighteen Dessert Knives. To match the preceding. 181 Set Carvers. To match the preceding. Five pieces. 182 Twenty-four Dessert Knives. Silver plates, blades, and handles. 183 Set Carvers, Forks, and Steel. Euckhorn handles and silver mountings. 184 Two Plated Soup Ladles. 185 Plated Salad Fork and Spoon. Marked " Daly." 187 Plated Mustard and Horse-Radish Cups. With silver spoons. 188 Ice-Pick and Call Bell. 189 Eleven Individual Salt Stands. Oyster shells mounted in silver. 190 Six Liqueur Glasses. Repouss^ silver mounting. In case. 191 Twelve Sterling Silver After-Dinner Coffee Spoons. Gilt bowl. In case. 192 Sterling Silver Ice-Cream Knife. In case. 193 Gorham Entree Dish. Oval. Repousse chased ornamentation. 194 Gorham Oblong Entree Dish. To match the preceding. 195 Set of Three Gorham Oblong Trays. Rich repouss^ chased borders. 196 Pair Gorham Oval Entree Dishes. Marked " Daly." 197 Silver-Plated Bottle Holder. MarkcHl "A. Daly." 198 Plated Chafing Dish. 199 Plated Ice Bowl. Hammered design. 200 Plated Fruit Bowl. Repousse band. Marked " Daly." 201 Two Plated Wine Coolers. Etched ornamentation. 202 Porcelain Kettle and Spirit Lamp. 203 Empire Teapot, Sugar Bowl, and Cup. Figures and interior views in panels. 204 Empire Cup and Saucer. Marine view in panel. 205 German Stein. Figures in medallions. 206 Japanese Porcelain Miniature Flower Pot and Stand. Stork, and bamboo in blue. 207 Kyoto Teapot. 208 Mexican Pottery Jug. In shape of dog. 209 Antique Copper Lustre Teapot. 210 Curious Bottle-Shaped Vase. Made of numerous fragments of glass and porcelains. 211 Pair Gilt Bronze and Marble Candlesticks. Phoenix design. 212 Silver Censer. Openwork design. 213 Desk Set. Comprising tortoise-shell, silver, and enamel paper knives, clip, and cigar tray. 214 Pair Gilt Bronze and Red Marble Candelabras. Three lights each. Low form. 215 Bronze. Lion and Serpent. Green patina. Signed '* Barye," 216 Bronze. Elephant Running. Signed " Barye." 217 Wooden Card Tray and Pearl Chips. 218 Statuette. Porcelain. In imitation of carved wood. 219 Antique Italian Faience Jar. Medallion head and floral designs in blue and yellow enamels. 220 Decorated Faience Punch Bowl. Figure of Punch, support. 221 Pair Elaborate Glass Candelabras. Seven lights each, with engraved candle shades. 222 Cabinet of Conjuring Tricks. 223 Thermometer. Mounted on halberd. 224 Thermometer. Mounted in pottery frame. Girl and boy with fan. 225 Pair of Wood Carvings. 226 Bronze Bell. Japanese. 227 Pair of Pocket Kodaks. 228 Calendar Frame. With barometer and clock. 229 Iron Teapot. Japanese. 230 Electric Lamp. 231 Three Bamboo Panels. 232 Terrestrial Globe. 233 Japanese Masks. Four pieces. 234 Plaster. Bas-relief. Shakespearian scenes. 235 Bust of Moli^re. 236 Bronze Pedestal for the preceding Bust. 237 Pair of Dresden China Candelabra. 238 Pair of Threefold, Wood, Lattice-work Screens. 239 Plaster Bust of Sir Walter Scott. 240 Egyptian Hanging Lantern. 13 241 Glass Bottle. Painted decoration of figures and fruits. 242 Lacquered Hat. 243 Japanese Wood Carving. Figure of dragon. 244 Italian Brazier. Repousse and pierced decoration of flowers, birds, and animals. 245 Stag's Head. 246 Stag's Head. 247 Kylin. Japanese porcelain. 248 Remington Typewriter. 249 Mosaic. Madonna and child. 250 Repousse Copper Plaque. Head of Shakespeare, and characters from his various plays. 251 Pair Brass Candelabra, Female figure supporting branches. 252 Antique French Jewel Box. Panels decorated with efifigies and coat of arms. A fine specimen of early iron work. 253 Empire Lamp. 254 Brass Lamp. Crystal pendants. 255 Engraved Glass Lamp. 256 Student Lamp. 257 Terra Cotta Plaque. I'igure of old woman. 258 Hanging Bracket and Pocket. Carved wood bust. 259 Pair Lanterns. Reticulated bronze. 14 SECOND AFTERNOON^S SALE Tuesday, March 20th AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 o'CLOCK 260 Sword Cane. 261 Cane. Carved wood. 262 Irish Shillelah. 263 Pair Canes. 264 Pair Canes. 265 Three Canes. 266 Umbrella Stand. Repousse brass. 267 Figure of Monkey. 268 Miniature. Signed " Maria James." 269 Glass Inkstand. 270 Pair of Partition Decanters. 271 Pair Decanters. 272 Covered Mug. Bohemian glass. 273 Five Wine Glasses. Assorted. 274 Glass Pitcher and Two Glasses. Bronze mounts. 275 Glass Whiskey Jug. 276 Cut Glass Covered Dish. 15 277 Piece of Coral. 278 Pitcher. Doulton ware. Blue and white. 279 Vase. Capo di Monti. Pastoral scenes. 280 Coffee-Pot. Chinese porcelain. Floral decorations. 281 Teapot. I'^ porcelain. 282 Pair Egyptian Lamps. 283 Ann Hathaway's Cottage. Modelled in porcelain. 284 Bronze Statuette. Water Carrier. 285 Six Nut-Dishes. French porcelain, floral decoration. 286 Cups, Saucers, and Covered Dish. Raised floral decoration. Four pieces. 287 Lacquer Stand, 288 Wall Bracket. Grotesque figure. 289 Wall Bracket. Figure of monkey. 290 Pompeiian Lamp. Figure of Mercury. 291 Candlestick. Low form. 292 Brass Card-Receiver. Repousse classic figures. 293 Copper Tankard. 294 Brass Vase. Indian decoration. 295 Hob, Kettle, and Bracket. 296 Ram's Head Snuff-Box. Elaborately mounted in sterling silver. Large topaz inserted in lid Engraved monogram, with ceremonial implements. 16 297 P3,ir of Busts. Grotesque heads. 298 Pair Candelabra. Bronze figures supporting six lights. 299 Bowl. Kaga. Decoration, "Wise Men." 300 Vase. Japanese porcelain. Square form. Landscape and figure deco- rations. 301 Vase. Satsuma. Figure and landscape decorations. 302 Covered Jar. Blue and white Japanese crackle. 303 Vase. Blue and gray mottled splash glaze, 304 Vase. Chinese porcelain. Figures of vases, fruit, and flowers in bold relief on yellow ground. 305 Vase. Blue and white Japanese porcelain. Foliage decoration. 305* Jewel Casket. Panels in enamel on copper. 306 Miniature. Portrait of Ada Rehan. And jewels. 307 Pair of Bronze Candlesticks. Low form. 308 Mug. Gris d'Flanders. Pewter top. 309 Pair of Mugs. Gris d'Flanders. 310 Mug. Stoneware. 311 Pair of Pitchers. Gris d'Flanders. 2 17 312 Pair of Pitchers. I iris crFkmders. 313 Pitcher. t'.ris d Flanders. 314 Vase. Square bottle form. Oris d'Flanders. 315 Pair of Tobies. 316 Pitcher. Stoneware. Bacchanalian figures in relief. 317 Covered Mug. (Irecn ^laze. 318 Covered Mug. Majolica. 319 Pitcher. Ewer .shape. Twisted handles. 320 Pair Vases. Pitcher form. Italian majolica. 321 Mug. 322 Vase. Italian majolica. 323 Pitcher. Doulton ware. 324 Pair of Urn-shaped Vases. Italian majolica. Decorations of Scriptural scenes. 325 Covered Pitcher. Decorations of figures in relief. 326 Pair of Vases. I'igure and landscape decoration. 327 Vase. Italian majolica. 328 Terra Cotta Statuette. Shakespeare. 329 Clock. Ciilt-brass case. Kilpatrick, New York. 18 330 Pair of Thermometers. 331 Butter-Dish and Toast-Rack. Silver ]:)]ated. 332 Coaster and Cups. Silver plated. 233 Nut-Dish. Silver plated. 334 Three Trays. Silver plated. 335 Chocolate-Pot and Coffee-Pot. Silver plated. 336 Ice-Water Pitcher and Tray. Silver plated. 337 Ice-Water Pitcher, Tray, and Cup. Silver plated. 338 Hot-Water Kettle. Silver plated. 339 Pair of Candlesticks. Silver plated. 340 Ice-Water Pitcher, Tray, and Cup. Silver plated. 341 Montana Silver Statue. Gold base. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. 342 Tviro Pewter Tankards. 343 Two Pewter Tankards. 344 Two Pewter Tankards. 345 Pair of Brass and Porcelain Pedestals. 346 Russian Enamel Box. 347 Two Repousse Plaques. " The Lovers." 348 Two Bronze Candlesticks. One of Persian design. 349 Pair of Candlesticks. Persian design. Low form. Bronze. 19 350 Pair Antique Iron Lamps. 351 Double Goblet. Gothic style. Unique. 352 Six Finger Rings. \'arii)us. 353 Antique Silver Watch. With fob chain. 354 Two Revolvers. 355 Detective Camera. 356 Desk Articles. Calender, jade paper-cutter, paper clip, and pad holder. 357 Antique Crucifix. Carved coral, enamelled and gilt bronze. 358 Sevres Plate. Napoleon III. Letter " N.," with crown. 359 Bisque Group. Cupid and Psyche. 360 Vase. French china. Portrait of Petrarch's Laura. 361 Pair of Vases. Floral decorations in colors. 362 Tea-Set. French porcelairi'. Comprising tea-pot, pitcher, sugar-bowl, and seven cups and saucers. 363 Two Cups and Saucers. Berlin porcelain. Floral decoration. 364 Wood Carving. Fiji^ure of nun. 365 Salad-Bowl. Berlin china. Conventionalized floral decoration. 366 Vase. Dresden china. Richly painted panel. Watteau subject. Rosette, figures of flowers, fruit, insects, cupid, and female. 367 Pair of Vases. Dresden porcelain. Richly painted panels. Watteau subjects. Rosette, figures of fruit, flowers, and cupids. 368 Cast of the Right Hand of Thackeray. " Which ne'er writ a flattery nor signed the page that yet told a lie." Presented to Augustin Daly by Sir Henry Thompson, for whom it Avas taken from the body of Thackeray, after death, by Brucciani, with presentation letter, which reads as follows : (35 WiMi'Oi.E St. W.), Sep. 30, '91. Dear Mr. Daly : On the morning on which my poor friend Thackeray (Xmas day, 1863) was found dead in his bed, I was sent for to see him. He had evidently been dead some 4 to 6 hours and I went to Brucciani, a famous artist here at that time, in cast-production from the body, to take one each of his face & of his right hand. By some mischance the former was not agreeable, none of the charm of expression so attractive during life, & it was rejected. But the hand is a portrait & recalls to me very strongly the character of the original. Please accept it, in the little case, as a mark of my great respect for one who so highly appreciates the master & his writings, & who possesses those invaluable autographs . Yours very sincerely (Sir) Henry Thompson. 368* Portrait of Thackeray by Himself. With a letter, hitherto unpublished, addressed to Lady Molesworth. The portrait was sold with the Molesworth collection without the discovery of the letter, which was concealed at the back of the picture. 369 Miniature Portrait of Edmund Kean in the Character of Hamlet. With autograph and promissory note inserted on reverse. 370 Kean Relics. Shylock's bond, scales, and knife. Used by Edmund and Charles Kean. Mounted in glass cabinet. 371 Finely Wrought Silver and Gilt Chess-Board. With complete set of chessmen, in cloth case. 372 Cardinal's Antique Ecclesiastical Service Complete. Wrought in silver and copper gilt, with brocade altar cloth, in inlaid wood and plush-lined chest. Formerly the property of Cardinal Mertel, Rome. 373 Pair Large Vases. Sevres style. Decoration of pastoral subjects and landscapes. Tur- quoise-blue glaze, with gold enamel ornamentation. Clilt-bronze mountings. 374 Onyx Pedestal. With elaborate gilt-bronze mountings. 375 Elaborate Covered Urn and Pedestal. Sarrcquimines. Kich king's blue and splash glaze, with pedestal of griffin design. 376 Elaborate Vase. Kyoto faience. Decoration of figures of priests, daimio, and his- torical subject, in various enamels and gold. Handles of cords, and tassel pattern modelled in relief. 377 Large Faience Vase. King's blue glaze. Rampant lion and various sprays of flowers modelled in relief and gilt. 378 Elaborate Jardiniere. Faience. Figures modelled in relief. Mounted on a carved stand. ARMS, ARMOR, AND WEAPONS 379 Set of Fire-Arms. Case containing a derringer, and three revolvers of different styles and various calibres ; French manufacture. 380 Antique Powder-Horn. .Mbanian. Sixteenth century. 381 Two Ceremonial Staffs. 382 Short Sword. Japanese. 383 Short Sword. Japanese. Black lacquer and gold scabbard. 384 Sword. Japanese. Aventurine lacquer scabbard, shark-skin hilt. 385 Java Kris. 386 Cutlass. Souvenir of Rice's 1492. 387 Sword. Mounted on frame. 388 Pair Pistols. IJarrel, lock, and stock elaborately decorated with gilt bronze. 389 Pair Foils. 390 Dress Sword. Used in Twelfth Night. 22 391 Pair Dress Swords. Used in Twelfth Night. 392 Sword. Used in Peg Woffington. 393 Sword. Used in Peg Woffington. 394 Dress Sword. 395 Dress Sword. 396 Dress Sword. 397 Trophy of Arms. Hehnet, cuirasses, gauntlets, and battle-axes. 398 Suit of Chain and Plate-Armor. Hehnet, with vizor, cuirasses, gorget, epaulieres, rercbrace, vam- braces, cubitieres, gauntlets, jambs, genouillieres, sabotons. 399 Suit of Plate-Armor. Helmet, with vizor, gorget, rerebrace, vambrace, cubitieres, gauntlets, cuirasses, fassets, genouillieres, greaves, sabotons. 400 Chain and Plate-Armor. Sallet, with plumes, gorget, cuirasses, cuishes, genouillieres, jambs, sollerets, and spurs, epaulieres, rerebraces, vambraces, cubitieres, condieres, gauntlets, sword, and shield. Fleur-de-lys in gold. 401 Armor for Horse and Rider. Chamfron, crimier and housings, stirrups, helmet, with plumes, gauntlets, genouillieres, jambarts, sollerets. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 402 Auto-harp. 403 Italian Lyre. 404 JEoUan Harp. l^mpire design. 405 Music-Box. 406 Zither. 407 Spanish Lute. 408 Spanish Mandolin. 409 Venetian Chittarone. 23 410 Venetian Chittarone. 411 Venetian Chittarone. 412 Kinnari Bina. From Hindustan. 413 Kinnari Bina. From Hindustan. 414 Kinnari Bina. From Hindustan. 415 Kinnari Bina. From Hindustan. 416 Guitar Lyre. Italian. 417 Japanese Samisen. With black lacquer case. 418 Organ. Five octaves, made by Mason and Hamlin. 419 Antique Harpsichord, Inside of case elaborately decorated vi^ith painting of landscape and social scenes. 420 Antique Harpsichord. Two banks of keys, inside of case elaborately decorated with paint- ings of flowers, landscape, and social scenes. Made by Pietro Locatelli in Rome, 1660. Restored in Genoa, in 1839, by Vitorio Duclaud. 421 Antique Harpischord. Made by Johannes Pohlman Leuclen, 1775. Mahogany, and case inlaid. FURNITURE 422 Foot-Rest. 423 Marquetry Tray. 424 Pair Wicker Corner Chairs. Upholstered. 425 Pair Wicker Arm-Chairs. 426 Wicker Corner Chair. 427 Wicker Table. 24 428 Carved Mahogany Two-Fold Screen. Painted panels. 429 Pedestal. Richly carved wood, gilt. 430 Couch. Carved wood, gilt, l^pholstered. 431 Couch. Carved wood, gilt. Upholstered. 432 Window-Seat. Carved wood, gilt. 433 Window-Seat. Painted decoration. 434 Pair of Chairs. Painted decoration. 435 Arm-Chair. To match. 436 Centre Divan. (iilt wood. Embossed satin. 437 Pair of Arm-Chairs. Antique carved oak. Embroidered seat. 438 Divan. Circular form. 439 Divan. Circular form. 440 Table. (jcometric inlay of mother-of-pearl and tortoise shell. 451 Arm-Chair. Sheraton design. Claw and ball-foot legs. 452 Centre Table. Chinese. Landscapes and boating scene in ivory inlay. Legs, richly carved design, dragons. 453 Screen. Chinese. Teakwood. Inlaid and reticulated wood. 454 Arm-Chair. High back. Carved wood. 455 Hanging Rack. Carved oak. 25 456 Arm-Chair. Carved oak. 457 Arm-Chair. Ipliulstcred in Spanish leather. 458 Sofa. Carved wood, gilt. Upholstered in embossed plush. 459 Pair of Mirror Stands. 460 Stool. Carved wood. Marble top. 461 Chair. (iilt rosewood. Swan-neck arms, claw feet. Upholstered in applique velvet. 462 Secretary Desk. Carved walnut, with secret drawers. 463 Cabinet. Japanese panels, inlaid with mother-of-pearl. 464 Table. Carved wood frame, legs, and stretcher. 465 Library Table. IClaborately carved legs and stretcher. 466 Three-Fold Screen. Watteau decoration. 467 Mahogany Shaving Glass. 468 Pair of Side Chairs. Chippendale design. Brass mounts. 469 Arm-Chair. Sheraton design. Claw and ball-foot legs. 470 Centre Table. I->lal)orate inlay of ivory and wood. Landscapes, figures, birds, and dragons. 471 Corner Cabinet. Anticjue oak. Richly carved panels of masks, flowers, cherubs, and scrolls. 472 Cabinet. Antique carved oak. Decorations of figures, birds, scrolls, etc. 473 Hall-Seat. Carved wood. 26 474 PsLir of Torchons. Carved wood, gilt. Elaborate ornamentation of wreaths, leaves, and scrolls. Eleven lights each. 475 Arm-Chair. High back. Richly carved figures of grififins, leaves, and scrolls in low relief. 476 Pedestal. Carved teakwood and marble. 477 Three Arm-Chairs. Carved back and arms. Monogram " P " "X " in panel on back. 478 Arm-Chair. 479 Pair of Arm-Chairs. Carved quatrefoil and trefoil leaves. 480 Arm=Chair. Elaborately carved back and arms. Embossed leather seat. 481 Four Chairs. Old German. High back. Curious inlay of natural woods. 482 Corner Table. Carved wood figures of griffins for legs. Top of table carved in masks, etc., in low relief. 483 Cabinet. Antique carved oak. Female figures in low relief in panels of door. 484 Corner Cabinet. Marquetry inlaid. 27 THIRD AFTERNOON^S SALE Wednesday f March 2 1st AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:30 o'ci.OCK ANTIQUE AND MODERN FURNITURE, DRAPERIES, RUGS, AND CARPETS 485 Pair of Arm-Chairs. High back. Carved arms, legs, and stretcher. 486 Arm-Chair. Old German. 487 Six Side Chairs. Antique oak. Upholstered in decorated Spanish leather. 488 Eight Dining Chairs. Richly carved oak dining chairs. Decorated Spanish leather seats. 489 Carved Hanging Rack. Carved oak. 490 Two Arm-Chairs. Louis XVI. style. Carved wood, gilt. Vernis-Martin panelled backs. Upholstered in watered satin, 491 Arm-Chair. To match the preceding. 492 Reception-Chair. To match ilie preceding. 493 Two Side Chairs. To match the preceding. 494 Two Side Chairs. To match tiie preceding. 2S 495 Venetian Coffer. Carved wood, gilt. Painted panel of the Crusaders on front; and on ends, of Francesco and Caterina Sforza. 496 Two Arm-Chairs. Carved wood, gilt frames. Light green satin upholstery. 497 A Pair of Chairs. Carved wood, gilt frames. T^ight satin upholstery. 498 Sofa. Chippendale. Inlaid mahogany. Upholstered in yellov/ satin. 499 Arm-Chair. To match the preceding. 500 Boudoir Set. Marquetry inlaid mahogany. Upholstered in yellow satin. Com- prising sofa, arm-chair, two reception-chairs, and window-seat. 501 Pair of Stools. Carved wood, gilt frames. Upholstered in embossed velvet. 562 Pair of Stools. Carved wood, gilt frames. Upholstered in embossed velvet. Smaller than the preceding. 503 Pair of Sofas. Louis XVL style. Carved wood, gilt frames. Watteau panelled backs. Upholstered in pink satin. 504 Sofa. Louis X\'. style. Carved wood, gilt frames. Watteau panelled backs. Upholstered in pink satin. 505 Jewel-Box. Painted panels of landscapes and flowers. Bronze mounts. 506 Clock. Buhl inlaid case. Gilt-brass face, decorated with figure, rising sun, phoenix, and flowers. Bas-relief of the Three Fates on front. 507 Pianoforte. Buhl inlaid case. Rich gilt-bronze mounts. Seven octaves. Made by Van Overburgh. 508 Marquetry Chair. Inlaid. High back. 509 Cabinet Sideboard. Carved walnut. Italian. 510 Renaissance Panels. Richly can-ed designs of fruit and ribbons in bas-relief. 511 Carved Gilt French Coffer. Tainting on front panel reprcsenliny; the crowning of Arts and Sciences. Fleur-de-lys and classic mouldings on top. Claw feet. 512 Antique Oak Chair. Spanish leather seat and back. 513 Louis XV. Clock. Buhl and polished brass. Made by Balthazar, of Paris. Bold relief figure ornaments. 514 Mirror. Bevelled plate glass. Plush frame. 515 Mirror. Bevelled plate glass. Plush frame. 516 Canopy-Seat. Old English. Carved oak panels, illustrating tourney and quarter- staff. Upholstered in maroon and old gold tapestry. 517 Antique Hall Seat. Richly carved panel in back, of satyr pur.'-uing nymph. Back sur- mounted by scroll work and masks. Panel of St. George and the dragon on front of box. Upholstered in Spanish leather. 518 Pair of Carved and Gilt Wood Columns. Grape and vine decoration. 519 Pair of Carved and Gilt Wood Columns. Decoration of flowers, leaves, and masks. 520 Pair Consoles. Carved wood and gilt. 521 Cabinet. Carved wood and gilt. 522 Mantel Mirror. Bevelled plate glass. Inlaid rosewood frame. 523 Mirror. Bevelled plate glass. 524 Arm-Chair. Antique oak. Upholstered in Spanish leather. 525 Arm-Chair. Antique oak. Upholstered in Spanish leather. 30 526 Table. Norwegian. Richly carved legs and frame. Top decorated with Nor- wegian scenes carved in low relief. 527 Coffer. Carved wood, gilt. Panel in front decorated with griffins, grotesque masks, etc. Claw feet. Used in Much Ado About Nothing. 528 Cabinet. Antique oak. Elaborate decorations ; battle scenes, knights, tro- phies of arms,, wreaths, and chimaera, finely modelled in bronze. 529 Pedestal. Red glazed pottery. 530 Hall-Seat. Antique carved oak. Panel in back, satyr pursuing nymph, in bold relief. Grotesque mask and flowers on top of back. Lion's head arms. Front panel, in lower part, St. George and the dragon. Up- holstered in Spanish leather. 531 Mirror Sconce. Brass frame. Six lights. 532 Mirror. Carved wood, gilt. Round top. 533 Lounge. Carved wood, gilt. 534 Cabinet. Elaborately carved with figures of cherubs, heads, wreaths of flowers, and with bacchanalian caryatides. 535 Table. Legs and frame boldly carved with masks, grotesque heads, wreaths, and drapery ; wood, gilt. 536 Carved Wood Rack. 537 Cabinet. ^Llrquetry inlaid rosewood. 538 Cabinet. Companion to the preceding. 539 Hall-Seat. Mahogany. Marquetry inlaid. 540 Bric-a-Brac Cabinet. Old Dutch, Marquetry inlaid. 31 541 Pair of Arm-Chairs. Old Italian Tarsia work. 542 Arm-Chair. Old Italian Tarsia work. 543 Arm-Chair. Mahogany. Colonial. High back. Rush seat. 544 Desk. Colonial. Maliogany. Carved ball and claw feet. 545 Coffer. Venetian. Carved wood, gilt, with claw feet. Wreath of fruit and llowers in bold relief. 546 Chair. High back. ,, Inlaid mother-of-pearl and ivory. 547 Upright Piano. Seven octaves. Rosewood case. Made by Hopkinson, of London. 548 Window-Seat. First Empire. Mahogany. Carved wood, gilt legs. Ormolu mounts. Upholstered in red satin. 549 Stool. First Empire. Mahogany. Gilt carved wood legs. Ormolu mounts. Upholstered in red satin. 550 Commode. First Empire. Mahogany. Circular form. Gilt bronze mounts of lyres, rosettes, etc. 551 Pedestal. First Empire. Mahogany. Gilt-bronze mounts. Classical figure, lyre, and wreaths. 552 Centre Table. First Empire. Mahogany. Bronze mounts of masks and wreaths. 553 Tete-a-Tete. First Empire. Mahogany. Gilt-bronze mounts. Upholstered in red satin. 554 Sofa. Finst Empire. Mahogany. Rich carved wood arms. Ormolu mounts of griffins, masks, rosettes, and flowers. Upholstered in richly embroidered red plush. 3a 555 Arm-Chair. First Empire. Mahogany. Gilt carved wood arms. OrmoUi mounts. Upholstered in red satin. 556 Arm-Chair, To match the preceding. 557 Pair Side Chairs. First Empire. Mahogany. Trophy of arms carved on back. Ormolu mounts. Upholstered in red satin. 558 Reception-Chair. First Empire. Mahogany. Ormolu mounts of masks, stars, and rosettes. Upholstered in red satin. 559 Arm-Chair. First Empire. Mahogany. Gilt carved wood arms of dolphins. Ormolu mounts. 560 Pedestal. First Empire. Mahogany. Gilt-bronze mounts of classical figure, trophy of arms, masks, etc. 561 Cabinet. First Empire. Mahogany. Marble top. Gilt-bronze mounts of lyres, wreaths, etc. 562 Clock. First Empire. Mahogany. Richly chiselled mounts in ormolu. 563 Centre Table. First Empire. Mahogany. Bronze mounts of stars and rosettes. Carved wood heads of females on legs. 564 Commode. First Empire. Mahogany. Circular form. Marble top. Bronze mounts of torches of Hymen and floral decorations. 566 Stool. First Empire. Mahogany. Bronze mounts. 567 Arm-Chair. First Empire. Mahogany. Finely chased bronze mounts. Carved wood top rail. 568 Arm-Chair. First Empire. Mahogany. Very elaborate bronze mounts of sphinx, imperial eagle, classical figures, rosettes, and floral decorations. Upholstered in red satin. 3 33 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 58o 581 Empire Bookcase. Mahogany, (ilass doors. Gilt-bronze mounts. ^Vidth, 61 inches ; depth, 16 inches ; height, 54 inches. Pedestal. First llmpire. Maho.Ljany. Rich ormolu mounts of classical figure surrounded by wreath, torch of Hymen, and motto, "11 fut de ses sujets le vainqucr et le pere." Clock. I'irst ICmpire. Mahogany. Richly chiselled mounts in ormolu. Pair of Arm-Chairs. First Empire. Mahogany Cabinet. First Empire. Mahogany sides and front. Ormolu mounts. Ormolu mounts of classical figure on Cabinet. First Empire. Mahogany. Surmounted by clock and bronze bust of Napoleon 1. Clock face surrounded by finely modelled signs of the Zodiac in bronze. Very elaborate bronze mountings of class- ical figures, wreaths, torches of Hymen, and floral decorations. Finely chased female heads for caryatides. Empire Clock. iJronze and ormolu. Library Table. First Empire. Mahogany. Gilt carved wood legs. Ormolu mount of wreaths, fruit, and floral decorations. Empire Secretary Desk. Top in form of Grecian temple. Gilt-brass mounts of sphinx, cupids, torch of Hymen, wreaths, and bouquets of flowers and stars. Pianoforte. First Empire. Mahogany case. Bronze mounts of classical subjects. Six octaves. Made by Roller & Blanchet, makers to the Queen. Piano Stool. First Empire. Mahogany. Inlaid carved back. Ormolu mounts. Upholstered in red satin. Fender and Fire-Irons. Flmpire design. Arm-Chair. Frame, richly carved oak. Back and sides of floral design, legs, female caryatides. Upholstered in red plush. 34 Front 582 Arm-Chair. Carved oak. Figure of knight in armor on back. Spiral legs. 583 Dining Chairs. Richly carved oak high back dining-room set. Decorated Spanish leather seats, comprising one arm and ten side chairs. 584 Arm-Chair. Very elaborately carved frame of young bacchanalians,' grapes, and vines. Upholstered in red plush. 585 Arm-Chair. Companion to the preceding. 586 Dining-Room Table. Scroll border on top. Enclosed box stretcher, with carved panels of heads and foliage in bas-relief. 587 Cabinet Bookcase. Very elaborately carved oak, with figures of music, literature, science, and the drama in bold relief. Emblems of music and literature on panels of the lower doors, and elaborate floriated decoration in relief covering the entire front. Width, 74 inches ; depth, 26 inches ; heiglit, loi inclies. 588 Cabinet Bookcase. Carved oak. Female caryatides supporting cornice. Figure of Minerva standing on console on style of door. Figures of warriors, trophies of arms, masks, etc , on lower front panels enriched with carving in bas-rclicf. Widtli, "2 inches ; depth, 27 inches ; height, 97 inches. 589 Wood Mantel. Richly carved oak pa»iels, busts of English queens, figures of Crusaders, Cupids, masks, birds, and foliage in bas-relief. Width, 85 inclies ; depth, 24 inches ; heiglit, 124 inches. 590 Side Board. Carved oak. Figures, representing Arts and Sciences, resting on masks in bold relief. Panels of busts in wreaths surrounded by foliage in bas-relief. Cornice supported by heads of warriors and female cary- atides. Styles of doors, on lower part, of figures of poetry and the drama in bold relief. Panels of heads and foliage in bas-relief. Panels of sides with heads of warriors, birds, and foliage in low relief. Width, 90 inches ; depth, 24 inches ; lieijjht, 1(14 im-hes. 591 Tall Clock. Elaborately carved oak case, with bronze mountings of Cupids, masks, trophies of musical instruments, and female figures. 35 592 Louis Quinze Sofa. Carved s'''^ frame. Ipholstered in brocaded silk tapestry, with cushion. 593 Louis Quinze Reception-Chair. Carved gilt frame, l^pholstered in brocaded silk. 594 Louis Quinze Window-Seat. Carved .t^ilt frame. Upholstered in figured silk. 595 Pair Louis XVL Round Stools. Carved gilt frames. Upholstered in brocaded silk, 596 Louis XVL Square Stool. Carved gilt frame. Upholstered in brocaded silk. 597 Louis XV. Foot-Rest. Carved gilt frame. Upholstered in silk brocade. 598 Square Stool. Carved gilt frame. Upholstered in silk brocade. 599 Louis XVL Square Stool. Carved gilt frame. Low form. Upholstered in brocaded silk. 600 Louis XV. Sofa. Carved gilt frame. Upholstered in brocaded satin. 601 Louis XV. Arm-Chair. Carved gilt frame. Upholstered in silk brocade. 602 Louis XV. Arm-Chair, Carved gilt frame. Upholstered in brocaded silk. 603 Companion. 604 Louis XV. Sofa. Very elaborately carved, frame finished back and front. Upholstered brocaded ribbed silk. 605 Louis XV. Corner Chair. Very elaborately carved frame, finished front and back. Upholstered in brocaded silk. 606 Stool. Square form. Upholstered in silk brocade. 607 Buhl Centre Table. Elaborate inlay of bacchanalian scene and floral design. Gilt-bronze mounts. 608 Cabinet. Marquetry inlay. Vernis-Martin panel in door. Rich bronze mounts. 6o9 Cabinet. Elaborate inlaid pastoral scenes, scrolls, and floral designs. 6io Pair Ebony Pedestals. Porcelain plaques in panels in front. Gilt-brass mounts. 6ii Corner Cabinet. Buhl inlay. Bronze car3'atides. Elaborate bronze mounts. 6i2 David Garrick's Secretary Desk. Decorated in oil, with his portrait, views of his city and country houses, and scenes from the plays in which he achieved fame. Width, 44 inches ; depth, 23 inches ; height, 76 inches. 613 Arm-Chair. Elaborately carved frame. Fruits and flowers. Upholstered in red plush. 614 Arm-Chair. Companion to the preceding. 615 Pair of Side Chairs. To match the preceding. 616 Arm-Chair. Carved oak. High back. Gothic design. Upholstered in red plush. 617 Arm-Chair. Carved oak. 618 Writing Desk. Chippendale. Marquetry, inlaid. Kidney shape. 619 Bookcase. Chippendale. Mahogany, inlaid. Glass doors. Width, 109 inches ; depth, t8 inches ; height, no inclies. 620 Cabinet Bookcase. Chip|)endale. Mahogany, inlaid. Cilass doors. Widtli, 72 inches ; depth, iS inches ; height, 98 inches. 621 Cabinet Bookcase. Companion to the preceding. 622 Mantel Bookcase, Chippendale. Inlaid marquetry. Glass doors. Bevelled plate mirror. Width, 76 inches ; depth, 16 inches ; height, O4 inches. 623 Bookcase. Chippendale. Marquetry, inlaid. Glass doors. Width, 41 inciics ; dcptli, 28 inches ; lioight. Tin inches. 37 19 624 Bookcase. Marquetry, inlaid. Glass doors. Wiilth, 69 inches; deptli, 17 inches ; height, 68 inches. 625 Side Chair. Sheraton design. Upholstered in figured silk. 626 Side Chair. Marquetr}', inlaid. 627 Bookcase. Mahogany. Glass doors. ^Vidth, 48 inches ; depth, 15 inches; height, 58 inches. 628 Bookcase. Black walnut. Glass doors. Width, 49 inches ; depth, 16 inches ; height, 55 inches. 629 Bookcase. Mahogany. Glass doors. Width, 70 inches ; depth, 16 inches ; height, 58 inches. 630 Bookcase. Carved oak. Glass doors. Width, 33 inches ; depth, 15 inches ; height, 65 inches. 631 Bookcase. Carved oak. Glass doors. Width, 44 inches ; depth, 15 inches ; height, 67 inches. 632 Bookcase. Oak. Glass doors. Width, 44 inches ; depth, 14 inches ; heigiit, 68 inches. 633 Cabinet. Carved oak. Female caryatides. Boy with swan, dolphins, and fruits in relief. 634 Arm-Chair. Carved oak. Foliage design. Upholstered in red plush. 635 Arm-Chair. Companion to the preceding, 636 Three Side Chairs. To match the preceding. 637 Side Chair. Mahogany. Upholstered in embossed plush. 638 Side Chair. Marquetry, inlaid. Upholstered in plush, 38 v639 Bookcase. Mahogany. Width, 55 inches ; depth, 12 inches ; height, 57 inches. 640 Pair Bookshelves. Black walnut. Width, 29 inches ; depth, 13 inches; iieight, 53 inches. 641 Pair Bookshelves. Ebonized. Width, 47 inches ; depth, 16 inches ; height, 60 inches. 642 Combination Bookcase and Desk. Carved oak. Glass doors. Width, 52 inches ; depth, 30 inches ; height, loS inches. 643 Combination Bookcase and Cabinet. Carved oak. 644 Bookcase. Mahogany. Glass doors. Width, 74 inches ; d?pth, 14 inches ; height, 72 inches. 645 Chair. Carved oak. Upholstered in plush. 646 Bookcase. Chippendale. Mahogany. Glass doors. Width, 32 inches ; depth, 15 inches ; height, 45 inches. 647 Bookcase. Companion to the preceding. 648 Bookcase. Chippendale. Mahogany. Glass doors. Width, 72 inches ; depth, 18 inches ; height, 57 inches. 649 Bookcase. Companion to the preceding. 650 Bookcase. Companion to the preceding. 651 Bookcase. Companion to the preceding. 652 Bookcase. Chippendale. Mahogany. Glass doors. Width, 36 inches ; depth, 18 inciies ; height, dt) inches. 39 653 Cabinet Bookcase. CliippL-ndak- Mahogany. Glass doors. \\ idtli, 35 inches ; depth, 26 inches ; heigiit, 90 inches. 654 Pair Side Chairs. Inlaid with mother-of-pearl and ivory. High back. 655 Window-Seat. Ujjholstercd in Spanish leather. 656 Arm-Chair. Upholstered in appiique silk. 657 Arm-Chair. Carved oak. Upholstered in figured tapestry. 658 Four-Fold Screen. Panels painted on silk. Italian Renaissance style. 659 Arm-Chair. Carved tcakwood. Chinese porcelain panels in seat, back, and sides. 660 Pair Teakwood Pedestals. Marble top. 661 Hall-Chair. Massive carved oak. Italian Renaissance. Figure of Cupids, masks, birds, etc., in bas-relief. 662 Four Side Chairs. Carved oak. Upholstered in tapestry. 663 Bookcase. Carved oak. Glass doors. Width, 93 inches ; depth, 25 inches ; height, 69 inches. CURTAINS, RUGS. CARPETS. AND MISCELLA- NEOUS OBJECTS 664 Tablecover. Light blue plush, with brocaded border. 665 Three Window Hangings. Tapestry with Aubusson decoration. Used in " Much Ado About Nothing." Length, 16 feet 6 inches : width 6 feet 10 inches. 666 Pair Cushions. Brocaded silk. 40 667 Two Cushions. 668 Kakemono. Birds and flowers. 669 Church Vestments. Assorted, 7 pieces. 670 Lot of Ci-epe Cloth. II pieces. 671 Lot of Crepe Cloth. 8 pieces. 672 Madras Curtain. Used in play of " Twelfth Night." 673 Pair Curtains. Blue embroidered plush. 674 Tablecloth. Peacock green plush centre. Rich appliqu^ work on yellow border. Used in "Twelfth Night." 675 Two Pair Portieres. Embossed plush, on yellow tinsel cloth ground. 676 Three American Ensigns. 677 English Ensign. 678 English Royal Standard. 679 Three Private Flags. 680 Hangings. Oreen silk brocade. Used in " Love on Crutches." 7 pieces. 681 Oriental Hangings. Used in " Love on Crutches." 4 pieces. 682 Oriental Hangings. Used in " Love on Crutches." 4 pieces. 683 Tapestry Hanging. 684 Pair Tapestry Pillows. 685 Hanging. Crimson plush. Appliqu6 work on yellow border. 686 Tablecloth. Cardinal plush, with brocaded border. 41 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 Hanging. Plum silk plush. Embroidered in rich applique with flowers and fruit. Used in " Much Ado About Nothing." Bengal Tiger-Skin Rug. Used in " Countess Gucki." Bengal Tiger-Skin Rug. Used in " Countess Gucki." Goat-Skin Rug. White Bear-Skin Rug. Skin Rug. Turkish Rug. Leng;th, 14 feet 6 inches ; width, 12 feet. Axminster Carpet. Length, 17 feet 6 inches ; width, 12 feet. Aubusson Carpet. Length, 25 feet ; width, 15 feet. Aubusson Floor Cover. Lenjjtli, 31 feet ; width, 13 feet- With ingrain filler 31 feet long, 15 feet wide. Royal Wilton Carpet. 42 FIRST EVENING'S SALE Monday t March 1 9th AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8 o'CLOCK WATER COLORS J. W. WHYMPLE 698 — Deer in Forest BEATRICE MORGAN 699 — Head of Spanish Bull-fighter E. GRIVAZ 700 — Inquisitive E. GRIVAZ 701 — Blindman's Buff (Fan (lesiji^ii) 43 WATTE AU 702— Fete Champetre (Fan design) ronnerly belonging to Marie Antoinette, and from the collection of Monsieur Delamaine, Paris, 1859. E. GRIVAZ 703 — La Gourmandise G. AURELI 704 — The Embarcation, Venice. Fifteenth Century OIL PAINTINGS E. VITALI 705 — Lunch Time V. TOJETTI 706— Ideal Head PIO RICCI 707 — The Miniature E. GRIVAZ 708 — Inquisitiveness F. PERAUX 709— In the Wine Cellar 44 PIO RICCI 710 — A Discovery WILLIAM HART 711 — Landscape and Cattle E. H. BLASHFIELD 712— Roman Image Seller LIPPINCOTT 713— Ideal Head DE SCHRYVER 714 — Paris Flower Girl S. FRANdlAMORE 715 — The Salutation A. C;UACCIMANNI 716 — Boys and Girls A. GUACCIMANNI 717 — Over the Sea Wall OLD MASTER 718 — Series of Seven Biblical Subjects Painted on Copper OLD DUTCH PAINTING 719— " Empire of Peace " 45 OLD MASTER ^20 Biblical Subjects (A pair) OLD MASTER y2i Madonna and Child GERARD HONTHORST 722— Portrait of Ben Jonson The original from which all subsequent portraits have been copied. An engraved portrait accompanies the above painting. UNKNOWN 723 — Portrait of Shakespeare Believed to be by an Italian artist. It is called the Cos7vt7_r Portrait, as it came from the celebrated collection made by Cosway, Stratford Place, and was sold in his sale which took place soon after his death in 1821. It was exhibited at Stratford-upon-Avon in 1864, and is mentioned in Wivell's " Portraits of Shakespeare," published about fifty years ago, and in Ilain Friswell's " Life Portraits of Shake- sjjeare," published in 1864. HOGARTH 724— Portrait of Peg Woffington From the collection of Lord Lonsdale. THOMAS NAE(;LE 725— Portrait of Edwin Forrest UNKNOWN 726 — Junius Brutus Booth as Sir Giles Overreach AFTER SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS 727— Sleeping Girl 46 ATTRIBUTED TO HOGARTH 728— Portrait of Peg Woffington WOLFSKN 729— Portrait of Nell Gwynn BYZANTINE PANEL 730— Madonna and Child ATTRIBUTED TO RAPHAEL 731— Madonna and Child OLD MASTER 732— Madonna and Child BYZANTINE PANEL 733— Virgin and Saints BYZANTINE PANEL 734 — Adoration of the Magi ANCIENT MOSAIC 735— Madonna ANCIENT CARVED PANEL 736— Madonna and Child C. BUTIN 737— The King's Jester 47 L. HOTTOL 738— Moor and Moorish Servant Fair terra-cotta bas-reliefs, enamelled and decorated. JOSEPH ZASCHE 73g In the Woods Decorated Vienna plaque in frame. INNESS 740— Miniature Portrait of Jenny Lind McDOUGALL 741 — Portrait of Mary Taylor UNKNOWN 742— Portrait of a Woman UNKNOWN 743 — David Garrick as Tancred A. DELOBBE 744 — Italian Child UNKNOWN 745 — Portrait of Boileau 746 — The Falconer 747 — * Fanny Kemble 48 748 — Female Portrait 749— Male Portrait 750 — Portrait of a Gentleman, Time of Louis XV. 751 — Portrait of a Lady, Time of Louis XV. J. S. HARTLY, SCULPTOR 752— Marble Bust, Miss Rehan as Katharine FRAMED PHOTOGRAPHS. ENGRAVINGS, MINIA- TURES, DRAWINGS, AND PRINTS 753 Two Photographs. Clara Morris and Ada Rehan. Florentine gilt frames. 754 Colored Mezzotint on Silk. Ada Rehan, by J. F. Roux. Easel frame. 755 Photograph. Tennyson. Presentation copy to Mr. Daly, with autograph. 756 Two Colored Photographs. Ada Rehan as Jennie O'Jones and Peggy. Carved giit frames. 757 Crayon Drawing. P,y Callot. Dated; 1683. 758 Original Petition for the Erection of a Statue of Washington in New York. Dated 1842, and bearing the autographs of Washington Irving. M. H. Grinnell. W. A. Duer. Jame.s Kent. Morgan Lewis. Theodore Frelinghuyscn. l"'itz Greene Halleck. N. P. Willis. Mortimer Livingston. Henry I'revoort. Valentine Mott. Benjamin T. Onderdonk. Edwin I^'orrest. William Ciillcn Bryant. Theodore Sedgwick. James K. Paulding. John rnunbull. vSamuel F". B. Monse. 759 Colored Engraving. Mile. Colombe. Fancy frame. 4 'I'j 760 Engraved Portrait of Talma. 761 Original Drawing. Mile. Rachel. Character study. 762 Two Photographs. Goethe and Schiller. 763 Photograph. \'iclorien Sardou. Presentation copy, with autograph. 764 Photograph. Kaldenburg and Schanthau. Presentation copy, with autographs. 765 Original Drawing. Rosalind. 766 Drawing by Watteau. 767 Pencil Drawing. l!y Partolozzi. " Paris tarrying away Helen." 768 Original Drawing. P>y Gainsborough. Portrait of Child with Dog. 769 Original Pen-and-ink Drawing. By Sir John Thornhill. Fresco design. 770 Original Drawing. I!y Gainsborough. Landscape. 771 Pencil Drawing. By Bartolozzi. " The Declaration." 772 Two Old English Engravings. 'Ihe Cottage Breakfast. The Cottage Supper. After Biggs. 773 Two Colored Engravings. Venus and Luna, by Charles Turner, after Villiers. 774 Old Mezzotint. Ganick in " Hamlet," by McArdell, after Wilson. 775 Colored Engraving. Hamlet. 776 Old Mezzotint. Kcan as Sir Giles Overreach. 777 Two English Colored Prints. The Steeple Chase. 50 778 Two English Colored Prints. Coaching Party. The Tandem. 779 Large English Colored Print. The Start for the Derby, by Charles Hunt, after Herring," Sr. 780 Old Engraving. Reading the Play. 781 Large Photograph. The School of Athens. 782 Series of Three Engravings. The Hemicycle, by Paul Delaroche. 783 Pair Old Engravings. The Young Englishman. 784 Miniature Painting on Ivory. The Secret Letter, by Coypel. 785 Pen-and-ink Drawing. Fox and Birds. 786 Old Mezzotint. Mrs. Siddons, after Sir Thomas Lawrence. 787 Old Mezzotint, Colored. Mrs. Jordan in the Character of the Comic Muse. Engraved by T. Parke, after Hoppner. 788 Old Copper-plate Stipple Engraving. Mr. Kemble in the Character of Richard III., by Bartolozzi, after Hamilton. 789 Old Mezzotint. Kean as Richard IIL 790 Old Stipple Engraving. Mr. Macklin and Mrs. Pope in the Characters of Shylock and Portia, by Nutter, after Boyne. 791 Old Mezzotint. Mr. Mathews as representing four extraordinary Characters, by Henry Meyer, after Harlow. 792 Old Engraving. The Propagation of a Lie, by W. Dickinson, after H. Banbury. 793 Mezzotint. Miss Mellon in the character of Mrs. Page, by W. Say, after Mas- querier. 51 794 Mezzotint. Miss O'Neill in the character of Juliet, by G. Maile, after (i. Dawe, R.A. 795 Engraving. The Resurrection, by Carolus Ernestus, after Rubens. 796 Engraving. 1 he Ascension, by Faustino Anderloni, after Guido Reni. 797 Mezzotint. Rosalind. 798 Reproduction. " Christ Walking on the Water." 799 Old Dutch Triple-Panel Engraving. The Crucifixion, by H. Whitehouse, 1638, after Rubens. 800 Lithograph, Head of Christ. "The Handkerchief Print." 801 Map of Paris, 1754. 802 View of Ancient Rome. 803 Street Scene, Ancient Rome. 804 View of Rome and the Coliseum. 805 Head of Man. 806 Portraits of Daly's Company. 807 Two Portraits of Ada Rehan. 808 Colored Portrait. Miss Rehan. 809 Portrait of Mr. Phelps. 810 Portrait of Mr. Daly and two of his Company, 811 Portrait of Victorien Sardou. With autograph, and inscription to Mr. Daly. 812 Pair of English Landscapes, 813 Classic Scene. 814 Views of Daly's London Theatre. 815 Dickens and his Characters, From a painting by W. H. Beard. 816 Ada Rehan and Charles Fisher. 52 8i7 Shakespearean Colored Portrait. 8i8 Portraits of Daly's Company. 819 Portraits of Daly's Company. 820 Portraits of Daly's Company. 821 Colored Portrait of a Lady. 822 Portrait. 823 L'Ecole de Danse. Photogravure, after V. Palmaroli. 824 Forrest as Virginius. 825 Scene from School for Scandal. Pastel by Sarony. 826 Scene from School for Scandal. Pastel by Sarony. 827 Scene from School for Scandal. Pastel by Sarony. 828 Edwin Booth. Crayon by Sarony. 829 Edwin Forrest as Metamora. Oil painting by Gabriel Harrison. 830 Ada Rehan. Signed remarque proof (mezzotint), by S. Edwards, after A. M. Turner. 831 Portrait of Miss Rehan, John Drew, and Charles Fisher. 832 Crayon of Mr. Daly. By Kurtz. 833 Portrait of Mr. Daly. Pastel by A, Guaccimanni, 1889. 834 Portrait of Miss Rehan. Pastel by A. (iuaccimanni, 1889. 835 Old English Print. Scene from " As You Like It," by Charles Knight, after H. Bari bury. 836 Two Colored Pictures. The Saints, and The Princes. Old English prints, by G. Hunt and Theodore Lane. 837 Mr. Kean Imitating Henderson's Hamlet. 53 838 Miss Rehan. Photogravure, after John Sargeant. 839 The Doves and the Mirror. 840 Scene from Shakespeare. 841 Ellen Terry. 342 Characters from the Vicar of Wakefield. 843 Garrick. By S. V\'. Reynolds, after J. Zoffany. 844 William Henry West Betty. Jioy actor, by James Heath, after John Opie. 845 Edmund Kean. Mezzotint, by S. W. Reynolds, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. 846 Love Asleep, and Love Awake. Pair of mezzotints, after Angelica Kaufman. 847 Miss O'Neill as Juliet. Mezzotint, by G. Maile, after (i. Davve. 848 The Reconciliation. rhotogravure, after E. Bayard. 849 Children of Henry VIL Engraving, by Geo. Vertue, after I. Maudeugius. 850 Familia Regia. Engraving, by Geo. Vertue, after Holbein. 851 Engraving. By William Ward, after Hogarth. 852 Adrienne Lecouvreur. Engraved by Dervet, after Charles Cowel. 853 Portraits of Peg Woffington. Engraved by Faber and McArdle 854 Miss Rehan. Pastel by Sarony. 855 Miss Rehan. Pastel by Shettle. 856 Portrait of Miss Rehan. 857 Portrait of Miss Rehan. 858 Miss Rehan. Photogravure, after John Sargeant. 54 859 Miss Rehan. Copper- plate engraving. 860 Miss Rehan. Pastel by W. Shettle. 861 Miss Rehan in the Geisha. Painting on silk, by Iclii Ban, Japanese artist. 862 Miss Rehan. As Viola in "Twelfth Night," pastel by Wm. Shettle. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. THOMAS E. KIRP.V. .4 uctioueer. 55 PART TI Bocki AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NF.\X' YORK AUGUSTIN DALY COLLECTION PART II AUGUSTIN DALY COLLECTION THE VALUABLE LIBRARY COMPRISING MANY EXTRA-Il.LUSTKATF.U BOOKS RANKING WITH THK MOST KAMOUS IN THK WORLD AND INCLUDING THE BIBLE IN KORTY-Two VOLUMES ; IRELAND'S NEW YORK STAGE with con- tinuation VOLUMES, i-Ti-TY-ONE IN ALL; COPIES OF DALY'S WOFFINGTON ; THE celebrated NELL GWYN, BY CUNNINGHAM (AND THE TITLE DEEDS OF HER I'ALL MALL HOUSE); THE SUPERB MEM- OIRS OF CARRICK, J. p. KEMBLE, EDMUND KEAN, SHERIDAN, BYRON; an unexcelled GATHERING oi THE WORKS OF DICKENS, THACKERAY and LAMB, WITH LARGE additions OP AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, and other well-known books SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 20th f'ART 11. Books CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE LITERARY AND ART PROPERTY GATHERED BY THE LATE AUGUSTIN DALY TO BE DISPOSED OF AT ABSOLUTE PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS ON MONDAY, MARCH iqth, AND FOLLOWING DAYS AT 2.30 AND 8 O'CLOCK, P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH Where the entire Collection will be on View Day and Evening from Wednesday, March 14th. until date of Sale inclusive (Sunday excepted) Thomas E. Kirby AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION Auctioneer Managers NEW YORK 1900 ^^K^ ^^W CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and, therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be abso- lutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 5. The undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and make no Warranty whatei'er. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or i)rivate sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. 'I'hir- Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THE AMERICAN AR'i' ASSOCLA IION, Managers. Thomas E. Kirhy, Auctioneer. ORDER OF SALE TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 2oth, at the American art galleries BEGINNINC. AT 8 O'CLOCK, CATALOGUE Nos. i to 313 INCLUSIVE WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 2Ist, beginning at 8 o'clock CATALOGUE Nos. 314 to 649 INCLUSIVE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 22D, beginning at 2.30 o'clock CATALOGUE Nos. oso to 975 INCLUSIVE THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 220, beginning at 8 o'clock CATALOGUE Nos. Q70 to 1281 INCLUSIVE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 2}d. beginning at 2.30 o'clock CATALOGUE Nos. 1282 10 1002 INCLUSIVE FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 2}[i, beginning at 8 o'clock CATALOGUE Nos. 1003 to igio INCLUSIVE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 24TH, beginning at 2. w o'clock CATALOGUE Nos. 191 1 to 2221 INCLUSIVE SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 24TH, beginning at 8 o'clock CATALOGUE Nos. 2222 to 2519 INCLUSIVE MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 26th, beginning at 2.30 o'clock CATALOGUE Nos. 2^40 to 2851 INCLUSIVE MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 26th, beginning at 8 o'clock CATALOGUE Nos. 2852 to 3100 INCLUSIVE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 27TH, beginning at 2.30 o'clock CATALOGUE Nos. 3101 to 3478 INCLUSIVE TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 27TH, beginning at 8 o'clock, conch imng sale OE BOOKii, CATALOGUE Nos. H7^> 'O ^1>>1 INCLUSIVE SPECIAL NOTICE. This being an Executor's sale to close the estate, a cash deposit will be required from every purchaser without exception. Intending purchasers wishing to avoid the trouble and confusion of making a deposit during the sale, can make arrangements pre- vious to day of sale, with the undersigned, at their office, 6 East Twenty-third Street. In compiling this catalogue Mr. J. O. Wright has endeavored to make descriptions thoroughly accurate, but we guarantee neither description nor condition, sufificient time being allowed for a cape- ful examination of the books and other objects to be sold. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. Thomas E. Kirby, Auctioneer^ CATALOGUE 1 Abbey (E. A.). The Quest of the Holy Grail. Paintings done for the decoration of the Boston Public Library. New York, 1895. Oblong 4to, boards. 2 Abington (Mrs.). Life of. London, 1888. Large paper, illustrated by the insertion of 25 plates, play-bills, etc., including the " Scrub " and another colored portrait. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 3 Abrantes (Duchesse d'). Memoirs of Madame Junot : Napoleon, his Cpurt and Family. Portraits. New York [London], 1S83. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 4 Memoirs of Napoleon, etc. Portraits. New York, 1855. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. 5 Ackermann. Westminster Abbey. 70 colored plates of monuments, etc., by Pugin, etc. London, 1812. 2 vols., 4to, russia. 6 Microcosm of T-ondon. 104 colored jilates by Rowlandson and Pugin. London, 181 1. 3 vols., 4to, calf. 7 Acting. Art of Acting ; or, Guide to the Stage. New York, 1S55. Post 8vo, half green levant. An Essay on the Science of Acting. P>y a X'eieran Stager. Portrait of Shakespeare. London, 1828. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 9 Essay on the Science of Acting. Portrait. London, 1828. Post 8vo, half calf. 10 .American Theatre. Lopez and \Vcniyss's edition, with the rare American portraits. Philadelphia, 1826. 3 vols., i2mo, calf. 11 Actor. A Defence of the Profession of ail Actor. JA)ndoii, iSoo. 8vo, half blue levaiU. I 12 Actors as They Are. New York, 1856. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 13 ACTORS AND CRITICS. A collection of orioinal pamphlets, as follows : 1. A Letter to a Noble Lord lui " Miss Lucy in Town," 1742. 2. Another copy, smaller. 3. George Colman Analyzed, 1761. 4. Essay on Stage-Craft, by Mary Latter, 1763. 5. Palmer's Lecture on Heads. 6. Essay on Satirical Entertainments, 1772. 7. jackman's Letter to P. (ilovcr, 1787. 8. ]"".nquiry into the Conduct of ¥.d. Malonc, 1797. 9. C'ritique on the Tragedy of Pizarro, 1799. 10. West's Reflections on the Tragedy of Hecuba. 11. Actors and Editors: A Poem. 1817. 12. Remarks on Colman's Preface. 13. Two Papers : A 'J'heatrical Critique, 1819. 14. Thackeray on Theatrical Emancipation, 1832. J 5. Llaine's Laws of Artistic Copyright, 1853. 16. Hall's Dramatic Letters, 1867. Together, 16 vols., 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt top. 14 Actors by Daylight; or, l\MiciIiings in the Pit. \\'ood-cut portraits. London, 1 83 8-g. 2 vols, in I, 8vo, half blue levanl (53 numbers), gilt top. 15 XXHI chapters mounted, with 31 portraits added, many quite rare. F(;lio, half morocco. 16 Actors by Gaslight; or, " Boz " in the Boxes. Portraits on wood, in- cluding an extra. London, 1838. The thirty-seven numbers complete. [Mackenzie, ^^^5 I'js. 6i/.] Svo, panelled calf extra, gilt edges. 17 Actrices de Paris. Fine steel portraits by Liphart, and text illustra- tions. Paris, 1882. Imp. Svo, half citron levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 18 Adam (R. and J.). \\'(jrks in Architecture. 125 plates by Bartolozzi, Piranesi, etc. London, 1822. 2 vols, in I, atlas folio, broken binding. 19 Adams (W. 1).). P,y-Ways in Book-Land. New York [London], 1889. i2mo, half morocco, uncut edges. 20 With Poet and Player. London, 1891. Presentation copy from the author. Post Svo, cloth. 21 Adams (W. D.). Book of Burlesque Sketches of English Stage Travestie and Parody. Portraits. London, 1891. Presentation copy from the author. Post Svo, cl(jth. 22 Women of Fashion in Letters and Society. London, 1S78. 2 vols., crown Svo, cloth, uncut. 23 Addis and Arnold. A Catholic Dictionary. New York, 1884. Royal Svo, cloth. 24 Addison (Joseph). Maxims, Observations and Reflections. Portrait. London, 17 19. i6mo, half morocco. 25 Adler (Cyrus) and Ramsay (Allan). Told in the Coffee House. Turk- ish tales. New York, 1898. i6mo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 26 Adolphus (John). Memoirs of John Bannister. With rare portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Bannister inserted. London, 1S39. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. [See B.\nnister.] 27 iEdes Barberinae ad Quirinalem. Plates. Romae, 1642. Folio, calf. 28 iEsop. Fables. 112 plates. Stockdale, London, 1793. 2 vols., royal Svo, half blue morocco. 29 A Hundred Fables of. Illustrated by Billinghurst. London, 1899. Royal Svo, cloth. 30 Ainger (A. C). Eton Songs. Set to music by J. Barnby. Illustrated by H. Marshall. London, 1S91-2. 4to, cloth. 31 Ainsworth. Rook wood. London, 1834. First edition. Presentation copy from .the author, with his book- plate. 3 vols., crown Svo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 32 Rookwood. Illustrated by John (iilbert. London, 1857. First octavo edition. Svo, half calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 33 Jack Sheppard. Portrait and the plates by Cruikshank. London. 1839- First editi(jn after the magazine issue. 3 vols., crown Svo, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 24 Jack Sheppard. Portrait and the famous Cruikshank plates. Lon- don, 1S40. First octavo edition. Svo, mottled calf extra, gilt edges, by Rivit:re. 3 35 Ainsworth. Jack Sheppard. Plates by George Cruikshank. l>ondon, 1854. 8vo, half calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 36 The Tower of London. With the plates by Cruikshank and numer- ous wood-cuts. London, 1840. The author's presentation copy to William Beckford. Royal Svo, original cloth, uncut, in blue morocco case. This copy brought over $100 in the Mackenzie sale, 1889. 37 Old Saint Paul's. Plates by Franklin. London, 1841. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 38 Old Saint Paul's. Plates by Franklin and Browne. London, 1847. First octavo edition. Svo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 39 Guy Fawkes. Plates by Cruikshank. I>ondon, 1841. First edition. This copy brought $55 in the Mackenzie sale. 3 vols., crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 40 Guy Fawkes. Plates by George Cruikshank. London, 1857. First octavo edition. 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 41 The Miser's Daughter. Plates by Cruikshank. London, 1843. Second edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 42 The Miser's Daughter. Plates by George Cruikshank. London, 1848. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 43 Windsor Castle. With all the original illustrations by Cruikshank, etc., inserted, both steel and wood. London, 1843. First edition after the magazine issue. 3 vols., crown Svo, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 44 Windsor Castle. Plates, etc., by Cruikshank and Johannot. Lon- don, 1847. Svo, tree calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 45 James the Second. Plates by Buss. London, 1848. I'irst edition. 3 vols., crown Svo, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 46 Crichton. With a double set of the plates by H. K. Browne ; one colored. London, 1S49. First octavo edition. Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 4 47 Ainsworth. Lancashire Witches. Illustrated by John Gilbert. London, 1854. 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 48 The Flitch of Bacon. Illustrated by John Gilbert. London, 1854. First edition. Post 8vo, half brown levant, gilt top. 49 The Star Chamber. London, 1854. First edition. 2 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 Ballads. Illustrated by John (»ilbert. London, 1855. First edition. Post 8vo, half brown levant, gilt top. The Star Chamber. Illustrated by "Phiz." London, 1857. First edition. Svo, half calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. The Spendthrift. Plates by H. K. Browne. London, 1857. First edition. Svo, half calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Ovingdean Grange. Plates by H. K. Browne. London, i860. First edition, with " Views of the Devil's Dyke " (from which legend this tale is derived) inserted. Svo, half calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Mervyn Clitheroe. Plates by II. K. Browne. London, 1865. First edition. Svo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Ainsworth's Magazine. Complete. Plates by Cruikshank, etc. London, 1842-5. Contains the original i.ssue of the Miser's Daughter; Windsor Castle ; Modern Chivalry ; Memoirs of Elliston, St. James's ; Revelations of London, etc. 7 vols., Svo, half calf extra, gilt top. Akenside (Mark). Pleasures of the Imagination. Stothard's plates. London, n. d. i2mo, calf. 57 Album. Illustrations, and spaces for additions. Oblong 4to, morocco. Album for Photographs. Oblong ^to, alligator skin, with metal rims, etc. Aldrich (Thomas B.). Friar Jerome's beautiful book. Hadaway. Boston, 1896. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt to]i, uncut edges. 5 Decorations by 60 Aldridge ( Ira). I'he African Roscius — Memoir of. 121110. London, n. d. Inlaid to folio, and extra illustrated by the insertion of 94 portraits, views, etc., including 3 autograph letters of Aldridge, 6 of his play-bills at the Adelphi, 1830-2, a beautiful water-color drawing of Miss O'Neill, portraits of Malibran, Ellen Tree, Macready, etc. Folio, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 61 Memoir and Theatrical C'areer. Portraits inserteil. London, 18 — . 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 62 Aleman (Mateo). Life of (niznian d'Alfarache. I'ranslation. Plates by Bouttats (stained). London, 1707. 2 vols., 8vo, mottled calf extra. 63 Histoire de Ciuzman d'Alfarache. With plates in two states, plain and colored. Maestricht, 1787. 2 vols., post 8vo, half green morocco, uncut edges. 64 Alexander (Louis). The Opera Glass. Portraits. London, 1881. 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 65 Alexander's Modern Acting Drama. Philadelphia, 1835. S vols., i6mo, sheep. 66 Alexandre (A.). Histoire de I'Art Decoratif. Plate in colors, etc. Paris, n. d. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut. 67 Suzanne Reichenberg. Numerous illustrations. Paris, 18 — . 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 68 The Modern Poster. Illustrated. New York, 1S95. Svo, cloth. 69 Alfred le Petit. Fleurs, Fruits, et Legumes du jour. 31 colored cari- catures, with " Legendes," by Briollet. Paris, 1871. 4to, boards. 70 ALGER (Wm. R.). LIFE OF EDWIN FORREST. No. 9 of ico copies. 2 vols., 4to. Philadelphia, 1877. Half crushed levant morocco, gilt, uncut edges. Extended to 6 vols, by the insertion of over 1,160 illustrations. Beautiful water-color drawings of Forrest (14), Alger, Jas. Oakes, Satchell, E. N. Thayer, J. R. Scott, Wm. and Mrs. Pelby, "Jim Crow " Rice, Geo. W. Dixon, Chas. Durang, Henry I^lacide (2), A. J. Allan, J. B. Booth (2), Mrs. Forrest, Josephine Clifton, Sandford. Mme. Ponisi, Jameson, Mrs. Wheatleigh, J. W. Booth, Finn, Fenno, Neafie, etc. Two autograph letters of Forrest ; satin play-bill of his benefit and 20 others ; Park Theatre, Pittsburg, 1834, Philadelphia, 1827-1840; Franklin Theatre, Chatham Theatre, Brougham's Lyceum, etc. A large number of unusual engraved portraits of Forrest in various characters. Many India proofs before letters, etc., and a multitude of dramatic and other rarities. including Franklin, by Bisi (b.l.) ; Washington (i.p.b.l.), etc. (3), Alex. Wilson, Wallack as Alcibiades, Finn and Kilner, Maywood, Thos. A. Cooper, by Meyer; Kean, by Heath; John Hcnvard Payne (i.p.b.l), Jas. H. Caldwell, Lafayette (i.p.b.l.), Conway, Dr. ij'ird, Philip Hone, by Uurand ; \Vm. Dunlap (i.p.b.l.), Kemble, by 'rurner (i.p.b.l.); Forrest as RoUa, by Durand (i.p.); "Master Payne," oval; Garrick, by Heath (i.p.) ; Fanny Kemble, by Picart (i.p.) ; Stephen Price (i.p.), Henry Placide, by (iimber ; Vandenhoff as Hamlet, Alfred Bunn (i.p.), Cooke as Richard, Mrs, Woffington, by Freeman ; Cooke (p b.l.). Kean as Brutus, by Stump (i.p..) ; Milton (mezzo.), by Faber ; Francis as Sir Geo. Thunder (p. b.l.), Mrs. S. Chapman, by Gimber ; Master Jas. Speaight, Mrs. Porter, G. C. Howard, (ieo. W. Dixon, Cooper as Pierre, Henry Russell, Garrick, after Pine (p.b.l.), etc. 71 Allen (F. H.). Masterpieces of Modern German Art. 100 photogravures and etchings. Boston, 1884. 2 vols., royal folio, half olive levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 72 Almanac. In Laudem Operis Calendarii a Johanne de Monte. Raldolt Venetiis, 1485. Within 10 years of the earliest almanac known, which was issued by the same printer at Augsburg, 1475. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. 73 Amalie of Saxony (Princess). Six Dramas Illustrative of German Fife. Plates. London, 1843. Crown 8vo, cloth. 74 Ambross (Miss). Life and Memoirs of Ann Catley. Portrait. London, n. d. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 75 American Art and Artists. Edited by IL C. Jones. Many hundred illustrations. New York, 1894. Oblong 4to, imitation morocco. 76 American Biography (National Cyclopaedia of). New York, 1S92-8. 8 vols., imp. 8vo, half russia. 77 American Figure Painters (Book of). With 40 illustrations m photogravure by the most famous American artists. Pliiladelphia, 1886. Imp. folio, cloth. 78 American Views. Allium Pittoresque. 42 steel plates, some colored. Paris, n. d. Folio, half red morocco. 79 Amicis (Ed. de). Le Maroc. 174 wood-cut illustrations. Paris, 1882. Folio, half red morocco extra, gilt edges. 80 Anderson (J. W.). The Manner in which the Conmion J'rayer was read by Garrick. London, 1797. 8vo, half morocco. 8 1 Anderson (Mary). A Few Memories. Portraits. New York, 1896. Svu. cloth, uncut. 82 Andrews ( W. L.). New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York. A chro- nologically arranged account of engraved views of the city, etc. Dodd, Mead iSc Co., New York, 1897. 170 copies printed on hand-made paper. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 83 Angelo (Henry). Memoirs of. London, 1828. 4 vols., 8vo., full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Extra il- lustrated by the insertion of 153 portraits, etc., including character- istic autograph letters to Pierce Egan ; several concert tickets, etc., by Bartolozzi ; four original drawings by Rowlandson ; Captain VN'atken, from Thespian Magazine (p.b.l.); Charles Kemble (p b.l.), Augustus Vt. Howe, John (iully; scarce etching, by Henry Angelo; Mrs. Jordan, etc. 84 Angelo's Pic Nic ; or, Tal)le Talk. Colored frontispiece by George Cruikshank, and an inserted portrait. London, 1834. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 85 Angus (J. K ). A Scotch Play House : the Theatre Royal, Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 1878. Post 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 86 Anti-Philistine (The), June, July, 1897. London, 1897. i2mo, cloth, uncut. 87 Antiquarian Repertory. Many fine portraits and plates. London, 1807. 4 vols., 4I0, half calf. 88 Apollo and Daphne. A Masque. London, 17 16. 4to, half citron levant. 89 Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Eiskc. Portraits engraved on steel and wood. New York, 1887-9. 6 vols., royal 8vo, half russia extra. 90 ARABIAN NIGHTS. Lane's translation. With 105 inserted plates, in addition to the published wood-cut illustrations and special title pages. London, 1S41. 6 vols, extended from 3, royal 8vo, half citron levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Brad.streets. The added plates include the Fromentin plates in tint.s, the plates by Stothard, Westall, and Marillier, the Jouaust etchings and others, and many proofs on India i)aper. 91 Arabian Nights. The F^>ook of the Thou.sand and One Nights. With notes, etc., by R. F. Burton. Also the Supplemental Nights, and the series of 100 plates by Wood. Benares, 1885-8. 16 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 92 Arabian Nights. Lady Burton's edition prepared for household reading, by J. H. McCarthy. Portrait. London, 1886.' 6 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 93 Text revised by Dulcken. 200 illustrations engraved by the Dal- ziels. London, n. d, 4to, cloth. 94 Archer (Thos.). Pictures and Royal Portraits Illustrative of English and Scottish History. Fine portraits and scenes. London, 1878. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt. 95 Archer (Wm.). About the Theatre. London, 1886. Crown 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 96 Henry Irving : Actor and Manager. Portrait. London, 18 — . i2mo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 97 Masks or Faces. London, 1888. Svo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 98 [Unanswered] Questions on the Art of Acting. London, 18 — . Svo, half red morocco, gilt top. Privately printed. 99 William Charles Macready. New York [London], 1890. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 100 Archie (Armstrong). Banquet of Jests. Portrait, etc. Edinburgh, 1872. Whatman paper copy, 25 printed. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. 101 Arnold (Sir Edwin). Adzuma ; or. The Japanese Wife. London, 1893. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 102 Adzuma ; or, The Japanese Wife. London, n. d. Unrevised presentation copy from the author. 4to, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 103 Griselda : a Tragedy, etc. London, 1856. First edition. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 104 Indian Idylls. London, 1883. First edition. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 105 In My Lady's Praise. Poems written to the honor of Fanny, Lady Arnold. London, 1889. First edition. Crown Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 106 Japonica. Illustrated by Blum. New York, 1892. Royal Svo, half gray levant, gilt toj), uncut edges. 9 107 Arnold (Sir I'^dwin). Lotus and Jewel, etc. London, 1887. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 108 Oakfield ; or, Fellowship in tiie East. By Punjabee.. London, 1853. First edition, rare. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. log Pearls of the Faith ; or, Islam's Rosary. London, 1SS3. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 110 Poems. Oxford (Chiswick Press), 1853. First edition. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 111 Poems. National and non-Oriental. London, 1888. .Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 112 Potiphar's Wife: and other poems. New York, 1892. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 113 The Book of Good Counsels. Illustrated by Harrison Weir. London, 1861. First edition. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 114 The Feast of Belshazzar. Oxford, 1852. First edition, with double title. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 115 The Light of Asia. Illustrated. London, 1885. Presentation copy, with autograph of the author. 4to, citron levant morocco, super-extra, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf, in half gray levant case. 116 The Light of the World. Portrait, etc. New York, 1891. Presentation copy, with autograph of the author. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt edges. 117 The Light of the World. London, 1891. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 118 The Secret of Death. London, 1885. First edition. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 119 The Song Celestial. London, 1885. First edition. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 120 With Sa'di in the Garden. London, 1888. First edition. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 10 121 Arnold (S. J.). A letter to all the proprietors of Drury-Lane Theatre. London, 1818. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top. 122 Forgotten Facts in the Memoirs of Charles Mathews. London, 1839- Presentation copy from the author. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 123 Arnold (W. H.). First Report of a Book-Collector. 30 illustrations ; some unique. Marion Press, Jamaica, L. L, 1897-8. No. 18 of 85 copies printed. Royal 8vo, half citron levant morocco gilt top, uncut edges. 124 Art. Illustrated. London, 1872. Vol. 3, 4to, half morocco. 125 Artaud (Chev. d'). Lives and Times of the Roman Pontiffs from St, Peter to Pius IX. New York, 1865. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. 126 Art pour tous. Many thousand illustrations. Paris, 1861-95. 34 vols., folio, portfolios. 127 Art Year Book (1884). American Art. Made for the New England Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Institute. Illustrated. New York, 1884. 4to, boards. 128 Ashbee (E. W.). Occasional Facsimile Reprints of Rare and Curious Tracts. London, 1868. Only 100 printed. 2 vols., 4to, russia. 129 Ashton (John). Old Times. 88 illustrations. New York [London], 1885. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 130 The Fleet : its River, Prison, and Marriages. Illustrated. New York [London], 188S. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 131 Modern Street Ballads. Illustrated. London, 1888. Large paper copy, No. 100 of 100 printed. 4to, boards, uncut. 132 Astor Place Riot. Scrap-book of contemporary newspaper accounts of the controversy and riots of May, 1849. Play-bills of Thursday, May loth and Macready's second night, and a rare folio lithograj)!! of the Great Riot. Royal 8vo, half morocco. 133 Atlas of the World. Colored m.aps. Bradley. Philadelphia, 1893. Royal folio, half morocco. 134 ATTIC MISCELLANY; or, Characteristic Mirror of Men and I'hinj^s. Portraits and plates by Barlow, after Cruikshank, etc. London, 1789-91. Very rare. 3 vols., 8vo, sprinkled calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. 135 Audsley and Bowes. Keramic Art of Japan. 32 plates, many in colors, and other illustrations. London, 1881. Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. 136 Austin (Alfred). England's Darling. Portrait. New York, 1896. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 137 English Lyrics. London, 1896. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 138 Fortunatus the Pessimist. London, 1892, Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 139 In Veronica's Garden. Illustrated. London, 1895. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 140 Lyrical Poems. London, 1S91. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 141 Madonna's Child. Portrait. London, 1895. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 142 Madonna's Child. Frontispiece. Edinburgh, 1873. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 143 Narrative Poems. London, 1891. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 144 Prince Lucifer. London, 1887. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 145 Prince Lucifer. London, 1891. Post 8vo, half gray levant, giit top, uncut edges. 146 Rome or Death ! Edinburgh, 1873. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 147 Savonarola: a Tragedy. London, 1891. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 148 The Cx)nversion of Winckelmann, etc. London, 1897. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 149 The Human 'I'ragedy. London, 1891. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 150 The Garden that I Love. Illustrated. London, 1896. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 151 Austin (Alfred). Tower of Babel. London, 1890. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 152 Autograph Leaves of Our Country's Authors. Baltimore, 1864. Facsimile copies of The .Star Spanieled Banner, etc., etc. 25 por- traits of celebrated authors inserted. 4to, morocco, gilt. 153 Autograph Mirror. Hundreds of facsimile autographs, etc. London, 1864, etc. 2 vols., folio and 4to, half morocco, gilt. 154 Ayres (P.). Emblems of Love. The whole book engraved. London, n. d. i2mo, olive morocco, gilt edges. 155 Azarias (Brother). Books and Reading. New York, 1889. Presentation copy. i6mo, boards. 156 Essays Philosophical. Chicago, 1896. i2mo, cloth. 157 B. (B. C). The Princess Inja. Illustrated. London, 1889. Oblong 4to, cloth. 158 B. (G. S.). Prologue and Epilogue in English Literature. London, 1884. Post 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 159 Bacon (Delia). Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded. Boston [London], 1857. The preface by Nathaniel Hawthorne is not the least curious feature of this book. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 160 Biograjihical Sketch. Portrait of Delia. Boston, 1888. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 161 Bacon (E. M.). Historic Pilgrimages in New England. Illustrated, Boston, 1898. i2mo, cloth. 162 Baddeley (Sophia). Memoirs of, by Elizabeth Steele. London, 1787. Charles iMathew's copy, with book-plate and 5 inserted portraits. 6 vols., i2mo, calf. 163 Baker (F.). The Humour of the Age. A Comedy. London, 1701. P'irst edition. 4to, half russet levant. 164 Baker (H. B.). The London Stage from 1576 to 1888. London, 1889. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half vellum cloth, gilt top, uncut edges. J3 i65 Baker, Reed, and Jones. Biographia Dramatica. Portraits in- serted. London, 1812. 4 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. i55 Biographia Dramatica. London, 181 2. Book-plate of James .St. Aubyn in each volume. Interleaved with MS. additions, etc. 4 vols., Svo, calf. 167 Supplement to the Biographia Dramatica. An alphabetical manuscrip'L, with valuable additional matter. 168 Ballads. By Moorat. Ye Booke of Olden Time Ballades. Music and words. Illustrations by Woodruffe. N. p. or d. Oblong 4to, boards. 169 Ballads of Books. Chosen by Brander Matthews. New York, 1887. Large paper copy. No. 48 of 100 printed. Svo, boards, uncut. 170 Ballets. The P^ri, by Coralli and Gautier ; The Devil in Love, by Saint (Jeorges and Mazillier ; The Beauty of Ghent ; Lady Henrietta. London, n. d. Alfred Bunn's copies. Post Svo, morocco. 171 Balzac (Honore de). Novels, etc. By various translators. After-Dinner Stories. New York, 18S6. The Comedie Humaine and its Author. By H. H. Walker. Lon- don, iSSi. Don Juan, etc. London, n. d. Unrequited Affection. London, n. d. The Cat and the Battledore. London, 1S79. 3 vols. Cousin Pons. London, 1880. Cesar Birotteau. New York, i860. Eugenie Grandet. New York, 1861. Cat and Battledore. Chicago, 1879. The Alchemist. New York, 1861. Stories of Love and Passion. New York, n. d. Cousin Pons. New York, 1890. Cesar Birotteau. New York, iSqc. Petty Annoyances of Married Life. New York, 1861. Wcdmore's Life of Balzac. London, 1S90. Balzac, by Edgar C. Saltus. Boston, 1887. 18 vols., i2mo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Uniform with the Wormeley series. 172 Novels. Translated, with a Memoir by K. P. Wormeley. Roberts, Boston, 1885-96. Illustrated by the insertion of a large number of wood-cuts, etc., fnim various French editions. 40 vols., i2mo, half red levant, gilt back, gilt top. 14 173 Balzac. Complete Works. Many for the first time translated into Eng- lish, with illustrations in two states. Philadelphia, 1899, etc. Japan paper copy, No. 181. 43 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut. 174 Novels. Edited by Saintsbury. Colored frontispieces and numerous etchings. Dent, Eondon, 1898. Eimited edition. Vols. 1-14, 8vo, half green morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 175 La Peau de Chagrin. Profusely illustrated. Paris, 1838. Royal 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 176 • Petites Miseres de la Vie Humaine, par Old Nick et (irandville. Profusely illustrated. Paris, 1844. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges?. 177 Droll Stories. Illustrated by Gustave Dore. Eondon, 1874. The genuine complete edition. Crown 8vo, half red levant, gilt tojx 178 Correspondence of, with a Memoir by Mad. de Surville. Trans- lated by Kenney. Portrait, etc. London, 1878. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf e.xtra, gilt top, uncut edges. 179 Correspondence, with Memoir by Mad. de Surville. Translated by Kenney. Portrait. Eondon, 1878. 2 vols., 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 180 Repertoire de la Com(idie Humaine par Cerfberr et Christophe. Paris, 1887. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 181 Pere Goriot. Translated, with 6 plates by Lynch. Eondon, 1887. Large paper copy, 500 printed. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 182 Les Chouans. Illustrations de Le Plant. Paris, 1889. Imp. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 183 The Chouans. Translated by Saintsbury. 100 wood-cuts from drawings by Le Plant. London, 1890. Japan paper copy, 52 printed ; No. 19. Imp. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 184 La Fille aux Yeux d'Or. Translated. 6 illustrations. Eontlon. 1896. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 185 Letters to Madame Hanska, etc. Illustrated by the insertion of numerous portraits and other plates ; also autograph letters of Pal/.ac, Miss Wormeley, etc. New York, 1896. [See Cii.AMPrLr.URV. | Royal 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. '5 i86 Bancroft (Mr. and Mrs.). On and Off the Stage. London, 1888. Presentation copy to Augustin Daly, with inscription. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 187 Bangs (J. K.). Katherine, a Travesty. New York, 1888. I'resentation copy from the author. i6m<), half citron levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 188 BANNISTER (John). MEMOIRS OF, by John Adolphus. Portraits. London, 1839. Unique copy extended from 2 vols, to 4, by the insertion of 222 portraits and the following autograph letters : Bannister, Dig- num, Braham, EUiston, Mathews, Dimond, Miss F. M. Kelly, William Godwin, James Smith, John Thelwall, J. Douglas, Charles Kemble, Russell, etc. The portraits include many fine proofs, rare portraits by Cruikshank (colored), Master Brooke, Lee Lewes, Aphra Behn, Peg Woffington, and an original sketch of Bannister by De Wilde. 189 Bapst (G.). Essai sur I'Histoire du Theatre. Profusely illustrated. Paris, 1893. 4to, cloth. 190 Barbow (Alfred). Victor Hugo and His Time. 120 illustrations. Lon- don, 18S2. Royal 8vo, cloth. 191 Barclay (Cj. L.). Life of Adah Isaacs Menken. Frontispiece. Phila- delphia, 1868. 8vo, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 192 Baring-Gould (S.). Old Country Life. Illustrated. London, 1890. 8vo. half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 193 Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Profusely illustrated. London, 1897. Imp. Svo, cloth, uncut. 194 Barnard and Ross. Behind a Brass Knocker. Illustrated by the Dalziels. London, 1883. Svo, cloth. 195 Barnum (P. T.). Life of. Portrait. New York, 1855. i2mo, half morocco. 196 Baron-Wilson (Mrs. C). Our Actresses. Steel portraits. London, 1844. Unique copy, with over 60 portraits inserted, some very rare. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 197 Memoirs of Harriet (Mellon), Duchess of St. Albans. Portrait. London, 1839. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 16 198 Barras. Memoirs of Barras, member of the Directorate. Edited, with a general introduction, preface, and appendices, by George Duruy. Photogravure portraits. London and New York, 1895-6. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut, gilt tops. 199 Barrere (A.). Argot and Slang: a new French and English Dictionary of Cant Words, etc. London, 1887. 4to, boards, uncut. 200 Barrett (William A.). Balfe. Portrait. London, 1882. Crown Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 201 Barrie f J. M.). Margaret Ogilvy. Portrait. London, 1896. Crown Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 202 My Lady Nicotine. Chicago, n. d. 1 2 mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 203 Sentimental Tommy. London, 1896. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 204 Barry (Madame du). Memoirs of. London, 1830-1. 4 vols., i2mo, half calf, gilt. 205 Barry (Countess du). Letters to and from : including the History of that Favourite. Dublin, 1780. i2mo, half calf, gilt. 206 Authentic Memoirs of. By Sir Francis N . London, 1771. i2mo, half calf. 207 Barron (Louis). Autour de Paris. 500 illustrations by G. Fraipont. Paris, 18 — . Royal 4to, enarnelled cloth, uncut. 208 Bashkirtseff (Marie). Journal of. Translated by Mathilde Blind. 2 portraits. London, 1891. Svo, cloth. 209 Letters of. Translated by Mary J. Serrano. Portraits. London, n. d. Svo, cloth, gilt top. 210 Bates (J. H.). Notes of Foreign Travel. New York, 1891. Svo, cloth. Privately printed. 211 Bauer (Karoline). Posthumous Memoirs of. London, 18S4-5. 4 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 212 Bauwens (etc.). Les Affiches Etrangt;res. Over 200 illustrations in black and colors Paris, 1897. Imp. Svo, original covers. 2 17 213 Bayley (John). History and Antiquities of the Tower of London. Nu- merous line plates. London, 1825. Unique copy, with over 300 fine portraits and other plates inserted. 3 vols , 4to, red levant morocco e.xtra. 214 Baynham (Walter). The Glasgow Stage. Frontispiece on Japan paper. Cliasgovv, 1892. 100 copies printed. No. 25. 4to, half red levant. 215 Beardsley (Aubrey). Early Work of. With a prefatory note by H. C. Marillier. Portraits and numerous other illustrations. London, 1899. Japan paper copy. 4to, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 216 Early A\'ork of Aubrey Beardsley. Portraits and other illustra- tions. London, 1S99. 4to, cloth, uncut. 217 A Book of Fifty Drawings. London, 1897. 4to, cloth. 218 Second Book of Fifty Drawings. New York [London], 1899. 4to, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 219 Second Book of Fifty Drawings. London, 1899. 4to, cloth. 220 Six Drawings Illustrating (lautier's Romance, Mademoiselle de Maupin. London, 1898. Folio, boards. Beardsley. See Lucian's True History, Wilde's Salome, Davidson's Plays. Symonds, A. B., Jonson's Volpone, Beardsley's Second Book of Drawings, Dawson's Pierrot, Pope's Rape of the Lock, etc., etc. 221 Beattie (James). The Minstrel, with other poems. Portrait and plates. London, 1799. 2 vols., i2mo, calf. 222 Beatty-Kingston (W.). Music and Manners. London, 1887. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 223 " Beaujolais." \hiiden Hours and Maiden Wiles. 20 illustrations. London, 18 — . Oblong 4to, half morocco. 224 Beaumont and Fletcher. The Prophetess ; or. The History of Dio- clesian. London, 1690. 4to, half citron levant. 225 Becker (W, .\.). (;allus ; or, Roman Scenes in the Time of Augustus, New York [London], 1866. Crown 8vo, cloth. 18 226 Becket (G. A. a). Quizziology of the British Drama. Illustrated. London, 1846. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt edges. 227 The Comic Blackstone. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. London, 1846. First edition. Post 8vo, calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 228 Bedford (Paul). Recollections and Wanderings. Portrait. London, 1864. Crown 8vo, half red morocco. 229 Recollections and Wanderings of Paul Bedford ; Facts, not Fancies. London, 1867. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top. 230 Beerbohm (Max). Caricatures of Twenty-five Gentlemen (Kipling, Le Gallienne, Pinero, Paderewski, etc.). London, 1896. 4to, cloth. 231 The Happy Hypocrite. New York, 1896. Small 4to, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 232 The Happy Hypocrite. London, 1897. Post 8vo, original covers, uncut. 233 Behn (Aphra). Plays. With a fictitious portrait, being de facto the head of Christine of Sweden. London, 1716. 2 vols., Svo, calf. Soiled. 234 Bell's British Theatre. Numerous fine portraits and scenic illustra- tions. London, 1791. Large paper copy. 17 vols., crown 8vo, half russia, gilt. 235 London, 1797. 30 vols., i2mo, half calf. Some plates missing. 236 Bell (J. J.). The New Noah's Ark. Tinted plates. London, 1899. 4to, cloth. 237 Bell (Malcolm). Edward Burne-Jones: a Record and Review. With proof impressions of the portrait and other plates, London, 1892. Presentation copy from Sir Henry Thompson, with his inscription. Only 390 copies of this large edition were issued. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut edges. 238 Sir Edward Burne-Jones. Illustrated. London, r8o8. Crown 8vo, cloth. 239 Bellaigue (C.) Portraits and Silhouettes of Musicians. New York, 1897. i2mo, cloth. 19 240 Bellamy (George Anne). Apology for the Life of, with the Calcroft Letter. Fine portrait and plates. London, 1786. Unique copy, with 77 plates and play-bills inserted, many rare. 5 vols., post Svo, marbled calf extra, by Riviere. 241 An Apology for the Life of. Portraits and plates. London, 17S5. 6 vols., i2mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 242 -^ilemoirs of, including all her Litrigues, etc. London, 1785. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 243 Bellamy (Tho^.). Life of William Parsons. Inserted plates. London, 1795- 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 244 Life of William Parsons. 24 portraits inserted, many rare, and some proofs. London, 1795. Svo, green levant, gilt edges, by Riviere. 245 The London Theatres. 34 portraits. London, 1795. The portraits are all inserted, and many are rare. Svo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 246 Bellew (F. P. W.). "Chip's" Dogs. Cuts from "Life," etc. New York, 1 89 7. Oblong 4to, boards. 247 Belloc and Shedlock. Edmond and Jules de Goncourt. 8 portraits. New York [London], 1895. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 248 Belton (Fred.). Random Recollections of an Old Actor. London, 1880. Svo, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 249 Benger (Miss). Memoirs of John Tobin, author of " The Honey-Moon." London, 1820. Crown Svo, half calf. 250 Benjamin (A.), 'i'he Architect. 64 plates. Boston, 1843. 4to, sheep. 251 Benjamin (Park). Shakings. Etchings from the Naval Academy, engraved by John Andrew. Boston, 1867. Oblong 4to, cloth. 252 Bennett (James Gordon). Life and Writings. Portrait. New York, 1844. Scarce, having been suppressed. Svo, cloth. 253 Bentley's Miscellany. From its commencement, with numerous plates by Ouikshank. London, 1837-43. Contains the originals of Oliver Twist, Jack Sheppard, (luy Fawkes, Handy Andy : the volumes that give value to this magazine. 14 vols., 8vo, half morocco. 254 Beranger (P. J. de). QLuvres Completes. 104 plates. Paris, 1834. 4 vols., Svo, half morocco. 255 QLuvres Completes. Fine steel plates. Paris, 1847-58. 3 vols., Svo, half morocco. The third volume, "Musique," is not uniform in color. 256 Berington and Kirk. The Faith of Catholics. London, 1830. Svo, half calf. 257 Bernard (John). Retrospections of the Stage. Portrait. London, 1S30. 2 vols., crown Svo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 258 Retrospections of the Stage. Portrait. London, 1S30. 2 vols., crown Svo, half red levant, gilt top. 259 Retrospections of the Stage. Portrait. London, 1S30. 2 vols., crown Svo, half calf. 260 Retrospections of America. Illustrated. New York, 1887. i2mo, half red levant, gilt top. 261 Bertall. The Communists of Paris. Colored plates. London, 1S71. 4to, cloth. 262 Besant (Sir Walter). South London and Westminster. 250 illustra- tions. New York [London], 1895-S. 2 vols., Svo, cloth. 263 Betham (Matilda). Biographical Dictionary of Celebrated Women. London, 1804. Svo, calf, gilt. 264 Betterton (Thomas). Life and Times of. London, 188S. Large paper copy, with 35 portraits, etc., inserted, including a mezzotint of Mrs. Cross, also a voucher signed by Colley Cibber, Barton Booth, and Robert Wilks. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 265 History of the English Stage. Boston, 18 14. Svo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 266 Life of ; with "The Amorous Widow." Portrait. London, 17 10. Svo, calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. 267 History of the English Stage. Portraits. London, 1741. Licludes the Life of Anne Oldfield. Svo. half calf. 268 Betty (William Henry West). Memoirs of the Life of. Portraits in- serted. London, 1804. i2mo, half calf, gill top. 269 Biographical Memoirs. Portraits, two inserted. New York, 1S06. i2mo, half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut edges. 270 Biographical Memoirs of "the Young Roscius." Portrait in- serted. New York, i8g6. i2mo, half calf, gilt top. 271 Beverley (Mrs. R.). The Actress's Ways and Means to industriously raise the wind. London, n. d. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 272 Bewick (Thomas). History of Quadrupeds. Wood-cuts. Newcastle, 1790. First edition. Svo, calf. 273 History of British Birds. Wood-cuts. Newcastle, 1797-1804. First edition. 2 vols., Svo, calf. 274 Select Fables. With cuts, designed and engraved, by Thomas and John Bewick. Newcastle, 1820. First edition. Svo, half brown morocco, gilt top. 275 Emblems of Mortality. 51 wood-cuts. London, 1789. First edition. Crown Svo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 276 Beyle (M. H.). ["Stendhal"]. La Chartreuse de Parme. Trans- lated by Robins. 30 etchings. New York, 1895. 3 vols., i2mo, cloth, uncut. 277 Bibelot (The). A Reprint of Poetry and Prose for Book Lovers. Port- land, Me., 1895-8. No. 6 of 12 copies on Japan vellum paper. 4 vols., i2mo, original covers, uncut. BIBLE. This famous extra-illustrated book in 43 vols., the Douai ver- sion, with 8,000 plates inserted, will be offered at the end of the book portion of this catalogue, where it is fully described. 278 Old and New Testaments. Field, London, 1653. Presentation copy from Sarah Siddons to James Ballantyne, who, in his turn, gave it to Christina Hogarth. With autograph in- scriptions. i2mo, old blue morocco, richly tooled on back and sides, gilt edges. 22 279 Bible. The Holie Bible faithfully translated into English, etc., by the English College of Doway. Kellam, Doway, 1609-10. The New Testament. Fogny, Rhemes, 15S2. 3 vols., 4to, calf antique, gilt edges. 280 Bickerstaff (Isaac). The Romp : a musical entertainment. I'ortrait of Mrs. Jordan. Rare. London, n. d. 8vo, wrappers. 281 Billings (Peter). Folly Predominant; or, the Town taken in. 4 rare caricature portraits of Foote, Alacklin, Stephens, etc. London, 1755. Folio, half calf. 282 BILLINGTON (Mrs.). MEMOIRS OF, from her birth, with copies of Original Letters, etc. London, 1792. Unique copy, inlaid from 8vo to folio, and illustrated by the insertion of 116 plates, etc., and a supplementary text Consisting of " An Answer to the Memoirs of Mrs. Billington, with the Life and Adventures of Richard Daly." The illustrations include water-color drawings of Mrs. Weichsel, Digges, and Richard Daly, large colored caricatures (5) of the massive Mrs. B. and her friends ; Madame Grassini, a superb colored print ; Mrs. Crouch, by Bartolozzi ; caricatures (2) of Mrs. B. by Gillray ; her famous Reynolds portrait in folio, autograph letters of .Mrs. B. and Madame Mara, the latter very curious ; and a colored frontispiece of considerable value, by Freschi, supposed to represent Mrs. B. as a harpist. Folio, half red levant morocco, gilt top. Memoirs of. 6 portraits, 5 being inserted, including the brilliant colored plate by Bovi after Cosway, of great rarity. London, 1792. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 284 Memoirs of. 4 portraits inserted, i colored. London, 1792. Svo, half calf, gilt top. 285 Bing (S.). Artistic Japan. A monthly illustrated Journal of Arts and Industries, with a large number of colored plates, as well as te.xt illus- trations. London, 1888-90. Japan paper copy. 4 vols., 4to, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Artistic Japan. With a large number of colored and other illus- trations. London, n. d. 4to, cloth. 287 Bingham (Frederick). History of the Richmond Theatre, Surrey, from 1765 to 1884. Wood-cuts. London, 1886. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 288 Bjornson (B.). Pastor Sang. Translated. London, 1893. i2mo, cloth, uncut. 23 289 Black (Helen C). Notable Women Authors of the Day. Portraits. lilasgow, 1893. 8vo, cloth. 290 Black and White. Richly illustrated. London, 1S91-6. I J vuls., folio, half morocco. 291 Blackburn (Henry). Randolph Caldecott : A personal memoir. 172 illustrations. London, 1886. 4to, cloth, uncut. 292 Art in the Mountains : the .Story of the Passion Play. Illustrated. London, 1870. 8vo, cloth. 293 Blackburne (1'^. O.). Illustrious Irishwomen. London, 1877. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 294 Blackmore (R- IX). Lorna Doone. Photogravure and other illustra- tions. Cleveland, 1896. Edition de luxe, with the e.xtra plates in cloth envelope. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half red morocco e.xtra, gilt top, uncut edges. 295 Lorna Doone. Profusely illustrated. London, 1883. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. 296 Blades (William). Shakespeare and Typography. New York, 1897. Crown 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 297 Blaeu (Joanne). Novum Magnum Theatrum L^rbium Belgicae. Amsterdam. Fine copy, with the famous maps, views, and plans all colored by hand and occasionally heightened with gold. 2 vols., imp. folio, parchment. 298 Blaeu (William and Jean). Theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas. Ams- terdam, 1645. Superb copy, with all the maps and figures beautifully colored. 3 vols., imp. folio, green morocco extra, gilt edges. 299 Blaine (D. P.). Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports. 600 illustrations, by Leech, Aiken, etc. London, 1870. Thick 8vo, cloth. 300 Blake (Charles). Historical Account of the Providence Stage. Provi- dence, 1868. Presentation copy. Blake autograph letter enclosed. i2mo, half red levant, gilt top. 301 Blanchard (E. Laman). Life and Reminiscences. Edited by C. Scott and C. Howard. Portraits, etc. London, 1891. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 24 302 Blanchard, Gilbert, etc. Drawing-Room Plays and Parlour Panto- mimes. Collected by Clement Scott. London, 1870. Crown 8vo, cloth. 303 Blessington (Countess of). Literary Life and Correspondence. By R. R. Madden. Portraits. London, 1855. 3 vols., Svo, half blue morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 304 Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman [and Lady]. Plates. Lon- don, 1836-8. 2 vols., Svo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 305 • [?J. Book of Costume, by a lady of rank. 200 wood-cuts, COLORED BY HAND. Londou, 1847. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 306 Blondel (S.). L'Art Litime et le Gout en France. Profusely illustrated. Paris, 1884. Imp. Svo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 307 Bloomfield (Robt.). The Farmer's Boy. Wood-cuts by Thurston and Bewick. Portrait inserted. I-ondon, 1803. i2mo, calf. 308 Blue Beard, etc. Barbe-Bleue, et la Belle au Bois Dormant. With the beautiful Pieaumont illustrations, executed in facsimile of the original water colors. Paris, 1887. Folio, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Leaf at end ink-stained. 309 Blunt (W. S.). Esther : A Young Man's Tragedy ; Together with the I-ove .Sonnets of Proteus. Cambridge, 1895. 500 printed. 4to, boards. 310 Boaden (James). Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons. Autograph letter of the author, and numerous scarce portraits inserted. London, 1827. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 311 Memoirs of Mrs. Inchbald. Portrait. London, 1S53. Unique copy, with 20 choice and rare plates inserted. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 312 Life of Mrs. Jordan. London, 1S31. Autograph letter of Dora Jordan and numerous portraits inserted. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt to|->, uncut edges. [See] 313 T>ife of John l^hilip Kemble. London, 1825. LInique copy, witli 26 jiortraits of the Kemble-Siddons family and 3 play-bills inserted. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. |See Kimhi k. | 314 Boccaccio. The Modell of Wit, Mirth and Eloquence. London, 1C25. The Decameron. Numerous cuts. London, 1620. First English translation, Mitford's copy, with both title-pages. Folio, red morocco. 315 Decameron. Portrait, and numerous copper-plate illustrations inserted. London, 1822. 4 vols., i2mo, olive levant morocco e.xtra, gilt top, uncut edges. 316 Decameron. Translated by Kelly. Portrait. Bohn, London, 1 86 1 . Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. 317 The Decameron. Numerous plates. London, 1896. Dutch paper. 100 copies printed. 4 vols., r2mo, buckram, uncut edges. 318 Boileau. The Art of Poetry. London, 1683. 1 2 mo, calf. 319 Boilly ' L.). Humorous Sketches. 38 colored plates. Paris, 1824. Folio, half morocco. 320 Bois (Jules). Le Satanisme et la Magie. Illustrated. Paris, 1896. 8vo, original covers, uncut edges. 321 Boisgobey (Fortune du). Works. Translated, and many illustrated. London, etc., 1876-91. Comprises : Fernande's Choice ; An Ocean Knight ; The Pride of a Day ; The Golden Tress ; Married for Love ; The Half-Sister's Secret; The Cat's-eye Ring, 2 vols. ; Saved from the Harem; The Day of Reckoning; The Red Band ; The Steel Necklace; The Coral Pin ; The Felon's Bequest ; Where's Zenobia ? ; The Red Camellia ; The Golden Pig ; Crime of the Opera House ; Old Age of Lecoq ; Cry of Blood : Mysteries of New Paris ; Bertha's Secret ; Fight for a Fortune ; Matapan Affair ; Convict Colonel : Railway Tragedy ; Who Died Last ? ; Angel of the Chimes, and Nameless Man. 29 vols., i2mo and 4to, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 322 Fontenoy the Swordsman ; Married for Love, and the Half- Sister's Secret. Illustrated. London, 1889, etc. 3 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 323 Bolton (C. K.). On the Wooing of Martha Pitkin. Boston, 1875. i6mo, boards. 324 Bon-Mots. Edited by Walter Jerrold. Portraits, etc. London, 1893. i6mo, cloth. 325 Bonnard (C). Costumi dei secoli XIII., XIV., &: XV. With a large number of colored plates. Milano. 1832. 2 vols., 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. [See Costume. J 26 326 Bon Ton Theatricals. 3 portraits inserted. London, 1790. Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 327 Book-Buyer. Illustrated. New York, 18S4-9. 6 vols., Svo, cloth. 328 Book of Old Ballads. Illustrated by Alice Havers. London, n. d. Folio, cloth. 329 Book Lover (The). A monthlyjournal, illustrated. New York, 1S90. 4to, half morocco. 330 Bookman (The). Illustrated. New York, 1895. Vols, i, 6, 7, and 8. Svo, cloth. 331 Book-Plates. Modern book-plates and their, designers. Winter num- ber of the Studio, 189S-9. Numerous illustrations. London, 1899. 4to, half olive levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 332 Bookworm (The). An Illustrated Treasury of Old-Time Literature. 2d and 3d series. London, 1890. 2 vols., Svo, cloth. 333 Booth (Barton). Memoirs of the Life of. Portraits ; 5 inserted. Lon- don, 1733. Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. 334 Memoirs of the Life of. Portrait of I'ooth from the " Cabinet." London, 1733. Svo, half calf, gilt top. 335 Booth (Edwin). Memorial Celebration. Sixteenth anniversary. Por- trait. New York, 1S93. Royal Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 336 BOOTH IN Twelve Dramatic: Characters, with a Biographical Sketch by William Winter. Boston. Unique copy, with autograph letters of ^Vinter and Pxlwin Booth (2) ; also Records of Booth's Theatre, by C. C. Moreau, New York, 18S4, and other letter-press sketches, by Hennessey and Linton ; the whole illustrated with j^rogrammes of special per- formances and every possible portrait of the actor, many in proof state, etc., etc. Folio, half red levant morocco, gilt to[). 337 BOOTH (The Elder and the Younger). By Asia Booth Clarke. Boston, 1882. Unique copy, on large paper. 100 printed ; with autograph let- ters of Junius Booth (8) and Garrick ; water-color drawings of D. C. Anderson, W. Winter, W. 1^. Burton, P'erd. Ewer, John Howard Payne, Hamblin, 'V. A. Cooper, l-'dmund Kean, L B. Booth (5), Edwin Booth (2), Mrs. Booth, the Chatham 'i'iieatrc (exterior), and Bark Theatre (interior). In addition, a large 27 number of other portraits are inserted, some in proof state, and one of Edwin IJooth, with autograph inscription, the whole sup- plemented with special play-bills, etc. Folio, half red levant morocco, gilt top. 338 BOOTH MEMORIALS. Passages, Incidents, and Anecdotes in the Life of Junius IJrutus Booth the Elder. By His Daughter. New York, 1876. Enlarged from i2mo to .folio, and illustrated by the insertion of 184 portraits, autograph letters, etc. The autographs include J. B. Booth (4), J. Wilkes Booth, etc.; and among the portraits are water-color drawings of Booth, Blake, and J. Wilkes Booth. The last portion of this volume contains the " Life, Crime, and Capture of John Wilkes Booth," by G. A. Townsend, and original play-bills pertinent to the text lend value to both portions of this volume. Folio, half red levant morocco, gilt top. 339 Booth (Junius Brutus). Memorials. By His Daughter. Portrait in- serted. New York, 1870. i6mo, half orange levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 340 And His Contemporaries. The Actor ; or, A Peep Behind the Curtain. New York, 1846. i2mo, half orange levant, giit top. 341 Borrow (George). Word-Book of the Romany. London, 1888. Post 8vo, cloth. 342 Boston Museum. A Retrospect. Portrait inserted. Boston, 1880. i2mo, half red levant. 343 Boswell (James). Life of Samuel Johnson : Tour to the Hebrides and Johnsoniana. Steel plates. London, 1839. 10 vols., foolscap 8vo, half morocco. [See Johnson.] 344 Boucher (Francois). 25 designs in colors in facsimile, by Thornley. Paris, 18 — . Royal folio, boards. 345 Bouchot (Menri). L'ICmpirc. Numerous fine portraits and other illus- trations. Paris, n. d. Imp. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 346 Boughton and Abbey. Sketching Rambles in Holland. Illustrated. New York, 1885. 8vo, cloth. 347 Boucicault (Dion). The Irish Heiress. London, 1842. First edition. 8vo, half citron levant, gilt top. 28 348 Bourgeois (E.). France under Louis XIV. Profusely illustrated. New V^ork [London], 1897. Imp. 8vo, cloth. 349 Bourget (Paul). Pastels of Men. Translated by K. P. Wormeley. Boston, 1891-2. 2 vols., i6mo, cloth. 350 Boy Detective (The) ; or, The Crimes of London. Wood-cuts. Lon- don, n. d. 8vo, paper. 351 Bradley. Llis Book. Lilustrated. 189G-7. 2 vols., folio and 4to, cloth, uncut. 352 BRAY (Mrs.). LIFE OF THOMAS STOTHARD, with personal reminiscences. Portrait, etc. London, 185 1. Unique copy, enlarged to a full quarto, and extended to 2 vols, by the insertion of over 200 portraits, examples of Stothard's work, etc. These latter plates include the illustrations to Robinson Crusoe (India proofs), Gil Bias, Tom Jones, Shakespeare's Plays, the Poems of Burns, etc., as well as the John Gilpin picture. Four original sketches by Stothard and 15 autograph letters by the artist, the author, and Anne Eliza Stothard, lend interest to these volumes. 2 vols., 4to, green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 353 BRAYLEY (E. W.). THEATRES OF LONDON. With the original colored plates by Havell. London, 1826. Unique copy, superbly illustrated by the addition of over 200 plates, and autographs of unusual importance and rarity. The autograph letters include examples of John Rich, Robert Wilks, Barton Booth, J. Winston, J. P. Kemble, C. Kemble, Vanbrugh, George Colman, Arnold the musician, Mathews, Grimaldi, Thomas Dibdin, Astley ; and among the portraits will be found Mathews' "At Home" (colored); Rich, the Harlequin; Theophilus Cil)ber, Elliston (mezzotint), Mrs. Cibber (mezzotint), Mr. Beard (mez- zotint), by Faber ; Hall (colored), Wofilington (colored), McSwiny (mezzotint), Cuzzoni and Farinelli, by Lady Burlington (Walpoles copy with notes) ; Dr. Arne, by Bartolozzi ; Maddox (2), Jemmy Warner (original water color), Barrett (colored drawing), J. Palmer (a superb water color), C. Bannister (mezzotint), Mrs. (libbs (beautifully colored); also the original illustrations of the Duke's Theatre, by DoUe; a water color of Astley's Theatre, and the pamphlets," The London Theatres," a poem by Thomas Bellamy, "The 0-Period," etc. 2 vols., 4to, green levant morocco extra, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. 354 The^itres of London. 16 plates by Havell. London, 1833. 4to, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 29 355 Brereton (Austin). Henry Irving. 18 portraits and (inserted) HoUyer's plate on India paper. London, 1883. Royal 8vo, half calf, giit top, uncut edges. 356 Some famous Hamlets, from Burbage to Fechter. London, 1884. Crown 8vo, half citron levant, gilt top. 357 Breval. 'Ihc Play is the Plot. London, 1718. 4to, half citron levant. 358 Brewer and Storer. Histrionic Topography. Engraved views. Lon- don, 1818. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 359 Bric-a-Brac Series. Greville Memoirs. Anecdote biographies of 'Ihackeray and Dickens ; personal reminiscences of Lamb, Hazlitt, Moore, Jerdan, etc., etc. New York, 1875-6. 10 vols., i6mo, half vellum, gilt. 360 Brillat-Savarin. Handbook of Gastronomy. 52 proof etchings, by Lalauze. New York [London], 1884. Svo, cloth, uncut. 361 British Minstrel. Songs, Duets, Glees, Choruses, etc. Glasgow, n. d. 3 vols, in I, royal Svo, half morocco. 362 British Stage. Biography of the British Stage. Frontispiece and wood-cuts. London, 1824. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 363 Broadway Journal (The). Vol. 2. New York, 1845. 4to, half calf. 364 Brocade Series. The Story without an End. From the German of Carov^. Of Cupid and Psyche. Out of the Latin of Apuleius, by AValter Pater. Of Amis and Amile. Out of the ancient French, by William Morris. The Child in the House. By Walter Pater. Portland, 1896-7. Japan paper copies. 4 vols., paper, i6mo, original boards, uncut. 365 Bronte (Charlotte). Jane Eyre. The Haworth edition. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1884. No. 95 of 425 printed on extra laid paper. 2 vols., 8vo, buckram, uncut edges. 366 Brooke (Henry). The Earl of Esse:;, A 'J'ragedy ; and 6 other Plays. Edinburgh, 1761. Post 8vo, half calf. 30 367 BROOKLYN THEATRE. Historical Account of the Burning of, December 5, 1876. Compiled from the Brooklyn Daily P^agle, and il- lustrated by the addition of numerous wood-cuts, play-bills, etc. New York, 1890. Royal folio, half green morocco, gilt top. 368 Brooks (E. S.). Century Book of the American Revolution. Illustrated. New York, 1897. 4to, cloth. 369 Brooks (Shirley). The Gordian Knot. Illustrated by John Tenniel. London, i860. 8vo, half calf, gilt. 370 BROUGHTON AND PULHAM. The British Stage and Literary Cabinet. Character portraits by Cruikshank, etc., mostly colored. Lon- don, 1817-21. The Mackenzie copy, which sold for £\i los. 5 vols., 8vo, mottled calf. 371 Brown (J. H.). Cyclopredia of American Biographies. Portraits. Boston, 1897. Royal 8vo, half morocco (Vol. i). 372 Brown (T. A.). History of the American Stage. Portraits. New York, 1870. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 373 Browne. The Genial Showman. Reminiscences of the Life of Artemus Ward, by E. P. Kingston. Colored and other illustrations. London, n. d. Crown 8yo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 374 Browning (Robert). Poetical Works. Portrait. Crowell, New York, 1898. 12 vols, 24mo, cloth, in case. 375 Browning (Robert and Elizabeth Barrett). Letters of, 1S45-6. Por- traits, etc. New York, 1899. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 376 Bruhl (C. G. von). Neue Kostume auf den beiden Koniglichen Theatre in Berlin. 135 fine colored plates. Berlin, 1819. Imp. 8vo, half red morocco. 377 Brun (S. J.). Tales of Languedoc. Illustrated by Pei.xotto. San Francisco, 1896. 8vo, cloth. 378 Bryant and Gay. History of the United States. Profusely illustrated with engravings on steel and wood. New York, 1876-81. 4 vols., royal 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 31 379 Bryant, Gay, and Brooks. Popular History of the United States. 1, 600 illustration;^ and maps. New York, 1895. 5 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. 380 Buck (J. H.). Old Plate ; its Makers and Marks. 82 illustrations. New York, 18S8. 8vo, cloth. 381 Buckingham (Geo. \'illiers, Duke of). '.Vorks. Portraits, etc. London, '7'5- 2 vols., 8vo, calf. 382 A Key to the Rehearsal, and Other Plays. Frontispiece. Lon- don, 1 7 14. 8vo, calf. 383 Buckstone (J. B.). Rural Felicity : an Operatic Comedy. Frontis- piece. London, 1834. D. P. Rowers's copy, interleaved. 8vo, boards. 384 Building Designs. Furnishing, Decorating, etc. Plates. New York, 1897. 5 vols., 4to, cloth. 385 Bull (Sara C). Ole Bull : a Memoir. Portrait, etc. Boston, 1883. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 386 Bullock (Chas.). A Woman's Revenge : a Comedy. Frontispiece. London, 17 15. i2mo, half citron levant. 387 Bulwer (J.). Anthropometamorphosis : Man Transform'd ; or, Lhe Artificial Changeling. Portrait by Faithorne, frontispiece by Cross, and 174 cuts. London, 1653. 4to, sprinkled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. 388 Bulwer (Lord Lytton). Works, as follows : Novels and Romances. 13 vols. 1856, etc. Poetical and Dramatic Works. 5 vols. 1852. France. 4 vols. 1834-6. England and the English. 2 vols. 1833. Together, 24 vols., i2mo, half calf, gilt. London, 1833-56. 389 Novels. Frontispiece. London, 1867. 20 vols., post 8vo, half calf. 390 Leila; or, The Siege of Granada, etc. 16 plates by Maclise. London, 1838. Royal 8vo, red calf e.xtra, gilt top, uncut edges. 391 'I'he Last Days of Pompeii. Profusely illustrated. London, n. d. Square Svo, picture cloth. 33 392 Bulwer (Lord Lytton). Last Days of Pompeii. Illustrated. Boston, i8 — . 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 393 Life, Letters, and Literary Remains of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton, by his son. Portraits, etc. London, 1883. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 394 Bunn (Alfred). The Stage: both before and behind the curtain. London, 1840. Unique copy, with nearly 100 portraits inserted, including scarce prints of Helen Faucit, Malibran, Kean, Garrick, Betty, Mrs. Centlivre, etc. 3 vols., crown 8vo, calf extra, by Pratt, gilt edges. 395 Vauxliall Papers. Illustrated by Alfred Crowquill. London, 1841. Crown 8vo, calf extra, by Riviere. 396 Bunner (H. C). Airs from Arcady. New York, 1884. Two leaves of original MS. inserted. 8v<), half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 397 Three Operettas. Music by Weil. Illustrations by Weldon and Taylor. New York, 1897. Oblong 4to, half gray levant. 398 Jersey Street and Jersey Lane. Illustrated. New York, 1896. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 399 Love in Old Cloathes and Other Stories. Illustrated. New York, 1896. i2m(), half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 400 Made in France. Illustrated. New York, 1893. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 401 " Short Sixes." Illustrated. New York, 1891. i2mo, half gray levant, uncut edges. 402 More Short Sixes. Illustrated. New York, 1894, Post 8vo, half gray levant. 403 Poems. Portrait. New York, 1896. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 404 The Midge. New York, 1896. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 405 Rowen. Frontispiece. New York. 1892. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 406 The Runaway Browns. Wood-cuts, New York, 1S92. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3 33 407 Bunner (H. C). The Story of a New York House. Illustrated. New York, 18S7. 121110, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 408 Zadoc Pine, etc. New York, 1891. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 409 Buntling Ball (The). New York, 1884. Square 8vo, cloth. 410 Bunyan. The Pilgrim's Progress. Illustrated by the brothers Rhead. New York, 1898. 4to, cloth. 411 Pilgrim's Progress. Illustrated by Bennett. London, i860. Small 4to, cloth. 412 Burgess (Cielett). Vivette. Boston, 1897. i2mo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 413 Burgess (G.), Editor. Love-Letters of Mr. H. and Miss R., 1775-79. Chicago, 1895. i2mo, cloth, uncut. 414 The Love-Letters of Mr. H. and Miss R., 1775-79. London, 1895 Post 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 415 Burgess (W. W.). The Cathedrals and Cathedral Towns of England and Wales. Part I., with 12 etchings, signed proofs. London, n. d. Imp. folio, boards. 416 Burgh (A. de). Elizabeth, Empress of Austria. A Memoir. 80 illustra- tions. London, 1899. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 417 Burke (John Bernard). Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noble- men and (ientlemen of Great Britain. Numerous Views. London, 1853-5- 4 vols., royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 418 Burke (Master). Biography of the Irish Roscius. Philadelphia, n. d. i.?nio, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 419 Burke (Peter). The Romance of the Forum. Frontispiece. London, n. d. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 420 Burlesque, etc. The Dramatic Burlesque of the Tailors, to which is Added an yVccount of the Fracas at the Theatre, August 15, 1805. London, n. d. 8vo, half gray levant. 421 Burnet ((iilbert). Some Letters. Rotterdam, i686. David Garrick's copy, with his book-plate. i2mo, calf. 34 422 Burnett (Frances H.). Little Lord Fauntleroy. Illustrated. New York, 1886. First edition. 4to, cloth. 423 Sara Crewe. Illustrated. New York, 1888. 8vo, cloth. 424 Burney (Chas.). Memoirs, arranged by Mad. d'Arblay [Fanny Burney]. London, 1832. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut edges. 425 Burns (Robt.). Poetical Works, with Life, etc. Portrait and vignette engravings on steel. London, 1834. 8 vols., foolscap 8vo, green calf, gilt. 426 The Works of. Portraits and plates. Paterson, Edinburgh, 1891. 6 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 427 Concordance to the Poems and Songs of, by J. B. Reid. Portrait. Glasgow, 1889. Royal 8vo, half olive levant, gilt top. 428 Burns and Clarinda. Correspondence, with a Memoir of Mrs. M'Le- hose [Clarinda |. Portraits, etc. Edinburgh, 1843. Crown Svo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 429 Burton (Isabel, Lady). Life of Capt. Sir Richard F. Burton. Por- traits, maps, etc. London, 1893. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 430 The Romance of her Life. Portraits, etc. New York, 1897. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 431 Burton (Richard). Admirable Curiosities, Rarities, and Wonders, in luigland, Scotland, and Ireland. Curious wood-cuts. Westminster, 1811. Large paper copy. 4to, cloth. 432 Editor. Vikram and the Vampire. Illustrated by Griset. Lon- don, 1893. Large paper copy. 200 printed. Svo, cloth, uncut. 433 BURTON (Robt.). THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Cripps, 0.xford, 162 1. The rare first edition. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. 35 434 Burton (W. E,), Editor. Literary Souvenir. [Including Burton's story, " The Old Dutchman and His Long Box. "j 13 plates. Philadelphia, 1S40. Inserted is an interesting letter from Burton to Carey, the pub- lisher, in which he regrets that " the excitement of a week in New York," made it impossible to even think of writing. 8vo, original binding. 435 Comic Songster. Wood-cuts. Philadeli)hia, 1846. i6mo, half brown levant, gilt top. 436 Busby (Thos.). Concert Room and Orchestra Anecdotes. Portraits, etc. London, 1825. 3 vols., i2mo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 437 Busch (Moritz). Bismarck : some secret pages of history. Portraits. London, 1898. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 438 Butler (Samuel). Hudibras. Portrait and numerous plates on copper. London, 1710. i2mo, calf, 3 parts in r vol. 439 Hudibras. With the beautiful little mezzotint portrait by Nixon, after Lely. London, 1750. i2mo, calf. 440 Byrne (Mrs.). Gossip of the Century. Illustrated. New York [Lon- don], 1892. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 441 Byrnes (Inspector Thos.). Professional Criminals of America. Por- traits. New York, 1886. Imp. 8vo, half morocco. 442 Byron (Lord). Works. Complete, including his Poems, Letters, Jour- nal, and Life, by 'V. Moore, and all the Variorum Notes. Portrait, and beautiful engravings by Finden, from drawings by Turner, Stanfield, etc. London, 1832-3. 17 vols., foolscap 8vo, half green morocco. 443 Works. Edited by Ernest Hartlev Coleridge. Murray, London, 1898. Large paper copy. No. 201 of 250 printed. Vols. I to 3. 4to, half blue morocco. 444 Works in Verse and Prose. Steel plates. New York, 1834. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, with the Balmanno book- plate. 445 Works. Edited by W. E. Henley. Letters, 1804-13. Portrait. London, 1897. Copy F of 26 lettered copies. 2 vols, (i and 2), crown Svo, half red levant and cloth, uncut edges. 36 446 Byron (Lord). Hours of Idleness ; a series of Poems, original and trans- lated. Newark Ridge, 1807. First edition. An interesting copy formerly belonging to }. H. Jesse, who inserted some interesting autographs, including a letter of Sir W. Scott to Fr. Chantrey ; an autograph leaf of Byron containing 30 lines in the English Bards, notes of Lord Byron's mother, sister, and wife, R. C. Dallas, Countess of Blessington, Thos. Moore, Hon. Mrs. Fraser, etc., and signatures of various persons connected with Byron, " The Maid of Athens," etc. Small 8vo, half red morocco, with lock and key. 447 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. London, 181 1. Fourth edition. Unique copy, with 42 portraits inserted, including the private plate of H. Kirke White, and autograph letters of Byron, John Murray, W. L. Bowles, John Polidori, I>ady Noel Byron, etc.; also book-plates of John Thomas Becker and Char- lotte Chaworth. Royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 448 English E>ards and Scotch Reviewers. Cawthorn, London, n. d. First edition. Presentation copy from Byron to Capt. Hyde Parker. 8vo, blue morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 449 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. London, 1809. Second edition. 8vo, blue morocco, gilt top, uncut e^dges. 450 C. (J.). A Cure for Jealousie : a Comedy. London, 1701. 4to, half citron levant. 451 Cabinet ( I'he) ; or, Monthly Report of Polite Literature. Fine impres- si(;ns of the 33 rare portraits, one added. London, 1807-88. 4 vols., crown 8vo, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top. 452 Cabinet of Genius. Containing frontispieces and characters adapted to the most popular poems, etc. Beautiful plates by C. Taylor. Lon- don, 1787. 2 vols., 4to, calf. 453 Cable (Geo. W.). Old Creole Days. Illustrated by A. Herter. New York, 1897. Japan paper copy. 204 printed. Royal 8vo, vellum, uncut edges. 454 Cahu (Theo.). Histoire de Jeanne d'Arc. Colored illustrations by Scmant. Paris, n. d. Oblong 4to, cloth. 455 Caldecott (Randolph). Complete Collection of Pictures and Songs. Preface by Austin Dcjbson. London, 1887. Large paper copy. The i)lates are both ct,)lore(l and plain. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut. 37 456 Callieres. The Knowledge of the World. Dublin, 1774. i2mo, calf. 457 Calvert (Walter). Souvenir of Miss ICllen Terry. Illustrated. Lon- don, 18—. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 458 Cambridge Garrick Club. Album of. Portraits. Cambridge, 1836. i2in(). half citron levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 459 Camera Mosaics, A Portfolio of National Photography. Nearly 200 illustrations. New York, 1894. Oblong 4to, cloth. 460 Campbell (Hugh). The Love Letters of Mary Queen of Scots to Bothwell. Numerous portraits inserted. London, n. d. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. 461 Love Letters of Mary Queen of Scots to James, Earl of Bothwell. Portrait. London, n. d. 8vo, half calf. 462 Campbell (Thomas). Life of Mrs. Siddons. London, 1834. Autograph letter of the author and Mrs. Siddons inserted, as well as numerous rare and curious plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 463 Life of Mrs. Siddons. 8 plates inserted. London, 1839. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 464 Caran d'Ache. Les Courses dans I'Antiquite. 64 colored plates. Paris, n. d. Oblong 4to, cloth. 465 Caricatures. A Collection of 120 curious engravings, chiefly by Darly, some colored, including portraits of many famous persons of the last century. London, n. d. Atlas folio, calf, binding broken. 466 Carlell (Lodowick). The Fool Would be a Favourit. A trage-comedy. London, 1657. i2mo. half citron levant. 467 Carleton (W illiam). Tales and Sketches. Illustrating the character, usages, traditions, sports, and pastimes of the Irish peasantry. Plates by Phiz. Dublin, 1853. 8vo, cloth, imcut edges. 468 Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Numerous plates by W. H. Brooke. London, 1836. 5 vols., post 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 469 Farm Ballads and City Ballads. Illustrated. New York, 1873-85. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. 38 470 Carleton (William). Valentine McClutchy, the Irish Agent. 20 plates by Phiz. Dublin, 1847. 8vo, half green calf, gilt. 471 Carlyie (Thomas). Sartor Resartus. Illustrated by E. J. Sullivan. London, 1898. Post 8vo, cloth. 472 Carman (Pliss). Low Tide on Grand Pre. Cambridge, 1894. i6mo, cloth, uncut edges. 473 '^^^ Hovey (Richard). Songs from Vagabondia. Boston, 1895. i6mo, boards, uncut edges. 474 Carr (Mrs. Comyns). North Italian Folk. Colored illustrations by Randolph Caldecott. London, 1S78. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. 475 Cams (Paul). Karma : A Story of Early Buddhism. Colored illustra- tions. Tokyo, n. d. 4to, original wrapper. 476 Castle (Egerton). English Book Plates. Illustrated. London, 1892. Post 8vo, cloth. 477 Catley (Anne). Life of. London, 1888. Large paper copy, with 9 rare portraits of the actress inserted. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 478 Life of. Portrait. London, 1888. Large paper copy. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 479 Catley (Miss). Brief Narrative of the Life of. London, n. d. Curious portraits, some inserted. The Mackenzie copy sold for Sf9-5°- 8vo, half calf. 480 Cats and Farlie. Moral Emblems. Illustrated by John Leighton. London, 1862. 4to, maroon morocco extra. 481 Caulfield (James). Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of Remarkable Persons. 155 copper-plate portraits. London, 1819. Large paper copy, with the plates on India paper. 4 vols., 4to. half brown morocco. 482 Calcographiana : The Printseller's Chronicle. London, 1814. Unique copy, with 150 portraits inserted. 8vo, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Smith. 39 483 Cawdell (}.). Miscellaneous Poems. Folding frontispiece. Sunder- land, 1785. 8vo, calf. 484 Cawthorn's Minor British Theatre. Fine character portraits. London, 1806. 6 vols., i2mo, half green levant morocco e.xtra, uncut edges. 485 Caylus ( Court of Louis XIV. London, 1770. 2 vols., i2mo, half red morocco. 486 Centlivre (Susanna). The Busie Body. Marplot (1711) and Gamester (1708). London, 1708, etc. 3 vols., 4to, half citron levant. 487 The Busie Body : A Comedy. London, 17 — . 4to, half calf. 488 Century (The). An Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Profusely illus- trated. New York, 1881-98. 34 vols., 8vo, half morocco. 489 Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia. With the Century Cyclopedia of Names, and Atlas. New York, 1896. 10 vols., 4to, half blue morocco. 490 Century Dictionary and Atlas. New York. 7 vols.,4to, half levant morocco. 491 Cervantes (M. de). Don Quixote de la Mancha. With the extensive and superb series of plates after the first Spanish artists and engravers. Ibarra, Madrid, 1780. The famous Academy edition. 4 vols., 4to, calf gilt. 492 Don Qui.xote. With the brilliant plates, by Smirke. India proofs in two states, before and after letters. London, 181 8. 4 vols., 4to, citron levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. 493 Exemplary Novels. Portrait. Bohn, London, 1855. Post Svo cloth, uncut. 494 Challamel (A.). Histoire de la Mode de France. 17 colored plates. Pans, 1875. Royal 8vo, cloth. 495 Chalmers ((jeo.). Apology for the believers in the Shakespeare Papers. London, 1797. Presentation copy from J. H. Hackett. Svo, half russia. 40 496 CHAMBERS (Robert.) BOOK OF DAYS. A iMiscellany of Popular Antiquities in connection with the Calendar. London, 1864. Unique copy, illustrated by the insertion of 1,400 prints on copper, steel, etc., including; rare portraits of Major Andre, Jefferson, Wolfe, P>anklin, Tennyson (colored), Phillis Wheatley (original), Dr. Gauden, Grimaldi, Duchess of Kingston, Philip Astley, Honora Sneyd, Cocker, Garrick, Chatterton, Nell Gwynn, Thos. Doggett, Hackman and Miss Ray, Mrs. Fitzherbert, Queen Charlotte (mezzotint), Beau Nash, Michael Drayton, Abbe Firmont, and many India proofs of the British poets. Several colored plates lend interest to the volumes, and proofs on India paper, both of the views and portraits, are more than frequent. 12 vols., royal 8vo, half citron levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 497 Chambers's Encyclopaedia. Maps and illustrations. Edinburgh, 1892. 10 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. 498 Chambers (R. W.). A King and a Few Dukes. New York, 1896. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 499 With the Band. Poems. New York, 1896. Presentation copy from the author. i6mo, boards. 500 The Maker of Moons. New York, 1896. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 501 The Red Republic : A Romance of the Commune. New York, 1896. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 502 Champeaux (Alf. de). Le Meuble. Illustrated. Paris, 1885. 2 vols., i2mo, cloth. 503 Champfleury. Balzac proprietaire. Paris, 1875. i2mo, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges, with the original covers. 504 Champlin and Apthorp. Cyclopaedia of Music and Musicians. 1,000 illustrations. New York, 1888. Large papef ; 550 copies printed, No. 14. 3 vols., 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 505 Champlin and Perkins. Cyclopaedia of Painters and Paintings. 2,000 illustrations. New York, 1888. 4 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 506 Chance Brothers. Designs for Colored Ornamental Windows. Plates in gold and colors. Birmingham, 1853. 4to, cloth. 41 507 Chants et Chansons Populaires de la France. Notices par Dum- ersan, acc()ni[)agnfinent dc Piano par H. Colet. Illustrations par Meis- sonier, Daubigny, Beaumont, etc. Paris, i860. 3 vols., imp. Svo, half brown levant, gilt top. 508 Chap-Book (The). Illustrated. Chicago, 1894-98. 9 vols., i2mo and 4to, cloth, uncut. 509 Chap Books. Life of Dr. Faustus, Dick 1 uri^in, Jack Sheppard, Jane Shore, ("icorge Barnwell, etc., etc. v. d. Post Svo, half brown morocco, enclosing the original covers. 510 Garland of New Songs, etc. Newcastle, n. d. 21 parts, some duplicated. 511 Chapman (W. C). London at Table. Frontispiece by Leech (?). London, 185 1. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 512 Charke (Charlotte). Narrative of the Life of, by herself. With the rare portrait. London, 1759. i2mo, half calf, gilt top. 513 Narrative of the Life of. London, 1827. i2mo, half calf. 514 Narrative of the Life of. Curious portrait. London, 1755. i2mo, half calf, gilt top. 515 Narrative of the Life of. With the rare portrait. London, 1755. i2mo, Cambridge calf. 516 [Chatterton (Thomas)]. Poems supposed to have been written by Tliomas Rowley, etc. London, 1777. First edition. Svo, half morocco. 517 Chatto (W. A.). Treatise on Wood Engraving. 300 wood-cuts by John Jackson. New York [London], 18 — . Royal Svo, tree calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 518 Chaucer. Works. Edited by Urry. Portraits and cuts. London, 1721. Large paper copy. , Royal folio, calf. 519 Cheltnam (C. S. ). Dramatic Year Book and Stage Directory for the United Kingdom. Portraits. London, 1892. 4to, cloth. 520 Chery et Alix. Costumes et Theatres de toutes les Nations. Numerous l)latcs, mostly printed in color. Paris, 1790. 2 vols, in 1, 4to, half green morocco. 42 521 Chetwood (W. R.). The British Theatre. Lives of the English Dramatic Poets, etc. London, 1752. Post 8vo, half calf. 522 (ieneral History of the Stage. 6 portraits, etc., inserted. London, 1749- 1 2 mo, calf. 523 (General History of the Stage. Portrait and frontispiece. Dublin, 1749- i2mo, calf. 524 General History of the Stage. London, 1749. i2mo, calf extra. 525 Child (Theo.). A Mirror of Fair Women. Studies in beauty and elegance. Numerous illustrations. New York, 1892. Japanese proof edition. 2 vols., royal folio, half blue morocco extra, gilt top. 526 Wimples and Crisping-Pins. Illustrated. New York, 1895. i2mo, cloth. 527 Children. Fifty engravings of Children, Cupids, etc., from Greuze, Reynolds, Cipriani, etc. Mounted on cardboard, v. d. 4to, half green morocco. 528 Chop-book (The). Vol. 8, Nos. 4-12; vol. 9, Nos. 1-4; January i-July I, 189S. Chicago, 1S97. 4to, cloth, uncut. 529 Chorley (Henry F.). Thirty Years' Musical Recollections. Portraits. London, 1862. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 530 Modern German Music. London, 1854. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half red levant, gilt toj), uncut edges. 531 Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. Portrait. London, 1836. 2 vols., crown 8vo, boards, uncut. 532 Chorley (H. L.). The Lyric Drama. London, 1841. Presentation copy from the author. 8vo, half green levant. 533 Christy's Minstrels. I'lie original Dialogue Book of G. N. Chri.sty. Partly in liis autograph, but largely consisting of printed cuttings with MS. comments. Some wood-cuts, programmes, etc. Apparently No. 1 of an intended series, with Cleveland. Oliio, indicated as its habitat. 8vo, rough sheep, with morocco bands. 43 534 Christy (Rishops. Numerous photo- gravure portraits, proofs on India paper, and wood-cuts. Philadel- phia, 1889. 2 vols., folio, half maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 563 Clark (Wm. 1.). Commercial Cuba. Maps and other illustrations. New York, 1898. 8vo, cloth. 564 Clayton (Ellen C). Queens of Song. 6 steel portraits. London, 1863. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 565 Clemens (Samuel L.). " Mark Twain." Works. Numerous illustrations. Hartford, 1899. Autograph edition, 512 copies printed. The buyer may take up the subscription to the rest of the set when issued. 6 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 566 Mark Twain's (Burlesque) Autobiograi)hy and First Romance. Wood-cuts. New York, n. d. i2mo, cloth. 567 The Innocents Abroad. Illustrated. Hartft)rd, 1S71. 8vo, cloth. 568 Roughing It. By Mark Twain. Illustrated. Hartforti, 1872. Svo, cloth. 569 and Warner. The C.ilded Age. By Mark Twain, etc. Illus- trated. Hartford, 1874. Svo, cloth. 47 570 Clemens (Samuel L.)- Mark Twain's Sketches, New and Old. Illus- trated. Hartford, 1S75. 4to, cloth. 571 Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Illustrated. Hartford, 1876. 4to, cloth. 572 A Tramp Abroad. By Mark Twain. 328 illustrations. Hart- ford, 1880. 8vo, cloth. C73 The Prince and the Pauper. By Mark Twain. 192 illustrations. Boston, 1882. 8vo, cloth. 574 Life on the Mississippi. 300 illustrations. Boston, 1883. 8vo, cloth. 575 Adventures of Huckleberry P'inn. By Mark Twain. 174 illus- trations. New York, 1885. 8vo, cloth. 576 A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court. By Mark Twain. New York, 1889. Presentation copy, with author's inscription as follows : " My dear Daly. Read at least one chapter of this book, and be higher and holier than before." 8vo, brown morocco, gilt edges. 577 The American Claimant. By Mark Twain. Illustrated. New York, 1892. 8vo, cloth. 578 The .American Claimant. By Mark Twain. Illustrated. New York, 1897. i2mo, cloth. 579 Tom Sawyer Abroad, Tom Sawyer Detective, and other Stories. By Mark Twain. Illustrated. New York, 1896. 8vo, cloth. 580 How to Tell a Story and other Essays. By Mark Twain. New York, 1897. i2mo, cloth. 581 Following the Equator. By Mark Twain. Illustrated. Hart- ford, 1897. 8vo, cloth. 582 Clement (C:. E.). Charlotte Cushman. Portraits. Boston, 1882. Large paper. 100 printed. * 4to, ongmal covers. 48 583 Coleridge (S. T.). The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Illustrated by Gustave Dor^. New York, 1888. Atlas 4to, cloth. 584 Clinton (Henry Lauren). Celebrated Trials. Portraits. New York, 1879. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 585 Clive (Mrs.). The Case of : submitted to the Public. London, 1744. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 586 Cobbett (William). History of the Protestant Reformation in Knglan and Ireland. London, 1829. Unique copy. Illustrated by the insertion of over 400 portraits and views on steel and copper, including the rare portrait of Cobbett by Adiard. 5 vols, (extended from 2), royal 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 587 Cochrane (A. B.). The Theatre Francais in the Reign of Louis XV. London, 1879. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 588 Cockton (Henry). Valentine Vox. Plates by Onwhyn. London, 1840. First edition, bound from the original parts, with the covers and advertisements. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 589 Sylvester Sound. Portrait and 30 plates by Onwhyn. London, n. d. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. 590 George St. George Julian. Plates by Onwhyn. London, 1S47. First edition, with the original cover preserved. 8vo, mottled calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 591 Cohn (Albert). Shakespeare in Germany. Facsimiles. London, 1865. 4to, cloth, uncut. 592 Cole (John). The Talents of Edmund Kean Delineated. London, 1817. The author's own copy, with 26 autograph letters, portraits, etc., inserted. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 593 Cole (J. W.). Life, etc., of Charles Kean, London, 1859. Unique copy, with autograph letters, portraits, and play-bills inserted. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 594 Cole (Timothy). Old Italian Masters, with Notes by Stillman. Nu- merous illustrations. New York, 1892. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 595 Coleman (John). Memoirs of Samuel Phelps. Portrait. London, 1886. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 49 596 Coleman (John). Players and Playwrights I Have Known. London, 1888. J vols., Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 597 The Truth About the Dead Heart. London, 1890. Presentation copy, with ample inscription of the author. Post Svo. cloth. 598 Players and Playwrights I Have Known. Philadelphia [London], 1890. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 599 Collier (J. Payne). Annals of the Stage. London, 1831. Richard Grant White's copy, with his autograph. 3 vols., crown Svo, half morocco extra, gilt edges. 600 Collier (J. P.). New Facts Regarding the Life of Shakespeare. Lon- don, 1S35. Post Svo, cloth, uncut. 601 Collingwood (Stuart Dodgson). Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll [C. I.. Dodgson]. Illustrated. New York, 1S99. Crown Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 602 Collinot et Beaumont. Ornements du Japon — Chine — Turcs — Arahcs — \'enctiens — I'erse. Superb colored plates. Paris, 1880-3. 6 vols., imp. folio, boards. 603 Collins (U'ilkie). The Frozen Deep. A drama in three acts. Not published [London], 1866. Corrected copy of this privately printed play, in which Dickens took such a prominent part. The corrections are in the hand- writing of the author; and a play-bill of the Manchester per- formance in remembrance of Douglas Jerrold, 1857, a page of the original MS. (facsimile), in the handwriting of Dickens, and other data, have been inserted. Post Svo, calf extra, by Riviere, enclosing the original covers. 604 Tlie Frozen Deep. Privately printed. London, 1866. i2mo, half citron levant, gilt top. 605 Man and \Vife, etc. Illustrated. Cut from Cassell's Magazine. 4to, half brown morocco. 605"*" lolani ; or, Tahiti as it was. A Romance. An unpublished manuscript of 160 pages in the handwriting of the author. 4to, unbound. 606 Collis (Septima M.). A Woman's Trip to Alaska. Illustrated. New York, 1S90. Presentation copy from the author. Svo, cloth. 50 607 COLMAN (Francis and George). Letters to. London, 1820. Unique copy, with 69 inserted plates, including an autograph letter signed " Augusta " (mother of George 111.) ; autograph of R. H, Sheridan, and portraits of Bubb Dodington ; Horace Walpole, by Pariset ; George IL (rare and curious) ; Voltaire, by Cathelin (proof); Washington, by Prevost (proof); Lord North; tiold- smith (i.p.) ; King as Ogleby ; Bannister, by Heath ; Alembert (in colors), by Alix ; Sheridan (i.p.b.l.), Duch. Kingston, etc., etc., and a finely colored view of Strawberry Hill. 4to, olive green levant morocco extra, gilt back and top, edges uncut, by Riviere. 608 Letters to. London, 1820. Unique copy, with 97 extra plates, including brilliant impressions of the portraits of Bubb Dodington ; Colley Gibber (folio mezzo.), by Fisher ; General Washington ; l-)uke of Cirafton, by iJighton ; Harry Woodward as Bobadil (from Hibernian Magazine) ; INLicklin, by Gonde ; Fawcett, as Falstaff (colored) ; Beard as Hawthorne (mezzo.) ; Mrs. Edwin (i.p.) ; Duke of Cumberland (folio), by Ravenet ; Garrick as Hamlet (etched by Wilson) ; Benjamin Franklin (mezzo.), by Haid ; Mrs. Inchbald, etc. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt back and edges, by Riviere. 609 Colman (George, Jr., etc.). The Iron Chest* : a Play. By George Colman. London, 1796. The Farm House : a Comedy. As altered by J. P. Kemble. London, n. d. Inkle and Yarico : an Opera. By George Colman, Jr. London, 1780. Lovers' Vows : a Play. By Mrs. Inchbald. London, 1798. The Deserter : a New Musical Drama. London, 1776. Svo, half calf. * Contains the virulent Preface attackin).^ J. P. I\emble. 610 Colman (George). Narrative of Covent Garden Disputes. London, 1768. Includes A True State of the Differences ; Animadversions on the True State ; An F>pistle from Kenrick ; .\ Letter from T. Harris ; and T. Harris Dissected. 5 vols, in I, 4to, half green levant. 611 Some Particulars of the Life of. Portrait inserted. London, 1795. 8vo, half calf, gilt toj). 612 Some Particulars of the Life of. Portrait mserted. London, 1795- Svo, half morocco. 613 Columbus Memorial Volume. Inrluding a chapter on the Colum- bus Portraits. Plates. Catholic Club, New ^■ork, 1893. Svo, cloth, uncut. 51 614 Combe (Wm.). The En.fjlish Dance of Death. With fine impressions of the colored plates, by Rowlandson. Ackermann, London, 1815-16. 2 vols., 8vo, half red morocco. 615 History of the River Thames. With all the large colored plates, by Stadlcr after P'arington. Boydell, London, 1794-6. The figures in these plates are supposed to be Rowlandson 's. 2 vols., royal 4to, calf gilt. 616 Comedie (La). Illustrated. 1875-6. I'olio. half morocco. 617 Comic Theatre. A free translation of all the best French comedies. By Samuel Foote, etc. London, 1762. Vols. I to 4. i2mo, calf. 618 Compton (Chas. and Edward). Memoir of Henry Compton. Portrait. London, 1879. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 619 Confederate War Etching's. Proofs on Chinese paper. N. p., n. d. Oblong 4to, half citron levant. 620 Congreve (F. H.). Authentic Memoirs of Charles Macklin. Fine portrait inserted. London, 1798. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 621 Congreve (William). Works. Plays, Poems, and Life. Portrait and plates. Baskerville, Birmingham, 1761. 3 vols., 8vo, calf extra. 622 Works, with Life. Portrait and plates. London, 1788. 2 vols., i2mo, half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut edges. 623 Constant. Memoirs of. Containing details of the private life of Na- poleon, etc. Portraits. London, 1896. 4 vols., 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. 624 Contant (C). Parallelc des principaux Theatres Moderncs de I'Europe. Over 100 plates. Paris, 1842. Imp. folio, half red morocco. 625 Cook (Dutton). On the Stage. Portrait, etc. London, 1883. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 626 Hours with the Players. Frontispiece. London, 1883. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 627 Cook (T. A.). Old Touraine, its Chateaux, etc. Illustrated. London, 1894. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 52 628 Cooke (G. and E. W.). Views in London and its Vicinity. 48 fine plates. London, 1826. Large paper ; plates on India paper. Folio, half russia (broken). 629 Cooke. Scenery of the River Thames. 75 fine steel plates. London 1818. Large paper ; proof plates. Folio, half red morocco. 630 Cooke (James). The Stage. London, 1840. 8vo, half green levant. 631 Cooke (W. B.). The Thames. With plates from original drawings by S. Owen. London, 181 1. 2 vols., 4to, old calf. 632 Cooke (Wm.). Memoirs of Samuel Foote. Portraits by Caroline Watson, etc., inserted. London, 1805. 3 vols., i2mo. half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 633 Memoirs of Samuel Foote. Fine portrait by Caroline Watson. London, 1805. 3 vols., r2mo, half calf. 634 Memoirs of Charles Macklin. Portraits inserted. London, 1S06. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 635 Cooley (Thomas M.), etc. The American Railway. 200 illustrations. New York, 1889. Royal 8vo, cloth. 636 Cooper (James Fenimore). Novels. Illustrated by Darley. Townsend, New York, 1859-60-61. Original issue. 32 vols., i2mo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 637 Pages and Pictures. Steel plates by Darley. New York, 1861. 4to, brown morocco antique, gilt edges. 638 Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief. Kvanslon, lit., 1897. An edition of 500 copies. i2mo, cloth, uncut. 639 Coppee (Francois). Blessed are the Poor. London, 1894. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 640 Copping (luhvard). Alfieri and Goldoni, Lives, etc. Portrait inserted. London, 1857. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 53 641 COQUELIN-IRVING CONTROVERSY. An interesting collec- tion of text and illustrations, including '■ Actors and Actors," by C. Coquelin ; -'An Actor's Notes," by Henry Irving, and other text by Boucicaiilt, Brandcr Matthews, etc., etc. Illustrated by \ ^o i)ortraits, many proofs, and .some in two states, neatly inlaid by Aug. Toedteberg, with a special title page. Folio, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Stikeman. 642 Coquelin Portraits. A collection of over 40 etchings and photographs ni the famous l''renc!i comedian in his favorite characters, endmg with a portrait of iiis mother. The gift of C. Coquelin to Aug. Daly, with his autograph, visiting card, and MS. notes. 4to, half morocco. 643 Corner (John). Portraits of Celebrated Painters. 25 fine plates, with memoirs, etc. London, 1825. Large paper copy, with proof impressions of the p(jrtraits on India paper, and 2 added portraits, including the rare engraving, by Molmes, of George Fox. 4to, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 644 Corney Grain. By himself. London, 1888. Post elles. Dress and Address. Life : High and Low. London, /817-19. Illustrated with a large number of colored plates. 6 vols., i2mo, calf. 706 Sunday in London. 14 cuts by Geo. Cruikshank. London, 1833. Original edition. 8vo, half calf. 707 ■ My Sketch Book. London, 1834. Oblong 4to, calf. 708 The Universal Songster. Illustrated by George and Robert Cruik- shank. London, 1825-6. Original edition. 3 vols., 8vo, calf, a cover loose and fragment of title page missing. 709 Omnibus. Edited by Laman Blanchard. Imperfect plates. London, 1842. First edition. 8vo, red cloth. 710 'I'he Pentamerone, by G. Basile. Translated by J. E. Taylor. Plates by Geo. Cruikshank. Bogue,- London, 1848. First edition. Post 8vrt, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 711 Cumberland's British Theatre. Numerous illustrations on steel and wood. London, n. d. 64 vols, (minus vol. 51), i2mo, half blue m()rv)cco, gilt. 712 Cumberland (Richard). Memoirs of. Autograph letter and portraits inserted. London, 1807. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 714 CUNNINGHAM (Peter). STORY OF NELL C.WVN AND THE SAYINCiS OF CHARLES II. London, 1852. Unique copy, inlaid to folio and e.xtra-iliustratcd with S33 portraits, autographs, views of theatres, broadsides, original tradesmen's bills of Nelly, etc. It is impossible in the narrow limits of a sales catalogue to give an adequate idea of the wealth of male- rial in what is, beyond question, the finest copy of this book ever done. A faint idea of the care and labor expended may be 59 received by the mention of a small portion only of the contents. Among original portraits of Nell Gwyn, all of them brilliant im- pressions and in perfect condition, are the Lely-Valck 4to mezzo., Lely-Valck, folio line ; Nell and her two sons (Tomp- son, folio, mezzo.); the exceedingly scarce prints of Ellen Gwinn and her two sons (Gascar-Masson); Ellen Gwin (and her two sons) (folio, mezzo., Allard); Leiy-P. Tempest (mezzo.); Kneller-Mosmer ; Lely-Bartolozzi (i.p.b.l., and also printed in colors); mezzotint (Cross-Tompson), as Cupid (first state and the only known impression); Lely-P. Van Bleeck (mezzo.); "Madam Elinora Gwin " (folio mezzo., proof) ; Val (ireen (mezzo., bril- liant impression) ; Lely-Vischer; mezzo., Earlom ; Lely-Scriven (4to), from Jamieson's Beauties (i.p.b.l.); Cooper-Valck (4to); Sheneker ; Ogbome, printed in red, and many others. Besides the exceedingly rare autograph of Nell Gwyn, will be found those of Thomas Tenison (2); John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester ; Sir Charles Sedley, Thomas Killigrew, James II., Pepys, Duke of Buckingham. Jeremy Taylor, George Monk, Charles I., La Belle Stuart, Charles II., Bishop Burnet, Catherine of Braganza, Knel- ler (2), Gramont, Orrery, Fontenelle; John, Lord Hervey; l..ouis XIV. (2), Duchess of Portsmouth (2), Peter Cunningham, Evelyn, Earl of Arlington, Cole the antiquary (referring to the cfis- covery of Nell's autographs). Sir Thomas Millington, etc. 'l"he original drawings, which are beautifully executed, include 4 of Nell, her birthplace, and residence, her conversation with the king from her balcony ; Michael Mohun, Tyrone Power, Kynas- ton,Betterton, Lord Braybrooke, Joseph Harris as Mustapha, Far- quhar. Queen Catherine, Selwyn, Nat Lee, Shadwell, Gay, 'Thomas Coutts, Jane Shore, Meyrick, Lord Llailes, Lady Den- ham, Lady Mary Tudor, Duchess of Portsmouth, Lady Price, Lady Diana de Vere, Dugdale, Jacob Hall, Nell's two sons, and many others. The collection is enriched with an unusual num- ber of fine and rare folio and smaller mezzotints, of which only a few can be mentioned : Charles II. (folio, brilliant p.b.l.); C. K. Sharpe, by Dick ; Killigrew, by Smith ; "Irish" Johnstone, by Ward ; Mme. Hughes, by Cooper ; Mrs. Cross, by Smith ; Cave Underbill, by Faber ; Jane Long, by Tompson (2); Anthony Leigh, by Smith (proof); Moll Davis, by Valck, de Blois, and Tompson ; Sir Walter Scott, by Walker ; Congreve and Van- brugh, by Faber ; Charles II., by Tompson ; Arthur Murphy, by Ward; Burlington, by Faber ; Mrs. Oldfield ; Miss Fenton, by Tinney (proof) ; John Murray, by Walker ; Lord Dorset, by Faber ; Wycherley, by Smith ; Lionel, Duke of Dorset, by Faber ; Pope, by Smith and by Simon ; Marquis of Halifax, by Faber ; Duchess of Cleveland, by Smith, also by Watson ; Lely, by Valck ; Marlborough (several); Beau Fielding, by Becket ; Mrs. Jordan as Hypolita, by Jones; Charles XL, by Charles Turner (p.b.l.), also by Smith ; " Trusty Dick " Penderell, by Houston ; The Children of Charles I., by Purcell; Samuel Butler (proof); .^teele, by Faber ; John Nichols, by Meyer ; Henry Sidney; Dr. Busby with his hat on, by Watson ; Titus Gates (2), Mary II. (.several), William III. (proof); Lely, Wissing, and Kneller, by Smith; 60 Mme. Sedley, by Williams ; Sir Robert Clayton, by Smith ; Tillotson, by Faber ; Countess of Jersey, by Faber ; Duchess of St' Albans, by Smith ; Miss Mellon, by Turner ; Cojley Cibber, by Fisher; Queen Catherine ( p.b.l.); Jacob Tonson, by Faber ; Duke of Ormond, by Pelham ; Duchess of York, by Tompson ; Duchess of Portsmouth, by Beckett, and another (p.b.l.), Otway; Duchess of Cleveland, by Tompson; Duchess of Portsmouth, after Gascar, another by McArdell ; Thomas, eig^hth Earl of Pembroke, by Smith ; Duchess of Portsmouth, by blooteling ; Colonel Blood ; Duchess of Grafton, by Browne and Smith ; Countess of Litch- field, by Beckett ; Charles, Earl of Plymouth, by Smith ; Duchess Mazarin (a brilliant proof); Mrs. Knight, by Faber ; Lady Wil- liams, by Cooper; Lord Cowper, by 'Sniith ; Henry, Prince of Wales (p.b.l.). etc. Of equal interest and importance are many choice line and stipple engravings, etc.— Elias Ashmole, brilliant pb.l; Oughtred, by Faithorne ; Killegrew, by Bosse, also by Faithorne ; Davenant, by Faithorne ; Joe Haines, John Lacy (folio, etching) ; Sir Robert Howard, by White; Hogarth's Beg- gar's Opera (folio), by William Blake ; Buckingham, by White; Garrick, by Skelton (proof); Milton (4to), by Caroline Watson ; Jacob Hall, by de Prune ; Sir William Temple, by Vanderbanc; Monmouth, by Blooteling ; Evelyn, by Nanteuil and Bartolozzi; Roclie.ster, by White ; Rochester Crowning his Monkey; Countess of Sunderland, by Lombart ; Hobbes. by Hollar ; Charles H., by Hollar, 1649 ; Dean Sudbury; Queen 'Elizabeth, by Crispin de Passe; Tillotson, by Blooteling; Richard Lower, M.D. (very scarce) ; Bishop Tenison (folio), by Vanderbanc ; Dr. Burney, by William Sharp (proof) ; (iranger (p.b.l.) ; Charles IL, by WHiite, also by Van Hoven ; Queen Catherine, by Davis ; William HI (and Mrs. Barry), by Baron ; Earl Ca.stlemaine, by Faithorne ; Hogarth's Cock-Pit (folio); John, Lord Eiervey; Duchess of Ports- mouth ((xascar-Baudet); Cham of Tartary, by Bertrand ; Sand- wich, by Blootehng ; ALarie d'E.ste, by Vanderbanc ; James (H.), Duke of York, by Loggan ; Dugdale, by Hollar ; Queen Eliza- beth, Burleigh, and Walsingham, etc.. by Faithorne ; Burford House, by Kip ; Nell's Two Sons, by White ; Duchess Mazarin (folio), by Gerard Natch (p.b.l.), and with additional pen work by the engraver, possibly unique in this state ; London, by Vischer'; Windsor Castle, the Tower, and many others, by Hollar ; manv fine folio views in color, etc. 4 vols., folio, half crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut edges, by Stikenian. 715 CUNNINGHAM (Peter). STORY OF NELL CiWYN. New York, 1SS3. One of two Cf)pies i)rintrd on one side of the paper only ; em- bellished with 62 original water-color drawings by Eugene Grivaz ; a very felicitous jierformance by this artist, executed with much skill and in singularly good taste. 2 vols., 4t(), half blue levant morocco e.xtra. gilt loji, uncut edges, by Stikeman. 61 716 CUNNINGHAM (Peter). STORY OF NELL GWYN. London, .852. Unique copy, inckidinof the Harding, Scriven, Jamieson, and Cabi- net prints of Nelly; Jane Shore, by Bartolozzi ; Sir Charles Sed- ley, Davenant, William Cartwright the comedian, Admiral Feiui (mezzo.); Sir Robert Howard, by White ; Pepys ; Cibber, by Van- dergucht, Mrs. Braccgirdle, Brounker, Duchess of Cleveland (mez- zo., 2), Old Q., Henrietta of Orleans, Perdita Robinson, Robert South, Charles L (very fine and old). Sir Robert Viner, Dr. Busby with his hat on, Sir William Coventry, Duchess of Portsmouth ; Henr)', Duke of Grafton ; George, Duke of Northumberland ; Aphar Behn ; Ken, by Vertue ; Catherine Sedley, Thomas Tenison ; Aubrey, twentieth Earl of Oxford ; Elizabeth Barry, Arabella Churchill, etc. 2 vols., crown 8vo, green morocco, 157 added plates. 717 Story of Nell Gwyn. London, 1852. Unique copy, with autograph letter of Cunningham, an original drawing by Henriot, and 2 rare portraits inserted. Crown Svo, brown levant morocco extra, richly tooled, gilt top, uncut edges, by Alio. 718 Story of Nell Gwyn. Portraits, etc. London, 1896. Crown Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 719 Curling (Henry). Recollections of the Mess-Table and the Stage. London, 1855. Svo, half redTevant, gilt top, uncut edges. 720 Curtain (The). Compendious History of the English Stage. Frontis- piece and vignette. London, 1800. i6mo, boards. 721 D. Fifty Years of a Play-goer's Journal ; or. Annals of the New York Stage from 1798 to 1848. New York, i860. i2mo, half calf. 722 D. T. C. Madrona, etc. San Franci.sco, 1876. Presentation copy, with the author's inscription. i6mo, cloth. 723 DALY (Augustin). WOFFINGTON. A Tribute to the Actress and the Woman. Printed for the Author [N. Y.], 1888. Twenty-five copies were printed of this size ; No. 3. Unique copy, illustrated by 600 portraits, views, water-color draw- ings, autograph letters, play-bills, etc., in addition to the follow- ing important items : Draiuiii^s, mostly in Water Colors: Portraits of Augustin Daly, John Cunningham, W. H. W. Betty, Isaac Sparks, Mrs. J. M. Davenport, Clara Fisher, Mossop. Elrington, John Rich, Peg Woffington, Estcourt, Mrs. Mills, Theop. Cibber, Thomas Wal- ker, Mrs. Gifford, Charles Fleetwood, J. B. Booth, Jr., Blake, 62 Woffington as the Recruiting Officer, Mrs. Bellamy, the Clive- Woffington Fight, Mile. Dumesnil, Mrs. Behn, Mrs. Baddeley, Mrs. Wells (Sumbel), John Rich, Ada Rehan and Mrs. Gilbert, Clara Morris, Mrs. Porter, Digges as Sir John Brute, Tom Sheridan as Brutus, Woffington and bird, Woffington in bed, Shadwell, Mrs. Gibber. Mc'zzotints : Dora Jordan; Robt. Wilks, by Faber ; Buadcn, Sir Robert Walpole, Mrs. Gross, Robt. Wilks, Mrs. Prichard, Lord Garteret, Griffin and Johnson; Quin, by Faber; Shuter, by Pawe ; Garrick, Burton, and Palmer in the Alchemist ; Garrick, by McArdell ; Vanbrugh. by Faber ; McSwiny ; Mrs. Oldfield, by Fisher; Gibber and daughter, by Fisher; Young Pretender; Scene in the Gareless Husband, by Faber ; Mrs. Gibber as Gor- delia. Miss Bellamy, William III., Miss O'Neill ; Harry Wood- ward, by Smith (proof) ; Steele, Arthur Murphy, Mrs. Oldfield; McSwiny, by Faber ; Maria (Running, by Patton ; Lord Buck- hurst and his sister, Duke of Dorset, George HI., Woodward as "Ye Fine Gentleman ; " Mrs. Barry, by Paul ; Tate Wilkinson ; Garrick between Tragedy and Goniedy, by Fisher ; Garrick as Abel Drugger, James F, Nell Gvvyn, Mary, Queen of Scots ; Vanbrugh, by Faber ; Miss Gatley as Euphrosyne, Kitty Fisher, and 6 of Peg Woffington herself, by Faber (3), McArdell, jack- son, etc. Aiitoi:;raph Lrtters, etc. : Tom Moore, Clara Fisher, W. H. W. Betty, J. P. Kemble, Wilks, Gibber, and Booth, Tom Davies and wife, Macklin, Sir Robt. Walpole, Arthur Murphy, Garrick's mother, Samuel Johnson, Mrs. Siddons, Sir Theodore Martin, Tate Wilkinson, Ciarrick, Horace Walpole. Other Important Prints : Nell Gwyn (the large Valck engraving), Mossop as Bajazet ; Mrs. Gibber, by Marchand ; Garrick, by Purland (20 privately printed); Cleopatra and Cupid, both by Strange ; Mrs. Siddons, by Jukes (colored) ; Goldsmith, by Bunbury; Macready as Romeo, by Woodman (colored) ; Quin as Coriolanus ; Mrs. Grouch, and Mary, Queen of Scots, both by Bartolozzi ; Mrs. Prichard, by Ravenet ; Shuter as tlie Old Man in " Lethe," Charlotte Charke as Scrub, Mrs. Abingdon, after Reynolds (colored), etc. The other 600 illustrations include many rarities of considerable value, portraits that in any other company would be a sufficient attraction in themselves, play-bills of the Smock Alley and other theatres in which Woffington appeared, and the original text of the " Monody," colored views of Dublin, etc. 3 vols., royal folio, with extra title pages, half olive green levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Stikeman. 724 DALY Augustin\ WOFFINGTON. Portraits, etc. New York, 1S82. Of this edition 125 copies were printed. Extra-illustrated with water colors and pen-and ink skel( hes (50), prints, autograpli letters, reviews, etc. The water colors are due to the genius of D. E. Cronin ; the auto- 63 graph letters are largely from distinguished persons who were fortunate enough to get presentation copies from the author, including " Mark Twain," General Sherman, Austin Dobson, W. K. Vanderbilt, H. H. Furness, and others. The illustrations inserted comprise mezzotints of Lord Carteret ; Nell (iwyn, by Val Green ; Garrick (the small oval published by Stewart) ; John Milton, by Haid ; McSwiny, by Faber ; Eliza- beth Gunning, Mrs. Barry, etc. Also the rare portraits of Dora Jordan, by Bartolozzi ; and Garrick, by Wood ; in addition to over loo other prints of interest. The volumes conclude with cuttings from many numbers of the Dublin Gazette during VVof- fington's Irish tour, original pamphlets consulted in the prepara- tion of this work, criticisms of the same, etc., etc. 2 vols., folio, half green levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 725 DALY (Augustin). VVOFFINGTON. New York, 1888. No. I of 25 copies. Superbly illustrated and embellished with over 100 original water- color drawings by Eugene Grivaz, including 3 full-page designs — the artist's masterpiece. In addition, over 5c other illustrations have been inserted, includ- ing drawings of VVoffington (2), Mrs. Bellamy as Juliet, Colley Gibber, B. Johnson, Kitty Clive, Mrs. Siddons, etc., and mezzo- tints of Woffington, by Faber (2) and McArdell ; McSwiny, by Faber ; Maria, C'ountess of Coventry, by McArdell ; Miss Ellen Terry (with autograph); Mrs. Abington, by Wilson ; Betterton, by Williams ; Quin, Mrs. Cibber, Nell Gwyn, AVycherley, Pope, Prior, and Dryden, etc. Also portraits of Mrs. .Siddons as Mel- pomene; Garrick, by Skelton (India proof) ; Woodward as Mer- cutio (colored), Dora Jordan, by Bartolozzi, and many others. Imp. folio, green levant morocco extra, green silk linings, gilt top, uncut edges. 726 WOFFINGTON. New York, 1888. Unique copy. Largest paper, No. i of 25 copies printed. The 450 illustrations inserted in this copy include a superb group of mezzotint engravings, embracing the large and small plates of Mrs. Woffington as Mrs. Ford, by Faber, as well as the mezzo- tints by Jackson, McArdell, Tinney, as Phoebe, etc., two of Mrs. Bracegirdle ; Penkethman, by Smith ; the Gunning sisters, by Houston, Finlayson, and Houston ; McSwiny, by Faber ; Mrs. Barry, by Watson (proof) ; Garrick in the Farmer's Return, . by Haid ; John Wesley (proof); Campbell, by S. W. Reynolds; Griffin and Johnson, Mrs. Cibber as Cordelia. Tate Wilkinson (proof) ; 2 superb portraits of H. W. Betty, by Ward and S. W. Reynolds ; Kemble as the Count Narbonne ; (iarrick, by Dick- inson ; C'oUey Cibber, by Fisher, and as the Fine Gentleman, by Simon ; Woodward, by Watson ; .'-pranger Barry ; Nell Gwyn and her sons, by Tompson ; Mrs. Oldfield, by Simon and Fisher ; Beard, by McArdell ; Scene from the Rivals, by Smith, 64 Garrick, Time, etc. ; Mrs. Gibber, by Faber ; Scene from the Recruiting Officer, by Faber ; Garrick and Mrs. Prichard in Macbeth (a proof as well as a plain print), by Val. Green ; Woodward as Petruccio, by Smith ; Mrs. Oldfield, by Simon ; Nell Gwyn, by F. von Bleek (very fine) ; Crarrick and Mrs. Bel- lamy as Romeo and Juliet, by Lowrie ; Barton Booth ; Handel, by C. Turner; Garrick as Richard III. (proof before letters) ; Shuter, by Dawe ; Garrick as Abel Drugger (proof); Kitty Clive ; Garrick, by McArdell ; Fleetwood ; Quin as Falstaff, by McArdell ; Mrs. Rafter (Glive) as Philida ; Mrs. Prichard. by McArdell ; Mrs. and Miss Cholmondely, by Corbutt and Marchi ; Mrs. Siddons, Mrs. Delany; Garrick and Mrs. Gibber as Jaffier and Belvidera, by McArdell ; Wilks, by Faber ; Better- ton ; (jarrick as Auctioneer, by McArdell, etc. In addition to these plates there are many fine colored prints and drawings, 35 rare play-bills, some from Smock Alley ; autographs and autograph letters of Thackeray, Tom Moore (a poem), Sir Robt. Walpole, Mad. Volnys, Clara Fisher, Doran, John Gay, Chet- wood, Fstcourt, Mrs. Piozzi, Garrick, Horace Walpole. James Boswell, Saml. Johnson, Siddons, Digges, Mad. D'Arblay, Mack- lin, Vanbrugh, Barton Booth, Dora Jordan, Selvvyn, Wilkinson, John Rich, Wilks, Doggctt and Gibber, Steele, Quin, Kitty; Glive, Geo. Anne Bellamy, and the original Petition of Woffington to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Among other rare plates inserted will be found the Cleopatra, and Venus blinding Cupid, by Strange ; Quin as Corioianus ; Shuter and ^^'offington ; Beggar's Opera, by Hogarth ; Woodward and Shuter ; Shuter as Joe Haynes on an ass, by Burgess ; Stage Mutiny, with portrait of Theoj). (Mbber, etc. ; Lacy, Queen Catherine's Dream, by Bartolozzi ; Kilty Fisher; Mrs. Clive as the Lady in Lethe ; Garrick as Lord Chalkstone; Maddox. Mas- ter Burke (2 colored), and a drawing of Woffington's tomb and the church where she is buried. 727 DALY (Augustin). Woffington. 16 plates. New York, 1S88. The original edition. No. 100 of 150 printed. 4to, half green levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. This particular copy has been embellished with nearly 150 water- color drawinVondcr, by Mrs. Centlivre. New York, 1893. Illustrated by 131 in.serted plates, play-bills of the Chatham Street Theatre, colored drawings of Dora Jordan, Mrs. Merry, and Miss Rock, etc. Folio, half olive levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. 68 748 Daly (Augustin). The Critic, by R. B. Sheridan. New York, 1SS9. lUustrated by the insertion of 114 portraits, etc., including Chatham Street Theatre play-bills, 3 original drawings, etc. Folio, half olive levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. 749 The Recruiting Officer, by John Farquhar. New York, 1S85. Illustrated by the insertion of 60 portraits, play-bills, etc., including colored drawings of Woffington, Tom Barry, Mr. Abbott, Henry Placide, Mrs. Vernon, Bullock, and Farquhar ; mezzotint of Quin ; Woffington, by Marchand, etc. Folio, half olive levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. 750 The Prodigal Son, by Michel Carre, fils. Music by .\ndre Worms. Paris, 1890. Illustrated by the msertion of 30 portraits of Ada Rehan, and an- notated as a prompt book. Imp. 8vo, half olive levant morocco extra, gilt lop, by Stikeman. 751 Shakespeare's Comedies : Love's Labors Lost, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Twelfth Night. Midsummer Night's Dream, As You Like It, and Taming of the Shrew. Old Comedies : School for Scandal, The Wonder, The Critic, Belle's Stratagem, Inconstant, and Hunchback. New York, v. d.* Large paper copies, with numerous portraits, some added. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half green levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. 752 Daly's Theatre. Bills of the Play, Programmes, etc. The complete series, v. d. 42 vols., Svo, 4to, and folio, half brown and half red morocco. 753 Daly's Bills of the Play. Grand Opera House. Season, 1873-4. 4to, half morocco. 754 Season (Fifth Ave. Theatre) 1875-6-7. 2 vols., 4to, half brown morocco. 755 Season of 1881-2 and 1884-5. 2 vols., 4to, half red morocco. 756 Daly's Theatre. Bills of the Play. New York, 1S90-96. 5 vols., 4to, half brown morocco. 757 Programmes. Season, 1897-8. 3 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. 758 Daly's Programmes. Seasons of 1886-7 and 1.S90-1. 2 vols., 4to, half brown morocco. 759 Daly's European Tour, 1888. Posters. Play-liills, etc. Imp. folir), half morocco. t.y 760 Daly and Palmer Supper. Good Words in Honor of Edwin Booth, i'niitfd for the IMaycrs, New York, 1889. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 761 Daly (Frederick). Henry Irving in England and America. Portrait. London, 18S4. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 762 Dance (George). Portraits sketched from Life. 142 plates in imitation uf the original drawings. London, 1793, etc. 50 copies printed. Royal folio, cloth. 763 Daniel (George). Merrie England. Plates and cuts by Leech, etc. London, 1842. Original edition. 2 vols , crown 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 764 Merrie England. Illustrated by Leech and Cruikshank. London, n. d. Post 8vo, half green morocco. 765 Garrick in the Green Room. With a key to the large engraving. London, 1829. 8vo, half citron levant. 766 Dante. Inferno, etc. Translated by I. C. Wright. Portrait and plates. London, 1866. Post 8vo, cloth. 767 The New Life of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Portland, 1896. 1 2 mo, boards. 768 Dapper (O.). Die Unbekante Neue Welt oder Beschreibung des Welt-teils Amerika, etc. Copper-plate engravings, including a view of New York. Amsterdam, 1673. Folio, parchment. 769 D'Arblay (Madame) [Fanny Burney]. Diary and Letters complete. Portraits. London, 1854. 7 vols., post 8vo, half calf, gilt. 770 Dasent (A. I.). History of St. James's Square. Illustrated. London, Svo. cloth, uncut. 771 Daudet (Alphonse). Works : Tartarin of Tara.scon ; Tartarin on the Alps ; -Artists' Wives ; Kings in P2xile ; Sappho ; Thirty Years of Paris, and Recollections of a Literary Man. Illustrated. London, 1887-90. 7 vols., post Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 70 772 Daudet (Alphonse). The Fig and the Idler, etc. Illustrated. London, 1893. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 773 Letters from my Mill. Illustrated by Lemaire and Edwards. New York, 1893. Svo, cloth, uncut. 774 Daudet, Sand, and Loti. Robert Helmont, Francis the Waif, and Madame Chrysantheme. Beautifully illustrated. London, 1888-9. Limited to 1,000 copies. 3 vol?., 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 775 D'Aurevilly (J. A. Barbey). Of Dandyism and of George Brummell. London, 1897. Post 8vo, vellum, uncut edges. 776 Davenant (Sir Wm.). The First Day's Entertainment at Rutland House. London, 1657. Very rare. Small 8vo, half calf. 777 David (F. A). Histoire de France. Over 100 plates printed in red. Paris, 1787-96. 5 vols., 4to, half red morocco, uncut. 778 Davidson (John). Plays. Frontispiece by Aubrey Beardsley. London, 1894. 500 copies printed. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 779 Davies (Thos.). Life of David (iarrick. London, 1780. Autograph letter of Davies, and 12 portraits inserted. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. [See Garrick.] 780 Dramatic Miscellanies. Portrait of Betterton. London, 1784. 3 vols., crown Svo, calf e.xtra. 781 Daviliier. Spain. Profusely illustrated by Gustave Dore. New York [London], 1876. Folio, cloth, gilt. 782 Davis, Lang, etc. Great Streets of the World. Illustrated. New York, 1892. Royal 8vo, cloth. 783 Day (Louis F.). Windows. A book about stained and |)ainlcd glass. Profusely illustrated. London, 1897. Svo, cloth. 784 Day (W. C). P.ehind the Footlights. Illustrated. London. 1S85. Post Svo, half brown levant morocco, gill to(). 71 785 Day and Dines. Illustrations of Mediceval Costume in England. Colored plates. London, 18 — . 4to, cloth. 786 Dayton (A. C). Last Days of Knickerbocker Life in New York. Il- lustrated. New York, 1897. .Svo, cloth, uncut. 787 Dear Old Songs. Illustrated by Gregory, Lauber, and Brennenian. New York, 1889. 4to, cloth. 788 De Favre (Abbe). Beauty's Day. With the charming illustrations by l.eclcrc. London, n. d. 4to, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 789 Delany (Mrs.). Autobiography and Correspondence. Numerous steel portraits. London, 1861-2. Both series complete. Unique copy, with 175 steel and copper-plate portraits inserted. 6 vols,, Svo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riach. 790 Delarue. Nouvelles Maisons de la Campagne. Numerous plates in color. Paris, 18 — . Folio, boards. 791 Delpech (F. S.). Iconographie des Contetnporains, 1789-1829. With all the fine lithograph portraits. Paris, 1S32. 3 vols., imp. folio, half red morocco. 792 Delpla (A.). French Drama. London, 1818. Svo, half green levant, gilt top. 793 De Manne. Troupe de Voltaire. Numerous etched portraits. Lyon, 1877. Svo, half calf. 794 De Manne et Menetrier. Acteurs Fran^ais. Numerous etched por- traits. Lyon, 1 87 7. Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 795 La Comedie Fran(;aise. Numerous etched portraits. Lyon, 1876. Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 796 Dennie (John). Rome of To-day and Yesterday. Maps and illustra- tions. New York, 1S96. Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 797 Dennis. A Plot, and no Plot. A Comedy. London, n. d. 4to, citron levant. 798 Depew (Chauncey M.). Orations and After-Dinner Speeches. Portrait. New York, 1890. Large paper copy ; 100 printed. 4to, half red morocco, gilt top. 72 799 De Pezay (Marquis) and Dorat (Claude Joseph). Delia Bathing; Celia's Doves. Plates by Eisen. London, n. d. Royal 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 800 Detective Stories. Mysteries of Police and Crime, by A. Griffiths. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1899. A Slender Clue, by L. L. Lynch. London, 1894. Chronicles of Michael Danevitch, by Donovan. London, 1897. A Villain of Parts, by B. P. Neuman. London, 1898. Dorrington Deed-Box, by A. Morrison. London, 18 — . Tracked by a 1 attoo, by F. Hume. London, 18 — . Three Exploits of M. Parent, by Lerminer. London, 1894. Claude Duval of Ninety-five, by F. Hume. London, 18 — . Crime of the Boulevard, by J. Claretie. New York, 1897. Mystery of the Patrician Club, by A. D. Vamdam. 2 vols. London. 1894. An African Millionaire, by Grant Allen. London, 1897. The Big Bow Mystery, by L Zangwill. London, 1892. Crime of the " Liza Jane," by F. Hume. London, 1895. Dorcas Dene, Detective, by G. R. Sims. London, 1897. Case of George Candlemas, by G. R. Sims. London, 1890. A Dead Man's Step, by L. L. Lynch. London, 1893. That Affair Next Door, by Anna K. Green. New York, 1897. Strange Schemes of Randolph Mason, by M. I). Post. New York, 1896. The Clock Struck One, by F. Hume. London, 1898. 42 Famous Stories. New York, n. d. 22 vols., Svo and post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top. uncut edges. 801 Devey (Louisa). Life of Rosina, Lady Lytton. Portrait. London, 1887. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 802 Letters of Bulwer to his wife. In vindication of her memory. Por- trait. London, 1884. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 803 Dibdin (Chas.). Complete History of the English Stage. London, n. d. 5 vols., 8vo, half red levant, gilt ton, uncut edges. 804, with the Music. Portrait and (inserted) autograph. Lon- don, 1844. Royal 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 805 DIBDIN, JR. (Charles). IILSTORY AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LONDON i'llEAlRES. Numerous plates. London. 1S26. Only 25 copies printed. This copy has about 60 added jiiaies, elc, some proofs, and some early music scores. 4to, iialf green levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, liy Tout. 806 London Theatres. Numerous plates. Londo;i. 1826. Large paper, presentation copy from John P.ritton ; 25 printed. 4to, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 73 807 Dibdin (Thomas). The Last Lays of the last of the three Dibdins. I'urtrait. London, n. d. Svo, boards, uncut. 808 Reminiscences. London, 1837. Unique copy, with 135 portraits and views inserted. 2 vols., Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 809 Dibdin (T. I"".). Bibliomania; or, Book-Madness. London, 1842. Best edition. Royal Svo, half maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 810 Aedes Althorpianae, etc. Many vignettes ; but the large plates abstracted. London, 1S22. 2 vols., royal Svo, morocco. 811 Dickens (Charles). Sunday under Three Heads. Illustrated by Phiz. London, 1S36. First edition, with the original covers. Post Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 812 The Village Coquettes. A comic opera. Music by Jolin HuUah. London, 1S36. First edition, with frontispiece by Pailthorpe (plain and colored). and a play-bill inserted. Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 813 The Village Coquettes. London, 1836. First edition. Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 814 Sketches by Boz. With the plates by George Cruikshank. Lon- don, 1836-7. Both series complete of the first edition, with the preface dated 1836, and the author's presentation inscription to Her.tky in the third volume. 3 vols., crown Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 815 Sketches by Boz. Illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank. London, 1836-7. Original edition, both series complete. 3 vols., crown Svo, brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 816 Sketches by Boz. 40 illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. London, 1839- First octavo edition, with an extra set of the ])lates colored, first impressions of the 12 plates to the second series, the suppressed plate " Free and Easy Night," and specimen of the original covers. Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 74 8i6='= DICKENS (Charles). THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE riCKW'lCK. CLUB. With the original illustrations. London. 1837. A remarkably fine copy of the original numbers, clean and un- opened. 2 vols., 8vo, in half red levant morocco cases. 817 THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB. With 43 illustrations by Seymour and Phiz. London, 1837. First edition, with sample wrappers. In addition to the regular plates this copy has (inserted) the plates by Pailthorpe, a cf)lored set of the Seymour plates unlettered, a colored set of the Phiz illustrations, wood-cuts colored, the Onwhyn plates, and many other additions. 2 vols., 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 8lg Pickwick Club. 43 illustr^itions bv Seymour and Phiz. London, 1837. The scarce Ackermann plates have been inserted in this copy. 8vo, half calf, gilt. 819 Pickwick Club. Illustrated. Edited by Charles Dickens the younger. London, 1886. First issue of the Jubilee edition. 2 vols., crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 820 POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB (Ed- ited by C. P. Johnson), Chapman and Hall, 1SS7. The Victoria edition, with 59 India proof plates by Seymour, Phiz, Buss, and Leech, reproduced for the first time from the original drawings of those artists, some never before published in any form, AND FURTHER ILLUSTRATED I5V THE ADOrriOX OF THE FOLLOWING MATTER : — Two sets of the original engravings, issued in 1837, before and after the inscriptions, showing many interesting variations, alterations, and additions. Set of 32 plates by T. Onwhyn, 1837. Set of 40 colored plates by Alfred Crowquill. Two sets of Pailthorpe's 24 illustrations of the Pickwick Papers, being India proof and colored etchings. Set of Sibson's sketches of expeditions from the Pickwick Club, 10 plates, 1885. Two plates by Buss, reproduced from the original drawings. Por- trait of Dickens, by Count D'Orsay, 1841. Another portrait, by George Cruikshank (one of 50 India proofs), 1879. Two portraits of Phiz, by F. W. Pailthorpe, India proofs. 2 vols., 8vo, the whole, with covers, etc., inlaid and inserted, and bound in blue morocco super extra, uncut, top edges gilt, i)y Riviere. 75 821 Dickens (Charles). Pickwick Club. With plates by Seymour, Buss, U. K. Browne, and Leech. London, 1887. The Victoria edition. One of 500 copies, with the plates on India paper. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 822 PICKWICK AND ITS ILLUSTRATORS. I'he autographic tale of Robt. Wm. Buss cind his grievance against Chapman and Hall in regard to his and Seymour's connection with the Pickwick Club, written March, 1872. As pertinent to this story of the artist he has interpc>lated 6 plates by Seymour, a large number of pen-and-ink sketches by himself, and the rejected Pickwick illustrations, first proofs of two of the plates by Phiz for Nicholas Nickleby before they were finishd by Sands, and 5 other plates as examples of the later work by Buss. The whole concludes with an autograph letter of John Forster and a portrait of Buss. These details were so thoroughly exploited, at the time the \'ic- toria edition of the Pickwick Papers was issued, that this treasure must be well known to Dickens collectors. 4to, boards. 823 AX ACCOUNT OF THE ORIGIN OF THE PICKWICK PAPERS, by Mrs. Seymour, with Mr. Dickens's version and her reply, etc. Printed for the author. London, n. d. Unique. Commencing with a portrait of Seymour, an original draw- ing, and the title-page, on which Mrs. Seymour inscribes the fact that this is the only copy remaining in her possession. This copy encloses : 1. A long letter from Mrs. Seymour, detailing the circumstances under which her husband drew the illustrations for the Pickwick Papers. 2. Seymour's visiting card. 3. Four of the famous plates, accompanied by the Original Drawings. 4. Three unpublished drawings. 5. The original letter of Dickens to Seymour, with his comments on the drawings. 6. Two colored prints by Seymour, " A Political Pyramid." It is, perhaps, needless to measure the great interest, value, and importance of this volume after its universal exploitation. It cost over ij$2,5oo in its present shape. Inlaid to 4to, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 824 riie Penny Pickwick, edited by " Boz." Wood-cuts. The entire series. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top. 825 Plays, Peregrinations of Pickwick ; Mrs. Harris ; Battle of Life, etc. London, etc., v. d. i6mo, red levant morocco extra. 76 826 Dickens (Charles). A Pickwickian Pilgrimage, by J. R. (;. Hassard. Boston, 1881. i6mo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top. 827 History of Pickwick, with a Bibliography by Percy Fitzgerald. London, 1891. 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 828 Pickwick in America. Indited by " Bos." 46 engravings. Lon- don, n. d. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 829 The Origin of Sam Weller ; also, The Beauties of Pickwick. Frontispiece. London, 1 883-1 838. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt top. 830 The Library of Fiction. 14 plates by Geo. Cruikshank. Lon- don, 1837. First edition, with " The Tuggs's at Ramsgate " and " Spring and the Sweeps," both signed " Boz." 2 vols., crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 831 Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. Plates by Cruikshank. London, 1S38. Unique copy of the first edition, with the "Last Song" plate in a border; several rare colored portraits of (irimaldi inserted, and 3 play-bills. 2 vols., crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut, in brown levant case. 832 Memoirs of Josepii Grimaldi. Illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank. London, 1838. First edition. 2 vols., crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top. uncut edges, by Riviere. 833 MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GRLMALDL Edited by Boz, revised by Chas. Whitehead. Illustrations by George Cruikshank. London, 1846. Unicjue copy, extended from i vol., post 8vo, to 2 vols., 4to, by the insertion of 200 interesting and valuable plates, autograph letters, play-bills, etc. The autograj^h letters include specimens from the hands of Grimaldi, Norman the Pantaloon, Diamond, John Brun- ton, R. B. Peake, Robert Keeley, Alfred Bunn, (ieorgc Barik-y, a long manuscript by Winston, used by Dickens in writing or editing this memoir, and leaves from the Journal or Ledger of the Covent (larden Theatre. The portraits include numerous rare prints of Grimaldi, mostly colored, an India proof of Mrs. Dilxlin, the nude caricature of Miss Farren, and the rare print of Charles Lewis (a fortunate error). At page 14S of the second volume is inserted a sheet of autograph music and words, signed by Mary Anne Wood (Miss Paton) and Jo.senh ^V()()d, and the volume concludes with a sale catalogue including property of Grimaldi. 2 vols., 4to, brown levant morocco extra, gill edges, by Riviere. 77 834 Dickens (Charles). The Strange Gentleman. London, 1837. Double title-pages and frontispiece by Pailthorpe, both plain and colored ; also an original play-bill of the performance, and cover. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 835 The Strange Gentleman : A C'omic Burletta. London, 1837. The Hermann copy. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt sides and back, gilt top, by Riviere. 836 The Strange Gentleman. A " prompt " copy of the Burletta, with signature of Peter Richings, memoranda of the original cast, sketch of the stage settmg, and manuscript changes, etc.; also a plate, and inscription, Thomas Flynn, Providence Theatre, Rhode Island. Svo, half red levant morocco extra. 837 Sketches of Young Gentlemen. Plates by Phiz. London, 1838. First edition. i2mo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 838 Sketches of Young Couples. Plates by Phiz. London, 1840. i2mo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 839 Sketches of Young Ladies, 1838. Sketches of Young Gentlemen, 1838. Sketches of Young Couples, 1S40. Illustrations by Phiz. Lon- don, 1837-40. The last mentioned is the first edition. 3 vols., i2mo, half calf extra. 840 Sketches of Young Ladies, Young Gentlemen, and Young Couples. 20 illustrations by Phiz. New York, 1875. First American edition. i2mo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top. 841 Oliver Twist. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. London, 1838. First edition, with the suppressed plate at the end of the third volume. 3 vols., crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 842 Oliver Twist. 24 plates by Cruikshank, and iK)rtrait by Maclise. London, 1846. First octavo edition, bound from the original numbers. Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 843 Sikes and Nancy. A reading. London, n. d. Original autograph of Dickens under the title. Svo, brown levant morocco. 78 844 Dickens (Charles). Life and Adventures of Nicholas Xickleby. Por- trait by Maclise ; 39 plates by Phiz. London. 1839. First edition, with the Onvvhyn plates (colored) inserted, wrapper, and advertisements. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 845 Nicholas Nickleby. A Farce, by Edward Stirling. Frontispiece, etc. London, n. d. i2mo, red levant morocco extra, with the original covers. 846 The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman. AN'ith plain and colored impressions of the plates by Cruikshank. London, 1839. i2nio, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, with the original cover. 847 Master Hum|)hrey's Clock (Old Curiosity Shop and Barnaby Rudge). Plates by Cattermole and Ikowne. London, 1 840-1. First edition, presenting the original cloth cover, the 72 plates by Sibson with the original wrapper, and the Jacob Parallel illustra- tions. 3 vols., royal 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 848 Master Humphrey's Clock. London, 1840-1. Another copy of the original edition, with both the Sibson and Parallel plates added; also portraits, etc., by Phiz, engraved title- pages from a later edition, and other plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 849 Master Humphrey's Clock. Illustrations by Cattermole and I>rowne [" Phiz "], and, in addition, the scarce series of plates by Sibson, etc. London, 1840-1. Original edition. 3 vols, in 2, royal 8vo, half calf, gilt. 850 .American Notes for General Circulation. London, 1841. First issue, with the error on page viii. 2 vols., crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt lop, uncut edges, by Riviere. 851 Change for the American Notes, by an .American lady. [Henry Wood of Yorkshire.] London, 1843. Crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 852 Change for the American Notes. Another copy. London, 1843. Crown 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 853 'Pile Pickwick Papers. Illustrated by Cruiksh.iiik, Phiz. etc. London, 1841. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 79 854 Dickens (Charles). A Christmas Carol. Plates by Leech. London, 1843. First edition and the first issue. i2nio, original cloth, in a brown levant case. 855 Christmas Carol. A facsimile of the original MS. Introduction by F. G. Kitton. New York, 1890. 500 copies printed. 4to, half red levant morocco e.xtra, gilt top, uncut edges. 855'' A Christmas Carol. London, 1868. i2mo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top. with the original covers. 856 Martin Chuzzlewit. Plates by Phiz. London, 1844. Original edition, with the engraved title in its first state, and speci- men cover. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 857 Evenings of a Working Man, by John Overs. Preface by Charles Dickens. London, 1844. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra. 858 To Be Read at Dusk (from the Keepsake of 1852), and A Word in Season, 1844. London, 1844-52. 8vo, half red levant morocco extra. 859 To Be Read at Dusk. 1852. First edition. Of excessive rarity. " Only one other copy has ever occurred for sale." 8vo, red levant morocco extra, top edges gilt, by Zaehnsdorf. 860 I o Be Read at Dusk, and other Stories now first collected. Lon- don, 1898. Crown 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 861 The Chimes. Illustrated by Maclise. London, 1845. i2mo, red levant morocco extra. 862 The Chimes. Illustrated by Maclise. London, 1858. Presentation copy from the author to his son, Charles Dickens, Jr., with autograph inscription. i2mo, red levant morocco extra. 863 The Battle of Life. Illustrated by Maclise. London, 1846. i2mo, red levant morocco extra, by Riviere. 864 The Cricket on the Hearth. Illustrated by Maclise. London, 1846. i2mo, red levant morocco extra, by Riviere. 865 Pictures from Italy. Wood-cuts by Palmer. London, 1846. First edition. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 80 866 Dickens (Charles). Facts and Figures from Italy, by Don Jeremy Savonarola. An appendix to the "Pictures." London, 18.17. Crown Svo, red levant morocco e.xtra, gilt top, uncut edges. 867 The Haunted Man. Illustrated by Tenniel, Leech, etc. London, 1848. i2mo, red levant morocco e.xtra, by Riviere. 868 Dombey and Son. Plates by Phiz. London, 1848. First edition, including the 8 portraits by Phiz. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 869 The Story of Little Dombey. London, 1858. i2mo, red levant morocco extra, by Zaehnsdorf, with the original covers. 870 David Copperfield. Illustrated by H. K. Browne. London, 1850. First edition, with covers of Household Words inserted. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 871 Mr. Nightingale's Diary. Colored frontispiece inserted. London, 1851. Post 8vo, half red levant. The copy used by Wilkie Collins, who assumed the character of Lithers. 872 Mr. Nightingale's Diary : A Farce. Boston, 1877. With pencil notes believed to be by the author. i6mo, red levant morocco extra, with the original covers. 873 A Curious Dance round a Curious Tree. London, 1852. First edition, with the original covers. Post 8vo, half red levant morocco extra. gy^ A Child's History of England. Frontispieces by Topham. Lon- don, 1852-4. First issue. 3 vols., post Svo, red levant morocco extra, by Riviere. 875 Bleak House. Illu.strations by H. K. Browne. London, 1S53. l^'irst edition. Svo, rod levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 876 Hard Times. London, 1854. First edition. Crown Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. 877 Speech at the meeting of the .\dniinistration Reform .\ssocialion, June 27, 1855. London, 1855. Svo, half red levant morocco extra. 6 81 878 Dickens (Charles). Speech, etc. Another copy. London, 1855. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt top. 879 Little Dorrit. Plates by Phiz. London, 1857. First edition, witii a portrait and original cover inserted. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 880 The Poor Traveller ; Boots at the Holly-Tree Inn, and Mrs. damp. London, 1S38. First edition, with the green covers. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. 880* Another edition. London, 1862. Post 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, with the original covers. 881 A Tale of Two Cities. Plates by Phiz, and ])ortrait. London, 1859- First edition. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 882 A Tale of Two Cities. Plates by H. K. Browne. London, 1859. First edition. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 883 Hunted Down. The original numbers of the New York Ledger. New York, August 20 and 27, and September 3, 1859. 4to, case, half red levant morocco extra. 884 Hunted Down. London [1870]. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra, by Zaelmsdorf, with original covers. 885 Great Expectations. London, 186 1. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 886 The Uncommercial Traveller. London, 1861. First edition. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 887 The Uncommercial Traveller. Illustrated. London, 1868. The Charles Dickens edition. Post 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, 888 Our Mutual Friend. Plates by Stone. London, 1865. Original edition, with portrait and wrapper inserted. 2 vols., 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. S2 889 Dickens (Charles). Little Dombey, etc. Readings. Christmas Carol, etc. Dr. Marigold. David Copperfield, etc. Nicholas Nickleby. Boston, 1868. 5 vols., i6mo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, with the original covers. 890 The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Portrait and 12 illustrations. London, 1870. First edition. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 891 The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Portrait and 12 illustrations by Fildes. London, 1870. Original edition, with the green wrapper and advertisements. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 892 The Mystery of Edwin Drood, complete. Brattleboro, \'t., 1873. With the " Medium's " Preface, signed Thos. P. James. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top. 893 Is She His Wife? A comic burletta. Boston, 1877. Play-bill enclosed. 24mo, red levant, by Zaehnsdorf. 894 Life of Charles James Mathews. Portraits. London, 1879. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 895 The Lamplighter. .\ farce. London, 1879. 250 copies printed. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. 896 Dramatic Readings as read in America, lioston, 1879-82. i2mo (ten parts), half red levant morocco extra, gilt top. 897 Boots at the " Holly-Tree \nn." Colored plates after Ueard. London, 1882. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt top. 898 A Wonderful Ghost Story. Reprinted from AW the Year Round, with facsimile letters of the author. By Thos. Heapy. J-ondoii, 1883. Unique copy inlaid to 4to, with the origin.\ls of the letters inserted. 4to (post 8vo), half red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 899 and Collins. The Lazy Tour of Two Idle .\pprenticcs ; No Thoroughfare, and Perils of Certain English I'risoners. Illustrated. London, 1890. First complete edition. 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, inicut edges. 8< 900 Dickens (Charles). Letters to Wilkie Collins. Edited by Laurence Hutton. Facsimiles, etc. New York, 1892. i6mo, half red levant morocco, gilt top. 901 Old Lamps for New Ones, etc. New York, 1897. 1 2 mo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 902 Extracts from Household Words, " the Lazy Tour." London, 1857-9- Autograph letter and envelope inserted. Royal Svo, calf extra. QO3 Christmas Numbers of Household Words, with the tales by Dick- ens. London, 1856-67. Original numbers, with wrappers. Royal Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 904 Christmas Stories from the Household Words. London, n. d. Svo, brown levant morocco, gilt top, with the original cover. 905 The Original Numbers of " All the Year Round," with the Christ- mas Stories. London, 1859-67. Royal Svo, brown levant morocco, gilt top. 906 Speeches, 1 841-1870. Edited, etc., by R. H. Shepherd, with a new l^ibliography. London, 1884. Large paper copy ; 50 printed. Imp. Svo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 907 Speeches. Another copy. London, 1884. No. 32 of 50 printed on large paper. Imp. Svo, brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 908 Speeches, literary and social. IvOndon, n. d. Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 909 Plays and Poems, etc., now llrst collected. Edited by R. H. Shepherd. London, 18S2. Only 150 printed, and at once suppressed. 2 vols., imp. Svo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 910 Plays from his Novels. Barnaby Rudge, Fortunes of Smike, Bat- tle of Life, Cricket on the Hearth, Old Curiosity Shop, Lord Bateman, Christmas Carol, Dead Witness, Sarah Camp, Pickwickians, I'Abime, Oliver Twist, Martin Chuzzlewit, No Thoroughfare, Dombey and Son, David Copoerficld, Nicholas Nickleby, and a Tale of Two Cities. New York and London, v. d. 2 vols., i2mo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, with original wrappers. 84 911 Dickens (Charles). Memento, with Introduction by Phillimore, and -' Hints to Dickens' Collectors," by Dexter. Catalogue with names and prices of the pictures, etc., of Charles Dickens. London, 1870. 4to, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 912 Memento. Another copy. London, 1870. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 913 Childhood and Youth of, by R. Langton. Illustrated. Man- chester, 1883. Crown 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 914 • Childhood and Youth of, by R. Langton. Illustrated. Man- chester, 1883. , , Large paper copy, No. 96. 4to, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 915 Childhood and Youth of, by Robt. Langton. London, 1891. One of 300 copies, with the illustrations on India paper. Royal 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 916 The Youth and Middle Age of Charles Dickens, by James Payn. London, 1883. Reprinted (50 copies) from Chambers's Journal. Imp. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top. 917 Charles Dickens as I Knew Him, by Geo. Dolby. London, 1885. Crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 918 The Story of His Life. Illustrated. London, n. d. Crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 919 ■ Charles Dickens, by Geo. Aug. Sala. London, n. d. Post 8vo, half red levant morocco extra. 920 Charles Dickens, by G. A. Sala. London, n. d. i2mo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, with the original covers. 921 Charles Dickens, by G. A. Sala. London, n. cl. i2mo, red levant morocco extra, with the original covers. 922 Charles Dickens and the Stage, a record by V. E. Pemberton. 3 plates. London, 1888. Crown 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 923 .Vnother copy. 3 portraits. London, 1888. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Q24 etc. No Thoroughfare, Little Em'ly, etc. New York. n. d. A monograph on " No Thoroughfare," by Sheplieni (in MS.), is prefixed to this volume. i2mo, red levant morocco extra, with original covers. 925 Dickens (Charles). Lizzie Leigh. i2mo, half red levant morocco extra. g26 Yesterdays with Authors, by J. T. Fields. Steel portraits. Bos- ton, 1S82. Dickens, pp. 127-250. 121110, red levant morocco e.vtra, gilt top, uncut edges. 927 Catalogue of the Modern Pictures, etc., of Charles Dickens, with prices and names. London, 1870. 4to, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top. Q28 Pearl-Fishing. Choice Stories from Dickens's Household Words. Portrait. Auburn, 1854. Both series complete. 2 vols., i6mo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 929 About England with Dickens, by .Alfred Rimmer. 58 illustrations. London, 1883. Crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 9^0 A Day with Charles Dickens. Edited by Hlanchard Jerrold, witli a facsimile. London, 1871. From "The Best of all Good Company." Royal 8vo, half red levant morocco extra. 931 A Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land. Over 100 illustrations by Kitton, etc. London, 1S91. 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 932 Life of, by R. Shelton Mackenzie. Portrait, etc. Philadelphia, 1870. i2mo, red levant morocco, gilt top. 933 Dickensiana. A Bibliography of the Literature relating to Charles Dickens and his Writings. By F. G. Kitton. Portrait. London, 1886. Crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 934 The Dickens Dictionary, by Pierce and Wheeler. Illustrated. Boston, 1872. i2mo, red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 935 Immortelles from Charles Dickens. By Ich. [Eliz'th Holden CressyJ. London, 1856. Crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 936 Holiday Romance (from Our Young Folks), 1868 ; Dickens, by G. B. Smith ; Dickens as a Dramatic Critic, 1883 ; In London with Dickens ; In Memoriam, etc. London, etc., v. d. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top. 937 Magazine Articles, viz. : Dickens's place in Literature ; Mr. Pick- wick and Nicholas Nickleby ; Dickens Characters, etc. London, v. d. Royal 8vo, half red levant morocco extra. 86 938 Dickens (Charles). Glimpses of Charles Dickens, etc., by E. S. William- son. Illustrated. Toronto, 1898. 8vo, half red levant morocco extra. My Father as I Recall Him, by Marie Dickens. Illustrated. Westminster, 18 — . Post 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. The Battle of London Life ; or, Boz and his Secretary, by Morna. Illustrations by Sala (and a copy of Sala's letter, stating Capt. Thos. O'Keefe to have been the author). London, 1849. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top. Another copy. Half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, with the original covers, though somewhat torn. Charles Dickens ; a critical biography. London, 1858. i2mo, half red levant morocco, with the original covers. Authentic Record of the Public Banquet to, at Freemason's Hall, Nov. 2, 1867. Portrait. London, 1867. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, by Zaehnsdorf. Charles Dickens and Rochester, by R. Langton. Illustrated. London, 1880. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, with the original covers. Pen Photographs of Charles Dickens's Readings, by Kate Field. Illustrated. London, 1871. Presentation copy from the author, with autograph letter inserted. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top. A Tramp's Wallet, by W. Duthie. London, 1858. Revised by Charles Dickens. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra. A Stray Leaf from the Correspondence of Washington Irving and Charles Dickens, by William Loring Andrews. Illustrated. New York, 1894. Japan paper copy ; 77 printed. i2mo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 947 Infelicia, by Adah Isaacs Menken. Portrait and facsimile of i. letter from Dickens. London, 1868. First edition. i6mo, red levant morocco extra. 948 Memoir of, by Wm. Watkins. London, n. d. i6mo, red levant morocco extra, and the original covers. 87 949 Dickens (Charles). Our Miscellany (which ought to have come out, but didn't). Edited by Yates and Brough. London, 1856. Contains " Hard Times," by "Charles Diggins." Post 8vo, half red levant morocco extra. 950 Dickens, by A. W. Ward. London, 1882. Crown 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 951 Birthday Book. Compiled and illustrated by his daughters. Lon- don, 1882. 8vo, cloth. 952 Old Leaves Gathered from Household Words, by W. H. Wills. London, i860. Post 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 953 A Sketch of his Life and Works, by F. B. Perkins. Portrait. New York, 1870. i2mo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 954. ITnimitable Boz, par Robert du Pontavice de Heussey. Paris, 1889. Japan paper copy ; 25 printed, with portraits on Lidia paper. 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 955 Charles Dickens as a Reader, by Charles Kent. London, 1872. Post 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 956 Hints to Collectors of Original Editions, by C. P. Johnson. Lon- don, 18S5. Post 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 957 Hints to Collectors, by C. P. Johnson. London, 1885. Large paper copy ; 50 printed. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 958 Bibliography of the Writings of, by James Cook. London, 1879. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 959 Bibliography of. Privately printed ; 50 copies only. Second edition, enlarged. 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top. 960 Wellerisms from " Pickwick," etc. London, 1886. i2mo, cloth, uncut. 961 Dombey and Daughter. A moral fiction by Renton Nicholson, Wood-cuts. London, n. d. Imp. 8vo, half brown morocco, with original wrapper. 962 Dickens (Charles). Music Score, etc., of The Chimes, Nicholas Nickleby, and Pickwick Quadrilles, the Cricket Polka, and "Autumn Leaves" from the Village Coquettes. London, 1839, etc. Five autograph letters of Dickens enclosed, one announcing the birth of a daughter, another relative to the "damnable shadow " cast by his father, and others of interest. Royal 8vo case, brown levant morocco. 963 The Original Manuscript of " His Brown Paper Parcel ; "' eleven octavo pages mounted on cardboard. 8vo, brown levant box. 964 LIFE OF CHARLES DICKENS, by John Forster. London, 1872. Unique copy, extended from 3 vols., 8vo, to 9 vols., folio, by the insertion of an extraordinary collection of autograph letters, por- traits, views, play-bills, and other pertinent illustrations. The autograph letters include interesting specimens from Dickens, Robert Burns, Tom Hood (3), Douglas Jerrold, Macready, R. D. Blackmore (2), John Forster, Wm. Black, N. P. Willis, R. Sey- mour (a receipt), Geo. Cruikshank, Buss, a memorandum signed by Dickens, Bentley and Ainsworth, Leigh Hunt (3), Stanfield, Cattermole, Ainsworth, Chas. Kean, Mrs. S. C. Hall, Chas. Knight (4), Jerdan, Lady Coutts (2), Lord Geo. Gordon to the King, Danl. O'Connell, Lord Brougham (2), Bulwer (5), Robt. Peel, Sydney Smith, Geo. Eliot, Thos. Campbell (2), Robert Browning (3), Southwocjd Smith, Talfourd (2), Napier (2), Cob- den, DTsraeli, Miss Hogarth, George IV., Mazzini, Scott, Ten- nyson, Dumas, Bellocq, Lever (3), D'Orsay, Fanny Kemble (3), Wellington, Duke of Devonshire, Mark Lemon (3), " Phiz," Wordsworth, Doyle (2), Hugo, Sue, G. H. Lewes, Charlotte Yonge, Leech, Anthony Trollope (3), C. R. Leslie, Albert Smith (3), Knowles, Mathews, Wilkie Collins (5), Shirley Brooks, Swin- burne, Leech (6 pages with sketch), Carlyle, Hawthorne. Mrs. Gaskell, Sala (2), Landseer "Barry Cornwall," Lord Wellesley, Hon. IVIrs. Norton, Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton), Simms Reeves, Sam. Phelps, S. C. Hall, Chas. Lyell, R. Owen (2), Plan- che, Ruskin, David Roberts, Ben. Webster, Edmund Yates, Chas. Reade, Tyndale, Balzac, Arthur Helps, J. P. Collier, Lord Stan- hope, the manuscript of Samuel Johnson's Prayer, pages of Dick- ens MSS., etc. The illustrations comprise many fine portraits, including a quantity of proofs, Darley's illustrations on India paper, several original drawings, embracing a pencil sketch of Dickens on board the Britannia, and other matter, making in all over 1,600 additions. 9 vols., folio, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. 965 LETTERS. Edited by his sister-in-law and his eldest daughter. London, 1880-2. Unique copy, uniform with the Life, and with about Soo inserted plates, autograph letters, etc. 'I'he letters are peculiarly inter- esting, having for the most part some relevant connection with the text of the book. They include over 50 fine examples frt)ni 89 the pen of Dickens, largely relating to business matters with his publishers (with a large "promise to pay" signed by Chapman and Mall), many confidential letters signed John Dickens, and a mass of correspondence from Italy, by Chas. Lever. The other let- ters are from John Forster, Ainsworth, Cruikshank, Carlyle (8), James Payn (5), Doyle, Amelia B. Edwards, Tom Hood, Macready, Bulwer, John Morley, Chas. Mackay, Chas. Reade, Henry Kingsley, Leigh Hunt, Jerdan, Le Fanu, Blanchard Jer- rold, W. J. IByron, R. F. Burton, Sue, Hingston " the showman," Thos. Hardy, Whyte Melville, Richd. Jefferies, Tennyson, Sala, Miss Braddon, Anthony Trollope, Florence Marryat, Alfred Austin, Wills, W. D. Adams, Harry Furness, Lord Lonsdale, Farjeon (6), Chas. Lyell, Blanche, A. L. Dickens, Wingfield, Clark Russell, Clement Scott, Madox Brown, Edmund Yates, Princess Soltykoff, etc. The portraits, etc., are for the most part well selected, and 22 pen-and-ink sketches, seemingly by Sala, will be found grouped in one of the volumes. 8 vols., folio, half blue levant morocco, by Stikeman, uniform with the Life. 966 Dickens (Charles). Charles Dickens, by pen and pencil, and the Supple- ment, by F. (j. Kitton. Proofs, and remarque proofs on India paper, of the large portraits, and the cutsduplicated on Japan paper. London, 1890. Special copy, with all the additional plates. 2 vols., folio, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Stikeman. 967 Letters of Charles Dickens to Wilkie Collins. Edited by Lau- rence Hutton, with portraits and facsimiles. New York, 1892. Unique copy, illustrated by the insertion of 93 portraits and views, including many fine India proofs. Folio (inlaid from i2mo), half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. 968 ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH LETTERS of Charles Dickens and other writers, 150 in all, including 100 by Dickens to Cattermole, his Publishers (with statements of account), and \V. H. KoUe (25), the friend of his youth. The other letters are from P. B. Shelley, Elihu Bur- ritt, Samuel Lover, Ouida, Miss Mulock (2), De Quincey (2), Doran (2), Mary and William Howitt, Henry Kingsley (4), T. H. Bayley (2), Guizot, Thiers, Timbs, Tupper, T. Roscoe, Louis Blanc (4), Frank Buckland (2), Fairholt, Baring-Gould, Coventry Patmore, A. H. Clough, etc. Folio, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. 969 Life of, by John P'orster. 3 vols. London, 1872-4. Letters of, edited by Misses Hogarth and Dickens. 3 vols. London, 1880-2. Unique copies, illustrated by the insertion of 240 plates, many proofs on India paper, including portraits of contemporaries of Dickens, scenes from his principal novels, by Phiz, etc., and numerous views. 6 vols., 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 90 970 Dickens (Charles). Letters of. Edited by his sister-in-law and daughter. London, 1880-2. Over 100 fine portraits and views inserted, some proofs. 3 vols., Svo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 971 DICKENS'S CORRESPONDENCE. ORIGINAL LETTERS OF AND TO CHARLES DICKENS. An unusually large and im- portant collection. Autograph letters from Dickens to Richard Rentley, Sept. 19, 1837 ; to Chapman and Hall, May 8, 1S36 ; to John Macrone, May 8, 1836 ; 86 to Thomas Mitton, from 1832 to 1861 ; S;^ to Frederic Ouvry, June, 1858 to 1870 ; i House agreement, Dec. 20, 1841, peti- tion of Maria Wilby. Also 2 cautions from his solicitors, autograph letters to Dickens from Ceorgina Hogarth, Mrs. Dickens, 6 of Ains- worth, I from Lord Ashley (Shaftesbury), 2 from Lady Blessington, Lord Brougham; 5 from " Phiz," Hablot Knight Browne; 8fromCatter- mole, including a pencil drawing ; C. Cowden Clarke, 10 from Baroness Burdett-Coutts, 6 from Geo. Cruikshank, 2 from D'Orsay, 4 from Dr. Elliotson, I from Albany Foublanque, i from Lord Provost Forrest, 1 from W. P. Frith, 2 from Mrs. Gore, 16 from Capt. Basil Hall, 2 from J. P. Harley, i from Rev. Wm. Harness, 4 from Lady Holland, 2 from Tom Hood, i from Leigh Hunt, i from Washington Irving, 4 pp., from Sunnyside, 1841 (of exceptional interest) ; 10 from Lord Jeffrey, i from R. Keeley, 3 from W. S. Landor, i from Chas. Lever, i from Bulwer, 14 from Maclise, 2 of them with sketches; 11 from Macready, 3 from Macvey Napier, 3 from Samuel Rogers, i from Sir M. A. Shee, i from Sydney Smith, 3 from Clarkson Stanfield, 5 from Thos. Noon Talfourd. 6 from C. Hare Townshend, i from Benjamin Webster, and i from Sir David Wilkie — in all, 326. Inserted also are 6 excellent portraits of Dickens, of which 5 are India proofs. 2 vols., 4to, brown morocco gilt extra, gilt backs and edges. 972 DICKENS-CATTERMOLE CORRESPONDENCE. Auto- graph letters, Geo. Cattermole to My Dearest Clarissa, " I have yielded to a very earnest invitation to dine with Dickens, . . . Dickens, I told you, is married, — //ity are amongst the few friends I mark out for our future acquaintance." 2 autograph letters from Dickens to Catter- mole ; the very rare "strictly private" St. James's Theatre bill, with Dickens as Bobadil, Cattermole as Wellbred, etc.; 3 autograph letters from Wm. P. Frith to Cattermole ; 2 drafts of the appeal for Catter- mole's family in Dickens's hand ; proof of one of Cattermole's illustra- tions to Dickens ; 20 sketches by Cattermole, for Old Curiosity Shop, Barnaby Rudge, etc. (one of them in color), and an original sketch by Sir Edwin Landseer. 4to, morocco. 973 Dickins (F. V.). Translator. Chiushingura ; or, The Loyal League. Wood-cuts by Japanese artists. London, 1880. Svo, cloth. 974 Dick's British Drama. London, n. d. II vols, (minus vol. 10), post Svo, boards. 975 Diderot. The Paradox of Acting. Translated by W. H. Pollock. J.ondon, 18S3. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 976 Didier (C. Peale). Twixt Cupid and Croesus. With the original idea of facsimile letters and illustrations. Baltimore, 1896. 4to, cloth. 977 R. S. V. P. A novelette. Illustrated. r>altimore, 1897. Oblong 4to, half cloth. 978 Didon (Rev. Father). Jesus Christ. London, 1891. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 979 "Die Miinchener." 15 illustrations. Leipzig, 1888, i2mo, half calf, gilt top. 980 DIGGES-WARD CORRESPONDENCE. The Original Auto- j^rajih Letters of this notorious e|)isode, 45 in all ; some covering 4 folio pages, and nearly all showing much wear and tear ; mounted carefully on heavy paper. Contains 18 letters from West Digges, addressed to "My Dearest Sally," " My Dearest Life," " Laconick Madam," etc., and 27 letters from Sara Ward, addressed to " Dear Westy," etc. Folio, red straight grain morocco. 981 Digges rs. Ward. Letters which passed between West Digges and Sara Ward. Portrait inserted. Edinburgh, 1833. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 982 Digges- Ward, Another copy. Edinburgh, 1833. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 983 Disraeli (Benj., Lord Beaconsfield). Novels and Miscellaneous Works. Vivian Grey. 5 vols. 1826. Voyage of Captain Popanilla. 1828. The Young Duke. 3 vols. 1831. Contarini Fleming. 4 vols. 1832. The Wondrous Tale of Alroy. 3 vols. 1833. Letters of Runnymede. 1836. Llenrietta Temple. 3 vols. 1837. Venetia. 3 vols. 1837. Vindication of the English Constitution. 1835. Coningsby. 3 vols. 1844. Sybil. 3 vols. 1845. ' Tancred. 3 vols. 1847. Ixion in Heaven, etc. 1859. The Revolutionary Epick. 1864. Speeches on Parliamentary Reform. 1867. Lotliair. 3 vols. 1870. Endymion. 3 vols. 1880. All but Coningsby, Ixion in Heaven, and Lothair are first editions. 42 vols., post 8vo and 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1826-80. 92 984 Disraeli (Ben j., Lord Beaconsfield). Lord Beaconsfield's Correspondence with his Sister, 1832-52. Portrait. London, 1886, 8vo, cloth. 985 DOBSON (Austin). POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. New York, 1889. The margins of this charming copy are decorated with 57 charm- ing original drawings in water color by Eugene and Marie Grivaz. 2 vols., i2mo, green levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Stikeman. 986 The Sun Dial. Illustrated by G. W. Edwards. New York, 1890. Japan paper copy ; 50 jjrinted. 4to, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. - Eighteenth Century Essays. London, 1882. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. - Eighteenth Century Vignettes. Illustrated. New York, 1892. Large paper ; 250 printed. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. - Editor. The Dance of Death. Plates by Holbein. London. 1892. Large Japan paper copy. 8vo, half gray levant ; 100 printed. ■ William Hogarth. Portrait and other illustrations. New York [London], 1891. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. William Hogarth. Plates on Japan and India paper. London. 1891. Large paper copy ; 100 printed. Royal 8vo, half cloth, uncut edges. Horace Walpole. Illustrated by P. and L. Moran. New York, 1890. No. 120 of 425 copies. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. The Ballad of Beau Brocade. Illustrations by Hugh Thomson, proofs. London, 1892. Large paper ; No. 37 of 450 copies. Royal 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. ■ The Ballad of Beau Brocade. Illustrated by Hugh ihomson. London, 1892. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 93 995 Dobson (Austin). The Story of Rosina, etc. Illustrated by Hugh I'homson. London. 1S95. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt edges. gg5 Proverbs in Porcelain. Illustrations on India paper. London, 1893- Large paper copy ; 250 printed. 4to, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Qpy Proverbs in Porcelain. Illustrated, London, 1893. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. qq8 Proverbs in Porcelain, and other verses. London, 1877. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 999 Vignettes in Rhyme, and Vers de Society. London, 1873. First edition. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1000 Editor. Old English Song.s. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. London, 1S94. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt edges. lOoi Four French Women. London, 1890. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1002 Collected Poems. Portrait. London, 1897. Crown Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1003 Dodge (Mary Mapes). Hans Brinker. 60 illustrations. New York, 1876. Svo. cloth. 1004 Dodgson. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. Il- lustrated by John Tenniel. London, 1866. First edition. Crown Svo, cloth. 1005 The Hunting of the Snark, by Lewis Carroll. 9 illustrations by Holiday. London, 1876. First edition. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt edges. 1006 Sylvie and Bruno, and Sylvie and Bruno, continued. 92 illus- trations, by Harry Furness. New York and London, 1S94-5. 2 vols., i2mo, cloth. 94 1007 Dodsley. Select Collection of Old English Plays, with notes, etc., by Reed, (iilchrist, etc. London, 1825-7. Collier's first edition. 12 vols., crown 8vo, half russia. 1008 The GEconomy of Human Life. London, 1751. i2mo, calf. 1009 Dome (The). A Quarterly, containing examples of all the arts. Lon- don, 1897-8. 4 vols., 8vo, boards. loio Donaldson (Thomas). Walt Whitman the Man. Illustrated. New York, 1896. i2mo, cloth. 1011 Donaldson (Walter). Recollections of an Actor. London, 1865. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1012 DORAN (John). ANNALS OF THE ENGLISH STAGE. Por- traits. London, 1864. Unique copy, extended from 2 volumes to 8, by the insertion of 1,000 portraits and other illustrations, including, Mrs. Abington (9), Master Betty (3), Ann Catley (4), Mrs. Centlivre, Arabella Churchill, G. F. Cooke (8), (iarrick (31), Nell Gwyn (5), Gri- maldi (2), Mrs. Jordan (4), Ed. Kean (10), J. P. Kemble (22), Mrs. Siddons (13), Beau Nash, Mrs. Oldfield, Penkethman, Sedley, Mrs. Wofifington (5), Cave Underbill, and other very rare plates, including many proofs on India paper. 8 vols., 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1014 : Annals of the English Stage. Numerous portraits and vignette illustrations. London, 1888. Large paper copy, with the portraits in two states. 3 vols., royal 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1015 Dorat (Claude Joseph). The Kisses. With beautiful illustrations by Eisen. London, n. d. Royal 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1016 Dor^ (Gustave). Life and Reminiscences. Compiled by Blanche Roosevelt. Illustrated. New York, 1885. 8vo, cloth. 1017 Doris (Chas.). Secret Memoirs of Napoleon. Portrait. London, 1897. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1018 Douce (F.). Illustrations of Shakespeare, and of Ancient Manners. Wood-cuts. London, 1807. A curious binding on a book now scarce. 2 vols., 8vo, russia bevelled, gilt and blind tooled. 95 lOIQ Douglas (Robt. B.). Sophie Arnould. 7 etchings by Lalauze. Paris, 189S. Royal 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1020 Life and Times of Madame du Barry. Portrait. London, 1896. Svo, cloth, uncut. 1021 Dowries (John). Roscius Anglicanus ; or, an Historical Review of the ICnglish Stage. London, 1708. The very rare first edition, from the Jolley collection. Svo, half red morocco. 1022 Roscius Anglicanus, with Additions by Thomas Davies. Lon- don, 1789. 8vo, boards. 1023 Roscius Anglicanus. Preface by Joseph Knight. London, 1886. 135 copies printed. Crown Svo, cloth, uncut. 1024 Dowson (Ernest). The Pierrot of the Minute. London, 1S97. 300 small paper copies printed. Royal Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1025 Doyle (A. Conan). Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Illustrated. London, 1S93. Royal Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1026 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Illustrated by Sidney Paget. London, 1894. Royal Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1027 Doyle and Planch^. An Old Fairy Tale Told Anew. [The Sleep- ing Beauty.] Illustrated. London, n. d. 4to, cloth. 1028 Drake (Nathan). Shakespeare and His Times, with 10 rare colored plates by Dighton inserted. London, 1S17. The colored plates are of great rarity. 2 vols., 4to, calf. See Shakespeakr for the illustrated copy in 5 volumes. 1029 Drake (S. A.). Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. Il- lustrated. New York, 1875. Svo, cloth. 1030 Book of New England Legends and Folk Lore. Illustrated. Boston, 1884. 4to, cloth. 96 1031 Drama, etc. Scrap Books. Drama, Exhibitions, Concerts, Gardens, and Walloons. Bills, engravings (87), etc. v. d. Many of the plates are very rare, as well as the play-bills, etc. The autographs include one of EUiston. Collected bv T. Pur- land. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco. 1032 ' I\Iagazine Articles on Talma, Edmund Kean, Edwin Booth, etc. V. d. 2 vols , royal 8vo, half calf. ^^33 (^^''^0 ; o^j Theatrical Pocket Magazine. Numerous portraits. Elvey, London, 182 1-5. 8 vols., i2mo, half blue levant. 1034 Beauties of the English Drama. London, 1777. 4 vols., i2mo, calf. 1035 Desultory Thoughts on the National Drama, past and present. By an Old Playgoer. London, 1850. 8vo, half green levant, gilt top. 1036 The Past and Present State of Dramatic Art and Literature. London, 1839. 8vo, half green levant. 1037 Dramatic Biographies. Life of Garrick, etc. Portraits and Maga- zine Articles. London, v. d. Svo, half morocco. 1038 Dramatic Censor. Being Remarks upon the Conduct, etc., of Our most Celebrated Plays. London, 1752. Svo, half morocco. 1039 Dramatic Costumes, no plates in color. Lacy, etc. London, V. d. Royal Svo, halt green morocco. 1040 Dramatic Literature. Report from the Select Committee on. Lon- don, 1833. Folio, half red levant, gilt top. 1041 Dramatic Magazine. With 13 rare portraits of Wallack, Fanny Kemble, Miss Paton, T. P. Cooke, Mathews the elder, etc.. etc. Lon- don, 1829. Svo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 7 97 1042 Dramatic Mirror and Literary Companion. Edited by James Rees. Wood-cuts. New York, 1 841-2. The entire issue ; i.e., vol. i. A presentation copy from F. C. Wemyss, with aut05ji;raphs, etc., of the editor inserted, and a play-l)ill of the American Theatre, New Orleans, April 10, 1827. 4t(), half bound. 1043 Dramatic Omnibus, etc. Including numbers of the Printer's Devil, llic Play Goer, etc. 1849-50. An interesting collection of short-lived dramatic papers. Crown 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1044 Dramatic Register for 1853. London, 1854. Crown Svo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1045 Dramatic Review ; cr, Mirror of the Stage. 18 fine portraits inserted. London, 1795. Svo, half calf, gilt top. 1046 Dramatic Tracts. Life of Barton Booth. Portrait. 1733. Usefulness of the Stage. Frontispiece. 1738. Epistle from Mrs. Oldfield to Mrs. Bracegirdle. 1743. The Case of Mrs. [Kitty] Clive, 1744. Green Room Mirror. Portrait. 1786. Life of John Henderson. Portrait. 1777. Life of John Reeve. Portrait, n. d. The Rape of Joseph. Colored frontispiece, n. d. Theatrical House that Jack Built. 1819. Life of Anne Paton [Lady Lennox], n. d. Harley's Life of Betty. Portrait. 1804. And 30 other interesting pamphlets. 4 vols., Svo, half calf. 1047 Drama. An Impartial View of the Stage, from the Day.? of Garrick and Rich to the present period. By Dramaticus. London, 1816. Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1048 Drant (R. P.). Hell up to Date. Cuts by A. Young. Chicago, n. d. Oblong 4to, paper. 1049 Draper (John C). Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 170 illus- trations. New York, 1866. Svo, cloth. 1050 Draper (L. C). Essay on the Autographic Collections of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Portrait. New York, 1889. 4to, cloth, uncut. 98 1051 DRURY LANE THEATRE ROYAL, ACCOUNT BOOKS Receipts and payments, 1766-7, 1771-2, 1815-6 46 vol... Nightly accounts, 1776-9, 1796-7, 1799-1800, 1802-3, 1811-2, 1812-3, 1814-5, 1820-1, 1S27-S, 1834-5, 1842-3, 1846-7, 1850, 185 1-2 25 vols. Check book (weekly accounts), 1812-3, 1814-5, 1817-8, 1827-8, 1831-2, 1834-5 15 vols. Ledger, 1790-6, 1795-9, 1799-1802, 1802-6, 1806-9, 1812-5, 1815-7, 1816-9, 1826-7 13 vols. Salaries, 1789-94, 1799-1802, 1804-5, 1S06-9, 1808-9, 1812-3, 1814-5, 1817-8, 1820-4, 1826, 1844-5 22 vols. Cash book, 1797-8, 1825-6, 1845-6 3 vols. Register of renters, free admissions, etc 27 vols. Miscellaneous : Delivery book ; stock book ; performers' list of char- acters ; order book ; journal ; monthly journal ; journal (Reins); inventory of furniture ; claims, etc.; door money ; petty cash (2) ; opera house receipts ; subscriptions for rebuilding D. L. T.; fines, inven- tories, 1819 ; nightly receipts in order of amount ; inventory of wardrobe (3); box book, 181 2-1 3 21 vols. 172 vols. The weekly accounts contain many marginal notes relating to performances of individual plaj^ers. 1052 Drury Lane Theatre, etc. The Case between the Managers of the I'wo Theatres and their Princijial .'\ctors. London, 1713 [1743]. 8vo, half morocco. 1053 Du Bois. Four Private Libraries of New York [the collections of Samuel P. Avery, George B. De Forest, Valentine Blacque, and jolly BavoillotJ. Facsimiles, etc. New York, 1892. Japan paper copy. 200 printed. 8vo, silk, uncut edges. 1054 Ducros (Emmanuel). Une Cigale au Son de, 1885. Tinted Illus- trations. London, 1888. 4to, original covers. 1055 Dudley (Robert). Monthly Ma.xims. Colored illustrations. London, n.d. 4to, cloth. 1056 Dufferin (Helen, Lady). Songs, Poems, and Verses. Portrait. Lon- don, ii'^94. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1057 DUGDALE (Sir William). MONASTICON ANGLICANUM. .\ history of the Ahbies and other Monasteries, Hospitals. Frienes, and Cathe.lral and Collegiate Churches, etc., in ICngland and Wales, etc. Additions by Caley," Ellis, and Bandinel. With all the fine plates. London, 1817-30. 8 vols., royal folio, russia extra, panelled back and sides, gilt edges. 99 1058 Dumas (Alex.). Works. Translated. Plates. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1888-97. Large paper copy, comprising the D'Artagnan, Valois, Historical, Regency, Marie Antoinette, and Napoleon Romances ; Monte Cristo, and Notes. 61 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut, and the special plates in a morocco case. 1059 Le Chevalier d'Harmental. Profusely illustrated. Paris, 1854. Imp. 8vo, half morocco. 1060 Memoirs. Translated by \. F. Davidson. Portrait. Lon- don, 1891. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1061 Memoirs. Selected and translated by Davidson. Portrait. London, 1891. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 1062 Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. Illustrated by Le Plant. Tes- tard, Paris, 1894. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, original covers, uncut. 1063 Les Trois Mousquetaires. Superbly illustrated by Maurice Le- loir. Levy, Paris, 1894. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, original covers, uncut. 1064 The Three Musketeers. Translated by W. Robson. 250 illus- trations by Leloir. New York, 1894. 2 vols., imp. 8vo, buckram, uncut edges. 1065 Les Mousquetaires. 162 pages of the Original Manuscript in the handwriting of the author. Signed at the end " Offert a M. de Guerville par I'auteur. A. Dumas." Commences with the Adventure of Marie Michon. Oblong 4to, half morocco. 1066 Tlie Three Musketeers. 250 illustrations by Leloir. New York, 1898. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. 1067 Le Mousquetaire. From November, 1853 (Part I.) to Decem- ber, 1856. Paris, 1853-6. 6 vols., folio, half calf. 1068 The Count of Monte-Cristo. Profusely illustrated, and an in- serted portrait. London, 1888. 5 vols., imp. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 1069 Pascal Bruno. A Sicilian Story. Edited by Theo. Hook. London, 1837. Post Svo, boards, uncut. loyo Dumas (Alex.). Celebrated Crimes. London, 1843. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1071 Celebrated Crimes. Translated by I. G. Burnham. Photograv- ures. Philadelphia, 1895. 8 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1072 Celebrated Crimes. lUu.straied. Boston, 1896. Large paper copy. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1073 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Translated by J. M. Howell. Illus- trated. New York, 1896. i2mo, cloth. 1074 Dumas and Sue. Forty-five Guardsmen (and Miscellaneous Works). Illustrated. London, 1848. 8vo, half morocco. 1075 Dumas (Alex., /7.f). Lady of the Camelias. Anew translation, with new preface by the author. Illustrated by 40 elegant photogravures in tints, and etchings by Albert Lynch. London, 1887. Only 550 copies printed. 4to, cloth, uncut. 1076 La Dame aux Camelias. Tinted illustrations by Leloir. Paris, 18—. Imp. 8vo, original covers, uncut edges. 1077 Du Maurier. Trilby. The original pages from Harper's Magazine with all the illustrations, including Whistler's portrait, also a transla- tion of the French sentences, and other addenda of value. New York, 1894. Royal 8vo, half red morocco. 1078 Trilby. Illustrated by the author. New York, 1895. Edition de luxe ; 600 printed. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1079 Social Pictorial Satire. Illustrated. New York, 1898. i2mo, cloth, uncut edges. 1080 Peter Ibbetson. Illustrated by the author. London, 1892. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1081 The Martian. Illustrated by the author. London. 1889. Large paper copy : 250 printed. 4to, half vellum, uncut edges. 1082 A Legend of Camelot. Pictures and Poems. Illustrated. New York, 1898. Oblong 4to, cloth back. 1083 Dunlap (Wm). The Father of American Shandy-ism. New York, 1789. The rare first edition of wliat is practically the first American play. 8vo, unbound and untrimmed. 1083* Ihe Father of American Shandy-ism. A Comedy. New York, 1789. Svo, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges, stained and re- paired. 1084 The Archers. An Opera. New York, 1796. First edition, rare. Svo, maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1085 DUNLAP (Wm.). HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN THE- ATRE. New York, 1832. Unique copy. Inlaid t0 4to, and extra illustrated by the insertion of 375 rare portraits, autographs, views, theatres, play-bills, original drawings, etc. Among the rarities may be mentioned: Dunlap (i.p.b.l.), Garrick (p.b.l.), Henry Cruger, Farquhar, Hugh Kelly (mezzo.), Myles Cooper, Kemble (mezzo.); Ccoper as Hamlet and as Leon, by Edwin ; O'Keefe (i.p.), Ezra Stiles, " The Late Mrs. Morris " ; Fred. Reynolds, by Heath ; Hodg- kinson, by Leney ; Mrs. Hodgkinson, by Tiebout, and i.p. by HoUyer ; Mrs. Melmoth as Elvira, by Tiebout ; Fennel, Francis; J. E. Harwood, by Edwin; Jefferson and Blissett ; Mr. Ricketts, by Scoles ; T. A. Cooper, by Harris, also a proof by Mayer ; Mrs. Siddons (i.p.), by Turner ; Warren and Mrs. Warren, by Edwin ; Park Theatre and Corner Stone, original drawings ; Mr. and Mrs. Wood, by Edwin and by Ellis; Gen. Wolfe ; Mrs. Darley, by Edwin and by Leney ; Sadlers Wells, original drawing ; Mrs. Wignell, by Edwin ; Mathevv Carey, J. W. Wallack (i.p.) ; Master Payne, by Leney ; Master Betty, John Howard Payne (lith.), Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. Duff, Edmund Simpson (first issue), Stephen Price (lith.). Burning of Richmond (i.p.), Jas. H. Caldwell, Cooke as Lear and by Scriven, Cooke's Tomb, Kean in Indian dress (original), Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, Burke; Forrest, by Meyer; Hackett as Fal- staff (rare lith.), 13 bills of John St. Theatre, 3 of Park, and i of Ricketts' Circus, etc. 4 vols., 4to, half blue levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut edges. 1086 History of the American Theatre. New York, 1832. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top. Name in ink, on title-page, of Alfred Bunn, etc. 1087 Hi.story of the American Theatre. Frontispiece, by Cruik- shank. London, 18 — . 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 102 1088 Dunlap (VVm.). Life of George Fred. Cooke. Some rare portraits inserted. London, 1815. 2 vols.. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1089 Life of Geo. Fred. Cooke. Portrait. New York, 1813. 2 vols., i6mo, half calf, gilt top. ^^io^j 1090 History of New York. Frontispieces and woodcuts. New York, 1837. 2 vols., i8mo, original cloth. 1091 Dunlap Society. First Series. ' '"' '^ No. I. The Contrast, a Comedy, by Royall Tyler. 1887. No. 2. The Father of American Shandyism, by W. Dunlap. 1887. No. 3. Andre, a Tragedy, by W. Dunlap. 1887. No. 6. Biennial Reports. 18S8. No. II. Sketch of the Life of John Gilbert. 1890. No. 15. Bunker Hill, by John Burk. 1891. 6 vols., Svo, original covers, uncut. 1092 Second Series. No. I. First Theatre in America, by C. P. Daly. 1896. No. 2. The Magazine and the Drama, by J. W. Pence. 1896. No. 3. Autobiography of Clara Fisher Maeder. Edited by Douglas Taylor. 1897. No. 4. Group of Theatrical Celebrities. 1897. No. 5. The Circus, by L J. Greenwood. 1898. No. 6. Duse and the French, by V. Mapes. 1898. No. 7. A Wreath of Laurel, by W. Winter. 1898. No. 8. Washington and the Theatre, by P. L. Ford. 1S99. 8 vols., 8vo, original covers, uncut edges. 1093 Occasional Addresses, edited by Laurence Hutton and William Carey. New York, 1890. 185 printed. Svo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1094 Opening Addresses, edited by Laurence Hutton. ]>iue-[)late frontispiece. New York, 1887. 175 printed. Svo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1095 William E. Burton, a sketch of his career, etc., by Wm. L. Keese. Portrait inserted. New York, 1891. Only 190 copies printed. Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1096 John Gilbert, by Wm. Winter. Portrait, etc. Now \'ork. 1S90. Only 190 cojMcs printed. Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges, 103 1097 Dunlap Society. Brief Chronicles, by Wm. Winter. Illustrated. New York, icSSp. Only 190 copies printed. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1098 Charlotte Cushman, by Lawrence Barrett. Portrait. New York, 1889. Only 175 copies printed. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1099 Du Plessis. Memoirs, with Description of Some Strolling-Players. Dublin, 1757. 2 vols, in I, i2mo, half calf, gilt top. 1 100 Duruy (Victor). History of Rome. 2,500 illustrations, some colored. London, 1884. 10 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1101 History of Greece. Colored plates, maps, and 2,000 illustra- tions. Boston, 1890. Edition de luxe. 6 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1 102 Dusejour (Mile. Dionis). The Origin of the Graces. Plates by Cochin. London, n. d. 300 copies printed. Royal 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1103 DUYCKINCK (Evert A.). FITZ-GREENE HALLECK. Pri- vately printed for W. L. Andrews. New York, 1868. Unique copy (of an edition of 50 only), with 105 portraits inserted, including fine India proofs of Halleck (7), Duyckinck, Lamb, Major Andr^, Verplanck, Irving, Drake, Edmund Simpson, Durand, Prescott, Mrs. Browning, etc., etc., a view of the Park Theatre, and other New York illustrations. 4to, half red moroco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1104 Duyckinck (E. A. and G. L.). Cyclopaedia of American Literature. Portraits, etc. New York, 1855. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half calf. 1105 Easby-Smith (J. S.). The Songs of Sappho. Washington, 1891. Presentation copy from the author. i6mo, cloth. 1106 Earle (A. M.). Curious Punishments. Illustrated. Chicago, 1896. i2mo, cloth. 1107 Ebers (John). Seven Years of the King's Theatre. Portraits. Lon- don, 182S. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 104 1108 Ebers (John). Seven Years of the King's Theatre. Portraits. Lon- don, 1828. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. ■: 1109 Echo (The). Colored and other illustrations. Chicago, 1895-6-7. 2 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. mo Edinburgh Dramatic Review. Complete. Edinburgh, 1822-3. 4 vols, in 2, post 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top. illl Edmondson (J.). Precedency. Every page engraved. London, n. d. i2mo, old red morocco. 1112 Edwardes (Geo.). Birthday Book, with fine portraits of his company. London, 1897. 4to, red morocco. 1113 Birthday Book. Another copy. London, 1897. 4to, red morocco. 1114 Edwards (H. S.). Old and New Paris. Profusely illustrated. Lon- don, 1893-4. 2 vols., 4to, cloth. 1 1 15 The Prima Donna. London, 1888. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. III6 The Lyrical Drama. London, 1881. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1 1 17 Famous First Representations. London, 1886. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1 1 18 Idols of the French Stage. Portraits. London, 1889. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. 1 1 19 Edwin (John). Eccentricities of. 9 rare portraits inserted. Lon- don, 17 — . 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1 120 Life and Adventures of, by an Old Croney. Portraits inserted. London, 1791. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1 121 etc. Edwin's Pills to Purge Melancholy, and Paddy \\ hack's Bottle Companion. Portrait of Edwin. London, n. d. and 1791. 8vo, half calf. 1122 Egan (Maurice F.). The Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States. Numerous fine portraits. l'hihKU'li>hia, 1S88. Japan paper copy ; 100 i)rintcel, witli jiroof impressions of the plates. 2 vols., royal folio, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 105 1123 Egan (Maurice F.). The Disappearance of John Longworthy. Notre JMme, Indiana, 1S90. Presentation copy from the author. i6mo, cloth. 1 124 The Life Around Us. New York, 1885. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 1 125 Egan (Pierce). Bo.xiana. Portraits of famous Pugilists, etc., and the scarce plate of " The Sparring Match in the Fives Court," by Cruik- , shank. London, 1828-29-30. 5 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. 1 126 Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic. Colored plates by R. Cruikshank. London, n. d. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 1 127 The London Apprentice. Wood-cuts. London, n. d. Royal 8vo, half morocco. 1 128 Real Life in London. Colored plates by Rowlandson, Aiken, etc. London, 1829-30. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1129 Egerton (^^'m.). Faithful Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Anne Oldfield. With the rare portrait. London, 1731. Svo, blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 1 130 Faithful Memoirs of the Life, Amours, and Performances of Anne Oldfield. With the rare portrait. London, 1731. The "Art of Knowing Women," 1730, is bound with this volume. Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1 131 Theatrical Remembrancer. A complete list of all the dramatic performances in the English language, their several editions, etc. London, 1788. Post 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1132 Eichendorff (J. Freiherr von). Leaves from the Life of a Good-for- Nolhiiig. Translated by Mrs. Wister. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1889. 4to, cloth, uncut. 1 133 Eighteenth Century. Le Di.x-Huitieme Siecle, les Moours, les Arts, les Idccs ; recits et temoignages contemporains. Many hundred illus- trations, some in tint. Hachette, Paris, 1899. 4to, green morocco extra. 1 134 Elderkin (John). Brief History of the Lotus Club. Illustrated. New Vork, 1895. i2mo, morocco. 106 1135 Eldridge (Benjamin P.) and Watts (William B.). Our Rival, the Rascal. Portraits. Boston, 1897. 8vo, cloth. 1136 ELIOT (GEORGE). WORKS, with Life. Portraits, etc.. as follows: Scenes of Clerical Life. 2 vols. 1S58. Middlemarch. 4 vols. 1871. Adam Bede. 3 vols. 1859. Jubal, etc. 1S74. Mill on the Floss. 3 vols. i860. Daniel Deronda. 8 vols. 1876. Silas Marner. 1861. ^I'heophrastus Such. 1879. Romola. 3 vols. 1863. Essays. 1884. Felix Holt. 3 vols. 1866. Life by Cross. 3 vols. 1885. Spanish Gypsy. 1868. , . First editions. Together, 34 vols., crown 8vo, etc., half green levant morocco, gilt top. 1 137 Romola. Illustrated. Bostom, 1890. Edition dc luxe. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1 138 Romola. Portrait and plates, proofs. Philadelphia, 1S90. Large paper copy ; 250 printed. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1 139 Eliot Portfolio. 60 Japan [)roofs of the illustrations to George Eliot's Works. Boston, 1888. 250 copies printed. Folio, original cloth. 1140 ELIZABETHAN SONGS. Li Honor of Love and Beauty. Il- lustrated by E. H. Garrett. Boston, 1891. Japan paper copy ; 225 printed. Tb.c large illustrations are in two states, plain and colored, and this copy has been further embellished by the addition of over 40 original water-color drawings, by Eugene Grivaz. 8vo, blue levant morocco extra, inlaid with red, gilt top, uncut edges, by Blackwell. 1141 Illustrated by E. H. Garrett. Boston, 1893. i2mo, cloth. 1 142 Elliott (Grace Dalrymple). Journal during tlu' French Revolution. Portrait. London, 1859. Unique copy, with 80 portraits inserted, including 20 i)roofs on India paper. 8vo, blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, tuuut edges. 1143 Elliston (R. W.). Copy of a Memorial against the Olympic ami Sans Pared Theatres. London, 18 18. 8vo, half citron levant, gilt top. 1144 ELLSLER (Fanny). THE LETTERS AND JOURNAL OF. New York, 1845. Unique copy, inlaid from 8vo to folio, and illustrated by the in- sertion of 134 portraits, views, i)lay-bills, etc. The portraits include all the known portraits of Ellsler, and a colored draw- ing of Stephen Price. The views embrace many New York rarities, and a colored plate of the interior of the Park Theatre ; and the autogra[)h letters are from Ellsler, and Inman the painter. Royal folio, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. 1 145 Emerson (R. W.). Nature. Munroe, Boston, 1836. First edition. i2mo, original cloth. 1 146 Empress of Austria. The Martyrdom of an Empress. Portraits. New York, 1S99. ' Svo, cloth, uncut. 1 147 English Biography. Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. A to WAK all yet published. Smith, Elder & Co., London, 1885-99. No more important work has been published in this century, and its bibliographical information is of incalculable value. The final volumes can be secured in their order of publication. 58 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt top. 1 148 English Cathedrals. Canterbur)-, Salisbury, Chester, Winchester, Lnicoln, Lichfield. Hereford, Peterborough, Norwich, Wells, Exeter, Oxford, Rochester, and Southwell. Profusely illustrated. Bell, London, 1897-8. 14 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 1 149 English County Songs. Words and music, collected and edited by Lucy E. Broadwood and J. A. Fuller Maitland. London, 1893. Imp. 8vo, cloth. 1 150 English Song, Fifty Years of. Edited by H. F. Randolph. Por- traits. New York, 1888. Large paper copy ; 250 i)rinted. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco, uncut edges. 1151 English Princess ('I'he) ; or, the Death of Richard III. Londor 1O67. 4to, half citron levant. 1152 ENGLISH SPY (The). An Original Work, characteristic, satirical, and humorous, comprising Scenes and Sketches in every rank of Society, being Portraits of the Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and Notorious. Drawn from the Life by Bernard Blackmantle. The illustrations designed by George Cruikshank. London, 1825. 108 Unique copy. In addition to the colored plates of Cruikshank, the above copy is enriched with many inserted plates of con- siderable rarity, making m all 170 illustrations. Among these inserted plates may be mentioned Beau Brummell. Madame Vestris, Sheridan, Mathews the Elder. Mrs. Fitzhcr- bert, Miss Mellon, Theo. Hook, I'Mmund Kean. Munden, Wal- lack, Elliston, the Kembles, Harriet Wilson, Tattersal, (larrick and his wife, Mrs. Siddons, Beau Nash, Mrs. Sheridan, etc. Special indexes of the inserted plates have also been printed, and the entire book shows that it has been a labor of love. 2 vols., royal 8vo, green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, by Alfred Matthews. 1153 English Stage. Beauties of. Frontispieces. London, 1737. .,, 2 vols., i2mo, calf. 1154 Engravings and Wood-cuts, by Old Masters. With numerous facsimiles. London, 1889-97. 6 v(/'ls., royal folio, cloth. 1 155 Era Almanack (The). London, 1868-84. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco. 1 156 Erasmus (D.). Works : Apophthegmes. Boston, 1877. Praise of Folly. With the Holbein cuts. London, 1876. Colloquies. .; vols. London, 1878. 4 vols., 8vo, half red calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1 157 Erk. Deutscher Liederschatz. Music and Words. Leipzig, n. d. 3 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. 1158 Esquemeling. Buccaneers of America. All four i)arts, with the cop= per-plate illustrations. London, 1684. 4to, olive morocco. 1159 Etherege (Sir George). Works of. Containing his Plays and Poems Frontispieces (3). Tonson, London, 17 15. i2mo, calf. 1160 Eulenstein (C). Sketch of the Life of. Portrait. London, 1833. Eulenstcin performed on the Jews' Harp. 8v(), cloth. 1161 Euphues. Coldcn Legacie. Rosalynd. 4 i)lates by Harding. No title-page. Edited on the basis of the etiition of 1590. 4to, half calf. 1162 Evans (T. W.). Memoirs of Heinrich Heine. Poriraii. London, 1884. Post 8vo, cloth. 109 Il63 Everard (Edward Cape). Memoirs. Edinbur-^^v, 1818. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top. jl5^ Memoirs of an Unfortunate Son of Thespis. Edinburgh, 1818. i2mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1165 Examen Poeticum : Being the Third Part of Miscellany Poems. London, 1693. 8vo, calf. 1166 Examiner (The) for Oct. 11, 1818, containing criticisms on Farren's Sir Anthony Absolute, and Keats's Endymion. London, 1818. 4to, half blue levant, gilt top. 1 167 Eyries (Gustave). Chateaux Historiques de la France. Etchings and text illustrations on India paper. Paris, 1877. 2 vols., 4to, half brown morocco extra. 1168 Eytinge (Rose) and Fisher (S. A.). It Happened the Way. New York, 1890. Presentation copy from Rose. i2mo, cloth. 1 169 Faber (F. W.). Growth in Holiness. Baltimore, n. d. i2mo, half calf, gilt. 1170 Fables; Original, and Selected, with Notes by (i. M. Bussey. Illus- trations by Grandville. London, 1842. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1171 Fairbtirn. Valentine Writer, etc. London, 1805. Small Svo, sprinkled calf. 1172 Fairchild (II. Le Roy). History of the New York Academy of Sciences. Portraits. New York, 1887. 500 printed. 8vo, boards, uncut. 1 173 Fairholt (F. W.). Homes, Works, and Shrines of English Artists. Wood-cuts. London, 1873. Svo, cloth. 1174 Fair Women. Numerous portraits from "Vogue." New York, 1894. 4to, cloth. 1 175 Fairy Tales. Edited by Miss Corner, etc. Puss in Boots, Children in the Wood, and Mother Goose. Illustrated by Harrison Weir. London, n. d. 3 vols., post Svo, original covers. 1176 Falconer (William). The Shipwreck, Westall's plates. Sharpe, Lon- don, 1818. i2mo, calf. 1177 Farjeon (B. L.). Christmas Stories: Blade-o'-Grass ; Bread-and- Clieese and Kisses ; Ciolden Grain ; King of No-Land ; Island Pearl ; Shadows on the Snow ; Solomon Isaacs ; Bells of Fenraven ; Mystery of Roaring Meg ; Little Make-Believe ; Toilers of Babylon ; Love's Victory ; Devlin the Barber ; A Young Girl's Life ; Miser Farebrother ; Grief; The Sacred Nugget ; At the Sign of the Silver Flagon ; Christ- mas Angel ; Great Porter Square ; The Tragedy of Featherstone ; In a Silver Sea; J'he House of White Shadows. London, 1876-90. All presentation copies from the author to Mr. Daly, with auto- graph inscriptions. 15 vols., post 8vo, half morocco. 1178 Something Occurred. London, 1893. Presentation copy, with author's inscription. Crown 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. o f ' 1 179 Miser Farebrother. London, 1888. Presentation copy, from the author. 3 vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1180 The House of White Shadows. London, 1885. Presentation copy. Post 8vo, cloth. 1181 Great Porter Square. Melbourne, 1S85. Presentation copy. Post 8vo, cloth. 1182 The Betrayal of John Fordham. London, 1896, Presentation copy. Post 8vo, cloth. 1183 Christmas Angel. Illustrated. London, n. d. Presentation copy. Post 8vo, boards. 1 184 1 he Sacred Nugget. London, 1886. Presentation copy. Post 8vo, cloth. 1 185 Devlin the Barber. London, 1888. Presentation copy. 8vo, boards. 1186 A Very Young Couple. London, 1890 Presentation copy. Post 8vo, cloth. llSy The Last Tenant. London, n. d. Presentation copy. Post 8vo. cloth. 1188 Farjeon (B. L.). 1 he Golden Land. 28 illustrations. London, i886. Presentation copy. Post 8vo, cloth. 1 189 Something Occurred. London, 1893. Presentation copy. Crown 8vo, cloth. 1 190 In a Silver Sea. London, n. d. Presentation copy from the author. Post Svo, boards. 1 191 Aaron, the Jew. London, 1894. Presentation copy from the author. 3 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 1 192 The Mystery of M. Felix. London, 1890. Presentation copy from the author. 3 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 1 193 In a Silver Sea. London, 1886. Presentation copy from the author. 3 vols., post Svo, cloth. 1194 A Secret Inheritance. London, 1887. Presentation copy from the author. 3 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 1195 Farmer (John S.). Americanisms Old and New. London, 1889. 4to, boards, uncut. No. 360. 1 196 Farmer (J. S.) and Henley. Slang and its Analogues. A to Myz. London, 1890-6. 4 vols., 4to, half morocco, uncut ; 750 copies printed. 1 197 Farquhar (Geo.). Works. Poems, Comedies, etc. London, 1770. 2 vols., i2mo, calf. 1198 Barcellona. A Poem. [London], 1710. Fine copy. 4to, half citron levant. 1199 Love and Business. Verse and Prose. London, 1702. Post Svo, half red levant, gilt top. 1200 Farrar (J. M.). Mary Anderson. Proof portrait. London, 1884. 4to, cloth, uncut. 1201 Farren (P.) and Thomson (James). Brief Narrative of the Opening and Sudden Destruction of the Royal Brunswick Theatre, and " An Uncle too Many." London, 1828. Svo, half brown levant, gilt top. 1202 Farren. Memoirs of the Countess of Derby. Miss Farren rescued by truth from the assassinating pen of Petronius Arbiter. London, 1797. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 1203 Countess of Derby. Memoirs of. Six portraits inserted. London, n. d. 4to, half calf. Soiled copy. 1204 Memoirs of. And the Testimony of Truth, a refutation. Por- trait. London, 1797. 2 vols, in I, 8vo, half calf. 1205 Farthing Journal (The). A pearl of small price, but a great literary curiosity, by Jeremy Queen. Wood-cuts. London, 1841. Svo, boards, uncut. 1206 Fawcett (Edgar). A Man's Will. New York, 1888. Presentation copy from the author. :>i :.: 1 2 mo, cloth. ' 1207 A Hopeless Case, and a Gentleman of Leisure. Boston, 1S80. Presentation copies from the author. 2 vols., i6mo, cloth. 120S Song and Storv, and Romance and Revery. Poems. Boston, 1884-6. Presentation copies from the author. 2 vols., i2mo, cloth, uncut. 1209 The Confessions of Claud. Portrait. Boston, 1887. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 1210 The House at High Bridge. Boston, 1S87. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 1211 Social Silhouettes. Boston, 1885. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 1212 Rutherford. New York, 1884. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 1213 The AdvL'Utures of a Widow. Boston, 1S84, Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 1214 The Evil that Men Do. New York. 18S9. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 8 113 1215 Fawcett (Edgar). Divided Lives. New York, 1888. Presentation copy from the author. r2mo, cloth. 1216 An Ambitious Woman. Boston, 1884. Presentation copy from the author. 1 2 mo, cloth. 1217 Tinkling Cymbals. Boston, 1884. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 1218 Olivia Delaplaine. Boston, 1888. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 1219 Miriam Balestier. New York, 1888. Presentation copy from the author. 1 2 mo, cloth. 1220 Fawcett (John). Manager's Note Book (The). Extract from the New Monthly Magazine, May, 1838. 8vo, half green levant, gilt top. 1221 Febvre (Frederic). Journal d'un Comedien. Numerous illustrations. Paris, 1896. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1222 Febvre et Johnson. Album de la Comedie Francaise. Fine por- traits on India paper. Paris, 1880. Royal 4to, half red morocco, gilt edges. 1223 Fenelon. Adventures of Telemachus. 12 colored plates by Stothard, etc. London, 1795. 4to, red morocco, gilt edges. 1224 — Adventures of Telemachus. 100 illustrations. London, 1841. 8vo, half red morocco. 1225 Fennel! (James). An Apology for the Life of. Written by himself. I'hiladelphia, 1814. A scarce dramatic biography. 8vo, half calf. 1226 Fenton (Lavinia). Life of. London, 1728. 8vo, half green morocco. 2 leaves damaged. 1227 Feuillet (Octave). Le Roman d'un Jeune Homme Pauvre. Illus- trated by Mouchot. Paris, n. d. 4to, cloth, uncut. 1228 Feydeau (E.). Fanny. London, 1888. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 114 1229 Ficoroni (F. de). Le Maschere Sceniche e le Figure ("omiche d'An- tichi Romani. 84 plates. Roma, 1748. 4to, half red levant, gilt top. 1230 Field (B. R.). Medical Thoughts of Shakespeare. Eastor., Fa.. 1885. 8vo, paper. 1231 FIELD (Eugene). SECOND BOOK OF VERSE. Chicago. 1892. One of 12 presentation copies on Japan paper, with 28 exquisite original water-color drawings executed i)y Ivugene (irivaz. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. 1232 A Little Book of Profitable Tales. New York. 1890. First edition. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. A Little Book of Profitable Tales. Portrait. New York, 1895. i6mo, cloth. A Little Book of Western Verse. New York, 1890. First edition. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. An Auto- Analysis. Ciiicago, 1896. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt t'jp, uncut edges. No. 184 of 350 copies. ■ (and Roswell M.). Echoes from the Sabine Farm. Illustrated. Chicago, 1893. 500 copies printed. Royal 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Echoes from the Sabine Farm. Illustrated. New York, 1895. Square 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Field Flowers. Published under the auspices of Mrs. Eugene Field, with the approval of the Monument Committee. Illustrated. Chicago, 1896. Royal 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top. Florence Bardsley's Story. (!olorecl illustrations. Chicago, 1S97. 150 copies printed. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Little VV^illie. Privately printed, 1895. A damp, pathetic tale in verse, showing how an affectionate father contracted rheumatism. Oblong i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top. uncut edges. Love-Songs of Childhood. New York, 1855. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt io|\ uncut edges. H3 1242 Field (Eugene). Lullaby Land. Illustrated. New York, 1897. 2 copies. i2nio, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1243 Second Book of Verse. New York, 1895. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1244 Second Book of Tales. New York, 1896. Large paper copy ; 150 printed. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. J245 Songs of Childhood. Music by Reginald de Koven and others. New York, 1896. 4to, half gray levant, gilt top. J246 Songs and other Verse. New Y'ork, 1896. Large paper copy ; 150 printed. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. J247 The Holy Cross and other Tales. Chicago, 1893. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1248 'I'he House. New York, 1896. Large paper ; 150 printed. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top. uncut edges. 1249 The Love Affairs of a Ijiblionianiac. New York, 1896. Large paper copy ; 150 printed. A lively fiction, the writer speaking of books but not " by the book." i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1250 Tlie Model Primer. Illustrated. New York, 1882. The original covers have been preserved. T2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1251 With Trumpet and Drum. New York, 1892. Large paper copy ; 250 ]:)rinted. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1252 With Trumpet and Drum. New York, 1892. I'"irst edition. Presentation copy from the author, with poem, etc., in MS. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1253 F>ugene Field in his Home, by Ida Comstock Below. Illustrated. New York, 1898. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1254 The Eugene Field Book. Edited by Mary E. Burt and Mary B. Cable. Illustrated. New York, 1898. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 116 1255 Field (Eugene). The Eugene Field I Knew, by Francis Wilson. Por- traits, etc. New York, 1898. Large paper copy ; 204 printed. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1256 Field (Kate). Ten Days in Spain. Illustrated. Boston, 1898. i6mo, half green levant. 1257 Charles Albert Fechter. Portraits. Boston, 1882. Large paper ; 100 printed. 4to, original covers. 1258 Field (John). Catalogue of the Library of priced. London, 1827. Svo, half red levant. 1259 Field (Michael). Underneath the Bough. A book of verses. Port- land, 1898. japan paper ; 100 printed. i2mo, boards. 1260 Long Ago. Portland, 1892. Japan paper copy ; 100 printed. Svo, boards. 1261 Fielding (Henry). Works. Edited by Leslie Stephen. Portrait and plates on India paper. London, 1882. Edition de lu.\e. 10 vols., royal 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1262 The Miser. A comedy. London, 1733. 8vo, paper. 1263 Joseph Andrews. London, 1742. First edition. 2 vols., i2mo, tree calf. 1264 Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. London, 1755. First edition. r2m(), tree calf. 1265 Tom Jones. London, 1749. First edition. 6 vols., i2mo, tree calf. 1266 Amelia. London, 1752. P'irst edition. 4 vols., i2mo, tree calf. 1267 The Life and Adventures of a Cat. London, 17O0. Post Svo, original boards. 117 1268 Fields (James '1'.). Yesterdays with Authors. Boston, 1882. Unique copy, with 60 portraits inserted. 2 vols., 8vo, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 1269 Yesterdays with Authors. Illustrated. Boston, 1882. Unique copy, with 100 inserted portraits and views, mostly from steel plates, and a number of proofs on India paper. 2 vols., 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 1270 Figaro Illustre. Colored and other illustrations in great profusion. Paris, 1S90-1-2. 2 vols., folio, lialf morocco. 1271 Another series. Paris, 1890-8. 9 vols., folio, original cloth. 1272 Figuier (Louis). Les Mysteres de la Science. Autrefois. Profusely illustrated. Paris, n. d. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. 1273 Filon (Aug.), etc. Magazine Articles on the Modern French Drama, and other excisions from the Century, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1274 The English Stage ; an account of the Victorian l^rama. Lon- don, 1897. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1275 Finck (H. T.). Lotos-Time in Ja[)an. Illustrated. New York, 1895. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1276 Fine Art Annual, Numerous plates. London, 1872. 4to, half green morocco. 1277 Fisher (Clara). Sketch of the Life of. London, 1819. Unique copy, the text inlaid to 4to, and 24 portraits, etc., inserted, many of great rarity. i2mo (4to), half olive morocco. 1278 Fisher (Kitty). An Old Letter to, by Simon Trusty. London, 1760. 8vo, half brown levant, gilt top. 1279 Fiske (H. G.). New York Mirror Annual. Portraits. New York, 1888. 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top. 1280 Fitzallen (Allen). Memoirs of Miss Somerville. Portrait inserted. London, 1819. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1281 Fitzball (Edward). Thirty-five Years of a Dramatic Author's Life. Portrait. London, 1859. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 118 1282 Fitzgerald (Edward). Letters to Fanny Kemble, 1871-83. New York, 1895. i2rno, cloth. 1283 Fitzgerald (Percy). The Savoy Opera. 60 illustration.^. London, 1894. Post 8vo, cloth. 1284 New History of the English Stage. London, 1882. 2 vols., 8vo, half red levant. 1285 Book of Theatrical Anecdotes. London, 18 — . Post 8vo, half green levant. 1286 Life of Catherine Clive. London, 1888. . Large paper copy, with 11 rare jilates inserted. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1287 FITZGERALD (Percy). LIFE OF DAVID GARRR'K. Lon- don, 1868. Unique copy, with over 600 plates inserted, including a large number of rarities, specially in portraits of Garrick, Siddons, Spranger Barry, Slater, Miss Gunning, Peg Wofifington, etc., and an autograph letter of Moody ; also play-bills, etc. 2 vols, extended to 7, 8vo, half calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. [See Garrick.] 1288 Lives of the Sheridans. Portraits. Lcjndon, 1886. A few very fine plates inserted. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt t(^p, uncut edges. 1289 Principles of Comedy and Dramatic Ivffect. London, 1870. 8vo, half green calf, gilt toi;), uncut edges. 1290 Principles of Comedy. London, 1870. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1291 The Art of the Stage as set out in Lamb'.s Dramatic Essays. Portrait. London, 1885. Post 8v(), half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1292 The Kembles. Illustrated. London, 18—. Unique copy. Numerous portraits, play-biils, and an autograjih letter inserted. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1293 The AVorld behind the Scenes. London, 1881. Post 8vo, half red levant, gilt top. 1294 'Hie Iiook l'"ancier ; or, the Romance of JJook Collecting. New York I London], 1887. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. 119 1295 Fitzgerald (Percy). Charles Lamb ; his friends, etc. Portrait. Bent- ley, London, 1866. Post 8vo, half green calf extra. J296 Life and Adventures of Alexander Dumas. Portrait. London, 1873. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1297 The Art of Acting. Portrait. London, 1892. i2mo, cloth. 1298 Flaubert ((i.)- Madame Bovary; and Salambo. Translated and illus- trated. Vizetelly, London, 1888. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. J299 The Temptation of Saint Antony. 9 illustrations. London, 1895. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1300 Flaxman. Acts of Mercy. 7 original drawings in blue crayon, by John Flaxman. Oblong 4to, mottled calf extra, by Bedford. 1301 Fleay (F. G.). Life and Work of William Shakespeare. 2 etchings. New York I London], 1886. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 1302 Introduction to Shakespearean Study. London, 1877. Post 8vo, cloth. 1303 Fleck (Dudley) and Artis (William). Tales from the Note-Book of an ex- Actor. Isle of Wight, 1865. Post 8vo, half morocco. 1304 FLY (The). With which is incorporated the Wonder and Novelty (a Weekly Periodical of Dramatic, Literary, and General Interest), Nos. I to 63, n. d. London, 1838. Containing 64 plates and portraits, including Macready as Vir- ginius, Edmund Kean, Charles Kean as Hamlet and Richard III., Charles Mathews, Madame Vestris (a singular sketch of the latter), Mrs. Nisbett, and Mrs. Hoey. A gossiping publication of a somewhat dubious character, occu- pying a position between the Town Talk of the same date and the society journals of the present day. It is largely devoted to theatrical matters and to illustrating the intrigues subsequent to the Queen's accession to the throne. 4to, calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. 1305 Fog's Weekly Journal. Select Letters from. London, 1732. With the Bramston book-plate in each volume. 2 vols., 8vo, calf. 1306 FOOT (Jesse). LIFE OF ARTHUR MURPHY. Portraits, etc. London, uSii. Unique copy, with 225 portraits and views inserted, including heads of Lord George Gordon, Garrick and wile, Mrs. Bellamy (colored), Mrs. Yates (mezzotint), Mrs. Clive (colored), George Steevens, and numerous other colored plates, mezzotints, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1307 Foote (Horace). A Companion to the Theatres. London, 1829. i2mo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1307* Companion to the Theatres. Frontispiece. I>ondon, 1829. i2mo, half morocco. 1308 Foote (Maria) and Hayne (Joseph). Trial for Breach of Promise. Colored caricature. London, 1824. 8vo, half calf. 1309 Foote (Samuel). Letter to C^arrick on "The Minor." London, 1760. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt top. 1310 The Roman and English Comedy Consider'd and Compar'd. London, 1747. 8vo half green levant, gilt top. 1311 Dramatic Works. Frontispiece. London, i78i,etc. 4 vols., 8vo, calf. 1312 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of. London, n. d. 8vo, red morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 1313 ^ Table-'i'alk and Bon-Mots. 14 illustrations. New Southgate, 1889. This edition was limited to 350 coi^es. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1314 Forbes (Archibald). Life of Napoleon the Third. 37 illustrations. London, 1898. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1315 Ford. ] Letter to J. P. Kcmblc, involving strictures on a recent edition of John Ford's Dramatic Works. Camljridge, 181 1. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 1316 Ford (P. L.). The True George Washington. Illustrated. Philadel- [)hia, 1896. i2mo, cloth, uncut. 1317 Forester (Thos.). Paris and its Environs. Ilhistralcd. London, i,S5<). Post 8vo, cloth. 1318 FORRESTIANA. Portraits, Play-bills, and Obituaries relating to Lduiii l'"orrcst. 203 plates and photos, of which no less than 116 are portraits, caricatures, or representations of Forrest. In addition, there are 4 autograph letters of Forrest ; original drawings of Mrs. Forrest, John Howard Payne, Josephine Clifton, Chatham, National and Park Theatres, and 15 of Forrest, including a superb folio, Metamora, painted by A. 'Poedteberg, Oct., 1852; hundreds of Forrest play-bills, etc. 2 vols., folio, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back and tops, uncut edges, by Stikeman. 1319 Forster (John). Life and Adventures of Oliver Goldsmith. Illus- trated. London, 1848. The Bunbury portrait of Goldsmith inserted. Crown 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. 1320 Life of Charles Dickens. London, 1872. Unique copy, vvMth 134 fine portraits and views inserted. 3 vols., 8vo, calf e.xtra, gilt lop, uncut edges. [See Dickens.] 1321 I'ife and Times of Oliver Goldsmith. Portrait. London, 1871. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1321* Life and Times of Goldsmith. Illustrated. London, n. d. Thick 8vo, cloth. 1322 Foster (Vere). The Two Duchesses of Devonshire — Georgiana and ]vlizabeth. Portraits. London, 1898. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1323 Fouard (Constant). The Christ the Son of God. London, 1891. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 1324 Four O'clock. February, 1897-March, 1899. Colored and other illustrations. Chicago, 1897-99. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1325 Fowke (F. R.). The Bayeu.\ Tapestry. Illustrated. London, 1898. Post 8vo, cloth.' 1326 Fox (C. II.). The Art of Making Up. Wood-cuts. London, 18 — . 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1327 Foyer des Artistes (Le). 20 charming plates after Barth, Kaulbach, L(jssow, Vautier, Thumann, etc. Paris, 18 — . Folio, cloth. 1328 France (Anatole). The Cure's Mignonette. New York, 1898. 500 copies printed. Royal 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 122 1329 Franco (G.). Habiti d'Huomcni ct Donne Veneliane. 43 plates. Venice, 1876. A facsimile of the rare original ; only 100 printed. Folio, maroon morocco, gilt. 1330 Franklin (Benj.). Prefaces, Proverbs, and Poems. Originally printed in Poor Richard's Almanacs. Illustrated. Edited by P. L. Ford. Brooklyn, 1890. Privately printed (iop),and a presentation copy from the author. Svo, half roan, gilt to|), uncut edges. 1331 Freher (M.). Originum Palatinarum. Portrait. Gotthardi \'oege- lini, 1613. Folio, boards. 1332 French Folly in Maxims. C)f the Stage, and Letters. New York, 1894. 2 vols., i6mo, limp leather. ^333 French Strollers. Some Considerations on. The Pehavior of the Bully-Champions, etc. London, n. d. Svo, half morocco, wormed. 1334 French Tragedies. A collection of twenty. Paris, 1820. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. 1335 Frere (B.). Adventures of a Dramatist on a Journey to the London Managers. London, 1813. 2 vols., i2mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1336 Friswell (J. Hain). Familiar Words. London, 1874. Post 8vo, cloth. 1337 Froissart. Ixs Chroniques. 11 plates in gold and colors, and nearly 300 other illustrations. Paris, 1881. Royal Svo, half red morocco extra, gilt edges. 1338 Froissart and Monstrelet. Chronicles of England, France, and Spain. Translated by Thos. Johnes. Numerous illustrations. Lon- don, 1840-4. 4 vols., royal Svo, half red morocco e.xtra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1339 Frost (Thos. ). Circus Life and Circus Celebrities. London, 1875. Post Svo, half red levant, gilt top. 1340 Obi; or, Three-Fingered Jack. Wood-cuts. Londtni, I'^si. Svo, boards. 1341 Fugger (R.). Liscriptiones Sacrosanctae Vetustatis, etc. Curious copper-plate engravings. Ingoldstadii, 1534. Folio, stamped calf. 1341* Fuller. (Lf. B.). The Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani. New York. 1S92. i2mo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 1-3 1342 G. i^'. \ .,1. Pilgrimage to Stratford-upon-Avon. Portrait and plates. London, 1850. i2mo, cloth. 1343 G. (H. J. L.). Medleys and Songs without Music. London, 1891. Presentation copy from the author. Post 8vo, cloth. 1344 G. ('I'.). A True and Exact Account of Sadlers Well. London, 1684. 4to, half morocco. Rare. 1345 Gaboriau (Emile). Novels: Translated, comprising : The My.^tery of Orcival. 1886. Dossier No. 113. 1887. In Peril of His Life. 1884. The Catastrophe. 1886. Lecoq, the Detective. 1881. The Count's Millions. 1885. Other People's Money. 1881. The Lerouge Case. 1887. The Slaves of Paris. 18 — . Together, 12 vols, in 9, post 8vo and 8vo, half orange levant morocco, gilt top. 1346 Gaedertz (K. T.). Zur Kenntnis der altenglischen Buhne. Bremen, 1888. 8vo, paper. 1347 Galerie Theatrale. Collection de 144 portraits en pied des princi- pau.x Acteurs et Actrices Franyaise. Paris, 1873. The portraits are beautifully colored. 2 vols., royal 4to, half blue calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1348 Gallery of Players from the Illustrated American. Edited by A. Brereton. Profusely illustrated. New York, 1894. 4to, half calf gilt. 1349 GALT (John). LIVES OF THE PLAYERS. London, 1831. Unicjue copy, presented to Wm. Upcott by the publishers, and illustrated by the insertion of autograph letters, etc., of the author. Garrick, etc., over 200 portraits and other plates, etc., and a neatly written inde.x. Many of the portraits are very rare. Extended from 2 to 5 vols., crown 8vo, brown morocco, gilt edges. 1350 Lives of the Players. Numerous portraits inserted. London, 1831. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1351 Games and Songs of American Children. Collected by W. VV. Newell. New York, 1883. Svo, cloth. 124 1352 Garcia (Gustave). The Actor's Art. Illustrated by Forcsiier. Lon- don, 1882. 4to, half puri)Ie levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1353 Gardner (James). The Faiths of the World. Plates. Edinburgh, n. d. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half red morocco. 1354 Garnett (Richard). Maid Marian. London, 1891. Post 8vo, cloth. 1355 Garrett ( Thos. E.). The .Masque of the Muses. St. Louis, 1885. 8vo, cloth. 1357 GARRICK. MURPHY (Arthur) LIFE OF GARRICK, 1801. 2 vcls., 8vo, inlaid to 4 vols., 410. PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE OF GARRICK with the most celebrated persons of his time, now first published with Notes and Memoir, by J. Pioaden, 1831-32. 2 vols., 4to, enlarged to 4 vols., 4to. This copy belonged to the famous collector William Upcott, and bears numerous corrections and additions in his hand, while on the half-title appears the fol- lowing note : — " This copy has been carefully compared with the original letters in my possession, and the numerous gross errors of the editor, J. Boaden, written in the margin by me, William Upcott." The copy hence possesses unique as well as valuable literary interest. Contents : 1 Catalogue of Sale of the Library of Garrick, 1823, with printed prices and purchasers' names. 2 Catalogue of Garrick's Engravings, etc., including Shakespear- ean Relics, the Stratford Jubilee Presentation Mulberry Cup, Gold Medals of the Jubilee, etc., .sold 1825. 3 Catalogue of the Property of Mrs. Garrick, sold 1823. 4 Catalogue of Pictures, the property of the late David Garrick, including original portraits of Garrick, etc., sold by Christie, 1823, with the prices and purchasers' names neatly added. 5 Catalogue of Furniture, etc., of the late Mrs. Garrick, sold 1823. 6 Catalogue of the late David (iarrick's Effects in tlic Adelphi. sold 1823. 7 Catalogue of the Valuable and Curious Effects of David Gar- rick at Hampton, including the I'^lbow Chair of the Shakes- peare Mulberry Tree, etc., sold at Hampton, July 21st, etc. 8 Various paj^ers relating to the formation of the Garrick Club. The whole inlaid to quarto size. A volume of 966 Contemporary Newspaper Cuttings, from 1701 to 1838, comprising Advertisements of Performances, .-Vnec- dotes, Personal Details, Letters by Garrick and others, etc. The collection is of the greater importance from the fact that some are proved to have passed through Garrick's own hands. The cuttings eventually came into the possession of 125 Upcott, being with little doubt pcirt of the Garrick Papers for which he gave ;i^5oo ; and he has with most painstaking care dated and arranged them in chronological order. Five bear notes, in Garrick's ' hand, as follows: Damn'd Nonsense; an- other, Captain Thompson's Nonsense and not ye original Mouse (respecting a letter which refers to Little David and Mr. G ) ; upon a criticism of The School for Scandal, printed three davs after its first production, he writes " 'I'his critique by D. G.," while other extracts he endorses, "A Silly Dispute at York about Othelloo between an old actor and now a Justice, and another Fool, and Bates' translation — good." To several of the advertisements Garrick has added the days of the week upon which the performances took place. The whole bound in ID vols., 4to, and illustrated by the addition of 712 portraits, engravings, autograph letters, documents, play-bills, and draw- ings, including an unknown will of prior date to that printed in Murphy's Life, signed in full by Garrick on each of its 13 sheets, and attested by his friends Holland, the actor, T. Evans and T. Wyld, maroon morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. The following analysis of the contents affords some idea of the importance and interest of what may be truly called a monu- ment to Garrick's genius : Portraits : Of these there are 268, including many fine and rare, of Garrick, the others being, with but one or two exceptions, those of his contemporaries and intimates. Among them is one of Mrs. Garrick at the age of 97. Many are proofs and proofs before letters. Character Portraits, 113: Many extremely rare and fine engrav- ings in mezzotint arid copper, representing Garrick and most of the other favorites of his time, including a rare private plate of Garrick as Hamlet in a bag wig. Engravings, in : Including views of his villa at Hampton ; Ticket of Admission to his Funeral in Westmin.ster Abbey ; Cast of his Face after Death ; Ticket of Admission to view Garrick's house. Autograph Letters by Gai-rick, 7, as follows : One to his brother George, dated Venice, 1764, mentioning his wife, Colley Cibber, and Yates ; one dated " Hampton, Sunday, at dinner," being the first sketch of an indignant denial of being the author of a libel, evidently written while laboring under much agitation, and bearing many alterations ; one to Foote, 4 pages, 4to, a most cordial and interesting epistle referring to Sir Francis Delavall ; an ode of his upon Foote, and giving an epigram on Derrick of Bath ; one enclosing tickets and giving the last date of performing that season ; one dated " Adelphi, March I (1776)," demanding an apology ; a very amusing note to his friends, the Adams, the architects of his house in the Adelphi, accepting an invitation to dine with them, with his seal (head of Shakespeare) attached ; a brief and indignant note to Mrs. Brooke. 126 Manuscript Matter m Garrick's If and, O:" relating to him. 22 : in- cluding a humorous poem on Colley Gibber by (iarrick ; Docu- ment signed by his Orandmother ; his Pedigree ; North Ameri- can Prescription for Gout, page 4to, by Garrick ; Copy of his Marriage Certificate ; Ode to Garrick on tlie Shakesi^eare Temple and Statue ; Stratford Jubilee Ticket, signed by Geo. Garrick ; Order of Admission to the Jubilee, written and signed by David (iarrick ; Notice in Garrick's Hand respecting the bad weather at the Jubilee and postponement of the Pageant ; Order of Admission into the Orchestra, written and signed by Garrick ; Order of Mrs. Garrick to admit, company into her P.ox at Drury Lane ; Superscription of a packet, in Garrick's hand, as follows : " Mr. Walmsley's Letters about me and Mr. John- son ; " a Forged Draft upon (Warrick, with note by liim ; two pages of xMS. by Garrick, being notes for either a speech or an address to his Patrons at the close of a season ; a Prescription for the Stone, sent to him at Bath by Charles Baker, "■ Twelve years your One Shillmg Gallery Office-Keeper ; " Two i^rescrip- tions for the Gravel, in Garrick's hand ; Superscription of a letter by Gibbon, endorsed by Garrick ; Notice of a Ball and Cotillon in Dedication of the Shakespeare Hall, in Garrick's hand ; List of the Mourners at Mrs. Garrick's Funeral ; Elegy to the Memory of Garrick, by the Hon. Charles Fielding, 4 pages. 4to ; Invitation from Lord Hardwicke for Mr. and Mrs. Garrick to visit him, 1773 ; and the Original MS. of Bate's Apology to Garrick (printed in the " Correspondence," vol. 2, p. 143). Miscellaneous Autograph Letters, Documents, etc., 118: Including letters addressed to Garrick by Edmund Burke, 4 pages, 4to, referring to business in Parliament, Lord Shelburne, Agricul- ture, etc. ; Lydia Sterne, 4 pages, 4to, referring to subscrip- tions for her father's works, etc. ; Thos. Davies (author of Life of Garrick), mentioning Dr. Johnson, Baldwin (publisher of the St. James' Chronicle), and Don Saltero's Coffee House, Chel- sea ; Samuel Foote (an amusing letter respecting the produc- tion of Hamlet) ; H. Cholmondeley, an extraordinary letter, 3 pages, 4to, begging for seats, and indicating the furore of the town to see Garrick in Richard III., Lear, etc.; Dr. Camp- bell ; W. H. Ireland asking if Garrick had ever played the Ghost in Hamlet, as a bet depended thereon ; Miss Marc, with receipts for the gout ; De Loutherbourg, 3 pages, 4to (in French), making propositions for the decorations of Drury Lane Theatre ; Mrs. (iriffith, suggesting collaboration with Garrick to write a comedy ; Mrs, Montagu, referring to Gar- rick's performance of Don Felix, says tliat Miss Gregory of Edinburgh, a beautiful girl, will break her heart if she docs not see Garrick, mentions Bickerstaffe, Ireland, Barry, Mrs. Montagu, and T. Bate; also, letters, etc., of Mrs. CJarrick, William Garrick and George Garrick (both brothers of David Garrick), Mrs. Barry, Mrs. Pope, Par.^on.s, Henderson, Mrs. Abingdon, Palmer, Woodfall, Boswell, Lewis, 1 alma, Quirk, Mrs. Sheridan, Dibdin, Miss Catley, Mrs. Bracegirdle, Maione, J. P. Kemble, Thos. King, Woodward, Kitty Clive, Colley 127 Gibber, Macklin, George Golman, and Tate Wilkinson (three interesting letters on theatrical business to Macklin, Maihews and Harris of Govent Garden) ; John Bannister, mentioning George Colman, etc. Playbills, 42 : Including many of Garrick's performances and others of Peg Wofifington, Macklin, Woodward, Mrs. Yates, Kitty Glive, etc. Original Drawitigs, 22 : Including a Gharacter Portrait of Mrs. Barry, taken from life ; a choice water color of Garrick's Adelphi house, by Schnebbelie ; a water color, by Gosden, of his Tombstone in Westminster Abbey ; a water color of Sheri- dan's lombstone ; Portrait of Mrs. Garrick in her Coffin, by J. T. Smith ; sepia portrait of West Digges ; Mrs. Abingdon, in Character ; water color of Johnson's Tomb, etc. Pamphlets, 9 : Including Particulars of the Sale of Garrick's Villa at Hampton, w'ith plans, views, etc. ; Shakespeare's Garland ; Songs, Ballads, etc., performed at the Stratford Jubilee. Together 10 vols., 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. 1358 Garrick. His Portrait in New York, its Artist [R. E. Pine] and History. New York, 1857. Unique copy, illustrated by the insertion of 117 portraits, etc., a drawing in colors of the portrait in question, and a second drawing in sepia; also drawings of Harlequin Rich, C. Gib- ber, Houdon, Stephen Price, Ed. Kean, etc. ; an autograph letter of Garrick, rare portraits of Washington, etc., lend addi- tional interest to this volume. 4to (8vo), half red levant morocco extra, gilt top. 1359 LIFE AND LETTERS. Published in 1831 in 2 vols., 4to, extended to 6 vols., and illustrated by the addition of 385 fine portraits, views, and other illustrated prints, comprising numerous beau- tiful and rare mezzotints and proofs before letters, several fine water- color drawings, a very large and fine assemblage of autograph letters, scarce tracts, newspaper cuttings, etc. On the margin of the book are various MS. notes by J. W. Croker. Titles printed expressly for this collection, which is arranged as follows : Vol. I. — 133 portraits, views, etc., including a rare caricature on Garrick, and 28 various portraits of this celebrated actor ; au- tograph letter of Boaden, the editor of the book. After title : Letters of (jarrick and his father and mother, very scarce ; after List of Contents then follow 27 portraits of Garrick, 14 por- traits of Shakespeare, a fine autograph of Pulteney, Earl of Bath. etc. Vol. II. — A beautiful portrait in water colors of Mrs. Garrick, and two other scarce portraits, by W. P. Sherlock and J. R. Cruikshank ; 98 portraits and views, a fine water-color draw- ing of Canterbury and Cambridge, by S. Ireland ; autograph letters, etc. 128 Vol. III. — 69 portraits, views, mostly proofs, etc.. and autograph letters. Vol. IV. — 54 portraits, etc., mostly proofs ; and autoo;rapli let- ters and drawings, being views in Brighton, Bath, and Rich- mond. Vol. V. — 32 portraits, etc., and autograph letters. Vol. VI. — Letter of Garrick, and 37 autograph letters addressed to Garrick by noblemen and literati, and indorsed t>y liim ; cut- tings from the newspapers of Garrick's time, letter of \'ictor in autograph, scarce tracts relating to Garrick, etc. 6 vols., 4to, green morocco extra, gilt sides, gilt backs, and gilt edges, by Riviere. 1360 GARRICK. TIT FOR TAT, ETC., THE. FIRSl (AND SEC- OND) SEASON OF MR. G K'S MANAGEMENT. The House opened Tuesday, September ye 15th, 1747. Ending : Then let the stricken deer go weep, The hart ungall'd go play, etc. An extremely interesting unpublished manuscript (46 pages quarto), furnishing a cash account of the receipts for every night of Garrick's first two seasons as manager of Drury Lane, with the names of the plays (commencing with the Merchant of Venice), together with a Cidculation of the nightly expence of D — y L — ne PI— y H— se, in order to show the net profits. Small 4to, beautifully written in a clear and legible hand, maroon morocco extra, uncut, by Riviere. This important manuscript derives its chief interest from the fact that it is an attack upon the management of Drury Lane, made by the person who was for four years its deputy treasurer, and a man of considerable ability. It was written for publication, and a further instalment promised, to contain particulars of the intended partnership between R— h (Rich) and L— y, and how Mr. G k came to be admitted, his compact with Mrs. P — h— d (Mrs. Pritchard), etc., but the fear of legal entangle- ments may have rendered the search for a publisher vain. This is the more likely, as the author admits the extreme care he has been compelled to take, since he has been given to unc'.er- stand that " Facts maybe libels — that all advantages will be taken— that I must have a care what I do, and that power may get the better of truth." He narrates in full the .^tory of his connection with Drury Lane, the desperate state of its finances before Garrick came to the rescue, and the manner in which the latter put in Mr. Pritchard as principal treasurer over his head, because his wife was going to play for them. The state- ment of receipts contains particulars of extreme interest, among which may be noted the benefits of Peg Woffington. Mrs. Pritchard, Mrs. Cibber, Kitty Clivc, Macklin. Dr. Aii;e. Dr. Johnson (in connection with his play of Irene), P.arry. Woodward, and others, besides several private benefits of Gar- rick's, respecting which the author says: "The reason of Q 1=9 entering it among the rest of these sums was, because the principal treasurer should know nothing of the matter," and again, " This charge was also set down, that the principal treas- urer should not know to the contrary, because it was told him that Mrs. Gibber paid for her benefit, and he perhaps would have insisted upon the same terms for his wife (Mrs. Pritchard). Mr. G k is the author of ' Lethe,' and did receive ^56 Ss. dd. for this night. The audience would not suffer this farce to go on." Finally, among many other items which could only be known to those connected with the management, may be noted the curious one of fees received from the orange women, details as to lamplighters, bill stickers, and wardrobes, and several royal commands by George II. and Frederick, Prince of Wales. I361 Garrick. Memoirs of the life of David Garrick, by Thomas Davies. Portrait. London, 1780. Unique copy, illustrated by the insertion of over 300 portraits, including the following rarities : Mr. Powell, Tom Davies, Theop. Gibber, John Arthur, Mrs. Bracegirdle, Eustace Bud- gell, Penkethman, Robt. Dodsley, Bubb Doddington, Sir John Hill, Shad well, Miss Younge, Nell Gwyn, Mr. Hull, Beau Nash, numerous portraits of Garrick, etc. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. '^Z'^Z ^^ Letter from the Rope-Dancing Monkey in the Hay- Market, to the Acting Monkey of Drury Lane, on the Earl of Warwick. Lon- don, 1767. 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1364 , etc. A Treatise on the Passions. London, n. d. A criticism of Garrick, Quin, and Barry. 8vo, half morocco. 1365 Elephantasmagoria ; or, the Govent Garden Elephants. A Letter from the Shade of Garrick to J. P. Kemble, by Sappho. 3 plates inserted. London, 1812. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1366 An Examen of " The Suspicious Husband," etc., and numbers i and 3 of " The Gomedian." London, 1747-32. 8vo, boards. 1367 Mr. Garrick's Gonduct as Manager. London, 17 — . 8vo, half citron levant, gilt top. 1368 A Letter to Mr. G k, with Remarks on Lethe. London, 1749- 8vo, half morocco. 1369 An Essay on Acting, in which will be considered the Mimical Behaviour of a certain Actor. London, 1744. 8vo, cloth. 130 1370 Garrick. 1) — ry L — ne P — y h — se Broke Open in a Letter to Mr. C, . London, 1748. 8vo, half morocco. 1371 The Farmer's lleturn from London. Frontispiece by Hogarth. London, 1762. 4to, hall maroon levant. 1372 Letter to David Garrick on Opening the Theatre. London, 1769 [1759]- Svo, half citron levant, gilt top. 1373 Letter to Garrick on his Drury Lane Patent. T>ondon. n. d. [1747]- Svo, half citron levant, gilt top. 1374 Garrick Club (Cambridge). Album of. Steel portraits. Cambridge, 1836. Post 8vo, half coif, gilt top, uncut edges. 1375 Garrick (David). Poetical Works. Now first collected. London, 17S5. 2 vols., i2mo, half morocco. 1376 Gaskell (Mrs.). Cranford. Colored and other illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Macmillan, London, 1898. Post Svo, cloth. 1377 Gautier. Mademoiselle de Maupin. Illustrated. London, 1887. Post Svo, cloth. 1378 , etc. Famous French Authors. Portraits. New York, 1879. Svo, cloth. 1379 Gavarni. Album Comique. Numerous lithographs. Paris, n. d. 4to, half citron levant. 1380 Gay (John). The Confederates. A Farce. Vignette. London, 17 17. First edition. Svo, half olive morocco, gilt top. 1381 The Beggar's Opera and Polly. Music score and words. Har- rison, London, n. d. Oblong 4to, half blue levant morocco, by Bedford, 1332 The Beggar's Opera. Third edition, with the music score. London, 1733. Svo, half calf. 1383 Gay, Pope, and Arbuthnot. Three Hours after Marriage. Lon- don. 1 7 17. Svo, lialf citron levant. 1384 Gazette des Beaux-Arts. Numerous plates, !)ut a icw missing. Paris, 1S59-69, 1873-76. 34 vols., royal Svo, half morocco. 131 1386 GENESTE. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH STAGE. Bath, 1832. Unique copy, originally illustrated for Sir Charles Price, and afterwards considerably augmented, with a printed index of the 2,300 inserted plates. The illustrations in this book are remarkable for their rarity and exceptional excellence, and the modern collector cannot ap- preciate their value from anything but a personal examination. The colored drawings, many equal to miniature paintings, include portraits of O'Brien, Nat Leigh, Bullock, Mrs. Bicknell, West Digges, Mathews, Mrs. Robinson, ALicready, Waldron, Doggett, Chetwood, Arthur, ISIossop, Lacy, Jackson, Mrs. Mor- ton, Cornelys, Miss Simms, and many others of importance. The mezzotints represent Mrs. Martyr, Mad. Vestris, Sarah Siddons, Kemble, Mrs. Barry, Mrs. Gibber, Nell Gwyn, Gar- rick, Duchess of Cleveland, O'Brien, Shuter, Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Baddely, Foote, King, Kean, Chas. Bannister, and others of equal rarity, frequently cut from important folios. The other portraits are largely proofs, and will satisfy the most critical taste. Many have been drawn from tb.e Cabinet series, the colored Cruikshank plates, and other sources scarcely available at the present day ; and the impossibility of duplicat- ing even a small proportion of the ])iates will at once be evident. 24 vols, (extended from 10), Svo, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. 1387 Some Account of the English Stage. Bath, 1832. 10 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 1388 Ana relating to the English Stage, from 1740 to 183 1. Some thousands of newspaper cuttings of announcements, criticisms, scan- dals, etc. 7 vols., 4to, half brown morocco. 1389 Supplemental History of the English Stage. Autograph letters, portraits, play-bills, etc., extra-illustrated with 335 portraits, auto- graphs, bills, etc. Bath, 1832. 2 vols., 4to, half blue levant. 1390 Genin (J. N.). Illustrated History of. the Hat from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. New York, 1848. Unique copy, inlaid from i2mo to 4to, and illustrated by the insertion of 171 plates, indicating the ramifications of male head-gear in peace and war, and a few feminine specimens. Some of the plates are colored, and several of the copper- plate engravings are quite rare. 2 vols., 4to, half green levant, gilt edges. 1391 Genouillac (H. G. de) et Martin (Henri). Paris a travers les siecles. Wood-cuts and colored illustrations. Paris, 1879-82. 5 vols., 4to, boards. 1392 Gentleman's Magazine. P:dited by William E. Burton and Edgar A. Poe. Plates. Philadelphia, 1837-40. 7 vols., 8vo, half morocco. 1393 ^oJs. 5 and 6 of the above in i vol., Svo, half calf. Contains all the Poe items. 1394 GeoiTroy (C). Artistes Dramatiques Vivants. 40 fine steel portraits. Paris, 1855. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1395 George IV. Memoirs of the Prince of Wales. London, .1S08. 3 vols., i2mo, half calf, gilt. 1396 George (Ernest). Etchings (20) of Old London, with descriptive letter-press. London, 18S4. Folio, cloth. 1397 Gerard (F.). Picturesque Dublin, old and new. Over 100 illustrations. London, 1898. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Germ (The). [See Rossetti.] 1398 Gesta Romanorum. Ancient Entertaining Stories invented by the Monks. New York [London], 1872. Large paper copy. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt. 1399 German Tales. Translated by Oxenford and Feiling. London, 1844. Svo, cloth, uncut. 1400 Gibson (Chas. Dana). Pictures of People. Engravings from " Life," etc. New York, 1866. One of 500 signed copies. Oblong 4to, half cloth. 1401 Pictures of People. Second Series. New York, 1898. Oblong 4to, cloth. 1402 Sketches and Cartoons. New York, 1898. Signed Japan proof inserted ; 250 copies printed. Oblong 4to, cloth. 1403 Sketches and Cartoons. New York, 1898. Oblong 4to, boards. 1404 London as seen by. Over 50 illustrations. New York, 1897. Proof copy, No. 19 of 250 copies, with a signed Ja[)an proof. Oblong 4to, cloth. 1405 Gibson (L. H.). Convenient Houses. 50 plans, etc. Now York, 1S89. 4to, cloth. 133 1406 Gibson (L. H.). Beautiful Houses. Over 250 illustrations. New York, 1895. 8vo, cloth. 1407 Gibson (W. Hamilton). Pastoral Days. Illustrated. New York, 18S2. 4to, cloth. 1408 Highways and Byways ; or, Saunterings in New England. Illus- trated. New York, 1883. 4to, cloth. 1409 Gilbert (W. S.). Songs of a Savoyard. Illustrated. London, n. d. "8vo, cloth. 1410 Bab Ballads and Songs of a Savoyard. Portrait and 350 wood- cuts. London, 1898. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1411 "(jretchen." A play. London, 1S79. Post 8vo, cloth. 1412 Gilchrist (F. B.). The True Story of Hamlet and Ophelia. Boston, 1S89. i2mo, sVieets folded. 1413 Gilliland (Thos.). The Dramatic Mirror. Portraits and plates. London, 1S08. 2 vols., post 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1414 Glaisher, Flammarion, etc. Travels in the Air. 118 illustrations. London, 187 1. Royal 8v(), half red morocco, gilt top. 1415 Glenn (T. A.). Some Colonial Mansions and those who have lived in them. Beautifully illustrated. Philadelphia, 1898. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1416 Glover (Lyman B.). The Story of a Theatre [Powers']. Illustrated. Chicago, n. d. i2mo, cloth, uncut. 1417 Goddard (Arthur). Players of the Period. Illustrated. London, 1891. 2 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1418 Godwin (Parke). Biographv of William Cullen Bryant. New York 1883. Unique copy, illustrated by the insertion of nearly 400 plates, etc., including a large collection of portraits, views of New York, etc., of uniform excellence ; also autograph letters of B. Silliman, 'IT.omas Hicks, Edward Everett, etc., and an auto- graph of Bryant. 6 vols, (extended from 2), 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 134 1419 Godwin and Britton. Churches of London. Xumerons plates. London, 1839. 2 vols, in I, royal Svo, half red morocco. 1420 Churches of L.ondon. Tlates by Tx Keux, etc. l,ondon, 1839. 2 vols. , royal Svo, half morocco. 1421 Goethe. Faust. Translated by I. An:^ter. Illustrated by Laurens. T>ondon, 1887. The Henry Irving edition. 4to, red satin. 1421* Faust. Translated by John .\nsier, with the superb illus- trations in cok)r by F. M. (iregory. London, 1888. Imp. folif), cloth. 1422 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Translated by Thos. Car/yle. Edinburgh, 1824. Carlyle autograph inserted. 3 vols., crown 8vo, half vellum. 1423 Letters to Leipzig Friends. Kdited by O. Jahn. Portraits. London, 1866. Crown Svo, cloth. 1424 Gofline. Devout Instructions on the Kj/istles and Gospels. Illus- trated. New York, 1896. 8vo. cloth. 1425 Golden (W. E.). A Brief History of the English Drama. New York, 1890. A presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 1426 Goldsmith (Oliver). Poems and Plays. Indited by Austin Dobson. Etchings by Jellicoe and Railton, London, 1889. Unique copy on large paper, with over 200 marginal sketches, some colored, by D. E. Cronin. 2 vols., post Svo, green levant morocco extra, gilt back aiul sides, gilt top, uncut edges. 1427 ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF THr: EPILOGUE TO "THE SISTER." To be spoken by Mrs. Bulkeley and Anne Catley. Tliree folio pages in the handwriting of Gokismith. also "epilogue intended for Mrs. Ikilkeley," in the handwriting of Up. Percy. In excellent preservation. Folio, brown levant morocco, by Riviere. 1428 'i"he Vicar of Wakefield. 24 colored plates by Rowlandson. Ackermann, London, 181 7. Royal Svo, calf extra, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 135 1429 Goldsmith (Oliver). Vicar of Wakefield. 114 colored illustrations by I'oirson. New York [Nimmo, London], 1886. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 1430 Comedies. Illustrated by C. Hammond. London, n. d. Post 8vo, cloth. 1431 Goncourt (Ed. and Jules de). Germinie Lacerteux ; also Ren^e Mau- perin. Translated and illustrated. Vizetelly, London, 1887. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 1432 Goodman (Walter). The Keeleys on the Stage and at Home. Por- traits, etc. London, 1895. Svo, cloth, uncut. 1433 Goodwin and Knight. Through the Wordsworth Country. Plates on India paper. London, 1887. Large paper copy. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1434 Goodwin and Mason. Sketches and Impressions, Musical, Theat- rical, etc. New York, 1887. i6mo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1435 Gordon (Ale.x.). History of the Ancient Amphitheatres. Plates. London, 17 — . 8vo, calf. . 1436 Gordon (A. C.) and Page (T. N.). Befo' de War. New York, 1891. Presentation copy, with inscription of Page. i6mo, cloth. 1437 Goring (Charles). Irene ; or. the Fair Greek. A Tragedy. London, 1708. 4to, half citron levant. 1438 Gosse (K. W.). A Critical F^ssay on the Works of George Tinwortli, with a catalogue and 30 plates on India paper. London, 18S3. Oblong 4to, vellum paper, uncut. 1439 Gosse. Essais Decoratifs. 25 photographs. Folio, boards. 1440 Gosset (A). Traite de la Construction des Theatres. 62 plates Paris, 1886. Folio, cloth. 1441 Gougenheim (Adelaide and Joey). Histrionic Memoir. Portraits San Francisco, 1856. Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 136 1442 Gower (Lord Ronald). Joan of Arc. lo illustrations. London, 1893. Large paper copy ; 208 printed. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1443 Grand-Carteret (J.). XIX'^ Siecle (en France). Classes, mocurs, usages, costumes, inventions. 16 colored plates and over 500 other illustrations. Paris, 1893. Royal Svo, half red morocco extra, gilt edges. XIX. Siecle en France. 16 colored plates and over 500 otlier illu-trations. Paris, 189- Royal Svo, half red morocco. Grands Peintres. Franrais Etrangers. With numerous tinted photo- gravures of great excellence and beauty, and a profusion of other illustrations. Paris, 1884. The large plates are proofs on Lulia paper. 2 vols., royal folio, Iialf olive levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Granger (James). Biographical Sketches of Eminent Persons. Lon- don, 1795. Unique copy, with over 100 plates inserted, many both scarce and valuable. 8vo, russia gilt (back loose). Biographical History of England. With original impressions of the Richardson portraits inserted. London, 1824. 6 vols., Svo, maroon morocco antique, gilt top, uncut edges. liiographical History of England. London (1824). Large paper copy, with over 100 portraits inserted, chiefly from the Woodburn and Richardson series. 3 vols., folio, half russia. Grant (James). The Clans of Scotland. Arms in gold, silver, and colors. Edinburgh, 1886. Royal 4to, cloth. Old and New Edinburgh. Profusely illustrated. London, n. d. 3 vols,, imp. Svo, cloth, gilt top. GRANT (U. S.). PERSONAL MEMOIRS OF. New York, 18S5. Unique copy, illustrated with an immense number of sketches in pen and ink, sepia, and water colors, by Major Cronin. The [M:)rtraits are from the best engravings known, ;uk1 are exe- cuted with microscopic fidelity ; and tlie battle-scenes embrace a large number of figures. Autograph letters of Ceneral (Jrant, the illustrator, etc., are in- serted, showing the inside history of these volumes, and the fact that they were held at $2,500. 2 vols., crimson levant morocco extra, double of green levant, tooled, gilt back and sides, top edges gilt, others uncut. 137 1452 Grant (U. S.)- Personal Memoirs. Illustrated. New York, 1895. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1453 Graphic (I'lie). Profusely illustrated. London, 1869-96. 52 vols., folio, half morocco. 1454 Gray (Thomas). Desiijns b}' Mr. R. Bentley for Six Poems by Mr. T. (iray (the Elegy and Odes). Full-page illustrations and vignettes, Dodsley, London, 1775. 4to, half calf extra. 1455 (with polyglot versions), and The Bard. Illustrated. ^'an Voorst, London, 1837-9. 2 vols., Svo, cloth. 1456 Greard (\'. C". O.). Meissonier. 34 plates and 236 text illustrations. New York [London], 1897. 4to, cloth, uncut. 1457 Green (J. R.). History of the English People. Profusely illustrated. New York, 1893-5. 4 vols., royal Svo, cloth, uncut. 1458 Green Room. Authentic Memoirs of the Green Room for 1802. I'ortrait. Roach, London, 1802. i2mo, half red morocco, uncut edges. 1459 Authentic Memoirs of the Green Room, and Amusing Recrea- tions. Portrait of Miss Murray inserted. London, n. d. Post Svo, half calf, gilt top. 1460 Authentic Memoirs of the (ireen Room. Portrait. London, n. d. Post Svo, half citron levant, gilt top. 1461 Authentic Memoirs of the Green Room ; including sketches, biographical, critical, and characteristic. Portrait. Roach, London, 181-. i2mo, half green levant. 1462 Green-Room (iossip ; or. Gravity Gallinipt, etc., by Gridiron Gabble. London, 1809. Post Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1463 Green-Room Gossip. Collected by J. Hazlewood. London, 1809. Post Svo, calf, uncut edges. 1464 Green Room (iossip. London, 1809. Unique copy, with numerous rare portraits inserted. Post Svo, calf extra, by Bedford. 1465 Green-Room Mirror, by a Genuine Reflection. London, 17S6. J. P. Kemble's copy, with inscription. Svo, half calf. 138 1466 Green Room. Secret History of the Green Room. London, 1795. 2 vols., post 8vo, half citron levant, i^jilt top, uncut ecly;es. 1467 Greey (E.). The Golden Lotus and other Legends of japan Boston 1883. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, cloth. 1468 Grego (Joseph). Rowlandson. the Caricaturist, a selection from his Works, with Sketch of his Life, etc. 400 illustrations. New York [London], 1880. 2 vols., 4to, half red morocco extra. 1469 Greville (C. C. F.). Journal of the Reigns of George IV. and William IV. London, 1875. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1470 Grevin (A.). Les Filles d'Eve. 25 colored plates. Paris, n. d. Oblong 4to, cloth. 1471 Griffiths (Arthur). Chronicles of Newgate. Illustrated. New York [ London], 1884. 8vo, cloth. 1472 Mysteries of Police and Oime. London, 1899. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. 1473 Grimaldi (loseph). Life of. Portraits, etc.; some inserted. London 18—. i2mo, half calf gilt, gilt top, with the original cover. 1474 Grimm (Herman). Life of Michael Angelo. Illustrated. Boston, 1896. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1475 Grinsted (T. P.). [Relics of (ienius]. Last Homes of Departed Genius. London, 1867. Unique copy, extended to 3 volumes by the insertion of nearly 300 portraits, many being rare. 3 vols., post 8vo, red morocco, gilt top. uncut edges. 1476 Last Homes of Departed Genius. Illustrated. London, 1867. Post 8vo, cloth. 1478 Grolier Club. Modern P>ookbinding Practically Consiilcnd. bv \\ m. Matthews. Illustrated. New York, 1889. 4to, original cloth, uncut. 1479 Washington Irving: A Sketch, by Geo. Win. Curtis. New York, i89r. Numerous fme portraits added to those pul)lishe(l with the book. 8vo, original red morocco. • 3oston, 1S71. Oblong 4to, cloth. 1671 Hay Fever. 24 comic illustrations. Boston, 1873. Oblong 4to, boards. 1672 Horne (C. F.). (jreat Men and Famous Women. Numerous fine portraits and characteristic scenes. New York, 1894. 8 vols., 4to, cloth. 1673 Horne (R. H.). History of Na])()leon. Illustrated by Raffel and \'er- net. London, 1841. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half red nK)r<)cco, gilt tops. 157 1674 Hotten (J. C.). Original Lists of Persons ot Quality, etc., who emigrated to America, 1600--1700. New York [London], 1880. 4to, cloth. 1675 Hottenroth (Fred.). Trachten der Volker. Trofusely illustrated, and with 120 colored plates. Stuttgart, 1884. 2 vols., half brown, morocco. j5y5 Handbuch der Deutschen Tracht. Stuttgart, 18 — . 30 colored plates of costume and several hundred text illustra- tions. 4to, buckram. 1677 Houbraken (Arnold). Groote Schouburgh der Nederlantsche Konstschilders en Schildcressen : with brilliant impressions of the portraits of Painters and Engravers. Gravenhage, 1753. 3 vols., 8vo, half red morocco extra, .citron edges. 1678 Houbraken. Portraits. With over 100 fine plates, brilliant impres- sions. London, 1743. Large paper copy. Royal folio, half morocco. j5yQ and Vertue. Portraits (Selection of), with the addition of Vertue's fine portraits of Literary Englishmen, 112 in all. London, 1743, etc. Large paper proofs, without text. Folio, red morocco extra, gilt edges. 1680 Houdin (Robert). Memoirs of. Translated by Wraxall. London, 1859. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 1681 Houssaye (Arsene). Behind the Scenes of the Comedie Frangaise. Numerous portraits inserted. London, 1889. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. J682 Behind the Scenes of the Comedie Fran^aise. Portraits. Lon- don, 1889. Svo, cloth, uncut. 1683 Princesses de Comedie, etc. Portrait. Paris, i860. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1684 Moliere sa Femme et sa Fille. Numerous plates from the earliest portraits, etc. Paris, 1880. Royal folio, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 158 i685 Houssaye (Arsene). Moliere sa Femme et sa Fille. Numerous etched portraits. Paris, 1880. Royal folio, parchment. 1686 La Comedie Frangaise, 1680-1880. Fine plates on India paper, and numerous text illustrations. Paris, 1880. Royal folio, half blue morocco, gilt top. 1687 La Comedie Fran9aise. Holland paper copy ; 100 printed, with tlie fine portraits (proofs before letters) on Japan paper. Imp. folio, original boards. 1688 Cleopatra. A study. New York, 1890.. Japan paper ; 6 printed. i2mo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1689 Houssaye (H.). Le Salon de r888. Brilliant plates. Paris, 1888. Japan paper copy ; 6 printed, with parchment proofs. 4to, half red levant. 1690 Howe (J. B.). A Cosmopolitan Actor. London, 1887. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 1691 Howe (M. A. De Wolfe). American Bookmen. Portraits, etc. New York, 1898. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1692 Howells (W. I).). Venetian Life. Colored plates. Boston, 1892. Large paper copy on Japan paper ; 250 printed. 2 vols., i2mo, parchment, uncut. 1693 Howitt (William). Visits to Remarkable Places. Wood-cuts. 2 vols. 1840-42. Homes and Haunts of the British Poets. 2 vols. 1849. Rural and Domestic Life in Germany. 1842. Rural Life of England. 1844. Student Life of Germany. 1841. Numerous illustrations by Bewick, etc. London, 1840-49. 7 vols., 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1694 Visits to Remarkable Places. Illustrated. London, 1840-42. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1695 Student Life of Germany. Steel plates and wood-cuts. London, 1841. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 159 1696 Hubbard (N. T.). Autobiography, with Personal Reminiscences of New York City from 1798 to 1875. Portrait. New York, 1875. isnio, cloth. 1697 Hughes (John). History of the Siege of Damascus, etc. Useful for readers of the tragedy. London, 1720. 8vo, half calf. 1698 Hughes (Thomas). Tom IJrown's School-Days. Illustrated. New York, 1890. Edition de luxe ; 250 printed. 8vo, half calf, uncut. 1699 Hughson (David). Walks through London. Maps, plates, and wood- cuts. London, 181 7. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. 1700 Hugo (Victor). Works : Novels, Dramas, and Poems. Translated. With superb illustrations by Demarest. New York, 1894, etc. Vellum paper copy, with the plates in triple state. No. 9 of 50 so issued. 21 vols., 4to, half citron levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1701 Works. Las Mise rabies. 5 vols. 1887. The Man who Laughs. 2 vols. 1889. Notre Dame. 2 vols. 1888. Toilers of the Sea. 2 vols. i888. Ninety-Three. 2 vols. 1889. London, 1887-8-9. In addition to the usual profuse illustration of these books, some portraits and plates have been added from French originals. 13 vols., imp. 8vo, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1702 Les Miserables. Profusely illustrated. Paris, 1862. 5 vols., royal 8vo, half green levant, mosaic back, gilt top, uncut edges. 1703 ^h^ l-sst Days of a Condemned. London, 1840. Crown 8vo, cloth. 1704 Hans of Iceland. Translated by Alger. Llustrated by A. Dem- arest. Boston, 1 89 1. f^dition de luxe ; 500 printed, with the full-page illustrations on Japan paper. Svo, iialf morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 1705 William Shakespeare, 'I'ranslated. London, 1864. Svo, cloth, uncut edges. 160 1706 Hugo (Victor). Le Livre d'Or. Numerous beautiful portraits, plates, etc. Paris, 1883. Imp. 8vo, lialf brown levant, ndnnl, 1897 4t(), cloth, uncut. 1716 Humphreys (R.). Memoirs of J. Decastro and Philip Asilcy. Portrait. London, 1824. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges, n 161 1717 Hunt (Leigh). Works. A collection of First Editions, as follows : 1. Juvenilia ; or, a Collection of Poems. 1802. 2. Critical Essays on the Performers of the London Theatres. 1807. 3. Feast of the Poets. 1S14. 4. Amyntas, a tale from Tasso. 1820. 5. The Months. 1821. 6. I'oetical Works. 18^:5.?. 7. Indicator and Companion. 2 vols. 1834. 8. The Palfrey. 1842. 9. Essays ; Indicator and Seer. 1842. 10. Tales from Boccaccio. 1846. 11. Stories from the Italian Poets. 2 vols. 1846. 12. Men, Women, and Books. 2 vols. 1847. 13. A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla. 1848. 14. The Town. 2 vols. 1848. 15. Religion of the Heart. 1853. 16. Old Court Suburb. 2 vols. 1855. London, 1802-55. Together, 21 vols., post 8vo and 8vo, half green levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1718 Poetical Works. Illustrated. London, i860. Post 8vo, cloth. 1719 Table-Talk. London, 1851. Post 8vo, brown levant, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. 1720 Correspondence of. Portrait. London, 1862. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt tops. 1721 A Day by the Fire, etc. Boston, 1870. i2mo, cloth. 1722 A Saunter through the West End. London, 1S61. Unique copy, with 85 portraits and views inserted ; many being proofs on India paper. 2 vols., crown 8vo, brown levant morocco antique, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 1723 Hutton (Laurence). Literary Landmarks of London. Boston, 1SS5. Unique copy, with 500 portraits, views, etc. inserted, all inlaid to size of the volumes, and evenly distributed throughout the text. 5 vols., i2mo, brown levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1723* Literary Landmarks of London. London, 1S85. Unique copy, with 78 portraits inserted, including many that are scarce, and a number of fine proofs. Thick crown Svo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 162 1724 Hutton (Laurence). Literary Landmarks of London. London, 1885. Unique copy, witli 84 portraits and views inserted. Crown 8vf), half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1725 Literary Landmarks of London. London, 1885. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1726 Another edition. Boston, 1SS5. i2mo, cloth. 1727 Literary Landmarks of Rome. Illustrated. New York, 1897. i2mo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1728 Plays and Players. New York, 1875. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 1729 Portraits in Plaster. Illustrated. New York, 1894. Large paper. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1730 Curiosities of the American Stage. Illustrated. New York, 1S91. Special unstitched copy from the author, with his autograph. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut edges. 1731 Ibsen (Henrik). A Doll's House. London, 1889. Large paper copy ; 115 printed. Presented, with a characteristic inscription, b_y Brander Matthews. 4to, parchment. 1732 Iffiand (Aug. \Vm.). A Collection of Portraits, etc. (120); some in char- acter. 4to, half calf, gilt to]"), uncut edges. 1733 Illustrated American. Profusely illustrated. New York, 1890-92. I vol., folio, and 9 vols., 4to, cloth. 1734 Illustrated London News. Complete set of this valuable illus- trated work from its commencement in 1842 to December, 1891, in- clusive. Thousands of engravings of the prominent events of the world for the last fifty years. London, 1842-91. 99 vols., folio, cloth, and half morocco. 1735 Illustrated Magazines. French and German. La Vie Parisieiuie, etc. 5 vols., folio, half morocco. 1736 Illustration. With a large number of wood-cuts aiul other pictures. Paris, 1876-90. 14 vols., folio, half morocco. 1737 Ingleby (C. M.). Shakespeare's Bones. Frontispiece. London, 1883. 4to, boards, uncut. 1738 Ingleby (C. M.). Shakespeare's Centurie of Prayse. London, 1874. 8vo. original covers, uncut. jy29 Shakespeare : the Man and the Book. Part I. London, 1877. 4to, boards, uncut. 1740 Inglis (Ralston). Dramatic Writers of Scotland. (Glasgow, 1868. Post 8vo, half citron levant, gilt top. 1741 IRELAND (Alex.). BOOK-LOVER'S ENCHIRIDION. Boston [London], 1883. Extended to 3 vols, by the insertion of 250 portraits, including many India proofs, as well as the rare prints of Bartholin, South, etc., and an original signature attached to the portrait of the author. 3 vols., crown 8vo, green levant morocco extra, gilt back and sides, silk linings, gilt top, uncut edges. 1742 Book Lover's Enchiridion. Frontispiece, etc. Boston [Man- chester], 1883. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 1743 IRELAND (Joseph N.) and HAGAN (J. S. G.). RECORDS OF THE NEW YORK STAGE from 1750 to i860 [and 18C0-1870]. New York, 1866-70. Unique copy, illustrated and extended by Augustus Tocdteberg for Augustin Daly, with over 8,000 original drawings, auto- graph letters, etc., rare play-bills, views, etc., producing a record of the New York Stage without a parallel. Apart from its wide interest, its many unique features, and the attrac- tiveness of the subject, it is a gigantic monument of patient and well-directed industry. The untiring energy of the collector and the well-known skill and knowledge of the inlayer, have left no room for doubt that no time or expense could, in the future, produce the result here shown. The original text by Ireland has been supplemented by yearly records written by Mr. Hagan that practically comj)lete the subject to date. The details below are meagre enough, but they w-ill be sufficient to show how thoroughly the ground has been covered : Ireland— Vol. I., Part I. Ireland, Jos. N. (signed p.b.l.) ; Infant Shakespeare, Romne}-- Smith ; Shakespeare (folio mezzo.), Sam. Cousins; New York, 1 76 1, from London Alagazine ; Ratzer's Plan of New York ; John W. Francis (folio), Cibber (folio mezzo.), Simon ; Ra- cine, by Edelinck ; scene from Othello (folio mezzo.), auto- graph letters of D. Garrick ; Garrick as Chalkstone (folio) ; Robt. Dodsley ; scene from Richard III., by William Sharp ; Bernard, by S. Harris ; Moody (folio mezzo.). Hardy, Moody as Flip (folio p.b.l. in colors), Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy (folio mezzo.); Haid, inscribed " L'Homme entre le vice at la vertu " ; Garrick as Richard (original drawing in colors, 164 folio), 1 homas Hallam, Mrs. Plallam (original drawing), Eliza- beth Woodville, by Facius ; Addison (mezzo.), Bullock, 1781 ; Hippisley, by Green; John Cruger (i.p.b.l. ) ; Jane Shore (scarce 4to etching) ; Golden (i.p.b.l.) ; Hippisley (original drawing) ; Bowling (zreen (folio aquatint, proof before all letters) ; Trinity Ghurch (folio), by Rolph. Ireland— Vol. I., Part II. Garrick (folio mezzo.). Di.xon (proof), Hallam (from original drawing), William Dunlap (i.p.b.l.), scene from Macbeth (folio mezzo.), Lupton ; Moliere, by Edelink ; Towneley (p.b.l.); Shakespeare (mezzo.), G. Turner ; Aaron Hill (folio); Huls- bergh ; autograph letter of Thomas Dibdin ; The Late Mrs. Morris ; Kane O'Hara ; autograph letters of Wm. Gongreve ; Mrs. Siddons, after Gainsborough (folio, i.p.b.l.); Myles Gooper, by Leney ; King's (Golumbia) Gollege (original drawing), Major Andre (original drawing), Hewlett as Richard, George III. (folio), Skelton ; George III. (folio mezzo.), Reynolds, Miss Brunton, 1785 ; Mrs. Brooke (folio), Bovi ; Edwin as Lingo (folio mezzo.), Hodges ; Mrs. (iiffard (original drawing) ; Admiral Sir George Gollier ; (ieorge Steevens, by f^vans ; New York in 1792 ; Ifland (folio mezzo., p.b.l.) ; Washington, after Stuart (in colors), Betty as Douglas (folio). Rev. James Town- ley (folio), John Street Theatre bill, 1791 ; John Fletcher, by Marshall ; Kemble (folio mezzo.). Say, Ale.x. Placide (original drawing), Richmond, Va. (folio, in colors) ; aquatint, Bennett, 1834; John Street Theatre bill.s, 1792 (3), Fred. Reynolds (folio mezzo.), Doo ; and autograph letters ; Hodgkinson, by Leney, also by Tiebout ; Bp. Moore (folio) ; Edwin (un- known to Hildeburn) ; Chiick, by Gonde ; Theatre, Hartford, Mrs. Hodgkinson's benefit bill ; Kemble as Hamlet (folio mezzo.), Holcroft (mezzo, p.b.l.), Delpini, by Hincks. Ireland— Vol. I., Part III. Thos. A. Gooper (folio), Henry Meyer, Mrs. Poe (original drawing), Mrs. Siddons (p.b.l.), Bromley, John St. Theatre bill, 1795, Hannah More (folio), Worthington, John St. Thea- tre bill, 1794 (3) ; Wycherley, by Robinson ; John St. Theatre bill, 1795 (5) ; Mrs. Jordan as Gountry (jirl (folio, by Barto- lozzi), Allan Ramsay (folio niezzo.), Ricketts and his horse Gornplanter, S. K., (ieorge Washington (liaker. No. 18), auto- graph letters of J. Jefferson, 1831, Washington Theatre bill (1818 ; Jefferson's benefit), Alexandria Theatre bill (1816; Jefferson's benefit), Miss Broadhurst (original drawing), John St. Theatre bill, 1796, Geo. Goiman (folio mezzo., by Lupton). autograph letters of S. L. Mitchell, Rev. Samuc! Miller (original drawing), Mrs. Litchfield (folio mezzo.). Say, J. B. Linn, by Tanner ; Baltimore Theat-e bill, 1815, Miss Fontenelle as Moggy (original drawing). Roger Kemble (folio in colors), Mrs. Siddons (folio), by Caldwell ; Munden (folio), by Lup- ton ; Earl Percy (folio), Reynolds, Mrs. Merry as Galista, by Comer; Miss Brunton as Horatia, 1785; Mrs. Wigncll, by 165 Edwin; T. A.Cooper (p.b.l.), also autograph letters; Wm. Godwin (folio mezzo.), Dawe, Baltimore Theatre bill, 1814, Cooper as Piere, VV. T. Lewis (folio), William Warren, auto- graph power of attorney appointing Francis C. Wemyss, also autograph letters (2), Baltimore Theatre bill (1818 ; Warren's benefit), Warren (folio, by Mcl.ellan), Jefferson and Blissett, by Edwin ; Harwood, by Edwin ; Franklin (folio mezzo.). Ireland— Vol. I., Part IV. Richard Cumberland (folio mezzo.) ; Val. Green ; Jas. Fennell, by Boyd ; Washington Theatre bill, 1816, Mr. Darley as per- forming ... at \'auxhall, Mrs, Oldmixon (original draw- ing), Haydn (folio, by Hardy) ; Mrs. Darley, by Leney ; Wash- ington Theatre (1818 ; Mrs. Darley's benefit), Mrs. Darley, by Edwin ; Thos. Morton (4to, printed in colors), by Heath ; Honora Sneyd, by Bartolozzi (p.b.l.) ; Kotzebue (p.b.l., folio). Cooper as Leon, Earl Percy (8vo), Washington, by H. S. Sadd (Baker, 320) ; Pisarro (folio), Rosamund Clifforde, by Noble ; Mrs. Jordan (3), Joanna Baillie (folio), Mrs. Merry as Juliet (original drawing), Fawcett (folio), by Say ; and autograph letters. Bannister (4to), Conde, and autograph letters, Mrs. Bland (i.p.), Bland [Wilson] (original drawing), Louis XVI. (folio), Contollier, 1789, Marie Antoinette (folio), Schinker, Mrs. Hodgkinson's Grave (original drawing), Bonaparte, Pre- mier Consul, by Charon ; John MinshuU, Scoles sc. Ireland— Vol. I., Part V. Stephen Price (mezzo.), S. W. Reynolds, Cooke as Sir Archy (folio), J. H. Payne as Norval (original drawing in colors, folio), Andrew Jackson Allen (original drawing in colors), James Kenney, and autograph letters, Michael Kelly (folio mezzo.), C. Turner, Park Theatre bills (4), Mrs. Wheatley (original drawing), Edward Young (i.p.), Twaits (original draw- ing), Alexandria Theatre biU, Park Theatre benefit bill, A. J. Allen, Mrs. Blake (original drawing), Frederick Town Theatre bill, 1 8 18, Kemble as RoUa (folio mezzo.), autograph letters of Stephen Price, April, 1839, Stephen Price (lith.), Chas. Kemble (original drawing in colors), J. H. Payne (original drawing, and autograph letters, 1820), Payne's Grave (original ' drawing), Duke of Buckingham (folio etching), by Captain Baillie ; Stephen Price (original drawing), Simpson as Hassa- rac (original drawing in colors, and autograph letters, 1839, 2), Baltimore Theatre bill (1819 ; Mrs. Entwisle's benefit), F^llis- ton (folio mezzo.), by C.Turner (in colors) ; National Theatre bill (Dwyer's benefit), autograph letters of Wm. B. Wood, 1823 (2), Wm. B. Wood, 5 benefit bills, Ccoke as Richard (original drawing in colors), Cooke, by Whessell ; Cooke as Richard Dighton, Cooke as Falstaffe' (original drawing in colors), Thomas Hilson, autograph letters, 3 pp., 1835 (2), Baltimore Theatre bill (Hilson 's benefit). Hilson as Figaro (original draw- ing in colors), the late Mr. Burke, Hilson as Pangloss (original drawing in colors), Cooke, by Edwin (3), and others. 166 Ireland— Vol. I., Part VI. Byron (folio mezzo), Lupton, Scott (folio mezzo in colors and autograph letter, 3 pp., 1830), Wallack (folio), Woolnoth, Holman as Chamont, by Godfrey, and autograph letters, 1808 ; Holman as Romeo and 2 p.b.l. in character ; Capt. Jas. Lawrence, by Leney ; autograph letters of Chas. Gilfert, Theatre bill announcing death of Mrs. Twaits, Suett (folio mezzo., unfinished proof), Philadelphia bill, March 27, 1818, announcing Forrest's first appearance on the stage, Eliza Placide Mann (original drawing), Jane Placide, autograph letters, of Henry Placide (4to), by S. H. Gimber ; as Fred'k II. (original drawing in colors), as King of Clubs (original draw- ing in colors), American Museum (lith.), Henry R. Bishop (folio mezzo.), Reynolds, autograph letters and 3 sheets of MSS. music. Miss Stephens (folio mezzo.), Reynolds, autograph let- ters of John Poole, autograph letters, 3 pp., of A. S. Philipps, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes (original drawings in color), autograph let- ters of John Barnes, 1835, Betterton (folio mezzo.), Williams, Andrew Jackson (4to), Gimbrede, and autograph letters ; MS., 1 p.; Sir Walter Scott, Congreve (i. p.), West as Sir Kenneth (orig- inal drawing in colors), Alexander Wilson (original drawing), James Monroe (4to), Gimbrede, J. Rodman Drake (i.p.), Rauz- zini (4to), Hancock, T. Philipps (4to), Busby, Holliday St. Theatre bill, Finn's benefit, and autograph letters, 1835, Finn as Logic (original drawing in colors, and autograph letters, 3 pp., 1828), Byron (folio, by Wedgwood, unfinished proof and the finished plate), Byron (autograph letters, 3 pp., 18 15), Christo- phoros Lee Sugg (4to, by W. Mathews), Miss Lee Sugg, the Infant Roscius, J. W. Wallack, Sr. (folio mezzo.), " Irish " Johnstone (original drawing in colors). Ireland— Vol. I., Part VII. Kean as Othello (original drawing in colors), Kilner as Cop (ditto), J. S. Knowles (folio mezzo.), Sadd, Tom Moore (folio), Watt, Mrs. Jordan as Rosalind (4to), Henry Cook, Geo. Bartley, autograph letters, Maywood as Rob Roy (original drawing in colors). Park Theatre bill, Jan. 4, 1819, Maywood's first appearance, and autograph letters, 3 pp. (2), Maywood as Tarn o' Shanter (folio lith.). A. Newsam, Frances Wright (folio lith.), Scott (folio, by Horsburgh), Wallack as Hamlet and as Rolla (original drawings in color), blowing up of the Intrepid by Captain Somers, autograph letters of J. S. Knowles (2), Mrs. Al.sop, by Alais and Hopwood, also original draw- ing in colors as Rosalind ; Kean as Richard (original drawing in colors, 1852, by Toedteberg), Kean as Othello, Kean as Sir Giles (original drawing), as Lear (original drawing), G. S. Carey, 1776, Kean as Timon (original drawing in colors), as Othello (ditto), Kean as Macbeth, by Meyer; Henry Wallack (folio origmal drawing in colors), Mary, Queen of Scots (folio mezzo.), 1. Rogers, James R. Anderson (original drawing), Park Theatre (original drawing), also interior ; Wm. Coleman (i. p.b.l.), Sam'l Swartwout (original drawing in colors and 167 document signed), Edward Laight, David Hosack (original drawing and autograph letters), John Banim, autograph letters. Ireland— Vol. I., Part VIII. Conway (folio mezzo.), W. Say, Mathews (folio mezzo.), C. Tur- ner, Wallack and Mrs. Duff (original drawing in colors), Rich- ings (original drawing in colors), and autograph letters, John Wilkes (folio mezzo.), Kitcheman, Walnut Street Theatre bill (1829 ; benefit of Booth), Young (folio mezzo.), C. Turner, Miss S. Booth (folio mezzo.), Meyer, Cooper as Edgar, J. Q. Adams (folio), by J. Andrews and autograph letters, 1795 ! Booth as Brutus, and autograph letters, 1836, Edwin Booth (folio lith.), John Wilkes Booth (original drawing), J. B. Booth (original drawing in colors and autograph note signed), Cowell (original drawing in colors and autograph letters), J. W. Wallack (original drawing, autogra])h letter), W. Cilmore Simms, Pelby as Lara (4to lith.), J. Fenimore Cooper, autograph letter, 1837, John Parry, M. M. Noah (original drawing), Louis P. Clover (original drawing in colors), Mrs. Wm. Dinneford (original drawing in colors), Foote as Hamlet (original drawing), James Watkinson (original drawing), Mathews as (joldfinch (folio proof), Mathews as Old Scotch Woman, as Somno, by T. Priscott ; autograph letters, with Liston and Blanchard in Love, Law, and Physic (folio mezzo.), Lupton (original drawing in colors), at Home in the Diligence, by D. C. Johnson (4to) ; as Index, and in many other characters, Wallack as Charalois (original draw- ing in colors), \V. T. Moncriel'f and autograph letter, 3 pp., 1827, Rebecca Isaacs, Hyatt (original drawing in colors), auto- graph letter of Mary A. Duff, 1835, Mrs. Duff (original draw- ing in colors). Miss O'Neill as Belvidera (folio mezzo.), Meyer, (ditto), W. Say, Lafayette (folio mezzo.), Duplessi-Bertaux. Ireland— Vol. I., Part IX. Mme. Malibran (folio mezzo.), Chas. Turner, Hackett as Fal- staffe (original drawing in colors), Chatham Theatre interior (ditto), Lydia Kelly, autograph letters (2), Major I. L. Stevens (original drawing), Watkins Burroughs (publisher. Roach), Mrs. Rosalie Pelby as Cherry (original drawing in colors), Mrs. Pelby as Valsha, Chas. Durang (autograph letters, 3 pp., 1852, and original drawing in colors), Mrs. G. H. Barrett (ditto), many bills of Chatham Theatre, Wm. R. Blake (original drawing in colors and autograph), autograph letters, F. A. Drake, Chatham Theatre bill (1824; Finn's benefit), Chatham Theatre bill (1824; Miss Fisher's first appearance), Mrs. Agnes Thayer (original drawing in colors), F. C.Wemyss, autograph letters, \Vheeling Theatre bill (1834), F. C.Wemyss (folio lith.), A. Newsam, Thomas Hamblin as Coriolanus (folio original drawing in colors by 'J'oedteberg, 1855), Hamblin as Darvil (folio lith. and autograph letters, 3), Baltimore Theatre bill (1829; Jas. Wallack's benefit), autograph letters, .'\. W. Jackson, autograph letters, Eliz. Hamblin, Kean as Richard 168 (original drawing in colors), Kirby as Clown, Mme. Mali- bran (5, i.p.), G. B. Velluti (410, by Fiigel), autograph letter, de Beriot, Hackett as Mallet, Holliday St. Theatre bill (1833; Hackett's benefit), Bowery Theatre (Hamblin's benefit). Hackett as Nimrod and as Solomon Swap (original drawings), also autograph letters {2 pp., 1834). Ireland— Vol. I., Fart X. Forrest, by Meyer (i.p.), Sergeant Talfourd (folio mezzo., by, Macready as Werner (folio, by SharjDc), Mrs. Chas. Thorne (original drawing in colors), Forrest (original draw- ing after Sully), and as Metamora, Forrest, autogra|)h letter, T. N. Talfourd, autograph letter, Talma (folio, by Lignow), Rossini, by Raff Morghen ; Thos. Hamblin, by Ormsby (p.b.l.); Kean in Indian dress (folio). Storm, Herbert as Osmond (original drawing), Baltimore Theatre (1819; Herbert's bene- fit, with wood-cut as Richard III.), Conway, Mrs. Conway, and Miss Deblin of the Park. Theatre etched by Wright, New York, 1827, General Sandford (original drawing), Lafayette Theatre (4to, by Jos. Eddy), Mrs Anderson (original draw- ing in colors), autograph letters, N. M. Ludlow and original drawing, Victor (4to, by Benoist), J. M. Scott (original draw- ing), Philadelphia Theatre bill (1827; Mrs. Wallack's benefit). John Paul Jones (folio mezzo., by Guttenberg and by Macklin), 3 rare prints, Macready as Macbeth (original drawing in colors, folio), Philadelphia Theatre (1827 ; Macready's first appearance), Macready, autograph letters, Macready as Rob Roy (from British stage), Macready as Werner (i.p), Macready and Miss Huddart (4to lith.), Philadelphia Theatre (1827; Macready's benefit, 2), Macready as Romeo (folio). Woodman, Macready as lou (i.p.), and many others, Wm. Wheatley (lith.). Miss Povey (i. p.b.l.), T. Cooke (folio mezzo.), Lupton. Edward Knight (folio mezzo, proof, by Dawe), Thomas Barry (original drawing and autograph letters), Benj. Thompson (folio mezzo.). Smith (proof), John Povey (original drawing in colors). Ireland— Vol. I., Part XI. John R. Scott (original drawing in colors), Clara Fisher as Lord Flimnap (original drawing in colors). Bowery Theatre (original drawing), Cornelius A. Logan, autograph letter, Mme. Achille (original drawing in colors). National Theatre bill (Celeste's benefit, 2), Clara Fisher (folio), lnman-(iiniber (lith.). Childs and others, Jas. G. Maeder (original drawing in colors), Chas. E. Horn (4to lith. and autograph letter), as Casper (4to lith.), Mrs. Sarali Austin (folio lith., i.p., and autograph letter. 1827^, Dr. Arne (folio mezzo.), Humphrey, Mrs. Sloman (4to), Humphreys, autograph letter. John Sloman. 1839, Sloman and Beverly as Jemmy and Jerry, autograj)!! letter, R. B. Peake, Wm. T. Moncrieff, John R.' Scott (original drawing in colors and autograph letter). City Museum, Philadelphia (rare colored lith.). Thos. Comer (original drawing and autograj)!! letters), Mrs. Jane M. F. Fisher, autograph letter, George Christy (folio lith., 2), Mary Rock Murray, autograph letters, 169 Miss Lane in 5 characters (original drawing), Louisa Lane Drew, autograph letter, Herr Cline (original drawings, 3, and several bills with wood-cut portraits), Geo. Holland (original drawing and autograph letters), John WoodhuU, autograph let- ter, Chas. W. Taylor (origmal drawing and autograph letter), G. H. Andrews as Captain Co]-)p (original drawing in colors), Blaikie as Billy Barlow (original drawing), P. ^L Wetmore (i.p. and autograph letters), John Sefton, autograph letters, A. W. Jackson, autograph letters, 2 pp., 1838 (2), G. W. Dixon as Zip Coon, and original drawing. Ireland— Vol. I., Part XIL Kean as Richard (original drawing in colors), Mile. Clara (ditto), Chas. R. Thorne (ditto), Jas. H. Caldwell (ditto), American Theatre, New Orleans (folio lith., presentation proof from lith- ographer to Caldwell), Bannister, Jr., as Walter (folio), Jas. Heath, autograph letter De Witt Clinton, Byron (folio), West- Wedgewood, autograph letter Charles XII., 17 12, John T. Norton (original drawing), Sam Cowell (lith.) and as Lord Lovell, Miss Cramer as Don Giovanni (lith.), Mme. Ronzi Vestris (original drawing in colors). Miss S. Phillips (lith.), Geo. H. Andrews (original drawing in colors and autograph receipt), N. M. Ludlow (autograph letters, 2), Parsons as Silius (original drawing in colors), J. W. Wallack (signed proof, auto- graph letters, Ann Sefton (2), Boildieu (autograph letter), Wash- ington Irving (folio mezzo.), G. S. Newton, C. Turner (open letter proof), Chas. Kean as Macbeth (folio lith. in colors), as Richard (i.p.), as Shylock (i.p.), as Hamlet (i.p.), as Over- reach (folio lith.), as Hamlet (folio lith.), as Claude Melnotte (folio lith.). Bowery Theatre bill (1839; Chas. Kean 's first appearance) ; Chas. Kean as Richard (original drawing in colors), Chas. T. Parsloe (lith. 4to), James Thorne as Figaro (folio lith.), A. Newsam, de Beriot (folio lith.). Master Burke as Dr. O'Toole (folio lith.). National Theatre bill (Burke's benefit), and others. Ireland— Vol. I., Part XIII. A. A. Addams (original drawing), D. Marble (original drawing in colors), Rophino Lacy (original drawing in colors), Pierre Rode (4to), autograph letters, Jas. K. Paulding, Lydia Kelly (i.p.), Hilson as Figaro, Edward Cuddy (4to, by Gimber ; original impression). Theatre, Wheeling (Wemyss's benefit and others), A. A. Addams, autograph letter, Geo. P. Farren (original drawing), VV. Farren, autograph letters, Gallotas Jack (original drawing in colors), Geo. Jones (lith.), as Hamlet (in- laid i.p., lith. after d'Orsay, by Durand), autograph letters,4 pp., 1835, Cagliostro (folio, by Marcuard), Caivin Kdson (original drawing), Dan Marble as Hardhead (original drawing in col- ors), Garrick as Richard (folio), Mrs. Pritchard as Hermione (folio), Pine-Ravenet. (Jottschalk, Jas. H. Hackett. autograph letter, 1831, Ole Bull (folio lith.), original drawings of the graves of Mrs. Duff, Wm. R. Blake, Henry Placide, Eliza Logan, C.W. Clark, Hamblin, J.W. Wallack, Conway, and others. 170 Ireland— Vol. II., Part I. Josephine Clifton (folio lith.), Endicott, Fanny Kemble after Lawrence (folio lith., i.p.), J no. R. Scott (folio lith., i.p.), A. Newsam, The Ravels (4 original drawings), J. N. Ireland (i.p.b.l., with autograph and autograph letters, 7 pp.), Chas. Kemble as Pierre (i.p.), Mrs. A\'. Barrymore (original drawing), Wieland as Oberkin (folio lith. in colors), Miss Hughes (folio mezzo., by Jones), Sinclair (folio mezzo.), Meyer, Thomas Welsh (by B. Moll after Wivell), W. Barrymore, autograph let- ter, J. R. Anderson as Bertram (folio aquatint proof), Napoleon (folio) in robes, Gerard-Bromley, and autograph document signed, Leon Javelli (original drawing in colors). Bowery The- atre (i.p., from Pjowmen), Josephine Clifton (original drawing in colors), T. H. Hadaway as Caleb and autograph letters (2), Miss Josephine Bartolozzi (original drawing in colors), Blanchard as Ralph (4to, Leney, 1792), Blanchard, Mrs. Davenport and Miss M. Tree in Beggar's Opera (folio), Clint-Cooke (i.p.), Louisa Johnson (folio lith.), E. J. Parsloe and Vale as Robinson and Monkey (original drawing in colors), Parsloe as Simpkins (ditto), F. G. Ilalleck, autograph letter, Marquis Montcalm (folio lith.), Yankee Hill as Major Wheeler (folio lith in colors ; also original drawing in colors), Wilkinson as Logic (original drawing), as La Fleur, Chas. Kcm.ble (drawing from life, 1840, by Wm. Hy. Nightingale, with Kemble"s autograph), Chas. Kemble as Charles Surface, Dighton, Park Theatre bills (bene- fit of Fanny Kemble and others), Kemble as Richard (folio), Hamilton-Bartolozzi, Chas. Kem.ble as Othello, lago, Cassius. the Stranger, Benedick, Faulconbridge, Macduff, Don Felix, Leon, Mercutio, Macbeth, Shylock (12 India proofs), J. P. Kemble (folio), Shee-W. Sharp (open letter proof), Fanny Kemble as Juliet (i.p.), as Portia (8vo mezzo.), Sartain. Ireland— Vol. II., Part II. Tyrone Power (folio mezzo.), C. Turner, G. B. Montresor and Sra Varese Pedrotti in II Pirata (folio lith., New York, 1S32), Ferna- sari as the Vam])ire (original drawing in colors), Fawcett and Kemble as Captain Co])]) and Chas. II. (folio mezzo.), Lupton, Mozart (folio, i p.), Madam Otto (4to lith.), Nell Gwynn (origi-- nal drawing in colors), T. D. Rice (original drawing), as Jim Crow (ditto), as Johnny Atkins (original drawing in colors), and Chestnut St. Theatre bill (1S44 ; benefit of T. D. Rice), Rice as Jim Crow (litli. folio), autograph letters, 4 pp. (folio), 1838 (4to lith,), autograph letters, 2 pp., 1838, Bowery Theatre 1840 bill (Rice benefit and others), Edmon S. Conner (folio lith.), A. Newsam as Wallace, autograph letter, 1837, Arch St. Theatre (benefit of Conner and others), Bowery Theatre (1833 ; Mrs. Conway's benefit), Gio. Batta Montresor (folio lith.), L. Fornasari (folio lith.), as Giovanni (original drawing in colors), Mercadante (4to lith.), Mme. Pedrotti (folio lith.). Placci as Prosdocino (original drawing in colors), Richmoiul Hill Theatre (1833 ; C. Thome's benefit), 'i'yrone Power, auto- graph letter, 1837,' Tyrone Power as Connor O'Gormon (folio), '71 Crowley-Lewis, Loss of the President (folio lith.), Miss Paton as Susanna (folio), Stewart, Miss Stephens (folio mezzo.), Har- low-Say, Miss Love as Vespina (folio), Wageman-Woolnoth, A. M. Tree (folio mezzo.), C. Turner, Miss f"oote as Maria Darlington (folio), Clint-Picart (in colors), Miss Paton as Rosina (i.p.), Jos. Wood (original drawing, and autograph letter), Power as O'Dogherty (4tolith, in colors), J. R. Planche, autograph letter. National Theatre (benefit of Mr. and Miss Charlotte Barnes), Mrs. E. S. Conner (original drawing in colors), C. Kemble as Falstaffe, as Marc Anthony (both i.p ), Fanny Kemble (folio lith., after Sully, p.b.l.), autograph letter, II Diavolo Antonio, 1834, Louisa H. Medina (Hamblin) auto- graph letter, E. L. Bulwer, autograph letter, A. L. Pickering (lith.), A. Newsam, Siamese Youths (i.p.). Ireland— Vol. IP, Part 111. John Reeve (folio mezzo.), Wagstaff, J. W. Wallack (original drawing), Haml)lin as Arbaces (original drawing in colors, folio), Mrs. S. Chapman (4to), S. H. Gimber, Mrs. Richardson- Chapman as Ernestine (original drawing in colors, folio), Miss Phillips as Claudio (i.p., folio lith.), Miss Watson as Aurelio (folio lith.), Endicott and another, Paganini, autograph letter, Chas. K. Mason (original drawing in colors, 2), Henry Lewis (original drawing in colors), Sarah H. Timm (original drawing in colors), Jno. R. Scott (autogra!)h letter and original drawing in colors). Mile. Celeste as Miami (origmal drawing in colors), Bonaparte (folio mezzo., p.b.l), E. L. Bulwer, autograph letter, Barkham Cony (original drawing in colors), Mary A. Gannon, aet. 12, W. F. Johnson (4to lith.), Wm. Francis Brough (original drawing), Robt. B. Brough, autograph letter, 4 pp., 1855, Sol. Smith, autograph letter, 2 pp., 1835, Abbott (folio i.p.), Thurston-Picart, Mrs. Wood as Amii>a (folio lith. in colors), A. Newsam, Mrs. Wood (i.p.), Mr. Brough (lith.), Endicott, John Reeve (original drawing in colors), as Jack Ray (folio lith. in colors), and another, as Abrahamides (4to), James S. Hillyard (original drawing in colors), Mrs. Watson (lith. 4to), Wroughton (8vo mezzo.), Laurie, Harley as Bob Acres (original drawing in colors), as the Strange (Gentleman (folio), Easton, Dowton as Sturgeon (folio), Wageman. Ireland— Vol. II., Part IV. Charlotte Cushman as Mrs. Haller (folio lith. in colors), Charlotte and Susan Cushman as Romeo and Juliet (folio, original draw- ing in colors), Mile. Augusta (folio lith.), Hoffy, Miss Nelson (Mrs. John Brougham), as Cherubino (original drawing in colors), Mrs. Shaw as Nerval (original drawing in colors), John Oxley (original drawing). Burning of the American Theatre, 1836 (folio lith.), Finn and Kilner as Paul Pry and Hardy (lith.), D. C. Johnston, Henry James Finn, autograph letter, '820, Washington (Baker, No. 40), Col. Tarleton (i.p., mezzo.), Rey- nolds, .\. S. Pickering (original drawing in colors), Charlotte Cushman, autograph letter, Engand Chang (lith.), A. Newsam, Mr. Henry (1827) in 5 characters (folio lith.), James E. Mur- 172 doch (original drawing), as Hamlet (i.p., lith), as Chas. Moor (original drawing in colors), Wni. H. Chippendale (original drawing in colors and autograph letters), Mile. Augusta (origi- nal drawing in colors), as Zoloe (4to lilh.), Mrs. Keeley as Topsy (folio lith. in colors), Nell Gwynn (folio mezzo.), Lely- McArdell, Mrs. Keeley as Jack Sheppard (original drawing in colors), Keeley as Billy Black (folio lith. in colors), W. S. Fredericks (original drawing in colors), Denvil as Manfred (folio original drawing in colors), Scene from Manfred (folio colored), Krafft-Rahl, Denvil as Manfred (folio lith.), Edwin singing in The Bay of Biscay O ! (folio), Barnett, Keeley as Gregory, Mary Anne Keeley (folio lith. in colors), Mile. Augusta in La Sylphide (folio line), Ellen Tree as Rosalind (i.p., folio lith., and autograph letters), as Clemanthe (i.p., 4to lith.), as Ion (i.p., 4to lith.), as Rebecca (origmal drawing in colors), as Violante (i.p., 4to), Wivell-Phillips, Chas. Kean as Richard (original drawing in colors), Ellen Tree as Ion (origi- nal drawing in colors), " Yankee " Hill as Hiram Dodge (folio lith. in colors). Ireland— Vol. II., Part V. Jos. Jefferson as Rip (folio original drawing in colors), J. W. Wallack (ditto), C. Burke as Captain Jenkins (ditto), Mr. and Miss Nickinson (410 lith.), autograph letter Mitchell, Mr.s. Blake, Dr. Blake, Mrs. and J. W. Wallack (original drawing in colors), J. W. Wallack as Gloster (ditto), J. W. Wallack, Jr. (ditto), Mary Burke (ditto), Chas. Burke (autograph letter and original drawing), Effie Germond (original drawing in colors), Joe Jefferson as Bob Acres (folio lith. in colors), Mrs. George Jones (i.p., 4to lith., and original drawing in colors). Trial of Queen Catherine (Mrs. Siddons, etc.; folio mezzo.), Harlow-Jazet, autograph letter, N. P. Willis, Mme. Caradori (folio lith.), Mme. Caradori Allan and 2 autograph letters, Mme. Le Compte (4to lith., 1839), J. K. Mason (original draw- ing), Mons. Lecomte (4to lith., 183CS), La Petite Augusta (origi- nal drawing in colors), Edward Vitzball (8vo lith.), Neafie as Fabien, J. A. J. Neafie (i.p., lith. 4to), Jean M. Lander (2), autograph letters. Miss Davenport as Norval (4to lith. in colors. New York, 1838, and 2 original drawings in colors), as Lysisca (i.p.), National Theatre (folio lith.), James S. Browne (lith.). National Theatre (W. H. William's benefit and others), Grimaldi as Clown, J. Vandenhoff autograph letters (3), as Shylock, as Macbeth, as Richelieu, Ben de Bar as Falstaff (folio lith.), autograph letters (2), as Sykey (original drawing in colors), W. E. Burton, autograph letters (3), Eiston (folio mezzo.), Jackson-Ward, Liston as Maw Worm (lith. 4to, New York, 1824), and as Pedrigo Potts. Ireland— Vol. II,, Part VI. Mile. Celeste as Madeleine (lith. folio), Mme. Ronzi dc Bcgnis as Fatime (folio original drawing in colors), IL Johnson as Douglas (folio), Singleton-Mitchell, Jonathan Swift (folio mezzo.), Burford, 1744, Captain Lemuel Gulliver, National 173 Theatre (benefit of A. J. Allen), Mary Taylor (original draw- ing in colors), Mary Taylor and F. S. Chanfrau (ditto), J. Vandenhoff as Cato (i.p.), Miss Missouri (original drawing in colors), D. C. Anderson (original drawing), IJ. C. Anderson, autograph letters, 'I'he C'elebrated Pasdc Quatre, Carlotta Grisi, Marie 'I'aglioni, Lucile Orahn, and Fanny C'erito (i.p., folio lith.), Chalon-Maguire, Mile. Taglioni as Bayadere (folio lith. in colors), Fornasari as Zampa (original drawing in colors), John James Love (folio lith., i.p.), W. ]■'.. Love (original draw- ing), Mme. Vestris as Mrs. Page (folio mezzo.), S. W. Reynolds, also autograph letters, 1831, F. Bartolozzi, by Eettoni ; Mme. Vestris as Orpheus (original drawing in colors), Mme. Vestris, Miss P. Glover Williams and Liston in Paul Pry (folio mezzo.), Clint-Lupton, Chas. J. Mathews (folio lith., i.p.), as Kattleton (i.p ), Miss Shaw, Yates and MissCctteril in Nicholas Nickleby (folio lith.), S. D. Johnson (original drawing), Paul and Mme. Taglioni in La Sylphide (folio lith., New York, 1839), Marie Taglioni (folio lith. in colors), Mile. Taglioni in La Sylphide (folio mezzo., ditto, in a series of 6 i.p. folio lithos.), Paul Tag- lioni (folio various and autograph letters), Sr. de Begnis (i.p., folio lith.), Miss Shirreff (original drawing in colors), also (i.p., folio lith. and autograph letters), Wilson in Amalie (folio lith.), Apotheosis of Handel (folio), Heath, John Wilson, (4to lith., i.p., and original drawing in colors, by Toedteberg, 1848), Jane Sheriff as Zerlina (original drawing in colors), Jane Shir- reff, Priscilla Horton, and Harriet Taylor as the Three Witches (i.p., lith.). Ireland— Vol. IL, Part VH. Cartlitch as Percy (original drawing in colors). Miss Tnverarity as Cinderella (ditto), Fanny l^lssler (i.p., and 6 others, folio), Mas- ter Diamond (410 lith.), National Theatre (benelitof Miss Shirreff. Wallack, Mathews, and others), Capt. Marryat, autograph letter. The Misses Shaw (4to lith.), Mary Shaw (original drawing in colors, 2), Master John Diamond (ditto), Winficld Scott, auto- graph letter, Mary Ann Lee (original drawing in colors), Miss Inverarity (ditto), John Gilbert (ditto), M. Van Buren, autograph letter, G. P. R. James (i.p.b.l. and autograph letter, 2 pp.), Wm. Creswick (4to, p.b.l.), Miss Poole as Marceline (lith. in colors and original drawing in colors), Giubelei (original draw- ing), Manvers as Pierre (lith., i.p.), Benj. Webster (folio lith., i.p.), Mrs. Fitzwilliam (original drawing in colors), Terry (folio mezzo.), Yates (folio mezzo.), Say, Mrs. Fitzwilliam as Nelly (folio aquatint), Starling, Chestnut Street Theatre (Mrs. Fitz- william's benefit, 2), Mons. Alexandre's characters (folio lith.), also as Rogueries of Nicholas (2), and portrait (folio mezzo.), brilliant proof before all letters, Park Theatre benefit, Mr. and Miss Vandenhoff, 1840, Mary Stuart and Rizzio (folio mezzo.), proof before all letters, Fradelle-Say, Mary and Darnley (folio mezzo.), Dunkarton, Fanny Klssler, autograph letter, Richelieu (fine old proof), burning of National Theatre, 1839 i^oWo lith.). Miss Vandenhoff as Juliet (i.p., lith.), Bowery Theatre (Mrs. 174 Shaw's benefit and otiiers), Petipa and Carlotta (irisi (folio lilh ), Mile. Desjardins and Mens. Gabriel de Corponay (folio lilh.). Ireland— Vol. II., Part VIII. Mrs. Hoey (original drawing in colors), F. Elssler as La Voliere (folio lith. in colors), W. Love (i.p., folio lith.), Harvey Leach (Hervio Nano, the Gnome Fly), original drawing, another in colors, Bihin (folio lith.), " Ardaric " in Attila (folio lilh. in colors), Mons. Bihin (folio lith.), Joseph Brant (2), Bowery Theatre, Hamblin's benefit, Mrs. Sloman's benefit and others, Henry Ed. Stevens, autograph letter, Mitchell (original draw- ing in colors), W. G. Jones, ditto (2), Mitchell as Man-Fred (4to lith.), Louis Mestayer (original drawing in colors and autograph letters), A. W. Fenno (autograph poem, ICS25), Bar- ney Williams (5 lithos., original drawing in colors), Buckstone as ^Vheedle (4to lith.) and many others in character, Ann Russell Hill (original drawing in colors and autograph letters, 3), Adam Leffler (lith.. i.p.), Rubini (folio lith., i.p.), and as Othello (folio lith.), Master Hughes and his Brothers (folio lith.), Braham as Orlando (folio), Dighton, Braham (folio, in colors). Wood, Cardon, Mrs. Sutton (2 original drawings in color). Dr. Arne (4to), Cherubini, autograph letter, Tyrone Power (autograph letter and original drawing in colors), Julius Benedict (i.p., lith. 4to), R. T. Conrad, autograph letter, Fanny Cerrito (folio mezzo.), Simonean, Every, Kate Horn, Buckland (original drawing in colors). Bowery 'J'heatre (C. Mason's bene- fit, Letort's benefit, Levi J. North's benefit, and others), W. H. Sedley [Smith] (original drawing), Franz Liszt (folio lilh., i.p.). Ireland— Vol. II., Part IX. Mrs. D. P. liowers (original dr^iwing in colors), Macready as Werner (folio lith., i.p.), Mrs. Seymour (original drawing in colors), Cromwell (folio mezzo., by Charles Turner), Charles I. (folio mezzo.), Faber, Jr., 17 17, Charles I. in the Guard Room (folio mezzo.), Sanders, Charles Dickens (folio), Hall, 1868 (proof), Fanny lilssler (folio lith., i.p.), Maria Pklge- worth (i.p.), Napoleon at St. Helena (folio mezzo.), Haydon- Coombs, his residence there (folio mezzo.); James J. Prior (original drawing in colors), Chestnut Street 'I'heatre (.May- wood's benefit and last appearance), Bowery Theatre (C. Ma.son's benefit), J. G. Vandenhoff (2 i.j). lithos.), Handel (folio mezzo.), Faber, 1749, John E. Owens as Solon Shingle (folio lith. and autograph letters), Harry P. Grattan (original drawmg in colors, autograi:)h letters, 2 pp., 410), Goethe, J. B. Booth, Jr. (original drawing), Adelaide Phillips (folio lith.), Wyzeman Marshall (original drawing), J. S. Silsbee as Sam Slick (lith. folio), A. Newsam, Charles M. Walcot (original drawing in colors), Stephen Massett (i.p., lith. 4to, and auto- graph letters), E. L. Davenport (folio lith.). 2 autosimph letters, folio lith. as Sir (iiles, William Tache (original draw- ing), General 'i'om Thumb (folio lith), autograph letters, Thomas Barry, Macready (original drawing in colors, folio), 175 Eliza Phillips (i.p., lith.), Joseph Artot (folio lith., i.p.), Ole Bull and \'ieuxtemps (410 lith.), Ole PjuII (i.p.), Halpin; also lith. .|to, folio, etc., auto,Q:raph letters, Vieuxtemps (folio lith., i.p., 2), de Beriot (410 lith., i.p.), Sallie St. Clair, autograph letter, Max Bohrer (folio lith.). Ireland— Vol. 11., Part X. J. R. Anderson as Ulric (folio lith., i.p.), Chanfrau and Winans (original drawing in colors, folio), Mrs. Mowatt as Lucia (original drawing in colors), Mrs. Hunt [Drew] (original drawing in colors, folio), General Green (i.p.b.l), T. G. Booth (original drawing in colors), J, Winans as joe (folio lith.. New York, 1S48), Chanfrau as Mose, and Mary Taylor as Lize (4to, lith.), Chanfrau as Mose (original drawing, folio, in colors), Mrs. F. S. Chanfrau (folio lith.), Chanfrau as Sam (folio lith.), Rose Cline (original drawing in colors), James Rees (autograph letter, 2 pp., 4to, 1841), F. Palmo (private plate, 2, and original drawing in colors), Mme. Borghese (ditto), Emma Albertazzi (folio lith., i.p. 2, and autograph letter), de Begnis (4to), C. Knight, Chestnut St. Theatre (Anderson's benefit and others ; also autograph letters, 2), as Huon (i.p.b.l.), Clara Ellis as Evadne (original drawing in colors). Chestnut St. Theatre, Chippendale's benefit (Dyatt's benefit), Mrs. Skerrett (original drawing in colors), Geo. Skerrett (ditto), Macready (ditto), W. H. Crisp (original drawing), M. W. Balfe and autograph letter, I. J. Frazer (folio lith., i.p.), T. B. de Walden, autograph letters, G. S. Buckley (4to lith. and autograph letter), Mme. Celeste as Miami (folio lith.), Anna Cora Mowatt (folio lith.), James Mowatt (autogra[)h letter, 4 pp., folio), E, L. Daven- port (autograph letters), Burning of the Bowery Theatre (folio lith. in colors), John E. Dunn (original drawing in colors and autograph letters), also Burton's Theatre benefit, Eliza Crisp (original drawing), Rosina Pico (folio lith., 2), Chas. Bass (autograph letters, 3 pp., 4to), autograph letters of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Bland, Park Theatre (Murdock's benefit), Mrs. D. P. Bowers (folio lith., 2), Ellen Tree as Ion (folio lith.), Albert Smith (folio lith., i.p.), Adolph Adam (folio lith.). Park Theatre (Simpson's benefit), Mrs. John Drew (original drawing). Julia Dean as Julia (original drawing in colors, folio, also lith. folio), L. de Garmo Brooks (folio lith.), George Lord Jeffryes (folio mezzo.), C. Cooper, Anna Cruise- Cowell as Miami (original drawing in colors), Ed. Eddy (auto- graph letters, 2, and folio lith.). Walnut St. Theatre (first appearance on any stage of Miss Caroline Chapman), Der Americanische General Arnold. Ireland— Vol. H., Part XL Anna Bishop (original drawing in colors), Jas. Stark as Hamlet (ditto), M. and Mme. Monplaisir (folio lith. in colors). Caroline Chapman (original drawing), Hermine Blangy (folio lith., i.p., and autograph letter, 3 pp., 1846), as Sylphide (folio lith.), in Giselle (folio lith. in colors), Benjamin A. Baker^ (lith. 176 and autograph letters, 2), Charlotte Nickinson (Morrison) auto- graph letters (2), Mrs. W. J. Florence (folio lith.), Collins as McShane (folio lith.) A. Newsam as Paul Clifford (folio lith., i.p.), and the Widow Machree (folio lith.), Jas. Stark, autograph letter, 1848, Viennoise Children (folio lith. in colors, 2), Eiiz. F. EUet, autograph letter, Watale Perelli (folio lith., i.p.), Fortunata Tedesco (4to lith.), Park Theatre benefit of, C. Burke as Dickor}' (original drawing in colors), Catherine Wemyss [Duffield] (portrait, and 2 autograph letters), Monte- zuma (fine olti line engraving), Ethan Allan, by Buttre ; Char- lotte Crampton (original drawing and autograph letters) ; also Albany Theatre benefit, R. Sands and his 2 Sons (4to lith. in colors), and his horse May-Fly (folio lith.), J. B. Roberts (origi- nal drawing in colors, and autograph letters), Kate Denin, Ryan (original drawing in colors), Jenny Lind (folio) W. S. Ormsby, (folio lith.), Sesto Benedetti (folio lith.), Castle Garden interior (folio lith.) and several bills, Anna Bishop (several), Robt. N. C. Bochsa (4to lith., and autograph letters), Mme. Persiani (folio lith. in colors), Chas. Pitt as (xloster (folio original drawing in colors), Mme. Macfarren (folio lith.), Chas. Pitt (folio lith., i.p.), Geo. Cruikshank, autograph letters, the Misses Heron (folio lith.), A. Newsam, E. Simpson autograph letters (2), the original elevation for the Broadway Theatre, signed J. W. Trimble, Architect and Builder (folio water colors), Rosalind Telbin (p.b.l.), Risley and his 2 sons (folio lith., 2), Mrs. G. P. Larren (original drawing in colors), Henry Clay (4to mezzo.), Ritchie, and autograph letter, 1828, Cornwallis (p.b.l., in red), Bartolozzi, Julia TurnbuU as Naiad Queen (folio lith.). Ireland— Vol. H., Part XH. George Jordan (original drawing in colors), W. E. Burton as Captain Cuttle (ditto), Fanny Cerito as Esmeralda (folio lith., colored), Chatham Theatre (original drawing in colors), Gen. Scott (folio, i.p.), Rogers, Fanny Herring (original drawing in colors), Mrs. Barney AVilliams (4to lith., colored), F. S. Chan- frau (4to lith.), as Mose (4to lith., 2), Winansas Joe (4to lith.), Chanfrau as Mose (original drawing in colors, folio), Emily Mestayer (original drawing in colors), Benj. A. Baker (auto- graph letter), Lavater (folio, by Wm. Blake), Emperor Nicho- las I. (folio), Dawes-Robinson, Lola Montes (folio lith.), Farinelli (original drawing in colors), Burton's 'I'heatre (original drawing), W. E. Burton as Captain Cuttle (folio lith.), Teresa Truffi (4to lith.), T. B. Johnson (original drawing in C(^Iors), W. J. Hammond (folio lith., i.p.) as Sam Wellcr (4to lith. in colors, and anotlier), Mme. Laborde (original drawing in colors), Hammond as Filch, Tamburini and Mme. Persiani (folio lith., colored). Marriage of Gen. Tom Thumb and Lavinia Warren (4to lith.), Aaron P.urr (i.p.), O'Neill, N. B. Clarke (original drawing in colors, and autograph letters), Ijoadicea (folio). Stothard-Wm. Sharpe, another (folio), ( )i)ie -Wm. Sharpe, A. H. Purdy (4to lith., i.p.) and benefit, National Theatre, Gertrude Dawes (original drawing in colors), Mary 12 177 Gannon (ori.Q;inal drawing), John Dolman as Leon (410 lith., i.p.), jas. Delmon Grace (original drawing in colors), W. E. Burton as 'i'oodle (410 lith., 2), '* Cuttle Fish," W. Wright as Tilly Slowboy (410 lith. in colors), Ma.K Maretzek (4to lith., and original drawing in colors). Ireland— Vol. II., Part XIII. Jenny Lind (folio lith. in colors), Couldock as Hamlet (original drawing in colors, folio), Lizzie Weston as Oberon (original drawing in colors), Caroline Hiffert (folio lith.), Macready (folio), Thorburn-Posselwhite, as Macbeth (original drawing in colors), Astor Place Opera Llouse bill — Night of the Riot, May 10, 1849, Paul Brilliant (original drawing in colors), M.and Mme. Marzetti (ditto), Burton's Theatre (benefit of Mrs. J. Sloan), Ignazio Marini (folio lith., i.p.), Angelina Bosio, as Martha (original drawing in colors), and Sr. Salvi in Lucia (folio lith.), Lorenzo Salvi (folio lith.), D. B. Lorini (folio lith., i.p.), Filippo Coletli (folio lith.), Hudson as Knight of Arva (folio lith., i.p.), Couldock as Richard (original drawing in colors, folio, and autograph letters, 3), Ellen Bateman as Richard (original drawing in colors, folio), Kate Bateman as Richmond, ditto, Kate and Ellen Bateman, 4 and years of age (4to lith.), Kate Bateman (folio lith.), P. T. Barnum (4to lith., and auto- graph letter), Escape of the Three Musketeers (original drawing in colors, folio, by Toedteberg, 1854), Gertrude Dawes (original drawing in colors), Mrs. C. Mestayer as Hasserac (4to lith. in colors), Chanfrau's Theatre, benefit of B. Williams, Mrs. F. B. Conway (original drawing in colors), Harry Watkins as Davy ditto, Jenny Lind (folio), D'Orsay-Lemon and also unfinished proof, Ben Yates (original drawing in colors), W. E. Burton as Aminadab (4to lith.), Benj. Webster, autograph letter, Tom Taylcr (2), Fenimore Cooper, autograph letter, 1840, Burton's Theatre, benefit of H. Placide, Marie Duret as Jack Sheppard (original drawing in colors), Alex. Dumas (p.b.l. and autograph letters), Emma E. Taylor (4to lith., colored), Wm. Goodall (original drawing in colors), Cesare Badiali (410 lith., i.p.), first appearance of Jenny Lind in America, Castle Garden Interior, Sept. 11-14, 1850 (folio lith. in colors), Jenny Lind (original drawing in colors, folio), Wolf- Metzeroth (i.p., lith. folio), as Amina (folio lith. in colors), autograph letters, admission ticket, etc. Ireland— Vol. II., Part XIV. Mile. Parodi as Norma (folio), Newenham-Harris, G. V. Brooke as Othello (original drawing in colors, folio), Caroline Roussett (folio lith. in colors), Wm. Davidge (4to lith.), Adelaide and Josephine Gougenheim (2 folio lithos.), F. B. Conway (410 lith.), W. H. Don (folio lith., i.p.), Mme. Ponisi (original drawing in colors), Miss E. Kimberly as Rosalind (folio lith.), and 2 others, Julia Bennett Barrow (original draw- ing in colors), Eliza Logan, autograph letters, R. Elliot Gra- ham (folio lith., i.p.), Mark Smith (original drawing in colors), Mary Devlin (2 drawings), James Pilgrim (original drawing), 178 J. G. Hanley (orij^inal drawing), G. E. Locke (original draw- ing in colors), " Ned Buntline " Judson (2 autograph letters), George Sand (4to), Calamatta, Julia Goulet (original drawing in colors), John K. Owens as Paul Pry (410 lith. in colors), Mile. d'Armonte (original drawing). Brougham's Lyceum (A. J. Allen's benefit), Mme. Rose de Vries (folio lith.), Mme. Teresa Parodi (folio lith.), Geremia Bettini (folio lith., i.p.), Mile. Nathalie P'itzjames (3^ Caroline Roussett (4to lith.). The Four Roussetts (410 lith.), Sam Lathrop (original draw- ing in colors, folio), E. A. Marshall, autograph letters, Rous- sett Family (4to lith.), Lola Montes (original drawing in colors, and folio lith., i.p.), Miron W. Leffingwell, autograph letters, Mendelssohn (folio i.p.b.l.), Hensel-Caspar. Ireland— Vol. IL, Part XV. Water-color drawings, etc., of Lester Wallack, W. H. Norton, G. V. Brooke (2), Mad. Drouett, Ellen Bateman (2), Alboni (2), A. H. Davenport, Robt. Johnston, Goodall, Mrs. \V. G. Jones, Mrs. Florence, Uncle 'Pom, Mrs. Howard as Topsy. etc. Autograph letters, etc., of Sontag (2), Bochsa, Adelina Patti, A. H. Davenport, Laura Keene, etc. Mezzotint por- traits of Anna Thillon, Matilda Heron, Sontag (proof), etc. Ireland— Vol. II., Part XVI. Water-color drawings, etc., of Borani, J. R. Anderson, "Jim Crow " Rice, Alice Grey, Fanny Dean, Yrca xMathias (2), Miss Daven- port, Harry Seymour, etc. Autograph letters, etc., of Louisa Pyne, E. L. Davenport (2), Kate Reignolds, Eliza Hamblin. Dion Boucicault, Verdi, "Jim Crow" Rice, J. W. Lannergan. Mezzotints of Rafter (Kitty Clive) as Phillida, and Wof- fington, by Faber, etc., and a series of fine India proof illustra- tions to Faust, by Mayer. Ireland— Vol. II., Part X\TI. Water-color drawings of Brignoli and Mile. Piccolomini, Anne de Stankowitch, Miss Albertine, Morris Barnelt, Brignoli, Amodis, Mary Marsh, Master Marsh, Adah Clifton, Emily Thorne, Georgiana Hodson, Lina Windel, Rachel (3), Mary Wells, J. E. McDonougii, etc. Autograph letters, etc., of Morris liarnett, H. Hall, Brignoli, J. S. Clarke, W. H. Ainsworth, Brougham. Rachel, S. K. Chester, etc. Portrait of Mazarin, by Nanteuil ; colored view of Castle Garden, etc. Ireland— Vol. II., Part XVIII. Water-color drawings of Mile. Rolla, Mad. d'Angri, Gassier, Mrs. J. H. Allen (3), Mrs. Dennis McMahon (2), Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Allen, Miss Elsworth, Edwin Forrest, John Wood, Dan Setchell, Emma Stanley, Mrs. John Wood, the Gale Sisters (2), Louise Lamoreux, the Pratesi Sisters, Helen Western, Louise Western, C. J. Arnold, A. H. Davenport, Carl Anschatz, etc. Autograph letters, etc., of Longfellow, A. Oakcy Hall, Chas. Wheatleigh, C. J. Mathews (2). Emma Wallvr, Tlialbcrg. Delphine Gay (Girardin), B. Fairclough, etc.; a f\uv proof portrait, with familiar inscription, by Mrs. John Wood. 179 Ireland— Vol. II., Part XIX. Water-color drawings, etc., of Lester Wallack (2). F. C. Banc:^;, Brougham, John Dyatt, Mrs. Lander, Harry Pearson, J. 11. Howe (2), Charlotte Crampton, Adah Isaacs Menken, IBarton Hill, Morton Price, Lucette, Ida Vernon, Mad. Gassier, Mile. Piccolomini, Steffani, Agnes Robertson, Laura Keene, Anne Deland, Mrs. Vining, Charles Thorne, Jr., Mrs. Frank Drew, Geo. Holland, etc. Autograph letters, etc., of Barry Sullivan, Efifie Germon (2), Barton Hill, Edwin Booth, Laura Keene (2), Halevy, Jefferson, Milnes Levick, etc., and the Bartolozzi prints of Catherine of Russia, and Xcll Gwyn. Ireland— Vol. IL, Part XX. Water-color drawings of Pauline Colson, Ada and Emma Webb, Mile. Hennecart, Adelaide Nixon, Carrie Nelson, Sara Nelson, Ella Zoyara. Aclelina Patti (2), Adeline Speranza, Theodor Doring, W. B. Harrison, etc. Autograph letters of Mortimer Thomson " Doesticks," Russell Smith (2), etc., and several rare views of New York City. Ireland — Hagan, I. Mrs. Barney Williams (lith.), Charlotte Cushman as Meg Mer- rilies, Mrs. D. P. Bowers, Booth as Hamlet (folio), Jefferson as Rip (folio), J. S. Clark (lith., colored), Barrett as Cassius (folio), W. J. Morence (4to lith.), Mrs. Florence (lith.), Chan- frau (lith. in colors), Mme. Ponisi, Anna Bishop (lith.), A. Newsam, John Ogden (lith., 2), Isabella Hinckley (lith.), Adelaide Phillips (lith.), Brignoli (lith.), Dan Bryant (lith.), 2 autograph letters, 26 bills. Ireland — Hagan, II. Lester Wallack (folio lith.), Mrs. Florence (folio), Florence (folio lith.), John S. Clarke in 10 characters (folio lith.), Maggie Mitchell (folio, 2), Jane Coombs (folio), John 'F. Raymond (folio), Emma (irattan (lith.), Geo. L. Fox (folio lith.), Mrs. J. P. Addams (folio lith.), Gottschalk, 13 autograph letters, 49 bills. Ireland — Hagan, III. Satin bill, Brooklyn Academy, being the last appearance of Booth on any stage. Booth (folio p.b.l.), Wm. R. Blake (original drawing), N. B. Clarke (original drawing), S. A. Emery (folio lith.), Edwin Booth (original drawing, folio), G. L, Fox (lith.), Dan Bryant (folio lith.), Joseph Marzetti (original drawing), Augustin Daly (folio lith.), Kate Bateman (i.p., folio lith.), Honore de Balzac (p.b.l.). Mile. Medori (lith., i.p.). 5 autograph letters, 52 bills. Ireland — Hagan, IV. J. W. Wallack as Dick Dashall (original drawing), Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Williamson, (2), J. S. Clarke as 'Poodles (folio lith. in colors), Mr. and Mrs. Florence (lith.), Lotta (4 lithos.), Robert Heller (folio lith.), H. J. Byron (i.p., lith.), Chas. Wyndham (lith.), Mr.s. John Wood (2), Mile. Vestvaii, Bernard Macauley (folio lith.), Mrs. Farren (original drawing), Brian Porhoime (p.b.l), Offenbach (lith.), Neafie as Don Co^sar (lith.), 19 auto- graph letters, 45 bills. 180 Ireland — Hagan. V. Chas. Kean as Louis XI. (original drawing), J. W. Wallack, Sr. (original drawing), Boucicault (lith.), Johnstone as Dennis, J. W. Booth (lith.), J. S. Clarke (lith.), Chanfrau (lith.), Henry Irving as Hamlet (folio lith.), Sheridan (mezzo., by Turner), John E. Owens (folio lith.), Chas. Kean (i.p.), John Scudder (original drawing), Chas. Pope (original drawing), George Sand (i.p., lith.), Thomas H. Glenney (lith.), Carl Formes (i.p., lith.), Carl Bergmann (original drawing), John McCullogh (lith.), James M. Wehli (lith.), Carl Rosa (lith.), Camilla Urso (lith.), Charley White (4 lithos.), 16 autograph letters, 14 bills. Ireland — Hagan, \'I. E. L. Davenport (folio lith.), Ada Isaacs Menken (original draw- ings, 2), Benjamin Webster (folio lith.), Rose Eytinge (original drawing, Jennie Morton (lith.), Franyois Ravel (original drawing), Jerome Ravel (original drawing), John E. Owens (lith.), Parepa Rosa (lith.), Sr. Roverre (lith.). Miss M. Tree by Dighton, Giuseppe Mario, Samuel S. Sanford (lith.), Matilda Heron as Medea (lith.), Mrs. (r. C. Howard (lith.), Grimaldi, Geo. L. Fox, 9 autograph letters, 18 bills. Ireland — Hagan, VH. Shakespeare (mezzo.), Turner, Bogumil Dawison as Richard (folio drawing in colors, by Toedteberg, 1853), Carl Rosa, Arditi, Christy, Birch, Wambold, and Backus, Theodore Moss (original drawing), Mme. Alboni (i.p.), Mile. Sontag (i.p.), Wm. Formes (i.p.), Clara Morris (lith), 13 autograph letters, 18 bills. Ireland — Hagan, VIII. Jenny Lind (folio), Holl, Thomas Baker (lith.), Lady Don (origi- nal drawing), I). H. Harkins in 9 characters, Mme. Ristori (3), Adolph Adam, (liorgio Ronconi, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paul, The Georgia Minstrels, Bunyan, by Wm. Sharp ; 18 autograph letters, 8 bills. Ireland — Hagan, IX. Miss Davenport-Lander (2 drawings), Jefferson as Rip, Wor- rell Sisters, Charley White, Charles Gounod (i.p.), Janauschck as Medea, Emil Devrient, Goethe (i.p.), 5 autograph letters, 7 bills. Ireland — Hagan, X. Ristori (3), Harriet Bcecher Stowe (folio), Ellis, Fanny Kemble, Mrs. Barney Williams, Mrs. Scott Siddons, F. C. Bangs, 12 autograph letters, 37 bills. Ireland — Hagan, XI. Lydia Thompson (i.p.), Pound, Frank Mayo, Catherine Lucette (drawing in colors), Cieorge Riddle, Mary Gary, Lingard, Mrs. Lingard, Charles Lecocq, Byron (folio), Harlow Meyer. Miss Marriott, Robert Butler, Hermann Hendrichs (i.p.). .i- ^■ Emmet, Gus. Williams, 11 autograph letters, 35 bills. 181 Ireland — Hagan, XII. E. L. Davenport as Benedick, Montague, Chas. Wyndham, Fech- ter as Hamlet, The Kiralfys, Mrs. James A. Gates, Willie Edouin, Mrs. Howard Paul, Fanny Davenport, Mitchell as Crummies (drawing in colors), 5 autograph letters, 30 bills. Ireland— Hagan, XIII. Bella Pateman (i.p.), Jenny Lee (i.p.), Yankee Robinson, Edward Righton (i.p.), Albert W. Aiken, Helen Dauvray when " Little Nell," 9 autograph letters, 42 bills. Ireland— Hagan, XIV. Gertrude Dawes (original drawing), Anna Mehlig, G. E. Locke in 7 characters, Frank Mayo, John Gilbert (proof), Coquelin, Mme. Jane Hading, James R. Anderson, Robson and Crane, 6 autograph letters, 68 bills (many on satin). Ireland — Hagan, XV. Clara Fisher as Richard III. (original drawing), Fanny Daven- port (original drawing), Mrs. John Drew (original drawing), Geo. Belmore, the Buckleys, John Davis, Helen Faucit, Geo. S. Knight, Mary Anne Keeley (original drawing), Fred'k Leslie, Mme. Fursch-Madi, 3 autograph letters, 17 bills. Ireland — Hagan, XVI. Edwin Forrest (original drawing), Walter Montgomery (original drawing), Mrs. Edwin Forrest (original drawing), Annie Pi.xley. Ernesto Rossi, Alexander Salvini, Tamberlik, Zelia Trebelli (i.p.), the Vokes, i autograph letter, 30 bills. 51 vols., imp. folio, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. 1744 Ireland. Records of the New York Stage. New York, 1866. 2 vols., 8vo, half russia. 1745 Ireland (Joseph N.). Mrs. Duff. Portraits. Boston, 1882. Large paper ; 100 printed. 4to, original covers. 1746 Ireland (Saml.). The Inns of Court. 21 colored plates. London, 1800. Large paper copy. Folio, half green morocco, ly^y Picturesque Views on the Avon. 32 plates of Stratford, etc., in aquatint. London, 1795. 8vo, calf. 1748 Ireland (W. H.). Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the hand and seal of William Shakespeare, including King Lear and a small fragment of Hamlet, from the original MSS. in the possession of Samuel Ireland. Facsimiles. London, 1796. Imix 4to, half morocco, uncut. [See Shakespeare.] 182 1749 Ireland Forgeries. Letter to Geo. Steevens, by James Boaden. 1796. Familiar Verses to Sammy Ireland. 1796. Ireland Vindication. 1796. Ireland's Catalogue. 1801. Henry II. 1799. Precious Relics. 1796. Comparative Review of Boaden, by Wyatt. 1796. Vortigern. 1832. Confessions. 1874. Free Reflections, by Waldron. 1796. Review of " An Inquiry." i860. Literary Forgeries, 3 tracts, v. d. Shakespeare's MSS. 1796. An Investigation of Malone's Claim. 1796. Double Intrigue. MS. 15 vols., 8vo, etc., half red levant. [See Shakespeare for the original forgeries, etc.] 1750 Ireland (W. H.). Chalcographimania ; or, the Portrait-Collector and Printseller's Chronicle. Portrait. London, 1814. Unique copy, with over 50 portraits, etc., inserted, including rare efifigies of Milton, Napoleon (colored), Sheridan, Caulfield, Despard, Granger, etc. 8vo, blue morocco extra, gilt edges. 1751 Scribbleomania ; or, the Printer's Devil's Polichronicon. A sublime poem, edited by Anser Pen-Drag-On. London, 1S15. 17 portraits inserted, including one of Tom Paine by ^L'lckenzie, after Richards. 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1752 Memoirs of Jeanne d'Arc. Portraits on India paper. London, 1824. Large paper copy ; 25 printed. With 39 portraits and views inserted. 2 vols., royal 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 1753 Irish Songs and Ballads. Mounted on (juarto sheets, v. d. 4to, cloth. 1754 Irving (Henry). A Criticism of a Critic's Criticism by an Irvingitc. London, 1883. i2mo, half green levant, gilt top. 1755 English Actors. Oxford, 1S86. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1S3 1756 Irving-Terry Supper. Extra-illustrated with 135 portraits, autograph letters of the various guests, the menu-card, and practically every detail connected with this entertainment. The following portraits are printed on satin : Aug. Daly the host, Ada Kehan, Charles Fisher, Mrs. Gilbert, James Lewis, and John Drew. Folio, half brown levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1757 Irving (Pierre M.). Life and Letters of Washington Irving. Plates. New York, 1883. Edition de luxe ; 300 printed. 3 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. 1758 Irving (W'asiiington). Works. Numerous steel portraits and other illustrations. New York, 186 1-7. 28 vols., square 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. lyc^g Works, viz. ; New York ; Conquest of Cranada ; The Alhambra ; Tales of a Traveller ; Astoria ; liracebridge Hall, and Sketch Book. Printed within colored borders, with numerous illustrations by Kemble, etc. New York, 1893-7. Editions de luxe. 14 vols., 8vo, cloth extra, gilt top, uncut edges. * 1760 Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Numerous illus- trations on steel and wood. New York, 1892. Limited to 402 copies. 3 vols., 4to, cloth, uncut. 1761 Life of George Washington. Steel plates and wood-cuts. New York, 1889. 5 vols., 4to, sheets folded, in boxes. 1762 History of New York. Illustrated by Darley. New York, 1850. 8vo, brown morocco. 1763 'I'he Alhambra. Illustrated by Darley. New York, 185 1. 8vo, half calf gilt. 1764 Tales of a Traveller. Darley's illustrations. New York, i860. 8vo, green morocco. 1765 Sketch Book. Darley's illustrations on India paper. New York, 1848. Svo, green morocco. 1766 The Land of Sleepy Hollow, by J. L. Williams. Fine photo- gravures, etc. New York, 1887. 600 copies printed. No. i. 4to, cloth, uncut. 184 1767 Irving (Washington). Rip Van Winkle. 6 illustrations by Darley. Cundall, L.ondon, i 1893 Kerr (John) and Woodworth (Saml.). Rip van Winkle. Philadelphia, n. d. The Deed of Gift. New York, 1822. i6mo, half calf. 1894 KILKENNY THEATRE. The Private Theatre of Kilkenny, with introductory observations on other Private Theatres in Ireland. Portraits. Dublin, 1825. Privately printed by Richard Power ; and this copy has an auto- graph inscription " to Wm. Pletcher Esq., from his friend James Corry." Unique copy, with over too portraits, scenes, and views inserted. 4to, half green levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1895 King's Theatre, Haymarket. Plan of the Bo.xes. London, 1791. i2mo, calf. 1896 Kingsley (Charles). Hypatia. Portrait and beautiful illustrations. New York, 1895. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1897 Kingston (Duchess of). Life and Memoirs of Elizabeth Chudleigh. \Vith the rare frontispiece portrait. London, 1789. i2mo, half red calf, gilt. I 1898 Kipling- (Rudycird). Writings in Prose and Verse. Portrait. New York, 1897-8. Outward-bound edition. 12 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1899 Works. Illustrated. With A Ken of Kipling, by W. M. Clemens. Portrait. Macmillan, etc., London and New York, 189S-9. 15 vols., i2mo, buckram, uncut. 1900 Barrack-Room Ballads, etc. Colored frontispiece, etc. New York, 1898. i2nio, cloth, uncut. 1901 Departmental Ditties. Typographical facsimile. New York, 1899. 250 copies printed. Folio, paper. 1902 Glossary to accompany Departmental Ditties. New York, 1899. i2mo, cloth, uncut. ip03 The Betrothed. Illustrated. New York, n. d. i6mo, boards, uncut. 1904 Under the Deodars. London, n. d. 8vo, half gray levant, with the original covers. ^905 ^ '^'^ Vampire. New York, 1898. 500 copies printed. ., 1 2 mo, half .gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1906 Kirkman (J. T.). Life of Charles Mackhn. Portraits : a few added. London, 1799. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. [See Macklin.] 1907 Kit-Kat Club. Memoirs of the Celebrated Persons, with 48 por- traits after Kneller, and, in addition, the Mezzotints of the first edition. London, 182 1. The mezzotint portraits are exceptionally fine impressions. Royal folio, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top. 1908 Another copy, with the 43 portraits issued willi this edition. London, 182 1. Folio, half morocco. 1909 Kitton (F. C.). '• Phiz" (Hablot Knight I'rowne), a Memoir. Portrait and plates. London, 1882. Unique copy. Many additional plates. 8vo, calf e.xtra. 1910 Knackfiiss (IL). Monographs on Raphael and Holbein. Illus- trated. Bielefeld, 1S99. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. ipii Knickerbocker Gallery. A Testimonial to the Editor of the Knickerbocker Magazine by its Contributors. Steel portraits. New York, 1855. Square 8vo, morocco antique, gilt edges. 1912 Another copy in morocco gilt. 1913 Knight (Chas.). London. Many hundred illustrations. London, 1851. 6 vols, in 3, royal 8vo, calf. 1914 London. Many hundred wood-cuts. London, 1841. Original edition. 6 vols., royal 8vo, half calf. 1915 Half Hours with the Best Authors. London, 1850. Unique copy, with 210 portraits inserted. 4 vols., 8vo, half green morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 1916 The Land we Live In. Wood-cuts. London, n. d. 4 vols., imp. 8vo, half morocco. 1917 and Martineau. History of England and Continuation. Numerous steel plates, wood -cuts, and (inserted) a set of Worthing- ton's Kings and Queens ; proofs on Lidia paper. London, 1846-9. 8 vols., royal 8vo, calf gilt. 1918 Knight (Joseph). David Garrick. Portrait. London, 1894. Large paper copy ; 100 printed. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1919 Theatrical Notes. 7 fine portraits. London, 1893. Royal 8vo., half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1920 Knight (R. P.). Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Mythology. 348 illustrations. New York, 1892. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1921 KNOWLES (James Sheridan). WORKS, with his Life, col- lected by, and privately i)rir.ted for, J. McHenry; revised and edited by Francis Harvey. Portraits and facsimiles. London, 1873-5. Only 25 copies printed at the Whittingham press. Comprises Lectures on Oratory, Gesture, etc.; Dramatic Works ; Tales and Novelettes ; Lectures on Dramatic Literature ; Genealogy of the Sheridan, Lefanu, and Knowles families. The Mackenzie copy, which sold in 1889 for ^31. 7 vols., 4to, red morocco extra, by Riviere. 202 1922 KNOWLES (James Sheridan). THE LIFE OF, by his son, Ricliard Brinsley Knowics. London, 1873. 25 copies privately printed. Unique, with water color portraits of Knowles (2), Mrs. Knowles, Mis$ Elphinstone, Mrs. Nisbett, Mrs. Glover, and Strickland ; fine engraved portraits of .Mathews, by Turner ; Mnie. Vestris, by Robinson and by Cochran ; Garrick as King Lear (mezzo- tint) ; Fanny Kemble, by Picart (India proof) ; C'has. Young as Hamlet (mezzotint) ; Mrs. Siddons ; Dora Jordan, bv Gg- borne ; Kean as Richard IIL; ("has. Dibdin (mezzotint); Kean as iMacbeth, by Meyer ; Macready as Virginiu.s, a quantity of colored portraits, etc. The autograph letters include interesting specimens from Charles Lamb, S. T. Coleridge, R. B. Sheridan, Edmund Kean, Mac- ready, Harley, Lord Anglesey ; a dedication to Hazlitt, by Knowles, mentioning Charles Lamb, ]. P. Kemble, Mrs. Sid- dons, C. M. Young, Fanny Kemble, Garrick, Macklin, Sir Walter Scott, Charles Kean, Charles Mathews, Tyrone Power, Dora Jordan, Mrs. Nisbett, Lord John Russell (3), Leigh Hunt, Buckstone, etc. ; many MSS. in the handwriting of Knowles, a copy of his marriage certificate, his will, etc. 2 vols., 4to, half brown morocco, uncut edges. 1922* A COLLECTION OF ANA ILLUSTRATIXCr THE LIFE OF JAMES SHERIDAN KNOWLES, to which are added his autograph letters and those of his friends ; portraits, views, etc., collected for James McHenry by Francis Harvey. London, 1874. Comprises water-color portraits of Knowles, by Wageman, with autograph inscription ; Mrs. Knowles, Mossop, David Ross, Reddish, Fanny Kemble, Knowles as Master Walter ; J. P. Kemble ; Shakespeare crowned, by Cipriani ; and some pencil drawings. Autograph letters of the Marquis of Bute, luirl of Carlisle, Char- lotte Cushman, Charles Dickens, John F"oster, Countess Guiccioli, Douglas Jerrold, Fanny Knowles (3), J. S. Knowles (65), Charles Lamb, W. S. Landor, Louise, Queen of the Bel- gians ; Hon. Mrs. Norton to Rogers (8) ; Samuel Rogers (poem) ; Laman Blanchard, J. B. Booth. B. R. Haydon. Le- fanu (2), Macready, Thos. Sheridan, Wm. Godwin, Bulwer Lytton, Louisa Marshall, E. R. Moran, Frances Sheridan, R. B. Sheridan, Duchess of Somerset, etc. The portraits include Miss Foote, by Picart ; Wycherley (mezzo- tint) ; Garrick, by Cochin ; Admiral Knowles (mezzotint) ; Mathews (mezzotint), by Turner; Tyrone Power (proof mezzotint) ; Macready as Virginius ; Alfieri, by Toschi ; Mrs. Yates (mezzotint) ; several portraits of Kean, etc. 3 vols., 4to, half brown morocco, uniform with above. 1923 The Hunchback, etc. London, 1834. 3 vols, in I, 8vo, blue morocco. 203 1924 Knowles (James Sheridan.) The Hunchback. Arranged b\' Aug. Daly. New York, 1893. Unique copy on large paper, with 20 original water-color draw- ings by Eugene Grivaz. Royal 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Stikeman. 1925 The Hunchback. Portrait of Fanny Kemble and Kernble play- bill inserted. London, 1832. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Notes by G- Furman on Miss Kemble and the above play. 1926 Kock (C. Paul de). Works : Tran.slated. Comprising The Modern Cymon [Jean] Girl with the Three Petticoats ; Love Under the Tiles, Man with Three Pair of Breeches ; The Bride ; Madame Pantaloons ; My Neighbor Raymond ; the Barber of Paris. London, 1833-40, etc. II vols., 8vo and post 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt tops. 1927 Sister Anne [also Cooper's Crater and Disraeli's Tancred]. London, etc., 1840. 3 vols, in 1, 8vo, half calf. 1928 Kotzebue (A. von). Life of. Portraits and autograph letter inserted. London, 1827. 2 vols., i2mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1929 Kugler (F.). Life of Frederick the Great. 500 illustrations. Lon- don, 1877. Royal 8vo, cloth. 1930 Labiche (E.). Theatre choisi. Illustrations by S. Arcos. Paris, 1895. Royal 8vo, cloth. 1931 La Bruyere. The Characters of. Translated by Henri Van Laun. 7 portraits and 17 vignettes ; etchings on China paper. London, 18S5. Only 300 copies printed. 8vo, half parchment, gilt top, uncut edges. 1932 Les Caracteres. Portrait and 18 etchings by Foulquier. Tours, 1S67. Royal 8vo, half morocco. 1933 Les C'aracteres de Theophraste, etc. Paris, 1769. 2 vols., i2mo, old green morocco. 1934 Characters ; or, the Manners of the Age. Translated, with a Key. London, 1699. Includes the Characters of Theophrastus. i2mo, calf gilt, gilt edges. 1935 Laborde (Cte. A. de). Versailles ancien et moderne. Illustrated. Paris, 1 84 1. Royal 8vo, morocco. 204 1936 Lace Album. 25 plates in facsimile of rare selected specimens. Lon- don, 18 — . Royal folio, half maroon levant morocco extra, gilt top. 1937 Lachner (F.). Costume und Decorationen der Oper. Catharina Cor- naro. Colored and tinted lithographs. Berlin, 1846. Oblong 4to, cloth. 1938 Lacroix (Paul). (Kuvres. Moyen Age. Arts, Sciences, et Litterature. Moeurs, etc., et Vie Militaire. Louis Xn. et Anne d'Autriche. XVIL Siecle. Lettres, Sciences et Arts, Institutions, etc. XV in. Siecle. Lettres, Sciences et Arts, Institutions, etc. Le Directoire. Many hundred illustrations, some in gold and colors. Paris, v. d. 10 vols., royal 8vo, half red morocco extra. 1939 Arts of the Middle Ages. 400 illustrations. London, n. d. Royal 8vo, cloth. 1940 Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages. Over 400 illus- trations. London, n. d. Royal Svo, cloth. 1941 Lacroux (J.). La Brique Ordinaire. Colored plates. Paris, 1878. Folio, cloth. 1942 Lacy's Acting Plays. A collection of over 500 plays as issued. Lon- don, V. d. It would be practically impossible to dui)licate this collection. 130 vols., i2mo, half morocco. 1943 La Farge (John). An Artist's Letters from Japan. Illustrated. New York, 1897. Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1944 Laffan (Mrs.). A Song of Jubilee and other poems. London, 18S7. Presentation copy from the author. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1945 La Fontaine (Jean de). Fables. Translated. With 25 etchings by Delierre. Boston [London], 1884. No. 122 of 250 copies. Royal 8vo, half vellum, gilt top. 1946 Lallemand (Ch.). Alger; Constantinople; Jc^rusalem ; Damas. Ulu.strated. Paris, n. d. 4to, cloth. 205 1947 LAMB (Charles). THE LETTERS OF. Newly arranged, with acUiitioiis. lulited, witli introduction and notes, by Alfred Ainger. London, iS88. Unique copy, inlaid from i2mo to folio, and illustrated by the insertion of nearly 400 portraits, views, autograph letters, and manuscripts. A collection of extraordinary value. The autograph letters include 58 from Charles Lamb, 40 ad- dressed to Thomas Manning, and 18 to S. T. Coleridge. I'he majority of these letters are of 3 and 4 folio ]">ages each, and they are. for the greater part, the originals of those printed in the book. Other interesting letters of Mary Lamb, etc., add to the value of this very important group. The portraits include fine mezzotints of Robert Burns, Chaucer, etc., and India proofs of Priestley, Ben Jonson, Gibbon, Amos Cottle, Johnson the publisher, John Howard Payne, Dr. Donne, Bunyan by Sharp, Isaac Walton, Sir Philip Sidney, and many others of equal value and importance. 2 vols., folio, half brown levant morocco extra, by Stikeman. 1948 Works. Portrait and vignette. INIoxon, London, 1852. Royal 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1949 Works. London, 1818. First collected edition. 2 vols., post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1950 etc. Poems on various subjects, by S. T. Coleridge [and others]. London, 1796. First edition. Foolscap 8vo, half green levant, gilt top. 1951 etc. Poems by S. T. Coleridge, to which are now added Poems by Charles Lamb and Charles Lloyd. Bristol, 1797. Foolscap 8vo, half green levant, gilt edges. 1952 etc. Blank Verse, by Charles Lloyd and Charles Lamb. Lon- don, 1798. First edition. Post 8vo, blue levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. 1953 etc. The Annual Anthology [including " Living without God," etc., by Lamb]. Bri-stol, 1799-1800. First edition. 2 vols., post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1954 J'>hn Woodvil, etc. London, 1802. First edition. Presentation copy from author to Ed. White, with autograph inscription. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 206 1955 [Lamb.] Tales from Shakespear. Plates by Blake after Mulready. London, 1807. First edition. 2 vols., i2mo, half green levant, gilt top. 1956 The Adventures of Ulysses. Frontispiece and engraved title. London, 1808. First edition. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1957 (Charles and Mary). Poetry for Children. Frontispieces. Lon- don, 1809. The excessive rarity of these volumes needs little exploitation. They may be unique in this state. 2 vols., lomo, original boards in blue levant case, extra tooling on back and sides. 1958 (Charles). Mrs. Leicester's School. Frontispiece. London, 1809. i2mo, half green levant, gilt top ; ink-stains on p. 32, etc. 1959 ^^^^- Leicester's School, etc. Notes by Ainger. London, 1885. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. i960 Prince Dorus. 9 plates. London, 181 t. First edition, of great rarity, and in a condition beyond criticism. i6mo, original boards, in red levant case. 1961 Beauty and the Beast. Plates and music score. London, n. d. Original edition, second only in point of rarity to Prince Dorus. i6mo, original boards, in half green levant case. 1962 Some Enquiries into the Effects of Fermented Liquors, by a Water-drinker [Basil Montague]. Portrait and plates. London, 1814. First edition. Lamb wrote the "Confessions of a Drunkard," pp. 201-216. Svo, half green levant, gilt edges. 1963 Elia. London, 1823. First edition. Crown 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1964 The Last Essays of Elia. Moxon, London, 1833. First edition. Crown 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1965 ]'>ssays of Elia. 9 plates. New York, 1833. Large paper copy ; 250 printed. 4to, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 207 1966 [Lamb.] Some Essays of Elia. Illustrated. London, n. d. Post Svo, cloth. 1967 Essays of Elia. Notes, etc., by Ainger. London, 1S87. I'ost Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1968 Eliana. The hitherto uncollected writings of Charles Lamb Portrait. London, 1867. Post Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1969 Rejected Articles. London, 1826. Second edition. Commences with " An Unsentimental Journey,' by C. L. Crown Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1970 Album Verses, etc. London, 1830. First edition. Post Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1971 Prose Works. London, 1836. First collected edition. 3 vols., crown Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1972 Letters ; with Life, by T. N. Talfourd. Portrait. London, 1837. 2 vols., crown Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1973 Letters of ; with Life, bv T. N. Talfourd. Moxon, London. 1837- Unique copy. Over 50 portraits inserted. 2 vols., crown Svo, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1974 Final Memorials of Charles Lamb, by T. N. Talfourd. London, 1S48. 2 vols., crown Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1975 Charles Lamb : A Memoir, by Barry Cornwall. Portraits. London, 1866. Svo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1976 A Memoir, by Barry Cornwall [Procter]. Portrait. T-ondon, 1S66 Letters and portrait of author inserted. Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 1976* A Memoir of, by Barry Cornwall. Portraits. London. 1S66, The original proof sheets, with the author's MS. corrections and the pertinent note, " Printer waits for copy," on p. 191. 8vo, limp morocco. 1977 (Mary and Charles Lamb). Poems, Letters and Remains. Por- traits, etc., with notes, etc., by W. C. Hazlitt. London, 1874. Large paper copy. 4to, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 208 1978 [Lamb.] Poems, Letters, and Remains, collected by \V. C. Hazlitt. Numerous illustrations. New York [London], 1874. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1979 Poems, Plays, and Miscellaneous Essays. Notes by Ainger. London, 1884. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1980 Tales from Shakespeare. Edited by Ainger. London, 1887. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1981 In the Footprints of Charles Lamb, by B. E. Martin. Illus- trated. New York, 1890. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut edges. 1982 (Charles and Mary). Poems, Letters, and Remains. By W. Carew Hazlitt. Illustrated. London, 1874. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. [See also White (J.).] 1983 Lamb and Jerrold. Bon-Mots. Edited by B. Jerrold, with gro- tesques by Aubrey Beardsley. London, 1893. i2mo, half gray levant morocco, gilt top. uncut edges. 108-^ LAMB (Martha J.). IirSTORY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Unique copy. Illustrated with 9S0 portraits, views, and auto- graphs. New Amsterdam (1671), from Ogilvy ; Cordon Saltonstall ; Jonathan Edwards, by Trotter ; Sir Wm. John- son ; Robert Monckton ; Rev. Aaron Burr ; Samuel John- son, D.I)., by Lene\' ; load Loudoun ; Benj. Franklin ; Ceneral Wolfe ; autograph letter of Wm. Bayard ; auto- graph letter of Thos. Cage ; dated signature of Wm. Tryon ; Hamilton, by Hoogland ; Lord Howe, from Impartial History ; Lord Dartmouth, from Westminster Magazine ; Cage, by Pol- lard ; Egbert Benson (i.p.), by Burt ; Mathew Clarkson, after Stuart ; Burgoyne, by Brocas : Ceneral Warren, from Polyan- thos; Chas. Lee, from Impartial History; David Wooster (a scarce German print) ; Tom Paine, by Loosjes ; Washington, from Impartial History ; also Putnam ; Hell Cate, 1778 ; Jos. Brant ; Reed, by Prcvost ; also autograph letter ; Hancock, from Impartial History ; Ale.x. McDougall (i.d.) ; Ceneral Howe, from Impartial History ; autograph letter of Aaron Ogden ; dated signature of John Bayard ; autograph letter of Alexander Hamilton as Aide-de-Camp, April 12,1777 ; Colum- bia College, from Mirr-or ; dated signature of Cuy Carleton ; Cornwallis, by Bartolozzi ; Hon Wm. Heath ; Couverneur Morris, scratched letters by B. B. Iv; autograph letter of Ceo. Clinton, April, 1783 ; autograph letter of Peter A. Jay ; dated signatures of Arthur Lee and Samuel Osgood ; Steuben ; scratch letters, B. B. E. ; Andre, by Cook ; D'Estaing. fine French por- trait ; Admiral Byron ; dated signature of Rochanibeau ; Jos. Thacher (lith.), by Pendleton ; autograph letter of Thos. Jeffcr- 14 209 son (2) ; Dr. Chas. McKnight ; letter of Edw. Livingston ; autograph letter of Robt. IMorris ; Dickenson, by Reading ; ^^■asilington, by Pekenino (dark background) ; autograph letter of Jed. Morse ; autograph letter of John Jay ; autograph let- ter of Albert Gallatin ; Dr. Samuel Bard, by Main ; Dr. John Bard, by Leney ; autograph letter of Dr. Bethune ; auto- graph letters of Jcsiah Quincy, 1829 ; Rev. Nulledoler, by Durand ; Rev. Wm. W, Phillips (4t()) ; autograph letter of Nicholas Fish, 1777; General Wadsworth ; "Captain" David Porter, by Gimbrede ; Jacob Jones and Isaac Hull, by Edwin ; Commodore Rodgers, from Polyanthos ; autograph letter of Cadwallader ; D. Colden ; autograph letter of Alex. Macomb ; dated signature of Andrew Jackson, 1813 ; Stephen Price ; autograph letter of DeWitt Clinton ; Hon. Wm. Paulding, by Durand ; autograph letter (2 pp.), 1818, of Lafayette ; Philip Hone, by Durand ; autograph letter of Andrew Jackson, 1829 ; autograph letter of Bishop Onderdonk ; autograph letter of Van Pjuren ; autograph letter of Thurlow Weed ; autograph letter of Samuel V. R. Morse ; autogra]ih letter of John A. Dix ; Samuel B. Ruggles (4to) ; Webster, unfinished proof ; Lincoln (i.p.b.l.) ; the Peabody views, many on India paper ; the Bourne views (India proofs), and a large number of private plates by Hall, Rosenthal, etc. 7 vols., 8vo, 1887, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt backs and top, edges uncut. 1985 La Menagerie Imperiale. 31 colored caricatures of Napoleon and his followers. Paris, n. d. Royal 8vo, boards. 1986 Lampadius (W. A). Life of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. 30 por- traits, etc., inserted. London, 1876. 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 1987 Lancaster (A. E.). "All's Dross but Love." New York, 1889. Presentation copy from the author. i6mo, cloth. 1988 Landon (M. 1).). "Eli Perkins." Kings of the Platform and Pulpit. Illustrated. Chicago, 1890. Presentation copy from the compiler. 8vo, half morocco. 1989 Landriani (P.). Osservazioni sui difetti prodotti nei Theatre. Nu- merous folded plates. Milano, 1813. 4to, half red levant, gilt top. 1990 Landseer. Monkeyana ; or. Men in Miniature. 26 fine etchings. Proofs on India paper. London, 1827. Royal folio, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 210 IQpI Lane (R. J.). Theatrical Sketches. 50 fine portraits, proofs on India paper, colored. London, 1838. 4to, cloth. 1992 Lang (Andrew). The Library. Illustrated. London, iSSi. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top. 1993 Much Darker Days. By A. Hugh Longway. London, 1884. Post 8yo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1994 Ballads and Verses Vain. New York, 1884. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1995 Books and Bookmen. Illustrated. New York, 1886. Large paper ; 100 printed. ' ' Svo, boards, uncut. 1996 Books and Bookmen. Illustrated. New York, 1886. i3mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1997 Johnny Nut and the Golden Goose. From the French of C. DeuUn. Illustrated. London, 1887. Imp. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 1998 Aucassin and Nicolete. London, 18S7. Post Svo, blue levant. 1999 Rhymes a la Mode. London, 1887. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2000 Ballads of Rooks. London, 1888. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2001 Grass of Parnassus. Rhymes Old and New.' London, 1888. Large paper copy ; 113 printed. Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2002 Ed. Euter[)e. Being the Second Book of the Famous History of Herodotus. Frontispiece. London, 1888. Crown Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2003 Euterpe. Being the Second Book of the Famous Historv <,r Herodotus. Large paper copy ; 50 printed, with the plates in two states. Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2004 Ed. Perrault's Popular Tales. Portrait. Oxford, 1S88. Square Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut cdgcr;. 2005 The Blue Fairy Book. Illustrated. London, 1889. Large paper copy ; 113 printed. Royal Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 211 2006 Lang and Sylvester. The Dead Leman, and other Tales, etc. New York [London], 1889. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2007 Lang (Andrew). Letters on Literature. London, 1889. Large paper copy ; 113 printed. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2008 Ed. The Red Fairy Book. Illustrated. London, 1890. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2009 Old Friends. Frontispiece. London, 1890. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2010 How to Fail in Literature. London, 1890. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2011 The lilue Poetry Book. Illustrated. London, 1891. Large paper copy ; 150 printed. Royal 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2012 Angling Sketches. Etchings, etc. London, 1891. Large paper copy ; 150 printed. Royal 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2013 The Library. Illustrated. London, 1892. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2014 The Green Fairy Book. Illustrated. London, 1892, Post 8va, half gray levant, gilt edges. 2015 Helen of Troy. Her life, and translation done into Rhyme from the Greek Books. Portland, 1892. i2mo, boards. 2016 St. Andrews. Illustrated by T. Hodge. London, 1893. Large paper copy ; 107 printed. 4to, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2017 Lang and Kirk. The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies. Frontispiece in two states. London, 1893. Large paper copy ; 50 printed. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2018 Lang (Andrew). Homer and the Epic. London, 1S93. Large paper copy ; 107 printed. Royal Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2019 The True Story Book. Illustrated. London, 1893. Large paper copy ; 150 printed. Royal 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. i 2020 Lang (Andrew). The True Story Book. London, 1893. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2021 Ban and Arriere Ban. Frontispiece. London, 1894. Large paper copy; 70 printed. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2022 Ballads and Lyrics of Old France. With other poems. Port- land, 1S96. Japan paper copy ; 100 printed. i2mo, boards. 2023 Pickle the Spy. Portraits. London, 1897. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2024 The Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbois. Chicago, 1897. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top. uncut edges. 2025 The Pink Fairy Book. Illustrated. New York, 1897. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt edges. 2026 Modern Mythology. London, 1897. Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2027 A Collection of Ballads. Illustrated. London, 1897. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2028 The Book of Dreams and Ghosts. London, 1897. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2029 Helen of Troy. Mosher, Portland, 1897. Japan paper copy ; 100 printed. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2030 The Nursery Rhyme Book. Illustrated by Brooke. London, 1898. Crown Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2031 The Pleasures of Literature and the Solace of Books. Compiled by Joseph Shaylor. Introduction by Andrew Lang. London, 1898. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2032 Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia. Illustrated. Bristol, n. d. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2033 Langbain, etc. Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Pocls. London, 1699. Svo, half calf 213 2034 Langton (Robt.). Childhood and Youth of Charles Dickens. Nu- merous illustrations. Manchester, 1883. Large paper copy, with many plates inserted. 4to, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edi^es. [See Dickens.] 2035 Lansdowne (Lord Geo.). Life of A\illiam Wycherley. London, 17 18. 8vo, half morocco. 2036 Lante. Galerie Fran^aise de Femmes Celebres. 54 full-length por- traits, colored. Paris, 1827. 4to, half cloth. 2037 Larchey (L.). Dictionnaire de I'Argot Parisien. Wood-cut illustra- tions. Paris, 1872. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 2038 Lark (The). Illustrated. San Francisco, 1896-7. 2 vols., i2mo, buckram, uncut. 2039 Larwood (Jacob). Theatrical Anecdotes. London, 1882. Post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top. 2040 Story of the London Parks. Colored and other illustrations. London, n. d. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 2041 LARWOOD and HOTTEN. HISTORY OF SIGNBOARDS. London, 1868. Unique. Under the special printed title of Old London Illus- trated, but with the above text as a basis, an astonishing book has been here built on the Hostelries of the metropolis and vicinity. The illustrations exceed 500, and comprise no less than 115 original water-color drawings of rare excellence, executed by Wilson, the assistant of Birket Foster, for Mr. Dodshon Foster. The following details indicate in part the great value of these volumes : Original water-color drawings of the King's Arms (both at South- wark and Fulham), the Green Dragon, White Hart, Gun Tav- ern, Grapes Tavern, Rose and Crown, Spread Eagie, Three Tuns. One Tuti, Yorkshire House, Bald Hind, Stag, Fox and Hounds, White Horse Shoe, Nag's Head, the George (both at Snow Hill and Bishopgate), Old Blossom, Catherine Wheel, Queen's Head and Artichoke, Three Nuns, White Horse, Lion and French Horn, Jews Harp, Load of Hay, Fox and Crown, Running Footman, Two Chairmen, Goat in Boots, Old Bell and P.lack Bull, Bell Inn, Bell Tavern, The Bell, I'.elle Sauvage, Castle and Falcon, Chequers, Crooked Billet, Half Moon (2), Old Toy, Old Folly, Blue Posts, Boar's Head (2), Cock and Pie (2), .Star and Garter, Magpie and Stump, Goose and Gridiron, Three Herrings, etc. Colored prints of Vauxhall and Ranelagh Gardens, 6 views by Hollar, the Bartholomew 214 Fair Fan, curious book-plates and business cards, original numbers of the Tatler, etc. Portraits of Dr. Arne, by Bartolozzi ; Dighton's colored carica- ture of Pitt the Younger ; mezzotint of the Rev. James Hack- man ; Thomas Paine, by Sharpe ; mezzotints of Samuel Scott, by Faber ; of Lord Anson, and Dr. Garth ; Titus Gates, by Nut- ting ; Lord George Gordon, by Bran ; Shuter, drawing by Harding ; Burns, by Thomson ; Dr. Donne, by xMerian ; Ga- briel Hunt and Ben Read, by Hogarth ; mezzotints of John Wilkes, Hans Sloane, Kneller, Vanbrugh, Marlborougli, Broughton the Boxer, Geo. Lambert, Wren, Parnell, Mrs. Voss, and other valuable plate;-. 6 vols., folio, half green morocco. 2042 Lasserre. Notre Dame de Lourdes, Printed within engraved bor- ders, and further illustrated with colored plates, etc. Paris, 189 1. Royal 8vo, original covers, uncut. 2043 Lathrop (Geo. P.). Spanish Vistas. Illustrated by Chas. S. Rein- hart. New York, 1883. 4to, cloth. 2044 Dreams and Days. New York, 1892. 8vo, cloth. 2045 Dreams and Days. Poems. New York, 1892. Presentation copy from the author. i2mo, calf. 2046 Lathrop (Geo. P. and Rose H.). A Story of Courage. Annals of the Georgetown Convent. Illustrated. Cambridge, 1895. Edition de luxe. Svo, cloth, uncut. 2047 Lauw (Louisa). Fourteen Years with Adelina Patti. London, 1884. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 2048 Lavalette (Count). Memoirs of. Portrait. Philadelphia, 1894. Large paper copy ; 125 printed. Royal Svo, cloth, uncut. 2049 Lavater (Gaspard). L'Art de Connaitrc Ics I lomnics par la I'hysiog- nomie. Several hundred engravings. Paris, 1806. Large paper copy. 10 vols, 4to, boards. 2050 Lawrence (R. M.). The Magic of the Horse-Shoe, etc. Boston, 189b. 8vo, cloth. 21S 2051 Lawrence (W. J.). Life of Gnstavus Vaughan Brooke. Portrait. Belfast, 1892. Only 500 copies printed. Royal 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2052 Lawson (John). History of Carolina. Large map, mounted. Lon- don, I 7 14. 4to, half calf antique, rare. 2053 Layard (George Somes). Tennyson and his Pre-Raphaelite Illustrators. Illustrated. London, 1894. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2054 Lea's British Drama and Theatrical Portrait Gallery. Wood- cuts. London, n. d. 3 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 2055 Leathes (Edmund). An Actor Abroad. London, 1880. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2056 Lechevallier-Chevignard. Costumes Historiques de Femmes. 122 colored plates, including the Supplement. Paris, 1889. 4to, half brown levant, gilt top. 2057 Ledwich (Edward). Antiquities of Ireland. Plates on copper. Dub- lin, 1790. 4to, boards, uncut. 2058 Lee (Henry). Memoirs of a Manager. Taunton, 1830. 2 vols., 8vo, panelled calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 2059 Lee (Sidney). Life of William Shakespeare. Portraits, etc. New York, 1898. i2mo, cloth, uncut. 2060 Lee (S, L.). Stratford-onAvon, from the earliest times to the death of William Shakespeare. 45 illustrations by E. Hull. London, 1885. Proof copy. Imp. 4to, vellum boards, uncut. 2061 Leech (John). Mr. Briggs and his Doings. 12 colored plates from the original drawings. London, n. d. Oblong 4to, half maroon levant morocco, gilt back, with the orig- inal covers. 2062 Lefanu (Alicia). Memoirs of Mrs. Frances Sheridan. Portraits; some inserted. London, 1824. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2063 Le Gallienne (Richard). English Poems. London, 1892. Large paper. No. 120 of 150 copies. Autograph signature. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 216 2064 • Le Gallienne (Richard). The Quest of tb.e Golden (jiil. London. i8g6. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 2065 Legouve (E.). Sixty Years of Recollections. Translated by Albert D. Vandam. London, 1S93. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2066 Leland (C. G.). Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling. Illustrated. New York, 1891. Royal Svo, cloth. 2067 Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition. Illustrated. London, 1892. Large paper copy ; 100 printed. 4to, cloth, uncut. 2068 Leman (Walter M.). Memories of an Old Actor. Portrait. San Francisco, 1886. i2mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2069 Lemazurier (P. D.). Galerie Historique des Acteurs du Theatre Frangaise. Paris, 1810. Unique copy, with 85 portraits inserted, some very rare, and 15 water-color drawings. 2 vols., Svo, half orange morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 2070 Lempriere, Classical Dictionary. New York, 1875. i6mo, cloth. 2071 Lennox (Lord W. P.). Plays, Players and Playhouses. London, 18S1. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2072 Plays, Players and Playhouses. Numerous inserted plates. London, 1881. 2 vols., crown Svo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2073 Fashion then and now. London, ^878. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 2074 Lennox (Lord and Lady). Mysterious Proceedings at Covent (iarden Theatre. Frontispiece. London, 18 — . Svo, half morocco. 2075 Lenox (Mrs.). Shakespear Illustrated. London. 1753. 3 vols., i2mo, calf. 2076 Leonard (John F.). A Peep behind the Curtain. Boston, 1850. i2mo, half red levant, gilt top. 2077 Leonard. Hairdresser to Marie-Antoinette. Souvenirs. Translated. etc., by A. T. de Mattos. Portraits. London, 1897. 250 copies privately printed. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 217 2078 Leroux (Hugh). Les Jeux du Cirque et la Vie foraine. Colored illustrations by Gamier. Paris, 18 — . 4to, cloth. 2079 Le Sage. Gil Bias. Plates bj' Smirkc. London, 1859. Post 8vo, cloth. 2080 Asmodeus ; or, the Devil on Two Sticks, with Life by Jules janin, translated by Thomas. Illustrated edition, with numerous spirited engravings by Tony Johannot. London, 1841. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 2081 Another copy. Half vellum. 2082 Les Cinq Cens. 15 fine proof plates, from original paintings by ancient and modern painters. Royal folio, cloth. 2083 Les Evangiles des Dimanches et Fetes de TAnnee, suivis de Prieres a la Sainte Vierge et aux Saints, texte revu par M. I'Abb^ Delaunay. 2 vols. Appendice. Comprising a History of the Ornamentation of MSS. by M. Ferdinand l^enis ; an Account of the Breviary of Cardinal (irimani ; Biographical Notices of celebrated Miniaturists, including Jehan Foucquet, Hans Memling, the Master of 1466, Attavante, etc. ; and Description of the Ornamentation of the f-A^angiles. Pro- fusely illustrated with vignettes, ornamental wood-engraved borders, facsimiles of early wood-cuts, etc. Paris, 1864. The work is elegantly printed in antique characters from type cast for the purpose, and interlined with gold and colors. Every page (over 400) ornamented with illuminated borders in gold and colors ; upwards of 150 large miniatures, and several hundred vignettes, initial letters, etc., of the most beautiful de- sign and exec\]tion, representing the principal epochs of the art of the miniaturists. There are included specimens of the work of Albert Diirer, Hans Memling, Jean Foucquet, Beato An- gelico da Fiesole, Antonio di Girolamo, Girolamo da Cremona, and Greek and Byzantine artists ; also from the Bible of Mat- thias Corvin, and the Dante of (jiulio Clovis, in the Vatican. 3 vols., imp. Bvo, red levant morocco extra, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Petit. 2084 Lester (J. E.). The Napoleon Dynasty. 20 portraits. New York, 1 85 2. Bvo, cloth. 2084* Lettres et les Arts. Revue Illustree. With many hundred fine illustrations, both in black and colors. Paris, 1886-9. 16 vols., 4to, half red morocco. 21S THE FOLLOWING FIRST EDITIONS OF LEVER ARE GILT TOP, UNCUT EDGES. 2085 Lever (Charles). Harry Lorrequer. Plates by Phiz. Dublin, 1839. First edition. Svo, half maroon levant. 2086 Charles O'Malley. Plates by Phiz. Dublin, 1841. First edition. 2 vols., Svo, half maroon levant. 2087 Jack Hinton. Plates by Phiz. Dublin, 1843. First edition. Svo, half maroon levant. 2088 Arthur O'Leary. Plates by Phiz. London, 1844. First edition. 3 vols., crown Svo, half maroon levant. 2089 Tom Burke of " Ours." Plates by Phiz. Dublin, 1844. First edition. 2 vols., Svo, half maroon levant. 2090 The O'Donoghue. Plates by Phiz. Dublin, 1845. First edition. Svo, half maroon levant. 2091 St. Patrick's Eve. Plates by Phiz. London, 1845. First edition. Post Svo, half maroon levant. 2092 Nuts and Nutcrackers. Plates by Phiz. London, 1845. First edition. Post Svo, half maroon levant. 2093 Tales of the Trains. Cuts by Phiz. London, 1845. First edition. 12 mo, half maroon levant. 2094 The Knight of Gwynne. Plates by Phiz. London, 1847. First edition. Svo, half maroon levant. 2095 Horace Templeton. London, 1848. First edition. 2 vols., crown Svo, half maroon levant. 2096 Roland Cashel. Plates by Phiz. London, 1850. First edition. Svo, half maroon levant. 219 2097 Lever (Charles). Confessions of Con Cregan. Plates by Phiz. I ondon, n. d. First edition. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half maroon levant. 2098 The Daltons. Plates by Phiz. London, 1852. First edition. 2 vols., Svo, half maroon levant. 2099 The Dodd Family Abroad. Plates by Phiz. London, 1854. First edition. Svo, half maroon levant. 210C Christmas Day. London, 1854. First edition. Post 8vo, half red morocco. 2101 Sir Jasper Carew. London [1855]. First edition. Post 8vo, half maroon levant. 2102 Maurice Tiernay. London [1855]. First edition. Post 8vo, half morocco levant. 2103 The Martins of Cro' Martin. Plates by Phiz. London, 1856.. First edition. 8vo, half maroon levant. 2104 The Fortunes of Glencore. London, 1857. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, half maroon levant. 2105 Davenport Dunn. Plates by Phiz. London, 1859. First edition. Svo, half maroon levant. 2106 ' One of Them. Plates by Phiz. London, 1861. First edition. Svo, half- maroon levant. 2107 A Day's Ride. London, 1863. First edition. 2 vols., post Svo, half maroon levant. 2108 Karrintrton. Plates by Phiz. London, 1863. First edition. Svo, half maroon levant. 2lOp Lever (Charles). Cornelius O'Dowd. Edinburgh, 1864. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, half maroon levant. 2110 Luttrell of Arran. Plates by Phiz. London, 1865. First edition. 8vo, half maroon levant. 2111 Tony Butler. Edinburgh, 1865. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, half maroon levant. 2112 Sir Brooke Fossbrooke. Edinburgh, 1866. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, half maroon levant. 21 13 The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly, London, 1S68. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, half maroon levant. 2114 That Boy of Norcott's. Illustrated. London, 1869. First edition. 8vo, half maroon levant. 2115 Lord Kilgobbin. London, 1872. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, half maroon levant. 21 16 Gerald Fitzgerald. Harper,- New York, n. d. First edition. 8vo, original covers. 21 17 Life of, by W. J. Fitzpatrick. London, 1879. First edition. 2 vols., 8vo, half maroon levant. 21 18 Levy (Arthur). The Private Life of Napoleon. Portrait. London, 1894. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. 2119 Lewes (Charles Lee). Memoirs of, by himself. London, 1805. 4 vols., post 8vo, boards, uncut. 2120 Comic Sketches. Portrait by 1 lopwood. London, 1S04. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2121 Lewes (Geo. Henry). Actors and the .'\rt of Acting. London, 1875. Post 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2122 I-ife of Robesinerre London, 1849. Unique copy, with 80 portraits, etc., inserted. Crown 8vo, red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 221 2123 Lewes (Geo. Henry.) Rose, Blanche, and Violet. 3 vols. 1848. Ranthorpe. i vol. 1847. First editions. London, 1847-8. Together, 4 vols., crown 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 2124 Aristotle. A chapter from the History of Science. London, 1864. 8vo, cloth. 2125 Life of Goethe. Portrait. London, 1864. 8vo, half calf gilt. 2126 Liber Scriptorum, The First Book of the Author's Club, with original articles signed by the writers. Author's Club, New York, 1893. 251 copies printed ; over 100 autographs. 4to, brown morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 2127 Life. From the commencement. Profusely illustrated. New York, 1883-98. 32 vols., 4to, half bound. 2128 Life's Calendar. Profusely illustrated. New Y'ork, 1891-2-6. Numbers i to 13, and the Christmas number for 1896. 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, with the original wrappers. 2129 Life's Comedy. The American Girl ; Sweethearts and Lovers ; I'he American Family ; Our Bachelors, and Out-of-Doors. Illustrated by Gibson, etc. New York, 1896-7. 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, with the original wrappers. 2130 Lilly (Wm.). Life and Times of. Portraits. London, 1822. Unique copy, with 117 plates inserted, many of considerable rarity. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 2131 Listen. Liston's Drolleries. 6 colored portraits. London, n. d. Post 8vo, half citron levant*, gilt top. 2132 Litchfield (F.). Illustrated History of Furniture. Numerous illustra- tions. London, 1892. Royal 8vo, cloth. 2133 LITTA. FAMIGLIE CELEBRI ITALIANE. Illustrated with many thousand finely colored and other portraits, coats-of-arms, medals, monuments, etc., some heightened with gold and silver. Milano, 1819-55. 9 vols., royal folio. 2134 Liverseege (Henry). Engravings from the Works of. 37 fine mez- zotint plates. London, 1836. Royal folio, blue morocco gilt. Locker-Lampson (Frederick). My Confidences. Numerous por- traits inserted. London, 1S96. Contains an account of the famous (iibbs extra-illustrated Bible, now in Oswego, and improved beyond recognition. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Lyra Elegantiarum. Portrait. London, 1891. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Selection from the Works of. Illustrated by Doyle. London, 1868. Post 8vo, half morocco. Lockhart (J. C.). Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. Edin- burgh, 1847. Unique copy, with no portraits and views inserted. 2 vols., royal 8vo, purple morocco. [See Scott.] Ledge (Ed.). Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great P.ritain. 240 line plates. London, 1821-34. 4 vols., royal folio, half maroon morocco. Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. 240 fine plates. London, 1835. Large paper copy ; proofs on India paper. 12 vols., 4to, half maroon morocco. Loftie (W. J.). London City. Profusely illustrated by Luker. Lon- don, 1891. Large paper copy. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut. London City ; its history, streets, traffic, buildings, and people. Profusely illustrated by Luker. London, 1S91. Large paper copy. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut. Kensington, Picturesque and Historical. 300 illustrations, some colored, by W. Luker, Jr. London, il Proof copy ; No. 29 of 50 printed. Imp. 8vo, brown morocco. Kensington, Picturesque and Historical. With 300 illu.strations by Luker, some colored. London, 1888. Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. 2146 Logan (Olive). Before the Footlights. Portraits, etc. Philadelphi;i 1870. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2147 Lomenie (L. de). Beaumarchais and his times. London, 1S56. 4 vols., crown 8vo, half vellum extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 223 2148 LONDON ILLUSTRATED, An extraordinary collection of Views, Portraits, Maps, Plans, etc., connected with the History and Antiquities of London, divided into sections, each volume devoted to a specific feature of the great metropolis. The views and maps date back to the sixteenth century, and some of the engravings are by Hollar. Many of the portraits are in mezzotint, and a large number of the views are colored, in- cluding caricatures of great rarity. 37 vols., imp. folio, half maroon morocco. 2149 London and its Environs Described. Map, and copper-plate illustrations by Wale. Dodsley, London, 1761. 6 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. 2150 London Journal ('rhc). Complete from its commenceinent. Lon- don, 1845-74. 59 vols., 4to, cloth. 2151 London Stage. Our Portrait (iallery, etc. Wood-cut caricatures. London, 18 — . 8vo, half red levant, gilt top. 2152 Lonergan (W. F.). Historic Churches of Paris. Illustrated. New York [London], 1896. 4to, cloth. 2153 Long ((jeo.). France and its Revolutions ; 1 789-1848. Illustrations on steel and wood. Knight, London, 1850. Imp. 8vo, half russia, gilt top. 2154 Longfellow (H. W.). Writings of. Portraits, etc. Cambridge, 1886. II vols., 8vo, boards, uncut ; 500 copies printed. No. 173. 2155 ^"'^6 '^f' '^"'^ Final Memorials, by Samuel Longfellow. Portraits. Boston, 1886-7. Large paper copy ; 300 printed. 3 vols., royal 8vo, boards, uncut. ' 2156 Miscellaneous Poems selected from the United States Gazette. Boston, 1826. Contains 14 of Longfellow's early poems. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2157 Syllabus de la (irammaire Italienne. Boston, 1832. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top. 2158 Outrc-Mer. New York, 1835. First edition. 2 vols., i2mo, half gray levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 224 2159 Longfellow (H. W.). Voices of the Night. Cambridge. 1839. First edition. i6ino, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2160 ■ The Bowdoin Poets. Edited by Edward P. Weston. Frontis- pieces. Brunswick, 1840-9. Contains original contributions by Longfellow. 2 vols., i2mo, half gray levant morocco, gilt top. 2161 liallads and other Poems. Cambridge, 1842. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2162 The Spanish Student. A Play. Cambridge, 1843. First edition. 1 2 mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2163 The Waif. Cambridge, 1845. First edition. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt edges. 2164 The Belfry of Bruges, etc. Cambridge, 1846. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2165 Editor. The Estray. Boston, 1847. First edition. i6mo, half graj^ levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2166 Kavanagh. Boston, 1849. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2167 • The Seaside and the Fireside. Boston, 1850. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2168 The (lolden Legend. Boston, 1851. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2169 The Golden Legend. Boston, 1857. This edition has several pages of notes at the end. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2170 The Song of Hiawatha. Boston, r855. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2171 Poems and Prose Works. Portrait. Boston, 1857. 4 vols., 24mo, half gray levant, gilt top. uncut edges. 15 225 2172 Longfellow (H. W.). The Courtship of Miles Standish. Boston. 1858. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2173 Tales of a Wayside Inn. Boston, 1S63. First edition, i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2174 The Divine Comedy of Dante. Translated by H. W. Long- fellow. Boston, 1867. First edition. 3 vols., royal 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2175 Flower-de-Luce. Boston, 1867. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt edges. 2176 The Divine Tragedy. Boston, 1871. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2177 Three Books of Song. Boston, 1872. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top. 2178 Aftermath. Boston, 1873. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top. 2179 ^^^ Masque of Pandora, etc, Boston, 1875. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top. 2180 The Skeleton in Armor. Illustrated by Anthony. Boston, 1S7 7, First edition. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt edges. 2181 Keramos, etc. Boston, 1878. First edition. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top. 2182 Early Poems, collected, etc., by R. H. Shepherd. Pickering, London, 1878. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2183 Ultima Thule ; In the Harbor. Portrait. Boston, 1880-2. First edition. 2 vols., i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 226 2184 Longfellow H. W.). The Longfellow Collector's Hand-book [by Beverley Chewj. New York, 1885. Only 250 copies i)rinted. i6nio, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2185 "The City and the Sea," with other contributions [by Long- fellow, etc.]. Cambridge, 1881. Small 4to, half gray levant, gilt top. 2186 Seventy-fifth Birthday ; Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society. Portrait. Portland, 1882, etc. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2187 Evangeline. With 23 original illustrations, by Frank Dicksee. Proofs on India paper. London, 18 — . Royal 4to, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 2188 Longus, Daphnis and Chloe ; with an Introduction by Jules Claretie. illustrated by Raphael Collin. Boston, 18 — . Japan paper copy; ico printed, with the large plates in three states. Royal Svo, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 2189 Daphnis and Chloe. Plates after Prudhon, Gerard, etc. Lon- don, n. d. 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2190 Loomis (Chester). New Mother Goose Pictures. New York, 1898. 4to, boards. 2191 Lossing (B. J.). Cyclopaedia of United States History. 1,000 engrav- ings. New York, 1893. 2 vols., royal Svo, half morocco. 2192 Mary and Martha, Mother and Wife of George Washington. Illustrated. New York, 1886. i2mo, cloth. 2IQ3 The Home of Washington. Mount Vernon. Illustrated. New York, n. d. 8vo, brown morocco, gilt edges. 2194 Lotus (The). Vol. r. No. i ; Vol. 3, No. 11. Nov., 1895 ; Nov.. 1897 Illustrated. Kansas City, 1895-97. 3 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 2195 Louvre (Musee du). Modeles d'Art Decoratif. Over 50 plates. Paris 1S82. Royal folio, original cover. 2196 Love (James). Poems on Several Occasions. Edinburgh, 1754. Svo, half-green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 227 2197 Love Affairs of Some Famous Men. New York, 1897. i2mo, cloth, uncut. 2198 Love Songs of France. From the orio^inals of De Musset, Gautier. Hugo, etc. 'I'inted illustrations. New York, 1S96. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2199 Lovelace (Richard). Poems [Lucastq]. Notes by W. C. Hazlitt. London, 1864. Post 8vo, cloth. 2200 Loveman(R.). Poems. Philadcliihia, 1897. i2mo, cloth, uncut. 2201 Lover (Samuel). Handy Andy. 24 plates bv the author. London, 1842. First edition. 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 2202 Rory O'More. 15 illustrations by the author. London, 1837. First edition. 3 vols., crown 8vo, sprinkled calf. 2203 He would be a Gentleman ; or, Treasure Trove. Plates. Lon- don, 1873. 8vo, half calf extra. 2204 Lowe (Charles). Prince Bismarck. Portrait. London, 1892. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2205 Lowe (Robt. W.). English Theatrical Literature. London, 1888. Large paper copy ; ico printed. Royal 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2206 P)ibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature. Lon- don, 1888. ' 250 copies printed. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2207 Thomas Betterton. N. Y. [London], 1891. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2208 Lowndes (Wm. Thos.). Pjibliographer's Manual of English Litera- ture. London, 1869. Large paper. 6 vols., 8vo, half morocco. 2209 Lubbock (Sir John). Pleasures of Life. London, 1892. Post Svo, cloth. 22S 2210 Lucian. The True Plistory. Illustrated by William Strang, J. B. Clark, and Aubrey Beardsley. London, 1894. Square 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Privately printed. No. 14 of 54 copies printed on Japanese vellum. 2211 "Lucius." American and Italian C'antatrici. London, 1867. Crown Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2212 Ludlow (N. M.). Dramatic Life as I Found It. St. Louis, 1880. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2213 Lumley (Benjamin). Reminiscences of the Opera. London, 1864. Unique copy, with 37 appropriate portraits inserted. Svo, half green levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 2214 Lun, Jr. The Beggar's Pantomime. London, 1736. Post Svo, calf. 2215 Lutzow (Carl von). Art Treasures of Italy. Translated and edited by Hooper and Clement. 100 etchings, photo-etchings, steel en- gravings, 47 wood-cuts, and about 300 text illustrations. Boston, 1888. 2 vols., royal folio, half olive levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 2216 Lynn's Acting. Illustrated. London, 1893. Presentation copy. i2mo, cloth. 2217 Lyon. Colonial Furniture of New England. Profusely illustrated. Boston, 1891. Imp. Svo, cloth. 2218 " Lyrienne (Richard de)." I'he Quest of the Gilt-edged Ciirl. Lon- don, 1897. Post Svo, original covers, uncut edges. 2219 Lysons (Daniel). Environs of London. Numerous views and por- traits. London, i 796-1800. Over 150 rare and interesting plates added to this copy. 5 vols., 4to, russia. 2220 ■ Collectanea ; or, a Collection of Advertisements and Paragraphs from the Newspapers (chiefly Theatrical) relating to various subjects. Printed at Strawberry Hill by Thomas Kirgate for the collector, Daniel Lysons. A few portraits are inserted, including fine mezzotints of Ricliard Leveridge, by Vander Myn ; Jolin Harper as Johson, by Mil- ler ; Robert VVilks, by Faber ; Bannister as Polly Peacham, and other rarities. 2 vols., folio, half calf. 2221 Lytton. Lucile, by Owen Meredith. Illustrated. Boston, 1882. 4to, cloth. 229 2222 Macauley (Miss). Theatric Revolution ; or, Plain Truth Addressed to Common Sense. London, 1819. 8vo, half morocco, uncut edges. 2223 Facts against Falsehood ! Being a Brief Statement of Miss Macauley's Engagements. London, 1824. 8vo, half green levant. 2224 Macbeth Ballet. The History, Murders, Life, and Death of Macbeth; and a full description of the scenery, action, etc., of the ballet of that name as performed at the Royal Circus. Colored print of Elliston as Macbeth. London, n. d. 8vo, half citron levant. 2225 McCarthy (Justin). Charing Cross to St. Paul's. Illustrated by j. Pennell. New York, 1893. i2mo, cloth. 2226 McCarthy (Justin H.). The French Revolution. London, 1890-7. Presentation copy from the author. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2227 Doom ! London, 1886. Presentation copy from the author, with a singular topographical error on page 5, corrected. Post 8vo, cloth. 22.'':8 Dolly ; a sketch. London, 1889. Presentation copy, with author's inscription. Post Svo, cloth. 2229 Lily Lass. London, 1889. Presentation copy, with author's inscription. Post Svo, cloth. 2230 Harlequinade. A book of verses. London, n. d. Presentation copy (on large paper) from the author. 4to, cloth, uncut. 2231 Macgeorge (Andrew). Old Glasgow, the Place and the People. Illus- trated. Glasgow, 1888. Royal Svo, cloth. 2232 Mclan (R. R.). Clans of the Scottish Highlands. 72 colored plates, described by James Logan. London, 1S45. 2 vols., folio, half red morocco extra. 2233 Mackail (J. W.), Editor. Select Epigrams from the Greek anthology London, 1890. Svo, cloth, uncut edges. 2234 McCaskey (J. P.). Christmas in Song, Sketch, and Story. Illustrated. New York, 1891. Imp. Svo, cloth. 230 2235 McCuUough (John). In Memory of. By Wm. Winter and others. Portrait and monument. New York, 1889. Presentation copy from Wm. Winter ; 500 printed. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 2236 Mackay (Chas.). Glossary of Obscure Words and Plirases in the Writings of Shakespeare, etc. London, 1887. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 2237 McKay and Wingate. Famous American Actors of to-day. Por- traits. New York, 1896. i2mo, half calf gilt. 2238 MACKLIN (Charles). LIFE OF, by J. T. Kirkman. 2 vols, inlaid to royal 4to, with specially printed titles, dated 1883, and very tastefully illustrated with numerous choice engravings (many proofs) of portraits, character-prints, and views ; interesting autograph letters of Kirkman, H. Usher, M. Morgan, B.Victor, C. Macklin, vS. Birch, Miss Mackiin, G. Colman the Elder, J. Lee, J. McLoughlin, W. Deane, T. Heaphy, Daw- son, Miss Leeson, L. McNally, and others ; scarce play-bills ; ofiticial re- port of the trial for the murder of T. Hallam, containing the only record of the sentence (39 pages inlaid to size) ; MS.songsent to Garrick ; MS. Prologue to " Love a la Mode," with autograph footnote by C. I^Iack- lin ; box account on Author's night of '' Love a la Mode ; " MS. Catalogue of Macklin's Library lost in the shipwreck (Macklin's only copy, T50 pages inlaid to size) ; bill for Wardrobe Stuffs ; autograph draft, by C. Macklin, of the letter sent to him by Whitley, the actual letter being printed in the book ; Whitley's letter in reply to Macklin's, also appearing in the book ; Whitley's original answer to the suit of Macklin vs. Whitley ; the original autograph letter of G. Colman the Elder, calling Macklin to his engagement in London, dated January 24, 1773, quoted and described in pages 55-6 of the book; auto- graph letter from G. Colman, dated March 9, 1773, congratulating Macklin on the final settlement of his London engagement ; draft memorandum of Macklin's in reference to the matter of Smith acting Macbeth ; autograph note by G. Colman to Macklin, in reference to his acting Richard ; original MS. of Woodfall's account of the dis- pute between Macklin and Reddish ; stage directions in reference to " Macbeth " in the handwriting of C. Mack'in ; original document, signed by Macklin, giving his wife power of attorney over all his prop- erty ; original proofs corrected by Macklin himself in the case of Macklin vs. Colman ; and documents respecting the suit ; drawing of tablet to his memory ; and other very interesting illustrations. Lon- don, 1799. These very interesting and unique volumes contain tlie original papers and letters which were given to Kirkman, the author, by Mrs. Macklin for the compilation of the book. Some of them were not published. 4 vols., royal 4to, blue morocco super-extra, broad dentelle borders of gold, tooled leather joints, watered silk linings, and gilt edges, by Rivjere. 231 2239 Macklin (Charles). Memoirs of. Several portraits of the actor inserted. London, 1804. 8vo, half calf, gilt tc^p. 2240 Apology for the Conduct of. Scarce frontispiece. London, 1773- 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 2241 Apology for the Conduct of. ("urious frontispiece. London, 1773- 8vo, half morocco. 2242 Macklin's Reply to Garrick's Answer. London, 1743. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2243 Reply to Garrick's Answer. London, 1743. 8vo, half red morocco. 2244 Mackliniana, Six Tracts. Epistle from Tully ; Macklin's Answer ; Case of Macklin against C'larke, etc.; Love a la Mode, etc. Lon- don, V. d. Portraits and a play-bill of 1783 added. 8vo, calf. 2245 Maclise Portrait Gallery of Illustrious Characters. London, n. d. Unique copy. Inlaid to folio, and extra- illustrated with nearly 100 autograph letters, representing all the characters. Among the more important may be mentioned : Southey, ¥. Mahony, James Fraser, B. W. Procter, W. Jordan, Campbell, J. G. Lock- hart, Rogers, Moore, Scott, John Gait, Wm. Maginn, T. C. Croker, Caroline Norton, John Wilson, Miss Mitford, Earl of Munster, Lord John Russell, J. W. Croker, W. Irving, John Bowring, Hy. Brougham, A. Montgomery, Hogg, Goethe, I. D'Israeli, R. Harris Nicolas, Aberdeen, Dion. Lardner, Bulwer, Allan Cunningham, Wordsworth, W. Roscoe, I'alleyrand, Lady Blessington, Benj. D'Israeli, Thos. Carlyle, Geo. Cruikshank, L. E. Landon, Harriet Martineau, Grant I'horburn, R. L. Sheil, Dan'l O'Connell, Theodore Hook, Leigh Hunt, Ainsworth, Thos. Hill (2), Wm. Godwin, Jas. Smith, d'Orsay, Lamb (unusu- ally interesting), Jane Porter, Lady Morgan, Wm. Cobbett, Faraday, W. L. Bowles, Anna Maria Hall, J. C. Hobhouse, T, N. Talfourd, Lord Lyndhurst, J. S. Knowles, J. B. Buckstone, Sydney Smith, Hy. Hallam, Wm. M. Thackeray, etc. 2 vols., folio, crimson levant morocco extra, by Tout. 2246 McManus (Blanche). The True Mother Goose. Illustrated. Boston, 1 896. 4to, cloth. 2247 Macmichael. The Gold Headed Cane. 62 portraits inserted. Lon- don, 1818. Crown 8vo, morocco extra, gilt top, uncqt edges. 232 2248 Macready. Brief Memoir of. and Biography, by R. H. Littleton. Lond(jn, 1845, etc. i2mo, half calf, gilt top. 2249 McVicker ( I. H.). The Press, the Pulpit, and the Stage Chicago, 1883. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top. 2250 Maeterlinck (ALaurice). Pelleas and Melisanda, and the Sightless. Two plays. London, n. d. Post 8vo, cloth (7 copies). 2251 Magazine of American History. AVith Notes and (Queries. Numerous illustrations. New York, 1877-92. 32 vols., 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 2252 Magazine Articles. Mrs. Centlivre's Plays ; Old .Actors, etc. Lon- don, 1877. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top. 2253 Magazine of Art. Photogravures and wood-cuts. London, 1S93. 4to, cloth. 2254 Illustrated. Plates and wood-cuts. Cassell, London, 1879-9S. 20 vols., 4to, original cloth. 2255 Magazines. O.xford Magazine for June, 1769 ; Oct., 1771 ; July, .\ug., 1772 ; London Museum, April, 1770 ; Matrimonal Magazine, Feb., 1775 ; Convivial Magazine, 1775 ; The C.entleman and Lady's Museum, Jan., 1777 ; The Humorist's Magazine, Jan., 1787. Plates. 8vo, half calf. 2256 Maguire (T. H.). Art of Figure Drawing. Plates. London, n. d. 4to, cloth, leaves loose. 2257 Mahony. Reliques of Father Prout. Illustrated by .\lfred Croquis. London, 1836. First edition. 2 vols., post 8vo, half green levant, gilt top. 2258 Maillard (L.). Les M^nus and Programmes lUustrcs du X\TI' Sieclc jusqu'a nos jours. 400 illustrations. Paris, 1898. 4to, paper. 2259 Maindron. Les Affiches Illustrees. Colored and other illustrations. Paris, 1896. Imp. 8vo, original covers. 2260 Malibran (Mad.). Memoirs of, by the Countess de Merlin. Portraits inserted. London, 1844. 2 vols., crown Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 233 2261 Malibran (Mad.), etc. Memoirs of. Portrait. London, n. d. Post 8vo. half brown levant, gilt top. 2262 Recollections of, by an Amateur. London, 1737. Post 8vo, half morocco. 2263 Malone (Edmund). Rise and Progress of the English Stage. Basil, 1800. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2264 Malton (James). Picturesque and Descriptive View of the City of Dublin. Fine colored plates. London, 1794. Oblong folio, half morocco. 2265 Managerial Disputes. A Collection as follows : 1. A Defence of F. Giardini, by R. P. 1765. 2. Three Original Letters on the Riot at Drury Lane. 1763. 3. A Dialogue in the Green Room. 1763. 4. An Appeal to the Public. 1763. 5. Theatrical Taxation. 6. State and Influence of the Acting Drama. 1823. 7. Elbow Room, by T. Gilliland. 1804. 8. Major and Minor Theatres. 1832. 9. Late Riots at Drury Lane. 1848. 10. Letter from Lee to Sheridan. 1757. 11. Brief Remarks on the Drama. 1758. 12. Narrative of the Covent Garden Disputes. 1768, 13. Colman's True State of the Differences. 1768. 14. Letter from Harris to Colman. 1768. 15. Harris Dissected by Colman. 1768. 16. Conduct of the Four Managers Examined. 176S. 17. Elliston's Memorial. 1818. 18. Letter to Glover on Hero and Leander. 1787. 19. Carlisle's Thoughts upon the Stage. 1808. 20. Statement of a few Facts, etc. 18 — . 21. Opera House Disputes Fairly Stated. 1784. 22. Testament, or Will, of William Taylor. 1785, 23. Taylor's Concise Statement. 1791. 24. Report of the Drury Lane Subscribers. 181 1. 25. Steele's State of the Case. 1720. 26. Thirvvall's Solemn Protest. 1805. 27. Argument of Randle Jackson. 18 10. 28. Alfred the Little, a play. 1833. 29. Smith's " Press Orders." Presentation copy. 30. Opera House ; a Review. 18 — . 31. Statement of the Differences. 1800. 32. Lawrence's Dramatic Emancipation. 1813. 3S. The Alien, by G. Naldi. 1811. Together, ;^^ pamphlets bound in 17 vols., 8vo and 4to, half citron levant morocco. 234 2266 Mangin (A.). Les Jardins. llluslrated by Daubigny, Giacomelli, etc. Tours, 1867. Printed throughout on India paper. Folio, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Cape, etc. 2267 "Manhattan." Marion. By Manhattan [Walter Barrett '1 London 1864. 3 vols, in I, crown 8vo, cloth. 2268 Mansfield (Richard). Don Juan, a play in four acts. New York, 1 09 1. 8vo, paper covers, uncut. 2269 Mapleson Memoirs (The). 184S-1888. Portrait of Colonel Maple- son. London, 1888. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. 2270 Marches! (Mathilde). Marchesi and Music. Illustrated. New York, 1898. 1 2 mo, cloth. 2271 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. London, 1896. 4to, boards, uncut. 2272 Maretzek (Max). Crotchets and Quavers. New York, 1S55. i2mo, half calf, gilt top. 2273 Marg-aret of Navarre. The Heptameron. Newly translated by Sainlsbury. London, 1S94. Large paper copy, with the plates on Japan paper. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2274 The Heptameron. Newly translated by Saintsbury. 2^;^ illus- trations. London, 1894. 5 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2275 The Heptameron. Portrait. Bohn LondcMi, 1855. Post 8vo, green calf extra. 2276 " Margaret." Theatrical Sketches. Portraits. New York, 1894. i6mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2277 Marie (A.). Une Journee d'Enfant. 20 plates, some in color. Now York, 1884. Folio, cloth. 2278 Markham (Pauline). Life of. Portrait. New \()rk, 1S7 1. i6mo, half calf, gilt top. 2279 MarmonteL Belisarius, etc. Plates by Stotluud. London, 1794. i2mo, red morocco, gilt edges. 235 2280 Marryat (Captain). Novels. Illustrated. London, 1895-7. 13 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2281 Poor Jack ; also the Pirate and Three Cutters. Fine steel por- trait and plates. New York [London], n. d. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, gilt. 2283 '"Mars." Our Darlings. Colored illustrations. London, n. d. Oblong 4to, original boards. 2284 — — ■ La Vie d'Ostende. Illustrated in black and colors. Paris, n. d. Oblong 4to, cloth. 2285 Marshall (Thomas). Lives of Actors and Actresses. London, n. d. Crown Svo, half morocco. 2286 Marston (J. Westland). The Patrician's Daughter. A Tragedy. London, 1841. First edition, with MS. Prologue inserted. Svo, original covers, uncut. 2287 Martin (Henri). History of France. Numerous illustrations. Boston, 1880. Extended, with special title-pages and with over 150 portraits and views inserted. 6 vols., royal Svo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 2288 Martin (Lady). Shakespeare's Female Characters. 3 portraits. Edin- burgh, 1885. 4to, half orange levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2289 MARTIN (John). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE OF PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS. London, 1834. Large paper copy, made unique and extended to 3 volumes by the insertion of a large number of interesting and valuable portraits, etc., mostly selected impression^. They include Dawson Turner, by Sharp ; Thomas Hollis, by Warren (with autograph) ; George III. (2), one in colors ; Mrs. Damer ; Duchess of Devonshire ; Thos. F. Dibdin, by Thomson ; Inigo Jones, by Earlom ; Bp. Percy ; Thomas Bewick ; Kirk- gate and the Strawberry-Kill Press ; Cipriani, by Earlom ; Planta, by Sharp ; Queen Charlotte, and many others of equal interest. 3 vols., royal Svo, calf gilt. 2290 Martin (Theodore). Essays on the Drama. London, 1S74. Privately printed. Svo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2291 Marvel (S.). The Opera ; Views before and Peeps behind the Curtain. London, 1847. Svo, half green levant. 236 2292 MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS. AN INTERESTING AUTO- GRAPH LETTER (2 pp., folio) written to Catherine de Medici and strenuously advisinjr that the assassins of the Due de (iuise be punished. Signed, " Votre humble et tresbeissant lille, Marie," accom- panied with a folio order to pay Thos. Egerton for certain services, signed by Lord Burleigh and Sir Walter Mildmay. Illustrated by several portraits of Mary, Burleigh, etc., a colored print of Mary going to her execution, etc. Folio, red morocco extra. 2293 Marx (R.). Les Maitres de I'Affiche. Colored Plates. Paris, 1896. Folio, half citron levant. Vol. i. 2294 Mason (Amelia G.). The Women of the French Salons. Illustrated. New York, 1891. Royal 8vo, cloth. 2295 Mason (E. T.). Personal Traits of British Authors. Portraits. New York, 1885. 4 vols., i2mo, cloth. 2296 Editor. Humorous Masterpieces from American Literature. New York, 1886. 3 vols., i6mo, cloth. 2297 Massinger (Philip). A New Way to Pay Old Debts. London. 1O33. First edition. 4to, sprinkled calf. 2298 Masson (Fred'k). Napoleon and the Fair Sex. Portraits. London, 1894. 8vo, cloth. 2299 Napoleon at Home. 12 illustrations. London, 1894. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. 2300 MATHEWS (Charles). MATHEWIANA. The Various En- tertainments of Charles Mathews, including his Trip to America, At Home, Comic Annual, Trip to Paris, Theatrical Olio, etc. This extraordinary collection is illustrated with 113 portraits, caricatures, original drawings, play-bills, pamphlets, etc., in- cluding no less than 70 diflerent portraits of Mathews, many of exceeding rarity. Other valuable additions are portraits of Christopher Lee Sugg, professor of " Internal Elocution," with his autograph and presentation in.scription ; Cooke as Richard III., by Dighton (colored) ; Garrick as Richard III. ; the colored Dighton portraits of Kean as Lucius Brutus ; Chas. Kemble as Charles Surface ; Mad.Catalini as Semiramide ; Mrs. Siddons and Kemble in Pizarro ; Harley, by Easton (colored) ; J. Howard Payne as Young Norval ; Mrs. Sukions as Mel- pomene ; Shuter on an ass; Joe Miller, by Burgh. 1745 ; a caricature of Miss Farren, by (iilray (contemplating the Derby coronet), Liston's Dream, and many other rarities, includ- ing a folio letter from Mathews, with a corrected |)lay-bill. Folio, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 237 2302 Mathews (Charles). A collection of 31 folio illustrations, etc., to accompany his Memoirs, including a mezzotint portrait of Mathews by Turner, autograph letter, speaking of a painful surgical operation, 2 original portraits in water colors, the rare print of Christ. Lee Sugg, signed mezzotint of Mrs. Litchfield by Say, autograph letters for the same, Little Knight, private plate, mezzotint by Smith before the letters, portrait and autograph letter of (ieo. Robbins, colored carica- ture of Romeo Coates, mezzotint of Michael Kelly by Turner, Miss Foote as Maria Darlington, proof by Picart, several colored prints, and original drawings. From the collection of John Dillon, with his autograph and list of contents. Imp. 4to, half morocco. 2303 Mathews (Chas.). Review of the Memoirs of. London, 1838. 8vo, half blue levant. 2304 Mathews (Mrs.). Anecdotes of Actors. London, 1844. Unique copy, with 70 portraits, views, and autographs inserted. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2305 Life, etc., of Charles Mathews. Steel portraits. London, i860. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2306 Memoirs of Charles Mathews. Portraits. London, 1838. Unique copy, with autograph of Mathews and 25 portraits added. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2307 Tea-Table Talk. London, 1857. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2308 MATTHEWS (Brander) and HUTTON (Laurence). AC- TORS AND ACTRESSES OF GREAT BRLFALN AND THE UNLPED STATES, from the days of David Garrick to the present time. New York, 1886. Unique copy, on large paper, 100 printed, illustrated by the insertion of over 1,500 portraits, scenes from plays, interiors and exteriors of theatres, play-bills, autograph letters, and several original drawings. A large number of the portraits are proofs, both before letters and on India paper, including the Society portrait of ^\'illiam Dunlap and a superb print of Madame Vestris. 'Phe mezzotints are numerous and some are very fine. Each subject of a memoir is represented by an unusual group of engravings, Edmund Kean being given 23 ; in spite of the rarity of such prints, Liston is favored with a large number of colored portraits, all sufficiently scarce and curious to command attention, and Henry West Betty (10), Garrick. Mrs. Siddons, Fanny Kemble, Macready, Forrest, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean, Placide, Mathews, Fechter, Charlotte Cushman. Macklin, Kitty Clive, Quin, Peg Woffing- ton, Mrs. Oldfield, Edwin Booth, Henry Irving, Mary Ander- 238 son, Joseph Jefferson, Lester Wallack, Ellen Terry, and other stars of the stage have been liberally provided for, with illus- trations directly applying^ to the text. Autoijraph letters of Mrs. Siddons, J. P. Kemble, Mrs. Jordan, John Howard Payne. Mrs. Mathews, Elliston, and others are of wide interest, and rare portraits from the Hibernian Magazine, etc., are frequent. ID vols., 4to, half olive levant morocco exti*a, gilt top, by Stike- man. 2309 Matthews (J. Brander). Pen and Ink. Ktchcu [(oiuail. New York, 1 888. Large paper copy ; no printed by De Vinne. Presentation copy from the author. 8vo, original boards, uncut edges. 2310 French Dramatists of the Nineteenth Century. New York, 1881. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 231 1 French Dramatists. New York, tSSi. Presentation copy, with author's inscription. 1 2 mo, cloth. 2312 The Theatres of Paris. Illustrated. New York, 1S80. i2mo, half red levant, gilt top. 2313 The Theatres of Paris. Illustrated. London, 18S0. Post 8vo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2314 Maupas (M. de). Story of the Coup d'Etat. Translateti, with notes. by Albert D. Vandam. London, 1884. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. 2315 Maupassant (Guy de). Pierre et Jean. 'I'ranslated by .Albert Smith. Illustrated by Duez and Lynch. Philadelphia [Paris], 1889. 4to, original covers, uncut. 2316 Maupassant, Goncourt, and Coppee. Afloat ; Sister Philomene, and Disillusion. Illustrated. London, 1889. 3 vols., post 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 2317 Maverick (Aug.). Henry J. Raymond and the New York Press, Por- trait, etc. Hartford, 1870. 8vo, sheep. 2318 Maxwell (Sir IL). Sixty years a Queen [\'ictoria]. Profusely illus- trated. London, 1897. 4to, cloth. 2319 May (Phil.). A. V,. C. With 52 original drawings. London. 1S97. 4to, cloth. 2320 " Graphic " Pictures. Colored plates. LoikI.mi, u d. 2 vols., oblong 4to, boards. 239 2321 May (Phil.). Gutter Snipes. 50 illustrations. London, 1896. 4to, boards. 2322 May (Thomas). History of the Parliaments of England. 150 inserted plates, mostly portraits. London, 1812. 4to, russia gilt. 2323 Maynard (Abbe U.). La Sainte Vierge. 14 colored plates, 3 photo- gravures, 200 engravings by Huyot, etc. Paris, 1877. Royal 8vo, half red morocco extra. 2324 Mediterranean Picturesque. Its Cities, Shores, and Islands. Pro- fusely illustrated. New York [London], 18 — . 2 vols., royal 4to, cloth. 2325 [Mellon]. Secret Memoirs of Harriott Pumpkin. London, n. d. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2326 Mr. Percy Wyndham's Strictures on an Importer and Old Actress alias the Banker's Sham Widow. London, n. d. A vulgar and illiterate attack on Harriot Mellon, deservedly rare. 8vo, mottled calf extra, by Bedford. 2327 Mendez (Miss). Mrs. Campbell. Short Account of the principal Seats and Gardens at Twickenham. London, 1760. The "Seats" include Kitty Clive's, Garrick's, Walpole's, etc. i2mo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 2328 Menken (Adah Isaacs). Infelicia. London, 1868. Unique copy, inlaid from i2mo to 4to, with 95 portraits inserted, including 3 in water color, 2 engravings, and the rest photo- graphs by Sarony of the actress ; also a long letter from Miss Menken to Augustin Daly. 4to, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top. 2329 Infelicia. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1888. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. 2330 Menorval (E. de.). Promenades a Travers, Paris. 150 illustrations. Paris, 18—. 4to, cloth. 2331 "Mercedes." Wild Flowers from " The Mountain Side." Philadel- phia, 1888. 8vo, cloth. 2332 Mercuri (Paul). Costumes Historiques des XIP, XIIP, XIV% et XV" Siecles. 200 colored plates. Paris, 1860-1. 3 vols., 4to, half red levant, gilt tops. 2333 Meredith (Geo.). Modern Love and other Poems. Portland, 1898. Japan paper ; 100 printed. i2mo, boards. 240 2334 Meredith (Geo.). Modern Love. Mosher, Portland, 1891, Large paper copy ; 50 printed on Japan paper. No. 10. 4to, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2335 Merimee (P.). Carmen. Etched illu.strations. London, 1887. Only 500 printed. Post 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 2336 Chronicle of the Reign of Charles IX. Translated by Saints- bury, no illustrations by Toudouze. London, 1890. Large paper copy ; 52 printed on Japan paper. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2337 Chronicle of the Reign of Charles IX. New York [London], 1890. A plain copy of the preceding item. Royal 8vo, cloth. 2338 Merydew (J. T.), Editor. Love Letters of Famous Men and Women. Portraits. London, 1888. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. 2339 Love Letters of Famous Men and Women. Portraits. London, 1888. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2339* Michael Angelo and Campanella. Sonnets. Translated by J. .\. Symonds. London, 1S78. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2340 Michelet (J.). Historical View of the French Revolution. Frontis- piece. London, i860. Post 8vo, half calf extra. 2341 Midon, Jr. (F.). History of the Rise and F'all of Masaniello. Fron- tispiece. London, 1729. Crown 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges, Roger Payne style. 2342 Miles (IL D.). Life of Joseph Grimaldi. Portrait and cuts. Lon- don, 1838. Post 8vo, half calf. 2343 [Military]. Types et L^niformes. L'.Armec Fran^aise par E. Detaille. Tc.xte par J. Richard. Paris, 1885-9. Numerous large plates colored in imitation of the original paint- ings and a quantity of te.xt illustrations. 2 vols., royal folio, half red levant morocco extra, gilt t()p, uncut edges. 2344. Millingen (J. G.). Curiosities of Medical Experience. LondiMi. 18;;. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf gilt. 16 241. 2345 MILTON (John). PARADISE LOST. A Poem, written in ten books, by John Milton. Licensed and Entred according to Order. London Printed, and are to be sold by Peter Parker, etc., 1667. A remarkable copy of the first edition, variously called the first and second issue, with many rough leaves, the first title fol- lowed by seven leaves of " Argument " and errata. 4to, original calf, in case of brown levant morocco. 2346 PARADISE LOST ; a Poem in Ten Books. The Author, John Milton. Printed by S. Simmons, and are to be sold by T. Helder at the Angel in Little Brittain, 1669. This was Milton's own copy, and has his Autograph Signature. And the following, also in his handwriting : " Paradise Lost," 1668. " Quantos turn genitus ipsi sibi quantaque Nobis Volnera ; quas lacrymas peperere minoribus nostris." All the above in Milton's ow^n handwriting. The lines are from Lucretius, lib. v. 1192, of which the following is a translation, " What groans did they beget for themselves, what wounds for us, what tears for our children." This copy was purchased at Capel Lofft's sale, without a title- page, which has since been added by Mr. Heugh. The book is the sixth issue, 1668, but title inserted is dated 1669. Capel Lofft, who formerly possessed this copy, edited Paradise Lost, Books I and 2, 4to, 1792. Afterwards the copy passed into the collection of the celebrated collector. James Bindley, afterwards Mr. Pickering's, then Mr. Heugh's. The signature of Milton agrees with that in the Ashburnham col- lection, to a Warrant under the Sign Manual of the Protector, Oliver Cromwell, dated Jan. i, 1654, directing the payment of salaries due to certain officers of the Parliament and others, with the original autographs of the Receivers. The volume has inserted facsimiles of the handwriting of Milton in Trinity College, Cambridge, also of the agreement v\-iih Simmons the publisher. 4to, olive morocco, gilt edges. 2347 Paradise Regain'd. A Poem. In IV. Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. Printed by J. M. for John Starkey. Lon- don, 1671. First edition. 8vo, olive morocco, gilt edges. 2348 POEMS of Mr. John Milton. Both English and Latin. Com- pos'd at several times. London, printed by Ruth Raworth for Hum- phrey Moseley, 1645. Clean crisp copy of the first edition, with the rare portrait by Marshall. Small Svo, original calf binding, in green levant morocco case. 242 2349 Milton (John). Paradise Lost and Regained and Minor Poems. Plates by Westall. London, 1827. 4 vols., 1 2 mo, half red morocco. 2350 Common-Place Book. A reproduction of the original manu- script. Chisvvick Press, 1876. TOO copies privately printed. 4to, cloth. 2351 Mines (J. F.). A Tour around New York. Illustrated. New York, 1893- Svo, cloth, uncut. 2352 Minshull (John). The Merry Dames ; or, the Humourist's Triumph over the Poet in Petticoats. Rare. New York, 1804. Svo, cloth. 2353 Miracle Play. Const-Thoonende Juweel. Many curious plates. Heyns. [Amsterdam ?], 1607. 4to, sprinkled calf. 2354 Mirbeau (O.). Le Salon de 1885. 20 fine plates and other illustra- tions. Paris, 1885. Royal folio, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top. 2355 Mirror of Taste and Dramatic Censor. Numerous portraits by Edwin, etc. Philadelphia, 1810-11. 4 vols., Svo, half blue levant, gilt top. 2356 Mitchell (D. G.). Reveries of a Bachelor. Illustrated by Darley. New York, 1852. Square Svo, half red morocco, gilt edges. 2357 American Lands and Letters. The May Flower to Rip- Van- Winkle. Profusely illustrated. New York, 1897. i2mo, cloth, uncut. 2358 Mitchell (Dr. S. Latham). Picture of New York. Large plan. New York, 1807. i6mo, calf. 2359 Mitford (A. B.). Tales of Old Japan. Illustrated. London, 187 1. 2 vols., crown Svo, cloth, uncut. 2360 Modern Artists. Illustrated Biographies of. Published under the direction of F. C. Dumas. Paris, 1882. Biographies of Leighton, Millais, Herkomer, Alma-Tadema, Meissonier, and others, with fine portraits and plates, India proofs, and a large number of text illustrations. Imp. folio, half brown levant morocco extra, gilt top. 343 2361 Moderne Kunst in Meister-Holzschnitten. Nach geinaldm und sculpturen, vols, i to 12 (minus IX.). Profusely illustrated. Berlin, n. d. II vols., folio, cloth, gilt. 2362 Moliere (J. B. 1'. do). Works of. Illustrations by MM. Louis I.eloir, Maurice Leloir, Jacques Leman, and Edmond liedouin. With a pref- ace by H. Van Laun. Paris, n. d. Japanese vellum copy ; only 50 copies so printed, with the illus- trations printed in duplicate. II vols., imp. 8vo, half orange levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 2363 Dramatic Works. Translated by Henri Van Laun. Portrait and plates by Lalauze, India proofs. Edinburgh, 1878. Unique copy, with 225 extra plates inserted, including 25 portraits of Moliere and the series by Boucher (etchings), Moreau (India paper), Vernet (India paper), and others equally fine. 6 vols., 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 2364 Dramatic Works. Translated by C. H. Wall. Portrait. Lon- don, 1876. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. 2365 Q^uvres. Plates. Paris, 1682. First issue of this edition. 8 vols., small 8vo, red levant. 2366 Plays. Translated by K. P. Wormeley. Portrait. Boston, 1894. 6 vols., i2mo, half leather. 2367 LES CEUVRES. Frontispieces. Barbin, Pari.s, 1666. First collected edition and a very fine copy. It has sold for 5,700 francs. 2 vols., i2mo, red levant morocco extra, doubled with green levant, silk linings, gilc edges, by Lortic. 2368 Tartuffe. Translated by M. Medbourne. London, 1670. First English edition. 4to, half green morocco. 2369 L'Escole des Maris. [Amst.], 1679. Presentation copy from Coquelin. i2mo, vellum, in brown levant case. 2370 L'Escole des Femmes. Quinet, Paris, 1663. First edition. Small 8vo, half blue calf. 2371 L'Estourdy. Quinet, Paris, 1663. First edition. Small 8vo, brown levant. 244 2372 MoHere (J. B. P. de). Les Femmes Syavantes. Prome, Paris. 1673. First edition. Small 8vo, red levant. 2373 Le Manage Force. Ribov, Paris, 1668. First edition. Small 8vo, red levant. 2374 L'Avare. Ribov, Paris, 1669. First edition. Small Svo, red levant. 2375 Le Misanthrope. Ribov, Paris, 1667. First edition. Small Svo, red levant. 2376 Tales from Moliere's Plays, by 1). B. Lennard. Portrait inserted. London, 1859. Crown Svo, half red morocco. 2377 Molloy (J. F.). Peg Woffington. Portraits. New York, 1892. Large paper copy ; too printed. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 2378 Romance of the Irish Stage. 2 portraits. London, 1897. 2 vols., crown Svo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2379 Life and Adventures of Edmund Kean. London, 1888. 16 portraits, etc., and many play-bills inserted. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2380 Monde Illustre (Le). Profusely illustrated. Paris, 1S75-90. 21 vols., folio, half morocco. 2381 Mons (F.). L'Apprenti de Cleomene, etc. Paris, 1873. Seven plays, with notes by the author in MS., and his presenta- tion inscription. i2mo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2382 Monselet (Chas.). Les Premieres Representations C^l^bres. Paris, 1867. Unique copy, with a portrait and 74 autograph letters inserted. The letters are interesting epistles by Bouff^. M. Brohan, Han- ville, Dumas, Dejazet, Duchenois, Feuillet, Mile. Favart, Goz- lan, Houssaye, Judith, Janin, Fredk. Lemaitre, Lamaitine, Legouve, Michelet, Mile. Mars, Nodier, Louis Philippe, Robert Houdin. Sardou, Scribe, Sandeau, etc. i2mo, half brown levant morocco, uncut edges. 2383 Montaig"ne (Michel de). Essays. Tran.slated by Florio ; edited by J. H. McCarthy. Portrait. London, 1889. Large paper copy ; too printed. Presentation copy frcmi the editor. 3 vols., i2mo, boards, uncut. 245 2384 Montalembert (Ct. de). Memoir of the Abb^ Lacordaire. London, 1863. 8vo, half cah', jjilt. 2385 Ste. ICHzabeth de Hongrie. Numerous plates, some in gold and colors, and text illustrations. Tours, 1880. Royal 8vo, half red morocco extra. 2386 Monteiro (M.)- Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People. Illustrations by Harold Copping. London, 1887. Large paper copy ; 100 printed. 4tc), cloth, uncut. 2387 MONTEZ (Lola). A Reply to the Private History and Memoirs of that Celebrated Lady. New York, 185 1. Lilaid from i2mo to folio, and illustrated by the insertion of nearly 100 portraits, etc., including 25 of " Lola," an autograph letter from that lady to accompany a cast of " one of my unhandsome feet," 4 colored drawings, a fine proof mezzotint of Lord Brougham, etc. Folio, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikeman. 2388 Lectures of, including her Autobiography. Portrait. New York, 1859. i2mo, half calf, gilt. 2389 Montgomery (W.). The Columbian Collection of Famous European and American Paintings. Over 100 plates. Boston, 18 — . 2 vols., 4to, half red morocco. 2390 Monthly Mirror. Reflecting Men and Manners. With iSo fine and rare portraits of Dramatic and Literary Celebrities. Both series complete. London, 1795-18 10. 30 vols., 8vo, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. 2391 Montorgueil (C.). La Vie des Boulevards. 200 colored illustrations by Vidal. Paris, 1896. Royal 8vo, original covers. 2392 Monvel (Boutet de). Joan of Arc. Colored illustrations. New York, n. d. Oblong 4to, cloth. 2393 Moods. A Journal Intime. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1895. Royal 8vo, boards. 2394 Moore fj. ^V^). Picturesque Washington. Numerous illustrations. I'rovidence, 1884. Royal 8vo, cloth. 2395 Moore (i'homas). Poetical Works. Portrait and plates. London, 1853. 10 vols., foolscap 8vo, half vellum, gilt top. 246 2396 MOORE (Thomas). LIFE OF LORD BYRON. London, 1839. Unique copy, illustrated by the insertion of 539 portraits, views, and autograph letters. The portraits include almost every known print of Byron, embrac- ing Byron's First Love (colored mezzotint), Byron and Mariana (mezzotint), the folios by Lupton, Wedgwood, and Sherman, etc. Other rare portraits are Pope, Beaumont and Fletcher (the Vertue folios), Cowley, by Faithorne ; Napoleon (an un- finished proof); Master Betty (2); Wm. Penn (1773); Sir Thomas Browne, by White ; mezzotints of Dr. Baillie, Sir Robt. Walpole, Dr. Bowring, Sir Thos. Lawrence, Blucher, Lord Clare, Lockhart, Lord Spencer, John L'lckson, J. W. Croker, Geo. Canning, Lady Erskine, Lord Castlereagh (colored), Ariosto, Byron as Don Juan, Thorwaldsen, Wm. Godwin, etc. Other portraits of interest are Garrick, Moore (3), Beckford, Wellington, Mrs. Centlivre, Dr. Burney, etc. The autograph letters are by Sof)hia Maria Byron, Sophia Byron (the poet's grandmother). Admiral Byron, Horace Smith, Lady Byron (2), Leigh Hunt, Tom Moore, Lord Jeffrey, Henry Drury, Mrs. Mardyn, Mary Shelley, Ada Byron, Sydney Smith, Count d'Or.say, Edward Trelawny, etc. 4 vols., folio, cloth. 2397 THE LIFE OF LORD BYRON. I vol., 8vo, inlaid and extended to 2 vols., thick 4to, by the insertion and careful inlaying of over 300 autograph letters and manuscripts of the distinguished persons (for the greater part literary) mentioned in the volumes, and handsomely bound in red morocco, super extra gilt leaves, by Riviere. The following is a very brief resume of the contents of these most important volumes : Lord Byron. — The original of the famous " letter in verse." Only a portion of this letter was published in the early edi- tions of " Moore's Life." Another letter, addressed to Wedderburn Webster. This letter refers to his financial troubles, and is entirely unpublished. The original wages account book of Lord Byron's household, with most curious entries. The Byron Family. — Captain John Byron (the poet's father), C. G. Byron (mother). Lady Noel Byron (wife), Lady Lovelace (daughter). Sir Ralph Milbank (father-in-law), G. A. (7th Lord Byron), and letters of 15 other members of the family. All are important letters on family matters. Lord Byron's Various Biographers.- — John Gait, Sir Henry lUil- wer, Edward Everett (U. S. Mini.cter to England), R. C. Dalla.s, Sir Egerton Brydges, J. C. Hobhouse, Sir A. .Allison, Leigh Hunt. Lady Blessington, George Ticknor (splendid 410 letter to Southey), A. C. Swinburne, F. Nathan, C. C. Colton, Allan Cunningham. 247 Tom Moore. — A fine 4to letter to his publisher in reference to " Lalla Rookh," Samuel Rogers, Sir Walter Scott (to whom the book is dedicated), John Murray, the Duke of Wellington, Hogg (the Poet), Mrs. Hemans, autograph letters, and a poem in her autograph, 4 pages, 4to ; George III., Count d'Orsay, William Robertson, Lady Caroline Lamb, autograph letters, and a poem in her autograph ; Canova, Voltaire, H. R. H. Duke of York to George IV., H. R. H. Duke of Gloucester, George Canning, S. T. C'oleridge, fine 4to letter ; William Wilberforce, Horace Walpole, Robert Southey, W. L. Bowles, 4 very important letters relating to Lord Byron and his works. Isaac Disraeli. — B. W. Proctor (" Barry Cornwall "), autograph letters, and poem in his autograph ; J. Wilson Croker, along and important letter to Southey in reference to Byron ; Horace Smith, autograph letters, and poem in his autograph ; Joel Barlow, Benjamin Franklin, a fine letter to his publisher, Strahan ; Alexander Pope, Wieland (poet), Rossini, a splendid letter, 4 pages, 4to. J. P. Curran. — A splendid letter, 4 pages, 4to, closely written. Robert Southex. — The original drafts in Southey's autograph of the famous letters written by him to the editor of The Courier, replying to Byron's attacks ; these most valuable letters, which refer to one of the most important periods of Byron's life, occupy 24 4to pages. Leigh Hunt. — The longest of his letters, 4 pages, 4to. William Cowper. — A very early and extraordinarily worded letter, dated June 12, 1759; Rousseau (described in " Childe Har- olde "), J. G. Lockhart, Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince Murat, Lady Morgan, Washnigton Irving, dated from Alhambra, July 29, 1829 ; Lord Brougham, Reginald Heber, Dr. Chalmers, General Napier, Leigh Hunt, autograph letters and manuscript in his autograph ; Benjamin West, Shelley, a fine 4to letter, and also a cheque entirely in his autograph ; Sir Walter Scott, William Pitt, James Harris ("Hermes"), in verse, 5 pages, folio ; Countess of Jersey, Lord Liverpool, Miss Fanshawe (authoress of the lines " 'Twas whispered in Heaven " — often attributed to Byron) ; Samuel Rogers, Lord Chancellor I^rs- kine, Mrs. Shelley, Miss Seward, Major Cartwright (author of "American Independence "), Congreve (the dramatist), an exceedingly rare autograph ; Queen Caroline, Lord Carlisle (Byron's guardian), R. B. Sheridan, Bruce (the African trav- eller), " Monk " Lewis, autograph letters, and poem, in his autograph ; Goethe, letter in reference to " Wilhelm Meister," with translation ; R. W. Elliston (actor and manager), Charles Mathews (the actor), Fawcett (the actor), Julia Glover (singer), Sir Robert Peel, Maria Edgeworth, Sir Humphrey Davy, " Tom " Campbell, Frederick the Great, a letter signed with long autograph postscript ; Wordsworth, Lord Chancellor Eldon, James Beattie, Madame d'Arblay, Sir Thomas Law- rence, George IV., Hoppner, Ugo Foscolo, "Tom" Dibdin, a poem in his autograph, 3 pages, 4to ; Dr. Parr, William Gifford 248 to Robert Southey, Princess Charlotte, " Tom " Paine, auto- graph letters, and poem in his autograph ; George Steevens (eminent Shakespearean critic), H. Fuseli, R. A. (illustrated Byron's poems). Madame de Stael to Robert Southey. — Raymond (actor), Sir James Bland Surges, T. Warton, Sir Francis Chantrey to Southey, George Colman, Marquis of Hastings, 6 pages, 4to, to Sir Joseph Banks ; William Cobbett, Jeremy Bentham, Mrs. Spen- ser Smith (Byron's "Florence"), The Earl of Rochester. Tom Moore. — The original manuscript of his poem, " Account of an Extraordinary Dream." This fine manuscript consists of 2^2 pages, and contains many corrections. Jafnes Perry. — (Byron's great champion in the English press) ; Dr. Butler (Headmaster of Harrow). George Washington. — This is a very fine letter, and is on the sub- ject of Mrs. Washington's health ; Lord Melbourne to Will- iam Cobbett, Lord Palmerston, Mrs. Piozzi, Robert Orme, The Countess Guiccioli, Galignani, etc. The only printed insertion is the original prospectus of " The Greek Telegraph," first published at Missolonghi, March, 1824. A long account of this paper and Lord Byron's connec- tion with it is given by Moore. This most interesting docu- ment is probably unique. With the sole exceptions of the Frederick the Great and Napo- leon letters, the whole of the letters and MS. are holograph. Nor are the letters mere specimens, for the greatest care has been taken to choose fine literary letters. 2398 Moore (Thomas). Memoirs of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 7 por- traits inserted. London, 1825. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco. [See Byron and Sheridan.] 2399 Ihe Epicurean. London, 1839. Autograph letter of Moore inserted. Post 8vo, red levant. 2400 Moreati le jetine. Monument du Costume physique et moral de la fin du dix-luiiticme siecle. With all but three of the famous plates engraved by Simonet, etc. Neuwied, 1789. 4to, half calf. 2401 Morgan (Appleton). Shakespeare in fact and criticism. New York, 1888. Presentation copy from the author. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2402 Morgan (Lady). Memoirs. Portrait. London, 1863. 2 vols., Svo, half calf. 249 2403 Morgan (Mary J.). Catalogue of the Art Collection of. Paintings, books, etc. Illustrated. New York, 18S6. Edition de luxe. 4to, original covers. 2404 Morley (Henry). Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. Wood-cuts. Lon- don, 1859. Svo, cloth, uncut. 2405 Journal of a London Playgoer from 1851 to 1866. London, 1866. Post 8vo, half red levant, gilt top. 2406 Morris (Charles). Half-Hours with the best American Authors. Philadelphia, 1887. Illustrated by the insertion of 405 portraits and views, many India proofs, and including 25 portraits of Washington, Whit- tier (11), Seward (10), Irving (16), Longfellow (20), Hawthorne (10), Emerson (12), Bryant (11), etc., with a neatly written index of all the plates inserted. Large paper copy ; 100 printed. 9 vols., Svo, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 2407 Morris (Edward). The Adventurers, a farce ; London, 1790. False Colors, a comedy ; London, 1793. The Secret, a comedy ; London, 1799. Svo, half calf. 2408 Morris (William). The Defence of Guenevere. A Book of Lyrics chosen from the Works of William Morris. Portland, 1896. Japan paper copy ; loo printed. Svo, boards. 2409 The Well at the World's End. London, 1896. 2 vols., Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2410 Tale of the House of Wolfmgs. London, 1S89. Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2411 Love is Enough. 2 illustrations by Burne-Jones. Kelmscott Press, 1897. 4to, parchment, uncut edges. 2412 Morse (E. S.). Japanese Homes and their Surroundings. Illustrated. New York, 1895. Royal Svo, cloth. 2413 Moschelles (F.). In Bohemia with Du Maurier. With 63 illustra- tions by the artist. London, n. d. Svo, cloth. 250 2414 Motley (J. L.). Historical Works. United Netherlands ; Dutch Re- public ; and John of Barnevald. Portraits. New York, 1897. 9 vols., 8vo, half calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 2415 A Memoir, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston, 1879. Unique copy, extra- illustrated by the insertion of 57 portraits, etc., and an autograph letter of Holmes, including Prescotti (p.b.l.), Lincoln (i. p.b.l), John Brown (p.b.l.), U. S.Grant (i.p.), Lee (i. p.b.l), Jackson (i. p.b.l), Emerson (i.p.), Thomas Hughes (i.p.), W. W. Story, etc. Small 4to, red morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut edges, by Bradstreets. 2416 Mouhy (Chevalier de). The Fortunate Country Maid. Frontispieces. London, 1758. 2 vols., i2m.o, half calf gilt. 2417 Moulton (Louise C). In the Garden of Dreams. London, 1890. Presentation copy from the author. Post 8vo, cloth. 2418 In Childhood's Country. Illustrated by Ethel Reed. Boston, 1896. 4to, cloth, uncut. 2419 Mountfort (Will). Six Plays, with Life, etc. Tonson, London, 1720. 2 vols., i8mo, half green calf. 2420 The Life and Death of Doctor Faustus. London, 1697. 4to, half citron levant. 2421 Mowatt (Anna Cora). y\utobiography. Portrait. Boston, 1854. i2mo, calf extra, gilt top, by Riviere. 2421* Autobiography. Portrait. Boston, 1854. i2mo, half calf. 2422' Moynet (G.). Trues et Decors. 30 plates and 100 vignettes. Paris, n. d. Royal 8vo, cloth. 2423 Mrs. Grundy. Twelve numbers complete from July Stli to Sept. 2^i\, 1865. Wood-cuts. New York, 1865. 4to, half orange levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2424 Mudford (Wm.). Life of Richard Cumberland. Portrait. L()ndt)n. 1812. 8vo, half green morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 251 2425 Mulock (Miss). John Halifax, Gentleman. Illustrated. New York, 1890. 8vo, cloth. 2426 Munden (Joseph Shepherd). Memoirs of, by his son. London, 1844. Unique copy, with 60 portraits, etc., inserted. Crown 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 2427 Muiitz (E.). Short History of Tapestry. Illustrated. London, 1885. Post 8vo, cloth. 2428 Leonard de Vinci, I'artiste, le penseur, le savant. 48 plates, and 238 wood-cuts. Paris, 1899. 4to, morocco. 2429 Murger (Henri). The Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. 10 etchings by Montader. London, 1888. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2430 Murphy (Arthur). Life of David Garrick. London, 1801. Unique copy, with 2 autograph letters of Murphy inserted, as well as numerous fine portraits of Garrick, his wife, Peg Woff- ington, Betterton, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges [See Garrick.] 2431 All in the Wrong. London, 1775. Interleaved, and with MS. notes by Kemble. 8vo, half calf. 2432 Murphy (J. N.). The Chair of St. Peter. London, 1886. Crown 8vo, cloth. 2433 Murray (\V. H. H.). Daylight Land. 140 tinted illustrations. Boston, 1888. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2434 Musa Pedestris. Three Centuries of Canting Songs and .Slang Rhvmes. Collected by J. S. Farmer. Privately printed. London, 1896. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. 2435 Musa Proterva. Love-Poems of the Restoration. Edited by A. H. Bullen. Nimmo, London, 1889. Scjuare 8vo, half calf, uncut. 2436 Musee Universel. Profusely illustrated. Paris, n. d. 8 vols., imp. 8vo, half morocco. 252 2437 Muse's Library. The Poems, etc., of John Gay, Andrew Marvell, William Blake, Edmund Waller, William Browne, John Vaii:;han, John Keats, John Donne, Thomas Carew, and S. T. Coleridge.' Portraits. London, 1892-8. Large paper ; 200 copies printed. 16 vols., post 8vo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut edges. 2438 Muther (R.). History of Modern I'ainting. Profusely illustrated. New York, 1896. 3 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top. 2439 McCuUough (John). In Memory of. Portrait, etc. New York, 1889. Presentation copy from William Winter. Svo, cloth, uncut. 2440 Napier (G. G.). Homes and Haunts of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Portrait, etc. New York [Glasgow], 1892. 300 copies printed on Japan paper. Svo, cloth, uncut. 2441 Homes and Haunts of Sir Walter Scott. Portrait, etc. Glasgow, 1897. 550 copies printed on Japan paper. Svo, cloth, uncut. 2442 Napoleon. Lettres Inedites. Paris, 1897. 2 vols., Svo, original covers. 2443 New Letters of. Portrait. London, 1898. Svo, cloth, uncut. 2444 Nares (Robt.). Glossary. Words and phrases in the works of English authors, requiring elucidation. London, 1888. 2 vols., Svo, cloth. 2445 NASH (Joseph). MANSIONS OF ENGLAND in the Olden Time. 104 plates colored in imitation of the original drawings, with a volume of descriptive text. London, 1S69. 5 vols., atlas folio, red levant morocco e.xtra, gilt edges. 2446 Nash and Anderson. Mansions of England in the Olden Time. 104 lithographic plates. London, 1869. 4 vols, in 2, folio, half red morocco, gilt edges. 2447 Naylor (1^>. W.). Shakespeare and Music. London, 189O. v. i2mo, cloth. 253 2448 NELL GWYN. THE ORKilNAL TITLE DEEDS to her house in Pall Mall. Five parchment documents, with an engraved portrait of Charles II., and the Privy Seal attached to the first, bearing the signatures of the Earl of St. Albans, Will Chiffinch, Bap- tist May, Lord Hervey, Lawrence Hyde, W. Fanshawe, etc., and three times the well-known initials E. G, These deeds from the Cunningham sale need no further identifi- cation. Their value and interest is now a matter of history.. 5 documents in a 4to case, green levant morocco, with lock and key. 2449 Nelson (John). History, etc., of Islington. 1 7 engravings. London, iSii. Unicjue, having 294 illustrations inserted, from the Upcott collec- tion, many of great rarity; including the valuable Hollar plates, 26 drawings, and ^^ autographs. 2 vols., 4to, half brown levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2450 Nerval (Gerard de). Sylvie. 42 etchings. New York, 1887. Post 8vo, half olive morocco. 2451 Sylvie ; Souvenirs du Valois. Translated by Lucie Page. Port- land, 1896. Japan paper ; 100 printed. i2mo, boards. 2452 Neue Illustrirte Zeitung und Illustrirte Zeitung. Leipzig, 1888-90. 9 vols., folio, half morocco. 2453 Neuville (A. de). Tableaux et Dessins. Numerous illustrations. Paris, n. d. Royal folio, half brown levant. 2454 Newdigate-Newdegate (Lady). Gossip from a Muniment Room ; being passages in the lives of Anne and Mary Fytton. Portraits. Nutt, London, 1897. 4to, cloth, uncut. 2455 New England Primer. History of its Origin and Development ; edited by P. L. Ford. Illustrated. New York, 1897. Japan paper copy ; 57 printed. Square 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 2456 New English Theatre. With 60 fine character portraits. London, 1776. The only series of its kind where the characters are accurate portraits. 12 vols., post 8vo, half calf. 2456* New York Mirror. Numerous plates, some missing. New York. 20 vols., 4to, half bound. 254 2457 NEW YORK VIEWS. A superb collection, admirably ar- ranartolozzi ; Mrs. Siddons by Cardon (i.p.), Mrs. Jordan (2 p.b.l.), Mrs. Siddons as Isabella (p.b.l.), Ryder, Mrs. Jordan as Peggy (i.p), Hoinian 271 as Romeo, from Hibernian Mag. ; Mrs. Mountain, b}' Chees- man ; Mrs. Jordan singing " Nobody Coming to Marry Me ;" Cooke, by Dighton ; Elliston (folio mezzo.), C. Turner; Cooke as lago (folio mezzo., by Ward), the original drawing in colors of Favvcett as Roughhead, by S. de Wilde, 1805 ; curious folio cari- cature of Master Betty as Colossus, Miss Duncan (folio mezzo.), C. Turner; original drawing in colors of DeCamp as Coupee, by de Wilde, 1806 ; Mrs. Siddons after Reynolds, by Howard (folio) ; Elliston as the Duke, original drawing by de Wilde, 1808, MSS., 9 pp., in Mrs. Inchbald's hand, Elliston (folio mezzo., p.b.l.), Raymond (folio mezzo.), C. Turner (proof) ; Mathews (folio mezzo.), C. Turner (2), Mrs. Mathews in the Masquerade (original drawing in colors by de Wilde), Miss Kelly as Lady Savage (folio), Kembleas Macbeth (in colors), Mrs. Orger, Miss Cubitt, Munden, and Knight in Lock and Key (folio mezzo.), Lu[)ton ; autograph letter, Mrs. Siddons, autograph letter, Geo. Colman, Mrs. Siddons, by Gimber ; original drawing of Dowton as Cantwell, by de Wilde, 1812 ; Kean as Shylock (superb proof), and another, the same, Cruikshank-Alais, C. M. Young as Hamlet (mezzo., unfinished proof), Kean as Hamlet, Cruikshank-Alais, original drawing of Abbott, Miss O'Neill as Isabella (proof, by Cheesman, also autograph letter), Kean as Richard (folio), Fawcett (folio i. p.b.l.) autograph letter F. M. Kelly to Elli.ston, Mrs. A'.s?p (2), Handel, by Wolffgang ; Miss Stephens (folio, by S. W. Reynolds), autograph letter, Maria Foote, original drawing of Mathews, autograph letter C. Mathews, 1820, Miss Stephens (folio mezzo.), H. Meyer, J. B. Booth (unusual), Miss O'Neill as Juliet (p.b.l.), Kemble asCorio- lanus (folio mezzo.), Burgess; Kean as Brutus (2), autograph letters, Macready (2), Kean as Lear; autograph letter, Edm. Kean, Chas. Kemble (folio mezzo), Lupton, Miss Baton, by R. Newton; Miss Chester (folio mezzo.), S. W. Reynolds, T. P. Cook (folio lith., i.p.,) original drawing Park Theatre, Stephen Price (folio mezzo.), S. W. Reynolds (open letter proof), Ed- mund Simpson (early impression), Mathews as Old Scotch Lady (mezzo.), Clint., Miss Paton (folio i.p.), Mme. Vestris, Miss Glover, Mr. Williams and Liston in Paul Pry (folio mezzo.), Lupton, Miss Paton as Susanna (folio), Stew-art ; autograph letter, Ellen Tree, Grimaldi as Clown (rare proof), Mme. Mali- bran (folio mezzo., p.b.l.), Licledon (original drawing), auto- graph letter, C. Kemble, Ducrow on Bucephalus (folio), Astley's Circus interior, 1807, L'Ecole de Mars (original drawing). Miss Elizabeth Hughes, Tyrone Power (folio mezzo.), C. Turner (superb proof before all letters, also autograph letter, 1835), autograph letter, Rev. James Townley, Master Burke as Socrates Camelion, J. R, Anderson and Miss Bateman (folio). Master Burke as Bluster liubble and another (i.p.), autograph letter, L'anny Kemble ; Pierce Egan (folio mezzo.), C. Turner ; Wallack (folio), T. Woolnoth, Paganini (4), Mile. Mars (folio mezzo.), Maile and by Lignon, the same (p.b.l.), autograph letter, Mars, autograph letters, Taglioni (2), Jane Shirriffe (lith.), Endicott ; autograph letter, J. S. Knowles, Mrs. Honey as Lurline (folio), 272 , Byron (folio), Wedgwood (open letter proof), Macready, Sr., as the Irishman in London (original drawing by de Wilde, 1805), Buckstone, autograph list of plays, Cincinnati, 5th Aug., 1841, autograph letter, Helen Faucit, Edwin Forrest (folio lith.), autograph letter, Eliza Vestris, Chas. Kean as Richard (folio i.p. in colors), Taylor (lith.), Couldock as Hamlet (folio), Matilda Heron as Medea (folio), autograph letter, Charlotte Cushman, Rose Telbin, Ormsby sc, Macrea'dy as Werner (folio lith.), Sam Cowell as Lord Lovell, Hackett as Rip (lith. 4to), Leigh Murray (folio p.b.l.), autograph letters, Grisi (2), autograph letter, Mario, Rachel (folio mezzo.), Jackson, Charlotte Cushman as Mrs. Haller (folio lith. in colors), autograph letter, Ellen Kean, original sketch by Fechter (folio). The last bill of old Drury Lane, Feb. 23, 1809, the first of new theatre, Sept. 18, 1809, Tremont Theatre, 1840, Broadway Theatre, 1847, Haymarket Amateur Performance, May 15 and 17, 1848 (2), with Dickens, Mark Lemon, Leech, Forster, Cruikshank, etc., in the cast ; St. James Theatre, Kate and Ellen Batemen, only 8 and 6 years of age, 185 1, etc. 5 vols., royal folio, half green morocco extra. 2652 PLAY-BILLS, ETC. A LIBRARY OF OLD PLAY-BILLS, ETC. (Collected by W. Henderson.) In 70 folio vols, (unbound, with specially printed titles to each vol. in red and black), as follows: Shakespeare — Play-bills of 32 of Shakespeare's plays, and 5 plays relating to Shakespeare (in 23 vols.) 2,588 Music on the British Stage — Play-bills illustrating the progress of music on the British stage (from the middle of the last century uj) to the present time) in musical farce, lyric drama, comic opera, comedy opera, grand opera, etc. (in 23 vols.) 2,700 " Waverley " — Play-bills of 34 plays founded on Sir Walter Scott's Waverley novels, poems, etc. (in 15 vols.) 1,200 Scotch Plays — Play-bills qf 135 Scotch plays, or plays containing Scotch characters (outside "Waverley"; in 9 vols.) 700 Total number of play-bills 7, 188 Autograph Letters — Autographs and holograph MSS. of authors, poets, artists, composers, vocalists, actors, etc. 512 Portraits and other pictorical illustrations 452 This library of old play-bills, etc., may be said to be unique. No other collection of the kind is known to exist, and it may be questioned whether such another could again be made. The Shakespeare collection, for instance, contains play-bills of 32 plays, and lacks only the second and third parts of Henry \'I., Troilus and Cressida, Titus .Andronicus, and Pericles. The number of play-bills in each case may be taken as an index of the popularity of the various plays. Hamlet comes first, with 353 bills; of Macbeth there are 325; Othello, 236; Richard the Third, 205; the Merchant of Venice, 200; Romeo and Juliet, 18 273 194; ^ii*-! ^^ -'^^ "^ o" Like It, 158; whereas there are only two each of Tiinon of Athens and Antony and Cleopatra, and only one each of Love's Labor's Lost and of the first part of Henry VL It becomes interestini;, again, to note the comparative popularity of the various parts. We have, for instance, 125 different actors playing the part of Hamlet, and 177 of Ophelia; 94 of Romeo, and 94 of Juliet; 116 of Macbeth, and 135 of Lady Macbeth, and so on. The "Waverley" collection would be made complete by the addi- tion of bills of The Betrothed, Anne of Geierstein, Count Robert of Paris, Castle Dangerous, the Surgeon's Daughter, and Rokeby (if ever dramatized). Rob Roy comes first in popularity, with 299 bills, followed by Guy Mannering with 266. In the former there are 116 different actors performing the title ro/e, and 106 different Baillie Nicol Jarvies. Guy Mannering shows a proportionate number in the leading parts. That the Scotch collection (outside " Waverley ") can be slightly increased is certain. 135 plays may not appear to be a large number, and yet only six or so of these seem to have been in existence in the last century, Douglas being the most popular. Some of the last century Scotch bills, scattered throughout the collection, are exceptionally interesting, belonging, as they do, to the first patent theatre in Scotland — the Theatre Royal, Canongate, and to the first theatre in the new town, Edinburgh. In 1827 James Laing, the antiquarian bookseller, presented them to Mrs. Nasmyth (the wife of the painter), with the remark that they were probably the earliest Scotch bills in existence. Mr. J. C. Dibdin, author of the "Annals of the Edinburgh Stage," believes they are still the earliest known to exist. The bills illustrating the progress of " Music on the British Stage " contain the names of all the great singers who appeared during nearly a century and a half, from Handel's tenor, Beard, Dr. Arne's tenor. Lowe, Mrs. Clive, Mrs. Gibber, Anne Catley, and Charles Dibdin- (in his teens), etc., to Malibran, Grisi, Jenny Lind, Alboni, Titiens, Patti, Nilsson, Trebelli, Albani, etc., Lablache, Rubini, Mario, Braham, Reeves, Santley, Tamagno, etc. Beginning, appropriately, with the Beggar's Opera, it ends with Wagner's Parsifal and Verdi's Otello. It takes in the revival, the climax, and the decline of Italian opera in England. It shows the gradual progress of national opera in the triumphs of Dibdin, Shield. Storace, Michael Kelly, Sir Henry Bishop, Rooke, Barnett, Walkice, Balfe, Benedict, Macfarren, etc.; the praiseworthy struggles of Arnold, Harrison, Louisa Pyne, etc.; the modern successes of " Gilbert and Sullivan," of " Stephenson and Cellier," in comic opera and in comedy opera, and of the "Carl Rosa Company," in their efforts to promote " Opera in English." " First night " and " Never acted " bills are numerous through- out. The " Waverley " section contains many interesting autograph letters of Sir Walter Scott, James Ballantyne, Archibald Constable, Cadell, Lockhart, and of their friends 274 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 and contemporaries, and of numerous others. As Sir Walter, in the " VVaverley " novels, did not confine himself to Scotch subjects, the letters are representative, in like manner, of all shades of noted men, including leading modern authors. The autograph letters, etc., in the musical section are equally- interesting and numerous. Players (The). A Dramatic and Literary Journal ; from January 2, i860, to July 20, 1861 (No. I to No. 82). Wood-cuts. London, 18C0-1. Complete ; all published. Folio, cloth. A Satyr. London, n. d. 8vo, half blue levant. PLAYERS' CLUB. An interesting collection of autograph letters and memoranda relative to the conception and final establishment of the Players' Club, with its first Year Book, a printed account of the Booth Dinner, and other intimate data. New York, 1887-9. This valuable volume has been enriched with numerous water- color and other drawings by 1). E. Cronin, and the autograph letters include relevant communications from Edwin Booth, General Sherman, Mark Twain, Laurence Barrett, John (iilbert. A. M. Palmer, General Horace Porter, etc. 4to, red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Playgoers' Year Book for 1888. 8vo, half red levant, gilt top. Wood -cuts. Boston, 1S89. Plays. Prompt Books, with the MS. notations of many famous Actors and Actresses of the American Stage. Colleen Bawn, Serious Family, Handy .\ndy, Masks and Faces, Jane Shore, The Critic, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Speed the Plow, She Wou'd and She Wou'd Not. Sweethearts and Wives, She Stoops to Con- quer, Sheep in Wolf's Cloth- ing, Our American Cousin, Good Natured Man, Inconstant, Ours, Beggar's Opera, Suspicious Husband, Nicholas Nickleby, Playing with Fire. Venice Preserved, School of Reform, Married T>ife, Beaux Stratagem, Jack Sheppard, As You Like It, Werner, Cinderella, Rivals, Paul Pry, Ion, In go mar. The Wife, Coriolanus, Cymbeline, King John, Richard II., Lon^.). Dante, unlettered proof (;^4 4s.). Tasso, unlettered proof (;^4 4^^.). Aricsto, engraver's proof (^5 5.^.). Petrarca, engraver's proof (^4 los.). Lorenzo de Medici, unlettered proof (;^,"3). Boc- caccio, engraver's proof (;^2).' Machiavelli, by Paolo Toschi, a superb engraver's proof on India paper. Charles Mon- tague, E. of Halifax, by Drevet, brilliant unlettered proof. Robert Dodsley, by Ravenet, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, un- lettered proof. Unique. Duke of Argyle, mezzo., er.graver's proof, private plate. Magliabecchi, by Eartolozzi, unlettered proof, rare. Titisn, by Cavessier, brilliant engraver's proof. The Violinist, after Raphael, by Buonafedi, engraver's proof. Charles 1. in the dress in which he was executed, unlettered proof, private plate, executed for the Duke of Buckingham. Also a beautiful series of views by Turner, artists' proofs, etc. The most splendid and magnificent copy ever offered for sale, or which exists. It formerly belonged to the collection of Sir Charles Price, an eminent book and print collector, and was most probably illustrated by him. Nothing of a mediocre character has been introduced. Of the portraits inserted, nearly one-half are engraver's proofs, and, even procured at the most reasonable prices, the volumes must have cost upwards of ;^5oo sterling. Of the autographs, etc.. it is hardly necessary to speak — they are invaluable when taken in connec- tion with the book ; there are, and doubtless will be, numerous extra-illustrated copies of this popular collection of Literary 324 Ana ; but allowing that a collection of portraits and views rivalling the ai)ove series could be got together— which is doubtful — these letters alone will insure the lead against all aspirants, and it must ever remain, as it is now ///,■ illustrated copy of Spence's Anecdotes. 3138 Spence (Rev. Jos.). Polymetis ; or, an Enquiry concerning the Agree- ment between the works of the Roman Poets, and the remains of the Ancient Artists, being an attempt to illustrate them mutually from one another. Portrait by Vertue and numerous copper-plates by I,. P. Boitard. Dodsley, London, 1755. Large paper copy. Folio, half calf. 3139 Spencer's Boston Theatre. Nos. 49 to 64. Boston, 1856. Autograph of Qakey Hall on the inside cover. i6mo, cloth. 3140 SPENSER (Edmund). THE FAERHi QUEENE. Disposed into 12 books. Wm. Ponsonbie, London, 1590. First edition. 4to, green morocco extra, gilt edges. 3141 TFIE FAERIE QUEENE. London, 1596. First complete edition, but the first volume is the second issue. 2 vols., 4to, green levant extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. 3142 The Faerie Queene ; The vShepheards Calendar ; together with other works. London, 1617. Folio, red levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Niedree. 3143 Spielmann (M. H.). The History of " Punch." Illustrated. New York, 1895. 8vo, cloth. 3144 Spillan (H. (i.). The Rival Operas in London in 1852. An Art Memoir. London, 1852. 8vo, half green levant, gilt top. 3145 Spiller (James). Spillcr's Jests ; or, the Humours and Pleasant .Adven- tures of the Comedians, with their Merry Jokes, Diverting St)ngs, and Entertaining Tales. Rare portrait and plate. London, n. d. i2mo, old calf. 3146 Sporting and Dramatic News (Illustrated). 4 vols., folio, half red morocco. London, 1S74-76. 19 vols., folio, half morocco. London, 1883-92. 3147 Staal de Launay f Madame). Memoirs of. Translated by C. IL Bell. 41 etchings by Lalauze. New York f Paris |. 1892. 2 vols., i6mo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 325 3148 Stage. Proposal for tlie better Regulation of the Stage. London, 1732. 8vo, half blue levant. 3149 A Guide to the Stage. London, 1751. 8vo, half green levant. 31^0 A Compleat Vindication of the I,icensers of the Stage, from the Aspersions of Mr. Brooke. By An Impartial Hand. London, 1739. 4to, half green levant. 3151 The Present State of the Stage in Great Britain and Ireland, London, 1753. 8vo, half green levant, gilt top. 3152 Compendious History of the Englfsh Stage, by Waldron, Dibdin. etc. London, 1800. i6mo, calf. 3153 Biography of the British Stage. Portrait inserted. New York, 1824. i2mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 3154 Some thoughts concerning the Stage : also Representation of the Impiety and Immorality of the English Stage. London, 1704. 2 vols, in I, 8vo, calf. 3155 Standard Dictionary. Colored and other illustrations. New York, 1896. 4to, russia. 3156 Stanley (Arthur P.). Westminster Abbey. Numerous illustrations. London, 1886. Unique copy. 69 extra illustrations inserted, many colored, in- cluding the monument to Major Andre. 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3157 Stark (James H.). Antique Views of the Town of Boston. Nearly 200 reproductions. Boston, 1889. 4to, cloth. 3158 Stebbins (Emma). Charlotte Cushman. Letters and Memories. 3 plates. Boston, 1878. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 3159 Stedman (E. C). Victorian Poets. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1887. Poets of America. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1885. Large paper copies extended to 8 vols, by the insertion of nearly 400 portraits, views, and facsimiles, some India proofs. 8 vols., 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 326 3160 Stedman and Hutchinson. Library of American Literature. Steel portraits. New York, 1890. II vols., royal 8v(), half morocco, gilt top, uncut eu,i,a'S. 3161 Steele (Elizabeth). Memoirs of Sophia Baddeley. Dublin, 1787. 3 vols., post 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. [See Baddeley.] 3162 Steele (Sir Richard). The State of the Case between the Lord Cham- berlain and the Governor of the Royal Company of Comedians. London, 1720. 8vo, half red morocco. 3163 Steele and Adams. Beauty of Form and Grace of Vesture. Illu.s- trated. New York, 1892. 1 2 mo, cloth. 3164 Steinman (G. S.). Memoir of Mrs. Myddelton. Portrait. Privately printed. Oxford, 1864. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 3165 Stephens (Henry L.). The Comic Natural History of tlie Human Race. Designed and illustrated with 40 colored plates, portraits of Edwin Forrest, W. E. Burton, T. D. Rice, E. E. Seguin, Mary Taylor, Hen. Driesbach, P. T. Barnum, Charlotte Cushman, etc. Phdadelpliia, 185 1. Royal 8vo, cloth. One of the hundred copies with the plates colored. 3166 Stephens (R. N.). Queens of the Drama. Etched portraits. Troy, 1889. 4to, original covers. 3167 Sterne (Laurence). Works, with Life by himself. Plates after Hogarth. London, 1788. 10 vols., small 8vo, half calf. 3168 Sentimental Journey. With the brilliant illustrations by M. Leloir. New York, 1884. Imp. 8vo, cloth case, original covers, uncut edges. 3169 Stevens (Geo. Alc.x.), etc. Dramatic History of Master l*Ldward [Shuter], Miss Ann [Catley], and others. With all the facetious plates. London, 1785. i2mo, half calf, gilt. 3170 A Lecture on Heads. 47 wood-cuts by Nesbit. London, 1S02. i6mo, calf. 3171 Stevenson (R. L. ). Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. London, 1886. Post 8vo, paper. 327 3172 Stevenson (R. L). A Lowden Sabbath Morn. Illustrated by Boyd. London, 1898. 4to, cloth, uncut. 3173 Weir of Hermiston. New York, 1896. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3174 Vailima Letters to Sidney Colvin. Illustrated. Chicago, 1895. Large paper copy ; 100 printed. 2 vols., i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3175 A Child's Garden of Verses. Illustrated by Robinson. New York, 1895. .,. i ^. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3176 Some College ]\remories. New York, 1899. i6mo, cloth. 3177 Father Uamien. Mosher, Portland, 1897. Japan paper copy ; 50 printed. i6mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3178 and Lloyd Osborne The Ebb-tide. Chicago, 1894. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3179 ^"d Henley. Macaire ; a Melodramatic Farce. Chicago, 1895. i6mo, cloth, uncut. 3180 STEWART (James). PLOCACOSMOS ; or, the whole Art of Hair Dressing. London, 1782. L^nique copy, illustrated by the insertion of 100 colored and other plates, showing the fantastic ramifications of head-dressing in all ages and nations, with tools and processes used in the operation. 2 vols., 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 3181 Stieglitz (Alf.). Picturesque Bits of New York, etc. 12 plates. New York, 1897. Imp. 4to, boards. 3182 Stieler, etc. The Rhine. Translated by G. C. T. Bartley. Profusely illustrated. London, 1878. Folio, cloth. 3183 Stiles (H. R.). Letters from the Prisons and Prison Ships ; Inter- ment of the Remains of American Patriots. New York, 1865. Unique copy, with over 40 illustrations inserted. Only 80 copies of the first book and 45 of the last were printed privately. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 328 3184 Stirling (Edwd.). Old Drury Lane. London, 1881. Unique copy, \vith over 60 portraits, etc., inserted. 2 vols., crown 8vo, calf e.xtra, gilt edges. 3185 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir Wm.). Don John of Austria. Superbly printed and illustrated. London, 1883. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 3186 Stisted (G. M.). True Life of Capt. Sir Rich?rd F. Burton. Portrait. New York, 1897. i2mo, cloth. 3187 Stoddard (John L.). I>ectures on Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Japan, China, etc. Profusely illustrated. New York, 1897. Presentation copy from the author, 3 vols., 8vo, half red morocco. Vols, i to 3. 3188 • Red-Letter Days Abroad. Illustrated. Boston, 1884. Royal 8vo, brown morocco, gilt edges. 3189 Stoddard (R. H.). Poems. Portrait. New York, 1880. 8vo, cloth. 3190 Stothert (James). French and Spanish Painters. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1877. Royal Svo, cloth. 3191 Stowe (Harriet Beecher). Uncle Tom's Cabin. Illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank. London, 1852. Crown Svo, half gray levant morocco, gilt top. 3192 Uncle Tom's Cabin. 130 illustrations. Edinburgh, 1853. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt. 3193 Uncle Tom's Cabin. Numerous illustrations, and the series by George Cruikshank inserted. Boston, 1853. Svo, calf extra, gilt edges. 3194 Uncle Tom's Cabin. Portrait, plates, and wood-cuts. Cam- bridge, 1892. Edition de luxe ; 250 printed. 2 vols., i2mo, ooze calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 3195 Strand Magazine. Profusely illustrated. London, 1891-2. 4 vols., Svo, half red morocco, gilt top. 3196 Straparola. Facetious Nights. Translated by VV. G. Waters. Illus- trated by Gamier and Hughes. Societv of Bibliophiles, London. 1898. Bibliophile edition ; 26 printed on Japan paper, with the i^lates in three states, one colored. 4 vols., Svo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 329 3197 Strickland (Agnes) and Green (Mary A. E.)- Historical Biog- raphies, etc. Lives of the Queens of iMigland. 12 vols. 1841-8. Lives of the Queens of Scotland. 8 vols. 1850-9. Princesses of the House of Stuart. 1872. Lives of the Bachelor Kings of England. 1861. Historic Scenes, etc. 1850. Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots. 3 vols. 1842-3. Lives of the Princesses of l'>ngland, by Mary A. E. Green. 6 vols. 1850-7. Numerous steel portraits. 32 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3198 Strong (A. A.). Dramatic and Musical Law. London, 1898. 8vo, cloth. 3199 Strutt (Joseph). Dresses and Habits of the People of England. Numerous fine plates. London, 1842. 2 vols., 4to, half green morocco. 3199* STRUTT (Joseph). BIOGRAPHICAL DICriONARY OF ENGRAVERS. London, 1785. Unique copy ; the text interleaved and containing the usual plates printed in brown, but supplemented with over 2.000 specimens collected and arranged, alphabetically, by J. P^oyd, (181 3), in 7 huge folios. Some idea may be formed of the extent of this collection, by the number of specimens illus- trating the work of the following engravers, viz.: Aldegraver 25 ; ('allot, 20 ; Diirer, 45 ; Gerretsz, 35 ; the Vischers, 18 Wierix, 13 ; Bartolozzi, 7 ; McArdell, 3 ; Audrans, 20 Strange, 3 ; Rembrandt, 30 ; Val Green, 3 ; Earlom, 3 ; Ver- tue, 7, etc. At first sight these volumes, crudely put together, and frequently exhibiting torn and multilated prints, will repel a possible purchaser ; they, however, contain enough valuable material to repay careful examination. 9 vols., 4to (2) and imp. folio (7), half russia. 3200 Sturgis (Russell). European Architecture. Over 250 illustrations. New York, 1896. 8vo, cloth. 3201 Suckling (Sir John). Fragmenta Aurea. A Collection of all the In- comparable Pieces. Portrait by Marshall, remargined. London, 1646. First edition. 8vo, red levant morocco extra, inside border, gilt edges, by Bed- ford. 3202 Works, containing his Poems, Letters, and Plays Fine portrait. London, 1709. 8vo, half brown morocco. 330 3203 Suckling (Sir John). Poems. Portrait. New York, 1886. i2mo, cloth. 3204 Sue (Eugene). Les Mysteres de Paris. Illustrations on steel and wood. Paris, 1843. 4 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco. 3205 — The Mysteries of Paris. Portrait (inserted), and many hundred wood-cuts. London, 1845. 3 vols., royal Svo, half red morocco, gilt top. 3206 The Wandering Jew. 183 illustrations by Ferdinandus. Lon- don, 1889. 3 vols., imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3207 The Wandering Jew. Profusely illustrated. New York, 1846. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half calf gilt. 3208 Martin, the Foundling. Wood-cuts. London, 1847. Royal 8vo, half morocco. 3209 Paula Monti ; or, the Hotel Lambert. 20 illustrations by David. London, 1845. Svo, cloth, uncut. 3210 The Rival Races. London, 1863. 3 vols., crown Svo, half maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 3211 The Female Bluebeard. 34 illustrations. London, 1S45. Post Svo, half blue calf, gilt top. 3212 Matilda; or, the Misfortunes of Virtue. Plates. London, 1845. i2mo, half calf. 3213 The Protestant Leader. London, 1849. First edition of the translation. 3 vols., crown Svo, cl(;th, uncut. 3214 Sumbel (Mrs.). "Mrs. Wells." Memoirs, by herself. London, 181 1. 3 vols., 1 2 mo, half calf. 3215 Sumner (Hey wood). The Itchen Valley from Tichborne to Soutii- ampton. 22 etchings. London, 18S1. Folio, cloth. 3216 Sun and Shade. Nearly 300 photogravures. New York, 1S88-91. 3 vols., 4to, cloth. 3217 Sundry Rhymes. From the days of our (Irandmothers. Collected and illustrated by (i. W. Edwards. New York, 1S88. Folio, cloth, uncut. 331 32l8 Swift (Jonathan). Travels into several Remote Nations of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver. Portrait. London, 1726. First edition, 2 vols., 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. 3210 (iuUiver's Travels. 400 wood-cuts. London, n. d. Royal 8vo, calf extra. ^220 Gulliver's Travels. Memoir by Saintsbury. 240 illustrations, mostly colored. London, 1886. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 3221 Swinburne (Algernon C.). The Heptalogia. Portland, 1898. Japan paper ; 50 printed. 4to, boards. 3222 Symons (Arthur). Aubrey Beardsley. Portraits and other plates. London, 1898. 4to, half gray levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 0223 Aubrey Beardsley. 3 portraits and 6 illustrations. London, 1898. 4to, boards, uncut edges. 3224 Symonds (J. A.). Life of Benvenuto Cellini. Portrait and 8 etchings by Laguillermie, etc. London, 1888. Large paper copy ; 100 printed. 2 vols., royal 8vo, original boards, uncut. 3225 • Life of Michael Angelo Buonarotti. Portrait and 50 other illus- trations. London, 1893. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 3227 Memoirs of Carlo Gozzi. Portrait and 6 etchings by Lalauze. London, 1890. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, uncut edges. 3228 Symposium (The). Edited and published by George W. Cable. \()\. L Northampton, 1896. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3229 Talfourd (Sir T. N.). Memoirs of Charles Lamb. Edited by Percy Fitzgerald. Portraits. Philadelphia [London], 1892. Large paper copy ; 125 printed. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3330 Tallis. Dramatic Magazine. Numerous steel portraits. London, 1850. Royal 8vo, half morocco. 3331 Dramatic Magazine. Steel portraits. London, 1850. Imp. 8vo, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top. 332 3232 Tamenaga Shunsui. The Loyal Renins. Translated by E. Greye, etc. Illustrated. New York, 1884. Presentation copy from E. Greey, with autograph letter and inscription. 4to, cloth. 3233 TANNER (Bp. Thos.)- NOTITIA MONASTICA ; or, an account of all the Abbies, Priories, and Houses of Friers, formerly in Ent,dand and Wales. Reprinted, with additions, by J. Nasmith. Cambridge, 1787. 18 vols., folio, red morocco, gilt edges. Unique copy, extra-illustrated with a large number of original drawings in water color, sepia, and pencil, scarce engravings, and other interesting matter. 3234 Tarbell (Ida M.). Short Life of Napoleon. 250 illustrations. New York, 1896. Royal 8vo, cloth. 3235 Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Illustrated. New York, 1896. 8vo, cloth. 3236 Tarver (J. C). English-French and French-English Dictionary. The Royal Phraseological. London, 1S79. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. 3237 Gu.stave Flaubert as seen in his works, etc. Portrait. West- minster, 1895. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3238 Tasso. Jerusalem Delivered. Translated by John Hoole. Portrait and plates. London, 181 1. 8vo, half green morocco extra, gilt top. 3239 Jerusalem Delivered. Translated by J. H. Wiffen. Portrait and plates. London, 1867. Post 8vo, cloth. 3240 Taylor (Elizabeth). Authentic Memoirs of Mrs. Clarke. Colored portrait. London, 1809. Post 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Tout. 3241 Taylor (Tom) and Reade (Chas.). The King's Rival ; .Masks and Faces, and Two Loves and a Life. London, 1854. Post 8vo, cloth. 3242 Tegg (Thos.). The O. P. War. in poetic epistles ; or, Hudibrasiic let- ters. Frontispiece by Cruikshank. Lontlon, 1810. i2mo, half red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 333 3243 Temple Classics. Boswell's Johnson, 6 vols. ; Carlyle's French Revolution, 3 vols. ; Montaigne's Essays, 6 vols. ; Lamb's Essays, 2 vols. ; (}ulliver's Travels ; Paradise Lost ; Vicar of Wakefield, etc. Portraits. Dent, London, 1897. 22 vols., 24010, cloth. -J244 Plutarch's Lives ; Pilgrim's Progress ; Holy Grail ; Selden's Table Talk, and the (".olden Book of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Portraits. Dent, London, 1898. 7 vols., 24mo, green morocco. 3245 Temple (A. G.). England's History, as Pictured by Famous Painters. Numerous illustrations. London, 1897. Oblong 4to, cloth. 3246 Tennyson (Alfred). Poetical Works. MacmiUan, London, 1896. 23 vols., 24mo, red morocco. -J247 'I'imbuctoo. Cantab., 1829. First edition. R. II. Shepherd's MS. inserted, and interleaved. 8vo, half olive levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3248 Ihe Princess. London, 1S47. First edition. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3249 In Memoriam. Moxon, London, 1850. First edition. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut edges. 3250 In Memoriam. London, 1850. First edition. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3251 In Memoriam. Illustrated by Harry Fenn. New York, 1897. 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3252 In Memoriam. Illustrated by Harry Fenn. New York, 1897. i2mo, cloth. 3253 Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington. Moxon, Lon- don, 1852. First edition, with the original covers. 8vo, half gray levant morocco, gilt top. 3254 Maud, etc. London, 1853. First edition. Post 8vo. half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3255 Idylls of the King. London, 1859. First edition. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top. 334 3256 Tennyson (Alfred). A Welcome [to Alexandra, Princess of Wales). London, 1863. First edition. P(^st 8vo, half iTT'dy levant, gilt top. 3257 Enoch Arden, etc. London, 1864. First edition. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3258 The Holy Grail, etc. London, 1S70. First edition. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3259 Gareth and Lynette, etc. London, 1872. First edition. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Queen Mary. A drama. London, 1875. First edition. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Harold. A drama. London, 1877. First edition. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top. uncut edges. Lhe Lover's Tale. London, 1879. First edition. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Ballads and other Poems. London, 1880. First edition. Post 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Becket. London, 1884. First edition. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Tiresias and other Poems. London, 1885. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt top. uncut edges. Demeter and other Poems. London, 18S9. First edition. Post Svo. half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3267 The Death of CEnone, Abkar's Dream, etc. New York, 1892. 200 copies printed on hand-made paper. Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3268 The Death of (Knone, etc. Londoii, 1892. First edition. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 335 3269 Tennyson (Alfred). The Foresters. New York, 1892. First edition. Post Svo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3270 THE FORESTERS. A pastoral comedy. New York, 1892. Unique copy of the Daly prompt book, with 28 original water- color drawings by Eugene Grivaz. Svo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Stikeman. 3271 The Foresters. Portrait of Ada Rehan. New York, 1892. Special large paper copy. Royal Svo, olive levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 3272 SULTJVAN'S ORIGINAL MS. SCORE OF THE MUSIC to the Foresters. Oblong 4to, half red morocco. 3273 Poems. 64 illustrations. Boston, 1869. 8vo, cloth. 3274 Chronological List of the Works of, etc. Grolier Club, New York, 1897. i2mo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3275 Illustrations of Tennyson by J. C. Collins. London, 1891. Crown 8vo, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3276 Tennyson and his Friends at Freshwater, by V. C. Scott O'Con- nor. Illustrated. Century Magazine article. Svo, half gray levant, gilt top. 3277 Memoir of, by his son. Portraits. London, 1S97. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. 3278 Tennyson (Frcdk.). Days and Hours. [Poems.] London, 1854. First edition. Post Svo, cloth, uncut. 3279 Terence. Comedies. Translated by Geo. Colman. Mask plates. London, 1868. 2 vols., Svo, calf. 3280 Comedies. Translated by George Colman. London, 1765. Unique copy, with a large number of copper-plate illustrations in- serted. 4to, half morocco. 3281 Texier (Ed.). Tableau de Paris. Profusely illustrated. Paris, 1853. 2 vols., folio, half morocco. 336 3282 Thackeray (William Makepeace). Works. Edition de luxe, with the original illustrations on India paper. London, 1878-86. 26 vols., royal 8vo, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 32'83 Works. With biographical introductions by his daughter, Anne Ritchie. Portraits and plates. New York, 1898. 13 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. THE ITEMS HERE FOLLOWING, REPRESENT THE MOST EXTENSIVE SERIES OF FIRST EDITIONS OF THACKERAY EVER OFFERED AT AUCTION IN AMERICA. 3284 The Snob [and the Ciownsman]. Cambridge, 1829-30. The original numbers, with colored covers. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3285 The Snob [also the Gownsman]. Cambridge, 1829-30. Also in this vol. : The Cambridge Odes, n. d. ; The Individual, 1836; The Progress to B.A., 1830; The Fellow, 1836; Granta, 1841 ; A Few More Words to a Freshman, 1841. Crown 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges, with the original colored covers. 3286 Flore et Zephyr. PJallet Mythologique par Theophile Wagstaffe. 9 plates by Thackeray, slightly tinted, and an original drazcing, a study for the si.xth plate, with an unmistakable portrait of Thackeray as Cupid. London, 1826. Folio, half maroon levant, with the original covers. 3287 Flore et Zephyr. Another copy mounted. London, 1836. Folio, maroon levant morocco, by Riviere. 3288 Damascus and Palmyra. By Chas. A. Addison. Colored illus- trations by Thackeray. London, 1838. This copy has the full num- ber of plates (18), ten being the nurnber found in nearly all copies. 2 vols., 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3289 Simple Melodies, \\ith illustrations. Choisi le Roi, 1832. Executed in facsimile. 4to, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3290 The National Omnibus. (With original articles by Thackeray.) Vol. I., 1831-2. London, 1832. Folio, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3291 The National Standard of Literature, etc. Wood-cuts. Lon- don, 1833. Vol. I., with original contributions by Thackeray. 4to, half maroon levant, gilt toj"). 3292 The Tin Trumpet, by the late Paul Chatfield. Plates. London. 1836. 2 vols., crown 8vO; half maroon levant, gilt top, micut edges. 22 337 3293 Thackeray (William Makepeace). Yellowplush Correspondence. Pliil- adelphia, 183S. i2mo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2294 Comic Almanack. Plates by Cruiksliank. London, 1S39. Contains the first issue of " Stubbs's Calendar," and an autograph letter from Thackeraj', in regard to his rights to the same, is inserted. Post 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3295 The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman. Plates by Geo. Cruik- shank. London, 1839. i2mo, half maroon levant, with the original covers. 3296 The Corsair. London, 1839-40. The original 50 numbers, with contributions by Thackeray. I*"olio, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3297 Paris Sketch Book. Numerous illustrations. London, 1840. 2 vols., crown 8vo. maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 3298 Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1840. The Westminster Review article, wath additions. 8vo, half maroon levant. 3299 Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. Numerous illus- trations. London, 1840. The original article in the Westminster Review. 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3300 Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. 40 illustrations. London, 1884. Large paper copy. Imp. 8vo, half maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 3301 L'Abbaye de Penmarcli. Drame en trois actes. Paris, 1840. Royal 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges, with the original wrappers. 3302 Heads of the People. Portraits by Kenny Meadows. London, 1840. Thackeray contributed some sketches. 2 vols., 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3303 '^^^ Student's Quarter. Colored plates. London, n. d. Crown 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3304 'i'he Student's Quarter. Colored plates. London, n. d. Crown Svo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 338 3305 Thackeray (William Makepeace). Comic Tales and Sketches. Plates. London, 1841. 2 vols., crown 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 3306 Second Funeral of Napoleon, and Chronicle of the Drum. Lon- don, 1841. First edition. Post 8vo, original covers, in maroon levant case, by Riviere. The Irish Sketch Book. Numerous engravings. London, 1843" 2 vols., crown 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. Hood's Magazine. Illustrated. London, 1844-5. 3 vols., 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top. The Chest of Cigars ; Bob Robinson's First Love, etc. Col- burn's magazine cuttings, 1845. 8vo, half maroon levant. Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Cairo. Colored frontis- piece and numerous wood-cuts. London, 1846. Crown 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. Mrs. Perkins's Ball. Plates in two states, colored and black. London, 1847. 4to, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. Vanity Fair. Illustrated. London, 1847-8. First issue, with extra title and rustic design afterwards cancelled, an inserted portrait and etching, and original wrappers. 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. Vanity Fair. Plates. London, 1848. 8v«, half morocco levant, gilt top, uncut edges. Our Street. With a double set of the plates, plain and colored. London, 1848. Small 4to, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, witii the original covers. The Book of Snobs. London, 1848. Post 8vo, original covers in maroon levant case. Book of Snobs. New York, 1852. i6mo, half maroon levant, gilt top. Book of Snobs. New York, 1864. i6mo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 339 23^^ Thackeray (William Makepeace). Doctor Birch and his Young Friends. Illustrated. London, 1849. Small 4to, half maroon levant, gilt edges. 3319 Doctor Birch. Colored plates and wood-cut on title in black. London, 1849. Small 4to, calf extra, gilt edges. 3320 An Interesting Event. By M. A. Titmarsh. London, 1849. Of great rarity. Perhaps less than a dozen copies were issued in this form, and this copy has been declared to be unique. Post 8vo, blue levant morocco, by Riviere. 3321 The Keepsake, 1849. Steel plates. London, 1849. In this vol., p. 207, is the first appearance of "An Literesting Event." 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt edges. 3322 History of Samuel Titmarsh, etc. Plates. London, 1849. Post 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. 3323 Sand and Canvas ; a Narrative of Adventures in Egypt. Col- ored and other illustrations. London, 1849. 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3324 Hist(5ry of Pendennis. Illustrated. London, 1849. 2 vols., 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere, and original wrappers. 3325 The Kickleburys on the Rhine. London, 1850. First edition, with a double set of plates, black and white. Small 4to, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere, with the original covers. 3326 The Kickleburys on the Rhine. Plates. London, 1851. Second edition, with the paper on Thunder and Small Beer. Small 4to, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3327 Stubbs's Calendar. Plates by Geo. Cruikshank. New York, 1S50. 1 2 mo, half maroon levant, gilt top, with the original covers. 3328 Rebecca and Rowena, with the plates by Doyle in two states, black and colored. London, 1850. Small 4to, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere, with the original covers. 3329 Henry Esmond. London, 1852. 3 vols., crown 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 340 3330 Thackeray (William Makepeace). Confessions of Fitz-lioodle and Major Gahagan. New York, 1852. i6mo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3331 The Luck of Barry Lyndon. New York, 1852-3, 2 vols., i2mo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 333^ '^ Shabby Genteel Story, etc. New York, 1852. i6mo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3333 Yellowplush Papers. New York, 1852. i6mo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3334 Men's Wives. New York, 1852. i6mo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3335 Men's Wives. New York, 1852. i6mo, half maroon levant^ gilt top, uncut edges. 333^ Men's Wives. New York, 1864. i6mo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3337 ^^^- Brown's Letters, etc. New Y'ork, 1853. i6mo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3338 Punch's Prize Novelists ; The Fat Contributor, etc. New York, 1853. i6mo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3339 English Humourists. London, 1853. Crown 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 3340 English Humourists. London, 1853. Second edition, with about 50 portraits inserted. Crown 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3341 The Newcomes. Illustrated. London, 1854. First edition. 2 vols., 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere, with the original wrappers. 3342 Miscellanies. London, 1855-7. 4 vols., crown 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3343 The Tremendous Adventures of Major Cahagan. London. 1855. Crown 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere, with the original covers. 3344 The Rose and the Ring. 8 plates. London, 1855. Small 4to, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 341 3345 Thackeray (William Makepeace). The Rose and the Ring. Adapted as a Pantomime by H. S. Clarke. London, 1890. 8vo, half maroon levant, with the original covers. 3345 liallads. Boston, 1856. T2mo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3347 Ballads. London, n. d. Crown 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. -33^3 Ballads. Portrait and numerous other illustrations. London, 1879. 4to, half maroon levant, gilt edges. 33^g A Little Dinner at Timmins's, etc. London, 1856. Crown 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges, with the original covers. 3350 Burlesques. London, 1856. Crown Svo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere, with the original wrapper. 3351 The Virginians. Illustrated. London, 1858. 2 vols., Svo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere, with original wrappers. 3352 Mr. Thackeray, Mr. Yates, and the Garrick Club. The corre- spondence and facts. Stated by Edmund Yates. Printed for private circulation [London], 1859. Svo, 2 copies and the original newspaper articles in maroon levant case. 3353 Mr. Thackeray, Mr. Yates, etc. Another copy. 1859. Svo, half maroon levant. 3354 The Four Georges. Cornhill Magazine. London, 1S60. The original numbers, with 40 portraits inserted. Svo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3355 The Four Georges. New York, i860. i2mo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3356 ^ '^^ Four Georges. Illustrated. New York, i860. i2mo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3357 The Four Georges. Illustrated. New York, i860. i2mo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3358 The Four Georges. Illustrated. London, 1861. Fine copy, with the cancelled title. Crown Svo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. 342 3359 Thackeray (William Makepeace). The Victoria Reg;ia. Edited by Adelaide A. Procter. London, 1861. Original contributions by Thackeray, Tennyson, etc. 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt edges. Lovel the Widower. Illustrated. London, 1861. Crown 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. The Adventures of Philip. London, 1862. 3 vols., crown 8vo, maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. • Roundabout Papers. Illustrated. London, 1863. Original proof sheets of the Cornhill article, with MS. corrections in the handwriting of Thackeray, have been inserted. Crown 8vo, maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. False title cut. Roundabout Papers. Illustrated. London, 1863. Crown 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. Hand Immenor. A few Personal Recollections of Mr. Thackeray in Philadelphia. Privately printed, 1864. Presentation copy from the author, with the original covers. 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top. Denis Duval. London, 1867. Crown 8vo, half maroon levant, gill top, uncut edges. Early and Late Papers. Portrait. Boston, 18O7. i2mo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. The Orplian of Pimlico. The plates in two states, plain and colored. London, 1876. Only 20 sets of the colored plates were issued. 4to, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Riviere. The Orphan of Pimlico. Plates. London, 1876. 4to, half morocco lev^mt, gilt top, uncut edges. Patchings Illustrative of University Life, etc. In two states, plain and colored. London, 1878. First edition. 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt top, i)y Riviere. Etchings. Another copy, witli the jiiain plates oniv. l.ondon. 1878. 8vo, half maroon levant. 343 3371 Thackeray (William Makepeace). Landscape Painters of England. Steel plates by Marvy, with short notices by Thackeray. London, n. d. 4to, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3372 The Heroic Adventures of M. Boudin. 12 illustrations by Thackeray. The original magazine article. 8vo, half maroon levant. 3373 ^^^ Humourist and the Man of Letters, By Theodore Taylor. Illustrated. London, 1864. Crown 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3374 William Makepeace Thackeray at Clivedon Court. 15 litho- graphic plates after Thackeray's drawings. 1865. Only a few copies privately printed for members of the Elton family. 4to, green levant morocco extra, by Riviere. 3375 A Day with ^\■. M. Thackeray. By Blanchard Jerrold. London, 1872. 8vo, half maroon levant. 3376 Thackeray and Dickens. Anecdote Biographies, by R. H. Stoddard. New York, 1874. i6mo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3377 Thackerayana. Notes and Anecdotes [compiled by J. Gregs], Coo sketches by Thackeray. London, 1875. Considered to have been suppressed. Crown 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3378 Thackeray. By Anthony Trollope. London, 1879. Post 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3379 Studies on, by James Hannay. London, n. d. Post 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3380 ■ Bibliography of, by R. H. Shepherd. London, 1880. Crown 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3381 Extracts from the Writings of. Portrait. London, 1881. Crown S\'o, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3382 Magazine Articles on Thackeray from the North American Review, Quarterly Review, and Temple Bar. 1 863-1 848-1 881. 8vo, half maroon levant. 3383 Hints to Collectors of Original Editions, by C. P . Johnson. London, 1885. Large paper copy ; 25 printed. 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 344 3384 Thackeray (William Makepeace). Thackeray's London, by \V. H. Rideing. Illustrated. Boston, 1885. Large paper copy ; 100 printed. 4to, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3385 Miscellaneous Essays, etc. Illustrated. London. 1885. 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 3386 Contributions to Punch. Illustrated. I-ondon, 1886. 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 3387 London, by W. H. Rideing. Illustrated. Boston, 1S87. i6mo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3388 A Collection of Letters of Thackeray [to Mrs. Brookiield], 1847-1855, facsimiles, etc. New York, 1887. 500 copies printed. For the originals of these letters, which were edited almost beyond recognition, and many others as yet unpublished, see No. 3402. Royal 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 3389 Sultan Stork, etc., with a Bibliography of Thackeray. London. 1S87. Svo, half maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 3390 The Early Writings of, by C. P. Johnson. Plates in two states. London, 1888. Large paper ; 50 printed. 4to, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3391 • Life of W. M. Thackeray, by Herman Merivale and Frank T. Marzials. London, 1891. 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3392 Reading a Poem. Frontispiece. London, 1S91. Published by the Sette of Odd Volumes. i2mo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 33Q3 The Gray Friar. A Chronicle in Black and Wliitc, by Carthu- sians. Illustrated. London, April, 1892. No. 7, with sketches by Thackeray. 4to, half maroon levant. 3394 ^^'th Thackeray in America, by Eyre Crowe. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1893. 4to, half maroon levant, gilt tn\\ uncut edges. 33Q5 Ballads and Songs. Illustrations by Brock. London. 1890. Post Svo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 345 339^ Thackeray (William Makepeace). Notes for Speech at Dinner, Oct. II, 1S55, by W. M. Thackeray, on the eve of his departure for Amer- ica. Letter to W. C. Macready. Philadelphia, 1896. 40 copies printed privately. 4to, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3397 Haunts and Homes, by Eyre Crowe. Illustrated. New York, 1897. i2mo, half maroon levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3398 King (ilumpus. 3 illustrations. London, 1898. 100 copies in facsimile of the original edition. Post 8vo, half maroon levant, gilt top. 3399 ^ 'i^ Four Georges. London, 1879. Unique copy of the best edition, with nearly 300 fine portraits and views inserted, including a large number of portraits of all the Georges, many mezzotints, a quantity of India proofs, colored views, etc., as well as several rare copper-plate en- gravings. 2 vols., roj'al 8vo, half green levant morocco extra, gilt top, un- cut edges, by Stikeman. 3400 English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century. London, 1879. Unique copy, illustrated by the insertion of over 200 i)ortraits selected with great care, and including a large number of India proofs. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half olive levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Stikeman. 3401 REMINISCENCES, by his daughter, Anne Thackeray Ritchie. New York, 1896. Unique copy, with no less than 16 original drawings by Thackeray and 45 autograph letters inserted, in addition to numerous portraits. An interesting letter from Shirley Brooks, in refer- ence to the death of Thackeray, is also inserted : " Perhaps he is explaining to Shakesi)eare why he was not on the com- mittee," etc. 4to (i2mo), half red levant morocco extra, gilt'top, uncut edges. 3402 ESSAYS ON THE GENIUS OF GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. London, 1888. Unique collection; the original" Westminster "article inlaid to 4to, and enlarged to 3 vols, by the addition of 600 illustrations by Cruikshank, including many detached specimens in color, plates from the Ainsworth, Fielding, Smollett, and other novels, portraits, an original drawing, and many other interesting examples. 3 vols., 4to, blue levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 34fj 3403 THACKERAY (William Makepeace). AUTOGRAPHIC COL- LECTION. The Brookfield Correspondence and other private let- ters, manuscripts, and unpublished sketches from 1847 to 1855. The bulk of this famous correspondence was published in a very mutilated form in 1887. The originals, and much more, will be found in the two volumes here described, nicluding all of those letters which Mrs. Brookfield declined to make known at the time of sale to Mr. Daly, and many others, since acquired, that have never been published. The contents of the second Volume, in detail, are as follows : Etching of Thackeray, by Hollyer (first proof taken) ; letter from D. G. Fitz Gerald concerning drawings and letters ; water-color drawing of Thackeray, copied by him from drawing by I). Maclise, about 1840 ; 5 letters to Mrs. Fitz Gerald ; 12 drawings given by Thackeray to Mrs. Fitz Gerald, i of them a pencil drawing of himself ; 3 double pages, containing several sketches each ; sepia drawing from Boehm's terra-cotta bust in National Portrait Gallery (moulded from plaster model by G. Durham, A.R A., 1864) ; 2 letters to Leigh ; pencilled letter to " Gamp and Harris ; " fragment of letter (recipient's name not given) ; 2 letters from Mr. Brookfield's brother, con- taining references to Thackeray ; 5 long letters (containing 41 pp., 8vo) from Mrs. Brookfield to Thackeray, some in answer to published letters ; 12 letters from Thackeray to Mrs. Brook- field, I in cipher, i in French ; 7 letters to Mr. Brookfield (i an invitation in French) ; poem (which Mrs. Brookfield valued at ^50) ; 7 letters to Chapman ; i letter to CMiapman and Hall ; i letter to Messrs. Fullerton and Raymond (Boston), when Thackeray was in New York ; Thackeray's autf>graph to a collector ; letters to .Mr. and Mrs. Brookfield from R. C. Trench (2), A. James (i), Coventry Patmore (i), W. Holman Hunt (i), Eliot Warburton (i), P. K. Shuttleworth (i). Baroness Burdett-Coutts (i), A. W. Kinglake (2), R. M. Milnes (i). W. C. Macready (2), R. W. Proctor (i), R. Montgomery (i). Lord Lyttleton, with poetry (2), F. Pollock (i), W. Buckland (i). Dean H. H. Milman (i). Lady Lyttleton (i), J. M. Kemble (2), Mrs. Carlyle (i), Lord John Manners (i), H. F. Hallam (i), Tom Taylor (i), Lord Lansdowne (i). Dr. [. Brown (i), J. Forster (i), W. Harness (i), J. White (i). H. Hallam (i). Harriet Butler (i), Thackeray's grandmother, containing references to " Titmarsh and that handsome Mrs. Brookfield." Tennyson (i), Dickens (3), Carlyle (i), Gladstone (1), Henry Beyle (i), A. Berry (i), Morton McMichael (i). Privately printed memoirs of TL F. Hallam (great friend of Thackeray), copy of pencil drawings of Thackeray, by Richard Doyle, in' the Print Room. British Museum; photograph of group containing Lord B'lhver Lytton, Lord Macaulay. T. Carlyle, VV. Makepeace Thackeray, Charles Dickens, Geo. McDonald, T. A. Fronde, Wilkie Collins, Anthony Trollopo. Engravings, "etc., of Trench, Holman Hunt. Baroness Burdett- Coutts, Kinglake, Lord Houghton, Macready, I'roctor, Mont- 347 gomery, Pollock, Dean Milinan, Mrs. Carlyle, Lord Lans- dovviie, Dr. John Browne, Forster, Tennyson, Dickens, (Glad- stone, A. Hallam ; sepia drawing of Thackeray at 13 years, from bust in National Portrait Gallery ; MS. in 6 4to pages of " Horae Carthusianae," Dec. 4, 1820; "A very fine print" of Canute, with Thackeray's marginal notes (Aug., 1850) ; MS. of Four Georges, with 70 engravings, etc.; Agnes Repplier's " Letters of Thackeray " ; " The Boyhood of Thackeray," by Anne Thackeray Ritchie, St. Nicholas, Dec. 1889 ; sepia profile of Thackeray ; 1 1 pages of clippings, etc. 2 vols., folio, olive levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Stikeman. The contents of these volumes cost Mr. Daly considerably over |!6,ooo. 3403* Thane (John). British Autography. Numerous portraits. London, 1819. 3 vols., 4to, russia. 3404 Theatre (The). Wood-cuts. Pp. 1-312. London, no title-page. Post 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top. ■j^05 A Monthly Review and Magazine, edited by Clement Scott. Photographic portraits. London, 1878-84. 12 vols., 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2406 An Illustrated Weekly Magazine. Wood-cuts. New York, 1886-89. 4 vols., 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. ^4^07 Essay on the Present State of the Theatre in France, England' and Italy. London, 1760. i2mo, calf. 3408 COVENT GARDEN THEATRE CASH BOOK for 1759- 1760. The original book, neatly written, showing a total of ^^2 2,000. 4to, brown morocco. 3409 Major and Minor Theatres. By One of the Public. London, 1832. 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3410 An Interesting Review of Circumstances connected with the Ground upon which the late " Royalty " and the more recent " New Brunswick Theatre" stood. London, n. d. Svo, half green levant. 341 1 Thoughts upon the Present Condition of the Stiige, and upon the Construction of a New Theatre. London, 1807. 8vo, half green levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3412 A Letter to a Lady Concerning the New Play House. London, 1706. Svo, half green levant. 348 3413 Theatres de la Place du Chatelet. Chateiet, et Lyrique, par Daly et Uavioud. Numerous plates. Paris, i8 — . Royal folio, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top. 3414 Theatrical Biography. Dublin, 1772. 2 vols, in I, i2mo, half citron levant, gilt top. 3415 Bladon. London, 1772. 2 vols, in I, i2mo, half citron levant, gilt top. 3416 -^ Bladon. London, 1772. 2 vols, in I, i2mo, half blue levant, gilt top. 3417 Theatrical Bouquet. Prologues and Epilogues. Portrait of Garrick as a drunken sailor. London, 1780. Post Svo, half green levant, gilt top. 3418 Theatrical Campaign for 1 766-1767. London, 1767. Svo, half morocco, uncut edges. 3419 Theatrical Dictionary (New). London, 1792. Post Svo, half citron levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3420 Theatrical Inquisitor ; or, Literary Mirror, with all the valuable full- length portraits. London, 1812-1819. 14 vols., 8vo, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 3421 Theatrical Magazine (so lettered). A Collection of Plays ; with numerous scarce portraits in character. London, 1777-80. 4 vols., Svo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3422 Theatrical Managers. General Advice to Theatrical Managers. London, 1789. 4to, half red morocco. 3423 Theatrical Observer from January 19 to February 19. 1821 ; in all, 27 numbers. London, 1S21. i2mo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3424 Theatrical Review ; or. Annals of the Drama. Fine portrait of Gar- rick and other plates. London, 1703. Svo, half blue levant, gilt top. 3425 Theatrical Review, 1757-1758. London. 1758. Svo, half morocco. 3426 Theatrical Scene-Painter. Letters from. London. 1850-62. 2 vols., i2mo, half red levant, gilt top. 3427 Theatrical Times. A weekly magazine of Thespian iliography, etc. Portraits. London, 1847-8. 4 vols, in 2, Svo, half blue levant, gilt top. 349 3428 Theatrical Tourist. By Winston (?). Provincial Theatres in the L nitcd Kiiig(,k>ni ; with all the plates colored. London, 1805. 4to, halt red levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3429 Theatrical Tracts. Honesty in Distress. 17 10. The Stage, by John Brown. 1819. Ophelia Keen. 1829. The Opera, by Philo-Mousos. 1833. A New Drama or we faint. 1853. London, 17 10-1853. 5 vols, in I, 121T10, half red morocco. 3430 Theophrastus. Characters of. Translated, etc., by Francis Howell. Numerous illustrations. London, 1824. Royal 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut edges. 3431 Thespian Dictionary. Portraits in red, and interleaved with MS. notes for a new edition. London, 1805. I vol. extended to 4, post 8vo, half citron levant, gilt top. 3432 London, 1802. Post 8vo, half citron levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3433 Thespian Magazine and Literary Repository, with the rare por- traits, etc. London, 1793-4. 3 vols., 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top. 3434 Thespian Mirror. Numbers IV. to XIL New York, 1806. 8vo, half blue levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3435 Thespian Dictionary (The). London, 1802. i2nu), half citron levant, gilt top. 3436 Thespian Preceptor. Portrait of Kemble. London, 1807. i2mo, calf. 3437 Theuriet (A.). Ru.stic Life in France. Illustrated, New York, 1896. i2mo, cloth. 3438 Theuriet and Clausen. Jules Bastien-Lepage and his art, and a Study of Marie Bashkirtseff, by Mathilde Blind. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1892. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3439 Thiers (M. A.). History of the French Revolution. Translated by F. Shoberl. Steel plates. Bentley, London, 1838. 5 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3440 Thomas (Bertha). George Sand. London, 1883. Post 8vo, cloth. 350 3441 Thomas. Biographical Dictionary. Philadelphia, 1886. Royal 8vo, sheep. 3442 Thompson (E. S.). Wild Animals I have Known. Illustrated. New York, 1898. Crown 8vo, cloth. 3443 Thompson (Sir Henry). Diet in Relation to Age and Activity. London, 1887. Presentation copy from the author. 1 2 mo, cloth. 3444 Thompson and Lewis. The Mask. Vol. I., February-December. 1868. Illustrated. London, 1868. Royal 8vo, cloth. 3445 Thomson (1). C). Life and Labours of Hablot Knight Browne, "Phiz." 130 illustrations. New York [London], 1885. Limited edition. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut. 3446 The Life and Work of Luke Fildes. Numerous illustrations. London, 1895. Japan paper copy. 4to, cloth. 3447 The Barbizon School of Painters. 130 illustrations. London, 1891. 4to, cloth, uncut. 3449 Thomson (James). Works [the Seasons, etc.]. Portrait and plates. London, 1803. Large paper copy. 3 vols., 8vo, calf. 3450 The Seasons. Plates by Westall. Sharpe, London, 1S17. Large paper. i2mo, calf. 3451 Defence of the New Sophonisba. I,ondon, 1730. 8vo, half calf. 3452 Public and Private Life of Animals. Illustrated. London, 1876. 8vo, cloth. 3453 The City of Dreadful Night. Portland, 1892. Large paper copy ; 50 printed. 4to, half gray levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3454 Thornbury (Walter). Old and New Lc^ndon. Profusely illustrated. London, n. d. 6 vols., imp. 8vo, half calf extra, gilt top. 351 3455 Thousand and One Days. Persian Tales. Edited by Justin H. McCarthy. Frontispiece. London, 1892. 2 vols., crown 8vo, boards, uncut. 3456 Tiffin (W. F.). Gossip about Portraits. London, 1866. Post Svo, boards, uncut. 3457 Tile Club. Book of the, by E. Strahan [Earl Shinn] and F. H. Smith. 27 phototype illustrations, etc. Boston, 1886. Imp. 4to, canvas, metal corners. 3458 " Tisanthrope." The Origin of Evil. A celestial drama by " Ter. Tisanthrope." London, 1873. Apparently corrected for a new edition. T2mo, half citron levant, gilt top. 3459 Tissot (J. James). Life of Jesus Christ, with 365 compositions from the Gospels, printed in colors. London, 1897. 2 vols., royal folio, half blue levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 3460 Todd (C. B.). Story of the City of New York. Illustrated. New York, 1888. i2mo, half orange levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 3461 Tolstoi (Leo). The Two Pilgrims; If You Neglect the Fire You Don't Put it Out. Illustrated. London, 189-. Post Svo, half green levant, gilt edges. 3462 Tombleson and Fearnside. Picturesque Views on the Thames and Medway. Steel plates. London, n. d. 4to, cloth. 3463 Tom Thumb. Sketch of the T>ife of. Wood-cuts. New York, i860. i2mo, half blue levant, gilt top. 3464 The Tragedy of Tragedies ; or, the Life and Death of Tom 1 humb the Great. London, 175 1. Svo, half citron levant. 3465 Toole (J. L.). Reminiscences of, chronicled by Joseph Hatton. Wood-cuts. London, 1889. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 3466 Topsy Turvy Literature. Enfant Terrible, No. i, April, 1898 ; Whims, April, June, September, 1896 ; Le Petit Journal des Re- fusees, No. I, July, 1896 ; Humanity. October, 1896 ; Clique, Vol. L, No. I, May, 1896; Pickwick, May, 1898; The Twilight, Nos. i, 2, May, June, 1898. Original covers, in imp. Svo, cloth case. 352 3+6? Topsy Turvy Literature. The Fly Leaf, April, i8g6 ; The Shadow, April, 1896 ; The Magpie, September, October, 1S96 ; Alkahest, October, 1896, April, 1897 ; The Yale Courant, Vol. ^:i, No. i, October, 1896. 8vo, cloth case enclosing the above. 3468 Chop-Book (The), 1896 ; The Little Chap, September, 1896 ; The Bauble, June, October. 1896 ; Poster Lore, January. February. April, September, 1896. i2mo, cloth case enclosing the above. 3469 The Bibelot, July-September, 1897 ; The Roycroft Quarterly, May, 1896 ; Time and the Hour, Vol. L, Nos. 5, 7 ; Vol. III., No. 9, 1896 ; The Truth in Boston, Nos. 17, 18, April, 1896. 8vo, cloth case enclosing the original numbers. 3470 " Touchatout." Le Trombinoscope. Wood-cuts. Portraits in cari- cature. Paris, 1872. Royal 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 3471 Touchstone, the ; or, Historical, Critical, Political, Philosophical, and Theological Essays on the Reigning Diversions of the 7'o\vn. By a Person of some Taste and some Quality. London, 1728. i2mo, half green levant. 3472 Toulmin (Camilla). Lays and Legends illustrative of Englisii Liio. Engravings on steel and wood. London, 1845. 4to, half red calf. 3473 Town and Country Magazine. From 1771 to 1795, with the famous tete-a-tcte and other plates. London, 1771-1795. A few numbers missing, but, as a set, far above the average. 25 vols., 8vo, half calf. 3474 Townsend (Geo. Alfred). Life, (."rime, and C"a])ture of John Wilkes Booth. New York, 1865. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 3475 Life, Crime, and C'apture of John Wilkes P.ootli. Nrw \'()rk, 1865. 8vo, half morocco, uncut edges. 3476 TOWNSEND (V. F.). OUR PRESn)ENTS ; or, the Lives of the Twenty-three Presidents of the United States. New York. 1889. Unique copy, with autograph letters of Washington, and .^oo portraits inserted, many India proofs. Folio, half red levant morocco extra, gilt top, by Stikcman. 3477 Tracts on the Stage (n). By Witherspoon, (iibb. .Vndc-r'jon. Fer- guson, Pickering, etc. Clasgow, 1757. etc. 8vo, calf. 23 353 347^ Tredwell (H. M.). Monograph on Privately Illustrated Books. Flat- bush, L. 1., 1892. Whatman paper ; 25 printed. Imp. 8vo, half citron levant, gilt top, uncut edges. 2479 Monograph on Privately Illustrated Books. Brooklyn, 1881. Large paper coj^y. Royal 8vo, original covers, uncut. 3480 Privately Illustrated Books. Brooklyn, 1881. 8vo, original covers, uncut. 3481 Trevelyan (Geo. Otto). Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. Por- trait. London, 1876. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3482 Tristram (W. O.). Coaching Days and Coaching Ways. Illustrated by Railton and Hugh Thomson. London, 1888. Royal 8vo, cloth. 3483 Trollope (Anthony). He Knew he was Right. 64 illustrations by Marcus Stone. London, 1869. First edition, with the original covers enclosed. 2 vols., 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 3484 Can You Forgive Her? 40 plates by '' Phiz." London, 1871. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. 3485 An Autobiography. Portrait. Edinburgh, 1883. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3486 Trollope (T. A.). Girlhood of Catherine de Medici. London, 1856. Unique copy, with numerous portraits and views inserted. Crown 8vo, blue morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 3487 Italy, from the Alps to Mount Etna. 100 plates and 300 text illustrations. New York [London], 1877. Folio, half red morocco extra. 3488 Trollope (Mrs.). Domestic Manners of the Americans. Curious plates. London, 1832. 2 vols., crown 8vo, half calf. 3489 Trueman (Thomas). The Nurse's Rhyme Book. Wood-cuts. Phila- delphia, 1858. 8vo, original cloth. 3490 Tryon (John). The Old Clown's History. Wood-cuts (minus pp. 15- 16). New York, 1872. 8vo, half green levant, gilt top. 354 3491 TUCKERMAN (Henry T.). THE CHARACTER AND POR- TRAirs OF WASHlxXGTON. New York, 1859. 12 portraits, etc., on India paper, two of them early proofs. Unique copy, with 129 extra plates, includin^j Braddock; Din- widdie's Interview with Washington ; Gen. Knox, after Savage ; Hamilton, by Leney and Durand ; Brissot's Interview with Washington; C. W. Peale, by Longacre ; Lafayette (2 i.p.) ; Hugh Williamson, by Thomson ; (ieo. Clinton (i.p.); Mt. Ver- non (publ., 1798) ; Houdon (i.p.) ; Trumbull, by Durand (i.p.) ; Gouverneur Morris, by B. B. E.; Jeremy Belknap; Louis XVI.. by (iabrielli ; Mrs. Wright, with bust ; Washington's resigna- tion, by Lawson, etc. The scarce sheet of portraits, '' Memo- rials of Washington," and 3 portraits of Washington, not in Baker, 2 of them being India proofs, besides the following Baker numbers : 3, 4, 28 i.p., 35 first state, 36, 43, 54, 79, 96, 99, 103, III i.p.b.l., 113, 114 i.p., early state, 115, 122 i.p.b.l., 135. 143, 144, i55> T62, 167, 168, 175, 176 i.p.; also p.b.l, 177, 183, 189 i.p., 206, 245 i.p., 293, 382, 385, 404, 418, and 425. 4t(), half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, edges uncut. 3492 Tuer (A. AV.). London Cries. With Six Charming C'.iildren, being re- prints of rare engravmgs by I'artolnzzi, Cruikshank, Rowlandson, etc., some colored. London, n.d. 4to, boards. 3493 Turenne (Count de). Life and Amours. London, 1762. 1 2mo, half calf. 3494 Turin Gallery. Reale Galleria di Torino. 164 fine plates, proofs on India jjaper. Torino, 1836. 4 vols., royal folio, half morocco. 3495 Turner Gallery. 60 selected plates, with memoir and descriptions by li. X'. AN'ornum. London, 1875. Royal folio, citron morocco. 3496 Turner (J. W. M.). Autotype reproductions of the Liber Studiorum. 24 plates. Edited by Stopford Brooke. London, 1882. Vol. I., oblong 4to, cloth. 3497 Tussaud (Madame). Memoirs and Reminiscences of France. With no inserted plates, being portraits of the principal characters of the French Revolution, etc. London, 1838. 2 vols., 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. 3498 Tyerman (L.). The Oxford Methodists. Portraits. New York. 1873. 8v(j, cloth. 3499 Uchard (Mario). My Uncle Barbassou. 40 etchings by Paul \\\'\\ London, 1888. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3.S5 I 3500 Ueber Land und Meer. Profusely illustrated. Stuttgart, 1887-90. 4 vols., folio, half morocco. 3501 Univers Illustre. A larije number of illusirations. Paris, 1876. 13 vols., folio, half morocco. 3502 Upton (Joiin). Critical Observations on Shakespeare. London. 1746, 8vo, calf. 3503 Uzanne (Octave). La Reliure Moderne. Illustrated with facsimiles, etc. Paris, 1887. Royal 8vo, original covers, uncut edges. 2504 Contes pour les Bibliophiles. Numerous illustrations, some colored. Paris, 1895. Imp. 8vo, original covers, uncut edges. 3505 ^'^ Femme a Paris. Nos Contemporaines. Illustrations, beau- 1 tifully colored, by Vidal. Paris, 1894. Royal 8vo, original covers, uncut edges. 3506 Le Miroir des Monde. With the colored illustrations by I'aul Avril. Paris, 1888. Japan paper ; 100 copies printed. 4to, stamped morocco case over the original covers, uncut edges. 3507 Mirror of the World, with the Avril illustrations in color. Lon- don, 1889. Japan paper; ico jM'inted. 4to, blue levant morocco e.xtra, gilt top. uncut edges. 3508 La Femme a Paris. Colored and other illustrations by Vidal. Paris, 1894. Royal 8vo, original covers, uncut. 3509 The Book Hunter in Paris. Illustrated. London, 1893. 8vo, cloth. 3510 L'Ecole des Faunes. Contes de la Vingtieme Annee. Numerous colored illustrations, etc. Paris, 1896. Royal 8vo, silk covers. 3511 La Frangaise du Siecle. Illustrations by Lynch, etc. Printed in colors. Paris, 1886. Royal 8vo, original binding. 3512 Valentine (David T.). History of the City of New York. Maps, etc. New York, 1853. 8vo, cloth. 356 3513 Vanbrugh (Sir John). Plays. Portrait by Miller. London, 1776. 2 vols., i2mo, calf. 3514 Plays. Portrait. London, 1776. \'ol. 1., i2mo, calf extra. 3515 The Mistake. A comedy. Frontispiece. London, 1769. Warren's copy, with his autograph, etc. A prompt-book. i2mo, half citron levant. 3516 Vandam (A. D.). An Englishman in Paris. London, 1892. 2 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3517 My Paris Note-Book. London, 1894. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3518 Undercurrents of the Second Empire. New York, 1895. 8vo, clolh, uncut. 3519 French Men and French Manners. London, 1S95. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3520 Undercurrents of the Second Empire. New York, 1896. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3521 Vandenhoff (Geo.). Leaves from an Actor's Note Book. New York, i860. i2mo, luilf calf, gill top. 3522 VANDERBILT HOUSE AND COLLECTIONS. Described by Edward Strahan. With 75 fine full-page colored lithographs and photogravures, some printed in colors, and numerous illustrations in the text. Complete in 8 sections, 4 sections descriptive of house and collections, and 4 sections descriptive of the paintings. Philadelphia, 1883. Large paper ; Japanese edition, only 500 copies printed on Jap- anese vellum paper, the plates being proofs before letters. 4 vols., large folio, half morocco and satin portfolios. 3523 Van Dyke (J. C. ), Ed. Modern FVench Masters; reviews by Ameri- can Artists. Illustrated. New York, 1896. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3524 Vanity Fair. A Weekly Show of Political, Social, and Literary Wares ; with the well-known series of caricature portraits colored. London, 1868-97. 58 vols., folio, original green cloth. 3525 Vauxhall Paintings. Sliding on the Ice ; Leap-Frog ; Batllcdoro and Shuttlecock ; IMiiidman's Buff, and See Saw. 5 copper plates engraved by B. Cole. Oblong 4to, half red levant morocco, very rare. 357 3526 Vauxhall Papers. London, v. d. Unique copy, with autograph letters of Green the Aeronaut, etc. ; an original drawing of the Pavilion ; the 12 engravings of the paintings at Vauxhall ; many programmes ; a catalogue of the auction sale in 1841 ; a shell of the last firework ; a fragment of the last music ; a ticket for the last night ; the last pro- gramme, etc. 4to, half brown morocco. 3527 Vedder (Paul). The Dramatic Year, 1886. Portraits. London, 1887. i2mo, half blue levant, gilt top. 3528 Venice. Calli e Canali in Venezia. Plates. Ongani, Venezia, 1891-2. Imp. folio, boards. 3529 SAINT MARK'S, VENICE. Dettagli di Altari, Monumenti, ?cultura, etc., della Basilica di San Marco in Venezia riprodotti dal vero in eliotipia di C. Jacobi. 8 vols. Ongania, Venezia, 1881. Pavimento ed Ornamenti in Mosaico della Basilica. 2 vols. 1881. II Tesoro. 2 vols. 1885-7. Documenti. i vol. 1886. La Basilica. 2 vols. 1888. Together 13 vols., folio, original covers. 3530 San Marco in Venezia. La Basilica. Plates in color, etc. Ongania, Venezia, 188 1-3. 2 vols., atlas folio, boards. 3531 Vermont (E. de V.). America Her.M. AT THE AMHRICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH Where the entire Collection will be on View Day and Evening from Wednesday, March 14th, until date of Sale inclusive (Sunday excepted) Thomas E. Kirby AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION Auctioneer Managers NEW YORK 1900 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more JHdders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and, therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if lequired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remair.der of the Purchase-money to be abso- lutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 5. The undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and make no Warranty whatever. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending sucli re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. Thomas E. Kiruv, Auctioneer. ORDER OF SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 28th, at 2.30 o'clock AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES AUTOGRAPHS CATALOGUE Nos. 3787 to 4143 INCLUSIVE ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 28th, at 8 o'clock AUTOGRAPHS AND DOCUMENTS CATALOGUE Nos. 4144 to 4481 INCLUSIVE THURSDAY AFTERNOON MARCH 29th, at 2.30 o'clock AUTOGRAPHS AND PLAY BILLS CATALOGUE Nos. 4482 to 4836 INCLUSIVE THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 29TH, at 8 o'clock PHOTOGRAPHS, PRINTS, PLAYS, ETC. CATALOGUE Nos. 4837 to 1263 INCLUSIVE SPECIAL NOTICE. This being an Executor's sale to close the estate, a cash deposit will be reciuired from every purchaser without exception. Intending purchasers wishing to avoid the trouble and confusion of making a deposit during the sale, can make arrangements prcr ^ vious to day of sale, with the undersigned, at their office, 6 East Twenty-third Street. In compiling this catalogue Mr. J.* O. VVright has endeavored to make descriptions thoroughly accurate, but we guarantee neither description nor condition, sufficient time being allowed for a care- ful examination of the books and other objects to be sold. ' • ■ ^ ' ' » AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. Thomas E. Kirby, Auctioneer^ '■ .A ;-;;.■ :.i j i ; ' . ■ CATALOGUE AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, ETC. 3787 Adams, W. H. Davenport. Autograph letters, December 31, 187S, 3 pp., and November 15, 1882, 2 pp. 2. 3788 MS. of title to Women of Fashion, etc. 2. 3789 AiNswoRTH, W. Harrison. MSS., 5 pp., folio, Book IV., Chap. VI., of Old St. Paul's. 3790 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Autograph letters, 3 pp., 8vo. 3791 Allan, Alexander. Autograph letters, 2 pp., 410. New York, Janu- ary 7, 1861. 3792 Anderson, Mary. Autograph letters, 2 pp., 8vo. 3793 Anderson, J. R. Autograph letters, December 17, 1855, Svo. 3794 Andrews, A. Autograph letters, 5 ; and list of wigs. 6. 3795 Andrews, James Petit. Autograph letters, November 25, 1788, 4to. 3796 Andrews, M., 3 ; W. W. Bickerton ; R. Belville, autograph letters. 5. 3797 Angelo, H. Autograph letters, March 9, 1834, 3 pp., Svo. 3798 Anson, J. W. Autograph letters, 2 pp., Svo, each. 2. 3799 Arch BOLD, Ellen. Autograph letters. 16. 3800 Arnold, Arthur. Autograph letters, 1873 and 1876. 2. 3801 Arnold, Sir Edwin. MSS. of his Sptccli at iiis Farewell .\cl(lrc-ss in Daly's Theatre, February 15, 1892, 4 pp., 4to. 3802 Ashe, Andrew (Musician). Autograph letters, December 31, 1S13. 3803 Atkinson, Polly. Autograph letters, 3, and Duke of Argyll (frank). 4. 3804 Atwood, Tho.mas (Composer). Autograph letters, February 26, 1823, 8vo. 3805 Ais'iiN, Alfred. Autograph letters, 8vo. 3806 Austin, John ; Austin, L. F. ; Albert, Aline, autograph letters. 4. 3807 Algf.r, William R. Autograph letter, November 9, 1876, 8vo. 3808 Ball, Edward. Autograph letter, March 16, 1821. Balfe, M. W., Jr. 2. 3809 Barnard, John. Autograph letter, November 3, 1819, 3 pp., 4to, to EUiston. a U l) U J i\ I A w 3810 Barnes, William Augustus. Autograph letters, 2 ; Barnes, P., auto- graph letters, 2. 4. 3811 Barnet, I. C. Autograph letters, November 29, 1842, 3 pp., 4to ; Bar- nett, Benj. ; Barton, Henry, 3. 5. 3812 Barrett, Frank. Autograph letter, July 3, 1882, 8vo. 3813 Barrett, Lawrence. Autograph letter, July 22, 3 pp., 8vo, to Osgood. 3814 Bartlev. George. Autograph letter, November 23, 18 13, 4 pp., 4to, to Elliston. 3815 Autograph document, signed, April 22, 1830. 3816 Bartholomew, V. Autograph document, signed ; Bathurst, Lord, Autograph note, signed, in third person. 2. 3817 Bates, James W. Autograph letter, Cincinnati, October lo, 1849, 4to. 3818 Baxter, Laura Singer. Autograph letters, 1865, etc. 3. 3819 Beattie, Frank. Autograph letter, 3 pp., 8vo ; Beatty, John, document signed. 2. 3820 Beazley, Samuel (Dramatist), Autograph letter, September i, 1819, 3 pp., 4to, to Elliston. 3821 Begnis, de. Autograph letter, March 23, 1823, 8vo. 3822 Autograph letter, August i, 1826, 3 pp., 4to. 3823 Autograph letter, 2 pp., 4to, in his hand. 3824 Belcan, George. Autograph letter ; Bellamy, B. P., autograph letter, July 28, 1837, 4 pp., 4to. 2. 3825 P>knnett. W'li LiAM Sterndale. Autograph letter, May I, 1855, 2 pp., 8vo ; Bknnki T, William, autograph letter. 2. 3826 Bernard. Charles S. American Fire King. Autograph letters, i860 and 1864. 2. 3827 Autograph letters, i860 and 1864. 3. 2 3828 Bernard, William Bayle. Autograph letters. 2. 3829 Autograph letters. 2. 3830 BiNG, Julius, 2 ; Berengf.r, A. D. ; Bland. Harcourt. Autograph letters. 4. 3831 Blackford, Harriet C. Autograph letters, 1875. 2. 3832 Blake, William Rufus. Autograph letter, October 30, 1849. 3833 Blanchard, E. L. Autograph letter, 8vo. 3834 Blanchard, William (Comedian). Autograph letter, 8vo, to J. P. Harley. 3835 Blewitt, John (Composer). Autograph letter, 3 pp., 4to. 3836 Blocklky, John. Autograph letters, i86i and 1877. 2. 3837 Blum, J. (French dramatist). Autograph letters. 10. 3838 BocHSA, Robert N. C. Autograph letters, Se]nember 21 and Octo- ber, 1822, 4 pp. and 3 pp., 4to. 2. 3839 BoLENO, Henry Mason (Clown) ; Devlin, Isaac (Harlequin), and others. Agreement to perform at Surrey Theatre. 3840 Bologna, Boschetti Anna (Dancer) ; Boyle, Edmund R., etc. Auto- graph letters. 4. 3841 Boone Children, The. Letter about them from .\nna R. Boone, 3 pp., 8vo, and another. 2. 3842 BoswEi.L, James. Autograph letter, August 22, 1791, 2 pp., 4to, to Lord Dreghorn and copy of letter from Dr. Johnson. 2. 3843 Boucicault, Dion. Autograph letter, 8vo. ^g^^ Colman, George; Bishop, H. R., and others. Passes signed. 6. 3845 Brayant, Kate; Brazier, 1855; Brereton, Emma. Autograph letters, etc. 3. 3846 Bridgeman, J. V. (Dramatist). Autograph letters. 8. 3847 Brooke, Edwin; Brookes. H. Moreton, 2: Brydon, C.eo. C; Butler, G. B., 1819 ; Buzzi, Sr.. etc. .Autograph letters. 8. 3848 Brooke, G. V. Autograph letter, February 19, ^^^>-^ 4 PP-. •~'\'<». l<> '- Falconer. 3849 Brooks, Col. Edward, of Detroit. Autograpli letters and ponn. 13 3850 Brougham, John. Autograph letter. June 16, 1848, 2 pj).. 410. to Benj. Webster. 3851 .Autograph letter, January 31, 1850, 4to, to Chippendale. 3 J 3852 Brougham, John. Autograph letter. March 19, 1850, 2 pp., 4to, to Chippendale. 853 Autograph letter, March 25, 1850, 3 pp., 4to, to Chippendale. j8^4 Autograph letter, April 4, 1850, 3 pp., 4to, to Chippendale. 3855 Autograph letter, March 17, 1852, 3 pp., 8vo, to Chippendale. 3856 Autograph letter, February 3, 1853, 4 pp., 4to, to Chippendale. 3857 Autograph letter, February 16, 1863, 8vo, to Chippendale. 3858 Autograph letter, April 5, 4to, to Chippendale. 3859 Autograph letter, April 19, 4to, to Chippendale. 3860 Autograph letter, May 22, 2 pp., 4to, to Stuart. 3861 Autograph letter. May 24, 2 pp., 8vo, to Chippendale. 3862 Autograph letter, October 17, 2 pp., 8vo, to Chippendale. 3863 Autograph not signed, Monday, 8vo, to Chippendale. 3864 Autograph letter, Tuesday, 2 pp., 8vo, to Chippendale. 3865 Brown, Tom (Dramatist). Autograph letters, 1864. 3. 3866 Brunton, Eliza. Autograph letters. 2. 3867 Buckstone, John Baldwin. Autograph letters, April 6, 1833, 4to to J. p. Collier. 3868 Autograph letter, April 8, 1833, 2 pp., 4to, to J. P. Collier. 3869 Autograph letter, September 27, 1841, 3 pp., 4to. 3870 Autograph letter, August 10, 1842, 3 pp., 4to. 3871 Autograph letter, September 22, 1852, 2 pp., 4to. 3872 Autograph letter, November 17, 1852, 4 pp., 8vo. 3873 Autograph letter, March 13, 1853, 3 pp., Svo. 3874 Autograph letter, September 14, 1853, 4 pp., 8vo. 3875 Autograph letter, September 28, 1853, 5 pp., 8vo. 3876 Autograph letter, October 2, 1853, 4 pp.,8vo. 3877 Autograph letter, October 7, 1853, 5 pp., Svo. 3878 Autograph letters, November i, 1858, and another. 2. 3879 : Autograph letters, November 6, 1858, 3 pp., 4to, and another. 2. 3880 Autograph letter, November 17, 1858, 2 pp., 8vo. 3881 Autograph letter, January 7, i860, 3 pp., 8vo. 4 3882 BucKSTONE, John Baldwin. Autograph letter, October 12, 1861. Signed also by Fanny Fitzwilliams. 3 pp., 410. 3883 Autograph letters, October 12, 18C3, etc. 3. 3884 Autograph letter, October 16, 1863, 2 pp., 8vo. 3885 Autograph letter, November 10, 1863, 3 pp., 8vo. 3886 Autograph letter, November 11, 1863, 4 pp., 8vo. 3887 Autograph letter, November 21, 1863, 3 pp., 8vo. 3888 Autograph letters, December 15, 1863, etc. 3. 3889 Autograph letter, October 13, 1864, 3 pp., 8vo. 3890 Autograph letters, March 5, etc. 2. 3891 Autograph letters, September 20, etc. 2. 3892 Autograph letters, Monday morning, etc. 3. 3893 Autograph letters, 2. Early, undated, to Thompson. 2. 3894 Farewell Tour of, 1877. The Company, Casts, etc., 8 pp., folio. 3895 BuNBURY, Thomas Charles. Autograph letter, August 25, 1813, 8vo. 3896 BuNN, Alfred. Autograph letters. May 3, 1853, and benefit ticket. Drury Lane, 1847. 2. 3897 Autograph letter, Monday, 8vo. 3898 Burke, Charles. Autograph letter, May 6, 1853, 2 p])., 4to. 3899 Burke, Master. Box office sheet, benefit of. May 25, 1825, 3900 Burton, Wm. E. Autograph letter, June 21, 1845, 4to. 3901 Autograph letter, July 20, 1845, 2 pp., 4to. 3902 Autograph letter, June 19, 1846, 4to. 3903 Autograph letter, June 22, 1846, 4to. 3904 Autograph letter, April 5, 1847, 4to. 3905 Autograph letter, October 13, 1847, 4to. 3906 Busk, Hans. Autograph letter, March 14, 1871, 2 pp., 8vo. 3907 Butler, George. Autograph letters, 1869, etc. 17. 3908 iivRON, Henry James. Autograpli letter, December 2, 1864. 3909 Autograph letter, 1878. 3910 Autograph letters, September 24, and another. 2. 3911 Calcrakt, John W. Autograph letters, 2 pp., 8vo. 5 3912 Cai.dwf.ll, James H., and others. 8. 3913 Campbkll, Hartley ; Campbell, Gordon. Autograph letters, 8vo. 2. 3914 Cattermole, George (Painter). Autograph letter, November i, 1843, 2 pp., 4to, to Chapman and Hall. 3915 Autograph letter, October 16, 1845, 3 PP- ^^''^■ 2pj5 Autograph letters. 3 \)p., 4to, to Chapman and another. 2. 3917 Cawse, Miss H. Document signed. 3918 Chapman and Grove. Box office sheet, benefit of, August 8, 1805, 3919 Chapman, Charles. Autograph letters, 7; Mrs. Amy Chapman, 2. 9. 3920 Chapman, W. P. Autograph letters. 3. 3921 TERLEY, Mrs. Box officc shcct, benefit of, October 7, 1823. 3922 CiiATiERLEY, Mrs. Louisa ; Chatterton, Ernest, and others. 9. 3923 Chi'.stnut Street Theatre. Letter from jMayor P. M. McCall to Wemyss and Pratt requesting suppression of the Piece called the "Quaker City," printed broadside, quoting it, November 11, 1844, and letter from Board of Agents expressing fear of Riots. 3. 3924 Chippendale, Mrs. Adelaide. Autograph letters to her husband, Wm. H. C. 19. 3925 Autograph letters to her mother, Mrs. Margaret Dudley. 4. 3926 ('hippendale, Alfreda. Autograph letters. 2. 3927 Chippendale, Emily (Mrs. Wm. M. Fleming). 4. 3928 Chippendale, Mrs. E. (mother of Wm. H. C). Autograph letter, November 15, 1852, 4 pp., 4to. 3929 Chippendale, Frederick. Autograph letters, 1850 and 1867. 2. 3930 Chippendale, Harry. Autograph letters, 1862, etc. 8. 3931 Chippendale, James. Autograph letter, 4to. 3932 Chippendale, Mary. A.utograph letters, 1863, etc. 9. 3933 Chippendale, Wm. B. Autograph letters, 1852. 2. 3934 Autograph letters, February 16 and May 1, 1853. 2. 3935 ~" Autograph letters, January 3c and March, 1853. 2. 3936 Autograph letters. May 29, 1853, and September 10, i860. 2. 3937 Chippendale, Wm. Henry. Autograph letter, December ia, 1S44, 3 pp., 4to, to Moses Kimball. 6 3938 Chippendale, \Vm. Henry. Autograph letters, June 25 and July 16, 1848, to Col. E. Brooks. 2. 3939 Autograph letter, November 16, 1848, 3 pp., 410. 3940 Autograph letter, October 31, 1851, to Mrs. Catherine N. Forrest, and her answer on same sheet. 3941 Autograph letter, October 23, 1852, 4 pp., 4to. 3942 Autograph letter, March, 1853, 3 pp., 8vo. 3943 Autograph letter, April 28, 1853, 4 pp.,4to. 3944 • Autograph letters, February 2 and March 31, 1854. 2. 3945 Autograph letter, August 7, 1858, 3 pp., 8vo. 3946 Autograph letter, January 11, i860. 2 pp., 4to. 3947 Autograph letter. May 25, i860, 4 pp., 8vo. 3948 • Autograph letters, June i and 8, i860. 2. 3949 x-Vutograph letter, June 26, 1860,6 pp., 8vo. 3950 Autograph letter, July 6, i860, 7 pp , 8vo. 3951 Autograph letters, October 19, i860, etc. 2. 3952 Autograph letters, November 16, 187 1, etc. 2. 3953 Receipts from Eliza A. Worthy. 5. 3954 Chippendale, W. J. B. Autograph poems. 3. 3955 Christian, Mrs. F. A. (Mrs. Robert Hall); Clarendon, Countess, etc. 5. 3956 Cincinnati Theatre Scheme, 2 pp., 4to. List of Players including Chippendale, T. Placide, Fredericks, AVeston, etc. 3957 CiocCA, Signora. Autograph letter, Baltimore, April 3, 1852. 3958 Clairon, Mlle. Autograph letter to M. de Saviandre, and order signed by the Due de Cxesvres, addressed to Mlle. Clairon. From Edmond de Goncourt's collection, with his autograph and notes- Bound in half calf, 410. 3959 Clarke, Mary Annk. Autograph letter, April 3, 1824, 3 pp.. 410. 3960 Clarke, Richard. Autograph letter, May 12, 183 i. 410. 3961 Clement VII. Papal Bull on vellum, dated March 4, 1523, folio, witli fine portrait. 3962 Clerk, Sir Ceorge. Autograph letter. August 23. 1834, 410. 3963 Clifford, Fanny; Cobbett, E. J.; Collins, Wilkie. 3. 3964 Coghlan, Charles; Cole, John W. 2. 7 i 3965 Collins, John. Autograph letter, October 12, 1846, 2 pp., 4to. 2966 Autograph letters, June 10, 1863. 8vo. 3967 Collins, VVilkie. Black and White : A I.ove Story, in 1 hree Acts, by Wilkie Collins and Charles Fechter, i2mo, London, 1869. "Un- corrected copy, presenting the Play as it was written, bcfoie the Stage Alterations and variations were made. First Represented at the Adelphi Theatre, March 29, 1869." Cast of characters and annota- tions in Wilkie Collins's hand, and play-bill of first production. 3968 CoMPTON, Henry. Autograph letter, March 2, 1838, 5 pp., 410. 3969 Autograph letter, November 6, 1838, 3 pp., 4to. 3970 Autograph letter, December 9, 1864, 2 pp., 8vo. 3971 Autograph letter, 3 pp., 4to. 3972 Autograph note signed. 3973 CoNTAT, Mli.k. Louise. 2 autograph letters, document signed, and portrait. From Edmond de Concourt's collection, and with his auto- graph and notes. Bound in cloth, 4to. 3974 CoNWAV, Marianne. Autograph letter, 8vo. 3975 CooKE, George Frederick. Autograph letter, January i, 1800, 410. 3976 Cooke, T. Autograph letter, October 3, 1821, 3 pp., 8vo. 3977 CoRBYN, W. Autograph letter, January 15, 1855, 4 pp., 4to, to John Povey. 3978 Autograph letter, June 10, 1856, 2 pp., 8vo. 3979 Autograph letter, November 11, 1858, 4 pp., 4to. 3980 Corcoran, W. W. Autograph letters (7) to Cabriel Harrison (who has written answers on 2) concerning removal of John Howard Payne's remains ; photo, of J. 11. P. as Norval ; original poems, etc. 11. 3981 CoRRi Monte. Autograph letters, 184c, 4to; Corri, Wm., 8vo. 2. 3982 Conquest, B. Autograph letter, December 7, 1831, 2 pp., 4to. 3983 Courtney, John. Subscription list at time of his death from members of the Haymarket Theatre, 1865. 3984 Covent Garden Theatre. List of nightly receipts from Novem- ber 15, 1819, to January 17, 1820, etc. 12. 3985 Copy of the agreement for a lease of H. Harris's shares, 1822, etc. 3. 3986 Payments proposed to be made, season 1815-16, to Mr. Cop- land, etc. 2. CowELL, Harriet. Autograph letters, May 5 and July i, 1864. 2. Autograph letters, October 24 and December 2, 1864. 2. Autograph letters, 1866-67. 3- Coyne, J. Stirling. Autograph letter, March 14, 1859, 2 pp. Autograph letter, April 4, 1859, 8vo. Craik, Dinah Mulock. Autograph poem, 1S85, 8vo. Creswick, Wm. Autograph letter, August 10, 1855, 2 pp., 8vo. Autograph letter, December 10, 1855, 2 pp., 8vo. Autograph letter, June 24, 2 pp., 8vo. Crisp, Eliza. Autograph letter, 4to. Crisp, George. Subscription list from members of Haymarket Theatre, folio. Crisp, W. H. Autograph letter, February 6, 1853, 410. Autograph letter, April 25, 1853, 3 pp., 410. Autograph letters, June 4, 1853, etc. 2., Sionok D. Autograph letter, August 2, 1838, 4to. Croker, Thomas Crofton. Correspondence. 32 auto.graph letters of Croker, many with interesting pen-and-ink sketches, and 3 of them being (28 pp., folio) philippics against Moore, addressed chiefly to Robert Balmanno ; 3 autograph letters of Robert Balmanno ; 7 auto- graph letters of Robert Lemon ; 7 autograph letters of S. F. Dilhjn Croker, autograph letters of J. B. Nichols, John Rouse, A. J. Kempe, W. H. Rosser, W. Jordan, and others ; 2 sets of the minutes, and many pamphlets, broadsides, proceedings, etc., of the Noviomagians ; 3 unusual portraits of C'roker, and memoir of Croker by his son, presen- tation copy to Balmanno. An unusually interesting collection. Crotch, Dr. Wm. Autograph letter, l-'ebruary 23, 1825, 2 pp., 4to. Crouch, Mary Ann. Autograph letters, 1872. 3. Cudlip, Abbie Thomas, Mrs. Autograph letters, 1881, etc. 6. Cumberland, Richard. Autograph letters, 1800. etc., signed Richard Cumberland. 4. Autograph letters signed R''. Cumberland. 6. Autograph letters signed R. Cumberland. 12. Autograph letters signed R. Cumberland. 11, .Autograph letters signed R. Cum. 9. 9 4011 Cumberland, Richard. Autograph letters signed R. C. 4. The above six lots are all 410, 3 and 4 pp., and addressed to Sir James Bland Kurgess. 4012 CusHMAN, Charlotte. Autograph letters, February 24, 1842, 2 pp., 4to, and another. 2. 4013 Autograph letter, June, 1842, 8vo. 4014 Autograph letter, August 2, 1842, 4to. 4015 Autograph letter, August 8, 1842, 2 pp., 4to. 4016 Autograph letter, September 11, 1842, 3 pp., 4to. 4017 Autograph letter, October 18, 1842, 3 pp., 4to. 4018 Autograph letter, October 29, 1842, 2 pp., 4to. 4019 Autograph letters, December 27, 1843, John H. Oxley, etc. 15 pp. 4020 Autograph letter, April 2, 1844, 4to. 4021 Autograph letter, September 14, 1849, 3 pp., 8vo. 4022 Autograph letters, September 20 and 22, 1849. 2. 4023 Autograph letter, October 20, 1849, 8vo. 4024 Autograph letter, February 23, 1852, 3 pp. 4025 Autograph letter, June 27, 1856, 8vo. 4026 Autograph letter, August 4, 1857, 4 pp., 8vo. 4027 Daly, Ellen. Autograph letter, 8vo. 4028 Dartmouth, Lord. Autograph document signed, June 14, 1804, licens- ing \Vm. Taylor's Masquerade. 4029 Davenport, Edward L. Autograph letter, January 26, 1849, 4 PP-' 4to. 4030 Autograph letter, September 21, 1849, 8vo. 4031 Autograph letter. May 6, 1855, 3 pp., 4to. 4032 Autograph letter, July 2, 2 pp., 8vo. 4033 Autograph letter, Tuesday, 5 pp., 8vo. 4034 Autograph letter, Wednesday, 3 pp., 8vo. 4035 Davidge, VVm. Autograph letter. March 30, 1866, 4 pp., 8vo. 4036 Davis, Jefferson. Letter signed, August 4, 1856, as Secretary of War. 4037 Deane, Fanny. Autograph letter, 4 pp., 4to, from her mother, Sophia Deane, about engagement. 4038 De Camp. Box office sheets, benefits of, August 17, 1805. and August 18, 1807. 2. 4039 Delmomco, Charles; Dealy, P. F.; Desart. Autograph letters. 3. 404c Denis, Achille. Autograph letter, June 5, 1853, 8vo. 4041 Denneval (Comedian). Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. 4042 Denvil, W. G. Autograph letters (8vo) to Harley. 4043 Autograph letter, 4to. 4044 Desolme, Charles. Autograph letters, 1854, etc. 16. 4045 Desplaces, Henri (Ballet Master at C. G. Theatre). Autograph letter, June 17, 1863. 4046 DiBDiN, Thomas. Autograph letter, June 23, 1840, 8vo. 4047 Dickens, Charles. Autograph letter, April 3, 1866, in reference to the first two numbers of Pickwick and Seymour's Drawings thereto, 2 pp., 8vo. 4048 Autograph letters, 3 pp., 8vo, to Kate Hogarth, shortly before his marriage to her. Autograph letter from his daughter, Kate Perugini, enclosing it to Geo. Augustus Sala, and endorsement of Sala : '" Precious Dickens letter to his wife before their marriage." 3. 4049 Dickens, Frederick. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. 4050 Dickenson, G. K.; Dillon, Arthur; Donaldson, Walter, and others. Autograph letters. 5. 4051 Dii.i.Y, C. Autograph letter, 4to. 4052 DisTiN, J. Autograph letters, December 7, 1833, etc. 4. 4053 Dizi, Francois Joseph. Autograph letter, August 7, 1823, 4to. 4054 ' Autograf)h letter, 1828, 4to. 4055 Dolby, Miss Charlotte Helen. Autograph letters, January 22, 1840, etc. 9. 4056 Don, Sir Wm. Autograph letter, November 15, 8vo. 4057 Autograph letter, November 25, 8vo. 4058 Autograph letter, December r, 8vo. 4059 Dormeuil, Charles C. D. Autograph Ktier, February 4, 1S56, Svo. 4060 DowTON, Wm. Autograph letter, November 9, 1838, 410. to J. P Harley. 4061 Autograph letter, February 25, 1840, 2 pp., 4to, to J. V Harley. 4062 DowTON, \\m. Autograph letter, 8vo, to J. P. Harley. 4063 Dkavton, Henri. Autograph letter, September, 1854, etc., 8vo. 2. 4064 DuDOis, Edward. Autograph letter, November 7, iSoo, 4 pp., 410, to Tom Hill. 4065 Autograph letter, 4 pp., folio, to Tom Hill. 4066 Autograph letter, 4 pp., folio, to Tom Hill. 4067 Dubois, Emilik. Autograph letter, 8vo. 4068 Du Cange, Victor. Autograph letters, 4 pp., 8vo, and another. 2. 4069 Dudley, Joseph. Autograph letters, 1850, etc. 12. 4070 DuDLEV, John, Kate. William, and J. G. Autograph letters. 6. 4071 DuLCKEN, Louise. Autograph letters to Lord Burghursh, his answer, and others. 7. 4072 DuRUSET, John. Autograph letters, 2 pp., 8vo ; Dutch, L S., 2 pp., 8vo. 2. 4073 DuGGAN, Joseph F. Autograph letters. 3. 4074 Eagle, Bernardo. Autograph letter, March 23, 1842, inclosing play- bill. Earle, Lt.-Col. William. Autograph letters. 3. 4075 Edwards, Annie. Autograph letters. 2. 4076 Edwin, Mrs. Eliza Rebecca. Agreement, May 3d, between her and Elliston to perform at Surrey Theatre, with play-bill. 2. 4077 Egerton, Daniel. Autograph letter, April 12, 1807, z pp., 4to, to Winston. 4078 Autograph letter, June 16, 1807, 4to, to Winston. 4079 Autograph letter, June 26, 1807, 4to, to Winston. 4080 Autograph letter, 18 16, 2 pp., 4to, to Winston. 4081 Autograph letter, March 25, 181 7, 4to, to Winston. 4082 Autograph letter, August 29, 1819, 2 pp., 4to, to Winston. 4083 Autograph letter, March 20, 1823, 3 PP-- 4^0, to Elliston. 4084 Autograph letter, Thursday, 4to, to Winston. 4085 Engel, Ludwig. Autograph letter, 8vo. 4086 Ellis, George. Autograph letters, December 14, 1855, etc. 2. 4087 Elliston, Charles R. Autograph letters. 2. 4088 Elliston, Robert William. Articles of Agreement, Februarj- 26, iSir, between Elliston and Edward Lawler. 4089 Lewis, M. G., etc. Passes signed. 4. 4090 Kelly, H.; Bishop, Henry R.; Palmer, R. Passes signed. 4. 4091 Rauzzini, signatures. 2. 4092 Pox office sheets, benefits of, July 21, 180S, and July 4, 1800. 2. 4093 Emiliani, C. Autograph letter, 1838, 4to, with lithograph portrait. 2. 4094 Elvey, Dr. G.; Ely, Horace S. Autograph letters. 2. 4095 Falconer, Edmund, and Chatterton. Letter, February ii. 1864, in third person. 4096 Farjeon, Benjamin L. Autograph letter, November 22, 1869, Svo. 4097 Autograph letter, November 25, 1869, 8vo. 4098 Autograph letter, December 13, 1869, Svo. 4099 Autograph letter, October 10, 1873, 4 pp., 8vo. 4100 Autograph letter, October 31, 1877, 4 pp., Svo. 4101 Autograph letter, July 12, 1878, 2 pp., Svo. 4102 Autograph letters, January 8, i88r, and September 22, 1S82. 2. 4103 Autograph letter, December 29, 1882, Svo. 4104 Autograph letters, March 17, 1884, and another. 2. 4105 Autograph letter, December 31, 1839. 4106 Farley, Charles. Autograph letter, July 9, 1845, to Harley. 4107 Box office sheet, benefit of, August 11, 1820. 4108 Farren, George. Autograph letters, December 15, 1837, etc., to Harley. 2. 4109 Farren, H. E., Mrs. Autograi)h letters, June 10, 1838, etc. 2. 41 10 Farren, William. Autograph letter, July 30th, Svo. 41 1 1 Autograph letter, Svo, to Buckstone. 41 12 Autograph letter, Svo, to Harley. 4113 .Vutograph letters to Thompson and another. 2. 4114 Autograi^h letter, 2 pp., Svo, to Chippendale. 41 15 Box office sheets, benefits of. September 23, 1824, and September 29, 1S27. 2. 13 41 16 Fawcett, John. Box office sheets, benefits of, September lo, 1807, m and September 3, 1808. 2. 41 17 Field, Eugene. Bibliomaniac's Prayei', autograph copy, 4to. 4118 Field, Joseph M. Autograph letter. Mobile Theatre, March 15, 1852, 2 pp., folio. 41 19 Autograph letter, March 29, 1852. 4to. 4120 Autograi)h letter, March 27, 1852, 4to, 4121 Autograph letter, April i, 1852, folio. 4122 Autograph letter, January 24, 1852, folio. I 4123 Fisher, Jane Marchant. Autograph letter, February 9, 1850, 4to, and NiBLO, Wm., 3 pp., 4to, on same sheet. 4124 FiTZBALL, E. Autograph letter, March 17, 1856, 2 pp., 8vo, to Harley, 4125 Autograph letter, March 7, 1859, 2 pp., 8vo. 4126 Fitzgerald, Percy. Autograph letters, 2 pp., 8vo, each. 2. 4127 — ■ Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo, and 2 others. 3. 4128 Fitzwilliam, Edward. Autograpli letter, 8vo, to Harley. 4129 Fitzwilliam, Fanny Elizabeth (Copeland). Autograph letter, 2 pp.. 4to. Fitzwilliam, Ellen E., 2 pp., 8vo. 2. 4130 Fleming, Wm. M. Autograph letters, May 16, 1853, etc. 2. 4131 Florence, Wm. J. Autograph letter, January 24, 1856, 4to. 4132 Flynn, Thomas. Part of a letter in his hand. 4133 Felis Foemina, The. Original MSS. of, 9 pp., 4to. 4134 Forrest, Mrs. Catherine N. Sinclair. Autograph letter, 2 pp., Svo. 4135 ■ Autograph letter, October, 1852, Svo. 4136 — Autograph letter, 1852, 3 pp., Svo. 4137 Autograph letter, July 31, 2 pp., Svo. 4138 Autograph letter, October 19, 3 pp., Svo. 4139 Autograph letter, Thursday, 2 pp., Svo. 4140 Forrest, Edwin. Autograi)h letter, June 29, i860, 2 pp., Svo. 4141 Autograph letter, February 23, 1S71, with portrait of Kean. 4142 Foster, Wm. R. Autograph letter, April 17, 1847, 2 pp., 4to. 4143 Fo.x, Charles James. Autograph letter, 5 pp., 4to, to L. Concannoa Interesting letter about personal matters. 14 4144 ^^^^, George L. ; Tayleure, C. W.; Wolcott, Charles W., etc. Signatures. 5. 4145 Francis, Adolphus. Autograph letters concerning Shakespeare mon- ument. 2. 4146 Fredericks, Wm. S. Autograph letter, August 22, 1839, 3 pp., 4ti) 4147 Freer, John Charles. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. 4148 Fry, W. R. A. N., signed with initials. 4149 Furness, Harry. Receipts for payment of drawings for Tinsley. 2. 4150 Gaboriau, Emile. Autograph letter, Bvo. 4151 Gambetta, Leon. Autograph letter, Paris, October, 1870, to Cre- mieux. 4152 Garcia, Signor Manuel, 8vo. 4153 Gardiner, W. Autograph letter, June 10, 1808, 3 pp., 4to. Garden. E. W., 3 pp., 8vo. 2. 4154 Garrick, David. Autograph letter, Hampton, Saturday, 7 o'clock. and a cloudy morning. Exceeding long and interesting letter, in perfect condition, to one of his intimates, 4 pp., 4to. 4155 Autograph letter, March, 1745, from Lord Marchmont to and endorsed by Garrick. 41^5 Letter, January 30, 1754, from Keppel, Earl of Albemarle, to and endorsed by Ciarrick. 4157 Autograph letter, August 12, 177 1, from Lord Clanricarde to and endorsed by Garrick. 4158 Autograph letter. May 28, 1776, from John Paterson to Garrick. 415Q ^ Autograph letter, May 29, 1776, from F. Hargravc to and en- dorsed by Garrick. ^160 A. N. S. from Lord Mulgrave to and endorsed by (}arrick. 4l5l Autograph letter from Lady Harriet Vernon to and endorsed by Garrick. 4162 Garrick Club. Original announcement of the opening of the Carnck Club, signed by J. Winston, January 14, 1832, and another. 2. 4163 George, Miss and Vining. Box office sheet, benefit of, Scpteni!)or 28. 1826. 4164 Gibbon, Charles. Autograph letter. May 3, 1883, 8vo. Gilbert, Wm., 1872. 2. 15 4165 Oh^i^s, Mrs. Box office sheets, benefits of, 1805-1820. 4. 4166 liiuBELEi, Mme. Autograph letter, September 4, 1846, 2 pp., 8vo. 4167 Glaisher, James. Autograph letter, 1882. GiiisoN, John. Auto- qraph letter, 1853. 2. 4168 CioROSTiZA, Manuel Edouard de. Autograph letter. Gordon, Wm. Autograph letter. 2. 4169 (ioss, John. Autograph letter. May 3, 1858. 4170 CiouLD, Miss (Singer). 4to. 4171 Gould, Robert Howe. Autograph letters, 1838, etc., to Chippendale. 21. 4172 Graham, George. Autograph letter, Jul}' 23, 1822. Grossi, A. 1874. 2. 4173 Grant, James. Autograph letters, April 6 and September 29, 1869. 2. 4174 Autograph letters, 1874 and 1875. 2. 4175 Autograph letters, March S and October 11, 1876. 2. 4176 Greatorex, Thomas. Autograph letter, September 12, 1826, 2 pp., 4to. 4177 Gregory XIII. Papal bull on parchment, dated February 3, 1584, folio. Fine caligraphic specimen. 4178 Grove, G. Autograph letter, August 9, 1872. Grosvenor, Richard, 1862. 2. 4179 Hackett, James H. Autograpli letter, October 28, 1859, 3 pp., 8vo. 4180 — — - — Autograph letter, September 6, 1864, 3 pp., 8vo. 4181 Hakewill, Joseph, 2 ; Harmax, Abra., 1793 ! Hewitt, J.; Horn, Charles, and others. 13. 4182 Hall, Anna Maria. Autograph letter, 1863, 3 pp., 8vo. 4183 Hall, Marshall. Autograph letter, 1889, 4 pp., 8vo. 4184 Halliwkll-Phillips, J. O. Autograph letter, October 25, 1883, " Refers to my collection of Ireland material. A. D." 4185 Autograph letters, November 27 and 30, 1886. 2. 4186 Hamblin, Thomas S. Autograph letter, January 8, 1845. 4187 Hannay, James. Autograph letters, June 29 and July 4, 1866. 2. 4188 Hardinge, George. Autograph letter, 3 pp., 410, to Garrick. 4189 Hambly, Mrs. Mary. Autograph letters, i860 and 1861. 4. 16 4190 Harrison, Wm. (Singer). Autograph letter, 2 pp., to Parry. 4191 Autograph letter, 2 pp., to Adams. 4192 Hatton, Ann, sister of J. P. Kemble. Autograph letter, March 10, 1823, 4to, to Alexander Murray ; speaks of her brother's death the previous month, her affection for him, etc. 4193 Autograph letter, April 8, 1823, to Alexander Murray, 4to ; referring to her brother and his affairs. 4194 Autograph letter, July 5, 1825, to Alexander Murray, 4to. 4195 Hawes, Wm. Autograph letter, November 7, 181 1, 2 pp., folio. 4196 Haworth, Martin. Autograph letter, December 8, 1880 ; Heath, Francis George, January 29, 1874; Hingston, G. P., November 11, 1874- 3- 4197 Haymarket Theatre. A large and unusually important collection of letters, referring principally to the financial affairs of the theatre, from David Edwin Morris, James Winston, T. N. E\ybank, and others, addressed to George Colman, Braham, Charles Kemble, Blanchard, Dibdin, etc. 90. 4198 Box office sheets, July 21, 1806, July 16 to 20, 18 11. 6. 4199 July 22, 24, and 25, i8ri. 3. 4200 July 21 to 31, 1824. 10. 4201 August 2 to 7, 1824. 6. 4202 August 10 to 16 and November 2, 1824. 6. 4203 August 27 to 30, 1827. 4. 4204 jii'ie 15 to 20, 1829. 6. 4205 June and July, 1829, various. 6. 4206 July 14 to 18, 1829. 5. 4207 — • .Uily ^I'ltl August, 1829, various. 6. 4208 August 14 to 20, 1829. C. 4209 August 21 to 27, 1829. 6. 4210 August and September, 1829, various. 5. 4211 September, 1829, and August, 1832, various. 9. 4212 Haywood, Mrs., and Tokklv. 1)Ox office sheet, benefit of, September 1. 1815. 4213 Herauo, John A. Autograph letter, January 5, 1855, 4 pp., 8vo. Herve, Charles S. Autograph letters, 2. 3. 17 4214 Heron, Matilda. 3 pp. of a letter in her hand, and portrait with inlaid signature. 2. 4215 Mii.i.i). \\ -M. Autograph letters. 2. 4216 Hoffmann, Francois Benoit. Autograph letters. 2. 4217 — • Autograph letter, March 11, 1828, to Henri Berton and with Barton's answer. 4218 HiJLLANi), Lord Vassall. Autograph letter, April i, 1817, 2 pp., 4to. 4219 Autograph letter. May 19, 181 7, 2 pp., 4to. 4220 Autograph letter, May, 181 7, 2 pp., 4to. 4221 Autograph letters, May, 1817, 3 pp., 8vo, and April, 1817. 4 pp., 8vo. 2. 4222 Autograph letter, June 30, 1817, 3 pp., 8vo. 4223 Hoon, Tom.. Autograph letter, 8vo, to F. W. Fairholt, with the 9 original drawings by Fairholt to Hood's " Death's Ramble." 10. 4224 HoKN, Charles Edward. Autograph letter, 3 pp., 4to. 4225 Howard, Charles. Autograph letter, November 4, 1837, 8 pp., 4to. Long and interesting account of Western theatrical matters. 4226 Autograph letter, September 9, 1837, 4 pp., 4to. 4227 Howe, J. Kurdette. Autograph note signed, 4to. 4228 Howe, Julia Ward. Agreement March 7, 1857, between her and Wm. Stuart to sell her play " The World's Own," signed by Julia Ward Howe, Samuel G. Howe, and Wm. Stuart. 4229 HuGUET, L. Autograph letter, June 19, 1830, with lithograph of Huguet's Manege des Elephanten. 4230 Hull, Anna Maria. Autograph letters, 1786, etc., full of theatrical gossip, etc. 5. 4231 HuKLnuRT, W.M. Henry. Autograph letters, 1869, etc. 9. 4232 Inchbald, Mrs. Original MSS. (54 pp., folio of her Lecture 111.) on Shakespeare and Milton. 4233 Jameson, Joh. Autograph letter, February, 1864, 3 pp., 8vo ; Jevons, W. S., April, 1873, 8vo. 2. 4234 Jones, Mei.inda Topping (Countess Johannes). Autograph letter, February i, i860, 4 pp., 8vo. 4235 Jones, Richard. Box office sheets, benefits of, 1809 to 1820. 5. 18 4236 Kean, Charles. An interesting 8vo letter from the Rev. F. Hopkinson to Charles Kean, dated from Malvern Wells, June 25, 1863, giving a graphic account of the collapse of Edmund Kean, just thirty years previously, whose last words were, " Othello's occupation gone." Autograph letter, 3 pp., 410, from a friend in Limerick to Charles Kean, July, 1836, chiefly on personal matters. 2. 4237 Autograph note signed, Astor House, Thursday. 4238 Storage, A.; Peake, Richard, Jr. 3 passes signed. 4239 Kean, Mrs. Charles; Ella Tree. Autograph letter, 4 pp. 4240 Kean, Edmund. Autograph letter, February 23, 1S27, 2 pp. from F. Laporte, Dublin, to Edmund Kean (with reply), mentioning his benefit, and asking Mr. Kean, as a great favor, to act for him. Auto- graph letter, April 7, 1828, 3 pp., 4to, from S. W. Eutler, Theatre, Sheffield, to Edmund Kean, complaining of loss sustained by the non- fulfilment of Kean's engagement, "to be brief, I have lost ^300," asks for a loan of ;!^ioo. 2. 4241 Autograph letter, r p., 4to, to D. K. Morris, May 10, 1830 : " To-morrow I give away my annual Wherry . . happy to see you between the Heats to a good dinner and a hearty welcome, we dine at the Red House, Battersea," with Mr. Morris's reply on the same sheet ; quotations from Shakespeare in the hand of Edmund Kean, on 2 4to pages. 2. 4242 Autograph letter, London, March 29, 1828, 3 pp., 4to, to Mr. Corkindalc of Rothesay, speaks about his not being able to see Bute. till after his return from France ; comi)lains of havnig had to pay the same taxes 3 times, and says " I must think with Shakespeare, there is something rotten in the state of Denmark." Asks Mr. Corkindalc to take complete authority of the property (Woodend House). " I am longing like a child, to see the dear place once more." 4243 Autograph letter, 14 pp., 4to, headed: "Vie miscro mihi, quanta spe decide," to the Rev. Dr. Drury, commencing : '* Never, Dear Sir, has man suffered so many mortifications in the short space of three weeks." Is offered a situation by .Mr. Flliston for his new Theatre in VVych Street as Acting Manager, at a salary of ^'3 per week. The letter, which is a most interesting one, deals largely with the negotiations l'",iliston made with Kean, and the great disappoint- ment of the latter in having lost the chance of appearing at Drury Lane. " I have now Sir (he concludes) given a candid, and strictly true account of the transaction, trusting the whole matter to your con- sideration, and friendly interference." . . 19 4244 Kean, Edmund. Autograph letter, June 12, 1826, 3 pp., 4to, from Wm. Clarke to Edmund Kean in regard to repayments of money, Deed of Woodend House. Mr. Kean remits bills for ;^'2, 250. Messrs. Coutts have purchased ;!{^i,ooo reduced 3 per cents. "You will see by the papers that Mr. l':iliston has given up Drury Lane Theatre," etc. Another, January 24, 1827, 2 pp., 4to, to E. Kean, congratu- lating him on his cordial reception, and referring to monetary trans- actions. 2. 4245 Autograph letter, 2 pp., 4to, from J. Powell to Edmund Kean, in regard to various alterations in the play of Hamlet. Autograph letters, 2 pp., 4to, from J. G. Raymond, T. R., D. L., asking Kean's advice about Munden's playing the character of Jack Cade. Another, from Raymond, i p., 4to, speaking of the same matter. 3. 4246 Autograph letter, June 24, 8vo. 4247 Keelev, M. a. Autograph letter, 2 pp. 4248 Autograph letter, April i, 3 pp. 4249 Keith, Charles. Autograph letter, November 27, 1874, 4 pp. Kent, Charles, 1878. Kingford, Ninon, 1876. 3. 4250 Kelk, John. Autograph letter, April 29, 1875, 3 pp. 4251 Kelly, Frances Maria. Autograph letter, 3 pp., to J. P. Collier. 4252 Autograph letter, 4 pp. 4253 Kemble, Charles. Autograph letter, January 26, 1821, 4to. 4254 Autograph letter, July i, 1823, with enclosure. 2. 4255 ^Vill of, August 13, 1845, signed C. Kemble. 4256 Copy of valuation of effects and other schedules. 6. 4257 Kemble, Mrs. Charles ; Maria Theresa De Camp. Autograph let- ter, August, 1826, 3 pp., 8vo. 4258 Kemble, Fanny. Autograph letter, 4to, and play-bill Covent Garden, March 25, 1830. 2. 4259 Kemble, J. P. Autograph letter, August 28, 1822, to Alex. Murray, 3 PPm 4to. 4260 Autograph letter, January 27, 1823, to Alex. Murray, congrat- ulating him on his marriage, 2 pp., 4to. 4261 Account of Covent Garden Theatre, June, 1817, with the Enderbys, for oil, four seasons, ^6,777, signed by Kemble and the other proprietors. 20 4262 Kemble, J. p. Cheques, signed 181S, July 15, etc. 3. 4263 Do. do. 1 81 8. 3. 4264 Do. do. 18 1 8 and 1820. 3. 4265 Declaration of trust to, concerning ^10,200, April 23, 1822. 4266 Stock receipt for ^^2,000, bought for. 4267 Autograph letter, February 25, 1823, from J. Cheesbrough, English chaplain at Lausanne, to Alex. Murray : '' It is with deep regret that I announce . . . the decease of Mr. Kemble . . . at I/4 p. 9 o'clock this morning," etc., 3 pp., 4to. 4268 Account of expenses for physicians, surgeons, apothecary, etc., at his death, signed by P(riscilla) Kemble. 2. 4269 Messrs. Dyke and Stokes's charges for the probate of his will, ^199 i2s. lod., and their receipt. 2. 4270 Receipt for ;^ioo legacy from him to Mrs. Frances Twiss, signed by Horace Twiss, and extract from w'ill. 2. 4271 Notification by stamp office to Mrs. Kemble of arrears of legacy duties on her husband's will. 4272 Stamp office receipt and discharge for annuity to Jane Mason, his sister. 4273 Stamp office receipt and discharge for annuity to Ann Hatton, his sister. 4274 Account of the personal estate in England of. 4275 Evans's account of sale of his books and prints. ^"2,575 IS. od. 4276 Account of C. G. Theatre with executors of his estate. Seasons 1822-24. 4277 Coutts & Co., bankers. Various letters and documents bearing on Kemble's estate and Mrs. Kemble's investments, etc. 10. 4278 Autograph letters from John Brandon, of C. G. Theatre, refer- ring to Kemble's accounts. 5. 4279 Draft account of his estate, with Mrs. Kemble, in duplicate. One sigi^ed Priscilla Kemble. 2. 4280 List of deeds belonging to Mrs. Kemble. 4281 Kemble, Mrs. John Philip (Priscilla Hopkins, Mrs. Brereton). Auto- graph letter, May 6, 1823, to Alex. Murray, 2 pp., 4to. 4282 Autograph letter. May 27, 1823, to Alex. Murray, 2 pjx, 4t(). 4283 Autograph letter, June iS, 1823, to Alex. Murray. Inquiry as to her husband's estate, etc. Statement of her income. Receipt for annuity payment, ;^473 2.$-. dd., etc. 4284 Autograph letter, January, 1825, to Alex. Murray. Speaks of protection of her husband's tomb, etc., 3 pp., 4to. 4285 Her will, alteration in codicil, 2 pp., 4to, July 25, 1824. Fur- ther codicil, October 16, 1826, etc. 5. 4286 Autograph letter, February i, 1826, to Alex. Murray, 3 pp., 4to. 4287 Autograph letter, February 6, 1826, to Alex. Murray, com- plains of Charles Kemble's extreme want of common good manners and ill-treatment, 3 pp., 4to. 4288 Kemble, Roger. Attested copy of will. Kemble, Sarah. Copy of will. 2. 4289 Klmball, Moses. Autograph letter, March 14, 1845, 4to. 4290 Autograph letter, March i, 1S53, 3 pp., 8vo. 4291 Knight, Mary Ann. Autograph letters. May 18, 1858, etc. 10. 4292 Labouchere, Henry. Autograph letter. May 16. Long and inter- esting letter to Wm. Stuart, 8 pp., 8vo. 4293 Lacy, Rophino. Autograph letter, December 6, 1830, 3 pp., 4to. 4294 Autograph letter, January 23, 1831, 3 pj). , 4to. 4295 Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. 4296 Lambert, Charles. Autograph letters, June 18, 1853, etc. 3. 4297 Land, Belle. Autograph letters, 2 pp., 4to, and 4 pp., 8vo. 2. 4298 Lanergan, J. W. Autograph letter. May 11, 1875, ^^^• 4299 Lang, Andrew. Autograph note signed, 8vo. 4300 Lardner, Dionysius. Autograph letter, Cincinnati, July 20, 1843, 4to. 4301 Lavenu, L. ; Lee, A.; Lee, Nelson; Lee, Henry. Autograph let- ters. 9. 4302 Laya, J. L. Autograph letter, November 28, 1817, to Didot, 8vo. 4303 Lee, Alexander. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. 4304 Lee, Henry. Autograph letter, January 20, t8oo, 3 pp., 4to. 4.305 Lek, Mrs. M. A. Autograpli letters, 1818, etc., 3 pp., 410, each, to her husband. 3. 4306 Le Fanu, J- S. Autograph letter, August 16, 1869, 4 pp., Svo. 4307 Le Kain. Autograph letter, Paris, June 9, 1778, 8vo. 4308 Lemercier, N. L. Autograph letters, January 20, 1820, etc. 2. 4309 Leonard, I). Autograph letter, August 13, 1846, 4 pp., Svo. 4310 Leonard. S. W. Autograph letter, January 18, 1839, to Harley, 3 pp., 4to. 431 1 Lerigo, Charles; Liddell, Edward T.; Liederdorf, M. Y. Auto- graph letters. 3. 4312 Lever, Charles. Autograph letter, March 5, 1846, to Ed. Chapman, in regard to his publications, Phiz's drawings, etc., 4to. 4313 Autograph letter, March it, 1S46, to Ed. Cliapman. 4314 Autograph letter. May 4, 1846, to Ed. Chapman, 4to. 4315 Autograph letter. May 9, 1846, to Chapman & Hall, 410. 4316 Autograph letter, July 20, 1846, to Chapman & Hall. 4317 Autograph letter, November 17, 184.7, 4 PP-, Svo. Long and in- teresting letter about financial difficulties, his publications, politics, etc. 4318 Autograph letter, November 24, 1847, 4to, to Ed. Chapman. Speaks of his difficulties with the Curry's, etc. 4319 Autograph letter, 3 pp., 8vo. 4320 Levy, Jonas (Collector). Autograph letters, 1855, etc. 6. 4321 Lewis, William 'I'homas. Covent Garden accounts, signed {2) by. 6. 4322 LiND, Jenny. Portrait, autograph, and letter from secretary. 3. 4323 LiNDLEY, Robert. .Autograph letters, August 4, 1832, etc., 2 pp., 4to, and I p., 4to. 2. 4324 LiNLEY, VVm. Autograph letter, March 9, 1823, 4to. 4325 Autograph letter. May 17, 1824, 3 pp., 4to. 4326 Autograph letter, March 14, Svo. 4327 Linton, E. Lynn. Autograph letters, November 24, 1868. and June 2S, 1869. 2. 4328 Autograph letters, 1869, 1874, and iSgo. 3. 4329 LiSToN, John. Box office sheet, benefit of, .\ugust 25, 1S19. 23 4330 Litchfield, John. Autograph letter, October i8, 1805, to Tom Hill, 4to. 4331 Autograph letter, October 19, 1S05, 3 pp., 4to, to Tom Hill. 4332 Autograph letter, October 21, 1805, to Tom Hill, 4to. 4333 Autograph letter, October 22, 1805, 2 ])p., 4to, to Edward Dubois. 4334 LoDER, I. D. Autograph letters. May 3, 1826, to Harley and 2 others. 3. 4335 LoMAS, Wm, Autograph letters, 1864, etc. 3. 4336 LoNSADA, F. Autograph letters, 1863, etc. 6. 4337 LoTT, Emeline, Autograph letter, July 30, 1868, to Edmund Yates, 2 pp., 8vo. 4338 Love, Miss. Autograph letter, third person, 8vo. 4339 Lover, Samuel. Autograph letter, 8vo. 4340 Lowe, James. Autograph letters, September 3 and December 17, 1855. 2. 4341 Autograph letters, June 22, 1856, and May 13, 1886. 2. 4342 Luce de Lancival (J. C. Julien). Autograph letter, le 3 Frimaire, An 2, 4to. 4343 I-UDLow AND Smith. Autograph letter, St. Louis, June 4, 1845, 3 pp., 4to. J. M. Weston, autograph letter on same sheet. 4344 Autograph letter, April 5, 1847, 3 pp., 4to. 4345 Lunn, J. Autograph letters, October 24, 1856, etc. 3. 4346 Lyons, Louisa. Autograph letter, 4to, to Oxberry. 4347 McCarthy, Austin. Autograph letters, January 4, 1872, etc. 2. 4348 Macfarren, Geo. Alex. Autograph letter, March i, 1841, 2 pp., 4to. 4349 Autograph letter, July 26, 3 pp., 8vo. 4350 Mackay, Charles. Original MS. of The Vision of Michael Scott, an ode written for the Scott Centenary, Edinburgh, August, 1871, 6 pp., 4to. 4351 Mackenzie, R. Shelton. Autograph letter, September 6, 1856, 2 pp., 8vo. 4352 MacGregor, J.; McLvn, R. R.; McMurray, Robt., etc. Autograph letters. 5. 4353 Mackknna, Mrs. W. H. Autograph letters, 4 pp. each. 2. 24 4354 McLean, Jessie. Autograph letter, January 15, i860, 4 pp., Svo. 4355 Macready, W. C. Autograph letter, June 12, 1841, 4 pp. Interest- ing letter to Chippendale speaking of his desire to engage him. 4356 Autograph letter, Boston, October 31, 1848, to Chippendale, dis- cussing terms, etc., 3 pp. 4357 Maddock, Mrs. Seven letters, 1863, etc., endorsed by Chippendale, " Poor Mrs. Maddocks." 4358 Maeder, James G. Autograph letter. New York, May 3, 1853, 4 pp., 4to. Full of interesting local theatrical chit-chat, etc., to Chippen- dale. 4359 Malibran-Garcia, Maria Felicita. Autograph document signed, January 13, 1831. 4360 Mansp'ield, Earl of. Autograph letter, March 9, 1825, 4to, to Alex. Murray. 4361 Murray, Mrs. Box office sheet, benefit of, August 29, 1820. 4362 Markwell, W. R. Autograph letters, December i, 1864, etc. 7. 4363 Marston, Henry. Autograph letters, 2. Marston, Georgina. Autograph letter. 3. 4364 Massett, Stephen C. Autograph letter, June 13, 1854, 2 pp., 8vo. 4365 Massingham. Box office sheets, benefits of, October II and 14, 1826, and October 11, 1827. 3. 4366 Mathews, Anne. Autograph letters, 1812, etc., to Edward Dubois. i6. 4367 Mathews, Charles. Letter, February 12, 1835, 4 pp., folio. Long list of grievances against Mr. Barry of the Tremont Theatre, whom he accuses of '' falsehoods for the purpose of traducing my character as a man of honor and veracity, making it necessary for me to leave this refutation with some of my friends previously to my departure for Europe." 4368 pLANCiiit, G. R.; SiDDONS, H. Passes signed. 3. ^269 Box office sheet, benefit of, August 9, 1S08. /^yjO Box office sheet, benefit of, September 6, 1815. 4371 Mathews, Charles James. Autograph letters, 1853 and 1854. Im- portant and affectionate letters to Lizzie Weston, whom he addresses as " my own beloved dearest wife," etc. i to 3 pp. each. 6. 4372 Autograph letter, November 29, i860, Svo. 4373 Autograph letter, December 2, 1S60, Svo. 25 4374 Mathews, Charles James. Autograph letter, March 2. 1864, Svo. 4375 Autograph note signed, February 24, Svo. 4376 Mathews, Cornelius. Autograpli letter, April 16, 1856, 4 pp., Svo. 4377 Mavwood, Mary Elizarkth. Autograph letter, June 10, 1S43, 4to. 4378 Autograph letter, July 27, 1843, 4to. 4379 Mellon, Henry. Autograph letters, February 6, 1859, etc., 2 pp., Svo, each. 2. 4380 Melrose. Bo.\ office sheets, benefits of, October 7, 1824, and October 5, 1826. 2. 4381 Merimee, Prosper. Original MS. of Mateo Falcone, 16 pp., folio. From the collection of the Marquis de Queux de St. Hilaire, with his book-plate. Bound in half crushed levant morocco, folio. 4382 Mery, Joseph. Autograph letter, 3 pp., Svo. 4383 Mezeray, Mlle. Artiste de la Comedie Francraise. Love letter. From Edmond de Goncourt's collection, and with his autograph and notes. Published in "la Maison d'un Artiste." Bound in cloth, i2mo. 4384 Mill, John Stuart. Autograph letter, Svo. 4385 Mitford, Miss. Rienzi, with Interlineations by Macready. Both the original MSS. copy, iii pp., 4to, and the printed play. Mr. Ferdinand Dreer, the eminent autograph collector, verified each line, and states that all the corrections and changes are by the great Macready. Also has Lawrence Barrett's autograph .on the wrapper, and account of its purchase by R. C. Hartranft. 4386 Mitchell's Olympic Theatre. The engagement book from June 2, 1842, to September 6, 1843, signed by the actors Charles M. Walcot, James C. Dunn, Mary Taylor, \Vm. Wood, John Nickinson, Benj. A. .. Baker, and many others, who have all also signed receipts for salaries, 4to. 4387 MoNCREiFF, W. T. Autograph letter, September 7, 1S26, to Winston, 2 pp., Svo. 4388 Autograph letter, October 21, 1843, etc. 2. 4389 MoRAN, Pjenjamin. Autograph letter, February 3, 1S57, 4 pp., Svo. 4390 Autograph letter, May 28, 1859, 2 pp., Svo. 4391 Autograph letter, March 31, 1873, 3 pp., Svo. 4392 Mori, Augusta. Autograph letters, April 14, 1S21, etc., 2 pp.. 410, each. 2. 26 I 4393 Morris, Edwards. Autograph letter to Mrs. Inchbald, 8vo. 4394 Morton, George. Autograph letter, May 17, 1875, 2 pp., 4to. Protests against newspaper statement that he was " notable for a bad imitation of Edwin Booth." 4395 Morton, John M. Autograph letter, November 18, 1864, etc. 2. 4396 Mowatt-Ritchie, Anna Cora. Autograph letter, January 24, 1866. 3 PP-. 8vo. 4397 Autograph letter, 5 pp., 8vo. Interesting letter to Chippendale, in which she speaks of the losses caused by the Civil War, asks his advice about appearing in London, etc. 4398 Mow AIT, James. Autograph letter, October 24, 1846, 2 i^p., 4to. 4399 Autograph letter, August 24, 1849, 3 pp., 8vo. 4400 Autograph letter. September 20, 1849, 6 pp., 4to, to Chippen- dale, with draft of Chippendale's reply. 2. 4401 MuNYARD, I. H. Autograph letter, 8vo, to J. P. Harley. 4402 Murdoch, James E. Autograph letter, February 11, 1887. 2 pp., Svo. 4403 Murray, Alexander. Autograph draft of letter, March 30, 18 19, to J. P. Kemble, 5 pp., 4to. 4404 Murray, Edward. Autograph letter, 2 pp., Svo. 4405 Murray, Leigh. Autograph letter, May 24, 1865, 3 pj)., 8vo. 4406 Murray, W. H. Autograph letter, August, 12, 1845, etc. 3. 4407 Myers, Samuel S. Autograph letter, Richmond, April 19, 1850, 2 pp., 4to, to Seften and Chippendale about theatrical matters, with draft of Chippendale's reply on same sheet. Very interesting. (See lots 4541 and 4542.) 4408 Negri, L. Autograph letter, April i, 1846, 2 pp., 8vo. 4409 Neilson, Adelaide. Album of autographs, tributes, verses from admirers, etc., gathered by. (147.) The collection contains autograph letters of Howard Paul, Benjamin Webster, Lord EUenborough (5). Forbes-Robertson (2), Mrs. Forbes-Robertson, William Black (2). Tom Taylor (2), Dr. John Doran, T. B. Aldrich, Sir Arthur Sullivan. Fanny Kemble (3), Macready. Sothern, Fanny Stirling (2), Hp. Wilber- force, Mrs. Charles Kean, Genevieve Ward, We.stland Marston (3) and several pages of verse, etc., besides signatures of C. Kemble, Macready, Charles Kean, Mrs. Charles Kean, C. M. ^'<)ung (2), j. R. Anderson, etc. There are also 3 copies of Miss Neilson's lirst benefit at Drury Lane, besides other programmes, and many annotations in her hand. 27 4410 Xeilson, Miss. Autograph letter, November 6, 1891, signed N. H. A biographical account of Miss Neilson. 4 pp., 8vo. 4411 Nkithardt, Henry August. Autograph letter, November 2, 1850, 3 PP-, ^vo. 4412 Neville, Henry G.; Nicholson, Wm. Autograph letters, i p., 8vo, each. 2. 4413 Niblo, William. Autograph letter, October 4, 1847, 4to. Interesting letter to Chippendale, requesting him to testify in his suit against insurance company, who have refused to pay losses. 4414 Autograph letter, April 3, 1849, 2 pp., 4to. "I have partly closed a bargain for the old grounds, ' Niblo's Garden,' ... I offered to share with Macready after $150, etc." Very interesting. 4415 Autograph letter, January 24, 1850, 4to. To Chippendale. Refers to Ravel Troupe, and his difficulty in making a bargain with them ; Placide ; desire to secure Brougham, etc. 4416 Autograph letter, February i, 1850, 2 pp., 4to. To Chippen- dale. Has seen the Ravels. " They will not share after a red cent, and I will not share even, thafs settled" etc. Long and interesting, regarding theatrical affairs, his intentions as to the " Garden," etc. 4417 AutograjA letter, February 25, 1850, 4to. Speaks of having settled engagement of Ravels, Brougham, etc ; desire to close with Mary Taylor ; death of "poor Col. Myers," etc. 4418 Autograph letter, March 19, 1850, 2 j^p., 4to. "Burton is very savage and discharged I.ynne and Leach as soon as he found they were coming to us ; " about Garden affairs, etc. 4419 Autograph letter, April 17, 1850, 410. Preparations for the season. " The first blow is half the battle ; good people, good arrangements, good pieces, and novelty must be the order;" "the Havana Troup of Opera Folk are with us," etc. 4420 Autograph letter, February 25, 4to. Interesting letter about opening, engagement of stars, etc. 4421 NiccoLiNi, Giovanni Battista. Autograph letter, September 16, ^^IZ', 2 pp., 4to, in Italian. 4422 NiCHOLLs, Henry. Autograph letters, 1856, etc. 9. 4423 Ofi'enbach, Jacques. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. 4424 Owens, John E. Autograph letter, Baltimore, May 27, 1846, 2 pp., 4to, to Chippendale, with interesting theatrical data. 4425 OxENFORD, John. Autograph letter, 8vo. 28 4426 OxLEV, JoHX H. Autograph letter, July i6, i860, 3 pp., 8vo. Tlic Oxley letters all relate largely to the American Dramatic Fund, but contain much interesting local historv. 4427 Autograph letter, August 16, i860, 2 pp., 4to. 4428 Autograph letter, October 24, 1864, 3 pp., 8vo. " Old Bowery" again changed hands ; this time circus," and other interesting items. 4429 Autograph letters, January 7, i86i,and February 3, 1863. 2. 4430 Autograph letters, April 4 and May 19, 1863. 2. 4431 Autograph letters, August 5 and November 9, 1863. 2. 4432 Autograph letters, February 15 and May 5, 1864. 2. 4433 Autograph letters, May 10, 1864, and August 10, 1866. 2. 4434 Autograph letters, November 8, 1866, February 7, 1867. 2. 4435 Falser, Henry. Autograph letter, January 25, 1837, 8 pp., 4to. A long and interesting letter to Chippendale from his cousin. 4436 Parry, John. Autograph letters, November 5, 1849, etc. 2. 4437 Faton, Miss. Box office sheet, benefit of, June 22, 1822. 4438 Paul IH. (Pope). Bull of Excommunication, dated June 7, 1537, on vellum, folio. 4439 Paul, W. Howard. Autograph letter, November 23, 1855, 2 pp. 4440 .Vutograph letter, March 29, 8vo. 4441 Payn, James. Autograph letter, July 24. 4442 Autograph letter, 8vo. 4443 Autograph letter, 8vo. 4444 Payne, John Howard. Autograph letter, U. S. Consulate, Tuni.s, September 3, 1843, 4to, to State Department. " The honor of this wretched place is a most ruinous one, for it is overwiielmingly ex- pensive ... if my accounts are not fully admitted I shall be in a very sad position. I have been very ill," etc. A most interesting and important letter. 4445 Theatrical pass, signed. 4446 Peake, Richard. 1 )()(umcnt signed, September 15, 1S07. 4447 Peale, I'vDMUND. Autograph letter, Baltimore, January 30. 1845, 4I0, speaks of his company, i)lans, terms, etc. " Burton is doing miser- ably — he is a bitter opponent." 29 I 4448 Pk.mbroke, Wm. HERBEkr, Earl of (Poet). Signature on bill, April, • 1626, of Sir Lewis Lewkoner, signed also by Edward, Lord Conway, folio. 4449 I', Samukl. Autograpii letter, 8vo. 4450 I'liii.i.ii's, L. A. (Actress). Autograph letter, 8vo. 4451 i'l I r, Im.len (Mrs. Charles Pitt). Autograph letter, January 30, 1864, 3 PP-, Svo. 4452 l^LACiDE, Henry. .Autograph letter, .\ugust 19, 1849, 410. Interest- ing letter regarding terms for his appearance at Niblo's. " For three weeks I must have $5oYer night and clear half benefit ; shaving off the beard is worth half the money." 4453 Autograph letter, September 28, 1849, 2 pp., Svo. " With re- gard to your Irishman, don't you think they are getting too thick." " Buffalo is very far off, and I must he. paid to go far off." " 1 must inform you that I am about to cut my Indian corn to-day — 10 bushels at least." 4454 Autograph letter, December 5, 1849, 410. 4455 Autograph letter, February 22, 1850, 3 pp., 4to. " W'e had a .^l)lendid affair last night the Hungarian ball . . . Jenny Lind comingout," . . . etc.; also, on same sheet, letter from Wm. Niblo. 4456 Autograph letter, March 2, 1850, 4to. Interesting letter re- garding terms, benefits, etc. 4457 PI'Acide, Thomas. Autograph letter, New Orleans, January 2, 1851, 3 pp., 4to. Long and confidential letter to Chippendale about local theatrical matters, etc. 4458 Autograph letter, January 3, 185 1, 4I0. Regarding his en- gagement with the Monplaisirs, stolen trunks, etc. (See lot 4621.) 4459 Autograph letter, November 17, 1851, 4to. Interesting letter about railroad disaster, etc. 4460 ■ Autograph letter, April 9, 1852, 4to. "Take care of No. i better, and don't let managers get the better of your good feelings." 4461 Autograph letter, November 18, 1852, 4to. Offer to secure Mrs. Conover for New Orleans. 4462 Autograph letter, December 26, 1852, 2 pp., 4to. " Our busi- ness is bad, very bad, but not so bad, as the source from whence you derived your information, could desire ... so much for en- vious and malicious meddlers and liars." Very interesting. 4463 Placide, Henry. Autograph letter, March 21, 1853, 410. Interesting letter about New Orleans theatrical matters. 4464 Autograph letter. October 4, 1S58, 4 pp., 8vo. 4465 Autograph letter, rhursday, 2 pp., Svo. 4466 Planche, James Robinson. Autograph letter, June 22, about Mrs. J. Prosser (late Mrs. Charles Horn) ; and autograph letter from Mrs. Prosser. 2. 4467 (Poe). Autograph letter, May 31, 1S58, Svo, of Maria Clemm, mother- in-law of. 4468 Autograph letter, December 12, 1864, 3 pp., Svo, of Maria Clemm. Long and interesting letter about Poe, his letters, manu- scripts, and her own illness and difficulties. " I suppose you will scarcely credit me when I tell you I often suffer for a cup of green tea. ... I am ready to go when the good Ciod calls me." An extremely interesting and valuable specimen. 4469 Pope, Alexander (Comedian). Document signed, March 31, 1804. 4470 Porter, R. St. Clair. Autograph letter, November 7, 1848. 4471 Porter, Cipriani, Autograph letter, December 12, 1828, 4 pp., 4to. Long and interesting letter to Royal Academy of Music, tendering his resignation and giving his reasons. 4472 Autograph letter, October 22, 1848, 3 pp., 4to. 4473 Povey, John. Autograi)h letter, September 20, 1S52, 4 pp., 4to. Liter- esting and friendly letter to Chippendale, offering an engagement from J. B. Buckstone. 4474 Autograph letter, March 14, 1853, 4 pp., Svo. Letter of wel- come to England, to Chijjpendale. 4475 Autograph letter, March 2, 1855, Svo. 4476 Autograph letter, December 28, 1S57, 4 pp., Svo. 4477 Autograph letter, January i, 1858, 4 pp., 4to. Long and inter- esting letter about theatrical matters, players, "Peter the Foolish (Richings) . . . Puppy Charles Kean," etc. 4478 Autograph letter, February 17, 1S61, 4 pp., Svo. Account of theatrical affairs in Bath. 4479 Autograph letter, August 27, 1863, 410. 4480 Autograph letters, September 2, 1863, and September 22, 1S64. 2. 4481 Proctor, Adelaide. Original MS., 9 pp., 4t(), of "A Wedtling Ring." 31 4482 QuiNAULT, Mlle. Actress of the Comedie Fran?aise, to Mme. de GraffiK'iy- From the collection of Edmond de Goncourt, with his autograph and notes. Bound in cloth, 4to. 4483 Rachel. Autograph letter, 3 pp., 8vo, and India-proof portrait. 2. 4484 Rainforth, Miss Elizabeth; Ridpath, Wm. (2); Robson, H.; Rosenthal, E. 5. 4485 Ray.moni), Alfred. Autograph letter, August 24, 1845, 2 pp., 4to. 4486 Raymond, George.. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. 4487 Raymond, Henry J. Autograph letter. May 10, 1869, 8vo. 4488 Autograph letter. 4489 Raymond, John T. Autograph letter, 2 pp. 4490 Raymond, Richard Malone. Autograph letters, March 28, 1830, etc. 2. 4491 Rayner, Lionel Benjamin. Autograph letter, January 25, 1813, 2 pp., 4to, to Winston, and printed copy, Rayner's Parody on the Huntsmen's Chorus. 2. 4492 Autograph letter. May 19, 1814, 2 pp., 4to, to Winston, and 2 bills, Rayner's benefit, June 9, 1825, and June 13, 1826. 3. 4493 Autograph letter. May 27, 1814, 2 pp., 4to, to Winston, bill, and printed copies of two of Rayner's songs. 4. 4494 Autograph letter, January 30, 1815, 4 pp., 4to, to Winston, autograph note signed, and portrait as Giles. 3. 4495 Autograph letter, April 24, 1816, 2 pp., 4to, to Winsto^i, autograph note signed, 8vo, bill C. G., February 20, 1836. 3. 4496 June 29, 1833, 3 pp., 4to, memorial signed by Rayner to the Committee of the House of Commons on the Bill to regulate Dra- matic Performances. 4497 Memorial, 3 pp., folio, signed by Rayner, addressed to the Lord Chamberlain, respecting the Strand Theatre, and 2 autograph letters. 3. 4498 Reuello, Charles. Autograph letters, April 23, 1869, etc. 2. 4499 Reed, Isaac. MS., i p., 4to. 4500 Reeve, Wvbert. Autograph letters, February, 18C4, 3 pp., 8vo, and October, 1867, 3 pp., 8vo. 2. 4501 Reford, L. L. Autograph letters, December 2, 1863, etc. 4. 32 4502 Reynolds, Frederick. xVutograph letter, October . i, looy, 2 [)[} , 4I0. Interesting letter, on the rights of authors, to Drury Lane Man- agement. 4503 Autograph letter, December 27, 1825, 2 pp., 4to, to Sir William Knighton, seeking authority to dedicate his memoirs to His Majesty. 4504 Reynolds, J. H. Autograph letters, 1835, etc., to Laporte, 4to. 8. 4505 Reynolds, Jane. Autograpli letters. 2. 4506 RiDDELL, Charlotte M. Autograph letters, October, 1868, and June, 1878. 2. 4507 Rivers, Miss Fanny. Autograph letter, 2 pp. Mrs. A. Riveio. .Au- tograph letter. May 6, i860. 2. 4508 Roberts, Eimma. Autograph letter, June 21, 1837, 4to. 4509 Robins, George. Autograph letter, August 11, 1835, to Harley. 4510 Robs(jn, F. Autograph letters. 3. 451 1 Rodwell, G. Herbert. Autograph letters, 1818 and 1828. 3. 4512 Autograph letters, 1837, 1838, and 1840. 3. 4513 Autograph letters, 1843-4. 3. 4514 Roselle, W. H. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. Roxby, Robert. Au- tograph letters, 2. 3. 4515 Roxley, Samuel. Autograph letter, June 28, 1842, 4to, to O.xberry. 4516 RuDERSDORFF, Mme. Erminia. Autograph letters, September 26, 1851), etc. 3. 4517 Russell, James. Autograph letter, October 23, 1822, 2 pp., 410. 4518 Box-office sheet, benefit of, July 28, 1819. 4519 Russell, \V. Clark. Autograph letter, May 12, 1875, 2 pp. 4520 Autograph letter, December 10, 1875. 4521 Russell, William Howard. Autograph letters, Marcii (>. 1S6-, etc. 2. 4522 Saint, Albin W.; Salvandy, Mme.; Seymour, Laura; Spac.noletti, P.; Stephenson, Rowland, etc., autograph letters. 9. 3 33 4523 Saint-Huberty, Mme. (Actress.) 2 autograph letters to the Comte, d'Antraigues, her lover and later her husband, and 2 from d'Antraigues to her. From the Edmond de Goncourt collection, and with his auto- graph and notes. These letters were published in de (loncourt's Mme. de Saint-Huberty. Bound in cloth, 4to 4524 Saint Leon, Chas. Victor Arthur. Autograph letter, May 29, 1836^ 2 pp., 8vo. 4525 Saint Luke, L Autograph letters, 1863 and 1864. 2. 4526 Salm Salm, Agnes, Princess. Autograph letter, November 16, 1862, 3 pp., 4to. 4527 Sar(;knt, AVinthrop (American Poet, etc.). Autograph letter, Sep" tember 25, 1869, 4 pp., 8vo. 4528 Saunders, John. Autograph letter, 2 pp. Scott, Clement. Auto- graph letter, April 12, 1875. 2. 4529 Scotch Celebrities. Autographs and portraits of, 219. An excep- tionally fine and important collection, including Robert Burns's orig- inal and earliest version of " Queen Mary's Lament," 3 pp., folio, substantiated by Gilbert Burns, the poet's brother ; a long letter to " My ly Countrywoman," folio, in which Burns speaks of " the black story at home," etc.; and MS. verses, 5 stanzas ; Hogg, auto- graph letter, 3 pp., 4to, October 15, 181 1, and MS., 2 pp., 4to. An exceedingly fine letter of Adam Smith, 3 pp., 4to, to Thomas Cadell, relating to his work, " The Theory of Moral Sentiments." Long and interesting letters of Sir Walter Scott to Joseph Cooper Walker, 3/^ pp., 4t(), 1809 ; another, 181 7, 4to ; one to W. Laidlaw, January 21, 1825, " The great disaster of Constable here and Hurst and Rob- inson in London stopping payment v/as the news which welcomed my arrival here," etc.; to \Vm. Hewes, 1825, 2 pp., 410 ; to George Handley, 1826, 2 pp., 4to ; c/ne of 2 '4 pp., 4to, December 26, 1810 with " Epitaph on William Seward," in response to invitation from the Dean of Lichfield ; February t6, 1830, 2 pp., 4to ; December 28, 1832, 4to ; one of 2^2 pp., 4to, to General Ainslie ; April 30, 1828, ^K PP- 8^''^ ; Jw'y ^3) 1826, 4to ; May 15, 1828, 4to ; April 6, i}4 pp., 4to ; June 13, 1826, 2 pp., 4to ; March 21, 1826, 3 pp., 4to, a very fine letter ; besides 2 pp., MS. of Life of Bonaparte, 2 pp. from MS. of Tales of a Grandfather, and various others. There are, in addition, autograph letters of his father, Walter Scott, Lad}' Scott, Walter Scott, his son, and letters of Robert Bloomfield, relat- ing to him ; a very fine letter of James Ballantync, dated Abbotsford, September 24, 1822, and relating to Sir Walter ; seven long and in- teresting letters from Sir David Wilkie to Thomas Phillips, R.A., and 34 one to Sir Thomas Lawrence ; four of Allan Cunningham ; one of Allan Ramsay, the painter ; two of Thomas Campbell ; an unusually important letter of Dr. James Beattie, addressed May 22, 1773,10 Garrick ; two of Lord Monboddo ; one of David Mallet (Malloch), November 2, 1762 ; three exceedingly interesting 3 pp., 410, letters from Andrew Brown to George Chalmers ; four letters of James Mac- pherson, author of Ossian ; 3 page letter, folio, of Dr. James Currie ; letters of Dugaid Stewart, Wm. Aytoun, Wm. McGavin, Felix Mc- Donough, John Burnet, the artist ; Mme. Creech, relating to Burns ; Sir James Mackintosh, Sir Wm. Forbes, the friend of Dr. Johnson and Boswell, 4 pp., 4to, 1795, to Edmund Malone, respecting papers and letters left by Boswell to be looked over ; Henry Mackenzie (3), Sir John Sinclair (2), James Drummond, fourth Karl of Perth : Sir Samuel Auchmuty, Lord Erskine, Wm., third Marquis of Lothian ; Lady Glenorchy (2), Thomas Somerville (2), and many others. Car- lyle is represented by no less than 15 interesting letters of 2 to 4 pp. each, besides 17 receipts to his publishers or other documents, and 2 pp., folio, of the MS. of "A Picture of Husbandry in Annandale." Mrs. Jane Welsh Carlyle by one very interesting 3 page letter. There is, in addition, a large number of excellent portraits, many India proofs before letters, of Burns, Scott, Hogg, Wilkie, Sir Wm. Forbes, Carlyle, etc., and a superb proof before letters, on India paper, of the scarce " Broken Jar," after Wilkie ; as well as 2 original drawings of Scott and 2 of Carlyle. Bound in half morocco, folio. 4530 SCRAP-BooK of 64 autograph letters. An important group of literary characters, including Shelley, Mrs. Shelley, Byron, Lady Byron (2), Ada Byron. Countess Guiccioli, Wm. Cowper, Wordsworth (2), Scott, Southey, Tom Hood, Sydney Smith, Philip Doddridge, Thackeray, Dickens, Hallam, Coleridge, Ouikshank, Moore, Rogers, Bulwer, Hugo, Ruskin, Ainsworth, Wilkie Collins, Hazlitt, Sala, etc. 4531 ScRAP-BooK of 76 autographs, facsimiles, etc. Among the autograph letters included are Dr. John Abernethy, Lord and Lady Ashburton, Dr. Buckland, Lords Carnarvon, Albert D. Conyngham and Francis Jeffrey, W. Jerdan, Thomas Wright (the antiquary), J. R. Planche, T. C. Croker, Richard Owen, and Carolus Linneus, in Latin, folio, 1774. There are also documents signed or signatures of Lords Delawarr, 1722 (2); Halifax, 1719; Sunderland, 1719; Middlesex, 1745; Henry Fox ; Spencer, 1736; North, 1759; George Grenville, 1749 I Henry Pelham, 1749; Godolphin, 1709 (2); Rochester, 16S4 ; New- castle, 1773; Lincoln, 1716 (2); H. B. Legge, 175S; Sir Robert Walpole, 1 7 16, 1740, 1749 (3) ; Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, 1740; W. Harrison Ainsworth, T. C. Croker, etc. 35 4532 ScRAP-BooK of 88 parts and autograph letters, and several hundred cuttings, relating principally to Thomas King. The portraits include King as Fame, Lissardo, Lucio, Marplot, Ogleb)-, Perry, Puff, Rimines, and Touchstone. Among the autographs are King's receipts for Drury Lane profits, season of 1782-3, and for his benefits in 1782, 1786, 1795 ; 2 statements of account with the theatre, 3 letters to Peake, and 4 pp. from his diary. Other autograph letters of R. B. Peake, Ann Pitt, John Powell, Jane Hamilton, Leonora I'incott (Wigan), J. Willmott, John Cole, Caroline Heath, W. T. Moncrieff, W. C. Macready, Henriette Lee, W. T. Lewis, John Brunton (2), Thos. Brunton, G. W. Butler, FitzRoy Kelly, Richard Wroughton, and 8 lines in Kemble's hand. There are also Drury Lane benefit bills for the Widow King, 1800, and Mr. and Mrs. Pope, 1802. 4533 ScR.\p-BooK of 277 autograph letters, signed photographs, portraits, etc., gathered by Charles Dickens, the younger. Among the more im- portant autograph letters may be mentioned Bulwer, Louis Blanc, Samuel L. Clemens, Charles Francis Adams, Capt. Marryat, Lever, Trollope, Chas. Kingsley, Thackeray, Moore, Douglas Jerrold, Peter Cunningham, Caroline Norton, Rogers, Chas. R. Leslie, Ruskin, Charles Reade, Frederika Bremer, Stanfield, Richard Doyle, Land- seer (2), Maclise (2), Sir Frederick Leighton, Millais, W. Clark Rus- sell, C. J. Mathews, Sotheran, Geo. Colman, Charles Kean, Dutton Cook, with 7 humorous portrait sketches, etc., besides signatures of George IV., William IV., Victoria, Fechter, Mendelssohn, Tenny- son, etc. ; an original drawing by Tom Hood, The First Charles Dickens' Birthday Celebration, etc. 4534 ScRAP-BooK of 328 illustrations to Byron, Scott, Shakespeare, etc.; New York views, costumes, subjects after American artists, portraits, etc. 4535 ScRAP-BooK of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knight (Miss Povey). 729 auto- graphs, original drawings, play-bills, portraits, broadsides, etc. Among the more important autograph letters may be mentioned Charlotte Cushman, 4 pp., 410, Braham (2), O. Smith, Moscheles, Chas. E. Horn, T. P. Cooke (2), Macready, Ferd. Ries, Lorenzo da Ponte (and verses signed), Mrs. Mountain, R. Keeley, Geo. Bartley, F. Burdett, Dora Jordan, Tate Wilkinson, Rd. Wrighten, James Montgomery, Robert Southey, Keswick, 1810, with fine impression of his seal ; Henry Clay (2), Edward Knight, Aaron Burr, February 26, 1803, Jane Porter, Dion Lardner, Bp. Philpots, Washington, and lock of his hair certified by Geo. W. Clarke, Richmond, May 25, 1831, Thomas Jefferson, Monticello, August 27, 1822, James Monroe, Thos. Mac- donough, G. Wombwell, Clara Fisher, Tom Sheridan, Thomas Abthorpe Cooper, Francis A. Drake, Catherine Stephens, Eliza Yates, 36 I Anna C. Mowatt, Celeste, C. Mathews, S. Kcmble, 1-. W. Fairholt, etc., besides documents, revolutionary passes, and other papers signed by C. Kemble (2), S. Kcmble, C. M. von Weber, Giviia (jrisi, J. P. Kemble, C. Mathews, Chas. Dickens, Blake the manager, C. J. Math- ews (2), T. Cooke (2), C. E. Horn, Macready, Forrest, Elliston, Lind, Flaxman, Cruikshank, Mrs. Sigourney, George IV., C. R. Leslie, R. B. Parke, Eliza Mathews, Tate Wilkinson, Kenny, Joseph Wood, Mary Anne Wood, Ole Bull, George Clinton, Gouverneur Morris, John Adams, James Madison, J. Q. Adams, Andrew Jackson, and lock of his hair. Van Buren, Charles Carroll, John Jay, DeWitt Clin- ton, Tom Paine, Patrick Henry, John Marshall, Richard Peters, G. Duval, Wm. Wirt, Samuel Griffen, James Ewing, Lafayette, Tremont Theatre Beefsteak Club, October 14, 1832 ; with signatures of J. W. Wallack, Geo. H. Barrett, Geo. H. Andrews, T. Comer, W. H. Sedley Smith, H'y J. Finn, C. E. Horn, etc. Among the original drawings are " my first attempt at drawing, saved by my mother E. K." and 3 other water-color sketches, an excellent drawing of Quebec, 1829, and 2 other Canadian views, signed E. K., original drawing in colors of Michael Kelly and another, an early and artistic drawing of New York City Hall, original drawing of Elliston, by Wageman ; original draw- ing, by R. Smirke, 1730, and many others. Among the theatrical programmes is the curious English Opera House, April 26, 1822, with the " Farce of Mr. H. . . . This piece was damned at Drury Lane; the Sorrows of Werther, this piece was damned at Covent Gar- den ; and Le Comedien d'Etampes — may very probably be damned here'' \ Broadway Theatre (benefit of Charles Mathews), 2 Drury Lane bills on satin, and 7 others, and Knight's benefit ticket. " A portion of a Frill of poor Kean's which I picked up after he had quitted the stage, etc." The original drawing in colors by Wm. Foster, 1810, of Edward Knight as Jerry Blossom, and a portrait of Wm. Foster in pen and ink by himself, and the last drawing he ever made, with certificate to that effect from Edw. Knight ; Knight's passport to travel in France ; a large number of early American bank- notes and state bills ; portraits of Chabert the Fire King, Tyrone Power, Master Betty, Mme. Vestris, Kean, Mrs. Jordan (3), Fanny Kemble, etc. 4536 SCRAP-BooK, Massingham's (W. W.) collection of over 3,300 dramatic autographs, play-bills, concert and benefit tickets, lottery tickets, orders, passes, documents, proposals, etc., of Drury Lane, Haymar- ket, etc., in 2 folio scrap-books. An unusually full and valuable collection, including play-bills of Drury Lane, 1795 and later (89), Haymarket (4), Lyceum (4), Covent (harden. Princess, etc.; autograph letters of Wm. Barrymore (2), Duchess of 37 Bedford, J. B. Buckstoiie, Duke of Devonshire, Hon. Charles Grey (5), Duke of Kent, John Povey, Tom Sheridan (brother of R. B. S.), Lord Shaftesbury, Braham, Beverley, Bellamy, Phillips, Charles Kean (2), lohn Powell, etc.; besides hundreds of signatures and about 900 autograph orders. The benefit tickets — most of which, as also tht concert tickets, are beautifully engraved from artistic designs — include Akers (5), Mme. Albertazzi, Mrs. Banti (6), John Palmer (3), Robert Palmer (2), Massingham (7), Massingham, Jr. (2), Whitfield (5), Miss Duncan (6), Miss Mellon (3), Wewitzer (6), Ebers, ANaldron. Dignum (25), Wathen (5), Henry and Mrs. Johnston (9), Elliston, Lacy (8), Mrs. Mountain (5), Mr. and Mrs. Mathews, Suett (4), Fawcett (3), Terry (3), Cooke (6), Mrs. Harlowe (4), Bannister (3), D'Egville (4), Mrs. Crouch, Mr. and Mrs. Powell (9), Mrs. Gibbs (4), Mrs. Glover (2), Mr. and Mrs. Bland (5), Dowton (2), Raymond (2), Delpini, King, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Pope, Johnstone (10), Burton (2), Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siddons (2), Kelly (4), Beverley, Barrymore (2), Master Betty (2), Braham, Mrs. Burke, Burrows, Mrs. Butler (2), Mr. and Mrs. Chatterley, Caulfield (3), Mrs. Grimaldi, Mrs. Henry, Miss Kelly, Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Sparks (1800, 6), Miss Stephens (2), Miss Tidswell (2), and hundreds of others. Also catalogue, and announcement of sale of Princess Theatre, of Taylor's interest in Hay- market, Federal St. Theatre bill (Miss Bates's benefit, May 17, 1802), autograph letter, of T. Harris, October, 1808, autograph letter of W. Lacy, autograph document signed of W. Lacy, document signed of R. B. Sheridan and R. Peake, proposals for rebuilding Drury Lane Theatre, report of committee to proprietors, autograph letters of J. Winston, etc., announcements of sales of shares, silver tickets, deben- tures, etc., early copies of important indentures, etc. 4537 ScRAP-BooK OF Lester Wallack. Album of autograph letters collected by and mainly addressed to him or Jas. W. Wallack, no. Autograph letter (3 pp.), Charleston, S. C, March 8, 1820, from Jas. W. Wallack to Elliston, and agreement of engagement between them, August 16, 1820 ; Geo. Colman (3 pp., MSS.); Lester Wallack, poem on the death of his brother, and 2 page dedication and preface to Jas. Vv'allack, as well as a humorous sketch ; property bill signed by Robert Wilks, Colley Gibber, and Barton Booth ; autograph letters of John John- stone, C. J. Mathews, Henry Irving (2), C. Kemble, Douglas Jerrold, Samuel L. Clemens, Mrs. Cha.s. Kean, Wm. Farren, Macready, Hackett, Lester Wallack (2), Charles Dickens, Charlotte Cushman, Edwin Booth, Charles Reade. J. W. Wallack, J. E. Millais, Fechter, Benjamin Webster, Sarah Bernhardt, J. P. Kemble, Tom Taylor, E. L. Davenport, W. Harrison Ainsworth, John Wilks (2), Wm. Lewis, 38 1793 ; lorn Sheridan, iBii ; Chas. Macklin, 2 pp., 410, 1742 ; Andrew Jackson, Duke of Wellington, Barrymore (1791, 3), Thos. Coutts, Landseer, Geo. Colman. Jr. (2), J. Ballantyne, etc.; besides signatures of Adelaide Kemble, Matilda Heron, John Poole, Ludwig Barnay, and others ; letter from the Lambs to Wallack, signed by Florence, Gilbert, Phelps, Hy. Edwards, Lawrence Barrett, Henry Irving. John Howson, etc.; menu signed by Booth, Irving, Gilbert, McGulIough, T. B. Aldrich, S. L. Clemens, and others ; Drury Lane bill, March 17, 1831, with H. and Jas. \V. Wallack in cast, etc. 4538 Scribe, EuciixXE — Le Pasticcio ou I'opera a la cour. Original MS. of the 3-act comic opera (86 pp., 4to), from the collection of the Marquis de Queux de St. Hilaire and with his book-plate. Bound in half crushed levant morocco, 4to. 4539 Seymour, C. B. Autograph letter, April 30, 1864, 5 pp., 4to. 4540 Seguin, Annk. Autograph letter. 4541 Sefton and Chippendale. Four important papers bearing on tiie disappointment to citizens of Richmond by the non-appearance of Booth, two of them being the original petitions, dated April 3, 1850, praying that the " Infirmity of Nature " might not be allowed to deprive them of the privilege of seeing " one of the brightest orna- ments of the stage," and signed by fifty prominent citizens. Sefton and Chippendale's reply to the committee, and a letter to the public on "the recent disgraceful affair." 4. 4542 April 18, 1850. " Notice — 'i"he business of this establishment (Richmond Theatre) will be wound up on Tuesday next. etc. Seflon and Chippendale." And other papers. (See lot 4407.) 14. 4543 Sefton, John. Autograph letter, February 2, 1845, 2 pp.. 4to. ''Burton stopped me in the street, regretted that we passed and did not speak, shook hands, drank (cider), and so we cease to call each other ugly names." Very interesting. 4544 Autograph letter, March 27, 1845, 3 pp., 4tf'- "Young Wheatly has encountered a difficulty in Philadelphia, discovered . . . and compelled to leave the theatre, and dare not play again." Very interesting letter full of theatrical scandal, gossip, etc. 4545 Autograph letter, March 5, 1853. 4to. Letter of introduc- tion to Signor Brigaldi, for (Miippendale. 4546 Autograph letter, April i, 1856, 4to. 4547 Autograph letter. March 28, 1856. 4I0. Interesting letter about Barney Williams. 39 4548 SiFTON, John. Autograph letters, April 23, 1858, 2 pp., each. 2. 4549 Autograph letter, July 8, 1863, 8vo. Letter on his arrival at Liverpool to Chippendale. 4550 Autograph letter, November 24, 1859, 4 pp., 8vo. Interesting letter about theatricals, J. Jefferson, Barney Williams, Miss Coombs, Wallack, Tom Taylor, etc. 4551 Autograph letter, July 23, 1863. 4552 Autograph letter, August 24, 1863, 4 pp. Interestmg letter preparatory to his return to New York, " taking back some great pieces," etc. 4553 Autograph letter, September, 1863. 4554 SuuTTLEwoRTH, H. C. Autograph letters, 2 pp., each. 2. 4555 Sei, BY, Charles. Autograph letter, October 3, 1855,3 PP^ 8vo. 4556 Seliiy, Clara. Autograph letter, April 22, 1863, 3 pp., 8vo. Asking Chippendale to play Sir Peter at her benefit. 4557 Autograph letter, April 12, 2 pp. Acknowledging receipt of ^8 I05-., for Mr. Seymour's family, with the original subscription list, 2 pp., folio. 2. 4558 Sfnnett, C. ; SiNNETT, A. Percy. Autograph letters. 2. 4559 Serle, Thomas James. Autograph letter, 4to, to John Oxenford. " Macready trusts that he will have your cooperation," etc. 4560 Seymour, Edward Hickey. Autograph letter, September 24, 1801, 4to, to Tom Hill. 4562 Shakespeare Club. Formed April 30, 1S50, 2 pp., folio, signed by Chapman, Rea, Pope, Ceo. W. Taylor, Sefton, Chippendale, J. F. Brady, and the other incorporators. 4563 Shaw, Rosina (Howard-Watkins). Autograph letter, May 30, i860, 2 pp., 8vo. 4564 Sherwin, Ralph. Articles of agreement, February 18, 1823, between hini and h^lliston, witnessed by Winston, 3 pp., folio. 4565 .'\utograph list, signed, 2 pp., 4to, of his characters. 4566 SiCKELS, Daniei, E. Autograph letter. 4567 SiDDONS, Mrs. Song to Galindo, 24 stanzas on 2 pp., 4to, in her own hand. Endorsed by two previous owners. 40 4568 Simpson, Edmund. Agreement, June 7, 1836, 2 pp., 4to. with Chippen- dale, " to proceed to New York by the July packet and perform and act." etc. 4569 Autograph letter. May 23. 1843, 4to. 4570 Autograph letter, June 14, 1843, 410, to Chippendale, offering an engagement. 4571 Autograph letter, June 29, 1843, 4to. 4572 Autograph letter, September 9, 1846, 4to, to Povey, request- ing him to meet " Forest " on his arrival and offer terms. 4573 Simpson, J. Palorave. Autograph letter, March 9, 1859. 4574 Smart, Sir George Thomas. Autograph letter, March 25, 1S28, 2 pp.. 8vo. 4575 Autograph letter, March 17, 1834, 4to. 4576 Smith, Albert. Autograph letter. 4577 Smith, Charles G. Autograph letters, September 17 and October 25, 1863. 2. 4578 Smith, E. J. Autograph note, signed, July 6, 1859. 4579 Smith, Sol. Autograph letter, Februar)' 25, 1845, 3 pp., 410. In- teresting account of difficulties of American Theatre, etc. 4580 Autograph letter, April 2, 1845, 3 PP-> 4*^o. 4581 Autograph letter, April 9, 1845, 3 pp., 4to. 4582 Autograph letter, July 10, 1845, 3 pp., 4to. 4583 Autograph letter, August 10, 1845, 4 pp., folio. 4584 Autograph letter, December 23, 1845, 8vo. 4585 Autograph letter, April 14, 1856, 4 pp., 8vo. 4586 Autograph letter, April 15, 1856, 8vo. 4587 Autograph letter, November 3, 1857, 4 pp., 8vo. 4588 Autograph letter, January 31, 1858, 8 pp., 8vo. 4589 Autograph letter, July 26, 1859, 4 pp., 8vo. 4590 Autograph letter, May 21, 1865, 2 pp., Svo. 4591 Autograph letter, August 21, 1865, 4 pp.. Svo. 4592 Autograph letter, August 10, 1866, 4 pp., Svo. 4593 Smith, Sol, Jr. Autograph letter, January 19, 1S67, 4 pp.. 4to, with 10 clever pen-and-ink sketches. 41 4594 SouzA, M.ME. Adelaide de (Marquise Flahault). Autograph letter, 2 pp., Svo. 4595 Spark, Dr. Wm. Autograph letter, October 4, 185S. 4 pp., Svo. 4596 Spencer, Edward. Autograph letter, January 9, 1846, 3 pp., 4to, to Dawson Turner. Interesting letter about Ann Berry, Upcott and his collection, his own exploits in aero'^tation, etc. 4597 Stanhope, Earl. Autograph letters, April 9 and May 21, 1817, to Alex''- Murray. 2. 4598 Autograph letters, April 30, 181 7. 3 pp., 4to, to Ale.v' Murray. 4599 • Autograph letters, May j and July 3, 181 7, to the same. 2. 4.600 Autograph letter, July 9, 181 7, 2 pp., 4to, to the same, and 2 other pieces. 3. 4601 Autograph letters, 1818 and 1825, to the same. 2. 4602 Stanley, Emma. Autograph letters, January 21 and February 14, r86i, from J. G. Richards, concerning Mrs. Stanley. 2. 4603 Stanley, Mrs. Fanny. Autograph letter, October 17, 1837, 3 pp., 4to, to J. P. Harley. 4604 Stewart, R. P. Autograph letter, 3 pp., 8vo. 4605 Stirling, Arthur. Autograph letter, March 4, 1864, 3 pp., Svo. 4606 Stirling, Fanny. Autograph letter, 4 pp., Svo. 4607 Autograph letter, Svo. 4608 SiOEPEL, Mme. Lovarny. Autograph letter, February 19, 1S52, 4to, to John Brougham. 4609 Stoddart, James H., Sr. Autograph letters, March 9, 1866, 2 ; and 1 from Jane Stoddart. 3. 4610 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Autograph letter, October 30, 1852, 4to, to Mrs. M. W. Chapman at Paris, giving permission for the translation of " Uncle Tom." 4611 Strickland, Agnes. MS., 5 pp., 4to, of "The Royal Captive." 4612 Stuart, Wm. Autograph letters, 3 pp., Svo, to Markham and 2 others. 3. 4613 Sugg, C. Fee. Autograph letter, April 7, 1797, 4to. Seeking engage- ment for himself and wife. 4614 SwANiiOROUGH, FouiSA. Autograph letter, 2 pp., Svo. 4615 Tayleure. Box-office sheet, benefit of, September 11, 182 1. 42 4616 Taylor, Agnes S. Autograph letter, 4to, to Oxberry. 4617 Taylor, Charles. Autograph letter, 4to, to J. P. Harley, with 2 portraits. 3. 4618 Box-ofifice sheet, benefit of Mr. and Mrs., August 16, 1806. 4619 Taylor, Tom. Autograph letter, September 30, 1857, Svo, and satirical poem. 2. 4620 Taylor, Wm. Document signed, John Thynne, Vice-Chaiiil)erlain, licensing Wm. Taylor to have Italian operas performed. 4621 Telegraph. Two early American telegrams ; one, finely engraved, and the other from Tom Placide inquiring about his stolen trunks. (See lot 4458.) 2. 4622 Terry, Daniel. Box-ofifice sheets, benefits of, 181 4, i 816, and 1822. 4. 4623 Thackeray, William Makepeace. Original sketch of Braliam ; auto- graph letter to Mrs. Brookfield and one from her; autograph letter from Braham's son, Hamilton. 4. 4624 Thompson, Dr. W. Autograph letter, June 21, 1806, 4to, and another. 2. 4625 Thompson, Benjamin. Autograph letter, November 6, 1800, 4to, to Richard Peake, threatening decisive legal measures to enforce pay- ment for "The Stranger." 4626 Thompson, Sir Henry. Dinner invitation to Miss Rehan, and menu. with list of guests and remarks. 2. 4627 TiLi'.URY, Wm. Harries. Autograph letter, January 7, 1853, 2 pp.. 4to, and others. 3. 4628 ToKELY. Box-ofifice sheet, benefit of, September 11, 1S16. 4629 Train, George Francis. Letter to Citizen Manager Daly, and pro- gramme. 2. 4630 Trollope, Anthony. Autograph letter, March 16, 1861, 8vo. 4631 Autograph letter, September 6, 18C3, 2 pp., 8vo. 4632 Autograph letter, February 20, 1864, 8vo. 4633 Autograph letter, August 9, 1869, Svo. 4634 Twiss, Horace. Autograph letter, December 29, 1825, 4 pp., 4to, to Alexander Murray, regarding Charles Kemble's affairs. 43 4035 UPCOTT (WIlJ.lAMj. COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPHS of distinguished characters in all classes of life, including- sovereigns, statesmen, divines, lawyers, naval and military officers, authors, poets, artists, actors, musicians, men of science, physicians, surgeons, eminent foreigners, and celebrated women. The collection is con- tained in 13 thick folio vols., with specially printed titles, and consists of 2,078 autographs and 1,000 portraits. Many of the latter are proof impressions of considerable value. Some are private plates of great rarity, and there is a large quantity of fine and scarce mezzotints. The autographs are tastefully mounted on toned paper, with the bio- graphical notices neatly written underneath. At the end of the last vol. is a complete alphabetical index. It was formed by that cele- brated collector, William Upcott, who devoted many years to the con- genial task of Lringing together such a fine and complete assemblage of autographs and portraits, many of which, at the present time, it would be hopeless to procure. The vols, are strongly and hand- somely bound in red morocco extra, with inside borders and joints, and the edges gilt. Below are given a few of the more important items : Vol. L — Henry VIIL, with fine and rare portrait ; Elizabeth, with 2 fine portraits ; James L; Charles 1., a long and highly important letter, entirely in his autograph, dated from Newcastle, June 4, 1646, to Sir Edward Nicholas, his confidential secretary, with Vertue's fine portrait ; Oliver Cromwell, to the Commissioners for Ireland, with Vertue's portrait ; Charles II. , 3 specimens, with Hollar's and Ver- tue's portraits ; Prince Rupert, with very fine contemporary portrait ; James II., 2 specimens, with Vander-Gucht's portrait ; William and Mary, with fine contemporary ]:)ortraits ; Queen Anne, with Vander- Gucht's portrait ; George I., with 2 portraits ; George IL, with 3 portraits (2 very fine and contemporary) ; George III., 2 specimens, with 2 portraits ; George IV., 4 specimens, with 2 portraits ; Queen Caroline, 2 specimens, with portrait ; Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold, with 3 portraits ; Dukes of York, Clarence, Kent, Cumber- land, Sussex, Cambridge, Gloucester, several specimens of each, with fine portraits ; Francis I., with portrait ; Charles IX.; Louis XHI.; Louis XIV., 2 specimens, with fine portraits ; Louis XV., with very fine portrait ; Louis XVI., with 2 portraits : Napoleon I., 2 specimens, with 4 portraits ; Frederick the Great, with portrait ; Mrs. Abington (the actress), with portrait ; Addison, with portrait ; Monk, Uuke of Albemarle, a fine autograph letter, with Ciaywood's very rare por- trait ; Admiral Lord Anson, a fine autograph letter, with rare con- temporary portrait ; John Arbuthnot, with contemporary portrait ; Pishop Atterbury, with Vertue's portrait. 44 Vol. II. — Mrs. Barbauld, with fine portrait by Meyer ; Bartolozzi, with 2 beautiful portraits ; Admiral Benbow, a very fine letter, with portrait ; Jeremy Bentham, with portrait ; Richard Bentley, D. D., with portrait ; Marshall Berthier, with fine portrait ; Isaac Bicker- staff, with very fine contemporary portra-.t ; Thomas Bewick, 3 very interesting letters, with fine portrait ; Mrs. Billington. with portrait as " St. Cecelia " ; Sir William Blackstone, with portrait ; Henry St. John, Lord Bolingbroke, 2 specimens, with rare contemporary por- trait ; James Boswell, with portrait. Vol. III. — James Bruce (the 'rravcUer), a very fine letter ; John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, 2 specimens, with portraits ; Edmund Burke, with portrait ; Bishop Burnet, an important letter, with fine contem- porary portrait ; Robert Burns, a poem in his autograph, *' The Soger Laddie Gaed (^ver the Sea ; " Burton (author of " Anatomy of Mel- ancholy);" Admiral Sir George Byng, 2 specimens, with very fine contemporary portrait ; Lord Byron, 3 specimens, with 2 portraits ; Thomas Campbell, a song in his autograph ; Angelica Catalani, with portrait ; Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury ; Mrs. Chapone, with por- trait ; Chateaubriand, a very fine letter, with portrait ; Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield, with 2 portraits ; Colley Cibber, with very rare portrait ; Mrs. Cibber, a very fine letter to David Garrick, with portrait. Vol. IV. — Lord Chancellor Clarendon, a fine letter to the Earl of Leicester, with contemporary portrait ; William Cobbctt, a long letter, with fine portrait by Bartolozzi ; J. B, Colbert, 2 letters, with por- trait ; S. T. Coleridge, a letter mentioning Charles Mathews, with portrait ; Admiral Lord Collingwood, with portrait ; George Colman (the elder and the younger), letters and portraits ; William Congreve, 2 specimens, with fine contemporary portrait ; Captain Cook, with portrait ; Admiral Lord Cornwallis, with very fine portrait ; William Cowper, with 2 portraits ; Rev. George Crabbe, with [portrait ; John Wilson Croker, with portrait ; Sir William Davenant (tlic Dramatist), fine specimen; Sir Humplirey Davy, with portrait; De Lolme, with portrait ; Chevalier D'Eon, a very fine letter, and 5 fine and very rare portraits ; Kenelm Digby, with rare portrait. Vol. v.— Isaac D'Israeli, with portrait ; Dr. Doddridge, with -• por- traits ; William Dugdale, with Hollar's rare portrait ; Maria lldge- worth ; Lord Ellcnborough, 2 specimens, with portrait ; Lord Erskine, with portraits ; Robert Devereu.x, Earl of Essex, with por- trait ; Prince Eugene, with very rare portrait ; John I'.vclyn, a mag- nificent letter to Archbishop Tenison, very fine and extremely rare ; Mary Evelyn (his wife), a fine letter, with portrait ; William Falconer 45 (author of " The Shipwreck " ) ; Marquis de la Fayette, with por- trait ; Henry Fielding, 2 very interesting specimens, rare, with por- traits ; Saml. Foote (Dramatist), with portrait ; Thomas Sackville, Karl of Dorset ; Robert and Andrew Fouiis (the celebrated Printers), a fine letter ; Sir Stephen Fox, with portrait ; Charles James Fox, with portrait; Benjamin Franklin, interesting letter, with fine con- temporary portrait ; Captain John Franklin, with portrait ; Fuseli (2 letters), with portrait. Vol. VI. — David (iarrick, 3 letters, with 3 fine portraits; Sir Samuel Garth, with portrait ; John Gay (author of the " Fables "), with portrait ; Ma- dame de Genlis, with portrait ; Edward Gibbon, with portrait ; Mary WoUstonecraft, with portrait ; Goethe, with portrait ; Oliver Gold- smith, a letter to Cadell the publisher, a letter of extreme rarity, with Bunbury's portrait ; Rev. James Granger, with contemporary por- traits ; Gray (author of the " Elegy " ), a magnificent letter of 2 4to pages, extremely rare, with portrait ; Zachary Grey, with portrait ; Charles, Earl of Halifax, with contemporary portrait ; Handel, fine letter, signed, and so rare that probably no other specimen is attain- able, with contemporary portrait ; Harley, Earl of Oxford, with Ver- tue's fine portrait ; Warren Hastings, with fine portrait ; B. R. Hay- don, with contemporary etched portrait ; Hazlitt, folio page of his manuscript and a note ; Thos. Hearne, a letter, a note, etc., with fine portrait. Vol. VH. — William Herschell, with fine proof i)ortrait ; Rev. James Hervey (author of " Meditations " ), with portrait ; William Hogarth, with portrait ; Admiral Lord Hood, with portrait ; Theodore Hook, with portrait ; Cardinal Howard, with fine portrait ; John Howard, with portrait ; John Hughes (Dramatist), with portrait ; Baron Hum- boldt, v/ith portrait; David Hume, with portrait; John Hunter, with portrait ; W. H. Ireland, letter and one of his celebrated forgeries ; Dr. Johnson, with 4 portraits ; Mrs. Jordan, with portrait ; Edmund Kenn, with portrait ; Michael Kelly, with portrait ; J. P. Kemble, with portrait ; Charles Kemble, with portrait. Vol. VIII. — Sir Godfrey Kncller, with fine mezzotint portrait ; Sir Thos. Lawrence, 2 letters and portrait ; Narcissus Luttrell ; Lord Lyttelton, with portrait ; Charles Macklin, with portrait ; John, First Duke of Marlborough, and Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, with por- traits; Hannah More, with portrait; Joseph Munden, with portrait. Vol. IX. — Lord Nelson, with portrait ; Sir Edward Nicholas (Secre- tary of State to Charles I. and II.), a fine letter, with portrait; James Northcote, R.A., with fine mezzotint portrait; Titus Gates, with 46 portrait ; Mrs. Anne Oldfield, with fine mezzotint portrait ; Speaker Onslow, with portrait ; John Opie, R.A., with fine mezzotint por- trait ; Thomas Paine, with fine portrait by VVm. Sharp ; Thos. Par- nell (Poet), with fine mezzotint portrait; Saml. Pepys, with portrait by White ; Bishop Percy, 2 letters and portrait ; John Pine (En- graver) ; Mr. and Mrs. Piozzi, with her portrait ; Thos. Pownall (Governor of South Carolina, 1759). Vol. X. — Alex. Pope, a letter to Tonson, a note, and 2 receipts for subscriptions to his Homer, filled in and signed by him, with 7 por- traits, I being the fine mezzotint after Sir Godfrey Kneller ; \Vm. Prynne, with portrait ; James Puckle, with portrait ; Allan Ramsay, the painter, with portrait ; Sir Joshua Reynolds, with portrait ; Saml. Richardson (author of " Pamela " ), with 2 portraits ; Joseph Ritson, with portrait ; Admiral Lord Rodney, with portrait ; Sir George Rooke, a fine letter, with portrait ; Count Rumford, with portrait ; Lord St. Vincent, with portrait ; Sir Walter Scott, several specimens, with portraits ; Wm. Shenstone, with 3 portraits ; R. B. Sheridan. Vol. XL — Bishop Sherlock, with fine portrait ; Admiral Sir Cloudsley Shovel, with portrait ; Mrs. Siddons, with portrait ; Sir Hans Sloane, with fine mezzotint portrait ; Southerne (the Dramatist), with por- trait ; Madam de Stael, 2 letters and 2 portraits, i very rare ; Sir Richard Steele, an interesting letter to his wife, with 2 portraits ; Lawrence Sterne, with portrait ; Thos. Stothard, with portrait ; Dean Swift, with portrait ; Prince Talleyrand, with portrait ; Talma, with 2 portraits ; Bishop Jeremy 'I'aylor, a magnificent letter to John Evelyn, with portrait ; Sir William Temple, a fine letter, 1648, with portrait ; Philip Thicknesse, a fine letter; Sir James Thornhill. with fine mezzo- tint portrait ; Matthew Tindall, with fine mezzotint portrait ; Jacob Tonson, with portrait ; John Home Tooke, witli portrait. Vol. XH. — Mrs. Trimmer, with fine portrait ; Dr. Trusler, witii por- trait ; J. M. W. Turner; Sir John Vanbrugh, with fine mezzotint por- trait ; George Vertue, with portrait ; Voltaire, with portrait ; .Arch- bishop Wake, with fine mezzotint portrait ; Edmund \Valicr, a magnificent letter and of extreme rarity, with portrait ; Sir Robert Walpole, with" portrait ; Horatio Walpole, with fine mezzotint por- trait ; Horace Walpole, with 2 portraits ; Bishop Warburton, 4 letters, with 5 portraits; General \Vasliington, with portrait; Daniel Water- land, with fine mezzotint portrait ; Isaac Watts, with fine mezzotint portrait ; Carl Von Weber, with portrait ; Josiah Wedgewood, with fine portrait ; John Wesley, with 2 portraits ; Charles Wesley, with portrait ; Benjamin West, with portrait. 47 Vol. XIII. — George Whitefield, a fine and rare letter, with portrait ; John Wilkes, 3 specimens, with fine mezzotint portrait ; Dr. Wolcot, with portrait ; General Wolfe, an extremely rare letter, with portrait ; Antony k Wood, with portrait ; William Wollett, with portrait ; W. Wordsworth, with portrait ; Sir Christopher Wren, 2 specimens, with 2 portraits, i a fine mezzotint ; Edward Young (author of " Night Thoughts " ), with portrait ; Charles M. Young, with portrait. 4636 Upcott (Wili,i.\m). Vol. XIV., being Mr. Augustin Daly's additions to the above celebrated collection. Among the more important auto- graph letters may be mentioned Shefifield, Duke of Buckingham (3), Lord Bolingbroke, Mile. Clairon, Franklin, 1762, 2 pp., 4to, to Strahan, Dr. Johnson, -Jacob Tonson, George Steevens, Sir Hudson T.owe, Daniel Boone, 1792, Wm. Cowper, George Morland, R. B. Sheridan (2)', Sir William Hamilton, Emma, Lady Hamilton, Malone, Wilkie, Goethe, 2 pp.,4to, and 3 pp., folio, original MS. of Faust, Thomas Knight, Henry Siddons, Bartolozzi, Lady Byron, Byron, Ada Byron, James Kenney, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Grimaldi, Charles Mathews, Moscheles, Albany Fonblanque, etc. The portraits, many of which are fine mezzotints or India proofs, include Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Mrs. Crouch, Byron, Dr. Johnson, George Steevens, Saint Prix in colors, R. B. Sheridan, Lady Hamilton as Cassandra, Moscheles, etc.; as well as original drawings of Jacob Tonson, Thomas Davies, and Chabert. Bound in folio half levant morocco gilt. 4637 COLLECTION OF MS. ASSIGNMENTS. Original assign- ments of manuscripts between authors and publishers, for dramatic and other works, from the year 1703 to 1822. 3 vols., small folio, being a collection of 540 original unpublished documents, showing the value paid for literary productions in the eighteenth century, collected, alpha- betically arranged, and indexed, by the eminent bibliophile, William Upcott, Esq., containing an India-proof portrait of himself, entitled " A Collector," 3 engravings of the Handel celebration, etc., and 47 fine portraits of celebrities, including rare and choice mezzotints, proofs before letters, etc. The whole carefully mounted, folded, inlaid, and bound in morocco, by C. Lewis. An invaluable collection for the side lights it throws on English literature, and for the mass of original matter of a class becoming every year more difficult to obtain. The following is a selection of the contents : Addison's receipt for ;^io7 10s. from Jacob Tonson, for his opera of Cato. Bickerstaffe (Isaac) assignment of 17 plays of the 21 which he wrote, for 10 guineas; dated from Heidelburg, 1786. Barton Booth, receipt for ^£^2 los. for his play, The Perjured Lover. Contracts by the notorious Edmund Curll. Carey (David, author of Life in Paris) for the Poetical Magazine. Cibber (Colley) receipt for ^105 for his comedy, The Provoked Husband, witnessed by Aime Cibber, with iiis seal attached. Cibber (Theophilus) j£45 for his comedy, The Lover ; or. The Libertine Hypocrite. Cleland (John) Woman of Honour, 1767. ^25. Interesting, as the title was after- wards altered to " The Man of Honour " (see Lowndes). It also determines the date, which Lowndes could not ascertain. European Magazine, details respecting the Handel commemoration, by Isaac Reed and others. Cay (John) Fables and Beggar's Opera, j^ij^ los., with his seal. Haywood (Eliza) History of the British Theatre, j£i6 4s. Humphreys (S.) translation of La Fontaine's Tales, for E. Curll. Lillo (G.) play, entitled the London Merchant ; or, History of George Barnwell, ^105. "Acted at Drury Lane with great success." — Baker. London Packet (Newspaper) signatures of George Colman, T. Becker (for I). Garrick, Esq.), W. Woodfall, and others, 1770- Malone (Edmund) ^200, 1801. Payne (T.) proving who was the author of the well-known Hoyle's Games. Percy (Bp.) various works, 1764-71. Pope (Alex.) receipt for subscription to the Iliad. Rich (John, proprietor of the Covent Garden Thecitre) 20 guineas for one half of an opera, entitled Momus turned Fabulist. Rowe (Nicholas) agreement for his tragedy of Jane Shore, witnessed by Alex. Pope, 17 13. Savage (Richard) signature as witness to agreement for Smythe's comedy. Rival Modes ; recently jiroduced at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Walker (Thos., the original Macheath in Th.e Beggar's Opera), ^21 for his play, The Fate of Villany, 1729. Broome (W.) poems, ;^35, 1726. Echard (Laurence) History of England, ^370 los. Hill (Sir John, director of Kew Gardens) Natural History of Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals, ^472 10s. London Packet, 1770, signatures by Partners: W. Strahan, H. S. Woodfail, Thos. Davies, J. MacPherson, and others. Simpson (Rob.) Elemenl^; of Euclid, for one moiety, ^"104 14s. $h/. Strutt (Jos.) Views of the Dress and Habits of the People of F.ngland, ^^250. Grey (/achary) signature as witness to an agreement. Cobbctt (W.) letter respect- ing the Porcupine, 1801. Johnson (J., publisher) various docuinciUs, 1804, etc. Rivington (James, publisher) letter from New York, to T. Nourse, bookseller, of the Strand, announcing his bankruptcy, 1767. After Upcott's death, in 1S52, tlie collection appears to have come into the possession of John Nichols, the anlicpiary. 4638 Vandenhoff, Gkorgk. AutOL'Taph I'-ttcr. I'"(I)ruaiy 10, 1849, 3 pp.. 4to. Interesting letter, declining to play seconil and ihirti nite puts, etc. 4 49 4639 Vaxdenhoff, Georgk. Autograph letter, Monday, 2 pp., Svo. ^5^0 Autograph letter, Saturday, 3 pp., 8vo. Important and in- teresting letter concerning engagement with Hackett, declining to appear, etc. 4641 Autograph letter, 2 pp., Svo, on the same subject. 4642 Vezin, Hermann. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. " The way the Oerman actors prepare their grease paint," etc. 4643 Victor, Benjamin. Autograpli letter, August 25, 1741. ^644 Autograph letter. Tuesday. Interesting letter to Major Pear- son about one of Ids early works, and 2 pp. folio poem, " Upon Mr. Lee's being turned out of the I'layhouse." 2. 4645 Autograph letter, \Vednesday, 4to. Interesting letter to Sheri- dan. 4646 VicToRiNE, Mme. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. Victor, French (Dramatist), 8vo. 2. 4647 Vining, Edward. Autograph letter, September 20, 1830, 2 pp., 4to. 4648 Vining, F. Autograph letter, 8vo. 4649 Vining, George J. Autograph letter, 8vo. 4650 Vining, Mrs. George. Autograph letter, 8vo. 4651 Vining, Henry. Autograph letter, September 19, 1830, 3 pp., 4to. 4652 Vining, James. Autograph letters, December 6, 1832, etc. 2. 4653 Vining, W. Autograph letter, 8vo. 4654 VoKES, W. Fawdon. Autograph letter, February 4, 1864, 8vo. 4655 Walche, R.; Webbe, Samuel ; Webster, Richard ; Wigan, Horace, and others. 6. 4656 Walcot, Charles Melton. Autograph letter, 4to. Endorsed by Chippendale. " Another beautiful missive from Walcot. He is impertinent on Broiighaui ; there is no ruling his wretched self- conceit." 4657 Wai.den, Thomas B. De. Autograph letter, February 21, 1852, 4 pp., 8vo. Interesting letter about theatrical matters in Cincinnati, St. Louis, etc. 4658 Autograph letter, June 30, 3 pp., 4to. "After three weeks of hope and expectation. . . . Rice, Crisp & Co. . . . have exploded." Interesting letter about Cincinnati Theatre. 50 4659 Waldauer, a. Autograph letters, 1S53 and i860. Interesting letters about theatrical affairs in St. Louis and New Orleans. 3. 4660 Autograph letters, 1861 and 1S66. Similar to above. 2. 4661 Ward, Sam. Autograph letters, 1870 and 1871, 3 pp., 8vo, each, to Wm. Stuart. 2. 4662 Autograph letters, January, 1871, etc. To the same. 2. 4663 Warde, James Prescott. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. 4664 Washington, George. Autograph letter, Philadelphia, August 29, 1 791, 2 pp., 4to. A long and interesting letter to Mr. Anthony \Vhit- ing. the manager of his estates. In perfect condition. 4665 Webb, C. H. Autograph letters, February 28, 1867, and October 14, 1875. A facetious letter to Wm. Stuart. 2. 4666 Weber, Lisa. Autograph letters, May 4, 1869, and May 5, 1869. 2 pp. each. 2. 4667 Webster, Arthur. Autograph letter, March 20, 1848, 3 pp., 8vo. 4668 Webster, Benjamin. Autograph letter, June 25, 1841. 4669 Autograph letter, August 26, i860, Svo, and circular letter from Wm. Willott inviting Chippendale to dinner, to be tendered to Webster on the completion of the Adelphi Theatre. 2. 4670 Autograph letter, i860, 8vo. 4671 Autograph letter, August 29, 1864, Svo. 4672 Autograph letters, June 20, Svo, signed Photo., etc. 3. 4673 Welsh, Thomas. Autograph letter. May 7, 1S35, 3 pp., Svo, to the Secretary of the Royal Academy. 4674 Wemyss, Francis Courtney. Autograph letter, December 29. 1852. Interesting letter about receipts of festival at Castle Garden, etc. 4675 Autograph letter, January 16, 1855, 2 pp., 4to. Letter almtit hard times, flour %\2 per barrel, etc. Unusually interesting. 4676 Autograph letter, January 19, 1853. 3 pp.. 4to. Long and interesting letter about Dramatic Fund, Hamblin's death, and tlicatri- cal matters. 4677 Westmoreland, John Fane, Earl. Autograph letter, .August 22, 1857, 2 pp., Svo. 51 4678 Wkston, J. M. AutograiT^i letter, January 5, 1845, 4 pp., 4to. Inter- esting letter about New Orleans Theatre, actors, etc. " God help the innocent [niblic ! " 4679 Autograph letter, February 8, 1845, 4 pp., 4to. Interesting letter about H. Placide's benefit, affairs of Charles St. Theatre, etc. 4680 VVhuakkr, John. .Autograiih letter, August 11, 1815, 4to, to Winston, with rare lithographic portrait. 2. 4681 WinTK, C. B., Mrs. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. 4682 Win IK, Rkv. J.a.mks. Autograph letter. 4683 Willi K. J.'VMKS. Autograph letter, May 23, 1853, 3 pp., 8vo. 4684 Wiirn:, Rich.akd Grant. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo, and autograph note signed. 2. 4685 WiOAN, Alfred. Autograph letter, November 17, 1854. 4686 Autograph letter, July 30, 1872. 4687 WiGAN, Horace. Autograph letters, January 31 and February 13, T855. 2. 4688 WiLDK, W. J. Autograph letters, 1865. etc. 6. 4689 Wilkinson, J. Autograph letter, 3 pp., 8vo, to Harley. 4690 Autograph letter, .\ugust 15, 1856, 2 pp., 8vo, to Harley, 4691 Williams, Barney. Autograph letter, November 4, 1855, 3 pp., 4to. Interesting letter about New York theatricals. 4692 Autograph letter, August 4, 2 pp., 8vo. 4693 Autograph letter, .April 16, 8vo. 4694 Williams, 1'homas J. Autograph letter, 2 pp., 8vo. 4695 WiNGFiELD, L. Autograph letters. 7. 4696 Winter, Willie. MS., i p., folio. 4697 Winter Garden Theatre. The receipt book, beginning with the Strakosch Italian Opera Co., December 7, 1858, $161.50 (raining heavily — prices raised) and ending March 15, 1865. An extremely important item in connection with the New York stage. Folio, half bound. 4698 Wood, Im.i.en. Autograph letter, October 7, 1868, 2 pp., 8vo. 4699 Wood, Mrs. John. Autograph letter, October 8, 1890, 4 pp., 8vo. 52 4700 Wooden, W. S. Autograph letter, December 28, 1852. 4701 WooLER, J. P. Autograph letters, November i, 1855, etc. 6. 4702 Worrell, James. Autograph letters, October 28 and November 11, 1864, 3 pp., 8vo, each. 2. 4703 WkouGHroN, Richard. Autograph letter, December 13, 1824, to Winston. 4704 Yarnold, Mrs. Edwin. Autograph letter, vSeptembcr 21, 1862, 2 pp., 8vo. 4705 Yarnold, George. Autograph letter, September 19, 1862. 4706 Young, Charles Mayne. " Part of the Fan used by Charles Young, Esq., 30th May, 1832, in the character of liamlet, his last appearance on the stage. John M. Field." PLAY-BILLS 4707 Academy of Music. 14th Street, etc. 8. 4708 Adelphi Theajre, Strani>. Novembef 19, 1827, etc. Mr. Mathews severe indisposition, etc. Astley's. 4. 4709 Barnum's Museu.m. August 27, 1864, etc. (3). Bath Theatre Royal, February 22, 1830. 4. 4710 Broadway Amphitheatre ; American, 444 Broadway ; Bradford Theatre ; BostoxN Theatre, Lucille Western, J. W. Wallack, and E. L. Davenport ; Birmingham Theatre, benefit of Mrs. CJlover. 5. 4711 Booth's Theatre. January 8, 1870, etc. Booth as Hanilet ; Jefferson, Boucicault (3). 5. 4712 February i, 1873, etc. Booth as Brutus, Macbeth, etc. .;. 4713 Bowery Theatre. December 31, 1833. Mrs. Llynn. Ingersoll, U'hcatley, Connor, etc. 4714 January 15, 1834, and Worrell Sisters ; New York Theatre, January 31, benefit of M. L. Finch. 2. 4715 Bowery Theatre, Fox's Old, May 9, 1864; New F>owekv 1 iik a rRE, June I, 1864, etc., farewell benefit of 0. F. l'"<>.\. 4- 4716 I'.owERV Theatre, May 13, 1867, etc. P.cncfits of (1. C\ Ilowanl, J. W. Fingard, etc. 3. 4717 Bristol, Theatre Royal. August 29, 1820, etc. 10. 53 4718 Bristol, Theatre Royal. August 30, 1820, etc. 10. 4719 February 24, 1829, etc. 8. 4720 Broadway Theatre, 1865, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kean, Fechter, etc.; Bryant's Mechanic's Hall ; Bryant's Opera House. 8. 4721 Chester, Theatre Royal, benefit of Sheridan Knowles ; Carlisle Theatre, July 4, 1846; Burton's New Theatre, October 3, 1857. 3- 4722 CovENT Garden, Theatre Royal. November 13, 1795, October J| 27, and November 28, 1801, etc. 5. 4723 1807, 1811, 1812, 1813. 10. 4724 September 28 to December 13, 1813. 10. /^J2S February 24, 1814, to November 9, 18 16. 12. ^726 June 10, 1817, to December 21, 1819. 10. Ajzy April 17, 1820, to November 21, 1827. 10. 4278 March 3, 1828, to June 11, 1828. 7. 4729 October 10 to December 10, 1828. All Kean bills. 4. 47^0 January 19, 1829, to July 21, 1832. 8. 4731 July 24, 1832,' to June 20,1836. Paganini, Malibran, Helen Faucit, etc. 6. 4732 December 22, 1836, etc. Last appearance of Charles Kemble, etc. 8. 4733 Italy's Fifth Avenue Theatre. 2 bills indorsed by Mr. Daly, "The Last Night and the First," and poster of " Railroad of Love." 3. 4734 1869, etc., and 4 plans of seats. 7. 4735 Chas. Mathews as Coldstream, etc. 4. 4736 December 13, 1869, etc. 10. 4737 December 20, 1869, etc. 6. 4738 J""^ 9? 1870, etc. 10. 4739 April 20, 1870, etc. 10. 4740 December 14, 1872, etc. 8. 4741 Daly's Theatre. April 30, 1887. "Taming of the Shrew," on satin. 4742 January 23, 1888. " Railroad of Love," on satin, 4743 Another copy. 4744 Another copy. 54 4745 Italy's Theatre. Another copy. Proof of " Mr. Daly reading a new- play to his company," before the text. 4746 February 27, 1888. " AJidsiimmer Ni.y:ht's Dream," on satin. 4747 April 23, 1892. "As You Like It," printed on blue .satin. 4748 I he same, on yellow satin. 4749 Drury Lane, Theatre Royal. February 23, 1771. "The Busy Body." Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Weston, Mrs. Baker, etc. 4750 December 21, 1789. "Tempest." Bensley, Moody, Kelly, Miss Romanzini, Mrs. Crouch, Miss Farren, etc. 4751 April 24,1797. "The Will." King, Bannister, Suett, Mrs. Jordan, etc. 4752 May 18, 1804, and January 9, 1806. 2. 4753 December, 1819 ; July, 1825. 3. 4754 ^^28, 1832, etc. 8. 4755 Edinburgh, Theatre Royal. August 29, 1831, Mme. Vestris and Mr. Horn, February 23, 1838 ; February 15, 18.19, ^"^^ Greenwich Theatre, April 14, 1825. 4. 4756 English Opera House, Strand. May 7, 1821, etc. Mathews at Home. 4. 4757 English Opera, Theatre Royal. August 30, 1815. Cooke's benefit, September i, 1815 ; Oxberry's benefit, September 5, 1815. 3. 4758 Franklin Theatre, Chatham Square. May 20, 1836. John Sefton, Anderson, Miss Gannon, etc. 4759 French Theatre, New York, etc. 3. Lina Edwin's. 3. 6. 4760 Grand Opera House, 23D Street and 8th Avenue. 9. 4761 Hay Market, Theatre Royal. July 25, 1799, Charles Kemble, etc. 4762 July 5 and 11, 1805. 2. 4763 1814, 1815, 1822. Tayleurc's benefit. 3. 4764 August, 1824. 4. 4765 September 3-15, 1824. 6. 4766 Sei)tember 17-29, 1S24. 7. 4767 October 1-12, 1824. Mme. Vestris's benefit, etc. 6. 4768 October 13-25, 1824. 6. 4769 June I, 1825, etc. Macready, iNLathews, etc. 4. 4770 Ipswich Theatre. Mathews' benefit, etc. 4. 55 4771 Keene's Varieties, Laura. June 21, 1856 ; on satin, etc. 5. 4772 LhMERicK, Theatre Royal ; Liverpool, Theatre Royal, May 24 and June 4, 1834. Mr. and Mrs. Kean, VVallack, etc. 3. 4773 Lyceum, Theatre Royal. December 21, 181 1 ; September 9, 1814. etc. 5. 4774 Nassau Street Theatre. Facsimiles of play-bill, March, 1750, etched by G. Ferris. 2. 4775 The same. Signed India proof. 4776 National Theatre. April 8 (1S52). Benefit of A. IT. Purdy, April 28, 1852 ; June 25, 1852. 3. 4777 August 30, 1852 ; September 17, 1852, first appearance on any stage of Miss Hey wood. February 4, 1853, benefit of W. G. Jones. 3. 4778 NiiiLo's Garden. March 23, etc. Benefit of W. A. Moore. Benefit of Lawrence Barrett, etc. 4. 4779 June 29, 1858, etc. Charlotte Cushman, E. L. Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams, etc. 6. 4780 January 10, 1870, etc. First appearance in America of Fechter and Carlotta Leclercq. First appearance of Fechter as Hamlet, and Miss Leclercq as Ophelia. 3. 4781 Olympic Theatre, New York. September 15, 1865, etc. Joseph Jef- ferson as Woodcock, Mrs. John Wood, (ieo. L. Fo.x as Hamlet, etc. 5. 4782 Olympic, Theatre Royal, London. December iS, 1835 ; November 13, 1848; August 10, 1857, etc. 4. 4783 Bark Theatre, Old. December i, 1809 ; Foundling of the Forest, with Simpson, Twaits, Collins, Hallam, Mrs. Foe, Mrs. Oldmixon, etc. 4784 June 9, 1S17. Benefit of the Fund, on satin. 4785 January 14, 1S31. Master Burke, etc. 4786 Octol)er 7, 1839. Miss Poole, Giubilei, etc. 4787 October 8, 1839. C'reswick, Richings, Placide, etc. 4788 October 10, 1839. Martyn's benefit. 4789 October 12, 1839. Wheatley, Chippendale, etc. 4790 October 14. 1S39. First appearance in America of Mrs. Fitz- william. 4791 October 15 and 16, 1839. 2. 4792 February 26, 1840. Placide's bciefit. 50 I 4793 l^ARK Theatre, Old. February 27 and April 16, 1840. 4794 April 14, 1840. Blake's benefit. 4795 May 2 and 4, 1840.- 2. 4796 May 8 and ir, 1840. Mrs. Fitzwilliam's benefit. 2. 4797 Park Theatre, Abbey's. March 9, 1878, etc. 2. Royat. Park. Lon- DON, June, 1854. Engagement of the celebrated American tragedian, McKean Buchanan. 3. 4798 Pike's Opera House. March 16 and 18, 1868. Lotta in Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Pet of the Petticoats. 2. 4799 Plymouth, Theatre Royal. September 2, 1846, Mile. Taglioni, Mme. Giubilei, etc. 4800 Princess Theatre. May 27, 1850, etc. 3. 4801 Sadlers Wells Theatre. The 2 original drawings in colors of the posters for " London by Ciaslight" ; folio bill, September 6, 1819, and admission ticket. 4. 4802 Strand Theatre. 3. 4803 4- 4804 Stratford-upon-Avon. List of the horses entered at the Jubilee race, September 8, 1769. 4805 Stratford-upon-Avon Theatre. August 9 aiul .August 16, 1814, etc. 10. 4806 Stratford-upon-Avon, Royal Shakespearean Theatre. May 4, 1849, etc. 10. 4807 May r, 1869, etc. 10. 4808 October 11, 1869, etc. 10. 4809 July 12, etc. 10. 4810 October 4. 8. 4811 Surrey Theatre, March 18,1828; Tewkesbury Theatre. October 29, 1828 ; Royal Strand Theatre, August 24, 1.SC3, etc.; Theatre Royal, Sta.mford, July 23, 1855. 5. 4812 Union Square 'J'iieatre. November 3, 187 1, etc., 2. T.\mmann' Palace of .Amusement. Opening night, January 4. i^(>9- ^■ 4813 Wallack's Theatre. March 11, 1858; Scplombcr 12, 1S5S. etc. Matilda Heron asCamille, Dan. Bryant, J. W. Wallack as Fagin. 4. 4814 \\'allack's Theatre. April 9, 1870, etc. J. W. Wallack, Chas. J. Mathews, Sothern, etc.; Barney Williams' Broadway Theatre. Julia Dean as Deborah. 5. 4815 West Kent Theatre. March 6, 1823. Benefit of Cooke. 4816 Wood's Theatre, New York. August 9, 1866, etc. Worrell Sisters, benefit of Lucille Western, etc. 4. 4817 Worcester Theatre Royal. August 22 and 24, 1842. 2. 4818 American. Various. 11. 4819 English. Various. 11. 4820 Boston Theatre. 1854 to 1857. 452 bills, 2 vols., folio, half calf. 4821 iJosTON, The Globe Theatre, 1870 and 1871. 86 bills, folio, half calf. 4822 Brougham's Lyceum. 169 bills. July 11, 1851, to June i, 1852, folio, half calf. 4823 Covent Garden Theatre. September 23, 1782, to June 6, 1783 ; Sep- tember 8, 1817, to June 23, 1826 ; October 3, 1831, to July 3, 1835. 3,334 bills, bound in 13 vols., folio, half calf and half morocco. 4824 Edinburgh, Adelphi Theatre. i85oand 1851. 239 bills, bound in 2 vols., folio, boards. 4825 Fairbanks' Wharf Theatre. 71 bills, 1818 and 1819, folio, boards. 4826 Mobile Theatre. 1841 and 1842. 208 bills, 2 vols., folio, boards. 4827 Olympic Theatre, New York. 1863-1868. 809 bills, bound in 4 vols., folio, half morocco. 4828 New Orleans, Saint Charles Theatre. First si.x seasons, 1835- 1841. 1,222 bills, bound in 6 vols., folio, half calf. 4829 New Orleans, Camp Street Theatre. 1826, 1827, 1829, 1838-39. 566 bills, in 4 vols., folio, half calf, etc. 4830 Philadelphia. Various. 143 bills, views of theatres, Kean as Richard Imbert (lith.), hundreds of newspaper cuttings, etc., 2 vols., folio, sheep. 4831 123 bills, benefits, first appearances, etc., of Edwin Booth, Forrest, Anna Thillon, Louisa Howard, Miss Heron, Miss Daven- port, E. L. Davenport, Alexina F. Baker, John Drew, Sr., Conway, Burton, Charlotte Cushman, Chas. J. Mathews, Wm. Wheatley, Blondin, etc., 2 vols., folio. 4832 Philadelphia Play-Bills. Scrap-book of 70, and hundreds of news- paper cuttings, etc., folio, half calf. 58 4833 Chestnut Street Theatre. 91 bills from September 8, 1832, to December 31, 1832. Including many important benefits, first appear- ances, etc., of Rice, Sinclair, the Ravels, Charles Kemble. Fanny Kemble, Wm. Warren, Horn, Miss Hughes, James Wallack, Wood, Mrs. Rowbotham, etc., bound in folio, boards. 4834 207 bills, September 28, 1836, to April 29, 1837, and Arch Street Theatre, May i, 1837, to July 5, 1837. Mrs. Shaw, Tyrone Power, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, James Wallack, Miss Clifton, Dowton, Celeste, Ravels, Maywood, Ellen Tree, Miss Grove, Hackett, Burton, Mrs. Gibbs, Conner, etc., folio, stitched. 4835 Play-Bills. 186410 1871. The "Play-Bill," the ''Stage," and the "Season," 255 numbers, bound in 3 vols., folio, half calf. 4836 ScRAP-BooK. Bills of Park Theatre, Chestnut Street Opera House, Hartford, New Haven, Baltimore, Troy, etc., and numerous news- paper cuttings of Daly's Company, 1882 and 1883, and MS. "Accounts of Tour kept for Mrs. A. Daly," all in Mr. Daly's hand. 2. PHOTOGRAPHS 4837 Anderson, Mary. No duplicates. 6. 4838 Ashley, Minnie. No duplicates. 9. 4839 Barrymore, Maurice. 10. 4840 Bernhardt, Sarah, etc. 5. 4841 BouRCHiER, Arthur, etc. 10. 4842 Brockuank, Harrison, etc. 10. 4843 Bryant, W. C., etc. 8. 8444 Cardon, Juliet, etc. 10. 4845 Cargill, May. Large photographs. 6. 4846 Carter, Maude, etc. 10. 4847 Cheatham, Kitty, etc. 10. 4848 Clark, George, etc. 10. 4849 ('lark, Wilfred, etc. 10. 4850 Clark, J. S , etc. 10. 4851 Converse, Lila, etc. 5. 4852 Daly, Augustin, etc. 10. 59 4^53 Davenport, Fanny. No duplicates. lo. ^8^^ No duplicates, lo. 4855 No dujilicates. 10. 4856 No duplicates. 10. 4857 No duplicates. 9. 4858 Davidge, etc. 8. 4859 Donaldson, Arthur. No duplicates. 5. 4860 Drehek, Virginia. No duplicates. 8. 4861 , etc. 13. 4862 Drew, John. No duplicates. 10. 4863 No duplicates. 10. 4864 No duplicates. 10. 4865 No duplicates. 8. 4866 Karle, Virginia. No duplicates. 8. 4867 No duplicates. 10. 4868 Elliott, Maxine. No duplicates. ^ 7. 4869 Eytinge, Rose, etc. 4. 4870 Fealy, Maude. Tinted. No duplicates. 7. 4871 Tinted. No duplicates. 7. 4872 Fisher, Charles. No duplicates. 10. 4873 No duplicates. 11. 4874 Forrest, Edwin. Unmounted. No duplicates. 10. 4875 Unmounted. No duplicates. 10. 4876 Unmounted. No duplicates. 10. 4877 Unmounted. No duplicates. 9. 4878 Unmounted. 9. 4879 Freeman, Max, etc. 6. 4880 Gilbert, John, etc. 10. 4881 Gilbert, William. No duplicates. 8. 4882 , etc. 10. 4883 Gilbert, Mrs. Panels. No duplicates. 5. 4884 Panels. No duplicates. 5. 60 i 4885 Gilbert, Mrs. No duplicates. 10. 4.886 No duplicates. 10. 4887 No duplicates. 10. 4888 No duplicates. 10. 4889 No duplicates. 10. 4890 No duplicates. 10. 4891 No duplicates. 10. 4892 No duplicates. 10. 4893 No duplicates. 10. 4894 No duplicates. 10. 4895 7- 4896 Gresham, Herbert, etc. 13. 4897 Hackett, James J. K., etc. 10. 4898 Harper, Belle, etc. to. 4899 Haswell, Percy, etc. 10. 4900 Herbert, Sidney. No duplicates. 9. 4901 Heron, Bijou, etc. 10. 4902 Holland, Joseph, etc. 13. 4903 Irving, Henry, etc. 10. 4904 Irving, Isabelle, and Irwin, May. id. 4905 Janauschek, Fanny, etc. 10. 4906 KiNGDON, Edith. No duplicates. 8. 4907 Kingston, Gertrude, etc. 10. 4908 Langtry, Mrs., etc. 10. 4909 Leclercq, Charles, etc. 10. 4910 Lemon, Marguerite. 2 large. No duplicates. 5. 4QII 2 large. No duplicates. 5. 4912 3 large. 5. 4913 4 large. 4914 4 large. 4915 Lewis, Catherine, etc. 10. 4^Ql5 Unmounted. 13. 61 4917 Lkwis, James. Panels. No duplicates. 5. 4918 Panels. No duplicates. 5. 4919 Panels. No duplicates. 5. 4920 Panels and 4to. No duplicates. 5. 4921 Panels and 4to. No duplicates. 10. 4922 Panels and 4to. 10. 4923 Cabinets. No duplicates. 10. 4924 Cabinets. No duplicates. 10. 4925' ■ — Cabinets. No duplicates. 10. 4926 Cabinets. No duplicates. 10. 4927 Cabinets. No duplicates. 10. 4928 Cabinets. No duplicates. 10. 4929 Cabinets. No duplicates. 10. 4930 ~" Cabinets. No duplicates. 10. 4931 Cabinets. No duplicates. 10. 4932 10. 4933 Various. 13. 4934 Pi'OYD, Violet, etc. 10. 4935 I-OFTus, Cissy. No duplicates. 11. 4936 Macintosh, Burr, etc. 10. 4937 Macintosh, Nancy, etc. 10. 4938 May, Jane. No duplicates. 8. 4939 Morris, Clara, etc. 10. 4940 Morton, Dorothy, etc. 10. 4941 MuRDOCK, James E., etc. 7. 4942 Neilson, Adelaide, etc. Large. 5. 4943 Nelson, Helma, etc. 10. 4944 Nethersole, Olga, etc. 5. 4945 Owen, William. Large. No duplicates. ^ 4946 Palmer, Frances, etc. 10. 4947 PiNERO, Arthur, etc. 10. 62 4948 Potter, Mrs. J. B., etc. 8. 4949 Powers, James. No duplicates. 15. 4950 ■ No duplicates. 15. 4951 No duplicates. 8. 4952 Rehan, Ada. No duplicates. 7. 4953 ^^ duplicates. 6. 4954 Rejane, Mme., etc. 10. 4955 Rif^L, Emiev, etc. 11. 4956 Richman, Charles. Large. No duplicates. 3. 4957 * Large. No duplicates. 3. 4Q28 Cabinets. No duplicates. 8. 4959 Ritchie, Adele, etc. 12. 4960 RoBUCK, Miss. 4 large. 4 cabinets. No duplicates. 8. 4961 Saint John, Marie, etc. 10. 4962 Sampson, William, etc. 7. 4963 Skinner, Otis. No duplicates. 5. 4964 SoRMA, Agnes, and other foreign. 8. 4965 Steven, Edwin. No duplicates. 7. 4966 Templeton, Fay. Juvenile pictures. No duplicates. 7. 4967 Terry, Ellen, etc. 8. 4968 Thompson, Mabela, etc. 10. 4969 Van Dresser, Marcia. Folio. No duplicates. 2. 4970 Folio. No duplicates. 2. 4971 Folio. No duplicates. 2. 4972 No duplicates. 5. 4973 ^" duplicates. 5. 4974 No duplicates. 5. 4975 4. 4976 Vaughan, Kate. No duplicates. . 6. 4977 ^^ duplicates. 5. (-3 4978 Varry, Edmund. 6. 4979 Wachtel, Theodore, etc. lo, 4980 U'liEATLEiGii, Charles, etc. 11. 4981 Winter, Jefferson. No duplicates. 6. 4982 Young, James, etc. 7. 4983 Old Favorites. Inlaid to 4to. Baker, Ben.; Bangs; Bateman, Kate ; Bennett, Julia ; Bridges, Mrs. 5. 4984 Cooke, Viola ; Davidge ; Dean, Julia ; Deland, Anne ; Denin, Kate. 5. 4985 Denin, Susan ; Drew, Frank ; Drew, John ; Florence ; Gale Sisters. 5. 4986 Hadaway, Howard, Cordelia ; Jordan, Geo.; Logan, Olive ; Ludlow (Western Manager). 5. 4987 Marsh, Geo.; Mitchell, Maggie ; Morant, Fanny ; Mortimer ; Nagle. 5. 4988 Paradi, Mile., fine India-ink drawing. 4989 Raymond, J. T.; Sefton ; Webb, Ada and Emma; Western, Helen. 5. 4990 Wykoff, Chevalier, etc. 3. THE FOLLOWING ARE FOLIOS: 4991 Bates, Blanche ; Boucicault. 2. 4992 Cameron, Rhoda, etc. 3. 4993 Cargill, May, etc. No duplicates. 4. 4994 CoQUELiN. 2 different. Clark, George. 3. 4995 Davenport, Fanny. No duplicates. 3. 4996 Drew, John. As Petrucchio. 3. 4997 Earle, Virginia ; French, Pauline; Lewis and Mrs. Gilbert. 3. 4998 Elliott, Maxine. No duplicates. 3. 4959 GiLiiERT, Mrs. 4. 5000 Gresham, Herbert ; Hall, Laura N.; Hare, John ; Haswell, Percy ; Herbert, Sidney. 5. 5001 Jackson, Ethel ; Janauschek, Mme.; Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. 4. 5002 Lewis, James. Different. 2. 64 f 5003 Macintosh, Nancy, 2 ; May, Edith. 3. 5004 Morton, Dorothy, 2 different ; Nethersole, Olga. 3. 5005 Powers, James, and Tyrone. 3. 5006 Reran, Ada. Different. 2. 5007 RiCHMAN, Charles, 2 different; Rignold as Henry V. 3. 5008 RisTORi ; RoBucK, Miss. 2. 5009 Saint John, Marie; Sims, George R.; Vassar, Queenie. 3. 5010 Wheeler, Van R.; Winter and Miss Cowan; Wisner, Miss; Young, Mary. 4. FRAMED DAGUERREOTYPES 5011 Forrest, Edwin. 1841. 5012 Early. 5013 Gannon, Mary. 5014 Montez, Lola. 5015 PoE, Edgar Allen. With letter authenticating. 5016 SiiAw, Dora. 5017 Taylor, Mary. 5018 Wallack. Lady of the family of. 7. 5019 Various. Unidentified. 7. 5020 Actors. Various. 7. 5021 Actrkssks. Various. 5. 5022 ■ \'arious. 8. 5023 Various. 10. 5024 Actors and Actresses. Various. Panel and smaller. 25. 5025 Various. Panel and smaller. 23. 5026 Various. Panel and smaller. 16. 5027 Various. Panel and smaller. 16. 5028 Various. Quarto and smaller. 25. 5029 Various. Quarto and smaller. 48. 5030 Gaiety (^irl Souvenir, 12; Two Orphans Souvenir, 24 (in albums). ^6. 5 65 THE FOLLOWING ARE CABINETS: 5031 Elliston, Grace Rutter, 9 ; Craig, John, i i ; Prince, Adelaide, 5, etc. 27. 5032 Saint John, Marie. 23. 5033 Actors and Actresses. Various. 50. 5034 Various. 50. 5035 Various. 50. 5036 Various. 50. 5037 Various. 50. 5038 Various. 50. 5039 Various. 50. 5040 Various. 31. 5041 Various. 31. 5042 Various. Unmounted. 75. 5043 Various. Unmounted. 50. 5044 Various. Unmounted. 50. 5045 Folio Landscapes, etc. 19. 5046 , etc. 17. 5047 , etc. 15. 5048 Quarto Landscapes, etc. 30. 5049 Great Ruby, etc. Cabinet. 53. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, ETC. 5050 Adams, J. Q. (folio) ; Addison ; Albaugh, J. W., American Dram- atists ; Alboni, Marietta ; Anna Boleyn ; Dr. Arbuthnot, etc. 10. 5051 Anderson, J. P. The original drawing, full-length, folio, by R. J. Lane. 5052 Arthur, T. S.; Baker, Alexina F.; Bancroft, S. B. (signed presen- tation copy) ; Barnes as Mowworm (original drawing) ; Barnum, etc. 8. 66 I 5053 Barrett, Mr., of the Theatre Royal, Norwich, as Charles Surface, folio aquatint ; Dunthorne-Scott. 5C54 as Lingo, folio aquatint ; Dunthorxe-Scott. 5055 Bennett, G. G., as Gabor. The original drawing, half length, by R. J. T.ane, and India proof of the lithograph. 2. 5056 Betty, Henry, as Macbeth. Folio lith., by Onwhyn. Presentation proof. 5057 Bishop, Anna ; Blangy, Mme. ; Booth as Richelieu (proof) ; Bowers, Mrs. D. p. ; Branchu, Mme., etc. 10. 5058 Booth, Edwin, after Sargent. Presentation proof from Laurence Hut- ton (folio) ; Booth, Edwin (4to mezzo), by S. Arlent Edwards. Presentation proof and the only copy printed in brown. 2. 5059 Browning, Mrs. ; Cerito, Fanny, with autograph ; Chiniquy, Father; Clarke, McDonald ; Columbus ; Congreve ; Cooper, Feni- MORE ; CORTEZ, CtC. 12. 5060 Chapman, Caroline (4to drawing in colors) ; Cowper, Wm. (4to, by Blake) ; Davenport, Fanny (lith.). ii. 5061 Daly, Augustin (4to). Presentation signed proof before letters, by Charles B. Hall. 5062 Devlin, Mary (Booth), 4to. 5063 Dickens, Charles, and his Friends (i.p., folio) ; Drew. John ; Duffy, William, died 1835 ; Esten, Mrs., from Thespian Magazine ; Ethel, Agnes. 10. 5064 DuRAND, Rosalie, 4to, original drawing. 5065 Edwin singing " The Bay of Biscay, O."' Lulia-ink drawing, 4to. 5066 Esten, Mrs. Folio by Plymer-Roffe. Superb signed India proof, with the "Siddon's" remarque. One of 13 impressions. 5067 Everett, Edward, by Cheney, with autograph ; Feli.owes, Miss (folio); Florence, VV. J.; Forrest as Metamora, etc.; French actresses, etc. 10. 5068 Frost, John; Glover, Miss P.; Hackett. Jas. K.; Henri I^^; Henry VHL; Thomas Hobbes, etc. 15. 5069 Gazzaniga, Mlle. Original drawing in colors. 5070 Guizct, F. Folio, hidia proof. SkeUon-Hopwood. 5071 Harrison, Mrs. Elizabeth. 410 mezzo., proof before letters, by Charles P. Harrison. She was the wife of the engraver, and mother of Gabriel Harrison ; Hill, Mrs. Charles, as Smike. India-inl< drawing, 410. 2. 5072 Holland, George (lith.); Holman in character (3), Houssaye, Arsene (proof etching); Irving, Washington (4to); Johnson, Dr., etc. 15- 5073 Holman. 4to, by James Heath, after Bone. 5074 Howard, Mrs. J. C, as Topsy. 410 original drawing. 5075 Humphreys and Mendoza's set-to at Stilton ; Jane Grey, Lady (folio, by Vermeulen); Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. H.; Johnston, 'J\ B.; Kelly, Miss F. H.; Lavater (4to mezzotint), etc. 10. 5076 HvA IT as Billy Black. Full-length drawing. 5077 Jarrett, Henry C. (litb.); Johnson, W. F., as Artful Dodger (India- ink drawing); Kingslky, Charles ; Laurent, Mme. Marie ; Long- fellow (3 India proofs); Macklin, Chas.; Macready as Virginius etc. II. 5078 Johnson, W. F., as Artful Dodger. 4to India-ink drawing. 5079 KiRRY as Clown in Jack and Jill (410 India-ink drawing); Lind, Jenny, as Lucie (4to drawing in colors). 5080 Malibran, Mme. (4to India proof); Marshall; Mather, Margaret, as Juliana; Maturin, Rev. C. R.; Montes, Lola; Murdoch; MuRPHv, Arthur, etc. 12. 5081 Meadows, Drinkwater, as Idenstein. The original drawing by R. J. Lane, and India proof of the lithograph. 5082 Minstrels. Pell, Harrington, White, Stanwood, and Germon (4to, lith.); Mitchell (drawing in colors); Owens, J. E., etc. lo. 5083 Nelson, Miss (Mrs. Brougham), as Cherubino, and Nelson, Carrie, in Atalanta (drawings in color, 4to). 2. 5084 Pasca, Mme. Folio etching ; Bonnat-Raion. 5085 Payne, John Howard (folio), G. R. Hall. 5086 Another copy, 5087 Another copy. 5088 Petrarch ; Poe, Edgar A.; Provost, Mary (Mrs. J. P. Adams); Rachel ; Racine; Rae ; Rogers, Samuel. 10. 5089 Reran, Miss, as Peggy, on Japan paper, the .same proof on India paper ; as Rosalind, 2 ; as Lady Teazle, 2 ; and phototype folio. 7, 68 5090 Reeve, W., with autograph; Ristori, Mme.; Roberts as Wormwood (drawing) ; Sardou, Victorien ; Shakespeare, etc. 12. 5091 Shakespeare; Siddons, Mrs. (drawing in colors); Stirling, Mrs., with autograph ; Soto, SeSorita (foho drawing in colors), etc. 7. 5092 Sutton, Emily (drawing in colors); Terry, Ellen, as Marguerite, etc. 5- 5093 Taglioni, Mme. No duplicates. 6 India proofs, etc. 9. 5094 Truffi, Signora, as Lucretia Borgia. (India-ink drawing, 4to) ; Ver- non ; Warren, 2 ; Wesley ; Willis, N. P., etc. 10. 5095 Vandenhoff, John, as Adrastus. The original drawing by R. I. Lane, and India proof of the lithograph. 2. 5096 Wallock, Fanny (Mrs. Charles Moorhouse) ; Wallack, J as. W. Jr., 2 ; Winston, Jas.; Woffington, Mrs.; Woodward, 2 ; Vates, Mrs. 8. 5097 Woffington, Mrs. Set of 7 used by Mr. Daly for the book, with his remarks on back of a few, etc. 12. 5098 ScRAP-BooK of 35 dramatic portraits, theatrical caricatures, and draw- ings, etc., including Hermann the Magician, Mrs. Howard Paul, Professor B. Carr, (jCo. Emlen, Amelia B. Welby (i.p.); Chas. J. Miers, Henrietta Sontag, Mile. Dussert, Mile. Cheza, Grandville, Harrigan and Hart (1872), and 3 original drawings in color of Chanfrau. 2099 of 49 unfinished proof landscapes, Civil War portraits, drama, etc., including Franklin before the Privy Council ; Thomas Jefferson, Millard Fillmore (4to mezzo., p.b.l.) ; Fenimore Cooper, by Marshall ; Keeley ; Quick ; C. Kemble. etc. ^100 of TOO dramatic portraits, Shakespearean scenes, etc.. including Mile. Noblet, Catherine Hayes, Christine Nilsson, Sam Sharpley, Archie Hughes, a series of pictures of dancing, etc. 5101 of 117 dramatic portraits, play-bills, views in Washington, etc., including (Christine Nilsson, Elise Holt, Fanny ICllsler (7), Lolta, Wm. Warren, l-aimy Davenport, Prince Albert and Queen \'icloria (in colors), Handel Commemoration (folio), Patti, Mme. Palcy, etc. ^102 of 139 plates, of which 18 are by Sarlain and several by Cluncy, including an unusual scries of finely engraved plates, on India paper, of celebrated American trotters, Lady Suffolk, Sir Archy. Pocahontas, Pryor, Lexington, .Xmcrican Ivjllpse, Clcncoc, I''asliion, Black Maria, Vernol's Black Hawk, Stella anil .Mice Gray, Lantern and Whalebone, and Ethan Allen. 5103 ScRAP-BooK of 176 original pencil drawings, portraits, historical and sporting scenes, views, etc. The portraits include many of the cele- brated English beauties of tlie early part of thi.s century, and a series of beautifully designed subjects printed in red 5104 ot 266 dramatic portraits, Mme. Taglioni (i.p.), Mile. Sontag, Jenny Lind, Paganini, Edmund Kean, Miss Duncan, as Clarinda, Josh. Silsbee in 4 characters. Miss Kelly ([irinted in colors), etc. 5105 English Members of Parliament, Generals, Authors, etc., folio lithographs, etc. 30. 5106 English Beauties, Actresses, etc. Small folio lithographs, etc. 18. 5107 English Authors, Divines, Military, etc. Small folio lithographs, etc. 42. 5108 English I>adies of Title. A and 15, folio phototypes, etc. 24. 5109 C, folio phototypes, etc. 25. 51 10 D, E, F, folio phototypes, etc. 25. 51 1 1 G to K, folio phototypes, etc. 31. 5112 E and M, folio phototypes, etc. ^6. 51 13 N to R, folio phototypes, etc. 27. 51 14 S and T, folio phototypes, etc. 30. 51 15 V to Y, folio phototypes, etc. 20. 5116 French Actors and Actresses. Folio and royal 8vo, lithographs, in colors. 50. 51 17 Royal 8vo, lithographs, in colors. 50. 51 18 Royal 8vo, lithographs, in colors. 55. 51 19 Royal 8vo, lithographs, in colors. 59. 5120 American Views. 22. 5121 New York City Views. 10. 5122 High Life Below Stairs, or Mungo Addressing My Lady's Maid, folio, mezzo; Martin-Umfrevs. 5123 Playing Cards. A miscellaneous lot, of various countries and periods, all different. 42. 5124 RowLANDSON. Two curious colored caricatures, folio ; and Death of Sir Philip Sidney, folio. 3. 70 I I 5127 18. 5128 - 5129 5130 5I3I - e T -yy 17- 15- 5132 5133 - 5134 - 5135 - 5125 Shakesperean Scenes. 21. 5126 Original Drawings, in color, by Augustus Toedteberg, of celebrated French actors and actresses in character, from plays founded on Dumas' novels (folio). 18. by F. Richard Anderson, of costumes, mounted on folio sheets. by F. Richard Anderson, of costumes, mounted on folio sheets. by F. Richard Anderson, of costumes, mounted on folio sheets. for the Foresters, etc. 52. for Midsummer Night's Dream, etc. 50. for The Knave. 17. by F. Siedel, etc. 27. folio and smaller. 25. landscape, by Martin, i8ic, etc. 6. 5136 Engravings, etc., furniture, many colored, no. 5137 Lithographs, etc., various. 65. 5138 Plates, from French art works, various. 61. 5139 Photogravures, on India paper, various. 28. 5140 Armoiries des Croisades, in colors and gold, etc. 27. 5141 Engravings, various. 75. 5142 various, dd. 5143 Costume Plates, in color, folio, no. 5144 in color, quarto. 33 r. 5145 Daly's Theatre, etc., photographs (folio). No duplicates. 6. 5146 Architecture, Sculptures, etc., many colored, quarto, etc. 32 5147 Merchant of Venice and Runaway Girl, photographs unmounted. 46. 5148 Wood-cuts and Process Prints, mostly dramatic. 412. 5149 London Gazette, 1689; Evening Pust, 1715; and other old news- papers. II. 71 I PLAYS, PROMPT BOOKS, ETC. ENGLISH PLAYS 5150 PiNERO. Dandy Dick, etc. 80. 5151 Williams. Larkin's Love Letters, etc. 80. 5152 Reade, Charles, etc. The King's Rival, etc. 80. 5153 Jerrold, Douglas. Nell Gwynne, etc. 80. 5154 CoLMAN, George. Law of Java, etc. 80. 5155 Foote, Samuel. Taste, etc. 36. 5156 Morton. Two Bonnycastles, etc. 80. 5157 Cowley, Mrs. Belle's Stratagem, etc. 80. 5158 BouciCAULT. Old Heads and Young Hearts, etc. 80. 5159 Payne, John Howard. Charles H., etc. 80. 5160 Robertson. Ours, etc. 80. 5161 Phillips. White Cockade, etc. 80. 5162 Webster. Woman of Business, etc. 80. 5163 MoNCRiEFF. Rochester, etc. 80. 5164 Scott. Halidon Hall, etc. 63. 5165 Hunt, Leigh. Legend of Florence, etc. 80. 5166 Howard. Saratoga, etc. 80. 5167 Mikado, The. Presentation copy from Sidney Rosenfeld, etc. 40. 5168 Coffee-House, The. London, 1727, etc. 50. 5169 Medina. Nick of the Woods, etc. 80. 5170 Garrick. Lying Valet, etc. 80. 5171 Terry. Guy Mannering, etc. 80. 5172 Theatre, The London. 65 Nos, 5173 46 Nos. 5174 Shakespeare. Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare Birthday Book, etc. 9. 5175 School for Politicians, etc. 10. 72 5176 Plavs. Miscellaneous collected. 20. 5177 Miscellaneous collected. 20. 5178 I'lNERO. Plays. II. 5179 MiLNER. Mazeppa, etc. 80. 5180 BoADEN, Maid of Bristol, etc. 80. FRENCH PLAYS 5181 ViTU. Mille et une Nuits de Theatre, etc. 15. 5182 Dumas fils. Works, etc. 32. 5183 Works. 26. 5184 Scribe. Works, etc. 40. 5185 Sigaux. Pre Catelan, etc. 40. 5186 Brieux. Blanchette, etc. 40. 5187 Legouve. Beatrix, etc. 40. 5188 Perrimet. Changement de Domicile, etc. 40. 5189 BissoN. Nos Jolies Fraudeuses, etc. 40. 5190 Thomas. Petite Maman, etc. 40. 5191 Du Chastel. The Times, etc. 40. 5192 BouiLLY. Haine aux Femmes, etc. 40. 5193 De Ivock. Le Boeuf Gras, etc. 100. 5194 DiNAUX ET Eugene Sue. Pierre le Noir, etc. 100. 5195 Repertoire General du Theatre Fran(;ais. 61 vols. 5196 Theatre Contemporain, Le. 40. 5197 PiCARD. L'Enfant Trouve, etc. 100. 5198 Scribe. L'Etoile du Nord, etc. 40. 5199 L alone. L'Elephant du Roi de Siam, etc. 100. 5200 Scribe. Les Treize, etc. 90. 5201 Brisbarre. Les Pauvres Filles, etc. 25. 5202 MoREAU. Dame aux CEillets Blancs, etc. 100. 5203 Halevy. La Juive, etc. 100. 5204 Blaze. Robin des Bois, etc. 100. 5205 Pyat and Sue. Mathilde, etc. 100. 73 5206 Saint-Georges. Val d'Andorre, etc. loo. 5207 Gallet. Crispin Battu, etc. 29. 5208 Mol6. Gentilhomme. Berthe la Flamande, etc. 40. 5209 Blum. Femmes Nerveuses, etc. 40. 5210 DiLAHAYE. Dettes du Coeur, etc. 40. 521 1 Lamartine. Saiil, etc. 40. 5212 Bompar. L'Espionne, etc. 40. 5213 Cohen. Revanche du Mari, etc. 40. 5214 Deroul^de. Messire du Guesclin, etc. 40. 5215 Daudet. Lutte pour la Vie, etc. 40. 5216 Gautier, Judith. Marchande de Sourires, etc. 40. 5217 Sardou. Les vieux Gargons, etc. 40. 5218 Feuillet. Le Village, etc. 40. 5219 Dumas. Un Manage sous Louis XV., etc. 40. 5220 Feuillet. Portraits de la Marquise, etc. 40. 5221 Sand, George. Marquis de Villemer, etc. 40. 5222 Filon. Theatre Anglais, etc. 40. 5223 Dumas, Alex. Gentilhomme de la Montague, etc., 40. 5224 Maeterlinck. Pelleas et M^lisande, etc. 40. GERMAN PLAYS 5225 SuDERMANN. Drei Reiherfedern, etc. 36. 5226 WoLZOGEN, E. V. Kinder der Excellenz, etc. 40. 5227 FuLDA. Talisman, etc. 40. 5228 Philippi. Veritas, etc. 60. 5229 Hevse. Unbeschriebenes Blatt, etc. 40. 5230 Schonthan. Der Schwabenstreich, etc. 40. 5231 Treptow. Flotte Berlin, etc. 40. 5232 Karl. Stiize der Hausfrau, etc. 40. 5233 Teweles. Ring des Polykrates, etc. 40. 5234 Rosen. Gesammelte Wcrke, etc. 40. 5235 K.OHLER. Extravaganzen, etc. 40. 5236 L'Arronge. Der Compagnon, etc. 40. 74 I ITALIAN PLAYS 5238 ToRELLi. I Mariti, etc. 40. 5239 Alexis. La Piovinciale, etc. 40. 5240 GoLDONi. Casa Nuova, etc. 40. MISCELLANEOUS 5241 Baedeker. Italy, London, Germany, France, etc. 10. 5242 Guide Books. The Rhine, Rome, etc. 13. 5243 WiLKiNS. Giles Corey, etc. 12. 5244 Religious and Devotional. 10. 5245 Billings, Josh. Trump Kards, etc. 12. 5246 Echegaray. Realidad y el Delirio, etc. 23. 5247 Librettos. No duplicates. 27. 5248 Caro, Mme. Bitter Fruits, etc. 10. 5249 Hood. Rhymester, etc. 10. 5250 Hall. Foam of the Sea, etc. 10. 5251 Scottish Clans and their Tartans, etc. 15. 5252 Taylor. Views Afoot, etc. 11. 5253 Fisher, Fanny, etc. 9. 5254 Insurance Year Book, 1882, etc. 9. 5255 Heffernan. Imola, etc. 10. 5256 Donovan. Wanted I etc. 10. 5257 Religious and Devotional. 10. 5258 10. 5259 Zangvvill. Ghetto Tragedies, etc. 10. 5260 Easton, Dessalines, Anna Karenina, etc. 10. 5261 Religious and Devotional. 10. 5262 Lewes, Charles Lee. Memoirs, etc. 10. 5263 Guide Books. London, etc. 10. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, .4 uctioneer. 75 Some Treasures of the Daly Library BY CAROLYN 5HIPA1AN In the London Morfiiiig Herald of Thursday, March 6, 1834, ap- peared the following information: "Sheridan's 'School for Scandal.' The MS. copy of this cele- brated comedy, which was supposed to have been entirely destroyed in the late fire at Mr. Fairburn's in Duke-street, Adelphi, on Wednesday evening, is the identical copy which was transmitted by Mr. Sheridan to the late ^^'illiam Chetwynd, Esq., then Deputy Lord Chamberlain, previously to its being performed. It was entrusted by Sir George Chetwynd about a fortnight since to Mr. Fairburn to be bound in the most perfectly classical style, and was nearly completed when the fire MS. PAGE FROM SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL" happened. On removing i)art of the ruins yesterday the MS. was dis- covered, and not so much injured as to be quite irrestorable by inlay- ing and mounting. Parts of the comedy are varied. 'I'he character of Miss Verjuice (as originally written) is consolidated with that of Lady Sneerwell, and there are many minor alterations which arc 213 2 14 The Critic curious and interesting to the admirers of the drama. Wlienever this MS. is restored to its owner, we venture to express a hope that he will betjueath it to the Briiisli Museum, whose indeed it ought to be." The MS. in question was not bequeathed to the British Museum. It is now in the library of the late Augustin Daly, awaiting sale. The fire referred to was described in the Mor/ii/ig Heraldoi Thurs- day, February 27, 1834, as having destroyed the workshoj) in the house of Mr. Fairburn, a book-binder at 10 Duke-street, Adelplii. The MS., bound in the "perfectly classical style" mentioned, now shows the scorching which it received in its escape from destruction. The Gentle- man s Magazine comments on it thus: "It is rendered still more interesting from having several inter- lineations and emendations in the handwriting of Sheridan, which mark the (juickness of his conception in improving several passages which it might have been thought almost impossible to mend." The Chetwynd book-plate aj)pears on the inside of tlie cover, and on the first left-hand fly-leaf is a memorandum in the clear handwriting of Sir George Chetwynd of Grendon Hall (10 vSept., 1834) to this effect: " This is the identical copy of ' The School for Scandal ' which was transmitted by Mr. Sheridan to my grandfather, William Chetwynd, Esq., the 'Examiner of all Entertainments of the Stage ' under the Lord Chamberlain, previously to it 's \^sic] being performed. After my grandfather's death on 6th October, 1778, this, with numerous other MS. Plays was found in his house in Old Burlington street, London, Ly the late Mr. Brookes of Stafford (Mr. Chetwynd's solicitor and sole acting executor), and in September, 1833, Francis Brookes, Escp of Moss Pit, near Stafford, his eldest son, presented this MS. to me." Opposite this history of the MS. are the two Herald c\\\)])mgs which I have quoted. On the next (left) fly-leaf is the clipi)ing from the Gentleman s Magazine. Following that page is a three-quarters mezzo- tint of Sir Joshua Reynolds's portrait of Sheridan, — an unusally fine copy which brings out the brilliancy of the playwright's eyes. The next page is a half-length engraving of the same portrait, oppo- site w^hich, in the faded handwriting of Sheridan, is the recommenda- tion of the play to the examiner: "Sir: If tlie following Comedy called ' The School for Scandal ' meet the approbation of the Lord Chamberlain, we shall have it j)er- formed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. " R. B. Shkkidan, " for Self and Pioprietors. " May 7, 1777." The Prologue occupies one page and part of another. An engrav- ing of Reynolds's portrait of Mrs. Abington, who first played the part of Lady Teazle, faces the page containing the Dramatis Personam. The name of Miss Verjuice, the last of the women in the list, is marked from the page by a large cross. Then follows Act I., Scene I., with the excisions which arc shown in the acconq)anying rej)roduction. Some Treasures of the Dal\- Library 215 I-oose in the back of the book are seven old play-bills, four of thciii dated thus: April 8, 1779 (" 23rd time this season "), December 3, 1794^ October 28, 1806 ("25th time"), and March 26, 1816 (" 152nd"). The MS. is bound in Russia, blind-tooled, and is stamjicd on both sides with the Chetwynd book-plate. A near neighbor of this treasure, in one of the com|)artments of the famous Garrick desk in the library, is "A Prompter's Copy of 'The School for Scandal,' " with brown morocco back. H. Holl, writing of this book to Dr. HalliwcU Phillipps on January 13, 1854, says that he does not even know how it came into his possession; that some one told him that it was the prompt-book of the Old Bath Theatre, and tiiat it was marked by a rather celebrated i)rompter of that- day whose END OF QARRICK'S WILL name he did not remember. " One thing, however, I do know," he writes, " that it is an excellent prompt-book, and that whoever marketl it was a practised hand, and knew exactly what he was about. .\s I am tolerably well acquainted with the subject," he continues, " I can vouch for the correcting of the cuttings and ' gags,' as they are called, and that the stage directions are faultless." In the central compartment of this Garrick desk are sixteen huge volumes of the " Life and Correspondence of David Garrick." Vol- ume IV. contains the actor's first (unpublished) will on thirleen siieets of folio paper. It is dated March 23, 1767, ami contains tiu- names of three witnesses, Chas. Holland, Thos. Evans, and Tiios. Wyld. The 2l6 The Critic last (and published) will was drawn up eleven years later (Sept. 24, . E Iv^ OF . Mr. fohn tS\-Iilton , I', o T H 1; N G I, I S H and L A 1 I <,oinpQ< il at fever al time. Prmled hj hit true Ctfies, I were fet iiiMudck I Mr II ckl)/ tion. V fiir.r momlis l)cf()rc liis death on I.imiary 2oth, in his si.xty-third year. This will was witnessed by Palm- crston, Sophia Rick- etts, and George Poyntz Ricketts. Mr. Daly owned two very rare copies of ' ' Paradise Lost. ' ' One is a first edi- tion, 1667, with un- cut proof leaves, and the original old calf binding, worm- eaten and worn. It is probably the fin- est copy in the world, for it is in its pristine condi- The preliminary leaves are not interpolations. Lowndes, in his :J mJ fMijlyj atterdmt ft ORDER. i.ONnoy. cta^rdi iTlVfigncol OiePrificn FIRST EDITION OF MILTON'S POEMS " Bibliographer's Manual," says that in the edition with the first title- page, the poem immedi- ately follows the title-page without the seven prelim- inary leaves containing the arguments, list of er- rata, etc., which were af- terwards added. In the Daly copy the arguments and errata precede the poem, contrary to Lown- des's description. But there is no doubt that the edition is that of the first title-page. Mr. Daly's other copy of " Paradise Lost" is what is known as the edition with the seventh title-page. It is bound in a comparatively modern binding of brown morocco. On the back, in gilt are the words, " The Author's Copy. First Edition. London, 1669." On one of the yellow fly-leaves is the autograph of Milton, a reproduction of which accom- panies this article. A loose memorandum in the book testifies to the MILTON'S AUTOGRAPH IN HIS OWN COPY OF " PARADISE LOST" Some Treasures of the Daly Library 21; fact that the autograph agrees with the one in the Ashburnham Col- lection, to a warrant under the sign manual of the Protector Oliver Cromwell, dated January i, 1654, directing the payment of salaries due to certain officers of the Parliament and others, with the original autographs of the receivers. The autograph does not strikingly resemble the facsimile autograph in the Trinity College MSB. which this same edition contains. Hut that fact proves nothing, one way or the other. The testimony of handwriting is exceedingly uncertain. Still another Milton is to be found in this library besides the first edition of " Paradise Regained " (167 1). This is the first edition of the poems, a small 8vo in the original calf, dated 1645. Lowndes de- scribes it as the " First Collective Edition, and the first work bearing Milton's name, with an oval portrait, aetat 21, by W. Marshall, with a Greek inscription, intended by the poet as a satire on the engraver for representing him as of middle age." The Marshall portrait, which is very rare, is herewith reproduced with the title-page. The portrait alone is worth at least one hundred dollars. Bound in the book as it is, it enhances the value of the edition tenfold. One of the great pleasures of working in such a library as Mr. Daly's is the discovery of unknown treasures. When I was selecting subjects for photographs to accompany this article, I remembered a little water-color drawing of Thackeray by himself, hanging in a worn gilt frame beside a piece of the wood of Peggotty's house, — in Mr. Daly's fourth-floor den, I decided upon that. But when it came to be photographed, the glass over it so reflected the light that the plate could not be satisfactorily made. The drawing had to be removed from the frame. On removing it, I discovered that the sketch had been washed in on the third page of a sheet of writing paper. And on the first and second pages I found a letter from Thackeray to Lady Molesworth. The signature is missing, for the sheet was cut off in order to fit it to the frame, — evidently one that the owner had in the house! But the body of the note is there, with the exception of one line, and possibly two, which were under the signature. Lady Molesworth — if she it was who framed the picture — evidently did not value the letter as an autograph of Thackeray, or she would have turned the paper up rather than cut it off. The letter reads as follows: " Kensington, Apr. 2. 1849. Dear Lady Molesworth, Solomon in all his glory, I am sure, never had such a waistcoat as I shall have the honor of sporting at your i)arty on Sunday id. I imagine myself already attired in the brocade (see the next Jiagc) : I will try, however, and not lose my head with vanil\, or fancy all tlie ladies in love with me as most men would if they luul such a garment. It is lying before me now; and almost too splentlid to [/7iv (/) /i//fs ////SS///X'} (Madame having been slain at the threshold) 1 will put on the waist- J A 4 / •^ -J '' ^ *i -XT 14 IJ 218 Two Glimpses of Blackmorc 219 coat and say, ' Citizens! rcs])cct the citizeness who gives of her riches! w.iisicoat Before you touch the hem of her garment, strike tlirough the breaot of Titmarsh! See — they are of the same piece! ' and tlie citizens will cheer you, and your beautiful house and furniture will be safe. As for me, I will wear your colours as long — as long as they will hold to- gether, and I am told that there is enough for 2 waistcoats for a slim man like Your very much obliged " [Signature missing.] It is curious to note that Thackeray omits the " u " in " honor" (line 2), and introduces it into " colours " farther on. There is little doubt that Mr. Daly himself did not know of tlie existence of this autograph letter hidden by the drawing, for the dull blue paper which seals the back of the j^icture was unbroken when it was unframed. Across the middle of the back, on an oblong space of board left uncovered by the paper, are the three lines, " Lot 322, Lady Molesworth's sale, Christie, Manson & Woods." The possibilities of this magnificent library are so vast that a new discovery might be made every day for months, now that the one is gone who could point out the riches of his collection. Two Glimpses of Blackmore Blackmore at Se verity =Three* BY HENRY TURNER BAILEY [Richard Doddridge Blackmore, wlio will always be known as the author of " Lorna Doone," though he wrote a number of other books, was born in 1S25 at Longworth, in Berkshire (England), and not, as most people imagine, in Devon. He died on the 20th of January at his home in Teddington, not far from London, in the direction of Hamilton Court. Like Du Maurier. Blackmore got very tired of the praises of his most popular novel. Du Maurier thought " Peter Ibbetson" a better story than "Trilby." Blackmore thought " Springhaven " a better book than " Lorna Doone." Du Maurier may have been right. Blackmore certainly was wroui;. Mr. Edward Marston, Blackmore's publisher, says of him: "He was a John Ridd sort of man, big-boned, a real West-countryman, and no nonsense about him. He had no affectations, did not care a rap for society or anything of that sort, l)ut liked to live in a quiet, simple way." I'lackmore was buried at Teddington by tlie side of his wife, who died twelve years ago.] From London to Teddington; what a change! One is astonished to learn that but tw^elve miles will measure the distance between the rush and rattle and roar of the foggy, smoky, one might almost say skyless, metropolis of the world, U) the jieaceful little \illage where * A letter written to Mr. Ch.arles R. Ballard of Middlcton Springs, Vt., whose intimate friendship with Mr. Blackmore was developed through a correspondence covering many years. The sketch of that partof the house which liolds Mr. Bl.ickmorc's study, reproduced herewith, is m.idc from the driw- ing to which reference is made in the letter. The sketch of Blackmore was drawn from memory, the morning after the visit. One who had seen Mr. Blackmorc during these last years of his life has »ald that the likeness is good and that I have caught something of his shrewd and kindly look. Inasmuch as no photographs of Mr. Blackmore could be obtained in London or elsewhere in 181/8, the sketch may be of some slight value as the record of an eye-witness.— H. T. B. 220 The Critic birds sing and trees dream in the sunshine and the dear author of " Lorna Doone " waits for the word to go where he shall be crowned with stars. It is " A quiet nook in a pleasant land " — this home of R. D. Blackmore. To find it one has but to turn to the right from Teddington station, to the right again and yet again, and to push open the first gate on the right. The house, two stories in height, is of yellow brick, half hidden by shrubbery and clambering vines. A spaniel came from his kennel to greet me, and after a well-bred but thorough scrutiny he accompanied me graciously part way to the front door under the oleander,and watched respectfully while I knocked. A maid as neat as a cherry answered and invited me into a little parlor while she carried my letter of introduction to the master. The room was furnished in good taste but not expensively; magazines and books lay here and there invitingly, and the large window in the bay called my attention to the smooth green lawn and the handsome cedars which screen the house from the Southwestern Railway. Presently the master appeared, my letter unread, save the name, in his hand. He looked me straight in the eye, gave me a warm, hearty grasp of the hand, bade me welcome, and asked me to be seated and to excuse him while he read the letter. During the reading I took my never-to-be-forgotten mental photo- graph. I had seen just one engraving of his face. Now I know it was a poor one. The face before me is much finer in line and more spiritual. The head is well modelled; long thin hair almost white was combed from one side over the ivory top, though now in artistic dis- order, for Mr. Blackmore has just come in from the garden where he has been superintending the planting of some bulbs for next spring's growing. His face is clean shaven, but the beard is allowed to make a silvery fringe above the long-pointed rolling collar, which is very becomingly unbuttoned at the throat. I was just thinking how my friends in America would like such a picture as a frontispiece for " Lorna " or " The Maid of Sker, " when Mr. Blackmore looked up with a kindly smile, and said: " Would you like to come up to my little den ? There is a cheerful fire there, and perhaps we can talk better." The room to which we ascended was cosy. A fire of coke glowed in an open grate in the centre of the east wall. At the right stood a bookcase, and next to it, near the south window, a little writing-desk; at the left of the mantel a window let in the light from the east. I went to that window and looked out over the mellow-colored Middlesex landscape, — a typical English landscape, suggesting peaceful homes of thrift and happiness, homes where such people as " Uncle Cornie " and " Kit " and " George Cranleigh " lived their pure, strong, helpful lives. In the opposite corner of the room was a high couch. The north and west walls were lined with books. Price List Daly Library I'UHMSHKI) HV J. O. Wright cS: Co Booksellers, 6 E. 421I St., Nkw VnKK. LIBRARY OF AUGUSTIN DALY PRICES REALIZED AT THE SALE Lot. Price. I $2 OO 2 14 OO 3 10 50 4 2 00 5 22 00 6 63 (X) 7 I 00 8 3 00 9 r 00 10 19 50 II I 50 12 2 00 13 28 00 14 8 00 15 3 50 16 23 00 17 4 00 18 145 on K) 2 0) 20 2 5' J 21 I 50 22 2 00 23 1 00 24 4 00 25 I 00 2() 5 00 27 2 00 28 19 00 29 2 50 30 15'^ 31 24 00 32 50 Lot. Price. 33 $45 00 34 1 2 no 35 I" 00 36 100 00 37 19 5<' 38 5 00 39 78 00 4') 7 50 41 10 50 42 10 00 43 27 00 44 7 50 45 10 50 46 4 1 00 47 4 00 48 4 00 49 ~ 00 50 2 00 51 5 50 52 3 50 53 ^50 54 4 00 55 21 00 56 1 00, 57 2 00 58 2 50 59 '5" 60 40 00 ()I 4 f )0 f)2 3 <>"> (yj 3 o<^ 64. .... .. 2 50 Lot. Price. 65 §2 GO fjf) 5 00 f'7 I 50 f)8 I 50 69 I 00 70 234 00 71 14 00 72 ..... . 21 00 73 I 50 74 3 00 75 2 50 j(> 20 00 77 12 00 7S 8 GO 79 2 50 80 I 50 81 I 50 82 50 00 83 124 Ol) 84 4 5«> 85 I tx) 86 I 00 87 10 CX3 88 2 50 89 24 00 ()o Ill 00 91 192 00 92 2 1 00 93 2 50 94 5 f'o 95 2 iHi 96 2 IX) Lot. 97- 98. 99. 00 Price. .. $1 50 .. I 50 1 50 3 DO ■ 3 5" 9 00 3 00 2 00 .. 3 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 I 50 1 00 3 00 4 00 • 35 00 7 «> 3 «X) 21) 3 <"» 21 2 1x1 22 i<> 50 23 23 <>«> 24 5" 25 5 <«' 20 8 50 27 I 00 2S Il> CX) 4 Prices Reai.izf.d at the Sale. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. 29 |i 5" 177 Sio 00 225 |i 50 273 S12 00 [30 2 50 17S 5 00 226 I 50 274 g <)f) 131 3 5" 179 5 00 227 7 50 275 S 50 [32 21 00 I So 5 00 228 2 00 276 2 25 133 2 50 iSl 2 50 229 2 50 277 iS 00 [34 37 50 1S2 2 50 230 I 50 278 61 ()0 135 3 50 183 4 50 231 1 00 279 21 00 [36 I 75 184 2 50 232 50 2S0 3 00 137 I 75 185 26 00 233 7 00 281 4 50 [38 I 75 1S6 7 00 234 21 25 282 195 00 [39 175 187 700 235 750 283 23 (X) [40 I 75 1S8 112 00 236 r 00 284 8 00 141 I 75 1S9 2 50 237 8 50 285 22 00 [42 I 75 190 3 00 238 2 00 286 4 50 143 I 75 191 8 50 239 I 50 287 4 (X3 144 I 75 192 3 00 240 50 00 288 I 50 [45 I 75 193 4 50 241 1 8 00 289 I 00 [46 I 75 194 I 00 242 6 00 290 12 00 M7 175 195 150 243 550 291 200 148 I 75 196 22 00 244 19 CO 292 I 00 149 175 197 500 245 8 00 293 300 [50 I 75 198 6 00 246 2 00 294 6 00 [51 I 75 199 5 00 247 4 00 295 2 50 [52 9 50 200 I 50 24S 2 00 296 I 50 [53 5 00 201 2 50 249 2 00 297 22 00 [54 5 00 202 2 50 250 I CO 298 28 50 f55 2 00 203 2 50 251 I 00 299 2 00 r56 I 50 204 12 00 252 7 00 300 4 50 [57 50 205 3 50 253 28 00 301 2 00 158 I 00 206 7 00 254 8 00 302 I 00 '59 500 207 350 255 450 303 1650 [60 I 00 20S 2 00 256 50 304 9 00 [61 I 50 209 I 50 257 4 00 305 7 00 r62 9 00 210 I 00 258 4 00 306 2 50 i()3 150 211 6 00 259 5 00 307 2 00 164 3 00 212 3 00 260 I 50 308 13 00 165 12 00 213 180 00 261 I 50 309 2 00 [66 8 00 214 3 00 262 4 00 310 17 00 167 21 00 215 6 00 263 2 50 311 18 00 168 50 216 700 ♦264 1200 312 2800 [69 2 50 217 4 50 265 2 00 313 26 CO [70 1 50 2x8 3 00 266 6 00 314 75 00 [71 27 00 219 3 00 267 7 50 315 24 00 172 100 00 220 9 50 268 5 5'^ 316 I 50 [73 129 00 221 3 00 269 3 50 317 26 00 r74 28 00 222 3 00 270 3 00 31S I 00 [75 6 50 223 I 00 271 I 50 319 3r 00 [76 3 00 224 I 50 272 7 00 320 2 50 Prices Realizf.d at the Sale. 5 Lot. I'ricc. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. 321 S43 50 369 Si 50 4J7 S20 OJ 465 $22 00 322 I 50 370 f)0 cx) 418 6 CXI 466 2 496 252 00 353 410 CO 401 350 449 4 5" 497 500 354 600 402 350 450 200 49'"^ ^50 355 1500 403 3 5" 45' 4000 499- ^ 5" 356 550 4'->4 3 5" 452 32 •>" 5»'" 3 5" 357 250 4"5 3 5" 453 4 5<' 5"' 3 5" 358 300 4"f> 3 5" 454 15" 5"2 i"«' 359 150c 4"7 3 5" 455 ^'5" 5"^ 3 5" 360 450 4"S 3 5" 45^' 25.. ?"4 22 S" 361 250 409 ' "" 457 2 5.i 5"5 »^ "" 362 300, 410 2 fo 45,H 2 5" 506 2"" 363 600 41 ' 15" 459 ' '"^^ 5"7 13 5" 364 300 412 I <■" 4f>" 20 «K) 508 "25 365 800 413 I c" 4f" 5 'XJ 5"9 350 366 100 414 I"" 4f'2 34"" 5»o 5 O" 367 21 ou 4T5 5 w. 4^3 5"" 5«l 3 00 368 I MO 416 15" 4f'4 » 5" 5«2 400 Prices Realized at the Sale. Lot. Price. 513 Si 00 514 4 00 515 ^ 00 51O 3 00 517 s 50 5IS 16 00 519 50 520 20 00 521 1 00 522 4 5" 523 3 50 524 2 00 525 12 00 526 I 50 527 4 50 528 1 00 529 5 00 530 3 00 531 I 00 532 2 50 533 18 00 534 2 00 536 75 537 75 53S I 50 539 3 00 540 S 75 541 S 00 542 5S5 00 543 -40 00 544 3 00 545 f' 50 546 18 00 547 <'J 50 54S 12 00 549 II "O 550 2 50 551 85 25 552 85 00 553 I' 00 554 2 00 555 2 00 55^' 3 50 557 12 00 55S 2 50 559 23 00 560 3 50 561 5 00 Lot. Price. 562 SS 00 563 I 50 5(^4 5 00 565 go 00 566 I 50 567 2 50 568 3 00 569 2 00 57" I "" 571 2 50 572 2 50 573 I 00 574 2 50 575 2 50 57t> 31 "" 577 I 00 578 I 00 579 I 5" 5S0 15" S^i 2 00 5S2 2 50 5S3 2 uo 5i>4 3 "" 5S5 2 50 5SO 85 00 5S7 2 50 588 60 00 589 6 00 590 16 DO 591 15" 592 21 00 593 17 "" 594 3 5" 595 2 00 59fj 4 "" 597 2 50 598 2 00 599 7 5" 6ix» I 50 601 2 oo 660 6 00 661 I oc 662 I 50 663 4 50 664 2 00 665 3 00 666 10 00 667 2 00 668 2 CM) 669 4 00 670 I 00 671 I 00 672 6 00 673 4 50 674 2 00 675 3 o« 676 I 00 677 20 00 678 50 679 2 50 680 3 00 681 10 00 682 4 00 683 4 50 684 3 50 685 I 50 686 3 5" 687 10 5" 688 I 00 6S9 4 50 690 3 00 691 3 5" 692 8 50 693 4 00 694 52 50 695 25 00 696 205 00 697 1 5 00 698 5 00 699 1 6 00 700 1 1 00 701 7 00 702 6 00 703 22 00 7"4 4 50 Prices Realized at thk Sale. 7 Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Loi. Price. 705 $4200 754 $250 Su2 If I 00 849 $1600 706 1000 755 250 S.13 lo 00 850 1200 707 1000 756 G 25 804 15 (X) 851 400 708 300 757 375 S05 24 (Xj 852 200 709 100 75S 2 5<' 600 8uS 4000 855 500 712 1500 761 100 809 1000 855* 250 714 4.30000 762 1000 810 600 856 1500 715 230 o 300 814 i5(j 00 860 500 719 200 767 100 815 7500 861 goo 720 I 00 76S 19 00 8r6 27 (K) 862 105 00 721 850 769 2800 8x6* 6200 S63 900 722 I 00 770 I 50 817 55 00 S64 12 00 723 2,85000 771 700 81S 1500 S65 1700 724 300 00 772 I 5(j 819 13 0(i S66 8 00 725 750 00 773 I 50 820 105 00 867 6 00 726 2,10000 774 600 821....... 1000 S68 2750 727 125 00 775 I 00 822 90 00 869 5 00 728 6 00 776 24 00 S23 i,7<'o 00 870 15 o S72 5 «x> 731 50 00 779 15 00 826 2 00 873 12 00 732 95 00 780 7 50 827 3 50 874 18 00 733 60 uo 78 1 2 50 828 13 o<> 875 10 00 734 180 00 782 I 5(j 829 4 00 876 17 00 735 160 00 783 4 50 830 17 (j(j 877 3 00 736 I20 00 784 2 00 831 28 74O 30 00 794 2 f)o 841 45 00 S87 3 tn) 747 5250 795 3 5" 842 1300 888 17 ik> 748 3750 79^) 450 843 2500 8S9 I.. iM) 749 5000 797 100 844 2250 8()l> 15 IKI 75" 35"" 798 5 5" 845 800 891 125.. 751 4000 799 200 S46 4300 892 5 752 73 5" 800 126 50 847 51 00 893 «»«• 753 I 25 Sol I 50 848 36 00 894 4 fx) Prices Rkalizku at the Sale. Litt. Price. 895 !J>S (JO S96 5 "" 897 7 ^>" 898 112 50 S99 10 00 9CX3 2 50 901 2 00 902 19 00 903 10 00 904 5 iJt^ 905 5 00 906 II DO 907 8 00 908 5 00 909 13 <>" 910 20 00 911 2 50 912 4 50 9'3 4 "" 914 2 00 9'5 3 5" 9if' 4 5<' 917 \ no 91 8 4 00 919 2 00 920 2 (JO 921 3 50 922 2 00 923 2 00 924 7 C)0 9-5 2 50 926 650 927 3 5" 92S 4 00 929 5 00 93" 2 50 931 2 (KJ 932 2 50 933 4 $6 50 99 ' 13"" 992 1 2 00 993 4 00 (J94 2 00 995 2 00 996 4 50 997 2 50 998 I 0(J 999 3 "" 1000 I 50 looi I 00 1002 I 00 1003 I 50 io(J4 54 00 1005 14 00 1006 II 00 1007 12 00 1008 15" 1009 4 00 loio 4 00 loii 3 00 1012 20S 00 10 14 21 00 I(;i5 lo 00 1016 2 50 10 1 7 2 00 1018 10 00 i(ji9 2 00 1020 3 5" 102 I 45 (X) I()22 I 00 1023 I 5" 1024 2 00 i"25 3 5" 1026 4 50 1027 50 102S 27 00 I02(J 2 00 i"3" 2 50 I03I 32 00 1032 6 00 1033 12 00 1034 6 (X) i"35 2 00 1036 2 00 1037 2 50 1038 I (JO Lot. Price. 1039 $25 00 io4(j I 00 I(j4I i(j 00 1042 24 00 1043 2 00 1044 I 00 1045 6 00 104'') 14 00 1047 2 00 i(J48 50 i"49 3 <-«^ 1050 2 (X) 1051 51 60 1052 I (X) i"53 4 ^>" 1054 1 00 1055 I 00 1056 I 00 1057 80 00 1058 91 50 1059 I 00 loGo I ex J T061 I 00 1062 2 (JO I(j63 II o(j 1064 4 (JO 1065 23(J 0(J 1066 6 00 1067 3 00 1068. .... 15 00 1069 50 1070 2 5(j 107 1 8 00 1072 30" 1(373 2 (XJ i"74 15" 1075 6 00 I(J76 I 50 1077 9 00 1078 6 00 1079 I (j(j loSo II (JO loSi 6 00 1082 2 50 1083 32 CX) 1083* 2(J (JO 1084 6 00 IOS5 240 (JO Prices Reai.i/.f.d at thk Salf.. Lol. Price. 1086 $5 00 1087 6 00 1088 6 00 loSg 5 (H) logo 5 00 logi g 00 iog2 16 00 1093 3 50 i'jg4 2 50 1095 2 00 i.'-gf* 3 5" iog7 6 50 logS 6 00 logg 3 00 1 100 22 50 nor 18 00 1 102 2 50 1 103 50 00 1 104 6 00 1105 2 00 1 106 I 50 1 107 2 (X) 1 108 3 50 irog 2 00 riio 4 00 I I 1 I 2 f)0 1112 2 5(j 1 1 1 3 I 00 1 1 14 7 00 1 1 1 5 3 00 1 116 2 00 1117 I 00 I r iS 4 00 rug 7 00 r r2o 6 00 I i2r 2 00 r 122 24 00 1 123 3 »" r r24 r 00 1 125 85 00 1 126 6 00 '127 2 50 I r2S 6g fx) r r2g 2g (X) 113" 17 '>" r 1 3 r 2 o( ) I r3'_' 2 00 1133 5 "•» >t. Price. 34 $r 00 35 I 00 3f> 247 00 37 8 00 38 7 50 39 4 tx) 40 go 00 41 I 50 42 45 o<> 43 1 00 44 go 00 45 II 00 4^ I 50 47 13" 5" 48 7 (X) 49... 50. . . 51. •• r 00 6 00 I 5" 52 21S 00 2 (XJ . 24 00 3 Of) 6 (X3 3 <50 . 40 00 I 00 r 00 1 5" r (X) 4 00 2 (M) r 00 4 00 67 20 (X) 6 00 5" 2 0(i 7 00 (K) (M) 5" 5" (M) (XI 232 4 (XJ 233 I tJO 234 5 «X) 235 4 00 236 3 50 237 3 50 238 2 50 239 3 50 240 6 00 241 3 50 242 5 (XJ 243 3 00 244. ...... 4 00 245 3 50 246 3 (X). 247 3 5" 24S 3 5" 249 7 50 250 13 (XJ 251 4 "«i 252 30 «JO 253 2 50 254 2 5.) 255 >5 *M 256 I uo 257 1 00 25S. . . I 50 259 1 5i> 260 I 50 261 40 00 262 5t> 2'^'3 15 "o 2t>4 5 5" 265 33 '^^ 266 20 fx> 2()7 2 5 3 (X) 271 6 75 272 '5" 273 2 (><> 274 2 50 275 » 5" 276 I '> 2 00 2 51.) 13 (JO 2 00 1 50 2 00 2 00 5" 2 00 1 50 2 Of) 2 5f) I 00 1 50 31 00 2 00 72 00 I f)() I 00 S 00 3 "" 1 50 2 00 I 00 4 00 I 00 1 50 2 50 360 00 10 00 57 00 I 00 I 00 3 50 3 00 Lot. 1324- 1325- .326 1327 132S. 1329. 1330. '331- 1332- 1333- 1334- '335 ■ 1336. 1337- 1338- 1339- 1340. 1341- 1341* 1342. 1343 1344- 1345- 1 346 . 1347- 134S. 1349- 1350. 1351- 1352. 1353- 1354- 1355 1357. 135S. 1359- 1360 1 361. 13(^3- 1364. 1365- 1366. 1367. 1368. 1369 I37". 1371. 1372. Price. Lot. Price. $2 00 1373 $1 00 I 5" 1374 3 00 3 00 1375 3 00 3 50 137'J 2 50 1 00 1377 3 50 4 00 137S 2 00 12 00 1379 4 50 1 00 13S0 II 00 4 00 13S1 II 00 2 50 1382 I OfJ 2 00 1383 6 00 3 00 13S4 27 20 50 1386 1,800 GO II 00 I3S7 25 00 36 00 I38S 24 50 1 50 1389 82 00 6 00 1 390 44 00 4 50 1 391 5 00 2 50 1392 17 50 2 00 1393 2 00 I 00 1394 2 00 II 00 1395 3 00 18 00 1396 I 50 5" 1397 I 5'5 40 00 1398 12 00 4 00 1399 I 50 80 00 1400 4 00 II 00 1401 4 00 1 00 1402 4 00 2 00 1403 4 00 4 00 1404 4 o" 50 1405 50 1 00 1406 15*^ ,950 GO I4'^7 2 GG 1 5G GG 1 408 2 GO ,020 GG 1409 50 5G GG I4IO I 50 48 GG 141 1 50 2 00 I412 I 00 2 00 14 1 3 II OG 3 00 I4I4 2 DO I 5" 1415 5 00 I 00 I416 50 1 00 1 4 1 7 2 00 2 00 141S 132 00 I 00 1419 2 00 3 50 1420 3 00 I 00 1 42 1 I (JG Lot. Price. 1421* $2 50 1422 12 00 1423 50 1424 5" 1425 2 00 1426 410 00 1427 200 00 I42S 54 00 1429 4 50 1430 I 00 1431 ..... I 00 1432 2 (XJ 1433 I "O 1434 2 00 1435 I 0» 1436 J '"' 1437 2 GO I43S 2 <«J 1439 2 00 1440 2 00 144I 10 00 1442 4 GO 1443 ^' "" 1444 5 00 1445 12 00 1446 8 00 1447 21 00 1448 16 50 1449 3 50 1450 4 50 145 1 600 00 1452 3 00 1453 52 00 1454 15 00 1455 I »" 1456. .... 12 00 1457 iC) "o 1458 2 5G 1459 3 00 1460 2 50 1461 3 50 1462 2 5G 1463 3 50 1464 21 00 1465 f) GO 1466 12 GO 1467 2 00 1468 8 GO Pricks Realizf.d at thk Sale. Lot. Price. I4f'9 §4 5'J 147" I 5r> 1471 I 00 1472 2 00 1473 10 {X J 1474 7 00 1475 ^>3 "" 147'^' I 50 147S ig CKi 1479 25 00 14"^' ■ 34 of> 14^ t 4 00 14S2 8 00 14S3 91 00 14S4 2 00 '4~^5 3 <« MSf' I 50 •487 I 50 14S8 5 00 14S9 2 00 M')" 2 50 14'jr 6 00 1492 I 50 '493 15" '494 f) 50 1495 32 00 14'/) I 00 1497 2 00 I49S I 00 1499 15" 1 500 5 00 1 501 I 00 1 502 5 00 i5"3 9 00 r 504 2 00 i5"5 I <>o 1506 48 CKJ 1507 18 00 150S 38 00 r 509 2 00 1510 42 00 '5" 5 5" '512 7 50 '5'3 Afj "" i5'4 I 5" 15 1 5 18 (10 I 5 1 6 4 ( )( ) '5 '7 3 O" -ot. Price. 51S St 50 519 16 00 520 3 00 521 2 50 521* 74 00 522 260 (X) 523 3 '» 524 10 oo 525 2 00 526 50 527 3 «» 52S 2 50 529 4f> "O 530 I 00 531 4 O" 532 15" 533 5 00 534 30 00 535 107 So 53'J 63 «> 537 6 00 53S 825 539 5 "o 54" I "f> 541 345 o" 542 . . 124 00 543 15" 544 I ("'" 545 6 00 546 8 tx) 547 5 "" 54S I (K) 549 3 (j(j 55" 7" "" 55f I 5" 552 I on 553 2 50 554 12 00 555 I 5" 55f> 32 00 557 12 00 558 3" "" 559 5 "" 560 6 50 561 4 00 562 4 uo 563 ro2 00 5f)4 I4r> 00 566. 567. 5f>S. 57" 57'- Lot. Price. 5^>5 Si <)u () <) 2 00 2 00 572 6 2 5C> I (Ml I (M) I rx) Lot. 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. 161S. 1619. 1620. 1621. 1622. 1623. if.24. .r,25. 1620. 1627. 162S. 1629. 1630. 1631. 1632. 1633. 1634. 1635- 1636. 1637. 163S. 1639. 1640. 164 1 1642 iC'43- 1644. 1645. 1646. K-.47. 1648 if)49 1650. 1651. .652. '^'53 • if)54. ■f'55- 1656. ■^•57. If.59. ir/Ht. 1661 . !*rir^. 2 50 2 "i'l 1 OfJ 6 00 1 50 50 3 00 4 50 52 50 2 50 32 00 5 00 2 50 20 00 2 00 16 00 10 00 .275 00 50 00 20 00 " (X) ■ K) 5 50 2 00 00 6 50 16 00 00 .' 1 . . «X} 5 (X) 1 (Ml 2 50 A <*' ^ (N) 2 50 3 «x> 3 5" So «> 12 (K) 5« 00 50 50 672 20 00 673... 674... 675... 676... 677 13 50 67S 37 00 679 95 00 6S0. . . 681... 6S2.. . 6S3... 6S4... 685... 686... 687... 688... 689. . . 690 . . . 691 . . , 692 . . . 693- •• 694... 695... 696... 697... 698... 699.. 9 00 9 50 12 00 5 50 3 00 6 00 2 50 3 00 12 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 4 00 19 00 3 00 r 5" 5 00 28 Of) 3 00 4 00 I 00 00 00 700 126 00 701 32 50 702 15 00 703 II 00 50 00 00 704. 705- 706. 707. 708. 709. Lot. 709*.. 710... 710*. . 711... 711*. . 712... 7I3--. 714.. 7I5--. 716... 717.. 718.. 719... 720. . , }2I . 722. . 723- ■ 723* 724 . '725- • 726. . 727.. 72S.. 729. . 730.. 731 • 732.. 733- ■ 734 ■ 735- • 736.. 737- • 73S.. 739- • 740. . 741.. 742.. 743- ■ 744-. 745- • 746.. 747- • 74S.. 749- • 750- • 75I-- 752.. 753- • Price. $9 00 I 00 5" 1 50 2 00 5 00 2 50 8 00 I 00 1 00 42 00 5" 4 00 2 00 I 00 40 00 105 00 27 00 20 00 I 50 1 50 2 50 3 CO 3 50 10 00 6 00 5 00 10 00 92 00 5 00 7 00 I 00 I 50 I 00 I 50 60 00 4 50 ,125 00 28 00 1 50 5 00 4 50 2 00 30 00 13 50 5 00 84 00 10 00 Lot. Price. 754 ^2 00 755 I 50 75^ 50 757 f> "O 758 70 00 759 28 00 7 50 20 00 2 50 2 50 1 50 2 50 5 50 12 50 2 50 32 00 2 50 760. . . 761 .. 762 . . 763... 764 .. 765... 766... 767 .. 76S.. . 769... 770. . . 771 19 00 772 2 00 773 10 00 774 3 5" 775 3 50 776 4 50 777 I 50 77S 10 50 779 II 00 750 I 00 751 50 782 I 00 783 4 00 784 114 00 785 14 '>" 786 loo 00 787 23 00 788 2 00 789 4 00 79" 4 50 791 I 50 792 30 00 793 19 "" 794- 796. 797 798. 799- 800. 801. 802. 38 00 8 00 3 5" 3 "" 2 00 3 00 I 50 13 00 Lot. [803 [804. [805. [806. 1807. [808. [809. r8io [811. r8i2. 1813 [814. [815. r8i6. [817. [818. [819. [820. 1821. [822. 1823. 1824 [825 [826. [827. 1828. [829 [S29* [830. [S31. 1832. [S33. [834 '835. [836. '837- [838. [S39 [840. [841. [S42. [843. [844. [845 [846. [847 [848. [849 Price. $4 50 3 00 5 00 I 00 I 00 1 5" 2 50 28 00 3 "o 4 50 I 00 4 00 3 00 1 5" 16 00 17 00 84 00 2 50 2 (JO 2 00 2 00 I 00 715 00 .2,250 00 26 00 3 00 25 00 .1,562 50 I 5" 9 00 I 50 I 5" 42 00 13 00 25 00 5 25 1 00 ir 00 4 5" 600 00 165 (lO 3 5" 7 5" 4 00 6 00 II 00 2 5" I 50 Prices Reali/eu at hie Sale. Lot. 1850 1851. [852. 1853- '854 t855 [856 '857- tS57" 1858. 1859. [S60 1861. [862. [863 [864. [865. [866. [867. 1868. 1S69. [870. [871. [S72. 1873. [874. t875- [876 [877. [87S. [879. [8S0. h. [882. [883. [884. [885. [886. [887. [890. . [891. . [892. . [S93.. [894. . [895.. [896 . Price. 5 uo 5 <>o 2 00 2 00 14 (X) [,680 00 lu 00 . 125 00 2 50 2 50 I 50 13 tK) 24 00 I 00 225 00 5 00 I 00 450 00 . 150 00 . 100 00 ■ 55 00 I 00 1 50 2 50 7 00 3 00 6 00 I 50 3 ou 1 50 [,440 00 2 50 2 00 . I 50 • 10 50 12 00 5 50 5 00 4 CXJ 1 50 . I 50 2 00 . I 50 I (X) 35 uo I 00 3 00 Lot. 1S97 1898 1899 1900 1901 I902 1903 1904 1905 190C 1907 1908 1909 1910 19II 1912 19 '3 1914 1915 1916 191 7 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1922^ 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 •931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 ")43 Price. $4 (-HJ 24 00 15 00 so 5" 5" I (XJ 1 5u 2 00 4 00 UK) 00 10 00 4 00 3 47 2,4tj 19S5 2 00 1986 4 5" 1987 5" I98S I (H) 1989 3 5" 19(^0 12 txj Lot. Price. H)()l $36 00 1992 2 50 19<)3 -• :.i l(>94 .Ml '995 3 5^' '9 3 5" '997 3 *>J I998 20 (X) '999 2 50 2(XXJ 4 On 2001 8 cxj 2(X)2 3 00 2003 4 2(XJ5 6 50 2(x»6 3 5" 2(X)7 4 00 2(X)8 4 (X) 2009 2 50 2010 2 50 2(JII. .... 8 50 2(Jl2 9 (X> 2013 3 5" 2014 4 (XJ 2015 2 (JO 2016 9 00 2017 4 (X) 2018 5 00 2oig 5 5" 2020 3 5" 202 I 4 ( K) 2022 2 00 2023 3 (X) 2024 2 (XI 2025 2 50 2(i26 3 5" 2027 3 00 202S 3 "<> 2029 3 50 203(J 3 50 2031 2 5(' 2032 2 50 2033 4 (Ml 2(>34 1(1 (X) 21135 I 00 2< >3() 6 (XJ 2"37 3 5" 203S 11 5 3 UO 2256 X 00 2306 36 00 2257 ..... 1 3 00 23"7 .... 5 00 2258 4 50 23.JS 550 00 2259 4 00 23'=9 5 oij 226a 7 00 2310 2 00 226 r 4 50 2311 2 50 2262 3 50 2312 I 50 2263 2 50 2313 2 00 22G4 1 3 00 2314 I 00 2265 7<'' 50 2315 2 50 2266 25 <;0 23.6 15" 2267 4 00 2317 2 00 22C8 50 2318 3 00 2269 3 00 2319 3 5" 2270 '50 2320 2 00 2271 62 50 2321 2 00 2272 I 00 2322 22 0(.) 2273 22 50 2323 6 00 2274 10 00 2324 1 2 0(J 2275 3 5" 2325 1 3 00 2276 I 00 2326 37 o" 2277 I 50 2327 2 00 227S 2 50 232S So (JO Lot. Price. 2329 $6 50 2330 2 50 2331 I 00 2332 33 00 2333 5 00 2334 10 50 2335 4 5" 2330 6 00 23()7 190 00 23''8 9 50 23'>9 42 "" 237" 77 5" 2371 KKI tJO 2372 77 5" 2373 75 "«» 2374 100 IHI 2375 "»«' o" Lot. Price. 2370 $2 50 2377 7 00 2378 4 «j«j 2379 24 00 23S 30 00 2391 4 0.. 2392 2 <> 2397 ,310 S 2 50 2400 103 50 24"7 I 00 2408 5 00 240.) - 00 2410 i 5" 2-411 70 00 2412 • 3 5" 24'3 4 tw 2414 22 50 24«5 . 43 .») 2,41(1 3 "O 2417 2 50 2418 I 00 2419 •• • 5 «*> 2420 3 0*' 2421 3 00 2421* 2 50 2422 . 5 00 i6 Prices Realized at the Sale. Lol. Price. Lot. 2423 $3 50 2470 2424 2 00 2471 2425 .... 2 50 2472 2426 1 5 00 2473 2427 4 50 2474. 2428 10 00 2475- 2429 3 50 247(' 2430 1 3 00 2477 2431 ...... 4 5u 247S. 2432 5" 2479- 2433 .... 2 50 2480. 2434 .... 5 00 24S1. 2435 4 50 24S2. 2436 S 00 2483 2437 .... 32 00 2484. 2438 10 50 2485. 2439 3 CO 2486. 2440 5 50 2487 2441 .... 7 00 24S8. 2442 2 00 2489- 2443 I DO 2490. 2444 4 CO 2491. 2445 175 00 2492. 2446 36 00 2493 2447 I 50 2494. 2448 .... 1,100 00 2495 • 2449 58 00 2496. 2450 2 50 2497 . 2451 3 50 2498. 2452 . ••■ 13 50 2499. 2453 4 CO 2500. 2454 I 50 2501. 2455 10 00 2502 2456 48 00 2503 2456' ^ I 2 00 2504. 2457 . . . .2,460 00 2505 2458 .... 3 00 2506 2459 .... 2 50 2507 2460 330 00 2508 2461 .... 13 00 2510 2462 I 00 2511 2463 3 00 2512 2464 I 50 2513 2465 . ■ • - 3 50 2514 2466 I 50 25>5 2467 I 00 2516. 246S 2 00 2517 2469 20 CO 2518. Price. Lol. Price. $4 GO 2519 $3 50 4 00 2520 7 50 24 00 2521 7 50 6 50 2522 6 50 1 o'> 2523 3 50 1 00 2524 2 00 2 50 2525 2 50 7 00 2526 5 00 6 00 2527 12 00 15 00 252S I 50 1 50 2529 2 00 12 50 2530 4 50 2 50 2531 3 50 5 f'O 2532 5 50 3 00 2533 9 00 5 00 2534 22 00 3 00 2535 3 50 2 50 2536 4 00 6 00 2537 I 00 50 253S 4 50 3 00 2540 87 50 I GO 2541 I GO I 00 2542 2 00 T 00 2543 I 00 I 00 2544 8 50 50 2545 13 00 3 50 2546 I 00 1 00 2547 2 50 2 00 2548 4 00 17 00 2549 6 50 5 50 2550 4 00 I 00 2551 I CO I 50 2552 2 00 16 00 2553 3 GO 12 00 2554 2 50 7 00 2555 3 00 4 50 2556 3 00 1 00 2557 2 50 3 00 2558 3 GO 2 50 2559 I 00 1 1 00 2560 50 4 00 2561 4 50 5 50 2562 4 GO 4 00 2563 4 GO 7 50 2564 4 00 4 00 2565 II 00 8 00 2566 I GO 5 00 2567 I 00 Lot. Price. 2568 $1 GO 2569 6 00 2570 II 00 2571 I 00 2572 2 GO 2573 2 50 2574 I "O 2574* 13 5" 2575 3 "o 257(1 50 2577 2 50 2578 4 00 2579 6 50 2580 3 00 2581 2 50 2582 2 50 2583 6 00 2584 I GO 2585 5 00 2586 7 00 2587 5 00 2588 50 2589 1 00 2590 4 00 2591 2 00 2592 T 50 2593 I OG 2594 I 50 2595 2 50 2596 I OG 2597 80 00 2598 9 00 2599 3 00 2600 50 2601 50 2602 50 2603 I 00 2604 2G GO 2605 if) 00 2606 9 GO 2607 12 GO 260S 6 00 2609 58 OG 26IG 5 GO 261 1 4 50 2612 15 GO 2613 2 50 2614 50 Prices Re.\li/f,d at thk Salk. 17 Lot. Price. 2615 $2 00 2616 60 00 2617 3 00 2618 2 50 2619 8 00 2620 50 2621 2 50 2622 go 00 2623 2 00 2624 .... 4 00 2625 2 50 2626 .... I 00 2627 40 00 2628 I 00 2629 2 00 2630 50 2631 3 50 2632 28 00 2633 3 00 2634 I 00 2635 50 2636 3 00 2637 5 00 2638 8 00 2f)39 3 50 2640 I 00 2641 4 50 2642 50 2643 I 00 2644 I CO 2645 26 00 2646 250 2647 8 00 264S I 00 2f)49 2 50 2650 31 GO 2651 525 00 2652 420 00 2653 6 00 2654 I 00 2655 310 00 2656 I 50 2657 348 00 2658 210 00 2659 I 00 2660 4 50 2661 4 on 2662 2 00 Lot. Price. 2663 ?2 50 2664 1 7 00 2665 7 50 266G 4 00 2667 I 50 266S 25 00 2669 3 50 2670 3 2704 I 50 2705 I 5'» 2706 17 00 27"7 3 'XJ 27"S 24 50 2709 20 00 27 lu 32 00 Lot. Price. 271 1 $2 50 2712 38 GO 27»3 7 50 2714 2 00 2715 11 00 2716 12 00 2717 I 50 271S 350 00 2719 2 00 2720 153 00 2721 20 00 2722 •. 50 2723 II 00 2724 34 00 2725 3 00 2726 24 00 2727 30 (JO 2728 15 00 2729 94 50 2730 2 00 2731 75 00 2732 I 00 2733 3 50 2734 5 00 2735 5 00 2736 5 50 2737 " 511 2738 5 50 2739 1500 2740 ir 00 2741 15 00 2742. .... 7 00 2743 96 00 2744 3 ot' 2745 .... 2 00 2746 25 00 2747 S7 50 27J8 7 50 2749 10 00 2750 I (H> 2751 2f) 00 2752 8 50 2753 14 w 2754 4 00 2755 3 5" 275O 15 '><> 2757 2 0«J 2758 72 5'J Lot. Price. 2759 $2 00 27()«J 2 00 2761 2 5u 2762 9 00 2763 ... 2 50 27^*4 2 50 2765 I 50 27^6 70 00 27f>7 I 00 2768 82 50 2769 ... 1 50 277" 3 00 2771 3 50 2772 4 2774 14 fK> 2775 3 4 00 2777 36 00 277S 1 1 00 2779 ••• 2 50 27S0 •3 5" 27S1 3 00 2782 2 00 27S3 .... I 50 2784 18 (K» 2785 2 50 2786 .... 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Price. 2856 $16 00 2857 5 (XJ 2S58 I 50 2859 16 00 2860 10 00 2S61 7 (XI 28f>2 3 no 2S63 12 CO 2864 16 (X) 2865 21 00 2866 20 00 2867 12 no 2S6S 15 00 2869 7 50 2870 18 50 2871 13 00 2872 ri 00 2S73 4 00 2S74 7 00 2S75 3 00 2876 I 00 2S77 6 00 2878 4 50 2879 2 50 2880 36 00 2881 12 00 2882 50 2883 165 00 2884 23 00 2885 3 00 2S86. ..... 21 00 2887 2 00 2888 7 00 2889 3 50 2890 2 50 2891 ..... 3 00 2892 .... 7 00 2893 27 00 2894 1 1 00 2895 5 00 2896 5 00 2S97 3 50 2898 2 00 2899 3 00 2900 112 00 2901 10 00 2902 T 8 00 2903 I 50 Lot. Price. 2904 $3 00 2905 550 2906 5 no 2907 3 00 2908 5 00 2909 . . . .4,650 00 2910 2 50 291 1 I 00 2912 4 50 2913 3 00 29'4 3 50 2915 5 50 2916 I 50 2917 2 50 2918 50 2919 I 00 2920 6 00 2921. .... 6 50 2922 2 (X) 2923 8 50 2924 2 50 2925 I 00 2926 9 00 2927 I 00 2928 2 00 2929 1 50 2930 5 00 2931 I 50 2932 I 50 2933 2 00 2934 2 00 2935 2 00 2936 3 50 2937 4 00 2938 2 00 2939 1.443 00 2940 760 00 2941 42 00 2942 48 00 2943 13 00 2943* f> 50 2944 6 oc 2945 6 00 2946 2 50 2946a .... 2 50 2946b 2 00 2946c 20 00 2946c] 3 50 Lot. Price. 29460 $2 50 2946g 36 IX) 2946h 1 6 00 2946i 7 50 294f' 3083 350 3131 200 2991 4i«^ 00 3"39 5W 30S4 4 .H. 3132 2S5 wj 2992 20500 3<,4,, 100 30S5 115,, 3,33 3 ,ji. 2993 15 'x^ 3'Mi 200 3086 6 51) 3134 150 2994 II "O 3042 22 551 <>o 3"44 250 3089 12 (HI 3137 3,Soo cx) 2997 15 f>o 3045 2 50 3tKjo 50 313S 2 5«) 2998 2200 304O rjoo 00 3091 •. . 5,, 3i3g 250 2999 3400 3046a 100 00 3092 50 3140 29r) 00 3fJW 25600 3046b 410 (X) 3093 6 '^'4 64 50 3(348 2 (X3 3097 1050 3145 15 (Ml 3'>49 35'"^ 309S 250 3146 2300 3«o6 5850 3050 II 00 3099 240(3 3147 1200 3'X37 S60 o(3 3051 2 50 2JIM) I 00 314S 3 00 300S 15 00 3<^52 } <"> 3101 2 GO 3149 2 50 3'»09 1350 3'^53 ^' '^'^ 3102 300 3150 250 3(3io 30 (3o 3054 2 00 3103 I (X) 315J 3 00 301 1 10 '30 3055 I 31113 I 00 3057 i,8(30 f30 3106 3 50 3154 4 (K) 3(314 I 00 3058 1,75'^ '^'J 3107 I (X) 3155 7 «>i« 3015 4 00 3059 5 (30 310S 6 00 3156 21 (>»> 3016 4 0(j 306(3 10 o" . ^itx) 12 (X) 31 57 I tx) 3017 350 3(j6i 2(Xi (X3 3110 600 3158 150 3018 150 (3(3 3(362 3 "" 31 I I 15 00 3159 132 Ol> 3019 5 00 3063 10 (M) 3,12 2 50 3l6(» I I (m 302(3 .... 2 o(3 3"'J4 5 ("> 31 '3 5" 3161 , J (») 3021 825(3 3(365 250 3114 30 0(3 3i6l' ; '-' 3022 76 00 3066 2 00 31 15 64 00 3ifi; 3023 200 3067 400 3116 3 302S 200 (3o 3072 IOC 3121 5" 3''^") S •*' 3029 13000 3073 200 3122 85000 317.. 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Price. 3i7 3230 2 50 3278 2 50 3326 5 00 31 S3 34 00 3231 2 00 3279 3 00 3327 5 00 31S4 3000 3232 50 3280 200 3328 3500 3185 6 00 3233 162 00 32S1 3 00 3329 48 00 3186 I 00 3234 I 00 3282 no 50 3330 2 00 3187 1350 3235 r 00 3283 1300 3331 400 3188 2 (X> 3236 300 3284 53" 00 3332 250 3189 50 3237 I 00 3285 115 00 3333 2 00 319" 200 3238 550 3286 85000 3334 200 3191 5"" 3239 250 3287 42000 3335 200 3f92 10 00 3240 I 00 3288 30 00 3336 2 00 3193 14 00 3241 I 00 3289 8 00 3337 2 50 3194 12 00 3242 2 00 3290 20 00 3338 3 00 3195 500 3243 II 00 3291 26 CX3 3339 1500 319'^' 28 00 3244 5 25 3292 If) 00 3340 II 00 3197 5& f'O 3245 250 3293 5250 3341 4000 3198 I o» 3246 1380 3294 8000 3342 1200 3199 12 00 3247 32 00 3295 42 50 3343 17 00 3199 "7 of> 3248 12 00 3296 55 00 3344 21 00 32'J» 1 50 3249 4000 3297 3000 3345 800 3201 72 50 3250 21 00 329S S 00 3346 ... . 2 00 32"2 200 3251 250 3299 600 3347 300 3203 .... 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Price. 33(jS $4 uu 3369 ir 00 3370 6 50 3371 6 00 3372 6 00 3373 2 00 3374 165 00 3375 2 00 337f> 2 00 3377 i(j 00 3378 2 00 3379 2 00 33S0 2 00 3381 2 00 3382 2 00 3383 2 00 33S4 7 <>o 3385 2 00 3386 1 00 3387 2 50 3388 7 o'J 3389 I 00 3390 3 50 3391 2 50 3392 2 50 3393 3 50 3394 2 00 3395 2 00 3396 22 50 3397 2 50 3398 2 00 3399 122 00 3400 105 00 3401 2,525 00 3402 307 50 3403. . . . lO,2(X) 00 3403* 3 00 3404 I 50 3405 21 00 3406 6 00 3407 I "•> 3408 25 00 34"9 3 00 3410 2 00 341 1 2 00 3412 2 00 3413 2 00 34M 3 50 Lot. Price. 3415 S3 50 3416 3 00 3417 3 00 341S 3 uo 3419 3 50 3420 70 00 3421 20 00 3422 2 00 3423 3 5'> 3424 5 5u 3425 2 50 3426 5 "o 3427 II "O 3428 6 00 3429 5 00 3430 2 50 3431 10 00 3432 5 00 3433 19 50 3434 2 00 3435 2 00 3436 3 o« 3437 2 00 3438 3 00 3439 20 00 344" I 00 3442 5 5" 3443 I 00 3444 I 50 3445 2 50 3446.... . 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Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. Lot. Price. 3755 Si ou 3703 §200 3771 $17 Mj 377.J $1 50 375^ 350 37f>4 goo 3772 1600 37S0 S uo 3757 200 3765 21 (xj 3773 12 iM) 37S1 3 «) 375S 4 u 37^") 250 3776 4.) 00 37S5 3 c«*j 3762 4 t: RFOFIP"^ II V 3 11 58 01036 \r cru iTut at, n( r.i'i>,i; iRRiH. AA 001 179 227 UNIVDKSITY of CALIFORNIA LOS ANGIiLisa LIBRAKY