V. \. ~~M z. , j : ^..Mm . ■*-, "? ■?> j<^.^f (' -7 ^ r-> z Soss- PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES A PROVISIONAL LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, AND OTHER SOCIETIES FROM THEIR ORGANIZATION COMPILED UNDER THE EDITORIAL DIRECTION Ol- R. R. BOVVKER NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY 1899 Copyright, iSgg, BY R. R. BOWKER BOSTON PREFACE. A LARGE wealth of special literature exists in the regular publications or iuci- dental books and pamphlets of societies organized for publishing in a special field or of whose work publications form an integral part. The number of these societies is legion, and they have existed in America for a century or more. The records of early societies are most inadequate and there has been no adequate record even of societies now current. There have been several noteworthy special bibliographies, notably Griffin's of Historical Societies, and GrowoU's of Book Clubs, and several general bibliographies have made an incidental feature of lists of the publications of societies. This was done to some extent in the early catalogues of James Kelly, and a like feature on a more extended scale has been included in appendixes to the later American Catalogues for the periods 1876-84, 1884-90, and 1890-95. The first of these last-named lists was compiled by the present editor with the cooperation of the Smithsonian Institution, of Hai'vard University Libi-ary, of the Boston Public Library, and of the Boston Athenaeum Librar5^ These libraries have continued to cooperate in the successive lists, and the Boston Public Library has also included in its comprehensive and useful list of periodicals, etc., currently received in the principal libraries of Boston, issued under the direction of Mr. Jas. L. Whitney, the titles of transactions and other serial publications of societies, though without entry of individual issues. There is almost no field in bibliography so important to the special student, and there arc few so fruitful to the general inquirer, as that of the publications of " learned societies," whose number and importance in this country has grown within the past generation quite beyond precedent in any other country or period. The historical societies, in regard to which the later Western States have taken so advanced and creditable a position, constitute but one of many lines of development. The issues of such societies as the Grolier Club, the Filson Club, the Dunlap Club, are of great importance to the scholar and collector, and they are rarely to be found in ordinary catalogues. It seemed most desirable that some general bibliogra[)hy of the publications of American publishing societies should be undertaken, and the present endeavor is the outcome. Like the lists of the special periods referred to, it is based on direct cor- respondence with the several societies so far as they still exist and word could be had from them. Special bibliographies and the cooperation of the authorities of the libraries mentioned and of other libraries have also been utilized to the utmost. In addition to the acknowledgment specifically made in previous lists, thanks are espe- cially due to Mr. Wilberforce Eames, of the Lenox Library, for his liberal and generous expenditure of personal time and trouble in the obtaining of material and in the examination of proofs ; to Mr. Herbert Putnam, recently librarian of the Boston Public Library and now of the Library of Congress ; to Mr. John S. Browne, iii PREFACE. of the New York Academy of Medicine ; to the officers of the leading universities, and to many others, for much valuable assistance, without which even the imperfect result here presented would have been impossible. The immediate work of compiling the present list has been in the hands of Mr. William Potts, whose long and hon- orable relationship with a certain class of societies had made him familiar with this kind of work, although not professionally a bibliographer. It is to the regret of the editor that his absence abroad during much of the compilation prevented his full personal attention to details of the work ; and the more credit should therefore be given to Mr. Potts for his large share in the present result. The imperfections of these contributions toward a bibliography of American publishing societies, which it is hoped may result ultimately in a really adequate bib- liography, cannot be more evident to any critic than to those responsible for the publication. Many of these imperfections, however, are inseparable from any first attempt to gather into one compilation so much diverse material from so many inde- pendent sources. In the case of early societies, no longer existing, nothing more could be done than to make the best of existing records, in the hope that the later cooperation of librarians, after the publication of the work, may be of help in filling evident gaps and may add unsuspected material. In the important permanent socie- ties — which have existed for many years — the frequent change of officers and of addresses, where there are no permanent headquarters, libraries, or secretaries, has made it a task of especial difficulty to obtain continuous information from the be- ginning, but a happy result of the inquiry, in many cases, has been to stimulate such societies toward a better bibliographical record of their own publications. Many such societies lack a complete file of their own issues. Some societies known to exist failed altogether to respond to the repeated inquii'ies for information, and in such cases nothing more could be done than to utilize the information that could be gleaned indu'ectly from existing bibliographies and from library shelves. In every case the endeavor has been made to send a proof of the list of each society to its proper officer, but in many cases these proofs were not returned or were returned without adequate examination and revision. The present bibliography covers over a thousand societies, but doubtless omits many societies which properly belong in such a list. It has been the endeavor to include all national. State, or general societies known or supposed to issue publications of general or technical interest. With some no list of issues is given ; in these cases no word was obtainable from the society, and it is possible that such are not really publishing societies. It has not been attempted to include county medical associations, teachers' institutes, and such bodies, whose numbers are legion, though they may semi-occasionally issue publications ; nor societies or institutions issuing merely reports of their own affairs, unless, like the Prison Association, Charity Organization societies, etc., these bear upon general public questions; nor catalogues of colleges, libraries, etc., unless they have historical or other special value ; nor those of art or other exhibitions — but it has been very difficult to draw any satisfactory line between inclusion and exclusion. It has been impracticable in the present work to follow a consistently systematic method of entry. In the case of each society the endeavor has been to give its correct official name, as well as cross-references from other names and from names of localities, and to include the date of its organization, the name and address of its iv PREFACE. present secretary or other representative, and its place of headquarters. Entries as a rule are chronological ; series, however, precede individual volumes. Special attention is called to the growing importance of the publications of universities and colleges, and in this field the information supplied by Harvard and Yale universities presents a model of systematized arrangement. It is to be regretted that the information from other universities having such departments could not have been conformed to these excellent models ; this, however, was rendered impossible from the fact that the Harvard and Yale lists came after the less satisfactory form had been adopted for the other universities. In some cases, such as the American Anti-Slavery Society and the United States Sanitary Commission, little more has been possible than to point out sources of information from which it is hoped an adequate bibliography may be obtained later. In recording the publications of societies it has been extremely difficult to draw the line between publications by societies and publications concerning societies but not issued by them. There is also not a little confusion as to series which have been discontinued and resumed, or of which the title has from time to time been changed. In the case of several series it has not been possible to obtain individual entries for the earlier numbers, and in the case of others the representatives of the societies have utterly failed to respond to requests for information as to issues later than those scheduled. The list was intended to bring the publications up to the date of July, 1898, and systematic entry has not been attempted later than that date. It is to be hoped that this volume will make clear the way for a revision or a later publication, completing the nineteenth century record. Such an issue will not, however, be possible unless the present volume receives support in the way of subscriptions from libraries and others interested, and cooperation from librarians and society officers in filling gaps. The publication has been a labor of love on the part of the editor, who does not expect to obtain from it the actual return for the money outlay, but does hope that the deficit may not be so great as to preclude further publication on these lines. It is not intended to include in the American Catalogue for 181)0-1900 an appendix covering publishing societies, its place being filled for the most part by the present list. It is impossible for any library to make a complete collection of the publications of American publishing societies, and it is diflicult to get even an adequate represent- ation of the leading societies or of the local societies which each local library should especially repi'eseut. A bibliography of this sort is therefore of special value because it enables each library to furnish to students and inquirers information as to material existing in special fields, and makes possible, under the system of inter-loan of books which is becoming prevalent in American libraries, the obtaining of the actual material for the use of special students. This bibliography, therefore, in a measure supplies the lack on the library shelves of the publications which it records. If its publication shall lead publishing societies to make better bibliographies and more adequate collections of their issues, shall stimulate libraries to greater pains in furnishing their shelves with the publications of local and general societies, and shall lead ultimately to the issue of a really adequate bibliography of American publishing societies, the editor's labors and expenditures will not have been wMtbout sufficing reward. R. R. BOWKER. PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Sec Philadelpliia. Academy of Science of St. Louis. See St. Louis. Agassiz Association. Organized 1875; incorporated 1892. (IL H. Ballard, pres., 247 South St., Pitts- field, Mass.) Plas many local cliapters. The Observer (monthly). E. F. Bigcloio, Slamford, Ct. Fern Hulledii. W. N. Ciute, Buighaniton, N. Y. WilHon Ornithological Bulletin. Siclns Crosn, cd. by H. H. Ballard. 1887-9. 5 v. »«. Hauftbook. Isted. 1882. — 4thud. 1897. 1 v. 16". cl., 75c. ProceedingB first general couventiou. 1884. 1 v. 8". pap., 25c. Proceedings Mass. state assembly. 1890. 1 v. 8". pap., 25c. Jfrs. K. F. Boyd, sec, Hyde I'urk, Mass. Flora of Fitchburg, Mass. Prof. E. A. flartwell, Fitchhurg . Courses or study in chemistry, mineralogy, and botany. Agathynian Club, The. Organized 18G6. New York. Advice to the olticers of the British army ; with the addition of some hints to the drummer and the private soldier. A fac- simile reprint of the tJth London edition. 1867. 161 p. 8". Polydori Vergilii de rervm inventoribvs. Tr. into English by John Langley. 1868. xvi + 242+ xvii p. 8". Agricultural Experiment Station. See Cornell Univer- sity : University of Wisconsin : University of Wyoming. Alabama Historical Society. Organized 1850: reorgan- ized 1898. (Thos. N. Owen, sec, CarroUton, Ala.) Tuscaloosa, Ala, Transactions at Ist ann. meeting, 1851. 1852. 8°. 55 p. Transactions at the ann. meeting, 1855. 1855. 8". 65 p. Expedition of De 8oto, by K. A. Hardaway. 1874. 8". pap. Tuskaioosa, the origin of its name, its history, etc., by Thos. Maxwell. 1876. 8". 86 p. map. Session of the Alabama legislature, 1847-48, prepared by J. L.M.Curry. 1892. 8». Creek Indians, by 11. A. Ilardaway, 1894. 8". pap. Mote. Some papers have also been published in Alabama Historical Reporter. Alabama Industrial and Scientific Society. Organized 1891. (Eugene A. Smith, sec.) University, Ala. Proceedings, v. 1 : 1, 1891-v. 7 : 2, 1897. Alabama, Medical Association of the State of. Organ- ized 1847 ; reorganized Mar. 3, 1868. (Dr. J. R. Jordan, sec.) Montgomery, Ala. Heports. Transactions. Annual. 1869+ Alabama State Agricultural Society. (?) Proceedings, annual sessions, 1884-86; semi-annual session, 1887. 8". Alabama State Bar Association. Organized 1878. (Alex. Troy, sec, Court Square.) Montgomery, Ala. Proceedings. l8t-2l8t annual nieetiugs; comp. by A. Troy. 1879-98. 21 v. 8". ea., pap., $2. ' Alaska Historical Society. Now Society of Alaskan Natural History and Ethnology, Which see. Albany Hist. Soc] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Acadeniv Albany Historical Society. Organizoil (?). Albany, N. Y. The Albany Quarterly. noB. 1-6. 1832-3. 8". Albany Institute. Organized 1824; cbartored 1829. (G: K. Howell, rec. sec. and libn., N. Y. State Library.) Albany, N. Y. Annual report. l»t, 1S2'>. Trunsactious. v. 1-12. 12 v. 8». 1830-93. v. 4 for Hiile in cl. at $.5, V. 7, 9 at $3 ea., and v. 10, 12 at $2.r)0 ea. Proceedings, v. 1, 1873; v. 2. 1878. 2 v. 8". cl., ea., $2.50. Diseouree on the life, character, and services of Stephen van Rensselaer, by D. I). Barnard, with historical sketch of Colony and manor of Reneselaerswich. 1839. 144 p. 8". Field meetings of the ,1870-7;.. 1876. 8". il. (Contains only proceedings 1873-75.) Xote. Numerous reprints and pamphlets have also been Issued. See Griflan's Bibliography of Am. Hist. Societies. Albany Medical College, Association of the Alumni of. (Medical Department of Union University.) Or- ganized (?). Constitution and by-laws. S". Albany. 1874. Proceedings of the annual meeting. 1-15. 1874-88. v. 17, 1890. 8». Albany. 1874-90. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Organized 1780. (Samuel H. Scudder, cor. sec). Ath- enceum building, lOh Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Memoirs. Old series, vols. 1-4. New series, vols. 1-12. 1785-1898. 16 v. ea., $10. hf. vols., ea., $5. Complete sets, $112.50. 4<>. Proceedings, v. 1-33. 1848-98. 33 v. ea. $5. Complete sets, $125. 8". American Academy of Dental Science. Organized 1867. (H. E. Cutter, ed., 1278 Massachusetts ave., Cambridge.) Boston, Mass. Note. Papers read before the society are printed in the International Dental Journal [monthly], N. Y. and Phila., ed. by J. W: Truman, subs., $2.50. (Previous to 1895 the annual addresses were issued in pamphlet form.) American Academy of Medicine. Organized 1876. (Chas. Mcliitire, sec, 104 N. 4th St., Easton, Pa.) Bulletin (at first issued irregularly, now 6 times a year). C. Mclntire, ed. v. 1-3:47. 1891-8. 8". $3perann. Single DOS., 50c. The parts are numbered continuously, and the 3d volume will probably end with no. 50. State requirements for the practice of Medicine. Reprint from Bulletin of Feb. 1897, with a supplement issued 1898. 50c. Note. The Academy has published a number of brief pamphlets. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Organized 1889. (Wilmer H. Righter, bus. mgr.) Station B, Phila., Pa. Annals of the American Academy (bi-monthly), ed. by Kdm. J. James and Roland P. Falkner. v. 1-11. 1890-98. 11 v., 40 nos. 8". ea. no., pap., $1. Issued during the first year as a quarterly publication. Supplements, v. 1-10. 1891-98. 16 v. 8". ea., pap., 25c.-$2. Note. Those marked thus (*) are Issued both in this and In fortnightly series. — Jan., 1891: *In memoriam : John Alexander Jameson, by F. N. Thorpe. 25c. — Feb., 1891 : * Public health and municipal government, by J. 8. Billings. 25c. ~ Mar., 1891 : * History of statistics, by A. Meitzen. $1. — Apr., 1891 ; * Handbook of the Academy. $2. — May, 1891: * Theory and technique of statistics, by A. Meitzen. $1.50. — Jan., 1893 : * Constitution of Columbia, tr. with introd. by B. Moses. 50c. — Mar., 1893: * Constitutional and organic laws of France, 1875-1889, tr. with introd. by C. F. A. Currier. 50c. — Sept., 1893 : * Inland waterways : their relation to trans- portation, by E. R. .Johnson. $1. — Mar., 1894 : * History of political economy, by G. Cohn. $1. — July, 1894 : * Theory of sociology, by F. H. Uiddings. .50c. — Sept., 1894: *Constitntion of Prussia, tr. with introd. by J. H. Robinson. 50c. I American Academy] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Academy American Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Science, coniinutd. — Nov., 1894 : *Con8litiition of Italy, ir. with iutrod. by 8. M. Lindsay iind L. 8. Howe. 50c. — Jan., 1896: * Theory of social forces, by 8. N. Patten. $1. — May, 1896: Constitution of 8wltzerland, by J cent. 50c. — May, 1897 : * Handbooli of the Academy. $1 . — May, 1898 : * Handbook of tbo Academy. $1. Publications of the American Academy. (Fortnightly.) nos. 1-2-28. 1890-98. 8". pap, 1. Canada and the United States, by J. G. Bourinot Decay of state and local government, by S. N. Patten Law of wages and interest, by J- V>- Clark. 20c. Province of sociology, by F. 11. Qiddings. i.'ic. Instruction in public law and economics in Germany, , „. 8. Rowe. 250. TT.ru 6. Railroad passenger fares in Hungary, by J. J. v\ ethereH. 2. 3. 4. 5. by L. M. Vin- 35c. 25c. 35c. 25c. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 15c. W. 7. Origin of Connecticut towns, by C. M. Andrews 8. Original pacljage case, by C. 8. Patterson. 15c. 9. Original features in the U. 8. constitution, by J. H. Robinson. 35c. 10. Historical vs. deductive political economy, by E. v. Boehm-Bawerk. 25c. 11. Instruction in public law and economics in Germany, 12. Austrian economists, by E. v. Boehm-Bawerk. 25c. 13. Ou the conception of sovereignty, by D. G. Ritchie. 25c. 14. Character of villein tenure, by W. J. Ashley. 15c. 15. Critique of wages theories, by 8. Wood. 35c. 16. Railroad passenger tariffs in Austria, by J. J. Wetherell. 15c. , , ^ 17. * Public health and municipal government, by J. H. Billings. 25c. 18. * History, theory, and technique of statistics, by A. Meitzen. cl., $1.50; hf. leath., $2.50. 19. Genesis of a written constitution, by W: C Morey. 25c. Law of nature, by F. M. Taylor. 25c. On the concept of wealth, by C. A. Tuttle. 25c. Compulsory voting, by P. W. Holls. 25c. Instruction in economics in Italy, by R.P. Falkner. 25c. Philadelphia Social Science Association, by J. G. Rosengarten. 15c. 25. * Handbook of the Academy. $2. 26. *In memoriam: John Alexander Jameson, by F. N. Thorpe. 2.5c. 27. Constitution of Mexico ;tr. by B. Moses. 35c. 28. Land transfer reform, by J. W. Jenks. 15c. 29. Economic basis of prohibition, by 8. N. Patten 30. International liability for mob injuries, by E Huffcut. 25c. 31. Political science at Oxford, by D. G. Ritchie. 15c. 32. Recent constitution-making in the United States, by F.N.Thorpe. 35c. 33. Economics in Italy, by A. Loria. 25c. 34. Present condition of the peasants in Russia, by Combes de Lestrade. 15c. 35. Statistical publications of the United States government, by W: F. Willoughby. 15c. 36. Supplement to the handbook of the Academy. 60c. 37. Congress and the cabinet, by G. Bradford. 15c. 38. Place of party in the political system, by A. D. Morse. 15c. 39. Recent tendencies in the reform of land tenure, by E. P. Cheyney. 15c. 40. Law-making by popular vote, by E. P. Oberholtzer. 25c. 41. Neglected points in the theory of socialism, byT. B. Veblen. 25c. 42. Basis of the demand for the public regulation of indus- tries, by W. D. Dabney. 25c. 43. Study of the science of municipal government, by F. P. Prichard. 15c. 44. Political organization of a modern municipality, by W. D. Lewis. 15c. 45. International arbitration, by E. L. Lord. 25c. 46. Jurisprudence in American universities, by E. W. Huffcut. 15c. 47. Instruction in French universities, by L. 8. Rowe. 48. Graziani's economic theory of machinery, by S.Wood. 15c. 49. Ethical training in the public schools, by C: DeGarmo. 25c. Theory of value, by F. v. Wieser. 25c. Basis of interest, by D. M. Lowrcy. 25c. Electric street lighting in Chicago, by M. A. Mikkelsen. 50. 51. 62. 15c. 53. 54. Party government, by C. Richardson. 25c. Proportional representation, by J: R. Commons. 15c. Ainericun Academy] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Academy Dann 56. 67. 68. 59. 60. 15c. 61 American Acad, of I'ol. and Soc. Science, continued. AuHtiullna system of voting in Massachusetts, by R. 11. rennsylvania ballot law of 1891, by C. C. Binney. 20c. A third revolutidti, by 1*:: 1'. (^heyney. loo. lllver and harbor bills, by K. K. Johnson. 35c. Indian edncation, by K. W. Blackmar. 2ric. Cabinet govornnienl iu the United States, by F. Snow. ... School savings banks, by S. L. Obevholtzer. 10c. 02. Patten's dynamic economics, by J: B. Claris. 15c. 03. Geometrical theory of the determination of prices, by L. Walras. 25c. 04. Economic causes of moral progress, by S.N. Patten. 23c. 65. Sir William Temple on the origin and nature of govern- ment, by F. 1. Ilerriott. 20c. 06. Influence on business of the independent treasury, by D. Kiiiley. 20c. 67. Sidgwick'sElementsof politics, by J. H. Robinson, loc. 08. Preventive legislation in relation to crime, by C. 11. Reeve. 15c. 69. Effects of consumption of wealth on distribution, by W: Smart. 35c. 70. Standard of deferred payments, by E: A. Ross. 15c. 71. I'arliamentary procedure, by J. Macy. 25c. 72. Social work at the Krupp foundries, by S. M. Lind- say. 25c. 73. Local government of county communities in Prussia, by C. Bornhak. 15c. 74. Cost and utility, by S. N. Patten. 25c. 75. Alcohol question in Switzerland, by W. Milliet. 15c. 76. Seligman's Shifting and incidence of taxation, by E: A. Ross. 20c. 77. Psychologic basis of social economics, by L. F. Ward. 25c. 78. Theory of final utility in its relation to the standard of deferred payments, by L. 8. Merriam. 25c. 79. * Constitution of Columbia, tr. by B. Moses. 50c 80. National and state banks, by H. White. 25c. 81. American banking and the money supply of the future, by M. D. Barter. 15c. 82. State and national bank circulation, by A. B. Hepburn. 16c. 83. Banking system — old and new, by J. H. Walker. 15c. 84. Basis of security for national bank notes, by 11: Bacon. 16c. 85. Surplus gains of labor, by J. B. Clark. 15c. 86. * Constitutional and organic laws of France, 1875-1889, tr. by C. F. A. Currier. 50c. 87. Relation of the state to education in England and America, by I. Sharpless. 25c. 88. Our failures in municipal government, by G. Bradford. 15c. 89. Cost and expense, by S. N. Patten. 25c. 90. Home rule for our American cities, by E. P. Ober- boltzer. 25c. 91. Relation of economic conditions to the causes of crime, by C. D. Wright. .35c. 92. Nature of the federal state, by E. V. Robinson. 25c. 93. Progress of economic ideas in France, by M. Block. 25c. 94. Relation of economic study to public and private char- ity, by Ja. Mavor. 25c. 95. Monetary situation in Germany, by W. Lotz. 25c. 96. Use of silver as money in the U. 8., by A. B. Woodford. 3Sc. 97. Taxation of large estates, by R. T. Colburn. 15c. 98. First state constitutions, by W. O. Morey. 25c. 99. Married woman's property in Anglo-Saxon and Anglo- Norman law, by K. G. Buckstaft. 25c. 100. Poems of the South, by G: K. Holmes. 15c. 101. Mediaival manor, by E: P. Cheyney. 15c. 102. * Inland waterways: their relation to transportation, by E. R. Johnson. $1 ; hf . leath., $2. 103. Interest and profits, by A. T. Hadley. 15c. 104. Austrian theory of value, by 8. M. Macvaue. 25c. 105. Subjective and objective view of distribution, by J: A. Hobson. 25c. 106. Congress and the cabinet — II., by G. Bradford. 25c. 107. Total utility standard of deferred payments, by E: A. 25c. Indian currency, by G. L. Molesworth. 35c. Adaptation of society to its environment, by W: D. 25c. Federal revenues and the income tax, by F: C. Howe. Ross. 108. 109. Lewis. 110. 25c. 111. 35c. 112. 113. 35c. 114. Political ethics of Herbert Spencer, by L. F. Ward. La science sociale, by P. de Rousiers. 25c. Idea of justice in political economy, by G. Schmoller. Classification of law, by R. H. Curtis. l-Oc. American Academy] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Academy American Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Science, continued. 115. American life iiiRurance methods, by M. M. DawBon. 15c, Relation of taxation to monopolies, by E. R. Johnson. 116 25c. 117 leath. 118 25c. 119 120 121 12'. ♦History of political economy, by Q. Cohn. .?l;hf. $2. Troblems of municipal government, by E. L. Godkin. Reform of our state governments, by G. Bradford, -oc. Decade of mortgages, by G: K. Holmes. ir)c. Failure of biologic sociology, by S. N. Patten. 2.^c. Future problem of charity and the unemployed, by J: Q. Brooks. 2;')C. 123. Peaceable boycotting, by C. A. Reed. 25c. 124. Significance of a decreasing birthrate, by J. L. Brow- 125. * Theory of sociology, by F. H. Giddings. 50c. ; cl., $1. Rent and profit, by C. W. Macfarlane. * Constitution of Prussia, tr. by J. H. Robinson. oOc. Ultimate standard of value, by E. v. Bochm-Bawerk. 126. 127. 12S. 50c. 129 Relation of labor organizations to trade instruction, by E. W. Bemis. 25c. ^ ,. ,, , ., 130. Mortgage banking in Russia, by D. M. Fredenksen. 15c. 131. Why had Roscher so little influence in England? by W: Cunningham. 25c. 132. Reasonable railway rates, by II. T. Newcomb. 25c. 133. Economic function of woman, by E: T. Devme. 2ac. 134. Relief work at the Wells Memorial Institute, by H. b. 135?^'* Constitution of Italy, tr. by S. M. Lindsay and L. S. 136. Economics in elementary schools, by S. N. Patten. 25c. 137. Break-up of the English party system, by E: Porntt, 25c. 138. Wieser's Natural value, by D. I. Green. 25c. 139. Money and bank credits in the United States, by H: W . Williams. 25e. _ ,...,.„ ■,- 140. How to save bimetallism, by the Due de Noailles. loc. 141. Elected or appointed officials? by J. G. Bourinot. 25c 142. Pacific Railway debts, by R.T.Colburn. 25c. 143. Terminology and the sociological conference, by H. u. Powers. 15c. 144. Neglected socialist, by F. C. Clark. 25c. 145. Uniform state legislation, by F: J. Stimson. 35c. 146. State supervision of cities, by J: R. Commons. l-5c. 147. Esi)loitation of theories of value in the discussion of the standard of deferred payments, by F. Fetter. 15c. 148. Industrial services of the railways, by E. R. Johnson. 25c 149. Units of investigation in the social sciences, by A. F. Bentlcy. 2:)c. . , »i. rv ■ 150. Story of a woman's municipal campaign by the Oivic Club for school reform in the seventh ward of the city of Philadelphia; ed. by Mrs. T. Williams. 50c. 151. Development of the present constitution of France, by R. Saleilles. fiOc. , . , . 152. Ethical basis of distribution and its application to tax- ation, by T. N. Carver. 2.5c. - ■,„„„ , .. 153. The minimum principle in the tariff of 1828 and its recent revival, by S. B. Harding. 2.5c. .rrr ^ ,r 154. Sources of American federalism, by W. C. Morey. 25c. " 155. Amendments to the Italian constitution, by G. A. Ruiz. 2oc. , /~, TT 156. Representation in New England legislatures, by Or. U. Haynes. 15p. Ihl. Income tax decisions, by C. G. Tiedeman. 15c. 158. Recent political experiments in the Swiss democracy, by L. Wuarin. 25c. 159. Social basis of proportional representation, by J. W. Jenks. 15c. 160. Custody of state funds, by W. II. Buckley. 1.5c. nil. Problem of sociology, by (f. .Simmel. 1.5c. 162. Railway departments for the relief and insurance of employes, by E. R. Johnson. 35c. 163. *Theory of social forces, by S.N. Patten. $1. 164. Nicaragua canal and the Monroe doctrine, by L. M. Keasbey. 25c. 165. Advantages of Nicaragua route, by J. W. Miller. 15c. 166. Nicaragua canal and the economic development of the United States, by E. R. Johnson. 15c. 167. Multiple money standard, by J. A. Smith. 50c. 168. An early essay on proportional representation, by E. J. James. 25c. 169. Rudolf von Gneist, by C. Bornhak. 25c. 170. Individual determinifim and social science, by G. Flamingo. 15c. American Academy] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Academy American Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Science, continued. 171. ♦CoiiBlitution of BelRium. Translation, with an histor- ical introduction, hy J. M. Vincent. .')0c. 172. Bryce's American Commonwealth, by E. J.James. 25c. 173. Political and municipal legislation in 1895, by E. D. Dnrand. lOc. 174. Formulation of normal laws, by 8. N. Patten. 2.5c. Recognition of Cuban belligerency, by A. 8. Hershey. 175, 15c. 176 177 Principles of sociology, by L. F. Ward. 25c. Fusion of political parties, by D. 8. Remsen. 15c. 178. Pennsylvania paper money, by C. W. Macfarlane. 50c. 179. Railway pooling, by M. A. Knapp. 25c. 180. Growth of the French Canadian race in America, by J. Davidson. 25c. 181. Financial procedure in the state legislatures, by E. L. Bogart. 25c. 182. Union Pacific railway, by J. P. Davis. 35c. 183. Uncertainty as a factor in production, by E. A. Ross. 25c. 184. Relation of sociology to psychology, by 8. N. Patten. 25c. 185. Postal savings banks, by E. T. Heyn. 25c. 186. A neglected chapter in the life of Comte, by W. H. Schoff. 2.5c. 187. New academic degrees at Paris. — Courses in politics at Lille, by C. W. Veditzr— E. P. Oberholtzer. 15c. 188. The high-school system, by L. R. Harley. 15c. 189. First apportionment of federal representatives in the U. 8., by E. J. James. 35c. 190. Crime and the census, by R. P. Falkner. 25c. 191. Values, positive and relative, by W. &. L.Taylor. 35c. 192. Current transportation topics, by E. R. Johnson. 15c. 193. Concentration of industry and machinery in the U. S., by E. Levasseur. 2oc. 194. Free silver coinage and the legal tender decisions, by C. G. Tiedeman. 15c. 195. The quantity theory of money, by W. A. Scott. 15c. 196. Political and municipal legislation in 1896, by E. D. Durand. 15c. 197. Genius, fame and the comparison of races, by C. H. Cooley. 35c. 198. *Handbool£ of the Academy. $1. 199. Silver in China, by T. Williams. 2.5c. 200. State constitutions of the American revolution, by W. C. Webster. 35c. 201. The immigration question, by J. H. Senner. 25c. 202. Greater New York, by J. W. Pryor. 15c. 203. Over nutrition and its social consequences, by 8. N. Patten. 25c. 204. Rousseau and the French revolution, by C. H. Lincoln. 15c. 205. The George Junior republic, by W. I. Hull. 15c. 206. The shiftless and floating city population, by E. T. Devine. 15c. 207. Problems of political science, by L. 8. Rowe. 25c. 208. Administrative centralization and decentralization in England, by J. T. Young. 25c. 209. Philosophic basis of economics, by 8. Sherwood. 35c. 210. Current transportation topics, no. 2, by E. R. John- son. 15c. 211. Bulletin, no. 1. 10c. 212. Political philosophy of Aristotle, by I. Loos. 25c. 213. Utility and cost as determinants of value, by C. Stoe- ver. 25c. 214. Bulletin, no. 2. 10c. 215. Administration of Prussian railroads, by B. H. Meyer. 25c. 216. Place of the political and social sciences in modern education, by E. J. James. 25c. 217. Bulletins, nos. 3-4. 20c. 218. Economic relation of life insurance to society and state, by L. G. Fouse. $1. 219. The study of the negro problems, by W. E. B. DuBois. 25c. 220. Administrative centralization and decentralization in France, by J. T. Young. 25c. 221. Relation of postal savings banks to commercial banks, by J. H. Hamilton. 15c. 222. Bulletin, no. 5. 15c. 223. Economic effects of ship canals, by J. A. Fairlie. 25c. 224. *Handbook of the Academy. $1. 225. Proposed reforms of the monetary system, by J. F. Johnson. 25c. 226. Sociology applied to politics, by F. Sigel. 35c. 227. Political and municipal legislation in 1897, by E. D. Durand. 15c. 228. Intervention and the recognition of Cuban indepen- dence, by A. 8. Hershey. 25c. Note. For descriptive list of publications, see Publishers' Trade List Annual. American Academy] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Antiq. Soc. American Academy of Railway Surf^cons. Organized 1804. (T. B. Lacey, M.D., sec., 536 6th Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa.) Transactions. Annual. 1894-7. cl. American and Foreign Christian Union. Cihj. The Christian World, v. 1-16. 8". New York Organized 1812. (Ed- Worceste}', Mass. 1820-85. 8». American Antiquarian Society, mund M. Barton, libn.) Arch(Bologia Americana. 7 v. Proceedings. 64 nos. 1843-80. Proceedings. New series. Vol. 1-9. 1882-95. 8". An account of the American Antiquarian Society, by Isaiah Thomas. 1813. 32 p. H'K An addrcsR to the members, by William Jenks. 1813. 28 p. 8». An address, 1813, by Abiel Holmes. 1814. 29 p. 8". An address to the members, by William Paine. 1815. 27 p. 8". Communication from the president of the society [Isaiah Thomas] to the members, 1814. 1815. 27 p. 8". Address to the members, together with the laws and regula- tions of the institution, etc. 1819. 38 p. 8". Address at Worcester, August 24, 1820, by Isaac Goodwin. 1820. 17 p. 8". Address, by William Lincoln. 1835. 19 p. 80. Catalogue of books in the library, 1837. Issued by letters, paged independently. Notice of the life and character of John Davis, by Thomas Kinnicutt. 1854. 26 p. 8". A discourse of Virginia, by Edward Maria Wingfield, first president of the colony, ed. by Charles Deane. 1860. 45 p. 8". 100 copies. Large paper. Records of the council for New England, ed. by Charles Deane. 1807. 10 (16), 11-83 p. 8». Records of the council for New England, ed. by Charles Deane. 1867. (21, 53-131 p. 8". Essay on the " Star-spangled banner " and national songs, by Stephen Salisbury. Second edition with additional notes and songs. 1873. 24 p. 8". 100 copies. A brief notice of the library and cabinet of the society, by Nathaniel Paine. 1873. 59 p. 8". plates. 150 copies. Memoir of Isaiah Thomas, by his grandson, Benjamin Franklin Thomas. 1874. 73 p. 8". portrait. Address to the members, 1816, by William Bentley. 1875. 26 p. 8". Records of the council for New England : some newly dis- covered portions, with remarks on the adverse fortunes of the council, by Charles Deane. 1875. 51 p. 8". Account of the society with a list of its publications, pre- pared for the international exhibition of 1876, by Nathaniel Paine. 1876. 30 p. 8". photographs. Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne and the convention of Sara- toga, one hundred years ago, by Charles Deane. 1878. 71 p. 80. List of books received from the sale of the first part of the Brinley library; with a catalogue of the Mather publications previously in the library, compiled by Nathaniel Paine. 1879, 67 p. 25 copies. Mexican copper tools; the use of copper by the Mexicans before the conquest, by Philip J. J. Valentini. From the German, by Stephen Salisbury, jr. 1879. 41 p. S*. il. 50 copies. The Katunes of Maya history, a chapter in the early chron- ology of Central America, by P. J. J. Valentini, tr. by Stephen Salisbury, jr. 1880. 60 p. 8". il. Two Mexican Chalchihuites, the Flumboldt celt, and the Leyden plate, by P. J. J. Valentini. 1881. 24 p. 8". il. Partial index to the proceedings of the society, from its foundation in 1812 to 1880, by Stephen Salisbury, jr. With a table of contents of all the publications and reprints of the society to April, 1883, with prices, by Nathaniel Paine. 1883. sx, 86 p. 8°. Saxon tithing men in America, by Herbert B. Adams. 1883. (2) 23 p. 8°. (Also no. 4 of the Johns Hopkins University Studies in Hist, and Polit. Sci.J First essays at banking and the first i)aper money in New England, by J. Hammond Trumbull. 1884. 40 p. 8". Action of the council on the death of Stephen Salisbury, president. 188.T. 43 p. 8". i)ortrait. Obligations of New England to the county of Kent, by George F. Hoar. 1885. 30 p. 8". Connection of Massachusetts with slavery and the slave trade, by Charles Deane. 1886. ,34 p. 8". Use of the voluntary system in the maintenance of ministers in the colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay, by Samuel Swctt Green. 1886. 42 p. 8", American Antiq. Soc] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Association American Antiquarian Society, continued. Selections from letters received by David Daggett, 1786-1802. 1887. 14 p. S". Bibliographical notes on Witclicraft in MaseachusettB, by George H. Moore. 1888. 32 p. 8". Legislative history of the ordinance of 1887, by John M. Merrianj. 1888. 42"p. 8". The .Aborigines of Australia, by Edward G. Porter. 1890. 22 p. 8". 3 plates. Northern boundary of Massachusetts in its relations to New Hampshire, by Samuel A. Green. 1891. 24 p. 8". Charles Deveus, Ileury At. De.xter, Edward I. Thomas, by George F. Hoar. 1S91. 17 p. S". Thomas Coram in Boston and Taunton, by Hamilton Andrews Hill. 1892. 18 p. 8". Wheeler's defeat, 1675. Where? At Meminimisset meadow, by Samuel Abbott Green. 1893. 3 p. 8''. folded map. Note. A very large number of reprints from the proceed- ings have been i.^sued separately. See Griftin's Bibliography of Am. Hist. Societies. Amerinan Anti-Slavery Society. Organized 1833. (William Lloyd Garrison, president.) Constitution, and address to the public. 1833. Annual reports. Tracts. Proceedings at its second decade. 1853. — at its third decade. 1863. ^ Note. The report of proceedings at its third decade lias an appendix containing an incomplete list of anti-slavery pub- lications in America from 17'>0 to 1863, including periodicals, tracts, addresses, etc., as well as books. Such as were issued by the society are, however, not usually indicated specifically, and it would probably be impossible at"tl)is date to make np a complete and reliable list of those so issued. The literature of the subject is voluminous. For such information as is most readily accessible, reference is advised to the report herein named. American Anti-ViAnsection Society. Organized 1883. (Miss Adele Biddle, sec, 2033 Pine St.) 1530 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Fa. Journal of Zoophily, ed. by Mrs. C. E. White and Mrs. Mary L-ovell, monthly. 6 v. 1892-8. Annual Reports. 1888-98. Uselessness of vivisection as a method of research, by Law- son Tail. Vivisection, by Henry J. Bigelow, M.D. Does science need secrecy? by Albert Lefiingwell, M.D. Illustrations of vivisection, by Frances Power Cobbe. Mistaken enthusiasm, by Mrs. C. E. White. 1895. 12 p. 50c. per ICO. "Medical opinions" on vivisection, by Mrs. S. L. Emory. 1898. 2u p. 10c. per doz. Mimetic diseases, by Dr. Matthew Woods. 1898. §1 per 100. Note. Several other brief tracts or leaflets have been issued. American Association for the Advancement of Educa- tion. Organized about 1850. Third annual meeting, Pittsburgh, 1853 Proceedings of 6th session, 1855. 8". American .Association for the Advancement of Physical Education. Organized 1885. (Geo. W. Fitz, cor. sec, Cambridge, Mass.) Boston, Mass. Proceedings. 1885-1895 8". American physical education review (quarterly). 1896-]- American Association for the Adrancement of Science. Organized 1848. (L. 0. Howard, permanent sec. Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C.) Proceedings. Annual, v. 1, 1849— v. 47, 1898. 47 v. ea , pap., $1.50; cl., $2; hf. mor., $2.50. Note. Succeeded Association of American Geologists and Naturalists. American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. Or- .ganized (?) Proceedings, v. 1-6. 1870-5. 8". 1871-5. American Association for the Relief of Misery of Battle- fields. Organized (?) Constitution. 4". Netr York. 1866. i Minutes of 1st and 2d meetings. 4°. New York. 1867. The work of humanity in waV. Sm. 4". Neio York. 1870. I . Bulletin No. 2. 8". 1856. Hartford. American Association] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Baptist American Association for the Study and Cure of In- ebriety. Organized 1870. (Dr. T. D. Crothers, sec. and ed., Hartford, Conn.) Journal of IiiebrUlij {(\\x-Axiey\y). 1876-98. subs., $2 per year. Inebriety aud its diseiiBes ; ed. by T. D. Crothers. 8". 1893. $2.76. Trent. American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers. Organized IHO"). (F. E. Dawley, pres., Fayette- viUe, N. Y.) Annual reports. 1895-8. 4 v. pap. free. American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecolo- gists. Organized 1888. (Wm. Warren Totter, sec, 284 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y.) Transactions, v. 1-10. 1888-f-. 10 v. 8". el.,ea. $.5. American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. Organized 1890. (Dr. Z. F. Westervelt, sec, 945 N. St. Paul St., Roches- ter, N. Y.) Report of the proceedings of the first summer meeting. 1891. 437 p. 4". pap., $1. Keport of second summer meeting. 1892. 336 p. 4". pap., 75c. Report of fourth summer meeting (issued in sections), 1-14. 10c. to 20c. Report of fifth summer meeting. 1896. 276 p. 4". pap., 75c. Rochester School for the Deaf. Circulars of information : 1. The word method, by David Greenberger. 1891. 18 p. 4". pap., 25c. 2. The Lyon phonetic manual, by Edmund Lyon. 1891. 73 p. 4". cl. and pap., 50c. 3. Whipple natural alphabet, by Daisy M. Way. 1892. 48 p. 4". 25c. American Astronomical Society. Organized (?). Brooklyn^ N. Y. Papers, nos. 1-3, 1885-8. Now merged witli the Brooklyn Institute. American Bankers' Association. Organized 1875. (Ja. R. Branch, sec.) 20 Broad St., New York City. I'roceedings of the annual conventions; with constitution, by-laws, and app. ; also lists of the otticers and members of the association. 8". pap., gratis. American Baptist Historical Society. Organized 185B. (Rev. B. MacMackin, sec) 1420 Chestnut St., Fhilo-delphia, Pa. Annual Reports. 11th, 1864-44th, 1897. Xote. Reports for previous years printed in the annual reports of the Baptist Publication Society. Early Baptists of Virginia, by liobt. Boyle C. Howell. 1857. 120 p. 8". Philosophy of history and the Baptist element in history, by C. Billings Smith. 8". American Baptist preaching of the 17th and ISth centuries, by Silas Bailey. 18.'>8. 46 (2) p. 8". Historical vindications, by S. 8. (hitting. 18.'i9. 224 p. 12". Place of Baptists in Protestant Christendom, by George R. Bliss. 1862. 20 p. 8". The Serampore mission and the missionaries, by Hon. Edward A. Newton. 18fi2. 30 p. 8". The Unitarian apostasy and the relations of the Baptists thereto, by O. O. Eddy. 1864. 39 p. 12". American Baptist Home Mission Society. Organized 1832. (Thos. J. Morgan, sec) 111 Fifth Ave., New York City. The Baptist ffome Mission Monthhj. Thos. J. Morgan, ed. 20 v. 8". 50c. per aun. Un-nie Mission Echoes (Monthly). Ed. by Mrs. M. C. Rey- nolds and H. L. Morehouse. 4". 20c. Annual reports. Baptist Home Missions in America, by H. L. Morehouse. 620 p. 8». cl., $2. American Baptist Publication Society. 1420 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Publishes Baptist tracts and books : for catalogue, see Pub- lishers' Trade List Annual. American Bar] PUBI.TCATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American College Organized 1878. (J: Charles St., Baltimore, , pap., 75c.; cl. American Bar Association. Ilinkley, sec., 215 N Md.) Reports. Annual, v. 1-21, 1878— 1898, $1. 8ct8 free to public libraries. Note. An iudex to the above will be published about March 1, 1899. American Berkshire Association. Organized 1875. (C: F. Mills, ed., 512 E. Monroe St.) Spring- field, III. American Berkshire [pig] record, v. 1, 1875— v. 17, 1897. 16". ea., $5. Berkshire year book ; ed. by C 16". ea., $1. F. Mills. V. 1-3. 1894-96, Organized 181G. Bible House. American Bible Society New York City. Publishes Bibles only, in all languages, sizes and styles; for catalogue, see Publishers' Trade List Annual. American Bible Union. New York. Bible Union Reporter (monthly). Bible Union Quarterly. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis- sions. Organized 1810. (Rev. C. C. Creegan, sec, 105 E. 22d St., New York City.) Congrega- tional House, 14 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. The Misaionary Herald (monthly). 75c. (This was begun in 1810 as The Panoplist.) Annual reports, 1810-98. Annual sermon before the A. B. C. F. M. Missionary papers. New series, no. 1, 1831-?. Mission stories of many lands. 1897. In lauds afar. 1898. Also various pamphlets and leaflets, etc. The following are publications of the Woman's Board of Missions : Life and Light for Women (monthly). 60c. Mis,no7i Day Spring (monthly). $3 for 25 copies. (Also various leaflets, etc.) American Catholic Historical Society. Organized 1884. (Dr. L. E. Flick, chm. com. on pub. ; Rev. M. P. Hill, ag.) 715 Spruce St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Records. (Quarterly.) 10 v. 1884-98. 8". $2 per v. Bulletin. (Quarterly.) v. 1:1-4. 1892. op. American Chemical Society. Organized and incorpor- ated 1876. (Ed. Hart, ed., Easton, Pa.) Journal. Ed. Hart, ed. v. 1-20:7. 1879-98. 8". $5 per an., payable in adv. Chem. Pub. Co., Easton, Pa. Proceedings, v. 1-4. 1877-81. American Chemical Society : "Washington Section. Or- ganized 1884. (A. C. Peale, libn., 605 12th St., N. W.) Washington, D. C. Bulletin, nos. 1-9, 1884-93. O. American Church Missionary Society. Organized I860. (Rev. W. Dudley Powers, D.D., gen. sec.) 281 Fourth Ave., New York City. Register. 1863. Reports. Ist, 1861-39th, 1898. 8". pap. Echo of Mission Work in Brazil, the Home Field, and Cuba. (Quarterly.) v. 4 current, il. subs., 60c. per year. Note. Issued March, May, July, Dec. American Climatological Association. Organized 1884. (Dr. Guy Hinsdale, sec, 3943 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.) Transactions, v. 1, 1884— v. 14, 1898. 8". ea., net, $2. Blak- iston. Note. V. 1, o. p. : no. v. for 1893 was issued ; v. 11, ed. by G. Hinsdale contains general index of v. 1-11. American College. Cincinnati, O. (?) American Medical Journal, v. 1-|-? 1856-? 8o. American College and Education Society. Organized 1875. See Congregational Education Society. lO American Colonization] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Economic American Colonization Society. Organized 1817. (J. Ormond Wilson, sec, 450 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.) Washington, D. C. African Repositorij (monthly). 1825-74. — Same (quarterly). 1875-92. Coutiuued as : /,i^(;rJa, bullctiiiB; ed. by J. O. Wilson, nos. 1-13. 1892-98 [two noB. yearly]. 4". ea., pap., 25c. Reports. Annual. 1818-98. Half century memorial. 1867. 191 p. 4'\ American Congregational Association, Organized 1853, as the Congregational Library Association. Pres- ent name assumed in ls(;4. (William H. Cobb, libn., 207 Congregational House.) Boston, Mass. Reports. Annual. Ist, 1854-45th, 1898. Proceedings at the dedication of the Congregational House. 1873. 8". cl. American Copyright League. Organized 1883. (R. U. Johnson, sec, 33 E. 17th St.) New York • City. Cheap books and good books, by Brander Matthews. '88. T). What American authors think about international copyright. '88. D. American authors and British pirates, by Brander Matthews. '89. D. A memorial of American authors [fac-simile signatures]. O. The advocates of international copyright. '9U. O. The scheme to defeat the copyright bill : an analysis of R. Pearsall Smith's scheme for international copyright, by G. H. Putnam. O. International copyright, by Theo. L. De Vinne. '89. O. Objections to the copyright bill refuted, by R. U. Johnson, sec. O. An international copyright will not increase the price of books, by G. H. Putnam. '90. O. (And other leaflets, petitions, etc.) American Dental Association. Organized 1860. Merged, 1897, in the National Dental Associa- tion, which see. » American Dermatological Association. Organized 187fi. (Dr. Geo. T. Jackson, sec, 14 E. 31st St., New York city.) Transactions. 1-22. 1877-98. 8". 1878-98. American Dialect Society. Organized 1888. (O. F. Emerson, sec, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, O.) Dialect Notes, pt. 1, 1890-pt. 9, 1896. 9 nos. unbound. 12°. ea., $1. No. 9 contains a complete index and closes v. 1. Xote. Pts. 1-7 were issued in Boston; pt. S in Norwood, Mass. American Economic Association. Organized 1885. (Walter F. Willcox, sec, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.) Publications, v. 1, 1886— v. 10 : 3, 1895. O. ea., $5; unbd., $4. Cont. : V. 1, no. 1 : Report of the organization of the Assoc, by R: T. Ely. — 2, 3. Relation of the modern municipality to the gas supply, by E. J. James. — 4. Cooperation in a western city, by A. Shaw. — 5. Cooperation in New Eng., by E. W. Bemis. — 6. Relation of the State to industrial action, by H: C. Adams. V. 2, no. 1 : Three phases of cooperation in the West, by A. G. Warner. — 2. Historical sketch of the liuances of Pennsyl- vania, by T. K. Worthington. — 3. Railway question, by E. J. James.— 4. Karly history of the Eng. woolen industry, by W. J. Ashley. — 5. Two chapters on the mediaeval guilds of Eng., by E. R. A. Seligman. — fi. Relation of modern municipalities to quasi-public works, by II: C. Adams |aud others]. v. 3, no. 1 : Three papers read at meeting in Boston : Sta- tistics in colleges, by C. D. Wright; Sociology and political economy, by F. II. Giddings; The legal-tender decisions, by E. J. James. —2. Capital and its earnings, by J. B. Clark. — 3. pt. 1 : The manual laboring class, by F. A.Walker; pt. 2: Mine labor in the Hocking Valley, by E. W. Bemis; pt. 3: Report of the second annual meeting, by R: T. Ely. — 4,5. Statistics and economics, by R: M. Smith. — 6. Stability of prices, by S. N. Patten, II American Economic] PUBLICATIOiYS OF SOCIETIES [American Electro- American Economic Association, continued. V. 4, no. 1 : Coutributions to the wages question : Theory of wages, by S. Wood; I'ossihility of a ecieiitilic law of wages, by J: B. Clark. — 2. Socialism in Kiig., by S. Webb. — 3. Road legislation for the American State, by J. W. Jenks.— 4. Report of proceedings of the third annual meeting of the Assoc, by R.T. Ely, with addresses by W: Pepper and F. A. Walker.— 0. pt. 1 : Afalthus and Uicardo, by 8. N. Patten ; pt. 2 : Study of statistics, by I). R. Dewey ; pt. 3 : Analysis in political economy, by W: W. Kolwell. — 6. An honest dollar, by E. B. Andrews. V. 5, no. 1 : Industrial transition in Japan, by Y. Ono. — 2. Two prize essays on child labor : no. 1, by W. F. WiHoughby : no. 2, by C. de Graffenreid. — 3, 4 : Two papers on the canal question: pt. 1, by E.J.James; pt. 2, by L. M. Ilaupt. — -5. History of the New York property tax, by J; C.Schwab. — 6. Educational value of political economy, by 8. N. Patten. V.6: 1, 2: Report of the proceedings of the fourth annual meeting of the Association. — 3. pt. 1 : Government forestry abroad, by G. Pinchot; pt. 2 : Present condition of the forests on the public lands, by E: A. Bowers; pt. 3: Practicability of an American forest administration, by B. E. Fernow. — 4, 5. Municipal ownership of gas In the United States, by E: W. Bemis. — 6. State railroad commissions and how they may be made effective, by F: C. Clark. V. 7:1: Silver situation in the United States, by F. W. Taussig. — 2, 3. On the shifting and incidence of taxation, by E. R. A. Sellgman. — 4, 5. Sinking-funds, by E: A. Ross. — 6. Reciprocity treaty with Canada of 1854, by F. E. Haynes. V. 8 ; 1 : Report of the proceedings of the fifth annual meeting of the Association. — 2, 3. Housing of the poor in American cities, by M. T. Reynolds. — 4, 5. Public assist- ance of the poor in France, by E. G. Balch. — 6. First stages of the tariff policy of the United States, by W: Hill. v. 9:1, 2: Progressive taxation in theory and prac- tice, by E. R. A. Sellgman. — 3. Theory of transportation, by C: H. Cooley. — 4. Sir William Petty: a study in English economic literature, by W: L. Bevan. — 5, 6. Papers read at the seventh annual meeting : Modern appeal to legal forces in economic life, by J: B.Clark; Chicago strike, by C.D.Wright; Unemployed, by D. R. Dewey; Pope and the encyclical on labor, by J: Q. Brooks; Population and capital, by A. T. Hadley. V. 10: 1-3: Canadian banking system, 1817-1890, by R. M. Breckenridge. — 4. Poor laws of Mass. and N. Y., by J. Cum- mings. 135 p. 75c. — 5, 6. Letters of Ricardo to McCulloch, 1816-23, ed. with introduction and notes, by J. H. Hollender. 185 p. pap., $1.25; cl. $2. V. 11 : 1-3. Race traits and tendencies of the Am. negro, by F.L.Hoffman. 329 p. pap., $1.25; cl., $2. — 4. Apprecia- tion and interest, by Irving Fisher. 100 p. 75c. General contents and index of v. 1-11. 1886-96. New series: issued at irregular intervals. 1. The cotton industry: an essay in American economic history, by M. B. Hammond. 382 p. pap., $1.50; cl., $2. Economic studies (bi-monthly). Jfacini'Jan Co. V. 1, 1896. Handbook and report of 8th ann. meeting. 178 p. •50c. — 1. Theory of economic progress, by J. B. Clark; Rela- tion of changes in the volume of currency to prosperity, by F. A. Walker. 45 p. 60c. — 2. Adjustment of wages to effi- ciency; 3 papers: Gain sharing, by H. R. Towne; The pre- mium plan, by F. A. Halsey; A piece-rate system, by F. W. Taylor. 84 p. 50c. —3. The populist movement, by F. L. McVey. 88 p. 50c. — 4. Present monetary situation, by W. Lexis; trans, by J. Cummings. 71 p. .50c. — 5, 6. Street railway problem in Cleveland, by W. R. Hopkins. 95 p. 75c. v. 2, 1897. Handbook and report of 9th ann. meeting. 162 p. 50c. — 1. Economicsand jurisprudence, by H. C. Adams. 48 p. 50c. — 2. The saloon question in Chicago, by J. E. George. 60 p. .50c. —3. The general property tax in California, by C. C Plehn. 90 p. .50c. — 4. Area and population of the U. 8. at the 11th census, by W. F. Willcox. .59 p. 50o. — 5. Discus- sion concerning the currencies of the British plantations in America, etc., by Wm. Douglass, ed. by C. J. Bullock. 118 p. 60c. — 6. Density and distribution of population in the U. S. at the 11th census, by W. F. Willcox. 80 p. .50c. V. 3, 1898. Handbook and report of the 10th ann. meeting. 135 p. .50c. — 1. Government by injunction, by W. H. Dun- bar. 43 p. .50c.— 2. Economic aspects of railroad receiver- ships, by H. H. Swain. 118 p. .50c. — 3. The Ohio tax In- quisitor law, by T. N. Carver. 94 p. 50c. Hand-book and report of the 6th and 7th annual meetings of the Association. American Education Society. Organized 1816. See Congregational Education Society. American ?::iectro-Therapeutic Association. Organized 1891. (Dr. John Gerin, sec, 68 North St., Au- burn, N. Y.) Transactions. 1891-97. 7 v. ca., $1. American Entomological] PUBLICATIONS 01'' SOCIETIES [American Fi)lk-Loie American Entomological Society. Now a section of the Acudciny of Natural Sciences of I'liilu delphia. See rhiladclpliia. American Ethical Union. Organized 1887 as Tin- Union of Societies for Ethical Cnlture. Present name taken in 18!)3. (S. Burns Weston, sec, 1305 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.) Ethical Record, quarterly, v. 1: 1, April, 1888— v. 3: 2, July, 1890. Succeeded by the International Journal 0/ Ethics, published by 8. B. Weston. Ethical Aildrexses, axonWiXy, except July and August. 1st eer., 18U4-r)th ser., 1898. 75c. per vol., el. ; ea. no., 6c. Ist ser., 1SU4 : What do we stand for, by Kelix Adler. — An ethical view of life, by W. M. Saltei-. — What does it mean to be religious, and what is religion, by W. L. Sheldon. — The religion of ethical culture, by M. M. Mangasarian. — The modern saint, by Felix AdUr. ^ Morality, What does U mean? by W. M. Salter. — True Liberalism, by W. L. Shel- don. — Teaching and teachers, by M. M. Mangasarian. — Prayer and worship, by Felix Adler. — The highest rule of -life, by W. M. Salter. 2d ser., 189.) : What we mean by duty, by W. L. Sheldon. — Our besetting sins, by M. M. Mangasarian. — " Ethical agnos- ticism," by W. M. Salter. — Ojnsolations, by Felix Adler. — Worship in the spirit, by W. L. Sheldon. — The freedom of ethical fellowship, by Felix Adler. — 'J'he next step in (Jhris- tianity, by W. M. Salter. —" Ethics or religion? " by W. M. Salter. — The four types of suffering, by Felix Adler. — Octavius B. Frothingham memorial exercises, by E. C. Sted- raan, G. 11. I'utnam, G. C. Barrett and Felix Adler. 3d ser., 1896 : The Monroe doctrine and the war spirit in the United States, by Felix Adler. — The Venezuelan question, by W. M.Salter. — The new woman, by W. L. Sheldon. — Bad wealth and how it is sometimes got, by W. M. Salter. — Address of May 15th, 1876, by Felix Adler. — Twentieth An- niversary of the Society for Ethical Culture of New York, ad- dresses by Alfred R. Wolff, W. M. Salter, M. M. Mangasarian, and Felix Adler. — Armenia's impending doom, by M. M. Mangasarian. — The international ethical congress, by Felix Adler. — Woman's influence in public affairs, by Mrs. Lydia Avery Coonley and Mrs. Mary J. Wilmarth. — Good and bad side of novel reading, by W. L. Sheldon. 4th ser., 1897: The cause of ethics, by W. M. Salter.— Our faith and our duty, by 8. Burns Weston. — How far does the ethical society take the place of a church? by Felix Adler. — What to believe: An ethical creed, by W. L. Sheldon. — Moral and spiritual edncatiou of .children, by VV^. Sauford Evans. — The progress of the ethical movement, by F. W. Fuerster. — The justice of the single tax, by W. M. Salter. — The modern attitude toward religion, by Prof. Morris Jastrow. — Why progress is so slow : Edward Bellamy again, by W. L. Sheldon. — Does justice triumph in the end? a study of Shakespeare's " Lear," by W. L. Sheldon.. 5th ser., 1898 (in progress) : The Ethical Culture Society as the meeting ground of Gentiles and Jews, by Felix Adler. — What is of permanent value in the Bible (the Old Testament) ? by W. M. Salter. — What is of permanent value in the Bible (the New Testament)? by W. M. Salter. — The punishment of children, by Felix Adler. — The same, concluded. — Ethics of the war with Spain, by S. B. Weston. American Ethnological Society. Organized 1844. (Anthony Woodward, Ph.D., lihn. ; Prof. Alb. S. Bickmore, cor. sec.) Library at the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History, 77t.h St. and Sth Ave., New York City. Transactions. 2 v. 1845, 48. 8". pap. o. p. Bartlett & We I ford. — V. 3:1. 18.53. 202 p. Observations on the aboriginal monuments of the Mississippi Valley, by E. G. Squier. 79 p. 8o. folded map. (From ▼. 2 of the Transactions.) American Folk-Lore Society. Organized 1888. (W: AV. Newell, sec, 175 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass.) Journal of American Folk-Lore (quarterly), v. 1, 18>>8— V. 11, 1898. 11 V. 8". ea., $3. Ifoughton, M. cfe Co. Memoirs of the American Folk-lore Society. 1894-97. 5 v. 8". Houghton, 3/. <(• Co. Cant. :' 1. Folk tales of Angola, ed. by H. Chatelain. $:! net. 2. Louisiana folk-tales, ed. by A. Fortier. $2 net. 3. Bahamasongsand stories, "ed. by C: L.Edwards. $3.50nel. 4. Current superstitions, collected by Fanny D. Bergen. 1896. «3..50 net. 5. Nav.ijo legends, collected and translated by Washington Matthews. 3 col. plates, map, 45 lis., and melodies. 1897. $6 net. 0. Traditions of the Thompson river Indians, collected by James Teit. 1898. $3.50 not. America 11 Forestry] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIEriRS [American Historical American Forestry Association. Organized 1882. (Geo. P. Whittlesey, rec. sec, Atlantic Bklg.) Washington, D. C. Bulletin, nos. 1-3. May, '84-Jan., '85. The Foreatrr. Monthly, beginning Jan., 1898, witli v. 4. 8". $1 per anuum. Proceedings, v. 1-12. 1881-1897. 8». v. 1-6. o. p. American Geographical Societ}'. Organized 1852. Previous to 1871 called American Geographical and Statistical Society. (Geo. C. Hurlbut, libn.) 11 W. 29th St., New York City. Bulletin, vols. 1,2. 1852,1856. 8". o. p. Bulletin. 5 times a year, foriniug the Journal, v. 1, 1859— v. 3U, 1898. ea., $4, cl. 8°. Proceedings. 2 v. 1862, 64. 8". 2 maps. American Gynaecological Society. Organized 1876. (Dr. J. Riddle Goffe, sec, 22 E. 35th St., New York City.) TransaclioDB; v. 1-23; with index. 1876-97. 23 v. 8'^. ea., linen, $5. II . ,/. Dornan, Phil. Note. Full sets in all the principal medical libraries, especially Academy of Medicine, New York. American Health Convention [of Grahamites]. Report of proceedings. 2, 1839. 8". American Historical Association. Organized 1884; incorporated 1889. (A. Howard Clark, assist- ant sec. and curator, Smithsonian Institution.) Washington, D. C. Papers. O. v. 1, 1885— v. 5, 1891. cl., $5 per v. net. Put- nam. Cord. : V. 1, no. 1 : Report of the organization and proceed- ings of the Assoc, Saratoga, Sept. 9-10, 1884, by H. B. Adams. 50c. — 2. Address on studies in general history and the history of civilization, by A. D. White. 50c. — 3. History of the management of federal land grants for education in the Northwest Territory, by G: W. Knight. $1.-4. Louisiana purchase and its influence upon the American system, by C. F. Robertson. 50c. — 5. History of the appointing power of the President, by L. M. Salmon. %\. — 6. Report of pro- ceedings, Saratoga, Sept. 8-10, 1885, by H. B. Adams. 60c. v. 2, no. 1 : Report of proceedings, Washington, April, 1886, by H. B. Adams. $1. — 2. History of the doctrine of comets, by A. D. White. 25c. — 3. Willem Usselinx, founder of the Dutch and Spanish West India Companies, by J; F. Jameson. ■$1. — 4. Church and state in the U. S., by P. Schaff. $1. V. 3. no. 1 : Report of proceedings, Boston and Cambridge, May 21-24, 1887, by H. B. Adams. .$1.50.-2. Report of proceedings, Washington, Dec. 26-28, 1888, by H. B. Adams. $1.50. V. 4, no. 1 : Report of the proceedings, Washington, Dec, 1889. pap., $1.-2. Oi-igin of the national scientific and educational inBtitutions of the United States, by G. Brown Goode. $1. — 3. Mutual obligations of the ethnologist and historian, by Otis T. Mason, and other papers. — 4. Materials for the history of the government of the Southern Confederacy, by J: O. Sumner, and other papers. 1890. $1. V. 5, nos. 1, 2 : Report of the proceedings, Washington, Jan. and Apr., 1891, by H. B. Adams, and other papers. $2. — 3. Fate of Dietrich Flade, by G: L. Burr, and other papers. 1891. $1. — 4. Slavery in New York : the status of the slave under the English colonial government, by E: V. Morgan, and other papers. 1891. $1. Annual reports [including Papers] . 1889-97. 10 v. 1890- 98. 8". Special ed., 1889-93, printed for the assoc on large paper. $4; pap., $3. Note. Issued as government publications since the incor- poration of the society. For contents, s^ee in American cata- logue. Appendix U. S. Government Publications, Smithsonian Institution. Bibliography of American historical societies, by A. P. C. Griffin. 1896. 8«'. pap. Reprinted from Annual report for 1895. Second annual report of the Historical Manuscript Commis- sion, Dec. 30, 1897, by J. F. Jameson and others. 283 p. 8". pap., $2. (From the annual report for 1S97.) Note. A number of papers and addresses have been reprinted separately. See Griffin's Bibliography of American historical societies named above. Note. Since Dec. 31, 1890, the American Society of Church History has formed the "Church History Section of the American Historical Association," and its publications may be obtained from Mr. Clark, as above. For list of these publica- tions, see American Society of Church History. American Historical] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Ainericaii Institute '. 1878-85. Organized (?). i. 1-5. 8". Iiidiiin- American Historical Society. Organized 183.^. Wash- ington, D.C. Tiansactious. v. 1. 18.39. 8°. DUcouisu, Jan. 30, 18:56, by Lewis Cass. 1830. 5S p. 8". DiHcoui-se at second annual meeting, Jan. 20, ISI'.T, by Levi Woodbury. 1837. b7 p. 8". American Home Missionary Society. Now Cougregatioual Home Missionary Society, w/iU/i nee. American Homoeopathic Ophthalmological and Otolog- ical Society. Organized (?). Transactions. 1, 1878. 3-9, 1879-85. American Horticultural Society. Indianapolis, Ind. Transactions. Ed. by \V. II. Ragan apolis, Ind., (?)-1888. S". Note. Previous to 1855 the Bociely was called the Missis- sippi Valley Horticultural Society. American Humane Association. Organized 1877. (Fs. H. Rowley, sec, 1(53 Winter St., Fall River, Mass.) Proceedings, 1877-1898. Report of the Association on vivisection in America, by A. Lctlingwell. Report of the Association on vivisection in schools, by A. Leflingwell. Suggestions for legislative enactment in the states and terri- toiies relative to the prevention of cruelty to animals and children. Unwanted children, by Hon. Ja. M. Brown. The extermination of birds, by Caroline Spencer, 1897. American Humane Education Society. Organized and incorporated 1889. (Joseph L. Stevens, sec.) 19 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Black Beauty. By Anna Sewall. 1890. 12o. cl., 25c. pap., 10c. Note. Also in German, Greek, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, French, Italian, Telugu, Norwegian, and Hiudustanee. Our gold mine at Hollyhurst. By Mary M. Bray. 1893. 12°. cl., 25c. pap., 10c. The strike at Shane's. By James M. Sheltou. 1893. 12°. cl., 25c. pap., 10c. Beautiful Joe. By Marshall Saunders. 1893. cl. 12"., 72c. 16"., 30c. Am. BtiptiHt Pub. Soc. Four months in New Hampshire. By Ellen A. Barrows. 1894. 12". el., 25c. pap., lOc. The best way of settling difficulties between capital and labor. By Wm. Walker. 1895. 12". pap., 5c. The humane horse book. By Geo. T. Augell. 1895. 12". pap., 5c. Angell prize contest recitations, ed. by Emma Rood Tnttle. 1896. 12". pap., 16c. Hudson rattle. Autobiographical sketches and recollections, by Geo. 'l\ Angell. 1S97. 8". cl., 25c. pap., 10c. For pity's sake, by Sarah Nelson Carter. 1897, 1898. 12". cl., SOc. De Wolfe, Finke A- Co. pap., 10c. Some of New York's "400." By Octavia Clouston. 1898. 120. pap., lOc. Note. Also numerous leaflets, pamphlets, etc. American Hygienic and Hydropathic Association of Physicians and Surgeons. Organized (?). Constitution and proceedings of 1st and 2d ann. meetings. 12". New York. 1851. American Institute. Organized 1828. New York Citxj. Address, by Gen. Tallmadge. Aug., 1831. 8 p. 8". Address at 4th ann. fair, by E. Everett. 1831. 50 p. 8". Journal, v. 1: 1,3, 4, 7, 8 Transactions. 8". 18.50-5 1850-51. 1860-5. 1 rausaciioiiB. o". laov-oi. looo-o. Annual reports. 2d, 1843. 3d, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th. Annual report to the N. Y. State Agricultural Society. 1846. 8". American Institute of Architects. Organized 18.57. (Glenn Brown, sec. Octagon House, Washing- ton, D.C.) Proceedings. Annual. 1867-98. 31 v. 4". Fireproof floors, by R. G. Hatfield. 1867. 8 p. Remarks on fireproof construction, by P. B. Wight. 1868. 8 p. The architectural and other art societies of Europe, by A. J. Bloor. 1868. 62 p. 4». »5 American Institute] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Iroi American Institute of Architects, continued Technical |)roportion, b}- D. T. Atwood. 1869 12 p. 3 p. iii'inoof floors compared, by G. B. Poet. 1871 Inclcx to V. I-IO. 1SS4. 4". Memorial to Aloxauder Lyman Ilolley. 1884. $2. 4". Memorial to Uichard Morris Hunt, by Henry Van I5rniit, 189G. 4". American Institute of Civics. Organized, 1885. (H. R. Waite, pres., H. II. Adams, treas.) J77 Broadway, N. Y. American journal of politics. American Duujazine of civici. 9 v. '25c. per no. ea., 120 p. llistory, objects etc. of the institute, pap., 25c. National Constitution : Socialism : Moral culture in public schools, pap., 20c. Standards in citizenship; Sovereignty of manhood; Civics in public schools, pap., 10c. Citizenship; Science of civics, pap., 10c. American town government; Municipal government; Rights of minorities; Political ideals; Our standing army, pap., 20c. Congressional reform, and education of politicians; Some principles in economics and politics, pap., 20c. Classical political economy vs. Christian economics, pap., 5c. American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Organized 1884. (Ralph W. Pope, sec, 2(i Cortlandt St., New York.) Transactions. 1884-98. v. 1-15. 15 v. 8". pap., *5. cl $5.75. hf. mor., $6.50. Proceedings of international electrical congress, Chicaiio, 1893. 1893. 1 V. 8«. pap. or el., $.'!. hf. mor., $4. American Institute of Homoeopathy. Organized 1814. (Eug. H. Porter, gen. sec, 181 West 73d St.) New York City. Transactions. 1844-97. 8». ea., $5. American Institute of Instruction. Organized 1830. (Alrin F. Pease, treas.. Maiden, Mass.) Boston, Mass. Proceedings. 1830-39, 8"; 1840-98, 12°. except 1873, 74, 93. cl., $1. (Some volumes are at a premium.) American Institute of Mining Engineers. Organized 1871. (R. W. Raymond, sec, 13 Burling Slip, New York City.) Transactions, v. 1-27. 1872-98. 27 v. 8". v. 1-4 ea pap., $3; hf. mor., $4. v. 5-8, ea., pap., $4; hf. mor'. $5* V. 11-27, ea., pap., $5 ; hf. mor., $6. v. 9 and 10, ea., pap., $10 ; hf. mor., $11. f f > t . Index to Transactions. 3 v. cl. 8". v. 1-15 $1 v 16-20- 21-25, ea., $1.25. ' ' Genesis of ore deposits, by F. Posepnv; tr. bv R W Raymond, 1894. 8o. cl., $2.50. American Instructors of the Deaf and Dumb. (J. R. Dobbins, sec, Miss. Inst, for the Deaf, Jackson Miss.) Proceedings of the 11th convention, 1887. O. American Iron and Steel Association. Organized 1855 as American Iron Association : name changed 1864. (Ja. M. Swank, sec. and gen. raanagel- 1 261 S. 4th St., rhiladelphia, Pa. Bulletin of the American Iron Association Iron manufacturers' guide to the iron works and iron ore mmes of the United States, by J. P. Lesley. 1859. Bulletin. (Weekly publication began in 1866: now pub- lished twice a month.) 4". §4 per year. Annual statistical report, containing statistics of the Ameri- can and foreign iron trades. S". ea., pap., $3. ,00^'*"^^''^.'*' "'""-';»<='; " collection of statisticis to the close of 1887 relating to the iron and steel industries of the U. 8 and Great Britain. O. pap., SI. History of the manufacture of iron in all ages; and particu- larly in the United States from colonial times to 1891 bv J M. Swank. 2d ed., rev. 1892. 8*'. Sy. > "j "■ Notes and comments on industrial, economic, political and historical subjects, by J. M. Swank. 1897. 228 p cl ^■> Directory to the iron and steel works of the Uiiited'Htatcs 14th ed. 1898. 80. cl.. $7, (Published biennial"") l6 American Jewish] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Medical American Jewish Historical Association. Organized 1892. (Dr. Herbert Friedenwald, cor. sec, 1)43 K St., N. W., Washington, D. C.) Publications, no. 1, 1893-no. 6, 1898. 8». American Laryngological Association. Organized 1878. (Dr. H. L. Swain, sec, 232 York St., New Haven, Conn.) Transactions and papers. Annual. 1879-1898. 20 v. 8". el. ea., $'2.r)0. Appleton. Note. Association meets once in 3 years in Washington ; in otlier years as may be determined by the council. American Library Association. Organized 1870; in- corporated 1879. (Wm. C. Lane, sec. and treas.. Publishing Section, Harvard Univ. Lib., Cam- bridge, Mass.) Papers and Proceedings. 4th-'J0tli annual meetings. 1881 97. Sm. 4". ea., $2. (Those of date prior to_lS87, o. p. '" ' 1 foi Pro- ceedings of all meetings from the tirwt in 1876 to be found in Library Journal, 1876-97.) Catalog of the "A. L. A." library. 1893. 592 p. 80. cl. free. U. S. Bureau of Education. Papers prepared for the World's library congress. Melvil Dewey, ed. 1896. 323 p. 8". pap. free. U. S. Bureau of Education. Issued by the Publishing Section : Reading for the young, by J. F. Sargent. 1890. 121 p. 8". cl. o. p. Library Bureau. Supplement by M. E. and A. L. Sargent. 1896. 104 p. 8". cl., $1. pap., 75c. Library Sureati. The same combining original and supplement. 1890-96. 225 p. 8". cl., $1.50. Library Bureau. Catalog of historical fiction for young readers, by J.F. Sar- gent, from the above. 1890. 36 p. 32". pap., 10c. o. p. A. L. A. index to general literature, by W. I. Fletcher. 1893. 329 p. 4". cl., $5. half mor., $6.50. o. p. New ed. in preparation. Houghton, M. lic Co. Paper and ink, by R. T. Swan. 1895. 20 p. 32". pap., 10c. Library Bureau. Handbooli of the Publishing Section. 1895. 12 p. 32". pap., free. lAbrary Bureau. List of books for girls and women, and their clubs, by Augusta H. Leypoldt and Geo. lies. 1895. 161 p. 8<>. cl., $1. pap., 50c. Library Bureau. Same in 5 parts. 32". pap., ea., 10c. Libra7'y Bureau. List of subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs, by Q.M.Jones, G. E. Wire and C. A. Cutter. 1895. 188 p. 8". cl., $2. Library Bureau. Same. 2ded., by G. M.Jones, C. A. Cutter and Edith D. Ful- ler. 1898. 206 p. 8". cl., $2. Library Bureau. Annotated bibliography of fine art, by Sturgis it Krehbiel, 1897. 89p. 8". cl., $1. pap., 50c. Library Bureau. Booksfor boys and girls, by CM. Hewins. 1897. 31 p. 32o. pap., 10c. Library Bureau. List of French fiction, by Mme. Sophie Cornu and Wm. Beer. 1898. 28 p. 32". 10c. Library Bureau. Printed catalog cards for current books. 1893-8. $7.50 per 1000 cards. Library Bureau. Printed catalog cards for articles in periodicals and publi- cations of learned societies. 1898. $3.50 per 100 titles. Annotated titles of books in English history. 1897-8. Card form, $1.25 per year, pamphlet form, 60c per year. Library Bureau. Printed catalog cards for Warner's Library of the world's best literature. 1898. $6 per set. Warner Club. American Mathematical Society. Organized 1888 as the New York Mathematical Society: reorgan- ized under the present name 1894. (F. N. Cole, sec.) 501 W: 116th St., New York City. Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society. 1891-4. 3 V. 8". ea., $5. Macmillan. Bulletin. 1894-8. 4 v. 8". ea., $5. Macmillan. Mathematical papers of the Chicago Congress. 1896. 8". $4. Macmillan. American Medical Association. Organized 1847. (W: B. Atkinson, permanent sec, 1400 Pine St., Phil- adelphia, Pa.) Journal (weekly since 1883) ; ed. by Dr. J. B. Hamilton, 61 Market St., Chicago. 1883-97. 4". $5 per year. Annual Transactions. 1847-1883. American Medical College Association. Organized (?) . History, constitution, etc. 8<'. Detroit. 1877. Annual meetings. 2-6. ?-1882. 8">. Detroit. Note. See Association of American Medical Colleges. 17 American Medical] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIF.T/F.S [American Negro American Moilical Temperance Association. Organ- ized 18'.)1. (Dr. T. D. Crothers, sec, Hart- ford, Conn.) Bnlhtin (quarterly) ; cd. by J. H. Kellogg, N. S. Davis and T. 1>. Crothers. 18!»4-98. $1 per yi-ur. Transaetioiis. 3 v. American Medico-l'syoliological Association. Organ- ized 1844, as the Association of Medical Superin- tendents of American Institutions for the Insane. Name changed in lSt»l. (C. B. Burr, M.D., sec, Oak Grove Hospital, Flint, Mich.) American JoiiriKi I of III Kdniti/. 1894- _ Troceediui^s at annual luectiugs : 1S53, 1872, 1876, 1878, I88,i, 1887. 1890, 1892, 1893. 8". Utica. 1853-93. Prooeediugs. v. 1-4. 1894-7. 4 v. 8". 1895-7. ea., pap.. Transactions. Annual session. 1867. 132 p. 8". T. F. Schelfe'r., Ilarrisburg. 1807. On hospitals for the insane. 98 p. 80. 1866(?) History of the association from 1844 to 1874 inclusive, by JohnCurwen. 121 p. 8". 1875. „„ „ ^ Memoir of Thomas 8. Kirkbride. 38 p. 8". E.Gowan & Co., Warren, Pa. 1885. _ . ^ ^, The original thirteen members of the aBSOciation, by John Cnrwen. 49 p. 8". E. Cowan <& Co., Warren, Pa. 1>^85. A manual of autopsies, by I. W. Blacljburn, M. D. 84 p. 12". 11. Blakiston. 1892. American Metrological Association. Organized 1873. (Prof. J. H. Gore, Columbian University, Wash- ington, D. C.) Proceedings, v. 1-4. 1873-88. 8". I mor., $5. Metric chart. 10c. Pamphlets, free. American Microscopical Society. Organized 1878. (Dr. W: C. Krauss, sec, 371 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.) Transactions, 1878-97. 19 v. ea., $2. Note. 1878, ed. by H. F. Atwood ; 1879, ed. by H. Jameson ; 1880-81, ed. by A. H. Tiittle; 1882-87, ed. by Prof. D. S. Kellicott; 1888-90, ed. by Prof. T. J. Burrill; 1891-94, ed. by W. H. Seaman; 1895-97, ed. by W: C. Krauss. American Missionary Association. Organized 1846. (C. J. Ryder, hon. sec. and ed.) Congregational rooms, 4th Ave. and 2 2d St., Neiv York City. Reports. Annual, v. 1, 1847— v. 51, 1897. The American Missionary (quarterly). Since 1846. 50c. per year. (Formerly published monthly.) Congregational work (monthly). Published jointly with other societies. History of the Association. 1891. American Museum of Natural History. Organized 1869. (Anthony Woodward, lihn.) 77th St. and Sih Ave., New York City. Bulletin, v. 1-10. 1881-98. lOv. 80. v. 1, $4.25; v. 2, 9, 10, ea., $3.50; otber vols., ea., $3. A few nos. from the firsts vol's, may be had separately at from 30c. to $1..50. Separates of articles in v. 9, 10 can be purchased of the librarian. Note. The publication of the Bulletin in numbers was discontinued with the close of v. 3. Memoirs, 1893-8. v. 1 : 1-2, ea., $1.50; v. 1:3, $3.50; v. 2: 1-2, ea., $1.50. 40. American National Association of the Red Cross. The red cross of the Geneva convention : what it is, its origin and history. 12". Dansville, N. Y. 1881. American Negro Academy. Organized 1897. (J. W. Cromwell, cor. sec, 1439 Pierce Place, Wash- ington, I). C.) Occasional Papers. 1. llcviow of Hoffman's Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro, by Kelly Miller. 1897. 8". pap., 25c. 2. Oonserviition of races, by W. K. B. DuBois. 1897. 8". pap., 15c. 3. Civilization the ]>rimcval need of the race : and the attitude of the .\mericau mind toward the negro intellect, by A. Crum- mell. 1898. 8". 19 p. pap., 15c. American NeurologicalJ PUlilJCA'llONS OF SOCfETlES [American OtologiCal American Neurological Association. Organized 1875. (Grajnie M. lliinimond, M. D., sec, 58 W. 45tli St., New York.) Transactions. Annual. S". American New Church Tract and Publication Society, 212D Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Publishes Swcdenborgian publications; for catalogue see Publishers' Trade List Annual. American Numismatic and Archaeological Society. Organized 1858. (Herbert Valentine, libn.) Academy of Medicine Building, 17 W. 43d St., New York City. Am. Journal of Numismatics, v. 1-4. 18G6-70. 4 v. 4". Note. Since 1S70 continued under the same name, but dif- ferent ownership. Constitution and By-Laws, adopted April 6, 1858. 32". and 24". Also, 1864-65-78-84-93. 8". Proceedings and papers, 20th-40th annual meetings. 1878- 98. 15 V. 4". Note. 11th V. contains history of the society. History of the Society, by W: li. Weeks. (Reprint from above.) 1892. 50 p. 4". The Oesnola collection, and the De Morgan collection, by G. L. Feuardent. 1878. 14 p. 8". il. On some coins of the Uastellani collection, by G. L. Keuar- dent. 1878. 8 p. 4". Use and nature of Roman medallions, bv H. A. Grueber and G. L. Feuardent. 1878. 8 p. 40. The bronze crabs of the obelisk, by G. L. Feuardent. 1881. 7 p. 4". il. Catalogue of the numismatic books in the library of the Society, by R. U. Lawrence. 1883. 31 p. 4". Catalogue of a medallic portrait gallery, by C: H. Wright. 1891. 7 p. 4". Catalogue Columbian Exhibition of coins and medals. 1893. 8 p. 4". Note. All the publications are in pamphlet form. American Ophthalmological Society. Organized 1864. (Dr. S. B. St. John, sec. and treas., 68 Pratt St., Hartford, Conn.) Transactions. (One no. yearly.) 1865-97. 7 v. 8". Note. Each vol. contains from three to four uos. American Oriental Society. Organized 1842. (Prof. Washburn Hopkins, sec, 235 Bishop St., New Haven, Conn.) Journal, v. 1, 1843— v. 19, 1898. 19 v. large 12". v. 1 : 1, 50c. V. 2-5, ea., $2.50. v. 6-9, 11, 14-16, 18, 19, ea., $5. v. 10, 13, ea., $6. Avery's Sanscrit verb-inflection (from v. 10), 75c. Oertel's Jairainiya-Upanisad-Rralimana (from v. 16), $1.75. American Ornithologists' Union. Organized 1883. (J: H. Sage, sec, Portland, Conn. L. S. Fos- ter, Pubr., 33 Pine St., New York City.) The Auk. v. 1, 1884— v. 15, 1898. Code of nomenclature and check-list of N. Am. birds. 1886. cl. 8». $3. Checklist of N. Am. birds. Abridged. 1889. pap. S". 25c. Code of nomenclature adopted by the Am. Ornith. Un. 1891. pap. 8". 50c. Check-list of N. Am. birds. 2d ed. 1895. cl. 8". $2. American Orthopedic Association. Organized 1887. (Dr. J: Ridlon,sec.,103 State St., Chicago, 111.) Transactions. Annual, v. 1, 1888— v. 11, 1898. 8". il. Note. For sale by W: J. Dornon, 100 N. 7th St., Philadel- phia, Pa. American Otological Society. Organized 1868. (Dr. Fred. L. Jack, sec. and treas., 215 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.) Transactions, v. 1 : 1— v. tj : 1, ea. no., $1.25. 8". Note. Transactions of the 2d anu. meeting were pub. in connection with the transactions of the 6th meeting of Am. Ophthalmological 80c. 19 American Peace] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Physiological American Peace Society. Organized 1828. (B: F. Trueblood, sec, 3 Somerset St.) Boston. Mass. The Harbinger of Peace. 1828-1831. The Calumet. 1831-34. Advocate of Peace (monthly) eince 1834; ed. by B: F. True- blood. 8". $1 per year. Angel of Peace (monthly) ; ed. by B; F. Trueblood. 8". 15c. per year. Military drill in schools, by W. E. Parby. 1892. 12". pap. War system, by R. Thomas. New ed. 1892. 12". pap. Coming reform, by M. K. Blake. New cd. 1893. IG". pap. Chicago Peace Congress report; ed. by B: F. Trueblood. 1893. 12". cl. and pap. Social and moral aspects of war, by P. 8. Moxom. 1893. 12". pap. Mankind one body, by G: D. Boardman. 1893. ]2». pap. Karnak and Carthage, by D: D. Field. 1893. 12". pap. White City by the Inland Bea: poems, by H. Butterworth. 1893. 12». pap. William Penu's holy experiment, by B: F. Trueblood. 1894. 12". pap. International arbitration : its present prospects, by B: F. Trueblood. 1894. 12». pap. Nation's responsibility for peace, by B: F. Trueblood. 1894. 12". pap. War unnecessary and unchristian, by A. Jones. 1895. 12". pap. Old Testament on war, by G: Gillett. 1895. 12". pap. United States and international arbitration, by J: B. Moore. 1895. 12". pap. Permanent tribunal of international arbitration, by E: E. Hale. 12". 1895. pap. Hard times : poems, by I. W. Benham. 1895. leaflet. Battle, by R. B.Howard. 1895. leaflet. Boy's brigade, by B: F. Trueblood. 1895. pap. Success of arbitration (list of instances). 1895. pap. Perpetual peace. Trans, fr. Im. Kant, by B: F. Trueblood. pap. 12". 20c. A permanent Anglo-American tribunal, by Merrill E. Gates. 1896. 12". pap. Penn's essay toward the present and future peace of Europe. 1897. pap. 12". True historic relations of England and America, by Edwin D. Mead. 1896. pap. 12". Also leaflets. Note. The Society formerly published a number of books, of which the plates were destroyed by fire, and a list cannot now be obtained. American Pediatric Society. Organized 1888. (S. S. Adams, M.D., sec, 1 Dupont circle, Washing- ton, D. C.) Transactions. Annual. 1889-98. 12 v. 8". Not sold, but distributed free to libraries of medical colleges, hospitals and societies and journals of medicine. American Pharmaceutical Association. Organized 1851; incorporated 1888. (C: Caspari, jr., gen. sec, 109 Aisquith St., Baltimore, Md.) Proceedings at the annual meetings, v. 1, 1851 — v. 46, 1898. National formulary. 1888. Rev. ed., 1896. American Philological Association. Organized 1869. (Herbert Weir Smyth, sec, Bryn Mawr, Pa.) Transactions, v. 1, 1871— v. 29, 1898, now ed. by H. W. Smyth, ea., $2, except V. 15, 20, 23, ea., $2.50. Ginn. Note. Complete sets at 2055 reduction. American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. Organized 1743. (The Secretaries.) 104 South Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Minutes and proceedings. Digest. 1744-1838. 1 v. 8". pap., $5. Proceedings. (Pub. 3 times a year.) 1838-1898. 27 v. 8". pap., $3 per v. Transactions (old), v. 1-6. 1759-1809. 4". o. p. — V. 1. 2d ed., 1789. v. 6. 2d ed., 1809. — New series. (Published irregularly.) 1818-1898. 19 v. 4". pap., $5. American Physiological Society. Organized (?). Annual reports. 1-3. 1837-9. 12">. 5osovine. lUc. 2. History of English literature, by Uobert Ellis Tbomp- 10c. The age of Elizabeth, by Ethelbert D. Warlield. 10c. The making of English literature, by Clarence G. Child. son. 3. 4. 10c. 5! Historical sociology: Family, State, and Church, by Robert Ellis Thompson. 10c. 6. General astronomy, by James E. Keeler. 10c. 7. Evenings in geology, by J. H. Pillsbury. 10c. 8. Great leaders of political thought, by Woodrow \\ ilson. 10c. . . 9. Some historical and literary movements of the nineteenth century, by James Harvey Robinson and Stockton A.xson. 10. Great Englishmen, by W. Hudson 8haw. JOc. 11. Municipal government in Philadelphia, by Alliert A. Bird. 10c. 12. Current topics, by Joseph French Johnson. 10c. 13. History of Ireland, by W. Hudson Shaw. 15c. 14. The reformation and the revolution, 1529-1689, by W. Hudson Shaw. 25c. 15. History of England from the Norman conquest to the Tudor despotism, by John W. Perrin. 10c. 16. The causes of the unequal distribution of wealth, by William Morse Cole. 15c. 17. Historical conception of English character and citizen- ship, by C. R. Ashbee. 10c. 18. The Italian pictures in the London national gallery, by J. Wells. 15c. Series F. • 1896-97. nos. 1-23. 1. The French revolution, by Hilaire Belloc. 10c. 2. Debt of the nineteenth century to Rome, by W. H. Good- year. 10c. 3. The development of music, by Thomas W. Surette. 10c. 4. Italian art and paintings of the old masters, by W. II. Goodyear. 20c. 5. Debt of the nineteenth century to Egypt, by W. H. Goodyeaj-. 10c. 6. France in the nineteenth century — 1814-1890, by John W. Perrin. 10c. ^ „ 7. Seventeenth century literature, by Clarence G. Child. 10c. 8. The principles of money applied to current problems, by Joseph French Johnson. 20c. 9. Greek religion and poetry, by John II. Wright. 10c. 10. English institutions, by Graham Wallas. 15c. 11. Economics, by Edward T. Devinc. 20c. 12. The gre.'it republic in its youth, by Henry W. Elson. 10c. 13. The crusades, by Hilaire Belloc. 10c. 14. Geology, with special descriptions of formations near Pittsburg, by B. C. Jillson. 10c. 15. The story of the English towns, by Graham Wallas. 20c. 16. Sis American state papers, by John Bach McMaster. 10c. 17. Representative Frenchmen, by Hilaire Belloc. 10c. 18. Constitutional history of the United States, by William M. Cole. 10c. 10. Physics, by William F. Magic. 15c. The crusades, by Dana C. Munro. 10c. Great Britain in the nineteenth century, by E. P. Chey- 10c. Romantic and dramatic music, by Thomas W. Surette. 20, 21 ney. 22 10c 23. English literature from Shakespeare to Tennyson, by Albert H. Smyth. 10c. Series G. 1897-98. nos. 1-10. 1. Nineteenth century literature: The greater English nov- elists, by Clyde B. Furst. 10c. 2. Shakespeare, by Albert H. Smyth. 10c. 3. The great composers: Classical period, by Thomas Whitney Surette. 15c. 4. Old Italian painting, by John C. Van Dyke. 10c. 5. American history, social and industrial (1789-1 S29), by Robert Ellis Thompson. 10c. 6. The Victorian poets, by Frederick U. Sykes. 15c. 25 American Society] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Society American Soc. for Ext. of Univ. Teaching, continued. 1. Representative novelists and short story writers, by Bliss Terry. 10c. 8. Paris, by Ililaire Helloc. 10c. 9. The great composers: Komantic i)erio(i, by 'I'homas Whitney Surette. 15c. 10. The Greek drama, by Louis Bevier, Jr. 10c. Xote. The following nos. are o. p. : BooIjs and pamphlets, 2, 3,24; Syllabi, 9, 12; Ser. A, fi, 10, 20, 33, .34; Ser. B, 6, 18; Ser. T>,6, 17; Ser. F, 21. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to An- imals. Organized 1866. (John P. Haines, pres.) N. W. cor. Madison Ave. and 26th St., New York City. Our Animal Friends (monlhly). 1873-98. $1 per ann. Annual reports. 1866-98. JVote. Also publishes humane literature in leaflets and tracts. American Society of Church History. Organized 1888. (Rev. S: Macauley Jackson, sec, 14 E. Slst St.) New York City. Papers, ed. by S: M.Jackson, v. 1, 1889— v. 8, 1897. 8 v. 8». ea., J3. Putnam. American church history series. 1893-97. 13 v. ea., $3; 8ubs., ea., $2.50. Chr. Lit.: now Scribner. 1. Religious forces of the United States, by H. K. Carroll. 2. Baptists, by A. H. Newman. 3. Congregationalists, by W. Walker. 4. Lutherans, by H: E. Jacobs. 5. Methodists, by J. M. Buckley. 6. Presbyterians, by R. E. Thompson. 7. Protestant Episcopal, by U. C. Tiffany. 8. Reformed Church, Dutch, by E. T. Corwin; Reformed Church, German, by J. H. Dubbs; Moravians, by J. T. Ham- ilton. 9. Roman Catholics, by T. O'Gorman. 10. Unitarians, byJ. H.Allen; Universalists, by R: Eddy. 11. Methodist Church, South, by G. Alexander; United Presbyterians, by J. B. Scouller; Cumberland Presbyterians, by R. V. Foster; Presbyterians, South, by T: C. Johnson. 12. Disciples of Christ, by B. B. Tyler; Society of Friends, by A. C. Thomas and R. H. Thomas; United Brethren in Christ, by D. Berger; Evangelical Association, by S. P. Spreng; Bibliography of American church history, by 8: M. Jackson. 13. A History of American Christianity, by Leonard Wool- sey Bacon. Note. Dec. 31, 1896, was amalgamated with Am. Hist. Assoc, which formed a Church History Section. American Society of Civil Engineers. Organized 1852. (Chas. Warren Hunt, sec.) 220 W. 57th St., New York City. Transactions. Semi-annual. 1873-98. 40 v. Proceedings (monthly) except July and August. 1 v. yearly. 1877-98. 24 v. Note. Subscription price of the Transactions (2 vols.) is $10 per year : of Proceedings, $6 per year. Separate nos. and papers can be had. American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Organized 1894, incorporated 1895. P. O. Box 1818, New York City. Proceedings, v. 1-3. 1895-7. American Society of Irrigation Engineers. Organized 1891. (Prof. L. G. Carpenter, sec. Agricultu- ral College, Fort Collins, Col.) Irrigation annual. 1893. 1 v. 8". pap., $1. cl., $1.50. Transactions. 1894-97. 3 nos. 8". pap., ea., 25c. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Organized 1880. (Prof. F. R. Hutton, sec.) 12 W. 31st St., New York City. Transactions, v. 1-18. 1880-98. 18 v. 8». ea., $11, cl. $10, pap. American Society of Naturalists. Organized 1883. (T. H. Morgan, sec, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa.) Records, v. 1-2 : i. 1883-98. 8". 26 American Society] PUB/.lCATIOiVS OF SOCIETIES [American Statistical American Society of Naval Engineers. Organized 1889. (A. B. Willits, U. S. N., scc.-treas., Navy Dcpt., "Washington, D. C.) Joitrnul. Quarterly, 200 p. Feb., 1880+. $:> per year. American Society of Railroad Superintendents. Or- ganized (?). (C. A. Hammond, sec, Asbury Park, N. J.) Proceedings of meeting: 19th, 1890. American Statistical Association. Organized 1839. (Uavis 11. Dewey, sec.) 491 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Collections, v. 1. 1847. S". Statistics of towns in Masna- chiisetts; heights, latitudes and longitudes of cniinenfcs; statistics of population ; statistics of ta.xation in Massachusetts, by J. 15. Kelt. Issued in o parts : 184.3, 4.5 and 47. Note. Part 1 of vol. '2 was printed in sheets, but these were destroyed by fire, with very slight exceptions. Publications, new series, no. 1, 1888 — no. 42, 1898. 80. $2 per aun. V. 1 : 1. Statistics of water power employed in manufactur- ing in the United States, by G; F. Swain. 7.'Jc. — 2, 3. Park areas, and open-nir spaces in American cities, by E. R. L. Gould. Key to the publications of the United States Census, 1790-1887 ; with occasional references to other statistical works, by E: C. Lunt. $1.-4. Life insurance in the United States, by Walter C. Wright. Review of reports of burea\i« of labor statistics for 18H7, by Prof. R. M. Smith. Index to reports of bureaus of labor statistics for 1887. $1.25.—.'). Notes on the statistical determination of the causes of poverty, by A. G. Warner. Statistics of divorce in the United States and Europe, by Rev. S: W. Dike, LL.D. 50c. — 6. American rail- road statistics, by Prof. A. T. Hadley. Statistics of municipal finance, by Prof. II: B. Gardner. 75c. — 7. Prison statistics of the United States for 1888, by Roland P. Falkncr. An ac- count of the collections of the American statistical association, by Hon. Samuel A. Green. Gallon's statistical methods, by Prof. John Dewey. 50c. — 8. Finance statistics of the Am- erican commonwealths, by Prof. E: R. A. Seligman. Divorce in France, by B. F. Keller. Relief of the poor in Germany, by Prof. A. G. Warner. $1. v. 2: 9. Mortgage statistics, by G: K. Holmes. 50c. — 10. The study of statistics in Italian universities, by Carroll I). Wright. Statistics of private corporations, by Roland P. Falkner. 50c. — 11, 12. Statistics of the colored race in the United States, by Francis A. Walker. How to make statistics popular, by C: F. Pidgin. The study of retail prices in Boston and vicinity, by W: F.Cook. $1.-1:3. Growth of cities in Massachusetts, by H. G. Wadlin. Rate of natural increase of population in the United States, by H. Hollerith. First census of Massachusetts, by S: A. Green. Commercial death rate, by A. C. Stevens. Parliamentary elections in Japan, by T. M. MacNair. Reviews and notices. $1.-14. I3asis for statistics of cost of production, by C. D. Wright. Formula for predicting the population of the United States, by H. S. Pritchett. Weight and longevity, by T. B. Macaulay. Some results of sanitary legislation in England since 1875, by G. X. Calkins. Reviews and notices. 75c. — b). Eleventh census, by R. P. Porter. Criminal statistics, by R. P. Falkner. Reviews and notices. 75c. — 16. Census enumeration in Prussia, by C. C. Plehn. Plea for the average, by G: K. Holmes, jieviews and notices. Statistical articles in maga- zines and journals. 75c. v. o: 17. Statistics of crime in Massachusetts, by F: G. Pettigrove. Developn)ent of statistics of religions, by Four- nier de Flaix. Net profits of manufacturing industries in the state of Massachusetts, by F: B. Ilawley. Classification of trade statistics, by F: C. Hicks. Proposed statistical legisla- tion, by R. P. Falkner. Reviews and notices. Statistical ar- ticles in (UTinan periodicals and journals. 75c. — 18,19. Sta- tistical iM<|uiry conccruing domestic service, by L. M. Salmon. Theory and practice of price statistics, by R. P. Falkner. Measures of distribution, by G: K. Holmes. Statistics of sui- cides in New England, by 1). R. Dewey. Semi-annual census of paupers in Minnesota, by H. H. Hart. Reviews and notices. Convention of Commissioners of Bureaus of Labor Statistics. Net profits of mantifacturiug industries in the state of Massa chusetts, by K. W. Draper. International statistical compari- sons. 75e. — 20. Establishment of an imperial commission for labor statistics in Germany, by C.C. Plehn. French statis- tical publications, by C: D. Ilazen. Sketch of the life of Rob- ert W. Wood, M.I)., by J: W. Dean. Reviews and notices. Note from Mr. Francis Gallon to Mr. George II. Iloluies on the subject of distribution. Registration report of Massachu- setts, by G. N. C. Necessity of revision of the classification and nomenclature employed in the vital statistics of Massachu- setts, by S. W. Abbott. 75c. —21,22. Observations on the measure of change, by C. H. Cooley. Cost statistics of public 27 American Statistical] PUBIJCATIONS OF SOCIETIES [American Statistical American Statistical Association, continued. electric lighting, by V: Roeewatcr. IniiniKiation and the for- eign born population, by U. Mayo-Smith. Value of percentile grades, by L. Gulick. Reviews and noticcB. $1.-23. Mur- ders in MaesachusettB, by W. M. Cook. ClaBsilication of oc- cupations in the ccnsuB, by M. Bertillon. (Jrowth of cities in the United States during the decade 1880-1890, by C. Boyd. Vital BtntiHticB of an Apache Indian community. 75c. — 24. Staliwtical data for the study of the assimilation of races and nationalities in the United States, by R. Mayo-Smith. Report of an international mortality standard; or, mortality index, by J. Korijsi. Character and volume of the money of the United States, by M. L. Muhleman. Fluctuations in the secured cir- culation of the national banks and their relations to the prices and investment values of bonds, liy C: A. Conant. Currency reform in Austria-Hungary, by J. Mandello. Comparative statistics of primary education, by E. Levasseur. Results of recent investigations on prices in the United States, by F. W. Taussig. Geographical concentration : an historic feature of American agriculture, by J: Hyde. Course of wages in the United States since 1S40, by C. D. Wright. Some recent re- sults in railway statistics in the United States, by H: C. Adams. Condition and needs of statistics of marriage and divorce, by S: W. Dike. Railway statistics as applicable to earnings of passenger trains, by M. Riebenack. Comparability of trade statistics" of various countries, by A. E. Bateman. Geographical distribution of the population of the United States, by H: Gannett. Preliminary report on anthropometry In the United States, by E: M. Hartwell. Remarks on the theory of anthropometry, by F. Boas. On the application to individual school children of the mean values derived from anthropological measurements by the generalizing method, by W. T. Porter. Anthropometric statistics of Amherst College, by E; Hitchcock. An anthropometrical study of the effects of gymnastic training on American women, by C. J. Enebuske. Railway freight traffic statistics, by C. P. Leland. $1.50. v. 4, no. 25, 26. Marriage rate in Michigan, 1870-90, by W. F. Willcox. Classilication of occupations for census purposes, by H: Gannett. Nativity and occupation of members of the Massachusetts legislature, by F. H. Howland. Sex relation in suicide, by F: L. Hoffman. Growth of St. Louis children, by W: T. Porter. Reviews and notices. 7.5c. —27. Causes of poverty further considered, by A. G. Warner. Congress of hygiene and demography, by R. P. F. 50c. — 28, 29. Compu- tation of the value of the wealth in existence, by G: K. Holmes. Effects of free surrender and loan privileges in life insurance, by M. M. Dawson. Was the count of population in 1890 reasonably correct? by H: Gannett. Some recent con- tributions to the literature of vital statistics, by G. N. Calkins. Reviews and notices. 75c. — 30. Receipts and expenditures of certain wage-earners in the garment trades, by I. Eaton. Negro in the West Indies, by F: L. Hoffman. Hull House, maps and papers, by E. G. Balch. Labor statistics, etc. 75c. — 31. Amshouse women, by M. R. Smith. Ohio building and loan associations, by S. H. Wilder. Labor statistics. Foreign statistical annuals, by D. R. Dewey. Vital statistics, by S. W. Abbott. v. 5, no. 32. Accidents in factories and elsewhere, by K. P. Woods. Marriage rate in Massachusetts, by F.S. Crura. The international statistical institute, by R. P. Falkner. Reviews and notices. — 33. Real estate values in Boston, by Henry Whitmore. Ethnic Influences in vital statistics, by W. Z. Ripley. Reviews and notices. 75c. — 34. Railway competi- tion : a problem in statistics, by H. T. Newcomb. Mortality in twenty-three Massachusetts cities, by Charles E. Burnap. Note on methods of estimating population, by C. L. Wilbur. Reviews and notices. 50c. — 35, 36. Round numbers in wages and prices, by Edward D. Jones, Ph.D. Reviews and notices. $1. — 37. Remarks of President Walker at Wash- ington. Vital statistics for the twelfth United States census, by Cressy L. Wilbur, M.D. The vital statistics of the census, by William A. King. General Francis A. Walker. Reviews and notices. Report of the secretary. Miscellany. 75c. — 38. Francis Amasa Walker: address by Carroll D. Wright. Bibliography of the writings and reported addresses of Francis A. Walker. 50c. — 39. Some characteristics of farm and home proprietors, by George K. Holmes. A trial bibli- ography of the writings of Johann Peter Siissmilch, 1707-1767, by W. F. Willcos and F. 8. Crura. Reviews and notices. 50c. — 40. Farm ownership and tenancy in the United States, by Edward Atkinson and L. G. Powers. Vital statistics at the American Public Health Association. Reviews and miscel- lany. 50c. V. 6, no. 41. Obstacles to accurate statistics, by James H. Blodgett. Uniformity in census returns, by Dr. Joseph de Koriisi. Cost of production of corn and oats in Illinois in 1896, by Nathan A. Weston. Reviews and miscellany. 50c. — 42. Concentration in pigiron and coal production, by E. W. Parker. The annual statistics of manufactures in Massa- chusetts, by Horace G.Wadlin. Reviews and miscellany. 50c. — 43. Comparative statistics of railroad rates, by Henry H. 28 American Statistical] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Amherst College American Statistical Association, continued. Swain. Remarks by Ileury C. Adams, Arthur T. Ihulley, Kinory K. Johnson, II. T. Newcomb, C. E. Prcvi-y. Com- parative statistics of railroad service under different kinds of control, by C. E. Prevey. Reviews and miscellany. 50c. A'ote. The publications are issued in numbers under the title, "Quarterly rublications." The financial revulsion of 1857, by S. U. Walley. 1858. 28 p. 8". Reprinted from v. 2 of collections. Tlie increase of human life, by E. Jarvis, M. D. 1872. (2) 55 p. 8". Reprinted for the New Eng. Mut. Life Ins. Co. History of paper money in Massachusetts before the revolu- tion, etc., by E. H. Derby. 1874. Ifip. 8". Financial connection of the use of spirits and wine with the people of Concord, Mass., by E. Jarvis, M. D. 1883. 8". Boston's trade and commerce for forty years, 1844-84, by U. A.Hill. 18S4. 24 p. 8». portrait. Memorial of Edward Jarvis, M. D., by R. W. Wood. 1885. 24 p. 8". portrait. Statistics of combmaking in Leominster, 1852, by C. C. Field, M. D. Worceder, 18y3. 141 p. 8". American Street Kail way Association. Organized 1882. (T. C. Penington, sec, 2020 State St., Chicago, 111.) Minutes of annual meetings. 1882-98. 16 v. pap. American Sunday School Union. 1122 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Publishes literature for public, house and Sunday-school libraries; for catalogue, see Publishers' Trade List Annual. American Surgical Association. Organized 1880. (Dr. DeForest AVillard, recorder, IGOl Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.) Transactions, v. 1, 1883 — v. 16, 1898. 16 v. 8». $3 to $5. V. 1-10, ed. by J. E. Mears; v. 11-16, ed. by DeF. Willard. American Swedenborg Printing and Publishing Society. Organized 1850. (G. WooUvorth Oolton, sec. and manager.) 3 W. 29th St., Neiv York City. Publishes Swedenborg's theological works in various edi- tions : in English, in Ijatin, and in Latin and English; respec- tively in 25, in 15, and 14 8» vols, full cl., $12, $22.50, and $14. J^ote. " A large part of the work of this society is the giv- ing of these volumes to public libraries and to the clergy who apply for them personally or pay cost of transportation. When sold as above the prices are only nominal, in some cases not covering the cost of manufacture." American Temperance Society. ton, Mass. Organized 1826. Bos- Reports. no. 4, 1831 : no. 6, 1833 : no. 9, 1836. 8". An essay on temperance [prize essay], by E. Hitchcock. 2d ed. 1830. 12o. J. S. & C. Adams, Amherst. Organized 1825. (W. W. 10 E. 23d St., New York American Tract Society. Rand, D.D., sec.) City. Publishes religious books, tracts, and periodicals in which all evangelical denominations unite; in many languages, at home and abroad; for catalogue, see Publishers' Trade List Annual. American Trotting Register Association. Organized 18'Jl. (J. II. Steiner, sec.) 355 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Wallace's American trotting register, v. 1, 1871— v. 14, 1898. 14 v. ea., $5. Wallace's year book. v. 1, 1885 — v. 13, 1898. 13 v. v. 1, 3, 7, o. p.; V. 2, $1; v. 4, 5, 6, ea., $2.50; v. 8, $5; v. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ea., $3. Note. V. 1-9 of the Register, and v. 1-6 of the Year Book, were published by J. H. Wallace and the Wallace trotting reg- ister CO. of New York. American Unitarian Association. (Rev. Sam. A Kliot, sec.) 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Publishes Unitarian books and tracts : for catalogue, see Publishers' Trade List Annual. Amherst College. Founded 1821. (VV. I. Fletcher, libn.) Amherst, Mass. Catalogues. Annual. __ General catalogue of — , 1821-90. 1890. 120 p. 29 Ainlicrst College] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES Aj^iKihicliiaii Mountain Amherst College, continued. Obituary records. Ist ser. nos. 1-10. 1863-72. _2cl8er. 1108.1-10. 187:;-82. — yiiser. 1108. 1-10. 1883-92. A.Ulress'ana^^'rniou. laying corner-etonc of first building, byN.WebsUTiiiulD. A. Chirk 1820 48 p. IniiUL'ural us president, by H. Ilumpbrcy. 1S23. 40 p. Sermon, dedication of college chapel, by H. Uumphrey. Address to literary societies, by A. H. Everett. 1833. ■* Address before society of inquiry, by A. Boies. 1S3*- Discourse before literary societies, by G. C. VcrplanoK. Address to literary societies, by E. Everett. 1835. 40 p. ^'^Oi-ation before literary societies, by C. Cnshing. 1S36. 40 p. Address before society of inquiry, by J. ,iodi' •„'***',• ?X i'" Address before society of inquiry, by John \V oodbndge. Elements of empire: before literary societies, by W. 11. Seward. 1844. Valedictory a^president, by H. Humphrey. 184.). Inauguration as president: E. Hitchcock. 184o. Address before literary societies, by C. Sumuer. 1847. Tribute to the memory of N. W. Fiske, by H. Humphrey. 1848 Address before literary societies, by W. G. T. Shedd. 1851. luiuiguralion as president: W.A.Stearns. 18.55. Baccalaureate sermon, by W. A.Stearns. 1859. I'olitical education : address before social umon, by a. Mavnurd. 1860. ^ ^ t^. ... ,oei Address before literary ••societies, by D. S. Dickinson. 1861. Alumni address, by A. H. Bullock. 1863. P. B. K. or.ition, by A. P. Peabody. 1867. Address before P. B. K., by F. A. March. 1868. -' Semi-centennial exercises. 1871. , ,. , Student life at — : its organization, their membership and history, by G. R. Cutting. 1871. 204 p. Roll of soldier graduates. 1871. Address before social union, by C. F. Adams. 1875. Baccalaureate sermon, by W. A. Stearns_. 1876. Tyler's discourse on W. A. Stearns. 1877. Inauguration as president, J. H. Seelye. 1877. Discourses of commemoration of E. S. Snell. 187 1. Address before social union, by G. F. Hoar. 1879. Neiir 8 commemoration address: Prof. E. Root. 1881. Biographical record of the non-graduate members of -, 1821-71. 1881. 188 p. - Biographical record of graduates and non-graduates, 18J1- ' 71 by W.S.Montague. 1883. 668 p. 8". $4. o. p. Biographical record of the alumni of — during its first half century, 1821-71. 1883. 480 p. Baccalaureate sermons, by J. H. Seelye. 1883, 1889, 1890. Commemoration address, by Prof. Frink : Prof. R. H. Mather. 1890. Inauguration as president : M.E.Gates. 1891. Hernck's memorial address : W. S. Tyler. 1898. Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massa- sachusetts. Boston, Mass. Annual record, with sermons. 260th, 1898. J^ote. 2.06th contains captains and preachers of the sermon, 1638-1894, with other information. Anthropological Society of Washington. See Wash- ington. Anti-slavery Society. See American. Appalachian Monntain Club. Organized 1876; reor- ganized 1878. (Rosewell B. Lawrence, sec.) Room 1050 Tremont Bldg.., Boston, Mass. Appalachia. v. 1 : 1-v. 8: 4, 1876-98. 8 v. il. v.l (1876-78) 4-1-308 p.; V. 2 (1879-81) 4 -{-379 p.; v. 3 (18S2- 84) 395 -H 7 p. ; V. 4 (1884-86) 5 -{- 391 p. ; v. 5, (1887-89) 4 -f 364 p.; V. 6 (1890-92) 4 -\- 363 p.; v. 7 (1893-94) 4 + 377 p.; v. 8 (1895-98). Register. Annual. 1879-98. Preliminary charts of the positions of White Mountain Summits. 1886. $1.30. Map of Willianistown and Greylock. 1886. 30c. Map of the White Mountains. 1887. (Scale 1 : 1.50,000) o. p. Smae. 1887. (Scale 1 : 100,000.) 50c. Mountaineering in Colorado, by F. H.Chapin. 1888. 10-}- 168 p. il. 8". $2. Map of the country about Worcester. 1891. 25c. Map of Mocadnock Mountain (N. H.). 1891. 2oc. Map of New England and Eastern New York. 1891. o. \>. 30 Appalacliian Mountain] PUBLIC ATIOXS OF SOCIKTIES Arkansas State Appalacliian Mountain Club, continued. I-:incl of the cliff-dwellers, by F. II. Ohapin. 1S02. 10 + ISS |). il. 8". S2.2r>. Middlesex Fells, with a map, by U. B. Lawrence. 18S6. 8". Same. Kev. ed. 1892. 25c. Some Adirondack paths : climbs about the Keene Valley, by F. W. Freeborn. 20 p. 18". 20c. Map of the country about Boston. 1890. (On roller.) 75c. Haiiif. 1896. 2.'ic.; 60c. Note. Houghton, Mifllin & Co., Boston, are sales.agents for the club's publications. Arcliajological Institute of America. Organized 1879. (C. II. Young, rcc. sec, 312 W. 88tli St., Now York City.) American Journal of Arvliceologt/, e(\. by A. L. Frothing- ham.Jr. v. 1-11. 11 v. 8". 1885-90. American Journal of ArcluKotogij. Second ser. (bi- monthly). V. 1, 1897-8. 8". $5 per ann. Macmillun. A. I'ublications of tlie institute proper. First annual report. 1880. 163 p. cl. o. p. Annual reports. 2-17. 1881-97. pap. Papers, classical series, v. 1. 1882. Report on the investi. gation at Assos, 1881, by J. T. Clarke, etc. 8". boards. 215 p. il. V. 2, 1897. Report on the investigations at Assos, 1882, 1883, by J. T. Clarke. 8". bds. 375 p. il. V. 3:1. Telegraphing among the Ancients, by A. C. Merriam. — American series, v. 1. 1881. 1 : Historical introduction to studies amoui; the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico. 2 : Report upon the ruins of the I'ueblos of Pecos, by A. F. Bandelier. 8". bds. 135 p. il. also 2d ed. of same. V.2. 1884. Report of an archiBological tour in Mexico, in 1881, by A. F. Bandelier. S". cl. 320 p. il. o. p. V. 3. 1890. Final report of investigations among the Indians of the S. W. United States. Part 1, by A. F. Bandelier. 8". bds. 218 p. il. V. 4. 1892. Final report of investigations among the Indians of the S. W. United States. Part 2, by A. F. Bandelier. 8". bds. 591 p. il. V. 5. 1890. Contributions to the liistory of the S. VV. United States, by A. F. Bandelier. bds. 206 p. Bulletin. 1. 1883. 40 p. 8". o. p. Report on the Wolfe expedition to Babylonia, by Wm. Hayes Ward, 1884-5. 1886. 33 p. 8". Index to publications, 1879-89, by Wm. 8. Merrill. 1891. bds. 89 p. B. Publications of the American school of classical studies at Athens. Annual reports of the Managing Committee. 1, 1881 — 15, 1896. Ist, 2d, and 3d reports reprinted. 1886. 30 p. 8". Papers, v. 1, 1882 — v. 6, 1897. 188.5-97. 6 v. 8'>. maps and il. BulUtins. 1,2, and 4, 1882-94. 1883-95. 8». — 3, 1892. 40. Preliminary report on an archteological journey in Asia Minor, by J."R. 8. Sterrelt. 1885. 45 p. Note. The Institute has also made separate publication of articles from the American Journal of Archceology. Arizona Historical Society. Organized 18G4. Frescoti., Ariz. Charter, constitution and by-laws : 1864. 16 p. 12". Arkansas, Historical Society of the State of. Organ- ized (?). Little Rock, Ark. Proceedings of the legislature and Historical society, and the Eclectic society of Little Rock, Ark., fixing the pronunciation of the name Arkansas. 1881. 16 p. 8". Arkansas Medical Society. Organized 1875. (Dr. F. Vinsonhaler, sec. and e Boston] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Boston Boston. Public Library of tbe City of. Orgaiiize.l 1848. (Lintlsiiy Swift, ed. of library publica- tions.) Boslon, Mass. Annual reports. . By-la\V8, rules and rcgiilations : numerous editions. Catalogue of the Public Library. 1S64. Index to the catalogue of books in the upper hall, 1 ublic Library. 1S61. Supplement to the index. 1866. Quarterly Bulletins. 1867-95. v. 1-U. 1867-96. By mail, ea?, 10c. Nos. 1-3, 10, 12-28, 35, 36, 46, 47, 52, 54-50, 62, 64, i 1 , 72, '74, 101-102. o. p. Monthly Bulletins. 1896-. By mail, 3c. Annual list of new books. 1896-7. By mail, 15c. Periodicals currently received; and works of reference in the reading room and at the desk in Bates hall. Ist ed., 1870. Periodicals in the central library as currently received. 2d ed., 1873. , ,^ . , V Periodicals, newspapers, traneactions and other serial puD- lications currently received in the principal libraries of Boston and vicinity. 1897. By mail, 33c. Historical fiction. Novels, plays, poems. Ist ed. 18J1- Chronological index to historical fiction. 2d ed. 1875. — 3d ed. In Bulletins from Jan., '92, to Jan., '96. (When finished to be issued as a separate work.) History, biography and travel. 3d ed. 1892. By mail, 42c. French fiction. 1892. By mail, 13c. English prose fiction. 8th ed. 1893. By mail, 18c. — Supplement. 1893-7. By mail, 8c. German fiction. 1895. Catalogue notes on English history. 1876. ^ „ n List of Spanish and Portuguese books, not restricted to Hall use. 1891. (In Bulletin no. 84.) Russian works in the library. 5c. Selected list for younger readers. 3d ed. 1898. By mail, oC. Books in raised type for the blind. 50c. Catalogue of books in foreign languages. 3d ed. 1881. Same. Finding list. Additions to 1891. Catalogue of works in the arts and sciences. Supp. list. 1881- Catalogue, Barton library, complete.. $0. Parti. Shakespeare collection. $3. Part 2. Miscellaneous coll. $3. — Chamberlain Collection of autographs. By mail, 3c. — Supplement. Text of the four great documents of Amer- ican history. — Franklin library ; list of portraits owned by the library. In Bulletin no. 84. „ ,_ ,_ ^ v t a — of a collection of early New Eng. books made by J. A. Lewis. 1892. In Bulletin no. 89. — Prince library. 1870. $1. — Thayer library. In Bulletin no. 100. — of Spanish library and of Portuguese books in Ticknor library. — Galatea collection. By mail, 18c. Subject catalogues: 1893, 1. Annuals. —2. Egypt; 1894, — 3 Alps. — 4. Steam-engines. — 5. Works relating to the blind. — 6. Africa. — 7. Arctic and Antarctic regions. — 8. Health and hygiene. — 9. Tracts, English Commonwealth, 1625-60. — 10 Architecture, construction, decoration. (By mail, 33c.) 1895, — 11. Roads. — 12. Corea, Japan, China. — 13. Works written by and relating to Goethe. Bibliographies on special subjects: 1. Works relating to Benj. Franklin, by Lindsay Swift. 2. Spanish grammars and dictionaries, 1490-1780, by Wm. I.Knapp. 1S84. . , „ .. 3 Articles upon American history in historical collections, by A. P. C. Grifl3n. 1889. , ,. ^ , . , 4 Classified index to maps in publications of the Geological Society of London, 1811-85 ; by R. Bliss. 1887. 5 Bibliographies of special subjects in the Boston Public Library, by J. L. Whitney. 1890. 6. Materials for a Bibliography of oflicial publications of the Continental Congress, by P. L. Ford. 1890. 7. Catalogue of family histories, by A. M. Knapp. 1891. 8. Bibliography of the higher education of women, by Mary H. Rollins. 1897. By mail, 18c. Social reform. By mail, 8e. Facsimiles (first appearing in Quarterly Bulletins) : Chart of Boston harbor, in color, made by order of Andros. First draft of the freeman's oath. Five broadsides of the Boston com. of corr. 177.3-4. Five revolutionary broadsides. Four broadsides relating to the American Colonies, 1696, 1697, 1774, 1775. Latin version of 1493 of first letter of Columbus on dis- covery of America. List of passengers in the Speedwell, 1656. Petition of the handycraftsmen of Boston, 1677, against the intrusion of strangers. 36 Boston] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Bostonian Society Boston, Public Library of tbe City of, continued. Plan of Boston drawn by Uhev. Daux in 1692. Genealogies and estates of Cliarlestown, 1620-1^18, by T. B. Wyraan. 2 v. $8. Journal of the Quebec expedition, 1775; journals, 1776-83, by Henry Dearborn, ca., 75c. Map of old Boston, by George Lamb. Electric ti'legraph and telephone. In liulletin no. O'i. Electricity and magnetism, fu Bulletin no. 8S. Memoranda of Lieut. Col. Eld, 177'J and 17S0. Original letters of Earl Percy, 1774-78. In Bulletin no. 87. Memorandums made in a tour to the eastern states, 1797, by Robert Gilmor. In Bulletin no. 88. Notes on some writing which may be by Shakespeare in the library. In Bulletin no. 79. Handbook for readers. lBt-9th ed. 1872-90. Last issue, by mail, 10c. Note. Kor prices of such public.itions as are for sale, when not given in the list, address the librarian. Boston Scientific Society. Organized 187G. (J. Ritchie, Jr., cor. sec, box 2795.) Boston, Mass. Science Observer, v. 1, 1879 — v. 5 : 5,1895. Science Observer Circulars (with early orbits of comets'). No. 1-130. 1880-98. Science Observer Internationnl CirculS. (Dr. Wm. C. Krauss, od., 371 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.) Transactions, v. 1-4. ea., $1.00. Central Ohio Scientific Association Urbana, 0. rioceedings. v. 1, pt. 2: 1, 1884. O. Century Association. Organized 1847. (II. E. How- land, sec, J. H. Senior, libn.) 7 W. 43d SL, New York City. Constitution, list of members, etc. Issued irregularly, 1851- 1897. 12". Annual reports, etc., 1871-98. (To that for 187.5, a catalogue of the library is appended.) Origin and history of the Century, by John H. Gourlie. IS.ifi. 31 p. 8". pap. Tribute to the memory of Uobert Kelly, byE. 8. Van Winkle. 1856. 40 p. 8°. pap. Thomas Crawford ; a Eulogy, by Tboe. Hicks. 1858. 52 p. S". pap. Twelfth-Night at the Century Club, Jan. 6, 1858, by A. R. Macdonough. 1858. sq. 8". bds. Twelfth-Night at the Century Club, 18.59. 17 p. 12". Proceedings in honor of memory of J. S. Wadsworth and Col. P. A. Porter, with Eulogies by W. J. Hoppin and F. S. Cozzens. 1865. 88 p. S". pap. Van Nostrand. Bryant festival, Nov. 5, 1864. 1865. 88 p. sq. 8». pap. Same. il. ed. 1865. sq. f. J roan. Proceedings in memory of Gulian C. Verplanck, Apr. 9, 1870. 1870. 100 p. 8". pap. port. Proceedings in memory of John F. Kensett, Dec, 1872. 29 p. 8". pap. Memorial notices, 1875. 22 p. 8". pap. Bryant memorial meeting, Nov. 12, 1878. 74 p. 8". pap. port. In memory of Henry Peters Gray, by Chas. P. Daly. 1878. 22 p. 12". pap. Catalogue of the library, compiled by T. M. Coan. 1879. 144 p. 8". ^ mor. Gifford memorial meeting, Nov. 19, 1880. 57 p. 8". pap. port. Prehistoric notes of the Century Club, by J. Durand. 1882. 23 p. 8". pap. Memorial of Asher B. Durand, by D. Huntington. 1887. 48 p. 8". port. George William Curtis : a commemorative address by P. Godwin. 1893. 65 p. 8". pap. James Lorimer Graham, Jr. : addresses and poems by J. M. Varnum, P. L. Ford, R: H. Stoddard, E. C. Stedman. 1894. 40 p. 8». pap. Catalogue of the James Lorimer Graham library, by Paul L. Ford. 1896. 391 p. nar. 8». bds. Hoktisai, by John La Farge. 1897. .32 p. 8». pap. Fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Century. 1897. 62 p. 4'\ music, portraits, pi. cl. Chamber of Commerce (The) of New Haven. See New Haven. Charity Organization Society of Baltimore City. See Baltimore. Charity Organization Society of Buffalo. See Buffalo. Charity Organization Society of the City of New York. See New York. * Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Organized 1878. (Kate F. Kimball, sec.) 89 W. Genesee St., Buffalo, N. r. The Chautaumian [1880-date], published monthly at Mead- ville. Pa. 8". l|2 per year. C. L. S. C. membership book (sent from the Buffalo office only to enrolled members, contains suggestions for study, test papers, memoranda, or review questions, and other helps to the student). C. L. S. C. Handbook (containing lists of special courses). Annual report (published in August in The Chautauqua Assembly Daily Herald in the issue following Recognition Day). Pamphlets (issued by the Buffalo Office for the use of students of special courses), linos. 8". ea., 50c. Cont.: English history and literature series, 1-3, by H. B. Adams and W. D. McClintock. Modern European history, by H. B. Adams and G. B. Lynes. American history series, 1, 2, by H. B. Adams and J. A. Woodburn. Greek history and literature, by M. L. D'Ooge. Art history, by W: H; Goodyear. 44 Chantniiqiia Literary] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Chicago Historical Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, continued. Philosophy of art history, by W: H: Goodyear. Hociology, by 1. H. Howerth. Trij) to Engliind, by 8. Hale. Chautauqua Society of History and Natural Science. Jamestown, N. Y. Organized 1.S8.'5. (Wui. W. Henderson, sec. and treas. , 1 Pratber Ave.) Jamestown, N. Y. Geology, Chautauqua Lake region, by Obed Edsoa. 1884. ClasBifled list of birds in Chautauqua Co., by Johu M. Edsou. 18S5. The Six Nations. Address at annual meeting, Jan. 29, 1885, by Daniel Sherman. 1885. 23 p. 8". Cleveland. Mastodon Americanus and organic remains, by Samuel G. Love. 188.5. New philosophy of the sun, by H: R. Rogers. The old French portage road from Lake Erie to Chautauqua Lake, by Horace C. Taylor. The telescope; its history, construction and uses, by John Peale. Chester County Medical Society. West Chester., Pa. The Medical Reporter (.q\Mirter\y). 1853-56. 8". Chicago Academy of Sciences. Organized 1857. (Fk. Collins Baker, sec.) Lincoln Park, Chicago, III. Transactions, v. 1 : 1-v. 2 : 1. 18H7-? o. p. Bulletin, v. I, art. 1-10, ea., 25c. v. 2, art. 1, 75c., art. 2, 25c. Geological and natural history survey. Bulletin. No. 1, 25c. Chicago, Citizens' Association of. Organized 1874. (John C. Ambler, sec, 92 La Salle St.) Chicago, III. Annual reports. 1875-98. Manuals. 12o. Taxation report. 1874. Reports: Sewerage. 1880. 16". — Education. 1881. 16». — Theatres. 1882,1883,1887. — Street railways. 1883. — Street railways and bridges. 1884. — Tenement houses. 1884. — Heating and ventilation. 1884. — Drainage. 1880, 1885, 1887. — Smoke. 1889. — Lake levels. 1889. Address Constitutional Conveirtioa. 1891, 1895. — City Finances Committee. 1896. Report Water Tunnel Committee. 1897. Letters on reform. Chicago College of Pharmacy. Organized 1859. (W. B. Day, sec.) 465 State St., Chicago, III. The PharrnaciHt and Chemical record. 5 v. 8". 1868-72; then The Pharmacist, 1873-78; then The Pharmacist and Chemist, 1879-84. 1868-84. 8". Chicago Franklin Society. See Franklin. Chicago Historical Society. Organized 1850. (C. Evan.s, sec. and libn.) 142 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, III. Collections, v. 1, 1882— v. 4, 1890. 4 v. 8". Proceedings. 1883. 1 v. 8". 1884. Reports of quarterly and annual meetings. Jan., lS88-July, 1897. paged consecutively. 8". 1888-97. Memoir of Hon. Dan. P. Cook, by Wm. H. Brown. 1857. 30 p. 8". Historical sketch of the early movement in Illinois for the legalization of slavery, by Wm. H. Brown. 1865. 44 p. 8". Reprinted, 1876. History of Illinois from 1778 to 1833, and life and times of NInlan Edwards, by Ninian W. Edwards. 1870. 549 p. 8". Written at the request of the society. Springjietd. Last of the Illinois, and a sketch of the Pottawatomies, by J. D. Caton. 1870. 30 p. 8". Biographical sketch of Gen. B. J. Sweet : History uf Camp Dougtas; by Wm. Bross. 1878. 28 p. 8". Biographical memoir of Hon. George Manierre, by Thomas Hoyne. 1878. 48 p. S». portrait. Father Marquette at Mackinaw and Chicago, by II. H. Hurl- but. 1878. 16 p. 8". 45 Chicago Historical] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Cliristian Social Union Cliicago Historical iSociety, continued. My own times; einbiucing also the history of my life, liy John Iveyiiolds. llepiiut ed. 1879. 395 p. 8". portrait. The inii)ri8t)niuiMit in Libby and escape by tunnel, by C. W. Earle. 1H79. 21 p. 8". Wdukegan. Kaskaskia, 111., parish records, 1696-1834, by E. G. Mason. 1879. 22 p. 8". Ohicauo and the sources of her past and future growth, by Wni. Bross. 18SU. 18 p. 8". In Meraoriam. Memorial addresses, by E. B. Washburne and others. 1SS4. 43 p. 8". The Theatre; its early days in Chicago, by J. li. McVickar. 1884. 88 p. 8". Charles Hammond and his relations to Henry Clay and J. {^. AdaniB, by W. II. Smith. 1885. 72 p. 8". In Meinoriani; Isaac Newton Arnold and Arthur Mason Arnold. 1S85. 115 p. 8". portrait. In Memoriam : John 8. Wright, by Aug. W. Wright. 1885. 40 p. 8". Samuel de Cbamplain, by Henry H. Hurlbut. 1885. 19 p. 8". Ceremonies at the unveiling of the bronze memorial group of the Chicago Massacre of 1812. 1893. 23 p. 8». 2 plates. Note. See also Fergus Historical series and GrifHn's Bibli- ography of Am. Hist. Societies. Chicago Literary Club. Organized 1874. (F. W. Gookin, sec. and treas., Northwestern Nat. Bank.) University Club Bldg., Chicago, III. Yearbooks. Annual. 1876-98. 25 nos. Later issues, 16". The Bryant celebration by the Chicago Literary Club, Nov. 3, 1875. 1875. 33 p. 40. [Privately printed by Jansen, McChirg A Co.] In memoriam. 1891-8. [Various memorial leaflets on de- ceased members.] A true love story, by David Swing. 1894. 35 p. [215 copies privately printed by T. L. De Vinne A Co.] A deserted village, by Henry Sherman Boutell. 1894. 65 p. [215 copies privately printed by T. L. De Vinne db Co.] The value of mental Impressions in the treatment of disease, by Wm. T. Belfield. 1896. 27 p. [17U copies privately printed by T. L. De Vinne ci: Co.] Chicago Medical College, Alumni Association of. Chicago, III. Constitution. 8". Chicago. 1868. Proceedings 18th ann. meeting. 8". Chicago. 1884. Children's Aid Society of New York. See New York. Christian Arbitration and Peace Society. Organized 1887. (J: B. Wood, pres., 7th and York Sts., Camden, N.J.) Haydock's testimony, by L. C. Wood. 1891. 12». $1; pap., 50c. Christian Arbitrator and Messenger of Peace (monthly). [1889-(?).] 8". .50c. per year. (Publication suspended.) Christian Social Union. Organized 1891. Name changed to Church Social Union, 1894, and again changed to Christian Social Union, 1897. No. 1 Joy Street, Boston, Mass. Publications (monthly). April, 189-5-June, 1898. 50 nos. ea., 10c. $1 per ann. First Series. A. The church of the world, by Uev. R. A. Holland. The church's duty in relation to the sacredness of property, by Prof. W. Cunningham. Social problems and the church, by Rt. Rev. F. D. Hunting- ton, o. p. The Incarnation, a revelation of Christian duties, by Rt. Rev. B. F. Westcott. Rights and duties : extracts from Joseph Mazzini. What the church social union is. Social teaching of the early fathers, by Revs. C. L. Marson and W. P. Cobb. The church's opportunity in the city today, by Rev. W. S. Rainsford. Present aspect of the Church social union, by Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington. Socialism and spiritual progiess, by Vida D. Scudder. Spirit and work of the early ChriBtian socialists, by Rev. C. H. Brent. Economics of improved housing, by Prof. E. R. L. Gould. Series B. Railroad strike of 1894, by Prof. W. J. Ashley. An Intel pretation of the social movements of our time, by Prof. H.C.Adams. Arbitration and conciliation, by Rev. W. D. P. Bliss. 46 Cliristian Social Tnion] PU lUlCATfONS OF SOCIETIES [Cincinnati Ciiristian Social Union, continued. Political economy unci pnictical life, Ijy Rev. Prof. W. Cuii- iiliiglmni. Striken, liy llcv. Prof. W. Cunningham. A plan of work. Slums of great cities, by Kev. P. W. Spragne. Industrial arbitration and conciliation, by Mrs. Charles 11. Lowell. Legality and propriety of labor orgauizatiouB, by the U. 8. Attorney General. American trade unions, by Rev. W. D. P. Hliss. Report of the executive committee. 'I'he Christian law, by Rt. Rev. B. F. Westcott. Hecond series. 2.'). Poverty and its cauBee, by Kev. \\ . I>. P. Bliss. 26. Christian socialism, by Rev. F. D. Maurice. 27. What one parish is doing for social reform, by Kev. J. P. Peters. 2S. Settlements and the church's dut> , by Ellen Gates Starr. 29. Report on questions drawn np by present residents in our college settlements. 30. Christian socialism and the social union, by Kev. George Hodges. 31. Work of the Prospect Union, by Kev. Kobert E. Ely. 32. Is there a social question — for America? by Kev. Henry S. Nash. 33. Economics of devotion, by Kev. Charles Ferguson. 34. Modificutiou of Christianity by its contact with the world, by Prof. E. P. Gould. 35. Social righteousness and the power of the church to proclaim it, by Kalhbone Gardner. 36. The Saturday half-holiday, by Rev. James Yeames. Third series. 37. A lawyer's view of the function of the church, by Robert EI. Gardiner. 38. Rights of capital and labor and industrial conciliation, by Mrs. C. R. Lowell. 39. The republic of letters, by Robt. A. Wood. 40. Relations between the church and the associated char- ities, by Robert Treat Paine. 41. Two notable reports of the Lambeth conference. 42. Kecent English legislation and some recent decisions of American courts on the liability of employers. 43. Suggestions for wSrk. 44. Social possibilities of a country town, by Laura E. Richards. 4:'). Prison reform in Massachusetts, by Rev. Fred. B. Allen. 46. Consumers' leagues, by Mrs. C. R. Lowell. 47. Some aspects of the labor problem, by Rev. Philip S. Moxom. 48. Annual report. Fourtli series. 49. Socialism as an educative and social force on the East side, by Mary M. Kingsbury. 50. Church printing, by Robert H. Gardiner. Church Club. 146 5th Ave,, New York City. Lectures, 1888-1894. '90-'94. 7 v. D. ea., net, .'iOc. E. a; J. li. Young. 1888: History and teachings of the early church as a basis for the union of Christendom. 1889 : Church in the British Isles. 1890: Post-Reformation period of the church in the Brltijili Isles. 1891 : Catholic dogma. 1892 : Church's ministry of grace. 1893: Six oecumenical councils of the undivided (Jatliolic church. 1894 : Rights and pretensions of the Roman see. Church Congress of the V. Organized 1873. 2 City. Reports. Annual. 1874+. E. Church in the U. S. Bible House, New York 8". ca., pap., $1 ; cl., $l.r)0. Now Christian Social Union, WhUtaker N'oti'. The meetings of the Congress are held two years in succession, but the third year is skipped, so that no meeting is held in the year of the triennial convention of the P. K. church. Church Social Union. which see. Cincinnati Deutsche Pionier-Verein. Cincinnnii. O. Dcr Deutsche Plonler. Erlnnerungen aus dem pionier-leben der deutschen In Amerlka. 15 v. 8". il. portraits. lS0y-S4. The German soldier in the wars of the United States, by J. G. Rosengarten. 1886. 49 p. S". Rejtrinffd from the United Service Muga^ine, Philadelphia. 47 Cincinn:iti Society] PVBl. [CATIONS Of SOCIETIES [Colonial t)ames Cincinnati Society of Natnral History. Organized 1870. (Dr. Josua Lintlahl, director, 312 Broad- way.) Cincinnati, 0. Procceiiiiigs, 1870-78. Succeeded by Jouiual, ed. by J)r. Josua Liiidiihl. 8". v. 1 : 1, April, 1H78— V. 19 : 3, Nov., 1897. $2 per vol. v. 1-18, ea. coutained 4 parts sold separately, .OOc. v. 19 may contain parts, 30 to 50c. Civil Service Reform Association. See Boston ; Brook- lyn ; Cambridge ; Indiana ; Maryland ; Missouri ; New York ; Pennsylvania. Cleveland Academy of Natural Sciences. Cleveland, 0. The Auuals of Science, v. 1-2 : 4. 1852-4. S". Clevelaivl Public Library. Organized 1869. (W. II. Brett, libn.) Cleveland, 0. Open Shelf (monthly). 16». pap., 25c. discontinued, 1896. Cumulative index to periodicals, June, 1896-date. monthly subs, or per annual v., $5. Special reading lists ou various subjects. Catalogues. Clover Club. Organized 1882. (J: S. McCartney, sec, Philadelphia Record Office.) Philadelphia, Pa. Clover Leaves. Club (The). Organized 1857. New York. A journal of the expedition to Quebec, in the year 1775 under the command of Colonel Benedict Arnold. By James Melvin. 1857. roy. %». Diary of Washington : from the first day of October, 1789, to the tenth day of March, 1790. 1858. roy. 8". Club of Odd Sticks, The. Organized 1864. New York. Bibliomania; or. Book-madness. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. (Reprinted from the English edition.) 1864. 4 4- 88 p. roy. 8". Club of Odd Volumes. Organized 1886. Boston, Mass. The work of George Cruikshank in oil, water colors, original drawings, etchings, wood cuts, lithographs and glypbographs. Collected by John B. Gough. 1890. 56 p. I'hotogravures. 4". The women of the Court of Louis XV. Tr. by Geo. B. Ives from the French of Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1892. 7 4- 304 p. Portraits. 4". The last years of Louis XV. Tr. by Geo. B. Ives from the French of Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1893. 7 -f- 236 p. Por- traits. 4". Early American poetry. 4 nos. 1894-6. 4". 1 : New England's crisis, by Benjamin Tompson. 2 -\- 28 -I- 2 -i- 5—31 p. 2: New England: or a briefe nearration of the Ayre, earth, water, tish and fowles of tliat country, with a description of the natures, orders, habits and religion of the uatiues. 3 : A poem and an elegy by Cotton Mather. 4: Elegies and epitaphs, 1677-1717. The Club of Odd Volumes: Tenth anniversary exhibition at the Boston art club, Feb. 17-24, 1897. 4 -J- 73 p. Plates, narrow 12". College Association of Pennsylvania. Organized 1887. Name changed, 1888, to College Association of the Middle States and Maryland. 1893, name again changed to Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States and Maryland, which see. College of Physicians of Philadelphia. See Phila- delphia. Colonial Dames [The] of the State of New York. Organized 1893. (Mrs. Theo. Woolsey Scar- borough, cor. sec, 33 E. SOth St.) Netv Yoi-k. Calendar of Wills, 1020-183G. Ed. by B. Fernow. 1896. 8». Knickerbocker Presa. Annual Register, 1893-1898. 1898. 231 p. cl. 8». 48 Colonial Society] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Colorado Scientific Colonial Society of Massachusetts. Organized 1892. (John Noble, sec, Suffolk Court House.) Bos- ton, Mass. Publications, v. 1. Traneactions, 1892-4. 1895. 525 p. 8". facsiniiles. portraits. Note. A few papers from this volume have been reprinted separately. Colonial Society of Pennsylvania. See Pennsylvania. Colorado College Scientific Society. Organized 18'.>0. (Florian Cajori, sec.) Colorado Springs, Col. Colorado college studies : v. 1, 1890— v. 7, 1898. 1890-98. 7 v. 8«. Note. Contain treatises on subjects in mathematics, logic, geology, and Latin literature. No volumes issued in 1895 or 1897. Colorado Scientific Society. Organized 1«82. (P. H. Van Diest, cor. sec.) 119-124 Boston Block, Denver, Col. Proceedings, v. 1,1883-84; v. 2: 1,1885; v. 2 : 2, 1886; v. 2: 3, 1887; V. 3:1,1888; v. 3: 2,1889; v. 3:3-v. 5, 1890-97. 8». V. 1,0. p. v. 2, $1.25. v. 3, $1.50. v. 4, $2.25. v. 5, $4.30. Sanitary chemical character of some of the artesian waters of Denver, by W: C. Strong. 1894. 12°. pap., 15c. Geology of the Cripple Creek gold mining district, Colo., by R. H. F. Penrose. 1894. 12°. pap., 25c. Ore deposits of Camp Floyd district, Tooele County, Utah, by R. C. Hills. 1894. 12°. pap., 15c. Suspected new mineral from Cripple Creek, by F.C. Knight. 1894. 12°. pap., 10c. Notes on the geology of the western slope of the Sangre De Cristo Range in Costilla Co., Colo., by E. C. and P. H. van Diest. 1894. 12°. pap., 10c. Recent history and present status of chemistry, by C: S. Palmer. 1894. 12°. pap., 15c. Costilla meteorite, by ti. C. Hills. 1895. 12°. pap., 10c. Determination of bismuth in refined lead and in lead bul- lion, by L. G. Eakins. 1895. 12°. pap., 15c. Notes on the precipitation of the precious metals from cya- nide solutions by means of zinc, by N. Anderson. 1895. pap., 10c. Occurrence of tellurium in oxidized form associated with gold, by R: Pearce. 1895. pap., 10c. Volcanic rock of Alum Hill, Boulder Co., Colo., by I. An- drews. 1895. pap., 10c. Vein structure in the Enterprise Mine, by T. A. Richard, pap., 10c. Nickel near Riddes, Oregon, by W. L. Austin. 1st and 2d papers. 1893, 5. Some notes on the occurrence of urantic in Colorado, by R. Pearce. 1895. Concretions of chalcedony and opal in obsidian and rhy- golite in Colorado ; peculiar geological formation at the head waters of the Rio Grande, by II. B. Patton. 1895. A technical determination of iron, by L. J. W. Jones. 1899. An automatic water-recording gauge, by E. LeNeve Foster. 1896. Notes on the occurrence of a rich silver and gold mineral containing tellurium in the Griflith lode near Georgetown, Clear Creek Co., Colo., by R. Pearce. 1896. Notes on the occurrence of tellurium in oxidized form in Montana, by R. Pearce. 1896. The occurrence of tourmaline with gneiss and schist at Beacon Hill, Jefferson Co., Colo., by H. B. Patton. 1896. On pearcite, a sulpharsenite of silver, and on crystallization of polybarite, by 8. L. Penfield. 1896. The San Miquel formation igneous (?) rocks of the telluride district, Colo., by Whitman Cross. 1896. A recent assay balance, by L. S. Austin. 1897. The Orcino Mountain meteorite, by R. C. Hills. 1897. Pelican mine, by B. B. Lawrence. 1897. Ferric sulphate in mine waters and its action on metals, by L. J. W. Jones. 1897. Bondai-san crater, by W. L. Austin. 1S97. Some products found in the hearth of an old furnace upon the dismantling of the Trethellan tin works, Truro, Cornwall, by Wm. P. Headden. 1897. Notes on some telluride veins of the La Plata Mountains, Colo., by W. L. Austin. 1897. Notes on the occurrence of carbonic acid gas in certain veins of Gilpin Co., Colo., by Arthur L. Collins. 1898. An olivinatc dike of the Magnolia district and the pecroti- tanite, by Milton Whitaker. 1898. Gas and oil engines, by Thomas L. Wilkinson. 1898. A mineralogical mistake, by Prof. H. P. Van Diest. 1898. 49 Colorado State] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Columbia University Colorailo State Bar Association. Ueor^anizeil 1897. (Lucius \V. Hoyt, sec, 72r> Ernest and Crannier Building.) Denver, Colo. rrocei'.liiigd, 1884. 8». — 1898. lau p. 8". pap. $1. Colorado State Medical Society. Organized 1871. (H. B. Whitney, cor. sec, 720 14th St.) Den- ver, Col. Trausactione. 1871-97. 9 v. ea., $2. Colorado State Teachers' Association. Organized 1877. (F. J. Francis, sec, 4445 W. 3L'd St.) Denver, Col. Constitution. 4 p. (>. Report of committee on college requirementB In science. 4 p. O. Proceedings of meeting, Dec, 1896. 1897. 192 p. pap., 50c. Note. Most of the papers are published only in the Colo- rudo Scfiool Journal. Columbia Historical Society. Organized 1894. (Mrs. Ma. Stevens Beail, sec, 1043 32dSt., N. W.) Washington, D. C. Records. No. 1 : Organization and proceedings for 1894-5. 1895. 54 p. 8". pap., 45c. 2. Unwelcome visitors to Washington, Aug. 24, 1814: Mil- itary and private secretaries of Geo. Washington. 1895. 64 p. 8". pap., 45c. _ 3. Eighty years of the public schools of Washington, 1805-1S85. 1896. 52 p. 8". pap., 45c. 4. In memoriam: Kate Field, 1840-96: Joseph Mere- dith Toner, 1825-96. 1897. 14 p. 8". pap., 15c. 5. Washington in the Forbes expedition of 1758. 1897. 29 p. 8". pap., 2ac. fi. Boundary monuments of the District of Columbia. 1897. 8 p. 8". pap., 15c. 7. List of officers and members; with proceedings, Feb. 18, 1895— Feb. 1, 1897; and index to V. 1. 1897. 29 p. 8». pap., 25c. Note. The set will be sold for $2. Columbia University. Founded as Kings College in 1754; name changed to Columbia College in 1784; present title assumed in 1896. (George Hall Baker, libn.) New York City. Columbia University Bulletin. Nos. 1-20, 1890-98, and index. Note. Continued as Columbia University Quarterly, 1898 -f-. - ■ School of Mines Quarterly, v. 1-20: 1. 1890-98. — Index' vol. v. 1-10. 1890. — Officers and graduates of Columbia College : general cata- logue, 1754-1894. 1894. . _ Supplement : Catalogue of matriculants who have not graduated, 1768-1897. 1897. Contributions from the Botanical Department. Nos. 1-139. 1886-98. V. 1-6. 8". il. pi. $5 per vol. Note. V. 1-4 have title " Contributions from the Herbarium of Columbia College." Memoirs from the Department of Botany : V. 1, 1895. Monograph of the North American species of the ge'nuB Polygonum, by J. K. Small. 1895. 183 p. 84 pi. $6. V 2 1898. Monograph of the North American Potentiileoe, byP.A. Rydberg. 1898. 223 p. 112 pi. $6. Contributions from the Geological Department. Nos. 1-44. 1892-96. V. 1-7. 8". il. pi. tab. Contributions from the Metallurgical Department. v. 1 : 1-13. 1891-7. Contributions from the Mineralogical Department, v. 1 : 1-2. V. 2: 1-12. V. 3: 1. v. 4: 1-19. v. 5:1. v. 6: 1-10. 1863-97. Contributions from the Zoological Department, v. 1 : 1-6. 1893-95. Biological series, v. 1-G. 1894-6. v. 1. From the Greeks to Darwin ; the development of the evolution idea, by Henry F. Osborn. 1894. 259 p. $2. 2d. ed., 1896. V 2. Araphioxus and the ancestry of the vertebrates, by Arthur Willey. 1894. 316 p. 135 11. $2.50. V 3 Fishes, living and fossil : an introductory study, by Bat'hford Dean. 1895. 300 p. 344 il. $2.50. V. 4. The cell in development and inheritance, by Edmund B. Wilson. 1396. $3. Contributions from the Havemeyer Laboratories 1S98. Nos. 1-3. 50 Coliiinbia University] PUB/JCAT/ONS OF SOCIETIES [Columbia University Columbia University, continued. Studies from the Fiithological Labonitory of the College of Physicians and Hurgeons. v. 1-5: 20. 1890-98. 8". il. $1 per vol. Contributions from the Observatory, v. 1 : 3-8, 10-10. 1892- 98. Studies in history, economics, and public law. 1891-98. O. il. V. 1-10:1. V. 1-9, $20; bound, $30 for the set. v.fi,$4; bd., $4.50. V. 8, 9, ea., $3.50; bd., $4; other vols., ea., $3; bd., $3.,')0. Macmillmi Co. v. 1 : 1. Divorce problem, by \V. V. Willcox. 1S91. 74 p. 75c. — 2. History of tariff adiniiiiHtration in the United Slates, by J. P. Goss. 1891. 89 p. $1.-3. History of municipal ownership of land on Manhattan Island, by O. A. Black, 18.'i.'j. 1891. 82 -|- 1 p. $1.-4. Financial history of Massachusetts, by C. H. J. Douglas. 1892. 148 p. v. 2: 1. Economics of the Russian village, by I. A. Iloin-- wich. 1S92. 182 p. $1.-2. Hankruptcy; a study in com- parative legislation, by 8. W. Dunscouib, Jr. 1893. 107 p. $1. — 3. Special assessments, by V. Roaewater. 1893. 152 p. Second ed., 1898. $1. V. 3 : 1. History of elections in the American colonies, by C. F. Bishop. 1S93. 5 -|- 297 p. $1.50.-2. Commercial policy of England toward the American colonies, by G'. L. Beer. 1H93. 167 p. $1.50. V. 4; 1. Financial history of Virginia, 1G09-1776, by W. Z. Ripley. 1893. 170 p. $1. — 2. Inheritance tax, by M. West. 1893. 140 p. $1.-3. Uistorv of taxation in Vermont, by F. A. Wood. 1894. 128 p. $1." V. 5: 1. Double taxation in the United States, by F. Walker. 1895. 132 p. $1. — 2. Separation of governmental powers in history, in theory, and In the constitution, by W. Bondy. 1896. 185 p. $1. — 3. Municipal government in \Iichigan and Ohio, by D. F. Wilcox. 1896. 180 p. $1. v. 6 : History of proprietary government in Pennsylvania, by W. R. Shepherd. 1896. 601 p. bd. .$4.50. v. 7: 1. History of the transition from provincial to com- monwealth government in Massachusetts, by II. A. Cush- ing, 1870. 1896. 281 p. $2. — 2. Speculation on the stock and produce exchanges of the United States, by H. C. Emery. 1896. 230 p. $1.50. V. 8 : 1. Struggle between President .lohnson and Congress over reconstruction, by C. E. Chadsey. 1896. 141 p. $1. — 2. Recent centralizing tendencies in state educational adminis- tration, by W. C. Webster, 1866. 1897. 78 p. 75c. — 3. Abolition of privateering and the declaration of Paris, by F. R. Stark. 1897. 163 p. $1. — 4. Public administration in Massachusetts, by R. H. Whitten, 1873. 1898. 167 p. $1. V. 9: 1. English local government of today, by M. R. Maltbie. 1897. 296 p. $2. — 2. German wage theories, by J. W. Crook, 1859. 1898. 113p. $1. — 3. Centralization of admin- istration in New York State, by J. A. Fairlie, 1872. 1898. 207 p. $1. V. 10: 1. Sympathetic strikes and sympathetic lockouts, by F.S.Hall. 1898. 120 p. $1.-2. Rhode Island and the for mation of the Union, by F. G. Bates. 1898. 220 p. $1. Contributions to philosophy, psychology, and education. 1894-98. O. V. 1-3:1. Afacmillav Co. Cont.: V. 1:1. Friedrich HeinrichJacobi ; a study in the ori- gin of German realism, by N. Wilde, 1867. 1894. 77 p. 60c.— 2. Kant's inaugural dissertation of 1770, translated into English with an introduction . . . by William J. Eckoff. 1804. 101 j). 90c. — 3. Ethical system of James Martineau, by J. II. Hertz, 1872. 1894. 85 p. 60c. — 4. Friedrich Edward Beneke; the man and his philosophy, by F. B. Brandt, 1865. 1895. 167 p. $1. V. 2: 1. Hegel as educator, by F. L. Luqueer, 1870. 1896. 185 p. $1. —2. Hegel's doctrine of the will, by .1. A. Mac- VanncI, 1871. 1896. 102 p. $1. — .3. B.asis of eariy Christian theism, by L. T. Cole, 1869. 189H. 60 p. ."iOc. — 4. Early American philosophers, by A. I.. Jones, 1873. 1898. 81 p. 75c. V. 3 : 1. The formal and material elements of Kant's ethics, by W. M. Washington, Ph.D. 1898. 67 p. 60c. Engineering Society : Columbia Engineer : Transactions of the Engineering Soci- ety, 189:!-8. 5 v. il. Jfnte. Title of the first volume was " The Engineer, Year-book of the E. S." List of dissertations for the Doctor's degree : Aitken, W. H. Dominion of Canada. (1890.) 106 p. Arnold, W. R. Ancient-Babylonian Temiilc Records in the Columbia University library. ("l89«.) 8 -|- 70 -+- (1) p. Baldwin, O. S. Inflections and syntax of the Morte d' Arthur. (1894.) 10 + 156 p. Bancroft, F. A. Sketch of the negro in politics, especially In South Carolina and Mississippi. (1885.) 90 p. Barren, H. F. Outline of the Anglo Saxon law. (1885.) 83 p. Bates, Frank Greene. Rhode Island and the formation of the Union. (1898.) Bavles, G. J. The office of Mayor in the United States. (1895.) 74-t-(l)p. 51 Columbia University] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Columbia University Columhiii University, continued. HeiiUy, Arthur. I>ro\vniny'B Verne-form; its orgnnic char- acter. (1S97.) 77 1). Heer, O. \.. Coiiinurcial policy of England toward Amen can colouiew. (1893.) 107 p. Herg, J. Krcderic. The inihience of the Septiiagiiit npuii the p" Sitlu I'salter. (189;).) 6 + (2) + IfiO p. IJernheini, A. C The history of the law of aliens. (ISS-'i.) 19t p. Htnnstein, Ludwig. The order of words in old Norse prose. (1897.) 8-f{V2p. Bishop, C F. History of elections in the American colonies. (189:5.) 5 + 1297 + (1) p. Ulaek, O.A. Municipal ownership of land. (1889.) fiO p. Hlake, E. M. Indileiiniiiate coeflieieuts and exponents a])- plied to dit't'ereutial equations. (189:5.) 41 + (1) p. Bondy, Wm. Separation of government powers. (189:5.) 129 p. Brandt, F. B. Friedrieh Edward Beneke. (1895.) 169 p. Breckenridge, II. M. Canadian banking system, 1817-1890. (1894.) 363 p. BuUowa, E. M. History of the theory of sovereignty. (1895.) 81 + (1) p. Calkins, G. N. Mitosis in noctiluca miliaris. (1898.) 59 p. 3 pi. Chadney, C. E. The strnggle between President Johnson and Congress over reconstruction. (1896.) 141 p. Cole, L. T. The basis of early Christian theism. (1898.) 61 p. Cooper, F. T. Word formation in the Roman sermo plebeius. (1895.) 47 + 329+ (Dp. Coudert, F. R., Jr. Marriageand divorce laws. (1893.) (4) + 108 p. Crook, Jas. W. German wage theories. (1898.) 116 p. Crowell, J. F. Logical process of social development. Cushing, H. A. History of the transition from provincial to commonwealth government in Mass. (1896.) 281 + (1) p. Davis, H. S. The parallax of tj cassiopeiae. (1895.) (0) + 301-321 p. Deghuee, J. A. Acids in the juice of the sngar cane. (1893.) 31 p. Douglas, C. H. J. Financial history of Massachusetts. (1892.) 148 + (2) p. Drake, A. Authorship of the West Saxon gospels. (1894.) 45 + (2) p. Dunning, W. A. Constitution of the United States in civil war and reconstruction. (1885.) 131 p. Dunscomb, S. W. Bankruptcy. (1893.) 167+ (1) p. Dyar, H. G. On certain bacteria from the air of New York City. (1895.) p. 322-380. Eckoff, W. J. Kant's inaugural dissertation of 1770. (1894.) 103 p. Eraerick, 0. F. An analysis of agricultural discontent in the United Slates. (1897.) 5 p. + p. 433-463, 601-639, 93-127. Emery, H. C. Speculation on the stock and produce ex- changes of the United States. (1896.) 230 -}- (1) p. Engel, W. D. Action of potassium thiocyanate on the chlorhydrins. (1898.) 28 p. Fairlie, J. A. Centralization of administration in New York State. (1898.) 210 p. Fenton,J. F. Theory of the social compact. (1891.) 73 p. Freund, Ernst. The legal nature of corporations. (1897.) 83 p. Frost, T. G. French constitution of 1793. (1888.) 46 p. Gobs, J. D. History of the tariff administration in the United States. (1891.) 89 + (1) p. Graves, F. P. Burial customs of the ancient Greeks. (1891.) 87 p. Grieve, Lucia C. G. Death and burial in Attic tragedy, pt. I. (1898.) Grilling, H. On sensations from pressure and impact. (1895.) 4 +89 p. (irout, A. J. Revision of the North American isotheciaceas and brachythecia. (1898.) 80 p. Hall, F. B. Sympathetic strikes and sympathetic lockouts. (1898.) Hammond, M.B. The cotton industry. (1897.) 8+369 + (1)P- Herrick, F. M. Attic law. (1890.) 73 p. Hertz, J. H. Ethical system of James Martineau. (1894.) 85+ (1) p. Uourwich, I. A. Economics of the Russian village. (1892.) 182+ (1) p. Humason, T. A. The spherometer caliper. (1892.) 18 p. Humphreys, W. C. Government and education in the United States. (1890.) 52 p. Huntington, H. Certain new derivatives in aromatic series. (1894.) p. 171-193. Jones, A. L. Early American philosophers. (1898.) 81 p. Joy, E. S. Right of the territories to become States. (1892.) 43+ (1) p. 52 Columbia University] FUBLICAT/OjVS of SOCfETfES [Columbia I'niversity Succinimid. (1894.) 36 + (3) p. A. On the polarization of liglit. (1895.) Columbia University, continued. Keasbey, L. M. Nicaragua Canal. (ISHO.) 81 + l.'.O p. Lay, Wilfrid. Mental imat'ery. (1898.) (3> + ;>[i p. Ling, G. II. On the eolulion of a certain differential equa- tion which presents itself in Laplace's kinetic theory of tides. (1896.) p. 96-125. Littlejohn, J. M. The political theory of the schoolmen and GrotiuB. (189t).) (4) + 4 + 296 p. Luqueer, F. L. Hcpel as educator. (1896.) 187 p. Mcllhiney, P. C. InvestiKalions on certain methods of analysis of fats and resins. (1894.) 27 4- (3) P- McLean, J. A. Essays in the financial history of Canada. (1894.) p. 21-76. MacVannel, J. A. Hegel's doctrine of the will. (1896.) 103 p. Maltbie, Milo Roy. English local government of today a study of the relations of central and local government. (1807.) 287 p. Margolis, M. L. Comcntarius isascidis tractato 'ervbhin ostenditory. (1891.) (i7 -|- (4) p. Mathews, A. P. Physiology of secretion. (1898.) 75 p. Mathews, J. A. Action of nitrils upon aromatic acids. (1898.) 35 p. Matthew, W. D. Effusive and dyke rocks near St. John, N. B. (1895.) p. 187-217. Menken, P. 8. Regulation on the liquor traflic. (1891.) 77 p. Miller, E. H. Millikan, R. p. 155-185. Moldenke, A. B. Babylonian contract tablets in the Metro- politan Museum of Art. (1893.) 6 + (2) + 70 p. Mott, L. F. The system of courtly love. (1896.) 6 -f 153 p. Noble, F. H. Taxation in Iowa. (1897.) 121 -|- (2) p. Odell, G. C. D. Simile and metaphor in the English and Scottish ballads. (1892.) 107 p. Olcott, George N. Studies in the word formation of the Latin inscriptions substantives and adjectives. Osgood, H. L. Socialism and anarchism. (1889.) 560- 594 -P 36 p. Peters, T. McC. Town government iu the Massachusetts Bay. 73 +(1) p. Rambaut, T. D. Sketch of the constitutional history of Canada. (1884.) 60 p. Ries, H. The monocUnic pyroxenes of New York State. (1896.) p. 124-178. Ripley, W. J. Financial history of Virginia. (1893.) 170 -\- (1)P. Rogers, J. D. Language of ..Eschylus. (1894.) 6 -|- 58 p. Rosewater, V. Special assessment. A study in municipal finance. (1893.) 152 + (1) p. Rydberg, P. A. Monograph of the North American poten- tillefe. (1898.) 223 p. 112 pi. Satterlee, H. L. Political history of the province of New York. (1885.) 107 p. Schlcsinger, Frank. Rutherfurd photographs of prfesepe. (1898.) 99 p. Schneider, Albert. Text-book of general lichenology. (1897.) 17 4- 230 p. 76 pi. Shepherd, \V. R. History of proprietary government in Pennsylvania. (1806.) 168 p. Sherman, II. C. Insoluble carbohydrates of wheat. (1897.) 34 p. Small, J. K. Monograph of the North American species of the genus polygonum. (1805.) 183 p. 84 pi. Stark, F. R. Abolition of privateering and tlie declaration of Paris. (1897.) 165 ]>. Stanton, S. B. Behring Sea dispute. (1888.) 5 -)- 58 p. Strong, O. S. Cranial nerves of amphibia. (1805.) l.'SO )). Tamblyn, B. A. Establishment of Roman power in Britain. (1899.) 105 p. Taylor, W.I. Employers liability. (1888.) 125 p. Thorndike, Ed. L. Animal intelligence. (1898.) (3)-f-109 + (1)P. Tufts, F. L. The new Flicker photometry. (1897.) p. 190-212. Tyler A. .'V. The nature and origin of stipules. (1807.) 49 p. TTfford, W. S. Fresh air charity in the United States. (1897.) 3 -f U4 -<- (1) p. Walker, F. Double taxation in the United States. (1895.) 134 p. Washington, W. M. The formal and malerial elements of Kant's ethics. (1888.) 67 -[-(Dp. Webster, W. O. Recent centralizing tendencies in ^■tate educational administration. (1S07.) 78-f-(l)p. Weil.R. Legal status of the Indian. (1888.) 76 p. AVest, G. M. Status of the negro. 4 -|- 76 p. West, Max. The inheritance tax. (1803.) 140 -f (1) p. Whiton, Helen Isabel. The co-ordinate and suborclinate conjunction in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde. (1898.) 8 -\- 97 p. 53 Columbia University] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Connecticut Columbia University, continued. Whitten, R. H. Public achuiniBtration in Maes. (1898.) 169 p. Wilcox, D. F. Municipal government in Michigan and Ohio. (1896.) 181 p. Wilde, N. Kiiedrich lleinrich Jacobi. A study in the origin of German realism. (18".14.) 79 p. Willcox, W. F. The divorce problem. (1891.) 74 -f (1) p. Wood, F. A. History of tiixation in Vermont. (1894.) 129 p. Woodward, B. D. Palatal consonants in English. (1891.) 58+ (1) p. Young, C. H. Erchia : a derae of Attica. (1891.) 67 p. Columbia University Library. C^atalogue of the Avery Architectural library. 1895. 1139 p. eq.S". Publications, no. 1. List of books, chiefly on the drama and literary criticism. 1897. 64 p. 4". Commission of Colleges in New England on Admission Examinations. Organized 1886. (W. C. Po- land, sec, 53 Lloyd St., Providence, R. I.) Reports. Annual. 8». 1st, 1887-12th, 1898. A'bJe. Nos. 6, 7, were issued in one pamphlet, Jan. 1, 1894. Congregational Education Society. Organized 1816 as American Education Society. Name changed in 1875 to American College and Education Society. Name again changed to the present form in 1894. Congregational House, Boston, Mass. Quarterhj register, v. 1-15. 8". 1829-43. Annual reports. 82d-June, 1898. Congregational Home Missionary Society. Organized 1826 as American Home Missionary Society. Name changed 1893. (Rev. A. H. Clapp, D.D., ed.) Congregational Rooms, 4th Ave. and 2 2d St., New York City. The Home Missionary (monthly). 1828 +. 8". 30c. per year. Annual reports, free to life members. Also various leaflets. Congregational Library Association. Organized 1853. See American Congregational Association. Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society. Present name taken in 1883. (J. H. Tewksbury, gen. agent, Congregational House.) Boston, Mass. Note. Successor to Mass. Sabbath-School Society, 1832; American Doctrinal Tract Society, 1829 ;' Doctrinal Tract and Book Society, 1850; Congregational Board of Publication, 1854 ; Congregational Sabbath School and Publication Society, 1868; and Congregational Publishing Society, 1870. Publishes Congregational books and general religious litera- ture; for catalogue, see Publishers' Trade List Annual. Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons. Or- ganized 1888. Transactions. Triennial. First, 1888. New Haven. 1889. 8». Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Organized and incorporated 1799. (A. Van Name, libn.) New Haven, Conn. Memoirs, v. 1 : 1, 1810 ; v. 1 : 2, 1811 ; v. 1 : 3, 1813 ; v. 1 : 4, 1816. A statistical account of the towns and parishes in the state of Connecticut. V. 1 : 1, New Haven, by Timothy D wight. 1811. V. 1 : 2, Several towns in the county of Litchfield, by James Morris. 1815. V. 1 : 3, The county of Middlesex, by David D. Field. 1819. Transactions. 8». pap. v. 1 : 1, 1866, $2.50; v. 1 : 2, 1867- 71, $3.50; v. 2:1, 187U, $3; v. 2:2, 1873 $3; v. 3 : 1, 1876, $3.60; v. 3:2,1878, $2.50; v. 4:1, 1877, $2.50; v. 4 : 2, 1882, $1..50; V. 4:3, not yet published; v. 5:1, 1880, $3; v. 5 : 2, 1882, $3.50; v. 6: 1,1884, $3.50; v. 6 : 2, 1885. $3; v. 7: 1, 1886, $2.50; v. 7 : 2, 1888, $2.50; v. 8 : 1, 1890, $2.-50; v. 8 : 2, 1893, $3.50; V. 9: 1, 1892, $3; v. 9 : 2, 1895, $3. Connecticut: Citizens' Law and Order League. New Haven, Conn. Law and order leagues. 1892. 16 p. 54 Connecticut] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Connecticut Connecticut Civil Engineers and Surveyors' Associa- tion. Organized 1884. (Geo. K. Crandall, sec, 94 State St., New London, Conn.) Annaal reports. 8". pap., ."iOc. Connecticut Historical Society. Organized 1825. (Alb. C. Bates, rec. sec. and libn.) Hariford, Conn. Papers and reports at ann\ial moctlnKS, 1890-2. 25c. ea.; 189.3-8, 50c. ca. Report for May, 1898, contains list of Me., N.II., and Vt. local histories in the society's library. Collections, v. 1, 18fiO— v. 6, 1897. 8". cl. v. 1, |r), >. 2-6, ea., $.3. V. 7 will be issued about March 1, 1899. 1. Charters; bylaws; list of ofllccrs, 1859-60; Rev. Thos. Ilooker's letter to Cov. Winthrop, 1638; Abstracts of two sermons, by T. Hooker, 1638-9; Trial of Ezekiel Chcpvci before the New Haven church, 1649; Letter from Gov. Win throp respecting the charter of Connecticut, 1662; The peo pie's right to election, by G. Bulkelcy, 1689; Their majesties' colony of Connecticut vindicated, 1694; Roger Wolcott's journal at the siege of Louisbourg, 1746 ; Connecticut ofticers at I>ouisbourg; Papers relating to the Ticonderoga expedition, 1776; Major French's journal, 1776; Col. D. Putnam's letter relative to the battle of Bunker Hill, 1825 ; The public seal of Connecticut, by C. J. Iloadly; Correspondence with the British government, 1755-8. 2. Ofticers; On the composition of A Igonkin geographical names, by J. Hammond Trumbull; Papers relating to the controversy in the church in Hartford, 16.')6-9; Correspond- ence of Silas Deaue, delegate to the congress of Philadelphia, 1774-6. 3. OtTicers, 1879 ; Preface; Some helps for the Indians; A catechism, by A. Plerson, reprinted from original edition, Cambridge, 1658, with an introd., by J. H. Trumbull; Will and doom; or, the miseries of Connecticut by and under an usurped and arbitrary power, by G. Bulkeley, 1692, with an introd. and notes, by C: J. Hoadly ; Extracts of letters to Rev. Thomas Prince, containing historical notices of sundry towns [in Connecticut] ; A memoir for the history of Connect- icut, by R. Wolcott, 1759; Index. 4-5. Officers, etc., 1891. The Talcott papers; correspondence and documents (chiefly official) during Joseph Talcott's gover- norship of the colony of Connecticut, 1724-1741, ed. by M. K. Talcott. V. 1, 1724-1736 : Sketch of Governor Talcott. v. 2, 1737-41. 6. Officers, 1896; Hartford town votes, vol. 1, 1635-1716. Act of incorporation, constitution, and address to the public. 1825. 14 p. 8". Historical notices of Connecticut. 2 pamphlets. 1842. 12". — 1. Hartford in 1640, by Wm. S. Porter. — 2. Hartford and West Hartford, by Wm. S. Porter. Historical discourse by Thos. Day. 1841. 36 p. 8". Discourse on the early constitution of Connecticut, by Leonard Bacon. 1843. 24 p. 8". Origin of the expedition against Ticonderoga in 1775, by J. H. Trumbull. 1869. 15 p. 8". Indian names of places, etc., in and on the border of Con- necticut, by J. H. Trumbull. 1881. 93 p. 8". Diary of Thomas Robbins, D.D., 1796-1854. Printed for his nephew. Owned by the society. 2 v. 8". 1S86-7. Boston. Birthday of the state of Connecticut: anniversary Jan. 24, 1889. 1889. 98 p. 8". The British flag, its origin and history; incidents in its use in America, by Jonathan F. Morris. Reprinted from Courar>t. 1889. 24 p. 8". Historical documents and notes. (Jenesis and development of the society, and associated institutions in the Wadsworlh Athenaeum. 1889. 114 p. 8". "Dp Neck" in 1825, by Gordon W.Russell, M.D. 1890. 145 p. 8". il. folded plans. 1737-1847. Diary of Rev. Daniel Wadsworth, seventh pastor of the first church of Christ in Hartford. With notes by its fourteenth pastor [Geo. Leon Walker]. 1891. 149 p. 8". Connecticut Medical Society. Organized 1702. (N. E. VVordin, ed., 174 Fairfield Ave.) Bridgeport^ Conn. Proceedings of president and fellowB, 1792-1829. 18.30. (A reprint of this v. was issued in 1884, ed. by 8. B. St. John, M.D.) Proceedings. Annual. 1830-98. 40. pap. Since 1891 in bds. and cl. $1. Centennial volume, 1892. 1067 p. Connecticut State Agricultural Society. 1852. (H. A. Dyer, sec.) ReporU. 1854-59. 1856-60. 8'^ o. p. Incorporated 55 Connecticut] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Cornell University Connecticut State Board of Agriculture. . Organized 186(). (T. S. Gold, sec. and ed., West Cornwall, Conn.) Annual reports, 1866-97, with the exception of 1870. Copies sent on receipt of postage, or by express. Connecticut State Teachers Association. The Co7inecticut Common Sc/iool Journal and annals of education. (Monthly.) New series, v. 1:1-2. v. 2.1. 1854-5. 8". Connecticut Valley Historical Society. Springfield, Mass. Papers and proceedings, Portrait. 1876-81. 1S81. 1 V. 325 p. 4". Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf. Organized 1850; incorporated 1897. Washing- ton, D. C. Proceediiiys. lst-14th convention. 1851-95. 14 v. 8". v. 9-11. cl. V. 13, 14, ea., $1. v. 1-12, published by various Institutions for the deaf and dumb. American annals of the deaf. E. A. Fay, ed. 1847-98. 43 V. 8». ea., $2. Cornell University. Chartered 1865. (D. F: Hoy, Registrar.) Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell Unhiersity Bulletin : Science, v. 1, 1874. 8'\ pt. 1. Morgan expedition, preliminary report, by C. F. Hartt. pt. 2. Carboniferous brachiopoda of Itaituba, by O. A. Derby, o. p. — v. 2, 1886. 8". Cayuga flora, pt. 1. Phaenerogamia, by ■W.R.Dudley. $1. Andrus <& Church, Ithaca. — V. 3. no. 1, 1897. 8". Some fungi from Alabama, by G. F. Atkinson. Swd. 50c. Andms <& Church. Cornell Uniremity Bulletin, nos. 1-29. April, 1891-June, 1892. 39 nos. f». Philosophical Review (monthly, then bi-monthly). Bd. by J. 6. Schurman, J. E. Creighton and J. Seth. v. 1: 3, May, 1892— V. 7:3, May, 1898. 8<'. Macmillun Co. _^-'— School Review (monthly). Ed. by J. G. Schurman, and C. H. Thurber. v. 1: 1-6. Jan.-June, 1893. 8". Physical Review (bi-monthly). Ed. by E. L. Nichols, E. Merritt, and F. Bedell, v. 1: 1, July, 1893— v. 6: 6, June, 1898. 8". 3Iacinillan Co. Journal of Physical Chemistry (monthly). Ed. by W. D. Bancroft and J. E. Trevor, v. 1: 1 , Oct., 1896— v. 2: 6, June, 1898. 8». — - Report of committee on organization, Oct. 21, 1866, by A. D. White. 1867. 48 p. 8". o. p. — First general announcement, by A. D. White. 1868. 1st and 2d ed. 20 and 28 p. 8". o. p. Second general announcement. 1868. 28 p. 8". o. p. Account of proceedings at the inauguration, Oct. 7, 1868. 1869. 38 p. 8». o. p. Cornell University guide. 1870. 32 p. sm. 8'\ o. p. . . — . Laws and documents. 1870. 90 p. 8". o. p. Catalogue of officers and students for 1868-9. 1869. 86 p. 8". o. p. Ten-year book. v. 1, 1868-78. 1878. Ed. by W. Fiske. 170 p. 8». swd. o. p. V. 2, 1868-88. 1888. Ed. by G. W. Harris. 216 p. 8". v. 3, 1868-98. Ed. by D. F. Hoy. 338 p. 8". swd. $1. cl., $1.50. Andrus & Church. Register. 1868-9 to 1898-9. 31 v. 8". List of resident officers and students. 1889. 15 p. sm. 8". Also 1890; Jan., April and Oct., 1891; Jan., April and Oct., 1892; Jan., April and Oct., 1893; Jan., April, and Oct., 1894; Jan., April, 1895. Catalogue of the graduates. 1883. 47 p. S". o. p. List of students, April, 1890. 12 p. sm. 8". Roster of the corps of cadets. 1891. 17 p. 16". Fellows and graduate scholars elected for the year 1893-4. 1893. 3 p. 8". List of graduate students, 1893-4. 1893. 19 p. 12". . -^ Cornell University : what it is and what it is not, by A. D. White. 1872. 30 p. 8«. o. p. .- Report on Mr. Sage's proposal to endow a college for women, by A. D. White. 1872. 40 p. 80. o. p. Proceedings at the layingof the corner stone of Sage College, May 15, 1873. 1873. 134 p. 8". o. p. Address at the dedication of Sibley College, June 21, 1871, by D. C. Oilman. 12 p. 8». o. p. Memorial address Jan. 11, 1875, in commemoration of Ezra Cornell, by R. P. Stebbins. 1875. 34 p. 8". o. p. — Sage College : circular in answer to inquiries, by A. D. White. 1879. 14 p. S". o. p. Experiment station : reports, 1-3. 1880-5. 8". o. p. Annual report of the President. 1891-98. 8". o. p. Laws and documents. 1862-83. 1883. 162 p. 8". o. p. • — 1862-92. 1892. 234 p. S". 56 Cornell University] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Cornell University Cornell University, continued. ProccedingB at unveiling of portrait of J. S. Morrill, June 20, 1883. 1884. 16 p. 80. o. p. "What profession sliall I choose," etc., by A. D. Whit*. 1884. 60 p. 8". o. p. Letter of resignation — A. D. White — with resolutions. 188.5. 8 p. 8". o. p. The Presidency of Cornell, by A. D. White. 1885. 28 p. 80. o. p. Proceedings in memory of Louis Agassiz, and in honor of Hiram Sibley. 1885. .38 p. 8". o. p. Proceedings at the inauguration of O. K. Adams as president, Nov. 19, 188.5. 1886. 78 p. S". o. p. Cornell University : its significance and scope, by C. K. Adams. 1886. 20 p. 8». o. p. Life and services of Ezra Cornell, by F. M. Finch. 1887. 16 p. 8". o. p. Htudies in practical agriculture. 1887. 120 p. 8". ewd. o. p. Problem of municipal government, by S. Low. 1887. 24 p. 8». o. p. Washington and the higher education, by C. K. Adams. 1888. 38 p. 8". o. p. Exercises at the dedication of Barnes Hall, June 16, 1889. 1890. 39 p. 8". My reminiscences of Ezra Cornell, by A. I). White. 1890. 42 p. 8». Sources of our jurisprudence, by W. W. Macfarland. 1890. 27 p. 8". Statutes adopted May 19, 1891. 1891. 29 p. 8". Exercises at the opening of the library building. 1891. 56 p. 49. portraits and engravings. Development of the public library in America, by D. C. Oilman. 1891. 13 p. 4". (Included in preceding.) Proceedings at inauguration of J. G. Schurman as president, Nov. 11, 1892. 1892. 82 p. 8". Grounds of an appeal to the state for aid, by J. G. Schur- man. 1892. .5.5 p. 8". (Included in preceding.) Proceedings at the dedicatiou of Boardman Hall, and the presentation of the Moak law library, Feb. 14, 1893. 1893 33 p. 8". Educational exhibit: Handbook no. 23. 1893. 63 p. 32" photoeng. Albany. 1868-93. Proceedings at 25th anniversary. Ed. by J. G Burr. 1893. 117 p. 8". 10 plates. The state and its land grant, by J. G. Schurman. 1894. 9p 8". Visitor's catalogue of the mTiseum of classical archaeology 1893. 32 p. 8'\ Memorial exercises In honor of H. W. Sage. 1898. 79 p. 8" Cornell University studies in classical philology, nos. 1-8 8". nos. 3-8. MacmUlan Co. 1. Cum-constructions. pt. 1, 1887: pt. 2,1889. By W. 8. Hale. 263 p. o. p. 2. Analogy and the scope of its application in language, by B. I. Wheeler. 1887. 50 p. o. p. 3. Cult of AsklepioB, by A. Walton. 1894. 80c. 4. Development of the Athenian constitution, by G. W. Botsford. 1893. $]..50. 5. Index Antiphonteus, by J. L. Van Cleef. 1896. $1. 6. Studies in Latin moods and tenses, H. C. Elmer. 1898. $1.50. 7. The Athenian secretaries, by W.S.Ferguson. 1898. 50c. 8. The five post-Kleisthenian tribes, by F. O. Bates. 1898. 50c. Transactions of the Association of Civil Engineers, v.l, 1892-3. 1893— V. 5, 1896-7. 1897. 8". Proceedings of the Electrical Society of Cornell University. V. 1, 1893-4. 1894 to v. 5, 1897-8. 1898. 8". The College of Architecture Annual. 1897-8. 1898. 8". il. Annual announcements of courses of instruction and study. Question papers for admission and for scholarships. Agricultural Experiment Station : Annual reports. 8". 1888-97. 1889-97. Albany. Bulletin. Nos. 1-149. May, 1888-June, 1898. 8". plates and woodcuts. New York State Meteorological Bureau ; Croj) Bulletin. New York Slate Weather Service, v. 1 : 17-29. v. 2:1-3. 1889-90. 16 broadsides. — V. 2 : 4-v. 10 : 11. 1890-8. 217 broadsides. Report of commissioners. 1890-1898. 8". Albany. Map of the State of N. Y., showing observation stations. 1889. 26 X 19 cm. Summary and monthly reports, v. 1 : 1, Sept., 1888 — v. 10 : 6, June, 1898. 4». Teachers' leaflets for use in rural Bchools. No. 1, Dec, 1896-no. 11, April, 1898. 8". Cornell University: Associate Alumni of. Organized 1872. (Geo. L. Burr, cor. sec.) Ithaca, N. Y. Proceedings; together with report of trustees. 1884-98. 8". S7 Cornell University] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Daughters Cornell University Library. Organized 1868. (G: Wm. Harris, libn.) Ithaca, N. Y. Lihrdvy of the Cornell Universiti/, ed. by Willard Fiske, libn. no. 1, 1873. Only one no. appeared; in 1882 it was re- Biimod, tile first no. appearing as v. 1 : 1, Jan., 1882. Later, title was changed to Library bulletin. (3-4 nos. a year.) v. 1 : 1, 1882— v. 3 : 11, 1896. 8". .$1 per v. Special lists nos. 1-2, 1883-8. 8">. 1. Mathematics. — 2. References on municipal govern- ment in the U. 8., by F. H. Hodder. 8". General card catalogue of the library : how to use it, by G. H. Woodruff. 1885. 7 p. 8". swd. o. p. Catalogue of the Rhaeto-Romanic collection presented by W. Fiske, comp. by G. Van Duaen. 1894. 8". pap., 50c. Catalogue of the historical library of A. D. White, comp. by G. L. Burr. 2 pts. 1. Protestant Reformation and its forerunners. Suppl.: Portraits of the reformers. 1891. 8". pap., 10c. 2. French Revolution. 1894. 8". pap., $2; cl., $2. .50. Note. Pts. 3 and 4 not yet published. Exercises at the opening of the library building, Oct. 7, 1891. 1894. 4". not sold. Twenty. five years of the Annals of Cornell University library, 1868-93. 12 p. 8". swd. o. p. Catalofirue of the Dante collection presented by W. Fiske. pt. 1. Dante's Works, by T. W. Koch. 1898. 96 p. 8^ pap., $1. Cumberland Presbyterian Board of Missions and Church Erection. Organized 1845. (W. J. Brasfield, sec.) 405 N. 6th St., St. Louis, Mo. JUisaionary record (monthly). 25c. Cuvier Club. (C: Dury, sec.) Cincinnati, 0. Catalogue of birds, animals, fishes, etc., in the Museum of the . . . Cincinnati, 1886. O. Cuyahoga County, Early Settlers Association of. Or- ganized 1879. (A. J. Williams, chr. ex. com.) Cleveland, 0. Annals, v. 1-3. six nos. in ea. vol. 1879-97. 12". Dante Society. Organized 1881. (Arthur Richmond Marsh, sec. and treas., 103 Avon Hill.) Cam- bridge, Mass. Reports, v. 1, 1882— v. 17, 1898. 8". Complete sets, 1-12. $6. Single reports, except 1887 and 1889, 75c. Oinn. Concordance to the Divina commedia, by E: Allen Fay. 1888. 8°. $10. Ginn. Danvers Historical Society. Organized 1889. (Miss Sarah W. Mudge, sec, Danvers Centre.) Dan- vers, Mass. Old anti-slavery days : proceedings of the commemorative meeting held by the Society, Apr. 26, 1893. il. 1893. 34 Longworth St., (M. D. Bisbee, Dartmouth College. Organized 1769. libn.) Hanover, N. if. Aegis, v. 1, 1858-9— v. 36, 1893. At first fol., then 12", now 8". Anvil (weekly). 1873-4. Dartmouth. Ser. 1. v. 1-5. 1840-4. Ser. 2. V. 1-9. 1867-75. Ser. 3. V. 1-4. 1876-79. Ser. 4. V. 1-19. 1880-98. Dartmouth Index. At first 4", then 8". 1851-3. Dartmouth Literary Monthly, v. 1-12. 1887-98. 8". Dartmouth Phoenix. Three times a year. 1856-8. ~ Note. For full list of other publications to 1894, see " Bibliog- raphy of Dartmouth College and Hanover, N. H." Concord : E. N. Pearson, public printer, 1894. Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society. Organized 1890. 902 F St., Washing- ton, D. C. American Monthly Magazine. Ed. by Mary 8. Lockwood. Lilian Lockwood, bus. man. v. 1-14; 2. 8". $1 per ann. Lineage Book. v. 1-8. 1895-98. 8". pap., ea., $1. " Directory " D. A. R. National and chapter oflScers, and list of members and addressee. 58 Dauphin County] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Delphian Ilarrisbnrg, Dauphin County Historical Society. Fa. AddrcBsee in the State Capitol, July 4, 1876. 1876. 8.5 p. 8". Ceremonies and bietorical addresucB, July 4, 1876. 1876. 32 p. 8". Centennial, prepared by Geo. H. Morunii. 1877. 239 p. 8". Dixons, of Dixons Ford, by Wui. Darby. 1878. 21 p. 4". Historical sketch of old Hanover church, with a notice of the church at Conewago. 1878. it') p. 8". 1785-1885. Centennial memorial of the erection of the county of Dauphin, and the founding of the city of Harriaburg, ed. by W. H. Egle. 1886. 3'.»7 p. 8". il. Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Organized 1867. (W. H. Barnes, sec, 7th and Brady Sts.) Davenport, la. Proceedings, v. 1, 1876— v. 6, 1897. 6 v. cl. ea., $•'). v. 1 pub. by Worn. Centl. Aim.; v. 2 pub. by J. D. Putnam. Dedhani Historical Society. Organized 1851). (Julius H. Little, cor. sec. and ed.) Dedham, Mass. Dedham //intorira! Register, v. 1, 1890— v. 0, 1895. il. 8". A plan of Dedham village, Mass., 1635-1876; with a descrip- tion of the grants of lots to original owners. 18S3. 15 p. 8". plan. Epitaphs in the old burial place. 1888. .53 p. 8". woodcut. Northerly part of ancient line between Dedhani and Dor- chester, by C. F. Jenney. 1890. Reprinted from Register. 15 p. 8". maps. Paul's Bridge, by C. F. Jenney. 1890. 7 p. 8". Samuel Dexter, 1726-1810, by C. A. Staples. 1892. 18 p. 8". Delaware County Institute of Science. Organized 183;}; incorporated 1836. (Henrietta K. Broom- all, libn.) Media, Pa. History of great fiood of Aug. 8, 1843. History of Delaware County, Pa., by George Smith, M.D. 1862. 581 p. 8". Philadelphia. History of Delaware Co. for the past century, by J. M. Broomall. 1876. 22 p. Vernon J. Cooper, Media. Delaware, Historical Society of. Organized 1864. (H. C. Conrad, libn.) JOth and Market Sts., Wilmington, Del. Papers, nos. 1-13. 1879-95. 8". pap. 1. Memorial address on the life and character of Willard Hall, by D. M. Bates. 2. Address on the history of the boundaries of Delaware, by J. \V. Houston. 3. Some account of William Usseliux and Peter Minuit, by Joseph J. Mickley. 4. Memoir of John M. Clayton, by J. P. Comegys. 5. Seville, W. P. History of the first regiment, Delaware volunteers. 1884. 6. Minutes of the council of the Delaware state from 1776 to 1792. 1887. 7. Ancient families of Bohemia manor. 8. Diary of Capt. Thomas Rodney. Records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, 1697- Memoir of General Dagworthy. 50c. Sketch of Crane Hook Church. .50c. Memoir of Com. Thos. Macdonough. 60c. History of the Delaware State Society of the Cincinnati. 1773. 10. 11. 12. 13. Historical inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, etc., by John Meredith Read, jr. Enlarged from a discourse before the society. 1866. 209 p. 8". Albany. Revolutionary soldiers of Delaware, by W. G. Whiteley. 1875. 55 p. 8". Life and military services of Brig. -Gen. Thos. A. Smyth, byW.D. Maull. 1870. .50 p. 8". Sketch of the life of Oliver Evans, by G. A. Latimer. 1872(?) 16 p. 8". History of New Sweden, by Israel Acrelius. 1874. See V. 11, Memoirs of the Hist. Soc. of Penn. Delaware State Medical Society. Organized 1789. (P. W. Tomlinson, sec, 700 West St.) Wilmington, Del. Minutes of each annual meeting. Centennial transactions of the annual meeting, Dover, June 11, 1889. 1890. 104 p. Li/ipincott. Delphians, The. Organized 1820. Baltimore, Md. Telegraph. Journal of the Times. 59 Dental Society] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Diinlap Society Dental Society of the State of New York. See New York. Denver Society of Civil Kiifjineers. Organized 1882. Denver, Colo. Iiifoiin;ition as to Oolorado v. 1-4. 1886-92. 4 v. 8". Dibtlin Club, The. Organized 1897. (M. L. Green- halgh, sec, 110 E. 87th St.) New York City. Descriptive catalogue of the library of Charles Lamb. 1897. 2 -|- 17 p. portraits. 16". Book-trade bibliographj' in the United States in the XlXth century, to which is added a catalogue of all the books printed in the United States, with the prices and places where published annexed, published by the Booksellers in Boston, January, — 1804, by A. GrowoU. "1898. 77 -f- 79 p. por. 16'. Directors of Old South Work. See Old. District of Columbia, Medical Society of the. Organized 1819. (F. P. Morgan, sec, 1230 9th N. W.) Washington, D. C. Transactions. Annual. Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Organized 1820. (Rev. Joshua Kimber, asso. sec.) Church Mission House, 4th Ave. and 22d St., New York City. Spirit of Missions (monihXy). 83 v. 8". $1. Young Christian Soldier (weekly). 80c. — (monthly). 10c. Quarterly message. 6 v. 10c. Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society. Dor- chester, Mass. CollectiouB. noB. 1-3. 3 v. 12". 1844-50. 1. Memoirs of Roger Clap, 1630. 1844. Reprinted 1854. 2. Annals of the town of Dorchester, by J. Blake. 1846. 3. Journal of Richard Mather, 1635. His life and death, 1670. 1860. History of the town of Dorchester, Mass. 1859. 672 p. 8". Dorchester Historical Society. Organized 1893. (Willis B. Mendrum, sec, No. 1 Cottage Side Way.) Dorchester, Mass. Centennial anniversary of the birth of Edward Everett, Apr. 11, 1894. 1895. il. 8». Dover Historical Society. Organized 1889. (A. G. Whittemore, sec.) Dover, N. 11. Dover historical collections ; Dover records, births , mar- riages and deaths, 1693-1838. v. 1. 1894. 8». Drone Club. Organized 1792. New York. For publi- cations see The Monthly Magazine and Amer- ican Review., 1799-1800, and other periodicals at that period. Dunlap Society. Organized 1886; reorganized 1896. (Evert Jansen Wendell, sec, 8 E. 38th St.) New York City. Publications, nos. 1-15, 1887-91. O. 260 signed copies. 1. Tyler, Royall. The contrast: a comedy. 1887. 2. Dunlap, William. The father of American Shandyism ; a comedy. 1887. 3. Hutton, Lawrence, editor. Opening addresses. 1887. 4. Dunlap, William. Andre: a tragedy in five acts. 1887. 5. Ireland, J. N. A memoir of the professional life of Thomas Abthorpe Cooper. 1838. 6. Biennial reports of the treasurer and secretary. 188S. 7. 8, 10. Winter, William. Brief chronicles. 1889-90. 9. Barrett, Lawrence. Charlotte Cushman. 1889. 11. Winter, William. A sketch of the life of John Gilbert. 1890. 12. Occasional addresses, ed. by L. Hutton and W: Carey. 1890. 13. The actor, and other speeches, chiefly on theatrical subjects and occasions, by W: Winter. 1891. 14. William E. Burton : a sketch of his career other than that of actor, with glimpses of his home life, and extracts from his theatrical journal, by W: L. Keese. 1891. 15. Bunker Hill; or, the death of General Warren: an his- torical tragedy in five acts, by J; Burk. 1891. New Series nos. 1-7. 1896-8. 8". 260 signed copies. | 6o Dunlap Society] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Essex Institute Dunlap Society, continued. 1. First theatre in America: when was the drainii lirnt introduced in America? by CharlcH V. Daly. 1890. 2. The magazine and the drama: an index compiled by James Harry I'ence. 1896. 3. Autobiography of Clara Fisher Maeder, ed. by Dougliis Taylor. 1897. 4. Araerlean dramatic caricature, by L. E. Hhipnian. 1S97. 5. The circus, by I. J. Greenwood. 1898. 0. Duse and the French, by Victor Mapes. 1898. 7. A wreath of laurel, by William Winter. 1898. A^ote. No copies are given, sent to papers or libraries or placed on exhibition. Duodecimos, The. Or},'aniz('(] 18!);5. (W. Irvinj? AVay, sec. and treas., Cliicago, 111.) Fuc-simile of Poor Richard's almanack, for 1733, with an introduction and notes by John Bigelow. 1894. With por- traits. 12". Poems of Mrs. Anne Bradstreet (I01'2-1672), together with her prose remains, and an introduction by C E. Norton. 1897. Portraits. 12". The Duodecimos manual for mdccc.^cvii. 18". Early Settlers Association of Cuyahoga County. See Cuyahoga. Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York. See New York. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. Organized 1883. (F. P. Venable, sec.) Chapel /fill, iY. C Journal. 8". 2 parts ea. year. ea. part 25c. v. 1 : 1-v. 15:1, 1884-98. Elliott Society of Natural History. Charleston, S. C. Proceedings, v. 1. 1853-8. 8". Journal, v. 1. 1859-60. 4". Elliot Society of Science and Art. Charleston, S. C. Proceedings. (Published at long intervals in signatures. Contain original papers.) v. 2, p. 521-200. 1887-8. O. Emory and Henry College. Abingdon, Va. SotUhern Repertory and College Review, v. 1-4. 1851-55. 80. Engineering Society of the State University of Iowa. See Iowa. Engineering Society of the University of Michigan. See University. Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. See Philadelphia. Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania. See Western. Entomological Society of Philadelphia. See Philadel- phia. Entomological Society of Washington. See Wash- ington. Essex Agricultural Society. Organized 1818. (J: M. Danforth, sec, Lynnfield Centre.) Peabody, Mass. Transactions. Annual. 1818- . S". Essex Institute. Organized as Essex Historical Society 1821; present name taken and Institute incor- porated 1848. (Geo. F. Dow, sec. ) Salem, Mass. Bulletin (quarterly). 1869-98. 30 v. 8". el., $1.50 per vol. V. 1-28, $50 per set. Reports of annual meetings. Proceedings. 1848-70. v. 8<». cl. $50 per set. Historical collections. 1859-98. 34 v. 8". cl. subs., $2. V. 1-34, $125 per set; in cl., $15 additional. Discourse lu commemoration of the first settlement of Salem, by Joseph Story. 1828. 90 p. 8". List of infusorial objects found chietly in the oeighborhood of Salem, by Thomas Cole. 1853. 18 p. 8". Victoria regia, by J. F. Allen. 18.54. roy. fol. 6 col'd plates. Life and character of Rev. Samuel Parris, by 8. P. Fowler. 1857. 20 p. 8». ' The late English high school of Salem. 1857. 56 p. 8". 6i Essex Institute] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [ Rssex Institute Essex Institute, continued. Dedication of I'lumnici- Hall. 1858. 97 p. 8". New Englaml congivgationalimn iu its origin and i)uiity, by 1). A. White. 18()1. .nil I). 8". Catalogue of the birds found at Norway, Me., by A. E. Verrill. ISO'J. -lb p. 8". - Memoir of Gen. John Glover, of Marblehead, by W. P. Ul)hani. 180:!. 61 p. 8". port. Naturalist's directory. Parts 1, 2. 1865-6. Catalogue of birds in North America contained in the rauseum, together with a list of the birds of New England, by Elliott Coues. 1868. 8". Memoir of Francis Peabody, by C. W. Upham. 1868. 80 p. 8". Memoir of Daniel P. King, by C. W. Upham. 1869. 51 p. port. Hutchinson family, compiled by Perley Derby. 1870. 107 p. 8". First church in Salem, 1634. 32 p. 24". Check list of the ferns of North America, north of Mexico, by J. Hobinsou. 1873. 11 p. 8". Memoir of Henry C. Perkins, by S. J. Spaulding. 1873. 34 p. 8". Partial catalogue of the birds of Grand Menan, by H. Her- rick. 1873. 16 p. 8". Centennial address, by A. C. Goodell, jr. 1874. 52 p. 8". Early days and rapid growth of California, by Alfred Peabody. 1874. 32 p. 8". Journal of Kev. Daniel Shute, chaplain in the expedition to Canada in 1758. 1874. 20 p. 8". List of birds observed near the Cent. Pac. R. R. from Sacra- mento to Salt Lake, by R. Ridgway. 1874. 40 p. 8". One hundredth anniversary of the destruction of tea in Boston harbor, by J. Kimball. 1874. 45 p. 8^'. The Thomas Almanacs, by J. H. Fitts. 1874. 28 p. S". Record of deaths of the hrst church in Rowley, by G. B. Blodgette. 1878. it p. 8". List of birds of the Hudson Highlands, by E. A. Means. 1878-81. 113 p. 8". List of birds of Massachusetts, by J. A. Allen. 1878. 37 p. 8». Ode on anniversary of Fifth half century of the landing of Gov. John Endicott, by W. W. Story. 1878. 29 p. sm. 4". The Pine: its life and importance in Essex county, by J. Robinson. 1878. 11 p. H". Address at the commemoration of the landing of John Endi- cott, by W. C. Endicott. 1879. 38 p. 8». The Fifth half century of the landing of John Endicott : commemorative exercises. 1879. 229 p. 8". List of the fishes of Essex county, by G. B. Goode and T. H. Bean. 1879. 38 p. 8<'. Historical sketch of Salem, 1626-1879, by C. 8. Osgood and H. M. Batchelder. 1897. 280 p. 8". il. port. Notes and extracts from the " records of the first church in Salem, 1629-17:36," by J. A. Emmerton. 1879. 28 p. 8". Notes on the extensively introduced plants of Essex Co., by J. Robinson. 1879. 38 p. 8". phot. Record of intentions of marriage of the city of Lynn [1703- 46]. 1879. 29 p. 8". Records of first church at Salisbury, 1687-1754. 1879. 47 p. 80. The Solar eclipse of 1878, by Winslow Upham. 1879. 19 p. 8". Baptisms at church in Salem village now north parish, Dan- vers [1689-1772]. 1880. 47 p. 8». Fifth half century of the arrival of John Winthrop : com- memorative exercises. 1880. 04 p. 8". The flora of Essex county, by J. Robinson. 1880. 200 p. 8". Genealogical account of Henry Silsbee, and some of his descendants, by J. A. Emmerton. 1880. 71 p. 8". Genealogical notes of the Webb family, by E. S. Waters. 1880. 24 p. 8". Informal talk on architectural and art topics, by E. A. Silsbee. 1880. 22 p. 8". Notes on the Richardson and Russell families, by J. Kim- ball. 1880. 39 p. 8". Reminiscences of the distinguished men of Essex Co., by N. Crosby. 1880. 29 p. 8". Journal of Dr. Caleb Rea; expedition against Ticonderoga, 1758. 1881. 69 p. 8". Diaries of Lemuel Wood of Boxford : Canadian expedition of 1759-60. 1882. 66 p. S". Inscriptions from gravestones : Wenham. 1882. 28 p. 8". Plumraer Hall : libraries, collections, historical associations. 1882. .58 p. 8". Parish list of deaths, 1785-1819, by W. Bentley, D.D., pastor of East church, Salem. 1882. 177 p. 8". Salem commons and commoners. 1882. 81 p. 8". Also iu Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies. Augustus Story, by C. T. Brooks. 1883. 23 p. 8". Townsend family ,"by H. F. Waters. 1883. 43 p. S^. 62 Essex Institute] PUBfJCATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Fairfield County Essex Institute, continued. Weeds of Ebbbx Co., by J. H. Sears. 1883. 12 p. 8». Kotany in Ebbcx Co., by J. Kobinson. 1884. 13 p. 8". Brooks memoriftl. 1884. 37 p. 8". PigeoDH aud the pigeon fanoy, liy W. G. Barton. 1884. 23 p. 8". Kecords of the fifth parish of Oloucester. 1884. 67 p. 8<>. Records of the first church at Salisbury. 1884. 23 p. 8". Selish myths, by W. J. Hoffman. 1884. 20 p. 8". H'o»/i- ington. Ancient and modern methods of arrow release, by E. S. Morse. 1885. 56 p. 8". Hugo Reid's account of the Indians of Los Angeles Co., Cal. 1885. 33 p. 8". plate. Remarks upon chipped stone implements, by F. W. Putnam. 1885. 8 p. 8". 9 plates. Second Congregational church in Marblebead, by S, P. Hathaway, jr. 1885. 22 p. 8". The Ruutoul-Rinloul-liaiitoul family, by R. S. Rantoul. 28 p. 8". port. Tboreau, Flagg and Burroughs, by W. G. Barton. 1885. 28 p. 8". Climatology of the U.S., by F. R. Kimball. 1886. 38 p. 8". Eighteenth century baptisms in Salem. 1886. 126 p. 8". Indian games, by A. McF. Davis. 1886. 58 p. 8". Inscriptions from old burying ground at Lynn. 1886. 128 p. %o. The Woodbury family. 1887. 42 p. 8". Early settlers of Rowley. 1887. 239 p. 8". Inscriptions in the old burying ground In Wenham. 1887. 28 p. 8". Letters concerning the Perkins family. 1887. 28 p. S". Genealogy of the Allen family of Manchester, Mass., by J. Prince. 1888. 61 p. 8>'. History of Methodism in Salem, by J. F. Almy. 1888. S3 p. 8". Sketch of Tristram Dalton, by E. F. Stone. 1888. 29 p. 80. The Salem light infantry from 1805 to 1890, by G. M. Whipple. 1890. 148 p. 8". Popular account of the trees in the streets and gardens of Salem, and the natural trees of Essex Co., by J. Robinson. 1891. 120 p. 8». Rough subject index to the publications: Proceedings, V. 1-6; Bulletin, v. 1-22; Collections, v. 1-27, by G. M. Jones. 1890. 29 p. 8". Partial catalogue of the publications. 1894. 28 p. 12". Why the old town house was built, and some things which have been talked of within its walls since, by N. M. Hawbes. 1892. 13 p. 80. woodcut. Dwellings of Boxford, by 8. Perley. 275 p. il. fl.50. Chipman lineage of Essex Co., by R. M. Chapman. 59 p. 50c. I'osterity of Zaccbeus Gould, by B. A. Gould. 109 p. 50c. Descendants of Wm. Haskell of Gloucester, by U. G. Haskell. 05 p. $1. Descendants of John Perkins of Ipswich, by G. A. Perkins. 174 p. $3. The first cotton mill in America, by R. 8. Rantoul. 43 p. 5UC. Sparhawk Genealogy, by C. H. C. Howard. 113 p. $2. Topsfield : baptismal records, 1727-1841, by Geo. F. Dow. 61 p. 75c. Topsfield: deaths, 1658-1800, by G. F. Dow. 52 p. 50c. Note. Many reprints have been made from Proceedings, Collections, and Bulletin. For list see Griflln's Bibliography of Am. Hist. Societies. Evangelical Alliance for the United States of America. Organized 18G7. (L. T. Chamberlain, D.I)., gen. 8i>c.) 510 United Charities Building, New York City. Reports. 1-40. Fairfield County Historical Society, Organized 1881 ; incorporated 1885. (E: Deacon, treas. and cur. , 328 Main St.) Bridgeport, Conn. Revd. John Jones, first minister of Fairfield, Conn., by W. A. Beers. 1882. 17 p. 8». pap. 50c. First anniversary, etc., edited by R. C. Ambler. 1882. 38 p. 80. pap. 50c. Brief history of the Bridgeport bank, by R. B. Lacey. 1884. 24 p. 80. 50c. Fourth anniversary meeting : history of the Porter property, by R. B. Lacey. 1885. 36 p. 8". pap. 50c. Fifth anniversary, etc., ed. by R. B. Lacey and A. C. Pierce. 1886. 80 p. 8». pap. 50c. History of Stratford and the city of Bridgeport, by Samuel Orcutt. "1886. 1393 p. 2 v. 8«. plates, portraits, cl. $8. 63 Fairfield County] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Filson Club FairficKl County Historical Society, continued. Sixth uiiiiiverBary, etc., ed. by U. A. Lacey. 1887. 65 p. 8">. pap. 60c. Auuual report, ed. by W. Q. Andrews. 1889. 52 p. 8". pap. 60c. Reports and papers. 18M, 90. ea., 108 p. 8". pap. ."iOc. Report of the society. 1893,94. 172 p. and 12 p. S". pap. ea., fjOc. Faust Club, The. Organized 18G4. Brooklyn, N. Y. Notes geographical and historical, relating to the town of Brooklyn, on Long Island, by Gabriel Furraan. (A reprint.) 1865. xxxiv + 116 + xxxix p. 4". Female Medical Education Society. Report, Nov., 1848, to Dec, 1850, with charter, constitu- tion, etc. 8». Boston. 1851. Annual reports : with New England Female Medical College. 4-6. (1862-4.) S». Boston. 1853-5. Field Columbian Museum. Organized 1894. (F: J. V. Skiff, director.) Chicago, III. Publications. 8". pap. Historical series, v. 1 : 1. Historical and descriptive account of the Field Columbian Museum. 2. The authentic letters of Columbus, by W. E. Curtis. Geological series, 1 : 1. Handbook and catalogue of the collection of meteorites, by O. C. Farrington. 2. Observations on Popocatepetl and Ixtaccihuati. With a review of the geographic and geologic features of the moun- tains, by O. C. Farrington. Botanical series, v. 1:1. Flora of Yucatan, by C. F. Mills- paugh. 2. The Flora of West Virginia, by C. F. Millspaugh. 3. Contribution II to the coastal and plain flora of Yucatan, by C. F. Millspaugh. 4. Contribution III to the coastal and plain flora of Yuca- tan, by C. F. Millspaugh. Zoological series, v. 1 : 1. On the structure and develop- ment of the vertebral column of amia, by O. P. Hay. 2. On certain portions of the skeleton of the protostega gigas, by O. P. Hay. 3. On sundry collections of mammals received by the Field Columbia Museum, by D. G. Elliot. 4. On some collections of fishes, by O. P. Hay. 5. On the skeleton of toxochelys latiremis, by O. P. Hay. 6. List of mammals from Somali-Land obtained by the Museum's East African Expedition, by D. G. Elliot. 7. Remarks upon two species of deer of the genus Cervus from the Philippine Archipelago, by D. G. Elliot. 8. List of fishes and reptiles obtained by Field Columbian Museum East African Expedition to Somali-Land in 1896, by S E Meek. 9. List of a collection of shells from the Gulf of Aden ob- tained by Field Columbian Museum East African Expedition, byW. H.Dall. 10. Lists of species of mammals principally rodents obtained by W. W. Price, S. E. Meek, G. K. Cherrie, E. S. Thompson in the States of Iowa, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and California, with descriptions of new species, by D. G. Elliot. Anthropological series, v. 1 ■ 1, pt. 1. Archeological studies among the ancient cities of Mexico, by W. H. Holmes. pt. 2. Archeological studies among the ancient cities of Mexico, by W. H. Holmes. V. 2: 1. Observation on a collection of Papuan Crania, by G. A. Dorsey, with notes on preservation and decorative features by W. H. Holmes. 2. A bibliography of anthropology of Peru, by G. A. Dorsey. , „ 3. " Ruins of Xklchmook, Yucatan," by Edward H. Thompson. Ornithological series, v. 1 : 1. Contribution to the ornithol- ogy of San Domingo, by Q. K. Cherrie. 2. Catalogue of a collection of birds obtained by the ex- pedition into Somali-Land, by D. G. Elliot. Report series, v. 1 : 1-4. Annual report of the director, 1895-8. Filson Club. Organized 1884; incorporated 1891. (Reuben T. Durrett, pres.) 202 E. Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. Publications, v. 1-13. 1884-98. 13 v. 4». $2-$2.60 and $3.00. Morton. 1. Life and writings of John Filson, by R. T. Durrett. 1884. 132 p. 40. * 2. The wilderness road, by Capt. T: Speed; with map. 1886. 85 p. 4". $2. 3. The pioneer press of Kentucky, by W: H. Perrin. 1888. 93 p. 4". $2. 64 Filson Club] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCfE'/VES [Franklin Institute Filson Club, continued. 4. Life and times of Judge Caleb Wallace, by W: 11. Whitaltt. 1888. 154 p. 4". $2. 5. Hietorical sketch of St. Paul's church, Louisville, Ky., by R. T. Durrett. 1889. 75 p. sra. 4". $2. 6. Political begiunings of Kentucky, by Col. J: Mason Brown. 1889. 263 p. 4". $2.50. 7. Centenary of Kentucky. 1892. 200 p. 4". 8. Centenary of Louisville, by R. T. Durrett. 1893. 200 p. 4". 9. The Political Club, by T: Speed. 1894. 180 p. 4". $2. 10. Life and writiugs of Constantlne Samuel Rafineaque, by R: E. Call. 1895. 239 p. 4°. 11. History of Transylvania University, by Robert Peter and Miss Johanna Peter. 1896. 202 p. 4". $2.50. 12. Bryant's Station and memorial proceedings held on its site Aug. "18. 1896. 1897. 290 p. 4". $3. 13. The first explorations of Kentucky, by Col. J. Stoddard Johnston. 1898. 2.56 p. 4". $3. * When no price is stated the edition is exhausted, and the club has no longer control of the price. Firelands Historical Society. Norwalk, Ohio. (Ja. G. Gibbs,cor. sec.) Firelands Pioneer. June, 1858-July, 1878. — New ser. v. 1, 1882— v. 6, 1891. 13 V. Fitchburg Historical Society. Organized 1892. (Ja. F. D. Garfield, sec, 81 Grove St.) Fitchburg, Mass. Pi-oceedings and papers. Ed. by Ja. F. D. Gartield. v. 1. 1895. 8<>. 271 p. cl. $1.50. — v. 2. 1897. 80. 319 p. cl. $2. Old records of the town of Fitchburg, ed. by Walter A. Davis. 1898. 8». 424 p. cl. $2. Note. Several of the papers have been printed separately. Florida Historical Society. Organized 1856. St. Augustine, Fla. Constitution, by-laws, and list of officers, 1856. 9 p. 32". The early history of Florida, by Geo. R. Fairbanks. 1857. Florida Medical Association. Organized 1873. (Dr. Joseph Y. Porter, libn.) Jacksonville, Fla. Proceedings. 1874-91. 80. 1877-91. Constitution and list of fellows. 1879, 1884. Florida State Horticultural Society. Organized 1888. (Stephen Powers, sec, Box 524, Jacksonville, Fla.) Annual proceedings. 8°. About 250 p. ea., $1. Foreign Christian Missionary Society. Organized 1875. (A. McLean, sec; F. M. Kains, treas., Box 750.) 15 E. 7th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Missionary intelligencer (monthly). 11 v. 8". 60c. Missionary voice (quarterly). 5 v. 4". 10c. Note. Also publishes leaflets and tracts. Franklin Club, The. Organized 1864. Philadelphia, Pa. A journal of the expedition to Quebec in the year 1775, under the command of Colonel Benedict Arnold. By James Melvin. 1864. 4 -|- iv -}- 34. 8". (A pirated edition of the " Journal " printed by " The Club.") Franklin Institute. (Dr. W: H. Wahl, sec, 1436 AV. 13th St.) Philadelphia, Pa. Journal. 2 v. annually, v. 145, Jan.-June, 1898. Proceedings of the chemical section. Proceedings of the electrical section. Note. The separate publication of the proceedings of these two sections is now discontinued. Reports of various committees, announcements, programmes, etc., are issued in separate form. Index to the journal, v. 1-120. 1826-1885. 1890. 418 p. 81'. $5. Index to the journal, v. 121-130. 1886-1895. 1896. 74 p. 8». $1.50. Index to reports of Committee on Sciences and the Arts, 1834-90. 1891. 79 p. 8". Free. — The Franklin Institute : a sketch of its organization and history, bv W. FI. Wahl, sec. 1895. 103 p. 8°. pap. Free. Franklin Society] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Geological Society Franklin Society (The). Organizeil 1809. Chicago, 111. The Pr-hiting Press. Edited by lleury U. Boss. 1870-71. 7 DOS. 8". The Printer: What he might be. By Jaiuee W. Hheahan. 1809. -20 p. 4». Karly uewspapers in lUinoia. By Henry R. Bosn. 1870. 48 p. 4». Franklin Society. See Providence. Free Religious Association. Organized 1867. (Ednali D. Cheney, sec, Jamaica Plain, Mass.) Boston, Mass. Annual reports. 8". pap. 250. How shall we keep Sunday? 1877. 99 p. 8». pap. new ed. 1898. Taxation of church property, by James Parton. 5c. The Bible and ecience, by John Weiss. 22 p. The sympathy of religions, by T. W. Higginson. 38 p. 10c. TranBcendentalism, by Theodore Parker. 39 p. The public school question, by Bishop McQuade and F. E. Abbott. 187(3. loop. 10c. Keason and revelation, by W. J. Potter. Religions of China, by W. H. Chunning. Freedom and fellowship in religion, el., $1.50. Friends' Historical Association of Philadelphia. See Philadelphia. Furman Club, The. Organized 1866. Brooklyn. X. V. A sketch of the first settlement of the several towns of Long Island; with their political condition, to the end of the American Revolution. By Silas Wood. 1865. xxi + 187 + 20 p. portrait. 200 copies, 4". 50 copies, folio. Galveston, Historical Society of. Organized 1871. Galveston, Texas. Series 1. Reminiscences of the Texas Republic, by Aahbel Smith. 1876. 82 p. 8». 2iote. Reorganized 1894 as the Texas Historical Society. Genealogical Association of Pennsylvania and New Jer- sey. See Pennsylvania. Geographical Society of Philadelphia. See Philadelphia. Geographical Society of the Pacific. Organized 1881 ; incorporated 1892. (T. F. Trenor, asst. sec.) Merchants' Exchange Building, California St., San Francisco, Cat. A'o«)«o« (monthly), v. 1 : 1-4. 1887. Discontinued. The magnetic pole, by Thos. E. Slevln. 1881. 4". pap. A. J. Leary. Yearly bulletin. 4". v. 1. 1881. (Same as transactions?) Arctic ice notes, by Capt. C. L. Hooper. 1882. 4". pap. Leary. New Caledonia, by Capt. A. E. Bruno. 1882. 4". pap. O. Spaiilding & Co. Shoaling of the bar off San Francisco harbor, by Prof. Geo. Davidson. 1884. 4". pap. Leary. Physical and commercial geography of Western Washing- ton, by John 8. Hittell. 1890. 4». pap. Leain/. Discovery of Humboldt Bay, California, by Q. Davidson. 1891. 16 p. 8". Bacon d- Co. Transactions and proceedings, v. 1-3. 1891-2. 4". ea. v. pap., 50c. J. Partridge. Report on the Jeannette relics. 1896. 4". pap. J. Part- ridge. Geological Society of America. Organized 1888. (H. L. Fairchild, sec, Rochester, N. Y.) Bulletin, v. 1-9. 1889-97. 1890-98. 9 v. il. ea., $10; to libraries, |5; to Fellows, $3.50-$4.50. Note. The Bulletin is «old either in full volumes or in separate parts. Brochures [made up of parts of Bulletin]: 1889: Or- ganization, proceedings and papers. 86 p. — Origin of the rock pressure of natural gas in the Trenton limestone of O. and Ind., by E. Orion. 11 p. — Notes on the surface geology of Alaska, by I.C.Russell. 64 p. — Notes on the pre- pale- ozoic surface of the Archasan terranes of Canada, by A. 0. Lawson. 31 p. — Structure and origin of glacial sand plains, by W. M. Davis. 7 p. — The pre-Cambrian rocks of the Black Hills, by C. R. Van Rise. 41 p. — Orographic move- ments in the Rocky Mts., by S. F. Emmons. 41 p. — On glacial phenomena in Canada, by R. Ball. 23 p. — On the pleistocene flora of Canada, by Sir W. Dawson and D. P. Pen- 66 Geological Society] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Geological Society Geological Society of America, continued. hallow. 23 p. — The value of the term " HiidBon River group" ill geologic nomenclature, by C. I). Walcotl. 21 p. — Some results of Archiean studies, by A. Winchell. I!" p. — Fost-tertiary deposits of Manitoba, by J. B. 'I'yrroll. If) p. — Sandstone dikes, by J. 8. Diller. 30 p. — Tertiary and Creta- ceous deposits of Kastern Mass., by N. B. Shaler. y p. — The slratiijraphy of the Quebec group, by K. W. Klls. 15 p. — Some atldilidnal evidences bearing on the interval between the glaoial epuclis, by T. C. Chamberlln. 11 p. — The cuboidcs zone and its fauna, by U. S. Williams. 19 p. — Oalciferons formation in the Champlain valley, by E. Bralnerd and 11. M. tieely. 15 p. — Froceedings of the N. Y^. meeting. 16 p. 1890: Proceedings and papers, Indianapolis meeting. 30 p. 70c. — Cuyahoga shale and problem of the Ohio Waverley, by C. L. Derrick. 18 p. 45c. — Structure of a portion of the Sierra Nevada of Cal., by C. P. Becker. '20 p. 65c. — Phosphate deposits of the Island of Navassa, by E; D'lnvlUicrs. 10 p. 30c. — A lust word with the lluronian, by A. Winchell. 4u p. yOc. — Nickel and copper deposits, Sudbury district, Canada, by R. Bell. Iti p. 40c. — Overthrust faults of the Southern Appalachians, by C. W. Hayes. 14 p. 55c. — Note on the geological structure of the Selkirk range, by Q. M. Dawson. 12 p. 30c. — Graphic field notes for areal geology, by B. Wil- lis. — 12 p. 35c. — Antiquities from under Tuolome Mt., by Q.F.Becker. 20 p. 60c. — Relation of secular rock disinte- gration to certain transitional crystalline schists, by li. Pum- pelly. 16 p. 35c. — Oeotectonic and physiographic geology of Western Arkansas, by A. Winslow. 18 p. 65c. — Glacial lakes in Canada, by W. Upham. 34 p. 70c. — Stratigraphy of the carboniferous in Central Iowa, by C; R. Keyes. 16 p. 55c. — Chazy formation in ('hamplain valley, by E. Brainerd. 8 p. 35c. — Petrography and structure of the Piedmont pla- teau in Md., by G: H. Williania. 22 p. 65c. — Tertiary and post-tertiary changes of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, by J. LeConte. 8 p. 2.')C. — On the lower Cambrian age of the Stockbridge limestone at Rutland, Vt., by J. K. Wolff. 8 p. 30c. — Composition of certain mesozoic igneous rocks of Va., by H. D. Campbell and W. G. Brown. 10 p. 30c. — Cinna- bar and Bozeman coal fields of Mont., by W. H. Weed. 10 p. 60c. — Recognition of the angles of crystals in thin sections, by A. C. I.aue. 18 p. 70c. — Geology of Mt. Diablo, by W. H. Turner. 32 p. 80c. — Two belts of fossiliferous black shale in the triassic formation of Ct., by W. M. Davis and S. W. Loper. 16 p. 40c. — Mesozoic and cenozoic formations of Eastern Va. and Md., by N. H. Darton. 20 p. 55c. — On the triassic of Mass., by B: K. Emerson. 6 p. 40c. — Glacial grooves at the southern margin of the drift, by P. M. Foshay and li: R. Hice. 8 p. 45c. — Postpleiocene subsidence versus glacial dams, by J. W. Spencer. — 12 p. 35c. — On the geol- ogy of Quebec and environs, by H. M. Ami. 26 p. 70c. — The Comanche series of the Texas-Arkansas region, by R. T. Hill. 26 p. 55c. — Carboniferous fossils from New Found- land, by Sir J. W: Dawson. 12 p. 65c. — Proposed system of chronologic cartography, by T.C. Chamberlin. 46 p. $1. — Variations in the cretaceous and tertiary strata of Ala., by D. W. Langdon, Jr. 22 p. 80c. — Proceedings of Washington meeting. i|1.60. 1891 : Proceedings of summer meeting, Washington. $3.75. — Preliminary notes on the discovery of a vertebrate fauna in Silurian (Ordovician) strata, by C. D. Walcott. 19 p. 60c. — Certain extramorainic drift phenomena of N. J., by K. D. Salisbury. 14 p. 25c. — Mannington oil field, by I. C. White. 32 p. 75c. —Notes on the geology of the valley of the Middle Rio Grande, by E. I. Dumble. 12 p. 20c. — Eieolite-syenite of Litchfield, Me., by W. S. Bayley. 22 p. 55c. — Revision and monograph of the genus O/tonophi/l/um, liy W. H. Sher- zer. 30 p. 70c. — Principal Mississippian section, by C. R. Keyes. 18 p. 40c. — Two Montana coal fields, by W. H. Weed. 30 p. 70c. — Paleozoic formations of Southeastern Minn., by C. W. Hall and F. W. Sardeson. 38 p. $1.— Geology of the Taylorville region of Cal., by J. S. Diller. 26 p. 55c. — Jura and trias at Taylorville, Cal., by A. Hyatt. 18 p. 30c. — Stratigraphy and succession of rocks of the Sierra Nevada of Cal., by J. E. Mills. 32 p. 60c. — Geology of the Crazy Mts., Mont., by J. E. Wolff. 8 p. 15c.— Pro- ceedings of 4th annual meeting. $2.25. 1892 : Proceedings of 4th summer meeting. 20c. — Finite homogeneous strain, flow and rupture of rocks, by G: F. Becker. 78 p. $1.40. — Thickness of the Devonian and Silu- rian rocks of Central N. Y., by C: 8. Prosser. 28 p. 60c. — New t»nopterid fern and its allies, by D. White. 14 p. 50c. — Some elements of land sculpture, by E. Hicks. 14 p. 30c. — Some dynamic and metasomatic phenomena in a metn- morphic conglomerate in the Green Mts., by C: L. Whittle. 20 p. 50c. — Phases in the metamorphosis of the schists of Southern Berkshire, by W : H. Hobbs. 12 p. 35c. — Conti- nental problems, by G. K. Gilbert. 12 p. 20c. — Comparison of pleistocene and present ice sheets, by W. Uphara. 14 ]>. 20c. — Cretaceous and early tertiary of Northern Cal. and Ore., by J. S. T)iller. 20 p. 35c. — On the geology of natural gas 67 Geological Society] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Cjeological Society Geological Society of Amorica. continued. unil petroleum la youtbwcBti'in Ontario, by 11. 1'. 11. Bru- iiiell. -0 u. 3(ic. — Kiuinas of the Shasta and Cliico forma- tions, by I. W. Stautou. 12 p. 2cii'. — Two neocene rlviMH of Cul., by W. Lindgren. 42 p. $1. — Some Maryland granites, by C. R. Keyes. 14 p. :i5c. — Uelatious of the Law rentiau and Hurouian rocks north of Lake Huron, by A. E. Barlow. 20 p. 30c. — Archaean rocks west of Lake Superior, by W il C. Smith. 16 p. 25c. — Laurentian of the (Ottawa District, bv H. W. Ells. 12 p. 20c. — Height of the Bay of Fundy coast in the glacial period, by R. Chalmers. — Proceedings of i>th annual meeting. $ 1.30. Proceedings of the Oth summer meeting. 1893 : 70c. -OH- gir. of the Pennsylvania anthracite, by J. J. Stevenson. .'■>0c. — Evidences of the derivation of the karaes, eskers and mo raines of the North American ice-sheet chLufly from its eugla cial drift, by W. Upham. 20c. — Succession of pleistocene formations in the Mississippi and Nelson Kiver basins, by W. Upham. 20c. — Some recent discussions in geology, by Sir J. W: Dawson. 20c.— Geological notes on some of the coasts aiid islands of Bering Sea, by G. M. Dawson. 50c. — Ceno- zoio geology along the Appalachicola River, by W. H. Dull and J. S. Brown. 40c. — Paleozoic overlaps in Montgomery and Pulaski counties, Va., by M. R. Campbell. 30c.— Paleozoic intra-formational conglomerates, by C. D. Walcott. 30c.— Pleistocene distortions of the Atlantic seacoast, by N. S. Sha- ler. 10c. — Relation of mountain-growth to formation of con- tinents, by N. S. Shaler. 10c. — Phenoiuena of beach and dune- sands, by N. S. Shaler. 10c. — Qabbros on the western shore of LakeChamplain, by J. F. Kemp. 20c.— Intrusive sandstone dikes in granite, by Whitman Cross. 20c. — Crustal adjust- ment in the upper Mississippi Valley, by Charles R. Keyes. 20c. — Age of the auriferous slates of the Sierra Nevada, by J. P. Smith. 30c. — Geologic activity of the earth's originally absorbed gases, by A. C. Lane. 40c. — Extramoraiuic drift between the Delaware and the Schuylkill, by E. H. Williams, ir. 40c. —Geology of parts of Texas, Indian Territory and Arkansas adjacent to Red River, by R. T. Hill. $1.— Lake Cayuga a rock basin, by R. S. Tarr. 40c. — Pre-paleozolc decay of crystalline rocks north of Lake Huron, by R. Bell. 30c. — Geologic relations from Green Pond, N. J., to Skunne- munk Mountain, N. Y., by N. H. Darton. 60c. — Trias and jura in the western states, by A. Hyatt. 50c. — The Shasta- Chico series, by J. S. Diller and T. W. Stanton. oOc — Ge- ology of a portion of the Coosa Valley in Georgia and Ala- bama, by C. W. Hayes. 30c. — Mica deposits in the laurenlian of the Ottawa district, by R. W. Ells. 10c. — Geological sketch of Lower California, by S. F. Emmons and G. P. Merrill. -10c — Eastern boundary of the Connecticut triassic, by W. M. Davis and L. S. Griswold. 30c. — Pleistocene problems in Missouri, by J. E.Todd. 30c. —Proceedings of the 6th annual meeting. $2.50. 1894 : Proceedings of the 6th summer meeting. 60c. — Kan- sas River section of the permo carboniferous and permian rocks of Kansas, by C. S. Proaser. 70c. — Extension of uni- formitarianism to deformation, by W. J. McGee. 30c. — Re- view of our knowledge of the geology of the California coast ranges, by H. W. Fairbanks. 60c. — Reconstruction of the Antille'an continent, by J. W. Spencer. 90c. — Evidences as to change of sea level, by N. 8. Shaler. 50c. —The Magnesiau series of the northwestern states, by C. W. Hall and F. W. Sardeson. 70c. — Recent glacial studies in Greenland, by T. C. Chamberlin. $1.20. — Characteristic features of Cali- fornia gold-quartz veins, by W. Lindgren. 50c. —Crystalline limestones, ophicalcites and associated schists of the eastern Adirondacks, by J. F. Kemp. 50c. — Crystalline limestones and associated rocks of the northwestern Adirondack region, by C. H. Smyth, Jr. 50c. — Faults of Chazy township, Clin ton county, N. Y., by H. P. Gushing. 40c. — Honeycombed limestones in Lake Huron, by R. Bell. 50c. — Pottsville se ries along New River, W. Va., by D. White. 50c. — Disinte gration of the granitic rocks of the District of Columbia, by Q. P. Merrill. 40c. — Tepee bultes, by G. K. Gilbert and F. P. Gulliver. 30c. — Discrimination of glacial accumulation and invasion, by W. Upham. 20c. — Glacial lakes of western New York, by H. L. Fairchild. $1. — Cretaceous of western Texas and Coahuila, Mox., by E. T. Durable. 30c. — High- wood mountains of Montana, by W. H. Weed and L. V. Pirs BOn. $1. — Proceedings of the 7th annual meeting. $2.50. 1895: Proceedings of 7th summer meeting. 30c. — Drum lins and marginal moraines of ice sheets, by Warren Upham. 30c. — Glacial deposits of southwestern Alberta in vicinity of Rocky Mts., by G. M. Dawson and R. G. McConnell. 80c. — Geographical evolution of Cuba, by J. W. Spencer. 60e.— Syenite gneiss from Ottawa county, Canada, by C. H. Gordon. 90c. — Studies of Meloniten multiporits, by R. T. .Jackson and T. A. Jaggar, Jr., and Studies of palaa-chinoidea, by R. T.Jackson. $4. — Decomposition of rocks in Brazil, by J. C. Branner. $1.80. — Relations of geologic science to evo- lution, by N.S. Shaler. 20c. — Preglacial and postglacial valleys of the Cuvahosa and Rocky rivers, by W. Upham. 68 Geological Society] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Georgia Hibtorical Geological Society of America, continued. 50c. — Disintegration and decompoBition of diabase at Med- ford, Mass., by G. P. Merrill. 40c. — Geographic relations of the granites and porphyries in the eastern parts of the Uzarks, by C. R. Keyen. 30c. — Plains of marine and subaerial denudation, by W. M. Davis. 40c. — Cuspate forelands, by F. P. Gulliver. 60c. — Glacial Genesee lakes, by H. L. Fair- child. 80c. — Proceedings of 8th annual meeting. $3. 1896: Proceedings of the 8th summer naeeting. 30c.— Gla- cial flood deposits in Chenango valley, by A. P. Brigham. 30c. — Correlation of Erie-Huron beaches with outlets and moraines in southeastern Michigan, by F. B. Taylor. .^Oc. — Diabase pitchstone and mud enclosures of the triassic trap of New Eng- land, by B. K. Emerson. $1.20. — Sheetflood erosion, by W. J. McGee. 70c. — Earth-crust movements and their causes, by Joseph T.e Conte. 30c. — Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Laramie and related formations, by T. W. Stanton and F. H. Knowlton. 70c. — Weathering of micaceous gneiss in Albemarle county, Va., by G. P. Merrill. .'Jnc. — The leucite hills of Wyoming, by J. F. Kemp. 40c. — Modified drift in St. Paul, Minn., by Warren Upham. 40c. — Unconformities of Martha's Vineyard and of Block island, by J. B. Wood- worth. .iOc. — Solution of silica under atmospheric conditions, hy C.W.Hayes; Erosion at haselcvel, by M. R. Campbell. 60c. — Gypsum deposits of Kansas, by G. P. Grimsley. .iOc. — Evidences of northeasterly rising of the land along Bell river, by Robert Bell. 40c. — Former extension of Cornell glacier near the southern end of Melville bay, by R. S. Tarr. 90c. — Lake Warren shorelines in western New York and the Geneva beach, by H. ti. Fairchild; Old tracks of Erian drain- age in western New York, by G. K. Gilbert. 6i*c. — Age of the lower coals of Henry county. Mo., by David White. .50c. — Nature, structure, and phylo'geny of daemoneli.x, by E. U. Barbour. $1. — Upper cretaceous formations of New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, by W. B. Clark, with the collabora tion of R. M. Bagg and G. B. Shattuck. $L.SO. — Proceedings of the 9th annual meeting, held at Washingtitn, Dec. 29, .30, and .31, 1896. $3. 1897: Proceedings of the 9th summer meeting. 30c. — Great changes of level In Mexico and the iuteroceanic connections, by J. W. Spencer. 90c. — Clay-veins vertically intersecting coal measures, by W. S. Gresley. 60c. — Origin of the gorge of the Whirlpool rapids at Niagara, by F. B. Taylor, 50c. — Geological probabilities as to petroleum, by Edward Orton. 30c. —Niagara gorge and Saint David's channel, by Warren Upham. 'iOc. — Drift phenomena of Puget sound, by Bailey Willis. $1.50. — Nodular granite from Pine lake, Ont., by F. D. Adams. .30c. —Topography and history of Jamesville lake, New York, by E. C. Quereau. 40c. — Topography and glacial deposits of Mohawk valley, by A. P. Brigham. 60c. — Sands and clays of the Ottawa basin, by R. W. Ells. oOc. — Clastic Huronian rocks of western Ontario, by A. P. Coleman. 30c. — Syenite-porphyry dikes in the northern Adirondacks, by FL P. Cushiiig. .50c. — Weathering of alnoite in Manheim, N. Y., by C. H. Smyth, Jr. 30c. — Metaraori)hi8m of rocks and rock flowage, by C. R. Van Hise. $1.25. — Oraphalo- phloios, a new lepidodendroid type, by David White. 0(ic. — Cretaceous series of the west coast of Greenland, by David White and Charles Rchuchert. $1. — On the occurrence of mammoth and mastodon remains around Hudson bay, by Rob- ert Bell. 40c. — Proceedings of the 10th annual meeting, held at Montreal, Can., Dec. 28, 29, and 30, 1897. $2. Geological Society of Pennsylvania. See Pennsylvania. Geological Society of Washington. See Washington. Georgia Bar Association. Organized 1884. (Hon. J. W. Akin, sec, Cartersville, Ga.) Reports. Annual : Ist, 1885-llth, 1894. 11 v. %". Georgia Historical Society. Organized 1839. (W: Harden, libn.) Ifodgson Hall, Savannah, Ga. Constitution and by-laws. Collections, v. 1, 1840— v. 4, 1878. 4 v. 8". Collections, v. 3:1. 1848. (A sketch of the Creek country ; by B. Hawkins. Not included in above.) "Sergeant Jasper, by R. M. Charlton. 1841. 8». On the qualifications and duties of a historian, by Mitchell King. 184:f. 23 p. 8". A high civilization the moral duty of Georgians, by 8. Elliott, ir. 1844. 21 p. 8". Education, by S. K. Talmage. 1844. 24 p. 8". Anniversary discourse, by Alonzo Church. 1845. 34 p. 8". The romance of life, by R. M. Charlton. 1845. 19 p. 8". History of Georgia, by Wm. Bacon Stevens. 2 v. 8". 1847- 1859. plates, plan. map. Neir York. Anniversary address, by J. E. Ward. 1858. 24 p. 8". Indian remains in so'ithern Georgia, by C. C. Jones, jr. 25 p. 8". 69 Georgia Historical] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Grolier Club Georgia Historical Society, continued. Stephon Elliott, by Solomon Oahen. 1S67. 18 p. 8». Wilde's Summer rowc; or, the lament of the captive, by Anthony Harclay. 1S71. 70 p. 8". Proceedings commemorative of E. J. Hardin. 1873. 31 p. 8«. Siege of Savannali in 1779, as described in two contempo- raneous journals of French officers in the fleet of Count d'Kstain!». Kd. by <^. (!. Joacs, jr. 77 p. 4". folded map. Sergeant Wm. jasper, by O. O. Jones, jr. 1876. .36 p. 8". Reminiscences of service with the first volunteer regiment of Georgia, Charleston harbor, in 1863, by C. H. Olmstead. 15 p. 8". Hernando de Soto, by C. O. Jones, jr. 1880. 42 p. 8". portrait. Maj.-Gen. Saral. Elbert, by C. C. Jones, jr. 1887. 48 p. 8^ CambrUlge. Sidnoy'Lanier. by C. N. West. 1888. 2.5 p. 8". Wm. Harris Crawford, by C. N. West. 1892. 4.5 p. 8" Georgia, Medical Society of the State of. Organized 1849. Proceedings of convention, and constitution. 8". Macon. 1849. Proceedings at 2d ann. meeting. 8". Saoanriafi. 1851. Transactions, Augusta and Savannah. 3-4. 1852-3. Pe7i. field and Savannah. Minutes of 5th ann. meeting, Macon. 8". Macon. 1854. Proceedings of the Georgia Medical Association, Session of 1808. Augusta. 1868. Transactions of the sessions of the Medical Association of Georgia. 20-35. 1869-84. 8". Atlanta. 1869-84. Georgia State Horticultural Society. Organized 1876; reorganized 1882. (G. H. Miller, sec, Rome, Ga.) Publications. Annual. 1876-98. 8". Gorges Society. Organized 1873. (H. W. Bryant, treas.) 223 Middle St., Portland, Me. 1. New England's vindication, by Henry Gardiner. Ed. by C. E. Banks, M.D. 1884. sq. 8'>. 2. George Cleeve of Casco Bay, 1630-1667, with collateral documents, by James Phinney Baxter. 1885. sq. ?fi. 3. Rosier's relation of Waymonth's Voyage to the coast of Maine, 1605, by Henry 8. Burrage, D.D. 1887. sq. 8". 4. Sagadahoc Colony, by H: O. Thayer. 1892. sq. 8". pap. 5. Christopher Levitt, of York, the pioneer colonist in Casco Bay, by J. P. Baxter. 1893. sq. 8». pap. Grand Army of the Republic : National Encampment. (Ivan N. Walker, commander, Indianapolis, Ind.) Journal of the annual sessions. Gratz College. Organized 1895. (D. Sulzberger, sec.) 336 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Publications, no. 1, 1897. 10 -|- 206 p. O. $1.50. Cont. : Memoir of Hyman Gratz. — President's report. — Additions to library. — Synopsis of lectures. — Lectures : Italian Jewish literature, by S. Morals; History and future of the text of the Talmud, by M. Jastrow ; Jewish physicians and the contributions of the Jews to the science of medicine, by A. Frledenwald; The Psalms and their place in the liturgy, by K. Kohler. Grolier Club. Organized 1884. (R. H. Lawrence, libn.) 29 E. 3 2d St., New York City. 1. A decree of star chamber concerning printing. Made July 11, 1637. Reprinted from the first ed. by Robert Barker, 1637, with preface and appendix. Dec, 1884. 1-50 copies, pap., subs., $2. 2. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the astronomer-poet of Persia. Rendered into English verse by E: Fitzgerald. May, 1885. med. 8". 152 copies, pap., subs., $3. 3. Transactions, to July, 1885. roy. 8". 4. History of New Vork. By t)iedrich Knickerbocker. New ed., containing unpublished corrections of the author, with 11. by G:H. Boughtou [and others]. 2 v. May, 1886. med. 8". 177 copies, bds., subs., $20. 5. Lecture on bookbinding as a fine art. By Robert Hoe, with il. Nov., 1880. demy 4°. 200 copies, hf. linen, subs., $7.50. 6. Historic printing types. By Theo. L. De Vinne. 11. Dec, 1886. demy 4°. 202 copies, hf. linen, subs., $3. 7. Peg Woflii'igton. By i': Reade. 2 v. 11. Sept., 1SS7. cap. 8". 252 copies, linen, subs., $4.50. 70 Grolier Club] PUBIJCATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Hamilton Club Grolier Club, coniinvtd. 8. Christopher Plantin and the I'lantin Moretus museum at Antwerp. By Theo. L. De Vinne, with il. by J: Pennell and others. Dec, 1S88. broad 8". 303 copies, wubs., $2..'')0. 9. The Philobibiion of Richard de Bury. 3 pte. ed. and trs., with introd. and notes, by Prof. Andrew F. West. 3 v. il. Apr.-Dec, 1888. mod. 4". 300 copies, parchment, $25. 10. Modern book-binding practically considered. By W: Matthews, il. Nov., 1889. 303 copies, buckram, subs., $3.50. 11. Areopagiiica, by J; Milton; with Introd. by J. R. Lowell. 1890. por. 12". 328 copies, bds., subs., $6. 13. Washington Irving: a sketch, by G: W: Curtis. 1891. il. 8". 347 copies, raor., subs., $8. 14. Catalogue of an exhibition of engraved portraits of famous English writers. 1891. il. 8". 200 copies, pap., Biibs., $2. 15. Barons of the Potomac, by M. D. Conway. 1892. il. 8". 363 copies, bds., subs., $10. 17. Catalogue of an exhibition of illuminated and printed manuscripts. 1892. il. broad 8". SfiO copies, subs., $.5. 18. Catalogue of original and early editions of English writers, from Langland to Withers. 1893. il. large 8'>. 403 copies, hf. mor., subs., $10. 19. Facsimile of Bradford's Laws and acts of New York, of 1694; with introd. by R. L. Fowler and C. R. Wlldcburn. 1894. F". 315 copies, vel., subs., $15. 20. Classified list of early American bookplates, by C: D. Allen. 1894. il. 12". 353 copies, pap., subs., $2. 21. Transactions, pt. 2. 1894. il. sm. 4°. 750 copies, pap., subs., $4. 22. Catalogue of books from the libraries of celebrated bibliophiles and illustrious persons. 1895. il. broad 8". 353 copies, subs., $4.50. 23. Catalogue of the engraved work of Asher B. Durand. 1895. il. 8". 350 copies, pan., subs., $2. 24. Description or the early printed books owned by the Grolier Club, by R: H. Lawrence. 1895. il. sm. f. 403 copies, hf. rf., subs., $5. 25. Poems of John Donne, revised by J. R. Lowell. With an introduction and notes by C. E. Norton. 1895. 2 v. 12". il. 380 copies on hand-made paper, 3 copies on vellum, cl. 26. The Charles Whittingharas printers, by Arthur Warren. 1896. roy. 8°. facsimiles. 385 copies on hand- made paper, 3 copies on vellum, hf. gr. mor. 27. Catalogue of an exhibition illustrative of a century of artistic lithography. 1896. 8". many il. 400 copies on hand- made paper, 3 copies on vellum, pap. 29. Chronological catalogue of the engravings, dry points and etchings of Albert Diirer exhibited by the club, compiled by S. R. Koehler. 1897. il. 4ii0 copies on Holland paper, ci. Note. No. 12 was an etching, and Nos. 16 and 28 were medallions. The club has also issued year books, 1884, 1887-1897. 16". It has also issued catalogues of its numerous exhibitions of books, bookbindings, etchings, etc. Guild of the Holy Name. Organized 1888. (F. G: W. Gibbs, sec.) 616 Lincoln Ave.. Detroit, Mich. Thoughts on the holy communion; to which is added a preparation for a thanksgiving after holy communion, by A. Bathe; ed. and arr. by F. G. Gibbs. 1888. Tt. pap., 10c. Guilford Battle Ground Co. (J. W. Scott, sec.) Greensboro, N. C. Address on Brig. Gen. Jethro Bumner, by K. P. Battle. 1891. Address on Gen. W: R. Davie, by W. Clark. 1892. Maryland and North Carolina in the campaign of 1780-81, by Prof. E. G. Daves. 1892. Address on dedication of monument to the memory of the Maryland soldiers who fell in the battle of Guilford Court House, by E. A. Alderman. 1892. Address on dedication of Holt monument, by T>. Schenck. 1893. Address on W: Hooper, by E. A. Alderman. 1894. Memorial volume. 1894. il. por. 8°. Gynecological Society of Boston. See Boston. Hamilton Club, The. 1865. New Yojk. The life of Alexander Hamilton. By John Williams. (An- thony Pasquin.) 1865. 12-1-60 p. 8" and 4". Obsei-vations on certain documents in " The history of the United States for the year 1796," by Alexander Hamilton. 1865. 8 4- 157 p. 8". and 4". The Hamiltoniad. By John Williams. (Anthony Pasquin.) 1865. 10 -I- 122 p. Portrait. 8" and 4°. Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds. 1S66. 4+ 89 p. S"and4". 71 Hamilton College] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Hamilton College 60 p. 8". pap. Hamilton College. Organized 1812. (Mclvin G. Dodge, libn.) Clinton, N. Y. The Tafisman (moulhly). v. 1-2. 1833-4. Hamittoii Campitu (weekly), v. 1-4. 1866-69. 4". Hamilton Literary Monthly, v. 1-30. 1866-96. 8". Hamilton Literary Magazine (monthly), v. 31-32. 1896- 98. 8". $2 per year. — Inaugural exercisee : Presidents. — Kev. Azel Backus, D.D. 1812. 20 p. 8". pap. Utica. - Rev. S. W. Fisher, D.D., sixth pres. 18.')8. 71 p. 8". pap. Utica . Rev. 8. G. Brown, D.D., seventh pres. 1867. 76 p. 8". pap- Rev. H. Darling, D.D., eighth pres. 1881. Utica. Rev. M. W. Stryker, D.D., ninth pres. 1893. 92 p. 8'>. pap. Childs <6 Son, Utica. Memorialg. Rev. S. VV. Fisher, D.D. , 1874. 59 p. 8". cl. Utica. O. S. Williams, treas., 1850-80. 98 p. 8". cl. Rev. S. North, D.D., fifth pres. 1884. 112 p. 8". cl. Utica. Rev. 8. G. Brown. 1886. 87 p. 8". pap. Mio York. Dr. C. P. Peters. 1890. 31 p. 8". pap. Rev. H. Darling, D.D., 1893. 101 p. 8". cl. Utica. Narrative of the embarrassments and decline of Ilamilton college, by Henry Davis, pres. 1833. 151 p. 8". pap. The college system of education, by 8. North. 1839. 20 p. 8". pap. Utica. History of Perry H. Smith library hall, with commemora- tive exercises July 18, 1866; July 15, 1868; July 25, 1872. 88 p. 8". cl. Utica. Dedication of the Kirkland monument, June 25, 1873. 8". pap. White if- Floyd, Utica. Semicentennial celebration. 1862. 232 p. 8". cl. Ellis If. Roberts, Utica. Historical sketch, by C. B. Allison. 1889. 85 p. 8". $1. Yonkers. Clark prize book, ed. by M. G. Dodge and D. W. Burke. 1894. 363 p. sm. 8». cl., $1..50. Clinton. Pub- by the editors. Alexander Hamilton : 31 orations, 1864-95, upon the Head foundation, ed. by M. G. Dodge. (Contains a partial list of books by Hamilton alumni.) 1896. 210 p. 8". cl., $1.25. Ptttnam. Class histories and reports : Class of 1851 : Letter by T. B. Hudson. 1897. 3 p. — 1856: 1856-59, by E. Curran, jr., sec. 4 p. 8 circular letter, Feb. 25, 1859, by same. 3 p. "' circular by same, May 10, 1860. 12 p. Twenty -five years of the class of 1856. 1882 Citrtiss cf- Childs, Utica. — 1857 : from 1857 to 1868. 27 p. 8". , _ Mason, N'. Y. Also, a history of the class of 1857, ed. by A W. Brockway and B. D. Gilbert. 1897. 91 p. 8". hf. cl Baker <& Taylor Co. — 1858. Forty years. Prepared by A.J. Northrup, class sec. 1898. 102 p. 8". cl. The Mason Press, Syracuse. — 1862. Biographical record, etc., by E. B. Wicks, sec. 1873. 100 p. 8". cl. T.J. G-Hfflths, Utica. — 1863. Sketches of the history, etc., by Myron Adams. 1879. 11 p. 24". pap. //. B. Smith, Rochester. — 1864. Statistics, etc., by F. W. Plant, class sec. 1865. 44 p. 8". pap. L. C. Childs, Utica. Also, Thirtieth re- union, compiled by same. 1895. 89 p. pap. 8". Hayes cf- Fletcher Pntg. Co., Joliet. — 1865. Record of the class, compiled by W. O. Webster. 1866. 20 p. pap. Also, biographical record, by H. B. Tomp- kins. 1877. 79 p. 8". cl. New York. Also, minutes of class meeting, July 1, 1885, with suppl. record. 1885. 8 p. 8". pap. Neio York. — 1866. Statistics, collected by W. E. Burton, acting class sec. 1867. 37 p. 8". pap. Summers & Co., N. Y. Also, triennial record compiled by same. 1869. 13 p. pap. Syra- cuse. Also, the thirtieth reunion compiled by same. 1887. 36 p. 8". pap. C. E. De Pay, Syracuse. — 1867. Statistical record, collected by S. J. Fisher, class sec. 1868. 18 p. 8". pap. Curtiss & Childs, Utica. Also, second do. by same. 1873. 19 p. pap. Same pub. Also, class report, by same. 1879. 19 p. 8". pap. Same pub. — 1868. A quarter century retrospect, compiled by H. R. Waite, class sec. 33 p. 4". cl. Photogravure Ihib'g Co., N. Y. — 1869. Record. 1874. 42 p. 8". pap. Curtiss & Childs, Utica. — 1870. Decennial statistical record, by E. C. Ray, class sec. 1880. 23 p. 4". pap. Daily Journal Pr't'g House, Elizabeth, N. J. — 1873. Statistical record, by the sec. 1876. 20 p. 8". pap. Advertiser print, Waterford. Also, a quarter-century his- tory. 1898. 88 p. 80. pap. Lockwood & Brainerd Co., Hartford. 72 8". Also, Also, yearly pap. Also, 24 p. 8». pap. pap. Oakley <& Hamilton College] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Harvard University Hamilton College, continued. — 1875. Letter to clasB, by Samuel W. Eddy. 1R7S(?). 4 p. Also The story of the paat ten years, by sanif. 1885. 42 p. 8". pap. Snlfm Observer print, SaUm, Mass. Also, circular issued by E. H. Cobb, sec, Feb. 1, 1893. 4 p. AUo, The Btory of the past twenty years, by same. 1895. 39 p. 8". pap. Journal Pr't'g Uouse, Elizabeth, jV. J. — 1878. History, "by Q. S. Webster, class sec. 1888. 24 p. 8". L- O. Childs S Son, Utica. Also, supplement, by same, July, 1890. 25-28 p. 8". pap. — 1879. Story of a decade, cd. by L. N. Southworth, class sec. 1890. 41 p. 8". bds. L. C. Childs cfc Son, Utivn. — 1881. Decennial history, ed. by A. C. White, class sec. 1892. .32 p. 8". pap. Ajidtus d- dhiirch, /Ihnca. — 1882. Report of B. W. Sherwood, class sec. 1892. lip. 8". Syracuse. Also, report of same, 1.5th anniversary re- union. 1897. 8 p. 8". pap. Si/raciise. — 1884. Record by J. A. Adair, class sec. 1887. 4 p. Sullivan Pr't'g Co., Cincinnati. Also, record compiled by same. 1894. 14 p. 8". pap. F. R. Oanschow e. lS9o. 4". pp. xiv, 196. III. BnddhiBin in translations. By Henry Clarke Warreu. 1896. 8«. pp. XX, 520. Studies and Notes in Philology and Litevalure. Published under the direction of the Modern Language Departments of Harvard University. 1892- . 8«. 5 vols., 1893-1898. Occasional : Twenty years of school and college English. 1896. 12". pp. 6.3. Descriptive list of elementary exercises in physics corre- sponding to the requirement in elementary experimental physics for admission to Harvard College and the Lawrence Scientific School. By E. H. Hall. 1897. 8". pp. 92. Student publications. Societies : A. D. Club. Catalogue. 1885. 120. pp. 19. The A. D. Club of Harvard University, 1837-1889. 1889. 8". pp. 12.3. Art Club. The hypaethral question : an attempt to deter- mine the mode in which the interior of a Greek temple was lighted. By John Thacher Clark. 1879. 8". pp.38. Boylston Medical Society. Catalogues, 1819, 1825, 1837, 1853, 1858, 1861, 1867, 1874, 1878, 1881. 8". Graduate Club. Graduate courses : a handbook for graduate students. 12". Issued in 1894 and 1895. (Since published by an association of graduate clubs.) Hasty Pudding Club. Catalogues, 1829, 1838, 1841, 1846, 1850, 1855, 1860, 1867, 1874, 1884, 1891. 8'\ The catalogues of 1838 and 1841 include catalogues of the club library. An illustrated history of the Hasty Pudding Club theatri- cals. By Lloyd McKlm Garrison, '88. With an introduction by J. T. Wheelwright, '76. 1897. large 4". pp.267. (The club playbills and programmes make an interesting series.) Institute of 1770. Catalogues, 1832, 1849, 1857, 1868. 8». " Med. Fac." Catalogus Facultatis Medicinae Universitatis Harvardianae. 1821. 8». Editions in 1824, 1827, 1830, 1833. Musical association. By-laws. 1840. 16". pp. 8. Li- brary catalogue. (List of members and constitution.) 1851. 12". pp. 28. — Constitution and by-lawe. (List of members.) 1892. I60. pp. 22. — List of officers and members. 1895. 12". pp. 10. Natural History Society. Catalogues, 1845, 1848, 1855, 1863, 1866. 12". Phi Beta Kappa (BK). Catalogues, 1806, 1810, 1814, 1818, 1823, 1826, 1829, 18.33, 1836, 1839, 1842, 1845, 1846, 1849, 1851, 1853, 1856, 1861, 1873, 1885, 1891, 1897. Pierian Sodality. Catalogues, 1832, 1839. 8". — Report made at a meeting of the Pierian Sodality in Har- vard University, Cambridge, August 30th, 1837, with a record of the meeting. 1837. 8". pp. 16. Porcellian Club. Catalogues, 1819, 1825, 1828, 1831, 18.34, 18.39, 1846, 1850, 1854, 1857, 1860, 1867, 1877, 1887. 8". (All after 1831 include catalogues of the club library.) — Catalogues of the Porcellian library, 1816, 1827. Republican Club. Report of the proceedings of the Har- vard Republican meeting held at Tremont Temple, Boston, Friday evening, Nov. 2, 1888. 1889. 8". pp. 72. Ruraford Society. Catalogue, 1855. 12". pp. 26. Signet. Catalogues, 1886, 1895. (12". 8".) Union. Constitution. 1886. 12". pp. 11. — Constitution. 1896. 16". pp. 8. Young Men's Christian Association. Harvard hand-book. Issued annually, beginning in 1890-1891. sm. 16". Periodicals — Annual : The Harvard index. A university directory, 1874-1898. 24 vols. 8". (A private enterprise, conducted by students.) The Harvard University Register, 1898-99. (Superseding the Harvard index, founded 1873.) Vol. 25. W. B. Weaver, Editor. 8". pp. 426. Periodicals — Monthly : The Harvard Register. Issued monthly, March, 1827, to February, 1828. 8". pp. 384. The Collegian, in six numbers, February to July, 1830. 8". pp. vi.,290. Barvardiana. 8". 4 vols., 1834-1838. pp. 384, 386, 392, 408. The Harvard Magazine. 8». 10 vols., 1854-1864. The Harvard Monthly, 1885- . 4". 26 vols., 1885-1898. Periodicals — Fortnightly : The Harvard Lyceum, July 14, 1810, to March 9, 1811. 8". pp. 432. The Collegian, 3 nos., March 9 to April 6, 1866. pp. 48. 76 Harvard University] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Harvard University' Harvard University, continued. The Harvard Advocate, 1866- . 8". 65 voIh., T806-189S. — Catalogvie of the editors of the Harvard Advocate, 1S06- 1886, to which is prefixed a short history of the paper. 1880. 12". pp. 24. The Magenta, 1873 to May, 187r>, after May, 187.'i, name cliarjgeil to The Crimson, coutiuued uuder tliat naiue as a fortniglitly until 1883; together, 21 vols., 4". The Harvard Latiipoon. IlliiBtraled. Ist series, 1870-1880. 9 vols., 4". 2d series, 1880- . 35 vols., 4". 1880-1898. Periodicals — Daily: The Harvard Echo. Dee. 9, 1879, to June 23, 1882. vols., 4u. The Harvard Daily Herald. Jan. 3, 1882, to Oct. 6, 1883, 3 vols., f., 1882-3. The Hera Id ■Crimson. Oct. 8, 1883, to May 7, 1884. f". The Daily Crimson, May 8, 1884, to . f. 29 vols., 1883- 1898 (including The Herald Crimson). The Harvard Daily News, Sept. 25, 1894, to Oct. 22. 1895. t>. Alumni publications. Periodicals : The Harvard Graduates' Magazine. Published by the Harvard (iraduates' Magazine Association. (Quarterly. Bos- ton. 1892- . W. R. Thayer, editor. 4". 6 vols., 1892- 1898. The Harvard Bulletin. Published weekly for the Athletic Association of Harvard Graduates. Nov. 7, 1898, to . (Newspaper form.) Necrology : Alumni Association. The necrology of Harvard College, 1869-1872. 1872. 8". pp. vii, 126. Alumni in ivar : Roll of students of Harvard College who have served in the army or navy during the War of the Rebellion. 1865. 16". pp. 48. The same, revised and enlarged. Prepared by order of the corporation by Francis H. Brown, M.D. 1866. 8". pp.52. Harvard University in the war of 1801-1865. A record of the services rendered in the army and navy of the United States by the graduates and students of Harvard College and the professional schools. By Francis H. Brown, A.M., M.D. Boston, 1886. 8". pp. vii, 407. Final reports of the building committee and of the treasurer of the Harvard memorial fund to the Committee of Fifty, 26 June, 1878. 1878. 8". pp. 42. Harvard Volunteers. 1898. Published by The Harvard Crimson. 1898. 8". pp.44. II. Professional Schools. The Harvard Divinity School. Miscellaneous : An account of the Society for the Promotion of Theologi- cal Education in Harvard University. Boston. 1816. 16". pp. 24. Constitution of the Society for the Promotion of Theologi- cal Education in Harvard University. Boston. 1826. 8". pp. 15. Society for Promoting Theological Education. Historical sketch. Boston. 1860. 8". pp. 13. The same. 1877. pp. 23. An appeal in behalf of the further endowment of the Divinity School of Harvard University. By Henry W. Bellows, D.D. To which are added statements by Charles W. Eliot, LL.D., President of the University, and by the faculty of the school. 1879. 8". pp.36. The Divinity School of Harvard University. Its history, courses of instruction, aims, and advantages. 1893. 8". pp. 31. The same. Abbreviated. 1894. pp.28. Catalogues, Programmes, etc. : Catalogue of the alumni of the Divinity School of the University in Cambridge. 1814. 8". pp. 18. General catalogue of the Divinity School of Harvard Uni- versity. 1898. 8". pp. 147. Annual catalogues, separate from the University catalogue, are printed ; they may, however, be regarded as part of the latter. Exercises at the visitation of the Theological School. Pro- grammes. 1825-1875. The Harvard Law School. Catalogues, etc, : Annual catalogues as early as 1833, continued to 1869. 12"., except 1833, which is a broadside. At present " announce- ments," separate from the University catalogue, are issued an- nually. 77 Harvard University] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [llar\ard Univer-. pp. 20. The same. 1824. 12". pp. 36. A list of books belonging to the library of the Massachusetts Medical College. For the use of students until a catalogue properly arranged is published. 1847. 12". pp. 23. Observatory, ituseurns, and other Scientific Establishments. The Astronomical Observatory of Harvard University. Annual reports of the director up to 1877, printed only in the reports of visiting committees. Since 1877 printed separately, and also Included In the president's reports. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard Univer- sity. 18.^6— — . Large 4". 30 vols., 1856-1890. New numbers issued from time to time. Miscellaneous papers, monthly reprints from scientific jour- nals, have been issued by the Observatory from time to time. A number of them have been gathered in two 8". vols., under 79 1 1 a r va rd l' n i ve rs i t y ] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Ilaverford College Harvard University, continued. the title • Astionomicnl Observatory of Hiirvanl CuUcge. Mis cellaneouH papern, 1877-1887; 1888-1896. A third (4".) volume has been made up under the title: Observatory of Harvard College. Miscellaneous quarto publicationa, 1877-1890. With a list of the published references to the work of the Blue Hill Observatory, 1S8J-1S95. Boyden Fund Circulars, 1887- . Only a few have been Issued. Henry Draper Memorial. Annual reports of the photo- graphic study of stellar spectra conducted at the Harvard College Observatory. Large 4". 4 nos., 1887-1890. Harvard College Observatory Circulars, 1895- . Issued Irregularly, in 4". form, Nos. 1-36, 1895-1898. The Museum of Comparative Zoology (Agassiz Museum). Charter of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, with a list of the trustees, the by-laws, and other papers. 1859. 8". pp. 32. Annual reports. Until 1877-78 the reports of the trustees and director were printed by the State of Massachusetts as Senate documents. Since 1877-78 the annual reports of the curator to the president and fellows of Harvard College have been printed with the president's reports, and also as a separate series in S^ form. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 1863- 8". 31 vols., 1863-1898. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. 1864- . 4". 22 vols., 1864-1898. The Peahody Museiim of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Annual reports, 1868- . 8". 31 reports, 1868-1898. Palieolithic man in Eastern and Central America. In three parts, 1887-1889. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 8". pp. 165. Archseological and ethnological papers, 1888- . 8". vol. I, nos. 1-6, 1888-1898. pp. 436. Memoirs. 1896- . 4". vol. I, nos. 1-5, 1896-1898. pp.148. The Botanic Garden and Gray Herbarium. A catalogue of American and foreign plants cultivated in the botanic garden, Cambridge, Massachusetts. By W. D. Peck, professor of natural history. Published by direction of the board of visitors and of students of botany In Harvard College. 1818. 8". pp. 60. A list of the plants contained in the sixth edition of Gray's Matmal of the Botany of the Northern United States. Com- piled by John A. Allen. Published by the Herbarium. 1893. 12". pp. 130. Synoptical flora of North America. By A. Gray and others. Edited by B. L. Robinson, v. 1, pt. 1, fasc. 1, 2 (in 1 vol.) 1895-7. pp. 506. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium. Printed m regular series in the Proceedings of the American Academy, and frequently reprinted. Note. The University also owns and publishes through the American Book Co. the various botanical writings of Prof. Asa Gray. For particulars see Publishers' Trade List An- nual. The Arnold Arboretum. Reports of the director. 1874, 1881, and thereafter annually. 8". Laboratories. The Chemical Laboratory ; Reports of the director. Several printed separately. Contributions from the Chemical Laboratory of Harvard College, by J. P. Cooke, C. L. Jackson, H. B. Hill, O. W. Huntington, and others. Reprints from the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1870- . 8". 3 vols., 1870-1889. The Cryptogamic Laboratoi'y : Contributions from the Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard University are regularly printed in the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and some have been reprinted separately. Psychological Laboratory : The Psychological Laboratory of Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass. 1893. 8". pp. 34 (illustrated). Haverford College. Organized 1833. (Isaac Sharpless, pres.) Haverford^ Pa. College studies, nos. 1-12; last issue, 1895. 8». ea., $1. - History of Haverford College for the first sixty years of its existence. Prepared by a committee of the Alumni Associa- tion. 732 p. 8«. cl. 1892. Porter & Coates. 8o Historical] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Historical Historical and Geographical Society of Kiclinioinl College. See Richmond. Historical and Philosoiihicul Society of Ohio. See Ohio. Historical Printing Club. Organized 1876. (Paul L. Ford, 97 Clark St.) Brooklyn, N. Y. Webster Ucnculogy. Compiled and printed for preuenta- tion by Noiih NVebstc-r. Witli notes and corrections by his great-grandson, Paul Leicester Ford. [2.^0 copies privately printed.] 1876. 9 -|- 4 p. plate. 4". 'I'lie original of local and other names : a letter from Hon. Francis Baylies, of Taunton, Mass., to Hon. P. W. Leiand of Fall River, Mass. 1879. '24 p. 4». [30 copies.] 1781 : Oroton IleiKhts and New London : letters from Zabdiel Rogers and Thomas Mumford. From the originals in the possession of Gordon L. Ford. [50 copies privately printed.] 1881. 14 p. 4". 1814 : New London : Pettypaui^ Point. [50 copies pri- vately printed.) 1881. 6 p. plate. 4». 1781: Vorktown : Letter from Noah Webster to George Washington, and from George Washington to Noah Webster. From the original in the possession of Gordon L. Ford. [40 copies privately printed. ] 1881. 7 p. 4". Websteriana : a catalogue of books by Noah Webster. Collated from the library of Gordon L. Ford. 188'2. 20 leaves. 4". [R copies.] Bibliothoca Chauuciaua : a list of the writings of Charles Chauncey. [10 copies privately printed.] 1884. 30 p. 4". Lines to Mr. Dodson, engraver ot the plate of female con- tributors to Graham's Magazine. By Frances Sargent Os- good. 1885. 10 p. plate, sm. 4". [10 copies.] Address to the Connecticut Society of (Jincinnati on the death of George Washington. By Benjamin Tallmadge. [100 copies privately printed. ) 1885. 4 p. sm. 4°. Address of the Pennsylvania Society of Cincinnati to George Washington, and his answer, 1797. [100 copies pri- vately printed.] ISSli. 7 p. sm. 4". Address of the Rhode Island Society of Cincinnati to George Washington, and his answer, 1797. [100 copies pri- vately printed.] 1885. 7 p. sm. 4". Oration in commemoration of General Nathaniel Greene, delivered before the Connecticut Society of the Cincinnati at New Haven, Sept. 12, 1780, by William Hillhouse, Esq. [100 copies privately printed.] 16 p. sm. 4". Bibliotheca Hamiltoniana : a list of books written by or relating to Alexander Hamilton. By Paul Leicester Ford. The Knickerbockn- l^es>!, New York. 1886. 159 p. 8". [500 copies.] List of editions of " The Federalist." By Paul Leicester Ford. 1880. 25 p. 8". [50 copies.] List of Treasury reports and circulars issued by Alexander Hamilton, 1789-1795. Compiled by Paul Leicester Ford. 1880. 47 p. 8". [50 copies.] Hamilton's " Publius." By Worthington Chauncey Ford. Washington, 1886. 8 p. 4". [25 copies.] List of the members of the federal convention of 1787. By Paul Leicester Ford. 1888. 15 p. m". [100 copies.] Pamphlets on the constitution of the United States, pub- liebed during its discussion by the people, 1787-1788. Ed. by Paul Leicester Ford. 1888. 451 p. 8". [.500 copies.] Bibliography and reference list of the history and literature relating to the adoption of the constitution of the United States, 1787-8. By Paul Leicester Ford. 1888. 64 p. 8". [100 copies.] Some materials for a bibliography of the olllcial publications of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. Collected and anno- tated by Paul Leicester Ford. 1888. 57 p. 8". [250 copies.] Report of a committee of the Lords of the Privy Council on the trade of Great Britain with the United States, January, 1791. Ed. by M'orthington Chauncey Ford. Washington : Department of State. 1888. 79 p. sm. 4". [2.50 copies.] Letters of Joseph Jones of Virginia. 1777-1787. Kd. by Worthington Chauncey Ford. Washington : Department of St.ite. 1889. 14 + 157 p. sm. 4". [250 copies.] Check-list of bibliographies, catalogues, reference lists, and lists of authorities of American books and subjects. Com- piled by Paul Leicester Ford. 1889. 8 + 63 p. 4". [500 copies.] Check-list of American Magazines printed in the eighteenth century. By Paul Leicester Ford. 1889. 12 p. 40. [250 copies.] List of some briefs in appeal ca\iBes which relate to America tried before the fiords Commissioners of Appeals of prize causes of his Majesty's Privy Council, 17:'.6-175H. By Paul Leicester Ford. 1889. 20 p. 8". [250 copies.] Who was the mother of Franklin's son? An historical conundrum hitherto given up, now partly answered by Paul Leicester Ford. 1889. lop. 4". [100 copies.] Si Historical] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Historical Historical Printing Club, continued. WiiBhington as an employer and importer of labor. By Wortliintjton Chauncey Ford. IftOO copies privately printed.] 1889. 78 p. am. 4". . ^ i .. Franklin bibliography : a list of books written by or relating to Benjamin Franklin. By Panl Leicester Ford. 1889. 7 + 467 p. 8°. [500 copies.] The spnrions letters attributed to Washington. ^^ ith a bibliographical note by Worthlngton Chauncey Ford. Y^m copies privalely printed.] 166 p. "i"- , „ The origin, purpose, and result of the Harrisburg conven- tion of 1788 : a study in popular government, by Paul Leices- ter Ford. 1890. 40 p. 4». [250 copies.] , _„. „ ,. General orders issued by Major General William Heath •when in command of the eastern department, 23 May, 1777-d October, 1777. With some fragmentary orders of Major General Putnam and Lt. Col. Wm. 8. Smith Compiled and edited by Worthlngton Chauncey Ford. 1890. 128 p. 4". [250 copies.] . , , " The Sayings of Poor Richard." The prefaces, proverbs, and poems of Benjamin Franklin, originally printed in Poor Richard's Almanacs for 1733-1758. Collected and Rd'ted by Paul Leicester Ford. [100 copies privately printed.] 1890. 288 p. S". . J , J, 1 The United States and Spain in 1790 : an episode In diplo- macy described from hitherto unpublished sources. With an introduction by Worthlngton Chauncey Ford. 1890. 109 p. sm. 4". [250 copies.] . . . , .u « „, The Washington-Duch^ Letters, now pnnted for the hrst time from the original manuscripts, with an introductory note by Worthlngton Chauncey Ford. [500 copies privately printed.] 1890. 38 p. sm. 4". Reply of William Lee to the charges of Silas Deaue. 1779. Kd. by Worthlngton Chauncey Ford. 1891. 60 p. sm. 40. flOO copies.] . ,. ^ Wills of George Washington and his immediate ancestors. Ed.by W.C.Ford. 1891. 210 p. sm. 40. [250 copies.] Letters of Wm. Lee. 1766-83. Collected and ed. by W. C. Ford. v.l. 1891. 3v. 16+352; 13+353-691; 13+693 -987 p. port. sm. 4". [250 copies.] . Orderly book of the " Maryland Loyalists Regiment, June 18th 1778, to October 12th, 1778. Kept by Capt. Caleb Jones. Ed. by P. L. Ford. 1891. Hip. sm. 4». [250 copies.] Press of North Carolina in the 18th century, by Stephen B. Weeks. 1891. 80 p. sm. 40. [250 copies.] Fisheries series, no. 1 : Letter to Albert Gallatin on the French claims to the New Foundland fisheries, written Oct. 1, 1822, by Richard Rush. 1890. 40 p. m«. [250 copies.] Indian tracts, nos. 1, 2. 1890. m». . ^^ ,. . 1 • Account of a plan for civilizing the North American Indians proposed in the eighteenth century. By John Daniel Hammerer. Ed. by Paul Leicester Ford. 28 p. [250 '^°2* Condition of the Indian trade in North America, 1767, as described in a letter to Sir William Johnson. By Sir Guy Carieton, Governor of Canada. 16 p. [250 copies.] New York colonial series, no. 1: A short history and de- scription of Fort Niagara, with an account of its importance to Great Britain, written by an English prisoner, 17o8. Ed. by Paul Leicester Ford, 1890. 18 p. plate. mO. [250 copies.] Revolutionary broadsides, nos. 1, 2. m°. 1890-1. 1 ■ Hand bill advocating American independence, inspired by the English ministry, and written and published at London in March, 1778. By Israel Mauduit. Ed. by Paul Leicester Ford. 21 p. [250 copies.] ^ ^ , , ^ v. ,f f 2- Address to the good people of Ireland on behalt ot America, October 4th, 1778, by B. Franklin. Ed. by P. L. Ford. 1891. 23 p. m". [250 copies.] Revolutionary narratives, nos. 1-5. 5 v. m". 1S90-1. ea., pap., 75c.; bd8.,$l. [250 copies.] 1 • Report on the management of the estates sequestered m South Carolina, by order of Lord Cornwallis, in 1780-1782. By John Cruden; ed. by Paul Leicester Ford. 2 • My services and losses in aid ot the king's cause during the American revolution. By Stephen Tuttle, Justice of the Peace and Deputy Surveyor of the Colony of New York. 3 • My sei-vices and losses in aid of the king's cause during the American revolution. By Isaac Wilkins, member of the New York assembly, etc. 4 • Narrative of the objects and proceedings of Silas Deane as commissioner of the U. 8. to France, made to the British government in 1776, by Edward Bancroft. Ed. by P. L. Ford. 1891. 37 p. m". [250 copies.] 5 : Present state of the American rebel army, navy, and finances. Transmitted to the British government in October, 1780, by Benedict Arnold. Ed. by P. L. Ford. 1891. 17 p. m". Virginia tracts, nos. 1, 2. 1891, 92. m". 1 • Fragment on the pistole fee claimed by the governor of Virginia. 17.53, by Richard Bland. Ed. by W. C. Ford. 43 p. [250 copies.] 82 Historical] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Homa^opathic Historical Printing Club, continued. 2: Controversy between Lieut. -Gov. Spotswood, and IiIh council and bouse of burgesses, on the uppolntuient of judges on commissions of oyer and terminer, 1718. Ed. by W. C. Ford. 61 p. [250 copies.] Kevolutlonary proclamations, no. 1 : Proceedings of a coun- cil of war beld at Burlie jail, Georgia, January 14th, 1779, with a narrative of the subwequent proceedings and the j)roc- lamation issued, by Lieut. Col. James Ingram. Kd. by Paul Leicester Ford. 1890. 20 p. m". [2:')0 copies.] Fragments of revolutionary history : being liithcrto unpub- lished writings of the men of the American revolution, collected and edited under the authority of the District cf Columbia Society, Suns of the Revolution. By Gaillard Hunt. 1892. 12 + 188 p. sm. 4". [.''lOO copies.) Kurr bibliography : a list of books relating to Aaron Burr, by U. B. Tompkins. 1892. 89 p. 8". I2r,0 copies.) Boston in 1775. Letters from Gen. Washington, Capt. John Chester, Lieul. Sam B. Webb, and Joseph Barrell. 1892. 38 p. facs. 8". [50 copies.) Essays on the Constitution of the United States, published during its discussion by the people, 1787-1788. Ed. by Paul Leicester Ford. 1892. 7 + 424 p. 8». [500 copies.) Summary view of the rights of British America by Thomas Jefferson : reprinted from the original edition with additions and corrections by the author, and an introduction by P. L. Ford. 1892. 31 p. 8". j 100 copies.) Letter of Gen. Washington to Lund W^ashington, Aug. 20, 1775. [1892.] 8 p. 4». [50 copies.) Washington's farewell address with liamilton's revised draft, extracted from " The writings of Washington." Ed. by W. C. Ford. 1892. 51 p. reprod. of Uoudou's mask. 8". [50 copies.] General orders issued by Maj.-Gen. Israel Putnam when in command of the Ilighlands in the summer and fall of 1777. Ed. by W. C. Ford. 1893. 80 p. map. 8". [200 copies.) Prisoners of war (British and American), 1778. Ed. by W. C.Ford. Philadelphia, \%%Z. 27 p. 8". [100 copies.) Some notes towards an essay on the beginnings of American dramatic literature, 1006-1789. Berkeley's prospect of plant- ing arts and learning in America, circa 1730. 25 copies printed as manuscript for suggestion and revision. 1893. 29 p. sm. 4". The Washington family, reprinted from " The Writings of Washington." Ed. by W. C. Ford. 1893. 115 p. folding chart and facs. 8". [50 copies.) British officers serving in America, 1754-1774. Compiled from the " Army Lists." By W. C. Ford. Boston . 1894. 108 p. 8". [100 copies.] Josiah Tucker and his writings : an 18th century pamphlet- eer on America, by P. L. Ford. Chicago. 1894. Reprinted from The Journal of Political Economy. 18 p. 8". [100 copies.] Notes on the state of Virginia, by Thos. Jefferson : a reprint of the original edition of 1784, with additions, correc- tions, etc. Ed. by P. L. Ford. 1894. 2.35 p. 4 pi. map and facs. 8". [100 copies.] Some letters of Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts. 1784- 1804. Ed. by Worthington Chauncey Ford. 1896. 28 p. 8". [100 copies.) Bibliography and reference list of the history and literature relating to the adoption of the constitution of the United States, 1787-8. By Paul Leicester Ford. 1896. 58 p. 8». [100 copies.) British officers serving in the American revolution, 1774- 1783. Compiled by Worthington Chauncey Ford. 1897. 4 + 187 p. roy.S". [250 copies.) Historical Societies. See name of State or City. Holland Club. Organized 1859. New York. The conduct of General Washington respecting the confine- ment of Capt. Asgill, placed in its true point of light, by David Humphreys. 1859. 35 p. 8». Life and adventures of Christopher Hawkins, a prisoner on board the "Old Jersey" prison ship during the war of the revolution. 1858. 14 p. 8". [20 copies printed.) Holland Society of New York. Organized 1885. (Theodore M. Banta, sec.) 348 Broadway, New York City. Year book. Annual. 8". cL, ea., $2. Note. V. 1886-9, ed. by Geo. W. Van Siclen. by R. B. Roosevelt, others ed. by T. M. Bauta. Collections. v. 1 ; 1-2. Records of Hackensack Schraalenburgh. 1891. large 8". 1 v. in two. bds,, $3. — v. 2. Church records of New Paltz. 1896. 8". cl., $2.50. 1890-9], ed. and Homoeopathic IVfedical College of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. See 83 Iloinaropatliic] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Illinois HonnKopiithic Medical Society of the State of New York. /See New York. Huguenot Society of Aniorica. Organized 1883. (Lea McI. Luquer, sec.) 105 E. 22d St., .Yew York City. Proceedings, v. 1 : 1, 1884— v. 3: 1, 1896. 8". pap. Collections. 1886. 1 v. 8". il. Commemoration of the bicenlenaiy of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Oct. 22, 1885, at New York. 1886. The Huguenots on the Hackeneack, by D. D. Demarest. 24 p. 8". 1886. Neiv Brunswick, N.J. Philip Freneau, the Huguenot patriot poet, by E. F. de Laucey. 1891. 21 p. large 8». Huguenot Society of Charleston. Organized 1885. (Daniel Ravenel, sec.) Charleston, S. C. Transactions, no. 1, 1889— no. 4. Poem, read at the celebration by the Society of the promul- gallon of the edict of Nantes, 1598, by C: S. Velder. 1890. 12i>. Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts. See Massachusetts. Hyde Park Historical Society. Organized 1887. (Fred. L. Johnson, sec, 62 Harvard Ave.) Hyde Park, Mass. Hyde Park Historical Record, v. 1, 1891/92; v. 2, 1892/ 93. 1892, 93. pors. 8°. John Eliot and the Indian village at Natick, by Eraslus Worthington. 1890. 10 p. 8». Illinois College of Pharmacy. Now Northwestern University School of Pharmacy, which see. Hlinois Humane Society [The]. Organized 1869. (Belden F. Culver, sec.) 560 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. Annual reports. 29 nos. 8". pap. Illinois Natural History Society. Bloomington, III. Transactions, v. 1. 1861. 8». Springfield. Illinois Society of Engineers and Surveyors. Organ- ized 1886. (Jacob A. Harman, sec, 22 Arcade Bldg.) Peoria, III. Annual reports, let, 1886. 8". pap., $1. 2d-13th, 1887-98. 8". pap., ea., 50c. Illinois State Agricultural Society. Incorporated 1853. Springfield., III. Journal {q\\&riex\Y) . v. 1-2. 1862-3. 8". Transactions, v. 1-8. 1853-70. 8o. Springfield. Pub. by the State. Illinois State Bar Association. Organized 1877. (J. H. Matheny, sec, 102 S. 6th St.) Springfield, III. Proceedings of the annual meetings, 1877-98. 2 v. in 1896. 80. pap. Note. 1-5 and 13-17, ed. by W. L. Gross; 6-7, ed. by A. Orendorff; 8, ed. by B. Wilson; 9-12, ed. by F. H. Jones; 18-22, ed. by J. H. Matheny. Illinois State Dental Society. Annual journal. 6-27. 1870-1891. 8". Chicago. Annual journal and discussion of the Illinois and Iowa State Dental Societies. 8". Chicago. 1873. Illinois State Eclectic Medical Society. Organized 1869(?). (W. R. Schussler, M.D., cor. sec, Or- land, 111.) Proceedings. Transactions. Illinois State Homoeopathic Medical Association. Proceedings. 2, 1857. 8, 1862. 8". Waiikegan-Nev: York. Illinois State Horticultural Society. Organized 1857. (L. R. Bryant, sec, Princeton, 111.) Springfield, III. Transactions. 1864-67 (occasionally published) ; new series v. 1, 1868— V. 31, 1898. 31 v. cl. Note. V. 24-26, ed. by A. C. Hammond; v. 27-31, ed. by H. M. Dunlap. World's Fair report; ed. by H. M. Dunlap. 1893. 84 Illinois] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Indiana Illinois State Medical Society. Organized 1850. mund W. Weiss, perm, sec, Ottawa, 111.) TransactionB. Annual. 45 v. cl., $2. (Ed- Indian Rights Association. Organized, 1882. (Herb. Welsh, sec.) 1305 Arch St., Philadelpkia, Fa. Reports. Annual. 8". Four weeks among the Sioux, by Herbert Welsh. 1882. 8". Removal of the Bouthern Utes, by C. C. Painter. 1800. 12 p. 8". I'rotest of the Association against the removal of the Utes, by H. Welsh. 1890. 8 p. 8". Heroes of North America, by G: T. Kercheval. 1890. 8 p. 8«. Plea for enlarged school work, by C. C. Painter. 1890. 6 p. 80. Indian Rights Association, its aims, methods, and work, by C. C. Painter. 1S90. S p. 8". Indian question past and present, by H. Welsh. 1890. 20 p. 8". Crisis in Indian affairs, by II. Welsh. 1891. 8 p. 8". Who shall be the victim? by W. H. Hare. 1891. 8 p. 8". Agent McLaughlin's account of the arrest and death of Sitting Bull. 1891. 8 p. 8". Further report on the proposed removal of the Southern Utes, by F. F. Kane and F. M. Riter. 1S02. :U p. 8". The Indian as a worker, by H. M. Jenkins. 1892. 8 p. 8". Crisis in Indian education, and supplemental report, by H. Welsh. 1892. 4 p. 8». Extravagance, waste, and failure in Indian education, by H. Welsh. 1892. 24 p. 8". How to bring the Indian to citizenship and citizenship to the Indian, by H. Welsh. 1892. 16 p. 8". Three statements by an Apache, by F. C. Sparhawk. 1892. 4 p. »«. Cheyennes and Arapahoes revisited, and a statement of their contracts with attorneys, by C. C. Painter. 189.3. 6ti p. 8". Report of Hon. Theodore Roosevelt upon a visit to Indian reservations and schools in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. 1893. 26 p. 8". Civilization among the Sioux, by H. Welsh. 1893. 62 p. 8". Enforcement of liquor laws a necessary protection to the Indians, by G. B. Grinnell. 1893. 6 p. 8". Dangerous assault upon the integrity of the civil service law in the Indian service, by H. Welsh. 1893. 8 p. S". Secretary of the Interior and the Indian educational prob- lem — a rift in the cloud, by H. Welsh. 1894. 4 p. 8". Immediate pressing need of the Navajo Indiana, by H. Welsh. 1894. 8 p. 8". _- Indian school welfare, from N'eio Vork Evening Post. 1894. 8 p. 8». Tour of observation among Indians and Indian schools in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Kansas, by C: F. Meserve. 1894. 8". Attorney-General and seven Indian policemen of Cheyenne River Agency — a case where to serve faithfully came near Hearing the gallows, by n. Welsh. 189.T. 12 p. 8'\ Civil service reform essential to a successful Indian admin- istration, by F. E. Leupp. 189.i. 16 p. 8". Latest phase of the Southern Ute question, by F. E. Leupp. 1895. 8». History and condition of Catawba Indians of North Carolina, by H. L. Scaife. 1897. Early Moravian Indian work, by 11. Welsh. 1897. 14 p. Notes of a summer tour among the Indians of the South- west, by F. E. Leupp. 1897. 26 p. Indiana Academy of Science. Organized 1885. (J: S. Wright, sec, 423 W. Capitol Are., Indianapolis, Ind.) By-laws, officers, members, etc. Annual, 1886-91. Proceedings. Annual since 1891. J^ote. The proceedings for 1891-93 were printed by the Academy, those later by the state. Indiana Civil Service Reform Association. (Lucius B. Swift, sec, Hubbard Block.) Indianapolis, Ind. Documents. No. 1. Report of committee to examine into the civil service of the benevolent institutions of Indiana. 1886. 6 p. No. 2. A report relating to the Federal civil service in In- diana since Mar. 4, 1885. [By L. B. Swift.] 1886. 8'\ No. 3. Annual address of the president, William Dudley Foulke. 1886. 12 p. No. 4. Supplemental report relating to the civil service in the Indianapolis poet-oftico, by Lucins B. Swift. 1888. 7 p. No. .T. Annual address by the president, Wm. Dudley Foulke. 1889. 15 p. 85 Indiana] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [International Indiana Engineering Society. Organized 1880 as the Indiana Society of Surveyors and Civil Engineers. Name changed to the present in 1887. (J. F. O'Brien, ex-sec, Cloverdale, Ind.) Proceedings. Annual. 1881 +. Indiana Historical Society. Organized 1830. (J: P. Dunn, sec. The Sentinel.) Indianapolis, Ind. The uses of history, by And. Wylie. 26 p. 8". 1831. The early history of Indianapolis, etc., by Nathaniel Bolton. \ihZ. 8°. . „ Pamphlets, nos. 1-5. 188fr-90. 8". Publications, nos. fi- 12 1892-4. These are included in the fonowing: Publications, v. 2 : 1-12. 1895. 8<>. . . , 2-1. Law and courts Northwest and Indiana territories, by D. AV. Howe. — 2. Life and services of John B. Dillon, by J- Coburn. — .3. Acquisition of Louisiana, by T; M.Oooley. — 4 Loughery's defeat and Pigeon Roost massacre, with Inlrod. sketch by C: Martindale. — 5. Descriptive catalogue of the official publications of the Territory and State of In- diana, from 1800 to 1890, by D. W. Howe. — 6. Rank of Charles Osborn as an anti-slavery pioneer, by G; W. Julian. — 7. Man in history, an oration for the Columbian year, by J. C. Ridpath. — 8. Ouiatanon, a study in Indiana history, by O. J. Craig. — 9. Reminiscences of a Journey to Indianapolis in the year 1836, bv C. P. Ferguson; Life of Ziba Foote, by S.- Morrison. — 10.' Old settlers, by R. B. Duncan. — 11. Docu- ments relating to the French settlements on the Wabash, by J. P. Dunn. — 12. Slavery petitions and papers, by J. P. Dunn ; Index. Indiana Horticultural Society. Organized 1840; re- organized 1860. (Prof. Jas. Troop, sec, 721 State St., Lafayette (West side).) Indianapolis, Ind. Annual reports. Indiana Pharmaceutical Association. Organized 1882. (A. Timberlake, sec, 1542 College Ave.) Indianapolis, hid. Proceedings, with constitution and bylaws, etc. 3-4. 1884- 85. 8". Indiana State Dental Association. Organized 1858. (J. S. McCurdy, D.D.S., sec, 21 W. Berry St., Et. Wayne, Ind.) History of the association. 1882. 94 p. 8". pap. Transactions. 1883,1886,1888-94. 9v. 8". 81-117 p. pap. Transactions of the tri-state dental meeting: Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. 1895. 154 p. 8". pap. Indiana State Medical Society. Organized 1849. (F. C. Heath, M.D., sec, 17 W. Ohio St.) Indian- apolis, Ind. Transactions. 1872-98. 27 v. 8". cl., $1. Industrial Education Association. See New York Teachers' College. International Association of Factory Inspectors of North America. (Evan H. Davis, sec.) Proceedings of conventions. Annual. International Association of Railway Surgeons. Or- ganized 1888 as National Association of Hallway Surgeons. Incorporated 1897 under the present title. (L. J. Mitchell, M.D., sec, 73 Laflin St., Chicago, 111.) Transactions National Association. 5 v. 1888-93. 8". cl. o. p. The Railway Surgeon (weekly). Ed. by L. J. Mitchell, M.D. May, 1894, to date. 4". $5 per annum. International Council of Women. 1888. Washington, D. C. Report of council assembled March 25 to April 1, 1888. 1888. Kote. Contains papers on higher education, co-education, woman in the professions, and sex in brain. S6 International] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Iowa Organized 1894. Organized 1853. Des International Folk-Lore Association. Organized 1891. (Mrs. H. W. Bassett, sec, 5208 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111.) TheFolk-Lnrint ((i\xMler\y). Beginning 1893. $3. Folk-Lore Miuiual, by F. 8. Baesett. 1892. Published for memberfl only. Papers read before the Folk-Lore CoDgreiBes In Memphis, Tenn., and in Atlanta, Ga. 1895. Archives, v. 1. International Folk-Lore Congress of the World's Columbian Exposition. 8". cl., $.5. V. 2. Tales from the totems of the Hidery, by James Deans. 1898. 8". cl., ,!!l..50. Inventors' Patent Right Association. Patent Riqht Gazette. 4 v. 4". 1871-72. New York. Note. Was succeeded by the United States Patent Right Association, which see. Investigators Club. Organized 1894. (Paul Weir, cor. sec, Frederica St.) Owenshoro, Ky. Papers. 1 v. 93 p. pap. Iowa Academy of Sciences. Organized 1885. (H. F. Baur, sec.) Des Moines, la. Proceedings, v. 1 : 1 (1887-89), 1890; v. 1 : 2, 1892; v. 1 : 3, 1893; V. 1 : 4, 1894; v. 2,189.'); v. 3, 1896; v. 4, 1897; v, 5, 1898. V. 1, $2.50; v. 2-5, ea., 50c. Iowa Engineering Society. Organized 1887 as Iowa Society of Civil Engineers and Surveyors ; in- corporated 1896 as above. (E. P. Boynton, sec, P. O. Box 66, Cedar Rapids, la.) Des 3foines, la. Proceedings : Annual. 1887-98. 12 t. pap., 50c. Iowa Ornithologists' Association. Salem, la. Iowa Ornithologist. Quarterly. 8". Iowa State Agricultural Society. (Geo. H. Van Houten, sec, State House.) Moines, loiva. Annual reports. Iowa State Dental Society. Transactions. 18. 1880. 8". Oskaloota. Iowa State Historical Society. Organized 1857. (M. W. Davis, sec, 129 Washington St.) Iowa City, la. Annals of Iowa (quarterly). Vol. 1-12. 1863-74. 12 v. 8". portraits. loiDa Historical Record (quarterly), v. 1, 1885 — v. 13, 1897. 80. Reports. Biennial. 1-21. 1858-1897. 8". Iowa historical lectures, 1892. 1893. 8". Contribution to early history of Iowa. 1893. 8". Claim Association of Johnson County, Iowa. 1894. 8". Historical lectures : Early leaders in the professions. 1894. 8". Documentary material relating to the hiitory of Iowa. 1895. 8". Amish Mennonites : sketch of their origin and their settle- ment, with their creed in an appendix, by B. L. Wick. 1894. 8". Iowa State Horticultural Society. Organized 1866. (G: H. Van Houten, sec. and libn., Capitol Building.) Des Moines, la. Reports. Annual, v. 1, 1866— v. 33, 1898. 8". •!., $1. State Printer. Iowa State Medical Society. Organized 1850. (Ja. W. Cokenower, M.D., sec, 609 Walnut St.) Des Moines, la. Transactions; v. 1, 1865— V. 16, 1898. 8o. cl., $1. Iowa, State University of. Organized 1855. (B. G. Ridgway, libn.) loiva City, la. Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History. 8". pap. V. 1: 1-4. 1888-90. v. 2: 1-4. 1890-3. v. 3: 1-4. 1895-6. V. 4.1-4. 1896-8. Law Bulletin. 8". sh. v. 1 : 1-8. 1891-3. v. 2: 9-16. 1893-.^. V. .1: 17-24. 189.'i-7. Historical monographs, nos. 1,2. 2 v. 8°. pap. 1891,92. s; Iowa] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Johns Hopkins Iowa, State University of, continued. 1. History of the Atnaim Society, or coinmunily of true Ingpiration, by W. R. Perkins and IJ. L. Wick. 2. History of the Trappist abbey of New Melleray, in OubiKiue County, la., by W. R. Perkins. Documentary material relating to the history of Iowa, by B. F. Shambaugh. v. 2. 1897. Xote. V. 1 was published by the Iowa Historical Society. Studies in psychology. 1897. no. 1. 8". pap. Note. no. 2 in press. Iowa, State University of: Engineering Society of the. Organized 1886. (C: S. Magowan.) loxvaCUy, la. The Transit. 1890-97. 5 v. later made an annual.) 8". (Started as a semi-annual, Jefterson County Historical Society. Incorporated 1886. (D. S. Marvin, lihn.) 14 Prospect St., Watertowti, N. Y. Transactions, v. 1, 1887; v. 2, 1891; v. 3, 1S95; v. 4, 1896. Jewish Publication Society of America. Organized 1888. (Chas. S. Bernheimer, asst. sec.) 1015 Arcli St., Philadelphia, Pa. Publishes Jewish tracts and books : for catalogue, see Publishers' Trade List Annual. Jewish Theological Seminary Association. Organized 1886. (Percival S. Menken, sec, 87 Nassau St.) 736 Lexington Ave., Nnv York City. Biennial reports. 1-6. Johns Hopkins University. Organized 1876. (Johns Hopkins Press.) Baltimore, Md. Americaii Journal of Mathematics (quarterly), ed. by S. Newcomb and T. Craig. 4". $5 per year. American Journal of Philology (quarterly), ed. by B. L. Gildersleeve. 8". $3 per year. American Chemical Journal, ed. by I. Remsen. 8". $5 per year. Modern Language Notes (monthly). 4". $1.50 per year. Journal of Experimental Medicine (bi monthly). 8". fo per year. Americaii Journal of Insanity (quarterly). 8". year. Johns Hopkins University circulars (monthly). 4" year. Johns Hopkins Hospital Sulleti)i (monthly). 9 v. $1..50 per year. Johns Hopkins Hospital reports. 4". $.5 per year. Annual report of the University. Annual register of the University. Annual report of the hospital. 1890 -f. 8". University studies in historical and political science. 16 series, 1883-98. H. B. Adams, ed. 8". $3.50 per ann. 1. Local institutions. 479 p. 1883. O. $4. 2. Institutions and economics. 629 p. 1884. O. $4. 3. Maryland, Virginia, and Washington. 595 p. 1885. O. $4. 4. Municipal government and land tenure. 600 p. 1886. O. $3..50. 5. Municipal government, history and politics. 659 p. 1887. O. $3.50. 6. The history of co-operation in the United States. 640 p. 1888. O. $3.50. 7. Social science, education and government. 1889. O. Note. Also issued as separate papers, and so entered under authors and subjects in main catalogue. 8th ser. History, politics, and education: 1,2. Beginnings of American nationality, by A. W. Small. — 3. Local govern- ment in Wisconsin, by D: E. Spencer. —4. Spanish coloniza- tion in the southwest, by P. W. Blackmar.— 5, 6. Study of history in Germany and France, by P. Fredericq. — 7-9. Prog- ress of the colored people of Maryland since the war, by J. R. Brackett. — 10. Study of history in Belgium and Hol- land, by P. Fredericq. — 11, 12. Seminary notes on recent historical literature, by H. B. Adams and others. 9th ser. Education, politics, and social science : 1,2. Gov- ernment and administration of the United States, by W. W. and W. F. Willoughby.— 3, 4. University education in Mary- land, by B. C. Steiner; Johns Hopkins university, 1876-91, by D. C. Oilman, with notes on university extension, by R. G. Moulton. — 5, 6. Communes of Lombardy, by W: R. Will- iams. —7, 8. Public land.-i and agrarian laws of the Roman republic, by A. Stephenson. — 9. Constitutional development $5 per $1 per cl., 4" Johns Hopkins] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins University, continued. of Jiipau, 1853-81, by T. lyenaga. — 10. History of I,il>pria, by J. H. T. McPheraon.— 11, 12. Character and Inllucnce of the Indian trade in Wisconsin, by F: J. Turner. 10th ser. Church and state, Columbus and Ariiurica: 1. Bishop Hill colony in Honry Co., III., by M. A. Miklcclsen.— 2,3. Church and state in New England, by P. E. Laucr. — 4. Church and stale In early Maryland, by fl: I'ctrie. — .^, fi. Religious dcvoloi)inenl in the province of North Carolina, by 8. B. WccUs. — 7. Maryland's attitude iti the struggle for Canada, by J: W. Black. — S, 9. Quakers in I'ennsylvania, 1682-1776, byA.C. Applegarth. — 10, 11. Columbus imd his discovery of America, by H. B. Adams and II: \V<>od. — 1-'. Causes of the American Kevolntion, by J. Woodburn. 11th ser. Labor, slavery, and self-government: 1. Social condition of labor, by E. R. L. Gould. — 2. World's represent- ative assemblies of today, by E. K. Aldon. —3, 4. Negro in the District of Columbia, by E: Ingles. — h, 6. Church and state in North Caiolina, by 8. B. Weeks. — 7,8. Condition of the western farmer, by A. F. Bentley. — 9, 10. History of slavery in CotinccHcut, by B. C. Steiner. — 11, 12. T,oc.il government in the south and southwest, by E: W. Bemis; Popular elec- tion of United States senators, by J: Haynes. 12tb ser. Institutional and economic history : 1, 2. Cincin- nati Southern Railway : a study in municipal activity, by J. H. Hollander. — 3. Constitutional beginnings of North Carolina, 1603-1729, by J. S. Bassett. — 4. Struggle of Protestant dis- senters for religious toleration in Virginia, by U. R. Mclhvaine. — .5-7. Carolina pirates and colonial commerce, 1670-1740, by 8. C. Ilughson. — 8, 9. History of representation and suffrage in Massachusetts, 1620-91, by G. 11. Flaynes.— 10. English institutions and the American Indian, by J. A. James. — 11, 12. International beginnings of the Congo Free State, by J. 8. Reeves. 13th ser. South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia; 1, 2. Government of the colony of South Carolina, by E. L. Whit- ney. — ."!, 4. Early relations between Maryland and Virginia, by J. H. Latane. — 5. Rise and development of the bicameral system in America, by T. F. Morgan. — 6, 7. White servitude in the colony of Virginia, by J. C. Ballagh. — 8. Genesis of California's first constitution, 1846-49, by R. I>. Hunt. — 9. Benjamin Franklin as an economist, by W. A. Wetzel. — 10. Provisional government of Maryland, 1774-77, by J. A. Silver. — 11, 12. Government and religion of the Virginia Indians, by 8. R. Ilendren. 14th ser. Baltimore slavery. Constitutional history : 1. Con- stitutional history of Hawaii, bj- Henry E. Chambers. 2.')c. — 2. City government of Baltimore, by T. P. Thomas. 2.')c. — 3, Colonial origins of New England senates, by F. L. Riley. 50c. — 4, 5. Servitude in the colony of North Carolina, by .T. S. Bassett. .50c. — 6, 7. Representation in Virginia, by J. A. C. Chandler. 50c. — 8. History of taxation in Con- necticut (16.36-1776), by F. R. .Tones. 50c. —9, 10. Study of slavery in New Jersey, by H. S.Coolcy. .^Oc. — 11,12. Causes of the Maryland revolution of 1689, by F. E. Sparks. .50c. loth ser. American Economic Thought: 1, 2. Tobacco industry in Virginia since 1860, by B. W. Arnold. 50c. — 3-5. Street railway system of Philadelphia, by F. W. Speirs. cl., $1.-6. Daniel Raymond, by C. P. Neill. 50c. — 7, 8. Economic history of Baltimore and Ohio R. R., by M. Reizen- stein. .50c. — 9. South American trade of Baltimore, by F. R. Rutter. 50c. — 10, 11. State tax commissions in the U. 8., by J. W. Chapman. 50c. —12. Tendencies in American economic thought, by S. Sherwood. 25c. 16th ser. 1-4. Neutrality of the American lakes and Anglo- American relations, by J. M. Callahan. $1.50. — 5. West Florida in its relation to the historical cartography of the V. 8., by H. E. Chambers. 25c. — 6. Anti-slavery leaders of North Carolina, by J. S. Bassett. 50c. — 7-9. Life and ad- ministration of Sir Robert Eden, by B. C. Steiner. ^1. Extra volumes v. 1-19. 1. The Republic of New Haven. By C: H. Levermore. 342 p. O. $2. 2. Philadelphia. 1681-1887. Bv E: P. Allinson and Boies Penrose. 444 p. O. cl., $3; Bh.,"$3..50. 3. Baltimore and the nineteenth of April, 1861. A study of the war. By G: W: Brown. 176 p. O. $1. 4. 5. fjocal constitutional history of the United States. By G: E. Howard, Professor of history in the Universitj- of Ne- braska. V. 1, Development of the township, hundred, and shire. 500 p. O. $3. — v. 2, Development of the city and the local magistracies. 6. Negro in Maryland, by J. R. Brackett. 8". $2. 7. Supreme court of the United States, by W. W. Wlll- oughby. 8". $1.25. 8. Intercourse between the U. S. .and Japan, by I. O. Nitobe. 8». $1.25. 9. State and federal government in Switzerland, by J: M. Vincent. 8". $1..50. 10. Spanish institutions of the southwest, by F. W. Black- mar. 8". $2. S9 Johns Hopkins] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Kansas Johns Hopkins University, continued. 11. Introduction to the study of the constitution, by M. M. Cohn. R". $1.50. 12. Old English manor, by C. M. Andrews. 8". ^}-^^'- „ 13. America: its geographical history, 1492-1892, by W. B. Scaife. 80. $1.50. u -nr u a„ if» 14. Florentine life during the Kenaissance, by W . B. tJcaite. 80. $1.50. , c. 1. -c 15. The southern quakers and slavery, by Stephen B. Weeks. 8". $2. . , „ x. , 16. Contemporary American opinion of the French revolu- tion, by C. 1). Hazen. »\ $2. , xr .v. 17. Industrial experiments in the British colonies ot JNortn America, by E. L. Lord. 8". $1.25. 18. State aid to higher education. 8". $1. 19. Irrigation in Utali, by C.n. Brough. 8". $2. Notes supplementary to studies (free to subs., to others, 5c. ca.). Publication began in Jan., 1889. Studies from the biological laboratory. 8". $5 per year. Contributions to Assyriology, etc. 8". Memoirs from the biological laboratory, ed. by W. U. Brooks. $7.50 per V. New critical edition of the Hebrew text of the Old iesta- ment, ed. by P. Haupt. Rowland's photograph of the normal solar spectrum, il. *^0. Hospital plans, by J. 8. Billings and others, 1876. 1 v. 8 . cl.. $5. Wood. J u T a Description of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, ed. by J. W. Billings, il. 4". $7.50. ^ ^ , , Teaching of the Apostles. (Complete fac-sim. ed.), ed. by J. R. Harris, il. 4'\ $5. Reproduction in phototype of a Syriac MS. with the Anti- legomena Epistles, ed. by I. H. Hall. $4. Constitution of Japan. 16". 50c. The oyster, by W: K. Brooks, il. 12". $1. Essays and studies, by G. L. Gildersleeve. 4". $3.50. Studies in logic, ed. by C. 8. Peirce. 12". $2. Geological and topographical maps of Baltimore and vicinity, ea., $1. Essays in the conBtitutlonal history of the United States, ed. by J. F. James. $2.25. Genus salpa, by W. K. Brooks, il. 4". $7.50. Geology and physical features of Maryland, by G. H. WiU- iams and W. B. Clark. $1. , ^ t. ^ ttt Reports of the Maryland Geological Survey, ed. by 1 rof. W. B. Clarke. Kansas Academy of Science. Organized 1868. (B. B. Smyth, libn., 309 W. 5th St.) Topeka, Kan. Transactions, v. 1-15. 1868-96. 1872-96. 15 v. 8". Catalogue of the birds of Kansas, by N. 8. Goss. 1883. 8». Check-list of the plants of Kansas, by B. B. Smyth. 1892. 8». 32 p. Kansas, Bar Association of the State of. Organized 1883. (C. J. Brown, sec, 1257 Topeka Ave.) Topeka, Kan. Annual report of proceedings, including addresses. 1886-98. Kansas City Academy of Sciences. Organized about 1872 ; reorganized 1888. (D. H. Todd, cor. sec.) Kansas City, Mo. The Naturalist. 1888-89. (Succeeded the Hoosier Natural- ist of Valparaiso, Ind.) Continued under the title of The Kansas City Scientist. 1 v. 1890-91. Transactions, v. 1, 1898. Kansas Medical Society. Organized 1869. (W. E. McVey, sec, 625 Kansas Ave.) Topeka, Kan. Transactions, v. 1, 1860-77, cl. v. 2, 1878-88, cl. v. 3, 1893, pap. V. 4, 5, 1894-5, cl. v. 6, 1896-7, pap. v. 7, 1898, pap. Kansas Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings of annual meetings. 2, 1881. 5-11, 1884-90. 8". Lawrence. Kansas State Dental Association. Transactions. 2-3. 1873-4. 8'\ Lawrence. Kansas State Historical Society. Organized 1875. (Franklin G. Adams, sec.) Topeka, Kan. Reports. Biennial. Ist, 1879 ; 60th, 1896. 8". List of collections of the society, with account of organiza- tion, etc., by F. G. Adams. 1877. 90 Kansas] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Kings Kansas State Historical vSociety, continued. TransactionB, embraciiiK the Ut and 2tl biennial reports, with a statement of the collections of the society from its or^;aniza• tion toJan., 1881. 2 v. 8". il. Transactions, v. 3, embracing the 3(1 and 4th biennial reports, 1883-5, -with copies of early Kansas territorial records and other historical pajjcrs, and proceedings of quarter-centennial celebration, Jan. 29, 1886. 8". ,Same, v. 4, embracing the 5th and 6th biennial reports, 1886, 1888, together with copies of ofHcial papers, conip. by K. G. Adams. 1801. 8". Hame, v. 5, 1889-96, together with addresses at annual meet- ings; copies of ofticial papers and executive minutes, 1857-60; and including some papers of dates 1855 and 1856, ed. by F. G. Adams. 1896. O. Columbian history of education. 1893. per. 8". List by counties of newspajters and periodicals published in Kans.is, 1R91, 93. '91-'93. 8". Abstract of the ninth biennial report for the two years end- ing Nov. 1, 1894; contains a list of Kansas newspapers. 1894. per. 80. Kansas vState Horticultural Society. Organized ISfiO. (W: H. Barnes, sec.) State House, Topeka, Kan. Reports, v. 1, 1869-71 ; v. 22, 1897. 22 v. O. Note. V. 20 is entitled 4th biennial report; it is much eraaller than preceding volumes owing to legislative rule adopted in 1895 requiring report not to exceed 100 p. The reports are published by the State, annually, beginning with V. 21. V. 19, 20, o. p. Kennebec Natural History and Antiquarian Society. (Melville Smith, sec.) Augusta, Me. Site of Fort St. George, erected by Capt. George Popham in 1607, by W. 8. Hill. 1891. 8". 4 p. Kentucky Historical Society. Organized 1840 ; re- organized 1869, 1878-9, 1890. (Mrs. Jennie C. Morton, sec, 124 Shelby St.) Frankfort, Ky. Memorial from the society in relation to a geological survey of Kentucky. [1847.] 13 p. 8'\ Proceedings of the second annual meeting, Feb. 11, 1880. 8». 1880. Proceedings at the dedication of the hall of the society, Frankfort, 1869-81. 1881. 12 p. 8". Note. The date " 1869 " should be " 1769," representing the period of the arrival of Findlay's expedition. Oration at the centennial commemoration of the battle of the Blue Licks, Aug. 19, 1882, by J. M. Brown. 1882. 55 p. 8". folded map. Kentucky State Medical Society. Organized 1851. (Dr. Steele Bailey, perm, sec, Stanford, Ky.) Transactions. Annual. 1852-61, 1867-79, 1890-98. Note. The publication of the annual volumes of transactions was suspended during and immediately after the Civil War, being resumed in 1867; discontinued again in 1879 until 1890, during which time the reports and papers of the society were published in the medical press of the state. Constitution and by-laws. 1890. 44 p. T. King of Clubs, The. Organized 1867. New York. Memorablesof theMontgomeries. 1867. 4-}-3-f-l-|-7 p. 8". Kings County Genealogical Club. Organized 1882. (E. W. Nash, sec, 80 Nassau St., New York City). Brooklyn, N. Y. Collections, v. 1 : 1-6. 1882-94. 60 p. 8". $1.50. 1. Inscriptions on tombstones in cemetery of Reformed Dutch church, New lUrecht, Long Isl:tud. 2. Inscriptions on tombstones in cemetery of Reformed Dutch church, Flatlands, T^. I., and private cemeteries adjacent. 3. Inscriptions on tombstones in cemetery of Reformed Dutch church, Gravesend, L. I., and private cemeteries adja- cent. 4. Inscriptions on tombstones in old Bushwick graveyard. Brooklyn baptismal records from 1660. 5-6. Brooklyn baptismal records from 1679 to end of 1719. Marriages from Oct., 1660, to June, 1696. Kings, Medical Society of the County of. Organized 1822. (\Vm. Browning, M.D., libn., 102 Court St.) Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn MedicalJournal {moQiMy) . 1888-98. v.l-v. 12:6. $2 per ann. Kings] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Leland Stanford Kings, Medical Society of the County of, continued. Manual : 1822, 1837, 1858, 1867, 1872, 1880, 1888, 1895. pap. 'rraiisactions. 1858-65. 2 v. rroccciliuKP. 1876-84. 9 v. hf. cf. Minutes, etc. 1884-87. pap. rroceodings of annual meetiugs, 1884-98. pap. Lackawanna Institute of History and Science. (C: Le Roy Wheeler, curator and libn.) Scranton, Pa. rroceediugBand OoUectionB. v. 1. 1887. 8". Glacialion ; its relation to the Lackawanna Wyoming region, by J. C. Branner. 1888. 18 p. 8". 4 plates. From the Proceedings. Flora of the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valleys, by Dudley and Thurston. 1892. Ladies Health Protective Association, See New York. Lafayette College. Organized 1826. (Selden J. Coffin, registrar.) Easton, Pa. The Lafayette (published by the students weekly during college year). $2perann. The Touchstone (published monthly by students). $1.25 per ann. The Melange. A college annual, published by the junior class. 8". bound, $1. Addresses in honor of Prof. T. C. Porter. Founder's day, 1897. 48 p. with port. 10c. Place of athletics in college life, by Pres. E. D. Warlield. 28 p. 8". 10c. Catalogue of Lafayette College . . . Sixty-sixth year. 1897-98. Note. Lafayette College, its history, its men and their record.by S.J. Coffin. 8o. 370 p. el., $2.50., can be obtained from the author. Lake Mohonk Conferences. Organized respectively 1883-90-95. (Albert K. Smiley.) Lake Mohonk, Ulster Co., N. V. V-» Proceedings. Lake Mohonk conferences of the friends of the Indian. lst-15th annual meetings, 1883-98. 12 v. pap. 8". Ist V. printed bv Govt. Printing Off. ; 2d v. by Sherman ,& Co., P/iila. \.^ Conferences on the negro question. 1890-91. lst-2d. 2 v. ■'] pap. 8". Sllis, Boston. I Conferences on international arbitration. 1895-8. 4 v. pap. _^f 8». League for Social Service. Organized 1898. (W. H. Tolraan, sec.) Room 608 United Charities Bldg., 105 E. 22d St., New York City. Leaflets. Ser. A, Good Citizenship, nos. 1-9, 35c. per 100. 8er. B, Abstract of State laws. 1, New York, 5, Pennsylvania. League of American Wheelmen. Organized 1880. (Abbot Bassett, sec, 530 Atlantic Ave.) Boston, Mass. L. A. W. Bulletin and Good Roads (weekly). 1885+. Note. Originally named L. A. W. Bulletin. Wide tires. (Reprinted by permission from Bulletin No. 39 of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of the State of Missouri.) 1898. 5c. Good country roads and how to make them, by Isaac B. Potter. 64 p. 67 il. 5c. Good macadam roads and how to make them, by Isaac B. Potter. 72 p. 72 11. Cycle paths. 80 p. 77 11. 5c. Leland Stanford Junior University. Organized 1891. (Herb. C. Nash, libn.) Stanford University, CaL Publications : History and economics : 1. Tariff controversy in the United States, 1789-1833; with a summary of the period before the adoption of the constitution, by O. L. Elliott. 1892. 8". $1. 2. Official relations between the United States and the Sioux Indians, by Lucy E. Textor. 3. Almshouse women : a study of 228 women in the city and county almshouse of San Francisco, by May Roberts Smith. 44 p. 12 p. of tables. Publications : Electricity : 1. Some observations upon the conductivity of a copper wire in various dielectrics, by F. Sanford. 1892. 8". 60c. Publications : Economics and social science : Charities of San Francisco : a directory of the benevolent and correctional agencies, together with a digest of those laws most directly affecting their work. 1894. 8". o. p. Leland Stanford] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Licking County Lelaiul Stanford Junior University, continued. rublicutiouu of thu library : 1. Hopkins Itail way Library. Catalogue, by P\ J.Teggart. 189^). sq. 4". $1.50; unbound, $l.'2r.. University addrebaes : 1. American university and tlie American man. 1893. 8". o. p. 2. Addresses at the 4tli annual comuiencemeut, May 2!», 18iti : Specialization in education, by .1: M. .Stillinun ; addresscB to the graduates, by I): 8. Jordan. 189:'). 8». o. p. ;5. The passing of Plato. Blxth coninieDceoient address, May 26, 1897, by Oliver Peebles Jenkins. 23 p. Ific. Geology and paleontology. 1. The Neocene of the Hauta Cruz Mountains. \. Hlratig- raphy, by George Hall .Ashley. 94 p. 4 plates. [Kor dis- tribution only.] The Hopkins Laboratory. 1. The fiHliesof Hinaloa; by David Htarr Jordan, President of the University, assisted by Edward Chapin Starks, George Bliss Culver, and Thomas Marion Wlllianis. 142 p. 29 plates. $1.50. 2. On the cranial characters of the genus Scboslodes, by Frank Cramer. 42 p. 14 plates. 75c. 3. The Hshes of I'uget Sound, by David Starr Jordan and Edward Chapin Starks. 74 p. 2H plates. $1. 4. New Mollophaga (I). With special reference to a col- lection made from marine birds of the Hay of Monterey, by Vernon Lyman Kellogg. 140 p. 15 plates. $1. 5. Notes on tishes little known or new to science, by David Starr Jordan. 44 p. 24 plates, $1. 6. Notes on fresh water fishes of the Pacitic slope of North America, by Cloudsley Ruller. 24 p. 25c. 7. New Mallophaga (II). From laud birds, together with an account of the mallophagous mouth-parts, by Vernon Lyman Kellogg. 122 p. 14 plates. $1. 8. List of fishes collected at Port Ludlow, Washington, by Edwin Chapin Starks. 14 p. 2 plati's. 50c. 9. Marine fossils from the coal measures of Arkansas, by James Perrin Smith. 72 p. 9 plates. 75c. 10. Scientific names of Greek and Latin derivation, by Walter Miller. 31 p. 50c. 11. A morphological study of Naias and Zannichellia, by Douglas Houghton Campbell. 68 p. 5 plates. 50c. 12.~ Geology of the palezoic area of Arkansas south of the uovaculite region, by George Hall Ashley. 31 cuts. 2 maps. 50c. 13. The development of Glyphioceras and the Phylogeny of the Glyphioccratidal, by .lames Perrin Smith. 28 p. 3 plates. 50c. 14. A geological reconnaissance of the coal fields of the Indian Territory, by Noah Fields Drake. 94 p. 2 maps. 1 plate. 50c. 15. Description of a species of fish (MitsukurinI owstoni) from Japan, the type of a distinct family of lamnoid sharks, by David Starr Jordan. 5 p. 2 plates. 25c. Lenox Librarj'. Organized 1870. Now included in tlie New York Public Library. (Wilberforce Eanies, Lenox libn., 5th Ave. and 70th St.) Contributions to a catalogue of the Lenox library. 40. 1. Voyages of Hulsius, etc. 1877. 24 p. 50c. 2. The Jesuit relations, etc. 1879. 19 p. $1. 3. The Voyages of Thevenot. 1879. 20 p. 50c. 4. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, etc. 1879. 49 p. $1. 5. Works of Shakespeare, etc. 1880. 128 p. $1.50. 6. Works of Milton, etc. 1881. 46 p. 50c. 7. The Waltonlan collection. 1893. 56 p. 50c. Catalogue of the paintings in the gallery. 32 p. 16". 10c. Catalogue of the paintings in the K. L. Stuart collection. 1895. 38 p. 16". lOc. The letter of Columbus on the discovery of America. 1892. 100 p. 16". cl., 50c. The same. Si-c. ed., without the Latin appendix. 49 p. 10". pap., 25c. Lexington Historical Society. Organized 188G. (G: O. Smith, cor. sec, No. (i Ilawley St., Boston., L. A. Saville, treas., Lexington.) Lexington, Mass. Proceedings and papers, 1886-9. Guide book to Lexington, il. V. 1, 1890. SI. Library Cotnpany of Philadelphia. See Pliiladelphia. Licking C'ountj- Pioneer .\ssociation. Xewaik, 0. Pioneer pamphlets. no8. 1-9. 1869-74. S". yote. Also separate publications of some of these. 93 Lincoln Countj] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Maine Lincoln County Historical Society. Organized 1894. (Wm. D. Patterson, sec, Wiscasset, Me.) Damariscotta, Maine. Rev. Jiicol) Builcy: his cbnraoter and works, by C: B. Allen. 1895. 8". IVmaquid : its genesis, discovery, name, and colonial rela- tions to New England, by R. K. Sewall. 1896. 21 p. 8". Linnasan Society. See New England : New York. Literary Confederacy, Tiie. Organized 1817. New York. St. Tdmniany Ittagazine. 7 nos. 1823-4. Miscellauies, by by G. C. Verplanck, VV. O. Bryant, ami Rob. C. Sands. Reprinted from The Talisman. Logan Hi.sturical Society. Organized 1841. 0. West/all, The American Pioneer (monthly). 2 v. 8". Jan., 1842— Oct., 1843. V. 1, Chillicotlie. v. 2, Cincinnati. reprinted at Cincinnati. V. 1 twice Long Island Historical Society. Organized 18C3. (Emma Toedteberg, libn.) Cor. Pierrepont and Clinton Sts., Brooklyn, N. Y. Journal of a voyage to New York and a tour in several of the American colonies, by Jasper Bankers and Peter Sluyter. Trans, by H. C. Murphy. 1867. 8o. $5. Battle of Long Island, by Thos. W. Field. 1869. 8". $4. Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn, by H. P. Johnston. 1878. 8». $4. George Washington and Mount Vernon, a collection of George Washington's unpublished agricultural and personal letters, by M. D. Conway. 1889. $3. Catalogue of the library of the society, 1863-93. 1893. roy. 8°. .^ mor., $5; cl., $4. Louisiana Historical Society. Organized 1836 ; reorgan- ized 1895. (Grace King, sec, 2221 Prytania St.) New Orleans, La. A discourse on the life of F. X. Martin, delivered before the society Jan. 13, 1836, by Henry A. Bullard. 1850. 30 p. 8». Publications, v. 1 : 1, 2. 1895. v. 1 : 3,4. 1896. v. 2: 1.1897. Louisiana State Medical Association. Proceedings. 1-3. 1878-80. 8". J^ew Orleans. Louisiana State Medical Society. Proceedings. 1-2. 1849-51. S". Neio Orleans. Abstract of proceedings, nos. 1-3. Fifth ann. meeting. 1883. 8". New Orlea7is. Transactions. 6-11. 1884-89. 8». New Orleans. Lowell : Old Residents' Historical Association. Organ- ized 1868. (C. W. Wlriddin, sec, 61 Merrimack St.) Lowell, Mass. Contributiong. v. 1-5. 1879-94. 5 v. 8". Parks and progress and Rogers family, by R. B. Caverley. 1882. 27 p. 12». Note. For titles of reprints, see Griffin's Bibliography of Am. Hist. Societies. Lutheran Publication House. (H: S. Boner, supt., 42 N. 9th St.) Philadelphia, Pa. Publishes Lutheran books : for catalogue, see Publishers' Trade List Annual. Lyceum of Natural History. Organized 1817. Now New York Academy of Sciences, which see. Macalester College. (Rev. E. D. Neill, D.D., 525 Portland Ave.) St. Paul, Minn. Contributions. Department of history, literature, and politi- cal science. 1st ser., by E. D. Neill. nos. 1-8, 1889-90. O. Contributions. Department of history. 2d ser., by E. D. NeiU. 1891-92. 8". Mahoning Valley Historical Society. Historical collections, v. 1. 1876. 524 p. Youngstown, O. Maine Board of Agriculture. Organized 1852. (B. Walker McKeen, sec.) Augusta, Maine. Board Bulletin. Monthly during growing season. Agriculture of Maine. Annual. 8". cl. 94 Maine] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Maryland Maine Genealogical and Blogr!i]»liical Society. Aiigiisia, Me. The Maine Oenealoght and Iiiograj>fier (quarterly), v. 1-3. 3 V. 80. 1875-8. Kote. Hociety now defuuct. Maine Genealogical Society. Organized 1884. (Jos. P. Thompson, libn.) 621 Congress St., Port- land, i)le. Annual reports, let, 1884-13th, 1896. 1886-97. 13 v. O. The elege and capture of Fori Luyull and destruction of Falmouth, May 20, 1090, by J: T. Hull. 1885. 110 p. 8". o. p. Portland (Me.) centennial celebration, 1786-1886, by J: T. Hull. 1886. 379 p. pi. 8". $2.50. By-laws, adopted Apr. 10, 1889. 1893. Names of Maine soldiers of the American Revolution who applied for state bounty, etc. 1893. 50 p. $1. Probate records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1760-1800, comp. and ed. by W: D. Patterson. 1895. 8". $5. Maine Historical Society. Organized 1822. (H. W. Bryant, libn., 22.'? Middle St.) Portland, Me. Collections. Istser. v. 1, 1831— v. 10, Index v., 1891. lOv. 8». Collectione and Proceedings. 2d ser. v. 1, 1890— v. 9, 1898. 9v. 8". cl., ea., $3.50. Documentary series, v. 1, 1869— v. 5, 1898: 1. Discovery of North America, ed. by J. Q. Kohl. $3.50. 2. Discourse concerning western planting (Hakluyt), ed. by Dr. Chas. Deane. $3.50. 3. The Trelawny papers, ed. by J. P. Baxter. $3.f>0. 4. 5. Baxter mbs. Transcfipts of early M39. relating to the settlement of Maine, ed. by J. P. Baxter. $2.50 ea. Maine Medical Association. Organized 1852. (C: D. Smith, M.D., perm. sec. and ed., 126 Free St.) PoHland, Me. Transactions. Reprint of proceedings from organization. V. 1: 1, 1862— V. 13: 1, 1898. Maine State Bar Association. Organized 1891. (L. C. Cornish, sec.) Augusta, Me. Charter, by-laws, and officers, 1891-92. Proceedings, annual meetings, l8t-4th, 1892-98. Maine State Pomological Society. Organized 1873. Prof. Elijah Cook, sec, Farmington, Me.) Transactions. 1873 to date, excepting 1878- 97( ?) . Marine Biological Laboratory. Organized 1888. (C. O. Whitman, Director, Univ. of Chicago, Chic, 111.) Wood's IIoll, Mass. Biological lectures; ed. by C. O. Whitman, v. 1,1890— v. 6, 1896. 6 V. 8". cl., $2.50 to $3.60. Ohm. Biological Bulletin (moDtMy). 2 v. 8". pap. $3. Oi7in. Maryland Academy of Sciences. Organized 18G3. (E: Stabler, jr., sec.) Baltimore, Md. Transactions, v. 1, 1885-1895. 8". Maryland, Civil Service Reform Association of. Or- ganized 1881. (Edwin H. Baltzer, sec, 205 E. German St.) Baltimore, Md. Annual reports. Civil Service A'e/orwer (monthly). Jan., 1885-June, 1892. Then merged in Oood Oovernment. Maryland Historical Society. Organized 1844. (H: F. Thompson, libn.) Cor. St. Paul and Saratoga Sts., Baltimore., Md. Annual reports. 1850, 1854, 1858. 8". Constitution, by-laws, charter, etc. 1844, 1867, 1878. 8*. Catalogues of paintings, etc. First Discourse. By C. F. Mayer. 1844. 32 p. 8". J. D. Toy. Benj. Banneker, by J. H. B. Latrobe. 1845. 16 p. 8". Toy. Journal of Charles Carroll of Currolllon, during his visit to Canada in 1776, as one of the commissioners of congress. 1845. 84 p. 80. /. Murphy. The same, reprinted in 8o (price, $5) and 4". 1876. Mur- phy. George Calvert, first Lord Baltimore, by J. P. Kennedy. 1845. 50 p. 80. Murphy. Sir Walter Raleigh, by J. Morrison Harris. 1846. 71 p. 8*. Toy. 95 Maryland] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Maryland Maryland Historical Society, continued. Mujor Samuel Riuggold, U. 8. A., by J. Wynne, M.D. 1847. IG p. S°. Murphy. Oommeice, literature and art, by Brantz Mayer. 1848. 52 p. 8». MurpUy. American colonial history, by T. Donaldson. 1849. 28 p. 8». Murphy. Oalifornia, by J. Morrison Harris. 1849. 32 p. 8". Toy. Origin and growth of civil liberty in Maryland, by ft. VV. Brown. 1850. 40 p. 8". Toy. Life and Services of Gen. Otho Holland Williams, by Osmond Tiffany. 1851. 31 p. 8". Murphy. Memorials of Columbus [and Martin Behaim and his globe at Nurembergh], by R. Dodge. 1851. 28 p. 8". Toy. Tah-gah-jute; or Logan and Captain Michael Cresap, by Brantz Mayer. 1S51. 86 p. 8o. Murphy. Maryland two hundred years ago, by S. F. Streeter. 1852. 76 p. 8". Toy. Baltimore; or long, long time ago, by W. R. Buchanan. 1853. 24 p. 8». Murphy. Origin and caui>es of democracy in America, by G. W. Bur- nap. 1854. 29 p. 80. Toy. Sketch of the life of Benj. Banueker, by Martha Elllcott Ty- son. 1854. 20 p. 8». Toy. African slave trade in Jamaica, and comparative treatment of slaves, by Moses Sheppard. 1854. 14 p. 8". Toy. Martin Behaim the German astronomer and cosmographer of the times of Columbus, by J. G. Morris, D.D. 1855. 48 p. 8». Murpht/. Memoir of Baron De Kalb, by J. Spear Smith. 1858. 36 p. 8». Toy. Origin of the Japan expedition, by Geo. Lynn-Lachlan Davis. 1860. 14 p. 8". Murphy. The early friends or quakers in Maryland, by J. S. Norris. 1862. 30 p. 8". Toy. Who were the early settlers of Maryland? by Rev. Ethan Allen, D.D. 1866. 18 p. 8". Am. Quart. Church Rev. Maryland Historical Society and the Peabody Institute Trus- tees. A report by Brantz Mayer. 1866. 15 p. 8". Murphy. Annual address, 1866, by W. F. Giles. 1867. 29 p. 8<>. 2d ed. 30 p. 8". Murphy. Memoir of Jared Sparks, by B. Mayer. 1867. 36 p. 8». port. Murphy. Memoir of John H. Alexander, by W. Pinkney. 1867. 31 p. 8". Murphy. Note. All of these excepting the Carroll Journal are o. p. Fund publications. 8". (Nos. 1-14, 16-25, have the im- print ot Murphy; no. 15, that of Oowans, New York. 1869.) 1. History, professions and prospects of the society, by B. Mayer. 1867. $1. 2. First commander of Kent Island, by S. F. Streeter. 1868. $1.50. 3. In memory of George Peabody. 1870. $1. 4. Brief account of the settlement [and history] of Ellicott's Mills, by Martha E. Tyson. 1870. $1.75. 5. A lost chapter in the history of the steamboat, by J. H. B. Latrobe. 1871. $1. 6. First steamboat voyage on the western waters, by J. H. B. Latrobe. 1871. $1. 7. Relatio itineris in Marylandiam [narrative of a voyage to Baltimore], by Father Andrew White, S.J., with trans, by J. H. Converse. 1874. $2. 7 (Supplement). Excerpta ex diversis Uteris Missionario- rum ab anno 1638, ad annum 1677. 1877. $1. 8. The Lords Baltimore, by J. G. Morris, D.D. 1874. $1.50. 9. Papers relating to the early history of Maryland, by S. F. Streeter. 1876. $3. 10. Sketch of the life of Dr. James McHenry, Aide-de- Camp and private secretary of Washington, etc., by F. J. Brown. 1877. $1. 11. Maryland's influence in founding a national common- wealth, by Herbert B. Adams. 1877. map. $2. 12. Wenlock Christi8on,andthe early friends in Talbot Co., Md., by B. A. Harrison, M.D. 1878. $1.50. 13. The expedition of Lafayette against Arnold, by J. A. Stevens. 1878. $1. 14. Memoir of Hon. Wm. Hindman, by S. A. Harrison, M.D. 1880. $1. 15. A character of the province of Maryland, by Geo. Alsop. 1880. port, and map. $1.75. 16. Proceedings, in connection with the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the settlement of Baltimore. 1880. $2. 17. Founding of Washington City, by A. R. Spofford. 1881. $1.50. 18. Foundation of Maryland and origin of the act concern- ing religion of April 21, 1649, by Bradley T. Johnson. 1883. $2. 19. Captain Richard Ingle, the Maryland " pirate and rebel," 1642-1653, by E: Ingle. 1884. O. $1.50. 20. Sir George Calvert, Baron of Baltimore, by L: W. Wil- helm. 1884. O. $2. 96 Maryland] PUB/JCAT/OA'S OF SOCIETIES [Massachusetts Maryland Historical Society, continued. 21. Maryland in Liberlii, a hlslory of tlie colony planted by the Maryland State (.'olonlzatlou bocicty ... at Cape l'alrna» . . . 1S33-M, by J. H. B. Lalrobc ISHf). O. $2. 22. The archives of Maryland ub illiiBtraling the Bplrlt of the times of the early colonifits, by H: .StockbridKf. 1880 O $2. 23. The great ecal of Maryland, by Clayton O. Hall. 1886. O. $1.6U. 24. 1. 8k«lch of I.uther Martin, by H. V. Uoddard 2 Nathaniel Uaiusay, by W. V. Brand. 1887. O. $1.50. 25. National niedalH of the U. H., by R: McSherry. 1887. O. $1. 26. A memoir of John Leed» Kozeman, the (irat hlHtorian of Maryland, by 8: A. Harriaon. 1888. O. *1.50. 27. PrcBident LlDcolnand the Chicago nieuiorial on emanci- pation, by W. W. Pattou. 1888. O. 2H. The Calvert Papers, no. 1. ISS'.I. (). $4. 29. Report of the committee on the western boundary of Maryland, isyo. O. 3U. The Dismemberment of Maryland, by Q. W. Archer A Maryland manor, by J. O. Wilson. 1890. 31. Maryland Independence and the confederation, by W. J. Uull; [also) RemiuiBcence of the troublous times of April, 1801, by J. M. Harris. 1891. 8". $1..S0. 32. LaFayette's second expedition to Virginia in 1871, bv E. M. Allen. 1S91. 8". $1. '' 33. Maryland and North Carolina in the campaign of 1780- 1781, by E: O. Daves, 1893. 11. 8». $1.50. 34. Calvert papers, [no. 2.) Selections from correspond- ence. 1894. il. maps. 8". $2.50. Archives of Maryland. Published by the society under the authority of the state. 4". 1883-1896. 15 v. ea.. pap.. $2.50- el., $3. I- r . 1. Proceedings and acts of the Gen. Assembly, Jan., 1637/8- Sept., 1664, with lnde.v. ' 2. Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Mary- land, Apr., 1680-June, 1676, with index. 1884. 3. Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-7. 1885. 4. Judicial and testamentary business of the provincial court, 1637-1650. (1887.) 5. Proceedings of the council of Maryland, 1667-1688. 6. Correspondence of Gov. Horatio Sharpe. v. 1, 1753-7. 7. Proceedings and acts of the general assembly of Mary, land, Oct., 1678-Nov., 1683. 1889. 8. Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693. 9. Correspondence of Gov. Horatio Sharpe. v. 2. 1767-1761 1890. ^ 10. Judicial and testamentary business of the provincial court, 1649/50-57. 1891. 11. Journal of the Maryland Convention, July 26-Aug. 14, 1775. Journal and correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, Aug. 29, 1775-July 6, 1776. 1892. 12. Journal and correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, July 7-Dec. 31, 1776. 1893. 13. Proceedings and acts of the General Assembly of Mary- land, April, 1084-June, 1692. 1894. 14. Correspondence of Gov. Horatio Sharpe. v. 3. 1761- 1771. 16. Proceedings of the council, 1671-1681. Note. For more details regarding publications, see Griffin's Bibliography of Amer. hist. Hocieties. Maryland, Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of. Or- ganized 1799. Baltimore, Md. Summary of proceedings, 1799-1807. 8". 1807. Act of incorporation and supplementary acts with by-laws. 8^. 1822, 1848. Sketch of proceedings, annual and special sessions, 1853. 8". 1863. Acts, by-laws, code of ethics, etc. 1854, 1870, 1873, 1876, Proceedings, ann. and spec, sessioos, 1854. S». 1855 Transactions. 1856, 1869, 1873-89. 8". 1869-89 By-laws, etc. 1870, 1873, 1875, 1878. 8". Maryland, Society for the History of the Germans in. Organized 1886. (Rev. F. Ph. Hennighausen, sec, 115 W. Lee St.) Baltimore, Md. Reports. Annual. 1st, 1887-12th, 1898. 12 v. S». ea., $1. Massachusetts Eclectic Medical Society. Organized 1860. (P. E. Howes, M.D., rcc. sec, 703 Wash- ington St., Dorchester Dist., Boston, Mass.) Transactions; ed. by recording secretary. Pub. annually since 1861. ' 97 Massachusetts] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Massachusetts Massachusetts Historical Society. Organizeil 1791. (S. A. Green, libn.) Cor. of Boyhton Si- and the Femvay, Boslon, Mass. Collectioua. S". v. 1. 1792; repr., 1806 and 1859 : v. 2, 1793; reur . 1810- v. 3, 1894; repr., 1810: v. 4, 1795; repr., 183j : V 5 1798; repr., 1816 auii 1835: v. 6, 1800; repr., 1846: v. 7. 1801; repr., 1846: v. 8, 1802; repr., 1856: v. 9, 1804; repr., 1857: V. 10, 1809; repr., 1857. „,„,. lo^c. Second Ber. v. 1, 1814; repr.. 1838: v. 2, 1814; repr., 1846: V 3. 1816; repr., 1846: v. 4, 1816; repr., 1846; v. 5, 1815; repr., 1848; V. 6, 1815; repr., 1848 : v. 7, 1818; repr., 1826 : v. 8. 1819; reur 1826- v. 9, 1822; repr., 1832: v. 10, 1823; repr., 1843. Third eer. v. 1, 18251 repr., 18*6: v. 2, 1830; 3, 1833; 4, 1834; 5, 1836; 6, 1837; 7, 1838; 8, 1843; 9 1846; 10, 1849. Fourth ser. v. 1, 1852; 2, 1854; 3, 1856; 4, 1858; 5, 1861; 6 1863; 7.1866; 8,1888; 9-10,1871. „_ „ ^ Fifth ser. V. 1, 1871; 2-3, 1877; 4-5, 1878; 6. 1879; 7-8, ■^'^Ixth ser.^'v. 'l, 1886; 2, 1888; 3, 1889; 4, 1891; 5, 1892; 6, 1893; 7, 1894; 8, 1896; 9, 1897. ^ ,o„= ,Qsr Proceedings. 8". v. 1, 1791-1835. 1879. v. 2, 1835-1855. 1880. V. 3, 1855-1858. 1859. v. 4, 1858-60; v. 5, 1860-62; v. 6 1862-3; V. 7, 1863-4; v. 8, 1864-5; v. 9, 1866-7 ; v. 10, 1867-9; v' 11, 1869-70; v. 12, 1871-3; v. 13, 1873-5; v. 14, 1876-6; v. 15 1876-7; V. 16, 1878; v. 17, 1879-80; v. 18, 1880-1; v. 19, 1881-2; V. 20, 1882-3. ,„„„ , Second ser. v. 1, 1884-5; v. 2. 1885-6; v. 3, 1886-7; v. 4, 1887-9; V. 5, 1889-90; v. 6, 1890-1; v. 7, 1891-2; v. 8. 1892-4; V. 9, 1894-5; v. 10, 1896; v. 11, 1897. Discourse intended to commemorate the discovery of Arner- ica by Christopher Columbus, by Jeremy Belknap. 1792. 132 p. 8". Same. 5th ed. 1863. 184 p. 4". large pap. 50 copies. Index to the first twenty volumes of th« Proceedings, li91- 1883. 521 p. 8». 1887. Catalogue of books in the library. 40 p. ^'>. 1896. 96 + vip. 8". 1811. of the private library of Thomas Dowse, presented to the Society. 214 p. 8". 1856; also 1870. of the library. 1859-60. 2 v. 8». Historical research respecting the opinions and founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers, by Geo. Livermore. 1862. 236 p. 8». Lectures before the Lowell Institute by members of the society on the early history of Massachusetts. 1869. 498 p. S" Hellotype of Washington's autograph address to the officers of the American army at Newburg, N. Y., March 15, 1783, with letters. 1876. 8 (10) p. fol. „ „ ttt. .u Memoir of Hon. John H. Clifford, by R. C. Winthrop. 1877. 30 p. 80. por. Tribute to the memory of Edmund Quincy and J. L. Motley. 1877. 30 p. 80. Tributes to Longfellow and Emerson. 1882. 62 p. 4". ^ Memoir of David Sears, by R. C. Winthrop, Jr. 1886. 31 p. 8». por. Cambridge. ■, ^ ^ k Hubbard's map of New England, and remarks by B. A. Green, M.D. 1888. 10 p. 8o. Cambridge. List of memoirs printed in the collections, by S. A. Green. 1892. 7 p. 80. . V, T 4- Results in Europe of Cartier's explorations, by Justm Winsor. 1892. 19 p. 8". Cambridge. Tributes to the memory of R. C. Winthrop. 1894. 40 p. 8o. Diary of John Rowe, a Boston merchant, 1764-1779, paper by E. L. Pierce. 1895. 108 p. 8". Cambridge. Note. A very large number of reprints from the collections, proceedings, and lectures have been issued ; for list see Griffin's Bibliography of American historical societies. Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society. Publications. 1-8. 1840-85. 8o. 1871-86. Act of incorporation and by-laws. S". Boston. 1856. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Organized 1829. (Robt. Manning, sec.) Horticultural Hall, 101 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts Horticultural society : constitution, by-laws, members, etc. 1829. Transactions. Constitution and by-laws. 1891. Massachusetts, Humane Society of the Commonwealth of. Organized 1785. (S. W. Burgess, sec.) 10 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Biennial reports. N'ote. Also issues occasional pamphlets giving instructions for rescuing the drowning, and for resuscitating persons ap- parently drowned. 98 Massachusetts] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Organized 18<;u. (Harry AV. Tyler, sec.) Boston, Mass. PreuUlent'B rt-porU, ycarB ending Hept., 1872-77, and Dec, 188»-»8. 8". Aunuiil cutuloi;ue8 of thu otIU-crs nnd studenta uud pro- gramme of the courHo of InHtructlon. 1865-96. 8". Report of the Hccretary. 1870-71. 16 p. 8*. S^ote. Hecretary'8 reports from 187--77 are included in I'resldentH* reports. ObjeeU and plan of the Institute of TechuoloKy, 1800. 29 p. 8». -id ed. 1801. Account of proceidlngfl i>reliininary to organization, with list of ineniberH and appendix. ISBI. 23 p. 8". List of oIllccrH, extract from act of incorporation, plans and by-luw8. 1S02. 12 p. 8". Hcope and plan of the school of industrial science, Mass. Inst, of Tech. 1804. 28 o. 8". Address on the limits of education, by Jacob Bigclow, M.D. 186;'). 28 p. 8". The Russian system of shop-work instruction for engineers and machinists. July, 1876. 24 p. 8". 2d ed., with supp. statement, Aug., 1876. In memory of I'rof. William Barton Rogers, LI^.D. May, 1885. 3 p. Example of the life of John Chlpman Uoadley, by H. F. Mills. 1887. 11 p. List of the periodicals In the libraries of the various depart- ments, by O. W. Andrews. April, 1887. 8 p. Ed. 2. May, 1893. 19 p. 8". Commemorative addresses, by A: Lowell. 1890. 8«. Technical description of the engineering building of the In- stitute. 1890. II. 8». Department of architecture. Catalogue of library. 1892. S". Mass. Inst, of Technology : a brief account of its founda- tion, character, and equipments. 1893. 39 p. 4". Catalogue of the premlated drawings of the department of architecture. Annual. 1895-8. 8". Meetings held in commemoration of the life and services of Francis Amasa Walker. 1897. 39 p. 4". The following are published by the Society of Arts : Abstracts of the proceedings. 18th year, 1879-80— 29th year, 1891. 8". Note. Abstracts for 1870-77 were published in secretary's reports. In memory of William Barton Rogers, LL.D. 1882. 39 p. por. Technology quartet ly and proceedings of the Society, v. 1 : 1, Sept., 1887— V. 11, no. 2, 1898. 8". en., $3. Note. Pub. by Society after 1892; previously pub. by stu- dents generally. The following are published by the Alumni Association : Constitution, list of otilcers, list of alumni, with brief auto- biographical notices. Annual. 1876-90. Publications of tlie Mass. Inst, of Technology and of its officers, students and alumni, 1?»82-1887; comp. by W. R. Nichols. 1882. 2d ed.; rev. by L. M. Norton. 1888. 3ded.; rev. by L. M. Norton and \. H. Gill. 1893. 102 p. The Architectural Association has published : Architectural lievieiv, no. 1. Feb., 1888. The students have published : The .SjHctruin. v. 1, 1872-73; v. 2, 3, 1873-74. 3 v. of 8 DOS. each. The Tech. no. 1, Nov. 16,1881. (Pub. weekly during the academic year to date.) $2.50 per year. Technii/ue. Annual; pub. by members of junior class. 1885-88, 1890-98. $1 per year. Technology (Quarterly, v. 1, Sept., 1887— v. 3, 1890. Note. Pub. since 1892 by Society of Arts. Massachusetts Library Club. Organized 1890. (llillcr C. Wellman, sec, Public Library, Brookiine, Mass.) Club handbook : constitution, officers, members, with a list of meetings held by the club since Its foundation. 1894, 1898. 12". pap. 1896. 8". pap. LlsU of select tlctlon. Sept., 1895-Aug., 1890. 12 nos. 8". pap. 25c. per ann. Massachusetts Medical Society. Organized 1781. (Dr. E. H. Brigham, libn.) 19 Boylston PL, Boston, Mass. Medical communications. 1790-1893. 17 v. 8'>. Library of practical medicine. 25 v. 8". 1831-68. Publications. 1856-1871. 3 v. 8". Catalogues of the Society. 8". Published triennlally. Next in 1899. 99 Massachusetts] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Massachusetts Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society. Organized 1877. (Dr. F. W. Draper, chairman of standing com- mittee, 30-t Marlboro' St.) Boston, Mass. Transactions. Annual, v. 1 : 1, 1878— v. 2 : 0, 1895. S". Massachusetts New-Church Union. Organized 1864. (E: A. Whistou, agt., 16 ArHngton St.) Boston, Mass. Publishes New-Church books; for catalogue, see Pub liahers' Trade List Annual. Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture. Incorporated 1792. (F. H. Appleton, sec.) 53 State St.., Boston, Mass. Pamphlet containing rules and regulations, list of officers and members, essays on the canlcer worm, account of the method of making maple sugar, etc. 1795. Massachusetts AgrinitturalJournal (semi-annual), v. 1-8, 1813-1827. V. 9, 1830. v. 10, 1832. . Pamphlet containing replies to 49 questions contained in a list printed and distributed in 1799. 1807. High farming without manure, trans, from the French of George Viele. 1866. Reprinted in 1878. Treatise on the pine moth of Nantucket. 1883. Legal rights and liabilities of farmers, by E. H. Bennett. 1884. A reprint by the society. „ „ „ . -.oo^ Tree pruning, by A. Des Cars, tr. by C. 8. Sargent, 1884. Cupples, Upham & Co. The law of the roadside, compiled by A. Hemenway and Geo. W. Anderson. Centennial year. 1892. Salem. Numerous circulars and pamphlets. Massachusetts Society for Promoting Good Citizenship. (E. D. Mead, pres., 23 Court St.) Boston, Mass. Circulars of information, no. 1. Report of the committee upon courses of reading and study on works on civil govern- ment. 1888. 8". ,v, . . Lectures upon municipal government and reform. Abstract of lectures, Old South Meeting House, Boston. 1889. 8". Also various leaflets. Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Organized 1868, and closely associated with the American Humane Education Society. (Joseph L. Stevens, sec.) 19 Milk St., Boston. Our I>umb Animals (^monthly). 1868-1898. subs., 50c. per year. Jfote. Also publishes pamphlets and leaflets. Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Organized 1878. (Frank B. Fay, gen. agt., 15 Pemberton Sq.) Boston, Mass. Annual reports. 1880-1898. 80. Address on child insurance, 1895. Digest of the laws of Massachusetts concerning children. [With the amendments and new statutes to 1895.] 1896. 240. Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intem- perance. A letter to the mechanics of Boston. 1831. 26 p. 12". Massachusetts Society for the University Education of Woman. Organized 1877. (Miss Louise L. Putnam, sec, 40 Fayette St., Lynn, Mass.) Boston, Mass. Annual reports, 1877 -f. Massachusetts State Pharmaceutical Association. Or- ganized 1882. (Ja. F. Guerin, sec, 236 Front St.) Worcester, Mass. Proceedings. Annual. 1882 -|-. 8". Extracts from public statutes of Massachusetts of the laws relating to druggists and apothecaries, by J: H. Manning. 1894. Massachusetts State Teachers' Association. Organized 1845. (Geo. E. Gay, sec, Maiden, Mass.) The Massachusetts teacher (monthly). 1848-74. This was succeeded by the New England Journal of Education. _ Transactions, v. 1, 1845-7. 1852. 304 p. 12». cl. Coolidge. Abstract of proceedings, 1845-80. 1881. 217 p. 12". lOO Massachusetts] PUBL/CATfO.VS OF SOCIETIES [Methodist Massachusetts State Teachers' Association, continued. AddreaseB, ISR'J, together with ahntract of proceedings 37lb and SStb anil, raeetingg, 1881, 2. 1883. Reports [annual] of the coramitlee on educational progress. 1885-88. 12". ~ 1. Progress in high Bchool education in MaBsachusctts. 1886. — 2. rrogresB in primary school inetrurlloii. 1886. — 3. ProgreHs in ernmniur school education. 1887. 4. Moral training in the public schools. 1888. Color lessons for primary schools. Prepared by L. Diinton. 188.'). 12'\ Elementary drawing. Part of an outline of an eight years' course of instruction, l)y C. M. Carter. 1885. 12". Klomentury lessons on animals. Prepared by A. C. Boyden. 1885. 12". Lessons on the human body. Prepared by L. Dunton. 1885. 12". English in secondary schools. 1888. 8". Report on necrology, 1886. Massacliusetts Tariff Uoform League. Organizeil 1884. Now New KiiKliiiiil Free Trade League, which see. Massachusetts Temperance Alliance. Boston, Mass. Annual reports of the secretary. 13-16, 1864-67. 18-19, 1869-70. Massachusetts Temperance Convention. Journal of proceedings: Worcester, Sept. 18, ISX). 36 p. 8". Ford ii, Damrell, BoHton. Massachusetts Temperance Society. Annual report. 21. 1834. 12". Massachusetts : Trustees of Puhlic Reservations. Or- ganized 1891. (John Woodbury, sec.) 14 Bea- con St., Boston, Mass. Reports. Annual. 1891-7. Maumee Valley Historical and Monumental Associa- tion. Toledo, 0. Oration of Cassius Marcellus Clay, at Putin-Bay, I^ake Erie, Sept. 10, 1891, the anniversary of the capture of the British fleet by O. H. Perry. 1801. 19 p. 8". Maumee Valley Pioneer and Historical Association. Toledo, b. Transactions at annual meeting, Feb. 22, 1877. 1877. 8". Maumee Valley and pioneers, by E. C. Bllven. 1880. 43 p. 8". Maumee Valley Pioneer Association. Organized 1864. (J. L. Pray, sec.) Toledo, 0. Woman's part in pioneer home life. 1898. pap. Addresses, memorials, and sketches, 1897. Ill p. 8". pap. Mecklenburg Monument Association. Charlotte, N. C. Address delivered at Charlotte, N. C, Feb. 4, 1876, on the Mecklenburg declaration of independence, May 20, 1775, by Hon. Wm. A. Graham, with accompanying documents. 1875. 167 p. 16". Xtw York. Cnveillng of the monument to the signers of the Mecklen- burg declaratioo of Independence, May 20, 1898. 1898. 37 p. 80. cl. Medical Societies. See name of locality. Meriden Scientific Association. Organized 187.^. H. S. Davis, cor. sec.) Meriden, Conn. Transactions, y. 1, 188.'>— v. 8, 1898. Organized 1842. (C.- Methodist Book Concern. (Hunt & Eaton, agts., 150 5th Ave.) New Y^ork City. Publishes Methodist books and general religious literature; for catalogue, see Publishers' Trade List Annual. Methodist Episcopal Church South, Publication House of the. (Barbee& Smith, agts.) Nashville, Tenn. Publishes Methodist books; for catalogue, xe Publishers' Trade List Annual. lOI Methuen] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Michigan Methuen Historical Society. Organized 1895. (C H. T. Mann, sec, Marston Corner.) Methuen^ Mass. 1. President's uddress — Hon. J. B. Howe: Music of other days in Methuen, by Lizzie B. Currier. 1896. 20 p. 8". 10c. 2. The Merrimacli Valley, by lion. K. 11. Tewlssbury. 20c. 3. Epitaphs in the old burying ground, 172.5-1850. $1. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Organized 1870. (L. P. di Cesnola, sec. and director.) Central Park., New York City. Annual Reports, 1871-94. 1895. 1 v. cl. S". Annual Reports, 26th-28th, 1895-7. 1896-8. 3 v. cl. 8". Hand-books : — No. 2. Terracottas and pottery, pap. 8". — No. 3. Stone sculptures, pap. 8". — No. 4. Egyptian antiquities, pap. 8". — No. 7. Sculptural plaster casts, pap. 8". — No. 8. Tapestries, paintings, drawings, etc. pap. 8". — No. 9. Collections of engraved gems. pap. 8". — No. 11. Reproductions in metal, pap. 8". — No. 12. Seal cylinders and other oriental seals, pap. 8". Note. Nos. 1,5, 6 and 10 were issued, but their contents were subsequently included in others. Russian art reproductions, by John W. Miles. 1884. cl. 8". il. Jewelers' Cirrular Pubg. Go. Cuneiform texts, ed. and trans, by A. B. Moldenke. 1893. pap. 8». Guide to the halls and galleries. 1894. pap. 8". Garland collection of Chinese porcelain. 1895. cl. S". Catalogue of paintings. 1898. pap. 8". 20c. Charter, constitution, etc. 1898. cl. 8". Michigan Dental Association. Transactions. 22, 1877. 24-26, 1879-81. 8". Detroit. Michigan Engineering Society. Organized 1880 as the Michigan Association of Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Name changed in 1884. (F. Hodg- man, sec, Climax, Mich.) Michigan Engineers' Anyiual. 1880-98. 19 v. 8". per set, $14. V. for 1880-2, and 1884, ea., 50c.; 1885, 75c.; 1891-5, and 1898, ea., $1.00; 1896-7, ea., $1.25. Proceedings. 1880-1885. 6 v. 8". pap. v. for 1883, $1.00; 1885, 75c.; other vols., ea., 50c. — 1886-7. 1 V. 8". pap. Manual of land surveying, by F. Hodgman. 12". mor., $2.50. Surveyors' tables; being the tables from the Manual of land surveying, bound separately. 12". mor., $1. Star ed., $1.50. Field book for surveyors. 12". leath., 75c. Michigan, Historical Society of. Organized 1828. Detroit, Mich. Discourse on early settlements in Michigan, delivered at the first meeting, by Lewis Cass. 1830. 52 p. 8". Discourse on the Indian tribes of the upper lakes, by H. R. Schoolcraft. 1830. 44 p. 8". Historical and scientific sketches. 1834. 215 p. 12". Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society. Organized 1874. (Geo. H. Greene, sec) La?isitig, Mich. Pioneer and historical collections, v. 1, 1877— v. 27, 1897. 8". V. 1-2, ea., $1.50. v. 3-27, ea., 75c. Michigan Political Science Association. Organized 1892. (Chas. H. Cooley, treas.) Ann Arbor, Mich . Constitutional history of the U.S., as seen in the develop- ment of American law : lectures 1889. D. $2.50. Putnam. Publications, v. 1 : 1, May, 1893— v. 3 : 3, 1898. 18 nos. ea. 15-75C. Michigan State Agricultural Society. Organized 1870. (H: Fralick, sec.) Grand Rapids., Mich. Reports. Annual. 1891-95. 8". Michigan State Horticultural Society. Organized 1870, as Mich. State Pomological Society ; name changed in 1880. (Edwy C. Reid, sec.) Alle- gan, Mich. Annual reports, 1st, 1871-27th, 1897. 16". ea., $1. Michigan State Medical Society. Organized 1866. (Dr. Collins H. Johnston, sec.) Grand Rapids, Mich. by C. n. Johnston, v. 1, 1866-v. 22, Transactions; ed. 1898. 8". I02 Michigan] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Military Michigan State Pharmaceutical Association. Organ- ized 1883. (Chas. F. Mann, sec, Detroit, Mich.) Proceedings of annual meetingR, containing al«o original papcfH and nddregseB. 1884 -+■■ Note. Annual meeting* are held at Detroit. Middlebury Historical Society. (Philip Battell, sec) Middlehury, Vt. Hiitory of the town of Middlebury, hy Sam. Swift. 1853. 444 p. 8". por. Hlitory of Salisbury, Vt., by John M. Week*. 1861. 36'2 p. 8". por. woodcut. 8tatiRtlcal and historical account of the town of Addison, Vt., by 8. Swift. 1R5'.1. 132 p. 8». Hlatory of the town of Shorebana, bv J. K. Goodhue ; with a statistical and historical account of the town of Addison, by B. Swift. 1861. 108 p. 8". por. History of the town of Cornwall, Vt., hy Lyman Matthews. 1862. 356 p. S". portraits. Papers and Proceedings, v. 1, part 2 : The marble border of western New England. 1S8.5. 68 p. S'. map. Forefathers' day : 26flth anniversary, at Middlebury, Vt., Dec. 21, 1886. 1886. 6 p. 8'>. Address on the 272d anniversary. 1892. Military Historical Society of Massachusetts. Organ- ized 1876. Incorporated 1891. (Ethel Brig- ham, libn.) Cadet Armory, Ferdinand St., Boston, }fass. Papers read before the society in 1876-Sn. 2 v. 8". 1881, 1886. maps. Ticknor. Papers, v. 1. Campaigns in Virginia, 1861-2. Ed. byT. F. Dwight. 1895. 8». maps. Uonghtnn, 31. A Co. — V. 2. Virginia campaign of 1862 under Gen. Pope ; ed. by T. F. Dwight. 1895. 8°. maps. Houghton, M. >{: Co. Note. These volumes are a republication of the earlier volumes, with new matter. Papers, v. 10. Critical sketches of some of the federal and confederate commanders; ed. by T. F. Dwight. 189.=>. 8". Houghton, M. it Co. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S. : Com- mandery of Ulinois. Organized 1879. (Capt. R. H. ^Iason, recorder, 76 Monroe St., Chicago, 111.) Military essays and recollections. 2 v. S". 1891-94. $2.50. JfcClurg. — Coramandery of Indiana. Organized 1888. (Col. Z. A. Smith, recorder, 41 When Bldg., Indian- apolis, Ind.) War papers. 1898. S". — Commandery of Iowa. Organized 1886. (Adjutant Jos. W. Muffly, recorder. Grant Club House, Des Moines, Iowa.) War sketches and incidents, v. 1. 1893. v. 2. 1898. ea., $1.75 and postage. 8". — Commandery of Maine. Organized 1866. (Maj. Henry S. Burrage, recorder, Oxford Bldg., Port- land, Me.) War papers. 1898. 8". T/)f Thurston Print. — Commandery of Michigan. Organized 1885. (Gen. F. W. Swift, recorder.) 58 W. Congress St., Detroit, Mich. War papers, v. 1. 1893. v. 2. 1898. 8". — Commandery of Minnesota. Organized 1885. (Lieut. I>. L. Kingsbury, recorder, .554 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn.) Glimpses of the Nation's struggle. 4 v. 8'. 8er. 1, 1887. Ber. 2, 1890. St. Paul Book and Stn. Co. 8er. 3, 1898. Mfrrill. Ser. 4, 1898. //. L. Collins Co. 8er. 1-3, $1.2.S ea. Ber. 4. |;2. — Commandery of Missouri. Organized 1885. (Capt. W. R. Hodges, recorder, 20 Laclede Bldg., St. Louis. Mo.) V. 1. 1892. 8". War papers and personal reminiscences. Btcktold . Mississippi State Medical Association. Organized 1856; suspended during the war, and resumed in 186!>; ( Dr. H. M. Folkes, ed. and mngr. and actg. sec, Biloxi, Miss.) TransactiouB. Ist, 1857; Irregular until 1869, Bince then annnal. Journal (monthly). Missouri Bar Association. Organized 1881. (J. J. Russell, sec, Charleston, Mo.) Annual reports. Missouri Botanical Garden. Organized 1889. (W: Trelease, director, Tower Grove Ave.) St. Louis, Mo. Reports. Annual; ed. by W: Trelease. v. 1, 1890— v. 9, 1898. 80. ea., $1. Handbook of the garden; ed. by W; Trelease. 1893. obi. 32". leathrrette, 25c. Xote. The principal botanical contributions have also been separately issued in paper or leatherette, under the authors' names. Missouri, Civil Service Reform Association of. Organ- ized 1881. (Hugh McKittrick, sec, 911 Wash- ington Ave.) St. Louis, Mo. Address to the people of Missouri, by H: Hitchcock; with constitution, etc., of society. 1881. Reports. Annual. 1881 -f-. Report of committee for year ending May, 1891; with ad- dress by T. Roosevelt. Missouri Historical and Philosophical Society. Organ- ized 1844. St. Louis, Mo. Annals, no. 1. 1848. 29 p. 8". Japan and the expedition thereto of the United States, by Thos. Allen. 1853. 34 p. 8". Missouri Historical Society. Organized 1866. (W: J. Seever, sec, 1600 Locust St.) St. Louis, Mo. President's addressee, constitution and by-laws, and list of members. 1894. 8o. Annual reports, 1866-98. Publications, nos. 1-14. 1880-97. 8". pampli. : 1. The campaign in Missouri, and the battle of Wilson's Creek, by W. M. Wherry. 1S80. — 2-3. Recollections of n septuagenarian, by Wm. Waldo, etc. — 4. Amended charter and by-laws. — ft. .Vddress on Kam. Oaty, by .J. K. Darby. — 6. Notes on the archaeology of Missouri, by F. K. Hilder. — 7. Ann. addrensby G. E. LeighlDU, pros., 1883. — S. Hlstoriral socicticH in their relation to locil hiptorlcal interest, by U. K.- Robertson. 1883. 16 p. 8». — 9. The American revolution and the acquisition of the valley of the Missiswlppi, by C. F. Robertson. 1884. 27 p. 8°. — 10. Attempts to separate the west from the American Union, by U. F. RoberlKon. 1884. — 11. President's address, constitution and by-laws. 1894. 8". 31 p. — 12. Newspapers and newspaper people of three decades (St. Louis), by Wm. Hyde; Territorial revcnuesystom of Mo., by F. C. Hicks. 1896. 36 p. 8". — 13. r>oiiisiana purchase, by J. O. Broadhead. 1897. 31 p. 8". — 14. History of the Catholic church in St. Louis, by Rev. J. J. Convay. 1897. 40 p. 8". Missouri Institute of Homoeopathy. Proceedings. 8. 1884. 8". 105 Missouri] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Nantucket Missouri, Medical Association of. Organized 1850. (Jabez N. Jackson, sec.) Kansas City, Mo. Trangactions. Annual. Missouri State Horticultural Society. Organized 1859, as Missouri Fruit Growers' Association; name changed 1862. Reorganized and incorporated 1893. (L. A. Goodman, sec, Westport.) Jeffer- son City, Mo. Annual reportg. S". Ist, for 1859-40th, for 1898. v. 1-5, 7-10, 12-20, 22, called " proceedingg; " v. 6 entitled " seventh annual meeting;" v. 11 called "transactions;" v. 21, 23-40, issued ag " reports." Modern Language Association of America. Organ- ized 1883. (Ja. W. Bright, sec, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md.) Proceedings at New York, Dec. 29, 30, 1884. v. 1, 1884. Publications, v. 1-3, ed. by A. M. Elliott. Quarterly vols. 4-7 (1889-92), ed. by A. M. Elliott. Quarterly volg. 8-13 (new geries, 1-6) 1893-98, ed. by Ja. W. Bright. $3 per v. Montana, Historical Society of. Organized 1865. (Laura E. Howey, libn., Court House.) Helena, Mont. Contributione. v. 1, 1876. 357 p. 8". por. v. 2, 1896. Catalogue of the library of the society ; also report of the librarian, 1891-93, prepared by W. F. Wheeler. Helena, 1892. 128 p. 8". Montgomery Co., Pa., Historical Society of. Organized 1881. (Joseph Fornance, pres., Penn St., Norristown, Pa.) Pennsylvania. Historical sketches, v. 1. 1895. il. 420 p. 12". $1.50; vellum, $2. v. 2, 1897. Monument Association of the Capture of Andre. Centennial Souvenir. 1880. 167 p. 8". il. portraitg. Neio York. Moravian Historical Society. Organized 1857. (Frank Kunkel, sec, Nazareth, Pa.) Pennsylvania. Moravian Historical Society, its organization and aims; Peter Boehler's oak tree; account of 1st anniversary; address by J: Henry, president. 1859. Memorial of the dedication of monuments erected by the society to mark the sites of ancient missionary stations in New York and Connecticut, prepared by W. C. Reichel. 1860. 184 p. 8". il. Nero York, Richardson; Phila., Lippin- cott. Transactions. 4 v. 8». cl. v. 1, 1858-76. 1876. $10. v. 2, 1877-86. 1886. $7.50. v. 3, 1887-88. 1888. $2.50. v. 4, 1889- 95. 1895. $4.25. v. 5 : 1-4, 189-5-98. Note. Separate publication has been made of some of the contributions to the Transactions. Mount Holyoke College. Chartered as Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in 1836 ; new charter as Mount Holyoke Seminary and College in 1888 ; new charter as Mount Holyoke College in 1893. (Miss C. B. Greene, registrar.) South Hadley, Mass. TheLlamarada. (Junior class.) 1895-98. 4 v. 4". (1897, obi. 80.) ea., $1.25. The Mount Holyoke (monthly during college year). (Students.) v. 1 : 1, 1891— v. 8, 1898. 4". $1..50 per ann. - General view of the principles and designs. 1837. 22 p. 8". pap. Perkins <& Marvin. Female education. 1839. 26 p. pap. Memorial, twenty-fifth anniversary. 1862. 174 p. 12". History of Mount Holyoke Seminary, 1837-87, by Mrs. S. D. (Locke) Stow. 1887. 372 p. 8°. o. p. Semi-centennial celebration, ed. by S. D. Stow. 1888. 155 p. Nantucket Historical Society. Organized 1894. (Susan E. Brock, libn., Fair St.) Nantucket, Mass. Quakerism on Nantucket since 1800, by H. B. Worth. 1896. 38 p. 8". pap., 25c. Timothy White papers, 172.i-1755. Ed. by Rev. M. S. Dudley. 1898. 96 p. 8". pap., $1. io6 Narragansett] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [National Narragansett Club, The. Organized 1865. Providence, R. I. Publications, 6 v. viz.; 1. Biographical introduction to the writingB of Roger Wil- liams. By Keuben Aldrldgo Guild. With Kogcr Williams's key to the Indian lanuuage, and Cotton's letter to Itoger Williams, and his reply. Kdited by .laraes Hammond Trum- bull and Reuben Aldridge. 1806. vi + 2 + 60 + 16 + 219 + 3 + 112 p. 4". 'i. Master John Cotton's answer to Master Roger Williams, etc. Edited by Kev. J. Lewis Diman and Reuben Aldridge. 1867. 8 -f- 240 + 36 p. 4". 3. The bloudy tenant of persecution. Edited by Rev. Samuel L. Caldwell. 4 + xiv + 42.'> p. 4". 4. The bloody tenant yet more bloody. Edited by Rev. Samuel L. Caldwell. 1S70. 4 + ix + 547 + 1 p. 4". 5. George Fox digg'd out of his burrowes. Edited by Rev. J. Lewis Diman. 1K72. 6 + Iviii + 10 -f .")03 p. 4". 6. Letters of Roger Williams. Edited by John Russell Bartlett. 1S74. xviii + 2 + 420 p. 4". National Academy of Sciences. Incorporated 1863. (Prof. Ira Renisen, Home Sec, Johns Hopkins University, Bait., Md.) Washington, D. C. Note. For publications, .iff In Appendix to Am. Cat., U. 8. Government Publications, National Acadenuj of Sciences. National Association of Builders. Organized 1887. (W: H. Sayward, s'ec, 166 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass.) Bulletin (quarterly). 25c. per year. Annual reports. 1887+. National Association of Officials of Bureaus of Labor Statistics. Organized 1883. (S: B. Home, sec. North Main St., Hartford, Conn.) Proceedings of annual sessions, with papers. 1883 -J— National Association of Railway Surgeons. Now In- ternational Association of Railway Surgeons, which see. National Association of Wool Manufacturers. Or- ganized 1864. (S. N. D. North, sec, 70 Kilby St.) Boston, Mass. Bulletin (quarterly), v. 28, 1898. $2 per ann. bd. vols., $2.50. Reports. Annual. 1865-98. Protection a boon to consumers, by J. L. Hayes. 1867. 50c. Solidarity of the industries, by J. L. Hayes. 1870. 50c. The protective q\iestion abroad, by J. L. Hayes. 1870. 50c. Notes upon indigo, by J. 1,. Hayes. 1873. 60c. Tariff policy of the U. 8., by E. B. Rigelow. 1877. 50c. American textile machinery, by J. Tj. Hayes. 1879. 50c. Consanguinity in breeding, \>y J. T,. Hayes. 1882. 50c. The merino a's a mutton sheep, by J. L. Hayes. 1883. 50c. Labor restrictions abroad and at home, by J. L. Hayes. 1886. 50c. Dangers and difficulties attending legislation on the wool Industry, by .J . L. Hayes. 1887. 50c. Free raw materials, as related to New England industries, by W: Whitman. 1889. 50c. Twenty-five years of wool tariff history, by 8. N. D. North, 1889. 25c. Wool book : a statistical manual for the trade, by 8. N. D. North. 1892. bdc. 2d ed. 1895. 50c. Necessity, efficacy, and advantages of the present duties on woolen goods, by 8. N. D. North. 1892. 25c. Catalogue of exhibits of domestic wool manufacturers at the World's Columbian Exposition. 1893. 25c. Century of American wool manufacture, 1790-1890, by 8. N. D. North. 1895. 50c. Factory legislation in New England. 1895. The premises of free trade examined, by G. B. Dixwell. 25c. National Christian Association. Organized 1868 ; in- corporated 1874. (W: I. Phillips, gen. sec, 221 W. Madison St.) Chicago, III. Christian Cynosure. Published fortnightly for 3 years from 1868, then weekly to date, cl., $2. Are secret societies a blessing or a curse? by B.Carradlne. 1891. 8". pap., 5c. Folly, expense, and danger of secret societies, by C: A. Blanchard. 1892. 16". pap., 6c. Testimonies of Congregational ministers and associations on secret societies. 1895. pors. 12". pap., 16c. Facts and photographs : testimonies of various Individuals regarding secret societies. 1896. pap., 15c. Secrecy and citizenship. 1897. cl., 50c. Jas. 11. Earl. 107 National] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [National National Civil Service Reform League. Organized 1881. (G: McAneny, sec, TA William St.) New York City. Good Government (monthly), v. 12: 1, July, 1892 +. $1 per aim. 10c. per copy. Buccecdctl the dnil Set-vice Record, and the CimI Service Reformer, and iw numbered conseculively with the former. Suspended temporarily in 1898, but to bo resumed shortly. IVoceedings. Annual. 1881-97. (1881-3,1888,1890. o. p.) Addresses by George William Curtis: The progress of reform. 188.'>. o. p. The year's work in civil service reform. 1884. Civil service reform under the present national administra- tion. 1886. The situation. 1886. The reason and the result of civil service reform. 1888. Party and patronage. 1892. Addresses by Carl Schurz. : Civil service reform and democracy. 1893. The necessity and jirogress of civil service reform. 1894. Congress and the spoils system. 1895. Encouragements and warnings. 1896. The democracy of the merit system. 1897. Report on the expediency of asking candidates for public office their views of civil service reform [by John Jay]. 1882. 43 p. To the voters of the United States. 10 p. Address to the reverend clergy of all denominations in the United States [by John Jay] . 1883. 14 p. The four years' term, by F. W. Whitridge. 1883. 16 p. o. p. Letter of Grover Cleveland to the National Civil-Service Reform League, Dec. 25, 1884. The reform of the civil service. 1885. 4 p. The selection of laborers, by James M. Bugbee. 1885. 8 p. The same in German. 1885. 7 p. The reform of the civil service. 1887. 4 p. Report of the Civil Service Reform Association of Mary- land to the League concerning the part taken by federal office holders at primary elections in Maryland in July, 1887. 40 p. o. p. Report of special committee on the present condition of the reform movement. 1887. Civil service reform as a moral question, by C. J. Bonaparte. 1890. 8 p. The influence of the spoils idea upon the government of American cities. Herbert Welsh. 1894. The reform of the consular service. O. S. Straus. 1894. The theory and practice of civil service reform. Wm. D. Foulke. 1894. The interest of the workingman in civil service reform. Herbert Welsh. 1895. The appointment and tenure of postmasters. R. H. Dana. • 1895. The republican party and civil service reform. H. Hitch- cock. 1897. The democratic party and civil service reform. Moorfield Storey. 1897. An open letter to the Hon. C. H. Grosvenor. G. McAneny. 1897. The need of a classified and non-partisan census bureau. Report of special committee of the National Civil Service Reform League. The legal situation. E. B. Smith. 1897. Civil service reform in municipal government. Two papers. Albert Shaw and Horace E. Deming. 1897. U. 8. civil service statutes and revised rules of May 6, 1898. Note. The league has also issued a large number of leaflets, circulars, drafts, copies of acts, etc. National Conference of Charities and Correction. Organized 1874. (H. H. Hart, gen. sec, 115 Monroe St., Chicago, 111.) National Bulletin (quarterly). Dec, 1896 -)-. Charity organization. Bost. 1890. 8'\ History of child saving in the U. S. Bost. 1893. 320 p. 8". Proceedings of annual session. 1874 -)-. Note. 20th V. contains an index, 1874-92. Proceedings of special session at New Orleans, March, 1897. 1 V. 8". 126 p. pap., 50c. National Congress of Fruit Growers. See American Pomological Society. National Convention of Chiefs and Commissioners of Bureaus of Statistics of Labor in the U. S. See National Association of Officials of Bureaus of Labor Statistics. io8 National] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [National National Convention of Railroad Commissioners. Or- ganized 1889. (E: A. Moseley, sec, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, 1). C.) Proceedings of nuiiuul coiiventiong. 1S89 +. 8". cl. Note. These iiro published by the Interstate Commerce Commission and distributed like government publications. National Cotton Planters' Association of America. Planters' Journal. 15 v. 4". 1880-87+. Vicksburg, Miss- National Dental Association. Organized 1897, by a union of the American Dental Association with the Southern Dental Association. (Dr. W. E. Walicer, assist, rcc. sec, Pass Christian, Miss.) Minutes of convention and first meeting published as an ap- pendi.x to transactions of the American Dental Association, and also of the Southern Dental Aesociation. 1897. 30 p. H. S. White D. Mfg. Co., Phi la. National Dental Association, Southern Branch. Until 1897, Southern Dental Association. (S. W. Foster, rec. sec, .\tlanta, Ga.) Proceedings Ist ann. meeting 1898. Published with pro- ceedings National Dental Association. 1898. S. S. White D. Mfg. Co. National Divorce Reform League. Organized 1881. Now National League for the Protection of the Family, which see. National Eclectic Medical Association. Organized 1871. (Pitts E. Howes, M.D., sec, 703 Wash- ington St., Boston, Mass.) Transactions; ed. by recording secretary, v. 1, 1873. v. 25, 1808. National Educational Association. Formerly National Teachers' Association. Organized 1857. (Irwin Shepard, sec, 118 W. Wabasha St., Winona, Minn.) Los Angeles, Cal. List of subjects. 10c. Proceedings of the National Teachers' Association. 1865, 1866, 1869, 1870. 4 v. o. p. Proceeding of the National Educational Association. 25 v. 4». 1871-2, 1882-3, 1885, o. p. 1873-7, 1879-81, ea., $1.50. 1884, 1886, ea., $1.75. 1887-92, 1894-8, ea., $2. 1893. Proceedings of the International Congress of Educa- tion, July 25-28, 1893. 1 v. 4". $2.50. Proceedings of the National Council of Education. 4". 1885, 1888-91, 1894-5. 7 v. ea., 25c. Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence. 1891-2, 1894. 3 v. ea., 30c. History of the Association. 1892. 141 p. 4". pap., 30c. Report of the Committee of twelve on rural schools. By mail, 25c. Report of the Committee of ten. 30c. Am. Book Co. Report of the Committee of fifteen. 30c. Am. Book Co. Subject index of all published proceedings, cl. Free of charge to those who purchase 5 or more volumes; to others, postpaid, $1. National Electric Light Association. Organized 1885. (George F. Porter, sec.) 136 Liberty St., New I'ork City. Proceedings of Conventions, v. 1-21. 1885-98. 8". v. 1, pap., $1. V. 2-9, pap., ea., 75c. v. 10, 11, cl., ea., $1.25. v. 12-21, cl.,ea., $2.50. National Farmers' Alliance. Organized 1880. (August Post, sec, Moulton, Iowa.) Annual reports. National Geographic Society. Organized 1888. (J: Hyde, ed., 1517 H St., N. W.) Washington, D. C. National Geographic Magazine, v. 1, 1888— v. 8, 1897. II. 8". 25c. per no. ; $2.50 per year. Note. Now published monthly. Rivers and valleys of Pennsylvania, by W. M.Davis. 1889. 71 p. 8". maps and woodcuts. 109 National] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [National National Ilerbart Society. Organized 1895. (C. A. McMurry, sec, University of Chicago, Chic, 111.) Yeiu- books and BupplementB. 1895-8. 4 v. pap., ea., $1. Kote. Meetings are held In connection with those of the Natiouul Educutiouul Association. National Humane Alliance. Incorporated 1897. 105 E. 22d St., New York City. Humane Alliance. 4". v. 25 in progress, cl. T5eperann. (Estnlilished in 1873, as The Alliance, Chicago, III.) National League for Good Koads. Organized 1892. (Office of Road Inquiry, Dept. of Agric, Wash- ington, D. C.) Proceedings, Oct. 20-21, 1892 : v. 1 : 1, Nov. 1892. 8". National League for the Protection of the Family. Or- ganized as the National Divorce Reform League in 1881; name changed 1898. (Rev. S: W. Dike, cor. sec, Auburndale, Mass.) Reports. Note. The report for 1895 is entitled " A review of fifteen years." Some aspects of the divorce question, by Rev. 8. W. Dike, from Princeton lievieio, March, 1884. 1885. o. p. The family in the history of Christianity, by Kev. 8. W. Dike, from Christian Thought, Dec, 1885. 20c. The perils of the family, by Rev. 8. W. Dike, reprinted from proceedings of Evangelical Alliance. 1887. Report on marriage and divorce to the Nat. Council of Con- gregational churches, 1892, by Rev. Daniel Merriman. 1892. Report on the family, 1895, by Rev. W. H. Scudder. Report on the church and the home. May, 1893, by Rev. B. W. Dike. o. p. , ,. . Condition and needs of statistics of marriage and divorce in Europe and America, by Rev. 8. W. Dike. 1893. Theory of the marriage tie, by Rev. S. W. Dike, from Andover Review, Dec, 1893. Note. Society also publishes a number of leaflets and other reprints of magazine articles, etc. National Municipal League. Organized 1894. (Clin- ton Rogers Woodruff, sec. and ed., 1112 Girard Building.) Philadelphia, Pa. Proceedings of the Minneapolis and Cleveland conferences for good city government; ed. by C. R. Woodruff. 1895. $1.50. Same. Baltimore conference, 1896. $1; Louisville conference, 1897. $1 ; Indianapolis Conference, 1898. cl. $1. 1. City government and the churches, by C: F.Dole;What a private citizen can do for good city government, by C: Rich- ardson. 2. Address to the public, by C: J. Bonaparte; with consti- tution and bylaws. 1896. 3. Relation of civil service reform to municipal reform, by C. Schurz. 4. Constitutions and by-laws of the Municipal League of Philadelphia; City Club of New York; Citizens' Association of Boston; Baltimore Reform League; Civic Federation of Chicago; Good Government Club of 8an Francisco; Law En- forcement Society of Brooklyn ; and Civic Club of Philadel- phia. 5. Commercial organizations and municipal reform, by Ryerson Ritchie. 1897. Leaflet no. 1. The National Municipal League, by C. R. Woodruff. 1898. National Prison Association of the U. S. Organized 1870. (Rev. J. L. Milligan, sec, 14 Stockton Ave., Allegheny, Pa.) Proceedings. Annual; 1871-|-, ed. by sec. 8». cl., $1.50. Shaw Bros., Pittsburg. Note. Back numbers or volumes can be supplied from 1877. National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. Minutes and proceedings, annual meetings. 1-4. 1857-60. 8". Proceedings and debates, 3d meeting held in New York. Board of Councilmen, document no. 9. 8". New York. 1859. National Republican League of the U. S. Organized 1887. (D. H. Stine, sec, Auditorium Hotel, Chicago, 111.) League manual. 1898. 25 p. pap., free. History of the league. 1898. 440 p. cl., $2.-50; leath., $5. J. F. Hogan, Detroit. IIO National] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Nebraska National Science Club. Organized 1891. (Mrs. Laura Osborne Talbott, sec, 1445 Huntington PI., Columbia Heights.) Washington, D. C- Journal, pap., $1 per ann. AuDUal reports. Leaflet outliuea for otiidy. National Society of the Daughters of the Kevolution. See Daughters. National Society, Sons of the American Revolution. See Sons. National Spiritualists' Association. Organized 1893. (Mrs. Mary T. Longley, sec.) GOO Pennsylvania Ave., S. E., Washington, D. C. Report!) of conveutioiiu. 1893-7. pap., ea., '25c. 1893, pub. by Stormoiit li- Jackson. 1894, pub. by Light of Ti-uth Pub. Co. Note. Publishes tracts also. National Teachers' Association. Now National Educa- tional Association, which see. National Temperance Society and Publication House. Organized 1866. (J. W. Cummings, pub. agt.) 3 and 5 W. 18th St., New York City. Publishes temperance literature ers' Trade List Annual. for catalogue, see Publisb- Natural History Society of Wisconsin. See Wisconsin. Natural Science Association of America. Organized 1888. (Studer Brothers, custodians, 114 Fifth Ave.) New York City. 1. Birds of North America, by J. H. Studer. 1897. 1 v. 12 X 15 in. 212 p. text. 120 col. plates. \ bound, $40; full Russia, $45. 2. Chapters on the natural history of U. H., by li. W. Shufeldt. 1897. 480 p. 8". ex. cl., $3.50. 3. Ornithology, or the science of birds, by Theodore Jasper. 1878 (?) 1 V. 12x15 in. 160 p. text. 41 plates, ex. cl. and mor., $15. Natural Science Association of Staten Island. See Staten Island. Nebraska Academy of Sciences. Organized 1891. (Lawrence Bruner, sec, University of Ne- braska.) Lincoln, Neb. Publications. S". pap. nos. 1-6. 1891-8. Nebraska Engineering Society. Organized 1897. (Geo. R. Chatburn, sec, State University.) Lincoln, Neb. Transactions; ed. by Adua Dobson, sec. 1897. 20 p. 8". pap- Nebraska State Historical Society. Organized 1878. (Jay Amos Barrett, asst. sec. and libn.) Library Bldg., State University, Lincoln, Neb. Transactions and reports. S". v. 1, 1885— v. 5, 1893. v. 1, 2, ea., 50c. v. 3-5, ea., $1 (continued as Proceedings and collections). Proceedings and collections, v. 1, 1894-5; v. 2,1898. 2 v. 8». 25c. ea. Note. A few papers contained in the above have been pub- lished separately. Nebraska State Horticultural Society. (C. H. Barnard, sec. Table Rock.) Lincoln, Nebraska. Annual report. Sent on receipt of 15 c. for postage and packing. Nebraska State Medical Society. Organized 1868. (A. D. Wilkinson, M.D., sec, 24 and 25 Burr Blk.) Lincoln, Neb. Proceedings. Annual, except for 1895. Note. Previous to 1892, proceedings were issued in pamphlet form, frequently three numbers included in one volume. Proceedings for 1892-94. 8". cl. $1 ea. Sec. series trans- actions 1896-98. 3 V. 12». cl. ea., $2. I II Nebraska] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [New England Nebraska State Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings, annual meetings. 1-6. 1882-7. 8". Now Cliurch Board of Publication. (G. Woolwortb ("olton, Mgr.) 3 W. 29th St., New Fork City. l'iil>lislie« New Clinrch (Swedenborgian) liturgies and misielliiueouB literature. For catalogue, see Publishers' Trade List Annual. New England Agricultural Society. Boston, Mass. TransactionB, 1866. 8o. cl. $1. TiUon y J. W. De I'eyster. 1880. 24 p. 8o. The battle or affair of King's Mountain, Saturday, Oct. 7, 1780, by J. W. De Peyster. 1881. 8 p. 8". Memorial sketch of F. De Peyster, president, by Hamilton Fish. 1882. 4 p. 4". port. Peace negotiations of 1782-3, by John Jay. 1884. 539 p. 80. map. Report on the centennial celebration of the evacuation of New York, Nov. 26, 1883. 1S85. 201 p. 4". The romantic school in American arch»ology, by A. F. Bandelier. 1885. 14 p. 8». I>eading incidents in the life of Henry Clay, by Erastus Brooks. 1886. 32 p. 8". The opening, the use and the future of our domain on this continent, by Geo. E. Ellis. 1887. 34 p. 8». The framing of the federal constitution and the causes lead- ing thereto, by John Alsop King. 1888. 40 p. 8". The land politics of the United States, by Ja. C. Welling. 1888. 40 p. 80. Recollections of the late ^douard Laboulaye, by J. Bigelow. 1888. 81 p. 120. Frontenac and Miles Standish in the northwest, by E. S. •Isham. 1889. 39 p. 8o. The progress of American independence, by Geo. 8. Bout- well. 1889. 31 p. 80. The coaches of colonial New York, by G. W. W. Houghton. 1890. 31 p. 80. Connecticut federalism, or aristocratic politics in a social democracy, by Ja. C. Welling. 1890. 43 p. 8o. Suum cuique. John Dickinson, the author of the declara- tion on taking up arms in 1775. by G. H. Moore. With fac- sim. of original draft. 1890. 52 p. 8". New York in 1850, and in 1890 : a political study, by Seth Low. 1892. 32 p. 8\ Siege of Cuantla, the Bunker Hill of Mexico, by W. B. Logan. 1893. 27 p. 8o. The patriot clergy, and the New York city chaplains in the revolution, by Rev. A. G. Vermilye. 1895. 28 p. 80. Cabot and transmission of English power in North America, by Justin Winsor. 1896. 8°. Note. For reprints from the various collections, see Grif- fin's Bibliography of American historical societies. New York, Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of. Proceedings. 1853-4; v. 21, 1872. 8". Albany. 1854-72. Transactions. 1863, 1864, 1865. New York Horticultural Society. Anniversary address, by John W. Francis, Sept. 8, 1829. 31 p. 8". E. Conrad, Neic York. New York: Ladies' Health Protective Association. (20 W. 59th St.) New York City. Slaughter houses in the city of New York. 1885. 1. 8«. Report, 1885-6. 8o. Memorial to A. S. Hewitt, mayor, on the subject of street- cleaning. 1887. $0. New York Ladies' Home Missionary Society. Or- ganized 1844. (Rev. A. K. Sanford, supt.) 63 Park St., Neiv York City. Monthly Echo of the Originals Points Afissioit. (Begun In 1862 as the " Voice from the Old Brewery.") Annual reports. New York, Linnasan Society of. Organized 1878. (W. W. Granger, sec, Am. Mus. of Nat. Hist.) New York City. Transactions. 2 v. Abstract of Proceedings. 10 nos. New York Literary and Philosopliical Society. New York City- Transactions, v. 1-2 : 1, 1S15-25. 1^5 New York] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [New York New York, Lyceum of Natural History in. Organized 1817. Now New York Academy of Sciences, which see. New York Mathematical Society. Organized 1888. Name changed, 1894, to American Mathematical Society, which see. New York, Medical Association of Southern Central. Transactions. 1-15. 1847-61. 8". 1847-61. New York, Medical Society of the County of. By-laws. 1808, 1866, 1877, 1878, 1882. 8" and 12". Statutes and by-laws. 1819, 1823, 1828, 1839, 1866. Minutes. May 27, 1878; Sept. 23, 1878; Feb. 24, 1879; March 24, 1879; Oct. 27 to Nov. 23, 1885. 8". 1878-85. Minutes. 1806-78. Ed. by A. E. M. Purdy. v. 1-2. 8". 1879-80. New York, Medical Society of the State of. Organized 1806. (Dr. F. C. Curtis, sec, 17 Washington Ave., Albany, N. Y.) Transactions. Annual, 1807+. 8». cl. ea., $1.50. New York Medico-Historical Society. Organized 18C1. (Dr. L. S. Horton, sec, 124 Macon St., Brook- lyn Borough.) 149 W. 22d St., New York City. Medical register of New York, New Jersey, and Connect- icut. 1862-95. 12». New York : Medico-Legal Society, The. Incorporated 1868. (Clark Bell, sec, 39 Broadway.) New York City. Medico-Legal Journal (quarterly) ; ed. by Clark Bell. v. 1:1, 1883— V. 16: 1, 1898. 8». $3 per year. Bulletin of the Psychological Section of the Medico-Legal Society (quarterly) ; ed. by Clark Bell. 8». $1.50 per year. Now merged in the Journal. Bulletin Medico-legal international congress of 1889; ed. by Clark Bell. 1891. 511 p. $2. Bulletin of Medico-Legal Congress, 1895; ed. by Clark Bell. 1898. 8^. $2. The Medical Journal of Inebriety ; ed. by Clark Bell. 1888. 183 p. 75c. Medico-legal papers. Ist ser., 1874; 3d ed., 1889, mus. $3, pap. $2; 2d ser., 1882, o. p. ; 3d ser., 1886, mus. $3. Supreme Court of the states and provinces of North Amer- ica; ed. by Clark Bell. 4th ser. 8^ $5. Medico-legal studies, by Clark Bell. v. 1, 1889— v. 5, 1898. 5 V. il. por. O. ea., $2, excepting v. 1, which is o. p. New York Microscopical Society. Organized 1877. (Rev. J. L. Zabriskie, cor. sec. ; Ludwig Riederer, libn., 64 Madison Ave.) New York City. Journal (quarterly), v.l : 1, 1885— v. 13, 1898. 8». $1 per year. Note. Suspended temporarily, Jan., 1898. New York : Municipal Conference. 1894. New York City. Municipal Program leaflets : 1. Need of a positive program of municipal reform, by Rev. Leighton Williams. 1894. 10 p. 6c. 2. Clear streets, by J. C. Pumpelly. 1894. 7 p. 5c. Well-paved streets, by J. W. Howard, C. E. 1894. 12 p. Improved saloons, by Morris Tekulsky and others. Baths and wash houses, by John P. Faure. 1894. 7 p. Lavatories, by Wm. Howe Tolman. 1895. 10 p. 5c. Municipal Reform. Positive program progress, by Wm . Scudamore. 1895. 11 p. 5e. New York City. 1879-85. 3. 5c. 4. 1895 5. 5c. 6. New York Obstetrical Society Transactions. 1-3, 1876-85. New York Odontological Society. New York City. Transactions. 1874-7; 1879-83; 1885-7; 1889. 8". 1875-1889. New York Pathological Society. Organized 1844. (Dr. Rowland G. Freeman, ed., 205 W. 57th St.) 19 F. 43d St., New York City. Proceedings. 1876 -J-. 8". 126 New York] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [New York New York, Prison Association of. Organizecl 1844. W: M. F. Round, cor. sec.) 135 E. 15th St., New York City. Annual reports. 1844+. Various reports of special committees on convict labor, etc. Note. Publications of the Order of St. Chri8toi)her may also be had here and such reports of the National I'rison Associa- tion of the U. 8. as are in print. New York Produce Exchange. Cliartered as New York Commercial Association, 18G2. Title changed 1868. Neiv York City. Annual reports. New York Public Library. (Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations.) Organized 1895. (Dr. J. S. Billings, Director, 40 Lafayette PI.) New York City Bulletin (monthly), v. 1 :1, Jan., 1897- 4". 10c. per no. $1 per year. -V. 2: G.June, 1898. New York, Scientific Alliance of. Organized, 1891. (N. L. Britton, sec, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx Park.) New York City. Bulletin (monthly). 1891-8. fol. Annual Directory. 1891-8. 8 nos. 8". 25c. New York, Shakespeare Society of. Organized 1885. (Appleton Morgan, prest., 21 Park Row.) 200 W. 83d St., New York City. Papers, nos. 1-12. 1885+. 16". Brentano' s . 1. Guernsey, R. 8. Ecclesiastical law in Hamlet .the burial of Ophelia. 1885. 2. Morgan, Appleton. Venus and Adonis. A study in Warwickshire dialect. 1885. 3. Frey, A. R. William Shakespeare and alleged Spanish prototypes. 1886. 4. 1. Morgan, Appleton. Digesta Shakespeureana. 1887 ['86-'87]. 5. Vining,E. P. Time in the play of Hamlet. 1886. 6. Butler, J. D. The once used words in Shakespeare. 1886. 8. Price, T. R. The construction and types of Shake- speare's verse as seen in the Othello. 1888. (Now included in Bankside Shakespeare, v. 5, and No. 8 given to the following iBsue.) 8. Adee, Alvey A. Plea for a reference canon of the Shake- speare plays. 1889. 9. Caliban : a drama, by Ernest Reuan. tr. by E. Vickery. 10. A study of the Warwickshire dialect, with glossary, etc., by Appleton Morgan. 11. A further study of the Othello, by Welker Given. 12. Shakespeare's legal acquirements, by William O. Devecmon. Morgan, Appleton, ed. The Bankside Shakespeare. The players' text of the plays as printed in quarto. London, circa 1591-1624 paralleled with the Heminger & Condell (first folio) text of 1623. 20 v. 8«. ca., $2.50. Brentano. New York, Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts, and Manufactures, instituted in the State of. Transactions. 1-4. 1801-19. S". Albany. New York, Society instituted in the State of, for the Promotion of Agriculture. Incorporated 1793. Transactions. Pt. 1-4. 8». N. Y. and Albany, 1792-99. New York Society of Pedagogy. Organized 1889. (John W. Davis, sec, Bedford Park.) 41 E. S5th St., New York City. —— Magazine and Book Reference (quarterly). 1891-5. 4 v. 8". pap., 50c. per year. Putnam. Teaching school children to think, by G. B. Newcomb. 22 p. 12". pap., 25c. Putnam. Educational value of geography in the common schools, by T.F.Harrison. 1894. 10 p. 8». 15c. Syllabus for nature study, by Miss S. E. Eldredge. 1897. ■^ 9 p. 16». pap., 10c. New York State Agricultural Society. Organized 1832. (Ja. B. Docharty, sec.) Albany, N. Y. Transactions. Annual. 1841+. 8". 127 New York] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [New York New York State Bar Association. (L. B. Procter, sec. ) Albany, N. Y. Proceedings. 8". New York : State Charities Aid Association. Organized 1872. (Homer Folks, sec.) 105 E. 22d St., New York City. Note. The following publications to be obtained at the oUice of the Association. Aunnal reports and publications for wLicli no price is stated are furnished gratuitously. 1. Report of the committee on hospitals upon a training school for nurses to be attached to Bellevue Hospital, 1872. 15c. 2. 6, 7, 10, 14, 17, 19, -23, 28, 30, 35, 39, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50, 51, 54, 56, 57, 60, 64, 66, 68 and 70 (1873-1898) are the successive annual reports to the IState Board of Charities. 14, 17, 19 and 23 o. p. 3. Questions relating to poor-houses, hospitals and insane asylums, prepared for the use of visiting committees, by John Ordronaux, M.D., 1874. (o. p.) 4. Report of the special committee appointed to take active measures in regard to the erection of a new Bellevue Hospital, 1874. 10c. 6. First annual report of the committee on children, 1874. 10c. (o. p.) 8. Homes of the London poor, by Miss Octavia Hill, 1875. 25c. 9. Suggestions for the use of committees on children, 1875. (o. p.) 11. A century of nursing, with hints towards the organiza- tion of a training school, by a member of the hospital com- mittee, 1876. 50c. 12. Handbook for visitors to the poor-house, edited by a special committee, Frederick Law Olmsted, chairman, 1877. Third edition, revised aud corrected, 1886. 25c. 13. Handbook for hospital visitors, 1877. (o. p., see 32.) 15. Report upon loan systems, 1878. 15c. 16. The sanitary rights of dwellers in tenement houses in New York and Brooklyn. (Handbook for the use of visitors to the poor.) 1878. 5c. 18. Importance of uniting individual and associated volun- teer effort in behalf of the poor, by Miss Schuyler, 1878. 15c. 20. Catalogue of library, Jan., 1880. (See 44.) 21. Hospital laundries, for the use of local visiting com- mittees, 1880. (0. p.) 22. Suggestions for the use of visitors to the insane, 1880. 20c.' 24. Addresstolocalvisitingcommittees, August, 1880. 10c. 25. Argument of Mr. Joseph H. Choate before the Senate Commiltte ou miscellaneous corporations, March, 1881. Also a note to the commissioner of charities for the second judicial district by the Hon. John Jay, May, 1881. 10c. 26. Final report of the special committee in charge of the bill of the state charities aid association, June, 1881. 10c. 27. Report on conference of members, Dec, 1880; Nov., 1881. 25c. 29. Papers read at the conference called by the standing committee on the elevation of the poor in their homes, March, 1882 15c 3l! Additions to library since January 1, 1880. May, 1883. (See 44.) 32. Handbook for hospital visitors. New edition, 1883. 3d ed. rev., 1895. cl., 75c; 33. Suggestions for the use of workers among the poor. May, 1883. 25c. 34. Pure milk and infants' food in tenement houses. May, 1883'. 36. Moral elevation of girls. Suggestions relative to pre- ventive work. Committee on the elevation of the poor in their homes. Feb., 1884. 10c. 37. Lunacy legislation in England. The condition of lunatics in Scotland. Nov., 1884. 20c. 38. The training of attendants for the insane. 15c. 40. Help and hint series. 1885. 10c. per set. 41. Postal savings banks for the United States of America. 1885. 42. Suggestions as to methods of assisting our workmg classes in the enforcement of their legal rights. 1885. 44. Catalogue of library of the state charities aid associ- ation. Revised 1886. 46. A report on the administration of charities and cor- rection in the city of New York. Feb., 1888. 48. Legislation for the insane. May, 1888. (Reprinted from tifteenth annual report.) 5c. 53. Proceedings of public meeting held at Chickering hall, May 1, 1891, to commemorate the completion of state care legislation for the insane. 55. Separation of charities and correction, Jan., 1893. '58J 61, 65, 67, and 69 are the successive annual reports to the state commission in lunacy (1893 to 1898). 12S New York] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [New York New York: State Charities Aid Association, continued. 69. Proceedings of a conference on the care of dependent and delinquent children in the State of New Yorli. Nov., ISO:;. 62. The "Charities Article" of tlie revised constitution. Dec, 1894. (Reprinted from tlie twenty-second annual report to the state board of charities.) 63. Statistics relating to the support of children at public expense in private institutions in New Yorli City. Dec, 1895. New York State Lunatic Asylum. Uiica, N. 1'. American Joxtrnal of Insanity, edited by the otllcers. V. 1-22. 1844-45. 8". Utica. The Opal. (Monthly). Edited by the patients, v. 1-10. 1851-1860. 8". Utica. New York State Medical Association. Organized 18)S+. (Dr. E. D. Ferguson, sec. and treas., 1 Union I'l., Troy, N. Y.) 64 Madison Ave.., New iork City. Transactions; ed. by the sec 1884+- 8°. ea., $2. New York State Meteorological Bureau. See Cornell. New York State Museum. ^Ve University of the State of New York. New York State Music Teachers' Association. Organ- ized 1889. (F. W. Riesberg, sec. -treas., 9 W. 65th St., New York City.) _-^ Annual reports. 1889-95. 7 v. 8". pap., ea., 50c. New York State Pharmaceutical Association. Organized 1879. (Judson B. Todd, sec, 14 N. Aurora St., Ithaca, N. Y.) Proceedings at annual meetings. 1879-f-. 8°. New York : Teachers College. Organized 1885, as the Industrial Education Association ; name changed to New York College for the Training of Teachers, and again changed, to Teachers' College. In 1897 became attached to Columbia University. (Dr. W. L. Hervey, jtrest.) West 120th St., New York. Annual reports. 8°. - Educational leaflets, v. 1 : 1-82. 1887-92. 8". Educational monographs; ed. by N. M. Butler, v. 1 : 1-4 : 1. (Also numbered consecutively, as nos. 1-19.) Jan., 1888-.Jan., 1891. Bi-m. O. 20c. ea. (v. 1 has the title " Monographs pub lished by the Industrial Education Association, New York.") 1 : 1. Qilman, D. C. A plea for the training of the hand. — Belifield, U. H. Manual training and the public school. 1888. 2. Magnus, Sir Philip. Education in Bavaria. 1888. 3. Wey, H.D. Physical and Industrial training of crimi- nals. 1888. 4. Spring, L. W. Marls Hopkins, teacher. 1888. 5. Browning, O. Aspects of education. 1888. 6. Salomon, Otto. The Slojd in the service of the school. 1888. 2:1,2. Shiys, A. Manual training in elementary schools for boys. 1889. 3. Hannak, E. The training of teachers in Austria. 1889. 4. Richards, Ellen H. Domestic economy in public educa- tion. 1889. 6. French, J. H. Form study and drawing in the common sc^hools. 1889. 6. Barnard, Charles. Graphic methods in teaching. 18S9. 3: 1. Richards, C. R., and O'Neil, P. Manual training in the public schools. 1890. 2. Mac Aiister, James. Manual training in the public schjols of Philadelphia. 1890. 3. Salicis, A. Manual training in France. — Carter, Hannah J. Suggestions for the teaching of color. 1890. 4. Ham, C. H. The coeducation of mind and hand. 1890. 5. J. Crichton. Brown. Handcraft. 1890. 6. H: M. Leipzigcr. Education of the Jews. 1890. 4:1. A.Brooks. Studies from the kindergarten. 1891. Circulars of information. 1889-90. 8". New York, Techiiischer Verein von. Organized 1880; incorporated 1883. (Paul Goepel, ed., 290 Broadway.) New York City. Mittheilungen (i)\-moiith\y). 129. pap., $1. 129 New York] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Nortli American New York, University Club in the Cit}' of. Incorporated 1865. (Lyman H. Biigg.libn.) 1 W. 54th St., New York City. Olmrler, Oonstitutiou, etc. 1865, 1867, 1879-82, 1884, 1886-91. 8". or 10". Annual. •.'9tli-34th year. 1893-8. 8». Annual reports of the council. 1880-98. 4". Library Bulletin, nos. 1-6. 1893-98. 8". pap. New York Zoological Society. Organize{11895. (Madi- son Grant, sec, 11 Wall St.; W. T. Hornaday, dir., N. Y. Zoological Park, 183d St. and Southern Boulevard.) New Yorlc City. Annual reports. 1897, 1898. 8". pap., 25c., 50c. Nifios Bulletin, no. 1, 2. June, Oct., 1897. free. Newburgh Bay and the Highlands, Historical Society oif. Organized 1883. (C: Estabrook, sec.) 100 Grand St., Neivburgh, N. Y. First annual meeting, with addresses by Erastue Brooks and others. 1884. 8". Pamphlet, containing a list of the officers since its organiza- tion, 1883, and a list of papers read before the society with five of the papers in full. 1894. 8". Same; cont. olficers, members, etc., 1896; vital records of Presbyterian Church of New Windsor, N. Y., 1774-96; list of papers read since 1894, with five papers in full. 1896. 64 p. O. Unveiling of the statue of George Clinton, Newburgh, Oct. 6, 1896. 50 p. il. O. Record of inscriptions in the old town burying ground. 1898. 180 p. 8". Newburgh Genealogical and Historical Society. New- burgh, N. Y. Proceedings. Newport Historical Society. Organized 1854. (R. H. Tilley, libn.) Toiiro St., Newport, B. I. Origin of the institutions of Rhode Island, by 8. Adlani. 1871. 25 p. 8». Providence. First annual report, March 19, 1886, with an account of the dedication services and accompanying documents. 1886. 44 p. 8°. Newport Natural History Society. Organized 1883. (R: Bliss, libn.) Newport, R. I. Oonstitutiou, by-laws, charter, list of members. 1883. Proceedings, no. 2, 1884-no. 8, 1892. 8». 50c.-75c. JVo<«. V. 7, 1890, contains a catalogue of the birds of the Virginias, by W. C. Rives. Newton Natural History Society. Newtonville, Mass. Bulleti7i. V. 1, no. 1-6, 8, 1889-90. Nineteenth Century Club. Organized 1883. (J. L. Thomas, sec, 160 Bleecker St.) New York City. Year books. Memorial of Courtlandt Palmer, by R. 8. Perrln and others. How to make New York a beautiful city : Addresses, Mar. 12, 1895. How far can municipal government be divorced from national party lines? Messrs. Carter, Lauterbach, Coudert and Shep- ard. 1896. 79 p. 120. Nonpartisan National Women's Christian Temperance Union. Organized 1890. (Mrs. Ellen J. Phin- ney, gen. sec, 168 Crawford St.) Cleveland, 0. Temperance Tribune (semi-monthly). Ed. by Mrs. Jos. D. Weeks. Minutes of the national convention. 1890. The workers' manual, by F. Jennie Duty and Mrs. E. J. Phinney. Scientific temperance : temperance teaching for boys and girls in homes, societies, and schools, by Mrs. H. M. Ingham. 1894. 8. pap., 25c. Social purity manual, by Mr. C. T. Cole, pap., 10c. Social purity leaflets. 25c. per 100. Numerous leaflets. North American Pomoiogical Convention. can Pomoiogical Society See Ameri- r3o North Brookfield] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Oberlin College North Brookfield Historical Society. North Brook- field, Mass. History of Nortli Brookfield, Muhb. Precedi'd by an ac- count of old Quabaui,', Indian and Eufjlisli occupation, 1(547- 1676; Brookfield records, 16S6-17S;!. By J. H. Teinpleton. 1887. 824 p. %'\ il. portraits. North Carolina Historical Society. Originally incorpo- rated 1834 ; new society incorporated at session 1874-5. (Kemp P. Battle, prest., University of North Carolina.) Chapel Hill, N. C. Introductory address by L. Silliman Ives. 1844. 18 p. 8". Raleigh. British invasion of Nortli Carolina in 1776, by D. L. Swain. 1853. 24 p. 8". Address by Rt. Rev. Bishop Atkinson. 1855. .32 p. 8". North Carolina: her past, present and future, by J. H. Wheeler. 1870. 32 p. 8". Note. Has made numerous publications in the North Caro- lina University Magaziiw, 1844-94. North Carolina, Medical Society of. Organized 1849. (Dr. Geo. W. Pressly, sec, Charlotte, N. C.) Transactions. Annual. 1850+. 8". North Carolina State Horticultural Society. Organized 1880. (Thos. L. Brown, sec, 1023 Spring Gar- den St., Greensboro.) Sovthern Tines, N. C. 13th annual report, by Gerald McCarthy. 69 p. pap. SO wards and Broughton, Raleigh. 14th annual report, by G. McCarthy. 38 p. pap. E. i& B. North Dakota State Medical Society. Organized 1887. (R. D. Campbell, sec, Grand Forks, N. D.) Transactions. 1897, 98. 2 v. paper. North Eastern Sanitary Inspection Association. Reports. 1-2,1883-85. 4-8,1886-91. 4^1. and 8». 1884-91. North West Railway Club. Organized 1888. (T. A. Foque, sec, 318 Sixth Ave., S. E.) Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn. Proceedings (monthly excepting June, July and August). Northwestern University School of Pharmacy ; for- merly known as Illinois College of Pharmacy. Organized 1886. (Oscar Oldberg, Dean.) 2421 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. The Apothecary (quarterly). August, 1891-June, 1897. 6 V. Discontinued. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia. See Philailelphia. Nuttall Ornithological Club. Organized 1873. (i'.F. Batchelder, treas.) Cambridge., Mass. Bulletin, v. 1-8. 8". '76-83. [Now continued as the Auk: a quarterly journal of orni- thology.] Complete sets, 1876-83. "Reprint" sets (of which 2 noe. only are reprints) $20. Original sets are out of print and are held by book dealers at $40 to $.')0. Memoirs, no. 1. Bird migration, by W; Brewster. 8°. 1880. No. 2. The Ipswich sparrow and its summer home, by Dr. Joua. Dwight, jr. Aug., 1895. 56 p. 4". pap. 1 col. plate. Oberlin College. Organized 1833. (Azariah S. Root, libn., 150 N. Professor St.) Oberlin, 0. Reports. Annual. 1879-98. 8°. Quinquennial catalogue. 1896. 8". Laboratory bulletins : 1. Preliminary list of flowering and fern plants In I.orain county, by A. A. Wright. 1889. Sup. Additions to the preliminary list of flowering and fern plants in Lor;iin county ; comp. by A. A. Wright. IS''3. 2. Descriptive list of the fishes of Lorain county, Ohio, by L. M. McCormick. 11. 1892. 3. Bird migration at Griunell, Iowa, and Oberlin, Ohio, by L. Jones. 1895. 4. Questions for botany, to assist pupils in mastering prin- ciples of phanerogamic classification adopted by Benthara and Hooker, by T. D. Kelsey. 1897. 12 p. Obeilin College] rUBIJCATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Ohio Oborlin CoUciie, continued. 5. Hertwig'B Biimmaries in systematic zoology, Ir. and adapted by A. A. Wright. 1897. 35 p. 6. Preliminary list of the birds of Okanogan county, Wash- iugton, by W . L. Dawson. 1S'J7. 16 p. 7. Genus Unciiiula, by F. D. Kelsey. 1897. ir> p. 8. Oberlin graclile roost, by L. Jones. 18'J7. 18 p. Library bui/etins. v. 1, nos. 1-2. 12". 1892-93. 1. Popular bibliography of sociology, by J: R. Commons. 1892. 2. References on the history of labor and some contem- porary labor problems, by J. W: Black. 1893. History of church music, syllabus, bibliographical references, etc., by K. Dickinson. 1896. 24 p. Necrology. 1887/88, 1892/93-1894/95, 1895/96-1897/98. 8». Report of the librarian. 1894-96. 8". ,- Schedule of courses. 1893/94-1895/96,1897/98. 8". Ohio Church History Society. Organized 1889. (Aza- riah S. Root,- libn.) Oherlin, 0. Annual reports. Papers, v. 1, 1890— v. 6, 1895. 8". ea., pap., 80c. Ohio, Historical and Philosophical Society of. Incor- porated 1831. (Catharine W. Lord, libn.) 107 W. Sth St., Cincinnati, 0. Annual reports. 1874-6, 1883-97. Transactions, v. 1 : 1-2, 1838-9. Reprinted 1872. Discourse of the history and general character of the State of Ohio, by T. Walker. 1838. S». Columbus. Discourse relating to the expedition of Lord Dunmore against the Indian towns upon the Scioto in 1774, by C. Whittlesey. 1842. 33 p. 8". Cleveland. Notes on the early settlement of the northwestern territory, by Jacob Burnet. 1847. 501 p. 8". Pioneer history, by 8. P. Hildreth. 1848. 525 p. 8". map. Facts and conditions of progress in the northwest, by W. D. Gallagher. 1850. 85 p. 8». Biographical and historical memoirs of the early pioneer settlers of Ohio, by S. P. Hildreth. 1852. 539 p. 8». Journal and letters of Col. John May, of Boston ; relative to two journeys to the Ohio country in 1788 and 1789. 1873. 160 p. 8». Some early notices of the Indians of Ohio, by M. F. Force. 1879. 40 p. 80. Sketch of organization, publications, growth and present condition of the society, by M. F. Force, pres. 1885. 8 p. 120. Diary of David Zeisberger, trans, and ed. by E. F. Bliss. 1885. 2 V. 80. In memoriam Eliz. Haven Appleton, by E. F. Bliss. 1891. 21 p. 80. Partial list of books upon Ohio in the library. 1893. 108 p. 80. Cincinnati : a plea for an institute, by C. G. Comegys. 1889. 16 p. 80. Ohio Homoeopathic Medical Society. Organized 1865. (Dr. A. B. Nelles, sec, 198 E. State St., Colum- bus, O.) Annual transactions. Ohio Institute of Mining Engineers. Organized 1880. (R. M. Haseltine, sec. and treas.) Columbus, 0. Ohio Mining Journal. 27 v. 8". 50 to 150 p. pap., 25 to 50c. (During early years published quarterly, afterward an- nually.) Ohio, Medical Convention of. Journal of proceedings, 1835. 8". Cincinnati. — 2-3. 1838-39. 8". Cleveland. Proceedings of the Medical Convention of. 1841, 1842, 1850. 8". Columbus and Cincinnati. 1841-50. Proceedings of the Ohio Medical Convention. 1S45-50. 8". Columbus and Dayton. 1846-50. Ohio Pioneer Association. Proceedings. Cincinnati, 0. Ohio State Archseological and Historical Society. Or- ganized and incorporated 1885. (E. O. Randall, sec, Supreme Court.) Columbus, 0. Publications, v. 1-7. 1891-97. 7 v. 8o. cl. $3 per vol. 132 I Ohio] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Old South Ohio State Bar Association. Organized 1880. (H. A. Mykrautz, see., Opera House Block, Ashland, O.) Reports. Annual. 1880+. 8". Ohio State Dental Society. TranBactions. 10-18. 1875-83. 8". Toledo. Ohio State Eclectic Medical Association. ProreedingB. 1-8. 186o-8'2. 8". 1865-82. Ohio State Forestry Association. (Adolph Lene, sec.) Columbus, O. Proceedings, 1884, with report upon the forest condition of Ohio, il. by charts. 1884. 8". Ohio State Horticultural Society. Organized 1847. (W. W. Farnsworth, sec.) Waterville, 0. Annual report. 1S48+. 8". Ohio State Medical Society. Organized 1835. (James A. Duncan, Treas., 1107 Broadway, Toledo, 0.) Transactions, annual, 1835-98. OIlio State Medical Society. Organized 1846. Colum- bus, 0. Charter, constitution, and proceedings for 1848-9. 8". Co- lumbus. 18.')0. Transactions. 1846-50; with addresses and essays. 8". Co- lumhim. 1850. Minutes. 1851,52. 8". Columbun and Cleveland . 1851-52. Transactions, annual nneetings. 8-40. 1853-85. 8". 1853-85. Ohio State Teachers Association. The Ohio Journal of Education, v. 1-3. 1852-4. 8". Old Colony Historical Society. Incorporated 1853. (Ja. E. Seaver, sec. and libn.) Taunton, Mass. Collections, v. 1-5, 1879-95. 8o. Bulletin (quarterly). "Old Northwest" [The] Genealogical Society. Or- ganized and incorporated 1897. (Dr. Lucius C. Herrick. sec, 1447 Highland St.) Columbus, 0. The " Old Northwest." Genealogical Quarter/)/, nos. 1-2. Apl., 1898. 8». pap., 75 and'50c. Jan. -A pi., 1898. 8». Old Residents Association, Lowell See Lowell. Old South Work, Directors of. Organized 1881. (K. H. Stone, sec.) Old South Meeting House, Bos- ton, Mass. Old South leaflets, nos. 1-96. 1883-98. .5c. ea. Also in volumes, ea. containing 25 nos. cl. $1..50 per v. 1. The constitution of the United States. 2. The articles of confederation. 3. The declaration of independence. 4. Washington's farewell address. 5. Magna charta. 6. Vane's " Healing question." 7. Charter of Massachusetts Bay, 1629. 8. Fundamental orders of Connecticut, 1838. 9. Franklin's plan of union, 1754. 10. Wasliineton's inaugurals. 11. Lincoln's inaugurals and emancipation proclamation. 12. The federalist, uos. 1 and 2. 13. The ordinance of 1787. 14. The constitution of Ohio. 15. Washington's circular letter to the governors of the states, 1783. 16. Washington's letter to Benjamin Harrison, 1784. 17. Verrazzano's voyage. 18. The Swiss constitution. 19. The bill of rights, 1689. 20. Coronado's letter to Mendoza, 1540. 21. Eliot's narrative, 1670. 22. Wheelock's narrative, 1762. 23. The petition of rights, 1628. 24. The grand remonstrance, 1641. 25. The Scottish national covenant, 1638. 26. The agreement of the people, 1648-9. 27. The instrument of government, 1653. 28. Cromwell's first speech, 16.53. 29. The discovery of America, from the life of Columbus, by his son, Ferdinand Columbus. 30. Strabo's introduction to geography. Old South] PUBLICAriONS OF SOCIETIES [Oneida 01(1 South Work, Directors of, continued. 31. The voyages to Vinland, from the saga of Eric the Red. ;?'J. Marco Polo's account of Japan and Java. 33. Columbus's letter to Gabriel Sanchez, describing the first voyage and discovery. 34. Amerigo Vespucci s account of his first voyage. S.*). Corles's account of the city of \fexico. 36. The death of Do Soto, from the " Narrative of a gentle- man of Elvas." 37. Karly notices of the voyages of the Cabots. 35. Henry Lee's funeral oration on Washington. 39. I>e Vaca's account of his journey to New Mexico, 15:16. 40. Manasseh Cutler's description of Ohio, 1787. 41. Wasliington's journal of his tour to the Ohio, 1770. 42. Garfield's address on the Northwest Territory and the Western Reserve. 43. George Rogers Clark's account of the capture of Vin- cennes, 1779. 44. Jefferson's life of Captain Meriwether Lewis. 45. Fremont's account oC his ascent of Fremont's peak. 46. F.ither Marquette at Chicago, 1673. 47. Washington's account of the army at Cambridge, 1775. 48. Bradford's memoir of Klder Brewster. 49. Bradford's first . Col. John Urown, by Rev. U . L. iioof. 1884. History of Cayuga Co. Natl. Hank. 1885. 28 p. S*. Oration at the dedication of the site of Korl Schuyler July 4, 1883. 1S8.T. 24 p. 8". port. The genius of the .\nglo-8axon law and history compared ■with the civilization of the J^atin imperialism, by Rev. J. II. Dubbs. 1888. 19 p. 8". The historic difference of English and Continental civiliza- tion, by Rev. W: T. Gibson. 1888. Catalogue of the library. 1890. 127 p. 8". Col. MarinuB Willett, by D. E. Wager. 1891. Oregon, Pioneer and Historical Society of. Astoria, Ore. Proceedings: 4th, 5th, 6th, 10th, and 11th annual meetings, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1881, 1882. 18-.')-82. Centennial paper : The American colonist in Oregon, by G. H.Atkinson. 1876. 8 p. 8". Oregon Pioneer .Vssociation. Salem., Ore. Constitution and addresses at reunion, June, 1874. 1875. 96 p. 8». Transactions : third annual reunion, Nov. 11, 1873. 1876. 88 p. 8". Oregon State Medical Society. Organized 1874. (Dr. Wra. F. Amos, sec, Dekum Bldg.) Ore. Proceedings. Annual. 8°. Oriental Club of Philadelphia Owls, The. Organized 1867. " A Happy New Year : ' Nonpareil Quadrat X. P. D Portland, See Philadelphia. Yonkers, -V. Y. an offering to the owls. Jan. 1,1867. 24 p. 8". From Parkman Club. Organized 1895. (G. P. Stickney, sec.) 427 Bradford St., Miluankee, Wis. Publications, nos. 1-12, 1895-97. 12 nos. 8". ea., 25c. ; annual subs. (10 nos.), $2. 1. Nicholas Perrot : a study in Wis. hist., by G. P. Stick- ney. 1895. 16 p. 2. Exploration of Lake Superior : the voyages of Radisson and Groseilliers, by H: C.Campbell. 1896. 22 p. 3. Chevalier llenry de Tonty : his exploits in the valley of the Mississippi, by H: E. Legler. 1896. 22 p. 4. The aborigines of the Northwest; a glance into the remote past, by F. T. Terry. 1896. 14 p. 5. Jonathan Carver : his travels in the Northwest in 1766-8, by J: G. Gregory. 1896. 22 p. 6. Negro slavery in Wisconsin, by J: N. Davidson. 1896. 28 p. 7. Eleazer Williams : his forerunners, himself, by W; W. Wight. 1896. por., app. 72 p. 8. Charles Langlade: first settler of Wis., by M. E. Mcintosh. 1896. 20 p. 9. The German voter in Wisconsin politics before the Civil War, by E. Bruncken. 1896. 14 p. 10. The Polauders in Wisconsin, by F. H. Miller. 1896. 8 p. 11. Pfere Ren(S Menard, the predecessor of Allonez and Marquette in the Lake Superior region, by H: C. Campbell. 1897. 24 p. 12. George Rogers Clark and his Illinois campaign, by D. B. Starkey. 1897. 62 p. Pathological Society of Philadelphia. See Phila- delphia. Peabody Academy of Science. East India Marine Hall, Salem, Mass. Publications, nos. 1-14. Memoirs, v. 1-2. 4". Note. Now consolidated with Essex Institute, nhich see. Peace Association of Friends in America. (Dan Flill, gen. sec, Richmond, Ind.) ChriHtian Arbitrator and Messenger of Peace (monthly). 1874-94. Discontinued. The daily remembrancer on peace and war, by John Hem- menway. 220 p. ;32". cl., 75c. The primitive Christians' estimate on war and self-defense, byJ.W. Leeds. 60 p. cl., 25c. Peace] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Pennsylvania i Peace Association of Friends in America, continued. Review of the life of Wm. Ladd, " the apoBtlc of peace," by J. S. Willets. ISU p. cl., 35c. ; pap., 25c. Neighborhood talks, i)y Abby Morton Diaz. 104 p. cl.,25c. Dymoud on war. 124 p. cl., 30c. Peace tracts. Pegasus (The). Organized 1885. (C. P. Sherman, sec, 1011 Chestnut St.) Philadelphia., Pa. Yearbook of The Pegasus, 1895. 8". parcht. pap. $1. Lippincott. Pejepscot Historical Society. Organized 1888. (I. P. Booker, sec.) Brunswick, Me. Collections. 1 : 1. 1S80. Peninsula Horticultural Society. Organized 1886. (Wesley Webb, sec, 14 Loockerman St.) Dover, Del. Transactions. Annual. 1888-98. 11 v. 8". Pennsylvania Agricultural Society. Organized 1823. Memoirs, 1821. 1824. S". Skinner. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, Alumnaj Association of the Woman's Medical College of. Report of proceedings. 1-15. 1876-90. 8". Philadelphia, 1876-90. Pennsylvania and Ncav Jersey, Genealogical Association of. Philadelphia, Pa. Our Ancestors (quarterly). Ed. by M. A. DeL. Van Horn. V. 1: 1-2, July-Oct., 1S82. " Pennsylvania. Bar Association. Organized 1895. (E: P. Allinson, sec, 726 Drexel Building.) Phila- delphia, Pa. Annual reports. 1895-98. 4 v. $3.50. Pennsylvania Civil Reform Association. Philadel- phia, Pa. Ballot reform essential to free and equal elections, by C. C. Binney. 1889. 43 p. Pennsylvania, Colonial Society of. Organized 1895. (Henry Douglas Hughes, sec.) Philadelphia, Pa. Charter, constitution, by-laws, officers, committees, mem- bers, etc. 1896. %". Pennsylvania Colonization Society. Organized 1826. (Rev. C. E. Milnor, sec) 920 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. The Colonization Herald and General Beaister. v. 1. 1839. Pennsylvania Forestry Association. Organized 1886. (Dr. J. T. Rothrock, sec.) 1012 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Forest i«a»es (bi-monthly), v. 1:1, 1886-|-. Q. $1 per year. Also occasional pamphlets and leaflets. Pennsylvania, Genealogical Society of. Organized 1892. (Francis Olcott Allen, cor. sec, 1300 Locust St.) Philadelphia, Pa. Annual report. Ist, 1893, 2d, 1894. 1893, sm. 4». Lippin- cott ; 1894, 8°. Allen, Lane & Scott. Both o. p. Reprinted in Pub. v. 1 : 4. Publications. 8°. v. 1: 1, 1895. v. 1 : 4, 1898. Roy. 8». E. Steen / (quar- terly). 8°. il. portraits, v. 1-22. 1877-98. S.'i per year. Memoirs, v. 1-14. 14 v. 8". lS'26-91. A'bi!^. The first four volumes were issued iu two parts each. v. 1 was reprinted with notes aud an appendix in IStU. Proceedings. S". nos. 1-13. lS4f>-7. 1848. Note. Issued in collected form as Bulletin, v. 1. Collections. V. 1. lS,i3. 42ti p. Suggestions reKarding the production of a correct geographi- cal and historical map of Pennsylvania. 7 p. 8". Annual discourse, by T. xMcK. Pettit. 1828. 38 p. 8». Annual discourse, by Job R. Tyson. 1831. 52 p. 8". Scraps osteologic and archaeological, by J. Penington. 1841. 16 p. 8". Discourse on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Wui. Penn, by J. R. Tyson. 1845. 40 p. 8". Address by Wra. B. Reed on opening the hall in the Athe- u»ura. 1848. 51 p. 8". Catalogue of the library, part 1. History, biography, and manuscripts. 1849. 36 p. 8". Canada and the continental congress, by Wm. Duanc. 1850. 20 p. 8". The Mormons, by Thos. L. Kane. 1850. 84 p. 8". 2d ed. 1850. Address at Chester on celebration of 169th anniversary of landing of Wm. Penn at that place. 1852. 36 p. 8". The first constitution and government of Pennsylvania, by R. T. Conrad. 1853. 82 p. S". History of Mason and Dixon's line, by J. H. B. Latrobe. 1855. 52 p. 8". fac-similes. plate. Chaaibersburg in the colony and the revolution, by L. H Garrard, with Hst of officers, constitution, and list of publica tions. 18.56. 60 p. 8". Ordinance of 1877, by Edw. Coles. 1856. 33 p. 8". Right use of history, by Wm. Parker Foulke. 1856. 44 p 8». Memoir of John Fanning Watson, by Benj. Dorr. 1861 88 p. 8". Memoir of Bam. Breck, vice-pres., by J. R. IngersoU. 1863 56 p. 8". sec. ed. same year. Andrew Bradford, founder of the newspaper press in the middle states of America. Address by Horatio Gates Jones 1869. 36 p. 8". fac-simile. Eulogium on J. R. IngersoU, pres., by David Paul Brown 1869. 40 p. 8". Address commemorative of Rev. Benj. Dorr, by J. W. Wal lace. 1870. 64 p. 8c. Catalogue of the paintings and other articles of interest belonging to the society. 1872. 68 p. 8". Discourse on the inauguration of the new hall, by J. W. Wallace. 1872. 66 p. 8". History of the consolidation of the city of Philadelphia, by Eli K. Price. 1873. 140 p. 80. Life, character, and writings of Francis Lieber, by M. Rus- sell Thayer. 1873. .50 p. 8". Memoir of Geo. Chambers, of Chambersburg, by J. McD. Sharpe. 1873. 37 p. 8". Proceedings on the presentation of the Penn papers, and address of Craig Biddle. 1873. 38 p. 8". Address of Nath. Burton the Washington mansion in Phila. 1873. 35 p. 80. folded sheet. Historical map of Pennsylvania, ed. by P. W. Sheafer aud others. 1875. 26 p. 8". folded map. Brief of title in the 17 townships in the County of Luzerne; a syllabus of the controversy between Connecticut and Penn- sylvania, by H. M. Hoyt. 1879. 145 p. 8'\ folded map. J/iirriKhurg. John Talbot, the first bishop iu North America, by G. M. Hills. 1879. 28 p. 8". woodcut. Morton McMichael : memorial address by J. W. Forney. 1879. 16 p. {Progrefia supplement no. 1 .) Firi-t day of the battle of Gettysburg, by Chapman Biddle. 1880. 50 p. 8". folded map. Memoir of H.C. Carey, bvWm. Elder. 1880. 39 p. 8». Memoir of Maj. Gen. J. V. Reynolds and Rear Admiral Wm. Reynolds, by J. G. Rosengarten. 1880. 34 p. 8". Philadelphia society 100 years ago, by F. D. Stone. 1880. 7 p. 8". Reynolds memorial. 1880. 95 p. large 8'\ port, map and plan. Memoirs of Chapman Biddle, by C. G. Leland. 1882. 8". Pennsylvania's formative influence on federal institutions, by W. A. Wallace. 18S2. 29 p. 8". George Smith, M.D., author of the history of Delaware Co., by Ja. .T. Levick. 1S82. 80. Religious tests of provincial Pennsylvania, by Charles J. Stille. 1885. 44 p. S". Pennsjlvania] PUBIJCAriONS OF SOCIETIES [Pennsylvania Pennsylvania, Historical Society of, continued. A Lenapd-Eniilifh dictionary, from an anon. Ms., cil. by D. G. Brinton and Albert Beqaqkind Anthony. 1888. 236 p. 8". port. Life and services of Joel H. Poinsett, by C. J. Stille. 84 p. 8°. (Forms v. ] of the Petuisijlvania Student Serins.) I'cnnsvlvania and the federal constitution, 1787-8. Kd. by J. B. McMaster and F. I). Stone. 1888. 803 p. 8". portraits. The Charlemagne Tower collection of American colonial laws. 1890. 298 p. 8». port. 8. Anstin AUibone, by H. D. McOonnell. 1891. 23 p. S". port. The camp by iSchuylkill falls, by W.S.Baker. 1892. 16 p. 8». The camp by the old Gulph mill, by W. 8. Baker. 16 p. 8*. 1893. Journal of a volunteer expedition to Sandusky, by Baron von Pilchau. 6.5 p. S*. 1894. John Bechtel : his contributions to literature, and his de- scendants, by J. ^\^ Jordan. 1895. 64 p. S". Military hospitals at Bethlehem and Lititz during the revo- lution, by J. W. Jordan. 1896. 21 p. 80. Letter book Lieut. Enos Reeves of the Peuna. line, by John B. Reeves. 1896. 98 p. 8». Orderly book of the Penna. State Regt. of Foot, 1777. 1897. 51 p. 8». Washington after the revolution, by W. 8. Baker. 1898. The family of William Penn, by H. M. Jenkins. 189S. Note. For reprints from the proceedings, collections, etc., see Griffin's Bibliography of Am. hist, societies. Pennsylvania : Historical Society of Western Pennsyl- vania. Pittsburg , Pa. Lecture upon the controversy between Pennsylvania and Virginia about the boundary line, by Neville B. Craig. 1843. 30 p. 8". Pennsylvania : Historical Society of Western Pennsyl- vania, formerly Old Residents' Association. Or- ganized 1879. (Wm. T. Lyon, sec , care Union National Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa.) Synopsis of proceedings during first five years. 1884. 39 p. 8». 1794-1894. Centennial celebration of the incorporation of Pittsburg. 1894. 50 p. 8". Pennsylvania, Homceopathic Medical Society of. Transactions. 1-25. 1866-90. 8". 1866-90. Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Organized 1827. (David Rust, sec.) Horticultural Hall, Sta. A., Philadelphia, Pa. Transactions. AnnuaL Pennsylvania, Medical Society of the State of. Or- ganized 1848. (Dr. C. L. Stevens, sec, 25 S. Main St., Athens, Pa.) Pennsylvania Medical Journal (monthly). 8". $2 per aim. Transactions. Annual. 1840-96. 8". $1.25. A brief history of proceedings in the years 1859, 60, 66, 67, 68, 70 and 71, to procure the recognition of women physicians by the medical profession of the state. With an account of the measures adopted by the society in 1877, 78, 79, to procure a law to authorize trustees of hospitals for the insane-poor, under the control of the state, to appoint women physicians to have entire medical control of the insane of their sex. 1888. O. Pennsylvania : New England Society. Organized 1880. (J. P. Mumford, sec, 313 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa.) Annual reports. 10th, 1890-14th, 1894. Pennsylvania Prison Society. Organized 1787. (John J. Lytle, gen. sec.) S. W. cor. 5th and Chest- nut streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy. An- nually since 1845. Pennsylvania Society for Discouraging the Use of Ardent Spirits. Philadelphia. Annual Report. May 27, 1831. 72 p. 8". — 3d. May 22, 1832. 50 p. 8". Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. , 1875. v. 17, 1884. 80. Philadel- Annual reports. phia. 138 Pennsylvania] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Philadelphia $40 10 V. S". pap. 70. 14 V. 1871-98. 28 V. 8". Pennsylvania State Dental Society. Transactions. 1-I.t. 1868-83. 8". 1872-84. Philadelphia, Academy of Natural Sciences of. Orpan- izod 1812. (Dr. E: J. Nolan, rec. sec.) fyogan Square, Philade/phia, Pa. Journal. IbI ser. v. 1-8. 1817-42. 8 v. 8». pap per set to mem., $48 to otheip. 2d ser. Ed. by Dr. E. .T. Nolan, v. 1-10. 1847-',t8. 4". pap. $10 per vol. to mem., ^ili.ftO to otherB. Proceedini^s. 1st ser. v. 1-H. 1841-50. 8 v. 8". $24 per set to mera., $36 to others. 2d ser. Ed. by Dr. E. J. Nolan, v. 1-14. 1S5 8". pap. $42 per set to mem., $52.50 toothers 3d ser. Ed. by Dr. E.J. Nolan, v. 1-28. 181 $5 per vol. to mem., $6.25 to others. Observations on the f;cnus Unio, ed. by Isaac Lea. v. 1-13. 1832-6y. 13 V. 4". pap., .*;60. Synopsis of the genus Unio, ed. by Isaac Lea. 1870. 1 v. 4". 184 p. bds., $5. Contributions to geology, ed. by Isaac Lea. 1833. 1 v. 8°. 227 p. G plates, pap., $3. Fossil footmarks, ed. by Isaac Lea. 1855. 1 v. fol. pnp., $2. Conchological section : American Journal of Conchology, ed. by Geo. W. Tryon, jr. T. 1-7. 186.5-71. 7v. ■8°. 2500 p. 1.50 plates. $40 per set. Manual of conchology, ed. by Geo. W. Tryon, jr., and H. A. Pilsbry. Ist ser. Marine univalves, v. 1-17. 1879-98. 17 v. 8". pap. pi. plates, $12 per vol., col'd, $20. 2d. ser. Land mollusks. v. 1-8. 1885-98. 8 v. pap. pi. plates, $12 per vol., col'd, $20. Monograph of the terrestrial mollusca of the U.S., ed. by G. AV. Tryon, jr. 1866. 1 v. 8". 203 p. 18 plates, pap. Fine ed., $20; col'd, $13..50; pi., $8. .50. Monograph of the fresh water univalve mollusca of the U.S, ed. by 8. S. Haldeman and G. W. Tryou,jr. v. 1-2. 1840-71. 2v. 8". pap. Fine ed., $40; col'd, $25; pi., $19. Synonoray of the species Strepomatidse of the U. S., ed. by G. W. Tyron, jr. 1865. 1 v. 8". 100 p. 2plate8. cl., $2; pap., $1.75. List of American writers on recent concholoay, ed. by G. W. Tryon, jr. 1861. 1 v. 8". 68 p. cl., $2; pap., $1.75. Monograph of the order Pholadacea and other papers; ed. by G. W. Tryon, jr. 1862. 1 v. 8». 127 p. ol., $2; pap., $1.75. Complete writings on recent and fossil conchology of C. S. Rafinesque, ed. by W. G. Binney and G. W. Tryon, jr. 1864. 1 V. 8». 103 p. 3 plates, pap., $2. .50. Entomological section : , Entomological Newn. Ed. by H. Skinner and P. P. Calvert. V. 1-8. 1890-97. 8 v. 8°. pap., ea., $1. Philadelpliia, .Academy of Natural Sciences of : Ameri- can Entomological Society. Organized 1859 as the Entomological Society of Philadelphia; name subsequently changed to the present. Since 1876 the Entomological section of the Acad. Nat. Sci., though still preserving an independent existence. (W: J. Fox, sec.) Logan Sq., Philadelphia, Pa. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. V. 1-6. 1861-67. 6 v. 8". o. p. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, v. 1-24. 1861-98. 24 V. 8". pap. $4 per vol. Early vols., o. p. Special papers. 8". pap. Philadelphia, Civic Club of. Organized 1894. (Miss Edith Wetherill, sec, 812 Pine St.) 1117 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. The relation of women to municipal reform. By Mrs. Mary E. Mumford. 1894. pp. 9. Historical sketch of the public school system of Philadelphia. By Mrs. Mary E. Mumford. 1894. pp. 8. The relation of women to municipal reform. By Herbert Welsh. 1894. pp. 15. Address by Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson, President. 1894. pp. 4. Addresses delivered at a joint meeting of the Civic Club, Department of Education, and the Public Education Associa- tion. 1894. pp.31. A more beautiful public life. P.y Edwin D. Mead. (He- print from the New England ^ragazine.) 1894. pp. 6. Plea for the more extended study of household econom- ics in our public and private schools. By Mrs. John 11. Converse. 1895. pp.4. The duties of the State and city to higher education. P.y Miss M. Carey Thomas. 1895. pp.7. 39 Pliiladelphia] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Philadelphia Philadelphia, Civic Club of, continued. The proper disposal of household refuse and the care and cleanlinesB of cellarH. By Mrs. F. von A. Cabeen, and others. 1895. pp. 8. Tenement houses in Philadelphia. By Dr. Frances Van Gasken. 1895. pp. S. The new pedagogy. By Miss M. Carey Thomas. 1895. pp. 7. Works of art suggested for schoolroom decoration. 1895. pp. 16. Story of a woman's municipal campaign. Edited by Mrs. Talcott Williams. 1895. pp. 89. Second-fourth annual addresses, by Mrs. Cornelius Steven- son, President. 1895-97. pp. 16-34. Reports from chairmen of departments, with a report on Civic Club extension. 1896. pp. 8. Digest of the education;!! and charitable institutions and societies in Philadelphia. Compiled by a committee of the Civic Club. With an Introduction on social aspects of Phila- delphia relief work. By Samuel McCudo Lindsay. Indexed. $.50; by mail, $.62. 1896. pp.200, cl. , Compulsory education. Addresses by Dr. Nathan C. Schaefier, and Miss Clare de Graffenried. 1896. pp. 15. League of good citizenship : constitution and by-laws. 1896. Civic ode. By John Hall Ingham. Civic Club prize competition for the Civic Club seal. First-second annual reports of the Octavia Hill Associa- tion. 1897. - -- Physical training. By Dr. Mathilde K. Wallin, and Miss Maude G. Hopkins. 1897. pp. 15. The training of charity workers. By Miss Mary E. Rich- mond. 1897. pp. 16. -- Compulsory education. 1898. pp. 39. Historical sketch of the public school system of Philadel- phia. Bj' Mrs. Mary E. Mumford. Revised and reprinted, 1898. Individualism in education. By Miss Edith C. Westcott. 1898. pp. 15. Handbook of the League of Good Citizenship of Philadelphia. Prepared by Mrs. Thomas S. Kirkbride and others. 1S98. pp. 20. Annual calendars of the Civic Club, for 1895, 1896, 1897, and 1898. Campaign literature, circulars, leaflets, pamphlets, re- prints from newspapers, etc. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Organized 1821. 145 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. American Journal of Pharmacy (monthly) . 71 v. About 600 p. per v. pap. $3.00 per year. Alumni Report (monthly). 35 v. 275 p. pap. $1.00 per year. Published by the Alumni Association. Philadelphia, College of Physicians of. 1787. (Dr. Thos. E. Neilson, sec.) Locust Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Transactions. 8». 1793. 1 v. 1st ser., 1841-50. 3 v ser., 1850-74. 4 v. 3d ser., 1876-96. 19 v. 3d ser. cl., $2 per V. Centennial volume. 1887. 8". cl., $2. Philadelphia County Medical Society. Philadelphia, Pa. Constitution and by-laws. 1853, 1858, 1865. 12". Charter and by-laws of the Mutual Aid Association. 8°. 1878. Proceedings, v. 1-6. 1878-84. v. 8, 1887. 8». 1879-88. Philadelphia, Entomological Society of. Organized 1859. Name changed later to American Ento- mological Society : now a section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, which see. The Practical Entomologist. Monthly, nos. 1-6. 1865-66. 4". Proceedings, v. 1-6. 1861-67. 8". Philadelphia, Friends' Historical Association of. (Jos. M. Truman, jr., clerk, 1.500 Race St.) Phila- delphia, Pa. Sketch of the life and character of John Fenwick, by John Clement. 1875. 95 p. 8». Some chapters in the history of the Friendly Association, for regaining and preserving peace with the Indians by pacific measures, by Samuel Parrish. 1877. 131 p. 8". Philadelphia, Geographical Society of. Organized as Geographical Club; named changed, 1897. (Dr. Paul J. Sartain, sec.) 1520 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa, 140 Organized 13th and 2d Philadelphia] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Philadelphia Philadelphia, Geographical Society of, continued. Bulletin, v. 1 : 1-5. 1893-95. 1 : Mountain exploration, by E. 8. Balcli. 1893. 2 : Journey to the Grand Falls of Labrador, by [I. G. Bryant. 3 : ProgrenB of dlHCOvery and the lands of proiniBe to the <-x- plorer, by Angelo Heilprin. 4: Some facts about Alsace-Lorraine, by T. \V. Balch. 5 : The Peary expedition of '94, by IL G. Bryant. V.2: 1, 2. 1896. 1 : Venezuela's territorial claims, by J. B. Austin. Notes on the Schomburgk line and the Guayana boundary, by A. Heilprin, May, 1896. 2: A trip to Manilta-land, by J. E: Farnuni, Dec, 1896. 3 : A proposed system of drift casks to determine the direc- tion of circumpolar currents. Philadelphia, Library Companj^ of. Organized 17;il. (Jas. G. Barnwell, libn., 327 N. 9th St.) Cor. Juniper and Locust Sis., Philadelpliia, Pa. Catalogue. 1733, also 1735. No copies known to exist. B. Franklin. Catalogues and Supplements: 1741, 1747, 1757, 1760,1764, 1770, 1775, 1789, 1793, 1795, 1807, 1813, 1817, 1818, 1820, 1822, 1828-9, 1835-66, 1837, 1844, 1849, 1867, 1878. The 3 v. catalogue, 1835-56, contains 2103 p. and is very important. Charter, 1742. 1746. B. Franklin. Laws, 1742. 1746. B. Franklin. Philosophy of the human voice, by James Rush. 7th ed. 1879. 634 p. 8». Classification of books, by Lloyd P. Smith. 1882. 70 p. S". Regimental histories (reprinted from .Sw^/etin). 1886. 36 p. 80. Bulletins. June, 1856, to April, 1863: 12 nos. Issued irregularly. Jan., 1864-Jan., 1878 : issued semi-annually. — New Series. No. 1, July, 1878— No. 24, Jan., 1890. Semi- ann. Jan. and July. — New Series. No. 25, Sept., 1890— No. 40, March, 1898. Semi-ann. March and Sept. Note. A x&\)rmt ot Bulletin no. 15, N.S., by Lloyd P. Smith, contains a list of publications of the Society of the Cincinnati, but it is o. p. Note. Also nurnerous pamphlets touching litigation, etc. Philadelphia, Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of. Organized 1858. (Stewart Culin, ree. sec.) S. Broad St., cor. Pine, Philadelphia, Pa. Proceedings. 1865+. 8". Philadelphia Obstetrical Society. Philadelphia, Pa. Transactions. 1-9. 1869-81. 8". 1871-82. Philadelphia, Oriental Club of. Organized 1888. (Stewart Culin, sec. University of Penn.) Phil- adelphia, Pa. Oriental studies. 1894. 1 v. 8". cl., $1. Ginn. Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pathological Society of. Pa. Constitution, by-laws and regulations, 1857. 8". 1858-1870. Proceedings. 1-3. 1857-70. 8". 1860-70. Transactions. 4-12. 1871-1885. 8". 1874-1886. Philadelphia, Pionier Verein of. PhiladeljMa, Pa. The German soldier in the wars of the United States, by J. G. Rosengarten. 1881. .175 p. 8". Sources of history, by J. G. Roseugarten. 1892. 32 p. 8". First century of German printing In America, 1728-1831, preceded by a notice of the literary work of F. D. Pastorius, by O. Seidensticker. 1893. S". $1. Scliae/er. Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine. Organized 1883. (Franklin Kirk- bride, sec.) 1818 Jjomhard St., Philadelphia, Pa. Polyclinic (monthly), v. 1-6, July, 1883-.Inne, 1889. 6 v. S". ea., $1. Dr. Henry Leffermann, ed. Blakistoii. Philadelphia Polyclinic (quarterly). Dr. E. Jackson, ed. March, 1892-Jan., 1893; then Philadelphia Polyclinic (monthly), from Jan., 1893. Dr. E. Jackson, ed. v. 1-2. 8». ea., $1. Philadelphia Polyclinic (weekly). Dr. J. Solis Cohen, ed. 1894-98. v. 3-7. 8o. ea., $1. Philadelphia Social Science Association. Philadelphia, Pa. Papers. (Those marked * out of print.) 1871. Compulsory education. By Lorin Blodget. 141 Philadclpliia] PUBLICATIONS Of SOCIETIES [Pliiladelpliia Philadelphia Social Science Association, continued. Arbitration as a remedy for striken. By Ecliley 15. Coxe. * Tlie revised statutes of IVuusylvania. By K. 0. Mc- Murtrie. * Local taxation. By Tlioinas Cocliran. * Infant mortality. By Dr. J. S. Parry. — ■ 1872. Appronticesljip. By James S. Wliitney. The proposed amendments to the oon ititution ol Tennsylvania. By Francis Jordan. Vaccination. By Dr. J. H. Tarry. * The census. By I.oriu Blodget. * 1873. The tax system of PiMinsylv.innia. By Cyrus Elder. " The work of the constitutional convention. By A. Sydney Biddle. AVhat shall Philadelphia do with its paupers? By Dr. Isaac Kay. Proportional representation. By ti. Dana Uorton.* Statistics relating to the births, deaths, marriages, etc., in Philadelphia. By John rttockton-Hough, M.D. On the value of real scientific research. By Dr. Rusch- euberger. On the relative influence of city and country life on morality, health, fecundity, longevity and mortality. By John ritocktou-IIough, M. D. 1874. The public school system of Philadelphia. By James S. Whitney. The utility of government geological surveys. 1 rotes- sor J. I'. Lesley. The law of partnership. By J. G. Rosengarten.* Methods of valuation of real estate for taxation. By Thomas Cochran. The merits of cremation. By Dr. Persifor Frazer. Outlines of penology. By Joseph 11. Chandler. 1875. Hygiene of the eye, considered with reference to the children in our schools. By Dr. F. D. Castle. The relative morals of city and country. By William Silk culture and home industry. By Dr. Samuel Chamberlaine. Mind reading, etc. By Persifor Frazer, jr. Legal status of married women in Pennsylvania. By N. D. Miller. The revised statutes of the United States. By Lonn Blodget. 1876. Training nurses for the sick. By John H. Packard, M. D. The advantages of the co-operative feature of building associations. By Edmund Wrigley. The operations of our building associations. By Joseph I. Doran. Wisdom in charity. By Rev. Charles G. Ames. * 1877. Free coinage and a self-adjusting ratio. By Thomas Balch. Building systems for great cities. By Lorin Blodget. Metric system. By Dr. Persifor Frazer. 1878. Cause and cure of hard times. By R. J. Wright. House-drainage and sewerage. By George E. War- ing, jr. A plea for a state board of health. By Benjamin Lee, M. D. ^ . The germ theory of disease and its present bearing upon public and personal hygiene. By Joseph G. Richardson, M. D. 1879. Technical education. By A. C. Rembaugh, M. D. The English methods of legislation compared with the American. By S. Sterne. Thoughts on the labor question. By Rev. D. O. Kellogg. . On the isolation of persons in hospitals for the insane. By Dr. Isaac Ray. — Notes on reform schools. By J. G. Rosengarten. * 1880. Philadelphia charity organization. By Rev. Wm. H. Hodge. Public schools in their relations to the community. By James 8. Whitney. Industrial and decorative art in public schools. By Charles G. Leland. Penal and reformatory institutione. By J. G. Rosen- garten. 1881. Nominations for public office. By Mayer Sulzberger. 1882. Municipal government. By John C. Bullitt. — - Result of art education in schools. By Charles G. Leland. -"^^ Apprenticeship as it was and is. By Addison B. liurk. 1883. The American aristocracy. By Lincoln L. Eyre. A plea for a new city hospital. By Thomas W. Barlow. The pending school problems. By Prof. M. B. Snyder. Municipal government. By Wm. Righter Fisher. '' Social condition of the industrial classes. By Lorin Blodget. 142 Philadelphia] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Philobibion 1885. 1886. 1887. 18SS. 1889. Pliihi.lelphia Social Science Association, coniinued. 1884. PiogiesB of industrial education. By Phillip (J. Garrett. A plea for better distribulion. Hy Charles M. DuPuy. Milk supplies of our large cities, etc., etc. By J. ChcHtou Morris, M. D. Alcoholism. By .\. C. Ilembaugh, M. 1). .Sanitary intluence of forest growth. Dr. J. M. Anders. " Outline of a proposed school of i)olilical and social science. By Edinuud J. Jauies, Ph. I). The organization of local boards of health in Penn- sylvania. By Beuj. Lee, A. M., M. D., Ph. 1). Manual training a valuable feature in general education. By O. M. Woodward, Ph. D. The gas quesliou in Philadelphia. 15y Edmund J. James, Ph. D. Trade dollars : the president's power, etc., etc. By Dr. James C. Hallock. The balance of power between induntrial and intel- lectual work. l?y Miss M. M. Cohen. Wife beating as a crime, and its relation lo taxation. By Uon. Kobert Adams, jr. Chairs of pedagogics in our universities. By Kdmuiid- J. James, Ph. D. Journalists : born or made. By Eugene M. Camp. Concerning trusts. By Prof. Kobert Ellis Thompson. Ballot reform essential to free and equal elections. By Chas. C. Biniiey. Methods of rational taxation. By BimoD N. Patten. Note. The Association is now merged in the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Philadelphia Society for Organizing Charity. Organ- ized 1878. (Dr. Jas. W. Walk, gen. sec.) 1706 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Monthly Register, uos. 1-197. Bound volumes containing 24 nos., $1 ea. subs. 50c. per ann. Annual report. 1-19. free. nos. 1 and 3 o. p. Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Founded 1785; incorporated 1809. Memoirs, v. 1-5. 8». /^/lita., 1811-26. V. 1-3, published by Johnson . Hats and the tariff, by J. A. Lindquist. — (5. Pottery and the tariff, by J. A. Liudquist. — 7. Tinned plate and the tariff, by J. A. Liiulquist. — 8. Silver and protection, by J: DeW. \V aruer. — 9. Bottling and the tariff, by J. A. Lindquist. — 10. Sugar and the tariff, by J. A. Lindquist. — 11. Iron, steel, and tariffs, by J. A. Liud- quist. —12. McKinley tariff, by J. A. Lindquist. — 13. Pro- tection, by J: DeW. Warner. — 14. Gloves and the tariff', by B. W. Holt. — 15. U.S. tariffjhislory, by J. A. Liudquist.— 10. The real issue, by K. Q. Mills. — 17. Death iu the tariff-pot, by D: A. Wells. — 18. IJounties to shipping, from A. Y. Daily Com. Bulletin. — 19. Republican tariff' sense. — 20. Reform Club's Annual dinner. 5: 1. Wool question: Report Ways and Means Com. — 2. Reciprocity, by B. W. Holt. — 3. Protected wool workers, Kensington (I'a.). — 4. Wool and tariff's, by J: DeW. Warner. — 5. McKinley fraud on the farmer, by J: DeW. Warner. — 5 Ex. McKinley fraud ou the farmer (with tables), by J: DeW. Warner. — 0. U. S. tariff' history, by J. A. Liudquist. — 7. Sugar and the tariff', by J. A. Liudquist. — 8. Tariff trusts, by J: D. Warner. — 9. McKinley tinned plate, by T: L. Bunt- ing. — 10. The McKinley tariff', by J. G. Parsons. — 11. Re- publican tariff nonsense. — 12. McKinley wages break-down, by J: DeW. Warner. — 13. Tariff trusts plead guilty, by J: DeW. Warner. — 14. Aldrich report disseoted, by J; G.Carlisle. — 15. McKinley prices and qualities, by J. G. Parsons. — 10. Shoddy, by W. B. Kstell.— 17. Trusts versus wages, by B. W. Holt. — 18. Folly of tariffs, by D. 'Veersteeg. — 19. Reform Club celebration. — 20. Cleveland's specific, by J: DeW. Warner. 6:1. Proposed tariff bill, by Reform Club Com. — 2. Tariff revision, by T: G. Shearman. — 3. Tariff plan, by E: At- kinson. 7: 1. Wilson bill rates, by J. Schoenhof . — 2. Sugar tariff, sugar trust, by J: DeW. Warner; Siime. 2ded. — 3. Pro- tected wages, by J: DeW. Warner. — 4. How N.Y. senators and Tammany Hall supported tariff reform. — 5. Comparison, Item by item : tariffs 1883, 1890, and 1894, by L. C. Root. —6. Sugar distribution combine, by ./: DeW. Warner. Tariff reform red book. 1891-1892. 8». o. p. ^rot<'. Made up from the above pamphlets. Sound Vurrenci/ (semi-monthly, $1 per year). V. 1. 1891. o. p. 1: 1. Report of the Cooper Union mass meeting, Feb. 11, 1891. — 2. Hearings of the committee of the club before the committee on coinage, weights and measures. — 3. The coinage question ; what light does our own history shed upon it, by J: De W. Warner. V. 2. nos. 1-24. 1895. 2:1. National and state banks, by H. White. 1894. 5c.— 2. Canadian bank-note currency, by L. C. Root. 1894. 5c. — 3. Bimetallism in history, by H: L.Nelson. 1895. 6c.— 4. World's currencies, by R: P. Rothwell. 1895. 5c. — 5. New York bank currency, by L. C. Root. 1895. 5c. — 6. Cur- rency famine of 1893, by J: DeW. Warner. 1895. 5c. — 7. People's money, by W; L. Trenholm. 1896. iic. — 8. Scotch bank currency, by A. Smith. 1895. 6c. — 9. Our paper currency ; as it is and as it should be, by W. Dods- worth. 1895. 5c. — 10. States as bankers, by L. C. Root. 1895. 5c. — 11. Coin's financial fool, by H. White. 1895. 5c. — 12. Financial catechism, by F. P. Powers. 1895. 5c.— 13. New England bank currency, by L. C. Root. 1895. 5c. — 14. Bullion report: Parliament committee, ISIO. 1895. 5c. — 15. A stable monetary standard, by Henry Farquhar. 1895. 20 p. 5c. — 16. " Free coinage " dissected, by John De Witi Warner. 1895. 10 p. 6c. — 17. U. S. coinage and currency laws. 1895. 48 p. 6c. — 18. " Bimetallism " in France, by W.A.Shaw. 1895. 12 p. 6c. — 19. Quality of money and H7 Reform Club] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Reform Club Reform Club, continued. waL'es. by Frank L. McVey. 1895. 10 p. f>c. - 20 Execu- the Committee report, Aug. 29, IS'Jo. 1895. 8 p. Sc. - 21. Sound currency illnstnit.d. 1895. 32 p. 5c. - 22. Foreign exchange and gold movement in 1894 and 1895, by Worthiug- ton C Ford. 1895. 16 p. 5c. — 23. Bilver mono-metalliam exposed, by a merchant. 1895. 16 p. 5c. — 24. U. 8. cur- rcncy statieticB. 1895. 32 p. 5c. ^, , , r 3- 1. Our financial disease, by Orover Cleveland, oc. — 2. Why legal tender uotes must go, by Chas. C. Jackson. 5c — 3. ConditiouB for American commercial and tinancial supremacy, by Paul Lcroy-Beaulieu. 5c. — 4. The greenback in Congress. 5c. —5. The world's currencies {2d edition), by Richard P. Hothwell. 5c. — 6. A currency primer, by George H Yeaman. 5c. — 7. Our money — as it is, by J. H. Cuntz. 5c'. — 8. Wampum currency, by S. W. Rosendale. 5c.— 9. The world's banknote systems, by L. Carroll Root. oc. — 10. Silver and wages, by John G. Carlisle. 5c. — 11. Strictures on tender-acts, by Pelatiah Webster (1780). 5c. — 12. Our currency problems, by Jacob L. Greene. 5c. — 13. " The crime of 1873," by James T. McCleary. 5c. — 14. Cur- rency reform, by Hoke Smith and W. Dodsworth. 5c. — lo. The money of the Nation : shall it be good or bad ? By Edward Atkinson. 5c. — 16. Cheap money in Chile, by Edward H. Strobel. 5c. — 17. United States currency statistics (2d edi- tion). 5c. — 18. Bimetallism in history, by Henry Loomis Nelson. 5c. — 19. The poison in our circulation, by Louis R. Ehrich. 5c. —20. Unwarranted government interfer- ence, by Austin W. Wright. 5c. — 21. Cotton and the cur- rency, by James L. Watkins. 5c. — 22. Proposals for currency reform, by Walter Stuart Kelley. 5c.— 23. Currency elasticity, by L. Carroll Root. 5c. — 24. Annual report, 1896, sound currency committee. 5c. 4 • 1. The farmers' interest in finance, by Henry liarquhar. 5c. —2. " The Baltimore plan "of currency reform. 6c.— 3. " The Carlisle plan " of currency reform. 5c. — 4. Scotch bank currency, by Chas. A. Conant. 5c. — 5. Japan and silver by Fred. Perry Powers. 5c. — 6. Practical bank cur- rency, by John De Witt Warner. 5c. — 7. The first United States bank, by L. Carroll Root. 5c. — 8. Greenbacks and the cost of the Ci\'il War, by Wesley C. Mitchell. 5c. —9. C^anadian bank-note currency, by L. Carroll Root. 5c. — 10. National and State banks, by Horace White. 5c. —11. Swiss bank-note currency, by Chas. A. Conant. 5c. — 12. Deprecia- tion of silver and the Japanese export trade, by Count Matsu- kata, Japanese Minister of Finance. 5c. — 13. The " Dollar of our Daddies," by August Roden. 5c. — 14. The apprecia- tion of gold, by Francis E. Nipher. — 15. The branch bank system, by J. B. Attfield. 5c. —16. Legal tender, by Charles H. Swan, jr. 5c. — 17. The second United States bank — pan I., by L. Carroll Root. 5c.— 18. The second United "states bank— part II., by Horace White. 5c. — 19. Currency elasticity in Holland, by G. M. Boissevain. 5c.— 20. " The Fowler plan " of currency reform, by Charles N. Fowler. 5c. — 21. The cost of producing silver, by Edward Atkinson. 5c.— 22. A proper paper currency, by Jacob L. Greene. 5c. — 23. Banking assets as a basis for circulation, by Chas. A. Conant. 5c. — 24. Annual report, 1S97, by Sound Currency Committee. 5 • 1. Report of the monetary commission. 5c. — 2. True bimetallism, by Laura R. White. 5c. — 3. The monetary commission and its work, by Chas. S. Fairchild. 5c. — 4. South Carolina's first paper money. 5c. — 5. New York's colonial currency, by Horace White. 5c. — 6. The appre- ciation of gold {revised), \>y Francis E. Nipher. 5c. (?) — 7. Continental currency, by Byron W. Holt. 5c. — 8. George Smith's money. 5c. — 9. Banks of issue in Illinois, by Charles H. Garnett. 5c. — 10. Bank-note redemption, by Monetary Commission. 5c.— 11. A plea for the constitution of the U. S. A., wounded in the house of its guardians, by George Bancroft. 5c. — 12. Report of banking and currency com- mittee, June 15, 1898. 5c. Bound currency red book, 1895. 8». $1.25; hf. mor., f 1.75; pap., $1. Also 1896, hf. mor., $1.00; cl., 75c.; pap., 50c. postage 22c. addnl. Note. Made up from the above pamphlets. Municipal affairs (quarterly), ed. by Milo R. Maltbie. v. 1: 1. March, 1897. v. 2: 2. June, 1898. 8". $1 per year. Single numbers, 25c., except v. 1, no. 1, which is 50c. Supplement to v. 2, no. 2, also 50c. Note. V. 1, no. 1, is a bibhography of municipal administration and city conditions. Supplement to V. 2, no. 2, is Col. G. E. Waring's report on the work of the New York department of street cleaning. Reform Club Series : 1888. No. 1. The Independent in poli- tics. J. R. Lowell. — 2. The President's message, 1887, of Grover Cleveland, with annotations by R; R. Bowker. — 3. True or false finance : the issue of 1S88. — 4. Tariff Reform in the present canvass, by Seth Low. D. pap., ea., 25c. Nos. 1-4 as V. 1, large pap. ed. O. hf. leath., $2.50. 1889-90. No. 5. The unconstitutionality of a tariff for pro- tection only, by J. Bleecker Miller. — 6. The decay of our ocean mercantile marine, by D. A. Wells. — 7. Shipping eub- 148 Reform Club] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Rhode Island Reform Club, continued. eidies and bounties, by Capt. J: Codman. — 8. Some repre- hensible practices of American government, by I>. I). Field. Wases and the tariff, by E. \\ Wheeler. D. 1888. Club-book (yearly), containing constitution, by-laws, list of members, etc. Reformed Church Publication Board. Organized 1827. (Rev. C: R. Ferner, bus. mgr.) 1308 Arch St., Philadelphia., Pa. Publishes Reformed Church works : for catalogue, nee Pub- lishers' Trade List Annual. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy, N. V. The Polytechnic. 1869. Rensselaer Society of Engineers. (Alb. F. Iloch, cor. sec.) 257 Broadway, Troy, N. Y. Selected papers, v. 1-2:3. 8». Rhode Island Historical Society. Organized 1822. (Amos Perry, sec. and libn.) 66,^68 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Annual reports. Collections, v. 1-9. 9 v. 8». 1827-97. v. 9, $1.25. — Reprint of v. 3, with additions. 1886. 8". Proceedings. 1872-92. 21 v. 8". Quarterly publications, v. 1. 1894. 291 p. 8". — Newser. : V. 2-3. 1894-5. 8». Commemorative discourse on the second centennial of the settlement, by J. Pitman. 1836. 72 p. 8». Address on opening of the cabinet, by W. Gammell. 1844. 30 p. 80. Discourse Jan. 13, 1847, by Hon. Job Durfee, with poem by Barah H. Whitman. 1847. 42 p. S". Discourse by G. W. Greene. 1849. 22 p. 8". Address Feb. 19, 1851, by E. R. Potter. 1851. 27 p. 8". Battle of Lake Erie, by Usher Parsons. 1853. 36 p. 8". 2d ed., 1854. Spirit of Rhode Island history, by S.A.Arnold. 1853. 32 p. 80. Life and times of John Howland, late president, by E. B. Hall. 1855. 36 p. 80. Early history of Block Island, by W. P. ShefHeld. 1866. Cholera in Providence in 1832, 1849 and 1854, by E. M.Snow. 1857. History of Block Island, by H. P. Bcckwith. 1858. 8 p. 4". Memorial of Roger Williams, by Zachariah Allen. 1860. 10 p. 160. Indian names of places in Rhode Island, collected by Usher Parsons. 1861. 32 p. 80. Memorial of Lafayette, by Zachariah Alien. 1861. 19 p. 16». North and South America : discourse by Domingo Fuustino Sarmiento. 1866. 44 p. 8o. Historical account of the Providence stage, by C. Blake. 1868. 297 p. 12». 200 copies. Greene, Staples, Parsons, by S. G.Arnold. 1869. 22 p. %". The Yoseraite ; its history, its scenery, its development, by J. E. Lester. 1873. 40 p. 8". History of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, by E. M. Stone. 1874. Roger Williams the prophetic legislator, by Rev. T.T.Stone. 1871. Who invented the first steamboat, by W. A. Mowry. 1874. Combat of the ilerriinac with the Monitor, by B. F. Butts. 1875. Philip the Wampanoag chieftain, by W. J. Miller. 1875. Town records of Providence in the 17th century, by U. C. Dorr. 1875. Bicentenary of the burning of Providence ; Defence of the R. I. system of treatment of the Indians, and of civil and religious liberty, by Z. Allen. 1876. 34 p. 8". Historical sketch of Middletown, R. I., by 8. G. Arnold. 1876. 80. Ancient highways of Providence, by H. C. Dorr. 1877. Early career of Saml. Gorton, by G. A. Brayton. 1877. The Greenes of Warwick in Colonial history, by H. E. Turner. 1877. 68 p. 8". Ncioport. Historical sketch of the Pequot Indians, by R. A. Wheeler, 1877. Life and services of Gov. Samuel Ward, by John Ward. 1877. 12 p. 40. Gilbert Stuart the painter, by Geo. C. Mason. 1878. Life and services of Wm. Coddington, by H. E. Turner. 1878. Principles and customs in the Ottoman empire, by Gen. Teriik. 1878. The Rhode Island line in the continental army, and its Society of Cincinnati, by A. B. Gardner. 1878. 12 p. 8". 149 Rhode Island] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Rhode Island Ehode Island Historical Society, continued. The WampanoiiK tribe of Indiiins, with some account of a rock picture on the shore of Mount Hope bay, by W. J. Miller. 1880. 14S p. V2". 2(1 ed., 188:.. Mettlern of Aquidneck and liberty of conscience, by II. K. Turner. 1880. .H p. 4". The Credit Moliilier of America, by R. G. Hazard. 1881. 42 p. 80. The medical school formerly in Brown University, by C. W. Parsons. 1881 . ^ t.t . v Rhode Island privateers and privateersmen of Newport, by W. r. HhefTield. 188.3. 67 p. 8". Notes on the introduction of wool manufacture into the U.8.,by R.C. Taft. 1882. 68 p. 120. Canonicus memorial. 1883. 31 p. 8". Memorial of Zachariah Allen, by Amos Perry. 108 p. 8". port, and fac-similes. Catalogue of books from the library of Joseph J. Cooke. 1884. 36p. 8". ,^^^ ,^ Some New England almanacs, by Amos Perry. 1885. 13 p. &>. Genealogy of the Fenner family, by J. P. Root. No. 1. 188fi. 19 p. 8". The Huguenots and the Edict of Nantes, by Wm. Gammell. 1886. 25 p. S'. „ „ Life and services of Hon. J. R. Bartlett, by Wm. Gammell. 1886. 20 p. 8». Washington the founder of the nation, by G. M. Carpenter. 1889. 16 p. 8". . , Address by Horatio Rogers, and proceedings at centennial celebration of R. I.'s adoption of the federal constitution. 1890. 44 p. 8". Reform of the civil service considered from the party stand- point, by G. M. Carpenter. 1890. 19 p. 8". The peace conference of 1861, by W. W. Hoppin, jr. 1891. 27 p. 8°. large pap. A keyhole for Roger Williams' key, by W. D. Ely. 1892. 41 p. S°- . J , . The library and cabinet of the society, their origin and lead- ing features,' by Amos Perry. 1892. 26 p. 8». Moses Brown ; his life and services, by Augustus Jones. 1892. 8». ^ .^ , Note. For some reprints from proceedings, etc., see Griffin s Bibliography of Am. hist, societies. Rhode Island Medical Society. Organized 1812. (G: D. Hersey, M.D., libn., 148 Broad St.) Prov- idence, R. I. Transactions, v. 1-5, 1859-98. Rhode Island Society for the Encouragement of Do- mestic Industry. Providence, R. I. Transactions. 1863-4. 8". Rhode Island, Soldiers' and Sailors' Historical Society of. Organized 1875. (Philip S. Chase, sec, box 384.) Providence, R. I. Personal narratives. Ist ser., nos. 1-20. 1878-83. 20 v. 1. First campaign of the Second R. P. Infantry, by Gen. E. H. Rhodes. 1878. 26 p. 2. Rhode Island artillery at the first battle of Bull Run, by A.J.Monroe. 1878. 31 p. 3 Reminiscences of service in the 1st Rhode Island Cav- alry, by G. W. Bliss. 1878. 32 p. 4. My first cruise at sea and the loss of the Monitor, by F. B.Butts. 1878. 23 p. 5. Kit Carson's fight with the Comanche and Kiowa In- dians, Nov. 15, 1864, by G. H. Pettis. 1878. 44 p. 6. A trip to Richmond as prisoner of war, by B. P. Tobie. 1879. 48 p. ■7. Incidents of cavalry service in Louisiana, by C. H. Park- hurst. 1879. 25 p. 8. The bay fight; Mobile bay. by W. P. Hutchinson. 1879. 28 p. 9. Personal inciaents in the early campaigns of the 3d R. I. vols., by E. Metcalf. 1879. 31 p. 10. Battleof the Mine, by E. T. Case. 1879. 37 p. 11. Reminiscences of the war of 1861-5, by J. A. Monroe. 1881. 78 p. 12. Cruise along the blockade, by F. B. Butts. 1881. 37 p. 13. The high-school boys of the 10th R. I., by W. A. Spi- cer. 1882. 83 p. 14. Service of the cavalry in the army of the Potomac, by E. P. Tobie. 1882. 56 p. 15. Prison life of J. M. Fales, by G. N. Bliss. 1882. 70 p. 16. Last hour of duty at the siege of Charleston, by C. H. Williams. 1882. 29 p. 17. A. E. Burnside, by A. Woodbury. 1882. 97 p. 18. Incidents of service with the 11th R. I. vols., by C. H. Parkhurst. 1883. 32 p. Rhode Island] PUBL/CATWNS OF SOCIETIES [Rhode Island Rhode I., Soldiers' and Sailors' Hist. Soc. of, continued. I 19. Battleof Cedar Creek, by J. K. Bucklyo. ]88.^. 24 p. | 20. Incidents of cavalry experience duriuf? Gen. t'ope's ; campaign, by \V. Gardiner. 1883. 36 p. 2d Bcr., nos. 1-10. 1880-81. 1. First cruise of the Montnuk, by 8. T. Brown. 1880. 59 p. 2. A country boy's first three months in the army, by C. n. Barney. 1880. | 3. Orjiauization and service of battery F, 1st K. I. \A. Artil- , lery, by I'. S. Chase. 1S80. 48 p. I 4. The Marine artillery with the Burnside expedition, and the battle of Camden, N. C, by W. B. A'very. 1880. 28 p. | 5. Burnside expedition in N. C. : battles of Roanoke Island i and Elizabeth City, by L. Traver. 1880. 30 p. fi. The Burnside expedition, by A. E. Burnside. 1882. 33 p. 7. ReminiKcences of two years with colored troops, by J. M. Addeman. 1880. 38 p. I 8. A recruit before Petersburg, by G. B. Peck, jr. 1880. 74 p. : 9. Personal experiences of the Chancellorsville campaign, by H. Rogers. 1881. 33 p. I 10. Battle of Cedar Mountain, by F. Dennison. 18S1. 45 p. ; .3d ser., nos. 1-20. 1883-7. I 1. Life in the Texan blockade, by \V. F. Hutchinson. 1883. ' 43 p. 2. My four months' experience as a prisoner of war, by T. Simpson. 1883. 40 p. j 3. Gunboat service on the James river, by W. B. Avery. 1884. 38 p. i 4. A private's recollections of Fredericksburg, by E. A. ! Corey. 1884. 28 p. I 5. Camp and hospital, by G. B. Peck, jr. 1884. 50 p. i port. ' 6. Cavalry service with Gen. Sheridan, and life in Libby prison, by G. N. Bliss. 1884. 103 p. 7. Service with battery F, 1st R. I. Lt. Art., by P. 8. Chase. 1884. 31 p. 8. Reminiscences of gunboat service on the Nansemond, by F. B. Butts. 1884. 67 p. 9. Battle of Groveton, by F. Denison. 1885. 35 p. 10. Recollections of Monocacy, by A. S. Roe. 1885. 32 p. 11. Recollections of service in the 12th R. I. vols., by 0. Lapham. 1885. 39 p. 12. The march to the sea, by C. A. Hopkins. 1885. 32 p. 13. Reminiscences of service with colored troops in the army of the Cumberland, by T. J. Morgan. 1885. .52 p. 14. Frontier ser^'ice during the rebelliMi, by G. H. Pettis. 1885. 54 p. 15. Reminiscences of service with the 12th Regt., by P. E. Tillinghast. 1885. 53 p. 16. Battery D, 1st R. I. Lt. Art., at Antietam, by J. A. Monroe. 1886. 45 p. 17. Relief of Washington, N. C, by the 5th R. I. vols., by W. W. Douglas. 1886. 28 p. 18. A private's reminiscences of the first year of the war, by E. B. Andrews. 1886. 41 p. 19. Battle of Kelly's Ford, by J. B. Cooke. 1887. 38 p. 20. Investment of Fort Pulaski, by A. Williams. 1SS7. 59 p. 4th ser., nos. 1-20. 1889-93. 20 v. sm. 4". ea., 40c. 1. From Monocacy to Danville, by A. 8. Roe. 1889. 41 p. 2. Siege and capture of Harper's Ferry by the Confed- erates, Sept., 1862, by VV. H. Nichols. 1889. 48 p. 3. Services with battery F, 1st R. I. Lt. Art., by P. S. Chase. 1889. 41 p. 4. 1st R. I. Cav. at Middleburg, Va., June 17-18, 1863, by G. N. Bliss. 1889. 56 p. Personal recollections of Gen. Sheridan, by E. P. Tobie. 40 p. The Monitor and the Merrimac, by F. B. Butts. 1890. 1889 6. 51 p 7. ;ates Naval Academy, by From Bridgeport to Ringgold, by way of Lookout Moun- tain, by A. R. Greene. 1890. 46 p. 8. DutHe and the monument to his memory, byG: N. Bliss. 1891. 9. Burnside expedition, by W: L. Welch. 1890. 10. Battery D, 1st R. I. L. A., at the second Battle of Bull Run, by J. A. Monroe. 1890. 11. Battery D, R. I.L. A., by G: C. Sumner. 1891. 12. My bovhood at West Point, by W: W.Bailey. 1891. 13. B'rom Memphis to Altoona, by G; W.Hill. 1891. 14. Recollections of the United Sta J: C. Pegram. 1891. 15. With the Ninth Army Corps, by W. A. Nason. 1891. 16. In a rebel prison, by A. 8. Roe. 1891. 17. Richmond, Annapolis and home, by A. S. Roe. 1892. 18. John Albert Monroe: a memorial, by G: C. Sumner and others. 1892. 19. Gettysburg gun, by J; H. Rhodes. 1892. 20. Chaplain's experiences in the Union Army, by F: Deni son. 1893. 5tb ser., nos. 1-8. 1894-98. 8 v, sm.Q. ea., 40c. KI Rhode Island] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Rowfant Club Rhode I., Soldiers' and Sailors' Hist. Soc. of, continued. 1. Services with colored troops in UurnBide's corps, by J. H. Hickard. 1894. 2. Kearsnrge and Alabama, by W: II. IJudlam. 1894. 3. From Andersoiiville to freedom, by C: M. Smith. 1S'J4. 4. From Fredericlisburg to Gottyeburg, by I?: II. Child. 189.'). 0. Operations of the Cavalry Corps, Feb. 27 to March 8, 1865, by Wm. Gardiner. 1896. 6. Organization and Ist campaign of battery E. 1st K. I. Lt. Art., by F. B. Butts. 1896. 7. Assault on Fort Gilmer, and reminiscences of prison life, by George 11. Sherman. 1897. 8. Battle of the crater, and experience*) of prison life, by Sumner U. Sherman. 1898. Ricbiuond College, Historical and Geograpbical Society of. Organized 1891. (C. H. Ryland, sec.) Richmond, Va. Colonial Virginia: address, by K. A. Brock. 1891. 8". Caut. John Smith and his critics : lecture, by C. roindexter. 1893 f '94]. 8". Ridgway Ornitbological Club. (H. K. Coale, sec. and treas., 13G Wasbington St.) Chicago, III. Bulletin. Nos. 1-2, 1887. O. Rivington Club, The. Organized 1865. New York. The cow chace : a poem in three cantos. By Major Jolin .'X.ndre. Munscllyl^m. 98 p. sra. 4». The siege of Savannah tsy the combined American and French forces under the command of General Lincoln and the Count d'Estaing, in the autumn of 1779. Jfunsell. 1866. 187 p. portrait, sm. 4". The siege of Cluuleston by the British fleet and army under the command of Admiral Arbuthnot and Sir Henry Clinton. Munsell, 1867. 224 p. 2 pi. sm. 4". Rochester Academy of Science. Organized 1881; re- organized 1889. Grew out of the Rochester Microscopical Society, which was organized in 1879. (C: Wright Dodge, cor. sec, Univ. of Rochester; Florence Beckwith, libn.) Roches- ter, N Y. Proceedings, v. 1, 1890-91. 8". $2. v. 2, 1892-95. 8"- $3. V. 3 : 1, 150 p. 2 double plates, $1. Note. Separate brochures are issued 2 to 4 per volume, and papers are also issued singly. For list, address the librarian. Rochester Historical Society. Organized 1888. (Miss Jane E. Rochester, libn.) 99 Atkinson St., Rochester, N. Y. Publications, v. 1. 1892. 80. $1.50; pap., $1. v. 2. 1898. 8'. pap., 50c. To members, 25c. Rowfant Club. Organized 1892. (Eckstein Case, sec.) 766 Prospect St., Cleveland, 0. Code of regulations, together with a foreword wherein some- what is told of the origin of the club ; also the names of members and a list of the governing oflicers. 1892. 50 p. 4°. 250 copies. 40c. The culprit fay and other poems, by Joseph Rodman Drake; with title-page and vignettes by Edmund H. Garrett. 1893. 96 p. por. 8°. 100 copies. $5.85. Some remarks concerning Mr. Longfellow's Excelsior, by a fellow of the Rowfant Club. 1894. 38 p. 12°. 69 copies. $1.50. Bibliography of Henry David Thoreau, with an outline of his life, comp. and chronologically arr. by S; Arthur Jones. 1894. por. 80 p. 8°. 90 copies. $2.50. Landor's letter to Emerson; with an app. cent. Emerson's paper on Landor, from The Dial ; ed. with introd., by 8: Arthur Jones. 1895. 33 p. 8°. 108 copies. $1.50. Rowfant rhymes, by Frederick Locker, with introd. by A. Dobson. Title-page and vignettes by Edmund H. Garrett. 1895. por. 143 p. 12°. $5.75. Note. Contains a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson to Frederick Locker, previously un- published. Code of regulations, names of members, officers and the personnel of the committees. 1896. 56 p. 16". Lectures on English poets, by James Russell Lowell. 1897. xvi+210p. 80. (The club has also issued the " Rowfant Club bookplate," from designs by Will H. Low, and several volumes " printed, but not published.") '52 Rutgers College] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Seventy-Six Rutgers College. N. J. The Rutgers College Quarterly Organized 176G. New Brunswick, V. 1-3:4, 1861. 8°. Rutland County Historical Society. Castleton, Vi. Epitaphs of Castleton churchyard. 1885. 48 p. Log book of Timothy Hoardman, 1778. Ed. by S. W. Boardman. 1885. S5 p. sra. 4". A/ha?)!/. Proceedings, v. 1. (Jounty centennial celebration March 4,1881. Comp.by L. VV. Ueddiiigton. 1883. 196 p. 8». JfoiU- pelier. Proceedings. 1882-1885. 146 p. 8». Memorial exercises, 1885. 66 p. 8". Albany. St. Louis, Academy of Science of. Organized 1856. (Dr. E: C. Runge, cor. sec.) 1600 Lucas PI., St. Louis, Mo. Transactions, v. 1 : 1, 1857— v. 1: 4, 1860; v. 2 : 1, 1863-V.2: 3, 1868; V. 3: 1, 1873— v. 3:4, 1878; v. 4: 1, 1880— v. 4 : 4, 1886; V. 5 : 1, 2, 188S— V. 5 : 3, 4, 1891 ; v. 6 : 1, 1802— v. : IS, 1895. 6 v.. Note. Since Jan., 1892 (v. 6), each paper accepted for pub- lication haH been printed and copies distributed at individual prices. The list of the papers thus issued follows : 6 : 1. Appendix to the catalogue of the flora of Nebraska, by H. I. Webber. 25c. — 2. Geometrical construction for find- ing the foci of the section of a cone of revolution, by K. A. Engler. 25c. — 3. Mapping of Missouri, by A. Winslow. 50c. — 4. Flowers and insects : labiatae, by C: Ilol)ertson. 50c. — 5. Opening of the buds of some woody plants, by A. 8. Hitchcock. 25c. — 6. Materials for a monograph on inuline, by I. C. Bay. 25c. — 7. Physical basis of precocity and dulness, by W. T. Porter. 50c. — 8. Geometrical con- struction for cutting from a cone of revolution plane sections, by E. A. Eniiler. 25c. — 9. 8clerotinia libertiana, Fuckel, with a bibliography of fungus root diseases, by L. H. Paramel. 50c. — 10. Relation between the ^-rowth of children and their deviation from the physical type of their sex and age, by W: T. Porter. 25c. — 11. Catalogue of reptiles and batra- chians found in the vicinity of St. Louis, Mo., by J. Hurler. 25c. — 12. Growthof St. Louis children, by W. T. Porter. $1. — 13. Study of the relations of selix nigra and S. amygdaloids, together with the hybrids arising from them as these species exhibit themselves in the vicinity of Si. Louis, by N. M. Glat- felter. 25c. — 14. Flowers and Insects: rosaceae and coin- positae, by C: Robertson. 50c. — 15. Determinations of the latitude, longitude and height above sea level of the Laws Observatory of the University of the State of Missouri, by M. Updegraff. 50c. — 1(5. Mcrycism regarded in the light of atavic tendency, by E: C. Runge. 25c. — 17. Post-mortem detection and estimation of strychnine, by A. S. Cushman. 25c. — IS. Proceedings; Index. 50c. Contributions to the archaeology of Missouri, by W. B. Potter. 1880. (Special publication.) 4". Report of the Washington university eclipse expedition. 1891. (Special publication.) 4". Salvation Army. Organized 1880. (Staff Capt. W. Scott Potter, sec.) 122 W. 14th St., New York City. War Cry (weekly). 5c. Young Soldier (weekly). Ic. ITarb or Lights (monthly). 5c. San Francisco Pioneer Society. San Francisco, Cat. Proceedings. Santa Barbara Society of Natural History. Organized 187fi. (Morgan H.Stafford, cor. sec.) Box350, Santa Barbara, Cal. Report of proceedings. 1887. Bulletin, v. 1:1,1887-? 8". Scientific Alliance of New York. See New York. Scotch-Irish Society of America. Organized 1889. (Rev. J. S. Mcintosh, v. p. gen., Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.) Scotch -Irish in America, proceedings of the Ist-Sth con- gresses, 1S89-1S9R, ed. by A. C. Floyd. 1889-96. 8v. 8°. ea., $1.50; pap., $1; for members, $1 ; pap., 65c. Seventy-Six Society. Organized 1854. Philadelphia, Pa. Papers in relation to the case against Silas Deane. Ed. bv E. D. Ingraham. 1855. 8". The examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq., by a committee of the House of Commons. Ed. by Thomas Balch. 1855. 8". 1 53 Seventy-Six] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Society Seventy-Six Society, continued. Papers relnting to the public events in Massachusetts pre- ceding the American revolution. 1856. 8". Papers relating chiefly to the Maryland line during the revolution. Kd. by T. Balch. 1807. 8". Shakespeare Society of New York. See New York. Sierra Club. Organized 1892. (Robert M. Price, sec") Merchants' Exchange Building., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Articles of association, by-laws, and list of members. 1892. 15c. Bulletin. v. 1: 1-8. Jan., 1893-May, 1896. 8 nos. 8». ea., -lac. v. 2: 1-3, Jan., 1897-Jan., 1898. 3 nos. 8". ea., 25c Map of a portion of the Sierra Nevada adjacent to the Yosemite and Hetch Hetchy Valleys, by J. N. Le Conte. 1893. $1. Map of a portion of the Sierra Nevada adjacent to the King's River, by J. N. Le Conte. 1893. $1. Table of elevations within the Pacific Coast, by M. B. Kerr and R. H. Chapman. Revised map of Sierra Nevada, by J. N. Le Conte and T. 8. Solomons. 1896. $1.50. Smithsonian Institution. (S. F. Langley, sec.) Wash- ington, D. C For publications, see in Appendix, Am. Cat. U. S. Govern- ment Publications, Smithsonian Institution. Society for Political Education. New York City. Economic tracts : 1. Atkinson, E. What is a bank? 10c. 2. Political economy and political science. A priced and classified bibliography, by Sumner, Wells, Foster, Dugdale, and Putnam. 25c. 3. Present political and economic issues, with suggestions of subjects for debate and for essays, o. p. 4. The usury question, by Calvin, Bentham, Dana, and Wells, with bibliography. 25c. 5. Courtois (Adolphe). Political economy in one lesson. o.p. 6. White, Horace. Money and its substitutes, o.p. 7. White, A. D. Paper-money inflation in France, o. p. 8. Whitridge, F. W. The caucus system. 10c. 9. Canfield, J. H. Taxation. 15c. 10. Bowker, R: R. Of work and wealth; a summary of economics. 25c. 11. Green, G. W. Repudiation. 20c. 12. Shepard, E: M. The work of asocial teacher; memo- rial of Richard L. Dugdale. 10c. 13. Ford, W. C. The standard silver dollar and the coinage law of 1878. 20c. 14. Shepard, E: M. The competitive test and the civil service of States and cities. 25c. 15. Richardson, H. W. The standard dollar. 25c. 16. Gifl'en, Robt. The progress of the working classes in the last half century. 25c. 17. Foster, W: E. References to the history of presidential administrations, 1789-1885. o. p. 18. Hall, C: H. Patriotism and national defence. 15c. Atkinson, E: The railway, the farmer, and the public. 19. 15c. 20. 25c. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Weeks, Jos. D. Labor differences and their settlement. Bowker, R: R. Primer for political education. 15c. Bowker, R: R. Civil service examinations. 15c. Bayles, J. C. The shop council. 15c. Williams, Talcott. Labor a hundred years ago. 15c. Electoral reform, with the Massachusetts ballot reform act, and New York (Saxton) bill. 15c. 26. lies, G: The liquor question in politics. 15c. 27. Bowker, R; R., and lies, G: The Reader's Guide in economic, political, and social science. 50c. cl., $1. 28. Questions for debate in politics and economics, with a form of constitution and by-laws for debating clubs, o. p. 29. Foster, W; E. References on the constitution of the United States : its sources, commentaries and interpretations. 25c. 30. Smith, Eugene. Prison science. 10c. 31. Foulke, W. D. Civil service reform. 10c. Library of Political Education. First series. 4 v. 12". $3.25. Cont.: Nordhoff, Charles. Politics for young Americans. Johnston, Alex. History of American politics. Perry, A. L. Introduction to political economy. McAdam, Graham. An alphabet in finance. Society] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Society Society for Political Education, continued. Second series. 3 v. 8". $5. Cont.: Blanqui, J. A. Hist, of political economy in Europe. Jevons, J. 8. Money and tiie raechiinism of exchange. Mill, J. 8. On liberty. Third series. 4 v. 12". $3. Coiit.: Brassey, Thoman. Work and wages. \Velln, David A. Our merchant marine. Sterne, Simon. Constitutional hist, of the United States. Spencer, Herbert. On education. Society for Psychical Research (American Hraiich). Organized 1890. (Dr. K: Hodgson, sec, 5 Boyls- ton Place, Boston, Mass.) Succeeded theAmer- can Society for Psychical Research, which was organized in 1884. Proceedings of the American Society, no. 1, July, 1885, 36c.; no. 2, July, 1886, 3')c.; no. 3, Dec, 1887, 50c.; no. 4, March, 1889, $1. Dntnrell <£• Upham. Proceedings, pts. 16-33. 1890-'.t8. pap. pt. 16, 75c.; pt. 17, 85c.; pt. 18-21, ea., 60c.; pt. 22-25, ea., 85c.; pt. 26, $1.70; pt. 27, 28, ea., 60c.; pt. 29, $1; pt. 30, 31, ea., 60c.; appendix, 15c.; pt. 32, 85c.; pt. 33, $1.50. Note. Published in England. Bound volumes not sold iu U.S. Journal (monthly) ; issued to members and associates only. Society (The) for Instruction in First Aid to the Injured. Constitution and by-laws. 18 p. 12". New York. M. B- Brown. 1883. Annual report. Dec, 1886. 15 p. 12". New York. Gregory Bros. 1886. Circulars. Society for Promoting Manual Labor in Literary In- stitutions. Organized 1831. First ann. report, Jan. 28, 18.33; with report of Theodore D. Weld, general agent. 120 p. 8». S. W. Benedict A Co. N. Y. Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women. Now Radclifife College, which see. Society for the Commemoration of the Landing of Will- iam Penn. Philadelphia, Pa. Proceedings of meeting, Oct. 24, 1824. Discourse by 0. J. Ingersoll, Oct. 24, 1825. 36 p. 8". Discourse by T. I. Wharton, Oct. 24, 1826. 44 p. 8". Discourse by J. N. Barker, Oct. 24, 1827: sketch of the primitive settlements on the river Delaware. 62 p. 8". Discourse by P. S. Duponceou, Oct. 24, 1832. 32 p. 8". Discourse by Job R. Tyson, Oct. 24, 1836: the surviving remnant of the Indian race in the United States. 38 p. 8". Society for the History of Germans in Maryland. See Maryland. Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science. Organized 1880. (W. J. Beal, custodian, Agri- cultural College, Michigan.) Proceedings, v. 1-15. 1880-9S. 8". pap. ea., 50c. Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts, and Manufactures instituted in the State of New York. See New York. Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents : New York City. See New York. Society for the Relief of the Destitute Blind of New York and its Vicinity. See New York. Society Instituted in the State of New York for the Pro- motion of Agriculture. See New York. Society of Alaskan Natural History and Ethnology. Organized 1880, as Alaska Historical Society. (Miss Cassia Patton, sec.) Sitka, Alaska. Bulletin, iios. 2, 3. 8". 2. The Muir glacier of Alaska, by G. F: Wright. Ameri- can Printing /fouse. 3. Ethnographical memoranda concerning the Arctic Eski- mos in Alaska and Siberia, rev. and ed. by S. Jackson, maps. 1890. ^55 Society] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Society Society of American Authors. Organized as American Authors' Guild, 1892. (Morris P. Ferris, treas.) 77 Broadway, New York City. Bulletin. (Monthly.) 1897-8. 8". Free to members. Society of Biblical Literature and E.xegesis. Organized 1880. (W: H. Cobb, rec. sec.) Congregational TAbrary., Boston, Mass. Jourmil, containing papers and proceedings. 1881: 1, 2—1893:1,2. S". 8 pts. ea., $1.50. 1894, 1,2—1897, 1, 2. 4v. 80. ea., $3. 1898, 1, $1.50; 2, $1.50. Society of California Pioneers. San Francisco, Cal. Anniversary celebrations. 3d-5th, 7th-10th, 14tli-28tb, 3l8t- 39th, 1853-89. Constitution and by-laws and list of members. Several edi- tions. Transactions. Part 1, v, 2. 1863. 101 p. 8". Ceremonies at the laying of the corner stone of the new Pio- neer hall, July 7, 1862. 1862. 26 p. 80. Society of Colonial Wars : General. Organized 1893. (Howland Pell, gen. sec, 27 William St., New York City.) Register of otEcers and members. 5 v. cl. 1893-8. v. 1, DeVinne. v.2-b, Pott. Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Mass. Organized 1893. (E: Webster McGlenen, sec.) 5 Old Court House, Boston, Mass. Publications. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1894-98. Proceedings of the first general court of the society, Dec. 21, 1893; address on the great Narragansett fight, by Rev. G. M. Bodge. 1894. Proceedings of the special courts and second general court, 1893; Why was Louisburg twice besieged? by 8. Arthur Bent. 1895. Annual register of officers and members. 1894. 11. %". Proceedings and year book, 1896-97. 1897, $2. 1898, $3. Society of First Steamship Pioneers. San Francisco, Cal. Festival in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the arrival of the steamer "California " at San Francisco, Feb. 28, 1849. 1874. 8». First steamship pioneers. 1874. 393 p. 4". photographs. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Organized 1892. (F. T. Bowles, sec, 12 W. 31st St., New York City.) Transactions, v. 1, 1893— v. 6, 1898. 6 v. with detail draw- ings and plates. 4". cl. ea., $10. Gibson Bros. Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Organized 1868. (Gen. H. V. Boynton, cor. sec, Wash- ington, D. C) Reports of the Annual Reunions. 27 v. 8". 1868-97. Clarke. Society of the Army of the Potomac Organized 1869. (Bvt. Col. Horatio C. King, sec, 375 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y.) Annual reports of proceedings. 1869-98. Society of the Army of the Tennessee. Organized 1868. (Gen. Andrew Hickenlooper, cor. sec, P. 0. Box 719, Cincinnati, O.) Reports of Proceedings at Reunions. 11 v. 8". 1877-97. Society of the Cincinnati. Organized, 1783. (Asa Bird Gardiner, sec-gen., 64 William St., New York City.) Proceedings of the Cincinnati by their delegates in general meeting convened at Philadelphia, May, 1787. 4". 17 p. 1787. Phil. Proceedings of a special meeting. 6 p. 4". 1791. Phil. Proceedings of a special meeting. 15 p. 4". 1800. Phil. Proceedings of the triennial meeting. 2 p. 4". 1825. Phil. Proceedings of the triennial meeting. 6 + 2 p. 4". 1844. Phil. Proceedings of the triennial meeting. 11 -}- 2 p. 4". 1854. Bait. Proceedings of the triennial meeting. 8 p. 4". 1857. Boston. 156 Society] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Sons Society of the Cincinnati, continued. Proceedings of the triennial meeting. 8 p. 4". 1860. Phil, Froceedinge of the triennial meeting. 10 p. 4». 1863. New Yo7-k. Proceedings of the triennial meeting. 6 p. 4". 1866. Tren- ton. Proceedings of the triennial meeting. 6 p. 4". 1869. Bait. Proceedings of the triennial meeting. 8 p. 4". 1872. BoHton. Proceedings of the triennial meeting. 8 p. 4". 1875. Neir York. Proceedingsof the triennial meeting. 7 p. 4". 1878. Phil. I'roceeilings of the meeting held at Princeton, N. J., May 14, 18S4. 16 p. 40. n.p. ISS."). [Meeting of] the General Society of the Cincinnati. 6 p. 4". 1848. /'////. In general meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati. 4 + 2 p. 40. 1848. I'hil. Society of the Cincinnati in general meeting, May 7. 6 p. 40. 1851. Neio York. Report of committee, May 7. 4 p. 4". 1851. New York. Society of the Cincinnati [special meeting]. 3 p. 4". 1855. Charleston. Society of the Cincinnati, special general meeting. 4 p. 4". 1856. Trenton. Society of the Cincinnati, minutes of the meeting \w\A in Charleston, S. C. 20 p. 4". 1881. Charleston. Memorial to the General Society of the Cincinnati, n. p. 1881. Note. Some publications were also made by the State soci- eties of Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maiyiaud, Massachu- setts, New Jersey, New Yorlj, and Pennsylvania. These were for the most part orations delivered on various occasions. The Society has never been properly a publishing body. Mr. Lloyd P. Smith in BnlUtin, N. S. no. 15 of the J.,ibrary Company of Philadelphia for July, 1885, 130 copies of which were printed separately, collected such titles as he could obtain of books, pamphlets, and leaflets issued by or relating to the Society and its several branches. Readers are referred to this publication. No further information is now obtainable from the secretary. Society to Encourage Studies at Home. Merged 1897 into the Anna Ticknor Library Association ( Miss Lucy B. Heywood, Libn.). Trinity Court, Dart- mouth St., Boston, Mass. Health. 20 p. 120. Boston, Rockwell d- Churchill. 1878. Society to encourage studies at home, by the Managers of the Anna Ticknor Library Association. 218 p. cl. $1.00. Publishes also lists of courses of Study or Reading, as fol- lows : Art; Ancient and classic, 7 p., 10c. — Saracenic, early Chris- tian and mediaeval, 4 p., 10c. — Renaissance and modern, 10 p., 10c. — European of the nineteenth century, and American, 8 p., 10c. Imaginary journeys; England and Scotland, 7 p., 10c. — Holland and Uelgium, 7 p., lOc. — Spain and Portugal, 5 p., 10c. — Germany and Austria, 13 p., 20c. — France, 9 p., lOc. — Italy, 8 p., lUc. History; Ancient, 14 p., lOc. — Mediajval, 9p.,10c. — Modern European, parts 1 and 2, 15 p., lOc. ea. — American, 10 p., lOc. Literature; Celtic and early English, 7 p., 10c. — Queen Anne, 15 p., 10c. — Elizabethan, 15 p., 10c. — English authors of the nineteenth century, 9 p., 10c. — American, l.'i p., 10c. — Special study of Shakespeare, 10 p., 10c. — German, 11 p., 10c. — French (history and literature) 10 p., 10c. Science; Botany, parts 1 and 2,7 p., 10c. ea. — Sanitary, 8 p., 10c. — Sociology, 7 p., 10c. — Physical geography and geology, 9 p., 10c. — Dotnestic economy, domestic science and household economics, 9 p., 10c. Music; History and biography. 14 p., 20c. Soldiers' and Sailors' Historical Society of Rhode Island. See Rhode Island. Sons of Delaware. Organized 1892. (F. P. Stockley, sec.) Betz Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Reports of annual meetings. 1st, 1892-3d, 1894. 3 v. Year book, 1895; ed. by N. S. Barratt, historian. 1895. 98 p. por. O. Sons of Delaware : address at Ist annual banquet, by B. B. Comegys. 8 p. O. Sons of Temperance, National Division. 1844. Organized Proceedings 1st annual session, June 17, 1844. 12 p. 8". Proceedings 2d annual session, June 11, 1845. 58 p. 8". Constitutions of the order of the Sons of Temperance. 27 p. 157 Sons] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Southern Sons of Temperance of the State of New York, Grand Division of the. Organized 1842. Journal of ProceediDgB, yepteiuber, 184'2-October, 1844. 184."). 313 p. 8". Pin-ry A Heed, New York. Sons of the American Hcvohition; California Society. Instituted 1875, as Sons of Revolutionary Sires: name changed to tlie present in 1890. (P^dwin Bonnell, sec, 101 Montgomery St.) San Fran- cisco, Cal. History, Constitution, etc. 1897. 47 p. 8". pap. Annual banquet, Feb. '22, 1898. 30 p. pap. Sons of the American Revolution; Connecticut Society. Organized 1889. (Chas. G. Stone, sec. , P. O. Box 847, Hartford, Ct.) Year books 1891, 1892. 1892-3. %«. | cl. ea., $2. 1893-4. 1894. 8». i cl. i?2.o0. 1895-6, $2.50 : to members. $2.00. The Lebanon war office, by J. Trumbull. 1891. 96 p. 8«. $1. Vindication of Patriots of the Am. Rev. 50c. Sons of the American Revolution ; National Society. Organized 1889. (Samuel Eberly Gross, sec. gen.) 604 Masonic Temple, Chicago, III. Year books. 1891-8. pap. South Carolina Bar Association. Organized 1884. (J: P. Thomas, Jr., sec.) Columbia, S. C. Transactions. Ist annual meeting, 1885-7th, 1891. 1885-92. 5 V. 8". pap., not for sale. Formation of political and judicial subdivisions in South Carolina, by J: P. Thomas, Jr. 1890. 8'\ pap., not for sale. Note. Transactions for 1886-88 were issued in 1890 in one v.; transactions of 1892 meeting not yet pub.; no meetings have been held since then. South Carolina Historical Society. Incorporated 185G. (Rev. Jno. Johnson, cor. sec, 53 Church St.) Charleston, S. C. Collections, v. 1-5. 1857-97. 5 v. 8". Documents connected with the history of South Carolina, ed. by P. C. J. Weston. 227 p. 4". London. Oration on the 5th anniversary, by Thos. M. Hanckel. 1860. 34 p. 8«. Report of the committee in the matter of procuring tran- scripts of the colonial records of this State. 1891. )S". " Note. For some reprints from proceedings, see Griffin's bibliography of Am. hist, societies. South Carolina Medical Association. Organized 1849 ; reorganized 1869. (E. F. Parker, M.D., cor. sec.) Charleston, S. C. Transactions. Annual. Minutes of proceedings at annual meetings, 1849-50, transac- tions of board of councillors, revised constitution, etc. 8". 1850. Proceedings at ann. meeting, 1852. 8°. — at extra meeting, 1854, and of ann. meeting, 1855. 8". 1855. Transactions at extra meeting, 1855, and at ann. meeting, 1856. 8". 1856. — at extra meeting, 1856, and at ann. meeting, 1857. 8". 1857. Minutes of proceedings at meeting for reorganization, 1869, with revised Constitution. 8". 1869. Transactions, 1870-90. 8". 1870-90. South Carolina, Medical Society of. Organized 1789 ; incorporated 1794. Charleston, S. C. Laws and resolutions, with list of members and catalogue of books. 80. 1820. Constitution and by-laws, with list of officers and members, catalogue and fee bill. 12". 1850. Southern and Southwestern Railway Club. Organized 1890. (S. A. Charpiot, sec, Box 13, Savannah, Ga.) Proceedings (quarterly). Southern California, Historical Society of. Organized 1883. (J. M. Guinn, sec. and libn.) Court House, Los Angeles, Cal. Constitution, etc., 1884. 18 p. 8o. 158 Southern] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Stevens Southern California, Historical Society of, continued. Warm and cold ages of the earth in northern latitudes, by J.J.Warner. 1884. 16 p. S". Hartford, Conn. Constitution and papers. 1887. 54 p. 8". Annual publication, 1888-89. 1889. 54 p. 8". Papers, 1890. 51 p. 8". Annual publication of papers. 1891. 8". o. p. 1893,1894. 8». ea., 30c. Translation of Spanish documents from the Sutro collection, by G. B. Gritlin. 1892. 215 p. S". pap., $1. Southern California Teachers Association. Organized 1893. (J. B. Millard, sec, 548 So. Alvorado Ave.) Los Angeles, Cal. Proceedings, v. 1-3. 1896-8. 3 v. 12". pap. ea., $1. Southern Dental Association. Organized 18()0. Con- solidated with the Am. Dent. Asso. in forming the Natl. Dental Asso. in 1S97, but preserving its existence as the Southern Branch. (S. W. Foster, sec, 62 Inman Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.) Transactions. Annual. 1869-97. 8". cl. Southern Historical Society. Organized 1869. (R. A. Brock, sec, 400 W. Clay St.) Richmond, Va. $3; ea., pap since then each Papers, v. 1, 1876— v. 26, 1898. 24 v. 8». hf. mor., $3.75; hf. cf., $4. Note. Each v. contained 26 nos. until v. 7; V. contains 12 nos. Since v. 12, annual. Proceedings of the Southern Historical Convention, Aug. 14, 1873, and of the Southern Historical Society as reorganized. 1873. 44 p. Baltimore. A roster of general officers, heads of departments, senators, representatives, military organizations, etc., in Confederate service during the war between the states, by C. C. Jones, Jr. 1876. 135 p. 8". Southern Historical Society : North Carolina Branch. Our living and our dead, devoted to North Carolina, — her past, present, and future, v. 1-4:1. 1875,6. 8". Southern History Association. Organized 1896. (Col- yer Meriwether, sec, Box 65.) Washington, D. C. Publications (quarterly), v. 1 : 1— v. 2 : 2. 1897-8. 8". $3 per vol. — Extra vol. 1. Index to Bishop Meade's " Old churches, ministers, and familiee of Virginia," by J. M. Toner. 63 p. 8». $1. Southern New Hampshire Bar Association. Organized 1891. (Arthur H. Chase, sec.) Concord, N. H. Proceedings. 1892 to 1898. v. 1:1-4, 1892-5. v. 2:1-3, 1896-8. pap., ea. part, 50c. Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association. Or- ganized 1887. (W. E. B. Davis, M.D.,sec.) Birmingham, Ala. Transactions. Annual. 10 v. 8". Dornon. Spelling Reform Association. Organized 1876. (Mel- vil Dewey, sec, University of the State of New York, Albany, N. Y.) Spelling, nos. 1-9. 8". State Bar Association of Utah. See Utah. State Charities Aid Association, New York. See New York. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. See Wisconsin. State University of Iowa. See Iowa. Staten Island, Natural Science Association of. Organ- ized 1881. (Arth. Hollick, sec. and ed.) New Brighton, N. Y. Proceedings. [Published in separate nos. for each meet- ing. 10 nos. each year.] v. 1 (1883-88) ; v. 2 (1888-91) ; v. 3 (1891-93) ; V. 4 (1893-95) ; v. 5 (1895-96) ; v. 6 (1896-98). 1883- 98. 6 V. 8". V. 1-5, ca. $2.50; v. 6, $2.00. Stevens Institute of Technology. Alumni Association. Organized 1878. (Franklin DeR. Furman.) Stevens Institute, Iloboken, N. J. Stevens Institute Indicator, v. 1-16. 1884-98. 8». 100 to 130 p. pap., f 1.50 per year; 50c. each. Surveyors'] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Texas Surveyors' Association of West West New Jersey. New Jersey. See Tammany Society or Columbian Order. Founded 1789. Tammany Hall, 14th St., New Jor/c Citi/. ConwtiUition, public. 1789. S p. 16". T. Greenh-af, N. Y. Public and private couBtitution. About 1790. 4 p. 8". New York. An address on the natural and social order of the world as intended to produce universal good; delivered before the Tam- many Society at their anniversary, on the r2th of May, 1798, hy Geo. Logan. 1798. VJ. p. 8". />'. F. Jiuc/ie, Phil. Address to its absent members, and the members of its several branches throui\-moi\\}\\y) . Feb., 1898+. 20c. per no.; $1 per year. StudieB. V. 1:1-2. 1893,4. Notes on the development of a child, by M. W. Shinn. 25c. ea. V. 2 : 1. Notes on children's drawings, ed. by E. E. Brown. 1897. 50c. University of California. Department of Geology (And. C. Lawson,ed.) Berkeley, Cal. Bulletin. V. 1, no. 1, 1893— V. 2, no. 4, 1898. O. V. 1: 1. Geology of Carraelo Bay, by A. C. Lawson; with chemical analysis and cooperation in the field, by J. de la C. Posada. '93. 25c. 2. aoda-rhyolite north of Berkeley, by C: Palache. '93. Eruptive rocks of Point Bonita, by F. L. Ransome. '93. 10c. 3. 40c. 4. Post-pliocene diastropbism of the coast of Southern California, by A. C. Lawson. '93. 40c. 5. Lberzolite-serpentine and rocks of the Potrero, San Fran- cisco, by C: Palache. 6. On a rock, from the vicinity of Berkeley, containing a new soda amphibole, by C: Palache. 1894. nos. 5, 6, in 1 V. 30c. 7. Geology of Angel Island, by F. L. Ransome; with a note on the radiolarian chert from Angel Island, and from Buri-buri Ridge, San Mateo County, Cal., by G: J. Hinde, 1894. 45c. 8. Geomorphogeny of tbe coast of northern California, by A. C. Lawson. 1894. 30c. 9. On analacite diabase from San Luis Obispo County, Cal., by H. W. Fairbanks. 1895. 25c. 10. On lawsouite, a new rock-forming mineral from the Tiburon Peninsula, Marin County, Cal., by F. L. Ransome. 1895. 10c. 11. Critical periods in the history of the earth, by J. Le Conte. 1895. 20c. 12. On maliguite, a family of basic, plutonic, orthoclase rocks, intrusive in the Coutchiching schists of Poohbah lake, by A. C. Lawson. 1896. 20c. 13. Sigmogoraphius Le Contei, a new casteroid rodent from the pliocene near Berkeley, by J. C. Merriam. 1896. 10c. 14. Great valley of California, a criticism of the theory of isostacy, by F. L. Ransome. 1896. 45c. V. 2 : 1. Geology of Point Sal, by H. W. Fairbanks. 1896. 65c. 2. Some pliocene ostracoda from near Berkeley, by F. Chapman. 1896. 10c. 3. Note on two tertiary faunas from the rocks of the south- era coast of Vancouver island, by J. C. Merriam. 1896. 10c. 4. Distribution of the neocene sea-urchias of middle Cali- fornia, and its bearing on the classification of the neocene formations, by J. C. Merriam. 1898. 10c. University of California: Library. (J. 'C. Rowell, libn.) Berkeley., Gal. Bulletin, no. 1, 1880— no. 12, 1894. 8". no. 6. Photographs of sculpture presented by J. S. Hittell. 1885. 7. Catalogue of the theological library presented by A. S. Hallldie. 1886. 8. Stoddard, F. H. References for students of miracle plays and mysteries. 1887. 9. RoweU, J.C. List of printed maps of California. 1887. 10. Cook, A. 8. Cardinal Guala and the Vercelli book. 1888. 11. Gayley, CM., and Scott, F.N. A guide to the literature of aesthetics. 1890. 12. Classification of books in the library, by J. C. Rowell. 1894. O. 50c. University of California : Lick Observatory. ( Ja: E. Keeler, director.) Mount Hamilton, Cal. Publications, v. 1, 1887; v. 2, 1893; v. 3, 1894. 3 v. Q. cl. (V. 1 and 3 are o.p.) Contributions, no. 1, 18S9-no. 5, 1895. O. cl. (nos. 1-3 are o. p.) 1. Reports on observations of the total eclipse of the sun of Jan. 1, 1889. 1889. 2. Reports on observations of the total eclipse of the sun of Dec. 21-22, 1889, and of total eclipse of moon, July 22, 1888; [also] catalogue of library, 1891. 3. Terrestrial atmospheric absorption of the photographic rays of light, by J. M. Schael)erle. 1893. 164 University] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [University University of California, continued. i. Report ou the total eclipBo of the sun observed at Miiia Bronces, Chile, April 16, 1803, by J. M. Schaeberle. IS'.tS. 5. Meteors aiut Hunsets obHerved by oilicers of llic Lick Observatory in 1S'.(3, 1894, and ISSu, by Messrs. llolden, bchae- berle, Colton, and IVrrinc. 1805. Suggestions for observing the total eclipse of the sun on Jan. 1, 1880, by K: K. Ilolden. 1889. o. p. A brief account of the Lick Observatory, by E; 8. Ilolden. iBt ed. 1894; 2d cd. 1895. 32 p. A cipher-code for astronomical telegrams, by E: S. Ilolden. 1806. University of Chicago. Organized 1887. American Institute of Sacred Literature. (G. L. Chamber- lin, sec.) Chicago., III. Studiea in the Life of Christ (monthly), by E. D. Burton; ed. by W: R. Harper. 1893-94. 8". unbound. Studies in thi; Foreshadowing of Christ (monthly), by W: R. Harper. 1894-95. 8". unbound. Studies in the Founding of the. Christian Church (month- ly), by E. D. Burton, ed. by W: R. Harper. 1895-96. 8o. unbound. Studies in the \Vo7'k of The Old Testament Sages (month- ly), by W: R. Harper. 1896-97. S". unbound. American Institute Essays, nos. 1-16. 1896. ea., 9-50 p. 8». 10 to 30c. Note. Bncceeded American Publishing Society of Hebrew. University of Chicago. (The University Press.) (H. A. Cuppy, director.) Chicago, III. Journal of Political Economy; ed. by J. L. Laughlin (quarterly). 8". $3 per year. American Journal of Sociology ; ed. by A. W. Small (bi- monthly). 8". $2 per' year. American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, continuing Ilebraica ; ed. by W. R. Harper (quarterly). 8". $3 per year. American Journal of Theology ; ed. by Divinity faculty. $3 per year. Astrophysical Journal (10 nos. a year) ; ed. by G: E. Hale and J. E. Keeler. 8". $4 per year. Biblical World (continuing The Old and New Testament Student) ; ed. by W. R. Harper (quarterly, 2 v. a year). 80. $2 per year. Terrestrial Magnetism (quarterly) ; ed. by L. A. Bauer. 8». $2 per year. Journal of Geology (8 nos. a year) ; ed. by T. C. Chara- berlin. 8". $3 per year. School Heriew (monthly except July and August); ed. by C. H. Thurber. 8". $1.50 per year. Botanical Gazette (monthly) ; ed. by J; M. Coulter and others. $3 per year. University liecord (weekly). $1.50 per year. Economic studies : 1. Science of finance, by G. Cohn, tr. by T. B. Veblen. 1895. large 8". net, $3.50. 2. History of the Union Pacific Railway, by H: K. White. 1895. large 8". net, $1.50. 3. The Indian silver currency, by Karl EUstaetter. 132 p. 8». cl., $1.25. 4. State aid to railways in Missouri, by J. W. Million. 264 p. large 8». cl., $1.75. Germanic studies : 1. Conjunktiv bei Hartmann von Aue, by 8. W. Cutting. 8". pap., ,'iOc. 2 : 1. Verner's law in Gothic. 2. Reduplicating verbs in Germanic, by F. A. Wood. 50c. English studies : 1. Assembly of gods; or, the accord of reason and sensu- ality in the fear of death, by J: Lydgate. 8". pap. 2. History of the English paragraph, by E. H. Lewis. 8". pap., 50c. 3. The treatment of nature in English poetry, between Pope and Wordsworth, by Myra Reynolds. 280 p. S'. pap., 75c. Metaphor and simile in the minon»Elizabethan drama, by F: I. Carpenter. 8". 50c. Assyrian and Babylonian letters belonging to the K col- lection of the British Museum, by R. F. Harper. 1894. 2 v. 8". ea., $7. The University of Chicago contributions to philosophy, nos. 1-2. ea., .35c. subs, to 4 nos., $1. Studies in classical philology, v. 1. 250 p. 8". bds., $1.50. 1. Anticipatory subjunctive in Greek and Latin, by W: G. Hale. 8". pap., oOc. 2. Vitruvius and the Greek stage, by E: Capps. 8". pap., 25c. 3. Direction of writing on Attic vases, by K. B. Tarbell. 4. Oscan-Urabrian verb system, by C. I). Buck. 8". jiap., 50c. 165 University] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [University University of Chicago, eotitinued. 5. Idea of God in Plato's Republic, by P. Shorey. Studies in political scii-nce. 1. Legal nature of corporations, by Ernst Frcund. 8:1 p. 8". pap., 50c. Negatives of the Indo-European languages, by F. H. Fowler. 40 p. large S". pap., .'iOc. Analysis of the social structure of a western town, by A. W. Dunn. 53 p. large 8". 25c. Moods and tenses of New Testament Greek, by E. D. Bur- ton. 2d ed., rev. and enl. 8". net, $1.50. Development of the French Monarchy under Louis VI., Le Gros, 1108-1137, by J. W. Thompson, net, $1. Gold and prices since 1873, by J. L. Laughlin. 66 p. 8". charts, etc. 25c. Physiological archives: Hull physiological laboratory. 1. Publications of the year 1895. 8". pap.,$l. Constitution of the Argentine Republic and the constitution of the United States of Brazil, by E. Wallace. 8". pap., .50e. Notes on Mexican archaeology, by F: Starr, il. 8". pap., 25c. Phallicism in Japan, by E. Buckley, il. 8". pap., 50c. Food as a factor in student life, by E. H. Richards and M. Talbot. 8". pap., 25c. University of Cincinnati: Astronomical Observatory. Organized 1842. (J. G. Porter, Director, Station C.) Cincinnati, Ohio. 1. Catalogue of 50 new double stars, by H. A. Howe. 1876. 8 p. 8". pap. 2. Micrometrical measures of 176 double and triple stars by O. M. Mitchel. 1876. 21 p. 8". pap. ' 3. Micrometical measures of 166 double and triple stars bv Ormond Stone. 1877. 39 p. 8". pap. 4. Micrometrical measures of 507 double stars, by O. Stone. 1878. 8.3 p. 8^. pap. 5. Micrometrical measures of 1054 double stars, by O. Stone 1879. 209 p. 8". pap. •' 6. Micrometrical measures of 455 double stars, by O. Stone. 1882. 73 p. 8**. pap. 7. Obsei-vations of the comets of 1880, 1881 and 1882 bv O Stone and H. C. Wilson. 1883. 91 p. 9 pi. S". pap. 8. Observations of the comets of 1883, by H. C Wilson 1885. 35 p. 13 pi. 8'^ pap. vvuson. 9. Zone Catalogue of 4050 stars for 1885.0, by J. G. Porter 1887. 104 p. 4". pap. 10^ Micrometrical measures of 374 double stars. 1882-8. bv H. C. Wilson. 1890. 70 p. 8". pap. ^ 11. Charts and micrometrical measures of nebula, bv J G Porter. 1891. 39 p. 8 pi. 40. pap. 12. Catalogue of 1340 proper motion stars, by J. G. Porter 1892. 254 p. 4". pap. 13. Catalogue of 2000 stars for 1890.0, by J. G. Porter 1895. 51 p. 4". pap. Three approximate solutions of Kepler's problem, bv H A Howe. 1879. 6 p. 8". pap. > 1 ■ • Extra meridian determination of time, by O. Stone 1879 6 p. 8". pap. Historical sketch of the Cincinnati Observatorv. 1843-93 bv J.G.Porter. 1893. 15 p. 8<). 1 pL pap. University of Denver. Organized 1881. (Edw. B. T. Spencer, sec, University Park.) Denver, Col. Bulletin. '95, 96. 12°. 25c. pr. year. The Study {qnarietXy). 1896-8.' 80. 'pap., 25c. pr vear Year Book. 1891-8. pap. f j . Publications of the Chamberlin Observatory, ed. by Herbert A.Howe. 1889. 8". 20 p. pap. University of Illinois. Organized 1867. (Katharine L. Sharp, hbn.) Urhana and Champaign, III. on^'^'fin Engineers' Club : Selected papers, nos. 1-4. 1885- 90. »". mor. continued in the following- Association of Engineering Societies • rechnograph. v. 5-12. 1891-98. 8 v. 8". pap. ea .50c na^y'report'"l89l°^ '^' ^''"'" '"^P""' °^ "''"°''' ^ P''^'''"^- Agricultural Experiment Station ■ Bulletins. JO nos 1-52. 1888-98. (v. 1 contains.nos. unbound;)' "" "°'- ^^-^^- "'• remaining nos. Annual reports. 1-10. 1887-97. 10 v 8" State Laboratory of Natural Historv • if."'';"?-.,^"^^^-, I-J-1-6- V. •ir'l-S. V. 3:1-1.5. v. 4 : l-lo. V. 5 : 1-3. (v. 1-3 only bound.) University of Iowa, State. See Iowa. University of Kansas. Organized 1866. (W H Car ruth, managing ed.) Lawrence, Kan. Kansas University Quarterly, v. 1 : 1, 1892+. 166 University] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [University Organized 1837. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan. Mich. Philosophical papers. Ist, 2d Ber. 1886-88. 8 noB. ea., pap., 25c.; ea., Her., 75c. O. AnilrewH li: W. Ist ser. 110. I. UuiverHity education, by G: S. Morris. — 2. Goethe and the conduct of life, by C. Thomas. — 3 Contribution to the Bcicnce of education values, by W: H. Payne. — 4. Herbert Spencer as a biologist, by H: Bewail; [also] Some relations between philoaopby and literature, by B; C. Burt. 2d ser. no. 1. Ethics of democracy, by J: Dewey. — 2. Speculative consequences of evolution, by A. Wincnell. — 3. Leasing on the boundaries of poetry and painting, by E. L. Walter. — 4. Ethics of Bp. Butler and Iramanuel Kant, by W. Cook. University of Michigan, Engineering Society of tlie. Organized 1882. (C. W. Whitney, man. ed., 611 Church St.) Ann Arbor, Mich. TheTechnic. 1888-98. 11 v. 8». pap. ea., 50c. Catalogue of engineering books in the library. 1890. 36 p. 80. pap., 15c. University of Nebraska. Organized 1869. (L. A. Sher- man, chn. pub. com.) Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska Literally Magazine ; ed. by J. W. Adams. 1895. 80. 2oc. Catalogue of the flora of Nebraska. 1875. 38 p. 8". o. p. University studies, v. 1 : 1-4. v. 2 : 1-2. 1888-97. Seminary papers, nos. 1, 2. 1891,92. 2 v. O. ea., pap., $1. Putnam. 1. Evolution of the ordinance of 1787, by J. A. Barrett. 2. Slavery In the District of Columbia, by M. Tremain. Bulletins of the agricultural experiment station, nos. 1-56. 1887-98. 8". Annual reports of same. v. 1-11. 1888-1898. 11 v. 80. pap. Oontributions from the department of botany, by C. E. Beseey. nos. 1-14. 1892-98. 8". ea., 10c. Reports of the botanical seminar, nos. 1-4. 1892-96. 8". ea., 25c. Flora of Nebraska, nos. 1-2, 1894. no. 3, 1895. 3 nos. roy. 80. ea., $1. Addresses before the botanical seminar, nos. 1-2, 1894-95. 12'. ea., 50c. Phytogeography of ^Nebraska, by Drs. Roscoe Pound and F. E. Clements. 1808. 330 p. 80. cl., $2. J. North & Co. Biennial reports of the board of regents. 13 v. University of Pennsylvania. Founded 1740. (J. H. Merrick, asst. sec, College Hall, University.) Philadelphia, Pa. University Bulletin, v. 1 : 1-4. 1894. v. 2:1-5. $1 per year. Single copies 15c. Published Oct. to June, since Feb., 1898. Annual reports of provost. 1881-|-. Biographical catalogue of the Matriculates of the College, 1749-1893. Prepared by a Committee of the Society of the Alumni. Philadelphia, 1894. Svo, pp. xlii, 567. Paper, $5. Catalogue of the University of Pennsylvania (1897-98). Phila. 1897. 12mo. pp. 4S2. Cloth, 35c. Reports of the museums of archaaology and paleontology. Philology, literature, and archaeology series, v. 1-6. 6 v. 80. v. 5 and 6, ea., $2. v. 1 : 1. Poetic and verse criticism of the reign of Elizabeth, by F. E. Scbelling. SI. 2. A fragment of the Babylonian " Dibbarra" epic, by M. Jastrow, Jr. 60c. 3. a. Ilpd? with the accusative, b. Note on a passage in the Antigone, by W. A. Lamberton. 50c. 4. The gambling games of the Chinese in America: FAn fan and pak k6p piu, by 8. Culin. 40c. v. 2: 1. Recent archieological explorations in the valley of the Delaware river, by C. C. Abbott. 75c. 2. The platform at Persepolis, by M. W. Easton. 25c. 3. (In preparation.) 4. The life and writings of George Qascoigne, by F. E. Schelling. $1. V. 3 : 1. Assyriaca, by Hermann V. Hilprecht. $1.50. 2. A primer of Mayan hieroglyphics. By Daniel G. Brin- ton. $1.20. V. 4 : 1. The rhymes of Qowcr's Confessio Amantis, by M. W. Easton. 00c. 2. Social changes in the sixteenth century as reflected in contemporary English literature, by Edward P. Cheyney. $1. 3. The war of the theatres, by Josiah H. Penniman. "!?1. V. 5. Two plays of Miguel "^Sauchez (surnamed "El Di- vine "), by H. A, Rennert. $2. 167 University] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [University University of Pennsylvania, continued. V. 6. a. The anti(|uity of man in the Delaware valley. b. Exploialionof an Indian ossuary on the Uhoptank river, Dorcliewter co., Mil. c. Exploration of aboriginal shell heaps on York river, Maine. By II. 0. Mercer. Philosophy series, nos. 1-2. o. p. 1. Sameness and identity, by (}. S. Fnllerton. 2. On the ])erceptiou of small differences, by J. M. Cattell and O. S. Kullerton. Political economy and pulilic law series. 13 nos. 8". 1. The AVhartou school annals of political science. March, 1885. o. p. 2. The anti-rent agitation in the state of New York. 1839- 1846. By E. P. Chcyney. 50c. 3. Ground rents in Philadelphia, by E. P. Allinson and B. Penrose. 25c. 4. The consumption of wealth, by 8. N. Patten. .50c. 5. Prison statistics of the United States for 188S, by R. P. Falkner. o. p. 6. The principles of rational taxation, by 8. N. Patten, o. p. 7. The federal constitution of Germany. With an histori- cal introduction. Translated by E. J. James. 2d ed. 50c. 8. The federal constitution of Switzerland. Trans, by E. J. James. 50c. 9. Our sheep and the tariff, by W. D. Lewis, o. p. 10. The German bundesrath, by J. H. Robinson. 75c. 11. The theory of dynamic economics, by 8. N. Patten. $1.00. 12. The referendum in America. A discussion of law- making by popular vote. By E. P. Oberholtzer. $1.50. 13. Currency reform, by J. F. Johnson. 25c. Contributions from the botanical laboratory, v. 1 : 1-3. 3 nos. Numerous plates, ea., $2. Contributions from the zoological laboratory, v. 1 : 1-2. Numerous plates, ea. no., $2. v. 2, $1.00. v. 3. o. p. Mathematics series. No. 1. 40c. a. Contributions to the geometry of the triangle, by R. J. Aley, A.M. b. Properties of the Locus r = Constant, in space of h di- mensions. By Paul R. Heyl, B.S. Hygiene series. 1 and 2. 40c. a. Biological relation between bacteria and the more highly organized flora of running streams, by D. H. Bergey, M.D. b. Comparative studies upon the pseudo-diphtheria, or Hofmann bacillus, the Xerosis bacillus, and the Loffler bacil- lus, by r>. H. Bergey, M.D. M)te. For further bibliographical information see chap. 27 of " Benjamin Franklin and the University of Pennsylvania," issued by the U. 8. Bureau of Education in 1893. University of Pennsylvania, Society of the Alumni of the Medical Department of the. (Jos. P. Tunis, M.D., sec.) Proceedings, v. 3-7, 1873-7. 9-10, 1879-80. 14-15, 1884-5. Catalogue of the Alumni of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania 1765-1877. Phila.,1877. 8", pp. 206. Appendix 1878-1887. Phila., 1888. 80, pp. 32. Appendix 1888-1897. Phila., 1897. 8», pp. 37, 3 pts. pap. $1.50. University of the State of New York, Medical and Sur- gical Society of the. Proceedings, v. 1-11. 1807-17. 8o. 1808-1817. New York. University of the State of New York. Albany, iV. Pi J^ote. The University of the State of New York is not a University in the ordinary sense. The Board of Regents is a supervisory body, having oversight of higher education throughout the State. For publications by the:^ library and state museum, see separate Bibliography of State Publications. University of Virginia. Organized 1825. (W. II. Echols, ed.) Charlottesville, Va. A?)nals of Mathematics (bimonthly). 12 v. 4". pap. $2 per year. University of Wisconsin. Organized 1848. (E: F. Riley, sec. of Board of Regents.) Madison, Wis. Inauguration of Hon. J. II. Lathrop, as chancellor. 1850. Bulletins : Engineering series, v. 1 ; 1-5. O. pap. 1:1. Track, by L. F. Loree. 1894. 25c. — 2. Some prac- tical hints in dynamo design, by G. Wilkes. 1894. 25c. — 3. Steel construction of buildings, by C. T. Purdy. 1894. 25c. — 4. Evolution of a switchboard, by A. V. Abbott. 1894. il! 35c. — 5. Experimental study of field methods which will insure to stadia measurements greatly increased accuracv. bv L.S.Smith. 1895. il. 35c. 1 68 University] PUB Lie A r IONS OF SOCIETIES [Vermont University of Wisconsin, continued. Economics, political science, and history series, v. 1 : 1-2. O. pap. 1 : 1. Geognipliical distribution of tiie vote of the thirteen states on the Federal constitution, 1787-8, by O. Q. I.ibby. 1894. il. 7.=)c. — 2. Finances of the United States from 1775 to 1789, with especial reference to the budget, by C: J. Bullock. 189.i. 75c. Science series, v. 1 : 1-4. O. pap. 1: 1. On the speed of liberation of iodine in solutions of hydrochloric acid, potassium chlorate, and potasRium iodide, by II. Schlundt. 1894. 35c.— 2. On the quartz l. $1 per year. Note. Contains all the proceedings of the Association and miscellaneous matter suitable for a law journal. Proceedings. Annual. 1886+. 8". West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society. Or- ganized 1891. (Rev. K. D. Roller, sec.) Charles- ton, W. Va. History and mystery of the Kanawha Valley, by J. P. Hale. 1897. 18 p. 8". pap. Some local archaeology, by J. P. Hale. 1898. 14 p. S". pap. West Virginia Historical Societj'. Organized 1869. Morgantown, W. Va. Proceedings, v. 1, part 1. 1871. 150 p. 8". Brief history of the soldiers' medals issued by the state, by H. E. Hayden. 1881. 17 p. 8". plate. Wilkes- Barre. West Virginia, Medical Society of. Organized 18G7. (G. A. Aschman, .M.D., sec, Exchange Bank Bldg., Wheeling, W. Va.) Transactions. 1-24. 1868-98. 8". Wheeling. Westchester County Historical Society. (W: A. Wood- worth, libn.) White Plains, N. V. Some of the beginnings of Westchester County history, by Ex-Qov. A. B. Cornell. Adraen van der Donck [1641-16531. By Thos. A. Atkins. 1888. 26 p. 8". ranker s. Relation of Presbyterianism to the Revolutionary sentiment in the province of New York : address, by A. R. Macoubrey. 1891 . 8". 173 Western] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Western Western Institute of Homoeopathy. Trausactiono. v. 5-0. 1867-8. 8". Chicago. Western New York Horticultural Society. Organized 1855. (John Hall, sec., Chamher of Commerce Bldg.) Rochesier, N. V. Proceedings. Annual. Western Pennsylvania, Engineers' Society of. Organ- ized 1880. (R. A. Fessendcn, sec.) 410 Pen7i Ave., Pifisbvrg, Pa. Proceedings, v. 1-13. 1880-97. 13 v. 80. el. or pap., 5Uc. to $2.25. 1882 to 1887. o. p. Western Reserve Historical Society. Previously known as Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical Society. Organized 18G7; re-char- tered 1892. (J. P. MacLean, libn.) Euclid Ave. and Fairmount St., Cleveland, 0. Tracts, dos. 1-88. 1877-98. v. 1-4. cl. (v. 4 incomplete.) V 1, $20. V. 2 and 3, ea., $5. v.l:l. Battle of Frenchtown, Mich., Jan., 1813, by Rev. 2. judges of the supreme court of Ohio, 1803-1804, by A. T. Goodman. ^,. , „^^.^ , 3 War of 1812. Papers of EUsha Whittlesey. 4 First white child in Ohio, by A. T. Goodman. 5. Ancient earthworks of the Cuyahoga valley, with lis. by Col. Whittlesey. „ ^ ^ 6 First white settlers, by A. T. Goodman. 8 Indian affairs, Detroit, 1706. Papers of Gen. Cass. Archaeological frauds, by Col. Chas. Whittlesey. Ancient rock sculpture, Barnesville, Belmont co., Ohio. Ancient mound, Hardin co. Col. Bradstreet's expedition, 1764. Selection no. 1; same, no. 2. War of 1812. Papers of Major George Tod. Hist, of Northfield, by A. M. Searles. Biography and correspondence of war of 1812. North West territory; discovery and ownership, by Hon. James A. Garfield. „ ^^ ,, Battle of Frenchtown, by Rev. Thorn. P. Dudley. Major Isaac Craig on Lake Erie, 1782. White men as scalpers. , ^ ., tt •. i o* . Thorn. Hutchins, geographer general of the united btates, 1 77Q— 1 788 Relics of the mound builders, by C. C. Baldwin. Sortie at Fort Meigs, May, 1813. Address of Thomas Christian. Early maps of Ohio and the West, by C. C. Baldwin, sec. Historical and pioneer societies of Ohio, by C. C. Baldwin, Tradition of Bradey, the Indian hunter, with letters about Bradey from Gen. L. V. Bierce and Hon. F. Wadsworth. Early settlement of Warren, Trumbull co., O., by Leonard Western Reserve, — origin of title, by Col. Chas. Whittlesey. Archseological frauds, by Col. Chas. Whittlesey (illustrated). Review of the first volume of the Margry papers, by C. C. Baldwin. A centennial law suit. , „ ^ ^ Francis Vigo and the expedition of Gen. George Rogers Clark, by C. C. Baldwin. , ^ ^ ^ , Memoranda by the late Alfred T. Goodman. Bison or buffalo in Ohio. Statement of Gen. George Sanderson, of Lancaster, O., as to war of 1812. . Major Amos Stoddard killed at Fort Meigs. Gen. Harrison at Cleveland, 1812. V. ii. Ninth annual report. 1877. Discovery of the Ohio river by Robert Cavalier De La Salle, 1669-70, by Chas. Whittlesey. Autograph letters. The Iroquois in Ohio. C. C. Baldwin. Ancient earthworks, northern Ohio. C. Whittlesey. Numismatics. Facts in regard to early American coins. H. N. Johnson. Revolutionary correspondence of 1777. Early Indian migration in Ohio. C. C. Baldwin. 11th annual report. 1879. The girdled road. C. C. Bronson. Major Wilkins disaster, 1763. J. P. Kirtland. Diary of Capt. James Bonner, Oct. 3, 1813. 1814. Papers on frontier troubles. 1787-1813. Indian narrative, by Judge Hugh Welch of Green Spring. Seneca and Sandusky cos., O. C. C. Baldwin. George Wadsworth's division, war of 1812. Chas. Whit- tleaey. 174 Western] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [ Wejmoiitli Western Reserve Historical Society, continued.' Relics of aboriginal art and their ethnological value. C. WhittloBuy. InBciibed stones, Licking co., O. C. WhitlleBey. The slate of Ohio, sources of her strength. C. Whittlesey. Ancient burial cists in northeasteru Ohio. Cornelius Bald- win. Biography of Ephraim Kirby. Theodore Garlick. Ohio surveys. Chas. Whittlesey. The glacial boundary in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. G. Frederick Wright. Surveys of the public lands in Ohio. (!. Whittlesey. The corporate birth and growth of Cleveland. Judge 8. O. Griswold. 'i'he geographical history of Ohio. C. C. Baldwin. Map and description of North Eastern Ohio. Kev. J. Etcckewelder. Col. Bradstreet's misfortunes'on Lake Erie, 1764. ^^emorjal of Col. Whittlesey. C. C. Baldwin. The origin and development of the almanac. S. Briggs. The pre-glacial course of the Rocky river, O. I). T. Gould. First U. 8. land surveys, 1786, seven rauges in Ohio. Thomas Hutchins, geographer. C. Whittlesey. The battle of the Peninsula, 1812. Gen. Wadsworth's di- vision, Ohio militia. C. Whittlesey. V. iii. Archaeology of Ohio. M. C. Read. Historical sketch of W.'R. H. Society. I). W. Manchester. Discovery of paheolithic implements at Newcomerstown, O. W. C. Mills and I'rof. U. Frederic Wright. Ancient earlhwoiks of Ohio. I'rof. \V. F. Putnam. Manuscript of Solomon Bpaulding and the Book of JSfor- mon. Pres. James A. Garfield. Twenty-fourth annual, meeting of ,W. R. H. S. "^Address of ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes. Report of W. D. Manchester, sec. Address on the new methods. C. C. Baldwin. Case school of applied science. Biographical sketches of the founder and his kinsmen: Leonard Case, Sr., 1786-1S64; William Case, 1818-1862; Leonard Case, Jr., 1820-1880. By Hon. James Cleveland. History of man in Ohio. A panorama. Judge C. C. Bald- win. The Ohio railroad : that famous structure built on stilts. C. P. Leland, Esq. Development of Cleveland's harbor. J. H. Sargent. The early history of Lorain co. Hon. W. W. Boynton. Traces of ice age in the flora of Cuyahoga valley. Prof. E. W. Claypole. V. iv. Charter and re-organization of the society. 1891-92. Memorial of C. C. Baldwin, LL.D. George F. Wright. The underground railroad. B. James H. Fairchild. Farm life in central Ohio sixty years ago. Martin Welker. History of Cleveland, by C. Whittlesey. 1809. Journal of Capt. William Trent, from Logstown to Pieka- willany, 1752; with other matter, ed. by A. T. Goodman. 1871. U7 p. 8». Chulnnati. Journal of Capt. Jonathan Heart, Sept. 7-Oct. 12, 1785, with notes and a biographical sketch. 1885. 94 p. sm. 40. Albany. Archaeology of Ohio, by M. C. Read. 1888. 119 p. 8". plates. BruU's discoveries and explorations. C. W. Butterfield, 1898. 184 p. 120. cl. $1.75. Helman-Taylor Co. Western Society of Engineers. Organized 1869. (Nelson L. Litten, sec.) 1737 Monadnock Blocks cor. Dearborn and Van Buren Sts., Chicago, 111. Papers, v. 1, July 11, 1870-Mch. 7, 1876. 225 p. 16". cl. o. p. — V. 2, to June 1877. 88 p. la". cl. o. p. Papers and proceedings, v. 3, June, 1877-June, 1878. SO p. 12". pap. o. p. — V. 4, Sept., 1878-Oct., 1879. 139 p. 120. cl., $1. Proceedings, v. 5, Dec, 1879-Dec., 1880. 174 p. 12". cl., $1. — V. 6, Jan.-June, 1881. 100 p. 12«. cl., $1. Journal, v. 1-3. 1896-8. 12">. % r., $3.10, $2.75. Western Surgical and Gynecological Association. (Geo. H. Simmons, sec, Gl Market St., Chicago, 111.) Transactions. Annual. 1896-7. Weymouth Historical Society. Organized 1879. (S: W. Reed, sec.) Weymouth, Mass. Journal of Gen. Solomon Lovell, kept during the Penobscot Expedition, 1779, by Glbert Nash. 1881. 27 p. S». o. p. Historical sketch of the town of Weymouth from 1622 to 1884, by Gilbert Nash. 1885. 346 p. 8<>. $2. ^15 William] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Wisconsin William and Mary College. (Lyon G. Tyler, ed.) Williamsburg, Va. Quarterly Historical Magar.ine. v. 1, 1893— v. 5, 1897. 5 v. 8". Note. Tills publlcntion was known as Quarterly Historical Papers until 1894. The History of the College of William and Mary, from its foundation, IGGd, to 1874. Richmond, 1874. 8". pp. 18f). cloth, lucludt's Catalogue of the Alumni. This is the 4lli ed., previous issues having appeared in 1855, 1859 and 1870. Williams College. Organized 1703. (E. B. Parson.s, sec.) Williamstown, Mass. Centennial anniversary, 1793-1893. 1894. 8". $2. Annual catalogues. Annual obituary records. General Catalogue of the OflicerB, Alumni and Honorary Graduates of Williams College (1795-1890). Williamstown, Mass., 1890. S». pp.131, paper. Wilmington Institute. Organized as the Library Co. of Wilmington, 1788; name changed to present 1859. (E. F. Doan, libn.) Wilmington, Del. Catalogue of the phaenogamous and fllicoid plants of New- castle county, Del. 1860. 112 p. 80. Winchester Historical and Genealogical Society. Or- ganized 1884. (C. L. Mitchell, sec, 4 Summit Ave.) Manchester, Mass. Winchester Record, v. 1-3 : 1. Jan., 1885-Jan., 1887. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Organized 1870. (Albert S. Flint, sec, 420 Mary St.) Madison, Wis. Transactions, v. 1-11. 1870-97. v. 12 : 1. 8". pap. Catalogue of library, 1893. 212 p. O. o. p. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. Organized 1895. (E. A. Birge, director.) Madison, Wis. Bulletin no. 1. On the forest resources of northern Wis- consin, by F. Roth. 1898. 78 p. 8". map. 25c. — no. 2. On the Instincts and habits of the solitary wasps, by G. W. and E. G. Peckham. 1898. 241 p. 8o. 14 pi. cl. $2.00. Wisconsin, Natural History Society of. Organized 1866. TGeo. W. Peckham, pres.) Milwaukee, Wis. Proceedings (issued in signatures), p. 1-p. 33, 1885-89. O. Occasional papers, v. 1 : 1-2. G: W. and E. C. Peckham. 1. Observations on sexual selection in spiders of the family attidae. O. — 2. Some observations on the mental powers of spiders. Oinii. — 3. Additional observations on sexual selection in spiders of the family attidaj, with some remarks on Mr. Wallace's theory of sexual ornamentation, by G: W. and E. G. Peckham. 1890. S". 50c. V. 2 : 1. Ant-like spiders of the family attidae by G; W. and B. G. Peckham. 1892. pi. 8". $1.-2. Spiders of the marptusa group of the family attidae, by G: W. and E. G. Peckham. 1894. pi. 8". $1. V. 3 : 1. Spiders of the family attidae from Central America andMexico, by G.W. and E.G. Peckham. 1896. pi. 8". $2. Wisconsin Press Association. Organized 1853. (O. F. Roessler, sec, Jefferson, Wis.) Proceedings at annual meetings. 8". gratis. Wisconsin State Agricultural Society. Organized 1862 (?) (T. J. Fleming, sec.) Madison, Wis. Transactions. Annual. 8". Note. Society has given place to Wisconsin State Board of Agriculture. Wisconsin, State Historical Society of. Organized 1849 ; reorganized 1853. (Reuben G. Thwaites, sec. and supt.) Madison, Wis. Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin ; V. 1-10, ed. and annot. by L. C. Draper; v. 11-14 by Reuben G. Thwaites. v. 1-14. 1856-98. 14 v. 11. maps. O. Annual reports: 2l8t-.32d. 1875-86. 8". Proceedings with reports. 1887-97. 1887-98. 8". Catalogue of the library, including supplements, v. 1-7. 1873-87. 7v. 8». 176 Wisconsin] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Woman's Wisconsin, State Historical Society of, continued. Discourse at first annual meeting, by W. R. Smith. 1850. 63 p. 8". Address, 1851, by M. L. Martin. 1851. 44 p. 12». Oreen Bay. Third annual address, by L. N. Wood. 1852. 17 p. 8". Zweiter jabres-berlcht und sammlungen fUr das jahr 1865. Z welter band. 1856. 501 p. 8o. Utility of the study of genealogy, by D. 8. Durrie. 186'2. 8 p. 8». Addresses by I. A. Laphara and E. Salomon. 1800. 31 p. 80. Catalogue of the picture gallery. 1800. 11 p. 8". Ilistory of the people, as 11. by their monuments, by A. Van Wyck. 1867. 23 p. 8". Influence of history on Individual and national action, by P. A. Chadbourue. 1868. 22 p. 8». History and development of races, by 11. 8. Orton. 1869. 32 p. 8". o. p. Life, character, and services of B. F. Hopkins, by D. At- wood. 1870. 18 p. 8». Territorial legislation in Wisconsin, by M. M. Strong. 1870. 38p. 8». The Northwest during the revolution, by O. I. Walker. 1871. 46 p. 8». Early outposts of Wisconsin, by D. 8. Durrie. 1873. 27 p. 8». Birthplaces of AmericaniBm, by C. D. Robinson. 1873. 24 p. 80. Prehistoric Wisconsin : also Westphalian medal, 1648, by J. D. Butler. Catalogue of the picture gallery. 1878. 16 p. 8o. Life and character of Hon. C. C. Washburn. 1883. 41 p. 8". port. Catalogue of books on the war of the rebellion, and slavery. 1887. 61 p. 80. First triennial catalogue of the portrait gallery, compiled by R. G. Thwaites and D. 8. Durrie. 1889. 56 p. 8o. Second ditto. Compiled by R. G. Thwaites. 1892. 74 p. 8o. Bibliography of Wisconsin authors, prepared ... by Emma A. Hawley. 1893. 263 p. 8". List of books by Wisconsin authors exhibited at the Colum- bian Exposition. 1893. 14 p. 8". Annotated catalogue of newspaper files in the library, pre- pared by Emma H. Blair. 1898. 375 p. 8". Annotated catalogue of Wisconsin newpapers in the library, prepared by K. H. Blair. 1898. 117 p. 80. Note. For reprints from proceedings, etc., see list of publi- cations issued by the society, and also Griflin's bibliography of Amer. hist, societies. Wisconsin State Horticultural Society. (A. J. Philips, sec, West Salem, Wis.) Transactions. Annual. Ed. by A. J. Philips. 16o. gratis. Wisconsin Horticulturist (monthly), ed. by A. J. Philips and V. H. Campbell, pap., $1 per year. Wisconsin State Medical Society. Organized 1849. (Dr. C: S. Sheldon, sec, 251 Langdon St.) Madison.) Wis. Transactions. Annual. 1870+. ea., $1. Woman's Board of Foreign Missions of the Reform Church in America. Organized 1875. (Mrs. A. L. Gushing, cor. sec, 25 E. 22d St.) New York City. The Mission O leaner ; cd. by Mrs. H. N. Cobb (bi- monthly). 25(;. perann. Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Organized 1874. (Mrs. Susanna M. D. Taylor, sec) The Temple., Chicago, III. Annual minutes. 1875-98. Annual reports, containing the reports of 40 departments. Note. Publishing is done by the Woman's Temperance Publishing Association at the same address, which issues numerous leaflets, etc., singly and In bound sets. Also pub- lishes The Union Signal (weekly). $1.00 per year. The Young Crusader {monthXy). 25c. per year. Woman's Education Association. Organized 1872. (Miss M. C. Peabody, sec, 133 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass.) Reports. Annual. 1872+. 177 Women's] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Wyoming Women's Rest Tour Association. Organized 1891. 264 Boylston St., Boston, 3Iass. Summer in England, handbook of travel for the use of American women, -id ed., 1892. 4th ed., 1896. 50 p. obi. T. pap., 50c. Pilgrim Scrip ; for members only. Worcester Natural History Society. Organized 1852. (Bessie L. Dewhurst, custodian.) 12 State St., Worcester-, Mass. Flora of Worcester county, by Joseph Jackson. 1883. 48 p. 8". pap. o. p. Physical geography of Worcester, by Jos. H. Berry. 1898. 40 p. 8". pap., 25c. Worcester Society of Antiquity. Organized 1875. (T. A. Dicliinson, libn.) Worcester, Mass. Collections : including Worcester town records. Compiled by F. P. Rice. v. 1-15. 1877-96. 15 v. 8». ea., $5-$8. v. 16: ]. 1897. Normal schools and their origin, by 8. E. Staples. 1877. 8 p. 8". woodcut. 50 copies. Bennington. The Battles of 1777, by Albert Taylor. 1878. 46 p. 8°. In memoriam Charles Hudson, by H. M. Smith. 1881. 43 p. 80. MaJ. Ezra Beaman, with documents of public interest, by A. A. Lovell. 1882. 20 p. 8». Medals : report of the dept. of relics, coins, and curiosities, by J.Chauncey Lyford. 1886. 12 p. 8". Note. For reprints from Collections, see Griffin's Bibliog- raphy of American historical societies. Wyoming Commemorative Association. Organized 1878. (F. C. Johnson, sec.) Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Proceedings. 1893-97. 5 v. 8". ea., 50c. Memorial volume; a record of the one hundredth year com- memorative observance of the battle and massacre : including proceedings, 1879-81. 344 p. S". plates, port. o. p. (A few copies in paper can be had of the sec, Wilkes-Barre, at $2 ea.) Wyoming Historical and Genealogical Society. Organ- ized 1858. (Rev. H. E. Hayden, cor. sec.) Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Proceedings and collections, v. 1-3. 3 v. 8». 1858-86. $10. Annals of Luzerne county, by Stewart Pearce. 1860. 554p. 8". folded map. 2d ed. 1860. Philadelphia. Sketch of the Society, by C. B. Johnson. 1880. 7 p. 8<). Report on the early shad fisheries of the north branch of the Susquehanna, by Harrison Wright. In U. S. Fish Commission Bidletin, 1882. Hon. Hendrick Bradley Wright, by G. B. Kulp. 1884. 12 p. so. Ebenezer Warren Sturdevant, by G. B. Kulp. 1884. 10 p. 8<>. Hon. Lovell Dana, liy Sheldon Reynolds. 1889. lip. 8°. Coal, its antiquity, discovery and early development in the Wyoming valley, a paper read before the Society, by G: B. Kulp. 1890. 8". 27 p. Massacre of Wyoming, acts of Congress for the defence of the Wyoming Valley, Pa., 1776-1778; withintrod. chapter by H. E. Hayden. 1895. 8". $1.50. Notes on the tornado of Aug. 19, 1890, in Luzerne and Columbia counties : a jjaper read ijefore the Society, by T: Santee. 1891. map. 8°. $1. In its new home : the Society takes possession of its new quarters : address of Hon. Stanley Woodward. 1893. 8". 4 p. Virginia genealogies : a genealogy of the Glassell family of Scotland and Virginia, by H. E. Hayden. 1891. S". Pedigree building, by Dr. W. H. Egle. 1894. 4 p. The Yankee and the Pennamite in the Wyoming valley, by Hon. 8. Woodward. 1896. 4 p. The frontier forts within the Wyoming valley, by Sheldon Reynolds. 1896. 48 p. 8o. il. $1. The frontier forts within the north and west branches of the Susquehanna, by J. M. Buckalew. 1896. 70 p. 8o. il. $1. Military hospitals at Bethlehem and Lititz during the revolu- tion, by J. W. Jordan. 1896. $1. 80. 23 p. il. The Palatine or German emigration to New York and Penn- sylvania. 1897. 30 p. 60c. John and Sebastian Cabot, by Harry Hakes. 1897. 14 p. 8". 40c. Address at the erection of a monument at Laurel Run, by Mrs. J. C. Phelps. 1897. 41 p. 80. il. .$1. The German leaven in the Pennsylvania loaf, by H. M. M. Richards. 1897. 32 p. 8". Note. For numerous reprints from proceedings and collec- tions, see Griffin's Bibliography of Amer. hist, societies. 178 Yale] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Yale Yale University. Organized 1701. (Anson Phelps Stokes, Jr., secretary.) New Haven, Conn. I. The University. Catalogues and other official documents, inostly issued at stated intervals. Catalogues of the officerB and griuluatCB of Yale Universityi issued trieunially, 1724-1898 (also 1714 and 1718). IJroadsides, 1714-1778; 8", 1781-1898. In Latin to 1880. Annual catalogues, 1796-1808. Broadsides, 170f>-1812, 181.")- 16; 8f', 1813-14, 1817-98. Commencement programmes, 1706-1898. Broadsides, 1796- 1818; 8", 1819-94; 4", 1895-98. ({'receded by Theses, 1714, 1718-97, and Qua'stiones niagistrales, 1740-89. Broadsides.) Annual reitorts of the president, 1887-98. 8". (Preceded by the annual publication, Yale College in 1868-86. 8".) Annual reports of the treasurer, 1830-98. 8". Annual obituary record of graduates deceased during tlio academical year, 1860-98. Acts of the general assembly of Connecticut, with other per- manent documents, respecting Yale University. 3 editions, 1871, 1878, 1889. 8". Directory of the living graduates of Yale University. 6 edi- tions, 1872, 1881, 1886, 1889, 1892, 189.5. 8". Yale University Bulletin, weekly, 1887-98. Broadside. A catalogue, with descriptive notices, of the portraits, busts, etc., belonging to Yale University. 1892. 8". Bibliographies of the present officers of Yale University. 1893. 8". Historical Publications, unofficial. T. Clap. The annals or history of Yale College, to 1760. 1766. 8". E. Baldwin. Annals of Yale College. 1831. 8". And 2d ed. 1838. 8". J. L. Klngsley. Sketch of the history of Yale College. In vol. 8 of the American Quarterly Register, 1805-36. 8". [E. P. Belden.] Sketches of Yale College. By a member of that institution. 1843. 12". [J. Mitchell.] Reminiscences of scenes and characters in college; by a graduate of Yale, in the class of 1821. 1847. 8". T. D. Woolsey. An historical discourse pronounced Aug. 14, 1850. 1850. 8". G. P. Fisher. A discourse, commemorative of the history of the church of Christ in Yale College. Preached Nov. 22, 1857. 1858. 8". The commemorative celebration, in honor of the alumni of Yale College who were in the military or naval service of the U. S. during the recent war, held July 26, 1865. 1866. 8". [L. H. Bagg.] Four years at Yale. By a graduate of '69. 1871. 12". W. L. Kingsley. Yale College : a sketch of its history, with notices of its several departments, instructors, benefactors, etc. 1879. 2 vols. 4". W. E. Decrow. Yale and the city of elms. 1882. 12". F. B. Dexter. Biographical sketches of the graduates, with annals of the college history, 1701-63. 1885-96. 2 v. 8". F. B. Dexter. Sketch of the history of Yale University. 1887. 8". H. P. Johnston. Yale and her honor-roll in the American revolution. 1888. 8". Periodicals, and volumes of Selections. The Yale Literary Magazine, conducted by the students of Yale College. 1836-98. 63 vols. 8". The Yale Banner, [lists of students and societies,] 1841-69, fol. ; 1870-90, 8"; 1891-98, 4". 57 vols. The Yale Pot-pourri, f lists of students and societies,] 1865- 91,8"; 1892-98,4". 33 vols. The Yale Courant, 1865-96, 4"; 1896-98, 16". .34 vols. [v. 1- 12, 1865-77, weekly; v. 13-.34, 1877-98, bi-weekly.] The College Courant, weekly. 1867-74. 15 vols. 4". The Yale Record, 1872-98. 26 vols. 4". [v. 1-4, 1872-76, weekly; v. 5-26, 1876-98, biweekly.] Ya/e /)ai/y i^eu'*, 1878-98. 21 vols. fol. Yale Alumni Weekly, 1891-98. 7 vols. fol. H. 8. Durand and J. E. Whitney, ed. Elm leaves : a collec- tion of verses from Yale undergraduate publications. 1881. 8". J. A. Porter. Sketches of Yale life: selections from the college magazines and newspapers. 1886. 16". 8. N. Pond. Yale lyrics : a collection of verses from the un- dergraduate publications of Yale University. 1889. 16". T. G. Shepard. Yale glees. A collection of the songs re- cently prepared for and used by the University glee club. 1893. 8". n. Departments of the University. Yale College (Academical Department). Laws for the undergraduate students. Various editionti, 1745-1898. 179 Yale] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Yonkers Yale University, continued. Studies flora the Psychological Laboratory. 1892-97. ^ vols. 8". Class reports, for the classes of 1797, 1802, 1810, 1813, 1816, 1817, 1819, 1821, 1822, 1824, 1826, 1828, 1830-93. Published at various dates after graduation. 8" & 4". Valedictory poems and orations, classes of 1833-98. 8". Statistics, or class books, of the classes of 1870-98. Pub- lished in senior year. 8". The college hymnal, for divine service in the Battell chapel. 1876. 16". The Yale College hymnbook [with tunes] for male voices. 1886. 8". Dwight hall, an historical sketch. 1887. 8". N. Porter. Fifteen years in the chapel of Yale College. 1888. 8". W. H. Sallmon, ed. The culture of Christian manhood : Sunday mornings in Battell chapel. 1897. 8". The Association Record, published by the College Young Men's Christian Association. 1891-98. 7 vols. 8". Catalogue of the graduated members of the Linonian Society of Yale College. 1853. 8". Catalogue of the Society of Brothers in Unity, Yale College. 1854. 8". Catalogue of the Linonian and Brothers* library. 1873. 8". And First supplement. 1880. 8". Catalogue of members of the Connecticut Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa, 1852. 1852. 8". 1853-98. 1898. 8". Oradxtate School. Yale studies in English. 1898-98. 5 vols. 8". 4". Astronomical Observatory. Annual reports of board of managers, 1881-98. 8". Transactions of the Observatory, vol. 1, parts 1-5. 1887-96. University Library. J. Edwards. Catalogue of the Greek and Roman coins in the numismatic collection of Yale College. 1880. 8'\ Catalogue of Russian books In the University library. 1896. 8». Sheffleld Scientific School. Annual reports of the school. 1866-93. 8". D. C. Oilman. The Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Uni- versity. A semi-centennial historical discourse. 1897. 8". Studies from the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry. 1885-89. 3 vols. 8". The Yale Scientific Monthly. Published by the senior class of the Sheffield Scientific School. 1894-98. 4 vols. 8». Statistics, or class books, of the classes of 1875-98. Pub- lished in senior year. 8» & oblong \&^. Tale Divinity School. The semi-centennial anniversary of the Divinity School. 1872. 80. Lyman Beecher lectures on preaching. Various authors. 1872-98. 24 v. 8'). General catalogues of the members of the Divinity School. 1838-89. 7 nos. 8". 1st to 4th catalogues of the Foreign Mission Library of the Divinity School. 1892-98. 8". Yale Ifedical School. Directory of the living graduates of the medical department. 1893. 8». Yale Medical Journal. 1894-98. 4 vols. 8". The Yale Medical Annual. 1897-98. 2 vols. 8". Tale Law School. Historical discourse, by T. D. "Woolsey, and oration, by E. Pierrepont, pronounced before the alumni of the Law Depart- ment, at the 50th anniversary, 1874. 1874. 8". Yale Laic Journal. 1891-98. 7 vols. 8». The Yale Shingle. [Published annually by the senior class. 1 1893-98. 80. ^ Alumni record of the Law Department, 1824-94. 1894. 8". Yonkers Historical and Library Association. Yonkers, N. Y. Bulletin, v. 1 : 1. 1895. 18 p. 8". Indian wars and the uprising of 1655, by T. Astlev Atkins. 1892. 14 p. 80. I So York] PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES [Zenger York Institute. Organized 1867. (Geo. A. Emery, sec.) Saco, Me. Publications, v. 1, no. 1, 2, 1884. 1. York Institute; something of its past, present, and future, by B. Kedford Molchcr. 24 p. 2. Industrial education in public schools, by E. F. Small. 19 p. Zenger Club, The. Organized 1861. N^ew York. Materials for history printed from original manuscripla. First series. [Correspondence of Henry Laurens, of IJoutb Carolina.] 1861. 6 + 15 + 240 p. 40. Zoological Society of Philadelphia. See Philadelphia. / 181