, ' -' ' ;: ''.'C~;:.:; ' : .-. . - - : . . ' . ''V THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE GIFT OF Dr. Gordon Watkins THE COLLECTED WORKS VOL. VIII. LECTURES POLITICAL ECONOMY. NOW FIRST PUBLISHED. VOL, I. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, PART THIRD OF THE OUTLINES OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY. BY DUGALD STEWART, ESQ. > > i EDITED BY SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, BART. EDINBURGH: T. & T. CLAEK, 38 GEORGE STREET. 1877. 73 ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. THIS, and the ensuing Volume of Mr. Stewart's Collected Works, come before the public under very different circum- stances from his other writings. The other writings were once and again elaborated by the Author, and by himself carefully conducted through the press ; whereas the following Lectures were not destined for publication, at least, in the state in which they now appear. That Mr. Stewart, however, intended ultimately to publish his Course of Political Economy, seems certain ; and, with this view, during the latter years of his life, he had revised, corrected, amplified, and re-arranged its con- stituent parts. But whether he had finally completed this preparation is doubtful ; for the Lectures thus remodelled by him in his retirement, have, for the most part, unhappily perished. As now printed from those Original Manuscripts which have escaped the fate of the others revised for publica- tion, the course consists principally of what was written so far back as the beginning of the century, with such additions and corrections as were occasionally interpolated up to the Session of 1809-10, the last year of Mr. Stewart's academical labours. Fortunately, he did not in his course of Political Economy, as viii ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. in that of Moral Philosophy, either trust to the extemporaneous resources of his memory and eloquence for the exposition of his own opinions, or read from their original context the passages which he had occasion to quote from other authors ; but that, in both respects, all, or nearly all, was fully written out. I say fortunately for while the Lectures on Psychology and Morals have been not inadequately supplied by his correlative publi- cations, those on Political Economy are replaced by no printed substitute. Still, under the circumstances, it became a question with Mr. Stewart's Trustees, whether, in the discharge of the duty which they owed to the reputation of the deceased, they should, or should not, publish what* remained of the Course of Political Economy. In this difficulty, they, with great propriety, sought advice from the most competent of Mr. Stewart's older friends and pupils; and in particular, from the Marquis of Lansdowne and Viscount Palmerston. But, as perhaps was to be expected, these noblemen, however favourable to the alterna- tive of publication, found themselves unable, without an exami- nation of the Manuscripts, to express a definite opinion ; and the result was, that the decision devolved exclusively upon the Editor. An examination convinced me of the importance of the documents which still remain ; in reference to which, it may be observed, that while Mr, Stewart was habitually accurate in all his statements, whatever he committed to writing was more especially sure of being thoroughly meditated and carefully expressed. " Ignorabat inepta." Although, therefore, we must always regret the loss of many important writings, old and new, still I feel confident, that the manuscripts remaining, however their value might be enhanced did they exhibit the Course in its original integrity, with the addition of subsequent im- provements, will, even in their present state, be found emi- nently worthy of publication. For although they may not ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. IX fulfil all the intentions of the Author, still, even without his last emendments, they afford a systematic view of Political Science in its most important doctrines, written too with the eloquence, wisdom, and enlightened liberality which distinguish all the works of Mr. Stewart. Many changes and considerable pro- gress in the doctrines of Political Economy, have, undoubtedly, been made since these Lectures were delivered ; but these Lectures themselves have exerted a powerful influence in determining this advancement For while Mr. Stewart's in- struction inculcated, more or less articulately, these improved opinions, no master, perhaps, ever exerted a stronger and more beneficial influence on his disciples. " flis disciples," to quote the words of Sir James Mackintosh, " he lived to see among the lights and ornaments of the Council and the Senate ; and without derogation from his writings it may be said, that his disciples were among his best works." As an introduction to Political Economy and Politics, these Lectures, as they stand, will be found, I am persuaded, among the best extant ; and though they may not exhaust all the problems of the science; they omit none of primary importance. In particular, they will prove a valuable preparative and accompaniment to a study of the Wealth of Nations; affording, as they do, a criticism and supplement to the immortal work of Smith. The doctrines of Smith are not, however, considered to the exclusion of those of minor authors ; and we have here com- memorated and canvassed, with an enlightened impartiality, the speculations of many able but now forgotten thinkers. Jn regard to the unfortunate loss of the manuscripts, the most articulate information which I am able to afford is that supplied by Mr. Stewart's son, Colonel Stewart, in the following letter addressed to Mr. Henry Foss, (of the well-known publishing house of Payne & Foss,) and by that gentleman subsequently I ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. communicated to the public in Notes and Queries, Vol. XI., No. 284, April 7, 1855. " CATBISE, March 30, 1837. giRj You were so obliging, some time since, as to say that you would mention the literary property that I wished to publish in your intercourse with the other members of your profession, in whose line such business lay. You need not, however, farther trouble yourself on this head ; because, finding myself getting on in life, and despairing of finding a sale for it at its real value, I have destroyed the whole of it. To this step I was much induced by finding my locks repeatedly picked during my absence from home, some of my papers carried off, and some of the others evidently read, if not copied from, by persons of whom I could procure no trace, and in the pursuit or conviction of whom, I never could obtain any efficient assist- ance from the judicial functionaries. " As this may form, at some future period, a curious item in the history of literature in the present century, (as a proof of the encouragement and protection afforded to literary labour during the present reign, by a people reckoning themselves amongst the most enlightened and civilized communities of the earth,) I subjoin a list of the works destroyed as unsaleable, written by my father, Dugald Stewart, author of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, &c. : " 1st, The Philosophy of Man as a Member of a Political Association. (Incomplete.) " 2d, His Lectures on Political Economy, delivered in the University of Edinburgh ; reduced by him into books and chapters, containing a very complete body of that science, with many important rectifications of Adam Smith's speculations. " 3d, One hundred and seventy pages of the continuation of the Dissertation prefixed to the Encyclopaedia, Britannica, ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. xi " Written by me : " 2ef, An Account of the Life and Writings of Dugald Stewart, together with all his Correspondence. Among others, with Madame de Stael, La Fayette, Jefferson, and many other literary and well-known characters, French and English ; with Anecdotes from his Journals kept during his residence in Paris, before and at the commencement of the Kevolution, and during his visits to that city with Lord Lauderdale, during the Fox Administration. All of which I burnt." The other nine works (some of them very voluminous) written by Colonel Stewart, and by him destroyed, it is unne- cessary articulately to specify. Mr. Foss, in a note, observes, " I believe there was no foundation for Colonel Stewart's suspi- cions respecting his locks having been picked." This conjecture, I have no doubt, is correct ; and should it seem strange that a man of Colonel Stewart's ability and filial veneration should, on so groundless a suspicion, have been actuated to so rash a pro- ceeding ; we may perhaps find an explanation in the circum- stance, that when on professional service in India, he had suffered from an attack of coup-de-soleil ; a malady which, I believe, often manifests its influence in the most capricious manner, and long after an apparent disappearance of the affection. It is therefore to be understood, that the Lectures on Political Economy do not appear as the Course was, by the Author, prepared for publication. Parts, indeed, as finally completed, seem by accident to have escaped the fate of the other emended Lectures and revised additions, such as the Introduction to the Course, and the Notes upon the Bullion Report, (Vol. I.) But these shew only as exceptions, although it is not improbable that other portions, as the Lectures upon the Theory and Forms of Government (Vol. II.) are now nearly in Xli ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. the state in which they were left for publication by the Author. On this, however, not being able to speak with certainty, I prefer silence to conjecture, and leave the reader to his own surmises in regard to the extent and importance of the loss. And here, the subjoined abstract by Miss Stewart, of the Con- tents of seven volumes, in quarto, of her father's manuscripts, volumes in which the corrected and amplified Lectures were fairly transcribed, may enable the reader to form an opinion f how much has perished, compared with what has been pre- served and printed from the older copies. It is, perhaps, hardly necessary to warn him, that in this Table the distinction of volume is altogether an arbitrary division, being determined by the extent of room which the paper of each happened to supply. In general, also, the list is printed as it was found written, though some changes might seem occasionally to be obvious. (In reference to the prefixes within square brackets, see p. xvi) (VOL. I.) PAOI [* ?] Allegiance to Government,! Part I., .... 5 Part II., .... 33 (Intended for Part III. of Dissertation.) Theory of Government^ Introduction, 47 Simple Forms of Government, 48 Of Democracy and Democratic States, . . . . 51 Of Aristocracy, 76 Of Monarchy, 88 Of Mixed Governments, . .106 Of the English Constitution, 132 [*?] Introduction to a Course of Elementary Lectures on Political Economy, Part I., 165 Part II., . . . ... 185 (In continuation,) Part III., .... 206 t [See Note f, infra, VoL I. p. 9.] J [Sec Note *, infra, Vol. I. pp. 21, 29.J g [See Note *, infra, Vol. I. p. 9.] ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. Xlll PAOB Of Population, .... .224 Of Population as it is affected by the State of Manners, &c., 233 Of Population as it is affected by Plenty or Scarcity, &c., . 238 Of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Population, considered in Eelation to each other, I. State of the Actual Cultivators of the Soil, . . .258 (VOL. II.) (Continuation of the Lectures on Population.} Comparative Advantages of Small and of Great Farms, . 1 Policy of Enclosures, 8 II. Of Agriculture and Population, as they are affected by the Distribution of Landed Property, ... 22 III. Of Agriculture and Population, in Connexion with the influence of Manufactures, 42 Appendix to Article III., 79 What are the Effects with respect to Population of the Sub- stitution in Manufactures of Machinery in place of Human Labour ? (For continuation of this Lecture, seep. 172,) .... ' , . . .105 (Former part of this Lecture, see p. 104.) National Wealth, j ' 220 (VoL. III.) I 1 II. Division of Labour, 36 III. Of Money, . . 67 IV. Of the relative Value of Money and of Commodities, . 103 Continuation, .116 V. Of the Eeal and Nominal Prices of Commodities, . . 149 VI. Of Interest, 185 (New Chapter, see p. ), 213 Appendix Containing an Abridgment of some Chapters of fundamental importance in The Wealth of Nations, with a few occasional Eemarks. (A Fragment?) . 228 Of the Component Parts of the Price of Commodities, . . 245 Of the Natural and Market Price of Commodities, . . 248 Of the Eent of Land, 258 xiv ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. PAGB Part ii. Of the Produce of Land, which sometimes does, and sometimes does not, affect Rent, .... 267 (Heads of an additional Lecture to be inserted after those on the Economical System,) . . . .275 (VOL. IV.) (The First Lecture has no title ; but it seems to be on the Practical Doctrines of the Mercantile or Commercial System of Political Economy,) . . 1 Of Drawbacks, 50 Of Bounties, 52 Of Treaties of Commerce, 53 Colonies, .56 Miscellaneous Observations on the Freedom of Trade, . 58 Of the Expediency of Anti-usurious Laws, . . . . 81 Appendix, 151 Of the Corn Trade, 155 i. Of the Inland Corn Trade, 166 Appendix, 266 Extract of a Letter to Mr. Stewart from Francis Homer, Esq., dated 6th April 1805, . . . . . .270 ii. Of the Trade carried on by the Merchant Importer of Grain for Home Consumption, . . . .273 (VOL. V.) iii. Of the Trade carried on by the Merchant Exporter of Grain for Foreign Consumption, .... 1 iv. 28 Miscellaneous Observations on the Corn Trade, ... 29 Appendix to the Lectures on the Corn Trade ; quotation from the Edinburgh Review, July 1807, .... 64 Quotation from the Monthly Review, 1822, . . . . 67 Of the Commerce of Land, (Primogeniture,) ... 70 Appendix, Ill Note from M. Garnier's Translation of the Wealth of Nations, 115 Laws relating to the Poor, ... . . 125 History of the Poor-Laws in England, .... 128 ADVEBTJSEMENT BY THE EDITOR. XV PAOB Of the Poor-Laws in Scotland, ...... 205 Of Poor and Charity Workhouses, . . . . . 237 Of Benefit Clubs and Friendly Societies, .... 255 Conclusion of Lectures on the Laws relating to the Poor, . 279 (VOL. VI.) Of the Education of the People, 1 Appendix, ... * 46 [*] Essay on the Probable Effects of the Progress of Science, and of the Diffusion of Knowledge on the future Fortunes of the Human Eace, (intended to form the concluding Chapter of my Dissertation prefixed to the Encyclopedia ; [and accordingly in this edition so arranged.]) Section i., ........ 56 ii., 87 iiL, .114 [*]Note, 130 [*] Appendix, 134 Notes on the Bullion Report^ (sent by Mr. Stewart to Lord Lauderdale, in February, March, and April 1811.) Note I., . . . . . . . .138 II., . 164 III., 182 IV., 190 V., 222 VI., 225 Of the Present Depreciation of the Paper Currency, I., . 257 II., . 265 ([VOL. VII.] FOLIO MS., MARKED M.) [*] LECTURES ON THE VARIETIES OF THE RACE. [*] Introduction, 1 [*] Comparative influence of Physical and Moral Causes on National Character, 59 [*] Notes, 86 t [Extant, see infra, Vol. I., p. 431, seq.] xvi ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. PAU President de Goguet, . 96 Origin and History of Property, . 99 Of the Institution of Marriage, . .154 Origin of Banks, . .180 The ensuing sentences, in Miss Stewart's handwriting, but apparently of a later date, immediately follow the preceding list of the seven manuscript volumes : " The above is the Index [or rather the Table of Contents] of Seven Volumes of MSS. transcribed, under my father's own inspection, from his older MSS., with considerable alterations and additions, during the last four years of his life. These MSS. were delivered to my brother, after my father's death, according to his will. . . . " I took a copy of the Index before delivering the MSS. to my brother." Though principally occupied with topics of Political Economy, it will farther be observed, that the destroyed manuscripts comprised also copies of Lectures, of Essays, and of fragments on other matters of Philosophy, as is seen from the contents of the Volumes labelled VI. and VII., in the articles there dis- tinguished by an asterisk, [*]. In Volume I., the articles marked by an asterisk and interrogative, [* ?], appear to have been intended, as equally adapted, to stand either among the Lectures on Political Economy, or among the chapters of the Preliminary Dissertation, Part III. Accordingly, in the only case where an option was possible, the former alternative has been preferred in the present edition of the Collected Works. I here also subjoin a summary of the separate Course of Political Economy in its earlier form, as I find it in Mr. Stewart's handwriting. This, as observed in the footnote at p. 21, Vol. I., excludes the Lectures on Politics proper, a subject comprised in the general Course of Moral Philosophy. These ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOB. Lectures are now incorporated with those on Political Eco- nomy ; and, as printed, appear in Vol. II. PLAN OF LECTURES ON POLITICAL ECONOMY, For Winter 1800-1801. i. Introductory Lecture on the Object and Utility of Political Economy, ii. Lectures on the Eise and Progress of this Branch of Science. Its connexion with Natural Jurisprudence. View of the systems of Grotius and his Successors; and of the train of thought by which these seem to have led to the modern study of Political Economy, iii. Preliminary Eeview of some fundamental Laws which seem to be essential to all the various forms of Civilized Society ; particularly of the Institution of Marriage, and of the Laws which protect the Eight of Property. POLITICAL ECONOMY. I. OP POPULATION. i. Of Population, as it is affected by the State of Manners relative to the connexion of the Sexes. ii. Of Population, as it is aflected by the means of Subsistence enjoyed by the People. 1. Of National Habits with respect to Food. 2. Of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Population, considered in relation to each other. State of the Actual Cultivators of the Soil ; Great and Small Farms ; Enclosures ; Distribution of Landed Property; Agrarian policy of the Eomans and of other ancient Nations ; Effects with respect to Population ; Essential Distinction between their Condition and ours, in consequence of the Abolition of Domestic Slavery, and other causes ; and absurdity of reasoning from their institutions, as applicable to the present State of Society. Law of Entails. VOL. VIII. b Xviii ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. Influence of Manufactures in encouraging Agriculture among Nations which exclude the institution of Domestic Slavery. Subor- dination of Manufactures to Agriculture. Errors of some modern Statesmen on this subject. Discouragements which still exist to the Progress of Agriculture. Digression concerning the effects of some particular forms of Ma- nufacturing Industry, lately introduced into this Country. Cotton Mills, &c. General question concerning the tendency of Mechanical contrivances for abridging labour, to increase or to diminish the Population of a Country. How far the Number of a people, compared with the extent of their Territory, may be regarded as a test of National Prosperity. Mis- chievous consequences of encouraging Population without a corre- sponding increase in the /unds necessary to support it. Question resumed concerning the Subordination of Manufactures to Agri- culture. Application of these reasonings to the present state of Great Britain. Objection, which has been stated to these liberal views of Political Economy, from their supposed tendency to produce or to accelerate the mischiefs of an Excessive Population. Critical Examination of a late Essay on the Principle of Population, as it affects the Future Improvement of Society. [London, 1798, by Mai thus.] APPENDIX. Of the Means which have been employed to ascertain the State of Population in particular instances. Number of Houses ; Quantity of Consumption in the article of Food ; Register of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Miscellaneous observations and inquiries, chiefly relating to the question concerning the progressive or declining Population of Great Britain ; Population of France. Population of China. Application of this extreme case, to illustrate the principles formerly stated concerning the evils of an excessive Population, and the danger of proposing Population as an ultimate object of policy, instead of advancing it through the medium of National Wealth. ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. XIX II. OF NATIONAL WEALTH. i. Of Productive and Unproductive Labour, ii. Of the Principles on which the Effective Powers of Labour depend, iii. Of Money. Examination of the opinions of Locke, Law, and Berkeley. iv. Of the Real and Nominal Price of Commodities. Exami- nation of Mr. Smith's reasonings on this subject. v. Of the Principles by which the relative Values of Money and of Commodities are adjusted in Commercial transactions. vi. Of the Accumulation of Stock ; of Money lent upon In- terest, vii. Of the Freedom of Trade. 1. Of Restraints on Domestic Commerce and Industry. 2. Of Restraints on the Commercial intercourse of Differ- ent Nations. viii. Of the Corn Trade. ix. Of the Commerce of Money, x. Of the Commerce of Land, xi. Of Taxes. III. OF THE POOR. i. History of the Poor-Laws in England, ii. State of the Poor in Scotland, iii. Of Charity Workhouses, iv. Of Friendly Societies. v. General Principles, and Miscellaneous Observations on the Subject. Rumford. IV. OF CORRECTIVE POLICE. i. Of Penitentiary Houses and Solitary Confinement ; Panop- ticon of Mr. Bentham, &c. &c. ii. Of the General Principles which ought to regulate the Punishment of Crimes. XX ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. V. OF PREVENTIVE POLICE. i. Of the Effects which might be expected from a well organized and vigilant Police, in restraining the Commission of Crimes. ii. Of the Effects which might be expected on the Morals of the Lower Orders from a Systematical Attention to their In- struction, and to their early Habits. VI. OF EDUCATION.* i. Of Education, considered in its relation to the objects of Political Economy. Attention due to it by the Legislator. Change produced in the circumstances of Mankind by the invention of Printing. National Education. ii. Importance of the Education of the Female Sex. Pernicious tendency of some late systems to obliterate the character- istical qualities bestowed on them by Nature, and to coun- teract her obvious intentions with respect to their peculiar sphere in Civilized Society. iii. Of Education, considered in its relation to Intellectual Improvement, and to the advancement of Human Know- ledge. State of Academical Education in Modern Europe. The present publication, then, of the Lectures on Political Economy, as has been stated above, is taken from Mr. Stewart's older manuscripts, most of which are still extant. As the work, however, passed through the press, various deficiencies were discovered, which had not been detected on a cursory per- usal of the documents, deficiencies which, indeed, only became apparent by a careful comparison of the different Plans or Tables of Contents of the Lectures, with two sets of Notes taken in 1809, the last year in which the Course was delivered, and * [Much in relation to this subject III., probably transferred from these will be found in the Dissertation, Part Lectures.) ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. Xxi which had been kindly sent to me, in the hope of their proving useful in the arrangement of the Lectures. Of these copies of Notes, the one was the joint work of Mr. James Bridges, W.S., and of the late Mr. John Dow, W.S. ; the other was by the late Mr. James Bonar, Solicitor of Excise, Edin- burgh, and obligingly communicated to me by his son, through Mr. Constable. The former Notes, as Mr. Bridges informs me, were taken in short-hand, and afterwards written out; and, from a comparison of them with Mr. Stewart's manuscripts, they have been found remarkably copious and accurate, fre- quently corresponding word for word with the original. The latter appear to have been written without the aid of short- hand, as they are not so comprehensive and articulate as the former ; while sundry quotations, particularly in the earlier portions of the Course, have been copied verbatim from the works of their respective authors. As the deficiencies, in consequence of the destruction of the original manuscripts, became fully manifest, it was necessary to choose between the alternatives; either to print only what remained of Mr. Stewart's autograph, or to supply the blanks from this or that copy of the Notes. The latter alternative was deemed preferable ; inasmuch as thus is fulfilled the Author's plan as followed in his final Course, while there is every rea- son to believe, that where the Lectures are deficient, the Notes, especially those of Mr. Bridges, may be safely relied on, as fully and faithfully recording the Author's opinions in the language of his prelections.* Of these Notes, therefore, I have * Mr. Bridges, in the letter to me you have the sanction of his family for which accompanied the five volumes of your work, I not only do not feel my- his Notes, says: "Mr. Stewart was self to be acting contrary to this pledge, jealous at the time of our labours, and but rather deem myself to he discharg- stated to Mr. Dow and myself, that he ing a duty to his memory and to the would take it for granted we would not public, in thus communicating these publish our notes. But presuming that volumes to you." ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. availed myself largely, particularly in the Chapters on Labour, on Money, and on Trade; while the whole of what is ad- vanced on the Maintenance of the Poor, and on Education, is supplied from the same source. Although, however, the Notes of Mr. Bridges are very complete, in so far as Mr. Stewart's own remarks and speculations are concerned, the numerous citations adduced by him are, for the most part, left to be in- serted. In this respect, I have found the Notes of Mr. Bonar of great utility, in pointing out a quotation, and in marking its length, so that they have materially assisted in supplying the chief deficiency in those of Mr. Bridges. And here it is to be observed, that the commencement and termination of the passages supplied from the Note-books of Mr. Stewart's pupils, are articulately marked as interpolations ; and, when not other- wise stated, they are from the transcript of Mr. Bridges. The quotations have, however, in general, been filled up from the original works. To Mr. Bridges and to Mr. Bonar, I have, therefore, to offer my best thanks for the use of these valuable Note-books. But I have, likewise, to express my acknowledgments to Mr. James Gibson Craig, for his kindness in communicating to me a copy of Notes in his possession, taken of Mr. Stewart's Course of Political Economy, by the late Lord Jeffrey in 1802. I should have gladly availed myself of these, had not the writing been found so extremely difficult to decipher, and the Notes themselves been of so early a date. Nor can I conclude this Advertisement without gratefully thanking my friend and colleague, Professor More, for the valuable, and often laborious, assistance he has been always kindly ready to afford me, from the treasures of his library ; while his extensive acquaintance with books and the literature of Political Economy, has enabled him to discover for me many ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. XXH1 of the scarce pamphlets adduced, lying perdue in the public collections. It should finally be observed, that, here as elsewhere, the footnotes of the Author are referred to by numerals, those of the Editor, by asterisk, obelus, &c. To the latter, likewise, in this work, belongs all that is inclosed within square brackets, whether in text or annotation ; and, in general, the distribu- tion of the Lectures into Book, Chapter, Section, &c., to say nothing of the Running Titles. In the Table of Contents, however, the distinction of square brackets has been omitted, as in the present volumes the Editor is for that Table exclusively responsible. W. H. EBIHBCRGH, December 1855. CONTENTS. I.-OUTLINES OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY. PART THIRD (APPENDIX.) OF MAN CONSIDERED AS THE MEMBER OF A POLITICAL BODY. CHAPTER I. PAOB OF THE HISTORY OP POLITICAL SOCIETY, . ... 3 CHAFfER II. OF THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF LEGISLATION AND GOVERNMENT. SECT. 1. Of Political Economy, . ..... 4 SECT. 2. Of the Different Functions of Government, and of the various Forms in which they are Combined in the Constitutions of Different States, ..... 5 II.-LECTURES ON POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION. OF THE OBJECTS AND PROVINCE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. CHAPTER I. OF THE TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OF THE SCIENCE, ... 9 CHAPTER II. OF THE CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF POLITICAL ECONOMY PROPER, OB OF PART FIRST, . . . . . . 30 i. Population, ........ 31 ii. National Wealth, ....... 33 in. The Poor, their Maintenance, .... 47 iv. Education; Prevention, Reformation, Correction of Crime, . 49 CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. PAGE PRELIMINARY DISTINCTION OP POSITIVE LAWS INTO Two CLASSES, AND THE RELATION OP THESE TO POLITICAL ECONOMY PROPER, OR TO PART FIRST, ...... . . 57 PART FIRST. OF POLITICAL ECONOMY PROPER. BOOK FIRST. OF POPULATION. CHAPTER I. OP POPULATION CONSIDERED AS AN ARTICLE OP THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN 60 CHAPTER II. OF POPULATION CONSIDERED AS AN ARTICLE OP POLITICAL ECONOMY, . 67 SECT, i Of Population as affected by the Political Institutions which regulate the Connexion between the Sexes, . . 67 SUBSECT. 1. Marriage compared with Concubinage, . . 67 SUBSECT. 2. Monogamy compared with Polygamy, . . 82 SECT. ii. Of Population as affected by the State of Manners relative to the Connexion between the Sexes, . . . .92 SECT. iii. Dependence of Population on the Means of Subsistence en- joyed by the People, ..... 98 SUBSECT. 1. Dependence of Marriage and Population on the notion held in regard to the competent support of a Family, . . , . 98 SUBSECT. 2 Of Agriculture and Manufactures considered in relation to Population, . . . 113 First. Of Population in connexion with Agriculture, . 113 1.) Kinds of Farm Tenure, . . .113 2.) Farm Burdens, . . . .118 3.) Size of Farms, . . . .124 4.) Enclosures, . . . . .132 5.) Size of Properties, . . . .138 CONTENTS. XXVll PiOB Second. Of Population (and Agriculture) as affected by Manufactures, . . . . .152 1.) On the Employment of Children in Factory Work: its Advantages and Disadvantages, . 183 2.) Of Machinery as a Substitute for Labour: its Advantages and Disadvantages, . . 188 SUBSECT. 3. Is the Density of Population in Proportion to the Extent of Country, a certain Index of National Prosperity, . . . . .198 APPENDIX. Of the Means which "have teen employed to ascer- tain the Population in particular instances, 211 BOOK SECOND. OF NATIONAL WEALTH. CHAPTER I. OP PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE LABOUR, .... 253 SECT. i. Specially, on the System of the Economists, . .269 SECT. ii. On the Circumstances which, render Labour more Effective, . 309 SUBSECT. 1. On the Division of Labour, . . . 310 SUBBECT. 2. On the use of Machinery as a Substitute for Labour, ..... 316 CHAPTER H. OP MONET, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM, ..... 333 SECT. i. Of the Origin and Use of Money, .... 333 SECT. ii. Of Seal and Nominal Prices, .... 349 SECT. iii. Effects of Plenty or Scarcity of the Precious Metals on Price, 371 SECT. iv. Of Money as the Standard of Value, . . . 390 SECT, v Of Interest, . ..... 396 APPENDICES TO BOOKS I. AND II. APP. I., Extract from Pinto, on Population, . . . 429 APP. II., Notes on the Parliamentary Bullion Eeport, . . 431 OUTLINES OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY, PART THIRD. [POLITICAL SCIENCE.! VOL. VIII. OUTLINES OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY. PAKT III* OF MAN CONSIDERED AS THE MEMBER OF A POLITICAL BODY.t CHAPTER I. OF THE HISTORY OF POLITICAL SOCIETY. ARTICLE 1. Of the Principles in Human Nature, and of the Circumstances in the Condition of Mankind, which lay the foundation of the Political Union. ART. 2. Of the Principles in Human Nature, and of the * [Continued from Works, Vol. VI. p. 108. This " Part III." is expressly considered only as an " Appendix" to the " Outlines of Moral Philosophy ;" and, in fact, it is merely a Table of Con- tents, and that too not indicating the order of the Lectures.] f [" Having, of late, carried into exe- cution (at least in part) the design an- nounced in the foregoing Preface, by a separate Course of Lectures on Political Economy, I have omitted in this edition of my Outlines, the articles which I formerly enumerated under that general title ; substituting in their stead a few others, calculated to illustrate the pe- culiar and intimate connexion between this department of Politics and the more appropriate objects of Ethics. The observations which these articles are meant to introduce, may be useful, at the same time, in preparing the minds of students for disquisitions, the details of which can scarcely fail to appear uninviting to those who are not aware of the important conclusions to which they are subservient. College of Edin- burgh, Nov. 2, 1801." Postscript of Preface to Outlines of Moral Philosophy, second and subsequent editions, Works, Vol. II. p. 4. Part III. of the Outlines is here reprinted from the second edition, that of 1801, which is identical with those 4 OUTLINES OF MOKAL PHILOSOPHY. PART III. Circumstances in the Condition of Mankind which lay the Foundation of the Progress of Society. ART. 3. Of the Institution of Marriage; and its conse- quences, Political and Moral. ART. 4. Of the Condition and the Character of the Sexes, as they are modified by different States of Society. ART. 5. Of the History of Property, considered in relation to Human Improvement and Happiness. ART. 6. Of the Origin and Progress of the Arts and of the Sciences. ART. 7. Of the Origin and Progress of Commerce. ART. 8. Of the Origin and Progress of Government, and of the History of Rank and Subordination. ART. 9. Of the Origin and Progress of Municipal Systems of Jurisprudence. ART. 10. Of Diversities in the History of the Species, arising from the influence of Climate and Situation. subsequent. A few unimportant verbal crimination ; but wherever the change additions have, however, been interpo- is of any moment, it has been explicitly lated from the first edition, without dis- noticed.] CHAPTER II. OF THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF LEGISLATION AND GOVERNMENT. SECT. I. OF POLITICAL ECONOMY.* ART. 1. Of the Writings of Grotius and his Successors on Natural Jurisprudence, and their influence in suggesting the Modern Speculations concerning Political Economy. ART. 2. Of the Objects of Political Economy, and the more important general Conclusions to which the study of it has led. ART. 3. Of the Coincidence of the Principles of Justice and of Expediency, in the Political Conclusions to which they lead. [Slavery.] 1st Edit. ART. 4. Of the Connexion between just Views of Political Economy, and the Intellectual and Moral Improvement of Mankind. SECT. II. OF THE DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS OF GOVERNMENT ; AND OF THE VARIOUS FORMS IN WHICH THEY ARE COMBINED IN THE CONSTITUTIONS OF DIFFERENT STATES. ART. 1. Of the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Powers. ART. 2. Of the Simple Forms of Government, according to * [The three following articles appear 2.) Of the Revenue of the Sove- in \\\e first edition only, 1793:] reign. ART. 1. Of Population. [After an ART. 3, the same as in the ART. 2. Of National Wealth. text, there follows :] 1.) Of the Distribution of "Wealth ART. 4. Of the instruction of the among the body of the People, Lower Orders ; and of the Prevention and of the Regulations respect- and Punishment of Crimes, ing the Poor. 6 OUTLINES OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY. PART III. the definitions of Speculative Politicians ; and of the Uses to which this theoretical view of the subject is subservient, in the examination of actual Constitutions. ART. 3. Of Mixed Governments. ART. 4 Of the English Constitution. ART. 5. Of the Influence of Forms of Government on Na- tional Character and Manners. ART. 6. Of the Duties arising from the Political Union. ART. 7. Of the Political Relations of different States to each other ; and of the Laws of Morality as applicable to Nations. LECTURES ON POLITICAL ECONOMY. LECTURES ON POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTKODUCTION. OF THE OBJECTS AND PROVINCE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY .* [CHAPTEK I.] [OF THE TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OF THE SCIENCE, IN ITS MOST EXTENSIVE MEANING.] IT was before intimated,f that when the phrase Political Economy occurs in the course of this Dissertation, it is to be understood in the most extensive sense of these words. By most of our English writers, as well as by those in the other countries of Europe, this phrase has been hitherto restricted to inquiries concerning Wealth and Population; or to what have sometimes been called the resources of a State. It is in this limited sense it is used by the disciples of Quesnai in France, and also by Sir James Steuart, Mr. Smith, and a long * [This seems to correspond with the 1823) made to fit them for this trans- " Introduction to a Course of Elemen- ference ; which, however, was never tary Lectures on Political Economy," completed. It is perhaps needless to as enumerated in the table of contents observe, that these alterations are mere- given by Miss Stewart ; (see Editor's ly superficial, and that the chapters, in Advertisement.) It escaped the fate all essential respects, correspond with of the other writings in that list, in con- their original accommodation.] sequence of an extra copy having been taken. For, its first certainly, and ap- f {/See above, Vol. I., (Dissertation,} parently also its second chapter, were p. 22 ; though probably reference is latterly intended by Mr. Stewart to be made to a more proximate passage in incorporated in the Third Part of his the intended previous Lecture or Chap- Dissertation ; and various changes were ter, entitled, Allegiance to Government, accordingly (about 1819 and down to now lost.] 10 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PARTS I. AND II. list of respectable authors in this Island, both before and after the publication of Quesnai's works. Without, however, pre- suming to censure in the slightest degree the propriety of their language, I think that the same title may be extended with much advantage to all those speculations which have for their object the happiness and improvement of Political Society, or, in other words, which have for their object the great and ulti- mate ends from which Political regulations derive all their value; and to which Wealth and Population themselves are to be regarded as only subordinate and instrumental Such are the speculations which aim at ascertaining those funda- mental Principles of Policy, which Lord Bacon has so signifi- cantly and so happily described, as " Leges Legum, ex quibus informatio peti possit, quid in singulis Legibus bene aut per- peram positum aut constitutum sit."* In this employment of the phrase Political Economy, I may perhaps be accused of a deviation from established practice ; but the language does not afford me another expression less exceptionable, for denoting this particular department of Political Science ; and the use which Dr. Johnson and other classical authorities have made of the word Economy ,to denote "disposition and regulation in gene- ral," justifies me at least in some measure, for extending its ordi- nary acceptation when applied to the internal policy of nations. If we could suppose that this departure from the common language of Political writers were to be sanctioned by general use, its advantages, if I do not deceive myself, would be found of material importance. I shall only mention at present the effect it would necessarily have in keeping constantly before the mind of the speculative Politician, the Standard by which the wisdom and expediency of every institution is to be esti- mated ; and in checking those partial views of human affairs which have led so many eminent writers in their zeal for the advancement of National Riches, to overlook the more essential objects of the Political Union. That the idea which I thus propose to annex to this study * [De Aug. Scient. Lib. VIII. cap. iii. Exemphim Tractatvt de Justitia Uni- vertali, Aph. 6.J CHAP. I. TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OF THE SCIENCE. 11 is sufficiently precise, must appear evident to all who are con- versant with Political inquiries. In the meantime, (as I find it impossible to convey this idea to others by any general defi- nition or description,) a few examples may serve to illustrate the questions which I propose to comprehend under the title of Political Economy, and those subordinate discussions, which, although essentially different in their nature and aim, are apt, from their apparent relation to the same objects, to be con- founded together under the same title. To begin, then, with that science, which, in the judgment of the most enlightened politicians, is the most essential of all to human happiness, I mean the Science of Agriculture ; how various and important are the subjects which belong exclusively to its province ! The general principles of vegetation ; the chemical analysis of soils ; the theory of manures ; the princi- ples which regulate the rotation of crops, and which modify the rotation, according to the diversities of soil and climate ; the implements of agriculture, both mechanical and animal ; and a thousand other topics of a similar description. To none of these articles does the Political Economist profess to direct his attention ; but he speculates on a subject, without a know- ledge of which, on the "part of the Legislator, that of the other, how generally soever it may be diffused, is of no value. He speculates on the motives which, stimulate human industry ; and according as he finds these favoured or not in the classes of the people on whose exertions agriculture depends, he pre- dicts the agricultural progress or decline of a nation. He con- siders with this view the state of landed property, and the laws which regulate its alienation or transmission ; the state of the actual occupiers of the ground ; the security they possess for reaping, unmolested, the reward of their labours ; and the en- couragement they enjoy in comparison of that held out in the other walks of lucrative enterprise. Nor does he confine his views to the plenty or scarcity of the immediately succeeding seasons, but endeavours to investigate the means of securing permanent abundance and prosperity to his fellow-citizens. In this respect, too, the principles on which he proceeds differ 12 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PARTS I. AND II. essentially not only from those of the practical agriculturist, but from those which regulate the views of all the other orders of men who think merely of their individual interests. The exertions of the farmer, it may be reasonably presumed, will be proportioned to the recompense he expects ; spirited and vigor- ous after a few years of high prices, and languid when over- stocked markets have for a length of time disappointed his just expectations. The manufacturer, on the other hand, and the various orders of annuitants and stipendiary labourers, exult when the farmer repines, and repine when the farmer exults. In the midst of this conflict of contending interests and preju- dices, it is the business of the Political Economist to watch over the concents of all, and to point out to the Legislator the danger of listening exclusively to claims founded in local or in partial advantages, to remind him that the pressure of a tem- porary scarcity brings along with it in time its own remedy, while an undue depression of prices may sacrifice to a passing abundance years of future prosperity ; above all, to recom- mend to him such a policy, as by securing in ordinary years a regular surplus, may restrain the fluctuation of prices within as narrow limits as possible ; the only effectual method of con- sulting at once the real and permanent injterests of proprietors, cultivators, and consumers. What has now been said with respect to agriculture, may be extended to the various other employments of human industry, all of which furnish, in a greater or less degree, interesting subjects of scientific examination. This is exemplified very remarkably in Manufactures, in which the chemists and me- chanists of the present age have found so ample a field of observation and of study ; and to the improvement of which they have so largely contributed by their discoveries and in- ventions. To the Philosopher also, manufactures present a most interesting spectacle, and that whether he takes the trouble or not to enter into the detail of their various pro- cesses. What are the circumstances which attract manufac- turers to one part of a country in preference to another ? in what respects is it in the Dower of the Legislator to encourage CHAP. 1. TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OF THE SCIENCE. 13 them by roads, canals, harbours, and other public works ? what are the effects of that division of labour, which takes place in a manufacturing country, on the intellectual and moral powers of the lower orders ? what are the political effects of those mecha- nical contrivances by which labour is abridged ? these, and many other questions of a similar nature, depend for their solution, not on that knowledge which is to be acquired in workshops, but on an acquaintance with the nature and condition of man. Such questions, I conceive, belong properly to that science, of which I am now endeavouring to describe the objects. While the Political Economist thus investigates the sources of Agricultural and Manufacturing wealth, he is naturally led to consider these two great divisions of manual industry in their mutual relations ; to inquire in what manner they act and re-act on each other ; and how far it is in the power of the statesman to combine their joint influence for increasing the happiness and improvement of the community. Where the freedom of industry is unjustly restrained by laws borrowed from less enlightened ages, and more especially where that species of industry on which man depends for his subsistence is depressed below its proper level, it is his duty to remonstrate against so fatal a perversion of Political Institutions. In doing so, he does not arrogate to himself any superiority of practical knowledge over those whose professional labours are the sub- ject of his discussions ; but he thinks himself entitled to be heard, while his conclusions rest, not on the details of any par- ticular art, but on the principles of human nature, and on the physical condition of the human race. The diversity of pursuits to which individuals betake them- selves in the progress of civilized society, in consequence of the various modifications of agricultural and of manufacturing labour, give rise necessarily to a new order of men, whose pro- vince it is to facilitate those exchanges which the separation of professions renders indispensable ; and who, in thus contribut- ing to the perfection of the social system, open an ample source of emolument to themselves. I allude at present to the order of Merchants, a class of citizens entirely dependent on the 14 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PARTS I. AND II. labours of the farmer and tradesman ; but who, in such a com- plex state of society as that with which we are connected, exert a very powerful influence over both the others. A practical acquaintance with this department of business, more especially when it embraces the great objects of national concern, re- quires a longer and more systematical education than what is commonly understood to be necessary to qualify the farmer and the tradesman for their respective occupations ; and it is, in truth, only to be acquired completely, by that experience which commercial habits communicate. Among the various callings, accordingly, to which the circumstances of modern Europe have given rise, there is none which has discovered a greater jealousy of uninitiated theorists, or a more arrogant contempt for the speculative conclusions of the closet, than the whole tribe of what are commonly called the monied interest ; that is, capitalists, great merchants, and financiers of every descrip- tion. And, unquestionably, in whatever relates to practical details, or to a quickness of mercantile combination in estimat- ing the probable profits or losses of a particular adventure, their claims to a superior degree of illumination cannot rea- sonably be disputed. Still, however, there are many questions relating to trade, to the consideration of which the philosopher, and the philosopher alone, is competent. The theory of money (including under this word, paper credit) is of itself a suffi- cient example; a theory which, after all that has been yet written on the subject, and all the prodigies which the thing itself daily accomplishes before our eyes, remains to this hour in much obscurity. It is not, however, to such a subject as that of money (which Leibnitz has somewhere justly called a semi-mathematical speculation) that I allude chiefly in the foregoing remark. I have an eye more particularly to Trade considered in its relation to other objects of Political Science, animating and combining into one system the labours of the farmer and the artificer, in the most remote corners of an ex- tensive territory, encouraging and calling forth the industry of other nations, and of other quarters of the globe ; exhibiting, in a word, those stupendous effects, both political and moral, CHAP. I. TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OF THE SCIENCE. 15 which distinguish the condition of mankind in Modern Europe, from everything else that is known in the history of the species. It is unnecessary for me to say, how important that class of laws must be, which affects peculiarly the interests of those* whose operations lead to such momentous consequences ; how extensive their utility, where they second the salutary ten- dencies of commerce ; and how dangerous the mistakes of the Legislator may prove, when they thwart, in concerns of so vast a magnitude, the beneficial arrangements of nature. For speculations which embrace so complicated a variety of objects, the details of a particular branch of trade are surely not the best preparation ; nor is that quick-sighted regard to personal interest which commercial pursuits communicate, necessarily accompanied with views equally just, concerning questions of public utility. The truth is, that no wise states- man will reckon much on the disinterested benevolence of any one order of individuals; and the only occasions on which their professional knowledge is likely to be turned to national advantage, is when the interest of their order, and the interest of the community, are one and the same. That this is less the case with manufacturers and merchants than with farmers and country gentlemen, is frequently remarked by Mr. Smith in the course of his Inquiry ;* and the same observation has been sanctioned by a still more unexceptionable authority, that of Sir Josiah Child."f " Merchants," says this very intelligent and liberal writer, who was himself in an eminent degree con- versant with the practical details of trade, " Merchants, while they are in the busy and eager prosecution of their particular objects, although they be very wise and good men, are not always the best judges of commerce, as it relates to the power and profit of a kingdom. The reason may be, because their eyes are so con- tinually fixed on what makes for their peculiar gain or loss, that they have no leisure to expatiate, or to turn their thoughts to what is most advantageous for the kingdom in general." * [" Manufactures," says Smith, serve as a specimen. Inquiry into the " may flourish amidst the ruin of their Nature and Causes of the Wealth of country, and begin to decay upon the Nations, Book IV. chap, i.] return of its prosperity." This may f [Diicmtr?e on Trade.} 16 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PARTS I. AND II. " The like," he adds, " may be said of all shopkeepers, arti- ficers, and manufacturers, until they have left off their trades, and being rich, become, by the purchase of lands, of the same common interest with most of their countrymen." 1 The same train of thought might be easily extended to the other subjects which I comprehend under the title of Politi- cal Economy. But what I have already stated is fully suffi- cient to illustrate the nature of those general and fundamental principles which I propose to investigate, and to justify the concise and expressive description of them formerly quoted from Lord Bacon, [p. 10,] where he calls them, " Leges Legum, ex quibus informatio peti possit, quid in singulis Legibus bene aut perperam positum aut constitutum sit." According to the idea of Political Economy which I have adopted, this science is not confined to any particular descrip- tion of Laws, or to any particular department of the general science of Legislation. Among the means, for example, of advancing national wealth, what so efficacious as the laws which give security to the right of property, and check an in- ordinate inequality in its distribution ? To secure these ends, is one great aim both of civil and criminal jurisprudence ; and therefore, even those regulations which appear, on a superficial view, to be altogether foreign to the subject of national re- sources, may yet involve in the consequences, the most effec- tual provisions by which national resources are to be secured and augmented. The science of Political Economy, considered in its more extensive signification, as comprehending every regulation which affects the sum of national improvement and enjoyment, must necessarily embrace discussions of a still more miscel- laneous nature. Among its various objects, however, one of 1 Even after the trader has become a with all his liberality, sometimes betrays landed proprietor, he will naturally feel in his parliamentary opinions, a stronger the influence of his former habits of fellow-feeling with Fund-holders, than thinking and judging, and will regard the country gentlemen of England are with undue partiality the associates of disposed to sympathize with. (See those pursuits to which he is indebted Debate, Feb. 11, 1822.) for his fortune. Mr. llicardo himself, CHAP. I. TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OF THE SCIENCE. 17 the most important is the solution of that problem which Mr. Burke has pronounced to be one of the finest in legislation : " to ascertain what the State ought to take upon itself to direct by the public wisdom, and what it ought to leave, ivith as little interference as possible, to individual discretion." The mis- chievous consequences that may result from the tendency of mistaken notions on this point, to produce an undue multipli- cation of the objects of law, must be evident to every person who has the slightest acquaintance with Mr. Smith's political disquisitions. In point of fact, it is the very problem stated by Mr. Burke, which renders it so difficult to define with precision the object of Political Economy. Its general aim is to en- lighten those who are destined for the functions of government, and to enlighten public opinion with respect to their conduct ; but unless it be previously ascertained how far the legitimate province of the Statesman extends, it is impossible to draw the line distinctly between those subjects which belong properly to the science of Legislation, and those of which the regulation ought to be entrusted to the selfish passions and motives inse- parable from human nature. I have dwelt the longer on this subject, as I was anxious to point out its intimate connexion with the Philosophy of the Human Mind. The only infallible rules of political wisdom are founded ultimately on a knowledge of the prevailing springs of human action, and he who loses himself in the details of the social mechanism, while he overlooks those moral powers which give motion to the whole, though he may accumulate a mass of information highly useful in the pursuits of private life, must remain in total ignorance of those primary causes on which depend the prosperity and the safety of nations. Nor is it in this respect alone that the sciences of Morals and of Politics are related to each other; it is justly and profoundly remarked in one of the oldest fragments now extant of Grecian Philosophy, that " among the external circumstances necessary to the happiness of the individual, the first place is due to a well constituted State, without which the rational and social animal is imperfect, and unable to fulfil the purpose of its VOL. VIII. B 18 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO FARTS I. AND II. being."* I shall endeavour afterwards to shew, that this ob- servation applies with far less force to that part of the political order which depends immediately on the form of government, than to the system of Political Economy which that govern- ment encourages. At present I shall content myself with sug- gesting in general, in confirmation of the Pythagorean maxim just now quoted, that it is in the political union, and in the gradual improvement of which it is susceptible, that the chief provision has been made for a gradual development of our faculties, and for a proportionate enlargement in our capacities of enjoyment, insomuch that it may be confidently affirmed, that by the particular modification of the political order exist- ing in any country, both the intellectual and moral condition of the great body of the people is infallibly determined. I am perfectly aware of the objections to this doctrine, which will immediately occur to such as have adopted the prejudices which have been so industriously fostered for the last twenty yearsf by the advocates of civil and religious tyranny, (and by none more zealously than by the existing Government of France,J) against all those branches of Philosophy which have human affairs for their object. But to these I think it quite superfluous to offer a formal reply; not only because their injustice and absurdity are completely felt and understood by their authors ; but because all I could allege on the other side of the question would amount to nothing more than to an apology for the actual state of society in this part of the world, when contrasted with that which existed during the dark ages. * [Mr. Stewart probably refers to says, " is either a god or a beast;" "Man the Pseudo-Pythagorean Fragment On is by nature political, in a sense higher Happiness, under the name of Thurius ; than the bee or the ant, or any gregarious (Gale's Opuscula, edition of Amsterdam, animal." As he elsewhere expresses p. 663.) But a weightier and surer it : " Man is to Man the condition of his authority for the same doctrine is that highest happiness and improvement," of Aristotle, in his Politics ; who there 'Aifyvru r^itrn &rt(*rti, . r. X.] shews, that Man, only in Society at- f [In her transcript, Miss Stewart tains to the perfection of which he is notes " What date ? I think about capable, and therefore, that a State is 1819, but am doubtful."] prior in the order of nature, to an Indi- $ [Relative to acts, in and after 1820. vidnal or a Family. " The solitary," he See " Notice tur M. Cousin," 1835.] CHAP. I. TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OF THE SCIENCE. 19 It was indeed against the authors of the most important blessings transmitted to us by our forefathers, that the outcry was the loudest and most general, not many years ago, in all the absolute monarchies on the Continent ; in some of those most remarkably which have since fallen victims to their own blindness and imbecility ; and where the people were prepared by unqualified panegyrics on the excellence and tranquillity of despotical Governments, to consider a change of masters as a circumstance of too little importance to their political condi- tion to animate them in struggling against the arms of their in- vaders. The acknowledged mischiefs and horrors which were produced in France in the earlier stages of her revolution, by what the popular leaders dignified with the title of Philosophy, while everything which really merited the name was silenced and proscribed, has furnished to the enemies of human reason too specious a pretence for confounding, under one common appel- lation, the doctrines of sophistry and the salutary lessons of wisdom. The consequences have been everywhere such as were to be expected. The false theories which were once so generally propagated have been suppressed solely by the terrors of the sword ; and that mild Philosophy, which addresses herself to minds unwarped by passion and by the spirit of faction, has been forced to reserve her admonitions for other times. In no country of Europe has this observation been verified in so remarkable a degree as in that where the evil originated ; and if it applied to that country exclusively, it would afford much ground of consolation and hope to the human race. " Di meliora piis, errorenique hostibus ilium !" I blush, however, to confess, that even among ourselves it is only now that the more candid and intelligent are beginning to acknowledge, that the radical source of the calamities of our age has been the ignorance and prejudices of the people ; and that it is only by diffusing the light of knowledge and of liberality in those countries which have survived the general storm, that a provision can be made against those political convulsions which, in our own times, have derived their origin 20 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PARTS I. AND II. from the artifices of ambitious demagogues, operating on the credulity and profligacy of an uneducated multitude. This growing change in public opinion, has given rise, of late years, to a much more general attention to speculative politics, than existed at any former period ; and from this new direction of the public curiosity the happiest consequences may be anticipated. " Nothing," says Mr. Smith, " tends so much to promote public spirit as the study of politics ; of the several systems of Civil Government; their advantages and disad- vantages ; of the condition of our own country ; its situation and interest with regard to foreign nations ; its commerce ; its defence ; the disadvantages it labours under ; the dangers to which it may be exposed ; how to remove the one, and how to guard against the other. Upon this account, Political Dis- quisitions, if just and reasonable and practicable, are, of all the works of speculation, the most useful. Even the weakest and the worst of them are not altogether without their utility. They serve at least to animate the public passions of men, and rouse them to seek out the means of promoting the happiness of society." 1 A very able and candid critic, in some strictures which he did me the honour to make on the First Part of this Disserta- tion* was pleased to express his regret that I should have announced my intention, in the farther prosecution of my subject, to abstain from all speculations concerning the Theory of Government, and to confine myself exclusively to the modern science of Political Economy. For this omission I might 1 Theory of Moral Sentiments, Vol. have more safely trusted himself in that I. pp. 471, 472, [sixth edition.] stormy region. He was much less * [Sir James Mackintosh ; (see Edin- likely to have been tainted by its tur- lurr/h JKeview, Sept. 181 6, Vol. XXVII. bulence, than to have composed it by p. 220.) His words are : " The men- the serenity of his philosophical char- tion of Buchanan excites our regret acter. Every history of the other parts that Mr. Stewart should have excluded of moral and political science is incom- from his plan the history of those ques- plete, unless it be combined with that tions respecting the principles and forms of political opinion ; the link which, of government, which form one of the however unobserved, always unites the principal subjects of political philosophy, most abstruse of ethical discussions with properly BO called. No writer could the feelings and affairs of men."] CHAP. I. TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OF THE SCIENCE. 21 perhaps find a sufficient apology, in the novelty of Political Economy considered in the light of a science ; (no attempt hav- ing been made to reduce its principles into a systematical form till the middle of the last century ;) but as the reasons which chiefly weighed with me were really of a different nature, and as they are in my own opinion of considerable importance, I shall take this opportunity of submitting them, at some length, to the consideration of my readers. In most of the Systematical Treatises published by political writers, the attention of the student is directed, in the^rs^ instance, to an examination and comparison of the different Forms of Government, and is afterwards led to some of those subjects which I have comprehended under the title of Political Economy. On a superficial view, this arrangement is apt to appear the most natural ; for it is to the establishment of Government we are indebted for the existence of the Social Order ; and without the executive power of Government, Law would be merely a dead letter. In this instance, however, I am inclined to think, as in many others, the most obvious arrangement is not the most natural; and that it would be better to invert the arrangement commonly followed, by beginning, first with the Principles of Political Economy, and afterwards proceeding to the Theory of Government.* My reasons for thinking so are various; but the following are some of the most important. It is on the particular system of Political Economy which is established in any country, that the happiness of the people immediately depends ; and it is from the remote tendency that * [The order here indicated has been Economy proper, considered in the first followed in the present publication : but, instance It should be mentioned, that it will be observed, that this distribu- Mr. Stewart usually delivered a series tion is different from what may possibly of lectures on the Theory and Forms of be viewed as Mr. Stewart's ultimate Government, in addition to, but as a arrangement ; (see the preliminary Ad- part of his ordinary course of Moral vertisement.) By that arrangement, Philosophy. These Political lectures the Theory of Government and its were thus altogether distinct from his several Forms are, relatively to Political separate course of Political Economy.] 22 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PARTS I. AND II. wise forms of Government have to produce wise systems of Political Economy, that the utility of the former in a great measure arises. The one, indeed, leads naturally to the other; but it does not lead to it necessarily ; for it is extremely possible that inexpedient laws may, in consequence of ignorance and prejudice, be sanctioned for ages by a Government excel- lent in its constitution, and just in its administration ; while the evils threatened by a Government fundamentally bad, may, to a great degree, be corrected by an enlightened system of internal policy. An idea very similar to this is stated by Mr. Hume, (though in a manner somewhat too paradoxical,) in one of his Essays. " We are, therefore, to look upon all the vast apparatus of our Government as having ultimately no other object or purpose but the distribution of justice, or the support of the twelve Judges. Kings and parliaments, fleets and armies, officers of the court and revenue, ambassadors, ministers and privy councillors, are all subordinate in their end, to this part of administration. Even the clergy, as their duty leads them to inculcate morality, may justly be thought, so far as regards this world, to have no other useful object of their institution."* In farther illustration of this fundamental principle, it may be remarked, that there are two very different points of view in which Laws may be considered ; first, with respect to their origin ; and, secondly, with respect to their tendency. If they are equitable in both respects, that is, if they arise from a just con- stitution of Government, and if they are favourable to general happiness, they possess every possible recommendation ; but if they are to want the one recommendation or the other, the former (it ought always to be recollected) is of trifling moment in comparison of the latter. Unfortunately, however, for the world, the contrary idea has very generally prevailed ; and has led men to direct their efforts much more to improve the Theory of Government, than to ascertain the just principles of Political Economy. What has contributed much to produce this effect is, that every change in an established form of administration, [Enays, Vol. I., Essay Of the Origin of Government] CHAP. I. TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OF THE SCIENCE. 23 presents an immediate field of action to the ambitions and the turbulent; whereas improvements in Political Economy open only those distant prospects of general utility, which, however they may interest the calm benevolence of speculative men, are not likely to engage the passions of the multitude, or to attract the attention of those who aspire to be their leaders. I before observed, that the mistaken notions concerning Political Liberty which have been so widely disseminated in Europe by the writings of Mr. Locke, have contributed greatly to divert the studies of speculative politicians from the proper objects of their attention. On this subject I beg leave to refer to the remarks I offered on Locke and his followers, when treating on the foundation of the duty of Allegiance ;* and I have only to add at present, that the conclusion to which these and other observations of the same kind lead, is, not that the share of political power vested in the people is of trifling moment, but that its importance to their happiness depends on the protection and support it provides for their civil rights. Happiness is, in truth, the only object of legislation which is of intrinsic value ; and what is called Political Liberty, is only one of the means of obtaining this end. With the advantage of good laws, a people, although not possessed of political power, may yet enjoy a great degree of happiness ; and, on the contrary, where laws are unjust and inexpedient, the political power of the people, so far from furnishing any compensation for their misery, is likely to oppose an insurmountable obstacle to im- provement, by employing the despotism of numbers in support of principles of which the multitude are incompetent to judge. On the other hand, it is no less evident, that the only effec- tual and permanent bulwark against the encroachments of tyranny, is to be found in the political privileges which the Constitution secures to the governed. This, indeed, is demon- strated by the history of all those arbitrary establishments in which the condition of the subjects is decided by the personal character of the Sovereign ; and hence the jealousy with which, * [Miss Stewart, in her transcript says : " I fear this chapter on Allegiance is lost."] 24 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PARTS I. AND II. under better constitutions, every encroachment on these privi- leges has been watched by the enlightened friends of freedom. The want of them, however, does not, like that of civil liberty, necessarily affect the happiness, nor impair the natural rights of individuals ; for their value is founded entirely on considera- tions of political expediency ; and, therefore, the measure of them, which a wise man would desire for himself and his fellow-citizens, is determined, not by the degree in which every individual consents, directly or indirectly, to the laws by which he is governed ; but by the share of power which it is necessary for the people to possess, in order to place their civil rights beyond the danger of violation. In so far as this object is attained under any establishment, the civil liberty of the people rests on a solid foundation ; and their political power accomplishes completely the only purpose from which its value is derived. Nor must it be forgotten, how often it has hap- pened in the history of mankind, that a people, by losing sight of the end, in the blind pursuit of the means, have forfeited both the one and the other. These considerations, added to what was formerly stated, appear fully sufficient to justify my general position, that of the two branches of Political Science, (the Theory of Govern- ment and Political Economy,) the latter is that which is most immediately connected with human happiness and improve- ment ; and which is therefore entitled, in the first instance* to the attention of the student. But this is not all. Some know- ledge of Political Economy is indispensably necessary to enable us to appreciate the different Forms of Government, and to compare them together, in respect of their fitness to accomplish the great ends to which they ought to be subservient : whereas Political Economy may be studied without any reference to constitutional forms ; not only because the tendency of laws may be investigated abstractedly from all consideration of their origin, but because there are many principles of Political Economy which may be sanctioned by governments very different in their constitutions; and some so essentially con- [See note, p. 21.] CHAP. I. TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OP THE SCIENCE. 25 nected with the happiness of society that no Government can violate them, without counteracting the very purposes for which Government is established. In contrasting, as I have now done, the study of Political Economy with that of the Theory of Government, I think it necessary for me once more to repeat, (before concluding this Lecture,*) that I do not mean to deny their very intimate con- nexion with each other. I have already said that it is only under equitable constitutions that we can have any reasonable prospect of seeing wise systems of policy steadily pursued ; and it is no less true, on the other hand, that every improvement which takes place in the internal policy of a State, by melio- rating the condition and the morals of the great mass of the people, has a tendency to prepare society for undergoing, with- out any shock or convulsion, those gradual alterations which time produces on all human institutions. These observations may appear at first view to be contra- dicted by a passage in the Historical Fragment of Mr. Fox, of which, in consideration of the high authority of that eminent person, I think it necessary for me to take some notice. Speaking of the reign of Charles II., and particularly of the spirit of Government in the year 1675, he observes : " It is to be remarked, that to these times of heat and passion, and to one of those Parliaments which so disgraced themselves and the nation, by the countenance given to Oates and Eedloe, and by the persecution of so many innocent victims, we are indebted for the Habeas Corpus Act, the most important barrier against tyranny, and best framed protection for the liberty of indi- viduals, that has ever existed in any ancient or modern Com- monwealth." " But the inefficacy of mere laws in favour of the subjects, in case of the administration of them falling into the hands of persons hostile to the spirit in which they had been provided, had been so fatally evinced by the general history of England ever since the grant of the Great Charter, and more especially * [This parenthesis is deleted in the transcript from which Miss Stewart copied, and is omitted by her.] 26 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PARTS I. AND II. by the transactions of the preceding reign, that the Parliament justly deemed their work incomplete, unless the Duke of York were excluded from the succession to the Crown."* To the same purpose he has elsewhere said, that " the reign of Charles II. forms one of the most singular as well as one of the most important periods of history. It is the sera of good laws and of bad government. The abolition of the Court of Wards ; the repeal of the Act De Heretico Comburendo ; the Triennial Parliament Bill ; the establishment of the Rights of the House of Commons in regard to Impeachment ; the expiration of the License Act; and, above all, the glorious Statute of Habeas Corpus, have therefore induced a modern writer of great emi- nence [Hume,] to fix the year 1679 as the period at which our constitution had arrived at its greatest theoretical perfection ; but he owns, in a short note upon the passage alluded to, that the times immediately following were times of great practical oppression. What a field for meditation does this short observation from such a man furnish ! What reflections does it not suggest to a thinking mind, upon the ineflficacy of human laws, and the imperfection of human constitutions ! We are called from the contemplation of the progress of our constitu- tion, and our attention fixed with the most minute accuracy to a particular point, when it is said to have risen to its utmost perfection. Here we are then, at the best moment of the best constitution that ever human wisdom formed. What follows ? A time of oppression and misery, not arising from external or accidental causes, such as war, pestilence, or famine, nor even from any such alteration of the laws as might be supposed to impair this boasted perfection, but from a corrupt and wicked administration, which all the so-much admired checks of the constitution were not able to prevent. How vain, then, how idle, how presumptuous is the opinion that laws can do every- thing! And how weak and pernicious the maxim founded upon it, that measures, not men, are to be attended to."f The sentiments of an eminent Scotch Judge with respect to * f A History of the Early Part of the Reign of James II., Chap. I. p. 38, orig. ed.l t [Ibid. p. 22, 8 eq.} CHAP. I. TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OF THE SCIENCE. 27 the Act 1701, (which has been called the Habeas Corpus Act of Scotland,) may be quoted as a supplement to this citation from Mr. Fox. " The Habeas Corpus in England was passed in the reign of Charles II., and you may remember what Mr. Hume says, that that Act for securing the personal liberty of the subject, rendered the constitution of England the best the world had ever seen. The Habeas Corpus Act, however, was rendered altogether nugatory and unavailing in the infamous government which followed, and which produced the Revolu- tion 1688. The Revolution also took place in this country ; but there had been no Habeas Corpus Act here, and it was found necessary to pass the Act 1701. In England personal liberty was unavailing without political freedom ; and in Scot- land, political freedom was discovered to be nugatory without personal liberty. The Act 1701, was meant to consummate the Revolution." 1 What is the moral to which these reflections lead ? Not, certainly, that laws are of little moment to national felicity ; or even that they are of less moment than the theoretical plan of the government, but that without the vivifying spirit of an enlightened people, jealous of their rights and determined to preserve them, the wisest political institutions are little better than a dead letter. Delolme has made some judicious remarks on this subject, when treating of the Censorial Power exercised by the people of England over the conduct of government by means of the press. " Whoever considers," he observes, " what it is that constitutes the moving principles of what we call great affairs, and the invincible sensibility of man to the opinion of his fellow-creatures, will not hesitate to affirm, that, if it were pos- sible for the Liberty of the Press to exist in a despotic govern- ment, and (what is not less difficult) for it to exist without changing the constitution, this liberty of the press would alone form a counterpoise to the power of the Prince. If, for ex- 1 Speech of Lord Gillies in the case 1823. [This marks a date, after which Duncan v. His Majesty's Advocate, as the context was written ] reported in the Scotsman, February 8, 28 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PARTS I. AND IL ample, in an empire of the East, a sanctuary could be found which, rendered respectable by the ancient religion of the people, might ensure safety to those who should bring thither their observations of any kind, and that from thence printed papers should issue, which, under a certain seal, might be equally respected, and which in their daily appearance, should examine and freely discuss the conduct of the Cadis, the Bashaws, the Vizier, the Divan, and the Sultan himself, that would intro- duce immediately some degree of liberty."* It is much to be regretted that Mr. Fox had not lent this argument the support of his talents and eloquence, but at the time he wrote, it was too little attended to by our best Whig writers; and, indeed, since the period of his death, the in- fluence of the Press, in consequence of the diffusion of know- ledge among the lower orders in every part of the island, and the astonishing multiplication of pamphlets and of periodical prints, has increased to a degree of which, twenty years ago, the most sanguine imagination could not have formed a conception. While this organ of public opinion and of the public will, shall remain unrestrained, the friends of liberty need entertain no serious apprehensions about the fate of our happy constitution. At least, any hazard to which it may be exposed can arise only from some incorrigible defect in the morals and public spirit of the people, which renders them no longer able or worthy to enjoy its blessings. The following remarks of a profound and eloquent philoso- pherf will exhaust all that I wish farther to observe on this head. The passage is long, but is so important and so appro- priate to my present purpose, that I am unwilling to weaken its effect by attempting to abridge it " It is not in mere laws that we are to look for the securities of justice, but in the powers by which these laws have been ob- tained, and without whose constant support they must fall into * [Constitution, &c., Book II. chap. predecessor in the chair of Moral Phi- iii.] losophy, in whose Essay on the History of Civil Society the passage is found ; t [Dr. Adam Ferguson, Mr. Stewart's Part III., sect, vi.] CHAP. I. TITLE AND COMPREHENSION OF THE SCIEKCE. 29 disuse. Statutes serve to record the rights of a people, and speak the intention of parties to defend what the letter of the law has expressed ; but without the vigour to maintain what is acknowledged as a right, the mere record, or the feeble intenv tion, is of little avail. " A populace roused by oppression, or an order of men pos- sessed of a temporary advantage, have obtained many charters, concessions, and stipulations in favour of their claims ; but where no adequate preparation was made to preserve them, the written articles were often forgotten, together with the occasion on which they were framed. " The history of England, and of every free country, abounds with the example of statutes enacted when the people or their representatives assembled, but never executed when the crown or the executive was left to itself. The most equitable laws on paper are consistent with the utmost despotism in administra- tion. Even the form of trial by juries in England had its authority in law, while the proceedings of the courts were arbitrary and oppressive. " We must admire as the key-stone of civil liberty, the statute which forces the secrets of every prison to be revealed, the cause of every commitment to be declared, and the person of the accused to be produced, that he may claim his enlarge- ment or his trial, within a limited time. No wiser form was ever opposed to the abuses of power. But it requires a fabric no less than the whole political constitution of Great Britain, a spirit no less than the refractory and turbulent zeal of this fortunate people, to secure its effects."* * [From the previous Introduction Politics proper. In its sequel, the In- it thus appears, that we are warranted troduction further enumerates the sub- in dividing the following Lectures on ordinate constituents of the First Part; Political Economy into two Parts : to to wit, 1, Population, 2, National wit, 1, into a part comprising the Wealth, 3, The Poor, 4, Educa- matters usually referred to Political tion : and these we may consider as so Economy proper ; and 2, into a part many Books into which this Part is comprising the Theory of Government distributed. Of the Second Part, this and forms of Administration, that is, Introduction takes no account] CHAPTER II* [OF THE CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF POLITICAL ECONOMY PROPEBj OB OF PART FIRST.] IN the last chapter I endeavoured to convey a general idea of the nature of those disquisitions which I comprehend under the title of Political Economy, and to which I have in this Dissertation restricted the meaning of Political Philosophy. In point of fact, the subjects of Population and of National Wealth have of late appropriated the title of Political Economy almost exclusively to themselves ; but I flatter myself that the reasons I have assigned for enlarging the province of this science will be found satisfactory. That the science of Political Economy, in the common acceptation of the phrase, is of modern origin, is universally admitted ; and that the same observation is applicable to the other subjects to which I propose to extend the same title, will appear in the course of the following remarks. Indeed, upon all of them many of the conclusions which now very generally unite the suffrages of speculative men, stand in direct opposi- tion to the maxims of ancient policy. It seems, therefore, naturally to occur as an object of preliminary inquiry, what are the peculiarities in the circumstances of Modern Europe which have given birth to this new science, and which have imposed on statesmen the necessity of searching for other lights than what are to be collected from the institutions of Ancient Greece * [Miss Stewart notes upon her tran- sertation ceases with the first Chapter, BCr ipt, " All after this is oJd." If this is manifestly incorrect ; as is appa- hereby she means, that the process of ac- rent from the earlier portion, at least, of commodating the Lectures to the Die- the following chapter.] CHAP. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PART. 31 and Rome ? In considering this question, I shall have occasion to point out the natural connexion by which the different branches of Political Economy are united into one department of knowledge, and the easy transitions by which the considera- tion of any one of them leads to that of all the others. The remarks which I have to offer under this head will serve, at the same time, to explain, why in this part of my Dissertation so many of my observations are rather of a prospective, than of a historical or retrospective nature. This view of the subject I found to be unavoidable in treating of a science which, though it has suddenly burst into preternatural maturity, is still in point of years only in a state of infancy. [POPULATION.] I. Among the various objects of Political Economy, one of the most important and interesting has been always understood to be the augmentation of the numbers of the people; and accord- ingly, I propose to begin the course with an examination of the principal questions to which this subject has given rise.* It is a subject on which much attention has been bestowed both by ancient and by modern legislators, but the relative place which it occupies in the ancient and modern systems of Political Economy, will be found to be essentially different. Of this difference the most powerful, though not the only cause, is the civil and domestic liberty now enjoyed, in, this part of Europe, by the industrious orders of the community, contrasted with that slavery which entered into the constitu- tions of those states which, in the ancient world, were under- stood to have accomplished, in the most effectual manner, the great ends of government. In consequence of this mighty change produced by the dissolution of the Feudal system, the care of the statesman (in as far as population is concerned) is necessarily transferred from the higher classes of the people, to a description of men whose numbers in the Free States (as they were called) of Antiquity, were recruited, as they are now * [This latter clause is deleted in the earlier copy, and omitted by Miss Stewart.] 32 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. in the West India Islands,* by importations from abroad. It is this description of men which forms the basis of that politi- cal fabric, which Sir William Temple has so finely compared to a pyramid ; and it is on their numbers, combined with their character and habits, that the stability of the superstructure depends. Their numbers, however, it is evident, can in the actual state of things be kept up only by such political arrange- ments as furnish them with the means of rearing families ; and it is into the question concerning the comparative expediency of the various arrangements proposed for that purpose, that the problem of population ultimately resolves. It is well known the efforts of Augustus and of the other statesmen of Eome to discourage celibacy, had little or no reference to this class of the community, but were calculated exclusively to keep up the race of citizens, and more especially of the order of nobility. In consequence of the place which the subject of population necessarily occupies in the systems of modern statesmen, it will be found to be more or less connected with every other article of Political Economy ; and accordingly, the most enlightened writers who have of late treated of population, have been led under this general title to discuss a variety of questions, to which it may appear, on a superficial view, to bear a very re- mote relation ; such, for example, is the question with respect to the relative claims of Agriculture and of Manufactures to the attention of the statesman, with a number of other incidental inquiries connected with these different modes of industry. Nothing, however, under this head appears more deserving of notice, than the striking contrast between ancient and modern schemes of policy, considered in their effects on national man- ners, and on the progressive improvement of mankind ; the former checking or altering the natural course of things by means of agrarian laws, and of other restrictive and violent regulations, calculated chiefly to keep up and to multiply the breed of soldiers ; the latter (in those countries, at least, where * [Miss Stewart, in her transcript, 1823. My father has evidently over- notes : " This must be altered to suit looked it."J CHAP. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PART. 33 the true principles of Political Economy have made any pro- gress) allowing Agriculture and Commerce to act and re-act on each other, in multiplying the comforts of human life, in de- veloping all the capacities that belong to our nature, and in diffusing as widely as the imperfections of human institutions will permit, the blessings of knowledge and of civilisation among all classes of the community. " The advantages, in- deed, which modern policy possesses over the ancient, arises principally from its conformity, in some of the most important articles of Political Economy, to an order of things recom- mended by nature ;" and where it remains imperfect, its errors may in general be traced to the obstacles which, in a few instances, it still continues to oppose to those beneficent ar- rangements which would gradually take place of their own accord, if the legislator were only to confine his attention to his proper province. [NATIONAL WEALTH.] [II.]* The various questions concerning Population, lead by an easy transition to an examination of the nature and causes of National Wealth ; a branch of Political Economy which presents a contrast no less striking than that which the former article exhibits, between the maxims of ancient and of modern policy. As the wealth possessed by some of the most celebrated states of antiquity was acquired not by commerce but by the sword, it had no tendency to encourage a commercial spirit, excepting in so far as it ministered to luxury. Accordingly, we find that commerce was dreaded by the Koman statesmen on account of the luxury which they regarded as its necessary consequence ; and it is a curious circumstance, that after their foreign conquests had brought immense riches into the public treasury, this very dread of the commercial spirit produced the same jealousy about the exportation of the precious metals with which the prejudices of the mercantile system of Political Economy so long inspired the legislators of Modern Europe. * [This numeral apparently omitted by inadvertence.] VOL. VIII. C 34 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. " Exportari aurum," says Cicero, " non oportere, cum saepe antea sen atus, turn, me consule, gravissime judicavit."* The same policy continued afterwards (partly indeed from other motives) under the Emperors ; and it must be confessed, that in so far as their aim was to keep possession of the riches they had acquired, their views were somewhat more reasonable and consistent than those of our ancestors, for as they had no com- modities of their own to give in exchange for the luxuries they imported, they must have paid for every thing in silver and gold. In the degenerate state, however, into which the Roman manners had then fallen, the progress of luxury was not to be checked by legislative restrictions, and the discouragements to commerce served only to prevent the operation of that antidote which nature has so beautifully provided against its pernicious effects, in the general diffusion of wealth among the body of a people, accompanied with that spirit of industry and frugality which commercial pursuits have a tendency to inspire. The fatal effects which had been found, in the history of so many states, to be produced by a sudden influx of riches from abroad, combined with an ignorance of the salutary tendencies of commerce, led the ancient lawgivers very generally to check, as much as possible, the commercial spirit by the force of posi- tive institutions. Plato prohibits the introduction into his imaginary Commonwealth, of any arts but those which minister to the necessities of human life, and refused to give laws to the Arcadians, because they were rich and loved magnificence ; while Phocion, who saw in the wealth of the Athenians the seeds of their ruin, proposed that artisans should be considered as slaves, and deprived of the rights of citizens. That these ideas correspond perfectly with the prevailing, or rather the unanimous opinion of antiquity, appears from numerous pas- sages in the Greek and Roman authors. At present, I shall only mention Plutarch's Life of Pericles, and the 8th, 17th, 20th, and 94th Epistles of Seneca. How different are the ideas which now prevail universally on the same subject ! " It is no longer," says Raynal, u a * [Pro Flacco, cap. xxviii.] CHAP. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PART. 35 people immersed in poverty, that becomes formidable to a rich nation. Power is at present an attendant on riches, because they are no longer the fruit of conquest, but the produce of lives spent in perpetual employment. Gold and silver corrupt only those indolent minds which indulge in the delights of luxury, upon that stage of low intrigue which is called great- ness. The same metals put in motion the hands and arms of the people, exciting a spirit of agriculture in the fields, of navigation in the maritime cities, and multiplying over the whole face of the country, the comforts, enjoyments, and orna- ments of life."* Montesquieu himself does not seem to have been sufficiently aware of this essential difference between the wealth acquired by commerce and by rapine, in the parallel which he draws between the Carthaginians and the Romans. The former were indeed subdued by the latter, but they must be allowed to have maintained a far more obstinate and glori- ous struggle for their political existence, than was afterwards exhibited by their conquerors when assailed by the arms of the barbarians. Agreeably to these remarks, and in direct contradiction to the maxims of ancient policy, we find everywhere, when we cast our eyes over the surface of the globe, that the most wealthy states are those where the people are the most indus- trious, humane, and enlightened, and where the liberty they enjoy, by entering as an elementary principle into the very existence of the political order, rests on the most solid and durable basis. Indeed, it was the general diffusion of wealth among the lower orders of men which first gave birth to the spirit of independence in Modern Europe, and which has pro- duced under some of its governments, and more especially under our own, a more equal diffusion of freedom and of happiness than took place under the most celebrated constitutions of antiquity. The difference between the condition of ancient and of modern nations, in consequence of the abolition of domestic slavery, has been already remarked, and the effects which it has produced have in no instance been more conspicuous than * [ffistoire Philosophise des Etabl'wemens et du Commerce, &c.] 36 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. upon the sources of national opulence. As the ground is now universally cultivated (at least in this part of Europe) by men whose subsistence depends on the fruits of their own industry, the measure of their exertions can be increased only by the multiplication of their wants and necessities ; or (as Sir James Steuart expresses it) " by the operation of manufactures and com- merce, in rendering men slaves to their own passions and desires." Hence the important distinction upon which this ingenious writer has laid so great stress between labour and industry. " The former," he observes, " may always be procured, even by force, at the expense of furnishing man with his daily sus- tenance, whereas the latter cannot possibly be established, but by means of an adequate equivalent, proportioned not to what is absolutely necessary, but to what may satisfy the reasonable desire of the industrious, which equivalent becomes, in its turn, the means of diffusing a similar taste for superfluities among all classes of people." 1 One of the best illustrations I know of this distinction be- tween labour and industry, and of the consequent difference between the ancient and modern system of Political Economy, is to be found in the discourse (commonly, and I think justly, attributed to Xenophon) " On the Improvement of the Revenue of the State of Athens."* From this work of Xenophon we learn the opinion of the author with regard to the three prin- cipal classes of the Athenian people the Citizens, the Strangers, and the Slaves ; and it is particularly remarkable, that even among the lowest order of the citizens, he never once supposes the expediency, or even the possibility, of exciting a spirit of industry by any of the motives which operate so effectually on the minds of the multitude in Modern Europe. On the con- trary, his professed object is to secure the same advantages at which Political Economy now aims, through the medium of men's natural propensities, by regulations of police, altogether 1 Sir James Steuart 'a Works, Vol. II. 2 A translation of this Discourse is p. 163, 8 vo edition, [An Inquiry into the introduced into the first volume of the Principles of Political Economy, Book edition of D'Avenant's Political Works, II. chap. xxx.J published by Sir Charles Whitworth. CHAP. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PAUT. 37 unconnected with the habits of the people for whose welfare they were destined. With this view, he lays down a plan for improving the revenue of the State, (by means of taxes to be imposed on its confederate cities,) in such a manner, as out of it to give every Athenian citizen a pension of three oboli a day, or threepence three farthings of our money. In case the resources he points out for obtaining this revenue should prove deficient, people from all quarters, (he observes,) princes and strangers of note in all countries, would be proud of contributing towards it, to have their names transmitted to posterity in the public monuments of Athens. Besides providing this daily pension of threepence three farthings for every citizen of Athens, rich and poor, Xenophon proposed to build, at the public expense, a number of trading vessels, a great many inns, and houses of entertainment for all strangers in the sea-ports, to erect shops, warehouses, and exchanges, the rents of which would not only increase the revenue, but add to the beauty and magnificence of the city. In a word, the great aim of this ancient system of Political Economy, (as Sir James Steuart has well observed,) is to accom- plish by the labour of slaves, and by the subsidies of strangers, what a free people in our days are constantly performing by their own industrious exertions. 1 In consequence of this independent industry of our lower orders, and more especially of the action and re-action of manufactures, commerce, and agriculture on each other, there has gradually arisen in the mechanism of modern society, a complexness of parts, and, at the same time, an apparent sim- plicity of design, essentially different from what fell under the review of ancient politicians. Among other important consequences resulting from this mechanism, there is one which it may not be improper to mention at present, as it affords a peculiarly striking proof of the essential difference between the state of mankind in ancient and in modern times. The circumstance I allude to is, the 1 Vol. II. pp. 166-168. [Ibidem.] 38 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. effect of internal commerce in circulating money through all the different parts of the political body ; affording by this very process a sensible illustration of the systematical relations which now connect together all the different orders of men in the same community, and which render every change in the condition of any one order a source either of advantage or loss to all the others. How different the case was in the old world, we may infer from the low price which the necessaries of life bore at a tune when the precious metals were in the greatest abundance among the higher classes ; and when the pecuniary expenses of some individuals, in articles of luxury and of orna- ment, were on a scale far exceeding the most extravagant ideas of modern ages. These, and some other facts of the same kind, demonstrate how much the relation between prices and the quantity of the precious metals depends on that circulation of money which is produced by an active internal commerce : But the only in- ference I wish to draw from them at present is, the disjointed organization of society in the ancient Commonwealths, when compared with that comprehensive mechanism, which, in such a country as ours, combines so beautifully into one system the different classes and interests of individuals. Another circumstance which has had a powerful influence on the condition of civilized nations in modern times, is the activity and extent of maritime trade, so wonderfully facilitated by the improvements which have taken place in the art of navi- gation, and so strongly encouraged by the intercourse which these have opened with parts of the globe formerly unknown. ' It is observed by Dr. Robertson,* that in the ancient world land trade was the principal object, and maritime trade only a secondary one. This was not entirely owing to the cause to which he ascribes it, the imperfection of the art of navigation : it was the natural effect of the geographical situation of the three continents to which the operations of commerce were confined. They all either touched, or nearly touched, each * [Historical Disquisition concern- had of India, and tlie Progress of mg the Knowledge which the Antients Trade, &c.j CHAP. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PART. 39 other ; and the Mediterranean seas, which they included, served only to facilitate the operations of a commerce, of which the land was the principal element. Of the extent to which human ingenuity and industry were able, in ancient times, to carry on foreign trade, under the great disadvantages of land-carriage, an idea may be formed from the remains of this species of commerce, still existing in the East; for although since the passage to India by the Cape of Good Hope was opened, the trade from that country to Europe has been carried on by sea, a considerable portion of its valuable productions are, to this day, conveyed by land to other parts of the earth. This mode of communication is, indeed, rendered absolutely necessary, by the unbroken continuity of many of the most extensive provinces of Asia ; and in a still greater degree, by the effect of the same circumstances in the Continent of Africa. The religious pilgrimages to Mecca, enjoined by the founder of the Mahometan faith, have contributed to in- crease, or, at least, to concentrate this commercial intercourse, by drawing annually to the Holy City numerous caravans, both of pilgrims and merchants, from all the countries where the Mahometan worship is established, extending to the shores of the Atlantic on the one hand, and to the remotest regions of the East on the other. During the few days of its continuance, the Fair of Mecca is said to be the greatest on the face of the earth ; and of the immense value to which mercantile transactions are there carried on, the most unequivocal proof (as Dr. Robertson remarks) is afforded by the despatch, the silence, the mutual confidence and good faith with which they are conducted. I have mentioned these facts chiefly as proofs of the extent to which the commercial transactions of ancient nations may have been carried, notwithstanding their comparative ignorance of the art of navigation. Accordingly, it has been argued by a late writer, (Mr. Heeren of Gottingen,*) that although par- ticular states, in modern times, may have carried their trade to * [Mr. Stewart, though he did not on the Policy and Commerce of the read German, possessed in manuscript Ancient Nations.] an English translation of Heeren's work \ 40 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. a higher degree than single states of the ancient world ; yet, on the other hand, commerce was, in the earlier ages, more equally divided among nations than at present, when a few countries in the western parts of Europe are become almost the only seats of the commerce of the globe. It has been observed by the same author, that while, in consequence of our extended navigation and maritime trade, the nations which are in possession of them have made the most important improve- ments, a multitude of other nations, whose situations now lie out of the road of commerce, have sunk into the lowest state of barbarism. But although there may be some foundation for these remarks, no comparison certainly can be made between the land trade carried on of old, and the commerce which has originated in modern Europe, when considered in connexion with human improvement and happiness. Nothing, indeed, can shew this more clearly than the stationary condition in which the race still remains in those parts of the world, where the former species of traffic is carried on upon the greatest scale. The facts which have been collected to illustrate the extent of their traffic serve only to place in the stronger light the peculiar advantages of that maritime intercourse, which unites, by a rapid intercourse, the most remote harbours of the globe; more particularly when combined with that inland trade, which, by means of water conveyance, penetrates in every direction the interior of a continent. The origin of that maritime commerce which so peculiarly distinguishes modern times, is to be ascribed in a great measure to the discovery of the New World, and of the passage to India by the Cape of Good Hope. The former of these events, more particularly, was necessarily accompanied with the most im- portant consequences ; extending, in an incalculable degree, the mutual connexion of nations ; and by encouraging the art of man to contend with the dangers of the ocean, throwing a new light on those beneficent arrangements which Providence has made for the improvement of the human race. It is to this event that the subsequent progress of navigation, and of that commercial spirit which now exerts so powerful an influence CHAP. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PART. 41 over the condition of mankind, may be ultimately traced ; and, if it had not happened, it may be reasonably questioned whether the circumnavigation of Africa would have produced any essen- tial change in the course of trade, or in the relations which had till then connected together the different parts of the globe. The activity of trade thus excited and maintained by the boldness and skill of modern navigators, has been farther aided, in an immense degree, by the commerce of money, so expedi- tiously and easily carried on in modern times by the simple and beautiful expedient of bills of exchange. By means of these, debts and credits may be shifted from one place to another, so as to answer all the purposes of transportation of the precious metals ; the same ends being accomplished by this happy in- vention in foreign commerce, to which coins are subservient in the details of ordinary business. The invention of bills of exchange has been generally ascribed, since the time of Montesquieu, to the Jews. " It is a known fact," says this eminent writer, "that under Philip Augustus and Philip the Long, the Jews who were chased from France took refuge in Lombardy, and that there they gave to foreign merchants and travellers secret letters drawn upon those to whom they had entrusted their effects in France, which bills were accordingly accepted by their correspondents." " Commerce," he adds, " by this means, became capable of elud- ing violence, and of maintaining everywhere its ground ; the richest merchant having nothing but invisible effects, which he could convey imperceptibly wherever he pleased."* In these observations, Montesquieu has probably gone a little too far ; for although the Jews may have invented the modern forms of transactions of this nature, (a fact, however, which is by no means indisputably ascertained,) there are very strong reasons for believing that the practice in question was not alto- gether unknown among the commercial states of antiquity. The idea, indeed, of thus exchanging one debtor for another, or of a reciprocal transfer of credits, is so extremely obvious, that it could not possibly fail to occur wherever an extensive com- * [Esprit dts Loix. Liv. XXI. cliap. xvi.] 42 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. merce has subsisted between different nations ; and, in fact, some traces of such transactions in ancient times, have been discovered by the learned industry of modern writers. Notwithstanding, however, these circumstances, I believe it may be safely asserted, that it was in modern Europe that this mode of settling accompts, and transacting payments between foreign merchants, was first reduced to a system ; a chain of correspondences being established all over the commercial world, among a particular description of traders, whose business it is to negotiate pecuniary transactions ; and who, by confining their attention to this branch of commerce, have given a regu- larity and correctness, formerly unknown, to all other mercan- tile operations. The improvements which have taken place, during the course of a few centuries, in the general state of political society, all over this part of the world, by giving rise to the establishment of regular posts, and promoting every- where a disposition to good faith and mutual confidence, are, in truth, (as I shall have occasion afterwards to show,) the foundation of those multiplied mercantile relations, of which the refinements now under our consideration may be regarded as the necessary consequences, and without which they could not possibly have existed. In a passage already quoted from Montesquieu, [p. 41,] it is observed, by the invention of bills of exchange, merchants were enabled to elude the grasp of despotism. The observation is just, and it touches on a circumstance equally important to civil liberty, and to the prosperity of commerce. "Whether these advantages are not in some degree compensated by the selfish independence of capitalists, who by the same causes which in- crease their influence on public affairs, are released from local connexions, and rendered citizens of the world at large, is a question of more difficult discussion. Among the various circumstances, however, which distinguish the modern systems of political economy, and add to the intri- cacy of this branch of study, none is more conspicuous than the fabric of public credit, particularly in the great commercial states of Europe ; an innovation which not only affects essen- CHAP. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PART. 43 tially all the branches of trade, in consequence of its intimate connexion with the commerce of money, but in its more re- mote tendency affects the condition of all the different classes of the community. One advantage, however, (among many inconveniences,) which may be traced to this innovation, is the attention which sovereigns have been forced to give, for their own sakes, to the advancement of industry and wealth among their subjects ; and although their efforts towards this end have not been always enlightened, yet they have almost everywhere contributed materially to ameliorate gradually the condition of the body of the people. The strength of modern empires is now under- stood to depend on internal cultivation ; presenting in this respect a striking contrast to those in the Old World, which rose by conquest, and were fed by precarious tribute. The greater the number of such states, which thus found their im- portance on their internal advantages and resources, and the more liberal the policy by which they are connected, the greater will be the prosperity of each individually ; and the more solid will be the foundation which is laid for the future happiness of the human race. It is remarked by Mr. Hume, in one of his political dis- courses, that " though all kinds of government be improved in modern times, yet monarchical governments seem to have made the greatest advances towards perfection. It may now," he says, " be affirmed of civilized monarchies, what was formerly said in praise of republics alone, that they are a government of laws, not of men. They are found susceptible of order, method, and constancy, to a surprising degree. Property is there secure ; industry encouraged ; the arts flourish ; and the prince lives secure among his subjects like a father among his children. There are, perhaps, and have been for two centuries, near two hundred absolute princes, great and small, in Europe; and allowing twenty years to each reign, we may suppose that there have been in the whole two thousand monarchs, or tyrants, (as the Greeks would have called them,) yet of these there has not been one, not even Philip II. of Spain, so bad as Tiberius, 44 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PABT I. Caligula, Nero, or Domitian, who were four in twelve among the Roman emperors."* Of this very remarkable fact, an explanation may no doubt be found, in part, in the diffusion of knowledge among all orders of men by means of the press, which has everywhere raised a bulwark against the oppression of rulers in the light and spirit of the people ; but much must likewise be ascribed to the influence which juster views of Political Economy have had upon the counsels even of absolute princes, by convincing them how inseparably the true interests of governors and the governed are connected together ; a consideration which, while it opens an encouraging prospect with respect to the future history of the world, affords an additional proof of a proposition which I shall afterwards endeavour to illustrate ; that the science of Political Economy, much more than that part of the theory of government which relates to forms of ad- ministration, is entitled, in the present circumstances of man- kind, to the attention of the speculative politician. fin treating of the various questions connected with the general title of National Wealth, I shall be obliged to confine myself to very partial views on the subject. The field is of im- mense extent ; and one of the most interesting portions of it (that relating to the question about the freedom of trade) has been surveyed already by Mr. Smith, with so great accuracy, that little remains for me but to consider a few incidental ques- tions which have not entered into his plan, and to examine such of his fundamental principles as seem to myself to require limitations or corrections, or which have been disputed on solid grounds by political writers of a later date. An outline of his reasonings on this important article will be necessary for the sake of connexion ; but I shall direct my attention more particularly to certain applications of the general doctrine, about which doubts have been suggested either by Mr. Smith * [Euayg, Vol. I., Essay Of Civil head of National Wealth, is deleted in Liberty.] the older transcript.] f [All that follows under II., or the CIIAl'. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PART. 45 himself, or by later writers. Of this kind are the questions, First, with respect to the expediency of restrictions on the commerce of money, in the case of pecuniary loans. Second, concerning the expediency of restrictions on that branch of commerce which is employed about the necessaries of life ; and Third, concerning the expediency of restrictions on the commerce of land. But although in my practical conclusions on the more im- portant questions, I am disposed to agree with Mr. Smith, I shall have frequent occasion to differ from him widely in stat- ing the first principles of the science, as well as in my opinion of the logical propriety of various technical phrases and tech- nical distinctions which he has sanctioned with his authority. I must take the liberty also to observe, that the plan of arrangement of his invaluable work, is far from being unex- ceptionable ; and I am not without hopes, that by the criti- cisms which I have to offer on its imperfections in this respect, I shall be able to simplify the study of its doctrines to those who may adopt it, (which most persons in this country now do, and, in my opinion, for the most solid reasons,) as the elemen- tary groundwork for their future speculations on that branch of Political Economy to which it relates. The great variety of subjects which the plan of the course embraces, will necessarily confine my attention, in general, to those principles of Political Economy which are of a uni- versal application. To examine the modifications which may be requisite in particular instances, in consequence of the peculiarities in the physical or moral circumstances of nations, would lead me into details inconsistent with the nature of academic lectures. In discussing, however, the two articles already mentioned, (those of Population and of National Wealth,} my reasonings will often have a reference to the in- terests of our own country. And if I should be thus occasionally led to deviate a little from systematical method, I flatter myself, that the inconvenience will be more than compensated, not only by the useful information to which I shall be able to lead your attention, but by the light which such digressions cannot 46 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. fail to throw on our general principles. It is, indeed, one of the most fruitful sources of error and paradox in disquisitions of this kind, to reason abstractedly concerning the resources of states, without any regard either to existing forms of society, or to varieties in the physical and geographical advantages of different regions. It is a source of error, not only because the soundest general rules ought to be applied with caution in par- ticular cases, but because the greater part of political writers, even when they express themselves in the most general and abstract terms, have been insensibly warped, more or less, in their speculations, by local habits, and local combinations of circumstances to which they have been accustomed. To this source may be distinctly traced many of the apparent diversities in the theories of different politicians ; and among others, some of the contradictions between the partisans and the opponents of the agricultural system of Political Economy. The very ingenious author himself, of the Essay on Circulation and Credit* has not perhaps always recollected, that, while his antagonists had a view, more especially to a territory like France, his mind was occupied about Holland. An attentive consideration of this circumstance will, if I do not deceive myself, account, in many instances, for an apparent diversity of opinion among speculative politicians, upon points concerning which there could not possibly have been any disagreement, if both parties had stated fully all the local particulars by which their general principles were tacitly, perhaps unconsciously, modified in their own habits of thinking. In studying Political Economy, it is more particularly neces- sary for an inhabitant of these kingdoms, to keep in remem- brance the many peculiarities of our situation, combining an immense fund of agricultural riches, with the advantages aris- ing from an insular form, from the number and disposition of our navigable rivers, and from an extent of coast amounting (according to Sir William Petty's computation, a computation which, I apprehend, falls short greatly of the truth) to three * [Mr. Stewart probably refers to the Traite de la Circulation et da Credit, Amst. 1771, by Isaac Pinto.] CHAP. 11. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PAUT. 47 thousand eight hundred miles. Nor ought he to lose sight of the prodigies which the industry and spirit of the people, im- proving on their natural advantages, have already effected, under the protecting influence of civil liberty ; connecting the different parts of our islands by an extended system of inland navigation, which (considering the mountainous surface of the country) may be justly regarded as one of the proudest monu- ments of human power. [THE POOR : THEIR MAINTENANCE.] III. The researches of modern politicians concerning the sources of National Wealth, have naturally directed their atten- tion to that unfortunate class of men, who, in consequence either of the imperfections of our social institutions, or of the evils necessarily connected with the present condition of humanity, are left dependent on the bounty of their fellow- citizens. The speculation is sufficiently interesting in itself, considered merely in its relation to those orders of the commu- nity who are its immediate objects ; but it has been found, on examination, to be still more interesting, when considered in its connexion with the general system of Political Economy. .... [Sic.] To those who have any knowledge of the rise and progress of that part of English policy which relates to this subject, it is unnecessary for me to remark, with what extreme difficulty the speculation is attended, and how frequently the best intended, and apparently the most wisely considered schemes have been found to aggravate the evils they were meant to remedy. Doubts have accordingly arisen in the minds of many saga- cious inquirers, whether it would not have been better if the cause of this class of men had been left entirely to the volun- tary charity of their fellow-citizens ; and whether the existing system of our poor laws may not be added to the many other instances which human affairs afford, of an officious attempt on the part of statesmen, to accomplish artificially, by the wisdom of man, those beneficent ends, for securing which so beautiful an arrangement has been made by the wisdom of 48 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. Providence. That in many individual .instances the evils of extreme indigence are thus greatly alleviated, is beyond a doubt : but the question is, how does this interference of law operate with respect to the general, and the most important interests^ of the labouring orders ? Is it favourable to their industry, to their economy, and to their domestic virtues ? Or is there no reason to apprehend, that while it operates as a pal- liative to local inconveniences, it aggravates and confirms the radical malady in which they originated ? It must, however, be owned to be a very different question, whether, supposing no legal provision to have been made for the poor, it would have been expedient to introduce the present system of laws; and whether, circumstanced as we actually are, it would be wise to abolish this part of our policy. Among the various opinions concerning the mode of relieving the wants of the lower classes, it seems to be very generally agreed, that a modification only of our existing regulations, and not a total repeal of them, can be safely attempted ; and that the correction of the evils complained of is to be expected less from the direct and immediate interposition of the Legislature, than from the gradual operation of more remote and powerful causes on the industry, morals, and resources of the people. It is scarcely necessary for me to add, that these disquisitions with respect to the poor, which have for many years past exer- cised the ingenuity of speculative men all over Europe, furnish another very remarkable illustration of that contrast which the present state of society in this part of the world exhibits, to the condition of mankind under the ancient governments. The disorders which have been now under our consideration, ori- ginated in the abolition of a much greater disorder, the insti- tution of Slavery, and they have presented ever since to the politician, one of the most interesting, and, at the same time, one of the most difficult problems, which the science of legisla- tion aiforda CHAP. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PART. 49 [EDUCATION. PREVENTION, REFORMATION, CORRECTION OF CRIME.] IV. The maintenance of the poor is intimately connected with another subject : The means of encouraging among the body of the people habits of industry, and of a regularity of morals ; and of effecting, where it is possible, a reformation in the manners of those who have rendered themselves obnoxious to the laws of their country. The attempts which have been made with this last view by the projects of penitentiary houses and of solitary confinement, do honour to the enlightened benevolence of the present age, and may probably be found susceptible of many improvements for accomplishing, still more effectually, the laudable and important purposes for which they are destined. With a review of these establishments, the general principles which ought to regulate the punishment of crimes have a very close connexion, and accordingly, they have attracted, in the course of the last century, the attention of some very distin- guished writers, and more particularly of the Marquis Beccaria, whose humane and eloquent Treatise on Crimes and Punish- ments forms one of the most valuable illustrations that has yet appeared, of the connexion between the principles of Ethical Philosophy and the Science of Legislation. In order, however, to apply a radical cure to these evils, it is necessary for govern- ment to bestow such a systematical attention on the Education of the people, as may afford the means of instruction even to the lowest classes of the community. It is justly and beautifully observed by Sir ' Henry Wotton, that " albeit good laws have always been reputed the nerves and ligaments of human society, yet they are no way compara- ble in their effects to the rules of good nature. For it is in civil as it is in natural plantations, where young tender trees (though subject to the injuries of the air, and in danger even of their own flexibility) would yet little want any under prop- pings and shoarings, if at first they were well fastened in the root." In the present state of society this may be regarded as VOL. VIII. D 50 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. one of the most effectual objects of legislation ; and the happy effects resulting from the establishments (however imperfect) for that purpose, in Scotland and America, give the strongest encouragement to the farther prosecution of the same plan on more liberal principles. " In a civilized and commercial country, the education of the common people," as Mr. Smith has well remarked, " re- quires the attention of the public more than that of people of some rank and fortune. The common people have little time to spare for education. Their parents can scarce afford to maintain them even in infancy. As soon as they are able to work, they must apply to some trade, by which they can earn their subsistence. That trade, too, is generally so simple and uniform, as to give little exercise to the understanding, while, at the same time, their labour is both so constant and so severe, that it leaves them little leisure and less inclination to apply to, or even to think of anything else."* " An instructed and intelligent people, besides," as is farther observed by the same writer, " are always more decent and orderly than an ignorant and stupid one. They are more dis- posed to examine, and more capable of seeing through the in- terested complaints of faction and sedition ; and they are, upon that account, less apt to be misled into any wanton or unne- cessary opposition to the measures of government. In free nations, where the safety of government depends very much upon the favourable judgment which the people may form of its conduct, it must surely be of the highest importance, that they should not be disposed to judge rashly or capriciously concerning it." f To the same liberal doctrine a very forcible sanction has been given by a late Bishop of London, (Dr. Porteous,) in the following passage of one of his Charges to the clergy, a passage which is well entitled to particular attention, inasmuch as it states, on this very important and long contested question, the opinion of a most intelligent and candid judge, founded on a * [ Wealth of Nation, Book V. chap, i.] [f Ibid.] CHAP. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PART. 51 calm review of the causes which have produced the revolutionary evils of our own times. " Ignorance is the mother of superstition, of bigotry, of fana- ticism, of disaffection, of cruelty, and of rebellion. These are its legitimate children. It never yet produced any other, and never will, to the end of the world. And we may lay this down as an incontestable truth, that a well-informed and intelligent people, more particularly a people well acquainted with the sacred writings, will always be more orderly, more decent, more humane, more virtuous, more religious, more obedient to their superiors, than a people totally devoid of all instruction and all education." I shall only add farther on this subject at present, (and it is an observation which I shall state in the words of Bishop Butler,) that the duty of extending the means of elementary instruction to the lower orders, is now recommended to us by many powerful arguments which did not apply to the state of the world, prior to the invention of printing. " Till within a century or two, all ranks were, in point of learning, nearly on a level. The art of printing appears to have been providentially reserved till these latter ages, and then providentially brought into use, as what was to be instru- mental, for the future, in carrying on the appointed course of things." " The alterations which this art has even already made in the face of the world, are not inconsiderable. By means of it. whether immediately or remotely, the methods of carrying on business are, in several respects, improved ; "knowledge has been increased" and some sort of literature is become general. And if this be a blessing, we ought to let the poor in their degree share it with us. If we do not, it is certain, how little soever it may be attended to, that they will be upon a greater advan- tage, on many accounts, especially in populous places, than they were in the dark ages. And, therefore, to bring up the poor in their former ignorance, now that knowledge is so much more common and wanted, would be not to keep them in the same, but to put them into a lower condition of life than what 52 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. they were in formerly. Nor," concludes this excellent author, in the same spirit which dictated the passage just quoted from Mr. Smith, " nor, let people of rank flatter themselves that ignorance will keep their inferiors more dutiful and in greater subjection to them ; for surely there must be danger that it will have a contrary effect, under a free government such as ours, and in a dissolute age."* To ascertain what are the branches of knowledge best fitted for accomplishing the purposes here described, and to devise the simplest means for their communication, is a more difficult subject of speculation than may at first be imagined. Nor do I apprehend that the field is yet exhausted, notwithstanding the dogmatical assertion of Dr. Johnson, that " education is as well known as it ever can be."f Admitting even his observa- tion to be just when applied to the instruction of the higher orders, it must be allowed to fail most remarkably in its appli- cation to the instruction of the lower, a subject on which very little attention has been hitherto bestowed in modern Europe ; and which, in ancient times, was considered as unworthy the notice of a philosopher. The plans of education recommended by some of the most enlightened writers of Greece, had a re- ference only to those who were called [eXeu^e/aot, ^aptevre<; (?)] ; while the inferior classes were almost entirely overlooked as a part of the social system. In proportion to the progress of society during the last two or three centuries, this order of men have been gradually rising in political importance ; but the authors who have hitherto speculated concerning their intellectual im- provement, have, hi general, (and more especially in our own times,) gone into extremes ; some representing it as a duty in- cumbent on governments to extend gratuitously the means of instruction, (and that on the most liberal plan,) to all descrip- tions of people; and others recommending to statesmen a policy calculated to check completely, among the great mass of their fellow-citizens, the progress of the human mind. * [Sermon preached at Christchurch. somewhere in the Dissertation, by London, 1745.] Johnson's own childish superstitions.] t [The absurdity of this is shown CHAP. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PART. 53 Besides a provision for the general elementary instruction of the lower orders, some politicians have recommended to govern- ment a still more watchful and minute interference in the care of the rising generation, and that, not only in the case of the labouring classes, but of all ranks and descriptions of men. A celebrated English writer, (Dr. John Brown, author of the Estimate,) whose publications at one time attracted a great deal of attention, has laid much stress on this idea, in his Thoughts on Civil Liberty, Licentiousness, and Faction. " It is deeply to be regretted," he observes in one passage, " that the British system of policy and religion is not upheld in its native power, like that of Sparta, by correspondent and effectual rules of education ; that it is in the power of every private man to educate his child, not only without a reverence for these, but in absolute contempt of them ; and that at the Revolution in 1688, the education of youth was still left in an imperfect state ; this great Revolution having confined itself to the reform of public institutions, without ascending to the great fountain of political security, the private and effectual formation of the public mind." ..." The chief and essential remedy of licentiousness and faction, the fundamental means of the last- ing and secure establishment of civil liberty, can only be in a general and prescribed improvement of the laws of education, to which all the members of the community should legally sub- mit ; and it is for want of a prescribed code of education that the manners and principles, on which alone the State can rest, are ineffectually instilled, are vague, fluctuating, and self-con- tradictory." " Nothing," he adds, " is more evident, than that some reform on this great point is necessary for the security of public freedom, and that, though it is an incurable defect of our political state, that it has not a correspondent and adequate code of education, inwrought into its first essence : we may yet hope, that in a secondary and inferior degree, something of this kind may yet be inlaid ; that though it cannot have that perfect efficacy, as if it had originally been of the piece, yet, if well conducted, it may strengthen the 54 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. weaker parts / and alleviate defects, if not completely remove them." Some remarks to the same purpose occur in the Essays on the Spirit of Legislation, published by the Society of Berne, in Switzerland. " A legislator," it is justly observed, " occupied like the father of his country, with the happiness of his people, will watch national education, to the end that children may suck in with the milk, the principles and maxims which may contribute to the public good, and the prosperity of individuals." " Upon this principle," the author adds, " I do not compre- hend how we can abandon the public education to masters that depend not on government, or are little concerned with the State." To this plan, however, of Dr. Brown, (at least in its applica- tion to the circumstances of our own country,) many strong and insuperable objections might be stated, and accordingly, several very eminent writers have expressed their doubts, whether some of the important ends which he was so anxious to accomplish, would not be secured more effectually, if govern- ments were to interfere still less in regulating the system of education, than they have been commonly disposed to do. Without giving any opinion on this point, I shall content my- self with remarking, that these considerations which, in such a country as this, impose on the public as a duty, the task of providing proper instruction for the poor and for the labouring classes, do not apply, with the same force, to the higher orders. It is on the character and habits of these inferior classes, that the stability of every government essentially depends ; and it is on their account chiefly that regulations of police are necessary, as their condition exposes them peculiarly to the contagious influence of those vices which disturb the general tranquillity. The education of the higher orders is, at the same time, in such a state of society as that in which we live, an object of the last consequence ; and if it is one of those to which the superintending care of government cannot be extended with advantage in any considerable degree, it becomes doubly in- cumbent on those who direct their speculations to subjects of CHAP. II. CONTENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PART. 55 public utility, to contribute their efforts towards an improve- ment of the principles on which it is conducted. The revolu- tion which has taken place in science and philosophy since the time of Lord Bacon, seems obviously to recommend (in a greater degree than has hitherto been effected in most uni- versities) a correspondent change in the plan of academical instruction. This view of education, indeed, (considered in its connexion with intellectual improvement and the advancement of human knowledge,) properly belongs to the Philosophy of the Human Mind ; but there are also many views of the same subject, which will be found to be very intimately connected with the most important objects of Political Economy. In this respect, as well as in many others, the education of females (to whose care the task of early instruction must be, in a great measure, intrusted) will be found not undeserving of attention. Among the various circumstances, indeed, which discrimi- nate the condition of mankind in modern times, from what it was among ancient nations, nothing is more striking than the rank and consequence of the other sex. I shall not at pre- sent inquire into the various causes which have conspired to produce this change. It is of more importance to remark its extensive influence on human character, and on the whole sys- tem of European manners. The ancients appear to have at- tached but little importance to the domestic virtues. They considered man almost always in relation to his fellow-citizens ; and as their free States were in general composed of a scanty population, and women altogether overlooked, as parts of the social system, the public duties of the individual were under- stood to be the only ends of his existence ; and to enforce the zealous discharge of these duties, was the sole object of those philosophers who devoted themselves to the study of morals. Plato, in his Bepublic, proposes as a plan for increasing the happiness of the human race, to destroy conjagal love, and paternal affection, by a community of women and of children ; and even those writers who, uninfected by the spirit of paradox or of theory, confined themselves to a faithful delineation of the 56 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. manners around them, plainly shew, by their silence concerning the other sex, how insignificant the share was which they were then understood to possess in carrying on the business of human life. It is remarked by an ingenious French writer, that the word woman does not occur once in the characters of TheophrastuLS ; and that it may be questioned whether the word happiness is, in any passage of the Greek writers, employed in the modern acceptation. As the extent of modern States and the structure of their governments have now detached the greater number of individuals from political concerns, men have been led to concentrate their pursuits within the circle of their domestic relations, and by doing so, have unquestionably opened to the species sources of enjoyment and improvement of which the philosophers of antiquity were unable to form a conception. Notwithstanding, however, these circumstances, the educa- tion of women has, till very lately, been almost entirely over- looked by systematical writers ; and among the few who have treated of it, there has been, in general, a strange disposition to run into extremes. One set of theorists, undervaluing the natural endowments of the other sex, and inattentive to their immense importance in the social system, have adhered even in these times to the confined notions of our forefathers ; while others, overlooking the obvious and beautiful destinations of nature, have confounded the provinces and the duties of both sexes together, indulging themselves in visionary and licentious projects, equally subversive of the order of political society, and of the purity and refinement of domestic manners.* * [With this Chapter terminates Mr. hereafter is from the olden Manuscripts, Stewart's last review and occasional chiefly in 1800; and even what is placed alterations of the context, which were as Cliapter Third of this Introduction, continued so recently as 1823. All stands there only by conjecture.] [CHAPTER III] [PRELIMINARY DISTINCTION OF POSITIVE LAWS INTO TWO CLASSES; AND THE RELATION OF THESE TO POLITICAL ECONOMY PROPER, OR TO PART FIRST.] THE President De Goguet, in his very learned and valuable work On the Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, [1758,] lays much stress, among other fundamental principles, upon a dis- tinction between two different classes or orders of positive laws. The jrs comprehends those which are, or at least which ought to be, common to all the different kinds of political society. The second, those which are peculiar to a society which has made some progress in Agriculture, in Commerce, and in the more refined arts of life. To the former of these classes he refers " the laws which sanction the right of property;" "the laws which settle the formalities of marriage ;" and " the laws which regulate the punishment of crimes ;" to which he adds, " the laws estab- lishing public worship," an institution which, in one shape or other, has had a place in all civilized nations. This class of laws (he observes) may be regarded as essential to the very existence of political society, however various may be the forms which the laws may assume in different instances. Under the second class of positive laws, Goguet arranges " the laws which regulate the common transactions of civil life, and the particular interests of the different members of the community." Such are the laws concerning inheritances, suc- cessions, sales, and contracts ; " Laws," says Goguet, " which must necessarily vary according to the climate, genius, and particular circumstances of different nations." 58 POLITICAL ECONOMY. INTRODUCTION TO PART I. In the course of the following disquisitions, I shall have occasion to illustrate some of the causes which produce a diversity in the municipal institutions of different countries; and at the same time to investigate those general principles which ought to be common to them all. It will afterwards appear, that even in the second class of positive laws, there are certain principles which are never departed from, without injustice and inexpediency : And, indeed, one great object which I have in view in this course, is to ascertain what these principles are. This, I conceive, to be the proper aim of Political Economy, in the extensive sense in which I employ that expression. With respect to the first class of positive laws, their nature has been so long understood, and their authority so long recog- nised among all civilized nations, that they do not appear to form a proper object of philosophical discussion : and a very few years ago I should certainly not have thought of referring to them in this place. In the late rage, however, of political innovation, those fundamental principles which it has been the aim of all wise legislators, both ancient and modern, to conse- crate in the opinions of their fellow-citizens, have not escaped the indiscriminate fury of some reformers ; and, in various phi- losophical theories an attempt has been made to expose them to general reprobation and ridicule. I hope, therefore, it will not be considered as altogether superfluous, if I employ one or two lectures (before engaging in any particular discussion) in reviewing some subjects of a more general description. I pro- pose at present to confine myself to two of these, the laws relating to the contract of marriage, and the laws sanctioning and regulating the right of property ; institutions, which (together with the established solemnities of public ivorship) are justly considered by Goguet as the great pillars of the social system. The last of these articles I shall pass over in this course, as being more immediately connected with some of the doctrines of Ethics* * [See Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers, Vol. II. pp. 260-273. Works, Vol. VII.] [PART FIRST.-BOOK FIRST.] [OF POPULATION.] IN reflecting on the various objects of legislation, our thoughts are naturally attracted, at the commencement of our inquiries, by two speculations, which have already employed the ingenuity of many writers of the first eminence ; and to which the title of Political Economy has been hitherto, in a great measure, restricted. The aim of the one is to add to the Population of a country; that of the other, to increase its Wealth. The common aim of both is to augment what have been sometimes called the National Resources. Between these two subjects, there is a very intimate connexion, insomuch, that hardly any writer has treated professedly of the one, without introducing many incidental observations on the other. They are both, however, of so very great extent, that it is impossible to do them complete justice, without bestowing on each a separate consideration ; and I accordingly intend to examine at some length the principles on which Population depends, and various other questions connected with that dis- quisition, before engaging in any inquiries concerning the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations. On the latter article, indeed, which has been so very fully and ably discussed by Mr. Smith, I shall confine myself within much narrower limits than on some other branches of Political Economy, which are not comprehended in his plan. The subject of Population may be considered in two points of view, as an article of Natural History, and as an article of Political Economy. In the first light, it does not properly fall under our examination here. A few particulars, however, with respect to it deserve our attention, on account of their connexion with some reasonings which will be stated afterwards. [CHAPTER L] OF POPULATION CONSIDERED AS AN ARTICLE OF THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN. THE propagation of animals, and the circumstances on which it depends, are among the most interesting subjects of inquiry in the whole economy of Nature ; and when considered in their relation to the physical necessities and the moral habits of different tribes, exhibit the most striking evidences of wise and benevolent design. On this subject, however, 1 do not mean to enlarge, but shall content myself with referring to Buffon and the other writers on Natural History, for an illustration of the beautiful arrangements which are conspicuous in the general laws here presented to our observation. The propagation of all animals supposes a competency of that kind of food on which the particular tribe is destined to subsist. This provision being equal, the rate at which the multiplication of different races would go, seems to depend on the following particulars: 1 (1.) The age at which the parent becomes prolific ; (2.) The time that elapses in pregnancy ; (3.) The frequency of breeding ; (4.) The numbers of each brood ; and (5.) The period during which the parent continues prolific. The laws of propagation in our own species appear to vary to a certain extent in different climates ; and the general opinion is, that they are most favourable to population in the warmer regions, a difference, however, which must be partly ascribed to the greater abundance of the means of subsistence. The fact unquestionably is, that nations in those climates are populous, even under great defects of government M. Mohean, a French author of extensive and accurate infor- mation, assures us that the truth of this general observation 1 Ferguson's InttitutM [of Moral Philosophy.} CHAP. I. POPULATION PHYSICALLY CONSIDERED. 61 with respect to the effects of climate is confirmed by facts, which may be collected within the comparatively narrow limits of France. Other circumstances being the same, the women in the north of France are (according to him) less fruitful than in the south. The same author adds, (upon documents wlu'ch he thinks entitled to credit,) that whilst in France forty -eight marriages produce at an average two hundred and thirty-two births, the same number of marriages, towards the fifty-second or fifty-third degree of latitude, produce only one hundred and ninety-five births ; and beyond the fifty-sixth degree, not more than one hundred and sixty. 1 On so very nice a question, however, the results still require to be verified by farther observations. Without entering more particularly into this speculation, it is sufficient for our purpose to remark, that in all the habitable parts of the globe, the laws of propagation are sufficient for preserving the race and adding to its numbers, provided other circumstances be not unfavourable. In some situations in which the prolific powers of the two sexes have been less restrained than they generally are by the difficulty of rearing a family, the multiplication of the species has been found to be as- tonishingly rapid. In some parts of America, before the Revo- lution, the number of inhabitants (according to Franklin) was doubled every fifteen years ; in others, every twenty-five years. Nor was this owing to the influx of new inhabitants, but to the actual increase of the people. Those who lived to old age fre- quently saw from fifty-six to one hundred, and sometimes many more, descendants from their own body. The truth is, that mar- riage, which in this part of the world is a source of so much ex- pense and anxiety to men of middling fortunes, as to deter many from thinking of that connexion, was in America one of the most" effectual steps towards prosperity and affluence. The labour of each child before it could leave its father's house, 1 Becherchfs sur la Population de la more prolific in the northern regions. France, [1778,] p. 139. It is curious that [See his Essay on the Populousness of Mr. Hume seems to lean to the contrary Anlient Nations, and the adverse quo- idea, and to suppose that women are tation from Columella.] 62 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. was (according to Mr. Smith) computed in some parts of the Continent to be 100 clear gain to him ; so that a young widow with four or five children was commonly courted as a sort of fortune. As the rapid progress of population in the English North American Colonies, is probably without parallel in history, it may be proper to state the fact a little more particularly. The original number of persons who had settled in the four provinces of New England in 1643, was 21,200. Afterwards, it is supposed, that more left them than went to them. In the year 1760, they were increased to half a million. They had, therefore, all along doubled their own number in twenty-five years. In New Jersey, the period of doubling appears to be twenty-two years ; and in Khode Island still less. In the Back Settlements, where the inhabitants applied themselves solely to agriculture, and luxury was not known, they were found to double their number in fifteen years. 1 The operation of similar causes has produced similar effects, although in a very inferior degree, in all the other European settlements in the New World. The truth is, that an abundance of rich land, to be had for little or nothing, is so powerful an encouragement to population as to overcome all obstacles. No settlements could well have been worse managed than those of Spain in Mexico, Peru, and Quito ; yet under all their disad- vantages these colonies multiplied very rapidly. The city of Lima, founded since the Conquest, is represented by Ulloa as containing fifty thousand inhabitants near fifty years ago. Quito, which had been but a hamlet of Indians, is represented by the same author as in his time equally populous. Mexico is said to contain a hundred thousand inhabitants, which is a number probably five times greater than what it contained in the time of Montezuma. Nor is this rapid multiplication of the species peculiar to new colonies. It is experienced in every instance in which the numbers of the people fall greatly short of what their means of subsistence might support. It has been 1 Essay on the Principle of Population [Malthus, first edition of bis Essay in 1798,] p. 105. CHAP. I. POPULATION PHYSICALLY CONSIDERED. 63 often exemplified in Flanders, where the effects of those wars, of which that fertile and beautiful province has so long been the occasional seat, have always been obliterated by a few years of peace. It was exemplified in London, after the fatal plague of 1666, the traces of which, in the short period of twenty years, were scarcely perceptible. The same observation has been made with respect to the effects of the famines in China and Hindostan, and of the plagues which so frequently sweep men by thousands from the face of the earth in Egypt and Turkey. If this rapid increase was to go on unchecked, it is easy to perceive, that the world would, at no very distant period, be overstocked with inhabitants. Dr. Wallace, in his Disserta- tion on the Numbers of Mankind, has shewn that this must have been the case long before the Deluge, even on the very moderate supposition, that the numbers of mankind had doubled every thirty-three and one-third years. His computa- tions on this subject deserve attention, as they lead to important consequences. Suppose, then, the race to begin with a single pair, that all marry who attain to maturity, and that every marriage pro- duces six children, three males and as many females ; two of whom (one male and one female) die before marriage, (accord- ing to which hypothesis four will remain to marry and re- plenish the world,) that in thirty-three and one-third years from the time when the original pair began to propagate, they shall have produced their six children ; and that within the second period of thirty-three and one-third years, each of the succeed- ing couples shall have produced six children, and this to take place continually. On these suppositions, at the beginning of the scheme, the original pair alone are in life ; at the end of the first period of thirty-three and one-third years, there are six persons living, viz., the original pair and four others ; at the end of sixty-six and two-third years, there will be twelve ; at the end of one hundred years, there will be twenty-four living ; and at the end of twelve hundred years, (the numbers of man- kind continuing to double every thirty-three and one-third 64 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. years,) the number alive will be 206,158,430,208. According to the computations of the same very learned and ingenious writer, the whole habitable earth does not actually contain, at this moment, more than one thousand millions. From the facts already stated with respect to our colonies in North America, it appears to be abundantly confirmed by actual experience, that even in circumstances which by no means afforded to the prolific powers of our species their greatest conceivable scope, population has gone on doubling itself every twenty-five years. Assuming this, therefore, as a general rule, (which is ob- viously far short of the truth,) that population, when unchecked, goes on doubling itself every twenty-five years, a late anony- mous author* argues in the following manner : " Suppose the restraints to population, all over the earth, to be completely removed, and consider in what ratio the subsist- ence it affords can be conceived 'to increase. If it were to be increased every twenty-five years by a quantity equal to what the whole world at present produces; this would allow the power of production in the earth to be absolutely unlimited, and the rate of its increase much greater than we can imagine any possible exertions of mankind to make it. " Taking the population of the world at any number, a thou- sand millions for instance, the human species would increase in the ratio of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, &c. ; [a Geometrical ratio.] And subsistence as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, &c. ; [an Arithmetical ratio.] In two centuries and a quarter, the population would be to the means of subsistence as 512 to 10 ; in three centuries, as 4096 to 13 ; and in two thousand years, the difference would be almost incalculable, though the produce in that time would have increased to an immense extent" * [Mr. Malthas is here referred to. At modified, appeared in 1803; and in Mr. the time (c. 1800) when these Lectures Stewart's subsequent courses, (as is seen were originally written, the Essay on from the fragment extant of a lecture in the Principle of Population had been 1804, and from the notes taken in 1809, only anonymously published, in 1798. by Mr. Bridges and others,) Mr. Malthus The second edition, with the author's is explicitly quoted. See infra, plu- e, and the reasoning considerably ries.] CHAP. I. POPULATION PHYSICALLY CONSIDEKED. 65 From this reasoning, which seems to be just in the main, it may be fairly inferred, that although the rapid multiplication of our species be in some states of society incomparably greater than in others, it does not appear to be a part of the order of Providence, that this rapidity should continue or be universal, an insurmountable obstacle being opposed to it by the other physical arrangements of our globe. These considerations are sufficient, of themselves, to suggest a doubt, How far it is true that a rapidly increasing population is an unequivocal test of a wisely constituted government ; and, Whether the mere increase of numbers ought to be a leading object of attention to a legislator. That both of these ques- tions are to be answered in the affirmative, under proper limitations, is beyond dispute; but we may, perhaps, find reason afterwards to conclude, that they have been generally discussed by politicians in too vague and unqualified a form. Within these few years, indeed, the connexion between Popula- tion and National Prosperity has been examined with much greater accuracy than before, but not perhaps in such a manner as to unite completely the opinions of speculative politicians in their general conclusions. The very ingenious and intelligent author of L'Ami des Hommes, [Mirabeau, the Father,] appears to have wavered a little in his speculations on this point. In the first part of that work he maintains the superiority of National Wealth to Population, and insists that the latter ought to be regarded only as a secondary object by the statesman. But in the second part 1 he asserts that Wealth is an inferior object to Population, and that numbers of people are alone the cause of riches. 2 1 See the letters annexed to Socrate lish, if they go through a second edition ; Rustique, (by M. Hirzel of Zurich,) though certainly in one of them there is translated by Arthur Young in his a very essential correction wanting ; for, Rural Economy. in second part of L'Ami des Hommes, 2 Of this contradiction Mirabeau him- [1755,] I have expressly contradicted self takes notice, in a letter addressed what I asserted as a fundamental prin- to the French translator of a German ciple in the first That Population was Treatise entitled The Rural Socrates. "I the consequence of Riches ; I was sensi- have always," says he, " been scrupulous ble of my error in mistaking the cause of making alterations in the Essay s I pub- for the effect, and have since advanced VOL. VIII. E 66 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. Mr. Arthur Young, in his Political Arithmetic, (published in 1774,) lays it down as a most important and fundamental principle, that Population should be ever regarded as subor- dinate to Agriculture. " If a measure," says he, " is beneficial to the latter, give no attention to those who talk of injuring population. If you act primarily from an idea of encouraging populousness, you may injure husbandry ; but if your first idea is the encouragement of the latter, you cannot reduce popula- tion below that standard which/ being adapted to the circum- stances of the country, can alone render it a source of national strength and of general happiness." 1 Before, however, I enter on these discussions, it is necessary for me to consider, on what political causes the population of a country depends ; an inquiry of great extent and import- ance, and which (in the manner I propose to treat it) will lead to an examination of some of the most interesting articles of Political Economy. The slight reference which I have just now made to the speculations of the Marquis de Mirabeau and of Mr. Young, is sufficient to shew how very intimately the different branches of this science are connected together. that Riches are the consequence of Po- anything by way of Appendix, in future pulation. The method was simple and editions." See Addenda to Socrate easy to have established this latter Rustiqut. Translated by A. Young, [in opinion by some slight additions, ex- his Rural Economy, 1770.] plaining the principles on which it is l See Political Arithmetic, pp. 264- founded ; but I was unwilling to lessen 267. In the last sentence of the above the value of the book to the first pur- quotation, I have departed a little from chasers, and have invariably persisted Mr. Young's words ; but the limitation in not changing the least sentence in I have added seems to be absolutely ne- the works once published ; or adding cessary for conveying his idea fully. [CHAPTER II.] [OF POPULATION CONSIDERED AS AN AETICLE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY.] OF the political causes which affect the population of a country. The most important of these may be referred to the three following heads :* 1. The Political Institutions which regulate the connexion between the Sexes ; 2. The State of Manners relative to this Connexion; and, 3. The Means of Subsistence enjoyed by the People. [SECT. I. OF POPULATION AS AFFECTED BY THE POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS WHICH REGULATE THE SEXUAL CONNEXION.] Under the first of these heads an extensive and interesting field of speculation presents itself; first, with respect to the comparative effects of marriage, and of a promiscuous concu- binage ; and, secondly, with respect to the comparative effects of monogamy and of polygamy. [SUBSECT. I. MARRIAGE COMPARED WITH CONCUBINAGE.] In the very general observations concerning the Institution of Marriage to which I propose to confine myself in this lec- ture, I shall avoid those views of the subject which have an immediate reference to the more appropriate objects of Political Economy, in some of which respects (particularly in its con- nexion with Population) it will necessarily fall again under * [These will, accordingly, constitute so many Sections of this Chapter.] 68 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. our review. On the other hand, it would be obviously a trifling with your time, to offer any illustration of those views of expediency which have induced legislators, in every instance, to impose certain limitations on the vague commerce of the sexes ; (as with the single exception of Mr. Godwin,) I do not know that any advocates for a promiscuous concubinage are to be found even among the most paradoxical writers of the present age. In the Republic of Plato, indeed, Socrates is introduced as maintaining, that " in a well ordered state, all things ought to be common, wives, children, and possessions." His arguments for this opinion, which are fanciful and puerile, are examined with much more attention than they deserve, and refuted in a very satisfactory manner, in the second book of Aristotle's Politics ; to which I beg leave to refer. 1 I quote the following passages from Mr. Godwin, not with the view of replying to them, (the necessity of which is com- pletely superseded by their unexampled extravagance,) but as a specimen of that order of things which appears to the writer to be imperiously recommended by the principle of Political Justice. " The abolition of marriage would be attended with no evils. In this, as in other cases, the positive laws which are made to restrain our vices, irritate and multiply them. Not to say that the same sentiments of justice and happiness which, in a state of equal property, would destroy the relish for luxury, would decrease our inordinate appetites of every kind, and lead us universally to prefer the pleasures of intellect to the pleasures of sense." [Again :] " It is true, that in such a state of society, it could not be definitively affirmed who is the father of each individual child. But it may be affirmed, that such knowledge would be of no 1 This part of Aristotle's works, which by Dr. Gillies. [In Gillies's translation is certainly one of the most valuable of Aristotle's Practical Philosophy, the remains of antiquity, may be perused Politics occupy the second volume ; and by the English reader, in a translation of that volume, see particularly chapters which has been executed, with a consi- iii. and iv. of Book II.] Taylor, [Ele- derable degree of spirit and of elegance, ments of the Civil Law,] p. 342. CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. ( 1.) 69 importance. It is aristocracy, self-love, and family pride, that teach us to set a value upon it at present. I ought to prefer no human being to another, because that being is my father, my wife, or my son, but because for reasons which equally appeal to all understandings, that being is entitled to prefer- ence."* Of the tendency of such a state of society with respect to population, Mr. Godwin has taken no notice, nor indeed was it necessary for his purpose that he should ; for it is part of the same system, that if its principles were realized, the species would cease to multiply by propagation, and individuals would become immortal. Neglecting therefore these paradoxes, (which are much less likely to do mischief than some other passages of the same work, the scope of which is not equally apparent,) I shall assume as a self-evident principle, the political utility of such a contract between the sexes, as is necessary for connecting the offspring with both parents, by excluding (as far as law can operate) a promiscuous coucubinage. What I propose chiefly in introducing the subject here, is to consider (which I shall do very briefly) the institution of mar- riage as a part of the moral and physical order of nature ; and to offer a few miscellaneous remarks on the tendency of some modern speculations to weaken the influence of those principles which have so universally consecrated this connexion, among all civilized nations. The question, whether marriage be an appointment of nature or of municipal law, has been often and warmly disputed, even among those who acknowledge its utility as a political institu- tion. It is a question which (when thus stated at least) savours so much of scholastic refinement, that I should have avoided any reference to it in these lectures, if some late doc- trines had not bestowed on it a temporary interest. The diversity of opinion to which this discussion has given rise, may probably be ascribed, in some degree, to the vague * [Inquiry concerning Political Justice, Book VIII. chap. vi. pp. 850, 852, original edition, 1793.] 70 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. manner in which the question has been proposed. Few phrases are more ambiguous than that of natural law ; and of conse- quence, the circumstances which are appealed to as tests of it, in one sense, do not at all apply to it when understood in another. By some writers, the laws of nature with respect to man are collected from the customs of savage nations, among whom artificial systems of policy have made little or no progress. By others, every institution is considered as enjoined by nature, or (in other words) as a part of her law, which may be inferred by reason to be agreeable to her intentions : either from an examination of the principles of our constitution, combined with our physical condition; from the analogy of the other animals whom she has taken immediately under her own guid- ance ; or from the beneficial effects it has a tendency to produce. T need scarcely observe, that what are understood to be laws of nature, according to the former definition, will not always be found entitled to that appellation, according to the latter. That a promiscuous concubinage is the natural result of savage ideas and savage manners, seems to have the universal creed of antiquity. " Nam fuit quoddam tempus," says Cicero, " cum in agris homines passim bestiarum modo vagabantur, et sibi victu fero vitam propagabant ; nee ratione animi quidquam, sed pleraque viribus corporis administrabant. Noudum divinae religiones, non humani officii ratio colebatur : nemo legitimas viderat nuptias ; non certos quisquam adspexerat liberos." 1 Of this state of society, Lucretius, in the following verses, has pre- sented a lively picture. " Et Venus in sylvis jungebat corpora amantum. Conciliabat enim vel mutua quewque cupido, Vel violenta viri vis, atque impensa libido, Vel pretium, glandes, atque arbuta, vel pira lecta."* Agreeably to the same notions, the establishment of marriage is always numbered among the first improvements introduced by those legislators who reclaimed their fellow-citizens from the fierceness and misrule of savage life. 1 De Invention?, Lib. I. [cap. ii.] * [De Rerum Natura, V. 960.] CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. ( 1.) 71 "Concubitu prohibere vago, dare jura maritis, Oppida moliri, leges iucidere ligno." l We are told of Cecrops, in particular, the founder of the Athenian constitution, that before his time marriage was not known in Greece, and that the burden of children lay upon the mother. To this fact innumerable allusions may be found in the Greek writers ; by whom we are also informed, that on account of this circumstance, Cecrops obtained the appellation of JN/JUT?? or Biformis. " Cecrops dictus est Biformis, quod legem tulisset, ut foeminee, quee virgines adhuc essent, uni viro elocarentur ; quas Nymphas vocavit. Ante enim, illius re- gionis mulieres, more pecudum, promiscue cum viris coibant ; nee suo cuique viro uxor erat, sed unaquaeque mulier cuivis corporis sui copiam faciebat. Unde etiam nemini constabat, cujusnam films vel filia esset infans in Incem editus." 2 I do not intend to enter into a particular discussion of the evidence by which these opinions and traditions are supported, as it is not at all material to the argument I have in view, whether we adopt or reject them. When we reflect, however, on the condition of the human infant, and the impossibility of a mother rearing a numerous offspring solely by her own in- dustry, (at least in the earlier stages of society, and in such a climate as Greece,) it is difficult to avoid a considerable degree of scepticism with respect to facts of so high antiquity in point of date, and of which we have no authentic memorials ; more especially as a very strong presumption against them arises from the whole system of the ancient mythology, (a system of which the origin is confessedly lost in the obscurity of the fabulous ages,) and which invariably assigns to each of the deities, not excepting Jupiter himself, but a single wife united with him by a legitimate marriage. 3 The account which Caesar gives of the manners of the ancient Britons, is indeed entitled to much respect from the known fidelity and accuracy of the writer ; but it differs essentially from the state of society in which the Greeks are supposed to have lived before the time 1 Horace, Ad Pisones, 398. 2 Suidas, v. 8 Goguet, Book I. chap. i. Art. 1. 72 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. of Cecrops, and is by no means liable to the same objections. 11 It was common," he says, " for a number of brothers, or other near relations, to use their wives promiscuously. The offspring, however, were not common ; for each man maintained the children that were produced by his own wife." 1 The informa- tion is curious, and of some importance in this disquisition ; for while it affords a melancholy proof of the dissolute morals that once prevailed in this island, it illustrates strongly the necessity of a co-operation of both sexes in rearing an infant offspring, and thereby turns our thoughts to one of the most striking cir- cumstances in the condition of man, which suggest the institu- tion of marriage. Suppose, however, for a moment, that we should adopt the ideas of the ancients on this subject in their full extent. To what other conclusion would they lead, than that the intellec- tual and moral powers of our species are liable to extreme de- gradation amidst the ignorance and brutishness of savage manners ? To judge of the intentions of nature, requires in many cases (as I already hinted) a comprehensive view of the constitution of man, of the circumstances of his external condi- tion, and of the mutual relations which these two parts of his destiny bear to each other ; and therefore it is not to History that we ought to appeal as an infallible standard in such discus- sions, but to what our own reason pronounces concerning moral fitness and expediency, after availing itself of all the lights it can collect concerning the ends and purposes of our being. Or, if any appeal is made to the actual experience of mankind, it ought certainly to be to the practices of those nations among whom the highest attainments of the race have been exhibited. Among the many prejudices which have misled the specula- tions of philosophers concerning the history and destination of man, there is perhaps none more absurd and groundless than the idea that the rudest state of our species is that which 1 " Uxores habent deni duodenique tur liberi a quibus primum virgines inter se communes ; et maxime fratres quasque ductse sunt." [De Betto Oal- cum fratribus, parentesque cum liberis ; lico, Lib. V. cap. xiv.] sed si qui aunt ex his nati, eorum haben- CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. ( 1.) 73 approaches most nearly to the state of nature. The contrary opinion would be in every essential respect more agreeable to the truth ; inasmuch as one of the most melancholy and fatal consequences of human ignorance, is a presumptuous confidence in the remote conclusions of reason, in opposition to what is obviously suggested by the state and condition of man. We may remark this not only in the moral depravity of rude tribes, but in the universal disposition which they discover to torture and distort the human body ; in one case compressing the eyes at the corners ; in a second lengthening the ears ; in a third, checking the growth of the feet ; in a fourth, by mecha- nical pressures applied to the head, attacking the seat of thought and intelligence. To allow the human body to attain in perfection its fair proportions, is one of the latest improve- ments of civilized society ; and the case is perfectly analogous in those sciences which have for their object to assist nature in the cure of diseases, in the correction of bad morals, or in the regulation of the social order. In the present instance, without any appeal to history, the intentions of nature may be easily collected from facts which fall under our daily observation. Of these facts, one of the most striking is the long period during which the human infant remains in a state of the most complete helplessness and de- pendence. The cares of the mother are evidently not sufficient for the task of rearing her offspring till they are able to pro- vide for themselves ; and the difficulties of this task, so far from being diminished, must be wonderfully increased by the nature of those occupations on which man depends for his precarious subsistence, in the earlier periods of society. In such a state of things, while the mother is employed in suckling her child, the care of both is obviously devolved by nature on the father ; and indeed without his constant and assiduous pro- tection, both the one and the other must inevitably perish. During the long helplessness of the first infant, (a helpless- ness which, in our species, Nature seems to protract, in order to bind that union which love had originally formed,) the family multiplies apace. Every new member adds another tie to 74 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. those which existed before ; habit adds her irresistible influ- ence ; and thus, without the formalities of a contract or of nuptial rites, those arrangements insensibly arise, which it is the pride of human policy to confirm and to sanctify. In the rudest period, too, of society, something must be allowed to a sentimental predilection, and to the effect of reci- procal kindnesses and sacrifices. The affection of friendship has never been denied to the savage ; and why should we doubt that it may sometimes unite, in its tenderest form, with those passions which prompt to the continuation of the species. Among the ancient writers, it was often disputed whether the affection of Friendship could possibly exist in its perfection between more than two persons, and I believe that the common decision was that it cannot. 1 For my own part, I confess I can see no good reason in the case of friendship for such a limitation ; and I am inclined to think that it has been sug- gested rather by the fables of mythology or the dreams of romance, than by good sense or a practical acquaintance with mankind. What the ancients, however, alleged with respect to friendship, is certainly true of love between the sexes. This last affection cannot, at one time, be directed to a variety of objects. It is of an exclusive and suspicious nature ; and the jealousy of the one party is roused the moment an apprehen- sion arises that the attachment of the other is in any degree divided. In this circumstance, which is strikingly character- istical of the passion between the sexes, we see not only a pro- vision made for the conjugal union, but (as will appear after- wards more fully) a manifestation of the law of nature on the subject of polygamy. The delicacy and modesty which seem to be natural to the other sex, in a much greater degree than to ours, conspire with the causes already mentioned, in grafting a moral union on the 1 iii>.).o7s tiitti pi Ti/u/a it is impossible to love more than one at $!/.!*>, aim IrSi^ira*, u f [Ibidem, p. 505, teq.] CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. ( 3.) 175 they get a share in an American adventure, no matter whether docks and thistles cover their fields."* Such facts are abun- dantly curious ; but it is surely unfair to state merely the general result, without any specification of the peculiarities of the case, in order to invalidate the important doctrine of the influence of manufactures on the improvement of a country. I shall take this opportunity of remarking, (as a more con- venient one may not occur afterwards,) that Mr. Young's assertions, with respect to the pernicious effects of domestic manufactures, (an opinion, by the way, in which he has persevered more uniformly than in most of his other general principles,) are stated in too unqualified a form. Dr. Crumpe, in an Essay which gained the prize from the Irish Academy, expresses strong doubts (founded on some observations com- municated to him by Dr. Burrowes) whether Mr. Young's description of the farming manufacturers in Ulster is not highly exaggerated. And at any rate, the circumstances of that people are too peculiar, in many other respects, to autho- rize us to draw from them any general conclusions. The same remark may be applied to this opinion, in so far as it rests on the state of agriculture in France. It is certainly true in general, that the two employments of a farmer and a manufacturer will be carried on to greater per- fection when divided, than when united in one person. " A country weaver," as Mr. Smith observes, " who cultivates a small farm, must lose a good deal of time in passing from his loom to his field, and from the field to the loom. A man com- monly saunters a little in turning his hand from one sort of employment to another ; and this renders him almost always slothful and lazy, and incapable of any vigorous application even on the most pressing occasions/'f Although, however, it follows from this, that a domestic manufacture must always be a most unprofitable employment for an individual who depends chiefly for his subsistence on the produce of a farm, the converse of the proposition seems to * [Ibidem, p. 506.] t [Wealth of Nations, Book T. chap. i. ; Vol. I. pp. 13, 14, tenth edition.] 176 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. require some limitations. A man, indeed, who exercises a trade which occupies him from day to day, must, of necessity, be disqualified for the management of such agricultural con- cerns as require a constant and undivided attention. But it does not appear equally evident, how the improvement of the country should be injured by his possessing a few acres as an employment for his hours of recreation ; nor does it seem likely, on the other hand, that his professional skill and industry will be more impaired by his occasional labour in the fields, than by those habits of intemperate dissipation in which all workmen who have no variety of pursuit are prone to indulge. The manufacture of our national broad-cloth, affords a con- trast to some of the examples mentioned by Young. " This manufacture," as is remarked by a late writer On Taxation of Income* " is almost everywhere carried on by unconnected workmen, who employ all the hours which they devote to re- laxation and amusement, in the care of their garden and other small portions of ground which they happen to possess, to which they and their families become commonly so much at- tached, that they have been known to remain in them (small as their properties commonly are) for many generations. Nor does the possession of this variety make them worse tradesmen ; on the contrary, this class of manufacturers are everywhere noted for their industry, and the article which they furnish, which has long been considered as the staple commodity of our country, is the best and most perfect of its kind that can any- where be met with/'f The advantages to health and to morals attending manufac- tures of this description, when compared with the effects of manufacturing towns, are so great that some political writers have gone so far as to assert, that it is only when spread over the face of a country they can be considered as a public benefit. Mirabeau, [the son,] in his book On the Prussian Monarchy, maintains this opinion, and lays it down as a general * [Mr. Benjamin Bell, the eminent Surgeon of Edinburgh, in Three Essays, &c., 1799.] t [Three Essays, &c., pp. 132, 133.] JHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. ( 3.) 177 proposition, " That great manufactures belonging to individuals who hire workmen by the day, can never form an object worthy of the attention of Government" 1 In stating these considerations I would not be understood to deny the truth of Young's reasonings in favour of manufac- turing towns compared with scattered manufactures ; for I am sensible that much may be alleged in support of his system. But he has unquestionably carried it too far, by keeping com- pletely out of view the arguments which favour the opposite conclusion. The fact is, that in all human establishments we may expect to find a mixture of good and of evil ; and the only question is, which of the two preponderates ? It is sufficient for me in the case of this incidental question, to have suggested some doubts in opposition to Mr. Young's unqualified asser- tions. The prosecution of the discussion would lead me too far aside from my principal subject. 2 It is not, however, only by the peculiarity in the manufac- turing establishments of France, which has occasioned this digression, that Mr. Young has complicated the general ques- tion concerning the influence of Manufactures on Agriculture. Much depends on the species of manufactures that are estab- lished in a country ; and in this respect the choice of Colbert seems to have been guided by narrow and erroneous principles. The manufactures which he encouraged were chiefly those which minister to luxury and to elegance; the demand for which depending to so great a degree on fashion and caprice cannot be so constant and steady as for articles which are sub- servient to the real wants and necessities of mankind. It has been observed in our own country, that the manufacturers of Norwich, who deal in fine crapes and other delicate stuffs, are laid idle three times for once that the Yorkshire manufacturer, who deals chiefly in low-priced serviceable cloths, experiences a similar misfortune. 3 The disturbances which have so often 1 Tome III. p. 109. Young, [Travels James Steuart, [Political (Economy,] in France,] p. 505. Book I. chap. x. ; [Works, Vol. I. p. 65, seq.] 2 Some important remarks on th 3 Anderson, On National Industry, disadvantages of cities are made by Sir p. 57. VOL. VIII. M 178 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. been occasioned by the silk-weavers of Spitalfields, and which have exceeded any that have taken place among the other classes of our manufacturers, have been ascribed partly to the same circumstance. This error, however, has been long per- ceived and corrected in France ; and, under the old govern- ment, a variety of the most useful manufactures were advancing rapidly to perfection. The Manufactures that, in addition to their other advantages, draw from the farmer the materials on which they depend, and thereby present a new stimulus to Agriculture, possess un- doubtedly great advantages over those that work up materials imported from abroad. Some remarks on this subject that deserve attention, blended with other speculations of less con- sequence, may be found in Dr. Anderson's Observations on the Means of Exciting a Spirit of National Industry in Scotland. I have been led into these observations (which have extended to a much greater length than I expected) by the passage quoted from Mr. Young's Account of France, in which he has plainly lost sight of some important general principles, to the truth of which he has, on other occasions, borne ample testi- mony. If I should be thought, in stating them, to have sometimes forgotten the general title under which they were introduced, I have only to remark, by way of apology, (in the words of Sir James Steuart,) " that the complicated mechanism of society in modern times, (so different from the simplicity of ancient manners,) has rendered almost every disorder in the political body an obstacle to that useful population that consti- tutes national strength."* This, it is evident, holds more particularly true of every disorder which affects agricultural industry. Before concluding my observations on Agriculture and Manu- factures considered in their relation to population, I cannot help remarking once more, the extravagance of general decla- * [Political (Economy, Book I. chap. xii. ; Worlct, Vol. I. p. 91 ; the meaning, but not the words, identical.] CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. ( 3.) 179 mations in favour of Agriculture when accompanied with invectives against those employments from which the farmer derives his market. It is very justly observed by Mr. Smith, that those systems which, in order to promote Agriculture, would impose restraints upon manufacturing and foreign trade, act contrary to the very end which they propose, and indirectly discourage that very species of industry which they mean to promote. They are so far more inconsistent than even the system which would encourage manufactures and foreign trade in preference to Agriculture; inasmuch as the latter, while it turns a certain portion of the capital of the society from supporting a more advantageous, to support a less advan- tageous species of industry, really accomplish their favourite object. Those agricultural systems, on the contrary, in their ultimate tendency, discourage that very species of industry which it is their professed aim to animate.* Mr. Smith (as I already hinted) accuses the French Econo- mists of this very inconsistency, of proposing to advance agri- culture by depressing manufactures.f I am doubtful if in this charge he has treated them with his usual candour ; but the remarks he has made on this alleged imperfection of their system, are just and profound, and are strictly applicable to the reasonings of Mr. Young, and of various other later writers. If, indeed, by depressing manufactures be understood the abolition of all those institutions which have hitherto given the industry of towns an advantage over that of the country, so as to allow the industry and capital of the society to follow as much as possible its natural course, without receiving any par- ticular determination on the part of Government ; it must be owned that the Economists are, in this sense, advocates for agriculture in preference to manufactures. But this is equally the tendency of Mr. Smith's own system, which seems to me, so far as the present question is concerned, to differ from that which he criticises only in its phraseology ; according to both systems, the perfection of policy consists in abolishing all re- * [Wealth of Nations, Book IV. chap. ix. ; Vol. III. p. 41, tenth edition.] t [Ibidem, p. 3.] 180 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. gulations which tend either to preference or to restraint ; and in allowing every man to bring both his industry and his capital into competition with those of any other man or order of men, so long as he confines himself within the limits of justice. After all, in the present circumstances of Europe, allowances ought to be made for the zeal with which some writers have taken up the argument in favour of Agriculture, when we con- eider the discouragements under which it has so long laboured, and which still contribute so powerfully to retard its progress. Nothing indeed could be so absurd as to think of advancing it, by depressing that species of industry to which it owes its chief improvements ; but still it must be owned, that it stands in need, in a very peculiar degree, not only of the protection, but of the fostering care of Government. Mr. Smith has himself, in another part of his work, made some observations which tend strongly to confirm this conclusion. " With all the liberty and security which law can give, the occupiers of land must always improve under great disadvantages. The farmer, compared with the proprietor, is as a merchant who trades with borrowed money, compared with one who trades with his own. The stock of both may improve, but that of the one, with only equal good conduct, must always improve more slowly than that of the other, on account of the large share of the profit which is consumed by the interest of the loan. The lands cultivated by the farmer must, in the same manner, with only equal good conduct, be improved more slowly than those cultivated by the proprietor, on account of the large share of the produce which is consumed in the rent, and which, had the farmer been proprietor, he might have employed in the further improvement of the land. The station of a farmer besides, is, from the nature of things, inferior to that of a pro- prietor. Through the greater part of Europe, the yeomanry are regarded as an inferior rank of people, even to the better sort of tradesmen and mechanics, and in all parts of Europe to the great merchants and master manufacturers. It can seldom happen, therefore, that a man of any considerable stock should quit the superior to place himself in an inferior station ; CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. ( 3.) 181 and therefore, even in the present state of Europe, little stock is likely to go from any other profession to the improvement of land in the way of farming. More does perhaps in Great Bri- tain than in any other country, though even there the great stocks which are in some places employed in farming, have generally been acquired by farming, the trade, perhaps, in which of all others stock is commonly acquired most slowly."* Nor is this all. The education and habits of a husbandman, his solitary life and stationary residence, naturally attach him to the practices with which he is familiar, and prevent, in this order of men, the possibility of a mutual communication of lights analogous to what exists all over the commercial world, among tradesmen and artists of every description. 1 Hence the duty of Government to give every possible assist- ance to Agriculture by promoting the circulation of useful knowledge ; and the duty of those who fill the higher stations in society, to instruct and animate their inferiors by the in- fluence of example. In the various departments of Trade, individuals may be safely left to themselves, and are most likely to advance both the public interests and their own, when they exercise freely their private judgment concerning the most effectual means of bettering their fortune. But experience shows that this maxim does not apply in its full extent to the cultivators of the soil, whose situation precludes them, in a great measure, from all information but what is supplied by the narrow circle of their professional employments. The general progress of improvement, therefore, in this most im- portant of all arts, is likely to be extremely slow, where it does * [Wealth of Nations, Book III. because their neighbours would laugh chap. ii. ; Vol. II. pp. 97, 98, tenth edi- a t them ; and in some districts (such as tion.] Bedfordshire) it is stated, that the art 1 The Reports presented to the Board of husbandry is a century behind the of Agriculture are full of complaints nearly adjoining counties. Some very against the inveteracy of local preju- striking facts in illustration of this re- dices and practices, and the repugnance mark are mentioned by Harte in his with which fanners listen to any ideas Essays on Husbandry, [1764,] p. 222 ; that are new. In remote situations, Second Edition. "Nothing shows more such as Wales, (we are told,) the people strongly the inattention and indolence will not adopt English improvements, of Mankind," &c. 182 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. not engage the superintending care of Government, and is not aided by the enlightened example of landed proprietors ; and it is pleasing to reflect on the attention which begins to be paid to it, in our own country, as a national object. The rapid pro- gress which the more refined systems of modern husbandry have made in some districts, in consequence of the exertions of a few leading individuals, is a satisfactory proof, that however difficult it may be to struggle with ignorance and prejudice, these obstacles are by no means insurmountable. Justice, too, and humanity, as well as sound policy, plead strongly in favour of a class of men, who, while they are em- ployed in laying the only solid foundation of national greatness, are necessarily, in the present circumstances of the world, left behind by those who follow the commercial arts. Nor ought we to forget what is due to the simple and interesting virtues which seem, in every age, to be attached to this primitive occu- pation of man ; and on which, in a far greater degree than on the arithmetical numbers of a people, the prosperity and the resources of a country essentially depend. They are beauti- fully described in the following fragment of Old Cato : " Majores nostri. . . . virum bonum cum laudabant, ita laudabant : ' bonum Agricolam, bonumque Colonum.' Am- plissime laudari existimabatur, qui ita laudabatur. Merca- torem autem, strenuum studiosumque rei quaerendae existimo ; verum (ut supra dixi) periculosum et calamitosum. At ex agricolis, et viri fortissimi et milites strenuissimi gignuntur; maximeque pius qua3stus stabilissimusque consequitur, inini- meque invidiosus. Minime quoque male cogitantes sunt, qui in eo studio occupati sunt."* In some of my last lectures, I have enlarged, at considerable length, on the essential importance of Manufactures as a stimulus to Agriculture, in the present circumstances of Modern Europe: and I have also touched slightly on the incidental disadvantages attending them, when established on erroneous principles. The subject, I am sensible, is far from being * [M. Cato, Dt Re Ruslica, cap. i.J CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. ( 3.) 183 exhausted ; and, indeed, the new views of it which open upon us at every step of our progress, are so various, that I find it extremely difficult to proceed with steadiness towards those general conclusions which I wish to establish. Some of these views, I flatter myself, I may be able to prosecute hereafter, when I shall have leisure to survey more comprehensively, the whole field of inquiry. At present, the multiplicity of other articles to which I am anxious to direct your attention, com- pared with the limited extent of the course, obliges me to hasten to speculations of a different nature. [1. On the Employment of Children in Factory Work : its Advantages and Disadvantages.] I cannot, however, bring to a close the discussions in which we have been last engaged, without taking notice of a neiu form in which manufacturing labour has lately appeared in this country, I allude to those establishments which, by em- ploying crowds of children separated from the inspection of their parents, appear to threaten (at least on a superficial view of the subject) the most fatal consequences to the health and to the morals, as well as to the numbers, of the rising generation. The following statement of the fact, as it is exemplified on a very great scale, in Lancashire and some of the neighbouring counties, I borrow from Dr. Aikin's Description of the Country round Manchester. " In the cotton mills, children of very tender age are em- ployed ; many of them collected from the workhouses of London and Westminster, and transported in crowds, as apprentices to masters resident many hundred miles distant, where they serve, unknown, unprotected, and forgotten by those to whose care Nature or the laws had consigned them. These children are usually too long confined at work, in close rooms, often during the whole night; the air they breathe, from the oil, &c., employed in the machinery, and other circumstances, is in- jurious ; little regard is paid to their cleanliness ; and frequent changes from a warm to a cold atmosphere are predisposing causes to sickness and debility, and particularly to the epidemic 184 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK. I. POPULATION. fever which so generally is to be met with in these factories. It is also much to be questioned, if society does not receive detri- ment from the manner in which children are thus employed during their early years. They are not generally strong for labour, or capable of pursuing any other branch of business when the term of their apprenticeship expires. The females are wholly uninstructed in sewing, knitting, and other domestic affairs, requisite to make them notable and frugal wives and mothers. This is a great misfortune to them and to the public, as is sadly proved by a comparison of the families of labourers in husbandry, and those of manufacturers in general. In the former, we meet with neatness, cleanliness, and comfort; in the latter, with filth, rags, and poverty, although their wages may be nearly double to those of the husbandman. It must be added, that the want of early religious instruction and example, and the numerous and indiscriminate association in these buildings, are very unfavourable to their future conduct in life." These facts seem abundantly to justify the quaere of a late humane and liberal writer, (Sir Frederick Morton Eden,) " Whether any manufacture, which, in order to be carried on successfully, requires that cottages and workhouses should be ransacked for poor children ; that they should be employed by turns during the greater part of the night, and robbed of that rest which, though indispensable to all, is most required by the young ; and that numbers of both sexes of different ages and dispositions, should be collected together in such a manner, that the contagion of example cannot but lead to profligacy and debauchery, will add to the sum of national felicity ?"* The subject, undoubtedly, even when viewed in the most favourable light, is far from being pleasing ; nor is it possible for any views of remote expediency to reconcile the mind to commercial projects, which are not only injurious to the morals of the community, but which require a sacrifice of the happi- ness attached by nature, to the gaiety, the freedom, and the innocent activity of childhood. As most political subjects, [State of the Poor, &c. Lond. 1797.] CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. ( 3.) 185 however, may be considered under different aspects, and as it is more useful to attempt the melioration of unavoidable evils than to indulge ourselves in declamations against what it is beyond our power to remedy, it may be worth while to employ a few moments in examining, first, Whether the misery and profligacy described by Dr. Aikin be necessarily connected with these establishments, in the extent which he has stated ; and, secondly, Whether they may not have their use in palliating some other disorders of a still more alarming nature, in a commercial and luxurious society, such as that in which they have arisen. In answer to the first of these inquiries, it gives me great pleasure to mention the following particulars, which evince, in a very striking manner, how much may be effected by the active zeal of private humanity when wisely and systematically directed to its object, in alleviating those evils which, as they seem to originate in causes intimately connected with national wealth and prosperity, it is scarcely possible for the Legislator to remedy. The particulars I am to state relate to the Cotton Manufactory in the neighbourhood of Lanark, lately the pro- perty of Mr. Dale at Glasgow.* The supply of workers for this establishment comes either from the native inhabitants of the place ; from families who have been collected about the works from the neighbouring parishes, and more distant parts of the country ; or, lastly, from Edinburgh and Glasgow, both of which towns constantly afford great numbers of destitute children. The period during which they are engaged varies according to the circumstances of their situation. Those who receive weekly wages (the greater part of whom live with their parents) are commonly engaged for four years ; while such as are sent from the workhouse in Edinburgh, or who are otherwise with- out friends to take the charge of them, are bound four, five, six, * [The same philanthropic care of tended by his son-in-law, Mr. Robert these factory children, in relation to Owen; whose theories though we must their comforts and education, was, after reject, we cannot but admire the here- Mr. Dale's death, continued and ex- volence of his intentions.] 186 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. or seven years, according to their age ; their service continuing until they have completed their fifteenth year. Children of this last description receive, instead of wages, their maintenance and education. The hours of labour are eleven and a half each day, from six in the morning till seven at night, with half an hour of inter- mission at nine o'clock for breakfast, and a whole hour at two for dinner. Seven is the hour for supper ; in half an hour after which the children go to school, where they continue till nine o'clock. In 1796, (after which period I cannot speak on the subject with the same accuracy,) the schools were attended by five hundred and seven scholars ; in instructing whom in reading, writing, and the principles of arithmetic, besides the common branches of education appropriated to females, sixteen teachers, with two occasional assistants, were employed. Besides these night schools, there were two day schools for children too young for work ; all of them unattended with any expense to the scholars. The utmost attention was paid, at all times, to the purity of their morals, and to their religious instruction. Of the attention given to cleanliness, diet, and everything else connected with health, the following statement of the number of children in the boarding-house at different periods, compared with the annual deaths, affords the most satisfactory evidence. The greatest part of the workers, it is to be observed, are lodged with their parents, who reside either in the village, in the immediate neighbourhood, or in the town of Lanark, one mile distant ; and, therefore, this statement is to be understood as applying to those who receive their maintenance instead of wages, and who are all lodged together in one house. Thia number, in 1796, amounted to 396 boys and girls. In 1792 270 Boarders 2 Deaths. ,,1793 288 .... 1 ,,1794 306 , ,,1796, .... 384 .... 5 8 CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. (3.) 187 With respect to their aptitude for other employments and the general state of their bodily strength, when their size dis- qualifies them for this species of labour, we are assured by Mr. Dale, in a printed letter addressed to Mr. Bailey of Hope, near Manchester, that " the workers, when too big for spinning, are as stout and robust as others of the same age. The male part of them are fit for any trades ; a great many, since the com- mencement of the war, have gone into the army and navy, and others are occasionally going away as apprentices to smiths or joiners, but especially to weavers ; for which last trade, from the expertness they acquire in handling yarn, they are particu- larly well fitted, and of course are taken as apprentices on better terms. The females very generally leave the mills and go to private family service, when about sixteen years of age. " Were they disposed to continue at the mills," Mr. Dale adds, "these afford abundant employment for them, as well as for many more young men than ever remain at them." I shall only observe farther, before concluding this article, that if it were possible to restrain the unjustifiable practice of ransacking cottages and dissolving family connexions, by carry- ing away children to a distance from their homes ; and if such establishments as have been now under review were confined to the orphan and destitute, supplied in such abundance by our great cities, their evil consequences would be much diminished ; and they might even be considered as a salutary provision for some political disorders inseparably connected with our present system of manners. It will appear, in another part of the course, that the poverty and beggary which has prevailed so much in these last ages among the lower orders, arose necessarily from that important change which has gra- dually taken place in this part of Europe ; the decrease of villainage, and the dependence of the body of the people on their own industry. This evil, therefore, is necessarily con- nected (although I am far from thinking that it is so to the extent in which it exists) with the manufactures and com- merce to which this nation owes so much of its prosperity. In 188 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. such a state of society, the number of destitute children cannot fail to be great ; and it is increased to a wonderful degree by the licentious morals so prevalent in all our towns, but more especially in the capital. The condition of the unfortunate objects of manufacturing speculation cannot, therefore, be fairly compared with that of the young who enjoy the inestimable advantages of parental care and tenderness, but with what their own situation would probably have been if they had not found such an asylum. From some facts, indeed, that have been very strongly stated in the other part of the island, it would appear that the protecting interference of the Legislature is loudly called for, in the case of parish children transported, as is often the case, from workhouses in the metropolis, to factories in distant counties. A late writer of most respectable character, [the Rev.] Mr. Gisborne* assures us, that he has known, from indisputable authority, cruel punishments inflicted on such as have found the means of representing the hardships they suffered, in order to deter them and their companions from similar attempts ; an abuse which cannot be checked while magistrates have no power of entering the workshops of manufacturers for the purpose of inquiring into the treatment of the children whom they employ. Government, certainly, can never be better occupied than in measures, which, by promoting the comforts, the health, and the morals of those whom Providence has deprived of their natural guardians, re-establish, in some measure, those ties which the unfortunate accidents of life have broken, and give vigour to the first principles on which the political fabric depends. [2. On Machinery as a Substitute for Labour : its Advant- ages and Disadvantages.] To the same branch of our subject belongs another question, which has not only occasioned much discussion among specu- lative politicians, but has given rise to frequent insurrections among the labouring classes of the people. The question con- * [Inquiry into the Dvtiet of Men, &c. Lend. 1794, 1795.] CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. ( 3.) 189 cerning the tendency of mecJtanical contrivances for superseding or for abridging labour, to increase or to diminish the popula- tion of a country, in consequence of their tendency to increase or to diminish the quantity of employment to those whose subsistence depends on their own industry. On this question I must confine myself, at present, to a few imperfect hints. I shall begin with stating the opinion of Montesquieu, whose sentiments coincide with those of some other very distinguished writers of the same country. " Where there is an Agrarian Law," he observes, " and the lands are equally divided, the country may be well peopled though there are but few arts ; because every citizen receives from the cultivation of his land whatever is necessary for his subsistence; and all the citizens together consume all the fruits of the earth. Thus it was in some of the ancient republics. " In our present situation, in which lands are so unequally distributed, they produce much more than those who cultivate them can consume ; and consequently, if the arts should be neglected, and nothing attended to but Agriculture, the country could not be peopled. Those who cultivate, having corn to spare, nothing would engage them to work the following year. The fruits of the earth would not be consumed by the indo- lent, for these would have nothing with which they could purchase them. It is necessary then that the Arts should be established, in order that the produce of the land may be con- sumed by the labourer and the artificer. In a word, it is now proper that many should cultivate much more than is neces- sary for their own use. For this purpose they must have a desire of enjoying superfluities, and these they can receive only from the artificer. " Those machines which are designed to abridge art are not always useful. If a piece of workmanship is of a moderate price, such as is equally agreeable to the maker and buyer, those machines which render the manufacture more simple, or in other words, diminish the number of workmen, would be pernicious. And if water-mills were not everywhere estab- 190 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. lished, I should not have believed them so useful as is pre- tended, because they have deprived an infinite multitude of their employment, a vast number of persons of the use of water, and the greater part of the land of its fertility." 1 I recollect few passages in the writings of this very eminent author in which he appears to me to have reasoned in so loose and slovenly a manner. The chapter which I have now quoted is entitled, " Of the Number of Inhabitants with relation to the Arts." From the scope of the argument in the first part of it, we are naturally led to expect that the author is pointing at a distinction formerly illustrated, between that state of society in which Agriculture was practised as a means of subsistence, and the state of society in Modern Europe, in which it is prac- tised as a trade, with a view of shewing the disadvantages of machines in the former case, and their utility in the latter. Of this speculation, however, he makes no use whatever in the concluding paragraph ; but, on the contrary, seems to call in question the expediency of water-mills even at present. " If water-mills were not everywhere established, I should not have believed them so useful as is pretended, because they have deprived an infinite number of hands of their employ- ment, a vast number of persons of the use of water, and a great part of the land of its fertility." Of these three considerations, the last two, it is evident, are perfectly inapplicable to the general question, as they would only prove, even if they were admitted as just, the inferiority of wafer-mills to wind-mills. I shall confine myself, therefore, to the first ; the tendency of such contrivances to diminish the quantity of employment in a manufacturing and commercial country. Before entering on the argument, it may not be a disagree- able relief to the attention, in the midst of these discussions, to quote a very beautiful Greek epigram, occasioned by the inven- tion here objected to by Montesquieu, and which has frequently struck me as bearing a strong resemblance to the general strain of Dr. Darwin's Imagery in the Botanic Garden. The ancients, (it may be proper to premise,) during many ages, knew nothing 1 Spirit of Laws, Book XXIII. chap. xv. CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. ( 3.) 191 but hand-mitts * and in Greece the labour of turning tbem was committed to the women. The case would appear to have been the same among the Egyptians, from the following passage of Scripture : " All the first-born of Egypt shall die, from the first-born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon the throne, even to the first-born of the maid-servant that is behind the mill/' 1 I shall quote the Epigram, (which is ascribed to Antipater,) in an elegant Latin version by Bowing * [Ass-mills (Molse Asinaria)) were long as well known in antiquity as Hand-mitts, (Molac Manuariae, Trusa- tiles.)] 1 The mechanism of the machine is still more explicitly alluded to in that prohibition, where Moses forbids the Israelites " to take the upper or the nether mitt-stone in pledge." f [The author of this Epigram is Antipater of Thessalonica, not Antipater of Sidon. He flourished during the Augustan age, and was a contemporary of Vitruvius, who notices the introduc- tion of Water-Mills as then recent. (Architectura, X. x.) The reference to Ceres in the Epigram is appropriate ; that goddess being commemorated as the inventor of Corn-Mills in general. (Pliny, H. N. VII. kvi.) The Epigram is not contained in the Planudinn Anthology or Collection of Greek Epigrams, but is preserved, with many other anecdota, in the famous Palatine Codex, or Heidel- berg Manuscript. From thence it was first published by Sulmasius in a note on the Augustan History. (Lampridii, Heliof/., cap. xxiv.) John Boivin (M. Boivin le cadet) afterwards published the original, with French and Latin ver- sions, in his " Bemarques Historiques et Critiques sur I" Antliologie manuscrite qui est a la Bibliotheque du Roy." (Mem. de I'Acad. des Jnscript., T. ii. p. 279, seq.~) The manuscript there quoted was a copy derived from that of Heidel- berg, through the transcript of Salma- sius ; of whose publication of the Epi- gram, in his note upon Lampridius, Boivin was, however, unaware. (Ibid. p. 316.) The original is subjoined, with an emendation of two corrupted places. The first and more obtrusive is indeed silently made by Boivin. I give the Epigram as it appears in the Mantissa Quarto, p. 426 of the third volume of De Bosch's Anthologia; and annex the version of Grotius to compare with Boivin's. I have not, on this occasion, looked into the collection of Brunk or of Jacobs. fivi.tt.7ar, xXirgiats, JuSiri [1. l( Townsend, [On the Poor-Lawi,} p. 10. 1 [On Annuities f] Vol. II. p. 289. CHAP. It POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. (APPEND.) 239 neighbourhood of large manufacturing towns, they have been trebled and quadrupled. In the meantime, rates, taxes, and the expenses of farming and of living have been increasing so fast, that a diminution of rents must necessarily have followed, had not their effects been counteracted and greatly overbalanced by a more spirited, and more extended, and a more skilful cul- tivation. 1 A still more palpable proof, if possible, of a general spirit of agricultural improvement during the period in question, may be derived from some facts mentioned in the First Report from the Committee on Waste Lands. In the reign of Queen Anne, it appears that there were only two bills of enclosures ; in that of George I. sixteen ; in that of George II. two hundred and twenty-six ; whereas, during the present reign, there have been one thousand five hundred and thirty-two. The increase in the extent of land, or number of acres enclosed, has been vastly greater than the increased number of enclosures. The number of acres enclosed in the former periods of sixty years, was only 33,676 ; but in the latter of only thirty-six years, there have been 2,770,521 ; that is, there has been an absolute increase of more than eighty to one in the total quantity ; and the medium annual increase above one hundred and fifty to one. The en- closure of almost 3,000,000 of acres whether of wastes and commons, or of open fields under prior cultivation and manage- ment, must have occasioned great expense to the proprietors of the land, and this expense they must necessarily have redeemed by an increase of rent. Accordingly the increased rent of the enclosures, even of common fields, under previous but imper- fect culture, is stated to have been seldom less than one-fourth, sometimes one-third, and not unfrequently one-half; while the advanced rents of wastes and commons have been from the merest trifle to 15s. or 20s. an acre. In order to pay these increased rents, the tenants must necessarily, from an improved and extended cultivation, have raised a produce of value equi- valent to three, four, or even five times the increased rent ; 1 Dispersion of the Gloomy Apprehensions occasioned by the Present State of our Corn-Trade: 1797. 240 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. and that they have actually done so, is evident from their in- creased opulence and prosperity. I am abundantly sensible that doubts may be entertained how far the demand for agricultural labour increases in the same proportion with the general improvement of the country; and whether the prevalence of large farms, and the increase of pasturage occasioned by the progress of luxury, may not operate in the opposite direction. But granting this to be the case, (which, however, is far from being admitted by some of the more sanguine advocates for our increased population,) it can scarcely be doubted, that the demand for agricultural labour has increased on the whole. Something, indeed, more than mere conjecture may be offered in proof of this. By inquiries made in the different counties of England in 1770, by Mr. A. Young, and by calculations founded by him on data, (which Mr. Chalmers considers as sufficiently accurate^) he was led to conclude, that the persons engaged in farming alone amounted to two millions eight hundred thousand ; besides a vast number of people who are as much maintained by agriculture as the ploughman that tills the soil. Whereas in an account which Gregory King has left of the number of all the ranks of the people, from the highest to the lowest, the two orders at the bottom of his scale, including labourers and out-servants, cot- tagers, paupers, and vagrants are estimated only at two millions six hundred thousand. 1 Calculations of this sort, however, must necessarily be ex- tremely vague; nor is it material to the present argument what judgment we pronounce on their accuracy. It is one great advantage (as I have repeatedly observed) of our modern systems of Political Economy, that they have converted agri- culture into a trade, clearing the country of superfluous hands, and providing employment for those who would otherwise have added to the number of idle consumers. The great question is, What is the state of our population on the whole? And, therefore, even if we should suppose a diminution in the numbers who derive their subsistence immediately from hus- 1 Chalmers, [Estimate, &c.] p. 207. CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. (APPEND.) 241 bandry, it remains to be considered, whether this may not be far overbalanced by the increased population which it supports at a distance. On this point there can scarcely be a diversity of opinion, after the statements given by Mr. Chalmers of the progress of our manufactures, commerce, and navigation during the present century, a progress which necessarily implies an increasing demand for labourers in these various departments of national industry. The woollen manufacture of Yorkshire alone, appears from documents mentioned by Mr. Chalmers to be, in the present day, of equal extent with the woollen manufactures of England at the Revolution. Since that era, too, we may be said to have gained the manufactures of silks, of linen, of cotton, of paper, of iron, of glass, of the potteries, besides many others. Of the increased demand for labour occasioned by our extended commerce, some interesting proofs are to be found in Mr. Chalmers's Estimate, to which I must beg leave to refer for more particular information on the subject The public works, too, and private enterprises which have been carried into execution during the last fifty years, such as high-roads, navigable rivers, canals, bridges, harbours, &c., while they furnish the most unequivocal proofs of general prosperity, must have added greatly to the amount of national employment, not only by the labour to which they necessarily gave occasion, but by their effect in extending that commercial intercourse from which they derived their origin. Among these, the system of inland navigation, now extended to every corner of the kingdom, is, in a more peculiar degree, characteristical of the opulence, the spirit, and the enlarged views which distinguish the commercial interest of this country. " The town of Manchester," says Dr. Aikin,* " when the plans now under execution are finished, will probably enjoy more various water communications than the most com- mercial town of the low countries has ever done. And instead of cutting them through level tracts, so as only to make a wider ditch, its coals are situated in mountainous districts, * [Description of the Country about Manchester, &c., 1795.J VOL. VIII. Q 242 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. where the sole method of avoiding the difficulties of steep ascent and descent has been to perforate hills, and to navigate for miles within the bowels of the earth. At the beginning of this century, it was thought a most audacious task to make a high-road practicable for carriages over the hills and moors which separate Yorkshire from Lancashire ; and now they are pierced through by three navigable canals." ..." Nothing but highly flourishing manufactures can repay the vast expense of these undertakings ; and there is some reason for thinking, that in the other part of the United Kingdom, the spirit which still prompts to their unbounded extension, originates in that passion for bold and precarious adventure, which scorns to be limited by reasonable calculations of profit" 1 The effects, however, of these artificial navigations, which join the Eastern and Western Seas, and connect almost every manufacturing town in England with the capital, together with that of our multiplied highways, must be incalculably great on the internal commerce of the country. It is this branch of our trade which, in point of extent, is the most important of any, and which, at the same time, rests on the most solid founda- tion ; the best customers of Britain (according to an old obser- vation) being the people of Britain? As I cannot, at present, prosecute this discussion any farther, I shall only state the results of the opposite calculations which it has suggested. According to Dr. Price, the number of inhabitants in England and Wales must be short of five millions. His calculation proceeds on the number of houses as collected from the Returns of the surveyors of the house and window-duties. From these it appears that the number of houses in England and Wales in 1777, was 952,734. Sup- posing it, however, to amount to a million, and reckoning five persons to a house, which (according to Price's observation) is a high allowanee for England in general, this gives only five millions for the whole number of people in England and Wales. The inhabitants of Scotland, Price supposes to be more than a fifth part of Britain. 1 Pp. 136, 137. * Chalmers, Estimate, p. 125. CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. (APPEND.) 243 On the other hand, it is contended by Mr. Chalmers in the edition of his Estimate published in 1794, from data which he has particularly stated, that the present population of England and Wales exceeds eight millions ; and that since the Revolu- tion there has been an augmentation of a million and a half. 1 *Mr. Howlett, in a pamphlet published in 1797, states the augmentation at a little less than two millions. 2 According to some later writers, even Mr. Howlett's computations fall greatly short of the truth. In a pamphlet (for example) published a few months ago (1800) by Arthur Young, entitled " The Ques- tion of Scarcity plainly stated" I n'nd the following passage: " Some years ago, I calculated that England and Wales contained ten millions of souls. This was the result of com- paring the population as estimated by Dr. Price, from the houses returned to the tax-office, with the errors discovered in these lists by actual enumeration ; and it ought farther to be observed, that the indefatigable researches of Sir John Call, Bart., in every county of the kingdom, have proved fully to his satisfaction, that the people have increased one-third in ten years, that is, from 1787 to 1797." If this very astonishing fact should be admitted, the people of England and Wales (as Mr. Young remarks) cannot be short of twelve millions. I confess, for my own part, I have no great faith in the accuracy of any of these results ; and my scepticism on the subject is not a little increased by observing at the end of Mr. Middleton's Vieio of the Agriculture of Middlesex, (published 1798,) a letter from Mr. Howlett, (a very able writer on Popu- lation, and formerly extremely dogmatical in his assertions,) a frank avowal of the exaggerations into which he had inadver- tently been led in the course of his controversy with Dr. Price. " In my Examination" he observes, " of Dr. Prices Essay, I made the population of the kingdom to be between eight and nine millions. This estimate was formed upon principles so 1 Chalmers, [Estimate,} p. 221. ence to Middleton's Eeport, (infra, p. 245,) added in 1800.] * [From this to the end of the refer- 2 Dispersion, &c., p. 9. 244 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK 1. POPULATION. extremely unfounded, which I did not then know, but very soon discovered, as rendered the final result utterly erroneous. From a more minute and accurate investigation of the subject, about fourteen or fifteen years, (which I intended to publish, but did not, and I believe never shall,) I am nearly confident our population did not then amount to seven millions and a half, and that at present it does not exceed eight millions. It is somewhat extraordinary that the fallacy which misled me, neither the public nor the keen penetrating eyes of Dr. Price, ever saw. The Doctor, indeed, pointed out an apprehension which he supposed me to be under ; but that was entirely groundless." The difference in these statements will appear the less won- derful when we consider the difficulty which has been experienced in arriving at anything like certainty with respect to the popu- lation of London. The inquiry has of late years occupied the industry of a number of writers of acknowledged abilities, and yet their results vary from each other by more than 400,000. Dr. Price published very plausible reasons in support of the opinion, that about one in twenty and three-fourths died an- nually in London between the years 1758 and 1769. And, taking the interments at 29,000, it produced him the number 601,750, as the amount of the whole population within the bilk of mortality. Mr. Wales, in 1771, states them at 625,131. Dr. Fordyce within these few years states them at 1,000,000 ; and still more lately, Mr. Colquhoun asserts that the inhabitants of the Metro- polis amount to 1,200,000. Mr. Hewlett, in a pamphlet published about 1782, computed the number of inhabitants within the bills of mortality at between eight and nine hundred thousand. In his late letter, however, addressed to Mr. Middleton, he confesses that the data on which the reasonings and deductions, which appear in his pamphlet in answer to Dr. Price, were founded, are too vague and precarious to be safely depended on, and that he has long been inclined to think that the number of inhabitants within the bills have never yet amounted to 700,000. Mr. Middleton, from a calculation founded on some sugges- CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. (APPEND.) 245 tions of Mr. Hewlett's, computes " the total present population within the bills to be 628,484."* During the last hundred years, Mr. Chalmers thinks that Ireland has done more than treble its inhabitants. And although this computation may perhaps be somewhat exagger- ated, yet the data on which he proceeds sufficiently demonstrate a great progressive population, and afford a strong collateral argument against the reasonings of those who are of opinion that the population of England has been decreasing during the same period. According to some late statements, Mr. Chalmers's estimate falls short of the truth. From the Report of the Secret Committee of the Irish Parliament, published in 1798, Dr. Emrnet appears to have stated the actual population of Ireland " at five millions," whereas, " at the time of the Revolu- tion, it did not much exceed a million and a half." (The same gentleman is said to have acknowledged that this symptom of national prosperity had grown out of the connexion of Ireland with Great Britain.) The progressive population of Scotland, from the year 1755, is demonstrated by very authentic documents. In the year 1743, Dr. Webster, an eminent clergyman of this cit} r , and distinguished for his accuracy and skill as a political arithme- tician, established a general correspondence over the country, both with clergy and laity, one object of which was to procure lists, either of individuals, or of persons above a certain age, in the different parishes of Scotland. When the lists contained only those above a certain age, he calculated the amount of the whole inhabitants, by the proportion which they might be sup- posed to bear to the number of souls, according to the most approved tables, compared with the fact in many parts of Scot- land, where the ministers, at his desire, not only' numbered their parishioners, but distinguished their respective ages. This inquiry was completed in 1755, at which period Dr. Webster 1 Middleton's Report, p. 451. the Union, (1800,) estimated it from 8 Lord Castlereagh in his speech on 3,500,000 to 4,000,000. (Added Note.) 246 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. computed the number of souls in this part of the United King- dom at l^SS^SO. 1 From the statistical accounts published by Sir John Sinclair, it appears, that a very great augmentation has taken place since that period, although, perhaps, not so immense a one as that gentleman at one period apprehended. In the Statistical Table of Scotland, lately drawn up by Mr. Robertson of Granton, (from the Agricultural Surveys, the Statistical Accounts, and whatever other sources of information on the subject the public is as yet possessed of,) the population of Scotland is stated at 1,227,892. As the principal documents, however, on which he proceeds have been collected during a period of six years, (from 1792 to 1798,) his result, when applied to the population of the country at the present moment, must be understood with a certain degree of latitude. Accord- ing to these computations, the increase of population from 1755 to 1798 would appear to be 262,512. 2 A remarkable illustration of the natural bias even of en- lightened minds in favour of times past, is mentioned by Sir John Sinclair, in one of his publications relative to this subject. " I have found the clergy," says he, " in guessing the population in 1755, exceed in every instance the number stated by Dr. Webster, and that they have almost uniformly fallen short of the truth, if they made a rough guess of the number of their parishioners at the time, before undertaking the trouble of an actual enumeration." I mentioned in a former part of this Lecture, a very curious fact with respect to the state of our corn trade since about the year 1750, [see p. 238,] of which, however, I made no use in the course of my subsequent reasonings. It has, indeed, been often appealed to, by one set of writers, as a palpable proof of an increased population, while others have concluded from it, that the agriculture of the country is going fast to ruin. The truth is, that when considered abstractedly from other circum- 1 Chalmers, Estimate, p. 224. stated in the same Table at 68,045 ; thatof Leith at 13,241; that of Glas- * The population of Edinburgh is gow at 64,743. CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. (APPEND.) 247 stances, it neither justifies the former inference nor the latter, as the effect is manifestly influenced by a great variety of causes combined together. It may be proper, however, now to state it more particularly. " From a representation drawn up in the year 1790 by the Lords of the Committee of his Majesty's Council for Trade, ' upon the present State of the Laws for regulating the Impor- tation and the Exportation of Corn,' it appears, that this king- dom which, in former times, used to produce more corn than was necessary for the consumption of the inhabitants, has of late years been under the necessity of depending on foreign countries for a part of its supply." In proof of this their lord- ships state, " that while, upon an average of nineteen years, from 1746 to 1765, the nett returns to the nation from the grain exported is supposed to have been no less than 651,000 per annum, so great is the subsequent change of circumstances, that on an average of eighteen years, from 1770 to 1788, it appears that this country paid to foreign nations no less than 291,000 per annum to supply its inhabitants." I am not in possession of the latest information on the subject ; but from a state- ment some years posterior to the former, it appears that the annual value of imported corn has amounted to about a million sterling. 1 In one of the printed reports of the Chamber of Commerce at Glasgow, this change in the circumstances of the corn trade is placed solely to the account of a rapidly increasing popula- tion ; while a late very respectable writer, Mr. Dirom of Muiresk, ascribes it to the alterations in our old Cora Laws, which began to take place about 1750. " In consequence of these alterations," he observes, "our agriculture, which gra- dually advanced, from the commencement of the present cen- tury, out of the lowest state of depression, till it arrived, between the years 1730 and 1750, at the highest degree of prosperity, has ever since been rapidly declining." He adds, that "the principal increase of our population in the course of this century was prior to 1750, and that 137,256 persons were employed in 1 See Robertson's Report on the Size of Farau. 248 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. the cultivation of our lands, between the years 1741 and 1750, more than between the years 1773 and 1784.* This work of Mr. Dirom, which was published a few years ago, [1796,] with some additional tracts by Mr. Mackie of Ormiston, gave occasion to a pamphlet by Mr. Howlett, entitled, Disper- sion of the Gloomy Apprehensions, of late repeatedly suggested from the Decline of our Corn Trade ; [1798.] The great object of the author is to show, that various other causes have been operating to produce the necessity of an importation, and which are fully adequate to the effect, without supposing the agricul- ture of the kingdom to be in a state of decline. I shall touch slightly on the most important of these, referring to Mr. Hewlett's Essay for the particular results of his calculations. 1. The first of these is, the increased consumption arising from the vast increase of our population. The reality of the cause is here assumed as sufficiently established by other proofs ; and supposing it to amount (as Mr. Howlett does) to two millions and a half within the compass of the last forty or fifty years, it certainly goes a considerable way to remove the difficulty. 2. Immense numbers now consume the finest wheat, whose ancestors were confined to oats and barley. In a book formerly referred to, entitled Corn Tracts ft (pub- lished about fifty years ago,) the author, after estimating the actual population of England and Wales at six millions, com- putes the number of persons who used wheaten bread to be 3,750,000. The increase since that period must have been very great, from its gradual introduction among the labouring classes in various parts of the kingdom, where it was formerly, in a great measure, unknown. In the northern counties of England it was scarcely an article of food ; at present its con- sumption must be considerable, from the vast augmentation of manufactures and of opulence. The following fact I mention on the authority of Sir F. M. Eden, whose information with respect to the North of England [Inquiry into the Corn Laws and Corn Trade, &c.] t [By C. Smith, see p. 219.J CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. (APPEND.) 240 seems to be more particularly correct. " About fifty years ago, so little was the quantity of wheat used in the county of Cum- berland, that it was only a rich family that used a peck of wheat in the course of a year, and that was at Christmas. An old labourer of eighty-five, remarks, that when he was a boy he was at Carlisle market with his father, and wishing to indulge himself with a penny loaf made of wheat-flour, he searched for it for some time, but could not procure a piece of wheaten bread at any shop in that city." 1 Of the increased consumption of wheat in some parts of Scot- land, a very striking proof occurs in the Agricultural Survey of Mid-Lothian. "About the year 1735, (we are told,) the total annual consumption of wheat did not much exceed 25,000 bolls ; whereas, at present it amounts to about 144,540, a quantity nearly six times greater than was consumed only sixty years ago." The same writer informs us, that " the whole country fifty years ago did not sow above a thousand acres of wheat, and about the year 1727, not above five hundred, but that there are now seven or eight thousand ;" he adds, that " the total consump- tion of the country is estimated to be three times its produce." 3. Another consideration on which Mr. Howlett lays great stress, is the increased consumption of the fruits of the earth occasioned by the immense multiplication of oxen, sheep, hogs, and above all of horses. The multiplication of this last species of animal is beyond all accurate calculation, in consequence of the increased demand occasioned, not only by the ostentation and luxury of the great, but by carriers' waggons, post-chaises, mail, stage, and hackney coaches. The increase of these several denominations, Mr. Mackie estimates at 400,000 ; and he allows three acres of fertile land for the maintenance of each horse, which allowance requires 1,200,000 acres for the support of the whole number. Mr. Howlett thinks this allowance much too little for those descrip- tions of horses which have been chiefly multiplied. It is cer- 1 [State of the Poor, &c., 1797,] Vol. I. p. 564. 250 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK I. POPULATION. tainly much under the common computation. Mr. Kent states the quantity of land of the common medium quality as neces- sary for the support of a horse at seven acres ; and Mr. Howlett thinks this statement not extravagant, if confined to horses destined for continual and vigorous exertion. Mr. Townsend, in his Dissertation on the Poor Laws, observes, that a horse to be fully fed, requires five tons of hay, and from thirteen to three- and-twenty quarters of oats, per annum, according to his work Some farmers, he says, allow the former, and the latter is given by the great carriers on the public roads, which would bring the computation to about eight acres each for horses used in hus- bandry ; whichever of these estimates we adopt, the consump- tion by horses must be enormous. Allowing five acres for the average of the horses which enter into Mr. Mackie's compu- tation, these additional animals will require the produce of 2,000,000 of acres, which might otherwise have been applied to the cultivation of wheat When these different causes are combined, they go far to justify Mr. Hewlett's conclusion, that the balance against us in the article of importation, is so far from being wonderful by its magnitude, that it is truly astonishing it should not be much greater. It certainly leads to no inference to the dis- advantage of our national prosperity, and indeed the progress of our agriculture, and in a far greater degree that of our trade and manufactures, is a fact for which we almost appeal to the evidence of the senses. In what I have hitherto said upon this subject, although I have in general leaned to the side of Dr. Price's opponents, I have avoided as much as possible to express a decided opinion. That an increase, however, has taken place in the number of inhabitants in this Island since the end of last century, I con- fess appears to me to be established by a mass of evidence direct and presumptive, which is almost irresistible. At the same time I do not, with the greater part of these writers, con- sider this increased population as an unequivocal proof, that the sum of our national happiness has increased exactly in the same proportion. On the contrary, a variety of considerations CHAP. II. POPULATION POLITICALLY CONSIDERED. (APPEND.) 251 conspire to render it doubtful, whether the comforts of the labouring poor are now greater than they were a century ago. That the comforts of the labouring poor depend upon the increase of the funds destined for the maintenance of labour, and that they will be exactly in proportion to the rapidity of this increase, may be assumed as fundamental, and almost as self-evident propositions. The demand for labour which such increase would occasion, by creating a competition in the market, must necessarily raise the value of labour ; and till the additional hands required were reared, the increased funds would be distributed to the same number of persons as before the increase, and therefore every labourer would live compara- tively at his ease. It does not, however, follow from this, (as Mr. Smith has concluded,*) that every increase in the revenue or stock of a society, may be considered as an increase of those funds. Such surplus stock or revenue will, indeed, be always considered by the individual possessing it, as an additional fund from which he may maintain more labour; but it will not be a real and effectual fund for the maintenance of an addi- tional number of labourers, unless a great part of this increase of the stock or revenue of the society be convertible into a pro- portional quantity of provisions ; and it will not be so converti- ble where the increase has arisen merely from the produce of labour, and not from the produce of land. The fact is, Mr. Smith seems to have confounded together two things which are essentially different ; the number of hands which the stock of the society can employ, and the number which the territory can maintain. Supposing a nation, for a course of years, to add what it saved from its yearly revenue to its manufacturing capital solely, and not to its capital employed on land, it is evident it might grow richer (according to the common use of language) without a power of supporting a greater number of labourers, and, therefore, without an increase in the real funds for the maintenance of labour. There would, notwithstanding, be a demand for labour, from the power which each manufacturer * [Wealth of Nations, Book I. chap. viii. ; Vol. I. p. 131, tenth edition.] 252 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART L BOOK I. POPULATION. would possess of extending his old stock in trade, or of setting up new undertakings. This demand would, of course, raise the price of labour ; but if the yearly stock of provisions in the country was not increasing, this rise would soon turn out to be merely nominal, as the price of provisions must inevitably rise with it. Nothing can be plainer than this, that any general rise in the price of labour, the stock of provisions remaining the same, can only be a nominal rise, as it must very shortly be followed by a proportional rise in the necessaries of life. Something of this kind appears to have taken place, in this island, during the course of the present century, in consequence of a system of policy which has considered manufactures and commerce as ultimate objects, instead of regarding them in their due subserviency to agricultural improvement. The exchangeable value in the market of Europe of the annual produce of our land and labour has increased greatly; but the increase has been chiefly in the produce of labour, and not in the produce of land ; and, therefore, though the wealth of the nation (according to Smith's definition of it) has been advancing rapidly, the effectual funds for the maintenance of labour have been increasing much more slowly, as I shall have occasion to show more fully when I come to consider the state of the poor* These considerations suggest a doubt whether Mr. Smith's definition of national wealth (according to which it consists in the annual produce of its land and labour) be equally just with that of the French Economists, who measure it by the rude produce ; excluding completely from this definition, the results of manufacturing industry. But this inquiry properly belongs to the second branch of the course. * [From the Notes taken of these Political Economy for winter 1800- Lectures in 1809, it appears there are 1801," which is found among Mr. here wanting the more recent returns Stewart's papers. As, however, the of the population of Great Britain and parts deficient seem not essential to an Ireland, and likewise estimates of the understanding of the more authentic lee- population of France, Spain, Russia, tures, it has not been thought necessary to United States of America, China, and interpolate from the notes, which, at best, Holland. But the same is shown, though are comparatively old, and often hardly less fully, by the " Plan of Lectures on to be relied on for numerical details.] [BOOK SECOND.] [OF NATIONAL WEALTH/I [CHAPTER I.*] [OF PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE LABOUR.] (Interpolation from Notes.) In the occasional use which I have hitherto made of the phrase National Wealth, I have em- ployed these words in that general and popular sense in which they are commonly understood. But in analyzing the first principles of Political Economy, it is proper to ascertain, with as much accuracy as possible, the precise meaning of this expres- sion ; for which purpose I shall introduce this Second Part of the Course with an examination of the different definitions of the phrase National Wealth, which have been proposed by different writers, and with a comparative view of their advan- tages and disadvantages. The prosecution of this subject will lead me to an illustration of some of the characteristic peculiari- ties of language and doctrine by which Mr. Smith's system is distinguished from that of the French Economists. In con- sidering, in the former part of my course, the effects of agricul- ture and the appropriation of laud on general improvement, I have endeavoured to illustrate their tendency to excite a commercial spirit, and their connexion with the origin of most of the useful arts. It would furnish a curious subject of * [The commencement of this Book Bridges, occasionally supplemented, and Chapter not being extant in Mr. especially in regard to quotations, by Stewart's manuscript of these Lectures, those of Mr. Bonar. The beginning and the want is supplied, as far as possible, end of this, as of similar interpolations, from the very copious notes of Mr. are carefully marked.] 254 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. speculation to examine this beautiful progress in detail, studying the mechanism of civilized society in that grand outline which Nature has sketched, and for the execution of which she has provided in the constitution of man, when combined with his physical circumstances. It is evident that, in the profession of Agriculture itself, abstracting from the other arts to which it gives occasion, the foundation is laid for many exchanges which had no existence in the former stages of society ; such, for instance, as the ex- changes which arise from the difference of soil and exposure which distinguish different districts of the same country. The proprietors of each of these districts have their peculiar advan- tages, which would invite them to a friendly intercourse, by uniting them by the ties of their common interest. Experience would soon teach each individual to what kind of produce his land is best adapted, and would suggest the expediency of turning it to that kind of produce, in hopes of procuring, by an exchange with his neighbours, those articles of which he stood in need. The exchange, therefore, of the productions of one district for those of another, results necessarily from the physical situation of the husbandman, and will advance with the in- creasing multiplicity of his wants and desires. The exchange of productions for labour is necessarily occa- sioned by the long and difficult preparation which most of the fruits of the earth require, in order to be fit for the use of man, and by the impossibility of the husbandman performing this task himself, without a ruinous waste of time and distraction of attention. The same motives, accordingly, which have established the exchange of commodities between the cultivators of different kinds of soil, introduces an exchange between the cultivators and a new order of men in the social system, men who are induced by inclination, or compelled by circumstances, to betake themselves to the occupation of preparing for use those productions which the cultivator supplies in a rude form. By this means, the success of each party is obtained by the simplicity of his pursuits. The husbandman draws from his field the greatest quantity it can produce, procuring to himself, CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 255 by an exchange of his surplus, the means of gratifying all his other wants, with far greater facility than he could by his own labour. Thus the shoemaker secures to himself a portion of the harvest ; and every workman labours for the wants of the others, all of whom, in their turn, labour for him. In this circulation of labour, it cannot fail to occur, that the hus- bandman possesses a distinguished pre-eminence over the other classes of the community, as observed by Turgot.* On this essen- tial distinction between these two kinds of labour, the system of Political Economy proposed by Quesnai and his followers in a great measure hinges ; and the distinction seems to me, under some slight limitations and corrections, to be not only just and important, but to hold a conspicuous rank among the funda- mental principles of the science. I shall endeavour to illustrate it as fully and clearly as I can, and to vindicate it from some of the objections to which it is supposed to be liable. This appears the more necessary, as, though I agree with some of Mr. Smith's criticisms, I think he has not in this instance placed the doctrine of the Economists in a just point of view. According to Mr. Smith, the wealth of a country is in pro- portion to the exchangeable value of the annual produce of its Land and Labour, comprehending, evidently, under the word labour, both manufacturing and agricultural industry. To this position I do not mean to object at present, nor am I disposed to limit in all conceivable cases the application of the phrase National Wealth to agricultural produce. It would be mani- festly an abuse of language to deny that the Dutch are a wealthy people, because the means of their subsistence are entirely derived from abroad, or because the same system of policy would be impracticable in a different country. In con- sequence of these circumstances, their wealth, undoubtedly, is much less independent than that of an agricultural country ; and it is evident that their example is totally inapplicable to the general condition of mankind. But as long as they continue to possess a complete command of the productions of other regions, the wealth of Holland differs from that of other coun- * [Sur la Formation et la Distribution des Hichesset, v. ; (Euvres, Tome V. p. 6.] 256 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. tries only as the wealth of the monied capitalist differs from that of the cultivator of the ground. The difference, indeed, in a national point of view, will be found to be great and essential ; but as far as appears hitherto, it would be improper to cavil at Mr. Smith's expression, when it is possible by any restriction to reconcile it to a just way of thinking. Of these two sources of national wealth, Land and Labour, the latter is by far the most considerable, or rather, in comparison with it, the former is of trifling moment. For although the difference between one country and another, in respect of natural advantages, be not inconsiderable, it requires the exertion of human skill and industry to render these subservient to the condition of man, as Locke has observed.* In so far as the wealth of a country arises from manufactures or commerce, the argument is still clearer and more indisput- able. Indeed, as Mr. Hume [in his Essay on Commerce] has remarked, trade, artisanship, and manufactures, are nothing more than the public storehouses of labour. Since, therefore, the great source of national wealth is human industry, the opulence of every society must be regulated by the two following circumstances : first, by the proportion which the number of those employed in useful labour bears to those who are not so employed ; and, secondly, by the skill, dexterity, and economy by which this labour is applied. It is justly observed by Mr. Smith, that it seems to depend more on the latter than the fonner.f These considerations naturally suggest the inquiry to what causes this difference in the effective powers of labour is owing. I have substituted this word effective, instead of the term pro- ductive, employed by Mr. Smith, for a reason which will afterwards appear. On examination, it appears to be chiefly owing to the division of labour, the effects of which Mr. Smith has very beau- tifully and happily illustrated. One of the instances which he mentions, places the subject in a peculiarly striking point of view. " To take an example," he says, " from a very trifling manu- * [Of Civil Government, Book II. chap. v. 41, 43.] t [ Wealth of Nations, Introduction, VoL I. p. 2, tenth edition.] CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 257 facture, but one in which the division of labour has been very often taken notice of, the trade of the pin-maker ; a workman not educated to this business, (which the division of labour has rendered a distinct trade,) nor acquainted with the use of the machinery employed in it, (to the invention of which the same division of labour has probably given occasion,) could scarce, perhaps, with his utmost industry, make one pin in a day, and certainly could not make twenty. But the way in which this business is now carried on, not only the whole work is a peculiar trade, but it is divided into a number of branches, of which the greater part are likewise peculiar trades. One man draws out the wire, another straights it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head ; to make the head, requires two or three distinct operations ; to put it on is a peculiar business ; to whiten the pins is another ; it is even a trade by itself to put them into the paper ; and the important business of making a pin is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen distinct operations, which, in some manufactories, are all performed by distinct hands, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them. I have seen a small manufactory of this kind where ten men only were em- ployed, and where some of them consequently performed two or three distinct operations. But though they were very poor, and therefore but indifferently accommodated with the necessary machinery, they could, when they exerted themselves, make among them about twelve pounds of pins in a day. There are in a pound upwards of four thousand pins of a middling size. Those ten persons, therefore, could make among them upwards of forty-eight thousand pins in a day. Each person, therefore, making a tenth part of forty-eight thousand pins, might be considered as making four thousand eight hundred pins in a day. But if they had all wrought separately and independently, and without any of them having been educated to this peculiar business, they certainly could not each of them have made twenty, perhaps not one pin in a day ; that is, certainly, not the two hundred and fortieth, perhaps not the four thousand eight hundredth part of what they are at present capable of per- VOL. VIII. R 258 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOR II. NAT. WEALTH. forming, in consequence of a proper division and combination of their different operations."* Before, however, I proceed to follow Mr. Smith through his very ingenious speculations on the subject, it appears to me that some attention is due to the previous question concerning the relative importance of the different modes in which labour may be employed, more particularly concerning the relative importance of Agricultural and Manufacturing industry. This inquiry will lead to a comparison of the different sources of national wealth and revenue. The remarks of Mr. Smith on this subject are not introduced in his system till he has finished not only the exposition of his elementary principles, but the discussion of various interest- ing and complicated questions connected with the science. But I must confess, it appears to me that it would greatly improve the arrangement of his work, and add to the precision of our ideas on the subject, if he had begun first with fixing his ideas, and defining his language with respect to the different employ- ments of labour. Such, at any rate, is rendered necessary by the general plan which I have formed for these lectures, as the questions to which I am now to attend, are the link which is to connect our speculations concerning National Wealth with what has already been advanced on the subject of Population. In illustrating the distinction made by the Economists be- tween Productive and Unproductive Labour, I shall intersperse, as I proceed, a few strictures on such of Mr. Smith's criticisms on their doctrines as do not seem to me to be well founded. Those which I shall hazard on the system of the Economists I shall reserve for another lecture. In the sketch, therefore, which I am now to offer, I wish to be considered, in a great measure, only the expounder of a system proposed by others, without acquiescing implicitly in its details, excepting in those instances where I shall have occasion to mention my own opinion. The statements I am to give, will express, to the best of my judgment, the meaning of the authors by whom the phrase, productive and unproductive labour, was first * [ Wealth of Nations, B. I. chap. i. ; Vol. I. p. 7, teq., tenth edition.] CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 259 introduced. But I have thought it advisable, for the sake of perspicuity, to aim rather at a faithful exposition of their general doctrines, than to give any full transcript of their writings. How far I have succeeded in simplifying the subject, I am not a competent judge ; but I am particularly aware, after all that I have done in freeing it of the prolixity and technical phraseology of its authors, that my speculations with regard to it must necessarily appear, at first, to be expanded beyond what the importance of the subject can well justify. Those, however, who reflect on the advantages which, in some other parts of human knowledge, have been derived from a scientific arrangement of known truths unfolded in a natural order, and the substitution of appropriate and definite terms, instead of the looseness of common language, will not be apt to form conclusions to the prejudice of the very ingenious theory from which they are borrowed. As the existence of the human race, even when limited to the necessaries of life, supposes a constant consumption of food, it supposes also some fund from which this expense is to be defrayed. The fund which supplies this annual expense to any indi- vidual or community, constitutes a stock or revenue essential to their preservation, and without which all other possessions are useless. When this fund is once secured, the objects of their desires are multiplied, and a more ample revenue provided, if that is possible, the extent of revenue being everywhere measured by the possession of those articles of subsistence or accommodation which either furnish the means of gratifying those desires, or enable the possessor to command the labour of others. It is further obvious, that everything we are possessed of comes originally from the earth, including under that term the two great divisions of our globe into land and sea ; and that its productions, variously modified, must supply all the wants of man, and furnish the means of defraying all his expenses. The Labour of man can be employed to increase this fund only in two ways ; by adding to the quantity of those produc- tions, or by making such alterations on their form as may 260 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALT1I. render them either more useful in themselves, or more valuable in exchange. The first of these is the object of Agriculture, the second of Manufactures. In whatever manner the industry of man is employed, the produce of his labour is necessarily burdened by the consump- tion of the labourer. In estimating, therefore, the productive power of any species of industry, before inquiring whether it adds to the quantity, utility, or exchangeable value of the pos- sessions of the society, the first question that presents itself is, Whether it supplies the means of defraying the necessary con- sumption by which it is maintained ? In this respect, the pre- eminence of Agriculture is evidently conspicuous ; the fund employed not only continuing without any diminution, but being more than replaced by the additional produce which it can draw from the earth. In consequence of the production of this surplus, the general revenue is augmented, and can defray expenses to which it was not equal before. Therefore, the epithet productive is most justly applied to that labour and expense by which it is raised. With respect to Manu- facturing labour, the case is different ; for though by the operations of the manufacturer the materials of his trade become much more useful, it does not follow that he thereby increases the national revenue. This revenue is the fund of national consumption ; and it is not increased by any operation which does not supply the means of a greater consumption. That the work of the artificer yields no such supply is manifest. He adds nothing to the materials of his labour but the value of his own subsistence ; and only changes the form of the materials so as to adapt them to the purposes of life. In this respect, therefore, the labour of the artificer, however useful, does not add to the general revenue in the same sense with the labour of the husbandman. It is probable, however, that those writers who contend that the labour of the artificer is really productive, mean only, that it increases the exchangeable value of the productions of the earth. It is in this sense plainly that Mr. Smith employs the term, when speaking of the probable effects of foreign com- CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 261 raerce in increasing the productive powers of manufacturing industry. I shall, therefore, consider how far the proposition is true, when taken with this limitation. The exchangeable value of everything manufactured by human industry depends on two circumstances ; the price of the original raw material, and that of the labour which has been employed on it. The price of this labour arises altogether from the expense occasioned by the necessary consumption of the labourer ; and this expense is all the exchangeable value which the artificer can add to the raw materials, the competition of others restraining him from demanding more. Therefore, whatever value he adds to these materials, he destroys as much of the other funds of the society, and leaves the whole of the exchangeable revenue no greater than it otherwise would have been. For the illustration of these reasonings, no example can be more in point than that mentioned by Mr. Smith in the manufacture of lace. " The person/' he says, " who works the lace of a pair of fine ruffles, for example, will sometimes raise the value of perhaps a pennyworth of flax to thirty pounds sterling. But though at first sight he appears thereby to mul- tiply the value of a part of the rude produce about seven thou- sand and two hundred times, he in reality adds nothing to the value of the whole annual amount of the rude produce. The working of that lace cost him perhaps two years' labour. The thirty pounds which he gets for it when it is finished, is no more than the repayment of the subsistence which he advances to himself during the two years that he is employed about it. The value which, by every day's, month's, or year's labour, he adds to the flax, does no more than replace the value of his own consumption during that day, month, or year. At no moment of time, therefore, does he add anything to the value of the whole annual amount of the rude produce of the land ; the por- tion of that produce which he is continually consuming being always equal to the value which he is continually pro- ducing."* It is agreeably to these principles of the Economists that Dr, * [Ibid. Book IV. chap. ix. ; Vol. III. p. 9, setj., tenth edition.] 262 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. Franklin, in one of his political fragments, considers manufac- tures as " subsistence metamorphosed." * In opposition to the reasonings already stated against the productive powers of manufacturing industry, Mr. Smith argues thus : " It seems, upon every supposition, improper to say, that the labour of artificers, manufacturers, and merchants, does not increase the real revenue of the society. Though we should suppose, for example, as it seems to be supposed in this system, that the value of the daily, monthly, and yearly con- sumption of this class was exactly equal to that of its daily, monthly, and yearly production ; yet it would not from thence follow that its labour added nothing to the real revenue, to the real value of the annual produce of the land and labour of the society. An artificer, for example, who, in the first six months after harvest, executes ten pounds' worth of work, though he should in the same time consume ten pounds' worth of corn and other necessaries, yet really adds the value of ten pounds to the annual produce of the land and labour of the society. While he has been consuming a half-yearly revenue of ten pounds' worth of corn and other necessaries, he has produced an equal value of work capable of purchasing, either to himself or to some other person, an equal half-yearly revenue. The value, therefore, of what has been consumed and produced during these six months is equal, not to ten, but to twenty pounds. It is possible, indeed, that no more than ten pounds' worth of this value may ever have existed at any one moment of time. But if the ten pounds' worth of corn and other necessaries which were consumed by the artificer, had been consumed by a soldier or by a menial servant, the value of that part of the annual produce which existed at the end of the six months, would have been ten pounds less than it actually is, in conse- quence of the labour of the artificer. Though the value of what the artificer produces, therefore, should not at any one moment of time be supposed greater than the value he con- sumes, yet at every moment of time the actually existing value * [Positions to be era-mined concerning National Wealth, 1769, 5 ; Works, by Sparks, Vol. II. p. 374.J CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 263 of goods in the market is, in consequence of what he produces, greater than it otherwise would be." * If I understand completely the face of this argument, it means only, that the values of what had been consumed are equal to twenty pounds. But the question is, Whether the nation has been benefited ? The ten pounds' value of corn consumed cannot be again employed in any expense, and there- fore cannot be said to constitute any addition to the revenue of the nation, which is only another expression for the quantity of expense which the nation is able to defray. Mr. Smith con- tends farther, that the labour of artificers produces a value equal to its expense, and continues the capital which employs it, in this respect differing essentially from that of menial servants, which produces no revenue. This, however, I cannot help thinking is a fallacy to which this profound writer has been led, by the use of money as a medium of exchange. The artificer sells the produce of his labour, and, on a superficial view, appears to replace his capital as effectually as the farmer by reaping his crop ; and, in truth, they are perfectly similar, as far as the individual is concerned ; but they are very different in their relation to the community in general. The corn which the farmer produces is the free gift of nature, and costs nothing to the society ; the manufacturer only changes the form of his commodity, converting what formerly was useless to purposes of general accommodation. When he does so, however, he derives the means of his subsistence from the general stock. He is not supported immediately by the produce of his own labour ; and if he were cut off from all communication with others, he could do nothing to renew the capital by which he is to be maintained. His work is of no absolute value to himself, and is only the means of procuring subsistence from others, who exchange their superfluities for the gratification of their secondary wants. The capital of the artificer, therefore, is replaced by some other person, who thereby spends some part of his revenue. Suppose, for instance, I reap a crop of corn, of which, after deducting all expenses, there remain twenty bushels, * [Ibid. p. 23, seq. ] 264 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. which I exchange for a quantity of lace. These twenty bushels are very little more than equal to the consumption of the lace ma- nufacturer while employed in the production of his article. His subsistence, therefore, is supplied, not by his labour, but by the produce I have drawn from the ground. He has lived during that time at my expense, as much as if I had advanced to him the wages of his labour. In fact, the capital which employs him is not the lace which he has made, but the twenty bushels of corn which I have paid him for it ; and, therefore, it does not follow, that because his advances have been repaid, his labour replaces the capital which has been employed. The question is, Whether it replaces the capital I have employed, and pays the expenses I have incurred in raising these twenty bushels ? This it certainly does not do. The expense, indeed, which I have laid out has procured me something, more or less useful, which I consider as an equivalent. But if the lace be an equivalent, so also is the labour of menial servants. The lace wears as the servant perishes ; neither the one nor the other leaves anything behind ; and if they differ somewhat in the length of their duration, the difference is only in degree, and not the consequence of any essential distinction between them. Suppose, now, the same quantity of corn had been applied to sow and reap a field ; in this case the corn expended would not only be replaced, but there would be a clear addition to the revenue not only of the individual, but also of the com- munity. In both cases, the expense laid out is replaced ; but in this instance, it reproduces a surplus in addition to its value. The difference now stated between these two kinds of ex- penses is essential and sufficiently great to authorize the dis- tinction between them which has now been insisted on. This distinction, it must always be carefully remembered, has no reference whatever to the utility of the different employments now mentioned. The labour of a soldier, for instance, is per- fectly unproductive ; yet the defence of a State is an object of no less importance than the encouragement of commerce and manufactures ; and, like manufactures, the labour of the soldier is useful, in some cases even necessary. But still there is an CHAP. 1. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 2GO essential distinction between labour which is merely useful, and that which is also productive. According to Mr. Smith, the true characteristic of productive labour is, that it fixes itself on some vendible commodity, the sale of which replaces the capital employed in it ; whereas unproductive labour consists in services which perish almost in the time of performance. This distinction of Mr. Smith's appears to rest on an accidental and very unimportant circum- stance, according as the subsistence of the workman is advanced by his employer, or is repaid through the medium of some third person, who has advanced his wages. If his wages are advanced by an employer, his labour necessarily consists in personal ser- vices ; and it is a matter of indifference what these services are if they equally accommodate his employer. If, on the other hand, his wages are to be repaid by another, no person will be induced to do so unless that expense is replaced by some com- modity which may be useful. This circumstance, therefore, is sufficient, in many cases, to determine whether labour, according to Mr. Smith's doctrine, shall be held productive or unproductive. A distinction resting on a circumstance so very slight, cannot surely be of very great moment in a system of political economy. From what has been already said, it appears, that the process of manufactures can only be viewed in the light of a salary paid by the proprietors of land to those who are willing to employ their labour for their accommodation, and that the wages of artificers are a mere transference of wealth. Here, then, say the Economists, is the whole society divided, by a necessity founded on the nature of things, into two classes, both of them reciprocally useful to each other ; one of which, by its labour, forms, or rather draws from the earth, riches continually new, which supply the whole society with the means of subsistence, and the materials for all their wants; while the other is employed in giving to the rude materials such preparations and forms as render them of a greater exchangeable value. He sells his labour to the former, and receives in return his subsistence. The first may be called productive, the second stipendiary. We have hitherto proceeded on the supposition, that the 266 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PABT I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. wages of the workman are merely sufficient for his subsistence, a result which must hold in most cases, as the amount of wages is necessarily limited by the number of those who work for a livelihood. This supposition, however, I apprehend, is not necessary for establishing the general conclusion. If, in conse- quence of any particular circumstances, the labourer should receive wages greater than his consumption, this would in no respect add to the revenue of the society. If, for instance, one half of the labourers of a country should be carried off by a plague, the price of their labour would be doubled. But though, in such a case, it may appear, on a superficial view, that the manufacturer adds to the value of his work a greater quantity than he consumes, yet it is plain, that nothing is added to the productions of the earth, either in quantity or value, so as to enable the society to supply a greater portion of subsistence to its inhabitants. It is the exchangeable value of commodities only that is increased. The difference is, that the proprietor of land is obliged to consider the same quantity of subsistence as an equivalent for a smaller quantity of labour. Labour gets a greater share of the revenue ; but the revenue is in no way altered. Any saving a manufacturer makes from his wages is so much taken out of the hands of another person, and can no more be said to increase the funds of the society, than the gains made at a gaming table. The same observations apply, with equal force, to the profits of merchants and master manufacturers. It is easy to conceive a State in which there should be no such persons, in which the proprietors of the land should superintend the labourers employed in manufactures, and transport the goods to the market from the place where they are produced. The trouble and waste which would attend such a mode of proceeding induce them to give a higher price for the goods to those who will undertake this branch of business, and make the ne- cessary advances. This increase, evidently, is a salary, and the gains of the merchant are but a transference, not a produc- tion of riches. The same thing may be said of every species of industry, the object of which is to modify the productions of CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 267 the earth, without increasing their quantity. They all agree in this circumstance, that they make no increase to the general revenue, though in the highest degree useful, and many of them absolutely necessary. They effect the important purpose of distributing the national riches ; but they are totally unpro- ductive. They add nothing to the revenue, but, on the contrary, draw the means of their support from those who are in possession of the fruits of the earth. These fruits, therefore, according to the Economists, are the only riches of a nation ; and the labour which produces them is the only productive labour, and the only source of revenue. Among those writers, however, who dispute the doctrines of the Economists, there are some who acknowledge the unproduc- tive nature of manufacturing labour and expense, when con- sidered in relation to the world in general ; while they deny that the doctrine is applicable to the case of a particular country pursuing a separate interest of its own. As the inha- bitants of a town, by applying to manufactures, find means to appropriate a part of the productions of the earth raised by the cultivators of the ground, so may a nation procure a part of the subsistence of other nations. Thus, manufactures and foreign trade add all the fund of subsistence which is drawn from abroad. In answer to these objections, the Economists state the following reasonings, on which I shall have occasion afterwards to offer some criticisms. If the trade of two nations consists in the exchange of production for production, whether rude or manufactured, it is evident that the exchanges must be equal, each giving as much as it receives. The only species of com- merce, say they, in which a nation can be said to add to the national fund, is the exchange of productions on the one side for labour on the other. In such a case, manufacturing industry may be considered as productive to the nation which, by its superior ingenuity, thus lays its neighbours under con- tribution. If a landed nation supplies the rude materials and the subsistence of the labourers, to a manufacturing country, and brings back the manufactured article, these artificers certainly carry on a trade which is productive, and the expense of the 268 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. one country is an addition to the revenue of the other. The artificers of the commercial nation are, in fact, those of the agri- cultural country. They have the same relation to it as if they had lived in it ; and the only difference is, that their place of residence is at a distance from the market. The manufacturers settled in the agricultural country itself, would be on a level in the market with the commercial nation, even though they should add to their profits a sum equal to the whole expense of carriage. The necessary consequence is, that they would under- sell the commercial nation ; and nothing could prevent such manufactures from rising in the country itself, except the most essential defects in their system of Political Economy ; and it is owing to such defects alone, they tell us, that a merely manu- facturing country can exist at all ; and the establishment of a more liberal system would necessarily raise up a competition which it could not withstand. In an age, therefore, add the Economists, when the minds of men begin to be enlightened, this is a most precarious resource ; and a nation which relies on it entirely, sees in the improvement of its neighbours the pre- sages of its own decline. Nor is this all It is but a very few articles that can bear the expense of a long carriage ; and these are not objects of a general consumption. This, therefore, may support a very small state ; but it necessarily forms a very trifling object to a great agricultural nation. We may there- fore conclude, that the labour of the agriculturist is the only productive labour, and that the rude produce of the soil is the only revenue of a nation, the only fund out of which all its expenses must be defrayed. In entering on the discussions which I now have in view, with respect to the Economical system, it seemed proper for me to begin with a general outline of its fundamental prin- ciples, delineated as faithfully as possible, after the ideas of its original authors. Something of this kind seemed to be neces- sary, in order to correct those misapprehensions of its nature which have prevailed to a considerable degree, in consequence of the account of it given by Mr. Smith. I now proceed to consider, at some length, those points in which the doctrines CHAP. I. -OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 2C9 of Quesnai and his followers appear to me to differ from those stated by Mr. Smith in the Wealth of Nations, endeavouring, as far as I can, to separate real diversities of opinion from mere disputes about words, and to combine what appears to be valuable in both, without adopting implicitly the opinions of either. (End of Interpolation from Notes.) [SECT. I. SPECIALLY ON THE SYSTEM OF THE ECONOMISTS.] I made some observations at our last meeting, on the distinction between productive and unproductive labour, according to the doctrine of the Economists, with a view chiefly to a vindication of their language on this subject, against the criticisms of Mr. Smith. Of the particulars in which this part of his system differs from theirs, some of those which appear at first view the most striking, will be found to resolve ultimately into a question concerning the propriety of certain technical modes of speaking which they introduced ; and in so far, the dispute may be con- sidered as amounting merely to a verbal controversy. It must, however, be remembered, that in inquiries of so difficult a nature, the choice of phrases is by no means a matter of indif- ference ; particularly when a want of coincidence between their technical and their ordinary acceptations may have a tendency to mislead our reasonings. In the present instance, this is re- markably the case ; for the epithets productive and unproduc- tive, as they are commonly employed, being as precise and significant as any which the language furnishes, can scarcely fail to have some effect on the estimate we form of the com- parative importance of the two kinds of labour to which we are accustomed habitually to appropriate them. The truth is, that the influence of these epithets may be distinctly traced in various instances, on the conclusions of Quesnai, on the one hand, and of Mr. Smith on the other ; I mean the influence of the popular meaning of these epithets, as contradistinguished from the technical acceptations in which they have thought proper respectively to define them. The difference of opinion, however, between Smith and Quesnai concerning productive and unproductive labour, does not turn entirely on the mean- 270 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. ing of words. It turns also in part on a fact which they have apprehended very differently, and which it is of great conse- quence to view in its proper light. I shall make no apology therefore for offering here, (even at the risk of appearing some- what prolix and tedious,) a few additional illustrations and proofs of the remarks which I have already stated on this fun- damental article of Political Economy. It will contribute to render some of the following reasonings more clear and satisfactory, if it is distinctly remembered, that in the first part of the argument we abstract entirely from the effects of foreign commerce, and confine our attention to those which result from the operations of the different descriptions of labour in a separate and independent society. The fact is, that in a great agricultural country like Great Britain, and still more in a territory like France, where the importation of neces- saries cannot possibly bear any great proportion to the con- sumption of the inhabitants, the conclusions I have in view will hold, in every essential respect, even although the opera- tions of foreign commerce be admitted into the supposition. But it may obviate some difficulties and objections which might otherwise present themselves, to begin with stating the argu- ment in its simplest form. That Mr. Smith's opinion with respect to the fact on which the Economists lay the principal stress was the same with theirs, appears (among various other acknowledgments in different parts of his Wealth of Nations} from the following passage in the fifth chapter of the Second Book, entitled, " Of the different Employments of Capital." " In agriculture, nature labours along with man ; and though her labour cost no expense, its produce has its value, as well as that of the most expensive workman. The most important operations of agriculture seem intended, not so much to in- crease, though they do that too, as to direct the fertility of nature towards the production of the plants most profitable to man. A field overgrown with briars may frequently produce as great a quantity of vegetables as the best cultivated vine- yard or corn-field. Planting and tillage frequently regulate CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 271 more than they animate the active fertility of nature ; and, after all their labour, a great part of the work remains to be done by her. The labourers, and labouring cattle, therefore, employed in agriculture, not only occasion, like the workmen in manufactures, the reproduction of a value equal to their own consumption, or to the capital which employs them, together with its owner's profits, but of a much greater value. Over and above the capital of the farmer, and all its profits, they regu- larly occasion the reproduction of the rent of the landlord. This rent may be considered as the produce of those powers of nature, the use of which the landlord lends to the farmer. . . . It is the work of nature that remains after deducting or compen- sating everything which can be regarded as the work of man."* These observations, although by no means unexceptionable, in so far as they relate to manufacturing industry, not only coincide in the main with the opinions of the Economists, but express in strong and explicit terms one of the fundamental principles on which their system rests. It is a principle, in- deed, so perfectly obvious and indisputable, that it is almost as painful to peruse their prolix elucidations of it, as the reasonings of those who have had the appearance of disputing its solidity : I say the appearance of disputing its solidity ; for I know of no writer who has directly called in question the principle itself, whatever diversity of judgment may exist about the remoter consequences to which it necessarily leads, or the form of words in which it ought to be expressed. In this last respect Mr. Smith's system differs widely ; and accordingly, in the sentence which immediately follows the sen- tence just quoted, he speaks of agricultural and manufacturing labour as being both productive, though not in an equal degree. " No equal quantity of productive labour employed in manu- factures can ever occasion so great a reproduction as in agriculture. In them nature does nothing, man does all ; and the reproduction must always be in proportion to the strength of the agents" that occasion it. The capital employed in agri- culture, therefore, not only puts into motion a greater quantity * [Vol. II. pp. 52, 53, tenth edition.] 272 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. of productive labour than any equal quantity employed in manufactures, but in proportion too to the quantity of produc- tive labour which it employs, it adds a much greater value to the annual produce of the land and labour of the country ; to the wealth and revenue of its inhabitants. Of all the ways in which a capital can be employed, it is by far the most advantageous to the society."* In Mr. Smith's account of the Economical system, he has entered into a particular statement of the reasons which induce him to reject, as improper and inaccurate, the application which it makes of the epithet unproductive to manufacturing industry. He regards this indeed as the capital error of its authors. " Their capital error," he observes, " seems to be in considering the class of artificers, manufacturers, and merchants, as altogether unproductive and barren." In confirmation of this remark he reasons as follows : " It is acknowledged of this class, that it reproduces an- nually the value of its own annual consumption, and continues, at least, the existence of the stock or capital which maintains and employs it. But upon this account alone the denomina- tion of barren or unproductive should seem to be very impro- perly applied to it. We should not call a marriage barren or unproductive, though it produced only a son and a daughter to replace the father and mother, and though it did not increase the number of the human species, but only continued it as it was before." " Farmers and country labourers, indeed, over and above the stock which maintains or employs them, reproduce annually a neat produce, a free rent to the landlord. As a marriage which affords three children is certainly more productive than one which affords only two, so the labour of farmers and country labourers is certainly more productive than that of merchants, artificers, and manufacturers. The superior produce of the one class, however, does not render the other barren or unproductive." f According to this statement of Mr. Smith, his objection to * [Ibid., p. 53.] t [Ibid., Book IV. chap. ix. ; Vol. III. pp. 21, 22, tenth edition.] CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 273 the doctrine of the Economists turns entirely on a philological question, Whether the epithets barren and unproductive could in strict propriety be applied to anything which merely con- tinues or replaces what existed before, without yielding any increase; whether, for example, the labour of the husband- man could be said to be barren, on the supposition that his harvest was barely sufficient to restore to him the seed which he sowed in the spring ? That his labour, in such a case, might be said to be productive, in a particular sense of that word, cannot, I apprehend, be disputed ; but surely not in the sense in which it is commonly applied in the operations of agriculture. The example of a marriage, referred to by Mr. Smith, is not altogether a fair one, for when applied to this connexion, the word barren has a specific and appropriate meaning, implying a complete negation of the power to procreate. A marriage which produces a single child, could no more be said to be barren, than one which produced two ; and therefore, if we were to argue from this case to that of manufacturing industry, it would follow, that the latter might with propriety be called productive, even although it did not reproduce annually the value of its own annual consumption. This, however, as I already said, is but a dispute about words, although, even according to this statement, I must con- fess, the advantage seems to me to be on the side of the Econo- mists. It may at the same time be fairly questioned, whether Mr. Smith has not gone too far, when he has stated it as a fact acknowledged by all parties, that " the class of artificers, manufacturers, and merchants, reproduces annually the value of its own annual consumption, and continues the existence of the stock or capital which maintains and employs it." For, so far as I am able to perceive, this proposition applies only to the wealth of the individual, but not in the least to that species of wealth about which the present argument is alone concerned, the wealth of the nation. This consideration, however, I shall reserve for future discussion ; and in the meantime shall admit as correct, the account which Mr. Smith has given of the doctrine of his antagonists. VOL. VIII. 8 274 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. In the farther prosecution of the same subject, Mr. Smith has attempted to convict these writers, not only of an abuse of language, but of an inattention to a most important distinction in point of fact, in the classification they have proposed of the different kinds of labour. " It seems," he observes, " to be altogether improper to con- sider artificers, manufacturers, and merchants, in the same light as menial servants : the labour of menial servants does not continue the existence of the fund which maintains and employs them. Their maintenance and employment is alto- gether at the expense of their masters, and the work which they perform is not of a nature to repay that expense. That work consists in services which perish generally in the very instant of their performance, and does not fix or realize itself in any vendible commodity which can replace the value of their wages and maintenance. The labour, on the contrary, of arti- ficers, manufacturers, and merchants, naturally does fix and realize itself in some such vendible commodity. It is upon this account" Mr. Smith adds, " that I have classed artificers, manufacturers, and merchants, among the productive la- bourers, and menial servants among the barren and unpro- ductive."* Before I proceed to make any remarks on this passage, it is necessary for me to observe, in justice to the Economists, that although they rank artificers and manufacturers, as well as menial servants, in the class of sterile labourers, they do not confound these different descriptions of men together, or view them in the same light. On the contrary, a particular illustra- tion of the stations which they occupy respectively in the social system, and of their comparative importance as members of it, may be found in various works published by these writers; among others, in a valuable book published by the Marquis de Mirabeau in 1763, entitled Philosophic Rurale. The sterile class is there divided into the Classe Sterile Industrieuse, the Classe Sterile Soudoyee, and the Classe Oisive. The Classe Sterile Soudoyee is farther subdivided into different orders of [Ibid. pp. 22, 23.] CHAP. I. OP LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 275 men, the nature and effects of whose functions are illustrated by the author with much ingenuity. P. 55. In reply to the reasonings last quoted from Mr. Smith, in proof of the essential distinction between the labour of artificers and that of menial servants, the following observation is stated by the anonymous author of a pamphlet printed a few years ago, under the title of The Essential Principles of the Wealth of Nations illustrated, in opposition to some False Doctrines of Dr. Adam Smith and others." 1 " The labour of artificers and manufacturers differs from that of menial servants in this, that the former yields an equi- valent for expenditure, the latter no equivalent. Still, however, they are both with the greatest propriety termed unproductive, though the one be much more so than the other." To explain this difference, the author has recourse to an illustration or comparison : " It will be allowed," says he, " that a field which returns only the seed sown into it is a barren field. But some ground, such as the sea-beach, may possess no vegetative power at all, and may not even return the seeds sown into it, consequently, would be much more barren than the other. The labour of menial servants is aptly compared to this completely sterile ground. But will the greater sterility of one spot entitle ground to be called productive, that actually only returns the seed, but gives no increase. This difference is only a greater or less degree of a minus, but will never give a plus" 2 This answer to Mr. Smith does not seem to me to be at all satisfactory, nor even to proceed on an accurate conception of the circumstances of the case. Perhaps the following consi- derations may be of some use in removing the obscurity in which the subject has been involved by these contradictory statements. In order to remove, as much as possible, in the examination of this question, those biasses which the mind is apt to receive from accidental associations founded on familiar phrases or examples, it may not be improper to remark, that the labour of 1 Printed for Becket, 1797. [According to Watt, the author's name seems to have been Grey.] 2 Pp. 11, 12. 276 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. a menial servant is employed by Mr. Smith, as well as by the Economists, to represent a great variety of other kinds of labour, which he considers as equally unproductive, although he differs from them in the principles on which his classification is made. " The labour of some of the most respectable orders in the society," he observes, " is, like that of menial servants, unpro- ductive of any value, and does not fix or realize itself in any permanent subject or vendible commodity, which endures after that labour is past, and for which an equal quantity of labour could afterwards be produced. The Sovereign, for example, with all the officers both of justice and war who serve under him, the whole army and navy, are unproductive labourers. They are the servants of the public, and are maintained by a part of the annual produce of the industry of the people. Their service (how honourable, how useful, how necessary so ever) produces nothing for which an equal quantity of service can afterwards be procured. The protection, security, and de- fence of the commonwealth, the effect of their labour this year, will not purchase its protection, security, and defence for the year to come. In the same class must be ranked some, both of the gravest and most important, and some of the most fri- volous professions, churchmen, lawyers, physicians, men of letters of all kinds, players, buffoons, musicians, opera singers, opera dancers, &c. The labour of the meanest of these has a certain value, regulated by the very same principles which re- gulate that of every other sort of labour, and that of the noblest and most useful, produces nothing which could afterwards pur- chase or procure an equal quantity of labour. Like the decla- mation of the actor, the harangue of the orator, or the tune of the musician, the work of all of them perishes in the very instant of the production."* I thought it of importance to state this fully, because in consequence of the constant reference which is made to the case of menial servants, the labour of artificers and manufac- turers seems, on a superficial view, to be degraded in the econo- mical system below its just level ; while, on the other hand, * [Wealth of Nations, Book II. chap, iii.; Vol. IL p. 3, tenth edition.] CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 277 the mind more easily reconciles itself to the superiority ascribed by Mr. Smith to manufacturing industry over menial services, than it would do if the reader were always to recollect, that, ac- cording to his arrangement, menial services are classed along with the labours of the most useful and honourable orders in society. Mr. Smith himself has, if I am not mistaken, been more than once misled by this very circumstance ; as when he re- marks, for example, in order to contrast the more strongly what he calls productive with what he calls unproductive labour, that " a man grows rich by employing a multitude of manufacturers, but he grows poor by maintaining a multitude of menial servants."* An inference by the way from which no inference can be drawn applicable to Mr. Smith's purpose ; for when a man ruins himself by the multitude of his menials, it is not owing to the nature of the labour in which they are employed, but to the excess of their number above the reason- able demand which he has for their services ; and a master manufacturer might ruin himself exactly in the same way, if he were to engage more workmen than the extent of his trade called for, or enabled him to support. 1 In another passage, too, he observes of the Economical system, that " as men are naturally fond of 'paradoxes ', and of appear- ing to understand what surpasses the comprehension of ordinary men, the paradox it maintains concerning the unproductive nature of manufacturing labour, has not perhaps contributed a little to increase the number of its admirers/'f Now, I confess, for my own part, that to affirm of manufacturing labour, that the epithet productive cannot be applied to it in the same sense in which it is applied to agriculture, so far from having the air of a paradox, strikes me as bordering upon a self-evident proposition ; nor can I easily conceive how this most profound and ingenious writer could consider such a proposition as more repugnant to the common apprehensions of mankind, than a distinction which represents the productive * [Ibid. p. 2.] dale On Public Wealth, by Brougham.] 1 See Edinburgh Review, Vol. IV. p. f [Book IV. chap. ix. ; VoL III. p. 355, [July, 1804. Review of Lauder- 28, tenth edition.] 278 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. power of agriculture and of manufactures as differing only in degree ; while it classifies the labour of the Sovereign, of the officers of the army and navy, of churchmen, lawyers, and men of letters, with those of musicians, opera singers, and buffoons. To this last classification I do not in the least object ; although I am much mistaken if it has not, at first view, somewhat of a paradoxical appearance to persons unaccustomed to the tech- nical arrangements of speculative politicians. I only differ from Mr. Smith in this, that I think the labours of all the various kinds of artificers, manufacturers, and merchants, should have been included in his enumeration ; and I am not without hopes, that the observations I have now quoted from him may tend to reconcile the mind more easily to the doctrine he combats ; inasmuch as it appears to be so clearly acknow- ledged on both sides, that the question concerning the pro- ductiveness or unproductiveness of any species of labour is altogether unconnected with any consideration of its dignity, or of its utility, or even of its necessity to the existence of the social order. The Abbe Baudeau, in his Exposition of the Economical Table, places this in a very strong light, when he observes, that " even the plough-wright, although he makes the instrument with which the husbandman carries on his opera- tions, is no more to be considered (according to the definition of that system) as a productive labourer, than a lace-maker or an embroiderer." 1 In the reply formerly quoted [p. 275] to Mr. Smith's reason- ings, the labours of artificers and manufacturers are compared to what the labour of the husbandman would be, if he were only to reap the same measure he had sown ; the labour of menial servants is compared to that of a man who should sow his seed on the sea-beach, or on a rock without any return whatever. " The labour of artificers and manufacturers," it is said, " differs from that of menial servants in this, that the former yields an equivalent for expenditure, the latter yields no equivalent." This view of the matter (as I formerly hinted) does not seem to me to be just; and I think the author has been led into it, partly 1 P. 98. CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 279 by the representation which Mr. Smith has given of this doctrine of the Economists ; and partly by the imperfect and indistinct manner in which it is stated in their own writings. " It is acknowledged," says Mr. Smith, " that the class of artificers, manufacturers, and merchants, reproduces annually the value of its own annual consumption, and continues, at least, the existence of the stock or capital which maintains and employs it ; differing in this respect essentially from that of menial servants, who produce no value to repay the expense of their maintenance."* I observed, in my last Lecture, [p. 263,] that there seems to be a fallacy in this distinction, and that its plausibility arises from the use of money as a medium of exchange, which keeps the real similarity of the two cases a little out of view. The artificer setts the produce of his industry, and at first sight appears to replace his capital as effectually as the former by reaping his crop. In truth, the effects are the same in both instances, so far as the individual is concerned ; but they are very different when con- sidered in relation to the community. The corn which the husbandman reaps is a free gift of nature, and costs nothing to the rest of the society. The manufacturer changes the form of his materials, converting, in many cases, what was formerly useless, to purposes of general commerce and accommodation. While he does so, however, he derives the means of his subsist- ence from the general stock. He is not supported immediately by the produce of his labour ; and if he were cut off from com- munication with others, could do nothing to renew the capital by which he is maintained. His work is of no absolute value to himself; and it is only the means of procuring the subsist- ence from others who exchange their superfluities for the grati- fication of their secondary wants. The capital, therefore, which the artificer has consumed, is replaced by some other person who thereby spends part of his revenue. Hence it appears, that if the labour of a menial servant may be aptly compared to that of a man sowing grain on a rock, or on the sea-coast, the very same comparison will apply to the labour of an artificer or * [Book IV. chap. ix. ; Vol. III. p. 21, tenth edition.] 280 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. manufacturer. The truth is, that in both cases the simile holds in so far as the productiveness of labour is alone concerned ; but that in both cases it fails upon the whole, and precisely from the same reason, inasmuch as it has the appearance of implying an analogy between an operation expressive of folly or insanity, and two kinds of industry which, though equally barren, are essentially subservient to the comfort of human life. According to Mr. Smith, the true characteristic of productive labour is, that it fixes itself in some vendible commodity, the sale of which replaces its expense; whereas unproductive labour consists in services which perish almost at the instant of per- formance. In this distinction of Mr. Smith's, there are two different considerations involved. First, the vendibility, if I may be allowed the word ; and, secondly, the durability of the fruits of productive labour. Productive labour, he observes, fixes itself in some vendible commodity, the sale of which replaces its ex- pense ; whereas unproductive labour consists in services which perish almost at the instant of performance. From the manner in which the observation is stated, Mr. Smith seems to have considered these two circumstances as coinciding ; or, in other words, he seems to have considered the want of vendibility in the fruits of unproductive labour, as a consequence of their want of durability. If this was not his meaning, it is manifest that the two clauses of the sentence are not accurately con- trasted ; the perishable nature of menial services being stated in direct opposition to the vendibility of the commodities fur- nished by productive industry. In order, however, to do all justice to the definition in ques- tion, I shall consider separately the two circumstances which have just been mentioned, as the distinguishing tests or char- acteristics of productive and of unproductive labour. With respect to the first, that " productive labour fixes itself in some vendible commodity, the sale of which replaces its ex- penses ;" it is obvious that it depends in many cases on the accidental manner in which the subsistence of the workman is advanced ; whether by the person who ultimately consumes or CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 281 enjoys the fruits of his labour, or by a third person, who is to re-imburse himself by the sale of what the labourer has manu- factured. If the wages are advanced by the person who is to enjoy the fruit of the labourer's industry, the labour consists in personal service, never fixing itself in a commodity which is to become an object of commerce, or to repay its expense by a sale. In this case I presume it will be readily granted to be a matter of indifference what these services are, provided they contribute equally to the accommodation of the employer. The labour of a housemaid, for example, when employed (accord- ing to the old practice of this country) in spinning flax for her master's convenience, could not be supposed to differ essentially in its nature from her services in making the beds, or in sweeping the apartments. If her labour, in the former way, save him from an expenditure which he must otherwise have incurred to procure the same accommodation, her services in the latter way have an effect precisely similar, by relieving him from the per- sonal execution of a task which would otherwise have interfered with more profitable or more agreeable engagements. If, on the other hand, we suppose that the wages of the work- man are to be repaid by the sale of the commodity he has manufactured, the fact is in all essential respects the same. The end is accomplished in a way more circuitous, and with a different effect to the income of the person who thus replaces his capital ; but that these circumstances cannot alter the nature of the labourer's employment, when considered in rela- tion to the community of which he is a member, might almost be assumed as a self-evident proposition ; inasmuch as the expense of his maintenance must, in some way or other, be derived ultimately from the general fund or revenue. In the second place, Mr. Smith observes of unproductive labour, that " it consists in services which perish almost at the instant of performance." If this characteristic of unproductive labour be considered as coinciding with the other ; that is, if the perishable nature of these services be supposed to render them unproductive only by preventing their fruits from ever becoming the objects of commerce, the same remarks 282 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. which have been made on the former characteristic, are exactly applicable to the latter : and that this was Mr. Smith's mean- ing cannot, I apprehend, be reasonably doubted ; because, on the supposition that the unproductiveness of menial, or any other services, were a consequence of the perishable nature of their effects, the absurd conclusion would follow, that the produc- tiveness of labour is proportioned to the durability of the object it fabricates ; and that it admits of all possible degrees according to the quality of the materials upon which it is employed. From what has been already said, it would appear that the price of manufactures is to be considered in no other light than as a salary paid by the proprietor of land to those who are willing to employ their labour in his service. The wages of arti- ficers are mere transferences of riches ; and the result of their industry, not the production or the continuation of a part of national stock, but the means of procuring a portion of the produce of the soil. The indistinct manner in which some of the economical writers have explained this article of their system, has contri- buted to occasion these misapprehensions with respect to the nature of manufacturing industry. From the particular stress they lay on the general principle, that "the consumption of manufacturers and artificers is equal to the (exchangeable) value of what they produce," it has been assumed by their opponents, and among others by Mr. Smith, as an admitted truth, that this class by reproducing annually the value of its own con- sumption, continues the existence of the stock or capital which maintains and employs it. And, indeed, this idea seems fre- quently to be implied in their reasonings. It is, however, obvious, with respect to this favourite principle of the Econo- mists, concerning the exchangeable value added to commodities by manufacturing industry, that although it is of great import- ance in the argument, concerning the effects of manufactures when combined with foreign commerce, it has no immediate connexion with that part of their theory which asserts the un- productive nature of this species of labour in an indepen- dent and insulated society. To say that "the labour em- CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 283 ployed on land is productive, because (over and above com- pletely paying the labourer and the farmer) the produce affords a clear rent to the landlord ; and that the labour employed in a piece of lace is unproductive, because it merely replaces the provision that the workmen has consumed, is to rest this im- portant distinction on a fact very different from that on which it really hinges." 1 Supposing the value of the wrought lace to be such, as that besides paying in the most complete manner the workmen and his employer, it would afford a clear rent to a third person, the reasonings which have been already stated against the productive power of manufacturing industry would still remain in full force. This I endeavoured to shew as clearly as I was able at our last meeting ; and I have now only to add, that the converse of the proposition is no less certain ; that as a capital employed in manufacturing speculations may often be highly productive to the individual, while it must be ever unproductive to the com- munity, so a capital employed in agriculture may be highly productive to the community, while the individual accomplishes his own ruin. In considering the effects of manufactures as combined ivith foreign commerce, the Economists have expressed themselves in terms much more liable to objection, (as I shall endeavour afterwards to shew,) although even on this head their reason- ings may suggest conclusions of great practical importance to the rulers of nations. As I must not, however, at present pro- secute this subject any farther, I shall confine my attention to the obvious fact, (which cannot be better stated than in the words of Mr. Smith,) " that by means of trade and manufac- tures, a greater quantity of subsistence can be annually im- ported into a particular country, than what its own lands in the actual state of cultivation could afford. The inhabitants of a town, though they frequently possess no lands of their own, yet draw to themselves by their industry such a quantity of the rude produce of the lands of other people, as supplies them not only with the materials for their work, but with the fund of 1 Essay on the Principle of Population, p. 430. [By Malthas, 1798.] 284 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. their subsistence. What a town always is with regard to the country in its neighbourhood, one independent state or country may frequently be with regard to other independent states and countries. It is thus that Holland draws a part of its subsist- ence from other countries; live cattle from Holstein and Jutland, and corn from almost all the different countries of Europe."* With this observation of Mr. Smith I perfectly agree, and I think it calls our attention to a principle too much overlooked or slurred over by most of the Economists, in the statement of their theory. On the other hand, I agree with the general doctrines of this sect so far, as to feel it incumbent on me to remark, that in a great agricultural country such as ours, too much stress ought not to be laid on the passage which has now been quoted, as a ground for abating the efforts of our statesmen, to advance to the utmost possible extent our independent agri- cultural resources. The example of Holland itself which Mr. Smith has quoted, (the happiest undoubtedly for his purpose which the world affords,) is the best illustration of this that can be mentioned. It forms, in truth, one of those extreme cases in human affairs, (cases from which it is always dangerous to apply our inferences to the general condition of mankind,) of which I formerly took notice, when contrasting the policy of this singular district with that of the Empire of China. The grain raised in Holland is said to be scarcely sufficient to maintain the labourers employed on the dykes ; and yet it is mentioned by St. Pierre as a subject of doubt, whether there is not more Polish corn in its granaries, than that country retains for the subsistence of its own inhabitants. f How totally inap- * [ Wealth of Nations, Book IV. chap. Omnia lanitium Me lassat textrina Minerva, is. ; Vol. III. pp. 26, 27, tenth edition.] I*nigero tamen hinc wimiui abesse greget . rrm- -r, I-T v. Non capiunt operas fabriles oppida vestra. t [This suggests an Epigram of Joseph NuUa Wg ^ ^ , igna miniBtrat Scahger, wntten in Greek and Latin, humu On the Marvel* of Holland, and ad- Horrea tritlceae rumpunt hie fmgis acerri. dressed by the " Dictator " to the cele- Pascuus hie tamen est, non CerealU ager. brated Janus Dousa, (1600.) The fol- nicnumeron,eri.ti P anturdoUacelli* , , _ . Quse Tineta eclat nulla putator habet. lowing is the Latin version : Hio nul]v ftut certe ^ egt rariwima ^ " I '!: MIRANDIS BATAVLK. Linlfldl tamen est copia major ubi ? " Ignorata tuae referam miracula terra:, Hie mediia habltatur aquis, quU credere posit ? Dotua, peregrinU non babitura fidem. Et tamen hie nulla, Dousa, bibuntur aquae."] CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 285 plicable to the general state of the world must those specu- lations be, which are founded on the policy of a people so peculiarly circumstanced ! Of the absurdity of applying them to our own country, no stronger proof can be adduced than what I shall have occasion to state more particularly after- wards, that, notwithstanding the advantages it derives from its insular form, and the extent of its inland navigation, the greatest importation of grain which ever took place in one year, previous to the late years of scarcity, did not exceed a thirtieth part of our annual consumption ; and that even in the course of the year 1801, notwithstanding the enormous expense of 15,000,000, it did not exceed an eighteenth part of that quantity. 1 In a great agricultural territory, not enjoying the same easy intercourse with other parts of the world, the comparison must fail to a proportionally greater degree ; and, in general, as different countries approach more nearly to this last descrip- tion, Mr. Smith's remarks become inapplicable to the physical condition of their inhabitants. Still, however, it must be granted, that manufacturing in- dustry (though invariably the same in its nature when con- sidered in relation to the whole world) may be justly said to be productive in its effects to the nation, which, by superior ingenuity or industry, thus lays its neighbours under con- tribution; however precarious and liable to interruption so circuitous a channel of revenue must always be, when compared with that resulting from the productive labour which depends on ourselves. In justice, at the same time, to a former part of my argument, I must take the liberty to add, that while I grant that in the case which has been just stated, the epithet productive may be justly applied to the industry of manufac- turers and artificers, this affords no reason for distinguishing them from those other classes of labourers who are considered as unproductive in Mr. Smith's argument. A celebrated Uni- versity which should attract a concourse of students from other countries, the public spectacles of a great capital, where the 1 Bell, p. 454. [See above, p. 202.] 286 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. " declamations of the actor, the tune of the musician, and the grimace of the buffoon," contribute to swell the crowd of opulent and prodigal foreigners; the exertions of those who carry their talents and enterprise to the splendid markets which ambition opens to them in every quarter of the globe, and who afterwards return to enjoy their acquisitions in their native land ; are all productive in the same sense with the manufac- turers of a trading nation. They introduce into the country a fund which would not otherwise have existed in it, and which may be eventually productive, either by supplying the means of importing rude produce from abroad, or by adding to the number of productive labourers at home. A still closer resemblance may be remarked between the labour of manufacturers and that of authors, abstracting altogether from the effect of foreign intercourse, and adopting Mr. Smith's own definition of productive labour. What inestimable and what extensive utility, not only to his own country, but to the whole human race, did his genius and information communi- cate to the blank paper, to which was intrusted the original copy of the Wealth of Nations ! Or, laying aside all considera- tions of this kind, and viewing merely in a commercial light the exchangeable value of his labour, in what respects did the productiveness of this labour to the author differ from that of the workman' who spends a year in fabricating a pennyworth of flax into a costly piece of lace ? In the one case as well as in the other, is not labour fixed and realized in a vendible commodity ? In one particular respect, I do not think that Mr. Smith has done complete justice to manufacturers and artists. " They reproduce," he says, " annually the value of their own annual consumption, continuing at least the existence of the stock or capital which maintains them."* And that their labour has this effect, in as far as they themselves, or the individual who advances their wages are concerned, I have already acknow- ledged. But, if this is to be considered as a test of pro- ductiveness, the argument might be pushed much farther, by [Wealth of Nations, Book IV. chap. iz. ; Vol. III. p. 21, tenth edition.] CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 287 examining the effects of experience and habit in rendering the workman's skill and dexterity, no less than the articles lie fabricates vendible commodities, which he may carry to a profitable market In this case, the labour he employs, during his years of apprenticeship, does a great deal more than replace to the individual the expense of its maintenance. It even affords him a nett produce, analogous, in some respects, to that which the husbandman enjoys. If this view of the subject be admitted, the parallel between manufacturers and those who devote themselves to labour purely intellectual, will be found still to hold without any disadvantage to the latter. The harangue, indeed, of the orator, the declamation of the actor, and the tune of the musician, (to borrow Mr. Smith's own instances,) " may perish in the very instant of the production."* The labour is co- existent with the effects. But although this may be the case with the particular exertions of all their labours, the observa- tion will not apply to the labour directed to the acquisition of the talents which are thus displayed ; and which by converting these talents into a source of revenue to the possessors, has fixed and realized itself into a vendible and durable com- modity. When the labour is at all successful, the sale not only replaces to the employer the expense incurred during the tedious process of preparation, it generally does a great deal more ; and in no case is it necessarily subjected to any such limitation. I cannot help taking this opportunity to add, that the labour which is employed in the cultivation of the under- standing approaches more nearly, (in the harvest which it yields,) than anything else which can be specified, to the labour of the husbandman ; and the creative powers of human industry are, in both instances, founded on the combination of its effects with that bounty of nature, which, in the moral not less than the material world, rewards in due season with its plentiful increase the toils of the spring. To this analogy, Lord Bacon had manifestly a reference when, in his usual figurative style, he bestowed on education the * [Ibid. Book II. chap. irt. ; Vol. II. p. 3, tenth edition.] 288 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. significant title of " the Georgics of the Mind" 1 Intimating to legislators this important truth, that of all the means they have in their power to employ, to increase the sum of public happiness, none can so amply and so infallibly reward their benevolent exertions, as the encouragement which is afforded to Agriculture, and the attention which is bestowed on the Instruction of the people. In both instances the legislator exerts a power which is literally productive or creative, com- pelling, in the one case, the unprofitable desert to pour forth its latent riches ; and, in the other, vivifying the dormant seeds of genius and virtue, and redeeming from the neglected waste of human intellect a new and unexpected accession to the common inheritance of mankind. A few additional observations on the fundamental principles of the Economical System still remain, which I shall reserve (with some critical remarks on the improprieties of its phrase- ology, and on certain errors into which its authors appear to have been led by mistaken views of philanthropy) to be the subject of another lecture. My two last Lectures were employed in examining Mr. Smith's criticisms on the doctrine of the Economists, concerning productive and unproductive labour. The subject, after all I have stated, is, I am sensible, very far from being exhausted ; and when I recollect the different lights in which it has been viewed by so many eminent men, it is impossible for me not to feel a certain degree of hesitation about the strictures which I have occasionally hazarded on their conclusions. The truth is, that on this, as on most other occasions, I should wish to be understood as aiming rather to suggest matter for future con- sideration, than to support any particular system ; and I am never more anxious that this should be kept in view, than when I happen to dissent from the deliberate and decided opinions of Mr. Smith. On the other hand, if authority is to be allowed any weight in such inquiries, it will be readily acknowledged 1 [Advancement of Learning; Of the nature of Good.] De Augment. Sclent. Lib. VII. [cap. i.] CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 289 that the most careful examination is due to every part of a theory recommended by such names as those of Quesnai, Morellet, and Turgot ; and of which the fundamental principles (at the distance of forty years from its original publication) were adopted, after mature deliberation and long discussion, by the late celebrated Lavoisier; a philosopher equally distin- guished by the correctness of his judgment, and the extent and accuracy of his political information. That the writings of the authors by whom the system was first explained ; those of Quesnai (in particular,) of Turgot, and of the Marquis de Mirabeau, will amply repay the labour of a very diligent perusal to all who turn their attention to these studies, 1 can venture to pronounce with confidence : and it is only after examining the different parts of the system in their re- lation to each other and to the whole, that a correct judgment can be formed of their scope and of their importance. In this view, I am somewhat afraid, that by dwelling so long on a detached and preliminary article, I may have created a preju- dice against a doctrine, about which I was anxious to excite your curiosity, more especially as it is a doctrine to which the following remark of Lord Bacon applies with peculiar force : " Theoriarum vires in apta et se mutuo sustinente partium har- monia, et quadam in orbem demonstratione consistunt ; ideoque per partes traditse, infirmse sunt."* I am sensible that this acknowledgment forms but an awkward introduction to a farther prosecution of the same subject ; but having already said so much, I am unwilling to leave it without stating a few considerations, which appear to myself to throw some light on the circumstances which have produced this diversity of opinion on a question apparently of so simple a nature. Among the objections which naturally present themselves against the Economical system, one of the most obvious is founded on the restricted sense in which it employs the phrases productive labour and national revenue. The latter of these * [The " Demonxtratio in orbem " is to be here taken in a favourable meaning ; cot as reasoning in a circle, but as an exhaustive proof.] VOL. VIII. T 290 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. Mr. Smith charges the Economists with supposing to consist altogether in the quantity of subsistence which the industry of the people can procure. This statement, however, is not accur- ate. It would be nearer the truth to say, that they suppose it to consist in the rude produce y 1 for although by far the greater part of this is destined for the subsistence of man, it is not on that account that the epithet productive is applied to the labour employed in raising it ; but because this labour, in consequence of being associated with the genial powers of nature, augments the national stock, by an accession or creation which would not otherwise have existed. According to this idea, the labour which is employed in raising hemp or flax, is no less produc- tive than that which brings wheat or barley to market ; and the former articles, as well as the latter, are to be considered as forming part of the national revenue. In offering this explanation, I would not be understood to vindicate the language employed by the Economists, but only to shew, that there is a solid foundation for the distinction which they have endeavoured to establish between the nature and effects of agricultural and of manufacturing labour. That the epithets productive and unproductive were not very happily chosen to express this distinction, appears sufficiently from the criticisms which have been made on them by different writers, as being at variance with the common apprehensions and com- mon modes of speaking among mankind. But if, on the one hand, it be granted to be an abuse of words to bestow the epithet unproductive, on any species of labour which contri- butes essentially to the happiness of society, and to exclude from the national revenue the result of those arts which mul- tiply so wonderfully the accommodations of human life ; it must, in my opinion, be admitted, on the other hand, that an objection still stronger applies to the language introduced by Mr. Smith, according to which we are led to rank the most honourable and useful members of the community among its unproductive labourers : " the sovereign, for example, with all the officers both of justice and war who serve under him ; the 1 Maltbus, [Book III. chap, via.] CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 291 whole army and navy ; churchmen, lawyers, physicians, and men of letters of every denomination ;"* while the national revenue is measured exclusively by the exchangeable value of those vendible commodities which compose the annual produce of the land and labour of the country. Perhaps a mode of expression on this subject might be devised, less exceptionable than either of those which have been now under our review ; marking, on the one hand, with precision the essential distinc- tion which the Economists are so anxious to establish ; and avoiding on the other, that paradoxical appearance which a pro- position is apt to assume, when the meaning of the technical terms in which it is stated does not coincide exactly with their ordinary acceptations in popular discourse. The history of modern chemistry affords a sufficient proof, how much the progress of knowledge depends on the logical propriety of the terms employed in our reasonings. The Economical system seems to me to have been partly suggested by the same general views which gave rise to the new nomenclature ; and in this respect it reflects the highest credit on the ingenuity and sagacity of its authors. Considered as a first attempt, it is much more wonderful that it should have been carried so skil- fully and plausibly into execution, as to divide the opinions of the best judges in Europe to the present day, than that some faults should have occurred in the details of so vast and com- plicated an undertaking. A few of them, I suspect strongly, will be found to vitiate that very part of it which I have been attempting to illustrate ; and, if I do not deceive myself, they might be completely corrected, by slight alterations in certain technical terms which confound together things which ought to be distinguished. From this confusion arises entirely whatever obscurity appears at present to involve the subject ; and various difficulties connected with the details of the system may be traced to a similar cause. These imperfections it is certainly of consequence to remove ; for in the same proportion in which a technical vocabulary, founded on the principles of a sound logic, facilitates the discovery of truth, it must have a tendency, * [Wealth of Nations, Book II. chap. iii. ; Vol. II. p. 3, tenth edition.] 292 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK. II. NAT. WEALTH. wherever it violates these principles, to add to the difficulty of detecting error, by the systematical form in which it is exhibited. I cannot help taking this opportunity of adding, that a scientific language appropriated to Political Economy (if suc- cessfully executed) would be still more useful than in Che- mistry ; because the subjects of our reasonings entering more constantly and familiarly into popular discussion, give rise to a far greater number of absurd associations to perplex the ordinary vocabulary. The task, however, is proportionally more arduous, inasmuch as it is necessary to unite, along with precision, a certain deference for the usual modes of expression. In chemistry, the novelty of the phenomena reconciles us to the use of whatever technical terms our instructors find necessary to employ ; but in Political Economy, which is, more or less, a subject of daily speculation to all classes of men, an appro- priate vocabulary is apt to convey the idea of pedantry or of affected mystery ; and, in truth, this circumstance will be found, more than anything else, to have revolted the public taste at the speculations of Quesnai. How far it may be possible to combine that precision of language which he had in view, with a diction more simple and more familiar to the ear, is a question upon which I cannot at present hazard an opinion. In the view which has been given of the Economical system concerning productive and unproductive labour, I have endea- voured to vindicate it against Mr. Smith's very ingenious criticisms ; not because I think it unexceptionable, but because these criticisms, if I am not much mistaken, have betrayed that profound writer into an indistinctness of language which has obscured his reasonings in some instances, and misled his con- clusions in others: and, indeed, one of my chief objects in dwelling so long as I have done on a controversial discussion of this kind, was to direct your attention to a careful and scrupulous examination of those parts of the Wealth of Nations where the phrases productive labour and productive expenses appear to have any connexion with the argument. For my own part, so far from considering it as the fault of Quesnai' s phraseology, that it confines our attention too much CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 293 to the labour and expenses employed in producing the means of subsistence, I think its chief indistinctness arises from the tendency which its language has to confound, in our apprehen- sions, that part of the rude produce which furnishes the means of subsistence, and that part of it which is subservient to the arts of accommodation. If the Economists had actually re- stricted the phrase National Revenue (according to Mr. Smith's supposition) to the means of subsistence alone, their language, although liable to censure on account of its obvious inconsistency with their fundamental and very important doc- trine concerning the peculiar characteristics of agricultural labour and expenses, would have possessed, in some respects, an advantage over the mode of expression adopted in their theory. I shall mention one instance of this which will both illustrate the meaning of the remark, and confirm its truth. Of the two different parts of rude produce which have now been distinguished, it is manifest, that although they agree in the circumstance of rewarding the labourer with a free gift derived from the bounty of nature, they differ in one very essential particular, that while the agricultural labour employed in providing the means of subsistence, renders the cultivator independent of all the other classes of the community, the agricultural labour employed in ministering to the arts of accommodation or of ornament, possesses only an exchangeable value, agree in this respect with the labour employed in manu- factures. The Economists were evidently led to confound these together under the same epithet, by the application which they were to make of this part of their theory, to their favourite object of a territorial tax ; but it is of consequence to keep the distinction steadily in view, in order to direct the attention of the statesman to that species, of revenue which can alone afford a solid basis for a useful population, and through the medium of which the encouragement to population should, in a great agricultural country, be exclusively directed. Would it not obviate, in some degree, these different objec- tions, (after stating in as unexceptionable language as could be devised, the radical distinction which the Economists ex- 294 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. press by the words productive and unproductive,) to subdivide what they call productive labour into two kinds, that which affords the means of subsistence, and that which supplies the arts of accommodation ivith their rude materials, marking each by some appropriate and convenient epithet ? Such a sub- division, while attended with the practical advantage just alluded to, would keep in view the principle on which the radical distinction really hinges, and would prevent those mis- apprehensions of its import which are apt to arise, partly from the associations established by ordinary speech between the ideas of productive and of useful, and partly from the bias which we naturally have to consider the means of subsistence as the only objects of agriculture. The illustrations of some of the Economical writers are extremely apt to encourage those misapprehensions, as they frequently blend with the argument in proof of that peculiarity in agricultural labour which I have been endeavouring to explain, a variety of other considerations which have no connexion with this particular conclusion : such, for example, as the independence of the husbandman, when compared with that of the other members of the social system ; or the impossibility, in a great agricultural country, of import- ing to any considerable amount the necessaries of life. That both of these considerations are of the highest importance, when National Eevenue is considered in reference to Population, I flatter myself I have sufficiently shewn when contrasting the policy-of China with that of Holland, [p. 284.] And it was on this account chiefly, that I was led to object to Mr. Smith's defini- tion of productive labour and of national riches, as tending by their latitude to keep out of view the peculiar characteristics of that species of revenue, to the increase of which alone the atten- tion of the statesman may be, at all times, with safety directed, as necessarily implying a correspondent increase in the abun- dance and comforts enjoyed by the people. In the Economical system, on the other hand, the practical inconvenience of the indistinctness in question, is comparatively trifling, as the objects of agriculture and the means of subsistence are expres- sions which, in an extensive territory, must always coincide CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 295 pretty nearly in their meaning. In studying, however, this system, it will contribute greatly to the precision of our ideas, to draw the line distinctly between these two different parts of the rude produce, so as to keep constantly in our recollection that the epithet productive or creative is not less applicable to what is to furnish the manufacturer with the materials of his web, than to that which is to furnish him with articles of the first necessity. The indistinctness which, in this instance, I have ventured to ascribe to some of the Economical writers, may be perceived, if I am not mistaken, even in M. Turgot's excellent Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Riches. It arose, indeed, not unnaturally, from the two different objects which these writers had principally in view. The first was the encourage- ment of agriculture, as the source of national subsistence ; the second, the establishment of a territorial tax to be levied on the nett produce. As the arguments in favour of the latter apply equally to all the operations of husbandry, it was of conse- quence to establish, in the clearest manner, the distinction between productive and unproductive labour, upon which this speculation turns entirely. While engaged, however, in the illustration of this point, they have often been led by their agricultural enthusiasm, to embarrass their reasonings with a statement of some of the other characteristics or advantages of agricultural industry, altogether foreign to the purpose, and thereby to confirm their readers still more in the apprehension, that the word productive, as employed in the Economical system, has somehow or other a reference to the utility, or necessity, or independence of the occupation in which the husbandman is employed. Having mentioned the subject of the territorial tax, it may be of some use to add, that, according to the principles of the Economists, all taxes fall ultimately on that part of the annual reproduction of the ground which remains after defraying all the expenses incurred to obtain it. They further hold, that the only just principle on which a tax can be imposed, is by proportioning the burden to the surplus, which, in the Ian- 296 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. guage of the Economists, is called the nett produce. In the last place they assert, that the only possible way to carry this principle into effect, is to levy the tax directly on that fund, which, by its nature, is inevitably destined to pay it in the end. " It is with taxes," says one of these writers, " as with the operation of blood-letting on the human body. Puncture its various members in a hundred different places, and you only torment the patient, without obtaining the quantity which he ought to lose. Fix on a single vein, and the slightest incision will at once accomplish your purpose." The Economists flatter themselves with being the first who discovered that vein in the political body, by opening which the State may obtain what it desires with the least possible inconvenience to its subjects. This vein is the nett produce of the land, to which (according to them) all the operations of the legislator, in the way of taxation, should be directly and immediately applied. The advantages which the Economists ascribe to such a tax, are, 1st, its equality, (the only fund which pays taxes ulti- mately being assessed with perfect exactness) ; 2d, its certainty, (nothing being left to arbitrary imposition) ; 3d, the economy with which it might be levied, (hardly anything being taken out of the subject's pocket but what is to go into the public treasury.) The circumstance, however, on which they dwell chiefly, is the accurate scale it would afford for exhibiting the proportion between public burdens and the national revenue ; and for marking the limit beyond which they cannot be carried without injury to cultivation, and a decline of national pros- perity, points, which it is difficult, or rather impossible to ascer- tain, amidst the infinite complications of the established system. With a view to demonstrate their fundamental principle, that all taxes fall ultimately on the nett produce, the Economists have been led to analyze the complicated mechanism of civilized society, and to examine in what manner the funds which the rude produce of the soil supplies is distributed among the different classes or order of the nations. The result of the investigation is, that from the nature of the distribution, the tax, in whatever manner imposed, must be paid, in the last CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 297 result, out of this fund ; and that it is beyond the power of the financier to contrive a tax which shall ultimately fall on any other. It is with a view to the establishment of this important con- clusion, that the Economists have been at so much pains to mark the respective characteristics of productive and unpro- ductive labour and expense; and hence the stress they have been induced to lay on a distinction which must be acknow- ledged to have at first sight, somewhat of the appearance of idle and scholastic refinement. It was partly in order to obviate this impression, that I was led to introduce the subject of the territorial tax ; but my chief object in this short digres- sion was to reflect some additional light on the distinction which suggested it, by pointing out the result to which that distinction is subservient. As I have very little doubt that the Economists were, in this instance, conducted to their defini- tions by an analytical process, directly the reverse of that order which they have followed in their publications, I was induced to think that a general conception of the conclusion which they had in view might be of some use in ascertaining the import of those technical expressions, in the interpretation of which there might be any ground for hesitation or con- troversy. If this view of the question had occurred to Mr. Smith, it could not have failed to suggest a correction of one of his statements concerning the Economical system which I formerly objected to, [p. 290] ; that it limits the epithet productive to that labour alone which is directed to the increase of the means of subsistence ; and that it considers these articles of first necessity as the sole constituents of national revenue. In what I have now said, I would not be understood to insinuate any opinion with respect to the theory of the terri- torial tax. The discussion belongs properly to the article of Taxation, a branch of Political Economy of which (as I hinted in my first lecture) I propose to delay the consideration till some future occasion. In the meantime, it may gratify the curiosity of such of my hearers as may wish to examine 298 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART L BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. the theory of the territorial tax, to observe that, although it was by Quesnai and his followers that the first attempt was made to demonstrate it rigorously from first principles, to unfold its manifold supposed advantages, and to suggest the means of carrying it gradually into execution, the original idea was borrowed from this island. I do not know if it occurs in any writer prior to Locke ; but the following passage from his Considerations on the Lowering of Interest and Raising the Value of Money, (published in 1691,) is abun- dantly explicit. " When a nation is running into decay and ruin, the mer- chant and monied man, do what you can, will be sure to starve last. Observe it where you will, the decays that come upon and bring to ruin any country, do constantly fall first upon the land ; and though the country gentleman be not very forward to think so, yet this is, nevertheless, an undoubted truth, that he is more concerned in trade, and ought to take a greater care that it be well managed than even the merchant himself. For he will certainly find, when a decay of trade has carried away one part of our money out of the kingdom, and the other is kept in the merchants and tradesman's hands, that no laws he can make, nor any little art of shifting property amongst our- selves, will bring it back to him again ; but his rents will fall, and his income every day lessen, till general industry and frugality, joined to a well-ordered trade, shall restore to the kingdom the riches it had formerly. This, by the way, if well considered, might let us see that taxes, however contrived, and out of whose hand soever immediately taken, do, in a country when their great fund is in land, for the most part terminate upon land. ... A tax laid upon land seems hard to the landholder, because it is so much money going visibly out of his pocket ; and, therefore, as an ease to himself, the landlord is always forward to lay it upon commodities. But if he will thoroughly consider it, and examine the effects, he will find he buys this seeming ease at a very dear rate. And although he pays not this tax immediately out of his own purse, yet his purse will find it by a greater want of money there at the end CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 299 of the year than that comes to, with the lessening of his rents to boot, which is a settled and lasting evil that will stick upon him beyond the present payment." After a long argument in support of this opinion, (for which I must refer to the Essay already mentioned,) Mr. Locke con- cludes thus : " It is in vain in a country whose great fund is land, to hope to lay the public charge of the government on anything else. There at last it will terminate. The merchant, do what you can, will not bear it, the labourer cannot, and therefore the landholders must. And, whether it were not better for him to have it laid directly, where it will at last settle, than to let it come to him by the sinking of his rents, which when they are once fallen, every one knows are not easily raised again, let him consider." A still more elaborate argument in favour of the same pro- jects, may be found in a pamphlet, published in 1734, by Jacob Vanderlint,* an author whose merits have been in general strangely overlooked by our modern writers on Political Economy. For my own part, I was entirely unacquainted with them till his Essay was put into my hands a few years ago by Lord Lauderdale. Of Vanderlint's history, either as a man or an author, I know nothing ; but he seems, from his own account, not to have enjoyed the advantage of a liberal educa- tion. " I am sorry," he observes in his preface, " that I am not in all respects equal to this most important undertaking ; yet I doubt not, that I have sufficiently made out what I have under- taken, and though not with the accuracy of a scholar, yet with that perspicuity and evidence which may be expected from an ordinary tradesman." A few sentences, extracted from this performance, will sufficiently shew its coincidence, both in doctrine and in language, with the works of the Economists. " If all taxes were taken off goods, and levied on lands and houses only, the gentlemen would have more nett rent left out of their estates than they have now, when the taxes are almost wholly levied on goods." * [Money answers all things, &c. in his Memoir of Adam Smith, as of Mr. Stewart also speaks of Vanderlint Asgill, &c.] 300 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. " That the land gives all we have, would be self-evident, if we did not import many goods which are the produce of other nations. But this makes no alteration in the case, since the quantity of foreign goods which we import cannot continually be of greater value than the goods we export ; because this in the end must exhaust our cash, and so put an end to that excess. Therefore, the goods we import stand only instead of those we export ; and, consequently, the land gives not only all we have of our own produce, but virtually all we receive from other nations." After these observations, which the author illustrates with considerable ingenuity, he proceeds to shew, "that the land must pay all taxes, in what manner soever they may be levied ; a proposition," he remarks, " which might perhaps be assumed as virtually implied in a self-evident truth, that what gives all must pay all." For the satisfaction, however, of the reader, Vanderlint here enters into a particular explanation of the process by which he conceived the effect to be accomplished ; and although some of his reasonings on this point are liable to obvious objections, they must be allowed (more especially when we consider at what period he wrote, and what disadvantages, as an author, he laboured under) to bear the strongest marks of originality and refinement of thought. The investigation is much too long to admit of an abstract in this Lecture. The same opinion with respect to the peculiar advantages of a territorial tax, appears to have been held by a Mr. [John] Asgill, who, about the end of the seventeenth, or the beginning of the eighteenth century, published a Treatise entitled, Several Assertions Proved, in order to create anotlier species of Money than Gold or Silver, [1696.] The object of the Treatise is to support the proposition of Dr. Hugh Chamberlayne for a land bank, which he laid before the English House of Commons in 1693, and before the Scotch Parliament in 1703. I have not had an opportunity of perusing this performance, but the following very curious extract, which breathes the very spirit of Quesnai's philosophy, has been communicated to me CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 301 by Lord Lauderdale, to whose researches and speculations con- cerning the history and principles of the Economical system, (more particularly concerning those parts of it which have been derived from old English writers,) I am indebted for much important information. " What we call commodities is nothing but LAND SEVERED FROM THE SOIL. The owners of the soil, in every country, have the sale of all the commodities of the growth of that country, and, consequently, have the power of giving credit in that country ; and, therefore, whatever they will accept for their commodities is money. MAN DEALS IN NOTHING BUT IN EARTH. The merchants are the factors of the world, to exchange one part of the earth for another. The king himself is fed by the labours of the ox; and the clothing of the army, and the victualling of the navy must all be paid for to the owner of the soil as the ultimate receiver." I shall only add further on this subject at present, that the argument in support of the territorial tax may be found at length in the works of the Marquis de Mirabeau, in the Treatise of Le Trosne, On Provincial Administrations, and in various memoirs, published by Dupont, in the collection entitled, Eph&rnerides dun Citoyen. The principal writers on the other side are Necker, Sir James Steuart, Pinto, Adam Smith, the Marquis de Casaux, and the author of a Treatise entitled, Essai Analytique sur la Bichesse et sur TImpot. This last writer has entered into a more methodical and accu- rate examination of the Economical system, in all its parts, than any other I know; and ha& certainly displayed great acuteness and ability in the course of his discussion. His pub- lication is anonymous ; but it appears from a passage in the Life of Turgot, compared with a passage in the Ephemerides, &c.j to have been the work of M. Graslin, a gentleman who held an important situation in the revenue department of Nantes. From this digression with respect to the territorial tax, I now return to the elementary principles of the Economical System, concerning the nature of National Wealth ; with a view to the 302 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. illustration of which principles I was led to introduce, some- what out of place, a faint outline of the practical conclusion to which they are subservient. As the establishment of this con- clusion was manifestly the primary object of the Economists, it seemed reasonable to think, that the consideration of the prac- tical result might assist us in entering into the train of thought by which the preparatory parts of their system were suggested. And, if I do not deceive myself, this analytical view of their investigations has conducted us to a more precise conception of some of their principles and definitions than is commonly en- tertained. To the criticisms which I have already offered on these principles and definitions, I have yet to add another, which is more general in its aim, and which leads to consequences affecting still more deeply the justness of the Economical system, as a theory practically applicable to the existing state of society in this part of the world. I have observed in the Philosophy of the Human Mind* that the leading object of the earliest and most enlightened patrons of the Economical system, seems to have been "to delineate that state of political society to which the social order may be expected to approach nearer and nearer as human nature is gradually matured by reasoning and reflection. I have observed, at the same time, that it is the height of enthu- siasm and absurdity to suppose that the period is ever to arrive when this state of things will be realized in its full extent ; yet many of the most zealous advocates of the Economical system have so completely lost sight of this consideration, that they have formed many of their particular conclusions, on the sup- position that it was already accomplished. (Interpolation from Notes.) Of this remark various illus- trations occur in the works of the Economists. Thus, for example, they uniformly take it for granted, as an established principle, that the revenue or fund employed in the support of manufacturers, is always equal in its exchangeable value to the commodities which they produce. That this is the ultimate * [Supra, Workt, Vol. II. p. 236.] CHAP, i. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 303 tendency of things in all the employments of human industry, is unquestionably true ; and it is no less certain, that it has been already realized in various branches of trade. This, for instance, is the case in all those arts which are so well under- stood, that one class of workmen cannot be supposed to possess any advantage over another. In the manufacture of lace, for instance, of the workmen employed in which, it approaches nearly to a mathematical truth to assert, that at no moment of time do they add anything to the value of the whole annual amount of the rude produce of the land, the portion of that produce which they are continually consuming being always equal to the value of what they have produced. Notwithstand- ing, however, of this circumstance, it is certainly going a great deal too far to assert, that it will ever afford any universal prin- ciple with respect to that order of things which actually exists in such countries as France or England. The high wages which are occasionally given in some new arts, compared with the poverty of those who are engaged in the manufacture of lace, to borrow the instance of which the Economists are so fond, affords a demonstrative proof that, whatever may be the ultimate tendency of a general competition in all the various branches of manufacturing industry, the fact is, at present, in numberless instances, at variance with that result. To these observations I beg leave to add, that the fact in question is totally irreconcilable with the advantages which one manufac- turer possesses over another, in consequence of the expedients which his skill and capital enable him to employ for abridging or superseding manual labour, and no less inconsistent with the advantages derived from secret processes in manufactures or the arts, which are sometimes transmitted as an inheritance in the same family for a succession of generations. A similar paralogism occurs in the reasonings of the Econo- mists concerning the effects of manufacturing industry when combined with foreign commerce. A detailed statement of their opinion upon this point has been already given, [pp. 267, 268.] We may therefore conclude, say the Economists, that that labour alone is productive which adds to the rude produce of the 304 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK IL NAT. WEALTH. ground. With regard to this reasoning, I need hardly say, that however important the lesson is which it conveys, with respect to the independence and permanent stability of agri- cultural wealth, when compared with that which arises from commerce and manufactures, it leads to no just inference un- favourable to the latter as long as they continue to flourish. The following passage from one of Dr. Franklin's political tracts, by pushing these doctrines of the Economists a little too far, affords the best proof which I know of something radically defective in the system from which his arguments are bor- rowed. " Where the labour and expense of producing commodities are known to both parties, bargains will generally be fair and equal. Where they are known to one party only, bargains will often be unequal, knowledge taking its advantage of ignorance. " Thus, he that carries one thousand bushels of wheat abroad to sell, may not probably obtain so great a profit thereon, as if he had first turned the wheat into manufactures, by subsisting therewith the workmen while producing those manufactures, since there are many expediting and facilitating methods of working, not generally known ; and strangers to the manufac- tures, though they know pretty well the expense of raising wheat, are unacquainted with those short methods of working, and thence being apt to suppose more labour employed in the manufactures than there really is, are more easily imposed on in their value, and induced to allow more for them than they are honestly worth. " Thus the advantage of having manufactures in a country does not consist, as is commonly supposed, in their highly advancing the value of rough materials, of which they are formed ; since, though sixpenny worth of flax may be worth twenty shillings, when worked into lace, yet the very cause of its being worth twenty shillings is, that, besides the flax, it has cost nineteen shillings and sixpence in subsistence to the manu- facturer. But the advantage of manufactures is, that under their shape provisions may be more easily carried to a foreign CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 305 market, and, by their means, our traders may more easily cheat strangers. Few, where it is not made, are judges of the value of lace. The importer may demand forty, and perhaps get thirty shillings, for that which cost him but twenty."* The conclusions which are drawn from these reasonings are, that there are only three ways of increasing the riches of a state ; the first is by war : this is robbery ; the second is by commerce : this is cheating ; and the third is by agriculture : this is the only honest way. It seems abundantly evident, that the tone of morality here assumed is much too elevated for the actual condition of the human race. Indeed, it does not appear to be very consistent with itself; for where is the injustice in the advantage which the knowledge and skill of one set of per- sons give them over the ignorance of others, if it be allowed to be fair and equitable in industry to avail itself of its natural superiority over idleness ? But whatever opinion we may adopt on this abstract ques- tion, there can be no doubt that such as I have now described are the actual circumstances of mankind, producing every- where, in a greater or less degree, a competition among nations, in which each makes the most, not only of its natural advan- tages, but of the superiority which it enjoys in consequence of its industry, skill, and accumulated stock. Nor is it difficult to trace in the operation of the latter, the provision for that com- mercial fraternity among nations, the foundation of which is laid in the diversity of the productions of different countries. It is here, I apprehend, that the characteristical excellence of Mr. Smith's work is to be found ; that abstracting entirely from that ideal perfection to which it is possible that things may have a tendency, he adapts his speculations to the present state of this part of the world, and has demonstrated, with irresisti- ble perspicuity, that even while this competition among nations continues, honesty forms the best and surest policy ; and that the general prosperity of the globe, as well as the individual welfare of nations, is best consulted when each endeavours to * [Positions to be examined concerning National Wealth, 9 It. Works, bj Sparks, Vol. II. pp. 375, 376.] VOL. VIIJ. U 306 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. turn its own peculiar advantages to the best account, and leaves the same liberty to others. In these particulars, the doctrines of Mr. Smith coincide entirely with those of the economical system, over which they certainly possess one important ad- vantage, that they are deduced from a view of nations as they actually exist, and that they are susceptible of an easy applica- tion to their present circumstances. The result of the parallel, then, which I have been so long preparing to draw between these two great systems, is, that if, on the one hand, the language of the Economists be more pre- cise and definite, and the result of a more accurate metaphysical analysis than that of Mr. Smith, and if some of the funda- mental principles of the former are of a more scientific nature, and more universal application, the doctrines inculcated in the Wealth of Nations are, on the other hand, with a very few exceptions, of greater practical utility to those who are to engage in the general business of the world, especially to those whose views have a more particular reference to the business of political life. I speak at present of his doctrines with regard to the freedom of commerce ; in which, indeed, both systems agree, though I must be allowed to remark, that in one im- portant point the Economical system is eminently deserving of praise ; I mean in that part which, by explaining so fully and so beautifully the peculiar productiveness and independence of agricultural labour, cannot fail to have a powerful tendency to prevent statesmen from ever mistaking the means for the end ; or, as I have expressed the same idea in the Philosophy of the Human Mind, " from ever being led astray by more limited views of temporary expediency."* On this pre-eminence of agriculture, Mr. Smith has certainly enlarged too little, nor is his phraseology always sufficiently marked to keep it constantly in the view of the student. This is the more remarkable, as Mr. Smith seems to have been fully aware of the general tend- ency of the doctrines of the Economists. Thus, in one remark- able passage, after stating that the system of Quesnai forms a nearer approximation to a just system of political economy than * [Above, Work*, Vol. II. p. 240.] CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 307 any theory that had gone before it, he adds, " that it had a sensible effect in influencing the measures of the French Govern- ment in favour of agriculture. It has been in consequence of their representations, accordingly, that the agriculture of France has been delivered from several of the oppressions which it before laboured under. The term during which such a lease can be granted, aa will be valid against every future purchaser or proprietor of the land, has been prolonged from nine to twenty-seven years. The ancient provincial restraints upon the transportation of corn from one province of the king- dom to another, have been entirely taken away, and the liberty of exporting it to all foreign countries, has been established as the common law of the kingdom in all ordinary cases."* There are few speculative systems which can boast of prac- tical effects equally calculated to advance national prosperity ; more especially when I add the tendency which, in this par- ticular instance, the doctrines of the Economists had to bring into disrepute the policy of Colbert on the subject of Population, which had long been acted upon in France, in recommending to statesmen to invert the order proposed by Colbert, and to en- courage Population through the medium of Agriculture. It was Quesnai who first unfolded this important and fundamental truth ; and it is only to be regretted, that in applying the maxim to the actual circumstances of the world, he has not always stated this doctrine with the proper limitations, too often overlooking altogether those circumstances so finely illustrated by Mr. Smith, which in this part of the world have forced into a retrograde order the natural course of things, and thus rendered all deductions drawn from that course inapplicable to the present state of things in the modern world. Before leaving this subject, I think it proper to observe, that wherever I have mentioned the system of the Economists in terms of approbation, I would be understood to refer solely to their doctrines on the subject of Political Economy proper. " The Theory of Government which they inculcate," as I have * f Wealth of Nations, Book IV. chap. ix. ; Vol. III. p. 28, seq., tenth edition.] 308 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. observed in the Philosophy of the Human Mind, " is of the most dangerous tendency, recommending in strong and unqualified terms an unmixed despotism, and reprobating all constitutional checks on the sovereign authority. Many English writers, in- deed, with an almost incredible ignorance of the works which they have presumed to censure, have spoken of them, as if they encouraged political principles of a very different com- plexion ; but the truth is, that the disciples of Quesnai (with- out a single exception) carried their zeal for the power of the monarch, and what they called the Unity of Legislation, to so extravagant a length, as to treat with contempt those mixed establishments which allow any share whatever of legislative influence to the representatives of the people. On the one hand, the evidence of this system appeared to its partisans so complete and irresistible, that they flattered themselves monarchs would soon see, with an intuitive conviction, the identity of their own interests with those of the nations they are called to govern ; and, on the other hand, they contended that it is only under the strong and steady government of a race of hereditary princes, undistracted by the prejudices and local interests which warp the deliberations of popular assem- blies, that a gradual and systematical approach can be m'ade to the perfection of law and policy. The very first of Quesnai's maxims states as a fundamental principle, that the sovereign authority, unrestrained by any constitutional checks or balances, should be lodged in the hands of a single person ; and the same doctrine is maintained zealously by all his followers by none of them more explicitly than by Herder de la Riviere, whose treatise on The Natural and Essential Order of Political Societies, might have been expected to attract some notice in this country, from the praise which Mr. Smith has bestowed on the perspicuity of his style, and the distinctness of his arrangement."* * [Above, Works, Vol. II. pp. 240, 241.J CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 309 [SECT. II. ON THE CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH RENDER LABOUR MORE EFFECTIVE.] I proceed now to illustrate the general principles on which the effective powers of labour depend ; or, in other words, to illustrate the circumstances which tend to economize the exer- tions of human power in accomplishing the purposes to which it is directed. The speculation, certainly, is one of the most curious which the mechanism of a commercial society presents to a philosopher ; and it leads to many consequences of a very general and important application. From the observations already made, it appears that man is forced, in every situation in which he is to be found, by the necessities of his nature, to employ some degree of art in order to obtain the means of sub- sistence and safety. It appears farther, that it is to these neces- sities he is indebted for the development and improvement of those faculties by which he is distinguished from the brutes ; and that, excepting in a few districts, where the preservation of his animal existence occupies his whole attention, and leaves him no leisure for the arts of accommodation, his intellectual attainments are, in general, proportioned to the number of his wants, and to the difficulties with which he has to struggle. As Rousseau observes : " Chez toutes les nations du monde, les progres de 1'esprit se sont precise'ment proportionnes aux besoins que les peuples avaient regus de la nature, ou auxquels les circonstances les avaient assujettis, et par consequent aux passions qui les portaient & pourvoir a ces besoins. Je mon- trerais en Egypte les arts naissants et s'etendants avec les debordemens du Nil ; je suivrais leurs progres chez les Grecs, ou Ton les vit germer, croitre, et s'elever jusqu'aux cieux parmi les sables et les rochers de 1'Attique, sans pouvoir pren- dre racine sur les bords fertiles de 1'Eurotas."* As soon as the situation of an individual is rendered easy * [Origine de PlnegalitS parmi les proverbial ; it may be traced higher Jfommet, Partie I. But the " gait- than Hesiod, and far lower than Baptists dent sudoribua artet" had been long Mantuanus.] 310 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. and comfortable, with respect to the necessities of life, he begins to feel wants of which he was not conscious before, and his imagination creates new objects of pursuit to fill up his inter- vals of leisure. It seems to be the intention of Providence, that as soon as one class of our wants is supplied, another, whether real or imaginary, makes its appearance ; and it is this, that as no limit can be stated to our desires, so there seems to be no limit to the improvement of the arts and the progress of refinement. In the rudest state of society, in which all the members of a tribe are occupied in procuring subsistence, each individual will appropriate to himself the various objects of pursuit by his own personal exertions. He will form his own habitation, secure his prey by his own strength or agility, and be the artificer of those instruments which are employed in the simple arts which minister to his safety or accommodation ; and thus his occupa- tions, however limited in number, will be at least as various as the arts which he exercises ; and the opportunities of intellec- tual improvement, however scanty, will be nearly the same to all the members of the community, [SUBSECT. i. On the Division of Labour.] As society advances, the different tastes and propensities of individuals will give rise to a variety in their pursuits, and in their habits and attainments. In such circumstances, a very small degree of experience or reflection will satisfy them, that it would be for the advantage of all if each should confine him- self to his own favourite occupation, cultivating to the utmost of his ability those mechanical habits which are connected with its exercise, and exchanging the surplus produce of his industry for what he may want of the commodities produced by the labour of his neighbours. Thus trades and separate professions will arise, which, in consequence of the operation of the same causes, will continually multiply and be divided and sub- divided as society advances in wealth and refinement. The observation, that " A Jack of all trades is master of none," is one CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 311 of those maxims of common sense which the slightest survey of human life forces on the most careless observer.* It is on this separation of trades and professions, and on this division and subdivision of labour, that the progress of the arts, according to Mr. Smith, in a great measure, depends ; the effec- tive powers of labour being, in general, proportioned to the degree in which these are divided and distributed.f The same idea had, before Mr. Smith's time, been adopted by various modern writers; particularly by Mr. Harris in his Dialogue concerning Happiness, 1741 ;| and by Dr. Ferguson in his Essay on Civil Society. The fact, too, has been very strongly stated by different writers of a much more early date ; parti- cularly by Sir William Petty and Dr. Mandeville ; nor did it escape the notice of the ancients, as appears among various other documents, from a very curious passage in the Cyropcedia of Xenophon, in which he compares the distribution of employ- ments in Cyrus's kitchen to the division of trades in a populous city. This passage states the doctrine so circumstantially, and with a simplicity of detail so characteristical of this inimitable writer, that I shall make no apology for quoting the passage at length : " For as other arts are wrought up in great cities to a greater degree of perfection, in the same manner are the meats that come from the king dressed in greater perfection. For in little cities the same people make both the frame of a couch, a door, a plough, and a table ; and frequently the same person is a builder too, and very well satisfied he is, if he meet with cus- tomers enough to maintain him. It is impossible, therefore, for a man that makes a great many different things, to do * [" Propre a tout, propre a ri&n." IlaXX' inriirrara ipy*, xet*Zs S' T tenth edltlon - ] said of the hero in a line preserved in + [Part I. sect, xii.l the Second Alcibiades, one of the spuri- ous dialogues of Plato, [Part IV. sect, i.] 312 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. them all well. But in great cities, because there are multitudes that want every particular thing, one art alone is sufficient for the maintenance of every one ; and frequently not an entire one neither, but one man makes shoes for men, another for women. Sometimes it happens, that one gets a maintenance by sewing shoes together, another by cutting them out ; one by cutting out cloths only, and another without doing any of these things is maintained by fitting together the pieces so cut out. He, therefore, that deals in a business that lies within a little compass, must of necessity do it the best. The case is the same with respect to the business of a table, for he that has the same man to cover and adorn the frame of a couch, to set out the table, to knead the dough, to dress the several different meats, must necessarily, in my opinion, fare in each particular as it happens. But where it is business enough for one man to boil meat, for another to roast it ; for one to boil fish, and for another to broil it ; where it is business enough for one man to make bread, and that not of every sort neither, but that its enough for him to furnish one sort good, each man, in my opinion, must of necessity work up the things that are thus made to a very great perfection."* From this passage of Xenophon it is evident, that the effects of the division of labour, in contributing to the improvement of the arts, furnished a subject of speculation in ancient as well as in modern times. It is very observable, however, in the foregoing quotation, that what Xenophon lays the chief stress on, is the effect of this division in improving the quality of the articles produced, whereas the circumstance which has chiefly attracted the attention of Mr. Smith and other modern writers, is its astonishing effect in increasing their quantity. In proof of this, Mr. Smith has entered into some very interesting details with regard to the trade of the pin-makers, f The effect of the division of labour in increasing its effective powers, is chiefly owing, according to Mr. Smith, to the three following circumstances : * [In the original, Lib. VIII. cap. ii. \ 4. The translation is by the Honourable Maurice Ashley.] f [Seo supra, p. 256, CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AN.D UNPRODUCTIVE. 313 " First, The improvement of the dexterity of the workman necessarily increases the quantity of the work he can perform ; and the division of labour, by reducing every man's business to some one simple operation, and by making this operation the sole employment of his life, necessarily increases very much the dexterity of the workman. . . . " Secondly, The advantage which is gained by saving the time commonly lost in passing from one sort of work to another, is much greater than we should at first view be apt to imagine it It is impossible to pass very quickly from one kind of work to another, that is carried on in a different place, and with quite different tools. ... A man commonly saunters a little in turning his hand from one sort of employment to another. When he first begins the new work he is seldom very keen and hearty ; his mind, as they say, does not go to it, and for some time he rather trifles than applies to good purpose. . . . " Thirdly, and lastly, Everybody must be sensible how much labour is facilitated and abridged by the application of proper machinery. It is unnecessary to give any example. I shall only observe, therefore, that the invention of all those machines by which labour is so much facilitated and abridged, seems to have been originally owing to the division of labour."* " 1st, Greater skill and dexterity are acquired by each work- man." Of the effects of practice in increasing the rapidity and address of the hand in performing mechanical operations, no proof more striking can be mentioned than the feats of leger- demain exhibited by jugglers. Some of these, indeed, are so astonishing, and evince a degree of dexterity so much before anything else that we know, that they appear to deserve a much more accurate investigation than philosophers have hitherto bestowed on them. Other examples of the same kind will readily occur to any person who has been accustomed to frequent the workshops of manufacturers. The following facts are men- tioned in the Wealth of Nations : " A common smith, who, though accustomed to handle the hammer, has never been used to make nails, if upon some particular occasion he is obliged to * [Wealth of Nations, Book L chap, i.; Vol. I. pp. 12-14, tenth edition.] 314 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. attempt it, will scarce, I am assured, be able to make above two or three hundred nails in a day, and those too very bad ones. A smith who has been accustomed to make nails, but whose sole or principal business has not been that of a nailer, can seldom with his utmost diligence make more than eight hundred or a thousand nails in a day. I have seen several boys under twenty years of age, who had never exercised any other trade but that of making nails, and who, when they ex- erted themselves, could make, each of them, upwards of two thousand three hundred nails in a day."* The conclusion which Mr. Smith deduces from these and some similar statements is, that as the subdivision of labour limits the attention of every different workman to a very simple operation, it must proportionally increase the dexterity of all ; and consequently, their joint labour will, in a given time, be more effective, and their workmanship will be more perfect in its kind, than if each singly had attempted to perform all the different operations thus parcelled out. In this view of the subject, there is unquestionably a great deal of truth. But it may, I think, be reasonably doubted, whether Mr. Smith has not laid too much stress on it, in accounting for the advantages gained from that astonishing division and subdivision of labour which takes place in some of the arts. That the rapidity of the hand in executing a mecha- nical operation, may be increased by practice to a very great degree, is an acknowledged fact. But there is obviously a limit, beyond which this rapidity cannot possibly be carried ; and I am inclined to think, that in such very simple operations as drawing out a wire, &c., it is not very long before this ultimatum in point of rapidity is reached by the workman. Nor can I bring myself to believe, that after it is attained, the dexterity of the workman in performing this one operation would be at all impaired, though he should also have acquired a few other accomplishments of a similar nature : that the drawer of the wire would be less fitted for his employment, if he changed occupations for a day or two with the cutter or pointer of the * [Book I. chap. i. ; Vol. I. p. 12, tenth edition.] CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 315 pin. Indeed, I know of few manufactures where great manual dexterity is less required, than in that of pin-making. Even in those establishments which employ the labour of the hand to perform various operations, which in richer manufactures are accomplished by means of machinery, a very considerable part of the work is executed by children. Hence I am led to con- clude, that though one of the advantages of the division of labour be to increase the rapidity of manual work, yet this advantage bears so very small a proportion to that which is gained in the last result, that it is by no means entitled to stand at the head of the enumeration ; and certainly goes a very little length in accounting for that minute division and subdivision of labour which has been introduced into some of the most prosperous manufactures of this country. On this head, therefore, I entirely agree with a remark of Lord Lau- derdale in his Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth, where he observes, that even in the trade of the pin- maker, without the use of machinery to supersede the work of the hand, no great progress could have been made in the rapi- dity with which pins are formed. In the second place, says Mr. Smith, " when a man leaves off one employment, and begins another, he is always disposed to trifle for some time, &c. All this time is saved by the divi- sion of labour." The observation seems to be perfectly just, so far as it goes ; but the economy of time gained in this way, must plainly bear a still more inconsiderable proportion than the former, to the magnitude of the effect which it is brought to explain. It may perhaps be worth while to remark here in passing, that something similar to this effect in mechanical operations takes place with respect to the intellectual powers. When we pass suddenly from one speculation, and still more from one study to another, some time always elapses before the attention is completely engaged, and before the new set of ideas and facts is fully brought under our view. If I am not mistaken, this consideration affords an unanswerable objection to a practice which has been recommended by many authors, of making a 316 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. regular distribution of the day into different portions, allotted to the study of different branches of literature and science. Where mere accomplishment is the object, this plan may con- tribute to its attainment better than any other, but with those who have in view the investigation of truth, and the acquisi- tion of scientific knowledge, I am persuaded that much more intellectual work (if I may use the expression) will be per- formed, and much more successfully, in a given time, by pre- serving the train of thought, so as to bring one speculation completely to a close, before beginning another. Indeed, it would not be difficult to shew that the observation applies far more forcibly to intellectual exertion than to mechanical labour. [SUBSECT. n. On the Use of Machinery as a Substitute for Labour.] In the third place, the division of labour, according to Mr. Smith, increases its effective powers by promoting the invention of useful machines. In illustration of this remark, he reasons as follows : " Men are much more likely to discover easier and readier methods of attaining any object, when the whole attention of their minds is directed towards that single object, than when it is dissipated among a great variety of things. But in conse- quence of the division of labour, the whole of every man's attention comes naturally to be directed towards some one very simple object. It is naturally to be expected, therefore, that some one or other of those who are employed in each particular branch of labour, should soon find out easier and readier methods of performing their own particular work, wherever the nature of it admits of such improvements. A great part of the machines made use of in those manufactures in which labour is most subdivided, were originally the inventions of common workmen, who, being each of them employed in some very simple operation, naturally turned their thoughts towards finding out easier and readier methods of performing it. Who- ever has been much accustomed to visit such manufactures, CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PKODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 317 must frequently have been shewn very pretty machines, which were the inventions of such workmen, in order to facilitate and quicken their own particular part of the work."* Before I proceed to make any remarks on this reasoning of Mr. Smith, I think it necessary to observe, that even if it were perfectly just, it would not be at all applicable to the present question. His professed object is to explain in what manner the division of labour increases its effective powers. The two first reasons are certainly legitimate and satisfactory, so far as they go ; but in his third reason, Mr. Smith has plainly de- parted from his usual logical accuracy. The tendency of the division of labour to promote the invention of useful machines, cannot with propriety be said to render that labour more effec- tive, so long as it continues to be exerted ; for as soon as the machine is invented, the labour is superseded altogether. The effects, therefore, of the division of labour, and of the use of machines, though they both derive their value from the same circumstance, their tendency to enable one man to per- form the work of many, are produced on principles essentially different ; nor is it more correct to resolve the advantages of machinery into the effects produced by the division of labour, than it would be to resolve the latter into the former. Indeed, in my opinion, the last theory might be easily rendered the more plausible of the two. But, passing from this objection to Mr. Smith's reasoning, let us consider how far it is true, that workmen occupied from morning to night in repeating the same simple operation, are likely to be more fortunate than others in falling on mechanical inventions. The only proof of this produced by Mr. Smith, is the improvement of the steam-engine, said to be owing to the ingenuity of a boy engaged in the work. This account of the matter, I must own, has always appeared to me extremely un- satisfactory. That in some accidental cases the distribution of labour may have produced such effects, is possible. But it surely is an event not to be expected in the ordinary case, in- asmuch as the workman has no motive to exert his ingenuity * [ Wealth of Nations, Book I. chap. i. ; Vol. i. p. 14, seq., tenth edition.] 318 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. in multiplying machines, as in doing so, though he may accel- erate the progress of the manufacture, yet he does not abridge his own day's labour ; and indeed there is even a probability that he may throw himself and his companions out of employ- ment. Nor is this all ; the division of labour tends to confine the attention, and of consequence the knowledge of the work- man to the performance of one simple operation ; whereas the perfection of manufacturing machinery consists in the com- bination of the greatest possible variety of operations in one machine. The habits of thinking, therefore, which the division of labour tends to generate, are adverse to that comprehension of mechanical contrivance on which the perfection of machinery depends. In confirmation of this reasoning, it may be worth while to remark, that among the many complicated machines which the manufactures of this country exhibit, while many of them may be traced to men who never entered the workshop, but in order to gratify a mechanical curiosity, hardly one can be mentioned which derives its origin from the living auto- matons, who are employed in the details of the work. With such fortunate inventors, the hope of reward operates in calling forth all their faculties ; and as their studies embrace a general view of the subject, instead of dwelling upon its detached parts, their success, notwithstanding their total ignorance in many cases, has been greater than could have resulted from the high- est efforts of a more circumscribed ingenuity. I am fur at the same time from denying, that the division of labour has a powerful effect to promote the invention of machines. But where it has this effect, it appears to operate, not on the inventive powers of the workman, but on those of his employer, or of the speculative observer. As to the former, his inventive powers will be always on the stretch to economize time and labour ; and it is only where such a stimulus exists, that we can look with confidence to a perpetual succession of progressive improvement In almost every instance the proverb will be found to hold true, that " Necessity," or what amounts to the same thing, some urgent motive leading to the accom- plishment of some desirable object, " is the mother of invention." CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 319 As to the principle on which the division of labour tends to multiply mechanical contrivances, this seems to me to be a good deal more refined than Mr. Smith appears to have thought. The obvious effect of the division of labour in any complicated mechanical operation is, to analyze that operation into the simplest steps which can be carried on separately. Of these steps, there may probably be some which can only be performed by the human hand, while others, either in whole or in part, admit of the substitution of machines. Now, it is only by re- solving an operation into its simplest elements, that this sepa- ration can be made, so as to force on the attention of the mechanist, in their simplest forms, those particular cases where his ingenuity may be useful. It is thus, too, that the advan- tages arising from the aid of machinery become so apparent and palpable, as to excite the efforts of inventive genius ; a machine which supplies the labour of the hand, superseding of course a particular description of workmen, and thereby ex- hibiting the utility of the invention on a scale proportioned to the number of individuals whose labour it supersedes. While thus it enables one man to perform the work of many, it pro- duces also an economy of time, by separating the work into its different branches, all of which may be carried into execution at the same moment. While one man is employed in drawing out the wire, from which a multitude of pins are to be simul- taneously cut by some analogous expedient, another is em- ployed in pointing them, &c. The obvious effect of this arrangement is, in the first place, to enable one workman to cut or point a multitude of pins as easily as he could have done a single one ; and in the second place, by carrying on all the different processes at once, which an individual must have executed separately, to produce a multitude of pins completely finished in the same time as a single pin might have been either cut or pointed. As the division of labour on the one hand, appears thus to be favourable to mechanical invention ; so, on the other hand, it is probable that the general experience of the utility of machines has led ingenious men to push, in some cases, the division of labour to a far greater length than 320 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. was useful. If I am not mistaken, a remarkable instance of this occurs in that very trade, so often referred to, of the pin- maker ; the very minute analysis of work there carried into effect having originated, not in any views of increasing the dexterity of the workmen, but in an attempt to make machinery practicable in that manufacture. The foregoing remarks esta- blish fully the truth of an assertion which was formerly made, [p. 317,] that the effects of the division of labour, and of ma- chinery in the manufacturing arts, are produced on principles entirely different, though the objects of both are to accomplish the same purpose the economy of labour and time ; and al- though in doing so they are often so combined as to render it difficult to draw the line between their respective functions. It is not, however, by means of these two expedients alone, that labour and time may be economized. The astonishing effects produced, in consequence of a skilful application of chemical principles, to shorten the tedious processes formerly practised in various branches of the arts, are universally known. The use of the oxy-muriatic acid in bleaching, is only one instance out of many, of the beneficial effects thus produced. Of the extent of the advantage to be gained by mere skill and activity, when prompted by the hope of gain, and aided by mechanical contrivance, no instance more curious can be men- tioned than what is afforded by the history of the Scotch dis- tilleries. In the year 1785, a proposal was made to collect the duties on distillation by way of license, to be paid annually on every still in proportion to its size, at a fixed rate per gallon, in place of all other taxes. The London distillers, who agreed to the proposal, declared themselves satisfied, from experience, that the time of working stills to advantage was limited to an extent perfectly well known, and that whoever exceeded this limit, would infallibly lose on his materials, and in the quantity of his goods, what he gained in point of time ; and in con- formity to their opinion, the duty was settled on a supposition that a still could be discharged about seven times in a week. Two years after this, in a petition to Parliament, the same men alleged, that the Scotch distillers had found means to dis- CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 321 charge their stills upwards of forty times a week ; and we since know, from a report made to the Lords of the Treasury in the year 1799, that a forty-three gallon still was brought to such perfection, as to be discharged at the rate of once in two minutes and three quarters. It appears also from this report, that the operation of distilling is capable of being performed in a still shorter time ; and that the quality of the spirit is in no ways injured by the rapidity of the operation. On reflecting on the history of these astonishing exertions of human ingenuity, it cannot fail immediately to occur, that whatever advantages have been gained by mechanical contrivances, have derived their origin, not from the concentrated ingenuity of workmen eager to accomplish their own ruin by the invention of machinery, but from the comprehensive skill of the under- taker, stimulated to economize time to the utmost limit, by the pressure of the new difficulties with which he had to struggle. Various other illustrations to the same purpose may be drawn from the improvements which have taken place in other arts within the narrow compass of our own times. It is neces- sary for me, however, to confine myself to the statement of general principles, without making a farther reference to facts than may be necessary to render these more intelligible and impressive. To those who wish to prosecute the speculation, it may be sufficient to mention the late improvements intro- duced into the manufacture of iron and copper, and the still more familiar improvements in spinning and weaving ; to which we may add the prodigies effected in bleaching and dying, by the application of chemical principles to those arts. It may not, however, be superfluous to remark, before dismiss- ing this subject, that the advantages derived by society from the facilities afforded by roads, canals, bridges, the establish- ment of regular posts, by safe and convenient harbours, and everything which tends to improve the art of navigation, are all illustrations of the same doctrine, evincing the powerful and manifold influence of those expedients which economize labour and time on the commercial interests of a country. VOL. VIII. X 322 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. The author of the Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth, has chosen to express this general principle in a different way. What I would ascribe to the division of labour, he ascribes to the operation of capital ; qualifying his statement by calling it the operation of capital in superseding labour. I confess, I do not think that the consideration of capital should enter at all into this general view of the sub- ject ; for though almost all the expedients alluded to, do imply the possession of capital, more especially those expedients which consist in the use of machinery, yet that they do not imply it necessarily, appears sufficiently from those compendious and cheap processes which chemistry has suggested in various arts. Nor is this all : Even in the most expensive machines, capital forms only one of the conditions to their establishment. Capi- tal, of itself, can do nothing, unless directed by skill. Why, therefore, should this last circumstance be overlooked ? Are not the advantages that have been derived from the improved steam-engine, due as much to the genius of Watt as to the capital of Boulton ? On the whole, therefore, I am inclined to prefer the statement which I have now proposed, to either of the others which have been under consideration. Of these statements, that given by Mr. Smith is plainly defective, inas- much as it embraces a very partial view of the subject ; while the other is exceptionable, by clogging the correct state- ment of the principle by which the effect is produced, with a specification of the means by which it is accomplished, which specification, certainly, does not include alt the possible ways by which labour can be encouraged by human ingenuity. In the course of Mr. Smith's illustrations on this article of Political Economy, he takes occasion to remark, that " it is the great multiplication of the productions of all the different arts, in consequence of the division of labour, which occasions, in a well-goverued society, that universal opulence which extends itself to the lowest ranks of the people. Every workman has a great quantity of his own work to dispose of beyond what he himself has occasion for ; and every other workman being in exactly the same situation, he is enabled to exchange a great CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 323 quantity of his own goods for a great quantity, or, what comes to the same thing, for the price of a great quantity of theirs. He supplies them abundantly with what they have occasion for, and they accommodate him as amply with what he has occasion for, and a general plenty diffuses itself through all the different ranks of the society."* The same observation, too, occurs in some other writers of an earlier date. Thus Mandeville says : " What a bustle is there to be made in several parts of the world before a fine scarlet or crimson cloth can be produced, what multiplicity of trades and artificers must be employed ! not only such as are obvious, as wool-combers, spinners, the weaver, the cloth worker, the scourer, the dyer, the setter, the drawer, and the packer; but others that are more remote and might seem foreign to it, as the mill-wright, the pewterer, and the chemist, which yet all are necessary, as well as a great number of other handicrafts to have the tools, utensils, and other implements belonging to the trades already named. All these things are done at home ; the most frightful prospect is left behind, when we reflect on the toil and hazard that are to be undergone abroad, the vast seas we are to go over, the different climates we are to endure, and the several nations we must be obliged to for their assistance." f This quotation from Dr. Mandeville, appears to me to be interesting, as it has plainly suggested to Mr. Smith the idea of one of the finest passages in the Wealth of Nations : " Observe the accommodation of the most common artificer or day-labourer in a civilized and thriving country, and you will perceive that the number of people of whose industry a part, though but a small part, has been employed in procuring him this accommodation, exceeds all computation. The wool- len coat, for example, which covers the day-labourer, as coarse and rough as it may appear, is the produce of the joint-labour of a great multitude of workmen. The shepherd, the sorter of * [ Wealth of Nations, B. I. chap. i. ; an Essay on Charity and Charity Vol. I. p. 16, seq., tenth edition.] Schools, and a Search into the Nature f [The Fable of the Bees, &c., with of Society. Lend. 1714, 1723, 1732.] 324 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. the wool, the wool-comber or carder, the dyer, the scribbler, the spinner, the weaver, the fuller, the dresser, with many others, must all join their different arts in order to complete even this homely production. How many merchants and carriers, besides, must have been employed in transporting the materials from some of those workmen to others who often live in a very distant part of the country ; how much commerce and navigation in particular, how many ship-builders, sailors, sail-makers, rope-makers, must have been employed in order to bring together the different drugs made use of by the dyer, which often come from the remotest corners of the world 1 What a variety of labour too is necessary in order to produce the tools of the meanest of those workmen. To say nothing of such complicated machines as the ship of the sailor, the mill of the fuller, or even the loom of the weaver, let us consider only what a variety of labour is requisite in order to form that very simple machine, the shears with which the shepherd clips the wool. The miner, the builder of the furnace for smelting the ore, the feller of the timber, the burner of the charcoal to be made use of in the smelting-house, the brick-maker, the brick-layer, the workman who attends the furnace, the mill- wright, the forger, the smith, must all of them join their dif- ferent arts in order to produce them. Were we to examine, in the same manner, all the different parts of his dress and household furniture, the coarse linen shirt which he wears next his skin, the shoes which cover his feet, the bed which he lies on, and all the different parts which compose it, the kitchen- grate at which he prepares his victuals, the coals which he makes use of for that purpose, dug from the bowels of the earth, and brought to him perhaps by a long sea and a long land carriage, all the other utensils of his kitchen, all the fur- niture of his table, the knives and forks, the earthen or pewter plates upon which he serves up and divides his victuals, the different hands employed in preparing his bread and his beer, the glass window which lets in the heat and the light, and keeps out the wind and the rain, with all the knowledge and art requisite for preparing that beautiful and happy invention, CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 325 without which these northern parts of the world could scarce have afforded a very comfortable habitation, together with the tools of all the different workmen employed in producing those different conveniences ; if we examine, I say, all these things, and consider what a variety of labour is employed about each of them, we shall be sensible that without the assistance and co-operation of many thousands, the very meanest person in a civilized country could not be provided, even according to what we very falsely imagine, the easy and simple manner in which he is commonly accommodated. Compared, indeed, with the more extravagant luxury of the great, his accommodation must no doubt appear extremely simple and easy ; and yet it may be true, perhaps, that the accommodation of a European prince does not always so much exceed that of an industrious and frugal peasant, as the accommodation of the latter exceeds that of many an African king, the absolute master of the lives and liberties of ten thousand naked savages/'* These illustrations of Mr. Smith's are so happily and beauti- fully expressed, that I thought I could not do them justice in any other way than by transcribing them at length from his work. From the view of the subject which has been given, some of Mr. Smith's expressions will require correction ; and his picture, if less pleasing in its colouring, might have been brought nearer to an exact resemblance to the truth, had he insisted less on his favourite topic, and enlarged more on the prodigious effects produced by machinery. On this last head, an anonymous author, who published a pamphlet soon after the riots in Lancashire, occasioned by the introduction of Sir Richard Arkwright's machinery, has made some very judicious observations, which, though not expressed with all the eloquence of Mr. Smith, may form no inappropriate supplement to the quotations already made.f Before dismissing the present subject, it is proper for me to * [Book I. chap. i. ; Vol. I. pp. 17- shorten Labour, occasioned by the late 19, tenth edition.] Disturbances in Lancashire, &c., 1782 But this pamphlet I have never seen, t [Probahly Letters on the Utility and the Notes do not supply Mr. and Policy of employing Machines to Stewart's quotation.] 326 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. mention, as an additional limitation of Mr. Smith's doctrines, that in certain cases great advantages have been gained by a judicious concentration of all the different employments con- nected with a particular manufacture under the same general superintendence and management ; advantages which Mr. Smith represents as only attainable by pushing the subdivision of labour to a greater extent. In proof of this remark, I shall read a short quotation from an anonymous work which states some facts well worthy of attention in the present argument. The publication to which I allude is entitled, Observations founded on Facts, on the Propriety or Impropriety of Exporting Cotton Twist, published in the year 1803.* As an additional illus- tration of the same thing, reference is made by the author to Mr. Thorpe's manufactory at Leeds, where the same work is said to be now performed by thirty-five persons, to execute which in a far more imperfect manner, required, eighteen years ago, 1634 persons. In offering the criticisms with which I concluded my lecture yesterday, on the favourite speculation of Mr. Smith with respect to the division of labour, I must again remark, that I do not censure his doctrines as erroneous, but only as partial and incomplete. Of the importance of the division in promot- ing the progress of the arts, and as a very striking feature in the present state of society in England, I am abundantly aware. I only mean to say, that it is not the sole cause of the progress of the arts, or of the diffusion of wealth among the body of the people ; that there are various other causes with which it is altogether unconnected, and that even where its effects are the greatest, it generally co-operates with other causes much more powerful in their operation. A farther limitation of Mr. Smith's doctrine with respect to the connexion between the division of labour and national wealth, is suggested by this consideration, that if it is just in all its extent, it would necessarily follow, that in every country where the division of labour is carried to a great extent, the * [Perhaps 1805; sec Watt. Like from this pamphlet, of which I am the former the Notes give no quotation equally ignorant.] CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 327 condition of the people must be actually easy and prosperous. This conclusion surely would be very wide of the truth. Before men can think of the accommodations of life, it is necessary that they should be provided with the means of subsistence ; and the abundance of these must always depend on the state of Agriculture, an art, to the perfection of which the divi- sion of labour contributes less than to that of any other art whatsoever. Indeed, where this art is neglected, or does not receive adequate encouragement, one of the greatest sources of national distress may be found in the encroachment which the poor man is led to make on the funds, which are destined for procuring food, by those artificial wants which the arts of accommodation provoke and multiply. With respect to the limit to which the division of labour may be carried, it is fixed, according to Mr. Smith, in all cases by the extent of the market. Before a person dedicates him- self entirely to one employment, says Mr. Smith, he must have a reasonable ground of assurance, that he will be able to ex- change the surplus produce of his labour for the commodities which he may want of a different nature, and accordingly, in a country which is thinly peopled, we find some individuals unit- ing a variety of different employments ; while in those cases where the market is extensive, and where large capitals are employed in trade, the imagination can hardly fix any limits to the progressive simplification of manufacturing art. It must at the same time be remembered, that these circumstances, though indispensable requisites, are not those alone on which this progress depends, as sufficiently appears from the power- ful stimulus which has been applied in this country by the pressure of our public burdens, and also by the competition of foreign nations. In the different parts of Great Britain, illustrations may be collected of all the various gradations in the simplification of manual operations, from that state of society where the farmer is butcher, baker, and brewer to his own family, to the prevalent and almost ludicrous extreme of refinement which is exhibited in the manufacture of a pin. In gome parts of the Highlands of Scotland, nofmany years ago, 328 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. every peasant, according to the Statistical Accounts, made his own shoes of leather tanned by himself. Many a shepherd and cottar too, with his wife and children, appeared at church in clothes which had been touched by no hands but their own, since they were shorn from the sheep and sown in the flax field. In the preparation of these, it is added, scarcely a single article had been purchased, except the awl, needle, thimble, and a very few parts of the iron-work employed in the weaving. The dyes, too, were chiefly extracted by the women from trees, shrubs, and herbs. The remarks quoted from Mr. Smith at our last meeting, naturally lead our attention to the effects of the separation of professions in consolidating the social union, and in organizing the political system, by multiplying the mutual connexions and dependencies of the different members of a community. There is nothing, indeed, in the history of human affairs more striking than this obvious fact, that in proportion as the intel- lectual and moral faculties of the species are unfolded and cul- tivated, and in proportion as the joint wealth and power of the community increase, individuals, considered apart, should be- come more and more connected with one another, and man should be rendered more necessary to man. I need hardly add, that this separation of professions, which, by limiting some men to the labour of the hands, and allowing others to cultivate their intellectual powers, fits the one to govern, and the others to be governed, and establishes in a state, that good order and tranquillity which are incompatible with the habits of uncivil- ized life. The Son of Sirach has described this state of things with beautiful simplicity : " The wisdom of a learned man cometh by opportunity of leisure : and he that hath little busi- ness shall become wise. How can he get wisdom that holdeth the plough, and that glorieth in the goad, that driveth oxen, and is occupied in their labours, and whose talk is of bullocks ? He giveth his mind to make furrows, and is diligent to give the kine fodder. So every carpenter and work-master, that laboureth night and day : and they that cut and grave seals, and are diligent to make great variety, and give themselves to CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 329 counterfeit imagery, and watch to finish a work. The smith also sitting by the anvil, and considering the iron work, the vapour of the fire wasteth his flesh, and he fighteth with the heat of the furnace : the noise of the hammer and the anvil is ever in his ears, and his eyes look still upon the pattern of the thing that he maketh ; he setteth his mind to finish his work, and watcheth to polish it perfectly. So doth the potter sitting at his work, and turning the wheel about with his feet, who is alway carefully set at his work, and maketh all his work by number ; he fashioneth the clay with his arm, and boweth down his strength before his feet ; he applieth himself to lead it over ; and he is diligent to make clean the furnace. All these trust to their hands : and every one is wise in his work. Without these cannot a city be inhabited: and they shall not dwell where they will, nor go up and down: they shall not be sought for in public counsel, nor sit high in the congregation : they shall not sit on the judges' seat, nor understand the sen- tence of judgment : they cannot declare justice and judgment ; and they shall not be found where parables are spoken. But they will maintain the state of the world, and all their desire is in the work of their craft. But he that giveth his mind to the law of the most High, and is occupied in the meditation thereof, ... he shall serve among great men, and appear before princes."* There is, it must be confessed, at the same time, one view of this subject which is not altogether so pleasing ; I mean the effect which, in the more advanced stages of commercial and manufacturing refinement, is produced by the subdivision of labour on the intellectual and moral qualities of those who are doomed to be the instruments of all those blessings to their fellow-citizens. It is justly remarked by Dr. Ferguson in his Essay on the History of Civil Society, " The artist finds that the more he can confine his attention to a particular part of any work, his productions are the more perfect, and grow under his hands in greater quantities. Every undertaker and manufacturer finds, that the more he can subdivide the tasks * [Ecdesiasticus, xxxviii. 24 xxxix. 4.] 330 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. of his workmen, and the more hands he can employ on sepa- rate articles, the more are his expenses diminished and his profits increased." ..." Every craft may engross the whole of a man's attention, and has a mystery which must be studied or learned hy a regular apprenticeship. Nations of tradesmen come to consist of members, who, beside their own particular trade, are ignorant of all human affairs, and who may contri- bute to the preservation and enlargement of their common- wealth, without making its interest an object of their regard or attention." ..." Many mechanical arts, indeed, require no capacity, they succeed best under a total suppression of senti- ment and reason ; and ignorance is the mother of industry as well as of superstition. Eeflection and fancy are subject to err, but a habit of moving the hand or the foot is independent of either. Manufactures accordingly prosper most where the mind is least consulted, and where the workshop may, without any great effort of imagination, be considered as an engine, the parts of which are men."* This view df the moral effects of the division of labour, which is at least equally important with the former, is illustrated at length by the author now quoted, with his usual ingenuity and eloquence. To contrive some method of obviating or diminish- ing this misfortune, which seems at first view to be inseparably connected with the growth of commercial prosperity, is one of the most important problems of legislation. The remedy which at first suggests itself, is the establishment of a system of national instruction, adapted peculiarly to the lower orders of men. But the prosecution of this subject would lead me into too extensive a field of speculation. I cannot, however, quit this article without remarking, that the evil, though a real one while it lasts, naturally leads the way to its own correction, so as to render it probable that it is but a step in the progress of human improvement. In confirmation of this remark, a variety of proofs crowd on me ; but I shall confine my attention to one consideration, which follows as an obvious corollary from the foregoing principles. I have already endeavoured to ex- * [Part IV. sect. i.J CHAP. I. OF LABOUR PRODUCTIVE AND UNPRODUCTIVE. 331 plain, in what manner the division of labour leads to the inven- tion of machines. When the simplification has been carried so far as to convert, according to Dr. Ferguson's metaphor, a workshop into an engine, the parts of which are men, the next step is that which converts it into an engine, literally so called, where the place of men is supplied by mechanical contrivances. The ultimate tendency, therefore, of this process, is to substi- tute mechanical contrivances for manufacturing work, and to open a field for human genius in the nobler departments of industry and talent. There are some other respects, besides, in which the invention of machines counteracts the effects of that division of labour by which it is facilitated. I have heard it remarked, for example, as an advantage resulting from the subdivision of labour, that it obstructs the transplantation of manufactures from one country to another, tending thereby to preserve to a nation which has once outstripped its neighbours, the superiority which it has gained. The effect of mechanical inventions, unquestionably, is to encourage and accelerate this transplantation, rendering the progress of arts and manufactures over the globe more and more an operation of capital. If the former be advantageous in a national view, the latter acts with a more extensive influence on the fortunes of the human race. Indeed, its partial inconvenience, with respect to the stability of some branches of foreign trade, is much more than counter- balanced by its tendency to support manufactures over the whole face of our own country, so as at once to distribute their beneficial effects, and to prevent the evils with which they are attended when carried to an undue excess in a particular dis- trict. But I have already dwelt longer on this general topic than perhaps was requisite ; and I hasten to other discussions more circumscribed in their object, though intimately connected with those in which we have been engaged. The result of the reasonings which I have now stated, with respect to the division of labour is, that however extensively this principle may operate as one cause of the improvement of the arts, and of the general diffusion of the accommodations of life among the members of a commercial society, yet that a 332 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. variety of other causes co-operate no less powerfully to the same effect ; more particularly the invention of machinery, the application of chemistry to the arts, and the facilities afforded to commercial exchanges by roads, bridges, canals, harbours, and the arts of navigation. In one common tendency, as I re- marked in my lecture yesterday, all these different expedients agree with the division of labour, and with each other ; I mean their tendency to save or to supersede labour ; and therefore I should be disposed to substitute, instead of the phrase " divi- sion of labour," as employed by Mr. Smith, the more general phrase, " economy of labour" a phrase which points out with precision the common qualities from which the division of labour, the invention of machinery, the facilities afforded to commerce, and the application of chemistry, derive all their value. CHAPTER II. [OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM.] [SECT. I. OF THE ORIGIN AND USE OF MONEY.] THE Division of Labour, wherever it has been carried to any considerable extent, presupposes the establishment of some common medium of exchange. Without this previous arrange- ment it would be impossible for an individual to devote him- self exclusively to a particular species of employment; divesting himself of every care for the supply of his other wants, and trust- ing to the fruits of his own labour for the power of command- ing the produce of that of his neighbours ; and it is thus that the use of money becomes a powerful, and indeed necessary auxiliary to the other circumstances which lay the foundation of the progressive improvement of the species. It would lead me into a detail inconsistent with my present plan, to attempt the slightest historical sketch with respect to the origin of this invention, and to the successive forms which it assumes in pro- portion as the operations of commerce become more extensive and complicated. These different stages in this history, from the first and simplest operations of barter, to the refinements of paper credit, have been traced by various writers, particularly by Mr. Harris in his Essay upon Money and Coins,* and by Mr. Smith in the Wealth of Nations.^ * [In two parts. The first was pub- the author is called William Harris, lished in 1757, the second in 1758. D.D., which last is, I presume, an The work is anonymous : hut by Mr. error. Mr. Stewart's reference will be M'Culloch it is ascribed to Joseph Har- found in Part I. chap, ii.] ris, Assaymaster of the Mint ; whereas f [Book I. chap. iv. ; Vol. I. p. 33, by Watt and the Catalogues in general, seq., tenth edition.] 334 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. In process of time, among all civilized nations, gold, silver, and copper have supplanted all other commodities as the great instruments of commerce. For this purpose, indeed, these metals are so admirably adapted, that we may justly consider them, particularly the two first, as destined for it by nature, in- dependently of all convention or of all laws. 1 The circumstances which recommend silver and gold as the fittest materials for money, are chiefly the following. First, When pure, and unmixed with base metals, they have every- where the same characteristics, and in all respects the same qualities. Secondly, They are divisible into minute parts, which are again susceptible of a complete re-union by fusion. Thirdly, They are durable, portable, easily kept, and not liable to injury from want of use. Fourthly, They are susceptible of any form, and any impression. Fifthly, They are not too common, nor to be obtained without a valuable consideration in land and labour. To the provision which nature has thus made for facilitating commerce, in the qualities which so re- markably characterize these metals, it may be worth while to add the advantages which we derive from the variety of metals in which these qualities are to be found. In rich and commer- cial countries, coins of gold and silver alone would by no means answer all the purposes of exchange. Coins of gold and silver are not well adapted for that retail trade in which, however, the greatest number of subjects are principally concerned. Coins of silver, again, are too bulky for larger payments. It is necessary, therefore, that coins should be made of different metals. Accordingly, in all such countries, this has taken place sooner or later in the progress of commercial refinement. With respect to the history of the coins in England, a great deal of very curious information has been lately brought together, and very perspicuously stated by Lord Liverpool, in his Treatise on the Coins of the Realm, [1805.] The enumeration which has been already given of the quali- ties which so peculiarly fit the precious metals to perform the 1 See Turgot, [Sur la Formation et la Dittribution det Biche$se t sect. xlv. (Euvres, Tome V. p. 48.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 1.) 335 function of media of exchange, seems of itself fully sufficient to account for the universal use made of them in commerce, abstracting altogether from the useful purposes to which they are applicable in the various arts. In stating this remark, it is scarcely necessary for me to add, that I would by no means be understood to d#ny the important uses of which gold and silver are susceptible, or the intrinsic value which they derive from their beauty and subserviency to the arts of decoration. On this subject I am ready to admit all that has been urged by Mr. Smith, in that part of his work where he attempts to shew that, except iron, they are more useful than any other metal. He says " The demand for those metals arises partly from their utility and partly from their beauty. If you except iron, they are more useful than perhaps any other metal. As they are less liable to rust and impurity, they can more easily be kept clean ; and the utensils either of the table or the kitchen are often upon that account more agreeable when made of them. A silver boiler is more cleanly than a lead, copper, or tin one ; and the same quality would render a gold boiler still better than a silver one. Their principal merit, however, arises from their beauty, which renders them peculiarly fit for the ornaments of dress and furniture. No paint or dye can give so splendid a colour as gilding. The merit of their beauty is greatly enhanced by their scarcity. . . . These qualities of utility, beauty, and scarcity, are the original foundation of the high price of those metals, or of the great quantity of other goods for which they can everywhere be exchanged. This value was antecedent to, and independent of, their being em- ployed as coin, and was the quality which fitted them for that employment. That employment, however, by occasioning a new demand, and by diminishing the quantity which could be employed in any other way, may have afterwards contributed to keep up or increase their value."* In the whole of this passage I certainly agree with Mr. Smith, excepting where he says, that the intrinsic value of gold and silver was the quality which fitted them for their employ- * [Book I. chap. xi. ; Vol. I. p. 268, seq., tenth edition.] 336 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. ment as coin. It appears to me, that this intrinsic value, which I shall allow to gold and silver in its fullest extent, ought to be regarded in the theory of money as merely acci- dental circumstances, from which it is proper to abstract with all possible care, as tending only to embarrass our conceptions ; for the same reason, that in studying the theory of mechanics, we abstract from the effects of friction, the rigidity of ropes, and the weight of the materials of which machines are com- posed. The considerations, undoubtedly, mentioned by Mr. Smith, add to the exchangeable value of money, by increasing the demand for the materials of which it is made, in the very same manner as this value would be increased by a deficiency to the same extent, in the ordinary supply coming from the mines. But I cannot help thinking, that the quantity of gold and silver employed in the arts, bears but a very trifling pro- portion to that which circulates in the shape of money or bullion over the commercial world, so trifling, indeed, as to render it of little moment in the present argument, or at most to place it on the same footing with those circumstances in mechanics, from which, though it is necessary to attend to them in practice, it is nevertheless convenient to abstract in theory, in studying the principle on which any of the simple mechanical powers produces its effect. At any rate, when gold is converted into coin, its possessor never thinks of anything but its exchangeable value, or supposes a coffer of guineas to be more valuable, because they are capable of being transformed into a service of plate for his own use ; whatever satisfaction the possessor of a service of plate may derive from the consi- deration that it may be converted into guineas. Why, then, should we suppose, that if the intrinsic value of gold and silver were annihilated completely, they might not still perform, as well as now, all the functions of money, supposing them to re- tain all those recommendations formerly stated, which give them so decided a superiority over everything else which could be employed for the same purpose. Supposing the supply of the precious metals, at present afforded by the mines, to fail entirely all over the world, there can be little doubt that all the CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 1.) 337 plate now in existence would be gradually converted into money, and gold and silver would soon cease to be employed in the ornamental arts. In this case, a few years would obliterate entirely all idea of the intrinsic value of these metals ; while their value would be understood to arise from those character- istical qualities which recommend them as media of exchange. But so far from sinking in their exchangeable value, they would every day become more valuable in the market than before, in proportion as their quantity was diminished by the slow waste occasioned by commercial circulation. Mr. Smith's doctrine, at the same time, I must own, coincides with the general opinion on this subject ; and Mr. Harris carries it so far, as to propose it as a questionable point, whether coins would have preserved their value and been continued as money, if silver and gold had not been applicable to other purposes. I confess I can see no good reason for this observation ; as, in- dependently of the intrinsic value of these metals, their peculiar adaptation to their different ends, as signs or measures of value, could not have failed to have given them an exclusive title to this employment. I am therefore disposed to think, that Bishop Berkeley was not wide of the truth, (for I would not go so far as to adopt his idea in its full extent,) when he proposed the following doubts in his pamphlet, entitled The Querist, "Whether money is to be considered as having an intrinsic value, or as being a commodity, a standard, a measure, or a pledge, as is variously suggested by writers ? And whether the true idea of money, as such, be not altogether that of a ticket or counter?"* The ingenious author certainly did not mean, in this query, to deny that gold and silver have an intrinsic value, but only to insinuate, that this is an accidental or secondary consideration from which we ought to abstract entirely in forming a precise idea of their function as money. This is perfectly evident from the qualifying words " as such" which he introduces into the Query. The same functions might be performed by a variety of other metals, but by none which unites so many advantages ; and * [Query xxiii.] VOL. VIII. Y 338 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. hence the general consent of mankind in applying them to this purpose ; in consequence of which they have come to be essen- tially distinguished from those local media of exchange to which accidental circumstances have given currency in parti- cular nations. It is this general consent alone which distin- guishes them, when employed as money, from anything else which circulates in a country ; from the paper currency, for instance, which circulates in Scotland and England. Were this island insulated from the rest of the world, the former, as a medium of exchange, would possess no advantage over the latter, excepting in so far as it diminished the opportunities of fraud ; nor would it make the smallest difference on the national wealth, whether the circulating medium consisted of gold or paper, or whether the materials were abundant or scanty. This observation, self-evident as it may appear to some, may perhaps to others require a little illustration. In a country which had no communication with others, it is obvious and indisputable, that the precious metals, when formed into money, would be useful only as a medium of exchange and scale of valuation. On this supposition, the observation of Anacharsis the Scythian, quoted by Mr. Hume in one of his Political Discourses, seems to be perfectly just, that gold and silver appeared to be of no use to the Greeks, but to assist them in enumeration and arithmetic.* I shall afterwards, however, endeavour to show, that Mr. Hume carried this principle a great deal too far, when he concluded, that the prices of com- modities are regulated entirely by the plenty or scarcity of the coin in circulation, f In a country which has commercial dealings with others, the case is very different ; the precious metals being, by those essential qualities formerly mentioned, so much distinguished from the other media of exchange that have been occasionally employed, that they are objects of universal request among mankind ; influencing in a great variety of ways, by their local plenty or scarcity, the relative condition of nations. Among the other commodities which have been used for the * [Essays, VoL I. Of Money.] t [Ibid.J CHAP. IL OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 1.) 339 same purpose, the small shells, called Cowries, which are em- ployed in Africa and some parts of Asia, are perhaps the most deserving of attention, when we consider, notwithstanding their total inutility in every other respect, the value set upon them as media of exchange over such extensive regions of the earth. "I am informed from good authority," says Major Rennell, " that about a hundred tons of Cowries are annually shipped from England alone to Guinea. These are originally shipped from the Maldive Islands to Bengal, and from Bengal to Eng- land. In Bengal, twenty-four hundred more or less are equal to a shilling, and, notwithstanding, some articles in the market may be purchased for a single cowry. But in the inland parts of Africa, they are about ten times as dear, varying from two hundred and twenty to two hundred and eighty. M. Beaufoy was told that in Kassina they were at the rate of about two hundred and fifty ; and Mr. Park reports, that they are about the same price at Sego, but cheaper at Timbuctoo, which is about the centre of the cowry country ; dearer towards Mand- ing, which is the western extremity of it. Hence they are probably carried in the first instance to Timbuctoo, the gold market, and thence distributed to the east and west." 1 It would be a curious speculation to examine the combina- tions of circumstances which thus affect the value of an article that derives its whole worth from its arbitrary application to facilitate commercial operations. The facts which have been stated are sufficient to show, that the minute subdivision of value which these shells are fitted to express, has created a demand for them even where the precious metals are in abundance ; and this demand would manifestly be much greater if the precious metals did not exist at all. These last, however, abstracting entirely from their application in the useful arts, are incom- parably better adapted for the purposes of exchange than cowries, or any other substitute which has yet been thought of, and therefore I have not the smallest doubt, that their employ- ment as media of exchange would have been as universal as it 1 [Proceedings of the Association Interior Parts of Africa, &c., 1798.] for promoting the Discovery of the Appendix, p. 86. 340 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PAST I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. now is, though they had possessed no intrinsic utility or value whatever. In consequence, indeed, of these qualities, the atten- tion of men was directed to them at an earlier period than it otherwise would have been ; and the estimation in which they were held as articles of merchandise, may have suggested their advantageous properties as media of exchange. But the only utility which is essential to gold and silver as media of ex- change, is their peculiar adaptation to that purpose ; and though I would not take it upon me to say that their uses in the arts detract from their value in this respect, yet these are so far from being essential to their qualities as money, that they are in some respects disadvantageous, by rendering the theory of money more complicated than it otherwise would have been. Having mentioned the extensive use of Cowries as a medium of exchange, I cannot help taking notice here, though the sub- ject is not immediately connected with our present inquiry, of some particulars concerning the current prices of some com- modities estimated in this way, extracted from the last com- munication which was received in this country from Mr. Mungo Park, and which is dated 16th November 1805. The particulars which I have to state, are copied from a letter re- ceived by me some tune ago from a friend in London, who had an opportunity of perusing the original document. In this letter Mr. Park states, that in Manding, a town containing eleven thousand inhabitants, he opened a booth for the sale of European commodities, of which he took down some of the prices in cowries. Thus, a piece of gold worth in our currency twelve shillings and sixpence, sold for three thousand cowries. A dollar, sold by Mr. Park as a piece of European manufac- ture, brought from six to twelve thousand cowries. Currency for currency, a cowrie is stated to be worth the twentieth part of our penny. A prime male slave brought forty thousand cowries; a prime female slave ninety thousand ; one young female slave brought forty thousand ; a horse, from two to ten prime male slaves ; a fat cow, fifteen thousand cowries ; an ass, seventeen thousand ; a sheep, from three to five thousand. The doctrine which the foregoing observations tend to esta- CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. (1.) 341 blish is, if I mistake not, agreeable to the opinion of Mr. Locke, who observes, " that the general consent of nations has placed an imaginary value on silver, because of the qualities fitting it for the purposes of exchange."* This remark of Locke's has been severely commented on by Mr. Law, in a small treatise entitled Money and Trade Considered.^ " It is reasonable to think," he says, " silver was bartered, as it was valued, for its uses as a metal, and was given as money according to its value in barter. The additional use of money to which silver was ap- plied, would add to its value, because, as money, it remedied the disadvantages and inconveniences of barter ; and consequently the demand for silver increasing, it received an additional value equal to the greater demand its use as money occasioned. " And this additional value is no more imaginary than the value silver had in barter, as a metal ; for such value was because it served such uses, and was greater or less according to the demand for silver as a metal, proportioned to its quan- tity. The additional value silver received from being used as money, was because of its qualities which fitted it for that use, and that value was according to the additional demand its use as money occasioned. " If either of these values be imaginary, then all value is so ; for no goods have any value, but from the uses they are applied to, and according to the demand for them, in proportion to their quantity.*J I confess, it does not appear to me that Mr. Law's reasonings are precise or conclusive. In as far as his criticism refers to Mr. Locke's use of the word imaginary, I do not think it neces- sary to enter into any argument concerning its justice, but I own that the idea which Mr. Locke meant to express, appears to me clear and unquestionable. That idea was, that the general consent of men, by adopting silver as the medium of exchange, bestows on it, in addition to the recommendations which it derives from its subserviency to the arts, a value which * [(First) Considerations on Interest \ [Chap. i. p. 15, seq., Glasgow edi- emd Money.] tion, 1750.] t [First published in 1705.] 342 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. it did not intrinsically possess. This ideal value is precisely of the same kind with that which the credit of a bank stamps on paper currency, with this difference, that the latter is local, while the former is universal Mr. Locke's remark farther in- timates, that the general consent of men was not the effect of caprice, but of certain peculiarities in the nature and qualities of silver, which have eminently fitted it for the purposes of ex- change ; a proportion which coincides exactly with an assertion formerly quoted from Turgot, [p. 334,] that gold and silver seem destined by nature to be the great instruments of com- merce, independently of all law and of all convention. In further prosecution of the same argument, Mr. Law adds, " that he cannot conceive how different nations could agree to put an imaginary value on anything, especially upon silver, by which all other goods are valued ; or that any one country would receive that as a value, which was not valuable equal to what it was given for ; or how that imaginary value could have been kept up."* The extensive use which is made of cowries in Africa, and some parts of Asia, may serve as a sufficient answer to these observations. Nor is the fact less applicable, though we admit, that these shells, being used in countries where gold and silver are also employed, are therefore to be considered merely as tokens or representatives of the precious metals ; for if articles possessing no intrinsic value, should possess a value as representing the precious metals, why might not gold and silver derive their value from the useful commodities which they represent and enable us to purchase ? " But," says Mr. Law, " for the same reasons a crown passing in France for seventy-six sols, should pass in Scotland for seventy-six pence, and in Holland for seventy-six stivers. But on the contrary, even in France where the crown is raised, it is worth no more than before when at sixty sols."f I must con- fess that I do not understand the scope of this argument, nor can I conceive how it applies to the question under discussion. According to the literal interpretation of this passage, Mr. Law is combating a phantom of his own imagination ; for, by whom * [Ibid.] CHAP. II OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 1.) 343 was it ever supposed that one nation adopted the money of another, ascribing to the precious metals an imaginary value for no other reason than that others had done the same ? I have before said, that the general use of the precious metals is the obvious result of those circumstances which so peculiarly adapt these metals for the purposes of money. This general coincidence Mr. Locke expresses by the word consent. But it is perfectly evident from the context, that he did not mean consent arising from any stipulation or imitation among na- tions ; but a consent analogous to that which Cicero ascribes to the human race, in the fundamental principles of religion and virtue. If this observation be just, it affords a sufficient explanation of the fact, that a crown may pass in France for seventy-six sous, while in Scotland it may not bring seventy-six pence, nor in Holland seventy-six stivers. The properties which universally belong to the precious metals, account com- pletely for the universality of their use as media of exchange ; but it would be surprising, indeed, if all nations had adjusted their values agreeably to some common standard. The case of the precious metals is similar to measures of longitudinal ex- tension. In taking the standard of these from the human body, there has been a pretty general consent among nations. But it would not follow from this, that the Paris foot, and London foot, &c., should be exactly of the same length. Such a coincidence could have resulted only from an express compact. The truth however is, that in consequence of the commercial connexions of different nations, the relative values of the coined metals have been pretty accurately adjusted in the general market of the world ; and it is owing to this that all arbitrary operations in the mints of particular States are unjust, inexpedient, and in many respects ineffectual ; a consequence which has not escaped the notice of Mr. Law himself.* * [Mr. Stewart probably refers to the no nation practises it that has regard following passage : " It is unjust to to justice, or understands the nature of raise or allay money, because, then all trade and money." (Money, &c. Chap, contracts are paid with a lesser value iv. p. 79, eq., Edit 1750.) And so on than was contracted for ; and as it has throughout the chapter.] bad effects on home or foreign trade, so 344 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. It must not, therefore, be imagined, when I lay so great stress on the properties of the precious metals, abstracting from their intrinsical value, in studying the theory of money, that I would mean to insinuate any apology for those arbitrary opera- tions on the coinage, which have been so often practised by dif- ferent princes. If gold and silver possessed no intrinsic value, such operations might be no less iniquitous than they always have been ; for their iniquity arises, not from the useful pur- poses to which the precious metals are subservient in the arts, but from the universality of their employment as media of ex- change. And, indeed, one of my chief reasons for dwelling so long on the present subject, was to prevent so very important a truth as that which relates to the good faith that ought to be maintained with regard to the coinage, from being placed on what I conceive to be an unsound foundation. The pains which Mr. Law has bestowed on this argument is the more surprising, that the doctrine which he wishes to refute would have accorded better with the general scope of his book than that which he supports ; and indeed, in one passage, he seems to give up completely the very point for which he had been so long contending. " Money is not the value for which goods are exchanged, but the value by which they are exchanged ; the use of money is to buy goods, and silver, while money, is of no other use."* An observation which coincides entirely with that above quoted from Mr. Hume, [p. 338.] From the function of the precious metals as media of ex- change, they gradually and naturally came to form the common scale of valuation. For this end, indeed, they are admirably adapted, from the mathematical exactness with which metals, in consequence of their divisibility and fusibility, are fitted to express every conceivable variation of value ; a quality, indeed, of so much importance in their use as money, that it probably contributed more than anything else to establish their employ- ment among commercial nations. The existence, too, of such a standard, would necessarily render the ideas of relative value much more precise and definite than they otherwise would have * [Chap. vii. p. 188. Edit. 1750.] CHAP. II. OF MONET, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 1.) 345 been; by leading men to an arithmetical statement of rela- tions, which probably, in the infancy of commerce, would have been estimated in a very gross and inaccurate manner. The two great functions, then, of the precious metals, when employed for the purposes of Money, are to furnish, first, a universal medium of exchange; and secondly, an accurate scale of valuation. The truth is, that the second idea is, in some measure, involved in the first ; and it is for this reason that I have not included it in my definition ; for although in rude nations articles have been used as media of exchange, which are incapable of expressing all the different gradations of value, such could not possibly have furnished the means of carrying on the business of a great commercial country ; it is therefore implied necessarily in the nature of money, that it furnishes an accurate scale of valuation ; and consequently this last function of money is to be considered as inseparably con- nected with that universality of its use, to which I have directed your attention as its leading and fundamental property. To the conclusion which the foregoing reasonings tend to establish, I know it has been objected, that it is obviously con- tradicted by the perpetual variations that take place in the re- lative values of money and of commodities. When we see that silver, according to its plenty or scarcity, combined with other circumstances, fluctuates in its exchangeable value compared with that of corn, do we not ascribe an intrinsic value to the one as well as the other ? and may not silver be considered as the commodity, and corn the price, with as little impropriety as the converse ? For my own part, I do not perceive the force of this objection. That gold and silver may be considered as commodities, I allow. But would not the case have been the same although they had possessed no intrinsical qualities whatever ? and would not their adaptation to the purposes of commerce, and their employment as media of exchange, have occasioned a considerable demand for them ? Indeed, may I not venture to add, that these circumstances would have ren- dered the demand for them as great as it is at present ? Of what intrinsic utility, for instance, are cowries, which perform 346 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. the functions of money over a great part of Africa and Asia ? and does not even this local employment of them render them an article of commerce and a commodity for sale in the hands of those traders who, after bringing them from Bengal, ship them again to Guinea ? The same doctrine concerning the precious metals will be found perfectly consistent with the principles which regulate the Course of Exchange between different countries. Even when they exist in the shape of Bullion, what constitutes their exchangeable value is their convertibility into the current coins of the country ; and any increased demand for these in a par- ticular country may be regarded, not as a symptom of any new call for them for the purposes of the arts, but as a symptom of some accident in the course of trade which has drained the country of its circulating specie. The truth of all this indeed is virtually acknowledged in those countries where a paper cur- rency forms the chief circulating medium ; and accordingly, whatever objections may be made to bank notes, from their supposed tendency to raise the prices of commodities, or from their insecurity in case of a revolution, no one, abstracting from these and similar circumstances, would at any time wish to see silver and gold, when able to supply himself with paper. But of this subject of Paper Currency, I shall afterwards have occa- sion to treat fully. In the meantime, I shall only observe, that its advantages are necessarily confined to countries which enjoy the blessings of a free and settled government. Were such governments generally established, paper would everywhere supply more and more, except in the smaller operations, the ordinary medium of circulation ; and the precious metals would be limited in a great measure to the functions of liqui- dating the debts of different nations, and regulating the quan- tity of the circulating medium by restraining the paper currency within its due limits. The observations which I have hitherto made on the subject of metallic money, apply equally to Silver and Gold ; both of which are used, without any discrimination, in common mer- cantile transactions. It is necessary, however, according to the CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 1.) 347 opinion of all our latest and best writers on Political Economy, that one of these metals should be considered as the standard or level, or measure of value ; with respect to which, the other is to be regarded as a mere commodity ; for silver and gold, in their mutual relations, like other commodities, are variable in their value, according as the quantity of either is increased or diminished. Consequently, it is not possible that they should both be the measure of value at the same place and time. This doctrine is maintained by Sir William Petty, Mr. Locke, and Mr. Harris, the last of whom speaks of silver as the measure of value in this country. On the other hand, it is one great object of Lord Liverpool's late publication on the Coinage, [1805,] to demonstrate, that gold coin has now become in this country the measure ; and that this is the idea not only of the people of Great Britain, but of all the merchants of foreign countries who have any intercourse with it, and even of those who deal the most extensively in the precious metals. " After full consideration of this subject," says his Lordship, " I offer as the result of my opinion, First, That the coins of this realm, which are to be the principal measure of property and instrument of commerce, should be made of one metal only. Secondly, That in this kingdom the gold coins only have been for many years past, and are now in the practice and opinion of the people, the principal measure of property and instrument of commerce. In a country like Great Britain, so distinguished for its affluence and for the extent of its com- mercial connexions, the gold coins are best adapted to be the principal measure of property ; in this kingdom, therefore, the gold coin is now the principal measure of property and stan- dard coin, or, as it were, the sovereign archetype by which the weight and value of all other coins shall be regulated. It is the measure of almost all contracts and bargains, and by it, as a measure, the price of all commodities, bought and sold, is adjusted and ascertained." In answer to Mr. Locke, who had said " that gold is not the money of the world and measure of commerce, nor fit to be so," his Lordship observes, " It is difficult to determine what Mr. 348 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. Locke means, when he asserts that gold is not fit to be the money of the world. Gold, as a metal, is equally homogeneous, equally divisible into exact portions or parts, and not more consumable, or more subject to decay, than silver ; gold has some of those qualities even in a higher degree than silver. Mr. Locke must mean, therefore, that gold is, on account of its value, not fit to be the money of the world, or the measure of property and commerce. It cannot, I think be doubted, that the metal of which this principal measure of property is made, should correspond with the wealth and commerce of the country for which it is intended. Coins should be made of metals more or less valuable in proportion to the wealth and commerce of the country in which they are to be the measure of property. In very poor countries coins have been, and still are, principally made of copper, and sometimes even of less valuable materials. In countries advanced to a certain degree of commerce and opulence, silver is the metal of which coins are principally made. In very rich countries, and especially in those where great and extensive commerce is carried on, gold is the most proper metal, of which this principal measure of pro- perty and this instrument of commerce should be made ; in such countries gold will in practice become the principal measure of property, and the instrument of commerce, with the general consent of the people, not only without the support of law, but in spite almost of any law that may be enacted to the contrary, for the principal purchases and exchanges cannot then be made, with any convenience in coins of less valuable metal." I must own I do not fully see the force of his Lordship's reasoning upon this subject ; but Lord Liverpool seems to have reflected so much upon it, and enjoyed such opportunities of being well informed in all things relating thereto, that I am doubtful of my own opinion, wherever I am forced to differ from him. Of the advantages, indeed, which he thus enjoyed, his Lordship appears to have been fully sensible ; and in one place of his book, appears to express an opinion pretty strongly of the inability of speculative men, that is, men without his practical knowledge, to oppose or criticise his opinions. CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 2.) 349 Admonished by these hints, I shall not on this occasion prosecute the discussion of this complicated subject any farther. I cannot, however, dismiss the subject altogether, without taking notice of an idea which has been suggested by many political writers, and which is well entitled to a careful con- sideration, though I do not mean to offer any decided opinion with regard to it ; that the stamp of the sovereign affixed to the metals which compose the current coin, ought alone to de- note the degree of purity, and that their value ought to depend totally on their weight. The only inconvenience which would attend this measure, would be the difficulty of breaking through the present plan, and the trouble which would be occasioned by the necessity of weighing. Of these, the last only is permanent in its operation. The conveniences which would attend a gen- eral adoption of this plan, would be great. It would put an end to all clipping, washing, and paring of the coins, and to all that jobbing which proceeds from a minute knowledge of the state of the currency in different countries. In truth, such a regulation, if everywhere adopted, would secure to the world at large those advantages which Holland derived from the Bank at Amsterdam. [SECT. II. OF REAL AND NOMINAL PRICES.] The remarks which I now proceed to offer, relate to a dis- tinction intimately connected with the subject which has just been under our consideration ; I mean that between the real and nominal prices of commodities. In the practical conclu- sion which Mr. Smith ultimately adopts on the question to which this distinction applies, I do not differ from him very widely ; though I think that it has been stated by him in too general and unqualified terms. But as I deem the metaphy- sical process by which he arrives at this conclusion is by no means satisfactory, and as I have been often puzzled with it myself, I shall offer no apology for making a few observations on it, premising only, that I consider the question to which I 350 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. am first to direct your attention, as chiefly an object of specu- lative curiosity. " Every man is rich or poor," says Mr. Smith, " according to the degree in which he can afford to enjoy the necessaries, con- veniences, and amusements of life. But after the division of labour has once thoroughly taken place, it is but a very small part of these with which a man's own labour can supply him. The far greater part of them he must derive from the labour of other people, and he must be rich or poor according to the quantity of that labour which he can command, or which he can afford to purchase/'* It appears to me that the latter clause of this sentence is by no means a just inference from the former ; and the only conclusion to which it properly leads, is that every man is rich or poor according to the means which he possesses of purchasing those necessaries, conveni- ences, or amusements, which are supplied by the labour of others. That the riches of an individual do not depend on the quantity of labour which he can command, is obvious from what Mr. Smith himself has so ingeniously shown with regard to the effects of the division of labour in increasing its pro- ductive powers. [See p. 312, seqJ] In a country, therefore, where a separation of arts and professions has taken place, the national riches depend much less on the quantity of labour, than on the skill of the labourer, a proper division of work, and the advantages which are derived from the use of machinery. Consequently no estimate can be formed of the comparative riches of individuals from merely knowing the quantities of labour which they are able to command. "The value of any commodity, therefore," continues Mr. Smith, " to the person who possesses it, and who means not to use or consume it himself, but to exchange it for other commo- dities, is equal to the quantity of labour which it enables him to purchase or command. Labour, therefore, is the real mea- sure of the exchangeable value of all commodities." f I have sometimes thought that part of the obscurity in which Mr. * [Wealth of Nations, Book I. chap. v. ; Vol. I. pp. 43, 44, tenth edition.] t [Ibid.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. (2.) 351 Smith has involved this subject, arises from the vague use which he makes of the phrase " measure of value." I need not remark, that this expression is borrowed from the mathematical sciences, in which important advantages are sometimes gained by employing one species of quantity to measure another. Thus angles are measured by the arc of a circle ; and velocities and forces are measured by a reference to extended magnitudes. This seems to be the idea which Mr. Smith has annexed to the word throughout the greater part of the chapter in question. But in this sense, the speculation cannot possibly admit of any useful application ; as he confesses that it is difficult, or rather impossible, to ascertain the proportion between different quan- tities of labour. For he proceeds : " Though labour be the real measure of the exchangeable value of all commodities, it is not that by which their value is commonly estimated. It is often difficult to ascertain the pro- portion between two different quantities of labour. The time spent in two different sorts of work, will not always alone de- termine this proportion. There may be more labour in an hour's hard work, than in two hours' easy business ; or in an hour's application to a trade which it cost ten years' labour to learn, than in a month's industry at an ordinary and obvious employment. But it is not easy to find any accurate measure either of hardship or ingenuity. In exchanging, indeed, the different productions of different sorts of labour for one another, some allowance is commonly made for both. It is adjusted, however, not by any accurate measure, but by the higgling and bargaining of the market, according to that sort of rough equality which, though not exact, is sufficient for carrying on the business of common life." " Every commodity," he adds, however, " is more frequently exchanged for, and thereby compared with other commodities, than with labour. It is more natural, therefore, to estimate its exchangeable value by the quantity of some other commodity, than by that of the labour which it can purchase. The greater part of people, too, understand better what is meant by a quan- tity of a particular commodity, than by a quantity of labour. 352 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. The one is a plain palpable object, the other an abstract notion, which though it can be made sufficiently intelligible, is not altogether so natural and obvious. " When barter ceases, and money has become the common instrument of commerce, every particular commodity is more frequently exchanged for money than for any other commo- dity. ... It is more natural and obvious, therefore, to estimate the value of commodities by the quantity of money, the com- modity for which they are immediately exchanged, than by that of the commodity for which they are exchanged only by the intervention of another commodity. Hence it comes to pass, that the exchangeable value of every commodity is more frequently estimated by the quantity of money, than by the quantity either of labour or of any other commodity which can be had in exchange for it."* From this quotation, it appears manifestly that there is no analogy between Mr. Smith's conclusion touching the mensura- tion of value by labour, and the measures employed by mathe- maticians. These last substitute quantities easily compared for quantities that are compared with greater difficulty ; whereas the measure of value proposed by Mr. Smith is acknowledged to be founded on a mere abstract notion. The truth is, how- ever, that what Mr. Smith was really in quest of in this chapter, was not a measure of value, but a universal standard for the measurement of value ; or, in other words, a unit fixed in the unalterable principles of human nature, by a comparison with which, the comparative values of money at different times might be estimated. It is obvious that it gives us no idea of the wealth of an individual to say, that in the time of Henry VII. his income amounted to 5000, unless we also knew how far a pound sterling would go in these days. On what principle, then, shall the value of money at different times be estimated, or how shall the real prices of commodities and labour be computed? This I conceive to be the simple statement of the question, which Mr. Smith undertakes to re- solve; and in this, as in many others, a precise idea of its [Ibid. pp. 45, 46-] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. (2.) 353 nature will be found to contribute much to the success of our inquiries. That labour is the real measure of the exchangeable value of all commodities, Mr. Smith attempts to show in the second paragraph of his fifth chapter, by a different process of reason- ing, but, in my opinion, one not more satisfactory. " The real price of everything," he observes, " what every- thing really costs to the man who wants to acquire it, is the toil and trouble of acquiring it. What everything is really worth to the man who has acquired it, and who wants to dispose of it, or change it for something else, is the toil and trouble which it can save to himself, and which it can impose upon other people. What is bought with money or with goods, is purchased by labour, as much as what we acquire by the toil of our own body. That money or those goods, in- deed, save us this toil. They contain the value of a certain quantity of labour, which we exchange for what is supposed, at the time, to contain the value of an equal quantity. Labour was the first price ; the original purchase-money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labour that all the wealth of the world was originally purchased ; and its value to those who possess it, and who want to exchange it for some new productions, is precisely equal to the quantity of labour which it can enable them to purchase or command."* The fallacy of the argument contained in this passage, con- sists in the application to all the various stages of society, of a description which applies only in fact to that rude period which preceded the accumulation of stock, and, what may be regarded as nearly coeval in point of time, the establishment of positive institutions regulating the acquisition and protecting the en- joyment of property. I have endeavoured to shew, in my other course of lectures, that prior to the establishment of law, the only foundation of an exclusive and permanent property is labour ; and hence it seems to follow, as a necessary conse- quence, that in this rude state of things, the only circumstance which could regulate the exchangeable value of commodities, * [Ibid. p. 44.] VOL. VIII. Z 354 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. was the quantity of labour which the preparation of them re- quired ; some allowance being probably made for superior hard- ship incurred, or skill exerted. This incontrovertible principle, accordingly, Mr. Smith turns in various strong lights ; after which, he makes an abrupt conclusion, with which it is not easy to trace its connexion, that the value of a commodity to those who possess it, and want to exchange it, is precisely equal to the quantity of labour which it can enable them to command. It is difficult to reconcile this passage, considered at least in its application to the more advanced periods of society, with the analysis which Mr. Smith has given in a dif- ferent chapter, of the component parts of the price of commo- dities : " As soon as stock has accumulated in the hands of particular persons, some of them will naturally employ it in setting to work industrious people, whom they will supply with materials and subsistence, in order to make a profit by the sale of their work, or by what their labour adds to the value of the materials. In exchanging the complete manufacture either for money, for labour, or for other goods, over and above what may be sufficient to pay the price of the materials, and the wages of the workmen, something must be given for the profits of the undertaker of the work, who hazards his stock in this adventure. The value which the workmen add to the materials, therefore, resolves itself in this case into two parts, of which the one pays their wages, the other the profits of their employer upon the whole stock of materials and wages which he advanced."* With these principles in his view, it is not a little curious that Mr. Smith should have satisfied his mind with the reason- ing just quoted from another part of his work. Another metaphysical argument afterwards offered by Mr. Smith in proof of the same proposition, is, that " as a measure of quantity, such as the natural foot, &c., which is continually varying in its own extent, never can be an accurate measure ; so a commodity, like silver or gold, which is continually varying in its own value, can never be an accurate measure of value. But equal quantities of labour must at all times be of equal * [Ibid. Book I. chap. vi. ; Vol. I. p. 72, tenth edition.] CHAP. II. OF MONET, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 2.) 355 value to the labourer ;"* and so on. The step of this reasoning to which I would more particularly direct your attention, is that in which it is said, that equal quantities of labour must at all times be of equal value to the labourer. What idea are we here to annex to the term value ? In the previous chapter, we are told that this word has two different meanings ; sometimes expressing the utility of a commodity, and sometimes the power of purchasing other goods. The first of these is called value in use, the other value in exchange. The distinction is illus- trated by the examples of water and a diamond. The same dis- tinction, illustrated by the very same examples, occurs in Mr. Harris's work On Coins, and in the treatise by Mr. Law, entitled, Money and Trade Considered. I have some doubts, however, with respect to its accuracy ; for what is value in use, but a circuitous expression for utility ; and what possible advantage can arise from substituting the former phrase for the latter ? On the other hand, is not the idea of value in exchange suffi- ciently conveyed by the word value ; which in speculations of this sort is seldom or never employed as synonymous with in- trinsic utility, and which in itself seems to involve the very nature of the comparison ? Both of these, and similar phrases, have been employed in the present discussion. The principal advantage of the common mode of speaking over that employed by Mr. Smith, is, that the latter, after distinguishing the two kinds of value, often makes use of the word without any limit- ing epithet ; and thereby not only puzzles his readers, but im- poses on himself. Thus, when it is said that a commodity like silver, which is continually varying in its own value, can never be an accurate measure, the word value plainly means exchangeable value. But this word as plainly alters its mean- ing in the next sentence, when it is remarked, that equal quantities of labour are of equal value to the labourer. Here the word value cannot mean exchangeable value, as it is ex- pressly supposed that the exchangeable value varies. We must, therefore, conclude, according to Mr. Smith's definition, that it was value in use which he meant ; though I need hardly * [Ibid. chap. v. ; Vol. I. p. 48, tenth edition.] 356 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. observe, it is rather an awkward mode of expressing the simple proposition, that equal quantities of labour always cost the same exertion to the labourer, to say, that equal quantities of labour will always be of equal value to the labourer. It is in this -last sense however alone, that the proposition can be interpreted. There is no difference, therefore, between labour and silver and gold, which entitles the former to be established as a standard of value, in preference to the latter. And where Mr. Smith adds, that in those cases where the same quantities of labour purchase different quantities of goods, it is the value of the latter which varies, not of the former, the assertion amounts merely to this, that the exchangeable value of labour varies, while the labourer continues to make the same sacrifices of his ease and happiness. But might not this proposition be con- verted in many cases to the necessaries of life, &c., the ex- changeable value of which varies, while their value in use remains the same ? Mr. Smith's doctrine on this subject has been plainly sug- gested by that state of society which preceded the accumulation of stock, when the labour of one man being universally ex- changed against that of another, the exchangeable value of commodities was thus rated according to the quantities of labour which they could command. How wide a difference there is between this state of things, and the circumstances of a community like ours, where the labourer has to exchange his labour, not only against the labour of his fellow-citizen, but against value arising from the profits of stock and the rents of land, and where commodities involving all the three consti- tuents of price are continually exchanged against one another. The sacrifices which the labourer makes, must, indeed, remain always the same, and he will naturally be led to bestow the epithets of cheapness or dearness, according to the extent of his own exertions. But how does this afford a standard or fixed value for comparing different values in different ages and nations ? Is it not evident, that those who subsist by labour form only one of the classes of society ; that the price of labour enters as an element into that of most of the commodi- CHAP. II. OF MONET, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 2.) 357 ties which are purchased by the other classes ; and that the same circumstances which are favourable to the one class, are equally so to the other ? Why, therefore, should the standard of value be taken from the labour of one class in preference to the limited revenue of the other ? A very important distinction, however, follows in the next paragraph, though it has been introduced with a sort of apology for the deviation from strict philosophical accuracy, for which I must own I see no reason. " In this popular sense, therefore, labour, like commodities, maybe said to have a real and a nominal price. Its real price may be said to consist in the quantity of the necessaries and conveniences of life which are given for it, its nominal price in the quantity of money. The labourer is rich or poor, is well or ill rewarded, in proportion to the real, not to the nominal price of his labour."* It is somewhat sur- prising that Mr. Smith should not have seen, after stating those very just and accurate views, that they apply not only to labour, but to commodities of every description. Mr. Smith says, that the nominal value of a commodity is the quantity of money, its real value the quantity of the conveniences and necessaries of life which it will purchase. Is not this a more precise, as well as a more obvious and intelligible mode of speaking, than to measure the price of commodities by their price in labour ; a thing which Mr. Smith himself tells us is a mere abstract notion, and which must have its own real price measured ultimately by this very standard ? My last lecture was chiefly occupied with an examination of Mr. Smith's doctrine, concerning the real and nominal price of commodities, a doctrine which, as I have already hinted, seems to me to be rather of a metaphysical than of a political nature. Indeed, Mr. Smith himself acknowledges that it does not admit of any practical application of which we can avail ourselves in comparing together the prices of commodities at different periods. It is not the wages of labour, it must always be re- membered, either nominal or real, by which this ingenious * [Ibid. Book I. chap. v. ; Vol. I. p. 49, tenth edition.] 358 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. writer proposes to measure the price of commodities ; for he tells us himself, in the same chapter, that the subsistence of the labourer, or the real price of his labour, is very different iu different circumstances, " more liberal in a society advancing to opulence, than in one standing still," &c. It is the quantity of labour employed by the labourer, which he holds out again and again, not as affording an approximation to the truth, but as a universal standard by which we may, with the greatest accuracy, estimate the comparative values of different com- modities, as well from century to century, as from year to year. He acknowledges, at the same time, that it is a test to which we cannot appeal in fact.* From this passage, if I do not misunderstand it, it appears to have been admitted by Mr. Smith, that his theory does not afford a rule, of which we can avail ourselves for the purpose of actually calculating the comparative value of prices at differ- ent times and places. He seems, at the same time, to have considered the theory as mathematically accurate in itself, but as unsusceptible of a practical application. If the remarks which I made yesterday be just, the theory, even considered abstractly, proceeds on an erroneous principle. In some of the practical rules which Mr. Smith afterwards suggests, I agree with him very nearly, under proper limitations. But I am unable to conceive their connexion with the premises from which he deduces them. I shall, therefore, endeavour to establish the justness of my own opinions on this point ; in doing which, I may perhaps be able to point out some of the circumstances which have misled the speculations of this very profound writer. In general, it will be remembered, that the precise object of the present inquiry is, to find some standard by which we may compare the exchangeable value of commodities at different times and places, or something by which the varying price of the precious metals, when considered as media of exchange, may be estimated. In the observations which I am to make on this subject, I shall retain Mr. Smith's language, in order * [See the quotation given above, p. 351.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 2.) 359 to point out more clearly in what respects I differ from his opinions ; taking care, however, when I make use of the word value, to add the terms intrinsic or exchangeable, accord- ing to the sense in which I wish to be understood. The same distinction, as I have already hinted, may perhaps be expressed by the terms utility and value ; but, on the present occasion, I flatter myself that by adopting Mr. Smith's phraseology, I shall be able, with greater conciseness, to show in what the defects of his reasoning consist. The following general principles, which I shall state with all brevity, are intended to facilitate some of our subsequent rea- sonings. They may, perhaps, also be found to throw additional light on some points which I have already noticed. I. It was before observed, in quoting Mr. Smith's distinction between Value in use, and Value in exchange, that a commodity may possess the one species of value in the greatest possible degree, while it possesses little or none of the other. As a necessary limitation, however, of this remark, it may be proper to add, that although value in use does not imply any value in exchange, yet value in exchange necessarily implies some degree at least of value in use. The truth of this is manifest ; for value in exchange depending, as I shall afterwards have occa- sion to show, on the proportion between the demand and the supply, some intrinsic recommendation, either real or appre- hended, must be supposed to account for the demand which the object occasions. This recommendation may, indeed, be of the most trifling nature ; arising, perhaps, merely from beauty, fashion, or curiosity. But whether trifling or important, some degree of it must either belong to the object, or be generally ascribed to it, before it can become the subject of competition to purchasers. II. The degrees of utility are infinite in number, extending from those slight and evanescent recommendations which operate on the fancy or caprice of the opulent, to what is necessary for the support of life. Articles of the last kind possess the highest degree of utility, and are, I think, the only ones to whose value in use it is possible to annex any definite meaning. 360 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. III. However slight the intrinsic utility of a commodity may he, a certain degree of scarcity, combined with a certain degree of demand, may bestow on it any conceivable value in exchange ; that is, the caprice of the opulent may incline them to purchase it, by parting with any given quantity of the superfluous articles of use or necessity which they may possess. In this case, the greatness of its exchangeable value means nothing more than the power which it conveys to the possessor of purchasing a comparatively great quantity of other commo- dities ; the exchangeable value of these things in the market being to each other inversely as their quantities. IV. As the terms, price and exchangeable value, necessarily imply the relation of one thing to another, the common im- pressions of high and low price, or great and small exchange- able value, convey no definite ideas whatever, excepting to those who have in view some standard of comparison. A diffi- culty, therefore, occurs here precisely similar to that which has so long puzzled mathematicians on the subject of a universal standard of longitudinal extension. But fortunately, the spe- culations of political economists do not require the same mathematical accuracy in their solution, which is so desirable in the other case. Whatever room for regret the astronomical or natural philosopher may find in the looseness of the language employed in different ages and nations with respect to longi- tudinal measures, very little inconvenience is experienced by those whose speculations come home immediately to the busi- ness of common life. For all purposes of this kind, common language, which has adopted the dimensions of the human body as a standard, is sufficiently definite and precise ; for though the Eoman foot, the Paris foot, &c., deviate considerably from a mathematical equality, yet as we have reason to believe, that in different ages the average stature of man has varied only within very narrow limits, this measure of extension is, in most instances, sufficient for the purposes of the historian, politician, and philologist. In like manner, in Political Economy, the great object of research is, to obtain some standard of price or exchangeable value, not exhibiting to all mankind a mathema- CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 2.) 361 tical sameness or stability, for that is impossible in the nature of things, but bearing such a relation to the fixed circumstances of the human race as may reduce the vagueness of ordinary language within such limits as to enable one age or nation, to avail itself of the political experience of another. Thus when we look at a drawing, it is impossible to form an estimate of the magnitude of the object which the painter meant to repre- sent. But if a human figure is introduced into the landscape, though the size of men is subject to some variation, it affords us at least such a standard of comparison, as reduces the differ- ence between the painter's conception and ours to a compara- tive trifle. The application of this illustration to the present subject is sufficiently obvious. V. It seems farther evident, in the fifth place, that in order to obtain such a standard as we are now in quest of, it is neces- sary to fix on some commodity for which the demand shall at all times bear, as nearly as possible, the same proportion. Were the case otherwise, the exchangeable value of this com- modity must be subject to occasional variations ; insomuch, that, on the one hand, by a conceivable increase of the demand, the supply continuing the same, the exchangeable value of the commodity might rise to a monopoly price ; or, on the other hand, by a conceivable increase of the supply, without a change on the demand, its exchangeable value might be extinguished altogether. This last supposition has been actually realized in the case of water. VI. In the sixth place, the uniformity of the demand for a commodity, can arise only from its being a necessary of life ; as, in every other case, fashion and accidental circumstances may be supposed more or less to operate. VII. In the seventh place, a regular adaptation of the supply to the demand, can exist only in things which depend on human industry, proportioning its exertions to the known extent of the market. Agreeably to these principles, corn, or whatever constitutes the ordinary food of the people, seems more likely to furnish a standard of valuation than anything else. First, The demand 362 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. is less subject to variation, the commodity itself forming to the great mass of the people a necessary of life ; and the consump- tion of individuals among the labouring classes of mankind, subsisting on the same species of food being found, in different ages and nations, to approach wonderfully near to the same standard. Secondly, The quantity of corn raised may be ex- pected to adapt itself within narrow limits to the effectual demand. The value in use, therefore, of this commodity, may be considered as remaining always the same. We have thus arrived at the very same conclusion which Mr. Locke has deduced from a different view of the same sub- ject ; and as the general scope of his reasoning seems to be just in itself, and to afford some additional illustrations of the sub- ject which I have been considering, I shall quote the substance of his argument as stated by himself in his Considerations on Lowering the Hate of Interest. [ 15.] " That supposing wheat a standing measure, that is, that there is constantly the same quantity of it, in propor- tion to its vent, we shall find money to run the same variety of changes in its value, as all other commodities do. Now that wheat in England does not come nearest to a standing measure, is evident by comparing wheat with other commodities, money, and the yearly income of land, in Henry VII.'s time and now ; for supposing that in the first of Henry VII., N let 100 acres of land to A for sixpence per annum per acre, rack-rent, and to B another 100 acres of land, of the same soil and yearly worth with the former, for a bushel of wheat per acre, rack- rent, (a bushel of wheat about that time being probably sold for about sixpence,) it was then an equal rent. If, therefore, these leases were for years yet to come, it is certain that he that paid but sixpence per acre, would pay now fifty shillings per annum; and he that paid a bushel of wheat per acre, would now pay about twenty-five pounds per annum, which would be near about the yearly value of the land, were it to be let now. The reason whereof is this : that there being ten times as much silver now in the world (the discovery of the West Indies having made the plenty) as there was then, it is nine- CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 2.) 363 tenths less worth now, than it was at that time ; that is, it will exchange for nine-tenths less of any commodity now, which bears the same proportion to its vent, as it did two hundred years since, which of all other commodities wheat is likeliest to do. For in England, and this part of the world, wheat being the constant and most general food, not altering with the fashion, not growing by chance, but as the farmers sow more or less of it, which they endeavour to proportion, as near as can be guessed, to the consumption, abstracting the overplus of the precedent year in their provision for the next, and vice versa, it must needs fall out that it keeps the nearest proportion to its consumption (which is more studied and designed in this than other commodities) of any thing, if you take it for seven or twenty years together ; though, perhaps, the plenty or scarcity of one year, caused by the accidents of the season, may very much vary it from the immediately precedent, or following. Wheat, therefore, in this part of the world, (and that grain which is the constant general food of any other country,) is the fittest measure to judge of the altered value of things, in any long tract of time ; and therefore, wheat here, rice in Turkey, &c., is the fittest thing to reserve a rent in, which is designed to be constantly the same for all future ages. But money is the best measure of the altered value of things in a few years, because its vent is the same, and its quantity alters slowly. But wheat, or any other grain, cannot serve instead of money, because of its bulkiness, and too quick change of its quantity. For had I a bond to pay me one hundred bushels of wheat next year, it might be a fourth part loss, or gain to me ; too great an inequality and uncertainty to be ventured in trade, besides the different goodness of several parcels of wheat in the same year." It appears from these very judicious observations of Mr. Locke, as well as from what I had occasion to state formerly, that the accuracy of wheat, considered as a standard of valua- tion, proceeds on the supposition, that the quantity constantly bears the same proportion to the demand. But though this may be expected to be the case on the average of a number of 364 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. years, the proportion must necessarily vary much, as Mr. Locke has suggested, from year to year, in consequence of the acci- dents of the seasons. Hence, I apprehend, arises the true principle of the rule for measuring prices by the wages of labour, as these do not vary from year to year with the money price of corn, but in general are regulated by its average price. It is not, therefore, in con- sequence of any metaphysical theory concerning labour con- sidered abstractly, that I would appeal to the wages of labour as a measure of value ; I merely consider them, when accu- rately ascertained, and when due allowances are made for collateral circumstances, as an evidence of the average price of corn and the necessaries of life, at any particular period. Mr. Smith's reasoning, you will observe, reverses this order, and deduces the rule founded on the money price of corn from a metaphysical speculation concerning the fixed and unalterable value of labour. The oldest writer by whom I have found the wages of labour suggested as a criterion for ascertaining the real price of commodities, [in 1765,] is Mr. Bice Vaughan, who, after a variety of preliminary observations extremely deserving of attention, expresses himself thus : " But there is only one thing from whence we may certainly track out the prices, and which carries with it a constant re- sultance of the prices of all other things which are necessary for a man's life ; and that is the price of labourers' or servants' wages, especially those of the meaner sort. And as there is to be found no other certain and constant cause of the raising of the prices of all things, but two. viz., the one, the raising of the values of monies ; the other, the great abundance of gold and silver coming into these parts, in this latter age, out of the Indies ; although the hire of labourers did continually rise, yet it did rise so much and no more, as the value was raised. But after the discovery of the Indies, you shall find the price of the labourers' wages raised in proportion, far exceeding the raising of monies; and therefore, for my part, I am certainly per- suaded, that as long as the values of monies are raised, and the CHAP. IL OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 2.) 365 Indies do yield that abundance of gold and silver which they do, that both the hire of labourers, and generally the price of all things, especially of those things necessary for life, will rise ; however, for a year, two or three, through uncertain accidents, sundry particulars may stand at a stay, or abate, but that the hire of labourers and servants carrieth with it a resultance of the prices of all things generally necessary for a man's life ; besides, that reason doth convince that there must be a con- venient proportion between their wages and their food and raiment, the wisdom of the statute doth confirm it, which doth always direct the rate of labourers and servants to be made with a regard of prices of victuals, apparel, and other things necessary to their use."* The same criterion of price or value is repeatedly referred to by Mr. Harris in his Essay on Coins, [1757.] But he does not appear to me to have been so successful as Mr. Bice Yaughan, in fixing on the real grounds on which the opinion rests. The following are the principal passages in his book relative to this subject : " The values of land and labour do, as it were of themselves, mutually settle or adjust one another; and as all things or commodities are the products of those two, so their several values are naturally adjusted by them. But as in most pro- ductions labour hath the greatest share ; the value of labour is to be reckoned the chief standard that regulates the values of all commodities, and more especially as the value of land is, as it were, already allowed for in the value of labour itself." f " It may be reasonably allowed, that a labouring man ought to earn, at least, twice as much as will maintain himself in ordinary food and clothing, that he may be enabled to breed up children, pay rent for a small dwelling, find himself in ne- cessary utensils, &c. ; so much, at least, the labourer must be allowed, that the community may be perpetuated. And as the world goes, there is no likelihood that the lowest kind of labourers will be allowed more than a bare subsistence ; if they * [-4 Treatise of Money, &c., chap. xi. p. 105, seq.] f [Fart I. chap. i.7.] 366 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. will not be content with that, there will be others ready to step into their places ; and less, as above observed, cannot be given them. And hence the quantity of land that goes to maintain a labourer becomes his hire ; and this hire again becomes the value of the land, the expenses of manuring and tilling it being also included."* In another passage he observes, " Though we reckon by money, yet labour and skill are the main standards by which the values of all or most things are ultimately ascertained, and there will require a greater or less bulk of money, to purchase the very same thing, according as there is a greater or less quantity of money in circulation; that is, according as the material of money is cheaper or dearer, or in greater or lesser plenty."f In these extracts, notwithstanding the general indistinctness which runs through the passages now quoted, there are some hints not undeserving of attention : for although the author has not touched on what appears to me to be the fundamental principle, yet he has suggested some collateral advantages which we derive from the wages of labour considered as a test of the exchangeable value of gold and silver at different periods. Of these, the two following seem to be the most important : First, As the wages of common or unskilled labour may be presumed to be nearly the minimum at which an individual with a family can be subsisted, the knowledge of this minimum affords the lowest points of the scale on which the comparative riches of individuals are to be graduated. In proportion as their daily income rises above this point, they are removed from the lowest class of independent citizens, and rank higher or lower, among the superior orders of the community. In the second place, a tolerable estimate may be formed of the power and influence of an individual, from the number of labourers to whom he can furnish employment ; and as far as the value of labour regulates the price of commodities, a knowledge of its * [Ibid. 8.] t L^id. chap. ii. 22.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 2.) 367 current price will enable us to form an estimate of the effective power of money, at any particular time, in commanding a supply of the conveniences and accommodations of life. From the foregoing reasonings, it sufficiently appears that if the current price of labour could be accurately ascertained in different times and places, it would furnish to the political economist important lights for comparing the actual circum- stances of mankind in different states of society. It is, how- ever, but very rarely that this accuracy can be obtained. The price of corn, on the other hand, though it has been but in few cases regularly recorded, is yet in general better known, and has been more frequently taken notice of by historians and poli- tical writers. To these, accordingly, we are forced to appeal in inquiries of this nature. In doing so, however, it is necessary always to remember, that the standard of comparison must be taken, not from the accidental prices of particular years, but from the average prices of a considerable period. It appears farther from what has been stated, that neither the current wages of labour, nor the average price of corn, im- portant as they are in the light of political data, can furnish anything like a mathematical standard for judging of the effec- tive power of money, or the exchangeable value of commodi- ties in different countries. A great variety of other circum- stances must be taken into account, in order to form a reasonable estimate. After all, we can only hope to obtain such an im- perfect help to our conceptions, as the average height of the human figure affords, when it is the only scale introduced into a landscape. To what degree the wages of labour are liable to be affected by accidental circumstances, particularly by the advancing, stationary, or declining state of the society, has been shown very fully and ably by Mr. Smith himself, in the eighth chapter of his first book Beside, however, the considerations there suggested, many others must be combined, in order to obtain the necessary corrections of the conclusions to which we are led by the standard of value now recommended. But the statement of these will be less tedious, when introduced in the 368 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. course of the practical applications of this doctrine which will afterwards occur. There is one consideration, however, so obvious and im- portant, that I think it proper to mention it in this place ; I mean the necessity of paying due attention to the general habits of the people in the article of food, before we build any reasonings on the prices of what are now considered as neces- saries of life. This remark I take the earliest opportunity of stating, because it leads to the correction of a very fertile source of error in political speculations ; and in no instance, perhaps, is it more likely to mislead us, than in the conclusions which we form with respect to the condition of the labouring classes, and the value of money, at different periods, from the comparative prices of wheat alone, forgetting that this was not the common food of the people till very lately, and that even at present it is only one of their various articles of subsistence. From the household book of Sir Edward Coke, it appears that in the year 1596, rye-bread and oatmeal formed a very considerable proportion of the diet of servants, even in the greatest families. In 1626, barley-bread is stated in the grant of a monopoly by King Charles to be the usual food of the lower classes. Of the relative proportion of wheat consumed in England and Wales about the era of the Kevolution, some idea may be formed from an estimate of the produce of the arable land by Gregory King, whose schemes, according to Dr. Daven- ant, are all so accurate as not to be controverted. In the supplement to the Corn Tracts, there is an estimate of the pro- portional consumption of the different kinds of grain about thirty years ago, which deserves attention on account of the esteem in which the author of that work [Ch. Smith] has always and most deservedly been held by the best judges, for the extent and accuracy of his information. After remarking that bread made of wheat has become much more generally the food of the common people since the year 1689, than before, he adds, that "it is still very far from being the food of the people in general," &c., estimating the bread consumers in 1764 at not more than one-half of the population. Mr. Benjamin Bell, in CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 2.) 369 a volume of Essays published some years ago, and which con- tain some important views concerning the agricultural interests of this country, which he has illustrated by a large collection of facts, ascertained with uncommon care, states the proportion of the whole inhabitants of Great Britain, who are fed on oats and barley, at a fourth of the whole population, giving it at the same time, as his opinion, that the estimate probably falls short of the truth. Indeed, I apprehend there can be little doubt that it does so very considerably. I have entered into these details, in order to show with how great latitude it is necessary to receive all those estimates of the efficiency, or exchangeable value of money, at different times and places, which are founded on a comparison of the prices of wheat. A similar remark may be made with respect to those inferences which have been so often drawn from the same data, in proof of the misery of the lower orders, occasioned by the astonishing fluctuations of the prices of necessaries during the earlier periods of our history. That these inferences are just, when confined within certain limits, I do not mean to deny. But it is certainly pushing them too far, when we assume the wide ranges in the price of this article at particular times, as a scale for measuring the abundance or scarcity of necessaries at these periods. Thus, for example, when Stowe informs us, that in the year 1317, the harvest in England was all got in before the 1st September, and that wheat from 4 a quarter fell to 6s. 8d., this is a fact sufficient of itself to demonstrate by how small a proportion of the people wheat was then re- garded as an indispensable necessary. The variation in the price of oats, as stated on the same authority, is no less aston- ishing, being from 3, 4s., to 5s. 4d. But it is very observable, that no mention is made of the price of barley, which appears then to have formed the ordinary food of by far the greater proportion of the people ; an omission which affords a pre- sumption, that its fluctuations were confined within much nar- rower limits. In the year 1270, the price of wheat fell to 6s. 8d. per quarter, while the rate of wages was Id. a-day in harvest, and ^d. out of harvest. In such circumstances, it is quite VOL. VIII. 2 A 370 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. superfluous to remark, that the average price of wheat had no relation whatever to the price of labour. I shall take this opportunity of remarking, though the obser- vation has not any immediate connexion with the present argu- ment, that in accounting for the different prices of butchers' meat at different periods, some allowance ought to be made for the changes in the national habits with respect to food, which arose naturally from the Protestant Reformation. It is ob- served by Dr. Campbell, in his Political Survey of Great Britain, that before the Reformation the people may be sup- posed to have lived one-third of the year on fish. I presume he meant to say, that during one-third of the year fish served as a substitute for flesh : and I am inclined to think that this estimate is rather below than above the truth, as a paper, pre- served among the Harleian Manuscripts, affords a proof, that even in the time of Queen Elizabeth, the number of fish-days appointed for the royal household was one hundred and forty- five. Dr. Campbell elsewhere remarks, that in consequence of the regard paid to Lent, the rising stock was preserved ; and that it was with a view to this circumstance that so many pro- clamations were issued for keeping Lent long after the reformed religion was established. It appears, too, that while this demand continued, the sea was ransacked for many articles which would now be rejected by the meanest persons, but which were then presented at the best tables. Thus, in the Appendix to the tenth volume of Dr. Henry's History of Great Britain, a bill of fare is given, which contains porpoises and seals, as " part of the goodly provisions collected for the installa- tion of an Archbishop of York." (1466.) The observations already made on the difference in the re- lative importance of wheat as an article of request in national diet at different periods, will explain sufficiently the circum- stances which give to the wages of common labour, wherever they are accurately ascertained, an advantage over the average price of wheat as a standard for estimating the exchangeable value of money. " They carry with them," to use the words of Rice Vaughan, " a constant resultance of the prices of all other CHAP. II. OP MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 3.) 371 things necessary for a man's life." The political regulations, however, it must be confessed, which in almost every country prevent the wages of labour from finding their proper level, together with the varying effects of villanage, from the first decline of that institution till its final abolition, render even facts of this description less accurate tests of the exchangeable value of money, than we should be apt to conclude from a theoretical view of the subject. But notwithstanding this ob- jection, these undoubtedly form the most important data to which we can appeal in comparing together the effective powers of money in different periods of society. Were it possible to ascertain with accuracy the rates of wages in different times, and to combine them with the prices, not only of the necessaries, but of the conveniences and luxuries of life, it would throw more light on that most interesting branch of history, the condition and manners of the people, than is to be collected from all the narratives which record the political and military transactions of our ancestors. It is much to be regretted that our earlier writers were so little aware of this truth, and that among modern authors a false idea of historical dignity should prevent a due attention to the scattered details which may still be gleaned from a careful and indus- trious examination of our ancient monuments. To the univer- sality, indeed, of this remark, Mr. Hume's history forms a striking exception ; and it is to the sanction of his name that we are probably indebted, in a great measure, for those re- searches which have rendered the work of Dr. Henry so valuable an accession to the stock of British literature. [SECT. III. ON THE EFFECTS OF PLENTY OR SCARCITY OF THE PRECIOUS METALS UPON PRICES.] I now proceed to offer some remarks on the principles by which the relative values of money and commodities are adjusted in commercial transactions. It is a subject of ex- treme difficulty, and I am much afraid that what I have to state will tend more to invalidate the reasonings of others, than to establish any satisfactory conclusions of my own. 372 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. I begin with examining a speculation of Montesquieu, which has contributed greatly to mislead those of his succes- sors. This I shall state in Montesquieu's own words, after which I shall consider particularly the different steps of his argument. " Money is the price of merchandise or manufactures. But how will this price be fixed ? that is to say, by what price of money will each thing be represented ? " If we compare the mass of gold and silver in the whole world, with the quantity of merchandise therein contained, it is certain that every commodity or merchandise in particular, may be compared to a certain portion of the entire mass of gold and silver. As the total of the one is to the total of the other, so part of the one will be to part of the other. Let us suppose that there is only one commodity or merchandise in the world, or only one to be purchased, and that this is divisi- ble like money, a part of this merchandise will answer to a part of the mass of gold and silver, the half of the total of the one to the half of the total of the other ; the tenth, the hundredth, the thousandth part of the one, to the tenth, the hundredth, the thousandth part of the other. But as that which constitutes property amongst mankind is not all at once in trade ; and as the metals or money which are the signs of property, are not all in trade at the same time, the price is fixed in the compound ratio of the total of things, with the total of signs, and that of the total of things in trade, with the total of signs in trade also. And as the signs which are not in trade to-day, may be in trade to-morrow ; and the signs not now in trade may enter into trade at the same time, the establish- ment of the price of things always fundamentally depends on the proportion of the total of things to the total of signs." . . . " If since the discovery of the Indies, gold and silver have in- creased in Europe in the proportion of one to twenty, the price of provisions and goods must have been increased in the proportion of one to twenty. But if, on the other hand, the number of articles of merchandise has increased as one to two, it necessarily follows that the price of these articles and provi- CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 3.) 373 eions has risen in the proportion of -one to twenty, and fallen in proportion of one to two, it necessarily follows, I say, that the proportion is only as one to ten." 1 It is observed by Sir James Steuart,* that this theory of Montesquieu is of an older date than his writings, being alluded to in one of the papers of the Spectator, and very explicitly stated by Mr. Locke. The ideas of this last writer are strongly expressed in a passage which has been already quoted during this Lecture, from his considerations on lowering the rate of interesif It is, however, from Montesquieu and Mr. Hume, that this theory has chiefly derived its authority, and it is surprising to what a degree it has influenced the opinions of commercial politicians since their time, although neither of these eminent writers have attempted any explanation whatever of the prin- ciple on which it proceeds. In the passage above quoted from the Spirit ofLaivs, it is said to be certain; and it is repre- sented by Mr. Hume as next to a self-evident proposition, " That the prices of everything depend on the proportion be- tween commodities and money, and that any considerable alteration on either has the same effect, either of heightening or lowering the price. Increase the commodities, they become cheaper ; increase the money, they rise in their value. As, on the other hand, a diminution of the former, and that of the latter, have contrary tendencies. " It is also evident, that the prices do not so much depend on the absolute quantity of commodities and that of money which are in a nation, as on that of the commodities which come or may come to market, and of the money which circulates." J The same doctrine has been repeated by numberless writers 'of a later date ; and among others, by Dr. Wallace, in a small book entitled Characteristics of the present Political State of Great Britain ; a coincidence the more remarkable that it is the great object of the latter to oppose some consequences that 1 Spirit of Laws, B. XXII. c. vii., viii. f [Above, p. 362.] * [Political (Economy, Book II. chap, xxviii. ; Works, Vol. II. p. 84.] J f Essays, VoL I. Of Money.] 374 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. have been deduced by Mr. Hume, and I apprehend, very logi- cally, from the theory. " Let us suppose," says Dr. Wallace, " that there is a certain quantity of money and of commodities in any country. The quantity of money may be said to represent the commodities, and to determine the prices of them. The prices of particular commodities may vary in different circumstances ; but if the sums of the money and of the commodities continue much the same, the prices, on the whole, cannot much alter. In such a case, if no more money comes into the country, unless the dis- positions of the people are remarkably changed by some extra- ordinary accident or revolution, it will be very difficult to carry on a great deal of more work on a sudden, as speedily to increase the sum of the commodities. " But, if a great sum of money should be brought into the nation at once, and be distributed in any way whatever, pro- vided the labouring and industrious part of the nation do not get such sums as will keep them idle ; though some part of it would undoubtedly be hoarded up, and would thereby be ren- dered useless, yet the greatest part of it would be employed and become useful. . . . Every one would be enabled to spend a little more, and to carry on his business better. By these means there would be everywhere more labour. Of course, the commodities, or real riches, which are quite different from money, would be greatly increased. " Again : If the stock of money should be increased by this industry ; or, if another sum of money should be introduced by other means, and be distributed as before, this would again in- crease the stock of commodities. And so on continually, or to a certain limit."* The general conclusion in which these authors agree, has been adopted with great zeal by Mr. Arthur Young, who has produced various arguments in defence of his opinion, which I do not think it necessary to quote. Among the consequences inferred by Mr. Hume from this doctrine, the two following are the most important : The first [Part I. pp. 21-23.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 3.) 375 is the advantage of hoarding large sums in public treasuries, so as to prevent completely their circulation. The second conse- quence deduced from this principle is, that banks, funds, and paper credit of every kind are injurious to the commerce and wealth of a nation. The contrariety of these conclusions of Mr. Hume to the prevailing opinions among our best political writers, together with their alarming aspect when considered in relation to the policy of this country, excited the attention of Dr. Wallace, the learned and ingenious author of the Dissertation on the Numbers of Mankind ; and gave rise to the publication just quoted, in which he opposes the appli- cations which Mr. Hume makes of Montesquieu's principle, without, however, expressing any doubts concerning the prin- ciple itself. The most elaborate refutation that I know of these specula- tions of Montesquieu and Mr. Hume, is in Sir James Steuart's Political (Economy; and I shall, accordingly, avail myself freely of his ideas wherever I find them to my purpose ; attempting, as far as I am able, to avoid that profusion of vague and in- definite words with which this very ingenious and well-informed writer is so apt to obscure his meaning. Much additional light has been thrown on this subject by several foreign authors, par- ticularly by Mr. Pinto, in his celebrated Essay on Circulation and Credit. I need scarcely add, with respect to Mr. Smith, that in treating of this important article of Political Economy, as far as it was connected with his great plan, he has displayed his usual superiority over all other writers ; establishing, in the most satisfactory manner, some general principles which con- clude decisively against the theory in question. But I shall avoid his view of the subject, as it is more generally known, and as he has passed over some topics more slightly than he probably would have done, if Mr. Hume had not given the sanc- tion of his name to Montesquieu's errors. [?] In order to avoid circumlocution, I shall distinguish this doctrine by ascribing it to Montesquieu ; although, from what has been already said, it appears to have been current in this 376 POLITICAL ECONOMT. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. country at a much earlier period. I shall direct my remarks, too, more particularly against his statement of the doctrine than against Mr. Hume's, as he has been at more pains to ex- plain the sense in which he wishes it to be understood. Indeed, in his attempt to unfold the nature of his doctrine, it is sur- prising that he did not discover the vagueness of the ideas which he annexes to the words which he employs. " Let us suppose," says Montesquieu, " that there is but one commodity to be bought and sold," &c. [above, p. 372.] In this passage, he uses the French word repondre, by which he would seem to intimate, that the tenth or hundredth part of the commodities is equal in exchangeable value to the tenth or hundredth part of the money. But whether this was Montes- quieu's idea or not, it is of little consequence, as it follows necessarily from his fundamental principle, that the whole money in circulation is either equal in value to the whole com- modities, or that it is equal to some determinate part, such as a half, &c., and that this proportion never varies. Unless we admit this conclusion, we must reject the general principle, that the price of commodities varies proportionally with the quantity of money. The truth is, that it is not an easy matter to put any precise or intelligible interpretation on the language which has been employed by Montesquieu, and those who have fol- lowed him on this subject. They tell us that the money re- presents a commodity ; that it is the sign of the commodity ; that it answers to the commodity. These are expressions which, if they have any determinate meaning, seem to imply, that the whole of the money is equal to the whole of the com- modity, the half to the half, and so on in proportion. If this be not the meaning of these expressions, when introduced in order to prove or illustrate the principle, that prices must bear relation to the quantity of money, what other interpretation can be put upon them ? " Were a statesman," says Sir James Steuart, " to perform the operation of circulation and commerce, by calling in, from time to time, all the proprietors of specie in one body, and all those of alienable commodities, workmen, &c., in another ; and CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 3.) 377 were he, after informing himself of the respective quantities of each, to establish a general tariff of prices, according to our author's [Hume's] rule ; this idea of representation might easily be admitted, because the particles of manufactures would then seem to be adapted to the pieces of the specie, as the rations of forage for the horses of an army are made larger or smaller, according as the magazines are well or ill provided at the time ; but has this any resemblance to the operations of commerce ?"* It is indeed wonderful how much this subject has been per- plexed by the use of words that are indefinite or equivocal in their meaning. Coin has been called a representation ; and because it is a representation, it must bear an exact proportion to the thing represented. And since in some particular examples this representation has been found to hold, the rule has been made general. If, for instance, a merchant has 1000 worth of grain, the thousandth part of the commodity is said to be equivalent to the thousandth part of the sum, because both are determinate in their quantity. But the parcels of this corn, though exactly proportioned to the quantities of money, do not draw their value from this proportion, but from the total value of the whole mass ; a value which is determined, not by the amount of the specie in the country, but by the complicated operations of competition. To call coin a representation of commodities and labour, because the possession of the one com- mands the enjoyment of the other, is plainly an abuse of lan- guage. Coin, indeed, by being the established medium of ex- change, may be regarded as a universal equivalent. But it is not the only equivalent for things alienable ; for although it were banished altogether, alienations and exchanges would still continue, though in a more inconvenient form. And even at present this takes place in many instances, as where a peasant receives meat and clothes as an equivalent for personal service. Why, then, should coin be considered as the representation of all the manufactures and industry of a country more than any other equivalent ? If it did represent or answer to them, in the only sense in which the proposition seems intelligible, it * [Political (Economy, Book II. chap, xxviii. ; Works, Vol. II. p. 100.] 378 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. would follow that " every commodity of a country," as Sir James Steuart observes, " should be sold, like the parcel of grain in the foregoing example, by the rule of three."* If the proposition, indeed, be supposed to imply no more than this, that the value of every commodity is reckoned in pounds, shillings, and pence, the word representation is not inaptly employed. But in this sense the proposition is nugatory, and altogether foreign to the present question. It is not, however, in considering coin as the only equivalent for things vendible, that the principal fault of this theory con- sists. When stripped of equivocal language, it will be found necessarily to involve the following supposition: that as in every bargain of buying and selling, the price paid is equivalent to the thing bought, therefore, for everything bought, there must exist a sum of money of equal value ; a proposition of which the fallacy is obvious, as it overlooks completely that virtual multiplication of the quantity of money which arises from its cir- culation. It takes for granted that money has been employed which was never given in payment before, and never will be given again ; a supposition which is contrary to one of the most familiar and indisputable facts 3 that a guinea will pass through many hands in a day, and in the course of a year may pay for a hundred times its value in commodities. It may be proper to illustrate this idea a little more fully, because, familiar as the fact is, it leads to consequences which have not always been attended to, in discussing the question now under consi- deration. In Mr. Pinto's Treatise on Circulation and Credit, it has been shewn with much ingenuity, how a quick circulation makes money go far in exchanges. And the following anecdote is mentioned by this very well-informed writer as an illustra- tion : " Pendant le siege de Tournay en 1745, et quelque temps auparavant, la communication etant coupee, on etait embarrasse, faute d'argent, de payer le pret a la Garuison. On b'avisa d'emprunter des Cantines la somme de 7000 florins. C'etait tout ce qu'il y avoit. Au bout de la semaine les 7000 * [Ibid. p. 102. ] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 3.) 379 florins etaient revenus aux Cantines, ou la meme somme flit emprunte*e encore une fois. Cela fut repete ensuite jusqu'a la reddition pendant sept semaines, de sorte que les memes 7000 florins firent 1'eS'et de 49,000 florins."* It was, therefore, with very good reason, that Bishop Berkeley long ago proposed the following query, " Whether less money swiftly circulating be not in fact equivalent to more money slowly circulating ?"f From these observations it seems evident, that the quantity of money and notes in circulation, must bear but a small pro- portion to the value of goods to be bought and sold, and that this proportion must vary according to the quickness with which the money circulates or shifts from one hand to another. According to Mr. Pinto, there is not in the whole world half the silver coin which would pay all the expenses of Paris for a single year, if the same piece were never to change its possessor but once. In order to illustrate this subject a little farther, I shall sup- pose that a labouring man gains ten shillings a week, which he receives always on Saturday, and that he spends proportionally through the week these ten shillings on his family, so as to have no money in his pocket next Saturday. This man may be said, on a medium, to be possessed of five shillings ; and a hundred men in this situation may be said to be in possession of 25. This is all they have used, though they have each of them spent ten shillings a week. I make a second supposition, that each of these men lives on credit ; that his ten shillings are spent by the time they are earned ; and that every man pays his debt when he receives his weekly wages. In this case, the money may never have been a single hour in their hands ; and it is a chance of a hundred to one, if they are masters of twenty shillings amongst them ; and yet each of them, as before, spends ten shillings a week. I have only another supposition to make, that each of these hundred labourers will live at the same rate as formerly ; that they ask no credit ; and that they are paid their wages once a year. They will thus receive at once 26 ; which, having no * [Partie I. p. 34, Note, orig. edit] t [Querist, Q. xrii.] 380 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. :BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. other use for their money, they will gradually spend on their families in the course of a year, at the rate of ten shillings a week. It is evident, that these men will at a medium be possessed of 13 a piece, and that their whole money will be equal to 1300 ; though their wages and consumption are the same as those of a hundred men who could not produce twenty shillings among them. The obvious inferences from these suppositions are, firstly, that 25 with a quick circulation, will go as far as 1300 with a slow circulation ; secondly, that even where the circula- tion is equally quick, 1 with credit will purchase as much as 25 without credit ; and, thirdly, that as both tlie circulation and quantity of money may vary in consequence of a variety of causes, both natural and moral, it is extremely improbable that the money in circulation should always bear a fixed and in- variable proportion to the value of all the commodities used in commerce. Yet it is demonstrable, that if the price of commo- dities bears a constant proportion to their total amount, as Mr. Hume and Montesquieu have both maintained, the whole amount of the commodities must either be equal to the whole money, or bear some fixed and invariable proportion to it. As a farther proof of the fallaciousness of the reasonings formerly quoted from Montesquieu, it may be worth while to take notice of some remarkable facts which have been pre- served with respect to prices among the ancients. These facts will exhibit a striking contrast to the state of modern Europe, and will, I hope, throw some additional light on the subject under discussion, the simple structure of society in the ancient world enabling us to trace whatever relation subsists between the quantity of money and its exchangeable value, more easily than when it is affected by such a complication of circum- stances, as operate so powerfully on that order of things which falls under our observation. The same facts will afford an additional illustration of what I have already so often re- marked concerning the essential changes which, in modern Europe, trade, and industry, and the freedom of the lower orders, have produced on the circumstances of mankind. CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 3.) 381 " It is a question with me," says Sir James Steuart, " whether the mines of Potosi and Brazil have produced more riches to Spain and Portugal than the treasures heaped up in Asia, Greece, and Egypt, after the death of Alexander furnished to the Komans, during the two hundred years which followed the defeat of Perseus and the conquest of Macedonia."* Soon after this inundation of wealth, the Roman republic went to destruc- tion ; and a succession of the most prodigal princes ever known in history succeeded each other for two hundred years ; giving all the circulation to these treasures which was compatible with the actual state of commerce at the time. It is, however, ex- tremely remarkable, that while in consequence of the extra- vagance of the Romans, the prices of superfluities rose to an excessive height, those of necessaries kept astonishingly low. Of this the most satisfactory evidence is produced by Dr. Wallace, in his Dissertation on the Numbers of Mankind ; and by Dr. Arbuthnot in his Tables of Ancient Coins. In times somewhat earlier, before this great influx of money, the cheapness of the necessaries of life was much greater. Ac- cording to Polybius, the Sicilian medimnus of wheat was even in his time sold commonly in some parts of Italy at four oboli, and the same quantity of barley for two : at which rate, if we admit Dr. Wallace's computation, the English quarter of wheat would have sold at a price equivalent to about fifteen pence. Polybius informs us farther, that there was such plenty of provisions in the north of Italy at that time, that a traveller was well entertained at an inn with all necessaries, and seldom paid more than a quarter of an obolus, equal to a third of a penny. Long before this period, however, immense prices had been paid for things merely ornamental; and the plenty of money could not fail to be great. But afterwards, the contrast between the extravagance of the rich, and the simple manners of the people in general, became far more conspicuous under Augustus. In illustration of this, I shall point out a few facts, taken at random from Dr. Arbuthnot's work on Ancient Coins, Weights, and Measures. * [Political (Economy, Book II. chap. xxx. ; Works, Vol. II. p. 135, seq.] 382 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. Before proceeding to these, I shall just mention that the debts of Julius Caesar, before he had been in any public office at Rome, amounted to 1300 talents, a sum which Dr. Arbuthnot estimates at 221,875 sterling. According to a Latin transla- tion of Appian, the debts of the same person, before he held any foreign command, amounted to 2,000,000 sterling. A Greek manuscript has a different reading, and states them at half this sum. But, on either supposition, the fact is sufficient to convey an idea of the quantity of the precious metals which then existed in Rome ; for as great debts are the effect of great credit, so they are an indication of great riches. JSsopus the player, as noticed by Arbuthnot, spent a sum equal to 4000 sterling on a single dish ; Vitellius the Emperor consumed upon one supper a sum equal to 87,000 sterling, and in the course of seven months that he continued Emperor, spent upon eating and drinking a sum amounting to upwards of 4,000,000 sterling. I have mentioned these facts, chiefly to have an opportunity of introducing a most extraordinary circumstance, that nearly about the same time when the debts of Julius Caesar amounted to the enormous sum stated above, Pomponius Atticus, who lived with great hospitality, and even with some degree of simple elegance, associating with all the first characters in Rome, did not spend more than 9, 13s. 9d. a month, or in the whole year 116, 5s. On this point we have the decisive evidence of Cornelius Nepos, in the following remarkable pas- sage : " Nee hoc prseteribo, (quanquam nonnullis leve visum iri putem,) cum imprimis lautus esset Eques Romanus, et non parum liberaliter domum suam omnium ordinum homines in- vitaret ; scimus non amplius, quam terna millia aeris, peraeque in singulos menses, ex Ephemeride eum expensum sumtui ferre solitum. Atque hoc non auditum sed cognitum praedicamus. Saepe enim propter familiaritatem. domesticis rebus inter- fuimus."* These facts appear to me to illustrate strongly the essential difference between the state of society in ancient and modern times. In truth, the circulation of money among the Romans * [Excellentium Imperatorum Vitce, Atticus.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 3.) 383 had little or no resemblance to what is now called circulation in our systems of Political Economy. Fortunes were then made by corruption, fraud, and plunder, instead of trade and regular industry. The consequence was, that there was no relation whatever between the prices of articles ministering to the desires of the great, and of articles subservient to the necessities of the poor. It is to be observed, too, that in the curious examples collected by Dr. Arbuthnot, of such articles as brought the most extravagant prices, we only find those which could not be multiplied in proportion to the demand. These prices, therefore, arose not from the abundance of money, but from the impossibility of suiting the supply to the market. The cheapness of necessaries did not proceed from their plenty, but from the small number of individuals who were led by their situation to purchase them. As none who were fed by the labour of slaves, or on grain distributed gratuitously, had any occasion to go to market, the competition must have been confined to a comparatively inconsiderable portion of the com- munity. The manner, too, in which the market was then pro- vided, must be taken into account. It was supplied partly by the surplus corn produced on the lands of great men, laboured by slaves, who, being fed on the lands, the surplus cost a mere trifle ; and as the number of buyers was very small, this sur- plus must necessarily have been sold very cheap. Besides, the grain distributed among the people must have kept down the market, as a part of it must have sometimes been superfluous to those who received, and consequently must have come to be sold in competition with that which was raised at private expense. In judging of the very low prices of grain in our own country some centuries ago, similar considerations must be taken into account. A very large proportion of the inhabitants then drew their subsistence directly from the soil, and conse- quently, the demand for grain in the markets must have been comparatively inconsiderable. In such a state of society, the demand must have been proportioned, not to the consumers, but to the buyers. 384 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. Shall we, therefore, say, that the quantity of money in a State has no effect whatever on price ? That it does not vary with it proportionally, and that in estimating its effects on the commercial system, the rate of circulation must always be com- bined with the amount of the circulating mass, is a proposition abundantly evident. Much, too, must depend on the manner in which the money is distributed, among the different classes of the community, and in various other circumstances con- nected with the condition and habits of the people, of which it is easy to perceive the general influence, but which it is impos- sible to subject to calculation in accounting for particular phenomena. It does not, however, follow from this as a con- sequence, that the relative proportion of money and commodi- ties, though not the only cause which regulates prices, may not, in certain circumstances, operate on them very powerfully, how difficult soever it may be from the extreme complacency of the subject, to trace the extent of its influence. A distinction of Mr. Smith's relative to this question is ex- tremely worthy of attention, though it may be doubted whether it authorizes all the important consequences which he supposes it to involve. " The quantity of the precious metals may increase in any country from two different causes : either, first, from the in- creased abundance of the mines which supply it ; or secondly, from the increased wealth of the people from the increased pro- duce of their annual labour. The first of these causes is no doubt necessarily connected with the diminution of the value of the precious metals ; but the second is not. "When more abundant mines are discovered, a greater quantity of the precious metals is brought to market, and the quantity of the necessaries and conveniences of life for which they must be exchanged being the same as before, equal quantities of the metals must be exchanged for smaller quantities of commodi- ties. So far, therefore, as the increase of the quantity of the precious metals in any country arises from an increased abun- dance of the mines, it is necessarily connected with some dimi- nution of their value. CHAP. H. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 3.) 385 "When, on the contrary, the wealth of any country increases, when the annual produce of its labour becomes gradually greater and greater, a larger quantity of coin becomes neces- sary in order to circulate a greater quantity of commodities ; and the people, as they can afford it, as they have more com- modities to give for it, will naturally purchase a greater and a greater quantity of plate. The quantity of their coin will in- crease from necessity, the quantity of their plate from vanity and ostentation, or from the same reason that the quantity of fine statues, pictures, and of every other luxury and curiosity, is likely to increase among them. But as statuaries and painters are not likely to be worse rewarded in times of wealth and prosperity, than in times of poverty and depression, so gold and silver are not likely to be worse paid for."* After illustrating at some length this remark, Mr. Smith states, that " From about 1570 to about 1640, during a period of about seventy years, the variation in the proportion between the value of silver and that of corn held a quite opposite course. Silver sunk in its real value, or would exchange for a smaller quantity of labour than before ; and corn rose in its nominal price, and instead of being commonly sold for about two ounces of silver the quarter, or about ten shillings of our present money, came to be sold for six and eight ounces of silver the quarter, or about thirty or forty shillings of our present money." f On this distinction Mr. Smith founds his reply to Mr. Hume's celebrated argument against banks and paper credit. " These," says Mr. Hume, " render paper equivalent to money, circulate it throughout the whole state, make it supply the place of gold and silver, raise proportionably the price of labour and com- modities, and by that means either banish a great part of those precious metals, or prevent their farther increase. What can be more short-sighted than our reasonings on this head ? We fancy, because an individual would be much richer, were his stock of money doubled, that the same good effect would follow were the money of every one increased ; not considering that * [ Wealth of Nations, Book I. chap. xi. ; Vol. I. p. 294, seq., tenth edition.] t [Ibid. p. 299, seq.] VOL. VIII. 2 B 386 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. this would raise as much the price of every commodity, and re- duce every man in time to the same condition as before. It is only in our public negotiations and transactions with foreigners, that a greater stock of money is advantageous ; and as our paper is there absolutely insignificant, we feel, by its means, all the ill effects arising from a great abundance of money, without reaping any of the advantages. " Suppose that there are twelve millions of paper which cir- culate in the kingdom as money, (for we are not to imagine that all our enormous funds are employed in that shape,) and suppose the real cash of the kingdom to be eighteen millions : Here is a State which is found by experience to be able to hold a stock of thirty millions. I say, if it be able to hold it, it must of necessity have acquired it in gold and silver, had we not obstructed the entrance of these metals by this new inven- tion of paper. Whence would it have acquired that sum? From all the kingdoms of the world. But why ? Because, if you remove these twelve millions, money in this State is below its level, compared with our neighbours ; and we must imme- diately draw from all of them, till we be full and saturate, so to speak, and can hold no more. By our present politics we are as careful to stuff the nation with this fine commodity of bank- bills and chequer-notes, as if we were afraid of being over- burthened with the precious metals. " It is not to be doubted, but the great plenty of bullion in France, is in a great measure owing to the want of paper-credit. The French have no banks : merchants' bills do not there cir- culate as with us : usury or lending on interest is not directly permitted ; so that many have large sums in their coffers : great quantities of plate are used in private houses ; and all the churches are full of it. By this means, provisions and labour still remain cheaper among them, than in nations that are not half so rich in gold and silver. The advantages of this situa- tion, in point of trade, as well as in great public emergencies, are too evident to be disputed."* In opposition to this doctrine, Mr. Smith labours to prove, * [Estayt, Vol. I. On the Balance of Trade.] CHAP. II. OF MONET, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 3.) 387 that " the whole paper money of every kind which can easily circulate in any country, never can exceed the value of the gold and silver of which it supplies the place, or which, the commerce being supposed the same, would circulate there if there had been no paper money."* A few pages after Mr. Smith proceeds to an examination of Mr. Hume's doctrine in the following words : " The increase of paper money, it has been said, by aug- menting the quantity, and consequently diminishing the value of the whole currency, necessarily augments the money price of commodities. But as the quantity of gold and silver, which is taken from the currency, is always equal to the quantity of paper which is added to it, paper money does not necessarily increase the quantity of the whole currency. From the be- ginning of the last century to the present time, provisions never were cheaper in Scotland than in 1759, though, from the cir- culation of ten and five shilling bank-notes, there was then more paper money in the country than at present. The pro- portion between the price of provisions in Scotland and that in England, is the same now as before the great multiplication of banking companies in Scotland. Corn is, upon most occasions, fully as cheap in England as in France ; though there is a great deal of paper money in England, and scarce any in France. In 1751 and in 1752, when Mr. Hume published his Political Discourses, and soon after the great multiplication of paper money in Scotland, there was a very sensible rise in the price of provisions, owing, probably, to the badness of the seasons, and not to the multiplication of paper money. " It would be otherwise, indeed, with a paper money consist- ing in promissory notes, of which the immediate payment de- pended, in any respect, either upon the good-will of those who issued them, or upon a condition which the holder of the notes might not always have it in his power to fulfil, or of which the payment was not exigible till after a certain number of years, and which in the meantime bore no interest. Such a paper money would, no doubt, fall more or less below the value of gold * f Wealth of Nations, Book II. chap. ii. ; Vol. I. p. 448, tenth edition.] 388 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. and silver, according as the difficulty or uncertainty of. obtain- ing immediate payment was supposed to be greater or less ; or according to the greater or less distance of tune at which pay- ment was exigible."* That this reasoning of Mr. Smith involves some very sound and important principles, cannot be disputed. At the same time, I believe, it is now very generally admitted, that it also involves some material mistakes and oversights. The assertion, in particular, that the whole paper money of every kind that can easily circulate in any country, never can exceed the value of the gold and silver of which it supplies the place, is an as- sumption completely refuted by our actual experience since Mr. Smith's time. Indeed, if we had had no such experience, it would have been easily susceptible of refutation from a theoretical view of the subject. On this point, however, I shall not now enlarge, as it will again come under our consideration before the completion of these lectures. Another oversight of still greater consequence, is almost equally manifest, I mean the inattention manifested by Mr. Smith to that remarkable depreciation in the value of money which has taken place during the last century, and more espe- cially during the present reign. To what causes this deprecia- tion is to be ascribed, whether to the substitution of factitious instead of real money, or to the weight of our public burdens, or to both of these circumstances combined, is a different ques- tion, on which I shall afterwards hazard some remarks. But the fact is too obvious to the most careless observer to admit of a moment's controversy. The truth seems to be, that Mr. Smith has been led to his general conclusion, by too partial attention to the price of corn as a standard of the value of money. He did not sufficiently reflect on the effects of an extended and improved agriculture in preventing an increase of the price of grain, in comparison with that of other commodi- ties. He was farther confirmed in his opinion by the partial view which he took of the nature of paper-credit, already noticed. Proceeding on the supposition that factitious money * [Ibid., pp. 490-492.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 3.) 389 conld only supply the place of that quantity of gold and silver which would otherwise have circulated in its stead, he could perceive no possible way in which it could have any tendency to depreciate the value of money ; and as the best information which he could obtain, satisfied him, that the annual supply of bullion from America did not materially exceed the annual consumption, it appeared to him, as a necessary consequence, that the common complaints of a depreciation in the value of money were altogether founded in ignorance and prejudice. During the eventful interval which has elapsed since the publication of the Wealth of Nations, the question concerning the effects of paper currency on prices has assumed completely a new aspect, inasmuch, that granting all Mr. Smith's prin- ciples in their fullest extent, no fair inference whatever could be drawn from them at all applicable to the present condition of the commercial world ; as his whole reasoning on this sub- ject proceeds on the supposition, that the issues of bank-notes are limited by the obligation of paying them in specie on demand. But the problem still remains concerning the effects on prices of a paper currency that is not convertible at pleasure into gold and silver. On this point, however, I shall not at present enlarge. Having been led to allude to the depreciation of money, I shall avail myself of the opportunity which the subject affords, to mention a circumstance which escaped me yesterday, in treating of the real and nominal prices of commodities. In the passage which I then quoted, [above, p. 362,] from Mr. Locke, that profound writer observes, that " wheat in this part of the world, (and that grain which constitutes the general food of any other country,) is the fittest measure to judge of the altered value of things in any long tract of time. Therefore, wheat here, rice in Turkey, &c., is the fittest thing to reserve a rent in," &c. That this principle of Mr. Locke, although stated by him in terms much too strong and unqualified, contains a great deal of truth and good sense, I formerly remarked ; and the utility of the practical rule which it recommends, has been sufficiently confirmed by the experience of those who have had the prudence 390 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. to adopt it. It is remarked by Mr. Smith, in his Wealth of Nations, that " the rents in England which have been reserved in corn, have preserved their value much better than those which have been reserved in money." I have introduced this passage from Mr. Smith, merely to do justice to the uncommon foresight of the great man, by whose advice the memorable statute, mentioned by Mr. Smith, was passed, which first intro- duced a provision of this sort into college leases. This person was Sir Thomas Smith, principal Secretary of State to Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth ; whose merits in this respect cannot fail to rise in our estimation, when we consider how very near he lived to the period when the depreciation of the precious metals first furnished a subject of political discussion. One of his biographers gives an articulate account of this provision. SECT. IV. OF MONEY AS THE STANDARD OF VALUE. From the reasonings which I have been for some time past engaged in stating, in opposition to Montesquieu and Hume, we were led to conclude, that the prices of goods, more parti- cularly of articles of the first necessity, have much less con- nexion with the quantity of the precious metals at the time, than these two writers seem to have supposed. For a complete discussion of the subject, I shall refer to the second book of Sir James Steuart's Political (Economy, and to the digression con- cerning the variations in the value of silver and gold, in the eleventh Chapter of the first Book of Mr. Smith's Inquiry. The remaining observations which I think it necessary to state, on the money price of commodities, I shall despatch in a very few words; referring to Mr. Smith's Inquiry for his doctrine concerning the component parts of price in what he calls the natural price of commodities, as distinguished from that which they actually bring in the market. It is sufficient for my purpose to mention one or two of his most important principles. From an analysis of the price of different articles, Mr. Smith was led to infer, that in every society the price of any commo- CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 4.) 391 dity resolves itself into one or other, or all of these three fol- lowing parts : the price of labour, the rent of land, and the pro/its of stock and wages ; and in proportion as a commodity is more manufactured, that part of the price which resolves itself into profit and wages, becomes greater in proportion to the other two, &c. He further observes, that " There is in every society or neigh- bourhood an ordinary or average rate both of wages and profit in every different employment of labour and stock. This rate is naturally regulated, as I shall show hereafter, partly by the general circumstances of the society, their riches or poverty, their advancing, stationary, or declining condition ; and partly by the particular nature of each employment. " There is likewise in every society or neighbourhood an ordinary or average rate of rent, which is regulated too, as 1 shall show hereafter, partly by the general circumstances of the society or neighbourhood in which the land is situated, and partly by the natural or improved fertility of the land. " These ordinary or average rates may be called the natural rates of wages, profit, and rent, at the time and place in which they commonly prevail."* Mr. Smith afterwards states, that " The natural price, there- fore, is, as it were, the central price, to which the prices of all commodities are continually gravitating. Different accidents may sometimes keep them suspended a good deal above it, and sometimes force them down even somewhat below it. But whatever may be the obstacles which hinder them from settling in this centre of repose or continuance, they are constantly tending towards it." .... " But though the market price of every particular commodity is in this manner continually gravitating, if one may say so, towards the natural price, yet sometimes particular accidents, sometimes natural causes, and sometimes particular regulations of police, may, in many commodities, keep up the market price, for a long time together, a good deal above the natural price." f Abstracting even from these circumstances, there are other * [Ibid. Book I. chap. vii. ; Vol. I. p. 82, tenth edition.] f P^id. pp. 87, 90.] 392 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. causes which may produce the same effect. These Mr. Smith refers to three heads: First, Particular accidents giving one society of men an advantage over others; secondly, Local peculiarities of soil and climate ; and thirdly, Particular regu- lations of police. An illustration of these circumstances would lead me into details inconsistent with my general plan. With respect to the relative market prices of different com- modities, the general principle, I may add, is subject to various important limitations, but they rise or fall according to the scarcity, compared with the demand. In applying this rule, proper allowances must be made for various accidental circum- stances. Thus, if there is more grain in a country than sup- plies the demand, the price will fall because grain is a perish- able commodity. In broad cloth, again, if there be more than sufficient for the demand, the price will be less liable to be affected, because it can be longer kept than grain, and at a smaller expense. The truth of the maxim, too, it must be remembered, depends on the supposition that the demand and the quantity destined for the supply are both limited. Another general principle, which I have already in some measure hinted at, it may not be improper again to notice, as I shall probably refer to it more than once in the course of our future inquiries. Abstracting from legislative interference, and all aids to the indigent, whether legal or voluntary, it seems evident that in a free country, where the lower orders have nothing to depend upon but the fruits of their own in- dustry, a limit is necessarily fixed on the price of articles of the first necessity, by the wages of labour. Mr. Smith has shown, with much ingenuity, that the money-price of labour has a tendency to adjust itself not to the temporary or occasional, but to the average or ordinary price of the necessaries of life, and that the average price of corn is regulated by the value of silver, that is, by the richness or barrenness of the mines which supply the market with that metal. On the other hand, it ap- pears to be, at least, equally clear, that however much the price of corn may vary from year to year, the wages of labour fix a limit beyond which it cannot rise, abstracting from the CHAP. II. OF MONET, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 4.) 393 circumstances already mentioned. On this point. Sir James Steuart reasons thus : " The number of the buyers of subsistence, nearly determines the quantity to be sold ; because it is a necessary article, and must be provided in a determinate proportion for every one, and the more the sale is frequent, the more the price is deter- minate. Next, as to the standard; this, I apprehend, must depend upon the faculties of the buyers, and these again must be determined by the extent of those of the greatest number of them ; that is to say, by the extent of the faculties of the lower classes of the people. This is the reason why bread, in the greatest famine, never can rise above a certain price ; for did it exceed the faculties of the great classes of a people, their demand would be withdrawn, which would leave the market overstocked for the consumption of the rich; consequently, those persons who in times of scarcity are forced to starve, can be such only whose faculties fall, unfortunately, below the standard of those of the great class ; consequently, in countries of industry, the price of subsistence never can rise beyond the powers to purchase of that numerous class, who enjoy nothing beyond their physical-necessary ; consequently, never to such an immoderate height as to starve considerable numbers of the people, a thing which very commonly happens in countries where industry is little known, where multitudes depend merely upon the charity of others, and who have no resource left so soon as this comes to fail them. " The faculties, therefore, of those who labour for a physical- necessary, must, in industrious nations, determine the standard value of subsistence, and the value in money which they receive for their work, will determine the standard of their faculties, which must rise or fall according to the proportion of the de- mand for their labour."* I have quoted this passage in Sir James Steuart's words, because, though somewhat obscurely expressed, it suggests a principle, sound and important; and because it seems, on a superficial view, to be contradicted by facts, which a few years * [Political (Economy, Book II. chap, ixviii. ; Works, vol. H pp. 82, 83.] 394 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. ago fell under our observation. In reality, however, the fact and theory are perfectly consistent, inasmuch as the latter, pro- ceeding on the supposition that the poor have no resources but their own industry, is plainly inapplicable to a state of things where the poor are secured in a legal provision, and where a general spirit of humanity prompts to such exertions as this country never fails to exhibit during the pressure of a scarcity. It must be remembered, too, that the ordinary principles which regulate the prices of necessaries, were, during the late years of dearth, deranged completely by the sudden emission of an immense quantity of paper occasioned by the stoppage of issues of specie at the Bank of England, a circumstance of which I shall have occasion to take particular notice afterwards, and which, therefore, I shall content myself at present with merely mentioning. On this question, I know, very opposite opinions have been entertained by some writers of high reputation for commercial knowledge. One writer, Mr. Boyd,* overlooking almost entirely the effects of the scarcity occasioned by the bad harvest in 1799, a scarcity demonstrated beyond the possibility of a doubt, and relieved very imperfectly by importations, amounting in twelve months to seven or eight millions sterling ; has ascribed in a pamphlet, which for some time gained a large share of the public attention, the high price of necessaries during the fol- lowing winter, chiefly to the rapid addition which had been made to the circulating medium. That the augmentation of the quantity of money, or of paper performing the functions of money, has a tendency to depreciate that money or paper, he states, as a principle universally recognised, and as no less in- variable in its operation than the law of gravitation. In opposition to this reasoning, an author of the highest per- sonal respectability, Sir Francis Baring,f and of unquestionable eminence as a commercial politician, has stated it confidently as a first principle, though without offering the slightest proof * [A Letter, etc., on the Stoppage f [Observations on the Publication of of Issues in Specie at the Bank of Walter Boyd, Esq., M.P., &c. 1801.] England, &c. 1800.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 4.) 395 of it, that bank-notes circulating at par cannot contribute to raise prices by any possible means. Into the discussion of these questions I cannot enter at present ; although I must own that the subject does not appear to me to have been exhausted in either of these publications. One consideration only which I shall endeavour to illustrate very fully in another part of the course, I shall suggest very briefly ; that abstracting altogether from the point in dispute between these two writers, the sudden addition made to the circulating medium of this country, about the very period when the scarcity took place, may have operated very powerfully on prices, by a process of which neither of them has taken any notice. In consequence of this addition an increased facility was given to all who possessed credit, to add to the fund of their expenditure, and such as felt their limited incomes inade- quate to meet the increasing exigencies of the times, were enabled, by encroaching silently on their capitals, or by antici- pating their future resources, to relieve themselves from the pressure of the present moment, and to maintain their former rank in society. Their consumption accordingly, was not diminished to the same extent as it must otherwise have been from absolute necessity, and that economy, which is the natural and most effectual palliative for the evils of scarcity, was thus counteracted in its operation. This inconvenience, however great as it is, was certainly accompanied with a consequence, on which it is impossible to reflect without satisfaction, although it probably contributed more than any other single cause to enhance the price of neces- saries. The circumstance to which I allude is the increased facility which the higher and middling classes thus acquired of enlarging the funds of their charity. That the amount of vol- untary contributions was in this manner greatly augmented, cannot, I think, be reasonably denied ; and that these, added to the legal provisions for poor, rendered the price of provisions much higher than it otherwise would have been, seems equally indisputable. The competition was thus kept up much beyond what the unassisted means of the poor could have produced ; and 396 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. the operation of those circumstances was prevented which would have limited prices long before they approached that height which they actually reached. Numbers must have been left to perish from want of food ; and a melancholy remedy would have been provided against the evils of dearth, by a diminution of the numbers of competitors. But on this subject I shall again have an opportunity of treating before the conclusion of these Lectures. (End of Interpolation from Notes.) [SECT. v. OF INTEREST.] Having finished the very slight view which our time per- mitted me to take of money considered as a medium of exchange, and of the principles which regulate its value in relation to that of commodities, I proceeded (at our last meeting) to consider the tendency which this important invention has, to facilitate the accumulation of stock or capital, which Turgot and Mr. Smith have shown to be so intimately connected with the increase of National Wealth ; in this respect its effects in promoting the progress of society are no less striking than those which it produces, (as I had occasion formerly to remark,) by facilitating the separation of professions, and the distribution of labour among the different orders of the community. Before the introduction of gold and silver in trade, under- takings oi every kind, but especially those of manufactures and of commerce, must evidently have been extremely confined, on account of the perishable nature of every other species of pro- perty which could be employed as a medium of exchange, and the trouble attending the preservation of them. " A great number of those arts," as M. Turgot observes, " which are indispen- sable for the use of the most indigent members of society, require that the same materials should pass through many different hands, and undergo, during a considerable space of time, difficult and various operations. Such, for example, is the art of preparing leather for the purposes of the shoemaker. Whoever has seen the work-house of a tanner, must imme- diately perceive the impossibility of one, or even several CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 397 indigent persons providing themselves with leather, tan, utensils, &c., causing the requisite buildings to be erected, and procuring the means of their subsistence till such time as their leather can be sold. In this art, and many others, must not those that work have learned the craft in some degree before they begin to exercise it on materials which are not to be obtained without expense ? In what manner are the materials to be collected for the manufactory ; the ingredients and the necessary tools for their preparation ? How shall this multitude of workmen subsist till the commodity comes to market; a multitude of whom none individually could earn his subsistence by the pre- paration and sale of a single hide ? Who shall defray the expenses for the instruction of the apprentices, and maintain them till their labour can be useful ? All this, it is manifest, requires the aid of a proprietor of capital, who shall supply the advances necessary for the purchase and preparation of materials, and for the wages of the workmen employed in preparing them. This capitalist, on the other hand, will naturally expect that the sale of the commodity will not only return to him his advances, but will afford an emolument sufficient to indemnify him for what his money would have procured him, if he had turned it towards the acquisition of land; and, moreover, a salary due to his trouble, and attention, and risk. In propor- tion as the capital returns to him by the sale of his works, he employs it in new purchases for supporting his family, or maintaining his manufactory. By this continual circulation he lives on his profits ; accumulating what he can save to increase his stock, and thereby to enlarge his enterprises still farther."* Similar observations might be made to illustrate the neces- sity of advances for lucrative enterprises in commerce, and also in agriculture, wherever the cultivation of land is carried on to a considerable extent. All such enterprises, therefore, must necessarily have been confined within very narrow limits, till the accumulation of stock was facilitated by the introduction of money ; an inven- * [Reflations sur la Formation et la Distribution dfs Sichesses, \ hu. ; (Euvres, Tome V. pp. 65-67.] 398 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. tion which thus appears to be not only subservient to the prompt circulation of wealth, but to be essentially connected with its production. Since capitals then are indispensably necessary to all lucrative enterprises, a certain command of stock may be said, in the ordinary course of things, to be implied in every reasonable pro- ject for the augmentation of personal property. And it is thus, that according to the common proverb, " Money has the power of begetting money," [" Money breeds money."] Hence those in- dustrious individuals who have not adequate funds of their own, will be willing to share the profits of their enterprises with such owners of capital as may agree to trust them with the employ- ment of their stock. On this principle is founded in reason and equity the practice of lending upon interest ; or, in other words, the commerce of money. The lender selling the use of his stock, and the borrower buying it, in a manner perfectly analogous to that in which the proprietor of an estate sells, and the farmer who rents it buys or hires the temporary use of the land. Of this subject I propose to treat at greater length than of some other articles that may appear at first view, of still more fundamental and general importance. My principal reason for doing so is, that it leads to some interesting discussions which continue to divide the opinions of very eminent writers ; and which have been less exhausted than most of the questions connected with this part of the course, by the profound and comprehensive speculations of Mr. Smith. One of the first authors who in this country investigated with success the principles that regulate the rate of interest, was Mr. Hume, in his Political Discourses, published in 1752. Long indeed before his time, political writers had admitted the general maxim, that a low rate of interest was the most certain of all signs of national prosperity ; but they seem very generally to have misapprehended the manner in which these two effects are connected. The lowness of interest was ascribed by Locke, Law, and Montesquieu, to the abundance of money, in proof of which they appealed to the fall of interest, through the greater part of Europe, since the discovery of the Spanish West CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 399 Indies. But this doctrine, as Mr. Hume observes, is contradicted by the most obvious facts. " Interest in Batavia and Jamaica is at ten per cent., in Portugal at six, though these places, as we may learn from the prices of everything, abound much more in gold and silver than either London or Amsterdam."* The fact is unquestionably as Mr. Hume states it, although the test to which he appeals, in the difference of prices, is not perhaps so conclusive as he appears to have imagined. As a further presumption against the same doctrine, Mr. Hume remarks, that " Prices have risen about four times since the discovery of the Indies, and gold and silver have probably multiplied much more ; but interest has not fallen much above half. The rate of interest, therefore, is not derived from the quantity of the precious metals."f The same conclusion to which Mr. Hume is thus led by an induction from facts, is very clearly and concisely deduced by Mr. Smith from a theoretical view of the subject. " Before the discovery of the Spanish West Indies, ten per cent, seems to have been the common rate of interest through the greater part of Europe. It has since that time in different countries sunk to six, five, four, and three per cent. Let us suppose that in every particular country, the value of silver has sunk precisely in the same proportion as the rate of interest, and that in those countries, for example, where interest has been reduced from ten to five per cent., the same quantity can now purchase just half the quantity of goods which it could have purchased before. This supposition," continues Mr. Smith, " will not probably be found anywhere agreeable to the truth ; but it is the most favourable to the opinion we are going to examine ; and even upon this supposition it is utterly impossible that the lowering of the value of silver could have the smallest tendency to lower the rate of interest. If a hundred pounds are in those countries now of no more value than fifty pounds were then, ten pounds must now be of no more value than five pounds were then ; whatever were the causes that lowered the value of the capital, the same must necessarily have lowered * [Estays, Vol. I. Of Interest.] t [Ibid.] 400 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. that of the interest, and exactly in the same proportion. The proportion between the value of the capital and that of the interest must have remained the same, though the rate had never been altered. By altering the rate, on the contrary, the proportion between these two values is necessarily altered. If a hundred pounds now are worth no more than fifty were then, five pounds now can be worth no more than two pounds ten shillings were then. By reducing the rate of interest, there- fore, from ten to five per cent., we give for the use of a capital which is supposed to be equal to one half of its former value, an interest which is equal to one-fourth only of the value of the former interest."* " High interest," according to Mr. Hume, " arises from three circumstances ; a great demand for borrowing, little riches to supply that demand, and great profits arising from com- merce ; and these circumstances are a clear proof of the small advance of commerce and industry, not of the scarcity of gold and silver. Low interest, on the other hand, proceeds from the three opposite circumstances : a small demand for borrow- ing, great riches to supply that demand, and small profits arising from commerce, circumstances which are all connected together, and proceed from the increase of industry and com- merce, not of gold and silver."f This analysis of Mr. Hume's seems to be accurate and satisfactory ; and I shall accordingly, in the further prosecution of the subject, follow the arrange- ment which he has adopted, beginning, in the first place, with the causes and effects of a great or small demand for borrowing. "When a people," says Mr. Hume, " have emerged ever so little from a savage state, and their numbers have increased beyond the original multitude, there must immediately arise an inequality of property ; and while some possess large tracts of land, others are confined within narrow limits, and some are entirely without any landed property. Those who possess more land than they can labour, employ those who possess none, and agree to receive * [Wealth of Nations, Book II. chap. iv. ; Vol. II. p. 39, aeq., tenth edition.] t [Essays, VoL I. Of Interest.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 401 a determined part of the produce. In this manner the society comes to consist of two orders of men, proprietors and culti- vators ; and a landed interest arises with privileges, and views, and habits, strikingly discriminated from those which belong to the other members of the community. As the spending of a settled revenue is a way of life entirely without occupation, men have so much need of somewhat to fix and engage them, that pleasures, such as they are, will be the pursuit of the greater part of the landholders, and the prodigals among them will always be more numerous than the misers. In a state, therefore, where there is nothing but a landed interest, as there is little frugality, the borrowers must be very numerous, and the rate of interest must bear a proportion to it. The difference depends not on the quantity of money, but on the habits and manners which prevail"* This reasoning of Mr. Hume is perfectly just in the main ; but the conclusion is perhaps expressed in too unqualified a manner. In a state where there is nothing but a landed inter- est, it is manifest that whatever the waste and profusion of the proprietors may be, it is scarcely possible that their expense should in general exceed their income, because there are, by the supposition, no articles of luxury in commerce to form an object for their expenditure. Mr. Hume's reasoning, therefore, seems rather to apply to a country where commerce has made a certain progress, although not a considerable one ; such a progress as to excite in the landed interest a taste for the luxuries and vanities of life, without having established a nionied interest of sufficient opulence to supply the increased demand for borrowing. And, if I am not mistaken, this view of the subject receives confirmation from a fact mentioned by Mr. Hume himself, in the first edition of his Political Discourses, that about four centuries ago, money in Scotland, and probably in other parts of Europe, was only at five per cent., and after- wards rose to ten before the discovery of the West Indies. This fact Mr. Hume states, on the authority of an eminent lawyer, who had verified it by an examination of ancient papers * [Ibid.] VOL. VIII. 2 C 402 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. and records ; and it certainly forms an exception to Mr. Hume's general proposition, inasmuch as the monied interest in Scot- land was still more inconsiderable four centuries ago than towards the end of the fifteenth century. Of its state at the former period, an idea may be formed from the account of Froissart, (who was at Dalkeith in the year 1360,) and who tells us, that "even in the Doulce Escoche, or lowlands, a complete ignorance prevailed of the commonest arts of life. The meanest articles of manufacture, horse-shoes, harness, saddles, bridles, were all imported, ready made from Flanders." The same author estimates the houses in Edinburgh, then the capital, at four thousand, and tells us that they were small wooden cottages covered with straw. In the reign of Kobert II., (about the year 1380,) the inhabitants of the capital are supposed to have hardly exceeded sixteen thousand. 1 Before the end of the following century, commerce and luxury had made considerable progress. In a poem, written during the reign of James III., and entitled Tales of the Priests of Peebles, " taverns and dice are reprobated ; and a merchant's cupboard of plate is estimated at three thousand Scottish pounds, or about seven thousand five hundred of modern sterling cur- rency." 2 The same poem complains of the degeneracy of the Peers from the wisdom, virtue, and valour of their ancestors, and that in consequence of their frequent poverty, they endea- voured to replenish their coffers by unworthy marriages with the opulent bastard daughters of priests, or heiresses of mer- chants, or by selling the right of marriage of their sons to rich commoners. 3 In such a state of society it is certainly not surprising that the rate of interest should have risen greatly beyond what it was in times of comparative simplicity ; and yet, if Mr. Hume's conclusion were admitted without any limitation, the case should have been reversed. He seems indeed to have been sensible of this himself; for he remarks, (after stating the fact now under consideration,) that the lowness of the rate of 1 See Pinkerton, [History of Scotland. Ibid. p. 433. 1797, Vol. I. p. 148, and p. 25.] Ibid. pp. 435, 436. CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 403 interest in Scotland four centuries ago, was owing to this, that though the lenders were then few, the borrowers were still fewer. This concession, however, is plainly in direct opposition to his general principle ; and confirms the necessity of that limitation with which I already said it ought to be adopted. From what has been now observed, it appears, both a priori, and from the fact, that the rise of interest in Scotland before the discovery of the West Indies, resulted from the first opera- tion of an infant commerce on the manners of a people among whom the national wealth was accumulated chiefly, but not exclusively in the hands of the landed proprietors; whatever opinion, however, we may form on this point, it is equally clear that the demand for borrowing depends on the general state of manners and habits, and not on the quantity of the precious metals. The case is precisely similar with regard to the second circumstance mentioned in Mr. Hume's enumeration, the quantity of stock which exists to supply the demand of the borrowers. This effect also depends on the habits and way of living of the people, not on the quantity of gold and silver. In order to have, in any state, a greater number of lenders, it is not sufficient, nor requisite, that there be great abundance of the precious metals. It is only requisite that the property, or command of that quantity which is in the state, whether great or small, should be collected in particular hands, so as to form considerable sums, or compose a great monied interest. This begets a number of lenders, and sinks the rate at which money may be borrowed ; and it evidently depends, not on the quantity of specie, but on particular manners and customs which accumulate a superfluity of specie in the hands of a certain description of individuals. This description of individuals, too, naturally arises, in the farther progress of society, from the physical circumstances of our condition, combined with our moral constitution. The rude materials of all those objects which minister to our wants, are derived ultimately from the ground ; but they are seldom furnished by nature in that form in which they can be applied 404 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. to immediate use. There must, therefore, beside the culti- vators and proprietors of land, be another order of men, who, receiving from the former the rude materials, work them into their proper form, and retain part for their own use and sub- sistence. In the infancy of society, these contracts betwixt the artisans and the peasants, and betwixt one species of artisan and another, are commonly entered into immediately by the persons themselves, who, being neighbours, are readily ac- quainted with each other's necessities, and can lend their mutual assistance to supply them. But when men's industry increases, and their views enlarge, it is found that the most remote parts of the state can assist each other as well as the more con- tiguous ; and that this intercourse of good offices may connect together in a thousand ways the most different orders of indi- viduals in the most extensive and populous community. Hence the origin of merchants, who serve as agents betwixt those parts of the state that are wholly unacquainted, and are ignorant of each other's necessities. It is manifest, too, that as the people increase in numbers and industry, the difficulties of their mutual intercourse must increase ; and of consequence the business of the agency or merchandise will become so com- plicated as naturally to divide and subdivide itself into various branches, from the same causes which give rise to the division of labour in the mechanical arts, and to the separation of trades and professions. In all these commercial transactions, it is necessary and reasonable, that a certain part of the commodities should remain with the merchant, to whose industry and skill in facilitating their exchanges, the existence of a great propor- tion of them is entirely owing ; and thus gradually arises and multiplies that order of men, called the Commercial Interest, who have exerted so powerful an influence over the policy and manners of Modern Europe. I have already illustrated the effects of Manufactures and Commerce in exciting a spirit of Agricultural industry, by lead- ing the husbandman to increase his surplus produce, in order to have something to give in exchange for the articles that minister to his comfort or vanity. Commerce, at the same CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 405 time, turns to account every particle of the produce of this industry, and instead of allowing it to perish on the spot where it is obtained, circulates it through the state, so as to render it at once an addition to the national stock, and a stimulus to the industry of others. Of this circulation merchants are the great agents and instruments; and as they take a more en- larged and comprehensive survey of the different interests of the community than any other description of men, they acquire a far greater command of the circulating stock. The habits of frugality, too, naturally connected with their education and profession, and that love of money, which is the never-failing consequence of commercial pursuits, render their expenditure less in proportion to their revenue than that of landed pro- prietors, or even than those of men who follow the more liberal walks of lucrative industry. In this manner, while they open channels for the free circulation of wealth, and thereby increase its quantity, they become themselves basins or reservoirs in which this wealth is locally accumulated. It is on this accumu- lation of wealth in particular hands, more than on the general wealth of the community, that the supply of stock to satisfy the demand for borrowing depends ; and it appears from what has been said, how much both the existence of the stock and its partial accumulations are the consequences of commerce. It may be said, indeed, that the increase of commerce, if it adds to the number of lenders, adds also to the number of borrowers, or rather that it creates a new order of borrowers, who contract debts, not from necessity, but to increase their capital and enlarge their trade. The observation is just, un- doubtedly ; but the two circumstances do by no means com- pensate each other : for, in a great commercial country, there will be always a large proportion of individuals, \vho, after having acquired a competency by their industry, will be de- sirous to indulge in ease and indolence ; and a still larger pro- portion of their descendants who, inheriting affluence from their forefathers, will be unwilling to burden themselves with the cares of a laborious profession. Such individuals constitute what is properly called the Monied Interest, in contradistinc- 406 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. tion not only to the landed interest, but to the trading and manufacturing interests in which the owners themselves employ their own capitals. The growth of this monied interest, or, in other words, the quantity of stock to supply the demand of borrowers, will evidently keep pace with the general increase of capital, that is, with the increase of national stock. 1 The stock belonging to the monied interest, it is farther manifest, is not at all regulated by the value of the money, whether paper or coin, which serves as the instrument of the loans. The capitals are, indeed, commonly lent out and paid back in money; and hence the lenders are distinguished by the name of the Monied Interest ; but the truth is, (as Mr. Smith remarks,*) that the money is merely the deed of assign- ment, (as it were,) which conveys from one hand to another those capitals which the owners do not care to employ them- selves. Those capitals may be greater in any proportion than the amount of the money which serves as the instrument of their conveyance ; the same pieces of money successively serving for many different loans, as well as for many different pur- chases. The truth of this observation is sufficiently obvious from what was formerly stated on the subject of Circulation. [P. 378, seq.] While the progress of commerce thus creates a monied interest, it undoubtedly adds to the number of borrowers ; but, by doing so, it does not necessarily raise the rate of interest. To understand the reason of this, it is of importance to attend to the different effects produced by a demand for money to be spent in consumption, and a demand for money to be employed in trade. The former has, undoubtedly, a tendency to raise the rate of interest ; and there is no fixed limit which it may not be conceived to pass, as there is no fixed limit to the extrava- gance and improvidence of the prodigal. But the case is very different with respect to the latter ; for the rate of interest paid by merchants will be always limited by the profits of trade ; and the same circumstances which produce an increase in their 1 Smith, Vol. II. p. 120, Irish Edition. iv. ; Vol. IL p. 35, ieq., tenth edition.] f Wealth of Nations, Book II. chap. * [Ibid.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 407 demand for borrowed money, must necessarily sink these profits, by bringing a greater number of mercantile stocks into com- petition with each other. It is evident that when the stocks of many rich merchants are turned into the same trade, their mutual competition must tend to lower its profits; and, in like manner, when there is an increase of stock in all the different trades carried on in the same society, the same com- petition must produce the same effect in them all. It is farther evident, that the prcemium given by a merchant for the use of money, will be proportioned to the profit he expects to make by his commercial speculations. And, accordingly, this is the third circumstance mentioned by Hume as a cause of low interest; low profits arising from commerce}- As low profits arising from commerce necessarily produce a low rate of interest, so a low rate of interest has a tendency, in its turn, to reduce still more the profits of trade, by inducing many to continue their stock in commerce, in order to derive from it all the advantages which the capitalist has a right to expect when he superintends the employment of his own money. It is owing to this circumstance, that in Holland almost every man is a man of business ; for the interest of money is so low, that none but the very wealthiest people are able to live on the revenue which their capital affords. The Dutch carry on trade upon lower profits than any people in Europe; but low as these profits are, they are sufficient to render trade the general and fashionable pursuit in a country, where people of good credit are accustomed to borrow at three per cent., and where Government was able to borrow at two. These two causes, therefore, low profits and low interest, mutually act and react on each other ; and they are both of them necessary consequences of an extensive and flourishing 1 If the foregoing observations be in a country where the mercantile in- well founded, they lead to a limitation terest bears but a small proportion to or correction of the terms in which the rest of the community. I would Hume states the First cause he assigns propose, therefore, to add to his words ; for the low interest of money, a small a small demand for borrowing among demand for borrowing; for this cause those classes who live by their revenue. operates in the way he mentions, only 408 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. commerce. We may add, that, as low profits arise from the increase of commerce and industry, they serve in their turn to the farther increase of commerce, by rendering the commodities cheaper, increasing their consumption, and heightening the industry. "In this manner," says Mr. Hume, "if we consider the whole connexion of causes and effects, interest is the true barometer of the state, and its lowness is a sign almost infal- lible of the flourishing condition of a people. It proves the increase of industry, and its prompt circulation through the whole state, little inferior to a demonstration. And though, perhaps, it may not be impossible but a sudden and a great check to commerce may have a momentary effect of the same kind by throwing so many stocks out of trade, it must be attended with such misery and want of employment to the poor, that, besides its short duration, it will not be possible to mistake the one case for the other."* From the reasonings which have been already stated, and which, I must not at present attempt to recapitulate, we were led to conclude with Mr. Hume, (in opposition to the opinions of Locke, Law, and Montesquieu,) that the rate of interest has no necessary connexion with the plenty or scarcity of the pre- cious metals, depending entirely on the habits and manners of a people, more particularly on the state of their commerce and industry. The result of the whole was, that the lowness of interest may be regarded as an almost infallible sign of a flourishing commerce, evincing at once an active spirit of national industry, and a prompt circulation of wealth through all those channels in which it can be employed with ad- vantage. I shall only take notice farther before leaving this part of the subject, (and the remark may probably appear superfluous, after what has been already stated,) of the two different senses in which the value of money is to be understood in commercial disquisitions. On some occasions this phrase expresses the quantity of the precious metals we give in exchange for com- * [Essayi, Vol. I. Of Interest.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 409 modifies: on other occasions, it expresses the proportion between a sum of money, and the interest it bears in the market. These two different modes of valuing money have, in truth, very little connexion with each other, inasmuch as its ex- changeable value in relation to the different articles of trade may be loiv, while the rate of interest is high, and vice versa. One obvious reason of this (although not the only one) is, that the money brought into the market for the purchase of com- modities, is that which is circulated to procure the necessaries and accommodations of life : that which is lent on interest, is what is actually drawn out of circulation to be accumulated into a capital. I should hardly have thought it necessary to mention this ambiguity in the word value, when applied to money, if it had not escaped the attention of some respectable writers. In a late publication (for example) on the Corn Trade* there are some tables for converting the ancient money of Eng- land and of Scotland, into the present sterling money, which tables, we are told, proceed on the two following principles : 1. In England and in Scotland, at the time of the Conquest, there were twenty shillings in the coinage pound of silver, which continued with very little variation in England, till the year 1347, and in Scotland till 1306 ; but now, there are siocty- two shillings in the coinage pound of silver in both kingdoms, so that 100 at that time, were equal to 310 of the present money, in point of sale or denomination. 2. Prior to the sixteenth century, the interest or yearly value of money, in both England and Scotland, was about six- teen per cent. ; whereas it is now reduced to five per cent. " Money therefore," says this author, " being raised or reduced in value according to its yearly legal produce, 100 bearing interest at ten per cent, is equal in value to 200, bearing only five per cent. ; and so of other sums in pro- portion. So that 100 of ancient money, being equal in value to 310 in point of denomination, and money being now 1 Dirom's Inquiry, &c. [Lend. 1796.] 410 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. worth only five per cent, yearly, therefore the 310, with the interest at sixteen per cent., were equal to 992 of the present money." On these principles, accordingly, a laborious table has been constructed, exhibiting the prices of wheat in England from 1223 to 1784 ; first, in the money of the times ; and secondly, in what is supposed to be an equivalent money price at present It is sufficiently obvious, that in the observations now quoted, the two meanings of the phrase value of money, which have just been distinguished, are confounded together. It would be easy to confirm and illustrate the foregoing rea- sonings by an appeal to facts, as well as to reconcile to them some apparent exceptions which occur in the history of com- mercial nations. I must, however, at present, confine myself to a few particulars, which seem to me more peculiarly interest- ing from their connexion with the history of this country, and to one or two anomalous cases which may be supposed, at first view, to contradict our general conclusions. The first English Act of Parliament in which we find any rate of interest mentioned, is the 37th of Henry VIII., enacted in 1546. This Act prohibits, under severe penalties, all in- terest above ten per cent., and consequently proves, that before that period, a higher rate of interest had sometimes been taken. In the earlier ages of the English history, all loans of money for interest were regarded as usurious; a prejudice which prevailed also all over the rest of Europe, and which (as will afterwards appear) is not altogether of modern origin. In the very preamble to this law of Henry VIII., the practice of taking interest is stigmatized as immoral and criminal ; and although it authorized it, from political considerations, yet the prejudice continued so strong, that in the following reign (of Edward VI.) the Statute of Henry was repealed, and all interest prohi- bited. By the 13th of Elizabeth, the Statute of Henry VIII. was revived with additional clauses, still prohibiting the taking of interest above ten per cent. It appears from D'Ewes's Journal of Queen Elizabeth's Parliaments, that while this Act CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 411 was depending in the House of Commons, it occasioned warm debates, and drew from many of the members violent invectives against usury or interest of every kind, as unchristian, detesta- ble, and damnable. It was said to be, " prseter naturam," " idem ac hominem occidere," " proxima homicidio," &c. &C. 1 Mr. Hume (in the Third Appendix to his History of Eng- land) remarks, that " by a lucky accident in language, which has a great effect on men's ideas, the invidious word usury, which formerly meant the taking of any interest for money, came at this period to express only the taking of exorbitant and illegal interest." The Act of Queen Elizabeth violently condemns all usury, but permits ten per cent, interest to be paid. I shall have occasion afterwards to consider the origin of these prejudices against usury, and also to examine the policy of those restrictions which our legislators have thought proper to continue on money loans to the present day. In this inquiry I have referred to the English laws, only as affording a docu- ment of the different rates at which money appears to have been actually lent at different periods ; for although the legal rate of interest does not with precision determine the market rate, (as it merely fixes the limit which it cannot exceed,) yet as the object of our lawgivers has plainly been to adapt the changes in the legal rate, to that market-rate which would naturally have arisen from the varying circumstances of society, and as the market-rate has been, on the whole, below the legal rate, the progress of our laws affords us sufficient data for comparing the actual rates of interest in England, with the general principles formerly stated. The Law of Elizabeth authorizing interest under ten per cent., continued in force till the 21st of James I. (1623,) when it was made penal to take above eight per cent. Soon after the Restoration, it was reduced to six per cent., at which rate, by the way, it had been fixed nine years before under the usurpa- tion of Cromwell ; and by the 12th of Queen Anne it was farther reduced to five per cent., at which rate it still continues. 1 Postlethwayt, [Dictionary, &c., Art Interest] 412 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. It appears, therefore, that since the reign of Henry VIII., a gradual abatement in the rate of interest has accompanied the growing commercial prosperity of the country. The demand for money at that epoch must have been great in consequence of the general spirit of improvement which was rising over the kingdom, and at the same time the ready money accumulated in the coffers of individuals comparatively inconsiderable. The kings of England, both before and after this period, borrowed large sums in Genoa and the Netherlands, and so low was their credit, that beside the exorbitant interest of ten or twelve per cent., they were obliged to make the city of London join in the security. 1 It is somewhat curious, that the Act which, in 1623, reduced the interest of money to eight per cent, states in its preamble the declining circumstances of the nation, although it affords itself the most unequivocal of all documents of its advancing wealth; for (as Mr. Chalmers justly remarks) " such laws can never be safely enacted till all parties, the lenders as well as the borrowers, are properly prepared to receive them." Accordingly, Stowe tells us (speaking of the reign of James VI.) " that it would in time be incredible, were there not due mention made of it, what great increase there is, within these few years, of commerce and wealth throughout the king- dom ; of the great building of royal and mercantile ships ; of the repeopling of cities, towns, and villages ; beside the sudden augmentation of fair and costly buildings." Nor will this ac- count be suspected of any exaggeration, when we reflect, that during the reign of James the nation enjoyed a longer interval of peace than it has ever done since, no less than twenty-two years of almost uninterrupted tranquillity ; a fact which has been alluded to by some historians, as involving a reproach on his glory as a sovereign, although, in truth, it is more than sufficient to expiate all the follies and absurdities which debased his character. The picture given by Lord Clarendon of the state of Eng- land during the first part of the reign of Charles I., is no less flattering. Nor was the progress of the country, although 1 Guthrie, [History, &c.] ; Chalmers's Estimate, p. 29. CHAP. IL OF MONET, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. (5.) 413 interrupted for a time by the civil wars, retarded on the whole by that event. On the contrary, Mr. Chalmers has remarked, that " these wars, unhappy as they were while they continued, both to king and people, produced in the end the most salutary influences, by bringing the higher and lower ranks closer together, and by continuing in all a vigour of design and activity of practice, that in prior ages had no example." 1 One of the first consequences of real hostilities, was the esta- blishment of taxes, to which the people had seldom contributed, and which produced before their final conclusion, the sum of 95,512,025. In this estimate, indeed, are included the sales of confiscated lands, compositions for estates, and such other more oppressive modes of raising money j but the wealth of the country may be judged of from this, that there were collected by excises only 10,200,000, and by tonnage and poundage 5,700,000. The opulence which industry had been collect- ing for ages, was thus brought into circulation by means of the tax-gatherer ; and the evils resulting from the dormant hoards of country gentlemen, and other descriptions of individuals, remedied, in a great measure, by the liberality with which they contributed to the wants of the sovereign. In consequence of these and other causes, the legal rate of interest was reduced in 1651 to six per cent. And the same rate was continued by a law of Charles II., passed soon after the Kestoration. The activity and ardour which the civil commotions of the country had excited, began now to be turned to the arts of peace. The several manufactures and new productions of husbandry that were introduced from abroad, before the Re- volution, not only formed a new epoch, but evince a vigorous application to the useful arts, in the intermediate period. The common highways were repaired and enlarged, and rivers were deepened for the purposes of water conveyance, while foreign trade was increased by opening new markets, and by withdraw- 'Eden, [State cf the Poor,] Vol. I. p. 146; Chalmers's Estimate, p. 37, second edition. 414 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. ing the alien duties, which had always obstructed the vent of native manufactures. But above all, says Mr. Chalmers, the change of manners, and the intermixture of the higher and middle ranks by mar- riages, induced the gentry, and even the younger branches of the nobility, to bind their sons apprentices to merchants, and thereby to ennoble a profession that was before only gainful, to invigorate traffic by their greater capitals, and to extend its operation by their superior knowledge. And accordingly, Child, Petty, and Davenant, agree in asserting that the commerce and riches of England did never, in any former age, increase so fast as in the busy period from the Restoration to the Ee volution. From an authentic account of the customs, (referred to by Mr. Chalmers,) it appears that they were more than doubled during this short interval ; and we are told by Dr. Davenant, that the tonnage of the merchant ships was, in the year 1688, double of what it had been in 1666 ; and the tonnage of the Royal Navy, which in 1660 was only 62,594 tons, was in 1688 increased to 101,032 tons. 1 Towards the end of King William's reign, the interest of money began to fall ; and it continued so low, even amid the pressures of the subsequent war, that Parliament enacted in 1713, that the legal interest should not rise higher than five per cent, after September 1714. This law continues in force in the present times; and since the period it was enacted, the market rate seems to have been, on the whole, below the legal rate, notwithstanding the effects of the funding system, and of some other accidental circumstances in keeping up the rate of interest. About seven years ago, the Bank of England was in the practice of discounting bills at four per cent. And in the reign of George I., the natural rate of interest fell to three per cent., while the Government seldom borrowed at more than four. 2 The effects produced on the market rate of interest by public loans, and more particularly by those high gratuities which, in times of difficulty, Government is under the necessity of giving, 1 Guthrie, [History, &c.] p. 311. * Chalmers's Estimate, &c., p. 98. CHAP. II. OF MONET, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 415 are sufficiently evident. But on this subject I shall not enlarge at present ; although it is of great importance, not only in con- sequence of its connexion with the variations of interest in this country, but with those general principles which influence the progress of national improvement. During the whole period which has been now under our review, from the reign of Henry VIII. till the present century, while the interest of money has been gradually diminishing, the wages of labour (which may be expected always to increase with the increase of national stock) have been continually rising. Agreeably to the same general principles, we find a small difference in the market rate of interest in the two United Kingdoms, corresponding to their unequal measures of national prosperity. The market rate of interest in Scotland is rather higher than in England, although the legal rate of interest be the same in both. In the latter country, the competition of great and numerous stocks in every branch of trade, must necessarily diminish the profits of the trader ; and the diminution is still farther aggravated by that increase in the wages of labour which a superabundance of stock produces. In Scotland, the compa- rative poverty of the country is accompanied with consequences precisely opposite. In Ireland the legal rate of interest is six per cent. An attempt was made a few years ago to lower it to five, but with- out success. I am not acquainted with the arguments which were employed on the opposite sides of the question ; but the con- sideration which appears to have had the chief weight was, that a considerable portion of the stock and capital of the kingdom was English ; that the only temptation the proprietors had to lay it out in Ireland was the additional interest paid there, and that if this were reduced the greater part of it would be with- drawn. 1 In France, the legal rate of interest has not been always regulated by the market rate, during the course of the present 1 Crumpe's Essay, &c., [1796,] p. about the Register of Mortgages in Ire- 340. (In pencil. Mem. To inquire land and in England. Lord Mansfield.) 416 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK IT. NAT. WEALTH. century, but has been, in several instances, violently altered by Government for political purposes. In 1720, it was reduced from five to two per cent. In 1724, it was raised to three and one-third per cent. In 1725, it was again raised to five per cent. In 1766, during the administration of M. Laverdi, it was reduced to four per cent. The Abbe Terray raised it afterwards to the old rate of five per cent. Although, however, the legal rate of interest in France has frequently been lower than in England, the market rate has generally been higher, the ingenuity of borrowers and lenders being employed there as in other countries, to evade the law, where it did not happen to be accommodated to the commercial circumstances of the nation. From this statement of the comparative market rates of interest in France and in England, it would appear that the profits of trade were higher in the former country than in the latter ; a conclusion which is strongly corroborated by another well-known fact, that many British subjects have chosen to employ their capitals rather there than at home, notwithstand- ing the low degree of importance which was attached in France to mercantile opulence. If the foregoing principles concerning interest be just, we must also conclude from these facts, that the accumulation of stock in France was less than in England, or at least, that the national prosperity was not so rapidly advancing ; and, accordingly, we find, that the wages of labour were lower, and the condition of the common people greatly inferior, in respect of the comforts and accommodations of life. In earlier times the case was different. About the period when Elizabeth fixed the rate of interest at ten per cent., Henry IV. of France reduced it from eight and one-third per per cent, (at which it was fixed by Francis L, anno 1522 *) to six and one-half per cent ; a fact which Mr. Hume refers to in his History, as evincing the great advance of France above England in commerce about the middle of the sixteenth century. In the Appendix to the twenty-fifth volume of the Monthly 1 Sir James Steuart's Political (Economy, [Book IV. chap. iv. ; Works, VoL III. p. 156.J CHAP. IL OP MONET, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 417 Review, a writer who professes to speak from good information concerning the present state of that kingdom, (1798,) assures us, that the interest of money is from six to seven per cent., all restraints upon usury being now taken away. The same writer tells us, that the wages of labour have in general risen greatly of late, and that in some places the wages of rustic labour have been nearly doubled. These facts, supposing them to be accurately stated, afford no exception to our general prin- ciples ; for the interest of money appears to have risen in a very inconsiderable proportion when compared with the wages of labour, more particularly when it is considered that, even under the old Government, the market rate of interest was higher than in England. Indeed, there can be little doubt that in our own country, the market rate of interest would be at present six or seven per cent, if the legal restraints were abolished. If we extend our view to our West Indian colonies, we find the same general principles apply, although the results are somewhat different, in consequence of particular combina- tions of circumstances. As a new colony must always for some time be more understocked in proportion to the extent of its territory, than the greater part of other countries, the stock which exists, as Mr. Smith has remarked,* is applied to the cultivation only of what is most fertile and most favourably situated, the lands near the sea-shore, and along the banks of navigable rivers lands, too, which are frequently purchased at a price below the value even of their natural produce. Stock employed in the purchase and improvement of such lands must yield a very large profit, and consequently afford to pay a very large interest. As the colony increases, the profits of stock gradually diminish. When the most fertile and best situated lands have been all occupied, less profit can be made by the cultivation of what is inferior both in soil and situation, and less interest can be afforded for the stock which is employed. In the greater part of our colonies, accordingly, both the legal * [Wealth of Nation*, Book I. chap, ix.; Vol. I. p. 140, seq., tenth edition.] VOL. VIII. 2 D 418 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART L BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. and the market rate of interest have been considerably reduced during the course of the present century. As riches, improve- ment, and cultivation have increased, interest has sunk ; so that, although still higher than in this part of the world, it is low when compared with what it was at a more early period. It runs in general from six to eight per cent. But although the rate of interest in these colonies is plainly regulated by the general principles formerly explained, it must be confessed, that it does not appear, on a superficial view, to bear the same relation to the wages of labour which it does in Europe. The truth is, (as Mr. Smith has further observed,*) that new colonies are not only understocked, in proportion to the extent of their territory, but underpeopled in proportion to the extent of their stock. The rapid accumulation of their stock, at the same time, enables the planters to increase the number of their hands faster than they can find them in a new settlement, and, of consequence, those whom they do find are very liberally rewarded. This combination of high wages of labour and of high profits of stock, is seldom to be found but in the peculiar circumstances of new colonies. And even in these, as improvement goes on, their mutual relation comes to approach more and more to the general theory. Thus, in the West Indies, while the profits of stock have gradually dimi- nished during the last hundred years, the wages of labour con- tinue unabated. The reason, according to Mr. Smith, is obvious, for " the demand for labour increases with the increase of stock, whatever be its profits ; and after these are diminished, stock may not only continue to increase, but to increase much faster than before."t The connexion between the increase of stock, and that for the demand for useful labour, is fully explained by Mr. Smith in that part of his work where he treats of the accumulation of stock. J The further illustration of it has no connexion with our present subject. Another case is mentioned by the same ingenious and pro- * [Ibid.] (In pencil. Memorandum. f [Ibid.] Consult Bryan Edwards.) J [Ibid. Book II., passim.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 419 found writer, as affording an apparent exception to the fore- going doctrine ; I mean the case of a country whose state has been suddenly altered by the acquisition of new territory, or of new branches of trade. Here " the profits of stock, and with them the interest of money, may rise, even although the country is fast advancing in the acquisitioSi of riches. The stock of the country not being sufficient for the whole accession of business, which such acquisitions present to the different people among whom it is divided, is applied to those particular branches only which afford the greatest profit. Part of what before had been employed in other trades, is of course withdrawn from them, and turned into some of the new and more profitable ones. In all those old trades, therefore, the competition comes to be less than before ; and as the market is less fully supplied with the different sorts of goods, their price rises more or less, and yields a greater profit to those who deal in them, and who can there- fore afford to borrow at a higher interest. . . . This accession of business, to be carried on by the old stock, must diminish the quantity employed in a great number of particular branches in which the competition being less, the profits must be greater."* So that, through all the different branches of trade, both old and new, the demand for borrowed money must necessarily yield a higher interest to the lenders. In Bengal, and the other British settlements in the East Indies, the wages of labour are very low, while the profits of stock and the interest of money are very high. The truth is, that the same cause which lowers the wages of labour, viz., the diminution of the capital stock of the society, or of the funds destined for the maintenance of industry, raises the profits of stock. By the wages of labour being lowered, the owners of what stock remains in the society can bring their goods cheaper to market than before, and at the same time they can sell them dearer, as the market is not so well supplied. These unnatural profits, arising from the ruined state of these countries, afford of consequence a proportionally exorbitant interest. " In Bengal," * [Ibid. Book I. chap. ix. ; Vol. I. p. 142, tenth edition.] 420 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART L BOOK IL NAT. WEALTH. according to Mr. Smith, "money is frequently lent to the farmers at forty, fifty, and sixty per cent., and the succeeding crop is mortgaged for the payment. As the profits which cap afford such an interest must consume almost the whole rent of the landlord, so such enormous usury must in its turn eat up the greater part of these profits."* And hence, on the one hand, the rapid accumulation of wealth by our countrymen in that part of the world ; and on the other, the oppressed and impoverished condition of the natives. In a country which had obtained that complete measure of opulence and of population of which its physical advantages admitted, and which at the same time was not on the decline, both the wages of labour and the profits of stock would pro- bably be very low. The country being, by the supposition, fully peopled, the competition for employment would reduce the wages of labour to that minimum which was just sufficient to prevent the race of labourers from diminishing ; and the stock being fully adequate to all the business that could be transacted, the competition would be as great, and consequently the rate of profit as low as possible. It may be doubted, however, whether this hypothetical case was ever realized in its full extent in the history of mankind. At first view, perhaps, China may appear to approach to the description ; and undoubtedly it seems to have continued longer in a stationary condition, than any other country with which we are acquainted. It is, however, very well remarked by Mr. Smith, that although China may have acquired that full com- plement of riches which is consistent with the nature of its laws and institutions, there is the greatest reason to believe that this complement is far short of what its physical advantages might admit under a different system of policy. Of this a judgment may be formed from the contempt in which foreign commerce is held; from the exclusion of foreign vessels from all the ports, one or two excepted ; and above all, from the oppressive extortions to which men of small capital are liable from the inferior mandarins. This last circumstance of itself, added to * [Ibid. p. 143.] CHAP. IL OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 421 the comparative security of the rich, must establish a monopoly in favour of the latter, and increase greatly the profits of trade. Accordingly twelve per cent, is said to be the common interest of money in China. 1 The wages of labour are no higher than what is sufficient for the most scanty subsistence of the labourer, the population being incomparably beyond what the stock en- gaged in business is able to employ. In what has now been said, we have considered the riches or poverty of a country as the only causes which influence the rate of interest It is possible, however, that other adventitious cir- cumstances may operate to the same effect. When the law, for example, does not enforce the performance of contracts, the precariousness of repayment places all debtors in the same situation with persons of doubtful credit, and subjects them to the same usurious conditions. In accounting for the high rate of interest during the earlier periods of the modern history of Europe, this cause ought not to be overlooked. The same effect takes place in a still greater degree where the law absolutely prohibits interest. Necessity must frequently produce evasions of the law ; and in such cases a premium will be expected, not only in proportion to the profits to be made by the use of the money, but to the danger to which the lender is exposed in the event of a discovery. From the general principles which we have now been endea- vouring to illustrate, it is easy to conceive in what manner the prices of commodities may sometimes continue stationary while the wages of labour are progressive ; for the same cause which raises the wages of labour, (viz., the increase of national stock,) has a tendency to lower the profits of the merchant, and, con- sequently, the variations in these two elements of price may so balance each other, as to bring the commodity to the market at the same rate as before. Before leaving this part of our subject, it may be worth while to add, that the ordinary market price of land is re- gulated, in every commercial country, by the ordinary market 1 (In pencil) Postlethwayt states per cent. See Dictionary, Article, the rate of interest in China at thirty Interest. Consult Sir G. Staunton. 422 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. rate of interest If the return to be expected from vesting a capital in land, were equal to what could be obtained by lend- ing the same sum upon interest, the superior security, together with the other advantages connected with landed property, would induce every person who wished to derive an income from his money without superintending the employment of it himself, to prefer the former species of income to the latter. The truth is, that these advantages are such, as to compensate a certain difference in the pecuniary return, and accordingly the market rent of land may be always expected to fall short of the market interest of money. What the difference between them is, in particular cases, will no doubt depend somewhat on the judgment or fancy of the individual; but it is evident that there are certain limits within which it must be confined. If the pecuniary difference was very great, the market would be glutted with land, its ordinary price would fall, and the balance would be restored. On the other hand, if the advan- tages of landed property were more than sufficient to compen- sate the pecuniary difference, everybody would buy land, and the rise in its price would restore the natural proportion be- tween the rent of a capital so employed and the market rate of interest. When interest was at ten per cent., land was com- monly sold for ten and twelve years' purchase. As interest sunk to six, five, and four per cent., the price of land rose to twenty, five-and-twenty, and thirty years' purchase ; so that, in general, the price of land may be expected to vary inversely with the value of money. In farther illustration of this subject, I may observe, that land, when let on lease, may be considered as so much capital let out by landlords to the farmers ; and consequently, a very close analogy must exist between the condition of the capitalist, or landed interest, and that of the properties of disengaged capital, or monied interest. A pecuniary augmentation of rent, however, is not an augmentation of the rent of the capital alone, but of the capital itself, being immediately convertible into property, by a rate determined by the number of years' pur- chase which land may be worth in the market. In this respect, CHAP. II. OF MONET, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 423 too, the same general principles apply to the rent of land, and to the interest of money, any additional annual dividend de- clared by our chartered companies instantly resolving itself into capital. This doctrine, at the same time, it is necessary to remark, although just and unquestionable in the main, must be under- stood with certain limitations. Landed property has many circumstances peculiar to itself, which, by stamping upon it a value independent of the pecuniary returns it affords, prevents its price from being regulated by the same general principles which apply to other articles of commercial speculation. Local causes, for example, may, in particular districts, alter the general proportion of buyers to sellers, and may thus occasion a local rise or fall in the price of land, while the market rate of in- terest is nearly the same over the whole kingdom. 1 In places where thriving manufactures have been established, land has been observed to sell more briskly, and for more years' pur- chase than in other districts, for there the number of buyers may be expected to exceed the number of sellers. In such manufacturing districts, the riches of one set of men not arising from the extravagance and waste of another, as it does in other places^where men live idly on the produce of their land, the industrious part of the community brings an increase of wealth from a distance, without injuring the interests of their neigh- bours. And when the thriving tradesman has got more than he can well employ in trade, his next thoughts are to look out for a purchase in the vicinity, where the estate may be under his eye, and may remove neither himself nor his children from the business to which they have been accustomed. The extra- ordinary demand for land, therefore, in such situations, must occasion an extraordinary enhancement of its price. In regulating the proportion, too, between the price of land and the value of money, a good deal, it is evident, will depend on the habits of the landed gentry in point of frugality or of dissipation. Where it is fashionable for them to live beyond 1 See Locke, Vol. II p. 20. [(First) Considerations on Interest and Money.] 424 POLITICAL ECONOMY. PART I. BOOK II. NAT. WEALTH. their income, debts will increase and multiply, and lay them under a necessity, first of encumbering and then of selling their estates. This is generally the cause why men part with their land, for it happens rarely that a clear and unencumbered estate is exposed to sale merely for a pecuniary profit. Mr. Locke remarks, that " there is scarce one in a hundred that thinks of selling his patrimony, till mortgages have pretty well eat into the freehold, and the weight of growing debts force the proprietor, whether he will or no, out of his possessions It is seldom," he adds, " that a thriving man turns his land into money, to make the greater advantage ; the examples of it are so rare, that they are scarce of any consideration in the number of sellers." " This I think may be the reason," continues the same writer, " why, in Queen Elizabeth's days, (sobriety, frugality, and in- dustry, bringing in daily increase to the growing wealth of the kingdom,) land kept up its price, and sold for more years' pur- chase than corresponded to the interest of money, then busily employed in a thriving trade, which made the natural interest much higher than it is now, as well as the legal rate fixed by Parliament." 1 In these observations of Mr. Locke there is much truth and good sense, but I apprehend that they are by no means so strictly applicable to the present state of our country as they were at the time when he wrote. The attachment to landed property is now greatly diminished. The personal considera- tion arising from it has sunk in the public estimation, in conse- quence of the progress of commerce and of luxury, and the rank of an individual is measured chiefly by the extent of his expenditure. The extravagance and dissipation of the metro- polis, are preferred to the simple and frugal enjoyments of the country ; and land, like any other article of property, is valued chiefly in proportion to the revenue it affords. Although, there- fore, it still possesses, and must necessarily possess, certain advantages over every other species of property, these advan- tages are not so great now as they formerly were, and conse- 1 Vol. II. p. 26. [Ibid.] CHAP. II. OF MONEY, THE CIRCULATING MEDIUM. ( 5.) 425 quently the price of land may be expected to be more accurately regulated by the interest of money, than when the feudal ideas were more prevalent, and the commerce of England compara- tively in its infancy The question concerning the expediency of subjecting the commerce of money to the regulation of law is to be considered in another part of the course. In the observations which I have hitherto made on National Wealth, my principal object has been, to illustrate some of the most important elementary principles connected with that article of Political Economy, with a view chiefly to facilitate and assist your studies in the perusal and examination of Mr. Smith's Inquiry. The greater part of these disquisitions have been entirely of a speculative nature, aiming merely to analyze and explain the actual mechanism of society, without pointing out any of the conclusions, susceptible of a practical applica- tion, to which they may lead. A few disquisitions of this last description may, indeed, have insensibly blended themselves with our analytical inquiries ; but in these instances I have departed from my general plan, and my only apology is, that the limits of my course left me little prospect of being able to resume, in a systematical order, the consideration of the ques- tions which gave occasion to these digressions.* * [Boos II. is concluded in the ensuing Volume.] APPENDICES TO BOOKS FIRST AND SECOND. APPENDICES. APPENDIX I. To B. I. CH. n. 3. Quotation on Population from Pinto. fix has been thought proper to adduce fully the following passage, alluded to by Mr. Stewart in p. 203 ; and a reference to this Appendix ought to have been there subjoined. Ed. " Pour faire sentir qu'il y a un maximum et dans la population et dans I'agri- culture, je prie le lecteur de promener son imagination sur les observations suiv- antes. Supposons d'abord toute 1'Europe aussi peuplee qu'elle est susceptible de 1'etre ; elle contiendra par estimation quatre ou cinq fois autant d'habitans qu'il y en a actuellement d'etablis. Dans ce cas la, il faudroit de toute necessite que tout son sol nit exactement cultive pour nourrir tant de monde. Nous voulons encore accorder, que par une legislation et par une administration auperieures, tous les gradins des classes fussent bien distribues, enun mot qu'il y cut une proportion, et une harmonic exacte dans toutes les parties des divers Etats et Gouvernemens. " L'Europe parvenue a ce point de population et de culture, qu'en arriveroit-il ? Arreteroit-on le progre's ulterieur de la population ? Comment 1'arreteroit-on ? On seroit force d'envoyer des Colonies en Amerique et ailleurs. Mais cette ressource ne suffiroit pas ; il est a craindre qu'on ne fut contraint de susciter de cruelles et funestes guerres en attendant la peste et la famine. Ce dernier fleau ne tarderoit pas a faire des ravages ; il seroit amene naturellement par cette grande et universelle population qu'on suppose etablie. Les fruits annuels de la terre seroient sans contredit annuellement consumes par les habitans respcctifs de chaque Pays. Or il est certain que, selon le cours de la Nature, les recoltes manquent dans tous les pays apres un certain nombre d'annees. Toutes les contrees seroient done forcement reduites tour a tour a mourir de faim ; chaque pays, ayant besoin de ses propres productions pour nourrir ses propres habitans, ne pourroit pas pour- voir ses voisins. Poussons plus loin nos observations. " II y a des Naturalistes qui pretendent que notre globe terrestre n'a qu'nne croute vegetale, qui s'epuise par la culture, et devient en fin aride et sterile. On pretend que les deserts de 1'Arabie ont autrefois etc des contrees fertiles, et les pre- mieres habitations du genre humain. " Sans approfondir cette question, tout le monde sait que la terre rajeunit par le 430 APPENDIX I. TO B. I. CH. II. 3. PINTO ON POPULATION. rcpos ; il lui est souvent necessaire pour conserver sa fecondite. Personne n'ignore 1'irapatiente vegetation dont une terre neuve se presse de recompenser les premiers soins du laboureur. II faut done des alternatives de repos et de culture ; il faut des vivres de reserve, des terres incultes, des pays inhabites, poiir 1'ordre, 1'har- inonie et la conservation du tout. II paroit probable qu'il n'entre point dans le dessein de la Providence, que le globe quo nous habitons soit partout egalement cultive et peuple. Get etat momentaire de perfection d'opulence, s'il pouvoit exister, ameneroit done les plus grands malheurs. Nous ne connoissons pas le souverain bien ; les imperfections apparentes conspirent souvent a la conservation du tout. Nous ne voyons qu'une partie du tableau ; de faux jours nous eblouissent ; la perfection n'est pas 1'apanage d'une seule partie, mais le resultat du tout. " La population excessive a toujours enfante la guerre, qui, en se tournant centre sa cause, la diminue et la detruit. " Multiplier leshommes, dit M. de Mirabeau, [the elder,] sans multiplier les sub- sistances, c'est les vouer au supplice de la faim. Ce phenomene est rare, et ne pent arriver que par un vice d'administration et de police ; mais, d'un autre cote, multiplier les subsistances sans multiplier les consommateurs, c'est une chimere destructive, et qui ne peut jamais exister au delii d'une annee. Les bornes physiques de la population d'un pays ne sont pas invinciblement assujetties aux productions de son territoire, quand le commerce et la navigation, secondes du credit, de la cir- culation, et des biens fictifs, sont en bon etat : temoin la Hollande. C'est plutot la culture qui est invinciblement assujettie a la consommation interieure, ou a 1'exportation precaire Nationale. Quand la population excede les richesses, le vice est inherent au corps de 1'Etat. C'est que toute la machine politique est detraquee. II faut pour-lors porter ses regards partout, et remedier a tout a la fois. II faut pcurlors, comme My lord Bolingbroke dit a un autre sujet, imiter les grandes operations de la nature, et non celles de I 1 art, toujours lentes, foibles et imparfaites. Nous ne devons pas proceder comme fait un statuaire en formant une statue, dont il travaille tantot la tete, tantot une autre partie ; mais nous devons nous conduire comme la nature agit en formant un animal, ou toute autre de ses productions ; Rudimenta partium omnium simid parit et producit ; ellejette a la fois le plan de chaque etre et les principes de toutes ses parties. Tous les vegetaux et les animaux croissent en volume, et augmentent en forces ; mais ils sont les memes des le commencement. II faut une puissance coercive, qui con- tinue les ordres de 1'Etat, comme la clef d'une voute contient le corps du bailment. Dans un grand Royaume, 1'agriculture, le commerce, les manufactures, la circulation, le credit public, la police interieure, la finance, 1'etat de guerre, les colonies, la navi- gation, la marine, le luxe modere, tout doit marcher dans une proportion reciproque, pour conserver 1'harmonie de 1'Etat, le bon ordre et la prosperite d'une Nation. " L'etendue des frontieres ne fait pas seule la puissance d'un Etat ; mais c'est un grand avantage, qui comporte un plus grand nombre de sujets qui peuvent tronver leur subsistence. Le grand nombre seul avec une subsistance physique, n'est pas encore le tout ; il faut que 1'aisance s'y trouve ; et cette aisance, dans le grand nombre, exige plusieurs classes, et ne sauroit etre confinee aux seuls travaux de 1'agriculture. Si la population en France etoit a son comble, le debouche ex ti'rieur, ou 1'exportation des grains, seroit presque inutile. Elle doit etre regardce comme un supplement ou comme un remede au manque de population pour 1'article APPENDIX II. TO B. IF. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. 431 de la culture, et comme un vehicule de commerce pour soutenir 1'agriculture, et favoriser la population. Mais ce n'est pas I'accroissement de la population, qui est le vrai secret de 1'Administration ; c'est 1'harmonie de toutes lea parties, et 1'equilibre de toutes les classes."*] II To B. II. CH. 11. Notes on the [Parliamentary] Bullion Report. (Sent by Mr. Stewart to Lord Lauderdale, in February, March, and April, 1811.) NOTE I. (Feb. 26,) Bullion Report, p. 7. " The same rise of the market price of gold above its mint price will take place, if the local currency of this particular country, being no longer convertible into gold, should at any time be issued to excess. That excess cannot be exported to other countries, and not being convertible into specie, it is not necessarily returned upon those who issued it ; it remains in the channel of circulation, and is gradually absorbed by increasing the prices of att commodities. An increase in the quantity of the local currency of a particular country, will raise prices in that country, exactly in the same manner as an increase in the general supply of precious metals raises prices all over the world." This reasoning is qualified and restricted in another part of the Report, by some just observations upon the effects of a quick or slow circulation, in augmenting or diminishing the powers of money as a medium of exchange, (see page 26 ;) but very little use is made, in the general argument, of these important and indeed essential limitations ; and they seem to have been still less attended to in some of the best pamphlets which have lately appeared on the same subject. " If the currency of a country," says Mr. Blake, " is increased, while the commodities to be circulated by it remain the same, the currency will be diminished in value with respect to the commodities, and it will require a larger proportion of the former to purchase a given quantity of the latter ; or, in other words, prices will rise. If we were in the habit of considering money as purchased by commodities, instead of commodities being purchased by money, the diminution in the value of money from its abundance would be immediately apparent." " Mr. Thornton admits, in the most explicit manner, that if the quantity of circulating medium is permanently augmented, without a corresponding augmentation of internal trade, a rise will invariably take place in the price of exchangeable articles. Indeed, this is a principle upon which all the writers on Commerce, both practical and speculative, are agreed ; they have thought it so undeniable as to require no particular illustra- tion, and have rather assumed it as an obvious truth than as a proposition that depended on inference. Upon this idea is founded Mr. Hume's well-known argu- ment against Banks, and it is equally implied in Dr. Smith's confutation of that objection ; it forms the foundation of those presumptions from which Mr. Boyd has * [PiBio, TraiU de la Circulation et du Credit, Amt. 1771. Partie iv. p. 221, ttq.'} 432 APPENDIX IL TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. lately inferred an improper increase of Bank of England paper ; and it is implicitly admitted likewise by Mr. Thornton, one great object of whose book is to persuade the public that there has been no such increase." 1 " Without entering, therefore," continues Mr. Blake, " into an unnecessary argument, I shall, for the present, assume as admitted, that the increase of currency, while the commodities to be circulated remain the same, will be attended with an increase of nominal prices, and a correspondent depreciation in the value of money." 8 That there is a great deal of truth in this doctrine, when properly explained and modified, I do not deny ; but it is surely not entitled to be assumed as a political axiom ; nor is it even correctly true in the form in which it is here stated. It is, in fact, the very same doctrine with respect to prices, which was advanced by Locke, Montesquieu, and Hume ; and which Sir James Steuart has, I think, refuted by very satisfactory (though very ill expressed) arguments, in his Political (Economy. (Book II. chap, xxviii.) The only difference is, that whereas Locke and Montes- quieu assert that the prices of commodities are always proportioned to the plenty of money in a country, the authors referred to in the foregoing extract, (with the exception of Mr. Hume,) content themselves with saying, that " the increase of currency, while the commodities to be circulated remain the same, will be attended with an increase of nominal prices." That the principle, even when thus corrected, does not appear altogether self- evident, is shewn sufficiently from what was already hinted concerning the effects which may be produced by a change in the rale of circulation. Bishop Berkeley long ago proposed it as a Query, " Whether less money swiftly circulating be not, in effect, equivalent to more money slowly circulating ; and whether, if the circu- lation be reciprocally as the quantity of coin, the nation can be a loser ?' * It is, at least, a possible case then, m theory, that, on the one hand, an increase in the quantity of money may be so counterbalanced by a decrease in the rate of circula- tion, as to leave the relation between money and commodities the same as before ; and that, on the other hand, the quantity of money may remain unaltered, (nay, may suffer a great diminution,) while in consequence of an accelerated circulation, its influence upon prices, and upon everything else, may be increased in any given ratio. In general, before we draw any inferences from the mere increase of cur- rency, it is as necessary to ascertain the fact, whether its circulation be likely to be, on the whole, accelerated or retarded, as it is, in computing the momentum of a moving body, to combine the velocity of its motion with the quantity of its matter. 1 Edinburgh Review, VoL L p. 178. " If the circulation of any country were per- formed exclusively by gold, and the supply of * Blake's Observation*, &c., p. 44. To the that metal were, from any imaginable cause tame purpose it is observed by Mr. Huskisson, doubled, whilst the quantity of gold and the that " although a general increase of prices in demand for it should continue the same in all all the ordinary commodities of any country is ordinary part* of the world, the price of gold not, in itself, an Indication of the depreciation of in such a country would be diminished. This its currency, (it being always possible that such diminution of the price of gold would appear in an effect may arise from other causes;) yet this the proportionate rise of all commodities." general increase of prices could not fail to be [/tirf.] pp. 26, 27. produced by an increase of the precious metals." * \Queritt, No. 22. Vide tvpra, pp. 378, [Question on the Currency, 4c.,] pp. 24, 25. 378.] APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION EXPORT. 433 An examination of the circumstances by which the circulation of money is liable to be affected, appears to me to be still a desideratum in the theory of commerce. Mr. Thornton has touched slightly on the subject in his book on Paper Credit ; but his reasoning is not at all convincing to my mind. " The causes," he observes, " which lead to a variation in the rapidity of the circulation of bank-notes may be several. In general, it may be observed, that a high state of confidence serves to quicken their circulation; and this happens upon a principle which shall be fully explained. It must be premised that, by the phrase, a more or less quick circula- tion of notes, will be meant a more or less quick circulation of the whole of them on an average. Whatever increases that reserve, for instance, of Bank of England notes which remains in the drawer of the London banker, as his provision against contingencies, contributes to what will here be termed the less quick circulation of the whole. Now a high state of confidence contributes to make men provide less amply against contingencies. At such a time, they trust, that if a demand upon them for a payment, which is now doubtful and contingent, should actually be made, they will be able to provide for it at the moment ; and they are loath to be at the expense of selling an article, or of getting a bill discounted, in order to make the provision much before the period at which it shall be wanted. When, on the contrary, a season of distrust arises, prudence suggests that the loss of interest arising from a detention of notes for a few additional days should not be regarded." * Agreeably to the same view of the subject, it is observed in the Bullion Beport, as a proof, that " the effective currency of the country depends upon the quickness of circulation, as well as upon its numerical amount," that "a much smaller amount is required in a high state of public credit, than when alarms make individuals call in their advances, and provide against accidents by hoarding ; and in a period of commercial security and private confidence, than when mutual distrust dis- courages pecuniary arrrangements for any distant time." (P. 26.) In both of these passages, there appears to me to be an indistinctness of thought as well as of expression. In ihe first place, I have great doubts of the correctness of the assertion, " that a high state of confidence seems to quicken the circulation of bank notes." A rapid circulation of money, it must be observed, is by no means implied in that briskness and activity of commerce which is measured by the number of commercial exchanges, and which is sometimes, but very inaccurately, called the circulation of commodities. The manufacturer may supply the merchant, the merchant the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper his customers, without the inter- vention of any money, till it come out of the pockets of the consumers ; the place of money being supplied, during the previous process, by the mutual credit of the parties : and it is evident, that in proportion to the quickness of the process, and to the high state of confidence at the time, the employment of money will be the less necessary. If the rapidity of circulation be, at such a period, increased on the whole, it is not because the money passes more rapidly than before through the same number of hands, but because the multiplication of hands which have now acquired by their industry the means of partaking in the national opulence, has enlarged the circle in which its movements are performed. But, secondly, admitting Mr. Thornton's general assertion to be true, I do not 1 Inquiry into the Nature and fffictt of the Paper Credit of Great Britain, Chap. iii. p. 47, teq. VOL. VIII. 2 E 434 APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. see that the reasoning either in his Book or the Report, affords any explanation of the fact. The notes which, during a period of alarm, are kept in the drawers of bankers and others, as a provision against contingencies, cannot surely be said with propriety to have their circulation retarded. They are abstracted from circu- lation altogether ; and if the same demand for a circulating medium continues as formerly, the notes which remain to supply this demand cannot fail, in proportion to the reduction in their amount, to pass with an accelerated rapidity from one hand to another. The truth is, if I do not deceive myself, that in both the passages last quoted, two very different things are confounded together : 1. The effect of credit and confidence in superseding the necessity of ready money payments, by a settlement of accounts at distant periods of time; and, 2. The effect of a quick circulation in rendering a given quantity of currency equivalent to a larger one with a slow circulation. Both of them have a tendency to economize the nume- rical amount of currency ; but they depend on very different causes, and are by no means necessarily combined in their operation. It is justly remarked in a passage which you have quoted from Quesnai in your pamphlet on the Irish Bank, that " the money of a poor nation must be propor- tionally more considerable than that of a rich one ; for no more can remain with either, than the sum of which they have need for their sales and for their purchases. Now, among poor nations the intervention of money becomes indispensably neces- sary in the operations of commerce. Everything must there be paid for in ready cash ; because no one can there rely on the good faith of another." The same observation is applicable to a rich commercial country, in times of distrust and alarm ; and explains sufficiently the increased demand which arises for a circu- lating medium at such a crisis. A circulation of money or paper tlien takes place, in numberless cases, where its intervention was before superseded by general confi- dence and credit. As to the rapidity of circulation, I cannot help thinking, that a general want of confidence must tend powerfully to increase it, by adding to the number of ready money payments; and, in so far as this takes place, it must necessarily (by the virtual multiplication of the currency) counteract the pressure of the existing evil. From the Statement of the Committee, they seem to consider the increased demand for notes in a time of distrust, as a consequence of the cir- culation being slower than usual. The aim of the reasoning quoted above from Mr. Thornton's book, was probably to suggest, as an indirect apology for the increased issue of notes from the Bank, that the effect of this increased issue is partly to correct the inconveniences of that retarded circulation which he supposed to exist. If the foregoing remarks have any foundation, the effect of this increased issue upon prices, must, in fact, exceed that of its numerical amount, in the same proportion in which the rate of circulation has been quickened by the peculiar circumstances of the times. It is to be observed, besides, that the most considerable part of the increase of Bank of England notes since 1798, has been in the article of small notes, (Report, p. 25 ;) and there cannot be a doubt that the case has been the same in a far greater degree with the issues of country banks, although no estimate is given by the Committee of the increased circulation of their notes, not exceeding two pounds two shillings. (P. 29 ; see also p. 149.) Now, it is chiefly in the case of small note* that circulation operates in producing a virtual multiplication of pnper currency APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. 435 for the same reason that " a shilling," according to an observation of Mr. Smith, " changes masters more frequently than a guinea, and a halfpenny more frequently than a shilling."* In reply to a question addressed by the Committee to Mr. Francis Baring (" Do you not believe that the amount of small notes should be left out of the account in comparing the present amount of notes in circulation with that existing before the restriction ?") I find the following answer stated in the Report: "instead of being left out in a comparative view, I fear the small notes rather tend to increase the difficulty beyond tJieir due proportion; because they cannot be withdrawn, without an issue of specie to an equal amount, and stand therefore in the front of the battle." I am inclined to think he might also have added, that they tend to increase the difficulty beyond their due proportion, inasmuch as their commercial momentum (if I may be allowed the expression) is increased in an incomparably greater degree than that of the larger notes, by the rapidity of circulation. In farther illustration of the proposition, " that the mere numerical return of the amount of bank-notes out in circulation, cannot be considered as at all deciding the question, whether such paper is or is not excessive," it is stated in the Report, as a circumstance which above all deserves attention, that " the same amount of cur- rency will be more or less adequate, in proportion to the skill which the great money-dealers possess in managing and economizing the use of the circulating medium. Your Committee (it is added) are of opinion, that the improvements which have taken place of late years in this country, and particularly in the dis- trict of London, with regard to the use and economy of money among bankers, and in the mode of adjusting commercial payments, must have had a much greater effect than is commonly ascribed to them, in rendering the same sum adequate to a much greater amount of trade and payments than formerly." (P. 26 ; see also p. 147.) Upon the supposition that the issues of the bank had been diminished precisely to the extent of this economy, it seems evident, that the circulation of the country, so far as it can be supposed to have any influence upon prices, could not have been at all affected by these late improvements. The bank-notes formerly employed in conducting this business, were found, it would appear, to be a clumsy and expensive instrument for accomplishing an end that could be attained as effectually without its assistance ; and this being the case, the new arrangements were unquestionably improvements in point of economy to the London bankers. With respect to the general circulation of the country, the effect in both cases must have been exactly the same. On the other hand, as, in point of fact, the issues of the bank have increased immensely since these economical arrangements have taken place, the amount of the notes thus economized must either be added to the mass of circulating medium winch is employed in carrying on the exchanges of the London district, or must serve to enlarge the basis on which the circulation of the country banks is to be reared. The effect must be similar to those other improvements which (according to the Report) " have taken place in this country, with regard to the use and economy of money among bankers, and in the mode of adjusting commercial payments." [Wealth qfXatiotu, Book II. chap, ii ; VoL I. p. 486. tenth edition.] 436 APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. It is also worth j of observation, that this economy is confined to the larger notes, and that, in the same proportion, the means are acquired of increasing the issues of the small ones. In what I have hitherto said, I have proceeded on the general principle assumed in the Report, " That every change in the effective currency of the country, (includ- ing under this phrase the quickness of its circulation, as well as its numerical amount,) must occasion a corresponding change in the price of commodities ;" and the result of the whole is, that the operation of the cause must, upon this supposi- tion, have been incomparably greater than the mere numerical amount would lead us to apprehend. I must, however, confess, that I can see no evidence whatever for the truth of this doctrine ; and if you think it worth your while to read my observations on the subject, I shall state in another letter the grounds of my doubts. In the meantime, I shall only add, that I am perfectly satisfied with the conclusion of the Committee, that the increased issues of bank-notes have occasioned a de- preciation of our currency, or, in other words, a general rise of prices. I differ from them only in the manner in which I conceive this depreciation to have been brought about. According to their view of the subject, the effect is repre- sented as resulting from the cause, no less immediately and obviously than a fall in the exchangeable value of wheat after an abundant harvest ; or, if any explanation is hinted at, it is by means of some metaphorical phrase, which only serves to throw the difficulty a little more into the shade. " The issues of the bank," we are told, " cannot be exported to other countries, and not being con- vertible into specie, it is not necessarily returned upon those who issued it ; it remains in the channel of circulation, and is gradually absorbed by increasing the prices of all commodities. 1 ' * To me it appears, that without attending particularly to the various modes in which the additional currency enters into circulation, (whether issued by the Bank of England in advances to Government, and in dis- counts to merchants, or by country banks in discounts to traders, to farmers, and to other classes of the community,) and following it out through the various steps of its progress, till it finds its way into the pockets of those who are to employ it in consumption, it is neither possible to form a precise idea of the nature of the disorder, nor to speculate safely concerning the means by which it may be alleviated. The omission of this preliminary discussion strikes me as the most important defect in the Report. Something approaching to it is attempted by Mr. Blake in his pamphlet, and the outline which he has sketched is very distinct and satisfac- tory, as far as it goes. 2 It is only surprising that a writer, to whom this view of the subject had presented itself, did not assume, as the foundation of his general argument, this explanation of the process by which the over- issues of the bank tend to augment the prices of commodities, instead of having recourse to the very vague and incorrect principle, " that it is impossible such an increase should have taken place in the quantity of any commodity that is given in exchange for othern, whose quantity is not augmented in the same proportion without affecting their comparative value." * This misapplication of the word commodity to bank-notes, is not pecuh'ar to Mr. Blake,* and it is extremely apt to mislead a careless reader. > Report, p. 7. * Ibid p. 44. " It U generally admitted, that the value of * \Obicri-ativni, ic.] pp. 78-83. a commodity depend* greatly on i s scarcity or APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. 437 It is not even, in my opinion, accurately applied to gold and silver while in the thape of coins, were it for no other reason than this, (and I apprehend there are neveral others no less conclusive,) that commodities cannot, like coins, be virtually multiplied by circulation. The essential difference between such coins and paper currency is, that the former are at all times convertible into a commodity, by being put into a crucible, serving, in their new form of bullion, to liquidate the accounts of different nations, and to furnish a link for connecting together the commercial transactions of mankind in every quarter of the globe. NOTE II. [March.] In my former paper, I took notice of the general principle which seems to me to be assumed in the Bullion Report, " That every change, &c. (Supra, p. 436.) I intended to have stated, at some length, my doubts about the correctness of this proposition, but shall confine myself at present to one or two of the most obvious objections to which it is liable. 1. It may, I think, be now assumed as a first principle, that the mere increase of gold and silver in a country does not necessarily raise prices. The reasonings of Sir James Steuart on this head appear quite decisive, and could not have failed to have made a greater impression on the public mind, if they had been expressed with the clearness and precision of Mr. Hume or Mr. Smith. Now, if this prin- ciple be once granted, it necessarily follows, that prices are not regulated solely by the amount of currency, even when combined with the rate of its circulation. In proof of this, it is sufficient to observe, that an accelerated circulation operates en- tirely by the virtual multiplication of the currency ; and therefore, whatever effect may result from this acceleration, might have been produced by a real multiplica- tion of the currency, the rate of circulation remaining the same as before. In speculating concerning prices, the quickness of circulation deserves our attention, only in so far as it may be supposed to afford a proof of the general diffusion of the currency through the great mass of consumers. But of this last fact, a quick circulation, considered singly, by no means furnishes unequivocal evidence, as the money may, in consequence of various causes, pass more rapidly from hand to hand, while it still moves in the same circle as before ; and even where the two circumstances, of an accelerated and of an extended circulation, happen to coincide, the effects on price are evidently to be ascribed, not to the quick circulation, but to the multiplication and competition of purchasers. The quick circulation is itself, in this case, only a collateral effect of that general diffusion of wealth upon which, much more than on the quantity of currency in the country, the prices of commodities will be found to depend. Indeed, neither the one nor the other (nor any other cause whatsoever,) can possibly raise the price of any article, but by first increasing the competition of purchasers in a greater proportion than the quantity of goods which the market supplies. 2. Another proof that " the momentum of the circulating medium does not of plenty. Now, there has been, within these amount of bank-notet," &c. Mushet, Inquiry twelve years, a remarkable increase in our into the Effictt on Currency, tc.] p. 20. 438 APPENDS: n. TO B. n. CH. n. BULLION REPORT. itself regulate prices," may be collected from the effects of CREDIT in supplying to those individuals who possess it, for all essential purposes, the place of ready money. A man whose credit is good, or, in other words, who is known to possess valuable property at his own disposal, may command, at all times, what commodi- ties he pleases, though he should happen, at the moment, to have neither a guinea nor a bank-note in his pocket. The only inconvenience he will suffer from his want of ready money is, that he will be obliged to pay a proportionally higher price for what he purchases ; and, consequently, where there is a competition of such purchasers, a scarcity of circulating medium, instead of lowering prices, will infallibly tend to increase them. From these principles it follows, that no fixed proportion can exist between the quantity of currency in a country and the amount of commercial exchanges to which it is subservient, inasmuch as this proportion must vary, not only with the rate of circulation, but with the degree of credit and confidence generally prevalent, and with the skill of bankers and merchants in economizing the use of money in their mutual dealings. Nor would the problem be of much use if it could be solved ; for none of these circumstances has any direct connexion with the high or low prices of commodities. Indeed, credit, under whatever form it may appear, must always tend to raise prices, at least as high, as the money would have done, whose place it supplies. 1 In illustration of this, I shall avail myself of a passage in Pinto's Traite" de la Circulation et du Credit, which I shall transcribe at length, as you are not likely to have the book at hand : " La circulation reelle de la monnoie est prodigieuse dans la depense ournalie're et domestique qu'on appelle negoce ; le meme ecu peut cascader en 24 heures, par cinquante mains differentes, et aura represente cinquante choses par la circulation qu'il a essuyee ; si done ces cinquante personnes s'assem- bloient la nuit, elles trouveroient avoir depense et paye 50 ecus, et il n'y en a eu cependant qu'un d'effectif, qui par la circulation en represente cinquante. On n'a qu'a observer, qu'il n'y a pas dans tout 1'univers la moitie de 1'argent a quoi se monte la depense qu'on fait en un an dans la seule ville de Paris, si 1'on comptoit tout 1'etat de depense qu'on fait, et qui se paie en argent, depuis le 1 Janvier jusqu'au dernier Decembre, dans tous les ordres de 1'etat, depuis la maison du roi, jusqu'aux mendians qui consomment un sol de pain par jour. " Cette circulation est immense par la multiplicite des operations simultanees et repetees partout et a chaque moment ; mais il y a une autre circulation en gros, qu'on fait a la faveur du credit, et du papier, qui represente 1'argent, comme 1'argent represente les choses. L'exemple de 1'ecu fait voir qu'un negotiant parti- culier, qui a du credit, peut, independamment des termes qu'on lui accorde pour les paiemens de ses achats, faire circuler son papier et se prevaloir de celui des aiitres, et multiplier par-la les ressorts de son commerce, en facilitant la circulation. Une lettre de change a souvent dix endossemens, et represente souvent la meme 1 The effect of credit in supplying the place appear to me to have been aware, that what- ff a circulating medium, and that of mercantile erer effects are produced by a circulating nkill In economizing the use of it, iwbich last medium on prices, must be equally produced is, at bottom, nothing more than a more in- by erery possible expedient which can be de- genions and refined extension of the Fame sub- Tiled to keep accounts between debtor and rtitute.) have been remarked by Thornton, and creditor, without iU intervention! various other late writers ; but none of them APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. 439 valeur & dix pcrsonnes diffcrentcs. Voilrl dcs choses importantes ; quoiqu'asi-e* connues, ellcs ne meritent pas le nom de triviales." * In a note to this passage, the following anecdote is mentioned by the author: " Pendant le Siege de Tournay en 1745," &c.f This fact, which is adduced by Pinto merely to shew that a small sum with a quick circulation may be virtually equivalent to a large sum with a slow circula- tion, leads to some other consequences no less important, by placing in a strong light the effects of credit in facilitating the operations of commerce, where there is an apparent deficiency in the circulating medium. The paymaster, by borrowing 7000 florins seven times over from the sutlers, borrowed, during the course of the siege, to the amount of 49,000 florins. Supposing that there had been no specie to be had in the garrison, it is evident that the same transactions might have been carried on by means of paper money issued by the paymaster, and accepted in payment by the sutlers ; and therefore the only use of these weekly loans was to keep the garrison in good humour, by the regular handling of their pay in that currency to which they were accustomed. Or, supposing the sutlers to have given credit to every soldier to the extent of his pay, and that accurate accounts had been kept of all their mutual dealings, might not the whole business have been managed (without any inconvenience whatever but the trouble arising from the petty details of book-keeping) without any circulating medium at all ? In such a peculiar combination of circumstances as this, the only essential advantage derived from a circulating medium (whether we suppose it to consist of specie or of paper) would seem to resolve into its effect in superseding the task of recording the mutual bargains of individuals ; or (as Anacharsis concluded somewhat too pre- cipitately with respect to the use of gold and silver among the Greeks) a circulat- ing medium would seem to answer no purpose whatever, but that " of assisting the memory in numeration and arithmetic." Mr. Hume, when he wrote his Essay on Money, seems to have thought that the case would be the same with a nation cut off from all commercial connexion with foreigners ; overlooking a variety of im- portant considerations, which I shall pass over here, as they have no immediate con- nexion with the present argument. Whatever opinion we may form on this point, one thing seems indisputable, that in the example of the garrison as described by Pinto, the amount of circulating medium could have no effect whatever on prices ; that there would have been exactly the same with a circulation of 7000 florins as with one of 49,000 and that (supposing credit to be completely established among all parties) they would not have fallen, although no circulating medium had been employed as an instrument of commerce. I have thus arrived at the same conclusion which you state in your last letter, when you express your doubts whether " a mere excess of circulating medium, if it confined itself to those duties which a circulating medium properly performs, could produce a rise of prices." For my own part, 1 am disposed to go a step farther, and to entertain some doubts,, whether a general rise of prices would be necessarily produced by this superabundant currency, even on the supposition that it consisted wholly of gold and silver, so as to form (according to Mr. Smith) a real addition to the national capital. Mr. Hume, in his Essay upon Interest, states an imaginary case, that " by miracle, every man in Great Britain should have five pounds * [Partie L p. 33, teq., orig. edit] t [Quoted above, p. 378 J 440 APPENDIX IL TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPOP.T. slipt into his pocket in one night, in which case," he adds, " the whole money that is at present in the kingdom would be much more than doubled :"' and he observes very justly, that in these circumstances "there would not next day, nor for some time, be any more lenders, nor any variation in the interest." The next sentence is not so unexceptionable. " Were there nothing but landlords and peasants in the state, this money, however abundant, could never gather into sums ; and would only serve to increase the prices of everything, without any farther consequence." In what proportion it would serve to increase prices, Mr. Hume has not said ex- plicitly ; but it is evident, that upon the principle which he has assumed in his Essay on Money, (and which is unfolded still more fully by Locke and Montes- quieu,) it ought to do much more than double the prices of all the commodities in the kingdom. The palpable absurdity of the conclusion, in this instance, affords a sufficient refutation of the premises from which it is deduced. The real fact would manifestly amount to this, and to nothing more, that every man would be enabled to add five pounds to his capital or to his expenditure. What possible effect could this have on the prices of any commodities, but those which are in request among the lowest order of the people ? Nor is it easy to conceive, that even on these prices, the permanent effect would be very considerable. How different would be the influence of the same addition to the capital (either real or fictitious) of the country, if it were all to issue from the shops of bankers in the form of advances to Government, or of discounts to merchants, manufacturers, farmers, and landed proprietors ! It would appear, therefore, that it is not the quantity of money added, at uny time, to the capital of a country, which can, of itself, produce a general rise of prices ; unless this accession of capital is determined by political or commercial arrangements, to flow in those channels which may alter the former relation be- tween the demand and supply of the market. According to Montesquieu's doc- trine, the prices of all commodities should not only rise, but att of them should rise in the very same proportion ; in contradiction to the evidence of our daily experi- ence, that while the prices of certain articles are rising, those of others are falling, in consequence of causes which have no connexion whatever either with the quan- tity of money, or with the quantity of commodities. What you afterwards remark on the indirect connexion between high prices and ten increased circulating medium, is precisely the proposition I had" in my mind when I said formerly, that the extraordinary issues of paper currency since the stoppage of cash payments, had affected prices chiefly by the manner in which these notes have entered into circulation. Nothing, in my opinion, can be more satisfactory on this head than the simple statement you have given of the fact. " By the same act with which a bank increases the circulating medium of a country, it issues into the community a mass of fictitious capital, which serves not only as circulating medium, but creates an additional quantity of capital to be employed in every mode in which capital can be employed." The explanation you have given of the process by which this affects the prices of commodities, coincides so exactly with all my own ideas, that it would be quite superfluous for me to follow out the speculation any farther. The radical evil, in short, seems to be, not the mere over issue of notes, considered as an addition to our currency, but the anomalous and unchecked extension of APPENDIX II. TO B. 11. CH. II. BULLION REPOBT. 441 credit, and its inevitable effect in producing a sudden augmentation of prices by a Midden augmentation of demand. The enlarged issues deserve attention, chiefly as affording a scale for measuring how far this extension has been carried. The same degree of credit, if it could have been given without the intervention of paper currency, would have operated exactly in the same way upon prices, and upon every- thing else. Mr. Thornton's opinion is plainly in direct opposition to this conclusion, and can, I think, be accounted for only by the credit which he has unconsciously lent, on various occasions, to the specious but fallacious theory of Montesquieu and Hume. " It is by the amount," he observes, " not of the loans of the Bank of England, but of its paper ; or, if of its loans, of these merely as indicating the quantity of its paper, that we are to estimate the influence on the cost of commo- dities. The same remark," he adds, "may be applied to the subject of the loans and paper of country banks." * The converse of these propositions would, in njy apprehension, be much nearer to the truth. An idea similar to that which Mr. Thornton has here expressed, seems plainly to be implied in the explanation given by the Bullion Committee, of the difference between " the effects of an advance of capital to merchants, and an additional sup- ply of currency to the general mass of circulating medium. " If the advance of capital only be considered, as made to those who are ready to employ it in judicious and productive undertakings, it is evident there need be no other limit to the total amount of advances than what the means of the lender, and his prudence in the selection of borrowers, may impose. But, in the present situation of the bank, intrusted as it is with the function of supplying the public with that paper currency which forms the basis of our circulation, and at the same time not sub- jected to the liability of converting the paper into specie, every advance which it makes of capital to the merchants in the shape, of discount, becomes an addition also to the mass of circulating medium. In the first instance, when the advance is made by notes paid in discount by a bill, it is undoubtedly so much capital, so much power of making purchases, placed in the hands of the merchant who re- ceives the notes ; and if those hands are safe, the operation is so far, and in this its first step, useful and productive to the public. But as soon as the portion of cir- culating medium in which the advance was thus made, performs in the hands of him to whom it was advanced this its first operation as capital, as soon as the notes are exchanged by him for some other article which is capital, they fall into the channel of circulation as so much circulating medium, and form an addition to the mass of currency. The necessary effect of every such addition to the mass is to diminish the relative value of any given portion of that mass in exchange for com- modities."* The very same doctrine occurs in a different form in the following passage of Mr. Huskisson's pamphlet : " The state of our currency, in regard to its dimin- ished value, is no other than it would be if our present circulation, being retained to the same amount, were, by some sudden spell, all changed to gold, and, by 1 The illustration which Mr. Thornton has It is difficult to reconcile the above passage pivcn of this remark, affords a most satisfactory with the very judicious observations which Mr. refutation of the opinion which it is employed T. has made in pp. 258-260 of the same book. U> establish. (Pp. 313, 311.) * [Report, p. 23.] 442 APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. another spell, not less surprising, such part of that gold, as by its excess created a proportionate diminution in its value here, with reference to its value in other countries, would not by exportation, or otherwise, find its way out of our separate circulation. 1 ' 1 The simile is quite correct, so far as it goes ; but in order to render the parallel complete, Mr. Huskisson should have added, as a third spell, not less indispensably necessary than the two others : That all the issues of gold should be confined to the shops of our bankers, to be put in circulation by them in the shape of advances to Government, or of mercantile discounts ; and that our bankers should have the same profits in issuing gold, as they have at present in the issues of their own paper. If the gold were all to emanate from the same sources as the paper, and to flow afterwards in the same channels, the results in both cases could not fail to be precisely the same. NOTE III. The general result of the reasonings which I have hitherto stated is, that the in- creased issues of paper currency since the year 1797, have operated on the prices of commodities chiefly by means of that sudden extension of credit which they necessarily suppose ; and of the communication of this credit to those classes of in- dividuals whose capitals have the greatest influence on the state of the market. Had the increased issues been divided into equal shares, according to the popula- tion of Great Britain, and had every inhabitant of the island received his trifling (junta at one and the same instant, how comparatively insignificant would the effects have been ! This conclusion agrees, I think, perfectly in substance with that which you have formed, when you observe, in your last letter, that " by the same act with which a bank increases the circulating medium of a country, it issues into the com- munity a mass of fictitious capital, which serves not only as circulating medium, but creates an additional quantity of capital to be employed in every mode in which capital can be employed.'' My own statement, however, appears to me to have this advantage, that it comprehends not only those mercantile discounts which have a remote effect on the market by being employed as capital, but those dis- counts which affect the market immediately, by furnishing the means of an en- larged expenditure. It is worthy of attention too, that even mercantile discounts operate on the market in the latter way as well as in the former ; it being pre- sumable, that every merchant (and more particularly, every speculative merchant) will raise his style of living in proportion to the magnitude of his commercial trans- actions. The same luxury and vanity extend themselves downwards through all the inferior orders of traders and men of business ; the peculiar circumstances of the times having been so long unfavourable to habits of sober economy, and having BO strong a tendency to encourage a general spirit of extravagance and improvi- dence, by facilitating the means of its indulgence. Hence, to those persons who live on fixed incomes, an additional sort of depreciation in the value of money, (a depreciation quite distinct from the effects either of taxation or of high prices ;) I 1 TV Quettion Concerning the Depreciation of our Currency Stated and Examined, p. 107 APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. 443 mean that which arises from new ideas of competency, and of the scale of expendi- ture necessary to support the condition of a gentleman. I have dwelt the longer on this particular view of the subject, considered in con- trast with that adopted by Mr. Thornton, (and apparently sanctioned in the last passage quoted from the Bullion Report,) because the two opinions lead obviously to two very different conclusions concerning the nature of the remedy suited to the disorder. The one opinion suggests the propriety of limiting credit through the medium of a restricted currency ; the other of limiting the currency through the medium of a well-regulated and discriminating credit. If the radical evil were merely an excess of circulating medium, operating as such without the combination of any other cause, it would follow, that a reduction of this quantity, by whatsoever means it were to be brought about, and however violent the effects which it might threaten, would be the only measure competent to the attainment of the end. But if, on the other hand, this excess be only symptomatic of another malady, with which, from particular circumstances, it happens to be co-existent, (of an extension of credit, to wit, calculated to derange the pre-existing relations of demand and supply ;) in that case, the restriction and regulation of this credit ought to be re- garded as the primary object, and the reduction of our circulating medium attended to solely as an indication that the cure is progressive. Of the most expedient means to be employed for this purpose, I am not qualified to form a judgment. But I cannot help observing, that if a repeal or a relaxation of the anti-usurious laws were a thing not quite impracticable, it would go to the root of the mischief by a process more effectual, and at the same time more gentle and manageable in its operation, than any other that I can imagine. It is observed in the Bullion Report, that " the law which in this country limits the rate of in- terest, and of course the rate at which the bank can legally discount, exposes the bank to still more extensive demands for commercial discounts. While the rate of commercial profit is very considerably higher than five per cent., as it has lately been in many branches of our foreign trade, there is in fact no limit to the demands which merchants of perfectly good capital, and of the most prudent spirit of enter- prise, may be tempted to make upon the bank for accommodation and facilities by discount." * To the same purpose, Mr. Thornton long ago remarked, that " in order to ascer- tain how far the desire of obtaining loans at the bank may be expected at any time to be carried, we must inquire into the subject of the quantum of profit likely to be derived from borrowing there under the existing circumstances. This is to be judged of by considering two points : the amount, first, of interest to be paid on the sum borrowed ; and, secondly, of the mercantile or other gain to be obtained by the employment of the borrowed capital. The gain which can be acquired by the means of commerce, is commonly the highest which can be had ; and it also re- gulates in a great measure, the rate in all other cases. We may, therefore, con- sider this question as turning principally on a comparison of the rate of interest taken at the bank with the current rate of mercantile profit. " The bank is prohibited, by the state of the law, from demanding, even in time of war, an interest of more than five per cent., which is the same rate at which it discounts in a period of profound peace. It might, undoubtedly, at all seasons, P. 23. 444 APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. sufficiently limit its paper by means of the price at which it lends, if the legislators did not interpose an obstacle to the constant adoption of this principle of re- striction. " Any supposition that it would be safe to permit the bank paper to limit itself, because this would be to take the more natural course, is, therefore, altogether erroneous. It implies that there is no occasion to advert to the rate of interest in consideration of which the bank paper is furnished, or to change that rate accord- ing to the varying circumstances of the country. " At some seasons an interest, perhaps, of six per cent, per annum, at others of five, or even of four per cent., may afford that degree of advantage to borrowers which shall be about sufficient to limit, in the due measure, the demand upon the bank for discounts. Experience in some measure proves the justice of this obser- vation ; for, in time of peace, the bank has found it easy to confine its paper, by demanding five per cent, for interest ; whereas, in war, the directors have been subject, as I apprehend, to very earnest solicitations for discount, their notes, never- theless, not being particularly diminished. It is, therefore, unreasonable to pre- sume that there will always be a disposition in the borrowers at the bank to pre- scribe to themselves exactly those bounds which a regard to the safety of the bank would suggest- The interest of the two parties is not the same in this respect. The borrowers, in consequence of that artificial state of things which is produced by the law against usury, obtain their loans too cheap. That which they obtain too cheap, they demand in too great quantity." * I had written thus far, when the Edinburgh Review for February was put into my hands. It contains a pretty long article on the Depreciation of Paper Cur- rency, including remarks on the chief pamphlets which have lately appeared on the subject. I have only had time, as yet, to read four or five of the first para- graphs, in one of which there is a passage which surprised me a good deal by the looseness of the statement, both in point of thought and of expression. " Mr. Ricardo is in our opinion particularly entitled to praise for the manner in which he has laid down two most important doctrines, long known, indeed, and acknow- ledged by those who have maturely considered these subjects, but not unfrequently overlooked by others. " The first is the grand doctrine, which may be said to be the main hinge on which the principles of circulation, whether consisting of a paper currency, or of the precious metals, must necessarily turn ; the doctrine, that every kind of cir- culating medium, as well as every other kind of commodity, is necessarily depre- ciated by excess, and raised in value by deficiency, compared with the demand, without reference either to confidence or intrinsic use. This doctrine follows im- mediately from the general principles of supply and demand, which are unques- tionably the foundation on which the whole superstructure of political economy is built."* In justice to some propositions which I have already hazarded, I cannot pass over these magisterial remarks without examining the legitimacy of the inference mentioned in the last sentence. This will give me an opportunity of adding a few 1 Inquiry into Iht Nature and Kffeett of the Paper Credit of Great Britain, Chap. x. pp. 267, 268. No. XXXIV. p. 341. APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. 445 illustrations which escaped me formerly in the hurry of writing. But I find I must delay proceeding farther till another post. NOTE IV. I was afraid, that in the foregoing papers, I had dwelt much longer than was necessary on the refutation of acknowledged prejudices; but some remarks in the last Edinburgh Review convince me, that either my own ideas are completely un- founded, or that something is still wanting to place the question at issue in the proper point of view. The following is the passage which appears to me to be more particularly exceptionable. " Mr. Ricardo is built." (Same as quoted in last page.) I before objected to the application of the word commodity to paper currency, or even to the precious metals while in the shape of coin; for this obvious reason, that there is nothing in the commercial transferences of commodities which bears the most distant analogy to the virtual multiplication of a bank-note, or of a guinea, by means of a quick process of circulation. If there were any such analogy, the sut- lers mentioned in the anecdote quoted above from Pinto, might, without the aid of a miracle, have multiplied at pleasure the number of loaves and fishes in their can- teens, according to the wants of the garrison. It is not unusual, indeed, among writers on Political Economy, to speak of the circulation of commodities or of goods t as well as of the circulation of money ; but the expression is extremely vague and inaccurate, inasmuch as the word circula- tion must, in these two cases, be used in very different acceptations. In the fol- lowing instance, Mr. Thornton appears to have departed very widely from his cus- tomary precision of language. " Montesquieu alludes, in a manner so imperfect, as to be scarcely intelligible, to those effects of the different degrees of rapidity, in the circulation both of money and of goods, which it has been one object of this work to explain. It is on the degree of rapidity of the circulation of each, com- bined with the consideration of quantity, and not on the quantity alone, that the value of the circulating medium of any country depends." 1 To this last sentence, I must own, I cannot annex any clear idea. Mr. Thornton has, indeed, explained more distinctly than any other English author I know, the effects of a quick cir- culation of money; but as to a quick circulation of goods, (if the word circulation be, in both instances, used in the same sense,) I am unable to form any conjecture concerning the meaning which he annexes to the phrase. Nothing, I think, but this common misapplication of the word commodity to a circulating medium could have suggested the observation which occurs in the next sentence of the Edinburgh Review. " This doctrine follows immediately from the general principles of supply and demand, which are unquestionably the foundation on which the whole superstructure of Political Economy is built." Upon this sen- tence, accordingly, I must take the liberty of offering a few remarks ; for, surely, if these principles have so weighty a fabric to support, we cannot be at too much pains to ascertain correctly, in what sense we ought to understand them. And here I must observe, in tlie first place, that there are few, if any, political maxims, which admit, like the axioms in mathematics, of a literal and unqualified 1 Inquiry into the Nature and Effictt of the Paper Credit qf Great Britain, Chap. xi. p. 307. 446 APPENDIX II. TO B. IL CH. IL BULLION REPORT. application in all imaginable combinations of circumstances. They are, in genera], abbreviated, and consequently loose statements of important conclusions, adopted by their conciseness to serve as aids to the memory ; but requiring, when thay are assumed as principles of reasoning, the exercise of our own common sense, in supplying those indispensable conditions and exceptions, which are to be collected from their spirit rather than from their letter. That this observation applies forcibly to the maxim now before us, a few very slight hints will be sufficient to show. Prior to the present discussions about paper currency, the Corn Trade had been, for a good many years, the favourite subject of speculation to Political Economists ; and in this particular speculation, the general principles of supply and demand may, with great truth, be said to be the foundation on which all our reasonings must be built. The demand is here constant, universal, and imperious ; and the supply, at the same time, such as must necessarily be brought to the market, within a period of no great extent, from the perishable nature of the commodity and the expense which it involves in the keeping. It is not, therefore, surprising, that the habitual use of the words demand and supply, in speaking of the Corn Trade, should have facilitated to hasty reasoners the extension of a similar conclusion to other branches of trade of a very different nature ; and to which that conclusion cannot be fairly applied, without many modifications and restrictions. An obvious example of this occurs in the article of wine, which being kept at no expense, while it increases in value with its age, may, notwithstanding a moderate demand and an abundant supply, keep up its price for years, in defiance of the general maxim. Upon the whole, however, due allowance being made for obvious exceptions of this sort, the truth of the maxim may be safely admitted ; provided always the demand, and the quantity destined for supplying it, be of such a nature as to be confined in their variations within that range which experience teaches us to allow for the possible fluctuations of the market. If the supply be inexhaustible, (as in the instance of water in this country,) the principle becomes altogether unmeaning ; the commodity possessing, on that supposition, no exchangeable value what- ever. Nor does it become less nugatory, if we suppose, on the other hand, the demand to be unlimited, as I apprehend, happens very remarkably with respect to money, considered as a subject of property. The demand for it (or, at least, for something convertible into it) is unbounded, and frequently increases in proportion to the abundance in which it is possessed. Political arithmeticians have employed themselves in attempting to ascertain the quantity of bread and of butcher's meat that individuals may be supposed to consume at an average ; but who has ever thought of fixing a limit to the auri sacra fames'? In this respect, at least, if we choose still to call money a commodity, we must allow it to be a commodity sui generis; and, therefore, not to be rashly subjected to those sweeping maxims which regulate the prices of wheat or of broad cloth. " Crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pccunia crescit; Et minus bane optat, qui non babet." \Juvenalit, V. xiv. 140.] Another circumstance, which has given rise to this mistaken view of the subject, is a want of attention to the distinction between the use of money and the property of money. No man certainly would choose to borrow money beyond what he really APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. 447 wants, or what he can turn to profit ; and, in proportion to the urgency of the demand, or the prospect of greater profit by the employment of it, he will be willing to give a higher interest. The natural and equitable rate of interest will be determined by the demand there is for borrowing, and the plenty there is to supply that demand ; and hence it is, that in a country situated as Great Britain now is, (a country where a maximum for the rate of interest is fixed by law, and where the prospect of commercial profit is tempting to adventurers,) it is altogether absurd to suppose, as some respectable persons have done, that " the bank ought to regulate their issues by the public demand ;" " a principle," says Sir F. Baring, " which I consider as dangerous in the extreme, because I know by experience that the demand for speculation can only be limited by the want of means." (Report, p. 133.) The inevitable consequence of this is, a general rise of prices, (or what amounts to the same thing,) a depreciation in the value of our circulating medium ; a depreciation, however, I must again repeat, which is not (like the fall in the price of wheat after a plentiful crop) the immediate or necessary consequence of mere superabundance, otherwise the same effect might have been produced (which it manifestly could not) by slipping a twenty shilling note into the pocket of every inhabitant of the kingdom. The primary cause of the depre- ciation is the artificial cheapness in the rate at which, in consequence of the laws against usury, the use of money may be obtained, combined with the security which the Bank enjoys, in yielding to the public demand, in consequence of the stoppage of cash payments. But these considerations do not belong to this part of my argument. The authority of Mr. Smith's name (although he has expressed himself on this topic in very general terms) has probably contributed not a little to induce many persons to adopt, without a due examination, the doctrine which I have been endeavouring to refute. " The quantity," he observes, " of the precious metals may increase in any country from two different causes ; either, first, from the increased abundance of the mines which supply it ; or, secondly, from the increased wealth of the people, from the increased produce of their annual labour. The first of these causes is, no doubt, necessarily connected with the diminution of the value of the precious metals ; but the second is not."* On both these points, 1 must acknowledge, I am disposed to differ very consi- derably from Mr. Smith, (at least in the unqualified form in which he has here expressed his opinion,) but I shall confine myself at present to the first clause of Lis proposition. I shall send yon afterwards, if you desire me to do so, the grounds of my doubts with respect to the second. " It is a question with me," says Sir James Steuart, " whether the mines of Potosi and Brazil have produced more riches to Spain and Portugal within these two hundred years, than the treasures heaped up in Asia, Greece, and Egypt, after the death of Alexander, furnished to the Eomans during the two hundred years which followed the defeat of Perseus and the conquest of Macedonia ? From the treasures mentioned by all the historians who have written of the conquest of these kingdoms by the Eomans, I do not think I am far from truth when I compare the treasures of the frugal Greeks to the mines of the New World." f * [ Wealth of tfatiow, Book I. chap. xL ; VoL t [.Political (Economy, Book II. cbap xxx. ; 1 p. 2M, tenth edition.] Work*, VoL II. p. 135, *q ] 448 APPENDIX II. TO B. IL CH. II. BULLION REPORT. Mr. Home himself has said, that " money, after the conquest of Egypt, seems to have been nearly in as great plenty at Rome, as it is at present in the richest European kingdoms.' 1 * It is, however, a fact, equally striking and indisputable, that while, in conse- quence of the later Romans, the prices of superfluities rose to an excessive height, those of necessaries kept astonishingly low. Of this, the most satisfactory evidence may be found in Arbuthnot's Tables of Ancient Coins, and in Wallace's Disser- tation on the Numbers of Mankind.^ It will be said, that no inference whatever can be justly founded on any parallel between the statistical details of ancient and of modern times ; and that the low prices of the necessaries of life in Rome, notwithstanding the plenty of money, may be explained in the most satisfactory manner from the cultivation of the land by slaves, and from a variety of other causes which have no existence among us. Now, this is the very point for which I am contending ; that the plenty of the pre- cious metals does not necessarily raise prices, and that these are influenced by many other circumstances of a perfectly different nature. The effects of wealth obtained by war and rapine, I consider as perfectly analogous to those of gold and silver obtained by the discovery of a new mine ; and, therefore, I take for granted, that had the money in Rome been drawn immediately from the bowels of the earth, the prices of necessaries would not have been affected in a greater degree, the poli- tical condition of the people and the state of manners remaining the same. The trifling wages of labour in India afford another illustration of the same thing. Mr. Smith afterwards remarks, that the discovery of the abundant mines of America seems to have been the sole cause of this diminution in the value of silver in proportion to that of corn. It is accounted for accordingly in the same manner by everybody ; and there never has been any dispute either about the fact, or about the cause of it." J But surely, during this period, a variety of other causes of the most powerful efficacy were operating on the condition of mankind in this part of the world ; and without the co-operation of som of these, the discovery of the American mines would no more hsve raised the price of corn in modern Europe, than the sudden influx of wealth from the conquered provinces did in ancient Rome. On the other hand, I have no doubt that those causes would have raised prices, (I do not say to the same degree,) although the mines had not been dis- covered. Nay, it is far from being improbable, that this discovery retarded, instead of accelerating the progress of mercantile ingenuity in introducing the later im- provements of banks and of paper currency, by means of which (while they con- tinued to be regulated by principles founded on good sense and good faith) such a source of real wealth and prosperity was opened to this country. NOTE V. If I had looked over the whole of the article in the Edinburgh Review which I referred to in my last, I would not have troubled you with so large a packet. After reading more than twenty pages farther, I was agreeably surprised with the following passage : * [Euayi, Vol. L Not* P.] t f Wealth of Kationt, Book I. chap. xi. ; Vol f [See abore, p. 381, teq.] I p 300, tenth edition.] APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. 449 " Whenever, in the actual state of things, a fresh issue of notes comes into the hands of those who mean to employ them in the prosecution and extension of a profitable business, a difference in the distribution of the circulating medium takes place, similar in kind to that which has been last supposed ; and produces similar, though of course comparatively inconsiderable effects, in altering the proportion between capital and revenue, in favour of the former. The new notes go into the market as so much additional capital, to purchase what is necessary for the conduct of the concern. But before the produce of the country has been increased, it is impossible for one person to have more of it, without diminishing the shares of some others. This diminution is effected by the rise of prices, occasioned by the competition of the new notes, which puts it out of the power of those who are only buyers, and not sellers, to purchase as much of the annual produce as before. While all the industrious classes, all those that sell as well as buy, are, during the progressive rise of prices, making unusual profits, and, even when this pro- gression stops, are left with the command of a greater portion of the annual produce than they possessed previous to the new issues. " It must always be recollected, that it is not the quantity of the circulating medium which produces the effect here described, but the different distribution of it. If a thousand millions of notes were added to the circulation, and distributed to the various classes of society exactly in the same proportions as before, neither the capital of the country, nor the facility of borrowing, would be in the slightest degree increased. But, on every fresh issue of notes, not only is the quantity of the circulating medium increased, but the distribution of the whole mass is altered. A larger proportion falls into the hands of those who consume and produce, and a smaller proportion into the hands of those who only consume." 1 Now, the substance of all this seems to me to be perfectly sound and satisfactory, (although I think it might have been more unexceptionably expressed;) but I confess I am at a loss how to reconcile it with the " GRAND DOCTRINE, that every kind of circulating medium, as well as every other kind of commodity, is necessarily depreciated by excess, and raised in value by deficiency, compared with the demand." Or, supposing for a moment that the two passages may be so explained as to be not inconsistent with each other, it must still be acknowledged that the conclusion in which the foregoing reasoning terminates, does not " follow imme- diately from the general principles of supply and demand," as applied to the circulating medium. NOTE VI. [April 12.] Your solution of the difficulty with respect to the rapid rise of silver since the increased issues of the Bank, by means of purchases of Exchequer Bills, appears to me to be sound and satisfactory. Whether the additional notes be, in the first instance, issued to Government or to the merchants, the ultimate effect will, I conceive, be exactly the same. In both cases, they must pass very soon into the hands of the bankers, who will employ them again in discounts ; and who, in propor- tion to the increased amount of the notes, will have the means of their accommo- dation enlarged. Indeed, I cannot imagine how it is possible, by any creation of i No. XXXI Y. p. 364. VOL. VIII. 2 F 450 APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. circulating medium on the part of the batik, to raise the prices of- commodities, unless it either adds to the capital of merchants so as to increase the demand, while the supply in the market continues the same ; or augments, by an increased facility of borrowing, the funds of those classes who fall under the description of consumers. The more I reflect on the figurative language commonly employed on this sub- ject, I am the more at a loss how to comprehend its meaning. When it is said, for example, in the Bullion Report, " that the excess of the present currency of this country not being exportable to other countries, nor convertible into specie, remains in the channel of circulation, and is gradually absorbed by increasing the prices of all commodities," I find it utterly impossible for me to annex any precise idea to the proposition. By what sort of gradual process are the superabundant issues absorbed in the prices of commodities ; and to what sort of elective attraction is it owing that this gradual absorption is so much greater in the case of some commodities than of others ? This metaphorical view of the subject is the more to be regretted, that, by placing on a wrong foundation the very important conclusion with respect to the depreciation of our present currency which it is employed to support, it has furnished to different writers the means of involving the conclusion itself in some degree of obscurity. Mr. Coutts Trotter, for instance, in a pamphlet which has just reached me, (and which, however erroneous and superficial in its views, may be regarded as a fair specimen of the prevailing misconceptions among men of business,) proceeds all along on the supposition, that, in order to shew there has been no excess in the bank issues, it is sufficient to remark, that no man carries about with him in his pocket, or locks up in his drawer, a greater number of bank-notes than he finds necessary for his immediate expenditure. Hence he seems disposed to infer, that as the additional issues do not stagnate in the channel of circulation so as to overflow its banks, any more than the limited issues did prior to the restriction, there exists no superfluity of currency to be absorbed in the prices of commodities. The truth is, that it is not a superfluity of currency in the hands of consumers that is the cause of the advanced prices ; but, on the contrary, it is the advanced prices which render an amount of currency, that would otherwise have been superfluous, absolutely necessary for the daily expenditure of the con- .sumer. 1 In other words, it is the rise of prices produced by the extension of credit and the creation of fictitious capital implied in the enlarged issues, that gives full employment to the same issues considered in their capacity of circulating medium. Indeed, it might be easily shewn, that the rise of prices must occasion a scarcity rather than a superfluity of circulating medium : for a great deal of what Davenant and others have stated with respect to the disproportion between the cause and the effect, in the rise of price produced by a deficient supply of corn or of other neces- sary commodities, will be found to hold equally with respect to the rise of price produced by an increased demand operating on a limited supply. The amount of increased issues, therefore, considered in their capacity of circulating medium, can- not possibly keep exact pace with the advanced prices which they have previously 1 1 speak here of the economical consumer, their Increased consumption operates on the or as to those who enlarge their scale of living market in the same way as the Increased de- In [in portion to the facility of obtaining credit, mand occasioned by mercantile discounts. APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. 451 occasioned by increasing demand, in their double capacity of mercantile capital and of funds for expenditure. Having mentioned Mr. Trotter's pamphlet, I cannot help taking notice here of some remarks which he has made in reply to that account of the rise of prices which seems to me the only satisfactory one, and on which I think the whole argu- ment, on that point ought to be rested. " It is maintained," he says, " that the facility with which bank-notes are procured from the bank, by the mode of discount peculiar to commercial men, calls into existence an increase of purchasers in our markets, whose competition heightens the price of every article." On this sen- tence, (which Mr. Trbtter seems to consider as a first-rate absurdity from the two points of admiration which he has placed at the end of it,) he proceeds to remark as follows : " This will not be urged by any person acquainted with the subject of production; an increase of capital (which this is to the small degree in which it exists) never raises the price of commodities, but has exactly the opposite effect ; an increase of consumers, in any given state of supply, will raise the price of every article which is the object of their wants, and the enhanced price will con- tinue until the stimulus of the increased demand has created a proportionably increased production ; but a competition of consumers is regulated by principles quite distinct from a competition of merchants, who buy to sell again : these must always have in view the price which the article they are in treaty for will obtain at its ultimate market ; and, whether there be ten such competitors or a hundred, whether each has carried to the place of competition one hundred pounds of bank- notes, or one thousand, he must still be limited, in the offer he can afford to make, by the price which he expects to obtain in selling again. So far, indeed, from this increased capital being the occasion of high prices, it is one of the principal means of keeping them down ; a competition of capitalists, like a competition of manu- facturers, restricts their respective profits." l In answer to this reasoning it may be observed : 1. That merchants and consumers are here stated in contrast to each other, as if they were two classes of persons completely distinct, whereas, in fact, every merchant is also to be considered as a consumer ; and, (in a commercial country like Great Britain,) a very great proportion of the consumers may, without any improper latitude in the use of the word, be considered as merchants. The enlarged accommodation, therefore, that a merchant receives, in the form of com- mercial discounts, while it enables him to increase his speculations as a trader, enables him also to defray the enlarged expenditure which he incurs as a consumer, and even encourages him to add to the scale of his consumption. 2. The imme- diate or proximate effect of a competition of capitals, is here confounded with its ultimate tendency. That prices are always reduced in the long run by an increase of demand, where it is possible by human industry to increase the supply in pro- portion, is a maxim admitted by all writers on Political Economy ; but that the first effect of the increased demand is to raise prices, is another maxim no less in- disputable than the former. It is under this first or proximate effect that we are now suffering, and under this effect we must (while things continue on their pre- sent footing) every day suffer more and more, unless by some miracle the supply of commodities should be rendered as easy and as instantaneous as the extension of credit and the creation of capital. That " a competition of capitalists, like a 1 Principles of Currency and Exchanges applied to the Report of the Bullion Committee, p. 37. 452 APPENDIX II. TO B. II. CH. II. BULLION REPORT. competition of manufacturers, restricts their respective profits," is indeed true ; and it is reasonable and fortunate that it should be so, where all their capitals are equally the fruits of regular and useful industry. The melancholy fact in this country at present is, that the profits of men of real capital are restricted by the competition of those who have none, and that the prudent and steady trader feels himself jostled out of his way by the bolder adventurer. It is no less hard, that the expenditure of the former, in his capacity of consumer, should, at the same time, be augmented by the competition of the latter. I forgot to take notice, in my last letter, of your remarks on the inconveniences that might be expected to result, under the present state of our paper currency, from the repeal of the Anti-Usurious Laws. With these remarks I perfectly agree, but I always proceeded on the supposition, that the Bank was to be obliged, within a limited time, to resume its cash payments; a supposition, which, I think may be assumed as an indisputable postulatum, whatever other subsidiary measures may be thought useful for accomplishing the proposed end. It still appears to me, that, while the Bank is previously preparing for this resumption by narrowing its dis- counts, a relaxation of these laws would contribute more than anything else to smooth the way towards this great object, by furnishing the means of such a pru- dent solution in the distribution of credit, as might moderate the violence of the shock, which both the commercial and agricultural interests of the country must inevitably sustain before things are brought round again to their ancient and natural course. I must now relieve you, for the present, from this voluminous correspondence, but I have still floating in my head a variety of crude ideas about some other parts of the Report, which I shall put in writing during the summer, and submit to your consideration, when I shall have the pleasure of seeing you at D unbar. I have little doubt that my objections to some of these arise from my want of K u flic Sent information. If I have stumbled upon anything that you think worth shewing to Homer, I can have no objection to your communicating my papers, either in whole or in part, to one in whom I have so entire a confidence, provided only you mention to him my anxiety that nobody whatever shall hear of such a communication. I meant to have written to himself on the subject, but as the Report was already before the public, and as the most popular objections to it have been confined to those points which seemed to me the least vulnerable, I thought it better to delay proposing my doubts till both of us should have a little more leisure. I have sometimes wished that I had seen the Report before it was printed, as nothing would have given me greater pleasure than to have contributed anything, however trifling, towards its improvement. But this I regret the less, as I take for granted, that nothing of any consequence is to be expected at the present moment, and that there will still be ample time for discussion before the business can be brought forward with any prospect of success. 43242 2 Library Bureau Cat. No. 1137