LC UDY OUTLINE SERIES VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND GUIDANCE OF YOUTH AN OUTLINE FOR STUDY THE H \V. WILSON COMPANY E PLAINS, N. Y.. AND NBW YORK CITY 1917 The Study Outline and Its Use The series includes outlines on art, literature, travel, biography, history and present day ques- tions. The outlines vary in length. If more topics are given than the number of club meetings for the season, those topics that are more difficult to handle or on which there is less available material, may be dropped. If there are fewer topics than the scheduled meetings, certain topics may be divided. Lists of books are appended to most of the outlines. It would be well for the club to own some of the recommended books. Others can be obtained either from the local public library or from the state traveling library. When very full lists are given it is not necessary for any club to use all the books, but the longer list leaves more room for choice. The best material on some subjects may be found, not in books, but in magazines. These may be looked up under the subject in the Reader J Guide to Periodical Literature. Maga- zine articles and illustrated material may be ob- tained from the Wilson Package Library. For terms see fourth page of cover. A list of the study outlines now in print will be found on page three of this cover. For later additions to the list write to publisher.* VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND GUIDANCE OF YOUTH AN OUTLINE FOR STUDY EMILY ROBISON THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY WHITE PLAINS, N. Y.. AND NEW YORK CITY 1917 UC INTRODUCTORY NOTE The subject of vocational education and guidance of youth of public school age is so broad that a number of books will need to be used as a basis of study. If the local public or school library does not contain the books of the shorter list, the other material may be found on the subject. Some clubs have found the method practicable of buying those books which they need for study and then presenting them to the public library. State commissions are often glad to furnish material. The United States Bureau of Education publishes two bulletins one on Vocational Education (1916 No. 21) and one on Vocational Guidance (1914 No. 14) which will be found of use in most programs. The outline may be used for papers and discussion. The references at the end of each division are arranged so that anyone wanting to look up definite points might readily find them. Dooley's "Education of: the t Ne'er-do-well," Daven- port's "Education for Sccial' Efficiency" or Snedden's "Problem of Vocational E-du cation" ^re interesting read- ing on the subject in genera-. ! E. R. January 12, 1917 CONTENTS I. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION (General) 1. What it is 7 2. Need of vocational education 8 1 1 . LEGISLATION 1 . State legislation 1 1 2. Federal legislation 12 III. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION 1. Why industrial education for the boy and girl ? 14 2. Industrial education systems abroad 16 IV. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING FOR GIRLS 1. The training girls need in industries 20 2. Some schools which teach girls trades 22 V. SOME AMERICAN SCHOOLS WHERE BOYS LEARN TRADES 1. Two interesting private schools... 23 2. Some public trade schools 24 VI. CO-OPERATION OF AGENCIES IN FURNISHING INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION 1. The employer of child labor and the schools 25 2. The labor unions and industrial education 26 VII. COMMERCIAL EDUCATION 1 . Need of special training for business 27 2. Commercial education, past and present 28 VIII. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION 1 . The value of agricultural education 30 2. History of development of agri- cultural education 30 IX. HOUSEHOLD ARTS 1. Historical development of aims and training in household arts 32 2. Value of training in household arts 33 356380 O - - - : . . CONTENTS X. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE 1. Our first vocational guidance bureaus 35 2. Vocational guidance abroad 36 XL VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOL 1. The child who does not reach high school 37 2. Vocational guidance through the continuation school 39 XII. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOL (Continued) 1. Vocational information and guidance 40 2. Courses in vocational guidance 41 XIII. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE 1. The vocational counselor 42 2. Value of vocational guidance to the school 43 XIV. SURVEYS FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND GUIDANCE 1. What the survey is 44 2. How surveys are made 44 XV. INTRODUCTION OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN THE GRADES 1. Time to begin vocational education 46 2. How two schools have met the problem 48 XVI. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND THE HIGH SCHOOL 1. Vocational education in the high school 50 2. Public vocational schools under separate control 51 XVII. LOCAL PROGRAM 1. What our state does for vocational education 53 2. What is being done for vocational education in my locality 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY 57 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND GUIDANCE OF YOUTH VOCATIONAL EDUCATION r. What it is. A. Definition of vocational education. B. Kinds. 1. Professional (will not be discussed). 2. Commercial. 3. Agricultural. 4. Industrial. 5. Household. C. Vocational education and liberal education. Vocation shall be the application of culture and rultim shall be the halo of vocation. H. H. HORNE. D. Vocational education and manual training. 1. Manual training not vocational. 2. Manual training may be prevocational. E. Part of universal Education. Within the limits of needful activities one occu- pation is as important as another, and a system of universal education must enrich them all, or the i -n1\ arc we concerned that this labor shall not result to the detriment of the child, and what ex- cuse are we making to ourselves for thus prema- turely using up the strength which really belongs to the next generation? Of course, it is always difficult to see the wrong in a familiar thing; it is almost a test of moral insight to be able to see that an affair of familiar intercourse and daily living may also be wrong. JANE ADDAMS. ER IDEALS OF PEACE. References Addams. Protection of children for industrial In Newer ideals of peace, p. 151-79. Ayres, L. P. Some conditions affecting problems of indus- trial education in seventy-eight American school systems. In Bloomficld. Readings in vocational guidance, p. 150-171. From Russell Sage Foundation publications. "The study included all of the cities between 25,000 and 200,000 population which were not so suburban in character as to be in reality subsidiaries of larger cities and in which the larger cities were able to coop* National Education Association. Proc. IOIO, p. 277-80. Industrial work in the one room school ; its kind and scope. C. E. Byrd. National Education Association. Proceedings. 1915. p. 742-47- High school efficiency and what it means to the commun- William H. Snyder. United States. Commissioner of Education. 1911. v. i, p. 286- 291. Education of the colored race. In telling of various activities many points fr local con- sideration are given and sources for further information. United States. Commissioner of Education. 1912. v. i, p. 243- 256. Recent movements in negro education. T. J. Jones. Indiana. Department of Public Instruction. Education Pub- lications. Bulletin No. 20. (Vocational series No. 13.) Domestic science: State course of study for the public schools of Indiana. Introduction, p. 7-16. Indiana. Department of Public Instruction. Educational publications. Bulletin No. 19. (Vocal scries No. 12) Industrial arts: State course of study for the public schools of Indiana. 1915. p. 5-18. 56 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Indiana. First annual report on vocational education in Indi- ana, p. 77-230. Shows what has been accomplished in one year. Lincoln. (Nebr.) Department of Public Instruction. Do- mestic science: the Crete plan. 1911. Method of teaching cooking which has been found prac- tical in towns and villages up to 3,000 population. National Society for the Promotion of Vocational Education. Bulletin No. 20. p. 153-59. How shall industrial education be organized to meet varying community needs? A. L. Williston. Also reprinted as a "separate." United States. Bureau of Education. Bulletin. 1913. No. 25. Industrial education of Columbus, Georgia. Suggestive for Southern cities with like problems. United States. Bureau of Education. Bulletin. 1916. No. 21. P- 73-76. Some ways in which vocational education may be introduced. Independent. 74:1229. June 5, '13. Henrico plan: industrial education in the colored schools. Survey. 28:787-8. Sept. 28, '12. Results of industrial train- ing of the negro. Excerpts from a report of F. P. Chisholm. World's Work. 28:452-60. Aug. '14. Wholehearted half time school and the Rev. J. A. Baldwin of Charlotte, N. C., who directs it. W. A. Dyer. A private school whose work might be emulated by the public school. World's Work. 28:285-92. July, '14. Training new leaders for the industrial South. W. A. Dyer. Shows the way to work that the public schools might do. BIBLIOGRAPHY SHORT LIST FOR PURCHASE. BLOOMFIELD, MEYER, ed. Readings in vocational guid- ance ( .inn \- Co., Boston, 1915. $2.25. "A practical encyclopedia of the subject" A. L. A. Book- list. Some of this material is used for references in vocational education, as well as being a source for vocational guidance. BLOOMFIIID. MEYER. Youth, school and vocation. Houghtori, Mifflin Co., Boston. 1915. *$i.25. Mr. Bloomfield is director of the Vocation Bureau of Bos- ton. DAVENPORT, EUGENE. Education for efficiency. Heath, Boston, 1909. *$i. DAVIS, JESSE BUTTERICK. Vocational and moral guid- ance. Ginn & Co., Boston, 1915. $1.25. suggestions are as practical as they are friendly, and should be read by every parent as well as teacher of boys and girls." Boston Transcript. DEAN, ARTHUR DAVIS. Worker and the state : a study of education for industrial workers; with an introd. by Andrew S. Draper. Century, N. Y., 1910. *$r.2O. DOOLEY, WILLIAM H. Education of the ne'er-do-well, verside Educational monographs.) Houghton, Mifflin Co., Boston, 1916. 6oc. EATON, JEANNETTE, AND STEVENS, BERTHA M. Commer- cial work and training for girls. Macmillan, 1915. *$i.50. "This book has been compiled from carefully collected facts. Business-like as it i*. it is full of pure human nature, and must go far to accomplish its aim." Outlook. LAPP, JOHN A., and CARL H. MOTE. Learning to earn; a plea and a plan for vocational education ; with an in- troduction by W. C. Redfield. Bobbs-Merrill, In- dianapolis, 1915. *$ O'LEARY, IRIS PROUTY. Department store occupations. (Cleveland education survey.) Survey Committee of the Cleveland Foundation. 1916. 25c. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND PARSONS, FRANK. Choosing a vocation. Houghton, Mif- flin Co., Boston, 1909. $i. Mr. Parsons was the first director of the Vocation Bureau of Boston at the time of his death in 1909. ROBISON, EMILY, comp. Handbook on Vocational edu- cation. H. W. Wilson Co. In preparation. This is a collection of about 50 articles representing vari- ous phases of the subject. Some of them are reprints of ar- ticles used as references for the study outline. ROMAN, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Industrial and commer- cial schools of the United States and Germany ; a com- parative study. Putnam, N. Y., 1915. *$i.SO. SHAW, FRANK L. The building trades. (Cleveland edu- cation survey.) Survey committee of the Cleveland Foundation. 1916. 25c. SMITH, HENRY BRADLEY. Establishing industrial schools. (Riverside educational monographs.) Houghton Mif- flin Co., Boston, 1916. *6oc. Mr. Smith is director of Industrial Education in the New York State College for teachers, Albany, N. Y. SNEDDEN, DAVID SAMUEL. Problem of vocational educa- tion. (Riverside educational monographs.) Hough- ton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1910. 35c. This is reprinted with Weeks. People's School and Cub- berly's Country school with the title Vocational education : its theory, administration and practice. STEVENS, BERTHA M. Boys and girls in commercial work. (Cleveland educational survey.) Survey committee of the Cleveland Foundation. Cleveland, 1916. 25c. TAYLOR, JOSEPH SCHIMMEL. Handbook of vocational education. Macmillan, 1914. $i. UNITED STATES. Commissioner of Labor. Report 1910. Industrial education. Gratis from the Bureau of La- bor or through the Superintendent of Documents. PAMPHLETS. BROOKLYN, N. Y., PUBLIC LIBRARY. Choosing a voca- tion ; a list of books and references on vocational choice, guidance and training, in the Brooklyn public library. 1913. Contains descriptive notes about many of the books. GUIDANCE OF YOUTH 59 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES. Report by Committee on Education on vocational education. Riggs Building, Washington, D. C. COLUMBUS, OHIO. PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY. Choosing a vocation : some books and references in the Colum- bus Public School Library that will help boys and girls in the choice of a vocation and books for the teacher, paper. Public school library. 1915. COMMISSION ON NATIONAL AID TO VOCATIONAL EDUCA- V. I. Report of the Commission. 1914, 63d Con- gress, 2d session, House Document. No. 1004. Secured free through local Congressmen or purchased from U. S. Supt. of Documents, Washington. CONSUMERS' LEAGUE OF CONNECTICUT. A glance at some European and American (vocational) schools. Con- sumers' League, 36 Pearl St., Boston. 1911. SQC. CONSUMERS' LEAGUE OF CONNECTICUT. Vocational train- ing for boys in the upper grammar grades. F. M. Leavitt. (Pamphlet No. 2.) Consumers' League of Connecticut, 36 Pearl Street, Hartford, Connecticut. 1910. Gratis. HIATT, JAMES SMITH. Introduction to vocational guid- ance. (Study No. 38.) Public Education Associa- tion, 1015 \Vitherspoon IJuildinjj. Philadelphia, 1915. Free, INDIANA. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Edu- cational publications. Bulletin No. 19. (Vocational Series No. 12.) Industrial arts: State course of study for the public schools of Indiana. Bulletin No. 20. (Vocational series No. 13.) Domestic science. State course of study for the public schools of Indiana. 1 ir-t annual report on vocational education. 1914. VA. STATE UNIVERSITY. University extension Bulle- tin No. <). Work wages and schooling of eight hun- dred Iowa boys. Ervin E. Lewis. KANSAS CITY, Mo., PUBLIC Li UNARY. Reading list on vo- cational education. (Special Library list No. IO.) An excellent bibliography which will be sent to those who apply for it. 60 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND KERSCHENSTEINER, GEORG MICHAEL ANTON. Three lec- tures on vocational training. Commercial Club, Chi- cago. 1911. LANE TECHNICAL EVENING SCHOOL YEAR BOOK. Lane Technical High School, Chicago, 1917. LINCOLN (NEBR.) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Domestic Science: its Crete plan. 1911. MILWAUKEE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. School of trades for boys. Catalogue 1917. Mr. James L. Cox, Principal, 331-49 Virginia St., Milwaukee, Wis. MONTGOMERY, LOUISE. American girl in the stock yard district. University of Chicago Press, 1913. 2$c. Extracts of this are reprinted in Bloomfield. Readings in vocational guidance, p. 454-484. NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Bulletin No. 20, annual meeting 1914. Bulletin No. 21. Minneapolis Survey. Bulletin No. 22. Annual Meeting, 1916. These bulletins may be secured from the headquarters in New York at 75c or at the rate of 5oc for five or more. Many articles are reprinted by the society and charges from 5c to isc are made for these. ROCHESTER. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Survey of needs in commercial education. (1915.) Single copies free. Additional copies loc. TALBERT, ERNEST L. Opportunities in school and indus- try for children of the stock yards district. Chicago University Press. 250. Reprinted in Bloomfield. Readings in vocational guidance. * P. 39-453- UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Bulletin 1913. No. 22. Bibliography of industrial, vocational and trade education. UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Bulletin 1913. No. 25. Industrial education of Columbus, Georgia. Free from the Bureau or Supt. of Public Documents. 5c. UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Bulletin 1914. No. 4. School and the start in life ; a study of the rela- tions between school and employment in England, Scotland and Germany. U. S. Bureau of Education i or Supt. of Documents. I5c. The first part of this bulletin in quite technical. Chapter XI is on School and employment. GUIDANCE OF YOUTH 6l UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Bulletin 1914. No. 14. Vocational guidance. UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Bulletin 1914. No. 36, 37. Education for the home. B. R. Andrews. Pts. i and 2. U. S. Bureau of Education, free, or Supt. of Documents, loc. each. UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Bulletin 1915. No. I. Cooking in the vocational school. I. P. O'Leary. U. S. Bureau of Education, free, Supt. of Documents, 5c. UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Bulletin 1915. No. 37. Some foreign educational surveys. James Mahoney. UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Bulletin 1916. No. 21. Distributed free from the Bureau of educa- tion or from the Supt. of Public Documents, isc. UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Bulletin 1916. No. 25. Commercial education. Report on the Com- mercial education subsection of Pan American scien- congress. December, 1915 ; January, 1916. G. L. Swiggc UNITED STATES. BUREAU OF LABOR. Bulletin whole No. 162. (Miscellaneous series No. 7.) Vocational edu- cation survey of Richmond, Va. 191 VOCATION BUREAU, BOSTON. Vocational guidance and the work of the vocation bureau of Boston. Vocation Bureau, 6 Beacon St., Boston. 1915. IDC. WELLES, MARY CROWELL. Glance at some European and American vocational schools. Consumers' League of Connecticut, Hartford, i<;i }. SQC. WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNION, BOS- TON. Millinery as a trade for women. Lorinda Perry Longmans. 1916. *$i-5O. WOOLMAN, MARY (SCHENCK). The making of a trade school. Whitcomb and Barrows, Boston, 1910. pa SGC. Manhattan Trade school for girls. 62 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND MAGAZINES American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 19. Nov. '13. Annals American Academy. Vol. 35. Supplement. Mar. '10; vol. 67. Supplement. Sept. '16. Craftsman. Vol. 19. Mar. '11. Dial. Vol. 59. Oct. 28, '15. Educational Review. Vol. 30. Sept. '05; vol. 45. May '16. Elementary School Journal. Vol. 15. May '15. Elementary School Teacher. Vol. 10. Jan. '10. Hampton's Magazine. Vol. 27. July '11. Harper. Vol. 128. Mar. '14. Independent. Vol. 73. Dec. 19, '12; vol. 79. Aug. 3, '14; vol. 84. Dec. '15. Iron Age. Vol. 95. June 17, 1915. Journal of Education. Vol. 82. Aug. 19, '16. Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 21. Mar. '13. Literary Digest. Vol. 48. Mar. 21, '14. McClure's. Vol. 41. May, 1913; Sept. '13. Manual Training and Vocational Education Magazine. Vol. 16. Feb. '15; vol. 17. Dec. '15. Nation. Vol. 94. Feb. 29, '12; vol. 102. June, '16. Nation's Business. Vol. 3. Nov. '15. New Republic. Vol. 2. Ap. 17, '15; Vol. 3. May 15, '15; June 26, '15. Outlook. Vol. 96. Dec. 24, '10; vol. 98. Aug. 26, 'n ; vol. 101. July 6, '12. Popular Science Monthly. Vol. 77. Aug. '10. Review of Reviews. Vol. 50. Aug. '14. School and Society. Vol. 3. Feb. 26, '16. School Review. Vol. 19. Feb. 'n ; Sept. 'n ; vol. 23. Feb., Mar., Dec. '15. Scientific American. Vol. 112. Mar. 15, '15; vol. no. April n, '14. Scientific American Supplement. Vol. 79. Mar. 13, '15; May i, '15. Scribner's Magazine. Vol. 51. Feb. '12. GUIDANCE OF YOUTH 63 Survey. Vol. 29. Mar. 22, '13; vol. 30. May 3, June 21, Sept. 13, '13; vol. 32. July 18, '14; vol. 35. Mar. u, '16. World's Work. Vol. 21. April 'u ; vol. 25. April '13. ADDITIONAL Boo ABBOTT, EDITH. Women in Industry. Appleton. 1910. $2. THOMAS SKWALL, and H. L. SUMNER. Labor pn. Macmillan. 1905. $1.60. ADDAMS, JANE. Newer ideals of peace. Macmillan. 1907. $1.25. ADDAMS, JANE. Spirit of youth in city streets. Macmillan. 1909. $1.25. AYRES, LEONARD PORTER. Laggards in our schools. Charities Publication Committee, New York. 1909. Largely reprinted in Bloomficld. Readings in vocational guidance. BLOOM FII i D. Mi vi K Vocational guidance of youth ; with an introd. by Paul H. Hanns. (Riverside educational monographs.) Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston. 1911. 6oc. CARLTON, FRAN History and problems of or- ganized labor. Heath, 1911. $2. DEWEV. The school and society : being three lec- tures supplemented by a statement of the University Elementary School. University of Chicago Press. Chicago. 1907. $i. DEXVI-V. TOHN an! got; Commission. Chronological order of subjects 6p Mexico. Prepared by Study Cl sion. 2p. To be used in the sa: Soi; 1 Present .r Pai. 'anama. I5c. Municipal Ci ooks and p< raphy. 32p 25c. Panama. Stearns for the V ier cover ',.'.- .it JL> v . .v u^ tries in the United States. Prepared by the Study Club Department, Wisconsin Library Commission. Topical outline without references. 6p 150. Questions of the Hour: Social, Economic, Industrial. By Justina Leavitt Wilson. Nineteen programs are given, each based upon a volume in the Debaters' Handbook Series or the Handbook Series. Programs are arranged topically and page references are given for each. 32?. 25c. Slav Peoples. Prepared by Gregory Yarros. The history, present distribution and culture of the Slavs. A topical out- line with references under each topic. Bibliography. 24p. 25c. South America. Prepared by Corinne Bacon. Topical outline with chapter and page references as a help in the preparation of papers. Full bibliography. 32p 2$c. South America Past and Present. Based on the study of Bryce. South America. One subject for each meeting with questions for discussion. Short list of required references. ISP- 25c. Studies in Modern Plays. By H. A. Davidson, M.A. Contents: fustice, Milestones, Chitra, The Great Divide, The Faith Healer, Marlowe, The Piper, The Blue Bird, Herod, The Fire Bringer, Analytical study of each play, presented by question. Full directions for study and teference list. 44P- 35c. Travel in the United States. Prepared by C. E. Fanning. Twenty-one programs. A topical outline with chapter and page references under each topic. Bibliography. 3ip. 25c. United States since the Civil War. Prepared by C. E. Fanning. Intended for clubs studying advanced American his- tory and modern problems. Bibliography. lop 25c. Vocational Education and Guidance of Youth. By Emily Robison. Seventeen programs and bibliography. 66p. 35c. Woman Suffrage. By Justina Leavitt Wilson. Covers the history and status of the movement, arguments in its favor, methods of preparing for and conducting campaigns, etc. Full references and a bibliography are given. 47p. 25c. QUANTITY PRICE 10 copies (duplicate titles) listed @ 35c $2.50 10 copies (duplicate titles) listed @ 25c 1.50 10 copies (duplicate titles) listed @ I5c i.oo Wilson Package Library The Wilson Package Library is prepared to furnish collections of magazine articles at a minimum rental charge of 50 cents for the first one to seven articles on each topic; additional articles 5 cents each. Offices at 39 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains, N. Y., and 208 University Bank Build- ing, Minneapolis, Minn. Address nearest office. The H. W. Wilson Company White Plains, N. Y. IS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW BERKELEY Llbl F INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS .L BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN S BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY .L INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH f AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY iRDUE. ft o/} tMC 1 1 5 //i 8/84 DRNIA LIBRARY