8CHOOA. S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL LIBRARY. 4 S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL LIBRARY. A CATALOGUE OF BIBLES, RITUALS, AND RARE BOOKS; WORKS RELATING TO LONDON AND ESPECIALLY TO S. PAULAS CATHEDRAL) INCLUDING A LARGE COLLECTION OF PAUL'S CROSS SERMONS; MAPS, PLANS, AND VIEWS OF LONDON AND OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. W. SPARROW SIMPSON, D.D., F.S.A., SUB-DEAN AND LIBRARIAN OF S. PAUL'S, ONE OF THE HONORARY LIBRARIANS OF HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. LONDON : ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER ROW, E.G. 1893. PREFACE. I DESIRE to state at once what will be found and what will not he found in the present volume. It is not a catalogue of the entire Cathedral library. That will at once be understood when I mention that the library contains about 10,446 volumes of printed books, 10,730 separate pamphlets, making a gross total of about 21,176 volumes. But it is a catalogue of certain sections of the library, as will be seen from the title-page, from the full table of contents, and from the following brief narrative : On January 16, 1862, to my great pleasure, Dean Milman offered me the post of librarian of S. Paul's Cathedral. I had been librarian of my college at Cambridge, had always been a lover of books, and had taken interest in their arrangement and safe keeping. I had, of course, views of my own as to the method which should be adopted in dealing with such a collection of books as that which I found upon the shelves of the Cathedral. It was obviously useless to attempt to vie with any of the great libraries, or to struggle vainly to gather together miscellaneous works on general literature. I thought it better to make the collection of books illustrating the history of the cathedral my speciality. I arrived at this decision at a very early period in my tenure of office, for, on searching the catalogue, I found that, with the single exception of a copy of the second edition of Dugdale's History of S. Paul's Cathedral^ there was hardly a book in the library which bore directly upon this subject. Since October, 1872, the Dean and Chapter have been so good as to place in my hands a certain annual sum, to be used at my own discretion for the purposes of the Library. Binding and repairs form, in a City library, a serious item of regular outlay, and subscriptions vi PREFACE. to a few of the learned societies absorb another portion of the amount at my disposal, but the remaining portion has been available for my special object. The result has been that I have been able to gather together what I venture to consider a valuable mass of material for the history of S. Paul's Cathedral. I point, with no little satisfaction, to the series of Paul's Cross Sermons which I have collected. 1 All who know the place which Paul's Cross occupied in the political and civil, no less than in the religious, history of the times, will appreciate the im- portance of the collection. For certainly in these vigorous discourses the men of the past age stand before us in their habit as they lived. ' There is no Past, so long as Books shall live, A disinterr'd Pompeii wakes again For him who seeks you well. Ye make the Past our heritage and home.' 2 I am aware that the series is far from being complete ; and, with a view to its enlargement, I have printed a list of Paul's Cross Sermons 3 which are in the British Museum, but of which, at present, T have not been able to obtain copies. And I am hopeful that, in the course of years, many of these, by gift or by purchase, may find their way to the Cathedral. Second in interest to the Paul's Cross Sermons, but still with a certain historical value, is the series of sermons preached not at the Cross, but within the walls of the Cathedral. 4 These also throw considerable light upon the manners and customs of our forefathers in the great City. Attention may be specially directed to the annual services held in the Cathedral, at which the ' Native Citizens of London,' 5 or the ' Natives of S. Martin-in-the-Fields," 5 or the 1 Gentlemen of Cheshire,' 7 or the ' Gentlemen of Wiltshire,' 8 met together on the occasion of their annual feast. In like manner, the Gentlemen educated at S. Paul's School, 9 or at Eton, 10 were accus- tomed to keep an anniversary, and to mark it by a religious service. The numerous sermons preached on occasions of public thanks- giving reflect the temper of the times, and the changing political sentiment of the restless seventeenth century. A few examples will serve to illustrate my meaning. In 1639 Dr. Valentine preaches on the 'day of His Maiesties most 1 See pp. 85-97. ' Lord Lytton. (In Ballads of Books, edited by Andrew Lang, 1885.) * See Appendix, pp. 232-237. 4 See pp. 97-114. 5 In 1656, 1657, and 1658. 6 In 1684. 7 In 1655. * In , 6s8i 9 In 1697-98, 1699, 1711, 1717-18, 1728, 1755, 1757. ' 10 In 1702. PREFACE. vii happy Inauguration, and of His Northerne Expedition.' In 1645 Simeon Ash preaches at a ' Publike Thanksgiving for the taking in of the Towns and Castles of Caermarthen and Mounmouth in Wales.' In 1648 Jo. Geree anxiously endeavours to clear himself from ' Malignancy imputed to him by some left-eared Auditors,' and preaches about 'the Red Horse, or the Bloodines of War.' In 1651 Joseph Carryl commemorates the ' wonderfull Victorie to the Parlia- ment Forces beiore Worcester, in the total defeat of the Enemie.' In 1660 Dr. Gauden rejoices over the restoring of 'the Secluded Members of Parliament to the House of Commons ;' and the ' Door of Hope thereby opened to the fulness and freedom of future Parlia- ments, the most probable means under God for healing the hurts and recovering the health of these three Brittish Kingdomes.' In 1660 Richard Baxter discourses at the thanksgiving ' for God raising up and succeeding his Excellency, and other Instruments, in order to his Majesties Restoration and the settlement of these Nations.' In 1661 Henry Hibbert declares ' His Majesties most wonderful, glorious, peaceable, and joyful Restauration to the actual possession of his undoubted, hereditary, Sovereign, and actual authority ;' the day being also his Majesty's ' most memorable Birth-Day.' The Lord Mayor attends the ministry of this master of adjectives. One more example only must be quoted, when, in the same year, Samuel Stone is the preacher, at 'the Initial of the Reverend Dr. John Barwick, Dean ; at the first Celebrity of Divine Service with the Organ and Choristers, which the Lord Maior himself Solemniz'd with his Personal presence from the very beginning.' Puritan ascendancy had passed away, and once more it was lawful to mention Saint Paul ; whereas, of late, preachers had described themselves as Ministers of the Gospell at Magnus, Pastour of Chris- topher Le Stocks, minister of Mary Wolnoth, and the like. Queen Anne was a frequent visitor to the Cathedral, coming to return thanks for the great victories achieved under Marlborough. A series of sermons, preached on occasion of these thanksgivings, will be found recorded here. One notable and rare sermon, by Dean Feckenham, ' at the cele- bration of the exequies of the righte excellent and famous princesse, lady Jone, Quene of Spayne, Sicilie, & Nauarre,' in 1555, deserves especial notice. As does also ' the Sermo of doctor Colete, made to the Conuocation of Paules.' The copy is, alas, imperfect; the only perfect copy known forms one of the many gems of the Lambeth Library. viii PREFACE. Specially interesting also is the little collection of plays acted by the Children of Paul's. 1 In my Gleanings in Old S. Paul's I have devoted a chapter to the subject of these plays, and have attempted to draw up a list, no doubt an imperfect one, of the various pieces enacted by the young players. I do not repeat the list in the present volume, but I will venture to express a hope that generous donors may be found who will enrich this curious collection. In the more general class of books relating to the history of the Cathedral 2 I have been an insatiable collector ; the largest folio or the thinnest pamphlet, the great work of some illustrious genius or the ephemeral production of some obscure pamphleteer, has been welcome. Nothing can be too large, nothing too small, to find a place in such a series. The almost worthless pamphlet of to-day may, a few years hence, supply a date or a fact worth recording, and would then probably be sought for in vain. I have included in the Catalogue a few tracts relating to Sir Christopher Wren, 3 even though they record, to the lasting disgrace of the perpetrators, the hard measure meted out to the illustrious architect by those who ought to have known better. The Sacheverell controversy occupies a small place in my list, not from any great interest now attaching to the subject, but because the sermon from which it originated was preached within the walls of the Cathedral. In the series of pamphlets, broadsides, and views which I have gathered together, 4 the story of the funerals of Nelson and of Wellington is told in great detail. From the history of S. Paul's to that of the great City which it adorns is an easy and natural transition. Sketches of the history of S. Paul's are found in every important History or Survey of London ; and hence books of this kind soon came to be included in my search. Any experienced collector will readily observe that many valuable works are wanting ; but this department of the Library will certainly grow. The City Fathers have been generous givers, and have placed upon our shelves the important works issued from time to time by the Guildhall Library Committee. A fair number of scarce tracts will be found in this section of the Catalogue, together with many quaint and curious little books, not 1 See pp. 120, 121. ' 2 See pp. 71-85. 3 See pp. 121, 122. 4 See pp. 125, 126 ; and also pp. 200-202. PREFACE. ix easily to be obtained, such as D. Lupton's London and the Countrey Carbonadoed, The Sermon and Prophecie of Mr. James Hunt of the Countie of Kent, or the Strange News from New- Gate, the latter illus- trating the remarkable and most instructive outbreak of fanaticism in the middle of the seventeenth century ; the tract Three Looks over London, with its interesting woodcut of Paul's Cross as it appeared in 1643 ; the pamphlet called News from the Dead, showing that the Barber-Surgeons' Company was still in possession of its dissecting- room in 1740 (illustrative details will be found in Mr. Sidney Young's admirable A?inals of the Barber Surgeons. The entry on p. 419 i 1 ' 1740. Paid for mending the windows broke upon bringing the last Body from Tyburn - 060' refers to some popular tumult on this very occasion. The beadles of the company were apt to meet with rough usage when claiming and removing the bodies of executed malefactors) ; Mr. Herbert Croft's satirical tract, The Wreck of Westminster Abbey ; and many another illustration of the history of the past. It is much to be wished that some future Librarian may augment the sections relating to the City Parishes and to the Livery Com- panies. 2 Dr. Freshfield has greatly enriched the former section by presenting copies of his privately printed volumes, and several of the Livery Companies have generously sent us records of their history a history of the highest interest to the student of municipal institu- tions. It is difficult to gather together the scattered notices of City parishes which have from time to time appeared often privately printed sometimes consisting only of a very few leaves, and liable, therefore, to perish in the using, though they frequently deserve a better fate ; whilst the histories of the City companies are costly and often sumptuous volumes, severely taxing the resources of the Library. Attention may be specially directed to the series of tracts relating to Mr. Henry Burton, 3 the very notorious Rector of S. Matthew, Friday Street, who, in consequence of a sermon preached in this church, was condemned to stand in the pillory in the Palace Yard at Westminster, to lose his ears, to pay a fine of ^5,000 to the king, and to be imprisoned for life. He suffered part of his sentence, but in 1 640 was released by order of Parliament. Fuller says * that he rather took a snap than any meat in any University.' He afterward 1 See also Annals of the Barber Surgeons' Company, pp. 358, 559- - See pp. 145-155. 8 See pp. 150, 151. x PREFACE. turned Independent, and set up a separatist congregation of his own. The circumstance that I am Rector of the parish of S. Matthew, Friday Street, 1 has led me to pay special attention to this subject. Not least in interest is the curious series of tracts 2 which tell the story of Cheapside Cross and those which supply accounts of the Plague and the Great Fire. 3 I have also gathered together by the process of slow and laborious accumulation a large collection (amounting to about 951 plates) of Maps, Plans, and Views of London and of S. Paul's Cathedral. To these are added a few illustrations relating to Chertsey, Barking, Fulham, and other places whose story is interwoven with that of S. Paul's. 4 These Plans and Views are for the most part mounted uniformly on 530 sheets, 5 and are placed in a series of Solander cases, after a plan suggested to me by the late Mr. Fagan, whose efficient conduct of his department in the British Museum is well-known to all students. These cases are arranged as follows : LONDON : Maps and Plans. (Two cases.) General Views. (Three cases.) S. PAUL'S : The Old Cathedral. The Present Building : Interior. Exterior. (Two Cases.) PAGEANTS : Including Public Thanksgivings, Ceremonials, Funerals, etc. (Two cases.) MISCELLANEOUS. I desire to acknowledge the great care and personal interest which Mr. Walter V. Daniell 6 has taken in arranging and mounting this large mass of material, and also in compiling the catalogue of this portion of the collection, which is large and varied, the result of the labours of many years, comprising some very rare maps, plans, and 1 The parish is now united with S. Vedast, Foster Lane. a See pp. 155, 156. 3 See pp. 156-158. 4 This enumeration does not include : 28 old views of London in a separate quarto volume. 50 wood-cuts from Longman's History of S. PauFs. 51 sheets of the Ordnance Maps of London. 120 Photographs of the Society for Photographing Relics of Old London. 24 sheets Norwood's Map of London. 226 Drawings and Tracings by Mr. W. Burges, in a portfolio. Rocque's, Visscher's, and Hollar's Maps of London, in separate cases. 5 Each sheet measuring 31^ inches by 2i| inches. 6 Of Mortimer Street. PREFACE. xi views, together with a multitude of familiar engravings known to every collector. The general views of London have almost always been selected because they show some aspect of S. Paul's Cathedral. The magnificent church, dominating the City, as it does still, not- withstanding the lofty buildings which have grown up around it in recent times, has had a great fascination for me, and has caused me to add many a general view to the series. Then follow detailed lists of two series of Plates, the first series taken from Mr. William Longman's History of the Three Cathedrals Dedicated to S. Paul in London ; and the second series, being a complete set of the photographs issued by the Society for Photographing Relics of Old London, the latter the gift of Mrs. Church. These are succeeded by a list (a somewhat scanty one) of En- graved Portraits of Bishops of London, Deans of S. Paul's, and Canons of the Cathedral. After this section comes a catalogue of casts of Seals of many of the Bishops of London, and of the Dean and Chapter ; together with a list of Medals which in some way or other illustrate the history of S. Paul's, and a short notice of some miscellaneous objects of interest exhibited in glass cases in the Library. An Appendix follows, which contains a list of DESIDERATA. This will tend to give more completeness to what was the leading idea with which I commenced the Catalogue ; namely, to make it an attempt, however humble, at a Bibliography of S. Paul's. This purpose, always present in my mind, will explain the in- clusion in the Catalogue of many books which, at first sight, may seem to have no relation to the Cathedral. Thus The Army's Martyr^ is included because it records the tragical story of the death of Robert Lockier, shot in S. Paul's Churchyard. Everyone will remember Carlyle's allusion to the incident : ' Trooper Lockyer is shot in Paul's Churchyard. A very brave young man, they say. Though but three and twenty, "he has served seven years in these Wars," ever since the Wars began. " Religious," too, of excellent parts, and much beloved.' 2 With more detail in his graphic manner. The Brief Relation of the Persecutions and Cruelties that have been acted upon the people called Quakers* finds place because it relates a strange fanatical exhibition which took place within the church itself. Two Quaker women having entered S. Paul's during service time, the one of them 'with her face made black, and her hair down 1 Pp. 73, 74. - Letters ami Speeches of Oliver Cromwell. 3 Pp. 74, 75. xii PREFACE. with blood poured in it, vvich ran down upon her sackcloth vvich she had on, and she poured also some blood down upon the Altar, and spoke some words.' 1 R. Keach's War with the Devifi occurs only because it has a view of London in Flames, in which the Cathedral is to be seen ; whilst, even, certain Select Fables of ALsop and other Fabulists* are included, only because one of the fables is entitled The Fly in S. Paul's Cupola; and Bishop Earle's quaint Micro cosmography* because of its vivid account of Paul's Walk. These examples will suffice to show that any allusion to S. Paul's Cathedral which can be regarded as of the very smallest historical value suffices, in my judgment, to entitle a book to a place in the collection. The Catalogue concludes with three long Lists of Preachers at the anniversary meetings of three great religious societies, held for the most part in the Cathedral. These three societies, the outcome of a deep and widespread movement on the part of some of the most loyal sons of the English Church, year by year gathered their supporters within the sacred walls, and listened to the great masters of religious eloquence as they advocated the claims of these associa- tions for the spread of vital religion. Many of their sermons are to be found on the shelves of the Library. The sermons on behalf of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge were usually preached on the occasions on which the children educated in what were called the Charity Schools of London were massed together under the vast dome of S. Paul's. Many readers will remember the picturesque scene the quaint dresses of the children, with the occasional brilliant patches of colour where the girls were dressed in scarlet, the glowing colour relieved by the snow-white caps and aprons, and, above all, the almost overpowering effect when the combined voices of the great multitude of children burse forth in singing 'All people that on earth do dwell,' or united in the grand choruses of the Coronation anthem. I had intended to have limited the present volume to a Catalogue of the Books, Maps, Plans, and Views already enumerated. But the Dean of S. Paul's suggested to me that it would be well to add a list of the Bibles and other rare books in Archivis ; and this has accordingly been done. The Bibles and New Testaments 5 formed a special subject, requiring much bibliographical knowledge, and in 1 Gleanings from Old S. Paul's, p. 284. 2 P. 76. 3 P 77 4 P. 77- 5 See pp. 3-32. PREFACE. xiii this portion of the work I have called in the skilled help of Mr. Henry Guppy, one of the assistant librarians at Sion College, who threw himself very heartily into the work, and who is mainly respon- sible for pp. 3 to 55. I need hardly draw the attention of the student of Bibles to our great treasures, the Tyndale New Testament, the Tyndale Pentateuch, and the Large Paper Walton's Polyglot; books which are in them- selves sufficient to give a character to any library. Amongst the Office Books and Liturgies, 1 which follow the Bibles, special mention may be made of the books Secundum usum Sarum ; the Ordinal and Order of Communion of 1548 ; the copy of the Sealed Book; and Bishop Compton's own beautiful copy of the same edition of the Prayer-Book, once clothed in a sumptuous silver binding. 2 I have thought it well to add an extended list of Rituals, especially of a series of service-books of the Greek Church, and a brief enumeration of a few liturgical reprints, which, though not to be classed amongst rare books, may yet add a little more completeness to this interesting section of the Catalogue. Under each section the books enumerated will be found arranged, as far as possible, in chronological order ; the early books are fully entered, but the later and less important works appear under con- densed and shortened titles. It must be remembered that the primary intention of this volume is to supply the members of the Cathedral body with a guide to the treasures which might otherwise be unknown upon the shelves. If there is one thing more than another to be desired in such a work as this it is minute, literal accuracy. It is easier to aim at accuracy than to attain to it. I have heard it said that the librarian who prints a catalogue must from that moment bid farewell to happi- ness, as it will be the special occupation of the great mass of his acquaintance to point out errors in his work. Well, I have run the risk. Errors, no doubt, will be found. It is almost impossible to avoid them. Each librarian would certainly adopt his own system of classification, and I can well understand that his system might not be my own. But I have tried to make my system clear by a full table of contents and by a large and ample index (containing about 1 See pp. 35-68. 2 P. 47- xiv PREFACE. 2,694 entries), by means of which I hope that any book included in the list may readily be found. But every year that I live convinces me more fully that one's own methods are not necessarily the most perfect ; and I am sure that I cannot do better than adopt the words lately used by the learned Dean of Winchester : ' In a work so full of details there must be many errors and short- comings. There are many traps for the unwary ; wherein when I have been caught, I would pray the wiser critics, who stand safe, to be not scornful, but pitiful.' I beg to acknowledge the courtesy of Mr. Bedford Lemere in granting me permission to use the very interesting photograph which forms the frontispiece to this volume. One welcome duty alone remains, and that is to record my thanks to my loving and patient wife, who has saved my weary eyes many a strain by her help in the tedious labour of correcting the proofs. NOTE ON S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL LIBRARY. IN Dugdale's History of S. Paul's Cathedral that laborious antiquary gives a catalogue of the contents of the Library in the year 1458. Walter Shiryngton, clerk, had founded the Library, and his executors had carried out his pious intentions by erecting a suitable building over the cloister which surrounded Pardon-chirche-hawe on the north side of the grand Church. The catalogue fills eight folio pages in the first edition of Dugdale. Of all these manuscripts only three are known to exist : one is still at S. Paul's, the second is at Aberdeen, the third is at Lambeth. As for the rest, it seems probable that the fire of 1561 may have destroyed very many, and that if any survived they fell victims to the zeal of civil or ecclesiastical icono- clasts, receiving a final coup de grace in the terrible conflagration of 1666. The Records of the Cathedral happily escaped. No doubt a great number of deeds and documents have been purloined and destroyed; but a very large mass still remains, as may be seen in Mr. Maxwell Lyte's excellent Calendar in the Historical Manuscripts Commission Reports. The Library itself is a noble room, lined with oak presses, and surrounded by a gallery supported by exceedingly fine brackets carved by Grinling Gibbons. Lord Lytton's words may well be taken to describe it : ' Sit here and muse! It is an antique Room ; High-roof'd, with casement, through whose purple panes Unwilling Daylight steals amidst the gloom Shy as a fearful Stranger. Hark ! while we muse, without the walls is heard The various murmur of the labouring crowd. How still, within those archive cells interr'd, The Calm Ones reign.' Henry Compton, Bishop of London during the rebuilding of the Cathedral, was the founder of the present Library. He bequeathed no less than 1,892 volumes to form the nucleus of a collection. Partly by gift and partly by purchase, the books of Dr. Thomas xvi NOTE ON S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL LIBRARY. Mangey, Prebendary of Durham, and of his son, the Rev. John Mangey, Prebendary of S. Paul's, were acquired in 1783. I have given some account of the growth of the collection in my Gleanings from Old S. Paul's, and it is unnecessary to repeat in this place what has there been said. There is a manuscript catalogue of the printed books, which form the staple of the collection, and I have compiled a catalogue, also in manuscript, of the 10,000 pamphlets which I have pur- chased for the Cathedral during my tenure of office. These pam- phlets include 6,348 separate tracts, gathered together by Bishop Sumner, who presided over the Diocese of Winchester from 1827 to 1869; and the 1,405 tracts of Archdeacon Hale, Archdeacon of London from 1842 to 1870 ; together with the smaller, but yet important collection, made by Dr. Irons, late Prebendary, and pre- sented to the Cathedral by his widow. The Cathedral Clergy responded with great liberality to an appeal which I ventured to address to them some years ago, and have added to our stores, at my especial request, copies of works of which they have themselves been the authors. Amongst the more generous donations, I may mention that the families of Dean Milman, Dean Mansel, and Dean Church have greatly enriched the Library ; Dean Church during his lifetime having been also a great benefactor. Dr. Wace, amongst other important gifts, has contributed a copy of his Dictionary of Christian Biography ; Dr. Freshfield, a series of his interesting volumes on parochial history; and the Rev. W. H. Milman, a set of the Quarterly Review from its commencement. The latest accession has been a bequest by Archdeacon Hessey of his complete set of the Bampton Lectures. The Library is, as might be expected, rich in councils, patristic literature, and theology. The publications of the Surtees Society, the Camden Society ', the Pal&ographical Society, the youthful but vigorous Henry Bradshaw Society, the Ecclesiastical History Society, the London and Middlesex Archceological Society, the S. Paul's Ecclesio- logical Society (which has already done some excellent work), the large series of Chronicles issued by the Master of the Rolls, the Calendars of the State Papers, and if last, certainly not least, the Acta Sanctorum of the Bollandists, find place upon the shelves. I have lately enriched the Library by the purchase of a valuable series of original manuscripts, once the property of the learned Bishop Gibson, many of them in his own handwriting. Amongst the manu- scripts is a Vow made by Charles I., and signed with his own hand ; NOTE ON S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL LIBRARY. xvii and the draft of a Letter from the King to Queen Henrietta Maria, which is entirely in his own handwriting. A facsimile of the Vow and a copy of the Letter will be found in the Archaologia, vol. liii., pp. 155-160. Amongst those who have laboured lovingly in the Cathedral Library should be especially commemorated the brilliant author of the Ingoldsby Legends, Richard Harris Barham, of most facetious memory. He found the Library in a sadly neglected condition, and 'it pitied him to see it in the dust.' His carefully-written reports, which are still extant, led to the repair of many volumes which might else have perished. He was much more than a mere wit. He was an ardent bibliographer, as some notes in his fine, clear hand in many of the rarer books still testify. May there never be wanting loving hands and hearts to deal with the treasures stored within these walls : and to transmit to others ' The Love of Books the Golden Key That opens the Enchanted Door.' CONTENTS. I'AGB PREFACE - v NOTE ON S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL LIBRARY - xv EARLY PRINTED BIBLES, NEW TESTAMENTS, PORTIONS OF THE BIBLE, AND CONCORDANCES, WITH A FEW THEOLOGICAL TREATISES. BIBLES: PAGE NEW TESTAMENTS : Polyglots 3 Polyglots 14 Hebrew Texts - 4 Greek Texts 14 Greek Version^ 5 Latin Version - r 7 Latin - 5 j Latin and German 17 German 6 German - 17 Dutch - 6 Dutch - - 1 7 French 6 { French - 18 English 7 Italian- 18 English - 18 PARTS OF THE BIBLE, CONCORDANCES, AND OTHER RARE THEO- LOGICAL TREATISES - 26 LITURGICAL AND OTHER RARE BOOKS, CHIEFLY THEOLOGICAL, WITH A FEW IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPTS. SERVICE BOOKS AFTER THE USE OF SALISBURY - 35 RITUALS, INCLUDING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEVOTIONS - 38 SERMONS, WITH OTHER TREATISES, CHIEFLY THEOLOGICAL - 48 INDEX EXPURGATORIUS - 56 LITURGICAL BOOKS - 57 Roman Missal-, Breviaries, and otht r Ritual Books - 57 Greek Church and Oriental Liturgies 60 English, Irish, and Scottish Rituals - 61 Book of Common Prayer - 63 Books upon Liturgical Subjects - - 65 A FEW IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPTS - - - - 66 CONTENTS. S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. PAGE BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL - 71 PAUL'S CROSS SERMONS - 85 SERMONS PREACHED FOR THE MOST PART IN THE CATHEDRAL 97 SEPARATE SERMONS OR TRACTS BY OR RELATING TO CLERGY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL- - 114 PLAYS ACTED BY THE CHILDREN OF PAUL'S - 120 SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN - 121 THE SACHEVERELL CONTROVERSY - 122 FUNERALS OF NELSON AND WELLINGTON 125 THE DECORATION OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL - - 127 LONDON. HISTORIES AND SURVEYS OF LONDON, OFTEN INCLUDING WESTMINSTER AND SOUTHWARK - - 131 BOOKS RELATING TO LONDON GENERALLY - 133 PARISHES IN AND NEAR THE CITY - 145 CITY COMPANIES - 153 S. PAUL'S SCHOOL - 155 CHEAPSIDE CROSS - 155 FIRE OF 1666, AND PLAGUE OF 1604, 1636, AND 1665 - 156 MAPS, PLANS, AND VIEWS OF LONDON, AND ESPECIALLY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. MAPS AND PLANS OF LONDON- - 161 VIEWS OF LONDON : Early times to 1666 - 167 From 1666 to 1799 - 169 From 1800 to present time - 173 OLD S. PAUL'S: Views - 176 Monuments - j 78 Views and Plans from Dugdale - 180 S. Paul's Cross 181 Mr. Ferrey's Drawings : A Restoration of S. Paul's, as it appeared in 1540 - 181 SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN'S EARLIER DESIGNS FOR S. PAUL'S 182 S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL THE PRESENT BUILDING. EXTERIOR: Views from Ludgate Hill - - 182 West, and Elevations - - 183 North, and Elevations - - 184 North-West and South- West, and East - 185 South-West - - - - - 1 86 CONTENTS. xxi HACK S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL EXTERIOR. Continued. Views from East, and Elevations - - 187 South, and Elevations - - 187 South-East and North-East - - 188 the River - 189 S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL THE PRESENT BUILDING. INTERIOR : Plans - 191 Sections - 192 Views looking towards the East - - 193 Choir - 193 Views taken from beneath Dome - - 194 Views showing Aisles, Side Chapels, etc. - 195 Crypt - 196 Furniture and Decorations - - 196 Bells - 198 Pageants before 1800 - 199 Funeral of Nelson - - 200 Funeral of Wellington - 201 Ceremonies and Funerals - - 203 Monuments - 205 S. PAUL'S SCHOOL - 207 CHAPTER HOUSE - 208 S. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD - 208 S. PETER'S AT ROME ; AND S. PETER'S AND S. PAUL'S COM- PARED - 208 MISCELLANEOUS VIEWS - - 209 MISCELLANEOUS. LIST OF A SERIES OF PLATES FROM MR. W. LONGMAN'S 1 HISTORY OF THE THREE CATHEDRALS,' DEDICATED TO S. PAUL IN LONDON 213 LIST OF THE SERIES OF PLATES ISSUED BY THE SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAPHING RELICS OF OLD LONDON - 216 ENGRAVED PORTRAITS : Bishops of London- - 219 Deans of S. Paul's - - 220 Canons of S. Paul's - 220 CASTS OF SEALS : Bishops of London - - 221 Dean and Chapter, and others -221 AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES EXHIBITED IN THE LIBRARY -221 MEDALS RELATING TO S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL- - 222 MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF INTEREST EXHIBITED IN THE LIBRARY ....... 226 xxii CONTENTS APPENDIX. PAGE DESIDERATA : BOOKS NOT YET IN THE CATHEDRAL LIBRARY : Books illustrating the History of S. Paul's Cathedral - 231 Paul's Cross Sermons - 232 Sermons preached in S. Paul's Cathedral - - 237 Plays acted by the Children of Paul's - 239 LIST OF PREACHERS AT THE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES OF THREE GREAT RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES : Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy from 1655 lo 1892 - - 241 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, from 1702 to 1892 - - 248 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, from 1704 to 1867 - - 252 INDEX - - 257 EARLY PRINTED BIBLES, NEW TESTAMENTS, PORTIONS OF THE BIBLE, AND CONCORDANCES, WITH A FEW THEOLOGICAL TREATISES. CONTENTS. NEW TESTAMENTS : PAGE POLYGLOTS - 14 GREEK TEXTS - - 14 LATIN VERSION 17 LATIN AND GERMAN- 17 GERMAN - i 7 DUTCH - 1 7 FRENCH 1 8 ITALIAN - 1 8 ENGLISH - 18 PARTS OF THE BIBLE, CONCORDANCES, AND- OTHER RARE THEOLOGICAL TREATISES - - - - - 26 BIBLES : POLYGLOTS HEBREW TEXTS GREEK VERSIONS LATIN GERMAN DUTCH ,, SPANISH ENGLISH ,, PAGE 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 B I B L E S. POLYGLOTS. 1 5 6 9-7 3- Biblia Sacra. Hebraice, Chaldaice, Graece et Latine. Edited by Arias MONTANUS. Antverpiae, Chris. Plantinus. 8 vols. Folio (varying in size from 15-10^ to i5f-ioj inches). 1569- 1573. [2 B 2-9.] *\ Volumes i to 5, containing the text, are uniform in size, (15-10! inches), but vols. 6 to 8, comprising the appendices, are somewhat taller. This Bible was produced under the auspices and at the ex- pense of Philip II. of Spain. 1599. Sacra Biblia, Hebraice, Graece, et Latine. Cum annotationibus Francisci Vatabli Hebraicae linguae quondam Professoris Regii Lutetiae. Latina interpretatio duplex est, altera vetus, altera nova. Omnia cum editione Complutensi diligenter collata, additis in margine, quos Vatablus in suis anno- tationibus nonnunquam omiserat, idiotismis, verborumque diffi- ciliorum radicibus. Editio postrema, multo quam antehac emendatior : cui etiam nunc accessit, ne quid in ea desiderari posset. Novum Testamentum Graecolatinum Ben. Ariae Montani Hispalensis. Ex officina Commeliniana. 1599. 2 vols. Folio (iSiJ-io-J- inches). [27 B ii 12.1 1629-45. Biblia. i, Hebraica; 2, Samaritana; 3, Chaldaica ; 4, Graeca ; 5, Syriaca ; 6, Latina ; 7, Arabica. Quibus textus originales totius Scripturae Sacrae, quorum pars in editione Com- plvtensi, deinde in Antverpiensi regiis sumptibus extat, nunc integri, ex manuscriptis toto fere orbe quaesitas exemplaribus, exhibentur. Lutetiae Parisiorum, Antonius Vitre. 9 vols. in 10 (vol. 5 in 2 parts). Folio (i9j-i3i inches). 1629-1645. [19 A i-io.] *** A very fine copy, on large paper, in the original binding. *** Upon large paper, this work is of great rarity. This copy 4 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1657-69. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta complectentia textus originates, Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Samari- tano, Chaldaicum, Graecum, versionumque anti- quarum, Samaritanae, Graecae LXXII. Interp., Chaldaicae, Syriacae, Arabicae, ^Ethiopicae, Persicae, Vulg. Lat., etc. Edited by Brian WALTON. 6 vols. bound in 12. With the Lexicon Heptaglotton Edmundi CASTELLI, in 2 vols. Londini, Thomas Roycroft. 8 vols. in 14. Folio (measuring: Bible, 19^-13^, and Lexicon, I9f-i4 inches). 1657-1669. [Case B.] Ul is exceptionally fine and tall and in a perfect state, except that the engraved title and portrait of Walton have been slightly cut down in the process of remounting. On the sides, JACOBVS. DVX. EBOR. This copy has the royal dedication. In the second volume of the Lexicon the first 32 pages have been very neatly inlaid. 1657. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. . . . Edited by Brian WALTON. Two small - paper copies of the preceding, but without the Lexicon. 6 vols. Folio (17^-11 inches). 1657. [3 A 3-8 and 47 A 7-1 2.] HEBREW TEXTS. 1566. Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis. Antverpiae ex ofncina Christ. Plantini, 1566. Quarto (8 T V5f inches). [ 9 Ei 9 .J # * # Printed with great care, by command of Bomberg, the great publisher of Hebrew books. 1571-72. Hebraicorum Bibliorum. Veteris Testament! Latina interpretatio, opera olim Xantis Pagnini Lucensis : nunc verb Ben. Ariae Montani Hispalesis ; Francisci Raphelengii Alnetani, Guidonis et Nicolai Fabriciorum Boderianorum fratrum collate studio ad Hebraicam dictionem diligentissime expensa Novum Testamentum Greece cum Vulgata interpretatione Latina Graeci contextus lineis inserta, atque alia Ben Ariae Montani His- palensis opera. Antverpiae, Chris. Plantinus. 2 vols. in i. Folio (15^-14^ inches). 1571-1572. [2 B 8.] 1573. Biblia Hebraica cum notis criticis et versione Latina ad notas criticas facta, accedunt Libri Graeci, qui Deutero- canonici vocantur in tres classes distributi. Autore Carolo- Francisco HOUBIGANT, O.J.S. Lutetiae Parisiorum, A. C. Briasson et L. Durand. 4vols. Folio (15^-10 inches). 1753. [2 B 10-13.] *% A very fine and clean copy. BIBLES. 5 GREEK VERSIONS. 1545. Biblia Graeca. Divinae Scripturae, Veteris ac Novi Testa- menti, omnia, innumeris locis nunc demum, & optimorum librorum collatione, & doctorum uirorum opera, multo quam unquam antea emendatiora in lucem edita. Cum Caes. Maiest. gratia et privilegio ad quinquennium. Basiliae per Joan. Hervagium 1545. Folio (iS-yJ inches). [43 B. 25.] *** The preface of this edition, which is said to surpass in correctness both the Strasburg and Venetian editions, is by Melancthon. The edition is very little known and is rare. 1628. Vetus Testamentum [Graecum]. Secundum LXX et ex auctoritate Sixti. V. Pont. Max. Editum nunc primum e regione textus Grseci apposita est Latina translatio. Versuum quoque numeri qui antea nulli erant, ad collationem Latinae vulgatae, in margine, quoad fieri potuit, inscripti sunt. Lutetian Parisiorum, apud Claudium Sonnium. 2 vols. Folio (14^-9^ inches). 1628. [19 C 16-17.] 1707-9. Vetus Testamentum Septuaginta Interpretum. Ex antiquissimo MS. Codice Alexandrine accurate descriptum. Edidit Joannes Ernestus GRABE, S.T.P. Oxonii, Theatro Shel- doniano, Rich. Smith. Vols. i and 4 only. Folio (i7|-u inches). 1707-1709. [3 A 9-io.] #*+ Tomus i, continens Octateuchum. Tomus [4] Ultimus, continens Psalmorum, Jobi, ac tres Salomonis libros, cum Apocrypha ejusdem, nee non Siracidae Sapientia. LATIN VERSIONS. 1495. [Biblia Integra: summata : distincta: accuratius re-emendata : utriusque testament! concordantiis illus- trata.] Basileae, Johannem Froben de Hamelburgk. 8vo. (6J-4 inches). 1495. Imperfect, wanting four leaves, title and three following leaves (ai to 34). [38 B 18.] 1497. Biblia cum summariis concordantiis : divisionibus : quattuor repertoriis ppositis : numerique foliorum dis- tinctione: terse et fidelit impssa. [Parisiis], Franciscus Fradin et Johanes Piuard. Folio (io-6j inches). 1497- [38Bi 5 .] *% The Acts of the Apostles in this version follows the Epistle to the Hebrews. This copy is quite perfect and in ex- cellent condition, but for a small hole piercing ten leaves in the Acts. 6 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1526. Sacra Biblia ad LXX Interpretum fidem diligen- tissime tralata. Basilese, per Andream Cratandrum. Quarto (8J-5|- inches). 1526. [38 B 17.] *\ The title and first leaf are soiled, and the volume is slightly wormed in parts ; otherwise a clean copy. 1597. Biblia Sacra, sive, Libri Canonici Priscse Judaeorum Ecclesise a Deo traditi, Latini recens ex Hebraeo facti, brevi- busque Scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Junio. Accesserunt Libri qui vulgo dicuntur Apocryphi, Latine redditi, & notis quibusdam aucti a Francisco Junio. Multo omnes quam ante emendatius editi & aucti locis in- numeris : quibus etiam adjunximus Novi Testamenti libros ex sermone Syro ab eodem Tremellio & ex Grseco a Theodore Beza in Latinum versos, notisque itidem illustrates. Tertia et omnium quae hodie extant novissima cura Francisci Junii cujus aemula ad verbum nuper Hanoviae impressa, sed longe inferior. Londini, Excudebat G. B., R. N., and R. B., Anno Dom. 1597. Folio (n|-8 inches). [28 D 7.] 1618. Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis. Sixti. V. Pont. Max. jussu recognita atque edita. Antverpise, Ex Officina Plantiniana apud Balthasarem et Joannem Moretos fratres. 3 vols. Quarto (9^-7 inches). 1618. [3 E 4-6.] 1618. Biblia Latina Vulgata. To which is appended * Romance correctionis in Latinis Bibliis editionis Vulgatae jussu Sixti. V. Pont. Max. recognitis loca insigniora observata a Francisco LUCA. Lutetise Parisiorum, R. Foue't, N. Buon, S. Cramoisy. Folio ( 1 5 J-Q J inches) . 1 6 1 8. Imperfect, wanting two leaves : title and 3,2. [3 B 3.] GERMAN VERSION. 1586. Biblia, Das ist : Die gantze heilige Schrifft Deudsch. D. Mart. Luth. Begnadet mit Churfiirstlicher zu Sachssen Frey- heit. Wittemberg Gedruckt durch Zacharias Lehman 1586. Quarto (7^-4!- inches). [36 B 31.] DUTCH VERSION. 1616. Biblia Dat is de Gantsche Heijlighe Schriftuere voortijts bij Jacob van Liesvelt ootgegaen na de alder- oudtste ende corectste copijen die gedruckt zijn. Arnhem, Jan Janssen. Folio (n|-7j inches). 1616. [38 B 14.] SPANISH VERSION. 1569. La Biblia que es, los sacros libros del viejo y nuevo Testamento. Trasladada en Espanol [por CASIODORO DE BIBLES. 7 REYNA]. Without place or name of printer. Folio (9f-7| inches). 1569. [38 B 16.] *% This Bible is popularly known as the ' Bear Bible,' on account of the cut upon the title-page, which represents a bear sucking honey from a tree. The title is the genuine original, with the 1569 imprint, and not the reprinted title of 1622. ENGLISH VERSIONS. Arranged chronologically. 1 535- Reprint of the Coverdale Bible. ' The Holy Scriptures, Faithfully and truly translated, By Myles COVERDALE, Bishop of Exeter 1535.' Reprinted from the copy in the library of his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex for Samuel Bagster, 15, Paternoster Row, London. Folio (12^-10 inches). 1838. [38 B 19.] *\ A reprint of the first edition of the entire Bible in English, which is now generally believed to have been printed at Antwerp by Jacob van Meteren. The seven preliminary leaves, which are in a different type, are supposed to have been printed by James Nicholson, of Southward, who was probably the publisher of the volume. 1537. The Bible. MATTHEW'S (partly Tyndale's and partly Coverdale's Versions). [Probably printed at Antwerp by Jacob van Meteren] at the expense of Richard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch, in the year 1537. Folio (12^-9 inches). Imperfect, wanting twenty-one leaves : title, first leaf of Kalendar, To theChrysten Readers and A Table (thirteen leaves), Names of Books, etc. (one leaf), and Ggi of part i, title of New Testament (which is in facsimile), N8, O6, O8. [38 A i.] *% This Bible, which is popularly known as ' Matthew's,' or ' the Bugge Bible,' was published by John Rogers, the first martyr under Queen Mary, under the assumed name of Thomas Matthew. The Old Testament to the end of the Book of Chronicles is Tyndale's translation, thence to the end of the Apocrypha Coverdale's, and the whole of the New Testament Tyndale's. The rendering of Psalm xci. 5, ' so that thou shalt not nede to be afrayed for eny bugges by nyght,' is common to Coverdale's, Matthew's, and Taverner's versions. 1539. The Bible. Published under the auspices of Thomas Lord Cromwell. Printed [partly in Paris, finished in London] by Rychard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch ; fynisshed in Apryll, 1539. Folio (144-9! inches). Imperfect, wanting three leaves : title of part 3 (AAi) and the two last leaves of the volume (NNy, NN8). The first title, which is imperfect, has been made up in facsimile ; many other leaves are mutilated and partly missing. [38 A 2.] 8 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. *\ Although this edition was commonly called the first edition of Cranmer's Great Bible, Ames says that the Arch- bishop had no hand whatever in it. It was put forth by Lord Cromwell, who employed Coverdale to revise the then existing translation. The woodcut titles and illustrations are attributed to Hans Holbein. 1540. The Bible. ' CRANMER'S, or the GREAT BIBLE,' with CRAN- MER'S Prologue. Printed at London by Edward Whitchurch, April and July, 1540. Folio (i4-9j inches). Imperfect, wanting eight leaves : first title and five following leaves and the two last leaves of the volume (NN; and NN8). A few other leaves are slightly damaged. A facsimile title, supplied by Mr. George Offor, has been appended to this copy. [38 A 3.] # % The prologue of this copy begins with a large flourished initial letter of twelve lines deep, and has the Latin quotations in italic type, which features are peculiar to the July impression, whilst the rendering of the first verse of Job xli. shows the text to be of the April impression (or first edition of Cranmer's Bible). This copy is probably made up of the two editions. 1540. The Bible. The GREAT BIBLE. Printed at London by Thomas Petyt and Robert Redman for Thomas Berthelet. Finisshed in Apryll, Anno 1540. Folio (12^-8! inches). Imperfect, wanting two leaves : first title and second leaf of calendar. [38 A 4.] . **# This is a reprint, or second edition, of the Bible printed in 1539, and popularly, but erroneously, called the first edition of Cranmer. One peculiarity of this edition is in Psalm xiv., of which seven lines commencing * Their throte,' etc., is printed in Roman type, and not in black letter, as the body of the text. 1541. The Bible. CRANMER'S. Printed at London by Edwarde Whitchurche and Fynyshed in November, 1541. Folio (15^-10 inches). [38 A 6.] *\ An exceedingly fine and quite perfect copy, having the rare leaf (CCS) at the end of the Book of Psalms, which is seldom to be met with in a perfect state. This is the first edition of the Bible that was ordered to be chained in the churches. 1541. The Bible. CRANMER'S. An imperfect copy of the preced- ing. Fynyshed in November, 1541. Folio (15^-10 inches). Wanting six leaves : the five leaves immediately following title and CCS (the rare leaf of the Psalms). Several other leaves are repaired. [38 A 5.] BIBLES. 9 1541. The Bible. CRANMER'S. Another imperfect copy of the preceding. Fynyshed in November, 1541. Folio (i5xV 10 i inches). Wanting seventeen leaves : all before bi, b8, ci, and the last leaf of table (Mm6). [38 A 7.] 1547. The Bible. MATTHEW'S Version, revised by Edmund BECKE. Printed at London by John Daye and W. Seres, 1547. Folio (n T V7 inches). Imperfect, wanting title and all before BBi, F5, Gi (of part i), and all after T6, except U4 (of New Testament). [38 B i.] *** The title prefixed to this copy does not belong to it, but to Barker's Version of 1589, popularly known as 'the Breeches Bible.' 1547. The Bible. MATTHEW'S Version, revised by Edmund BECKE. Another copy of the preceding. 1547. (n T V 7 inches). Imperfect, wanting title and all before Ei, F2 to F5 (of part i) ; Ai to A8, Bi and all after R6 (of the New Testament). [38 B 2.] 1549. The Bible. MATTHEW'S. [A faulty reprint of the 1537 edition.] Printed at London by Wylliam Hyll and Thomas Raynaldes. 1549. Folio (i2j-7j inches). Imperfect, wanting only the first title. [38 B 3.] *** So erratic is the numbering of the leaves, that it is use- less as a guide to the sequence of the pages. I 55- The Bible. COVERDALE'S. [Probably printed at Zurich by Christopher Froschover] for Andrew Hester, of London, 1550. Quarto (8^-7 inches). Imperfect, wanting three leaves at end, comprising table of the Gospels and Epistles, concluding with the colophon. [38 A 15.] #** This second foreign edition of the Coverdale Bible is printed in an angular German type, similar to the 1535 edition, but smaller, and is now believed to have come from the press of Chris. Froschover, at Zurich. The preliminary leaves, which are in a small black-letter type, were evidently printed in England. The original title is imperfect ; the missing parts have been supplied in facsimile. The volume has been judiciously rebound, the original sides with a beautifully-tooled lace edging carefully preserved. 1550. The Bible. CRANMER'S. Printed at London by Edward Whytchurche. Quarto (8 T VsJ inches), 1550. Very imperfect, wanting the whole Book of Psalms, Ruth, part of Joshua, and the New Testament after the First Epistle to the Corinthians, as well as many other isolated sheets. [38 A 10.] io LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1550. The Bible. CRANMER'S. Another copy of the preceding. Quarto (8 T 5 r 5 inches). 1550. Imperfect, wanting Ai, D6, and all after Nn7, which ends the First Epistle of S. John. [38 A 9.] 1551. The Bible. MATTHEW'S Version, revised by Edmund BECKE. Printed at London by John Daye. Folio (ioij-7j inches). 1551. Imperfect, wanting title, AAi, and the six last leaves (Uuuu3 to UuuuS). [38 B 4.] *\ This Bible contains the Third Book of Machabees. 1551. The Bible. MATTHEW'S. Printed at London by Nicolas Hyll for Thomas Pelyt. Folio (HI^T^ inches). 1551. Imperfect, wanting only the last leaf, which has been supplied in facsimile ; certain other leaves have been repaired. [38 B 5.] # % This edition is very badly printed ; the broken and im- perfect letters, which are almost innumerable, have in this copy been filled in with pen and ink. 1551. The Bible. MATTHEW'S. Another copy of the preceding. Folio ( i iif-7f inches). 1551. Imperfect, wanting all before aiiii, ai, Aai, Hh4, Qq8, AAi, AAai, TTt2-TTt6. [38 B 6.] % Although in all other respects this copy is identical with the preceding, there are certain variations in the signatures, which prove it to be of another impression. N5 is here mis- signed M5 ; MMiii, and PPpii are likewise missigned ; but in the preceding copy these faults do not occur. The present copy is probably an earlier impression than the former. 1553. The Bible. COVERDALE'S. Printed [at Zurich by Ch. Froschover for] Richard Jugge. Quarto (9^-7 inches). 1553. Imperfect, wanting mm8, nni, pp8, qqi-qq4, and the three leaves (table and colophon) at the end of New Testament. [38 A 16.] 3.%. Although this edition bears the name of Jugge as printer, he is only responsible for the preliminary leaves ; the text is identical with that of 1550, which was printed for Hester by Froschover. Jugge, who was less scrupulous than Hester, states that this edition was printed by him ; Hester states for him. That the editions are identical is proved by the fault in the head- line of folio 26, which in both copies reads ' Genesis,' instead of ' Exodus.' r 553- The Bible. COVERDALE'S. Another copy of the preceding. Very imperfect, wanting the first eight leaves of Prolegomena, including title, Ai to Cii, and all after OO7 (Heb. xiii.). [38 A 17.] BIBLES. n *\ Sheets of Barker and Bill's Bible of 1630 have been bound up at the commencement, in order to complete the text of Genesis. 1553. The Bible. CRANMER'S. Printed at London by Edwarde Whytchurche. Folio (12 f-8f inches). 1553. [38 A 1 1.] *% According to the MS. note in the British Museum copy, * It has been said that Queen Mary destroyed the greater part of this impression.' I 553- The Bible. CRANMER'S. Printed at London by Richard Grafton. Quarto (7^-5^ inches). 1553. Imperfect, wanting two leaves : title, and following leaf. Appended to this volume are eleven leaves, comprising Calendar, the title to the Psalter, the order how the Psalter is appointed to be read, and the Table of Proper Lessons. Printed by W. Seres. 1567. [38 A 1 2.] T 553- The Bible. CRANMER'S. Another copy of the preced- ing, but less perfect. Quarto (6^-5 inches). 1553. Wanting seven leaves : title and following leaf (Ai, A2), and three leaves at the end (M6 to M8). [38 A 13.] 1562. The Bible. CRANMER'S. Printed at London by Richard Harrison. Folio (12^-8^ inches). 1562. Imperfect, wanting all after P8 (Rev. xx.), portions of LL8, of Part 2, and the first two leaves (Ai-2) of the New Testa- ment have been torn away. [38 A 18.] # % The title, which has been remounted, is the same beau- tiful woodcut as that used in the 1537 Matthew Bible ; the central shield bearing the title has been cut away, and is now replaced by a manuscript facsimile. 1562. The Bible. CRANMER'S. Another copy of the preceding. Folio (12^-8 inches). 1562. Imperfect, wanting all before Ai (part of which is torn away), DD7, the title of New Testament, M3, Pi, and all after P2 ; several other leaves are mutilated. [38 A 19.] 1562. The Bible. CRANMER'S. Another copy of the preceding. Folio (i2 T V8-J- inches). 1562. Imperfect, wanting many leaves ; a poor and mutilated copy. [38 A 20.] 1566. The Bible. CRANMER'S. Printed at Rouen by C. Hamilton, at the cost and charges of Richard Carmarden. Folio (143-9;; inches). 1566. Imperfect, wanting four leaves : title, Aa2, Aa3, and the last leaf (table). [38 A 8.] 12 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. *** This volume, which is beautifully printed in a large and clean type on fine thick paper, is in excellent state. 1568. The Bible. PARKER'S, or the BISHOPS' BIBLE. Printed at London by Richard Jugge. Folio (15-10 J inches). 1568. Very imperfect, wanting : title, prolegomena, all before G7 ; A2, F7 and F8 of Part 3 ; P$ to P7 of the Apocrypha; and Ai and all after N8 of the New Testament. Many other leaves are mutilated. [38 B 7.] *** This is the first edition of the Bishops' Version, copies of which are rarely found in a perfect state. 1569. The Bible. CRANMER'S. Printed at London by Jhon Cawood. Quarto (7|-5f inches). [1569.] Imperfect, wanting : title and prolegomena, 887, 888, TT8, Ddd7, R 4 (Rev. xxii.), and the following two leaves, which are unsigned, being the Table to the Epistles and Gospels. [38 A 14.] *** This edition is sometimes confused with that of 1561 ; it may, however, be identified by the numbering of the folios, which is in ordinary figures; in the 1561 edition it is in Roman figures. J 573- The Bible. PARKER'S or the BISHOPS' BIBLE. Printed at London by Richard Jugge. Quarto (8J-6J inches). 1573. Imperfect, wanting: title and first eleven leaves of prolegomena, Ai, Fi, L 4 , N8, Pi, Y 3 , Y 4 ; I 3 , V8 ; A 2 , A 4 , K 5 , K6, and all after 67 (of the New Testament) ; portions of a number of other leaves are missing. [38 B 8.] 1577. The Bible. PARKER'S or the BISHOPS' BIBLE. [Probably printed by Richard Jugge.] Quarto (7-5 inches). 1577. Imperfect, wanting only title and last leaf with colophon, otherwise complete. Appended to this volume and preceding the Bible is * Proper Lessons and Calendar/ forming eight leaves, and the Book of Common Prayer in the same type as the Bible. Following the Bible is the Psalter, by Sternhold, Hopkins, etc. Printed by John Daye, London. 1579. Imperfect, wanting all after H 4 . [38 B 10.] 1583. The Bible. GENEVAN VERSION. 'The Third Part of the Bible (after some Division), conteining fiue excellent bookes, most commodious for all Christians. . .' Printed at London by Christopher Barker. In 8vo. ( 4T V 2 J inches). 1583. Imperfect ; the title is mutilated and the preface to the reader wanting. The volume also contains TOMSON'S New Testament of 1583, which is described under New Testaments. [38 C 18.] BIBLES. 13 *% This is a portion of one of the Bibles popularly known as the Breeches Bible. 1637. The Bible. Known as the Royal or AUTHORIZED VERSION appointed to be read in Churches. Printed by Thomas Buck and Roger Daniel, printers to the University of Cambridge. Quarto (8J-6J inches). 1637. The Bible has been divided into three volumes and inter- leaved with old paper. [38 B 11-13.] *** The dedication is to the High and Mighty Prince James. 1640. The Bible. The Royal or AUTHORIZED VERSION. Printed at London by R. Barker and the assignes of John Bill. Folio (i7f-n inches). 1640. [Case B.] # "% This is Bishop COMPTON'S copy, which was originally bound in silver and placed upon the altar on all the great festivals. When the cathedral was robbed in December, 1810, the massive covers were carried off by the thieves. The volume in its original condition is thus described in Malcolm's Londinium Redivivum, III., 144 : 'A Bible, with a silver gilt cover, representing a temple, with Moses and Aaron in the intervals between the columns, and Jacob's dream on one side, with the inscription, Verbum Domini manet in (sternum. On the other leaf, the prophet fed by a raven, and Habent Moysen et Prophetas : audiant tllos.' 1659-60. The Bible. The Royal or AUTHORIZED VERSION. Printed at Cambridge by John Field. Folio (17-11 1 inches). 1659-1660. [38 B 9.] +*+ A very fine and perfect copy. The first title bears the 1660 imprint, but the title of the New Testament and the colophon have 1659. The volume is bound in morocco, and on either side bears the following inscription : * Donvm Mariae HORNE vid : Relict : Roberti. Home civis et bibliopolae Lond : dicatum Altari Ecclesiae Cathedralis. Divi Pauli Lond : Anno Salutis. Christianae MDCCIIIII.' 1819. The Holy Bible. Two volumes, folio. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1819 (i8|-n|). 'This Bible was laid on the altar at the coronation of his Majesty King George IV. in Westminster Abbey, July 19, 1821, and became the property of James Webber, B.D., as Prebendary of Westminster.' Presented to the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul, London, to 14 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. be used for the daily service, by William Charles Fynes Webber, M.A., son of the above James Webber, minor canon and sacrist of S. Paul's. December 25, 1855. The volumes were used in the Cathedral from Christmas, 1855, to Christmas, 1871, when the new Lectionary was intro- duced, and were then placed by Mr. Webber in the library. They were originally bound in blue velvet, now in morocco. [2 A I, 2.] ^^^^ NEW TESTAMENTS. POLYGLOT. 1568. Novum Testamentum Polyglottum, Hebraica, Graeca, Latina. Immanuel TREMELLIUS. Heidelbergae, Karl Martias. Folio (16-11 inches). 1568. Imperfect, wanting only the first title, otherwise a very fine copy. The Testament is followed by ' Gfammatica Chaldaea et Syra Imm. Tremellii.' [2 B I.] GREEK TEXTS. 1524. Novi Testament! [Graeci] omnia. Basilese, Apud Jo. Bebelium. Mense Augusto An. 1524. 2 vols. 8vo. (6^-4 inches). [25 G. 18-19.] # * # The title of vol. i. bears a manuscript note, 'ex Biblio- theca Colbertina.' 1 536. Novum Testamentum [Graecum] per Des. Eras. Rotero. novissime recognitum. Antverpise, apud Martinum Cesarem. Anno Salutis 1536. 8vo. (5}~3 inches). Imperfect, wanting Ki, and all after Vv3 (probably only one leaf of the index). [36 GIL] 1550. Novum Jesu Christi D.N. Testamentum ex Biblio- theca Regia. Lutetise Parisiorum Ex Officina Roberti Stephani. Folio (12^-8^ inches). 1550. [3 C 9-] 1572. Novum Testamentum Graece cum Vulgata interpre- tatione Latina Graeci contextus lineis inserta. Ben Arise MONTANI Hispalensis. Antverpiae. Chris. Plantinus. Folio (i5i-i4i inches). 1572. [2 B 8.] **# This Testament is bound up with the Hebraicorum Bibliorum Veteris Testamenti Latina interpretatio, etc. 1571. 1576, Novum Testamentum [Graecum]. Obscurorum vocum et quorundam loquendi generurn accuratas partim suas partim aliorum interpreiationes margini adscripsit Henr. STEPHANUS. Lutetias. Henr. Stephanus. 8vo. (4f-3 inches). 1576. [38 C 33.] NEW TESTAMENTS. 15 1582. Novum Testamentum [Graecum] sive novum fcedus. Cuius Graeco contextui respondent interpretationes duae : una vetus : altera, nova Theodori BEZ^E, diligenter ab eo recognita. Eiusdem Th. Bezae annotationes quas itidem hac tertia editione recognovit. [Lutetiae Parisiorum. Robertus Stephanus.] Folio (i3^-8| inches). 1582. O C 15.] 1628. Novum Jesu Christi Domini Nostri Testamentum. Textui Graeco conjuncta est versio Latina Vulgata, summorum Pontificum Sixti V. and dementis VIII. autoritate edita et recognita. Quae sunt hoc tomo praestita, docebit sequens ad Lectorem epistola. Tomus Tertius. Lutetiae Parisiorum, Apud Claudium Sonnium, 1628. Folio (14-9 inches.) [30 A 1 6.] *** This is the New Testament portion or third volume of the Bible of this date. 1633. Novi Testament! [Graeci] Libri omnes, recens mine editi. Cum notis et animadversionibus doctissimorum ; praesertim vero Roberti Stephani, Josephi Scaligeri, Isaaci Casauboni. Variae item Lectiones ex antiquissimis exemplaribus et celeber- rimis Bibliothecis desumptae. Londini Apud Richardum Whittakerum Bibliopolam. 8vo. (6f\-4 inches). 1633. [26 G 34.] Appended to this volume is The Whole Book of Psalmes, collected into Eng. Meeter by T. Sternhold, J. Hopkins and others. London, printed by A. M. for the Companie of Stationers, 1647. 1633. Novum Testamentum [Graecum]. Ex Regiis aliisque optimis editionibus, hac nova expressum : cui quid accesserit, Praefatio docebir. Lugd. Bat. Ex Offtcina Elzeviriorum. 8vo. (4iV 2 ! inches). 1633. [38 C 35-] 1642. Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum variis lectioni- bus. R. STEPHANI. Lutetia Parisiorum, ex. typog. reg., 3 vols. Folio (i6]-io| inches). 1642. [i B 5-7.] *%. These three volumes comprise two copies of the Testa- ment : the first is interleaved and bound in 2 vols., lettered i and 2 ; the second copy is not interleaved, but is uniformly bound in i vol., lettered vol. 3. Both copies are copiously annotated in MS. by the Rev. Dr. Mangey. 1642. Novum Testamentum [Graecum] sive novum foedus. Cuius Graeco contextui respondent interpretationes duae : una veteris : altera nova Theodori BEZE diligenter ab eo recognita. Eiusdem Th. Bezae annotationes. Accesset etiam Joachimi Camerarii in Novum Foedus Commentariis. Cantabrigiae. Roger Daniel. Folio (13^-8^ inches). 1642. [2 C i.] 1 6 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1652. Novi Testament! [Graeci] Libri Omnes. Editio nova accurata. Londini, ex officina Rogeri Danielis. 1652. 8vo. (5f-3i inches). [36 H 17.] Appended to this copy is The Whole Book of Psalmes, collected into Eng. Metre by T. Sternhold, J. Hopkins and others. London, printed by the Companie of Stationers, 1654. 1665. Novum Testamentum Graecum. Cantabrigiae. J. Field. 1665. A small edition in 8vo. (5 T V 2 F inches), inlaid and mounted to folio size (i2f-8J inches). [2 C 2.] 1710. Novum Testamentum Graecum cum lectionibus varian- tibus MSS. exemplarium, versionum, editionum, SS. Patrum et Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum ; et in easdem notis. Accedunt loca Scripturae Parallela aliaque exegetica. . . . Studio et labore Joannis Millii S.T.P. . . . Roterodami, Apud Casparum Fritsch et Michaelem Bohm. Folio (i4-9^ inches). 1710. [6 C 8.1 1711. Novum Testamentum [Graecum] Post priores Steph. Curcellsei, turn et D.D. Oxoniensium labores; quibus Parallela Scripturae Loca, nee non variantes lectiones ex plus C. MSS. & antiquis versionibus collectse, exhibentur .... Cum prolegomenis G.D.T.M. [Gerardus De Trajecto Mosse] et notis in fine adjectis. Amstelaedami, ex officina Wetsteniana. i vol. in 2. 8vo. (6^-3^ inches). 1711. [22 G 12-13.] 1751. Novum Testamentum Graecum editionis receptae cum lectionibus variantibus Codicum MSS., Editionum, Aliarum Versionum et Patrum. Nee non commentario pleniore ex Scriptoribus veteribus Hebraeis, Graecis et Latinis .... Opera et studio Joannis Jacobi Wetstenii. Amstelaedami, ex officina Dommeriana. 2 vols. in 3. Folio (i3|-8J inches). 1751. [31 B 11-13.] Appended to this copy is Duse Epistolae S. dementis Romani, Discipuli Petri Apostoli, Quas ex codice manuscripto Novi Testamenti Syriaci nunc primum erutas, cum versione Latina apposita, Edidit Jo. Jacobus Wetstenius. Lugduni Batavorum. Typis Eliae Luzac Jun. (27 pp.). 1752. 1763. Novum Testamentum Graecum, ad fidem Graecorum solum Codicum MSS. nunc primum expressum, adstipulante Joanne Jacobo Wetstenio : Juxta sectiones Jo. Alberti Bengelii divisum ; Et nova Interpunctione ssepius illustratum. Accessere in altero volumine Emendationes Conjecturales. Virorum doctorumundecunquecollectae. Londini. Cura, Typis et sump- tibus G.B. 2 vols. 8vo, (6|-3^ inches). 1763. [25 G 3-4-] NEW TESTAMENTS. 17 1786. Npvum Testamentum Graecum e Codice MS. Alex andrino, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur. Descriptum a C. G. WOIDE. Londini. Folio ( 1 8-1 1 inches). 1786. [' A 3.] N.D. Noyum Testamentum Graecum. Without place, name of printer, or date [probably R. STEPHANUS]. 8vo. (6-3^ inches). Imperfect, wanting title and all before br, and all after Kkg, (S. Matthew commences on folio i (bi), with a space for the initial B five lines deep ; Revelation ends on folio 397a (HHio); after which follow the Lives of the Evangelists and an Analysis of the several Epistles, ending on KK^b). [38 C 35 to.] LATIN VERSION. 1540. Novum Testamentum Latinum, ad antiquissima Grsecorum exemplaria, quam diligentissime castigatum : inque Latinam phrasim transfusum, quicquid erat Idiotismi uel Graeci uel Hebraei. Quin & scripturarum concordantiis, una cum allusionibus, quam accuratissime illustratum. . . . Estque praefixa prsefatio, quse, praeter alia sacrarum literarum cognitu necessaria, argumenta quoque totius noui Instrument! ex ordine continent. Per B. Galterum Delaenum. . . . Excudebat Londini Joannes Mayler. Anno Dm". 1540. Quarto (9J-6J inches). Imperfect, wanting a2, and all after Nnn4. [26 E. 34.] LATIN AND GERMAN VERSION. 1556. Novum Testamentum Latino Germanicum, in usus studiosorum, nunc primum ordinatum & editum. Das gant/ Neiiw Testamet Latin unnd Teiitsch neiiwlich zu gutem den studierenden geordnet und aussgangen. Gedrucktzu Basel bey Niclaus Brylinger im jar 1556. 8vo. (6J-3J inches). [360.15.] GERMAN VERSION. 1591. Das Newe Testament D. Mart. Luther. Mit sonder- lichem Fleiss auffs neuw mit Figuren, jeder capitel summarien, Concordantzen und Zeiger aller fiir neiner Puncten der H. Schrifft .... Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn durch Nicolaum Bassaeum. 1591. 8vo. (6-4 inches). [56 G. 16.] DUTCH VERSION. 1553. Her Nieuwe Testament ons Heeren Jesu Christi. Antwerp, Jan Wijnrijer. 8vo. (15^-3 inches). 1553. [38 C 32.] 1 8 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. FRENCH VERSIONS. 1548. Le Nouveau Testament de nostre Seigneur Jesu Christ. [Founded upon COVERDALE.] Anvers, Mathieu Crom. 8vo. (6 T \-4 inches). 1548. [38 C 31.] 3.*^ The cuts in this edition are the same as those used in the 1538 English Coverdale. The volume is quite perfect and in excellent preservation. 1702. Le Nouveau Testament de Notre Seigneur Jesus- Christ. Traduit sur 1'ancienne edition latine. Avec des re- marques literales et critiques sur les principales difficultez. A Trevoux, De rimprimerie S.A.S. Et par les soins d'Estienne Ganeau, Directeur de la dite Imprimerie. 4 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. (6 T V4 inches). 1702. [9 G. 13-14.] 1710. Le Nouveau Testament de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ. Traduit en FranQois selon 1'Edition Vulgate, avec les differences du Grec. Nouvelle edition, revue. ... A Mons, chez Gaspard Migeot. 8vo. (5f\$J inches). 1710. [22 G. 22.] ITALIAN VERSION. 1576. II Nuovo Testamento di Giesu Christo Nostro Signore. Delia Stampa di Giov. Battista Pineroli. 1576. 8vo. (6^-4 inches). [36 G. 14.] ENGLISH VERSIONS. [ I 5 2 5?-] New Testament. TYNDALE'S. [Probably printed at Worms by Peter Schoeffer.] 8vo. (5 T Vsi inches). [1525.] Imperfect, wanting seventy-one leaves: title, Ai-A4, Bi, B8, Ci, C8, D8, Ei, E8, Fi, Fy, F8, PS, BBi, BB2, 667, blank leaf BBS, Hhi-Hh8, Ppi, Pp 2 , Pp3, and all after Pp6 (40 leaves). (These missing leaves have been supplied in facsimile from the Bristol copy by Mr. Francis Fry, and have been bound together in a separate volume.) [38 C i.] #% Tin's is a copy of the first complete English edition of the New Testament, and constitutes the * gem,' or, using the words of Ames, ' the phcenix of the library ;' only one other copy is known to have survived the flames that in the Baptist College, Bristol, which is almost perfect, wanting only the title-page. When this copy was first discovered by Dr. Cotton in 1821 it was in half-binding, lettered on the back ' Lant's Testament,' an entirr ly misleading title. Dr. Cotton, in describing the volume, says : ' Its former owner, as if afraid of a second Bishop Tonstall, has contrived most ingeniously to disguise and disfigure it by intermixing the leaves of the Gospels and Epistles with each other in the NEW TESTAMENTS. 19 strangest manner. Surely it well deserves to be carefully taken to pieces and examined . . .' This ill-advised suggestion has unfortunately been adopted ; the sheets have been arranged in proper sequence and the volume rebound, thus destroying what in all probability was a contemporary binding, and, what is even more to be deplored, the striking evidence that the copy originally afforded of the methods adopted to disguise and dis- figure the interdicted volumes in order to avoid detection in those early days of the Reformation, when the reading and possession of any part of the Bible in the vernacular tongue were strictly prohibited, and the search for copies vigorously carried out with a view to their destruction. Although the Testament bears no date, and we have no evidence that it was dated, certain events in the life of the translator, which have been brought to light during the present century, justify us in fixing the date of its production as * late in the year 1525.' That the volume was issued without any mention of the trans- lator's name is evident from Tyndale's own words (in 1528) in his preface to the ' Wicked Mammon ': ' The cause why I set my name before this little treatise, and have not rathef done it in the New Testament, is . . .' giving us undoubted proof of the purity of Tyndale's motives in undertaking this work, which was not intended to secure the fame of the translator. Tyndale had not laboured for money or applause, but with his character- istic unselfishness and noble disregard for fame was content that he himself should be forgotten if only the Word of God might be permitted to go abroad in the English tongue. This translation has been referred to, and not inappropriately, as the 'grand foundation-stone of England's greatness.' 1525. The New Testament. TYNDALE'S. Being a verbatim reprint of the first translation of the Testament published in [1525] by that eminent Scholar and Martyr, Wm. Tyndale. With a memoir of his life and writings by George OFFOR. London: Sam. Bagster. 1836. 8vo. (8f-6f inches). [38 C 29.] 1*4 The cuts and initial letters in this reprint are emblazoned in the same manner as the Bristol copy, and in the exact colours of it; a title-page has likewise been improvised from the various cuts ornamentally arranged. The text is unsatisfactory from a bibliographical point of view. 1525. The New Testament. TYNDALE'S. Facsimile texts. The first printed English New Testament. Translated by William Tyndale. Supposed to have been printed at Cologne in the year 1525. Photo-lithographed from the unique frag- ment now in the Grenville collection, British Museum. Edited by Edward Arber. Quarto (8{J-6J inches). London. 1871. [33 C 37.]. *"%. This fragment is highly interesting as being one of the 20 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. first sheets of the English New Testament thrown off by the press. Tyndale arrived at Cologne early in the year 1525, and at once commenced his labours by printing his New Testament. But little progress had been made when the work was interdicted, and Tyndale was compelled to fly to Worms for safety, taking with him as many of the printed sheets as he could secure. There is no evidence, however, that this edition was ever com- pleted. Before the close of the year, the great object of his life had been accomplished, in the putting forth of the complete New Testament, a copy of which has been described in the preceding note. 1534. The New Testament. TYNDALE'S. ' The Newe Testa- ment, dylygently corrected and compared with the Greke by Wyllyam Tindale : andfynesshed in the yere ofoure Lorde God A.M.D. & xxxiiii., in the moneth of November.' Printed at Antwerp by Marten Emperowr. 8vo. (sf-sj inches). Imperfect, wanting the last two leaves (Eey and Ee8). [38 C 2.] > # * # This is Tyndale's own second edition. 1536. The New Testament. TYNDALE'S. Name of place and printer unknown [but probably printed at London by Thomas Berthelet]. Folio (io|-6|f inches). [536. Imperfect, wanting eight leaves : Ai to A4, Aa4, and the three last leaves RRi-RR3. [ 3 8C2i.] 1536. The New Testament. TYNDALE'S. Known as the Blank Stone Edition. Name of place and printer unknown [but probably printed at Antwerp by William Vostermann or Symon Cowke]. Quarto (7 T V5l inches). 1536. Imperfect, wanting title, Wm. T. to the Christian Reader (three leaves), r8, Gi-G6, G8, 112, and all after 18. Seven of the missing leaves have been supplied by Mr. George Offor in facsimile, and are inserted Gi-G4, G6, G8 and H2. [ 3 8 C 22.]. #** This edition derives its name, ' The Blank Stone Edition,' from the fact that in the cut which precedes his Epistles the stone is blank upon which the Apostle Paul is resting his foot ; in other copies it has a mole or the engraver's initials in the blank space. Appended to this volume at the commencement is : The Book of Common Prayer, wanting the title and some preliminary leaves [probably printed by Barker about 1613]. This is followed by the Psalter after the Great Bible, printed by Robt. Barker, 1613. After the Revelation, 'Here folowe the Epistles taken out of the Old Testament, which are red in the Church after the use of Salysburye upon certayne dayes of the year"; and at the end of the volume, following the New Testament, is the Psalter collected into English meetre by Sternhold, Whit- NEW TESTAMENTS. 21 tingbam, and Hopkins, etc. London, for the Company of Stationers. 1614. 1536. The New Testament TYNDALE'S. Name of place and printer unknown. 8vo. (5f-3f inches). [1536.] Very imperfect, wanting all before D6 (S. Matt, xx.), t8, v4-v8, X2-X7, yi, y2, y5, yy, y8, and all after aa8. [38 C 24 ] I 53^ t - The New Testament. TYNDALE'S. Name of place and printer unknown. 8vo. (5-3-4 inches). 1536. Very imperfect and mutilated, wanting title and any pre- liminary leaves before *ii, Ni-N8, Q5, Ti-T8, 26-28, b8, h2-h8, 16, I;, t8, x 5 , zi. [38 C 23.]. x** This edition is not identical with the preceding. In certain points it agrees with the Spencer copy, and in other points it agrees with the Bristol copy; it is quite possible that it is a made-up copy. I 53 6 - The New Testament. TYNDALE'S. Name of place and printer unknown. A fragment of thirteen leaves, comprising *ii. to *viii. (W. T. to the Reader, An Exhortation by Erasmus Roterodamus, and the second title), Ai, A2 to A5, 63 and 64. 8vo. (5r3f inches). [1536.] [38 C 8.] *** This fragment is bound up at the commencement of the 1539 Testament, printed by M. Crom, and is a portion of the same edition as the Spencer copy, described by Mr. Francis Fry as No. 10. 1538. The New Testament. COVERDALE'S Version, with Tyn- dale's prologues. Printed at Antwerp by Matthew Crom. 8vo. (5|~3f inches). 1538. Imperfect, wanting : title and seven following preliminary leaves, Ai-Aiii, Ay, A8, Ii, 12, ly, 18, Ki, and K8. [38 C 3.] *** This edition is illustrated with some 200 woodcuts, be- sides ornamental initials and tailpieces. 1538. The New Testament. English and Latin. The English of Myles COVERDALE, with the Latin Vulgate. Printed at Paris by Fraunces Regnault for Richard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch, cytezens of London, in Novembre, 1538. 8vo. (6^V4f\ inches). [38 C 4.] 1538. The New Testament. English and Latin. The English of TYNDALE, with the Latin of ERASMUS. Printed at London by Robert Redman. Quarto (8|-6f inches). 1538. Imperfect, wanting six leaves : the four preliminary leaves comprising title, almanack and kalendar, Ai, and the last leaf. [38 C 5.] ;!c % A facsimile title by Mr. Geo. Offor has been inserted, which is a facsimile of the second title, varying considerably from the first. 22 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1538. The New Testament. English and Latin. The English of COVERDALE with the Latin Vulgate [revised] by Johan HOLLYBUSHE. Printed at London by James Nicholson. Quarto (7j-5| inches). 1538. Imperfect, wanting fourteen leaves : the six preliminary leaves, comprising title and prolegomena, JJ3-JJ6, Vvi, 2, 7, and 8. [38 C 6.] .% This is usually described as the second edition of the New Testament in Latin and English, after the Vulgate by Myles Coverdale, printed by Nicholson. Nothing is known of Hollybushe, whose name appears on the title-page, and it is now generally supposed to be a pseudonym adopted by Nicholson in consequence of the complaints of Coverdale against the in- accuracies in the former edition printed by him. J 539- The New Testament. COVERDALE'S. Printed at Antwerp by Matthew Crom. 8vo. (6-3^ inches). 1539. Imperfect, wanting title and all before 62, 63, Vi-V8, Xi-X3, X8, si and 2, and all after 54. [38 C 8.] .,."51. The illustrations in this copy are the same as those of the 1538 edition, but the type is larger. Appended to this copy is a fragment (thirteen leaves) of the 1536 Testament of Tyndale, which will be found described under that year. *539- The New Testament. COVERDALE'S. Another copy of the preceding. 8vo. (6-3^% inches). ' Very imperfect, having only 270 leaves, and wanting all before sig. C and many other leaves. [38 c 7 .] J 539- The New Testament. TAVERNER'S. A Revision of Matthew's version by Rycharde Taverner. Printed at London by Thomas Petyt for Thomas Berthelet. Quarto (7xf-5i\- inches). I 539- [38 C 9.] # * # An exceedingly fine copy in perfect state, which is pro- bably unique. 1549- The New Testament English and Latin. The English of TYNDALE with the Latin of ERASMUS. Printed at London by Wyllyam Powell. Quarto (8|-6J inches). 1549. Imperfect, wanting only the title. Appended to this volume and preceding the Testament is The Book of Common Prayer. London, Barker and Bill. Quarto (much cut down). 1639. And following the Testament is The Whole Book of Psalmes, by Sternhold, Hopkins, and others (with music). London, for the Company of Stationers. Quarto. 1639. [38 C 10.] NEW TESTAMENTS. 23 1550. The New Testament. English and Latin. The English of TYNDALE with the Latin of ERASMUS. Printed at London by Thomas Gaultier, pro I. C. 8vo. (y-J-ni- inches). 1550. Imperfect, wanting eleven leaves : title, folios i and 6 of the unsigned preliminary leaves, t%* 3 and 4, A8, Hh6-Hh8, lii, Ii2. (The title and A8 have been supplied in facsimile ) [ 3 8Cn.] *%. It has not yet been ascertained to whom the initials I. C. refer ; Lewis suggested John Cawood, others have suggested Sir John Cheke, but upon insufficient authority. Sir John Cheke did about this time translate a portion of the New Testament, but it is evident upon comparison that his transla- tion does not agrej with the present. 1550. The New Testament. CRANMER'S. Printed by Jhon Oswen of Worcester. 8vo. (7^-5^ inches). [1550.] A fragment of eight leaves, commencing on Ssi ('The notes and expositions of the darke places,' etc.), and ending on Ss8 with the colophon making one complete sheet. [38 C 34.] # % This seems to be quite a distinct edition from that described by Lea Wilson. 1551. The New Testament TYNDALE'S. Printed at London by John Daye. Quarto (10^-7 inches). 1551. [ 3 8Ci2.] +*+ Although this volume is lettered New Testament, and has the appearance of being a distinct edition, it is in reality the New Testament portion of Daye's Bible of 1551, which is determined from the colophon, ending ' The Ende of the Old and Newe Testament.' 1552. The New Testament. TYNDALE'S version revised by Jugge. Printed at London by Rychard Jugge. Quarto (7f-5f inches). 1552. Very imperfect, wanting title, and all before Cii, as well as the last leaf with colophon. [38 C 13-] # % Although the title and colophon is wanting, we find at the end of ' The Actes of the Apostles ' Jugge's large device, with the words * Imprinted at London by Rychard Jugge,' etc. Appended to this volume and preceding the Testament is The Psalter or Psalms of David . . . after the translation of the Great Bible. 410. Printed by Wm. Seres, London [71583]; following the Testament is The Whole Boke of Psalmes, by Sternhold, Whittingham. Hopkins, and others. 4to. Printed by Tohn Daye, London, 1580. Imperfect, wanting all after page 322. 1552. The New Testament. TYNDALE'S. Another copy of the preceding, measuring 8 T Vs inches. Imperfect, wanting eight leaves : title and first four leaves 24 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. of calendar, Ai, P5, Q8. A facsimile title in pen and ink has been supplied. Sig. ?5 has been made up by a leaf from the 1553 edition. [38 C 14.] Appended to this volume, following the Testament, is The Whole Boke of Psalmes,' by Sternhold, Hopkins, and others. 4to. Printed by John Daye, London, 1582. Imperfect, wanting all after H6. J 55 2 ? The New Testament. TYNDALE'S version revised by Jugge. Printed at London by Rychard Jugge. 8vo. (4yV3 inches). Without date [probably 1552]. Imperfect, wanting title and first portion of the Epistle to Edward VI., by R. Jugge, making evidently two leaves. As the preliminary leaves are unsigned, and no perfect copy is known, it is impossible to say with any degree of certainty what is missing. [38 C a S .] 1566? The New Testament. TYNDALE'S version revised by Jugge. Printed at London by Rychard Jugge. Quarto (8J-6 inches) [1566?]. Imperfect, wanting title and last leaf with colophon. A facsimile title has been supplied by Mr. Geo. Offor. [38 C 15.] Appended to this volume is The Psalter [Cranmer's]. Printed by Edw. Whytchurche, London. 4to. [probably 1550]. Imperfect, wanting title and all before A2, also A8, Di, D8. 1566. The New Testament. TYNDALE'S version revised by Jugge. Another copy of the preceding, measuring only 7^-5! inches. Very imperfect and much mutilated. [38 C 16.] In this volume, preceding the Testament is 'A Psalter,' printed in a bold black-letter type, probably by Jugge, in the same type as the 1568 Bishops' Bible. Imperfect, wanting title, colophon, etc. And following the Testament is The Psalter, preceded by Veni Creator, etc., in metre, with musical notation, and the Song of the Three Children. Very imperfect, wanting title, colophon, etc. J 575 ? - The New Testament. GENEVAN. 8vo. (5^-3^ inches). Probably printed abroad in the year 1575. Imperfect, wanting only the title. 138 C 28.] # *^. In this volume at the commencement are eight leaves of the ' Forme of Prayers according to the use of the English Church in Geneva,' bearing the imprint of Johne Ros for Henrie Charteris, 1575. NEW TESTAMENTS. 25 1582. The New Testament. RHEMISH VERSION. Printed at Rhemes by John Fogny. Quarto (8J-6J inches). 1582. [ 3 8Ci 7 .] *\ This is a translation from the Vulgate by Dr. William Allyn, being the New Testament translated in the English Colledge of Rhemes,' as the prefatory matter indicates. The Douay Old Testament portion was not published till 1609-1610. This copy, with the exception of a small portion of the title, which is missing, is perfect and in excellent condition. The New Testament. TOMSON'S Revision. Translated from the Greek into Latin by Beza, and Englished by Laurence Tomson. Printed at London by Christopher Barker. 8vo. (4 T V4 inches). 1583. Imperfect, wanting title and all after Ooy. The title has been supplied in facsimile. [38 C 18.] *\ This copy is bound up with the third part of the Genevan Bible printed by Barker in 1583, which will be found described under Bibles. 1596. The New Testament. TOMSON'S Revision. Printed at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker. Quarto 8lf-6f inches). 1596. [38 C 19.] 1605. The New Testament. TYNDALE'S, as printed by R. Jugge. Printed at London by the assignes of Robert Barker. 8v- (5jV3i inches). 1605. Imperfect, wanting only one leaf (N2). [38 C 20.] Appended to this volume is 'The Whole Booke of Psalmes,' collected by Sternhold, Hopkins, and others. Printed for the Company of Stationers. Quarto. 1605. 1608? The New Testament. TOMSON'S Revision. Printed at London by R. Barker. 8vo. (5^-3 J inches). [1608 ?J Imperfect, wanting title and all before Ci ; other leaves are slightly defective. [38 C 26.] Appended to this volume is * The Psalms/ by Sternhold, Hopkins, and others. Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1608. Imperfect, wanting about nineteen leaves at end. 1616? The New Testament. TOMSON'S Revision. Having the Junius version of the Apocalypse. [Probably printed at London by R. Barker.] 8vo. (5^-4 inches). [1616?] Imperfect, wanting title, and all before the twenty-first chapter ofS. Matthew (C6). [38 C 27.] *% The text of this copy is made complete by the insertion of a sheet of a much later edition. ?6 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. PARTS OF THE BIBLE, EARLY PRINTED CONCORDANCES AND OTHER RARE THEOLOGICAL TREATISES. 1500. Fisher (John), D.D., Bishop of Rochester. 'This treatise, concernynge the fruytfull saynges of Davyd the Kynge and prophete in the seven penytencyall psalmes. Devyded in seven sermons, was made and compyled by the ryght reverente fader in God, Johan Fyssher, docteur of dyvynyte and bysshop of Rochester . . .' Printed at London by Wynkyn de Worde. 8vo. (7 T V5T6 inches). 1508. [38 E 20.] *** A very fine and perfect copy. 1530?. Tyndale (William). 'An Exposicion upon the v., vi., vii. chapters of Mathew. Compyled by Wyllyam Tindale. Newly set forth and corrected according to his first copye.' Without place, name of printer, or date [but probably printed abroad about the year 1530]. 8vo. (SfVsl inches). [38 E 13.] ^^ This copy is in black letter, whilst the copy described by Cotton and Lea Wilson is in roman type. I 55- I 534- The Pentateuch. Translated by William TYNDALE. The Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy are in roman type; the Book of Numbers in gothic. Without place or name of printer [but probably printed by Hans Luft, of Marlborowe]. 8vo. (6-3! inches). 1530-1534. [38 E i.] *** A very fine and perfect copy, having the marginal notes intact, which in most copies are cut away, as directed by the Act of Parliament of 1542. Of the Book of Genesis two editions are known, the first edition, in gothic type, was issued in 1530, and the second edition, in roman, was issued in 1534 ; the copy contained in this volume is of the second edition. Of the other books no second edition is known to have been printed, and we may reasonably assume that this copy of the Pentateuch, with the exception of the Book of Genesis, is of the first edition, printed in 1530. This little volume ranks second only to Tyndale's Testament in point of interest, and is no less im- portant as a monument of the English language. 1535. The Concordance of the new testament, most necessary to be had in y e handes of all soche as in the comunyca- cion of any place contayned in y e new Testament. [By Thomas GYBSON.J Printed at London by Thomas Gybson. 8vo. (5f-3f inches). 1535. [38 E 31.] *** This is a copy of the first printed concordance of the English New Testament, and is based upon Tyndale's Version. Bale ascribes it to Coverdale, Barham to Tyndale ; we find, PARTS OF THE BIBLE. 27 however, in the Epistle to the Reader, written by Gybson, an intimation of his being the collector or compiler. There is no difficulty in accepting this theory, for he had the reputation of being not only a printer, but a scholar. 1536. Bible Histories. Printed at Antwerp by Symon Cowke. 8v - (5TF-33 inches). 1536. Imperfect, wanting about thirty leaves, including title ; (the colophon is intact). [38 E .5.] *% This volume is exceedingly rare. The colophon is sur- mounted by a woodcut representing S. Paul, identical in every way with that contained in the 1536 New Testament, known as the * Engraver's Mark Edition.' 1537. The bokes of Salomo, namely: Proverbia, Ecclesiastes. Sapientia, and Ecclesiasticus, of Jesus, the sonne of Sirac, Printed in Southwark by James Nicholson. 8vo. (SyVsl inches). 1537. [38 E 7.] *** A very fine and perfect copy. On folio 204 commences the ' Story of Bell,' which is the fourteenth chapter of Daniel, after the Latin, occupying six pages. 1538. [Ridley (Lancelot)]. Exposition of the Epistle of St. Jude. Printed at London by John Gowghe. 8vo. (5^-3!- inches). 1538. [38 E 2.] *% This is bound up with Tyndale's Exposition of the Epistles of St. John. 1538. Hierome, of Ferrarye. 'An Exposicyon upon the Li. Psalme. Made by Hierom. of Ferrarye. Printed in Parys [without name of printer]. 8vo. (6-J-4J inches). 1538. Imperfect, wanting only title, which has been supplied in facsimile. [38E2I.J #*+ The text is in Latin and English. 1 53%' [Sarcerius] Erasmus. 'Comon places of Scripture ordrely and after a compendious forme of teachynge set forth with no little labour, to the great profyte and helpe of all suche students in Gods worde as have not had longe exercyse in the same, by the ryght excellent clerke, Erasmus [Sarcerius]. Translated into Englysh by Rychard Taverner.' Printed at London by Johan Bydddl. 8vo. (5-3j inches). 1538. [38 E 19.] J 539- [Tyndale (William)]. Exposition of the three Epistles of St. John. [Printed at Southwark by James Nicholson.] 8vo. (SHI inches). 1539. Imperfect, wanting only title, otherwise perfect and in ex- cellent state. [38 E 2.] 1539. La Vie de nostre Seigneur Jesu Christ, par figures 28 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. selon le texte des quattre Evangelistes avec toutes les Evangiles, Epistres et Propheties de toute 1'annee chantee en 1'office de la Messe avec aucunes Oraisons. [Par F. Guillaume de Bran- teghem de Alost] Printed at Antwerp by Adrien Kempe and Matthieu Crome. 8vo. (6-3 J inches). 1539. [38 E 18.] 1540. Ridley (Lancelot). A Commentary in Englyshe upon Sayncte Paules Epystle to the Ephesyans. Per Lancelotum Ridleum, Cantabrigensem. Printed at London by Robert Red- man. 8vo. (5 T Vsi inches). 1540. [38 E 5.] 1540. [Luther (Martin)]. Exposition sur les deux Epitres de Sainct Pierre et sur celle de Sainct Jude : en laquelle tout ce qui touche la doctrine Chrestienne estparfaictementcompris Le tout traduit de Latin en Francoys et nouvellement imprime. Without place or name of printer. 8vo. (5-3 inches). 1540. [38 E 26.] **. Bound up with two other treatises of Luther, which are described in their proper chronological order (1545 and 1561). 540. Here begynneth the Proverbes of Salomon. Where- unto is added dyvers other Bookes of the Byble. Very good and profytable for every Chrysten man for to knowe. Prynted at London by Robert Redman. 8vo. (5^-3 - inches). 1540. Imperfect, wanting twenty-four leaves : title and all before 63, and all after T8. [38 E 8.] # %. This volume contains the five books of Solomon. 1542. Summaire, c'est une briefve declaration d'aucuns lieux fort necessaires a chascun chrestien, pour mettre sa confiance en Dieu, et a ayder son proclaim. G. Farel. No place. 1542. (5-3 inches). [38 E 26.] 1543. Melancthon (Philip). A newe work cocerning both partes of the sacrament to be receyved of the lay peple as well under the kind off wine as under the kind off bread, with certen other articles cocerning the masse and the auctorite off bysshops . . . made by Philip Melanchton and newly translated out off latyn. Without place or name of printer. 8vo. (5^-3! inches). 1548. [38 E 2 5 a.l 1545. [Luther (Martin)]. Enseignement tres utile tire' de la Saincte Ecriture, pour fortifier la personne a voulentiers mourir, & ne craindre point la mort.' Without place or name of printer. 8vo. (5-3 inches). 1545. [38 E 26.] 1546. Bale (John). The Actes of Englysh votaryes, compre- hendynge their unchast practyces and examples by all ages, from the worldes begynnynge to the present yeare, collected out PARTS OF THE BIBLE. 29 of their owne legendes and Chronycles. By Johan Bale. Printed at Wesel, without name of printer. 8vo. (5i-3j inches). 1546. [38 E 253.] 1548. Hooper (John). A Declaration of the ten holy comaunde- mcntes of allmygthye God. VVroten Exo. 20., Deu. 5. Col- lectyd out of the scripture Canonicall by Joanne Hopper. Without place or name of printer. 8vo. (5f-3f inches). 1548. [38 E 24.] 1548. Hooper (John). Another copy of the preceding, measuring (6J-3-JJ inches). Imperfect, wanting only the title-page, which has been sup- plied in facsimile. [38 E 23.] N.D. Hooper (John). Another copy of the preceding. 'Declara- tion of the Holie Commandements by John Houper.' Printed by Robert Waldegrave for Thomas Woodcocke. 8vo. (SyVsf inches). Without date. [38 E 25.] # * # This is a very much later edition than the two preceding copies. 1549. Ridley (Lancelot). 'Exposition upon the Epistle of Jude.' Printed at London by Wyllyam Copland for Rychard Kele. 8vo. (SyVsl inches). 1549. [38 E 3.] *% This is not a mere reprint of the 1538 edition, from which textually it differs considerably. 1549. Frellon (Joan). Retratos otablas de las historias del Testamento Viejo, hechas y dibuxadas por un muy primo y sotil artifice. Printed at Lyons by Johannes Frellon. 8vo. (7i-5 inches). 1549. [38 E i6.1 *% Each page is embellished with a spirited woodcut. 1550. The Boke of the Prophetes. (Esaye to Malachi.) This is undoubtedly the third part of TAVERNER'S Bible, pub- lished by J. Daye and W. Seres in five parts ; the title-page bears the date 1530, which is evidently a misprint for 1550. 8vo. (sJ-sf inches). [1550.] Imperfect, wanting all after FF8 (second chapter of Malachi). [38 E 9.] *** No perfect copy of this Bible is known. 1550. A briefe and compendiouse table, in a maner of a concordance, openyng the way to the principall histories of the whole Bible . . . Gathered and set furth by Henry BULLYNGER, Leo JUDE, Conrade PELLICANE, and by the other Ministers of the Churche of Tygurie, and now first printed in Englyshe. [To which is added] the third Boke of the Machabees, a booke of the Bible also printed unto this booke, which was never before translated or prynted in any 30 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Englyshe Bible. Printed at London for Gwalter Lynne. 8vo. (5l-3l inches). 1550. [38 E 30.] *% This is not the first English edition of the Third Book of Machabees, as set forth in the title-page, for Taverner had already included it in his 1549 Bible, in 5 vols. 1550. Marbeck (John). A Concordance, that is to saie, a worke wherein, by the ordre of the letters of the A B C, ye maie redely finde any worde conteigned in the whole Bible, so often as it is there expressed or mencioned. By Jhon Marbek. Printed at London by Richard Grafton. Quarto (iof-7 inches). 1550. [38 E 33-] *** This is the first English concordance to the entire Bible. The author's account of the undertaking is worthy of notice. When he had reached the letter ' 1,' his papers, including the MSS., were seized and confiscated, and in consequence he had to begin his concordance again. When completed, he showed it to a friend, who promised to assist him in getting it published by the king's authority. Before the work was finally published he found it necessary, by the advice of his publisher, to rewrite his manuscript, going over the same ground for the fourth time. The diligence and labours of such a man deserve to be recorded. The work refers to the chapters only, and not to the verses. 1550. Joye (George). The Exposicio of Daniell the Prophete, gathered out of Philip Melancthon, Jho Ecolampadius, Chonrade Pellicane, and oute of Jhon Draconite, etc. By George Joye. Piinted at London by Jhon Daie and Wylliam Seres. 8vo. (sj-3| inches). 1550. [3Ei2.] *% The title and a few other leaves are slightly wormed, otherwise the copy is perfect. 1550. Hooper (John). An oversighte and deliberacion upponthe holy prophet Jonas : made, and uttered before the kinges maiesty and his most honourable councell, by Jhon Hoper in lent last past. Comprehended in seven Sermons. Printed at London by Jhon Tisdale. 8vo. (5-3^ inches). 1550. [48E-H.] 1555. Fisher (John), D.D., Bishop of Rochester. This Treatyse, concernynge the fruytfull sayinges of Davyd the Kynge and Prophete in the seven penytencyall psalmes. Devided in vii. sermones, was made and compyled by the righte reverente father in God, John fyssher. Printed at London by Thomas Marshe. 8vo. (5^-3! inches). 1555. [38 E 14.] 1560. Pilkington (James), Bishop of Durham. 'Aggeus the Prophete declared by a large commentarye . . .' J. P. L. C. PARTS OF THE BIBLE. 31 [James Pilkington, Master of S. John's College, Cambridge, and afterwards Bishop of Durham.] Printed at London by William Seres. 8vo. (sjj- s| inches). 1560. [38 E 10.] 1563. A briefe and compendyouse table in a maner of a concordance openyng the way to the principall histories of the whole Bible . . . Gathered and set furth by Henry BULLYNGER, Leo JUDE, Conrade PELLICANE, etc. Printed at London by John Tysdale. 8vo. (5 -35 inches). 1565. [38 E 29.] .*. This is an imperfect reprint of the 1550 edition, previously described. Although the title sets forth that the Third Book of Machabees is added, it was not included in the volume. 1569. Luther (Martin). Traicte tres excellent de la liberte Chres- tienne, compose par Martin Luther : auquel est vivement descrite la justification de la Foy, et la fin ou se doivent reduire toutes bonnes ceuvres. Avec une epistre du dit Luther envoy^e an Pape Leo dixieme. Nouvellement traduit de Latin en Francois. Without place or name of printer. 8vo. (5-3 inches). 1569. [38 E 26.] 1572. Fisher (John). Psalmi seu precationes D. Joan. Fisheri, Episcopi Roffensis. Accessit imploratio divini auxilii contra tentationem ex Psalmis Davidis. Per Th. MORUM. Lugduni : Sebastianum Gryphium. 8vo. (4yV 2 Ti inches). 1572. [38 E 27.] 1580? Hooper (John). Certeine Expositions of the constant Martyr of Christ, Master John Hooper, sometime Bishop of Gloucester and Worcester, upon the 23, the 62, the 72 and the 77 Psalmes of the Prophet David. [Printed at London by H. Middleton.] Quarto (7 T V5i inches). [1580.] Imperfect, wanting title and all after folio 127. [38 E 22.] 1581. Anderson (Anthony). The Shield of our Safetie : Set foorth by the Faythfull Preacher of Gods holye Worde, A[nthony] Anderson, upon Symeons sight, in his Nunc dimittis. Printed at London by H. Jackson. Quarto (7jVs inches). 1581. [38 E 22.] 1586. Ridley (Nicholas), Bishop of London. A breef declaration of the Lordes Supper. Written by the singular learned Man and most constant martyr of Christe : Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London. Printed at London for Abraham Veale. Svo, (5&-3f inches). 1586. [38 E 25.] 1587. Fenner (Dudley). The Song of Songs, that is, the most excellent song which was Solomons, translated out of the Hebrue into Englishe meeter with as little libertie in departing 32 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. from the wordes ... By Dudley Fenner. Printed at Middel- burgh by Richard Schilders. 8vo. (5f-3| inches). 1587. [38 E 6.] 1590. Chronographia. A Description of time, from the begin- ning of the world unto the yeare of our Lord 137. . . . Collected out of sundrie authors, but, for the greatest part abridged and translated out of Laurentius Cedomannus, his Annales sacrse Scripturae. Second edition, corrected and aug- mented. Printed at London by Richard Field for Robert Dexter. 8vo. (6-4 inches). 1590. [38 E 17.] 1591. Turnbull (Richard). An Exposition upon the Canonicall Epistle of Saint Jude. By Richard Turnbull. Printed at London by John Windet. 8vo. (5|-3f inches). 1591. A small portion of the first two leaves is missing, the copy is otherwise perfect. [38 E 4.] 1629. Saravia (Hadrian). Vindiciae Sacrae. A Treatise of the Honor and Maintenance due to Ecclesiastical persons. Done out of the Latin of that famous Divine of Holland, H. Saravia, sometime Prebend of Canterbury. To which is added : An Appendix to Saravia ; Answering foure maine Arguments which Usurpers of the Churches Right usually alledge. Printed at London by T. Coates and R. Coates for James Boler. 8vo. (SrVaf inches). 1629. [38 E 25.] 1657. Bennet (Robert), B.D. A Theological concordance of the synonymous terms in the Holy Scripture. By R. Bennet, B.D. Printed at London by J. Streater. 8vo. (6^-4^ inches). 1657. [38 E 32.] 1665. The Four Gospels, in Gothic and Anglo-Saxon. By Francis JUNIUS. With notes, etc., by Thomas MARSHALL. To which is added a Gothic glossary by Francis Junius. Printed at Dordecht by H. and J. Essaei. Quarto (8-6 inches). 1665. [38 C 30.] 1777? A List of various editions of the Bible, and parts thereof, in English, from the year 1526 to 1776. From a MS. (No. 1,140) in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, much enlarged and improved. [London.] 8vo. (8 T V5J inches). [1777.] [38 E 28.] 1872. Loftie (William J.). List of a Collection of Bibles, chiefly of the Authorised Version. [By W. J. LOFTIE.] 8vo. London. (5^-4^ inches.) 1872. [38E S5 r.] *** Of this list only 50 copies were printed, 25 of which were destroyed by Mr. Loftie's own hands. LITURGICAL AND OTHER RARE BOOKS, CHIEFLY THEOLOGICAL, WITH A FEW IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPTS. CONTEN TS. PAGE SERVICE BOOKS AFTER THE USE OF SALISBURY - - 35 RITUALS, INCLUDING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEVOTIONS - 38 SERMONS, WITH TRACTS AND TREATISES, CHIEFLY THEO- LOGICAL - - 48 INDEX EXPURGATORIUS - 56 LITURGICAL BOOKS - - 57 ROMAN : MISSALS, BREVIARIES, AND OTHER RITUAL BOOKS - 57 GREEK CHURCH, AND ORIENTAL LITURGIES - - 60 ENGLISH, IRISH, AND SCOTTISH RITUALS - 61 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER - 63 BOOKS UPON LITURGICAL SUBJECTS - 65 A FEW IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPTS ----- 66 SERVICE BOOKS AFTER THE USE OF SALISBURY. [1510.] Hore beatissime v'ginis Marie ad usurn Sarisburiesis ecclesie accuratissime ipresse cu multis orationib' pulcherrimis et indulgentiis iam ultimo recenter insertis. [Printed at Paris by Thielman Kerver for William Bretton, of London.] 8vo. (6-4| inches). [1510.] Imperfect, wanting by and 8, 12, qi and 8, r8, and all after y8. Thirteen leaves (a2 to 8 and bi-6) are misplaced, and will be found following k8 ; of these a2 to 8 are mutilated and partly missing. [38015-] *% The copy has been badly cropped; the ornamental borders at the head of the pages have been cut into. 1524. Hore Beate Marie Virginis. Colophon: Expliciunt Hore diue Virginis Marie, secundum ritum insignis ecclesie Saru. Anno M.ccccc.xxiiii. . . . [Printed at Paris by Francis Regnault.] Quarto (7^-5-4- inches). 1524. Very imperfect, wanting all before Fi, My and 8, N2, 3, 5 to 8, ?3, P6 to 8, and all between P 8 and U4 (except folios 127 and 128), U6, 7 and 8, Xi, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8. [ 3 8 1) J2.] *\ Printed in the same beautiful type as that used by Regnault in the 1534 Missal. Z 5 2 5- Hymnorum cum notis Opusculum secundum usum insignis ecclesie Sarisburiensis : diurno servitio per totius anni circulum apprime necessarium et ad cocinnentium confortatione nouissime ia Antwerpie plurimis quidem eliminatis mendis typis exaratum. Impensis honesti viri Francisci brykman ciuis Colonien. Quarto (7^-5 i inches). 1525. [38 F 23.] 1528 Processionale ad usum Sar' p reuerendissimu in Christo patre dnm nrm dominum episcopu de Wintofi castigatum ac nouiter impressum. 1528. Christopher' Ruremudefi. Quarto (7^-5^ inches). [38 K 23 b.] 36 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. [1533.] Hore beate Virginis Marie (ad usum sacrosancte ecclesie Sarum) iam sequuntur. Printed at London by Robert Wyer. 8vo. (4^-3 J inches). [1533.] 1 Imperfect, wanting only the title-page. [38 D 1 8.] 1534. Missale ad usum Ecclesie Sarisburiensis. Parisiis. Fran- ciscus Regnault. Folio (n|-8| inches). 1534. Imperfect, wanting A3 and A4 of part i, 1)3, D4, F8, and Gi of part 3 ; the two leaves 05 of part 2, and A2 of part 3 have been mutilated by cutting out the woodcuts in the text. [38 D 4.] # % Although slightly wormed in parts, this is on the whole a very fine copy of one of the most beautifully printed of the Salisbury Missals. 1538. [Here after foloweth the Prymer in Engysshe and in latin sette out alonge : after the use of Sarum. M.D.xxxviii.] Colophon : Imprynted in Paris be me Fransses regnault, of our Lorde. mil. d. xxxviij. 8vo. (6^-4 inches). 1538. Imperfect, wanting all before By, GS, D4, 2, F4, G2 and 5, Hi and 4, Ii, K$ t M6. [38 D 25.] 1543. The Prymer in Englyshe and Laten after the use of Sarum. Printed at London by Thomas Petyt. Quarto (8J-6J- inches). 1543. Imperfect, wanting all before Ay (probably six leaves). At the end of the volume are the two following appendices : i ' An Exposycyon after the maner of a contemplacyon upon the Psalme called " Miserere Mei Deus " which Hierom of Fer- rarye made at the latter end of his dayes.' [Having a distinct colophon.] 2 Here beginneth the Epystles and Gospels of every Son- day, and holy day in the yeare. Printed by T. Petyt, uniform with the Primer, but without date. [1543.] Imperfect, wanting all after 65 (three leaves). [38 D 9.] *** The appendices were printed separately, and were only occasionally annexed to the Primer. 1554. Portiforium seu Breviariu ad usum ecclesie Saris- buriensis, castigatum suppletu marginalibus quotationibus ador- natum, ac nunc primum ad verissimurn ordinalis exemplar in suum ordinem a peritissimis viris redactum. Parisiis : Per Magdalenam Boursette vidua Francisci Regnault. 8vo. (sf-3j inches). 1554. [3* D 5-] 1554. Manuale ad usum percelebris ecclesie Sarisburiensis. Londini noviter Impressum [probably by Richard Grafton]. Quarto (8-5^ inches). 1554. SERVICE BOOKS AFTER THE USE OF SALISBURY. 37 Imperfect, wanting all before ai, 115, and all after n (prob- ably only one unnumbered leaf). [38 D i-.] ^% Although this edition does not bear the printer's name, it has the compartment ot Richard Grafton's device. 1554. Horae [Beatae Mariae Virginis in usum Ecclesie Saris- buriensis]. [Probably printed at London by Thomas Petyt.] 8vo. (6|-4j inches). 1554. Imperfect, wanting all before 05 (folio 29), and all after 5 (folio 173, missigned 163 roman). [38 D 10.] 1555. Missale ad usum Ecclesie Sarisburiensis. [Londoni per Joannem Kyngston et Henricum Sutton.] Quarto (8-6{ inches). 1555. Imperfect, wanting all before Ai except the last leaf but one (including title, calendar, and part of Benedictio), and the last leaf (r8), probably blank. [38 D 3.] [ I 555-] The Primer in Latin and English (after the use of Sarum), with many godlye and devoute prayers. Printed at London by John Wayland. Quarto (7^-5^ inches). [i555-] Imperfect, wanting all before *i ('A right Godly rule'), 41 4, 04. M3 and li are partly missing. Appended to the Primer is : ' A Plaine and godly treatise concernyng the Masse and the blessed Sacraments of the aulter, for the instruccyon of the simple and unlearned people.' Beginning on Ri. Imperfect, wanting title (if any), zi, and all after Z4 (prob- ably only one leaf). [38 D 8.] *** No mention is made in the table of contents of this * Treatise on the Mass.' I 555- [Portiforium seu Breviariu ad usum ecclesie Saris- buriensis, castigatum suppletu marginalibus quotationibus ador- natum, ac nunc primum ad verissimum ordinalis exemplar in suum ordinem a peritissimis viris redactum.] Parisiis : Per Magdalenam Boursette vidua Francisci Regnault. 8vo. (SyVsi inches). 1555. Imperfect, wanting only the title-page. [38 D 6.] ..jc** This is a later impression of the 1554 edition, which has already been catalogued in its proper chronological order, and differs only in point of date. This copy bears the date of 1505 in the colophon, which upon close inspection will be found to have been tampered with ; the central figure 5 has been carefully erased and replaced by a cipher, making 1505 in lieu of 1555. 1556. Portiforium seu Breviarium, ad insignis Sarisburiensis 38 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. ecclesie usum : accuratissime castigatum, cum multis annotaciu- culis ac litteris Alphabeticis, Evangeliorum, & Epistolarum capitulorum originem indicantibus, que nusquam hucusque addite. Londini : per Joannem Kyngston et Henricum Sutton. Quarto (8|~6 inches). 1556. [38 D 2.] J 556. If Portiforium seu Breuiarium ad usum ecclesie Saris- buriensis castigatum suppletum marginalibus quotationibus ador- natum ac nunc primum ad vetustissimum ordinalis exempla in suum ordinem a peritissiinis viris redactum. Pars Estiualis. Robert Valentin, Rothomagi. 1 Apud Robertum Valentinianum Florentium filium eius. 1556. Quarto (44-3 inches). [38 F 22.] RITUALS, INCLUDING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEVOTIONS. 1506. Missale Romanum noviter impressum cum quibusdam missis denovo additis multuque devotis : adjunct, figuris pulcher- rimis in capite missarum festivitatum solennium : tit patebit inspicienti. Venetiis per dominum Bernardinum Stagninum. 8vo. (sf-4 inches). 1506. [38 H 6.] 1508. Manipulus Curatorum per Guidonem de Monte Rocherii. Printed at London by Richard Pynson. 8vo. (5^-3! inches). 1508. [38 D 14.] **# A fine and perfect copy of this work, which was very popular at the close of the fifteenth century, but which is now scarce, as only three or four copies of the early editions are known to exist. T 53 6 - Prymer in Latin. Colophon : Imprinted at Londo in Fletestrete at the sygne of the Sonne / ouer agaynst the Condyth / by me John Byddell, 1536. 8vo. (3|-2j inches). 1536. Imperfect, wanting all before bi ; part of li is also wanting. [38 D 19.] [ I 539-J Prymer in English. 8vo. (3|-2j^ inches). Circa 1539. Imperfect, wanting eleven leaves (including title) of sigs. A, B, and C, Fi and 2, M8, Ni to 8, Oi to 8, Pi, Xi, and all . after X6. (ui and 3 partly missing.) [38 D 20.] *% The volume begins : ' To serue our Lorde, with good,' etc. ; and ends on X6 b with : ' have some good thoughtes there of (in ' Thoughts to have in the church '). N.D. Breviarium secundum usum et consuetudinem maioris ecclesie Trajectensis. Pars Hyemali's. Sancte Martine, Orate pro nobis. [Woodcut of S. Martin dividing his cloak.] Colophon. RITUALS, INCLUDING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEVOTIONS. 39 Breuiarii sacre Traiectesis ecclesie summis vigiliis de verbo ad verbum nouissime emedata deo duce hie sua capit periodu. Impressa vero. [No date or place.] Quarto (4|-3j inches). [36 H 57.] 1540. The Epistles and Gospelles, with a brief postil upon the same from after Easter tyll Advent, which is the Somer parte, set forth for the singuler comoditie of all good christen men and namely of Prestes and Curates . . . [By Richard TAVERNER.] Printed at London by Richarde Bankes. Quarto (7rSi inches). [1540.] [38 D 29.] 1540. The Psalter or boke of Psalmes both in Latyn and Englyshe wyth a Kalendar, & a Table the more easlyer and lyghtlyer to fynde the psalmes contayned therein. Printed at London by Richard Grafton. 8vo. (5^-3! inches). 1540. Imperfect, wanting all after q; (folio 127), probably only one leaf. [38 D 13.] 1542. The Prymer in Englyshe and Latyn wyth the Epystles and Gospelles : of euerye Sonday, & holye daye in the yere, and also the exposycion upon Miserere mei deus. wyth many other prayers + . Printed in London by Wyllyam Bonham. Quarto (7i-5l inches). 1542. Imperfect, wanting N4 and 5. [38 D 7.] *% The Prymer ends on T4 a ; then follow the Epystles and Gospelles, beginning on Ai and ending on F4. 1548-49. The forme and maner of makyng and conse- cratyng of Archebishoppes, Bishoppes, Priestes, and Deacons. Printed at London by Richard Grafton. Quarto (7i-5f inches). 1549. Quite perfect. 64 is misplaced, and follows A4- Appended to this volume, and following the ' forme of Ordinal,' is : The Order of the Communion, consisting of nine leaves. Printed at London by R. Grafton. 1548. [38 D 30.] I 55- The Epystles and Gospels of every Sondaye and holye daye thorowoute the hole yere, After the use of the Church of Englande. Printed at London by Thomas Raynalde. 8vo. (5A-3i inches). 1550. [38 V 34-] [ T 55 0? ] The Psalter of David in english truly translated out of Latyn, Every Psalme havynge his argument before, declaryng brefely thentet and substaunce of the whole Psalme. Whereunto is annexed in thende certayne godly prayers thoroweout the whole yere, comenly called collettes. Printed at London by Edwarde Whytchurch. 8vo. (sf-3f inches). Without date [circa 1550]. [38 D 41.] 40 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. +*+ The volume is slightly wormed in parts. The title and a few pages have been mended ; otherwise it is quite perfect. [ 553 ? ] Book of Common Prayer. This is an imperfect copy of the reprint by E. Whitchurch, in quarto, of the Second Prayer Book of Edward the Sixth. No pagination ; printed in long lines ; 37 and 38 lines to a full page. The Psalter has been separately bound , and the remainder of the book, which is very imperfect, has been bound up with a Bible already described. (See Cranmer's Bible, 1550, supra, p. 9.) There is wanting all before Bij, B8, M8, and all N. The Psalter has a separate title : The Psalter or Psalmes of David, after the traslacion of the great Byble, poynted as it shalbe sayed or song in Churches. Quarto (8 T V5|- inches). London. 1553? [38 D 38 and 38 A 10.] A copy of this edition, wanting the title-page, and folios a. j and a. ij, will be found in the British Museum. [C 23, b 26.] In this case also the Psalter has been transposed, though it still forms but one volume. 1556. Breviarium Romanum ex Sacra potissimum Scriptura, et probatis Sanctorum historiis nuper confectum, ac denuo per eundem auctorem accuratius recognitum. Venetiis in officina ad signum Agnus Dei. 8vo. (6-4 inches). 1556. [38 H 5.] *** This is one of the editions of Cardinal Quignon's re- cension of the Roman Breviary. 1557. Breviarium Romanum optime recognitum : in quo Commune sanctorum cum suis psalmis, nonulle octave, Tabula parisina, Officiuque nominis Jesu, Desponsationis marie, & alia multa, que in ceteris desiderabantur, nuper sunt accomodata. Venetiis in Officina heredum Luce Antonii Junte. 8vo. (5TT-4 inches). 1557. [38 D 52 a.] *** A very fine and perfect copy. The sides of the original binding, with representations of the Crucifixion and the B.V.M., have been ingeniously preserved, and utilised as panels to the modern binding. 1558. Certaine Godly and devout prayers. Made in latin by the Reverend father in God, Cuthbert TUNSTALL, Bishop of Durham, and translated into Englishe by Thomas PAYNELL, clerke. Printed at London by John Cawoode. 8vo. (5%~32 inches). 1558. Appended to this volume is : ' Psalmes or Prayers taken oute of holy scripture.' Printed at London [probably by Thomas Berthelet], but without printer's name. 8vo. (uniform with above). 1556. [38 D 23.] 1560. Orarium Sev Libellvs Precationum per Regiam maiestatem, RITUALS, INCLUDING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEVOTIONS 41 Latine aeditus 1560. Londini ex officina Wilhelmi Seres typo- graphi. 8vo. (5^-3^ inches). 1560. [38 D 16.] 1561. The Forme of Prayers and Ministration of the Sacra- mf'ts, &c., sed in the English Church at GENEVA, & approved by the famous & godlie learned man, John CALVIN. Where- unto are also added the prayers which thei use there in the French Church. . . Printed at Geneva by Zacharie Durand. 8vo. (4^-3 inches). 1561. [38 D 45-] *\ This and the following two works are bound up in one volume. 1561. The Catechisme of Maner to teache children the Christian religion : wherein the Minister demandeth the question, and the Childe maketh answer. Made by the excellent Doctor and Pastor in Christs Church, John CALVIN. Printed at Geneva by Zacharie Durand. 8vo. (uniform with the preceding). 1561. [38 D 45-] 1561. Foure Score and seven Psalmes of David in English Mitre, by Thomas STERNHOLDE and others : conferred with the Hebrewe, and in certeine places corrected, as the sense of the Prophet requireth. Printed at Geneva by Zacharie Durand. 8vo. (uniform with the preceding). 1561. [38 D 45-] *** This and the two preceding works are bound up in one volume. 1563. A Fourme to be used in Common Prayer twyse aweke, and also an order of publique fast, to be used every Wednesday in the weeke, duryng this tyme of mortalitie, and other afflictions, wherewith the Realme at this present is visited. . . Printed at London by Richard Jugge and John Cawood. Quarto (7f-5t inches). 1563. Imperfect, wanting, Ai and C4 (both probably blank leaves). Appended to this volume is The Seconde Tome of Homelyes of such matters as were promised and Intituled in the former part of Homelyes, set out by the aucthoritie of the Queenes Maiestie. Printed at London by Richard Jugge and Jhon Cawood. Quarto (uniform with the preceding). 1563. [38 I) 28.] 1566. De Psalmen Davidis, in Nederlandischer sangs-ryme, door Jan VVtenhoue [UTENHOVE] van Ghentt. Ghedruckt to Londen by Jan Daye. 8vo. (5-3^ inches). 1566. Appended to the Psalter are : 1. Formulier Kerchendienstes. Londen : Jan Daye. (Uniform with the preceding.) 1566. 2. De Kleyne Catechismus, Kinder of bericht leere der Duytscher Ghemeynte to London. Ghemaeckt door Marten 42 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. MICRON. Londen : Jan Daye. (Uniform with the preceding.) 1566. [38 D 43.] 1568. Preces priuatae, in studiosorum gratia collects, & Regia authoritate approbate. Math. 26. Vigilate & orate ne intretis in tentationem. Londini ; Excudebat Gulielmus Seresius. Anno 1568. Colophon : Londini Per Gulielmum Seresium, sub signo Herinacei in ccemiterio Paulino Anno 1668 (sic). 8vo. (3^-2! inches). 1568. Sheets Kk and LI are misplaced, and will be found between E and F; the volume is otherwise perfect. [ 3 8 D 22.] [1569.] Christian Prayers. Printed at London by John Daye. Quarto (7^-4! inches). [1569.] Imperfect, wanting all before AT, A3 and 4, Bi, 4, G4, Ri and 4, Vi and 4, Xi and 4, Zi and 4, Aai to Aa4, Bbi to Bb4, Cci to Cc3. [38 D 24.] ;,.* # This is a copy of the extremely rare first edition of * Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book,' or, as Dibdin gives it, ' The Prayer Book of the Virgin Queen,' the fourth edition of which he fully describes in the Decameron. The pages throughout are embellished with a number of very fine and sharp woodcuts, which are well worthy of notice. This first edition seems never to have come under the notice of either Ames, Herbert, or Dibdin. 1574. A briefe and necessary Catechisme, or Instruction Verye needefull to bee knowen of all Householders, Whereby they maye the better teach and instruct their Families, in such pointes of Christian Religion as is most meete. . . Printed at London by John Awdely. 8vo. (5f-3f inches). 1574. Imperfect, wanting one leaf Bi. Appended to the Catechism are : 1. Godlye private Praiers for Householders to meditate upon and to say in their Families. London : J. Awdely. 1574. 2. A comfortable Sermon of Faith in temptations and afflictions. Preached at St. Botulphes 15 Feb., 1573, by William FULKE, D.D. London: J. Awdely. 1574. 3. A Lecture or exposition upon a part of the V chapter of the Epistle to the Hehrues. Set forth as it was read in Paulrs Church in London, the 6 Dec., 1573, by Edward DERYNG. London: J. Awdely. 1574. [38 D 50.] 1576. A Brief Fourme of Confession, instructing all Christian folke how to confesse their sinnes, and so to dispose themselves, that they may enjoy the benefice of true penace, dooing the woorthy frutes thereof, according to th'use of Christes Catholique Church. Newly translated into English. . . By John FOULER. RITUALS, INCLUDING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEVOTIONS. 43 Printed at Antwerp by John Fouler. 8vo. (4^-2! inches). 1576. [38 E 49-] 1581. A godlie and necessarie Treatise touching the use and abuse of praier, which may verie conveniently be bound with anie praier booke of the like volume. Compiled and made by Thomas KNELL the elder. Printed at London by Henrie Denham. 8vo. (3|-2f inches). 1581. Appended to this treatise is : The Comentarye or exposition of Wolfegang MUSCULUS upon the LI Psalme. Newlye trans- lated out of Latine into Englishe the xii of Dec., 1565. Printed at London by Richard Serle. Imperfect, wanting all after L3 (probably 5 leaves). [38 E 48.] J 5 8 5- The English Creede consenting with the true auncient catholique, and apostolique Church in al the points and articles of Religion which everie Christian is to knowe and beeleve that would be saved. By Thomas ROGERS. The First Parte. Printed at London by John Windet for Andrew Maunsel. Quarto (n-yf inches). 1585. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf (title). The copy is some- what mutilated, although only one leaf is actually missing. [38 E 323.] 1586. A booke of the forme of common prayers, adminis- tration of the Sacraments, etc., agreable to Gods worde, and the use of the reformed Churches. Printed at Middelburgh by Richard Schilders. 8vo. (sJ-3f inches). 1586. [38 D 48.] 1590. Christianae pietatis prima institutio ad usum scholarum latine scripta. By Alexander NOWELL (Dean of St. Paul's). Printed at London by John Wolff for the Assignes of Richard Day. Svo. (5 T V3l inches). 1590. [38 D 49.] *% An abridgment of Nowell's larger Catechism, known as the ' Middle Catechism.' 1592. Perkins. Upon the Lords Praier : By order of Catechising, devided into three parts : the first is the Commandements : the second, the Creed : and the third, the doctrine of the Lord's Praier. Printed at London by R. B., and are to be solde by Edward White at the little North doore of Pauls at the signe of the Gun. Svo. (5yV~4-J inches). 1592. Imperfect, wanting J; and 8 (the two last leaves probably blank). [38 E 38.] L I 595 ? ] Cy comence les Heures nostre Dame a lusaige des Sees toutes au log nouvellemet imprimees a Roue. A Rouen chex Nicolas Mulot. Svo. (sf-3f inches). [^595?] 44 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Appended to the above is c La Vie ma dame saincte Mar- guerite vierge & martyre. Avec son Antienne & Oraison.' On les ved a Rouen chez Nicolas Mulct. Uniform with the pre- ceding. [Circa 1595.] [ 3 8Di 7 .] #% On the verso of the last leaf of the ' Life of S. Margaret ' is a wood-cut purporting to represent the exact size of the wound in the side of the Redeemer. A facsimile of the wood- cut, with a paper by W. Sparrow Simpson on the ' Devotion to the Sacred Wounds,' will be found in \h^ Journal of the British Archceological Association, vol. xxx., pp. 357-374. The tract is rare. 1 60 1. Alphabet of Praiers. Dedicated to Lord Robert DUDLEY, Earle of Leicester, by I. C., whose initials appear at the end of the dedication. The volume contains ' Twelve briefe praiers upon the Right Honourable the Earle of Leicester his noble . name R. D.' Printed at London by P. Short. . . . 8vo." (3f-2f inches). 1601. Imperfect, wanting Ai (the first leaf). Appended to the Alphabet is : ' This Booke is called the Treasure of Gladness, and seemeth by the copie, being a verie little Manuell, and written in Velam, to be made above cc. yeeres past at the least. Whereby it appeareth how God in olde time and not of late onely, hath beene truely confessed and honoured. The Copie heereof is for the antiquitie of it pre- served, and to bee scene in the Printers' Hall. First Imprinted Anno 1563, and newlie Imprinted 1601. Imperfect, wanting Ai, and all after 16 (probably only two leaves). [38 D 21.] 1 60 1. Sacerdotale uulgp manuale, seu agenda sacerdotum, ad usum Ecclesiae et Dicecesis Parisiensis, rationem & modum Sacramenta Ecclesiastica ministrandi continens, Paroechis omni- bus, & quibus incumbit animarum cura necessarium. Authoritate Reverendi in Christo Patris D. Domini Henrici de GONDY, Parisiensis Episcopi, restitutum. Parisiis apud Claudium Chapelet. Quarto (pf- 6 J inches). 1601. [38 D i.] *** A very fine and perfect copy, printed in black and red. 1616. La Liturgie Angloiseou le livre des Prieres Publiques de 1'administration des Sacramens & autres Ordres & Ceremonies de 1'Eglise d'Angleterre. Nouvellement traduit en Francois par 1'ordonnance de sa Maiestie d'Angleterre. A Londres, Jehan Bill. Quarto (7f-5f inches). 1616. Appended to the Liturgie is 'Le Livre des Pseaumes du David.' A Londres, Jehan Bill. Quarto (uniform). 1616. [38 H i.] 1621. Psalms and Hymns with the Music, in four parts [four RITUALS, INCLUDING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEVOTIONS. 45 voices], by Thomas RAVENSCROFT. 8vo. London inches). 1621. Imperfect, wanting Ai and ii. (including title), and all after R8. [38 D 39-] ^% The volume was reprinted in 1633, but this is a copy of the first edition. 1622. The Psalter or Psalmes of David. After the Transla- tion of the great Bible, pointed as it shall be sayd or sung in Churches, With the addition of Morning and Evening Prayer. Printed at London for the Company of Stationers. 8vo. (sf-3j inches). 1622. Imperfect, wanting A4 and 5, D4 and 5. Some thirty leaves at the beginning are much worn and mended. Appended to the above is The Whole Booke of Psalrjies. Collected into English Meeter by T. STERNHOLD, J. HOPK., and others, conferred with the Hebrew, with apt notes to sing them withall. Printed at London for the Stationers Company. 8vo. (uniform with preceding). 1622. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. [38 D 40.] 1623. Cantica Sacra, or The Hymns and Songs of the Church. Being a Collection of those parcells of holy Scripture which either have been or may be as properly sung as the Psalmes. Together with other of the Auncient Songs and Creeds, usually sung in the Church of England. Faithfully and briefely trans- lated into Lyricke verse, fitting the use and capacitie of the Vulgar. And Dedicated to the King's most Excellent Maiestie By Gfeorge] W[ITHERS or Wythers]. Without name of printer or place. 8vo. (5^-3^ inches). [London, 1623.] [38 D 42.] 1630. The Whole Booke of Psalmes. Collected into English Meeter by Thomas STERNHOLD, John HOPKINS, and others, conferred with the Hebrew, with apt Notes to sing them withall. Printed at London for the Company of Stationers. Quarto (8|-6| inches). 1630. [38 D 37.] *** The title-page bears the 1629 imprint, whilst the colophon has the date 1630. 1643. The Whole Booke of Davids Psalmes. Both in Prose and Meeter, with apt notes to sing them withall. Printed at London by R.pchard] C.[otes] for the Company of Stationers. 8vo. (4iV3 inches). 1643. [38 D 44.] 1649. Formes of Prayer used in the Court of Her Highnesse The Princesse Royall : at the solemne fast for the Preservation of the King. [London] Anno M.D.CXLIX. 8vo. (5^-3} inches). 1649. [38 D 33.] 46 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1652. Breviarium Monasticum Pauli. V. Pon. M. auctoritate recognitum. Pro omnibus sub Regula Sanctissimi Patris Benedict! militantibus. Denuo multo quam antea accuratius emendatum et ad limam Breviarii Roman! expolitum cum hymnis novis et offisiis. Parisiis Apud Joannem Billaine. 8vo. (6f-4^ inches). 1652. Imperfect, wanting Sff8 (one leaf). [38 D 52.] 1657. A Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England. By Amh. SPARROW, B.D. Printed at London, and sold by T. G. 8vo. (sf-3j inches). 1657. [38 D 35.] 1662. The Sealed Book of Common Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the Church of England. Together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, Pointed as they are to be Sung or Said in Churches : And the Form or Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. London. Printed by His Ma ties Printers, Cum Privilegio, MDCLXII. The title-page is engraved ' D. Loggan sculpt.' The volume is bound in rough calf, with the arms of the Cathedral on the side. The letters patent of exemplification are still attached, together with portions of the seal in the original box. It is ruled in red throughout, and measures 15^-9-! inches. On the last leaf is the attestation of the hereunder written Commissioners, certifying the book to be ' a true and perfect copy.' Their autograph signatures and seals are appended : JOHN CROFTES, Dec. Norv. Jos. HENSHAW, Dec. Cicestr. RICH. CHAWORTH. GUILIELM S PAULE, Dec. Lichfield. WILL. BRABOURNE. MAR. FRANCK, Archd. S. Alb. GEO. STRADLING. Jo. PRITCHETT. Of these signatories : Joseph Henshaw became Bishop of Peterborough in 1663. William Paul became Bishop of Oxford in 1663. George Stradling, Dean of Chichester in 1672. Mark Frank was also Treasurer of S. Paul's and Prebendary of Isledon. William Brabourne was Prebendary of Bromesbury, pro- bably also Precentor of Hereford. [In archivis.] 1662. The Book of Common Prayer. An exceedingly fine copy of the edition just described, measuring i7-iof inches, ruled in red throughout. Folio. London, 1662. RITUALS, INCLUDING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEVOTIONS. 47 This copy belonged to Bishop Compton, and was sumptuously bound in silver, and placed on the altar on great festivals. The cover was stolen in 1810. A description of the binding is given in Malcolm's Londinium Redivivum, 144: 'A most superb silver-gilt and embossed prayer-book, adorned with angels, a glory, pillars, etc., inscribed : Oculi Domini super istos, et aures ejus in preces eorum : and Fiant orationes pro omnibus hominibus^ pro Regibus? [Case B.] 1679. The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England : Together with the Psalter or Psalmes of David, Pointed as they are to be Sung or Said in Churches. Printed at Cambridge by John Hayes. Quarto (8f-6 inches). 1679. [38 D 36.] 1684. Garland of Pious and Godly Songs. Composed by a devout Man, for the Solace of his Freinds and neighbours in their afflictions. By N. N. Printed at Gant. 8vo. (5i-3f inches). 1684. A small portion of the first leaf is missing, otherwise the volume is perfect. [38 E 40.] 1687. Book of Common Prayer. Folio. London. 1687. *** Bishop GIBSON'S copy, with marginal notes in his hand- writing. 1721. The Orthodox Communicant. By way of Meditation. Or the Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion ; According to the Liturgy of the Church of England. London. Engraven and sold by J. Sturt 8vo. ( 6 A-4i inches). 1721. [38 E 52]. ^*^ Each page of text is surmounted by an illustration and surrounded by a border, the whole of which, including the text, is printed from engraved copper-plates. 1789. The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of ^ihe Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies, as revised and proposed to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church at a Convention . . . held in Philadelphia from Sept. 27 th to Oct. 7 th , 1785. Philadelphia printed. London, reprinted for J. Debrett. 8vo. (6J-4 inches). 1789. [3*D 5 i.] 1797. A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God ; to be used on Tuesday the Nineteenth Day of December 1797 being the day appointed by His Majesty's Royal Proclamation for a General Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the many signal and important Victories . . . vouchsafed to his Majesty's Fleets, 48 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. in the Course of the present war. Quarto (9^-7 \ inches). London, 1797. [38 D 58.] 1872. A Form of Service on the occasion of the Thanksgiving for the recovery of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. To be used at St. Paul's Cathedral 27th February, 1872. Quarto (iof-8j inches). London, 1872. [38 D 57-1 1884. Psalter in Malagasy : Ny Salamony Davida Voalahatra Hohiraina Isam-Bolana, araka ny fomban'ny Church of England. Printed in Antananarivo, Madagascar. 8vo. (yf-sj inches). 1884. [38 D 56-] * # * Psalter used in the temporary cathedral at Antananarivo in May, 1886. N.D. Latin Psalter in the University Library of Utrecht (formerly Cotton MS. Claudius c. vii.), photographed and produced in facsimile. Quarto. London. N.D. SERMONS, WITH TRACTS AND TREATISES, CHIEFLY THEOLOGICAL. 1489. Sermones Dormi Secure de Tempore et de Sanctis. Quarto. Basilee. 1489. J 495- Quadragesimale novum editu ac predicatu a quodam fratre minore de observantia in inclita civitate Basilien de filio prodigo & de angeli Ipius ammonitone salubri sermones divisu. Carmina Sebastiani BRANT (Doctoris). Basilia per Michaelem Furter. Quarto (6j-4f inches). 1495. [38 H 3.] # * # A fine and perfect copy. A series of curious woodcuts illustrates the parable of the Prodigal Son. 1503. Centiloquiu Seraphici doctoris sancti BONAVENTURE summa diligentia nouiter impressum. Impensis Johannis Parui. 8vo. (5JV31 inches). 1503. [38 D 53.] *% A fine and perfect copy. 1523. Roberti Wakfeldi Sacrarum literaru professoris eximij Oratio de laudibus & utilitate triu linguae Arabicse, Chaldaicse & Hebraicse, atque idiomatibus hebraicis quse in utroque testamento iueniutur. Londini apud Winandum de Vorde. Quarto (yf-sf inches). [1523]. [38 E 34.] .g.*^ A fine and perfect copy of a rare work. The first book SERMONS, WITH TRACTS AND TREATISES. 49 printed in England in which Hebrew and Arabic characters were used. 1536. The Confession of the faythe of the Garmaynes, exhibited to the mooste victorious Emperowr Charles the V in the Councell or assemble holden at Augusta the yere of our Lorde To which is added the Apologie of Melancthon who defended with reasons invincible the aforesayde confessyon. translated by Richarde TAVERNER at the comaudemet of Lord Thomas CROMWELL . . . [Printed at London by Robert Redman.] 8 vo. (6yV4i inches). [1536.] Part i is perfect ; part 2 wants all after BB 5. [38 D 46.] 1536. Dives and Pauper. [By Henry PARKER, D.D.] Colophon: ' That is to say the ryche and the poore, fructuously treatynge upon the tenne commaundementes, fynysshed ... In the yere of our Lorde 1536.' Printed at London by Thomas Berthelet. 8vo. (sW'Sl inches). 1536. [38 E 44-] ** # The colophon gives 1536 as the date of the book, but the title-page bears the 1534 imprint. As this, however, forms part of the woodcut border surrounding the title, which border Berthelet had already used to embellish the titles of other works, it is quite probable that in utilising it for this work in the year 1536 the printer overlooked the existing date. The first edition of the work was printed by Pynson in 1493. I 537- Of the auctoritye of the Word of God agaynst the Bishop of London, wherein are conteyned certen disputacyons had in the Parlement Howse between the Bishops about the things very necessary to be known ; made by Alexander Alane [Alesius or HALES] Scot and sent to the Duke of Saxon. Without place or date, but probably printed at Leipzig. 8vo. (5U-3T inches). [1537.] Imperfect, wanting 17 leaves : A i (title); A 7 and 8 ; B T, 2, 7, and 8 ; C i and 8 ; F i to 8. [38 E 42.] 1543. The Institution of a Christen man, conteynynge the Exposytion or Interpretation of the commune Crede of the seven Sacramentes, of the X commandementes, and of the Pater noster, and of the Ave Maria, Justyfication & Purgatory. Printed at London by [Thomas PetytJ. Quarto (7^-5^ inches). [38 D 27.] *% This is popularly known as the ' Bishops' Book.' The ornamental border surrounding the title-page is the same as that used in Taverner's New Testament of 1539. 1543. A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christen man, set furthe by the Kynges maiestie of Englande, 4 50 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. &c. [Printed at London by Thomas Berthelet.] Quarto (7-SJ inches). 1543. Imperfect, wanting all after e 2, probably 4 leaves. [38 D 26.] # * # This is popularly known as the 'King's Book,' and is a review of the ' Bishops' Book, or Institution of a Christen Man,' by King Henry VIII, Many writers have erroneously attributed it to Cranmer. 1545. A Preservative against Death. [Probably by ERASMUS.] Printed at London by Thomas Berthelet. 8vo. (5^-3! inches). 1545- Imperfect, wanting all before B i. [38 E 55.] 1548. The reckenynge and declaracion of the fayth and belefe of Huldrike Zwyngly/ byshoppe of Ziiryk the chefe town of Helvitta/ sent to Charles V that nowe is Emproure of Rome : Holdynge a Parleement or Counsuyll at Ausbrough with the chefe Lordes and lerned men of Germanye. The yere of our Lorde M.D.XXX. . . Translated and Imprynted at Ziiryk by Rycharde Wyer. 8vo. (sf-sj inches). 1548. A poor copy, much cropped, and wanting part of C 4 and parts of E i and E ii. [38 D 48a.] 1550. A Sermon preached the thyrd Sonday in Lent before the Kynges Maiestie, and his honorable Counsell, by Thomas LEAVER. Printed at London by Jhon Daie. 8vo. (5J-3A inches). 1550. [38 E 45 .J 1550. The Ymage of both churches after The moste wonder- ful and heavenly Revelacion of Saincte John the Evangelyst, contaynyng a very frutefull exposytion or paraphrase upon the same. Wherin it is coferred with the other scriptures & most auctorysed histories. Copyled by John BALE, an exyle also in this lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Jesu. Printed at London by John Wyer. Quarto (7f-5j inches). 1550. [38 E 35.] ^%. The title is within the same woodcut border as that used by Petyt in Taverner's Testament of 1539 and the Bishops' Book of 1543- 1550. Caelius Rhodoginus. Lectionum Antiquarum libri xxx recogniti ab auctore. Basilise, per Hier. Frobenium. Folio (*5f-7l inches). 1550. [38 B 20.] *** The binding is a restoration of an exquisite contem- porary binding, the sides of which are beautifully tooled, and bear the date 1552. I 55 I - Sylvius (Aeneas) Piccolomineus, postea Pius II. Opera quae extant omnia. . . . Hisquoque accessit Gnomo- SERMONS, WITH TRACTS AND TREATISES. 51 logia ex omnibus Sylvii operibus r.ollecta & Index rerum ac verborum omnium copiosissimus. Folio (12^-7^ inches). Basiliae, 1551. [38621.] *** The binding of this volume, like that of the preceding, is a restoration of an exquisite contemporary binding, the sides of which are beautifully tooled in a Grolieresque style. The restoration has been most creditably performed. 1555. Iniunctions geven in the visitatio of the Reverend father in god Edmunde [BONNER], bishop of London, begunne and continued in his Cathedral churche and dioces of London from the thyrd day of September, 1554, ontill the viii daye of October I 555- Printed at London by John Cawood. Consisting of 9 leaves in Quarto (yj-sf inches). 1555. Following this is : A Profitable and necessarye doc- trine, with certayne homelyes adioyned thereunto set forth by the reverend father in God Edumde [BONNER], Byshop of London, for the instruction and enformation of the people being within his diocese of London & of hys cure and charge. London : John Cawood [1555]. Following again is : Homelies sette forth by the righte reverende father in God, Edmunde [BONNER] Byshop of London, not onely promised before in his booke, intituled, A necessary doctrine, but also now of late adioyned, and added thereunto to be read within his diocese of London. . . London : John Cawood [1555]. [38 D 31.] 1562. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum Adversus Mart. Lutherum, Henrico VIII, Angliae Rege, auctore. Parisiis apud Sebastianum Nivellium. 8vo. (4^-3^ inches). 1562. Appended to which is : Assertionum Regis Angliae de Fide Catholica adversus Lutheri Babylonicam captivitatem defensio. Authore R. D. Johanne [Fisher] Roffensi Episcopo. Parisiis : apud Sebastianum Nivellium. 8vo. (uniform), 1562. [38 E 47-] 1573. A briefe exposition of such Chapters of the olde testa- ment as usually are redde in the Church at common praier on the Sondayes, set forth for the better helpe and instruction of the unlearned. By Thomas COOPER, Bishop of Lincolne. Printed at London by Henrie Denham for Rafe Newbery. Quarto (7f-5^ inches). 1573. [38 D 32.] 1577. The Staffe of Christian Faith, profitable to all Chris- tians for to arme themselves agaynst the enimies of the Gospell : and also for to knowe the antiquitie of the true Churche. . . . Translated out of French into English by John BROOKE. Printed at London by John Daye. 8vo. (sf-sf inches). 1577. [38 E 43.] 52 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1582. A Viewe of a Seditious Bui sent into Englande, from Pius Quintus, Bishop of Rome, Anno 1569. Taken by the reverende Father in God, John JEWELL, late Bishop of Salis- burie. Whereunto is added a short Treatise of the holie Scrip- tures. Printed at London by R. Newberie and H. Bynnemann. 8vo. (6-4 inches). 1582. [33 E 39.] 1582. A Discoverie of the manifold corruptions of the Holy Scriptures by the Heretikes of our daies, specially the English Sectaries. ... By Gregory MARTIN. Printed at Rhemes by John Fogny. 8vo. (6^-4 inches). 1582. [38 E 36.] 1583 A Defense of the sincere and true Translations of the holie Scriptures into the English tong, against the manifold cavils, frivolous quarels, and impudent slaunders of Gregorie Martin one of the readers of Popish divinitie in the trayterous Seminarie of Rhemes. By William FULKE, D.D. Printed at London by Henrie Bynneman. 8vo. (6^-4 inches). 1583. Appended to which is : A Briefe confutation of sundry cavils and quarels, uttered by diverse Papistes in their several! bookes cSz: pamphlets against the writings of William FULKE. Printed at London by George Bishop and Henrie Binnemann. 8vo. (uniform with the preceding). 1583. [38 E 37.] [1583?]. The Benefite that Christians receyve by Jesus Christ crucified. Translated out of French into English by A. G. [probably A. Golding]. Printed at London by H. Bynneman; without date. 8vo. (5f-3| inches). [Circa 1583.] [38 E 41.] 1583. Certaine Sermons preached before the Queenes Maiestie and at Paules crosse, by the reverend father John JEWEL, late Bishop of Salisburie. Whereunto is added a short Treatise of the Sacraments gathered out of his sermons. . . . Printed at London by Christopher Barker. Quarto (6f-4j inches). 1583. [ 3 8 H 4.] 1584. The Confession of Faith, conteining how the troubled man should seeke refuge at his God, Thereto led by faith : with the declaratio of the article of iustification at length. The order of good workes, which are the fruites of faith : And how the faithful and iustified man should walke and live, in the perfite, and true Christian religion, according to his vocation. Compiled by M. Henry BALNAUES, of Halhill. . . . Printed at Edinburgh by Thomas Vautrollier. 8vo. (5^-3 J inches). 1584. [38D 47 .] # * # This Confession was written by Sir Henry Balnaves, a warm supporter of the Reformation in 1547, whilst an inmate of the prison in the city of Rouen. The manuscript was after- wards revised by Knox, at the time a prisoner in France, who SERMONS, WITH TRACTS AND TREATISES. 53 divided it into chapters and added a summary. From that time it seems to have been lost sight of until shortly before its publication in 1584, when it was discovered at Ormiston, the seat of the lady to whom the volume is dedicated. The volume is exceedingly rare, only three or four copies being known. 1586. Foure Bookes of Husbandrie, collected by M. Con- radus HERESBACHIUS, Councellor to the high and mightie Prince, the Duke of Cleve : containing the whole art and trade of Husbandrie, Gardening, Graffing, and planting, with the antiquitie and commendation thereof. Newly Englished and increased by Barnaba GOOGE, Esquire. Printed at London by John Wight. Quarto (yJ-S-f inches). 1586. With the exception of the title and five leaves at end, which are slightly damaged, the copy is in good condition. [38 I) 3 ia.l 1602. The Answere to the preface of the Rhemish Testament. By T. CARTWRIGHT. Printed at Edinburgh by Robert Waldegrave. 8vo. (5^-3 J inches). 1602. Followed by: (i) An Apologicall Epistle: Directed to the right honourable Lords and others of her Maiesties privie Counsell. Serving as well for a praeface to a Booke entituled A Resolution of Religion. . . . By R. B. [t.e., Robert Parsons]. Printed at Antwerp by Arnold Coninx. 1601. (2) An Antiquodlibet, or an advertisement to beware of secular Priests [anon.]. Printed at Middleburgh by Richard Schilders. 1602. (3) Humble Motives for association to maintaine Religion established. Published as an antidote against the pestilent treatises of secular Priests.^ Virtus unita valet. [Probably printed at Middleburgh by Rich. Schilders.] 1602. [38 E 46.] 1602. Uxore dimissa propter fornicationem aliam non licet super- inducere. Tertia Thesis Joannis HOUSONI, Inceptoris in S. Theologia, proposita & disputata in Vesperiis Oxonii. Oxon. : fosephus Barnesius. 8vo. (5^-3! inches). 1602. 38 H 7.] *"%. This is bound together with a number of Sermons of various years. 1602. Five Godlie Sermons. Preached by RT. BD. : (i) The Charge of the Cleargie. (2) The Crowne of Chris- tians. (3) The annointment of Christ, or Christian Ointment. (4) A Festivall Sermon upon the Nativite of Christ. (5) The Fruits of hypocrisie. London : J. H[arrison]. 8vo. (si-sf inches). 1602. [33 H 7.] 1606. The Black-Smith. A Sermon preached at White Hall before the Kings most excellent Majestic on Low Sunday, 1606. By W. S., D.D. [i.e., William Smith]. Printed at London by Ed. Allde. 8vo. (sJ 3* inches). 1606. [38 H 7.] 54 LIBRARY OF S, PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1607. Epigram matum Joannis OWEN, Cambro-Britanni, Libri tres, Editio tertia. 8vo., Lond. (4|-2f inches). 1607. [38 G i.] 1612. Epigrammatum Joannis OWEN, Oxoniensis Cambro- Britanni, Editio quarta. 8vo., Lond. (5-2! inches). 1602. Appended to which is : A copy of the 1618 edition, uniform in size, etc. 8vo., Lond. 1618. [38 G 2.] 1612. A Learned and comfortable Sermon of the certaintie and perpetuitie of faith in the Elect ; especially of the Prophet Habakuk's faith. By Richard HOOKER, sometime fellow of Corpus Christi College, in Oxford. Printed at Oxford by Joseph Barnes. Quarto (7^-5^ inches). 1612. In the same volume are : (i) A Remedie against Sorrow & Feare, delivered in a Funerall Sermon. [By R. HOOKER.] 1612. (2) A Learned Sermon of the Nature of Pride. [By R. HOOKER.] 1612. (3) The Answere of Mr. Richard HOOKER to a supplication preferred by Mr. Walter TRAVERS to the H.H. Lords of the Privie Counsell. 1612. Printed at Oxford by Joseph Barnes. [38 H 2.] 1612. Liturgia Inglesa O Libro del Rezado publico, de la ad- ministracion de los Sacramentos, y otros Ritos y ceremonias de la Yglesia de Ingalaterra. Augustae Trinobantum. Quarto (8J-5J inches). CIo. 13!. IXIIV. 1612. [38 D 55.] 1613. A Learned discourse of Justification, workes, and how the foundation of faith is overthrowne. [By R. HOOKER.] 2nd edition, corrected and amended. Printed at Oxford by Joseph Barnes. Quarto (74~5i inches). 1613. [38 H 2.] 1614. Two Sermons upon Part of St. Jude's Epistle. [By R. HOOKER.] Printed at Oxford by Joseph Barnes. Quarto (74-5 i inches). 1614. [38 H 2.] 1625. The Watering of Apollos. Delivered in a Sermon at St. Maries in Oxford the 8 of August, 1624. By John WALL, D.D. Printed at Oxford by John Lichfield and Wm. Turner. 8vo. (5|-3 inches). 1625. [38 H 7.] 1628. The Lion in the Lambe, or Strength in Weakness. Delivered in a Sermon at Shelford. ... By John WALL, D.D. Printed at Oxford by J. Lichfield. 8vo. (5^-3! inches). 1628. [38 H 7.] 1641. Canterburies Potion : Wherein Is shewed the great Art of his Doctor in finding out the nature of his Disease : Together With the Medicines hee applied, and the strange effects they SERMONS, WITH TRACTS AND TREATISES. 55 wrought in him, To the great ease of his surcharged Body, Collected from the Doctors owne hand. Printed in the yeare 1641, without place or printer. Quarto (7j-sJ inches). Con- sisting of four leaves. [38 E 56.] *** A tract against Archbishop LAUD, satirising in detail the articles for which he was accused of high treason, etc. A woodcut on the first page is evidently intended as a portrait of the Archbishop. 1649. Jodoci Sinceri Itinerarium Galliae Ac iconibus urbium pnecipuarum illustratum. Amstelodami : apud Jodocum Jansonium. 8vo. (54-3 inches). 1649. [38 D 54-] 1670. The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert. Written by Izaak WALTON. To which is added some Letters written by Mr. George Herbert .... with others to his Mother, Lady Margaret Herbert, written by John Donne, afterwards Dean of St. Pauls. Printed at London by Thos. Newcomb. 8vo. (7i"4i inches). 1670. [3 E 5.] .*. The autograph of Izaak Walton is over the portrait of Donne, which faces the first title : ' ffor Mr. Smithwick. Jz. WA.' 1694. Epistolae et Evangelia Dominicorum et Festorum Dierum Suetice, Latine, et Germanice. 8vo., Stockholm, 1694. Sumpt Herr Joh. Heermans Exercitium Pietatis tillagdt. [39 H. 28.] 1718. An History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies and Conventual Cathedral Churches. By Browne WILLIS, Esq. 2 vols., 8vo. (7f-4 inches). Lond., 1718-19. [38 E 53 and 54.] *"% This copy was originally bequeathed by Thomas BAKER to his honoured friend, Browne Willis, Esq. The second volume contains a great many manuscript additions to the text by the said Thomas Baker, Coll. J., Socius ejectus. 1832. The Statutes of the most distinguished order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Printed at London by Chas. Whit- tingham. Quarto (9^-7! inches). 1832. [38 D 59.] 56 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. INDEX EXPURGATORIUS. This important series was, with a few exceptions, presented to the Library in 1871 by the Rev. Charles Marshall, one of the Preben- daries of the Cathedral. Edition. Press Mark. 4to., Antwerp, 1571 - 38 F 14 4to., Madrid, 1583 - 38 F 18 4to., Madrid, 1584 38 F 18, No. 2 4to., Salmuri, 1601 -iGn 8vo., Rome, 1607 - 38 H n 4to., Madrid, 1612 38 F 5 and i D 2 4to., Hispali, 1632 38 F 4 4to., Madrid, 1640 One volume, in 2 parts. 38 F 8, 9 4to., Rome, 1665 - 47 F 5 4to., Madrid, 1667 40 B 4to., Rome, 1667 - 163 8vo., Rome, 1704 38 H 9 4to., Madrid, 1707 Two volumes. 38 F 2, 3 8vo., Prague, 1726 With appendix. 38 H 8 4to., Madrid, 1747 Two volumes. 38 F 6, 7 4to., Rome, 1758 38 F 10 8vo., Parma, 1783 - 38 H 10 8vo., Rome, 1787 38 F 21 4to., Madrid, 1790 With supplement, 1805. 38 F 13 8vo., Rome, 1819 38 F 20 8vo., Paris, 1826 Second edition. 38 H 12 4to., London, 1835 Edited by J. Mendham. 38 F n 8vo., Dublin, 1837 Edited by R. Gibbings. 38 H 13 8vo., Rome, 1841 38 F 17 Jacobi Gretseri, Soc. Jesu Theologi, De Jure et More Prohibendi, Expurgandi, et Abolendi libros haereticos et noxios adversus Junium et G. Pappam. 4to., Ingolstadii, 1603. 38 F 19, No. 2. Danielis Franci Disquisitio Academica de Papistarum Indicibus librorum prohibitorum et expurgandorum. 4to., Lipsise, 1684. 38 F 15. Storia Polemica delle Prohibizioni de' Libri, scritta de Francesc Antonio ZACCARIA. 4to., Rome, 1777. 38Fi2. The Literary Policy of the Church of Rome, exhibited in an account of her Damnatory Catalogues or Indices both Prohibitory and Expurgatory. By Joseph MEND- HAM. Second edition. 8vo., London, 1830. 38 H 14. LITURGICAL BOOKS. 57 LITURGICAL BOOKS. ROMAN MISSALS. Vade Mecum. Missale Itinerantium. 4to., Nuremberg, 1507. Missale Romanum. 8vo., Rothomagi, 1525. Missale Trajectense. Folio, Antwerp, 1540. Missale Romanum. 8vo., Paris, Ex Officina Jacobi Keruer, 1577. Missale Romanum. 410., Antwerp, 1598. Missale Ratisbonense. Folio, Ingolstadt, 1624. Missae approbate per summos Pontifices : de S. Philippo Nerio Confess. S. Maria de Monte Carmelo. S. Angelo Custode. Impressione Sacrorum Stigmatum. 4to., Venice, 1628. [This volume contains the Missal, and two Appendices, Medio- lani, 1707, and Taurini, 1701, with other special offices.] Missale Fratrum Ordinis B.V.M. de Monte Carmelo. 4to., Paris, 1661. Missale Fratrum Ordinis B. V. |M. de Monte Carmelo, Folio, Paris, 1665. Missale Romanum. 4to., Antwerp, 1673. Missale Romanum. Folio, Lugduni, 1682. Antiqui Libri Missarum Rom. Ecclesiae. 4to., Rome, 1691. Missale S. Barbara. Folio, Venice, 1693. Missale Romanum. 4to., Ex ducali Campidonensi typographeo, 1720. Missale Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum. Folio, Rome, 1726. Missale Sacri Ordinis Cartusiensis. Folio, Gratianopoli, 1771. Missale Romanum in quo Missae Sanctorum Ordinum, S. P. FRANCISCI, suo ordine inseruntur ad usum Fratrum et Sororum eorundem Ordinum. Folio, Avenione, 1776. The Divine Office for the Use of the Laity. vo., N. P., 1780. Two vols. Missale Bajocense. 8vo., Lugduni, 1790. Missale Romanum. 4to., Madrid, 1791. Missale Romanum. 4to., Venice, 1803. Missale Romanum. 8vo., Dublin, 1804. Missal for the Use of the Laity. 8vo., Manchester, 1806. Two volumes. Missale Ambrosianum. Folio, Milan, 1831. Missale Romanum. 4to., Venice, 1840. Missale Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum. 8vo., Rome, 1855 Missale Romanum. Folio, Mechlin, 1858. Missale Romanum. Folio, Vindebonae, 1861. 5 8 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. BREVIARIES. Breviarium Romanum. 4to., Lugduni, 1556. Brev. Fratrum Praedicatorum juxta decreta Salmanticensis capituli reformatum. 8vo., Venice, 1572. Brev. Romanum. 8vo., Paris, 1577. Apud Jacobum Keruer. Brev. Romanum. 8vo., Antwerp, 1613. Brev. Monasticum. 8vo., Paris, 1632. Officia Nova in Breviario Romano. 8vo., Antwerp, 1671. Brev. Romanum. 4to., Antwerp, 1674. Two volumes. Breviarium Novissimum Monasticum. 4to., Campoduni, 1677. Brev. Romanum. 8vo., Antwerp, 1752. Four volumes. Brev. Leodiense. 4to., Leodii., 1766. Four volumes. Brev. Aurelianense. 8vo., Aurelianis, 1771. Pars Hyemalis. Brev. Parisiense. 8vo., Paris, 1778. Four volumes. Brev. Romanum. 4to., Olisipone, 1786. Four volumes. Brev. Romanum. 8vo., Venice, 1793. Brev. Romanum. 4to., Venice, 1803. Breviarium Sanctae Lugdunensis Ecclesiae primae Gallia- rum sedis. 8vo., Lugduni, 1815. Brev. Romanum. 8vo., Norwich, 1830. Four volumes. Brev. Romanum cum Officio trium Ordinum S. Francisci. 8vo., Mechlin, 1848. Brev. Monasticum. 8vo., Rome, 1858. Two volumes. Breviarium Romanum ad usum Carmelitarum Discalcea- torum. 8vo., Mechlin, 1861. Four volumes. Breviarium juxta ritum sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum. Svo., Mechlin, 1865. Two volumes. Breviare des Religieuses Ursulines. 8vo., Malines, 1866. Breviarium Romano-Seraphicum. 8vo., Mechlin, 1868. The Roman Breviary translated by John, Marquis of Bute. 4to., London, 1879. Two volumes. Breviarium Romanum a Francisco Cardinali Quignonio. Curante J. W. Legg. 8vo., Cambridge, 1888. RITUALS. Rituum Ecclesiasticorum sive Sacrarum Caeremoniarum SS. Romanae Ecclesiae libri tres non ante impress!. Folio, Venice, 1516. Sacra Institutio Baptizandi juxta ritum sanctas Romanae Ecclesiae. 8vo., Paris, 1575. Rituale Sacramentorum Romanum. 4to., Rome, 1584. Rituale Romanum. 4to., Antwerp, 1625. Rituale Romanum. 8vo., Paris, 1665. Rituel de la Province de Reims. 4to., Paris, 1677. Rituel du Diocese d'Alet. 8vo., Paris, 1678. Rituel du Diocese de Quebec. 8vo., Paris, 1703. Rituale Atrebatense. 4to., Atrebati, 1757. Rituale Augustanum. 4to., Augustae Vindelicorum. 1764. LITURGICAL BOOKS. 59 Rituale Romanum. 410., Madrid, 1766. Rituale Romanum. 8vo., Paris, circa 1857. PONTIFICALS. Pontificate Romanum. Folio, Rome, 1645. Pontificate Romanum. i2mo., Paris, 1664. SACERDOTALE. Obsequiale sive Sacerdotale Ecclesiae et Diocoesis Constantiensis. 4to., Constantiae, 1597. PROCESSIONALS. Processionale Romanum. 8vo., Paris, 1663. Processionale Monasticum Benedictinum. 8vo., Paris, 1719. Processional de Frejus. 8vo., Paris, 1787. ANTIPHONALS. Antiphonale Romanum. Folio, Paris, 1623. Two volumes. Antiphonale Romanum. Folio, Paris, circa 1854. Organum comitans ad Graduate Romanum et ad Vesperale Romanum. Fr. X. Haberl et Jos. Hanisch. 4to., Ratis- bonae, Neo Eboracae, et Cincinnati!, 1875-1877. Two volumes. MANUAL. Manuale ad Sacramenta Ecclesiae Ministranda, reformatum ex Romano et iis quibus Galliae Ecclesiae passim utuntur. 8vo., Burdigalae, 1596. PSALTERIUM. Psalterium Romanum. Folio, Lugduni, 1764. OTHER ROMAN OFFICES. Directorium Benedictinum perpetuum. 8vo., Rorschachii, 1621. Octayarium Romanum. 8vo., Antwerp, 1628. Officium B. Marise Virginis. 4to., Antwerp, 1677. Nouveau Livre de 1'Eglise a 1'usage de Rome. 8vo., Paris, 1719. L'Ordre des Dames de la Croix de 1'Estoile. 8vo., Linz, 1726. The Office of the Holy Week. 6th edition. 8vo., London, 1766. Sanctorale Macloviense. 8vo., Maclovii, 1768. L'Office de la glorieuse Vierge Marie, a 1'usage des Religieux de S. Dominique avec les Roubriques Francaises. 8vo., Toulouse, 1773- Officia Sanctorum Franciscanorum. 8vo., N.P. or D. Office de S. Omer, precede de sa vie. 8vo., S. Omer, 1822. Liber Evangeliorum, Epistolarum, et Lectionum Prophe- tiarum juxta ritum Sanctae Lugdunensis Ecclesiae, primae Galliarum sedis. 4to., Lugduni, 1842. 60 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. RITUAL BOOKS OF THE CISTERCIANS. Missale. 4to., Antwerp, 1762. Rituale. 8vo., Paris, 1689. Kalendarium. 8vo., Paris, 1726. Processionale. 8vo., Paris, 1737. Psalterium. Folio, Paris, 1747. Breviarium Cisterciense juxta Romanum. 8vo., Paris, 1659. Breviarium. Pars Hyemalis. 8vo., Brussels, 1794. Pars Vernalis. 8vo., Westmalle, 1854. Aestivalis et Autumnalis. 8vo., Brussels, 1794. Officia Nova in Breviario Cisterciensi. 8vo., Westmalle, 1871. GREEK CHURCH. MHNAION. Twelve volumes. Folio, Venice, 1872. EYAPPEAION OEION KAI IEPON. Folio, Venice, 1872. TA TE22APA 6EIA KAI IEPA EYAITEAIA META THS IEPA2 ATIOKAAY^PEftS TOY EYAPPEAI2TOY M2ANNOY. 8vo., Venice, 1868. TP112AION. Folio, Venice, 1869. HAPAKAHTIKH HTOI OKTOHXOS H MEPAAH. Folio, Venice, 1872. OKTOHX02 . . . IflANNOY TOY AAMA2KHNOY. 8vo., Venice, 1877. HENTEKOSTAPION. Folio, Venice, 1860. EYXOAOriON TO MEPA. 4 to., Venice, 1869. flPOAOriON TO MEPA. 4 to., Venice, 1876. 2YMEQN APXIEIIISKOIIOY 9E22AAONIKH2 TA A1IANTA EIS E& MEPH A1AIPE6ENTA. 410., Venice, 1863. IIHAAAION TH2 . . . EKKAH2IA2. 4 to., Athens, 1841. TYHIKON EKKAH2IA2TIKON. 8vo., Venice, 1869. A I 6EIAI AEITOYPPIAI . . . XPY2O2TOMOY KAI BA2IAEIOY. 8vo, Venice, 1876. AFIASTAPION TO MEPA. 8vo., Venice, 1873. KATAXH2I2. 8vo., Venice, 1837. ^FAATHPION. 8vo., Venice, 1842. ^FAATHPION . . . EKA02I2 HEMHTH. 8vo., Venice, 1868. EIPMOAOPION. 8vo., Venice, 1837. EIPMOAOPIOX. 8vo., Venice, 1866. EIPMOAOPION. In Slavonic. 2YNTAPMA TON KANONQN TON AnOSTOAftN. TOM02 EKTO2. 8vo, Athens, 1859. AKOAOY0IA . . . TEPA2IMOY. 8vo., Venice, 1861. AKOAOY9IA TOY ANAPN122TOY K.r.A. 8vo., Venice, 1861. AKOAOY0IA TOY APIOY IEPOMAPTYPO2 XAPAAAMHOY2. 8vo., Athens, 1817. 1EPOAIAKONIKON. 8vo., Venice, 1860. AII02TOA02 HTOI HPA^EIS KAI EHI2TOAAI TON APKIN An92TOAi2N. 8vo., Venice, 1868; 8vo., Venice, 1842; 8vo., Venice, 1879. LITURGICAL BOOKS. 61 E?OM()AOrHTAPlON HTOI BIBAION 8vo., Venice, 1868. GREEK CHURCH AND ORIENTAL. Liber Pontificalis Ecclesiae Graecae. Folio, Paris, 1643. Rituale Graecorum. Folio, Paris, 1647. J. Goar. Versio et Noiee ad Euchologion sive Rituale Grae- corum. Folio, Paris, 1647. Renaudot. Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio. 4to., Paris, 1716. Tetralogia Liturgica : sive Chrysostomi, S. Jacobi, S. Marci, divinae missae : quibus accedit Ordo Mozarabicus. Edited by J. M. NEALE. 8vo., London, 1849. Michael Rajewsky. Euchologion der Orthodox-Catholischen Kirche. 3 parts. 8vo., Wien, 1861-62. Offices from the Service Books of the Holy Eastern Church. By R. F. LITTLEDALE. 8vo., London, 1863. ARMENIAN. An Armenian Liturgy. 8vo., 1702. - [36 C. 62.] MOZARABIC. Liturgia Mozarabica in duobus tomis divisa-quorum prior con- tinet Missale Mixtum, posterior Missale Gothicum. (Migne Pairologia Cursus completus. ) Two volumes. 8 vo., Paris, 1862. RITUAL BOOKS. ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND. SARUM. Missale ad usum insignis et prseclarse Ecclesise Sarum. Edited by F. H. Dickinson. 8vo., Burntisland, 1861-83. Processionale ad usum insignis et praeclarae Ecclesiae Sarum. Edited by Dr. Henderson. 8vo., London, 1882. Manuale ad usum insignis Ecclesise Sarum. [An abbreviated reprint in Dr. Henderson's edition of the York Afanual.] The Psalter or Seven ordinary Hours of Prayer according to the Use of the Illustrious and Excellent Church of Sarum, etc. Edited by J. D. C[hambers]. 4to., London, 1852. The Church of our Fathers, as seen in S. Osmond's Rite for the Cathedral of Salisbury, with dissertations on the Belief and Ritual in England before and after the coming of the Normans. By Daniel Rock. Three volumes (in four). 8vo., London, 1849-53. YORK. Missale ad usum insignis Ecclesiae Eboracensis. Edited by Dr. Henderson. Two volumes. 8vo., Leeds, 1874. 62 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Breviarium ad usum insignis Ecclesiae Eboracensis. Edited by the Hon. and Rev. Stephen Lawley. 8vo., London, 1880-83. Manuale et Processionale ad usum insignis Ecclesiae Eboracen- sis. Edited by Dr. Henderson. 8vo., Leeds, 1875. Liber Pontificalis Chr. Bainbridge, Archiepiscopi Eboracensis. Edited by Dr. Henderson. 8vo., Burntisland, 1875. Pontifical of Egbert, Archbishop of York, A.D. 732-767. Edited by W. Greenwell. 8vo., London, 1853. HEREFORD. Missale ad usum percelebris Ecclesiae Herfordensis. Edited by Dr. Henderson. 8vo., Leeds, 1874. Manual Offices from the Hereford Missal. [See Dr. Henderson's edition of the York Manual.] WESTMINSTER. Missale ad usum Ecclesiae Westmonasteriensis. Edited by Dr. J. W. Legg. Fascic. i. 8vo., London, 1891. The Manner of the Coronation of King Charles the first of England at Westminster, 2 Feb., 1626. Edited by Chr. Wordsworth). 8vo., London, 1892. EXETER. The Leofric Missal, as used in the Cathedral of Exeter during the Episcopate of the first Bishop, A.D. 1050-1072. Together with some Account of the Missal of Robert de Jumieges. Edited by F. E. Warren 410., Oxford, 1883. Legenda Sanctorum, compiled by John de Grandison, Bishop of Exeter, 1327. Edited by H. E. Reynolds. 4to., London, 1880. Ordinale secundum usum Exon. Edited by H. E. Reynolds. 4to., London. LINCOLN. Consuetudinarium Ecclesiae Lincolniensis tempori Richardi de Gravesend Episcopi (1258-1279) redactum. Edited by H. E. Reynolds. 4to., London, 1880. Consuetudinarium, etc., with introductory notes by Christopher Wordsworth, Rector of Glaston. 4to., London, 1885. IRELAND. The Manuscript Irish Missal belonging to the President and Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Edited by F. E. Warren. 8vo., London, 1870. Missale Drummondiense : the Ancient Irish Missal in the pos- session of the Baroness Willoughby de Eresby, Drummond Castle, Perthshire. Edited by G. H. Forbes. 8vo., Burnt- island, 1882. LITURGICAL BOOKS. 6} SCOTLAND. Breviarium Aberdonense. Pars /Estiva. Pars Hyemalis. 410., London, 1854. Kalendar of Scottish Saints, with personal notices of those of Alba, Landonia and Strathclyde. By A. P. Forbes, Bishop of Brechin. 4to., Edinburgh, 1872. BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. Book of Common Prayer. Bound up with the Greek Testament of 1633, and the Psalms of Sternhold and Hopkins of 1641. 8vo., London, 1641. [36 G. 13.] Book of Common Prayer. The frontispiece presents a view of the western facade of S. Paul's Cathedral. Folio, London, 1766. [43 A. 10.] Prayers of Intercession for their Use who Mourn in Secret for the Publique Calamities of this Nation, with an Anniversary Prayer for the 30th of January. 8vo., London, 1659. [36 G. 430 The Booke of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and other parts of Divine Service for the Use of the Church of Scotland. 410. (10^-7^ inches), Edinburgh, 1637. [18 D. 5.] The Book of Common Prayer ... for the Use of the Church of Scotland. With a Paraphrase of the Psalms in Metre by King James the VI. 8vo., Edinburgh, 1712. [From the copy printed at Edinburgh in the year 1637.] Book of Common Prayer for the Church of Ireland. Folio, Dublin, 1750. This volume contains, in addition to the Book of Common Prayer, the following special offices, etc. : Form of Prayer for the Visitation of Prisoners. 1711. Act for keeping and celebrating Oct. 23 as an Anniversary Thanksgiving in this Kingdom. Act for the more effectual suppressing of popular Cursing and Swearing. Form for receiving lapsed Protestants. Form of Consecration or Dedication of Churches. Office for the Restauration of a Church. A short Office for Expiation and Illustration of a Church Desecrated or Prophan'd. The New Version of the Psalms of David (Tate and Brady), I75 1 - The Book of Common Prayer for Ireland. Printed from the manuscript originally annexed to Stat. 17 & 18, Car. II. 64 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. c. 6 (Ir.), and now preserved in the Rolls Office, Dublin. Edited by A. J. Stephens. Three volumes. 8vo., London, 1849-50. Mr. Pickering's Black Letter Reprints of Editions of the Prayer-Book. Seven volumes. Folio, London, 1844. First Prayer-Book of Edward VI. 1549. Second 1552. Prayer-Book of Elizabeth. 1559. James I. 1604. Charles I. (Laud's). 1627. Charles II. 1662. ,, Victoria. 1844. Facsimile of the Black-letter Prayer-Book of 1636, showing the Manuscript alterations made in 1661, and authorised by the Act of Uniformity. Folio, London, 1870. Facsimile of the Original Manuscript of the Book of Common Prayer, signed by Convocation, December 2oth, 1661, and attached to the Act of Uniformity, 1662. Folio, London, 1891. The Book of Common Prayer, with notes, legal and historical. By Archibald John Stephens. Three volumes. 8vo., London, 1849-54. [This edition exhibits the text of the Sealed Books with the variations of several copies.] The Book of Common Prayer. Reprinted from the Sealed Copy in the Tower of London. 8vo., London, 1853. TRANSLATIONS. ARABIC. Liturgiae Ecclesiae Anglicanae partes precipuae : viz. Preces matutinse et vespertine, Ordo administrandi Coenam Domini, Ordo Baptismi Publici ... in Linguam Arabicam traductae. Opera Edvardi Pocock. 8vo., Oxoniae, 1674. [36 F. ii.] LATIN. 1574. Liturgia Anglicana. Title lost: colophon, Londini: Excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius. 410., London, 1574. [36 G. 19.] 1670, 8vo., London. J. D., editor. [This is the first edition of Dr. John Durel's translation.] 1696. 8vo. London. 1703. 8vo. London. Tho. Parsel. 1713. Editio altera. 1727. ,, Editio quarta. 1744. 3, Editio sexta. 1759. Preface not signed. Editio septima. LITURGICAL BOOKS. 65 GREEK. 1665. 8vo. Cambridge. Duport's translation. 1818. 8vo. London. FRENCH. 1616. 410. London. See supra^ p. 44. 1616. 8vo. London. 1788. ENGLISH AND Low DUTCH. 1748. 8vo. Amsterdam. Fourth Edition. ITALIAN. 1685. 8vo. London. First edition. 1796. 8vo. London. Translated by A. Montucci and L. Valetti, Professori di lingua Italiana. SPANISH. 1612. 4to. Augusts Trinobantum. See supra, p. 54. INDOPORTUGUESE. 1826. O Livro de Ora<;ao Commum . . . Traducido em Lingo de Indo-Portugueza. 8vo., London, 1826. BOOKS UPON LITURGICAL SUBJECTS. Hierurgia : or the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. By DANIEL ROCK. Two volumes. 8vo., London, 1833. Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. By WILLIAM MASKELL. First edition. Three volumes. 8vo. London. 1846. Second Three volumes. 8vo. London. 1882. The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England, according to the Uses of Sarum, York, Hereford and Bangor. By WILLIAM MASKELL. Second edition. 8vo. London. 1846. Third edition. 8vo, London. 1882. Hierurgia Anglicana. 8vo., London, 1848. Liturgiae Britannicae. By W. KEELING. 8vo., London, 1851. Essays on Liturgiology and Church History. By J. M. NEALE. 8vo., London, 1863. Divine Worship in England in the i3th and i4th Centuries, contrasted with and adapted to that in the i9th. By J. D. CHAMBERS. 410., London, 1877. Bibliographia Liturgica. Catalogus Missalium Kitus Latini ab Anno MCCCCLXXV impressorum. Collegit W. H. Jacobus Weale. 8vo., London, 1886. 5 66 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. The Offices of the Old Catholic Prayer-Book, done into Eng- lish, and compared with the Offices of the Roman and Old German Missals. 8vo., Oxford, 1876. A FEW IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPTS. Deed relating to the Obits and Services in Henry the Seventh's Chapel, Westminster Abbey. A manuscript very sumptuously bound in velvet, lined with damask, with green silk tassels at the corners. On each side are five silver-gilt bosses ; those at the four corners bear a portcullis, on a ground party per pale argent and vert : that in the centre bears the royal arms, with supporters, surmounted by a crown. Three clasps of enamelled silver, bearing Tudor roses, close the book. Pendant from it are four silver boxes (one box is im- perfect) containing fragments of seals : the boxes are inscribed SI . ARCHI . CANT. S . CAPI . WINTON SI . CAPITOL . CANTO. whilst the fourth box bears on one side the arms, Gules, two keys in saltire or, impaling the arms of the Confessor. And on the other side, these two coats of arms impaling each other in chief; and below, Azure, on a chief indented or a pastoral staff paleways and a mitre gules, for Westminster Abbey. The velvet cover extends nearly a foot below the volume, and covers the seal-boxes. The initial letter represents King Henry VII. seated, giving this very volume to Abbot Islip, who kneels before him : behind the Abbot are four kneeling monks. The document commences : * This indenture Septipartite made betwene the moost xpen King Henry the vij th by the grace of God King of Englande and of ffraunce and lord of Ireland the sixtene day of July the xix yere of his moost noble reigne of the oon partie, And the moost Reu'ende ffadre in God William Archebisshop of Caun- terbury of the seconde partie, And the right Reu'ende fadre in God Richard Bisshop of Winchest'r of the thirde partye, and John Islipp Abbot of the Monast'ie of sainct Petre of Westfn and the Priour and Convent of the same place of the fourth partie, And the Dean and Chanons of the Kinges free Chapell of our ladie and Saincte Stephen the furst martir w l in the Kinges palois of Westm of the fithe partie, And the Dean and Chapitre of the Cathedral Churche of sainte Paule in the Citie of London of the sixte partie, And the Maire and Coialtie of the citie of London of the seventh partie.' The Deed itself is a Deed of Penalties. A similar Deed in the British Museum enumerates the * Crete Penalties and Sommes of Money to be forfaited and A FEW IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPTS. 67 paied as often as the said Abbot, Priour and Convent, or their successours shall make Default in observyng and perfourmyng of any of the Covenantes or Graunts conteigned and specified in the original Indenture conteyninge the Fundacion of the holie and devout Wille of the said Kyng.' Marginal references throughout the deed direct attention to the minute details comprised within its purview : such as, * the daily Collects at high masse, the daily Collects at the Chapitre Masse, the houres of the saieng of the thre Chauntrie Masses, the knolling of the bell bifor the saienge of the thre Chauntrie Masses, the ringing of the bell to the Sermones, the distribucion of Almesse, the hundreth Tapers to stand continuelly about the herse and tombe and thretie of theym to brenne at the said obites, the twenty and foure Torches, the thre monks scolars, the thretene poor men, the thre poor women, the wodde and cole for the poor men, a monke for the ou'sight of the said poor men,' etc., etc. These details give a very complete view of the services in Henry the Seventh's Chapel. The exact date of the Indenture is 1504. The Prelates named are William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester. [A volume corresponding with the above, but containing four indentures, is preserved in the British Museum. Harleian MS., No. 1498.] Manuscript, in English, about the middle of the Fifteenth Century, on vellum, relating to the Monastery of Sion in Isleworth. The Rule of the House was that of S. Austin with the additions of S. Bridget. The volume contains : 1. The Additions to the Rule, in fifty-eight chapters. 2. A Ceremonial Calendar. 3. A Table of Signs to be used during the hours of silence by the Brethren. 4. The Reule of our Savyour. 5. The Reule of S. Austyne. In the British Museum (Arundel MS., No. 146) is a similar but imperfect volume, containing the rules and constitutions for the Sisters of this Order. The Cathedral volume contains the Rules of the Brethren. The British Museum MS., including the very curious Table of Signs, has been printed by Aungier in his History and Antiquities of Syon Monastery, the Parish of Isleworth, etc. (8vo., London, 1840), pp. 405-409. The deficiencies of the original have been supplied from the Cathedral MS. Treatises of Avicenna. Fourteenth century, in Latin. This volume certainly belonged to Old S. Paul's in 1458.* Psalterium. Probably one of the service books of the ancient * See Dugdale's History, edition 1818, p. 393. 68 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Cathedral. The obits in the calendar enumerate many names familiar in the history of S. Paul's. Thirteenth century. Sermones discipuli de Tempore et de Sanctis. 410., Argen- torati, 1495. This is a printed book; on the title-page is the following manuscript note : * Orate charitative pro [anima] Johis Tyndalle qui dedit hunc librum Conventui de Grenwych fratrum minorum de obser- vancia die professionis sui filii fratris Willielmi Anno domini 1508.'* Psalterium. Fourteenth century. Processionale. 1497- On the covers are some fragments of early musical notation in neumes. Breviarum. Fifteenth century. Horae. French. Fifteenth century. Sermones. Two volumes. Fifteenth century. Myrrour or Glasse of Christes Passion, with a translation by John Fewterer. (A collection of Meditations on Passages from the Psalms.) 1533. (Townely arms, dated 1603, on side.) Officia Propria Festivitatum et Sanctorum totius Ordinis S.S. Trinitatis Redemptionis captivorum. Augusts Taurinorum. 1712. Manuscript Collections relating to S. Paul's Cathedral. By the Rev. John Pridden, formerly Minor Canon ; inducted in 1782; died in 1825. Four volumes. Four volumes of Miss Hackett's Manuscript Collections relating to S. Paul's Cathedral and the Choir School. * Of this inscription I have given some brief account in my Gleanings from OldS. PattFs. 5. PAUL'-S CATHEDRAL. CONTENTS. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL - 71 PAUL'S CROSS SERMONS - 85 SERMONS PREACHED FOR THE MOST PART IN THE CATHEDRAL 97 SEPARATE SERMONS, OR TRACTS BY OR RELATING TO CLERGY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL - 114 PLAYS ACTED BY THE CHILDREN OF S. PAUL'S 120 SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN 121 SACHEVERELL CONTROVERSY - 122 FUNERALS OF NELSON AND WELLINGTON 125 THE DECORATION OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL 127 BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. J 539 ? il The enquirie and verdite of the quest panneld of the death of Richard Hune, wich was founde hanged in Lolars tower. [Imperfect : only four leaves, title, and To the Reader. B.L., 8vo. The British Museum copy, to which the date above given is assigned, is cropped and imperfect, wanting all after c. iii.] J 539 ? Transcript by the Librarian of such portions of the above . tract as exist in the British Museum copy, but are wanting in the Cathedral copy. 1561. Brief discovrs de la tempeste et fouldre aduenue en la cite de Londres en Angleterre, sur le grand temple & clocher, nome de Sainct Paul, le quatriesme luin, M.D.LXI. A Paris, Par Guillaume Nyuerd, Imprimeur & Libraire, tenant sa boutique ioignant le pont aux Muniers, vers le chastellet : au bon Pasteur. Avec privilege. 4to., Paris, 1561.* 1561. 1885. Reprint by G. Blacker Morgan of The Trve Report of the burnyng of the Steple and Church of Poules in London, IVth June, 1561. Privately printed by Hazell, Watson, and Viney. London, 1885. 1563. The burnynge of Paules Church in London in the yeare of oure Lord 1561, and the IIII. day of June by lyghtnynge, at three of the clocke, at after noone, which con- tinued terrible and helplesse vnto nyght. Printed by Willyam Seres. 8vo., London, 1563. To this is added : * The English and Latin versions of this Tract are not in the Cathedral Library. 1561. The True Report of the Burnyng of the Steple and Churche of Poules in London. B.L. W. Seres, London, 1561, 8vo. Eight leaves, without pagination. In the British Museum. 1561. Exemplum literarum amici cviusdam ad amicum quendam suum, de vera origine conflagration is pyramidis & Templi Paulini Londinensis. lOxcusum Londini, in Officina Johannis Day, 1561. [Four leaves, 4to. t printed in italics with the exception of the title-page. A copy in the Public Record Office. ] The English tract is reprinted in my Documents illustrating the History of S. Paul' s Cathedral. (Camden Society.) Pp. 113-125, and pp. 202-206. 72 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1563. A Confutacion of an Addition, wyth an Appologye written and cast in the stretes of West Chester, agaynst the causes of burnyng Paules Church in London : whych causes the reuerend Byshop of Duresme [James PILKINGTON] declared at Paules Crosse 8 Junii, 1561. Imprynted at London by Wyllyam Seres dwellinge at the West end of Paules, at the signe of the Hedgehogge. II the tenth of March. Anno 1563. 1563. Here folowe also certain questions propounded by him [/>., the Author of the ' Addicion '] which are fullye . . . aunswered. [The ' Confutacion ' and what follows probably written by Bishop Pilkington himself] B.L. W. Seres, London, 1563. Without pagination. 1579. 1872. Newes out of Powles Churchyarde, written in English Satyrs. By Edward HAKE, M.P. for New Windsor. Edited by Charles Edmonds. L.P. Originally printed in 1579. Reprinted, 8 vo., London, 1872. 1614. H. Hfolland]. Monvmenta Sepvlchraria Sancti Pavli. The Monuments, Inscriptions, and Epitaphs of Kings, Nobles, Bishops, and others, buried in the Cathedrall Church of St. Pavl, London. Together with the foundation of the Church : and a catalogue of all the Bishops of London, etc., Vntil this present yeere of Grace, 1614. Printed for M. Law and H. Holland. 4to., London. [This is the first edition. The second was published in 1633.] 1616. The Complaint of Pavles to all Christian Sovles : Or an humble supplication, To our good King and Nation, For Her newe Reparation. Written by Henrie FARLEY. Amore, Veritate, & Reverentia. C. Legge [London], 1616, 4to. 1618. Valens Arithmaeus. Mausolea Regum, Reginarum, Dynas- tarum, nobilium, sumtuossima, artificiosissima, magnincentissima, LONDINI Anglorum in Occidental! Urbis angulo structa . . . cura Valentis Arithmaei. i2mo., Francof, Marchion, 1618. [Pp. 123-144 relate to S. Paul's. To this is added Arce. 1633. Ecclesia Sancti Pavli Illvstrata . . . together with a copy of the Pope's Pardon buried with S r Gerard Braybroke, 1390. Together with a Preface, touching the Decayes and for the Repayring of this famous Church. By H[enry] H[OLLAND]. J. Norton. Sold by H. Seyle. 4to., London, 1633. 1621. St. Pavles Chvrch her Bill for the Parliament, As it was presented to the Kings Ma tie on Midlent-Sunday last, and intended for the view of that most high and Honorable Court, and generally for all such as beare good will to the reflourisning estate of the said Chvrch. Partly in Verse, partly in Prose. BOOKS ILLUSTRATING HISTORY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 7J Penned and published for her good by Hen. FARLEY, Author of her Complaint. Anno Dom. M.DC.XXI. [London], 4to. (Without pagination.) On the title and on the last leaf but one is a woodcut of the Cathedral, showing Paul's Cross in sermon time. 1633. Charles I., King. His Maiestie's Commission, and further declaration : concerning the reparation of Saint Pauls Church. 20 Dec., 1633. R. Barker . . . and the assigns of J. Bill. 4to., London, 1633. 1641. The arraignement of Svperstition, or a Discourse betweene a Protestant, A Glasier, and a Separatist. Concerning the pulling downe of Church-AVindowes. Shewing, the good mind of the Protestant, the indifference of the Glasier, and the puritie and zeale of the Seperatist. 410., London, 1641. [This scarce tract is reprinted in my Gleanings from Old S. PauPs, pp. 70-75. It is in verse.] 1641. Saint Paul's Potion prescribed by Doctor Commons, being very sicke of a dangerous Fulnesse, with the great effects it wrought. 410., N.P., 1641. 1642. Newes from Paules : containing a Relation of the angry Disputation betwixt the two Church Quarrellers, Orange-Tawnie and Purple : being a Contention about the Lawfulnesse or Vnlawfulnesse of Organs and other Ceremonies. 4to., London. Printed in the year of Discord, 1642. [Bound up with Saint Paul's Potion.] 1647? Paul's Churchyard, Libri Theologici, Politici, Historici, Nundinis Paulinis (una cum Templo) prostant venales juxta seriem Alphabeti Democratici. Done into English for the Assembly of Divines. (Two Centuryes.) [Sir John BIRKEN- HEAD.] 4to., N.P. 1647 ? Two Centuries of Pauls Churchyard : una cum Indice Expurgatorio in Bibliothecam Parliament!, sive Librorum, qui prostant venales in Vico Vulgo Vocato Little Brittain. Done into English for the benefit of the Assembly of Divines, and the two Vniversities. [Sir John BIRKENHEAD.] Small 4to.,. N.P., circa 1647. [British Museum Sale Duplicate, 1787.] 1649. Newes from Powles, or the new Reformation of the Army : with a true Relation of a Coult that was foaled in the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul in London, and how it was Pub- liquely Baptized by Paul Hobsons souldiers, one of them p . . g in his Helmet, and sprinkling it in the Name of the Father, Son, and holy Ghost ; and the Name (because a bald Coult) was called Baal-Rex. With a Catalogue of the Blasphemies, Murders. Cheats, Lies and Juglings of some of the Independent Party. Printed in the year 1649. 1649. The Army's Martyr : or a faithful Relation of the bar- 74 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. barous and illegall Proceedings of the Court-Martiall at White- Hall upon Mr. Robert LOCKIER . . . who was shot to death in Paul's Church-yard upon the 27 of April 1649. With a Petition of divers well-affected persons presented to the General in his behalf. 4to., London, 1649. 1649. An Act of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled ; For the Abolishing of Deans, Deans and Chap- ters, Canons, Prebends, and other Offices and Titles, of or belonging to any Cathedral, or Collegiate Church or Chappel within England and Wales. Together with several Ordinances of Parliament for the Sale of Bishops-Lands, unto which the said Act hath relation. 4 to., London, 1649. 1659. Bibliotheca Militum: or The Souldiers Publick Library. Lately Erected for the Benefit of all that love the Good Old Cause, at Wallingford-House : and already furnished with diverse excellent Treatises, herein mentioned. 410., London, 1659. [Bound up with Two Centuries of Pauls Churchyard, etc.] 1659. The Acts and Monuments of our late Parliament: or, A Collection of the Acts, Orders, Votes, and Resolves that hath passed in the House. By J. CANNE, Intelligencer Generall. 4to., London, 1659. [Bound up with Two Centuries, etc.] 1658. The History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London. By William DUGDALE. 410., London, 1658. [Later editions were issued in 1716 and 1818.] t66o. A Dialogue between a living Cpbler and the Ghost of a dead Shoomaker, not long since slain, with others wilfully murdered near the Royall Exchange in London, as may be seen in these following lines . . . also a strange and Wonder- full Relation of a Voyce mightily heard in Pauls, Admired of all that heard it. 4to., London, 1660. [Bound up with S. Pauls Potion.] 1661-18 ... A Short Direction for the performance of Cathedrall Service. Published for the Information of such Persons, as are ignorant of it, And shall be call'd to officiate in Cathedrall, or Collegiate Churches, where it hath formerly been in use. By E. L. 4to., Oxford, 1661. Reprinted 18 . . . 1662. A brief relation of the Persecutions and Cruelties that have been acted upon the people called Quakers in and about the City of London, since the beginning of the 7th Month last, til this present time. With a general Relation of Affairs, signifying the state of the People through the Land. 4to., London, 1662. [At p. 5, a remarkable incident in the Cathedral is recorded.] 1667. Pyrotechnica Loyolana, Ignatian, Fire-works, or, the Fiery Jesuits Temper and Behaviour. Being an Historical Compendium of the Rise, Increase, Doctrines, and Deeds of 7?OOAT5 ILLUSTRATING HISTORY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 75 the Jesuits. Exposed to Publick view for the sake of London. By a Catholick-Christian. 410., London, 1667. [Opposite the title is a plate with the burning of S. Paul's, depicted in the upper dexter corner.] 1684 ? Payne Fisher. The Tombes, Monumentes, and Sepulchral Inscriptions, Lately Visible in St. Paul's Cathedral, and St. Faith's under it, etc. (Pp. 168, with three unnumbered leaves.) 4to., London. 1 684 ? Payne Fisher. The Tombes, Monumentes, and Sepulchral Inscriptions Lately Visible in St. Paul's Cathedral Compleatly Rendred in Latin & English, with Several Historical Discourses, on Sundry Persons Intombed therein. A Work never yet Per- formed by any Author Old or New. Pp. 168. *%. The author's Animadversion to the Reader (six leaves) is dated, from the Fleet, under the generous jurisdiction of Richard Manlove, Esq., the Worthy Warden thereof. 1684-1885. Major Payne Fisher. The Tombs, Monuments, &c., visible in S. Paul's Cathedral (and S. Faith's beneath it) previous to its destruction by Fire AD. 1666. Edited by G. Blacker Morgan. 4to., London, 1684 ; privately reprinted, 4to., London, 1885. 1695. Henry Wharton. Historia de Episcopis et Decanis Lon- dinensibus : necnon de Episcopis et Decanis Assavensibus, a prima utriusque sedis fundatione ad annum 1540. 8vo., London, 1695. 1710. The London-Puppies Memorial, complaining of the Great Hardships they have lately suffer'd by the Unmerciful Hands of S. Paul's Dog-whippers. 8vo., N.P., 1710. After 1710. A Proposal (by Renatus HARRIS, Organ-builder) for the Erecting of an Organ in S. Paul's Cathedral, over the West Door, at the Entrance into the Body of that Church (three pages). 410., N.P., N.D. [Reprinted in my Documents illustrating the History of S. Paul's Cathedral.] 1716. The History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London from its Foundation . . . whereunto is added a continua- tion thereof, setting forth what was done in the Structure of the New Church to the year 1685. Likewise an Historical Account of the Northern Cathedrals, and Chief Collegiate Churches in the Province of York. By Sir William DUGDALE. The Second Edition corrected and enlarged by the Author's own Hand. To which is prefixed his Life, written by himself. Publish'd by Edward Maynard, D.D., Rector of Boddington in Northampton- shire. Folio, London, 1716. Also a large paper copy of the same edition. 1716. St. Paul's Church; or the Protestant Ambulators. A Burlesque Poem. 8vo., London, 1716. 76 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1717. riEPi APXP.N Libri Septem. Accedunt Liturgica. Auctore Gulielmo NICOLS, A.M. Ecclesire Stockportensis Rectore. i2mo., London, 1717. [Frontispiece : View of the interior of S. Paul's.] 1717. The Inquisition, A Farce. As it was Acted at Child's Coffee-House, and the King's- Arms Tavern, in St. Paul's Church- yard. Wherein the Controversy between the Bishop of Bangor [i.e., Benjamin Hoadly] and Dr. Snape is fairly Stated, and set in a true Light. By Mr. J. PHILIPS. 8vo., London, 1717. 1750. Order of Proceedings for the Installation of Thomas [SECKER], Lord Bishop of Oxford, as Dean of S. Paul's. 1750. Manuscript. 1761. Account of S. Paul's Cathedral (from London and its Environs Described]. 8 vo ., London, 1761. 1765. An Historical Description of S. Paul's Cathedral. 8vo., London, 1765. Printed for J. Newbery. In the same volume is An Historical Description of the Tower of London. 8vo., London, 1767. Printed for J. Newbery. 1776. R. Keach. War with the Devil : or the Young Man's Con- flict with the Powers of Darkness. Twenty-second Edition. 8vo., London, 1776. [On page 131 is a rude cut, 'London in Flames.'] c. 1783. A Catalogue of the Library of the late Rev. Mr. John Mangey, late Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Vicar of Dunmow in Essex, including the valuable Library of his Father, the learned Dr. Thos. Mangey, formerly Prebendary of Durham, etc. (1,511 vols.) MS., quarto. Catalogue of Humfrey Wanley's Books. 1784. An Historical Description of St. Paul's Cathedral: To which are added, A Description of the Monument, also some Conjectures concerning London Stone and other Roman remains, etc. 8vo., London, 1784. 1787. A Form of Prayer to be used Yearly on the Second of September, for the dreadful Fire of London. 4to., London, 1787. *% The Form of Prayer for September 2 will be found in the Latin Prayer-Books : 8vo., London, 1727. Thos. Parsel, or Parsell. 8vo., London, 1744. 8vo., London, 1759. but not in the Latin Prayer-Books of 1698 and 1703. It is also in the French Prayer-Book : 8vo., London, 1788. Copies of these Latin and French Prayer-Books are in the Cathedral Library. *** The use of this Form of Prayer in S. Paul's Cathedral was discontinued in 1859. BOOKS ILLUSTRATING HISTORY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 77 1789. Plan of S. Paul's Cathedral and of the manner of fitting it up for Divine Service on the General Thanksgiving April 23, 1789, for the Accommodation of their Majesties, the Royal Family, and Court, and of both Houses of Parliament. By Order and under the Direction of Earl Salisbury, Lord Cham- berlain of the Household, to R. MYLNE, Surveyor to the Fabric. [With an autograph letter from Mr. Mylne, dated October 15, 1789, presenting the plan to the Dean and Chapter. This original plan shows the arrangements for seating all the more distinguished persons, whose names appear upon the margin.] 1789. The Order of Procession of the King, Queen, etc., to St. Paul's Church on Thursday the 23d of April, 1789, being the Day appointed for a General Thanksgiving on Account of His Majesty's Recovery. To which is prefixed, An Account of the Processions into the City of London by different Kings and Queens, from Edward III. to the present Time. 8vo., London [1789]. 1789. An Authentic Account of the Order of the Grand Procession, as it will be arranged, on their Majesties going to S. Paul's Cathedral on the 23d of April : together with the Names of all the Great Officers of State who will attend His Majesty, and those of the Ladies who will accompany the Queen. 8vo., London [1789]. 1789. A Fragment dropped from the pocket of a certain Lord, on Thursday, the 23rd April, 1789, on his way to St. Paul's with the Grand Procession, with Notes by the Finder. 8vo., London, 1789. 1793. Select Fables of ^Esop, and other Fabulists, in three books, collected by Mr. Dodsley. For the use of Schools. T2mo., Dublin, 1793. [At p. 134, The Fly in S. Paul's Cupola.] 1796? Hints respecting the Monument erected to John Howard in Saint Paul's Cathedral. 18 James Sykes, Virger. Historical Sketch of S. Paul's Cathedral. 8vo., London, N.D. 1811. Earle, J. (successively Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury). Microcosmography, or a piece of the world discovered, in essays and characters.* With notes and an appendix by Dr. Philip Bliss. 8vo., London, 1811. [Pp. 116-119 relate to Paul's Walk.] 1813. Plans, Elevation, Section, and View of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London ; engraved by J. Le Keux, from drawings * In the British Museum are several early editions, in I2mo. : 1628. 1629. The fifth. 1630. The sixth. 1633. Also called the sixth, but different from the last. 1638. The seventh. 78 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. by James Elmes, architect. With an Historical and Descrip- tive Account by Edmund Aikin, architect. 4to, London, 1813. 1814. Thanksgiving Day, 7 July, 1814. Report from Com- mittee appointed to consider of the Manner of The House going to St. Paul's Church, on Thursday the 7th day of this instant July. [House of Commons Report (four leaves), with Plan of the Choir of the Cathedral as arranged for the Service.] 1814. Correspondence and Evidences respecting the ancient Collegiate School attached to Saint Paul's Cathedral. Maria Hackett. The Fourth Edition, consider- ably enlarged 410, London, 1814. Also the editions published in 1816 and 1832, together with Miss Hackett's Manuscript Collections. 1817. Registrum Eleemosynariae D. Pauli Londoniensis, now first printed from a manuscript in the British Museum, with corroborative and explanatory Notes. Maria Hackett. 4to, London, 1817. Also the edition published in 1827. 1816. [Miss Hackett] A Popular Account of S. Paul's Cathedral. 8vo., London. 1816. 1825. Another edition. 1816. Another edition. 1826. i5th edition. 1818. A new edition. 1829. i8th edition. 1823. loth edition. J 833- iQth edition. 1824. i2th edition. I ^35- 2ist edition. 1825. i3th edition. ^37. 1818. The History of Saint Paul's Cathedral in London, from its foundation. . . By Sir William DUGDALE. Knt., Garter Principal King at Arms. With a continuation and addition, in- cluding the Republication of Sir W T illiam Dugdale's Life from his own Manuscript: by Henry ELLIS, F.R.S., Keeper of the MSS. in the British Museum. Folio, London, 1818. Also a large paper copy of the same edition. 1820. The Asses' Skin Memorandum Book lost in S. Paul's. To which is added, A Condolence with the Ultras. (In verse.) 8vo., London, 1820. 1823. The Historical, Descriptive, and Critical Account of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London. By JOSEPH GWILT, architect. (Not published.) 8vo., London, 1823. [One of 25 copies. This copy was presented to the Library by the Rev. R. H. Barham, librarian.] 1826. The New Testament, with explanatory Notes by J. WESLEY. i2mo., London, 1826. (The binding is stamped with a representation of the west front of S. Paul's Cathedral.) BOOKS ILLUSTRATING HISTORY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 79 1828. Camberwelliana : or a Narrative, containing among other interesting subjects, a few gentle hints to ... the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral. By Joseph SPARROW. 8vo., London, 1828. 1836. Souvenirs relatif a Saint Paul de Londres, suivis de quelques details sur un autre monument de la meme ville, La Tour de Londres. Par Gabriel PEIGNOT. 8vo., Paris, 1836. 1836. A History and Description of S. Paul's Cathedral ; containing a concise account both of the old and new Cathedrals. [Anon.] Dedicated to F. W. Blomberg, D.D., Canon Residentiary. 8vo., London, 1836. 1837. George Godwin, jun , architect. A History and Descrip- tion of S. Paul's Cathedral. Plates from original drawings by R. W. Billings, engraved by Lekeux, Challis, and Turnbull. 8vo., London, 1837. 1838. Manuscript Reports on the Library of S. Paul's Cathedral, March 21, 1838, March 19, 1839, March 21, 1840, March 21, 1843, m tne handwriting of the Rev. R. H. BARHAM, Librarian. 4to., MS., 1838. 1839. Plan for a more extensive application to Divine Service of the hitherto unoccupied portions of the Cathedrals of England, but more especially of S. Paul's Cathedral, in a letter to the Dean, etc. By a Clergyman. 8vo., London, 1839. 1839. R. C. Packman, Minor Canon. Spiritualities and Temporalities of S. Paul's Cathedral. First edition, 8vo., London [1839]. Second edition, 8vo., London, 1839. 1851. The Children in S. Paul's. An account of the anni- versary of the assembled Charity Schools of London and Westminster in the Cathedral Church of S. Paul. By T. B. MURRAY, M.A., Prebendary, etc. 8vo., London, 1851. [Frontispiece, 4,000 charity children witnessing a royal pro- cession to S. Paul's, September 20, 1714.] 1854. Remarks on a Danish Runic Stone from the eleventh century found in the central part of London. [S. Paul's Churchyard.] By Charles Christian RAFN. 8vo. Copenhagen. 1854. [The original stone is now in the Guildhall Museum ; a cast from it was presented by Dr. Sedgwick Saunders to the Cathedral Library in 1890.] " Scandinavian " or " Danish " sculptured Stones found in London: and their bearing on the supposed ''Scandinavian" or " Danish " origin of other English sculptured stones. By the Rev. G. F. BROWNE. Paper from the Archceological Journal, xlii., pp. 251-259, with plate of the stone discovered in S. Paul's Churchyard. -So LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1855. The Companion to S. Paul's Cathedral. By E. M. CUMMINGS [Dean's Virger]. Nineteenth edition. 8vo., London, 1855- 1857. Pavements from Chertsey Abbey, Surrey. By Henry SHAW, F.S.A. 410., London. Ten plates. 1857. Order of opening the Convocation of the Clergy of the Province of Canterbury on Friday, the i st Day of May, 1857 [at S. Paul's Cathedral]. 4to., London, 1857. Also other editions of the Order. 1858. The Domesday of S. Paul's of the year 1222, with an Introduction, Notes, and Illustrations by William Hale HALE, Archdeacon of London. (Camden Soc.) 4to., London, 1858. 186 . S. Paul's Cathedral Guide, with 'Arnott Brothers & Co.' on the title. [Messrs. Arnott were drapers in S. Paul's Churchyard.] 1 86 1. Forma Precum in utraque Domo Convocations, sive synodi Prselatorum et caeteri cleri, seu Provincialis seu Nationalis, in ipso statim cujuslibet sessionis initio solenniter recitanda. 4to., London, 1861, and other editions. 1862. A Guide over S. Paul's Cathedral. By D. LEEF [Virger]. 8vo., London, 1862. A new edition, 8vo., London, N.D. 1864. The Companion to S. Paul's Cathedral. By E. M. CUMMINGS. [Dean's Virger.] Twenty-eighth edition. 8vo., London, 1864. 1864-1878. Service Books at Festivals of Societies. Sons of the Clergy, 1864, 1866, 1869, 1870, 1873, 1875-8. Infant Orphan Asylum, Jubilee, 1877. Officers' Daughters' School, 1878. London Gregorian Association, 1873, l %75' Guild of S. Luke, 1878. Tonic Sol-Fa Association, Jubilee, 1891. 1 868. Remarks on a Visitation Mandate of Archbishop Boniface to the Dean and Canons of S. Paul's, A.D. 1253. By Thomas HUGO, M.A., etc. (Large paper.) 8vo., London, 1868. 1869. Annals of S. Paul's Cathedral. By Henry Hart MILMAN, D.D., late Dean of S. Paul's: Second edition. 8vo., London, 1869. 1869. The Companion to S. Paul's Cathedral. By E. M. CUMMINGS. [Dean's Virger.] Thirty-fifth edition. 8vo., London, 1869. 1871. The Charter and Statutes of the College of the Minor Canons in S. Paul's Cathedral. Communicated BOOKS ILLUSTRATING HISTORY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 81 to the Society of Antiquaries by W. Sparrow SIMPSON, D.D. 4to., Westminster, 1871. 1871. Report of the Committee appointed to consider the arrangement of the Musical Services in S. Paul's Cathedral. 410., London, 1871. 1872. The old Cheque-Book, or Book of Remembrance, of the Chapel Royal from 1561 to 1744. Edited by Edward F. RIM- BAULT, LL.D. (Cainden Soc.) 410., London, 1872. [Contains many particulars relating to musicians who have held office in the Cathedral.] 1872. Prince of Wales. Thanksgiving Service. February 27, 1872. Collection of Papers and Letters relating to the Ceremony. 1872. A Form of Service on the occasion of the Thanksgiving for the Recovery of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. To be used at Saint Paul's Cathedral 27 th February, 1872. By authority. 4to., London, 1872, and also large paper. 1872. S. Paul's Commutation. Order in Council. London Gazette, August 13, 1872. 1873. WiM am Long-man. A History of the Three Cathedrals dedicated to S. Paul in London. 8vo., London, 1873. 1873. S. Paul's Cathedral. Service for the Admission of Choristers. ^.1873. S. Paul's Cathedral. Order of the late Evening Service. 1873. Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londinensis. Edited by W. Sparrow SIMPSON. 4to., London, 1873. [Privately printed.] 1873-1892. The Weekly Music Bills of S. Paul's Cathedral, under three successive Succentors : Rev. W. C. F. Webber, January, 1873 April, 1876. Rev. W. Sparrow Simpson, Easter, 1876 Easter, 1885. Rev. W. Russell, Easter, 1885 present time. 1874. W. C. Fynes Webber. Letter to the Dean on the Ritual arrangements of the Cathedral, together with a plan. (Three pages.) June, 1874. 1874. Account of the Executors of Richard [de Gravesend], Bishop of London, 1303, and of the Executors of Thomas [de Bitton], Bishop of Exeter, 1310. Edited by the late Vener- able W. Hale HALE, M.A., Archdeacon of London, and the Rev. H. T. ELLACOMBE. M.A. (Camden Soc.) 4to., London, 1874- 1874. A Guide to S. Paul's Cathedral. Anon. 8vo., London, 1874. 6 82 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1875. Minor Canons' Act, June 29, 1875, 3 8 & 39 Victoria, c. 74. 1876. Minor Canons' Scheme. Order in Council. London Gazette, July 21. 1876. 1876. A Calendar of the Ecclesiastical Dignitaries of S. Paul's Cathedral from the year 1800 to the present time, 1876. 8vo. Compiled by W. Sparrow SIMPSON, Librarian. [Communicated to the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society.] 1876-1885. Reports on the Music of the Cathedral by the Succentor, W. Sparrow SIMPSON. First Report. Easter, 1876 Easter, 1877. 4to., London, 1877. Second Report. Easter, 1878 Easter, 1879. 4to., London, 1879. Third Report. Easter, 1880 Easter, 1881. 4to., London, 1881. Fourth Report. Easter, 1882 Easter, 1883. 410., London, 1883. Fifth Report. Easter, 1883 Easter, l88 5- 4 to -> London, 1885. 1877. Order of Service for the Marriage of the Lady Mayoress (Ada Louisa White) with Mr. Cecil Herbert Thornton Price in S. Paul's Cathedral, 9 Aug., 1877. 8vo., London. 1877. The Abbey Church of Saint Albans, Hertfordshire. Illustrated by James NEALE, F.S.A., architect. Folio, London, 1877. 1878. Agreement (relating to the Opening of S. Paul's Church- yard) between the Dean and Chapter, and the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens. July n, 1878 (Corn, Coal, and Finance Committee). 4to., London. 1878. Conference of Bishops of the Anglican Communion holden at Lambeth Palace, July, 1878. Letter from the Bishops, including the Reports adopted by the Conference. Service at S. Paul's. Order of Ceremonial. 8vo., London, 1878. 1878. Service used at the Dedication of the Peal of Twelve Bells in S. Paul's Cathedral, All Saints Day, 1878. 1879. Enthronement of Bishop Lightfoot to the See of Durham. 8vo., Durham, 1879. 1879. Handbook to the Cathedrals of England. Saint Paul's. With illustrations. 8vo., John Murray, 1879. ['This Handbook is essentially an abridged edition of Dean Milman's Annals of S. Pau/'s,' with additional matter. Edited by Arthur MILMAN, Esq.] 1880. Documents Illustrating the History of S. Paul's BOOKS ILLUSTRATING HISTORY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 83 Cathedral. Edited by VV. Sparrow SIMPSON. (Camden Soc.) 4to., London, 1880. 1881. Chapters in the History of Old S. Paul's. W. Sparrow SIMPSON. 8vo., London, 1881. 1882. On the Recent Discoveries of Portions of Old S- Paul's Cathedral. Communicated to the Society of Anti- quaries by Francis Cranmer PENROSE, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., Surve)or to the Fabric of S. Paul's. 4to., Westminster, 1882. 1 88 . . Notes on S. Paul's Cathedral. By Francis C. PENROSE ; with discussion at the Institute of British Architects. (Twelve pages.) [A plan of the newly-discovered cloisters, and a plan of Old S. Paul's accompanies the paper.) 1882. Great Paul from its Casting to its Dedication. By S. J. MACKIE, CE. With a Preface on Bells, by John STAINER, M.A., Doc.Mus., Organist of S. Paul's. 8vo., London, 1882. 1882. F. C. Penrose. On the recent discoveries of portions of Old S. Paul's Cathedral. (Society of Antiquaries.) 4to., London, 1882. 1883. Ninth Report of the Royal Commission on His- torical Manuscripts. 4to., London, 1883. [Contains Mr. Maxwell LYTE'S Report on the Records of the Dean and Chapter.] 1884. A List of the Lenten Services in S. Paul's Cathedral 1884, with the Names of the Preachers, the Subjects of their Discourses, etc. (Griffith and Farran.) 4to., London, 1884. A similar list for 1885. 1884. Manuscript Catalogue of Music in S. Paul's Cathe- dral. Compiled by Henry KING, Assistant Vicar Choral. 1884. 4to. 1884. Commemoration of the Consecration of Bishop Seabury. 14 November, 1784. Being the Order of Service in St. Paul's Cathedral, 14 November, 1884. 8vo., London, 1884. 1885. Tiles from Chertsey Abbey, Surrey, representing Early Romance Subjects. By Manwaring SHURLOCK, F.R.C.S. Folio, London, 1885. 1885-1892. Report on the Music of the Cathedral. By the Succentor, the Rev. William RUSSELL, M.A., Mus. Bac. First Report. Easter, 1885 Easter, 1887. 410, London, 1887. Second Report. Easter, 1889 Easter, 1890. 4to., London, 1890. 1887. Two Inventories of the Cathedral Church of S. Paul, London, dated respectively 1245 and 1402. Edited by W. Sparrow SIMPSON, etc. 4to., Westminster, 1887. [Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries.] 84 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1889. W. Sparrow Simpson. Gleanings from Old S. Paul's. 8vo., London, 1889. 1890. W. Sparrow Simpson. On the Statutes of Dean COLET for the Government of Chantry Priests and other Clergy of S. Paul's Cathedral. (Society of Antiquaries.) 4to., London, 1890. 1890. Papers relating to the Funeral of Lord Napier of Mag- dala, 21 January, 1890. 1891. The Organists and Composers of S. Paul's Cathe- dral, by John S. BUMPUS. 8vo., London, 1891. 1891. The Palaces or Town Houses of the Bishops of London. By W. Sparrow SIMPSON. [Communicated to the Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society.] 1892. Mandate of Bishop Clifford superseding the ancient Use of S. Paul's by the Use of Sarum. Edited by W. Sparrow SIMPSON. [Communicated to the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries.] 1892. The Greeting of the Ward of Castle Baynard to its Alderman, the Rt. Hon. David Evans, F.R.G.S., Lord Mayor of London, 9th November, 1891. Privately printed for the recep- tion committee of Castle Baynard Ward. 4to., London, 1892. (Only sixty copies printed.) Photograph of the Model of Baynard's Castle, erected in S. Paul's Churchyard 9 Nov., 1891, from which was presented the Address of the Inhabitants of Castle Baynard Ward to their Alderman, the Rt. Hon. David EVANS, F.R.G.S., Lord Mayor. 1892. John B. Marsh. S. Paul's Cross : the most famous spot in London. 8vo., London, 1892. 1892. Memoir concerning the Seabury Commemoration held at S. Paul's Cathedral, London, the i/j-th day of November, 1884. By George SHEA. 8vo., Cambridge [America], 1892. Collections relating to S. Paul's Cathedral. Gathered by W. Sparrow SIMPSON, D.D. A series of quarto volumes. Three volumes of Collections, printed and manuscript, relating especially to the Decoration of the Cathedral, the Bells, and the Wellington Monument. Compiled by Thomas CHIPPER- FIELD. The Misfortunes of S. Paul's Cathedral. (In verse. Four leaves. No title.) 4to. Papers relating to the Election and Installation of a Bishop. Collection of Newspaper Cuttings relating to the Cathe- dral. PA UL'S CROSS SERMONS. 85 The Manuscript Collections relating to S. Paul's Cathedral (of the Rev. John Pridden : admitted a Minor Canon in 1782. Five vols. PAULS CROSS SERMONS. [550. II A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the XIIII day of December, by Thomas Leuer. Anno. M.D.L. Imprynted at London by Jhon Day dwellyng ouer Aldersgate. 8vo., London, B.L., without pagination. 1555. A notable and very fruictefull Sermon made at Paules Crosse the XXV. day of August, by maister Hughe Glasier, Chapleyn to the Quenes most excellent maiestie, Perused by the reuerende father in god Edmond bishop of London, and by him approued, commended, and greatly liked : and therefore nowe set furth in print, by his auctoritie and commaundement. Read, and iudge. Loke, and lyke. Imprinted at London by Robert Caly, within the precinct of the late dissolued house of the graye Freers, nowe conuerted to an hospital, called Christes hospitall. The XII. day of October, 1555. 8vo., London, 1555. 1560. f The copie of a Sermon [on i Cor. xi. 23] pronounced by the Byshop of Salisburie [John Jewel] at Paules Crosse the second Sondaye before Ester in the Yere of our Lord, 1560. Whervpon D. Cole first sought occasion to encounter, shortly set forthe as nere as the authour could call it to remembraunce, without any alteration or addition. 8vo., John Daye [c. 1560]. B.L., without pagination. c. 1571. John Brigges [Bridges, Bishop of Oxford]. II A Sermon preached at Paules Crosse on the Monday in Whitson weeke, Anno Domini 1571. Entreating on this sentence, Sic Deus dilexit, etc. [S. John iii. 16], At London, printed by Henry Binneman for Humfrey Toy. N.D. 4to. 1572. Wimbledon, R. II A Sermon, etc. || Imprinted at London by John Awdely. (See the next article?) I 575- Wimbledon, R. II A Sermon [on S. Luke xvi. 2] no lesse fruitful then famous. Made in the yeare of our Lord God, m.ccclxxxviij. and founde out hyd in a wall. Which Sermon is here set forth by the old copy, without adding or diminishing saue the old & rude English here and there amended. II Imprinted at London by John Awdely. 1575, 8vo. B.L., without pagination. 1582. R. Wimbeldon. A sermon no lesse fruitfull then famous. Preached at Paules Crosse on the Sunday of Quinquagesima, 86 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. by R. Wimbeldon, in the raigne of King Henry the fourth, in the yeare of our Lorde 1388, And found out hid in a Wall, etc. f| Imprinted at London by John Charlewood, 1582. B.L., forty-four leaves, without pagination. Other editions of this sermon : 1584. By John Charlewood. London. B.L. 1603. By James Roberts. London. 1617. By W. Jaggard. London. B.L. Eleventh edition. 1634. By T. Cotes. London. B.L. Fourteenth edition. See also, infra, 1738. The British Museum has also the thirteenth edition, printed in 1629 by T. and R. Cotes; and the fifteenth by T. Cotes, printed in 1635, etc. 1578. White, Thomas. A Sermon [on Zeph. Hi. 1-3] Preached at Pawles Crosse on Sunday the ninth of December, 1576, by T. W[hite]. 8vo., Imprinted at London by Francis Coldock, 1578. B.L. [See Athentz Oxonienses, i. 413.] 1578. A Sermon preached at Pavls Crosse by John Walsal, one of the Preachers of Christ his Church in Canterburie, 5 October, 1578. And published at the earnest request of certein godlie Londoners and others. 8vo., London, G. Byshop, c. 1578. 1579. Knewstub, J. A Confutation of Monstrous & Horrible heresies, taught by HN, and embraced of a number who call themselves the Familie of Loue. *|< A Sermon preached at Paules Crosse the Fryday before Easter, commonly called good Fryday, in the yeere of our Lorde, 1576. By John KNEWSTUB. 8vo., London, 1579. 1580. Two Sermons preached, the one at Paules Crosse the eight of Januarie, 1580; the other at Christes Church in London, the same day in the after-noone ; by James BISSE, Maister of Arte, and Fellowe of Magdalene Col ledge in Oxen- ford. 8vo., at London ; Printed by Robert Waldegraue, etc. On the title, in red ink, the date of publication has been added with a pen 1585. !5 8 3. Certaine Sermons preached before the Queenes Maiestie and at Paules Crosse. By John JEWEL, Bishop of Salisbury. C. Barker. 8vo., London, 1583. Without pagination. 1584. Two Sermons preached by the reuerend father in God Richard [Curteis] Bishop of Chichester, the first [on Rev. xii. 1-9] at Paules Crosse. The second [on Acts xx. 28-31] at Westminster before the Queenes Maiestie. At London. Printed by T. Man, and W. Brome. Anno. 1584, 8vo., B.L. [Paul's Cross Sermon preached March 4, 1576 ; Westminster Sermon preached third Sunday in Lent, 1576.] .% An earlier edition, 8vo., London, 1576, B.L. [1585.] || A couvnter-poyson, modestly written for the tirne, to make aunswere to the objections and reproches, wherewith the PAUL'S CROSS SERMONS. 87 aunswerer to the Abstract would disgrace the holy Discipline of Christ. At London, Printed by Robert Waldegrave. 4to. 1586. A Defence of the reasons of the Counter-poyson, for maintenance of the Eldership, against an aunsvvere made to them by Doctor Copequot, in a publike Sermon at Pawles Crosse, vpon Psal. 84. 1584. 8vo., N.P., 1586. The Counter-poyson was a reply to the Answer probably by WHITGIFT to a book called an Abstract of certain Acts and Canons. [Note by W. MASKELL.] 1588. Bancroft, Richard [successively Bishop of London and Archbishop of Canterbury]. A Sermon [on S. John iv. i] preached at Paules Crosse the 9. of Februarie, being the first Sunday in the Parleament, Anno. 1588, by Richard Bancroft D. of Divinitie, and Chaplain to the Right Honorable Sir Chris- topher Hatton Knight, L. Chancelor of England. Wherein some things are now added, which then were omitted, either through want of time, or default in memorie. London, by E. B. for Gregorie Seton, 1588. 8vo. [In the British Museum is another edition. J. Norton. Sold by G. Emerson, London, 1637, 4to.] 1590. A Sermon preached at Pavles Crosse the ix. of November, 1589. By William JAMES D. of Diuinitie, and Deane of Christes-church in Oxford. Imprinted at London by George Bishop and Ralph Newberie, 1590. 4to. 1591. A Sermon Preached at Paules Crosse the second Sunday in Mychaelmas tearme last. 1590. By Geruase BABINGTON D. of Diuinitie. Not printed before this 23. of August, 1591. IT Imprinted at London by Thomas Este, dwelling in Alders- gate Streete, etc. (See a later edition, infra, 1599.) 1591. A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse on the 17. day of Nouember 1590, being the first day of the 33. yeare of the Queenes Majesties raigne, commonly called, the Queenes day. By John DUPORT Doctour of Diuinitie. 8vo., London. Printed by John Wolfe for Edward Aggas. 1591. 1592. A Sermon [on i Cor. xiv. i] teaching discretion in matters of religion, and touching certayne abuses nowe in the Churche: Preached at Paules Crosse the 21. of Nouember by Robert TEMPLE Bachelor in Diuinitie sometimes of Magdalene Collegge in Oxford. London : by R. B. for Edward Aggas, 1592. 8vo. 1593. Hearts Delight. A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse in London in Easter terme. 1593. By Thomas PLAYFERE Pro- fessour of Diuinitie for the Lady Margaret in Cambridge. 8vo., Cambridge, 1603. (In the same volume, a sermon by Playfere in Exeter Cathedral, 1596.) 8vo., London, 1633. 88 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. T 597- J nn Howson [successively Bishop of Oxford and of Durham]. A Sermon [on S. Matt. xxi. 12, 13] preached at Panics Crosse the 4. of December, 1597. Wherein is discoursed that all buy- ing and selling of spirituall promotion is unlawfull. By John HOWSON, student of Christes Church in Oxford. A. Hatfield for T. Adams. 4to., London, 1597. 1598. The Trumpet of Warre. A Sermon [on 2 Chron. xx. 20] preached at Paules Crosse the seuenth of Maie 1598. By M. Steph. GOSSON Parson, of Great Wigborow in Essex. Printed at London by V. S. for I. O. dwelling in Paules church- yard at the signe of the Parot [1598 ?]. 8vo. 1598. A Second Sermon, preached at Paules Crosse, the 21. of May, 1598. vpon the 21. of Math, the 12. and 13. verses. Concluding a former Sermon Preached the 4. of December 1597. vpon the same Text. By John HOWSON Student of Christes-church in Oxford. A. Hatfield for T. Adams. 4to., London, 1598. 1599. A Sermon Preached at Paules Crosse the second Sunday in Mychaelmas tearme last 1590. By Geruase BABINGTON D. of Diuinitie. Not printed before this 23. of August 1591. 8vo., London, Thomas Este, 1599. 1599. The effect of Certaine Sermons touching the full redemption of mankind by the death and bloud of Christ Jesus . . preached at Paules Crosse and elsewhere in London, by the right Reuerend Father Thomas BILSON, Bishop of Winchester. 410., London, 1599. 1601. A Sermon [on S. Matt. xxi. 22] preached at Paules Crosse, on the first Sunday in Lent Martii i, 1600. With a short dis- course of the late Earl of Essex his confession, and penitence, before and at the time of his death. By William BARLOW Doctor of Diuinitie. Whereunto is annexed a true copie, in substance, of the behaviour, speache and prayer of the said Earle at the time of his execution. 8vo., London, Mathew Law, 1601, B.L. 1602. A Sermon of the Steward's Danger: Preached at Paules Crosse the 15. of August by John HAYWARD. 8vo., London, Humfrey Lownes, 1602. 1602. A Sermon [on Gen. ix. 27] preached at Paules Crosse the 13. of June, 1602. By M. Francis MARBURIE. 8vo., London, Peter Short, 1602. Without pagination. 1605. A Sermon preached at Paules Crosse the 9. of June, 1605, upon the 20. of the Reuelation the 12. vers. ... By Samuell GARDNIER, Doct. of Diuinitie. 4to., London, Edward White, 1605. 1606. Jonahs Sermon, and Ninivehs repentance. A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse Jun. 20. 1602, and now thought fit to be published for our meditations in these times. By Ro. PAUL'S CROSS SERMONS 89 WAKEMAN Master of Arts and fellow of Balioll Colledge in Oxford. The second impression. 8vo., Oxford, 1606. 1606. Barlow, William [successively Bishop of Rochester and of Lincoln]. The Sermon [on Psal. xviii. 50] preached at Paules Crosse, the tenth day of November, being the next Sunday after the Discouerie of this late Horrible Treason [the Gunpowder Plot]. Preached by the right Reverend Father in God William, Lord Bishop of Rochester. G. W. for Mathew Lawe, London, 1606. 410. 1608. A Sermon preached at Paules Crosse, vpon the i. of November, being All-Saints Day, Anno 1607. By Sa. COLLINS, Batchelour in Diuinitie, and fellow of the Kings Colledge in Cambridge. 4to., London, 1608. By Humfrey Lownes for Richard Bonian. 1608. Foure Sermons lately preached by Martin Fotherby, Doctor in Diuinity, and Chaplain vnto the Kings Maiestie. . . . The Third at Paules Crosse, vpon the day of our deliuerance from the gun-powder treason. Nouemb. 5, Anno. 1607. London, Henry Ballard for C. K. and W. C, 1608. 410. 1608. The Sermon [on Jer. li. 9] preached at the Crosse, Feb. xiiii., 1607. By W. CRASH AWE, Batchelour of Diuinitie, and preacher at the Temple : justified by the Authour, both against Papist, and Brownist, to be the truth, &c. Imprinted by H. L. for E. Weaver. 4to., London, 1608. [In the British Museum is the second impression, reviewed by the author. Imprinted by H. L. for M. Lownes. 4to., London, 1609.] 1609. Gods mercies and Jerusalems miseries. A Sermon Preached at Pauls Crosse the 25. of June, 1609. By Lancelot DAWES, Master of Arts and Fellow of Queenes Colledge in Oxford. 8vo., printed for Cle. Knight, 1609. No place. 1609. Davids Teacher, or The Trve Teacher of the Right-Way to Heaven. Discovering erroneous Teachers and Seditious Sectuaries. Preached at Paules-Crosse the 3. of September, 1609. By Ro: JOHNSON, M. of Arts, chaplaine to the Right Reuerend Father in God, the L. Bishop of Lincolne. London : T. Haueland for Mathew Law, and are to be solde at his shop in Pauls-Church-yard, neere S. Austins-gate, at the Signe of the Fox, 1609. 4to. 1609. Loves complaint, for Want of Entertainment. A Sermon [on i Cor. xiii. 6, 7] preached at Pavles Crosse, the third of December, 1609. By William HOLBROOKE. 4to., London, Nathaniel Butter. N.D. Without pagination. 1609. Sauls prohibition staide. Or the apprehension, and examination of Saule. And the Inditement of all that perse- cute Christ. With a reproofe of those that traduce the Honour- able Plantation of Virginia. Preached in a Sermon, Com- 90 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. maunded at Pauls Crosse, vpon Rogation Sunday, being the 28. of May, 1609. By Daniel PRICE, chapleine in ordinarie to the Prince, and Master of Artes of Exeter Colledge in Oxford. 4to., London, 1609. 1609. A Sermon at the solemnizing" of the Happie In- auguration of our most gracious and Religious Soueraigne King James. . . Preached at Paules Crosse, the 24. of March lasr, 1608. By Richard CRAKANTHORPE, Doctor of Diuinitie. 4to., London, Tho. Adams, 1609. 1609. J. H. [Joseph Hall, successively Bishop of Exeter and of Norwich]. The Passion Sermon [on S. John xix. 30] preached at Paules Crosse, on Good-Friday Apr. 14, 1609, by I. H. Printed by W. S. for E. Edgar. 8vo., London, 1609. [In the British Museum is another edition. Printed by W. S. for E. Edgar. i6mo., London, 1609.] 1609. A Sermon preached [on Hosea vii. 7-12] at Pavles Crosse the seaventh of May, M.DC.IX. By George BENSON, Doctor of Diuinitie, sometimes fellowe of Queenes Colledge in Oxford. Imprinted by H. L. for R. Moore. 4to., London, 1609. 1609. Cheaste, Thomas. The Way to Life. Delivered in a Sermon [on Amos v. 6] preached at Paules Crosse . . . 1608. N. O[kes] for W. Jones, London, 1609. 4to. 1611. A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the third of March 1 6 10. By Theophilus HIGGONS. In testimony of his heartie reunion with the Church of England, and humble submission thereunto. Published by Command. 4to., London, 1611. 161 r. The Sinne against the Holy Ghost plainly described . . in a Sermon preached at Pavles Cross, April 14, 1611. By lohn DENISON, Bachelor of Diuinitie. 4to., London, 1611. 1612. The Gallants Burden. A Sermon [on Isaiah xxi. n, 12] preached at Pavles Crosse, the twentie nine of March, being the first Sunday in Lent 1612. By Tho. ADAMS, Preacher of Gods Word at Willington in Bedford-shire. 4to., London, 1612. [The British Museum has an edition. 4to., London, 1616.] 1612. Repentance not to be repented of. A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse October 18, 1612 . . . since reuiewed and en- larged by William HULL Doctor in Diuinitie. 410., London, 1612. 1613. The Christian Pathway. Deliuered in a Sermon [on Ephes. v. i] preached at Paules Crosse the last of June, 1611. By Mr. Thomas CHEASTE, Minister and Preacher of Gods Word. N. Okes. 4to., London, 1613. 1613. Englands Svmmons. A Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the third of January, 1612. By Thomas SUTTON, Master of Arts and fellow of Queenes Colledge in Oxford. 4to., London, 1613. PA UVS CROSS SERMONS. 91 1613. The White Devil, or the Hypocrite Vncased. In a Sermon [on S. John xii. 6] preached at Pavls Crosse, March 7, 1612. By Thomas ADAMS, minister of the Gospell at Willington, in Bedford-shire. The second edition. T. Snodham for R. Mab. 4to., London, 1613. The British Museum possesses also ' a fourth impression.' 1613. The Earnest of our Inheritance: together with a description of the new Heaven and of the New Earth . . . Preached at Pauls Crosse the second day of August, 1612. By Thomas DRAXE, Bachelour of Diuinity. 4to., London, 1613. 1613. The Cryer. A Sermon preached at Pavls Crosse the fifth of Februarie. By Nathanaell CANNON, Preacher of Gods word at Wokeingham. Felix Kingston. 8vo., London, 1613. 1613. London's Warning by Laodicea's Luke-Warme- nesse, or a sermon preached at Paules-Crosse, the 10 of October, 1613, being the first Sunday in Tearme. By Sampson PRICE, M r of Arts, of Exeter-Colledge ; and Preacher to the Cittie of Oxford. 4to., London, 1613. 1613. The godly Merchant, or the greate gaine. A Sermon preached at Paules Crosse Octob. 17, 1613. By William PEM- BERTON, Bachelour of Diuinity, and Minister of Gods Word at High Onger in Essex. 4to., London, 1613. 1614. Ivstifying and saving Faith distingvished from the Faith of the Deuils. In a Sermon [on S. James ii. 19] preached at Pauls Crosse in London, May 9, 1613. By Miles MOSSE, Pastor of the Church of God at Combes in Suffolke, and Doctor of Diuinitie. C. Legge, Printer to the Universitie of Cambridge. 4to., 1614. 1615. Sermons preached at Pavls Crosse and else-where, by lohn HOSKINS, sometimes Fellow of New-Colledge in Oxford, minister and Doctor of Law. (The volume contains two sermons, one ' preached at Saint Maries in Oxford ' [on S. Luke xii. 48] ; the other 'preached at Pavls Crosse'). 4to., London, 1615. 1615. Two Sermons preached : the one at Hereford, the other at Pavls Crosse. By lohn HOSKINS, minister and Doctor of the Law. 4to., London, 1615. 1615. Two Sermons preached : the one at Saint Maries in Oxford [on Hosea viii. 12], the other being the conclvsion of the Re- hearsall Sermon at Pauls Crosse, 1614. By lohn HOSKINS, Minister and Doctor of the Law. 410., London, 1615. 1615. A Learned and Graciovs Sermon Preached at Paules Crosse, by that famovs and ludicious Diuine, lohn SPENSER, D. of Diuinity, and late President of Corpus Chr. Coll. in Oxford. Published for the "benefite of Christs Vineyard, by H. M. 410., London, 1615. 1615. Two Sermons ; the former delivered at Pavles Crosse the 92 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. fovre and twentieth of March, 1615, being the anniuersarie commemoration of the Kings most happie succession in the Crowne of England. The latter at the Spittle on Monday in Easter Weeke, 1613. By lohn WHITE, D.D. 4to, London, 1615. 1615. A Divine Enthymeme of trve Obedience: or a Taske for a Christian. Preached at Pauls Crosse the tenth of Sep- tember, 1615, by Anthonie HUGGET, Maister of Arts, and Parson of the Cliffe neare Lewis in Sussex. 4to, London, 1615. 1615. A Sermon against oppression and fraudulent dealing" : preached at Pavles Crosse, the eleuenth of December, by Charles RICHARDSON, Preacher at Saint Katherines neare the Tower of London. 410., London, 1615. 1616. The Patterne of an Invincible Faith. A Sermon preached at Panics Crosse, the first Sunday afrer Trinity, being the 2d of June, 1616. By William WORSHIP, Doctor of Diuinitie. 4to., London, 1616. 1616. Gods Plentie, feeding trve Pietie. In a Sermon [on Psa. Ixxxi. 10] preached at Pavls Crosse, on the 18 day of June, 1615. To warne the Oppressor, whose trust is in the World; and to ease the Oppressed, who trusteth in the Lord. By lohn WHALY. W. Stansby. 4to., London, 1616. i6j6. The laver of the heart; or Bath of sanctification [on Jerem. iv. 14]. Preached at Pauls Crosse the first of September last, 1615. By Gabriel PRICE, Minister and Preacher of Gods Word. F. Kyngston, for T. Man. 4to., London, 1616. 1616'. A Sermon [on Psal. ci. 8] concerning the punishing of Malefactors. Preached at Paules Crosse, the first of October, by Charles RICHARDSON, Preacher at Saint Katharines neere the Tower of London. Printed for W. Butler. 4to., London, 1616. 1617. Balme from Gilead to recouer Conscience. In a Sermon Preached at Pauls-Crosse, Octob. 20, 1616. By Samvel WARD, Bach, of Diuinitie, and Preacher of Ipswich. 4to., London, 1617. 1617. The Evnvches Conversion. A Sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the second of February, 1617, by Charles SONNIBANK, Doctor of Diuinitie, and Canon of Windsor. Printed by H. L. for Richard Fleming ; and are to be Sould at his Shop at the great South doore of Paules, on the right hand going vp the steps, 1617. 4to., London, 1617. 1617. The Rainebow, or, a Sermon [on Genesis ix. 13] preached at Pavls Crosse the tenth day of lune, 1617. By Immanvel BOVRNE Master of Artes and Preacher of Gods Word. Printed for T. Adams. 410., London, 1617. 1618. Antichrist arraigned: in a Sermon at Pauls Crosse, the PAUL'S CROSS SERMONS. 93 third Sunday after Epiphanie. With the Tryall of Guides, on the fourth Sunday after Trinitie. By Thomas THOMPSON, Bachelour in Diuinitie, and Preacher of Gods Word. 410., London, 1618. 1618. Balme from Gilead to recouer Conscience. In a Sermon [on Heb. xiii. 18] preached at Pauls Crosse, Octob. 20, 1616. By Samuel WARD, Bach, of Diuinitie, and Preacher of Ipswich. Printed by T. S., for R. Jackson and W. Blades. 8vo., London, 1618. 1619. A Sermon [on Isaiah xxxviii. 17] of Pvblicke Thanks-giving for the happy recouery of his Maiesty from his late dangerous sicknesse : Preached at Pavls-Crosse the n of Aprill, 1619, by the B. of London. [John KING.] Published by commande- ment. Printed for T. Adams. 4to., London, 1619. 1619. Londons Warning by Jervsalem. A Sermon [on Micah vi. 9] preached at Pavls Crosse on Mid-Lent Sunday last. By Francis WHITE, M r of Arts, and sometime of Magdalene Colledge in Oxford. Printed by George Purslowe, for Richard Flemming : and are to be sold at his Shop at the signe of the three Flower-de-Luces, in Saint Pauls Alley, neere Saint Gregories Church, 1619. 4to, London, 1619. 1620. A Sermon [on Psal. cii. 13, 14] at Paules Crosse on behalfe of Paules Church, March 26, 1620. By the B. of London. [John KING.] Both preached and published by his Majesties commandement. E. Griffin for E. Adams. 4to., London, 1620. 1620. Rabboni ; Mary Magdalens Teares, of Sorrow, Solace. The one for her Lord being lost. The other for Him being found [on S. John xx. 16]. . . Preached at S. Pauls Crosse, after the Rehearsall, and newly reuised and enlarged : By Thomas WALKINGTON, Doctor in Diuinity, and Minister of the Word at Fulham. E. Griffin, for R. Whitakers. 8vo., London, 1620. 1621. The sinne vntp death, or an ample Discovery of that fearefull sinne, The Sinne against the Holy Ghost, together with the signes, degrees, and preservatiues thereof. In a Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, August 26, 1621. By Tho. BEDFORD, M r of Arts in Queenes Colledge in Cambridge. 4to., London, 1621. 1621. A Sermon [on S. John xv. 20] preached at Pavls Crosse the 25 of November 1621. Upon occasion of that false and scan- dalous Report (lately Printed) touching the supposed Apostasie of the right Reuerend Father in God John King, late Lord BP of London. By Henry KING, his eldest Sonne. Whereunto is annexed the Examination, and Answere of Thomas Preston, P. taken before my Lords Grace of Canterbury touching this scandal. Published by Authority. F. Kyngston for W. Barret. 410., London, 1621. The * Examination ' of Preston is without pagination. 94 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1621. The Brazen Serpent : or the Copie of a Sermon Preached at Pavls Crosse, Decemb. 31, 1620. By John ANDREWES, Priest and Preacher of the Word of God at Saint lames Clerkenwell in Middlesex. 4to., London, 1621. 1622. The Trve Way of a Christian to the New lervsalem . . Delivered first in Briefe, in a Sermon preached at Paules- Crosse the first Sunday in the New Yeere 1617, and newly reuised and enlarged by Immanvel BOVRNE, Master of Artes, and now Parson of Ashouer in the County of Derby. 4to., London, 1622. 1622. Gods Goodnes and Mercy, layd open in a Sermon, preached at Pavls-Crosse on the last of lune, 1622. By Mr. Robert HARRIS, Pastour of the Church of God at Hanvvell in Oxfordshire. 4to., London, 1622. 1623. A Sermon preached at Paules-Crosse the second day of June, being the last Sunday in Eastc-r Terme 1622. By Thomas AILESBVRY Student in Diuinitie. 4to., London, 1623. 1623. A Svb-Poena from the Star Chamber of Heaven. A Sermon [on S. Luke iii. 9] preached at Pauls Crosse the 4. of August, 1622. With some particular Enlargements which the limited time would not then allow. By Dan. DONNE, Master of Arts, and Minister of the Word. (Dedicated to Dean Donne and others.) A. Mathewes for I. Grismand. 8vo., London, 1623. [Pp. 115-118 wanting.] 1623. The Kings Towre and Trivmphant Arch of London. A Sermon preached at Pavls Crosse, August 5, 1622. By Samvel PVRCHAS, Bacheler of Diuinitie, and Parson of Saint Martins Ludgate, in London. 8vo., London, 1623. 1623. The Royal Receipt: or, Hezekiahs Physicke. A Sermon [on Isa. xxxviii. 2, 3, and 2 Kings xx. 2, 3] delivered at Pavls- Crosse, on Michaelmas Day, 1622. By Elias PETLEY. [Dedi- cated to Dean Donne.] Printed by B. A. for E. Blackmore. 4to., London, 1623. 1624. The Temple. A Sermon preached at Pavls Crosse the fifth of August, 1624. By Tho. ADAMS. 4to., London, 1624. 1624. Hold fast. A Sermon preached at Pavls Crosse vpon Sunday being the xxxi. of October, Anno Domini 1624. By lohn GEE, Master of Arts, late of Exon Colledge in Oxford. 410., London, 1624. 1625. The Watchman Warning. A Sermon preached at Pavls Crosse the 26. of September, 1624. By William PROCTER, Master of Arts, and Minister of Gods Word. 4to., London, 1625. 1625. A Sermon preached at Pavls Crosse the 24. of October, PA UL'S CROSS SERMONS. 95 1624. By Robert BEDINGFIELD, Master of Arts, and Student of Christ Church in Oxford. 4to., Oxford, 1625. 1625. A SermOi. preached at Pavles Crosse : laying open the Beast, and his Marks. Vpon the 14. of the Reuelations, vers. 9, 10, ii. By Richard SHELDON, a Conuert from out of Babylon, Doctor in Diuinitie, His Maiesties Chaplaine. 410., London, 1625. 1626. A Sermon [on Ezek. xxxvii. 22] preached at Pauls Crosse March the 24, 1624, by Barten HOLYDAY, Archdeacon of Oxford. W. Stansby for N. Butter. London, 1626, 410. 1627. The White Wolfe ; or, a Sermon [on S. Matthew vii. 15] preached at Pavls Crosse, Feb. n, . . . anno 1627. . . wherein Faction is vnmasked, especially the Hetheringtonian Faction. By Stephen DENISON, minister of Katherine Cree- church, London. G. Miller, 4to., London, 1627. The British Museum possesses also a copy with a slightly different title. 1627. The Arraignment of the Arrian, His Beginning, Height, Fall. In a Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, June 4, 1624, being the first Sunday in Trinitie Terme. By Humphry SYDENHAM, M r of Arts, and Fellow of Wadham Col ledge in Oxford. 410., London, 1627. 1628. Tormenting" Tophet, or a Terrible description of Hell, able to breake the hardest heart, and cause it quake and tremble. Preached at Pavls Crosse the 14 of June, 1624. By Henry GREENWOOD. (Hempsted in Essex.) 8vo., London, 1628. 1628. Two Sermons preached at Pavles-Crosse, London, The one Nouemb. 21, the other Aprill 15, 1627, being the Fifth and Sixth ad Populum. By Robert SAVNDERSON, Bachelour in Diuinitie, and sometimes Fellow of Lincolne Colledge in Oxford. 4to., London, 1628. 1629. A Sermon [on S. Luke xxi. 34] preached at Pavls Crosse on Sunday the eight and twentieth day of lune, 1629, by Richard FARMER, sometimes of Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge, now Parson of Charwelton in the County of Northampton. Printed for J. Bowler. 4to., London, 1629. 1631. Gods Goodnes and mercie laid open in a Sermon preached at Pavls Crosse on the last of June, 1622. By M. Robert HARRIS, Pastor of the Church of God at Hanwell in Oxfordshire. The fourth Edition, corrected, amended, and much enlarged by the same Authour. 4to., London, 1631. 1634. The way to prosper. A Sermon preached at S. Pavls Crosse on Sunday the 27. day of May, being Trinity Sunday. By John GORE, Rector of Wenden-lofts in Essex. The second Edition. 4to., London. 1634. 1635. Two Sermons [on i Cor. i. 10 and i S. John iv. 1-3] 9 6 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. the first, preached at Canterbury, April 14, 1635. The second at Saint Paul's Crosse, the eighteenth of Aprill, 1630. By Edward BOUGHEN, Parson of Wood-Church in Kent. Printed by R. B. 4to., London, 1635. 1635. Two Sermons : the former concerning the right use of Christian Liberty, preached at S. Pauls Crosse, London, May 6 : the latter, concerning the perswasion of Conscience, preached at a Metropoliticall visitation at Grantham, Lincoln : Aug. 22, 1634. By Robert SAUNDERSON, Chaplaine to his Maiestie. 4to., London, 1635. 1636. Certain Sermons preached upon several! occasions. By John GORE, Rector of Wenden-lofts in Essex. The way to prosper. Paul's Crosse. Trinity Sunday, 1632. The way to be content. Cathedral. 26 May, 1634. A summer Sermon. Cathedral. 1635, printed. A Winter Sermon. Cathedral. Shrove Tuesday, 1634. Unknowne kindnesse. Cathedral. 1635. The Oracle of God. Cathedral. 20 Dec., 1635. The Poore Mans Hope. Place not stated. T. Cotes for T. Alchorn. 4to., London, 1636. 1638. A Discovrse abovt the state of trve happinesse, delivered in certaine sermons in Oxford, and at S. Pauls Crosse. By Robert BOLTON, Batchelour in Divinitie and Minister of God's Word at Broughton in Northampton Shire. The seventh edition. 410., London, 1638. 1640. The Love-sicke Spouse. A Sermon preached at St. Pauls Crosse. [By Dr. John STOUGHTON.] Printed for J. Bellamie, etc. 4to., London, 1640. [No. 2 of XV. Choice Sermons preached upon several occasions.] 1641. Ten Sermons vpon severall occasions preached at Saint Paul's Crosse, and Elsewhere, by the Right Reverend Father in God, Arthur LAKE, late Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. 4to., London, 1641. (The British Museum has an edition, 410., London, 1640.) 1642. A Sermon appointed for Saint Pauls Crosse, but Preached in Saint Pauls Church, on the day of His Majesties Happy Inauguration, March 27, 1642. By Richard GARDYNER, D.D., and Canon of Christ Church, Oxon. 410., London, 1642. 1653. A Sermon preached at St. Paul's Cross on Good Friday, April 1 6, 1625. By a late Reverend Bishop of the Church of England. 4to., London, 1653. 1658-18 .. The Saints Ark, or, City of Refuge in the Day of his Distress : discovered in two sermons ; one of which was preached at Paul's Cross, the other in St. Mary's Church, Cam- bridge upon special Occasions. By Richard SIBBS, D.D., late Master of Catharine Hall, Cambridge, and Preacher at Gray's Inn, London. 8vo., London, reprint, 18 . . SERMONS PREACHED IN S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 97 1676. A Caveat for the Covetous, in a Sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the fourth of December, 1669. By William WHEATLIE, Preacher of the Word of God in Banburie. 8vo., London, 1676. 1738. The Regal, Clerical, and Laical Bayliffs, Cited by three Som'ners, to give a Reckoning of their Bayliwicks. A Sermon in two parts, no less Fruitful than Famous : preach'd at Paul's Cross . . . 1388, and found out hid in a Wall. By Richard WIMBLEDON. The Fourteenth Edition. 8vo., London, 1738. [See supra, 1575, etc.] SERMONS PREACHED FOR THE MOST PART IN S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. c. 1511. The Sermo of doctor Colete, made to the Conuocacion of Paules. The Colophon is : Thomas Berthelet regius im- pressor excudebat. Cum priuilegio. [A perfect copy of this rare book is in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. See Maitland, Early printed Books in the Lambeth Library ', p. 239.] Sheets A and B only : sheet C, six leaves, is wanting. 1550. A fruitfull Sermon made in Poules churche at London in the Shroudes the seconde daye of Februari, by Thomas LEUER. Anno M.D. & fiftie. Small 8vo., London, Day and Seres, 1555. A Notable Sermon made within S. Paules Church in Lodon, in the presence of certen of the Kinges and Quenes moost honorable priuie cousell at the celebration of the exequies of the righte excellent and famous princesse, lady Jone, Quene of Spayne, Sicilie & Nauarre, etc., the xviij of June, Anno 1555. By Maister John FECKENAM, Deane of the sayd Churche of Paules. II Set forth at the request of some in auctoritie whose request could not be denayed. Excusum Londini in aedibus Roberti Caly, Typographi, Mense Augusti, Anno 1555. Cum priuilegio. 8vo., London, 1555. 1574. A Lecture or Exposition upon a part of the V chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrues. Set forth as it was read in Paules Church in London the 6 Dec., 1573, by Edward DERYNG. J. Awdely, 8vo., London, 1574. 1599. Christs Checke to S. Peter for his curious question, out of these words in Saint lohn : Quid ad te ? Begun in Paules Church on S. lohns day the Euangelist, 1597, out of part of the Gospel appointed for that day, and prosecuted the same day 7 98 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. this yeare 1598, in the same place, and else where at other times in sixe seueral Sermons. [By Lavrence BARKER.] 8vo., London, 1599. 1 6 . . Nine select Sermons preached upon special occasions in the Parish Church of St. Gregories by St. Pauls. By the late Reverend John HEWYTT, D.D. Together with his publick Prayers before and after Sermon. 8vo., London, N.D. Dr. Hewytt was beheaded on Tower Hill 8 June, 1658. An ardent Royalist. 1601. A Sermon preached at Pauls in London on the 17 of November, Ann. Dom. 1599, the one and fortieth yeare of her Maiesties raigne, and augmented in those places wherein, for the shortnes of the time, it could not there be then delivered. By Thomas HOLLAND, Doctor of Divinity, & her Highnes Pro- fessor thereof in her Vniversity of Oxford. 4to., Oxford, 1601. 1608. A Sermon preached at Whitehall the 5 Day of November, Ann. 1608, by John KING, Doctor of Divinity, Deane of Christ- Church in Oxon and Vicechauncellor of the Vniversity. 4to., Oxford, 1608. 1614. A Summons to Ivdgement. Or a Sermon appointed for the Crosse, bvt delivered vpon occasion in the Cathedrall church of S. Paul, London: the 6. day of lune, 1613, beeing the first Sunday of Midsommer Terme. By Thomas BAVGHE, student of Christ-Church in Oxford. 4to., London, 1614. 1617. Maries Memoriall. A Sermon preached at St. Maries Spittle on Munday in Easter Weeke, being Aprill i, 1616. By Daniel PRICE, Doctor in Diuinitie, and Chaplaine vnto the Kings Maiestie. 4to., London, 1617. 1621. Ad Reverendissimos Patres & Presbyteros Totius Prouinciae Cantuariensis in Synodo Londini Congregates : habita in Ecclesia Cathedrali S. Pavli, Anno Dom. 1620, Ian. 31. Per Johannem BOWLE, Decanum Sarisburiensem. 4to., London, 1621. 1622. nOAE122-NAfi-AA*NH. Londons Lawrell : or a Branch of the Graft of Gratitvde, first budded in the Temple and now begun to blossom, vpon Davids Thankfvlnes to the Lord for a Cities kindnesse. By Edw. DALTON, one of the Lecturers in the Cathedrall Church of S. Pauls, London. 4to., London, 1622. 1623. Two godly and profitable Sermons earnestly inueighing against the sins of this Land in generall, and in particular against the sinnes of this Citie of London. Preached in the Citie of London, by Thomas HOPKINS, minister at Yeardley in the county of Worcester. 4to., London, 1623. 1623. The Bishop of London [John King] his Legacy, or, certaine motiues of D. KING, late Bishop of London, for his change of Religion, and dying in the Catholike and Roman SERMONS PREACHED IN S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 99 Church. With a Conclusion to his Brethren, the LL. Bishops of England. 4to., Permissu Superiorum, 1623. Noplace. 1624. Columba Nose Olivam adferens iactatissimae Christi Arcae. Concio Synodica ... in Aede Pavlina Londinensi Feb. 20, 1623, a los. HALLO, S.T.D., Decano Wigorniensi. 410., London, 1624. 1625. The Spirituall Spring. A Sermon preached at Pa vis, wherein is declared the necessity of growing in grace and the goodly gaine that comes thereby. By Richard LEE, Preacher of the word of God at Woluerhampton in Staffordshire. 4to., London, 1625. 1635. Labour forbidden and Commanded. A Sermon preached at St. Pa vis Church, September 28, 1634. By Edward RAINBOWE, Fellow of Magdalen Colledge in Cambridge. 4to., London, 1635. 1637. Three Sermons : two of them appointed for the Spittle, preached in St. Paul's Church, by John SQUIER, Vicar of St. Leonards, Shoredich in Middlesex : and John LYNCH, Parson of Herietsham in Kent. 4to., London, 1637. 1637. Mortification Apostolicall. Delivered in a Sermon in Saint Pauls Church, upon Summons received for the Crosse : on the last Sunday in Easter Terme, May 21, 1637. By William WATS, Rector of St. Albans Woodstreet, London. 4to., London, 1637. 1637. A Plea for Peace : or, a Sermon preached in St. Pavls Church in London, July 9, 1637. By Henry VERTUE, Parson of the Parish Church of Alhallowes, Honey-Lane in London. 4to., London, 1637. 1639. God save the King. A Sermon preached in St. Pauls Church the 27th of March, 1639, being the day of His Maiesties most happy Inauguration, and of His Northerne Expedition. By Henry VALENTINE, D.D. 4to., London, 1639. 1640. The Peace of Enmity. A Sermon Preached in Paules Church the 12 day of February, in the yeere of our Lord God, 1639, by Augustine HILL, Rector of Dengey in the County of Essex. 410., London, 1640. 1640. A Sermon preached at St. Pavls March 27, 1640. Being the Anniversary of His Maiesties happy Inauguration to his Crowne. By Henry KING, Deane of Rochester, and Residen- tiary of St. Pauls : One of His Majesties Chaplaines in Ordi- nary. 410., London, 1640. 1641. A Trve Copy of that Sermon which was preached at Saint Pavls the tenth day of October last, by Thomas CHESHIRE, minister of Gods holy Word and Sacraments. 4to., London, 1641. 1641. A Sermon preached in the Cathedrall Church of S. Paul. ioo LIBRARY OF 6'. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. On the fourteenth day of November, 1641. In the Evening. By Doctor WESTFEILD, one of the Prebendaries of the said Church. 4to., London, 1641. [Dr. Westfield was consecrated Bishop of Bristol in 1642.] 1642. The Presentment of a Schismaticke, by the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas [MORTON], Lord Bishop of Durham, in his Sermon preached at the Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls the 19 of June, 1642. 4to., London, 1642. 1642. The Good of Peace, and ill of VVarre, Set forth in a Sermon preached in the Cathedrall Church of S. Paul, the last day of July, 1642. By Ephraim VDALL, Rector of S. Austins, London. 4to., London, 1642. 1642. Christophilo, the true Christian subject decyphered, in a Sermon preached at Saint Pauls, London, on the seventh of August, Anno 1642. By Benjamin SPENCER, minister of S* Thomas Parish in Southwarke. 4to., London, 1642. 1642. A Patheticall Perswasion to pray for Publick Peace, propounded in a Sermon preached in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul, Octob. 2, 1642. By Matthew GRIFFITH, Rector of S. Mary Magdalens, neer Old-Fish-Street, London. 4to., London, 1642. 1645. Reall Thankfulnesse : or, a Sermon preached in Pauls Church, London, vpon the second day of November, 1645, at a Publike Thanksgiving for the taking in of the Towns and Castles of Caermarthen and Mounmouth in Wales, it being the first Lords-Day after the Inauguration of the Right Honourable Thomas Adams, now Lord Major of that famous City. By Simeon ASH, preacher at Basingshaw, London, and one of the assembly of Divines. 4to., London, 1645. 1646. Hsereseo-machia : or, the mischiefe which Heresies doe, and the means to prevent it. Delivered in a Sermon in Pauls. [Before Lord Mayor, etc., Feb. i, 1645.] By James CRAN- FORD, Pastour of Christopher Le Stocks, London. 4to., London, 1646. 1646. The Dvty of such as would walke worthy of the Gospel to Endeavour Union, not Division nor Tolera- tion. Opened in a Sermon at Pauls upon the Lords Day, Feb. 8, 1646. By Matthew NEWCOMEN, Preacher of the Gospel at Dedham in Essex. 4to., London, 1646. 1646. ^EYAEAEYGEPIA. Or, Lawlesse Liberty, set forth in a Sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Major of London, etc., in Paul's, Aug. 16, 1646. By Edward TERRY, Minister of the Word, and Pastor of the Church at Great Green- ford, in the County of Middlesex. Sept. n, 1646. Imprimatur, John Downame. 4to., London, 1646. 1646. The Present Duty and Endeavour of the Saints, opened in a Sermon at Pauls upon the Lords Day, December SERMONS PREACHED IN S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 101 14, 1645, by Joseph CARYL, minister of the Gospell at Magnus, neere London Bridge. 4to., London, 1646. 1648. Good Counsel for evil times. Or, a plain Sermon preached at Pauls in London, April 16, 1648. By Edw. BOWLES, MA., of Katherin-Hall, Cambridge. Printed by the desire and Order of the Lord Maior and Aldermen of that famous City. 4to., London, 1648. 1648 ?. mnOS IIYPP02. The Red Horse, or the Bloodines of War, Represented in a Sermon (to perswade to Peace) preached at Pauls, July 16, at five of the clocke in the afternoone. By Jo. GEREE, M.A., and Pastor of S. Faiths under Pauls. And now published to cleare the Preacher from Malignancy imputed to him by some left-eared Auditors. 410., London [1648?]. 1648. A Thanksgiving Sermon : preached to ... the Lord Mayor . . . upon occasion of the many late and signall Victories and Deliverances vouchsafed to the Parliament forces, in Pauls Church, London, July 27, 1648. By Stephen MARSHALL, B.D., Minister of Gods Word at Finchingfield in Essex. 4to., London, 1648. 1649. A motive to Peace and Love. Delivered in a Sermon at Pauls the first Lords Day in June, Anno Dom. 1648. By Humfry CHAMBERS, D.D., and Pastor of Pewsy in the County of Wilts. 4to., London, 1649. 1651 ?. The Oppressor Destroyed. As it was delivered in a Sermon at Pauls, Septem. 21, 1651. Preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor. . . It being a Sermon in commemoration of the 3 d of Sept., on which day it pleased the Lord to vouchsafe a wonderfull Victorie to the Parliament Forces before Worcester, in the total defeat of the Enemie. By Joseph CARRYL, Minister of the Gospel at Magnus, neer London- Bridge. 4to., London, c. 1651. 1651. Matthew Barker, Preacher of the Gospel at Leonards, Eastcheap, London. Sermon. S. Pauls, before the Lord Mayor. Jesus Christ the Great Wonder. Discovered for the amazement of Saints. 4to., London, 1651. 1652. Jesus Christ the Mystical! or Gospell Sun, sometimes seemingly eclipsed, yet never going down from His people : or Eclipses spiritualised. Opened in a Sermon at Pauls before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, etc., March 28, 1652. The day before the late Solar ECLIPSE. By Fulk SELLERS, Master of Arts, and Preacher of the Gospel in the City of London. 4to., London, 1652. 1654. A Voice from Heaven, calling the People of God to a Perfect Separation from Mystical Babylon. As it was delivered in a Sermon at Pauls before the Right Honorable the Lord Major and Aldermen of the City of London, on Novem. 5, 102 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1653. By William STRONG, Preacher of the Gospel at the Abby, Westminster. 4to., London, 1654. 1654. The Magistrates Dignity and Duty. Being a Sermon preached on Octob. 30, 1653, at Pauls Church, before the Right Honourable Thomas Viner, Lord Major, and the Alder- men of the City of London. Being the first Sermon after his entrance into his Majoralty. By William SPURSTOWE, D.D., minister of Gods Word at Hackney, neere London. 410., London, 1654. 1655. The Saints longings after their Heavenly Country. A Sermon preached at St. Pauls Church on Tuesday, the sixth of June, 1654. At a Solemn Anniversary meeting of the Cheshire Gentlemen, and Freemen of the City of London born in the same County. By that faithfull and painfull Servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. Ralph ROBINSON, late Minister of Mary Wolnoth, London. 4to., London, 1655. 1655. Communion with God. In Two Sermons preach'd at Pauls : The first, Sept. 3, 1654. The second, March 25, 1655. By Samuel ANNESLEY, LL.D., minister of the Gospel at John Evangel, London. 4to., London, 1655. l ^55- Joy in the Lord : opened in a Sermon preached at Pauls, May 6. By Edward REYNOLDS, D.D. 4to., London, 1655. 1655. The Corruption of Minde. Described in a Sermon preached at Pauls the 24 day of June, 1655. By Richard VINES, Preacher of Gods Word at Lawrence- Jury, London. 4to., London [1655]. 1655. The Pillar and Pattern of Englands Deliverances. Presented in a Sermon to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, with the several Companies of the City of London, in their solemn Meeting at Pauls on the Lords Day, Novem. 5, 1654. Being also the First Sabbath after his Lordships entrance upon his Majoralty. By Thomas HORTON, Doctor in Divinity, and Professor thereof in Gresham Colledge, London. 4to., London, 1655. 1655. God's appearing for the Tribe of Levi : Improved in a Sermon preached at St. Pauls, Nov. 8, to the Sons of Ministers, then solemnly assembled. By Geo. HALL, minister of St. Botolph, Aldersgate. 4to., London, 1655. l6 55- Upon the Meeting of the Sons of the Clergy, at a Sermon preached before them in Saint Pauls Church, the eighth of November, 1655, specifying their several capacities, as they stood in the time of the Law, and now under the Gospel. By E. G. [In Verse.] 4to., London, 1655. 1655. The Monster of Sinful Self-seeking anatomized. Together with a description of the Heavenly and Blessed Selfe- seeking. In a Sermon preached at Pauls the 10 of December, SERMONS PREACHED IN S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 103 1654. By Edm. CALAMY, B.D., and Pastor of Aldermanbury, London. 410., London, 1655. 1656. Zion's Birth-Register, unfolded in a Sermon to the Native-Citizens of London. In their Solemn Assembly at Pauls on Thursday, the viii. of May, A.D. M.DC.LVI. By Thomas HORTON, D.D, 4to., London, 1656. 1656. The One Thing Necessary. Preached in a Sermon at Pauls before the Right Honourable the Lord Major . . . Aug. 31, 1656. By Thomas WATSON, Minister of Stephens Walbrook, LOND. 8vo., London, 1656. 1656. Justice Triumphing: or, the Spoylers Spoyled. Laid forth in a Gratulatory Sermon for the Miraculous Discovery of, and our Glorious Delivery from, the Barbarous Powder-Plot : preached at Pauls, November the 5th, 1646 [sic]. By Nath. HARDY, M.A., Preacher to the Parish of St. Dionis, Backchurch, London. 4to., London, 1656. 1657. The City Remembrancer, or a Sermon preached to the Native Citizens of London at their solemn Assembly in Pauls on Tuesday, the 23 of June, A.D. MDCLVII. By Edm. CALAMY, B.D., and Pastor of the Church at Aldermanbury. 8vo., London, 1657. 1657. A State of Glory for Spirits of just men upon Disso- lution demonstrated. A Sermon preached in Pauls Church, Aug. 30, 1657, before the R 1 Honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London. By Tho. GOODWIN, D.D., President of Magd. Coll., Oxon. 4to., London, 1657. 1657. The Active and Publick Spirit, Handled in a Sermon, preached at Pauls, October 26th, 1656. By Thomas JACOMB, Minister at Martins-Ludgate, London. 410., London, 1657. 1657. Mercies Memorial: or, Israel's thankful Remembrance of God in their high estate, for his mercifull remembring of them in their low estate. In a Sermon before . . the Lord Mayor [at Pauls] on the 5th of November 1656. By Ralph YENNING. 4to., John Rothwell, London, 1657. 1658. The Heavenly Vision : or, a Discovery of what is truly Good. Held forth in a Sermon preached at Pauls, Febr. 21, 1657. Before the Right Honourable the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the City of London. By John WELLS, B.D., late Fellow of Queens Colledge in Cambridge, and Preacher of the Word (at present) at Christ-Church, London. 4to., London, 1658. 1658. The Olive- Branch presented to the Native Citizens of London, in a Sermon preached at S. Paul's Church, May 27, being the day of their Yearly Feast. By Nath. HARDY, Preacher to the Parish of S. Dyonis Back-Church. 410., London, 1658. 1658. Judgement to come : or, Christ on the Throne of his Finall Judgement. In a Sermon preached before the Right Honourable S r Richard Chiverton Knight, Lord Maior of the City of London and the Right Worshipfull the Aldermen at 104 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. St. Pauls, Sept. 12, 1658. By Thomas RUTTON, Pastor of M. le Bow, London. 4to., London, 1658. 1658. iAAAAHAIA. Or, the Grand Characteristick whereby a Man may be Known to be Christ's Disciple. Delivered in a Sermon at St. Paul's, before the Gentlemen of Wilts, Nov. 10, 1658. It being the day of their Yearly Feast. By Thomas PIERCE, Rector of Brington. 4to., London, 1658. 1659. True Gain, opened in a Sermon preached at Pauls, Nov. 9, 1656. By Edward REYNOLDS, D.D. 410., London, 1659. 1659. God's arraignment of Adam: declared in a Sermon preached at St. Pauls, Septemb. 5, 1658, before the right Honorable the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Common-Council. By Thomas CARTWRIGHT, M.A. of Queens Coll. Oxon, and now Vicar of Walthamstow in Essex. 4to., London, 1659. 1659. TH2 III2TEn2 EAEFXO2 : or the Reason of Faith : briefly discuss'd in a Sermon- preach'd at Pauls before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor &c., the third of October, 1658 ... By Peter VINKE, B.D., sometimes fellow of Pem- broke-Hall in Cambridge : and now Minister of M. Corn-hil, London. 4to., London, 1659. 1659. The Saints Duty in Contending for the Faith de- livered to them. A Sermon preached at Pauls Church before the Right Honourable the Lord Major, and Aldermen of the City of London, July 17, 1659. By John TEMPLER, B.D., late Fellow of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge, and now Minister of the Gospel atBalsham in Cambridgeshire. 4to., London, 1659. 1659. The misery of a deserted People. Opened in a Sermon preached at Pauls before the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Common-Counsel, Decemb. 2, 1659. Being a day of solemn Humiliation by them appointed. By Edward REYNOLDS, D.D. 4to., London, 1659. 1660. Kaxoup/o/ sive Medicastri : slight Healings for Publique Hurts. Set forth in a Sermon preached in St. Pauls Church, London, before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Lord General, Aldermen, Common Council, and Companies of the Honourable City of London, February 28, 1659. Being a day of Solemn Thanksgiving unto God for Restoring the Secluded Members of Parliament to the House of Commons : (And for preserving the City) as a Door of Hope thereby opened to the fulness and freedom of future Parliaments : The most probable means under God for healing the hurts, and recovering the health of these three Brittish Kingdomes. By John GAUDEN, D.D. [112 pages.] 4to., London, 1660. T 660. The Wall and Glory of Jerusalem in a Sermon preached in St. Pauls Church, London, before the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, Lord General, Aldermen, Common Council, and Companies of the Honorable City of London, February 28, SERMONS PREACHED IN S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 105 1659, being a Day of Solemn Thanksgiving unto God, for restoring the Parliament and Common Council, and for pre- serving the City. By Edward REYNOLDS, D.D. 4to., London, 1660. 1660. Englands Season for Reformation of Life. A Sermon delivered in St. Paul's Church, London : on the Sunday next following His Sacred Majesties Restauration, M.DC.LX. By Tho. PIERCE, Rector of Brington. 410., London, 1660. Another Edition, without author's name. 4to., no place or date. 1660. Right Rejoycing : or, the Nature and Order of Rational and Warrantable loy. Discovered in a Sermon preached at St. Pauls before the Lord Maior and Aldermen, and the several Companies of the City of London, on May 10, 1660. Appointed by both Houses of Parliament to be a day of solemn Thanks- giving for God's raising up and succeeding his Excellency, and other Instruments, in order to his Majestie's Restoration and the settlement of these Nations. By Richard BAXTER. 4to., London, 1660. 1660. Evangelical Politic: or, a Gospel Conversation. A Sermon preached at St. Paul's, London, May 20, 1660. Being the Sunday next (but one) before his Majesties happy return to his said Citie. By James DUPORT, (now) D.D., one of his Majesties Chaplains in Ordinary. 41.0., Cambridge, 1660. 1660. Evangelical Worship is Spiritual Worship, as it was Discussed in a Sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Maior, at Pauls Church, Aug. 26, 1660. By Matthew POOLE, Minister of the Gospel at Michael Quern in London. 4to., London, 1660. Also the second edition. 4to., London, 1660. 1661. Christian Concord: or, S. Pauls Parallel between the Body Natural and Mystical. Exemplified in a Sermon preacht in the Cathedral Church of S. Paul, on Sunday, the 1 3 th of January, 1660. By Matthew GRIFFITH, D.D. 410., London, 1661. 1 66 1. Concio Synodica ad clerum Anglicanum, ex Provincia praesertim Cantuariensi, in ^Kde Paulina Londinensi habita viii. Idus Maias MDCLXI. Per Thomam PIERCE, S.T.D., Preben- darium Cantuariensem. 4to., London, 1661. (Two editions.) 1 66 1. Regina Dierum : or, The Joyful Day: in a Sermon preached at S. Pauls before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, etc., on Wednesday, May 29, 1661. The Anniversary Thanksgiving for His Majesties most wonderful, glorious, peaceable and joyful Restauration to the actual possession of His undoubted, hereditary, Soveraign and Regal authority. Being also His most memorable Birth-Day. By Henry HIBBERT, minister of the Word. 4to., London, 1661. 106 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1 66 1. Deceivers Deceiv'd: or, The Mistakes of Wickedness in Sundry Erroneous and Deceitful Principles, practised in our late fatal Times, and suspected still in the Reasonings of unquiet Spirits. Delivered in a Sermon at S. Paul's, October 20 th , 1661. Before the Right Honorable Sir Richard Browne, Knight and Baronet, Lord Maior of the City of London ; and the Aldermen his Brethren. Being the Initial also of the Reverend D r John BARWICK, Dean of the said Church : at the first Celebrity of Divine Service with the Organ and Choristers, which the Lord Maior himself Solemniz'd with his Personal presence from the very beginning. By Sam. STONE, etc. 4to., London, 1661. 1 66 1. A Sermon of Conforming and Reforming, made to the Convocation at S. Pauls Church in London by John COLET, D.D., Dean of the said Church : upon Rom. xii. 2, Be ye reformed, etc. Writ an hundred and fiftie years since. To which is now added an Appendix of BP Andrews, and D r Hammond's solemn petition and advice to the Convocation, with his directions to the Laity how to prolong their happiness. 4to., Cambridge, 1661. 1663. A Sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Novemb. 9, 1662. By Robert SOUTH, M.A., Publick Oratour to the University of Oxford, and Chaplain to the Lord high Chancellour. 4to., London, 1663. 1663. Cor Humiliatum et Contritum. A Sermon preached at S. Pauls Church, London, Nov. 29, 1663. By Richard LEE, D.D., chaplain to the most Renowned George Duke of Albemarle his Grace, and Rector of Kings-Hatfield in Hartford- shire. Wherein was delivered the profession of his judgement against the Solemn League and Covenant, the late King's Death, etc. 410., London, 1663. 1663. H HMEPA EKEINH. An Advent Sermon delivered at the Cathedral of St. Paul's Church, December vii. Being the Second Sunday in Advent, 1662. By J. GOAD, B.D. 410., London, 1663. 1664. IIANTA AOKIMAZETE. A Sermon treating of the Tryall of all Things by the Holy Scripture . . . with an Attempt touching the Examen of Ceremonies. Delivered in St. Paul's Cathedral, November 8 [by J. GOAD]. 4to., London, 1664. 1664. The Wisdon of being religious. A Sermon preached at St. Pauls. By John TILLOTSON, preacher to the Honourable Society of Lincolns-Inn. 4to., London, 1664. 1697-8. The Advantage of a Learned Education. Being a Sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, on St. Paul's Day, 169^. Before the Gentlemen Educated at That School, upon the Reviving their Antient Anniversary Meeting. By W. NICHOLLS, D.D. 4to., London, 169!. 1698. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, Judges, and Aldermen. SERMONS PREACHED IN S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 107 S. Pauls, 30. January, 1697-8. By Sampson ESTWICK, B.D., and Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxon. 410., London, 1698. 1698. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Pauls. 23. Oct. 1698. By Edward OLIVER, M.A., Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge; and Chaplain to the Right Honourable George Earl of Northampton. 410., London, 1698. 1698. A Reverse to Mr. Oliver's Sermon of Spiritual Worship. A Sermon on the same Subject. Preached before the Lord Mayor at S 1 Paul's Church, August 26 th , 1660. By Matthew POOLE, minister at S 1 Michael Quern, London. Now Reprinted, and may serve as an Answer to the aforesaid Sermon. 410., London, 1698. 1698. A False Faith not justified by Care for the Poor. Prov'd in a Sermon preach'd at S 1 Paul's Church, August 28 th , 1698. By Luke MILBOURNE, a Presbyter of the Church of England. 4to., London, 1698. 1699. A Rowland for an Oliver : or, a Sharp Rebuke to a Sawcy Levite. In Answer to a Sermon preach'd by Edward OLIVER, M.A., before Sir Humphrey Edwin, late Lord Mayor of London, at St. Paul's Cathedral, on Sunday, October 22, 1698. The Second Edition. 4to., London, 1699. 1699. A Sermon preach'd at the Anniversary Meeting of the Gentlemen Educated at St. Paul's School, at St. Paul's Church, January 25, 169^-. By John PULLEYN, A.M., and Prebendary of St. Paul's. 4to., London, 1699. 1699. Sermon. S. Pauls. 29. May, 1699, before the Lord Mayor, etc. By Tho. MORER, Rector of St. Anne, etc., Alders- gate. 410., London, 1699. 1699. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Pauls. 2. Sept. 1699. Being the Fast for the Fire of London. By William SHER- LOCK, D.D., Dean of S. Paul's, etc. 4to., London, 1699. 1699. Sermon. S. Pauls. 5. Nov. 1699, before the Lord Mayor. By Tho. MORER, Rector of St. Anne's, etc., Aldersgate. 4to., London, 1699. 1699. A Sermon preach'd at St. Paul's Cathedral, November 22, 1699, being the Anniversary Meeting of the Lovers of Music. By W. SHERLOCK, D.D., Dean of S 1 Paul's, etc. 4to., London, 1699. 1700. The Trinity Asserted. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, preached at S. Paul's upon Trinity-Sunday, Anno Dom. 1700. By John HOWARD, M.A., Rector of Marston-Trussel in North- amptonshire. 410., London, 1700. 1701. Concio ad Synodum . . habita in ^Ede Paulina Londinensi x. die Februarii, A.D. MDCC. Per Guilielmum HAYLEIUM, S.T.P., Decanum Cicestrensem. 4to., London, 1701. 1702. Sermon before the Lord Mayor. S. Paul's. 5 November, io8 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1702. By Tho. KNAGGS, M.A., and Chaplain to the Right Honourable Fulk, Lord Brook. /j.to., London, 1702. 1702. A Sermon preach'd before the Queen and both Houses of Parliament, at the Cathedral Church of St. Pauls, Nov. 12, 1702, being the Day of Thanksgiving for the Signal Successes Vouchsafed to Her Majesties Forces by Sea and Land : Under the Command of the Earl of Marlborough in the Low Countries ; And James Duke of Ormond, General, and Sir George Rook, Admiral, at Vigo, etc. And likewise, for the Recovery of His Royal Highness the Prince of Denmark. By Jonathan [TRE- LAWNEY], Bishop of Exeter. 4to., London, 1702. 1702. A Sermon preach'd at St. Paul's Cathedral, the 8th of December, 1702, before the Gentlemen educated at Eton College. By J. ADAMS, Rector of St. Alban Wood-Street, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. 4to., London, 1702. 1703. Sermon. S. Pauls, Sunday, 28 Feb., 17 of, before the Lord Mayor. By Edward LAKE, D.D., Rector of the United Parishes of St. Mary at hill and St. Andrew Hobart. Text. Revelat. xxi. 8. 4to., London, 1703. 1704. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, S. Pauls, 19 January, 1703-4, being the Fast-Day appointed by Her Majesty's Procla- mation, upon occasion of the late Dreadful Storm and Tempest, and to implore the Blessing of God, upon Her Majesty, and Her Allies, in the present War. By Ofspring BLACKALL, D.D., Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. 4to., London, 1704. 1704. Sermon before the Lord Mayor. S. Pauls. 31 January, 1703-4, being the Anniversary of the Martyrdom of King Charles I. By Jo. CLIFTON, Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor. 4to., London, 1704. 1704. A Sermon preach'd before the Queen, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London. On the seventh of September, 1704. Being the Thanksgiving- Day for the late Glorious Victory obtain'd over the French and Bavarians at Bleinheim near Hochstet, on Wednesday the second of August, by the Forces of Her Majesty and Her Allies, under the command of the Duke of Marlborough. By William SHERLOCK, D.D., Dean of St. Pauls, etc. 4to., London, 1704. 1705 ?. A Sermon preach'd before the Most Reverend the Arch- bishop . . and the clergy of the Province of Canterbury, assembled in Synod at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, October the 25, 1705. Done from the Latin. By George STANHOPE, D.D., Dean of Canterbury, etc. 8vo., London. No date. 1705. A Sermon preached before the Queen at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, on the 23d of August, 1705, being the Thanksgiving-Day for the late Glorious Success in Forcing the Enemies Lines in the Spanish Netherlands, by the Arms of SERMONS PREACHED IN S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 109 her Majesty and her Allies, under the Command of the Duke of Marlborough. By Richard WILLIS, D.D., Dean of Lincoln, etc. 4to., London, 1705, and 8vo., London. [1705.] 1705. A Review of the Case of Judah and Ephraim, and its application to the Church of England and the Dissenters. . . . In a Letter to the Reverend Dr. WILLIS, Dean of Lincoln, occasion'd by his Thanksgiving-Sermon, on the 23d of August, 1705, before Her Majesty at St. Pauls. 4to., London, 1705. 1706. A Sermon preach'd before the Queen at the Cathedral Church of S. Paul, London, the xxvii th . Day of June, 1706. Being the Day appointed for a General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the success of Her Majesty's Arms in Flanders and Spain, etc. By George STANHOPE, D.D., Dean of Canterbury, etc. 4to., London, 1706. The Fourth Edition. 8vo., London, 1706. 1706. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, S. Pauls, 5 Nov., 1705. By Giles POOLEY, D.D. 410., London, 1706. 1707. A Sermon preach'd before the Queen at the Cathedral- Church of St. Paul, on May the First, 1707. Being the Day appointed by Her Majesty for a General Thanksgiving for the Happy Union of the Two Kingdoms of England and Scotland. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William [TALBOT], Lord Bishop of Oxford. 4to., London, 1707. Another Edition, 8vo., London, 1707. 1707. The Eternity of Hell Torments asserted and vindicated. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, S. Paul's, 15 June, 1707. By Richard JENKS, M.A., and Lecturer of the United Parishes of St. Mary at Hill, and St. Andrew Hobart. 8vo., London, 1707. 1707. Sermon in S. Paul's, at the Funeral of Mr. Tho. Bennet. 30 Aug., 1706. By Francis ATTERBURY, D.D., Dean of Carlisle. 8vo., London, 1707. 1707. A Letter to the Reverend Dr. Francis Atterbury: occa- sion'd by the Doctrine lately deliver'd by him in a Funeral Sermon on i Cor. xv. 19, August 30, 1706. 8vo., London, 1707. 1707. A Large Vindication of the Doctrine contained in the Sermon preach'd at the Funeral of Mr. Thomas Bennet. In answer to a Pamphlet, intituled, A Letter to the Reverend Dr. Francis Atterbury, etc. By Francis ATTERBURY, D.D., etc. 8vo M London, 1707. 1707. A Sermon preach'd before the Queen, and the Two Houses of Parliament, at St. Paul's, on the 3ist of December, 1706, the Day of Thanksgiving for the Wonderful Successes of this Year. By Gilbert [BURNET], Bishop of Sarum. 4to., London, 1707. Another Edition, Svo., London, 1707. 1 707-1 766. Sermons. At the Anniversary Meeting of the Children educated in the Charity Schools. no LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Francis GASTRELL, D.D., S. Sepulchre's. 1707. The Second Edition. Samuel BRADFORD, D.D., S. Sepulchre's. 1709. John ROBINSON, Bp. of London, S. Sepulchre's. 1714. Edmund GIBSON, Bp. of Lincoln, S. Sepulchre's. 1716. Thomas SECKER, Bp. of Oxford, Christ Church. 1743. A New Edition. 1766. 1708. A Second Letter to the Reverend Dr. Francis Atterbury in answer to his Vindication of the Doctrine preach'd by Him at the Funeral of Mr. Bennet. The Second Edition. 8vo., London, 1708. 1708. A Sermon preach'd . . at the Cathedral Church of S. Paul, January the ipth, 1703-4. Being the Fast-Day, appointed by Her Majesty's Proclamation upon the occasion of the Late Dreadful Storm and Tempest ; and to implore the Blessing of God upon Her Majesty and Her Allies, in the present War. By Ofspring BLACKALL, D.D., Now Lord Bishop of Exeter. 8vo., London, 1708. 1708. A Sermon preached before the Queen at St. Pauls, August the i Qth, 1708. The Day of Thanksgiving for our Deliverance from the late Invasion, and for the Victory obtain'd near Audenard. By William [FLEETWOOD], Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. 8vo., London, 1708. 1709. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Paul's, 31 January, 1708-9. By Geo. SMALRIDGE, D.D. 8vo., London, 1709. 1709. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Paul's. 22. Nov., 1709, Being the Day appointed by Her Majesty's Royal Proclamation for a Public Thanksgiving. By J. ADAMS, D.D., Rector of S. Alban, Woodstreet, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. 8vo., London, 1709. 1710. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Pauls. 29 January, 1709-10. By Geo. SMALRIDGE, D.D. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Paul's. 30 January, 1709-10. By Andrew SNAPE, D.D., Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Somerset, and Rector of St. Mary at Hill. 8vo., London, 1710. 1711. Sermon. S. Paul's. Convocation. Translated from the Latin. By White KENNET, D.D., Dean of Peterborough, Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. 8vo., London, 1711. 1711. The Excellency and Usefulness of a Publick Spirit. A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Pauls at the Anniversary Meeting of the Gentlemen educated at S 1 Paul's School, January the 25 th , 17^. By Edward TENISON, LL.B., Arch-Deacon of Carmarthen. 4:0., London, 1711. [With a view of the School as frontispiece.] 1711. The Dissolution of the World by Fire. Sermon before the Lord Mayor. S. Pauls. 3 Sept., 1711. The Day SERMONS PREACHED IN S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. in of Humiliation for the dreadful Fire in the Year 1666. By Benjamin IBBOT, M.A., Rector of the United Parishes of S. Vedast, etc. 8vo., London, 1711. 1713. Of Original Sin. Sermon before the Lord Mayor. S. Paul's. 22. Feb., 17};}. By William DELAUNE, D.D., and President of S. John Baptist College, Oxon. 410., London, The Second Edition. 8vo., London, 1713. 1713. A Sermon preach'd before Both Houses of Parliament, in the Cathedral Church of S t Paul, on Tuesday, July 7, 1713. Being the Day appointed by His Majesty for a General Thanks- giving for the Peace. By George [HOOPER], Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. 4to., London, 1713 ; 8vo., London, 1713. 1713. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S 1 Paul's, July 26, 1713. On Occasion of the much-lamented Death of the Right Honour- able and Right Reverend Henry [Compton], late Lord Bp. of London. By Thomas GOOCH, D.D., Fellow of Gonville and Caius College in Cambridge, and lately one of his Lordship's Domestick Chaplains. 410., London, 1713. 1714. Sermon before the Lord Mayor. S. Paul's. 8. March, 1713. Ascension Day. By Benjamin IBBOT, Rector of the United Parishes of S 1 Vedast alias Foster's, and S 1 Michael Quern, and Chaplain to His Grace the Archbishop of Canter- bury. 8vo., London, 1714. 1715. The Way to Stable and Quiet Times. A Sermon before the King at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, on the 2oth of January, 1714. Being the Day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God for Bringing His Majesty to a Peaceable and Quiet Possession of the Throne, and thereby Disappointing the Designs of the Pretender, and all his Adherents. By Richard [WILLIS], Lord Bishop of GLOCESTER. 410., London, 1715. 1715. Christian Love and Charity. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Pauls. The First Sunday in March, i7yi. By Henry TOPPING, A.M., Lecturer of Covent Garden, and Chap- lain to the Bishop of London. 8vo., London, 1715. 1715. A Seasonable Discourse of the Rise, Progress, Discovery, and Utter Disappointment of the Gun- Powder Treason. Sermon. S. Pauls. Before the Lord Mayor. By White KENNETT, D.D., Dean of Peterborough. 4to., London, 1715. 1716. The Subject's Duty to the Higher Powers. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Pauls, Jan. 30, 1715. By R. SKERRET, M.A., Lecturer of S 1 Peter's, Cornhill. etc. 8vo., London, 1716. 1716. The Church of England, under God, an impreg- nable Bulwark against Popery. A Sermon preached at S* Paul's Cathedral, with several other Churches in London and ii2 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. at the Royal Hospital, Greenwich ; on Occasion of the Many Deliverances vouchsafed this Church and Nation from Popish Conspiracies ; commemorated usually November 5. By Philip STUBBS, M.A., Rector of S 1 James, Garlick-Hythe, First Chaplain of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich; and Arch- Deacon of S 4 Albans. The second edition. 8vo., London, 1716. 1718. A Sermon preach'd at the anniversary meeting of the Gentlemen educated at S. Paul's School, at the Cathedral- Church of S 1 Paul, on Saturday, January 25, i7yf, being the Feast of S' Paul's Conversion. By S. KNIGHT, D.D., Prebendary of Ely, and Chaplain to the R l Hon. Edward E. of Orford. 4to., London, 1718. 1721. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, at S. Pauls. 30 January, 1720. By Francis HASLEWOOD, M.A., Rector of Chinkford in Essex, etc. The third edition. 8vo., London, 1721. 1722. The Signs of the Times. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Paul's, Dec. 8, 1721. Being the Day appointed for a General Fast for the Prevention of the Plague. By Edmund MASSEY, M.A., Lecturer of S 1 Alban Woodstreet. The fifth edition. 8vo., London, 1722. 1723. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Pauls, May 29, 1723 (Restoration Day). By Daniel WATERLAND, D.D., Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. 4to., London, 1723. 1723. Sermon. S. Paul's. Sons of the Clergy. 13 Dec., 1722. By Pawlet ST. JOHN, D.D., Rector of Yelden in Bedfordshire. 8vo., London, 1723. 1725. Sermon. Sons of the Clergy. S. Pauls, December 9, 1725. By Joseph ROPER, B.D., Rector of the United Parishes of St. Nicholas, Cole Abbey, and St. Nicholas Olaves. 4to., London, 1725. 1727, Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Pauls, 29 May, 1727 (Restoration). By Ross LEY, Rector of St. Matthew's, Friday- street, and Chaplain to His Majesty's Fourth Troop of Horse- Guards. 4to., London, 1727. 1728-9. The Expediency of a Divine Revelation Repre- sented. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Pauls, Feb. 16, 172!-. By John CONYBEARE, D.D., Fellow of Exeter College in Oxford. 8vo., London, 1728-9. 1728. The Happiness and Advantages of a Liberal and Virtuous Education. A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul on January the 25th, 1728, at the anni- versary Meeting of the Gentlemen educated at St. Paul's School. By Thomas HOUGH, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College in Cam- bridge. 4to., Cambridge, 1728. 1730. The Expediency of a Divine Revelation Repre- sented. Sermon before the Lord Mayor. By John CONY- SERMONS PREACHED IN S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 113 BEARE, D.D. S. Pauls, 1 6. Feb., 1728-9. The Second Edition. 8vo., London, 1730. [Bound with Dr. Snape's Sermon dated 1710.] 1733. An Excellent Sermon in Defence of Passive- Obedience and Non-Resistance : preach'd on Sunday the 7th of October, 1733, at St. P - - US Cathedral; by the Reverend Mr. SC - RL - CK, from these Words, Speak not Evil of Dignities, etc. 410., London, 1733. 1733. Remarks upon Mr. Chambres's Sermon on the Restoration, preached at St. Paul's, May 29th, 1733. 8vo., London, MDCCXXXXIII. (sic.). 1741. A Sermon preached before the Sons of the Clergy at their Anniversary Meeting in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's, April 1 6, 1741. By Edward YARDLEY, B.D., Archdeacon of Cardigan. 4to., London, 1741. 1741. Concio ad Synodum . . habita in Ecclesia Cathedrali S. Pauli, London, Die 2. Decemb. A.D. 1741. A Zacharia PEARCE, S.T.P., Eccles. Cathedr. Winton. Decano. 4to., London, 1741. 1748. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Pauls, 2. Sept. 1748. Being the anniversary Fast appointed for the dreadful Fire in London in the Year 1666. By William PARKER, M.A., Fellow of Balliol College in Oxford. 8vo., Oxford, 1748. I 75- The Devout Laugh ; Or Half an Hour's Amusement to a Citizen of London, from Dr. PICKERING'S Sermon at St. Pauls, January 30, 1749-50 ... A Letter from Rusticus to Civis. 8vo., London, 1750. 1755. A Sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul on January 25, 1755, at tne Anniversary Meeting of the Gentle- men Educated at St. Paul's School. By Joseph FEARON, M.A., Fellow of Sidney-Sussex College in Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. Anne Viscountess Dowager Irwin. 4to., London, '755- 1757. The Benefits of a Liberal and Religious Educa- tion. A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, on Wednesday, June 29, 1757. Bein^ the Anniversary Meeting of the Gentlemen educated at St. Paul's School. By the Rev. Thomas FAIRCHILD, of Chigwell, Essex. 410., London, '757- 1789. A Sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, before His Majesty and both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday, April 23, 1789. Being the Day appointed for a General Thanksgiving. By Beilby [PORTEUS], Lord Bishop of London. The Third Edition. 4to., London, 1789. 1789. Examination of a Sermon preached in St. P. C., before the Lord Mayor, 25. May, 1788, by the Rev. Richard HARRISON, Chaplain to his Lordship. 8vo., London, 1789. 8 ii4 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1790. The Surprise of Death. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at S. Pauls. Good Friday, 1790. By C. E. DE COETLOGON, Chaplain to the Mayoralty. 4to., London, 1790. 1807. Concio apud Synodum Cantuariensem aede Paulina habita XVI die Decembris MDCCCVL, a Joanne LUX- MORE, S.T.P., Decano Glocestriensi. 4to., London, 1807. 1837. The New Reign. The Duties of Queen Victoria: a Sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's, by the Rev. SYDNEY SMITH. 8vo., London, 1837. 1851. [1710.] The Measures of Christian Charity and their rewards, as sta ed by Bishop Sherlock, in a Sermon preached before the Sons of the Clergy at S. Paul's Cathedral, A.D. 1710. [With autograph letter from the Editor, Joshua WATSON.] 8vo., Daventry, 1851. CLERGY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL .-* SEPARATE SERMONS, BOOKS, OR TRACTS OF OR RELATING TO. BISHOP ANDREWES. 1627. A Sermon preached at Jesus Chappell, neere Southampton. At the Consecration thereof, by the Right Reuerend Father in God, Dr. Andrewes, late Lord Bishop of Winchester. De- liuered by James ROULANSON, B. of Diuinitie, and Chaplaine to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 4to., London, 1627. DEAN BARWICK. 1721. Vita Johannis Barwick, S.T.P.,Ecclesi3e Christi & S. Marise Dunelmensis primum, S. Pauli postea Londinensis Decani, a Petro BARWICK, M.D. 8vo., London, 1721. 1724. The Life of the Rev. Dr. John Barwick, D.D., succes- sively Dean of Durham and S. Pauls, written in Latin by his Brother Dr. Peter BARWICK, translated into English by the Editor of the Latin Life. 8vo., London, 1724. DR. BURGES. 1641. The First Sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons now assembled in Parliament at their Publique Fast. Novemb. 17, 1640. By Cornelius BURGES, Doctor of Divinitie. 4to., London, 1641. DR. CHURCH, Prebendary. 1752. A Sermon preached before the Royal College of Physicians, London, in the Parish-Church of St. Mary-le-Bow, on Wednes- * Arranged in the alphabetical order of the names of the clergy. SERMONS AND BOOKS OF CLERGY OF S. PAUL'S. 115 day, Sept. 20, 1752, being one of the Anniversary Sermons, appointed by the Will of the late Lady Sadleir, pursuant to the Design of her first Husband, William Croune, M.D. By Thomas CHURCH, D.I)., Vicar of Battersea, and Prebendary of St. Paul's. 4to., London, 1752. DEAN COLET. 1513 ?. O Felix Colonia. Absolutissimus de octo orationis partium constructione libellus, emendatus per D. ERASMUM Roterodamum [prefatory letter from Dean COLET to Will. LILY dated 1513]. 4to., Cologne, 1513 ?. 1674. Daily Devotions. Or, The Christians Morning and Evening Sacrifice. . . By John COLET, D.D., Dean of St. Pauls, London, and Founder of that Famous School near adjoyning. The last edition, with a brief Account of the Authors Life, by Dr. FULLER. i2mo., London, 1674. 1724. The Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of S. Paul's. By Samuel KNIGHT, D.D., Prebendary of Ely. Svo., London, 1724. A new edition, 8vo., Oxford, 1823. 1886. Dean Colet, the Founder of S. Paul's School. A Lecture delivered in the Schoolroom of S. Vedast's, Foster Lane, April 16, 1886, by Rev. J. H. LUPTON, Surmaster of S. Paul's School. 8vo., London, 1886. 1887. A Life of John Colet, D.D., Dean of S. Paul's, and Founder of S. Paul's School. By J. H. LUPTON, M.A., Surmaster of S. Paul's School, etc. 8vo., London, 1887. BISHOP COMPTON. 1688. An exact account of the Whole Proceedings against the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry [Compton], Lord Bishop of London, before the Lord Chancellor and the other Ecclesiastical Commissioners. 4to., London, 1688. 1754. Christ's Hospital. Prayers appointed by the Right Reverend Father in God Henry Compton, late Lord Bishop of London : for the Use of the children of Christ-Hospital. 4to., London, 1754- DR. CURREY, Prebendary. 1870. Old Times and New Learning. A Sermon preached in the Chapel of St. John's College, Cambridge, at the annual com- memoration of Benefactors, on May 6, 1870. By the Rev. G. CURREY, D.D., Preacher of the Charterhouse, formerly Fellow and Tutor of the College. 4to., Cambridge, 1870. DEAN DONNE. 1622. A Sermon vpon the XX Verse of the V Chapter of the Booke of Ivdges. Wherein occasion was iustly taken for Ii6 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. the Publication of some Reasons, which his Sacred Maiestie had been pleased to giue, of those Directions for Preachers, which hee had formerly set foorth. Preached at the Crosse the i5th of September, 1622, by lohn DONNE, Doctor of Diuinitie, and Deane of Saint Pavls, London. And now by commandement of his Maiestie published, as it was then preached. 4to., London, 1622. [This is the first edition. This copy has the dedication to George Marquesse of Buckingham.] 1622. A Sermon vpon the XV. Verse of the XX. Chapter of the Booke of Ivdges. . , By John DONNE. . . Another edition. 410., London, 1622. [The text is really Judges v. 20.] 1625. The First Sermon preached to King Charles at Saint James: 3 April, 1625. By lohn DONNE, Dean of Saint Pauls, London. 4to., London, 1625. 1625. Manuscript. Sermons made by I. Donne, doctor of deuinty & Deane of Pauls, An Domini 1625. Knightley CHETWODE. [Apparently the writer of the volume.] Sermons contained in this MS. : Psalm cxliv. 15. 1 Tim. iii. 16. Psalm Ixviii. i. Before the King. Hosea ii. 19. At S. Clements, at Mr. Washington's marriage. 2 Cor. iv. 6. The Spittle, Easter Monday, 1622. [At the end of the volume, 'A Common Place Book, 1696.' In the middle of the volume are some verses dated 1696, with this note : ' The reason why I wrote severall of these following verses was not that I thought them all good, but the subjects were what I had occasion to make use of.'] 1626. A Sermon, preached to the Kings M tie at Whitehall, 24. Febr. 1625. By lohn DONNE, Deane of Saint Pauls, London. And now by his Maiestes commandment Published. 4to., London, 1626. 1632. Deaths Dvell, or a Consolation to the Soule, against the dying Life, and liuing Death of the Body. Delivered in a Sermon at White Hall, before the Kings Maiesty, in the begin- ning of Lent, 1630. By that late learned and Reuerend Diuine lohn DONNE, D r in Diuinity, & Deane of S. Pauls, London. Being his last Sermon, and called by his Maiesties houshold The Doctors owne Fvnerall Sermon. 410., London, 1632. [Opposite the title is a portrait, hall-length, of Dr. Donne in his shroud. ' Martin B. scup.'] .1634. A Sermon upon the xliiii Verse of the xxi Chapter of Matthew. By Dr. DONNE, Dean of Pauls. 410., Cambridge, 1634. SERMONS AND BOOKS OF CLERGY OF S. PAUL'S. 117 1634. A Sermon upon the xix verse of the ii chapter of Hosea. By Dr. DONNE, Dean of Pauls. 410., Cambridge, 1634. 1634. Two Sermons preached before King Charles, upon the xxvi verse of the first chapter of Genesis. By Dr. DONNE, Dean of Pauls. 4to., Cambridge, 1634. 1839. The Works of John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's 1621- 1631, with a Memoir of his Life. By Henry ALFORD, M.A. Six volumes. Svo., London, 1839. ARCHDEACON HALE. 1868. An Essay on the Union between the Church and the State, and the Establishment by Law of the Protestant Reformed Religion in England, Scotland, and Ireland. W. H. HALE, M.A., Archdeacon of London. 8vo., London, 1868. [The Cathedral possesses a large collection of the Charges and Pamphlets of Archdeacon Hale.] THEOPHILUS LANE, Minor Canon. 1844. Extracts from the Letters of a beloved Brother [Rev. Theo- philus Lane, Minor Canon of S. Paul's] written during the last six months of his life, etc. i2mo., London. No date. (Not published.) DEAN MILMAN. 1837. Address delivered at the Opening of the City of Westminster Literary, Scientific, and Mechanics Institute. By the Rev. H. H. MILMAN, Prebendary, and Minister of St. Margaret's, West- minsier. 8vo., London, 1837. Catalogue of the Books of Richard de Gravesend, Bishop of London, 1303. Ten pages. H. H. MILMAN, Dean. [The Library possesses a set of the works of Dean Milman. These pamphlets are specially enumerated, because such short tracts may easily escape the notice of a bibliographer.] DEAN NOWELL. 1560-1601. ' Scripture Text Book of Rev. Alexander Nowell, D.D. (Dean of S. Pauls, Prebendary of Canterbury),' etc. [The volume is lettered ' Dean Nowell Scripture Common Place Book,' and is probably in the Dean's autograph.] 1583. A true report of the Disputation or rather priuate Conference had in the Tower of London with Ed. Campion lesuite, the last of August, 1581. Set downe by the Reuerend learned men them selues that dealt therein. 4to., London, Christopher Barker, 1583. [The * Reuerend learned men ' were c the Deane of Paules,' that is Alexander NOWELL, and others.] Ii8 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1638. Christianas Pietatis prima institutio ad usum Scholarum Graece & Latine scripta. i2mo., London, 1638. [The Greek translation of NOWELL'S Catechism was by Dr. WHITAKER, a nephew of Dr. NOWELL'S. (MS. note by Dr. Thos. Turton, Bishop of Ely.)] T 795- Catechismus, sive prima institutio disciplinaque pietatis Christianae, Latine explicata : authore Alexandro NOWELLO. 8vo., Oxon., 1795. 1809. The Life of Alexander Nowell, Dean of S. Paul's. By Ralph CHURTON, M.A., Archdeacon of S. Davids, etc. 8vo., Oxford, 1809. PREBENDARY Row. 1850. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord John Russell, M.P., on the Constitutional Defects of the University and Colleges of Oxford, with suggestions for a Royal Commission of inquiry into the Universities. By a member of the Oxford Convocation. [Rev. C. A. Row, Prebendary.] 8vo., London, 1850. DEAN SHERLOCK. 1693. A Sermon preached at the Funeral of the Reverend Richard Meggot, D.D., and late Dean of Winchester, Decemb. loth, 1692, at Twickenham. By William SHERLOCK, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's. 4to., London, 1693. 1695. Remarks upon a book lately published by D r Will. Sher- lock, Dean of St. Paul's, etc., entituled a Modest Examination of the Oxford Decree. 4to., Oxford, 1695. 1696. The Master of the Temple as bad a Lawyer, as the Dean of Paul's [Sherlock] is a Divine. In a Letter from a Gentleman of the Temple to his (quondam) Tutor in Oxford. About the Law-Part in D r Sherlock's modest Examination of the Oxford Decree. 4to., London, 1696. [Imperfect.] 1697. The nature and measure of Charity. Sermon before the Lord Mayor at the Parish Church of St. Bridget, on Tuesday in Easter-Week, April 6, MDCXCVII. By William SHER- LOCK, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's, etc. 410., London, 1697. 1697. The Danger of Corrupting the Faith by Philosophy. A Sermon preach'd before the Right Hon ble the Lord-Mayor and Court of Aldermen, at Guildhall-Chappel, on Sunday, April 25, 1 697. By William SHERLOCK, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's, Master of the Temple, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. 4to., London, 1697. 1697. A Vindication of Dr. Sherlock's Sermon concerning The Danger of Corrupting the Faith by Philosophy ', in answer to SERMONS AND BOOKS OF CLERGY OF S. PAUL'S. 119 some Socinian Remarks. By William SHERLOCK, D.D., etc. 4to., London, 1697. DR. STUART, ' Dean of S. Paul's.' [There is no extant evidence known to me that Dr. Stuart was ever installed as Dean of S. Paul's.] 1657. Catholique Divinity: or, the most solid and sententious Expressions of the Primitive Doctors of the Church, &c. By Dr. STUART, Dean of St. Pauls, afterwards Dean of Westminster, and Clerk of the Closet to the late K. Charles. 8vo., London, 1657. 1658. Three Sermons preached by the Reverend and Learned D r Richard Stuart, Dean of St. Pauls, afterwards Dean of Westminster, and Clerk of the Closet to the late King Charles. To which is added a fourth Sermon, preached by the Right Reverend Father in God Samuel Harsnett, Lord Archbishop of York. The second edition Corrected and Amended. 8vo., London, 1658. DEAN STILLINGFLEET. 1667. A Sermon preached before the King, March 13, i66, by Edward STILLINGFLEET, B.D., Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. (Prov. xiv. 9.) 410., London, 1667. 1674. The Reformation Justify'd: in a Sermon preached at Guildhall Chappell, Septemb. 21, 1673, before the Lord Major and Aldermen, etc. By Edw. STILLINGFLEET, D.D., etc. (Acts xxiv. 14.; 410., London, 1674. 1674. A Sermon preached November V., 1673, at St. Margaret's, Westminster. By Edward STILLINGFLEET, D.D., etc. (S. Matt, vii. 1 6, 17.) The second edition. 4to., London, 1674. 1678. A Sermon preached on the Fast-Day, November 13, 1678, at St. Margarets, Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons. By Edward STILLINGFLEET, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. The third edition. 4to., London, 1678. 1679. A Sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, March 7, 167$. By Edward STILLINGFLEET, D.D., Dean of St. Pauls, and Chaplain in Ordinary t* His Majesty. (S. Matt. x. 16.) 4to., London, 1679. 1680. The Rector of Sutton committed with the Dean of St. Paul's. Or, a Defence of D r Stillingfleet's Irenicum, his Discourses of Excommunication, Idolatry, and other Writings ; against his late Sermon, entituled, The Mischief of Separation. By the author of the Christian Temple [i.e., Vincent Alsop]. 410., London, 1680. 1687. A letter to Mr. G[odden], giving a True Account of a Late Conference at the D. of P. [By Edward STILLINGFLEET, Dean.] 4to., London, 1687. 120 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1687. A Second Letter to Mr. G[odden], in Answer to Two Letters Lately Published concerning The Conference at the D. of P. [By Edward STILLINGFLEET, Dean.] 4to., London, 1687. BISHOP TERRICK. 1772. A Letter to the Bishop of London [Richard Terrick] <>n his Public Conduct, Pointing out, among other particulars, hih, Lordship's inattention to Public Ordinations, & Hireling Preachers, In which is delineated the Character of a late Ex- amining Chaplain. By a Curate. 4to., London, 1772. PLAYS ACTED BY THE CHILDREN OF S. PAULS. 1601. Love's Metamorphosis, a Witty and Courtly Pastorall, written by Mr. John Lilly. First plaid by the children of Paules, and now by the children of the Chapell. 410., London, 1601. [Title lost.] 1606-1877. Nobody and Somebody. With the true Chronicle Historic of Elydure, who was fortunately three seuerall times crowned King of England. The true copy thereof, as it hath beene acted by the Queens Maiesties Seruants. [Reprint edited by. Alexander Smith. Originally printed in 1606, privately reprinted in 1877 (only fifty copies).] 1607. Thomas Decker and John Webster. Northward Hoe : Sundry times acted by the Children of Paules. 4to., London, 1607. 1607. Tho. Decker and lohn Webster. West-Ward Hoe. it hath beene diuers times Acted by the Children of Paules. 4to., London, 1607. 1616. lacke Drvms Entertainement, or The Comedie of Pasquil and Katherine, As it hath beene sundry times plaid by the Children of Powles. Newly corrected. W. Stansby for C. Knight. 4to., London, 1616. 1616. Thomas Midleton. A Tricke to catch the Old One : as it hath beene often in Action, both at Paules, the Blacke Fryers, and before his Maiestie. 4to., London, 1616. 1 630. Thomas Middleton. The Phoenix, as it hath beene sundrie times acted by the Children of Paules. 410., London, 1630. 1630. Thomas Middleton. Michaelmas Terme, as it hath beene sundry times acted by the Children of Paules. 4to., London, 1630. 1632. John Lilly. Sixe Court Comedies, often presented and acted before Queene Elizabeth by the Children of her Majesties SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN. 121 Chappell, and the Children of Paules. Small 8vo., London, 1632. [The six Comedies are * Gallathea,' * Endimion,' * Campaspe,' ' Sapho and Phao,' * Mydas,' ' Mother Bombie.'] 1640. Thomas Middleton. A Mad World my Masters : A Comedy. As it hath bin often Acted at the Private House in Salisbury Court, by her Majesties Servants. Composed by T. M. Gent. 4to., London, 1640. 1877. Henry Carey Shuttleworth, M.A., Minor Canon, and William Russell, M.A., Mus. Bac., Minor Canon. King Marigold : a Musical Madness. Written for and dedicated to the boys of the Choir School of S. Paul's Cathedral. 8vo., London, 1877. CHRISTOPHER WREN. 1651. Newes from the Dead, or a True and exact Narration of the miraculous deliverance of Anne Greene, who being executed at Oxford, Decemb. 14. 1650, afterwards revived; and by the care of certain Physitians there is now perfectly recovered. . . . Written by a Scholler in Oxford. . . The second impression. [Verses by Christopher WREN will be found at pages 13 and 14.] 4to., Oxford, 1651. 1712. Frauds and Abuses at St. Paul's. In a Letter to a Member of Parliament. (By Dr. HARE, Residentiary of S. Pauls.) 8 vo., London, 1712. 1713. An Answer to a Pamphlet entitul'd Frauds and Abuses at St. Paul's. With an Appendix relating to the Revenues and Repairs of the Cathedral. 8vo., London, 1713. 1713. An Abstract of an Answer lately publish'd to a Pamphlet intitled Frauds and Abuses at St. Paul's. 8vo., London, 1713. 1713. Fact against Scandal, or, a Collection of Testimonials, Affidavits, and other Authentic!* Proofs in vindication of Mr. Richard Jennings Carpenter, Langley Bradley Clockmaker, and Richard Phelps Bell-Founder : to be referr'd to in an Answer which will speedily be publish'd to. a late false and malicious Libel, Entituled, Frauds and Abuses at St. PauFs. To which is added, an Appendix relating to Mr. Jones and Mr. Spencer ; and the Copy of a Certain Agreement between the Minor Canons, etc., of the said Cathedral. 8vo., London, 1713. 1713. A Continuation of Frauds and Abuses at St. Paul's, wherein is considered at large, the Attorney General's Report, in relation to a Prosecution of Mr. Jennings the Carpenter, in Answer to Fact against Scandal, etc. 8vo., London, 1713. 122 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1713. The Second Part of Fact against Scandal ; in Answer to a Pamphlet intitled A Continuation of Frauds and Abuses at St. Paul's. 8vo., London, 1713. 1713. An Account of some Roman Urns, and other antiqui- ties, lately Digg'd up near Bishops-Gate. With brief Reflec- tions upon the Antient and Present State of London. In a Letter to Sir Christopher Wren, Kt., Surveyor-General of Her Majesty's Works. [By J. WOODWARD, Gresham College, 23 June, 1707.] 8vo., London, 1713. 1750. Parentalia : or, Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens ; viz. : of Mathew Bishop of Ely, Christopher Dean of Windsor, etc., but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren . . . Compiled by his son, Christopher ; now published by his Grandson, Stephen WREN, Esq., with the care of Joseph Ames, F.R.S. Folio, London, 1750. 1823. Memoirs of the Life and Works of Sir Christopher Wren : with a brief view of the progress of Architecture in England. By James ELMES, M.R.I. A., Architect. 4to., London, 1823. 1848-49. The Works of Sir Christopher Wren. The Dimensions, Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Parochial Churches of Sir Christopher Wren, erected in the cities of London and Westminster. By John CLAYTON, Architect. Folio, London, 1848-49. 1852. Sir Christopher Wren and his Times, with illustrative sketches and anecdotes of the most distinguished Personages of the seventeenth century. By James ELMES. 8vo., London, 1852. 1871. William Calvert Shone. Gleanings about Sir Christopher Wren and S. Paul's Cathedral, to which is added, An appeal for Funds for the proposed Completion of the Interior of St. Paul's. 8vo., London, 1871. 1881. Sir Christopher Wren, his Family and his Times, with original letters, and a Discourse on Architecture hitherto un- published. 1585-1723. By Lucy PHILLIMORE. 8vo., London, 1881. 1 88 1. The Towers and Steeples designed by Sir Christo- pher Wren : a descriptive, historical, and critical Essay by Andrew T. TAYLOR. 8vo., London, 1881. Elevations, Plans, and Sections of Fifty Churches designed and built under the direction of Sir C. Wren. From the Grace Collection. SACHEVERELL CONTROVERSY. (ONE OF THE SERMONS WHICH GAVE RISE TO THE CONTROVERSY WAS PREACHED IN S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL.) 1672. Eutropius et Aur. Victor ex Recensione, et cum notulis T. Fabri. Autograph of H. Sacheverell on title. ' Ex libris SACHEVERELL CONTROVERSY. 123 H. Sacheverell e Coll. Mag. Oxon 1683.' i2mo., Salmurii, 1672. 1708. The Nature, Guilt, and Danger of Presumptuous Sins. Sermon before the University of Oxford. 14. Sept., 1 707. By Henry SACHEVERELL, M.A., etc. 8vo., Oxford 1708. 1709. The Communication of Sin. A Sermon preach'd at the Assizes held at Derby 15. Aug., 1709. By Henry SACHEVERELL, D.D., etc. 8vo., London, 1709. 1709. The Perils of False Brethren, both in Church, and State : set forth in a Sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of London at the Cathedral-Church of S l Paul, on the 5th of November, 1709. By Henry SACHEVERELL, D.D., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxon, and Chaplain of S l Saviour's, Southwark. 4to., London, 1709; and 8vo., London, 1709. The second edition. 8vo., London, 1709. 1709. The Bull- Baiting : or SACK LL dress'd up in Fire- Works, lately brought over from the Bear-Garden in Southwark; and expos'd for the diversion of the Citizens of London, at Six Pence a piece. By John DUNTON. Being Remarks on a scandalous Sermon Bellow'd out at S. Pauls on the Fifch of November last before the ... Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen by Dr. Sach 11. 4to., London, 1709. 1709. The Cherubim with a Flaming Sword, that appear'd on the Fifth of November last, in the Cathedral of St. Paul, to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs, and many Hundreds of People, etc. Being a Letter to my Lord M , with remarks upon Dr. Sa ll's Sermon. 8vo., London, 1709. 1710. The Mischief of Prejudice; or some Impartial Thoughts upon Dr. Sacheverell's Sermon preach'd at St. Paul's, Nov. 5, 1709. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. A Defence of Her Majesty's Title to the Crown, and a justification of Her entring into a War with France and Spain : as it was deliv'd in a Sermon preached before the University of Oxford on the loth Day of June, 1702. Being the Fast appointed for Imploring a Blessing on Her Majesty and Allies engag'J in the present War. By Henry SACHEVERELL, M.A., etc. Being the Discourse referr'd to in the Doctor's Answer to the Articles of Impeachment against him. The second edition. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. The Speech of Henry Sacheverell, D.D., upon his Im peachment at the Bar of the House of Lords in Westminster- Hall, March 7, 170^. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. An Alphabetical List of the Right Honourable the Lords and also of those Members of the Honourable House of Commons in England and Wales, that were for Dr. Henry 124 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Sacheverell. London: Printed in the Year 1710. Price Two Pence. Broadside, with Portrait of Henry Sacheverell, D.D. 1710. Collection of Passages referr'd to by Dr. Henry Sacheverell in his Answer to the Articles of his impeachment. The second edition. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. A visit to S 1 * Saviour's, Southwark, with Advice to Dr. Sacheverell's Preachers there. By a Divine of the Church of England. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. Submission to Governours considered, in a letter to a Friend and Admirer of Dr. Sacheverell, occasion'd by the late reviv'd Doctrine of Unlimited Passive Obedience. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. The Character of a true Ch. of England-man, exclusive of Dr. West, Mr. Hoadly, and their Adherents, however Dignify'd or Distinguish'd. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. A letter to the Rev. Dr. Henry Sacheverell, on occasion of his Sermon, and late Sentence pass'd on him by the Honour- able House of Lords, by a Cambridge Gentleman, A.B. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. The High Church Mask pull'd off, or modern addresses anatomized. Svo., London, 1710. 1710. Undone Again, or the Plot discover'd. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. The Voice of the People, no Voice of God. By F. A., D.D. Svo. Noplace. 1710. 1710. The Answer of Henry Sacheverell, D.D., to the Articles of Impeachment, exhibited against Him by the Honourable House of Commons, etc., for Preaching Two Sermons. I. At the Assizes held at Derby, August the i5th. II. At the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Novemb. 5th, 1709. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. A Speech without doors. 8 vo., London, 1710. 1710. A Collection of Poems, etc., for and against Dr. Sacheverell. The Third Part. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. The Bishop of Salisbury [Gilbert Burnet]. His speech in the House of Lords on the rirst article of the Impeachment of Dr. Henry Sacheverell. 8vo., London, 1710. 1710. The Limehouse Dream, or, The Churches Prop. [With curious woodcut opposite Title, representing Fanatics endeavour- ing to pull down the Dome of S. Pauls, etc.] 8vo., London, 1710. 1710?. An Appeal to Honest People against Wicked Priests. 8vo., London, c. 1710. FUNERALS OF NELSON AND WELLINGTON. 125 1710. The Modern Fanatick, with a large and true account of the Life, Actions, Endowments, etc., of the Famous Dr. S 1. By William BISSET, Eldest Brother of the Collegiate Church of St. Katherine, and Rector of Whiston, in Northamptonshire. 8vo., London, 1710. 1713. False Notions of Liberty in Religion and Govern- ment destructive of both. A Sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at S. Margaret's, Westminster, on Friday, May 29, 1713. By Henry SACHEVERELL, D.D., Rector ot St. Andrew's, Holborn. 8vo., London, 1713. 1713. The Christian Triumph: or, The Duty of praying for our Enemies. In a Sermon preach'd at S. Saviour's in South- wark. On Palm-Sunday, 1713. By Henry SACHEVERELL, D.D. 8vo., London, 1713. 1714. A Sermon preach'd before the Sons of the Clergy, at their Anniversary Meeting in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, December 10, 1713. By Henry SACHEVERELL, D.D., Rector of St. Andrew's, Holuorn. 8vo., London, 1714. FUNERALS OF NELSON AND WELLINGTON. FUNERAL OF NELSON, 9 JANUARY, 1806. 1806. Services and Anthems to be used upon Thursday the 9th Day of January, 1806, being the Day appointed for the Public Funeral of the Lord Viscount Nelson, K.B., ... in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London. By Authority of the Dean of St. Paul's. 4to., London, 1806. 1806. Account of Lord Nelson's Funeral reprinted from the Naval Chronicle of 1806 and from the London Gazette. To which is added, a copy of Lord Nelson's Will and Codicils. (Sir Chas. Young's copy.) 8vo., London, 1806. 1806. Fairburn's Edition of the Funeral of Admiral Lord Nelson . . at S. Paul's, 9 January, 1806. (Plate of the Procession and Car.) 8vo., London [1806?]. 1806. A correct account of the Funeral of Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, etc. 8vo., Liverpool, 1806. 1806. Funeral of Lord Nelson. A collection of Papers relating to the ceremony. [See also amongst the Engravings a series relating to the Funeral.] FUNERAL OF WELLINGTON, 18 NOVEMBER, 1852. The Order of Proceeding in the Public Funeral of the late Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of Wellington, 126 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. K.G., to be solemnized in St. Paul's Cathedral, on Thursday, the xviii day of November, 1852. ist impression, not dated, 6 leaves. 2nd 6 3 r d 7 4th 7 5th dated Nov. 17, 7 leaves 6th 9 Funeral Regulations to be observed. 2 leaves. Richard Mayne, Commissioner of Police, 13 Nov., 1852. Service and Anthems to be used upon Thursday the i8th Day of November, 1852, being the Day appointed for the Public Funeral of His Grace Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K.G., in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London. By Authority of the Dean of St. Paul's. 4to., London, 1852. 1852. Service at the Duke of Wellington's Funeral, with manuscript notes as to the time occupied in the recitation of parts of the Service. Proclamation of the Titles of the Duke. Plan of the arrangements for the Funeral. Ticket of Admission, signed by Dean Milman. The Order of the Proceeding and Ceremonies observed in the Public Funeral of the late Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of Wellington, K.G., solemnized in St. Paul's Cathedral on Thursday the xviii day of November, 1852. Folio, 42 pages. This Account of the Solemnity of the Funeral of the late Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of Wellington, K.G., is printed for the purpose of Presentation to the Foreign Ministers, Distinguished Visitors, and Officers present upon that mournful occasion. Charles Geo. Young, Garter. College of Arms, i5th December, 1852. 1852. Funeral of the Duke of Wellington : a collection of Papers relating to the Ceremony, together with Views of the Pro- cession and the Funeral. 1852. Funeral Car of the late Duke of Wellington : a series of illustrations. Large folio. 1852. i. Complete Guide to the Funeral of the Duke of Welling- ton ... By Charles Maybury ARCHER. 8vo., London, 1852. 2. Explanatory Programme of the Personnel of the Funeral Pro- cession. 3. Guide to the Funeral Service of the Duke of Wellington in St. Paul's Cathedral with a Plan of the Interior. 1852-3 A Voice from the Tomb. A Dialogue between Nelson and Wellington overheard at S. Pauls (in 42 parts). [By John Spencer WILSON.] 8vo., London, 1852-3. [See also among the Engravings a Series relating to the Funeral.] THE DECORATION OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 127 THE DECORATION OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1852. A Few Remarks on S. Paul's and its appropriate Decorations. By Francis Cranmer PENROSE (Royal Institute of British Architects). (12 pages.) [Discussion on this paper. 10 pages.] 1 86 1. S. Paul's Cathedral Fund. Speeches delivered at a Meeting in the Egyptian Hall, Mansion House, on Friday, the 8th February, 1861. 8vo., London, 1861. 1870. Fund for the Completion of S. Pauls. Appeal pre- sented at the Public Meeting held at the Mansion House on Wednesday, the 13 th of July, 1870. 8vo., London, 1870. 1871. Remarks and Suggestions on the Scheme for the Completion of St. Paul's Cathedral. By George Edmund STREET, A.R.A. 8vo., London, 1871. 1871. A Letter to the Very Rev. the Dean of St. Paul's, printed at the request of the Executive Committee for the com- pletion of S. Paul's Cathedral. By Frederick Heathcote SUITON. 8vo., London, 1871. 1871. S. Paul's Cathedral. Report of Executive Committee, March, 1871. 8vo., London, 1871. 1871. Letter from G. E. Street, A.R.A.,to George Richmond, R. A., 29 Feb. 1871, on the Restoration of S. Paul's. (7 pages.) 4to., London, 1871. 1871. Report on Decoration. S. Paul's Cathedral. W. BURGES, Architect. (Lithograph.) 4to., London, 1871. 1872. The Completion Of S. Paul's. Article from the Quarterly Review, No. 266. 1872. Description of a Scheme for the Internal Embellish- ment of S. Paul's, to be submitted to the Committee for the Completion of the interior of the Cathedral. By F. C. PENROSE, Surveyor to the Fabric. (3 pages.) July, 1872. 1872. A Book of Subscriptions for the Completion of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, 1872. Autograph signatures of the Queen, Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke of Edin- burgh, Archbishop Tait, Bishop Jackson, and others. 1873. S. Paul's Cathedral Fund. Statement of Account, with list of Subscriptions to 1873. 1874. What shall be done with S. Paul's. Remarks and Suggestions as to the Alterations made and proposed to be made. With a Plan. By J. T. MICKLETHWAITE, F.S.A., and Somers CLARK, jun r . 8vo., London, 1874. 1874. Proposal for the Completion of St. Paul's Cathedral. By James FERGUSSON, F.R.S., etc. 410., London, 1874. 128 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1874. S. Paul's Cathedral. Article in the Contemporary Review^ October, 1874, by Jas. FERGUSSON. 1874. The Completion of S. Paul's. A Letter to the Very Rev. the Dean of S. Paul's, Chairman of the executive Com- mittee. 23 Nov., 1874. By George CAVENDISH BENTINCK, M.P. 8vo., London, 1874. 1874. A Description of Mr. Surges' Model for the Adornment of St. Paul's now Exhibited at the Royal Academy. 8vo., London, 1874. 1874, etc. Portfolio of original Sketches and Tracings for the Decoration of S. Paul's. By W. BURGES. 1874. Article on the Decoration of S. Paul's, by Edw. W. GODWIN. August, 1874. 1876. S. Peter's and S. Paul's. Notes on the Decoration of a few Churches in Italy, including S. Peter's on the Vatican at Rome, with suggestions for proceeding with the completion of S. Paul's in a letter to the Very Rev. R. W. Church, D.C.L., Dean of S. Paul's. By Edmund OLDFIELD, M.A., F.S.A. 8vo., London, 1876. 1876. S. Paul's Cathedral. The Impression and the Remedy. By the Author of the Art Impressions of Dresden. 8vo., London, 1876. 1877. S.P.C. Memorandum on Figure-Subjects for the Dome and some other parts of the Building. By Edmund OLDFIELD. Printed by the Sub-Committee. (16 pages.) 1878. Further Memorandum on Figure-Subjects for the Dome. Submitted to the Sub-Committee on 18 February, 1878. Third Memorandum submitted 5 March, 1878. By Edmund OLDFIELD. 1878. S. Paul's Cathedral. Report of the Sub-Committee appointed June, 1877. (10 pages.) 1879. A Suggestive Design for the Decoration of the Cupola of S. Paul's Cathedral, London, by Richard Popplewell PULLAN and Charles Heath WILSON. (8 pages.) 4to., London, 1879. 1883. The Decoration of the Dome of S. Paul's Cathedral. By R. Popplewell PULLAN. (From the Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects.) 4to., London, 1883. 1884. An unfinished Drawing of the Dome of S. Paul's, by the late Mr. R. W. BILLINGS, architect, presented to the Dean and Chapter of S. Pauls by the Executors of his Widow through Drayton WYATT, Esq. May, 1884. LONDON. CONTENTS. HISTORIES AND SURVEYS, OFTEN INCLUDING WESTMINSTER AND SOUTHWARK - 131 BOOKS RELATING TO LONDON GENERALLY 133 PARISHES IN AND NEAR THE CITY 145 CITY COMPANIES - 153 S. PAUL'S SCHOOL 155 CHEAPSIDE CROSS - 155 FIRE OF 1666, AND PLAGUE OF 1604, 1636, AND 1665 - 156 HISTORIES AND SURVEYS. l6 33- The Survey of London : . . Begunne first by the paines and industry of lohn Stow in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A[nthony] M[unday] in the yeere 1618, and now completely finished by the study and labour of A[nthony] Mfunday], Hfenry] D[yson], and others. 4to., London, 1633. 1676. Camera Regis, or, A Short View of London. By John BRYDALL, Esq. 8vo., London, 1676. 1708. Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londi- nense : An Ecclesiastical Parochial History of the Diocese of London . . By Ric : NEWCOURT, Notary Publick. (Two volumes.) 4to., London, 1708. [This copy belonged successively to Dr. Cresswell, Archdeacon Hale, and Dean Mansel.] Another copy. Large paper. 1720. John Stow. A Survey of the Cities of London and West- minster . . written at first in the year 1598 . . since reprinted and augmented by the author ; now lastly corrected . . By John Strype, M.A. (Two volumes.) Folio, London, 1720. 1732. New Remarks of London : or a Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, of Southwark, and part of Middlesex and Surrey within the circumference of the Bills of Mortality. Collected by the Company of PARISH-CLERKS. i2mo., London, 1732. 1736. Robert Seymour. An Accurate Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster . . . with a compleat History of S. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster-Abbey. Small 4to., London, 1736. 1 754-55- Survey of London. John Stow, by Strype. The sixth edition. (Two volumes.) Folio, London, 1754-55. 1756. The History and Survey of London from its Foundation to the Present Time. By William M AIT- LAND, F.R.S., and others. (Two volumes). Folio, London, 1756. 132 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1766. London and Westminster improved, illustrated by Plans. To which is prefixed, A Discourse on Publick Magnifi- cence. ... By John GWYNN. Quarto, London, 1766. 1775. Walter Harrison. A New and Universal Description and Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. Folio, London, 1775- Another issue. Folio, London, 1776. 1788. Londres et ses environs; ou Guide des Voyageurs, curieux et amateurs dans cette partie de 1'Angleterre. . . . Ouvrage fait a Londres, par M.D.S.D.L. Two volumes, i2mo., Paris, 1788, 1792-96. Daniel Lysons. The Environs of London : being an Historical Account of the Towns, Villages, and Hamlets within Twelve miles of that Capital. (Four volumes.) 4to., London, 1792-6. 1794?. The New, Complete, and Universal History, Description and Survey of the Cities of London and West- minster . . . Written and compiled . . by a Society of Gentle- men, the whole revised, corrected and improved. By William Thornton, Esq., etc. 410., London, c. 1794. [List of Lord Mayors brought down to the ' present year,' I794-] 1796?. A new and complete History and Description of the Cities of London, Westminster. . . By Richard SKINNER, Esquire. Folio, London, c. 1796. [List of Lord Mayors ends in 1796.] 1802-7. James Peller Malcolm. Londinium Redivivum : or an Antient History, and modern description of London. (Four volumes.) 410., London, 1802-7. 1810. Richard Burton. Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London and Westminster. A New edition. Small 4to., Westminster, 1810. 1811. The History of London and its Environs . . . like- wise an Account of all the Towns, Villages, and Country within Twenty-Five miles of London. By the late Rev. Henry HUNTER, D.D., and other Gentlemen. (Two volumes.) 410., London, 1811. 1818. London Interiors, a grand national exhibition of the religious, regal, and civil solemnities, scientific meetings and commercial scenes of the British Capital, beautifully engraved on steel. (Two volumes.) 4to., London, 1818. 1819. Londina Illustrata. Graphic and Historical Memorials of Monasteries, Churches, Chapels, Schools, Charitable Founda- tions, Palaces, Halls, Courts, Processions, Places of Early Amusement, and Modern and Present Theatres in the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster. (Two volumes.) Published by Robert WILKINSON. 410., London, 1819. BOOKS RELATING 70 LONDON GENERALLY. 133 1819. Wilkinson's Londina Illustrata. A Large Paper copy of the whole of the Plates. ** # Lowndes says that only twelve copies were printed upon Large Paper. 1824. A Description of London : Embellished with Engravings. Published by W. Darton, 58, Holborn Hill. 8vo., London, 1824. 1834. C. F. Partington. National History and Views of London and its Environs : embracing their Antiquities, modern improve- ments . . . from original drawings by eminent artists. (Two volumes.) 8vo., London, 1834. 1842. 1598. A Survey of London, written in the year 1598 by John Stow. A new edition, edited by William J. THOMS, F.S.A. 8vo., London, 1842. [1873-8.] Old and New London, a narrative of its History, its People, and its Places. Vols. i and 2, by Walter THORNBURY. Vols. 3 to 6, by Edward WALFORD. Together with a volume of maps. 410., London [1873-8]. 1883. W. J. Loftie. A History of London. (Two volumes.) 8vo., London, 1883. Supplement to the first edition. 8vo., London, 1884. BOOKS RELATING TO LONDON GENERALLY. 1588. 1879. The Particular Description of England, 1588. With views of some of the Chief Towns and Armorial Bearings of Nobles and Bishops, by William SMITH, Rouge Dragon. Edited from the original MS. by Henry B. Wheatley, F.S.A., and Edmund W. Ashbee, F.S.A. [Contains an early view of S. Paul's Cathedral.] 4to., London, 1879. 1623. Something written by occasion of that fatall and memorable accident in the Blacke Friers on Sonday, being the 26. of October, 1623, stilo antiquo, and the 5. of November, stilonovo, or Romano. Printed M.DC.XXIII. 410., No place, 1623. 1623. The dolefvll Euen-Song, or a Trve Particvlar and Impartiall narration of that fearefull and sudden calamity, which befell the Preacher, M r Drvry, a lesuite, and the greater part of his Auditory, by the downefail of the floore at an Assembly in the Black-Friers on Sunday, the 26. of Octob. last, in the after- noone. Together with the Rehearsall of Master Drvrie his Text, and the diuision thereof, as also an exact Catalogue of the names of such as perished by the lamentable accident : And a briefe Application thereupon. 4to., London, 1623. 1630. Orders and Directions, together with a Commission for the better administration ot Justice, and more perfect informa- 134 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. tion of His Maiestie. How and by whom the Lawes and Statutes tending to the relief of the Poore, the well ordering and training vp of youth in Trades, and the Reformation of Dis- orders and disordered persons, are executed throughout the Kingdom. 4to., London, 1630. 1632. London and the Countrey Carbonadoed and Quartred into seuerall characters. By D. LUPTON. 8vo., London, 1632. 1640. Articles to be enquired of within the Diocese of London in the third Trienniall Visitation of the Right Honourable and Right Reverend Father in God, William [Juxon], Lord Bishop of London . . holden in the yeare of our Lord God, 1640. 4to., London, 1640. 1641. The Sermon and Prophecie of Mr. James Hvnt of the County of Kent. Who professeth himselfe a Prophet, which hee hath endeavoured to deliver in most churches in and about London, but since delivered in the Old-Baily and in Wood Street Counter, Octob. 9, 1641. Written with his owne hand. 4to., No place, 1641. [Curious woodcut of Prophet Hunt preaching in a tub.] 1641. A Discoverie of Six Women Preachers in Middlesex, Kent, Cambridgeshire, and Salisbury. With a relation of their names, manners, life, and doctrine, pleasant to be read, but horrid to be judged of. Their names are these, Anne Hemp- stall, Mary Bilbrow, loane Bauford, Susan May, Elizab. Bancroft, Arabella Thomas. 4to., No place, 1641. 1642. A Collection of Sundry Petitions presented to the Kings most excellent Majestic ... in behalfe of Episcopacie, Liturgie, and supportation of Church-Revenues, and Suppres- sion of Schismatirks. 4to., No place, 1642. 1642. A letter intercepted at a Court Guard of the City of London, wherein is discovered a most desperate and bloody Act to be performed on divers good ministers and their congre- gations on the Fifth of March next : which by Gods great mercie may now happily be prevented. 4to., London, 28 Feb., 1642. 1643. Three Looks over London, or Plain Dealing is a Jewell. 4to., London, 1643. [Woodcut on title : Preaching at Paul's Cross. Autograph on title of W. H. IRELAND.] 1647. Strange Newes from New-Gate : Or, a true Relation of the false Prophet that appeared in Butolphs Church near Bishops- Gate upon Sunday last in Sermon-time, professing himself to be Christ. With his Examination before the Lord Mayor and his Confession. Also his Examination at the Sessions in the Old- Bayly before the Judges. BOOKS RELATING TO LONDON GENERALLY. 135 Printed in the year, When false Prophets did appear, 1647. [Curious woodcut on title.] 1657. 1817. The Fatal Vespers: a True and Full Narrative of that signal judgement of God upon the Papists by the Fall of the House in Black Friars, London, upon their fifth of Novem- ber, 1623. Collected for the information and profit of each Family, by Samuel CLARK, Pastor of Bennet Fink. Originally printed London, 1657; reprinted, 4to., London, 1817. 1661-1871. Paradise Transplanted and Restored, in a most artfull and Lively Representation of the Several Creatures, Plants, Flowers, and other Vegetables, in their full growth, shape, and colour, shown at Christopher Whiteheads at the two wreathed Posts in Shooe-Lane, London. Written by I. H., Gent. 4to., London, 1661 ; reprinted [on vellum] 1871. 1668. A true Copie of a Speech spoken to His Sacred Majesty, Charles II. In S. Paul's Church-yard, as His Majesty passed from the Tower of London to White-hall the Day before His Royal Coronation, April 22, 1661. By James HEWLETT, one of the Children then harboured in CHRIST'S HOSPITAL. 410., London, 1668. 1668-1885. Major Payne Fisher. Catalogue of the Tombs in the Churches in the City of London A.D. 1666. Edited by G. Blacker Morgan. 4to., London, 1668 ; privately reprinted, 4to., London, 1885. 1672. Proposals moderately offered for the full peopleing and inhabiting the City of London, and to restore the same to her antient flourishing Trade, which will sute with her splendid Structure. 4to., London, 1672. 1682. The London Cuckolds. A Comedy; As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. By Edward RAVENSCROFT, Gent. 410., London, 1682. 1683. His Majesties Declaration to All His Loving Subjects, concerning the Treasonable Conspiracy against His Sacred Person and Government, lately discovered. Appointed to be Read in all Churches and Chappels within this Kingdom. 410., London, 1683. [The Rye-House Plot.] 1683. Parish Churches no Conventicles, from the Ministers reading in the Desk when there is no Communion. For the Vindication of the Practice of Parochial Ministers. In answer to a late Pamphlet, stil'd Parish-Churches turn'd into Con- venticles, pretended to be written by Rich. HART, but really penn'd by Mr. T. A., Barrister at Law ... By O. U. in a letter to his Friend N. D. 41.0., London, 1683. 136 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1683. London's Remembrancer. A Call and Pattern for True and Speedy Repentance. Bein^ an abridgment of those many severe Sermons by Thomas REEVE, B. in Divinity, intituled God's Plea for Nineveh. The only seasonable Work that can be done in this day. 4to., London, 1683. 1698. A Journey to London in the Year 1698. After the Ingenuous Method of that made by Dr. Martin Lyster to Paris in the same Year. Written originally in French by Monsieur SORBIERE, and Newly Translated into English. Svo., London, 1698. 1698. Ecclesia et Factio. A dialogue between Bow-Steeple Dragon and the Exchange Grasshopper. 8vo., London, 1698. [In verse.] 1698. An Answer to the Dragon & Grashopper, in a Dia- logue between an Old Monkey and a Young Weasel at the Three-Crane-Tavern in the Poultry, where they are daily to be seen. As also, Some Remarks upon the Amsterdam and London ^Esop's. 8vo., London, 1698. [Bound up with Ecclesia et Factio .] 1702. The Oration, Anthems, and Poems, Spoken and Sung at the Performance of Divine Musick, for the Entertainment of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Honourable House of Commons. At Stationers' Hall, January the 3ist, 1701. Undertaken by Cavendish WEEDON, Esq. 4to., London, 1702. 1734. A Critical Review of the Public Buildings, Statues and Ornaments in, and about London and Westminster. To which is prefix'd the Dimensions of St. Peter's Church at Rome, and St. Paul's Cathedral at London. 8vo., London, 1734. 1740. News from the Dead, or a faithful and Genuine Narra- tive of an extraordinary Combat between Life and Death, exemplified in the case of William DUELL, one of the Male- factors who was Executed at Tyburn on Monday the 24th of this Instant November, for a Rape, Robbery, and Murder, and who soon after return'd to Life at Barber -Surgeons -Hall, where he had been brought too from the Place of Execution, in Order to be AnatormVd, &c. 8vo., London, 1740. [With curious frontispiece.] 1740. Lives of the Professors of Gresham College : to which is prefixed the Life of the Founder, Sir Thomas Gresham . . by John WARD, Professor of Rhetoric in Gresham College, and F.R.S. 4to., London, 1740. 1751, Observations on the Past Growth and Present State of the City of London. To which are annexed, a complete Table of the Christenings and Burials within this city from 1601 to 1750, etc. By Corbyn MORRIS. Folio, London, BOOKS RELATING TO LONDON GENERALLY. 137 1751. The Morning Walk; or City encompass'd, a Poem in Blank Verse. By W. H. DRAPKR. 8vo., London, 1751. 1759. An Historical Account of the Curiosities of London and Westminster, in Three Parts, i. The Tower; 2. West- minster Abbey; 3. S. Paul's Cathedral, etc. i2tno., London, 1759. Another Edition. i2mo., London, 1765. 1761. The Form of the Proceeding to the Royal Coronation of their most excellent Majesties King George III. and Queen Charlotte. Tuesday. 22. Sept. 1761. 410., London, 1761. 1769. The City Remembrancer : being Historical Narratives of the Great Plague at London 1665, Great Fire 1666, and Great Storm 1703, etc. (Two volumes.) 8vo., London, 1769. 1772. Fitz-Stephen's Description of the City of London, newly translated from the Latin Original . . By an Antiquary. 4to., London, 1772. 1783. An Historical Account of the Origin, Progress, and Present State of Bethlem Hospital, founded by Henry VIII. for the Cure of Lunatics, and enlarged by subsequent Benefactors for the Reception and Maintenance of Incurables. By Thomas BOWEN. 4to., London, 1783. 1 778. City Petitions, Addresses, and Remonstrances . . commencing in the year 1769, and including the Last Petition for the Burial of the Right Honble. the Earl of Chatham in S. Paul's Cathe- dral. With His Majesty's Answers. Also Mr. Alderman Beckford's Speech to the King on the Twenty-Third of May, 1770. i2mo., London, 1778. 1783. London's Gratitude : or an Account of such pieces of Sculp- ture and Painting as have been placed in the Guildhall at the expense of the City of London. To which is added, a List of those distinguished persons to whom the Freedom of the City has been presented for Public Services since the year 1758. 8vo., London, 1783. 1788. The Wreck of Westminster Abbey, being a selec- tion from the Monumental Records of the most conspicuous Persons who flourished towards the latter end of the i8th century. By the Author of Kilkhampton Abbey [Sir Herbert CROFT, Bart.]. Sixth edition. 4to., London, MMI. J 793- J onn Luffman. The Charters of London complete: also Magna Charta, and the Bill of Rights. 8vo., London, 1793. 1802. Case Respecting the Maintenance of the London- Clergy ... By John MOORE, LL.B., Rector of St. Michael's, Bassishaw, and Minor Canon of St. Paul's. 8vo., London, 1802. And also the Third Edition. 8vo., London, 1812. 1 803 ?. Spiritual Characteristics represented in an Account of a most curious Sale of Curates by Public Auction, who were to be disposed of in consequence of the Clergy Residence Act. By an Old Observer. London, c. 1803. 138 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1804. Mark Noble. A History of the College of Arms and the lives of all the Kings, Heralds, and Pursuivants from the Reign of Richard III., Founder of the College, until the present time. 4to., London, 1804. 1806. The Order to be observed in the Publick Funeral Procession of the late Honourable William Pitt ... in Westminster Abbey. 22. Feb., 1806. 4to., London, 1806. 1812. London: a Descriptive Poem, in Four Parts. Adorned with eight Copper Plates. By a Well Known Cockney. Small 4to., London, 1812. 1814. H. B. Wilson, B.D., Second Under Master. The History of Merchant Taylors' School: in Two Parts, i. Of its founders, patrons, benefactors, and masters. 2. Of its principal scholars. 4to., London, 1814. 1817. J. Bruce. The History of the Ancient Savoy Palace (built by the Duke de Savoy, A.D. 1245) now the Scite of the Waterloo Bridge. 8vo., London, 1817. 1817. A Description of the Royal Hospital for Seamen, at Green- wich : with a Short Account of the Establishment of the Royal Naval Asylum. 8vo., London, 1817. 1821. The Ceremonies to be observed at the Royal Coronation of His most excellent Majesty King George the Fourth. 19. July, 1821. 4to., London, 1821. 1822. Prospectus. View of London and the surrounding Country, taken with Mathematical Accuracy from an Observa- tory purposely erected over the Cross of S. Paul's Cathedral : to be published in Four Engravings. By Thomas HORNOR. First Edition, 8vo., London, 1822. Second Edition, 8vo., London, 1823. 1824. London, or Interesting Memorials of its Rise, Progress, and present State by Sholto and Reuben Percy, Brothers of the Benedictine Monastery, Mount Beriger. [i.e., Thomas Byerley and Joseph Clinton Robertson.] (Three volumes.) 12 mo., London, 1824. 1825, Lithographic Sketch of the North Bank of the Thames, from Westminster Bridge to London Bridge, showing the proposed Quay and some other improvements suggested by Lieut. -Colonel Trench, etc. London, 1825. 1825. Historical Notices of the Collegiate Church or Royal Free Chapel and Sanctuary of S. Martin-le- Grand, London, formerly occupying the site now appro- priated to the New General Post Office . . with observations on the different kinds of Sanctuary formerly recognized by the Common Law. By Alfred John KEMPE. 8vo., London, 1825. 1825. The Public Edifices of the British Metropolis; with Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Different Buildings. 4to., London, 1825. BOOKS RELATING TO LONDON GENERALLY. 139- 1825. Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London, with Historical and Descriptive Accounts of each Edifice. Uy J. BRITTON, F.S.A., and A. PUGIN, Architect. (Two volumes.) 4to., London, 1825. 1827. The Citizen's Pocket Chronicle. i2mo., London.. 1827. 1827. A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 ; written in the fifteenth century . . To which are added numerous con- temporary Illustrations. [Only two hundred and fifty copies printed.] 4to., London, 1827. 1839?. Tallis's London Street Views, exhibiting upwards of one hundred Buildings in each number, elegantly engraved on steel . . to which is added an Index map of the streets, etc. Long 4to., London, c. 1839. 1842. Frederick Prickett. The History and Antiquities of Highgate, Middlesex. 8vo., London, 1842. 1844. The Architectural Antiquities of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster : the late House of Commons. By Frederick MACKENZIE. Folio, London, 1844. 1848. The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London from 1550 to 1563. Edited by John Gough NICHOLS (Camden Soc.). 4to., London, 1848. 1849. Ceremonial for the Private Interment of Her late most Excellent Majesty Adelaide the Queen Dowager in the Royal Chapel of S. George at Windsor. 13. December, 1849. 4to. r London, 1849. 1851. Vestiges of Old London. A Series of Etchings from Original Drawings . . by John Wykeham ARCHER. 410 , London, 1851. 1851. Guide illustre du Voyageur a Londres et aux Environs. 8vo., Paris et Londres [1851]. 1852. Notes in reference to the Plan of the Lord Mayor in proceedings through or within the City of London. 1852. Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London, edited by John Gough NICHOLS. (Camden Soc.) 4to., London, 1852. I &53. William Robins. Paddington : Past and Present. 8vo. r London, 1853. 1855. Jacob Henry Burn. A descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders, Tavern, and Coffee House Tokens current in the seventeenth century presented to the Corporation Library by Henry Benjamin Hanbury Beaufoy. Second edition. 8vo., London, 1855. 1855. London in the Olden Time . . . with a Pictorial Map of the Citv and its Suburbs as they existed in the reign of Henry VIII. ... by William NEWTON. Folio, London, 1855 . 140 LIBRARY OF S. PAUUS CATHEDRAL. 1859. Sion College: founded by Thomas White D.D. (This Account was compiled by Dr. RUSSELL, President in 1845; and continued by William SCOTT, President in 1858.) 8vo., London, 1859. 1860. ere. London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Transactions, from the commencement in 1860. 8vo., London, 1860, etc. 1861. William Munk, M.D. The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Vol. i. 1518 1700. Vol. ii. .701 1800. 8vo. London, 1861. 1 86 1. Liber Albus: the White Book of the City of London, compiled in 1419 by John CARPENTER, Common Clerk, and Richard WHITTINGTON, Mayor. Translated by Henry Thomas RILEY, M.A. (Camdrn Soc.) 4to., London, 1861. 1 86 1. Henry Mayhew. London Labour and the London Poor. (Four volumes.) 8vo., London, 1861. [The fourth volume has Answers to Correspondents bound up with it.] 1862. The Criminal Prisons of London, and Scenes of Prison Life. By Henry MAYHEW and John BINNY. 8vo., London, 1862. 1863. 1677. The Little London Directory of 1677. The oldest printed list of the Merchants and Bankers of London. Re- printed, 8vo., London, 1863. 1864. Ceremonials to be observed by the Lord Mayor, Alder- men, Sheriffs, and Officers of the City of London : together with certain of their Rights and Privileges necessary to be remembered. [Proof.] 8vo., London, 1864. 1865 to the present time. London Diocese Book from its commencement in 1865. 8vo., London, 1865, etc. 1865. The last Ten Years of the Priory of S. Helen Bishopsgate in the City of London ; with a Topography of that House. By Thomas HUGO, M.A., etc. 8vo., London, 1865. Large paper. 1867. Old London. Papers read at the London Congress of the Archaeological Institute, July, 1866. 8vo., London, 1867. 1868. Henry Thomas Riley. Memorials of London and London Life in the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries : being a series of extracts, local, social, and political, from the early archives of the City of London, A.D. 1276-1419. 8vo., London, 1868. 1869. Report to the Common Council from the Improvement Committee, with Report from William Haywood, Esq., C.E. BOOKS RELATING TO LONDON GENERALLY. 141 Engineer to the Commissioners of Sewers, in relation to the Traffic of the City. Presented 22 July, 1869. 410., London. 1869. 1870. Analytical Indexes to Volumes II. and VIII. of the series of Records known as the Remembrancia, preserved among the archives of the City of London. 1580-1664. (W. H. and H. C. Overall.) 8vo., London, 1870. 1871. Kelly's Post-Office Guide to London in 1871, Visitor's Handbook to the Metropolis, and companion to the Directory. 8vo., London, 1871. 1873. John E. Price. Roman Antiquities illustrated by remains recently discovered on the site of the National Safe Deposit Company's Premises, Mansion House, London. 4to., London, 1873- 1874. Alexander Wood. Ecclesiastical Antiquities of London and its Suburbs. 8vo., London, 1874, 1874. On Recent Discoveries in Newgate Street. By John Edward PRICE. (From Transactions of London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, vol. v.) 4to., London, 1874. 1875-77. A Chronicle of England during the Reigns of the Tudors, from 1485 to 1559, by Charles WRIOTHESLEY, Windsor Herald. (Two volumes.) Edited by William Douglas HAMILTON. (Camden Soc.) 410., London, 1875-77. 1876. The Annals of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London. By the Rev. John Edmund Cox, D.D., Vicar. 8vo., London, 1876. 1876. Joseph F. B. Firth. Municipal Government: or London Government as it is, and London 'under a Municipal Council. 8vo., London, 1876. 1876. The Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of the Collegiate Church or Abbey of St. Peter, West- minster. Edited and annotated by Joseph Lemuel CHESTER. 8vo., London, 1876. [Private edition.] 1877. Return of the present Income of the Parochial Charities of the Cities of London and Westminster, 13 February, 1877. (House of Commons.) 410., London, 1877. 1877. Temple Bar. By E. W. GODWIN, F.S.A., illustrated. (From the British Architect and Northern Engineer, Oct. 19 and 26, 1877.) 410., Manchester and London, 1877. 1878. W. H. and H. C. Overall. Analytical Index to the Series of Records known as the Remembrancia preserved among the archives of the City of London, 1579-1664. 8vo., London, 1878. 1879. Catalogue of Maps, Plans, and Views of London i 4 2 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. and Westminster collected and arranged by Frederick Grace. Edited by his son, John Gregory GRACE. 8vo., London, 1879. 1879. Also, a smaller Catalogue, compiled for use when the Gollection was lent for Exhibition in the South Kensington Museum. 8vo., London, 1879. 1879. A Lecture on Pre-Adamite London, given in the Theatre of Merchant Taylors' School ... 13 February, 1879. By Edwin NASH, F.R.I. A., Master of the Merchant Taylors' Company, 1878-79. 8vo., London, 1879. 1880. Some Account of Sion College, by W. H. MILMAN, M.A., Librarian. 8vo., London, 1880. 1880. Three Fifteenth Century Chronicles, with Historical Memoranda by John STOWE, the Antiquary, and contemporary notes of occurrences written by him in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, edited by James GAIRDNER. (Camden Soc.) 410., London, 1880. 4880. London in 1880: illustrated with Bird's-eye views of the principal Streets. By Herbert FRY. 8vo., London, 1880. 1881-82. The Cripplegate. [Newspaper.] 31. Dec., 1881, to 30. Dec., 1882. Folio, London, 1881-82. 1882-83. Charles J. Robinson. A Register of the Scholars ad- mitted into Merchant Taylor's School from 1562 to 1874. (Two volumes.) 8vo., London, 1882-83. 1884. William John Charles Moens. The Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers, 1571 to 1874, and Monumental Inscrip- tions, of the Dutch Reiormed Church, Austin Friars. With a short account of the Strangers and their Churches. 410., Lymington, 1884. 1884. Surrey Bells and London Bell- Founders. A Contri- bution to the Comparative Study of Bell Inscriptions. By J. C. L. STAHLSCHMIDT. 8vo, London, 1884. 1884. London's Roll of Fame: being Complimentary Votes and Addresses from the City of London, on Presentation of the Honorary Freedom of that City and on other Occasions, to Royal Personages, Statesmen, etc. . . . with their Replies and Acknowledgments. From 1757 to 1884. With a critical and historical Introduction [by Benjamin Scott, Chamberlain of London]. 4to., London, 1884. 1884. The Historical Charters and Constitutional Docu- ments of the City of London. With an Introduction and Notes by an Antiquary, [i.e , Walter de Gray Birch.] 4to., London, 1884. 1884. Robert Barlow Gardiner. The Admission Registers of S. Paul's School from 1748 to 1876, edited with Biographical Notices, and Notes on the Earlier Masters and Scholars from the time of its foundation. 8vo,, London, 1884. BOOKS RELATING TO LONDON GENERALLY. 143 1885. Reginald R. Sharpe, D.C.L. Calendar of Letters from the Mayor and Corporation of London circa A.D. 1350-1370, enrolled and preserved among the archives of the Corporation at the Guildhall. 8vo., London, 1885, 1885. Edwin de Lisle. The Majesty of London. 8vo., London, 1885. 1886. Essays on the Street Alignment, Reconstruction, and Sanita- tion of Central London, and on the Re-housing of the Poorer Classes, to which prizes offered by William Westgarth were awarded by the Society of Arts, 1885. 8vo., London, 1886. 1886 to present time. The London Diocesan Magazine. First number is dated May, 1886. Vols. I. IV. 8vo., London, 1886, etc. 1886. A Descriptive Account of the Guildhall of the City of London : its History and Associations. By John Edward PRICE, F.S.A., F.R.S.L. 4to., London, 1886. 1887. London City Churches Destroyed since 1800 or now Threatened. By W. NIVEN. Folio, London, 1887. 1887. London Marriage Licences, 1521-1869. From Excerpts by the late Colonel CHESTER, D.C.L. With Memoir and Por- trait. Edited by Joseph FOSTER. 8vo., London, 1887. 1887. A Discourse on some Unpublished Records of the City of London. By Edwin FRESHFIELD, etc. 410., London, -887. 1889-91. Labour and Life of the People: edited by Charles BOOTH. (Two volumes, with Appendix and Maps.) 8vo., London, 1889-91. Contributors : Jesse Argyle. Octavia Hill. Geo. E. Arkell. James Macdonald. Ernest Aves. Beatrice Potter. Graham Balfour. David F. Schloss. Charles Booth. H. Llewellvn Smith. Clara E. Collet. Mary C. Tabor. Stephen N. Fox. Margaret A. Tilland. E. C. Grey. E. A. Valpy. 1889. Notable Churches of ihe City of London. (Church Bells' Album, No. 4.) 410., London, 1889. 1889. Hampstead Hill: its Structure, Materials, and Sculpturing, by J. Logan LOBLEY. The Flora, by H. T. Wharton ; Insect Fauna, F. A. Walker ; the Birds, J. E. Harting. 8vo., London, 1889. 1889. Catalogue of the Guildhall Library of the City of London. With additions to June, 1889. [Charles Welch, F.S. A., Librarian.] 8vo., London, 1889. 144 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1889-90. Calendar of Wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London, A.D. 1258-1688. Edited by Reginald R. SHARPE, D.C.L., Record Clerk. ('Two volumes.) 8vo., London, 1889-90. 1890. The Post-Office London Directory for 1890. 4to., London, 1890. 1890 (?). Charles W. Bardsley. Romance of the London Direc- tory. 8vo. ; London [1890?]. 1890. Herbert Fry. London in 1890, illustrated with Bird's-eye Views of the Principal Streets, also its Chief Suburbs and Environs. 8vo., London, 1890. 1890. George Clinch. Marylebone and S. Pancras : their History, Celebrities, Buildings, and Institutions. 8vo., London, 1890. [1890]. William Booth [called 'General' Booth]. In Darkest England, and the Way Out. 8vo., London [1890]. 1890?. In Darkest London. A new and popular edition of Captain Lobe. A Story of the Salvation Army. By John LAW, with an Introduction by 'General' Booth. 8vo., London. 1890?. My Salvation Army Experience. By Rev. Wyndham S. HEATHCOTE, B.A. (four years an Officer In the Salvation Army). 8vo., London, c. 1890. 1891. Life in Darkest London: a Hint to 'General' Booth. By the Rev. A. Osborne JAY, M.A. 8vo., London, 1891. 1891. * General ' Booth's ' Submerged Tenth '; or, The Wrong Way to do the Right Thing. By the Rev. Philip DWYER, A.M. 8vo., London, 1891. 1891. General Booth and his Critics. By H. GREENWOOD, M.A., LL.D. 8vo., London, 1891. 1891. Social Diseases and Worse Remedies : Letters to the Times on Mr. Booth's Scheme. By T. H. HUXLEY, F.R.S. 8vo., London, 1891. 1891. London City. Its History, Streets, Traffic, Buildings, People. By W. J. LOFTIE, B.A. Illustrated by W. Luker. Engraved by Ch. Guillaume et Cie., Paris. 4to., London, 1891. 1 8 . . Topographical Memoranda of the Ward of Farringdon Without. By an Antiquary [Mr. Underbill.] 410., no place or date. [Only fifty copies printed. Unpublished.] 1892. A Biographical History of Guy's Hospital. By Samuel WILKS, M.D., and G. T. BETTANY, M.A. Large paper. London, 1892. . PARISHES IN AND NEAR THE CITY. I4'5 PARISHES IN AND NEAR THE CITY. ist of the City Parishes, tracts relating to which be found in the following pages. All Hallows, Barking. S. Andrew, Holborn. S. Bartholomew, Exchange. S. Bartholomew the Great. Blackfriars. S. Botolph, Bishopsgate. Christ Church, Newgate Street. S. Christopher-le-Stocks. S. Clement, Eastcheap. S. Dionis Backchurch. S. Faith. S. Giles, Cripplegate. S. Gregory-by-S. Paul's. S. John Evangelist, Westminster. Guildhall Chapel. S. Katherine's Hospital. S. Laurence Pountney. S. Leonard, Shoreditch. S. Margaret, Loth bury. S. Margaret, Westminster. S. Martin-in-the-Fields. S. Mary, Islington. S. Mary Woolnoth. S. Mary Aldermary. S. Mary-le-Bow. S. Mary Overy. S. Mary Woolchurch Haw. S. Matthew, Friday Street. Mercers' Chapel. S. Mildred, Bread Street. S. Mildred, Poultry. S. Peter, Cornhill. S. Sepulchre. S. Stephen, Coleman Street, S. Swithin. S. Thomas Apostle. ALL HALLOWS, BARKING. 1 68 1. The Birth and Burning of the Image called S. Michael, containing the substance of a narrative lately given into the Vestry of All Saints, Barkin, London, etc., etc., etc. Small folio, London, 1681. 1864. Collections in illustration of the Parochial History and Antiquities of the Ancient Parish of All Hallows, Bark- ing. By Joseph MASKELL. 4to., London, 1864. S. ANDREW, HOLBORN. 1704. A Sermon preach'd in the Parish-Church of St. Andrew's, Holborn, June 8, 1704 being Thursday in Whitson-Week, at the first Meeting of the Gentlemen concern'd in Promoting the Charity-Schools in and about the Cities of London and West- minster. At which time and place, the several Masters and Mistresses of the said Schools appear'd, with the Poor Children under their Care : in Number about Two Thousand. By Richard WILLIS, D.D., Dean of Lincoln. 4to., London, 1704. S. BARTHOLOMEW, EXCHANGE. :89o. The Vestry Minute Books of the Parish of St. Bartho- lomew, Exchange, in the City of London. 1567-1676. P.y Edwin FRESHFIELD. 4to., London, 1890. [Privately printed.] 10 1 46 LIBRA RY OF S. PA UL'S CA THEDRA L . S. BARTHOLOMEW THE GREAT. 1888. Norman Moore, M.D. The Church of S. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield : its foundation, present condition, and Funeral Monuments. 8vo., London, 1888. BLACKFRIARS. 1625. The Trivmph of the Chvrch over Water and Fire. Or, a Thankfull Gratulation for that Miraculous Deliverance of the Church and State of Great Britaine, from the Romish Tophet : or, that barbarous and savage Powder-plot. As it was delivered (for substance) in a Sermon at Blacke Fryers in London on the fifth of November, 1625. By Theodor HERING, Minister of the Word of God. 4to., London, 1625. %** See also the Pamphlets catalogued, supra, p. 133 and p. 135- S. BOTOLPH, BlSHOPSGATE. 1 88-. The Parochial Registers of S. Botolph, Bishopsgate. A. W. C. HALLEN. 8vo., London, 188-. CHRIST CHURCH, NEWGATE STREET. 1641. An Order from the High Court of Parliament which was read on Sunday last in every church, being the 19 Day of December, 1641. Subscribed by Alderman Soames, and Cap- tain Ven, Burgesses in the honourable City of London. Also The True Coppie of a Seditious Paper, delivered in the Pulpit to the minister of Christ Church upon Sunday, being the 19. of December, and afterwards presented to the Lord Mayor by Mr. MAMSBRIDGE, Reader of Christ Church, and Petti-Canon of Saint Paul's, London. 4to., London, 1641. 1646. Gods Doings and Mans Duty, Opened in a Sermon preached before both Houses of Parliament, the Lord Major and Aldermen of the City of London, and the Assembly of Divines, [at Christ Church] at the last Thanksgiving Day, April 2, for the Recovering of the West, and disbanding 5000 of the King's Horse, &c., 1645. By Hugh PETERS, Preacher of the Gospel. The second edition, corrected by the Author. 4to., London, 1646. S. CHRISTOPHER-LE-STOCKS. 1886. Minutes of the Vestry Meetings and other Records of the Parish of St. Christopher-le-Stocks, in the City of London. Edited by Edwin FRESHFIELD, etc. 410., London, 1886. [Privately printed.] 1885. Accomptes of the Churchwardens of the Paryshe of St. Christofer's in London. 1575 to 1662. Edited by Edwin FRESHFIELD, Doctor of Laws, Vice-President of the Society of PARISHES IN AND NEAR THE CITY. 147 Antiquaries of London, and one of the Churchwardens of the Parish. 4to., London, 1885. [Privately printed.] 1882. The Register Book of the Parish of St. Christopher-le- Stocks, in the City of London. Edited by Edwin FRESHFIELD, etc. Three volumes. 4to., London, 1882. S. CLEMENT, EASTCHEAP. 1878. Three Worthies of London. Pearson, Fuller, Walton. Sermon at the Unveiling of a Window at S. Clement, Eastcheap. By Jas. Augustus HESSEY, Archdeacon of Middlesex. 8vo., London, 1878. S. DIONIS BACKCHURCH. 1878. Correspondence and Proceedings under the Union of Benefices Act, resulting in the . . . removal of the Parish Church of S. Dionis Backchurch. By W. H. LYALL, Rector. 8vo., London, 1878. S. FAITH. 1649. KATAATNA2TH2 : Might overcoming Right, or a cleer answer to M. John Goodwin's Might and Right well met. . . . By John GEREE, M.A., and Pastour of Faith's under Pauls in London. 4to., London, 1649. S. GILES, CRIPPLEGATE. 1727. Act, 6 Geo. II., for providing a maintenance for the Rector of the new Church near Old Street in the Parish of Saint Giles, Cripplegate, etc. 4to., London, 1733. 1826. Act, 7 Geo. IV., cap. 54, for extinguishing Tithes and customary payments in lieu of Tithes and Easter Offerings within the parish of S. Giles, Cripplegate. 1883. William Denton. Records of S. Giles', Cripplegate. 8vo., London, 1883. 1888. An Account of the Church and Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate, in the City of London. By John James BADDELEY, Churchwarden. 8vo., London, 1888. *"% See also supra, p. 142. S. GREGORY BY S. PAUL'S. After 1658. Nine select Sermons preached upon special occasions in the Parish Church of St. Gregories by St. Pauls. By the late Reverend John HEWYTT, D.D. 8vo., London, N.D. [Dr. Hewytt was beheaded on Tower Hill June 8, 1658.] GUILDHALL CHAPEL. 1679. A Sermon preached to those who had been Scholars of S. Paul's School, in Guild-hall Chapel, London, at their Anni- 148 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. versary Meeting on St. Pauls Day, 167!- B 7 w - WYATT, M.A. and Student of Christs-Church in Oxford. 4to., London, 1679. S. JOHN EVANGELIST, WESTMINSTER. 1892. S.John the Evangelist, Westminster: Parochial Memo- rials. By J. E. SMITH, Vestry Clerk of S. Margaret and S. John the Evangelist, Westminster. 8vo., Westminster, 1892. S. KATHERINE'S HOSPITAL. 1711. A Letter to the Eldest Brother of the Collegiate Church of St. Katherine, in Answer to his Scurrilous Pamphlet entitul'd the Modern Fanatick, etc. 8vo., London, 1711. S. LAURENCE POUNTNEY. 1831. H. B. Wilson, D.D., Rector. A History of the Parish of S. Laurence Pountney, London : including ... an account of Corpus Christi (or Pountney) College in the said Parish. 4to., London, 1831. S. LEONARD, SHOREDITCH. 1637. A Thanksgiving for the Decreasing ... of the Plague. By John Squier, Priest, Vicar of S. Leonard's, Shordich, &c. The second edition, revised. 4to., London, 1637. S. MARGARET, LOTHBURY. 1876. On the Parish Books of S. Margaret, Lothbury, S. Christopher le Stocks, and S. Bartholomew by the Exchange in the City of London. Communicated to the Society of Anti- quaries by Edwin FRESHFIELD, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. 4to., London, 1876. 1887. The Vestry Minute Book of the Parish of St. Margaret, Lothbury, in the City of London, 1571-1677. Edited by Edwin FRESHFIELD, etc. 4to., London, 1887. [Privately Printed.] S. MARGARET, WESTMINSTER. 1648. England's Spirituall Languishing, with the causes and cure. By Thomas MANTON, Minister of Stoke Newington. [Sermon before Ho. of Commons, Fast, S. Margaret's, West- minster, 28 June, 1648.] 4to., London, 1648. S. MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS. 1684. A Sermon preached at the Anniversary Meeting of the Natives of S. Martins in the Fields, at their own Parochial Church, on May 29, 1684. By Richard BURD, A.M., Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Lord President, and Lecturer of St. Mary, Aldermanbury. 410., London, 1684. (Opposite the title a plate of S. Martin dividing his cloak with a beggar. The Royal Arms above.) PARISHES IN AND NEAR THE CITY. 149 S. MARTIN-LE-GRAND. 1767. A full and plain account of the Christian Practices observed by the Church in S. Martins-le-grand, London, and other Churches in Fellowship with them. Second edition. 8vo., London, 1767. *% See also supra^ p. 138. S. MARY ALDERMARY. 1835. Letter to the Parishioners of the United Parishes of St. Mary Aldermary, and St. Thomas the Apostle in the City of London, on the Non-payment of their Tithes. By the Rev. H. B. WILSON, D.D., Rector. 4to., London, 10 Nov., 1835. S. MARY, ISLINGTON. 1811. The History, Topography, and Antiquities of the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, in the County of Middlesex. By John NELSON. 410., London, i8ti. S. MARY-LE-BOW. 1 68 1. A Sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, at Bow- Church, September 2, 1680. Being the Anniversary Fast for the Burning of London. By Gilbert BURNET. The second edition. 410., London, 1681. 1828. Observations on the Church of St. Mary le Bow, chiefly relating to its original Structure. By George GWILT, Esq., F.S.A., in a Letter to Henry Ellis, Esq., F.R.S., Secretary [of the Society of Antiquaries], 4to., London, 10 June, 1828. S. MARY WOOLNOTH. 1660. Divine Arithmetick, or the Right Art of numbering our Dayes. Being a Sermon preached June 17, 1659, at the Funeral of Mr. Samuel JACOMB, B.D., Minister of the Gospel at S. Mary Woolnoth in Lombard Street, London, and lately Fellow of Queens Colledge in Cambridge. By Symon PATRICK, B.D., Minister of the Gospel at Batersea in Surrey. 4to., London, 1660. 1886. The Transcript of the Registers of the United Parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw, in the City of London, 1538-1760. To which is prefixed a short account of both Parishes, etc. By J. M. S. BROOKE, M.A., Rector, and A. W. C. HALLEN, M.A. 8vo., London, 1886. S. MARY OVERY. 1833. Annals of St. Mary Overy ; an Historical and Descrip- tive Account of St. Saviour's Church and Parish. By W. TAYLOR. 4to., London, 1833. 150 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. S. MATTHEW, FRIDAY STREET. 1627. Henry Burton. The Baiting of the Pope's Bull, or an unmasking of the Mystery of Iniquity folded up in a most per- nitious Breeue or Bull sent from the Pope lately into England, to cause a rent therein for his Re-entry. With an advertisement to the Kings seduced subiects. 4to., London, 1627. 1628. Henry Burton. Israels Fast, or a Meditation vpon the Seuenth Chapter of Joshuah ; a faire Precedent for these Times. By Hfenry] B[urton], Rector of S. Mathewes, Fryday-street. 4to., London, 1628. 1636. For God and the King. The summe of two Sermons preached on the Fifth of November last in S 1 Matthewes, Friday Streete, 1636. By Henry BVRTON, Minister of GODS Word there and then. 4to., no place, 1636. 1636. An Apology of an Appeale. Also an Epistle to the true- hearted Nobility. By Henry BURTON, Pastor of St. Matthewes, Friday-Street. 4to., no place, 1636. 1637. A Briefe and moderate answer to the Seditious and Scanda- lous Challenges of Henry Burton, late of Friday Street, in the two Sermons, by him preached on the Fifth of November, 1636. And in the Apologie prefixt before them. By Peter HEYLYN. 4to., London, 1637. 1637. The answer of John Bastwick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the exceptions made against his Letany by a learned Gentleman, which is annexed to the Letany it selfe, as Articles super- additionall against the Prelats. 4to., no place, 1637. 1637. A Speech delivered in the Starr Chamber on Wednesday, the xiv th of June, 1637, at the Censvre of John Bastwick, Henry Burton, and William Prinn, concerning pretended Innova- tions in the Church. By the most Reverend Father in God, William [LAUD], L. Archbishop of Canterbury his Grace. 4to., London, 1637. 1638. A breife relation of certaine speciall and most materiall passages, and speeches in the Starre-Chamber, occasioned and delivered lune the 14 th 1637, at the Censure of those three Worthy Gentlemen, Dr. Bastvvicke, Mr. Burton, and Mr. Prynne. 4to., no place, 1638. 1641. England's Bondage and Hope of Deliverance. A Sermon before the Honourable House of Parliament at St. Margarets in Westminster by Mr. Henry BURTON, late Rector of St, Mathewes Friday-street, in London, lune 20, 1641. 410., London, 1641. 1641. Jesv- worship confvted : or, Certaine Arguments against Bowing at the Name Jesvs. With objections to the contrary, Fully Answered. By that worthy Divine Henry BURTON, Minister of Gods Word. 4:0., London, 1641. [With Portrait, " aetatis suae 63 " on title.] PARISHES IN AND NEAR THE CITY. 151 1643. A Narration of the Life of Mr. Henry Burton . . . accord- ing to a Copy written with his owne hand. 4to., London, 1643. 1644. Henry Burton. A vindication of Churches commonly called Independent. The first edition, 4to., London, 1644. The second edition, 4to., London, 1644. 1645. Vindiciae Veritatis. Truth vindicated against calumny: in a Briefe Answer to Dr. Bastwick's two late books, entituled, Independency not God's Ordinance, etc. By Henry BURTON, one of his quondam-fellow-sufferers. 4to., London, 1645. 1645. Truth shut out of doores : or, A briefe and true Narrative of the occasion and manner of proceeding of some of Alderman- bury Parish, in shutting their Church-doores against me . . . By me, Henry BURTON. 4to., London, 1645. 1645. Truth still Truth, though shut out of doores: or, a Reply to a late Pamphlet, entituled, The Doore of Truth Opened : published in the name and with the consent of the Whole Church of Aldermanbury. By Henry BURTON. 4to., London, 1645. 1645. Innocency cleared, True worth Predicated, against false Aspertions : in a Letter sent to Mr. Henry Burton from a Christian Friend; In Defence of Dr. Bastwick, one of his Quondam Fellow-sufferers. Signed B. S. 410., London, 1645. 1645. Flagellum Flagelli, or Dr. Bastwick's quarters beaten up in two or three pomeridian exercises, by way of animadversion upon his first Booke, intituled, Independency not God's Ordi- nance. By G. S. [SALTMARSH]. 4to., London, 1645. 1869. Notes on the History and Antiquities of the United Parishes of S. Matthew, Friday Street, and S. Peter, Cheap, in the City of London. By W. Sparrow SIMPSON, Rector. 8vo., London. (Only 100 copies struck off on large paper.) MERCERS' CHAPEL. 1658. A Sermon touching the Use of Humane Learning. Preached in Mercers-Chappel, at the Funeral of that Learned Gentleman Mr. John Langley, late School-Master of Pauls School in London, on the 21 day of September, 1657. By Ed. REYNOLDS, D.D. 4to., London, 1658. 1708. Philip's Memento Mori: or, The Passing Bell. A Sermon preach'd in Mercers Chappel at the Funeral of Mr. Ben net merchant. By Daniel FEATLEY, D.D. 8vo., London, 1708. S. MILDRED, BREAD STREET. 1 88 1. Drawing of the Interior, by R. Payne, architect. '52 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. S. MILDRED, POULTRY. 1872 The History of the Church of St. Mildred the London xs;;^ C leChUrCh ^ ^ Th ^as MILBOURN. 8vo., S. PETER, CORN HILL. conce D rnin \ th f Excellency and Usefulness of the ^ reached b y William BEVERIDGE, D.D '"' L ndon: at the Opening of Oil November ' ' I R le w ChUrCh f S " Peter U P n Cornt >i" : s History. . R. WHITTINGTON, Rector. 8vo., London, N.D. Sf^* 6 Christninges, Burialles and Weddinges ne of f !""" Peeters vpon Cornhi "' beginning at fhe bv Granvme ^ St p S T uerai g ne ' adie Qeen Elizabeth. Edited 1877-9 LEVESON-GOWER, F.S.A. 8vo., London, (Two volumes.) S. SEPULCHRE. ? M S ' Se P ulchre>s at th ^ meeting of the Charity ? 37 ' ?' By R bert Moss > D - D -' Chaplain in S. STEPHEN, COLEMAN STREET. the^t R f e ^o rkS v, Up " the Book of Recor ds and History of the Parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street, in the City of London. Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries by Edwin FRESH- ELD, LL.1A, V.P. 4 to., Westminster, 1887. S. SwiTHIN. o pr ^ Whit e Sheete, or a Warning f or Whoremongers, a Sermon preached , the Parish Church of St. Swithins by London Stone the 19 of July, Anno Domi : 1629, the day appointed by Honourable Authoritie for penance to be done by vear'el wi 1 th n h- th M e -, f0r C forniCation ' COI " inUed more tha '" yeares, with his Maide-Servant. By Richard COOKE, B. of D. and Parson there. 4 to., London, 1629. AJ?S* f n T my ^ rd Arch - B hop of Canterbury's and my Lord Bishop of London's Letters to the Clergy, touching Catechising and the Sacrament of the Supper with what if required of Churchwardens and Ministers^ ' reference to Obs mate Recusants. Also a Defence of Excommunication . LIVERY COMPANIES OF THE CITY OF LONDON. 153 S. THOMAS APOSTLE. 1829. A Second Letter to the Parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle in the City of London. To which is prefixed the Report of His M. Commissioners for Inquiry concerning Charities, so far as relates to Charitable Devises, etc., in the Parish of St. Thomas the Apostle. By the Rev. H. B. WILSON, D.D., Rector. 4to., London, 1829. LIVERY COMPANIES OF THE CITY OF LONDON. The Companies generally. Leather Sellers. The Twelve Great Companies. Mercers. Barber Surgeons. Merchant Taylors. Carpenters. Saddlers. Grocers. Skinners. Ironmongers. Stationers. THE COMPANIES GENERALLY. 1836-7. The History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of London . . by William HERBERT, Librarian to the Corporation of London. (Two volumes.) 8vo., London, 1836-37. 1884. City of London Livery Companies' Commission. Reports and Appendices. (Five volumes.) 4to., London, 1884. BARBER SURGEONS. 1890. The Annals of the Barber Surgeons of London, compiled from their records and other sources by Sidney YOUNG, one of the Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Company of Barber Surgeons of London, with illustrations by Austin YOUNG. 410., London, 1890. CARPENTERS. 1848. Edward Basil Jupp. An Historical Account of the Worship- ful Company of Carpenters in the City of London. 8vo., London, 1848. GROCERS. 1869. Baron Heath. Some account of the Worshipful Company of Grocers in the City of London. Third edition. 8vo., London, 1869. 1883. Grocers' Company. Copies in Facsimile of Manuscript Records, A.D. 1345 to 1428. Transcribed and Translated. [Presented by the Worshipful Company of Grocers, 27 Dec., IRONMONGERS. 1851. John Nicholl. Some Account of the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers. 8vo., London, 1851. 1869. A Catalogue of the Antiquities and Works of Art ex- 154 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. hibited at Ironmongers' Hall, London, in the month of May, H I iU-^? mp A u y a C mhiee of the Council of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. 4 to, London, 1869. (Two volumes.) LEATHER-SELLERS. 1871. History and Antiquities of the Worshipful Company of Leather-sellers of the City of London; with Fac-similes of Charters, and other Illustrations. By William Henry BLACK, KS.A. 4 to., London, 1871. MERCERS. of St - Paul>s Bariow MERCHANT TAYLORS. 1826. Librorum Impressorum qui in Bibliotheca Schohe Mer- catorum Scissorum adservantur Catalogus. 8vo., London, 1826 ri f a Q S T f u the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the of St. John the Baptist in the City of London ; and C l?; ted ^ CharitieS ""* Institution s Compiled and r *? ^ MaSter f the Com Pany for the Year 1873-74 Charles Matthew CLODE], (being the 5 74th Master in Succes sion). 8vo., London, 1875. [Printed for private circulation. Presented by the Company.] I888 nf M harl f M ^ th ? W Clode * The Ear1 ^ Histor y of the Guild of Merchant Taylors . . . with Notices of the Lives of some M its eminent members. Two volumes. 8vo., London, 1888 nnted for private circulation. Presented by the Company.] $&<$$&* f the Sch Iars admitted into Merchant laylors School i from A.D. 1562 to 1874. By the Rev. Charles 18^2 8 NS N> f WCSt Hackney ' 8m > London SADDLERS. r ^ S f ?S! 1L A descri P tive and Historical Account Guild of Saddlers of the City of London. 8vo, London, [For private circulation. Presented by the Company.] SKINNERS. 1876. James Foster Wadmore. Some Account of the History 8vo LoS iS 6* W rshipful Com P an y of Skinners, London. STATIONERS. 1875. A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of ARBER er FSA v? J I5 ? 4 ' I / 6 f 1 A ' D - Edited ^ Edward London, 5SJ- ^ L - 1V - (aU at P reSent issued >- 4to, [Privately printed.] S. PAUL'S SCHOOL. 55 1800 Edward Arber. A List founded on the Registers of the 9 StaUoners' Company of 837 London Publishers (who were by Trade Printers, Engravers, Booksellers, Book Binders, etc.) between 1553 and 1640. 4*0., London, 1890. S. PAUL'S SCHOOL. 1718. Preces, Catechismus, et Hymni, in usum antiqua . et Celebris Scholse juxta D. Pauli Templum apud Londmates. 8vo., London, 1718. 1777. The London Vocabulary, English and Latin ... 777 adornedwith Twenty-Six Pictures For the Use of Schools. The seventeenth edition, corrected. By J m GR *^* Author of the English Grammar, and late Sur-Master . St. Paul's School. i2mo., London, 1777. [Imperfect.] 1818 Erasmus. Concio de Puero Jesu olim pronunciata a puefo fn Tchola Joannis Coleti Londioi institute in qua praesi- debat Imago Pueri Jesu docentis specie. [Edited by Samuel BENTLEY.] 8vo., London, 1818. 1836. A Catalogue of the Library of St. Paul's School. 8vo., London, 1836. [Not published.] A Miscellaneous Collection of Apposition Papers. Vario da Se S e also supra, p. 154. The Admission Registers of the School, edited by the Rev. R. B. Gardiner. See also Sermons preached at S. Paul's Cathedral before the Gentlemen educated at S. Paul's School. See 1678-79. Wyatt, p. 147- V 2 *' Hough, p. 112. 1699. Pulleyn, p. 107. i75S- ***$*** 1711. Tenison, p. no. 1757- Fairchild, p. 113- f Mr. Langley, see Mercer's Chapel^. 151. CHEAPSIDE CROSS. 1641. The Resolvtion of those Contemners that will have no Crosses, being ingeniously expressed in exhortation to those that will admit of no Crosse, unlesse it be their crosse-Wayes , or some Crosse Street where their conventicles are .... London, 1641. . , a the J,e ,600, m which y II 4to., London, 1641. 156 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1641 The Pope's Proclamation, together With the Lawes and Ordinances established by him and his Shavelings, concerning his adherents and rights which hee claimeth in England where unto is added Six Articles exhibited against Cheapside Crosse whereby it stands guilty of high Treason, and ought to be beheaded. 410., 1641. 1641. The Doleful Lamentation of Cheapside Crosse or old England sick of the Staggers. 4 to., London, 1641. l642 U L The . Resolu tion of the Roundheads to pull down Cheapside Crosse. 410., 1642. [Bound up with ' The Pope's Proclamation.'] 1642. Articles of High Treason Exhibited against Cheap-side Crosse, with The Last Will and Testament of the said Crosse and certame Epitaphs upon her Tombe by R. OVERTON. Newly Printed, and newly come forth with his Holinesse Priviledge to prevent False Copies. 410., London, 1642. 1643 The Downe-fall of Dagon, or the taking downe of Cheap-side Crosse this second of May. 164-? 4 to London. No date. [Woodcut on title representing the taking down of the cross.] THE FIRE OF 1666, AND PLAGUE OF 1604, 1636, AND 1665. 1518. Transcript by R. Clark. On Visiting a House supposed to have been infested with the Plague. Hagenose in sedibus Thomas Anshelmi Badensis. Anno M.D.XVIII. Mense Februario. With some verses by Chatterton, adapted by Richard Clark to Music by Henricus Loritus (died 1563). 1604. James Godskall. The Arke of Noah, for the Londoners that remame in the Cittie to enter in, with their families, to be preserued from the deluge of the Plague. Item, An Exercise for the Londoners that are departed out of the Citte into the Countrey, to spend their time till they return. Whereunto is annexed an Epistle sent out of the Countrey, to the afflicted Citie of London. Made and written by lames Godskall the yonger, Preacher of the Word. 4 to., London, 1604. Thos Creede. 1630. London looke backe, at that yeare of yeares 1625. and looke forward, vpon this yeare, 1630. Written, not to Terrific But to Comfort. 4to., London, 1630. [On the title a woodcut of a skull, wreathed.]* 1637. A Thanksgiving for the decreasing, and hope of the * In the British Museum is the following : 1630. London. Lookebacke. A description of the ... mortality An. 1625 in heroicke . . . lines. By A. H of Tr College, in Cambridge. [With an < Epistle to the Christian Reader,' by H. D.l Printed for T. Harper and H. Holland, London. 1630. 410 THE FIRE OF 1666, AND PLAGUE OF 1604, 1636, AND 1665. 157 removing of the Plagve. Being a Sermon preached at St. Pauls in London, vpon the i. of January, 1636. By lohn SQVIER, Priest, Vicar of St. Leonards Shordich, sometime Fellow of lesus Colledge in Cambridge. 4to., London, 1637. 1665. Pillulae Pestilentiales : Or a Spiritual Receipt for Cure of The Plague, delivered in a Sermon preach'd in St. Paul's Church, London, in the midst of our late Sore Visitation. By Rich. KINGSTON M.A. and Preacher at St. James Clerken-well. 8vo., London, 1665. 1665. Certain necessary directions as well for the Cure of the Plague, as for preventing the Infection : with many easie Medicines of small Charge, very profitable to His Majesties Sub- jects. Set down by the Colledge of Physicians. 4to., London, 1665. c. 1665. The Orders and Directions of the Right Honourable tue Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, to be diligently observed and kept by the Citizens of London, during the time of the present Visitation of the Plague . . . 4to., London, c. 1665. 1666. Lex Ignea : or, The School of Righteousness. A Sermon preach'd before the King, Octob. 10, 1666, at the Solemn Fast for the late Fire in London. By William SHERLOCK, D.D., Dean of St. Pauls. 4to., London, 1666. [On the title, Hollar's view of the burning of S. Paul's.] 1666. A Sermon [on Amos iv. n] preached before the Honour- able House of Commons, at St. Margarets, Westminster, Octob. 10, 1666, being the Fast-day appointed for the late dreadfull Fire in the City of London. By Edward STILLINGFLEET, B.D. Rector of St. Andrews, Holborn, and one of His Majesties Chaplains in Ordinary. The fourth edition. 410., London, 1666. 1666. London's Calamity by Fire bewailed and Improved, in a Sermon preached at St. James Dukes-Place. . . By Robert ELBOROUGH, Minister of the Parish that was lately St. Laurence Pountney, London. 410., London, 1666. 1667. Seasonable Thoughts in Sad Times, being some Reflections on the Warre, the Pestilence, and the Burning of London. Considered in the Calamity, Cause, Cure. By Joh. TABOR, M.A. (In verse.) 8vo., London, 1667. 1667. A True and Faithful Account of the Several Informa- tions exhibited to the Honourable Committee appointed by the Parliament to inquire into the Late Dreadful Burning of the City of London. Together with other Information touching the Insolency of Popish Priests, and the Increase of Popery, etc. 4to., London, 1667. Another edition, 410., no place, 1667. 1667. A Short and Serious Narrative of London's Fatal 158 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Fire, with its Diurnal and Nocturnal Progression, from Sunday Morning (being) the Second of September, Anno Mirabili 1666. Until Wednesday Night following. A Poem, as also Londons Lamentation to her Regardless Passengers. 4to., London, 1667. 1667. Poemata Londinensia. [Simon Ford, D.D.] Conflagratio Londinensis Pcetice Depicta. The Conflagration of London : Poetically described, both in Latin and English. 1667. Londini quod reliquum. Or, Londons Remains : in Latin and English. 1667. Actio in Londini Incendiarios. Londini renascentis imago poetica. Ad Serenissimum Britanniarum Monarcham Carolum. II. 1668. 4to., London, 1667, 1668. 1668. Description exacte de tout ce qui s'est passe dans les Guerres entre le Roy ti Angleterre, le Roy de France, les Estats des Provinces Unies de Pay Bas, et 1'Evesque de Munster. Commen9ant de 1'An 1664, & finissant avec la conclusion de Paix, faite a Breda en 1'An 1667. Avec une Introduction pre- liminaire, contenant 1'Exile & la Restitution du present Roy d'Angleterre, etc. 4to., Amsterdam, 1668. (At p. 169 is a plate of the Great Fire of 1666.) 1670. Trap ad Crucem ; or the Papist's Watch-word. Being an Impartial Account of some late Informations taken before several of his Majesties Justices of the Peace in and about the City of London. Also a Relation of the several Fires that of late have hapened in and about the said City. 4to., London, 1670. 1720-21. An Account of the Burning of the City of London as it was publish'd by the special Authority of King and Council in the year 1666 . . . Also the whole Service appointed for the Day, which for many Years has been left out of the Book of Common-Prayer. From all which it plainly appears, that the Papists had no hand in that dreadful conflagra- tion. Very useful for all those who keep the Annual Solemn Fast on that Occasion. 8vo., London, 1720. The third edition, 8vo., London, 1721. 1721. A Collection of very valuable and Scarce Pieces relating to the last Plague in the year 1665. The second edition. 8vo., London, 1721. 1769. The City Remembrancer: being Historical Narratives of the Great Plague at London, 1665 ; Great Fire, 1666 ; and Great Storm, 1703 . . Collected from curious and authentic Papers, originally compiled by the late learned Dr. HARVEY, his Majesty's Physician to the Tower, and enlarged with Autho- rities of a more recent Date. (Two volumes.) 8vo., London, 1769. MAPS, PLANS, AND VIEWS OF LONDON, AND ESPECIALLY OF S. PAULS CATHEDRAL. CONTENTS. PAGE MAPS AND PLANS OF LONDON - 161 VIEWS OF LONDON : EARLY TIMES TO 1666 167 1666-1799 - 169 1800 TO PRESENT TIME 173 OLD S. PAUL'S : VIEWS - 176 MONUMENTS - 178 VIEWS AND PLANS FROM DUGDALE - 180 S. PAUL'S CROSS 181 DRAWINGS BY MR. EDMUND B. FERREY - 181 SIR C. WREN'S EARLIER DESIGNS FOR S. PAUL'S - - 182 S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL THE PRESENT BUILDING: EXTERIOR - 182 INTERIOR - 191 CRYPT 196 FURNITURE AND DECORATIONS 196 BELLS - 198 PAGEANTS (THANKSGIVING SERVICES, FUNERALS, ETC.) - 199 FUNERALS OF NELSON AND WELLINGTON 200 CEREMONIES AND FUNERALS 203 MONUMENTS 205 S. PAUL'S SCHOOL - 207 CHAPTER HOUSE - 208 S. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD 208 S. PETER'S AT ROME: AND S. PETER'S AND S. PAUL'S COMPARED - 208 MISCELLANEOUS VIEWS 209 MAPS AND PLANS OF LONDON. Londinium Augusta. A Plan of Roman London. STUKELEY, delin., 1722. From the Itinerarium Curiosum. (6j-n inches.) Roman London. With tables of remains found in London. A woodcut. (10-7 inches.) Londinum Feracissimi Angliae Regni Metropolis. Plan of London, before the destruction of the steeple of S. Paul's, from the Civitates Orbis Terrarum, by BRAUN and HOGENBERGIUS. The title on a centre tablet at top. The arms of Queen Eliza- beth on left, those of the City on ri^ht. Four figures at bottom, and tablets of description on right and left. (19!-! 3! inches.) Civitas Londinum, circiter MDLX. ' This plan shows the ancient extent of the famous Cities of London and Westminster as it was near the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; these plates, for their great scarcity, are re-engraved to oblidge the Curious, and to hand to Posterity this old Prospect.' The above is a copy (engraved by G. VERTUE) of the Ancient Map of Ralph AGGAS, engraved about 1560, but not published till 1603. (75-28 inches.) Civitas Londinum. A Fac-simile (Reduced) of the Map by AGGAS, 1560, by Edward Weller, F.R.G.S. (49-18^ inches.) A View of London about the Year 1558. Reduced from the Aggas Map. From Maitland's London. (18^-12 inches.) London and Westminster in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Anno Dom. 1563. NEELE, scuplt. (2 2-8i inches.) London and Westminster in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Anno Dom. 1563. J. COOK, sc., 1847. (22-9 inches.) London and Westminster in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Anno Dom. 1563. Surrounded by 20 views. A lithograph, published by Wm. DARTON. (28-16^ inches.) A Plan of London as in Q. Elizabeth's days. Sold by John Bowles. At the bottom of the map are 5 views of buildings, and ii 162 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. underneath them : * The South Prospect of London as it ap- peared when it lay in ruins after that dreadful fire in 1666.' Thos. BOWLES, sculpsit. (2 2-14 J inches.) Plan of the City of London in the Time of Queen Elizabeth. Engraved for LAMBERT'S History of London, 1805. (8-5 inches.) Typus Parochiae Divi Martini, vulgo St. Martins, Outwich, una cum Parte Parochise Divi Petri in Cornehill in Civitate Londini, inventus et sjelus, per Gulielmum Goodman, i mo Januarii, An. 1599. T. A., fecit. (6|-4j inches.) Middle-sex described with the most famous Cities of London and Westminster. 'Jacobus HONDIUS, caelavit. Cum Privilegio, Anno 1 6 10. Described by John NORDEN. Augmeted by J. SPEED.' With plans of London and Westminster, and views of Saint Peter's, Westminster, and Saint Paul's. Middlesex described. Reprinted by KELLY and Co. (17-13 inches.) A Plan of the City and Suburbs of London, as fortified by order of Parliament in the Years 1642 and 1643. G. VERTUE, sc., 1738. (14-8^ inches.) rt An exact delineation of the Cities of London & Westminster, and the Suburbs thereof, together w th y e Burrough of Southwark, and all y e Throughfares, Highwaies, Streets, Lanes, and Common Allies within y e same, composed by a Scale, and Ichnographi- cally described by Richard Newcourt, of Somerton, in the Countie of Somersett, gentleman. With views of Westminster Abbey and S. Paul's Cathedral. Engraved by William FAI- THORNE, 1658. Copied and engraved by Geo. JARMAN, and published by Evans and Sons, on 5 sheets. (75-39 inches.) / An exact delineation of the Cities of London & Westminster. (FAITHORNE'S plan. Republished by Stanford, 1878, on 4 sheets.) (75-39 inches.) An exact Surveigh of the Streets, Lanes, and Churches compre- hended within the Ruins of the City of London. ' First described in six Plats, 10 Decemb r , A Dom 1 , 1666, by the order and directions of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Councell of the said City. John LEAKE, John JENNINGS, W T ill m Marr, Will" 1 Leybourn, Thomas Streete, Richard Short- grave, surveyors, and reduced into one entire Plat by John Leake for the use of the Commissioners. For the regulation of streets, lanes, etc. Re-engraved by G. VERTUE, 1723, with 7 views of buildings. On 2 sheets. (Each 25-21 inches.) Proposals of a New Model for Rebuilding the City of London, with Houses, Streets, and Wharfs, to be forthwith set out by His Majesty's and the City Surveyors. By Val. KNIGHT, 20 Sept., 1666. With description. (14-22 inches.) The Same, without the description. (14-11 inches.) MAPS AND PLANS OF LONDON. 163 London Restored, or Sir John Evelyn's Plan for Rebuilding that antient Metropolis after the Fire in 1666. B. COLE, sculp. (13^-8 inches.) Sir John Evelyn's Plan for Rebuilding the City of London after the Great Fire in 1666. (n-6j inches.) Sir Christopher Wren's Plan for Rebuilding the City of London after the Great Fire in 1666. (12-7 inches.) A Plan of the City of London after the Great Fire, 1666, according to the design and proposal of Sir Christopher WREN for rebuild- ing it. Showing the Situation of the Great Streets, S. Paul's Cathedral, the Exchange, Guildhall, Custom House, etc. (nj-yj inches.) A Plan of London, containing 25 Churches only, reserved on their old Foundations, with all the principal Streets almost in the same part they formerly were, and Spaces for all the rest of the Houses, Lanes, and Alleys of note. Underneath is Sir C. WREN'S Plan, as described in preceding article. Sumptibus Societal. Antiquar., 1748. (19-14 inches.) Sir Christopher Wren's Design for rebuilding the City of London. From a Report (1800) upon the Improvements of the Port of London. (27-15^ inches.) Grundtrik der Statt London, wie solche vor, und nach dem Brand anzuschern, sampt dem Newen Model, wie selbige widrum Auff- gebauwet werden solle. Model, wie die Abbgebrante Statt London, widrum Auffgebauwet werden solle. (15^-12 inches.) Londres, Ville Capitalle del' Angleterre. (6f-4f inches.) Plan des Villes de Londres et de Westminster et leurs Faubourgs avec le Bourg de Southwark. Par Pierre MORTIER a Amster- dam. (13-9^ inches.) Londinium celeberrima Metropolis, splendidissima Regia et opulentissimum Anglise Emporium, accuratissime delineata, per Matthaeum SEUTTER. Map, with inscription in Latin and German. Beneath, a prospect of London, with 63 references to places of interest. Coloured. J. T. KRAUS, delin. (23-20 inches.) London. A map from BEEVERELL'S Delices de la Grande Bretagne. (6J-5J inches.) London, etc. Accurately Survey'd by Rob. MORDEN and Philip LEA (about 1705). Portraits of William and Mary and n views at the top, also long view of London at the bottom, mounted on 13 sheets together. (7 ft. n in. by 5 ft. 10 in.) Plan des Villes de Londres et de Westminster, et leurs Faubourgs, avec le Bourg de Southwark. Par de Fer. 1705. C. INSELIN, sculpt. (i3|-9 inches.) Londen, Westmunster, u. Soudwark. G. BODENEHR excudit Augustse Vindelicoru. (28-6^ inches.) 164 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. A New Mapp of the City of London, etc. Anno 1716. Printed and sold by T. BAKEWELL next y e Horn in Fleet S 1 . (nJ-8-i- inches.) A Plan of the City's of London, Westminster, and Borough of Southwark, with the new Additional Buildings, anno 1720. Revised by J. SENEX ; S. PARKER del. et sculp. The arms of the City and dedication at top on left, and references to Parishes and Buildings. at bottom. (23^-20 inches.) London about 1720. The sheet containing S. Paul's from a large map of London. (23^-20^- inches.) Regionis quae est circa Londinum, specialis representatio geographica, ex autographo majori Londinensi desumta, curanti- bus HOMANIANIS Heredibus, 1741. With a view of London beneath. (22^-20 inches.) A Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster and Borough of Southwark, with the contiguous Buildings. From an Actual Survey taken by John ROCQUE and engraved by John PINE. Scale about 9 inches to a mile. In 24 sheets and Index Plan. (Each 27-1 9 \ inches.) 'This work was begun 1737, and published 1746 by John Pine, at the Golden Head, against Burlington House, Piccadilly, and John Tinney, at the Golden Lion, Fleet Street. 5 An Kxact Survey of the Citys of London, Westminster, y e Borough of Southwark, and the Country near Ten Miles round, begun in 1741 and ended in 1745 by John ROCQUE and en- grav'd by Richard PARR. Faringdon within and Baynard's Castle, with its Divisions into Parishes, taken from the last Survey, with Corrections. With elevations of S. Paul's. From STOW'S Survey (1754). (14-12 inches.) A Pocket Map of London, Westminster, and Southwark, with y e New Buildings to y e Year 1755. R. W. SEALE, sculp. (20-10^ inches.) Baynards Castle Ward and Faringdon Ward within, with their Divisions into Parishes, according to a new Survey. With elevations of S. Paul's and other buildings. B. COLE, sculpt., 1755- (19-Mi inches.) The City Guide, or a Pocket Map of London, Westminster, and Southwark, with y e new Buildings to y e Year 1758. Printed by Thos. BOWLES in St. Paul's Church Yard, and John BOWLES & Son, at the Black Horse in Cornhil. (20-10 inches.) A Correct Plan of the Cities of London & Westminster & Borough of Southwark, including the Bills of Mortality, with the addi- tional Buildings, etc. From the London Magazine, 1761. (16- 9 inches.) MAPS AND PLANS OF LONDON. 165 A New and Correct Plan of London, Westminster, and South- wark, with the additional Buildings to the Year 1770. From CHAMBERLAIN'S History of London. (20-1 if inches.) A New and Complete Plan of London, Westminster, and South wark, with the additional Buildings to the Year 1777. Engraved for HARRISON'S History of London. (iQf-nJ inches.) Bowles's New Pocket Plan of the Cities of London and West- minster, wiih the Borough of Southwark, comprehending the New Buildings and other Alterations to the Year 1780. Printed for Carington BOWLES. (35|-i7j inches.) A Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, with the Borough of Southwark. Engrav'd by W. FADEN, succ r to the late T. Jeffreys, 1788. (22-12! inches.) A New Pocket Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, with the Borough of Southwark, comprehending the New Build- ings and other Alterations to the Year 1790. Printed for Wm. FADEN, Charing Cross. (35^-17^ inches.) Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark, and parts adjoining, showing every House. By R. HORWOOD. Published 1794, in 32 sheets (each 20-2 1 inches) . Plan of the proposed Docks, etc., on the Surrey Side of the River Thames. From a Report (1796) on providing Accommodation for the Trade and Shipping of the Port of London. J. BASIRE, sculp. (19^-15 inches.) A New Pocket Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, with the Borough of Southwark, comprehending the New Build- ings and other Alterations to the Year 1798. (19^-9! inches). A Topographical Map of the Country twenty Miles round London, planned from a scale of two Miles to an Inch. By Wm. FADEN, Charing Cross, Sept. ist, 1800. (Circular, 22| inches.) Plan showing the Position of the Double Bridge and the proposed Avenues. Geo. DANCE, Arch'. From a Report (1800) upot the Improvement of the Port of London. T. BASIRE, sculp (20-12 inches.) A General Plan of the E. & N.E. Parts of London and Places adjacent that may receive a supply of Thames Water from the intended East London Water Works, as proposed and surveyed by R. DODD, engineer, 1805. (17^-23 inches.) London, extending from the Head of the Paddington Canal West, to the West India Docks East, with the proposed Improvements between the Royal Exchange and Finsbury Square. Publish'd Oct r 6, 1806, by J. STRATFORD. (2i|-i3 inches.) Langley and Belch's Map of London, 1812. With 24 small views of buildings. (30^-20^ inches.) | 1 66 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. An entire New Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, with the Borough of Southwark. Published by E. MOGG, 1815. (35j-i8 inches.) Langley and Belch's Map of London, 1818. With 24 small views of buildings. (3oJ-2o-| inches.) An entire New Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, with the Borough of Southwark. Published by E. MOGG, 1819. (35^-18 inches.) Map of the County of Middlesex from an Actual Survey made in the Years 1819 and 1820, by C. & J. GREENWOOD. With views of S. Paul's & Westminster Abbey. Corrected to the year 1829. (26-21 inches.) A Plan of London and Westminster, with the Borough of South- wark. Published by W. FADEN, 1820. (35j-i8 inches.) The Stranger's Guide to London and Westminster. Published by E. MOGG (circa 1820). (22^-16 inches.) Smith's New Plan of London, Westminster, & Southwark, with 350 References to the Principal Streets. Printed for C. SMITH, Mapseller, 1822. (25-16! inches.) Map of London, from an Actual Survey made in the Years 1824, 1825, and 1826, by C. and J. GREENWOOD. On 6 sheets. (Each 25^-25 inches.) Cruchley's New Plan of London. Engraved and published by Cruchley, Mapseller (1829). (33-16^ inches.) Middlesex. With view of St. Paul's in upper right hand corner. En- graved on steel by PIGOT and Son, Manchester. (i3|-8f inches.) London in Miniature, with the Surrounding Villages. Published by E. MOGG, 1838. (37^-20 inches.) Cross's New Plan of London. Published by J. CROSS, 1838. (38^-25^ inches.) Plan of London, from Actual Survey, 1838. With 33 small views of buildings. Published by O HODGSON. (32^-2 ij inches.) Bauerkeller's New Embossed Plan of London, 1841. Pub- lished by ACKERMANN & Co. (45-26^ inches.) Wallis's Guide for Strangers through London, 1843. Published by E. WALLIS, 42, Skinner St. (28^-22 inches.) The Railway Bell and Illustrated London Advertiser Map of London, 1845. Surrounded with views of buildings. (37-29^ inches.) Davies's Map of the British Metropolis, containing the Boundaries of the Boroughs, etc. Published by B. R. DAVIES, 1848. (35^-26 inches.) Ordnance Map of London, 1 2-inch scale, 43 sheets and Index, 1848; and 5-feet scale sheets 471, 617, 643, 644, 669, and 670, with Index, 1850. VIEWS OF LONDON TO 1666. 167 Davies's New Map of London and its Environs, showing the New Railways, etc. Published by E. STANFORD, 1871. (40^-27 inches.) London. Drawn and engraved expressly for the Post Office Direc- tory, 1874, by B. R. DAVIES. (35J-26J inches.) Photo Relief Map of North London, by H. F. BRION and Rev. Edmund McCLURE. (16^-13^ inches.) Photo Relief Map of South London, by the same. (16^-13^ inches.) London in 1892. ABC Pictorial Plan. Published by C. BAKER and Co, (27^-14^ inches.) British Museum. Catalogue of Maps : London. Quarto. London. 1884. VIEWS OF LONDON TO 1666. London in the Time of Henry VIII. H. W. BREWER inv 1 et del f , 1887. Reprinted from the Builder , with Key. (43-12 inches.) The Procession of King Edward VI. from the Tower of London to Westminster, Feb. xix. MDXLVIL, previous to his Coronation. Drawn from a coeval painting at Cowdray in Sussex, by S. H. GRIMM ; engraved by J. BASIRE. Soc. Antiq., 1787- (S^Si inches.) The Procession of King Edward VI. Lithograph by H. DUDLEY, 1836. (24^-1 2 J inches.) Van den Wyngaerde's View of London, circa 1550. Topo- gaphical Society of London, 1881-2. In 7 sheets. (Each i7f-2i| inches.) The same case contains Braun's Map of London, and Visscher's View. A South-East View of London, before the Destruction of S. Paul's Steeple, A.D. 1560. From a painting in the possession of Mr. J. GROVE, of Richmond. Engraved by B. HOWLETT, 1818. (i2j-9f inches.) Ancient London, from the Picture at the Surrey Zoological Gardens. A woodcut. (8^-4^ inches.) Picture Model of Old London, at the Surrey Zoological Gardens. A woodcut, 1844. (8-6 inches.) London. A long View from S. Catherine's in the East to the Palace at Westminster. Two tablets of description. J. C. VISSCHER delineavit (1616). (86- 1 8 inches.) The plates of this view are still in existence. London, by VISSCHER. The sheet of the copy showing S. Paul's. (22-18 inches.) 1 68 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. London in 1616 and 1890. Supplement to the Graphic, Nov. ist, 1890. (41-15 inches.) Carolus D. G. Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, Scotiae et Hyberniae Rex, Anno. 1626. A portrait of CHARLES I. on horseback, the background being a view of London with old S. Paul's, etc. (10-13^ inches.) Fortifications of the City of London, 1641-2. A series of 20 plates from drawings supposed to have been executed for the Parliament by Col. EYRE. View of London from the Top of Arundel House. From Views of Arundel House, after HOLLAR, 1646, published by J. THANE, 1792. (7 J-ioJ inches.) London. A long View of the whole of London, Westminster, and South wark. W. HOLLAR delineavit et fecit, 1647. Published by Cornelius Danckers. Lithographic copy by R. MARTIN, 1832. (87-18 inches.) This View, like that of Visscher, shows all the principal buildings of the City. At the top and base are various emblematic figures. View of London as it was in the Year 1647. Reduced copy from HOLLAR by R. BENNING, 1756. In 2 sheets. (Each 19-12 inches.) View of London, as it was in the Year 1647. Similar to the above, but coloured. In 2 sheets. London in 1657. From BRAYLEY'S Londiniana. (13^-5^ inches.) London before the Fire. Cut from an old Map (?). (6-2f inches.) Londinum, Urbs praecipua Regni Angliae. Before the Fire. A foreign print. (20-15-!- inches.) Londres, Ville Capital (sic) du Royaume d'Angleterre. A reduced copy of the preceding. (i2j-8j inches.) Londres, Ville Capitale du Royaume d'Angleterre. The fore- ground is similar to the preceding, but S. Paul's is altered, as rebuilt after the Fire. (20^-1 3 J inches.) A True and exact Prospect of the Famous Citty of London. From S 1 Marie Overs Steeple in Southwarke, in its flourishing Condition before the Fire. Another Prospect of the sayd Citty, taken from the same place, as it appeareth now after the sad calamatie and destruction by Fire in Yeare MDCLXVI. Win- ceslaus HOLLAR, delin. et sculp. 1666. Cum Privilegio. (26|- 8| inches.) A True and exact Prospect, etc. A later impression of the above, without the words 'cum privilegio.' (26f-8f inches.) Tootehill Fields. With S, Paul's in the distance. Engraved by W. HOLLAR. (6|-3f inches.) VIEWS OF LONDON 16661799. 169 Islington, a series of 6 views taken near the New River Head. W. HOLLAR delin. et sculpsit, 1665. (Each 5-3 J inches.) Three of the above show Old S. Paul's in the distance. London. London the glory of Great Britaines He. Behold her Landschip here and tru pourfile. Copy of the original by HOLLAR, in HOWELL'S Londinopolis, 1657. (i2j-8J inches.) A Book of the Prospects of the Remarkable Places in and about the City of London, by John SELLER (about 1680). Containing 28 views, with engraved title, including 'The Cathedral Church of S l Paul before ye fire,' and * S< Pauls/ being a variation from Wren's design. VIEWS OF LONDON 16661799. London. Showing the City in flames. J. DANCKERTS excu. (io|-8J inches.) Londres, Capitale de 1'Angleterre. Before the Fire. By DANCKERTS. (Same foreground as in above.) (io|-8J inches.) De so vermaerde Kerk van S. Paul tot London. Pet. Schenk ex. Amstel. (Showing that part of London before the Fire, coloured.) (ioj-8| inches.) The Great Fire of London, 1666, engraved from an original picture in the possession of Mrs. Lawrence. J. STOW, sculp. From WILKINSON'S Londina Illustrata. (i6|-i2 inches.) A View of Part of London as it appeared in the Great Fire of 1666, from an original painting in Painter Stainers' Hall. Peter MAZELL del. et sculp. From PENNANT'S London. (i2j-5f inches.) The Great Fire of London. P. J. de LOUTHERBOURG, pinx. ; A. SMITH, sculp., 1805. (12-9^- inches.) The Great Fire of London in the Year 1666. Engraved by W. BIRCH from an original Picture in the Possession of R. GOLDEN, Esq. Painted by Old GRIFFIER at the time of the Fire ; coloured. From the Antiq. Repertory. (15-11! inches.) Abbildung der Statt London, sambt dem erschrocklichen brandt daselten, so 4 tagen lange gewehrt hatt, A 1666 im 7 bris. (13^-8^ inches.) London. Showing the City rebuilt. A similar foreground to that in Danckerts' view, but with some variations. (n-8| inches.) London. The same print as above, but coloured. London and Westminster, 1669. Published by J. MAWMAN, January ist, 1821, an aquatint from COSMO'S Travels. inches.) 170 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. A Catalogue of the Churches of the City of London, Royal Palaces, Hospitals, and Public Edifices, built by Sir C. WREN from 1668 to 1718. The names on labels, arranged as a pyra- mid. H. HULSBERGH, sculp, (i if-i7^ inches.) A Vision of the City of London, constructed on the Plan left by Sir Christopher WREN. Woodcut, drawn and engraved by Worth - ington G. SMITH, under the direction of Mr. GODWIN. (10^-14! inches.) Lambeth Marsh, as it appeared about the Year 1670. Etched by J. BARNETT, 1820. From a series of views illustrating Old London (never completed). (11^-9} inches.) The Prospect of London and Westminster, taken from Lambeth, by W. HOLLAR. Showing Lambeth Palace in the foreground, and extending from Peterborough House to Limehouse. Date, 1674. Mounted on 2 sheets. (63^-1 2 J inches.) A Prospect of London and Westminster, taken at several Stations to the Southward thereof. Wil. MORGAN, Robt. MORDEN, & Phil. LEA (? 1680). In 3 sheets. (Together, 95-1 ij inches.) Lambeth, His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's Pallace, 1697. L. KNYFF, del., J. KIP, sculp. (S. Paul's, etc., seen in the distance.) (19^-14 inches.) A Prospect of the City of London, Westminster, and St. James's Park. Dedicated to Her Royal Highness Wilhelmina Carolina Princess of Wales, by John Kip. John KIP, delineavit et sculpsit(i7io). 12 sheets. Mounted on 8. (80-53 inches.) A New Prospect of y e North side of y e City of London, with New Bedlam and Moorefields (pub d 1710). Jos. NUTTING, sculp. Printed and sold by Jas. WALKER, at y e Star in Py-corner, near West Smithfield, in 3 sheets. (Together, 58-27 inches.) The South Prospect of London and Westminster (circa 1720). With long descriptions in English and French on scrolls in two upper corners, and 118 references to places of interest. Printed and sold by J. BOWLES. (47-19^ inches.) London, from Somerset House to the Tower (1720). (44-15 inches.) The South Prospect of the City of London, 1732. Printed and sold by John BOWLES. (59^-24^ inches.) London, 1739. From the London Magazine. (4^-3 J inches.) Gesigt langs de Rivier de Theems op de Brug van Londen, u. van Westminster. Two views on one plate. C. PHILIPS, Jac. fil. fee., 1 754. (9-6f inches.) London. A view looking up the River, about 1740. (9-5 J inches.) A Perspective View of y Royal Palace of Somerset next y e River. J. MAURER, delin. et sculp., 1742. (i6j-io inches.) VIEWS OF LONDON 16661799. i?i A Perspective View of y e Royal Palace of Somerset, next y e River. (Same plate as the preceding, but coloured.) The South-East Prospect of London. MAURER, del. ; T. BOWLES, sculp., 1746. (i6-iof inches.) View of the City of London, taken through one of the Centres of the Arches of the New Bridge at Westminster. Canaletti pinx. ; S. WALE, delin. ; R. PARR, sculp., 1747. (23-17 inches.) The Cause of Eclipses and the Motion of the Earth de- lineated. With a view of London, taken from the New River Head. From the Universal Magazine^ 1748. (9^-8 inches.) A long View of London and Westminster, taken from Mr. Scheve's Sugar House, opposite to York House ; from Mr. Watson's Summer House, opposite to Somerset House ; from Mr. Everard's Summer House, opposite to St. Bride's Church ; and from St. Mary Overy's Church, Southwark. Engraved by S. & N. BUCK, 1749, in 5 sheets. (Together, 156-12 inches.) A View of London taken off Lambeth Church. J. BOYDELL, delin. et sculp., 1752. (i7-ioj inches.) A View of London taken off Lambeth Church. (Similar to the above, but coloured.) A Perspective View of the North West Front of y e Parish Church of St. Bride's. S. Paul's in the distance. J. DONOWELL, delin. ; T. BOWLES, sculp. (15^-10^ inches.) Charterhouse Square. S. Paul's in the distance. Suttori NICHOLLS, delin. et sculp., from STOW'S Survey, 1755. (18^-13^ inches. Gesigt van den Tuin van Somerset's Paleis, Langs den Theems tot op de Brug van Londen. Is. TIRION, excudit ; C. PHILLIPS junior fecit, 1753. (17-7 inches.) A View of Westminster Bridge. S. Paul's, etc., in the distance. Beneath is a description in five lines in English and French. Tho. BOYDELL, delin. et sculp., 1753. (i6j-ioj inches.) A View of the Tower, with the Bridge, and part of the City of London from the River. J. MAURER, delin. ; MULLER, Jun r sculp 1 , 1753. Coloured. (15^-10^ inches.) A View of London and Westminster, etc., from One Tree Hill, in Greenwich Park. TILLEMANS, pinxt. ; STEVENS, delin. et sculp., 1752. Coloured. (i5f-ioj inches.) A View of London, from One-Tree-Hill in Greenwich Park. Gentleman's Magazine, 1754. (pf-S inches.) View of London, etc., from Greenwich Park. Engraved for the Complete English Traveller. (12^-8 inches.) The South West Prospect of London. T. BOWLES & T. MELISH, delin.; T. BOWLES, sculp. Coloured. (16^-11 inches.) 172 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. London. View looking West. Cut from the top of a map (?), about 1760. (8|-3-J: inches.) A West View of London with the Bridge, taken from Somerset Gardens. CANALETI, pinxt. ; E. ROOKER, sculp., 1767. (Re- published 1794 by Laurie & Whittle.) (15^-10^ inches.) A View of the Barges conducting his Danish Majesty from White- hall to the Temple (Sept. 23 d , 1768) in his way to the Mansion House. Inscribed to Christian VII., King of Denmark. (10-7^ inches.) A Perspective View of the Cities of London and Westminster. Published, 1783, by J. FIELDING. From the European Maga- zine. (9j-6f inches.) A Prospect of the City of London, from St. George's Fields, in Surrey. B. COLE, sculp. From the New Universal Magazine. ( TI ir7i inches.) Index to the View of London. With 90 references. Published by J. SWERTNER, 1789. (29^-5 inches.) A Panorama of London. ' Etched by H. A. Barker at the age of fifteen, who himself took the view from the top of the Albion Mills.' Aquatinted by BIRNIE (1792). In 6 sheets. (Each 22-17 inches.) A Panorama of London. The sheet containing S. Paul's, etc., coloured. (22^-18^ inches.) View of London taken on the Thames near York Stairs. Drawn and engraved by J. W. EDY, 1792. Coloured. (32-22 inches.) View from Scotland Yard. Aquatint by T. MALTON, from MALTON'S Views of London, 1795. (15^-12 inches.) A View of Westminster Bridge. S. Paul's in the distance. Three lines of description in French beneath. A PARIS chez Jean, rue Jean de Beauvais, No. 32. (2if-i3f inches.) A View of the Westminster Bridge, London. With inscriptions beneath in English, French, Italian, and German. J. F. LEIZEL, fee., G. B. PROBST, execud. (16^-12^ inches.) A North View of London. CANALETI, delin. ; STEVENS, sculpt. Published 1754. Republished 1794 by LAURIE & WHITTLE. (i5f-ioj inches.) South Front of the Royal Exchange. S. Paul's in the distance. Aquatint by T. MALTON, 1798. From MALTON'S Views of London. (15^-12 inches.) The Royal Exchange of London. S. Paul's in the distance. BOWLES, delin. et sculp., 1751. (i6j-ioj inches.) The Custom House. Aquatint by T. MALTON, 1799. From MALTON'S Views of London. (15-12 inches.) VIEWS OF LONDON IN 1800 TO THE PRESENT TIME. 173 Somerset Place. S. Paul's in the distance. Aquatint by T. MALTON, 1796. (15-12 inches.) A View of London, taken from the Bridge near Chelsea. O'NEAL, del. ; James ROBERTS, sculp. (yJ-6 inches.) Design for a Stone Bridge to admit Shipping by R. Dodd, 1799. S. Paul's is partially seen through one of the arches. From a Report (1800) upon the Improvement of the Port of London. J. BASIRE, sculp. (27^-17 inches.) The Old Soldier, remarkable for constant attendance at S. Paul's, from an original painting. C. MOSLEY, sculp. S. Paul's is seen in the distance. (8-8J inches.) A View of the City of London, as it appears from under one of the Arches of Westminster Bridge. Printed for R. WILKINSON. (17-11 inches.) A View of the City of London. (The same plate as the preceding, but coloured.) VIEWS OF LONDON IN 1800 TO THE PRESENT TIME. London, from under one of the Arches of Blackfriars Bridge. A coloured aquatint, about 1800 (no margin giving artist and engraver). (39-1 9j inches.) View of London, taken from Albion Place, Blackfriars Bridge. N. R. BLUCK, del. ; J. C. STABLER, sculp. 1802. Coloured. (36- 22j inches.) London. Engraved by J. CRAIG from a drawing by Lady ARDEN, 1804. (10^-7 inches.) Blackfriars Bridge. T. SHEPHERD, delin. ; H. FINCKE, sculp. (9-7 inches.) Smithfield Market, from the Barrs. Drawn by T. H. SHEPHERD, engraved by T. BARBER. (8J-5J inches.) London. J. GREIG, del. et sculp. 1805. From Storer and Greig's Views. (6-4 inches.) London. The same plate as above, but etching before the lettering. London, from the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Published 1807, by R. PHILLIPS. (7-4^ inches.) London. A small aquatint ; all inscription cut off. (5 \-^\ inches.) A View of London from the Thames, taken opposite the Adelphi. PUGIN and ROWLANDSON, del. et sculp. ; J. BLUCK, aquat. From Ackermann's Microcosm. 1809. Coloured. (10^-9 inches.) 174 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Southwark Bridge. From No. 40 of ACKERMANN'S Repository. 1812. Coloured. (i3-8f inches.) Royal Exchange. With S. Paul's in the distance. T. SUTHER- LAND, sculp. From ACKERMANN'S Repository. 1812. Coloured. (5f-9i inches.) London. A coloured aquatint. View looking towards S. Paul's. Drawn and Engraved by W. PICKETT, 1812. (i6j-uj inches.) Frost Fair on the Thames in February, 1814. Woodcut, with three lines of description beneath. (8 J-6 inches.) A View of Frost Fair on the Thames, February, 1814. Woodcut. Published by T. BATCHELAR, 115, Long Alley, Moorfields. (18-13 inches.) Fair on the Thames, Feb. 1814. Drawn by Luke CLENNELL, engraved by George COOKE. (9^-6 inches.) London and Blackfriars Bridge from Hungerford. Drawn by S. OWEN, engraved by W. COOKE. 1811. (9^-6 inches.) The Intended Iron Bridge, in place of the present London Bridge. (5-3 inches.) London. A View, partly panoramic, but each sheet forming a com- plete picture. Drawn and aquatinted by Wm. DANIELL. In 6 sheets : (i) from Greenwich, (2) the Tower, etc., (3) London Bridge, (4) S. Paul's, etc., (5) Somerset House, (6) Westminster. Coloured. (Each 28-20 inches.) London, from Camberwell, on the South. 1815. (4f-3 inches.) London, from the Monument. Lithograph. Published by G. J. Cox, Royal Polytechnic. (7-4^ inches). London, from Greenwich. Drawn by W, WESTALL, engraved by E. FINDEN. (6f-4f inches.) London, from Stockwell. From an original drawing by D. Cox. Published 1818, by T. MCLEAN. (14^-10 inches.) View of London. Drawn and engraved by J. S. NEELE and Son. (i5-7j inches.) A View of London and the surrounding Country, taken from the top of S. Paul's Cathedral. An aquatint. Circular. (29^ inches.) Southwark Iron Bridge. S. Paul's in middle distance. J. GENDALL, del. ; T. SUTHERLAND, sculp. Published by ACKER- MANN, 1819. Coloured. (19^-14^ inches.) London, seen from Blackfriars Bridge. Drawn by L. CLENNELL, engraved by W. B. COOKE. (9^-6 inches.) London. Drawn by N. WHITTOCK, engraved by J. ROGERS. With border. (9J-7 inches.) London, from the Shot Tower. Drawn by C. MARSHALL, engraved by W. HENSHALL. From Select Illustrated Topography of Thirty Miles around London. (6-9^ inches.) VIEWS OF LONDON IN 1800 TO THE PRESENT TIME. 175 A View of the Waterloo Bridge. Published 1823, by Richard H. LAURIE, 53, Fleet Street. (lyj-nj inches.) Waterloo Bridge. Drawn on Stone by W. WESTALL, A.R.A. 1826. (13^-10^ inches.) Waterloo Bridge and S. Paul's. Pencil drawing by E. S. P., 1824. (7j-4i inches.) Lithographic Sketch of the North Bank of the Thames, from Westminster Bridge to London Bridge, showing the proposed Quay and some other Improvements suggested by Lt.-Col. Trenchj with a Survey of that part of the River and a Prospectus. 1825. A panoramic view in ten sheets. (Each 22^-8 inches.) City Panorama. Bird's-eye View of London and Surrounding Country, taken from the Monument. Will open for the Inspec- tion of the Public, Sept. ist, 1826. Circular. (9 inches.) Panorama de Londres. With 24 references in French and English. Circular, (n inches.) Panorama of London. Oval. (n-8j inches.) London from the River. Coloured aquatint. By W. PICKET, 1827. Showing S. Paul's, Blackfriars Bridge, etc. (15111 inches.) A View of the East Side of London Bridge in the Year 1827, from a Drawing by Major G. YATES. R. MARTIN, lithog. (20^-1 2 \ inches.) Royal Jennerian Society Honorary Diploma, 1835. (Through an arch is seen S. Paul's, etc.) (12^-14! inches.) Blackfriars, from Southwark Bridge. T. S. BOYS del. et lithog. From BOYS' Views of London. (i7|-7 inches.) View of the City of London, from the Terrace at Somerset House. W. M. CRAIG, del. ; T. DIXON, sculp. (10-7^ inches.) London. View of principal buildings, with ornamental border, engraved for an Insurance Company. (9-1 1 inches.) The first Carriage, the ' Ariel.' With North View of London. Inscribed to the Directors of the ^Erial Transit Company. Published by ACKERMANN 1833, lithograph. (17-14 inches.) The first Carriage, the ' Ariel.' London from the West, just in front of the Shot Tower, 1843. (12-10^ inches.) The City of London, View taken in Balloon. From Excursions Aeriennes. A French lithograph. (17^-12! inches.) Key to the Aeronautical View of London. By R. HAVELL. (22-5^ inches.) London. A series of 8 embossed views, in colours, from ' London by Day,' at the Colosseum, Regent's Park, and the 8 Key plates. (Each 6-5 inches.) General View of London, from the Southwark Side. W. H. BARTLETT, del. ; E.'J. ROBERTS, sculp., 1843. (9f"7i inches.) 176 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. London from the Thames. A woodcut. Supplement to the Pictorial Times, Dec. 21, 1844. A panoramic view in 4 divi- sions on 2 sheets. (148-5^ inches.) London in the Reign of Queen Victoria. N. WHITTOCK, del. ; E. WALKER, lith., 1859. (47^-13^ inches.) London from Somerset House, looking East. Drawn by T. ALLOM ; engraved by T. A. PRIOR. (16^-9 inches.) Londres, Vue prise de London Bridge. Etching by A. BALLIN. (n-8 inches.) View of the proposed Line of Railway along the Banks of the Thames from Hungerford Market to London Bridge. Sheet showing S. Paul's. W. RICHARDSON, lithographer. (16-9^ inches.) Thames Embankment. G. H. ANDREWS, pinx ; T. A. PRIOR. sculp. From the Stationers' Almanack, proof on India paper. (i8|-ioj inches.) Flounder Fishing" at Waterloo Bridge. A woodcut. S. Paul's seen through the arch. (9|-6J inches.) London Traffic, as seen from the top of S. Paul's. Woodcut, from a drawing by A. ALLOM. (iof-7| inches.) London, from the top of S. Paul's Cathedral. A woodcut from the Graphic, Sept. 17, 1881. (9-12 inches.) View of London from S. Paul's, looking Eastward. Woodcut from the Illustrated London News, Nov. 19, 1892. (i8J-i 2 J inches.) OLD S. PAULS. Views. Old S. Paul's before the destruction of the Steeple, and the surrounding Houses. Modern pen-and-ink drawing. (i2$-8 inches.) Description of Drawings exhibiting a Restoration of Old S. Paul's Cathedral, as it appeared about the year 1540. By E. B. FERREY, 1875. A broad sheet. Folio. Saint Paul's Cathedral, before the destruction of the Spire, restored from ancient Authorities, by H. W. BREWER, 1891. From the Builder, Jan. 2nd, 1892. (15-11 inches.) Old S. Paul's before the destruction of the Steeple, Paul's Cross, S. Faith's, Paul's Walk, East Window, and South View. Six woodcuts en one sheet, from Old England. (8-12^ inches.) Vue du dedans de 1'Eglise Paroissiale de Sainte Foi, avant le Feu, de 1666. From BEEVES ELL'S Delices de la Grande Bretagne. (6-5 inches.) OLD S. PAUL'S. 177 Vue de 1'Eglise Cathedrale de S. Paul du cote' d'Occident avant le feu de 1666. From BEEVERELL'S Delias. (6-5 inches.) Vue du dedans de la Nef de 1'Eglise Cathedrale de S. Paul avant le feu de 1666. From BEEVERELL'S Delices. (6-5 inches.) Plan of S. Paul's Cathedral, 1645. Pub. by COWIE & STRANGE, 1828. (7|-4j inches.) South View of Old S. Paul's, when the Spire was standing ; North View, after the Spire was destroy'd ; South View, after the Spire was destroy'd. Three views on one sheet, from an old Traveller, with descriptive letterpress. (8-13 inches.) S. Paul's. A sheet containing 1 1 small views of the Old and 5 of the Present Cathedral, with a Prospect of London as before the Fire. D. LOGGAN, fecit, 1724. Sold by J. BOWLES. (i8j-i5j inches.) S. Paul's. A sheet containing 7 views of the Old and 3 of the Present Cathedral, being the upper part of the preceding. (i8J- 9j inches.) The Prospect of the Parochiall Church of St. Faith from West to East under St. Paules. Dan KING, fecit, with portrait of (?) John SELDEN. (6^-3 inches.) Monument of Sir Richard de Burleyin St. Paul's. LONGMATE, sc. From NICHOLS' Leicestershire. (8J-8| inches.) Old St. Paul's Cathedral. Three woodcuts on i sheet. (5-8} inches.) Inigp Jones's Portico. Old S. Paul's. A woodcut. (2^-2% inches.) Bird's-eye View of Old St. Paul's, showing the surrounding Wall, Gates, and Streets ; and Interior of Wren's first Design. Two woodcuts on i sheet. (7-11 inches.) The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, as it was before the Fire of London. A woodcut. (6^-4^ inches.) Old St. Paul's Cathedral. A woodcut, fof 3 inches.) Dean Nowell's Monument. J. BASIRE, sculp. From the Gentleman's Magazine, 1811. (4|-7j inches.) St. Paul's in Flames. * Etiam periere Ruinae,' on scroll at the top. A woodcut. (4-2^ inches.) Inigo Jones' Portico. Old S. Paul's. H. FLITCROFT, delin. ; H. HULSBERGH, sculp. (15-19! inches.) Restored View of Monuments in the N. Choir Aisle, Old St. Paul's Cathedral. By H. W. BREWER. From the Builder, July 4, 1885. (11-14 inches.) ' Paul's Walk,' the Nave of Old St. Paul's, a Restoration. By 12 i;8 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. H. W. BREWER. From the Builder, July 6, 1889 ( II ' I 5 inches.) Geometrical Elevations of the W. Fronts of the Cathedrals of St. Paul's (before the Fire), St. Stephen's Vienna, Strasburgh, Cologne, Mechlin, and the Great Pyramid. Drawn and etched by T. H. CLARKE. (i7f-i4 inches.) The East Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. From DUGDALE'S Monasticon, 1718 edition, p. 327. (y-ioj inches.) The West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Daniel KING, sculpsit. From DUGDALE'S Monasticon, 1718 edition, P- 3 2 5- (7' 10 inches.) Plan of the Chapter House and Cloisters of S. Paul's Cathedral, made in 1657, from the Original preserved in the Public Record Office. A lithograph. (6J-8J inches.) South View of the Chapter House of Old St. Paul's. J. D. McQuiN, del. ; CHAPMAN, sc. (7^-9 inches.) COMPLETE SERIES OF PLATES FROM SIR WILLIAM DUGDALE'S History of St. Paul's Cathedral, THE FIRST EDITION, 1658; AND ALSO FROM THE THIRD EDITION, l8l8. 1 . Portrait of Sir William Dugdale. Gulielmus Dugdale, aetatis 50, A 1656. Wenceslaus HOLLAR, delin. et sculpsit; and, after HOLLAR, engraved by W. FINDEN. 2. Capella Thomae Kempe, London Episcopi. (Between the Nave and the North Aisle.) MONUMENTS. 3. Sir John Beauchamp, 1310. (In the Nave, south side, under second arch from central tower.) 4. Three monumental brasses : Thomas de Eure, Dean, 1389-1400. William Grene. Robert FitzHugh, Bishop, 1431-143^. (On the floor of the Choir, before the High Altar.) 5. John Donne, Dean, 1621-31. (In South Aisle of Choir.) 6. John Colet, Dean, 1505-19. (In South Aisle of Choir.) 7. William Hewit, 1599. (Between Choir and South Aisle.) 8. Sir William Cokayne, 1626. (In South Aisle of Choir.) 9. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Keeper of the Great Seal, 1579. (In Choir, opposite the monument of the Earl of Pembroke, between two pillars, near the High Altar.) 10. Monumental brass of a priest in cope. John Acton, 1638. OLD S. PAUL'S MONUMENTS. 179 Symon Edulph, 1597. (In South Aisle of Choir.) 11. Monumental brass, a cross. Thomas Okeford, Vicar, 1508. Monumental brass, priest in cope. William Rythyn, Minor Canon and Almoner, 1400. Monu- mental brass, priest in cope. Richard Lichfeld, Canon Residentiary, Archdeacon of Middlesex, 1 476-1 49^. Monumental brass, priest in cope. (In South Aisle of Choir.) 12. Three monumental brasses: William Worseley, Dean, 1471-1499. Roger Brabazon, Canon Residentiary, 1498. Valentine Carey, Dean, 1614-21 ; Bishop of Exeter, 1621-26. (In South Aisle of Choir.) 13. Two monumental brasses : John Newcourt, Canon, Dean of Auckland, 1485. (In South Aisle of Choir.) 14. Henry de Wengham, Bishop, I2f-i262. Eustace de Fauconberg, Regis Justiciarius, Bishop, 1221-28. (In South Aisle of Choir, towards the east.) 15. Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Chancellor, 1591. (Between two pillars, east of the Altar, on the south side.) 16. Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, 1310. (North side of Lady Chapel.) Robert de Braybroke, Bishop of London, 1381-1404. Monumental brass. (Chapel of S. Dunstan.) 17. Roger Niger, Bishop of London, 1229-41. (Between two pillars, north side of Choir.) 1 8. William, Earl of Pembroke, 1569. (Between North Aisle and Choir, near High Altar.) 19. John, Duke of Lancaster, and Constance, his wife, 1399. (North of High Altar, between two pillars.) Another plate, with coat-of-arms and other variations from that in Dugdale. 20. King Sebba and King Ethelred. (In the north wall of North Choir Aisle.) 21. Monument affixed to north wall of Choir. 22. William Aubrey, LL.D., 1595. (In the north wall, opposite the Choir.) 23. John de Chishull, Bishop, i27f-i2j. (In north wall of North Aisle of Choir.) 24. Ralph de Hengham, Capitalis Justiciarius de Banco. (In North Aisle of Choir.) i8o LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 25. Sir Simon Burley, 1388. (In North Aisle of Choir.) 26. John Mullins, Archdeacon of London, 1559-91. Monumental brass. Sir Simon Baskerville, Knight, Doctor in Physic, 1641. (In North Aisle of Choir.) 27. Sir John Wolley, 1595. (In S. George's Chapel.) 28. Sir Thomas Heneage, 1594. (In the Lady Chapel.) 29. Alexander Nowell, Dean, 1560-160^. (In the Lady Chapel.) 30. Clausura circa Altare S. Erkenwaldi sub Feretro ejusdem. VIEWS AND PLANS. 31. Plan of the Church of S. Faith. 32. Interior of the Church of S. Faith, looking East. 33. Chapter House, from the South. 34. Ecclesiae Paulinae prospectus, qualis erat priusquam ejus Pyramis e coelo tacta conflagravit. (South view, showing the Spire burnt in 1561, S. Gregory's Church, and Chapter House.) 35. Areae Ecclesiae Cathedralis S. Pauli Ichnographia. (Ground Plan of Old S. Paul's, with the lesser Cloister, Chapter House, and S. Gregory's Church.) 36. Ecclesiae Cathedralis S. Pauli a meridie prospectus. (South view : the tower has lost its spire ; Inigo Jones' Portico is shown.) 37. Ecclesiae Cathedralis S. Pauli a Septentrione prospectus. (After the fall of the spire ; shows Inigo Jones' Portico.) 38. Ecclesise Cathedralis S. Pauli ab Occidente prospectus. (Full view of Inigo Jones' Portico.) 39. Ecclesiae Cathedralis S. Pauli Orientalis facies. 40. Ecclesiae Cathedralis S. Pauli ab Oriente prospectus. (Shows the North Transept.) 41. Navis Ecclesiae Cathedralis S. Pauli prospectus interior. (Looking East.) 42. Partis exterioris Chori ab Occidente prospectus. (Shows Screen at entrance of Choir.) 43. Chori Ecclesiae Cathedralis S. Pauli prospectus interior. (The Organ is seen, with its folding-doors, and the Pulpit, both on the north side.) 44. Orientalis partis Ecclesiae Cathedralis S. Pauli prospectus interior. (Shows the Lady Chapel, with its screen.) OLD S. PA UL'S. S. PA UL'S CROSS. 181 45. Vignette of S. Paul's Cathedral on Fire in 1666. 450. The Daunce of Machabree. (This subject was painted on the walls of the larger Cloister on the north side of the Cathedral.) Series of Drawings exhibiting a Restoration of Old S. Paul's Cathedral, as it appeared about the year 1540, by Mr. EDMUND B. FERREY. +*+ These Drawings gained the prize awarded by the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1868, and were presented to the Dean and Chapter by Mr. Ferrey in 1875. South Elevation, showing Chapter House and Church of S. Gregory. (82^-61 inches.) West Elevation. (46 J 61 inches.) Longitudinal Section through Choir. (40^-28^ inches.) East Elevation of Choir. (20-27 inches.) Transverse Section through Choir. (20-27 inches.) Ground Plan. (82-48^ inches.) (Mr. Ferrey has added a printed description of this valuable series of Drawings.) S. Paul' s Cross. St. Paul's Cross and Cathedral, with King James I. and his Court at a Sermon. Engraved by J. STOW from an original picture in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries. From WILKINSON'S Londina Illustrate 1811, with letterpress descrip- tion. (12-17 inches.) Paul's Cross and Preaching there. From an original drawing in the Pepysian Library, Cambridge. Published 1809, by R. WILKINSON, in the Londina Illustrata, with description. (7f-n inches.) St. Paul's Cross, as it appeared during the Services performed before James I. and his Court, Sunday, 26 th March, 1620. * This Cross was destroyed in 1643, by order of the Parliament.' A woodcut. (3^-4 inches.) Dr. Shaw preaching at S. Paul's Cross. From HARRISON'S History of London. (4-6J inches.) Preaching at Paul's Cross, 1621. W. D. RYE, sc. From Hen. FARLEY'S St. Paules Church, her Bill for tJie Parliament. (6-4^ inches.) St Paul's Cross. NEVEN, sc. ; DEMORAINE, delin. A woodcut, (2\-2\ inches.) St. Paul's Cross in the Reign of James I. From a painting in i82 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. the possession of the Society of Antiquaries. Engraving from BRAYLEY'S Londiniana. \^\-^\ inches.) Preaching at Paul's Cross. A woodcut. (sf-4j inches.) Paul's Cross. Particulars of Foundations discovered March 3ist, 1879, by Mr. F. C. PENROSE. A woodcut. (7-8 inches.) Sir C. Wrens earlier Designs for S. Paul's. Plan of the Structure first intended to be erected for St. Paul's, taken in 1773 from the Model which is kept in one of the Galleries, and accurately again examined in 1783. From the Gentlemaris Magazine, 1783. (io|~7f inches.) Plan of S r Christopher Wren's first Design of St. Paul's Cathedral. B. COLE, sculp. (i6J-2i inches.) Section of the Cathedral Church of S. Paul, wherein the Dome is represented according to a former Design of the Architect. (28f-2o inches.) Section of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, according to the first Design of S r Christopher Wren. H. HULSBERGH, sculp. (22- 17^ inches.) View of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's, according to the first Design of the Architect. J. SCHYNVOET, fecit. (22-16! inches.) Orthography of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul to the South, according to the first Intention of y e Architect. H. HULSBERGH, sculp 1 . (22-i6f inches.) West Front of Sir Chris r Wren's Design for St. Paul's Cathedral, with Lucern Windows in the Dome and other Variations from the present Structure. From the original in All Souls' College, Oxford. Engraved by W. FINDEN for DUGDALE'S St. Paul's, third edition. (9f-i3f inches.) West Front of an unexecuted Plan for St. Paul's Cathedral. From Sir C. Wren's design in All Souls' College. Engraved by W. FINDEN for DUGDALE'S St. Paul's, third edition. (13-9! inches.) South View of Wren's first Design. (7-6^ inches.) S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL THE PRESENT B UILDING. EXTERIOR. Views from Ludgate Hill, Etc. West Front of the Cathedral of St. Paul, and the Church of St. Martin, Ludgate. Painted by W. MARLOW ; engraved by T. MORRIS. Published 1795. (i 7-22 J inches.) S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL EXTERIOR. 183 West View of St. Paul's Cathedral. Engraved by J. STORER, from a drawing by F. NASH, 1804. (8-n inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Drawn and engraved by J. C. VARRALL for the Walks through London, 1816. (3^-5^ inches.) Ludgate Hill. From PARTINGTON'S Views of London. (2^-4} inches.) St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey. Two small views from a Pocket-Book series. (5^-7 inches.) St. Paul's from Aldersgate Street and from Sermon Lane. Two views by STORER, 1823, with description. (Each 4-6 inches.) View of St. Paul's from Fleet Street. M c QuiN, del. (4f-?i inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral : The Civic Procession on Lord Mayor's Day. Painted by D. ROBERTS, engraved by E. GOODALL. Art Union j 1844. (16^-13! inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. The same plate as above, but a proof on India paper. St. Paul's from Ludgate Hill. T. BOYS, del. et lithog. (i 2^-17! inches.) Ludgate Hill. J. D. HARDING, del. ; lith., C. HULLMANDEL. (5^-7 inches.) Ludgate Hill, 1892. A woodcut. (8-6 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral, looking up Ludgate Hill. E. WALKER, del. et lith., 1852. (12-16 inches.) Last few days of St. Paul's. A woodcut. (3J-4J inches.) A Peep at St. Paul's. A woodcut. (8f -12 inches.) A Peep at St. Paul's, and the ' Times' Office from Under- ground. Woodcut from the Graphic, May 15, 1875. (9-8 inches.) West Views and Elevations. Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sti. Pauli ab Occidente, Descriptio Orthographica. The sheet containing the upper half only. (27^-21 inches.) The Front, or West End, of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's. Published in the first yeare of Our Soveraign Lady Queen Ann, 1702. Wm. EMMETT, fecit. Sold by T. BOWLES. (18-25 inches.) The Front, or West End, of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's. (The same plate as above, but the inscription has an additional line in French.) The West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's. Sold by Carington BOWLES, St. Paul's Church Yard. (18-24 inches.) The West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's. SCHWERT, delin. ; R. PARR, sculp. Printed for R. SAYER. ( I 3l- I 9i inches.) 184 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. The West Prospect, etc. Same plate as above. Republished by LAURIE and WHITTLE, 1794. The Front, or West End, of St. Paul's. T. BOWLES, sculp. Printed for R. WILKINSON. (nj-i2f inches.) The Front, or West End, of St. Paul's. Same plate as above, coloured, but has publication line erased. The West Prospect of St. Paul's. John KING, del. Coloured. (12-15 inches.) A Geometrical Elevation of the West-end of St. Paul's Cathedral. J. PASS, del. et sculp., 1799. (7f-ioi inches.) The West Prospect of St. Paul's Church. French and Latin inscriptions beneath. Printed for T. SMITH. (8| 10^ inches.) Wester-front, of gevel de Nieuwe Hoofdkerk van S. Paulus. Pet. SCHENK exc., Amsteld. (8|-io inches.) Elevation du Portail de la Cathedrale de St. Paul. With three lines of description in French. (8-13! inches.) The West Prospect of St. Paul's Church. Co. CAMPBELL, delin. From the Vitruvius Britannicus. (9^-1 3 \ inches.) Elevation of the West Front of St. Paul's Cathedral, according to the former Design for the Towers. (14-1 2 J inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Showing the proposed improvements in front. By W. BARBER, 1850. Lithograph. (151-14 inches.) Front of St. Paul's. Published by C. TAYLOR, 1795. (sfsf inches.) Front of St. Paul's. Same plate as above, with slight variation in shading. (6J-8 inches.) The West End of St. Paul's. (4j-6f inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral, from Ludgate Hill. T. H. SHEPHERD, del. ; RED AWAY, sculp. From Mighty London. (8-ioJ inches.) Front of St. Paul's at London. (5-7 J inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. (2f-4 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. RAWLE, delt. ; REEVE, sculp., 1804. (8f-7 inches.) St. Paul's. An outline engraving, in circle. (4 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral, the Western Front. Drawn by J. ARCHER, engraved by B. WINKLES. From WINKLES' Cathedrals ; 1835. (6-8 inches.) North Views and Elevations. The North Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's. Printed for the Proprietor, Carington BOWLES. inches.) 5. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL EXTERIOR. 185 Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sti. Pauli a Septentrione descriptio Orthographica. Ex Autographo Architect!. (27^-20 inches.) The North Prospect of St. Paul's. J. KING, ex. (15-12 inches.) North Elevation of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Dedicated to Bp. Rowley, and the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. By G. GLADWIN, 1828. (27-19 inches.) North Elevation of St. Paul's Cathedral. From an engraving by GLADWIN. Published in 1828. From the Builder, January 2, 1892. (i5f-nj inches.) S. Paul's. Drawn by the Editor. From Cathedrals of England and Wales, No. 13, published in the Builder, January 2, 1892. ( I1 i~ I 3l inches.) North- West and South- West Views and Elevations. The North- West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's. A. d'PuLLER, fecit. Printed for I. SMITH, in Exeter Exchange. (34^-22 inches.) North West Prospect of St. Paul's Cathedral. Margin cut. (17^-22! inches.) St. Paul's. North West View. H. HULSBERGH, sculp. On title of Views of all the Cathedrals in England and Wales. J. SMITH, 1719. (Size of view, 7 -5 inches.) The North West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's. J. HARRIS, fecit. (7i 5j inches.) North- West View of St. Paul's Cathedral. Engraved by J. JACKSON, after a drawing by W. B. CLARKE. Woodcut. (6-5^ inches.) * London.' Giving a N.W. View of St. Paul's, from a series of views of the Cathedrals. Arms of Bishop and Dean beneath. A. VERB, fecit. (5-5^ inches.) St. Paul's. N.W. view. Engraved for the Pocket Magazine. (6f- 4^ inches.) Perspective View of St. Paul's Cathedral ; also of Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church. Engraved for the Complete English Traveller. (15^-7^ inches.) View of St. Paul's Cathedral. Pub d by Alex r HOGG, 16, Paternoster Row. (10-7 inches.) View of St. Paul's Cathedral. Engraved for England Displayed. (10-7 inches.) The North West Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Eight lines of description beneath. (8^-7 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral, N.W. Drawn and etched by J. C. BUCKLER, 1820. (12-9 inches.) 1 86 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. A North West View of St. Paul's Cathedral. T. M. MULLER, sculp. Published 1763 ; republished 1823, by R. H. LAURIE. (i6-ioj inches.) The North West Prospect of S. Paul's Cathedral. POILLY, sculp. Paris, Rue St. Jacques. Apparently a S.W. View, but really a * reverse.' (17-11^ inches.) Vue de la Cathedrale de St. Paul. A Paris, chez BASSET. A similar plate to the above. (17-11! inches.) North West View of the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul. Drawn and etched byj. BUCKLER, engraved by G. LEWIS, 1814. (26^- 2oJ inches.) North West View. By BUCKLER. Similar to the above, but coloured. North West View. By BUCKLER. The outline etching. St. Paul's. N.W. View. From a tradesman's advertisement. A woodcut, 1880. (6-4^ inches.) West View of St. Paul's (really a N.W. View). A. P. MOORE, del.; F. C. LEWIS, sculp., 1806. (8^-7^ inches.) La Cathedrale de St. Paul. N.W. View. A French print. No engraver's name, (nj-ioj inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral Church. A N.W. View, showing the Churchyard without railings. Inscription in English and French. Drawn and engraved by G. GLADWIN, 1835. (18-13^ inches.) South- West Views of S. Paul's Cathedral. S. West View of St. Paul's Cathedral. H. S. STORER, del. et sc., 1817. From STORER'S Cathedrals. (5-7 \ inches.) The South West Prospect of St. Paul's Cathedral. H. TERAS- SON, fecit. Printed and sold by J. BOWLES at the Black Horse in Cornhill, and Tho. BOWLES, next to the Chapter House. (23l-i Ik inches.) The South West Prospect of St. Paul's Cathedral. The same plate as above, but published by Carington BOWLES, 69, St. Paul's Churchyard. Side View of St. Paul's. Published by C. TAYLOR, 1795. (6-7! inches.) St. Paul's. Outline, drawn and engraved by J. CONEY. Published for the Architectural Series of London Churches by J. BOOTH, 1818. (i3f-ioj inches.) Eglise de St. Paul. BAUGEON (? sculp.). S.W. View. (6J-4 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. S.W. View, about 1770. (5-3 inches.) St. Paul's. S.W. View, with circular top. A tinted lithograph. (11^-9 inches.) 5. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL EXTERIOR. 187 St. Paul's Cathedral, South West View. Drawn and engraved by J. CONEY, 1811. From DUGDALE'S 6 1 . Pauts^ third edition. (17.*- 13! inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral, 1842. S.W. View. C. W. RADCLYFFE, del. et lith. (8|-i2^ inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. S.W. View. Drawn by S. READ. Wood- cut from the Illustrated London News, January 20, 1883. (19!- 13^ inches.) East Views and Elevations. St Paul's, the East Prospect. Wm. EMMITT, fecit. ; J. SIMON sculpt. (i8J-24 inches.) The East Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's. T. PLATT, sculp. Sold by Thomas BOWLES. Top of plate is cut. (18-22^ inches.) The East Prospect, etc. Same plate as above, but sold (in ad- dition) by John BOWLES, at the Black Horse in Cornhill. (18- 24 inches.) The East Prospect, etc. Same plate as above, but republished by Carington BOWLES. The East Prospect of the Cathedral of St. Paul's. SCHWERT, delin. ; R. PARR, sculp. Printed by Robt. SAYER at the Golden Buck. (14^-19^ inches.) The East Prospect, etc. Same plate as above, republished 1794 by LAURIE & WHITTLE. The East Prospect of St. Paul's. J. KING, ex. (Coloured.) (nj-i5 inches.) The East Prospect of St. Paul's Church. Inscriptions in French and Latin at bottom. Printed for J. SMITH, 1720. (8|-ioJ inches.) De Ooster-gevel van de Nieuwe Hoofdkerk van S. Paulus. Pet. SCHENK, Amsteld. (SJ-io^ inches.) Orthographia Basilicas D. Pauli ad Orientem. (13-14! inches.) The East-end of St. Paul's. (4^-6^ inches.) South Views and Elevations. St. Paul's. Inscription on ribbon above Dome, which is very incorrectly drawn. A curious view, evidently taken soon after the erection of the Cathedral. (7f-5 J inches.) St. Paul's. A view very similar to the above, but has foreground with figures, and inscription is at bottom. (7^-6J inches.) St. Paul's. S. View. Woodcut from a pamphlet, * Appeal for the Completion of St. Paul's.' i88 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. The South Prospect of y e Cathedral of St. Paul's. < The Founda- tion of this noble Structure began to be layd in y e Year 1670, and was continued w th all Dilligence, and now published in the First year of Our Soveraine Lady Queen Anne, 1702. Will. EMMETT, fecit. (26f-i7f inches.) The South Prospect of the Cathedral of St. Paul's. SCHWERT, delin. ; R. PARR, sculp. Published 1794 by LAURIE & WHITTLE. ( I 9f- I 3i inches.) The South Prospect of St. Paul's. J. KING, ex.; J. HARRIS, delin. et sculp. (i4f-nf inches.) The South Prospect, etc. Same plate as above, but coloured. Side Elevation of St. Paul's. (10-7^ inches.) The South Prospect of St. Paul's Church. With inscription in French and Latin at bottom. Printed for J. SMITH, 1720. (uf-8f inches.) L'Eglise de St. Paul. Apparently the same plate as above, but published in Amsterdam, without the English inscription or date. Hoofdkerk van S. Paulus. Pet. Schenk, exc., Amst. A plate very similar to the above, but has inscriptions in Dutch and Latin, and a Latin dedication to Segismund, King of Poland. (i2-&| inches.) South-East and North-East Views. St. Paul's Cathedral from the South East. Eng d by WARREN from a drawing by GYFFORD, 1808. (4^-7 J inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral from the N.E. Showing the scaffolding during the rebuilding in the year 1695. Sutton NICHOLLS, delin. et sculp. This is a reprint. (13-8^ inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. A N.E/ View, about 1830. (6f- 4 J inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral, North Eastern View. Drawn by Hablot Browne, engraved by B. WINKLES. From WINKLES' Cathedrals. l8 35- (7i' 6 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. N.E. View. G. ADCOCK, sculp., 1828. (7f 5i inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral, South Side from Cannon St. (Really S.E. side.) LAMBERT, delin. et sculp. (10-7! inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. N.E. view. Beneath are views from the South, and of the Choir. A woodcut. (5-8| inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral Church. Perspective View of the N. and E. Sides. J. ELMES, delin.; J. le KEUX, sculp., 1811. From Fine Arts of the English School. (13-11 \ inches.) Dome de la Cathedrale de St. Paul. Dessine et lith. par Julus ARNOUT. Imp. Lemercier, a Paris. A N.E. View. ( 15^-1 2 J inches.) S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL EXTERIOR. 189 Dome de la Cathedrale de St. Paul. Same lithograph as above, but coloured. The South East Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's. B. LENS, delineavit; J. HARRIS, sculpsit. (26-17! inches.) South East Prospect of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Dedicated to Joseph, Lord Bishop of Bristol and Dean of St. Paul's, by P. FOURDRINIER. (36^-23^ inches.) South East Prospect, etc. Same plate as above, but printed for BOWLES and CARVER, 69, St. Paul's Church Yard. Saint Paul's Cathedral, South East View. In colours. No engraver's name. About 1830. (21-17 inches.) St. Paul's, January 18, 1881. From the corner of Cheapside, re- presenting a snow scene. A chromo-lithograph from Household Words, 1883. (6J-8J inches.) East End of St. Paul's. Actually a N.E. view. A proof engraving. (5J-8 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral from Watling Street. A woodcut. (3-5! inches.) East End of St. Paul's Cathedral. A N.E. View. Engraved by J. STORER, 1817. From STORER'S Cathedrals. (5-^-7 inches.) The New Post Office Savings Bank. Showing S. Paul's from St. Martin's-le-Grand. Lithograph from CASSELL'S London. (7f-6j inches.) St Paul's from St. Martin's-le-Grand. Drawn by T. GIRTIN, engraved by J. BAILY. Published 1815 by J. GIRTIN. (i5f-2ij inches.) St. Paul's from Cheapside. View about 1790. No engraver's name. (7J-6J inches.) General Post Office. View of S. Paul's from St. Martin's-le- Grand. W. SIMPSON, del.; T. PICKEN, lith., 1852. (16-12^ inches.) The Post Office and St. Paul's, from St. Martin's-le-Grand. Drawn by C. STANFIELD ; engraved by G. COOKE, 1833. From COOKE'S Views of London. (10-7 inches.) The Post Office, St. Paul's Cathedral, and Bull and Mouth Inn. Engraved by G. J. EMBLEM, from a drawing by T. ALLOM. Stationers' Almanack, 1834. (i8f-io inches.) Views from the River, Etc. St. Paul's. Showing part of Blackfriars Bridge. Published 1811 by VV. DARTON, jun. (5-3^ inches.) View of London from Waterloo Bridge. Drawn by H. WEST; engraved by J. SHURY, 1832. (7^-5 inches.) London from Blackfriars Bridge. Drawn by CAMPION ; engraved by J. ROGERS (1831). (8-5 inches.) 190 LIBRARY OF 5. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Black Friars Bridge. From T. MALTON'S Views of London, 1797. (i4^-iof inches.) View of Blackfriars Bridge and St. Paul's, from the Patent Shot Manufactory. Drawn and etched by D. TURNER ; aquatinted by SUTHERLAND. Published 1803 by LAURIE and WHITTLE. (i6j-uj inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral from Southwark Bridge. Lithograph, printed by G. J. Cox, Royal Polytechnic. (8J-5J inches.) St. Paul's from Southwark Bridge. Same Plate as above, with slight variation in inscription, and without tinted ground. View of Black Friars Bridge. DAYES, del fc ; TAGG, sculp*, 1796. From HUNTER'S London. (10^-7^ inches.) St. Paul's, Blackfriars Bridge, etc. A coloured aquatint, margin cut. (i4f-io inches.) St. Paul's, from the River. Etching by David LAW, signed proof. (18-14 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. View from the River. Etching by L. GAUTIER. (9^-13 inches.) View of Blackfriars Bridge and St. Paul's Cathedral. A coloured aquatint, margin cut. (24^-16! inches.) St. Paul's, with Lord Mayor's Procession by water. A woodcut. Circular. (8 inches.) St. Paul's, from Southwark Bridge. A photograph. (io|-8| inches.) The Fire at the City Flour-Mills in Upper Thames Street. A woodcut from the Illustrated London News, Nov. 16, 1872. (9i-54 inches.) St. Paul's, etc. Emblematic figures of Time and History in the foreground. Frontispiece to an old Traveller. (7 J-nJ inches.) St. Paul's from Bankside. W. TOMBLESON, del 1 . From TOMBLE- SON'S Views of the Thames. (8f-7 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. View of the Southern Front from South- wark Bridge. Drawn by H. BROWNE ; engraved by B. WINKLES. From WINKLES' Cathedrals, 1835. (6-8 inches.) St. Paul's, from the Shot Tower. Woodcut, from CASSELL'S Picturesque Europe. (6^-7 inches.) St. Paul's, the View taken from Bank Side. Engraved by RAD- CLYFFE from a drawing by J. P. NEALE for the Beauties of England and Wales, 1815. (6f-4f inches.) St. Paul's, from Bank Side. Original drawing by J. P. NEALE, 1815. (10-7 inches.) St. Paul's, etc. With emblematic representation of Commerce and Plenty. Title to a book. R. CORBOULD, del. (7|-5 inches.) St. Paul's, from Southwark. In the foreground is a figure in Civic costume. Published by W. MILLER, 1805. (10^-14 inches.) INTERIOR VIEWS, ETC. 191 St. Paul's, from the River. G. GEYANAUD, 1882, from an illus- trated paper. (6-9 inches.) Churches in the City of London. With S. Paul's in the centre. A woodcut. (io-6| inches.) View of the Observatory erected above the Cross of St. Paul's, from which a Panoramic View of London and its Environs was executed by Mr. T. HORNER. S. RAWLE, sc l . (7-10 inches.) View of the Observatory, etc., 1821. (sf-9i inches.) Sectional View of the Observatory. (5^-8 J inches.) Malton's six Views of the Exterior of St. Paul's; comprising St. Paul's from Ludgate Hill, South Front, West Front, St. Paul's from Cheapside, North-West View, and North Front. Published 1798 by T. MALTON. (Each about 11-15 inches.) A Parallel of some of the principal Towers and Steeples built by Sir Christopher WREN. Woodcut, from KNIGHT'S Old England. (7l-Sl inches.) Tribute to the Memory of Sir Christopher WREN. Comparison of all the buildings erected by him. Drawn by C. R. COCKERELL. (n-8f inches.) INTERIOR VIEWS, ETC. Plans. The Foundation, or Ground-plot of St. Paul's Church. Sold by Tho. BOWLES in St. Paul's Church-yard. (16-27! inches.) Plan of the Cathedral of St. Paul's. Dedicated to Sir Robt. Lad- broke, Lord Mayor. SCHWERT, delin. ; R. PARR, sculp. (J2f-i9j inches.) Plan of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, with the Vestiges of the Vaults and Peristyle of the Dome. With plan of the High Altar, as designed by WREN. H. HULSBERGH, sculp. (2 1-29 \ inches.) Plan of St. Paul's, accurately measured from the Building. J. GWYN, delin.; J. GREEN, sculp. Published 1801. In 2 sheets. (Together, 28-51 inches.) Ichnographic Plan of St. Paul's Cathedral, (i 1.4-7! inches.) Ground Plan of St. Paul's Cathedral, 1818. Engraved from actual admeasurements by J. CONEY. From DUGDALE'S 6". Paufs^ 3rd edition. (9^-14 inches.) Platte grond van de Nieuwe Hoofdkerck van S. Paulus. Inscrip- tions in Dutch and Latin. Pet. SCHENK, Amsteld. (nf-8 inches.) Ground Plan of St. Paul's Cathedral, showing the proposed Increase of Street Accommodation. By W. BARBER. (17-12^ inches.) 192 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. St. Paul's Cathedral. Ground-plan, with list of monuments, etc. By J. CLEGHORN, 1836. (6j-io inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral Church. Plan of the Basement or Sub- structure. R. ROFFE, sculp. From Fine Arts of the English School, 1809. (i5f-io inches.) Ground Plan of St. Paul's Cathedral, showing the Basement Story, as also the Groining of the Roofs. By J. CONEY, for the Architectural Series of London Churches, 1818. (10^-13^ inches.) Ground Plan of St. Paul's Cathedral, etc. Same plate as preced- ing, but a proof on India paper. St. Paul's Cathedral, Ground Plan. From the Builder, Jan. 2nd, 1892. (16-10 inches.) Ground Plan of Choir, divided centrally by a line running E. and W. The plan S. of the line showing the arrangement of the Choir fittings till 1859; tne P^ an N. of the line showing the arrangement of the Choir fittings from 1859 to 1870. Drawn by C. H. LOHR. (20-14 J inches.) Sections. A Section of the Inside of St. Paul's from East to West. Will. EMMETT, fecit, 1703. (2 7-1 7^ inches.) A Section of the Inside of St. Paul's. (24^-1 7 J inches.) Section of St. Paul's Cathedral, decorated agreeably to the original Intention of Sir Christopher WREN. J. GWYN, delineavit : S. WALE, decoravit ; E. ROOKER, sculpsit. Published 1755. (25-33! inches.) Section of St. Paul's Cathedral. Same plate as above, republished 1801, by MOORE, Holborn Hill. Section of the Cross-Isle of St. Paul's Cathedral to the South. S. GRIBELIN, sculps. (i6f-i3 inches.) Section of part of St. Paul's, showing the Circular Staircase, with the Ascent through the Dome, and from thence to the Obser- vatory. Drawn and etched by T. HORNER. (Measurement, inclusive of side pieces, 50-36 inches.) Section of the Dome, showing the Decorations. Drawing in pen and ink. (18^-23! inches.) An Exact Section of St. Paul's. (iof-io inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral Church, Section of N. Transept and half of Dome and Elevation of S. Transept and half of Dome. Measured and drawn by A. PUGIN ; G. GLADWIN, sculp. (6-8 inches.) Section through the Nave and Aisles of St. Paul's Cathedral, 1810. S. WARE, del. ; J. BASIRE, sculp. From fat Archaologia. (nf- ii inches.) INTERIOR VIEWS, ETC. 193 Interior Views, looking towards the East. The South East Prospect of y c Inside of y c Cathedral Church of St. Paul's. Printed for and sold by Carington BOWLES. (26-i8J inches.) The Inside of the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul's. No engraver's name, but probably by J. HARRIS. (22-18] inches.) Ecclesiae Cathedralis Divi Pauli a Porticu Occidental! Aspectus Interior. Delineavit Robertus TREVITT. Dedication to Sir C. Y\ r ren, on ornamental panel at left hand upper corner. (36-19! inches.) A Section of the Cross Isle from North to South, with a Prospect of the Choir and Dome. Really a perspective view. Will. EMMETT, sculp. Sold by J. Smith at his Shop in Exeter Change. (32-24^ inches.) The Inside of St. Paul's Cathedral, from the West End to the Choir. Published for STOW'S Survey ', 1754. (i6f-nj inches.) The Inside of St. Paul's Cathedral, etc. Same plate as above. Republished by R. WILKINSON and BOWLES and CARVER. Coloured. An Inside View of St. Paul's. MULLER, jun., sculp. Published 1794, by LAURIE and WHITTLE, (isf-ioj inches.) An Inside View of St. Paul's. Same plate as preceding, but coloured. St. Paul's Cathedral. E. T. DOLBY, delt. et lith. ' The grating in the floor below the Organ indicates the burial-place of Nelson and Wellington.' The South East Prospect of the Inside of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Description, in fourteen lines, on scroll in upper right hand corner. (8f-7 inches.) Interior of St. Paul's Cathedral. Engraved for Dr. HUGHSON'S Description of London. (6^-4 \ inches.) Interior of St. Paul's, looking East. Woodcut, by J. JACKSON, after a drawing by W. B. CLARKE. (5^-8 inches.) Views of the Choir. The Inside of the Choir of y e Cathedral Church of St. Paul's. B. LENS, delineavit ; J. KIP, sculpsit. (24^-19 inches.) The Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral. BOWLES, sculpt. Published 1754, for STOW'S Survey. (i6f-nj inches.) Le Chceur de St. Paul. A French copy of the preceding, coloured. A Paris, chez DAUMONT. (i6J-iof inches.) 13 194 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. A View of St. Paul's Choir, from the Altar, foj-yf inches.) The Choir of St. Paul's. With arms of the Dean beneath. (4f-5 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. The Choir. Three photographs of the Choir, from the East, from the West, and the Altar. (Each 4-5 J inches.) Views taken from beneath the Dome, etc. Interior of St. Paul's. Engraved by HOBSON from a drawing by J. P. NEALE for the Beauties of England and Wales , 1816. (5-7l inches). Interior View of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Drawn and engraved by J. CONEY. .Dedicated to Dean Van Mildert. (20^-26^ inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. PUGIN and ROWLANDSON, delin. et sculp. From ACKERMANN'S Microcosm, 1809, coloured. (9-1 i-J inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Showing part of the N. Aisle. Water- colour drawing, probably by NASH. (7-9 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. The Whispering Gallery. Drawn by R. W. BILLINGS; engraved by E. CHALLIS, 1837. (4f-8 inches.) Interior of St. Paul's from under the Dome. Woodcut, engraved by J. JACKSON, after a drawing by W. B. COOKE. (6-8 J inches.) Interior of the Dome of St. Paul's Cathedral. Drawn and engraved by J. CONEY. From DUGDALE'S St. Pauls, 3rd edition, 1817. (9^-14 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Interior of the Dome, looking towards the N. Transept. Drawn by H. GARLAND ; engraved by W. WOOLNOTH. From WINKLES' Cathedrals, 1835. (sf-8J inches.) St. Paul's. Interior of the Dome. An unfinished etching. (8|-i2 inches.) Interior of St. Paul's. View taken from the N. Entrance, looking towards the S. and W. Doors. Drawn by J. CONEY ; engraved by J. SKELTON for the Architectural Series of London Churches, 1818. (ioJ-i3-J inches.) A Curious Perspective View of the Inside of St. Paul's Cathe- dral. Printed for R. WILKINSON and BOWLES and CARVER. (i6f-nj inches.) A Curious Perspective View, etc. Same plate as the preceding ; republished 1794 by LAURIE and WHITTLE. Suggested Alteration of Segmental Arches, St. Paul's Cathe- dral. By R. T. CONDER. Woodcut from the Architect, July 28, 1883. (7-ioJ inches.) INTERIOR VIEWS, ETC. 195 Vieius showing the Aisles, Side Chapels, etc. St. Paul's Cathedral. Three Interior Views by T. M ALTON, 1797. View from the West Entrance, Transept from the N. Entrance, and Interior of the Dome. (Each 10-15 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral, the Nave and Choir. Drawn by Hablot BROWNE ; engraved by W. DEEBLE. From WINKLES' Cathe- drals, 1835. (5|-8 inches.) Inside of St. Paul's Cathedral. Published by C. TAYLOR, 1796. (6-7! inches.) The North East View of the Nave of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul From the Gentleman s Magazine, 1749. (4j-?f inches.) Interior of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, with a Representation of the Procession of the Installation of Dr. SUMNER to the Deanery of St. Paul's. Painted by J. HARWOOD ; engraved by W. WOOLNOTH, 1824. (23f-i8j inches.) Interior of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. The same plate as the preceding, but an unfinished etching before the lettering or the shield of arms. A View of the Isle at the Entrance of the North Portico of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Delineavit Robertus TREVITT, permissu D. Christophori Wren. (I2J-I4J inches.) A View of the Isle, etc. The same plate as the preceding, but coloured. A View to the Morning Chapel in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Robt. TREVITT, delineaviu (10-14^ inches.) A View to the Morning Chapel, etc. The same plate as the preceding, but coloured. Cathedrale de St. Paul (Bas-cote). The Dean's Aisle. Showing the iron gate leading into the Choir. Dessine et lith. par J. ARNOUT. (*oj-i5| inches.) The Morning Chapel, from the West. A photograph. (4-5^ inches.) The Morning Chapel, from the East. A photograph. (2\-3\ inches.) The Model Room, St. Paul's Cathedral. A woodcut from the Illustrated London News, 1852. (6-4^ inches.) The Library, looking East. A photograph. (8-6 inches). The Library, looking North. A photograph. (8-6 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Staircase in S.W. Tower, leading to Library. Drawn by R. Stephen AYLING. From the Builder, January 2, 1892. (i4j-n-J inches.) 196 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. The Crypt. The Crypt of St. Paul's. ' Artists' Corner.' A woodcut. (io-i-6| inches.) The Artists' Corner in the Crypt of St. Paul's : The Grave of LANDSEER. A woodcut. (8J-6 inches.) New Chapel for Early Morning Service in the Crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral. A woodcut from the Graphic, i6th June, 1877. (8|-6 inches.) Sir Christopher Wren's Monument in the Crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral. Drawn and engraved by J. CONEY, 1817. From DUGDALE'S St. Paul's, 3rd edition. (14-9! inches.) Tomb of Sir Christopher Wren. A woodcut from KNIGHT'S Old England. (3 \-2.\ inches.) The Wellington Chapel, Crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral. A litho- graph, published by STANDIDGE and Co. (8^-7 inches.) The Wellington Tomb in the Crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral. A woodcut. (9 1-6 inches.) Nelson's Tomb, Crypt of Saint Paul's. Drawn by T. H. SHEPHERD. From London Interiors. (7j-ioJ inches.) View in the Crypt, St. Paul's Cathedral. Showing Nelson's tomb. Engraved by J. STORER, 1817, from STORER'S Cathedrals. (7'5i inches.) Sarcophagus, under which the body of Lord Nelson is enclosed, in the Crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral. Etching by J. CONEY, 1817, from DUGDALE'S St. Paul's, 3rd edition. (9^-14 inches.) (In the Crypt. The sarcophagus, of painted alabaster, is the work of TORREGIANO, and was removed from the Wolsey Chapel at Windsor to S. Paul's. Cardinal Wolsey had intended it for his own monument. See Milman's Annals, second edition, p. 485.) East End of the North Crypt of St. Paul's, dedicated to St. Faith. With effigy of Dr. DONNE, etc. ; by MALCOLM, from the Gentleman s Magazine, 1820. (6-6J inches.) The Crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral. Professor Donaldson's pro- posed Improvement. A woodcut. (9^-5 inches.) Furniture and Decorations. The Marble Pulpit, St. Paul's Cathedral. A woodcut. (4f-7j inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Specimens of the Ironwork. By R. P. WHELLOCK. A woodcut. (ioJ-6 inches.) The Organ in the Choir of St. Paul's, as now arranged. Drawn by R. P. WHELLOCK. A woodcut. (6f-ioJ inches.) FURNITURE AND DECORATIONS. 197 Details of Organ. By R. P. WHELLOCK. A woodcut. (6-ioJ inches.) New Chalice for St. Paul's Cathedral, presented by Dr. W. S. SIMPSON. A woodcut. (4^-7^ inches.) New Paten for St. Paul's Cathedral, presented by Dr. W. S. SIMPSON. A woodcut. (Circular, 5 J inches.) The New Altar Frontal, St. Paul's Cathedral, designed by Mr. John MEDLAND. Illustration from the Builder, July 7, 1888. (13-11^ inches.) The Reredos. A proposed design giving one story only. A water- colour drawing, (9^-14^ inches.) The New Reredos, St. Paul's Cathedral. Reprinted from the Builder, January 28, 1888. (11^-15 inches.) The New Reredos and High Altar, St. Paul's Cathedral. From the Building News, January 27, 1888. (10^-14^ inches.) The New Reredos at St. Paul's Cathedral. From the Illustrated London News, March 31, 1888. (9^-124 inches.) The New Altar and Reredos at St. Paul's Cathedral. From a painting by H. W. BREWER. Woodcut from the Graphic, Jan. 28, 1888. (8-12 inches.) Proposed Decorations. Interior of the Dome ; one segment. A photograph. (7^-1 if inches.) Proposed Decorations. The Apse and Marble Pavement. A photograph. (9-1 ij inches.) Proposed Decorations. Niche at N. of Apse, etc. A photo- graph. (4^-10^ inches.) Proposed Decorations. The Apse. Two photographs. (Each 7^-1 1 \ inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Gates in N. Aisle. A photograph. (6-8 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Side Gates leading into Choir. A photo- graph. (6-8 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Oak Screen at back of South Row of Stalls. Lithograph, 1877. (28-20 inches.) Three plates of Details of the above screen. (Each 15-22 inches.) Oak Screen at back of Choir Stalls. A photograph. (8-6 inches.) Frescoes in the Dome. By Sir James THORNHILL. Eight scenes in the life of S. Paul, engraved by Du Bosc, VANDER GUCHT, and others. (Each 10-17^ inches.) Copy of full-sized Cartoon for proposed Mosaic Decoration of the Dome. Designed by E. J. POYNTER ; the Central Circular Compartment by Sir Frederick LEIGHTON. A chromo-lithograph from the Builder, July 5, 1884. (12^-16 inches.) I 9 8 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Decoration for the Dome. The Upper Circular Panel, * Christ in Judgment,' designed by E. J. POYNTER. From the Builder, July 5, 1884. (7-7 inches.) Decoration for the Dome. The Lower Circular Panel, ' The Resurrection,' designed by Sir Frederick LEIGHTON. From the Builder, July 5, 1884. (7-7 inches.) The Bells. Great Paul, the New Bell for St. Paul's Cathedral. Five woodcuts from the Graphic, May 20, 1882, viz. : Leaving Loughborough, Hung in Foundry for experimental swinging, Position for the first testing of tone, Boring for the Clapper-bolt from the inside, and Boring for the Clapper-bolt from the outside. (9-12! inches.) The Big" Bell for St. Paul's, a Rest on the Road, and Arrange- ments for getting it into the Cathedral. Two woodcuts from the Illustrated London News, May 27, 1882. (9-13 inches.) The Progress of ' Great Paul ' from Loughborough to London. Five woodcuts from the Pictorial World, 1882. (9-13 inches.) Testing the Great Bell for St. Paul's Cathedral at Messrs. Taylor and Son's Factory, Loughborough. A woodcut from the Ulus- trated London News, Jan. 14, 1882. Great Paul's Pilgrimage to St. Paul's Cathedral. Four wood- cuts from the Penny Illustrated Paper, May 27, 1882. (8-1 1 inches.) Great Paul, hung for testing in the Factory. A photograph. (8f-io| inches.) Great Paul, on its Trolly. A photograph, (yj-pj inches.) Great Paul, on the Inclined Plane leading to the W. Door. A photograph. (7J-9J inches.) Great Paul, on the Road to London. A photograph. (8J-6f inches.) Great Paul, in front of the Doorway, with part removed to effect an entrance for the Bell. A photograph. (9-1 ij inches.) Raising the Great Bell in the Tower of St. Paul's. Two wood- cuts from the Illustrated London News, June 3, 1882. (9^-6 inches.) Great Paul at St. Paul's Cathedral. Hauling the Bell off the Trolly, and Descending the Inclined Plane. Two woodcuts from the Graphic, May 27, 1882. (8|-8J inches.) The Big Bell for St. Paul's. Procession on the Road to London. A woodcut from the Illustrated London News, May 27, 1882. (12^-4 inches.) The New Bells and Bell-Cage, St. Paul's Cathedral. A woodcut. B. SLY, del. ; A. BERRY, sc. (6f-n inches.) PAGEANTS. 199 Pageants before 1800. Q. Elizabeth's Procession to St. Paul's. A woodcut from KNIGHT'S Old England. (9-8 inches.) Procession of James I. to St. Paul's, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and many of the Nobility, on Sunday, March 26, 1620. A woodcut from KNIGHT'S Old England. (5 \-$\ inches.) A Prospect of the Choir of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, on the General Thanksgiving the 3ist of December, 1706, Her Majesty and both Houses of Parliament present. Long descrip- tion beneath. Robt. TREVITT, fecit. (39j-24f inches.) The View of the Charity Children in the Strand, upon the vii of July, MDCCXIIL, being the day appointed by her late Majesty Queen Anne for a Publick Thanksgiving for the Peace ; when both Houses of Parliament made a Solemn Procession to the Cathedral of St. Paul. Descriptions in Latin and English. Hymns on scrolls at two lower corners. G. VERTUE, delin. et sculp., 1715. In 2 sheets. (Together, 50-14! inches.) North Side of the Strand, between Exeter Change and the May- pole, on July 7, 1713, with the assemblage of the Charity Children at the time of the Procession of both Houses of Parliament to St. Paul's Cathedral. From BRAYLEY'S Lon- diniana. (15^-4^- inches.) Ticket of Admission for one of the Common Council into the Cathedral Church of St. Paul on Thursday, 23rd of April, 1789, to attend His Majesty on the Solemn Occasion of a Thanks- giving for the Happy Restoration of his Health. COOK, invt. et sculp., 1789. (9^-13! inches.) The Royal Procession in St. Paul's on St. George's Day, 1789, the day appointed for a General Thanksgiving for the King's happy Recovery. View of the Nave. Drawn by E. DAYES ; engrav'd by J. NEAGLE. Published by Evans, 1790. (2yJ-i8j inches.) Thanksgiving Visit of George III. to St. Paul's in 1789. Pro- cession up the Nave. A woodcut. (i3j-9i inches.) Principal Front of the Bank, showing the Lamps and Transparent Paintings, on the 24th of April, 1789, in consequence of His Majesty's Recovery and Public Visit to St. Paul's. Designed by J. SOANE ; P. W. TOMKINS, aquatint, 1790. (29-8 inches.) Thanksgiving Service for the Recovery of K. George III. View of the Choir. An aquatint. E. DAYES, del. ; R. POL- LARD, aq. for. (Margin cut.) (25f-i6 inches.) Thanksgiving Service for the Recovery of K. George III. The same plate as the preceding, but an etching. (25^-18 inches.) Their Majesties Procession in St. Paul's, April 23rd, 1789. PRATTENT, sculp. From the Lady's Magazine. (6j-8^ inches.) 200 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Funeral of Nelson. Remains of Lord Nelson lying in State in the Painted Chamber at Greenwich Hospital. Engraved by M. MERIGOT from a drawing by C. A. PUGIN ; executed during the period of exhibition. (i9|-i5 inches.) Funeral Procession of the late Lord Viscount Nelson, from Greenwich to Whitehall, 8th of January, 1806. Engraved by HILL, after PUGIN. (19^-15 inches.) Funeral Procession of the late Lord Viscount Nelson, from the Admiralty to St. Paul's, gih of January, 1806. Engraved by MERIGOT, after PUGIN. (19^-15 inches.) Interment of the Remains of the late Lord Viscount Nelson in the Cathedral of St. Paul, gth of January, 1806. Engraved by LEWIN, after PUGIN. (19^- 15 inches.) The above form a set of four plates, coloured. An accurate View from the House of W. Tunnard, Esq., on the Bankside, on the 8th of January, 1806 ; when the remains of the great Admiral Lord Nelson were brought from Greenwich to Whitehall. A long description beneath. Drawn and etched by J. T. SMITH. (iSJ-iof inches.) The Funeral Procession of Lord Viscount Nelson, January 9th, 1806. With 6 lines of verse beneath. W. M. CRAIG, del. ; E. ORME, excudit; J. GODBY, sculpt., 1806, coloured. (17^-13^ inches.) The Ceremony of Lord Nelson's Interment in St. Paul's Cathedral, January 9th, 1806. Drawn by W. ORME from a Sketch made on the spot by the Rev. Holt WARING. J. CLARK and J. HAMBLE, sculpt. Coloured. (i4|-ig inches.) An Exact Representation of the Grand Funeral Car, which carried the Remains of Lord Nelson to St. Paul's on Thursday, January 9th, 1806. Published by S. W. FORES. Coloured, (gf-iof inches.) Lord Nelson's Coffin, with Description of the Ornaments and Devices thereon. Published by R. ACKERMANN, 1806. Coloured. (i6-i2j inches.) Plan of the Platform and Disposition of the Bannerolls, Trophies, etc., around the Coffin, at the Funeral of the much lamented Lord Nelson. Published by R. ACKERMANN, 1806. (10-17 inches.) Lord Nelson's Funeral Car, Coffin, etc. From the Lady's Magazine. (7^-9 inches.) The Funeral of Lord Nelson. Showing the procession approach- ing the W. Door. Published by T. KELLY, 1815. (7-9^ inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Monument of Admiral Nelson under FUNERAL NELSON, WELLINGTON. 201 the Dome. Drawn by R. GARLAND ; engraved by B. WINKLES. From WINKLES' Cathedrals, 1835. (7f~^i inches.) Sepolcro dell' Ammiraglio Nelson. Questo bassorilievo rappresenta 1'Inghilterra la quale con le due altre Provincie viene al porto per ricevere dalla nave il cadavere. Nel bassorilievo opposto Minerva, Nettuno, e Marte con- segnano all' Inghilterra il bambino Nelson. Nel uno dei lati e 1'Eroe coronato dalla vittoria nel altro la iscrizione del Parlamento. Le quattro figure di rilievo simboleggiano le quattro parti del Hondo, e le quattro lapidi son destinate a marcare le rispettive vittorie. Antonio Canova invento. Bernardino Nocchi dis. Pietro Fontana incise. Monumento ideato 1806, per collocarsi isolato in iin Tempio rotondo* (31-25 inches.) Funeral of Wellington. Plans and Sections showing the several arrangements made by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Works on the occasion of the Public Funeral of the late F.M. the Duke of Wellington, K.G., etc., Nov. 1 8, 1852. 1. Plan of the Crypt, showing the position of all the Tombs and Graves. (26-19 inches.) 2. General Plan of S. Paul's Churchyard, and Plan of the outworks and barriers. 3. Plan showing the disposition and appropriation of the Waiting and Retiring Rooms. 4. Plans of the Seating and Galleries. 5. Plan, etc., of the Machinery employed at the Horse Guards, and in the Crypt of the Cathedral. 6. Sections of Central Portions of Crypt and elevations of the Machinery. 7. Plan, etc., of the Platform of Western Entrance of S. Paul's, and Machinery connected therewith. Funeral of the Duke of Wellington. Coloured lithograph, show- ing the grouping round the coffin. (24^-27! inches.) Funeral of the late Duke of Wellington in St. Paul's Cathedral. A woodcut. Supplement to the Illustrated London JVws, Dec. u, 1852. (2oJ-3oJ inches.) Wellington's Funeral Car. A woodcut after Sir J. GILBERT. From the Illustrated London News, Nov. 27, 1852. (31-21! inches.) Funeral of the Duke of Wellington. The Lying in State at Chelsea Hospital, Nov., 1852. W. SIMPSON, lith., from a painting by Louis HAGUE. Published by ACKERMANN, 1853. (16-23^ inches.) 202 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Funeral of the Duke of Wellington. The Funeral Car passing the Archway at Apsley House, Nov. i8th, 1852. T. PICKEN, lith. From a painting by Louis HAGUE. Published by ACKER- MANN. Funeral of the Duke of Wellington. The Ceremony in St. Paul's Cathedral, Nov. i8th. W. SIMPSON, lith. From a painting by Louis HAGUE. Published by ACKERMANN. The three preceding form a set, in colours. St. Paul's Cathedral during the Interment of the Duke of Welling- ton, from sketches made on the spot, and lithographed by E. T. DOLBY. (13^-19! inches.) The Lying in State at Chelsea Hospital of the Duke of Welling- ton, from the nth to iyth Nov. Louis HAGUE, del.; W. SIMPSON, lith. Coloured. (8J-i2^ inches.) Funeral Car of the Duke of Wellington. Lithograph by DAY and Son, 1852. Coloured. (16-10^ inches.) The Funeral Car of the Duke of Wellington arriving at St. Paul's Cathedral. E. WALKER, del. et lith. Coloured. (n-8| inches.) Arrival of the Funeral Procession of the late Duke of Wellington at St. Paul's. Lithograph, published by BERGER. ( I 7^-7 inches.) The Interior of St. Paul's Cathedral, prepared for the Funeral of the Duke of Wellington. A woodcut from the Builder. (io|-6| inches.) The Wellington Monument, St. Paul's Cathedral. A woodcut, from a drawing by R. P. WHELLOCK. (10^-15! inches.) The Lying in State of the Duke of Wellington. Plan showing trophies, etc. C. R. COCKERELL, direxit. A lithograph, with list at back. (8|-i3 inches.) Mourners. The Horse and Groom of His Grace the late Duke of Wellington, sketched from the Funeral Procession. A. BUTLER, del. et lith., 1852. (i2|-9f inches.) Funeral of the Duke of Wellington. The Procession approaching the W. Door. A lithograph. (4-4-6 inches.) Duke of Wellington's Funeral. Official Programme. A broad- side, printed by T. COOPER. (10^-17 inches.) Official Programme of the Funeral of the Duke of Wellington. A broad-side, published by authority of the Earl Marshal. With woodcut of the Car at the top. (u-i8J inches.) CEREMONIES AND FUNERALS. 203 CEREMONIES AND FUNERALS. Procession of the Sheriffs to Westminster on Monday last. The Procession passing St. Paul's. A woodcut. Oct. 6, 1849. (8|-6 inches.) A Psalm of Thanksgiving to be sung by the Children of Christ's Hospital, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Easter Week, according to ancient Custom, for their Founders and Benefactors. A broad-side, printed by H. KENT, 1768. (i6|-2i inches.) The Anniversary Meeting of the Charity Children in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Drawn and engraved by Robt. HAVELL. Coloured. (i4f-i8|- inches.) The Annual Meeting of the Charity Children in St. Paul's Cathedral. E. PUGH, del. : J. FITTLER, sc., 1804. (6-9 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Anniversary Meeting of the Children of the Charity Schools of London. F. MACKENZIE, del. ; W. H. FUGE, sculp. (6|-9^ inches.) The Charity Children at St. Paul's, (sf-5 J inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Meeting of the Charity Children. G. R. ROBERTS, pinx. ; A. H. PAYNE, sculp, (yj-ioj inches.) The First Evening Service at St. Paul's Cathedral on Advent Sunday, Dec. n, 1858. A woodcut. (9^-7^ inches.) The Interior of St. Paul's Cathedral during the Service of last Sunday evening. A woodcut. (9^-13^ inches.) The Queen's Procession to St. Paul's, Nov. 29, 1820. Pub- lished by T. KELLY, 1821. (5-8! inches.) Marriage of Miss Helen Church to the Rev. Francis Paget, at St. Paul's Cathedral, on Wednesday, the 28th ult. A woodcut. From the Pictorial World, April 14, 1883. (9J-I3J inches.) Bach's ' Passion ' Music at St. Paul's Cathedral. A woodcut. (12-9 inches.) Apotheosis of Handel. From an original picture by HUDSON in the possession of Dr. Arnold. Margin cut. (9-14 inches.) Plan, showing the Route to be taken by Her Majesty on proceeding in State to St. Paul's, on Tuesday, 27th February, 1872, 10 offer Thanks for the Recovery of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. (34-16 inches.) Thanksgiving Service, 1872. Large Scale Plan of the Neigh- bourhood of S. Paul's. From the Ordnance Survey. (38-26 inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. Plan showing the Corridors and Staircase s in the Interior of the Cathedral and the Arrangement of the 204 LIBRARY OF 5. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. wooden Structures and covered Footways outside on the Occa- sion of the Thanksgiving for the Recovery of the Prince of Wales, Feb. 27, 1872. (37^-24 inches.) Ditto. Gallery Plan, showing the arrangements for Seating. (374-24 inches.) Ditto. Ground Plan. (37^-24 inches.) Thanksgiving Service, 1872. Facsimiles of Admission Cards, showing to whom allotted. On 3 sheets. (Each 37^-24! inches.) Thanksgiving Day. Sketch from Fleet Street, looking up Lud- gate Hill. Woodcut from the Graphic, March 6, 1872. (8f-i if inches.) Thanksgiving Day. Triumphal Arch at Ludgate Circus. Wood- cut from the Illustrated London News, March 2, 1872. ( r 3i-9i inches.) Thanksgiving Day. The Procession passing St. Martin's Church. Woodcut from the Illustrated London News, March 9, 1872. ( 1 2J-8J inches.) Thanksgiving Day. The Great Stand on the Site of the Law Courts. Woodcut from the Illustrated London News, March 9, 1872. (i 2 J-8J inches.) Thanksgiving Day. Triumphal Arch in Regent Circus, Oxford Street. Woodcut from the Illustrated London News, March 9, 1872. (12-84 inches.) Thanksgiving Day. Temple Bar decorated. Woodcut from the Illustrated London News, March 9, 1872. (84-1 2 J inches.) Thanksgiving Day. The Procession passing up Ludgate Hill. Woodcut from the Illustrated London News, March 9, 1872, (19^-12^ inches.) Funeral of Lord Napier of Magdala. The Procession leaving the Tower of London. Woodcut from the Illustrated London News, Jan. 25, 1890. Funeral of Lord Napier. The Crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral, and the Coffin in the Chapel at the Tower. Two woodcuts from the Illustrated London News, Jan. 25, 1890. (95-3^ inches.) Funeral of Lord Napier. The Body being removed from the Tower and the Ceremony in St. Paul's Cathedral. Two woodcuts from the Graphic, Jan. 25, 1890. (9-1 2 \ inches.) Funeral of Lord Napier. The Procession in the Nave of St. Paul's Cathedral. Woodcut from the Illustrated London News, Jan. 25, 1890. (94-124 inches.) Lord Rosebery unveiling the Bust of the late Sir J. Macdonald, Premier of Canada, in St. Paul's Cathedral yesterday. Wood- cut from the Daily Graphic, Nov. 17, 1892. (8-84 inches.) MONUMENTS. 205 Monuments in the Present Cathedral. Dean Milman. (The recumbent figure by WILLIAMSON, the altar tomb by F. C. PENROSE.) A woodcut. (6f-6f inches.) Admiral Earl Howe, Cuthbert Lord Collingwood, Sir Ralph Abercrombie, and Sir John Moore. The plate contains also a small Interior of St. Paul's. Captains Mosse and Riou. Drawn and engraved by S. RAWLE. Frontispiece to the European Magazine, vol. 49. (4^-7 inches.) Captain Richard Rundell Burgess. Frontispiece to the European Magazine, vol. 44. (4f-7 inches.) Captain Richard Rundell Burgess. Published by J. WILLIAMS, 1828. (5f-9 inches.) Charles Robert Cockerell. A photograph. (4^-6 J inches.) Captain Robert Faulknor. From the Naval Chronicle, vol. 16. (5J-8J inches. ) Sir Joshua Reynolds. Published by J. WILLIAMS, 1828. (5-7! inches.) Captain George Duff. From the Naval Chronicle, vol. 28. (sf-8f inches.) Admiral Earl Howe. From the Naval Chronicle, vol. 27. (6-9 inches.) Admiral Earl Howe. Drawn by BURNEY; engraved by S. RAWLE. Frontispiece to the European Magazine, vol. 74. (4f-8J inches.) Lord Nelson. Drawn by BURNEY ; engraved by S. RAWLE. Frontispiece to the European Magazine, vol. 73. (4f-8j inches.) Dr. Johnson. Engraved by J. BASIRE, from the European Magazine, 1796. (4^-8 inches.) Dr. Johnson, (sj-yj inches.) Captain Westcott. From the Naval Chronicle, vol. 18. (6-9 inches.) Sir Ralph Abercrombie. Engraved by WOOLNOTH. (yJ-S inches.) Sir Ralph Abercrombie. (6-4 inches.) Sir Samuel Hood. Drawing in outline by S. Joseph, 1817. (14^-18 inches.) (The following engravings, numbered 51 to 68, are from Dugdale's History of S. Paul's, 3rd edition.) No.* 51. Dr. Samuel Johnson. (John BACON.) Sir Joshua Reynolds. (John FLAXMAN.) John Howard. (John BACON.) Sir William Jones. (John BACON.) * The numbers refer to the plates in Dugdale. Other plates from his History of S. Paul's are enumerated above, pages 178 to 181. 206 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 52. Captain Richard Rundell Burgess. Ciptain George N. Hardinge. (C. MANNING.) 53. Captain Robert Faulknor. (Charles Rossi.) Captain R. Willett Miller. (John FLAXMAN.) 54. Earl Howe. (John FLAXMAN.) Lord Collingwood. (Richard WESTMACOTT.) 55. Lieutenant- General Sir Ralph Abercromby. (Richard WESTMACOTT.) Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore. (John BACON.) 56. Marquis Cornwallis. (Charles Rossi.) Captain John Cooke. 57. Major-General Thomas Dundas. (John BACON, junior.) Major-General J. R. Mackenzie. ) (C MANNINP } Brigadier-General E. Langwerth. ) (C " * 58. Captain George Blagdon Westcott. (Thomas BANKS.) Major-General Robert Craufurd. ) n -- T x Major-General Henry Mackinnon. ) (J ' BACON ' jur 59. Lord Rodney. (Charles Rossi.) Captain Tames Robert Mosse. ) /,-,, , -r, Captain Edward Riou. i < CharleS R SSL > 60. Sir Christopher Wren's Monument, in the Crypt. 61. Sarcophagus under which the Body of Lord Nelson is enclosed in the Crypt. 62. Viscount Nelson. (John FLAXMAN.) Captain George Duff. 63. Sir Isaac Brock. (Richard WESTMACOTT.) Major-General Bernard Foord Bowes. (F. L. CHANTREY.) 64. Major-General Daniel Hoghton. (F. L. CHANTREY.) Lieutenant-Colonel Sir William Myers, Bart. (J. KEN- DRICK.) 65. Sir Samuel Hood. (S. Joseph.) Major-General John Gaspard Le Marchant (James SMITH and Charles Rossi.) 66. General Sir Thomas Picton. (GAHAGAN.) Major-General Sir William Ponsonby. (THEED and BAYLY.) 67. Major-General Andrew Hay. (H. HOPPER.) Major-General Arthur Gore. (William TALLEMACH and F. L. CHANTREY.) Major-General John Byrn Skerritt (William TALLEMACH and F. L. CHANTREY.) 68. Colonel Henry Cadogan. (F. L. CHANTREY.) Major-General Robert T. Ross. (J. KENDRICK.) S. PAUL'S SCHOOL, ETC. 207 S. Paul's School. Invitation Ticket, with view of School and portrait of Dean Colet. 'You are desired to meet y Gentlemen educated at St. Pauls School in the said School, by Nine of the Clock in the Morning on Tuesday, 25th of January, 1725, being the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul ; from thence to go to the Cathedral of St. Paul, and after Sermon to dine at Mercers Hall in Cheap side.' Signed by the Stewards. (8-13 inches.) Invitation Ticket, 1727. Underneath is added: 'On receipt of this pay Five Shillings.' S. Paul's School, about 1720. With a portrait of Dean COLET. (7^-6 inches.) St Paul's School. B. COLE, sculp. From MAITLAND'S London. (9^-74 inches.) View of St. Paul's School. T. WHITE, sculpt. (7^-5 inches.) St Paul's School. Drawn and engraved by J. CRAIG for HUGH- SON'S Walks through London, 1817. (3^-5! inches.) St. Paul's School. Engraved by B. HOWLETT from a drawing by J. BAKER. From WILKINSON'S Londina Illustrata, 1825. With letterpress description. Sixteen pages. (i2|-io inches.) St. Paul's School and Dean COLET'S House at Stepney. From the Gentleman 's Magazine, 1818. (5-7^ inches.) Old St. Paul's School, founded 1509, as it appeared before the Great Fire. Woodcut from KNIGHT'S Old England. (2\-2\ inches.) St. Paul's School. Drawn and engraved by S. RAWLE. From the European Magazine, 1807. (7-4J inches.) St. Paul's School and Merchant Taylor's School. B. COLE, sculp. From MAITLAND'S London. (9-15 inches.) St. Paul's School. Engraved by OWEN from a drawing by J. P. NEALK, for the Beauties of England and Wales, 1814. (8-5|- inches.) St. Paul's School. Drawn by T. H. SHEPHERD ; engraved by W. DEEBLE, 1827. From London in the XlXth Century. (7^-5 inches.) St. Paul's School. (4^-3 inches.) St. Paul's School. East End of St. Paul's Churchyard. A wood- cut. (6i-6| inches.) St. Paul's School. Interior of the School Room. E. and W. Views. Two photographs. (Each 5^-3! inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral Choir School, Carter Lane. Plans, Per- spective View, and Details of Sgraffito Work. Three woodcuts from the Builder, May 29, 1875. (Each 10^-7 inches.) 208 LIBRARY OF S. PAUVS CATHEDRAL. The Chapter House. The Chapter House of the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul's. J. HARRIS, delin. et fecit. (22^-18^ inches.) The Chapter House. Reduced copy of the preceding, with 3 lines of description beneath. PARR, sculp. (10-7^ inches.) Convocation or Chapter House, St. Paul's, in 1701. A woodcut from KNIGHT'S Old England. The date given (1701) is an error. (4^-3 \ inches.) S. Paul' s Churchyard. The Statue of Her Majesty (Queen Anne) erected at the West End of St. Paul's Anno 1713. Printed and sold by Carington BOWLES, 69, St. Paul's Church Yard. (21-25^ inches.) The West Area of St. Paul's Cathedral. A woodcut. R. P. WHELLOCK, del. ; WALMSLEY, sc. (io|-6| inches.) St. Paul's Cathedral. West Area Improvements. A woodcut. R. P. WHELLOCK, del. (n-6f inches.) West Area of St. Paul's Churchyard, as newly arranged. A wood- cut. R. P. WHELLOCK, del. (9j-6f inches.) In the Gardens. St. Paul's Cathedral. A. woodcut from the Cottager and Artisan, October, 1889. (8 J-nJ inches.) Messrs. Cook's Warehouse, St. Paul's Churchyard. A wood- cut. 1854. (9^-7 inches.) S. PETER'S AT ROME : AND S. PETER'S AS COMPARED WITH S. PAUL'S. Old Saint Peter's, Rome, about the Year 1450, restored from ancient Authorities, by H. W. BREWER, 1891. From the Builder, Jan. 2, 1892. (15-9 inches.) The Front of St. Peter's Church at Rome. H. TERASSON, fecit. Printed and sold by J. BOWLES, at the Black Horse in Cornhill, and T. BOWLES, next to ye Chapter House. (23^-17^- inches.) La Basilica Vaticana. Showing the W. Front and Arcade. With 4 lines of description beneath. G. B. FALDA, dis. et fee. G. G. Rossi, le stampa in Roma. (25-19 inches.) St. Peter's Dome, from the Piazza della Sagrestia. From a water- colour drawing by Mr. John FULLEYLOVE. From the Builder, Jan. 2, 1892. (15-10^ inches.) Veduta Esteriore del Fianco della gran Basilica Vaticana dalla Parte di Mezzo Giorno. Published by J. Rossi in Rome, 1703. (271-18! inches.) MISCELLANEOUS VIEWS. 209 Veduta dell' Esterno della gran Basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano. Etching by PIRANESI. (24-16 inches.) Prospetto della Basilica Vaticana, Architettura di Carlo Maderno. Published by Rossi, in Rome, 1705. (18^-27^ inches.) Veduta Interiore della gran Basilica di S. Pietro. Published by Rossi, in Rome. (26f-i9^ inches.) S. Peter's. Veduta interna della Basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano. PIRANESI, fecit. Coloured engraving. (23^-16 inches.) St. Peter's Church. After PIRANESI. (i4|-io inches.) Ichnography of St. Peter's at Rome and St Paul's, drawn on the same Scale. Two woodcuts, from an old magazine. 8vo. Plans of the Magnificent Cathedrals of St. Peter at Rome and St. Paul, with Views of those Churches. From the London Magazine. (l\-^\ inches.) Geometrical Elevations of the West Fronts of St. Peter's, St. Paul's, and other Buildings, to one Scale. Drawn and etched by T. H. CLARKE; aquatinted by R. HAVELL, 1831. (18^-13 inches.) A Parallel View between New St. Paul's and St. Peter's at Rome, with View of Old St. Paul's, A.D. 1240. E. BROWN, del.; H. AD LARD, sculp. (8-1 oj inches.) The Cathedral Churches of St. Peter's at Rome and St. Paul's. A woodcut. (7f-4f inches.) Ground Plans of the outer Walls of all the most celebrated Churches in Europe. From the Gentleman's Magazine, Supple- ment to vol. 84. (7^-4^ inches.) MISCELLANEOUS VIEWS. Altar of Diana, discovered in Foster Lane. From ARCHER'S Reliques of Old London. (11-9 inches.) Roman Altar found in Foster Lane, Cheapside, in excavating for the New Goldsmith's Hall. A. SHAW, del. ; J. BASIRE, sculp. From the Archceologia, vol. xxiv. (nJ-8J inches.) Panier Alley, Pie Corner, East Cheap, and Bennett's Hill. Four views of the sculptured figures, on i sheet. J . PASS, sculp., 1814. (8-J-ioJ inches.) Interior of St. Mildred, Bread Street, Sir C. Wren, architect. Pencil drawing by R. PAYNE, 1881. (ioj-i8 inches.) A Plan of London House, now in the Possession of Mr. Jacob ILIVE, Dec., 1747. From WILKINSON'S Londina lllustrata, 1814. (10-12^ inches.) 14 210 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Chertsey. Plan of the Abbey and surrounding Buildings. From an early drawing. (132-9! inches.) Old Church at Chertsey. From the Gentleman's Magazine, 1807. (6f-4j inches.) Cowley's House at Chertsey. A woodcut, with description beneath. UJ-7 inches.) View of Chertsey. From an old Traveller. (7-6 inches.) The Porch House, Chertsey. Drawn by J. C. BARROW, from an original by Mr. DANIEL ; engraved by G. J. PARKYNS. (i4j-nj inches.) Remains of a Tile Pavement recently found within the Precincts of Chertsey Abbey. Description, list, and TO coloured plates of tiles, by Henry SHAW, 1857. (Each about 10-9 inches.) Barking Abbey Gateway. J. GREIG, del. et sculp. (8-7 inches.) Part of a Stone Slab in Barking Church. Drawn, etched, and published by FISHER, 1809. (8J-I2 inches.) Barking, Essex. Engraved by J. STORER from a drawing by S. PROUT, 1804. (10^-7! inches.) Rubbing from the Brass of Thomas Mordon, at Barking. (23-27^ inches.) The North West Prospect of Westminster Abby, with the Spire as design'd by Sir Christopher Wren. J. JAMES, del. ; P. FOUR- DRINIER, sculp. (20-1 6| inches.) Remains of the Manor House, denominated 'The Lordship of Toten Hall,' now vulgarly called Tottenham Court, and occu- pied by the Adam and Eve Tea House and Gardens. A Lord- ship belonging to the Deans of S. Paul's. From WILKINSON'S Londina Illustrata, 1813. (10^-12^ inches.) Visitation Mandate from Archbishop Boniface to the Dean ancl Chapter of S. Paul's, 1253. Frontispiece to the Rev. T. HUGO'S paper upon the Mandate. (11-7 inches.) Specimens of Bookbinding and facsimiles of Seals, from originals in the Library. Three facsimiles in colours. (8^-12 inches.) Old London Signs, Tablets, etc. Drawings of one hundred and one subjects, with a description. A Royal Procession passing S. Paul's Cathedral. Water colour drawing from the original painting at Windsor Castle. Portrait of King Richard II. From the original in Westminster Abbey. John CARTER, del. et sculp., 1786. Published by N. Smith, Oct. 28, 1791. MISCELLANEOUS. CONTEN TS. LIST OF A SERIES OF PLATES FROM MR. W. LONGMANS 1 HISTORY OF THE THREE CATHEDRALS DEDICATED TO S. PAUL IN LONDON' - - 213 LIST OF THE SERIES OF PLATES ISSUED BY THE SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAPHING RELICS OF OLD LONDON - - 216 ENGRAVED PORTRAITS: BISHOPS OF LONDON - 219 DEANS OF S. PAUL'S - 220 CANONS AND PREBENDARIES OF S. PAUL'S - 220 MASTER OF THE CHORISTERS - 220 CASTS OF SEALS: BISHOPS OF LONDON - 221 DEAN AND CHAPTER, AND OTHERS - - 221 AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES EXHIBITED IN THE LIBRARY- - 221 MEDALS RELATING TO S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL - - 222 MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF INTEREST EXHIBITED IN THE LIBRARY 226 SERIES OF PL A TES FROM MR. W. LONGMAN'S ' HISTORY OF THE THREE CATHEDRALS DEDICATED TO S. PAUL IN LONDON. Steel Engravings engraved by H. Adlard {from Mr. Ferreys Designs). OLD S. PAUL'S. Plate A. Ground Plan (Old S. Paul's). B. West Elevation C. South Elevation ,, D. East Elevation E. Transverse Section (Old S. Paul's). F. Longitudinal Section Full- Page Woodcuts engraved by G. Pearson. OLD AND NEW S. PAUL'S. S. Paul's Cathedral (the present Building). From a print in the Gardner Collection, drawn by J. BUCKLER, F.S.A., and engraved by G. LEWIS. South- West View of Old S. Paul's. Supposed to be taken from present Doctors' Commons. Compiled by F. WATKINS, from drawings by E. B. FERREY, Architect. Interior of the Nave of Old S. Paul's. From a print in the Gardner Collection, after HOLLAR. A Bird's Eye View of Old S. Paul's, showing the Surrounding Wall, Gates, and Neighbouring Streets. Compiled by F. WAT- KINS, from drawings by E. B. FERREY, Architect. SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN'S UNEXECUTED DESIGNS. Design for S. Paul's, made by Sir Christopher WREN immediately before the Great Fire. From Sir Christopher WREN'S drawing in the All Souls' Collection at Oxford. View of the Cathedral Church of S. Paul's, according to the first Design (after the Great Fire), of the Architect, Sir Christopher 2i 4 LIBRARY OF 5. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. WREN, Knt. (' Kensington model.') From a print in the Gardner Collection, engraved by SCHYNVOET. Ground Plan of S. Paul's, according to the First Design (after the Great Fire) of Sir Christopher WREN. From a print in the Gardner Collection, engraved by B. COLE. Ground Plan of East End of S. Paul's, according to a Tentative Design (No. 21 of the All Souls' Collection) made by Sir Chris- topher WREN, showing Communion Table and Reredos. Interior View of Sir C. WREN'S First Design (after the Great Fire). Drawn by J. GOODCHILD from the model now in the Kensington Museum. The Last Design made for S. Paul's by Sir Christopher WREN. From WREN'S drawing in the All Souls' Collection. ' Former Design ' for S. Paul's by Sir Christopher WREN. Original title : ' A section of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, showing the Dome, according to a former Design by Sir Chris- topher WREN.' From a print in the Gardner Collection. Section of the Dome of S. Paul's. From Sir Christopher WREN'S 4 former Design,' with separate enlarged portion from another drawing of the same, showing the continuity of the supports of the Dome according to the Indian method. MODERN S. PAUL'S. Ground Plan of the Cathedral. From an original drawing by Mr. PENROSE, Surveyor to St. Paul's, with (dotted) lines, from a former drawing by Sir Christopher WREN, showing hisuntentions as to the position of the surrounding railing. Projection of Old (shaded) upon the Plan of New S. Paul's. From Sir Christopher WREN'S drawing in the All Souls' Collec- tion, Oxford. UNEXECUTED DESIGN. Plinth of the Cathedral, with and without a Balustrade. Taken from original drawings in the Gardner Collection. Thomas Bird's Sculpture of the Conversion of S. Paul, in the Pediment of the Western Front of the Cathedral. From the model preserved in the Cathedral Library. Dome of S. Paul's. Interior of the Cathedral, looking East. Ground Plan of Crypt of the Cathedral. From an original drawing by Mr. PENROSE, Surveyor to S. Paul's. One of the Campaniles of the Cathedral. Ground Plan of S. Paul's according to a Design with Surrounding Arcades and a Baptistery. From a drawing by Sir Christopher WREN in the Vestry of the Cathedral. SERIES OF PLATES. 215 Proposed Ornamentation on Spandrels of Arches around the Dome of Modern Cathedral. - From an old engraving in the Gardner Collection^ by William EMMETT. Woodcuts engraved by G. Pearson. Clustered Pillars and Triforium Arcade. S. Paul's Cross. Inigo Jones's Portico (from HOLLAR). Copy of a Woodcut on the Title-page of Maroccus Extaticus. Sir Paul Pindar's House in Bishopsgate Street. Old S. Paul's Cathedral on Fire. Lud-gate on Fire. Model of Baldachino preserved in S. Paul's Cathedral. East End of S. Paul's, as altered by Sir Christopher WREN from the ' Kensington model' Design. Phoenix over Southern Portico. Steps at Western Entrance, as originally Planned by Sir Christopher WREN, and as now intended to be carried out. Pendentives or Spandrels. Cantalever Cornice round Inner Dome. Section, showing Inner and Outer Domes, with the Conical Wall. Stairs, as they formerly existed, leading up to the Lantern, between the Inner and Outer Domes. From an original drawing in the Gardner Collection. Ground Plan of Pronaos, showing Recess for the Great Doors under Western Portico. Section showing Buttresses. Pier Arches of the Nave, showing the Archivolts, rising above the Architraves. Comparative Sizes of S. Peter's and S. Paul's Cathedrals. Diagram showing Construction of Internal Dome, Cone of Brick- work, and Outer Dome. Clerestory Windows above the Attic Order. Diagram of the Arch, turned from an Attic Order. 216 LIBRARY OF S. PAWS CATHEDRAL. SERIES OF PL A TES ISSUED BY THE SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAPHING RELICS OF OLD LONDON. i. Oxford Arms Inn. Entrance. 2, 3. The Inn Yard. 4. Upper Gallery. 5. Staircase. 6. Galleries. 7, 8. Old Houses in VVych Street. 9, 10. in Drury Lane. 1 i. Lincoln's Inn. Gate House. 12. Old Square. 13, 14- S. Bartholomew the Great. The Church. 15. ,, The Green Churchyard. 1 6. Church and Boys' School. 17, 1 8. North side and Poors' Churchyard. 19. Temple Bar. 20. Houses in Leadenhall Street. 21. Old Houses in Gray's Inn Lane. 22. Shop in Brewer Street, Soho. 23. Sir Paul Pindar Inn, Bishopsgate Street. 24. Staple Inn, Holborn Front. 25, 26. Canonbury Tower. 27-29. Barnard's Inn. 30, 31. Old Houses, Aldersgate Street. 32. Shaftesbury House, Aldersgate Street. 33, 34- Christ's Hospital. 35. Churchyard of S. Lawrence, Pountney. 36. Old Houses in Great Queen Street. 37. Charterhouse. General Views from Charterhouse Square. 38, 39. Wash-house Court. 40. The Cloisters. 41-44. The Great Hall. 45- The Grand Staircase. 46. The Governors' Room. 47. Entrance to the Chapel. 48. Founder's Tomb. SERIES OF PLATES. 217 49, 50. The Southwark Inns. King's Head Yard. 51,52. White Hart. 53- George. 54, 55. Queen's Head. 56. Old Houses in Borough, High Street, Southwark. 57. S. Mary Overy's Dock. 58. Old Houses in Bermondsey. 59. Sion College. 60. Oxford Market. 6 1. Little Dean's Yard, Westminster. 62. Ashburnham House. Exterior. 63, 64. Staircase. 65. ' Ante-room. 66. ,, Dining-room. 67. Garden. 68. Banqueting House, Whitehall. 69. Water Gate, York House. 70. Lincoln's Inn Fields. West side. 71. Lindsey House. 72. Newcastle House. 73. Lambeth Palace. Gate House, or Morton's Tower. 74. ,, Great Hall, now the Library. 75. Lollard's Tower. 76. Old House, Palace Yard, Lambeth. 77, 78. Old Houses. Aldgate. 79. The Golden Axe, S. Mary Axe. 80. No. 37, Cheapside, on the site of the Nag's Head. 81. No. 73, Cheapside. The Old Mansion House. 82. Old House, Great Ormond Street. 83. Old House, Queen Square, Bloomsbury. 84. Shop, Macclesfield Street, Soho. 85. Old Houses, Fleet Street. 86. The Old Bell, Holborn. Exterior. 87. Interior. 88. S. Giles, Cripplegate. 89. Old House, Fore Street. 90. Old House, Great Winchester Street. 91. Austin Friars, Old House. Exterior. 92. Interior. 93. Doorways. Lawrence Pountney Hill. 94. College Street. 95. Innholders' Hall. 96. Doorway, College Hill. 2i8 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 97. Inner Temple. Gate House. 98. Churchyard Court. 99. 5, King's Bench Walk. 100. Middle Temple. Gate House. 101. Fountain Court. 102. Hall. 103. Gray's Inn. Field Court. 104. Hall. 105. Clement's Inn. Garden House. 1 06. Clifford's Inn. 107. Staple Inn. Hall. 1 08. Six small subjects : 1. Guy, Earl of Warwick. 2. Stone in Panyer Alley. 3. Pelican, Aldermanbury. 4. Queen Elizabeth, Ludgate. 5. Wooden Midshipman, Leadenhall Street. 6. Royal Arms, Old London Bridge. 109. S. John's Gate, Clerkenwell. no. Old Houses in the Strand. in. Great S. Helen's, Bishopsgate Street. 112. Tennis Court, James Street, Haymarket. 113. Emmanuel Hospital, Westminster. 1 14- Queen Anne's Gate. 115. Chimney Piece. Sessions House, Clerkenwell. 116. Court House, S. Andrew's, Holborn. 117. Tallow Chandlers' Hall. 1 1 8. Court Room. New River Company. 119. Doorway. 26, Queen Square, Westminster. 9, Grosvenor Road. 17, Delahay Street. 1 20. Five small subjects : 1. The Chained Bear, 6, Lower Thames Street. 2. London Stone. 3. Hour Glass, S. Alban's, Wood Street. 4. The Boy, Pie Corner. 5. Figures from the Clock, S. Dunstan in the West. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF BISHOPS OF LONDON. 219 ENGRA VED PORTRAITS OF BISHOPS OF LONDON. sion Bishop. Painter. Engraver. 1502 Warham ... Holbein ... Vertue I737- 1522 Tunstall ... Fourdrinier. 1540 Bonner ... Cooper. 1550 Ridley ... Vander Werff Trotter. '559 Grindal . . . Lens Vander Gucht. Skelton Fittler Original at Lambeth. i57o Sandys ... Trotter. JQ. and Original at wife Bishops- thorpe. 1577 Aylmer ... White. 1597 Bancroft ... Vertue. 1604 Vaughan ... /B. 1610 Abbot ... Simon Passaeus 1616. ,, J. Houbraken. 1611 King ^ ... Simon Passaeus. 1621 Mountain... G. Y. 1659. 1628 Laud Vandyke Jas. Watson... 1779; !633 Juxon Original at Longleat. Vertue Proof. 1660 Sheldon ... Hollar. Mezzotint. 1663 Henchman Lely. ,, Lely Photograph. 1675 Compton . . . Oil Painting, attributed to Sir James Thornhill. Compton . . . D. Loggan ... D. Loggan ... 1679. J. Rily J. Beckett. 1714 Robinson... M. Dahl ... G. Vertue ... Bp. of Bristol. 1723 Gibson J. Ellys G. Vertue ... 1727. 1748 Sherlock ... Van Loo, 1740 S. Ravenot ... 1756. Van Loo, 1740 McArdell ... 1757- 1762 Osbaldeston T. Hudson ... McArdell. 1764 Terrick . . . Nat. Dance... Edw. Fisher... 1770. 1777 Lowth ... R. E. Pyne ... J. K. Sherwin 1784. 1787 Porteus . . . H. Edridge... C. Picart ... 1809. 1813 Howley ... Owen Reynolds ... Proof. 220 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. PORTRAITS OF DEANS OF S. PAUL'S. Acces- sion. 1505 Colet Dean. Painter. Holbein. Engraver. R. Houston. 1560 Nowell. jj Harding Original at Brasenose. 1602 Overall ... R. White. 1621 Donne M. Droeshout Martin. , Lombart. Steward . . . G. P. Harding J. Stow 1822. 1661 Barwick ... G. Vertue. 1664 Sancroft ... R. White. The seven Bishops. D. Loggan ... D. Loggan ... 1680, ad vivum. 1678 Stillingfleet Mrs. Beale. jj Lely A. Blooteling Proof. Lely... Later state. 1689 Tillotson ... R. White ... R. White. jj Mrs. Beale ... jj jj Sir Godfrey Kneller ... G. Vertue. jj Sir Peter Lely A. Blooteling. 1691 Sherlock ... R. White ... R. White. i75o Seeker ... T. Willes ... J. McArdell. 1747- jj T. Hudson ... jj 1766 Cornwallis . Nath. Dance . Edw. Fisher... 1679. 1768 Newton . . . Sir Joshua Reynolds . . . Jos. Collyer... 1782. j ,, Thos. Watson 1775- CANONS AND PREBENDARIES OF S. PAULS. Accession. Painter. Engraver. 1672 Holder ... D. Loggan ... ad vivum. 1705 Pelling,John J. McArdell... Prebendary. 1842 Hale, Arch- Thos. A. deacon of Woolnoth... W.Walker ... 1850. London 1856 Melvill, Canon. MASTER OF THE CHORISTERS. 1813 Hawes, William. SEALS OF BISHOPS OF LONDON. 221 SEALS OF BISHOPS OF LONDON. (Sulphur Casts.) 1108-1128. Richard de Beanies. I. 1152-1162. Richard de Beames. II. 1163-1188. Gilbert Folliott. 1 1 89-1 1 98. Richard FitzNeal. (Two.) 1199-1221. William of S. Mary Church. (Two.) 1221-1228. Eustace de Fauconberg. (Two.) 1229-1241. Roger Niger. (Two.) 1244-1259. Fulk Bassett. (Three.) 1260-1262. Henry de Wengham. (Two.) 1274-1280. John Chishull. 1306-1313. Ralph Baldock. 1319-1338. Stephen Gravesend. 1340-1354. Ralph Stratford. (Two.) 1362-1375. Simon Sudbury. (Two.) 1382-1404. Robert Braybrook. (Two.) 1407-1421. Richard Clifford. 1426-1431. William Gray. 1436-1448. Robert Gilbert. 1450-1489. Thomas Kemp. 1496-1501. Thomas Savage. 1522-1530. Cuthbert Tunstall. 1540-1549. Edmund Bonner. SEALS OF THE DEAN AND CHAPTER AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE CATHEDRAL. Dean and Chapter. Twelfth century. Thirteenth century, two small. Two large seals and 1335- Precentor. Two seals. Archdeacon of London. Minor Canons. Two seals : about 1394. (The original silver seals are still in the possession of the College.) Official : Sede Vacante. Negociant. AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES EXHIBITED IN THE LIBRARY. KINGS AND QUEENS OF ENGLAND. Charles I. Charles II. James II. Mary II. William III. George III. Victoria. 222 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. KING OF TAHITI. Kamehameha, 1863. ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. Archbishop Cranmer. ,, Laud. Sheldon. ,, Sancroft. Sterne (York). Bishop Juxon. Henchman. Compton.* Morley (Winchester). Crew (Durham). LITERARY MEN.| Izaak Casaubon. [18 C. 1-4.] Izaak Walton. (Iz. Wa.) [38 E. 50.] Hamon 1'Estrange. [24 G. 26.] Dr. Bentley. Sir Christopher Wren. MEDALS CHIEFLY RELATING TO S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL EXHIBITED IN THE LIBRARY. [The figures attached to each entry indicate the measurement of the diameter of the medal in inches and tenths.] i . Obverse : CAROLVS . AVGVSTISS . ET . INVICTISS . MAG . BRIT . FRAN . ET . HIB . MONARCHA . 1633. (Equestrian figure of Charles I. to the left.) Reverse : SOL . ORBEM . REDIENS . sic . REX . ILLVMINAT . VRBEM. (View of London, the sun shining in its splendour. London Bridge is seen, and the tower of S. Paul's.) Silver (1-7). 2 Obverse : WREN. (Youthful bust, to the right.) Reverse : CHRISTOPHER WREN ARCHITECT . MDCCX. si MONV- MENTVM REQVIRIS CIRCVMSPICE. (S. Paul's Cathedral.) Bronze (2-4). B.WYON . F. 3. Obverse : CHRISTOP . WREN . EQVES . AUR . ET . ARCHITECT . OBIIT . A.D. 1723 . JET . 91. (Bust of Sir C. Wren to the left.) * See volumes marked 36 c 56, 13 F 6-8, 18 D 12, 20 D 2, etc. f These autographs are not now exhibited. They are to be found on the title- pages of books in the library. MEDALS. 223 Reverse : INCEPT . A.D. 1675 . AEDES . PAVLI . LOND . PERFECT . I7II . VNVM . PRO . CVNCTIS . FAMA . LOQVATVR OPVS. (West Front of S. Paul's.) Bronze (4-1). c. D. CAAB. scvlp. 4, 5, 6. Obverse : GEORGIVS . in. MAGN . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REX. (Head of George III., to the right.) Reverse : UETITIA . CVM . PIETATE. DEO . OPT . MAX . REX . P1ENTISS . PRO . SALVTE . REST . VSLM . APRIL . 23 . 1789. Bronze (2-2), and two copies in silver. 7. Obverse : GOD . SAVE . THE . KING. G. in. 1788. (Head of George III., to the right.)] Reverse : VISITED . s. PAULS . 23 . APRIL . 1789. (Arms of the City of London.) White metal (1-4). 8. Obverse : GEORGIVS . in. REX. (Head of George III., to the right.) Reverse : VISITED s. PAULS . 23 . APRIL . 1789. (Arms of the City of London.) Bronze (1-2). 9. Obverse : GEORGIVS . in. DEI . GRATIA. (Head of George III., to the right.) Reverse : ROYAL . THANKSGIVING . AT . ST. PAUL'S . DEC. 19 . 1797. (An altar, surmounted by the crown, sword, and sceptre, inscribed : HOWE . ST. VINCENT . DUNCAN.) Bronze (1-4). Milton. 10. Obverse : REGNO . PACEM . OBTVLIT . SUPER . PACE . RATA . DIE . 27 . MARTI i. (Warrior crowned by Victory.) Reverse : DEO . GLORIAM . REFERT . PAX . CELEBRATA . DIE . i . JVNII . MDCCCII. (N.W. view of S. Paul's.) Bronze (2-0), also in white metal.) n. Obverse : MY . SOUL . DOTH . MAGNIFY . THE . LORD . MARCH . 27 . 1802. (Peace welcoming a kneeling figure.) Reverse : WE . PRAISE . THEE . o . GOD . THANSGIVING . JVNE . i. (Figure of Piety; on the left S. Paul's; on the right medallion portrait.) Bronze (1-6). 12. Obverse : GEORGIVS . mi. D . G . BRITANNIARVM . REX . F . D . 1820. (Head of George IV., to the left.) 224 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Reverse : SOCIETY . OF . PATRONS . OF . CHARITY . SCHOOLS . INSTITUTED . A.D. 1 700. (S. Paul's Cathedral, West Front.) Silver (2-2). 13. Obverse : WEALTH . AND . INDEPENDENCE. (Plenty with a cornucopia scattering flowers.) Reverse: THE . CONSTITUTION . 1821. (On the left, S. Paul's; on the right, Westminsier Abbey.) Bronze (1-9). 14. Obverse : THE FIRST STONE OF THE NEW LONDON BRIDGE WAS LAID BY JOHN GARRATT ESQ K LORD MAYOR OF LONDON . ON THE I/jTH OF MARCH . 1824 AND OPEN'D BY THEIR MAJESTIES AUGUST IST, 1831. Reverse : CARRIAGE WAY 33^ FEET. LENGTH OF BRIDGE 732 FT. CENTRE ARCH . 150. SIDE ARCH , 140. (London Bridge, with S. Paul's.) Bronze (1-2). 15. Visit of the Queen to the Guildhall upon her accession to the Throne, 1837. Obverse : VICTORIA . REGINA. (Crowned head, to the left.) Reverse : IN HONOUR OF HER MAJESTY'S VISIT TO THE COR- PORATION OF LONDON, pTH NOVEMBER, 1837. (South Front of Guildhall.) Bronze (2-2). B. Wyon. 1 6. Visit of the Sultan of Turkey to the City. Obverse : ABDULAZIZ . OTHOMANORVM . IMPERATOR . LONDINIUM . INVISIT . MDCCCLXVII. (Head of the Sultan, to the right.) Reverse : (The City of London receiving Turkey with emblems of hospitality. In the background, on the left, S. Paul's; on the right, the Mosque of Sultan Achmet at Constantinople. On an altar between the two figures : WELCOME.) Bronze (3-1). J. S. and A. B. Wyon. 17. Opening of the Holborn Valley Viaduct and Blackfriars Bridge, 1869. Obverse : VICTORIA . D . G . BRIT . REGINA . F . D. (Head of Queen Victoria, to the left.) Reverse : HOLBORN VIADUCT . BLACKFRIARS . BRIDGE . 1869. (Views of the Viaduct and Bridge, with the City Arms in the centre, supported on the left by the City of London, and on the right by Britannia.) Bronze (3-1). Two copies. G. S. Adams, sc. 1 8. National Thanksgiving for Recovery of the Prince of Wales. Obverse : i WAS GLAD WHEN THEY SAID UNTO ME, LET us GO INTO THE HOUSE OF THE LORD. (The Queen and the Prince of Wales welcomed by two figures.) MEDALS. 22$ Reverse : NATIONAL THANKSGIVING FOR THE RECOVERY OF H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 17 FEB., 1872. (The interior of S. Paul's at the time of the Thanksgiving Service.) Bronze (3-1). Two copies. 1 9. Obverse : ALBERT EDWARD PRINCE OF WALES, BORN NOV. 9, 1841. (Head of the Prince of Wales, to the left.) Reverse: ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL LONDON, 1872. (N.W. view of S. Paul's.) Bronze (i-o). Two copies. 20. Obverse : NASSER-ED-DEEN SHAH OF PERSIA. (Head of the Shah.) Reverse : (The City of London personified, holding a scroll inscribed 20TH JUNE . 1873. On tne left S. Paul's Cathedral ; on the right the arms of the City of London and of the Shah.) Bronze (3-1). A. B. Wyon. sj. Obverse: ALBERT EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, PRESIDENT. (Head of the Prince, to the left.) Reverse : ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF ALL FINE ARTS INDUSTRIES AND INVENTIONS. A.D. MDCCCLXXIV. (View of Albert Hall.) Bronze (2-1). G. Morgan, sc. 22. Jubilee medal. Obverse : REGINA . 1837 . VICTORIA . IMPERATRIX . 1887. (Heads of the Queen, at the two dates.) Reverse : ANNUS . JUBILAEUS . 1887. (An allegorical subject.) Bronze (3-2). 23. Obverse : ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL LONDON. (N.W. exterior view.) Reverse : FOUNDED vn CENTURY. BURNT xi CENTURY. REBUILT IN STONE XII AND XIII CENTURY. AGAIN BURNT l666. REBUILT IN ITS PRESENT STATE 1672-1713. CHRISTOPHER WREN. (Interior, looking East. View of Aisles and Nave.) Bronze (2-5). J. Weiner, of Brussels. 24. Obverse : ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL . LONDON. (N.W. exterior view.) Reverse : (The interior of S. Paul's, showing the Nave and Choir.) Bronze (2-5). Josh. Davies, Birmingham. 25. Charity Schools at S. Paul's. Obverse : MAY NATIONAL EDUCATION EVER FLOURISH. (N.W. exterior view.) Reverse : MONITOR'S MEDAL. (Crown lying on the Bible.) Bronze (1-9). '5 226 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. TOKENS. 26. Obverse : LONDON AND BRIGHTON HALFPENNY. (West Front of S. Paul's.) Reverse : PAYABLE AT THE WAREHOUSE OF i. SPITTLE LONDON, OR OF I. KIRBY, OR R. LASHMAR, BRIGHTON. (A shield with two dolphins.) Bronze (1-2). Five copies. 27. Obverse: SISE LANE HALFPENNY. 1795. (Britannia. S. Paul's on the left.) Reverse : KING. LORDS. COMMONS. (In a triangle held by two hands and surmounted by a crown, the word CONSTITUTION.) Bronze (1-2). Two copies. 28. Obverse : R. YOUNG, DEALER IN COINS, NO. 18, LUDGATE ST., LONDON. (A star, enclosing : HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE.) Reverse : (West Front of S. Paul's.) Bronze (1-4). MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF INTEREST IN THE LIBRARY. Cast of a Danish Monumental Stone, found in August, 1852, at the S.E. of S. Paul's Churchyard, 18 feet below the present level, with a Runic inscription : KONA LET LEKIA STIN THENSI AUK TUKI. That is, as deciphered by Professor Browne : KONA AND TUKI CAUSED LAY THIS STONE. Presented to the Library by Dr. W T . Sedgwick Saunders. The original stone is in the Guildhall Library. [See supra, page 79.] Cast of the Tonsure Plate used by the Clergy of S. Paul's Cathedral in the Thirteenth Century. The original plate is in the British Museum. It has been figured and described by the Librarian in the Journal of the British Archaeological Association for 1882, pp. 278-290. Two Books in the Library still retain their ancient Chains ; and a third chain is exhibited in the Glass Case in the middle of the Library. A very fine series of Drawings or Old S. Paul's Cathedral, presented by Mr. Edmund B. Ferrey, Architect. [These are framed and glaztd, and are placed on the walls of the Trophy Room.] MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF INTEREST IN THE LIBRARY. 227 Model of Sir Christopher Wren's first design for S. Paul's Cathedral. [In the triforium over the North Aisle of the Nave, at the West End.] Thomas Bird's Model for the Pediment of the West Front of the Cathedral. On a brass plate affixed is the inscription : ' This Model of part of the West end of S. Paul's Cathedral was presented to the Vicar of Shiplake, A.D. 1835, by Mr. J. Plumbe, of Henley-on-Thames, who had purchased it from Badgmore House, once the residence of Richard Jennings, the Master Builder of that Cathedral.' Archbishop Laud's Conference with Fisher. The Arch- bishop's own copy, with his arms on the side. Palais du Vatican. Chapelle Sixtine. Fresques de Michel Ange. A large and important series of photographs, numbered i to 121. APPENDIX. CONTENTS. DESIDERATA. BOOKS NOT YET IN THE CATHEDRAL LIBRARY. PAGE BOOKS ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL 231 PAUL'S CROSS SERMONS 232 SERMONS PREACHED IN S. PAULS CATHEDRAL 237 PLAYS ACTED BY THE CHILDREN OF PAUL'S 239 LIST OF PREACHERS AT THE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES OF THREE GREAT RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES : CORPORATION OF THE SONS OF THE CLERGY FROM 1655 TO 1892 - 241 SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL FROM 1702 TO 1892 248 SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE FROM 1704 TO 1867 352 DESIDERATA. BOOKS NOT YET IN THE CATHEDRAL LIBRARY* BOOKS ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1501. Catherine [of Aragon], Queen Consort of Henry VIII., King of England [Divorce]. The traduction & mariage of the princesse (. . . Kateryne doughter to ... the kinge and quene of Spayne, etc.). [Being a programme of ceremonies appointed to be observed at the landing of the Princess, her entry into London, and her mar- riage with Arthur, Prince of Wales.] B.L., MS. Notes. R. Pynson [London, 1501]. 4to. [British Museum copy is imperfect ; wanting sig. 33 and 4, and b3 and 4 ; title-page mutilated. Without pagination.] J 533- Frith (John). A boke made by J. F. prisoner in the Tower of London, answeringe unto M. mores lettur which he wrote agenst the first litle treatyse that J. F. made concerninge the sacramente of the body and bloude of christ unto which boke are added . . . the articles of his examinacion before the bishoppes of London, Winchestur and lincolne, in Paules church at London, for which J. F. was condempned ad after buret in smithfelde the fourth daye of Juli . . . 1533. B.L. C. Willems, Monster. 1533. 8vo. (Without pagination.) 1566. Desainliens (Claude). The Frenche Littelton. A most easie, perfect and absolute way to learne the frenche tongue : newly set forth by C. Holliband [t.e. t C. Desainliens] teaching in Paules Churchyarde by the signe of the Lucrece, etc. T. Vautroullier, London, 1566. i6mo. 1595. Bankes (a Vintner in Cheapside). Maroccus Extaticus Or, Bankes Bay Horse in a Trance. A Discourse set downe in a merry Dialogue, between Bankes and his beast : Anatomizing some abuses and bad trickes of this age. By J. D. the wier- * The titles of these books are, with one or two exceptions, taken from the ' Catalogue of Books in the Library of the British Museum, printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of books in English printed abroad, to the year 1640.' By George Bullen, Keeper of the Department of Printed Books. Three volumes. 8vo. London, 1884. 232 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. drawer of Hadley, and H. R., head Ostler of Bosomes Inne. Printed for Cuthbert Burby [London], 1595. 4to. [Banks' horse was the subject of an allusion in Shakespeare's Lovers Labour's Lost, Act I., sc. 2. J. D. for John Dando, and H. R. for Harry Runt, are pseudonyms.] 1604. The Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie : or, The Walkes in Powles. B.L. Printed by T. C. and solde by M. Lawe, London, 1604. 4to. 1622. Farley (Henry). Portland-Stone in Paules-Church-yard. Their Birth, their Mirth, their Thankefulnesse, their Advertisement. [In verse.] Printed by G. E. for R. M., London, 1622. i6mo. (Without pagination.) 1631. Charles I., King. His Majesties Commission giving power to enquire of the Decayes of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, in London, and for the repairing of the same. (10 April, 1631.) R. Barker. . . . and the Assignes of J. Bill, London. 410., 1631. 1712. A Well-Timber'd POEM, on Her Sacred Majesty; Her Marble STATUE, and its Wooden Enclosure in Saint Paul's Church-yard. 8vo., London, 1712. [A copy is in the Guildhall Library.] PAULS CROSS SERMONS. 1553. Brooks, James (Bishop of Gloucester). A Sermon [on S. Matt. ix. 1 8] very notable, fruictefull and Godlie, made at Paules crosse, the xii. daie of Novebre in the first yere of Quene Marie . . . by J. Brokis &c. B.L. R. Caly. 8vo., London, 1553. 1554. The same Sermon, newly imprinted and somewhat augmented. B.L. R. Caly. 8vo., London, 1554. Jewel (John). A Replie unto M. Hardinges Answeare [to the Bishop's Sermon on i Cor. xi. 23, 'pronounced at Paules Crosse . . . 1560'] by perusinge whereof the discrete and dili- gent Reader may easily see the weake and onstable groundes of the Romaine Religion, whiche of late hath beene accompted Catholique. H. Wykes. Folio, London, 1565. I 57- Fox (John), the Martyrologist. A Sermon of Christ crucified [on 2 Cor. v. 20, 21] preached at Paules Crosse the Friday before Easter, commonly called Good fryday, etc. (The Prayer in this Sermon made for the Church, and all the states thereof. A postscripte to the papistes.) B.L. J. Daye. 4to., London, Newly recognished by the Authour. B.L. J. Daie. 8vo., London, 1575. Another edition. B.L. MS. Notes. J. Day. 8vo., London, 1577 DESIDERATA. 233 Another edition. B.L. Printed by the Assignes of R. Day. 8vo., London, 1585. Another edition. B.L. Printed for the Company of Stationers. 8vo. [London], 1609. 1571. Fox (John), the Marty rologist. De Christo Crucifixio concio (on 2 Cor. v. 20, 21). Jean Foxi. Apud J. Dayum, Londini, 1571, Octob. i. 410. 1571. B., E. A Sermon [on 2 Tim. iii. 16] preached at Pauls Crosse on Trinity Sunday, 1571. By E. B. B.L. J. Awdely. i6mo., London, 1576. 1580. Chaderton (Laurence). An excellent and godly sermon [on Matt. vii. 21-23] preached at Paules Crosse the xxvi. day of October, An. 1578, etc. B.L. C. Barker. 8vo., London, 1580. (Fifty-eight leaves, without pagination. Register, A.-H. ii.) 1578. Stockwood (John). A Sermon [on Acts x. 1-8] preached at Paules Crosse . . Wherin . . is . . prooved, that it is the part of all those that are fathers, householders, and schole-maisters, to instruct all those under their governement, etc. B.L. H. Bynneman for G. By shop. 8vo. London [1578]. 1578. White (Thomas). A Sermo [on Zeph. iii.] preached at Pawles Crosse on Sunday the thirde of November 1577, in the time of the plague by T. Wfhite]. B.L. F. Coldock. 8vo., London, 1578. 1581. Bisse (James). Two Sermons [on S. John vi. 27] preached the one at Paules Crosse the eight of Januarie 1580, the other at Christes Church in London the same day in the after noone. T. Woodcocke. 8vo., London, 1581. 1585. Another edition of this Sermon. R. Waldegrave for T. Woodcoke. 8vo., London, 1585. 1589. A most godly . . . Sermon [on Titus iii. i] preached at Pauls Crosse the 17. of November . . 1583. B.L. T. Orwin for T. Chard. 8vo., London, 1589. (Without pagination.) 1589. White (Thomas) (Founder of Sion College). A Sermon [on S. Luke iii. 10-14] preached at Paules Crosse the 17. of November An. 1589. In joyfull remembrance . . for the peaceable yeres of her Majesties . . Raigne over us, now 32. R. Robinson and T. Newman. 8vo. [London], 1589. 1591. Babington (Gervase) (successively Bishop of Llandaff, of Exeter, and of Worcester). A Sermon [on S. John vi. 37] preached at Paules Crosse ... in Mychaelmas tearme last, 1590. [Edited by H. Wilkinson.] B.L. T. Este. 8vo., London, 1591. 1592. Fisher (William). A Godly Sermon preached at Paules Crosse [on Malachi iii. 16, 17]. B.L. E. Allde, for E. Aggas. 8vo., London, 1592. (Without pagination). 234 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1 593- Playfere (Thomas). Hearts Delight. A Sermon [on Ps. xxxvii. 4] preached at Pauls Crosse ... in Easter Terme, 1593. J. Legatt. 8vo., London, 1611. **# Another edition. J. Legatt. 8vo., London, 1617. 1594. Dove (John). A Sermon [on i John ii. 18] preached at Pauls Crosse the 3. of November 1594, intreating of the second comming of Christ, and the disclosing of Antichrist, etc. P. Short, for W. Jaggard. i6mo. [London, 1594]. 1594. Lewes (R.) A Sermon [on Gen. xxvii. i-io] preached at Paules Crosse, . . . concerning Isaac and his Testament, dis- posed by the Lord to Jacobs comfort, though it were intended to Esau by his father, etc. B.L. J. Barnes. 8vo., Oxford, 1594. (Without pagination.) 1595. Hill (Adam). The Crie of England. A Sermon [on Gen. xviii. 21] preached at Paules Crosse in September 1593. E. Allde for B. Norton. 8vo., London, 1595. 1596. J. T. (minister of Gods Word). A Sermon [on S. James iv. 8] preached at Paules Crosse ... by I. T. minister of Gods Word. Printed by the Widow Orwin for R. Ockold. 8vo., London, 1596. (Without pagination.) 1597. Dove (John). A Sermon [on Ezekiel xxxiii. n] preached at Paules Crosse, the sixt of February, 1596, etc. [Printed for R. Dexter. London, 1597.] 8vo. i6or. Dove John). Of Divorcement. A sermon [on S. Matth. xix. 9] preached at Pauls Crosse the 10. of May, 1601. Printed by T. C. 8vo., London, 1601. 1603. H., J. Gods universal right proclaimed. A Sermon [on Ps. xxiv. i, 2] preached at Paules Crosse, the 27. of March, 1603, being the next Sunday after Her Majesties departure ; by Jfohn] Hfayward]. Imprinted ... for C. Burby. 8vo., London, 1603. 1607. Wilkinson (Robert). Lots Wife. A Sermon at Paules Crosse [on S. Luke xvii. 32]. By R. W. [/. f Adam Littleton ... Rector of Chelsea. 1689) 1690 f Thomas Linford ... Afternoon Preacher at Gray s Inn. 1691 Thomas Tennison ... Bishop of Lincoln, elect. 1692 Edward Fowler ... Bishop of Gloucester. 1693 Edward Lake ... ... Rector of S. Mary-at- Hill. 1694 fThomas Manningham Canon of Windsor. 1695 Thomas Whinsop ... Rector of S. Mary's, Abchurch. 1696* Zaccheus Isham ... Rector of S. Botolph's, Bishopsgate. AT S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1697 George Stanhope ... Chaplainin Ordinary to his Majesty. 1698 f Francis Atterbury ... Lecturer of S. Bride's? 1 This note is due to Mr. J. H. Markland, who about the year 1830 was the treasurer of the festival. I am permitted to print this list by the courtesy of the Registrar, Sir Paget Bowman. 3 See supra, p. 102. 3 Printed in Dr. Bury's Constant Communicant, second edition, 8vo. In the Gentleman 's Magazine, vol. lv., p. 63, it is stated that Dr. George Rust, Bishop of Dromore, was the preacher in 1682. 4 Printed in the fourth volume of his Thesaurus Theologicus, 8vo. 6 In 1698, music was, for the first time, introduced at this festival. PREACHERS AT FESTIVAL OF SONS OF THE CLERGY. 243 1699 1700* 1701 1702 1703* 1704 I75* 1706* 1707* 1708 1709* 1710* 1711* 1712 1713* 1714* 1715 1716* 1717* 1718 1719* 1720 1721 1722* 1723 1724 1725* 1726* 1727* 1728 1729 1730* 1731 1732* 1733 1734-5* 1735-6* 1737* 1738 William Assheton Richard West . . . fThomas Lamplugh , White Kennett Nathaniel Resbury Lilly Butler Thomas Spratt Roger Altham... Charles Trimnell Philip Bisse ... Francis Atterbury Thomas Sherlock Nathaniel Marshall . George Bell ... Henry Sacheverell Edmund Chishull William Savage Thomas Bisse ... William Lupton John Rogers ... Joseph Smith ... Joseph Trapp ... Daniel Waterland Powlett St. John William Delaune Samuel Edgley Joseph Roper ... Sir John Dolben, Bart, Michael Hutchinson . Robert Kilburn Ralph Bridecake Thomas Spateman Robert Warren Henry Stebbing Thomas Mangey George Lavington Philip Barton ... William Berryman Edmund Martin . . Rector of Beckenham. . . Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. . . Afterwards Prebendary of York. . . Archdeacon of Huntingdon. .. Rector of S. Paul's, Shadwell. .. S. Mary's, Aldermanbury. .. Archdeacon of Rochester. . . Rector of S. Botolph's, Bishop sgate. . . Rector of S. James's, Westminster. .. Fellow of New College, Oxford. . . Dean of Carlisle, and Preacher at the Rolls. .. Master of the Templet . . Rector of Finchley. . . Chaplain to the Lord Privy Seal. .. Rector of S. Andrew's, Holborn. .. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. . Rector of S. Andrew s, Wardrobe. . . Preacher at the Rolls. ,. Preacher of Lincoln's Inn. , . Rector of Wrington, Somersetshire. . . Rector of S. Dionis Backchurch. . . Rector of Dauntsey, Wilts. . Master of Magdalene College, Cam- bridge. ,. Rector of Yeldon, Bedfordshire? . . President of S. John's College, Ox- ford? , . Vicar of Wandsworth, Surrey. .. Rector of S. Nicholas, Cole Abbey, London. Prebendary of Durham. . Minister of Hammersmith. . Prebendary of S. Paul's. . Archdeacon of Winchester. . Prebendary of S. Paul's. . Rector of S. Mary's, Stratford-le- Bow. . Preacher of Gray's Inn. . Prebendary of Durham. . Canon Residentiary of S. Paul's. . Ca?wn of Christ Church, Oxford. . Rector of S. Andrew Undershaft. . Dean of Worcester. 1 Reprinted 1852, for the benefit of the Charity, by Joshua Watson, Esq., D.C.L. See supra, p. 114. - Printed in a volume of Fourteen Sermons on Practical Subjects, 8vo., p. 209. 1737- 3 Printed also in a volume of Twelve Sermons, 8vo., p. 268. 1723. 244 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1739* Edward Banyer 1740* Edmund Bateman 1741* Edward Yardley 1742 Isaac Maddox 1743 Edward Cobden 1744 Andrew Trebeck 1745 Henry Hervey Ashton 1746* Samuel Nichols 1747 tFrancis Ayscough 2 1748 tThomas Hayter 1 749 Sir G. Williams, Bart. . . 1750 tHenry Stebbing 1751* Arnold King ... 1752* James Townley r 753* Thomas Ashton J 754* John Butler J 755* Samuel Salter 1 75 6* Thomas Church 1757* Gloucester Ridley 1758 James Ibbetson 1759 Stotherd Abdy 1760 William Dodwell 1761* John Burton 1762 George Home 1763 Thomas Franklin 1764 Richard Hind 1765* James Halifax 1766 tCutts Barton 1767 Richard Eyre 1768 Robert Pool Finch .. 1769* Thomas Percy 1770 Peter Whalley 1771 William Parker 1772 Thomas Morrell Afternoon Preacher at Gray's Inn. Archdeacon of Lewes. Archdeacon of Cardigan. Bishop of S. Asaph. Archdeacon of London.'*- Rector of S. George's, Hanover Square. Rector of Shotley, Suffolk. Afterwards Master of the Temple. Archdeacon of York. Vicar of Islington, Middlesex. Fellow of Catherine Hall, Cam- bridge. Rector of S. Michael's, Cornhill, London. Rector of S. Benedict's, Grace- church, London. Rector of S. Botolph's, Bishopsgate? Chaplain to the Princess Dowager of Wales. Master of the Charterhouse^ Vicar ofBattersea, and Prebendary of S. Paul's. Minister of Poplar. Archdeacon of S. Alban's. Rector of They don Garnon, Essex. Archdeacon of Berks. Fellow of 'Eton . 5 Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxon. Vicar of Ware, Hertfordshire. Rector of Sheering, Essex. Vicar of Ewell, Surrey. Dean of Bristol. Rector of Bright Waltham, Berks. Rector of S. Michael's, Cornhill, London. Vicar of Easton Maudit, North- amptonshire. Rector of S. Gabriel's, Fenchurch Street, London. Rector of S.James's, Westminster* Rector of Buckland, Herts. 1757- Printed in a volume of Poems, and Twenty-eight Sermons, 4to., p. 53. At this rehearsal Prince George and Prince Edward were present. Printed in a volume of Twenty-one Sermons, 8vo., p. 27. 1770. Preached extempore. Printed in vol. ii. of Occasional Sermons, 8vo., p. 97. 1766. The Rev. Mr. Tilson, of Richmond, Surrey, gave ^200 to try the experiment of a rehearsal of the music in a church or chapel at the west end of the town. S. George's, Hanover Square, was the church selected. PREACHERS AT FESTIVAL OF SONS OF THE CLERGY. 245 '773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781* 1782 1783 1784 1785* 1786* 1787 1788 1789* 1790 1791 1792* 1793" 1794* 1795* I 79 6* 1797* I 79 8* 1799* 1800 1801* 1802 1803* 1804 1805* 1806 1807* 1808* 1809* 1810* 1811* 1812 1813 1814 1815 Samuel Glasse tjosiah Tucker Andrew Burnaby Beilby Porteus James Cornwallis John Warren ... Robert Richardson ... John Law Robert Markham William Jones... Richard Kay tSamuel Carr Thomas Jackson Samuel Horsley Anthony Hamilton Phipps Western William Vincent Durand Rhudde Joseph Holden Pott ... Richard Nicoll Griffith Griffith William Langford Charles P. Layard Thomas Rennell George Gretton Gerard Andrewes Charles Moss ... H. W. Majendie William L. Bowles George Henry Law ... George H. Glasse Robert Hodgson Charles Barker Robert Price ... William Coxe Francis Randolph Sir Henry Rivers, Bart. J. S. Clarke ... William Douglas Charles Burney Hon. Henry Ryder ... Henry Phillpotts George Mathew Chaplain in Ordinary to liis Majesty. Dean of Gloucester. Vicar of Greenwich)- Rector of Lambeth. Dean of Canterbury. Prebendary of Ely. Rector of S. Anne's, Westminster. Archdeacon of Rochester. Rector of S. Mary's, Whitechapel. Rector of Paston, Northampton shire. Archdeacon of Nottingham. Rector of Finchley, Middlesex. Prebendary of Westminster. Archdeacon of S. Albaris. Archdeacon of Colchester. Canon Residentiary of Wells. Sub-Almoner to his Majesty. Rector of Brantham and Wenham y Suffolk. Archdeacon of S. Alban's. Chancellor of Wells. Rector of S. Mary-le-Bow, London. Canon of Windsor. Prebendary of Worcester. Prebendary of Winchester. Vicar of Dartmouth, Devonshire. Rector of S. James 's, Westminster. Canon Residentiary of S. Paul's. Bishop of Chester. Rector of Dumbleton, Gloucester- shire. Prebendary of Carlisle. Rector of Hanwell, Middlesex. Rector of S. George s, Hanover Square. Canon Residentiary of Wells. Prebendary of Durham. Archdeacon of Wilts, and Canon Residentiary of Sarum. Prebendary of Bristol. Vicar of Preston, Sussex. Prebendary of Westminster. Rector of S. Paul's, Deptford. Dean of Wells. Prebendary of Durham. Vicar of Greenwich. Printed in a volume of Occasional Sermons, 8vo., p. 39. 1777- 246 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1816* 1817* 1818* 1819* 1820* 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826* 1827 1828* 1829* 1830* 1831* 1832 1833 1834* 1835 1836* 1837 1838* 1839* 1840 1841* 1842 1843* 1844* 1845 1846* 1847* 1848 1849* 1850 1851* 1852 1853 1854 John Cole Laurence Gardner D. W. Garrow Charles Goddard Robert Stevens Thomas Rennell Charles J. Blomfield . George D'Oyly John B. Jenkinson James Henry Monk . Christopher Benson .. John Hume Spry P. N. Shuttleworth .. Charles Webb Le Bas Edmund Goodenough George Chandler William Dealtry George Davys ... John Merewether George Pellew Hugh N. Pearson Thomas Calvert John Lonsdale Lord John Thynne .. W. T. P. Brymer W. Hale Hale Samuel Wilberforce .. George Butler ... Henry Melvill R. W. Jelf ... J. Giffard Ward Henry Howarth Thomas Dale ... Edward M. Goulburn . . Charles Musgrave Charles John Vaughan G. B. Blomfield John Sinclair ... John Bird Sumner . . Rector of Exeter College, Oxford. .. Minister of Curzon Chapel, London. ,. Rector of East Barnet, Herts. .. Archdeacon of Lincoln. . . Rector of S.James s, Garlick Hythe. . . Vicar of Kensington. . . Archdeacon of Colchester. ,. Rector of Lambeth, and Sundridge, Kent. , . Dean of Worcester. . . Dean of Peterborough. , . Prebendary of Worcester. , . Rector of S. Marylebone. . Warden of New College, Oxford. Rector of S. Paul's, Shadwell. Prebendary of Westminster. . Dean of Chichester}- . Prebendary and Chancellor of Winchester. . Dean of Chester. . Dean of Hereford? . Dean of Norwich. . Dean of Salisbury. . Warden of Manchester Collegiate Church. . Preacher of Lincoln's Inn. . Prebendary of Westminster. . Archdeacon of Bath. . Archdeacon of London. . Archdeacon of Surrey. . Dean of Peterborough. . Principal of E. I. College, Hailey- bury. . Canon of Christ Church. . Dean of Lincoln. . Rector of S. George s, Hanover Square. . Vicar of S. Pancras. . Perpetual Curate of Holywell, Ox- ford. . Archdeacon of Craven. Headmaster of Harrow School? . Rector of Stevenage, Herts. . Archdeacon of Middlesex. . Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.^ 1 Second edition, printed in 8vo. 1832. ' 2 Queen Adelaide was present at this Festival. 3 Printed also in a volume of Sermons, 8vo., p. 177. 1851. 4 His Royal Highness, the late Prince Consort, was present at this the Bicen- tenary Festival. PREACHERS AT FESTIVAL OF SONS OF THE CLERGY. 247 1855 Charles A. Thurlow ... 1856 James Amiraux Jeremie 1857 Henry Alford ... 1858 Thomas Gamier 1859 Daniel Moore ... 1860 Archibald Boyd 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 i875 1876* 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 William Carus Anthony W. Thorold... Hon. Augustus Dun- combe Walter Farquhar Hook Harvey Goodwin William G. Humphry... J. R. Woodford John Saul Howson Thomas James Rowsell Henry Parry Liddon . . . J. C. Miller ... James Moorhouse Francis J. Holland William Connor Magee Frederic W. Farrar ... William Boyd Carpenter Ernest R. Wilberforce James Fleming Edward Carr Glyn Charles Marson Henry Montagu Butler Edward White Benson S. Reynolds Hole Arthur J. Mason Randall T. Davidson ... John Gott J. E. C. Welldon John G. Richardson ... Charles J. Ridge way ... Edward S. Talbot William C. E. Newbolt Alfred George Edwards Chancellor of Chester. Regius Prof, of Divinity, Cambridge. Dean of Canterbury. Rector of Trinity Church, Maryle- bone. Incumbent of Camden Church, Cambenvell. Incumbent of Paddington, and Hon. Canon of Gloucester. Canon of Winchester. Rector of S. Giles-in-the- Fields. Dean of York. Dean of Chichester. Dean of Ely. 1 Prebendary of S. Paul's. Vicar of Kempsford, Gloucester- shire. Dean of Chester. Rector of S. Margarefs, Lothbury. Canon of S. PauVs. Canon of Worcester. vicar of Paddington. Minister of Quebec Chapel. Bishop of Peterborough: 1 Headmaster of Marlborough College. Vicar of S. fames s, Lower Hol- loivay. Vicar of Seaforth, Liverpool. Canon of York Vicar of Kensington. Vicar of Clevedon, Somerset. Headmaster of Harrow School, and Prebendary of S. Paul's. Bishop of Truro. Prebendary of Lincoln and Vicar of Caunton, Notts. Vicar of Allhallows, Barking. Dean of Windsor. Dean of Worcester. Headmaster of Harrow School. Vicar of S. Mary's, Nottingham. Vicar of Christ Church, Lancaster Gate. Vicar of Leeds. Canon of S. Paul's. Bishop of S. Asaph. 1 His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was present at this Festival. * The Sermon was preached extempore, and not published. 2 4 8 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL. 1702 Richard Willis ... 1703 t William Lloyd ... 1704 Gilbert Burnet ... 1705 John Hough 1706 John Williams ... 1707 William Beveridge 1708 William Stanley ... 1709 Sir William Dawes 1710 Charles Trimnell 1711 William Fleetwood 1712 White Kennet ... 1713 John Moore 1714 George Stanhope 1715 St. George Ash ... 1716 Thomas Sherlock 1717 Thomas Hayley ... 1718 Philip Bisse 1719 Edward Chandler 1720 Samuel Bradford 1721 Edward Waddington 1722 Hugh Boulter ... 1723 John Waugh 1724 Thomas Green ... 1725 John Wynne 1726 Joseph Wilcocks 1727 John Leng 1728 Richard Reynolds 1729 Henry Egerton ... 1730 Zachary Pearce ... 1731 John Denne 173 2 George Berkeley 1733 Richard Srnalbroke 1734 Isaac Maddox ... 1735 Francis Hare 1736 John Lynch 1737 Nicolas Claggett . . . 1738 Thomas Herring 1739 Joseph Butler ... 1740 Martin Benson ... 1741 Thomas Seeker ... 1742 Henry Stebbing ... 1743 Matthias Mawson 1744 John Gilbert 1745 Philip Bearcroft ... 1746 Matthew Hutton ... Dean of Lincoln. . . . Bishop of Worcester. Salisbury. ,, Lichfield and Coventry. Chichester. -5". Asaph. ... Dean of S. Asaph. ... Bishop of Chester. Norwich. S. Asaph. ... Dean of Peterborough. ... Bishop of Ely. . . . Dean of Canterbury. . . . Bishop of Clogher. . . . Dean of Chichester. . . . Residentiary of Chichester. . . . Bishop of Hereford. Lichfield and Coventry. Carlisle. . . . Afterwards Bishop of Chichester. . . . Bishop of Bristol. . . . Dean of Gloucester. ... Bishop of Ely. S. Asaph. Gloucester. Norwich. ,, Lincoln. ., Hereford. ... Afterwards Bishop of Rochester. ... Archdeacon of Rochester. ... Dean of Londonderry. ... Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. ... Dean of Wells. . . . Bishop of Chichester. . . . Dean of Canterbury. . . . Bishop of S. David's. Bangor. ,, Bristol. Gloucester. Oxford. . . . Chancellor of Salisbury. ... Bishop of Chichester. ,, Llandaff. . . . Secretary of the Society. . . . Bishop of Bangor. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL. 249 1747 John Thomas 1748 Samuel Lisle 1749 William George ... 1750 Richard Trevor 1751 John Thomas 1752 Richard Osbaldistone .. 1753 Edward Cresset 1754 Robert H. Drummond .. 1755 Thomas Hayter ... 1756 Frederick Cornwallis 1757 Edmund Keene 1758 James Johnson 1759 Antony Ellis 1760 Sir William Ashburnham 1761 Richard Newcome 1762 John Hume 1 T&3 John Egerton 1764 Richard Terrick 1765 Philip Yonge 1766 William Warburton 1767 John Ewer 1768 John Green 1769 Thomas Newton 1770 Frederick Keppel 1771 Robert Lowth 1772 Charles Moss T 773 Jonathan Shipley 1774 Edmund Law T 775 Shute Barrington 1776 John HinchclirTe 1777 William Markham 1778 Brownlow North *779 James York 1780 John Thomas 1781 Richard Kurd 1782 John Moore 1783 Beilby Porteus 1784 John Butler 1785 John Ross 1786 Thomas Thurlow 1787 John Warren 1788 James Cornwallis 1789 Samuel Halifax ... 1790 Lewis Bagot 1791 Edward Smallwell 1792 George Pretyman J 793 John Douglas 1794 William Cleaver 1795 Samuel Horsley 1796 Richard Beadon . Bishop of Lincoln. S. Asaph. Dean of Lincoln. . Bishop of S. David's. , , Peterborough . Carlisle. Llandaff. S. Asaph. Nonvich. Lichfield and Coventry. Chester. Gloucester. S. David 1 s. Chichester. Llandaff. Oxford. Bangor. Peterborough. Norwich. Gloucester. Llandaff. Lincoln. Bristol. Exeter. Oxford. S. David's. S. Asaph. Carlisle. Llandaff. Peterborough. . Archbishop of York. . Bishop of Worcester. S. David's. Rochester. Lichfield and Coventry. Bangor. Chester. Oxford. Exeter. Lincoln. Bangor. Lichfield and Coventry. Gloucester. Norwich. Oxford. Lincoln. ,, Salisbury. Chester. Rochester. Gloucester. 250 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. 1797 Charles Manners Sutton 1798 Edward Venables Vernon 1799 Spencer Madan ... 1800 Henry R. Courtney 1 80 1 Ffol. H. W. Come wall ... 1802 John Buckner 1803 John Randolph ... 1804 Henry W. Majendie 1805 George Is. Huntingford . . . 1806 Thomas Dampier 1807 George Pelham ... 1808 Thomas Burgess 1809 John Fisher 1810 Henry Bathurst ... 1811 John Luxmore ... 1812 Samuel Goodenough 1813 William L. Mansell 1814 Bowyer Sparke ... 1815 William Jackson 1 8 1 6 George Henry Law 1817 William Howley ... 1818 John Parsons ... ... 1819 Henry Ryder 1820 Edward Legge 1821 Herbert Marsh 1822 William Van Mildert 1823 John Kaye 1824 William Carey ... 1825 Christopher Bethell 1826 Robert James Carr 1827 Charles James Blomfield 1828 John B. Jenkinson 1829 Charles R. Sumner ... 1830 Robert Gray 1831 Hugh Percy 1832 George Murray ... .. 1833 Edward Copleston 1834 John Bird Sumner 1835 Richard Bagot 1836 James Henry Monk 1837 Edward Maltby 1838 Henry Phillpotts 1839 Joseph Allen 1840 William Otter 1841 Charles T. Longley 1842 Edward Denison 1843 tEdward Stanley 1844 Thomas Musgrave 1845 George Davys 1846 Connop Thirl wall Bishop of Norwich. Carlisle. Peterborough. Exeter. Bristol. Chichester. Oxford. Chester. ,, Gloucester. Rochester. Bristol S. David's. ,, Salisbury. Norwich. Hereford. Carlisle. Bristol. Ely. Oxford. Chester. London. Peterborough. Gloucester. Oxford. Peterborough. Llandaff. Bristol. Exeter. Gloucester. Chichester. Chester. S. David's. Winchester. Bristol. Carlisle. Rochester. ,, Llandaff. Archbishop of Canterbury. Bishop of Oxford. Gloucester. Durham. Exeter. Ely. Chichester. Ripon. Salisbury. Norwich. Hereford. Peterborough. S. David's. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL. 251 1847 Henry Pepys 1848 Ashurst T. Gilbert 1849 tjohn Lonsdale 1850 Samuel Wilberforce 1851 Thomas Vowler Short ... 1852 S. A. McCoskry 1852 Samuel Wilberforce 1853 James Prince Lee 1854 t Richard Whateley 1855 tRenn D. Hampden 1856 tjohn Graham 1857 t Walter Kerr Hamilton ... 1858 tWilliam Higgin 1859 tLord Auckland 1 860 tMontague Villiers 1 86 1 tRobert Bickersteth 1862 tjames Colquhoun Camp- bell 1863 t Marcus Gervaise Beresford 1864 tjohn Jackson 1865 tjoseph C. Wigram 1866 tHenry Philpott 1867 Charles James Ellicott ... 1868 tE. Harold Browne 1869 tGeorge Augustus Selwyn 1870 t Harvey Goodwin 1871 tjames Fraser 1872 tFrederick Temple 1873 William Alexander 1874 tjames Russell Woodford 18 75 tjames Atlay 1876 tjohn Fielder Mackarness 1877 tLord Arthur Charles Hervey 1878 tRobert Bickersteth 1879 tWilliam Basil Jones 1880 tThomas Legh Claughton 1 88 1 Richard Burn ford 1882 Harvey Goodwin 1883 tErnest Rowland Wilber- force 1884 G. T. Bedell 1885 tBoyd Carpenter 1886 Edward King 1887 W. S. Perry 1888 W. C. Doane 1889 tFrancis John Jayne 1890 William Connor Magee ... 1891 William Alexander 1892 Edgar Jacob Bishop of Worcester. Chichester. Lichfield. Oxford. ,, S. Asaph. Michigan, U.S. Oxford (Jubilee). Manchester. Archbishop of Dublin. Bishop of Hereford. Chester. Salisbury. Derry. Bath and Wells. Carlisle. Ripon. Bangor. Archbishop of Armagh. Bishop of Lincoln. Rochester. Worcester. Gloucester and Bristol. Ely. Lichfield. Carlisle. Manchester. Exeter. Derry. Ely. Hereford. Oxford. Bath and Wells. Ripon. S. David's. S. Albarts. Chichester. Carlisle. Newcastle. Ohio. Ripon. Lincoln. Iowa, U.S. Albany, U.S. Chester. Peterborough. Derry. Canon of Winchester. 252 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. 1 7 04* Richard Willis 1705 George Stanhope 1706 White Kennet 1707* Francis Gastrel 1708" Robert Moss 1709* Samuel Bradford 1710 George Smalridge 1711* Andrew Snape ... 1712 Lord Willoughby de Broke 1713* Sir William Dawes 1714* John Robinson 1715 William Wake 1716* Edmund Gibson 1717* William Talbot 1718 William Lupton ... 1719 Thomas Sherlock 1720 Dr. Knight 1721 Nathanael Marshall 1722* Hugh Boulter 1723 Daniel Waterland 1724 Thomas Wilson ... 1725 William Berriman 1726* Thomas Mangey 1727 -Watson 1728 Thomas Yalden 1 7 29* John Rogers 1730 Samuel Peploe 1731 Joseph Wilcox 1732 Henry Stebbing ... J 733* Robert Clavering 1734 John Heylyn 1735 Zachary Pearce ... 1736 John Denne 1737 John Thomas J 73^ John Conybeare ... 1739 Nicolas Clagett ... 1740 John Thomas 1741 Isaac Maddox 1742 Joseph Trapp 1743* Thomas Seeker ... 1744 Matthew Hutton T 745 Joseph Butler 1746* George Lavington Dean of Lincoln. Canterbury. Archdeacon of Huntingdon. Canon of Christchurch. Afterwards Dean of Ely. Afterwards Bishop of Rochester. Bristol. Afterwards Canon of Windsor. Afterwards Dean of Windsor. Bishop of Chester. London. Lincoln. Lincoln. Salisbury. Prebendary of Durham. Dean of Chichester. Afterwards Canon of Windsor. Bishop of Bristol, Master of Magdalen College^ Cam- bridge. Bishop of Sodor and Man. Fellow of Eton. Prebendary of Durham. Prebendary of Chumleigh, Devon. Bishop of Chester. Gloucester. Preacher at Gray's Inn. Bishop of Peterborough. Afterwards Prebendary of West- minster. Bishop of Rochester. Archdeacon of Rochester. Dean of Christchurch. S. David's. Peterborough. Bishop of S. Asaph. Rector of Harlington. Bishop of Oxford. Bangor. Bristol. Residentiary of S. Paul's. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. 253 1747 Richard Trevor ... 1748 Philip Bearcroft ... 1749 Samuel Squire ... 1750 Edward Yardley ... 1751 Thomas Church . . . J 75 2 John Chapman ... 1753 Robert H. Drummond 1754 John Cobden J 755* Thomas Hayter ... 1756 Samuel Nicolls J 757 Glocester Ridley 1758* 1759* 1760 1761* 1762* 1763* 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771* 1772 1773 1774* 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779* 1780 1781 1782 1783* 1784* 1785* 1786* 1787* 1788* 1789* 1790* 1791* William Dodwell John Burton Thomas Ashton ... Thomas Negus . . Frederick Cornwallis Patrick Delany ... Sir Peter Rivers, Bart. Thomas Newton Josiah Tucker ... Edmund Keene ... William Worthington Philip Yonge Richard Eyre James Hallifax ... Edward Bentham John Green Robert Pool Finch Newton Ogle Dr. Kaye Jonathan Shipley Anthony Hamilton Robert Markham John Butler William Parker ... Beilby Porteus ... George Home ... William Vincent James York John Hinchcliffe James Chelsum ... Lewis Bagot Samuel Halifax ... Brownlow North Samuel Glasse 1792* John Warren 1793* Samuel Horsley Bishop of S. David's. Secretary of S.P.G. Archdeacon of Bath. Cardigan. Prebendary of S. Paul's. Archdeacon of Sudbury. Bishop of S. Asaph. Archdeacon of London. Bishop of Norwich. Master of the Temple. Aftenvards Prebendary of Salis- bury. Residentiary of Salisbury. Fellow of Eton. Fellow of Eton. Rector of S. Mary's, Rotherhithe. Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. Dean of Down. Rector of Woolwich. Bishop of Bristol. Dean of Gloucester. Bishop of Chester. Prebendary of York. Bishop of Norwich. Rector of Bright Waltham, Berks. Cheddington, Bucks. Regius Professor of Divinity, Ox- ford. Bishop of Lincoln. Dean of Winchester. Sub-Almoner to his Majesty. Bishop of S. Asaph. Archdeacon of Colchester. Rector of S. Marys, Whitechapel. Bishop of Oxford. Rector of S. James's, Piccadilly. Bishop of Chester. Dean of Canterbury. Sub-Almoner to his Majesty. Bishop of Ely. Peterborough. Rector of Droxford, Hants. Bishop of Norwich. ,, S. Asaph. Winchester. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. , Bishop of Bangor. S. Asaph. 254 LIBRARY OF S. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. J 794* Joseph Holden Pott 1795* Henry R. Courtenay 1796* George Is. Huntingford ... 1797* John Law 1798* Henry Whitfield 1799* Thomas Rennell 1800* John Buckner 1 80 1* Thomas Lewis O'Beirne 1802* John Randolph ... 1803* Robert Gray 1804* George Pretyman 1805* George Pelham ... 1806* John Fisher 1807* George Owen Cambridge 1808* John Chappel Woodhouse 1809* Charles Daubeny 1810* Henry Bathurst 1811* Herbert Marsh 1812* Whittington Landon 1813* George Henry Law 1814* William Howley 1815* Charles Henry Hall 1816* Robert Hodgson 1817* Christopher Bethell 1818* James Hook 1819* William Stanley Goddard 1820* William Van Mildert ... 1821* Henry Ryder 1822* John Kaye 1 823* Reginald Heber 1824* William Carey ... 1825* Richard Mant 1826* Charles R. Sumner 1827* Charles James Blomfield 1828* John B. Jenkinson 1829* Edward Copleston 1830* James Henry Monk 1831* John Inglis 1832* Hugh Percy 1833* Edward Grey 1834* John Bird Sumner 1835* Robert James Carr 1836* Lord John George Beres- ford 1837* William Otter ... 1838* George Murray ... 1839* Edward Maltby ... 1840* Richard Bagot 1841* Joseph Allen 1842* Charles T. Longley Archdeacon of St. Alban's. Bishop of Bristol. Warden of Winchester College. Archdeacon of Rochester. Rector of S. Margarets, Lothbury Master of the Temple. Bishop of Chichester. Meath. Oxford. Bristol. ,, Lincoln. Bristol. Exeter. Archdeacon of Middlesex. Dean of Lichfield. Archdeacon of Salisbury. Bishop of Norwich. Peterborough, Provost of Worcester. Bishop of Chester. Archbishop of Canterbury. Dean of Christchurch. Chester. Bishop of Bangor. Archdeacon of Huntingdon. Prebendary of S. Paul's. Bishop of Durham. Gloucester. Lincoln. Calcutta. Exeter. ,, Down and Connor. ,, Winchester. ,, London. S. David's. Llandaff. Gloucester and Bristol. Nova Scotia. Carlisle. Hereford. Archbishop of Canterbury. Bishop of Worcester. Archbishop of Armagh. Bishop of Chichester. Rochester. Durham. Bath and Wells. Ely. Ripon. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. 255 1843* Edward Denison ... Bishop of Salisbury. 1844* Connop Thirl wall S. David's. 1845* George Davys ... ... Peterborough. 1846 Henry Pepys ... ... Worcester. 1847 Ashurst T. Gilbert ... Chichester. 1848 John Lonsdale Lichfield. 1849 Samuel Wilberforce ... Oxford. 1850 Thomas Vowler Short ... S. Asaph. 1851 John Bird Sumner ... Archbishop of Canterbury. 1852 Renn D. Hampden ... Bishop of Hereford. 1853 John Graham ... ... Chester. 1854 James Price Lee ... Manchester. 1855 Alfred Ollivant Llandaff. 1856 John Jackson Lincoln. 1857 No sermon is printed in report ; probably none delivered. 1858 Walter Kerr Hamilton ... Bishop of Salisbury. 1859 Henry Montagu Villiers ... Carlisle. 1860 No sermon is printed in report. 1 86 1 Lord Auckland Bishob of Bath and Wells. 1862 Charles Baring Durham. 1863 William Thomson ... Archbishop of York. 1864 Robert Bickersteth ... Bishop of Ripon. 1865 James Colquhoun Camp- bell Bangor. 1866 James Cohon Wigram ... Rochester. 1867 Harvey Goodwin" ... Carlisle. ** From this date no sermons were preached till 1879 Joseph Barber Lightfoot, Bishop of Durham. Sermon preached in November at S. Martin-in-the-Fields, on the opening of the Society's New House in Northumberland Avenue. CATALOGVS LIBROR.VM s. PAY LI EXPLICIT FELIClTER IN IPSO BEAT I PAVLI PATRON! NOSTR! FESTO. INDEX. INDEX. A. ABBOT, Bishop, portrait, 219 Abdy, Stotherd, 244 Abercrombie, Lieutenant-General Sir Ralph, monument, 205-206 Act for Abolishing of Deans, etc. , 74 Acton, John, tomb, 178 Adams, J., 108, no Thomas, Lord Mayor, 100 Thomas, 90, 91, 94, 236 Adelaide, Queen, funeral of, 139 yEsop, Select Fables of, 77 Aggas' map of London, 161 Aikin, Edmund, 78 Ailesbury, Thomas, 94 Alban, 8., the Abbey of, 82 Wood Street, hour glass at, 218 Albert Hall, medal, 1874, 225 Aldermanbury, parish of, 151 Aldersgate Street, old houses in, 216 Aldgate, old houses in, 217 Alesius (or Hales), Alexander, 49 Alexander, William, Bishop of Derry, 25 1 Alford, Henry, Dean of Canterbury, 247 Allen, Joseph, Bishop of Ely, 250, 254 All Hallows, Barking, 145 Allyn, William, 25 Alost, Guillaume de Branteghem de, 28 Alphabet of Prayers, 44 Alsop, Vincent, 119 Altar Frontal, 197 Altham, Roger, 243 Anderson, Anthony, 31 Andrew, S., Holborn, 145 Andrewes, Gerard, 245 John, 94 Lancelot, Bishop, 106, 114 Anne, Queen, at S. Paul's, 108, 109, 1 10 her statue, 208, 232 Annesley, Samuel, 102 Antiphonale, 59 Arber, Edward, 19, 154, 155 Arcade round S. Paul's, Wren's design, 214 Archdeacon of London, his seal, 221 Archer, Charles May bury, 126 John Wykeham, 139 Ar gy le > Jesse, 143 Arithmseus, Valens, 72 Arkell, George E., 143 Army's Martyr, The, 73 Arraignment of Superstition, The, 73 Arthur, Prince of Wales, his marriage, 231 Artist's Corner, the, in the crypt, 196 Ash, S. George, Bishop of Cl'ogher, 248 Simeon, 100 Ashbee, Edmund W., 133 Ashburnham House, views of, 217 Sir William, Bishop of Chichester, 249 Ashton, Henry Hervey, 244 Thomas, 244, 253 Assertio Septem Sacramentorum, 51 Asses' Skin Memorandum Book, 78 Assheton, William, 243 At lay, James, Bishop of Hereford, 251 Atterbury, Francis, 109, no, 242, 243 Aubrey, William, tomb, 179 Auckland, Lord, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 251, 255 Audenard, thanksgiving for victory at, no Aungier's History of Sion Monastery, 67 Austin Friars, Dutch Church, 142 old house in, 217 Austyne, S., the Reule of, 67 Autograph signatures of kings, queens, etc., 127, 221 Aves, Ernest, 143 Avicenna, manuscript treatises of, 67 Aylmer, Bishop, portrait, 219 Ayscough, Francis, 244 260 INDEX. B. BABINGTON, Gervase, Bishop, 87, 88, 233 Bach's Passion music in S. Paul's, 203 Bacon, John, sculptor, 205, 206 Sir Nicholas, tomb, 178 Baddeley, John James, 147 Bagot, Lewis, Bishop of Norwich, 253 Richard, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 250, 254 Bainbridge, Christopher, Archbishop of York, 62 Baker, Thomas, socius ejectus, 55 Baldachino for S. Paul's, model of, 215 Baldock, Ralph, Bishop of London, his seal, 221 Bale, John, Bishop, 28, 50 Balfour, Graham, 143 Balnaves, Sir Henry, 52 Bancroft, Richard, Archbishop of Can- terbury, 87, 235 his portrait, 219 Bankes' Bay Horse, 231 Banks, Thomas, sculptor, 206 Banyer, Edward, 244 Barber Surgeons' Company, ix, 153 their hall, 136 Bardsley, Charles W., 144 Barham, Richard Harris, 78, 79 Baring, Charles, Bishop of Durham, 255 Barker, Charles, Canon of Wells, 245 Laurence, 98 Matthew, 101 Barking Abbey, 210 Barlow, William, Bishop of Rochester, 88, 89 Barnard's Inn, views of, 216 Barrington, Shute, Bishop of Llandaff, 249 Bartholomew, S., Exchange, 145, 148 the Great, 146, 216 Barton, Cutts, Dean of Bristol, 244 Barton, Philip, 243 Barwick, John, Dean of S. Paul's, 106, 114 his portrait, 220 Peter, 114 Baskerville, Sir Simon, tomb, 180 Basset, William, 152 Bassett, Fulk, Bishop of London, his seal, 221 Bastwick, John, Doctor of Phisicke, 150, 151 . Bateman, Edmund, Archdeacon of Lewes, 244 Bathurst, Henry, Bishop of Norwich, 250, 254 Bauerkeller's Embossed Plan of Lon- don, 166 Baughe, Thomas, 98 Baxter, Richard, 105 Bayly, Edward Hodges, sculptor, 206 Baynard's Castle Ward, 84, 164 Beadon, Richard, Bishop of Gloucester, 249 Beames, Richard de, I., Bishop of London, his seal, 221 Richard de, II., Bishop of London, his seal, 221 Bear Bible, The, 7 Bear, The Chained, Lower Thames Street, 218 Bearcroft, Philip, secretary S.P.G., 248, 253 Beauchamp, Sir John, tomb, 178 Beaufoy, H. B. H., 139 Becke, Edmund, 9 Beckford, Alderman, 137 Bedell, G. T., Bishop of Ohio, 251 Bedford, Thomas, 93 Bedingfield, Robert, 95 Bedlam, New, 170 B., E., Paul's Cross Sermon, 233 Bell, George, 243 Bellers, Fulk, 101 Bells, Great Paul, 83, 198 service at the dedication of the peal, 82 Surrey, 142 Bennet, Thomas, funeral of, 109, 1 10, I 5 I Bennet's Hill, sculptured figure, 209 Bennett, Robert, 32 Benson, Christopher, Prebendary of Worcester, 246 Edward White, Archbishop of Canterbury, 247 George, 90 Martin, Bishop of Gloucester, 248 Bentham, Edmund, 253 Bentinck, George Cavendish, 128 Bentley, Samuel, 155, 222 Beresford, Lord John George, Arch- bishop of Armagh, 254 Marcus Gervaise, Archbishop of Armagh, 251 Berkeley, George, Dean of London- derry, 248 Bermondsey, old houses in, 217 Berriman, William, 252 Berryman, William, 243 Bethell, Christopher, Bishop of Bangor, 250, 254 Bethlehem Hospital, 137 Bettany, G. T., 144 Beveridge, William, Bishop of S. Asaph, 152, 242, 248 BIBLE, see also Testament- Polyglots, 3, 4 Hebrew Texts, 4 Greek Versions, 5 INDEX. 261 BIBLES continued. Latin, 5, 6 German, 6 Dutch, 6 Spanish, 6 English, 7, 14 Coverdale's, 7, 9, 10 Matthew's, 7, 9, 10 Tyndale, 7 Bear Bible, 7 Bug Bible, 7 Cranmer's, 8-12 Parker's, or the Bishops', 12 Genevan, 12 Breeches, 13 Authorised, 13 Taverner's, 29 Bible, Parts of, 26-32 Bible Histories, 1536, 27 Bibliotheca Militum, 74 Bickersteth, Robert, Bishop of Ripon, .251, 255 Billings, R. W., drawing by, 128 Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester, 88 Binny, John, 140 Birch, Walter de Gray, 142 Bird, Thomas, sculptor, 214, 227 Birkenhead, Sir John, 73 Bishop, proceedings at election and installation of, 84 Bishops' Book, the, 49 Bishops of the Anglican Church, con- ference, 82 Bisse, James, 86, 233 Philip, Bishop of Hereford, 243, 248 Thomas, 243 Bisset, William, 125 Bitton, Thomas de, Bishop of Exeter, 81 Black, William Henry, 154 Blackall, Ofspring, Bishop of Exeter, 108, no Blackfriars, parish of, 146 Bridge, medal commemorating opening, 224 Doleful Evensong, 133, 135 Blenheim, thanksgiving for victory at, 1 08 Blomfield, Charles James, Bishop of London, 246, 250, 254 G. B., 246 Bolton, Robert, 96 Bonaventura, 48 Boniface, Archbishop, 80, 210 Bonner, Edmund, Bishop of London, 51 his seal, 221 his portrait, 219 Bookbinding, specimens of, 210 Book of Common Prayer. See Prayer Booth, Charles, 143 William, called 'General,' 144 Botolph, S., Bishopsgate, registers of, 146 Boughen, Edward, 96 Boulter, Hugh, Bishop of Bristol, 248, 252 Bourne, Immanuel, 92, 94 Bowen, Thomas, 137 Bowes, Major-General Bernard Foord, monument, 206 Bowie, John, Dean of Salisbury, 98 Bowies' Plan of London, 165 Bowles, Edward, 101 William L., 245 Bow-Steeple Dragon and the Exchange Grasshopper, 136 Bowman, Sir Paget, 242 Boyd, Archibald, Prebendary of Gloucester, 247 Brabazon, Roger, Canon, tomb, 179 Brabourne, William, 46 Bradford, Samuel, no Samuel, Bishop of Rochester, 248, 252 Bradley, Langley, clockmaker, 121 Brant, Sebastian, 48 Braun's Map of London, 167 Braybroke, Sir Gerard, 72 -.Robert de, Bishop of London, tomb, 179 his seal, 221 'Breeches Bible,' 13 BREVIARIUM Aberdonense, reprint, 63 Aurelianense, 58 ad usum Carmelitarum, 58 Cisterciense, 60 Eboracense, reprint, 62 Herfordense, reprint, 62 Leodiense, 58 Monasticum, 46, 58 Parisiense, 58 fratrum Pnedicatorum, 58 of Cardinal Quignon, 58 Romanum, 40 Romano-Seraphicum, 58 ad usum Sarum, 36, 37, 38 Trajectense, 38 des Religieuses Ursulines, 58 Manuscript, fifteenth century, 68 Brewer, H. W., drawings of S. Paul's, 176, 177, 178 Brewer Street, Soho, houses in, 216 Bridecake, Ralph, Archdeacon of Win- chester, 243 Bride's, S., Church, 171 Bridges, John, Bishop of Oxford, 85 Bridget, S., the Rule of, 67 Britton, J., 139 Brock, Sir Isaac, monument, 206 262 INDEX. Broke, Lord Willoughby de, Dean of Windsor, 252 Brooke, James, Bishop of Gloucester, 232 John, 51 J. M. S., 149 Browne, George Forrest, Canon, 79, 226 E. Harold, Bishop of Ely, 251 Sir Richard, Lord Mayor, 106 Bruce, J., 138 Brydall, John, 131 Brymer, W. T. P., Archdeacon of Bath, 246 Buckner, John, Bishop of Chichester, 250, 254 Buck, S. and N., views of London, 171 'Bug Bible,' 7 Bullinger, Henry, 29, 31 Bumpus, John S., 84 Eurd, Richard, 148 Burges, Dr., 1 14 W., 127, 128 Burgess, Captain Richard Rundell, monument, 205, 206 Thomas, Bishop of S. David's, 250 Burley, Sir Richard de, monument, 177 Sir Simon, 180 Burnaby, Andrew, 245 Burn, Jacob Henry, 139 Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, 109, 124, 149, 248 Burney, Charles, 245 Burton, Henry, 150, 151 John, 244, 253 Richard, 132 Bury, Arthur, 242 Butler, George, Dean of Peterborough, 246 Henry Montagu, Prebendary of S. Paul's, 247 John, Bishop of Oxford, 244, 249, 253 Joseph, Bishop of Bristol, etc., Dean of S. Paul's, 189, 248, 252 Lilly, 243 Byerley, Thomas, 138 CADOGAN, Colonel Henry, monument, 206 Caelius, Rhodoginus, 50 Caermarthen Castle, thanksgiving for taking of, 100 Calamy, Edmund, 103 Calvert, Thomas, Warden of Man- chester Cathedral, 246 Calvin, John, 41 Camberwelliana, 79 Cambridge, George Owen, Archdeacon of Middlesex, 254 Campbell, James Colquhoun, Bishop of Bangor, 251, 255 - Canaletti, engraving from painting by, 172 Canne, J., Intelligencer Generall, 74 Cannon, Nathanael, 91 Canons, Minor, 121 Act of 1875, 82 Scheme, and Order in Council, 82 Statutes, 80 Seals, 221 Canonbury Tower, views of, 216 Canova, design for a monument to Nelson, 201 Carey, Valentine, Bishop of Exeter, Dean of S. Paul's, Tomb, 179 William, Bishop of Exeter, 250, . 254 Caroline, Queen, procession to S. Paul's, 203 Carpenter, John, Common Clerk, 140 William Boyd, Bishop of Ripon, 247,251 Carpenters Company, 153 Carr, Robert James, Bishop of Wor- cester, 250, 254 Samuel, 245 Carryl, Joseph, 101 Cartwright, Thomas, 53, 104 Carus, William, Canon of Winchester, 247 Casaubon, Izaak, his signature, 222 Catechism, 41, 43 ; of 1574, 42 Catherine of Aragon, her marriage, 231 Cedomannus, Laurentius, 32 Chaderton, Laurence, 233 Chained books in library, 226 Chalice and Paten, S. Paul's, 197 Chambers, Humfry, IOI J. D., 61, 65 R., priest, 235 Chambres, Mr., 113 Chandler, Edward, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 248 Chandler, George, Dean of Chichester, 246 Chantrey, F. L., sculptor, 206 Chapel in crypt, 196 Chapel Royal, 81 Chapman, John, Archdeacon of Sud- bury, 253 Chapter House, 178, 180, 208 Charity Schools, and Children in S. Paul's, 79, 109, 145, 152, 203, 252-255 Procession to S. Paul's, 199 Medals of, 224, 225 Charities of London, 141 Charles I., his autograph signature, 221 Commission for repairs of S. Paul's, 73, 232 INDEX. 263 Charles II., his autograph signature, 221 Address to, whilst passing through r . , ci ty. '35 Charles V., 49 Charterhouse, views of, 216 Square, 171 Chatham, Earl of, 137, 138 Chaworth, Richard, 46 Cheapside Cross, 155, 156 Cheapside, views of old houses in, 217 Cheaste, Thomas, 90 Chelsea Hospital, Lying in state of the Duke of Wellington, 202 Chelsum, James, 253 Chertsey, abbey and church, 80, 83, 210 Cheshire, gentlemen of, 102 Thomas, 99 Chester, Colonel Joseph Lemuel, 141, H3 Chetwode, Knightley, 116 Chipperfield, Thomas, 84 Chishull, Edmund, 243 John de, Bishop of London ; tomb, 179 ; seal, 221 Chiverton, Sir Richard, Lord Mayor, 103 Choir School of S. Paul's, 207 Choral service at S. Paul's, restoration of in 1661, 106 Choristers, service for the admission of, 81 Christ Church, Newgate Street, 146 Christ's Hospital, 85, 135 prayers for the use of, 115 psalm of thanksgiving in Easter week, 203 views of, 216 Christopher-le-Stocks, S., 146, 147,148 Church, Dr., Prebendary of S. Paul's, 114 Miss Helen, marriage of, 203 Thomas, Canon of S. Paul's, 244, 253 Churches in the city destroyed since 1800, 143 Churton, Ralph, 118 Cistercians, ritual books of, 60 Clagett, Nicolas, Bishop of S. David's, 248, 252 Clark, Richard, 156 Samuel, 135 Clarke, J. S., 245 Claughton, Thomas Legh, Bishop of S. Al ban's, 251 Clavering, Robert, Bishop of Peter- borough, 252 Clayton, James, 122 Cleaver, William, Bishop of Chester, 249 Clemens Romanus, 16 Clement, S., Eastcheap, 147 Clement's Inn, view of, 218 Clergy Residence Act, 137 Clergy, Sons of the. See Society Clerkenwell, S. John's Gate, view, 218 Sessions' House, view, 218 Clifford, Bishop,ihis mandate introduc- ing the use of Sarum into S. Paul's, 84 his seal, 221 Clifford's Inn, view of, 218 Clifton, Jo., 108 Clinch, George, 144 Clode, Charles Matthew, 154 Cobden, Edward, Archdeacon of Lin- coln, 244 John, Archdeacon of London, 253 Cockerell, Charles Robert, monument, 205 Coetlogon, C. E. de, 114 Cokayne, Sir W., tomb of, 178 Cole, Dr., 85 John, Rector of Exeter, 246 Colet, John, Dean of S. Paul's, 97, 106, 115,207 portrait of, 220 sermon, convocation, 97 statutes of, 84 house at Stepney, 207 tomb, 178 Collett, Clara E., 143 College Hill, view of old house, 217 Collingwood, Lord, monument, 205, 206 Collins, Sa., 89 Colosseum, ' London by Day,' 175 Communion, the order of the, Grafton, 1548, 39 Companies of the city of London, 153 Compton, Henry, Bishop of London, xi, 115 his Bible, 13 his Prayer-Book, 47 portrait in library, 219 autograph signature, 222 death of, 1 1 1 Concordance, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32 Consuetudinarium Ecclesiae Lincolni- ensis, 62 Convocation, order of opening, 80 Forma Precum, 80 Convocation or chapter house, 208 Conybeare, John, Bishop of Bristol, 112, 252 Cook's, Messrs., warehouse, 208 Cooke, Captain John, monument, 206 Richard, 152 Copequot, Dr., 87 Copleston, Edward, Bishop of Llan- daff, Dean of S. Paul's, 250, 254 Cooper, Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, 51 Cornewall, Ffol. H. W., Bishop of Bristol, 250 26 4 INDEX Cornwallis, Frederick, Bishop of Lich- field and Coventry, 249, 253 Dean of S. Paul's, portrait, 220 James, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 245, 249 Marquis, monument, 206 Counter-poyson, A, 86, 87 Courtney, Henry R., Bishop of Exeter, 250, 254 Coverdale, Bible, 7, 9, 10 New Testament, 21, 22 Cowley's House in Chertsey, 210 Cox, John Edmund, 141 Coxe, William, Archdeacon of Wilts, 245 Crace, Frederick, 142 John Gregory, 142 Crakanthorpe, Richard, 90 Cranford, James, 100 Cranmer, Archbishop, his autograph signature, 222 Cranmer's Bible, 8-12 New Testament, 23 Crashawe, William, 89 Craufurd, Major-General Robert, monu- ment, 206 Crew, Nathaniel, Bishop of Durham, autograph signature, 222 Cresset, Edward, Bishop of Llandaff, 249 Cripplegate, S. Giles, view, 217 Cripplegate, The, a newspaper, 142 Croft, Sir Herbert, 137 Croftes, John, Dean of Norwich, signa- ture, 46 Cromwell, Thomas Lord, 7, 8, 49 Croune, William, M.D., 115 Cruchley, Plan of London, 166 Crypt of S. Paul's, views of, 196 Cummings, E. M., virger, 80 Currey, George, Prebendary, 115 Curteis, Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 86 D. DALE, Thomas, Canon of S. Paul's, 246 Dalton, Edward, one of the Lecturers in the Cathedral, 1662, 98 Dampier, Thomas, Bishop of Roches- ter, 250 Dance, Nathaniel, portrait painted by, 220 Dando, John (pseudonym), 232 Danish monumental stone, 226 Daubeny, Charles, Archdeacon of Salis- bury, 254 Davidson, Randall T., Bishop of Rochester, 247 Davys, George, Bishop of Peterborough, 246, 250, 255 Dawes, Lancelot, 89 Dawes, Sir William, Bishop of Chester, 248, 252 Dealtry, William, Chancellor of Win- chester, 246 Decker, Thomas, 120 Decoration of S. Paul's, 197 Delahay Street, old houses in, 218 Delany, Patrick, Dean of Down, 253 Delaune, William, in, 243 Denison, Edward, Bishop of Salisbury, 250 255 John, 90 Stephen, 95 Denne, John, Archdeacon of Rochester, 248, 252 Denton, William, 147 Deryng, Edward, 42, 97 Desainliens, Charles, 231 Desiderata, 231 Dialogue between a living Cobler, etc., 74 Diana, altar of, 209 Dickinson, F. H., 61 Dionis Backchurch, S., 147 Directorium Benedictinum, 59 Directory of 1677, 140 Directory, Post Office, of 1890, 144 Dives and Pauper, 49 Doane, W. C., Bishop of Albany, 251 Dodsley, Mr., 77 Dodypoll, the Wisdom of Dr., 239 Dodwell, William, Archdeacon of Berks, 244. 253 Dolben, John, Bishop of Rochester, 242 Dolben, Sir John, Prebendary of Dur- ham, 243 Domesday of S. Paul's, 80 Donaldson, Professor, suggested alter- ations in the crypt of S. Paul's, 196 Donne, Daniel, 94 John, Dean of S. Paul's, 55, 94, 116, 117 tomb, 178, 196 portrait, 220 Douglas, John, Bishop of Salisbury, 249 William, Prebendary of Westmin- ster, 245 Dove, Henry, 242 John, 234 D'Oyly, George, 246 Draper, W. H., 137 Draxe, Thomas, 91 Drummond, Robert H., Bishop of S. Asaph, 249, 253 Drum's, Jack, Entertainment, I2O, 239 Drury, Mr., a Jesuit, 133 Drury Lane, old houses in, 216 Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 44 Duell, William, restored to life after execution, 136 INDEX, 265 Duff, Captain George, monument, 205, 206 Dugdale, Sir William, 75, 78 series of views from his History, 178-181 portrait, 178 Duncombe, Hon. Augustus, Dean of York, 247 Dundas, Major-General Thomas, monu- ment, 206 Dunstan, S., in the West, jacks from the clock, 218 Dunton, John, 123 Duport, James, 105 John, 87 Durel, John, 64 Durnford, Richard, Bishop of Chiches- ter, 251 Dutch Church, Austin Friars, 142 Dwyer, Philip, 144 E. EARLE, J., Bishop of Salisbury, 77 East Cheap, sculptured figure in, 209 Eclipse of 1652, sermon on, 101 Edgley, Samuel, 243 Edinburgh, Duke of, autograph signa- ture, 127 Edmonds, Charles, 72 Edulph, Simon, tomb, 179 Edward VI., procession from the tower, 167 Edwards, Alfred George, Bishop of S. Asaph, 247 Edwin, Sir Humphrey, Lord Mayor, 107 Egbert, Archbishop of York, Pontifical, 62 Egerton, Henry, Bishop of Hereford, 248 John, Bishop of Bangor, 249 Elborough, Robert, 157 Elizabeth, Queen, her Prayer Book, 42 procession to S. Paul's, 199 Ellacombe, H. T., 81 Ellicott, Charles James, Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, 251 Ellis, Anthony, Bishop of S. David's, 249 Ellis, Sir Henry, 78 Elmes, James, 78, 122 Emmanuel Hospital, Westminster, 218 Erasmus, 50, 155 Erkenwald, S., shrine of, 180 Estwick, Sampson, 107 Ethelred, King, tomb, 179 Eton, sermon preached before gentle- men of, 1 08 Eure, Thomas de, Dean of S. Paul's, tomb, 178 Evans, David, Lord Mayor, 84 Evelyn, Sir John, plan for rebuilding London, 163 Evening service, the first at S. Paul'?, December u, 1858, 203 Ewer, John, Bishop of Llandaff, 249 Eyre, Colonel, 168 Richard, 244, 253 Exeter, Ritual books of, reprint, 62 F. FADEN'S Plan of London, 165 Fairchild, Thomas, 113 Faith, S., under S. Paul's, 75, 101, 147, 176, 177, 180, 196 Faithorne's Plan of London, 162 Farley, Henry, 72, 73, 181, 232 Farmer, Richard, 95 Farrar, Frederick W., Archdeacon of Westminster, 247 Farringdon Within Ward, 144, 164 Fauconberg, Eustace de, Bishop of London, tomb, 179 seal, 221 Faulknor, Captain Robert, monument, 205, 206 Fearon, Joseph, 113 Feat ley, Daniel, 151 Feckenham, John, Dean of S. Paul's, 97 Fell, John, Bishop of Oxford, 242 Fenner, Dudley, 31 Ferdinand, Emperor, funeral obsequies at S. Paul's, 237 Fergusson, James, 128 Ferrey, Edmund B., drawings, restora- tion of Old S. Paul's, 176, 181, 226 Festivals of societies, 80, 241-255 Fewterer, John, 68 Finch, Robert Pool, 244, 253 Fire of London (1666), 137, 156. 169 at S. Paul's in 1561, 71 at the City Flour Mills, 190 Firth, Joseph F. B., 141 Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester, Cardinal, 26, 30, 31, 51, 237 John, Bishop of Exeter, 250, 254 Major Payne, 75, 135 William, 233 FitzHugh, Robert, Bishop of London, tomb, 178 FitzNeal, Richard, Bishop of London, seal, 221 FitzStephen, description of London, 137 Flaxman, John, sculptor, 205, 206 Fleet Street, old houses in, 217 Fleetwood, William, Bishop of S. Asaph, no, 248 Fleming, James, Canon of York, 247 Folliot, Gilbert, Bishop of London, his seal, 221 266 INDEX. Forbes, G. H., 62 Alex. P., Bishop of Brechin, 63 Ford, Simon, 158 Fore Street, old houses in, 217 Fortifications of the City, 168 Foster Lane, Roman altar discovered in, 209 Foster, Joseph, 143 Fotherby, Martin, 89 Fouler, John, 42 Fowler, Edward, Bishop of Gloucester, 242 Fox, John, 232, 233 Richard, Bishop of Winchester, 67 Stephen N., 143 Francus, Daniel, 56 Frank, Mark, Archdeacon of S. Alban's, signature, 46 Franklin, Thomas, 244 Fraser, James, Bishop of Manchester, 2 5 r Freeman, William, 241 Frellon, Joan, 29 Freshfield, Edwin, LL.D., 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 152 Frith, John, 231 Frost Fair in 1814, 174 Fry, Francis, 18, 21 Herbert, 142, 144 Fulke, William, 42, 52 Fuller, Thomas, 115, 147 G. GAHAGAN, sculptor, 206 Gairdner, James, 142 Gardiner, Robert Barlow, 142, 154, 155 Samuel, 235 Gardner, Laurence, 246 Gardnier, Samuel, 88 Gardyner, Richard, 96 Garland of Pious and Godly Songs, 47 Garmaynes, confession of faythe of, 49 Gamier, Thomas, 247 Garrow, D. W., 246 Gastrell, Francis, Bishop of Chester, no, 252 Gauden, John, 104 G., E., verses on the Sons of the Clergy Service, 102 Gee, John, 94 Geneva, Forme of Prayer, 24, 41 Genevan Bible, 12, 25 New Testament, 24 Geometrical staircase, view of, 195 George III., coronation service, 137 autograph signature, 221 thanksgiving service in 1789, 77, 199 medal commemorating visit to S. Paul's, 223 George IV., Bible used at coronation, 13 coronation of, 138 medal commemorating, 223 George, William, Dean of Lincoln, 249 Geree, John, 101, 147 Gibbings, R., 56 Gibbons, Grinling, brackets carved by, xv Gibson, Edmund, Bishop of London, xvi, 47, no, 252 portrait, 219 Gilbert, Ashurst T., Bishop of Chiches- ter, 251, 255 John, Bishop of Llandaff, 248 Robert, Bishop of London, seal, 221 Giles, S., Cripplegate, 147 Glasier, Hugh, Chaplain to Queen Mary, 85 Glasse, George H., 245 Samuel, 245, 253 Glyn, Hon. Edward Carr, 247 Goad, J., 106 Goar, James, 6 1 Goddard, Charles, Archdeacon of Lin- coln, 246 William Stanley, Canon of S. Paul's, 254 Godden, Mr., 119, 120 Godskall, James, 156 Godwin, Edward W., 128, 141 Godwin, George, 79 Golding, A., 52 Goldsmiths' Hall, Roman altar dis- covered on site of, 209 Gooch, Thomas, in Goodenough, Edmund, Prebendary of Westminster, 246 Samuel, Bishop of Carlisle, 250 Goodwin, Harvey, Bishop of Carlisle, 247, 251, 255 John, 147 win, Thomas, 103 Googe, Barnabe, 53 Gore, Major-General Arthur, monu- ment, 206 John, 95, 96, 238 Gosson, Stephen, 88 Gott, John, Bishop of Truro, 247 Goulburn, Edward M., Dean of Nor- wich, 246 Grabe, Joannes Ernestus, 5 Graham, John, Bishop of Chester, 251, 2 55 Grandison, John de, Bishop of Exeter, 62 Gravesend, Richard de, Bishop of Lon- don, 62, 117 Stephen de, Bishop of London, seal, 221 Gray, Robert, Bishop of Bristol, 250, 254 INDEX. 267 Gray, William, Bishop of London, seal, 221 Gray's Inn, views, 218 Gray's Inn Lane, old houses in, 216 Great Orraond Street, old houses, 217 Queen Street, old houses, 216 S. Helen's, Bishopsgate Street, 218 Winchester Street, 217 Greek Church, Ritual books of, 60, 61 Green, John, Bishop of Lincoln, 249, 253 Thomas, Bishop of Ely, 248 Greene, Anne, executed at Oxford, verses by Sir Christopher Wren on, 121 Greenwell, William, 62 Greenwich Hospital, 138 Greenwood, Henry, preacher at Paul's Cross, 1628, 95 Henry, 1891, 144 James, Surmaster, S. Paul's School, 155 Gregory, S., by S. Paul's, 98, 147 Grene, William, monument, 178 Gresham College, 136 Gresham, Sir Thomas, Life of, 136 Gretser, Jacobus, 56 Gretton, George, 245 Grey, Edward, Bishop of Hereford, 254 E. C., 143 Grey Friars' Chronicle, 139 Griffith, Griffith, 245 Matthew, 100, 105 Grindal, Edmund, Bishop of London, 237 portrait, 219 Grocers' Company, 153 Grosvenor Road, view in, 218 Guildhall, 143 chapel, 147 library, 143 sculpture and painting, 137 Gunning, Peter, Bishop of Ely, 242 Guy, Earl of Warwick, sculptured figure of, 218 Gybson, Thomas, his Concordance, 26 Gwilt, George, 149 Joseph, 78 Gwynn, John, 132 H. HACKETT, Miss, 68, 78 Hake, Edward, 72 Hale, W. Hale, Archdeacon of London, 80, 81, 117, 131, 246 portrait, 220 Halifax, James, 244 Samuel, Bishop of Gloucester, 249, 253 Hall, Charles Henry, Dean of Christ Church, 254 George, 102, 241, 242 Joseph, Bishop of Norwich, 90, 99, 235, 236 Hallen, A. W. C, 146, 149 Hallifax, James, 253 Hamilton, Anthony, Archdeacon of Colchester, 245, 253 Walter Kerr, Bishop of Salisbury, 25*1 255 William Douglas, 141 Hammond, Henry, 106 Hampden, Renn D., Bishop of Here- ford, 251, 255 Hampstead Hill, 143 Handel, Apotheosis of, 203 Hardinge, Captain George N., monu- ment, 206 Hardy, Nathaniel, 103 Hare, Francis, Bishop of Chichester, Dean of St. Paul's, 121, 248 Harris, Renatus, 75 Robert, 94, 95 Harrison, Richard, 113 Walter, 132 Hart, Richard, 135 Harting, J. E., 143 Harvey, Dr., Physician to the Tower, 158 Hatton, Sir Christopher, tomb, 179 Hawes, William, Master of Choristers, portrait, 220 Hay, Major-General Andrew, monu- ment, 206 Hayley, Thomas, Canon of Chichester, 248 William, Dean of Chichester, 107 Hayter, Thomas, Bishop of Norwich, 244, 249, 253 Hayward, John, 88, 234 Hay wood, William, C.E., 140 Heath, Baron, 153 Heathcote, Wyndham S., 144 Heber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta, 254 Helen, S., Bishopsgate, 140, 141 Henchman, Humfrey, Bishop of Lon- don, autograph signature, 222 portrait, 219 Henderson, William George, Dean of Carlisle, 61, 62 Heneage, Sir Thomas, tomb, 180 Hengham, Ralph de, tomb, 179 Henry VII., Chapel at Westminster Abbey, 66, 67 funeral of, 237 Henry VIII., Assertio Septem Sacra- mentorum, 51 Henshaw, Joseph, Dean of Chichester 46 268 INDEX. Herald's College, 138 Herbert, William, 153 Hereford, Ritual books of, reprint, 62 Heresbachius, Conrad, 53 Hering, Theodor, 146 Herring, Thomas, Bishop of Bangor, 248 Hervey, Lord Arthur Charles, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 251 Hessey, James Augustus, Archdeacon of Middlesex, 147 Hewit, William, tomb, 178 Hewlett, James, 135 Hewytt, John, 98, 147 Heylyn, John, Prebendary of West- minster, 252 Hibbert, Henry, 105 Hierome of Ferrarye, 27, 36 Higgin, William, Bishop of Derry, 251 Higgons, Theophilus, 90 Highgate, history of, 139 Hill, Adam, 234 Augustine, 99 Octavia, 143 Hinchcliffe, John, Bishop of Peter- borough, 249, 253 Hind, Richard, 244 Historical Manuscripts Commission, 83 Hoadly, Benjamin, Bishop of Bangor, 76 Hobson's soldiers, 73 Hodgson, Robert, Dean of Chester, 245. 254 Hoghton, Major- General Daniel, monu- ment, 206 Holbein, 219, 220 Holborn, S. Andrew's Court House, 218 the Old Bell Inn, 217 Holborn Valley Viaduct, medal com- memorating opening in 1869, 224 Holbrooke, William, 89 Holder, William, Canon of S. Paul's, portrait, 220 Hole, S. Reynolds, Dean of Rochester, 247 Holland, Francis J., 247 Henry, 72 Thomas, 98 Hollar, Wenceslaus, 157, 170, 178,219 views of London, 168, 169 views of Islington, 169 Holliband, C. (pseudonym), 231 Hollybushe (pseudonym), 22 Holyday, Barten, 95, 237 Homilies, The SecondeTome, 41 Hood, Sir Samuel, monument, 205, 206 Hook, James, Archdeacon of Hunting- don, 254 Walter Farquhar, Dean of Chiches- ter, 247 Hooke, Christopher, 238 Hooker, Richard, 54, 55 Hooper, George, Bishop of Bath and Wells, in John, 29, 30 Hopkins, Thomas, 98 Hopper, H., sculptor, 206 HOR^E, French, manuscript, 68 Roman, 59 ad usum Sarum, 35, 36, 37 a 1'usaige des Sees, 43 Home, George, Bishop of Norwich, 244,253 Maria, 13 Robert, citizen and bookseller, 13 Horner or Hornor, Thomas, 138, 191 Horsley, Samuel, Bishop of Rochester, 245, 249, 253 Horton, Thomas, 102, 103 Horwood's Plan of London, 165 Hoskins, John, 91, 236 Hough, John, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 248 Thomas, 112 Hour-glass stand in S. Alban's, Wood Street, 218 Howard, John, M.A., 107 John, the philanthropist, monu- ment, 77, 205 Howarth, Henry, 246 Howe, Admiral Earl, monument, 205, 206 Howley, William, Archbishop of Can- terbury, 250, 254 portrait, 219 Howson, John, Bishop of Durham, 53, 88 John Saul, Dean of Chester, 247 Hugget, Anthonie, 92 Hugo, Thomas, 80, 140, 210 Hull, William, 90 Hume, John, Bishop of 'Oxford, 249 Humphry, William George, Preben- dary of S. Paul's, 247 Hune, Richard, hanged in Lolars Tower, 71 Hunt, James, professeth himself a prophet, 134 Hunter, Henry, 132 Huntingford, George Is., Bishop of Gloucester, 250, 254 Hurd, Richard, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 249 Hutchinson, Michael, 243 Hutton, Matthew, Archbishop of Can- terbury, 248, 252 Huxley, T. H., Professor, 144 I. IBBETSON, James, Archdeacon of S. Alban's, 244 INDEX. 269 Ibbot, Benjamin, ill Hive, Jacob, 209 Index Expurgatorius, 56 Inglis, John, Bishop of Nova Scotia, 254 Irmholders' Hall, view of, 217 Innocents' Day, 237 Institution of a Christen man, 49 Inventories of S. Paul's, 83 Ireland, ritual books of, reprint, 62 Ironmongers' Company, 153 Ironwork in S. Paul's, 196 Isham, Zaccheus, 242 Isleworth, monastery of Sion at, 67 Islington, S. Mary, parish of, 149 Hollar's views of, 169 J- JACKSON, John, Bishop of London, 251, 255 autograph signature, 127 Thomas, Prebendary of Westmin- ster, 245 William, preacher at Paul's Cross in 1616, 236 William, Bishop of Oxford, 250 Jacob, Edgar, Canon of Winchester, 251 Jacomb, Samuel, funeral of, 149 Thomas, 103 James I. at Paul's Cross, 181 procession to S. Paul's in 1620, ig) James II., his autograph signature, 221 James, William, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 87 Jay, A. Osborne, 144 Jayne, Francis John, Bishop of Chester, 2 5 J Jelf, R. W., Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, 246 Jenkinson, John B., Bishop of S. David's, 246, 250, 254 Jenks, Richard, 109 Jennerian Society, diploma of, 175 Jennings, Richard, master builder of S. Paul's, 121, 227 Jeremie, James Amiraux, Regius Pro- fessor, 247 Jewel, John, Bishop of Salisbury, 52, 85, 86, 232 Jones, Inigo, his portico, 177, 215 William, 245 William Basil, Bishop of S.David's, 251 Sir William, his monument, 205 John Evangelist, S., Westminster, 148 Johnson, Dr., his monument, 205 James, Bishop of Gloucester, 249 Robert, 89 Joseph, S., sculptor, 206 Joye, George, 30 Junius, Francis, 32 Jupp, Edward Basil, 153 Juxon, William, Bishop of London, 134 his portrait, 219 his autograph signature, 222 K. KATHERINE'S Hospital, S., 148 Kay, Richard, Archdeacon of Notting- ham, 245 Kaye, Dr. , sub-almoner to His Majesty, 253 John, Bishop of Lincoln, 250, 254 Reach, R., 76 Keeling, William, 65 Keene, Edmund, Bishop of Chester, 249. 253 Kelly's Post-Office Guide, 1871, 141 Directory, 144 Kempe, Alfred John, 138 Thomas, Bishop of London, his chapel, 178 his seal, 221 Kendrick, J., sculptor, 206 Kennett, White, Bishop of Peter- borough, 1 10, in, 241, 243, 248,252 Keppel, Frederick, Bishop of Exeter, 249 Kilburn, Robert, Canon of S. Paul's, 243 King, Arnold, 244 Edward, Bishop of Lincoln, 251 Henry (son of Bishop John King), 93, 99 Henry, Assistant Vicar Choral, 83 John, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 98 John, Bishop of London, 93, 98 portrait of, 219 King's Book, the, 50 Kingston, Richard, 157 Kip, J., his Prospect of London, 170 Knaggs, Thomas, 108 Knell, Thomas, 43 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 220 Knewstub, John, 86 Knollis, Sir F., 235 Knight, Dr., 252 Samuel, Prebendary of Ely, 112, "5 LACY, Henry de, Earl of Lincoln, tomb, 179 Lake, Arthur, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 96 Edward, 108, 242 Lambeth Palace, 170, 217 old house at, 217 Lamplugh, Thomas, 243 Lancaster, John of Gaunt, Duke of, and Constance his wife, tomb, 179 270 INDEX. Landon, Whittington, 254 Lane, Theophilus, Minor Canon, 117 Langford, William, Canon of Windsor, 245 Langley, John, Master of S. Paul's School, funeral of, 151 Langwerth, Brigadier General E., monument, 206 Latimer, Hugh, Bishop of Worcester, 237 Laud, William, Archbishop of Canter- bury, 54, 55, 150 autograph signature of, 222 book formerly belonging to, 227 portrait, 219 Laurence Pountney, S., parish of, 148, 216, 217 Lavington, George, Canon of S. Paul's, 243. 252 Law, Edmund, Bishop of Carlisle, 249 George Henry, Bishop of Chester, 245, 250, 254 John, Archdeacon of Rochester, 245. 254 John, 144 Lawley, Hon. Stephen, 62 Lawrence, John, 236 Layard, Charles F., Prebendary of Worcester, 245 L., E., Direction for performance of Cathedrall Service, 74 Leadenhall Street, old houses in, 216 Leake, John, Plan of London, 162 Leathersellers' Company, 154 Leaver, Thomas. See also Lever, 50 Le Bas, Charles Webb, 246 Lecturers at S. Paul's in 1622, 98 Lee, James Prince, Bishop of Man- chester, 251, 255 Richard, 99, 106 Leef, D., Virger, 80 Legg, Dr. J. Wickham, 62 Legge, Edward, Bishop of Oxford, 250 Leighton, Sir Frederick, Designs for the Decoration of S. Paul's, 197, 198 Lely, Sir Peter, 219, 220 Le Marchant, Major-Gen. John Gas- pard, monument, 206 Leng, John, Bishop of Norwich, 248 Leonard, S., Shoreditch, 148 L'Estrange, Hamon, autograph signa- ture, 222 Lever, Thomas, 85, 97 Leveson-Gower, Granville W. G., 152 Lewes, R., 234 Ley, Roger, 236 Ross, 112 Library of S. Paul's, views of, 195 catalogue of, in 1458, xv Lichfield, Richard, Canon of S. Paul's, tomb, 179 Liddon, Henry Parry, Canon of S. Paul's, 247 Lightfoot, Joseph Barber, Bishop of Durham, Canon of S. Paul's, 82, 255 Lily or Lilly, John, 120, 239 William, 115 Lincoln, ritual books of, reprint, 62 Lincoln's Inn, views of; 216 Fields, views of, 217 Lindsey House, view of, 217 Linford, Thomas, preacher at Gray's Inn, 242 Lisle, Edwin de, 143 Samuel, Bishop of S. Asaph, 249 Littledale, Richard F., 61 Littleton, Adam, 242 Lloyd, William, Bishop of Worcester, 242, 248 Lobley, J. Logan, 143 Lockier, Robert, 74 Loe, William, 235 Loftie, William )., 32, 133, 144 Lohr, C. H., 192 Lollard's Tower, S. Paul's Cathedral, 71 LONDON, books relating to, 129-158 Bridge, old and new, 218, 222, 224 charities of, 141 charters of, 142 churches in, destroyed since 1800, 143 Companies, Livery, 153 Diocese Book, 140 Diocesan Magazine, 143 fortification of, in 1542 and 1543, 162, 168 House, Aldersgate Street, 209 looke backe, 156 parishes in and near the City of, 145-153 Puppies' Memorial, 75 Maps and Plans of, 161-167 British Museum Catalogue of, 167 Evelyn's plan for rebuilding, 163 Hollar's view, 168, 169 Aggas' map, 161 Horwood's plan, 165 Leake's plan, 162 Visscher's view, 167 Roll of Fame, 142 Stone, 218 Three Looks over, 134 views of, before 1666, 167 from 1666 to 1799, 169 from 1800 to present time, 173 Van den Wyngaerde, 167 London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, 140 Longley, Charles T., Bishop of Ripon, 250, 254 Longman, W., ' History of S. Paul's,' 81 list of views in, 213 INDEX. 271 Lonsdale, John, Bishop of Lichfield, 246, 251, 255 Loritus, Henricus, 156 Lovers of Music, anniversary of, 107 Lowth, Robert, Bishop of London, 249 portrait, 219 Ludgate, statue of Queen Elizabeth, 218 Luffman, John, 137 Lugdunensis Ecclesice, Liber Evan- geliorum, 59 Lupton, D., 134 Joseph H., 115 William, Prebendary of Durham, 243. 2 52 Luther, Martin, 28, 31 Luxmore, John, Bishop of Hereford, 114, 250 Lyall, W. H., 147 Lynch, John, Dean of Canterbury, 248 John, 99 Lysons, Daniel, 132 Lyte, H. C. Maxwell, xv, 83 M. MACCLESFIELD STREET, Soho, 217 McCoskry, S. A., Bishop of Michigan, 251 Macdonald, James, 143 Sir J. , Premier of Canada, 204 Machabree, Daunce of, 181 Machyn, Henry, 139 Mackarness, John Fielder, Bishop of Oxford, 251 Mackenzie, Frederick, 139 Major-Gen. J. R., monument, 206 Mackie, S. J., 83 Mackinnon, Major-Gen. Henry, monu- ment, 206 Madan, Spencer, Bishop of Peter- borough, 250 Maddox, Isaac, Bishop of S. Asaph, 244, 248, 252 Magee, William Connor, Bishop of Peterborough, 247, 251 Maitland, William, 131 Majendie, Henry W,, Bishop of Chester, 245, 250 Malcolm, James Peller, 13, 47, 132 Maltby, Edward, Bishop of Durham, 250, 254 Malton, T., views by, 172, 173, 191 Mamsbridge, Mr., Minor Canon, 146 Mangey, John, xvi, 76 Thomas, Prebendary of Durham, xvi, 15, 76, 243, 252 Manipulus Curatorum, 38 Manning, C., sculptor, 206 Manningham, Thomas, 242 Mansel, Henry Longueville, Dean of S. Paul's, 131 Mansell, William L., Bishop of Bristol, 250 Mansion House, View of the Old, 217 Mant, Richard, Bishop of Down and Connor, 254 Manton, Thomas, 148, 241 MANUALE, Parisiense, 44 Romano-Gallicum, 59 ad usum Sarum, 36 ,, reprint, 61 Marbeck, John, 30 Marburie, Francis, 88 Margaret, S., Lothbury, parish of, 148 Westminster, parish of, 148 Marguerite, S., La Vie de, 44 Markham, Robert, 245, 253 William, Archbishop of York, 249 Markland, J. H., 242 Marlborough, Duke of, thanksgiving for victories of, 108, 109 Marriage of Lady Mayoress at S. Paul's in 1877, 82 Marsh, Herbert, Bishop of Peter- borough, 250, 254 John B., 84 Marshall, Charles, Prebendary, 56 Nathaniel, Canon of Windsor, 243, 252 Stephen, 101 Thomas, 32 Marson, Charles, 247 Martin, Edmund, Dean of Worcester, 243 Gregory, 52 Martin, S., in the Fields, 148 le Grand, 138, 149 Ludgate, 182 Outwich, 162 Mary II., Queen, autograph signature, 221 Mary, S., Aldermary, 149 Axe, old house in, 217 le Bow, 149 Overy, 149 Woolnoth, 149 Woolchurch Haw, 149 Marylebone, S., History of the Parish, 144 Maskell, Joseph, 145 William, 65 Mason, Arthur J., 247 Massey, Edmund, 112 Mathew, George, 245 Matthew, S., Friday Street, 150 Simon, 237 Matthew's Bible, 7, 9, 10 Mawson, Matthias, Bishop of Chichester, 248 Mayhew, Henry, 140 Maynard, Edward, 75 272 INDEX. Mayor, Lord ceremonies observed by, 140 procession of, 183 Medals relating to S. Paul's Cathedral, 222-226 Medland, John, designs altar frontal, 197 Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie, 232 Meggott, Richard, Dean of Winchester, funeral sermon for, 118 Melancthon, Philip, 5, 28, 49 Melvill, Henry, Canon of S. Paul's, 220, 246 Mendham, Joseph, 56 Mercers' Chapel, 151 Company, 154 Hall, 207 Mere wether, John, Dean of Hereford, 246 Merchant Taylors' Company, 154 School, 138, 142, 154, 207 Michael Angelo, frescoes, 227 MicklethwaiteJ. T., 127 Middleton, Thomas, 120, 121, 239 Midshipman, sign of, in Leadenhall Street, 218 Milbourne, Luke, 107 Thomas, 152 Mildred, S., Bread Street, 151, 209 Poultry, 152 Miller, J. C., Canon of Worcester, 247 Captain R. Willet, monument, 206 Milles, Robert, 236 Milman, Arthur, 82 Henry Hart, Dean of S. Paul's, 80, 82, 117 monument, 205 William Henry, 142 Misfortunes of S. Paul's Cathedral, poem, 84 MISSALE Ambrosianum, 57 Bajocense, 57 S. Barbarse, 57 S. Ordinis Cartusiensis, 57 S. Ordinis Cisterciensis, 60 Fratrum de Monte Carmelo, 57 S. Ordinis Prsedicatorum, 57 Ratisbonense, 57 Romanum, 38 Sarum, 36, 37, 61 Trajectense, 38 Model Room, S. Paul's Cathedral, 195 Moens, William John Charles, 142 Mogg's Plan of London, 166 Monk, James Henry, Bishop of Glouces- ter and Bristol, 246, 250, 254 Monmouth, thanksgiving for taking of, 100 Montanus, Arias, 3 Monumental Brasses in S. Paul's, 178, 179 Monuments in Old S. Paul's, 178-180 in the present cathedral, 205, 206 Moore, Daniel, Prebendary of S. Paul's, 247 John, Bishop of Ely, 248 John, Bishop of Bangor, 249 John, Minor Canon, 137 Sir John, Lieut. -General, monu- ment, 205, 206 Norman, 146 Moorhouse, James, 247 Mordon, Thomas, monumental brass of, 210 Morer, Thomas, 107 Morgan, G. Blacker, 71, 75, 135 Morley, Henry, 238 George, Bishop of Winchester, 222 Morning Chapel in S. Paul's Cathedral, !95 Morrell, Thomas, 244 Morris, Corbyn, 136 Morton, Thomas, Bishop of Durham, 100 Moss, Charles, Canon of S. Paul's, 245 Bishop of S. David's, 249 Robert, Dean of Ely, 252 Robert, preacher, Gray's Inn, 152 Mosse, Captain James Robert, monu- ment, 205, 206 Miles, 91 Mountain, George, Bishop of London, portrait, 219 Mozarabic Liturgy, 6 1 Mullins, John, Archdeacon of London, tomb, 1 80 Munk, William, M.D., 140 Murray, George, Bishop of Rochester, 250, 254 Thomas Boyle, Prebendary, 79 Musculus, Wolfgang, 43 Musgrave, Charles, Archdeacon of Craven, 246 Thomas, Bishop of Hereford, 250 Music in S. Paul's Cathedral, 81, 83 catalogue of, 83 weekly bills of, 81 Myers, Lieut. -Colonel Sir William, monument, 206 Mylne, Robert, 77 Myriell, Thomas, 235 N. NAG'S HEAD Inn, Cheapside, 217 Napier of Magdala, Lord, Funeral of, 84, 204 Nash, Edwin, 142 Neale, James, architect, 82 J. Mason, 65 Necessary Doctrine and Erudition, 49 INDEX. 273 Negociant of S. Paul's, seal of, 221 Negus, Thomas, 253 Nelson, Lord, funeral, 125, 200 tomb and monument, 196, 205, 206 funeral car, 200 design for monument of, by Canova, 201 Nelson, John, 149 Newbolt, William C. E., Canon of S Paul's, 247 Newcastle House, view of, 217 Newcome, Richard, Bishop of Llandaff, 249 Newcomen, Matthew, 100 Newcourt, John, Canon, tomb, 179 Richard, 131, 162 Newes from Paules, 1642, 73 from Powles, 1649, 73 Newgate, Strange News from, 134 Newgate Street, discoveries in, 141 New River Company, court room, view, 218 Newton, Thomas, Bishop of Bristol, dean, 249, 253 his portrait, 220 William, 139 Nicholl, John, 153 Nicholls, W., 1 06 Nichols, John Gough, 139 Nicoll, Richard, Chancellor of Wells, 245 Nicolls, Samuel, Master of the Temple, 244, 253 Nicols, William, 76 Niger, Roger, Bishop of London, his tomb, 179 his seal, 221 Niven, W., 143 N. N., Garland of Pious Songs, 47 Noble, Mark, 138 North, Brownlow, Bishop of Win- chester, 249, 253 Nowell, Alexander, Dean of S. Paul's, 43' U7 his monument, 177, 180 O. O'BEIRNE, Thomas Lewis, Bishop of Meath, 254 Obsequiale Constantiense, 59 Observatory erected in 1821 above the Cross on S. Paul's Cathedral, 191, 192 Octavarium Romanum, 59 Official, Sede Vacante, his seal, 221 Ofifor, George, 8, 19, 21, 24 Ogle, Newton, Dean of Winchester, 253 Okeford, Thomas, vicar, tomb of, 1 79 Old Catholic Prayer-Bouk, 66 Oldfield, Edmund, 128 Oliver, Edward, 107 Ollivant, Alfred, Bishop of Llandaff, 255 Omer, S., Office de, 59 Orarium, 40 Ordinal printed by Grafton in 1549, 39 Ordnance Map of London, 166 Ordo SS. Trinitatis Redemptionis Cap- tivorum, 68 Organ in S. Paul's Cathedral, 196, 197 over the west door, proposal for, 75 Organists of S. Paul's Cathedral, 84 Ormond, James, Duke of, 108 Osbaldeston, Richard, Bishop of Lon- don, portrait, 219 Bishop of Carlisle, 249 Otter, William, Bishop of Chichester, 250, 254 Overall, John, Dean of S. Paul's, por- trait, 220 H. C., 141 W. H., 141 Overton, R., 156 Owen, John, epigrams by, 54 Oxford Arms Inn, views of, 216 Market, view of, 217 P. PACKMAN, Robert Collier, Minor Canon, 79 Paddington, History of, 139 Painter Stainers' Hall, 169 Pan Anglican Synod, 82 Pancras, S., History of, 144 Panyer Alley, 209, 218 Pardon-chirche-hawe, xv Parish Clerks, Company of, 131 Parker's Bible, 12 Parker, Henry, 49 William, 113, 244, 253 Parliament, Restoration of the Secluded Members, 104 Parsell, Thomas, 64 Parsons, John, Bishop of Peterborough, 250 R., 53 Partington, C. F., 133 Patrick, Symon, 149 PAUL, S., CATHEDRAL OF, books illu>trating the history of, 71-85 statutes of, 8 1 commutation, 8 1 choir school belonging to, 68, ;8, 207 Churchyard thrown open in 1878, 82, 208 Churchyard, 73, 208 western area improvements, 208 decoration of, 196-198 evening service, the first, 203 geometrical staircase, 195 children of Paul's, 120, 239 18 274 INDEX. Paul, S., Cathedral of continued. pulpit, view of, 196 sermons, preached in, 97-114,237, 238 sermons or tracts relating to clergy of, 114-120 Old S. Paul's, views, 176-180 monuments, 178-181 Sir C. Wren's designs for, 182 S. Paul's Cathedral, present build- ing : views, 182-195 crypt, 196 furniture and decorations, 196 bells, 198 pageants and services, 199- 204 monuments, 205, 206 Chapter House, 208 S. Paul's Churchyard, 208 S. Paul's compared with S. Peter's, 208 S. Paul's School, 207 Paul's Church, S., or the Protestant Ambulators, 75 Paul's Cross, 84, 134, 181, 182, 215 sermons at, 85-97, 232 woodcuts of, 73, 181, 182 Dr. Shaw at, 181 Paul, Great, the Bourdon bell, 83, 198 Paul's Potion, Saint, 73 Paul's School, S., 106, 107, no, 112, 113, 142, 147, 151, 155, 207 Paul's Walk, 75, 232 Paule, William, Dean of Lichfield, 46 Payne, R., architect, 151, 209 Pearce, Zachary, Bishop of Rochester, 113, 248, 252 Pearson, Hugh N., Dean of Salisbury, 246 John, Bishop of Chester, 147, 242 Peignot, Gabriel, 79 Pelham, George, Bishop of Bristol, 250, 254 Pelican in Aldermanbury, The, 218 Pellew, George, Dean of Norwich, 246 Felling, Edward, 242 John, preacher at Paul's Cross, 1607, 234 John, Prebendary of S. Paul's, por- trait, 220 Pemberton, William, 91 Pembroke, William, Earl of, tomb, 179 Penance in 1629 at S. Swithin's, London Stone, 152 Penrose, Francis Cranmer, 83, 127, 205, 214 on site of Paul's Cross, 182 Peploe, Samuel, Bishop of Chester, 252 Pepys, Henry, Bishop of Worcester, 251,255 Percy, Hugh, Bishop of Carlisle, 250, 254 Sholto and Reuben (pseudonyms), 138 Thomas, 244 Perkins on the Lord's Prayer, 1592, 43 Perry, W. S., Bishop of Iowa, 251 Persia, Shah of, medal commemorating his visit to London in 1873, 225 Peter, S., Cheap, Parish of, 151 Cornhill, Registers of, 152 Peter, S., at Rome, Church of, 136, 208 Peters, Hugh, 146 Petley, Elias, 94 Phelps, Richard, bell founder, 121 Philip II., King of Spain, 3 Philips, J., 76 Phillimore, Lucy, 122 Phillpotts, Henry, Bishop of Exeter, 245. 250 Philpott, Henry, Bishop of Worcester, 25 ! Pickering's reprints of Book of Common Prayer, 64 Pickering, Dr., 113 Picton, General Sir Thomas, monu- ment, 206 Pie Corner, 209, 218 Pierce, Thomas, 104, 105 Pilkington, James, Bishop of Durhom, 30, 72 Pindar, The Sir Paul, Inn, 215, 216 Pitt, William. See Chatham, Earl .>f. Plague, the, in London, 137, 148, I $6, 238 fast for the prevention of, 112 Play fere, Thomas, 87, 234 Plays acted by children of Paul's, 120, 239 Plumbe, J., 227 Pocock, Edward, 64 Ponsonby, Major-General Sir William, monument, 206 Pontificals, 59 Poole, Matthew, 105, 107 Pooley, Giles, 109 Porteus, Beilby, Bishop of London, 113, 245,249, 253 portrait, 219 Portiforium. See Breviarium. Portraits of Bishops of London, 219 Deans and Canons of S. Paul's, 220 Pott, Joseph Holden, Archdeacon ol London, 245, 254 Potter, Beatrice, 143 Poynter, E. J., designs for the decora- tion of S. Paul's, 197, 198 PRAYER, BOOK OF COMMON c> 1553, 40 c. 1613, 20 1636, facsimile of P.B. of, 64 INDEX. 275 Prayer, Book of Common continued. 1639, 22 1641, 63 1662, facsimile of original MS.,' 64 the sealed book, 46 Bp. Compton's copy, 46 reprints of sealed book, 64 1679, 47 1687, Bp. Gibson's copy, 47 1766, 63 Mr. Pickering's reprints, 64 Scotland, 1657, 63 Ireland, 1750, 63 American, 1789, 47 Order of the Communion printed by Grafton, 1548, 39 Prayer, Book of Common, translations Arabic, 64 Dutch, English and Low Dutch, 65 French, 1616, 44, 65 Greek, 65 Indo Portuguese, 65 Italian, 65 Latin, 64 Spanish, 65 Prayer, forms of 1563, 41 1649, used at the Court of the Princesse Royall, 45 1797, 47 1872, 48 for September 2, the anniversary of the Fire of London, 76 Precentor of S. Paul's, his seal, 221 Pieces Privatae, 42 Preston, Thomas, 93 Pretyman, George, Bishop of Lincoln, Dean of S. Paul's, 249, 254 Price, Daniel, 90, 98, 234 Gabriel, 92 John Edward, 141, 143 Robert, Prebendary of Durham, 245 Sampson, 91, 236 Prickett, Frederick, 139 Pridden, John, Minor Canon, 68, 85 Primer, 36, 37, 38, 39 Prinn, William, 150 Pritchett, Jo., 46 Procession, Royal, passing S. Paul's, 210 Procession to S. Paul's, 199 PROCESSIONALE de Frejus, 59 Monasticum Benedictinum, 59 Romanum, 59 ad usum Sarum, 35 reprint, 6l Procter, William, 94 PSALTER, METRICAL: Sternhold and Hopkins' version 1579, 12 1630, 45 1580, 23 1639, 22 1582, 24 1641, 63 1605, 25 1643, 45 1608, 25 1647, 15 1614, 21 1654, 16 1622, 45 Foure score and seven Psalmes of David, printed at Geneva, 1561, 41 PSALTER, or Psalms of David : The Utrecht Psalter, facsimile, 48 Grafton, 1540, 39 Cranmer's, about 1550, 24 Whytchurch, about 1550, 93 Whytchurch, about 1553, 40 The Great Bible, about 1583, 23 The Great Bible, 1622, 45 French, Jehan Bill, 1616, 44 Dutch, 1566, 41 Malagasy, 1884, 48 Psalterium Romanum, 59 manuscript, S. Paul's Cathedml. 67,68 Pugin, A., 139, 192 Pullan, Richard Popplewell, 128 Pulleyn, John, 107 Pulpit at S. Paul's, view of, 196 Purchas, Samuel, 94 Pyrotechnica Loyolana, 74 Q. QUAKER women in S. Paul's, 74 Queen Anne's Gate, view of, 218 Queen Square, Bloomsbury, old house in, 217 Queen Square, Westminster, view of, 218 Quignon, Cardinal, his breviary, 155^, 40 the reprint, 58 R. RAFN, Charles Christian, 79 Rainbowe, Edward, 99 Rainolds, John, 235 Rajewsky, Michael, 61 Randolph, Francis, Bishop of Bristol, 245 John, Bishop of Oxford, 250, 254 Ravenscroft, Edward, 135 Thomas, 45 Reeve, Thomas, 136 Renaudot, Eusebius, 6l Rennell, Thomas, Master of the Temple, 245, 254 Thomas, Vicar of Kensington, 246 Reredos in S. Paul's, 197 Resbury, Nathaniel, 243 2 7 6 INDEX. Reynolds, Edward, 102, 104, 105, 151 H. E., 62 Sir Joshua, 220 his monument, 205 Richard, Bishop of Lincoln, 248 Rhemish New Testament, 25 Khudde, Durand, 245 Richard II., portrait of, 210 Richardson, Charles, 92, 236 John G., 247 Robert, 245 Richmond, George, 127 Ridge way, Chas. J., 247 Ridley, Gloucester, Prebendary of Salis- j bury, 244, 253 Nicholas, Bishop of London, 31 his portrait, 219 Lancelot, 27, 28, 29 Riley, Henry Thomas, 140 Rimbault, Edward F., 81 Riou, Captain Edward, monument, 205, ; 206 RITUALE : du diocese d'Alet, 58 Atrebatense, 58 Augustanum, 58 Cisterciense, 60 du Diocese de Quebec, 58 de la Province de Reims, 58 Romanum, 58, 59 Rivers, Sir Henry, 245 Sir Peter, 253 Roberts, David, 183 Robertson, Joseph Clinton, 138 Robins, William, 139 Robinson, John, Bishop of London, 1 10, 252 his portrait, 219 Charles J., 142, 154 Ralph, 102 Rock, Daniel, 61, 65 Rocque's Survey of London, 164 Rodney, Lord, monument, 206 Rogers, John, 243, 252 Thomas, 43 - Rook, Sir George, 108 Roper, Joseph, 112, 243 Ro.-s, John, Bishop of Exeter, 249 Major-General Robert T., monu- ment, 206 Rossi, Charles, sculptor, 206 Roulanson, James, 114 Row, C. A., Prebendary, 118 Rowsell, Thomas James, Canon of Westminster, 247 Runic stone found in S. Paul's Church- yard, 79, 226 Runt, Harry (pseudonym), 232 Russell, Dr., President of Sion College, 140 Russell, William, 8 1, 83, 121 Rust, George, Bishop of Dromore, 242 Rutton, Thomas, 104 Ryder, Henry, Bishop of Gloucester, 245, 250, 254 Rye House Plot, 135 Rythyn, William, Minor Canon, Al- moner, his tomb, 179 S. SACERDOTALE, 44 Constantiense, 59 Sacheverell, Henry, 122-125, 243 Saddlers' Company, 154 Sadleir's, Lady, Sermon, 115 St. John, Pawlet, 112, 243 Salisbury. See Sarum. Salomon, Proverbes of, 28 The Bokes of, 27 Salter, Samuel, Master of the Charter- house, 244 Salvation Army, 144 Sancroft, William, Archbishop of Can- terbury, autograph signature, 222 Dean of S. Paul's, portrait, 220 Sanctorale Macloviense, 59 Sandys, Bishop of London, portrait, 219 Saravia, Hadrian, 32 Sarcerius, Erasmus, 27 Sarum, Ritual Books, secundum usum, 35-38, 61 Saunders, W. Sedgwick, M.D., 79, 226 Saunderson, Robert, 95, 96 Savage, Thomas, Bishop of London, his seal, 221 William, 243 Saviour, S., South wark, 149 Savoy, Palace of, 138 Schloss, David F., 143 Sclater, William, 235 Scotland, ritual books of, reprint, 65 Scott, Benjamin, Chamberlain of Lon- don, 142 William, President of Sion College, 140 Sc-rl-ck, Mr., i.e., David Scurlock, 113 Seabury, Bishop, commemoration of, 83,84 Seals of Bishops of London, 221 Dean and Chapter, 221 Minor Canons, 221 Archdeacon of London, 221 Precentor, 221 Official, sede vacante, 221 Negociant, 221 Sebba, King, his tomb, 179 Seeker, Thomas, Bishop of Oxford Dean of S. Paul's, no, 248, 252 installation as Dean, 76 portrait, 220 .INDEX. 277 Seller, John, Remarkable Places in London, 169 Selwyn, George Augustus, Bishop of Lichfield, 251 Sepulchre, S., Church of, 152 Sermones Dormi Secure, 48 Seutter's Plan of London, 163 Seymour, Robert, 131 Shaftesbury House, Aldersgate Street, view of, 216 Sharpe, Reginald R., 143, 144 Shaw, Dr., at Paul's Cross, 181 Henry, 80, 210 Shea, George, 84 Sheldon, Gilbert, Bishop of London, autograph signature, 222 portrait, 219 Richard, 95 Sheriffs, procession to Westminster in 1849, 203 Sherlock, Thomas, Bishop of London, 114, 248, 243, 252 portrait, 219 William, Dean of S. Paul's, 107, 118, 119, 157 portrait, 220 Sherwell, John W., 154 Shipley, Jonathan, Bishop of S. Asaph, 249, 253 Shiryngton, Walter, founder of the ancient library, xv Shone, William Calvert, 122 Short. Thomas Vowler, Bishop of S. Asaph, 251, 255 Shurlock, Manwaring, 83 Shuttleworth, Henry Carey, Minor Canon, 121 P. N., Warden of New College, 246 Sibbs, Richard, 96 Signs of Old London, 210, 218 Simpson, W. Sparrow, 44, 81, 82, 83, 84, 151, 197 Sincerus, Jodocus, 55 Sinclair, John, Archdeacon of Middle- sex, 246 Sion College, 140, 142 View of the Old College, 217 Sion Monastery, at Isleworth, 67 Sise Lane halfpenny, 226 Sixtine Chapel, Frescoes, 227 Skerret, R., Ill Skerritt, Major-General John Byrn, monument, 206 Skinner, Richard, 132 Skinners' Company, 154 Smalbroke, Richard, Bishop of Lich- field and Coventry, 248 Smallwell, Edward, Bishop of Oxford, 249 Smalridge, George, Bishop of Bristol, no, 252 Smith, Alexander, 120 H. Llewellyn, 143 J. E., 148 James, sculptor, 206 Joseph, 243 Sydney, Canon of St. Paul's, 114 Wentworth, 239 William, 53 William, A'otige Dragon, 133 Smithfield Market, 173 Snape, Andrew, Canon of Windsor, 1 10, 252 Dr., 76 Soames, Alderman, 146 Societies, 80, 241-255 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 252-255 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 248-251 Sons .of the Clergy Association, 102, 112, 114, 125, 241-247 Society for Photographing Relics of Old London, 216-218 Soldier, The Old, 173 Sonnibank, Charles, 92 Sorbiere, Monsieur, 136 South, Robert, 106 Southwark, Old Inns, 217 S. Mary Overy's Dock, 217 Sparke, Bowyer, Bishop of Ely, 250 Sparrow, Anthony, 46 Joseph, 79 Spateman, Thomas, Prebendary of S. Paul's, 243 Spencer, Benjamin, ico Spenser, John, 91 Spratt, Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 241, 242 Thomas, Archdeacon of Rochester, 243 Spry, John Hume, 246 Spurstowe, William, 102 Squier, John, 99, 148, 157 Squire, John, 238 Samuel, Archdeacon of Bath, 253 Stahlschmidt, J. C. L., 142 Stainer, Sir John, 83 Stanhope, George, Dean of Canter- bury, 108, 109, 242, 248, 252 Stanley, Edward, Bishop of Norwich, 250 William, Dean of S. Asaph, 248 Staple Inn, Views of, 216, 2 18 Stationers' Company, 154, 155 Hall, 136 Statutes of S. Michael and S. George, 55 S. Paul's Cathedral, 81 Stebbing, Henry, Preacher, Gray's Inn, 243, 248, 252 Stebbing, Henry, Fellow of Catherine Hall, 244 278 INDEX. Stephen, S., Coleman Street, 152 Stephens, Archibald John, 64 Sterne, Richard, Archbishop of York, autograph signature, 222 Sternhold and Hopkins. See Psalter. Stevens, Robert, 246 Steward, Richard, sometimes called Dean of S. Paul's, 119 portrait, 220 Stillingfleet, Edward, Dean of S. Paul's, 119, 120, 157 his portrait, 220 Stock, Richard, 235 Stockwood, John, 233 Stone, Samuel, 106 Storm of 1703, 137 Stoughton, John, 96 Stow, John, 131, 133, 142 Stradling, George, 46 Strand, Old Houses in the, 218 Stratford, Ralph, Bishop of London, seal, 221 Street, George Edmund, 127 Strong, William, 102 Stuart, Richard. See Steward. Stubbs, Philip, Archdeacon of S. Alban's, 112 Stukeley, Plan of Roman London, 161 Sturt, J., The Orthodox Communicant, 47 Succentor's Reports, 82 Sudbury, Simon, Bishop of London, seal, 221 Sumner, Charles Richard, Bishop of Winchester, 250, 254 installation as Dean of S. Paul's, 195 Sumner, John Bird, Archbishop of Canterbury, 246, 250, 254, 255 Sutton, Charles Manners, Bishop of Norwich, 250 Frederick Heathcote, 127 Thomas, 90, 236 S within, S., London Stone, 152 Sydenham, Humphry, 95 Sykes, James, Virger, 77 Sylvius, ./Eneas, 50 T. T., J., Sermon at Paul's Cross, 234 T., R,, Five Godlie Sermons, 53 Tabor, John, 157 Mary C., 143 Tahiti, autograph signature of Kame- hameha, King of, 222 Tait, A. C., Archbishop of Canterbury, autograph signature, 127 Talbot, Edward S., 247 Talbot, William, Bishop of Oxford, 109, 252 Tallemach, William, sculptor, 206 Tallis' London Street Views, 139 Tallow Chandlers' Hall, View of, 218 Taverner, Richard, 39, 49 Bible, 29 Taverner's New Testament, 22 Taylor, Andrew T., 122 W., 149 Temple, the Inner, views of, 218 the Middle, views of, 218 Bar, 141, 216 Temple, Frederick, Bishop of Exeter, now Bishop of London, 251 Robert, 87 Templer, John, 104 Tenison, Edward, no Tennis Court, James Street, Haymarket, 218 Tennison, Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, 242 Terrick, Richard, Bishop of London, 1 20, 249 portrait, 219 Terry, Edward, 100 TESTAMENT, NEW. See also Bible Polyglots, 14 Greek Texts, 14-17 Latin version, 17, 23 Latin and German, 17 German, 17 Dutch, 17 French, 18 Italian, 18 English, 18-25 Tyndale's, 18-25 Coverdale's, 21, 22 ' Hollybushe,' 22 Taverner's, 22 Cranmer's, 23 Genevan, 24, 25 Rhemish, 25 Tomson, 12, 25 Testament, Parts of, 26-32 Thames, north bank of, 138 Thanksgiving services at S. Paul's, 199 in 1789, 77 in 1814, 78 in 1872, 81 Theed, William, sculptor, 206 Thirlwall, Connop, Bishop of S. David's, 250, 255 Thomas, S., Apostle, parish of, 149, 153 John, Bishop of Lincoln, 249, 252 Thompson, Thomas, 93 Thorns, Will. J., 133 Thomson, William, Archbishop of York, 255 Thornbury, Walter, 133 Thornhill, Sir James, portrait by, 219. frescoes in dome, 197 INDEX. 27<> Thornton, William, 132 Thorold, Anthony W., Bishop of Win- chester, 247 Thurlow, Charles A., Chancellor of Chester, 247 Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, 249 Thynne, Lord John, Prebendary of Westminster, 246 Tilland, Margaret A., 143 Tillotson, John, Dean of S. Paul's, 106 portrait, 220 Tokens representing S. Paul's Cathe- dra], 226 London tradesmen's, 139 Tomson's New Testament, 12, 25 Tonsure plate of S. Paul's in the thir- teenth century, 226 Tootehill Fields, 168 Topping, Henry, in Torregiano, alabaster sarcophagus at- tributed to, 196 Tottenham Court Manor House, 210 Towneley, James, 244 Trap ad Crucem, 158 Trapp, Joseph, 243, 252 Treasure of Gladness, 44 Trebeck, Andrew, 244 Trelawney, Jonathan, Bishop of Exeter, 108 Trench, Lieutenant-Colonel, 138, 175 Trevor, Richard, Bishop of S. David's, 249. 253 Trimnell, Charles, Bishop of Norwich, 243, 248 Tucker, Josiah, Dean of Gloucester, 245. 253 Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bishop of London, 40 his seal, 221 portrait, 219 Turkey, medal commemorating visit of Sultan to London, 224 Turnbull, Richard, 32 Turner, Francis, Bishop of Ely, 242 Turton, Thomas, Bishop of Ely, 118 Tyndale, William, 68 New Testament, first edition, 18 Pentateuch, 26 exposicion on v., vi. f vii. S. Mat- thew, 26 exposition of S. John's Epistles, 27 Testament, 18-25 See also Bible Joan, 68 Tynley, Robert, 234 U. UDALL, Ephraim, 100 Undechill, iMr., 144 Union of England and Scotland, thanks- giving for, 109 Utenhove, Jan, 41 Utrecht breviary, 38 V. VALENTINE, Henry, 99 Valpy, E. A., 143 Van den Wyngaerde, view of London. 167 Vandyke, 219 Van Mildert, William, Bishop of Dur- ham, Dean of S. Paul's, 194, 250, 254 Vaughan, Richard, Bishop of London, portrait, 219- Charles John, 246 Ven, Captain, 146 Venning, Ralph, 103 Vernon, Edward Venables, Bishop of Carlisle, 250 Vertue, Henry, 99 VICTORIA, QUEEN, jubilee medal, 225 medal commemorating visit to Guildhall, 224 autograph signature, 127, 221 Villiers, Montagu Henry, Bishop of Carlisle, 251, 255 Vincent, William, Sub-almoner, 245, 253 Viner, Thomas, Lord Mayor, 102 Vines, Richard, 102 Vinke, Peter, 104 Visscher's View of London, 167 W. WADDINGTON, Edward, Bishop of Chichester, 248 Wadmore, James Foster, 154 Wake, William, Archbishop of Canter- bury, 252 Wakefield, Robert, 48 Wakeman, Robert, 89 Wales, Prince of, thanksgiving services on recovery of health in 1872, 81, 203, 204 medal struck in commemoration, 224, 225 autograph signature, 127 Wales, Princess of, autograph sig