A-/ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID e The Life and Times of John Wilkins WARDEN WILKINS. The Life and Times of John Wilkins Warden of Wadham College, Oxford ; Master of Trinity College, Cambridge ; and Bishop of Chester BY I PfA. WRIGHT HENDERSON u WARDEN OF WADHAM COLLEGE, OXFORD William Blackwood and Sons Edinburgh and London 1910 ALL tf/G/frvS 1 RESERVED DEDICATED TO THE MEMBERS OF WADHAM COLLEGE. PREFACE. THIS little book is written as an offering to the Members of Wadham College for the Tercentenary of its foundation. The writer makes no pretensions to learning or research : the title of the book would be misleading and ridiculous if taken to imply a profound study of the times of Bishop Wilkins, from his birth in 1614 to his death in 1672, the most important, perhaps, certainly the most interesting, in the history of Great Britain. It has been attempted only to touch on the great questions and events which shaped the life and character of a remarkable man. Use has been made freely and often, without due acknowledgment, of the ' History of Wadham viii PREFACE. College,' written by Mr T. G. Jackson, R.A., one of its Honorary Fellows and distinguished alumni; a history of the building and archi- tecture of the College, which no one but he could have written, a history also of its social and academical life from its beginning to the present day. Nor has less use been made of Mr J. Wells' History of the College, of which he is a Fellow. He will, I am sure, pardon my impertinence in saying that in his book are combined diligent research and a sense of humour and of the picturesque, excellences rarely found together in historians. Mr R. B. Gardiner, formerly Scholar of Wadham, has earned its gratitude by his invaluable ' Registers of Admissions/ which, it is to be hoped, he will bring down to 1910 or later: they will make easy the work of some member of the College, who will doubt- less arise to write a magnum opus, the history of the College in every aspect architectural, social, and academical. For it the writer will use, as I have done PREFACE. ix for this little book, the notes and comments of Mr Andrew Clark on Wood's ' Life and Times/ and other volumes published by the Oxford Historical Society. My thanks are due also to Dr Butler, the Master of Trinity, Cambridge, for his kindness in telling me what little there is to tell of Wilkins' short tenure of the Mastership. The Bishop of Chester, Dr Jayne, formerly a Scholar of Wadham, now Bishop of the Diocese which Wilkins held, has helped me with information about the short episcopate of his predecessor. For it I am grateful to him, as well for the suggestion or command which led to my first attempt, made four years ago, to write something about Wilkins. The too short article in the ' Dictionary of National Biography ' has been of much service : it gives the bibliography of the subject, or an equivalent, for no life of Wilkins has been written till now, and indicates the sources of information about him : it also puts in clear order the events of his varied life. Mr Sanders x PREFACE. must know much which he should be gently forced to tell. Fain would I acknowledge to Wood and Aubrey the debt I owe to them, especially to Wood, and ask his pardon for occasional ill- natured remarks about him, as ill-natured nearly as his own about most of his contemporaries. The only merit claimed for this libellus is its brevity no small recommendation in this age of "exhaustive treatment" when, in biblio- graphy especially, it is difficult to see the wood for the trees. It is an inadequate expression of the writer's affection for the College in which he has spent more than forty years of his life, and the unvarying kindness and indulgence which he has received from pupils and colleagues. CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE I. HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE FROM ITS FOUNDATION TO THE BEGINNING OF WILKINS' WARDENSHIP . I II. WILKINS 5 LIFE TILL HIS APPOINTMENT TO THE WARDENSHIP ...... 30 III. WILKINS 5 WARDENSHIP ..... 54 IV. WILKINS AFTER HIS LIFE AT OXFORD . . . 105 ILLUSTRATIONS. PACK WARDEN WILKINS .... Frontispiece NICHOLAS WADHAM . . . . . .12 DOROTHY WADHAM ...... l6 ADMIRAL BLAKE ...... 28 WADHAM COLLEGE FROM THE WARDEN'S GARDEN. . 48 WADHAM COLLEGE FROM THE COLLEGE GARDEN . . 78 SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN IOO THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JOHN WILKINS. CHAPTER I. HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE FROM ITS FOUNDATION TO THE BEGINNING OF WILKINS* WARDENSHIP. V^ADHAM COLLEGE was founded in 1 6 10, when on July 3ist the founda- tion-stone was laid; and opened in 1613, when, on April 2Oth, the Warden and Fellows elected by the Foundress were admitted ; the Warden, by the Vice - Chancellor of the University in St Mary's Church ; the fifteen Fellows by the Warden in the College Hall ; the fifteen Scholars by the Warden and Fellows in the same place. A 2 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF All of them, from the Warden to the Junior Scholars, were sworn to obey the Statutes of the College, save three of the Scholars, who were supposed to be too young to understand the nature of an oath. A site had been found on the ground where had stood the Priory of the Augustine Friars, founded in 1268 suppressed in 1540. It had been gradually removed or destroyed by time and plunder of its materials : no traces of it are left, except on the west side of the Warden's garden, a postern - gate which he maintains was used by the friars for various purposes. Another memorial of the Priory sur- vived till 1800 the phrase of "doing Austins." Up to that date, or near it, every Bachelor of Arts was required once in each year to " dispute and answer ad Augustinenses," and the chapel or refectory of the Priory were con- venient places in which to hold the disputations. In the University no official title, no name indeed of any kind, escapes abbreviation or worse indignity, instances of which will readily JOHN WILKINS. 3 suggest themselves to the mind of any Oxford reader. The founders were Nicholas Wadham and Dorothy, his wife, of Merrifield and Edge in the county of Somerset. He was a squire of good estate and high degree, the last male descendant of the main line of Wadhams. Born in 1532, he was educated at Corpus or at Christ Church : there is a conflict of testimony on this point, but Corpus was probably his college. At the age of twenty - three he married Dorothy Petre. She was two years younger than her husband, born in 1534, the daughter of Sir William Petre of Writtle in Essex, near which much of the College property now lies. For his zeal in suppressing the monasteries Sir William had been rewarded by the grant of a large estate, and Wadham, so long a Whig and Evangelical College, was by the vicissitudes of fortune built both pecuniarily and materially on the ruins of the Roman Catholic Church. The young couple were wealthy and lived their lives in state at Merrifield, where they 4 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF kept an open house, " an inn at all times for their friends, and a court at Christmas." Yet, owing probably to the management of Dorothy, a notable and prudent wife, they saved money, and the childless pair determined to devote their wealth to " the purposes of religion, learn- ing, and education." Their creed, like that of many waverers in those days of transi- tion, was by no means clear, possibly even to themselves. The Wadhams were suspected of being Recusants, and Dorothy was presented as such, even in the year 1613 when the College was completed. This may have given rise to Antony Wood's story that Nicholas was minded to found a College at Venice for Roman Catholic students, but the balance of probabilities is against its truth. It has been pointed out by Mr Jackson, on the suggestion of Mr Thorley, the late Warden, that ''the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 may have weakened his (Wadham's) attachment, in common with that of many liberal and loyal Catholics, to the cause of the JOHN WILKINS. 5 old faith " ; further, that " the Venice scheme comes very near, if it does not amount to, an offence which the law had anticipated and actually forbidden, and it would have exposed its author to the direful penalties of Pramunire, which by a Statute of 27 Elizabeth were denounced against any person contributing to the support of any College of Jesuits, or Sem- inary, erected, or hereafter to be erected, beyond the sea " : and finally, Mr Jackson dwells on many evidences from facts that the Founder was in his later years strictly conformable to the Reformed Church. These are weighty arguments, and to them may be added others worthy of consideration. To a daughter of Sir William Petre her husband's design, if he ever entertained it, would have been more than distasteful, for its fulfilment would have meant a confession of sacrilege committed by her father and acquiesced in by herself: it would have meant also the establishment of a college beyond the sea, removed from the Founder's supervision and control. No one who knows human nature, 6 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF or daughters, or Dorothy Wadham, can regard the story as more than an interesting fiction. And yet, is there no foundation for Wood's circum- stantial narrative ? Does the fact that the Foundress was presented as a Recusant mean nothing? The problem is one worthy of the industry and ingenuity of Mr Andrew Lang. The Founder died at the age of seventy-seven years in 1609. He was buried in " Myne He at Ilminster, where myne ancestors lye interred." The funeral was one befitting, in the estimation of those days, the obsequies of an important country gentleman : it cost ^500, equivalent now to a sum sufficient for the public funeral of some great statesman. It is easy to condemn our ancestors ; but their modes of extravagance were less frivolous than ours, if equally irrational. The building accounts have been preserved in the account - book treasured in the College archives : in it is recorded would have expressed what High Churchmen felt towards the leaders of the Oxford movement, and with equal truth and justice. Here Antony Wood may be called in to play the part of the Advocatus Diaboli. He plays it in the following passage, as always, with great vigour and enjoyment : " Dr John Wilkins, a notorious complyer with the Presbyterians, from whom he obtained the Wardenship of Wadham ; with the Independants and Cromwell himself, JOHN WILKINS. 125 by whose favour he did not only get a dispensa- tion to marry (contrary to the College Statutes), but also, because he had married his sister, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge : from which being ejected at the Restoration, he faced about, and by his smooth language, insinuating preaching, flatteries, and I know not what, got among other preferments the Deanery of Ripon, and at length by the commendation of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, a great favourer of fanaticks and atheists, the Bishopric of Chester." The passage is inaccurate both in grammar and in facts, but it is valuable as evidence of the venomous party spirit prevalent in the seven- teenth century, a spirit to which we can easily rise superior, we whose station, property, life, do not depend on the triumph of this or that opinion. In Oxford at least we do not now say such things about each other. But in another place Wood takes a less unfavourable view of Wilkins' character, and uses about him the politest language at his command. " He was a 126 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF person of rare gifts, a noted theologist and preacher ; a curious critick in several matters ; an excellent mathematician and experimentalist, &c. ; and I cannot say that there was anything deficient in him but a constant mind and settled principles." This is an outline of the facts and opinions about Wilkins which have come down to us. What are we to think of him ? Unquestionably there lies against a man who prospered under Cromwell and Charles II., and was a favourite of both, a presumption of ex- cessive pliancy, of too much readiness to adapt himself to his environment, of time-serving, if you like, and insincerity. It cannot be proved that he was not a Vicar of Bray, the title which at once suggests itself. Tolerance, geniality, and chanty are virtues which have their own defects, and some measure of austerity is one of the ingredients of a perfect character. It has been said of Wilkins that two principles determined his career : a large tolerance of actions and opinions ; a readiness to submit JOHN WILKINS. 127 himself to "the powers that be," let them have been established if they might. These are the marks of a wise man, and of a man supremely useful in times of bitter hatred and uncom- promising revenge : they are not the marks of a hero or a martyr. Wilkins was in fact a Trimmer. It may be said of him what has been said by Mr Herbert Paul of a more famous Trimmer, Lord Halifax (not our Lord Halifax), that "he was thoroughly imbued with the English spirit of compromise, that he had a remarkable power of understand- ing, even sympathetically understanding, opinions which he did not hold." Wilkins hated perse- cution, and that hatred nerves a Trimmer to defend unpopular persons and unpopular causes, as he did in his College and University and D,iocese. Toleration has a courage of its own equal to that of fanaticism, and more useful and intelligent. It is now an easier and a safer virtue than it was two hundred and fifty years ago : it is not popular now ; it was odious then, and men were impatient with those who took 128 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF no side, or changed sides for reasons good or bad. Macaulay who never knew a doubt, whose way was clear and easy in the struggles of his day, when reform and free trade in corn were obviously desirable and necessary writes with contemptuous severity of the profligacy of politi- cians from the Restoration to the accession of the House of Hanover. " One who in such an age is determined to attain civil greatness must renounce all thought of consistency. Instead of affecting immutability in the midst of mu- tation, he must always be on the watch for the indications of a coming reaction. He must seize the exact moment for deserting a falling cause. He has seen so many institutions from which much had been expected produce mere disappointment, that he has no hope of im- provement. There is nothing in the state which he could not, without a scruple, join in defending or destroying." Compare with these scathing words his estimate of the character of Halifax, the Whig : " The most estimable of JOHN W ILK INS. 129 the statesmen who were formed in the corrupt and licentious Whitehall of the Restoration. He was called inconsistent because the relative position in which he stood to the contending parties was perpetually varying. As well might the Polar Star be called inconsistent because it is sometimes to the east and sometimes to the west of the pointers. To have defended the ancient and legal constitution of the realm against a seditious populace at one conjunction, and against a tyrannical government at another ; to have been the foremost champion of order in the turbulent Parliament of 1680, and the fore- most champion of liberty in the servile Parliament of 1685 ; to have been just and merciful to the Roman Catholics in the days of the Popish Plot, and to the Exclusionists in the days of the Rye House Plot ; this was a course which contem- poraries, heated by passion, and deluded by names and badges, might not unnaturally call fickle, but which deserves a very different name from the late justice of posterity." More than one British statesman, Tory, be it observed, as well as Whig, i 130 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF needs and deserves a defence like this. Alter names and dates, and it will serve as a vindica- tion of Wilkins' deficiency in a "constant mind and settled principles." Therefore the paradox is true that a Trimmer may be a man of firmness and courage ; one who is bold enough to make many enemies and few friends ; who has convic- tions of his own, but by a power of sympathy, one of the rarest and highest mental, half moral, half intellectual, qualities, can understand opinions which he does not hold ; understand and pardon, as the French say. Whether Wilkins' tolerance was of the exalted kind, or alloyed by an admixture of that other tolerance which is no better than indifference and opportunism, it is impossible to say, for we do not know enough about him to pro- nounce a judgment. Our data are scanty and incoherent, scattered about in diaries and memoirs written by persons of different stations and opinions. This much is certain, that Pope, Aubrey, Sprat, Evelyn, Pepys, Tillotson, and Burnet speak of him with affection and respect : JOHN WILKINS. 131 one note runs through all their eulogies, that he was universally beloved ; yet he was not one of those nonentities whom now we style amiable persons, but a man of character and power. As a loyal son of the College, the writer is prepared to maintain that a Vicar of Bray could not have won love and admiration in his College, his University, and in his Diocese, and in a larger world than these ; nor have been "laudatus a laudatis viris." It is more rational to believe that Wilkins was a good and wise man, who accepted the situations in which he found himself placed, and made the best of them, being more solicitous to do good than to preserve consistency, that most negative of virtues. Let him be judged by his best, as, men are most fairly judged, and by another good criterion, the times in which he lived, times of perpetual change, confusion, and perplexity. PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS. Catalogue of .Messrs Blackwood & Sons Publications PERIODS OF EUROPEAN LITERATURE: A Complete and CONTINUOUS HISTORY OF THB SUBJKCT. Edited by PROFISSQB SAINTS- BURY. In 12 crown 8vo vols., each 6s. net. I. THE DARK AGES. By Professor W. P. KBR. II. THE FLOURISHING OF ROMANCE AND THE RISE OF ALLEGORY. (12TH AND 13TH CENTURIES.) By GEORGE SAINTS- BURY, M.A., Hon. LL.D., Aberdeen, Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in Edinburgh University. III. THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY. By F. 0. SNILL. IV. THE TRANSITION PERIOD. By Prof. G. GRKGORY SMITH. V. THE EARLIER RENAISSANCE. By THB EDITOR. VI. THE LATER RENAISSANCE. By DAVID HANNAY. VII. THE FIRST HALF OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. By Prof. H. J. C. GRIERSON. VIII. THE AUGUSTAN AGES. By OLIVBK ELTON. IX. 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