<\J v> 10 CT* THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Education GIFT OF Snma T. Grimwood London, December 1, 1828. JUST PUBLISHED UY JAMES DUNCAN, 37 PATERNOSTER ROW. THE MODERN TRAVELLER ; containing a Popular Descrip- tion, Geographical, Historical, and Topographical, of the various Countries of the Globe, compiled from the latest and best Authorities. The Work is published in Monthly Parts, closely and elegantly printed, price 2,9. Qd. each, Two of which form a Volume. Each Part contains Two Engravings, and (upon an average) five Sheets of Letter-press, comprising as much as an ordinary octavo volume. The Publisher flatters himself, that it will be considered as one of the cheapest Books published. ** The various Countries, as completed, may be had in boards, price 5s. Gd. per Volume; neatly half-bound and lettered, Gs. per Volume; in calf, gilt extra, Is. per Volume. Already published, PALESTINE; OR, TEE HOLY LAND, One Vol. SYRIA and ASIA MINOR,TwoVols. BRAZIL and BUENOS AYRES, Two Vols. MEXICO and GUATIMALA, Two Vols ' NIA, Two Vols. COLOMBIA, One Vol. ARABIA, One Vol. RUSSIA, One Vol. SPAIN and PORTUGAL, Two Vols. BIRMAN EMPIRE, One Vol. GREECE, Two Vols. TURKEY, One Vol. EGYPT, NUBIA, and ABYSSI- PERSIA and CHINA, Two Vols. INDIA, Four Vols. AFRICA, NORTH AMERICA, PERU, CHILI, &c. will follow in succession. %* To be completed in 60 Parts. The following Testimonies, selected from numerous notices recommendatory of the Work, will prove the general estimation in which it is held : " We speak within the most cautious bounds, when we say, that in any volume of this work the traveller will find more of the actual material of which he stands hi need, the real, distinct, matter-of-fact information, than in any ten ' voyages and travels 1 to the same region. Of the minuteness of this history, India, the best judgment may be formed from its extent. In the usual manner of printing, it would fill three large octavo volumes. The contents of the four volumes exhibit a singular industry in the collection, and condensation in the quantity of valu- able matter." Literary Gazette, Dec. 6, 1828. " The portion on Turkey, in the Modern Traveller, contains the united excellencies of every writer, past and present, on this important subject, and cannot be too frequently con- sulted for correctness of information perspicuously delivered. This observation, indeed, applies to the whole body of that work, which, taken altogether, is not exceeded by any similar publi- cation throughout Europe; and reflects great credit on the spirit of the Publisher, and the correct taste, deep reading, and patient industry of the Editor." Foreign Review, No. 3, p. 219. " In our papers on Greece, we have looked occasionally to the works of the individuals on whose fidelity and knowledge we had most reason to rely. But for the reader's purpose of obtaining a view at once general and minute, animated and important, we can na-ne nothing superior to the two little volumes of ' Greece,' contained in the Modern Traveller, a publication which, amounting to fifteen pocket volumes, already contains more information of the actual state of the world, than perhaps any other in existence. Its merit is, that it is not a compilation of the writings of modern travellers, but a combination of their various knowledge, checked and i often increased by the accuracy and information of the intelligent Editor. It deservf ,- a place in ^e library of every inquiring person, who desires to become acquainted with the latf&t state of nations, without the trouble of turning over a multitude of voyages and statistical works, naturally imperfect and partial, and, of course, sometimes contradictory and untrue."' Black- tvood's Magazine, Dec. 182(j. " We feel ourselves justified in recommending this work to our readers, as promising to bo the most judicious and interesting publication of the kind that has ever fallen under our notice." Asiatic Journal, " This is an excellent geographical work, compiled with much industry, learning, and intel- ligence. Though printed with neatness, and forming an elegant stri: of little volumes, we think that its intrinsic merit entitled it to a more dignified form. It is not the work it seems to be but a better." Westminster Review. - WORKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED. I. A SECOND COURSE of SERMONS for the YEAR; con- taining Two for each Sunday, and one for each Holyday ; abridged from the most eminent Divines of the Established Church, and adapted to the Service of the Day : intended for the Use of Families and Schools. Dedicated, by permission, to the Lord Bishop of London. By the Rev. J. R. PITMAN, A.M., alternate Morning Preacher of Belgrave and Berkeley Chapels; and alternate Evening Preacher of the Foundling and Magdalen Hospitals. In Two Vols. 8vo, price 21 s. boards. " There is no question which the Clergy are more frequently asked, and to which they find it more difficult to give a satisfactory reply than this What Sermons would they recommend for the use of a private family ? There are so many circumstances which render the greater part of modern discourses totally unfit for the purposes of domestic instruction, and the old standards, unmodernised, are so little intelligible to common ears, that it is no easy matter to point out any set of discourses embracing a sufficient variety to excite attention, at the same time forcibly inculcating the pure doctrines and practical precepts of Christianity, which is adapted in all respects to the reader, and the usual circle of listeners met on fhe Sabbath evening for prayer and edification. We really think that Mr. Pitman's work bids fair to supply the deficiency which has been so much regretted." Quarterly Theological Review. %* A Second Edition of the FIRST COURSE is just published, same size and price as above. II. The WHOLE WORKS of the Ri;ht Rev. JEREMY TAYLOR, D.D., Lord Bishop of Down, Connor, and Dromore, with a Life of the Author, and a Critical Examination of his Writings. By the Right Rev. REGINALD HEBER, D.D., late Lord Bishop of Calcutta. In 15 Volumes, 8vo, new edition, price 91. boards. Also may be had, separate, by the same Author, 1. HOLY LIVING and DYING. 8vo. price 12s. boards. 2. A COURSE of SERMONS for all the SUNDAYS of the YEAR. Two Vols. 8vo, price 24s. boards. 3. The LIFE of the Right Rev. JEREMY TAYLOR. In One Volume, 8vo, with a Portrait, price 10s. 6d. boards. III. The WORKS of the Right Rev. WILLIAM BEVERIDGE, D.D., Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, now first collected : with a Memoir of the Author, and a Critical Examination of his Writings, by the Rev. THOMAS HARTWELL HORKE, M.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge; Author of the " Introduction to the Holy Scriptures." In Nine Vols. 8vo, with a Portrait, uniform with the Works of Bishop Taylor, price 51. 8s. boards. Also may be had, by the same Author, THESAURUS THEOLOGICUS ; or, a Complete System of Divinity. In Two Volumes, 8vo. price 24s. boards. IV. A NEW FAMILY BIBLE, and Improved Version of the Holy Scriptures ; from corrected Texts of the Originals, with Reflections on each Chapter, suitable for the Family or the Closet. By B. BooTHROYD,D.D. Editor, of the Biblia Hebraica, &c. Dedicated to his Majesty. In Three Vols. 4t(, royal paper, 6/. Gs. ; demy paper, 41. 4s. boards. ' The above important and interesting work has received the sanction of the highest literary authorities; and has been introduced, and is constantly read, in the families of many respectable Clergymen and Ministers, as well as of private Christians." " We cannot, in concluding pur notice of Dr. Boothroyd's labours, withhold our cordial com- mendation of his persevering diligence; and feeling, as we do, warmly interested in every well- conducted attempt to promote Biblical studies and the intelligent use of the Scriptures, we con- gratulate him on the completion of his arduous undertaking. We shall be glad to find that he receives the patronage of the public to a gratifying extent, and recommend his Family Bible, and Improved Version, as a highly meritorious publication." Eclectic Revieiv f Nov, 1826. Recently published by JAMES DUNCAN. V. THE WHOLE WORKS of the Most Reverend Father in God, ROBERT LEIGHTON, D.D., Archbishop of Glasgow. To which is prefixed an entire new Life of the Author, by the Rev. J. N. PEARSON, M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Most Noble the Marquess Wellesley. In Four Vols. 8vo, with a Portrait, engraved by WARREN, price 36*. boards. We have placed a new edition of Archbishop Leighton's Works at the head of this article ; and as Mr. Coleridge has neglected to furnish the biographical notice he had promised, we shall endeavour to supply its place by a few particulars of his life and writings, principally extracted from a spirited and eloquent Memoir prefixed to the new edition, by the Rev. Norman Pearson. It is a reproach to the present age, that his valuable writings, breathing as they do the sublimest and purest spirit of piety, rich in beautiful images and classical learning, throughout abounding in practical reflections, and all expressed with the sweetest and simplest eloquence, should have been neglected among us." British Critic, October 1826. %* The above may be had, printed in a small but neat type, and compressed into Two Volumes, price 21s. boards. VI. A PRACTICAL COMMENTARY upon the FIRST EPISTLE of ST. PETER, and other Expository Works. By ROBERT LEIGHTON, D.D* Archbishop of Glasgow. To which is prefixed, an entire new Life of the Author, by the Rev. J. N. PEARSON, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge, &c. In Two Volumes, 8vo., with Portrait, price 18s. boards. %* Compressed into One Volume, price 10s. 6d. boards. VII. A SHORT HISTORY of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH, from its Erection at Jerusalem down to the Present Time. Designed for the Use of Schools, families, &c. By the Rev. JOHN FRY, B.A. Rector of Desford, in Leicestershire, Author of " A New Translation and Exposition of the very ancient Book of Job," " Lectures on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans," " Present for the Convalescent," &c. &c. In One Vol. 8vo, 12s. boards. " His matter is unquestionably selected with judgment, and luminously arranged; his lan- guage is clear and concise, and not deficient in elegance ; and we rise from the perusal of his work with very favourable impressions of his character, with which otherwise we are unac- quainted." Theological Review. " Mr. Fry's Compendium of Church History is an instructive and interesting survey of the various changes in the Christian profession, in its direct relations to the Christian doctrine, and as influenced by the secular associations with which it has but too extensively been allied. To such readers as wish for an Ecclesiastical History, written on the model of Milner's. and animated by the same spirit, Mr. F.'s work will be highly acceptable, particularly as it is complete, and comprised within a single volume." Eclectic Review. VIII. LECTURES, Explanatory and Practical, on the EPISTLE of ST. PAUL to the ROMANS. By the Rev. JOHN FRY, B.A. Author of " A Short History of the Christian Church," &c. &c. Second Edition, in One Vol. 8vo, price 12s. boards. IX. A NEW TRANSLATION and EXPOSITION of the very Ancient BOOK OF JOB ; with Notes, explanatory and philological. By the Rev. JOHN FRY, B.A., Author of " A Short History of the Christian Church," &c. &c. In One Vol. 8vo, price 12s. boards. Recently published by JAMES DUNCAN. X. THE SECOND ADVENT; or, the GLORIOUS EPIPHANY of our LORD JESUS CHRIST : being an Attempt to Elucidate, in Chrono- logical Order, the Prophecies, both of the Old and NBAV Testaments, which relate to the approaching Appearance of the Redeemer, &c. By the Rev. JOHN FRY, B.A., Author of " A Short History of the Christian Church," &c. &c. In Two Vols. 8vo, price 28s. boards. XI. CANTICLES; or, SONG of SOLOMON: a new Translation, with Notes, and an Attempt to Interpret the SACRED ALLEGORIES con- tained in that Book ; to which is added, an Essay on the Name and Character of the REDEEMER. By the Rev. JOHN FRY, B.A. Author of " A Short History of the Christian Church," &c. &c. In One Vol. 8vo. Second Edi- tion, price 6s. boards. XII. LYRA DAVIDIS; or, a NEW TRANSLATION and EXPO- SITION of the PSALMS; grounded on the Principles adopted in the post- humous Work of the late Bishop Horsley ; viz. that these Sacred Oracles have for the most part an immediate Reference to Christ, and to the Events of his First and Second Advent. By the Rev. JOHN FRY, B.A., Author of " A Short History of the Christian Church," &c. &c. In One Vol. 8vo, price 18s. boards. XIII. A PRESENT for the CONVALESCENT, or, for those to whom, it is hoped, some Recent Affliction has been attended with a Divine Blessing ; and for New Converts to Religion in general. Intended as a Sequel to " The Sick Man's Friend," By the Rev. JOHN FRY, B.A., Author of " A Short History of the Christian Church," &c. &c. In One Vol. 12mo, price 4s. boards. XIV. SERMONS of HUGH LATIMER, sometime Bishop of Wor- cester, now first arranged according to the order of time in which they were preached : collated by the early impressions, and occasionally illustrated with Notes, explanatory of Obsolete Phrases, Particular Customs, and Historical Allusions. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Bishop. By JOHN WATKINS, LL.D. In Two Vols. 8vo, with Portrait, price 24s. boards. " He, more than any other man, promoted the Reformation by his preaching. The straight- forward honesty of his remarks, the liveliness of his illustrations, his homely wit, his racy manner, his manly freedom, the playfulness of his temper, the simplicity of his heart, the sincerity of his understanding, gave life and vigour to his sermons when they were delivered, and render them now the most amusing productions of that age, and to us, perhaps, the most valuable." Southey's Book of the Church. XV. SERMONS on SEVERAL OCCASIONS. By the late Rev. JOHN HILL, Minister of the Gospel in London. Ninth Edition. In One Vol. 8vo, price 10s. 6rf. boards. Recently published by JAMES DUNCAN. 5 XVI. THE COMMUNICANT'S SPIRITUAL COMPANION ; or, an EVANGELICAL PREPARATION for the LORD'S SUPPER: with Meditations and Helps for Prayer suitable to the Subject. By the "Rev. T. HAWEIS, LL.B. and M.D. Rector of All Saints, Aldwinkle, Northampton- shire. Twelfth Edition, price 1*. Crf. bound. XVII. THE DOMESTIC ALTAR, a Six Weeks' Course of Morning and Evening Prayers, for the Use of Families. To which are added, a few on particular Occasions. By the late Rev. W. SMITH, A.M. In One Vol. 12mo, Sixth Edition, price 5s. boards. " We can give this volume our decided approbation ; and most sincerely hope that every pious Family will avail themselves of this, as one of the most comprehensive volumes of Domestic Prayer extant." Eclectic Review. " Its principles are sound, its strain is pious and devout, its language is plain, perspicuous, and scriptural, and we cheerfully recommend it to the use of all who may find occasion to call in the aid of such auxiliaries." Edinburgh Christian Instructor. A few Copies of the 5th Edition may be had in One Volume 8vo, price 8*. boards. XVIII. MEMOIRS of EMINENTLY PIOUS WOMEN. By THOMAS GIBBON, D.D., embellished with Eighteen fine Portraits; corrected and en- larged, with the Addition of New Lives, by the Rev. SAMUEL BURDER, M.A., Author of " Oriental Customs," &c. In Three Vols. 12mo, a New Edition, price 24s. boards. " The Memoirs which now appear for the first time in this work, or have been expressly written for this Edition, are those of Mrs. Lucy Hutchinson, Mrs. Evelyn, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Hulton, the Viscountess Glenorchy, Lady Maxwell, Mrs. Berry, Miss Sinclair, Mrs. Fletcher, and Mrs. Graham. These extensive additions, it is presumed, are of a character to give an en- hanced value to the publication, which has long been a favourite with a large class of the Reli- gious Public. The work in its present state forms the most interesting collection of Female Bio- graphy extant." Eclectic Review. XIX. A THEOLOGICAL DICTIONARY, containing Definitions of all Religious Terms ; a comprehensive View of every Article in the System of Divinity ; an impartial Account of all the principal Denominations which have subsisted in the Religious World, from the birth of Christ to the present Day: together with an accurate Statement of the most remarkable Transactions and Events recorded in Ecclesiastical History. By the Rev. CHARLES BUCK. Sixth Edition, revised and corrected. Two Vols. in one, 8vo. price 15s. boards. XX. A HISTORY of BRITISH ANIMALS, exhibiting the descriptive Characters and systematical Arrangement of the Genera and Species of Qua- drupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Mollusca, and Radiata, of the United King- dom ; including the Indigenous, Extirpated, and Extinct Kinds ; together with Periodical and Occasional Visitants. By JOHN FLEMING, D.D., F.R.S.E., M.W.S. &c., and Author of the " Philosophy of Zoology." In One Volume, 8vo, price 18s. boards. " This very important work, which has just appeared, we consider as infinitely superior to any Natural History of British Animals hitherto published. It will become the standard book on British Animals." Jamieson's Journal of Science, April. See also Brewster's Journal of Science for April. t 6 Recently published by J A M ES D u x c A N . XXI. CHRISTIAN RECORDS ; or, a Short and Plain History of the CHURCH of CHRIST : containing the Lives of the Apostles ; an Account of the Sufferings of Martyrs ; the Rise of the Reformation, and the present State of the Christian Church. By the Rev. THOMAS SIMS, M.A. Third edition, corrected and enlarged, in one volume, 18mo,with a beautiful Frontispiece, price 3s. 6d. boards. XXII. A COMPARATIVE ESTIMATE of the MINERAL and MOSAICAL GEOLOGIES, revised, and enlarged with relation to the recent Publications of Messrs. Buckland, Conybeare, Cuvier, and Humboldt. Second Edition. With an Introduction ; to which is now added a Postscript, on the Strictures of the last BRITISH and WESTMINSTER Reviews. By GRANVILLE PENN, Esq. In Two Vols. 8vo, Second Edition, price II. Is. boards. This Edition contains Dissertatory Notes ; 1. On the Mosaic Days of Creation. 2. On the Ju- bilean Chronology of Frank. 3. On M. Humboldt's Theory cTf Rocks. 4. On M. Cuvier's Nu- merous Revolutions of the Earth. 5. On the recent Discovery of Fossil Human Remains at Durfort and Kosritz. 6. On the Eastern Origination of Mankind. Also, a Supplement on Caves in Limestone Formations, containing Fossil Animal Remains. XXIII. ELEMENTS of CONCHOLOGY, according; to the Linnaean System; illustrated by Twenty-eight Plates, drawn from Nature. By the Rev. E. I. BURROAV, A.M., &c. Third Edition. In 8vo, price 16s. boards; or beautifully coloured by Sowerby, price 11. 11s. 6d. boards. XXIV. 'H KAINH AIA0HKH, Novum Testamentum Manuale. Glasguse, ex Prelo Academico. 32mo, price 8*. boards. " This edition contains the Greek Text only; it follows the text of Aitton, except in a few instances, in which the received readings are supported by the best authorities, and consequently are most to be preferred. It is beautifully printed on the finest blue-tinted writing paper ; it was read six TIMES, with the utmost care, in passing through the press, and will be found unusually accurate. No contractions are used. In point of size, it is the smallest edition of the Greek Testament ever printed in this country." HORNE'S Introduction to the Critical Study and Know- ledge of the Holy Scriptures, vol. ii. p. 138, 4th edition. XXV. A GREEK and ENGLISH LEXICON; for the Greek Classics in general, but especially for the Septuagint, Apocrypha, and New Testament. By the Rev. GREVILLE EWING, Glasgow. In One large Vol. 8vo. Third Edition, price 24s. boards ; or the Lexicon may be had separate, price 185.; the Grammar, 6s. boards. " From its size, cheapness, and laudable brevity (in most respects), this book is capable of becoming generally useful." British Critic and Theological Review. " The student who is not neglectful of his own benefit in the most essential respects, will possess himself of the book, if in his power. Its cheapness is only equalled by the beauties and clearness of its typography; and in the grand point of accuracy it is exemplary." Eclectic Review. XXVI. NOVUM LEXICON GR^ECUM,Etymologicum et Reale: cui pro basi substantial sunt, Concordantiae et Elucidationes Homericae et Pindaricae. Auctore CHRISTIANO TOBIA DABIM, Rectore Gymnasii Coloniensis Berolini. Editio de novo instructa, Voces nempe omnes praastans, primo, ordine literarum explicatas; deinde,familiis etymologicis dispositas, cura JOHANNISM. DUNCAN, A.B. In One very large Volume, 4to, price 31. 35. boards. Recently published by JAMES DUNCAX. 7 XXVII. THE CLASSICAL STUDENT'S MANUAL ; containing an Index to every Page, Section, and Note, in Matthias's Greek Grammar ; Her- mann's Annotations to Vigerus on Idioms; Bos on Ellipses ; Hoogeveen on the Greek Particles ; and Kuster on the Middle Verb : in which Thucydides, Herodotus, Pindar, jEschylus, Sophocles, and the Four Plays of Euripides edited by Professor PORSON, are illustrated and explained. Second Edition ; to which is now added, the First Twelve Books of the Iliad of Homer. By the Rev. WILLIAM COLLIER SMITHERS. Intended for Students in the Universities, and the Higher Classes in Schools. In One Vol. 8vo, price 9s. boards. XXVIII. BIBLIA HEBRAICA, Editio longe Accuratissima.' Ab EVE- RARDO VAN DER HoooHT, V.D.M. In One large Vol. 8vo, (1200 pages) price U. 5s. boards, on fine vellum paper 36s. boards. It has been the particular object of the Publisher to offer to the Public a neat and correct copy of the Hebrew Scriptures at a moderate price ; and to ensure every attainable degree of accuracy, every page has been (independent of the care previously bestowed upon it) revised four times after the stereotype plates were cast, by persons familiar with the Hebrew language. The errors which have been discovered in the edition of Van der Hooght have in this been carefully cor- rected ; and the Publisher is determined to avail himself of that security which stereotype print- ing alone affords, to guard against their recurrence in future. XXIX. A GRAM MAR of the HEBREW LANGUAGE; comprised in a Series of Lectures, compiled from the best Authorities, and augmented with much Original Matter, drawn principally from Oriental Sources ; designed for the Use of Students in the Universities. Dedicated, by permission, to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. By the Rev. S. LEE, A.M.; D.D. of the University of Halle ; Honorary Member of the Asiatic Society of Paris ; Honorary Associate and F.R.S.L. and M.R.A.S., &c. &c. ; and Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge. In One Vol. 8vo, price 16*. boards. XXX. AN EASY METHOD of ACQUIRING the READING of HEBREW with the VOWEL-POINTS, according to the Ancient Practice. Price Is. 6d. on a sheet of drawing paper, hot-pressed. This Table includes Three Lessons: containing 1. The different Alphabets in use among the Jews; 2. The Vowel-points, and the Rules respecting them ; 3. The Letters and Points, with the Pronunciation; and will be found of great utility, not only to parents who superi" tend the edu- cation of their own children, but also to the Tutor and Young Student, to whom it opens at one view a concise but comprehensive and systematic introduction to the Hebrew Language. And even the man of letters, unacquainted with the Hebrew character and its readings, will not fail duly to appreciate it as a very usefu^ Table of Reference. TABLES in the SYRIAC and ARABIC LANGUAGES, on the same plan as the above, price Is. fid. each. XXXI. TABLES of INTEREST, at 3, 4, 4|, and 5 per cent, from II. to 10,000/., and from 1 to 365 days, in a regtilar progression of single days ; with Tables at all the above rates from 1 to 12 months, and from 1 to 10 years. By JOHN THOMSON, Accountant in Edinburgh. In One Volume, Ninth Edition, 12mo, price 8*. bound. 8 Recently published by JAMES DUNCAN. XXXII. CORPUS POETARUM LATINORUM. Edited by W. S. WALKER, Esq. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. In One large Vol. 8vo, price 21. 2s. The authors comprised in this Volume constitute THE WHOLE OF THE CLASSICAL LATIN POETS, chronologically arranged, with brief notices of their Lives. The Texts of the CORPUS POETARUM have not only been selected by the Editor from the best editions; but the Orthography and Punctuation have been by him reduced to a uniform Stand- ard. The greatest care has been taken to ensure correctness in the Printing. The peculiar advantages of this Edition are, its portability and its cheapness. The whole body of Latin Poetry may now lie/or reference on the table of the Student, in a single Volume, printed in a type of great distinctness; to the Scholar who is travelling, this advantage becomes doubly valuable. The same works cannot at present be obtained in less than twenty Volumes. The cost of the Collection is below all example. The very lowest price of a pocket edition of those Authors, who are here given entire, without the omission of a single line, is about Six GUINEAS. In the common Delphin Editions, they amount to EIGHT GUINEAS. The CORPUS POETARUM is thus two-thirds cheaper than any edition, even of the Text only, of the Latin Poets. XXXIII. RESEARCHES in SOUTH AFRICA ; illustrating the Civil, Moral, and Religious Condition of the Native Tribes : including Journals of the Author's Travels in the Interior ; together with detailed Accounts of the Progress of the Christian Missions, exhibiting the Influence of Christianity in promoting Civilisation. By the Rev. JOHN PHILIP, D.D., Superintendent of the Missions of the London Missionary Society at the Cape of Good Hope, &c. &c. In Two Vols. 8vo, illustrated with a Map and other Engravings, price 21s. boards. " A very interesting work, entitled ' Researches in South Africa,' &c. has just been given to the public by Dr. Philip. It is full of valuable information respecting the progress made by the Missionaries in instructing and civilising the Hottentots, Bushmen, and Caffres, and presents a view of the characters of these people very different from that which those interested in degrad- ing them have falsely attributed to them. Whosoever wishes to obtain accurate and authentic in- formation on the latter point, may turn with confidence to this publication." Times, April 24. " These interesting volumes are valuable on two accounts. In the first place, they contain the narrative of a most intelligent traveller, among a people of whose real character and disposi- tions we at present know very little." Athenaeum, April 18. " This is the most important work connected with the colonial policy and coloured popu- lation o? the British Empire which has come before us since we commenced our Review. It is evidently the production of a man of superior talent and high principle, who, with a perfect knowledge of his subject, is animated by a deep and fervid zeal for the cause to which he has devoted nimself namely, the emancipation and improvement of the native tribes of Southern Africa. This is one of the few books which we can safely recommend to such of our readers as can afford to purchase it. It ought to be carefully perused by every friend of humanity, who desires to promote the spread of liberty, civilisation, and true religion, over the world." London Weekly Review, April 26. " He (Mr. Buxton) could not sit down without calling the attention of the Right Honourable Colonial Secretary (Sir George Murray) to a book published by Dr. Philip, which contained more information on the subject of our colonies than any other work which he had ever read ; and he hoped the Right Honourable Gentleman would have an opportunity of perusing it." _Afr. Buxton' s Speech, House of Commons, July 15. XXXIV. DESCENT of the DANUBE, from RATISBON to VIENNA, during the Autumn of 1827 ; with Anecdotes and Recollections, Historical and Legendary, of the Towns, Castles, Monasteries, &c. on the Banks of the River; and their Inhabitants and Proprietors, Ancient andModern. ByJ.R. PLANCHE, Author of " Lays and Legends on the Rhine;" " Oberon," an Opera, &c. In One Vol. 8vo, embellished with a Map, &c. price 10s. 6d. boards. " His Descent of the Danube from Ratisbon to Vienna, is a volume of such varied merit and interest, as to ensure its popular reception." Literary Gazette, July 5. " Mr. Planche's recent publication of his journey from Ratisbon to Vienna, over the Danube, contains much useful information, as well as elaborate historical notices of the most remarkable places situated on the banks of that river." Times Newspaper, July 19. See also the Athenaeum, July 16; Atlas, July 20; London Weekly Review; London Magazine, August. LONDON: j. MOVES, TOOK'S COURT, CHANCERY LANE. TREATISE ON THE ELE M ENTS ALGEBRA. BY THE REV. B. (BRIDGE, B.D. F.R.S. FELLOW OF ST. PETER'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE; AND LATE PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE EAST-INDIA COLLEGE, HERTS. SIXTH EDITION, ENLARGED AND CORRECTED. LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. CADELL, STRAND, LONDON ; DKTGHTONS, STEVENSON, AND BARRETT, CAMBRIDGE ; AND PARKER, OXFORD. 1826. Itontvon: PRINTED BY RICHARD WATTS, Crtfwn Court, Temple Bar. ADVERTISEMENT. THE favourable reception which this Treatise has met with from the Public has induced the Author, in this Sixth Edition, to make some con- siderable additions and alterations. By contracting the letter-press, more particularly in the early part of the work, these improvements have been effected in such a manner as to render it unnecessary to enlarge the size, or increase the price, of the volume. The whole has also been revised, and the press corrected, by a Friend upon whose judgment and accuracy the Author has the greatest reliance : it is hoped, therefore, that it may still retain its character, as a useful Elementary Work on this branch of Mathematical Science. LONDON, June, 1856. 176 ERRATA. P. 10, Note, for " at the end of Art. 39," read " in Art. 6 P. 73, dele the first five lines. P. 144, 1. 3 from bottom, dele comma after ~. P. 208, The Answer to Ex. 11. has been omitted ; via. _log.(dg-c)-log. a log. b CONTENTS. SECT. INTRODUCTION. PAGE I. Eocplanation of the Algebraic method of notation - 1 II. Exemplification of the Algebraic signs and symbols - 4 CHAP. I. On the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Algebraic Quantities. III. Addition - - 7 IV. Subtraction - 9 V. Multiplication - - 11 VI. Division - 15 VII. On the application of the foregoing rules to quan- tities witJi lite.ral coefficients - - 21 VIII. Some general theorems, deduced by means of the foregoing rules - -23 CHAP. II. On Algebraic Fractions. IX. On the reduction of fractions - - 25 X. On the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions - - 81 XI. On the method of finding the greatest common mea- sure of two or more quantities - 36 CHAP. III. On the Involution and Evolution of Numbers and of Algebraic Quantities. XII. On the involution of numbers and simple algebraic quantities - 41 XIII. On the involution of compound algebraic quantities, 42 TABLE OF CONTENTS. SECT. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. PAGE On the evolution of algebraic quantities - 48 On the investigation of the rules for the extraction of the square and cube roots of numbers - - 52 On the general mode of expressing the powers and roots of quantities by means of indices - - 57 CHAP. IV. On Simple Equations. On the solution of simple equations containing only one unknown quantity - - 60 On the solution of simple equations containing two or more unknown quantities - - - - 69 The solution of questions producing simple equations) 75 CHAP. V. On Quadratic Equations. On the solution of pure quadratic equations 88 On the solution of adfecttd quadratic equations - 90 On the solution of questions producing quadratic equations - - - - - - - 95 On quadratic equations having impossible roots - 100 On the solution of quadratic equations of the form x* n +px n = q - - 101 On the solution of quadratic equations containing two unknown quantities - - - - 103 On the solution of certain equations, in which the two unknown quantities (x and y) are similarly involved - - - - - - -108 CHAP. VI. On Ratios, Proportion, and Variation. XXVII. Definitions - - 111 XXVIII. On the comparison and composition of ratios - - 114 XXIX. On proportion - 117 XXX. On variation 124 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAP. VII. On Arithmetical and Geometrical Progression. PAGE XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. Definitions 130 On arithmetical progression - - 131 On geometrical progression - - 136 On the method of finding any number of arithmetic or geometric means between two numbers - - 138 On the solution of equations relating to numbers in arithmetical or geometrical progression - - 140 On the summation of an infinite series of fractions in geometric progression ; and on the method of finding the value of circulating decimals - 144 CHAP. VIII. On Surds. , XXXVII. On the reduction of surds - - 147 XXXVIII. On the application of the fundamental rules of arithmetic to surd quantities - 151 XXXIX. On the method of finding multipliers which shall render binomial surd quantities rational - 154 XL. On the method of extracting the square root of binomial surds - 157 CHAP. IX. On Miscellaneous Subjects. XLI. On prime numbers and their relations ; and on the method of finding the least common multi- ple of two or more numbers - 160 XLII. Properties of numbers - - 163 XLIII. Permutations and combinations - - 166 XLIV. Unlimited Problems - - 168 XLV. Diophantine Problems - 171 XL VI. The solution of two questions relating to numbers in geometrical progression - - - 178 TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAP. X. On the Binomial Theorem, and subjects connected with it. PAGE XL VII. The general demonstration of this Theorem - - 176 XLVIII. Some observations arising out of the foregoing theorem - - 179 XLIX. On the expansion of series - - 181 L. On the method of finding the approximate ratio of the -powers and roots of numbers whose dif- ference is small - - 187 LI. On the method of extracting the nth root of a bi- nomial quadratic 'surd - ] 88 LII. On the method of reverting a series - - 194 CHAP. XI. On Logarithms, and subjects connected with them. LIIL Definition and properties of logarithms - - 196 LIV. On the method of finding the logarithm of any given number - - 198 LV. On the method of constructing logarithmic tables, 200 LVI. On the application of logarithms to complex arith- metical operations, and to the solution of expo- nential equations - - 206 LVII. On the summation of geometric series - 208 LVIII. On compound interest - 211 LIX. On the method of finding the increase of popula- tion in any country, under given circumstances of births and mortality - - 215 LX. A Table, exhibiting the period in which the po- pulation of a country has a tendency to DOUBLE itself, from an estimate of its increase per cent. at the end of every ten years - - 221 ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. INTRODUCTION. ALGEBRA is that branch of Mathematical science, in which number or quantity in general, and its seve- ral relations,, are made the subject of calculation, by means of certain signs and symbols, the nature and meaning of which may be explained as follows. I. Explanation of the Algebraic Method of Notation. 1. Quantities whose values are known or determined, are generally expressed by the fast letters of the Alphabet, a, l t , d t &c. ; and unknown or undetermined quantities are commonly represented by the last letters of the Alphabet, x, y t x t &c. 2. The multiples of these quantities, such as, twice a, three times I, five times x, &c. are expressed by placing numbers before them thus, 2 a, 3b t 5x, &c. ; and the numbers 2, 3, 5, &c. thus prefixed are called the coefficients of a, b t x, &c. in the several quantities 2 a, 3 1, 5 x } &c. 3. The sign -f (plus) placed between two or more quan- tities means that those quantities should be added together ; thus, a + b + x+ &c. means the sum of the quantities a, b, x, &c. ; and the sign (minus) placed before any quantity means that such quantity should be subtracted from the B quantity INTRODUCTION. quantity or quantities with which it is combined; thus, a b means the difference between a and b ; and a + b c t the difference between a + b and c. 4. In the general expression a + 2b 4x+3y 5z, &c. such quantities as have the sign + prefixed to them are called positive or affirmative quantities ; and such as have the sign prefixed to ^them, are called negative quantities. If no sign be prefixed to a quantity, then the sign + is under- stood ; thus in the foregoing expression the positive quantities aretf,-J-26, + 3y, and the negative ones 4 #, 5 z, 5. The general sign for the multiplication of quantities is x ; but the manner of expressing the product of two or more quantities is varied according to circumstances. The product of quantities consisting of single letters is expressed by- placing those letters one after another, and generally according to the order in which they stand in the Alphabet $ thus, the product of a and b is expressed by ab ; of a, b t and x } by abx ; of 3a, x, andy> by 3axy; &c. &c. The product of a-\-b and c + d is expressed by a 4- b x c -j- d, or a -j- b . c + d, or (a-\-b) (c-\-d); in the two former cases, the line drawn over a + b and c + d, to mark them as distinct quantities, is called a vinculum. 6. The sign -~ placed between two quantities means that the former of those quantities is to be divided by the latter ; thus, G~- means that a is to be divided by b; a + b~-c + d t that a + b is to be divided by c -j- d. But since every fraction re- presents the quotient of the numerator divided by the denomina- tor, this division is more simply expressed by making the former quantity the numerator, and the latter the denominator of a fraction ; thus, -^ expresses the quotient of a divided by b ; and a + b -7, the quotient of a+ I by c+d. 7. The INTRODUCTION. > 3 7. The powers of algebraic quantities are expressed by placing a small figure (equivalent to the number of factors, and called the index or exponent of the power) at the right- hand of the letter; thus, a x a or the square of a . . is expressed by a 9 , bxbxb . . . . or the cube of b by 6 3 , xxxxxxx . % cube root of b, fourth or biquadrate root of a+x, and so on. The roots of quantities may also be expressed by fractional indices; but this method of notation requires an explanation, which will be given in Chap. III. 9. Like quantities are such as consist of the same letter, or the same combination of letters ; thus, 5 a and 7 a ; 4ab and 9 ab; 2 bx* and 6 bx*; &c. are called like quantities; and unlike quantities are such as consist of different letters, or of different combinations of letters ; thus, 4 a, 3b, Tax, 5 b x*, &c. are unlike quantities. 10. Algebraic quantities have also different denominations, according to the number of terms (connected by the signs + or ) of which they consist ; thus, a, 2 b, Sax, &c. quantities consisting of one term, are called simple quantities. a -f#, a quantity consisting of two terms, is called a binomial, b c (that particular species of binomial which expresses the difference between two quantities) is called a residual. 4 INTRODUCTION. bx+y x, a quantity consisting of three terms, is called a tri- nomial. a*x + by3c+d t a quantity consisting of four terms, is called a quadrinomiaL a+bc+xy &c. a quantity consisting of an indefinite number of terms, a multinomial. 11. The sign = placed between two or nlore quan- tities, expresses the equality of such quantities; thus, means that a + b is equal to c + d; and \ex+fy" mean that the quantities ax + ly, cx + dy, and ex+fy } are all equal to each other. When quantities are thus connected together by. this sign of equality, the expression is called an equation. 12. In algebraical operations, the word thei-efore, or con- sequently^ often occurs. To express this word, the symbol .*. is generally made use of; thus, the sentence " therefore a + b is equal to c + d," is expressed by " . . a + b II. Exemplification of the Algebraic Signs and Symbols. 13. The use of these several signs, symlols, and allre- viationSy may be exemplified in the following manner : Ex. 1. In the algebraic expression a-f-& c, let a =9, 1=7, and c=3 5 then = 16 3=13. Ex. 2. In the expression a #-f a?/ xy, let a =5, x=2,?/ = 7; then, to find its value, we have ax+ ay xy = 5x2+5x7 2x7 = 10 + 35-14 =45-14 = 31. Ex.3. / INTRODUCTION. 5 Ex.3. What is the value of 7 -. where a = 5, A=3, b + x #=7, and ^ = 5 ? Here ax-\>by=.b X7 + 3X5 = 35 + 15=50, Ex.4. In the expression r- 9 , let a=3, b 5, c=2, U 3C"^" CL ~~* C x=zQ; What is its numerical value ? Hereao; a H-6 a =3x6x6 + 5 X5= 108 + 25 = 133, and 6#-a 3 -c=5 x6 3 x3-2 = 30-Q-2= 195 a^ + 6 3 133 *' A.r-a 9 -^ 19 "~ 7 * Ex. 5. There is a certain algebraic expression consisting of six terms connected together by the sign plus; the first term of it arises from multiplying three times the square of a by the quantity b ; the second term is the sum of the squares of a and b divided by the quantity c 3 the third is the product of a, &, and c ; the fourth is two-thirds of the product of a and 6 ; the ^/7A arises from dividing the square of a by the c&e o/", # ; and the last term is a fraction, whose binomial numerator is the difference between a and b t and whose trinomial deno- minator is the sum of the cubes of a and b and the fourth power of c. All this is expressed, in one line of algebraic writing, thus ; 2ab a* a-b Let a=4, 1 then the value of this quantity is, 6 = 3 I 16 + 9 15 4-3 | 2 + 27 + 64 + 274 c=2;J or 25 16 I CHAP. I. ON THE ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICATION, AND DIVISION OF ALGEBRAIC QUANTITIES. 14. PREVIOUSLY to the application of the fundamental rules of Arithmetic to Algebraic quantities, it may be proper to observe, that, although the explanation of the sign minus in Art. 3. does not, in strictness, extend beyond the subtraction of a less quantity from a greater one, it is convenient to consi- der negative quantities abstractedly, without any reference to others from which they may be supposed to be subtracted. For although, when we say that 2 i is equal to 3, we mean nothing more than that the addition of 2, and subtrac- tion of 5, is, on the whole, equivalent to the subtraction of 3 ; yet, after the algebraic operation has been performed upon it, the quantity 2 5 assumes the definite value of ~ 3. It must be farther observed, that the word Addition is, in Algebra, taken in a much more comprehensive sense than in common Arithmetic; and as denoting the union of two or more quantities, positive or negative. Thus, the union of 2 with 5, in the foregoing example, is called the addition of those quantities. The same remark is to be extended to Subtraction ; which is, properly, the finding such a quantity, as, being algebraically added to the subtrahend, will give the quantity from which the subtraction is made. III. ADDITION. From the division of algebraic quantities into positive and negative, like and unlike, there arise three cases of Addition. CASE I. To add like quantities with like signs. 15. In tins case, the rule is, " To add the coefficients of " the several quantities together, and to the result annex the (f common sign, and the common letter or letters;'* for it is evident, from the common principles of Arithmetic, if +2 a 7jc 3 x+Qy 4a 3 3ab-i- I* CASE ADDITION. * CASE III. V 1 7. There now only remains the case where unlike quan- tities are to be added together, which must be done by col- lecting- them together into one line, and annexing their proper signs ; thus the sum of 3x, <2a, -\-bb, 4y, is 3x 2a + 5b 4 ?/; except when like and unlike quantities are mixed together, as in the following examples, where the expressions may be simplified, by collecting together such quantities as will coalesce into one sum. Ex. 1. x y 4c 2 + x Collecting together like quanti- ties, and beginning with 3ab t we 5ab 3c + d have 3 ab-\- 5ab 8ab} -\-x-\-x= 4y 3 c = + c > besides which there are the two quantities + d and which do not coalesce with* any of the others ; the sum re- quired therefore is Ex.2. Here4.r-*'=3* . + . IV. SUBTRACTION. 18. If it were required to subtract 5 2 (i.e. 3) from 9, it is evident that the remainder would be greater by 2, than if 5 were subtracted. For the same reason, if b c were C subtracted 10 SUBTRACTION. subtracted from a, the remainder would be greater by c, than if I were subtracted. Now, if I is subtracted from a, the remainder is a l\ and consequently, if b c be subtracted from a, the remainder will be ab + c. Hence this, -general Rule for the subtraction of algebraic quantities ; " Change " the signs of the quantities to be subtracted, and then place " them one after another, as in Addition/* Ex. 1. From 5a + 3x 2l, take 2c-4y. Thequantity to be subtracted with its signs changed, is 2c-j-4j/ ; therefore the remainder is 5a+3x <2b , take Ex.2. From lx The remainder is 7 $? or 7x* But when like quantities are to be subtracted from eachf other, as in Ex. 2., the better way is to set one row under the other, and apply the following Rule ; " Conceive the signs " of the quantities to be subtracted to be changed, and then " proceed as in Addition/' Ex. 3. From 7^ Subtract 3 x* -f5 x \ Ex. 4. Ex. 5. 3c-f- I 1 5?/ 3 4y + 3a 6y*-4y- a a 2 Remainder 4 x* 7 x + 6 4 +4a Ex. 6. From 7x2/4-22 3y Subtract 2 xy x+ y Remainder Ex. 7. Ex. 8. s 5 13x 3 2x 3 + 7 z 1 1 # 3 -f X Q 6 MULTI- II V. MULTIPLICATION. 19. In the multiplication of algebraic quantities, the four following Rules must be observed. i. When quantities having like signs are multiplied together, the sign of the product will be -{-; and if their signs are un- like, the sign of the product will be .* u. The coefficients of the factors must be multiplied to- gether, to form the coefficient of the product. in. The * This Rule for the multiplication of the Signs may be thus ex- plained ; To multiply a b by c c?, is to add a b to itself as often as there are units in c d; now this is done by adding it c times, and subtracting it d times ; But a b , added c times . . =ac c, and a 5, subtracted d times =r a d-\-bd, .*. a bXc d =ac be ad+bd. i.e. 4- aX -}-c=-}-ac bX -f 0= be + aX d= ad bXd=z+bd. Or thus ; I. If + is to be multiplied by +6, it means, that -fa is to be added to itself as often as there are units in b ; and consequently the product will be + ab. II. If a is to be multiplied by -j-&, it means, that a is 'to be added to itself as often as there are units in b ; and therefore the product is a b. III. If +a is to be multiplied by 6, it means, that -fa is to be subtracted as often as there are units in b, as appears from the foregoing explanation ; and consequently the product is ab. IV. If a is to be multiplied by 6, it means, that a is to be sub- tracted as often as there are units in b ; and, since to subtract a negative quantity is the same as to add a positive one, the prodxict will be + ab. 12 MULTIPLICATION. in. The letters of which they are composed must be set down, one after another; and generally according to their or- der in the Alphabet. iv. If the same letter is found in both factors, the indices of it must be added together, to form the index of it in the product. This follows immediately from Art. 7, as will appear by the following example ; a 3 xa*~Qaaxaa aaaaa=.Q s . Thus, -\-a multiplied by + b is equal to -\-ab, and a multiplied by bis also equal to +ab; + 3xx5y = 15 #7/5 3abx -f 4cJ= l<2abcd; 4a*b'*x 3 aid* = -f- I'2a 3 b 3 d*', &c. &c. < From the division of algebraic quantities into simple and compound^ there arise three cases of Multiplication. In per- forming the operation, the Rule is, " To determine first the sign, then the coefficient, and afterwards the letters." CASE I. 20. When both factors are simple quantities ; for which the Rule has been already given. Ex.1. Ex.2. Ex. ,3. Ex.4. 4ab Vaxy 3abc 5a*bc 3 a 3 ii 5a*b 2/>V Ex.5. Ex.6. Ex.7. Ex.8. 4atc 9#y 3ac 2t/ 2 c CASE II. 21. When one factor is compound and the other simple; "Then each term of the compound factor must be multiplied "by MULTIPLICATION. IS " by the simple factor, as in thn last Case ; and the result will " be the product required." Ex. 1. Ex.2. Multiply 3al Qac-{-d 3x* 2 a;* -f- 4 by 4 a Product 1 2 a*b -8a*c + 4ad Ex. 3. Ex. 4. Multiply 7.r* 2x +4 a 12a 3 2a a -f 4 a 1 by 3 a 3x Product 2 1 ax* + 6ax 1 2a* Ex. 5. Ex. 6. Multiply Qa*x+3a x+ 1 by -x* 3xy Product r CASH III. 22. When loth factors are compound quantities, each term of the multiplicand must be multiplied by each term of the multiplier; and then placing like quantities under each other, the sum of all the terms will be the product required. Ex. 1. Ex. 2. Multiply a -\- by a + I a + b a- b 1st, bye . . a* + 2d, by b . . ab ab + b* a* + ab -al-V Product G' + ' 2ab + b* a 3 * -b* a- b Ex.4. 14 MULTIPLICATION. Ex. 4. Ex. 5. 3x' + 2o; 3z 3 4x + 7 ' 6x 7 8x* f 21x a + 14tf 21a,- 2 4-14x 35 29^+ 14 J? 18.T 3 33.r 2 -f 44-Z 35 Ex. 6. 14ac Sal + 2 ac ab + 1 3a 2 bc+ 2ac c +30*1* 2 14aV \lc? T. Q ! 2 rv 7 T T I - IJA, / . 0> n U/ *f 1 3 11 2 7 ,4 Ex. 8. Multiply a' + Sa'b+Satf+b 3 . . by a + ^. ANSWER, 4 -f 4a 3 />+6Q 2 2 +4a 3 + 4 . Ex.9 4x 2 y + 3a:?/-l .... by 2x~ x. . Ais sw . 8 a 4 // + 2 a; 3 ?/ 2 x* 3 x*y + x. Ex. 10 a: 3 -a: a +x-5 .... by 2a?* + jc+l. ANSW. 2x 5 j; 4 + 2.r'' 10x 2 4J7 5. Ex. 11 3a 2 +2a^-^ .... by 3a a - 2aZ>+ Z; 2 . ANSW. 9a 4 -4a a Z' 2 +4aZ' 3 Z> 4 . Ex. 12, MULTIPLICATION. 15 Ex. 12. Multiply x* + x*y + xif + y 3 . . by x~ y. A NSW. x 4 y*. Ex. 13 or-|r-t-l . . . . .by a; 2 *x. 5 3 11 2 i ANSW. x 4 -OP + -x -x. VI. DIVISION. 23. In the division of Algebraic quantities, the four follow- ing Rules (which arise immediately out of the consideration that the quotient multiplied by the divisor gives the dividend) are to be observed. i. That if the signs of the dividend and divisor be like, then the sign of the quotient will be -f ; if unlike y then the sign of the quotient will be , (a) ii. That the coefficient of the dividend is to be divided by the coefficient of the divisor , to obtain the coefficient of the quotient. in. That all the letters common to both the dividend and the divisor must be rejected in the quotient. (b) ( a ) The Rule for the signs follows immediately from that in Multipli- cation ; thus, -f5 +ab Since -fax -f i=-f * -; - = !"& an d r = . + a +6 i.e. like signs ^ a 6 j~ fl& I produce b= -aft, . . . = -6, and =-\-a.y I and unlike -ax -i= ( b ) If any letter 'or letters are found in the divisor, which are not in the dividend, they must remain in the denominator of the fraction by which the division is expressed. See Art. 35, with which this case coincides, and the examples there. 16 DIVISION. iv. That if the same letter be found iu both the dividend and divisor with different indices, then the index of that letter n the divisor must be subtracted from its index in the dividend, to obtain its index in the quotient. Thus, -f a b c i. -\-abc divided by -f cic . . . or = +U. j OL C Gabc n. -\-Qabc ga...or =3 Ac. 2a in. IQxyz -|5y...or- IT. SOa'x'y 3 4axy, or \0xyz 4axy Cft Division, also, there are three Cases; the same as in Multiplication. CASE I. 24. When the dividend and divisor are both simple terms. Ex.1. Ex.2. Divide 18 ax* by 3 ax. Divide 15a 2 2 by 5 a. i = 6x. Sax 5 a Ex.3. Ex.4. Divide <28x*y 3 by 4=xy. Divide 25 a 3 c' by 5a\ Ex. 5. Divide I4a 3 b*c b lac. Ex. 6. Divide 20x 4 ?yV by ' CASK II. ( a ) If the index of any letter in the divisor should be greater than that of the same letter in the dividend, the index in the quotient will, by the rule, be negative. The signification of this negative index will be explained at the end of Art. 89. DIVISION. 17 CASE II. 25. When the dividend is a compound quantity, and the divisor a simple one, then each term of the dividend must be divided separately, and the resulting quantities will be the quotient required. Ex.1. Divide 42a 4-3a& + 12a a by 3a. 42a-f Sab + 3 a Ex. 2. Divide 90a*x 3 ]8ax* + 4d*x 2ax by 2ax. <2ax Ex. 3 . Divide 4 x 3 2 x* + 2 .r by Ex. 4. Divide 24aVy 3axy+'6x*y* by 3xy. 24 a Vfy 3 a .r ?/ + 6 x 3 7/ a 3xy Ex. 5. Divide 14a6 3 -f 7T 21 a 2 i 3 -f35a 5 6 by Tab. 6' 2 1 fl CASE III. 26. When the dividend and divisor are both compound quan- tities. In this case, the Rule is, "to arrange both dividend and " divisor according to the powers of the same letter, beginning " with the highest; then find how often the first term of the t( divisor is contained in the first term of the dividend, and " place the result in the quotient; multiply each term of the " divisor by this quantity, and subtract the product from the "dividend; to the remainder bringdown as many terms of the " dividend, as will make its number of terms equal to the D " number 18 DIVISION. " number of those in the divisor ; and then proceed as before, " till all the terms of the dividend are brought down, as in " common arithmetic." Divide cf- In this Example, the dividend is arranged according to the powers of a, the first term of the divisor. Having done this, we proaeed by the following steps ; i. a is contained in a 3 , a 2 times; put this in the quotient. ii. Multiply a I by a 2 , and it gives a*(il. in. Subtract a 3 a*b from a 3 3a*b, and the remainder is -2a*&. iv. Bring down the next term + 3ab*. v. a is contained in -Vcfl, <2al times; put this in the quotient. vi. Multiply and subtract as before, and the remainder isa a . vn. Bring down the last term b 3 . vm. a is contained in ab* 9 +6* times; put this in the quotient. ix. Multiply and subtract as before, and nothing remains ; the quotient therefore is a%ab + b*. Ex, 2. DIVISION. Ex. 2. '#"+10aV + 5< 19 flV+lOflV + 3aV # * * Ex. 3. 13.r 4 34x^4- -*X Q 7# 1<2# 5 21x 4 * Ex. 1 4. 6x 4 -96 6.r 4 12 * + isar 1 -96 + 12^ 24.r 2 * + 24^ - 96 + 24JC 2 ( a ) When there is a remainder, it must be made the numerator of a Fraction whose denominator is the divisor; this Fraction must then be placed in the quotient (with its proper sign), the same as in common Arithmetic. 20 DIVISION. Ex. a. \ * * I * % x ,y,2 _J_ ,yi I I fft fy ! '' >V* I I '>"'* ____ fl' I /V" ____ ,V I 1 ! _L */~J *A* ~ x +x x " ac^-jc+i x'+^-a; 4 a; 1 Ex. 6. -x 3 In this last Example, the division may be continued to any number of terms at pleasure, observing only to place the whole divisor under the last remainder. Ex. 7. Divide a 4 + 4 cfb + 6 aT -f 4 a Z> 3 + 4 by a -f 6. ANSWER, a 3 + 3 a*/> + 3 a a + Z- 3 . Ex. 8 a 5 5a 4 .r4-10aV lOaV + 5ajc 4 x 5 by a 3 3 a a jc + 3 a x' - x 3 . ATS s w. a* 2 a x -f .r a . Ex. 9. ' DIVISION. Ex. 9. Divide 25 j; 6 -a; 4 -fix 3 8 a;* by 5,x 3 -4x\ ANSWER, 5 x 3 4- 4 # a + 3x4- 2. Ex. 10 ..... a 4 4-8a 3 x4-24aV4-32ax 3 4- I6x 4 by ANSW. a j 4 6 a*x 4- 1 2 a x* + 8 a; 3 . Ex. 1) ..... a 5 -x & by a-*. Aw s w. a* + 3 x 4- a V 4~ a: 3 4- x 4 . Ex. 12 ..... 6*x 4 49* 2 - 2 0x by 3x'~3x. AN s w . 2 x* 4- Q.r 4-5 Ex. 13 ..... 9x 6 46x 5 4 -95x*+l5Qx by :* 4jp~5. ANSW. 9 x 4 1 Ox 3 4- 5 x* 30 x. Ex. 14. . a'bv l-x\ VII. On the application of the foregoing Rule.* to Quantities with literal Coefficients. 27. In applying the foregoing Rules to quantities with literal coeffipients 3 such as, mx, ?iy, qx* &c. (where m t n, q^ &c. may be considered as the coefficients of x, y, x*, &e.) a compound quantity may be expressed by placing the coeffi- cients of like quantities one after another (with their proper signs) in a parenthesis, and then annexing the common letter or letters. "Thus, the sum of mx and ?ix, which is mx-\-^^9 may be expressed by (m + ii)x % 9 their. difference, which is mx noc, by (m ?z)jc; the multinomial mx ~\-nx~ px*-\-qx* 9 by (ra + ft p + 9)x 2 ; and the mixed multinomial pxy+qif rxy -\-rny* nxy, by (pr ii) xy -\-(q +iri)y*' 9 &c. &c. According to this method of notation the operations are per- formed in the following Examples. Ex. 1. APPLICATION OF THESE RULES TO QUANTITIES Ex. I. m# 2 -f ny-\- ,z py* ry + nz < qy'+my-vz + ry-qz Ex. 2. From px 3 + qx* rx + s Subtract mx 3 nx* -\-tx- v Remainder (p m)x 3 + (q +n)x* Ex. 3. Multiply p# 4 + qx r by mx n mpa? + mq x* mrx npx* nqx + nr Product mx* + m Ex. 4. Multiply ax* lx +c by x a ex + I Product ax 4 ( ll ) As the sign prefixed to quantities in a parenthesis affects them all; when this sign is negative, the signs of all those quantities must be changed in putting them into the parenthesis. Thus, when -\-tx is sub- tracted from r 3 Ex.8. Multiply p.r a rx + q . . . by x*rx g. ANSW. pa; 4 -(l +p)r^ 3 + (^+r a -p9)^- 9 9 . Ex. 9. Divide ao; 3 -.(a 2 + &X + 6 a . by'ax-A. ANSW. x*ax b. VIII. Some general Theorems, deduced by means of the foregoing Rules. From the clear and distinct manner in which quantity and its several relations are represented throughout every part of an Algebraic operation, the exemplification of its most ordinary rules affords the means of investigating certain general Theorems relating to the sum, difference, product, &c. &c. of numbers, of which the following are examples. 28. Let a and b be any two numbers of which a is the greater and b the lesser, and let their sum be represented by s and their difference by d, Then 0+^ = 5 and a b = d .'. by Addition, 2 a = and a = - 4. - i 2^2 ^ by 4 GENERAL THEOREMS. by Subtraction, 2# = s d } / s d t = 2~i 3 From which we deduce this general Theorem, that "if theswm " and difference of any two numbers be given, the greater of " them may be found by adding half the given sum to half the " given difference; and the lesser, by subtracting half the given " difference from half the given sum." 29. Let a, b, s, d have the same relation as before, then s = a+b d=a-b Hence,by Multiplication, s x dc?l* (See Ex.2.CaseIII. p. U ) *-/;* '' S ~ d *A a *- 1 * and a=. -- s From which it appears, that " if the sum and difference of " any two numbers be multiplied together, the product of that " sum and difference gives the difference of the squares of the " two numbers;" and, that "if the difference of the squares " of the two numbers be divided by their difference, it gives " their sum; and if by their sum, it gives their difference." 30. Let the number c be divided into any two parts a and b, Then c a + b .-.by Multiplication, c 3 =a 2 -f 2 a l+b*(SeeEx. l. Case III. p. 14.) From which we infer, that "if a number be divided into two " parts, the square of the number is equal to the sum of the " squares of the two parts, together with twice the product of " those parts." 31. Let a and b be any two numbers; then, Their difference =a b The difference of their cubes =a*~-b* By ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 25 By actual division, a &Ja 3 6 3 (a*-f ab + b* (quotient) Hence it appears, that " if the difference of the cubes of any " two numbers be divided by their difference, the quotient (f arising will be equal to the sum of the squares of the two " nuinbers together with their product." CHAP. II. ON ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. THE Rules for the management of Algebraic Fractions are the same with those in Common Arithmetic. IX. ON THE REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. 32. To reduce a mixed Quantity to a Fraction. RULE. " Multiply the integral part by the denominator " of the fractional, and to the product annex the numerator " with its proper sign ; under this sum place the former deno- " minator, and the result is the fraction required." Ex. 1. R.educe 3 a + T to a fraction. 5a The integral part x the denominator of the fraction -f the numerator = 3 ax5a 2 -j-2#=15a 3 -f2o:; . . Hence, - * is the traction required. o cr \ E Ex. 2. ALGEBRAIC FRACTION*. Ex.2. 4b Reduce 5x -r IT to a fraction. 6a~ Here 5 rx 6a e = 30a*JC$ to this add the numerator with its 30crx 4b . proper sign, viz. 4b- } then - r- is the fraction re- quired. Ex.3. 2JC 3 Reduce 5# -- - to a fraction. Here 5x X 7 = 35#. In adding the numerator 2x 3 with its proper sign, it is to be recollected, that the sign affixed to 2# - 3 the fraction - means that the whole of that fraction is to be subtracted, and consequently the signs of each term of the numerator must be changed when it is combined with 35 x; . 35X2X + 3 33X + 3 hence the fraction required is - - - = - Ex. 4. Reduce 4 a b -f to a fraction. ANSWER. a -- to a fraction. 5 x ANSW. 3a 5X a? ax o ..... ax-\- -- to a fraction. a'-V ANSW. -- x Ex. / ..... 3x - 1Q to a fraction. ANSW . ALGEBRAIC ENACTIONS. 27 33. To reduce a Fraction to a mixed Quantity. RULE. " Observe which terms of die numeral or are divisible " by the denominator without a remainder, the quotient will " give the integral part ; to this annex (with their proper signs, " and observing the caution given in Ex. 3. of the last Article,) " the remaining terms of the numerator with the denominator " under them, and the result will be the mixed quantity re- " quired." EXAMPLE 1. Reduce " -- to a mixed quantity. Here * =a + b is the integral part, and is tire fractional part ; 14 is the mixed quantity required. Ex. 2. 3c O CL 3c Reduce - - - to a mixed quantity. 15 a* Here- = 3a is the integral part, O T 1 Q and is the fractional part; O Y* .---L Q f .'. 3 a 4- is the mixed quantity required. Ex. 3. Reduce ~ to a mixed quantity. 2 X 5 a ANSWER, 2x 1 2 a* -f 4 a 3 c Ex. 4 to a mixed quantity". 3c ANSW. 3 a + 1 - 4a Ex. 5. 28 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. Ex. 5 - ' ; ~ to a mixed quantity. ANSWER, 5 x* 5^T~* 34. To reduce Fractions to a common Denominator. RULE. " Multiply each numerator into every denominator " but its own for the new numerators, and all the denominators " together for the common denominators." & EXAMPLE 1. 2.x 5x , 4 a Reduce > *r-, and -> to a common denominator. 3 5 2x x 6 x 5 = \obx ~| r Hence the frac- new numerators ; J tions required are i > J 3 x ^ X 5 s= 1 5 b common denominator ; I 156' 156' 156* Ex. 2. Reduce ^ > and ~? to a common denominator. Hence the frac- tions required Here(2a:+l)x4^ 3 x X 5 = 1 5 x 5 x 4 = 20 common denominator ; are \5x Ex. 3. 5x ax 1 Reduce , ,and -, to a common denominator. (I ~j~ X 5 ^. J7 Here 5 a: x 3x2jc=30a: a 4 (a a:) X (a + x) x 2^:= 2 aV 2 or 5 !/, the newfractions are- 'V 1 i V ^? V ^ T* 4 4J^iO/V*-*A^ Ex. 4. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 29 Ex. 4. 3.r 4bx 5x* Reduce - > ~T:~J and - j to a common denominator. Qcfx <2Qalx 7 5 ax* ANSWER, - Ex. 5. . 5X+1 Reduce -- > and - > to a common denominator. 3 ANSVV, Ex.6. x" 2 , 2. Reduce --- - , -- , and -^jt to a common denominator. 40 ax AN.VT. - -- , -, and Ex.7. 7.r'-l ,4a;*-a;+2 Reduce - 5 and -- ? - > to a common denominator. * J 14n 2a ANSW - " and 35. To reduce a Fraction to its lowest terms. RULE, " Observe what quantity will divide all the terms " both of the numerator and denominator without a remainder ; " Divide them by this quantity, and the fraction is reduced to " its lowest terms." A more general Rule will be given at the end of this Chapter. EXAMPLE 1. Reduce -- 9 - - to its lowest terms. o*3 3C The coefficient of every term of the numerator and denominator of this fraction is divisible by 7>and the letter .r also enters into every term ; therefore fx will divide both numerator and deno- minator without a remainder. Now 30 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. ax+zix 1 __ =2 a -fa + 3 .r, Hence, the fraction in its lowest terms is ^ X . 5x Ex. 2. Reduce - r*-s ~ - to its lowest terms. J Q, C Here the quantity which divides both numerator and deno- minator without a remainder is 5#; the fraction therefore in . 4bc a-f2c its lowest terms is - * a c a -b Ex. 3. Reduce Q *__^ to its lowest terms. Here, a I will divide both numerator and denominator, for by Ex.2. Case III. page 13. a a -/; a = (a + Z') (a-b); hence ri is the fraction in its lowest terms. lOx 3 to its lowest terms Qx Ex. 4. Reduce rr~~5 to its lowest terms. ANSWER, vJ Salx* Ex. 5 ..... -^ - to its lowest terms. 6ax bx ANSW. Ex. 6 ..... - ~-^ - L to its lowest terms. ANSW. 5lx 3 - 17^ + 340: Ex. 7 ..... - r~3 - to its lowest terms. ANSW. Ex. 8. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. SI a-b Ex. 8. Reduce CT to * ts l wes t terms. (See Art. 31.) ANSW - ON THE ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICA- TION, AND DIVISION OF FRACTIONS. 36. To add Fractions together. RULE. " Reduce the fractions to a common denominator, " and then add their numerators together ; bring the re- " suiting fraction to its lowest terms, and it will be the sum " required." EXAMPLE 1. 3 x & x x Add , -r- and -> together. Of O 3.TX7 X3 = 5X7 X3=1O5 J 3.r4- 30;r+3 507 128r . '" ToT" = 105 "the fraction required. (i 2a 5 ^ Ex. 2. Add 7? 7, and > together, v 36> 4a 3 fl -f 8 cfb -f 1 5Z> 3 __20a Q /> + 1 5 b 3 2a x 5bx IN - . I = (dividing by b) - 7 - is the * y } ^ ai} sum required. _ 3xl 4x Lx. 3. Add , - Q ^- > and -> together. XQXX7 = l)x3 X? =105.r 35 4JCX5 X2o;=40z* 68*+ 147^-35 , is the sum 5X2^X7 =70x . required. Lx. 4. C ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 3 x 5 X 4 X Ex.4. Add y-j *-j-> and ~r-> together. 934 x ANSWER, - 693 Ex. 5. ... -J-) -jand; > together. * v 7 ft , , . i, 105 a +28 a 0-f 30 1> ANSW. - . Ex. 6. . . . - : - >and- together. Axsw. 105 _ Lx. 7. ... ^- > and - ^ , together. ' ANSW. 32 Ex. 8. ... - , and - > together. ANSW. 6x Ex. 9. ... ~~^> and ~T^ together. a -\-b a b Ex. 10. .. .- r> and 7, together. a b a-f-o 2 ANSW. - ? -_ 37. To Subtract Fractional Quantities. RULE. " Reduce the fractions to a common denominator ; and then subtract the numerators from each other, and under the difference write the common denominator." EXAMPLE 1. 3x I4x Subtract from - 3 1 3 3xx 15 = 45^1 70x45x Q5x x, X 5 = 5 x!5==75 required. Ex. 2. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. Ex. 2. . f bubtract - from 6 7 x7 = 14#-f 7] 15#+6 14a;~7_^~ 1 . x3 = 15x + 6 I '*' 21 " 21 x i = g j J fraction required. Ex.3. 9 3# 5 From - - subtract ' 7 lO#-9)x7 = 70a?-63~) ^ 70# (3a; 5)x8 = 24a;-40 I'*' 8 X 7 = 56 is - 23 56 56 the fraction required. Ex.4. a+b ab r rom - subtract ry a u a+u I ^^ _ r-w-rmm-r r, " ******* ' b* J -r^p is the fraction required. (a b)(a + b) = a* I? 4 = "J" (dividing the numerator and denominator by is the fraction required. I4x 3 \0x 4 Ex. 2. Divide - - by ~ \4x 3 ^25 _(l4.r 3) x 5^70 jc 15 " * 5, lO.x-4 lOo; 4 I0x 4 5 a __56 a Ex. 3. Divide - ~ - by 2 a 5 ft 66 66 i X 6b 2 a 4 x (a -j- b) _ 30 A (a b)__l5ab 2a "iir is the fraction required. 4x . 9x 20 Lx. 4. Divide --- by r .... ANSWER, 7 ^ O>3 ANSW. 3 Ex. 6. 86 GREATEST COMMON MEASURE. 12 Ex. 6. Divide -.- by ~T ANSW. XL Orc the Method of finding the Greatest Common Measure of two or more Quantities. 40. One quantity is said to measure another, when it is contained in that other a certain number of times, without a remainder. 41. A quantity is said to be a multiple- of another, when it contains that other quantity a certain number of times, without a remainder, 42. A common measure of two or more quantities is any quantity which measures them all ; and the greatest common measure is the greatest quantity which will so measure them. Thus, 2 a is a common measure of the quantities 24 a b* 9 1 6 a*b c, and l<2abc?, and their greatest common measure is 4 a b. 43. If one quantity measures another, it will also measure any multiple of that quantity. Thus, let b measure a by the units in m, then a=mb, and let na be a multiple (denoted by the units in n) of a; then na nmb', consequently I measures 71 a by the units in ?i?n. 44. If one quantity measures two others, it will also mea- sure their sum and difference. For let c measure a by the units in w,, and b by the units in n, then a = mc, and b nc therefore a + b^ =mc+nc,= (mn)c] consequently c mea- sures a + b (their sum} by the units in m-\-?i, and a b (their difference) by the units in m n. 45. The i ( a ) The quantity ffib^ means a plus or minux h. GREATEST COMMON MEASURE. 37 45. The Rule for finding the greatest common measure of two numbers may be thus investigated. Let a and b be any two numbers, whereof a is the greater -, and let the following operation be performed upon them ; viz. b)'a(p pb_ c)b(q qc_ rd Where a divided by I gives the quotient p, and remainder c ; b divided by c, the quotient q, and remainder d; c divided by d, the quotient r, and remainder o. Then, since in each case the divi- dend is equal to the divisor multiplied by the quo- tient plus the remainder, we have, c=rd qrd)qrd+d(qr-{' \)d . Hence, since p, q, r are whole numbers, d is contained in b as many times as there are units in qr+ l, and in a as many times as there are units in pqr+p + r ; consequently the last divisor d is a common measure of a and b ; and this is evidently the case, whatever be the length of the operation, provided that it be carried on till the remainder is nothing. This last divisor d is also the greatest common measure of a and b. For let x be any common measure of a and b, such that a=mx f and b = nx, then c=apb = mxpnx=(mpn)x d=b qc=nx (qmpqri)x=(n qm'}-pqri)x; .'.x mea- sures d by the units in nqm+pqn 9 that is, every common measure of a and b measures d. Now it has been shewn that d is a common measure of a and b; and the greatest measure of d is evidently Itself ; consequently d is the greatest common measure of a and b. Hence this Rule for finding the greatest common measure of two numbers ; " Divide the greater by the " lesser, and the preceding divisor by the last remainder, till " nothing remains ; the last divisor is the greatest common " measure." To 38 GREATEST COMMON MEASURE. To find the greatest common measure of three numbers, a, b, c ; let d be the greatest common measure of a and b, and x the greatest common measure of d and c ; then x is the greatest common measure of a, b, and c. For, let a = md, b = nd) d=px'j then a~mpx, and L=npx } therefore x is a common measure of a and 6 ; and, since it also measures c, it will be a common measure of a, b, and c. But, as above, every common measure of a and I measures d ; therefore every common measure of a, b, and c, measures d and c; and conse- quently the greatest common measure of d and c, or x, will also be the greatest common measure of fl, I, and c. In general, let there be any set of numbers, a, b c, d t e, &c. ; and let x be the greatest common measure of a and 5 ; y the greatest common measure of x and c ; z the greatest common measure of y and c? j &c. &c. ; then will y be the greatest common measure of a, b, c ; z the greatest common measure of a, , c, d ', &c. &c. 46. To find Hhe greatest simple common measure of Alge- braic quantities, the Rule is, " to find the greatest common " measure of their coefficients, and then annex to it the letters common to all the quantities ;" thus the greatest common measure of 24 a x*y*, \6bxy, and Saxy*; is <2xy. To find the greatest compound common measure of two algebraic quantities, " first divide each of them by their greatest " simple common measure (if they have one) ; arrange their " terms according to the dimensions of the same letter, and " divide either, or both of them, by the greatest simple factor " which it may contain ; then perform on them the same ope- " ration as that for finding the greatest common measure of two " numbers, observing only, that the remainders which arise " are to be divided by their greatest simple factors, and that " the dividends may, if requisite, be multiplied by any simple " quantity which will make the first term of the dividend a " multiple of the first term of the divisor. Lastly, multiply " the compound common measure thus obtained by the simple " one GREATEST COMMON MEASURE. 39 " one originally taken out,- and the product will be the greatest " common measure required. " (a) EXAMPLE 1. Find the greatest common measure of 6 a 3 -f 1 1 ax + 3 x* and 6a* + lax 3x*. These quantities having no simple divisors, we immediately proceed as follows ; 6a* + lax- 3x*\ 6a* -f- 1 1 ax + 3# * * -f 4ax+6x Dividing 4ax + 6x 2 by its greatest simple divisor 2x, we have, 2a 4- 3x) 6a* -4- 7 ax 3x* ( 3 a x 6a a + Qax Hence 2a-f 3x is the greatest common measure. Ex. 2. Find the greatest common measure of 8 cPb* 1 Oa b* -f 2 b 4 and 9 4 6 - 9 a 3 ^> 2 + 3a'6 3 3 rz i 4 . The greatest simple common measure of these quantities is b ; which being taken out from both, they become Ba*l \Qab' 1 + 2^ 3 and 9 a 4 9 a 3 & -f- 3 a 2 ^ 3a& 3 ; the former of these is divisible by 2 , and the latter by 3 a ; which divisions being made, ( a ) The rejection of these simple factors from the original quantities, and from the remainders which arise in the process, or the multiplication of the dividends pointed out in the Rule, will not affect the compound common measure sought ; which can have no simple factor, because the original quantities have (by the Rule) their simple factors taken out, pre- viously to this part of the process. 40 GREATEST COMMON MEASURE. made, the given quantities are reduced to 4 a 9 5ab + 1\ and 3a 3 3a*b-\-ab b*. Multiply this last by 4, to make the operation succeed, and we have 3a *l>+ ab*-4b 3 Dividing the remainder by b, and multiplying the new divi- dend by 3, we have igab+ I9^ a Lastly, Divide the remainder by IQb, and proceed thus ; 4ab4b* Which gives a I for the compound common measure ; and this being multiplied into the simple one I, we have ab ~-b* for the greatest common measure sought. li CHAP. III. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION OF NUMBERS AND OF ALGEBRAIC QUANTITIES. XII. On the Involution of Numbers and Simple Algebraic Quantities. 47. Involution, or "the raising of a quantity to a given power," is performed by the continued multiplication of that quantity into itself, till the number of factors amounts to the number of units in the index of that given power. Thus, the square of a or a 2 = 2 + 25 ^ 1(J^2 Cube a 3 63 8 a 3 863 27^ " ^ 8 a 3 276 3 a 6 63 a 6 ""69 27a^ ""l23~ ^ 3 647^ 4th , //4 -4-W 1 fi/1 8 CZ4 + 8U8 16a 4 ,,814 8 8.J,r4 ^4 Power 1664 2^ 8164 + i* + 625 256^4 5th a* b 5 3<2jio a 243.T 10 32s 10 65 a 10 243^5 *5 Power 3265 * 24365 6'5 3125 10'24y5 XIII. On ^Ae Involution of Compound Algebraic Quantities. 49. The powers of compound algebraic quantities are raised by the mere application of the Rule for Compound Multipli- cation (Art. 22.) Thus, Ex. 1. I INVOLUTION. 4-0 Ex. 1. What is the square Ex. 2. What is the cube of ofa + 2^? a xl a ~\-2b cfx a +<2l cf x a*+2ab a* a*x Square =a a 4-4aZ>-f4/> a Square= a 4 2 cfx + x* a*x = 6 - 3 a*x + 3 aV -a; 3 Ex.3. What is the 5 th power of a + b ? a +b a +b a'+ ab + ab +1>* Q 4- 2a b + b* = Square a 4- b b+ ab 1 + a*b+ b* = Cube a -f b 6aT-f 4a^ 3 -f 6 4 = 4 th Power a 4- b 5 th Power. Ex.4. 44 BINOMIAL THEOREM. Ex. 4. The 4 th power of a + 3# is a 4 + 12a 3 + 54a^ Ex. 5. The square of 3x 2 + 2 #4-5 is 9#* + 1'2 a; 3 + 34 x* Ex. 6. The cube of 3# 5 is 27,r 3 135# 3 + 225z 125. Ex. 7. The cw&e of x* 2x+l is a: 6 6# 5 + I5x* 20x* 3 50. In the involution of a binomial quantity of the form a + 1> 9 the several terms in each successive power are found to bear a certain relation to each other, and observe a certain law, which the following Table is intended to explain. TABLE OF THE POWERS OF fl -f I. Powers. Mode of Powers expanded. Square Cube (a + 6)3 4 th Power 5 th Power 6 th Power (a+ft) 6 The successive powers of a b are precisely the same as those of ci + l, except that the signs of the terms will be alternately + and . Thus, the 4 th power of a b is & 4 and so of the rest. In reviewing that column of the foregoing Table, which con- tains the powers of a + l expanded, we may observe, i. That in each case, thejirst term is a raised tathe given power, and the last term is b raised to the same power ; thus, in the square, the Jirst term is a Q , and the last I 11 ; in the cube, the first term is a 3 , and the last V ; and so of the rest. ir. That, with respect to the intermediate terms, the powers of a BINOMIAL THEOREM. 45 of a decrease, and the powers of I increase, by unity in each successive term. Thus, in the fifth power, we have In the second term .... a*l ; third ........ a 3 ^; fourth ....... aV; fifth ........ a> 4 ; and so in the other powers. in. That in each case, the coefficient of the second term is the same with the index of the given power. Thus, in the square it is 2 ; in the cube it is 3 ; in the fourth power .it is 4 ; and so of the rest. iv. That if the coefficient of a in any term be multiplied by its index, and the product divided by the number of terms to that place, the quotient will give the coefficient of the next term. Thus, coeff. of a in the 2 d term x its index In fre fourth power, - ' num ber of terms to that place 4X3 12 = ^ = -~= 6 = coefficient of third term. til l& coeff. of a in the 4 th term x its index In the sixth power, number of terms to that place 20X3 60 r ~ f .i j = - = =15= coefficient 01 fifth, term. We are thus furnished with a general Rule for raising the binomial a + b to any power, without the process of actual multiplication. For instance, let it be required to raise a + b to the eighth power ; then, according to the Rule just laid down, Theirs* term is ............ '. ......... a 8 . The second ....................... 8a 7 b. 8x7 The third ............... . JM " ( "~' ) 2^ The BINOMIAL THEOREM. 47 The last . . b*. 2.3.4 By the same process, (a ->)" = a" ; a*~ 3 b 3 -f &c. ; the signs of the terms being alternately 4- and . This general and compendious method of raising a binomial quantity to any given power, is called, from the name of its celebrated inventor, Sir I. NEWTON'S " Binomial Theorem." Its use will appear from the following Examples. EXAMPLE 1. Raise x*-{-3y to thcjifth power. In comparing (x* + 3y 2 ) 5 with (a-|-6) n , we have, a = x*, Substituting these quantities for a, b, n in the foregoing general formula, it appears, that Theirs/? . , ~ r (ft n \ is \X P A ' tenn 3 ' ' v / ' is ^ ) . . is 5 X 4/7. ____ M aB - 3 p i3 5 X - X x * X \ 5*, "-~- is 5 X X X X ^X (,V)<=405, V . . . (&") ...................... is So that (# 2 + 3/) 5 =a' 10 + 1 5*V+ 900V + 270^ + 405jpV -f 243y 10 . In the application of this formula, it may be observed, that the number of terms of which the binomial consists, is always one more than iheindexof the given power ; after having calcu- lated therefore as many terms as there are units in the index of the given power, we may immediately proceed to the last term. Ex. 2. 48 BINOMIAL THEOREM. Ex. 2. Raise 3x+Qy to the 6 th power. Here steaj^ ( 3x + 2 ?/) 6 = 2 ~ w = 6 3 Ex. 3. Raise x Vy* to the 7 th power. Here x=.a~l and comparing (XT- 2 y 2 ) 7 with (a I)*, we have 12 1287/ 14 for the quantity required. 52. By means of this Theorem, we are enahled to raise a trinomial or quadrinomlal quantity to any power, without the process of actual multiplication. Thus, suppose it was required to square a -f I + c ; inclosing it in a parenthesis (a-\-b), and con- sidering it as one quantity, we should have In the same manner we have, Ex.2. a + c 3 = a 3 4-3a^ + 3aZ; 2 + Z' 3 + 3a'c4-6flk + 3/' 2 c c 3 = a 3 + 3 + c 3 + 3(a 2 Z> + ^ 2 -f G 2 c + ac 2 + ^ 2 c 4- Ex.3. XIV. On & c * & c are ^ ur ^ quantities. The application of the fundamental rules of arithmetic to quantities of this kind will form the subject of Chap. VIII. 56. In the involution of negative quantities, it was observed that the even powers were all + , and the odd powers ; there is consequently no quantity which, multiplied into itself in such manner that the number of factors shall be even, can generate a negative quantity. Hence quantities of the form ->/o a , / 10, /^a 3 , v/~5> \/ a *> & c - & c - llave no real root > and are therefore called impossible. 57. In extracting the roots of compound quantities, we must observe in what manner the terms of the root may be derived from those of the power. For instance, (by Art. 50.) the square of a + 1 is a 2 + 2a/; + 3 , where the terms are arranged according to the powers of a. On comparing a + b with a* + 2 a b + b*, we observe that the first term of the power (a 2 ) is the square of the H first 50 EVOLUTION. first term of the root (a). Put a therefore for the first term of the root, square it, and subtract that square from the first term of the power. Bring down the other two terms 2 a b + &*, and double the first term of the root ; set down 2 a, and having divided the first term of the remainder (<2ab) by it, it gives b) the other term of the root ; and since <2al + b" = (<2a + b)b, if to <2a the term b is added, and this sum multiplied by b, the result is 2 a b + 1* ,* which being subtracted from the two terms brought down, nothing remains. 58. Again, the square of a + 1 + c (Art. 52.) is a 2 + 2 a b + 1* + 2ac+2#c + c 2 ; in this case the root may be derived from the power, by con- tinuing the pro- cess in the last Article. Thus, having found the two first terms (# -j_ fy of the root as before, we bring down the remain- ing three terms 24 -f 9 #* 4 x a 2.r-r-2) -f 4x 3 59. The process for extracting the Cz^eRoot of a compound quantity may be explained in the following manner. By Art. 50, the cube of a + b is the terms being 3 a 9 -f 3 a b + ^3 o^'+ 3 a b* + V arranged accord- \3a*b-{- 3al* + b 3 ing to the powers * * * Of a. The first a-5-aaaasHSESB term of the root is a, which being cubed, and this cube subtracted from the first term in the power (a 3 ), bring down the remaining three terms $ a z b -f 3 a b* -f b 3 . Next square the first term (a) of the root, and having multiplied it by 3 5 place 3a a in the divisor, divide 3a*b by 3a Q , and it gives b the second term of the root ; to 3 a 9 add 3 a b + b*, and it forms the divisor 3a*-f 3ab + l* 9 which being multiplied by Ogives Scfb + Safr + b 3 ; subtract, and nothing remains. 60. The cube root of a compound quantity, if that root consists of three terms^ is found by continuing the process in a similar manner. (a + b) 3 -f 3(a -f b)*c + 3 (a + by + c s (a -f b + c 2 EVOLUTION. Thus (by Art. 52) the cube of a -f b -f c is (a-f ) 3 + 3(a + 6)V + 3 (a + #)" + * j supposing the first two terms of the root to have been found as in the preceding article, cube a -f b arid subtract(a-f b) 3 from the first term of the power ; and then bring down the next three terms 3(a + b}*c -f 3 (a + b)c -f c 3 . Square the two terms already found ; which square being mul- tiplied by 3, gives 3(fl-l-&) 2 ; divide 3 (a + b) 2 c by 3(a + b) z , and we have c, the third term of the root. To 3(a-f-6) 2 add 3(a + b}c -f c 2 , and it forms the divisor 3(a + b) 2 + 3 (a + b}c + c*, which being multiplied by c, gives 3 (a-f-) 2 c+3(a-i-&)c 2 -f-c 3 ; subtract, and nothing remains. If the quantity whose root is required be not an exact power, the operation will not terminate, as in the above instances; but it may be continued to any number of terms at pleasure. Ex. Find the square root of a? + x-. x \ x 2a-f -) X J' 4 2 + - i) :* a* Iii these cases, however, the root is in general much more easily found by help of the -Binomial Theorem, as will be ex- plained hereafter. xv. On the investigation of the Rules for the Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots of Numbers. Before we proceed to the investigation of these Rules, it will be I EVOLUTION, 53 be necessary to explain the nature of the common arithmetical notation. 61. It is very well known that the value of the figures in the common arithmetical scale increases in a tenfold proportion from the right to the left ; a number, therefore, may be expressed by the addition of the units, tens, hundreds, &c. of which it consists. Thus the number437 1 maybe expressed in the following manner, viz.4000 + 300 + 70+ I,orby4 X 1000 + 3 X 100 + 7 X 10+1; hence, if the digits (a) of a number be represented by o, b, c, d, e &c. beginning from the left-hand, then, A number of 2 figures may be expressed by 1 Oa + b. ...... 3 figures ......'.. by 100a+ lob + c. ...... 4figures ........ by 10000+ 100 + lOc -\ d. &c. &c. &c. 62. Let a number of three figures (viz. lOOa+106 + c) be squared, and its root extracted according to the Rule in Art. 58. and the operation will stand thus; I.10000a+2000a& + 1 OOOOa* 2000r;/>+ 1006* u. Let a -- 2 | an( j ^ operation is transformed into the ~^ C following one; 40000 + 1 2000 + 900 + 400 + 60 + 1 (200 + 30 + 1 40000 400 + 30) 1 2000 + 900 + 400 12000+900 400 + 60+1)400 + 60+1 400 + 60 + 1 (') By the digits of a number are meant the figures which compose it, considered independently of the value which they possess in the arithmetical scale. 54 SVOLUTION. in. But it is evident that this operation would not be a: by collecting the several numbers which stand in the sarac into one sum, and leaving out the ciphers which are to be subtracted in the several parts of the operation. Let this be done; and let two figures be brought down at a time, after the square of the. first figure in the root has been subtracted; then the ope- ration may be exhibited in the manner annexed; from which it appears that the square root of 53361 is 231. 63. To explain the division of the given number into periods consisting of two figures each, by placing a dot over every second figure beginning with the units (as exhibited in the foregoing operation) , it must be observed, that, since the square root of 100 is IO; of 10000 is 1OO; of 10QQOOO is 100O; c. &c. it follows, that the square root of a number te$$ then IOO must consist of one figure; of a number between IOO and 1OOOO, of too figures; of a number between lOOOOand 10OOOOO, of three figures ; &c* c* and consequently the number of these dots will shew the number of figures contained in the square root of the given number. From hence it also follows, that the Jtrst figure of the root will be the square root of the greatest square number contained in the first of those periods, reckoning from thel^K Thus, in the case of 53361 (whose square root is a number consisting of three figures) ; since the square of the figure standing in the JbuKfrecfr place cannot be found either in the last period (61), or in the last bat em (33), it must be found inthejSrsI period (5); consequently the first figure of the root will be the square root of the greatest square number contained in 5; and as this number is 4, the first fiure of the EVOLUTIOK. 55 root will be 2. The remainder of the operation will*be readiiy understood by comparing the steps of it with the several steps of the process for finding the square root of (a + 1 + c) 2 in Art. 58 ; for having subtracted 4 for the first period (5), there remains 1; bring down the next two figures (33), and the dividend is 133 ; double the first figure of the root (2), and place the result 4 in the divisor; 4 is contained in 13 three times, 3 is therefore the second figure of the root ; place this both in the divisor and quotient, and the former is 43 ; multiply by 3, and subtract 12Q, the remainder is 4 ; to which bring down the next two, figures (61), which gives 461 for the next dividend. Lastly, double the last figure of the former divisor, and it becomes 46 ; place this in the next divisor, and since 4 is contained in 4 once, 1 is the third figure of the root; place 1 therefore both in the divisor and quotient ; multiply and subtract as before, and nothing remains. 64-. The rule for extracting the cube root of numbers may be understood by comparing the process for extracting the cube root of (a + b + c) 3 in Art*. 59 and 60, with the following operations, in which is deduced the cube root of the number 13997521. < 13997321 (200 + 40+1 a 3 =( 200) 3 = 8000000 3a 2 = 120000) 1st Remainder 5997521 3a*fl = 3 X ( 200)* X 40 = 4800000 3 a 6 2 = 3 X 200 X (40) 2 = 96000O 10x40 = 64000 5824000 - = 172600) 2d Remainder 1J3521 = 3(200 + 40)*X 1= 172600 = 3(200 + 40) Xl= 720 = ixlxl= l 173521 3d Remainder OOOOOO Omitting 56 EVOLUTION. Omitting the superfluous ciphers, and bringing down three figures at a time, the operation would stand thus ; 1399752l(241 2 3 = 8 3 X2* = 12)5997 300X2 2 X4 =4800 30X2 X4 2 = 960 4 3 = 64 5824 173521 300 X (24)' X 1 = 172800 SOX 24 X l a = 720 1 3 = 1 173521 000000 These operations may be explained in the following manner. i. Since the cube root of 1000 is 10, of 1000000 is 100, &c. it follows, that the cube root of a number less than 1000 will consist of one figure; of a number between 1000 and 1000000 of two figures, &c. &c. ; if therefore the given number be divided into periods, each consisting of three figures, by placing a dot over every third figure beginning with the units, the number of those dots will shew the number of figures of which the cube root consists ; and for the reason assigned in the preceding article (respecting the first figure of the square root), the jirst figure of the root will be the cube root of the greatest cube number contained in the first period. n. Having pointed the number, we find that its cube root consists of three figures. Thejirst figure is the cube root of the greatest cube number contained in 13 ; this being 2, the value of this figure is 200, or a = 200; consequently a 3 =8000000; subtract EVOLUTION. 57 subtract this number from 13997521, and the remainder is 5997321. Find the value of 3a a , and divide this latter number by it, and it gives 40 for the value of b the second member of the root ; put this in the quotient, and then calculate the value of 3ft 2 Z' + 3a6 a + Z> 3 and subtract it, and there remains 173521. Find now the value of 3(a + by and divide 173521 by it, and it gives 1 for the value of c the third member of the root ; put this in the quotient, and then calculate the amount of 3(a-f)*c -f 3(a-f6)c 2 + c 3 , which subtract, and nothing remains. in. In reviewing theirs* of these two operations, it is evident that six ciphers might have been rejected in the value of a 3 , and three in the value of 3 a?b -f 3 a b* -f- b 3 , without affecting the substance of the operation ; having therefore simplified the process as in the second operation, we are furnished with the following Rule for extracting the cube root of numbers. IV. " Point off every third figure, beginning with the units ; " find the greatest cube number contained in the first period, " and place the cube root of it in the quotient ; cube it and " subtract it from the first period, and then bring down the next " three figures \ divide the number thus brought down by 300 " times the square of the first figure of the root, and it will givei " the second figure j then calculate the value of 300 x square " of first figure x second figure + 30 X first figure x square " of second + cube of second, subtract it, and then bring down " the next period, and so proceed till all the periods are brought " down." The Rules for extracting the higher powers of numbers and of compound algebraic quantities re very tedious, and of no great practical utility. XVI. On the general mode of expressing the Powers and Roots of Quantities by means of Indices. 65. The* management of Surd quantities, and the method* extracting the roots of compound algebraic quantities by means of the Binomial Theorem, will be treated of hereafter ; I but 58 EVOLUTION. but before we conclude this Chapter, it may be proper to make a few observations on the method of expressing the powers and roots of quantities by means of indices. i. Since a x a* = a 3 = a l+z ; a*xa 3 = a 5 =a 2+3 ; or, in general, a m xa n = a m+ * 9 it follows, that the different powers of any quantity are multiplied together by adding the indices. a* a 5 a m ii. Again, -=a = a*~ 1 ', -3 = a a =a s ~ 3 ;or, in general, n = a m ~ n ; from which it appears, that one power of a is divided by another, by subtracting the index of the divisor from that of the dividend. in. The square of a a xa = a 1X2 =a 8 , Cube of a' = c 2 X a 2 x a* = a 2x3 =a 6 , or, in general, m th power of a n ==a" x a* x a n to m factors = a mtt ; from this it follows, that the powers of a are raised to other powers by multiplying the index of the original power by that of the power to which it is to be raised. jt iv. Square root of a* =. a 1 = a* ; Square root of a 4 =a* = a T ; 6 Cube root of a =a a = a5, & c . &c., i.e. the roots of the powers of a are found by dividing the index of the power by the number expressing the degree of the root to be taken. 66. From this method of considering the formation of the powers and roots of quantities, a new species of algebraic notation arises, of which the following are Examples. i . The roots of quantities may be expressed by fractional indices. Thus, The Square root of a = a l ~ z =a? ; Cube root of a =a 1-K3 =a * ; or, in general, m th root of a = a l ^ m = a" 1 . Again, Cube root of a 2 =a^ 3 =al Square root of a 3 = a 34 " a =a^; or, in general, m* root of a" = a n4 = as. Ji. The EVOLUTION. 59 ii. The signification of the negative indices arising from Rule 4 of Division (Art. 23.) will easily appear by an example. By that Rule, - 5 = a~ 5 =a- 3 . But - 5 =- 3 ; consequently a~ 3 and -} (and, in general, cT and j are equivalent expressions. Hence it follows that a will always represent unity, whatever .a m be the value of a ; for, by the Rule, '^=a m ~ m ) or 1 =a. A comparison of the following series, in the first of which every succeeding term is the quotient of the preceding divided by a, and, in the second, the index of a is continually dimi- nished by 1, will shew that the above conclusions naturally fol- low from the notation adopted in Art. 7. 1 1 1 aaa aa a l a aa aaa a 3 a" a 1 a or 1 a~ 2 a- 3 in. From this it follows, that any factor may be removed from the numerator of a fraction into the denominator, or from the denominator into the numerator, by changing the sign of its index. Ex. 1. Thus (since -^=.1"^)^ may be expressed by a y l~ 3 ; i / M a* 1 1 1 and /since a =^2 j> we have r 3 = ru X p= a _ a ^ 3 * aU 3 Ex.2. The quantity & 4 4 may be expressed by a *l c d e s or by _, _ 3 j4 t - CO CHAP. IV. ON SIMPLE EQUATIONS. WHEN two algebraic quantities are connected together by the sign of equality, the whole expression thus formed is called (Art. 1 1 .) an Equation. Equations, as applied to the solution of questions or problems, consist of quantities, some of which are k?iown, and others unknown; and by the solution of an equation is meant, the operation by which the value of the unknown quantities are found in terms of the known ones. If an equation contains no power of the unknown quantities, but those quantities merely in their simplest form, it is called a Simple Equation ; if it contains the square of the unknown quantity, it is called a Quadratic Equation; if the cube of the unknown quantity, a Cubic Equation ; &c. &c. The present Chapter will be occupied entirely with the solution of Simple Equations, and questions depending upon them. XVII. On the Solution of Simple Equations, containing only one unknown quantity. 67. The Rules absolutely necessary for the solution of simple equations containing only one unknown quantity may be reduced to four, and may be arranged in the following order. RULE I. The first Rule is, that " any quantity may be transferred from " one side of the equation to the other, by changing its sign;" and SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 61 and it is founded upon the axiom, that "if equals be added to " or subtracted from equals, the sums or remainders will be " equal." Ex. 1. Let # + 8 = 15 ; subtract 8 from each side of the equation, and it becomes x + 8 8=15 8; but 8 8 = 0, .'..r=15 8 = 7. Ex.2, Let x 7 = 20; add 7 to each side of the equa- tion, them; 7 + 7 = 20 + 7; but -7 + 7 = 0, .'. j;=20+7 = 27. Ex.3. Let 3x 5 = 2# + 9; add 5 to each side of the equation, and it becomes 3x 5 + 5 = 2 x-\- 9 + 5, or 3x=<2x + 9 + 5, Subtract *2x from each side of this latter equation, then 3x 2x=2x 2# + 9 + 5; but2# 2x=0, .'.3x 2x = 9 + 5. Now 30720;=^, and 9 + 5= 14; hence x 14. On reviewing the steps of these examples, it appears I. That x+ 8= 15 is equivalent to #=15 8. u. . . . # 7 = 20 to #=20 + 7. III.. . 3x 5 = 2.r + 9 to, 3x <2x= 9 + 5. Or, that " the equality of the quantities on each side of the " equation, is not affected by removing a quantity from one " side of the equation to the other and changing Its sign." From this Rule also it appears, that if the same quantity with the same sign be found on both sides of an equation, it may be left out of the equation; thus, if x + a=c-\-a, then #=c + a a; but a # = 0, .'. #=c. It further appears, that the signs of all the terms of an equa- tion may be changed from + to , or from to +, without altering the value of the unknown quantity. For let x b = ca; then, by the Rule, xc a + b; change the signs of all the terms, then I a; = a c, in which case I a + c = x t or x = c a + by as before. RULE 62 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. RULE II. " If the unknown quantity has a coefficient, then its value " may be found by dividing each side of the equation by that " coefficient;" and the foundation of the Rule is, that" if equals " be divided by the same, the quotients arising will be equal." Ex. 1. Let 2 x = 14; then dividing both sides of the <2X 14 2x 14 equation by 2, we have -=--; but -=#, and = 7, /. x = 7. Ex. 2. Let 6x+ I0 = 3x+ 22 ; then, by RULE I, 6x 3 x 3x 1 2 = 2"2 10, or 3#= 12 ; divide each side by 3, then -7T=ir> o o or .r=4. Ex.3. Let ax = b + c-, then = ; but ~=#j + c ' = ' RULE III. " An equation may be cleared of fractions, by multiplying " each side of the equation by the denominators of the frac- " tions in succession, or by their product." This Rule goes upon the principle, that " if equals be multiplied by the same, " the products arising will be equal/* Ex. 1 . Let = 6; multiply each side of the equation by 3 ? then (since, from what has been already shewn, the multipli- x cation of the fraction - by 3 9 just takes away its denominator, \J and gives x) we have #=6x3 = 18. T 1 'T* Ex, 2. Let -+- = 7 ; multiply each side of the equation 2 5 2 X by 2, and we b re x+ -r-=14; now multiply each side by 5, O and it becomes 5 jc + 2 = 70, or 7 jc=70; hence, by RULE II, 70 r =T= =Ja Ex.3. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 63 E,3. Lf+f~l3-J O y* O />* Multiply each side of the equation by 2, then x + = 26 . 6x ................ . by3, and3x+2x= 78 . by 4, . By RULE I, 12,r+83: + 6tf= or 312 .'. by Rule II, #==12. This Example might have been solved more simply, by mul- tiplying each side of the equation by the product of the nunv bers 2, 3, 4 3 which is 24. Thus, | + |= 13-f- 243? 24# 24.r Multiply each side by 24, then -- + - = 312 - 9 or 12x + 8o:=312 6x, as before. RULE IV. " If the equation contains the square root of the unknown f( quantity, or the square root of the unknown quantity combined " with some known quantity; then, let this surd. quantity be " brought by itself to one side of the equation, and let both " sides of the equation be squared; the value of the unknown ce quantity may then be found by the preceding Rules." This Rule goes upon the supposition, that " if the square root of " a quantity be equal to any given quantity, then the quantity (C itself will be equal to the square of that given quantity." Ex. 1 . Let v/x- 5 = 3 ; then by RULE I, v/x= 5 + 3 = 8; square both sides of the equation, then #=8 X 8 = 64. Ex.2. Let v /2x+l +2 = 5; then, by RULE I, v/2.r+ 1 =52 = 3; square both sides of the equation, and we have 8 = 9, .'. 2 #=9 1 = 8, and #=-=4, 68. The 64- SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 68. The following Examples will serve to exercise the learner. in these several Rules. In RULE I. Ex. 1. 207 + 3 = 07+17 . . . ANSWER, 57=14. Ex. 2. 5x 4 = 407+25 ......... 07=29- Ex.3. 7x9 =6x-3 ......... 07 = 6. Ex.4. 4x + 2a=3x + 9b ......... x=9b-Qa. In RULES I, II. Ex. 1. 10^7=150 .... ANSWER, 07=15. Ex. 2. 15# + 4 = 34 ......... x 2. Ex.3. 8o7 + 7 = 6 + 27 ....... 07=10. Ex.4. 907 3 = 407 + 22 ....... 0:= 5. Ex.5. 1707 407 + 9 = 307 + 39 ....... x= 3. Ex. 6. GO; c= + 2c ........ 07= , In RULES I, II, III. 2.T X Ex. 1. + - = 22 ........ ANSWER, 07=24. 707 5o? 55 Ex.2. T -^ = T .............. *=10. 07 07 07 Ex.3. 2 + 3 ==31 ""5 ............ 07=30. 207 X 07 Ex.4. T - B + - = 44 .............. *=60. In RULE IV. Ex. 1. \/xl=4 ....... ANSWER, 07= 25. Ex. 2. v / 3a7+i+5 = io ........... 07=8. Ex.3. 15 + \/x+7 = l9 ........... 07=9. 69. In the application of these Rules to the solution of simple equations in general containing only one unknown quantity, it will be proper to observe the following method. i. To clear the equation of fractions by RULE III. ii. To SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 65 ii. To collect the unknown quantities on one side of the equation, and the known on the other, by RULE I. in. To find the value of the unknown quantity by dividing each side of the equation by its coefficient, as in RULE II. iv. If the equation contains a surd quantity, then RULE IV. must be immediately applied. EXAMPLE 1. 3x X 13 Find the value of x in the equation + 1 =-+- 7 3 O Multiply by 7, then 3x+ 7 = -^+ ; ..... by 5, . . 15# + 35 = 7# + 91. Collect the unknown quantities"^ .. I 15#-7#=91-35, on one side, and the known > [ or 8#= 56. on the other-, J 56 Divide by the coefficient of #, r= = 7. EX. 2. ; x 4-3 x Find the value of x in the equation 1=2 - 5 x Multiply by 5, then x+ 3 5 = 10 -j ..... by 7? - 7# + 21-35 =70 5x. Collect the unknown quantities" r _ 7n O/ - /U on o/ze side, and the known > i2x = 84- on the oMer ; J 84 Ex.3. Find the value of x in the equation ^-1 2# 2 4X- = ^ + - +24. K Multiply 66 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Multiply by the ? 40r _ to+5=l0r+4je _ product (10), 3 By transposition^ Ox 5x 1 Ox 4x= 2404 5 or 40r 19JC=231, 231 i.e. 2]:r=231; .vxss = 11. Ex. 4. x Find the value of x in the equation 2x ^ + 1 =5 x 2. Multiply by 2, then 4xx+2= lOx 4. By transposition, 4-f 2= lOx 4x+x, 6 or 6= Ex. 5. What is the value of # in the equation x .r = Divide each side of the equation hy 3a + 2b, which is the coefficient of x; then x== ^ a i_2b Ex.6. Find the value of # in the equation 3bx + a=2ax+4c. Bring the unknown quantities to one side of the equation, and the known to the other ; then, 3bx 2ax = 4c a but 3lx 2ax = 3b 2a x# Divide by 3b 2a, and ^=^7 g~ * Ex.7. ( a ) As this step involves the case " where the sign stands before a Fraction," when the numerator of that fraction is brought down into the same line with 40 r, the signs of both its terms must be changed, for the reasons assigned in Ex. 3, page 26 ; and we therefore make it 5j?-f-5, and not 5jr 5. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 67 Ex.7. Find the value of x in the equation bx + x = 2x + 3a. Transpose 2x, then bx + x 2x=3a, or bx x=3a, but bx x=(bl)x; .'. (b l)jc=3a, or X~T . Ex.8. 3 X x 2 x Find the value of # in the equation - c-f^=4x-f- T' Multiply by abd, thensbdx abed-}- adx=4abdx + 2abx. By transposition, 3 bdx + adx 4abdx 2abx=abcd, abed Ex.9. Let V# + Vtf +3;==^-- to find the value of a:. Multiply by /a + x, then */x x */a+x+ a+x= 2a. By transposition, Vjc x Va + x = 2a a o: =: a or. Square both sides, x x (a + x) a fl or ax+x* =a* .'. Sax =a 3 3a 3 Ex. 10. Let a + x^^a+xx/tf+x* to find the value of x. Square both sides, and we heve a* + 2ax + X > =a' 2 -\- or 2aj:-}-^ = W^-f a; Divide by x, 2 a -f- jp = */b*+x\ Square again, 4a* or 4ax=zl*4a' t . ^ a -4a' ^ a Hence, x=. - - = . 4a 4a 68 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Ex.11. ^+2 + 3 =11 * ' * * ANSWER J X==6 - Ex. 12. Ex. 13. # x x x 3x 1 1O y+ # # #_ C*X% 1 4. 7v ~T~ .-. ~~ i ~ c\ Ex. 15. 1 x + 3 3x Ex.16. -r-5 = 29-2# 3# Ex. 17. 6# - 9=. 4 # + 3 Ex.18. 2# ^-+15 = Ex. 19. 3 #-2 # x-'Q Ex.20. 5#- Ex.21. 2x-l _ #=10. 6 x ~7 X =3 x=36. = 12. 4a x = . Ex. 22. Ex. 23. Ex. 24. a+x lx 3 a XVIII, SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 69 XVIII. On the Solution of Simple Equations containing Two or more unknown Quantities. For the solution of equations containing two or more un- known quantities, as many independent equations are required as there are unknown quantities. The two equations necessary for the solution of the case when two unknown quantities are concerned may be expressed in the following manner, ax + by=c where a, I, c, a', b', c' represent known quantities, and x, y the unknown quantities whose values are to he found in terms of these known quantities. 70. There are three different Rules by which the value of ope of these unknown quantities may be determined ; RULE I. Let ax + by = c (A) \ be the two equations and a'x + b'y=c (B) J to be solved. Multiply equation (A) by a, then aa'x + a'by=za'c (C) by a, . . . aa'x + al'y=ac r (D) Subtract equation ()) from (C), then (a'b ab')y=a'c.ac f a'c ac' ' ' ^ ~" a I ah' From which we deduce the following Rule. " Multiply the " first equation by the coefficient of x in the second equation, " and the second equation by the coefficient of x in the first " equation , subtract the last of these resulting equations from " thejirst, and there will arise an equation which contains only " y and known quantities, from which the value of y is de- P" termined." RULE II. From equation (A),axc ly, ..#= [-D\ > ' T c'b'y ........ (B) ) ax=^c-'ly ) .'.x^ ~- Putting 70 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Putting these two values of x equal to each other, we have c ' b'y c ly 7-^ = - . an( j % . 4 ac aly~ac auy ; By transposition, (a I al')y dc a c a'cac' and y= -r, - / * * abab From which it appears, that " if the value of x in t\\e first " equation be put equal to its value in the second, there will " arise a new equation involving only y, from which the same " value of y is found as before." RULE III. c Ity From equation (4), x - ; substitute this value of x in equation (B), then a x or a'c -a'ly + a I'y =a c' .. a'cac=)dbal')y a'cac ^y^i^ai' From which we infer> that " if the value of x found from the "Jirst equation be substituted for it in the second, there will " arise an equation which gives the same value of y as in the " two former instances." 71. Having determined the value of T/, the value of .r may be found in each case, by substituting this value for y either in the first or second equation. The value of x in the first equation c by a'c ac' c b(a'c-ac') is - -; but y=-r - n " x = - , ,, - r \ = fbv re- a y a'bab a a(abab') ducing these fractions to a common denominator) - ,. . /a . c b'y c' b' (a'cac) The value or x in the second euuation is = - ,, ., - TA a a a (abab) =. (by reducing these fractions to a common denominator) bc' b'c ~rr - r? as before. abab 72. From SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 71 72. From hence it appears, that in finding the value of y, either of the three Rules may be applied ; and that in finding the value of x, the value of y so found may be substituted either in ihejlrst or second equation. In the choice of the Rule which may be most adapted to practical application, experience only can be our guide. It may further be observed, that there are cases in which RULE I. may be somewhat varied ; for instance, if the given equations be, ax + by=.c (A) dx b'y = c' (B) Multiply equation (A) by b', then, ab'x+bb'y = b'c (C) (B) by b, . . . a'bx-bb'y = bc'(D) Add equation (D) to (C), then (ab' -\- a b) x=b'c + bc b'c + bc ~~ab' + a'b Having the value of x, the value of y may be found by some of the preceding methods. 73. The following examples are intended to illustrate each Rule separately ; EXAMPLE 1. Let 5x + 4y = 55 (A)? to find the values = 31 (B) $ of x and y. By RULE I, [ultiply (A) by 3, then 1 5 x + 1 2 y = 1 65 .-. . . (B) by 5 . . 10 .*. by subtraction, we have 2y=lO, orT/ = -=5. 55 4u Now from equation (A) we have x= *=(sincey = 5520 35 T^T^ 7 - Ex. 2. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Ex.2. =l6 (A) y=34 (B) From equation (A), we have x=l6 4y. ..... (B).....x= 3 ^- 34 v Hence, by Rule II, 4 * = i6 4y, or 34 y = 64-. 30 .*. 15y=30 or y= = 2. 1 5 It has already been shewn that #=16 4y=r (since and /. 4y=8) 16-8=8. Ex. 3. 8y=31 (A) 10^=192 5. From equation (C),#=91 24y; by RULE III, substitute this value of x in equation (D) ; then we have, # + 40(91 -24 1/)=763 ory-f- 3640 960?/=763 .'. 959^=3640-763 2877 By referring to equation (C), we have x=Ql 24y = (since y=3, and/. 247/=72)91-7 = 19. Ex. 4. Let 3^ + 4y=29 (A). 3y*=z36 (B). In this example, the Rule mentioned in Art. 72 may be applied. Multipl 1 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Ex. 4. Let 3 ]7#-3# = 36 (B). In this example, the Rule mentioned in Art. 72. may be applied. Multiply equation (A) by 3, then 9x+12y= 37 (C) .......... (5) by4 . . 68#-12y=144 (D) 23 1 ion (D) to (C), then 7 7 #=231, or #= =3. From equation (^4) we have 4y = 29 3 #= (since # = 3, and 20 /.3JC=9) 29 9 = 20; hence j/ =s - = 5. Ex.5. 4^ + 3^31> > .ANSWER, 5 X = 4 Ex.6. 353 ' c= 5. Ex.7. 5JC 4^=19? 4.r4.2y = 36S ' Ex.8. 3x-f7?/ = 79? Ca?=10 2 = 93 ' ly- 7. ]x=n !y= 4 - y^-f-3 = 4 ........ 2JC 4w 23 Jt/= 1. 3 Ex. 12. 74 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 3X-7 EX ' 12 ' 3 5 I U=13 > . . . . ANSWER, 1 ^n ?/ 5 74. When three unknown quantities are concerned, the most general form under which simple equations can be ex- pressed, is ax+ by + cz=d (E) alx+b e y+c'z=d'(F) d'3C + b"y + c"z=zd"(G), and the mode of solution may be conducted in the following manner. i. Multiply eq n . (E) by a, then a ax + a'by-\- a'cz=a'd (H) (.F)bya . . . aa'x + ab'y + ac'z-=ad' (K) Subtract(lQfrorri(H),then(a b - ab'}y + (a'c- ac>= a d - ad'(L). By multiplying (F) by a", and (G) by a, and subtracting the latter result from the former, we obtain in the same manner (a"b'-ab")y + (ac-ac) z=ad'-dd"(M). II. Next, let the coefficients in equation (L) be repre- sented by a, /3, y respectively ; and those in equation (M) by ', /3', y, respectively ; then those equations may be reduced to the following form 5 viz. *3/ + /3% y. ; *y + &'%=?' From which, by making the proper substitutions in RULE I, and in Art. 7 1, we have , y oey d uii *4- c% in. From equation (E), we have #= --- - - -5 in which substituting the values of y and s just now found, we obtain This mode of operation might be easily extended to equations containing any number of unknown quantities. EXAMPLE 1. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 75 EXAMPLE 1. Let j.Multiply(E)by3,then6# + 9y-t- ..... (F)by2. . Subtract (g)from(fl). . . 5y+ 2a = 23(L). MuItiply(F) by4,then 1 2x + 8 y + 20 z = 1 28 .... (G)by3 . Subtract ..... y + 14x=53 (M). ir. Hence the given equations are reduced to, 5y-f 22 = 23 (L) Again . , . 5?/+ 2s = Multiply (M) by 5, then-5y + 7021 = 2 288 By addition .... 72z=288 ? or = =4. From equation (M) ....... y= 142J. 53 = 56 53 = 3. 29 3V-43 29 25 in. From equation (E) . . x= ^ - = - - =2. Ex.2. #-f#-fs = 90 1 Tx=35 2x -f 40 =3^ + 20 v ...... ANSWER, ........... <= 6 = 134 XIX. TAe Solution of Questions producing Simple Equations. In the reduction and management of equations, we have pro- ceeded by fixed and stated rules; but in the solution of questions we have no such rules to guide us. Every particular question requires 76 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. requires a distinct process? of reasoning, to bring it into an alge- braic form ; and nothing but practice and experience can produce expertness and facility in conducting this process. All that can be done for the learner in this case, is, to explain the manner in which the principles of this science may be made to bear upon questions in general ; for as soon as they can be brought into the shape of equations, we have only to apply the foregoing Rules for finding the value of the unknown quantity or quan- tities. Before we proceed, therefore, to any actual examples, it may be proper to shew the relation which arithmetical and algebraic operations stand in to each other. 75. Suppose the following arithmetical question was proposed for solution; viz. "To divide the number 35 into two such " parts, that one part may exceed the other part by 9." A person unacquainted with Algebra might with no great difficulty solve this question in the following manner. i. It appears, in the first place, that there must be a greater and a lesser part. ii. The greater part must exceed the lesser by 9. . in. But it is evident that the greater and lesser parts added together must be equal to the whole number 35. ' IV. If then we substitute for the greater part its equivalent, viz. "the lesser part increased by 9," it follows, that the lesser part increased by 9, with the addition of the said lesser part, is equal to 35. v. Or, in other words, that twice the lesser part with the addition of 9, is equal to 35. vi. Therefore, twice the lesser part must be equal to 35 3 with 9 subtracted from it. vn. Hence, twice the lesser part is equal to 26. vin. From which we conclude, that the lesser part is equal to 26 divided by 2-, i. e. to 13. ix. And SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 77 ix. And consequently, as the greater part exceeds the lesser by 9, it must be equal to 22. But by adopting the method of algebraic notation, the dif- ferent steps of this solution may be much more briefly expressed as follows. + i. Let the lesser part =x. ii. Then the greater part =#-f9. in. But greater part -f lesser part =35. iv. /. x + 94-a? = 35 - v. or 2#-f 9 - = 35 - , vi, .'. 2# =35 9. vii. or 2x = 26. 26 viii. .*. x (lesser part) s= ~2" == 13 * ix. and x + 9 (greater part) . =13 + 9 = 22. 76. Having thus explained the manner in which the several steps in the solution of an arithmetical question may be expressed in the language of Algebra, we now proceed to its exemplifi- cation. QUESTION I. There are two numbers whose difference is 15, and their sum 59. What are the numbers? / As their difference is 15, it is evident that the greater number must exceed the lesser by 15. Let, therefore, #=the lesser number then will x+ 15 = the greater But their sum = 59 .\x + x + 15 = 59 or 2x+ 15 = 59 and 2#=59 15 = 44 44 /. #= = 22 the lesser number and x + 15 = 22+ 15 = 37 the greater. Qu. 2. 78 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. QUESTION 2. What two numbers are those whose difference is 9 j and if three times the greater be added to five times the lesser, the sum shall be 35 1 Let #=the lesser number; then x'+ 9 = greater number. And 3 times the greater = 3 x(# + 9) = 3#-f 27. 5 times the lesser = 5 x. Bu t by the question, 3 times the greater + 5 times the lesser =35. Hence, (3a; + 27) + (5x) ...... =35, or 8#=35--27 = 8; .*. #= 1 lesser number, and r-f9=l+9=10 the greater number. QUESTION 3. What number is that to which 10 being added, |-ths of the sum shall be 66 ? Let #=the number required ; then x+ 10= the number, with 10 added to it. 3, 3(^+10) Now |ths of (x+ !0)=-(#-f Io)rV-r 8 3 D But, by the question, -|ths of (x+ 10) =66 ; 3x + 30 Hence, - - = 66. o Multiply by 5, then 3 x + 30 = 330; 300 .'. 3o;=330 30 = 300; or a:=-r-=100. 9 QUESTION 4 What number is that which being multiplied by 6, the product increased by 18, and that sum divided by 9, the quotient shall be 20 ? Let #=the number required; then 6 x the number multiplied by 6 ; 6x+ 18 = the product increased by 18, 6.r-f 18 and j =that sum divided by 9- Hence, SIMPLE EQUATIONS.t 79 6X+18 Hence, by the question, - ~ = 20. Multiply by 9, then 6x+ 18 = 180, 162 or6tf=180-18=l62; .'.#= =27. QUESTION 5. A post is |th in the earth, -|ths in the water, and 1 3 feet out of the water. What is the length of the post ? Let x = length of the "post; then - = the part of it in the earth, 5 5 O f * =the part of it in the water, 13 = the part of it out of the water. But part in earth -f part in water -f part out of water = whole post ; . \5x i *1 Multiply by 5, then j?+ z -f 65 =5.T 5 7 ..... by 7 . . 7x+l5x + 455=35 x, 455 Hence #=- = 35 length of post. QUESTION 6. A- Q After paying away Jth and Ith of my money, I had 85 /. left in $ // ; my purse ; What money had I at first ? '< Let x= money in my purse at first; ^\ /y* IT* then j-4-- = money paid away. But money at first money paid away = money remaining. / x x\ Hence x-( -+- = 85, Multiply x x i.e. x- --- = 85. 80 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 4X Multiply by 4, then 4x x -- r = 340 ; ..... by 7 ... 2Sx-7x-4:X =2380, 2380 .M7 = 2380; QUESTION 7. Of a battalion of soldiers (the officers being included), |ths are on duty, -^th are sick, |ths of the remainder are absent, and there are 48 officers. What is the number of persons in the battalion ? Let #=the number of persons in the battalion. 3 x Then |ths of x, or , =men on duty, ith of x, or :> = the sick ; , 3x x 34x \7x And + ~, or ,= = men on duty and sick. I7x 3x Hence # == remainder, 3 x Q x And |ths of , or = i tns f remainder = the absent. But the men on duty, the sick, the absent, and the officers, together make up the whole battalion; I7x gx Qx or 17-r+-r-*-9 6 =20^; =100x. Hence 100# 85x 9.r = 4SOO, 4800 or 6x = 4800; or x= g =800. QUESTION 8. There are two numbers, such, that 3 times the greater added to Jd the lesser is equal to 36 ; and if twice the greater be sub- tracted i SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 81 tracted from 6 times the lesser, and the remainder divided by 8, the quotient will be 4. What are the numbers ? Let .r= the greater number, y = the lesser number; Then3* + f = 36J gx + > or, 6y 2x 6y 2x = 32; ~- = 4 Or, y + QX. 6y-<2x= 32(5). Multiply equation (A) by 6, then 6y + 54 #=648 Subtract equation (B) , . . 6y 2x= 32; then 56^=616; 616 *=^6 =11 ' From equation A .... y=108 9^=108-99=9. QUESTION 9. There is a certain fraction, such, that if I add 3 to the nu- merator, its value will be J; and if I subtract one from the denominator, its value will be I. What is the fraction? Let x its numerator) , . r . # > then the rractionis - y= denominator J y Add 3 to the numerator, then = - I Q _, ft y 3 ( 3x-\-Q=y Subtract one from denom r ., and-^-r = - i By transposition, y~3x=g (A), ?j-5x=l (B). Subtract equation ( B) from (A), and we have 8 .*. x = -^ 4: the numerator. From equation (A) y = 9 + 3 x= 9 + 1 2 = 2 1 the denominator. 4 Hence the fraction required is* M ' 82 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. QUESTION 10. A and B have certain sums of money ; says A to B, give me 15/. of your monet, and I shall have 5 times as much as you will have left ; says B to A, give me 5/. of your money, and I shall have exactly as much as you will have left. What sum of money had each ? Let x=A's money | then x+ 15 = what A would have after y=B's . . . . f receiving 1 5 1. from B. y 15 = what B would have left. Again, y+ 5 = what B would have after receiving 5/. from A. x 5 = what A would have left. Hence, by the question, #+15=5 x (y \b)=5y 15,\ and?/ + 5=x 5. /. By transposition, 5 y #=90 (A) , \ and?/- #=10 (B). i Subtract (B) from (A), 4?/=100; .'. T/= 25 = J3's money. From equation (B), #=?/ + 10=25+ 10=35 ~A's money. QUESTION 11. A person bought a certain number of sheep for 94/. ; having lost 7 of them, he sold th of the remainder of them at prime cost for 2Ql. How many sheep had he at first ? Let #= number of sheep he had at first. 94 whole sum , Then = r FT =what each sheep cost. x number of sheep Now x 7=i number remaining when 7 were lost; .-. ^^=the number sold for 201. 4 But the number sold x price of each = whole price of sheep sold. x f g4 Hence, by substitution, ~j x =20, or (x 7)X94 =80#, i.e. 9 or 9 4 a? 80#=658, .'. 14#=658; or 658 ,==47. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 83 QUESTION 12. A and B have the same income ; A is extravagant, and contracts an annual debt amounting to l - th of it ; B lives upon ^ths of it ; at the end of 10 years, B lends A money enough to pay off his debts, and has then 1 6oL to spare. What is their income ? Let 07 = their income. x Then jth of x 9 or - A\ annual debt, and 10 x~ or - - =^'s debt contracted in 10 years. As B lives upon f ths of his income, he saves annually jth of it; x hence, - = B's annual saving, X and 10x-, or -,or 2 x = B s savings m 1O years. But, by the question, B's savings = ^4's debt-f- 160 ; lOx .'. by substitution, 2 x = r 4-16O, or 14x=10x+ 112O, 1120 and 4x=1120; or x= = 280/. QUESTION 13. A person was desirous of relieving a certain number of beggars by giving them 25. 6d. each, but found that he had not money enough in his pocket by 3 shillings; he then gave them 2 shillings each, and had four shillings to spare. What money had he in his pocket ; and how many beggars did he relieve ? Let x = money in his pocket (in shillings). y = number of beggars. Then 2^ x y, or = N. of skill*, which would have [been given at 2s. 6d. each. and 2 xy, or 2y= . ....... at 25. each. Hence, S'i SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 5y Hence, by the question, =x + 3 (A)> and <2y = x 4 (B). Subtract (B) from (A} y then | =7, or i/=14, the number of [beggars, From eq n .(B), x=2?/-f4 = 28-f-4 = 32 shillings in his pocket. QUESTION 14. A person passed th of his age in childhood, ^th in youth, Jth -f 5 years in matrimony ; he had then a son whom he sur- vived 4 years, and who reached only J the age of his father. At what age did this person die j Let x= age of the person at the time of his death. Then = time spent in childhood. in youth. in matrimony. /. ^ + TT> + 7 4- 5 = age of the person when the son r i [was born, ** f T and ^~(3~~Y5~"^ "5 = interval between birth of the son [and the old man's death ; XXX /. X~Q - 5 4 =sage of the son when he died. But, by the question, the son died at J the age of his father, xxx x Hence, ;_-_-_- -9=-- j 2 x Multiply by 12, then 12# <2x-x 108 = 6 a?, 12x or 3x -=108, and 21# 12jc= 756 or x= - = 84. y SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 85 QUESTION 15. To find a number, such, that whether it is divided into two or three equal parts, the continued product of the parts shall be equal to the same quantity. Let # = the number required. x x Then - x - = continued product, when the number [is divided into two parts, XXX and - X- X~ = continued product, when the number [is divided into three parts. Hence, by ) x x x x x x" #" * if l _ vx __ v v or ~~~ ~~~ the question,] 2 X 2~3 X 3*3 5t 4~27' Divide by x*, then 2 7 = 4 x y 27 and x= =6J, the number required. Qu. 16. There is a certain number, consisting of two digits. The sum of those digits is 5 ; and if 9 be added to the number itself, the digits will be inverted. What is the number? Let x=left-hand digit. y = right-hand digit. Then by Art. 6 1 . 10,r-f 7/ = the number itself, and lOy + x the number with its digits inverted. Hence, by the question, x+y = 5 (4), Subtract (B) from (A), then 2?/==6, and y = 3, .'. the number is (lOx + y) 23. Add 9 to this number, and it becomes 32, which is the number with the digits inverted. Qu. 17. What two numbers are those whose difference is 10; and if 15 be added to their sum, the whole will be 43 ? ANSWER, 9? and 19. Qu. 18. 86 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Qu. 18. There are two numbers whose difference is 14; and if 9 times the lesser be subtracted from 6 times the greater, the remainder will be 33. What are the numbers ? ANSWER, 17, and 31. Qu. 19. What number is that, to which if I add 20, and from |ds of this sum I subtract 12, the remainder shall be 10? ANSW. 13. Qu. 20. What number is that, of which if I add -fd, th, and fths together, the sum shall be 73 ? ANSW. 84<. Qu. 21. Two persons, A and B, lay out equal sums of money in trade ; A gains 1 20/., and jB loses 80l. ; and now A's money is treble of B's. What sum had each at first ? ANSW. ISO/. Qu. 22. What number is that whose ^d part exceeds its -th by 72 ? ANSW. 540. Qu. 23. There are two numbers whose sum is 37; and if 3 times the lesser be subtracted from 4 times the greater, and this difference divided by 6, the quotient will be 6. What are the numbers ? ANSW. 21, and 16. Qu. 24. There are two numbers whose sum is 49 ; and if fth of the lesser be subtracted from -Jth of the greater, the remainder will be 5. What are the numbers ? ANSW. 35, and 14. Qu. 25. What two^ numbers are those, to one-third the sum of which if I add 13, the result shall be 17 ; and if from half their difference I subtract one, the remainder shall be two ? ANSW. 9, and 3. Qu. 26. There is a certain fraction, such, that if I add one to its numerator, it becomes J ; if 3 be added to the denomi- nator, it becomes . What is the fraction ? ANSW. - SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 87 Qu. 27. A person has two horses, and a saddle worth 10/.; if the saddle be put on thejlrst horse, his value becomes double that of the second ; but if the saddle be put on the second horse, his value will not amount to that of the first horse by 13/. What is the value of each horse ? ANSWER, 56 and 33. Qu. 28. To divide the number 72 into three parts, so that \ thejlrst part shall be equal to the second, and -fths of the second part equal to the third. ANSW. 40, 20, and 12. Qu. 29. A person after spending -fin of his income plus 10/., had then remaining J of it plus 35/. Required his income. ANSW. 150/. Qu. 30. A gamester at one sitting lost yth of his money, and then won 10 shillings; at a second he lost d of the re- mainder, and then won 3 shillings; after which he had 3 guineas left. What money had he at first ? ANSW. 5L Qu. 31. There are two numbers, such, that J the greater added to Jd the lesser is 13 ; and if J the lesser be taken from Jd the greater, the remainder is nothing. What are the numbers? ANSW. 18 and 12. Qu. 32. There is a certain number, to the sum of whose digits if you add 7, the result will be three times the left-hand digit ; and if from the number itself you subtract 18, the digits will be inverted. What is the number ? ANSW. 53. Qu. 33. Divide the number 90 into four such parts, that the first increased by 2, the second diminished by 2, the third multiplied by 2, and the fourth divided by 2, may all be equal to the same quantity. ANSW. 18, 22. 10,40. Qu. 34. A merchant has two kinds of tea, one worth 95. 6d. per pound, the other 13s. 6d. How many pounds of each must he take to form a chest of 104lbs. which shall be worth 56l ? ANSW. 33 at 135. 6d. 71 at Qs. 6d. 88 - SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Qu. 35. A vessel containing 120 gallons is filled in 10 minutes by two spouts running successively ; the one runs 14 gallons in a minute, the other 9 gallons in a minute. For what time has each spout run ? ANSWER, 14-gallon spout runs 6 minutes. 9-gallon spout ... 4 minutes. Qu. 36. In the composition of a certain number of pounds of gunpowder, ds the whole + 1 was nitre ; Jth the whole 4^ was sulphur ; and the charcoal was -th of the nitre 2. How many pounds of gunpowder were there ? ANSW. 69 pounds. Qu. 37. To find three numbers, such, that the first with i the sum of the second and third shall be 1 20 ; the second with |th the difference of the third andjirst shall be 70 5 and J the sum of the three numbers shall be 95. ANSW. 50, 65, 75. CHAP. V. ON QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. QUADRATIC Equations are divided into pure and adjected. Pure quadratic equations are those which contain only the square of the unknown quantity; such aso; a = 36; # a -j-5=54; ax a b = c; &c. Adftcted quadratic equations are those which involve both the square and simple power of the unknown quantity, such as x* + 4 jc = 45; Sx 1 2# = 21; ax*-t-2bx = e + d; &c.&c. XX. On the Solution of Pure Quadratic Equations. 77. The Rule for the solution of pure quadratic equations is this; "Transpose the terms of the equation in such a manner, " that those which contain a?* may be on one side of the equa- tion, and the known quantities on the other; divide (if ne- " cessary) by the coefficient of # a ; then extract the square root " of each side of the equation, and it will give the value of x." QUADRATIC EQUATIONS, EXAMPLE 1. Let a -f 5 = 54, By transposition, x* = 54 5 = 49- Extract the square root^ of both sides of the (then # = \/49 = 7. equation ...... } Ex.2. Let 3^ 4 = 71- By transposition, 3jc 2 = 71 -f-4 = 75. 75 Divide by 3, #*= = 25. Extract the square root, x = */25 = 5. Ex. 3. Let5# 2 27 = 3x 2 + 215. By transposition, 5# 2 3o; 2 = 21 or, 2^ = 242; 242 .'. a? a = -r- a Ex. 4. Let ax 7 6 = c; then aa: 3 = c + , , . and a; = , or x=y Ex.5. Let flx a -5c = 6x 2 ~ Then a# 2 Z>x a =5c or (a 6).r Q = Ex.6. 5.r 2 l. =244 . . . ANSWER, a;=7. Ex.7. Ex. 8. =45 N 90 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Ex. 10. 2 3 a c XXI. On the Solution of Adfected Quadratic Equations. 78. The most general form under which an adfected quadratic equation can be exhibited is ax* + bx=c; where 3 I, c, may be any quantities whatever, positive or negative^ integral or fractional. Divide each side of this equation by a, then be be x* + ~x-. Let-=p,~ = q: then this equation is reduced a a a ^' a * ' to the form .r*-f px=q, where p and q may be any quantities whatever, positive or negative, integral or fractional. 79. From the twofold form under which adfected quadratic equations may be expressed, there arise two Rules for their solution. RULE I. Let. Add 7 to each sidef , p 2 p 2 4 of the equation, then ^ . -\ P -f Vp* + 4o' Extract the square root J xJr '- = ^- _L_ 2 of each side of the > equation, then 3 an d # = Hence it appears, that " if to each side of the equation there " be added the square of half the coefficient of the second term, " there will arise, on the left-hand side of the equation, a " quantity which is the square of j: + - ; and by extracting the " square (*) Since the square of -{- is -ra a , and of a is also -fa 2 , the square oot of + a may be either -ha or a ; hence the square root of j? -j- 4 ) 225 to I each side . . J Extract the square root, 2x 15 = .*. 2#=153=18 or 12, and #=9 or 6, Ex.6. Let 4x a 3#=85. By RULE II. muM tiply by 16, and! add square of 3 /64x a -48# + 9= 1360 + 9= 1369. to each side of the equation . ' i Extract the } 40 square root ^^-3 = N/1369 = 37,orx =T= : 5 , Ex. 7. 4x* x Let -11=5- Multiply by 3, then 4x* 33 =x, By transposition . . . 4x* x =33. Multiply by 16, and addi 1 to each side of the>64x* 16#+ 1=528+ 1=529. equation (RULE II.) 3 24 Extract the square root, 8 x 1 = \/5 29 = 23, or x = = 3. Ex. 8. Let 5# a -f-4#=273; , 4x 273 then x -f -=-r- o o - 4a; 4 273 4 1369 and by RULE I. * + T +-= +- = ^- 2 /1369 37 5=V -iT=T 37 2 35 94 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Ex. 9. Mult y . by jc + 1, then 7 4- - = By transposition, 5# a 4 a: = 2. By RULE II. I00ff* 80j;+ 16 = 40+ -16 = 56. Extract the square root, \0x 4 = \/56 and 103C=s/56-f 4 = 7.48 + 4=11.48 11.48 *=-I5- Ex. 10. Let 2jc 60 Divide by 13, a? '+ f5 = YJ' , r j 6Q t add the :square^ +- + _=-+_= + _ = _. of fs' Extract the ^ J^ _ ^781 __ 27.Q4 square root / X+ }3~~ 13 13 27.94 1 26.94 Ex. 11. Let By RULE II multiplyj by 8 6 3 and add c , J Extract the \ square root) 4&*-c Ex. 12. #-f 12x=108 ....... x = 6. Ex. 13. x 2 I4jc=5l ........ x=l7. Ex. 14. o; a + 6^jc = c 2 ......... *=Vc* Ex. 15. 3x 7 + 2o:=l6l ....... jc=7. Ex. 16. 2x 2 -5jc=117 ....... x = 9. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 95 Ex. 17. Ex. 18. Ex. 19. 5 j; 2 +4#=273 ....... x=7. Ex. 20. 4# 3 7^=492 ....... #=12. # 2 Ex. 21. g !=#+ 11 . ....... #=12. Q x 1 7 Ex ' 22 - T + i = 5 - ......... *= 3o Ex.23. | ~f=9 ........... a: = G. Ex.24, Ex. 25. ar'-34=jx ......... a: = 6. x 5 Ex. 26. -+- = 5f .......... a;=25 or I. O X Ex . 27 . _. x 6 Ex - 28 - Ex. 29. x 9 6x+ 19=13 # = 4.732 or 1.268. Ex.30. 5# 2 -f-4#=25 #=1.871. r o i 11 & i ^^ + 1 6 ac . rjX. O I. 4<23? VX = C ........ #= 3 8 A Ex - 32 - a + x = a #=iVi-a\ XXII. Oft /Ae solution of Questions producing Quadratic Equations. 82. In the solution of Questions which involve Quadratic Equations, sometimes both, and sometirrrs only one of the values of the unknown quantity, will answer the conditions required. This is a circumstance which may always be very readily deter- mined by the nature of the question itself. 90 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. QUESTION I. To divide the number 56 into two such parts, that their product shall be 640. Let x=one part, then 56 .r=the other part, and x (56 x) product of the two parts. Hence, by the question, a: (5 6 x) = 640, or 56jc~x'=:640. By transposition, x* 56x= 640. By completing the square, > 2 __ (RULE I.) 3 .'. ac 28 = 12, and x = 40 or 16. In this case it appears that the two values of the unknown quantity are the two parts into which the given number was required to be divided. QUESTION 2. There are two numbers whose difference is 7 3 and half their product plus 30 is equal to the square of the lesser number. What are the numbers ? Let a;=the lesser number, then x+ 7 =the greater number, x x (x -f- 7) and - - -f 30 = half their product phis 30. Hence, by the question, - -- +30=x 2 (square of lesser). Multiply by 2 By transposition .... x* 7x=6Q. Multiply by 4, and a*dl 4a .,_ 49 (Rule II.) . X 2^-7 = 2 x = 24, or x = 1 2 = lesser number , hence x + 7 = 1 9 = greater number. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 97 QUESTION 3. To divide the number 30 into two such parts, that their product may be equal to eight times their difference. Let #=the lesser part, then 30 x= the greater part, and 30 x x or 30 2 x = their difference. Hence, by the question, #(30 #) = 8(30 2#), or 30x # a =240 By transposition, #* 46# = 240. .'.a? 23 = 17, and a? = 23 17 = 40 or 6 = lesser part; 30~#=30 6 = 24= greater part. In this case, the solution of the equation gives 40 and 6 for the lesser part. Now as 40 cannot possibly be a part of 30, we take 6 for the lesser part, which gives 24 for the greater part; and the two numbers, 24 and 6, answer the conditions required. QUESTION 4. A person bought cloth for 33/. 155. which he sold again at 2/. 85. per piece, and gained by the bargain as much as one piece cost him ; Required the number of pieces. Let # = the number of pieces. /" *7 r Then = number of shillings each piece cost, oc and 48 x = number of shillings he sold the whole for; .'. 4Sx 675 = what he gained by the bargain. 675 Hence, by the question, 48 x -675 = - ' By transposition ^ 3 225 225 and division, J x ~~l6 X ~ = ^W O Complete 98 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Complete the] , 223 50625 _ 225 50625 _ 65025 square, (RULE I.) j* ~~\6 X+ 1024 ~~76 + 1024 " 1024 ' 225 255 480 QUESTION 5. A and B set off at the same time to a place at the distance of 150 miles. A travels 3 miles an hour faster than B, and arrives at his journey's end 8 hours and 20 minutes before him. At what rate did each person travel per hour ? Let #=rate per hour at which B travels. Then x + 3= ........... A . . . . And -- = number of hours for which B travels. x 150 But A is 8 hours 20 minutes (8y hours) sooner at his journey's en-d than J5; 150 150 Hence + 8^= , 150 25 150 By reduction, x*-f 3#=54. 9 9 225 Complete the square, x* + 3^+- = 54 + -= (RULE L); 3_15 153 and x= - = 6 miles an hour for B x 4- 3 = 9 for A. QUESTION 6. Some bees had alighted upon a tree ; at one flight the square root of half of them went away; at another Jths of them; two bees then remained. How many then alighted on the tree ? fa) (*) This question, and the mode of solution, is taken from the Bija Canita. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 99 Let 2 x 9 =e the N of bees ; 16 a; 2 a: + - 1 + 2 = 2 ; r 9 , 7 or Qx -r 1 6# 2 + 1 8 = 1 8# f ; .'. 18a? 8 16** 9#=18, or 2# 9 9#=18. (RULE II.) Multiply by 8, I6x a 72#=144. Add 81; then I6x*- 72X+Q1 =225, or 4# 9=15; .*. 4#= 15-f 9 = 24, and #=6, .*. 2o:* = 72 = N of bees. Qu. 7. To divide the number 33 into two such parts, that their product shall be 162. ANSWER, 27 and 6. Qu. 8. What two numbers are those whose sum is 29, and product 100? ANSW. 25 and 4. Qu. 9. The difference of two numbers is 5, and Jth part of their product is 26. What are the numbers ? ANSW. 13 and 8. Qu. 10. The difference of two numbers is 6 ; and if 47 be added to twice the square of the lesser, it will be equal to the square of the greater. What are the numbers ? ANSW. 17 and 11. Qu. 11. There are two* numbers whose sum is. 30; and Jd of their product plus 13 is equal to the square of the lesser number. What are the numbers ? ANSW. 21 and 9. Qu. 1 2. There are two numbers whose product is , 1 2O. If 2 be added to the lesser, and 3 subtracted from the greater, the product of the sum and remainder will also be 120. What are the numbers ? ANSW. 15 and 8. Qu. 13. A and B distribute 1200^. each among a certain number of persons. A relieves 40 persons more than J5, and B gives 5/. apiece to each person more than A. How many persons were relieved by A and J3 respectively ? ANSW. 120 by A, 80 by B. 100 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Qu. 14. A person bought a certain number of sheep for 1 20/. If there had been 8 more, each sheep would have cost him 10 shillings less. How many sheep were there ? 40. Qu. 15. A person bought a certain number of sheep for 57 1, Having lost 8 of them, and sold the remainder at 8 shil- lings a-head profit, he is no loser by the bargain. How many sheep did he buy ? ANSW. 38. Qu. 16. A and B set off at the same time to a place at the distance of 300 mires. A travels at the rate of one mile an hour faster than B, and arrives at his journey's end 10 hours before him. At what rate did each person travel per hour ? ANSW. A travelled 6 miles per hour. B ..... 5 ........ XXIII. On Quadratic Equations having Impossible Roots. 83. In the solution of the adfected Quadratic Equation, = 9 (Art. 79.) the two values of x were shewn to be equal to - g If q be a negative quantity, and p* less than 4q, then the quantity p 4q is negative, and con- sequently the quantity VjD* 4/9 = 3. Ex. 2. These equations are often solved by the common Rules, without the formality of substitution; thus, Complete the square, (RuLE I.) x 6 2x 3 + 1 =48+ 1 =49. Extract the root, x 3 1 = 7, .:x 3 = 8 } and#=rv/8 = 2. Ex.3. = ^ i .*. 22/ 2 7^ = 99. By RULE II. 16?/ 2 56?/ + 49 = 792 + 49 = 841, and 4 1/ 7 = 29, Ex.4. To resolve the number a into two such factors, that the sum of their wth powers shall be equal to b. Let x= one factor, then - = the other factor. x a n Hence x n + n *= I, or x* n + a n = & # n , .". ar w ^ jc n = a n . x By RULE II. and The two values of are the fewo factors required. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 103 Ex. 5. # 4 -j-4.r a =12 #=V/2. Ex. 6. x 6 8# 3 = 513 x=3. Ex. 7. 2# 4 #' = 496 #=4. Ex. 8. To resolve the number 18 into two such factors, that the sum of their cubes shall be 243 (See Ex. 4.) ANSWER, 6 and 3. XXV. On the Solution of Quadratic Equations containing Two unknown Quantities. The solution of equations with two unknown quantities, in which one or both these quantities are found in a quadratic form, can only, in particular cases { ^, be effected by means of the preceding Rules. Of these cases the two following are very well known. CASE I. 85. " When one of the equations by which the values of " the unknown quantities are to be determined, is a simple " equation ;" in which case, the Rule is, " to find a value of " one of the unknown quantities from that simple equation, and " then substitute for it the value so found, in the other equa- " tion. The resulting equation will be a quadratic, which " may be solved by the ordinary Rules." Thus, Let ax + ly c 2 be the two equations, in which the values a'x*-\-l'xy -fc'2/ a =c?5 of a; and y-^tre to be determined. c ly From the 1st equation a?=* Substitute ( b ) The most complete form under which quadratic equations containing two unknown quantities could be expressed, is this, a X* + b y z + c x y + d x + e y=. m a'lf+b'y't + c'xy + d'x + e'y^m' ', but the general solution of these equations can only be effected by means of equations of higher dimensions than quadratics. 104< QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Substitute this 1 t . . cy _j v , fora; in the V thena'( ^j +1' ( J q ' j+cy=d, 2d equation, J which reduced is (a'b* all' + aV)i/ a -f (a'c 2a'bc]y = a 2 J a'c 2 , a common quadratic equation, from which the value of y may be found. EXAMPLE 1. Let x + 2 y = 7, to find the ya , ues of ^ ftnd a 2 From 1st equation, x=7 2y, .'. x* = 49 vSubstitute these values for # and a; 2 in the 2d equation, then 49 28y + 4>y* + 2l y 6y*y*= 23, or 3y a +7?/ = 49 23 = 26. By RULE II. 36?/ 2 -l-84?/ + 49 = 3i2-{-49 = 36l = 19 9 or 6^=12, andy = 2; /. ^=.72^ = 7 4 = 3. Ex.2. _ 3 > to find the values of x and y. and 3#?/ = 21oJ From 1st equation, 2#-f?/ = 27; 27 -y .'. 2j:=27 ,V> an d Jc= ^~~ 27-w Hence, 3o:y = 3 X or 3 x (27 or 2/ #=- By RULE II, 4?/ 2 I08?/-f 729 = 729-560=169; 27 + 13 ,\2i/-27=13, ory = - ^ 27-20 and 0:= ^ =31. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 105 Ex.3. There is a certain number consisting of two digits. The left- hand digit is equal to 3 times the right-hand digit ; and if 1 2 be subtracted from the number itself, the remainder will be equal to the square of the left-hand digit. What is the number ? Let x be the left-hand digit,} then, by Art. 61, 10x-fy is the and y the other ; $ number. Hence >*= 3 ^ by the question; and Wx+y 12 = x a $ .'.by sub- 30 - 12 = 9 (f riox=30 y, and a" = 9 2/ a ); stituton 9/-31y=-12 31 12 31 961 961 12 961-432 529 By RULE I, fy + =~ = 334 ' 31 23 - 54 Hence, 7,-- = -; or T/ ==-=3, x = 3y = 9; and consequently the number is 93. Ex.4. Let2*-3y = l ? to find the values of ,, and 2 .r< *- 5 *= 2 oi Ex. 5. There are two numbers, such, that if the lesser be taken from three times the greater, the remainder will be 35; and if four times the greater be divided by three times the lesser plus one, the quotient will be equal to the lesser number. What are the numbers? ANSW. 13 and 4. Ex. 6. What number is that, the sum of whose digits is 15; and if 31 be added to their product, the digits will be in- verted? ANSW. 78. CASE II. 86. When jc a , y 2 , or zy, is found in every term of the two equations, they assume the form of *=d' ; and their solution may be effected in the following manner. P Assume 106 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS* Assume xvy, then x*=v*y*' 9 substitute these values for x 9 and x in both equations, then we have = 9 or = d X or (a'd ud')v* + (b'dld')v cd'cd ; which is a quadratic equation, from whence the value of v may be determined. Having the value of v, the value of y may be found from either of the equations (A) or (B); and then the value of #, from the equa- tion x=vy. EXAMPLE 1. 20 41 and 5z/ u 20 41 ' e ~ a which reduced is, 6v a 41 v= 13; 41v 13 41i? 1681 1369 By RULE l,,_-^+_ = _ 41 +37 4137 13 1 *- t; "T5 = "Tr 5 or V= ^T?" =T or 5" 41 41 369 == =9, or y = 3 , Ex.2. What two numbers are those, whose sum multiplied by the greater QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 107 greater is 7 7 ; and whose difference multiplied by the lesser is equal to 12? Let x= greater number, y=. lesser. Then (x + y) xx=.x* + xy = TJ 9 and (xy) xy-=xy y fl = 12. Assume x=vy; Then vy + vy*=77, or y* 4 ; 12 and vy* 7/ 3 = 12, or y*= - ' 12 77 ^^=7Z^ or 12^ + 12^=77^77; 65 77 which gives v z j-y?= - 65 4225 529 65 23 88or42 11 -^T- =-^4 = T Either value oft' will answer the conditions of the question; 7 12 12 48 48 but take *=-; then 3/ 2 = ~r^[ = lf^l = -j-= 16, an^d 7/=4 .*. x=vy=- X4 = 7. Hence, the numbers are 4 and 7 Ex. 3. Find two numbers, such, that the square of the greater minus the square of the lesser may be 56; and the square of the lesser plus ^d their product may be 40. ANSWER, 9 and 5. Ex. 4. There are two numbers, such, that 3 times the square of the greater plus twice the square of the lesser is 1 10; and half their product plus the square of the lesser is 4. What are the numbers? ANSW. 6 and l/ a) ( a ) For a great variety of questions relating to quadratic equations which contain two unknown quantities, see ELAND'S Algebraical Problems^ 1812, 108 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. XXVI. On the Solution of certain Equations, in which the Two unknown Quantities (x and y) are similarly involved. 87. Let x and y be any two numbers, of which x is the greater, and y the lesser; let #-f-?/ = 2s, x ?/ = 2z; then, by Art. 28, x=s + z, and y = s z. Nowlet# a -f 2/ a = 0,x 3 +2/ 3 = 6, x* + y*=c, andx 5 + y s =d; then the values of x and y may be found in terms of the known quantities s, a, b } c, d, in the fol- lowing manner. .*. by addition, a-2*' A^2? x z + y'\a) = 2/4- 2 " 2 ? and x = - or % = ' Hence j:=, , m , , II. a= x 3 + ?/ 3 ^) = 25 3 -f 65 2 > and *'= ^J*j or ^=Y/ 65 Hence a7= 1 s-r-\/ ^"^^ , and?/ = 5--' in. # 4 = x 4 4-7/ 4 (c) = 25 4 -f 125V-f 2z 4 is a quadratic equation from which the value of z may be found. IV. X 5 = -f- 1052;* is a quadratic equation from which the value of z may be found (b) . ( b ) In reviewing these operations, it may be observed, that those terms where the index of* is an odd number destroy each other in the successive series : QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 109 88. Let x+y = 2s and x y = 2z as before, and let y x y - y x y x means of the equations in the preceding Article (87), the values of x and ?/ may be found in terms of the known quan- tities, s, a, b' } c, d'. By CASK II. (87). x s -fy 3 =2i 3 -f 65^; , -255 7(6' and z = ,/ , ., .or z = \/ ^-p 6 -f-65 ' V 6 Hence x = By CASK III. (87). Hence c'(5 a - z a ) = 2 5 4 -f 1 2 5V -f 2 z* is a quadratic equation, by which the value of x ntay be found. series ; hence if the operations had been continued to i^+y 6 and <"-J-y 7 , the resulting equations would have been equations of suf dimensions in a cubic form; if they had been carried on to a^ + y 8 and J? 9 + 9 , the resulting equations would have been equations of eight dimensions in a biquadratic form. Hence the Problem of " Given the sum of two numbers, and the sum of their th powers, to find the numbers themselves/* may be solved as far as the 9lh power, by means either of quadratic, cubtCy or biquadratic equations. 110 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. iv. gr&> . By CASE IV. (87). # 5 +2/ 5 =2s 5 ~l-20sV-f lOsz* -, and by equating these two values of x s + y 5 , there arises a quadratic equation by which the value of z may be determined. 89. Let x + y = s, and xy=.p ; then the sums of the several powers of x and y may be found in terms of the known quan- tities p and s, in the following manner. ii. or .e. in. or i. e. a*+y 4 +p(s*-2p) =s 4 - 3ps* ; iv or i.e. or in general # M + y "=5" nps*~* + n -p 2 ^"" 4 &c. EXAMPLE 1. The sum of two numbers is 6, and the sum of their fifth powers is 1056. What are the numbers ? This Example belongs to CASE IV. Art. 87, where 5 = 3, and The equation to find the value of z is 25 5 -f 20.5V+10sz 4 = d, or 486 -f 540 z a 4- 30z 4 = 1056 ; Divide QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Ill Divide by 6, 81 4- 90z a -f 5# 4 =176 ; By RULE I. z 4 + 18z* + 8l = 100, or z* + 9= 10; .'. z*=l, and z= 1. Hence x=s+z=3 + 1=4, y=.s z=3 1 = 2. Ex. 2. There are two numbers whose sum is 18, and the square of the greater divided by the lesser plus the square of the lesser divided by the greater is 27 ; What are the numbers ? In CASE II. (88). 5 = 9, and &'=27; hence z= 9X81 __ 7=9 + 3 = 12, and y=s~-z = 9 3 = 6; and the two num- bers are 1 2 and 6. Ex. 3. The sum of two numbers is 5 (.?), and their product 6 (p) ; What is the sum of their 4th powers ? By CASE III. (Art. 89.) x 4 + ?/ 4 = j 4 - + 72 = 25+72 = 97. CHAP. VI. ON RATIOS, PROPORTION, AND VARIATION. XXVII. Definitions. 90. By RATIO is meant the relation which one quantity bears to another, with respect to magnitude. It is evident that this relation can exist rnly between quantities of a similar kind ; thus, a number must be compared with a number; a line with a line; &e. &c.; and it would be absurd to compare a certain number of feet with a certain number of pounds; &c. &c. 91. There are two ways in which the magnitude of quantities may RATIOS. may be compared. In the first place, they may be compared with regard to their difference; and then the question asked, is, " How much one quantity is greater or less than another." The relation which quantities bear to each other in this respect, is called their Arithmetical Ratio. The other way in which they may be compared, is, by inquiring, " How often one quantity is contained in the other." This relation between quantities is cal- led their Geometrical Ratio. The term ratio, when simply ap- plied, is generally understood in the latter sense; and it is in this sense that the word will be made use of in the present Chapter. 92. In considering how often one quantity is contained in another, the natural process is to divide the one by the other. Thus, in comparing the number 12 with the numbers 4 and 3, we know that 4 is contained in 12 three times, and that 3 is contained in the same number four times; from which we infer that the ratio of 12 : 3 is greater than the ratio of 12 : 4, the magnitude of a ratio being measured by the number of times one quantity is contained in another. For the same reason, the ratio of 1 1 : 7 is said to be less than the ratio of 1 1 : 5. When a ratio is thus expressed, the first term of it is called the antecedent, the last term the consequent, of that ratio. 93. From this mode of estimating the magnitude of a ratio, it appears that when the consequent of a ratio is not an aliquot part of the antecedent, the value of the ratio must be expres- sed by a fraction, whose numerator is the antecedent, and de- nominator the consequent of that ratio. Thus the magnitude of the ratio of 15 : 7 is expressed by the fraction -, and of 4 ' the ratio 4 : 13 by the fraction When the antecedent of a ratio is greater than the consequent, it is called a ratio of greater inequality ; when the antecedent is less than the consequent, a ratio ( a ) In expressing the ratio of two quantities, the word " to", is generally supplied by two dots; thus, the ratio of " a to 6" is expressed by " : 6." RATIOS. a ratio of Lesser inequality ; and if the two terms of a ratio be the same, then it is said to be a ratio of equality. 94. The foregoing definitions evidently apply only to those instances, in which the consequent of a ratio is contained a certain number of times in the antecedent, or to those in which .the magnitude of the ratio may be expressed by some definite fraction. It does not therefore comprehend such ratios as V/2 : 5; ^/3 : v/7,' 4 : v/ 1 5 & c - & C -S where the values of the quantities v/2, \/3, ^/7 &c. can only be expressed in decimal fractions which do not terminate. The ratio which exists between quantities of this latter kind, when the radical quantity is expressed by a decimal fraction^ is called their ap- proximate ratio. i 95. Proportion consists in the equality of ratios; thus, 'since 4 is contained in 12, the same number of times that 6 is in 18, the ratio of 12 : 4 is said to be equal to the ratio of 18 : 6, or, in other words, that 12:4:: 18 : 6/ b) Of the four terms of which every proportion consists, the first and last terms are called the extremes, and the second and third the means of that proportion. 96. If there be a set of quantities related together in the following manner, viz. a : I : : b : c : : c : d : : d : e, &c. where the consequent of every preceding ratio is the antecedent of the following one, then the quantities , /;, c, d, e, &c. are said to be in continued proportion ; and if only three quantities be concerned, as in the proportion a : I : : b : c, then b is said to be a mean proportional between the two extremes a and c. 97. Since the proportion a : I : : c : d expresses the equality of the ratios a : b and c : d; u and since the magnitude of the ratio a : b is measured by the fraction 7, and that of the ratio c : d by ( b ) In stating a proportion, the words "is to" and "to" are generally supplied by two dots, and the word "as" by four dots; thus, the propor- tion " a, is to b as c to rf, M is expressed by " a : b : : c : d" Q 114 RATIO S. c a, c c:d by the fraction -7, it follows that l=j ? or that "when " four quantities are proportional, the quotient of the first " divided by the second is equal to the quotient of the third " divided by the fourth 5" and vice versa^ "if there be four Cl (* " quantities a, b, c, d, such, that 7= -3, then those four quan- " tities are proportional, or a : I : : c : d." XXVIII. On the Comparison and Composition of Ratios. 98. On the comparison of Ratios. I. Since the ratio of a : b may be expressed by the fraction a T? let the numerator and denominator of this fraction be raul- b tiplied by any quantity m (in being either integral o? fractional), ma. a, then 7~ = I J an d ' the ratio of ma : mb is the same with the ratio of a:b; from which we infer, that "if the terms of a " ratio be multiplied or divided by the same quantity, it " does not alter the value of the ratio." From hence also it appears, that a ratio is reduced to its lowest terms by dividing its antecedent and consequent by their greatest common measure. IT. " Ratios are compared together by reducing the fractions " by which their values are respectively represented, to a common "denominator." Thus, the ratio of 8 : 5 is represented by the 8 9 fraction -? and the ratio of 9 : 6 by the fraction ^5 reduce these fractions to others of the same value having a common deno- minator, and they become and respectively ; and since * 30 30 J 48 . 45 is greater than ? the ratio 8 : 5 is greater than the ratio of 9 : 6. in. "A ratio of greater inequality is diminished, and a ratio " of lesser inequality is increased, by adding the same quantity " to RATIOS. " to both its terms." Let a + b : a represent a ratio of greater inequality, and let x be added to each of its terms, and it becomes the ratio of a-\-l + x:a-\-x. Now the ratio of a + b a + b:a = -- > and that of a+b+x: a-\- x- -- 5 let a a + x these fractions be reduced to others of the same value having a* + ab + ax + bx a common denominator, and they become - , x a a -f-a-fa# and - , v respectively; and since a -\-ab-\- ax + bx is evidently greater than d* + ab + ax, the ratio of a -\-b:a is greater than the ratio of a + b + x:a+x', i.e. the ratio of a + b: a has been diminished by adding x to each of its terms. Next, let a I: a represent a ratio of lesser inequality; then a I) a b + x proceeding with the fractions - and - T~ - > as in the ct a ~7"" oo former instance, the resulting fractions are -- a (a-\- ') and - -, r^ 5 and since a 1 a b -\-ax-bx is less than a((i + ) a*~ab + ax, the ratio of a I: a is less than the ratio of a b+x : a + x, and consequently the ratio of a b : a has been increased by addin'g x to each of its terms. In the same man- ner it might be shewn that " a ratio of greater inequality is in- " creased, and a ratio of lesser inequality is diminished, bv " subtracting the same quantity from each of its terms." 99. On the composition of Ratios. i. Ratios are compounded together by multiplying their an- tecedents together for a new antecedent, and their consequents together for a new consequent. Thus, if the ratio of a : b be compounded with the ratio of c : d, the resulting ratio is that ofacibd; or if the ratios 4 : 3; 5:2; and 7 : 1, be com- pounded together, there results the ratio of 4x5x7:3x2X1, or of 140 : 6, or (dividing each term by 2) of 70 : 3. ii. If 116 RATIOS. ii. If the same ratio be compounded with itself once, twice, thrice, &c. the resulting ratios are those of fl a : Q ; a*:b 3 ; c 4 : l\ &c. &c. The ratio of a a : I? is called the duplicate ratio of a : I ; a 3 : b 3 the triplicate ; a*: I 4 the quadruplicate ; &c. &c. ; and as these ratios receive their denominations from the indices of the several powers of a and b, the ratio of */a: \/^ is called the sul duplicate ratio of a. : b; the ratio of I/ a : /, the subtriplicate; &c. &c. in. "If a set of ratios, whereof the consequent of the pre- " ceding ratio is the same with the antecedent of the succeeding i( one, be compounded together, the resulting ratio is that of t( thejlrst antecedent to the last consequent." Thus, when the ratios of a:b; l\c\ cid-j d;e\ are compounded together, the resulting ratio is that of abed : bcde, or (dividing by bed) that of a : e, or of the^rs^ antecedent : the last consequent ; and the same will be the case whatever be the number of ratios. iv. "A ratio of greater inequality compounded with another " ratio, increases it; and a ratio of lesser inequality compounded " with another ratio, diminishes it." Thus, let 1 -\-n : 1 re- present a ratio of greater inequality, and let it be compounded with the ratio a : b, the resulting ratio is that of a + na:b, which is evidently greater than the ratio of a : b; on the other hand, let 1 n : 1 represent a ratio of lesser inequality, and let it be compounded with the ratio of a : b, then the resulting ratio is that of ana:b, which is evidently less than the ratio of a : b. EXAMPLES. Ex. 1. Reduce the ratio of 360:315, and 1595:667, to their lowest terms. Ex. 2. Reduce the ratio of a s + 2 a*x : a 9 to its lowest terms. Ex. 3. Which is the greatest, the ratio of 16 : 15, or that of 17 : 14? Ex. 4. Which is the least of the three ratios, 20 : 1 7, 22 : 18, or I RATIOS. 117 or 25 : 23 ? and which is the greatest of the three ratios 8:7; 6:5; and 10:9? Ex. 5. Which is the greatest, the- ratio of a+ 2 : ^a + 4, or that of a + 4: 10 + 5? ANSWER, The ratio of a 4 4 : Ja + 5. Ex. 6. Compound together the ratios of 1 1 : 3, 7:2, and 5 : Q. ANSW. 385 : 54. Ex. 7. Compound together the ratios of 15 : 12, 6 : 7? and 9:4; and then reduce the resulting ratio to its lowest terms. ANSW. 135 : 56. Ex. 8. Express in the simplest terms the ratio compounded of a a x^'.a*, a + x: I, and 6 : a x. ANSW. (a + x)* : a*. x 2 y* Ex. 9. If the ratios of x + y : a, xy : I, and I : , be compounded together, shew that the resulting ratio is a ratio of equality. Ex. 10. I f the ratios of 3 a -f- 2: 6a-fl, and of 2a-f 3 : a + 2, be compounded together, is the resulting ratio a ratio of greater or lesser inequality ? ANSW. A ratio of greater inequality. Ex. 1 1 . What are the least numbers in the ratio compounded of the three following ratios, viz. the ratio of 7 : 5, the dupli- cate ratio of 4 : 9, and the triplicate ratio of 3 : 2 ? ANSW. 14 and 15. Ex. 12. Compound the sulduplicate ratio of x* : y*, with the quadruplicate ratio of >J x : */y. ANSW. x 3 : y 3 . XXIX. On Proportion. 100. The most useful Theorems relating to proportional quantities are the following. TH. 1. " If four quantities be proportional, the product of " the extremes will be equal to the product of the means }" for let 118 PROPORTION. let a : I : : c : d, then, by Art. 97, 1 = j> " ad = lc. From hence also it follows, fe that if any three terms of a proportion be known, the fourth may be found;" for, from the equation lc ad ad be aa = t'c, we have a=-7- ; 1= c~r-- and d= d J c 3 b ' a TH. 2. The converse of the foregoing Theorem is also true ; yiz. " If the product of any two quantities be equal to the " product of two others, those four quantities will constitute " a proportion, provided that the terms of one product be made " the means, and the terms of the other product be made the " extremes) of such proportion." Thus, if the four quantities CL C a, I, c, d, be such that ad=bc, then (dividing by Id) y= -%5 /. by Art. 97, a : I : : c : d. TH. 3. " If three quantities be proportional, the product of " the two extremes is equal to the square of the mean 5" for, if a : b : : I : c, then, by THEOR. 2, ac = b*. From hence also it follows, that " a mean proportional between any two quantities is equal to the square root of their product;" for let x be a mean proportional between a and c, then a : x : : x : c, TH. 4. " If four quantities be proportional, they will also be proportional, when taken inversely or alternately ;" thus, if a : I :: c : d> then -/=-}; invert the fractions, then -=- ; b d ' a c ' .*. b : a : d : c. Again, since ad be, then (dividing by cd) ad be a b we have -} = - 7, or- = -> ; .*. a : c : b : a. cd cd' c d 3 TH. 5. "If there be six proportional quantities, and the " first be to the second as the third to the fourth; and the third u to the fourth as the fifth to the sixth ; then will the first " be to the second as the fifth to the sixth." For let a : b : : c : d, and PROPORTION. c , and c:a::?:y; then 7 = j and -y T.> .*. 7=7-' or by Art.97,a:b::e:f. TH. 6. " If four quantities be proportional, then the ^w or " difference of the first and second will be to the second as " the sum or difference of the third and fourth is to the fourth/' CL C For let a : I : : c : d, then T= jj add or subtract 1 from each a c al cd side of the equation; then 71=->1, .*. 7- = 7-, con- sequently, by Art. 97, a b : I : : c d : d. TH. 7. " If four quantities be proportional, the first is to the " sum or difference of the first and second, as the third to " the sum or difference of the third and fourth." For by THEOR. 6, ab : b: : cd : d, and alternately ab:cd :: I : d', but by THEOR. 4, b : d : : a : c ; hence, by THEOR. 5. a-^.1 : cc?: : a: c, and alternately a : a : : c(2: c, .'.in- versely a : a & : : c : c d. TH. 8. "If four quantities be proportional, then the sum " of the first and second is to theif difference, as the sum of " the third and fourth is to their difference." For by a + b c + d ab cd IHEOR. 6, = j-) and -y = -r- > zwver the two last b d a + b b c + d d fractions, then - r = - -jj hence , x - 7 = ~ j~ X - ^> a b cd b ab d cd or - 7 = - j5 .*. by Art, 97, a + l : a b : : c + d: c d. TH. 9. " If four quantities be proportional, and any equi- " multiples or equal parts whatever be taken of the first and " second, and also of the third and fourth; then will the result- " ing quantities, taken in the same order, be still proportional." For let a: b : : c:d; then, by Case I. Art. 98, the ratio of in a : m b is the same with the ratio of a : b ; and for the same reason, the ratio of nc:nd is the same with the ratio of c : d; hence PROPORTION. hence (Art. 95.) ma : ml : : nc : nd t where m and n may be any quantities whatever, either integral or fractional. TH. 10. The same theorem is true "if any equimultiples or " equal parts whatever be taken of the first and third, and also a c "of the second and fourth-" for since 7 = 3' multiply each m ma me side of the equation by- then^- = ^, .'. ma:nb : : mcind, where m and n may be any quantities whatever, either integral or fractional. TH. 11. "If four quantities be proportional, any powers or roots of those quantities will also be proportional." P'or since r=*-f we have ^ = ^ ' a * : n ' ' c " : ^ where n may be any number either integral or fractional. TH. 12. " If the corresponding terms of two sets of propor- " tionals be multiplied together, or divided, by each other, the " resulting quantities taken in order will still be proportional." Thus let " a Again, by TH. 1, ad=bc, and eh=fg-, .: =--', hence, by a b c d TH. 2, - : j: -: T* The same will evidently be true of any number of proportions. TH. 13. " If there be two rows of proportional quantities, " whereof the second and fourth of the first row are the same " with the first and third of the second row, then will the " remaining quantities, taken in order, be proportional ;" thus, let a : b : : c : d and I : e : : d if, then by THEOR. 1 2, ab : be : : cd : df, or (reducing each tatio to its lowest terms) a : e : : c if. TH. 14. PROPORTION. 121 TH. 14. " If there be a set of proportional quantities, " a : b : : c : d : : e :f : : g : h &c. &c., then will the frst be " to the second as the sum of all the antecedents to the sum of " all the consequents.' 9 For,sincea = 6tf, and (byTHEOR 8 . 1 and 5) ad*=bc, af=be, ah=bg, &c. we have ab-{-ad + af-{-ah + &Q-. = ba-}-bc + be , or . *.(by THEOR. 2.)a:b : TH. 15. " If a : b : : b : c : : c : d : : d : e &c. as in Art. 96. " then a : c : : a 2 : b 2 , or in the duplicate ratio of a : b ; " a : d : : a 3 : b 3 , or in the triplicate ratio of a : b ; " a : e : : a* : 4 , or in the quadruplicate ratio of a : b\" &c. c. &c. &c. For a : b : : a : b ; and b : c : : a : b ; .-. byTHEOR. 12, a : c : : a? : b*. Again, a : c : : a a : & 2 , but c : d : : a : b ; .-. by THEOR. 12, a : d : : a 3 : b\ Moreover, a : d : : a 3 : b 3 , but d : e : : a : b ; .*. by THEOR. 12, a : e : : a 4 : b\ &c. &c. &c. &c. 101. The following Examples are intended to illustrate the use of the foregoing Theorems. EXAMPLE 1. To divide the number 60 into two such parts, that the pro- duct shall be to the sum of the squares : : 2 : 5. R Let 122 PROPORTION. Let x=one part; then 60 x the other part, (60 x) xx=60x # a =the product, and jc a -{-(60 #) 2 =2# a -f3600 l<20x=sum of the squares. Hence, by the question, 60xx*i 2x a + 3600 120o; : : 2 : 5 \ .'. by THEOR. I, (60 x x*) x 5 = (2# 2 -f 3600 120x) x 2, or 300.r-5# 2 =4 l r 2 + 7200 240ff; by transposition & division,!? 60 x= 800 ; .'. tf a 60 # + 900 = 900 800=100, and# 30 = 10; or #=30 10 = 40 or 20 the [parts required. Ex.2. The number 20 is divided into two parts, which are to each other in the duplicate ratio of 3 : 1 . Find a mean proportional between those parts. Let x= greater part, then 20 ~x= lesser part ; .'. by the question, x: 20 x:: 3 2 : l a : :9: 1. Hence, by THEOR. 1, x 180 g#, or 10^=180; .*. x= 18= greater part, and 20 #=20 1 8 = 2=: lesser part. By THEOR. 3, a mean proportional between 18 and 2 is equal to V 18 X 2= /36 = 6, the number required. Ex.3.' If (a + x)* : (a x) 2 : : x + y : x y, shew that a : x : : */ 2 a y : A/y. By expansion, a* + 2ax + x 2 : a*2ax + x 2 ::x+y:xy. By THEOR. 8, 2 a a + 2 # a : 4ax :: 2x:2y. Divide by 2, then d'+x* : <2ax :: x:y; .: by THEOR. 1, (a'+# 2 ) xy = 2axxx=2axx*. Hence, by THEO R . 2, a a + x 9 : x 9 : : 2 a :y. By THEOR. 6, a* : #* : : 2a-y:y; and by THEOR, 1 1, (w being )a : x : : N/2a y : >/y. Ex.4. PROPORTION. 123 Ex.4. lfx:y in the triplicate ratio of a:b, and a:b::\/c + x \/a+y, shew that dx=cy. Since x : y a 3 : b 3 , and by THEOR. 11, a 3 : 1 3 c + x: d+y, .*. by THEOR. 5, x:y c+x:d + y t or c+x: d+y x :y, and by THEOR. 4, c + x: x d + y:y; .: by THEOR. 6, c : x d :y; (and by THEOR. 1, dx=cy. Ex.5. There are two numbers whose product is 24, and the difference of their cubes : cube of their difference :: 19 : 1. What are the numbers ? Let xzc.gr eater number, and y = lesser number. Then, by the question, xy = 24, andx 3 y 3 :(xy) 3 : : 19 : 1. By expansion, x* y 3 : x 3 3x*y + 3xy*y 3 OT(xyy : : 19 : 1. ByTHEOR.6, 3x*y3xy*:(x-y) 3 :: 18: 1, or 3xyx (xy) : (xy) 3 :: 18:1. Divide by xy, then 3xy: (xy)*: : 18 : 1; Hence, by THEOR. 1, 18 x (x y)*=72, .*. xy = 2. Again, x* 2 xy + y* = 4, and 4xy =96. 12 or x+y=lO,i' y= - =4. Ex.6. PROPORTION. Ex. 6. To divide the number 24 into two such parts, that their product shall be to the sum of their squares : : 3 : 10. ANSWER, 18 and 6. Ex. 7. There are two numbers which are to each other as 3:2. If 6 be added to the greater) and subtracted from the lesser, the sum and remainder will be to each other : : 3:1. What are the numbers? ANSW. 24 and 16. Ex. 8. There are two numbers which are to each other in the duplicate ratio of 4 : 3, and 24 is a mean proportional between them. What are the numbers? ANSW. 32 and 18. a*-x* Ex. 9. If ~, = 4 a; shew that +.T : 2 a : : 2b : a jr. Ex. 10. If x 9 : y* : : 36 : 25, and 2x+y : x + 2 in a ratio compounded of the ratios of 1 7 : : 2 and 2:7; what are the numbers? ANSW. 12 and 10. Ex. 11. There are two numbers whose product is 135, and the difference of their squares is to the square of their dif- ference : : 4 : 1. What are the numbers ? ANSW. ] 5 and 9. xxx. On Variation. 102. If the quantities under consideration be of a variable naturej then their relation to each other may be expressed in the following manner. i. Let A and B be two variable quantities so related to each other, that whilst the value of A is changed to a, the value of B is changed to I ; then if these two quantities A and B always bear the same ratio to each other, i. e. if A : B : : a : b (or by Theor. 4. of Proportion, A : a : : B : I) throughout the whole period of their variation, they are said to vary directly as each other. EXAM. Suppose a body to move uniformly along at the rate of 3 VARIATION. J 25 of 3 feet in one second of time ; then in the Jirst second it would describe 3 feet, in two seconds 6 feet, in three seconds 9 feet, &c. &c. ; hence, whilst the time varies through 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. seconds, the space varies through 3, 6, 9, 12, &c. feet ; but the numbers 3, 6, 9, &c. are respectively in the same ratio with the numbers 1, 2, 3, &c. When a body moves uniformly, therefore, " the space varies directly a k s the time." ii. If the relation between A and B be such, that whilst A by increasing is changed to , and B by decreasing is changed to b, in such manner, that A : a : : 5 : : 7 (or) : : b : B throughout the whole period of their variation, then A is said to vary inversely as B. EXAM. The area of a triangle is equal to half the rectangle contained by its base and perpendicular altitude; if, therefore, the form of the triangle be changed whilst its area remains the same, it is evident that as its altitude increases its base must decrease. Let A and- B represent its altitude and base at any one period of its variation, and a and I its altitude and AxB axb base at any other period, then o~ r=z ~~o~~ or ^x$ = ax&, .'. (by TH. 2. Prop n .) A : a :: b : B : : 5 : -,, i.e. " the alti- " tude of a triangle whose area is given varies inversely as its " base, and vice versa." in. If there be three variable quantities A, B, C, whose re- lation to each other is such, that whilst B is changed to I, and C to c, A is changed in the compound ratio of the change of B and C; i. e. if A : a in the ratio compounded of the ratios of B : I and C : c, or (Art. 99, I.) A: a :: BC : be, then A is said to vary as B and C conjointly. EXAM. Let A represent the area, B the base, and C the perpendicular altitude of a triangle ; and when these are changed, let a represent the area, b the base, and c the altitude VARIATION. TO / altitude at any period of their variation ; then A = c lc BC be and a = j .'.A: a : : r- : :: BC : be, or "the area of a " triangle varies as its base and perpendicular altitude con- "jointly." iv. If the relation between the three quantities A, B, C be such, that when A is changed to a, B to b, and C to c, B : b in the ratio compounded of the ratios of A: a and p, : -, or A a (Art. 99, 1.) B : b :: ~ : -> then B is said to vary directly as A, and inversely as C. EXAM. Let A, B, C, a, &, c represent the same quantities BC QA as in the last Example, then since A=- ~~> B= -~ > and since be <2a QA Qa A a , a > # = * Hence Bib:: -77-: :: 7,1-9 i. e. "the base 2 c u c C c " will vary as the area directly, and as the perpendicular " altitude inversely " 103. These several relations of variable quantities are often more briefly expressed by placing the mark oc between them ; thus A : a : : B : b, or "A varies as 5," is expressed by . . A : > or "A varies inversely as 5," by .... ^oc-jv Aia-.'.BC: be, or "Ovaries as 5 and C conjointly," byAocBC. A ator "B varies directly as ^4, and This notation is made use of in the following Theorems. TH. 1. "If one quantity varies as another, it will also vary as any multiple , part, power, or root of the other." Thus, let^ocB, then A:a::B:b; multiply the last ratio by m, then (Art. 98, 1.) A:a::mB:mb, .*. (Art. i02,I.)^ocmJ5 ? where VARI4TION. 127 where m may be any number either integral or fractional. Again, since A:a::B:l, (by TH. 1 1 of Proportion,) A n : a n :: B n : b n ; ,:A n( ^B n , where n may be any number whatever, integral m fractional. TH. 2. " If one quantity varies as another, and each of " them be multiplied or divided by any quantity variable or " invariable, then will the products or quotients, thus 'arising, "vary as each other." Thus, let Ac B, then^f: a:: B: b; let m be an invariable quantity, an.d multiply all the terms of the proportion by it, then mA:ma::mB:mb, .'. mA c m B. Let C be a variable quantity, then we have A:a::Bib\ rAC:ac::BC:bc,orAC which varies as5> and jB=~; which ri Jj jfl varies as -j? m being a constant quantity. TH. 3. "If one quantity varies as a second, and the second as a third, then will the first quantity vary as the third." For let^oc B, then^ta ::B : 6; andlet .Boc C, then B : b::C:c- 9 .'. by TH. 5. of Prop n . A : a : : C: c', hence AOC C. TH. 4. "If any two quantities vary as a third, then will " their 128 VARIATION. " their sum or difference or the square root of their product " vary as the third." Thus let Aac Cand Boc C, then, by Th. 3, Ac JB; /. A : a : : B : b or A : B : : a : I ; arid, by Th. 6 of Proportion, AB : B :: ab : b or AB : ab :: B : b; but since Boc C, B : b :: C: c, hence AB :ab :: C : c, or ABoz C. Again, since A', a:: Crc^byTh. 12 of Prop . AB : ab :: <7 : c\ and: b:: C:c$and,Th. 11 of Prop". JAB: Jab:: C:c. Hence TH.'5. " If the square of the sum of two quantities varies " as the square of their difference, then the sum of their tf squares varies as their product." For let (A-\- JB) 9 oc (AB)*, then (A + BY : (a + *) ::(A- )' : (a - b)*, or (A+B)* : (A-Bf :: (a-b)* : (a + b}\ By Expansion, andl 2^ a -f 25 a : 4>AB :: 2a a +26 a : 4ab, byTH.8ofProp n .J orA' + B*: 2AB :: a* + b* : 2ab; .'.A* + B*: a* + b*::2AB : 2ab :: AB : ab. Hence TH. 6. " If there be two sets of quantities, A, J5, C, ), " &c. and Pi Q, R, S, &c. which vary as each other re- " spectively, viz. A&z P, BQZ g, then will the products of " those quantities vary as each other." For, let a, b, c, &c. p, q, r, &e. be corresponding values of A, B, C, &c. P, Q, R, &c. then, since A cc P, A : a : : P : p . . . BxQ,B:b::Q:g . . . C oc R, C : c : : R : r &c. &c. .-. By THEOR. 12 of Proportion, ABC&c.: abc&c. :: PQR&c.:pqr Hence ABC &c. TH. 7. "If any quantity A depends upon a set of quanti- " ties, P, Q, R, S, in such a manner, that if Q, R, S, are con- " stant. VARIATION. 129 slant, AocP; ifP,R t S are constant, ^ocg;&c. &c. " then if they all vary, ^ will vary as their product.'' For let ^ be changed to x, by the variation of P to p, the rest being constant, from xtoy of Q to 9, from y to z of J? to r, from z to a of S to s then, when all vary, we have A : a; :: P : p\ Hence, by com- x : y :; Q : -> rr> &c. (which decrease by continued division by 3, or multiplication by -J> are in Geometrical Progression. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 131 1 07. In general, if a represents thejirst term of such a series, and r the common multiple or ratio, then may the series itself be represented by a, ar, ar\ ar 3 , ar 4 , &c. which will evidently be an increasing or decreasing series, according as r is a whole number or a proper fraction. In the foregoing series, the index o/Y in any term is less by unity than the number which denotes the place of that term in the series. Hence, if the number of terms in the series be denoted by (n), the last term will be ar*" 1 . XXXII. On Arithmetical Progression. 1 08. Let S be the sum of the .series a, a + 1, a + 2 b t a + 3 b, &c.; then &c. ... + + (-)+ a 'K n - where the /ow/er series is the same as the upper one, except that the order of the terms is inverted. Add the two series together, and we have, l)6) + &c. to n terms=25, 109. From the equation (2a + (w l)6j. 72=2 S, it appears that if any three of the four quantities a, b, n t S are given, the fourth may be found. For we have, i. By Art. 108 ............. S=(Qa + (n- ii. By actual multiplication, 1, -> -> 2, -, &c. a o o o A Here a = |, 1 6 = ~, 150 2 149 151 = ^-+j75=-~X 75 = 3775. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. Ex.4. The sum of an arithmetic series is 1240, common difference 4, and number of terms 20. What is theirs* term? Here S= 1240, J. gS-fln' + fl^ = -4, __ I 2480+1600-80 4000 ;z = 20; I ss - - = - =100 40 40 Hence the series is 100, 96, 92, 88, &c. Ex. 5. The sum of an arithmetic series is 1455, the first term 5, and the number of terms 30. What is the common difference ? Here S= 1455,} QS-Qan G = 5, Y n*-n n = 30; 5 2910-300 2610 900 30 = " 870 ~" 3 * Hence the series is 5, 8, 1 \, 14, &c. Ex.6. The sum of an arithmetic series is 567, I\\Q first term 7, the common difference 2. What are the number of terms? HereS=567,} 2a-b 2S fl=7 , [ 7z +-r~* w== T ^ = 2; ) is rc'-f f)72 =567; andw a -f 6^ + 9 = 567 -f 9 = 576;' .-. n -f 3 =24,or;z = 21. Ex. 7. How much ground does a person pass over in gathering up 200 stones placed in a straight line, at intervals of 2 feet from each other; supposing that he brings each stone singly to a basket standing at the distance of 20 yards from the first stone, and that he starts from the spot where the basket stands ? It is evident that the space passed over by this person will be twice the sum of an arithmetic series, whose first term is 20 yards (i.e. 60 feet), common difference 2 feet, and number of terms 200. Here 134 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. Here a = 60, J / x n = ( 120 + 398)lOO. = 5 18 X 100 = 51800 feet. feet, miles, furlongs, feet, Hence the distance required =103600= 19 . 4 . 640. Ex. 8. A traveller bound to a place at the distance of 198 miles, goes 30 miles the first day, 28 the second, 26 the third, and so on. In how many days will he arrive at his journey's end ? Here is given a = 30, to find the number of terms. _ ^ 2X198 Now n + ji=-y .'. n 31n= - = 198, 961 961 169 * 3172 + = 198 + = ' 31 13 31 13 ; Hence TZ = , and 72 = = 22 or 9. To explain the apparent difficulty arising from the two po- sitive values of w, which give us two different periods of the traveller's arrival at his journey's end, we must observe, that if the proposed series, 30, 28, 26, &c. be carried to 22 terms, the 16 th term will be nothing, and the remaining six negative; by which is indicated the rest of the traveller on the 16 th day, and his return in the opposite direction during the six days following; and this will bring him again, at the end of the 22 d day, to the same point at which he was at the end of the 9 th , viz. 198 miles from the place whence he set out. Ex. 9. There are a certain number of quantities in arithmetic pro- gression, whose common difference is 2, and whose sum is equal to eight times their number ; moreover, if 1 3 be added to the second term, and this sum be divided by the number of terms, the ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 135 the quotient will l>e equal to thejirs/ term. What are the numbers ? Let the first term~x, "I then the second term will be ,r+ 2, and the number ofierms=y; / . . . the last term ..... # + (#- 1) x 2. In the expression (2 a + (n 1 )#;; SUDst i tute #fc> r a, 2 for, and y for n, and it becomes tzx + ty l)2Y-(= xy + if y) 9 for the sum of the series. By the question, xy + y*-y = 8y, or y = Q x y , # + 2+13 and y=-. # + 2+13 Hence, . = #, or # 2 8# = 15 ; y jc .-. #* 8#+l6=l6-15=l, and x 4= 1 j * #=5 or 3, y = Qx =4 or 6. From which it appears that there are two sets of numbers which will answer the conditions required; viz. 5, 7, 9, 11, or 3, 5, 7, 9,11, 13. Ex. 10. Find the sum of 25 terms of the series, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, &c. ANSWER, 950. Ex. 11. Find the sum of 36 terms of the series, 40, 38, 36, 34, &c. ANSW. 180. Ex. 12. Find the sum of 32 terms of the series, 1, Ij, 2, 2^, 3, &c. ANSW. 280. Ex. 13. The sum of an arithmetic series is 950, the common difference 3, and number of terms 25. What is the first term ? ANSW. 2. Ex. 14. The sum of an arithmetic series is 165, the Jlrst term 3, and the number of terms 10. What is the common difference? ANSW. 3. 136 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. Ex. 15. The sum of an arithmetic series is 440, first term 3, and common difference 2. What is the number of terms ? ANSW. 20. Ex. 16. The sum of an arithmetic series is 54, first term 14, and common difference -2. What is the number of terms ? ANSW. 9, or 6. Ex. 17. A person bought 47 sheep, and gave 1 shilling for the first sheep, 3 for the second t 5 for the third, and so on. What did all the sheep cost him ? ANSW. .110. Qs. Ex. 1 S. A person began the year by giving away a. farthing the first day, a halfpenny the second, three far things the third, and so on. What money had he disposed of in charity at the end of the year ? ANSW. .69. 1 Is. 6fd. Ex. 19. A travels uniformly at the rate of 6 miles an hour, and sets off upon his journey 3 hours and 20 minutes before jB ; B follows him at the rate of 5 miles the first hour, 6 the second, 1 the third, and so on. In how many hours will B overtake A? ANSW. In 8 hours. Ex. 20. There are a certain number of quantities in arith- metic progression, whose first term is 2, and whose sum is equal to 8 times their number ; if 7 be added to the third term, and that sum be divided by the number of terms, the quotient will be equal to the common difference. What are the numbers ? ANSW. 2, 5, 8, 11, 14. XXXIII. On Geometrical Progression. 110. Let S be the sum of the series a, ar, ar*, ar 3 , &c. (Art. 107), then a + ar-f ar' + ar'-f &c. . . . ar n -* + ar*" 1 =S. Multiply the equation by r, and it becomes ar-f ar*-far 3 -f &c. . . . ar"- 8 + ar*-' +ar*=rS. Subtract GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 137 Subtract the upper equation from the lower, and we have, ar*a=rS S, or (r l)S = ar n a; and therefore, iS= If r is a proper fraction, then r and its powers are less than 1. For the convenience of calculation, therefore, it is better in this case to transform the equation into = ? by multiplying the numerator and denominator of the fraction - by 1 . 111. If I be the last terrjj of a series of this kind, then l=ar r -\ .*. rl=ar n ; hence S= (~~^) =7~* From this equation, therefore, if any three of the four quantities S) a } r,l, be given, the fourth may be found. For S= 5 S-a ( r _i)S + 'c_l> an d 1= ~ * The value of n cannot be found from the equation S= ^ except by means of Logarithms, as will be shewn in a future chapter. EXAMPLE 1. Find the sum of the series 1, 3, 9, 27, &c. to 12 terms. Herea=l, ^ n ar n a 1 x 3 12 1 3 - 1 81 s 1 2 = ^ =265720. 2 Ex. 2. Find the sum of ten terms of the series 1 -f- - + ~-\ 32 138 GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 10 l 1024 /2\ N W U = 3 ry = /2v 10 _ 1024 58025 '^""Vaj =1 "" 59049 ""59049' 3X58025 174075 59049 = 59049 ' Ex. 3. Find the sum of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, &c. to 14 terms. ANSWER, 16383. 1 1 1 Ex. 4 ......... *' 3* a' 27 3 to 8 terms - 3280 XXXIV. On the method of finding any number of Arithmetic or Geometric Means between two numbers. 112. Let I be the last term of an arithmetic series, whose first term is (a), common difference (b), and number of terms I a (w); then Z=a+(7z l)6; .*. (n l) b = la f or #=^ [' Now the number of intermediate terms between the first and the last 'is n 2j let n 2 = m, then TZ l=m + l. Hence Z a Z> = T~Tj which gives the following Rule for finding any num- ler of arithmetic means between two numbers ; " Divide the " difference of the two numbers by the given number of means " increased by unity, and the quotient will be the common " difference" Having the common difference, the means themselves will be known. 113. Let I be the last term of a geometric series, then I=ar n ~ l 9 l *-yT and r n ~ l =~, .'. r=\/ -. The number of intermediate terms as before is n 2; let TZ 2 = m, then n *ls=w+l, and m+1 /!T r =. Y/ -, which gives the following rule for finding any number ARITHMETIC AND GEOMETRIC MEANS. 139 of geometric means between two numbers; viz. "Divide " one number ly the other, and take that root of the quotient " which is denoted by m + I ; the result will be the common " ratio." Having the common ratio, the means are found by common multiplication. EXAMPLE I. Find six arithmetic means between 1 and 43. Here /=43. J ' l-a 43-1 42 By adding this common difference continually to the lesser number (l), we have 7, 13, 19* 25, 31, 37, for the six means required. Ex.2. Find three geometric means between 2 and 32. Herea = 2, 1 1=39,5 /.r= 771 = 3 ; 3 and the means required are, 4, 8, 16. Ex. 3. 16 Find two geometric means between ~ and 2. 16 +r 3 /=2, 8 4 _ I .*. the two means are ~ and - 771=2 5j 9 3 Ex. 4. Find seven arithmetic means between 3 and 59. ANSWER, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, 52. Ex. 5. Find eight arithmetic means between 4 and 67. Ex. 6. Find nine arithmetic means between 9 and 109. Ex. 7. Find two geometric means between 4 and 256. ANSW. 16 and 64. Ex. 8. Find three geometric means between - and 9. y ANSW. -, l, 3. 140 EQUATIONS RELATING TO NUMBERS 114. Let a, a -f I, a -f- 2 1 be three quantities in arithmetic progression, then the sum of the first and last =2a + 2& = 2(a + l) ; .*. a + b=:halftl\e sum of the first and last ; hence " an arithmetic mean between any two quantities is found, by " taking half their sum." Again, let a, ar, ar* be any three quantities in geometric progression, then the product of the first and last =aV = the square of the mean term, from which it appears that " a geometric mean between any two quantities is found by taking the square root of their product." From hence also it appears, that an arithmetic mean between any two numbers is greater than a geometric mean; for let the two numbers be a + x and a x, then the arithmetic mean is a and the geometric is Va a #% which is evidently less than a. XXXV. On the solution of Equations relating to Numbers in Arithmetical or Geometrical Progression. 115. As the several terms of any arithmetic or geometric series may be expressed by means of hvo unknown quantities^ it is not difficult to find the value of quantities of this kind, which shall bear such relations to each other as may be deter- midedby *M/O equations-^ of which the following are Examples. EXAMPLE 1. Find four numbers in arithmetical progression, such, that their sum shall be 56, and the sum of their squares 864. Let # = the second of these four numbers, and y = their common difference. Then ( a ) It may be proper here to observe, that quantities which are in geometric progression are also in continued proportion; for a : ar :: ar : ar* :: ar 2 : ar 3 :: &c. The differences of quantities in geometric progression are also in con- tinued proportion ; for the successive differences of the terms of the series a, ar, ar*, ar^ar 4 , &c. arear a, ar 2 ar, ar 3 ar 2 , &c. or ar a,(ar a)r, (ar a)r 2 ,&c. which is a geometric progression whose first term is ar a. and common ratio r- ien f* IN ARITHMETIC AND GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION. 141 Then the four numbers may be represented by xy, x, Hence, by the question, (x-y) +x + (x + y)' + (x + Sy) -4x + <2y = 56, From 1st equation, Square this equation, then 4 x 9 + 4 x y -f- y* = 7 84 (A) , ' ' -y = 864(B). Subtract (A] from (5), and we have 5?/*=80, or y*= 16, and y = 4; 28 - 24 Hence 8, 12, 16, 20 are the four numbers required. JEx.2. ' The sum of three numbers in arithmetic progression is 9, and the sum of their cubes is 153. What are the numbers? Let xy,x,x + y, be the numbers. Then(jc y) +x + (x+y) =3x =9, (x yf + x 3 + (x+ yY = 3 x 3 + 6 xy*= 153. From 1st equation, x=- = 3; .\bysulstitution,in 2d equation, 81 + I8y*= 153, or 182/ a =153 81 = 72; 72 Hence, the numbers are 1, 3, 5. Ex.3. Find three numbers in geometric progression, such, that their sum shall be equal to 7, and the sum of their squares to 21. Let x, y, z, be the numbers. Then, by the question, x +y +z = 7, 1st equation. ^ And ff Q -fi/ a -f;z a =21, 2d equation. $ By 142 EQUATIONS RELATING TO NUMBERS By Note( a ) Art. 1 14, x : y : : y : z; .-.y'=xz. From 1st equation, x + z=7 y Square this equation, and # 2 -f 2#2+z 4 =49 but <2xz = Qy 9 Subtract (B) from (A), then # 3 -f2; 2 = 49 14yy z But, from second equation, x* + z 9 =21 ?/ a . Hence, 49 14y y 2 = 21- ; - y 2 , or 49 147/ = 21; /. 14y = 49 21 = 28. 28 .'. 2/ = Again, since a; + z = 7^=7 -2 = 5, we have #* + 2.r 2-1-2* =25; but 4xz =16, for xz y*-, .'. by subtraction, a? a 2 0:2; + ^ 2 = 25 16 = 9, and x z=3. Hence, x + z =5, ) .'. 2x=8, or a;=4 a; =3; 3 2s; = 2, or 2=1, and the three numbers are 1, 2, 4. Ex. 4. The sum of four numbers in geometric progression is 30, and 4. the last term divided by the sum of the mean terms is - > 3 What are the numbers ? Let#=nrst term, > then the numbers themselves will y = the common ratio; 3 be a?, xy, xy*, xy 3 . Hence, by the question, x 4- xy -f xy* + o;^ 3 = 30, 1 st equation,^ xy 3 4 }, and * = ' 2d e q uation - xy+xy* = i' e q uaon - From 1st? 30 = 30 Or *= From 2d ^ xy x y* 4 y* 4 equation, Ja;y X (1 +y) ^s' (T T + y == 3^ '" By IN ARITHMETIC AND GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION. 143 By reaction of >, equation (B), } * 4__4 4_16 2 4. 6__ 30 30 _ = _ Hence from equation , 1+2+4 + 8 The four numbers are therefore 2, 4, 8, 16. Ex.5. There are three numbers in geometric progression, whose product is 64, and sum of their cubes 584; What are the numbers? Let the numbers be x, xy, xy*. Then, by the question, x X xy x 2?y,ora?y = 64, 1st equation. And a; 3 -f x 3 y 3 + x 3 y 6 = 5 84, 2d equation. 64 4096 r rom 1 st equation, y = ^y> and ?/ = r"* By substitution, in ? 4096 adequation, 5 *' ' x 3 "' Hence, X G + 64x 3 + 4096 = 584*% or a; 6 520 x 3 = 4096. Solve this equation by ( J = 8; or x=2. the Rule in Art. 84. \ 64 64 And the three numbers are 2, 4, 8. Ex. 6. The sum of three numbers in arithmetic progression is 15; and the sum of the squares of the two extremes is 58. What are the numbers? ANSWER, 3, 5, 7. Ex. 7 There are four numbers in arithmetic progression ; the sum of the two extremes is 8, and the product of the means is 15. What are the numbers? ANSW. 1, 3, 5, 7. 144 INFINITE SERIES OF FRACTIONS AND Ex. 8. There are four numbers in arithmetic progression; the sum of the squares of the two means is 2, and the sum of the squares of the two extremes is 18. What are the numbers? ANSW. 3, 1, 1, 3. Ex. 9. There are three numbers in geometric progression, whose sum is 21, and sum of their squares 189. What are the numbers? ANWS. 3, 6, 12. Ex. 10. There are three numbers in geometric progression ; the sum of theirs/ and last is 52, and the square of the mean is 100. What are the numbers? ANSW. 2,10,50. Ex. 11. There are three numbers in geometric progression, whose sum is 3 1, and the sum of thejirst and last is 26. What are the numbers ? ANSW. 1, 5, 25. (a> XXXVI On the Summation of an infinite Series of Fractions in Geometric Progression; and on the method of finding the value of Circulating Decimals. \ 16, The general expression for the sum of a geometric series a ar n whose common ratio (r) is a fraction, is (Art. 1 10) S= -j"^ Suppose now n to increase indefinitely, then r n (r being a proper fraction) will decrease indefinitely^; therefore ar* will decrease indefinitely with respect to a, or a will be the limit of a aar n aar n , and __ the limit of __ or S; and consequently , will express the value of the series when the number of its terms is supposed to be indefinitely increased, or (as it is commonly called) the sum of the series ad infinitum. ( a ) Some curious Theorems relating to numbers in Geometrical Progression will be found in "Siemens d'Algebre, par L'Huilier," Vol. II. p. 177.. .208. Ed. 1812. A great variety of questions, both in Arithmetical and Geometrical Progression, will also be found in Eland's "Algebraical Problems." (b) Letr = ^, for instance; then r*= ^^ 1*=-^, &c. from which it is evident, that if there be no limit to the increase of tl index , there will be none to the decrease of the fraction r n . CIRCULATING DECIMALS IN GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION. 145 EXAMPLE 1. Find the sum of the series 1 + o "J~ 2 ""*" Q' & c ' ac ^ wfinitum. Here a= 1, Ex.2. 5 ' QS 4 "" Find the value of - + +7^1 ~*~ & c > afi ^ infinitum. 1 5 1~4" Ex.3. Find the value of ~ + ~ + g 4- - + i + &c. ad wfinltum. Ex. 4. Find the value of 1 +3+5 + ^+ ^ c ' adwfinitum. ANSW. - Ex. 5 ........... -+ l + + + & c ' adinfinitum. ANSW. 4 . 117. These operations furnish us with an expeditious method of finding the value of circulating decimals, the numbers com- posing which are geometric progressions, whose common ratios i are 77? V7^ ? i7m^> & c< according to the number of factors IU 1UU JLUUU contained in the repeating decimal. U 146 CIRCULATING DECIMALS IN GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION. EXAMPLE 1. Find the value of the circulating decimal .33333, &c. This decimal is represented by the geometric series 333 3 10 + 100 + 1000 + SC f rst term 1S 10' common ratio-' Hencea=^ 3 3 r =T5' 1""9""3 Ex.2. Find the value of .32323232, &c. ad wjinitum. 32 ) 32 Herea= , I ^^ 32 32 JL-1 " l ~~ r 1 "100 1~ 99 ^ : 1 1 '"ioo Ex.3. Find the value of .713333, &c. ad wfinitum. The series of fractions representing the value of this decimal e + (geometric series) 3 Here a== Tooo > I 1000 1000-100 900~300 r =To ; I " 10 Hence the value of the decimal =( _107 ""1^0* Ex.4. Find the value of .81343434, &c. ad iiifinitum. 34 34 lOOOO 34 34 ~~T = 1 0000 1 OO """ 99OO * ON THE REDUCTION OF SURDS. 147 . , 81 81 34 8053 And the value of the decimal + S = Ex. 5. Find the value of .77777, &c. ad infinitum. ANSWER, - y Ex. 6. Find the values of .232323 &c. ; .83333 &c. ; .7141414 &c. ; and .Q56666 &c. ad infinitum. 23 5 707 , 287 ANSW - ; ~ ; d respectively. CHAP. VIII. ON SURDS. SURD Quantities have already been defined in Art. 55. and may be expressed either by the radical sign, or by their frac- tional indices (as in Art. 66.) ; thus the square root of 2, the cube root of 3, thewth root of a -f 1, the cube root of(a + #)% &c. &c. may be expressed either by v/2, \/3, %/ a + b, \/(a+#) a , &c. or by 2*, 3*, (a + b)\ (a+xf, &c. The precise value of these quantities cannot be ascertained ; it can only be expressed by means of decimals or series which do not terminate 5 and in this sense they are called irrational, to distinguish them from all other quantities whatever, integral or fractional^ whose values are determinate, and which are therefore denominated rational. XXXVII. ON THE REDUCTION OF SURDS. CASE I. 1 IS. A RATIONAL quantity may be reduced to the form of a surd, ly raising it to the power denoted ly the root of the surd, and then annexing the radical sign. 148 ON THE REDUCTION OF SUROS. EXAMPLE 1. Reduce 3 to the form of the square root) and it becomes /s/3* or */9. * Ex. 2. 2 3 /2 3 3/ 8 Reduce - ..... cube root, ..... V ~3* OT V 27* Ex.3. Reduce a -f b . . . square root, .... Y/(a + &) 2 . Ex. 4. Reduce 4&* . . . . cube root, ..... v/64& a . CASE II. 119. Surds of different indices are reduced to equivalent ones having the same radical sign, by bringing their fractional indices to a common denominator, Ex. 1. Reduce a* and a* to surds of the same radical sign. The fractions - and - reduced to a common denominator, 3 j 2 . are ~ and -5 > 6 o .*. a* = a^= v/ a3 > ? which are surds with the same and tt^ = a* = v/a 9 ; ^ radical sign . Ex. 2. Reduce 3^ and 5% to surds of the same radical sign. 2 - 2 1 The fractions - and -> reduced to a common denominator, 4 ,3 are ^ and ~- o o Now 3'c-= v/3*= v/81 $ and 5^ = v/5 3 = Ex. 3. Reduced and b* \ (Ays. v Ex. 4. , . c* and d^ f wifh'u.e j . . s same / Ex. 5 3A Ex. 2. %/a m x=%/a Ex.3, v/72 =v / 36x2=v/36x N/ 2 = Ex. 4. ^/108=v / 27 X4=\/27 Ex. 5. Ex. 6. Reduce y g 4 6c &^/ Q Sofa Ex. 7 ..... / Ex.8 ..... V56 and Ex.9 ..... J/243and/96 The quantity without the radical sign is called the coefficient of the surd; and it is evident, that this quantity may always be put under the radical sign, by raising it to the power denoted by the index of the surd. Thus, 7 Cv/2 x= (by Case I.)v/7 a x 7 a X v/2 #. = Also, xv/2a #= CASE IV. 121. If the quantity under the radical sign be a fraction, it may be reduced to an integral form by the following process. Multiply the numerator and denominator of the fraction by such a quantity as will make the denominator a complete power, corresponding to the root; and then proceed as in CASE III. 150 Ex ON THE REDUCTION OF SURDS. c /a" c /(fb - L d x V b=d*V V C l(f =2 X V b' x ^ b - c a ac 3 /2 3 /2X7 Ex.2. |*V V ?*?*V?W = jXyXv/14 = 2 ^/14. Ex.3. Reduced V/ 16 V/ ' 8 X 2 1 2 3 /2 5 x i x Vi' 3V 81~~3V 27 X 3" = - x \-y? 9 X V 3 i : 2 3/1 9 X V 2 y 9 X Vs ' X 3* 3 3 ~X18. _. -x-x^/ 18=- Ex. 4. /* 3/c' /- and a^/ -] to integral Surds in ANs.^yand^ Ex.5. /50 3 /3 1 their sim- ' plest form. 5 /- and2V/ : ' ' ' 21 V 6 and v ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF SURDS. 151 XXXVIII. On the application of the Fundamental Rules of Arithmetic to Surd Quantities. 1 22. On the Addition and Subtraction of Surds. RULE. Reduce them to their simplest form ; and if the surd part be the same in both, then their sum or difference will be found by taking the sum or difference of their co- efficients. EXAMPLE 1. Find the sum and difference of^/l6a*x and^/4a 9 x. By ART. 120. V lT2 = V ^TIT^ =9V 2* 27 / T65 = V 9 X 3 3 i' 3 Hence x- -- -, or 152 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION OF SURDS. If the surd part be not the same in the quantities to be added or subtracted from each other, it is evident that such addition or subtraction can only be performed by placing the signs + or between them. Ex. 4. Add,v/27a 4 #and \/3a*x together . . ANSW. 4aV3#. Ex. 5. . . . -v/128 and V72 ............... 14^2. Ex. 6. . . .JS135 and ^/ 40 ............... 5^5. Ex. 7. Subtract 3\ / from 4\/ 7 .......... N/TJT V 07 V 5 15 Ex. 8 ...... v/108 from 9\/ 4 ........... 6 and ^ > 6 6 .'.a* = a*=ya 3 ; and i*=fl*= Hence ^/a x ^ ^= x 6 / a 3 x y/3 = 2 X 3^=2 x v/3 3 =2 v/27, and 3 v V4 = 3X4^=3X Hence V3X 3^/4 = 2^/27 X 3 MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION OF SURDS. 153 Ex. 4. Divide 2 \/bc by 3 \/ac. and 3 v/ac=3 x(ac)*=3v/a 3 c 3 ; 2ij/6c 2 6 /W_2 */&_ '* 3 v/ ac~*3 X V aV~~3 V a 3 e Ex.5. Divide 10^/108 by 5^4. 10v/108=10v/27 X 4= 10X3 X v/4 = rO^/108 = 2X3 = 6. Ex. 6. Multiply v/ 15 by \/lo . . . ANSWER, v/225000. Ex. 7 ...... l -f/6 by 5^/18 ....... 4/4. Ex. 8, Divide 10^27 by 2 \/3 ....... 15. 2 Ex. 9. .... 10v/108 by 5 ^^/ ul/ a fraction whose denominator is a rational quantity. XXXIX. On the method of finding Multipliers which shall render Binomial Surd quantities Rational. 1 26. Compound surd quantities are such as consist of two or more terms, some or all of which are irrational; and if a quan- tity of this kind consist only of two terms, it is called a binomial surd. The rule for finding a multiplier which shall render a binomial surd quantity rational, is derived from observing the quotient which arises from the actual division of the numerator of the following fractions by the denominator. Thus. x n y n I. y =zx n ~ l +x n ~*y + x n ~Y + &c... -f y""" 1 to n terms, whether n be even or odd. ON FINDING MULTIPLIERS &C. 155 x n -y n n. =x fl - 1 -tf n -^+a^y-&c...-y n - 1 to n terms, .when n is an even number. x n +v n m. -^^ = x n - l --x*-*y + x n ~y-&c...+y n - 1 to n terms, when n is an odfJ aumber 00 . 127. Now let # a =a, y=&, then x\/a, y=f/b, and these fractions severally become M/ fl _ /^> /a 4- V6 a-\-b n/ a , nsjj', and by the application of the foregoing rules we haveo^s^/a*- 1 ; a; n -^=-C/a n - 2 ; ^ n - 3 =-C/a n - 3 , &c.; also, y*=3 b *> y*=3V; &^; hence, a?~*y = ?a*-*x?l = Va n -*b', x n -y=Va n - 3 xyb*=t/a n - 3 b*;&c. By substitu- ting these values of x n ~ l , x n ~*y, x"~ 9 y*, &c. in the several quotients, we have 1 to nn , v/fl \/ TZ terms; where n may be any whole number whatever And ab n ..C/a-' -C/a- a & + v/2 To find the multiplier which shall make #3 the sign of \/b is +, and ?z an number ; .'. the multiplier is ^/a 51 " 1 C/a n -*5 -f-^//> B ~ l *) Hence the fraction required is f 3 , " */ y / Ex. 4. 3 Reduce */ 4 y to a fraction with a rational denominator. Here w=4, a = 5, 6 = 3, the sign of \/b is -f> and TZ an number, .-. the multiplier is ^/a n ~ l t/a n ~*b +%/a n - 3 b* yi n ~ l = ^125 ^75 + ^45 ^27. Hence the fraction / _3 __ \ / y/125-^ required is ( 5 +3 j I /125- XL. On ^e method of extracting the Square Root of Binomial Surds. 129. Let +J~x and x/jtjTbe two quadratic surds, which are not reducible to the same irrational part ; their product will be _ _ _ m m _ _ irrational. For, if *Jx x *Jy = m, *Jx=-== ~~\/y ', that is, v^~i s reducible to the irrational part ^/ y, contrary to the supposition. 130. Next 158 METHOD OF EXTRACTING 130. Next, let \/x+ <*Jy be a binomial, both whose terms are quadratic surds, not reducible to the same irrational part. If this binomial be squared, the result is x+y + 2\/xy, a quantity of which one part is rational, and the other (Art. 129.) irrational. Let x+y = a and 2*J xy = \/b, then it appears that every Binomial surd whose square root can be exhibited under the form Vx+t/if must be of the form a -f ^/ b ; a being a rational quantity and J b a quadratic surd. The same will evidently be true, if one of the terms, as ^/ a?, be sup- posed rational. 131. The square root of a rational quantity cannot be partly rational and partly a quadratic surd. For, if possible, let then x=a* + l2a*>/b 9 and ^&= a rational quantity. But, by the supposition, \/b is a surd; hence \/x cannot be expressed under the form a\/b. In the same manner it may be proved, that the square root of a ra- tional quantity cannot be equal to the sum or difference of two quadratic surds not reducible to the same irrational part. For, if possible, let >J x-=. */ a. or < ac adqae der=l 1 fad aer=za. Consequently, since c, by supposition, measures ab, it will measure ab acp, or ad; zndacadq, or ae; and adaer, or a. (Art 8 . 43,44.) If c be supposed greater than b, we shall, by a similar process, arrive at the same conclusion; which will be equally true, what- ever be the number of divisions in the operation. ^\ 136. Hence it follows, that if the numerator and denominator of a fraction be prime to each other, there can exist no other equal fraction having its numerator and denominator respectively less than those of the first. a m In the fraction T let a be prime to b ; and let be an equal u 7 n fraction; then, since T = > m=z-r' Consequently b will be a divisor of an; and since, by supposition, it is prime to a, it must (Art. 135) be a divisor of n, and therefore less than n. In the same manner it may be proved that a is less than m, and the fraction 7 is therefore in its least possible terms. Again, since b is a divisor of n, let T=p ; then n=pb, and pa a m consequently, since 7=y = -,m will pa-, that is, " if Y " two ON PRIME NUMBERS &C. " two fractions, of which the former is in its least terms, be " equal, the numerator and denominator of the latter will be " equimultiples of the numerator' and denominator of the " former, respectively/' 137. If a and b ar x e both prime to c, al will be prime to c. For if not, suppose ab and c to have a common measure ?w, and let ab=mp, and c~mq. Then, since a is prime to c, or my, it is prime to m ; for if a and m had a common measure, this would (Art. 43) be a common measure of a and m q. For the same reason, b is prime to m. But, since ab=>mp, - = T, and (Art. 13(>) is in its lowest terms ; therefore b is either equal to m, or (Art. 136) a multiple of m, which is absurd, because b has been proved to be prime to T; .'. ab and c can have no common measure, and consequently a b must be prime to c. In the same way, if Q, b, c are all prime to d, ale is prime to d, and so on. Hence, if a be prime to d, a* 9 a 3 , a 4 , &c. will all be prime to d. Again, if a, b } c, &c. are each of them prime to each of d, e,f, &c. ale &c. will be prime to def See. For, since a, I, c, &c. are prime to d, abc &c. will be prime to d. For the same reason, abc &ic. is prime to e,f, &c. 5 and conse- quently todef &c* Hence, if a be prime to d, a 2 will be prime to d 2 , a 3 to d 3 , and so on. 138. A common multiple of two or more numbers is any number which is measured by each of them ; and their least common multiple is the least number which is so measured. Let c be the greatest common measure of a and b, and let ab a mCy b nc. Then ab = mnc\ and mnc=na=mb; c therefore is a common multiple of a and I. It is also their least common multiple; for let d be any other common q a m multiple of a and b, and let d=pa = (]b; then - = ^ = -> where PROPERTIES OF CUMBERS. where is in its least terms, because (c being the greatest common measure of a and I) m and n are prime to each other; therefore q and p are equimultiples (Art. 136) of m and n respectively, and q is greater than/ft; hence, qb is greater ab than mb, or d greater than * Hence, "the least common c " 'multiple of two numbers is equal to their product divided " by their greatest common measure/' It may be farther observed, that "every other common multiple of a and b " is a multiple of their least common multiple;" for since q ab is a multiple of m, qb or d is a. multiple of mb, or 7. To find the least common multiple of three numbers, a, b, c; " let m be the least common multiple of a and b, and n the " least common multiple of m and c; then n will be the least t( common multiple required." For since m is a common multiple of a and b } and n a common multiple of m and c, n will obviously be a common multiple of a, b, c. It will also be their least common multiple; for let d be any other multiple of a, b, c, then d will be a multiple of m, as has just been shewn ; and since it is also a multiple of c, it will be a multiple of n, and therefore must be greater than n ; hence n is the least common multiple of a, b, c. XLII. Properties of Numbers. 139. Let a } I, c, d, &c. represent the digits of a number, a being the digit in the unit's place, b the digit in the ten's place, c the digit in the hundred's place, &c. &c., and let r= 10, then the general value of any number may be represented bya + br + cr'+dr s +&c.; thus, 357 = 7 + 50 + 300 = 7 + 5 X 10 + 3x10*; and 4213 = 3 + 1 x 10 + 2 x 10* + 4 x 10 3 ; &c. &c. From this mode of representing a number, the following properties are very readily deduced. i. " If from any number the sum of its digits be subtracted, the remainder " is divisible by 9." For let a -f b r + c r 1 + dr* + &c. = the number Subtract + *+ c + d +&c. Then we have &(r-l) + c(r a -l) +three and three together, &c. &c. without having regard to the order in which the quantities arc arranged PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS. 107 arranged in each collection. Thus al>, ac, ad, be. Id, cd, are the combinations .\\\i\c\\ can be formed out of the four quantities a, b, c, d, taken two and two together; abc, abd, acd, bcd t the combinations which may be formed out of the same quantities, when taken three and three together; c. &c. 144. Let there be n quantities, a, b, c, d, e, &c., taken two and two together; then, by Art. 142, it appears that there will be (n [) permutations in which a stands first; for the same reason there will be (72 l) permutations in which I stands first ; and so of c, d, e, Sec, Hence there will be n times (n 1 ) permutations of the form a I, ac, ad, ae, &c.; la, be, bd, be, &c.; ca, cb, cd, ce, e. ; i. e. " the number of permutations ofn things taken two and two is n(n l)." 145. If these n quantities be taken three and three together, then there will be n(n 1 )(/i 2) permutations. For if ( 1 ) be substituted for n in the last article, then the number of per- mutations of 7i 1 things taken two and two together will be (n l)(/i 2); hence the number of permutations of b, c, d, e, &c. taken two and two together, are (n l)(w 2), and conse- quently there are ( !)(;/ 2) permutations of the quantities a, b, c, d, e, &c. taken three and three together, in which a may stand first; for the same reason there are (n l)(w 2) permu- tations in which b may stand first; and so of c, d, e, &c. The number of permutations of this kind will therefore amount to n(n !)(. 2). 146. In the same way it appears, that if the number of quantities be n, and they are taken m and m together, the number of permutations will be n(n ]) (n 2) &c (nrn-r-l); and if m = ?i, i.e. if the permutations respect all the quantities at once, then (since TW 72 = 0) the 7iumber of them will be TZ(TI l)(n 2) &c 2.1. Thus, the number of permutations which might be formed from the letters com- posing the word "virtue" are 6x5x4x3X2x1 = 720. 147. But if in this latter case the same letter should occur any 168 PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS. any number of times, then it is evident that we must divide the whole number of permutations, by the number of times the permutations are multiplied by having different letters instead of the repetition of the same letter. Thus if the same letter should occur twice, then we must divide by 2 x 1 ; if it should occur thrice, we must divide by 3 x 2 x i; ifp times, by 1.2.3...p ; and so for any other letter which may occur more than once. Hence the general expression for the number of permutations of n things, of which there are p of one kind; r of another ; n(n l) (n 2)(n- 3)....2. 1 q of another; &c. &c. is ^..px 1.2.3..rx 1.2.3.^ Th " S the permutations which may be formed by the letters composing the word " easiness" (since s occurs thrice, e twice) are 1. 8.3. XI. 9 148. From the expression (in Art. 146) for finding the number of permutations of n things taken m and m together, we immediately deduce the theorem for finding the number of combinations of n things taken in the same manner. For the permutations of n things taken two a?id two together being n(n l), and each combination admitting of as many permit - tations as may be made by two things (which is 2 x l), the number of combinations must be equal to the number of per- mutations divided by 2; i.e. the number of combinations of n n(n l) things taken two and two together is - For the same reason, the combinations of n things, taken three and three n(n l)(n 2) together, must be equal to - T^T^ - ' an " m general, the 1 ^i ,o combinations of n things taken m and m together must be equal n(n l)(n 2)....(nm,+ l) 1.2.3....ro XLIV. Unlimited Problems. 149. It has already been observed (Art. 69), that in order to ^ UNLIMITED PROBLEMS. 169 to obtain the solution of equations containing any number of unknown quantities, it is necessary that there should be as many equations as there are unknown quantities. If the number of equations be less than that of the unknown quantities, then the number of values of the unknown quantities will be unlimited, unless the problem be limited by circumstances. This will be readily understood by taking the simple case of j; -f ?/ = 1 0, where it is evident that the values of x and y may vary through all degrees of fractional and integral magnitude between and 10; forif#=l, then^=9j; if x= 1, then y = 9; if x l, then #=8f ; &c. &c. ; but if the hypothesis be limited to the integral and positive values of x and y 9 then the num- ber of answers is limited to nine, for if #=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7> 8, or 9, then the corresponding values of y are 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1. 150. Suppose now it was required to find all the integral and positive values of x and y in the equation 2.r+3y=17. y (y~~l\ =8 + ^ y -5 =8 y \ )j and since y\ x and y are whole numbers, it is evident that " must be y 1 also a whole number. Let =p, then y = 2/) + l ? and # = (8 ?/ p = )8 2p 1 p=7 3 p. To make x a positive number, p cannot be taken greater than 2 ; let p = 0, 1, or 2, then jc = 7, 4 or 1, and the corresponding values of y (2p-f l) are 1, 3, and 5; so that the number of positive and integral values of x and y are limited to three. 151. Next let it be required to find the same in the equation 5y = 7. Here T/= - - = -^ --- ; and since 5 is 2 . _ i not a divisor of 7, ^ - must be a whole number (Art. 135). 3 Z Let 170 UNLIMITED PROBLEMS. Let =/>, then 2x=5/> + l, & x = 2p-f then p = 2q 1; hence x=(<2p-\-q=) 4>q 2-t-q = 5q 2 r and t = Let 9=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. 1 In this case the positive then #=3, 8, 13, 18,23, &c. > and integral valuesofaandy y = 7) 21,35, 49, 63, &c. ) are unlimited. By attending to the several parts of the process in the two last Articles, the solution of the following Questions will be readily understood. T. In how many ways may the sum of .b be paid, in crowns and seven* shilling-pieces'* Let #= the N. of seven-shilling-pieces, y=the N. of crowns ; then 1 x + 5 y = 1 00, y r= = 20 - x (where x must 5 5 be divisible by 5). Let -=J> then a-=5jo, and #=^20 x -- - = J20 5p 2/)=:20 1p (where p must evidently be less than 3). Let p = l or 2, then #=5 or 10, and 2/=13 or 6, so that a payment of this sort can only be effected in two ways. ii. What is the least number of pieces in which a bill of .7 can be paid in half-guineas and seven-shilling-pieces? Let #=N. of half-guineas,, y=N. of seven-shilling-pieces, then 21 x-}- 14/=280, or 3=xl, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, "1 so that the number of ways in which thia then a?=2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12, payment may be made is six; and the and yr=17, 14,11,8,5, or 2, ) feos/ N. of pieces is 14, in. A person owes me seven shillings ; he has no other money about him but half -guineas, and I no other but crown -pieces ; what is the least number of pieces by which this debt may be settled? Let #=N. of half-guineas, y=rN. of crowns, then 21 x 10^=14, and y=. =2#-l -t . Let a ^=p, then x= Wp+ 4,andy=(20p+8 1 -f p=)21 p + 7(where 10 p may be 0, or any whole number whatever). Let UNLIMITED PROBLEMS. 171 T A 1 s0 that the least N- of pieces is 11, viz. Mt/>=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. / 4half _ guineasand7crowns . butthentwii- then * = 4, 14, 24, 34,44,&c. S^ tf - n which tfae t be *=7, SB, 49, 70, 91,4* } efffe ^ ^ wM iv. JHf '* required to find the least number which when divided by 19 shall leave the remainder ^ ; and when divided by 28, the remainder 13. Let * and y be the quotients arising respectively from such division, then 3 y + 2 must be divisible by 1 9). Let ~ = p, then y = -~ = 6 j> H -- ; ; put - 7, then p=3g-{- 2 ; and as it is required to find tho 3 3 least number which will answer the conditions required, let re- spectively, shall leave remainders 1 , 2, 3 ? Let or, y, * be the quotients arising from this division, then 5 #+ l=6# + 2=7# -4-3- Now ,r= = P , then y=5p-l, and 6y + 2= 30/-4 == 7 5f _i_3 ; hence *= - -- = 4 p 1 + ( where p must be divisible by 7). Let -= 7, then p 1 q, and z=(4p- 1 + ~ = J28?- 1 -f 2-?, then **+ * 2 = 2;>'-H 9 2 = 2y a > '> P*+q* = #*, and the question / DIOPHANTINE PROBLEMS. question resolves itself into the finding p and q t such that p a +? fl shall be a square number. Let, therefore (Ex. I.) p = - r, ? = a, then 771 1 A where a and m may be any numbers ,r=r p -f- q = - :: | i j- a I whatever. For instance, let a = 3, w = 2, " - = 7, y = 5, z=\, and the square * = p q - -- numbers in arithmetic progression are 49, 25, 1. Let a = 8, m = 3, then o?=14, __ /-TTi _._ 2?L+l y=10, z= 2, .'.the square numbers rn a 1 ] j n Arithmetic Progression are 196, 100,4. XLVL The Solution of two Questions relating to Numbers in Geometrical Progression. 153. Let a be the first term, r the common ratio, n the number of terms, and S the sum of a Geometric Series; then (by Art. 110), S=^- -j andifa=l, 5=1-^1. Now let r 1 r 1 S be the sum of the series arising from the successive addition of 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. . . . n terms of the geometric series ; then we shall have, __ 9 r-l r 2 -! r 3 -! r 4 - 1 r w 1 H--T + I T+&C + 1 ' r I ' r l ' r 1 ' ' r 1 1 ... to 72 terms) r~i\ r of which the following are examples. Let r==2, then S=sl-f 2+ 4+ 8 -f l6 + &c...2 n ~ l =2" 1. 31+&c...2"-l = 2 n+1 - 174 QUESTIONS RELATING TO NUMBERS ii. Letr = 3, then S=l+3+ 9 + 27+ 81 + &c...3 n ~ l = 2= 1+4+ 13 +40+ 121 +&c... ^-= : HI. Letr = 4, then S=l +4 + &c... 4, n -l &c. &c. &C. 154. Let- + + &c. . be an infinite series of fractions whose numerators are in Arithmetical and their denominators in Geometrical Progression. For find- ing its sum (Sj, this series may be resolved into the following ; a a ,. ++ *+~ + '+ &c - ad l Art. U6) ar (a) b ^ + c/ + b b ,(,-!) cr* b b cr(r 1) b cr* + cr* + cr\r-l) b &c c^(r-l) .. -& c . Hence IN GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 175 Hence S =^^ + ,-^(1 +; + J+p + &c.adlnfinitu m } ar I r ar Lr r-J) + c(r-l) X 7 T which the following are examples. i. Let fl= 1, 6= 1, c= 1, r = 2, then ii. Let o=l, 6=2, c = 3, r=2, then 13579 24 in. Let a = 2, 6a=3, c=5, r=3, then 2 5 8 11 14 6 9 21 CHAP. X. ON THE BINOMIAL THEOREM, AND SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH IT. SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S theorem for raising a binomial to any power was given in Chap. III. The index (n) was there sup- posed to be an integral and positive number ; but the great value and importance of this theorem is derived from its being equally true, whether the index be integral or fractional, positive or negative; for this circumstance enables us not only to obtain the roots, as well as powers, of Algebraic quantities in a much more easy manner than by the common processes, but to apply the theorem itself to many very useful and important investigations in the higher branches of analysis. 176 DEMONSTRATION OF BINOMIAL THEOREM. XLVII. The general Demonstration of this Theorem. 155. Previously to the investigation of this Theorem, it will be necessary to ascertain the two first terms and the general form of the series which expresses the value of (l + ax + bx* + ca? 3 -f-&c.) M , whether n be integral or fractional, positive or negative/ 50 i. If n be a positive whole number, then, by the ordinary process of involution exhibited in Art. 49, we have from which it appears that in finding the value of 1+ ax + &c. 1+ ax + &c. * .) n , the H-aax+fcc-forthcS^nre. i two first terms will be 1-f- ax + &c. ) 1 + n a x ; ana from the na- ture of the process it is -f- c. for the Cube. &c. &c. evident that the powers of x will increase regularly. II. If TZ=-, then since the indices of x in the quantity .1 -fajc4'&z 4 -t-cj; 3 - r -&:c. are all supposed to be integral and positive, it is evident that the indices of x in the series which expresses the r th root of this quantity will be integral and po- sitive also ; for if any of the indices in the root were fractional or negative, we should, in the re-composition of the power from the root, have fractional or negative indices also in the power ; which is contrary to the supposition. With _ (*) The general form of a multinomial quantity in which the powers of x regularly ascend is ^4 + J57 -f-Z)^4-&c. ; but this is easily reduced to a form much more simple, yet equally general, by dividing the B CD whole by A, in which case it becomes 1 -f ^r + ~^4*-^ 3 -f &c- or A A A BCD \ making - = , ~ l ' =b '> 7 ==c &c - r*^K"* DEMONSTRATION OF BINOMIAL THEOREM. 177 With respect to the two first terms of the root, it is mani- fest that the first of them will he unity, and that the second will he such a quantity as, in the recomposition of the power from the root, will give ax for the second term of the power ; now, by Case L, this must be such a quantity as when multiplied by r will produce ax, i.e. it must be -ax* Hence we have " = 1 -f - = 1 + n a x -f &c., since - = * r in. Now let n z , then involution (Case I.), (l-f #-f />.r 2 rf &c,) w = ttracting the ?- th root, (l -fas -f- # 2 4- &c.)?ss(l 4- a# + &c.) a>: = 1 -f - (max) -f &c. (by Case 1 1.) = l-f -(ajr-)+&c* = 1 -f ?z :r -i- &c. as in Cases L 1 1* iv. If = 5, where 5 is either integral or fractional, then = 1 ifl.r4-&c. by actual division. = 1 -f- n a x -f- &c. as in former cases. Hence it appears, that whether n be integral QT fmctioval, positive or negative, the first two terms of the series expressing the value of (l -f a #-}-/' #* + &c.) w will be 1 -\-nax t and that in the subsequent terms the powers of at will be integral and positive. Now, suppose a= l ; ^ = 0; cz=0; &c. then the multino- mial quantity 1 +ax+lx* + &c. is reduced to the binomial 1 -fjj; and we are evidently at liberty to assume (l-f #)*=! 4. nx + qx' i + rx* + sx 4 + c. where (7, r, 5, &c. are quantities whose values are hereafter to A A be 178 DEMONSTRATION OF BINOMIAL THEOREM. x\ n be determined. Hence, also, since (a + x) n = a n { 1 -f^j , we nx qx z rjj s = a* 4- n a n ~ } x -f q a n ~ V -f r a n ~ V -f- &c. 156. Now let the trinomial quantity (l +x-f-^) n be expanded, first by considering x + h. as o?ze quantity, and secondly by con- sidering 1 4-.r as one quantity, and there will arise two scries, from the comparison of which the values of q, r, S 9 &c. may be obtained. Thus = 1 -f nx+qx* + r* 4- ** + &c. + n*-h2y^r+3rAaf* -f 4*for* H- &c. omitting the higher powers of A, as unnecessary for our purpose. = 1 4- a? -f ?* 2 + r,r3 4. S x* -f &c. -f nA -!- n(n - Since the series (A) and (J5) arise from the expansion of the same quantity \-\-x they are evidently equal ; rejecting therefore the part common to both, we have SqJw + 3rhx* -f 4shx 3 -f &c. = n(n 1 }lix -f nq'hx* + nr ^ -f &c. and equating the coefficients^ 5 , we have t n(n-\) (w-l)(-2)( c ) Syrsw^n 1), or 9 - j and by parity of reasoning,*? - - - 2 2 '*(*--')(-8) _*(n-l)(n-8). . (n- l)(n~8)(n- 2 2.3 2-3 / n(n~l)(n-8)(n~3) w(n~ l)(w-2)(w-3) , (n-.l)(n-r2)(n 3)(n- ~T3~~ 2.3.4 2.3.4 &C.=:&C. = &C. By ( a ) In assuming a series for the value of ( 1 -|-#) T '~ l , the first two terms (by Art. 155) will be 1 +(n 1> ; and the other coefficients will also be different from those of the series which expresses the value of ( 1 -fa') 71 . To preserve an uniformity of notation, we have made them 9', r , *', &c. ( b ) This process of equating coefficients requires explanation ; for which purpose, let us suppose a + &# + c2 -fd 1 a,' 3 +&c. and a4-/8d?4-72 + &c. = /3-r - 7a?+5^-t-&c. ; suppose again o?=o, then 6 = ^3, and so on; hence o= a, 6=/5, 0=7, rf S, &c. The same is also true in the equation (a + 6* + c* 2 -f &c.)y + p ^ + Q^ 3 + &e - = ( + ^ + 7 ** +&c.) . ; for divide by y, then a-j- 6,1? + cx* + &. +Q'/-r- & c. ; Iet2/ = 0, then a-f 6 . and a, 6, c, &c. may be proved equal to a, j8, 7, &c. respectively, as before. ( c ) For if the coefficient of the third term of the series which expresses the value of (l + #)" be ~ l \ the coefficient of the third term of the series which expresses the value of (l H- .r) n1 W M1 (7 substituting n -* J ftr w) be ^ ; and so of the rest, r', a', &c. 180 OBSERVATIONS ON THE FOREGOING THEOREM. series will terminate after w-fl terms; for let m= then n m + 2 0, and consequently the coefficient which involves the factor (w wi+2) vanishes. Let mz=n+l, then n w + 2=l, ?* ra + 1=0, and ? l=w; the (ra+lth) (or /a*/) term is a*b n OT l n . If n be fractional or negative, the series will not terminate, and in this case the value of any expanded binomial can only be expressed in the form of an infinite series. 158. If in the series expressing the value of (a + b) 9 , for I we put b, then those terms which involve the odd powers of b will be changed from -f to ; Hence we have, and (a-by> = a*-n and substitute m for n in the series (Art. 156); then m /m \ in /m \ /m \ m m ^ m , -I -- I ) (- l) - 2) ro -UV".i=*^ _ a r >+ rVr r _ -fl- 3 *' + &c. ma r (l\^m(m r)a T fl\ ^ = r + V+ 2? UV 2.3.r 3 m(m r) (?w 2 which is a general expression for finding the value of any bino- mial surd quantity in a series, being either positive or nega- tive, and m and r any whole numbers whatever. EXAMPLE 1. Find the value of Herea = c 3 l = x*\ .'.a'=!/c* = c>, m\ ( a ) This series is derived from the preceding one, by resolving the powers m ?-l ~ _j - ] r --9 - _2 of a into two factors; thus a r rr a r X a = r X = a ? r F= r X a 182 EXPANSION OF SERIES. m(m-r)lt 2.3 2 V x* 2.3r 3 \aV~- 2.3.3 3 &c. = &c. tyjfl Ex.2. Find the value of - or ;.. -w.. or Here a=e 2 "^ ^ ? __/_* _ A | m(m-r}(b z \ - l(~l-2)/^ 4 w ( m _ r )(w - 2 r) I 3 \ - 1 ( - 1 - 2 ) ( - 1 - 4 ) /.f 6 2.3r 3 l a 3 /" 2.3.2 3 5 x and Vc' + a;' Find the value of Here a=c m= 2 Ex.3. or 2r *a m(mr) (m <2t 2.3 r* 2.3 Hence v EXPANSION OF SERIES, 183 <2x 3x* 4x 3 -T + --^ This series is easily verified by the division of 1 by c'-f 2c#-f x*. Ex. 4. Find the value of (e'-jc 1 )*. Herea=a m(w-r)//A_3(3-4)/J; 4 \ 3 a; 4 2r 2 VaV 2.4" \c 4 / 2 5 .c 4 5 m(m-r)(m-2r) ( b\ 3(3-4)(3~8)/ a?\ Sx 6 . 2.3r 3 \a a /~" 2.3.4 3 "" ^ ~ c 6 ^ ~~ ~ 2 7 .C 6 * &c. = &c. Hence c c -x a = __^ _ 161. Nowletw=l, then (a + i)' = (a-f ^) r = ^ a-f //; and "?= >y a ; hence the series in Art, 160 is transformed into 73 J + Let a 1, b=sl, then H 3 2.3 r 3 2.3.4.r 4 -f &c. (B.) Thus Ifr = 8, then ^2= i+i- +l. -+l 5 - 3 3 2 3 4 3 5 3 6 3" c. = &c. By means of the series marked (A) 9 the ?^th root of many other numbers may be found, if a and b be so assumed, that I is 184 EXPANSION OP SERIES. I is a small number with respect to a t and JJ a. a whole number; thus, EXAMPLE 1. Let a=4, b\, r=2, then v / a = v / 4 = 2, and we have Ex. 2. > =1, r = 3, then ^0 = ^/8 = 2, and we ol)tain Ex.3. 1) 2 1 Let fli=8, 6= 2, r = 3, then -=-=-, and we have / 1 1 5 2.5 \ s/ Q Q _ v/ _ ofl _ - _ - _ &c. 1 1 /8-2-V6-2U ^ 3 - u , 3 . U3 35<44 c.i, The several terms of these series are found by substituting for o, by and r their values in the general series marked (A) or (B), and then rejecting the factors common to both the numerators and denominators of the fractions. Thus, for instance, to find the seventh term of the series exhibiting the value of ^/2, we take the 7th term of the series marked B, which is (\ _ r )(l 2r)(l 3r)(l 4r)(l 5?-) , . -L- .: V. A M g 2 j and since r=2, the r t . 7-9 f . 93 fraction is r = _ = since ..=- 6 t 62 37 37 ~ 2 ~ e "jib* To find the 5th term of the series express- ing the approximate value of y'Q, we take the 5th term of the general series marked (A\ which is -f -V O T* 7* -A where a=:8, b=\ > and r=3; .*. the value of the 2.5.8 / 1\ 2.5 2.5 fraction is 4 l ^j )= 4 4 = ~3^* ^ n tn ' s man " ner each term of the several series is calculated. 1C2. These EXPANSION OF SERIES. 185 162. These series converge very fast, so that a few terms would give the rth root of certain numbers with a great degree of accuracy. But a more practical method of finding the higher roots of such numbers, is, by making the number whose root is to be extracted equal toa r + b, and then assuming a + x=.*ya T + b) x being some decimal fraction; for in this case (a + jr) r =a r -f-6, and by expanding (a-\-x) r and neglecting all the powers of x after x 9 (being very small compared with the preceding ones) we have a r + ? a r ~'x + r ( ~^~ J a r ~ V = a r -f I ; .'.ra r ~ } x + r ( -Ja r ~'V=6 (^4) an equation from which the value of x may be found in two ways. I. By arranging the terms, and dividing by r( l r ~% we 2ax have -r r -l-r (r _y and by solving the quadratic, a / 2b ~^~1 + V r(r-l Hence yf + b = a+x= which is HALLEY'S Rule, (Philosophical Transactions, 1694). II. From equation (A) we have x ( r a r ~ { -{- r ^ ) a r ~ 2 jrj = 6, r 1 "Bya-Jlrst approximation, neglecting the term which involves^, we = rfl f^ 1 ; substitute this value for x in the fraction TT=5 - _ 1 J , and we obtain a second approximation which x / BB gives 180 EXPANSION OF SERIES. and which is the Rule given by LA CROIX (Complement d'Algebre), and ascribed to LAMBERT. EXAMPLE 1. Find an approximate value of the cube root of 67. Here 67 = 64 + 3 = 4 3 + 3; .'. Q = 4, 6 = 3, r = 3; hence, + -, or = 2 2.0615 = 4.0615. Ex.2. Find an approximate value of the fifth root of 30. Here 30 = 32 2 = 2 s 2 ; .*. a = 2, b= 2, r=5 ; hence, /, /l__x by the second method, a + x=a-{- s( ' 4 ^ \, or /, S IT. .v = a }- 3 f 4 ^ V v a+ ib^y 20 The method of finding the rth root of certain numbers as exhibited in this and the foregoing Article, is a matter rather of curiosity than practical utility, as the rth root of any number what- ever may be found with great facility by means of Logarithms. This method would be useful, however, in an operation where it was required to express this root in the form of a vulgar fraction ; as in the last Example, where we obtained the approximate value of the 5th root of 30 in the shape of the fraction ~ APPROXIMATION OF RATIOS. 187 L. On the method of finding the approximate Ratio of the Powers and Roots of Numbers whose Difference is small. 163. Let a + x and a be two numbers whose difference is x, n(n\) n(n \}(n 2) { '- a w ~ 3 .r 3 -f &c. : a*:: (dividing each term of the ratio by a*" 1 ) 164. Suppose now that n is not a large number, and that x x* x 3 is very small when compared with a, then the fractions > &c. will be small also, and those terms in which they are involved will be very small when compared with the integral part a-f nx of the series; in this case, therefore, the ratio of ( + #)": a* approximates to the ratio of a + nx:a. Thus the ratio of (a -f- x)* : a* approximates to the ratio of a -f- 2 x : a ; of (a -f x) 3 : a 3 to the ratio of a + 3x:a; &c. &c.; or if n = J, ^, &c. then the ratio of v / a -\-x\a approximates to the ratio of a + J# : a ; of ^/ a -{-x : a to the ratio of a -f %x : a ; &c. &c. For instance, the ratio of the square of 501 to the square of 500 (in which case, a = 500, x= 1, 72 = 2) is 502 : 500 very nearly; the ratio of the cube of 62 to the cube of 61, is 64 : 61 very nearly; &c. &c. Again, the ratio of the square root of 501 to the square root of 500 is 500^: 500; and of the cube root of 103 to the cube root of 100, is 101 : 100, very nearly. 165. If the difference between the two numbers is not very small when compared with the numbers themselves, then the three first terms of the series must be taken instead of two, in which case the approximate ratio of (a + x) n : a* becomes that of I : a. For instance, let it be required to a I find 188 EXTRACTION OF THE nth ROOT find a near approximation to the ratio of \/\\ : \/lO, then a=10, x= I, w=-, and the approximate ratio becomes that 1 1 900-f 30-1 of 10 + g- : 10, or of - ^ -- : 10, or of 929 : 900. By the Theorem in Art. 164, this approximation would be 10J: 10, or 31 : 30, i.e. 930:900. Another method, which gives a much nearer approximation, is as follows. Let S = half the sum of the given numbers, and JD = half their difference; then (Art. 28) the numbers themselves will be S -f D and S D. Hence the ratio of their Tzth powers is that of S n + nS n ~ l D + &c. : S n nS*~ l D + &c. or of S -f n D -f- &c. : S nD + &c. and their approximate ratio that of S + nD: SnD. If this method be applied to the last 21 1 Example, $=>)=-> and the approximate ratio is that of 21 1 21 1 +g : g? or of 64 : 62, or of 32 : 31, which is nearer the truth than that of 929 : 900, given by the last method. LI. On the method of extracting the nth Root of a Binomial Quadratic Surd. 166. In the expression x + \f'y, let x be a rational quantity and >^y a quadratic surd, then (x-{- */y) n = x n + nx n ~ l \/y -f c. ( P). Let the sum t 2 23 of the rational terms in the series (P) be equal to fl, and of the Irrational p^/y^^/p^y^ which maybe expressed in the form kjb, \/b being a quadratic surd containing the surd - j &c. whole numbers; hence the 1st, 3d, 5th, ** 4* &c. terms of the series (Q) will be surd quantities involving /a? + >A/, when TZ is an even number; but that the ?/th root of N/a-fV6 can be expressed in the form of a binomial quadratic surd only when n is an odd number, and then under the form sAr + N///. 170. Sup- 190 EXTRACTION OF THE nth ROOT 170. Suppose now that ^/ a-\-^b = x + */y, then a-fv7; = ( x + VyY =x n + n x- Vy + ?*. x^y + n. 7 !! ^~ 2 jcs ^ .-w O .; .-. by Art. 132, a = a; M + ?z.!^lix n - 2 ^ + &c. and &c.; hence a-V - 3 2 23 = (x N/^/) W , or *ya */b=x*/y; from which it appears that i In the same manner, if vM- V^ = \/r-f Vy, where TZ is an number, it may be shewn that \sa 171. Let ^/ *Ja-\-^l = ^x- 3 r\/y (n being an oc?c? number), then v/a-h */b = (*/x + /y) n = x* +7ix~*/y+nJ?^x ~^ y + 2 y?> yz "" 1 .^'~ 2 a?Vi/ N /y + &c.; hence by Art. 132. (since Va is 2 3 a quadratic surd involving */x, and v7> a quadratic surd in- n ~j _ i w 2 M 1 volving N/Z/) Va = o:2 +?z. a? * y-f&c. and ^/b=nx * \/y ; from which it follows, that if , then and V f x = = *-, and V f = Hence (*) Since /and /' are both proper fractions, it is evident that//' cannot be a whole number, and consequently ja-J- q+ff cannot be a whole number, unless/ /'Q, or/=/ / . ( b ) For4a? = ^-i-3o, /. 2v^^=^+^, and ^*=i^+2a; in the same manner it may be shewn that -Sy=.\ -/ilo.. EXTRACTION OF THE tttll ROOT CASE II. When A 11 B* is not a complete 7zth power. In this case let Cbe so assumed as to make (A* B*)Ca complete nth power, i.e. let (A*-B*)C= n , OTf/(A*-B')C=* ; then */X -f assume ( + =*x + * 9 or and, From which we deduce, as before, EXAMPLE 1. Find the cube root of 26 + 1 5>/3. e ~ 780^3 = 13 -f/, -780^/3= 1 -/; .*. /= 13 + 1 = 14. Hence 12 Ex. 2. Find the cube r.oot of QN/3 1 1*/2. ^,_ si= = y 243 + 242 + 198 v / 6 = 9 +/, Hence t = 9 + 1 = 10, and = y 243 + 242 -198^ 6= 1 -/. ~2*=i 12 ~ Ex. 3. OF A BINOMIAL SURD. 193 Ex.3. Find the cube root of 8 + 4V5, or 4 A /5 +8. =4x/52.\ ^ 8 -jB a = 80-64= 16, which is not a J3 = 8 \cule number, and the least number which multiplied into it will produce a cube number is 4, (a) .*. C=4, and (>4 2 -~J3 a )C=l6x4 = 64; hence * 3 = (54, and = 4. Now J/(A* + B* + 2AB)C= = 3 ; hence the mul- tiplier is 2 X 3^ X 5 3 : =2250, and we have 360 X 3250= 810000, which is the fourth power of 2 x 3 X 5 or 30. If one or more of the indices ?n, />, #, &c. be greater than w, then, in finding the multiplier, such a multiple of n must be taken as to make the indices of all the factors in the multiplier positive; thus if m be greater than n but less than 2w, then the multiplier to be taken is cr 2 "- j8 n ~^ 7"-', which gives for the product of it and a'" &> 7' the quan- tity a 2M jff 1 7", which is the nth power of a? j8 7. Cc 194 METHOD OF REVERTING A SERIES. LII. On the Method of reverting a Series. Let x=ay + ly* + cy 3 +dy* + &c., where the value of x is expressed in a series containing the powers of y ; by the re- version of the series is meant such an operation as shall exhibit the value of y in a series containing the powers of x. 173. Previously to the reversion of a series, it will be ne- cessary to shew the manner in which it may be raised to any power (n). This is done by separating the first term from the rest, and then applying the binomial theorem to the involution of the series so transformed ; thus = a V -f- na*- 1 *"- 1 ^ * 7 -f ctf +dx* -f &c.) + 2 3 ^ 2 . 3 174. Let us now suppose the following equation to be true, whatever be the value of x 9 then, by transposition, we have Now whatever is true in the original equation, must also be true in the transposed equation ; but it has already been proved with respect to the former equation (Note ( b ), p. 17 8), that a = ; 6 = /3; c=y; d=3', &c.; hence a =0; b /3 = 0; e y=0; d ^=0; &c. ; from which it follows that if an equation of the form (B) be true for any value of x } its coeffi- cients will all become equal to at the same time. 175. Resuming the equation x = ay + ly* + cy* -f-cty 4 -f&c. let METHOD OF REVERTING A SERIES. 195 let it be required to find the value of y in terms of x. Trans- pose x to the other side of the equation, then + dy* + &c.x=0. Assume y = and finding the value of the successive powers of y, by Art. 173, we have ay = &c.= ......... + &c. X= X Hence, by Art. 1 74, a* 1 =0, or *=- ; x =0, or/3=- =~,- a ; Substitute these values for #, /3, y, 5 5 &c. then x _lx* (2b*-ac)x 3 ^(5L 3 -5abc + a*d)x 4 &c and if a=l, or ^=2/ + % 2 + c?/ 3 + 4 + &c. then 176. In the following chapter it will be shewn, that if / be the logarithm of the number 1 +7i,l=n \rf + Jrc 3 Jw 4 -f &c.; suppose therefore it was required to find the number in terms of the logarithm, i.e. to find n in terms of /, then comparing the equation l=n in* + J 3 -ra 4 + &c. with the equation x=y + l)if + c?/ 3 + c??/ 4 +&c. and substituting / for x and n for y in the equation (^f), we should have where 196 METHOD OF REVERTING A SERIES. where = j, c=~, d= - ; &c. ; CHAP. XI. ON LOGARITHMS, AND SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH THEM. LIII. Definition and Properties of Logarithms. 177. IN the two following series of quantities, a x , a*', a- r " t a'"' 9 &c. (A) ; x, x', x", x" 9 &c. (E) ; where a is some given number, and x, x', x", x", &c. any variable quantities whatever, the several terms of the series (B) are called the logarithms of the several terms corresponding to them in the series (A). Thus tfa x =y,a*=y', a*'~y", &c. then x=log.i/; x'=\og.y'; x" = \og.y"; c. 178. In adapting the series (A) to the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. the given number a must be greater than unity, the first LOGARITHMS. 197 first index x must be equal to 0, and the several indices x, x", x", &c. must keep continually increasing. For in this case, since (by Art. 66.) a= 1, this series will increase from 1 to infinity ; and by properly adjusting the values of x', x\ x", &c. it is evident that the several quantities a*, a*", a*'", &e. may be made to coincide with the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. For instance, let a=10; then (since 10= 1 and 10'= 10), the indices of 10 which would give lO 1 ', 10*", 10*"', &c. equal to the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. must be fractions between and 1. Take for example the number 5. Now 10^=v/10 a =v/100 = 4.64; from which we infer, that a fraction (x') somewhat 2 greater than -( = .666666, &c.) being made the index of 10, iJ would give 10*' = 5 ; this fraction is found by calculation to be .6989700; hence 1 >69B97 = 5 ; i.e. when a=10, the loga- rithm of 5 is .6989700. 179. From hence it appears that the logarithm of any given number will depend upon the value of a, and that different systems of logarithms would be formed by assuming it equal to different numbers, but that (since a= l) in every system the logarithm of one would be 0. This constant quantity a, from whose powers the natural numbers are formed, is called the base of the system to which it belongs. But before we proceed to calculate a system of logarithms, it will be proper to explain some of their properties. 1 80. Let N and n be any two numbers belonging to the series (A) ; let N (for instance) =a x , and n (f""- 9 then Nn a*xa*""=:a* +x ""', but by Art. 177, the logarithm of 0*+*"" i s x + x"" 9 .'. the logarithm of Nni=x + x""=]og. a* + log. a*""=Iog. IV -I- log. n. In the same manner, if n, n', n", ri", &c. be any set of numbers belonging to the series (A], it might be shewn that the logarithm of n TZ W, &c. = log. n 4- log. Tz' + log. ?/' + log. ri" + &c. ; i. e. " the logarithm of the "product of any number of factors is equal to the sum of their <( logarithms." 198 LOGARITHMS. N a* 181. Again, =z-x^=za x *""$ but the logarithm of a**"" =x-x""; /. the logarithm of ^=#-*""=log. a*~log.a*"" = log. AT log. TZ; from henoe it appears that " the logarithm of " the quotient of any two numbers is equal to the difference of /N\ " their logarithms ; and that the logarithm of & fraction f 1 " is equal to the logarithm of its numerator minus the logarithm " of its denominator." If N be less than n, then log. IV log. n is negative ; consequently the logarithms of all proper fractions are negative quantities. 182. Let N=a x be raised to the wth power, then N m = a mx ; but the logarithm of a m ' = mx; hence the logarithm ofN m =mx = w.log. a*=7W. log. N; for the same reason, since jyN=N m x x loff 7V" = a", the logarithm of v/ N=- = - : from which we m m ' infer that "the logarithm of the rath power of any number is " found by multiplying its logarithm by m ; and of the mth " root of any number, by dividing its logarithm by m." 183. If the series (A) consists of quantities of the form a x , a% a 31 , a 4x , &c ...... a"*, then the corresponding terms of the series (J5) are x, 2x, 3x, 4x, &c ..... nx; i.e. "if a series of " quantities be in geometrical progression, their logarithms will " be in arithmetical progression." LIV. On the Method of finding the Logarithm of any given Number. 184. Let 1 +n be any number in the common arithmetical scale, and x its logarithm, then, Art. 177, a x = 1 +n ; and let a 1 +b ; then, to find the logarithm of 1 +TZ, we have only to solve the equation (1 + l) x = 1 -f n, where x is the unknown quantity. Let LOGARITHMS. 199 Let both sides of this equation be raised to the power h, then (l+l) h *=(l+n) h , or J>.6 2 2.3 rejecting 1 from each side of the equation and dividing by h, we have * + & , =n+M * + <* Now let h = Q, and we have n .), if W e make to M 185. But the series which thus expresses the value of # in terms of n y will not converge so quickly as to make the sum- mation of a few terms of it a sufficient approximation to that value, unless n be a. proper fraction. Let, therefore, Ji=-^-_ lf where JVmay be any number greater than 2, then 1+n i+jV^Tl JV \-n~ i and log. (1 -H?i)-log.(l -w) =log. JV-log.(IV- 2). Now log.(l +n) =M(w-i7z a + K-K + T^ Hence, 200 LOGARITHMS. Hence, by subtraction, log.(l + ?i) log.(l -w) = 2M(?i or lag-^log.(^)^ from which we have log. N which is a very commodious series for constructing a lalle of logarithms, when some value has been assigned to A/. LV. On *Ae Method of constructing Logarithmic Tables. 186. Since a may be arbitrarily assumed, let us first suppose in which case the equation in the foregoing Article becomes But since J^must be some number greater than 2, we must find the logarithm of 2, before we can proceed to the actual calculation of a table of logarithms. Now this may be done by making N=4 in the first instance, for then we have log. 4 = log. 2* = 2 log. 2 = 2 (j + ^3 + ~s + &c.) + lg- 2 - and by subtracting log. 2 from each side of the equation, we have log. 2 = 2-+ + 3 + &c - to 7 terms =0.693 1472. Having thus obtained the logarithm of 2, we are enabled to construct a Table of logarithms, by substituting in the fore- going series all the prime numbers for IV" in succession, and availing ourselves of the properties of logarithms for finding the logarithms of all other numbers. Thus, log. LOGARITHMS. # log. 1 = ......................... 0.0000000 2 = ......................... 0.6931472 \ 2 . 3 . 2 <5. y 4 =2 log. 2 =1.3862944 5 (^H-^p + J-p-f&c. to 6 terms) + log. 3. =1.6094379 6 = log. 3 + log. 2 =1.7917595 . =1.9459101 8 = log. 4 -J- log. 2, or log. 2 :{ = 3 log. 2 ..... =2.0794415 9 =log. 3 3 =2 log. 3 ............... =2.1972246 10 =log. 5+ log. 2 ................ =2.3025851 &c. = &c ....................... = &c. A sufficient number of terms has here b^en made use of to make the logarithms true to 7 places of decimals. This par- ticular system of logarithms (viz. where M = 1 ) are called Napier's logarithms, from their inventor ; and they are also called Hyperbolic logarithms, from their connection with the quadrature of the equilateral hyperbola. 187. To find the base of this system of logarithms, let log. (l+w) = , then (since M= i), J=7z-iw a +w 3 J 4 -f &c., and reverting the series by Art. 176, we obtain but since a 1 = a, the base of any system of logarithms is that number whose logarithm is 1 ; if therefore in this series, which expresses the value of the number in terms of the logarithm, we substitute 1 for I, we shall immediately obtain, for the base of this particular system, the series = 2.7182818, by actual calculation. DD The LOGARITHMS. The constant multiplier M is called the Modulus ; hence, in that particular system of logarithms whose Modulus is 1, the base is 2. 7 1828 18. Call this number e, and the logarithms of the several powers of e (viz. e^e 2 , e 3 , e 4 , &c.) being 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. we might have interposed in the preceding Table Log. 2.7182818 =1.0000000 Log. 7.3890559 (being the square of 2.7 182 8 18) = 2. 0000000 &c. =&c. The numbers whose logarithms are 1,2, 3, 4, &c. in this system are, therefore, decimal numbers. 188. In the common system of logarithms, which are much more convenient for ordinary arithmetical operations than the Napierian or Hyperbolic logarithms, the base a= 10; hence a a =dOO, a 3 =1000, a 4 = 10000, &c., and the numbers whose logarithms are 1, 2, 3, 4, c. in this system, are 10, 100, 100O, 10000, &c. To find the logarithms of the intermediate num- bers, i.e. to construct a table of logarithms of this kind, we must find the value of M when a = 1 0. Which is done thus, In a system whose Modulus is M, log. In the Napierian system, Iog.(l +ri)z=n Hence log.(l +ri) to Modulus M=M x Nap. log. (1 +n) In the common system, let 1 4-72=10, then log. 1 = M x Nap. log. 1 or 1 = MX 2.3025851, see Art,l 86. 202585 For the actual construction of a Table of common logarithms, we must therefore substitute this value of M in the equation at the end of Art. 185, which then becomes and it is by the substitution of all the prime Numbers in suc- cession for j!V in this expression, that the following Table is calculated. LOGARITHMS. 203 k* /111 \ , 2 = .86858S96(-+ i + 7-rs + &c. to7 terms/ 10 =0.3010300 \<3 oo O.o / 111 X - + 3 + ir^5 + &c. tolOtermsJ =0.4771213 4=2 log. 2 .................... =0.6020600 5 =log. =Jog. 10 log. 2 = 1 log. 2 .... =0.6989700 6 =log. 3-f log. 2 ............ . . . . =0.7781513 7 =.86858896(g-f ^ + ^5+y^- 7 ) + log. 5. . =0.8450980 8 =log. 2 3 = 3log. 2 ............... =0.9030900 9 =log. 3* = 2 log. 3 ............... =0.9542425 10 = ........................ = 1.0000000 5 )+log.9. . . =1.0413927 3 12 = log. 3 -flog. 4 ................ =1.0791812 (I 1 1 \ 13 =.86858896\--f^j^3rf^Y 5 ) +log. 11 . . =1.1139434 14 = log. 7+ log. 2 ................ =1.1461280 15 =log. 5+log.3 ................ =1.1760913 16 =log. 4*= 2 log. 4 ............... =1.2041200 17 =.86858896^-f-g^g3 + ^jg5 + og. 15 . . =1.2304489 18 =log. 9 -Hog. 2 ................ =1.2552725 19 = 8685 88 96 (- 8 -f 5^3 + ^Y^ 5 ) -flog. 17 . . =1.2787536 20 =log. 10 + log. 2 ................ =1.3010300 21 =log. 7 + log. 3 ................. =1.3222193 22 =log. 11 + log. 2 ................ =1.3424227 23 =-86858896(^4- 5^3 + ^5) +log. 21 . . =1.3617278 The next number which requires calculation by means of the series, is 29 ; and from this number to 400 inclusive, two terms of the series are sufficient to make the logarithms true to 7 places of ( a ) See Art. 1 86. 204 LOGARITHMS. of decimals. ' After 400, one term is sufficient ; thus log. 401 .86858896 = .0021714724 -f 2.6009729 = 2.6031444 (very nearly) ; and in this manner the table might be continued with great facility to any extent, by means of tiie logarithms previously calculated. For the most expeditious manner of dividing "the number .86858896 by the denominators of the several fractions composing the series, and for the manner of using logarithmic tables, the reader is referred to the Preface annexed to Dr, BUTTON'S Tables. 1S9. Since log. 1 =0, log. 10=1, log. 100 = 2, log. 1000 = 3, &c., it follows that the logarithms of all numbers between 1 and 10 will be some decimal number less than unity ; between 10 and 100, some decimal number between 1 and 2 ; between 100 and 1000, some decimal number between 2 and 3 ; &c. &c. The whole number annexed to the decimal is called the index or characteristic of the logarithm ; and consequently for all numbers between 10 and 100 the index is 1 ; between 100 and 1000, the index is 2; between 1000 and 10000, the index is 3 ; &c. &c. From the circumstance of log. 10=1, it also follows that the logarithms of all numbers in decuple proportion involve the same decimal number, and differ only by their index. Thus, Log. 1132 =3.0538464. 1132 Log.. 113.2:=log. =iog. 11321=2.0538464. 1132 Log. 1 1.3-2 =-log: j-=log. 113.2-1 = 1.0538464. 11.32 Log. 1.132=log/ -*y^- =log. 11.32-1=0.0538464. 1.132 , - Log, .1132 = log. j^-=!og. 1.132-1 = 1.0538464. .1132 - Log. ,01132 = log. j^- = log. .1132 1 = 2.0538464. .01132 (> Log. .00 11 32 = log. -=log.. 01 132-1 = 3.0538464; 1Q where (*) The index of a logarithm may in all cases be determined by the following simple rules ; i. If LOGARITHMS. where the negative sign is placed above the index of the last three logarithms, to shew that it does not extend to the deci- mals, which are .supposed positive. Thus 3.0538464 means 3 + .0538464, or 2.9461536. 190. The foregoing property, belonging to that particular system of logarithms arising out of the supposition of the base =z 10, is not only of great practical utility in their application to arithmetical purposes, but also very much facilitates the construction and use of the tables founded upon that system. Since the same decimal logarithm always applies to a number consisting of the game digits, it follows that in the construction of a table of common logarithms it is only necessary to register the digits of the number and the decimal logarithm in parallel columns; for the index of the logarithm may always be deter- mined from the actual value of the number; and, vice versa, the actual value of the number may always be determined from the index of the logarithm. For instance, in the common tables . where the logarithms are registered for all numbers consisting of five figures, the decimal logarithm belonging to the number 98637 is .9940399; if this number be a whole number, then since it consists of 5 integral digits, we know that its logarithm is 4. 9940399; ifadecimal point be placed before the last figure, then the value of the number is 9863.7, which has four inte- gral digits, and therefore its logarithm is 3.9940399; if a de- cimal point be placed before the last figure but one, then the number is 986.37, and its logarithm 2.9940399 ; &c. &c. On the other hand, if the logarithm 1.9940399 was given to find the corresponding number, then since the decimal part of it belongs to the digits 98637, and since from the index of the logarithm i. If the number be integral, with or without decimals annexed, the index of the logarithm will be one less than the number of digits in the integer. n. If the number be a proper decimal fraction, the negative index will be equal to the place of the first significant digit after the decimal point. 206 APPLICATION OF LOGARITHMS logarithm we know that the numher has two integral digits, the figures 98637 must he pointed 98.637; &c. &c. The utility of this system was so obvious, that the tables for ordi- nary purposes were founded upon it very soon after the inven- tion of logarithms. LVI. On the application of Logarithms to Complex Arith- metical Operations, and to the solution of Exponential Equations. 191. Logarithms are of considerable use in the ordinary operations of multiplying or dividing one large number by another; but it is in the raising of powers, and the extraction of roots, and in their application to complicated numerical expressions, that their utility most plainly appears. EXAMPLE 1. Find the 5th root of 2593. By Art. 182, the logarithm of the 5th root of 2593 = log. 2593 3.4138025 -= = .6827605 = log. 4.8168; /.the 5th o o root of 2593 = 4.8168. Ex.2. 2 20 X3 7 X2.013 Find the value of the fraction / A / xs y .** O \J By Art. 181, the logarithm of this fraction is equal to the log. of its numerator minus log. of its denominator. By Art 5 . 180, 182,log.2 c 'x 3 7 X 2.013 = 20log.2 + 7log.3 + log.2.013, and, log. 17 X 9350 =log.!7+log. 9350. Now 20 X log. 2 = 6.0206000 . . log. 17=1.2304489. 7 X log. 3 = 3.3398491 . . log. 9350 = 3.9708116. log. 2.013=0.3038438 By addition = 9. 6642929 (A.} 5.2012605 (J5). Subtract (B) from (A), and we have 4.4630324, which is the logarithm of 29042, the number required. TO COMPLEX ARITHMETICAL OPERATIONS. 207 Ex.3. r" j u t Find the value of Call the numerator of this fraction (JV), and its denomi- nator (n) ; Then,byArtUSl,lS2>g.of\/~= - ] S- n t V /Z O Now log. (317)' = 2 x log. 317 = 5.0021156. log. x/S^xlog. 3 = 0.2385606. 5=0.2329900. 5.4736692 = log. AT. log. 251 = 2.3996737; b .*. 3.0739955=log.A 1 '-log.n. log.IV-log.72 3.0739955 Hence - = =0.6147991, which is the O O logarithm of 4.1 19, the number required. Ex. 4. Find a fourth proportional to the 6th power of 9, the 4th power of 7, and the 5th power of 5. 7 4 X 5 s Let x= the number required, then 9 6 : 7 4 :: 5 s :a;= -g ; .'. log. x = 4 log. 7-f 5 log. 5 6 log. 9 = 3.3803920 + 3.4948500 5.7254550= 1.1497870 = log. 14.118; hence #=14.118. 192. Equations into which the unknown quantity enters in the form of an index, are called Exponential Equations ; and are solved by means of Logarithms, as in the following ex- amples. * Ex. 5. Find the value of x in the equation a x = b. Taking the logarithm of the equation a* =6, we have x. log. a = log. I, ..#== p^- ; thus, let a = 5, =100, then loff. 100 2.0000000 in the equation 5*. 100, x -;- = ; log;. 5 0.< 203 APPLICATION tfF LOGARITHMS &C. Ex. 6. To Jin d the value ofx in the equation G &X =C. Assume (a) b x y, then aV c, and y. log. a = log. c, .'. y = loi^. c l^g c ; hence ^ ar = , - ('which let) =6/. Take the logarithm log. a ' log. a v of the equation l x = d, then (by Ex. 5.) , = ; ~ i ; thus, let x log. c # = 9, 1 = 3, c= 1000, then in the equation 9 s = 1000, T = log. 1000 IOJT. d log. 3.14 .4969^96 1.04. 31 X33 X 255 X315 Lx. 7. Find the value of - 35x357 - ANSWER, 6576.4. Ex. 8. Divide the 20th power of 2 by the 12th power of 3 ANSVV. 1.973. Ex. 9- Find a third proportional to ^117 ANSVV. 10.252. r rv i i ,^935 X V 14xJXlOO Ex. 10. Find the value oP' - ~~^T~ where n is r 1 1 r not a very small number. EXAMPLE 1. 3 9 27 Find the sum of 20 terms of the series 1, -^ -> -> &c. ( a ) In considering the nature of an exponential of the form a 6 *, it must be recollected that i t means a to the power of A*, and r.ot a 6 to Hie power ofj?. SUMMATION OF GEOMETRIC SERIES. 209 ar-a ' Q 20 o Now log. (-) = 20 X log. - 2 = SOX (log. 3 log. 2.) = 3.5 2 18260 = log. 3325.263 ; 3 v 20 .-.(-) =3325.263. ~ol-0 Hence S=2 X (-J l) =2 X 3324.263 = 6648.526. Ex. 2. Find the sum of 1O terms of the series l, - -p ^> &c. O oO 210 aar" 10 1-rl X 1-1 6 /5\ 10 5 Now log. (^) =lOxlog. ^ = lOx(log. 5 log. 6.) = 1OX .0791813. = -.7918130. = .2081870 1.0000000. = log. 1.6150 log. 10. 1.6150 Hence S = 6l-g =:6(l -.1615) = 5.031. 194. If the sum of the series, the common ratio, and the first term be given ; the number of terms may be found thus (See Art. Ill); E E Since 210 SUMMATION OF GEOMETRIC SERIES. Since r S S = a r* a ; By transposition, a?-* rSS + a, rS-S + a and r n 3= ; .* . log. r * or w x log. r = log. (rSS + a) log. fl, Hence M= ; log. r. Ex.3. The sum of a geometric series is 6560, its first term 2, and common ratio 3, What is the number of terms ? Here S= 6560, 1 log. (rS-S + a) log, a r 3; 3 log. 13122 log. 2 log. 3 3.8169700 .4771213 = 8. Ex. 4. A servant agreed to serve his master for one year (13- months), at the rate of sixpence for the first month, a shilling for the second, two shillings for the third, and so on ; What had he to receive at the end of the year ? ANSWER, 2O4/. 155. 6d. 5 2 5 Ex. 5. Find the sum of 1 1 terms of the series. i,- 5 ~, &c. 4 lo ANSW. 42.568. Ex.6. The sum of a geometric series is 1023, the^ro/ term 1, and common ratio 2 ; Find the number of terms. ANSW. 10. Ex. 7. A person undertakes a journey of 364 miles, going one mile the^T5^ day, three the second, nine the third, and so on ; When will he arrive at his journey's end ? ANSW. in 6 days. COMPOUND INTEREST. . LVIII. On Compound Interest. Let (P) be the principal, or sum put out to compound in- terest; (r) the fraction which expresses the rate of interest per cent. 00 ; (A) the amount at the end of (ri) years, the interest heing paid yearly ; Then the following Theorems may be established, by means of logarithms. THEOREM I. 195. " Log. Alog.P + n x log. (l +r)." For since .1, at the end of the first year, becomes 1-fr, and that the amount is increased each year in the same ratio, we have, by the rule of proportion, ]-: 1 + r : : P : P ( 1 + r] = amount of P at end of first year. 1 :1 +r::P(l +r) :P(l-f r)'= . . . . . .... . second year. l:l+r::P(l+r)':P(l + r) 8 = ..... ..... third year. &c. &c. So that, at the end of n years, the amount is P(l -f r)*. Hence A=P(l+r) n ', and, taking the logarithm, log. A log. P + rax log. (l+r). From which we deduce, Log. P=log. Anx log. (l + r), log. A -log. P Log.(l+r) = -2 - - -- ! log. A- log. P Any /^ree of the quantities A, P, r, w, being given, theybwr//i may therefore be found. THEOR. 2. log. ?7i " 196. "Let A=mP, then n = For, in this case, m P=P(1 + r} n . 'Divide by P, then w=(l-fr) n , _J Take ( a ) That is, the fraction which expresses the ratio of the interest to the principal. Let the interest, for example, be 5 per cent. ; then this frac- tion (r) will be or 100 20 COMPOUND INTEREST. Take the logarithm, log. m c= n x log.( 1 -f- r) j .'. n = - ""Tj~r-y By means of this Theorem, we ascertain the period or number of years in which a sum of money would double 9 treble, &c. or amount to m times itself, when put out at compound interest, at r rate per cent. THEOR. 3. 197. "Suppose the interest to be paid half' yearly, and at the " same time converted into principal, then will log. A log. P For in this case, 2 n must be substituted for n, and |r for r. Hence, at the end of n years, A P(l +ir) Sfl ; and, taking the logarithm, log. ^4= log. P-f 2 n x log. (l -f Jr). THEOR. 4. 1 98. " Suppose 7iow, that besides the interest being converted " into principal at the end of every year, the sum P is at the " same time invested in capital; then the amount (A), at the P R(R n _ i^ " end of n years, will be - ^_ 1 '(\fR=l+r)." In this case, the principal (P) is put out for n, nl, n <2, &c. years, in succession ; the amount therefore is the sum of the several amounts of ( P) put out for n,nl,n <2, &c. years ; **). p( ft*+ 1 p\ = P x (Geo.Prog.firsttermR,comwonratwR)=-^-n~-^ -. PR(R*-l) R ~ l EXAMPLE 1. What would be the amount of 200/. placed out for 7 years, at 4 per cent, compound interest? Here P= 200, ' .-.byTH.l.iog.^=log.P + nxlog.(l -fr). = log. 200 + 7 X log. 1 .04. r =i? = 1 .04, = 2.4202631. = log. 263.18.- Hcnce, ^/=263/. 3s. COMPOUND INTEREST. 213 Ex. 2. How much money must be placed out at compound interest, to amount to 500/. in 12 years, at 5 per cent. ? Here A = 500, > l By Th. 1. log. P = log. An x log.(l -fr). ~20' = log. 500 12 X log. 1.05. 1 / =2.4446984. ' 20* = log. 278.41. = 1.05, Hence, / } =278/. 8s. 2^d. Ex.3. At what rate of interest must 400/. be placed out, that it may amount to 569/. 6s. 8d. in 9 yeats, at compound interest? ByTh.l.log.(l+r) = log.^-log.P log.569.33 log.400 9 = .0170338. Hence 1 --f r= 1 -f j /. r= or the rate of interest 4 per cent. Ex.4. In how many years will 500/. amount to 900/., at 5 per cent, compound interest? Here^f=900, ^ T ^_ , , _ log.^-Iojr. P P=500, 1 1 -f-r==1.05. log.(i +7") log. 900 log. 50O log. ,2552725 COMPOUND INTEREST. Ex.5. In what time will a sum of money double and treble itself, at 5 per cent, compound interest? By Theor. 2. ( since r = J log. 2. .3010300 ; i^Ko3 = .^rT^ 3 "= 14 ' 2 >' ears - log. 3 .4771213 77t = 3 of treuling'zz] Ex. 6. Supposing the interest to be paid half yearly, what will be theamountof500/.in 8 years, at 5 per cent, compound interest? Here P = 500, By Th.3. log. A\o{ r= = log. 5004- 16 xlog.(1.025). IJ-JU- 109^ =2.8705524 = log. 742.25. A ~y~ "o"' " ~ *-*\J&3m Hence^=742t. 55, 72 = 8. Ex. 7. Suppose a person to place out annually 100/. for 10 suc- cessive years, and suffer the whole to accumulate at the rate of 5 per cent, compound interest ; What sum would lie have to receive at the end of the tenth year ? Here P= 100, ^ .'. by Theor. 4. #=1.05A A PR(R*-l) 105(1. 05| 10 -l) 7z=10; ) R~~ l -O5 = 2100(T051 10 -1). Now log. (l.05) to =10xlog. 1.05. = .2118930. = log. 1.6289; .*. (1.05) 10 1 = .6289. Henoe ^ = 2100 X .6289. = 1320/. 135. 9|^ EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. Ex. 8. What would be the amount of 1000/. placed out at compound interest of 5 per cent, for 10 years ? ANSWER, 1628/. 18s. COMPOUND INTEREST. 215 Ex. 9. What sum must be placed out at compound in- terest, at 4 per cent., to amount to 2000A in 15 years ? ANSW. l.llO/. 105. Ex. 10. At what rate of compound interest must 518/. 6s. be placed out, to amount to 600/. in 3 years ? ANSW. 5 per cent. Ex. 11. In how many years wili 200/. amount to 318/. 165. at 6 per cent, compound interest? ANSW. 8 years. Ex. 12. In how many years will a sum of money double itself, at 4 per cent, compound interest ? ANSW. 17. 6 years. Ex. 13. Find the amount of 1200/. put out to compound interest at 6 per cent, for 10 years, the interest being con- verted into principal every half year. ANSW. 2167/. 65. Ex. 14. Suppose a person to place out annually the sum of 20l. for 40 successive years, and suffer the whole to accumulate, at the rate of 5 per cent, compound interest ; What would he have to receive at the end of 40 years ? ANSW. 2536Z. 165. LIX. On the method ofjlnding the Increase of Population in any Country , under given circumstances of Births and Mortality. 199. "Let (P) represent the population of a country at " any given period ; (- J the fractional part of the population " wlrich die in a year (or ratio of mortality) j ( 7 ) the propor- " tion of births in a year; then, if (^f) represents the state " of the population at the end of (n) years, log. A = log. P The INCREASE OF POPULATION. The rate of increase of population in one year = r -- = - -. ; b m rub m b m b\ : : : ^ * ~*~ ' ~ state ^ t ' ie PP a ^ at ' on at ' * "" nib ~~ mb the end of theflrst year. But it is increased every year in the same proportion ; mb / m b population at the end of the second year. In the same manner we may prove, that the state of the population at" the end of (//.) years will be P N -f - (ill b From which we deduce, Log. P=rlog. A n x log. , log. A- log. P Of the quantities A, P, ra, b, n, any four being given, the fifth may therefore be found. EXAMPLE 1. Suppose the population of Great Britain in the year 1800 to * have been ten millions ; that i () th part die annually ; that the births are to the deaths as 40 : 30 ; and that no emigration takes place during the present century ; What will be the state of its population in the year 1900 ? Here P= 10000000," 12] = log. 10000000 + 100 x log. , 1=7.3604200 = log. 22931000. Hence y/ = 22931000. INCREASE OF POPULATION. 217 Ex. 2. Suppose the population of France, in the year 1792, to have been 27000000; the ratio of mortality during the 18th cen- tury tq have been ^th, and the number of births jfih*, What was the state of its population in the year 1700? = 27000000, 1 + S m -b\ = log.^-?z x log. ( i+- j^y J 196 = 26, = lo g- 27000000 - 9 2 X log. m b IQ6 =7.2269858 mb = T95 =log. 16864980, nearly; .'.P= 16864980. Ex. 3. Suppose the population of North America to have been five millions in the year 1800; In how many years will it amount to 16 millions, taking the ratio of mortality at ^th, and the annual proportion of births at J^th ? Here A 16000000, ^ P= 5000000, ' . ~ f m-b m = 45, 6 = 24; _ mb "~360* log. 16000000 -log. 5000000 ~ 367 .5051506 ' .0083636 - Ex.4. The population of a province in the year 1760, was estimated at 500000 persons; in the year 1800, it amounted to 720000; from the bills of mortality it appeared, that, upon an average, 55th part of the population had died annually; no register had been kept of the births; What was the annual proportion of them during this period ? Here ^=720000, P = 500000, ra=50, H=40. mb\ log. A log. P ' -. I r^ 5 mu I n 50 M log. 720000 - log. 500000 ______ = .0039590 = log. 1.009. F F Hence INCREASE OF POPULATION. 50-b 9 Hence] + -^-=,.009= 1-f , 50-b 9 /. 50000 1000 /> = 450 . 50000 The annual proportion of births, therefore, was about ^tb. 200. But " in any country, under given circumstances of " births and mortality, the fraction 7ir is always a given quan- " tity ; Let it be represented by -Jj ', then the relation between " the four quantities A,P,p,n, is expressed by A~P (l + ^) n - "If^=?wP, we have mP = P (!+)", or wz=(i4-J)"j " and taking the logarithm, log. m = nx log. ( 1 4- p). Hence " we deduce the six following formulae." II. III. IV. log. m V. n= -- f -- pr, for finding the period in which the population would be increased m times. VI. Log. ( 1 + -) = -~j^ for finding the rate (- ) at which the population would be increased m times in n years. The following Questions are intended to illustrate the use of these formulae, in the order in which they stand. QUESTION 1. Suppose the population of a country to begin with six persons, and INCREASE OP POPULATION, 219 and to increase annually by jUh of the whole ; What will be the state of its population, at the end of 200 years ? ANSWER, 1106448 persons. QUESTION 2. If (as stated in the 3d Example) the population of North America was five millions in the year 1800, and the rate of increase had been J^th for 50 years previous ; What was the state of its' population in the year 1750 ? ANSW. 1908930 persons. QUESTION 3. Suppose the population of an empire to be 40 millions, and the annual increase ^.th ; How long will it be before it amounts to 50 millions ? ANSW. 43.6 years. QUESTION 4. What must be the rate ofmcrease, that the population of a country may be changed from 1106400 persons to five millions, in 100 years ? ANSW. about ^,th annually. QUESTION 5. log. m uy means 01 me loimuia // = , verijy me louow- ing Table. Io &''( 1+ p) 1 P Period of doubling Period of trelliTts o Period of being increased 10 times. 1 120 83.5 years 132.3 years 27 7 A years 52 36.3 years 57.6 years 120.8 years QUESTION 6. What must be the annual increase of population in any country, that it may douMe itself every century ? ANSW. BetweenTT^d and TTltli. 143 144 INCREASE OF POPULATION. 201. Supposing that a census of the whole population of a country is taken every n years, and that it is found to have increased * per cent, during that interval, then if P repre- sents the amount of the population at the commencement of it? the 72 years, -P-r-jQQ will represent the amount of the popu- lation at the end, of the n years. If the annual increase be -, then, (by Art. 200), the amount of the population at the end of n years is P(l +-J ; hence T l\ n <* ) : l + = oo ^) = log.(100 + ,r)-log. 100 =log.(100-r-*-)-2,sincelog.lOO=2, and log. '(l + -) = -(log.(100 + *)-2). Substitute this value of log. (l -f--j in the expression ( Form ulaV, Art. 200), and we have r for the number of years in which the population of a country will be increased m times, if it goes on increasing at the same rate as it has done for the last n years preceding the period at which the census is taken. 202. If the census be taken every ten years, and the period of doubling be required, then n 10, m = 2, and the foregoing Log. 2 expression becomes - - Bv substituting in it for 9r the particular value of the per centage, the following Table exhibits the corresponding period of doubling. INCREASE OF POPULATION. LX. A TABLE, exhibiting the Period in which the population of a Coun- try has a tendency to DOUBLE itself, from an estimate of its increase per cent, taken at the end of every Ten Years. I. II. III. Per Centage increase in ten years. Numerical Value of Tg(log.(lOO + )-s). Period of doubling. Log. 2, or .3010300 Tj(log.(lOO + )-s) *= I.Q 1.5 2-0 2-5 3-0 3-5 4-0 4-5 5-0 OOO43914, . 696-60 years 465-55 350.02 280-70 23449 201-48 176-73 157-47 142-06 oooftOO9 nOlfY^^Q 0019^372 . OO14Q4O3 . .OO 170333 . . OOlQllft3 . OO9 1 1 ftQ3 . w= 5-5 6-0 6-5 7-0 7-5 8-0 8-5 9-0 9.5 ,10-0 OO93' 7 ^2 f i . 129-46 years 118-95 110-06 102-44 95-84 90-06 84-96 8043 7637 72-72 OO9f>3O^Q . O0273496 . OO9Q3838 OO3 1 40*3^ . 003^4997 . . . 00^749^^ . 00004141 O04 13997 . *-=10.5 11.0 1L5 12.0 12-5 ISO 13-5 14-0 14-5 15-0 0043<3fi93 . 69-42 years 66-41 6367 61-16 58-84 5671 54-73 52-90 51-19 49-59 004^0030 . OO47974Q 00492180 > OO^l 1^9*1 . .00^30784 . 00^499^9 . OO^fiQO4Q OO^SfiOT'i . OOfiOQ7ft 222 INCREASE OF POPULATION. A TABLE, exhibiting the Period in which the population of a Coun- try has a tendency to DOUBLE itself, from an estimate of its increase per cent, taken at the end of every Ten Years. I. II. III. Per Centage increase in ten years. Numerical Value of ^(log,(lOO-{-7r)-2). Period of doubling. Log. 2, or .301 0300 Sj(log.(lOO+)- S ) *-=15-5 16-0 16-5 17-0 17-5 18-0 18-5 19-0 19-5 200 .OOfi'25820 . 48-10 years 46-70 45-38 44-14 42-98 41-87 40-83 39-84 38-91 38-01 .00fvl4^fift 00681859 00700S79 . 007188^0 00737184 00755470 .0077 %'7Q . .O0791812 . ^=20.5 2LO 21-5 220 22-5 23.0 23-5 24-0 24-5 25-0 00809870 37-17 years 36-36 35-59 34-85 34-15 33-48 32-83 32-22 31-63 31-06 .OOfi l >7R ( i4 . 00845763 .OORfft'Wft . .nnoc iq/^i 00899051 00916670 .009S4217 . 00951694 00969100 *-=255 260 265 27-0 27-5 28.0 28-5 29-0 29.5 30-0 .0098^4^7 . 30-51 years 29-99 01003705 01020905 29.48 .mo^fto^7 . 28-99 28-53 28-07 27-64 27-22 26-81 26-41 0105510'? . .01O7'210O . 01089031 O11O5S97 . 01122698 1 1 H94'?4 INCREASE OF POPULATION. A TABLE, exhibiting the Period in which the population of a Coun- try has a tendency to DOUBLE itself, from an estimate of its increase per cent- taken at the end of every Ten Years. I. II. III. Per Centage increase in ten years. Numerical Value of l(log.(lOO-K)-2). Period of doubling. Log. 2, or .3010300 4(log.(lOO-f)7r-2) *-=30-5 31-0 31-5 32-0 325 33-0 33-5 34-0 34-5 35-0 01156105 26 03 years 25-67 25-31 24-96 2463 24-30 23-99 23-68 23-38 23-09 .0117<>713 . .01 1^Q958 Ol 9O^73Q Ol '?*?>> 1 P>O 01238516 .019*4813 . .Ol -771048 . .01287223 . .Ol 303338 T=35-5 36.0 36-5 37-0 37-5 38-0 38.5 39-0 39.5 40.0 .O131Q3Q3 22-81 years 22.54 22-27 22-01 21-76 21-52 21-28 21-04 20-82 20-59 01335389 .01351327 . .01 367906 .01383027 . . O13Q87Q1 .Ol 41 4498 . .Ol 4301 48 .01445742 .'. 01461820 . "=41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 01492191 20-17 years 19-76 19-37 19-00 18-65 18-31 17-99 17-68 17-38 17-09 01522883 O155336O 01583625 .01613680 . 01643529 01673173 0170-2617 . .01731863 01760913 . INCREASE OF POPULATION. This is the Table of which the jirst and third Columns have been inserted by Mr. Malthus, at page 498, Vol. I. of the sixth edition of his Essay on Population. From the Parliamentary Report of the population of England and Wales, it appears \ which gives an increase That in 1800 lt amounted to 9168000 1810 ........ 1050250 from 1800 to 1810, and 1820 ........ I 2218500 of about 16.3 per cent. [persons. From hence, by referring to the Table, we infer that, taking the average rate of increase from 1800 to 1810, the population of England and Wales had in 1810 a tendency to double itself in about 51 years ; and, taking the average rate of increase from 1810 to 1820, it had in 1820 a tendency to double itself in about 46 years. THE END. LONDON : PRINTED BY R! CHARD WATTS,, Ciown Court, Temple Bar. Oct. 1, 1828. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. THE FOLLOWING WORKS OF THE PROFESSORS, .ARE DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS IN, OR PREPARING FOR, Of The ELEMENTS of EUCLID, with a Com- mentary and Geometrical Exercises ; to which are annexed, a Treatise on Solid Geometry, and an Essay on the Ancient Geometrical Analysis: by the Rev. DR. LARDNER. 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