GIFT MAY 22 1913 ^^J-^^UL^ ^^^ilxOc^^::^;;^-V . DI ET IN Health and Disease ^' iO 7\ ■ ^^ By WINSLOW ANDERSON, M.D. Reprinted from the PACIFIC MEDICAL JOURNAL April. 19l3i Vol. LVI., No. 4, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Cdrporation OIBT IN Health and Disease By Winslow Anderson, A. M., M. D., M. R. C. P., London; M. R. C. S. England; L. S. A. London; Professor Emeritus, Gynecology and Adominal Surgery, College of Physicians and Surgeons of San Francisco, Calif.; Surgeon- in-Chief to St. Winifred's Sanatorium; Surgeon-in- Chief to Sierra Railroad; Fellow Therapeutic Society of London; Fellow The Royal Institute of Public Health, London; Member General Medical Council, Great Britain; Member American Military Surgeons; Member American Association for the Advancement of Science; Member American Therapeutic Society; Member Authors' Club, London; Member Atlantic Union, London; Member American Health League; Member The Authors' League of America; Member American National Red Cross; Member The British Medical Association, London, England; Member American Medical Association; Member Medical Society State of Cali- fornia; Member San Francisco County Medical Society; Mem- ber Western Surgical and* Gynecological Association; Etc., Etc., Etc. , ,,, Editor, Pacific Medical JoUrrial. ^ , BI05 ^f\ DIET IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Dining is a pleasant art. It should become a science as well. They eat, they drink, and in communion sweet Quaff immortality and joy. — Milton — Paradise Lost, According to the learned moralist and biographer, Plut- arch, who flourished during the century before Christ, Socrates, the Athenian philosopher of the fifth century B. C. is reported to have said: — "Bad men live that they may eat and drink Whereas good men eat and drink that they may live." Clivilized man does not only eat too much, and drink too much but his dietary is far from being conducive to longevity and his potations, I fear frequently may be pos- sitively injurious. We cannot use the mind aright, when we are filled with excessive food and drink. — Cicero. More people die every year from overeating than from overdrinking. Nor is it alone the quantity that is taken but the quality that interferes with normal metabolism, blocking the digestive system and interfering with the elim- inatory organs. The morbific agencies and waste pro- ducts are retained in the system causing many dyscrasias. Gluttony kills more than the sword. — Herbert. Fat paunches have lean pates, and dainty bits make rich the ribs, but bankrupt quite the wits. — Shakespeare — Loves Labor Lost. The Sultan's Dessert. • The pet of the harem, Rose-in- Bloom, Orders a feast in his favorite room — Glittering square of colored ice. Sweetened with syrup, tinctured with spice. Creams and cordials, and sugared dates, Syrian apples, Othmanee quinces. Limes and citrons and apricots. And wines that are known to Eastern princes, Aldrich — When the Sultan goes to Ispahan. Sweets as a rule are used to excess by the well-to-do child- ren and grown ups, and have much to do with glycosurea and diabetes. A surfeit of the sweetest things The deepest loathing to the stomach brings. — Shakespeare — Midsummer Nights' Dream. NUTRITION. Life, vitality, the essential condition of existence, requires nutritive material, food and drink, in order that the organs 302026 and tissues of the body may continue in the performance of their normal physiological functions. All human history attests That happiness for man, — the hungry sinner! Since Eve ate apples, much depends on dinner, — Byron — Don Juan. Alimentation — Food. In response to the sensation of hunger and thirst the human body requires diversified solids and fluids to keep it in a healthy physiologic condition. The alimentation required is of a complex composition and contains in vary- ing proportions proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water and in- organic salts, as follows — Proteins — ^Albuminoids or nitrogenous foods. — ^Tissue builders. Name of principle Derived from Myosin Flesh of Animals, red meat Albumen, vitelin White and yolk of egg Caseinogen Milk Serum albumin, fibrin Blood contained in meat Gliadin and glutinin .... Grain of wheat and some other cereals Vegetable albumin Soft growing vegetables Legumin Peas, beans, lentils, etc. Fats and Oils — heat producers. Animal fats Carbon 76 Hydrogen 12 Oxygen 12 100 Vegetable Oils Butter from cows', goats' and mares' milk. Adipose tissues of animals, suet, lard. .Fish oils, seal and sperm, etc. Palm oil, olive oil, cotton seed oil' linseed oil, nutmeg butter, cocoa- nut oil, peanut oil, cacao-butter, from chocolate-tree, kolanut, bambuk-butter, castor-oil, oil of spice-bush, nuts, fruits, seeds, cereals and vegetable tissues. Carbohydrates, Starches and Sugars — force producers. Glucose, dextrose, grape [Grapes 20%, fruits, plant sugar, starch sugar \ juices, animal onions, Fructose, levulose, fruit sugar Galactose, lactose, sugar of milk Name of principle Sucrose, saccharose, cane sugar Maltose, malt sugar blood 0.1%, sweet com, potatoes, rice, etc. Occurs with glucose in fruits, arti- chokes, honey 50% etc. (Milk of all mammals yields from I 4% to 7%. Derived from beet sugar, sugar sugar, pineapple, Sorghum cane, palm, maple carrots, etc. Malt and malted foods and germin- ating cereals. Starch, dextrin from starch. Glycogen, "Animal starch" elaborated in the body from glucose, fructose, etc. Seeds, com, cereals 50% tubers (potatoes) 75%, roots, bulbs, and legumenous plants. Liver of animals 38 %, muscle fibers (beef) 44 %, bones 9 %. Inorganic. Water Sodium chloride (common salt) Potassium chloride Sodium Potassium Calcium Magnesium Iron phosphate and carbonates Drinking water, mineral water and nearly all ani- mal and vegetable foods. Vegetable Acids. Acetic in Citric in Malic in Tannic in Tartaric in Vinegar Lemons and acid fruits. Apples, grapes Tea leaves, nut-galls, etc. Grape juice etc., fruits and vegetables Accessory Foods. Coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, sauces, pepper, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, mustard, vinegar, pickles, etc., wines, beer and spirits. For health and happiness it is ngt best to be — "Bom but to banquet and to drain the bowl" as in Homer's Odyssey but to enjoy with your dinner "The feast of reason and the flow of soul" — (Pope) A Question in Dietetics. Dr. John Aulde of Philadelphia in his excellent work on the "Chemic Problem in Nutrition'' says on page 93, et seg. — "This nev/ factor in disease (Excess of Magnesia or Magnesium Infiltration) is in reality a question in di- etetics and its presence as well as its persistence is susceptible of proof by the ordinary methods famihar to physiologic chemists. In fact, it has to deal almost exclus- ively with the deviations incident to the chemistry of diges- tion. Thus, it trenches upon human welfare, touching all points of the compass — in short, it appeals to the individual, both young and old, male and female alike because a knowl- edge of its presence makes for health as well as longevity. How many sufferers from indigestion with its attendant train of sequelae would be glad to know why and how it was brought about? To afford the general reader a reliable and accurate method for determining the true cause for his illness would appear Utopian, and yet it is accomplished by means of a very simple test — an evidence of adaptability. Applying the terms used by modern advocates of "System", in the domain of commerce, this "adaptability" might be regarded as an illustration of scientific efficiency in therapeutics. "Magnesia in Excess. — Magnesia in excess is the factor responsible for the indigestions and also for most of the prevalent chronic ailments, whether organic or functional. In addition, it should be added that magnesia in excess develops coincident with the progress of acute diseases, and accounts for prolonged convalescence. In many instances we are even able to trace susceptibility directly to this ab- normal condition, so that early recognition of this particular deviation from normal becomes a matter of prime importance to those apparently in robust health. To the afflicted and semi-invalid this discovery might be the means of enabling them to regain health and happiness, because it makes for simplicity and efficiency. The practical value of these sug- gestions is perhaps more forcibly brought forward in the accompanying tabulation, since it enables the reader to understand and appreciate the disadvantages arising from an unsuitable dietary — in other words, it shows how the milk gets into the cocoanut. In this tabulation I have in- cluded a fairly complete list of dietary articles — animal foods, cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc. — making up the usual diet of adults and children, the estimated "ash constituents" being taken from the comprehensive monograph. Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus in Food Nutrition (1910), pre- pared by Sherman, Mettler, and Sinclair, Department of Chemistry, Columbia University (New York)." Ash Constituents of Food Material — Estimated. Pood Materials. Per cent Animal Foods, Cereals, etc. Calcium oxide Meats (per 100 grams pro- tein) (0.076) Fish and shellfish (per 100 grams protein) (0 . 180) Eggs 0.100 Butter (and butterine) . . . .022 Buttermilk (estimated as milk) 172 Cheese 1.240 Cottage Cheese 100 Milk, whole 172 Cream 147 Barley, pearled 025 Com meal 009 Hominy (as old process meal) 014 6 Per cent ^lagnesium Calcium oxide to oxide. magnesium oxide. (0.190) 1.00 to 2.50 (0.230) 1 .00 to 1.27 0.015 6.66 to 1.00 .001 22.00 to 1.00 .018 9.55 to 1.00 .049 25.30 to 1.00 .015 6.66 to 1.00 .018 9.55 to 1.00 .015 9.80 to 1.00 .100 1 .00 to 4.00 .132 1.00 to 14.66 .196 1.00 to 14.00 Oatmeal (including rolled oats, etc.) 078 .246 1 .00 to 3.19 Rice 012 .060 1.00 to 5.00 Wheat flour (crackers and macaroni) 028 Graham flour and entire wheat flour (assumed) .037 Flaked wheat breakfast food 043 Bread 021 Chocolate 141 Molasses 355 Maple syrup 123 Honey 005 Vegetables. Asparagus 038 Beans, pea, dried 215 Beans, kidney, dried 226 Beans, lima, dried 106 Beans, string, fresh 073 Beets 019 Cabbage 058 Carrots 077 Celery 094 Com, canned or green 045 Cucumbers 028 Eggplant 017 Greens, turnip tops 508 Greens, soup greens (as- sumed) 080 Horseradish 136 Lettuce 045 Onions 040 Parsnips 076 Peas, dried 137 Peas, canned 023 Potatoes 016 Potatoes, sweet 025 Pumpkins 032 Radishes 025 Rhubarb 060 Rutabagas 103 Spinach 064 Tomatoes 019 Tomatoes, canned 019 Turnips 087 Vegetable soup (canned, condensed) 026 Watercress 259 Fruits Apples Oil Apples, evaporated 037 .026 1 .07 to 1.00 .150 1 .00 to 4.05 .239 1 .00 to 5.55 .019 1.10 to 1.00 .483 1 .00 to 3.42 .176 2.01 to 1.00 .100 1.23 to 1.00 .030 1 .00 to 6.00 .017 2.23 to 1.00 .252 1 .00 to 1.17 .261 1 .00 to 1.15 .311 1 .00 to 2.93 .050 1.46 to 1.00 .029 1 .00 to 1.52 .021 2.76 to 1.00 .032 2.50 to 1.00 .027 3.38 to 1.00 .070 1 .00 to 1.55 .018 1.55 to 1.00 .037 1 .00 to 2.17 .036 14.11 to 1.00 .030 2.66 to 1.00 .038 3.57 to 1.00 .012 3.75 to 1.00 .015 2.66 to 1.00 .044 1.72 to 1.00 .204 1 .00 to 1.48 .034 1 .00 to 1.47 .040 1 .00 to 2.50 .019 1.31 to 1.00 .014 2.28 to 1.00 .019 1.31 to 1.00 .010 6.00 to 1.00 .031 3.32 to 1.00 .053 1.20 to 1.00 .016 1.18 to 1.00 .016 1.18 to 1.00 .029 3 .00 to 1.00 .021 1.23 to 1.00 .046 5.63 to 1.00 .014 1 .00 to 1.27 .054 1 .00 to 1.45 Apricots 021 .019 1.10 to 1.00 Bananas 009 .035 1 .00 to 3 .55 Blackberries 079 .037 2 . 13 to 1 .00 Blueberries 045 .015 3.00 to 1.00 Cherries 026 .027 1 .00 to 1.03 Cranberries 021 .012 1.75 to 1.00 Currants 046 .026 1.76 to 1.00 Currants, dried 169 .076 2.22 to 1.00 Figs, dried 280 .144 1 .94 to 1 .00 Grapes 014 .019 1 .00 to 1.35 Grape jelly 009 .015 1 .00 to 1.66 Grapefruit 029 .015 1.93 to 1.00 Huckleberries 037 .027 1.37 to 1.00 Oranges 043 .016 2.68 to 1.00 Peaches, dried 048 .093 1 .00 to 1.93 Peaches 015 .015 1 .00 to 1 .00 Pears 018 .014 1.28 to 1.00 Pears, canned 008 .007 1 . 14 to 1 .00 Pineapples 038 027 1.40 to 1.00 Plums 022 .019 1 . 15 to 1 .00 Plums, jam, canned 014 .012 1.16 to 1.00 Prunes 063 .084 1 .00 to 1.33 Raisins 042 .070 1 .00 to 1.66 Raspberries 072 .037 1.93 to 1.00 Strawberries 057 .036 1 .58 to 1 .00 Watermelons 018 .022 1 .00 to 1.22 Miscellaneous Pie, apple (assumed) 030 .030 1 .00 to 1 .00 Pie, cream (assumed 040 .030 1 .33 to 1 .00 Pie, custard (assumed) . . . .060 .030 2 .00 to 1 .00 Pie, mince 044 .037 1 . 18 to 1 .00 Pie, squash 030 .015 2 .00 to 1 .00 It will be observed that cheese is 25 to 1 and butter is 22 to 1 in favor of lime salts. Milk, cream and buttermilk are also desirable articles of food.'^^'^Wi' ll^^l^ if. ;, ^ ,. (Page 99 "The Chemic Problem in Nutrition.") Estimated Ash Constituents in Dietary Study No. 44. _ , -, . , Calcium Magnesium Food Materials oxide. oxide and Weight of Edible Portion. Grams. Grams. Meats: Beef, veal, pork and lamb (total meat protein 3,413 grams) 2 .593 6 .484 Eggs, 4,705 grams 4 .705 . 705 Butter, 1,785 grams 392 .017 Milk, 55,055 grams 94 .694 9 .909 Mince-meat, 370 grams .162 .136 Com meal, 2,395 grams 215 3 . 161 Hominv, 255 grams (as old process com meal) 033 .499 Flour and crackers, 14,625 grams 4 .095 3 .802 Oatmeal, 240 grams .187 .597 Sugar, 6,605 grams 8 Maple syrup, 895 grams 1 . 100 .895 Honey, 425 grams .021 .127 Beans, dried, 835 grams 1 .795 2 . 104 Cabbage, 2,890 grams 1 .676 .606 Com, canned, 1,210 grams .544 .847 Lettuce, 905 grams .407 . 108 Parsnips, 795 grams .604 .349 Potatoes, 6,750 grams 1 .080 2 . 700 Radishes, 310 grams .077 .058 Apples, 5,470 grams .601 .765 Bananas, 1 ,420 grams .127 .497 Cranberries, 355 grams .074 .042 Oranges, 540 grams .232 .086 Peaches, dried, 865 grams .415 .804 Prunes, dried, 865 grams .277 .369 Raisins, 45 grams .018 .031 In total food 116.124 35.698 In waste (4.3 per cent.) 4 .992 1 .535 In food eaten 111.132 34.163 Per man per day 1 .42 .44 Estimated Ash Constituents in Dietary Study No. 100 [Page lOI ••The Chemic Problem in Nutrition".] Calcium Magnesium Food Materials used. oxide oxide. Grams. Grams. Meat: Bacon and lard (meat protein, 131 grams) 099 .248 Flour, 9,470 grams 2.651 2.462 Com meal, 20,920 grams 1 .882 27.614 Rice, 710 grams 085 .426 CoUards, 255 grams (as cabbage) 147 .053 In total food eaten 4 .864 30 .803 Per man per day .082 .522 "Here we find a large preponderance of magnesia over lime, more than 6 parts to 1, nine-tenths of the total being derived form com meal, a fact which has a direct bearing upon the prevalence of pallagra throughout the Southem states, since the intimate relation is susceptible of demon- stration. Such being the case, what shall we say regarding treatment with a death rate of 65 per cent., when routine methods include the employment of magnesia in some form?'' Be plain in your dress and sober in your diet — Lady Montegue. DIET LIST. To prevent the deleterious effects of "Magnesium Infiltra- tion" which no doubt is responsible, as Dr. Aulde says- for much "unhappiness" and much suffering the writer has selected a diet list with a view of giving the largest amount 9 of calcium salts with a minimum amount of magnesium salts. Foods rich in magnesium have been eliminated or annotated — "use sparingly". This dietary followed conscientiously will assist materially in the elimination of morbific agencies and in the restoration of normal, ^healthy physiologic cytogenesis. Blest be those feasts with simple plenty crowned. — Goldsmith — The Traveller. Soups, Broths and Purees. It is desirable to have soup or broth at least once each day. Soups may be clear or plain, thick or creamed, such as: — Cream of asparagus. Bean soup (sparingly). Cream of celery. Clam soup, juice, chowder, bouillon, bisque, cream of clam soup. Chicken soup, plain or with an egg, broth, jelly. Egg broth, mutton or chicken. Fish soup and broth, fish extract or juice. Fruit soup, such as dried apricots, etc., (See list of desirable fruits) . Lamb soup and broth (sparingly). Milk soups. Mock bisque soups. Mutton broth (sparingly). Noodle soup. Onion soup, cream of onion soup. Oyster soup, broth, stew. Pea soup, cream of pea soup, (sparingly). Rice soup, cream of rice soup (sparingly). Tomato soup, cream of tomato soup. Vegetable soups are desirable (see list of vegetables). Avoid — or use sparingly: — Beef tea, beef stock, beef jiiicey beef extract, or bouillon, potato, corn and cornstarch, spices, sauces and condiments in general. Govern well thy appetite, lest sin surprise thee, and her black attendant. Death. — Milton — Paradise Lost. Salads. Alligator pear salads, Celery salads, Chicken salads. Cream cheese salads, Dandelion salads, Egg salads, Endives salads. Fish salads. Fruit salads. Jelly salads, 10 Lettuce salads, Meat salads, Parsley salads, Romaine salads. Sweetbread salads. Tomato salads. Vegetable salads, Watercress salads. Fish. An oyster may be crossed in love — Sheridan — The Critic He was a bold man that first eat an oyster — Swift. Fresh fish means fish used within twenty-four hours after they are caught. All kinds may be used except salmon and cod. W hit e-fieshed fish are preferred. Fish should be boiled, baked, broiled, steamed or creamed (never fried). Oysters (sparingly). (Nutritive value is not high). They may be eaten boiled, roasted in shell or pan, broiled, creamed, steamed, scalloped, stewed or in soup, peptonized^ preferably raw. Clams (sparingly) may be prepared in a si- milar manner to oysters. Clam juice is nutritious, as broth or bouillon, bisque or albuminized with water. Frog legs, broiled. The fish sauces permitted ' are: — butter or cream sauce, egg sauce, tomato sauce, cucumber relish. Avoid: Oysters or shell fish from bay waters near sewer outlets. Never eat a fish that has been out of water longer than twenty-four hours unless frozen or properly preserved. Be careful about dried, salted, potted, smoked, pickled or preserved fish. Salmon and cod are indigestible. Never eat fried fish. Turtle, terrapin, shrimp, crawfish, lobster or crab should be eaten sparingly. Oh, dainty and delicious! Food for the Gods! Ambrosia for Apicius! Worthy to thrill the soul of sea-bom Venus, Or titilate the palate of Silenus! CrofTut — Clam Soup. Meats and Poultry. Chicken, quail, squab reedbirds, robins — broiled, roasted,, baked, stewed, fricassed (salad may be eaten with crisp, broiled bacon). Calf's head — boiled. Sweet breads — creamed, boiled, broiled — (salad). Tripe — honey-combed portion — any style but fried. This is very nutritious and easily digested. — A most excellent food. Bacon, — broiled. Lamb brains. Mutton — (sparingly). Beef — (sparingly) . Avoid: Salted, dried, potted, smoked, pickled and pre. 11 served meats. Butchers' or red meat, veal, pork, lamb, liver, hashes, kidney, heart, etc., contain two and one half times more magnesium salts than they do calcium. Red meats contain "purin bodies" which produce cytotoxins or cell-poisons which are bad m lithemia and gout. Turkey, goose, duck, guinea-fowl, pheasant, Pkt€ de foie gras and sausages should be taken sparingly. Now good digestion wait on appetite. And health on both. — Shakespeare — Macbeth. Farinaceous. White bread. Toast, dry-buttered — ^with milk or cream. Rusks. Soda crackers. Macaroni, vermicelli. Buckwheat. Cheese-wafers. Cheese gluten biscuit crisps. Cheese souffle. * Avoid or use sparingly: — Oat-meal, breakfast foods, flaked wheat cereals — (all are rich in magnesia). Gra- ham bread, rice, sago, tapioca, arrowroot, starches generally and corn meal in particular. Com meal contains over four- teen times more magnesia than lime salts. Doughnuts, fancy cakes, pastry, and rich gravies are undesirable. Better no doubt is a dinner of herbs When seasoned by love. Which no rancour disturbs And sweetened by all tfiat is sweet in life Than turbot, bisque, ortolans, eaten in strife, — Meredith — Lucile. Vegetables. Artichokes. Asparagus — boiled, on toast, creamed or in soup. Fresh string beans. Beans, dried, (sparingly). Brussels sprouts. Cabbage. Cauliflower, boiled or creamed. Carrots, boiled or creamed. Celer}', raw, creamed or in soup, salad. Chicory. Cucumbers. Dandelion, fresh, raw, baked, scalloped, salad. Escarole. Endive. Greens — turnip very desirable. Soup greens. 12 Horseradish. Leeks. Lentils — (sparingly) . Lettuce — salads, etc. Onions, boiled, creamed, scalloped. Parsnips. Parsley. Peas, dried, puree, (sparingly). Pumpkins. Peanuts. Radishes raw. Revalenta. * Romaine-salad. Rhubarb, steamed etc. (desirable). Rutabagas. Squash. Spinach . Tomatoes, raw, salad, creamed soup. Turnips. Vegetable Marrow. Water cress (desirable). Avoid — or use sparingly: — Potatoes, lima beans, beets, corny eggplant, sweet-potatoes, mayonnaise dressing, mushrooms. What baron or squire Or knight of the shire Lives half so well as a holy Friar. — John O'Keefe. Desserts. Milk, bread and cream puddings, cracker and cream cus- tards. Queen pudding, orange custards, soft custard, baked and steamed, custard souffle, peptoniod custards, banana custard, peach custard, custard junket, egg souffle, cheese pudding, coffee custard steamed, custard (frozen), coffee jelly, lemon pudding, Charlotte ruse, (frozen) ices, sherbets, calf's head jelly, apples baked, pears baked, apple float, peach float, prunes, stewed fruits, raw fruits, shaddocks, (juice only), ripe peaches, chicken jelly, baked banana, stewed figs, almond pudding, malted milk blanc mange, orange bread pudding, apple sauce, bread and butter pud- ding, bread and apple pudding, "Meringue" cream and fruits, omelet souffle, gelatin, floating island, fruit-jelly, maple syrup, isinglass, lemon souffle, molasses, mince pie, calf's foot jelly, squash pie, orange cream, cream pie, Hamburg cream, apple and other fruit pies, figs and other fruits — (see list) milk jelly, jelly whips, orange jelly, tomato jelly, wine jelly, Irish moss jelly, and blanc mange. Cheese is a valuable food. Avoid — or use sparingly: sugar, (may use saccharine instead) coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, nuts, raisins, candies, wines, beer, and spirits. 13 They are as sick that surfeit with too much, As they that starve with nothing. — Shakespeare — Merchant of Venice. Fruits. Apples, (sparingly). Apricots. Blackberries. Blueberries, (desirable) . Cherries, (sparingly). Cranberries. Currents, •fresh and dried (desirable). Figs — (valuable as a food) . Grapefruit. Huckleberries. Oranges, raw or baked (desirable). Peaches (fresh). Pears. Pineapples. Plums. Raspberries. Strawberries. Fruit salad. Fruit jellies. Bread fruit. Avoid: — Nuts, dried apples, bananas, grapes, grape jelly, peaches dried, prunes, raisins. Eggs. Eggs are desirable: — Raw, albumen lemonade, soft boiled, medium hard, shirred, poached, baked, steamed, egg in "nest," scrambled, omelet, egg whey, foamy omelet, bread omelet, egg salads. (To boil an egg properly, place it in cold water and bring to a boil.) Sweets. Maple syrup and molasses are desirable carbohydrates. Saccharine, which is many times sweeter than sugar may be used. Avoid: — or use sparingly, sugar, honey, starches, etc. But first, or last, your fine Egyptian cookery Shall have the fame. I have heard that Julius Caesar grew fat with feasting there. — Anthony and Cleopatra. Fats and Oils. Pure butter and pure olive oil are the best oleaginous substances for food. Bacon crisply broiled is permissible. Avoid: — fried butter or oil or grease of any kind. Beverages. Pure water, carbonated waters, mineral waters containing no magnesia, are preferable. French Vichy Apollinaris. Fresh milk is a most valuable food. Ten grains of potassium 14 bicarbonate in one-half pint is desirable as an antacid. Milk may be baked, peptonized, malted, or used as milk-jelly, milk-lemonade, milk with fruit juices, albumenized milk, milk and seltzer, butter-milk, milk whey, lemon whey junket, Metchnikoffs Bulgarian butter -milk , fermented milk, Kumyss, Kefir, Matzoon or Zoolak. Egg albumen lemonade, fruit juices to flavor water, apple juice with ice, grape juice with ice, orangeade, lemonade, egg albumen with whey, lemonade with twenty grains potassium bicarbonate to the pint is a pleasant antacid. Albumenized clam water, clam water plain, dilute phosphoric acid lemonade, pineapple with ice, tamarind water, fruit soda. De-cafieinized coffee may be used Avoid: — or use sparingly, wine, beer and spirits, coffee tea, cocoa, chocolate, ginger ale, root beers etc. With eager feeding food doth choke the feeder. — Shakespeare — Richard II. "The Magnesia Heart." Dr. Aulde, (page 179) has worked out a plan of treatment which embraces "magnesium infiltration" in general as well as the "magnesia heart" in particular: — Treatment of Magnesia Heart (Schema). I. Restore the Digestive Capacity. Gall-Ipecac Comp — Tonic Stimulant; Activator; Copper Arsenite — Intestinal Antiseptic; Bacillus Bulgaricus — Symbiosis. II. Neutralize Acid Excess. Solution Potassium Citrate — Refrigerant, diaphoretic; Spirit of Mindererus — Febrifuge, diaphoretic; Alkaline- saline — Cell depurant, eliminant. III. Promote Magnesium Dissociation. Calcium sulphate (gypsum) ; Calcium carbonate (vitalized chalk) Calcium phosphate. lodo-calcium ; Calcium iodide; Calcium carbonate. { lodo-calcium ; Calcium iodide; Acid sulph. aromatic. In addition to the above outline, and in advance of a detailed analysis, the accompaning diagram relative to symptomatic and collateral treatment will serve to make the therapeutic picture more complete, suggesting as it does the probable complications or consecutive deviations from normal, along with the most available and practical lines of treatment for their relief — or mitigation. 16 Simple Replacement: Chemic Transformation : Dietary: IV. Symptomatic and Collateral Treatment. ("Gold and sodium chloride; Vasomotor Disturbances ] Static electricity; 1 Thyroids. {Nauheim baths; Calcium sulphide; Osteo-therapy. {Soda succinate; Gall-ipecac Comp; Podophyllin and mercury biniodide. f Calcium carbonate; Apia (tablets) ; Epsom salts (?). Should be regulated "(balanced"), as to proteids, fats, and carbo- hydrates, and furnish two parts lime to one part magnesia, the number of calories being deter- mined by the work performed. In the luxurious days of Rome the philosopher, Pliny, in his Natural History wrote: — "Their best and most wholesome feeding is upon one dish and no more and the same plaine and simple ; for surely this hudling of many meats one upon another of divers tastes is pestiferous. But sundry sauces are more dangerous than that." Tis passing sweet to be — "Fed with nourishment Divine The dewy morning's gentle wine" — but we must also remember that "No nourishment in frozen pastures grows" and that we require a sane, safe and sound dietary. Our diet list will, as a rule, furnish two parts or more of calcium salts to one part of magnesium salts. A careful dietary is indicated, not only to preserve health, but also in many diseases, such as diabetes, albuminuria and dyscratic, toxemic, lithemic and gouty diatheses, "The birthday of Eternity" as Seneca calls Euthanasia will be deferred for us by the use of scientific dietary and hygienic living. One may easily double the span of human Hfe. 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